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HUTTON’S TRANSLATION OF MONTUCLA’S EDITION OF OZANAM. - THE PRESENT NEW EDITION OF THIS CELEBRATED WORK IS REVISED By EDWARD RIDDLE, MASTER OF THE MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL, ROYAL HOSPITAL, GREENWICH, WHO HAS CORRECTED IT TO THE PRESENT ERA, AND MADE NUMEROUS ADDITIONS. Hhis Bdition ts also Llustrated by upwards of Four Hundred Geoovcuts. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THOMAS TEGG, No. 73, CHEAPSIDE. 1844, oe e. PREFATORY NOTICE. Jacques Ozanam, the original composer of the ‘‘ Recreations in Mathe- matics and Natural Philosophy,’ was born in 1640, at Bouligneu, in what is now called the department of Ain, in France. His family was of Jewish extraction, but had long been members of the Church of Rome ; and having landed property to which some ecclesiastical patronage was attached, Jacques, who was the younger of two sons, was intended for the church ; and he accordingly entered on a course of study suitable for his destination. | He is said to have been of gay, lively, and expensive habits, and to have shewn no inclination for theological pursuits. Chemistry, mechanics, &c. which have a more obvious connection with the business of life, attracted his attention; and after his father’s death, which took place about four years after he began to read for the church, he abandoned theology, and Y-attached himself to science. 3 o> His opportunities of receiving assistance in his scientific studies, were ai So scanty, that he may be considered as having been self-taught; and though he cannot be regarded as having attained great eminence as a mathematician, even among his contemporaries, he was the author of a «good many useful “works, whose popularity carried them through «.. several editions. . ; It would appear, however, that in attaching himself to science, he did _¢not at first look to it as a means of living ; for soon after his father’s death > he removed to Lyons, where he taught mathematics gratuitously, consider- A ing it a degradation to receive pay for his instructions. YW ‘It is probable, however, that he soon changed his opinion on the sub- 4. ject. He was addicted to gaming; his private pecuniary resources were Y limited; and the stern realities of distress would speedily dissipate all g_illusions about the dignity of teaching science for its own sake. -- An act of striking and disinterested liberality, which he performed _. towards two strangers, having been mentioned to the chancellor of France, «& that distinguished personage invited the Lyonnese mathematician. to Paris ; where, after some time spent in dissipation, he married a young woman without fortune, but who proved to him a most excellent wife. After bearing to him twelve children, all of whom died young, she died in 1701, deeply lamented by her husband. * Oczanam subsisted in Paris by teaching mathematics, and met with con- * siderable success, especially among. foreigners. But, upon the breaking out of the war of the Spanish succession, most of his pupils quitting France, his professiona] income became both small and precarious. He lived for some years in comparative mdigence, but, towards the close of his life, his difficulties were somewhat alleviated by his being &28G 14 GRACE BARNES s a z= 2 vi PREFACE. admitted an éléve of the Academy of Sciences. He died of apoplexy, at Paris, April 3rd, 1717, aged 77 years. Ye was of a mild and cheerful temper, generous to the full extent of his means, and of an inventive genius; and his conduct after marriage was irreproachable. He was devout, but averse to disputations about points of faith. On this subject he used to say, ‘‘ It is the business of the Sorbonne to discuss, of the Pope to decide, and of a mathematician to go straight to heaven in a perpendicular line.” Jean Erienne Monrvcua (who so greatly enlarged and improved the “ Recreations”? of Ozanam, that he may be said to have made the work his own,) was the son of a merchant at Lyons, where he was born on Sept. 5th, 1725. He was left an orphan at the age of sixteen, and was educated at the Jesuit’s College in his native town. His attention was chiefly directed to the ancient classics; but having a natural taste for philological studies, and a powerful memory, he was enabled to acquire an accurate knowledge of several modern languages ; among which Italian, German, Dutch, and English are mentioned. Under Le Pere Béraud, who was subsequently the tutor of Lalande, he made considerable proficiency in the study of mathe- matics and physics. | " Having completed his course of general education, he studied for the legal profession, first at Toulouse, and afterwards in Paris; where at the scientific soirées of M. Jambert, he became acquainted with Diderot, D’Alembert, Lalande, and other scientific men of the highest character. Having published several scientific works, by which he acquired much reputation, he began to be employed by the government. He was sent as Intendant Secretary to Grenoble, where he married the daughter of M. Roland in 1763; and in the following year he was sent as secretary and astronomer royal to the expedition for colonising Cayenne. On his return to France, after a few years’ absence, he obtained the situation of ‘‘ Premier Commis des Batiments,”’ and in addition the office of ‘Censor Royal of mathematical works,” an appointment which was merely honorary. 7 It would appear, that though the income which he derived from his offi- cial appointment was not large, yet, from his prudent and economical habits, it was sufficient for the immediate wants of himself and his family. He employed his leisure in educating his children, and in scientific pur- suits ; following the latter, it is said, in secrecy, lest he should be suspected of neglecting his official duties. It was at this time that he edited the new edition of the ‘‘ Recreations ;” aud so carefully had he concealed his connection with the work, that, on its completion, a copy of it was sent to him, in his capacity of censor, for examination and approval. Besides expunging from the work of Ozanam much that was absurd, puerile, and obsolete, he enriched his edition with dissertations upon almost every branch of practical science; and much of what he added is valu- able even at the present day. But the name of Montucla is best known from his “‘ History of the Mathematics,’ which contains, besides what is strictly historical, treatises upon all the leading departments of the pure and applied sciences; and abounds with interesting details respecting the discoveries and improve- ments which have contributed to their progress. PREFACE. Vil The French Revolution put an end at once to his office and the little savings which his regularity and economy had enabled him to make from his income,—throwing him on the world in his old age, stripped of every thing but his integrity, and the love and respect of his friends. He died on the 18th of December, 1799. In 1803, a translation into English of Montucla’s Edition of Ozanam’s Recreations, by Dr. Charles Hutton, of Woolwich, was published in Lon- don. In this Edition were incorporated many valuable additions and obser- vations by the learned and judicious translator, who lived to superintend a second edition, which, with still further improvements, was published in 1814. Dr. Hutton was born in Percy Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, on August 14th, 1737. His. father, who- was employed in the coal’ works in the ‘neighbourhood, was understood to be descended from a respectable family in Westmoreland. He died when Charles was only five years old; and his widow married a person named Fraim, whose employment was that of a colliery over-man. From an accident which happened to Charles at play, he was not sent when a boy to work in the pits, as his brothers were; but kept at school for some years, in the hope that he might be enabled to earn his bread by his scholarship. He was taught to read by an old woman who conducted a little school in the neighbourhood, and to write by a schoolmaster named Robson, near Benwell, a village near Newcastle ; and he attended after- _ wards a school at Jesmond, kept by the Rey. Mr. Ivison, a clergyman of the English Church; and on Mr. Ivison’s removal to a curacy in the county of Durham, Mr. Hutton succeeded him in his school at Jesmond. It would appear that between his being the pupil and the successor of Mr. Ivison, Hutton had worked for some time (probably not long) as a miner at Old Long Benton colliery. Mr. Hutton’s school at Jesmond soon increased so much that he was obliged to remove toa larger room in the neighbourhood. While conducting with such success his village seminary, he attended in the evenings the school ofa Mr. James, at Newcastle, to prosecute his studies in mathematics; and Mr. James some time after declining his school, Mr. Hutton embraced the opportunity of settling in Newcastle as a teacher. In that town, the metropolis of the northern counties, his suc- cess was very great: and though his previous associates had been chiefly among the humbler classes of society, his manners, as well as his talents, rendered him acceptable as a private teacher in the families of the higher classes. Among others, he had for his pupils the late Lord Chancellor Eldon, and his lady, who was the daughter of a wealthy banker in New- castle. While in that town he published his Arithmetic, his Mensuration, and his Tract on the principles of Bridges; and he made for the corpora- tion a survey and plan of the town. He became also a leading writer in the Ladies’ and Gentleman’s Diaries, and other scientific periodicals of the day. - On the death of Mr. Cowley, professor of Mathematics in the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, Mr. Hutton offered himself as a candidate for the situation ; and after an examination, which lasted several days, the viii PREFACE. examiners (Bishop Horsley, Dr. Makeslyne, and Col. Watson) unanimously recommended him as preferable to all the other candidates, and peculiarly well qualified to fill the situation, and he received his appointment accord- ingly on May 24th, 1773. Soon after his settlement at Woolwich he was elected a Fellow. of the Royal Society ; and at a later period he received the degree of LL.D. from the University of Edinburgh. The Stationers’ Company appointed him general Editor of all their Almanacs, except the Ladies’ Diary and Poor Robin, and he held the appointment for forty-six years. : . The editorship of the Ladies’ Diary afforded him an opportunity of becoming acquainted with the talents and acquirements of many ingenious individuals, who were improving themselves in science by endeavouring to solve the mathematical questions proposed in the Diary; and as oppor- tunity occurred, many of them were drawn by his kind discrimination from obscurity, and placed in situations in which they have been eminently useful to society. Indeed it has been justly said, that ‘ of this class of men he was eminently the patron.” ; After filling with distinguished ability the situation at Woolwich for thirty-four years, he was permitted, at his own request, to retire; and the Board of Ordnance assigned him a pension of £500 per annum, in testi- mony of regard for his long and faithful services. He settled in London, and enjoyed for the last sixteen years of his life the society of all the leading men distinguished for science and worth in the metropolis. He died on January 27th, 1823, and was buried in the family vault, in the Churchyard of Charlton, near Woolwich. For a full account of the various scientific labours of Dr. Hutton, and of the peculiarities by which he was distinguished as a teacher of science, we must refer our readers to a memoir of him by his friend, and eventual suc- cessor in the chair at Woolwich, Dr. Olinthus Gregory, published in th Imperial Magazine for March 1823. Both Editions having been long out of print, the present Editor was induced to undertake the superintendance of a new one; in which, by omit- ting what appeared trifling or of doubtful utility, and introducing in its stead a popular account of the more interesting discoveries in modern science, the work might continue to be to the present generation a useful manual of Scientific Recreation, as its predecessors have been to the generation which has passed. Greenwich Hospital, 14th September, 1840. CONTENTS. PART FIRST — ARITHMETIC. CHAPTER I. Or our Numerical System, and the different. kinds of Arithmetic . CHAPTER II. Of some Short Methods of performing Arithmetical Operations CHAPTER III. Of certain Properties of Numbers CHAPTER IV. Of Figurate Numbers Ae ae Se CHAPTER V. Of Right-angled Triangular Numbers... ae ; CHAPTER VI. Some curious problems respecting Square and Cube Numbers CHAPTER VII. Of Arithmetical and Geometrical Progressions, and of certain problems which depend upon them cs se bn CHAPTER VIII. Of Combinations and Permutations x ee ve CHAPTER IX. Application of the doctrine of Combinations to games of chance and proba- bilities ee ‘ eo aa ee CHAPTER X. _ Arithmetical Amusements in Divination and Combinations CHAPTER XI. Curious Arithmetical problems Acs we “ CHAPTER XII, Of Magic Squares... Le ap CHAPTER XIII. Political Arithmetic .. AS Ap a ve Page 13 2] 24 28 31 41 48 62 82 O4 x CONTENTS. PART SECOND — GEOMETRY. Containing a series of Geometrical problems and questions calculated for exercise and amusement Collection of useful tables of Lengths af Capacities vane in ancient an modern times by: yh re < PART THIRD — MECHANICS. Containing v various problems «« °° Of the Perpetual Motion Historical account of some celebrated Reehaniels Works Of the Steam Engine at ee Balloons, Telegraphs, &c. : Table of the Specific Gravities of nitiereat hades Table of Weights, ancient and modern, as compared with ie Eugustan Troy Pound ve oe : x PART FOURTH — OPTICS. Containing many curious probiers oe * Camera Obscura Camera Lucida i AD a oe Plane Mirrors Ss a .s xc Spherical Mirrors Burning Mirrors es oe Of Telescopes, both a ees aa Fedectian oa Of Microscopes A ade oe ve Of the Magic Lantern =e Of Colours, and the Refrangbility of Light +e Of the Rainbow oe oe ws Of certain Optical Illusions Of some curious phenomena in Colours and Vision! Account of the most curious Microscopical Observations On the Fixed Lines in the Prismatic Spectrum Various properties of Solar Light “6 ce Photogenic Drawing aie rh oe Daguerréotype . vs On the Infiexion and Diftrartion ae Lights ae On the Polarization of Light .. oe ee PART FIFTH — ACOUSTICS. Containing every thing most curious in the science Of Sound, with experiments fe Of Echoes,—-how produced; account of most remarkable is Experiments on the Vibration of Musical Strings Method of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing ‘Meet Of the Resonance of Sonorous Bodies, with experiments Of the different Systems of Music Musical Paradoxes .. ay On the cause of the pleasure arising fom ‘Music ee — CONTENTS. On the properties of certain Instruments ee Application of Music to a question in Mechanics Method of improving Barrel Instruments e3 oe On the Harmonica 2 On the Figures formed by light Pedies on noVvibrating Sarfacds oe PART SIXTH — ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. Easy, curious, and useful problems ais is 4 a be To find the Meridian Line of any place ee a rs oe To find the Latitude of any place a re ‘2 e oe Methods of finding the Longitude ; i Table of Latitudes and Longitudes of Places oe Various Astronomical problems oe : To measure a Degree of a great circle .. Of the Figure of the Earth To find the distances between places on ihe Earth ots graphic aToiecuon Itinerary Measures, ancient and modern ee ee To represent the Terrestrial Globe ona plane... On Refraction A ee Se oe oe On Eclipses oh ee To observe an Eclipse a the Moan “iy oe se Face of the Moon, from the latest observations «-. To observe an Eclipse of the Sun ee ee ais Remarkable Phenomena of the Solar Eclipse of May 15th, 1836 oe oe To measure the Height of Mountains .. oe : ats - Table of Difference of Level .. wh vs On the Constellations, and the method of Pao rine them oe RAT View of the principal facts in Physical Astronomy on oe Of the Sun, and the different Planets and Satellites ite Se Of Comets : oe Of the Fixed Stars, Double Stare, aiid Nehile ae i Of Chronology VW OR Geis To find the Bissextile ae. Golden Nahe tna Bpacts AY ae To find the Moon’s Age a if oo) Solar Cycle, Dominical Letter, &c. a9 P. a an To find Easter-day, and the other Moveable Recs ue is ve Lunar. Years, Calends, Nones, and Ides ee és ae Julian and other Chronological Periods oe ~ Lunar and other Cycles, corresponding to Ricee Shes af ay Christian era, to find their places in the Julian Period Be Epochs and Periods celebrated in history ee oe Table of the most remarkable Epochs, Atras, and Hyents ee oh Eminent British Philosophers = oe a de Tables useful in Chronological Gemateione o* PART SEVENTH — DIALLING. Containing the most useful and interesting problems ee es Be To find a Meridian Line ee “a ve 5 He Methods of constructing an Equinoctial Dial i se we is Methods of constructing Vertical Dials aS ee oe Xl CONTENTS. Page To trace out a Dial on any plane whatever . a A vat eES Construction of various sorts of Dials .. ; 4 as «ee Portable Dials, on a quadrant, a card, a ring, Re. Ay = .. 524 How the shadow of a Sun-dial might go backwards or oe 53 5828 Of the different kinds of Hours é ve os os ao General method of describing Sun-dials ¢ on any plane “ 7 .. 534 PART EIGHTH — NAVIGATION. Containing some of the most curious problems ale ae .. 538 On the Curve which a vessel describes while sailing on a given course .. 538 How a vessel may sail against the wind oe ws a Pees Problems on the action of the Rudder *: ‘le ae pets «S| On the most advantageous positions of the Sails a a a BAA On the line of shortest distance between two given places = .. 545 On the most expeditious method of coming up with a vessel in chase ~. 547 On determining the Longitude at sea, and on the method~ of finding the , Longitude on land, by observations of the transit of the moon’s limb and a fixed star a1. ee e.€ ee 2.2 ee ee 548 PART NINTH — ARCHITECTURE. Containing some curious particulars... - me oe SOD. To cut a given tree into a beam of the erie) ABE ray mA os 552 . Of the most perfect form ofan Arch «+> aie 7. ae creme” | On diminishing the thrust of Arches .. .. 558 Curious problems on the construction and ° Rneeuirement of Ficors Roofs, . Arches and Bridges ate ee a ve a .. 859 PART TENTH — PYROTECHNY. Containing the most curious and amusing problems nie Ayr ont OES Of Gunpowder, its composition, &c. ake ee es o« O72 Construction of the Cartridges of Rockets re Pe ee oh DLE Brilliant Fire and Chinese Fire ee oa as wa BME tices) Furniture of Rockets, of Serpents, Maroons, Stars, &c. a DOL Globes, Fire-balls, &c. co Ie a ee *e3 ay eth Fire of different colours A 50 ee oh t o« D9S Optical Pyrotechny .. 3 af i a Hs oa OUT PART ELEVENTH — PHILOSOPHY. Containing every thing most curious in Philosophy in general i ie eR OOD Of Fire re 36 a 565 ap a ae -- 600 Of Air ny > Le an oe os - 602— Of Water... ve we 36 on aie os «+ 604 Of Earths .. oe as a3 -» 606 Of the Air Pump, and Baperimehen orth it oy a? x oe OOg Problems respecting Fountains, &c. —. : oy os 4 e012 Problems respecting Gravity, Falling Bodies: at ie as 2h 616 Curious problems respecting Fountains, &c. tee .. ae -- 619 On measuring the degree of Heat—Thermometers CONTENTS. On Register Thermometers .. Table of Boiling and Freezing points of different eoniéds On the intense Cold at the tops of high mountains On the Divisibility of Matter Ab On the Velocity of a Cannon Ball, esta will Shable it is circulate planet round the earth oe 4c “3 ee Examination of a singular opinion vemnettie the Planets .. On the probability and effects of the shock of a Comet Of the Central Fire Barometer — its construction ne use The Marine and the Mountain EEO The Sympiesometer .. oe On the Expansibility of Air .. ee se te Air Gun o ee me To measure the pubatity of Rae which falls ee Of the origin of Fountains .. a ve On the circulation of Air in Mines 50 To measure the height of Mountains by the tavometer Height of the principal Mountains on the earth Dr. Hutton’s Rule for computing the heights of Mountains Problems respecting Fountains and Sounds On Capillary Tubes .. ie a ee ie On Perpetual Motion oe ae . -Prodigious force of Moisture to raise Foes oe “6 Papin’s Digester 5 of oe Natural signs by which a change of Peinpeninre it in “the air may be predicted : ‘Moisture and Dryness of the air — Hygrometer a8 On the loss of substance in the Sun by the emission of an On Artificial Congelation a Figures observed in Snow On intermitting Fountains ae bc fe ev Speaking and Ear Trumpets .. es Ac Mechanism of Kites — Questions ht cares ae oe The Divining Rod .. x oe ou PART TWELFTH — MAGNETISM. Of the Magnet and its various phenomena =e Principal properties of the Magnet Experiments on Magnetic Attraction Poles of the Magnet .. 5h os 40 Direction of the Magnetic Current : Methods of Magnetizing =. 2° Direction of the Magnet—Declination and Variation : Magnetism of non-ferruginous bodies .. ee De = _ Diurnal Variation of Magnetic Needles .. ee through all the figures of the multiplier, and if the several partial products be then added as usual, you will have the total product, as above expressed. A similar artifice may be employed to shorten division, especially when large sums are to be often divided by the same divisor. Thus, for example, if the number 1492992 is to be divided by 432, and if the same divisor must frequently occur, con- struct, in the manner above described, a table of the multiples of 432, which will scarcely require any farther trouble than that of transcribing the numbers, as may be seen here on the left. 1... 489 1492992 ( 3456 2. 864 1296 ... 1296 969 4... 1728 1728 5 ... 2160 , A19 6 eos 9592 °2160 ” .. 8024 eset 8 ... 3456 2592 9 ... 3888 2592 0000 When this is done, it may be readily perceived, that since 432 is not contained in the first three figures of the dividend, some multiple of it must be contained in the first four figures, viz., 1492. To findthis multiple, you need only cast your eye on the table, to observe that the next less multiple of 432 is 1296, which stands opposite to 3; write down 3 therefore in the quotient, and 1296 under 1492, then subtract the former from the latter, and there will remain 196, to which if you bring down the next figure of the dividend, the result will be 1969. By casting your eye again on the table, you will find that 1728, which stands opposite to 4, is the greatest multiple of 432 contained in 1969; write down 4 therefore in the quotient, and subtract as be- fore. By continuing the operation in this manner, it will be found that the following figures of the quotient are 5 and 6; and as the last multiple leaves no remainder, the division is perfect and complete. Remark.—Mathematicians have not confined themselves to endeavouring to simplify the operations of arithmetic by such means: they have attempted something more, and have tried to reduce them to mere mechanical operations. The celebrated Pas- cal was the first who invented a machine for this purpose, a description of which may be seen in the fourth volume of the Recueil des Machines preséntées 4 1’ Acadé- mie. Sir Samuel Morland, without knowing perhaps what Pascal had done in this respect, published, in 1673, an account of two arithmetical machines which he in- vented, one of them for addition and subtraction, and the other for multiplication, but without explaining their internal construction. The same object engaged the attention of the celebrated Leibnitz about the same time; and afterwards that of PALPABLE ARITHMETIC. ll the marquis Poleni. A description of their machines may be seen in the Theatrum Arithmeticum of Leupold, printed in 1727, together with that of a machine invented by Leupold himself, and also in the Miscell. Berol. for 1709. We have likewise the Abaque rabdologique of Perrault, in the collection of his machines published in 1700. It serves for addition, subtraction, and multiplication. The Recueil des Machines présentées a l’ Académie Royale des Sciences contains also an arithmetical machine, by Lespine, and three by Boistissandeau. Finally, Mr. Gersten, professor of mathe- matics at Giessen, transmitted, in the year 1735, to the Royal Society of London, a minute description of a machine of the same kind, invented by himself. We shall not enlarge further on this subject, but proceed to give an account, which we hope will be acceptable to the curious reader, of an ingenious method of performing +he operations of arithmetic, invented by Dr. Saunderson, a celebrated mathematician, who was blind from his infancy. SECTION IV. Palpable Arithmetic, or a method of performing arithmetical operations, which may be practised by the blind, or in the dark. What is here announced may, on the first view, appear to be a paradox; but it is certain that this method of performing arithmetical operations was practised by the celebrated Dr, Saunderson, who, though he had lost his sight when a child of a year old, made so great progress in the mathematics, that he was elected to fill the professor’s chair of that science, in the university of Cambridge. ‘The apparatus he employed, to supply the deficiency of sight, was as follows: Fig. 3 Let the square (Fig. 3.) be divided into four other squares, by two * _ Jines parallel to the sides, and intersecting each other in the centre. These two lines form with the sides of the square four points “of inter- &—+;—4_ section, and these added to the four angles of the primitive square, give altogether nine points. If a hole be made in each of these points, into which a pin or peg can be fixed, it is evident that there will be nine distinct places for the nine simple and significant figures of our arithme- tical system, and nothing further will be necessary but to establish some order in which these points or places, destined to receive a moveable peg, ought to be counted. To mark 1, it may be placed in the centre; to express 2, it may be placed immedi- ately above the centre; to express 3, at the upper angle on the right ; and so on in succession, round the sides of the square, as marked by the numbers opposite to each oint. F But there is still another character to be expressed, viz., the 0, which in our arith- metic is of very great importance. This character might be expressed in a manner exceedingly simple, by leaving the holes empty ; but Saunderson preferred placing inthe middle one a large-headed pin, unless when having unity to express, he was obliged to substitute in its stead a small-headed pin. By these means he obtained the advantage of being better able to direct his hands, and to distinguish with more ease, by the relative position of the small-headed pins, in regard to the large one in the centre, what the former expressed. This method therefore ought to be adopted ; for Saunderson no doubt made choice of those means which were most significant to his fingers. As the reader has here seen with what ease a simple number may be expressed in this manner, we shall now shew that a compound number may be expressed with equal facility. If we suppose several squares to be constructed like the preceding, ranged in a line, and separated from each other by small intervals, that they may be better distinguished by the touch, any person acquainted with common arithmetic may 2S 6) Ss | 12 ARITHMETIC. f { Fig. 4. perceive, that the first square on the right will serve ; - to express units; the next towards the left to ex- HE {4 4. HH press tens ; the third to express hundreds, &c. Thus 3 8 0 Ss the four squares, with the pegs arranged as represented (Fig. 4.) will express the number 3805. If you therefore provide a board, or table, divided into several horizontal bands, on each of which are placed seven or eight similar squares, according to circum- Fig. 5. stances ; if these bands be separated by proper inter- at vals, that they may be better distinguished; and if | HE Hy co 271 all the squares of the same order, in each of the 2 bands, be so arranged, as to correspond with each H+ HH LH 407 other ina perpendicular direction; you may perform, by means of this machine, all the different opera- 4 LH = 953 tions of arithmetic. The reader will find (Fig. 5.) ee —_— a representation of the method of adding three num- ce LH LH HY 163] bers, and expressing their sum by a machine of this - : —— kind. | Saunderson employed this ingenious machine, not only for arithmetical operations, but also for representing geometrical figures, by arranging his pins in a certain order, and extending threads from the one to the other. But what has been said is suffi- cient on this subject ; those persons who are desirous of farther information respecting it, may consult Saunderson’s Algebra, or the French translation of Wolff’s Elements Abridged, where this palpable arithmetic 1s explained at full length. PROBLEM. To multiply £11. 11s. 11d. by £11. 11s. 11d. This problem was once proposed by a sworn accountant to a young man who had been recommended to him as perfectly well acquainted with arithmetic. And indeed, besides the difficulty which results from the multiplication of quantities of different kinds, and from their reduction, it is well calculated to try the ingenuity of an arith- metician. But it is not improbable that the proposer would have been embarrassed by the following simple question: What is the nature of the product of pounds shillings and pence multiplied by pounds shillings and pence? We know that the product of a yard by a yard represents a square yard, because geometricians have agreed to give that appellation to asquare surface one yard in length and one in breadth ; and 6 yards multiplied by 4 yards make 24 square yards; for a rectangular superficies 6 yards in length and 4 in breadth, contains 24 square yards, in the same manner as the product of 4 by 6 contains 24 units. But who can tell what the product of a penny by a penny is, or of a penny by a pound ? The question considered in this point of view, is therefore absurd, though ordinary arithmeticians sometimes are not sensible of it. . PROPERTIES OF NUMBERS. _ 23 CHAPTER III. OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES OF NUMBERS. WE do not here mean to examine those properties of numbers which engaged so much the attention of the ancients, andin which they pretended to find so many mysterious virtues. Every one, whose mind is not tinctured with the spirit of credulity, must laugh to think of the good canon of Cezene, Peter Bungus, collecting in a large quarto volume, entitled De Mysteriis Numerorum, all the ridiculous ideas which Nichomachus, Ptolemy, Porphyry, and several more of the ancients, childishly proga- gated respecting numbers. How could it enter the minds of reasonable beings, to ascribe physical energy to things entirely metaphysical? For numbers are mere conceptions of the mind, and consequently can have no influence in nature. None therefore but peopie of weak minds can believe in the virtues of num- bers. Some imagine, that if thirteen persons sit down at the same table, one of them will die in the course of the year; but there is a much greater probability that one will die if the number be twenty-four. I. The number 9 possesses this property, that the figures which compose its multiples, if added together, are always a multiple of 9; so that by adding them, and rejecting 9 as often as the sum exceeds that number, the remainder will always be 0. This may be easily proved by trying different multiples of 9, such as 18, 27, 36, &c. © This observation may be of utility, to enable us to discover whether a given num- ber be divisible: by 9, for in all cases, when the figures which express any number, on being added together, form 9, or one of its multiples, we may be assured that the number is divisible by 9, and consequently by 8 also. But this property does not exclusively belong to the number 9; for the number 3 has a similar property. Ifthe figures which express any multiple of 3 be added, we shall find that their sum is always a multiple of 3; and when any proposed number is not such a multiple, whatever the sum of the figures by which it is expressed exceed a multiple of 3, will be the quantity to be deducted from the number, in order that it may be divisible by 3 without a remainder. We must not omit to take notice here, of a very ingenious observation of the author of the History of the Academy of Sciences, for the year 1726, which is, that if a system of numeration, different from that now in use, had been adopted, that for example of duodecimal progression, the number eleven, or, in general, that preceding the first period, would have possessed the same property as the number nine does in our present system of numeration. By way of example,-let us take a multiple of eleven, as nine hundred and fifty-seven, and let us express it according to that system by the characters 7 6 5: it will here be seen that 7 and ¢ make seventeen, and 5 added makes twenty-two, which is a multiple of eleven. This property of 9 and 3, in the decimal notation, admits of a very simple proof, For let a be the digit in the unit» place, b, c, d, &c. those in the place of tens, hun- dreds, &c.; then the number will be represented analytically by 1000 d+ 100 c+ 10 b+-a; orby 999+ 1.d+99+ 1. c+9-1.6-+a; or by 999 d+-99 c+-9 b+ d+tc-+b+-a. But 999d+-99 c-+-9b is divisible both by 9 and 3; therefore, if the whole number represented by 1000 d-++- 100 c +-10 5-+-a be divisible by 9 or 3, the remaining part, d-++ c+ 5 -a, must also be divisible by 9 or 3. And a like proof would apply to the digit and its factors preceding the last digit of the first period, in any system of numeration. 14 ARITHMETIC. In addition to the foregoing observations of the French author, may be added the following remarks on the same subject, lately made by an ingenious English gentle- man. He first expresses all the products of 9 by the other figures, in the foltowing manner, and then enumerates the curious properties. 9 -°-6+3=9 i 8 9..9 72...7+2=9 9 9 18 .21-+-8= 81..8+1=9 27..,24+-7 29 36-.8+6=—9 45..4+5=9 54..5+4=9 ae 63... The component figures of the product, made by the multiplication of every digit into the number 9, when added together, make NINE. The order of those component figures is reversed, after the said number has been multiplied by 5. The component figures of the amount of the multipliers (viz. 45), when added together make NINE. The amount of the several products, or multiples of 9 (viz. 405), when divided by 9, gives for a quotient 45 ; that is 4-+-5 = nine. The amount of the first product (viz. 9), when added to the other products, whose respective component figures make 9, is 81; which is the square of NINE. The said number 81, when added to the aioypnenen amount of the several products, or multiples of 9 (viz. 405), makes 486; which, if divided by 9, gives for a quotient 54; that is, 5 --+-4= NINE. It is also observable that the number of changes that may be rung on nine bells, is 362880 ; which figures, added together, make 27; that is, 2 +7 = NINE. | And the quotient of 362880, divided by 9, is 40320 ; that is, 4+ 0+3+24+0= NINE. II. Every square number necessarily ends with one of these figures, 1, 4, 5, 6, 9; or with an even number of ciphers preceded by one of these figures. This may be easily proved, and is of great utility in enabling us to discover when a number is not a square; for though anumber may end as above mentioned, it is not always however a perfect square; but, at any rate, when it does not end in that manner, we are cer- tain that it is not a square, which may prevent useless labour. In regard to cubic numbers, they may end with any figure whatever; but if they terminate with ciphers, they must be in number either three, or six, or nine, &c. If a square number end with 4, the last figure but one will be even, as in 64, 144, and 97344. If a square number end with 5, it will end with 25; as 625, 1225. If a square number end with an odd figure, the last figure but one will be even, as 81529. But if it end with any even digit, except 4, the last figure but one will be odd, as 36, 576, 13456. | No square number can end with two even digits except two ciphers, or two oe as 100, 144, 40000, 44944. PROPERTIES OF NUMBERS. 15 A square number cannot end in three equal digits, except they be three fours; nor in more than three equal digits unless they be ciphers. Il. Every square number is divisible by 8, or becomes so when diminished by unity. This may be easily tried on any square number at pleasure. Thus 4 less ], 16 less 1, 25 less 1, 121 less 1, &c. are all divisible by 3; and the case is the same with other square numbers. Every square number is divisible also by 4, or becomes so when diminished by unity. This may be proved with the same case as the former. Every square number is divisible likewise by 5, or becomes so when increased, or else diminished by unity. Thus, for example, 36 — 1, 49-+-1, 64-+1, 81—1, &c., are all divisible by 5. Every odd square number is a multiple of 8 increased by unity.. We have examples of this property in the numbers 9, 25, 49, 81, &c.; from which if 1 be deducted the remainders will be divisible by 8. If a square number be either multiplied or Auded by a square, the product or the quotient will be a square. If a number be not a complete square, its square root cannot be represented either by an integer, or by a rational fraction, either proper or improper. IV. Every number is either a square, or divisible into two, or three, or four squares. Thus 30 is equal to 25-+4-+1; 31=25+-4-+-1-+-1; 33=16+16-+1; 63 = 49 +-9+- 4-41, or 86= 25+ 1-+1. - We shall here add, by anticipation, though we have not yet informed the reader what triangular, or pentagonal, &c., numbers are, that - Every number is either triangular, or composed of two or of three triangular num- bers. And that Every number is either pentagonal, or composed of two, or three, or four, or five pentagonals, and so of the rest. We shall add also, that every even square, after the first square 1, may be resolved at least into four equal squares; and that every odd square may be resolved into three, ifnotintotwo. Thus 81=36- 36+ 9; 121=81-+ 86+-4; 169= 144-++ 25; 625 = 400-144-481. V. Every power of 5, or of 6, necessarily ends with 5 or with 6. VI. If we take any two numbers whatever ; then either one of them, or their sum, or their difference, is necessarily divisible by 3. Let the numbers assumed be 20 and 17; though neither of these numbers, nor their sum 387, is divisible by 3, yet their difference is, for it is three. It might easily be demonstrated, that this must mecepeatily be the case, whatever be the numbers assumed. _ VII. Iftwo numbers are of sucha nature, that their squares when added together form a square, the product of these two numbers is divisible by 6. . Of this kind, for example, are the numbers 3 and 4, the squares of which, 9 and 16, when added, make the square number 25: their product 12 is divisible hy 6. From this property a method may be deduced, for finding two numbefs, the squares of which, when added together, shall form a square number. For this purpose, mul- tiply any two numbers together; the double of their product will be one of the numbers sought, and the difference of their squares will be the other. Thus if we multiply together 2 and 3, the squares of which are 4 and 9, their pro- duct will be 6; if we then take 12 the double of this product, and 5 the differ- ence of their squares, we shall have two numbers, the sum of whose squares is equal to another square number ; for these squares are 144 and 25, which when added make 169, the square of 13. VIII, When two numbers are such, that the difference of their squares is a square 16 ARITHMETIC. fl number; the sum and difference of these numbers are themselv es square numbers, or the double of square numbers. Thus, for example, the numbers 13 and 12, when squared, give 169 and 144, the difference of which 25, is also a square number; then 25, the sum of gen numbers, is a square number, and also their difference 1. In like manner, 6 and 10, when squared produce 36 and 100, the difference of which 64 is also a square number; then it will be found, that their sum 16 is a square number, as well as their difference 4. The numbers 8 and 10 give for the agerooce of their squares 36; and it may be readily seen, that 18, the sum of these numbers, is the double of 9, which is a square number, and that their difference 2 is the double of 1, which is also a square number. IX. Iftwo numbers, the difference of which is 2, be multiplied together, their pros duct increased by unity will be the square of the intermediate number. Thus, the product of 12 and 14 is 168, which being increased by 1, gives 169, the square of 13, the mean number between 12 and 14. Nothing is easier than to demonstrate, that this must always be the case; and it will be found in general, that the product of two numbers increased by the square of half their difference, will give the square of the mean number. : X. A prime number is that which has no other divisor but unity. Numbers of this kind, the number 2 excepted, can never be even, nor can any of them terminate in 5, except 5 itself ; hence it follows, that except those contained in the first i of ten, they must necessarily terminate in 1 or 3, or 7 or 9. One curious property of prime numbers is, that every prime number, 2 and 3 ex- cepted, if increased or diminished by unity, is divisible by 6. This may be readily seen in any numbers taken at pleasure, as 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, &e.; but I do not know, that any one has ever yet demonstrated this property 4 priort. But the inverse of this is not true, that is, every number when increased or diminished by unity is divisible by 6, is not, on that account, necessarily a prime number. ; As it is often of utility to be able to know, without having recourse to calculation, whether a number be prime or not, we have here subjoined a table of all the prime numbers from 1 to 10,000. Table of the Prime Numbers from 1 to 10,000. Fe 163 263 373 | 479 601 719 | 853 977) 1093 | 1223 |= 2 3| 73| 167] 269| 379| 487| 607| 727] 857| 983 | 1097 | 12294. 5| 79| 173] 271] 383| 491| 613] 733] 859] 991 1231 | 7 83 | 179| 277) 389] 499| 617) 739] 863) 997 | 1103 | 1237 |@ 11| 89{ 181] 281| 397 619| 743| 877 1109 | 1249 | | 13| 97] 191] 283 503] 631] 751} 881 | 1009] 1117 | 1259 | 17 193| 293] 401] 509| 641] 757{ 883] 1013 | 1123 | 1277 | © 19] 101] 197 409 | 521| 643] 761] 887 | 1019 | 1129] 1279 | 23| 103] 199] 307] 419| 533] 647| 769 1021 | 1151 | 1283 29| 107 311} 421] 541] 653] 773]| 907 | 1031 | 1153 | 1289 | 31| 109] 211] 313] 431] 547] 659| 787| 911 | 1033 | 1163 | 1291 | © 37] 113| 223| 317| 433] 557| 661! 797} 919] 2039 | 1171 | 1297 | © 411) 127.1.. 997) B81 | 480.4 663)| 673 929 | 1049 | 1181 . 43 131 229 337 443 569 Oxi, 811 937 | 1051 | 1187 | 1301 47 137 233 347 449 571 683 821 941 | 1061 | 1193 | 1303 53 139 239 349 457 577 691 823 947 | 1063 1307 59 149 24] 353 461 587 827 953 | 1069 | 1201 | 1319 61 151 251 359 463 593 701 829| 967 | 1087 | 1213 | 1321 |@ 67 157 257 367 467 599 709 839 971 | 1091 | 1217 | 1327 1361 1367 1373 1381 1399 1409 1423 1427 1429 1433 1439 1447 1451 1453 1459 1471 1481 1483 1487 1489 1493 1499 1511 1523 1531 1543 1549 1553 1559 1567 1571 1579 1583 1597 1601 1607 1609 1613 1619 1621 1627 1637 1657 1663 1667 1669 1693 1697 1699 1709 1721 1723 1733 1741 1747 1753 1759 1777 1783 1787 1789. 1801 1811 1823 1831 1847 1861 1867 1871 1873 1877 1879 1889 1901 1907 1913 1931 1933 1949 1951 1973 1979 1987 1993 1997 1999 2003 2011 2017 2027 2029 2039 2053 2063 2069 2081 2083 2087 2089 2099 2111 2113 2129 2131 2137 2141 2143 2153 2161 2179 2203 2207 2213 2221 2237 2239 2243 2251 2267 2269 2273 2281 2287 2293 2297 2309 2311 2333 2339 2341 2347 2351 2357 2371 2377 2381 2383 2389 2393 2399 2411 2417 2423 2437 2441 2447 2459 2467 2473 2477 2503 2521 2531 2539 2543 2549 2551 2557 2579 2591 2593 2609 2617 2621 2633 2647 2657 2659 2663 2671 2677 2683 2687 2689 2693 2699 “TABLE OF 2707 2711 2713 2719 2729 2731 2741 2749 2753 2767 2777 2789 2791 2797 2801 2803 2819 2833 2837 2843 2851 2857 2861 2879 2887 2897 2903 2909 2917 2927 2939 2953 2957 2963 2969 2971 2999 3001 3011 3019 3023 3037 3041 3049 3061 3067 3079 3083 3089 3109 3119 3121 3137 3163 3167 3169 3181 3187 3191 3203 | 3209 3217 3221 3229 3251 3253 3257 3259 3271 3299 3301 3307 3313 3319 3323 3329 3331 3343 3347 3359 3361 3371 3373 3389 3391 3407 3413 3433 3449 3457 3461 3463 3467 3469 3491 3499 3511 3517 3527 3529 3533 3535. 3541 3547 3557 3559 3571 3581 3583 3593 3607 3613 3617 3623 3631 3637 | THE 3643 3659 3671 3673 3677 3691 3697 3701 3709 3719 3727 3733 3739 3761 3767 3769 3779 3793 3797 3803 3821 3823 3833 3847 3851 3853 3863 3877 3881 3889 3907 3911 3917 3919 3823 3929 3931 3943 3947 3967 3989 4001 4003 4007 4013 4019 4021 4027 4049 4051 4057 4073 4079 4091 4093 4099 4111 4127 PRIME NUMBERS. 4129 4133 4139 4153 4157 4159 4177 4201 ' 4211 Q 42917 4219 4229 4231 4241 4243 4253 4259 4261 4271 4273 4283 4289 4297 4327 4337 4339 4349 4357 4363 4373 4391 4397 4409 4421 4423 444] 4447 4451 4457 4463 4481 4483 4493 4507 45135 4517 4519 | 4523 4547 4549 4561 4567 4583 4591 4597 4603 4621 4637 4639 4643 4649 4651 4657 46638 4673 4679 4691 4703 4721 4723 4729 4733 4751 4759 4773 4787 4789 4793 4799 4801 4813 4817 4831 4861 4871 4877 4889 4903 4909 4919 4931 4933 4937 4943 4951 4957 4967 4969 4973 4987 4993 4999 5003 5009 5011 5021 5023 5039 5051 5059 5077 5081 5087 5099 5101 5107 5113 5119 5147 5153 5167 5171 5179 5189 5197 5209 5227 5231 5233 5237 5261 5273 5279 5281 5297 5303 5309 5323 5333 5347 5351 5381 5387 5393 5399 5407 5413 5417 5419 | 6451 5437 5441 5443 5449 | 5471 5477 5479 5483 5501 5503 5507 5519 5521 5527 5531 5557 5563 5569 5573 5581 5591 5623 5639 5641 5647 5651 5653 5657 5659 5669 5683 5689 5693 5701 5711 5717 5737 5741 5743 5749 5779 5783 5791 5801 5807 5813 5821 5827 5839 5843 5849 5851 5857 5861 5867 5869 5879 5881 5897 5903 5923 5927 5939 5953 5981 5987 6007 6011 6029 6037 6043 6047 6053 6067 6073 6079 6089 6091 6101 6113 6121 6131 6133 6143 6151 6163 6173 6197 6199 6203 6211 6217 6221 6229 6247 6257 6263 6269 6271 6277 6287 6299 6301 6311 6317 6323 6329 6337 6343 6353 6359 6361 6367 6373 6379 6389 6397 6421 6427 | 6449 6451 6469 6473 6481 6491 6521 6529 6547 6551 6553 6563 6569 6571 6577 6581 6599 6607 6619 6637 6653 6659 18 ARITHMETIC. : 7177 | 7451 | 7643) 7883 ) 8147 ) 8377 ) 8627 , 8831 | 9059 - {97491 | 7187 | 7457 | 7649 790) 8161 | 8387 | 8629 | 8837 | 9067 | 9311 | 9511 | 9767 7193 | 7459 | 7669| /o0. | $167 | 8389 | 8641 | 8839 | 9091 | 9319 | 9521 | 9769 oy 94ay7 | 7673 | 8171 8647 | 8849 9323 | 9533 | 9781 7207 | 1451 | y681| “917 | 8179 | 8419 | 8663 | 8861 | 9103 | 9337 | 9539 | 9787 7211 | J 450 | 7687 | 2927 | 8191 | 8423 | 8669 | 8863 | 9109 | 9341 | 9547 | 9791 7213 | a489 | 7691 1933 8429 | 8677 | 8867 | 9127 | 9343 |-9551 | ooo, 7219 | - 499 | 7699 | 2937 | s20g9 | 8431 | 8681 | 8887 | 9133 | 9349 | 9587 ibe cane 7949 | so19 | 8443 | 8689 | 8893 | 9137 | 9371 9e11 , 7237 | 7507 a2 7951 | 504 8447 | 8693 9151 | 9374 | 9601 9817 7243 | 7517 | 7717 | 7963 | 2551 | g461 | 8699 | 8923 | 9157 | 9391 | 9613 orae 7247 | 7523 | 7723 | 7993 | cose | s467 e020 | oli 4 Gane tees 9833 7253 | 7529 | 7727 | goo9 | 8937 8707 | 8933 | 9173 9623 ogee 7283 | 7537 | 7741 | 2511 | ga43 | 8501 | 8713 | 8941 | 9181 | 9403 | 9629 | 9° 7297 | 7541 | 7753! soy | g963 | 8513 | 8719 | 8951 | 9187 | 9413 | 9631 ie: 307 | 2547 | 77571 go3q | sa6g | 8521 | 8731 | 8963 | 9199 | 9419 | 9643 ee 7309 | 2249 | 7799 | go53 | 8273 | 8527 | 8737 | 8969 9421 | 9649 mike 7391 | 2229 | 7789 | eosg | sas7 | 8537 | 8741 | 8971 | 9203 | 9431 | 9661 mie 7331 | 7561 | 7793 | gogo | s291 | 8539 | 8747 | 8999 | 9209 | 9433 | 9677 | 9 7333 | 2°73 | 7817 | sosi | 8293 | 8543 | 8753 9221 | 9437 | 9679 | 9901 7349 | 2577 | 7¢93| sos7 | 8297 | 8563 | 8761 | 9001 | 9227 | 9439 | 9689 | 9907 7351 | 7°83 | 7899 | 808g 8573 | 8779 | 9007 | 9239 | 9461 | 9697 | 9923 7369 | 2°89 | 7g41 | 8093 | 8311 | 8581 | 8783 | 9011 | 9241 | 9463 ra 7393 | 7°91 | 7853 8317 | 8597 9013 | 9257 | 9467 | 9719 | 9931 603 | 7867 | 8101 | 8329 | 8599 | 8803 | 9027 | 9277 | 9473 | 9721 | 9941 v4a11 | 7607 | 7873 | 8111 | 8353 8807 | 9041 | 9281 | 9479 | 9733 | 9949 7417 | 7621 | 7877 | 8117 | 8363 | 8609 | 8819 | 9043 | 9283 | 9491 | 9739 | 9967 7433 | 7639 | 7879 | 8123 | 8369 | 8623 | 8821 | 9049 | 9293 | 9497 | 9743 | 9973 | ernie pees, (5 0979) IN AP 1 ee ee ee eee Eratosthenes invented what he called a seive for excluding from a series of odd numbers those which are not prime. The principle of the seive is this: Having written down in consecutive order all odd numbers, from one to any re- quired extent, as és es 7 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 18, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, &c. We begin with three, the first prime number, and over every subsequent third in the series put a point, and from 5 a point is placed over every fifth number; from 7 over every seventh number, and so on. Then the numbers which remain without points are prime numbers,—and adding 2, the only even prime, we obtain all the prime numbers included in the series. Every prime number greater than 3 is of one of the forms 6n-+-1, or6” —1. For every number is either divisible by 6, or leaves, when divided by it, a remainder of 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5; that is, every number is of one of the forms 6 n,6n-+ 1,6" +2, 6n+3, 6n+4, or6n-+5. But the first and fifth of these are divisible by 2, and the fourth is divisible by 3, and are therefore not prime. Hence all prime numbers” greater than 3 are of the form 6x-+-lor6n+5. But6n-5is of the same: form, or would produce the same number, as 6 n—1. For takingn =2, 6n-+-5= 7, and taking n=3,6n+]=17. Therefore all prime numbers above 3 are of the form 6x +1, or 62—1. But though all prime numbers are Handa’ in these two forms, they include alah many numbers which are not primes, For example, if n = 4, 62-1 = 25, which is not prime, andif n = 6, 6n—1= 35, which is not prime. Indeed, it may be demonstrated that no algebraic formula can contain prime numbers only. With reference to the two forms under consideration, it has been proved that whenever nis of the form 6 n’ n” + n’ + n’, 62-11 is not prime; and whenever nm is not of that form 6 x +1 is prime. Also that when n is of the form 6 n’ n” +n’ n pn’, 6n—l1is not prime, while it ial always prime when n is not of that form. 5 PERFECT AND AMICABLE NUMBERS. 19 XI. Another kind of numbers, which possess a singular and curious property, are those called perfect numbers. This name is given to every number, the aliquot parts of which, when added together, form exactly that number itself. Of this we have an example in the number 6; for its aliquot parts are 1, 2, 8, which together make 6. The number 28 possesses the same property; for its aliquot parts are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, the sum of which is 28. To find all the perfect numbers of the numerical progression,take the double progres- sion 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, &c.; and examine those terms of it, which when diminished by unity, are prime numbers. , Those to which this property belongs, will be found to be 4, 8, 32,128, 8192; for these terms when diminished by unity, are 3, 7, 31, 127, 8191. Multiply therefore each of these numbers by that number in the geometrical progression which preceded the one from which it is deduced, for example 3 by 2, 7 by 4, 31 by 16, 127 by 64, 8191 by 4096, &c.; and the result will be 6, 28, 496, 8128, 33550336, which are perfect numbers. These numbers however are far from being so numerous as some authors have believed.* The following is a series of numbers either perfect, or, for want of proper attention, supposed to be so, taken from a memoir of Mr. Krafft, published in the 7th volume of the Transactions of the Academy of Petersburgh. Those to which this property really belongs are marked with an asterisk. * 6 * 98 * 496 * 8128 130816 2096128 * 33550336 536854528 * 8589869056 * 137438691328 2199022206976 35184367894528 562949936644096 9007199187632128 144115187807420416 * 2305843008139952 128 36893488 143124135936 ~ ' Thus we find that between 1 and 10 there is only one perfect number ; that there is one between 10 and 100, one be*ween 100 and 1000, and one between 1000 and 10000; but those would be mistaken who should believe that there is one. also between ten thousand and a hundred thousand, one between a hundred thousand and -amillion, &c.; for there is only one between ten thousand and eight hundred mil- lions. The rarity of perfect numbers, says a certain author, is a symbol of that of perfection. All the perfect numbers terminate with 6 or 28. XII. There are some numbers called amicable numbers, on account of a certain pro- _perty which gives them a kind of affinity or reciprocity, and which consists in their being mutually equal to the sum of each other’s aliquot parts. Of this kind are the numbers 220 and 284 ; for the first 220 is equal to the aliquot parts of 284, viz. 1, 2, 4, 71, 142; and, reciprocally, 284 is equal to the aliquot parts, 1, 2, 4,5, 10, 11, 20, | 22, 44, 55, 110, of the other number 220. * The rule given by Ozanam is incorrect, and produces a multitude of numbers, such as 130816, 2096128, &c., which are not perfect numbers. When Ozanam wrote his rule, he did not recollect _ that one of the multipliers must be a prime number, But 511 and 2047 are not prime numbers. | c 2 ——<—<—_$__-— - 20 ; ARITHMETIC. Amicable numbers may be found by the following method. Write down, as in the subjoined example, the terms of a double geometrical progression, or having the ratio 2, and beginning with 2; then triple each of these terms, and place these triple numbers each under that from which it has been formed; these numbers diminished by unity, 5,11, 23, &c. if placed each over its corresponding number in the geometrical progression, will form a third series above the latter. Inthe last place, to obtain the numbers of the lowest series, 71, 287, &c. multiply each of the terms of the series; 6, 12, 24, &c., by the one preceding it, and subtract unity from the product. a 1] 23 47 95 19] 383 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 6 12 24 48 96 192 384 71 287 1151 4607 18431 73727 ‘Take any number of the lowest series, for example 71, of which its corresponding number in the first series, viz. 11, and the one preceding the latter, viz. 5, as well as 71, are prime numbers: multiply 5 by 11, and the product 55 by 4, the correspond- ing term of the geometrical series, and the last product 220, will be one of the num- bers required. The second will be found by multiplying the number 71 by the same number 4, which will give 284. In like manner, with 1151, 47, and 23, which are prime numbers, we may find two other amicable numbers, 17296 and 18416; but 4607 will not produce any amicable numbers, because, of the two other corresponding numbers, 47 and 935, the latter is nota prime number. The case is the same with the number 18431, because 95 is among its corresponding numbers; but the following number 73727, with 383 and 191, will give two more amicable numbers, 9363584 and 9437056. By these examples it may be seen, that if perfect numbers are rare, amicable numbers are much more so, the reason of which may be easily conceived. XIII. If we write down a series of the squares of the natural numbers, viz. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36,49, &c.; and take the difference between each term and that which follows it, and then the differences of these differences; the latter will each be equal to 2,as may be seen in the following example. 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 Ist. Diff. 3 5 7 9 11 13 2d. Diff. 2 2 2 2 2 It hence appears, that the square numbers are formed by the continual addition of the odd numbers 1, 3, 5, &c., which exceed each other by 2. . In the series of the cubes of the natural numbers, viz. 1,8, 27, &c., the third, in- stead of the second differences, are equal, and are always 6, as may be seen in the following example. Cubes ] 8 27 64 125 216 Ist. Diff. 7 19 37 61 91 2d. Diff. 12 18 24 ae 3d. Diff. 6 6 6 In regard to the series of the fourth powers, or biquadrates, of the natural numbers, the fourth differences only are equal, and are always 24. In the fifth powers, the fifth differences only are equal, and are invariably 120. All this may be readily shewn, by taking the successive differences of the cxDa a terms of the series x”, c-+1", xr--2", &e., giving to n the values 2, 3, 4, Ke, succession. These differences, 2, 6, 24, 120, &c. may be found by multiplying the series of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. For the second power, multiply the two first; for the third power, the three first, and so on. XIV. The progression of the cubes 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, &c. of the natural numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c. possesses this coniantople property, that if any number of its a a & SQUARES AND CUBES.—FIGURATE NUMBERS. 91 terms whatever, from the beginning, be added together, their sum will always be a square. Thus, 1 and8 make 9; if we add to this sum 27, we shall nave 36, which ‘is still a square number; and if we add 64, we shall have 100, and so on. The root of each square so formed isthe sum of the roots of all the component cubes. Thus 13-23-33 = 36=1-+2-+3% XV. The number 120 has the property of being equal to half the sum of its aliquot parts, or divisors, viz, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, which together make 240. The number 672 is also equal to half the sum of its aliquot parts, 1344. Several other numbers of the like kind may be found, and some even which would form only a third, or fourth, of the sum of their aliquot parts, or which would be the double, triple, or quadruple of that sum; but what has been here said, will be sufficient to exercise those who are fond of such researches. CHAPTER IV. OF FIGURATE NUMBERS. Fig. 6. Ir there be taken any arithmetical progression, as for instance, the A most simple of all, or that of the natural numbers 1], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, &c.; and if we take the first term, the sum of the two first, that of EN the three first, and so on; the result will be a new series of numbers, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, &c. called triangular numbers, because they. ix can always be ranged in such a manner as to form an equilateral triangle, as may be seen Fig 6. : Fig. 7. : The square numbers, as 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, &c. arise froma like ia addition of the first terms of the arithmetical progression, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, &c., the common difference of which is 2. These numbers, as is Ht _ well known, may be arranged so as to form square figures. Fig. 7. A similar addition of the terms of the arithmetical progression 1, 4, HH 7,10, 13, &c., the common difference of which is 3, will produce the i Fig. 8. numbers 1, 5, 12, 22, &c., which are called pentagonal numbers, na because they represent the number of points which may be arranged on a the sides and in the interior part of a regular pentagon; as may be seen Fig. 8; where there are three pentagons, having one common angle, representing the number of points which increase arithmetically; the first having two points on each side, the second three, and the third four; and which progression, it is evident, might be continued ever so far. / It is in this sense, and in this manner, that we must conceive the figurate num- bers to be arranged. It is almost needless to say, that the progression 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, &c., the common _ difference of which is 4, produces, by a similar addition, the hexagonal numbers, which are 1, 6, 15, 28, 45, &e.; and that in like manner may be found the heptagonals, the octagonals, &c, There is another kind of polygonal numbers, which result from the number of points that can be ranged in the middle, and on the sides, of one or more similar | polygons, having a common centre. These are different from the preceding ; for the _ series of the triangulars of this kind is 1, 4, 10, 19, 31, &c., which are formed by the | successive addition of the numbers 1, 3, 6, 9, 12. _ The central square numbers are 1, 5, 13, 25, 41, 61, &c. ; formed, in like manner, by the successive addition of the numbers 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, &e. 1 ] 1 The central. pentagonal numbers are 1, 6, 16, 31, 51, 76, &c.; formed by the ad- dition of the numbers 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, &c. But we shall not enlarge farther on this kind of polygonal numbers, because they are not those to which mathematicians usually give that name. Let us return there- fore to the ordinary polygonal numbers. : The radix of a polygonal number is the number of the terms of the progression necessary tc be added in order to obtain that number. Thus the radix of the tri- angular number 21, is 6, because that number results from the successive addition of the six numbers 1, 2, 3,4, 5,6. In like manner, 4 is the radix of the square ‘number 16, considered as a figurate number, because that number is produced by adding the four terms 1, 3, 5, 7, of the progression of the odd numbers. Having given this explanation of the nature of polygonal numbers, we shall now present the reader with a few problems respecting them. 22 ARITHMETIC. PROBLEM I. To find whether any proposed Number is Triangular, or Square, or Pentangular, &c. The method of finding whether a number be square, is well known, and serves as a foundation for discovering the other figurate numbers. This being supposed ; then to determine whether any gryen number is a polygonal number, the following general rule may be employed. Multiply by 8 the number of the angles of the polygon less 2; multiply this first product by the proposed number, and to the new product add the square of a num- ber equal to that of theangles of the polygon less 4: if the sum be a perfect square, the given number is a polygon of the kind proposed. It may easily be seen, that as the number of the angles in the triangle are 3, in the square 4, in the pentagon 5, &c., we shall have, as the multiplier of the proposed number, in the case of the triangular number, 8; in that of the quadrangular num- ber, 16; in that of the pentagonal, 24; and in that of the hexagonal, 32. In like manner, as the number of the angles less 4. gives for the triangle — 1; for the square 0; for the pentagon, J] ; for the hexagon, 2, &c.; the numbers to be added to the product, as before mentioned, will be, for the triangle, 1 (because the square of —1is1); for the square, 0; for the pentagon, 1; for the hexagon,4; for the heptagon, 9; &c. From these principles we may deduce the following rules, which we shall illustrate by examples. Suppose it were required to know whether 21 be a triangular number. Multiply 21 by 8, to the product add 1, and the sum will be 169, which isa pene square: consequently 21 is a triangular raimben If we are desirous of knowing whether 35 be a pentagonal number, we must mould tiply 85 by 24, and the product will be 840; to this product if 1 be added we shall have 841, which is a square number: we may therefore rest assured that 35 is a pen- tagonal number. PROBLEM II. A Triangular, or any Figurate Number whatever, being given; to find its Radix, or the Number of the Terms of the Arithmetical Progression of which it is the Sum. First perform the operation described in the preceding problem; and having found the square root, the possibility of which will indicate whether the number be figurate or not, add to this root a number equal to that of the angles of the proposed poly- gon less 4, and divide the sum by the double of the same number of angles less 2: the quotient will be the radix of the polygon. The number to be added is, for the triangle — 1, that is to say 1 to be deducted ; for the square it is 0; for the pentagon 1; for the hexagon-2; &c. FIGURATE NUMBERS. 93 As to the divisor, it may be easily seen that for the triangle it is 2 (because the double of 3 less 2 is 2), for the square 4, for the pentagon 6, for the hexagon 8, &c. Let it be required therefore to find the radix of the triangular number 36. Having performed the operation explained in the preceding problem, and found the product 289, the square root of which is 17, subtract unity from this number, and divide the remainder by 2; the quotient 8 will be the radix or side of the triangular number 36. Let the radix of the pentagonal number 35 be required. Having found, as before, the radix 29, add to it 1, which will give 30, and divide by 6; the quotient 5 will be the radix of this pentagonal number, that is to say, of the number formed by the addition of the 5 terms of the series 1, 4, 7, 10, 13. PROBLEM III. The Radix kg Polygonal Number being given; to find that Number. The rule for this purpose is exceedingly simple. From the square of the given radix, subtract the product of the same radix by a number equal to that of the angles less 4; the half of the remainder will be the polygonal number required. For example, what is the triangular number the radix of which is 12? The square of 12 is 144; the number equal to that of the angles less 4is — I, which being multiplied by 12 gives — 12: but according to the rule, — 12 ought to be subtracted, which is the same thing as adding 12; in that case you will have 156, which being divided by 2 gives 78. What is the heptagonal number the radix of which is 20? To find the number required, take the square of 20, which is 400; then multiply 20 by 3, which is the number of the angles less 4, and subtract 60, the product, from 400 ; if you then divide the remainder 340 by 2, the quotient 170 will be the number sought, or the heptagon the radix of which is 20. It may not be improper here to remark, that the same number may be a poly- - gon or figurate number in different ways. Every number greater than 3 is a poly- gon, of a number of sides or angles equal to that of its units. Thus 36 is a polygon of 36 sides, the radix of which is 2; for the two first terms _ of the progression are 1,35. The same number 386 is a square ; and lastly it is tri- angular, having 8 for its radix. In the like manner, 2] is a polygon of 21 sides; it is also triangular ; and lastly it is octagonal, PROBLEM IV. To Ae the Sum of as many Triangular, or of as many Square, or of as many Pentagonal Numbers, as we choose. As by the successive addition of the terms of different pralriatrcs! progressions, we obtain new progressions of numbers, called triangular numbers, square numbers, pentagonals, &c. ; we can add also these last progressions, which will give rise to new figurate numbers, of a higher order, called pyramidal numbers. Those which arise from the progression of triangular numbers, are called pyramidals of the first order ; those produced by the addition of the square numbers, pyramidals of the second order; and those by the progression of the pentagonal numbers, pyramidals of the third order. The same operation may be performed with the pyramidals ; which gives rise to the pyramido-pyramidals. But as these numbers are of little utility, and can answer no other purpose than that of exercising the genius of such as are fond of analytical investigation, we shall not enlarge farther on the subject. We shall therefore confine ourselves to giving a general rule for adding as many figurate numbers as the reader may choose. e: 24 ARITHMETIC. 3 Multiply the cube of the number of terms to be added, by the number of the — angles of the polygon less 2; to the sum add three times the square of the said — number of terms, and subtract from it the product of the same number multiplied by that of the angles less 5: if you divide the remainder by 6, you will have the sum of the terms of the progression. : For example, suppose it were required to find the sum of the first eight triangular numbers. The cube of 8 is 512; which being multiplied by the number of the angles of the polygon less 2, or by 1, gives still 512; add to this number the triple of the square of 8, or 192, which will make 704; then, as the number of the angles less 5, is — 2, multiply 8 by — 2, and you will have — 16; if you then add 16 to 704 you will have 720, which being divided by 6, gives 120, for the sum of the eight first triangu- lar numbers. The same result may be obtained, with more ease, by multiplying the number of the terms 8, by 9, and the product by 10, which gives also 720; which divided by 6, the quotient is 120, as before. In the case of a series of squares, the number of which we shall here suppose to by 10, we have only to multiply the number of terms, viz. 10, by the same number plus unity, or by 11, and then by the double of the same number plus unity, that is to say by 21: the product of these three numbers, 2310, if divided by 6, gives 385, for the sum of the first ten square numbers I, 4, 9, 16, &c. CHAPTER V. OF RIGHTANGLED TRIANGLES IN NUMBERS; OR RIGHTANGLED TRIANGULAR NUMBERS. RIGHTANGLED triangular numbers, are rational numbers so related to each other, that the sum of the squares of two of them is equal to the square of the third. The numbers 3, 4, and 5 have this property, 3? + 4? being equal to 5”. Right-angled triangular numbers must be severally unequal; for, if the two less ones could each be represented by a, and the third or greatest by 6, then 2 a? = B2, b =a / 2, an irrational number, whatever is the value of a. The area of arightangled triangle, whose sides are rational, eannot be equal to a rational square. If a, b, and c represent the sides of a triangle, and C be the angle opposite c; then if C= 907, @ +e: if C= 1200 -+ab+h=-, and if C= 60° ae —ab+tPac. If » represent any number, and m any other number less than n, then n? + m?_ will represent the hypothenuse of a rightangled plane triangle, of which the other two sides are respectively n? — m7, and 2 n m. For example, if » = 2, and m = 1, then n? + m? = 5, n*? — m? = 3, and2am= 4, which are rightangled triangular numbers. If n = 7 and m = 2, the formule give 53, 45, and 28 for the numbers, and 53? = 2809 = 45? + 287. We shall now propose and solve a few of the most easy and curious problems respecting right-angled triangular numbers. PROBLEM I. To find as many Rightangled Triangles in Numbers as we please. This may be effected by the concluding formule which we have just given, but we think it right to add the following methods. . RIGHTANGLED TRIANGLES IN NUMBERS. 25 Take any two numbers at pleasure, for example 1 and 2, which we shall call gene- rating numbers; multiply them together ; then having doubled the product, we ob- tain one of the sides of the triangle, which in this case will be 4. If we then square each of the generating numbers, which in the present example will give 4 and 1, their difference 3 will be the second side of the triangle, and their sum 5 will be the hypo- thenuse. The sides of the triangle, therefore, having 1 and 2 for their generating numbers, are 3, 4, 5. If 2 and 3 had been assumed as generating numbers, we should have found the sides to be 5, 12, and 13; and the numbers | and 3 would have given 6, 8, and 10. Another Method.—Take a progression of whole and fractional numbers, as 1}, 22, 33, 44, &c., the properties of which are; lst, The whole numbers are those of the common series, and have unity for their common difference. 2nd, The numerators of the fractions, annexed to the whole numbers, are also the natural numbers. 3rd, The denominators of these fractions are the odd numbers 3, 5, 7, &c. Take any term of this progression, for example 3}, and reduce it to an improper fraction, by multiplying the whole number 3 by 7, and adding to 21, the product, the numerator 3, which will give 3. The numbers 7 and 24 will be the sides of a right- angled triangle, the hypothenuse of which may be found by adding together the squares of these two numbers, viz. 49 and 576, and extracting the square root of the sum. The sum in this case being 625, the square root of which is 25, this number will be the hypothenuse required. The sides therefore of the triangle produced by the above term of the generating progression, are 7, 24, 25. In like manner, the first term 1! will give the rightangled triangle 3, 4, 5. The second term 22 will give 5, 12, 13. The fourth 44 will give 9,40, 41. All these triangles have the ratio of their sides different ; and they all possess this property, that the greatest side and the hypothe- nuse differ only by unity. The progression 1%, 241, 345, 419, &c., is of the same kind as the preceding. The first term of it gives the rightangled triangle 8, 15,17; the second term gives the triangle 12, 35, 37; the third the triangle 16, 63, 65,&c. All these triangles, it is evident, are different in regard to the proportion of their sides; and they all have this peculiar property, that the difference between the greater side and the hypothe- nuse, is always the number 2. PROBLEM II. | To find any Number of Rightangled Triangles in Numbers, the sides of which shall differ only by Unity. _To resolve this problem, we must find out such numbers that the double of their squares plus or minus unity shall also be square numbers. Of this kind are the num- bers 1, 2, 5, 12, 29, 70, &c.; for twice the square of 1 is 2, which diminished by unity leaves 1, a square number. In like manner, twice the square of 2 is 8, to which if we add 1, the sum 9 will be a square number. And so on. Having found these numbers, take any two of them which immediately follow each other, as ] and 2, or 2.and 5, or 12 and 29, for generating numbers. The right- angled triangles arising from them will be of such a nature, that their sides will differ from each other only by unity. The following is a table of these-triangles, with their generating numbers. Gener. Numb. Sides. Hypoth. 1 2 3 4 5 2 5 20 21 29 5 12 119 120 169 12 29 696 697 985 29 70 4059 4060 5741 70 169 23660 23661 33461 e 26 “ARITHMETIC. But if the problem were, to finda series of triangles of such a nature, that the hypo- _ thenuse of each should exceed one of the sides only by unity, the solution would be much easier. Nothing in this case would be necessary but to assume, as the generat- ing numbers of the required triangle, any two numbers having unity for their differ- ence. The following isa table similar to the preceding, of the six first rightangled triangles produced by the first numbers of the natural series. Gener. Numb. Sides. Hypoth., 1 2 3 4, 5 2 3 5 12 13 3 4 7 24 25 4 5 9 40 4] 5 6 11 60 . 6) 6 7 13 84 85 If we assume, as generating numbers, the respective sides of the preceding series of triangles, we shall have a new series of rightangled triangles, the hypothenuses of which will always be square numbers ; as may be seen in the following table. Gener. Numb. Sides, Hypoth. Roots. 3 4 7 24 25 5 5 12 119 120 169 13 7 24. 336 527 625 25 9 40 720 1519 1681 4] ll 60 1320 3479 3721 61 13 84 2184 6887 1225 85 It may here be observed, that the roots of the hypothenuses are always equal to the greater of the generating numbers increased by unity. But if the second side and the hypothenuse of each triangle in the above table, which differ only by unity, were assumed as the generating numbers, we should have a series of rightangled triangles, the least sides of which would always be squares. A few of these are as follow: | Gener. Numb. Sides. Hypoth. 4, 5 9 40 ' 41 12 13 25 312 313 24 ao aan 49 1200 1201 40 Al 81 3280 3281 In the last place, if it were required to find a series of rightangled triangles, one of the sides of which shall be always a cube, we have nothing to do but to take, as” generating numbers, two following terms in the progression of triangular numbers, - as 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, &c. By way of example we shall here give the first four of these triangles: Gener. Numb. Sides. Hypoth. 1 3 6 8 10 3 6 36 27 45 6 10 120 64 136 10 15 300 125 326 PROBLEM III. Lo find Three different Rightangled Triangles, the Areas of which shall be all Equal. The following are three rightangled triangles which possess this property. The sides of the first are, 40, 42,48; those of the second 24, 70, 74; and those of the third, 15, 112, 113. a — RIGHTANGLED TRIANGLES IN NUMBERS. Pi The method by which these triangles are found, is as follows: Add the product of any two numbers to the sum of their squares, and that will . give the first number; the difference of their squares will give a second; and double the sum of their product and of the square of the least number, will give the third. If you then form arightangled triangle from the two first of the numbers thus found, as generating numbers; asecond from the two extremes ; andathird from the first and the sum of the other two; these three rightangled triangles will be equal to each other. No more than three rightangled triangles, equal to each other, can be found in whole numbers ; but we may find as many as we choose in fractions or mixt numbers, by means of the following formula: With the hypothenuse of one of the above triangles, and the quadruple of its area, form another rightangled triangle, and divide it by double the product which arises from multiplying the hypothenuse of the triangle you made choice of by the difference of the squares of the two other sides: the triangle thence produced will be the one required. PROBLEM IV. To find a Rightangled Triangle, the Sides of which shall be in Arithmetical Progression. Take two generating numbers which have to each other the ratio of 1 to2; the sides of the rectangled triangle thence produced will be in arithmetical pro- gression. The simplest of these triangles, is that which has for its sides 3, 4,and 5, arising from the numbers 1 and 2 assumed as generating numbers. But it is to be observed, that all the other triangles, which possess the same property, are similar to this one, | and are only multiples of it. That there can be no other kind, might easily be demonstrated in a great many different ways. For let 2, x-+a, and +2 a, be the sides, then 22-+-2--a’=r-+2a’, and this quadratic equation gives~== 3a. Therefore the sides are represented by 3a, 4a, and 5a. Remark.—If it were required to find a rightangled triangle, the three sides of which should be in geometrical proportion, we must observe, that none such can be found in whole numbers; for the two generating numbers ought to bein the ratio of 1 to r/ /5—2, which is an irrational number. _ PROBLEM V. To find a Rightangled Triangle, the Area of which, expressed in Numbers, shall be equal to the Perimeter, or in a given ratzo to it. Of any square number, and the same square increased by 2, form a rightangled triangle, and divide each of its sides by that square number: the quotients will give the sides of a new rightangled triangle, the area of which, expressed numerically, will be equal to the perimeter. Thus, if we take, as generating numbers, i and 3, we shall have the triangle 6, 8, 10, the sides of which, if divided by unity, give the same 6, 8, 10, forming a triangle having the property required ; for the area and the perimeter are each equak to 24. Tn like manner, if we take 4 and 6 as generating numbers, we obtain for the required triangle 5, 12, 13, which on trial will be found to possess the same property. These triangles are the only two of the kind which can be found in whole num- — 28 _ ARITHMETIC. : bers; but we may find abundance of them in fractional numbers, by means of the squares 9, 16, &c.; such as the following: 49, 198, 202; or $8,575, 58, or in their least terms, 17, 144, 145, If it were required that the area of the proposed triangle should be only in a given ratio to the perimeter, for example that of 3; take as generating numbers a square, and the same square increased by 3, and form from them, as before directed, a right- angled triangle : this triangle will possess the required property. Of this kind, in whole numbers, are the two triangles 8, 15, 17,-and 7, 24, 25: and numberless others may be found in fractional numbers. CHAPTER VI. SOME CURIOUS PROBLEMS RESPECTING SQUARE AND CUBE NUMBERS. PROBLEM I. Any Square Number being given, to divide it into Two other Squares. INNUMERABLE solutions may be found to this problem, in the following manner. Let 16, for example, whose root is 4, be the square to be divided into two other squares, which, as may be easily seen, can be only fractions. Take any two numbers, as 3 and.2; multiply them together; and by their product multiply the double of 4, the root of the proposed square; the last product, which in this case is 48, will be the numerator of a fraction, the denominator of which will be 13, the sum of the squares of the above numbers 3 and 2: the fraction 48 therefore will give the side of the first square required, which square consequently will be 323. To obtain the second, multiply the given square by the above denominator 169, and from the product 2704 subtract the numerator 2304: if we then take 20, the root of 400 the remainder, (which will be always a square,) for a numerator, and 13 for a denominator, we shall have the fraction 39 for the side of the second square. The two sides of the required squares therefore, are 48 and #3, the squares of which, HH and 483, will be found equal to the square number 16. If we had taken for the primitive numbers 2 and 1, we should have had the roots 8 and ¥, the squares of which are 386 and 44; the sum of which is 429 or 16. The uumbers 4 and3 would have given the roots $$ and 38, the squares of which SS and 784 still make up 199% or 16. It may here be seen, that by varying the two first supposed numbers at pleasure, the solutions also may be varied without end. Remark.—Should it be here asked whether a given cube can, in like manner, be divided into two other cubes? we shall reply, on the authority of an eminent analyst, M. de Fermat, that it is not possible. It is equally impossible to divide any power above the square into two parts, which shall be powers of the same kind; for ex- ample, a biquadrate into two biquadrates. PROBLEM It. To divide a Number, which is the Sum of Two Squares, into Two other Squares. Let the proposed number be 13, which is composed of the two squares 9 and 4: it is required to divide it into two other squares. ; Take any two numbers, for example, 4 and 3; and multiply the former, 4, by 6, the double of 3 the root of one of the above squares; and the second 3 multiply by the SQUARE AND CUBE NUMBERS. 29 double of 2 the root of the other square; which will give as products 24 and 12. Subtract the latter of these numbers from the former, and their difference 12 will be the numerator ofa fraction, the denominator of which will be 25, the sum of the squares of the numbers first assumed, Multiply this fraction 32, by each of the assumed numbers, viz. 4 and 3, and you will have 48 and 38. If you then take the greater of these numbers from the root of the greater square contained ia 13, viz. 3, the re- mainder will be 32: and if you add the other to the side of the smaller square con- tained in 13, viz. 2, you will have &. These two fractions then, 3% and §8, will be the sides of the two squares sought, viz. 33 and 7328, which together are equal to 13. By supposing other numbers, other squares may be obtained ; but these are suffi- cient to shew the method of finding them. Remark.—¥or a number to be divisible, in a variety of ways, into two squares, it must be either a square, or composed of two squares. Of this kind, taking them in order, are. the numbers 1, 2, 4,5, 8,9, 10, 138, 16, 17, 25, 26, 29, 32, 34, 36, 37, &c. We do not know, nor do we think it possible to find, any method of dividing into two squares any number which is not a square, or the sum of two squares; and we are of opinion that it may be established as a rule, that every whole number, which. is not a square, or composed of two squares, in whole numbers, cannot be divided, in any manner, into two squares. A demonstration of this would be curious. But every number is divisible, ina great variety of ways, into four squares ; for there is no number which is not either a square, or the sum of two, or of three, or of four squares. Bachet de Meziriac advanced this proposition,* the truth of which he ascertained as far as possible by trying all the numbers from | to 325. It is added, by M. de Fermat,} that he was able to demonstrate the following general and curious properties of numbers, viz. : That every number is either triangular, or composed of two or three triangular numbers. That every number is either square, or composed of two, or three, or four square numbers. And that every number is either pentagonal, or composed of two, or three, four, or five pentagonal numbers. And so of the rest. A demonstration of these properties of numbers, if they be real, would be truly © curious. PROBLEM IiIt. To find Four Cubes, two of which taken together shall be equal to the Sum of the other two. This problem may be solved by the following simple method. Take any two numbers of such a nature, that double the cube of the less shall exceed that of the greater; then from double the greater cube subtract the less ; and multiply the re- mainder, as well as the sum of the cubes, by the less of the assumed numbers: the two products will be the sides of the two first cubes required. In like manner, take the cube of the greater of the assumed numbers from double the cube of the less; and multiply the remainder, as well as the sum of these two cubes, by the greater of the assumed numbers: the two new products will be the sides of the other two cubes. For example, if we assume the numbers 4 and 5, which possess the above property, we obtain, by following the rule, for the sides of the two first cubes, 744, 756; and * Diophanti Alexandrini Arithmeticorum, lib. vi. cum Comm. C, G. Bacheti. Tolose. 1670. fol. p. 179. + Ibid. p. 180. ; 30 ARITHMETIC. for those of the other two, 945 and 15, which being divided by 8, give for the two first 248, 252; and for the two latter, 315, 5. If the assumed numbers be 5 and 6, we shall have 1535 and 1705 for the sides of the two first cubes ; and 2046 and 204 for those of the other two. Remark.—A number composed of two cubes being given, it is possible to find two other cubes, the sum of which shall be equal tothe former two. Vieta was of a con- trary opinion; but M. de Fermat, in his Observations on the Arithmetical Questions - of Diophantus, with a Commentary by Bachet de Meziriac, has pointed out a method by which such cubes can be found. The calculation indeed extends to numbers which are exceedingly complex, and sufficient to frighten the boldest arithmetician; as may be seen by the following example, where it is required to divide the sum of the two cubes 8 and 1 into two other cubes. By following the method of M. de Fermat, Father de Billy found that the sides of the two new cubes were the following numbers: > 12436177733990097836481, 60962383566137297449 and 487267171714352336560. 60962383566137297449 We must take these numbers on Father de Billy’s word ; for we do not know that any one will ever venture to examine whether he has been deceived. But it is possible to resolve, without much trouble, another question of a similar kind, which is: To find three cubes which, taken together, shall be equal to a fourth. By following the method pointed out in the above-mentioned work, it will be found that the least whole numbers, which resolve the question, are 3, 4, and 5; for their cubes added together make 216, which is the cube of 6. We have confined ourselves to a few questions of this kind, but they might be varied almost without end. ‘They are attended with a peculiar kind of difficulty which renders them interesting, and on that account they have been an object of at- tention to various analysts; such as Diophantus of Alexandria, among the ancients, who wrote thirteen books on arithmetical questions, of which the first six only remain, with another on polygonal numbers. Vieta too exercised his ingenuity on questions of this kind; as did also Bachet de Meziriac, who wrote a commentary on the above work of the Greek arithmetician. But this species of analysis was carried farther than ever it had been before by the celebrated M. de Fermat. Father de Billy, about the same time, gave proofs of the acuteness of his talents in this way, by his work entitled Diophantus Redivivus, in which he far excelled the ancient analyst. M. Ozanam likewise shewed great ability in this species of analysis, by the resolution of several problems which had been considered as insoluble. He wrote a work on this subject, but it was never published; and the manuscript, after his death, came into the hands of the late M. Daguesseau, as we are informed by the historian of the Academy of Sciences. The Hindoos also were great adepts in such problems, as we learn from some alge- braical works which have lately been found among them, an account of which may be seen in the second volume of Tracts by the late Dr. Charles Hutton. » ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSION. 31 CHAPTER VII. 'OF ARITHMETICAL AND GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSIONS, AND OF CERTAIN PROBLEMS | WHICH DEPEND ON THEM, 5 SECTION I. . Explanation of the most remarkable properties of an Arithmetical Progression. Ir there be a series of numbers, either increasing or decreasing, in such a manner, that the difference between the first and the second shall be equal to that between the second and third, and between the third and fourth, and so on successively; these numbers will be in arithmetical progression. The series of numbers I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, &c.; or 1,5, 9,13, &c. ; or 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, &c. ; or 15, 12,9, 6,3, are therefore arithmetical progressions ; for in the first, the difference between each term and the following one, which exceeds it, is always 1; in the second it is 4: in like manner this difference is always 2 in the third series, which goes on decreasing ; and in the fourth it is 3. It may be readily seen, that an increasing arithmetical progression may be continued ad infinitum ; but this cannot be the case, in one sense, with a decreasing series ; for Wwe must always arrive at some term, from which if the common difference be taken, the remainder will be 0, or else a negative quantity. Thus, the progression 19, 15, 11, 7,3, cannot be carried farther, at least in positive numbers; for it is impossible to take 4 from 8, or if it be taken we shall have, according to analytical expression, — 1;* and by continuing the subtraction we should have — 5, — 9, &c. The chief properties of arithmetical progressions may be easily deduced from the definitions which we have here given. For a little attention will shew, lst. That each term is nothing else than the first, plus or minus the common dif- ference multiplied by the number of intervals between that term and the first. Thus, in the progression 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, &c., the difference cf which is 3, there are fiveintervals between the sixth term and the first; and for this reason the sixth _term was equal to the first plus 15, the product of the common difference 3 by 5. But as the number of intervals is always less by unity than the number of terms, it thence follows, that we may find any term, the place of which in the series is known, if we multiply the common difference by the number expressing that place less unity. According to this rule, the hundredth term of an increasing progression will be equal to the first plus 99 times the common difference. If it be decreasing, it will be equal to the first term minus that product. In every arithmetical progression therefore, the common difference being given, to find any term the place of which is known; multiply the common difference by the number which indicates that place less unity, and add the product to the first term, if the progression be increasing, but subtract it if it be decreasing: the sum or re- mainder will be the term required. 2nd. In every arithmetical progression, the sum of the first and last terms, is equal to that of the second and the last but one; and to that of the third and the last but two, &c. ; in a word, to the sum of the middle terms if the number of the terms be even, or to the double of the middle term if the number.of the terms be odd. This may easily be demonstrated from what has been said: for let us call the first term A, and let us suppose that there are twenty terms in the progression ; if it be increasing, the twentieth term will be equal to A plus nineteen times the common * As the quantities called negative are real quantities, taken in a sense contrary to that of the quantities calied positive, it is evident that, according to mathematical and analytical strictness, an arithmetical progression may be continued ad infinitum, decreasing as well as increasing; but we here speak agreeably to the yulgar mode of expression. . if 32 ARITHMETIC. difference ; and their sum will be double the first term plus nineteen times that dif- ference. But the second term is equal to the first plus the common difference, and the nineteenth term, or last but one, according to our supposition, is equal to the first plus eighteen times that difference. The sum therefore of the second and last but one, is twice the first term plus nineteen times the common difference, the same as before. And so of the third and last but two. . 3rd. By this last property we are enabled to shew in what manner the sum of all the terms of an arithmetical progression may be readily found; for, as the first and last terms make the same sum as the second and last but one, and as the third and the last but two, &c.; in short as the two middle terms, if the number of terms be even ; it thence follows, that the whole progression contains as many times the sum of the first and the last terms, as there are pairs of such terms. But the number of pairs is equal to half the number of terms ; consequently the sum of the whole progression is equal to the product of the sum cf the first and last terms multiplied by half the number of terms, or, what amounts to the same, to half the product of the sum of the first and the last terms by the number of the terms of the progression. If the number of the terms be odd, as 9 for example; it may be readily seen that the middle term will be equal to half the sum of the two next to it, and consequently of the sum of the first and the last. But the sum of all the terms, the middle term excepted, is equal to the product of the sum of the first and last terms by the number of terms less unity, for example 8 in the case here proposed, where there are 9 terms ; consequently, by adding the middle term, which will complete the sum of the pro- gression, and which is equal to half the sum of the first and the last terms, we shall have, for the sum total of the progression, as many times the half sum above-men- tioned, as there are terms in the progression; which is the same thing as the product of half the sum of the first and last terms by the number of the terms, or the product of the whole sum by half the number of terms. When these rules are well understood, it will be easy to resolve the followin questions. PROBLEM I. If a hundred stones are placed in a straight line, at the distance of a yard from each other ; how many yards must the person walk, who undertakes to pick them up one by one, and to put them into a basket a yard distant from the first sione ? It is evident, that to pick up the first stone, and put it into the basket, the person must walk 2 yards, one in going and another in returning; that for the second he must walk 4 yards; and so on, increasing by two as far as the hundredth, which will oblige him to walk two hundred yards, one hundred in going, and one hundred in returning. It may easily be perceived also, that these numbers form an arithmetical progression, in which the number of terms is 100, the first term 2, and the last 200. The sum total therefore will be the product of 202 by 50, or 10100 yards, which amount to more than five miles and a half. PROBLEM It. A gentleman employed a bricklayer to sink a well, “and agreed to give him at the rate of three shillings for the first yard in depth, five for the second, seven for the third, and so on increasing till the twentieth, where he expected to find water: how much was due to the bricklayer when he had completed the work. This question may be easily answered by the rules already given; for the diffe- rence of the terms is 2, and the number of terms 20; consequently, to find the twen- tieth term, we must multiply 2 by 19, and add 38, the product, to the first term 8, which will give 41 for the twentieth term, ARITHMETICAL PROGRESSIONS, 33 If we then add the first and last terms, that is 3 and 41, which will make 44, and multiply this sum by 10, or half the number of terms, the product 440 will be the sum of all the terms of the progression, or the number of shillings due to the brick- layer when he had completed the work. He would therefore have to receive £22. PROBLEM III. A gentleman employed a bricklayer to sink a well to the depth of 20 yards, and agreed to give him £20 for the whole; but the bricklayer falling sick, when he had finished the eighth yard, was unable to go on with the work: how much was then due to him? Those who might imagine that two fifths of the whole sum were due to the work- man, because 8 yards are two fifths of the depth agreed on, would certainly be mista- ken ; for it may be easily seen that, in cases of this kind, the labour increases in pro- portion to the depth. We shall here suppose, for it would be difficult to determine it with any accuracy, that the labour increases arithmetically as the depth; conse- quently the price ought to increase in the same manner. To determine this problem, therefore, £20 cr 400 shillings must be divided into 20 terms in arithmetical progression, and the sum of the first eight of these will be what was due to the bricklayer for his labour. But 400 shillings may be divided into twenty terms, in arithmetical proportion, a great many different ways, according to the value of the first term, which is here undetermined: if we suppose it, for example, to be 1 shilling, the progression will be 1, 3,5, 7, &c., the last term of which will be 39; and consequently the sum of the first eight terms willbe 64 shillings. On the other hand, if we suppose the first term to be 103, the series of terms will be 103, 115, 123, 133, 143, which will give 112 shillings for the sum of the first eight terms. But to resolve the problem in aproper manner, so as to give to the bricklayer his just due for the commencement of the work, we must determine what is the fair value of a - yard of work, similar to the first, and then assume that value as the first term of the progression. We shall here suppose that this value is 5 shillings; and in that case the required progression will be 5, 6}, 87, 944, 1174, 121%, &c., the common diffe- rence of which is 39, and the last term 35. Now to find the eighth term, which is necessary before we can find the sum of the first eight terms, multiply the common difference 32 by 7, which will give 11,;, and add this product to 5 the first term, which will give the eighth term 16},; if we then add 16), to the first term, and multiply the sum, 21}, by 4, the product, 84 y4, will be the sum of the first eight terms, or what was due to the bricklayer, for the part of the work he had compieted. The bricklayer therefore had to receive 84, shillings, or £4, 4s, 2d. PROBLEM IV. A merchant being considerably in debt, one of his creditors, to whom he owed £1860, offered to give him an acquittance tf he would agree to pay the whole sum in 12 month- ly instalments ; that is to say, £100 the first month, and to increase the payment by a certain sum each succeeding month, to the twelfth inclusive, when the whole debt would be discharged: by what sum was the payment of each month increased ? In this problem the payments to be made each month ought to increase in arith. metical progression. We have given the sum of the terms, which is equal to the sum total of the debt, and also the number of these terms, which is 12; but their common difference is unknown, because it is that by which the payments ought to increase each month. Tofind this difference, we must take the first payment multiplied by the number of terms, that is to say 1200 pounds, from the sum total, and the remainder will D 34 ARITHMETIC. be 660; we must then multiply the number of terms less unity, or 11, by haif the number of terms, or 6, and we shall have 66; by which, if the remainder 660 be _ divided, the quotient 10 will be the difference required. The first payment, there- fore, being 100, the second payment must have been 110, the third 120, and the last 210. SECTION II. Of Geometrical Progressions, with an explanation of their Principal Properties. If there be a series of terms, each of which is the product of the preceding by a common multiplier; or what amounts to the same thing, each of which is in the same ratio to the preceding; such a series forms what is called a geometrical pro- gression. Thus 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, &c., form a geometrical progression; for the second is the double of the first, the third the double of the second, and so on in succession. The terms 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, &c. form also a geometrical progression, each term being the triple of that which precedes it. I. The principal property of geometrical progression is, that if we take any three following terms, as 3, 9, 27, the product, 81, of the extremes will be equal to the square of the middle term 9; in like manner, if we take four following terms, as 3, 9, 27, 81, the product of the extremes, 243, will be equal to the product of the two means or middle terms, 9 and 27. In the last place, if we take any successive number of terms, as 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, the product of the extremes, 2 and 64, will be equal to the product of any two which are equally distant from them, viz. 4 and 32, or 8 and 16. If the number of the terms -were odd, it is evident that there would be only one term equally distant from the two extremes; and in that case, the square of this term would be equal to the pro- duct of the extremes, or to that of any two equally distant from them, or from the mean term. : ‘ If. Between geometrical and arithmetical progression there is a certain analogy, which deserves here to be mentioned, and which is, that the same results are obtained in the former by employing multiplication and division, as are obtained in the latter by addition and subtraction. When in the latter we take the half or the third, we employ in the former extraction of the square, cube, &c. roots. Thus, to find an arithmetical mean between any two numbers, for example 3 and 12, we add the two given extremes, and 73, the half of their sum 15, will be the number required ; but to find a geometrical mean between two numbers, we must multiply the two extremes, and extract the square root of their product. Thus, if the given numbers were 3 and 12, by extracting the square root of their product 36, we shall have 6 for the number required. | If we take any geometrical progression whatever, as 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, &c., and _write it down as in the subjoined example, with the terms of an arithmetical progres- sion above it, in regular order, OVE Seade a Ge uy 8 9 10 1. 2:24, 28.416 32. 640, 128,256 512.1024 the following properties will be remarked in this combination : Ist. If any two terms whatever of the:geometrical progression, for example 4 and 64, be multiplied together, their product will be 256; if we then take the two terms of the arithmetical progression corresponding to 4 and 64, which are 2 and 6, and add them together, their sum 8 will be found over the above sum 256. 2d. If we take four terms of the lower series in geometrical proportion, for exam- ple, 2, 16, 64, 512, the numbers of the upper series corresponding to them will be 1, 4, 6, 9, which are in arithmetical proportion ; for the difference between 4 and 1 is the same as that between 9 and 6. 3d. In the lower series, if we take any square number, for example 64, and in the GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSIONS, 35 upper series the term corresponding to it, viz. 6, the half of the latter will be found to correspond to the square root of 64, the former, viz. 8. By taking, in the lower series, a cube, for example 512, and in the upper series the corresponding number 9, it will be found that the third of the latter, which is 3, will correspond to the cube root of the former 512, which is 8. Thus, it is evident, that what is multiplication in geometrical progression, is addi- tion in arithmetical ; that what is division in the former, is subtraction in the latter ; and, in the last place, that which is extraction of the square, cube, &c. roots, in geometrical progression, is simple division by 2, 5, &c. in arithmetical. This remarkable analogy is the foundation of the common theory of logarithms ; and on that account seemed worthy of some illustration. III. It is evident that all the powers of the same number, taken in regular order, form a geometrical progression; as may be seen in the following example, which is a series of the powers of the number 2, 24 8 16 32 64 128, &e. The case is the same with the powers of the number 3, which form the series, 3 9 27 81 243 729, &ce. The first of these series has this peculiar property, that if we take the first, bf fourth, eighth, sixteenth, and thirty-second terms, and to them add unity, the result will be prime numbers. IV. The common ratio of a geometrical progression, is the number that results from the division of any term by that which precedes it. Thus, in the geometrical progression 2, 8, 32, 128, 512, the ratio is 4; for if we divide 128 by 32, 32 by 8, or 8 by 2, the quotient will be always 4. The ratio therefore acts an important part in geometrical progression; the same that the common difference does in arithmetical, that is to say, it is always constant. To find any term then, for example the 8th, of a geometrical progression, the ratio and first term of which are known, multiply the ratio by itself 7 times, or as many times as there are units in the place of the required term less one ; or, what is the same thing, raise the ratio to the 7th power; then multiply the first term by the product, and the new product will be the eighth term required. For example, let the first term of the progression be 3, and the ratio 2; to find the 8th term, raise 2 to the 7th power, which will be 128, and multipiy 128 by the first term 3, the product 384 will give the 8th term of the progression required. We shall here observe, that had the 8th term of an arithmetical progression been required, the first term and the common difference being given, we should have mul- tiplied that difference by 7, and added the product to the first term ; which is a proof of the analogy already mentioned in the second paragraph. V. The sum of the terms of any given geometrical progression may be found in the following manner : Multiply the first term by itself, and the last by the second, and take the difference of the two products. ‘Then divide this difference by that of the first two terms, and the quotient will be the sum of all the terms. Let us take, for example, the progression 3, 6, 12, 24, &c., the eighth term of aie is 384, and let it be required to find the sum of these eight terms: the product of the first term by itself is 9, and that of the last by the second is 2304; the difference of these products is 2295; if this difference then be divided by 3, the difference of the first and second terms, we shall have for quotient the number 765, which will be the — suin of these eight terms. VI. A geometrical progression may decrease in infinitum, without ever reaching 0 ; for it is evident that any part of the quantity greater than 0 can never become 0, A decreasing geometrical progression therefore may be extended without end; for by “p22 36 ARITHMETIC, dividing the last term by the ratio of the progression, we stall have the touowing term. q We shall heze subjoin two of these decreasing progressions, by way of ex- amples :— lh b b ie ww ap &e. ], 35 by a» dp als mp, &e VII. The sum of an increasing geometrical progression is evidently infinite ; but that of a decreasing geometrical progression, whatever be the number of terms as- sumed, is ae finite. Thus the sum of all the terms, in infinitum, of the progres- sion 1, 4, 41, 1,&c., is only 2; that of the progression 1, 3, J, oy, &c. in infinitum, is only 14; &c. This necessarily follows from the method already given, for finding the sum of any number of terms whatever of a geometrical progression; for if we Suppose it prolongued in infinitum, and decreasing, the last term will be infinitely small, or 0; the product of the second term by the last will therefore be 0; and consequently, to find the sum, nothing will be necessary but to divide the square of the first term by the mnaan ie ef the first and the second. In this manner it will be igupd that the sum of 1,4, 4, 3, &c. continued in infinitum, is 2; and that of 1, 4, $, &e. will be? or 14; for ies square of ] is 1, the difference of 14 and is 4, and tee divided by 4 gives 2; in pee manner, 1 being divided by 3, Fin hs is the differ- ence of | and d, gives 3. Remark.—When we say that a progression continued in infinitum may be equal to a finite quantity, we do not, like Fontenelle, pretend to assert that infinity can have a realexistence. What is here meant, and what ought to be understood by all such expressions, is that, whatever be the number of terms of a progression assumed, their sum never can equal the determined finite quantity, though it may approach to it in such a manner, that their difference will become smaller than any assignable quantity. '.PROBLEM I. If Achilles can walk ten times as fast as a tortoise, which is a furlong before him, can - crawl ;x will the former overtake the latter, and how far must he walk before he does so ? This problem has been thought worthy of notice merely because Zeno, the founder — of the sect of the Stoics, pretended to prove by asophism that Achilles could never overtake the tortuise ; for while Achilles, said he, is walking a furlong, the tortoise will have advanced the tenth of a furlong; and while the former is walking that tenth, the tortoise will have advanced the hundredth part of a furlong, and so on zn infinitum ; consequently an infinite number of instants must elapse before the hero can ° come up with the reptile, and therefore he will never come up with it. Any person however, possessed of common sense, may readily perceive that Achilles will soon come up with the tortoise, since he will get before it. In what then consists the sophism ? It may be explained as follows: Achilles indeed would never overtake the tortoise, if the intervals of time during which he is supposed to be walking the first furlong, and then the tenth, hundredth, and thousandth parts of a furlong, which the tortoise has successively advanced before him, were equal; but if we suppose that he has walked the first furlong in 10 minutes, he will require only one minute to walk the tenth of a furlong, and 6 hich Achilles will require to pass over the space gained by the tortoise, during the preceding time, will go on decreasing in the following manner: 10, L, +5 a9, td &C ; and this series forms a sub-decuple geometrical progression, the sum of which is equal to 114, or the interval of time at the end of which Achilles will have reached the tortoise. 1 of a minute to walk the hundredth, &c. The intervals of time therefore, — GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSIONS. 37 PROBLEM If. Tf the hour and minute hands of a clock both begin to move exactly at noon, at what points of the dial-plate will they be successively in conjunction, during a whole revo- lution of the twelve hours 2 This problem, considered in a certain manner, is in nothing different from the pre- ceeding. The minute hand acts here the part which Achilles did in the former, and the hour hand, which moves twelve times slower, that of the tortoise. In the last place, if we suppose the hour hand to be beginning a second revolution, and the minute hand to be beginning a first, the distance which the one has gained over the other will be a whole revolution of the dial-plate. When the minute hand has made one revolution, the hour hand will have made but one twelfth ofa revolution, and so on progressively. To resolve the problem therefore, we need only apply to these data, the method employed in the former case, and we shall find that the interval from noon to the point where the two hands come again into conjuction, will be x ofa whole revolution, or, what amounts to the same thing, one hour and 4; of an hour. They will afterwards be in conjunction at 2 hours and #,3 hours aud 4, 4 hours and +, &c. ; and, lastly, at 11 hours 4}, that is to say at 12 hours. PROBLEM IiIt. A courtier having performed some very important service to his sovereign, the latter, wishing to confer onhim a suitable reward, desired him to ask whatever he thought proper, promising that it should be granted. The courtier, who was well acquainted with the science of numbers, only requested that the monarch would give him a quan- tity of wheat equal to that which would arise from one grain doubled sixty-three times successively. What was the value of the reward ? The origin of this problem is related in so curious a manner by Al-Sephadi, an Arabian author, that it deserves to be mentioned. A mathematician named Sessa, says he, the son of Daher, the subject of an Indian prince, having invented the game _ of chess, his sovereign was highly pleased with the invention, and wishing to confer on him some reward worthy of his magnificence, desired him to ask whatever he thought proper, assuring him that it should be granted. The mathematician how- ever only asked a grain of wheat for the first square of the chess-board, two for the second, four for the third, and so on to the last or sixty-fourth. The prince at first was almost incensed at this demand, conceiving that it was ill-suited to his liberality, and ordered his vizier to comply with Sessa’s request; but the minister was much _ astonished when, baying caused the quantity of corn necessary to fulfil the prince’s order to be calculated, he found that all the grain in the royal granaries, and that even of all. his subjects, and in all Asia, would not be sufficient. He therefore informed the prince, who sent for the mathematician and candidly acknowledged that he was not rich enough to be able to comply with his demand, the ingenuity of which astonished him still more than the game he had invented. Such is then the origin of the game of chess, at least according to the Arabian historian Al-Sephadi. But itis not our business here to discuss the truth of this story ; our*business being to calculate the number of grains demanded by the mathe- matician Sessa. It will be found by calculation, that the 64th term of the double progression, be- ginning with unity, is 9223372036854775808. But the sum of all the terms of a double progression, beginning with unity, may be obtained by doubling the last term and subtracting from it unity. The number therefore of the grains of wheat equal to Sessa’s demand, will be 18446744073709551615. Now if a standard pint contains 38 ARITHMETIC. 9216 grains of wheat, a gallon will contain 73728, and, as eight gallons make one bushel, if we divide the above result by eight times 73728, we shall have 312749974 12295 for the number of the bushels of wheat necessary to discharge the promise of the Indian king; and if we suppose that one acre of land is capable of producing, in one year, thirty bushels of wheat, to produce this quantity would require 1042499913743 acres, which make more than eight times the surface of the globe; for the diameter of the earth being supposed equal to 7930 miles, its whole surface, comprehending land and water, will amount to very little more than 126437889177 square acres. Dr. Wallis considers the matter ina manner somewhat different, and says, in his Arithmetic, that the quantity of wheat necessary to discharge the promise made to Sessa, would form a pyramid nine miles English in length, breadth, and height; which is equal to a parallelopiped mass having nine square leagues for its base, and of the uniform height of one league. But as one league contains 15840 feet, this solid would be equivalent to another one foot in height, and having a base equal to 142560 square leagues. Hence it follows, that the above quantity of wheat would cover, to the height of one foot, 142560 square leagues ; an extent of surface equal to eleven times that of Britain, which, when every reduction is made, will be found to contain little more than 12674 square leagues. If the price of a bushel of wheat be estimated at ten shillings, the value of the above quantity will amount to £15637498706147. 10s., a sum which, in all probability, far surpasses all the riches on the earth. Another problem of the same kind is proposed in the following manner : A gentleman taking a fancy to a horse, which a horse-dealer wished to dispose of at as high a price as he could, the latter, to induce the gentleman to become a purchaser, offered to let him have the horse for the value of the twenty-fourth nail in his shoes, reckoning one farthing for the first nail, two for the second, four for the third, and so on to the twenty-fourth. The gentleman thinking he should have a good bargain accepted the offer. What was the price of the horse ? By calculating as before, the twenty-fourth term of the progression 1, 2, 4,8, &c., will be found to be 8388608, equal to the number of farthings the purchaser ought to give for the horse. The price therefore amounted to £8738. 2s. 8d., which is more than any Arabian horse, even of the noblest breed, was ever sold for. Had the price of the horse been the value of all the nails, at a farthing for the first, two for the second, four for the third, and so on, the sum would have been hae double the above number, minus the first term, or 16777215 farthings, that is £17476. 5s. 33d. We shall conclude this chapter with some physico-mathematical observations on the prodigious fecundity, and the progressive multiplication, of animals and vegeta- bles, which would take place if the powers of nature were not continually meeting with obstacles. I. It is not astonishing that the race of Abraham, after sojourning 260 years in Egypt, should have formed a nation capabie of giving uneasiness to the sovereigns of that country. We are told in the sacred writings, that Jacob settled in Egypt with © 70 persons ; now if we suppose that among these 70 persons there were 20 too far advanced in life, or too young, to have children; that of the remaining 50, 25 were males and as many females, forming 25 married couples, and that each couple, in the space of 25 years, produced, one with another, 8 children, which will not appear in- credible in a country celebrated for the fecundity of its inhabitants, we shall find that, at the end of 25 years, the above 70 persons may have increased to 270; from which if we deduct those who died, there will perhaps be no exaggeration in making them amount to 210. The race of Jacob therefore, after sojourning 25 years in Egypt, may have been tripled. In like manner, these 210 persons, after 25 years - HARMONICAL PROGRESSION, 39 more, may have increased to 630; and so on in triple geometrical progression : hence it follows that, at the end of 225 years, the population may have amounted to 1377810 persous, among whom there might easily be five or six hundred thousand adults fit to bear arms. II. If we suppose that the race of the first man, making a proper deduction for those who died, may have been doubled every twenty years, which certainly is not inconsistent with the powers of nature, the number of men, at the end of five cen- turies, may have amounted to 1048576. Now, as Adam lived about 900 years, he may have seen therefore, when in the prime of life, that is to say about the five hun- ‘dredth year of his age, a posterity of 1048576 persons. _ III. How great would be the multiplication of many animals, did not the difficulty of finding food, the continual war which they carry on against each other, or the numbers of them consumed by man, set bounds to their propagation? It might easily be proved, that the breed of a sow, which brings forth six young, two males and four females, if we suppose that each female produces every year afterwards six young, four of them females and two males, would in twelve years amount to 33554230. Several other animals, such as rabbits and cats, which go with young only for a few weeks, would multiply with still greater rapidity: in half a century the whole earth would not be sufficient to supply them with food, nor even to contain them! If all the ova of a herring were fecundated, a very few years would be sufficient to make its posterity fill the whole ocean ; for every oviparous fish contains thousands of ova which it deposits in spawning time. Let us suppose that the number of ova amounts only to 2000, and that these produce as many fish, half males and half fe- males ; in the second year there would be more than 200000; in the third, more than 200000000; and in the eighth year the number would exceed that expressed by 2 followed by twenty-four ciphers. As the earth contains scarcely so many cubic inches, the ocean, if it occupied the whole globe, would not be sufficient to contain all these fish, the produce of one herring in eight years ! IV. Many vegetable productions, if all their seeds were put into the earth, would in a few years cover the whcle surface of the globe. The hyosciamus, which of all the known plants produces perhaps the greatest number of seeds, would for this pur- pose require no more than four years. According to some experiments, it has been found that one stem of the hyosciamus produces sometimes more than 50000 seeds: now if we admit the number to be only 10000, at the fourth crop it would amount to a 1 followed by sixteen ciphers. But as the whole surface of the earth contains uo more than 5507634452576256 square feet ; if we allow to each plant only one square foot, it will be seen that the whole surface of the earth would not be sufficient for the plants produced from one hysociamus at the end of the fourth year ! SECTION III. Of some other Progressions, and particularly Harmonical Progression. Three numbers are in harmonical proportion, when the first is to the last, as the difference between the first and the second is to that between the second and the third. - Thus, the numbers 6, 8,2, are in harmonical proportion ; for 6 is to 2, as 3, the difference between the two first numbers, is to 1, the difference between the two last. [his kind of relation is called harmonical, for a reason which will be seen hereafter. I. Two numbers being given, a third which shall form with them harmonical pro- portion may be found, by multiplying these two numbers, and dividing their product by the excess of the double of the first over the second. Thus, if 6 and 3 be given, we must multiply 6 by 3,and divide the product 18 by 9, which is the excess of 12 the double of 6 over 3, the second of the numbers given. In this case the quotient will be 2. . 40 ‘ ARITHMETIC. It may hence be readily seen that, in one sense, it is not always possible to find a third number in harmonical proportion with two others; for when the first is less, if its double be equal to or less than the second, the result will be an infinite or a negative number. Thus, the third harmonic proportional to 2 and 4 is infinite; for it will be found that the number sought is equal to 8 divided by 4—4, or 0. But every person, in the least acquainted with arithmetic, knows that the more the deno- minator of a fraction is inferior to unity, the greater the fraction; consequently, a fraction which has 0 for its denominator is infinite. If the double of the first number be less than the second, as would be the case were it proposed to find athird harmonical to 2 and 6, the required divisor will bea negative number. Thus, in the proposed example of 2 and 6, it will be —2; and therefore the third harmonical required will be i2 divided by —2, that is —6.* But this inconvenience, if it be one, is not to be apprehended when the greater number is the first term of the proportion; for if the first exceeds the second, much more will its double exceed it. In this case therefore, the third harmonical will always be a finite and positive number. II. When three numbers, in decreasing harmonical proportion, are given, for ex- ample 6, 3, 2, it is easy to finda fourth: nothing is necessary but to find a third har- monical to the two last, and this will be the fourth. The third and fourth may, in like manner, be employed to find a fifth, and soc on; and this will form what is called an harmonical progression, which may be always continued decreasing. In the present example, this series will be found to be 6, By 25 85.08, Bas Ponds OC, or 6, 3, 2, %, $, 1, %, 3, &e. Had the two first numbers been 2 and 1, we should have had the harmonical pro- gression 2, ], 4, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, &e. {t is a remarkable property, therefore, of the series of fractions, having for their numerators unity, and for their denominators the numbers of the natural progression, that they are in harmonical progression. Besides the numerical relation already mentioned, we find indeed, in the series of these numbers, all the musical concords possible; for the ratio of 1 to 4 gives the octave; that of } to 4, or of 3 to 2, the fifth; that of 4 to 4, or of 4 to 3, the fourth ; that of } to, or of 5 to 4, the third major; that of } to-J, or of 6 to 5, the third minor ; that of } to}, or of 9 to 8, the tone major, and that of } to 4, or of 10 to 9, the tone minor. But this will be explained at more length in that part of © this work which treats of music. PROBLEM. What is the Sum of the Infinite Series of Numbers in Harmonical Progression, 1,3,9 44 4 he. ? It has been already seen, that a series of numbers in geometrical progression, if continued in infinitum, will always be equal to a finite number, which may easily be cetermined. But is the case the same in the present problem ? We will venture to reply in the negative, though an author, in the Journal de Trevoux, has bestowed great labour in endeavouring to prove that the sum of these fractions is finite. But his reasoning consists of mere paralogisms, which he would not have employed had he been more of a geometrician ; for it can be demon- strated that the series 1, 4, 4, 1, 4, &c., may be always continued in such a manner as to exceed any finite number whatever. * Sec what has been already said in regard to negative quantities, in the article on arithmetical progression. 2 _ > = ee 6 COMBINATIONS AND PERMUTATIONS. 41 % SECTION IV. Of various Progressions decreasing in infinitum, the Sums of which are known. I. A variety of decreasing progressions, which have served to exercise the in- genuity of mathematicians, may be formed according to different laws. Thus, for example, the numerator being constantly unity, the denominators may increase in the ratio of the triangular numbers 1, 3, 6, 10, 18; 21, &c. OF this kind is the following progression : 4 3 3 4, To 15) wt &e. Its sum is finite, and exactly equal to 2, or 1}. In like manner, the sum ofa progression having unity constantly for its numerators, and the pyramidal numbers for its denominators, as, 1, 45 to» Yo gs» de» &C. is equal to ]}. That where the denominators are the pyramidals of the second order, as 1, 3, ts) ab) ty he &e. is equal to 12. ; That where they are the pyramidals of the third order, as : 1, 4, oy ahs The xa) &e., is equal to 12. The law therefore which these sums follow, is evident; and if the sum of a similar progression, that, for example, where the denominators are the pyramidals of the tenth order, were required, we might easily reply that it is equal to 14. II. Let us now assume the following progression, ay ladahoklideaser in which the denominators are the squares of. the numbers of the natural pro- gression, If the reader is desirous to know its sum, we shall observe, with Mr. John Ber- noulli, by whom it was first found, that it is finite, and equal to the square of the cir- cumference of the circle divided by 6, or 4 of 3°14159°, As to that in which the denominators are the cubes of the natural numbers, Mr. Bernoulli acknowledges that he had not been able to discover it. Those who are fond of researches of this kind, may consult a work of saives Ber- noulli, entitled Tractatus de Seriebus Infinitis, whichis at the end of another pub- lished at Bale in 1713, under the title of Ars Conjectandi, where they will find ample satisfaction. They may also consult various other memoirs both of John Bernoulli, to be found in the collection of his works, and of Euler, published in the Transac- tions of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at Petersburgh. CHAPTER VIII. OF COMBINATIONS AND PERMUTATIONS, Berore we enter on the present subject, it will be necessary to explain the method of constructing a sort of table, invented by Pascal,* called the Arithmetical triangle, which is of great utility for shortening calculations of this kind, * This is a mistake in Montucla, as the triangle was invented some ages before Pascal: see Dr. Hutton’s Tracts, 4to, p. 69. Cee " 42 ARITHMETIC. First, form a band a 8 of ten equal squares, and below it another cp of the like kind, but shorter by one square on the left, so that it shall contain only nine squares ; and continue in this manner, desl ds: 4h Gob whodeght ale dala] Geto an Gee B Cab i2l 28 thee. 5s alae GS coe ee Sen ee eer eee Cares ee reas: Pik pil4dle 80.5 bl 20.046 85 sil oor aes laligl Ged cull: |eteay 27 Ome (ie dee a eel OL [geo Laban ae ss TY fg le RSs meron rr et sua E always making each successive band a square shorter. We shall thus have a series of squares disposed in vertical and horizontal bands, and terminating at each end in a single square so as to form a triangle, on which account this table has been called the arithmetical triangle. The numbers with which it is to be filled up, must be dis- posed in the following manner. In each of the squares of the first band a B, inscribe unity, as well as in each of those on the diagonal a E. Then add the number in the first square of the band cp, which is unity, to that in the square immediately above it, and write down the sum 2, in the following square. Add this number, in the like manner, to that in the square above it, which will give 3, and write it down in the next square. By these means we shall have the series of the natural numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. The same method must be followed to fill up other horizontal bands; that is to say, each square ought always to contain the sum of the number in the preceding square of the same row, and that which is imme- diately above it. Thus, the number 15, which occupies the fifth square of the third band, is equal to the sum of ten which stands in the preceding square, and of 5 which isin the square aboveit. The case is the same with 21, which is the sum of 15 and 6; with 35 in the fourth band, which is the sum of 15 and 20; &c. The first property of this table is, that it contains, in its horizontal bands, the natural, triangular, pyramidal, &c., numbers; for in the second, we have the natural numbers 1, 2,3, 4, &c.; inthe third, the triangular numbers 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, &c.; in the fourth, the pyramidals of the first order 1, 4, 10, 20, 35, &c.; in the fifth, the pyramidals of the second order, I, 5,15, 35, 70, &c. This isa necessary consequence - of the manner in which the table is formed ; for it may be readily perceived that the number in each square isalways the sum of those which fill the preceding squares on the left, in the band immediately above. The same numbers willbe found in the bands parallel to the diagonal, or the hypo- thenuse of the triangle. But a property still more remarkable, which can be comprehended only by such of our readers as are acquainted with algebra, is, that the perpendicular bands exhibit the co-efficients belonging to the different members of any power to which a binomial, | as a--3, can be raised. The third band contains those of the three members of the square ; the fourth those of the four members of the cube; the fifth, those of the five members of the biquadrate. But, without enlarging farther on this subject, we shall proceed to explain what is meant by combinations. By combinations are understood the various ways that different things, the number COMBINATIONS AND PERMUTATIONS. 43 of which is known, can be chosen or selected, taking them one by one, two by two, three by three, &c., without regard to their order. Thus, for example, if it were required to know in how many different ways the four letters a, 6, c, d, could be arranged, taking them two and two, it may be readily seen that we can form with them the following combinations ab, ac, ad, bc, bd, cd: four things, therefore, may be combined, two and two, six different ways. ‘Three of these letters may be com- bined four ways, abc, abd, acd, bed ; hence the combinations of four things, taken three and three, are only four. In combinations, properly so called, no attention is paid to the order of the things ; and for this reason we have made no mention of the following combinations, ba, ca, da, cb, db, dc. If, for example, four tickets, maiked a, 6, c, d, were put into a hat, and any one should bet to draw out the tickets a and d, either by taking two at one time, or taking one after another, it would be of no importance whether a should be drawn first or last: the combinations ad or da ought therefore to be here considered only as one. But if any one should bet to draw out a the first time, and d the second, the case would be very different; and it would be necessary to attend to the order in which these four letters may be taken and arranged together, two and two: it may be easily seen that the different ways are ub, ba, ac, ca, ad, da, bc, cb, bd, db, cd, dcw In like manner, these four letters might be combined and arranged, three and three, 24 ways, as abc, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba, adb, abd, dba, dab, bad, bda, aed, adc, dac, dca, cad, cda, bcd, dbc, cdb, bdc, cbd, dcb. This is what is called permutation and change of order. PROBLEM I. Any number of things whatever being given ; to determine in how many ways they may be combined two and two, three and three, &c., without regard to order. This problem may be easily solved by making use of the arithmetical triangle. Thus, for example, if there are eight things to be combined, three and three, we must take ‘the ninth vertical band, or in all cases that band, the order of which is expressed by a number exceeding by unity the number of things to be combined; then the fourth horizontal band, or that the order of which is greater by unity than the number of the things to be taken together, and in the common square of both will be found the number of the combinations required, which in the present example will be 56. But as an arithmetical triangle may not always be at hand, or as the number of things to be combined may be too great to be found in such a table, the following simple method may be employed. The number of the things to be combined, and the manner in which they are to be taken, viz. two and two, or three and three, &c., being given: Ist. Form two arithmetical progressions, one in which the terms go on decreasing by unity, beginning with the given number of things to be combined; and the other consisting of the series of the natural numbers l, 2, 3, 4, &c. | _ 2d. Then take from each as many terms as there are things to be arranged together in the proposed combination. 3d. Multiply together the terms of the first progression, and do the same with those of the second. 4th. In the last place, divide the first product by the second, and the quotient wil- be the number of the combinations required. I. In how many ways can 90 things be combined, taking them two and two ? According to the above rule we must multiply 90 by 89, and divide the 44 ARITHMETIC. product 8010 by the product of 1 and 2, that is 2: the quotient 4005 will be the number of the combinations resulting from 90 things, taken two and two. Should it be required, in how many ways the same things can be combined three and three, the problem may be answered with equal ease ; for we have only to mul- tiply together 90, 89, 88, and to divide the product 704880 by that of the three num- bers 1, 2,3; the quotient 117480 will be the number required. In like manner, it will be found that 90 things may be combined by four and four, 2555190 ways ; for if the product of 90, 89, 88, and 87, be divided by 24, the product of 1, 2, 3, 4, we shall have the above result. In the last place, if it be required, what number of combinations the same $0 things, taken five and fiye, are susceptible of, it will be found, by following the rule, that the answer is 43949268. II].—Were it asked, how many conjunctions the seven planets could form with each other, two and two, we might reply 21; for, according to the general rule, if we mul- tiply 7 by 6, which will give 42, and divide that number by the product of 1 and 2, that is 2, the quotient will be 21. ; If we wished to know the number of all the conjunctions possible of these seven planets, two and two, three and three, &c. ; by finding separately the number of the conjunctions two and two, then those of three and three, &c., and adding them together, it will be seen that they amount to 120. The same result might be obtained by adding the seven terms of the double geo- metrical progression 1, 2, #, 8, 16, 32, 64, which will give 127. But from this,num- ber we must deduct 7, because when we speak of the conjunction of a planet, it is evident that two of them, at least, must be united; and the number 127 compre-— hends all the ways in which seven things can be taken one and one, two and two, three and three, &c. In the present example, therefore, we must deduct the number of the things taken one and one; for a single planet cannot form a conjunction. PROBLEM II. . Any number of things being given; to find in how many ways they can be arranged. This problem may be easily solved by following the method of induction; for Ist. One thing a can be arranged only in one way : in this case therefore the num- ber of arrangements is = 1. Qnd. ‘Two things may be arranged together two ways; for with the letters aand6 we can form the arrangements ab and da; the number of arrangements therefore is’ equal to 2, or the product of 1 and 2. 3rd. The arrangements of three things a,b,c, are in number six; for ab can form with c, the third, three different ones, bac, bca, cba, and there canbe no more. Hence it is evident that the required number is equal to the preceding multiplied by 3, or to the product of 1,2, 3. 4th. If we add a fourth thing, for instance d, it is evident that, as each of the pre- ceding arrangements may te combined with this fourth thing four ways, the above number 6 must be multipled by 4 to obtain that of the arrangements resulting from four things ; that is to say, the number will be 24, or the product of 1, 2, 3, 4. It is needless to enlarge farther on this subject; for it may be easily seen that, whatever be the number of the things given, the number of the arrangements they are susceptible of may be found by multiplying togetheras many terms of the natural arithmetical progression as there are things proposed. / COMBINATIONS AND PERMUTATIONS. 45 Remark.—I\st. It may sometimes happen that, of the things proposed, one of them is repeated, as a,a,6,c. In this case, where two of the four things préposed are the same, it will be found that they are susceptible only of 12 arrangements instead of 24; and that five, where two are the same, can form only 60, instead of 120, But if three of four things were the same, there would be only 4 combinations, in- stead of 24; and five things, if three of them were the same, would give only 20, in- stead of 120, or asixth part. But as the arrangements of which two things are sus- ceptible amount to 2, and as those which can be formed with three en are 6, we may thence deduce the following rule: In any number of things, of which the different arrangements are requir edi if one of them be several times repeated, divide the number of arrangements, found agcord- ing to the general rule, by that of the arrangements which would be given by\the things repeated, if they were different, and the quotient will be the number required. 2nd. In the number of things, the different arrangements of which are required if. there are several of them which occur several times, one twice for example, and another three times ; nothing will be necessary but to find the number of the arrange- ments according to the general rule, and then to divide it by the product of\the numbers expressing the arrangements which each of the things repeated would) be susceptible of, if instead of being the same, they were different. Thus, in the pre- sent case, as the things which occur twice would be susceptible of two arrangements if they were different; and as those which occur thrice would, under the like circum- stances, give six; we must multiply 6 by 2, and the product 12 will be the number by which that found according to the general rule ought to be divided. Thus, for example, the five letters a, a,6,6, 6, can be arranged only 10 different ways: for, if they were different, they would give 120 arrangements; but as one of them occurs twice, and another thrice, 120 must be divided by the preduct of 2 and 6, or 12, which will give 10. By observing the precepts given for the solution of this problem, the following questions may be resolved. 1.—A club of seven persons agrced to dine together every day successively, as long as they could sit down to table differently arranged. How many dinners would be necessary - for that purpose ? It may be easily found that the required number is 5040, which would require 13 years and more than 9 months. IIJ.—The different anagrams which can be formed with any word, may be found in dike manner. Thus, for example, if it be required, how many different words can be formed with the four letters of the word amor, which will give all the possible anagrams of it, we shall find that they amount to 24, or the continued product of 1, 2, 3,4. We shall here give them in their regular order. AMOR MORA ORAM RAMO AMRO MOAR ORMA RAOM AOMR MROA OARM RMAO AORM MRAO OAMR RMOA 7 ARMO MAOR OMRA ROAM AROM MARO OMAR ROMA Hence it appears that the Latin anagrams of the word amor, are in number seven, viz., Roma, mora, maro, oram, ramo, armo, orma. But in the proposed word, if one or more letters were repeated, it would be necessary to follow the precepts already 46 ARITHMETIC. given, Thus, the word Leopoldus, where the letter ¢ and the letter o both occu twice, is susceptible of only 90720 different arrangements, or anagrams, instead o 362880, which it would form, if none of the letters were repeated; for, according t¢ the before-mentioned rule, we must divide this number by the product of 2 by 2,0 4, which will give 90720. The word studicsus, where the wu occurs twice, and the s thrice, is susceptible o only 30210 arrangements ; for the arrangements of the 9 letters it contains, whicl are in number 362880, must be divided by the product of 2 and 6, or twelve, and thy quotient will be 30240. m In this manner may be found the number of all the possible anagrams of any wort whatever ; but it must be observed that however few be the letters of which ; word is composed, the number of the arrangements thence resulting will be so grea as (o require considerable labour to find them. \Il.—How many ways can the following verse be varied, without destroying the measure : 4 “ Tot tibi sunt dotes, Virgo, quot sidera czelo 2” This verse, the production of a devout Jesuit of Louvain, named Father Bauhuys, is celebrated on account of the great number of arrangements of which it is suscep: tible, without the laws of quantity being violated ; and various mathematicians have exercised or amused themselves with finding out the number. Erycius Puteanus took the trouble to give an enumeration of them in forty-eight pages, making them amount to 1022, or the number of the stars comprehended in the catalogues of the ancient astronomers ; and he very devoutly observes, that the arrangements of these ‘words as much exceed the above number as the perfections of the Virgin exceed that of the stars.* Father Prestet, in the first edition of his Elements of the Mathematics, says that this verse is susceptible of 2196 variations; but in the second edition he extends the number to 3276, Dr. Wallis, in the edition of his Algebra, printed at Oxford, in 1693, makes them amount to 3096. : But none of them has exactly hit the truth, as has been remarked by James .Ber- noulli, in his Ars Conjectandi. This author says, that the different combinations of the above verse, leaving out the spondees, and admitting those which have no cesura, amount exactly to 3312. The method by which the enumeration was made may be seen in the above work. The same question has been proposed respecting the following verse of Thomas Lausius : _ “ Mars, mors, sors, lis, vis, styx, pus, nox, fex, mala crux, fraus.’’ It may be easily found, retaining the word mala in the antepenultima place, in order to preserve the measure, that this verse is susceptible of 399168000 different arrangements. PROBLEM IIT. Of the combinations which may be formed with squares divided by « diagonal into two differently coloured triangles. We are told by Father Sebastian Truchet, of the Royal Academy of Sciences, in a memoir printed among those of the year 1704, that having seen, ; during the course of a tour which he made to the canal of Orleans, some square pore elain tiles, divided * See also Vossius de Scient. Math. Cap. Vii. COMBINATIONS AND PERMUTATIONS. \ 47 by a diagonal into two triangles of different colours, destined for pavng a chapel and some apartments, he was induced to try in how many different ways they could — be joined side by side, in order to form different figures. In the first place, it may be readily seen that a single square, (Fig. 9.) accoriting to its position can form four different figures, which however may a = be reduced to two, as there is no difference between the = S A first and the third, or between the second and fourth, than what arises from the transposition of the shaded triangle into the place of the white one. | _ Now, if two of these squares be combined together, the result will be 64 different ways of arrangement; for, in that of two squares, one of them may be made to assume four different situations, in each of which the other may be changed 16 times. The result therefore will be 64 combinations. We must however observe, with Father Sebastian, that one half of these combi- nations are only a repetition of the other, in a contrary direction, which reduf{es ‘them to 32; and if attention were not paid to situation, they might be reduced to 10. In like manner, we might combine three, four, five, &c., squares together, and in that case it would be found, that‘three squares are capable of forming 128 figures ; * that four could form 256, &c. The immense variety of compartments which arise, in this manner, from so small a number of elements, is really astonish- ing. Father Sebastian gives thirty different kinds, selected from a hundred; and these even are only a very small part of those which might be formed. The annexed figure (10.) exhibits one of the most remarkable. In consequence of Father Sebastian’s memoir, Father Douat, one of his associates, was induced to pursue this subject still far- ther, and to publish, in the year 1722, a large work, in which it is considered ina different manner. It is entitled ‘‘ Méthode pour faire une infinité de dessins différents, avec .des carreaux mi-partis de deux couleurs par uné ligne diagonale ; ou, Observations du P. D. Donat, religieux Carme de la P. de T. sur un Mémoire inseré dans l’Hist. de l’Acad. royale des Sciences de Paris, année 1704, par le P. S: Truchet, religieux du méme ordre,” Paris 1722, in 4to. In this work it may be seen that four squares, each divided into two triangles of different colours, repeated and changed in every manner possible, are capable of forming 256 “different figures; and that these figures themselves, taken two and two, three and three, and so on, will form a prodigious multitude of compartments, engravings of which occupy the greater part of the book. It is rather surprising that this idea should have been so little employed in archi- tecture ; as it might furnish an inexhaustible source of variety in pavements, and other works of the like kind. However this may be, it forms the object of a pastime, called by the French Jeu du Parquet. The instrument employed for this pastime, consists of a small ‘table, having a border round it, and capable of receiving 64 ora hundred small squares, each divided into two triangles of different colours, with which people amuse themselves in endeavouring to form agreeable combinations. 48 Rea a ARITHMETIC, CHAPTER IX. | j | Pale OF THE DOCTRINE OF COMBINATIONS TO GAMES OF CHANCE AND j J i | TO PROBABILITIES. Tuov¢eH nothing, on the first view, seems more foreign to the province of the mathematics than chance, the powers of analysis have, as we may say, enchained this Pres and subjected it to calculation. It has found means to measure the differ- ent degrees of probability ; and this has given birth toa curious branch of the ma- thematics, the principles of which we shall here explain. then an event can take place different ways, it is evident that the probability of its/happening in a certain determinate manner, will be greater when, of the whole of the ways in which it can happen, the greater number determine it to happen in that yjanner. Ina lottery, for example, every one knows that the probability or hope of ‘ebtaining a prize, is greater according as the number of prizes is greater, and as the total number of the tickets is less. The probability therefore of an event is in the compound ratio of the number of the cases which can produce it, taken directly, and / of the total number of those according to which it may be varied, taken inversely ; consequently it may be expressed by a fraction, having for its numerator the number of the favourable cases, and for its denominator the whole of the cases. Thus, in a lottery consisting of a thousand tickets, 25 of which only are prizes, the chance of obtaining one of the latter will be represented by;33, or 4,; if the num- ber of the prizes were 50, this probability would be double, for in that case it would be equal to 3; but, on the other hand, if the whole number of tickets, instead of a thousand, were two thousand, the probability would be only one half of the former, that is {;. If the whole number of tickets were infinitely great, the number of prizes still remaining the same, the provability would be infinitely small; and if the whole number of tickets were prizes, it would become certainty, and in that case would be expressed by unity. Another principle of this theory, necessary to be here explained, the enunciation of which will be sufficient to shew the truth of it, is as follows: We play an equal game, when the money deposited is in direct proportion to the probability of gaining the stake; for, to play an equal game, is nothing else than to deposit a sum so proportioned to the probability of winning, that, after a great num- ber of throws or games,the player may find himself nearly at par ; but for this purpose, the sums deposited must be proportioned to the degree of probability, which each of the players has in his favour. Let us suppose, for example, that A bets against B ona throw of the dice,and that the chances are two to one in favour of A; the game will be equal if, after a great number of throws, the parties separate nearly without any loss; but as there are two chances in favour of A, and only one in favour of B, after three hundred threws A will have gained nearly two hundred, and B one hundred; A therefore ought to deposit two and B only one; for by these means, as A in winning’ two hundred throws will gain 260, B in winning a hundred throws will gain 200 also. In such cases therefore, it is said that two to one may be betted in favour of A. PROBLEM I. In tossing up, what probability is there of throwing a head several times successively, or a tail; or, in playing with several pieces, what probability is there that they will be all heads, or all tails ? In this game it is evident, Ist, That as there is no reason why a head should come up rather than a tail, or a tail rather than a head, the probability that one of the two will be the case is equal to } , or an equal bet may be taken for or against. CHANCES AND PROBABILITIES. i 49 But ifthe game were for two throws, and any one should bet that a head will come up twice, it must be observed, that all the combinations of head or tail, which can take place in two successive throws with the same piece, are head, head; head, tail ; tail, head ; tail, tail ; one of which only gives head, head. ‘There is therefore only one case in four which can make the person win who bets to throw a head twice in succession ; consequently the probability of this event is only; and he who bets in favour of two heads, ought to deposit a crown, and the person who bets against him ought to deposit three; for the latter has three chances of winning, while the former has only one. To play an equal game then, the sums deposited by each ought to be in this proportion. It will be found also, that he who bets to throw a head three times in succession, will have in his favour only one of the eight combinations of head and tail, which may result from three throws of the same piece. The probability of this event there- fore is 4, while that in favour of his adversary will be 7. Consequently, to play an equal game, he ought to stake 1 against 7. It is needless to go over all the other cases; for it may be easily seen, that the probability of throwing a head four times successively is 7,; five times successively, sy, &e. It is unnecessary also to enumerate all the different combinations which may result from head or tail; but in regard to probabilities, the following simple rule may be employed. The probabilities of two or more single events being known, the probability of their taking place altogether may be found, by multiplying together the probabilities of these events, considered singly. Thus the probability of throwing a head, considered singly, being expressed at each throw by }, that of throwing it twice in succession, will be 4 x } or 4; that of throwing it three times, and three successive throws, will be 4 x 4 x 4, or e &C. 2d. The problem, to determine the probability of throwing, with two, three, or four pieces, all heads or all tails, may be resolved by the same means. When two pieces are tossed up, there are four combinations of head and tail, one of which only is all heads. When three pieces are tossed up together, there are 8, one of which . only gives all heads, &c. The probabilities of these cases therefore are the same as those of the cases similar to them, which we have already examined. It may be easily seen indeed, without the help of analysis, that these two questions are absolutely the same; and the following mode of reasoning may be employed to ° prove it. To toss up the two pieces A and B together, or to toss them up in suc- cession, giving time to A, the first, to settle before the other is tossed up, is certainly the same thing. Let us suppose then, that when A, the first, has settled, instead of - tossing up B, the second, A the first is taken from the ground, in order to be tossed up a second time; this will be the same thing as if the piece B had been employed for a second toss; for by the supposition they are both equal and similar, at least in regard to the chance whether head or tail will come up. Consequently, to toss up the two pieces A and B, or to toss up twice in succession the piece A, is the same thing. Therefore, &c. 3d. We shall now propose the following question: What may a person bet, that in two throws a head will come up at least once? By the above method it will be found, that the chances are 3 to 1. In two throws, indeed, there are four combina- tions, three of which give at least a head once in the two throws, and one only which gives all tails; hence it follows, that there are three combinations in favour of the person who bets to bring a head once in two throws, and only one against him. 1D) / 50 ARITHMETIC, ? PROBLEM II. Any number of dice being given; to determine what probability there is of throwing an assigned number of points. We shall first suppose that the dice are of the ordinary kind, that is to say, having six faces, marked with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6; and we shall analyse some of the first cases of the problem, in order that we may proceed gradually to those that are more complex. Ist. tis proposed to throw a determinate point, 6 for example, with one die. Here it is evident, that as the die has six faces, one of which only is marked 6, and as any one of them may as readily come upas another, there are 5 chances against the person who proposes to throw a six at one throw, and only one in his favour. 2d. Let it be proposed to throw the same point 6 with two dice. To analyse this case, we must first observe that two dice give 36 different combi- nations ; for each of the faces of the die A, for example, may be combined with each of those of the die B, which will produce 36 combinations. But six may be thrown, Ist, by 3and 3; 2d, by 2 with the die A, and 4 with the die B, which, as may be readily seen, forms two distinct cases: 3d, by 1 with the die A, and 5 with the die B, or 1 with B and 5 with A, which also gives two cases; and these are all that are possible. Hence there are 5 favourable chances in 36; consequently the probability of throwing 6 with two dies is », and that of not throwing it is 34. This therefore — ought to be the ratio of the stakes or money deposited by the players. By analysing the other cases, it will be found that, of throwing two with two dice, there is one chance in 36; of throwing three, there are 2; of throwing four, 33 of throwing five, 4; of throwing six, 5; of throwing seven, 6; of throwing eight, 5;.— of throwing nine, 4; of throwing ten, 3: of throwing eleven, 2; and of throwing sixes, l. Ifthree dice were proposed, with which it is evident the lowest point would be three, and the highest eighteen, it will be found, by means of a similar analysis, that in 216, the whole number of the throws possible with three dice, there is 1 chance of throwing three ; 3 of throwing four ; 6 of throwing five, &c. : as may be seen in the — annexed table, the use of which is as follows. If it be required, for example, to find in how many ways 13 can be thrown with © three dice, we must look in the first vertical column, on the left, for the number 13, ~ and at the top of the table for 3, the number of the dice; and in the square below, opposite to 13, will be found 21, the number of ways in which 13 may be thrown y with three dice. In like manner, it will be found, that with 4 dice, it may be thrown ~ 140 ways; with five dice, 420; &c. CHANCES AND PROBABILITIES. 51 va 1 ie pa aay Aa vA ‘ a » Af : a Table of the different ways in which any point can be thrown with one, two, three, or more dice. Wumber of the Dice. re ey LIT EVE oi Vico WL! Pewee er | | Ar Phar fen ties | | | 2h ks Sel Ma ale | | SE TS: EB oak | : Sola pk a Fen eae Fe Ochs ole pelo. el [a oats | 7 POV Po las eoo felon eG 8 | RES wor ee a oo ole ce (ee ROR er Sor 20 eee -& | 10 | aot oy ie oo | oa eee seal ae eo oy 104. P05 ie oh Sol doe | 5 Ly fe eoa 25] 305" p4oe mets | | | 21) 140" |°420 [756 E14 | | | 15 | 146 | 540 | 1161 A }15 | | | 10 | 140 | 651 | 1666 16 | | ror log hen oo 17 | | | 3 | 104 | 780 | 2856 18 | l Perk feed: ive0. poder 19 | | l | 56 | 735 | 3906 20 | | l | 35 | 651 | 4221 74 | | | 20 | 540 | 4339 27 | | | | 10 | 420 | 4221 23 | | | | 4 | 305 | 3906 “24 | | | fad | 20521 843] 25 | | | l | 126 | 2856 When it is once known how many ways a point can be thrown with a certain number of dice, the probability of throwing it may be easily found: nothing is ne- cessary but to form a fraction, having for its numerator the number of ways in which the point can be thrown, and for denominator the number 6, raised to that power indicated by the number of dice; as the cube of 6, or 216, for three dice; the bi- quadrate, or 1296, for four dice; &c. Thus, the probability of throwing 13 with three dice, is $4; of throwing it with four, 449, ; &c. Various other questions may be Siena concerning the throwing of dice, a few of which we shall here examine. Ist. When two players are engaged ; to determine the advantage or disadvantage of the person who undertakes to throw a certain face, that for example marked 6, in. a certain number of throws. Let us suppose that he undertakes it at one throw: to find the probability of his succeeding, it must be considered, that he who holds the die has only one chance of winning, and five of losing ; consequently to undertake it at one throw, he ought to stake no more than one to five. There is therefore a great disadvantage in under- taking, on an even bet, to throw six at a single throw of one die. To determine the probability of throwing the face marked 6 in two throws with a single die, we must observe, as has been already said, in regard to tossing up, that E2 MOMIVERSITY OF iLiine | LIBRARY LIBRARY cs UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 4 AE URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 52 ARITHMETIC. this is the same thing as to undertake, in throwing two dice together, that one of them shall have the side marked 6 uppermost. He then who holds the dice has only 11 chances, or combinations, by which he -can win; for he may throw 6 with the first die, and 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 with the second; or 6 with the second die, and 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 with the first, or 6 with each die. But there are 25 combinations or chances unfa- vourable to his winning, as may be seen in the following table: Lee slecele era th ae Le aoe se owl 40 le ae [23 F003 | Os ied tae ae Chee Wepie et Ie as eee Map ea eh Tie ROP IS eS ee eee Hence it may be concluded, that he who undertakes to throw a 6 with two dice, ought to stake no more than 11 to 25; and consequently, that it would be disadvan- tageous to do it on equal terms. It must here be observed that 36, the number of all the chances or combinations possible in two throws of the dice, is the square of 6, which is the number of the faces of one die; and that 25, the number of the chances unfavourable to the person who undertakes to throw a determinate face, is the square of 5, or of 1 less than the same number 6. The number of the favourable chances therefore, in this case, is equal to the difference of the squares 36 and 25, or of the square of the number of the faces of one die, and of that of the faces of the same die less one. In the case of undertaking to bring a6 in three throws with one die, we must consider, in like manner, that this is the same thing as to undertake that, in throwing three dice at once, one of them shall bring a6; but of the 216 combinations, which result from three dice, there are 125 without a6, and 91 among which there is at least one 6 ; consequently, he who engages to throw a 6, either in three throws with: one die, or one throw with three dice, ought to bet no more than 91 to 125; and it would be disadvantageous to undertake it on equal terms. It is here to be observed, that the number 9] is the difference of the cube of the number of the faces of one die, viz. 216, and of 125, the cube of the same number less unity, or of 5. Hence it appears that, in general, to find the probability of throwing a determinate face, ina certain number of throws, or at one throw with a — certain number of dice, we must raise 6, the number of the faces of one die, to that — power which is indicated by the number of throws agreed on, or by the number of dice to be thrown at one time; we must then raise 6 less unity, or 5, to the same power, and subtract it from the former; the remainder with this power of 5 will be — the respective number of chances for winning or losing. Thus, if a person should bet to throw at least one 3 with four dice, we must raise 6 to the 4th power, which is 1296, and subtract from it the fourth power of 5, or 625 ; the remainder 671 will be the number of chances for winning, and 625 that of the chances of losing ; consequently there will be an advantage in laying an even bet. ; It is advantageous also to undertake, on an even bet, to throw any determinate point, for example 3, in five throws, or with five dice; for if from the 5th power of 6, which is 7776, we deduct the 5th power of 5, or 3125, the remainder 4651 will be the number of favourable chances, and 3125 that of the unfavourable. Conse- quently, to play an equal game, he who bets on throwing the above point, ought to deposit 4651 to 3125, or nearly 3 to 2. 2d. In how many throws may one bet, on equal terms, to throw a determinate doublet, for example sixes, with two dice ? It has been already shewn, that the probability of not throwing sixes with two two dice, is 33; consequently the probability of their not coming up in two throws, CHANCES AND PROBABILITIES. 53 will be the square of that fraction; in three throws, the cube, &c. But as the. powers of every number greater than unity, however small the excess, go on always increasing, those of a number less than unity, however small the defect, go on always decreasing: the. consecutive powers therefore of 33 will go on always decreasing. Now let us conceive 32 to be raised to such a poe a as to be equal to 3; it will be found that the 24th Bower of 33 is somewhat greater than 3; and that the 25th power is somewhat less ;* renee it follows that one may lay an even bet with some advantage, that another will not bring sixes in 24 throws with two dice, but that there is some disadvantage in taking an even bet that they will not come up in 25 throws. Consequently, he who bets on throwing sixes in 24 throws, dees so with disadvantage ; but if he lays an even bet that they will come up in 25 throws, the advantage is in his favour. 3d. What probability is there of throwing any determinate doublet, for example two threes, in one throw with two or more dice ? To determine this question, we must first observe, that he who undertakes to throw two threes with two dice, has only one favourable chance, in the 36 chances or combinations given by two dice; and it thence follows that he ought to bet no more than 1 to 35. In the case of three dice, it will be found that he ought to bet no more than 16 to 900; for the number of chances or combinations possible with three dice is 216. But when it is proposed to throw two threes with three dice, they may come up 16 different ways; for in the 36 combinations of the two dice A and B, all those in which one 3 only is found, as 1, 3; 3,1, &c., being 10 in number, by combining with the side marked 3 of the die C, give two threes. Besides the combination 3, 3 of the dice A and B, by combining with one of the six faces of the third C, will give two threes. Here then we have 16 ways of throwing two threes with three dice, which give 16 favourable chances in 216. Consequently, the probability of throwing two threes with three dice is }§; and no more ought to be betted on the success of that event than 16 to 200, or 2 to 20. If the probability of throwing two threes with four dice be required, we shall find thatit is expressed by #21, ; for, of the 1296 combinations of the faces of four dice, there are 150 which give two phrees: 20 that give 3, and one that gives 4, making altogether 171 throws; which give 2or38or4 threes. Consequently,no more than 17] to 1125, or about 1 to 63, ought to be betted on throwing, at least, once threes with four dice. In the last place, if the probability of throwing any doublet, at one throw, with two or more dice, be required, it may be easily determined by the preceding method of calculation; for if an indeterminate doublet be proposed, it is evident that the probability is six times as great as when an assigned doublet is proposed; and there- fore we have only to multiply the probabilities already found by 6. The probability ‘therefore with two dice, will be $ or 4; with three dice, 2% or 4; with four dice, 1926 or 12, &c. So that there is an advantage in taking an even bet to throw at least one doublet with four dice. This property is not true when the number of dice exceeds three. The probability of an assigned doublet with four dice is #44, which multiplied by 6, and added to the. * Let n be the exponent of that power of 33 which is equal to 4; that is to say, let _ ’ be equal to 3. As the unknown quantity m is in the exponent, it must be disen- gaged from it, which may be done by means of logarithms. For 2 = 4, by taking . the logarithms we shall have n log. 35 — n log. 36 = log. 3, or = — log. 2; for log. = — log. 2. Hence n log. 35 — n log. 36 = — Jog. 2, or log. 2 = nm log. 36 — ier 35. Therefore, n — —___!08- ?- Which gives n == 24°605, or 24¥, log. 36 — log, 35 - nearly. 54 ARITHMETIC. probability of a different face coming up with each die, viz. to &x& X4 xX Zor 282, gives 1386, being 90 chances more than there is in all the four dice, rie is im- possible. The probability of an assigned doublet with four dice, viz. 4, includes the pro- bability of some other doublet ; for aces, twos, or any other doublet may turn up at the same throw, which cannot happen with two dice or with three; so that the multiplier 6 will not answer to the probability of an indeterminate doublet, when there are more than three dice. In such cases it is the safest and easiest way to find the probability of the reverse problem—of not throwing doublets—and then subtracting that probability from unity or certainty, the remainder is the probability for doublets. PROBLEM Iii. Two persons sit down to play for a certain sum of money ; and agree that he who first gets three games shall be the winner. One of them has got two games, and the other one ; but being unwilling to continue their play, they resolve to divide the stake: how much of it ought each person to receive ? This problem is one of the first that engaged the attention of Pascal, when he began to study the calculation of probabilities. It was resolved by Fermat, a cele- brated geometrician, to whom he proposed it, by a different method, viz. that of com- binations: we shall here give both. It is evident that each of the players, in depositing his money, resigns all right to it; but, in return, each has a right to what chance may give him ; consequently when they give over playing, the stake ought to be divided in proportion to the probability each had of winning the whole sum had they continued. Case 1st. This proportion may be determined by the following reasoning. Since the first player wants one game to be out, and the second two, it may be readily perceived, that if they continue their play, and if the second should win one game, he would want, in the same manner as the first, one game to be out ; and in that case, the two players being equally advanced, their hopes or chances of winning would be equal. This being supposed, they would have an equal right to the stake, and consequently each ought to have an equal share of it. It is evident therefore, that if the first should win the game about to be played, the whole money deposited would belong to him; and that if he lost it he would have a right only to the half. But the one case being as probable as the other, the first hasa right to the half on both these sums taken together. But together they make 3, the half of which i is 3; and this is the share of the stake belonging to the © first players ; consequently that belonging to the second is only 3. Case 2nd. The solution of the first case will enable us to solve the second, in which we suppose that the first player wants one game to be out, and the second three; for if the first should win one game, he would be entitled to the whole stake, and if he lost one game, by which means the second would want only two games to be out, 3 of the money would belong to the former, as the parties would then be in the situation alluded to in the preceding case. But as both these events are equally probable, the first ought to have the half of the two sums taken together, or the — half of 3, that is 7: the remainder 3 will therefore be what belongs to the second. Case 3rd. It will be found, by the like reasoning, if we suppose two games wanting to the first player, and three to the second, that on ceasing to play, they ought to divide the stake in such a manner that the former may have }j and the latter #,. Case 4th. If four games were to be played, and if the first wanted only two games, and the second four, the money ought oo be divided in such a manner that the former should have }2 and the latter ¥. CHANCES AND PROBABILITIES, 55 But we may dispense with the above reasoning, and employ the following general rule, deduced from it, which is to be applied by means of the arithmetical triangle. Enter that diagonal of the arithmetical triangle, the order of which is equal to the number of the games wanting to both players. As this number in the first case is 3, we must enter the third diagonal of the triangle; then because the first player wants only one game, we must take the first number of that diagonal; but because two are wanting to the second, we must take the sum of the two first numbers, which will ioe 3. These two numbers therefore, 1 and 3, will indicate, that the stake ought to be divided in the same proportion: consequently the first player ought to have 3, and the second 4 As this rule may be easily apetiaa to every other case whatever, we shall ape no farther on the subject. The second method of resolving problems of this kind, which is that of combina- tions, is as follows: To resolve, for example, the fourth case, Hii oe: according to the supposition, the first player wants two games to be out, and the second four, so that together they want six games; take unity from that sum, and because 5 remain, we shall suppose the five similar letters. a a a a a, favourable to the first player, and the five following, b6bb 4, favourable to thesecond. These letters must be combined, as in the fol- lowing table, where, of the 32 combinations which they form, the first 26, towards the left, where a occurs at least twice, will indicate the number of chances which the first has of winning; and the last 6, towards the right, in which @ never occurs oftener than once, will indicate those favourable to the second. aaaaa aaabb aabbb\abbbb aaaab aabba abbba\bbbba aaaba abbaa bbbaa|lbabbb aabaa bbaaa ababb|bbabd abaaa aabab. abbabjbbbab buaaa abaab bbaab|bbbbb baaab baabb baaba babba babaa bbaba ababa eaebiaa bi The expectation therefore of the first player, will be to that of the second, as 26 to 6, or as 13 to 3. In like manner, to resolve the case where the first player is supposed to have won three games, and the other none, as he must win who first gets four games, the num- ber of the games wanting to both will be 5, which being diminished by unity, will give 4. We must then examine in how many different st the letters a and 6 can be combined four and four, which will be found to be 16, viz. aaaa aabb abbb aaab abab babb aaba baab bbab ON abaa abba bbba baaa baba bbaa But, of these 16 combinations, it is evident there are 15 where a is found at least once; which indicates that there are 15 combinations or chances favourable to the first player, and one favourable to the second. Consequently they Cue to divide the stake in the ratio of 15 to 1, or the former ought to have 4 of it, and the latter 45. 56 ARITHMETIC. PROBLEM Iv. Of the Genoese Lottery. All persons are acquainted with the nature of lotteries, a kind of institution which originated in Italy, and which was afterwards introduced into other countries of Europe. It took its rise at Genoa, where it had long been customary to choose annually by ballot five members of the senate, which was composed of 90 persons, in order to form a particular council. Some idle persons took this opportunity of laying bets, that the lot would fall on such’ or-such senators. The government then seeing with what eagerness people interested themselves in these bets, conceived the idea of establishing a lottery on the same principle; which was attended with so great success, that all the cities of Italy wished to participate in it, and sent large sums of money to Genoa for that purpose. The same motive, and that no doubt of increasing the revenues of the church, induced the pope to establish one of the same kind at Rome, the inhabitants of which became so fond of this species of gambling, that they often deprived themselves and their families of the necessaries of life, that they might have money to lay out in the lottery. Many of them also indulged in every kind of foolery that credulity or superstition could inspire, in order to obtain fortunate numbers. The analysis of this kind of lottery is reduced to the solution of the following problem. Ninety numbers being given, five of which are to be drawn by chance; it is required to determine what probability there is that among these five, there will be one, two, three, four, or five numbers, which any one has chosen from among the 90 ? It may be readily seen, that ifone determinate number only were proposed, and that if no more than one number were to be drawn from the wheel, the adventurer would have only one favourable chance in the 90; but as five numbers are drawn from the wheel, this quintuples the chance favourable to the adventurer, so that he has five favourable chances in the ninety. His probability therefore of winning, is 4; and, to play an equal game, the stakes ought to be in the same ratio, or, what amounts to the same thing, the proprietor of the lottery ought to reimburse the price of the ticket 18 times. To determine what probability there is, that two numbers selected will both come up, we must first find how many combinations may be produced by 90 numbers, taken two and two. In treating on combinations we have already shewn, that in this case they amount to 4005; but as five numbers are drawn from the wheel, and as these five numbers, combined together two and two, give 10 twos, it thence — results that, in these 4005 chances, there are only 10 favourable to the adventurer. The probability therefore, that the two numbers selected may be among those drawn : Hohe xO 1 : : from the wheel, will be expressed by 4005 OF 4001: For this reason the proprietor of the lottery ought to give the adventurer, in case he should win, 400} times the price of the ticket. To determine what probability there is, that three numbers selected will come up among the five drawn from the wheel, we must find how many ways 90 numbers can be combined three and three, or how many threes they make. These combinations amount to 117480; but as the five numbers drawn from the wheel form 10 threes, the adventurer has 10 favourable chances in 117480, and the probability in his favour is m485 OF tag ‘To risk his money therefore on equal terms, the prize ought to be 11748 times the price of the ticket. - In the last place, it will be found that in 511038 chances, there is only one favour- able to the person who should bet that 4 determinate numbers will come up; and 1 See / in 43949268 favourable to the person who should bet that five determinate numbers will be the five drawn; consequently, in the last case, to risk his money on equal terms, according to mathematical strictness, the adventurer, should he be successful, ought to receive nearly 44 millions of times the money which he lays out. CHANCES OF VARIOUS GAMES, 57 PROBLEM V. A and B playing at piquet: A is first in hand, and has no ace: what probability is there that he will get one, or two, or three, or four ? It is well known that at this game -I2 cards are dealt to each of the players, and that 8 remain in the pack, of which the first takes 5, and the last 3. This being premised, it will be found that A’s chance to have any one ace is : : ve to have two : ; : : 3 : ‘ : : : : - 859 to have three : : : : ‘ ; ‘ . : : : - to have four : : : : “ . a the sum of all these is 158, cased is equal to 3 952. Hence it follows, that the probability of his having an ace among the five cards he has to take in, is 332, the difference between which numbers is 71, so that one may bet 252to71 that A will take in some of the aces. But let us suppose that A is last in hand ; in that case it is required how much he may bet that he will have at least one ace among his three cards ? The probability of A pe an ace among his three cards is : - fy or 328 of having two it is : : : : : : re ofhavingthree- . . the sum of all which is 145, or 2? Consequently, the ees that he will have either one, or two, or three in- determinately, is 22. A may therefore take an equal bet with advantage, that he will have one of the aces, for the ratio of the stakes would be 29 to 28. PROBLEM VI. At the game of whist, what probability is there, that the four honours will not be in the hands of any two partners ? De Moivre, in his Doctrine of Chances, shews that the chance is nearly 27 to 2 that the partners, one of whom deals, will not have the four honours. That it is about 23 to 1 that the other two partners will not have them. That it is nearly 8 to 1 that they will not be found on any one side. That one may bet about 13 to 7, without disadvantage, that the partners who are first in hand will not count honours. That about 20 to 7 may be betted, that the other two will not count them. And, in the last place, that it is 25 to 16, that one of the two sides will count honours; or that they will not be equally divided. PROBLEM VII. Of the game of the American Savages. Weare told by Beron de la Hontan, in his Voyages en Canada, that the Indians play at the following game: they have 8 nuts, black on the one side, and white on the other: these they throw into the air, and if it happens, when they fall to the ground, that the black are odd, the player wins the stake ; if they are all black, or all white, he wins the double; but if there are an equal number of each, he loses. M. de Montmort, who analysed this game, finds, that he who tosses up the nuts, bas ) 58 ARITHMETIC, an advantage, which may be estimated at 3; ; and that to render the game equal, he ought to deposit 22 when his adversary stakes 21. | PROBLEM VIII. Of the game of Backgammon. The game of backgammon is one of those where the spirit of combination is displayed in a very striking manner, and where it is of great utility to know, at every throw, what may be hoped or feared from the succeeding throws, whether your own or those of your’adversary. The chances in this game, like those in others, may be appreciated mathematically ; but we shall here confine ourselves to a small number of examples, selected from those easiest to be comprehended. I. A, being at play at backgammon, is obliged to make a blot ; now his throw is such, that he can make it either where his adversary B may take it up with a single ace, or where he can take it up by throwing seven in any manner : the question is, where should he make the blot ? As the number of chances for throwing one ace or more, is 11, and the number of chances for throwing seven in any manner, are but 6, it will be safest to make the blot where it may be taken up by throwing 7. Il. Whether it is safer to make a blot, at backgammon, where it may be taken up ag an ace, or where it may be taken up by a tré? The number of chances for throwing one ace or more, and those for throwing one tré or more, are each 11; but there are 2 chances for throwing deux ace, or 3; it will therefore be safer to make the blot where it can be taken up only by anace. The following table will shew the chances of taking up a single blot however situated, No. of No. of | : Total Total igen Chances. chances. hee Chances. chances. Pail) fowl Tad 6.5 cite Oe Vie Ce es Perr ene 8 | 5 [cares Payal nls 9 | 4 [erie a a ey ren 10 | 3 fr ee, Ge ee Oe eee | 2 Saar ee] te Saar lG ve eyo, 1 ees: Hence, if a blot is liable sa be hit by any one face of the die, the mean pro- bability of hitting it will be - Le Plea 27 = 3 nearly. Ill. If two blots be made at backgammon, so as to be hit by two different faces of the die, what is the probability of hitting one or both of them 2 _ By the first table it will appear, that the probability of throwing one or more, of any two given faces, is 32. But besides this, one or both the blots may be at length hit by the two dice, and the probability in this case will be different, according to the number of points that will hit them, as in the following table: GAME WITH THE DICE. 59 =e AL | iar we ‘ otal | aed Chances Petia eae Chances. ee soo ake | a 2.6 [20-1F5 | 26 13) 202°" ] 3.4 | 20-213) 25 aed 20ris a BS? 120 402 a ae 15 | 20+4 | a m0 [20 8 A 5 7 Pi.8 fe £2032 57) 5 45°) 20t3 0 a oF 9.3 | 20+1+2] z 4.6 |20+3-+5] 28 2.4 | 20+1+ 3] 5.6 | 2+4+35]° 29 — 2.5 | 20+ 1+4| i ae Hence the probability of hitting two such blots, will be at a medium gi pee. — 2% 2x 367 3 IV. If there be three blots, so situated as to be hit by three different faces; the pro- bability of hitting one or more of them is required ? The first table will give the probability of hitting one or more of the blots with a single face or faces; but besides this, there will be the probability of hitting one or more ofthe blots with two dice, the least of which will be when the given faces are 1, 2, 3, which have 1 +- 2 =3 such chances, and the greatest when the given faces are 4, 5, 6, which have 3-+-4-+5= 12 such chances; the medium of these, viz. : “aa on = 13, being added to 27, will make the whole probability about 27-8 = , which divided by the common denominator 36, becomes §} = 3. Hence, if a player at backgammon makes 3 blots, which are severally within the reach of being hit by a single face of the die, it is almost a certainty that one of them at least will be hit. PROBLEM IX. A mountebank at a country fair amused the populace with the following game: he had 6 dice, each of which was marked only on one* face, the first with 1, the second with 2, and so on to the sixth, which was marked 6; the person who played gave him a certain sum of money, and he engaged to return it a hundred-fold, if in throwing these siz dice, the six marked faces should come up only once in 20 throws. If the adventurer lost, the mountebank offered a new chance on the following conditions : to deposit a sum equal to the former, and to receive both the stakes in case he should bring all the blank faces in 3 successive throws. -. Those unacquainted with the method to be pursued in order to resolve such pro- blems, are liable to reason in an erroneous manner on dice of this kind; for observing that there are five times as many blank as marked faces, they thence conclude that it is 5 to 1 that the person who throws them will not bring any point. ‘They are however. mistaken, as the probability, on the contrary, is near 2 to 1 that they will not come up all blanks. If we take only one die, it is evident that itis 5 to 1 that the person who holds it will throw a blank ; but if we adda second die, it may be readily seen, that the marked face of the first may comhine with each of the blank faces of the second, and the marked face of the second with each of the blank faces of the first ; and, in the last place, the marked face of the one with the marked face of the other: consequently, of 36 combinations of the faces of these two dice, there are 11 in which there is at least one marked face. But, as we have already observed, this number 11 is the 60 ARITHMETIC. difference of the square of 6, the number of the faces of one die, and of the square of the same number diminished by unity, that is to say of 5. If a third die be added, we shall find, by the like analysis, that of the 216 combina- tions of three dice, there are 91 in which there is at least one marked face; and 91 is the difference of the cube of 6 or 216, and the cube of 5 or 125; the result will be the same in regard to the more complex cases; and hence we may conclude that, of _ the 46656 combinations of the faces of the 6 dice in question, there will be 31031 in which there is at least one marked face, and- 15625 in which all the faces are blank ; consequently the chance is 2 to 1 that some point at least will be thrown ; whereas, by the above reasoning, it would appear that 5 to 1 might be betted on the contrary being the case. This example may serve to shew how diffident we ought to be in regard to the ideas which occur on the first consideration of subjects of this kind ; and it may be added that, in this case, our reasoning is confirmed by experience. But to return to the problem; it is evident that, of the 46656 combinations of the faces of 6 dice, there is only one which gives the 6 marked faces uppermost; the probability there- fore of throwing them at one throw, is expressed by j,1;,; and as the adventurer was allowed 20 throws, the probability of his succeeding was only 7224, which is nearly equal to 545. ‘To play an equal game therefore, the mountebank should have en- gaged to return 2332 times the money. But he offered only 100 times the stake, that is, about the 23d part of what he ought to have offered, to give an equal chance, and consequently he had an advantage of 22 to 1. The chance offered to those who might lose was a mere deception; for the proposer artfully availed himself of that propensity which every man, who had not sufficiently examined the subject, would have to adopt the false reasoning above mentioned; and the adventurer would have the less hesitation to accept the offer as it would seem that he might bet 5 to 1 on bringing blanks every throw; whereas it is 2 to 1 that the contrary will happen. But the chance of not bringing blanks in one throw, being to that of bringing them, as 2 to 1; it thence follows, that the probability of not bringing them three times successively, is to that of bringing them, as 8 to 1. To play an equal game therefore, the mountebank ought to have staked 7 tol; conse- quently, in the chance which he gave to the loser, in a game where he had an ad- vantage of 22 to 1, he had still an advantage of 7 to 1. PROBLEM X. In how many throws with six dice, marked on all their faces, may a person engage, for an even bet, to throw 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. We have just seen that there are 46655 chances to 1, that a person will not throw these 6 points with dice marked only on one of their faces; but the case is very different with 6 dice marked on all their faces; and to prove it, we need only observe that the point 1, for example, may be thrown by each of the dice, as well as the 2, 3, &c.; which renders the probability of these six points, 1, 2, 3, &c. coming up, much greater. . But to analyse the problem more accurately, we shall observe, that there are 2 ways of throwing 1, 2, with two dice; viz. 1 with the die A, and 2 with the die B; or 1 with the die B, and 2 with a. Ifit were proposed to throw 1, 2,3 with 3 dice ; of the whole of the combinations of the faces of 3 dice, there are 6 which give the points 1, 2,3; for 1 may be thrown with the die A, 2 with B, and3 with c; or 1 with a, 2 with c, and 3 with B; or 1 with B, 2 with A, and 3 with c; or 1 withs 2 with c, and 3 with a; or 1 with c, 2 with a, and 3 with B; or 1 withc 2 with B, and 3 with a. GAMES WITH THE DICE. 61 It hence appears that, to find the number of ways in which 1, 2, 3 can be thrown with 3 dice, 1, 2, 3 must be multiplied together. In like manner, to find the number of ways in which 1, 2, 3, 4 can be thrown with 4 dice, we must multiply together 1, 2,3, 4, which will give 24; and, in the last place, to find in how many ways 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 can be thrown with 6 dice, we must multiply together these six numbers, the product of which will be 720. If the number 46656, which is the combinations of the faces of 6 dice, be divided by 720, we shall have 644 for the chances to 1, that these points will not come up at one throw; consequently a person may undertake, for an even bet, to bring them in 65 throws; and one may bet more than 2 to | that they will come up in 130 throws. In the last place, as the dice may be thrown 130 times and more, in a quarter of an hour, a person may with advantage bet more than 2 to 1, that they will come up in the course of that time. He therefore who engages, for an even bet, to throw these points in a quarter ofan hour, undertakes what is highiy advantageous to himself, and equally disadvantageous to his adversary. PROBLEM XI. A certain person proposed to play with7 dice, marked on all their faces, on the following conditions: he who held the dice was to gain as many crowns as he brought sixes ; but if he brought none, he was to pay to his adversary as many crowns as there were dice, that is 7. What was the ratio of their chances ? To resolve this problem, we must analyze it in order. Let us suppose then, that there is only one die; in this case it is evident, that as there is only 1 chance in favour of him who holds the die, and 5 against him, the ratio of the stakes ought to be that of 1 to 5. Ifthe first therefore gave a crown every time he did not throw 6, and received only the same sum when a6 came up, he would play a very un- equal game. Let us now suppose 2 dice. In the 36 combinations, of which the faces of 2 dice are susceptible, there are 25 which give no 6; 10 which give 1, and 1 which gives 2. He therefore who holds the dice, has only 11 chances in his favour, 10 of which may each make him gain a crown, and the remaining 1 make him gain two. His chance then of winning, according to the general rule, will be 12 + 2; and be- cause, if the 25 chances which do not give a 6 should take place, he would be obliged to pay 2 crowns, the chance of his adversary will be $8. Consequently the chance of winning will be to that of losing as 12 to 39, or 12 to 50, or less than 1 to 4. To determine, in the more complex cases, the chances which give no 6, those which give one, those which give two, &c. it must be observed, that they are al- _ ways expressed by the different terms of the power of 5 +- 1, the exponent -of which | | is equal to the number of the dice. Thus when there is only one die, the number 5 -+ | expresses, by its first term, that there are five chances without a 6, and one which gives a 6; if there be two dice, as the product of 5-+-1 by 5-+-1, or the square of 5+], is 25-++-10+1, the first term 25 indicates that there are - chances, in the 36, which give no 6; 10 which give one, and 1 which gives wo. In like manner, as the cube of 5-++ 1 is 125 -+-75 + J5 +1, it denotes that, in the 216 combinations of the faces of six dice, there are 125 in which there is no 6; 75 in which there is one; 15 in which there are two, and 1 where there are three. The fourth power of 5 +- 1 being 625 + 500 -+- 150 + 20 + 1, it indicates, in the same manner, that in the 1296 combinations of the faces of four dice, there are 62 ARITHMETIC. 625 without a6; 500 which give 6; 150 which give two, 20 which give three, an only 1 that gives four. We shall pass over the intermediate cases, and proceed to that where 7 dice ar. employed. In this case then it will be found, that the 7th power of 5-+ 1 is 7812. + 109375 -+- 65625 + 21875 + 4375 + 525 + 35 + 1 = 279936. In the 279931 combinations of the faces of 7 dice, there are 78125 which give no 6; 10937: where there is one; 65625 where there are two; 21875 where there are three, &e| But as he who holds the dice would have to pay 7 crowns for each of the first 78122 chances, should they take place, we must consequently, according to the general rule, multiply that number by 7, and divide the product by the sum of all the chances, in order to obtain the chance against him, which is = 448873. To find the favourable chance, we must multiply each of the other terms by the number of the sixes it presents ; add together the different products, and divide the sum by the whole of the chances, or 279936; in this manner we shall have, for the chance in favour of the person who holds the dice, 335592. His chance of winning, therefore, is to that of losing, as 325592 to 54687; that is to say, he plays a disadvantageous game, or it is 54 to,32, or 27 to 16, or more than 3 to 2, that he will lose. By a like process it may be found, in the case of eight dice, that the chance of the person who holds them, is to that of his adversary, as 2259488 to 3125000, which is nearly as 3 to 4. If there were nine dice, the chance of the person who holds them, would be to that of his adversary, nearly as 151 to 175, or nearly 25 to 29. If there were ten dice, the chance of the former to that of the latter, would be as 101176960 to 97656250, that is to say, nearly as 101 to 97%. The advantage then begins to be in favour of the former, only when the number of the dice is 10; and, to play an equal game, a less number ought not to be employed. CHAPTER X. ARITHMETICAL AMUSEMENTS IN DIVINATION AND COMBINATIONS. PROBLEM I. : To tell the Number thought of by a person. - I. Desire the person, who has thought of a number, to triple it, and to take the : exact half of that triple, if it be even, or the greater half if it be odd. Then desire him to triple that half, and ask him how many times it contains 9; for the number thought of will contain the double of that number of nines, and one more if it be odd. Thus, if 5 has been the number thought of; its triple will be 15, which cannot be divided by 2 without a remainder. The greater half of 15 is 8; and if this’ half be multiplied by 3, we shall have 24, which contains 9 twice: the number thought of will therefore be 4 + 1, that is to say 5. Proof.—\f the number be an even one, it may be represented by 2.x, and if an odd one by 2x-+1. Then in the case of an even number ae X 3 X 3 represents the operations which the person thinking of a number is requested to perform upon it. The result is 9x, the ninth part of which doubled is 2 x, the number thought of. In the case of the odd number as xX 3X 3=92-+ 41, which contains 9, x times, and 2x-+-1 is the number thought of. = In the same way may each of the following methods be shewn to be true. DIVINATION AND COMBINATIONS. 63 ; Il. Bid the person multiply the number thought of by itself; then desire him to add unity to the number thought of, and to multiply that sum also by itself; in the last place ask him to tell the difference of these two products, which will certainly be an odd number, and the least half of it will be the number required, | Let the number thought of, for example, be 10, which multiplied by itself gives 100 ; in the next place 10 increased by 1 is 11, which multiplied by itself makes 121, ad the difference of these two squares is 21, the least half of which, being 10, is the number thought of. | This operation might be varied in the second step, by desiring the person to mul- tiply the number by itself, after it has been diminished by unity, and then to tell the ‘difference of the two squares; the greater half of which will be the number thought of. | Thus, in the preceding example, the square of the number thought of is 100, and that of the same number less unity is 81; the difference of these is 19, the greater half of which, or 10, is the number thoushs of. IlJ.—Desire the person to take 1 from the number thought of, and to double the ‘remainder ; then bid him take ] from this double, and add to it the number thought of. Having asked the number arising from this addition, add 3 to it, and the third ‘of the sum will be the number required. Let the number thought of be 5; if one be taken from it there will remain 4, the double of which, 8, being diminished by 1, and the remainder, 7, being increased by 5, the number thought of, the result will be 12: if to this we add 3, we shall have ‘18, the third part of which, 5, will be the number required. Remark.—This method may be varied a great many ways; for instead of doubling the number thought of, after unity has been deducted from it, the person may be desired to triple it; then after he has been desired to subtract a from that triple, and to add the mower thought of, he must add 4 to it, and the + of the sum arising from these operations will be the number required. - _ Let the number required be w: if unity be subtracted from it the remainder will be a—1; multiply this remainder by any number whatever, , and the product will be nx —vn; again subtract unity, and we shall have for remainder nr —n — 1; if 2, the number thought of, be then added, the sum will be (n-+ 1) « —n—1; and if to this ‘sum we add the above multiplier increased by unity, that is to say 3, if the first ‘remainder was doubled, 4 if it was tripled, &c., the result will be (n-+-1) x; which ‘being divided by the same number, the Bo otiont will be x, the number required. Unity, instead of being subtracted from the number thought of, might be added to it; and then, instead of adding, at the end of the operation, the multiplier increased by unity, it ought to be subtracted, after which the remainder may be divided as above. Let the number thought of, for example, be 7; if unity be added, the sum will he 8, and this sum tripled will give 24; if 1 be still added, we shall have 25, and this sum increased by 7 will make 32; from which if 4 be deducted, because the number | thought of was tripled after unity had been added, we shall have 28; one fourth of which will be the number required. | JIV.—Desire the person to add 1 to the triple of the number thought of, and to ‘multiply the sum by 3; then bid him add to this product the number thought of, ‘and the result will be a sum, from which if,3 be subtracted, the remainder will be ten times the number required. If 3 therefore be taken from the last sum, and if the cipher on the right be cut off from the remainder, the other figure will indicate the number sought, 64 ARITHMETIC. Let the number thought of be 6; the triple of which is 18, and if unity be adde it makes 19; the triple of this last number is 57, and if 6 be added it makes 63, fro! which if 3 be subtracted the remainder will be 60: now if the cipher on the rigt be cut off, the remaining figure 6 will be the number required. Remark.—If 1 were subtracted from thrice the number thought of, the remainde tripled, and the number thought of again added, it would be necessary, after the pei son had told the result, which would always terminate with 7, to add 3 instead « subtracting it, as in the above operation; and the sum would then be the decuple ¢ the number thought of. telling the number of which a person has thought, may be added another ingenious one, by means of the annexed columns of numbers, which are thus pre- pared. Having entered the geometrical series, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, as the top series of the six columns, the other numbers in each column downward are pro- duced by this rule. To the first number add successively a unit as often as is denoted by one less than the first num- ber; and then, to the last of these, add a number which is one more than the top number, and so on till the columns are filled up. Now having prepared the columns, it may be as well, for the sake of secresy, to have them on dif. ferent slips of paper. Request a person to think of any number not greater than the highest contained in the columns, in the present case 63, and desire him to point out all the columns in which it is contained, or shewing each column separately, ask, Is the number there ? Then, recollecting that the numbers at the top are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, add together in your mind the figures of this series at the tops of all the columns containing the number thought of, and the sum of these numbers will be the number required. Thus for example, if the person says his nnmberisin the 2nd, 5th, and 6th columns, 2 -+- 16 + 32, or 50, is the number: If he says it is in the Ist, 2nd, 4th, and 6th co- lumns, 1+ 2-1-8 + 32, or 43 is the number. The problem may be varied by requesting the person who thinks of a number to give you those columns only which do not contain it, and you will then discover it by subtracting the sum of the top numbers from the highest number, 63. ‘Thus, if the number is not in the 2nd, 5th, nor 6th column, it must be 63 — 50, or 13. . PROBLEM II, Lo tell two or more numbers which a person has thought of. I.—When each of the numbers thought of does not exceed 9, they may be easily found in the following manner ; = -f DIVINATION AND COMBINATIONS. 65 Having made the person add 1 to the double of the first number thought of, desire him to multiply the whole by 5, and to add to the product the second number. If there be a third, make him double this first sum and add 1 to it; after which desire him-to multiply the new sum by 5, and to add to it the third number. If there be a fourth, you must proceed in the same manner, desiring him to double the preceding sum; to add to it unity; to multiply by 5, and then to add the fourth number, and so on, i Then ask the number arising from the addition of the last number thought of, and if there were two numbers, subtract 5 from it; if three, 55; if four, 555; and so on; for the remainder will be composed of figures of which the first on the left will be the first number thought of, the next the second, and so of the rest. Suppose the numbers thought of to be 3,4,6: by adding 1 to 6, the double of the first, we have 7, which being multiplied by 5, gives 35; if 4, the second number thought of, be then added, we shall have 39, which doubled gives 78, and if we add J], and multiply 79, the sum, by 5, the result will be 395. In the last place, if we add 6, the third number thought of, the sum will be 401; and if 55 be deducted from it, we shall have for remainder 346; the figures of which, 3, 4, 6, indicate in order the three numbers thought ef, One method we shall here omit, as we shall have o¢casion to emplay it in another ~ amusement of the same kind, called the game of the ring, IJ.—If one or more of the numbers thought of are greater than 9, two cases must be distinguished: Ist, that where the number of the numbers thought of is odd; 2d, that where it is even. In the first case, desire the person to tell the sums of the first.and the second; of the second and the third ; of the third and the fourth, &c., as far as the last, and then _ the sum of the first and the last. Having written down these sums in order, add together all those the places of which are odd, as the first, the third, the fifth, &c. ; make another sum of ali those the places of which are even, as the second, the fourth, the sixth, &c.; subtract this sum from the former, and the remainder will be the double of the first number. Let us suppose, for example, that the five following numbers are thought of, viz. : _ 3,7, 13, 17, 20, which, when added two and two, as above, give 10, 20, 30, 37, 23: the sum of the first and third and fifth is 63; and that of the second and fourth is 57: if 57 be subtracted from 63, the remainder 6 will be the double of the first number 3. Nowif 3 be taken from 10, the first of the sums, the remainder 7 will be the second number ; and, by proceeding in the same manner, we may find all the rest. In the second case, that is to say, when the number of the numbers thought of is even; ask, and write down as above, the sum of the first and the second; that of the second and third; and so on as before; but instead of the sum of the first and the _last, take that of the second and the last; then add together those which stand in me the even places, and form them into a new sum apart; add also those in the odd places, the first excepted, and subtract this sum from the former; the remainder will be the double of the second number; and if the second number thus found be sub- tracted from the sum of the first and second, the remainder will be the first number ; if it be taken from that of the second and third, it will give the third; and so of the rest, Let the numbers thought of be, for example, 3, 7, 13, 17: the sums formed as above are 10, 20, 30, 24: the sum of the second and fourth is 44, from which if 30, the third sum, be subtracted, the remainder will be 14, the double of 7, the second number, ‘The first therefore is 3, the third 13, and the fourth 17. Pr ‘ 66 ARITHMETIG. PROBLEM III. A person having in one hand an even number of shillings, and in the other an odd, to tell in which hand he has the even number. Desire the person to multiply the number in the right hand by any even number whatever, such as 2; and that in the left by an odd number, as 3; then bid him add — together the two products, and if the whole sum be odd, the even number of shillings will be in the right hand, and the odd number in the left; if the sum be even, the contrary will be the case. Let us suppose, for example, that the person has8 shillings in his right hand, and 7 inhis left; 8 multiplied by 2 gives 16, and 7 multiplied by 3 gives 21; the sum of which, 37, is an odd number. If the number in the right hand were 9, and that in the left 8, we should have 9 x 2 = 18, and 8 X 3 = 24; the sum of which two products is 42, an even number. Investigation.—Let x represent the number in the left, and y that in the right hand, and let 2 » and 2m -— 1 represent any even and odd numbers. Then Qnyt+tA2m+1l.¢x=2.ny+ma-+z is the sum of the products directed to be taken. Nows2.ny-—+ mx is necessarily even, Therefore when the whole pro- duct is even, 2, the remaining term, is also even; and when odd, x is odd, which is the rule. PROBLEM IV. A person having in one hand a piece of gold, and in the other a piece of silver, to tell in which hand he has the gold, and in which the silver. For this purpose, some value, represented by an even number, such as 8, must be assigned to the gold, and a value represented by an odd number, such as 3, must be assigned to the silver: after which the operation is exactly the same as in the preceding example. Remarks.—\. To conceal the artifice better, it will be sufficient to ask whether the sum of the two products can be halved without a remainder ; for, in that case, a total will be even, and in the contrary case odd. Il. It may be readily seen that the pieces, instead of being i in the two hands of the same person, may be supposed to be in the hands of two persons, one of whom has the even number, or piece of gold, and the other the odd number, or piece of ; silver. he same operations may then be performed in regard to these two persons as are performed in regard to the two hands of the same person, calling the one pri- vately the right, and the other the left. PROBLEM V. The Game of the Ring, This game is nothing else than an application of one of the methods employed — to tell several numbers thought of, and should be performed in a company not ex-— ceeding 9, in order that it may be less complex. Desire any one of the company to take a ring, and to put it on any joint of whatever finger he may think proper. The question then is to tell what person has the ring, and on what hand, what finger, and what joint. For this purpose, call the first person 1, the second 2, the third 3, and so on; also ot DIVINATION AND COMBINATIONS. 67. call the right hand J, and the left 2: the first finger of the hand, that is to say the thumb, must be denoted by 1, the second by 2, and so on to the little finger ; and the first joint of each finger, or that next the extremity, must be called 1, the second 2, and the third 3, Let is now suppose that the fifth person has taken the ring, and put it on the first joint of the fourth finger of his left hand. To resolve the problem, nothing is necessary but to discover these numbers 5, 2, 4, 1, which may be done in the following manner. Desire some one to double the first number 5, which will give 10, and to subtract 1 from it ; desire him to multiply 9, the remainder, by 5 which will give 45; to this product bid him add the second number 2, which will make 47, and then 5 which will make 52: desire him to double this number, and the result will be 104, and to sub- tract 1, which willleave 103. Desire him to multiply this remainder by 5, which will give 515, and to add to the product the third number 4, or that expressing the finger, which will give 519: then bid him add 5, which will make 524, and from 1048, the double of this sum, let him subtract 1, which will leave 1047: then desire him to multiply this remainder by 5, which will give 5235, and to add to this product 1, the fourth number, or that expressing the joint, which will make 5236; in the last place bid him again add 5, and the sum will be 5241, the figures of which will indi- cate, in order, the person who has the ring, and the hand, finger, and joint, on which it was put. It is evident, that all these operations amount, in reality, to nothing else than multiplying by 10, the number which expresses the person ; then adding that which expresses the hand; multiplying again by 10,and so on.* But as this artifice is too easily detected, it might be better to employ the method taught in Prob. II. No. 1, to discover any number of numbers thought of at pleasure ; for, on account of the number which must be subtracted, the operation will be more difficult to be com- prehended. The problem might be proposed in the follawing manner, and be resolved by the same process. Three or more persons having each selected a card, the number of the spots of which does not exceed 9, to tell the number of the spots of each. Desire the first person to add 1 to double the number of the spots of his card; to multiply the sum by 3, and to add to the product the spots of the card of the second person: then desire him to double that sum; to add unity to it, to multiply the whole by 5, and to add to this product the spots of the card of the third person: by subtracting from the last result 55, if the number of the persons be 3; 535, if it be 4; 5555, if it be 5, the figures which compose the remainder will indicate, in order, the spots of the cards selected by each person. _ This process may be demonstrated with as much ease as the former; let the num- bers to be guessed, less than 10, bez, y, z: we confine ourselves to three, for the sake of brevity. If 1 be added to the double of the first number, we shall have 27-1 1, and multiplying by 5, the product will be 10 2-+-5; if the second number y be * For the satisfaction and information of the reader, we shall here give the following demonstra- tion. Let the four numbers to be guessed be z, y, 2; w: according to the above method, we must double 2, which will give 22; if 1 be then subtracted we shall have 2 2 — J, and multiplying by 5, the result will be 10 2 — 5. If y, the second number, be added, we shall have 102 — 5+ y, and 5 added to this sum will make 10 z + y, which being doubled will give 20a + 2y; if 1 be subtracted, there will remain 20a + 2y — 1, which multiplied by 5 will give 1002+ 10y—5,; to this product if the third number z, and 5 be added, the sum will be 100 a2 + 10y + %; and, if unity be taken from the double of this sum. the result will be 200 2 + 20y + 2z—1; if we then multipiy by 5, we shall have for product 1000 2 + 100 y + 10 x —5; and by adding 5 and the last number, wv, the sum will be 10007 +100 y+10z+u. Ifa, y, z, uw represent numbers, below 10, as 5, 2, 4, 1, the sum will be 5000 + 200 + 40 + 1, or 5241. If the numbers were 9, 6, 5, 4, the sum for the same reason, would be 9654; which is a demonstration of the process abuve indicated. FQ 68 ARITHMETIC. added, the sum will be 10 ++ 5 + y, and 1 added to the double will make 20 2 + 10 +2 y +1, which multiplied by 5 gives 100 «+ 50-++ 10 y-++ 5; if we then add the third number z, we shallhave 100 x + 50+ 10 y a 5-+2z, or 100x+ 10y-+ z+ 55: ifa, y, z are, for example, 5, 6, 7, this expression will be 567 ++ 55, or 612. hae this last sum therefore, if we deduct 55, the remainder will be 567, which in- dicates in order the three numbers to be guessed. For the sake of brevity, we shall not give any. other example, as the ‘reader may recur to that before given in Prob. II. PROBLEM VI. To guess the number of spots on any card, which a person has drawn froma whole pack. Take a whole pack, consisting of 52 cards, and desire some person in company to draw out any one at pleasure, without shewing it. Having assigned to the different cards their usual value, according to their spots, call the knave 11, the queen 12, and the king 13. Then add the spots of the first card to those of the second; the last sum to the spots of the third, and so on, always rejecting 13, and keeping the remainder to add to the following card. It may be readily seen that it is needless to reckon the kings, which are counted 13. If any spots remain at the last card, sub-— tract them from 13, and the remainder will indicate the spots of the card that has been drawn; if the remainder be 1], it has been a knave; if 12 it has been a queen; but if nothing remains, it has been aking. The colour of the king may be known by examining which one among the cards is wanting. If you are desirous of employing only 32 cards, the number used at present for piquet, when the cards are added as above directed, reject all the tens; then add 4 to the spots of the last card, and a sum will be obtained, which taken from 10, if it be less, or from 20 if it exceeds 10, the remainder will be the number of the card that has been drawn; so that if 2 remains, it has been a knave, if 3a queen, if 4 a king, and so on. - If the pack be incomplete, attention must be paid to those deficient, in order that the number of the spots of all the cards wanting may be added to the last sum, after as many tens as possible have been subtracted from it; and the sum arising from this | addition must, as before, be taken from 10 or 20, according as it is greater or less than — 10. It is evident that by again looking at the cards, the one which has been drawn may be discovered. The demonstration of this rule is as follows: since, in a complete pack of canted there are 13 of each suit, the values of which are l, 2, 3, &c., to 13, the sum of all” the spots of each suit, calling the knave 11, the queen 12, and the king 13, is seven times 13. or 91, whichis a multiple of 13; consequently the quadruple of this sum is a multiple of 13 also: if the spots then of all the cards be added together, always rejecting 13, we must at last find the remainder equal to nothing. It is therefore evident that if a card, the spots of which are less than 13, has been drawn from the pack, the difference between these spots and 13 will be what is wanting to complete that number: if at the end then, instead of reaching 13, we reach only 10, for example, it is evident that the card wanting is a three; and if we reach 13, it is also evident that the card wanting is one of those equivalent to 18, or a king. If two cards*have been drawn from the pack, we may tell, in like manner, the number of spots which they contain both together: that is, how much is want- ing to reach 13, or that deficiency increased by 13; and to know which two, — nothing is necessary but to count privately how many times 13 has been com- DIVINATION AND COMBINATIONS, 69 pleted, for with the whole of the cards it ought to be counted 28 times: if it be counted therefore only 27 times, with a remainder, as 7 for example, the spots of the two cards drawn amount together to 6: if 13 be counted only 26 times, with the same remainder, it may be concluded that the two cards formed to- gether 13-+-6, or 19. The demonstration of the rule given when the same number of cards is used, as that employed for the game of piquet, viz. 32, calling the ace 1, the knave 2, the queen 3, the king 4, and assigning to the other cards the value of their spots, is attended with as little difficulty; for in each suit there are 44 spots, making altogether 176, which, as well as 44, is a multiple of 11; we may therefore always — count to 11, rejecting 11, and the number wanting to reach 11, will be the value of the card which has been drawn. But the same number 176, if 4 were added to it, would be a multiple of 10 or of 20; and hence a demonstration also of the method which has been taught, PROBLEM VII. A person having an equal number of counters, or pieces of money, in each hand, to find how many he has altogether. Desire the person to convey any number, as 4, for example, from the one hand to the other, and then ask him how many times the less number is contained in the greater. Let us suppose that he says the one is triple of the other; and in this case multiply 4, the number of the counters conveyed from one hand into the other, by 3, and add to the product the same number 4, which will make 16. In the-last place, from the number 3 subtract unity, and if 16 be divided by 2, the remainder, the quotient 8 will be the number contained in each hand, and consequently the whole number is 16. Let us now suppose that when 4 counters are conveyed from one hand to the other, the less number is contained in the greater 23 times: in this case we must, as before, multiply 4 by 24, which will give 94; to which if four be added, we shall have 134, or 4; if unity be then taken from 24, the remainder will be 14, r 4, by which if 4° be divided, the quotient, 10, will be the number of counters in each hand, as aie be easily proved on trial. Proof.—Let x be the number in each hand, a the number transferred from the one hand to the other, and » =the multiple which the sum is of the remainder. 1 il —_——. ee ——— n The z+-a=2n.2 —a, orn—1.e=n-+1.a; whencer=- -a@; a gene- ral rule. PROBLEM VIII. Several cards being presented, in succession, to several persons, that they may each choose one at pleasure; to guess that which each has thought of. Shew as many cards to each person as there are persons to choose; that is to say, 3 to each if there are 3 persons. When the first has thought of one, lay aside the three cards in which he has made his choice. Present the same num- ber to the second person, to think of one, and lay aside the three cards in the like manner. Having done the same in regard to the third person, spread out the three first cards with their faces upwards, and place above them the next three cards, and above these the last three, that all the cards may thus be dis- posed in three heaps, each consisting of three cards. Then ask each person in which heap the card is which he thought of, and when this is known it will be easy to tell these cards, for that of the first person will be the first in the heap 70 ARITHMETIC. to which it belongs; that of the second will be the second of the next heap, | and that of the third will be the third of the last heap. : PROBLEM Ix. Three cards being presented to three persons, to guess that which each has chosen_ As it is necessary that the cards presented to the three persons should be dis- tinguished, we shall call the first a, the second s, and the third c; but the three persons may be at liberty to choose any of them at pleasure. This choice, which is susceptible of six different varieties, having been made, give to the first person 12 counters, to the second 24, and to the third 36: then desire the first person to add together the half of the counters of the person who has chosen the eard a, the third of those of the person who has chosen B, and the fourth part of those of the person who has chosen c, aud ask the sum, which fe be either 23 or 24; 25 or 27; 28 or 29, as in the following table: First. Second. Third. Sums. 12 24 36 A B c 23 A Cc B Q4 B A Cc 25 c A B OT B Cc A 28 c B A 29 This table shews, that if the sum be 25, for example, the first person must have chosen the card g, the second the card a, and the third the card c; and that if it be 28, the first person must have chosen the card B, the second the card c, and the third the card a; and so of the rest. PROBLEM X. A person having drawn, from a complete pack of fifty-two cards, one, two, three, four, or more cards, to guess the whole number of the spots which they contain. -Agssume any number whatever, such as 15, for example, greater than the num- ber of the spots of the highest card, counting the knave 11, the queen 12, and the king 13, and desire the person to add as many cards from the pack, to the first card he has chosen, as will make up 15, counting the spots of that card; let him do the same thing in regard to the second, the third, the fourth, &c. ; and then desire him to tell how many cards remain in the pack. When this is done, proceed as follows: ; Multiply the above number 15, or any other that may have been assumed, by the number of cards drawn from the pack, which we shall here suppose to be 3; to the product, 45, add the number of these cards, which will give 48; subtract the 48 from 52, and take the remainder 4 from the cards left in the pack: the result will be the number of spots required. Let us suppose, for example, that the person has drawn from the pack a 7, a 10, and a knave, which is equal to 11: to make up the number 15 with a 7, eight cards will be required; to make up the same number with a 10, will re- quire five; and with the knave, which is equal to 11, four will be necessary. The sum of these three numbers, with the 3 cards, makes 20, and consequently 32 cards remain in the pack. To find the sum of the numbers 7, 10, 11, mul- tiply 15 by 3, which will give 45; and if the number of the cards drawn from the pack be added, the sum will be 48, which taken from 52, leaves 4, If 4 then be subtracted from 32, the remainder, 28, will be the sum of the spots DIVINATION AND COMBINATIONS. 71 contained on the three cards drawn from the pack, as may be easily proved by trial, Another Example.—Let us suppose two cards only drawn from the pack, a 4 and a king, equal to 13; if cards be added to these to make up 15, there will ‘remain in the pack 37 cards. If 15 be multiplied by 2, the product will be 30, to which if 2, the number of the cards drawn from the pack, be added, we shall have 32; and if 32 be taken from 52, the remainder will be 20. In the last place, if 20 be subtracted from 37, the number of the cards left in the pack, the remainder, 17, will be the number of the spots of the 2 cards drawn from the pack. ; Remarks.—I. If 4 or 5 cards are drawn from the pack, it may sometimes hap- pen that a sufficient number will not be left to make up the number 15; but even in this case the operation may be still performed. For example, if 5 cards, the spots contained on which are 1, 2, 38, 4, 5, have been drawn; to complete. with each of these cards the number 15 would require, together with the 5 cards, at least 65; but as there are only 52, there are consequently 13 too few. He who counts the pack must therefore say that 13 are wanting. On the other hand, he who undertakes to tell the number of the spots, must multiply 15 by 5, which makes 75; and to this if 5, the number of the cards, be added, it will give 80; that is to say, 28 more than 52: if 13 then be subtracted from 28, the remainder J5 will be the number of the spots contained ov these 5 cards. But if we suppose that the cards left in the pack are, for example 22, which would be the case if the five cards drawn were the 8, 9, 10, knave = 11, and queen = 12, it would be necessary to add these 22 to the excess of 5 times 15+ 5, over 52, that is to say to 28, and we should have 50 for the spots of these 5 cards, which is indeed the exact number of them. ; II. If the pack consists not of 52 cards, but'of 40, for example, there will still be no difference in the operation: the number of the cards, which remain of these 40, must be taken from the sum produced by multiplying the made up number by that of the cards drawn, and addiug to the product the number of these cards. Let us suppose, for example, that the cards drawn are 9, 10, 11, that the number to be made up is 12, and that the cards left in the pack are 31. Theu 12 x 3= 36, and 3 added for the 3 cards, makes 39, which subtracted from 40 leaves 1. If] then be taken from 31, the remainder 30 will be the number of the spots re- quired. Ill. Different numbers to be made up with the spots of each card chosen might be assumed ; but the case would still be the same, only that it would be necessary to add these three numbers to that of the cards, instead of multiplying the same num- ber by the number of cards drawn, and then adding the number of the cards. In this there is so little difficulty, that an example is not necessary. IV. The demonstration of this method, which some of our readers perhaps may be desirous of seeing, is exceedingly simple, and is as follows. Let a be the num- ber of cards in the pack, ¢ the number to be made up by adding cards to the spots of each card drawn, and 6 the cards left in the pack; let 2, y, z express the spots of the cards, which we shall here suppose to be 3, and we shall then have, for the number of the cards drawn, ce—2-+c—y-—+c—z-++3; which with the cards left in the pack b, must be equal to the whole pack. Then 3c+3—2—y-—z+5) =a, or rty+2=3c-43-+5)—a, or =b—(a—3e—3). Butr+y+z is the whole number of the spots; is the number of cards left in the pack, and a— 3 c¢—3 is the whole number of cards in the pack, less the product of the number 72) ARITHMETIC. to be completed by the number of the cards drawn, minus that number. There- fore, &c. PROBLEM XI. Three things being privately distributed to three persons ; to guess that which each has got. Let the three things be a ring, a shilling, and a glove. Call the ring A, the shilling E,and the glove 1; and in your own mind distinguish the persons by calling them first, second, and third. Then take twenty-four counters, and give one of them to the first person, two to the second, and three to the third. Place the remaining 18 on the table, and then retire, that the three persons may distribute among themselves the three things proposed, without your observing them. When the distribution has been made, desire the person who has the ring to take from the 18 remaining counters as many as he has already ; the one who has the shilling to take twice as many as he has already, and the person who has the glove to take four times as many; according to the above supposition then, the first person has taken 1, the second 4, and the third 12; consequently one counter only remains on the table. When this is done, you may return, and by the number left can discover what thing each has got, by employing the following words : 1 2 3 5 6 7 Par fer César jadis devint si grand prince. To make use of these words, you must recollect that in all cases there can remain only 1 counter, or 2, 3, 5, 6, or 7, and never 4: it must be likewise observed that each syllable contains one of the vowels which we have made to represent the three things proposed, and that the above line must be considered as consisting only of six words: the first syllable of each word must also be supposed to represent the first © person, and the second syllable the second. This being comprehended, if there remains only 1 counter you must employ the first word, or rather the two first syllables, par fer, the first of which, that containing a, shews that the first person has the ring, represented by a; and the second syllable, that containing E, shews that the second person has the shilling, represented by =; from which you may easily conclude that the third person has the glove. If two counters remain, you must take the second word César, the first syllable of which, containing ©, will shew that the first person has the shilling, represented by £, and the second syllable, containing A, will indicate that the second person has the ring, represented by a: you may then easily conclude that the third person has the glove. In general, whatever number of counters remain, that word of the verse which is pointed out by the same number must be employed. Remarks.—Instead of the above French verse, the following Latin one might be used. Losi? aes ben Opt Salve certa anime semita vita quies. This problem might be proposed in a manner somewhat different, and might be applied to more than three persons: those who are desirous of farther information on the subject, may consult Bachet in the 25th of his ‘‘ Problémes plaisants et — delectables.” DIVINATION AND COMBINATIONS, 73. PROBLEM XII. Several numbers being disposed in a circular form, according to their natural series, to tell that which any one has thought of. The first ten cards of any suit, disposed ina circular form, as seen in the figure below, may be employed with great convenience for performing what is announced in this problem. The ace is here represented by the letter a annexed to 1, and the ten by the letter x joined to 10. 2 3 4 B Cc D TA ES i 10 «x FE 6 I H G 9 8 7 Having desired the person who has thought of a number or card to touch also any other number or card, bid him add to the number of the card touched the number of the cards employed, which in this caseis 10. Then desire him to count that sum in an order contrary to that of the natural numbers, beginning at the card he touched, and assigning to that card the number of the one which he thought of; for by counting in this manner, he will end at the number or card which he thought of, and consequently you will easily know it. Thus, for example, if the person has thought of the number 3, marked c, and has touched 6, marked F; if 10 be added to 6, it will make 16; if 16 be then counted * from F, the number touched, towards E, D, c, B, A, and so on in the retrograde order, counting 3, the number thought of, on r, 4on E, 5 on D, 6 on c, and so round to 16, the number 16 will terminate on c, and shew that the person thought of 3, which corresponds to c. | | Remarks.—1. A greater or less number of cards may be employed at pleasure. If there are 15 or 8 cards, 15 or 8 must be added to the number of the card touched. 2. To conceal the artifice better, you may invert the cards, so as to prevent the spots from being seen; but you must remember the natura! series of the cards, and the place of the first number, or the ace, that you may know the number of the card touched, in order to find the one to which the person ought to count. PROBLEM XIII. Two persons agree to take alternately numbers less than a given number, for example 11, and to add them together till one of them has reached a certain sum, such as 100; by what means can one of them infallibly attain to that number before the other ? The whole artifice of this problem consists in immediately making choice of certain numbers, which we shall here point out. Subtract 11, for example, from 100, the number to be reached, as many times as possible, and the remainders will be 89, 78, 67, 56, 45, 34, 23, 12, and 1, which must be remembered; for he who by adding his number less than 11, to the sum of the preceding, shall count one of these numbers before his adversary, will infallibly win, without the other being able to prevent him. _ These numbers may be found also, with still greater ease, by dividing 100 * It isto be observed that the person must not count this sum aloud, but privately in his own mind. er 74 - ARITHMETIC. by 11, and adding 11 continually to 1, the remainder, which will give 1, 12, 23, 34, &c. Let us suppose, for example, that the first person, who knows the game, takes 1 -for his number: it is evident that his adversary, as he must count less than 1], can at most reach 11 by adding 10 to it. The first will then take 1, which will make 12; if the second takes 8, which will make 20, the first will take 3, which will make 23; and proceeding in this manner successively he will first reach’ 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89. When he attains to the last number it will be impossible for the second to prevent him from getting first to 100; for whatever number the_ second takes, he can attain only to 99, after which the first may say, ‘‘ and 1 makes 100.” If the second takes | after 89, it will make 90; and his adversary may finish by saying, ‘and 10 make 100.” It is evident that when two persons are equally well acquainted with the game, he who begins must necessarily win. But if the one knows the game and the other does not, the latter, though first, may not win; for he will think it highly advantageous to take the greatest number possible, that is to say 10; and in that case the other, acquainted with the nicety of the game, will take 2, which with 10 will make 12; one of the numbers he ought to secure. But he may even neglect this advantage, and take only 1 to make 11; for the first will probably still take 10, which will make 21, and the second may then take 2, which will make 23; he may then wait a little longer to get hold of some of the following numbers 34, 45, 56, &c. If the first is desirous to win, the least number proposed must not be a measure of the greater; for in that case the first would have no infallible rule to direct him in his operations. For example, if 10, which measures 100, were assumed, instead of 11, by subtracting 10 from 100 as many times as possible, we should have the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, the first of which, 10, could. not be taken by the first; for being obliged to employ a number less than 10, if the second were as well acquainted with the game, he might take the complement to 10; and would thus have an infallible rule for winning. PROBLEM XIV. Sixteen counters being disposed in two rows, to find that which a person has thought of. The counters being arranged in two rows, as a and B, desire the person to think of one, and to observe well in which row it is. 0920 £0000 ©0906 010-9 O'9 Omekic Oa O1rese OCT © Oo eoooos 66 420-4 OO, 0 O80-0,0 Oe jay ©} fo) oo oo 5.6 f econo oOCcC Oooo oo O & Let us suppose that the counter thought of is in the row a; take up that whole row, in the order in which it stands, aiid dispose it in two rows c and pb, on the right and left of the row B; but in arranging them, take care that the first of the row A may be the first of the row c; the second of the row a the first of the row pD; the third of the row a, the second of the row c, and so on; then ask again in which of the vertical rows, c or D, the counter thought of is. Suppose it to be in” c: take up that row as well as the row D, putting the last at the end of the first, without deranging the order of the counters, and, observing the rule already DIVINATION AND COMBINATIONS, 79 given, form them into two other rows, as seen at © and r; then ask, as before, in which row the counter thought of is. Let us suppose it to bein E: take up this tow, and the row F, as above directed, and form them into two new rows, on the tight and left of sn. After these operations, the counter thought of must be the first of one of the perpendicular rows, H and 1; if you therefore ask in which row it is, you may easily point it out; and as it is here supposed that each of the counters has some distinguishing mark, you may desire them to be mixed together, and still be able to tell the number thought of, by observing the mark. It may be readily seen that, instead of counters, cards may be employed; and when you have discovered, by the above means, the one thought of, you may cause them to be mixed, which will better conceal the artifice. Remark.—If a greater number of counters or cards, arranged in two vertical rows, be supposed, the counter or card thought of will not necessarily be the first in the row to which it belongs, after the third transposition: if there be 32 counters or cards, four transpositions will be necessary; if there are 64, five; and so on, before it can be said, with confidence, that the counter or card thought of occupies the first place in its row; for if this counter or card were at the bottom of the perpendicular row A, supposing 16 counters in each row, or 32 altogether, it would not arrive at the first place till after four transpositions: if there were 64, or 32 in each row, it would require five; and so on, as may be easily proved by trial. PROBLEM XV. A certain number of cards being shewn to a person, to guess that which he has thought of. To perform this trick, the number of the cards must be divisible by 3; and to do it with more convenience, the number must be odd. The first condition, at least, being supposed, desire the person to think of a card; then place the cards on the table with their faces downward; and, taking them up in order, arrange them in three heaps, with their faces upward, and in such a manner that the first card of the packet shall be the first of the first heap; the second the first of the second, and the third the first of the third; the fourth the second of the first, and so on. When the heaps are completed, ask the person in which heap is the card thought of, and when told, place that containing the card thought of in the middle; then turning up the packet, form three heaps, as before, and again ask in which is the card thought of. Place the heap containing the card thought of still in the ‘middle, and, having formed three new heaps, ask which.of them contains the card thought of. When this is known, place it as before between the other two; and again form three heaps, asking the same question. Then take up the heaps for the last time; put that containing the card thought of in the middle, and placing the packet.on the table, with the faces of the cards downward, turn up the cards till you count half the number of those contained in the packet; 12 for example, if there be 24, in which case the 12th card will be the one the person thought of. If the number of the cards be, at the same time, odd, and divisible by 3, as 15, 21, by &e., the trick will become much easier ; for the card thought of will always te that in the middle of the heap in which it is found the third time ; so that it may be easily distinguished without counting the cards; nothing will be necessary for this purpose, but to remember, while you are forming the heaps the third time, the card which is the middle one of each. Let us suppose, for example, that the middle card of the first heap is the ace of hearts; that of the second the king of hearts, and that of the third the knave of spades; it is evident, if you are told that the heap con- taining the required card is the third, that this card must be the knave of spades. You may therefore cause the cards to be shuffled, without touching them any more, mi 76> . ARITHMETIC. and then, looking them over for the sake of form, may name the knave of spades when it occurs. PROBLEM XVI. Fifteen Christians and fifteen Turks being at sea in the same vessel, a dreadful storm came on, which obliged them to throw all their merchandise overboard ; this however not being sufficient to lighten the ship, the captain infor med them that there was no pos- sibility of its being saved, unless half the passengers were thrown overboard also, Having therefore caused them all to arrange themselves in a row, by counting from 9 to 9, and throwing every ninth person into the sea, beginning again at the first of the row when it had been counted to the end, it was found that after fifteen persons had been thrown overboard, the fifteen Christians remained. How did the captain arrange these thirty persons so as to save the Christians ? The method of arranging the thirty persons may be deduced from these two French verses : Rs Mort, tu ne failliras pas En me livrant le trepas. Or from the following Latin one, which is not so bad of its kind: Populeam virgam mater regina ferebat. Attention must be paid to the vowels A, E, I, 0, U, contained in the syllables of these - verses; observing that a is equal to 1, E to 2,1 to 3, 0 to 4, and u to 5. You must begin then by arranging 4 Christians together, because the vowel in the first syllable is o; then five Turks, because the vowel in the second syllable is vu; and so on to the end. By proceeding in this manner, it will be found, taking every ninth person circularly, that is to say, beginning at the first of the row, after it is ended, that the lot will fall entirely on the Turks. . The solution of this problem may be easily extended still farther. Let it be required, for example, to make the lot fall upon 10 persons in 40, counting from: 12 to 12: Arrange 40 ciphers in a circular form, as below; rte 0000000000000000 00O00000000000000 ttt t Then, beginning at the first, mark every twelfth one with a cross; continue in this ~ manner, taking care to pass over those already crossed, still proceeding circularly, till the required number of places has been marked ; if you then count the places of the marked ciphers, those on which the lot falls will be easily known: in the present case they are the 7th, the 8th, the 10th, the 12th, the 21st, the 22d, the 24th, the 34th, the 35th, and the 36th. : A captain, obliged to decimate his company, might employ this expedient, to make the lot fall upon those most culpable. It is related that Josephus, the historian, saved his life by means of this expedient. Having fied for shelter to a cavern, with forty other Jews, after Jotapat had been taken by the Romans, his companions resolved to kill each other rather than sur- render. Josephus tried to dissuade them from their horrid purpose, but not being. able to succeed, he pretended to coincide with their wishes, and retaining the authority _ he had over them as their chief, to avoid the disorder which would necessarily be AMUSING PROBLEMS. rif: the consequence of this cruel execution, if they should kill each other at random, he prevailed on them to arrange themselves in order, and, beginning to count from one end to a certain number, to put to death the person on whom that number should fall, until there remained only one, who should kill himself. Having all agreed to this proposal, Josephus arranged them in such a manner, and placed himself in such a position, that when the slaughter had been continued to the end, he re- mained with only one more person, whom he persuaded to live. Such is the story related of Josephus by Hegesippus; but we are far from war- ranting the truth of it. However, by applying to this case the method above indi- cated, and supposing that every third person was to be killed, it will be found that the two last places on which the lot fell were the 16th and 31st; so that Josephus must have placed himself in one of these, and the person he was desirous of saving in the other. PROBLEM XVII. A man has a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage, to carry over a river; but being obliged to transport them one by one on account of the smallness of the boat, in what manner is this to be done, that the wolf may not be left with the goat, nor the goat with the cabbage ? He must first carry over the goat, and then return for the wolf; when he carries over the wolf, he must take back with him the goat, and leave it, in order to earry over the cabbage; he may then return and carry over the goat. By these means, the wolf will never be left with the goat, nor the goat with the cabbage, but when ‘the boatman is present. PROBLEM XVIII. Three jealous husbands, with their wives, having to cross a river at a ferry, find a boat without a boatman ; but the boat is so small that it can contain no more than two of them at once. How can these six persons cross the river, two and two, so that none of the women shall be left in company with any of the men, unless when her husband is present ? - The solution of this problem is contained in the two following Latin disticks : It duplex mulier, redit una, vehitque manentem, Itque una; utuntur tunc duo puppe viri. Par vadit et redeunt bini, mulierque sororem Advehit ; ad propriam fine maritus abit. That is: “ Two women cross first, and oue of them, rowing back the boat, carries over the third woman. One of thé three women then returns with the boat, and remaining, suffers the two men, whose wives have crossed, to go over in the boat. One of the men then carries back his wife, and leaving her on the bank, rows over the third man. In the last place, the woman who had crossed enters the boat, and returning twice, carries over the other two women.” This question is proposed also under the title of the three masters and the three valets. The masters agree very well, and the valets also; but none of the masters ‘can endure the valets of the other two; so that if any one of them were left with any of the other two valets, in the absence of his master, he would infallibly cane him. PROBLEM XIx. In what manner can counters be disposed in the eight external cells of a square, so that there may be always 9 in each row, and yet the whole number shall vary from 20 to 82? Ozanam proposed this problem in the following manner, with a view no doubt to excite the curiosity of his readers; 73 . ARITHMETIC. A certain convent eonsisted of nine cells, one of which in the middle was occupied by a blind abbess, and the rest by her nuns. The good abbess, to assure herself that the nuns did not violate their vows, visited all the cells, and finding 3 nuns in each, which made 9 in every row, retired to rest. Four nuns however went out, and the abbess returning at midnight to count them, still found 9 in each row, and therefore retired as before. The 4 nuns then came back, each with a gallant, and the abbess on paying them another visit, having again counted 9 persons in each row, entertained no suspicion of what had taken place. But-4 more men were introduced, and the abbess again counting 9 persons in each row, retired in the full persuasion that no one had either gone out or come in, How was all this possible ? This problem may be easily solved by inspecting the four following figures: the first of which represents the original disposition of the counters in the cells of the square; the second that of the same counters when 4 are taken away; the third the manner in which they must be disposed when these 4 are brought back with 4 others; and the fourth that of the same counters with the addition of 4 more. It is here evident that there are always 9 in each external row; and yet, in the first case, the whole number is 24, while in the second it is 20, in the third 28, and in the fourth 32, Sty 3 nl is 7 Ete Sa he a IL] 3) 3 |} yf] 1 | PTR a EES 40d steal iad 1 7 1 1 7 ] It would seem that Ozanam had not observed that these variations might have deen carried still farther: that four men more might have been introduced into the convent, without the abbess perceiving it; and that all the men might have after- wards gone out with six nuns, so as to leave only 18, instead of the 24 who were in the cells at first. The possibility of this will appear by inspecting the two following figures, 0 9 0 5 0 4 V. 9 9 VI 0 0 ee eee a ee « 0 9 0 4 0 ) It is almost needless to explain in what manner the illusion of the good abbess arose, It is because the numbers in the angular cells of the square were counted twice; these cells being common to two rows. The more therefore the angular cells are filled, by emptying those in the middle of each band, these double enumerations become greater; on which account the number, though diminished, appears always to be the same; and the contrary is the case in proportion as the middle cells are filled by emptying the angular ones, which renders it necessary to add some units to have 9 in each band. AMUSING PROBLEMS. 79 PROBLEM XxX, . y A gentleman has a bottle, containing 8 pints, of choice wine, and wishes to make a present of one half of it to a friend ; but as he has nothing to measure it, except two other bottles, one capable of containing 5 and the other 3 pints, how must he manage, so as to put exactly 4 pints into the bottle gapable of containing 5? To enable us to resolve this problem we shall call the bottle containing the 8 pints, A; that of 5 pints, B; and that of 3 pints, c; supposing that there are 8 pints of wine in the bottle a, and that the other two are empty, as seen at D. 8 5 3 Having filled the bottle B with wine from the bottle a, in which there A BC will remain no more than 3 pints, as seen at £, fill the bottle c from s, pvp 8 0 O and consequently there will remain only 2 pints in the latter, as seenat ge 3 5 O -¥F: then pour the wine of c into a, which will thus contain 6 pints,as F 38 2 8 ‘seen at G, and pour the two pints of Binto c,as seenat H. Inthe last Gc 6 2 O place, having filled the bottle B from the bottle a, in which there will no 6 O 2 ‘remain only 1 pint, as seen at 1, fill up c from 8, in which there willre- 1 1 5 2 main 4 pints, as seen at K; and thus the problem is solved. K 1 4 8 Remark.—If you are desirous of making the four pints of wine remain in the bottle a, which we have supposed to be filled with 8 pints, instead of remaining in the bottle ps, fill the bottle c with wine from the bottle a, in which there will remain only 5 pints, as seen at D; and pour 3 pints of c into B, which will consequently contain 3 pints, as seen at E: having then filled c from a, in which there will remain no more than 2 pints, as seen at F; fill up B from c, which will thus contain only 1 pint, as seen at a. In the last place, having poured the wine of the bottle B into the bottle a, which will thus have 7 pints, as seen at H; pour the pint of wine which is inc into B, consequently the latter will contain ] pint, as seen at 1; and then fill up c from A, in which there will remain only 4 pints, as was proposed, and as seen at kK. Rae DOs wey RIT Woes Ow RH ONnrwnwoorpm & BO et a 09 S69 SG 109 PROBLEM XXI. A gentleman has a bottle containing 12 pints of wine, 6 of which he is desirous of giving to a friend ; but as he has nothing to measure it, except two other bottles, one of 7 pints, and the other of 5, how must he manage, to have the 6 pints in the bottle capable of containing 7 pints ? This problem is of the same nature as the preceding, and may be solved in the like manner. Let T represent the twelve-pint, s the seven-pint, and Fr the five-pint bottle. The bottle rT is full, and the other two, s and F, are empty, tong as seen ata. Fill the bottle r with wine from 7, so that T shall con- tain only 7 pints, as seen at H; then pour into s the wine contained in F, which will remain empty, and the bottle s will contain 5 pints, as seen at 1; having filled F from 1, the latter will contain only 2 pints, the bottle s will contain 5, and the bottle F will be full, as seen at K; in the next place fill s from Fr, and will still contain only 2 pints, 1 while s contains 7, and F 3, as seen atx; then empty sintoT, and M F into s, by which means T will contain 9 pints, and s 3, F remaining N empty, as seen at m: fill F from T, and pour from F into s as muchas o 11 will fill it, so that there will then be 4 pints in 7, 7 pintsins,and1l Pp 6 pint in F, as seen at N: pour the 7 pints from s into T, and the pint contained in F into s, after which T will contain 11 pints, s 1, and F will be empty, as seen at o, In the last place, having filled the five-pint bottle F from the bettle r, and poured Ae © —d mel Ronnwpwyyp w AeNIwwEernoon SOF CwMMNOuUNos 80 ARITHMETIC. 6 a these 5 pints from F into s, which already contains 1, it will be found that Tr contains 6 pints, and that s contains 6 also; so that the desired result has been obtained. PROBLEM XXile To make the knight move into all the squares of the chess board, in succession, without passing twice over the same. ® As the reader perhaps may be unacquainted with the movement of the knight at the game of chess, we shall here explain it. The knight being placed in the square | hp rere A, cannot move into any of those immediately surround- ing it, as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8; nor into the squares 9, OeluSut? a aldie ae 10, 11, 12, which are directly above or below, and on |——|——|——|——|—= each side of it; nor into the squares 13, 14, 15, 16, which Ce OA Ties are in the diagonals; but only into one of those which, 16 Tinos "Sa in the annexed figure, are empty. Several eminent men have amused themselves with this problem, such as Mont- mort, Demoivre, and Mairan, and each of these has given a solution of it. In those of the two former, the knight is supposed to be placed at first in one of the angular squares of the chess board; in that of the third, he is supposed to begin to move from one of the four central squares; but in our opinion it was not known, till within these few years, that placing the knight in any square whatever, he may be made to traverse the whole chess board, and even in such a manner that, without returning the same way, he shall pass a: second time over the board under the like conditions. For this last solution we are indebted to M. W , a captain in the Kinski regiment of dragoons, in the imperial service. . We shall here give four tables, representing these four solutions, with an explana- tion and some remarks. I, M. Montmort. II. Demoivre. AMUSING PROBLEMS, gi Ill. M. Mairan. IV. M. W——~. 62 \51 | 56 | 53 °)'18 124 55 | 58 |-49 | 60 Of these four ways of resolving the problem, that of Demoivre is doubtless the easiest to be remembered ; for the principle of his method consists in filling up, as much as possible, the two exterior bands, which form as it were a border, and not entering the third, till there is no other method of moving the knight from the place where he is, to one of the two first, a rule which in the clearest manner subjects the movement of the knight to a certain necessary progress, from his first step, to the 50th, and beyond it; for from the cell marked 50 there is no choice in placing him, except on those marked 51 and 63; but the cell 51 being nearer the band, ought to be preferred, and then the movement must necessarily be through 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61. When he arrives at 61, it is a matter of indifference whether he be placed in the cell marked 64, for he may thence proceed to the last but one 63, and end at 62; or be placed in 62, to proceed to 63, and end at 64. It may therefore be said that the movement of the knight in this solution is almost constrained. The case is not the same with the fourth, which it is difficult to practise in any other manner than from memory; but it is attended with one very great advantage, which is, that you may begin, as already said, at any cell at pleasure ; because the author took the trouble to bring the knight at the conclusion to a place from which he can pass into the first. His movement therefore is in some measure circular, and interminable, by adhering to the condition of not passing twice over the same cell, till after 64 steps. It may be readily seen, that to make the knight perform this movement without confusion, the cell he has quitted must be marked at each step. For this purpose a counter may be placed in each-cell, and removed as the knight passes over it; or, what will be still better, a counter may be placed in each cell when he has passed it. PROBLEM XXIII. To distribute among 8 persons, 21 casks of wine, 7 of them full, 7 of them empty, and 7 half full, so that each shall have the same quantity of wine, and the same number of casks. This problem admits of two solutions, which may be clearly comprehended by means of the two following tables. Persons. full casks, empty. half full. Ist 2 2 3 i 2d 2 2 3 3d 3 3 ] G 82 Persons. Ist Il. 2d 3d It is evident that, in these two combinations, each person will have 7 casks, and 34 casks of wine. But it may be easily seen that the whole number of the casks must be divisible by empty. ARITHMETIC. full casks. 3 3 3 3 ] ] half full. 1 1 5 the number of persons, otherwise the thing required would be impossible. It will be found, in like manner, that if 24 casks were to be divided among 3 per- sons, under the same conditions, we should have three different solutions, as follow: full casks. Persons. Ist III. 2d If there should be 27 casks to be divided, there would be three solutions also : empty... Persons. Ist I. }24 3d Ist Il. 2d 3d Ist Til. 2d 36 full casks. C9 DD DD bO 69 69 A CODD BAe 09 09 09 CHAPTER XI. empty. We GO PbO DD bo 69 09 Hm OO RD ee OO 09 OO half full. COND ChE PNW half full. m9 OY ee eT 09 69 C9 CONTAINING SOME CURIOUS ARITHMETICAL PROBLEMS, A gentleman, in his will, gave orders that his property should be divided among his children in the following manner :—The eldest to take from the whole £1000, and the . 7th part of what remained ; the second £2000, and the Tth part of the remainder ; the third £3000, and the 7th part of what was left; and so on to the last, always The children having followed the disposition of the testator, tt. was found that they had each got an equal portion: how many children were there, what was the father’s property, and to how much did the share of each child amount ? — increasing by £1000. It will be found by analysis, that the father’s property was £36000; that there were 6 children, and that the share of each was £6000. Thus, if the first takes £1000, the remainder of the property will be £35000, the 7th part of which £5000, together with £1000, makes £6000. The remainder, after deducting the first child’s portion, is £30000, from whichif the second takes £2000, the remainder will be £28000, but the 7th part of this sum is £4000, which if added PROBLEM I. to the above £2000, will make £6000, and so on. AMUSING PROBLEMS. 83 PROBLEM It. A gentleman meeting a certain number of beggars, and being desirous to distribute among them all the money he had about him, finds that if he gave sixpence to each he would have 2s. too little ; but that by giving each a groat, he would have 2s. 8d. over : how many beggars were there, and what sum had the gentleman in his pocket ? There were 28 beggars, and the gentleman had in his pocket 12 shillings ; for if 28 be multiplied by 6, the product will be 168, from which if 2 shillings or 24 pence be sub- tracted, as he wanted 24 pence to be able to give each sixpence, the remainder will be 144 pence = 12 shillings; but by giving each of the beggars 4 pence, he had occasion only for 112 pence, or 4 times 28; consequently he had 32 pence, or 2s. 8d. remaining. PROBLEM III. A gentleman purchased for £110. a lot of wine, consisting of 100 bottles of Burgundy, and 80 of Champagne ; and another purchased at the same price, for the sum of £95, 85 bottles of the former, and 70 of the latter: whatwas the price of each kind of wine ? It will be found that the Burgundy cost 10s. per bottle, and the Champagne 153. as may be easily proved. | PROBLEM IY. A gentleman, on his death-bed, gave orders in his will, that if his lady, who was then pregnant, brought forth a son, he should inherit two thirds of his property, and the widow the other third ; but that if she brought forth a daughter, the mother should inherit two thirds, and the daughter one third ; the lady however was delivered of two children, a boy and a girl, what was the portion of each ? The only difficulty in this problem is to discover, in what manner the testator would have disposed of his property, had he foreseen that his lady would have been delivered of two children. It has generally been explained in the following manner : As the testator desired that if his wife brought forth a boy, the latter should have two thirds of his property, and the mother the other third, it hence follows that his intention was to give the son a portion double to that of the mother; and as he gave orders that in case she brought forth a daughter, the mother was to have two thirds of the property, and the daughter the other, there is reason to conclude that he intended the portion of the mother to be double that of the daughter. Consequently, to combine these two conditions, the property must be divided in such a manner, that the son may have twice as much as the mother, and the mother twice as much as the daughter. If we therefore suppose the property to be £30000, the share of the son will be £17142, that of the mother £8571]#, and that of the daughter £42853. Asa supplement to this problem, another is differently proposed. In case the mother should be delivered of two sons and a daughter, in what manner must the pro- perty be divided ? _ In our opinion, no other answer can be given to this question, than what would be given by the gentlemen of the bar; that the will, in such a case, would be void; for ~achild having been omitted in the will, all the laws with which we are acquainted would pronounce its nullity: Ist, because the law is precise; and 2d, because it is impossible to determine what would have been the disposition of the testator, had he had two sons, or had he foreseen that his wife would be delivered of two. Gc 2 84 ARITHMETIC. PROBLEM V. A brazen lion, placed in the middle of a reservoir, throws out water from its mouth, its eyes, and tts right foot. When the water flows from its mouth alone, it fills the reservoir in 6 hours ;: from the right eye it fills it in 2 days ; from the left eye in 3, and from the footin 4. In what time will the bason be filled by the water flowing from all these aper- tures at once ? To solve this problem it must be observed, that as the lion, when it throws the water from its mouth, fills the bason in 6 hours, it can fill } of it inan hour; and thas as it fills it in 2 days when it throws the water from its right eye, it can fill 4 of it in an hour. It will be found, in like manner, that it can fill 4, of it in an hour when the water flows from its left eye, and 4, when it flows from its foot. By throwing the waters from all these apertures at once, it furnishes in an hour } + 4 + dy + dy, and these fractions added together are equal to $4. We must therefore make the following proportion: If}, are filled in one hour or 60 minutes, how many minutes will the whole bason, or 383, require: or as 61 is to 288, so is 1 hour, to the answer, which will be 4h. 43m. 1644 seconds. PROBLEM VI. A mule and an ass travelling together, the ass began to complain that her burthen was too heavy. ‘‘ Lazy animal,” said the mule, “‘ you have little reason to complain ; for if I take one of your bags, I shall have twice as many as you, and if £ give you one of mine we shall then have only an equal number.” With how many bags was each loaded ? This problem, which is one of those commonly proposed to beginnersin Algebra, is taken from a collection of Greek epigrams, known under the name of the Anthology ; and has been translated, almost literally, into Latin as follows: Una cum mulo vinum portabat asella, Atque suo graviter sub pondere pressa gemebat. Talibus at dictis mox increpat ipse gementem : Mater, quid luges, tenerze de more puelle? Dupla tuis, si des mensuram, pondera gesto: At si mensuram accipias, zequalia porto. Dic mibi mensuras, sapiens geometer, istas? The analysis of this problem has also been expressed in indifferent Latin. verses, which we shall here give, to gratify the reader’s curiosity. Unam asina accipiens, amittens mulam et unam Si fiant equi, certe utrique ante duobus Distabant a se. Accipiatsi mulus at unam, Amittatque asina unam, tunc distantia fiet Inter e03 quatuor, Muli at cum pondera dupla Sint asinz, huic simplex, mulo est distantia dupla. Ergo habet hc quatuor tantum, mulusque habet octo, Unam asiue si addas, si reddat mulus et unam, Mensuras quinque hac et septem mulus habebunt. That is: “ As the mule and the ass will both have equal burthens when the for- mer gives one of his measures to the latter, itis evident that the difference between the measures which they carry is equal to 2, Now if the mule receives one from the ass, the difference will be 4; but in that case the mule will have double the number of measures that the ass has; consequently the mule will have 8, and the ass 4. If the mule then gives one to the ass, the latter will have 5and the former 7:’’ these were the number of the measures with which each was loaded, and which solve the problem. This problem, which might be expressed in a great variety of forms, is not the only — eS AMUSING PROBLEMS. 85 one furnished by the Greek Anthology. The following are a few more, translated into the Latin verse by Bachet de Meziriac, who inserted them in a note to one of the problems of Diophantus. ; I. Aurea mala ferunt Charites, equalia cuique Mala insunt calatho; Musarum his obvia turba Mala petunt, Charites cunctis zqualia donant ; Tune equalia tres contingit habere, novemque : Dic quantum dederint numerus sit ut omnibus idem ? That is: ‘“‘ The three Graces, carrying each an equal number of oranges, were met by the nine Muses, who asked for some of them; and each Grace having given to each Muse the same number, it was then found that they had all equal shares: How many had the Graces at first ?” The least number which will answer this problem is 12; for if we suppose that each Grace gave one to each Muse, the latter would each have three; and there would remain 3 to each Grace. The numbers 24, 36, 48, &c., will also answer the question; and after the distri- bution is made, each of the Graces and Muses will have 6, or 9, or 12, &c. idl Dic, Heliconiadum decus O sublime Sororum, Pythagora, tua quot tyrones tecta frequentent, i Qui, sub te, sophie sudant in agone magistro? : Dicam ; tuque animo mea dicta, Polycrates, hauri; * Dimidia horum pars preclara mathemata discit, Quarta immortalem naturam nosse laborat ; Septima, sed tacite, sedet atque audita revolvit ; Tres sunt foeminei sexus. “ Tell me, illustrious Pythagoras, how many pupils frequent thy school? One half, replied the philosopher, study mathematics, one fourth natural philosophy, one seventh observe silence, and there are three females besides.” The question here is, to find a number, the 3, 4, and 4 of which ++ 8, shall be equal to that number. It may be easily replied that this number is 28. II. Dic quota nunc hora est? Superest tantum ecce diei Quantum bis gemini exacta de luce trientes. ** A person being asked what o’clock it was, replied, the hours of the day which remain, are equal to 2 of those elapsed.” If we divide the day, as-the ancients did, into 12 equal portions, the question will be to divide that number into two such parts, that 3 of the first may be equal to the second ; in this case the result will be 54 for the number of the hours elapsed; and consequently for the remainder of the day 6§ hours. IV. Hic Diophantus habet tumulaum, qui tempora vitea Ilius mira denotat arte tibi. Egit sextantem juvenis, lanugine malas Vestire hinc coepit parte duodecima. Septante uxori post hec sociatur et anno Formosus quinto nascitur inde puer. Semissem etatis postquam attigit ille paterne, Infelix subita morte peremptus obit. Quatuor estates genitor lugere superstes Cogitur, hinc annos illius assequere, “This is the epitaph of the celebrated mathematician Diophantus. It tells us that -Diophantus passed the sixth part of his life in childhood, and the twelfth part in the 86 ARITHMETIC. state of youth; that after a seventh part of his life and five years more were elapsed, he had a son, who died when he had attained to half the age of his father, and that’ the latter survived him only four years.” To resolve this problem, we must find a number, the 4, 7, 4, and 4 of which +5 + 4, shall be equal to the number itself. This number is 84. PROBLEM VII. The sum of £500 having been divided among four persons, it was found that the shares of the first two amounted to £285; those of the second and third to £220; those of the third and fourth to £215; and that the share of the first was to that of the last as 4 to 3. What was the share of each? The solution of this problem is exceedingly easy. The first had £160, the second £125, the third £95, and the fourth £120. It is to be observed, that without the last-mentioned condition, or a fourth one ot some. kind or other, the problem would be indeterminate ; that is to say, would be susceptible of a great many answers: the last condition however limits it to one only. PROBLEM VIII. A labourer hired himself to a gentleman on the following conditions: for every day | he worked he was to receive 2s. 6d.; but for every day he remained idle he was to forfeit 1s. 3d.: after 40 days’ service he had to receive £2. 15s. How many days did he work, and how wany remain idle ? He worked 28 days of the 40, and remained idle 12. PROBLEM IX. A bill of exchange, of £2000 was paid with half-guineas and crowns; and the number of the pieces of money amounted to 4700. How many of each sort were employed ? There were 3000 half guineas and 1700 crowns. The solution of this and that of the preceding problem are left as exercises for the young student. PROBLEM X. A gentleman, having lost his purse, could not tell the exact sum it contained, but recollected that when he counted the pieces two by two, or three by three, or five by five, there always remained one; and that when he counted them seven by seven, there remained nothing. What was the number of pieces in his purse ? It may be readily seen that, to solve this problem, nothing is necessary but to find a uumber which when divided by 7 shall leave no remainder; and which when divided by 2, 8, 5, shall always leave 1. Several methods may be employed for this. purpose ; but the simplest is as follows: Since nothing remains when the pieces are counted seven by seven, the number of them is evidently some multiple of 7; and since 1 remains when they are counted two by two, the number must be an odd multiple: it must therefore be some of the series 7, 21, 35, 49, 63, 77, 91, 105, &c. This number also, when divided by 3, must leave unity ; but in the above series, 7, 49, and 91, which increase arithmetically, their difference being 42, are the only numbers that have the above property. It appears likewise, that if 91 be divided by 5, there will remain I; and we may thence conclude that the first number which aioe, AMUSING PROBLEMS. 87 answers the question is 91: for it is a multiple of 7, and being divided by 2, 3, or 5, the remainder is alwys 1. Several more numbers, which answer this question, may be found by the following means: continue the above progression, in this manner: 7, 49, 91, 183, 175, 217, 259, 301, until you find another term divisible by 5, that leaves unity; this term. will be 301, and wil! also answer the conditions of the problem; but the difference between it and 9] is 210, from which it may be concluded, that if we form the pro- gression : 91, 301,511, 721, 931, 1141, &e: all these numbers will answer the conditions of the problem also. It would therefore be still uncertain what money was in the purse, unless the owner could tell nearly the sum it contained. Thus, for example, if he should say that there were about 500 pieces in it, we might easily tell him that the number was 51]. Let us now suppose that the owner had said, that when he counted the pieces two by two there remained 1 ; that when he counted them three by three there remained 2; four by four, 3; five by five, 4; six by six, 5; and, in the last place, that when he counted them seven by seven, nothing remained. It is here evident that the number, as before, must be an odd multiple of 7, and consequently one of the series 7, 21, 35, 49, 63, 77, 91, 105, &c. But the numbers 35 and 77, of this series, answer the condition of leaving 2 as a remainder when divided by 3, and their difference is 42. For this reason we must form a new arith- metical progression, the difference of which is 42, viz. 35, 77, 119, 161, 203, 245, 287, &c. We must then seek for two numbers in it, which when divided by 4 shall leave 3asremainder. Of this kind are the numbers 35, 119, 203, 287; and therefore we must form a new progression, the difference of the terms of which is 84. 35, 119, 203, 287, 371, 455, 539, 623, &c. Ia this new progression we must seek for two terms, which when divided by 5, shall leave 4; and it will be readily seen that these numbers are 119 and 539, the difference of which is 420. A series of terms therefore which answer all the con- ditions of the problem except 1, is 119, 539, 959, 1379, 1799, 2219, 2639, &c. But the last condition of the problem is, that the required number, when divided by 6, leaves 5 as remainder. This property belongs to 119, 959, 1799, &c., always adding 840; consequently the number sought is one of those in that progression. For this reason, as soon as we know nearly within what limits it is contained, we shall be able to determine it. If the owner therefore of the purse had said, that it contained about 100 pieces, _ the number required would be 119; if he had said there were nearly 1000, it would be 959, &c. Remark.— The solution of this problem, according to the method taught by Oza- nam, would be imperfect. For after finding the smallest number which answers the conditions of the problem, viz. 119, he would merely say, that to obtain the other numbers which answer them, the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ought to be successively multiplied together, and their product 5040 added to 119, the first number found: this would give the number 5159, which would answer the proposed conditions aiso. But it may be readily seen, that there are several other numbers, between 119 and 5159, which answer these conditions, viz. 959, 1799, 2639, 3479, 4319. In treating of chronology, we shall give the solution of another problem of the same kind; viz., To find any year of the Julian period, the golden number, cycle of the sun, and cycle of indiction, for that year, being given. 88 ; ARITHMETIC. PROBLEM XI. A sum of money, placed out at a certain interest, increased in 8 months to £3616. — 13s. 4d.; and in two years and a half it amounted to £3937. 10s. What was the original capital, and at what rate of interest was it placed out ? That young algebraists may have an opportunity of exercising their own ingenuity, we shall here give the answer only of this problem. By employing the proper means of analysis, they will find that if r =the interest of one pound for a year, a 6.b6—a lsa—46 a aud b, gives r = th of a pound, or the rate £5. per cent. per annum; and hence the capital is easily found to be £3500. the first amount and b the second, that r= , which, with the given value of PROBLEM XII. Three women went to market to sell eggs; the first of whom sold 10, the second 25, and the third 30, all at the same price. As they were returning, they began to reckon how much money they carried back, and it was found that each had the same sum. How many eggs did they sell, and at what price? It is evident that, to make what is announced in this problem possible, these women must have sold their eggs at two different times, and at different prices; for if the one who had the least number of eggs sold a very small number at the lowest price, and the remainder at the highest, while the one who had the greatest number sold the greater part at the lowest price, and could sell only a very small number at the highest, it may be easily seen that they might have got equal sums of money. The question then is to divide each of the numbers 10, 25, 30, into two such parts, that if the first part of each be multiplied by the first price, and the second by the second, the sum of the two products shall be equal. This problem is indeterminate, and susceptible of ten different solutions, It is, in — the first place, necessary that the difference of the prices of the first and the second sale shall be an exact divisor of 15, 20, 5, the differences of the three numbers given ; but the least divisor of these three numbers is 5, and for this reason the prices must be 6 and 1, or 7 and 2, or 8 and 3, &c. If we suppose the two prices to be 6 and 1, we shall have seven different solu- tions, as seen in the following table : Women. Ist sale. 2d sale. Total amount. Ist. 4 eggs at 6d. 6 at ld. 30 I 2d. 1 24. 30 3d. 0 30 30 Ist. 5 5 35 ef 2d. 2 23 35 3d. 1 29 35 Ist. 6 4 40 Til. 2d. 3 22 40 3d. 2 28 40 Ist. 7 3 45 IV, 2d. 4 21 45 3d. 3 27 45 Ist. 8 2 50 V. 2d. 5 20 50 3d. 4 26 50 Ist. 9 ] 55 VI. } 2d. 6 19 55 3d. 5 25 55 Ist. 10 0 60 Vil. } 2a vi 18 60 3d. 6 24 60 Me | AMUSING PROBLEMS. 89 f we suppose the two prices to be 7 and 2, we shall have also the three following solutions : _ Women. Ist sale. 2d sale. Total amount. Ist. 8 eggs at 7d. 2 at 2d. 60 AK } 24 2 93 60 od. 0 30 60 Ist. 9 1 65 II. } 24 3 22 65 3d. 1 29 65 Ist. 10 0 70 III. } 2 4 21 70 3d. 2 28 70 It would be needless to try 8 and 3, or any other number, as no solution could be obtained from them, for reasons which will be seen hereafter. Remarks.— We are told by M. de Lagny, in the second part of his ‘* Arithmetique Universelle,” p. 456, that this question is susceptible of no more than six solutions ; but the author is here mistaken, for we have pointed out ten. As it may afford plea- sure to those who are studying algebra, to be made acquainted with the method em- ployed for obtaining them, we think it our duty here to give it. We shall call the price at which the women sold the first time u; and that at which they sold the second time p. If x then be the number of the eggs sold by the first woman, at the price u, the number of those sold at the price p will be 10 — x; the money arising from the first sale will be x u, that of the second will be 10 p — pz, and the sum total will be zu +10p — pz. If z be the number of eggs sold by the second woman, at the first sale, we shall have uz for the money arising from the first sale, and 25 p — pz for that arising from the second, making together z u-+- 25 p — pz: In like manner, if y represent the number of eggs sold, the first time, by the third woman, we shall have uy for the money arising from the first sale, 30 p — py for that of the second, and for the total of the two sales uy-+30p— py. But, by the supposition, these three sums are equal; consequently ru-+-l0 p—px=zu + 25 p—pz=uy-+ 30 p — py, from which we obtain the three following new equations : ru—pr=zu—pz+ 5p ru—pe—=wuy— py 0p z2u—pz=uy—py+i5p And dividing the whole by u — p, we have these three others, viz., ves 15 p z Aghios 20 ee ree 5 Wh area from which it may be concluded, that « — p must be a divisor of 15, 20, and 5, otherwise 15 p 20 p o'p , would not be integral numbers, which it is ne- Uu Saar ie i = : cessary they Peal be. tT But fe only number which is a divisor of 15, 20, and 5, is 5, which shews that the prices of the two sales could be only 5 and 0, 6 and 1, 7 and 2, 5 and 3, &c. It may he easily seen, that the supposition of 5 and O will not answer the con- ditions, since in that case there would have been only one sale. We must therefore try the second supposition, 6 and 1, viz. «= 6 and p=1, which -gives for the two last equations, x= y-+-4,z=y-+l. 90 ARITHMETIC. But we have here three unknown quantities, and only two equations; for which) reason one of these unknown quantities must be assumed at pleasure. Let us take y, and first suppose it = 0. | This will give = 4, and z= I, and we shall have the first solution, which shews that the first woman sold the first time 4 eggs at 6 pence each, and consequently, the second time 6 at 1 penny each; while the second sold 1 the first time at 6 pence, and the other 24 at 1 penny each, and the third sold all her eggs at the second price: they would then all have 30 pence each. By making y = 1, we shall have the second solution. By making y = 2, we shall have the third. By making y = 3, we shall have the fourth. By making y = 4, we shall have the fifth. By making y = 5, we shall have the sixth. By making y = 6, we shall have the seventh, We cannot suppose y to be greater than 6, because then we should have z = 10; which is impossible, as the first woman has only 10 eggs to sell. We must therefore proceed to the following supposition, viz. u = 7, and p = 2, which gives two equations, 7 = y-+ 8; z=y-+-2. If y here be first made = 0, we shall-have z = 8, and z = 2, which gives the eighth solution, By making y = 1], we shall have the ninth. By making y = 2, we shall have the tenth. } But y cannot be made greater, for then would be greater than 10, which is im- possible. It would be useless also to try for the values of u and p, 8 and 3; for these would necessarily give to z a value greater than 10, which cannot be the case. __ We may therefore rest assured that the problem is susceptible of no more solu- tions than the ten above-mentioned. PROBLEM XIII. To find the number and the ratio of the weights with which any number of pounds, Jrom unity to a given number, can be weighed in the simplest manner. Though this problem on the first view seems to belong to mechanics, it may be readily seen that it is only an arithmetical question: for, to solve it, nothing is ne- cessary but to find a series of numbers beginning with unity, which, added or sub- tracted from each other in every way possible, shall form all the numbers from unity to the greatest proposed. ; It may be solved two ways; either by addition alone, or by addition combined with subtraction. In the first case, the series of weights which answers the problem, is that of the numbers increasing in double progression; in the second, it is that of those in the triple progression. Thus, for example, with weights of 1 pound, 2 pounds, 4 pounds, 8 pounds, and 16 pounds, we can weigh any number of pounds up to 31: for, with 2 and 1 we ean form 3 pounds; with 4 and 1, 5 pounds; with 4 and 2, 6 pounds; with 4, 2, and 1, 7 pounds, &e With the addition of a weight of 32 pounds, we can weigh as far as 63 pounds; and so on, doubling the last weight, and deducting from that double unity. ‘ But by employing weights in the triple progression, 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, all weights from ] pound to 121 can be weighed with them: for, with the second less the first, that is to say, putting the first into one scale and the second into the other, we can make 2 pounds ; by putting both in the same scale, we can form 4 pounds; by putting 9 on the one side and 3.and 1 on the other, 5 pounds; by 9 on the one side and AMUSING PROBLEMS. 91 3 on the other, 6 pounds; by 9 and 1 on the one side and 3 on the other, 7 pounds ; nd so on, It is here evident that this last method is the simplest, being that which requires he least number of different weights. Both these progressions are more advantageous than any of the arithmetical ones ; as will appear on trial; for if the increasing arithmetical weights, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. were employed, 15 would be necessary to weigh 120 pounds; to weigh 121 with weights in the increasing progression 1, 3, 5, 7, &c., 11 would be required. No other pro- gression would make up all the weights possible, from 1 pound to the greatest re- sulting from the whole of the weights. The triple proportion therefore is the most convenient of all. _ The solution of this problem may be of the greatest utility in commerce, and the ordinary concerns of life, as it affords the means of weighing any weight whatever with the least possible number of different weights. PROBLEM XIV. A country woman carrying eggs to a garrison, where she had three guards to pass, sold at the first, half the number she had and half an egg more; at the second, the half of what remained and half an egg more; and at the third, the half of the remainder and half an egg more: when she arrived at the market place, she had three dozen still to sell. How was this possible without breaking any of the eggs ? It would appear, on the first view, that this problem is impossible; for how can half an egg be sold without breaking any? The possibility of it however will be evident when it is considered, that by taking the greater half of an odd number, we take the exact half + 4. It will be found therefore that the woman, before she passed the last guard, had 73 eggs remaining, for by selling 37 of them at that guard, which is the half +- 4, she would have 36 remaining. In like manner, before she came to the second guard she had 147 ; and before she came to the first, 295. ' This problem might be proposed also in a different manner, as follows : / PROBLEM XV. A gentleman went out with a certain number of guineas, in order to purchase necessaries at different shops. At the first he expended half his guineas and half a guinea more ; at the second, half the remainder and half a guinea more ; and so at the third. When he returned he found that he had laid out. all his money, without having received any change. How was this possible ? He had 7 guineas, and at the first shop expended 4, at the second 2, and at the third 1; for 4 is the half of 7 and 4 more; the remainder being 3, its half is 14, and 4 more makes 2; but 2 taken from 8 leaves 1, the half of which is 3, and 3 makes 1; consequently nothing more remains. _ Remark.—If the number of places at which the gentleman ietied all his money were greater, nothing would be necessary but to raise 2 to such a power, that the exponent should be equal to the number of places, and to diminish it by unity. Thus, if there were 4, as the fourth power of 2 is 16, the required number would be 15; if there were 5, the fifth power of 2 being 32, the required number would be 31. PROBLEM XVI. Three persons have each such a number of crowns, that if the first gives to the other two as many as they each have ; and if the second and third do the same ; they will then all have an equal number, namely 8. How many has each ? The first has 13, the second 7, and the third 4; as may be easily proved, by dis- tributing the crowns of each as announced in the problem. 92 ARITHMETIC. PROBLEM XVII. | A wine merchant who has only two sorts of wine, one of which he sells at 10s.,_ and the other at 5s. per bottle, being asked for some at 8s. per bottle, wishes to know how many bottles of each kind he must mix together, to form wine worth 8s. per bottle ? The difference between the highest price, 10s., and the mean price required, is Qs and that between the mean price and the lowest is3; which shews that he must tall 3 bottles of the wine at the highest price, and two of that at the lowest. ‘This mix ture will form 5 bottles, worth 8s. each. In problems of this kind, in general, as the difference between the highest price and the mean price, is to the difference between the mean price and the lowest, so is the number of measures at the lowest price, to that of those at the highest, which must be mixed together to have a similar measure at the mean price. PROBLEM XVIII. A gentleman is desirous of sinking £100,000, which together with the interest is to become extinct at the end of 20 years, on condition of receiving a certain annuity during that time. What sum must the gentleman receive annually, supposing ims terest to be at the rate of five per cent.?— The sum which the gentleman ought to receive annnally i is £8014. 19s. 2d. 1°7f. If the number of years were small, for example 5, this problem might be resolved, without algebra, by the retrograde method, and false position; for if we suppose the sum, which at the last year exhausts the capital and interest, to be £10,000, we shall find that the capital alone at the commencement of that year was £95231}; and if we add the £10,000, which were paid at the end of the year preceding the last, the sum, £1952314, will be the capital increased with the interest of the 4th year; con- sequently the capital at the beginning of that year was only £18594,6; whence it follows, that before the payment, at the end of the third year, the sum was £28594 which represented the capital increased with the interest of the third year. By thus going back to the commencement of the first year, the original capital will be found to be £43294. 15s. 4d. We must then make the following proportion: As this capital is to the supposed sum of £10000, so is the sum to be sunk, on the above conditions, to the annuity, or sum to be received every year. But it may be readily perceived, that in the case of 20 or 30 years, this method would require very long calculations, which are greatly shortened by algebra.* PROBLEM XIX. What is the interest with which any capital whatever would be increased, at the end of a year, if the interest due at every instant of the year were itself to be- come capital and to bear interest? This problem, to be well understood, has need of explanation. A person might place out his money under this condition, that the interest due at the end of a month, which at the interest of 5 per cent. would make a 60th of the capital, should be added to the capital, and bear interest the following month at the same rate; that at the * If a be the capital, m the interest, a m the number of years; the annuity or sum to be re- ax(1lt+ 1)” ceived every year, will be —————T n>? which in the case of 20 ae mx (Lt fot ayn 20 years, and allowing in i & es : 2°6584 terest to be at 5 per cent., (sm being then == 20) will be found = a x Saleas - oO eo . AMUSING PROBLEMS. 93 piration of this month, the interest of the above sum, which would be a 60th -+ 4, of the original capital, should be still added to the capital, increased by the in- erest of the first month, and bear interest the following month, and so on to the end f the year. ! What is done here in regard toa month, might be done in regard to a day, an hour, -minute, or even a second, which may be considered as a part of. the day infinitely mall: the question then is to know, what in this case would be the interest pro- luced by the capital at the end of the year, the interest of the first second being at he rate of five per cent. or sth. It might be supposed, on the first view, that this compound and super-compound nterest would greatly increase the 5 per cent., and yet it will be found that it pro- luces an increase scarcely sensible ; for if the capital be 1, the same capital increased with simple interest, at five per cent., will be 1 -+ 3, or 1 + 4§§, and when in- sreased with the interest accumulated every second, it will be 1,335, or rather, when 05127 expressed more exactly, 15t37., PROBLEM XX. A dishonest butler, every time he went into his master’s cellar, stole a pint from a particular cask, which contained 100 pints, and supplied its place by an equal quantity of water. At the end of 30 days, the theft being discovered, the butler was discharged. Of what quantity of wine did he rob his master, and how much remained in the cask ? It may be readily seen that the quantity of wine which the butler stole did not amount to 30 pints; for the second time that he drew a pint from the cask, taking the hundredth part of what it contained, it had already in it a pint of water, and as he each day substituted for the liquor he stole a pint of water, he every day took less than a pint of wine. To resolve, therefore, the problem, nothing is necessary but to determine in what progression the wine which he every day stole decreased. For this purpose, we must first observe, that after the first pint of wine was drawn, there remained in the cask no more than 99 pints, and the pint of water which had. been added. When a pint therefore was drawn from the mixture, it was only #2, of a pint of wine}; but before the pint was drawn, the cask contained 99 pints of wine ; consequently, after it was drawn, there remained 99 pints -- #9, that is to say $Y, or 98 pints + 745. When the third pint was drawn, the wine contained in it would be only $8 + shoo Which being taken from the quantity of wine in the cask, viz, 98,1; pints, would leave 2299, or 97 pints ++ saogy° It must here be remarked, that 98% is the square of 99 divided by 100; and that, ce is the cube of 99 divided by the square of 100, and so cn; consequently, when the second pint is drawn, the wine remaining will be the square of 99 divided by the- first power of 100; after the third, it will be the cube of 99 divided by the square of 100, &c. Whence it follows, that after the 30th pint is drawn, the quantity of wine remaining will be the 30th power of 99 divided by the 29th power of 100. But it may be found, by logarithms, that this quantity is 73%,, consequently the quantity of wine stolen is 26. 3.* * If the usual method of calculation were employed, it would be necessary to find the 30th power 99, which would contain not less than 59 figures, and to divide it by unity followed by 58 ciphers; whereas if logarithms be used, nothing is necessary but to multiply the logarithm of 99 by 30, which will give 598690560, and to subtract the product of the logarithm of 100 multiplied by 29, which is 580000000. ‘The remainder, 18690560, is the logarithm of the required quantity ; which, in the tables, will be found to be nearly 723i 94 ARITHMETIC. PROBLEM XXI. A and B can perform a certain piece of work in 8 days, A and C can do it inQ days, and B and C in 10 days; how many days will each of them require to per- form the same work, when they labour separately 2 A will perform it in 1434 days; B in 1733 days; and C in 23%, days. PROBLEM XXII. An Englishman owes a Frenchman £1. 11s. ; but has no other money to pay his debt than seven shillings pieces, and the Reopen has only French crowns, valued at five shillings. How many seven shillings pieces must the Englishman give to the Frenchman, and how many crowns must the latter give to the former, that the difference shall be equal to 31 shillings in favour of the Frenchman, so that the debt may be paid? The simplest numbers that answer this question, are 8 seven shillings pieces, and 5 crowns; for 8 seven shillings pieces make 56 shillings, and 5 crowns make 25; con- sequently their difference, of which the Frenchman has the advantage in this kind of exchange, is 3i shillings. This problem is susceptible of an infinite number of solutions; for it will be found that the same result may be obtained with 13 seven shillings pieces and 12 crowns; 18 seven shillings pieces and 19 crowns; always increasing the number of seven shil- lings pieces by 5, and that of the crowns by 7. Remark.—For the sake of young algebraists, we shall here give the analytical solution of this problem. Let x represent the number of the seven shillings pieces, and y that of the crowns; 7x then will be the sum given by the Englishman, and that given by the Frenchman willbe = 5y. But as the difference of these two sums must be equal to 31, we shall have 7x —5y = 31 shillings ; consequently 7 x = 81 + 5y, and «= 31 whe. Y—4 + 21" 3 4 oy shillings. But «is a whole number, and 4 being one also, 4 5y must be a whole number, and three times that quantity, 7 which is ocr ey =1-+42y+ aay must also be a whole number. Consequently ay must be a whole number. Put it equal to u, then y = 7 u — 2, and 2, which is equal to a =5u+3. Ifu=1,theny=5,ande=8. Ifu= 2, then. y=12,andr=13. If u=3, theny = 19, and « = 18, &e. CHAPTER XII. OF MAGIC SQUARES. THE name Magic Square, is given toa square divided into several other small equal squares or cells, filled up with the terms of any progression of numbers, but. generally an arithmetical one, in such a manner, that those in each band, whether horizontal, or vertical, or diagonal, shall always form the same sum. MAGIC SQUARES. 95 There are also squares in which the product of all the terms in each horizontal, or vertical, or diagonal band, is always the same. We shall speak of these also, but in a cursory manner, because they are attended with as little difficulty as the former. These squares have been called magic squares, because the ancients ascribed to them great virtues; and because this disposition of numbers formed the bases and principle of many of their talismans. According to this idea, a square of one cell, filled up with unity, was the symbol of the deity, on account of the unity and immutability of God; for they remarked that this square was by its nature unique and immutable; the product of unity by itself being always unity. _ The square of the root 2 was the symbol of imperfect matter, both on account of the four elements, and of the impossibility of arranging this square magically, as will be shewn hereafter. A square of 9 cells was assigned or consecrated to Saturn; that of 16 to Jupiter ; that of 25 to Mars; that of 36 tothe Sun; that of 49 to Venus; that of 64 to Mer- cury ; and that of 81, or nine on each side, to the Moon. Those who can find any relation between the planets and such an arrangement of numbers, must no doubt have minds strongly tinctured with superstition; but such was the tone of the mysterious philosophy of Jamblichus, Porphyry, and their dis- ciples. Modern mathematicians, while they amuse themselves with these arrange- ments, which require a pretty extensive knowledge of combination, attach to them mo more importance than they really deserve. _ Magic squares are divided into even and odd. The former are those the roots of which are even numbers, as 2, 4, 6, 8, &c. ; the latter of those the roots of which are odd, and which, by a necessary consequence, have an odd number of cells; such are the squares ot 3, 5, 7,9, &c. As the arrangement of the latter is much easier than that of the former, we shall first treat of them. SECTION I. Of Odd Magie Squares. There are several rules for the construction of these squares; but, in our opinion, the simplest and most convenient, is that which, according to M. de la Loubere, is employed by the Indians of Surat, among whom magic squares seem to be held in as much estimation as they were formerly among the ancient visionaries before men- tioned. We shall here suppose an odd square, the root of which is 5, and that it is required to fill it up with the first 25 of the natural numbers. In this case, begin by placing unity in the middle cell of the horizontal band at-the top; then proceed from left to right, as- cending diagonally, and when you go beyond the square, transport the next number 2 to the lowest cell of that vertical band to which it belongs; set 3 in the next cell, ascending diagonally from. left to right, and as 4 would 4 | 6 | 13 | 20 | 22 go beyond the square, transport it to the most distant |——~-|——|——|——|——_ cell of the horizontal band to which it belongs; set Sin | 19 | 12] 19 | 21) 3 the next cell, ascending diagonally from left to right, |—_|_,1|,-|o | ¢ | and as the following cell, where 6 would fall, is already occupied by 1, place 6 immediately below 5; place 7 and 8 in the two next cells, ascending diagonally, as seen in the figure; and then, in consequence of the first rule of transposition, set 9 at the bottom of the last vertical band ; then 10, in consequence of the second, in the last cell on the left of the second horizontal band; then 11 below it, according to the third rule: after which continue SS |e eee ee -_——~— 96%) >- ARITHMETIC, to fill up the diagonal with the numbers 12, 13, 14, 15; and as you can ascend no farther, place the following number 16 below 15; if you then proceed in the same manner, the remaining cells of the square may be filled up without any difficulty, as) seen in the above figure. The following are the squares of 3 and7 filled up by the same method ; and as hed examples will be sufficient to exercise such of our readers as have a taste for amuse- ments of this kind, we shall proceed to a few general remarks on the properties of a square arranged according to this principle. ' 8 1 6 46 6 8 17 | 26 | 35 37 Tig © fig “8 [14 | 16 [25 | 34 | 36 | 45 “4 | 9 2{ [is |15| 24] 33 | 42 | 4a] 4 “a1 | 23 | 32 | 41 | 48] 3 | 12 “22 | 31| 40| 49| 2 | 11 | 20 22 | 31} 40 | 49 Ist. According to this disposition, the most regular of all, the middle number of the progression occupies the centre, as 5 in the square of 9 cells, 13 in that of 25, and 25 in that of 49; but this is not necessary in the arrangement of all magic squares. 2d. In each of the diagonals, the numbers which occupy the cells equally distant from the centre, are double that in the centre: thus 30 + 20 = 47 +3 = 28+ 22 = 24 + 26, &c., are double the central number 25. 3d. The case is the same with the cells centrally opposite, that is to say, those similarly situated in regard to the centre, but in opposite directions both laterally and perpendicularly: thus31 and 19 are cells centrally opposite, and the case is the same in regard to 48 and 2, 13 and 37, 14 and 36, 32 and 18. But it happens that, according to this magic arrangement, those cells opposite in this manner, are always double the central number, being equal to 50, as may be easily proved. _ 4th. It may be readily seen, that it is not necessary that the progression to be arranged magically, should be that of the natural numbers J, 2, 3, 4, &c.: any arithmetical progression whatever, 3, 6, 9, 12, &c., or 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, &c., may be arranged in the same manner. | 5th. Nor is it necessary that the progression should be continued: it may be disjunct, and the rule isas follows. If the numbers of the progression, arranged according to their natural order in the cells of the square, exhibit in every direc- 1 ro Be ee tion, vertical and horizontal, an arithmetical progres- |_| |. |. |._|..+¢ sion, they are susceptible of being arranged magically in the same square, and by the same peace Let us 13 |.14.J 150) decane take, for example, the series of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4,5; {——)——|——|——);—— 4; 8, 9, 10,115 13, 14, glOs\LG; elie; 20) 2h 22, 23 ; 19 | 20 | 21 | 23 | 23 | 25, 26, 27, 28, 29: as these, when arranged in the cells §(——|——|———|— | of a square, every where exhibit an arithmetical pro- 260) PON eT) eee gression, they may be arranged magically; and indeed, according to the above rule, they may be formed into the annexed magic square. Moscopulus, a modern Greek author, and Bachet have also invented magic squares. But their methods are inferior to one contrived by M. Poignard, and im- : io. 4 =a MAGIC SQUARES. 97 proved by M. de la Hire. Of this method we now proceed to give a short account. Let it be required to fill up a square having an odd root, such as 5. Having con- structed the square of cells, place in the first horizontal row at the top, the five first numbers of the natural progression, in any order, at pleasure, which we shall here suppose to be 1, 8, 5, 2, 4; then make choice of a number, which is prime to the - root 5, and which when diminished by unity does not |—— measure it: let this number be 3; and for that reason | | 7 | begin with the third figure of the series, and count | 4 | 1 | 3 | 5 | 9. from it to fill up the second horizontal band 5, 2, 4, | — J, 3; then begin again by the next third figure, includ- 3 ing the 5, that is to say by 4, which will give for the |~— third band 4,.1, 3, 5,2; by following the same process, we shall then have the series of numbers 3, 35, 2, 4, 1, to fill up the fourth band: continue in this manner, always beginning at the third figure, the preceding included, until the whole square is filled up. This square will be one of the components of the required square, and will be magic; for the sum of each band, whether horizontal, or vertical, or diagonal, is the same, as the five num- bers of the progression are contained in each without the same figure being ever ‘repeated. Now construct a second geometrical square of 25 cells, in the first band of which inscribe the multiples S07 OM eno of the root 5, beginning with a cipher, viz. 0, 5, 10, (——;—~—|—— 15, 20, and in any order at pleasure, such for example as 5, 0, 15, 10, 20: then fill up the square according to the same principle as before, taking care not to assume the same number in the series always to begin with. | 20 Thus, for example, as in the former square, the third |—— figure in the series was taken, in the present one the fourth must be assumed; and thus we shall have a square of the multiples, as seen in the annexed figure. This is the second eompo- nent of the required magic square, and is itself magic, since the sum of each band in every direction is the same. Now to obtain the magic square required, nothing is 6 |} 3 | 20 | 12.) 24 | necessary but to inscribe, in a third square of 25 cells, .———;———-—-|_—_|_— the sum of the numbers found in the corresponding | 15 | 22) 9 | 1 | 18 cells of the preceding two; for example 5-+ 1, or 6, in _ the first on the left, at the top of the required square; 0 + 3, or 3in the second, andso on; by these means we 23. }.10:) 2) erg eee shall have the annexed square of 25 cells, which will |——|——.——~——-|—— necessarily be magic. 47) 1S 2 By these means, any of the numbers may be made to fall in any cells at pleasure; for example 1 in the central cell; nothing is necessary for this purpose, but to fill up the middle band with the series of numbers in such a manner that 1 may be in the centre, as seen in the annexed figure ; and then to fill up the rest of the square according to the above principles, begiuning at the highest band, when the lowest has been filled up. H ie (ef rhe \ahe ys: Buy labe ae Cp aes -P ¢ is i « is i fet se ad aay i ia G “ale ARITHMETIC. Aa Oe a blG . A bea 2 ino form the second square, place a cipher in the | centre, as seen in the annexed figure, and fill up the fi remaining cells in the same manner as before, taking | care not to assume the same quantities as in the former . for beginning the bands. ‘ A (4 bea In the last place, form a third square by adding to- |—~~|—~)_—.—_|_—— aw : Ab cgether the numbers in the similar cells, and you will 0 oe Lap, ‘aa the annexed square, where 1 will necessarily | 39 | 19 | 1 | 18! 24 cae EQSTY CRN YS ge SHIT ES ‘eh a goccupy the centre. Ln te pete 24 5 17 | 21 Remarks.—I. We must here observe, that when the number of the root is not prime; that is, if it be 9, 15, 21, &c., itis impossible to avoid a repetition of.some of the numbers, at least in one of the diagonals; but in that case it must be ar- ranged in such a manner, that the number repeated in that diagonal shall be the middle one of the progression; for example 5, if the root of the square be 9; & if it be 15; and as the square formed of the mujtiples will be liable to the same accident, care must be taken, in filling them up, that the opposite diagonal shall contain the mean multiple between 0 and the greatest; for example 36 if the root— be 9; 105 if it be 15. II. The same thing may be done also in squares main have a prime number for their root. By way of example we shall here form a magic square of the first two of the following ones: 1 2 3 a a) aS ee ee ae 104.8 as toe 11 | 2 | 10119 | 23 Buttes Mahe ts (1 By 904 10 PO Ss Abas 99 1/15 4°) gm) 496 ala ae Nk a {5k QO Obi Ont AS 90 | 24113143 47 CARRS Coe Gas Bot 5h 20cr 30710 9'| 18 | 31 | 1945 Slay) 99 1s | 4 | ovl'5 ‘b15 Kae }-2e 3 126 1 Ay (ogee in the first of which 3 is repeated in the diagonal descending from right to left, and in the second 10 is repeated in the diagonal descending from left to right. This however does not prevent the third square, formed by their addition, from being magic. SECTION II. Of Even Magic Squares. The construction of these squares is attended with more difficulty than that of the odd squares, and the degree of difficulty is different, according as they are evenly even, or oddly’ even: for this. reason we must divide them into two classes. D aig eres ciate 999 Squares evenly even, are those the root of which when Halved is even, or can be divided by 4 without remainder ; of this kind are the squares of 4, 8, 12, &c. The oddly even are those the root of which when halved gives an odd number ; as those of 6, 10, 14, &c. As the ancients have left us no general rule on this subject, but only some examples of even squares magically arranged, we shall here give the best methods invented by the moderns, and shall begin with squares evenly even. Let us suppose then that the annexed square ABCD is to be filled up magically, with the first 16 of the natural ee eae numbers: fill up first the two diagonals; and for that 1 4 purpose begin to count the natural numbers, in order, ——| ——|——}—— 1, 2, 3, 4, &e., on the cells of the first horizontal band _ Ota from left to right ; then proceed to the second band, and oT eo Lae when you come to the cells belonging to the diagonals, in- scribe the numbers counted as you fall upon them; by 13 16 which means you will have the arrangement repre- — sented in the annexed figure. When the diagonals have been thus filled, to fill up the cells which remain vacant, begin to count the same numbers, proceeding from the angle p in the cells of the lower band, going from right to left, and ee then in the next above it; and when any cells are found empty, fill them up with the numbers that belong to them; in this manner you will have the square 16 filled up magically, as ~seen in the annexed figure, and the sum of each band and each diagonal will be 34. Rule for Squares evenly even. Having given, according to M. de la Hire, a very general rule for odd squares, which is capable of producing a great number of variations, we shall do the same in regard to even squares; especially as it will equally serve for evenly even and oddly even magic squares. It is as follows: Let it be required, for example, to fill up magically a square of 8 cells on each side, . For this purpose, arrange, in the first horizontal band in a square of that kind, the first eight numbers of the arithmetical 8 progression, but in such a manner, that |—— those equally distant from the middle - shall form the same sum; viz. that of the root augmented by unity, which in this case is 9; the second band must be the 8 inverse of the first; the third must be |——-/——-|—— like the first ; the fourth like the second, 1 and so on alternately, till the half of the |—— square is filled up; after which the other half may be formed by merely reversing 1 the first, as may be seen in the above figure. This will be the first primitive square. To form the second, fill it up according to the same principle with the multiples of the root, beginning with 0, that is to say, 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48,56; taking care that the extremes shall always make 56, but instead of arranging these numbers in a horizontal direction, they must he arranged vertically, as in the following figure. H 2 w os Ae Oe ae Se" ARITHMETIC. 48 8 48 8 8 ERE DUE LEY Pian seen We eclcna cy cal oa ee may Sap ge ee Aa sacs (an ard ss. ecenraue se 3 Wen es Orn ee eR When this is done, add together the similar cells of the two squares, and you will have a square of 8 on each side, as in the last figure above. Without enlarging farther on squares evenly even, we shall give the simplest me- thod of constructing squares oddly even. Method for Squares oddly even. We shall take, by way of example, the square of the root 6. ‘To fill it up, inscribe in it the first six numbers of the arithmetical progression, 1, 2, 3, &c., according to the above method; which will give the first primitive square, as in the an- nexed figure. The second must be formed by filling up the cells in a vertical direction, according to the same principle, with the multiples of the root, begin- ning at 0, viz. 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30. The similar cells of the two squares if then added, will form a third square, which will re- quire only a few corrections to be magic. This third square is as here annexed. ne | ee ff | | 24 6 24 | 24 6 24 ~o | 30| 0 | 0 | 30| o- a2} is | 12] a2 | is | 12 “ye | 12/18 | 1s | 12 | 18. “30 | 0 | 30| 30] 0 | 30 aus A 29 | 12 | 27 | 28 7 26 2|si| 4] 3 |36| 5 17 [24] 15 | 16 | 19 | 14 23 | 18 “a1 | 22 | 13 | 20. “a2 | | 34|33| 6 | 35 “11 |30| 9 | 10| 25 | 6 MAGIC SQUARES. 101 To render the square magic, leaving the corners fixed, transpose the other numbers - of the upper horizontal band, and of the first vertical one on the left, by reversing all the remainder of the band; writing 7, 28, 27, 12, instead of 12, 27, &c., and in the vertical one, 32, 23, 17, and 2, from the top downwards, instead of 2, 17, &c. It will be necessary alsc to exchange the num- bers in the two cells of the middle of the second -horizontal band at the top, of the lowest of the 32 | 31 | 3 4 36 5 second vertical band on the left, and of the last |__|. J. ~~) jd on the right. The numbers in the cells a and B 230.260 ini S | 16 | 19 | 20 must also be exchanged, as well as those inc and) |——~|———|—_~|——_ + —— D; by which means we shall have the square M4 ne rete corrected and magically arranged. ose hirsah sg | 6 Veet | 11 | 25 | 10] 27 | 30) 8 | i SECTION III. Of Magic Squares with Borders. Modern arithmeticians have added a new difficulty to the subject of magic squares, by proposing not only to arrange magically in a square a progression of num- bers, but by requiring that this square, when lessened by a band on each side, or two or three bands, &c., shall still remain magic; or a magic square being given, to add to it a border of one or more bands, in such a manner, that the enlarged square thence resulting shall be still magic. To give an example of this construction, let it be required to form a magie square of the root 6, and to fill it up with the natural numbers, from 1 to 36. The first even magic square possible being that of 4 on each side, we shall first arrange it magically, filling it up with the mean terms of the progression, to the number 16, and reserving the first and the last 10 for the border. For the interior square there- fore we shall take the numbers 1], 12, &c., as far as 26 inclusively, and shall give them any magic disposition whatever: there will then remain the numbers 1], 2, &c., as far as 10, and 27 as far as 36, for the border. To dispose these numbers in the border, first place the numbers 1, 6, 31, 36, in the four corners, and in such a manner that diagonally they shall make 37. As each band must make 111, it will be necessary to place in the first band four such num- bers,that their sum shall be 104; and as their com- plements to 37 must be found in the lowest, where there is already 67, it will be necessary that they should together make 44: there are several com- binations of these numbers, four and four, which can make 104, and their complements 44; but it is necessary at the same time that four of those re- maining should make 79, to fill up the first vertical band, while their complements make 69 to complete the last. This double condition limits the combination to 35, 34, 30, 5, which may be placed in the first band in any order whatever, provided their complements be placed below each of them in the last band; and the four numbers requisite to fill up the first vertical band will be 33, 28, 10, 8, which may be arranged any how at pleasure, provided the complement of each be placed oppo- site to it in the corresponding cell on the other side. — 102 ARITHMETIC. It is not absolutely necessary that 1, 6, 31, 36 should be placed in the four corners of the square: if we suppose them to be filled up, in the same order, with 2, 7, 30, 35, it would be then neces- sary that the four first numbers should make 102, and their complements 46, while the four last make 79, and their complements 69: but it is found that the first four numbers are 36, 31; 27, 8, and the second 34, 32, 9, 4. The first being _ arranged any how in the four empty cells of the 30 | j first band,and their complements below, the second must be arranged in the cells of the first vertical band, and their complements each at the extremity of the same horizontal band; by which means we shall have the new square with a border, as seen above. If it were required to form a bordered square of the root 8; it would be neces- sary to reserve for the interior square of 36 cells, the 36 mean numbers of the progression ; and they might be formed into a bordered square around the magic square of 16 cells; with the 28 remaining numbers, we might then form a border to the square of 36 cells, &c. Hence it appears, in what.manner we might form a magic square, which when successively lessened by one, two, or three bands, shall still remain magic. 6 | 10 | 29 | 35 | SECTION IV. Of another kind of Magic Square in Compartments. Another property, of which most magic squares are susceptible, is, that they are not only magic when entire, but that when divided into those squares into which they can be resolved, these portions of the original square are themselves magic. A square of 8 cells on a side, for example, formed of four squares, each having 4 for its root, being proposed, it is required that not only the square of 64 shall be disposed magically, but each of those of 16, and that the latter even, however arranged, shall still compose a magic square. What is here required, is easy; and this is even the simplest method of all for constructing squares that are evenly even, as will appear from what follows. To construct a square of 64, in this manner, take the first 8 numbers of the natural progression, from 1 to 64, and the 8 last, and arrange them magically in a square of 16 cells; do the same thing with the 8 terms which follow, the first 8 and — the 8 which precede the last 8, and by these means you will have a_ second tes) ba Ta oo ee magic square; form a similar square of iodo Paha ae the 8 following numbers with their cor- | 60 | 6 | 7 | 57} 521141] 15 | 49 responding ones, and another with the |——|——|——j——j——|—_|____|___ 16 means: the result will be four squares | 8 | 58 | 52} 5 | 16 | 50] 51 | 13 of 16 cells, the numbers in which will Pata ts CPE PY 5 r - be equal when added together, either in : 1 he ae bands or diagonally; for they will every | ,, | 49 461 20 | os \'se eae where. be 130.. It is therefore evident, 02 of 3) iL ee et that if these squares be arranged side by | 44 | 22 | 23 | 41 | 36 | 30 / 31 | 33 side, in any order whatever, the square |——|——|-—|——}——|——/_—_|__ 24 | 42 | 43 | 21 § 32 | 34] 35 |.29 resulting from them will be magic, and the sum in every direction will be 260. | 4, 19 | 18 [a8 Po? | 9 dope ee iain ae MAGIC SQUARES. 103 SECTION V. Of the Variations of Magic Squares. The square having 3 for its root is suceptible of no variation: whatever method may be employed, or whatever arrangement may be given to the numbers of the progression from 1 to 9, the same square will always arise, except that it will be inverted, or turned from left to right, which is not a variation. But this is not the case with the square having 4 for its root, or that of 16 cells: this being sus- ceptible of at least 880 variations, which M. Frenicle has given in his Treatise on Magic Squares. The square of 5 is susceptible of, at least, 57600 different combinations; for according to the process of M. de la Hire, the 5 first numbers may be arranged 120 different ways inthe first band of the first primitive square; and as they may be afterwards arranged in the lower bands, beginning again by two different quan- tities, this will make 240 variations, at least, in the primitive square; which, com- bined with the 240 of the second, form 57600 variations in the square of 5. But there are doubtless a great many more, for a bordered square of 5 cannot be reduced to the method of M. de la Hire; but one bordered square of 5, the corners remaining fixed, as well as the interior square of 3, may experience 36 variations. What a number therefore of other variations must be produced by changing the interior square and the angles! A bordered square of 6, when ence constructed, the corners remaining fixed, and the interior square being composed of the same numbers, may be varied 4055040 different ways ; for the interior square may be varied and differently transposed in the centre 7040 ways: each of the horizontal bands at top and at bottom, the ex- tremities remaining fixed, may be varied 24 ways; for there are four pairs of num- bers susceptible of changing their place, which may be combined 24 ways; and there are also four pairs in the vertical bands between the corners. ‘The number of the combinations, therefore, is the product of 7040 by 576, the square of 24, which gives 4055040 variations. But the corners may be varied, as well as the numbers assumed to form the interior square; and it hence follows, that the wnole number of the variations of a square of 6, while it still remains bordered, is equal to several millions of times the former. The square of 7, by M. de la Hire’s method alone, may be varied 406425600 dif- ferent ways. These variations, however numerous, ought to excite no surprise; for the number of dispositions, magic or not magic, of 49 numbers, for example, forms one of 62 figures, of which the preceding is, as we may say, but a part infinitely small, SECTION VI. Of Geometrical Magic Squares. : We have already observed, in the beginning of this chapter, that numbers in geo- metrical progression might be arranged in the cells of a square, and in such a man- ner, that the product of these numbers, in each band, whether vertical, or horizon- tal, or diagonal, shall always be the same. To construct a square of this kind, the same principles must be followed as in the construction of other magic squares; and this may be easily demonstrated from the property of logarithms. Without 128| 1 | 32 enlarging further therefore on this subject, we shall confine our- a) selves to giving one example; it is that of the 9 first terms 4°1..16 5] 64 of the double geometric progression, 1, 2, 4, 8, &c. arranged Gaol obel a. in a square of 3 cells on each side. The product is evi- dently the same in every direction, viz, 4096. 104 ee . ARITHMETIC. Remarks.—The ingenious Dr. Franklin, it seems, carried this curious speculation — further than any of his predecessors in the same way. He constructed both a magic square of squares, and a magic circle of circles. The magie square of — squares is formed by dividing a great square into 256 little squares, in which all the numbers from 1 to 256, or the square of 16, are placed in 16 columns, which may be taken either horizontally or vertically. Their chief properties are as follow: 1. The sum of the 16 numbers in each column or row, vertical or horizontal, is ais 2, Every half column, vertical and horizontal, makes 1028, or just one half of the same sum 2056. 3. Half a diagonal ascending, mided to half a diagonald descending, makes also the same sum 2056; taking these half diagonals-from the ends of any side of the square to the middle of it; and so reckoning them either upward or downward ; or sideways from right to left, or from left to right. 4, The same with all the parallels to the half diagonals, as many as can be drawn in the great square: for any two of them being directed upward and downward, from the place where they begin, to that where they end, their sums still make the same 2056. Also the same holds true downward and upward; as well as if taken sideways to the middle, and back to the same side again. 5. The four corner numbers in the great square added to the four central num- bers in it, make 1028, the half sum of any vertical or horizontal column which contains 16 numbers; and also equal to half a diagonal or its parallel. 6. If asquare hole, equal in breadth to four of the little squares or cells, be cut in a paper, through which any of the 16 little cells in the great square may be seen, and the paper be laid upon the great square; the sum of all the 16 numbers seen: through the hole, is always equal to 2056, the sum of the 16 numbers in any horizontal or vertical column. _ The magic circle of circles is composed of a series of stridtore foi 12 to 75 in- clusive, divided into 8 concentric circular spaces, and ranged in 8 radii of numbers, with the number 12 in the centre; which number, like the centre, is common to all — these circular spaces, and to all the radii. The numbers are so placed, that Ist, the sum of all those in either of the con- centric circular spaces above mentioned, together with the central number 12, amount to 360, the same as the number of degrees in a circle. 2. ‘The numbers in each radius also, together with the central number 12, make just 360. 3. The numbers in half of any of the above circular spaces, taken either above or — below the double horizontal line, with half the central number 12, make just 180, or half the degrees in a circle. 4. If any four adjoining numbers be taken, as if in a square, in the radial divisions of these circular spaces, the sum of these, with half the central number, make also is same 180. . There are also included four sets of other bane spaces, bounded by circles ee excentric with regard to the common centre; each of these sets containing five spaces. For distinction, these circles: are drawn with different marks, some dotted, others by short unconnected lines, &c.; or still better with inks of divers colours, as blue, red, green, yellow. These sets of excentric circular spaces intersect those of the concentric, and each other; and yet, the numbers contained in each of the excentric_ spaces, taken all around through any of the 20, which are excentric, make the same sum as those in the concentric, namely 360, when the central number 12 is added. POLITICAL ARITHMETIC. _ 105 Their halves also, taken above or below the double horizontal line, with half the entral number, make up 180. It is observable, that there is not one of the numbers, but what belongs at least to two of the circular spaces; some to three,some to four, some to five; and yet they are all so placed, as never to break the required number 360, in any of the 28 cir- cular spaces within the primative circle. CHAPTER XIII. POLITICAL ARITHMETIC, Since politicians have acquired juster ideas respecting what constitutes the real strength of states, various researches have been made in regard to the number of the inhabitants in different countries, in order to ascertain their population. Besides, as almost all governments have been under the necessity of making loans for the most part on annuities, they have naturally been induced to examine according to what progression mankind die, that the interest of these loans may be proportioned to the probability of the annuities becoming extinct. These calculations have been distinguished by the name of political arithmetic, and as it exhibits several curious facts, whether considered in a political or a philosophical point of view, we have thought it our duty to give it a place here. SECTION I. Of the Proportion between the Males and the Females. Many people imagine that the number of the females born exceeds that of the males; but it has long since been proved that the contrary is the case. More boys than girls are born every year ; and since the year 163], a. small interval excepted, we have a register of births, in regard to sex, and it has never been observed that ‘the number of the females born ever equalled that of the males. It is found, by taking a mean or average term ina greater number of years, that the number of the ‘males born is to that of the females, as 18 to 17. This proportion is nearly that which prevails throughout all France ; but, to whatever reason owing, it seems at Paris to be as 27 to 26. This kind of phenomenon is observed, not only in England and in France, but in every other country. We may be convinced of the truth of it by inspecting the ‘monthly and other periodical publications, which at*the commencement of every year give a table of the births that have taken place in most of the capital cities of Europe: it may there be seen that the number of the males born, always exceeds that of the females; and consequently it may be considered as a general law of nature. We may here observe a striking instance of the wisdom of Providence, which has thus provided for the preservation of the human race. Men, in consequence of the active life for which they are naturally destined by their strength and their courage, are exposed to more dangers than the female sex ; war, long sea voyages, employments laborious or prejudicial to health, and dissipation, carry off great numbers of the males; and it therice results, that if the number born of the latter did not exceed that of the females, the males would rapidly decrease, and soon become extinct. SECTION II. Of the Mortality of the Human Race, according to the Different Ages. In this respect, there is apparently a considerable difference between large towns 106 ARITHMETIC. : and the country; but this arises from the women in town rarely suckling their own children; and consequently the greater part of their children being put out to nurse in the country, as it is in the period of childhood that the greatest mortality prevails, it becomes most apparent in the country. To make an exact calculation, it ought to be founded on the deaths which happen in the towns, as well as in the country; and this M. Dupré de St. Maur has endeavoured to do, by comparing the registers of three parishes in Paris, and twelve in the country. According to the observations of this author, in 23994 deaths, 6454 of them were those of children not a year old; and carrying his researches on this subject as far as possible, he concludes, that of 24000 children born, the numbers who attain to dife ferent ages are as follow: Ages. Number, } Ages. Number. | Ages. Number, 2 17540 BU ec Pasi ile oy pelo ee eae QD y's oh acon Nore ae SO 3 15162 BO lamtessd ad lah EO Ol vir giee cia eabtasks 71 4 .. 14177 AO ie ay eed Bue olislteient Die. esti icon aes 63 5 ~» 1o4th BEV Se ok o's ett an Meg OU G58 b Ms wa retaen 47 6 12968 SO Bia dant ree BLY, QE bee thie wits sate 40 7 -- 12562 DD in top swities sham od as 2D ieekch’ tig, cela 33 oe! sop SUR tary ts bla) BOs “alsa Woe hag wl MeO Gr. via deeb 23 MER od ieee ne al DOLD BD ie «ent low i eeoe Oictimeis bene 18 1Ote eine Tweets SOL TOOL all 6 os\noe en goes OB ab te fear, ee 16 ROE ves ee 7 LIADS TOL. Seat ee OUT D9 Dees ies esis 8 ae ss pens sete ge 10909 9 | (BO .2? nel, ae hg OT - | LOO ee TOL bs «- 10259 eo ey) NE I OSD Such then is the condition of the human species, that of 24000 children born, scarcely one half attain to the age of 9; and that two thirds are in their grave before the age of 40; about a sixth only remain at the expiration of 62 years ; a tenth after 70; a hundredth part after 86; about a thousandth part attain to the age of 96; and six or seven individuals to that of 100. We must however observe, that the authors who have treated on this subject, differ from each other. According to the table of M. de Parcieux, for example, the half of the children born do not die before 31 years are completed ; but according to M. Dupré de St. Maur they are cut off before the commencement of the ninth year. This difference arises from the table of M. de Parcieux having been formed from lists of annuitants, who are always select subjects: for a father never thinks of pur- chasing an annuity on the life of a child who is sickly, or has a bad: constitution. The laws of mortality in these cases therefore are different; and if the one is a general and common law, the other is that which public administrators, who grant annuities, ought to consult with great care, that they may not make loans too burthensome. = SECTION III. Of the Vitality of the Human Species, according to the Different Ages, or Medium of Life. . | When a child is born, to what age may a person bet, on equal terms, that it will attain? Or if the child has already attained to a certain age, how many years is it probable it will still live? These are two questions, the solution of which is not only curious, but important. We shall here give two. tables on this subject; one by M. Dupré de St. Maur, and the other by M. Parcieux; and add to them a few general observations. POLITICAL ARITHMETIC. 107 TIME to LIVE, M. de St. Maur. M. de Parcieux. | AGE. | YEARS. | MONTHS. — — a YEARS. | MONTHS. 0 8 1 33 41 9 2 38 42 8 3 40 43 6 4 41 44 2 5 41 6 44 5 6 42 44 3 7 42 3 44 8 41 6 43 9 9 40 | 10 43 3 10 40 2 42 8 20 33 5 36 3 6 40 22 l 25 6 50 16 7 19 5 60 11 1 14> tay 70 6 2 9 2 75 4 6 6a =10 80 3 7 5 3 3 2 2 mnwwrann - Two observations here occur, in regard to these tables. The first is respecting the difference between them. In that of M. Parcieux, the time assigned to each age to live, is more considerable, and the reason has been already mentioned. We have even suppressed the first year in the table of M. Parcieux, because the difference was by far too great, and in our opinion it arose from two causes. Ist. No one ever thinks of purchasing an annuity for a child in its first year, until the goodness of its constitution has been fully ascertained. 2d. It is not at the birth of a child, but in the course of the first year, towards the middle or end, that such a measure is hazarded ; for as annuities remain sometimes several months, and even a whole year, to be filled up, people are not under the necessity of sinking money on so young a life, and have time during the course of several months to acquire some certainty respecting the constitution of the subject. In our opinion, therefore, the 34 years of vitality, assigned by M. de Percieux to a child just born, ought to be considered as ap- plicable to a child from 6 to 9 months old, and more ; but it is during the first months of the first year that the life ofachildis most uncertain, and that the greatest number die. The second observation, which is common to both tables, is, that vitality, exceed- ingly weak at the moment of birth, goes on increasing after that period, till it comes to another, at which it is the greatest ; for the chance is less than 3 to 1 that a new born child will attain to the end of its first year,* and one may take an even bet that * According to the principles explained in treating of probabilities, the probability of a child newly born being alive at the end of a year, is to that ofits dying before that period, as the number of the children alive at the end of a year, is to the number of those dead; that is to say, as 1754) to 6460; which is somewhat less than the ratio of 3to 1. In the other cases the calculation is the same. ‘lake the number of those who have died in the course of the year, and divide by it the number cf those alive ; this will express what may be betted to 1, that the person who has completed. that year will complete another. 108 ARITHMBTIC. it has only 8 years to live; but when it has attained to the commencement of the second year, one may bet 6 to 1 that it will attain to the third; and it is an even chance that it will live 33 years. Ina word, it is-seen by the table of M. Dupré de St. Maur, that it is towards the age of 10 years, or betwen 10 and 15, that life is most secure. At that period, one may take an even bet that the child will live 43 years ; and it is 125 to 1 that it will live a year, or 25 to 1 that it will live five years. Beyond that period the probability of living a year longer decreases. At the age of 20, for example, it is somewhat less than+16 to 1, that the person will not die within the five following years. Whena person has reached his sixtieth year, it is no more than 3} to 1 that he will attain to the beginning of his sixty-fifth year. SECTION IV. Of the number of Men of different ages in a given number. It may be deduced from the preceding observations, that when the inhabitants of a country amount toa million, the number of those of the different ages will be as follows : Between 0 and l yearcomplete 38740 55 60 os p 37110 © d2and 5 es he 119460 60 65 wd he 28690 5 10 vai -» — 99230 65 70 Ae ist 21305 10 15 me 5 94530 70 75 re ys 13195. 15 PN PR 88674 15 80 re pallees 7065 20 OD ME sei Mew 82380 80 BO Buse h os 2880 25 30 ee oe 77650 85 90 ee Se 1025 — 30 35 oe oe 71665 90 95 ap a 335 385 AO) ita « alins « 64205 95 100 «eee 82 40 45 a pa) 57230 Above 100 years ... “ 3 or 4 4 Somers Pea Thus ina country peopled with a million of inhabitants, there are about 573460 between the age of 15 and 60; and as nearly one half of them are men, this number of inhabitants could, on any emergency, furnish 250,000 men capable of bearing arms, even if an allowance be made for the sick, the lame, &c., who may be supposed to be among that number. SECTION V. Of the Proportion of the Births and Deaths to the whole Number of the Inhabitants of a Country.—The consequences thence resulting. As it would be difficult to number the inhabitants of a country, and much more to repeat the enumeration as often as it might be necessary to ascertain the population, means have been devised for accomplishing the same object, by determining the pro- portion which the births and deaths bear to the whole number of the inhabitants ; for as registers of births and deaths are regularly kept in all the civilized countries of Europe, we may judge, by comparing them, whether the population has increased of decreased ; and in the latter case can examine the causes which have produced the diminution. It is deduced, for example, from Dr. Halley’s tables of the state of the populations of Breslaw, about the year 1690, that among 34000 inhabitants, there took place, every year on anaverage, 1238 births; which gives the proportion of the former to the lat- ter as 273 tol. In regard to cities, such as Breslaw, where there is no great influx of strangers, we may therefore adopt it as a rule, to multiply the births by 27} in order to find the number of the inhabitants. i POLITICAL ARITHMETIC. 109 There appeared in 1766, a very interesting work on this subject, entitled, ‘* Re- herches sur la Population des la Généralités d’Auvergne, de Lyon, de Rouen, et e quelques Provinces et Villes du Royaume,” &c., by M. Messance. By an enumera- ion of the inhabitants of seventeen small towns or villages in the generality of Luvergne, compared with the average number of births in the same places, the author hews that the number of births is to that of the inhabitants, as 1 to 244, 4, 4: a imilar enumeration, in twenty-eight small towns or villages of the generality of Lyons, ave the ratio of 1 to 283; and by another made in five small towns or villages of he generality of Rouen, it appeared that the ratio was as 1 to 274 and 3. But as hese three generalities comprehend a very mountainous district, such as Auvergne, mother which is moderately so, as the generality of Lyons, and a third which con- ists almost entirely of plains or cultivated hills, as the generality of Rouen, there is ‘eason to conclude that these three united afford a good representation of the aver- we state of the kingdom; combining therefore the above proportions, which gives shat of 1 to 254, this will give the proportion of births to the number of the inha- yitants, for the whole kingdom, without including the great cities: so that for two girths in the year we shall have 51 inhabitants. But as, in towns of any magnitude, there are several classes of citizens who spend their lives in celibacy, and who contribute either nothing or very little to the popu- lation, it is evident that this proportion, between the births and effective inhabitants, must be greater. M. Messance says, he ascertained, by several comparisons, that the ratio nearest the truth, in this case, is 1 to 28, and that this is the proportion which ought to be employed in deducing, from the number of births, the number of the inhabitants of a town of the second order, such as Lyons, Rouen, &c. ; which agrees pretty well with what Dr. Halley: found in regard to the city of Breslaw. In the last place, for cities of the first class, or the capitals of states, such as Paris, London, Amsterdam, &¢., where a great many strangers, attracted either by pleasure or business, are mixed with the inhabitants, and where great luxury prevails, which increases the number of those who live in voluntary celibacy, it is very probable that the above ratio must be raised, and that it ought to be carried to 30 or 31. : M. Kerseboom, in his book entitled, ‘‘ Essai de Calcul politique, concernant la quantité des habitans des Provinces de Hollande et de Westfriesland,” &c., printed ‘at the Hague in 1748, has endeavoured to shew that to obtain the number of the inha- pitants in Holland, the number of the births ought to be multiplied by 35. Tfthis be the case, there is reason to conclude that marriages are less fruitful or less ‘numerous in Holland than in France; and this difference may be founded on physical causes. If these calculations be applied to determining the population of great cities, it will be seen that the opinions entertained in general on this subject, are erroneous ; for it is commonly said that Paris contains a million of inhabitants; but the number ot births there, taking one year with another, never exceeds 19500, which, multiplied by 30, gives 585000 inhabitants ; if we employ as multiplier the number 31, we shall have 604500, and this is certainly the utmost extent of the population of Paris. \ { SECTION VI. Of some other Proportions between the Inhabitants of a Country. We shall present to the reader a few more short observations in regard to popu- ation. The book, which we quoted in the preceding paragraph, shall still serve us as a guide. By combining together the three generalities above mentioned, it is found, Ist. That the number of the inhabitants of a country, is to that of the families, as 1000 to 2224; so that 2000 inhabitants give in common 445 families, and con- ‘s x ) | 110 ARITHMETIC. seqnently 44 heads on an average for each, or 9 persons for two families. In th respect, those of Auvergne are the most numerous ; those of the Lyonnois, are next and those of the generality of Rouen are the least numerous. By taking a mean, | is found also, that in 25 families, there is one where there are six or more children, 2d. The number of male children born exceeds, as has been said, that of females and this excess continues till a certain age; for example, the number of boys ¢ the age of fourteen, or below, is greater than that of the females of the same agi and in the ratio of 80 to 29. The whole number of the females, however, exceeé that of the males, in the ratio of about 18 to 19. We here see the effect of th great consumption of men, occasioned by war, navigation, laborious employments and debauchery. 3d. It is found that there are three marriages annually among 337 inhabitants; s that 112 inhabitants produce one marriage. 4th. The proportion of married men or widowers, to married women or widows is nearly as 125 to 140; and the whole number of this class of society, is to th whole of the inhabitants, as 265 to 631, or as 53 to 126. oth. According to King and Kerseboom, the number of widowers is to that o widows, as 1 to 3 nearly ; so that there are three widows for one widower. Thi at least is deduced from the enumerations made in Holland and in England. Bu is the case the same in France? It is to be regretted, that the above-mentione author did not make researches on this subject. In our opinion, however, this pro portion is pretty near the truth, and it will excite no astonishment when it i considered that the greater part of the men marry late, in comparison of th women. 6th. If the above proportion between widowers and widows be admitted, it thence follows, that among 631 inhabitants there are 118 married couples, 7 or 8 widowers and 21 or 22 widows; the remainder are composed of children, people in a state of celibacy, servants, or passengers. . 7th. It thence results also, that 1870 married couples give annually 357 chil. dren; for a city of 10000 inhabitants would contain that number of married couples, and give 357 annual births. Five married couples therefore, of all ages, produce annually one birth. 8th. The number of servants is* to the whole number of the inhabitants, as 136 to 1535 nearly ; which is somewhat more than the eleventh part, and_less than the tenth. The number of male servants is nearly equal to that of the female, being in the ratio of 67 to 69; but it is very probable that. in large cities, where agreat deal of luxury prevails, the proportion is different. 9th. The number of ecclesiastics of both sexes, that is to say, secular as well as tegular, comprehending the nuns, is to the inhabitants of the above three gene- ralities, as 1 to 112 nearly: this is contrary to the common opinion, which sup- poses the proportion to be much greater. 10th. By dividing the territory of these three generalities among their inhabi- tants, it is found, that the square league would contain 864; but the square league contains 6400 acres; each man therefore, on an average, would have 7+, acres, and each family being composed, one with another, of 4} heads, 331 acres would fall to the share of each family. But it is to be observed that the generality of Rouen, considered alone, is much more populous, since it contains 1264 inhabitants for each square league, which gives to each head no more than 5 acres. lth. It appears by the same enumerations, that a very sensible increase in the population has taken place since the beginning of the last century. It is indeed found, that the annual number of the births has been augmented ; and by comparing the present period with the commencement of the last century, there is reason to eee TE Pes POLITICAL ARITHMETIC. Ill Biclude, that the number of the Shatiiaetet is now greater than what it was at the yeginning of the century, in the ratio of 1456 to 1350; which makes less than a wwelfth, and more than a thirteenth, of increase. This is doubtless owing to she great extent to which agriculture and commerce have been carried, and to the cessation of those wars which so long exhausted the interior of France. The wound ziven to the nation by the revocation of the edict of Nantes seems healed, and even nore; but had it not been for that event, France, in all probability, would contain a sixth more of inhabitants than it did at the commencement of the 18th century; for the number who expatriated in consequence of that revocation, amounted perhaps to a preelith part of the whole people. SECTION VII. Some Questions which depend on the preceding Observations. The following are some of those questions, in the solution of which the preceding observations may be employed: we shall not explain the principles on which each isresolved; but shall merely confine ourselves to referring to them sometimes, that we may leave to the reader the pleasure of exercising his own ingenuity. Ist. The age of a man being given, that of 30 for example, what probability is there that he will be living at the end of a determinate number of years, such as 15. Seek in the table of the second section for the given age of the person, viz. 30 years, and write down the number opposite to it, which is 11405; then take from the same table the number opposite to 45, which is 7008, and form these two numbers into a fraction, having the latter for its numerator, and the former as its denominator; this fraction will express the probability of a person of 30 years of age living 15 years, or attaining to the age of 45. _ The demonstration of this rule is obvious to every one who understands the theory of probabilities. _ 2d. A young man 20 years of age borrows £1000, to be paid, capital and interest, when he attains to the age of 25; but in case he dies before that period, the debt to become extinct. What sum ought he to engage to pay, on attaining to the age bof 25? It is evident that if it were certain he would not die before the age of 25, the sum to be then paid would be the capital increased by five years’ interest, which we here ‘suppose to be simple interest: the sum therefore which in that case he ought to en- gage to pay, on attaining to the age of 25, would be £1250. But this sum must be increased, in proportion to the danger of the debtor dying in the course of these five years, or in the inverse ratio of the probability of his being alive when they are ex- pired. As this probability is expressed by the fraction Toso we must multiply the above sum by this fraction inverted, or by 49998, which will give £1329. 3s. lld., that is to say, £79. 3s. lld. for the risk of losing the debt, which certainly cannot be considered as usury. _ 3d. A state or an individual having occasion to raise money on annuities, what interest ought to be given for the different ages, legal interest being at the rate opts 5 “per cent. ? The vulgar, who are accustomed to burthensome loans, entertain no doubt that 10 per cent. is a great deal for any age below 50, and that such a method of borrowing cannot be advantageous to the state. But thisis a great mistake; for it will be found by calculation, employing the before-mentioned data, according to the table of _M. de Parcieux, that 10 per cent. cannot be allowed before the age of 56. According | tothe same table, no more than 6! can be given at the age of 20; 6h at 25; 64 at 30; Tat 40; Stat 50; 10 at 56; 114, at 60; 162 at 70; 272 at 80; 394, at 85. M 112 ARITHMETIC, : bi] Ai It is also a very great error to believe, that on account of the number of person who lay out money on these loans made by governments, they are soon freed fron a part of the annuities by the death of a part of the annuitants. The slowness of th increase of annuities in tontines, is a sufficient proof of the falsity of this idea; be sides, the great number of the persons is the very cause why the extinction of th annuities takes place according to the laws of probability above explained. A fortu nate circumstance, at the end of some years, may free an individual from an annuity established on the life of a man aged 30; but if this annuity were divided among 30( persons of nearly the same age, it is certain that he would not be freed from this burthen before the expiration of about 65 years ; and at the end of 32 or 33 years one half of the annuitants would still be living. This M. de Parcieux has shewn, in the clearest manner, by examining the lists of different tontines. 4th. Legal interest being at 5 per cent. ; at what rate of interest may an annuity be granted on the lives of two persons, whose ages are given, and payable till the death o} the last survivor ? 5th. What interest may be allowed on a capital, sunk for an annuity on the lives of two persons, whose ages are given, and payable only while both the annuitants are living ? | 6th. A certain person, whose age is given, has an annuity, secured on the public Junds, of £1000; but being in want of money, he is desirous to sell it. How much is zt worth ? ) 7th. A, aged 20, and B, aged 50, agree to purchase, on their Joint lives, an annuity of £1000, to be equally divided between them, during their lives, with a reversion to the survivor. How much ought each of them to contribute towards the purchase money ? Sth. How much ought each to contribute, supposing it stipulated between them, that B, the eldest, should enjoy the whole till his death 2 ee 9th. Legal interest being at 5 per cent., what is the worth of an annuity of £100, on the lives of three persons, whose ages are given, and payable till the death of the last survivor ? 10th. An annuity ts purchased for the life of a child, of 3 years of age, on this con- dition, that the annuity at the end of each year is to be added to the purchase money, till the annuity equals the capital sunk. At what age will the annuity be due, legal interest being at 5 per cent.? Many people imagine that a capital can be deposited in the bank of Venice on this condition, that nothing is received for the first 10 years, but after that period the _ annuitant receives an annuity equal to the capital. This however is entirely ground- less, as has been shewn by M. de Parcieux in his “ Addition a l’Essai sur les Probabie lités de la durée de la Vie Humaine,” published in 1760; for it is there shewn, by a calculation, the demonstration of which is evident, that if £100, for example, were sunk on the life of a child 3 years of age, it could not begin to enjoy an annuity of £100 till it had attained to the age of 45 or 46. The table of M. de Parcieux presents, on this subject, two things very curious. For example, on the above supposition, if the increase of the annuity were not stopped till the end of 54 years, the person ought to receive £205 per annum during the re- mainder of his life ; if it were not stopped till 58 years, he ought to receive till the time of his death £300; and by stopping it only at 75 years, he would be entitled to £2900 per annum: inthe last place, if the arrears due each year were left, on the like conditions, to accumulate till the 94th year, the annuity for the remainder of the person’s life ought to be £134069. 19s. 2d.,a sum which must appear prodi- gious. But it may seem astonishing that M. de Parcieux should begin his calculations only at the age of 3 years. It is very true that people do not venture capitals in the : POLITICAL ARITHMETIC. : 113 purchase of annuities on the lives of new-born children ; but if ever such an establish- ment existed at Venice, it is evident that it must have been only on the supposition of the money being risked on the life of a child just born, because great mortality takes place during the first year. For this reason we have examined what would be the result of such a supposition; and we have found that, if the sum of £100 were sunk, on the above conditions, on the life of a child just born, it ought, according to the table of M. Dupré de St. Maur, to procure it an annuity of £10. 15s.; that this ‘sum sunk in like manner, at 8 per cent., at the end of the first year, by adding the annuity, would give at the end of the second year £11. lls. 7d. These £11. 11s. 7d. sunk at 6,8, per cent., which is the interest that might be allowed at the commence- ment of the third year, would, at the end of the third, or the commencement of the first fourth, amount to £12. 5s. 1d., and by a calculation similar to that of M. de Parcieux, ‘it will be found, that the annuity would be increased to £100 at about theage of 36; which is still very far distant from what is commonly believed. If legal interest be supposed to be 10 per cent., as it was in the 16th century, it will be found, that it would be only about the 26th year that a person could receive -an annuity equal to the capital sunk at the time of his birth. Those who are desirous of farther information on this subject, may consult ‘ Demoivre’s Essay upon Annuities on Lives, and M. de Parcieux’s ‘‘ Essai sur les Pro- ' babilités de la durée de la Vie Humaine,” and.Dr. Price on Reversionary Payments. The other authors who have treated mathematically on these matters, are Dr. Hal- ley, Sir William Petty, Major Graunt, King, Davenant, Simpson, Maseres; and - among the Dutch, the celebrated John de Wit, grand pensionary of Holland, M. : Kerseboom, Struyk, &c. 114 GEOMETRY. PART SECOND. CONTAINING A SERIES OF GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS AND QUESTIONS, CALCULATED FOR EXERCISE AND AMUSEMENT. PROBLEM I. From the extremity of a given right line to raise a perpendicular, without continuing the line, and even without changing the opening of the compass if necessary. I. Let a B (Fig. 1.) be the given straight line, and a the ex- tremity, from which it is required to raise a perpendicular, without prolonging it. From a towards B assume 5 equal parts at pleasure; and extending the compasses from a, so as to include 3 of these parts, describe the are of a circle; then from 8, the extremity of the fourth part, with an opening equal to the 5 parts, describe another; these two arcs will necessarily cut each other in a certain point c, from which if a straight line, asc a, be drawn, it will be perpendicular to a B. For the square of c A, which is 9, added to the square of a b, which is 16, are together equal to 25, the square c b: the triangle c a 6 is therefore rightangled at a. We might assume also, for the radius of the arc to be described from the point a, a line equal to 5 parts; for the base 12, and for the other radius 13; because 5, 12, and 13, forma rightangled triangle. Indeed, all the rightangled triangles in numbers, of which there are a great variety, may beggmployed in the solution of this problem. Fig. 2. II. On any part whatever of the given line a B (Fig. 2.), describe an isosceles triangle a cB, that is, so that the sides ac, cB shall be ae equal; and continue acto Db, so that cp shall be equal to cs; if a s line be then drawn from D to B, it will be perpendicular to ap. The demonstration of this is so easy that it requires no illustration. Fig. 1. Bb A PROBLEM Ii. To divide a given straight line into any number of equal parts, at pleasure, without repeated trials. Fig. 3. Let it be proposed, for example; to divide the line a B (Fig. ¢ 3.) into 5 equal parts. Make this given line the base of an ! equilateral triangle 4 Bc; and from the point c, in the side cB, continued if necessary, set off 5 equal parts, which we shall suppose to terminate at D, and make cr equal to cp; then make pF, for example, equal to one of the five parts of cD; and draw cF, which will interseet aB ina: it is evident that BG will be the fifth part of a B. If pf were equal to 3 of cp, by drawing c f we should have g, as the point of intersection of c f and AB, which would give Bg equal to 2 of AaB. And so on. PROBLEM IIT. Without any other wnstrument than a few pegs and a rod, to perform on the ground the greater part of the operations of geometry. It is well known that most geometrical operations may. be performed in the fields, ag GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS, 115 by means of the graphometer: and it would even seem that this instrument is abso- lutely necessary in practical geometry. | A geometrician however may happen to be unprovided with such an instrument, and even destitute of the means of procuring one. We shall suppose him in the woods of America, with nothing but a knife to cut a few pegs, anda long stick to serve him as a measure: he has several geometrical operations to perform, and even inaccessible heights to measure; how must he proceed to accomplish what is here proposed ? We shall suppose also, that the reader is acquainted with the method of tracing out a straight line on the ground, between two given points; and in what manner it may be indefinitely continued on either side, ce. This being premised, we shall now proceed to give a few of those elementary problems of geometry, required to be performed, without employing any other line than a straight one, and even excluding the use of a cord, with which the are of a circle may be described. Ast. Through a given point to draw a straight line, parallel to a given straight line. Fig. 4: Let AaB (Fig. 4.) be the straight line, and c the point a ‘ through which it is required to draw a straight line pa- a ee 4B. From the point ¢ draw the line cB, to any ik point in a B, and divide cB into two equal parts in p; in this point D fix a peg, and from any point a in the given straight line, draw, through p, an indefinite line ap £, and make pe equal to ap: if a straight line be then drawn through the points c and £, it will be parallel to aB. 2d. From a given point in a given straight line, to raise a perpendicular. Fig. 5. Divide the given line a B (Fig. 5.) into two equal parts, ac and cB; and from the point c draw, any how at pleasure, the , linecd; makecp equal toca; drawpaA, and make aE equal to ac, and a¥F equal to ap; through the points £ and F draw the line FE G; and if EG be made equal to EF, we shall have r the point c, which with the point a will determine the position of the perpendicular a a. \e For the sides a p and ac of the triangle cab, being re- e spectively equal to the sides aF and aE of the triangle uaF, these two triangles are equal; and, in the triangle p.c a, the sides cp and c a being equal, the sides £ a and E F of the other will be equal also: the angle EF A therefore will be equal to EB AF, and consequently tocap. But in the triangle ra a, the side FG is equal to aB, for FG by construction is the double of FE, and FE or aE is equal to Ac, which is the half of as: the triangles Fac and A DB then are equal; since the sides F G, F A, are equal to the sides a B, A D, and the included angles equal; the angle F a G will therefore be equal to aps; but the latter isa right angle, because the lines cB, c D, Cc a, being equal, the point p is in the circumference of a semicircle, described on the diameter as, The angle FAG then is a right angle, and ca is perpendicular to A B. 3d. From a given point a, to draw a straight line perpendicular to a given straight line. Assume any point B (Fig. 6.) in the indefinite line Bc; and, having measured the distance 8 A, make Bc equal toB A; draw c A, which must be measured also, and then form this propor- tion: as Bc is to cD, the half of ac, so is Ac toa fourth pro- portional, which will be cE; if cr be then made equal to this fourth proportional, we shall have the point £, from which if the line aE be drawn through a, it will be the perpendicular required, Fig. 6. 12 116 GEOMETRY. 4th. To measure a distance aB, accessible only at one of tts extremities, as the breadth of a river or ditch, &c. | First fix a peg at a (Fig. 7.); then another in any point ¢, | assumed at pleasure, and a third at D, in the straight line be-_ tween the points Band c; continue the lines c A and D A inde- finitely beyond a, and make the lines a x and a F respectively equal to ac and aD; in the last place, fix a peg at G, in such a manner as to be in a straight line with a and B, ard also with rand es: the distance ac will then be equal to a B. If it be found impossible to proceed far enough from the line AB towards E or F, we may take in aE or AF, only the half or the third of ac and aD, for example ae, af; if a peg be then fixed in g, so as to fall in the continuation of both the lines Ba and ef, we shall have a g equal to the half or the third of a B respectively. Fig. 8. Now let the distance a B (Fig. 8.) be inaccessible through- out. The solution of this case may be easily deduced from that of the former: for having fixed a peg inc, and having continued by a series of pegs the lines Bc and ac, if the parts cE and cF be, by the above means, made respectively equal to Bc and cA, or the half or the third of these lines, it may be readily seen that the line which joins the points & and F, will be equal to the line required, or to the half or third of it; and that in either case it will be parallel to it; which resolves the problem, to draw a line paral- lel to an inaccessible line. These examples are sufficient to shew in what manner a person, who has only a slight knowledge of geometry, may execute the greater part of geometrical opera- tions, without any other instruments than those which might be procured in a wood by means of a knife. It must indeed be allowed that one can never be in such circumstances, unless on some very extraordinary occasion; but, however, it may afford satisfaction to those who have a turn for geometry, to know in what mauner they might proceed, if ever such a case should happen. It is remarkable, that it is not perhaps possible to resolve in this manner, that is to say, without employing the arc of a circle, the very simple problem, and one of the first in the elements of geometry, viz., to describe an equilateral triangle. We have often attempted it, but without success, while trying how far we covld proceed in geometry by the means of straight lines only. PROBLEM IV. To describe a circle, or any determinate arc of a circle, without knowing the centre, and without compasses. To those who are little acquainted with geometry, this will appear to be a sort of paradox; but it may be easily explained by that proposition, in which it is de- monstrated, that the angles whose summits touch the circumference, and whose sides pass through the extremity of the chord, are equal. Fig. 9 Let A, c, B, (Fig. 9.) be three points in the required ae circle or arc; having drawn the lines a cand cB, make an angle equal to 4 cB of any solid substauee, and fix two pegs in a and B; if the sides of the determinate angle be then made to slide between these pegs, the vertex or summit will describe the circumference of the circle. So that if the summit or vertex be fur- nished with a spike or pencil, it will trace out, as it revolves between A and B, the required are. su GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 117 | If another angle of the like kind were constructed, forming the supplement of acs to two right angles, and if it were made to revolve with its sides always touching the points a and B, but with its summit in a direction opposite toc, it would describe the other segment of the circle, which with the are a cB would make up the whole circle. It may sometimes happen that it is necessary to describe, through two given points, the are of a determinate circle, the centre of which is at a great distance, or inac- cessible on account of some particular causes. Should it be required, for example, to describe on the ground a circle, or the arc of a circle, with a radius equal to 2 or 8 or 4 hundred yards; it may be readily seen that it would be impracticable to do it by means of a cord; the mode of operation therefore must be as follows. In a and ‘ B, (Fig. 10.) the extremities of that line which we here suppose Fig. 10. to be the chord of the required arc, the amplitude or subtending . angle of which is known, fix two pegs, and then find out, by means of a graphometer or plane table, any point c, in such a position, that ac and Be shail form an angle, ac B, equal to the given angle, and in that point tix a peg; then find out another point d, so situated that a d and Bd shall form an angle, adz, equal to the former; if the points f and e be found in like manner, it is evident that the points c, d, e, and f will be in the are of a circle capable of containing the given angle. If the points g,h, i,k, be then found, on the other side of a B, so situated, that the angle agB, cr ahB, &c. shall ‘be the supplement of the former, the points c¢, d, e.f,g, 4,7, k, will evidently be all in a circle, PROBLEM Vv. Three points, not in the same straight line, being given, to describe a circle which shall pass throuah them. Fig. 11. Let the three points be those marked 1, 2, 3, (Fiz. 11.): from one of them as a centre, that for example marked 2, and with any radius at pleasure, describe a circle ; and from one of the other two points, 1 for example, assumed as a centre, make with the same radius two intersections in the circumference of the first circle, as at Aand B; draw the line a B, and assuming the third point 3 as a centre, make with the same radius two more intersections in the circumference of the first circle, as D and ©: if DE be then drawn, it will cut the former line a‘B in the point c, which will be the centre of the circle required. If a circle therefore be described from this point as a centre, through one of the given points, its circumference will pass through the other two. It may be readily seen that this construction is the same, in principle, as the com- mon one, taught by Euclid and all other elementary writers; for it is evident that the the lines 1 a, 2 A, 1B, 2B, are equal to each other; consequently the line a B is per- _pendicular to that which would join the points 1 and 2, or to the chord 1 2 of the required circle; hence it follows, that the centre of the circle is in the line a B: for the same:rcason this centre is in the line px, and therefore it is in the point waere they intersect each other. If the three given points were in a straight line, the lines a8 and p E would be- come parallel, and consequently there would be no intersection. SS PROBLEM VI. An engineer, employed in a survey, observed from a certain point the three angles formed by three objects, the positions of which he had before determined : it is re- quired to determine the position of that point, without any farther operation. This problem, reduced to an enunciation purely geometrical, might be proposed in 118° i GEOMETRY. the following manner: a triangle, the sides and angles of which are known, being given, to determine a point from which, if three lines be drawn to the three angles, they shall form with each other given angles. In this problem there are a great number of cases; for either the three angles, under which the distances of the three given points are perceived, occupy the whole extent of the horizon, that is to say are equal to four right angles, or occupy only the half, or less than the half. In the first case, it is evident that the required point is situated within the given triangle; in the second, it is situated in one of the sides; and in the third, it is without. But for the sake of brevity we shall here confine ourselves to the first case. Let it be required then to determine, between the points Fig. 12. A, B, c, (Fig. 12 ) the distances of which are given, a point D so situated, that the angle ap B shall be equal to 160 degrees, cps to 180°, and cpa to 70°. On the side aB describe an are of a circle capable of containing an angle of 160°; and on the side Bc another capable of containing an angle of 130°; the point where they intersect each other will be the point required. ; For it is evident that this point is in the circumference of the are described on the side a B, and capable of containing an angle of 160°; because from all the points of that are, and of no other, the distance a B is seen under the angle of 160°. In like manner the point D must be found in the are described on the side pc, and capable of containing an angle of 130°; consequently it must be in the place where they intersect each other, and no where else. . Remark.—On this construction, a trigonometrical solution may be founded, to de- termine in numbers the distance between p and the points a, B, and c; but we shal leave this to the ingenuity of the reader. : PROBLEM VII. If two lines meet in an inaccessible point, or a point which cannot be observed, it is proposed to draw, from a given point, a line tending to the inaccessible point. Fig. 13. Let the unknown and inaccessible point be o (Fig. 13.), the lines tending to it Ao and Bo; and let & be the point from which it is required to draw a straight line tending A towards o. Through the point = draw any straight line rc, inter- secting Ao and Bo in the points p and c; and through any point F, assumed at pleasure, draw Fa parallel to it; then make this proportion: ascp is to DE, so is ra to cH; if the indefinite line HE be then drawn through the points © and u, it will be the line required, - Or if the given point be e, make this proportion, as cp is to ce, so is FG to F h; the line eh will be that required. The demonstration of this problenr will be easy to those who know, that, in any triangle, if lines be drawn parallel to the base, all those drawn from the vertex of the triangle, will divide them proportionally. Cg PROBLEM VIII. The same supposition being made; to cut off two equal portions from the lines Bo and Ao (Fig. 14.) 2 From the point a, draw ac perpendicular to po, and ap perpendicular to ao; if the angle ca be then divided into two equal parts by the line ax, meeting BO in , this line will eut off from Boand ao the two equal parts, Ao and Eo. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 119 This may be easily cemonstrated, by shewing that, in consequence of this construction, the angle oA E becomes equal tooEA. But the angle oA is equal to the angle oac plus CAE; and the angle oF A is equal to oDA or oac plus EAD, or Eac, which is equal to it; the angle o AE then is equal too A, and the triangle 0 4 & is isosceles, therefore, &c. PROBLEM IX. The same supposition still made ; to divide the angle A 0 & into two equal parts, (See last figure.) Construct the same figure as in the preceding problem; then between the two. given lines draw any line FG, parallel tothe line Ae; and divide the lines ar and FG into two equal parts in H and 1: the line H1 will divide the angle a o Einto two equal parts. ‘The demonstration of this is so easy that it requires no illustration. These problems, as may be readily seen, contain operations of practical geometry of great utility in certain cases; such, for example, as when it is necessary to cut roads through a forest, or when it is required to make them tend to, or end at, a common centre. } PROBLEM X. Two sides of a triangle, and the included angle, being given ; to find its area. Multiply one of the sides by half the other, and the product by the sine of the included angle: this new product will be the area. It may be easily demonstrated, that the area of every triangle is equal to half the rectangle of any two of its sides, multiplied by the sine of the included angle. Let anc (Fig. 15.) be a triangle, having an acute Fig. 15. angle at a; produce ac towards d, and from a as a ie ae Cea centre, with the distance a B, describe the semicircle -BF Ob; then from the point a, draw F a perpendicular to Ac; and from the point B, draw BD also perpendicular to ac. It is here evident that the two triangles Fac and BAC are respectively to each other as AF is to BD; that is to say, as radius is to the sine of the angle B a c, or as unity is to the number which expresses that sine ; the triangle F a c then being equal to half the rectangle of F a by ac, the other will be equal to that half rectangle multiplied by the sine of the angle B ac. This property enables us to avoid that tedious process, necessary to be employed in order to find out the measure of the perpendicular let fall from the extremity of oue of the known sides on the other, that the latter side may be then multiplied by the half of this perpendicular. Thus for example, let the two sides az and ac be respectively equal to 24 and 63 yards; and let the included angle be 45°. The product of 63 by 12 is 756, and the sine of 45° is 0°70710; if 756 therefore be multiplied by 0°70710, according to the method of decimal fractions, the product. will be 534%. eee Ae T) PROBLEM XI. To find the superficial content of any trapezium or quadrilateral figure, without know- ing its sides. Fig. 16. The solution of this problem is a consequence of the pre- <<" ceding. Let the given trapezium be aBepn (Tig. 16.) ; measure ae the diagonals ac and BD, as well as the angle which they make Saas at the point where they intersect each other in ©; if these diag- onals be then multiplied together, and half their product by the sine of the above angle, the last product will be the area. This method is far shorter 120. . GEOMETRY. ; than if we should reduce the trapezium to triangles, in order to find the area of each of them. Corollaries.—A very curious theorem, which no author has before remarked, may be deduced from this problem, It is as follows: If two quadrilateral figures have their diagonals equal, and intersecting each other at the same angle, whatever may be their difference in other respects, these quadrilateral figures will be equal as to their area. Fig. 17. No.1. Ist. Thus, the quadrilateral ancp (see last figure) is equal to the parallelogram abcd (Fig. 17. No. 1.), which has its diags e onals equal to those of aBcD, and inclined toward each other Ud gp at the same angle. d Fig. 17. No. 2. 2d. The same quadrilateral a Bc, is equal to the triangle B BA c (Fig. 17. No, 2.), formed by the two lines ac and a B, equal to the diagonals ac, pz, and inclined at the same angle. A C | Fig. 17. No.3. 3d. The same quadrilateral will be equal also to the triangle ABC (Fig. 17. No. 3.), if the lines ac and pz of that triangle, are equal to the diagonals of the quadrilateral, and equally inclined. 4th. In the last place; this same quadrilateral ancp (Fig. 16.), will be equal to the quadrilateral abcd (Fig. 17. No. 4.) the diagonals of which do not intersect each other, if ac and db are equal to ac and pB, and if the angle bec is equal to the angle BEC. PROBLEM XII. Two circles, not entirely comprehended one within the other, being given; to find a point from which, if a tangent be drawn to the one, it shall be a tangent also to the other. : Through the centres a and g (Fig. 18. No. 1.), of Hig 38, avo. the two eee draw the ne sear line a BI: then from the centre a draw any radius ac, and : through the centre B draw the radius Bp paraliel to it. If the points c and p be joined by the line cp, ; tS it will meet ax in x, which will be the point re- g 4, quired ; that is to say, if 1m be drawn from the point. I, a tangent to one of the circles, it will bea tangent also to the other, Fig. 18. No. 2. When the circles do not cut each other, the point s = 1 (Fig. 18. No. 2.) may happen to fall between them. ma VO To find it, in that case, nothing is necessary but to nn No ai draw the radius BD parallel to ac, and in a direction i es x opposite to that of Fig.18. No.1. axsandcp will (ea intersect each other in the point 1, which will have ce the same property as the former. Remark.—We cannot here help observing, that if any secant whatever, as 1p H or 1dh (Fig. 18. No. 1.), be drawn from the point 1, through the two circles, the rect« angle of 1p and 14, or of 1d and th, will be al ways the same, that is, equal to the rectangle of the two tangents1nandrF. In like manner, the rectangle of 1c and IG, or of r¢ and rg, will be equal to the rectangle of the same tangents. This isa very remarkable extension of the well known property of the circle, by which the rectangle of the two segments rp and 1G is equal to the square of the tangent IE. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 121 PROBLEM XIII. A gentleman, at his death, left two children, to whom he bequeathed a triangular field, to be divided equally between them; in the field is a well, which serves for watering it; and asit is necessary that the line of division should pass through this well, in what manner must it be drawn, so as to intersect the well, and divide the field, at the same time, into two equal parts. Fig. 19. Let the given triangle be a Bc (Fig. 19.), and the given point B, beg. From the point « draw the lines ep and &R, parallel to the base and the side B crespectively, and meeting them inDandR; let the base ac be divided into two equal partsin m; and having drawn the line pm from the point D, draw BN parallel to it, and 4th. Zo find the angle formed by the faces of the different regular bodies. Fig. 51. Describe a circle (Fig. 51.) as large as possible, and determine C in it the side of the regular body required ; if a perpendicular be then let fall from the centre on this side, it will be the dia- meter of a second circle, which must also be described. We A B shall here suppose that this diameter is a B. Describe then, on the side of the regular body found, the proper polygon, or at least find the centre of the circumscribing circle, and from this centre let fall a perpendicular on the side _ which has been found; in the second circle already mentioned, make the lines a p and ac equal to this perpendicular, and the angle Dac will be equal to the angle | required. It will be found, by calculation, that this angle, for the tetraedron, is 70° 32’; for the hexaedron, 90°; this is evident because the faces of the cube are percendicular ' to each other; for the octaedron, 109° 28’; for the dodecaedron, 116° 34’; and for | the icosaedron, 138° 12’. _ We shall here collect all these dimensions in the following table, where we sup- pose the radius of the sphere to be ]0000 parts. D Names of the Sides Radii of the Distances Angles of : of the sircum scribing from the the contiguous esegwiar bodies. faces. ‘ circles. poles. faces. Tetraedron 16329 9426 11742 70° 32’ Hexaedron 11540 8164 9192 90 00 Octaedron 14142 8164 9192 109 28 Dodecaedron 77336 6070 6408 116 34 Iccsaedron 10514 6070 6408 138 10 | It will now be easy to trace out, by either of the above methods, any required _ regular body whatever. _ First method.—Let it be required, for example, to form a dodecaedron from a sphere, First describe a circle of a diameter equal to that of the sphere, and deter- _ mine in it the side of the dodecaedron, or the side of the pentagon, which is one of its faces; also the radius of the circle in which this pentagon can be inscribed, and the = Te wes 136. GEOMETRY. opening of the compasses proper for describing it on the sphere; which may be easily | done by the precepts before given. | Or, if we suppose the radius of the proposed sphere to be 10000 parts, take upon | a scale 6408 of these parts, and-with this opening of the compasses describe, on the | surface of the sphere, a circle on the circumference of which the five angles of the | inscriptible pentagon may be determined ; from two neighbouring points describe, | with the same opening of the compasses, two arcs, the intersection of which will be the pole of a new circle, equal to the former: continue in this manner, from every | two points, and you will have the five poles of the five faces, which rest on the first. In like manner, you may easily determine the other poles, the last of which, if the operation be exact, ought to be diametrically opposite to the first. Lastly, from these twelve poles, describe two equal circles, which will both be cut into five | equal parts, and these will determine twelve segments of a sphere, which being cut off, will give the twelve faces of the dodecaedron required. | Second method.—Having first found out, on the proposed block, a plane face, des | scribe on it the polygon belonging to the regular body required ; then cut out, on each side of this polygon, a new plane, inclined according to the proper angle, as | determined in the above table, or which has been traced out by means of the geometrical construction before given, and you will thus obtain so many plane faces, | on which new polygons, having one side common with the first polygons, must be | described. If the same thing be done on these polygons, you will at length arrive | at the last, which, if the operation has been exactly performed, must be perfectly | equal to the first. } 5th. To form the same bodies of a piece of card. | If you are desirous of forming these bodies of a piece of card or stiff paper, the: following method will be the most convenient. First trace out on the card all the faces of the. required body, viz. four triangles for the tetrae-| Wet dron, as seen Fig. 52, No. 1, six squares for the Oy Ne2 | Weg cube, as No. 2, eight sylaineral triangles for the octaedron, No. 3, twelve pentagons for the dode- caedron, No. 4, and twenty equilateral triangles x A for the icosaedron, No. 5. If you then cut the Fig. 52. edges, it will be easy to fold up the faces so as to join, and if they be then glued together, you will have the regular body complete. 4 The ancient geometricians made a great many geometrical speculations respecting’ these bodies ; and they form almost the whole subject of the last books of Euclid’s Elements. A modern commentator on Euclid, M. de Foix Candalle, has even ex, tended those speculations, by inscribing these bodies within each other, and com- paring them under different points of view; but, at present, such researches are. considered as entirely useless. 'They were suggested to the ancient, by their be-. lieving that these bodies were endowed with mysterious properties, on which the) '|\explanation of the most secret phenonomena of nature depended. With these bodies they compared the celestial orbs, &e. But since rational philosophy has) begun to prevail among mankind, the pretended energy of numbers, and that of the! regular bodies of nature, have been consigned to oblivion, along with the other. visions, which were in vogue during the infancy of philosophy, and the reign of Platonism. For this reason, we shall say nothing farther of these speculations, and. confine ourselves to a very curious problem, respecting the cube or hexaedron, | A GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 13z- PROBLEM XXIX. To cut a hole in a cube, through which another cube of the same size shall be able to pass. If we conceive a cube raised on one of its angles, in such a manner, that the diagonal passing through that angle shall be perpendicular to the plane which it touches ; and if we suppose a perpendicular let fall on that plane from each of the elevated angles, the projection thence resulting will be a regular hexagon, each side and each radius of which may be found in the following manner. Fig. 53 On the vertical line a B (Fig. 53.) equal to the diagonal of the a2 cube, the square of which is triple to that of the cube, describe a semicircle, and make ac equal to the side of the cube; from the point c let fall, on the horizontal tangent of the circle in B, the per- -€ pendicular cE, BE will be the side and the radius of the required hexagou abcd, Fig. 54. When this operation is finished, describe on its hexagonal projec- tion, and around the same centre, the square which forms the pro- jection of the given cube placed on one of its bases, so that one of Fig. 54. sides shall be parallel, and the other perpendicular to the diameter a ac: it may be demonstrated, that this square can be contained within the hexagon, in such a manner, as not to touch with its angles any b of the sides: a square hole therefore, equal to one of the bases of the cube, may be made in it, in a direction parallel to one of its d diagonals, without’ destroying the continuity of any side; and con- sequently another cube of equal size may pass through it, provided c it be made to move in the direction of the diagonal of the former. A PROBLEM XXX. With one sweep of the compasses, and without altering the opening, or changing the centre, to describe on oval. This problem, as is the case with others of a similar kind, is a mere deception ; for it is not specified on what’ kind of surface the required curve ought to be de- scribed. Those to whom this problem is proposed, will think of a plane surface, and therefore will consider it impossible, as it really is; while indeed the surface meant is a curved one, on which it may be easily performed. If a sheet of paper be spread round on a cylindric surface, and if a circle be de- scribed upon it with a pair of compasses, assuming any point whatever as a centre, it is evident that, when the sheet of paper is extended ona plane surface, we shall _ havean oval figure, the shortest diameter of which will be in the direction correspond- _ ing to that of the axis of the cylinder. We should however be deceived, were we take this curve for the real ellipsis, so well known to geometricians. The method of describing the latter is as follows. | PROBLEM XXXI. | To describe a true oval or ellipsis geometrically. . The geometrical oval is a curve with two unequal axes, and having in its greater axis two points so situated, that if lines be drawn to these two points, from each point of the circumference, the sum of these two lines will always be the same. Let aB (Fig. 55.) then be the greater axis of the ellipsis to be described ; and let DE, intersecting it at right angles, and dividing it into two equal parts, be the lesser axis, which is also divided into two equal parts in c; from the point D asa 138 GEOMETRY. centre, with a radius equal to ac, describe an are of a circle, cutting the greater axis in F and f: these two points are what are called the foci: fix in each of these a pin, or, if you operate on the ground, a very straight peg; then take a thread, or a chord if you mean to describe the figure on the ground, having its two ends tied together, and in length equal to the line a 8, plus the distance F f; place it round the pins or pegs rf; then stretch it as seen at FG f, and witha pencil, or sharp pointed instrument, make it move round from B, through D, a, and FE, till it return again to B: the curve described by the pencil on paper, or on the ground by any sharp instrument, during a whole revolution, will be the curve required. . This ellipsis is called the Gardener’s Oval; because when gardeners describe that figure, they use this method. It is here seen that the geometric ellipsis, or oval, is, as we may say, a circle with two centres; for in the circle the distance from the centre to any point of the cir- cumference, and from that point back to the centre, is always equal to the same sum, viz. the diameter. In the ellipsis, where there are two centres, the distance from one of them to any point of the circumference, and from that point to the other centre, is always equal to the same sum, or to the greater diameter. A circle therefore is nothing else than an ellipsis, the two foci of which, by con- tinually approaching, have at length been united and confounded with each other. Another method of describing an ellipsis, which may be also used sometimes, is as follows. Let apc (Fig. 56.) be a square, and Bu and BI the two * semi-axes of the ellipsis to be described. Provide a rule, such | as E D, equal to the sum of these two lines, and having taken | E F equal to Bi, fix in the point F, by some mechanism which | may be easily invented, a pencil or piece of chalk, capable of tracing out a line upon paper; then make this rule turn in the | given right angle, in such a manner, that its two extremities | shall always touch the sides of that angle, and during this | movement the pencil fixed in F will describe a real geometrical | ellipsis. It may be readily seen, that if the pencil or chalk were fixed in the point @, which divides D E into two equal parts, the curve described would be a circle. Remark.—Another sort of oval, very much used by architects and engineers, when, | they intend to form a fiat or an acute arch, is called by the French workmen anses | de paniers. It consists of several arcs of circles having different radii, which mu- tually touch each other, and which represent pretty nearly a geometrical ellipsis. — But it has one fault, which is, that however well these arcs touch each other, a nice eye will always observe at the place of junction an inequality, which is the effect of | the sudden transition of one curve to another that is larger. For this reason, any | arch which rises on its pier without an impost, seems to form an inequality, though the arch at its junction with the pier may touch it exactly. This inconvenience however is compensated by one advantage, which is, that for | . the voussoirs of the arch, there is no need but of two panneaux, or model boards, if | the quarter of the oval be formed of two ares, or of three if it be formed of threé; | whereas, if it were a real ellipsis, it would have occasion for as many panneaux as I voussoirs. If any one however should have the courage, and it would require no i small degree of it, to surmount this difficulty, we entertain no doubt that the real | ellipsis would have more beauty than this bastard kind of it. r a GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS, 139 | : PROBLEM XXXII. On a given base, to describe an infinite number of triangles, in which the sum of the : two sides, standing on the base, shall be always the same. This is only a corollary to the preceding problem. For on a given base let there be described an ellipsis, having the two extremities of that base as its foci: all the points of the ellipsis will be the summits of as many triangles on the given base FG f, Fg /f, (Fig. 55.), and the sum of their sides will be the same; consequently they will all have the same perimeter, and the greatest triangle will be that which has its two sides equal; for it is that which has the summit at the most elevated part of the ellipsis. THEOREM VI. Of all the isoperimetric figures, or figures having the same perimeter, and a determi- nate number of sides, the greatest is that which has all its sides and all its angles equal. Fig. 57. We shall first demonstrate this theorem in regard to triangles. Let acs (Fig. 57.) then be a triangle on the base a B, the sides of which ac and cB are unequal. We have already shewn, that if there be constructed a triangle a FB, the equal sides of which ar and FB are together equal to a c and cB, the triangle AFB will be greater than acB. For the same reason, if there be constructed, on A F asa base, the triangle abr, the sides of which, a b and /F, are equal to each other, and together ‘equal to a B and BF, the triangle a br will be greater than AFB. In like manner, if we suppose Fa and ab equal, and their sum equal toFa and a 8, the latter triangle ra 6 will be still greater than AFB, which has the same perimeter, &c. But it may be readily seen by this operation, that the three sides of a triangle always approximate towards equality, and that, by conceiving it continued ad infinitum, the triangle would at length become equilateral, and consequently the equilateral triangle will be the greatest of all. For example, if the three sides of the first triangle be 12, 18, 5, the sides of the second will be 12, 9, 9; those of the third 9, 10}, 104; those of the fourth 10}, 93, 93 ; those of the fifth 93, 101, 101; those of the sixth 10}, 9}%, 9}§; those of the ‘seventh 945, 104, 104,, and so on; by which it is seen that the difference always de- creases ; so that at last the three sides become 10, 10, 10, and the triangle will then be the greatest of all. If we now take a rectilineal polygon, such as A BCD E F (Fig. 58.), all the sides of which are unequal : draw the lines a c, CE, and & A. By what has been already shewn it will be seen, that if an isosceles triangle a 5c be described on A c, in such a manner, that a band 6c shall be together equal to a B and Bc, the polygon, though of the same perimeter, will become greater by the excess of the triangle a b c above aBc. Ifthe same thing be done all around, the surface of thepolygon will be continually augmented; all its sides and its angles will more and more approach to equality ; and consequently the greatest ofall will be that which has all its sides and angles equal. We shall now demonstrate, that, of two regular polygons, having the same peri- meter, the greater is that which has the greatest number of sides, For this purpose let any polygon, an equilateral triangle for example, be circumscribed round a circle, and let x ru1(Fig. 59.), be an hexagon circumscribed about the same circle: it is evi- dent that the perimeter of the latter will be less than that of the triangle; for the “a 140 GEOMETRY. Fig. 59. parts F Er, G H, and IK, are common, and the side g F is B less than FB plus B G, &c. ; a hexagon, concentric to the’ former, and equal in perimeter to the triangle, which we here suppose to be MN 0, will therefore be without the hexagon K F H; consequently the perpendicular c 7 will | be greater thanc Lt. But asthe triangle has the same at perimeter as the hexagon m N 0, their-areas will be as the perpendiculars c 1, ¢ J, let fall from the centre of the fe D circle; and therefore the hexagon, having the same peri- eed meter as the triangle, will be the greater. What has been demonstrated in regard to a triangle and hexagon of the same peri- meter, is evidently applicable to any other two polygons, one of which: has a number | of sides double to that of the other; consequently the more sides a polygon of a determinate perimeter has, the greater is its area. Remarks.— 1st. This leads us to a consequence much celebrated in geometry, which is: that ofall the figures, having the same perimeter, the circle is of the greatest capacity ; fora circle is only a polygon of an infinite number of sides, or, to use a more geometrical expression, is the last of the polygons resulting from their sides being con- tinually doubled ; consequently it is the greatest of all. 2d. We shail here remark also, that if upon any determinate base, and witha de- terminate perimeter, there be described several figures, the greatest will be that which has the greatest number of sides, beside the base, and which approaches nearest to regularity ; hence it follows, that if it be required tu describe, with a determinate length, ona given base, the greatest figure, that figure will be the segment of a circle, viz. a segment having that base for its chord, and for its arc the given length. All these things may be demonstrated by a mechanical consideration. For let us suppose a vessel, the sides of which are flexible, and that any liquor is poured into it ; the sides it is certain will arrange themselves in such a manner as to contain the greatest quantity possible. On the other hand, it is well known that the vessel will assume the cylindric form ; that is to say its Dae and the sections parallel to the base will be circular; hence it follows that, of all figures having the same perimeter, the circle is that which comprehends the greatest area. By means of the above observations it will be easy to solve the following questions. I,—a has a field 500 poles in circumference, which is square; B has one of the same circumference which is an oblong, and proposes to A an exchange. Ought — the latter to accept the offer ? + | It is easy to answer that he ought not ; and a would sustain more loss by the ex- change the greater the inequality is between the sides of the field belonging tos, This inequality might even be such, that the latter field would be only the half, or the fourth, or the tenth part of that of a. For let us suppose the field of a to be 100 poles on each side; and that the field of B is a rectangle, one side of which is 190 poles, and the other 10, by which means it will have the same perimeter as the other; it will however be found that the surface of the latter will be only 1900 square poles, while that of the former will be 10000. If one side of the field belonging to B were 195 poles, and the other 5, which would still make the perimeter 400 poles; its surface. would be only 975 poles, which is not even a tenth part of that of the field belong- ing to a. Il.—A farmer borrowed a sack of wheat, measuring 4 feet in length, and 6 feet in cir cumference ; for which he returned two sacks of the same length, and each 3 feet in circumference: did he return the same quantity of wheat? E | GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS, 141 * He returned only half the quantity ; for two equal circles, having the same perimeter, _ taken together, as a third, do not contain the same area; the area of both is only the half of the third, each of them being but a fourth of it. IlIl.—4 green-grocer purchased for a certain sum, as many heads of asparagus as could be contained in a string a foot in length; being desirous to purchase double that quantity, he returned next day to the market, with a string of twice the length, and offered to double the price of the former quantity, for as many as it would con- tain. Was his offer reasonable ? _ No—the man was in an error to imagine that a string of twice the length would con- en only double the quantity of what he purchased the preceding day; for a circle which has its circumference double to that of another, has its diameter double also. But the area of a circle, the diameter of whichis double to that of another, is equal to four times the area of the other. Remark.—It remains for us to observe here that as the circle of all the figures having an ecjual perimeter, is the greatest ; the sphere among the solids is that which contains the greatest volume. Thus, if it were required to make a vessel of a deter- minate capacity, but in such a manner as to save the materials as much as possible, it ought to be in the form ofa sphere. But this will be better illustrated by the fol- lowing problem. PROBLEM XXXIII. A gentleman wishes to have a silver vessel of a cylindric form, open at the top, capable of containing a cubie foot of liquor ; but being desirous to save the material as much as possible, requests to know the proper dimensions of the vessel. If we suppose that the vessel ought to bea line in thickness, for example, it is evident that the quantity of the matter will be proportional to the surface. The question then is: Of all the cylinders, capable of containing a cubie foot; to deter- mine that which shall have the least surface, exclusive of the top. It will be found that the diameter of the base ought to be 16 inches 4 lines; and the height 8 inches 2, lines, which is the ratio of nearly 2 to 1 between the diameter and the height. If it were required to have the vessel in the form of a cask, close at both ends, the question would be: To find a cylinder which shall have its whole surface, compre- hending the two bases, greater than that of any other of the same capacity. In this case the diameter of the base ought to be 13 inches, and the height 12 inches 58 line. PROBLEM XXXIV. On the form in which the Bees construct their Combs. The ancients admired bees on account of the hexagonal form of their combs. They observed that, of all the regular figures which can be united, without leaving any vacuum, the hexagon approaches nearest to the circle, and with the same capacity has the least perimeter ; whence they inferred that this animal was endowed with a sort of instinct, which made it choose this figure as that which, containing the same quantity of honey, would require the least wax to construct the comb; for it appears that bees do not prepare wax on its own account, but in order to construct their combs destined to be the repositories of their honey, and receptacles for their young. This however is far from being the principal wonder in regard to the labour .of bees, if we can give the name of wonder to alabour blindly determined by a peculiar organization; for it may be remarked, in the first place, that it is not absolutely wonderful that small animals, all endowed with the same activity and the same force, pressing outwards, from within, small cells all arranged close to each other, 142 GEOMETRY. and all equally flexible, should give them, by a sort of mechanical necessity, a hexa- | gonal form. If we suppose indeed a multitude of circles, or small cylinders, highly flexible and somewhat extensible, close to each other, and that forces acting inter. nally, and all equal, tend to make heir sides approach each other, by filling up. the vacuities left between them, the first form they will assume will be the hexa-' gonal; after which all these forces remaining in equilibrium, nothing will tend oF change that form. However, not to deprive the bees of the admiration which they have excited in the above respect, we shall remark that this is not the manner in which they labour. They do not first make circular cells, and then transform them into hexagons by extending them in concert: The cells, which terminate an imperfect comb, are composed of equal planes inclined to each other, nearly in that angle which the hexa-_ gonal form requires. But let us proceed to another singularity, still more wonder- ful, in regard to the labour of bees. This singularity consists in the manner in which the bottom of their cells is formed. We must not indeed imagine that they are all uniformly terminated by a plane perpen- dicular to their axes; there is a method of terminating them which employs less wax, and even the least possible, still leaving to the cells the same capacity ; and it is this method which these insects adopt, and which they execute with great precision. To execute this disposition, itis necessary, in the first place,that the tworows ofcells, | of which it is well known acomb consists, and which stand back to back, should not be | Fig. 60. arranged so as to make their axes correspond, but in such a manner beat’ that the axis of the one may be ina line with the common juncture of three posterior. As is seen Fig. 60, where the hexagon de- scribed with black lines corresponds with the three formed of | dotted lines, which represent the plane of the posterior cells; aud it is thus that the cells of bees are arranged, to suit the dis- | position of their common bottoms. | In the second place, to give an idea of this disposition, let us | suppose an hexagonal prism, the upper base of which is the héxa- | gona B CDE F (Fig. 61.) with a triangle ax c inscribed in it. | Let the axis Pp o be continued to s, and through the point s and | the side a c let a plane pass, which shall cut off from the prism | the angles, so as to forma rhomboidal face a sc 1; such is one of the bottoms of the cel) of a comb: if two other similar | planes be made to pass through s and the sides az and xc, they will form the othertwo; so that the bottom is terminated by a triangular pyramid. | It may be readily seen, that wherever the point s may be situated, as the pyramid AcosS is always equal to Ac BT, and as the case is the same with the rest, the capa- | city of the cell will not vary, whatever be the inclination of that part of the bottom | turned towards ac. But the case is different with the surface where there is such | an inclination, that the whole surface of the prism and of its bottom will be less | than with any other inclination. It has been found, by the researches of geometri- | cians, that, for this purpose, the angle formed by the bottom with the axis ought to | he 54° 44’; from which there results the smaller angle of the rhombus a Tc or ASG, | equal to 70° 32’, and the other sa T or sc of 109° 28’, But this is exactly the inclination of the sides of the parallelogram, formed we each of the three inclined planes of the bottom of the cells of a comb, as appears by the measurement of a great many of these cells. Hence there is reason to con- | clude, that bees construct the bottom of their cells in the most advantageous form, | so as to have the least surface possible, and in such a manner indeed, as can be de- -GEOQMETRICAL PROBLEMS, 143 termined only by modern geometry.* Who can have given to these insects, so con- temptible, not in the eyes of the philosopher, who never despises the least of the works of the Deity, but in the eyes of the vulgar, that wonderful instinct, which directs them to perform so perfect a work, but the supreme Geometrician, of whom Plato said, what is verified more and more as we become acquainted with the works of nature, that he does every thing numero, pondere, et mensura. PROBLEM XXXV. What is the greatest polygon that can be formed of given lines ? It may be demonstrated that the greatest polygon that can be formed with given lines, is that about which a circle can be circumscribed. But it may be still asked, whether there. be any particular order, in regard to the sides, capable of giving a greater polygon than any other arrangement. We can answer that there is not; and that, whatever be the arrangement, if the polygon can be inscribed in a circle, it will be always the same; for it may be easily demon- strated, that whatever be this order, the size of the circle will not vary; the poly- gon will always be composed of the same triangles, having their summits at its centre: the’only difference will be, that they will be differently arranged. PROBLEM XXXVI. What is the largest triangle that can be inscribed ina circle; and what is the least that can be circumscribed about tt ? The triangle required in both these cases is the equilateral. The case is the same with the other polygons. The greatest quadrilateral figure that can be inscribed in the circle, is the square; this figure also is the least of all those that can be circumscribed about a circle. The regular pentagon is likewise the greatest of all the five-sided figures that can be inscribed in the circle; and the same figure is the least of all the pentagons that ean be circumscribed about the circle. And so on. PROBLEM XXXVII. AB (Fig. 62.) is the line of separation between two plains; one of which Ac1B con- sists of soft sand, in which a vigorous horse can scarcely advance at the rate of a league per hour ; the other ABDX ts covered with fine turf, where the same horse, without much fatigue, can proceed at the rate of a league in half an hour ; the two places c and D are given in position, that is to say the distance c A and DB of each from the line of boundary a 8, as well as the position and length of AB, are known ; now tf a traveller has to go from D to c, what route must he pursue, so as to employ the least time possible on his journey ? Most people, judging of this question according to common ideas, would imagine that the route to be pursued by the traveller, ought to be the straight line. In this however they would be deceived, as may be easily shewn; for if the straight line Fig. 62. cED be drawn, it may be readily conceived that it will be gaining an advantage to perform, in the first plain, where it is difficult to travel, the part of the journey c F, which is somewhat shorter than cE; and to perform in the second, where it is much easier to travel, the part FD, longer than D x, that is to say, than the space which would be passed over by going directly from c to D; so that less time would really be employed to go from c to d, byc rand Fp, than by cz and ED, though the road by the latter is shorter. * The Abbe Delisle says improperly, in the notes to the fourth book of his Translation of the Georgics, that Reaumer, having proposed this problem to Koenig, the latter, after a great many calculations, at length found the angie of the inclination of the planes which form the bottom cf these cells. Nothing however is easier than the solution of this problem by means ef fluxions; two lives of calculation are sufficient, and a solution may even be given without that assistance. 144 GEOMETRY. This indeed may be demonstrated by calculation. For if ua be drawn per pendicular to AB, through the point F, it will be found that one can go fron) c to D, in the least time possible, when the sines of the angles crc and pF H an to each other respectively in the inverse ratio of the velocity with which the tra! veller can pass over the planes ACIBand A BDK, that is to say, in the present case| as 1 to 2; and therefore the sine of the angle crc, ought to be half only of that o| the angle DF H. | PROBLEM XXXVIII. Ona given base to describe an infinite number of triangles, in such a manner, that the sun of the squares of the sides shall be constantly the same, and equal to a given square. Let aB (Fig. 63 and 64.) be thi given base, which must be divide into two equal parts inc; ther from the points a and B, with | radius equal to half the diagona| of the given square, describe a1| isosceles triangle, of which F is thi vertex; draw Cr, and from the point c, with the radius c F, describe a semicircle o1| A B, produced if necessary : all the triangles having a B for their base, and whose ver. tices are at F, f, ¢, in the circumference of the circle, will be of such a nature, tha the sum of the squares of their sides will be equal to the square given. | Remark.—Every one knows that when the sum of the squares of the sides is equa. to the square of the base, the triangle is right-angled, and has its vertex in the cir cumference of the circle described on that base. Here it is seen, that if the sum o the squares of the sides is greater or less than the square of the base, the vertices 0 the triangles, which in this first case are acute-angled, and in the second obtuanl| angled, are always in a semicircle also, having the same centre, but on a diametei greater or less than the base of the triangle; whichis a very ingenious generalizatior of the well known property of the right angled triangle. | PROBLEM XXXIX. On a given base, to describe an infinite number of triangles, in such a manner, that the ratio of the two sides, on that base, shall be constantly the same. Divide the given base a 3 (Fig. 65.) in such a mannei Fig. 65. in p, that a D may be to p B, in the given ratio, which we shall here suppose to be as 2 to 1. Then say, as the difference between ap and pBis toDB, so is A Bto BB; z andif aD exceeds pz, BE must be taken in the directior A Db BEC Ea BE; then divide p & into two equal parts in c, and from a centre, with the radius cp or cE, describe a semi- circle on the diameter D E: all the triangles, as AFB, Af B, A $B, &c., having the same base 4 B, aud their verticesr, f, $, in the circumference of this semicircle, will be of such a nature, that their sides aF, FB; Af, fB; A, $B, will be in the same ratio, viz., that of ap to DB, orof AEto EB, which is the same thing. But the centre c will be found much easier by the following construction: on A D describe the equilateral triangle aq@p, and on DB, the equilateral triangle DHB; through their summits, G and u, draw a straight line, which being continued will cut the continuation of a B in the point c, and this point will be the centre required, THEOREM VII. In a circle, if two chords, as ap and cp (Fig. 66. ) intersect each other at right angles ; the sum of the squares of their segments, CE, AE, ED, and&E B, will always be equal to the square of the diameter. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 145 The demonstration of this curious and elegant theorem, is exceedingly easy ; for it may be readily seen, if the lines BD and ac be drawn, that their two squares are together equal to the squares of the four segments in question. Fig. 66. Moreover, by making the arc Fc equal to aD, we shall have the arc FD equal to ac, and consequently the angle F p c equal to ACE, which is itself equal to aBD; the angle rpB therefore will be a right angle, since it is equal to & p B and DBE, which together make aright angle; hence the squares of rp and DB are equal to the square of the hypothenuse r B, which is the diameter. It must here be remarked, that the result would be the same, if we suppose the point e, where the chords meet, to be without the circle; in that case the four squares, viz. those of e a, e b, ec, and e d, would still be together equal to the square of the diameter. Remark.—Circles being to each other as the squares of their diameters; it is evi- dent that if on EA, EB, EC, and ED, as diameters, four circles be described, these circles will be together equal to the circleacsp. And they will also be propor- tional; for we know that BE istoECasEDistoEA. But if four magnitudes are proportional, their squares are so also. Moreover, it is evident that whatever be the position of these two chords, their sum will always be equal, at the most, to two diameters if they both pass through the centre; or at least to one, if one of them passes through the centre, and the other almost at the distance of a radius. By means of this theorem, therefore, it will be easy to solve the following problem. PROBLEM XL. To find four proportional circles, which taken together shall be equal to a given circle, and which shall be of such a nature, that the sum of their diameters shall be equal to a given line. It is evident, for the above reasons, that the given line must be less than twice the diameter of the given circle, and greater than once that diameter, or, which is the same thing, that the half of this line must be less than the diameter of the given circle, and greater than its radius. ° This being premised; let the given line, the sum of the diameters of the required circles, be a6 (Fig. 67.) the half of whichis ac; let ap BE be the given circle, the two diameters of which are aB and DE, perpendicular to each other. On the radiica and cE continued, make the lines cr and ca equal to ac, and draw Fa, which will necessarily intersect cH, the square of the radius of the circle. In the part 1K of that line comprehended within the square, assume any point L, from which draw the lines q, anduw 7, the one parallel and the other perpendicular | to the diameter a B; through the points mand Nn, where they intersect the circumference of the circle, draw MR and N Q, the one parallel and the other perpendicular to a B: the chords Ns and mT will be the two chords required. For it is evident that N@ and mR are equal to Lq, and ur, which are together equal to cc or cr, or to the half ofa; the whole chords then are together equal to ab; consequently, by the preceding theorem, they solve the problem, and the four circles described on the diameters NO, OM, 08, and oT, will be equal to the circle ADBE. Remark.—The line rc may happen only to touch the circle; in which case any point, except the point of contact, will equally solve the problem L 146 GEOMETRY. But ifre intersect the circle, as seen Fig. 68, the point 1 must be assumed in that part of the line 1K, which is with. out the circle, as seen in the same figure. This solution is much better than that given by M. Oza, nam ; for he tells us to take on ae (Fig. 67.) a portion less thar the radius, and to set it off from cto q: then to draw the lines gm and wR, and to set off the remainder of ac from ¢ tor; but it is necessary that the point 7 should fall beyond R otherwise the two semi-chords would not intersect each | In the last place, according to the magnitude of ac, in regard to the radius there is a certain magnitude which must not be exceeded, and which M. Ozanan: does not determine: this therefore renders the solution defective. | : PROBLEM XLI. Of the Trisection and Multisection of an Angle. This problem is celebrated on account of the fruitless attempts made, from tim) to time, to resolve it geometrically, by the help of arule and compasses, and of thi! paralogisms and false constructions given by pretended geometricians. But it 1) now demonstrated, that the solution of it depends on a geomeiry superior to th elementary, and that it cannot be effected by any construction in which a rule ani compasses only, or the circle and straight line, are employed, except in a very fey, cases ; such as those where the are which measures the proposed angle is a whol| circle, or a half, a fourth, or a fifth part of one. None therefore but people ignoran| of the mathematics attempt at present to solve this problem by the common geometry | But though it cannot be solved by the rule and compasses alone, without repeate | trials, there are some mechanical constructions or methods, which, on account 0) their simplicity, deserve to be known. They areas follow: Let it be ‘proposed, for example, to divide a Fig. 69. angle ABC (Fig. 69.) into three equal parts. Fror the point a let fall, on the other side of the angle) the perpendicular ac, and through the same point ,| draw the indefinite straight line az parallel to BC. if from the point B you then draw to AE aline BE! in such a manner, that the part FE, intercepted be| tween the lines acand ak, shall be equal to twice the line a B, which may b! done very easily by repeated trial, you will have the angle rBc equal to the thi part of aBc. IffE indeed be divided into two equal parts in p, and if Ap be drawn; as th. triangle Fax is right-angled, p will be the centre ef the circle passing throug’ the points Fr, a, B; consequently pa, p£, and pF willbe equal to each other, and t, the line a 3B; the triangle A p& then will be isosceles, and the angles pa¥ and DE } will be equal; the external angle ADF, which is equal to the two interior one} DAE and DEA, will therefore be the double of each of them. But as the triang) BAD is isosceles, the angle a BDis equal to ApB, and the angle arp, or its equi! FBC, is half of the angle aBD; consequently the angle a Bc is divided by Bg, } such a manner, that the anglers c is the third part of it. Another method.—Let the. given angle be Ac) Fig. 70. (Fig. 70.): from the vertex of it as a centre, dé A scribe a circle, and continue the radius B c indefinite) ee to x; then draw theline arin such a manner, thi’ i ~ the part px, intercepted between BE and the circun B é Wee fe ference of the circle, shall be equal to the radius BC ifou be then drawn through the centre c, varallel 4 A 5, the angle 8 cu will be the third part of the given angle acB. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 5 147 If the radius cp be drawn, it may be readily seen that the angle Hoa is equal, on account of the parallel lines, toca Dorcpa. But the latter is equal to the angles DCE andpDEC, or to the double of one of them; since cp and DE are equal by construction; and as the angle HcBis equal to Dcx& or DEC, the angle ACH is the double of H cB, and consequently a cBis the triple of HcB. PROBLEM XLII. The Duplication of the Cube. To double a rectilineal surface, or any curve whatever, as the circle, square, triangle, &c., is easy; that is to say, one of these figures being given, it is easy to~ construct a similar one, which shall be the double or any multiple of it whatever, or which shall be in any given ratio to it at pleasure: nothing is necessary for this pur- * pose, but to find the mean geometrical proportional between one of the sides of the given figure, and the line which is to that side in the given ratio, this mean will be the side homologous to that of the given figure. Thus, to describe a circle double of another, a mean proportional must be found between the diameter of the former and the double of that diameter; this proportional will be the diameter of the double circle, &c. The case is the same with every other ratio. All this belongs to the elements of geometry. But to construct a double solid figure, or a figure in a given ratio to another similar figure, isa much more difficult problem, which cannot be solved by means of the circle and straight line, or of the rule and compasses, unless a method of repeated trial, which geometry rejects, be employed. This at present is clearly demonstrated; but the demonstration is not susceptible of being comprehended by every one. Respecting the origin of this problem, a very curious circumstance is related. During the plague at Athens, which made a dreadful havoc in that city, some persons being sent to Delphos to consult Apollo, the deity promised to put an end to the destructive scourge, when an altar, double to that which had been erected to him, should be constructed. The artists who were immediately dispatched to double the altar, thought they had nothing to do, in order to comply with the demand of the oiacle, but to double its dimensions. By these means it was made octuple; but the god, being a better geometrician, wanted it only double. As the plague still con- tinued, the Athenians dispatched new deputies, who received for answer, that the altar was more than double. It was then thought proper to have recourse to the geometricians, who endeavoured to find out a solution of the problem. There is reason to think that the god was satisfied with an approximation, or mechanical solu- tion; had he required more, the situation of the people of Athens would have deserved pity indeed. There was no necessity for introducing a deity into this business. ~What is more natural-to geometricians than to try to double a solid, and the cube in particular, after having found the method of doubling the square and other surfaces? This is the progress of the human mind in geometry. Geometricians soon observed that, as the duplication of any surface consists: in finding a geometrical mean between two lines, one of which is the double of the other, the duplication of the cube, or of any solid whatever, consists in finding the first of two continued mean proportionals between the same lines. We are indebted for this remark to Hippocrates of Chios, who from being a wine merchant, ruined by shipwreck or the officers of the excise at Athens, became a geometrician. Since that time, all the efforts of geometricians have been confined merely to the finding of two continued geometrical mean proportionals between two given lines, and these two problems, viz., that of the duplication of the cube, or, more generally, of the con- struction of a cube in a given ratio to another, and that of the two continued mean proportionals, have become synonymous. Lie ie “3 148 GEOMETRY. The different methods of solving this problem, some of which require repeated trial, and some no other instruments than a rule and compasses, are as follow: Fig. 71. s ‘Be. “See evee™ > ! is a Ist. Let the two lines, between which it is required to find two mean proportionals, be aB and ac (Fig. 71.) Form a them the rectangle B ac pb, and continue the sides 4B and ac’ indefinitely; draw the two diagonals of the rectangle inter. secting each other in E; and we shall then have the solution: of the problem, if the line rpG terminated by the sides of the right angle F Ac, be drawn through the point D, in such a manner, that the points G and F shall be equally distant from the point £; for in that case the lines aB, cG, BF, and AC, will be continued in proportion. | Or, with £ as a centre, describe an arc of a circle, as FIG, in such a manner, that by drawing the line Fa, it shall pass through the point p: we shall then havea solution of the problem. , | Another method is as follows: Circumscribe a circle about the rectangle BAcD; then through the point p, draw the line F a, in such a manner, that the segments FD. and GH shall be equal: the lines ca and pF will be continued mean vroportionals'| between AB and ac. Cc B 2d. Form aright angle of the two given lines aB and BO (Fig. 72.); and having continued gc and 4B indefinitely, from the point B asa centre, describe the semicircle DEA; draw also the line a c, and in the continuation of it find a point! Gc of such a nature, that by drawing the line peut, the segments GH and HX shall be equal to each other: the line BH will be the first of the two means. ; _ 3d. Let ca (Fig, 73.) be the first of the given lines: from the point c, with the radius cB, equal to the half of c A, describe a circle, and in this circle make the chord BD equal to the second of the given lines, which must be continued indefinitely ; draw the indefinite line a DE, and from the point c draw the line c EF, in such a man ner, that the part EF, intercepted with the angle DF, shall be equal to cB; the line pF will then be the first! of the required mean proportionals, and cE will be the’ A -gecond. This construction is that of Sir Isaac Newton. : | PROBLEM XLIII. An angle, which is not an exact portion of the circumference, being given, to find us value with great accuracy, by neans of a pair of compasses only. | From the vertex of the given angle, with as great a radius as possible, describe € circle, and mark its principal points of division, as the half, third, fourth, fifth, sixth eighth, twelfth, and fifteenth parts of the circumference; then by means of the | compasses take the chord of the given arc, and set it off along the circumference from a determinate point, going round it once, twice, thrice, &c.; and counting the number of times that the chord is applied to the circumference, until you fall exactly, on one of the points of division, which cannot fail to be the case after a certail number of revolutions, unless the given arc be incommensurable to the circumfer: ence; then examine what the point of division is, or how many and what aliquo’ parts of the circumference it is distant from the first point ; add the number of de. grees which it gives to the product of 360 degrees multiplied by the complete num: ber of turns made with the compasses, and divide the sum by the number of time: - GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. \ 149 ‘that the compasses were applied to the circumference: the quotient will be the number of degrees, minutes, and seconds, required. Let us suppose, for example, that the compasses, with an opening equal to the chord of the given arc, have been applied to the circumference seventeen times, and that after four complete revolutions they have coincided exactly on the second divi- sion of the circle divided into five equal parts. The fifth part of the circumference is 72°, and two fifths are 144°; if 144 then be added to the product of 360° by 4, which is the number of the complete revolutions, and if the sum 1584° be divided ; by 17, the quotient 93° 10’ 35” will be the value of the required are. PROBLEM XLIV. A straight line being given; to find, by an easy operation, and without a scale, toa thousandth, ten thousandth, hundred thousandth, §c. part, nearly, its proportion to another. Let the first or least of these lines be called a, and second B. Take with a pair of compasses the extent of the line a, and set it off as many times as possible on B: we shall here suppose that a is contained in the latter three times, with a remainder. Take this remainder in the compasses, and set it off, in like manner, on the line z, as often as possible: we shall suppose that it is contained in it seven times, with a remainder. Take the second remainder, and perform the same operation on the line B, in which we shall suppose it¢o be contained 13 times, with a remainder ; and, in the last place, let us suppose that this third remainder is contained in B exactly 24 times. Then form the following series of fractions ; 3, 314, 3-7!tg. g-n-Pgaq. and reduce them to decimal fractions, which will be 0°333333, 0:047619, 0°003663, 0°000152. The given line is in decimals equal to the first of these fractions, minus the second, plus the third, minus the fourth, which gives 0°289225, without the error of one of these parts entirely, that is to say of a millionth part. It may be easily seen that no scale, however small the divisions, could give so ap- proximate a ratio; and even if we suppose such a scale to exist, there would still remain an uncertainty in regard to the division on which the extremity of the given line would fall ; whereas, a line applied with the compasses along a greater one, can never leave any uncertainty in regard to the number of times it is contained in it, with or without a remainder. If the above fractions be added in the usual manner, we shall find that the given line is equal to 4895 of the second. PROBLEM XLV. To make the same body pass through a square hole, a round hole, and an elliptical hole. We give a place to this pretended problem, merely because it is found in all the Mathematical Recreations hitherto published; for nothing is easier to those who are in the least acquainted with the simplest geometrical bodies. Provide a right cylinder, and suppose it to be cut through its axis; this section will be a square or a rectangle; if cut through a plane perpendicular to the axis, the section will be a circle; and if cut obliquely to that axis, the section will be an ellipsis. Consequently, if three holes, the first equal to this rectangle, the second to the circle, and the third to the ellipsis, be cut in a piece of wood or pasteboard, it is evident that the cylinder may be made to pass through the first of these holes, by moving it in a direction perpendicular toits axis ; it will also pass through the cir- cular hole when moved in the direction of its axis; and through the elliptical, hole, when held with the proper degree of obliquity ; in all these cases it will exactly touch fr 7 4 ‘ rae tat iar ie a = cal , | j “ : ~ ae safle po vag) ‘ , ball Bl . : 4 ; : fi & ba? | 150 ii "GEOMETRY. the edges of the hole, so that if the hole were smaller it would be impossible to mak it pass through it. This problem might be solved $F means of other bodies; but it is so simple the nothing farther needs be said on the subject. PROBLEM XLVI. To measure the circle, that is to say, to find a rectilineal space equal to the circle, ¢ more generally, to find a straight line equal to the circumference of the circle, ori a given arc of that circumference. We are far from pretending to give an exact and perfect solution of this problem)! it is more than probable that it will ever baffie the efforts of the human mind; bu} it is allowed in geometry, that when a problem cannot be completely solved, it} some merit to approach near to it, and the more so when the unknown quantity 1) circumscribed within the nearest limits. But though geometricians despair of eve. being able to find the exact measure of the circle, they have accomplished thing | highly worthy of notice; for they have found means to approach so near to it tha| even if the radius of a circle were equal to the distance between the sun and the firs| of the fixed stars, it is certain that its circumference might be found from the radius) without the error of a hair’s breadth. This is doubtless more than sufficient t| answer the nicest purposes in the arts; but it must be allowed that it would giv| great pleasure to a geometrical genius, to be able to tell exactly the measure of th’ circle; thatis to say, toknowit with the same precision that we know, for example that a parabolic segment is equal to two thirds ofa parallelogram baving the same bast and the same altitude. 1.—The diameter of a circle being given; to find, in approximate numbers, the crew ference ; or vice versa. When moderate exactness only is required, we may employ the proportion o Archimedes, who has demonstrated that the diameter is to the circumference nearly} as | to 3}, or as 7 to 22, | If we therefore make this proportion: as 7 is to 22, so isa given diameter to ¢| fourth term; or if we triple the diameter and add to it a seventh, we shall have the Seencnferente very nearly. The circumference of acircle, the diameter of whichis equal to 100 feet, will ‘be foun: therefore to be 314 feet 3 inches 5} lines: the error in this case isabout 1 inch 6 lines | If we are desirous of approaching still nearer to the truth, we must employ the. proportion of Metius, which is that of 113 to 355: we must therefore say as 113 te | 355, so is the given diameter to the required circumference. The same diameter ag before being supposed, we shall find the circumference to be 314 feet, 1 inch, Loy lines; the difference between which and the real circumference is less than a line. | If still greater exactness be required, we have only to employ the proportion oj) 10000000000 to 31415926535 ; the error in this case, if the circumference were a great| circle, such as the equator of the darth, would be, at most, half a line. To find the diameter, the circumference being given, it is evident that the in- verse proportion must be employed. We must therefore say as 22 is to 7, or as 35 to 113, or as 314159 is to 100000, or as 31415926535 to 10000000000, so is the given circumference to a fourth term, which will be the diameter required. Il.—The diameter of a circle being given; to find the area. Archimedes has demonstrated that a circle is equal to the rectangle of half the radius by the circumference. Find therefore the circumference, by the preceding paragraph, and multiply it by half the radius, or the fourth part of the diameter: the product will be the area of the circle, and the more exact the nearer to the truth the circumference has been found. GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 161 _ By employing the proportion of Archimedes, the error, in a circle of 100 feet diame- Ey, will be about 3} square feet. That of Metius : ae give an error less than of square inches, or about a sixth of a square foot. As the circle in question would contain about 7854 square feet, the error, at most, would be only one 47124th part of the whole area. But the area of a circle may be found, without determining the circumference ; for it follows, from the proportion of Archimedes, that the square of the diameter 13s to the area, as 14 to 11; from that of Metius, that it is as 452 to 355; from the pro- portion of 100000 to 314159, thatis as 100000 to 78539, or with still greater exact- ness as 1000000 to 785398. The area of the circle therefore will be found by making this proportion, as 14 is to 11, or as452 to 355, oras 1000000 is to 785398, so is the square of the given diame. ter, to a fourth proportional, which, if the Jast proportion has been employed, will be very near the truth. Ill — Geometrical constructions for making a square very nearly equal to a given circle, or a straight line equal toa given circular circumference. Having shewn some methods for finding numerically, and very near the truth, the proportion between a circle and the square of its diameter, we shall now give some geometrical constructions, exceedingly simple and ingenious, for aceomplishing the game object. Fig. 74. Ist. Let 3 anc (Fig. 74.) be a circle, of which ac is the dia- - meter, and ABa quadrant; let Az,ED, and pe be chords equal to the radius ; from the point B, draw to the points & and p, the i lines BE and BD, intersecting the diameter in F and q@; the sum c a of the lines Br and re will be equal to the quadrant of the circle, within a five thousandth part. 2d. Let ap (Fig. 75.) be the diameter of the circle, c thecentre, and cB the radius perpendicular to that diameter. In ap continued, make DE equal to the radius; then draw BE, and in AE continued make EF equal to it; if to this line EF, its fifth part FG be added, the whole line a g& will be equal nearly within a 17000th part to the circumference described withthe radius c A, For if p A be supposed equal to 100000, a c will be found equal to 314158, with less than an unit of error: but the circumference corresponding to this diameter is, with the difference of nearly an unit, 314159; the error therefore at most is qyyq5q Of the diameter, or about the 17000th part. 3d. If the semicircle a Brc (Fig. 76.) be given; from the Fig, 76. extremities a and c of its diameter, raise two perpendiculars, CG one of them c x equal to the tangent of 30°, and the other ae equal to three times the radius; if the line GE be then drawn, it will be equal to the semi-circumference of the circle, within ‘a hundred thousandth part nearly. For it will be found by this construction, the radius being supposed to be 100000, that the line eG, within a unit nearly, is equal to 314162, and tne semi-circumference would be, with the difference of nearly an unit, 314159; the error therefore is about y2;55 of the radius, .or less than a hundred thousandth part of the circumference. i >) oe 4 ‘ny { ” 3 | a | 152 GEOMETRY. 4th. Let a (Fig. 77.) be the centre ot the giver circle, and DE and cB-its two diameters, perpendicula; to each other. On any radius, such as aD, make aj equal to half the side Ec of the inscribed square; dray BFI indefinitely, and to the point u, draw Fu dividing Ac in extreme and mean ratio, AH being the lesse; segment; if cx be drawn parallel to ru through th point c, the square BLKI, constructed on B14, will b nearly equal to the circle of which Bc is the dia meter. For it will be found by calculation, that Bu and BF are respectively equal t¢ 69098 and 61237, the radius being 100000; 21 therefore will be found equal te 88623, the square of which is 78540, &c., the square of the diameter being 100000 &c., while the circle is 78539, &c. 5th. Inscribe in the given circle a square, and to three times the diameter add: fifth part of the side of the square; the result will be a line which will differ fro the circumference by about a 17000th part only. } IV.—Several methods for making, either numerically or geometrically, and very near the truth, a straight line equal to the given are of a circle. | Ist. Let the given arc, which ought never to exceet| ay Fig. 78. 30°, be na (Fig.78). To obtain the length of it very| nearly in a straight line, draw Bu perpendicular to the ‘diameter aB, and continue the diameter to p, so that! AD shall be equal to the radius; if DE be then drawn, it will cut off from Bu the line BE somewhat less, but| very nearly equal to the arc Ba. “ST But if the line d fg e, be drawn in such a manner, that the segment d f, intercepte¢ between the circle and the diameter continued, shall be equal to the radius, the straight line Be will then be somewhat greater than the arc Bg; but very near it if the are does not exceed 30 degrees. _For this theorem we are indebted to Snellius; but it was first demonstrated by| Huygens. We shall shew hereafter, that it is very useful in trigonometry. 2d. It has been demonstrated also by Huygens, that twice the chord of half an are, plus the third of the difference between that sum and the chord of the whole arc, is nearly equal to the arc itself, when it does not exceed 30°. For if we suppose the arc to be 30°, the chord will be 25882 parts, the diameter! being 100000; that of half the same arc, or of 15°, will 13053, the double of whick is 26106; if from this we subtract 25882, the difference will be 224, the third o}| which, 742, added to 26106, will give 261802 for the arc of 30°. Twelve times this | arc ought to give the whole circumference ; but 261802 multiplied by 12, is equal tc. 314168, and the circumference is 314159, the difference therefore is only the nine hundred thousandth part of the radius. | It being remembered that a circle is a polygon, whose sides are indefinitely small and infinite in number, the following is a simple method of arriving approximately at the ratio of the circumference to the diameter. Fig. 79. Let aB be the semi-side of a regular polygon, c its centre; along Ac m produced take cD=cpB; then the isosceles triangle Bc pv will have the angle D = 3 8CA, and the perpendiculars cl and rr on BD and ap re. I spectively, will give the middle points 1 and F of those lines. Since ther IF =}3BA, and p= toi B8C4, IF is the semi-side of a regular polygor B of the same perimeter as the first, but having twice the number o! sides. : GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 153 ; x ' Calling the radii of the circumscribed and inscribed circles of the first polygon, iz. Be and CA, R, 7, and those of the’second, pt and DF, R’,7”, we have prF=4(pe-+ca) = 3 (wc+ca),or’ =} (R+7); md by the rectangular triangle crp, we have DI=a/ DF X DC, OTR = / RY £ the four radii, r, 7, B’,7’, therefore, the first two being known, the last {wo may ye deduced from them. r, B3 r’, R’; r”, R’; ol Ble: “fl in which cach term r is half the sum, and each term R the square root of the product of the two terms which precede it. Now in a hexagon the side is equal to the radius of the circumscribing circle; if then we call this radius 1, the perimeter of the figure will be 6, andc a, the radius of the inscribed circle, = ,/ BC? — BA? =»/ 2 = 0°866025. And from these values of R and r we deduce successively the following results. r = 0'866025 | 0°949469| 0°954588 | 0:954908 R = 1000000 | 0°957662 | 0°955100 | 0°954940 7 = 0'933013 | 0°963566 | 0°954844* | 0°954924 R = 0°965925 | 0°95561 . | 0°954972 | 0°954932, &c. Here r, 7’, r”.... are readily found, and the calculations of R, R’, R”.... are very rapid by logarithms; and moreover when r and R agree in the first half of the figures, as at the place we have marked with an asterisk, R as well as 7 may be found by taking half the sum of the two preceding terms. We arrive at last to R = 7 = ‘954929; or the radius of the circumscribing = ra- dius of the inscribed circle, therefore these circles coincide with each other, and with the polygon which lies between them. Then “954929 is the radius of a circle whose perimeter is 6, and the proportion . 2 x °954929 or 1:909858 ; 1:36 ; 3°14159 gives 3'14159 for the circumference of a circle whose diameter is1. By this methed we can carry the approximation to any point we wish. In the Mathematical Tracts of Dr. Charles Hutton, several series are investigated for computing the circumference of a circle from its diameter. The following is better adapted to computation than any other that has yet been discovered. Let a be an arc of 45°, to radius unity. Then f 4 4 8a 126 16 y oO Ie Broek alia e707 4 9°10 Bal nck 4 Sree minl 2 Asc 1G y |-50 * [1+ 3-400 + 5-100 + 7-100 + 9100 + &* J Where a, @, y, &c. denote the preceding terms in each series. Remark.—As we promised to give a short account of the different attempts made respecting the quadrature of the circle, we shall here discharge our promise. What we are going to say on the subject, is only an abstract from a very curious work, published by Jombert in 1754.* ; It will first be proper to divide those who have employed themselves on this problem, into two classes. The first, consisting of able geometricians, were not led away by illusions. Being aware of the difficulty or impossibility of the problem, * The author of that curious little work was Mcntucla himself.—Note by Dr. Hutton. 154 GEOMETRY. they confined themselves merely to the finding out methods of approximation mot and more exact ; and their researches have often terminated in discoveries in almo; every part of geometry. , The other class consists of those who, though scarcely acquainted with the el¢ ments of geometry, and scarcely knowing on what principles the problem depend have made every effort to solveit, by accumulating paralogismson paralogisms. Lik} the unfortunate Ixion, condemned to roll up a heavy burden eternally without bein able to bring it to the place of its destination, we find them twisting and turning th circle in every direction, without advancing one step further. When a geometricia| has convinced them of an error in their pretended demonstrations, we see thei returning a few days after, with the same demonstration in a new form, but equall contemptible. Very often they do not hesitate to contest the best established truth | in the elements of geometry; and, in general, sensible of the weakness of the) knowledge in this department of science, they consider themselves as speciall illuminated by Heaven to reveal truths to mankind, the discovery of which it he| withheld from the learned, in order to confer the honour of it on idiots. Such: the ridiculous but real picture of this sort of men. It may be readily conceived thé in the shert history we are about to give of the quadrature of the circle, we sha) _not be so unjust towards the eminent geometricians, as to couple them with suc) visionaries. The singular flights of the latter will only furnish us, towards the en of this article, with matter for an amusing addition to it. Geometry had scarcely been introduced among the Greeks, when the quadratur or measure of the circle began to give employment to all gers who possessed | mathematical genius. Anaxagoras, it is said, exercised himself upon it while i] prison; but with what success we are not informed. The question had been already become celebrated in the time of Aristophane}: and perhaps had made some geometrician lose his senses; for in order to ridicul the celebrated Meto, that comic writer introduces him on the stage, promising t| square the circle. | Hippocrates of Chios certainly made it an object of his research: for it could }| only by endeavouring to square the circle that he discovered his famous lunuley’ Some even ascribe to him a certain combination of lunules, from which, as the pretend, he deduced the quadrature of the circle; but in our opinion without an | foundation ; for as he held a distinguished place among the geometricians of h) time, he égald not be a dupe to the paralogism of a school-boy: his object was on), to shew, that if the lunule described on the side of an inscribed hexagon, could }) made equal to a rectilineal space, the quadrature of es circle could be thence di duced; and in this he was perfectly right. It is very probable that geometricians were not long ignorant that the circle | equal to the rectangle of half the circumference by the radius. Before the time: Plato, geometry had been enriched with more difficult discoveries, yet this truth first found in the writings of Archimedes. Something more however was necessary’ the proportion between the circumference and the diameter, or the radius, remain¢: to be determined ; and this discovery occasioned, no doubt, many a sleepless night * that profound geometrician. Not being able to succeed with geometrical precision, 1’ had recourse to approximation, and found, by calculating the length of an inscribe ' polygon of 96 sides, and that of a similar one circumscribed, that the diameter beir | 1, the circumference would be more than 3}¢, and less than 319, or 3}. For he shewe’ that the inscribed polygon is somewhat less than 34, and that the chraumner ne | somewhat greater than 34} Since that time, if at rea ncuneKs be not required, to find the ratio of the diameti to the circumference, the proportion of 1 to 31, or of 7 to 22, is employed; that is 1) GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 155 ‘say, the diameter is tripled, and one seventh of it is added: this seventh 1s never neglected, but by the most ignorant workmen. _ This object, we know, engaged the attention of several more of the ancient geo- metricians; among whom were Apollonius, and one Philo of Gadara; but the exactest approximations which they found have not reached us. The first of the modern geometricians, who made any additions to what the ancients had transmitted to us, respecting the measure of the circle, was Peter Metius, a geometrician of the Netherlands, who lived about the end of the sixteenth century. _ Being employed in refuting the pretended quadrature of oue Simon a Quercu, he _ found this very remarkable proportion, which approaches exceedingly near to the truth between the diameter and the circumference, viz. as 113 to 355. The error | is scarcely the ten millionth part of the circumference. | ‘After him, or about the same time, Vieta, a celebrated French analyst and geome- _ trician, expressed the ratio of the circumference to the radius by the proportion of 10000000000 to 31415926535, and shewed that the latter number was too small, but that if its last figure were augmented by only one unit, it would be too great. About | the same period also Adrian Romanus, a geometrician of the Netherlands, carried this approximation to 16 figures; but all these were far exceeded by Ludolph van Ceulen, a native of the Netherlands likewise, who carried this proportion to 35 figures, and shewed that, if the diameter be unity followed by 35 ciphers, the cir- cumference will be greater than 314159265358979323846264338327950288, and less than 314159265358979323846264338327950289. He was so proud of this labour, which however required less sagacity than patience, that, like Archimedes, he requested it might be inscribed on his tomb-stone: his desire was complied with, and this singular monument is still to be seen, it is said, in one of the towns of Flanders. Willebrord Snell, another countryman of Metius, made several important ad- ditions to what had been done on this subject, in his book entitled ‘*Cyclometria.” He discovered the method of expressing, by a very approximate proportion and an exceedingly simple calculation, the magnitude of any are whatever; and he made use of it to verify the calculation of van Ceulen, which he found to be correct. He then calculated a series of polygons, both inscribed and circumscribed, always doubling the number of sides, from the decagon to that of 5242880 sides ; so that when a proportion between the diameter and circumference of the circle pretended to be exact is proposed, one may refute it by means of this table, and shew which is the circumscribed polygon greater than the supposed value of the circumference, aud what circumscribed polygon it surpasses; in either case this will serve to prove the falsity of the pretended rectification of the circular circumference. _ The celebrated Huygens, when very young, enriched the theory of the measure of the circle with a great many new theorems. He combated also the pretended quadrature of the circle, which Father Gregory St. Vincent, a jesuit of the Nether- Jands, announced as discovered, and requiring only a few calculations, which he dexterously forgot to make. Gregory St. Vincent, however, was an able geome- -trician; he wrote an answer to Huygens, and the latter replied ; some of Gregory’s pupils entered the lists also; and another jesuit, a geometrician, combated on the same side, But it is certain, whatever Father Castel may have said, that Gregory was mistaken, and that his large work, which contains some very inge- nious things, ended with an error, or something unintelligible. As he pretended to have found the quadrature of the circle, why did he not perform those calcu- lations which are necessary to express it numerically? But this was never done, either by him, or by any of his pupils, who carried on the dispute with a great ‘deal of asperity. James Gregory, a celebrated geometrician’ in Scotland, undertook, in 1668, to se . en5 | a eA q = op oe. B; a Fectatitte to which the square of Dc is equal by the property of the circle. mstead of these squares if’ we substitute semicircles, which are in the same ratio, he problem will be demonstrated. PROBLEM LVIII. A square being given; to cut off its angles in such a manner, that it shall be trans- JSormed into a regular octagon. Fig. 89. Let the given square be aBcD (Fig. 89.) In the two sides Dc and pA, which meet in D, take any two equal segments whatever, DI and Dx, and draw the diagonal1K; make DL equal to twice Dk, plus the diagonal rx, and draw Li; if cm be then drawn parallel to Lr, through the point c, it will cut off from the side of the square the quantity pM, to which if DN be made equal, by drawing the line NM, we shall have the MI E A _ side of the octagon required. If AF, AF, BG,BH,cP, and co be made equal to the line p a; by drawing EF, GH, and oP, the required octagon will be completed. i > Remark.—The solution above given, is an example of what often happens in em- ploying the algebraic calculus in the solution of geometrical problems ; for there is a solution much more simple, and that of a nature to be self- Fig. 90. evident even to a beginner. It is as follows: Draw the diagonal a c (Fig. 90.) of the square, and alsoznF bisecting the opposite sides in £ and F, and the diagonal in a. Draw GH so as to bisect the angle cGE; so shall EH be half the side of the octagon. Therefore make c1, BK, BL, AM, AN, DO, DP, each equal to cH, and the angles of the octagon will be found. PROBLEM LIX. A triangle awc being given; to inscribe in it a rectangle, in such a manner, that FH or GI shall be equal to a given square. On the base B c (Fig. 91.) describe the rectangle zp, equal to the given square, and let F& be the point os where ac is intersected by the side of this rectangle \ parallel to Bc. On acc describe a semicircle, and je having raised the perpendicular £1, till it meet the ft circumference, draw cL; on CK, the half of ac, de. Jr scribe also a semicircle, in which make em equal to ; cL: if KF and K@ be then made equal to KM, we shall have the points F and c, through which if two lines be drawn parallel to the base till they meet a xB, and also two other lines perpendicular to the base, they will » 168 GEO METRY. form the rectangles rH and G1, equal to each other, as well as to the rectangle Dz, which was equal to the given square: therefore, &c. PROBLEM LX. the given angle, and make the rhombus LEGA, equal to the apply pF equal to pL, and draw EF; lastly, if eu be made H DI will be the one required. PROBLEM LXI. Of the Lunule of Hippocrates of Chios. Though the quadrature of the circle be in all probability impossible, means have been devised to find certain portions of the circle which are demonstrated to be equal to rectilineal spaces. The oldest instance of a circular portion, which may be thus squared, is that of the lunules of Hippocrates of Chios; the construction of which is as follows: Let aBc (Fig. 93.) be a right-angled triangle, on the hy- pothenuse of which describe the semicircle a Bc, touching the right angle B: if semicircles be then described on the sides. AB and Bc, the spaces in the form of a crescent, Fig. 93. va a ABC. Through a given point D (Fig. 92.) within an angle BA c,to draw a line HI, in such 4 a manner, that the triangle 1H A shall be equal to a given square, Fig. 92. Through the point p draw LE parallel to one of the sides of — given square. On the line DE describe a semicircle, in which ~ ' equal to EF, aud HDI be drawn through the point g, the line — To nds AEBHA and BDCGB, will together be equal to the triangle — For it is well known that the semicircle on the base ac, — is equal to the two semicircles AEB and BDC, because circles are to each other as the squares of their diameters: if the segments AB and BGC, which are common to both, be taken away, there will remain, on the one hand, the triangle a Bc, and: on the other the two spaces in the form of a crescent, AEBH and BDCc«G, and these remainders will be equal: therefore, &c. If the sides a b, bc, are equal, as in Fig. 94, the two lunules — aed will evidently be equal, and each will be half of the triangle abc, thatis to say, equal to the triangle b fa or b fe. Hence we obtain a simpler construction of the lunule of from the point F asa centre, there be described through 4 and c, the arc of acircle AD cou the base A c, the lunule A BCD will be equal to the triangle c a F. Since the square of F c is double the square of & c, or of EF, the circle described with the radius rc will be double that de- scribed ‘with the radius EC: consequently a fourth part of of the second, or to the semicircle age. If the common sege ment ADCEA therefore be taken away, the remainders, that Hippocrates. Let apc (Fig. 95.) be a semicircle on the — diameter A c, and a Fc an isosceles right-angled triangle. If — the former, or the quadrant r Apc, will be equal to the half — is to say, the triangle a Fc, on the one hand, and the lunule asep 4, on the ~ other, will be equal. Remarks.— We shall take this opportunity of making the reader acquainted with several curious observations, added by modern geometricians to the discovery of Hippocrates. a ‘ 4 if . . é J 4 | | GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 169 Ist. From the centre F (Fig. 96.) if there be drawn any straight line whatever F x, cutting off a portion of the lunule AE GA; that portion will still be squarable, and equal to the rectilineal triangle a HE right-angled at H. For it may be easily demonstrated, that the segment A E will be equal to the semi-segment a GH, 2d. From the point £, if £ 1 be let fall perpendicular on ac, andif rr and F E be drawn, the same portion of the lunule AE GA, will be equal to the triangle a F 1. For it may be easily demonstrated that the triangle A FL is equal to the triangle AH E. 3d. The lunule therefore may be divided in a given ratio, by aline drawn from the centre r: nothing more is necessary than to divide the diameter a c in such a man- ner, that ax shall be tocr in that ratio; to raise EI perpendicular to a c, and to draw the line FE; the two segments of the lunule a GEand «ec will be in the ratio of Ar tore. All these remarks were first made by M. Artus de Lionne, bishop of Gap, who published them in a work entitled ‘‘Curvilineorum Ameenior Contemplatio,” 1654, 4to, and afterwards by other geometricians. 4th. If the two circles, forming the lunule of Hippocrates, be completed, the result will be another lunule, which may be called Conjugate, and in which mixtilineal spaces, absolutely squarable, may be found. From the point F, if there be drawn any radius F M, intersecting the two circles in R.and mM; we shall have the mixtilineal space R AMR, equal to the rectilineal tri- angle L a R: which can be easily demonstrated; for it may be readily seen that the segment aR of the small circle, is equal to the semi-segment L a m of the greater. Hence it follows, that if the diameter m o touch the small circle in F, the mixt tri- angular space ARF mA, will be equal to the triangle as r, right-angled ins, or to half the lunule aGcBA. } 5th. There are also some other portions of the lunule of Hippocrates that are abso- lutely squarable; which, as far as we know, were never before remarked. Fig. 97. Letapera (Fig. 97.) be a lunule, and let aB be a tangent to the interior are. Draw the lines EA andea making with a Bequalangles ; if from the point B there be then drawn the chords B E, Be, which will be equal, we shall have the mixtilineal space, terminated by the two circular arcs, EBe, AGY, and the straight lines ae and F E, equal to the rectilineal figure ea E Be. This would be true, even if the figure a Bc F A were not absolutely squarable ; that is to say, though a Bc should not be a semicircle, provided the two circles were always in the ratio of 2 to 1. PROBLEM LXII. To construct other lunules, besides that of Hippocrates, which are absolutely squarable. The lunule of Hippocrates is absolutely squarable, because the chords a B, Bc (Fig. 95.) and a c are such, that the square of the last is equal to the squares of the other © _ two; so that by describing on the last an arc of a circle, similar to those subtended by a Band Bc, the twosegments A Band BC are equal to ADC. This method of considering the lunule of Hippocrates conducts us to more general views ; for we may conceive in acircle any equal number of chords at pleasure ; for example four, as A B, BC, cD, and DE, (Fig. 98.) of such a nature, that by drawing the chord ar, the square of it shall be quadruple ef one of them; or more generally, the number of these chords being n, the square of A E may be to that of a B, as n 170 GEOMETRY. : tol. Thus, if we describe on A & an arc similar to 3 Fig. 98. those subtended by the chords a B, Bc, &c., the seg- is B c ment AE will be equal to the segments aB, Bo, &., together: if from the rectilineal figure a BcDE, there- fore, we take away the segment a F, and add it to the - segments A B, BC, &c., the result will be alunule formed of the ares Ac £, and a £, which will be equal to the ree- = tilineal polygon ABCDE. The question thenis to resolve the following geome- trical problem: In a given circle to inscribe a series of equal chords, a B, BC, CD, &c., in sucha manner, that the square of the chord’a , by which they are all subtended, shall be to the square of one of them, as the whole number of them is to unity ; triple, if there _ are three ; quadruple, if there are four, &c. But we shall confine ourselves to cases that can be constructed by the elements of geometry, which will still give us two lunules similar to those of Hippocrates, the one formed by circles in the ratio of 1 to 3, and the other by two circles in that of 1 to 5, besides two other lunules, formed by circles in the ratio of 2 to 3 and of 3 to5. Construction of the first Lunule. Fig. 99. Let az (Fig. 99.) be the diameter of the lesser circle, £ with which the lunule is to be constructed. Continue aB to p, so that BD shall be equal to the radius, and on ap asa diameter describe the semicircle a ED, cutting Br, drawn perpendicular to AD,in E; draw DE, and make pD F equal to it: on aF describe also a semicircle AHF, intersecting the - radius c G, perpendicular to A B,,in H; draw A 4, and in the given circle make the chords A1, 1K, and KL, equal to aH; then draw aL, and on that chord, with a radius equal to Dz, describe an arc of a circle aL; by these means we shall have the lunule AGBL A, equal to the rectilineal figure AIKLA. Construction of the second Lunule, where the circles are as 1 to 5. Fig. 100. Continue the diameter of the given or less circle, till _~ the part pp (Fig. 100.) be equal to half the radius; and ‘2 draw the indefinite line p= perpendicular to ap; then from the point s, which divides the radius ac into two equal parts, with a radius equal to 3 times ac, describe an arc of a circle, cutting the before-mentioned perpen- dicular in E: make EF equal toi of ac, and pu equal to the radius; divide H F into two equal parts in G; and from G as a centre, with a radius equal to cH, describe an are of a circle cutting the straight line a p in 1: then make pK equal to HI, and draw K R perpendicular to the diameter, intersecting the semicircle described on Acin1; lastly draw aL, and let the chords am, MN, WO, OP, PQ, be made equal to it: if an arc of a circle be then described on AQ, with a radius equal to pE, the lunule ANPQA will be equal to the rectilineal figure — AMNOPQA. Lunules absolutely squarable may therefore be formed with circles, which are to each other in the ratios of 1 to 2, 1 to 3, and of 1 to 5. But there are no others formed by circles in simple multiple or sub-multiple ratio, which can be constructed i‘ GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 171 erely by the rule and compasses. Those which might be formed with circles in 1e ratio of J to 4,1 to 6,or1 to 7, &c., would require the assistance of the higher eometry. ‘The trisection of an angle, or the finding of two mean proportionals, is problem of the same nature, and of the same degree, and to be solved only by the ume means. But there are still two which may be constructed by the help of sim- le geometry, and which are formed by circles in the ratio of 2 to 3 and of 3 to 5. ‘or the sake of brevity, we shall confine ourselves to shewing the method of con- truction. Fig. 101. For the first.—Let there be any circle, the radius of which ; is supposed to be 1; inscribe in it a chord a 8 (Fig. 101.), equal to / $ LPP yTs #2, and let it be twice repeated, from B to c, and from c to p: draw the chord ap, and on ap describe an arc similar to the are axc; if the two equal chords aE and ED be then drawn, the lunule ABcDE£EA will be equal to the rec- tilineal polygon ABCDEA. For the second. —-In a circle a circle, the radius of which is 1, inscribe a chord equal to V§—24/3—/ 8-4/7 % Phy % and carry it round five times: draw the chord of the Bictuple are, and duscuilie on it an are with a radius = ,/ $; in this arc inscribe the three chords of its three equal parts, which may be dare by common geometry, because each of these thirds is similar to a fifth of the first are already given. We shall then have a lunule equal to a retilineal figure, formed by the five chords of the small circle and the three chords of the greater. PROBLEM LXIItI. A lunule being givens to find in it portions absolutely squarable, provided the circles by which it is formed are to each other in a certain numerical ratio. Fig. 102. Let apcpaA (Fig. 102, 103, 104.) be a lunule, formed by two circles in any of the above ratios, a Bc being a portion of the lesser circle, and apc of the greater. Draw az the tangent of the arc anc, and then draw the line a¥F in such a manner, that the angle Fac shall be to the angle Fac in the same ratio as the less circle is to the greater; then one of the three following things will take place; aF will bea tangent to the circle a Bc, (Fig. 102.); or it will cut it, as in f, (Fig. 103.); or as in ¢, (Fig. 104.) In the first case, the lunule will be absolutely squarable, and equal to the rectilineal figure k aA Lc (Fig. 102.) In the second, this lunule, minus the circular segment’a f, will be equal to the rectilineal figure a fk CLA, or the space AKCL, plus the triangle ax f, (Fig. 103.) In the third, the same lunule, plus the circular segment aq, will be equal to the rectilineal space ag K cla, or the space ak el minus the triangle ak 6, (Fig. 104.) We omit the demonstration, both for the sake of brevity, and because it may be easily conceived from what has been “ie already said. Hence it may be readily seen, that if the given circles have to each other a certain ratio, which will admit of the angle F ac (Fig. 102, 103.) being constructed with the rule and compasses, in such a manner as to be to the angle EAc, in the reciprocal ratio of these circles, we may draw the line F A, which will cut off from GEOMETRY. the lunule the portion aDcB//f A, equal to an assignable ree tilineal space. Now this will always be the case whe the less circle is to the greater in the ratio of 1 to 2, or 1 to 8, or 1 to 4, or 1 to 5, &c.; for the angle Fr ac must then be double, triple, quadruple, or quintuple of ac: in this there is no difficulty. The case will be the same if the less cirele is to the greater in the ratio of 2 to 3, or 2 to 5, or 2 to 7, &c.; or the arc ADC, being susceptible of geometrical tric section, as is often the case, if the greater circle be to the — less as 3 to 4, or 3 to 3, or 3 to 7, &c. te Another method.—Let aF (Fig.105.) be a tangent to — Fig. 105. the circle ABC in A, and Ara tangent to the arcane } in the same point. Draw the line a c in such a manner, — that the angle FAG may be to the angle EaG, as the™ greater circle is to the less; that is, that the angle FAE shall be to za G, as the greater circle minus the less ig to the latter: the line a will then fall either on ac, or above it, as in a G, or below it as in ag. Now, in the first case, it may be easily demonstrated, that the lunule is absolutely squarable. In the second, it may be shewn that the same lunule, minus the mixtilineal tri- — angle MGcM, is equal to an assignable rectilineal space. In the third, it mey be proved that the same lunule, if the mixtilineal triangle cmg be added, will be equal to the same rectilineal space. Lastly, let there be drawn, in any of the preceding figures, between ac and aw as Fig. 105, any line whatever aN, forming with the tangent aE any angle Nax; then, in the angle Fa £, draw another line an, in such a manner, that the angle n a £ shall be to EANasFakE tocar. It may still be demonstrated, that the mixtilineal figure formed of the two arcs Nn, AP, and the two lines an, PN, will be equal toa rectilineal space; which may be found, by dividing the are Nn into as many parts, similar to the are a P, as the number of times that the less circle is contained in the greater: this may be performed geometrically, if the ratio of the one circle to the other be as 1 to 2, or 1 to 3, or 1 to 4, &c. If we here suppose it, for example, to be as 1 to 3, we shall have three equal chords, no, o£, and EN, and the portion of — the lunule in question will be equal to the rectilineal figure anoEN a, since the three segments, 0, 0 E, &c., are together equal to the segment a P. Remark 1.—We have also proposed and solved the following problem. A lunule, not squarable, but formed by two circles in the ratio of 1 to 2, being given; to intersect it by a line parallel to its base, which shall cut off from it a portion abso- lutely squarable. Remark 2.—The following method for dividing circles, &c. is so curious, that it is well deserving of a place here, in addition to the foregoing ways of dividing them into certain portions. To divide geometrically Circles and Ellipses into any number of parts at pleasure, and in any proposed ratios. Although the learned labours of all ages have failed in their attempts at the geo- metrical quadrature of the circle, and even of the division of the circumference into any number of equal parts at pleasure; yet our own time has furnished the solution of a problem but little less curious, and heretofore esteemed almost, if not altogether, as difficult as it; namely the division of the circle into any proposed number of parts »y GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 173 hatever, of equal perimeter, and the areas either equal or in any proportion to each other. The solution of this seeming paradox was first published by Dr. Hutton, in his quarto volume of Tracts, in 1786. That curious solution was, in substance, ‘as follows: Fig. 106. Divide the diameter a 3B (Fig. 106.) of the given circle into st as many equal parts as the circle itself is to be divided into, at the points, D, E, &c. Then on the lines ac, aD, az, &c., as diameters, describe semicircles on one side of the diameter a B, and also on the lines BE, BD, BC, &c., on the other side of that diameter; then will these semicircles divide the whole given circle in the manner proposed, viz. into parts which are all equal to each other, both in area and in perimeter. For, the several diameters of the dividing semicircle being in arithmetical pro- gression, and the diameters of circles being in the same proportion as their circume ferences, these also will be in arithmetical progression. But, in such a’progression, the sum of the extremes being equal to the sum of each pair of terms that are equially distant from them; therefore the sum of the circumferences on ac and cB, is equal to the sum of those on ap and vB, and to the sum of those on ak and EB, &e.; and each sum equal to the semicircumference of the given circle on the whole diameter az. Therefore all the parts have equal perimeters; and each pe- rimeter is equal to the whole circumference of the first given circle: which satisfies one of the conditions in the problem. Again, the same diameters being in meg pectiak to each other as the numbers ], 2, 3, 4, &c., and the areas of circles being as the squares of their diameters, the semi- circles will be as the square numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, &c., and consequently the differ- ences between all the adjacent semicircles are as the terms of the arithmetical pro- gression, 1, 3, 5, 7, &c.: and here again the sums of the extremes and of every two equidistant means, make up the several equal parts of the circle: which is the other condition of the problem. But this subject admits of a still more geometrical form, and is capable of being rendered very general and extensive, and is moreover very fruitful in curious con- sequences. For first, in whatever ratio the whole diameter is divided, whether into equal or unequal parts, and whatever be the number of the parts, the perimeters Fig. 107. of the parts will always be equal. For since the cireum- ferences of circles are in the same proportion as their dia- meters, and because a B (Fig. 107.) and ap-++-pB, and ac—+- cB are all equal, therefore the semicircumferences c, aud 6+ d,and a-t-e, are all equal; and constantly the same, whatever pe the ratio of the parts ab, Dc, cB, of the diameter. We shall presently find too that the spaces T v, Rs, and PQ, will be universally as the same parts, AD, Dc, cB, of the dia- meter. The semicircles having been described as before mentioned, erect c E perpendicular to ‘AB, and join pe. Then will the circle on the diameter BE, be equal to the space Pa. For, join ak. Now the space Pp is=semicircle on aB — semicircle on ac: ‘but the semicir. on aB==semicir. on aE-+semicir. on BE, and the semicir. on ac = semicir. on AE — semicir. on cre; therefore semicir. a B — semicir. ac =semicir. BE-+semicir. CE, that is, the space P is =semicir. BE + semicir. CE; to each of ‘these add the space Q, or salts semicir. on Bc; then p+ Q@=semicir, BE-+ semicir, cE+ semicir. BC, that is, Pp + @== double the semicir. BE, or = the whole circle “On BE. | In like manner, the two spaces Pp gand ks together, or the whole space P QRS, is 174 GEOMETRY. equal to the circle on the diameter Br. And therefore the space R s alone, is equal to the difference, or the circle on BF minus the circle on BE. But, circles being as the squares of their diameters, BE*, BF, and these again being as the parts or lines Bc, BD, therefore the spaces PQ, PQRS, RS, TV, are respectively as the lines Bc, BD, cp, aD. And if Bc be equal to cD, then will rq be equal to RS, as in the first or simplest case. Hence to find a circle equal to the space R s, where the points p and c are taken at random: From either end of the diameter, as A, take a G equal to Dc, erect — GH perpendicular to a B, and join au; then the circle on 4 H will be equal to the “spacer 8s. For, the space P Q is to the space R Ss, as BC is toc D or A G, that is as BE? to A BH’, the squares of the diameters, or as the circle on B E to the circle on aH. But the circle on B £ is equal to the space PQ; therefore the circle on a H is equal to the space R 8. Hence, to divide a circle in this manner, into any proposed number of parts, that shall be in any ratio to one another: Divide the diameter into as many parts, at the points p,c, &c., and in the same ratios as those proposed; then on the several distances of these points from the two ends a and B as diameters, describe the alter. nate semicircles on the different sides of the whole diameter azB; and they will divide the whole circle in the manner proposed. ‘That is, the spaces T Vv, R S, PQ, will be as the lines A D, Dc, c 3. But these properties are not confined to the circle alone. ‘They are to be found also in the ellipse, as the genus of which the circle is only a species. Forif the Fig. 108. annexed figure be an ellipse described on the axis A B (Fig. 108.) ee On the area of which is, in like manner, divided by similar semi- ellipses, described on A D, A C, B C, BD, as axes, all the semi- perimeters f, a e, bd, c, will be equal to one another, for the same reason as before in the circle, namely, because the periphe- ries of similar ellipses are in the same proportion as their diame- ters. Andthe same property would still hold good, if a B were any other diameter of the ellipse, instead of the axis; describ- ing on the parts of its semi-ellipses which shall be similar to those into which the diameter a B divides the given ellipse. And farther, if a circle be described about the ellipse, on the diameter a B, and lines be drawn similar to those in the second figure ; then by a process the very same as before ‘in the circle, substituting only semi-ellipse for semicircle, it is found that the space ms PQ == the similar ellipse on the diameter zz, PQRSs =the similar ellipse on the diameter B F, RSs == the similar ellipse on the diameter a u, or to the difference of the ellipses on BF and B E; also the elliptic spaces P Qa, P QR8, RS, TV, are respectively as the lines B c, BD, DC, A D; being the same ratios as the the circular spaces. And hence an ellipse is divided into any number of parts, in any assigned ratios, after the same manner as the circle is divided, namely, dividing the axis, or any diameter, in the same manner, and on the parts of it describing similar semi-ellipses. With respect to the above method of dividing acircle, Dr. Hutton gives the follow- ing anecdote, which we think will be interesting to our readers :— ‘* About the year 1770, Mr. James Ferguson, the ingenious lecturer on astronomy and mechanics, in his peregrinations, came to Newcastle, where I then resided, to give his usual course of public lectures; on which occasion, with the assistance of my friends, I not only procured him a numerous and respectable audience, but also ac- commodated him with the free use of the new school rooms, which I had lately built, to deliver his lectures in. As Mr. F. commonly amused my family and friends at GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. 175 evenings, with shewing his ingenious mechanical contrivances and drawings, on one of these occasions he produced a very neatand correct drawing on a large scale, being a construction of this problem in the prolix way in which it had been given by Mr. Hawney ; but which he exhibited as a great curiosity. I ventured to state to him, that I thought a much simpler construction might be found out for this problem, which was then new to me. As Mr. F. expressed a wish to see such a thing as a simpler construction, which however he seemed to have his doubts of procuring, I was induced to consider it that evening, before going torest, and discovered the con- struction above given. ‘The next morning I shewed it to him, and he seemed much pleased with its apparent simplicity, but doubted whether it might be exactly true. On referring him to the avcompanying demonstration, 1 was much surprized by his reply that he could not understand that, but he would make the drawing ona large scale, which was always his way to try if such things were true. In my surprise, I asked where he had learned geometry,—by what Euclid or other book, —wher he frankly stated that he had never learned any geometry, nor could ever understand the demonstration of any one of Euclid’s propositions, _ Accordiugly, next morning, with a joyful countenance, he brought me the construction neatly drawn out on a large sheet of pasteboard, saying he esteemed ita treasure, having found it quite right, as every point and line agreed to a hair's breath, by measurement on the scale.” PROBLEM LXIV. Of various other Circular Spaces absolutely Squarable. Ist. Let there be two concentric circles, through which is drawn the line 6B (Fig. 109.) a tangent or secant to the interior circle. Drawc a and c B, forming an angle ; A cD, and make the are DF in proportion to the are Da, as the Fig. 109. square of c v is to the difference of the squares of c B and cp: AY be equal to the rectilineal triangle a c B. It is evident that, to render the position of cz determinable by common geometry, the ratio between the ares a p and DF: must be that of certain numbers as 1 to 1,J to 2, 1 to 3, &e., or 2 tol, 2to3,&c. Consequently, the difference of the squares of the radii of the two circles, must be to the square of the less, as 1 to 1, or 2 tol, or3tol, &c. Thesectors of the different circles being then in the compound ratio of the squares of their radii and of their amplitudes, we shall have the sector Bc Eequal to acr¥; if the common sector pcF therefore be taken away, and the space A DB be added to both, the rectilineal triangle a c B will be equal to the space AF EB. 2d. Let there be any sector, as acBGA (Fig. 110.) of which a Bis the chord. In a double, or quadruple, or octuple circle, take a sector ac bga, the angle of which Fig. 110 shall be the half or the fourth, or the eighth part of the angle 6 . ACB, which it is possible to do with the rule and compasses ; let this second sector be disposed as seen in the figure, that is to say, in such a manner, that the arcag bshall stand on the chord A xB. We shall then have the space aagb Bea, equal to the rectilineal figure E c F c, minus the two triangles aa © and ¥ OBYF. This is almost evident; for, by the above construction, the sector AcBG is equal to acbg; if the part therefore whichis common be taken away, there will be an equality between what remains on the one hand, viz. the kind of lunule acs bga, plus the two triangles Aaxr, and B 6 Fr, and what remains on the other, or the recti- ae Ai if c x be then drawn, we shall have the mixtilineal space ABEF is a 176 GEOMETRY. lineal figurezcrc: this kind of lunule therefore is equal to the above rectilineal figure, diminished by these two triangles. Y Fig. 111. 3d. If two equal circles cut each otherin a and B (Fig. 111.) ~ and if any line a c be drawn intersecting the interior arc in xz, — and the exterior in c, it is evident that the are E B will be equal to the are Bc; and consequently the segment & B will be equal — to the segment Bc. Hence it follows, that the triangle formed — by the two arcs E B and 8 6, and the straight line Ec, will be equal to the rectilineal trianglez Bc. Lastly, that if a p bea tangent in a, to the arcA EB; the mixtilineal figure azBep, will be equal to the rectilineal triangle a D B. Fig. 112. 4th. If two equal circles touch each other inc (Fig. 112.) and ifa third equal circle be described through the point of contact; — the curvilineal space AFC EDBA will be equal to the rectilineal — hs sf (22s quadrilateral ABDC. a 3 For ifc B be drawn a tangent to the first two circles, the space — comprehended by the arcs cF a and a Band the straight linecs, bp: is equal to the rectilineal triangle c a B, as has been shewn already. The case is the same with the mixtilineal space cEDB in regard to the triangle cp B: therefore, &c. 5th. Theabove remark was made by M. Lambert, in the ‘‘ Acta Helvetica,” vol. ii. But other spaces of the same form may be found equal to rectilineal figures, though bounded by circular arcs, two of which only are equal. Let aBcp (Fig. 113.) bea circle, Fig. 113. from which it is required to cut off, aT ee by two other circular arcs, a space of the above kind absolutely squar- © able. On an indefinite right line make the parts c E, EF, FH, each equal to the side of the square in- : ‘ scribed in the given circle: and let = a Peo Grit the third part rH be divided into © . two equal parts in @: on the ex- tremity of cE raise the perpendicular £1, and let it be intersected in 1, by a circle described from G as a centre with the radius cc. Draw c1, and make c k equal to it; lastly, on F @ describe a semicircle, cutting, in L, the line KL perpendicular to FG; draw HL, and in the given circle make the chords A B and a D equal to it. If with a radius equal to cx, there be then described ares, passing through the points A and B, A and D, with their convexity turned towards c; we shall have the space bounded by the arcs AB, AD, and BCD, equal to the rectilineal space formed by the chords AB, AD, and the four chords D M, Mc, CN, and nB, of the four equal portions of the arespcn. But, as enough has been said on this subject, we shall only add one reflection, which is, that these quadratures ought not to be considered as real quadratures of a curvilineal space. All the marvellous in these operations, as M. de Fontenelle has very properly remarked, consists in a kind of geometric legerdemain, by means of which as much is dexterously added on the one hand, to a rectilineal space, as is taken from it on the other. It was not in this manner that Archimedes first squared the parabola, and in which modern geometricians have given the quadrature of so many other curves. All these things however appeared to us sufficiently curious to entitle them toa place in a work of this nature. N D ae GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. | 97) PROBLEM LXxy. Of the measure of the Ellipse or Geometrical Oval, and of its parts. It may be easily demonstrated, that the ellipse (Fig. 114.) is to the rectangle of its axes ABand DE, as the circle is to the rectangle of its axes, or to the square of its diameter a B, since each axis is equal to the diameter. Thus, as the circle is 4! nearly of the square of its diame- ter, the ellipse is also {4 of the rectangle of its axes. Nothing then is necessary, but to multiply the rectangle of : the axes of the given ellipse by 11, and to divide the product by 14; the quotient will give the area. We shall here add, that each segment or sector of the ellipsis is always in a given ratio to the sector or segment of a circle, as is easy to be determined. Let the ; elliptical sector Fc G, (Fig. 115.) for example, or the segment Fig. 115. FBG, be given: on the axis AB describe a circle from the centre c; and if G¥ be continued to pand &, we shall have the elliptical sector Fc GB to the circular sectorD c EB, asFG to DE, or as the less axis of the ellipsis is to the greater: the elliptical segment BFG will also be to the circular segment DBE, as FG toD&, or as the less axis of the ellipsis to the greater. Let there be likewise, in an ellipsis, any segment whatever, asnop. On the axes let fall two perpendiculars from n and p, and continue them till they meet the circlein N and P; if NP be then drawn, we shall have the segment nop to the circular segment Nop, in the same ratio as the less axis is to the greater. From thisis deduced the solution of the following problem. PROBLEM LXVI. To divide ihe sector of an ellipsis into two equal parts. Fig, 116. Let it be required, for example, to divide the elliptical sector | pcs (Fig. 116.) into two equal parts, by a line asca, On the diameter 4B describe a circle; and having drawn pr perpendicular to A B, continue it to E, and draw Ec, which will - give the circular sector ECB; divide the arc EB into two equal partsinr, and draw Fu perpendicular to the axis aB; then from the centre c, to the point a, where that perpendicular cuts the ellipsis, draw ‘the line cc, the elliptical sector Bc will be equal to Gc D, as the circular Bc F is tOFCE. The case would be the same if the sector were equal to the 4th part of an ellipsis, or any higher part ; and also if the sector were comprehended between any two semi- diameters of the ellipsis, as pc and d c. Inthis case, from the points p and d, let fall on the axis the perpendiculars p1 and di, which when continued will cut the semicircle ArBin E and e; divide the ‘arc Ee into two equal parts inf, and draw fh perpendicular to a x, cutting the ellipsis ing: the line cg will divide the sector pc d into two equal parts. PROBLEM LXVII. A carpenter has a triangular piece of timber ; and, wishing to make the most of tt, ts desirous to know by what means he can cut fromit the greatest right-angled quadran- gular table possible. In what manner must he proceed ? ; . N | } -— 178 : GEOMETRY. Fig. 117. Let the given triangular piece of timber be a Bc (Fig, zB 117.) Divide the two sides a B, Bc, into two equal parts, in F and Gc, and draw Fa: then from the points F and @, } N draw FH and G1 perpendicular to the base: the rectangle © A c FI, will be the greatest possible that can be inscribed in the © + * triangle, and will be exactly the half of it. If the triangle be right-angled at a (Fig. 118.) the question may be Fig. 118. solved in two different ways, by which there may be obtained the two rectangular tables ¥ ¢ and F1, which will each be the greatest inscript-— ible in the given triangle, and both equal. 3 When the triangle has all its angles acute, the solution will be ¥ different according to the side assumed as base. There will conses— /J\/\ quently be three, and each will give a table more or less elongated, and always of the same area, otherwise the greatest would exclusively solve the problem: such are the rectangles F1, GL, and Kk m (Fig.119,) But the carpenter having consulted a geometrician, the latter observed that it would be most advantageous to convert this piece of timber into an oval table: and in what manner then must he proceed to trace out on it the greatest oval pos. sible. Let the given triangular piece of wood, as before, be ABe (Fig. 120.) First divide each side into two equal parts in F, D, and ©; these three points will be the points of contact where the ellipsis touches the sides of the triangle; if the lines a E, cF,and Bp be then drawn, intersecting each other in «, the point G will be the centre of the ellipsis. Then, make G L equal to G £, and through @ draw & 0, parallel to Be, and through the point p draw pq parallel to AE; then take ap, a mean proportional between a@ and co: if the triangle B ac be isosceles, the lines eu and cr will be the semi-axis of the ellipsis; and we have already shewn in what manner an ellipsis may be described when the two axes are given. But if the angle LGP be acute or obtuse, the ellipsis may be traged out at once by means of an instrument, described in Prob. xxii.; for it is of little importance whether the angle of the two given diameters be a right angle or not. This method will always be equally successful ; with this only difference, that when the above angle is not aright angle, the portions of the ellipsis, described in the two adjacent — angles, LG P and uGR, will not be equal and similar. | The two axes may be determined also directly: the method may be found in books on conic sections, and to these we must refer, as the nature of this work will not admit of entering deeply into the subject. PROBLEM LXVIII. The points sw and c (Fig. 121.) are the adjutors of two basons in a garden, and A is the point where a conduit is introduced, and to be divided into two parts, in order to supply B and c with water. Where must the point of separation be, that the sum of the three conduits, aD, DB, and DC, and consequently the expense in pipes, shall be the least possible 2 This problem, which belongs to that branch of civil engineering that relates to the conveyance of water, when reduced to geometrical language, may be enounced — as follows: Ina triangle a Bc, to find a point, from which if three lines be drawn to the three angles, the sum of these lines shall be the least possible. Now it is a 4 ty + fy GROMETRICAL PROBLEMS, 179 evident that there must be such a point, and that its position being found, the expense in pipes will be less than if the point of separation were assumed in any other place. ' It would be tedious to explain the reasoning by means of which this problem is solved; and it would be impossible to employ calculation without great prolixity. ‘We shall therefore only observe, that it may be demonstrated, that the required point D must be so situated, that the angles apc, aDB, Fig. 121. and BDC shall be equal to each other, and consequently each equal to 120°. To construct this problem, on the side ac as a chord describe an arc of a circle apc, capable of coutaining an angle of 120°, or equal to one third of the circle of which it forms a part; if the same thing be done on another of the sides, as Bc, the intersection of these two circular arcs will determine the required point p; and it is from this point that the conduit must be divided, in order : to be conveyed thence to B and to c. : Such, at least, would be the solution of the problem if the three pipes ap, pc, and DB, were all to be of the same bore. But an intelligent engineer will not make the : pipes equal in size; he will be sensible that to give greater height to the jet, it will be proper that the pipes ps and pc should not together admit a greater quantity of water than the pipe ap, otherwise the water in these pipes, after coming from the pipe D, would be in a state of stagnation, and would not receive the impulse necessary to make it rise to its greatest height. The solution of the problem, in this new case, is as follows: We shall suppose that the bore of the pipe aD, or its capacity, is exactly double that of the other two; that is to say, that the diameters are in the ratio of 10 to 7 nearly; for by these means the water will always sustain an equal pressure in the former and in the two latter. We shall suppose also, that the price of the foot of each kind of these pipes is in the same ratio, because, in economical problems of this sort, it is the ratio of the prices that ought chiefly to be considered. These things being premised, we shall find that the point of separation of prt pipes ought to be in d, so situated, that the angles cd a and Bd a shall be equal, and of such a nature, that the sine of each shall be to radius as 10 is to 14; or more _ generally, as the price of the foot of the larger pipe is to double that of the smaller. Hence it will be easy, according to this hypothesis, to determine the angle, which _ will be found to be 132° 56 or near 133°. If on the sides aB and ac then, of the triangle apo, there be described two cir- cular arcs, each containing an angle of 133°, their point of section will be in d, where the main pipe ought to be divided, to convey water to Band c, so as to incur the least possible expense in pipes. Fig. 122. Remark.—By extending this problem, we may suppose that the -. main pipe is to convey water to three given points, B, c, E, (Fig. 122.) 1 In that case it may be demonstrated, that if the four pipes were j equal, the point of separation could not be placed more advantage. Ps ously, at least for diminishing the quantity of the pipes, than in the place where the lines a E and Bc intersect each other; but this £ perhaps would not be the most advantageous disposition for making the water to be thrown up with the greatest force. _ The same observation, made in regard to the first solution of the problem, may be | made here also. To give greater force to the jet, the main pipe ought to be nearly triple in size to each of the rest. Let us suppose then that the price of a wn 2 { —————— ’ 1890 GEOMETRY. foot of the former, is to that of a foot of the others, as mis ton; and in the last place, to simplify the problem, the solution of which would be otherwise exceed< ingly complex, we shall suppose that the lines at and Bec cut each other at right angles: this being the case, it will be found, that the angle ere ought to be such, that, radius being unity, the cosine of it-shall be $n./ 4nn —(m — 1), or, what amounts to the same thing, the sine of the angle pc ¥F must be equal to the above © expression. If we suppose then, for example, that m is to n as 5 to 3, we shall have the above expression equal to 0°71496, which is the sine of an angle of 45° 38’. If the angle pcF therefore be made equal to from 45° to 46°, the point F will be that where the ~ .principal pipe ought to be divided. If m were ton as 2 to 1, the above expression would become equal to 0°86600, which is the sine of an angle of 60°; in this case therefore the angle pc F ought to be made equal to 60°, or each of the angles prc and DF B equal to 30°. It is here evident that, to render the problem susceptible of a solution, m and 2 ' must be such, that the above expression shall not be imaginary, nor greater. than unity. In either of these cases there could be no solution; and this would indicate, at most, that the division ought to be made at the point a, or at as great a distance as possible from the line pc. This expression also must not be = 0: in that case © we ought to conclude that the division should be made at tle point b. PROBLEM LXIX. ‘ bz: Geometrical paradoz of lines which always approach each other, without ever being able to meet or to coincide. Every person, in the least acquainted with geometry, knows, that if two straight lines, in the same plane, approach each other, they will necessarily meet in a common point of intersection. We say in the same plane, for it they were in different planes, ea it is evident that they might approach till a certain term,,without cutting each other, — and that they would then diverge from each other more and more. If we suppose, for example, two parallel and vertical planes, on one of which is drawn a horizontal line, and on the other one inclined to the horizon, it may be readily conceived that they will not be parallel, and yet they can never intersect each other, their least dis- tance being necessarily that of the two planes. Here then we have two lines not — parallel, which never meet: but this is not the sense in which the problem is understood. It may be demonstrated that there are many lines, and in the same plane, which continually approach each other, and which however can never meet. ‘They are indeed not straight lines, but a curve combined with a straight line, or two curved - lines together. We shall here give a few examples of these lines, which are very familiar to those who are versed in the higher geometry. Fig. 123. In the indefinite straight line a e, (Fig. 123.) take equal parts pendiculars Bb, cc, Dd, Ee, &c., which decrease, ‘acookien toa progression, no term of Ane can become 0, though it may become indefinitely small; let these terms decrease, for exam- ple, according to the progression 1, 3,4,3,4,2, &c.: it is evi- dent that the curve passing through the summits of the lines, decreasing according to this progression, can never meet the line G, however far continued, since its distance from that line can never become 0; it will however approach it more and more, and in such a manner, as to be nearer it than_any quantity, however small. This curve, in the present case, is that so well known to geometricians under the name of the hyperbola; which has the property AB, BC, CD, &c.; and from the points 8, c, p, &c., raise the per- of being contained between the branches of two rectilineal angles, having their — GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS. — 18l vertices opposed to each other, towards which it approaches more and more, without ever touching them. , If the progression, according to which these lines B 8, ce, pd, &c. decrease, were 1, 3,4) a> te &c., the line passing through the points 4, c,d, e, &c., would still ap- proach more and more to the straight line a.c, without ever meeting it; for whatever might be the distance of any term of this: progression, it could never become = 0. _ Another example.—Without the indefinite line ar, (Fig. 124.) assume any point p, from which draw Pa perpendicular to ag, and any other lines at pleasure, PB, PC, PD, &c., more and more inclined; in the continuation of which make the lines aa, Bb, ce, &c., always equal: it is evident that the line passing through the points a, b,c, d, &e., never can meet the line ar, though it may approach it more and more, and nearer than any deter- minate quantity; because F f becomes more and more inclined. This curve is that known to geometricians by the name of the conchoid, and was invented by Nico- medes, a Greek geometrician, to serve for the solution of the problem respecting two mean proportionals, A great many other examples might be found in the higher geometry ; but these. will be sufficient for our purpose. PROBLEM LXX. In the island of Delos, a temple consecrated to Geometry was erected, on a circular basis (Fig. 125.), and covered hy a hemispherical dome, having four windows in its circumference, with a circular aperture at the top, so combined, that the remainder of the hemispherical surface of the dome was equal toa rectilineal figure ; and in the cylindric part of the temple was a door, absolutely squaradle, or equal to a rec- tilineal space. What geometrical means did the architect employ in the construction of this monument 2 Fig. 125. ' Every person, acquainted with the principles of geometry, knows that the measure of a hemispherical surface depends on that of ' the circle, which is equal to the surface of a cylinder having the samé base and the same altitude, The ingenuity of this construc- tion then was, Ist. ‘To have cut from the dome, by the apertures above mentioned, spherical portions of such a nature, that the remainder should be equal to a figure purely rectilineal. 2d. To have described in the cylindric part, or circular wall of the temple, another figure which was squarable. The method that might have been employed is as follows : Let us first suppose a fourth part of the hemispherical dome, having for its base the quadrant aczg (Fig. 126.) Take the are BD, equal to one fourth of the are aB, as the breadth of the are that ought to separate the windows; and draw ap the chord of the remainder. Now let sce be any section whatever, through the axis of the dome sc, and let its intersection with a p be F; make CE, CF, CG, continually proportional; in the axis cs make. the line cu equal to EG, and draw 1 parallel to cB, which will intersect the quadrant su in 1: then will r be one of the points of the window required; and the series of points 1, determined in this manner, will give the contour of that window, the surface of which will-be equal to double the segment a £ D, while the spherical portion s ar ps - Will be equal to double the rectilineal triangle c aD. 182 GEOMETRY. this triangle, plus the spherical sector spB, which is equal to double the circular sector cpB, or to the fourth of the spherical sector saEB; if from this sector, therefore, there be cut off the fourth part suM, by a plane parallel to its base, and distant from the vertex s by the fourth part-of the radius sc, the remainder of this hemispherical quadrant, that is to say the surface arp B MLA, will be equal to double the rectilineal triangle cab. If the other quadrants of the hemispherical dome be then made similar to the present one, the whole dome, the apertures deducted, will be equal to eight times the triangle acv. In regard to the aperture to be made in the circular wall of the temple, and which must be equal to a rectilineal space, nothing is easier; though it be a part of a cylin- Fig. 127. dric surface. Let anprF (Fig. 127.) represent one half of this surface; assume, as the breadth cf the door to be formed, the chord Gu, parallel to the diameter ap; make Gi and HK, may have that proportion which good taste and the character of the work require ; if through the points 1, K, and the line a p, PA a plane be then made to pass, which by its intersection with the Ceti cylindric surface will determine the curve rL kK, we shall have the cylindric aperture G B H K1, a little arched at the top, which will be to the rectangle — of cB by Gu, as the sine of the angle Lc Bis to the sine of half the right angle. The problem of the Greek geometrician therefore is solved. This problem might be varied a great many ways, During my dreary residence, in 1758, at a post in Canada, I amused myself with these variations, and I resolved the problem by making the whole of the surface of the temple absolutely squarable. I left only one aperture in the dome, viz.a hole at the top, like that ofthe Pantheon at Rome, and I made the four windows in the cylindric part of the temple, &c. All this . however will be easy to any one versed in geometry. Remarks.—1. This problem is nearly the same as that proposed by Viviani, in 1692, under the title of ‘‘ Enigma Geometricum,” which was easily solved by Leib- nitz, Bernouilli, and the Marquis de ’Hépital. An account of it may be seen in my ‘** History of the Mathematics,” vol. ii. book i. Viviani’s solution is ingenious and elegant ; but as the dome, according to this solution, would not be susceptible of con- struction, because it would bear upon four points, which in architecture is absurd, we have made some changes in the enunciation, by adding the circular aperture at the top. By these means the dome will bear upon parts that have some solidity, each window being separated from the other by an are which forms a sixth part of the whole cir- ference. 2. Father Guido-Grandi has remarked, that if a polygon, for example the triangle ABC (Fig. 128.) be inscribed in the circular base of acone, and if on each side of this polygon a plane be raised perpendicular to the base, the por- Fig. 128. tion of the conical surface, cut off towards the axis, is equal to a rectilineal space. For it may be easily demonstrated that this sur- face is to that of the rectilineal polygon a Bc, which correspends to it perpendicularly below, as the surface of the cone is to the circle of its base; that is to say, as the inclined side of the cone s D, is to £ DT the radius of that base. The portions also of the cone cut off by the above planes, towards the base, are evidently in the same ratio with the seg- ments of the circle on which they rest. In fact, whatever figure be inscribed in the base, if we conceive a right cylindric surface which are perpendicular to the base, of such asize, that the door - ' The whole surface of this fourth part of the dome will be equal then to double OS t on A COLLECTION OF PROBLEMS. 183 raised from the circumference of the figure, it will cut off from the conical sur- face a portion which will be to it in the same ratio. This Italian geometrician, who was of the order of the Camaldules, thought proper to give to this conical portion absolutely squarable, the name of ‘ Velum Camal- dulense.”’ In like manner, a Franciscan took it into his head to construct a sun-dial on a body which resembled a sandal, and to print a description of it, under the title of *¢ Sandalion Gnomonicum.” PROBLEM LXXI. Tf each of the sides of any irregular polygon whatever, as ABCDEA (Fig. 129.) be divided into two equal parts, as ina, b,c, d, e; and if the points of division in the contiguous sides be joined; the result will be a new polygon abcdea: if the same operation be performed on this polygon; then on the one resulting Jrom it; and so on ad infinitum; it is required to find the point where these divisions will terminate. Fig. 129. This problem, impossible to be resolved perhaps by considera- Aas a tions purely geometrical, is susceptible of a very simple solution, ¢ deduced from another consideration, and which shall be given in z A a subsequent page. eos In the mean time our readers may exercise their ingenuity upon it, as we shall only add, that. it was proposed in 1750, by M. D he had it from M. Buffon. » who said A COLLECTION OF VARIOUS PROBLEMS, BOTH ARITHMETICAL AND GEOMETRICAL; THE SOLUTION OF WHICH IS PROPOSED BY WAY OF EXERCISE TO MATHEMATICAL READERS. Tuosr who study mathematics cannot begin too early to exercise their talents with the solution of the problems presented by that science; for it is by such exercise that the inventive faculty is called forth and strengthened. We have therefore thought it our duty to subjoin to this part of the Mathematical Recreations, a selection of problems proper for exercising and amusing young mathematicians, They are of different degrees of difficulty, that they may be suited to the different capacities of those who read this work. Some curious theorems have been inserted among them; and, as the demonstration of these is required, they may serve also to exercise their ‘ingenuity. It may be here observed, that, as the most of these problems are far ftom being difficult if the resources of algebraic calculation be employed, it is therefore proposed that the solutions of themshould be found by means of pure geometry ; as it is well known that algebraic analysis gives, for the most part, complex solutions, while those which arise from analysis purely geometrical are far more simple and elegant. ARITHMETICAL AND GEOMETRICAL PROBLEMS AND THEOREMS. Prosiem 1.—In aright-angled triangle, given the base, the sum or difference of the other two sides, and the area, to determine the triangle ? Pros. 11.—Given the base, the ratio of a) other two sides, and the area, to deter- mine the triangle. Pros, 111.—The base, the angle comprehended by the two other sides, and the area being given, to determine the triangle. 184 . - * GEOMETRY. Pros. tv.— Three lines being given in position, on a plane, to draw another line through them, which shall be cut by them into two parts, in a given ratio. a. Pros. v.—Four lines being given in position on a plane, to draw another line through them, which shall be cut into three parts, in a given ratio. Prog. vi.— What is the probability of throwing anace, or any one of the faces of@ die, in three throws; that is, either at the first, second, or third throw ? Pros. vir.—Atthe game of Piquet, A is first in hand, and has no ace ; what pro- bability is there that he will take in from the pack either one, or two, or three, or four aces, Pros. vii1r.—What is the probability of throwing one ace, and no more, in four successive throws ? Prog. 1x.—In alottery, where the number of blanks is to that of the prizes as 39 to .1,as was the case in the year 1720, how many tickets must be purchased that the buyer may have an equal chance for one or more prizes ? Pros. x.—Ifa man has in his hand a certain number of pieces of money, as for example 12, how much may be betted to 1 that in tossing them all up at once or separately, there shall be as many heads as tails. Prog. x1.—Four lines being given of such a nature, that any three of them are together greater than the fourth, to construct of them a quadrilateral figure inscrip- tible in a circle, or which can be circumscribed about it ? a Theorem 1.—If from the three angles of any right-angled triangle, three lines be drawn perpendicular to the opposite sides, they will all cut each other in the same point. | Theor. 2.—-If lines be drawn from these angles, dividing each of them into two equal parts, or cutting the opposite sides into two equal parts, these three lines will all pass through the same point. y Pros. x11.—A trapezium being given, to divide it into two‘equal parts, or in any given ratio, by a line passing through a given point, éither in one of the sides, or within the trapezium, or without it. Pros. x111.—Ina given circle to inscribe an isosceles triangle of a given magnitude. —Itis evident that this triangle must be less than the equilateral triangle, inscribed in the givencircle; for the latter is the greatest of all those that can be inscribed in it. Pros. xiIv.—To circumscribe about a given circle an isosceles triangle off a given magnitude.—This triangle must be greater than the circumscribed equila- teral triangle ; since the latter is the least of all those that can be circumscribed. Pros. xv.—In an isosceles triangle to describe three circles, each of which shall touch two sides of the triangle, and which all three shall touch each other. Pros. xvi1.—To do the same thing in a scalene triangle. Prog. xvit.— What is the value of this analytical expression, rJ/ 2 / 2am &C., in infinitum ?—The answer is 2; but a demonstration is required. In like manner the value of YW 2,/ 3 3, &c., in infinitum, is 3; and so of any other number. Pros. xvrire—In a pyramid, * four triangular faces, if the sides of these four tri- angles be given; required the angles formed by the faces of this pyramid, the perpen- dicular let fall from any of the angles.on the base, and the solidity of the pyramid. Pros. x1x.—To cuta given trapezium into four equal parts, by lines intersecting each other at right angles. Pros. xx.—A gentleman has an irregular quadrangular piece of ground, from which he is desirous, for the purpose of making a parterre, to cut the largest oblong pos- sible, with its angles touching the sides of the quadrilateral: how is this to be done ? _ Pros. xxt.—Given the area of a nent dagied triangle, and the sum of the ute sides, to determine the triangle. . x A COLLECTION OF PROBLEMS. 185 Prox. xx11.—If froma pack, consisting of 52 cards, 13 of each suit, 5 cards be dealt to one person; what is the chance that two of them shall be trumps, or of any suit that is proposed. Pros. xx111.—About a given circle to circumscribe a triangle, of a given perime- ter ; provided this perimeter be greater than that of the equilateral triangle circum- scribed. Pros. xx1v.—In a triangle, not equilateral, to find a point which, if three per- pendiculars be drawn to the three sides, they shall be together equal to a given line. —wWe have excluded the equilateral triangle, because it may be easily demonstrated, that from whatever point, within such a triangle, perpendiculars are let fall on the sides, their sum will be always the same. The case is the same in regard to every regular polygon; and even those that are irregular, provided the sides are equal. Pros. xxv.—In a given circle toinscribe an isosceles triangle, or to circumscribe about it a triangle of a given perimeter.—This problem not being always possible, as may be easily seen, it is required to assign its limitations. Pros. xxvi.—In a given circle to inscribe, or to circumscribe about it, any triangle whatever, of a determinate perimeter. Pros. xxvit.—In a given quadrilateral to inscribe an ellipsis; that is to say, to describe in it an ellipsis which shall touch its four sides. Pros. xxvit.—A jeweller has a valuable plate of agate, in the form of an irre- gular trapezium, andis desirous to cut from it the largest oval possible for the lid of a snuff-box: in what manner must he proceed ?—It is evident that this problem expressed geometrically is as follows: In a given quadrilateral to inscribe the largest ellipse possible: a problem which is certainly not easy. It is proper to in- - form those who may be disposed to try it, that it requires a profound knowledge of analysis. The foilowing also might be proposed: About a given quadrilateral to circumscribe the least ellipsis possible. Pros. xx1x.—A point and a straight line being given, in what line will be found the centres of all the circles passing through the given point, and touching the given line. Prog. xxx.—Required the same thing in regard to all the circles that touch a given circle and a given straight line.— This straight line may be without the given circle; or it may touch it, or intersect it. Pros. xxx1.—Any two circles being given, in what line will be found the centres of all the circles that touch the given circles: whether the touching circle comprehends them both within it, or touches the one without and the other within ? Pros. xxx11.—The base of a triangle, the sum of the two other sides, and the line drawn from the vertex to the middle of the base, being given; to determine the triangle. Pros. xxxu1.—Given the three lines, drawn from the angles ofa triangle to the middle of each of the opposite sides; to determine the triangle. Pros. xxx1tv.—Given the base of a triangle, and the sum and the difference of the squares of the sides, to determine the triangle—This problem is susceptible of a very simple and very elegant construction; for the vertex of this triangle is in the circumference of a certain circle, and is also in a certain straight line. Pros. xxxv.—Given the three lines drawn from the angles of a triangle to the opposite sides, dividing each of these angles into two equal parts; to determine the triangle. Pros. xxxvi.—Any number of points being given, to draw a shrateht line among them in such a manner, that if a perpendicular be let fall on it from each of these 4 186 er GEOMETRY. points, the sum of the perpendiculars on the one side, shall be equal to the sum of those on the other side. | Pros, xxxvit.—The same suppositicn being made, it is required that the sum of the squares of the perpendiculars drawn on the one side, shall be equal to the sum of the squares of those on the other; or that the sum of these perpendiculars, raised to any power whatever n, shall be on both sides equal. Pros. Xxxvur.—In any trapezium, given the four sides and the area, to deter- mine the trapezium. Pros. Xxx1x.—An angle being given, to find a point from which if two perpendi- culars be let fall on its sides, the quadrilateral formed by them and the sides of the angle, shall be equal to a given square. Pros. xu.—As there are an infinite number of points which will answer the pro- blem, it is proposed to find the line traced out by them, or the curve which they form. Pros. xL1.—To find four numbers in arithmetical progression, to which if four given numbers, such as 2, 4, 8, 17, be added, their sums shall be in geometrical pro- gression. Pros. xLi1.—Two couriers, a and z, set out at the same time; a from Paris for Orleans, the distance between whichis 60 miles, and n from Orleans for Paris ; and they travel at such a rate that a reaches Orleans 4 hours after meeting B, and B reaches Paris 6 hours after meeting a: how many miles per hour did each travel ? : ; , Pros. xtu1.—A certain sum, placed out at interest, amounted at the end of a year to £1100, and at the end of eighteen months to £1120; what was the sum, and at what rate of interest was it lent ? Pros. xi1v.—Two bills of exchange, one of £1200, payable in 6 months, and the other of £2000, payable in 9 months, were discounted at the same time, and at the same rate of interest, for £120, at what rate of interest were they dis- counted ? Pros. xLv.—How many ways can £100. be paid by guineas, at 21 shillings, and pistoles at.17 shillings, each ? Pros. xtv1—An angle and a point within it being given, to draw through that point a straight line intersecting the two sides of the angle, in such a manner, that the rectangle of their segments towards the vertex, shall be equal to a given square. This given square must not be less than a certain square, which gives rise to the following problem. Pros. xivi1r.—The same supposition being made as in the preceding case, re-. quired the position of the line passing through the given point, when the rectangle of the sides of the angle cut off towards the vertex is the least possible. Pos. xivit.—Three lines being given in position, to find a point from whieh the three perpendiculars drawn to these lines shall be in a given ratio. We shall here observe that this problem is susceptible of a very simple and very elegant solution, without calculation. Pros. XL1x.—Given two circles in a given ratio, as of 1 to 2, for example, and which cut each other, but in such a. manner as not to form a squarable lunule; it is proposed to draw through these circles a line parallel to that which joins the peints of intersection, so that the part of the lunule cut off above may be eqnal to 4 rectilineal space. . Pros. L.—The same supposition being made, it is proposed to cut the two circular arcs by a third, which shall be of such a nature that the concavo-con- vex triangle, formed by these three arcs, shall be equal to a rectilineal space, if - possible, A COLLECTION OF PROBLEMS. 187 Pros. 11.—Three persons have together £100; and it is known that 9 times the soney of the first, plus 15 times that of the second, plus 20 times that of the third, equal to £1500. How much money has each ?—It may be here proper to ob- prve, that this problem, as well as the 45th, 52d, 57th, and 58th, is susceptible of syeral solutions; andto solve them completely it will be necessary to find all the ifferent answers, and toshew that there can be no more; for by repeated trials it ‘ould not be difficult to find some of them. Pros. i11.—A farmer bought 100 calves, sheep, and pigs, for the sum of £100., at ae rate of £3. 10s. for the calves, £1. 6s. 8d. for the sheep, and 10s. for the pigs: low many of each kind did he purchase? Pros. tu1.—Three merchants enter into partnership, and agree to advance each £10000. towards a certain adventure; two of them paid down the money, but the aird advanced only the half of his share, that is £5000; the adventure having iiled, they lost not only their capital but 50 per cent. more: What must each contri- ute to make good the loss? Pros. tiv.—In a rectilineal triangle, given the base, the rectangle of the other wo sides, and the included angle, to determine and construct the triangle. Pros. tv.—An are of a circle being given, to divide itinto two parts, the sines f which shall be in a given ratio. Pros. ivi.—If a person draws 4 cards from a pack, containing 32, what probabi- ‘ty is there, or how much may be betted to 1, that among these four cards there rill be one of each colour? Pros. rvu.—It is required to divide 24 into three such parts, that if the first be qultiplied by 36, the second by 24, and the third by 8, the sum of those products nay be 516? Pros. tvit.—How many ways may four sorts of wine, the prices of which are 16d. Od., Sd. and 6d. per quart, be mixed, so as to make 100 quarts in all, worth 12d. yer quart ? Pros. trx.—To find a number of such a nature, that if 12 and 25 be successively \dded to it, the sums shall be square numbers. Pros. Lx.—To find three numbers, the squares of which shall be in arithmetical. wrogression. Pros. rx1.—Any number of points being given, to find another, from which if straight lines be drawn to all the rest, the sum of these lines shall be equal to a given ine. _ Pros. ixu.—The same supposition being made as before, the sum of the squares of the lines drawn from the required point must be equal to a given square. It is very singular that the last problem is susceptible of a construction much sasier than the preceding. We shall here observe, merely for the purpose of excit- ng the curiosity of the geometrical reader, that in the latter the required point, and ill those that solve the problem, for there are a great many which do so, are situated in the circumference of a certain circle; and it is very remarkable that the centre of this circle is the centre of gravity of the given points, supposing each of them to be charged with the same weight. — It may be observed also, thatif it were required that the square of one of the lines drawn, plus the double of the second, plus the triple of the third, &c., should make the same sum, it would be necessary to suppose the first point loaded with a single weight, the second with a double weight, the third with a triple one, &c., and their centre of gravity would still be the centre of the required circle. The solution of this problem was not unknown to the ancient geometricians. It was one of those of the Loca plane of Apollonius ; and this may serve to give us & more favourable idea of their analysis than is generally entertained. 188 COLLECTION OF USEFUL TABLES. TABLE OF THE LENGTH OF THE FOOT, OR OTHER LONGITUDINAL MEASURI USED IN ITS STEAD, AMONG THE DIFFERENT NATIONS AND IN THI PRINCIPAL CITIES OF EUROPE. Havine frequently experienced great embarrassment, while engaged in cer’ tain researches, from not being able to obtain accurate information respecting thi measures of different countries, whenever an opportunity occurred we colleetec with great care the proportions of these foreign measures, both ancient an¢ modern, as compared with our own, and it is hoped our readers will conside; themselves indebted to us for the following table on this subject, which there i reason to think is the fullest and most complete ever given. All the different mea. sures are compared with the English foot, which is here supposed to be divided inte 12 inches, each inch into 12 lines, and each line into 10 parts: which makes the foo) to consist of 1440 of these parts. The first column in the table shews the number oj these parts which each measure contains; and the second the value of it in Englisk feet, inches, lines, and tenths of a line. ANCIENT FEET. parts. ft. in. lin. pts Ancient Roman foot 1.2.6... .cecees ile ghia cep eiatenbet ale ts 1392 Oll 7 2 Greek and Ptolemaic Sn aide ak eee es evess | 1458 1 O leg Greek *PhyleterianW «ses ss.dcns see Sonia se tae ae salen eeeOSk 1 2 OF Foot of Archimedes, or probably of Sicily and Syracuse .. 1051 0 8 9mm MDWUSIAN so sag seid Taki Geauihe oe de 2 ahte Wlaeere cele odisie ep hie sh LOT 1 1 i Macedoniat | ./..cgeec ses eee eue oA Aiea ee Salve at <-+) 1670 1 1 Tie Egyptian ...... Date aie pions epee Site woth Shoe Setiay Bion e @ 2046 158 ¢ Hebrew ee aise g sacuetan ese Gini eebewrck ies au sce sees ohne Sladen 1 2 6 The natural (hominis vestigium)...ccc++cceceescee voce Faery ey 0 9 oa ‘Arabiengens : 1h ees ok RTA MAS Sah RRO TELS GN 1577 1 1 i Babylonian pak soos pegs y . oe aetinae se eee pissed \al's Seoiethclapwecird ks nate etek totois 1624 1 1, 6m Aree Herd. apa. ok 5 A eORe Tlelt ee eee Siielea ts Pei -» 1279 010 7 9 PRCA DUTE 1s :55 plese sinh ae spa wide oycicliets’s ae wee ee ks & 1399 O11 ta SE) ee le spk-eiag sto! dusinheuha SW Reis tile abil. dick: 1279 010 7 9 Barcelona. ..... RK oe ee ke ees See Bile an tee 1428 01110 8 LONGITUDINAL MEASURES. ee seeoee @eoeneaereee ese esi eceteoeserte & eee earereereneaeoe oeoeer esc eomaeeeweeeeebr see ee eesesees ®Ceoeeesr se oOresses ee eeereenes ceoaereeoeseseosd e @eeesesee eeeoeen e@oeeserrsen e@eetoneeaseeene eeeoveveeee0 e@ecseeeveevegeoeet ev aseseevnesre jourg en Bresse and Bugey .-+eeeees- eneeogceeueeevegcneaese jremen e@eceoeeeeeeeeaeeeeeoeGeoeoseeoevse02 G28 jrescia . eooevueeveveeeorese eecereeceeere eeoesee cee es eeeeeaaeeOGnveeeree jreslaw COCO OHP SoH RET HES HSH SHOTS HOCH OHESH HHT EHHOHOETE iruges coves eeoveds cevece eer>rsevoeeeeeetceeoseSeeveese see eben srussels teewessceoeeseeeOs2eF 6CeeeeeFeseoeerteeere sores ever s Dhambery and Savoy s.cceesseeee Dhina— Tribunal of mathematics....ccccoccccersveccsece | Bie PAPOGEMES oreie since doleierescisisicte’s-asaierera tart s-ale-a'ae OTIG. -6)e csp ewsccenccetcscatsenrnnscvansnnsees , Jonstantinople POs e scy ee! peeks Hots both oe of : Jopenhagen Sera eNCa tacts Maa kk ees oe Reiss a 6:0 . Cracow ce cece erecta avec tesecaseeseeeceneers ve Dantzic erieevecestoseeneues enews es/e aries ce's'ee's Woche’ Delft Meese vawgie adie oe 8 elelc'c Nios a's siee's waie'e a ae 6 ae Sere ate Denmark .eeeeeesceceeeces rere as ain ativere sre mn 8 slateiets . Dijon dc Welecihs Mele sta eonuncnreceseneepacned vices . Dordrecht ...... Baits as Se ene 62 Vee ss Seale Weleiwie wit vin e's = Ferrara shacss Sivianio hee yon ie0e Sa SiSupisiaie 55 8m 8 G16 .6.bis 4) a0 m2 MIOrence scccccccecccece pr asiaarelsie otis e ee eb e a aleis hse ° Franche-Comté... «.... Fone eis s-0'es'e 930s 09.0 0x00 oe Frankfort on the Main °.5,2ssccaccheverecion erry oe Genoa (the palm) ...esscese cecvenesnccerns seersees Geneva Some ty ar ee eae Seals mw eia\ein/Saeie'* ters damcurh ies Grenoble and Dauphigny ......0+.. PRA A hy ER 20 oe Haerlem Sb sen ehiniete > « Bais pla wie ture stoke ei scete ats Lombardy, foot of Luitprand or Aliprand .............. MMMPETAINIG <1. o 602 solar cess Sige ness Spa ewisess Oni sere . TMIDECHs oy scene Cc EDR ORE eWacgess aaneeiere eraleipralare sfatete MMEECALS «occas swaces SSRI seis oie ea pietcieinlegsiee Lyons and the Lyonnese, Fores and Baujalois .......... SUEC UL cig Vccstitih«cpseepts preeriere fe Bistotatete oi MRC neue recess cc tenses ccuass POs ee aie ss Malta (the palm) ........cceccsscecsevarsecreecs nao Mantua (the brasso) ...... eee atoe ses tie: cece ee BEES “nee err aie dks ous. ote CL SAC Sdn were 189 . in. lin. pts. ll 4 5 2 11 10 0 2 211 0 4 Lid 6 8 1 6 8 11 10 9 bes Lab LLy 10 10 2 4 111 0 7 2 0 1l Oo 6 6 0 6 0 4 9 3 3 9 11 11 2-0 ll 2 9 9 iG heey 1075 lk-3 ll 8 ll 2 10 10 Ling 11 10 0 4 Cus Lied jiers Bod lies 1e hep. Les 10 11 10 11 10 11 6 3 Rees ep co Chae at ea ar coh et ici eo! cnn os st Coc co fm core’ Oo =F 6g OF St Go) OO a tO yt 7 i Gocco tO se I 190. LONGITUDINAL MEASURES. Mechlin ..0..¢003 Shee se Vig Weare cee oe eed Sone meas teas Dl entZ~ ke. valeic a ee Sel ews welled «wee de fokta Cane aecéeds Milan—Decimal foot. .cccecacessvesosesessaees sieve —Aliprand ditto ...... cae ev ectedvenses des veccee MOdeMA TN, she Galatis s.oaieie 6s/0's a tereisueldlatouale tote: slot e aigtetoraiad we MONRCO*), cae vadinscee deta Cade cies soe rhvedeservudiace Montpellier (the pany). . 5. .0se. Rea ehe> wma heh eres cay eve etre TENE. GP aicinc s oie sleet RIA ee re eo ee ee PV BHAUOLIC Ces weir atay veces eels s Foce am nia ocak yc cree oh V CCG Bike hs csc 0 edits os ce tucte ates Ph wc Sea teewe athe a. Wy COT eres sce's.c sisie ee o'e oe ke hk Sielene vec coe eens ou 6 eis se NE WAGE Tare ee e's TREES bee oo nae « oe vache mone pees se Ree Wiennarta ei es ceSeeks cs Nah Damas e's Sie s bak Keb Sik a eee TE Vienne in Dauphipny ). 22... 00-00 AYA CH, Seve oe eae Ulm aitte a'siletsiits as baa a4 3 aie ole siecle cece Stare a vt ath ete UITDINOSE eee tees Cae Nes cle we eSeet «ey ts ree Utrecht Hih.,..0 esses @ siecepereisies ame ST Warsaw Pica: ESA roe a siea e Newws ace SAME Weesel 2.01. s06selcare. ae Reese's ei stepiiiae mi we cee oe BUTTE Ge? Ne vralsnts Cr Geass neces as Cs Cons rahe ete eioie ie > mh = oe —OoO- SOF OF OF RF ew eB BH ORF Rr OD OWE EBO — Comm WF OF OO — 8 — KON MOCO OCOK Be Ow 1 4 0 7 b 7 5 8 1 ] 0 0 3 9 — ee SCORND CORNY ROONOROEN SH oR OD fr Gr co Co MEASURES. 7 191 TABLE 29F SOME OTHER MEASURES, BOTH ANCIENT AND MODERN, COMPARED WITH THE ENGLISH STANDARD. _ The ancient cubit in general was a foot and a half. The Hebrews however had three cubits. Ist. The common cubit, which was a foot and a half Hebrew measure, or 2617 of those parts of which the English foot contains 1440. 9d. The sacred and modern cubit, which was one Babylonic foot and three quarters, or 2883 or 2861 parts of the English foot. _ 8d. The great geometric cubit, which was 9 Hebrew feet, or 6 lesser cubits. ) Grecian feet. The orgya of the Greeks was s+eeecssseecsevessvecscoreses 6 Thearura °+cccesscee a plavsryiple se Cob er cen nes ecco eresces rece 50 The plethron ++esecsccacccsreecverencverercracncecensrece 100 { The diplethron ++++scscsceceosccecoseccvcessveevevaresecs 200 Roman feet. The hexapeda of the Romans Was *eeccccesecscscsesvesovcos 6 | The decempeda erereccsersccserecereccescerocsseccareres 10 MEASURES OF PARIS. French feet. English feet. Toise of Paris -sscesrcousacccccocevvecresccces 6 6°3959 Metre, OF NEW MEASUPEseeerserssreeseaccerrece Oss 3:2854 The royal perch Aine e ole clevatarnlele! eiseie.6\6 Sooo. “VR 93°4515 f The mean perch+ressossecewsscccesccssvccecare 20 91°3195 . The lesser perch used at Paris secceersececsee-ee 18 19-1876 The acre is 100 square perches. The are is 100 square metres. } MEASURES OF CAPACITY FOR LIQUIDS. ' ‘The Mnid for liquids (Paris measure) contains 8 French cubic feet, or 16744-7071 English cubic inches. Six French cubic inches make a poincon, or by corruption poisson, = 7'2677 English cubic inches. Eng. cub. inches. 2 poissons make eccscccccccccoreoereesses | demi-setier 14°5353 D demi-setiers sesersssecescecoscessscee - 1 chopine 29 O707 1 2 chopines eeesecsccccececcccrecccrsececs 1 pinte 58:1413 : 2 pintes Setelcintelccieis eau ae ces ee 6 e.snees ce a | quarte 116°2827 4 quartes AAO SOC CRU OCUDOOONCO COmcmOurr: | grand setier 465°1308 } 86 grand setiers ++cecsescesscsecescccccccs 1 muid 16744:7071 Litre escereeeeececcsecesseesess acubical decimeter = 14, pinte. A muid therefore is equal to 724871 English wine gallons, or about 11 hogshead. FRENCH DRY MEASURES. The litron contains 36 French cubic inches, or 43°606 English cubic inches. Eng. cub. inches. 16 litrons make seesceesecesesereseseere 1 boisseau 697°696 3 boisseaux eee eee eons eee ssseeeees eres 1 minot 2093:088 D MINOtS evcceecccsesnssoasreersersesosea: 1 mine 4186'176 2 mives weer rece eenesereseeereeseeaeesesene 1 setier 8372°352 12 setiers wpe oe dese eset sees ones eeseoeoereed 1 Paris muid 100468224 (192 , MEASURES. Hence the French muid for things dry is equal to 46-72 English bushels, or 5 quar- ters 6 bushels 2:88 pecks. The following tables of ancient measures, have been added from Arbuthnot. ROMAN MEASURES OF LENGTH. Digitus transversus 0°72525 Eng. in. Cubitus »eeesssees 14505 Eng. ft. Uncia, the ounce -+ 0:967 — Gradius esesserees) 2:4175 SoM Palmus minor ++: = 2°901 sie Passus e*+ecees »» 0°967 paces. Pes, the foot«+++*: 11604 — Stadium++++eeecee+s 120°875 Ag Milliare seoevaace de 967:0 a Palmipes ++++-+++ 1°20875 Eng. ft: SCRIPTURE MEASURES OF LENGTH. Digit -+++eeeee- ~- 0°7425 inches. Arabian pole «-++«- 4-62 yards, Palin -sahese ress «2507 ~ Schenus «++=> veeee 462 Dai Span cereers coese §68O9] ae Stadium-+-+++see. 231-0 — Lesser cubit +++-+- 1-485 Eng ft. | Sabbath day’s journey1155°0 = Greater cubit :-+++> 17523 4 Eastern mile +--+. . 1886 miles. — Fathom +--+ +++- «+ 231° yards, | Parasang +--+: feces? £158" am Ezekiel’s reed ++++s 3465 — Day’sjourney +--+... 33264 — GRECIAN MEASURES OF LENGTH. Dactylos ++:s+++- 0°75546 inches. Pygme* «+-seecere 1°13203 Eng. ft. Doron Pygon -ereeee ecese 125911 — De phine ' creas >» 302187 — Pechys-~++++ 05 wee. 151003408 Dichagess+sess ve -- 755468 — Orgya eerece eeee s = 1:00729 — Orthodoron-++>+«-s 831015 — Stadios Spithame-+-++++++ 9-06562 Eng in, | Dulos §°7777'7*, 10072016 paces, Pougi ees <=> +> ceeee 12:0875 es Milion eseseesess 805°8333 — Pous Misvelesé 6.665) 6a eisce 100729 Eng. ft. ROMAN DRY MEASURES. Hemina se ee ee rere? 0:5074 Eng. pints, | Modis ee cevenaee 1:0141 Eng. peck. Sextarius «*++++++» 1:0148 —_ ATTIC DRY MEASURES. Mestes seeererees 0:9903 Eng. pints, | Medimnus ++-+++ 1:0906 Eng. bush. Chenix +++e--++e: 1-486 — JEWISH DRY MEASURES, ACCORDING TO JOSEPHUS. Gachal -«++++e+-+ 0°1949 Eng. pints. Ephah +++++++e++ 1/0961 Eng. bush. Cab csccceseeeee 3874 sia Latech -++e+see++ 54807 Bi Gomer «erersseee T0152 ees Coron Seah ««ce-eseeee+e 14615 Eng. peck. | Chomer { apes 13702 Eng. qr. ROMAN MEASURES FOR LIQUIDS. Hemina:++s++++ 0°59759 Eng. pints. Urna+s seecceee 3°5857 Eng. gals. Sextarius -++es « 1:19518 — Amphora +++«-. = 7-1712 == Congius:++s++++ F-17712 — Culeus ++++++++ 2-2766 Eng. hogs. ATTIC MEASURES FOR LIQUIDS. Cotyle -+++++- - 0°5742 Eng. pints. | Chous++++++++.-.. — 6:8900 Eng. pints. Xestes sseees-s 11483 we | Meteotes ++-++++» 10-3350 Eng. gall. * From this measure is derived the English word pigmy. MEASURES, | 193 | JEWISH MEASURES FOR LIQUIDS. | Caph +s+e+e+s+. 0°8612 Eng. pints. j Seah ........... 3°4450 Eng. gall. Log seescesecs 11483 — Bath ike. ee 10°3350 -- Od ee 4°5933 —_ Corny: aks: 16405 Eng hogs. Hin .....0.... 1°7225 Eng. gall. FRENCH MEASURES. The Paris foot is to the English foot, as 1 to 1:065977 The Paris square foot isto the English, as 1 to 1:136307 The Paris cube foot isto the English, as 1 to 1:211277 The French wine pint contains 58-1413 English cubical inches ; and the English wine pint contains 28:875 cubical inches. NEW FRENCH MEASURES. ‘The new French measures were established by a decree of the national convention, on the 7th of April, 1795. The elementary measure on which they are founded, is a decimal part of the distance from the pole to the equator; that is to say, a decimal part of a quarter of the terrestrial meridian: for the met7e, which is the element of all the rest, is the ten millionth part of that distance, and is equal, in the old French measures, to 36 inches and 11°296 lines. A metre in length, is the element of all the lineal measnres; a square metre is the element of all the superficial measures : and a cubie metre is the element of all the measures of capacity. MEASURES OF LENGTH. Eng. inches. Millimetres:,vueteet- axel cess => ‘03937 Gentimetrerscaalssltevetn eerie ce 39378 DECIMGLE ER cin bac cover ese eee 3°93786 MSU Oniiodetrzstt. on torent 39°37860 Diecametreicny Go ceeh seca 393°78605 Hectometre eC hace Ue take eh 3937°86059 Chiliometre baocg)) oh ae) BOOTS O0H99 Myriometre Seek fe faatteed Voda ( GG,UD09 1 Miles. fur. yds. ft. PA MNEGLIE 1S oh. lucas casi cee 3 «3:37 A. Decametre: 005° sas) ses 10 a2 oeors A, Hectometre =... 7° sca5. ses W921 S86 DRCMUIGMetrel fren cede 4 FSD #266 ] AP Myriometre “,.. ..0) 4 6 17158 6:05 The distance from the pole to the equator, or fourth part of the terrestrial meridian, according to the late French measurement, is 32815504 English feet. Centesimal degree = 328155'04 English feet. MEASURES OF CAPACITY. Eng. cub. inches. 16 UR TAVES Cana a ne Tan eee 06106 MV ATITTIVELE as lacs Mee oe ek eee vle.s *61063 ICCTILEO Ee, ok hens ek Nl ge Tien 6°10634 GCM.) ak lull’ cocks se, cP saa Dh weakness 61:06345 reer ooh ie: eed dh seas 610 63450 PLeetouetre,, Sc... :.. cto Peery es 6106°34504 Chiliolitre (cubic metre) ~ eee oe 61063°45042 Myriolitre ... ... win Mees Unden G1 0634250427 ) Bit. - n: - ee : litre is 2° 114, or nearly 2} English win A Hectolitre is 2°6434 wine gallons, or 2 gallons 2 anerte V4 pint. Beet: \ Chiliolitre is 4 hogsheads, 12 gallons, 1:36 quart; or 1 tun 12°34 gallons. ; ahaa is 10 amiss: 1 Aen a 60 ‘4 he or el 103 tuns. | ¥ oe ee ey SQUARE OR SUPERFICIAL MEASURES. ety Eng. square fects Sanat millimetre Wi: ‘01076 © Square centimetre ikter *10768 _ Square decimetre -1:07685 Centiare (square metre) ‘ 10°76856 Deeidren G00. . 107°68564 Are Pe ee - 1076-85645 Decare .. 10768°56454 TIGCLAre 1, . epee het 107685-64540 eOhiliard). 2.7 107685645407 /s"Myriare.. .. oe +e oe 10768564°54070 : A Hectare is 2° 47 2 English vir aa acres; or 2 acres, 1 rood, oe 5 oe MEASURES FOR FIRE-WOOD. pee | ae cubic. feet. Decistere .. «2 4. ae + owe 85338764 Stere (cubic Het RP TS + 35°387045. MECHANICS, 195 PART THIRD, CONTAINING VARIGUS PROBLEMS IN MECHANICS. Arrrr Arithmetic and Geometry, Mechanics is the next of the physico-mathematical sciences, having their certainty resting on the simplest foundations. It is a science also, the principles of which, when combined with geometry, are the most fertile and of the most general use in the other parts of the mixed mathematics. All those mathematicians therefore who have traced out the development of mathematical knowledge, place mechanics immediately after the pure mathematics, and this method we shall here adopt also. We suppose, as in every other part of the mathematics introduced into this work, that the reader is acquainted with the first principles of the science of which we treat. Thus, in regard to mechanics, we suppose him acquainted with the principles of equilibrium and of hydrostatics; with the chief laws of motion, &e. For it is not our intention to teach these principles; but only to present a few of the most curious and remarkable problems which arise from them. PROBLEM If. To cause a ball to proceed in a retrograde direction, though it meets with no apparent obstacle. Place an ivory. ball on a billiard table, and give it a stroke on the side or back part, with the edge of the open hand, in a direction perpendicular to the table, or downward. It will then be seen to proceed a few inches forward, or towards the side where the blow ought to carry it; after which it will roll in a retrograde direc- tion, as it were of itself, and without having met with any obstacle. Remark.—This effect is not contrary to the well-known principle in mechanics, that a body once put in motion, in any direction, will continue to move in that di- rection until some foreign cause oppose and prevent or turn it. For, in the present case, the blow given to the ball, communicates to it two kinds of motion; one of - rotation about its own centre, and the other direct, by which its centre moves pa- tallel to the table, as impelled by the blow. The latter motion, on account of the friction of the ball on the table, is soon annihilated; but the rotary motion about the centre continues, and when the former has ceased, the latter makes the ball roll in the retrograde direction. In this effect, therefore, there is nothing contrary to the well known laws of mechanics, PROBLEM II. To make a false ball, for playing at nine pins. Make a hole in a common ball used for playing at the above game; but in such a manner as not to proceed entirely to the centre; then put some lead into it, and close it with a piece of wood, so that the joining may not be easily perceived. When this ball is rolled towards the pins, it will not fail to turn aside from the proper direction, unless thrown by chance or dexterity in such a manner, that the lead shall turn exactly at the top and bottom while the ball is rolling. o 2 196 MECHANICS. Remark.—The fault of all balls used for billiards depends on this principle. For, as they are all made of ivory, and as, in every mass of that substance, there are always some parts more solid than others, there is not a single ball perhaps which has the centre of gravity exactly in the centre of the figure. On this account_every ball deviates more or less from the line in which it is impelled, when a slight motion is communicated to it, in order to make it proceed towards the other side of the billiard table, unless the heaviest part be placed at the top or bottom. We have heard'an eminent maker of these balls declare, that he would give two guineas for a ball that should be uniform throughout; but that he had never been able to find one perfectly free from the above-mentioned fault. Hence it happens, that when.a player strikes the ball gently, he often imagines that he has struck it unskilfully, or played badly: while his want of success is en- tirely the consequence of a fault in the ball. A good billiard player, before he engages to play for a large sum, ought carefully to try the ball, in order to discover the heaviest and lightest parts. This precaution was communicated to us by a first- rate player. PROBLEM ITf. How to construct a balance, which shall appear just when not loaded, as well as when loaded with unequal weights. We certainly do not here intend to teach people how to commit a fraud, which ought always to be condemned; but merely to shew that they should be on their guard against false balances, which often appear to be exact ; and that in purchasing valuable articles, if they are not well acquainted with the vendor, it is necessary to examine the balance, and to subject it to trial. It is possible indeed to make one, which when unloaded shall be in perfect equilibrium, but which shall nevertheless be false. The method is as follows: Let a ands be the two scales of a balance, and let a be heavier than ps: if the arms of the balance be made of unequal lengths, in the same ratio as the weights of the two scales, and if the heavier scale a be suspended from the shorter arm, and the lighter scale B from the longer, these scales when empty will be in equilibrium. They will be in equilibrium also when they contain weights which are to each other in the same ratio as the scales. A person therefore unacquainted with this artifice will imagine the weights to be equal; and by these means may be imposed on. Thus, for example, if one of the scales weighs 15, and the other 16; and if the arms of the balance from which they are suspended be, the one 16 and the other 15 inches in length; the scales when empty will be in equilibrium, and they will re-’ main so when loaded with weights which are to each other in the ratio of 15 to 16, the heaviest being put into the heaviest scale. It will even be difficult to observe this inequality in the arms of the balance. Every time therefore that goods are weighed with such a balance, by putting the weight into the heavier scale and the merchandise into the other, the purchaser would be cheated of a sixteenth part, or an ounce in every pound. But, this deception may be easily detected by transposing the weights; for if they are not then in equilibrium, itis a proof that the balance is not just. And indeed in this way the true weight of any thing may be discovered, even by such a false balance, namely, by first weighing the thing in the one scale, and then in the other scale; for a mean proportional between the two weights will be the true quantity ; that is, multiply the numbers of these two weights together, and take the square root of the product. Thus, if the thing weigh 16 ounces in the one scale, and only 14 in the other: then the product of 16 multiplied by 14 is 224, the square root of which gives 1439 for the true weight, or nearly 15 ounces. Or indeed the just weight is found nearly by barely adding the twonumbers together, and dividing CENTRE OF GRAVITY. - 197 the sum by. 2. Thus 16 and 14 make 30, the half of which, or 15, is the true weight very nearly. , PROBLEM IV. To find the centre of gravity of several weights. As the solution of various problems in mechanics depends on a knowledge of the nature and place of the centre of gravity, we shall here explain the principles of its theory. The centre of gravity of a body is that point around which all its parts are balanced, in such a manner, that if it were suspended by that point, the body would remain at rest in every position in which it might be placed around that point. It may be readily seen that, in regular and homogeneous bodies, this point can be no other than the centre of magnitude of the figure. Thus, the centre of gravity in the globe and spheroid, is the centre of these bodies; in the cylinder it is in the middle of the axis. The centre of gravity between two weights, or bodies of different gravities, is found by dividing the distance between their points of suspension into two parts, which shall be inversely proportional to the weights; so that the shorter part shall be next to the heavier body, and the longer part towards the lighter. This is the principle of balances with unequal arms, by means of which any bodies of different weights may be weighed with the same weight, as in the steel-yard. When there are several bodies, the centre of gravity of two of them must be found by the above rule: these two are then supposed to be united in that point, and the common centre of gravity between them and the third is to be found in the same man- ner, and so of the rest. Let the weights a,B, and c, for example, be suspended from three points of the line or balance pF (Fig. }.), which we shall suppose to have no weight. Let the body Fig. 1. A weigh 108 pounds; zs 144, c 180; and let the dis- tance D E be 1] inches, and & F, 9. a= First find the common centre of gravity of the c ae A AO bodies z and c, by dividing the distance & F, or 9 inches, into two parts, which are to each other as 144 to 180, oras 4to 5. These two parts will be 4. and 5 inches; the greater of which must be placed towards the smaller weight: the body B being here the smaller we shall have = c equal to 5 inches, and r G to 4; consequently p eG will be 16. If we now suppose the two weights B and c, united into one in the point c, and consequently equal in that point to 324 pounds ; the distance pc, or 16 inches, must be divided in the ratio of 108 to 324, or of | to3. One of these parts will be 12 and the other 4; and as a isthe less weight, p H must be made equal to 12 inches, and the point u will be the common centre of gravity of all the three bodies, as required. — The result would have been the same, had the bodies a and B been first, united. In short, the rule is the same whatever be the number of the bodies, and whatever be their position in the same straight line or in the same plane. This may suffice here in regard to the centre of gravity. But for many curious - truths deduced from this consideration, recourse may be had to books which treat on mechanics. We shall however mention one beautiful principle in this science, deduced from it, which is as follows : If several bodies or weights be so disposed, that by communicating motion to each other, their common centre of gravity remains at rest, or does not deviate from the hori- zontal line, that is to say neither rises nor falls, there will then be an equilibrium. The demonstration of this principle is almost evident from its enunciation ; and it may be employed to demonstrate all the properties of machines. But we shall leave the application of it to the reader. 198 , MECHANICS, Remark.— As this is the proper place, we shall here discharge a promise made at * p. 183, viz. to resolve a geometrical problem, the solution of which, as we said, seems to be only deducible from the property of the centre of gravity. Let the proposed irregular polygon then be AaBcDE (Fig. 2.), the sides of which are each divided into two equal parts, in a, b, c, d, and e, from which results a new polygona bcdea; let the sides of the latter be each divided also into two equal parts by the points a’, 0’, c’, d’, e’, which when joined will give a third polygon a’ b’ c’ d' e’ a’; and soon. Inwhat point will this division terminate ? To solve this problem, if we suppose equal weights placed at a, b, c, d, e, their common centre of gravity will be the point required. © But, to find this centre of gravity, we must proceed in the following manner, — Fig..3. which is exceedingly simple. First draw ab (Fig. 3.) and let the ; middle of it be the point f; then draw fe, and divide it in g, in such a manner that fg shall be one third of it; draw also gd, and let gh be the fourth of it; in the last place draw he, and let hi be the fifth of it: the weight e being the last, the point 7, as may be demonstrated from what has been before said, will be the ‘centre of gravity of the five equal weights placed at a, b, c, d, and e; and will solve the proposed problem. PROBLEM V. When two persons carry a burthen, by means of a lever or pole, which they support at the extremities; to find how much of the weight is borne by each person. It may be readily seen that, if the weight c were exactly in aa yr the middle of the lever an (Fig.4.), the two persons would a= each bear one half. But if the weight is not in the middle, it ah can be easily demonstrated, that the parts of the weight borne by the two persons, are in the reciprocal ratio of their distance from the weight. Nothing then is necessary but to divide the weight according to this ratio; and the greater portion will be that supported by the person nearest the weight, and the least that supported by the person farthest distant. The calculation may be made by the following proportion : As the whole length of the lever a8, is to the length a x, so is the whole weight to the weight supported by the power or person at the other extremity B; or as aB is to B £, so is the whole weight to the part supported by the power or person — placed at a. If az, for example, be 6 feet, the weight c 150 pounds, az 4 feet, and pr 2, we shall have this proportion: as 6 is to 4, so is 150 to a fourth term, which will be 100. The person placed at the extremity B, will therefore support 100 pounds, and conse- quently the one placed at.a will have to support only 50. - Remark.—The solution of this problem affords the means of dividing a burthen or weight proportionally to the strength of the agents employed to raise it, Thus, for example, if the one has only half the strength of the other, nothing is necessary but to place him at a distance from the weight double to that of the other. PROBLEM VI. How 4, 8, 16, or 32 men may be distributed in such a manner as to carry a considerable burthen with ease. If the burthen can be carried by four men, after having made it fast to the middle of a large lever az (Fig 5.), cause the extremities of this lever to rest on two shorter ones cp and EF, and place a man at each of the points c, D, x, and F: sl MECHANICAL PROBLEMS. . 199 it is evident that the weight will then be equally distributed among these four eoffof.f persons. n bara If eight men are required, pursue the ; Wi; same method with the levers cp and EF, . WT as was employed in regard to the first; A that is, let the extremities of c p be sup- ported by the two shorter ones ab and ed; and those of eF by the levers ef and gh: if aman be then stationed at each of the points a, b, c,d, e, f, g, h, they will be all equally loaded. The extremities of the levers or poles a b, ed, ef, and gh, might, in like manner, be made to rest on others placed at right angles to them: by means of ‘this artifice the weight would be equally distributed among sixteen men. And so of any other number. We have heard that this artifice is employed at Constantinople, to raise and carry the heaviest burthens, such as cannons, mortars, enormous stones, &c, The velocity, it is added, with which burthens are transported from one place to another, by this method, is truly astonishing. ; PROBLEM VII. A rope acB (fg. 6.), of a determinate length, being made fast by both ends, but not stretched to two points of unequal height, aand B; what position will be assumed by the weight P, suspended from a pulley which rolls freely on that rope. Fig. 6. From the points a and B, let fall the indefinite vertical lines “® ap and sq; then from the point a, with an opening of the “compasses equal to the length of the rope, describe an arc of a circle, intersecting the vertical line BG inE: and from the point B deseribe a similar arc of a circle, intersecting the vertical line AD inp: if the lines az and BD be.then drawn, the point o, where they cut each other, will give the position of the rope AcB, when the weight has assumed that position in which it - must rest; and the point c will be that in which the pulley will settle. For it may be easily demonstrated, that in this situation the weight Pp will be in the lowest position possible, which is an invariable principle of- the centre of gravity. PROBLEM VIII. To cause a pail full of water to be supported by a stick, one half of which only, or less, rests on the edge of a table. | To make the reader comprehend properly the method of performing this trick, in regard to equilibrium, we have given, in the annexed figure, a section of the table and the bucket. In this figure let aB be the top of the table, on Fig. 7. which is placed the stick cp. Convey the handle of ¢ R11”? the bucket over this stick, in such a manner that it may rest on it in an inclined position; and let the middle of the bucket be within the edge of the table. That the whole apparatus may be fixed in this situ- ation, place another stick GFE, with one of its ends resting against the corner G of the bucket, while the middle part rests against the edge F of the bucket, and its other extremity against the first stick cp, in 5, where there ought to be a notch to retain it. By these means the bucket will remain fixed in that situation, without being able to incline to Ff = 200 MECHANICS. either side; and if not already full of water, it may be filled with safety; for its 4 centre of gravity being in the vertical line passing through the point 4,which itself meets with the table, it is evident that the case is the same as if the pail were suspended — from the point of the table where it is met by that vertical. It is also evident that | the stick cannot slide along the table, nor move on its edge, without raising the | centre of gravity of the bucketyand of the water it contains. The heayier therefore | it is, the greater will be the stability. | Remark.—According to this principle, various other tricks of the same kind, which are generally proposed in books on mechanics, may be performed. For example, provide a-bent hook pg F, as seen at the opposite end of the same figure, and insert the part rv, in the pipe of a key at p, which must be placed on the edge of a table; from the lower part of the hook suspend a weight c, and dispose the whole in such a manner that the vertical line Gp may be a little within the edge of the table. When this arrangement has been made, the weight will not fall, and the case will be the same with the key, which had it been placed alone in that situation would per- haps have fallen; and this resolves the following mechanical problem, proposed in_ the form of a paradox: A body having a terdency to fall by its own weight, how to prevent it from falling, by adding to it a weight on the same side on which it tends to fall. ; The weight indeed appears to be added on that side, but in reality it is on the op- posite side. PROBLEM IX. 3 To hold a stick upright on the tip of the finger, without its being able to fall. Fig. 8. Affix two knives, or other bodies, to the extremity of the stick, in such a manner that one ef them may incline to one side, and the second to the other, as seen in the figure (Fig. 8.): if this extremity be placed on the tip of the finger, the stick will keep itself upright, without falling; and if it be made to incline, it will raise itself again, and recover its former situation. ™ For this purpose, the centre of gravity of the two weights added, and of the stick, must be below the point of suspension, or the extremity of the stick, and not at the extremity, as as- serted by Ozanam; for in that case there would be no stability. — It is the same principle that keeps in an upright position those small figures furnished with two weights, to counter- balance them; and which are made to turn and balance, while the point of the foot rests on a small ball, loosely placed on a sort of stand. Of this kind is the small figure p (Fig. 9.), supported on the stand 1, by a ball =, through which passes a bent wire, having affixed to its extremities two balls of lead, c and Fr. The centre of gravity of the whole, which is at a con- siderable distance below the point of support, maintains the figure upright, and makes it resume its perpendicular position, after it has been inclined to either side; for this centre tends to place itself as low as possible, which it cannot do without making the figure stand upright. PROBLEMS IN BALANCING. 201 By the same mechanism, three knives may be disposed in such a manner as to turn on the point of a needle; for being disposed as seen_in the figure (Fig. 10.), and placed in equilibrio on the point of a needle held in the hand, they cannot fall, be- cause their common centre of gravity is far below the point of the needle, which is above the point of support. PROBLEM X. To construct a figure, which, without any counterpoise, shall always raise itself upright and keep in that position, or regain tt, however it may be disturbed, Make a figure resembling a man, of any substance exceedingly light, such as the pith of the elder tree, which is soft and can be easily cut into any form at pleasure. Then provide for it an hemispherical base of some very heavy substance, such as lead. The half of a leaden bullet, made very smooth on the convex part, will be proper for this purpose. If the figure be cemented to the plane part of this hemisphere; then, in whatever position it may be placed, as soon as it is left to itself, it. will rise upright (Fig. 11.); because the centre of gravity of its he- mispherical base being in the axis, tends to approach the horizontal plane as much as possible, and this can never be the case till the axis becomes perpendicular to the horizon; for the small figure above scarcely deranges it from its place, on account of the disproportion between its weight and that of its base. In this manner were constructed those small figures called Prussians, sold at Paris some years ago. ‘Tbey were formed into battalions, and being made to fall down by drawing a rod over them, they immediately started up again as soon as it was removed. Screens of the same form-have been-since invented, which always rise up of them- selves, when they happen to be pressed down. PROBLEM XI. If a rope AcB, to the extremities of which are affixed the given weights P and Q, be made to pass over two pulleys A and B; and if a weight R be suspended from the point c, by the cord Rc; what position will be assumed by the three weights and the ropeacse? (fig. 12.) a ee Fig. 12. In the line ab, perpendicular to the horizon, as- me sume any part ac, and on that part as a base, de- scribe the triangle adc, in such a manner, that ae shall be to ed, as the weight r to the weight Pp; and that ac shall be toad, as R to Q; then through | A, draw the indefinite line ac, parallel to ed; and through B, draw BC, parallel toad: the point c, where these two lines intersect each other, will be the point required, and will give the position a cB of the rope. For, if in R c continued we assume c D, equal toa c, and describe the parallelogram EDF; it is evident that we shall have c¥F and cE equal to ed andad; and therefore the three lines Ec, cD, andc F will be as the weights P, Rn,and Q ; consequently the two forces acting from c to F, and from c to &, or in the direction of the lines c A and cB, will be in equilibrio with the force which acts from c towards R. Remarks.—Ist. If the ratio of the weights were such, that the point of intersection c should fall on the line a 8, or above it, the problem in this case would be impossible. 4 202 MECHANICS. The weight @, or the weight Pp, would overcome the other two in such a manner, that the point c would fall in B or 4; so that the rope would form no angle. | These weights also might be such that it would be impossible to construct the trie angle a c d, as if one of them were equal to or greater than the other two taken to- gether ; for, to make a triangle of three lines, each of them must be less than the other two. In that case the weight equal or superior to the other two would overcome them both, so that no equilibrium could take place. ‘ 2d, If instead of a knot at c, we should suppose the weight r suspended from a pulley capable of rolling on the rope a c B, the solution would be still thesame; for it is evident that, things being in the same state as in the first case, if a pulley were substituted for the knot c, the equilibrium would not be destroyed. But there would be one limitation more thanin the preceding case. It would be necessary that the point ofintersection, c, determined as above, should fall below the horizontal line, drawn through the point B; otherwise the pulley would roll to the point B, as if on an inclined plane. PROBLEM XII. - Calculation of the time which Archimedes would have required to move the earth, with the machine of which he spoke to Hiero. The expression which Archimedes made use of to Hiero, king of Sicily, is well known, and particularly to mathematicians. ‘‘ Give mea fixed point,” said the philo- sopher, “and I will move the earth from its place.” This affords matter for a very curious calculation, viz. to determine how much time Archimedes would have required to move the earth only one inch, supposing his machine constructed and mathemati- cally perfect ; that is to say, without friction, without gravity, and in complete equilibrium. For this purpose, we shall suppose the matter of which the earth is composed to weigh 300 pounds the cubic foot; being the mean weight nearly of stones mixed with metallic substances, such in all probability as those contained in the bowels of the earth. If the diameter of the earth be 7930 miles, the whole globe will be found to contain 261107411765 cubic miles, which make 14234991] 20882544640000 cubic yards, or 38434476263828705280000 cubic feet ; and allowing 300 pounds to” each cubic foot, we shall have 11530342879148611584000000 for the weight of the earth in pounds. Now, we know by the laws of mechanics that, whatever be the construction of a machine, the space passed over by the weight, is to that passed over by the moving — power, in the reciprocal ratio of the latter to the former, It is known also, that a man can act with an effort equal only to about 80 pounds for eight or ten hours, without intermission, and with a velocity of about 10000 feet per hour. If we sup- pose the machine of Archimedes then to be put in motion by means of a crank, and that the force continually applied to it is equal to 30 pounds, then with the velocity of 10000 feet per hour to raise the earth one inch, the moving power must pass over the space of 384344762638287052800000 inches ; and if this space be divided by 10000 feet, or 120000 inches, we shall have for quotient 3202873021985725440, which will be the number of hours required for this motion. But asa year contains 8766 hours, acentury will contain 876600; and if we divide the above number of hours by the latter, the quotient, 3653745176803, will be the number of centuries during which it would be necessary to make the crank of the machine continually turn, in order to move the earth only one inch. We have omitted the fraction of a century, as being of little consequence in a calculation of this kind.* * The machine is here supposed to be constantly in action: but if it should be worked only 8 hours each day, the time required would be three times as long. HYDROSTATICAL PARADOX. 203 PROBLEM XIII. With a very small quantity of water, such as a few pounds, produce the effect of several thousands. (Fig. 13.) Placea cask on one of its ends, and make a holein the other end, capable of admit- ting a tube, an inch in diameter and from 12 to 15 feet in length; which must be fitted Fig. 13. closely into the aperture by means of pitchor tow. Then load the upper é end of the cask with several weights, so that it shall be sensibly bent downwards ; and haying filled the cask with water, continue to pour some | in through the tube. The effort of this small cylinder of water will be so great, that not only the weights which pressed the upper end of the cask | downwards will be raised up, but very often the end itself will be bent up- wards, and form an arch in a contrary direction. Care however must be taken that the lower end of the cask rest on the ground; otherwise the first effort of the water would be’ directed down- L wards, and the experiment might seem to fail. By employing a longer tube, the upper-end of the cask might certainly be made to burst. The reason of this phenomenon may be easily deduced from a property pe- culiar to fluids, of which it isan ocular demonstration, viz. that when they press upon a base they exercise on it an effort proportioned to the breadth of that base multiplied by the height. Thus, though the tube used in this experiment contains only about _150 or 180 cylindric inches of water, the effort is the same as if the tube were equal in breadthto the cask, and at the same time 12 or 15 feet in height. Another Method. (Fig. 14.) Suspend from a hook, well fixed in a wall, or any other firm support, a body weigh- ing 100 pounds or more ; then provide a vessel of such dimensions, that between that body and its sides, there shall be room for only one pound of water; and let the vessel be suspended to Baa one of the arms of a balance, the other arm of which has suspended from it a scale, containing a weight of 100 pounds, Pour a pound of water into the vessel suspended from the one arm of the balance, and it will raise the scale containing the 100 pounds. Those who have properly comprehended the pre- ceding explanation, will find no difficulty in conceiv- ing the cause and necessity of this effect ; for they are both the same, with this difference only, that the water, instead of being collected in a cylindric tube, is in the narrow interval between the body i and the vessel which surrounds it: but this water exercises on the bottom of the vessel the same pressure that it would experience if entirely full of water. Another Method. Provide a cubic foot of very dry oak, weighing about 60.pounds, and a cubical ves- sel about a line or two larger every way. If the cubic foot of wood be put into the vessel, and water be poured into it, when the latter has risen to nearly two thirds of its height, the cube will be detached from the bottom, and float. Thus we see a weight of about 60 pounds overcome by half-a-pound of water and even less, Remark.—Hence it appears that the vulgar are in an error, when they imagine a’ body floats more readily in a large quantity of water than ina small one. It will always float, provided there be a sufficiency to prevent it from touching the bottom- If vessels are lost at the mouths of rivers, it isnot because the water is tooshallow. A rane / < _ 204 MECHANICS. but because the vessels are loaded so much, as to be almost ready to sink, even in salt water. But asthe water ofthe sea is nearly a thirtieth part heavier than fresh water, when a ship passes from the one into the other, it must sink more and go to the bottom. Thus an egg, which sinks in fresh water, will float in water which holds in solution a great deal of salt. The principle of the foregoing experiments is what has been called the Hydrostatic paradox, and it is on the same principle that Brahma’s Hydrostatic press is constructed. With this press, it has been justly observed, that ‘‘a prodigious force is obtained with the greatest ease and in a very small compass; so that with a machine of the size of a teapot standing on the table before him, a man shall cut through a thick bar of iron as easily as he could clip a piece of pasteboard with a pair of scissars.”” The following isa description of Brahma’s press, as commonly constructed. A (Fig. 15.) isa strong metal cylinder bored perfectly smooth and cylindrical, and into it is fitted the piston B, made perfectly water-tight, by packing it in the usual way. In the bottom of the cylinder is inserted the end of the tube c, the aperture of which communicates with the inside of the cylinder under the piston B, where it is shut by a small valve, as in the suction pipe of a common pump. The other end of the tube ccommunicates with the small forcing pump ez, worked by the lever H. Now, suppose the diameter of the cylinder a to be J2 inches, and that of the smaller pump £ and the tube c only a . quarter of an inch, the proportion between the covers of ‘S the ends of the pistons will be as ] to 2304,—and sup- posing the intermediate span between them to be filled. with water, the force of one piston will act on the other in that proportion. Suppose the small piston to be forced down in the act of injecting water with a force of 20 cwt.—which may easily be done by the lever u—the — piston 8 would be forced upwards with a force 2304 times as great. Hence, with this machine, by the aid ofa simple lever, a weight of 2304 tons may be raised through any given space better than by any other apparatus constructed on the known principles of mechanics. It may be observed, too, that the effect of all other mechanical combinations is counteracted by an accumulated complication of — parts which limits the intent to which they can be usefully carried,—but in machines depending on the principle under consideration, the power may be extended ad libitum . either by increasing the proportion between the diameters of © and a, or applying greater power to the lever H. Fig. 16. is a section shewing how, by means of fluids, the power and motion of one machine may be communicated to another, let their distance and relative situations be whatthey may. aand Bare two small smooth cylindrical ~ Fig. 16. tubes, inside of each being a portion made air-tight and water-tight. cc is a tube conveyed underground or otherwise, from the one cylinder to that of the other, — and this tube is filled with water till it touch the bot- tom of both pistons. Then by depressing the piston a, the piston B will be raised, and vice versa. Thus bells may be rung, wheels turned, or other machinery put motion, by invisible agency. Fig. 17. isa section shewing another instance of action and force communicated from one machine to another,—and how water may be raised from wells of any depth, and a’ any distance from the place where the power is applied. a is a cylinder of any re- quired dimensions, in which is the working piston B of the Brahma press, described above. Into the bottom of this cylinder is inserted thetube c, which may be of less # TO WEIGH A FOOT OF WATER. 205 dimensions than the cylinder a. This tube is conveyed in any direction down to the pump cylinder p in the deep well £ E, and forms a junction with p above the pis- ton F, which piston has a rod @ working through a stuff- ing box. To this rod Gc a weight # is connected over a pulley or otherwise, sufficient to overbalance the weight of the water in the tube c, and to raise the piston F when the piston B is lifted. Suppose, now, the piston B is drawn up by its rod, there will bea vacuum made in D below the piston F, which vacuum will be filled with water, through the suction pipe, by the pressure of the atmosphere. . The piston B, being pressed downwards in the cylinder a, will make a stroke in the pump cylinder p, which may be repeated in the usual way by the motion of the pis- ton B and the action of the water in the tube c. The small tube and cock in the cistern 1 are for the purpose of charging the tube c. By these meansa commodious machine of prodigious power and of the greatest strength may readily be formed: all that is required is accurate execution, which in the present state of the mechanical arts is quite attainable. PROBLEM XIV. To find the weight of a cubic foot of water. To know the weight of a cubic foot of water is one of the most essential elements of hydrostatics and hydraulics; and for that reason we shall here show how it may be accurately determined. Provide a vessel, capable of containing exactly a cubic foot, and having first weighed it empty, weigh it again when filled with water. But as liquids always rise considerably above the edges of the vessel that contains them, the result in this case will not be very correct. There are means indeed to remedy this defect; but we are furnished with a very accurate method of doing it by hydrostatics. rovide a cube of some very homogeneous matter, such: as metal, each side of which is exactly four inches; weigh it by a good balance, in order to ascertain its weight within a few grains ; then suspend it by a hair, or strong silk thread, from one of the scales of the same balance, and again find its weight when immersed in water. We are taught by hydrostatics that it will lose exactly as much in weight as the weight of an equal volume of water. The difference of these two weights therefore will be the weight of a cube of water, each side of which is tour inches, or of the twenty-seventh part of a cubic foot. If very great precision is not required, provide a cube or rectangular parallelopipe- don, of any homogeneous matter, lighter than water—such, for example, as wood; and having weighed it as accurately as possible, immerse it gently in water, in such a manner. that the water may not wet it above that point at which it ought to float above the liquid. We shall here suppose that imp (Fig. 18.) is the line, which exactly marks how much of it is immersed. Find the content: of the solid azn cpm1, by multiplying its base by the height; the product will be the volume of water dis- placed by the body; and this volume, according to the principles of hydrostatics, must weigh as much as the body itself. If this volume of water be 720 cubic inches, for example, and if the weight of the body be 26-0416 pounds, we consequently know that 720 cubic inches of water weigh 26°0416 pounds. Hence it will be easy to determine the weight of a cubic foot, which con- tains 1728 cubic inches. Nothing is necessary but to make this proportion: as 720 a 206 MECHANICS. cubic inches are to 1728, so are 26°0416 pounds to a fourth term, which will be 62°5 | pounds, or 62 pounds and a half; which therefore is the weight of a cubic foot | } water. | PROBLEM XV. | Two liquors being given ; to determine which of them is the lightest. | This problem is generally solved by means of: a well known in : ment called the areometer or hydrometer. This instrument is nothing else than a small hollow ball, joined toa tube 4 or 5 inches in lengtill (Fig. 19.); a few grains of shot, or a little mercury, being put into the — ball, the whole is so combined, that in water of mean gravity, the small ball and part of the tube are immersed. It may now be easily conceived that when the instrument is put into any fluid, for example river water, care must be taken to observe how far it sinks into it; if it be then placed in another kind of water, such as sea water, for instance, it will sink less; and if immersed in any liquor lighter than the first, such as oil for example, it will sink farther, Thus it can be easily determined, without a balance, which of two liquors is the heavier or lighter. This instrument has commonly on the tube a graduated scale, in order to shew how far it sinks in the fluid. But this instrument is far inferior to that presented, in 1766, by M. : de Parcieux, to the Academy of Sciences, and yet nothing is simpler. This instrument consists of a small glass bottle, two inches, or two inches and a half at most, in diameter, and from six to eight inches in length. The bottom must not be bent inwards, lest: air should be lodged in the cavity when it is immersed in any liquid. ‘The mouth is closed with a very tight cork stopper, into which is fixed, without passing through it, a very straight iron wire, 25 or 30 inches in length, and about a line in diameter. The bottle is then loaded in such a manner, by introducing | into it grains of small shot, that the instrument, when immersed in the lightest of the liquors to be compared, sinks so as to leave only the end of the iron wire above its surface, and that in the heaviest the wire is immersed some inches. This may be properly regulated by augmenting or diminishing either the weight with which the bottle is loaded, or the diameter of the wire, or both these at the same time. The instrument, when thus constructed, will exhibit, in a very sensible manner, the least difference in the specific gravities of different liquors, or the changes which the same liquor may experience, in this respect, under different circumstances; as by the effect of heat, or by the mixture of various salts, &c. It may be readily conceived, that to perform experiments of this kind, it will be necessary to have a vessel of a sufficient depth, such as a cylinder of tin-plate, 3 or 4 inches in diameter, and 3 or 4 feet in length. We have seen an instrument of this kind, the movement of which was so sensible, that when immersed in water, cooled to the usual temperature, it sank several inches, while the rays of the sun fell upon the water; and immediately rose on the rays of that luminary being intercepted. A very small quantity of salt or sugar, thrown into the water, made it also rise some inches. By means of this instrument, M. de Parcieux examined the gravity of different kinds of the most celebrated waters; among which was that drank at Paris; and he found that the lightest of all was distilled water. The next in succession, according to their lightness, were as in the following order; viz., the water of the Seine, that of the Loire, that of the Yvette, that of Arcueil, that of Sainte-Reine, that of Ville d’Avray, the Bristcl water, and well water. ; We hence see the error of the vulgar, who imagine that the water of Ville d’ Arvay, that of Sainte-Reine, and that of Bristol, particularly the last brought to France, at a é WEIGHT OF LIQUORS. 207 so great expense, are better than common river water; for they are, on the contrary, worse, since they are heavier. If different kinds of water differ in their gravity, the case is the same with wines also. ‘The lightest of all the known wines, at least in France, is the Rhenish. The next in succession are Burgundy, red Champagne, the wines of Bourdeaux, Langue- doc, Spain, the Canaries, Cyprus, &c. The lightest of all the known liquors is ether. The others, which follow in the order of gravity, are: alcohol, oil of turpentine, distilled water, rain water, river ‘water, spring water, well water, mineral waters. Among the tables, annexed to this part of the work, the reader will find one containing the specific gravity of various liquors, compared with that of rain water; which, being the easiest procured, may serve as a common standard, and also the specific gravity of the different solid bodies, whether belonging to the mineral, vegetable, or animal kingdom; which will doubtless be found very useful, as it is often necessary to have recourse to tables of this kind. As the following rules for calculating the absolute gravity, in English troy weight, of a cubic foot and inch, English measure, of any substance whose specific gravity is known, may be of use to the reader, the translator has thought proper to subjoin them to this article of the original. In 1696, Mr. Everard, balance-maker’ to the Exchequer, weighed before the com- missioners of the House of Commons, 2145°6 cubical inches, by the Exchequer standard foot, of distilled water, at the temperature of 55° of Fahrenheit, and found that it weighed 1131 oz. 14 drs. troy, of the Exchequer standard. The beam turned with 6 grains, when loaded with 30 pounds in each scale. Hence, supposing the pound averdupois to weigh 7000 grs. troy, a cubic foot of water weighs 623 pounds averdupois, or 1000 ounces averdupois, wanting 106 grs. troy. If the spe- cific gravity of water therefore be called 1000, the proportion of specific gravities of all other bodies will express nearly the number of averdupois ounces in a cubic foot. Or, more accurately, supposing the specific gravity of water ex- pressed by 1, and that of all other bodies in proportional numbers, as the cubic foot of water weighs, at the above temperature, exactly 437489:4 grains troy, and the cubic inch of water 253175 grains, the absolute weight of a cubical foot or inch of any body, in troy grains, may be found by multiplying its specific gravity by either of the above numbers respectively. By Everard’s experiment, and the proportions of the English and French foot, as established by the Royal Society and French Academy of Sciences, the following numbers have been ascertained : Paris grains, in a Paris cube foot of water .. .. .. «2 «oe «. 6455/1 English grains, in a Paris cube foot of water wietp sien Oo Behy qsetitan Baa aoe Paris grains, in an English cube foot of water .. .. «2 ss e* 533247 English grains, in an English cube foot of water .. .. .. «. «+ 4374894 English grains in an English cube inch of water .. .. + p 253307 By an experiment of Picard, with the measure and weight igs the Cha- telet, the Paris cube foot of water contains of Paris grains .. .. 641326 By one of Du Hamel, made with great care .. .. «2 1. «. oe 641876 By Homberg all nilse BANA cael of) Wel cole oo ee BLIOBS These results shew some ie PRUE RE in measure or in weights; but the above computation from Everard’s experiment may be relied on; because the comparison of the English foot with that of France, was made by the joint labour of the Royal Society of London, and the French Academy of Sciences. It agrees likewise, very nearly, with the weight assigned by Lavoisier, which is 70 Paris pounds to the cubical foot of water. Cm te a > Beas ee 208 -MECHANICS. PROBLEM XVI. To determine whether a mass of gold or silver, suspected to be mized, is pure or not. | If the mass or piece, the fineness of which is doubtful, be silver for example, pro- vide another mass of good silver equally heavy; so that the two pieces, when put into the scales of a very accurate balance, may remain in equilibrio in the air. Then. suspend these two masses of silver from the scales of the balance, by two threads or two horse-hairs, to prevent the scales from being wetted when-the two masses are immersed in. the water: if the masses are of equal fineness, they will remain in equilibrio in the water, as they did when in the air; but if the proposed mass weighs less in water, it is adulterated; that is to say, is mixed with some other metal, of less specific gravity than that of silver, such as copper for example; and if it weighs more, it is mixed with some metal of greater specific gravity, such as lead. Remarks.—1. This problem is evidently the same as that whose solution gave so much pleasure to Archimedes. Hiero, king of Syracuse, had delivered to a gold- smith a certain quantity of gold, for the purpose of making a crown. When the crown was finished, the king entertained some suspicion in regard to the fidelity of the goldsmith, and Archimedes was consulted respecting the best means of detecting the fraud, in case one had been committed. The philosopher, having employed the above process, discovered that the gold, of which the crown consisted, was not pure. If a large mass of metal were to be examined, as in the case of Archimedes, it would be sufficient to immerse the mass of gold or silver, known to be pure, ina vessel of water, and then the suspected mass. If the latter expelled more water from the vessel it would be a proof of the metal being adulterated by another = and of less value. But notwithstanding what Ozanam says, the difference between the weights in air and that in water will indicate the mixture with more certainty; for every body knows that it is not so easy, as it may at first appear, to measure the quantity of water expelled from any vessel. 2. According to mathematical rigour, the two masses ought first to be weighed in vacuo; for since air is a fluid, it lessens the real gravity of bodies by a quantity equal to the weight of a similar volume of itself. Since the two masses then, the one pure and the other adulterated, are unequal in volume, they ought to lose un- equal quantities of their weight in the air. But the great tenuity of air, in regard to that of water, renders this small error insensible. PROBLEM XVII. The same supposition made ; to determine the quantity of mixture in the gold. The ingenious artifice employed by Archimedes, is contained in the solution of this problem, and is as follows. Suspecting that the goldsmith had substituted silver or copper for an equal quan- tity of gold, he weighed the crown in water, and found that it lost a weight, which we shall call a: he then weighed in the same fluid a mass of pure gold, which in air was in equilibrio with the crown, and found that it lost a weight, which we shall call B; he next took a mass of silver, which in air was equal in weight to the crown, and weighing it in water, found that it lost a quantity c. He then employed this propor- tion: as the difference of the weights B and c, is to that of the weights a and B, so is the whole weight of the crown to that of the silver mixed in it. The answer, in this case, may be obtained by a very short algebraigal calculation, thongh the reason- ing is rather too prolix ; we shall however explain,t after having illustrated this rule by an example. Let us suppose that Hiero’s crown weighed 20 pounds in the air, and that when , i q fea . TO DISCOVER GOLD AND SILVER. . ; 209 weighed in water it lost a pound and a half. Archimedes, by weighing in air and in water, a mass of gold containing 20 pounds, must have found a difference of 1}; pound; and by weighing in like manner a mass of silver of 20 pounds, he must have found a difference of 1 ~ pound. As 4, in this case, is equal to 3, B to 22, and c to 22; hence the difference of a and B is 4, and that of B and c is 389: we must therefore use the following proportion : as 4§$ are to4Z, so is 20 toa fourth term, which will be 187 = 1] lbs. 8 oz. 5 dwts. The reasoning which conducted, or might have conducted, the Syracusan philoso- pher to this solution, isas follows. If the whole mass were of pure gold, it would lose, when weighed in water, 7, of its weight; and if it were of pure silver it would lose, when weighed in water, }, of its weight: consequently, if it loses less than the latter quantity, and more than the former, it must be a mixture of gold and silver; and the quantity of silver substituted for gold will be greater as the quantity of weight which the crown loses in water approaches nearer to 4, and vice versa. This mass of 20 pounds then must be divided into two parts, in the ratio of the following differences: viz. the difference between the loss which the crown experiences and that experienced by the pure gold; and the difference between the loss experienced by the crown and that experienced by the pure silver; these will be the proportions of the gold and silver mixed together in the crown ; and from'this reasoning is deduced the preceding rule. We must here observe, that it is not necessary to take two masses, one of gold and another of silver, each equal in weight to the crown. — It will be sufficient to ascer- tain that gold loses a nineteenth of its weight, when weighed in water; and silver one eleventh, and perhaps this was really the method employed by Archimedes, PROBLEM XVIII. _ Suppose there are two boxes exactly of the same size, similar and of equal weight, the one containing gold and the other silver: is it possible, by any mathematical means, to determine which contains the gold, and which the silver? Or, if we suppose two balls the one made of gold and hollow, the other of solid silver gilt, is it pos- sible to distinguish the gold from the silver ? In the first case, if the masses of gold and silver are each placed exactly in the middle of the box which contains it, so that their centres of gravity coincide, whatever may be said in the old books on Mathematical Recreations, we will assert that there are no means of distinguishing them, or at least that the methods proposed are defective. The case is the same in regard to the two similar globes of equal size and weight, If we were however under the necessity of making a choice, we would endeavour to distinguish the one from the other in the following manner. We would suspend both balls by as delicate a thread as possible to the arms of a very accurate balance, such as those which, when loaded with a considerable weight, are sensibly affected by the difference of a grain. We would then immerse the two balls in a large vessel filled with water, heated to the degree of ebullition, and that which should preponderate we would consider as gold For, according to the experiments made on the dilatation of metals, the silver, passing from a mean tem- perature, to that of boiling water, would probably increase more in volume than the gold; in that case the two masses, which in air and temperate water were in equilibrio, would not be soin boiling water. Or, we might make a round hole in a plate of copper, of such a size, that both balls should pass exactly through it with ease; we might then bring them to a strong degree of heat, superior even to that of boiling water. Now, if we admit that silver expands more than gold, as above supposed, we might apply each of them to the hole in question, and the one which experienced the greater difficulty in passing, ought to beaccounted silver. “ 210 . MECHANICS. PROBLEM XIX. Two inclined planes AB and AD being given, and two unequal spheres p and p; to bring them to an equitibrium in the angle, as seen in the figure. (Fig. 20.) The globes p and p, wiil be in equilibrio, if the powers with which they repel each other, in the direction of the line c c, which joins their centres, are equal. But the force with which the globe P tends to descend Fig. 20. along the inclined plane Ba, which is known, the inclina- tion of the plane being given, is to the force with which it acts in the direction c c, as radius is to the cosine of the angle ¢ c F; and in like manner, the force with which the weight p descends along D A, is to that with which it tends to move in the direction ec c, as radius is to the cosine of the anglece f: hence it follows, that as these second forces must be equal, the cosine of the angle c must have the same ratio to the cosine of the angle c, as the force with which the globe P tends to roll along B a, has to that with which p tends to roll along pa. Theratio of these cosines therefore isknown; and as in the triangle ce ¢ the angle G is known, since it is equal to the angle D a B, it thence follows that its sup- plement, or the sum of the two angles c and c, is alsoknown; and hence the problem is reduced to this, viz. to dividing a known angle into two such parts, that their cosines shall be in a given ratio; which isa problem purely geometrical. But, that we may confine ourselves te the simplest case, we shall suppose the angle A to be a right-angle. Nothing then will be necessary but to divide the quadrant into two arcs, the cosines of which shall be in the given ratio, which may be done with great ease. Let the force then with which p tends to move along its inclined plane be equal to m; and that of p to roll alongits plane equaltom. Draw a line parallel to the plane A B, ata distance from it equal to the radius of the globe p, and another parallel to the plane p 4, at a distance from it equal to the radius of p, which will intersect each other in a; having then made cu to GJ, asm tom, employ the following pro- portion: as LJ is to LG, so is the sum of the radii of the two globes to gc; and from the point c, draw ce parallel tou 1: the points c and c will be the places of the centres of the two globes, and in this situation alone they will be in equilibrio. PROBLEM XX. Two bodies, Pp and Q, depart at the same time from two points a and B, of two lines given in position, and move towards a and b, with given velocities: required their’ position when they are the nearest to each other possible? (Fig. 21.) If their velocities were to each other in the ratio of the lines Bp and a D, it is evident that the two bodies would meetin p. But sup posing their velocities different from that, there will be a certain point where, with- Fig. 21. out meeting, they will be at the least distance from iT a each other possible; and after that they will conti- nually recede from each other. Here, for example, the lines B p and a D are nearly equal. If we sup- pose then that the velocity of pis to that of @, in the ratio of 2 to 1, required the point of the nearest approach. Through any point R, in a D, draw the line RS parallel to B D, and in sucha manner, that a R shall be to R s, as the velocity of Pp is to that of q; that is to say, in the present case, as 2 to 1; produce indefinitely the line a s T, and from the point B draw B c perpendi- GRAVITY OF BODIES. 211 cular to A T; through the point c draw c £ parallel to b D, till it meet aD in E; and having drawn £ F parallel to c B, meeting 8 D in F, the points F and £ will be those required. PROBLEM XXI, To cause a cylinder to support itself on a plane, inclined to the horizon, without roll- ing down ; and even to ascend a little along that plane. (Fig. 22.) If a cylinder be homogeneous, and placed on an inclined plane, its axis being in a horizontal situation, it is evident that it will roll down; because its centre of gravity being the same as that of the figure, the vertical line, drawn from this centre, will always fall beyond the point of contact of the lowest side; consequently the body must of necessity roll down towards that side. But, if the cylinder be heterogeneous, so that its centre of gravity is not that of the figure, it may support itself on an inclined plane, provided the angle which the plane makes with the horizon does not exceed certain limits. Let there be a cylinder, for example, of which u F p is a section perpendicular to the axis. To remove its centre of gravity from the centre of the figure, make a groove in it parallel to its axis, of a semi-circular form, and fill it with some substance F much heavier, so that the centre of gravity of the cylinder shall be removed from cto £. Let the inclined plane be a zB, and let BG be to Ga ina less ratio thancrtocEr. The cylinder may then support itself on the inclined plane, without rolling down; and if it be moved from that position, in a certain direction, it will even resume it by rolling a little towards the summit of the plane. For, let us suppose the cylinder placed on the inclined plane with its axis horizontal, and its centre of gravity ina line parallel to the plane, and passing through the centre, in such a manner that the centre of gravity shall be towards the upper part of the Fig. 23. plane (Fig. 23.) Through the point.of contact, p, draw CDH perpendicular to the inclined plane, and 1D e per- pendicular to the horizon. We shall then have BG to G A, or BItOT D, as DItO TH, oras D ctoce; and since the ratio of B G to G A is less than that of cF orcp to cE, it follows that c e is less than c E, consequenly the vertical line drawn from the point = will fall without the point of contact towards A; the body therefore will have a tendency to fall on that side, and will roll towards it, ascending a very little till its centre of gravity E has assumed a position as seen Fig. 22, where it coincides with the vertical line passing through the point of contact. When the cylinder arrives at this situation, it will maintain itself in it, provided neither its surface nor that of the plane be so smooth as to admit of its sliding parallel to itself. In this situation it will even have greater stability, according as the ratio of B cto cis less than that of cr or cD to CE, or as the angle a BGor Cc De is less than cDE. This is also a truth which we must demonstrate. For this purpose, it is to be remarked that gE, thecentre of gravity of the cylinder, in rolling along the inclined plane, describes a curve, such as is seen in Fig. 24. "Fig. 24.; this is what geometricians call an elongated cycloid, which rises and descends alternately below the line drawn parallel to the inclined plane, through the centre of the cylinder. But the cylinder being in the position represented in Fig, 24, if the line = p be drawn from the centre of gravity to the point, of contact, it may be P Fig. 22. 912 MECHANICS. demonstrated that the tangent to the point E of that curve is perpendicular to D &: if the inclination of the plane therefore is less than the angle c p £, that tangent will meet the horizontal line towards the ascending side of the plane; and the centre of gravity of the cylinder will then be as on an inclined plane 1 K; consequently it must descend to the point L of the hollow of the curve, which it describes, where that curve is touched by the horizontal line. When it reaches this point it cannot deviate from it, without ascending on the one side or the other: if it be then removed a little from this point, it will return to its former position. PROBLEM XXII. ‘ To construct a clock which shall point out the hours, by rolling down an inclined plane. This small machine, invented by an Englishman named Wheeler, is exceedingly ingenious, and is founded on the principle contained in the solution of the preceding problem. Fig. 25. It consists of a cylindrical box, made of brass, four or five inches in diameter, and having on one side a dial plate, di- vided into 12 or 24 hours. In the inside, represented by Fig. 25, is a central wheel, which by means of a pinion moves a se~ cond wheel, and the latter moves a third, &c., while a scapement, furnished with a balance or spiral spring, acts the part of a moderator, as in common watches. To { the central wheel is affixed a weight Pp, which must be sufficient, with a moderate inclination, as 20 or 30 degrees, to move that wheel, and those which receive motion from it. But, as the machine ought to be perfectly in equilibrio around its central axis, a counteracting weight, of such a nature that the machine shall be absolutely indifferent to every position around this axis, must be placed diametrically opposite to the small system of wheels 2, 3,4, &c. When this condition has been obtained, the moving weight P must be applied; the effect of which will be to make the central wheel, 1, revolve, and by its means the clock movement 2, 3,4, &c.; but, at the same time that this motion takes place, the cylinder will roil down the plane a little, which will bring the weight P to its primitive position, so that the effect of this continual pressure will make the cylinder roll while the weight P changes its - place relatively, in regard to the cylinder, but not in regard to the vertical line. The weight P, or the inclination of the plane, must be regulated in such a manner, that the machine shall perform a whole revolution in twenty-four or twelve hours. The handle must be affixed to the common axis of the central wheel and weight P; so that it shall always look towards the zenith or the nadir. If more ornaments are required, the axis may support a small globe with a figure placed on it, to point out the hours with its finger raised in a vertical position. It may be readily conceived, that when the machine hag got to the lowest part of the inclined plane, to make it continue going, nothing will be necessary but to cause it to ascend to the highest. If it goes rather too slow, its movement may be accelerated by raising up the inclined plane, and vice versa. PROBLEM XXIII. To construct a dress, by means of which it will be impossible to sink in the water, and which shall leave the person, who wears it, at full freedom to make every hind of movement. 4 i LIFE BOAT. 213 As a man weighs very nearly the same as an equal volume of water, it is evident that a mass of some substance much lighter than that fluid may be added to his body, by which means both together will be lighter than water, and of course must float. It is in consequence of this principle that, in order to learn to swim, some people tie to their breast and back two pieces of cork, or affix full blown bladders below their arms. But these methods are attended with inconveniences, which may be remedied in the following manner. Between the cloth and lining of a jacket, without arms, place small pieces of cork, an inch and a half square, and about half or three quarters of an inch in thickness. They must be arranged very near to each other, that as little space as possible may be lost; but yet not so close as to affect in any degree the flexibility of the jacket, which must be quilted to prevent their moving from their places. The jacket must be made to button round the body, by means of strong buttons, well-sewed on; and to prevent its slipping off, it ought to be furnished behind with a kind of girdle, so as to pass between the thighs and fasten before. By means of such a jacket, which will occasion as little embarrassment as a com- mon dress, people may throw themselves into the water with the greatest safety ; for if it be properly made the water will not rise over their shoulders. They will sink so little that even a dead body in that situation would infallibly float. The wearers therefore need make no effort to support themselves; and while in the water they may read or write, and even load a pistol and fire it. In the year 1767 an ex- periment was made of all these things, by the Abbé de la Chapelle, fellow of the Royal Society of London, by whom this jacket was invented. It is almost needless to observe how useful this invention might be on land as well as at sea. A sufficient number of soldiers, provided with these jackets, might pass a deep and rapid river in the night time, armed with pistols and sabres, and surprise a corps of the enemy. If repulsed, they could throw themselves into the water, and escape without any fear of being pursued. During sea voyages, the sailors, while employed in dangerous manceuvres, often fall overboard and are lost; others perish in ports and harbours by boats oversetting in consequence of a heavy swell, or some other accident; in short, some vessel or other is daily wrecked on the coasts, and it is not without difficulty that only a part of the crew are saved. If every man, who trusts himself to this perfidious element, were furnished with such a cork jacket, to put on during the moments of danger, it is evident that many of them might escape death. PROBLEM XXIV. To construct a boat which cannot be sunk, even if the water should enter it on all sides. Cause a boat to be made with a false bottom, placed at such a distance from the real one, as may be proportioned to the length of the boat, and to its burthen and the number of persons it is intended to carry. According to the most accurate . calculation, this distance, in our opinion, ought to be one foot, for a boat eighteen feet in length, and five or six in breadth. The vacuity between this false bottom and the real one ought to be filled up with pieces of cork, placed as near to each other as possible: and as the false bottom will lessen the sides of the boat, they may he raised proportionally ; leaving large apertures, that the water thrown into tne vessel may be able to run off. It may be proper also to make the stern higher, and to furnish it with a deck, that the people may take shelter under it, in case the boat should be thrown on its side by the violence of the waves. Boats constructed in this manner might be of great utility for going on board a vessel lying in a harbour, perhaps several miles from the shore; or for going on shore from a ship anchored at a distance from the land. Unfortunate accidents too 214 MECHANICS. often happen on such occasions, when there is a heavy surf, or in consequence of some sudden gust of wind; and it even appears that sometimes the greatest danger of a voyage is to be apprehended under circumstances of this kind. But boats con- structed on the above principle would prevent such accidents. Much we confess is to be added to this idea, presented here in all its simplicity; for some changes perhaps ought to be made in the form of the vessel; or heavy — bodies ought to be added in certain places to increaseits stability. This is a subject of research well worth attention, as the result of it might be the preservation of thousands of lives every year. For this invention we are indebted to M. de Bernieres, one of the four controllers general of bridges and causeways: who in 1769 constructed a boat of this kind for the king. Heafterwards constructed another with improvements for the Duke de Chartres; and a third for the Marquis de Marigny. The latter was tried by filling "4 it with water, or endeavouring to make it overset; but it righted as soon as left to itself; and though filled with water, was still able to carry six persons. By this invention the number of accidents which befall those who lead a sea- faring life, may in future be diminished; but the indifference with which the inven- tion of M. de Bernieres was received, shews how regardless men are of the most useful discoveries, when the general interests of humanity only are concerned, and when trouble and expense are required to render them practically useful.* PROBLEM XX¥. How to raise from the bottom of the sea a vessel which has sunk. This difficult enterprise has been several times accomplished by means of a very simple hydrostatical principle, viz., that if a boat be loaded as much as possible, and then unloaded, it tends to raise itself with a force equal to that of the weight of the volume of water which it displaced when loaded. And hence we are furnished with the means of employing very powerful forces to. raise a vessel that has been sunk. The number of boats employed for this purpose, must be estimated according to the size of the vessel, and by considering that the vessel weighs in water no more than the excess of its weight over an equal volume of that fluid; unless the vessel is firmly bedded in the mud; for then she must be accounted of her full weight. The boats being arranged in two rows, one on each side of the sunk vessel, the ends of cables, by means of divers, must be made fast to different parts of the vessel, so that there shall be four on each side, foreach boat. The ends of these cables, which ’ remain above water, are to be fastened to the head and stern of the boat for which they are intended. Thus, if there are four boats on each side, there must be thirty- two cables, being four for each boat. When every thing is thus arranged, the boats are to be loaded as much as they will bear without sinking, and the cables must be stretched as much as possible. The boats are then to be unloaded, two and two, and if they raise the vessel, it is a sign that there is a sufficient number of them; but in raising the vessel, the cables affixed — to the boats which remain loaded will become slack, and for this reason they must be again stretched as muchas possible. The rest of the boats are then to be nnloaded, by shifting their lading into the former. The vessel will thus be raised a little more, and the cables of the loaded boats will become slack; these cables being again stretched, the lading of the latter boats must be shifted back into the others, which will raise the vessel still a little higher; and if this operation be repeated as long as * Vessels constructed on this principle, known under the name of Life Boats, are in very general use ; and have been the means of saving the lives of many who would otherwise have perished by shipwreck. They were first constructed at Shields by Mr. Greathead ; but a humble mechanic of the name of Wouldhave is said to have been the original inyentor. —— TO RAISE SUNKEN VESSELS. 215 necessary, she may be brought to the surface of the water, and conveyed into port, or into dock. An account of the manceuvres employed to raise, in this manner, the Tojo, a Spanish ship belonging to the Indian fleet, sunk in the harbour of Vigo, during the battle on the 10th of October 1702, may be seen in the ‘‘ Mémoires des Academi- ciens étrangers,” vol. Ii. But as this vessel had remained more than thirty-six years in that state, it was imbedded in a bank of tenacious clay, so that it required incre- dible labour to detach it; and when brought to the surface of the water, it con- tained none of the valuable articles expected. It bad been one of those unloaded by the Spaniards themselves, before they were sunk, to prevent them from falling into the hands of the English. Additions.—On the same principle is constructed the camel, a machine employed by the Dutch for carrying vessels heavily laden over the sand banks in the Zuyder- Zee. In that sea, opposite to the mouth of the river Y, about six miles from the city of Amsterdam, there are two sand banks, between which is a passage, called the Pampus, sufficiently deep for small vessels, but not for those which are large and heavily laden. On this account ships which are outward bound, take in before the city only a small part of their cargo, receiving the rest when they have got through the Pampus. And those that are homeward bound must ina great measure unload before they enter it. For this reason the goods are put into lighters, and in these transported to the warehouses of the merchants in the city; and the large vessels are then made fast to boats, by means of ropes, and in that manner towed through the passage to their stations. . Though measures were adopted, so early as the middle of the sixteenth century, by forbidding ballast to be thrown into the Pampus, to prevent the farther accumu- lation of sand in this passage, that inconvenience increased so much, from other causes, as to occasion still greater obstruction to trade; and it at length became im- possible for ships of war and others heavily laden to get through it. About the year 1672, no other remedy was known, than that of making fast to the bottoms of ships large chests filled with water, which was afterwards pumped out, so that the ships were buoyed up, and rendered sufficiently light to pass the shallow. By this method, which was attended with the utmost difficulty, the. Dutch carried out their numerous fleet to sea in the above-mentioned year. This plan however gave rise soon after to the invention of the camel, by which the labour was rendered easier. The camel consists of two half ships, constructed in such a manner that they can be applied, below water, on each side of the hull ofa large vessel. On the deck of each part of the camel are a great many horizontal windlasses; from which ropes proceed through apertures in the one half, and, being carried under the keel of the vessel, enter similar apertures in the other, from which they are conveyed to the windlasses on its deck. When they are to be used, as much water as may be necessary is suffered to run into them; all the ropes are cast loose, the vessel is conducted between them, and large beams are placed horizontally through the port holes of the vessel, with their ends resting on the camel, on each side. When the ropes are made fast, so that the ship is secured between the two parts of the camel, the water is pumped from them, by which means they rise, and raise the ship along with them. Each half of the camel is generally 127 feet in length; the breadth at one end 1s 22, and at the other 13. The hold is divided into several compartments, that the machine may be kept in equilibrio, while the water is flowing into it. An East- India ship that draws 15 feet of water, can by the help of the camel be made to draw only 11; and the heaviest ships of war, of 90 or 100 guns, can be so lightened, as to pass without obstruction all the sand hanks of the Zuyder-Zee. Leupold, in his ‘‘ Theatrum Machinarum,” says that the camel was invented by a My 216 MECHANICS. ascribe this invention to a citizen of Amsterdam, called Meeuves Meindertszoon Bakker. Some make the year of the invention to have been 1688, and others 1690. However this may be, we are assured, on the testimony of Bakker himself, written in 1692, and still preserved, that in the month of June, when the water was at its usual height, he conveyed, in the course of twenty-four hours, by the help of the camel, a ship of war called Maagt van Enkhuysen, which was 156 feet in length, from Enkhuysen Hooft, to a place where there was sufficient depth; and that this could have been done much sooner, had not a perfect calm prevailed at the time. In the year 1693, he raised a ship called the Unie, six feet, by the help of this machine, and conducted her to a place of safety. As ships built in the Newa cannot be conveyed into harbour, on account of the sand banks formed by the current of that river, camels are employed also by the Russians, to carry ships over these shoals: and they have them of various sizes. Bernoulli saw one, each half or which was 217 feet in length, and 36 in breadth. Camels are used likewise at Venice.* : Cornelius Meyer, a Dutch engineer. But the Dutch writers, almost unanimously, | | PROBLEM XXVI. To make a body ascend as tf of itself along an inclined plane, in consequence of its own gravity. Provide a double cone (Fig. 26.), that is to say two right cones united at their bases, so as to have a common axis. Then make a supporter, consisting of two branches, forming an angle at the point c, which must be placed in such a manner that the summit c shall be below the horizontal line, and that the two branches or legs shall be equally in- clined to the horizon. The line as must be equal to the distance between the summits of the double cone, and the height ap a little less than the radius of the base. These conditions being supposed, if the double cone be placed between the legs of this angle, it will be seen to roll towards the top; so that the body, instead of descending, will seem to ascend, contrary to the affection of gravity: this however is not the case; for its centre of gravity really descends, as we shall here shew. Fig. 27 Let ac (Fig. 27.) be the inclined plane, eats _ containing the angle acs; ce the hori- zontal line, passing through the summit ¢,. and consequently ea will be the elevation of the plane above the horizontal line, which is less than the radius of the circle x C forming the base of the double cone. It is evident that when this double cone is at the summit of the angle, it will be as seen at cd; and when it reaches the highest part of the plane, it will have the position seen at a f: its centre then will have passed from d to a, and since dc is equal to a f, and ce is the horizontal line, ¢ f will be a line declining below the horizon; and consequently da, which is parallel to it, will be so also. The centre of gravity of the cone will therefore have descended, while the cone appeared to ascend. But, as has been already seen, it is the descent or ascent of the centre of gravity that determines the real descent or ascent of a body. As long as the centre of gravity can descend, the body therefore really moves in that direction, &c. * An engraving of the camel may be seen in“ LL’ Art de batir les Vaisseaux ;” Amsterdam, 1719. 4to. vol. ii. p,93. See also the ‘* Encyclopedie,’”’ Paris edition, vol. iii. p. 67. ee rie ’ WATER CLOCK. 217 It will be found, in the present case, that the course of the centre of gravity, in its whole descent, is a straight line. But a parabola or hyperbola might be situated in the same manner, with its summit downwards, and in that case the course of the centre of gravity of the double cone would be a curve. This may furnish a subject of exercise for young geometricians. PROBLEM XXVII. To construct a clock with water. (Fig. 28.) If the water which issues from a cylindric vessel, through a hole formed in its bottom, flowed in a uniform manner, nothing would be easier than to construct a clock, to indicate the hours by means of water. But it is well known that the greater the height of the water above the orifice through which it issues, the greater is the rapidity with which it flows; so that the vertical divisions ought not to be equal: the solution of the problem therefore consists in determining their ratio. It is demonstrated in hydraulics, that the velocity with which water flows from a vessel, through a very small orifice, is proportional to the square root of the height of the water above the aperture. And hence the following rule, for dividing 4 the height of the vessel, which we suppose to be cylindrical, SS == has been deduced. If we suppose that the whole water can flow out in twelve hours; divide the whole eight into 144 parts; then 23 of these will be emptied in the first hour; so that there will remain 121 for the other eleven. Of these 121 parts, 21 will be emptied during the second hour; then 19 will be emptied in the third, 17 in the fourth, and so on. As the 144th division therefore corresponds to twelve hours, the 121st will correspond to eleven; the 100th to ten; the 8lst to nine, &c.; till the last hour, during which only one division will be emptied. These divisions will comprehend in the retrograde order, beginning at the lowest, the first, 1 part; the second, 3; the third, 5; the fourth, 7, &c.; which is exactly the ratio of the spaces passed over in equal times by a body falling freely in consequence of its gravity. But, if it were required that the divisions, in the vertical direction, should be equal in equal times, what figure ought to be given to the vessel ? The vase, in this case, ought to be a parabolvuid, formed by the circumvolution of a parabola of the fourth degree ; or the biquadrates of the ordinates ought to be as the abscissas. If an orifice of a proper size were made in the summit of this para- - boloid; and if it were then inverted ; the water would flow from it in such a manner, that equal spaces of the vertical height would be emptied in equal times. The method of describing this parabola is as follows. Let ~ a Bs (Fig. 29.) be a common parabola, the axis of which is ps, and the summits. Draw,in any manner, the line rrr, parallel to that axis, and then draw any ordinate of the parabola a P, inter- secting R Tink; make PQ a mean proportional between PR and pa; and let pq be a mean proportional also between pr and pa; and soon. ‘The curve passing through all the points q, q, &c., will be the one required ; and it may be employed to form a mould for constructing a vessel of the required concavity. To what- ever height it shall be filled with water, equal heights will always be emptied in equal.times. In another part of this work, we shall give a method of making equal quantities 218 © MECHANICS. of water flow from a vessel of any form in equal times. As this depends on the property of the siphon, it belongs to a different head. PROBLEM XXVIII. A point being given, and a line not horizontal, to find the position of the inclined plane along which, if a body descend, setting out from the given point, it shall reaen that line in the least time. The following solution to this curious problem is by W. Rutherford, Esq., of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, and we give it here as much preferable to that by Montucla. Fig. 30 Let a be the given point, and 8 c the given line. A yz Through a draw a B parallel to the- horizon meeting \ c Bin B; make B F = BA, and join a F, andit is the line of quickest descent. Now draw F H perpendicular to B c meeting the verti- cal through ainw. Then the angles Ba Hand BrH being right-angles, are equal,—and because B a and BF are equal, B AF and BF A are equal ; therefore the angles H AF and HF a are equal,—and so therefore are HAandHF. Hence acircle described from H on a centre, with radius H A or H F, will touch ABandBFataandr. And drawing any line 4 K = from ato Bc, and cutting the circle at K, the time of descent down A F is equal to that down a K, and it is therefore less than the time down a 5. Mr. Rutherford solves also the kindred problem, ‘ ‘To determine the slope of aroot of a given width down which the rain may descend in the least time.” Let a B be the breadth of the building, and c its point of bisection ; and through a B draw the vertical line cp. Makec p= ac, and draw A P, PB: Aneel ap Bis the roof down which the rain or any heavy body will descend in the least time. Fig. 31. For draw P8 parallelto a B meeting the vertical drawn through 6 aatu. Then p=Ha,and a circle described from nH, with > radius HA or HP, wil] touch a Band cDat A and P: now the time = of descent from P to A is the same as that from F toa, and is cousequently less than that from ¢ to a, and a P B is therefore the roof down which rain will descend the quickest. PROBLEM XXIX. Two points aand B being given in the same horizontal line ; required the position of two planes a c and CB, of such an inclination, that two bodies descending with acce- lerated velocity from a to c, and then ascending along c B with the acquired velocity, » shall do so in the least time possible. (Fig. 32.) It is evident that a body placed at a, on the horizontal line a B, would remain there eternally without moving towards B. To makeit proceed therefore by the effect of Fig. 32. its own gravity from a to B, it must fall along an inclined plane i ora curve; so that, after having descended a certain space, it A i B shall ascend along a second plane, or the remainder of the curve, rua as far as B. But we shall suppose that this is done by means of two inclined planes. It is here to be observed, that the time employed to descend and ascend, must be longer or shorter ac- cording to the inclination and the length of these planes. The question then is, to determine what position of them is most advantageous, in order that the time may be the least. Now it will be found that to obtain the required position, the two planes must be equal and inclined to the horizon at an angle of 45° ; that is to say, the tri- angle ac B ought to be isosceles and right-angled at c. J * WATER BUCKETS. 219 This solution is deduced from that of the preceding problem; for if we conceive a vertical line drawn through the point c, it has been shewn that the plane a c, inclined at an angle of 45 degrees, is the most favourably disposed to make the body, sliding along it, arrive at the vertical line in the least time possible ; but the time of the ascent along c B, is equal to that of the descent; whence it follows that their sum, or the double of the former, is also the shortest possible. PROBLEM XXx. Ifa chain and two buckets be employed to draw up water from a weli of very great depth ; it ts required to arrange the apparatus in such a manner, that in every posi- tion of the buckets, the weight of the chain shall be destroyed ; so that the weight to be raised shall be that only of the water contained in the ascending bucket. (Fig. 33.) If two buckets be suspended from the two ends of a rope or chain, so as to ascend and descend alternately, while the rope rolls round the axis or wheel of the windlass which serves to raise them, it is evident that when one of the buckets is at the bottom, the person who begins t@ raise it has not only the weight of the bucket to support, but that also of the whole chain or rope fromthe top to the bottom of the well; and there are some cases, as in mines of three or four hun- dred feet in depth; where the weight of several quintals must be overcome to raise only two or three hundred pounds to the mouth of the mine. Such were the mines of Pontpean, until M. Loriot suggested a remedy for this inconvenience, This remedy is so simple, that it is astonishing no one ever thought of it before. Nothing indeed is necessary but to convert the rope or chain into a complete ring, one of the ends of which descends to the depth where the water or the ore is to be drawn up, and to affix the buckets to two points of the rope in such a manner that when one of them is at the highest part, the other shall be at the lowest. For it is evident that, as equal parts of the chain ascend and descend, these parts will counterbalance each other; and the weight to be raised, were the pit several thou- sand feet in depth, will be that only of the ore or other substances drawn up. The case would evidently be the same if there were only one bucket: in every position, the only weight to be raised would be that of the bucket, and the matter it contained; but the machine would be attended with only one half of its advantage ; for, by having no more than one bucket, the time which the bucket. when emptied would employ in descending would be lost. Remark.—In the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1731, M. Camus gave another method of remedying the above inconvenience. It consists, when there is only one bucket, in employing an axis nearly in the form of a truncated cone ; so that when the bucket is at the lowest depth, the rope is rolled round the part which has the least diameter; and when the bucket is at the top, it is rolled round that which has the greatest. By these means, the same force is always required. Butitis evident that, in every case, more must be applied than is necessary. When there are two buckets, M. Camus proposes that one half of the rope should be rolled round one half of the axis, which he divides into two equal parts ; so that one half is covered by the rope belonging to the bucket raised up, while the other is uncovered, the bucket which corresponds to it being at the bottom. By these means the two efforts are combined in such a manner, that nearly the same force is always required toovercome them. But these inventions, though ingenious, are inferior to that of M. Loriot. 220 MECHANICS. PROBLEM XXXI. Method of constructing ajack which moves by means of the smoke of the chimney. (Fig. 34.) The construction of this kind of jack, which is vem ingenious, is as follows. An iron bar fixed in the back of the chimney, and projecting from it about a foot,| serves to support a perpendicular spindle, the extremity| of which turns in a cavity formed in the bar; while the other extremity is fitted-into a collar in another bar, | placed at some distance above the former. This spindle is surrounded with a helix of tin plate, which makes a couple of revolutions, or turns round the spindle, and which is about a foot in breadth. But instead of this helix, it will be sufficient to cut several pieces of tin plate, or sheet-iron, and to fix them to the spindle in such a manner that their planes shall form with it an angle of about 60 degrees ; they must be disposed in several stories, above each other; so that the upper ones may stand over the vacuity left by the lower ones. The spindle, towards it summit, bears a horizontal wheel, the teeth of which turn a pinion having a horizontal axis, and the latter, at its extremity, is furnished* with a pulley, around which is rolled the endless chain that turns the spit. Such is the construction of this machine, the action of which may be explained in the following manner. When a fire is kindled in the chimney, the air which by its rarefaction immediately tends to ascend,meeting with the helicoid surface, or kind of inclined vanes, causes the spindle, to which they are affixed, to turn round, and consequently communicates the same motion to the spit. The brisker the fire becomes, the quicker the machine moves, because the air ascends with greater rapidity. When the machine is not used, it may be taken down, by raising the vertical ‘spindle a little, and removing the point from its cavity; which will allow the summit to be disengaged from the collar in which it is made to turn. When wanted for use, it may be put up with the same ease. MET Remarks.—\st.. The following mechanical amusement is founded on the same prin= ciple. Cut out from a card as large a circle as possible; then cut in this circle a spiral, making three or four revolutions, and ending at a small circle, reserved around the centre, and of about a line or two in diameter; extend this spiral by raising the centre above the first revolution, as if it were cut into a conical surface or paraboloid; then provide a small spit made of iron, terminating in a point, and rest ing on asupporter. Apply the centre orsummit of the helix to this point: and if the whole be placed on the top of a warm stove, the machine will soon put itself in motion, and turn without the assistance of any apparent agent. The agent however in this case is the air, which is rarefied by the contact of a warm body, and which ascending forms a current. 2d. There is no doubt that a similar invention might be applied to works of ore utility: it might be employed, for example, in the construction of wheels to be always immersed in water, their axis being placed parallel to the current: to give the water more activity this helicoid wheel might be inclosed in a hollow cylinder, where the water, when it had once entered, being impelled by the current above it, would in our opinion act with a great force. If the cylinder were placed in an erect position, so as to receive a fall of water through the aperture at the top, the water would turn the wheel and its axis, and BALANCING, 221 might thus drive the wheel of a mill, or of any other machine. Such is the principle of motion employed in the wheels of Basacle, a famous mill at Toulouse. 3d. The smoke jacks here in England are made somewhat different from that above described ; being mostly after the manner of that exhibited in Fig. 34*, where a Bis a circle containing the smoke vanes, of thin sheet iron, all fixed in the centre, but set obliquely at a proper angle of inclination. The other end of the spindle has a pinion c, which turns the toothed wheel p, on the spindle of which is fixed the vertical wheel £, over which passes the chain EF, which turns the spit below. There are other forms of this useful machine also made; but all or most of them having the same kind of vanes in the circle a B, instead of the spiral form in the original. PROBLEM XXXII. What is it es supports, in an upright position, a top or tetotum, while it ts revolving ? It is the iether force of the parts of the top, or tetotum, put in motion. For a body cannot move circularly without making an effort to fly off from the centre ; so that if it be affixed toa string, made fast to that centre, it will stretch it, and in a greater degree according as the circular motion is more rapid. The top then being in motion, all its parts tend to recede from the axis, and with greater force the more rapidly it revolves; hence it follows that these parts are like so many powers acting in a direction perpendicular to the axis. But as they are all equal, and as they pass all round with rapidity by the rotation, the result must be that the top is in equilibrio on its point of support, or the extremity of the axis on which it turns. PROBLEM XXXIII. How comes it that a stick, loaded with a weight at the upper extrenuty, can be kept in equilibrio, on the point of the finger, much easier than when the weight is near the lower extremity ; or that a sword, for example, can be balanced on the finger much better, when the hilt is uppermost 2 The reason of this phenomenon, so well known to all those who perform feats of balancing, is as follows. When the weight is at a considerable distance from the point of support, its centre of gravity, in deviating either on the one side or the other from a perpendicular direction, describes a larger circle than when. the weight is very near to the centre of rotation, or the point of support. But in a large circle an arc of a determinate magnitude, such as an inch, describes a curve which deviates much less from a horizontal direction than if the radius of the circle were less. The centre of gravity of the weight then may, in the first case, deviate from the perpen- dicular the quantity of an inch, for example, without having a tendency or force to deviate more, than it would in the second case; for its tendency to deviate altogether from the perpendicular is greater, according as the tangent to that point of the are where it happens to ‘be approaches more to a vertical direction. The greater there- fore the circle described by the centre of gravity of the weight, the less is its ten- dency to fall, and consequently the greater the facility with which it can be kept in equilibrio. PROBLEM XXXIV. What ts the most advantageous position of the feet for standing with firmness, in an erect posture ? It is customary among well-bred people to turn their toes outwards; that is to 929 MECHANICS, say, to place their feet in such a manner, that the line passing through the middle of the sole is more or less oblique to the direction towards which the person is turned,, Being induced by this circumstance to inquire whether this custom, to which an| idea of gracefulness is attached, be founded on any physical or mechanical reason,| we shall here examine it according to the principles of mechanics. Every body whatever rests with more stability on its base, according as its centre) of gravity, on account of its position and the extent of that base, is less exposed to be carried beyond it by the effect of any external shock. The problem then, in con- sequence of this very simple principle, is reduced to the following: To determine whether the base, within which the line drawn perpendicular to the horizon from’ the centre of gravity of the human body ought to fall, is susceptible of increase and diminution, according to the position of the feet; fe what is the position of the feet which gives to that base the greatest extent. But this becomes a problem of : pure geometry, which might be thus expressed: Two lines Fig. 35. AD and BC (Fig. 35.) of equal length, and moveable around the | the points a and 8, as centres, being given ; to determine their position when the trapezium or quadrilateral a Bc D is the! . greatest possible. ‘This problem may be solved with the’ \ greatest facility, by methods well known to geometricians ; | and from the solution the following construction is deduced. | On the line a d equal to aD, or BC, construct the isosceles triangle am d, right- | angled at H; and make AKequal to Au. Having then assumed a 1 equal to one half of AG, or one fourth of aB, draw the line K 1, and make I = equal to1K: on G &, if an indefinite perpendicular, intersecting in D, the circle described from the point a asa centre, with the radius A D, be then raised, the point pD, or the angle D AB, will determine the position of aD, and consequently of pc. If the line as, and consequently ac or a1, be nothing, or vanish, a& will be found equal to a m; and the angle p a®& will be half a right one. Thus, when the heels absolutely touch each other, the angle which the longitudinal lines of the soles of the feet | ought to form, is half a right one, or nearly so, on account of the small distance which is then between the two points of rotation, in the middle of the heels. If the distance a Bis equal to aD, the angle DAE ought to be 60 degrees; if a B is equal to twice a D, the angle pA E ought to be nearly 70 degrees; and in the last place, if aB be equal to three times the line aD, it will be found that pax ought to be nearly 74° 30. It is thence seen, that in proportion as the feet are at a greater distance from each other, their direction, in order to stand or walk with more stability, ought to approach nearer to parallelism. But, in general, mechanical principles accord with what is taught by custom and gracefulness, as it is called; that is to say, to turn the toes outwards. PROBLEM XXXv. Of the game of Billiards. It is needless to explain here the nature of billiards. It is well known that this game is played on a table covered with green cloth, properly stretched, and surrounded by a stuffed border, the elasticity of which forces back the ivory balls that impinge against it. The winning strokes at this game, are those which, by driving your ball against that of your adversary, force the latter into one of the holes at the corners, and in the middle of the two longer sides, which are called pockets. The whole art of this game then consists in being able to know in what manner you must strike your adversary’s ball with your own, so as to make it fall into one of the pockets, without driving your own into it also. This problem, and ‘some others belonging to the game of billiards, may be solved by the following principles. Ist. The angle of the incidence of the ball against one of the edges of the table, is equal to the angle of reflection. 2d. When a ball impinges against another, if a straight line be drawn between their centres, which will consequently pass through the point of contact, that line will be the direction of the line described after the stroke. These things being premised, we shall now give a few of the problems which arise out of this game. GAME OF BILLIARDS. 223 I, The position of the pocket and that of the two balls m and n being given (Fig. 36.) to strike your adversary’s ball m in such a manner, that it shall fall into the pocket. Fig. 36. Through the centre of the given pocket and that of the ball, draw, or conceive to be drawn, a straight line; the point where it intersects the surface of the ball, on the side oppo- site to or farthest from the pocket, will be that where it ought to be touched, in order to make it move in the required direction. If we then suppose the above line continued from one of the radii of the ball, the point 0, where it terminates, will be that through which the impinging ball ought to pass. It may be readily conceived, that it isin this that the whole dex- terity of the game consists; nothing being. necessary, but to strike the ball in the proper manner. It is easy to see what ought to be done, but it is not so easy to perform it. In the last place, it is evident from what has been said, that provided the angle Nos exceeds aright angle ever so little, it is possible to drive the ball m into the pocket. II.—To strike the ball by reflection. Fug. 37. The ball m (Fig. 37 ) being concealed, or almost concealed, = behind the iron, in regard to the ball nN, so that it would be impossible to touch it directly, without running the risk of striking the iron and failing in the attempt; it is necessary, in. that case; to try to touch it by reflection. For this purpose, cou- ceive the line mo, drawn perpendicular from m to the edge pc, to be continued to m: so that om shall be equal to om. If you aim at the point m, the ball Nn, after touching the edge Dc, will strike the ball m. If it were required to strike the ball m (Fig. 38.) by two reflections, the geometrical solution, in this case, is as - follows. Conceive the line mo, drawn perpendicular from the - point M, to the edge 3, to’ be continued till om become equal toom. Conceive also the line mp, drawn perpendicular from the point m to the edge continued, to be continued to q, until pq be equal to pm; if the ball N be directed to the point q, after impinging against the edges Dc and cB, it will strike the ball m. To those in the least acquainted with geometry, the de- monstration of this problem will be easy. 924 MECHANICS. | IIL.—ZJf a ball strikes against another in any direction whatever, what is the direction of the impinging ball after the shock ? | It is of importance, at the game of billiards, to be able to know what will be the direction of your own ball after it strikes that of your adversary obliquely ; for every one knows that it is not sufficient to have touched the latter, or to have driven if into the pocket ; you must also prevent your own from falling into it. Let m and Nn (Fig. 39.) be the two balls, the latter of which! Fig. 39. is to strike the former, touching it in the point 0. Through| this point 0, let there be drawn the tangent op; and through: the centre n, of the ball nN, when it arrives at the point of con-| tact, draw or conceive to be drawn 7 p, parallel to oP: the di-| rection of the impinging ball, after the shock, will benp. A bad player would here be infallibly lost ; and indeed this is often the case in this position of the balls. Expert players, when they find that they have to do with novices, often give them this deceitful chance, which makes them lose, by driving their ball into one of the corner pockets. In this case you must not take the ball of your adversary. by halfs, according to the technical term of the game, to drive it to one of the corners at the other end of the table; for in doing so, you will not fail to lose yourself in the other corner. Remark.—In reasoning on this game, we set out from common principles; but we must confess that we have some doubts on this subject, the reason of which we shall here explain. If the balls had only one progressive movement forwards, without rotation around their centres, the above principles would be evidently and sufficiently demonstrated. But every one knows that, independently of this progessive motion of the centre, a billiard ball rolls upon the table in a plane which is perpendicular to it. Whena ball then touches the edge, and is repelled with a force nearly equal to that with which it impinged, it would appear that this motion ought to be compounded of the rotary motion it had at the moment of the shock, and that which it has in a direction parallel to the edge. But since the first of these motions compounded with the latter, gives the angle of reflection equal to the angle of incidence, what then be- comes of the second, which ought to alter the first result? In our opinion, this is a dynamical problem, which has never yet been solved, though it deserves to be so. However, this rotary motion, in certain circumstances, gives a result which seems contrary to the laws of the impinging of elastic bodies; for, according to this law, when an elastic body impinges directly and centrally against another which is equal to it, the first ought to stop, in consequence of having communicated, as is supposed, all its velocity to the second. But at the game of billiards, this does not take place; for here the impinging ball continues to move, instead of stopping short. This effect is partly a consequence of the motion of the impinging ball around its centre; a motion which subsists in a great measure after the shock, and it is this motion partly which makes the ball still move forwards. Another cause of the striking ball’s moving forward, is the want of perfect elasticity in them both, on which ac- count that ball still retains some portion of its direct forward motion, the other ball, which is struck, receiving the rest of the motion. PROBLEM XXXVI. To construct a Water Clock. This name is given to a clock shaped like a drum or barrel, as aBeD (Fig. 40.), made of metal well soldered, and put in motion by a certain quantity of water ., WATER CLOCKS. 225 %tg.40. contained in the inside of it. The hours are indicated on two vertical pillars, between which it is suspended by small strings | or cords, rolled round an axis, every where of the same thickness. 1 Aa The internal mechanism is exceedingly ingenious, and deserves 1 a better explanation than what has been given of it in the pre- ' ceding editions of the Mathematical Recreations, where Oza- nam does not tell us how the machine goes and is supported, as we may say, in the air, without falling, as it seems it ought to do. Let the circle 1234 (Fig. 41.) represent a section of the drum or cylinder, by a plane perpendicular to its axis. We shall here suppose the diameter of it to be six inches; and let A, B, C, B, E, F, G, represent seven cells, the partitions of which are formed of the same metal, and are well soldered to the two circular ends, and to the circular band which forms the circum- ference. These partitions ought not to proceed from the centre Fig.41 to the circumference, but to be placed in a somewhat transverse i direction, so as to be tangents to an interior circle, of about an inch and a half in diameter: the small square 8 is a section of the axis, which in that part ought to be square, and to fit very exactly into holes, of the same form, made in the centre of each end of the cylinder. Each partition also ought to have in it a small round hole, as near as possible to the circumference of the cylinder, all pierced with the same piercer, that there may be no difference among them. Let us now suppose that a certain quantity of water, about eight or nine ounces, has been put into the cylinder, and that it has already distributed itself as shewn by the horizontal shading lines Fig. 41. If the line 1K represent the two strings, Gu and EF (Fig. 40.), rolled Mead. the axis of the cylinder, it may be easily seen that the centre of gravity, which, if the machine were empty, would be in the centre of the figure, being thrown out of the line of suspension, and towards the side where the machine has a tendency to fall, it would indeed fall; but the effect of the water behind the parti- tion D, is to throw back the centre of gravity, so that if it were on this side the vertical line K 1 continued, the cylinder would revolve from p to &, in order to be in that vertical; and in this position the machine would remain in equilibrio, if the water could not proceed from the one cavity to the other; for the cylinder cannot revolve in the direction a GF, without making the centre of gravity ascend towards -p: in the like manner it cannot revolve in the direction Bc p, without the centre rising on the opposite side. ‘The machine must then remain in equilibrio, until some- thing is changed. But, if the water flows gradually through the hole in the partition p, which is between the cells p and £, it is evident that the centre of gravity will advance a little beyond x r continued, and the machine will imperceptibly revolve in the direction aGF: and since by descending in this manner, the centre of gravity is thrown towards the vertical line KI produced, the equilibrium will at the same time be restored, and this motion will continue until the whole of the cord be unrolled from the axis. This movement indeed will not be altogether uniform; for it is evident that when the water is almost entirely behind the partition p, the cylinder will revolve faster than when it has nearly flowed off; and the periods of these inequalities, during a whole revolution of the cylinder, will be equal in number to the cells ; a circumstance which seems not to have been observed by those who have written on clocks of this kind. we @ 276 MECHANICS. To have an exact division of time by these means, it will therefore be necessary — to make a mark on the circumference of the cylinder. If the machine be then wound up as high as possible, and disposed in such a manner that the mark shall be | at the top of the cylinder, you must have a good clock, with which to mark, during a whole revolution, the points of the hours elapsed. But care must be taken that. the number of hours shall be an integer number, as 2, 4, 6, &c. : and for that purpose the movement of the machine must be retarded or accelerated till the proper pre- cision has been obtained ; otherwise it might err some minutes, and perhaps a quar- ter of an hour. How this movement may be accelerated or retarded, we shall shew hereafter. In the last place, in winding up the clock, great care must be taken that when the axis is placed opposite to the arst division, the mark made in the cylinder shall be in the same position; otherwise there may be an error, as already said, of some minutes. We shall now add some useful observations in regard to this object. I. It is absolutely necessary that the water employed be distilled water; otherwise it will soon become corrupted, so as to stop up the holes through which it ought to flow; and the machine will consequently stand still. II. The substance most proper for constructing the cylinder of these machines, is gold or silver; or what is cheaper, copper well tinned on the inside, or even tin itself. Ill. This machine is apt to go a little faster in summer than in winter, and there- fore ought to be regulated from time to time, and retarded or accelerated. For this Fig. re purpose it will be necessary to add to it a small weight as a counterpoise, tending to make it revolve outward. This weight ought to have the form of a bucket (Fig. 42.), and to be of some light substance, so that it ean be charged more or less by means of small drops of lead. To accelerate the machine, two or three drops of lead may be added; and-when it is neces- sary to retard it, they may be removed; which will be much more conve- : nient than adding or taking away water. ra IV. The place where the axis passes through the cylinder must be well @ cemented ; otherwise the water would gradually evaporate, by which means the machine would be continually retarded, and at length would stop. V. Notwithstanding all these precautions, it may be readily seen that a machine of this kind is rather an object of curiosity, than calculated to measure time with accuracy. It may be proper for the cell of a convent, or a cabinet of mechanical curiosities ; but it will certainly never be used by the astronomer. VI. The inventor of this kind of clock is not known. Ozanam, who wrote in . 1693, says that the first seen at Paris about that period had been brought from Bur- gundy; and he adds that Father Timothy, a Barnabite, who excelled in mechanics, had given to this machine all the perfection of which it was susceptible. This monk had constructed one about five feet in height, which required winding up only once a month. Besides the hours, which were marked on a regular dial-plate, at the top of the frame, it indicated the day of the month, the festivals throughout the year, the sun’s place, and his rising and setting, as well as the length of the day and night. This was performed by means of asmall figure of the sun, which gradually descended, and which, when it reached the bottom of the frame, was raised to the top at the end of every month. Father Martinelli has treated, at great length, on these clocks, in an Italian work, entitled ‘‘ Horologi Elementari,” in which he delivers methods of making clocks by means of the four elements, water, earth, air, and fire. This work was printed at Venice in 1663, and is very rare. The author shows in it how striking machinery may be adapted to a water-clock; with other curiosities, which are sometimes addems to common clocks. s MECHANICAL PARADOX. 227 PROBLEM XXXVI. MecHANICAL PArapox.—How equal weights, placed at any distance from the point of support of a balance, shall be in equilibrio. Provide a frame in the form of a parallelogram, such as p E F G (Fig. 43.), con- structed of four pieces of wood, joined together in such a manner as to move freely at the angles, so that the. frame can change its rectangular form into that represented _bytheletters efgd. The long sides ought to be about twice the length of the others. Fig. 48. This frame inserted in a cleft formed in the perpendi- Q _cular stand Bc, so as to be moveable on the two points 1 and u, where it is fixed in the stand by two small.axes: in the fast place, two pieces of wood, MN and K L, pass through the shorter sides, in which they are well fixed, and the whole apparatus rests on the stand a 3B. Now if the weight p be suspended from the point mM, which is almost at the extremity of the arm MN, the most distant from the centre or centres of motion ; and if the weight 0, equal to the former, be suspended from any point R, of the other arm K L, nearer the centre, and even within the frame, these two weights will always be in equilibrio; though unequally distant from the point of support or of motion in this kind of balance; and they will remain oe what- ever situation may be given to the machine, ase fd g. The reason of this effect which at first seems to contradict the principles of statics, is however very simple. For two equal bodies will be in equilibrio, whatever move- ment may be made by the machine trom which they are suspended, if the spaces passed over by these two bodies or weights are equal and similar. But it may be readily seen that this must necessarily be the case here, since the two weights, what- ever be their position, are obliged to describe equal and parallel lines. It may be readily seen also, that,in such a machine, whatever be the position of the weights along the arms mN and K 1, the case will always be the same, as if they were suspended from the middle of the short sides rE p and FG. But in the latter case, the weights would be in equilibrio, therefore in former also. PROBLEM XXXVIITI. What velocity must be given to a machine, moved by water, in order that it may produce the greatest effect ? That this is not a matter of indifference, will readily appear from the following observation. If the wheel moved with the same velocity as the fluid, it would experience no pressure; consequently the weight it would be capable of raising would be nothing, or infinitely small. On tbe other hand, if it were immoveable, it would experience the whole pressure of the current; but in this case there would be an equilibrium, and as no weight would be raised there would consequently be no effect. There is therefore a certain mean velocity, between that of the cur- rent and no velocity at all, which will produce the greatest effect—an effect propor- tional, in a given time, to the product of the weight multiplied by the height to which it is raised. We shall not here give the analytical reasoning which conducts to the solution of the problem. We shall only observe, that in a machine of the above nature, the velocity of the wheel ought to be equal to one half of that of the current. Conse- quently the resistance or the weight must be increased, until the velocity be in this ratio, The machine will then produce ue greatest effect possible. Q 928 MECHANICS. PROBLEM XXXIXx. What is the greatest number of float-boards, that ought to be applied to a wheel moved by a current of water, in order to make it produce the greatest effect ? It was long believed that the float-boards of such a wheel ought to be so propor- tioned, that when one of them was in a vertical position, or at the middle of its immer- sion, the next one should be just entering the water. A great many reasons were assigned for this mode of construction, which however are contradicted by calculation, ‘as well as by experience. It is now demonstrated, that the more float-boards such a wheel has, the greater and more uniform will be its effect. This result is proved by the researches of the Abbé de Valernod, of the academy of Lyons, and those of M. du Petit-Vandin, to be found in the first volume of the ‘‘ Mémoires des Scavans Etrangers.” The Abbé Bossut, who examined, by the help of experiments, the greater part of the hydraulic theories, has demonstrated also the same thing. According to the expe- riments which he made, a wheel furnished with 48 float-boards, produced a much greater effect than one furnished with 24; and the latter a greater effect than one with 12; their immersion in the water being equal. M. du Petit Vandin therefore observes, that in Flanders, where running water is so exceedingly scarce, as to render it neces- sary to turn it to the greatest possible advantage, the wheels of water-mills are fur- nished with 32 float-boards at least, and even with 48, when the wheel is from 16 to 19 feet in diameter. PROBLEM XL. Lf there be two cylinders, containing exactly the same quantity of matter, the one solid and the other hollow, and both of the same length ; which of them will sustain, with. out breaking, the greatest weight suspended from one of its extremities, the other being fixed ? Some, and perhaps several of our readers, may be inclined to think that, the base of rupture being the same, every thing else ought to be equal. On the first view, one might even be induced to hand the solid cylinder as capable of presenting greater resistance to being broken: this however would be a mistake. Galileo, who first examined mathematically the resistance of solids to being broken by a weight, bas shewn that the hollow cylinder will present the most resistance ; und that this resistance will be greater in the transverse direction, according as the hollow part is greater. He even shews, from a theory which approaches very near the truth, that the resistance of the hollow cylinder will be to that of the solid one, as the whole radius of the hollow is to that of the solid. Thus the resistance of a hollow cylinder, having as much vacuity as solid, will be to the resistance of a solid one, as »/ 2 to I, or as 1:141 to 1:000: for the radius of the former will be ./ 2, while that of the latter is unity. The rasistance of a hollow cylinder, having twice as much vacuity as solid, will be to a solid one, as ,/ 3 to 1, or as 1:73 to 1:00; for their radii will be in the ratio of ,/ 3 tol. The resistance of a hollow cylinder, the solidity of which forms only a twentieth part of the whole volume, will be to that of a solid cylinder of the same mass, as ,/ 2] to 1, or as 4°31 to 1:00; See sO - forth. Remark.—-It may be readily observed, and Galileo does not fail to take notice of it, that this mechanism is that which nature; or its Supreme Author, has employed, on various occasions, to combine strength with lightness. Thus the bones of the greater part of animals are hollow: by being solid with the same quantity of matter, they would have lost much of their strength; or to give them the same power of resistance, it would have been necessary to render them more massy; which would have lessened the facility of motion. The stems of many plants are hollow also, for the very same reason In the last place, the feathers of birds, in the formation of which it was necessary that great strength should be united with great lightness, are also hollow: and the cavity even oc- cupies the greater part of their whole diameter ; so that the sides are exceedingly thin. SUBAQUEOUS LANTERN, ° 229 PROBLEM XUI. To construct a lantern, which shall give light at the bottom of the water. This lantern must be made of leather, which will resist the waves better than any other substance; and must be furnished with two tubes, having a commu- nication with the air above. One of these tubes is destined to admit fresh air for maintaining the combustion of the candle or taper; and the other to serve as a chimney, by affording a passage to the smoke: both must rise to a sufficient height above the surface of the water, so as not to be covered by the waves when the sea is tempestuous. It may be readily conceived, that the tube which serves to admit fresh air, ought to communicate with the lantern at the bottom; and that the one which serves as a chimney, must be connected with it at the top. Any number of holes at pleasure, into which glasses are fitted, may be made in the leather of which the lantern is constructed ; and by these means the light will be diffused on all sides. In the last place, the lantern must be suspended from a piece of cork, that it may rise and fall with the waves. A lantern of this kind, says Ozanam, might be employed for catching fish by means of light; but this method of fishing has, in some countries, been wisely for- bidden under severe penalties. 5. PROBLEM XLII. To construct a lamp, which shall preserve its oil in every situation, however moved or inclined, To construct a lamp of this kind, the body of it, or the vase that contains the oil and the wick, must have the form of a spherical segment, with two pivots at the edge, diametrically opposite to each other, and made to turn in two holes at the ex- tremities of the diameter of a brass or iron circle. This circle must, in like manner, be furnished with two pivots exactly opposite to each other, and at the distance of 90° from the holes in which the former are inserted. These second pivots must be made to turn in two holes diametrically opposite in a second circle; and this second: circle must likewise be furnished with two pivots, inserted in some concave body, proper to serve as a covering to the whole lamp. It may be readily seen that, by this method of suspension, whatever motion be given to the lamp, unless too abruptly, it will always maintain itself in a horizontal position. This method of suspension is that employed for the mariner’s compass, so useful to navigators; and which must always be preserved in a horizonal situation. We have read, in some author, that Charles V. caused a carriage to be suspended in this. manner, to guard against the danger of being overturned. PROBLEM XLIII. Method of constructing an anemoscope and an anemometer, These two machines, which in general are confounded, are not however the same. The anemoscope serves for pointing out the direction of the wind, and therefore, properly speaking, is a weather-cock ; but in common this term is used to denote a more complex machine, which indicates the direction of the wind by means of a kind: of dial plate, placed either on the outside of a house or in an apartment. In regard 230 - MECHANICS. to the anemometer, it is a machine which serves to indicate, not only the direction, but the duration and force of the wind. The mechanism of the anemoscope is very simple, (Fig. 44.) It consists, in the first place, of a weather-cock, raised above the building,.and supported by an axis, one end of which, pass- ing through the roof, is made to turn in a socket fitted to re- ceive it, and with such facility as to obey the least impulse of the wind. On this axis is fixed a crown wheel, the teeth of which being turned downwards, fit into those of a vertical wheel, exactly of the same size, placed on a horizontal axis, which at its extremity is furnished with an index. It is hence evident, that when the vane makes one turn, the index will make one exactly-also. If this index then be placed in such a manner as to be vertical, when the wind is north; and if care be taken to observe in what direction it turfns, when it changes to the west; it will be easy to divide the dial plate into 32 parts. An anemometer, if it be required only to measure the inten- We would propose the following. Let a B (Fig. 45.) be an iron bar, fixed in a horizontal direction to the vertical axis of a vane. The extremities of this bar, which are bent at right angles, serve to support a horizontal axis, around which turns a move- able frame aBCD, of a foot square. To the middle of the lower side of the frame is fastened a very fine but strong silk thread, which passes over a pulley F, fitted into a cleft in the an apartment below the roof. The distance ¢F must be equal toaxE. To the end of the silk thread is suspended a small weight, just sufficient to keep it stretched. When the frame which, by the turning of the vane, will be always presented to the wind, is raised up, as will be the case, more or less, according to the force of the wind, the small weight will be raised up also, and will thus indicate, by means of a scale adapted to the axis of the vane, the strength of the wind. or nothing, when the small weight is at its lowest point ; and that its maximum, or greatest degree, will be when it is at its highest, which will indicate that the wind keeps the frame in a horizontal position, or very nearly so. The force of the wind, according to the different inclination of the frames may be determined with still greater precision: for this force will always be equal to the absolute weight of the frame, which is known, multiplied by the sine of the angle which it makes with the vertical line, and divided by the square of the same angle. Nothing then will be necessary, but to ascertain, by the motion of the small weight affixed to the thread erp, the inclination of the frame. But this is easy ; for it may be readily seen that the quantity which it rises above the lowest point, will always be equal to the chord of the angle formed by the frame with the vertical plane, or to double the sine of the half of that angle. The extent therefore of this angle may be marked along the scale, and also the force of the wind, calcu- lated according to the foregoing rule. In the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, for the year 1734, may be found the description of an anemometer invented by M. d’Ons-en-Bray, to indicate at the same time the direction of the wind, its duration in that direction, and its strength, This anemometer merits that we should here give some idea of it. _It consists of three parts, viz., a common clock, and two other machines, one of v sity or force of the wind, may be constructed with equal ease. vertical axis of the vane, whence it descends along the axis to It may readily be perceived that the force of the wind will be equal to Zero - : ¥ ’ ANEMOMETER, 231 which serves to mark the direction of the wind and its duration; the other to aah eate its force. The first of these machines consists, like the common anemoscope, of a vertical axis bearing a vane, which by means of some wheels indicates, on a dial-plate, from what quarter the wind blows; the lower part of this axis passes through a cylinder, in which are implanted thirty-two pins, in a spiral line; and these pins, by the manner in which they present themselves, press against a piece of paper, properly prepared and stretched, between two vertical columns or axes, on one of which it is rolled up, while it is unrolled from the other. This rolling up and unrolling are performed by the simultaneous motion of two axes, which are made to move by the clock above mentioned. It may now be readily conceived that, according to the position of the vane, one of the pins will present itself to the prepared paper, and by pressing gently against it will leave a mark, the length of which will indicate the duration of the wind. If two neighbouring pins make a mark, at the same time, this will indicate that the wind followed a middle direction. The part of the anemometer which indicates the force of the wind, consists of a mill, after the Polish manner, which revolves faster, according as the wind is stronger. Its vertical axis is furnished with a wheel that drives a small machine, which, after a certain number of turns, forces a pin against a frame of paper, having a motion similar to that of the anemometer above described. The number of these strokes, each of which is marked by a hole, on a determinate length of this moveable paper, denotes the force of the wind, or rather the velocity of the circulation of the mill, which is nearly in the same proportion. But, for a complete explanation of the mechanism, we must refer to the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, above quoted; as want of room will not allow us to give a more minute description of it in this place. Professor Leslie, in his Essay on Heat, has suggested an anemometer, founded on different principles. He found, by experiment, that the cooling power of a stream of air is proportional to its velocity ; and putting Tr for the time in which a body loses an aliquot part of its heat in still air, ¢ the time in which it loses the same quantity when exposed to the wind, and v the velocity of the wind in miles per hour, he gives the following formula: v=l1— a . 44, : 2 T and ¢ are found by means of a thermometer, whose bulb is a little more than ial an inch in diameter, and filled with tinged alcohol. When the thermometer is held in still air its temperature is marked; it is then heated by the application of the hand, till the alcohol rises a certain number of de- grees, and the time which it takes to descend through half that number of degrees is ° carefully marked. Mr. Leslie calls this time the fundamental measure of cooling. The same observation is made when the ball is exposed to the wind, and the time which the alcohol takes to descend through half the number of degrees that it rose is called the occasional measure of cooling. The former of these is tT, and the latter t,in the above formula, which may be thus expressed in words: Divide the fundamental measure of cooling by the occasional measure of cooling, and multiply the difference between unity and the quotient by 44, the product is the velocity of the wind, in miles per hour. As an example, let us suppose that in still air the temperature is 50°, and when warmed by the hand it rises to 70°, and that in 100 seconds it falls to 60°; and farther, that when exposed to the wind, and heated by the hand, it takes only 10 seconds to fall through the same number of degrees; then we have the velocity of wind 19 — 1.41 = 401 miles per hour. Vie MECHANICS, Remark.—Many other forms of anemometers have been invented, in various countries. Of several of these the descriptions may be seen, with their figures and the calculation of their effects, in Dr. Hutton’s Dictionary, under the several articles ANEMOMETER, RESISTANCE, WIND, and WIND-GAGE. PROBLEM XLIVv. Construction of a Steel-yard, by means of which the weight of a body may be ascer- tained, without weights. We shall here describe two instruments of this kind ; the one portable and adapted Fig. 46. for ascertaining moderate weights, such as from I to 25 or 30 pounds; the other fixed, and employed for weights much more considerable, and even custom house at Paris; and could be employed with great convenience, for weights between 100 and 3000 pounds. The first of these steel-yards is represented Fig.46. It consists of a metal tube a B, about six inches in length, and eight lines in diameter, a section of which is here given, to shew in the inside of it a spiral steel spring. The upper end a, is pierced with a square hole, to afford a pas- sage to a metal rod, which is also square; and which passes through the spring, so that it is impossible to draw it upwards, without compressing the spring against the upper end within the tube. To the lower part of the tube is affixed a hook, from which the body to be weighed is sus- pended. 7 It is here evident, that if bodies of different weights be applied to the hook, while the steel-yard is suspended by its ring, they will draw down the tube more or less, by forcing the upper end of it against the spring. The rod therefore must be divided, by suspending successively fromthe hook different weights, suchas one pound, two pounds, &c., to the greatest which it can weigh; and if the part of the rod drawn out of the tube each time be marked by a line, accompanied witha figure denoting the weight, the instrument will be complete. When you intend to use it, nothing is necessary but to put your finger into the ring, to raise up the article you intend to weigh, suspended from the hook, and to observe, on the divided face of the rod, the division exactly opposite to the edge of the hole: the figure belonging to this division will indicate the number of pounds which the proposed body weighs. The second steel-yard consists of two bars, placed back to back, or of a single one a BCDE bent in the form seen Fig. 47. The part a B is suspended by a ring froma strong beam, aid the part D E terminates in a hook at £, from which the articles to be weighed are suspended. To the part © p is fixed a rack, fitted into a pinion, connected with a wheel, the teeth of which are fitted into another pinion, having on its axis an index ; 3000 pounds is suspended from the hook ©. For it may be readily seen, that when any weight is suspended from 8, the spring Bc D must be more or less stretched; this will give motion to the rack p F, and the latter will turn the pinion into which itis fitted ; and consequently will give motion to the wheel and second pinion, having on its axis the index. It is also evident, that in constructing the machine, such a force may be given to the spring, or its wheels may be com- bined in suchamannner, that a determinate weight, as 3009 pounds, shall cause the index to perform a complete revolu- tion. The centre of motion of this index isin the centre of a of several thousand pounds. One of the latter kind was used in the and this index makes just one revolution, when the weight of THE TUMBLER, : 933 circular plate, marked with the divisions, that serve to indicate the weight. These divisions must be formed by suspending, in succession, weights less than the greatest, in the arithmetical progression, as 29 hundred weight, 28, 27, &c. This wil! give the principal divisions, which without any considerable error may be then subdivided into equal parts. When the instrument is thus constructed ; then to find the weight of any article that weighs less than 3000 pounds, nothing is necessary but to suspend it to the hook 5; and the index will point out, on the circular plate, its weight in quintals, or hun- dreds, quarters, and pounds. Remark.—It may be proper here to observe, that this method of weighing cannot. be perfectly exact, unless we suppose that the temperature of the air always remains the same; for during cold weather springs are stiffer, and during hot weather are less so. On this account, we have no doubt that thure is a difference between the same article weighed at the custom-house at Paris in winter and insummer. In winter it must appear to weigh less than it does in summer. PROBLEM XLV. Method of constructing a small figure, which when left to itself descends along a small stair on its hands and its feet. This small machine, the mechanism of which is very ingenious, was a few years ago brought from India. It is called the tumbler, because its motion has a great re- semblance to that of those performers at some of the public places of amusement, who throw themselves backwards resting on their hands; then raise their feet, and complete the circle by resuming their former position ; but the figure can perform this movement only descending, and along a sort of steps. ‘The artifice of this small ma- chine is as follows: a B (Fig. 48.) is a small piece of light wood, about two inches in length, 2 lines in thickness, and 6 in breadth. At its two extremities are two holes c and p, which serve to receive two smallaxes, around which the legs and arms - Fig. 48. of the figure are made to play. At each extremity ofthe piece of wood there is also a small receptacle, of the form seen iu the figure, that is to say, nearly concentric with the holes c and p; having an oblique prolongation towards the middle of the piece of wood, and from the ends of these two prolongations proceed two grooves cg and F f, formed in the thickness of the wood, and nearly a line in diameter. Quicksilver being put into one of these receptacles till both c!osed up by means of very light pieces of pasteboard, applied on the sides. To the axis, passing through one of the holes c, are affixed two supporters, cut into the form of legs, with feet somewhat lengthened, to give them more stability. And to the other axis, passing through », are affixed two supporters shaped like arms, with their hands placed in such a manner as to become a base, when the machine is turned backwards. In the last place, to the part c H is applied a sort of head and visage, made of the pith of the elder tree, and dressed after the manner of tumblers. A belly is constructed of the same substance, and the whole figure is clothed ina silk dress, which descends to the middle of the thighs, Having thus given a general account of the construction of this small machine, we shall now proceed to explain it is nearly full, they are its mode of action. “ Let us first suppose the machine to be placed upright on its legs, as seen Fig. 49 or 50. No. 1. As all the weight ison one side of the axis of rotation c, because the receptacle of the quicksilver on that side is filled, the machine must incline to that side, and would be thrown entirely backwards, did not the arms or supporters, turn- ing around the axis D, present themselves in a vertical direction; but as they are 234 MECHANICS. shorter than the legs, the machine assumes the position represented Fig. 50, No. 2; and the quicksilver finding the small groove Gc g, inclined to the horizon, flows with impetuosity into the receptacle placed on the side pb. Let us now suppose that at this moment the mdchine rests on the supports or arms D L, which turn around the’ axis D: it is evident that, if the empty part of the ma- chine is very light, the quicksilver being entirely beyond the point of rotation pb, will, by its considerable pre- ponderance overcome it, and cause the machine to revolve around the axis D, which will raise it, and make it turn on the other side. But as the supporters c K must neces- sarily be longer than the others p L that the line c D may have the inclination which is necessary to cause the quick- silver to flow by the small groove Gg, from the one recep- tacle to the other, the base must make a jump double in height to the difference of these sup- porters; otherwise the line G g, instead of assuming a hori- zontal position, would remain inclined in a direction contrary to that which it ought to have. The machine having then at- tained to the situation p c, Fig. 50, No. 3, and the quicksilver having passed into the recep- tacle on the side c; it is evident that the same mechanism which will raise it up, by making it turn round the point ‘c, will overturn it on the other side, where the two supporters, which revolve round the axis c, present it a base: this will make it resume the position of Fig. 50, No.2: and soon. Hence this motion will be per- petual, as long as the machine meets with steps like the first. Remarks.—-Some particular conditions are required, in order that the supporters of the small figure, that is to say its legs and arms, may present themselves in a proper manner, to keep it in the position in which it ought to be. Ist. It is necessary that the great supporters, or legs, when they have arrived at that point at which the figure, after having thrown itself topsy-turvey, rests upon them, should meet with some obstacle, to prevent them or the figure from turning any more: this may be done by two small pegs, which meet a prolongation of the thighs. : 2d. While the figure is raising itself on its legs, it is necessary that the arms should perform, on their axis, a semi-revolution ; that they may present themselves perpen- dicular to the horizon, and in a firm manner, when the figure throws itself back ward. This may be accomplished by furnishing the arms of the figure with two small pulleys, concentric to the axis of the motion of these arms, over which are conveyed two silk threads, that unite under the belly of the figure, and are fixed to a small cross bar, joining the thighs towards the middle: this will greatly contribute to their stability. These threads must be lengthened, or shortened, till this semi-revolution of the arms is exactly performed ; and until the figure, when placed on its four supporters, with its face turned either up or down, does not waver; which it would do if these sup- MECHANICAL PHENOMENA. 235 porters were not bound together in this manner; and if the large ones, or legs, did not meet with an obstacle to prevent them from inclining any farther. PROBLEM XLVI. To arrange three sticks, on a horizontal plane, in such a manner, that while the lower extremities of each rest on that plane, the other three shall mutually support each other in the air. This depends merely on a little mechanical address, and may be performed in the following manner. , Take the first stick a B (Fig. 51), and rest the end a on the Fig. 51. table, holding the other raised up, so that the stick shall be in- clined at a very acute angle. Place above it the second stick, | 82 with the end ¢ resting on the+able. And then dispose the third x , Sticke F, in such a manner, that while the end E rests on the table, it shall pass below the stick a B, towards the upper end Oa g, and rest on the stick cp. These three sticks, by this ar- | rangement, will be so connected with each other, that the ends p, B and F will necessarily remain suspended, each supporting the other. PROBLEM XLVII. To make a soft body, such as the end of a candle, pierce a board. Load a musket with powder, and instead of a ball put over it the end of a candle; if you then fire it against a board, not very thick, the latter will be pierced by the ~ eandle-end, as if by a ball. The cause of this phenomenon, no doubt, is that the rapid motion with which the candle-end is impelled, does not allow it time to be flattened, and therefore it acts as ahard body. It is the effect of the inertia of the parts of matter, as may be easily proved by experiment. Nothing is easier to be divided than water; yet if the palm _ of the hand be struck with some velocity against the surface of water, a considerable degree of resistance, and even of pain, is experienced from it, as if a hard body had been struck. Nay, a musket ball, when fired against water, is repelled by it, and even flattened. If the musket is fired with a certain obliquity, the ball will be re- flected; and, after this reflection, is capable of killing any person who may be in its way. ‘This arises from a certain time being necessary to communicate to any body a sensible motion. "When a body then, moving with great velocity, meets with another of asize much more considerable, it experiences almost as much resistance as if the latter were fixed. \ PROBLEM XLVIII. On the principles by which the possible effect of a machine can be determined. It is customary for quacks, and those who have not a sufficient knowledge of me- _ chanics, to ascribe to machines prodigious effects, far superior to such as are consistent with the principles of sound philosophy. It may therefore be of utility to explain ' here those principles by which we ought to be guided, in order to form a rational: opinion respecting any proposed machine, Whatever may be the construction of a machine, even supposing it to be mathema- tically perfect, that is, immaterial and without friction, its effect, that is to say, the weight put in motion, multiplied by the perpendicular height to which it may be raised, in a determinate time, cannot exceed the product of the moving power, mul- tiplied by the space it passes over in the same time. Consequently, since every _ machine is material, and as it is impossible to get entirely rid of friction, which will necessarily destroy a part of the power, it is evident that the first product will Biwaye be less than the latter. Let us apply this to an example. 236 MECHANICS, Should a person propose a machine, which by the strength of one man applied to ¢ crank, or the lever of a capstan, shall raise in an hour 3500 gallons of water, to the height of 24 feet; we might tell him, that he was ignorant of the principles 0. mechanics. | For the strength of a man applied to a crank, or to draw or push any weight, is only equal to about 26 or 28 pounds, with a velocity at gost of 11000 feet per hour; and he could labour no more than 7 or 8 hours in succession. Now, as the product of 11000 by 28 is 308000, if this product be divided by 24, the height to which the water is to be raised, the quotient will be 12833 pounds of water, or 206 enbic feet = 1540 gallons raised to that height; which makes about 60 gallons, per minute, to the height of 10 feet. This is all that could be produced by such a power in the most favourable case. But the more complex the machine, the greater is the resistance to be surmounted; so that the product would never be nearly equal to the above effect. | In amachine, where a man should act by his own weight, and in walking, the ad- vantage would not be much greater: for all that a man could do by walking, with. out any other weight than that of his body, ona plane inclined at an angle of 30 degrees, would be to pass over 6000 feet per hour, especially if he had to walk in this manner for 7or Shours. But here it isthe perpendicular height alone, which in this case is 3000 feet, that is to be considered: the product of 3000 by 150 pounds, which is the average weight of a man, is 450000; the greatest effect therefore of sucha machine, would be 450000 pounds, raised to the height of one foot, or 18750 to the height of 24 feet, or about 90 gallons per minute, to the height of 10 feet. By taking an arithmetical mean between this determination and the preceding, it will be found that the mean product possible of the strength of a man, employed to put in motion a hydraulic machine, is at most 75 gallons per minute; especially if continued for 7 or 8 hours in the day. If the power were to act only for a very short time, as 3,4, or 5 minutes, the product indeed might appear more considerable, and about double. Thisis one of the artifices employed by mechanicians, to prove the superiority of their machines. They put them in motion for some minutes, by vigorous people, who make a momentary effort, and thus cause the product to appear much greater than it really is. | The above determination agrees pretty well with that given by Desaguliers in his Treatise on Natural Philosophy: for he assured himself, he says, by calculation, that the effect of the simplest and most perfect machines, put in motion by men, never gives, in the ratio of each man, above 72 gallons of water per minute raised to the height of 10 feet. Si A circumstance, very necessary to be known in regard to machines which are to b moved by horses, is as follows: a horse is equal to about seven men*, or can make an *C. Regnier, in his description of the Dynanometer, an instrument invented by him for the pur- ose of determining the relative strength of men and horses, published in the “ Journal de |’Ecole Dolptechaiquey? vol. ii. p. 160, says, that from the result of aJ] his experiments it appears, that the mean term of the maximum of the strength of ordinary men, to raise a we'ght, is about 285 pounds averdupois ; which agrees with the experiments of Delahire, but which Desaguliers consid-red as too smal). In regard to horses, he says, that by taking the mean results given by four horses, of the middle size, subjected to trial one after the other, the strength of ordinary horses may be estimated at 794 pounds averdupois. - In comparing the relative force of men with that of horses, when the former draw a cart or boat by the help of a rope, after various trials, he found that the maximum of the strength of ordinary men, in dragging a horizontal weight, by the help of a rope, is equal to 110 pounds averdupois, and that of the strongest does not exceed 132 poundsaverdapvis. These different trials agree pretty well with the general received opinion, thata horse is seven times as strong as aman. ‘his principle, however, cannot be admitted in ail cases; for itis known by experiment that a horse would sink under a burden seven times as heavy 2s that which aman can support when standing upright. It may readily be conceived that what has been here said respectivg men and horses, is not applicable to daily and incessant labour ; but we may deduce from it this very just consequence, that both can act for a whole day, when employing a fifth of their absolute forces. According to the above results, there- fore, the power which an ordinary man can exert for a continuance in dragging or pulling, is equal to no more than about 22 pounds, and that of the stiongest to about 26 pounds. j effort in a horizontal direction of 210 pounds, moving with the velocity of 10000 or 11000 feet per hour, supposing he is to work 8 or 10 hours perday. Desaguliers even gives less, and thinks that the force of a man is to be only quintupled to find that of the horse. Those who are acquainted with these principles, will run no risk of being deceivea by ignorant or pretended mechanicians; and it is no small advantage to be able to avoid becoming the dupe of such men, whose aim is often to pick the ee of those who are so simple as to lister'to them. PERPETUAL MOTION. 237 PROBLEM XLIX. Of the Perpetual Motion. The perpetual motion has been the quicksanx’ of mechanicians, as the quadrature of the circle, the trisection of an angle, &c., aveheei that of geometricians: and as those who pretend to have discovered the solution of the latter problems are, in general, persons scarcely acquainted with the principles of geometry, those who search for, or imagine they have found, the perpetual motion, are always men to whom the most certain and invariable truths in mechanics are unknown. It may be demonstrated indeed, toall those capable of reasoning in a sound manner on those sciences, that a perpetual motion is impossible: for, to be possible, it is necessary that the effect should become alternately the cause, and the cause the effect. It would be necessary, for example, that a weight, raised to a certain height by another weight, should in its turn raise the second weight to the height from which it descended. But, according to the laws of motion, all that a descending weight could do, in the most perfect machine which the mind can conceive, is to raise another in the same time to a height reciprocally proportional to its mass. But it is impos- sible to construct a machine in which there shall be neither friction nor the resistance of some medium to be overcome; consequently, at each alternation of ascent and descent, some quantity of motion, however small, will always be lost: each time therefore the weight to be raised will ascend toa less height; and the motion will gradually slacken, and at length cease entirely. A moving principle has been sought for, but without success, in the magnet, in the gravity of the atmosphere, and in the elasticity of bodies. If a magnet be disposed in such a manner as to facilitate the ascension of a weight, it will afterwards oppose its descent. Springs, after being unbent, require to be bent by a new force equal to that which they exercised; and the gravity of the atmosphere, after forcing one side of the machine to the lowest point, must be itself raised again, like any other weight, in order to continue its action. We shall however give an account of various attempts to obtain a perpetual motion, because they may serve to shew how much some persons have suffered themselves to be deceived on this subject. Fig. 52 represents a large wheel, the circumference of which is furnished, at equal distances, with levers, each bearing at its extremity a weight, and moveable ona hinge, so that in one direction they can rest upon the circum- ference, while on the opposite side, being carried away by the weight at the extremity, they are obliged to arrange themselves in the direction of the radius continued. This being supposed, it is evident that when the wheel turns in the direction a b c, the weights A, B and c will recede from the centre; consequently, as they act with more force, they will carry the wheel towards that side ; and as a new lever will be thrown out, in proportion as the wheel revolves, it thence follows, say they, that the wheel will continue to move athe Ne 238 MECHANICS. in the same direction. But notwithstanding the specious appearance of this reasoning, experience has proved that the machine will not go; and it may indeed be demon- strated that there is a certain position, in which the centre of gravity of all these weights is in the vertical plane passing through the point of suspension, and that therefore it must stop. The case is the same with the following machine, which it would appear ought to move also incessantly. In a cylindrie drum, in perfect equilibrium on its axis, are formed channels as seen in Fig. 53, which contain balls of lead, or a certain quantity of quicksilver. In consequence of this disposition, the balls or quicksilver must, on the one side, ascend by ap- proaching the centre ; and on the other must roll towards the circumference. The machine then ought to turn incessantly towards that side. A third machine of this kind is represented Fig. 54. It con- sists of a kind of wheel formed of six or eight arms, proceeding from a centre, where the axis of motion is placed. Each of these arms is furnished with a receptacle in the form of a pair of bellows; but those on the opposite arms stand in contrary directions, as seen in the figure. The moveable top of each receptacle has affixed to it a weight, which shuts it in one si- tuation, and opens itin the other In the last place, the bellows of the opposite arms have a communication by means of a canal, and one of them is filled with quicksilver. These things being suppused, it is visible, that the bellows on the one side must open, and those on the other must shut; consequently the mercury will pass from the latter into the former, while the contrary will be the case on the opposite side, It might be difficult to point out the deficiency of this reasoning; but those ac. quainted with the true principles of mechanics will not hesitate to bet a hundred to one that the machine, when constructed, will not answer the intended purpose. The description of a pretended perpetual motion, in which bellows, to be alter. nately filled with and emptied of quicksilver, were employed, may be seen in the “* Journal des Scavans,” for 1685. It was refuted by Bernoulli, and some others, and it gave rise to a long dispute. The best method which the inventor could have employed to defend his invention, would have been to construct it, and shew it in motion; but this was never done. We shall here add another curious anecdote on this subject. One Orfyreus announced at Leipsic, in the year 1717, a perpetual motion, consisting of a wheel, which would continually revolve. This machine was constructed for the landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, who caused it to be shut up in a place of safety, and the door to be sealed with his own seal. At the end of forty days, the door was opened, and the machine was found in motion. This however affords no proof in favour of a perpetual motion: for as clocks can be made to go a year without being wound up, Orfyreus’s wheel might easily go forty days, and even more. The result of this pretended discovery is not known: we are informed, by one ‘of the journals, that an Englishman offered 80000 crowns for this machine; but | Orfyreus refused to sell it at that price ; in this he certainly acted wrong, as there is reason to think that he obtained by bis invention neither mene nor even the ho- nour of having discovered the perpetual motion. The Academy of Painting, at Paris, possessed a clock, which tae no need of being wound up, and which might be considered asa perpetual motion, though it was not so. But this requires some explanation. The ingenious author of this clock employed © the variations in the state of the atmosphere, for winding up his moving weight: HEIGHTS AND DEPTHS BY PENDULUMS. 239 various artifices might be devised for this purpose; but this is no more a perpetual» _ motion, than if the flux and reflux of the sea were employed to keep the machine continually going for this principle of motion is exterior to the machine, and forms - no part of it. But enough has been said en this chimera of mechanics. We sincerely hope that none of our readers will ever lose themselves in the ridiculous and unfortunate laby- _Finth of such a research. To conclude, it is false that any reward has been promised by the European powers to the person who shall discover the perpetual motion ; and the case is the _ same in regard to the quadrature of the circle. It is this idea, no doubt, that excites | so many to attempt the solution of these problems; and it is proper they should be _ undeceived. ~ PROBLEM L. M To determine the height of the arched ceiling of a church, by the vibrations of the lamps suspended from it. For this invention we are indebted, it is said, to Galileo, who first ascertained the ' ratio of the duration of the oscillations made by pendulums of different lengths.* ' But in order that this method may have a certain degree of exactness, the weight of the lamp ought to be several times greater than that of the cord by which it is _ suspended. This being supposed, put the lamp in motion by removing it a very little from its perpendicular direction, or carefully observe that communicated to it by the air, which is very common ; and with a stop-watch find how many seconds one vibration continues, or, if a stop-watch is not at hand, count the number of vibrations per- formed in a certain number of minutes: the greater the number of minutes, the more exact will the duration of each vibration be determined; for nothing will then be necessary, but to divide those minutes by the number of vibrations, and the quo- — tient will be the duration of each in minutes or seconds. We shall here suppose that it has been found, by either of these methods, that the _ time ofeach vibration is 5} seconds; square 54, which is 301, and multiply by it 392 inches, the length of a pendulum that swings seconds in the latitude of London, the - product will be 98 ft. 7 in. 6 lin., which will be nearly the height from the point of suspension to the bottom or rather centre of the lamp. If the distance from the bottom of the lamp to the pavement be then measured, which may be done by means of a stick, and added to the former result, the sum will give the height of the arch above the pavement. ‘This solution is founded ona pioperty of pendulums, demonstrated in mechanics ; which is, that the squares of the times of the vibrations are as the lengths; so that a pendulum four times the length of another, performs vibrations which last twice as long. But on account of the irregular form of the lamp, and the weight of the rope which sustains it, we must confess that this method is rather curious than exact. We shall, however, present the reader with another problem of the same kind. PROBLEM LI. Lo measure the depth of a well, by the time elapsed between the commencement of the fall of a heavy body, and that when the sound of its fall is conveyed to the ear. Have in readiness a small pendulum that swings half seconds, that is to say, * Indeed, it seems it was by that author accidentally observing the uniformity in the intervals of the swing of the suspended lamps, that he first took the hint of empleying the oscillations of pen- dulous hodies, or pendulums, for the purpose of measuring time. And hence the invention of pen- dulum clocks. 240 MECHANICS. ; =| 25 inches in length, between the centre of the ball, and the point of suspensiaa| You must also employ a weight of some substance as heavy as possible, such for) example as lead; as a common stone or pebble experiences a considerable retardation in falling, and therefore would not answer the purpose so well. | Let go the weight and the ball of the pendulum at the same moment of time, and. count the number of vibrations the latter makes, till the moment when you hear the sound. We shall here suppose that there were ten vibrations, which make five seconds. . | As a heavy body near the earth’s surface falls about.16j, feet in one second of time, or for this purpose 16 feet will be exact enough; and as sound moves at the rate of 1142 feet per second; multiply together 1142, 16, and 5, which will give 91360, and to 4 times this product, or 365440, add the square of 1142, which is | 1304164, and the sum will be 1669604 ; and if from the square root of the last number | = 1292 the number 1142 be subtracted, the remainder 150, divided by 32, will give 4-69 for the number of geconds which elapsed during the fall of the body: if this | remainder be subtracted from 5, the number of seconds during which the body was | falling and the sound returning, we shall have 0°31 for the time which the sound | alone employed before it reached the ear; and this number multiplied by 1142, will | give for product 354 feet =the depth of the well. | This rule, which is rather complex, is. founded on the property of falling bodia | which are accelerated in the ratio of the times, so that the spaces passed over increase. as the squares of the times*. But as the resistance of the air, which in considerable heights, such as those of several hundred feet, does not fail to retard the fall in a sensible manner, has been neglected, the case of this problem is nearly the same as with the preceding; that is to say, the solution is rather curious than useful. « For the sake of our algebraical readers we shall here shew how to find the formula from which the above rule is deduced: Let a = 5, p16 3s € == 1142, and let a be the time which the body employs in falling, consequently @a—.2 will be the time of the sound returning. Then as 12:3 °° 42: 6 x2= depth of the well; andl : ¢!! a—z2!ca—cx= depth of the well also; ca therefore 6 x2 == ca —c x, and by transposition and division, a “i+ b v==—, Completing the b ram c — tocar c c_ , 4bcea+c? square, x + $e fh Sa ae work +5 her Pig od Behe Hence, oe Gr Ya / A bie and XU moe 4bca+c ¢ _/ e+4abc—e ac — = YY = neal the time of descent. Consequentl poe preci 2b %ab-e mia acu. ceth —_— —— — —— js nearly the time of the sound’s ascent. abc ab+e M Hence, from the expression — a much simpler rule is obtained for the time of the descent, foe | which is as follows: Multiply 1142 by 5, which gives for product 5710; then multiply also 16 by 5, which gives 80, to which add 1142, this gives 1222, by which sum divide the first product 5710, and the quotient 4-68 will be the time of descent, nearly the same as before. This taken from 5 leaves 0°32 for the time of the ascent; which multiplied by 1142, chia 365 for the depth, differing but little from the former more exact number. ey AUTOMATONS,.—CURIOUS CLOCKS. 24) HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF SOME EXTRAORDINARY AND CELEBRATED MECHANICAL WORKS. AN essential part might seem wanting to this work if we neglected to give some account of the various machines most celebrated both among the ancients and moderns. We shall therefore take a cursory view of the rarest and most singular inventions, produced by mechanical genius, in different ages. I.—Of the machines or automatons of Archytac. Archimedes, Hero, and Ctesibius. Some machines of this kind are mentioned mi deay history, in terms of the ut- most admiration. Such were the tripod automatons of Vulcan; and the dove of Archytas, which,, as we are told, could fly like areal animal. We have no doubt, however, that the wonderful properties of these machines, if they ever really existed, have been greatly exaggerated by credulity; and by the accounts of them being handed down through such a long series of ages. We are told also of the moving sphere of Archimedes, in which, as appears, that celebrated philosopher had re- presented all the celestial motions, as they were then known; and this, no doubt, was a master-piece of mechanism for that remote period. Every one is acquainted with the famous verses of Claudian on this machine. Several wonderful machines were constructed also by Hero and Ctesibius of Alexandria. An account of some of those invented by Hero may be seen in a book called Spiritalia. Some of them are very ingenious, and do honour to the . talents of that mechanician. II.—Of the machines ascribed to Albert the Great, and to Regiomontanus. That ignorance, in the darkness of which all Europe was involved, from the sixth or seventh century to the fifteenth, did not entirely extinguish mechanical genius. We are told that the ambassadors sent by the king of Persia to Char- lemagne brought, as a present to the latter, a machine, which, according to the description given of it, would have done honour to our modern mechanicians ; for it appears to have been a striking clock, which had. figures that performed various movements. It is indeed true that, while Europe was immersed in igno- rance, the arts and sciences diffused a gleam of light among the nations of the East. In regard to those of the West, if we can believe what is related of Albert the Great, who lived in the thirteenth century, that mathematician con- structed an automaton in the human form, which when any one knocked at the door of its cell, came to open it and sent forth some sounds, as if addregsing the person who entered. At a period later by some centuries, Regiomontanus, or John Muller of Konigsberg, a celebrated astronomer, constructed an automaton in the figure of a fly, which walked around a table. But these accounts are probably very much disfigured by ignorance and credulity. The following however are instances of mechanical skill, in which there is much more of reality. Iil.—Of various celebrated Clocks. In the fourteenth century, James Dondi constructed for the city of Padua a clock, which was long considered as the wonder of that period. Besides indicating the hours, it represented the motion of the sun, moon, and planets, as well as pointed out the different festivals of the year. On this account, Dondi got the surname of Eorologio, which became that of his posterity. A little time after, William Zelandin constructed, for the same city, one still more complex; which was repaired in the sixteenth century by Janellus Turrianus, the mechanician of Charles VY. R 242 ¥ MECHANICS. But the most celebrated works of this kind aré the clocks of the cathedrals of Stras- purghand Lyons. That of Strasburgh was the work of Conrad Dasypodius, a mathe- matician of that city, who lived towards the end of the sixteenth century, and who finished it about the year 1573. Itis considered as the first in Europe. Atany rate there isnone but that of Lyons which can dispute pre-eminence with it, or be com- pared toit iu regard to the variety of its effects. The face of the basement of the clock of Strasburgh exhibits three dial-plates; one of which is round, and consists of several concentric circles; the two interior ones of which perform their revolutions in a year, and serve to mark the days of the year, the festivals, and other circumstances of the calendar. The two lateral dial-plates are square, and serve to indicate the eclipses, both of the sun and the moon. Above the middle dial-plate, and in the attic space of the basement, the days of the week are represented by different divinities, supposed to preside over the planets from which their common appellations are derived. The divinity of the current day appears in a car rolling over the clouds, and at midnight retires to give place to the succeeding one. Before the basement is seen a globe, borne on the wings of a pelican, around which the sun and moon revolved; and which in that manner represented the motion of these planets; but this part of the machine, as well as several others, has been deranged for a long time. The ornamented turret, above this basement, exhibits chiefly a large dial, in the form of an astrolabe; which shews the annual motion of the sun and moon through the ecliptic, the hours of the day, &c. The phases of the moon are seen also marked out on a particular dial-plate above. This work is remarkable also for a considerable assemblage of bells and figures, which perform different motions. Above the dial-plate last mentioned; for example, the four ages of man are represented by symbolical figures: one passes every quarter of an hour, and marks the quarter by striking on small bells; these figures are fol- lowed by death, whois expelled by Jesus Christ risen from the grave ; who however permits it to sound the lrour, in order to warn man that time ison the wing. Two small angels perform movements also; one striking a bell with a sceptre, while the other turns an hour-glass, at the expiration of an hour. In the last place, this work was decorated with various animals, which emitted sounds similar to their natural voices; but none of them now remain except the cock, which crows immediately before the hour strikes, first stretching out its neck and clapping its wings. The voice of this figure however is become so hoarse as to be much less harmonious than the voice of that at Lyons, though the latter is attended,. in a considerable degree, with the same defect. It is to be regretted that a great part of this machine is entirely deranged. It would be worthy of the illustrious me- tropolitan chapter of Strasburgh to cause it to be repaired: we have heard indeed that it has been attempted; but that no artist could be found capable of performing it. | The clock of the cathedral of Lyons is of less size than that of Strasburgh; but is” | not inferior toit in the variety of its movements; and it has the advantage also of being in a good condition, It is the work of Lippius de Basie, and was exceedingly . well repaired in the last century by an ingenious clock-maker of Lyons, named Nou- risson. Like that of Strasburgh, it exhibits, on different dial-plates, the annual and diurnal progress of the sun and moon, the days of the year, their length, and the — whole calendar, civilas well as ecclesiastical, The days of the week are indicated by symbols more analogous to the place where the clock is erected; the hours are an- nounced by the crowing of the cock, three times repeated, after it has clapped its wings, and made various other movements. When the cock has done crowing, angels appear, who, by striking various bells, perform the air of ahymn; the annunciation of the Virgin is represented also by moving figures, and by the descent of a dove from the clouds; and after this mechanical exhibition, the hour strikes. On one of the | | AUTOMATION MACHINES. 243 _ sides of the clock is seen an oval dial-plate, where the hours and minutes are indi- cated by means of an index, which lengthens or contracts itself, according to the _ length of the semi-diameter of the ellipsis over which it moves. A very curious clock, the work of Martinot, a celebrated clock-maker of the seventeenth century, was to be seen in the royal apartments at Versailles. Before ‘it struck the hour, two cocks on the corners of a small edifice crowed alternately; clap- ping their wings ; soon after two lateral doors of the edifice opened, at which appeared two figures bearing cymbals, beat upon by a kind of guards with clubs. When these figures had retired, the centre door was thrown open, and a pedestal, supporting an equestrian statue of Louis XIV., issued from it, while a group of clouds separating _ gave a passage to a figure of Fame, which came and hovered over the statue. An air was then performed by bells; after which the two figures re-entered; the two _ guards raised up their clubs, which they lowered as if out of respect for the presence of the king, and the hour was then struck. ‘Though all these things are easy for ingenious clock-makers of the present day, when we come to treat of Astronomy we shall give an account of some machines of this kind, purely astronomical, which do honour to the inventive genius of those by whom they were constructed. IV.—Automaton machines of Father Truchet, M. Camus, and M. de Vaucanson. Towards the end of the seventeenth century, Father Truchet, of the Royal Academy of Sciences, coustructed, for the amusement of Louis XIV., moving pictures, which were considered as very remarkable master-pieces of mechanics. One of these pic- tures, which that monarch called his little opera, represented an opera of five acts, and changed the decorations at the commencement of each. The actors performed their partsin pantomime. The representation could be stopped at pleasure; this effect was produced by letting go a catch, and by means of another the scene could be made to re-commence at the place where it had been interrupted. This moving picture was ‘sixteen inches and a half in breadth, thirteen inches four lines in height, and one inch three lines in thickness, for the play of the machinery. An account of this piece of mechanism may be found in the eulogy on Father Truchet, published in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, for the year 1729. Another very ingenious machine, and in our opinion much more difficult to be conceived, is that described by M. Camus, a gentleman of Lorrain, who says he constructed it for the*amusement of Louis XIV., when a child It consisted of a small coach, drawn by two horses, in which was the figure of a lady, with a footman and page behind. If we can give credit to what is stated in the work of M. Camus, this coach being placed at the extremity of a table of a determinate size, the coachman smacked his whip, and the horses immediately set out, moving their legs in the same manner as teal horses do. When the carriage reached the edge of the table, it turned at a right angle, and proceeded along that edge. When it arrived opposite to the place where the king was seated, it stopped, and the page getting down opened the door, upon which the lady alighted, having in her hand a petition which she presented with a curtsey. After waiting some time, she again curtseyed, and re-entered the carriage ; the page then resumed his place, the coachman whipped his horses, which began to move, and the footman, running after the carriage, jumped up behind it. It is much to be regretted that M. Camus, instead of confining himself to a general account of the mechanism which he employed to produce these effects, did not enter into a more minute description; for, if they are true, it must have required a very singular artifice to produce them, and the same means might be applied to machines of greater utility. About thirty or thirty-five years ago, three very curious machines were exhibited by M. de Vaucanson, viz., an automaton flute-player, a player on the flageolet and tam- HiZ 244 MECHANICS, bourine, and an artificial duck, The first played several airs on the flute, witha precision greater perhaps than was ever attained to by the best living player, and even executed the tonguing, which serves to distinguish the notes. According to M. de Vaucanson, this part of the machinery cost him the greatest trouble. In a word, the tones were really produced in the flute by the proper motion of the fingers. The player on the flageolet and tambourine performed also some airs on the first of these instruments, and at the same time kept continually beating on the latter. But the motion of the artificial duck, in our opinion, was still more astonishing ; for it extended its neck, raised up its wings, and dressed its feathers with ifs bill; it _ picked up barley from a trough, and swallowed it; drank from another, and, after various other movements, voided some matter resembling excrements. The first time I saw these machines I immediately discovered some of the artifices employed in regard to the two former, but I confess that the latter baffled my penetration. We have also of late been amused, by M. Droz and M. Maillardet, &c., with the surprising performances of the chess-players, the small but sweet singing-bird, the writing figure, the musical lady, the conjurer, the tumbler, &c. &e. V.—Of the Machine at Marly. It will doubtless be allowed, that the machines above mentioned are, in general, more curious than useful; but there are other two, the celebrity and utility of which require that we should here give them a place. These are the machine of Marly, and | that known under the name of the steam engine. We shall begin with the former, of the construction and effects of which the following brief description will give some idea, The machine of Marly consists of 14 wheels, each about 36 feet in diameter, moved by a stream of water, confined by an estacade, and received into so many separate channels. Each wheel has at the extremities of its axis two cranks, and. this forms 28 powers, distributed in the following manner. It must however be first observed, that the water is raised, to the place to which | it is to be conveyed, by three different stages; first from the river toa reservoir, at , the elevation of 160 English feet above the level of the Seine; then toa second | reservoir 346 feet higher; and from the latter to the summit of a tower, somewhat more than 533 feet above the river. Of the 28 cranks above mentioned, eight are employed to give motion to 64 pumps; which is done by means of working beams, having four pistons at each ex- tremity of their arms: this makes eight to each working beam, which are drawn up and pushed down aiternately. These 64 pumps force up the water to the first reser- voir; and this reservoir furnishes water to the first well, on which is established the _ second set of pumps. af Eleven more cranks are employed to force the water from the first well to the | second reservoir. This is done by means of long arms adapted to these cranks, which move large frames, to one of the arms of which are attached strong iron chains, that extend from the bottom of the mountain to the first well. These , chains, called chevalets, are formed of parallel bars of iron, the extremities of which | are bound together by iron bolts, and are supported at certain intervals by transversal | pieces of wood, moveable on an axis, that passes through the middle of each; so | that when the upper bar of iron, for example, is drawn down by the lower end, all | these pieces of wood incline in one direction, and the lower bar moves backwards | and pushes in a direction contrary to the upper one, These bars or chains serve to | put in motion the working beams, or squares, and the latter move the pistons of 80 - sucking and forcing pumps, which raise the water from the first well to the second - reservoir, ane = eee a ne. CELEBRATED MACHINES. 945 ‘In the last place, nine other cranks, by a similar mechanism, put in motion those chains, called the grands chevalets, which move the pumps of the second well, and raise the water from it to the summit of the tower. These pumps are in num- ber seventy-two. Such, in a few words, is the mechanism of the machine of Marly. Its mean product, as said, is from 30000 to 40000 gallons of water per hour. We make use of the term mean product, because at certain times it raises 60000 gallons, but only under very favourable circumstances. During inundations, when the Seine is frozen, when the water is very low, or when any repairs are making, the machinery stops, either entirely or in part. We have read that in the year 1685 it raised 70000 gallons per hour; but this we can scarcely believe, if by that quantity is understood its mean product ; as it would be above 1090 gallons per minute. However this may be, the following calculation is founded on details collected on purpose, The annual expense of the machine, including the salaries of those who superintend it, and the wages of the workmen employed, together with repairs, ne- cessary articles, &c., may amount to about £3300 sterling, or £9 per day; which makes about 1 farthing per 90 gallons. But if we take into this account the in- terest of the £333000 which, it is said, were expended in the construction of it, 90 gallons will cost 3 halfpence, which is at the rate of a farthing for 15 gallons. This is very far from the price which the king of Denmark thought he might set on this water; for that prince, when he paid a visit to Marly, in the year 1769, being as- tonished, no doubt, at the immensity of the machine, the multitude of its move- ments, and the number of the workmen it employed, observed that the water perhaps cost as much as wine. By the above calculation, the reader may see how far his majesty was mistaken. It is an important question to know, whether the machine of Marly could be sim- plified. On this subject we shall give a few observations, which from some experi- ments made, and a minute examination of the different parts of the machine, appear to be founded on probability. People in general are surprised that the inventor of this machine should cause the water, in some measure, to make two rests before it is conveyed to the summit of the tower. It has been humorously said, that he no doubt thought the water would pe too much fatigued to ascend to the perpendicular height of more than 533 feet, all at one breath. It is more probable that he thought his moving force would not be sufficient to raise the water to that height; but this is not agreeable to theory; for it is found by calculation, that the force of one crank is more than sufficient to raise a cylinder of water of that altitude, and above 8 inches in diameter. Able mechani- cians -however are of opinion, that though this be not impossible, to carry it into execution would be attended with great inconveniences, which it would be too tedious to explain. a But it appears certain at present, that the water might be raised in one jet to the second well. This results from two experiments, one made in 1738, and the other in 1775. - In the first, M. Camus, of the Royal Academy of Sciences, endeavoured to make the water rise in one jet to the tower: his attempt was not attended with success, but he made it rise to the foot of the tower, which is considerably higher than the second reservoir; hence it follows, that if he had confined himself to making the water rise in one jet to the second reservoir, he would have succeeded. It is said that, during this experiment, the machine was prodigiously strained; that it was even found necessary to secure some parts of it with chains; that it required twenty-four hours to force it to that height, which is about 480 feet, and that it was not possible to make it go farther. The object of the second trial, made in 1775, was to raise the water only to the second well. It indeed ascended thither at differ- ent times, and in abundance; but the pipes were exceedingly strained at the bottom, 945 MECHANICS. so that several of them burst; and it was necessary to suspend and recommence the — experiment several times. It is however evident that this arose from the age of the tubes and their want of strength, as they had not the proper thickness; a fault which might have been easily remedied. Here then we have one step towards the improye- ment of the machine; and it results from this trial, that the chains which proceed from the river to the first well, might be suppressed, and even the first well itself. It still remains to be determined, whether the water could be made to ascend, in one jet, to the summit of the tower. This would be a very curious experiment ; but no doubt difficult and expensive, because it would be necessary to make considerable changes in different parts of the machine; and even in the case of its succeeding, the water raised might perhaps be in such small quantity, that it would be better to retain the present mechanism. It is probable that various improvements might be made in different parts of the machine. Inseveral positions, the moving forces act only obliquely, which occasions : a great loss of power, and must tend to render the machine less effectual. The form of the pistons, valves, and aspiration tubes, might perhaps admit also of some change. But as this is not the place for entering into these details, we shall proceed to the Steam Engine, of which we promised to give a short description. ! VI.—Of the Steam Engine. The Steam Engine is that perhaps in which the genius of mechanism has been manifested in the highest degree; for no idea could be more happy than that of employing alternately, as moving powers, the expansive force of the steam of water, and the weight of the atmosphere. Such indeed is the principle of this inge- nious machine, which is at present employed with so much success in pumping water from mines, and for a variety of other purposes in the arts and manufactures. The first part of this machine is a large boiler, to the cover of which is adapted a hollow cylinder, two, three, cr four feet in diameter. A communication is formed between the boiler and the cylinder by an aperture, capable of being opened or shut. Into this cylinder is fitted a piston, the rod of which is made fast to the extremity of one of the arms of a working beam, having at the extremity of its other.arm the weight to be raised, which is generally the piston of a second pump, adapted to raise water froma great depth. The whole must be combined in such a manner that when the air or steam has free access into the cylinder, which communicates with the boiler, the weight alone of the apparatus affixed to the opposite arm shall be capable of raising that piston. . ae Let us now suppose the boiler filled with water to a certain height, and that it is brought to a state of complete ebullition by a large fire kindled below the boiler, As a part of this water will continually rise in steam, when the communication between the boiler and the cylinder is opened, this vapour, which is elastic, will introduce itself into it, and raise the piston; as its force is equivalent to that of air. Let us suppose also that the piston, when it attains to a certain height, by means of some mechanism, which may be easily conceived, moves a certain part of the machine, which intercepts the communication between the boiler and the cylinder ; and, in the last place, that by the same cause a jet of cold water is thrown beneath the bottom of the piston in the cylinder, so as to fall down through the vapour in the form of rain. At that moment the steam will be condensed into water ; a vacuum will be formed in the cylinder ; and consequently the piston will be then charged with the weight of the atmosphere above it, or a weight equivalent to a column of water of the same base and 32 feet in height. If the piston, for example, be 52 inches in ‘ diameter, as is the case in the steam-engines of Montrelais, near Ingrande, this weight will be equal to 29450 pounds: the piston will consequently be obliged to descend with a force equal to nearly 30000 pounds, and the other arm of the working we hs 3 ' THE STEAM ENGINE. 247 beam, if it be of the same length, will act with an equal force to overcome the resistance opposed to it. When the piston has made this first stroke, the communi- eation between the boiler and the cylinder is restored; the steam of the boiling water again enters it, and the equilibrium between the air of the atmosphere and the _jnside of the cylinder being re-established, the weight of the apparatus affixed to the other end of the working beam descends, and raises the piston; the same play as before is renewed; the piston again falls, and the machine continues to produce its effect. It may be readily conceived, that we must here confine ourselves to this short sketch; for a long description and a variety of figures would be necessary to give a correct idea of the many different parts requisite to produce this effect; such as that which opens and shuts the communication between the boiler and the cylinder ; that which injects cold water into the cylinder; those which serve to evacuate the air and water formed in the inside of the cylinder; the regulator necessary to prevent the steam, when it becomes too strong, from bursting the machine, &c. For farther details therefore we must refer the reader to those authors who have purposely treated of this machine; such as Belidor in his ‘* Architecture Hydraulique,” vol. ii.; Desaguliers, in his “* Cours de Physique Experimentale,” vol. ii-; M. Prony, in his ‘‘ Nouvelle Architecture Hydraulique ;” and several others. The machine here described is very different from that mentioned by Muschen- brock, in his ‘* Cours de Physique Experimentale.” In the latter, the steam acts by its compression on a cylinder of water, which it causes to ascend. This requires steam highly elastic, and very much heated ; but in this case there is great danger of the machine bursting In the new machine, that above described, it is sufficient if the steam has the elasticity of the air: this it will acquire if the water boils only briskly ; and therefore the danger of the machine bursting is not nearly so great: it is not even said that this accident ever happened to any of the large steam-engines, which have been long established. The largest steam-engine with which I am acquainted, is that of Montrelais, near Ingrande, which is employed in freeing the coal mines from water. The cylinder is 524 inches in diameter.* It raises per hour, to the height of 652 feet, by eight different stages, 1145 cubie feet of water, or 10800 gallons; and as it is estimated, after deducting the time lost by putting it in motion, during accidental repairs, which, are necessary from time to time, &c., that it works 22 hours’in the 24, its daily effect is to raise, to the above height, and evacuate, 237600 gallons of water. In the same time it consumes about 266 cubic feet of coals. The other expenses attending it must also be considerable. In the same place is another machine which, in some respects, appears to be con- structed on a better principle. ‘Though the cylinder is only 34 inches in diameter, it raises, in 22 hours, to the same height, and at one jet, 22000 cubic feet, or about 165000 gallons, which is above two thirds of the quantity raised by the former, while the moving power, which is in the ratio of the squares of the diameters of the pistons, is only about 2 of that of the other. An attempt was eons some years ago, to employ the steam-engine to move car- riages, and an experiment on this subject was tried at the arsenal of Paris. The carriage indeed moved, but in our opinion this idea must be considered rather as ingenious, than susceptible of being put in practice It would not be very agreeable to travellers to hear, behind them, the noise of a machine capable, if it should burst, of blowing them to atoms; and we much doubt whether this invention would meet with encouragement. A boat also which, it is said, could be made to * In some steam-engines in England the cylinder is 62, and even 72 inches in diameter, and. their power is equal to that of 250 horses. 248 MECHANICS. move against the current by means of a steam-engine, was seen for a long time in the middle of the Seine, opposite to Passy. Nothing less was hoped from this invention, than to be able to convey a boat, laden with merchandise, in two or three days, from Rouen to Paris; but scarcely was the machine in motion, when the wheels, the float-boards of which were to serve as oars, were broken in pieces by the effect of the too violent and sudden impression they received. Such was the result of this attempt, the failure of which had been predicted by the greater part of those mechanicians who had seen the preparations. [ We have retained in this edition the above paragraph on the application of steam to navigation and locomotive engines on land, as a curious record of the opinions on those subjects entertained by men the most eminent in science, at a very recent period. What would these men say, could they be permitted to view the achieve- ments of modern science, on the application of steam to travelling by sea and by land? Hundreds of people conveyed by the power of a single steam-engine from London to Liverpool at the rate of from 20 to 30 miles an hour; and steam vessels sailing from various ports in England to New York, with the regularity of mail coaches, and completing their voyages in about a fortaight; would doubtless strike them with amazement. ] Remark,—As Montucla has given but a short and imperfect account of that truly noble English invention, we have subjoined the following brief history of it. The Steam Engine was invented by the Marquis of Worcester, in the year 1655; and an account of it was printed in a little book, entitled “A Century of the Names and Scantlings of such Inventions as at present I can call to mind,” &c.; in the year 1663. In the 68th article of that work, the Marquis describes the invention in the follow- ing words :—‘‘ An admirable and most forcible way to drive up water by fire. Not by drawing or sucking it upwards, for that must be as the philosopher calleth it, intra speram activitatis, which is but at such a distance; but this way hath no bounds, if the vessel be strong enough; for I have taken a piece of a whole cannon, whereof the end was burst, and filled it three quarters full of water, stopping and — securing up the broken end, as also the touch-hole, and making a constant fire under it, within 24 hours it burst and made a great crack ; so that having a way to make my vessels, so that they are strengthened by the force within them, and the one to fill after the other. I have seen the water run like a constant fountain stream forty feet high; one vessel of water rarefied by fire driveth up forty of cold water. Anda - man that tends the work is but to turn two cocks, that one vessel of water being con- sumed, another begins to force and refill with cold water, and so successively, the fire being tended and kept constant, which the self-same person may likewise abun- dantly perform in the interim between the necessity of turning the said cocks.” But although the above description is a distinct and intelligible one, of the manner of applying steam for raising of water, yet no person, that I have heard of, attempted to erect a machine on these principles until the year 1699; when Captain Savary produced, the 14th of June in that year, a model which was worked before the Royal Society, at their weekly meeting at Gresham College. He afterwards published an account of this machine in the year 1702, in a work entitled ‘* The Miner’s Friend.” In Savary’s machine, the steam is used for making a vacuum in a vessel placed near to the water to be raised, and communicating with it by a pipe, which has a-cock or valve adapted toit. This valve or cock being opened when there is a vacuum in the vessel, the atmosphere presses the water into the vessel ; and when this is filled, the yalve or cock is shut; and steam being let into it, this presses on the surface a . THE STEAM ENGINE. 249 of the water, and forces it upwards through a pipe adapted to the vessel for this purpose. _ The disadvantages attending this method of construction were so great, that Capt. Savary never succeeded further thanin making some engines for the supply of gentlemen’s seats; but he did not succeed for mines, or the supplying of towns with water. This discouragement stopped the progress and improvement of the Steam Engine, till Mr. Newcomen, an ironmonger, and John Ceudley, aglazier at Dartmouth, about the year 1712, invented what is called the Lever or Newcomen engine. Inthis machine, the steam is made to act in a cylinder distinct from the pumps, and is used merely for the purpose of making and unmaking a vacuum, in this manner—namely, there is a piston in the cylinder, fitted so nicely to it, that it can slide easily up and down without the - admission of any air, or other fluid, to pass between its edge and the cylinder. The steam isadmitted below the piston, which, being ofa strength equal to the atmosphere, brings it into a state of equilibrium, when the weight of the pump rods and volumes . of water, at the other end of the lever or balance, raises it up; when the piston has got to the top of the cylinder, a jet of cold water is thrown amongst the steam, which condenses it, and forms a partial vacuum. The atmosphere then acting on the upper side of the piston, forces it down, and raises the column of water at the other end of the beam. No improvement on this principle took place for above half a century, except in the construction of a variety of contrivances for the purpose of opening and shutting the | different cocks and valves, necessary to admit the steam into the cylinder, the water to condense it, to carry off the condensed steam, to make the piston more air-tight, and in general to improve the various working parts of the engine. Machines of this kind have been constructed in a variety of places; particularly in Great Britain, for the purpose of raising water from mines or for supplying towns, and for raising water to turn wheels. One of the largest of this kind is that which was constructed by the late ingenious Mr. Smeaton, for raising water to turn the wheels of the Blast Furnaces at Carron—the cylinder of this engine is 72 inches in diameter, and I believe it is reckoned the most perfect engine that has been con- structed on Newcomen’s principle. But although Mr. Smeaton spent much time in the improvements of these engines, and succeede@ to a very considerable extent, yet the manner of employing the steam in a cylinder where cold water is to be ad- mitted, for the purpose of condensing it at each stroke, and the piston and cylinder being exposed to the atmosphere, render it so imperfect that above one half of the i t power of the steam is lost by this construction. And therefore, even with Mr. Smea- ton’s ingenious improvements, the Steam Engine at that time was but a very imper- fect machine, and by no means applicable to such a variety of purposes as it is now in its improved state. The ingenious Mr. James Watt of Glasgow, perceiving the great loss of steam © which was sustained in its use,in Newcomen’s engine, about 1768 made a variety of experiments on this subject, and in 1770 obtained a patent for a new mode of apply- ing it; in which the cylinder was made close both at bottom and top, and the rod ' which connected the piston with the lever, was made to work through a collar of hemp and tallow, so as to be perfectly air-tight. The atmosphere being thus excluded from the cylinder, both the vacuum is made by the steam, and the piston is moved by it. Also the steam is not condensed by throwing cold water into the cylinder, but it is taken out by au air-pump, and condensed ina separate vessel; and in order to keep the cylinder as hot as possible, it is surrounded with steam, and covered with non-, conducting substances. By this construction, the engine has been made to perform at least double the effect with the same quanity of fuel, as the best engines on New- comen’s construction. Mr. Watt obtained an extension of his patent right in the year 1775, by an act of parliament, fo: 25 years; and was joined by the ingenious Mr. 250 _MECHANICS. Boulton of Soho, near Birmingham; since which, the same principle has still been followed; but the working parts have undergone various modifications, by the joint abilities of these able mechanicians. The principle which was applied to the work- ing of the piston, only one way, that is, by pushing it downwards, as the atmosphere did in Newcomen’s engine, has also been applied to the forcing it up; by which means, engines, where cylinders are of a given diameter, are now made to perform double the effect. This has not only saved great expence in the original construction of the engines, but has enabled them to be applied in cases where immense power has been wanted, and which could not have been performed at all by them on New- comen’s construction. By the same mode of applying the steam, it can now not only be used of the strength of the atmosphere, but as much stronger as necessity or convenience may require ; which is a still further consolidation of the power. The eelerity also with which the condensation of the steam, and the discharging of the condensed steam and water, are performed, enables them to work quicker, and so to be applied to all kinds of mill work, which are used in the numerous manufac- tories of this country. Corn is ground by them, cotton spun, silk twisted, the immense machinery used in the new manufactories are worked, and including every kind of mill work to which water can be applied. They are also used in the various branches of the civil engineer. Thus the water is taken from the foundations of Locks, Bridges, Docks, &c. The piles are driven fur the foundations, as the mortar manufactured for the building of the walls; earth taken from their canals; and docks and works have been of late performed by their means, which could not have been executed without them. They are also made so portable for some purposes, that they are even constructed on boats and carriages, to be moved from one place to another; while in others they are made on a large and magnificent scale. Messrs. Boulton and Watt have made them from the power of one, to that of 250horses; and by their late contrivances in the execution of their different parts, they are so manageable, that evena lad may attend and direct their operations; and so regular in their motions, that water itself cannot be more so. The quantity of fuel which they consume is comparatively small, to the effect they produce. One bushel of the best Newcastle coal applied to the working of an engine for pumping, will raise about thirty millions of pounds one foot high.—But in these engines, when the steam acts on the piston, both in its ascent and descent, the same quantity of fuel will not produce quite so great an effect, as there is not so much time for performing the condensation, on which account the vacuum is not so complete. 4 In the application of the steam ‘engine to driving machinery, it is important thata uniform motion should exist. To equalize the variable force communicated by the engine, a large and heavy metal wheel, called a fly wheel, is fixed on the axis turned by the crank which converts the reciprocating motion into a rotatory one, —and this wheel revolves with the axis on which it is fixed. The tendency of this heavy rotating wheel, to retain the velocity which it receives, renders the motion sufficiently uniform for all practical purposes, when the supply of steam from the boiler is nearly uniform, and the resistance to be overcome is also nearly uniform. To ensure a uniform velocity, however the load or resistance may be varied, it is necessary soto proportion the supply of steam tothe resistance, that upon the least _change in the velocity the supply of steam may be correspondently raised, so as to keep the engine always goingat the same rate. _ One of the most remarkable appendages of the steam engine is an apparatus called the governor, invented by Mr. Watt, for effecting this object,—viz., tor regu- lating the supply of steam to the engine. In the pipe which conducts steam from ; - i Ti : ae in , STEAM ENGINE. 251 the boiler to the cylinder is placed a thin circular plate, which, when its face is presented towards the length of the pipe, nearly stops it,—and when it is inclined ‘more or less, a greater or less quantity of steam is permitted to pass. This plate or valve is called the throttle valve; and the following account of the mechanism, which Mr. Watt contrived for making the engine itself turn the plate exactly and always into the precise position in which it is required to be, will, we have no doubt, be interesting to our readers. A (Fig. 55.) is a perpendicular axle, to which a grooved wheel B is attached, and which turns with the shaft in the pi- vots at the top and bottom of it. A strap rolled on the axis of the fly-wheel passes round the groove in the wheel B, as the strap acts ina turning lathe. Thus the ro- tation of the fly wheel and that of the shaft a will always vary inthe same proportion. c and pare two heavy balls at the ends of the rods ¢ and d, which play on an axis fixed on the revolving shaft at £, and extend beyond the axis torr. Connected with these rods by joints at F, F, are two other rods F, R, attached to a broad ring of metal which moves freely up and down the revolving shaft; and to this ring a lever is attached, whose centre is at G; and it is connected by a series of levers with the throttle valve T. When the speed of the fly-wheel becomes considerably increased, the spindle a is wheeled more rapidly round ; and the balls acquiring greater centrifugal force recede from the axis, depress the metal ring which slides on the spindle, and with it the adjoining end of the lever, raising at the same time the opposite end, and thus par- tially closing the throttle valve by means of the connecting apparatus, the supply of steam from the boiler to the cylinder is diminished, and a corresponding retardation of motion takes place in consequence. And the contrary effect is produced when the rotation of the fly wheel is diminished. It will thus be perceived, that when, from any alteration of the load or resistance to be overcome, the velocity of the fly wheel becomes increased or diminished, a corrective is supplied immediately and in accurate perfection, by the action of the governor, which has justly been characterised as one of the most elegant and inge- nious of mechanical inventions. Another most important mechanical device, for converting the straight in and out motion of the piston rod into a circular motion at the end of the working beam of the engine, merits notice in this place. Fig. ti. Mr. Watt conceived two straight rods, as, cp (Fig. 56.) moving on pivots at a and c, their extremities B and p being connected by a third rod Bp, by pivots at B and p, on which BD can turn freely. Now the pivots Band p will move in circular arcs, whose centres are at A andc; but the middle. point of the connecting rod Bp will move upwards and down- wards in a straight line. Fig. be 952° MECHANICS. The apparatus which, on this principle, Mr. Watt devised, for accomplishing, in — practice, the object in question, may be thus described. The beam moving on its centre c (Fig. 57.), every point in its arm describes the arc of a circle round ¢ asacentre. Let B be the middle of ac, and let DE be a straight rod equal in length to a Bor Be, and playing on the pivot p. The end & of the rod is connected by the pivots at B and £, with the straight barr B. Hence, according to what has just been stated, while the beam and pe revolve round @ and p as centres, F, the middle of Bx, will move up and down in a straight line. Again, if a rod ac, equal in length to B EF, be attached to a, the end of the beam, by a pivot on which it moves freely: and if G be connected with © by a rod equal in length to AB, the point eG will move in a straight line parallel to that in which F moves. The piston-rod of the steam cylinder is attached to the point G, and that of the air pump to the point r: so that they move in parallel straight lines, the piston-rod having double the stroke of that of the air-pump, being twice the distance from c, the centre of motion. BALLOONS, TELEGRAPHS, &c. Tue latter part of the last century, among many ingenious mechanical inventions, has produced the two remarkable ones relating to air balloons, and to telegraphs, with other means of distant, quick, or secret intelligence; concerning which a brief account may here be added; and first of Aerostation and Air Balloons. The fundamental principles of aerostation have been long and generally known, as well as speculations on the theory of it; but the successful application of them to practice seems to be altogether a modern discovery. These principles chiefly respect the pressure and elasticity of the air, with its specific gravity, and that of the other bodies to be floated in it. Now any body that is specifically, or bulk for bulk, lighter than the atmosphere, is buoyed up by it, and ascends to such height where the air, by always diminishing in its density upward, becomes of the same specific gravity as the rising body; here this body will float, and move along with the wind or current of air, like clouds at that height. This body then is an aerostatic machine, whatever © its form or nature may be; such as an air-balloon, the whole mass of which, including its covering and contents, with the weights annexed to it, is of less weight than the ~ same bulk of air in which it rises. We know of no solid bodies however that are Went enough thus to ascend and float in the atmosphere; and therefore recourse must be had to some fluid or aeriform sub- stance. Among these, that which is called inflammable air is the most proper for that purpose: it is very elastic, and is six, eight, or ten times lighter than common air. So that, if a sufficient quantity of that kind of air be inclosed in any thin bag or covering, the weight of the two together will be less than the weight of the same bulk of common air: consequently this compound mass will rise in the atmosphere, till it attain the height at which the atmosphere is of the same specific gravity as it« self; where it will remain or float with the current of air, as long as the inflammable gas does not too much escape through the pores of its covering. And this is an inflammable-air balloon. Another way is, to make use of common air rendered lighter, by heating it, instead of the inflammable air. Heat rarefies and expands common air, and consequently lessens its specific gravity. So that, if the air, inclosed in any kind of a bag or cover- 7 BALLOONS. 253 ing, be heated, and this dilated, to such a degree that the excess of the weight of an equal volume of common air, above the weight of the heated air, be greater than the weight of the covering and its appendages, the whole compound mass will ascend inthe atmosphere, till it arrive at a height where the atmosphere has the same spe- cific gravity with it; where it will remain till, by the cooling and condensation of the included air, the balloon shall gradually contract, and descend again, unless the heat be:renewed or kept up. And this is a heated-air balloon, which is also called a Montgolfier, after the name of its inventor. Various schemes for rising up in the air, and passing through it, have been devised and attempted, both by the ancients and the moderns, on different principles, and with various success. Of these attempts, some have been on mechanical principles, or by the powers of mechanism; and such, it is conceived, were the instances related of the flying pigeon made by Archytas, also the flying eagle, and the fly by Regiomon- tanus, with many others, both among the ancients and moderns. Other projects have been vainly formed, by attaching wings to some part of the human body, to be moved either by the hands or the feet, by means of mechanical powers; so that striking the air with them, after the manner of the wings of a bird, the person might raise himself in the air, and transport himself through it, in imitation of that animal. But these attempts belong rather to that species or principle of motion called artificial flying, than to the subject of aerostation, which is properly the sailing or floating in the air by means of a machine rendered specifically lighter than that element, in imitation of aqueous navigation, or the sailing on the water in a ship or vessel, which is specifically lighter than this element. The first rational account to be found on record, for this sort of sailing, is perhaps that of our countryman Roger Bacon, who died in the year 1292. He not only affirms that the art is feasible, but assures us that he himself knew how to make a machine, in which a man sitting might be able to convey himself through the air like a bird: and he farther affirms that there was another person who had tried it with success. ‘The secret it seems consisted in a couple of large thin shells, or hollow globes, of copper, exhausted of air; so that the whole being thus rendered lighter than air, they would support a chair, in which a person might sit. Bishop Wilkins too, who died in 1672, in several of his works, makes mentign of similar ideas being entertained by divers persons. ‘‘ It is a pretty notion to this purpose,” says he, (in his Discovery of a New World), mentioned by Albertus de Saxonia, and out of him by Francis Mendoza, “ that the air is in some part of it navi- gable. And that upon this static principle, any brass or iron vessel, suppose a kettle, whose substance is much heavier than that of the water; yet being filled with the lighter air, it will swim upon it, and not sink.” And again, in his Dedalies, he says, “ Scaliger conceives the framing of such volant automata to be very easy. ‘Those ancient motions we thought to be contrived by the force of some included air As if there had been some Jamp or other fire within it, which might preduce such a forcible rarefaction as should give a motion to the whole frame.” From whence it would seem that Bishop Wilkins had some confused notion of such a thing as a heated-air balloon. x Again, father Francisco Lana, in his Prodroma, printed in 1670, proposes the same method with that of Roger Bacon, as his own thought. He considered that a hollow vessel, exhausted of air, would weigh less than when filled with that fluid. He also reasoned that, as the capacity of spherical vessels increases much faster than their surface, the former increasing as the cube of the diameter, but the latter only as the square of the same, it is therefore possible to make a spherical vessel of any given matter and thickness, and of such a size as, when emptied of air, it will be lighter than an equal bulk of that air, and consequently that it will ascend in the atmosphere. After stating these principles, father Lana computes that a round 254 MECHANICS. vessel of plate brass, 14 feet in diameter, weighing 3 ounces the square foot, will only weigh 1848 ounces; whereas a quantity of air of the same bulk will weigh’ 2156 ounces, allowing only one ounce to the cubic foot; so that the globe will not only ascend in the air, but will also carry up a weight of 308 ounces: and by increasing the bulk of the globe, without increasing the thickness of the metal, he adds, a vessel might be made to carry up a much greater weight. Such then were the speculations of ingenious men, and the gradual approaches to- wards this art. But one thing more was yet wanting: although in some degree ac- quainted with the weight of any quantity of air, considered as a detached substance, it seems they were not aware of its great elasticity, and the universal pressure of the atmosphere; a pressure by which a globe, of the dimensions above described, and exhausted of its air, would immediately be crushed inwards, for want of the equivalent internal counter pressure, to be sought for in some element, much lighter than common air, and yet nearly of equal pressure or elasticity with it; a property and circumstance attending inflammable gas, and also common air when considerably heated. , It is evident then that the-schemes of ingenious men hitherto must have gone no farther than mere speculation; otherwise they could never have recorded fancies which, on the first attempt to be put in practice, must have manifested their own insufficiency, by an immediate failure of success, For, instead of exhausting the vessel of air, it must be filled either with common air heated, or with some other equally elastic but lighter air. So that on the whole it appears, that the art of traversing the atmosphere, is an invention of our own time ; and the whole history of it is comprehended within a very short period. . The rarefaction and expansion of air by heat, is a property of it that has been long known, not only to philosophers, but even to the vulgar. By this means it is, that the smoke is continually carried up our chimneys: and the effect of heat upon air is made very sensible by bringing a bladder, only partially filled with air, near a fire; when the air presently expands with the heat, and disteuds the bladder so as almost to burst it. Indeed, so well are the common people acquainted with this effect, that it is the constant practice of those who kick about blown bladders, for foot ballg, to bring them from time to time to the fire, to restore the spring of the air, and the distension of the ball, lost by the continual cooling and waste of that fluid. But the great levity, or rather small. weight, of inflammable gas, is a modern. discovery, namely, within the last 70 or 80 years; a discovery chiefly owing to our own countrymen, Mr. Cavendish and Dr, Black, the latter of whom frequently mentioned also the feasibility of inclosing it in a very thin bag, so as that it might — ascend into the atmosphere; an idea which was first put in practice, on a very small scale, by Mr. Cavallo, another ingenious philosopher. It was however two brothers, of the name of Montgolfier, near the city of Lyons in France, who, in the year 1782, first exhibited to the world what may properly be called air-balloons, of large dimensions, being silken bags of many feet in diameter. These were on the principle of common air heated, by passing through a fire, made near the orifice or bottom of the balloon. This heated air and the smoke thus ascended straight up into the bag, and gradually distended it, till it became quite full, and so much lighter than the atmosphere, that the balloon rapidly ascended, and carried up other weights with it to very great heights. After attaining its utmost height however, partly by the cooling of the included air, and partly by its escape through the pores of the covering, the balloon gradually descends very slowly, and. comes at length to the ground, after being sometimes carried to great distances by the wind, or currents of air in the atmosphere. Other balloons were also soon made by the philosophers in France, and after them in other countries ; namely, by filling the balloon case with inflammable gas; a more TELEGRAPHS, 255 - troublesome and expensive process, but of much better effect ; because, having only to guard against the waste of the fluid through tne pores, but not its cooilng, these balloons continue much longer in the air, sometimes for the space of many hours, enabling the passengers to pass over large tracts of country. On one of these occa- sions, Mr. Blanchard, a noted operator, with a favourable wind, passed ‘over from Dover to Calais, accompanied by another gentleman. Many other persons exhibited balloons, of large dimensions, particularly in France and other parts of the continent, with various success. The people of that country have also successfully applied balloons to the examination of the state of the higher regions of the atmosphere; and also in their armies, to dis- cover the dispositions and operations of an enemy’s position and camp. In England they have been less attended to, perhaps owing at first to an unfortunate prejudice, and an idea thrown out, that they could not be turned to any useful purpose in life. Balloons have become so common within the last few years, that their appearance must be familiar to all our readers, and we therefore give only the an- nexed cut of Blanchard’s balloon with the parachute. TELEGRAPHS. A Telegraph is a machine lately brought into use by the French nation, namely in the year 1793; being contrived to communicate words or signals, from one person to another, at a great distance, and in a very short time, a The object proposed is, to obtain an intelligible figurative ianguage, to be distin~. guished at a distance, to avoid the obvious delay in the dispatch of orders or informa- tion by messengers. es hye On first reflection, we find the practical. modes of such distant communication must be confined to sound and vision, but chiefly the latter. Each of these is in a great degree affected by the state of the atmosphere : as, independent of the wind’s direction, the air is sometimes so far deprived of its elasticity, or whatever other "quality the conveyance of sound depends on, that the heaviest ordnance is scarcely heard farther than the shot flies : and, on the other hand, in thick hazy weather, the largest objects become quite obscured at a short distance. No instrument therefore, designed for the purpose, can be perfect. We can only endeavour to diminish these defects as much as may be. ae Some kind of distant signals must have been employed from the earliest antiquity. It seems the Romans had a method in their walled cities, either by a hollow formed in the masonry, or by tubes affixed to it, so to confine and augment sound, as to | convey information to any part they wished ; and in lofty houses it is now sometimes the custom to have a pipe, by way of speaking trumpet, to give orders from the | upper apartments to the lower: by this mode of confining sound, its effect may be carried ‘to a very great distance; but beyond a certain extent, the sound, losing articulation, would only convey alarm, and not give directions. - Every city among the ancients had its watch-towers ; and the castra stativa of the | Romans had always some spot, elevated either by art or nature, from whence signals _ were given to the troops cantoned or foraging in the neighbourhood. But they had probably not arrived at greater refinement than that, on seeing a certain signal, they were immediately to repair to their appointed stations. A beacon, or bonfire made of the first inflammable materials that offered, as the 256. - MECHANICS. Sa most obvious, is perhaps the most ancient mode of general alarm, and by being pre- viously concerted, the number or point where the fires appeared might have its par- ticular intelligence affixed. ‘The same observations may be referred to the throw- ing up of rockets, whose number or the point from whence thrown, may have its affixed signification. Flags or ensigns, with their various devices, are of earliest invention, especially at sea; where, from the first idea, which was probably that of a vane to shew the direc- tion of the wind, they have been long adopted as the distinguishing mark of nations, and are now so neatly combined by the ingenuity of a great naval commander, that by his system every requisite order and question is received and answered by the most distant ships of a fleet. To the adopting this, or a similar mode, in land service, the following are objec- tions: that in the latter case, the variety of matter necessary to be conveyed is so exceedingly great, that the combinations would become too complicated. And if the person for whom the information is intended should be in the direction of the wind, the flag would then present a straight line only, and at a little distance be invisible. ‘The Romans were so well aware of this inconvenience of flags, that many of their standards were solid; and the name manipulus denotes the rudest of their modes, which was a truss of hay fixed on a pole. . The principle of water always keeping its own level has been suggested, as a pos- sible mode of conveying intelligence, by an ingenious gentleman, and put in practice on a small scale, with a very pleasing effect. As for example, suppose a leaden pipe to reach between too distant places, and to have a perpendicular tube connected to each extremity. Then, if the pipe be constantly filled with water to a certain height, it will always rise to its level on the opposite end; and if but one inch of water be added at one extremity, it will almost instantly produce a similar elevation in the tube at the other end; so that by corresponding letters being adapted to the vertical tubes, at different heights, intelligence may be quickly conveyed. But this method is liable to such objections, that it is not likely it can ever be adopted to facilitate the object of very distant communications. Fullas many, if not greater objections, will perhaps operate against every mode of electricity being used as the vehicle of information. And the requisite magnitude of painted or illuminated letters, offers an insurmountable obstacle; besides in them one object would be lost, that of the language being figurative. Another idea is perfectly numerical, which is to raise and depress a flag or curtain a certain number of times for each letter, according toa previously concerted system; as, suppose one elevation to mean a, two to meanB, and so on through the alphabet. But in this case, the least inaccuracy in giving or noting the number, changes the letters; and besides the last letters of the alphabet would be a tedious operation. Another method that has been proposed, is an ingenious combination of the mag- netical experiment of Comus, and the telescopic micrometer. Butas this is only an imperfect idea of Mr. Garnet’s very ingenious machine, described below,.no farther notice need be taken of it here. Mr. Garnet’s contrivance is merely a bar or plank, turning on a centre like the arm of a windmill; which being moved into any position, an observer or correspondent at a distance turns the tube of a telescope round its axis, into the same position, by bringing a fixed wire within it to coincide with, or become parallel to, the bar, which isa thing extremely easy todo. The centre of motion of the bar has a small circle fixed on it, with letters and figures around the circumference, and a moveable index turning together with the bar, pointing to any letter or mark the operator may wish to set the bar to, or to communicate to the observer. The eye end of the telescope has a like index and circle fixed on the outside of it with the corresponding letters or other marks, The consequence is obvious; the telescope being turned round its axis, j 1 | J TELEGRAPHS. 957 till its wire cover, or become parallel to the bar, the index of the former necessarily points out the same letter or mark on its circle as that of the latter, and the communi- ‘eation of sentiment is immediate and perfect. The use of this machine :s so easy, - that we have seen it put into the hands of two common labouring men, who had never seen it before, when they have immediately held a quick and distant conversation together. Fig. 59. represents the principal parts of this telescope: a Bp & is the telegraph or bar, having on the centre of gravity c, about which it turus, a fixed pin, going through a hole or socket in the firm upright post G, and on the op- posite side is fixedan index cr. Concentric toc, on the same post, is fixeda brass circle, of 6 or 8 inches diameter, divided into 48 equal parts, 24 of which represent the letters of the alphabet, and in the other 24, between the letters are numbers. So that the index, by means of the arm AB, may be set or moved to any letter or number. The length of the arm or bar should be 24 or 3 feet for every mile of distance. ‘Two revolving lamps of different colours, sus- pended occasionally at a and Bb, the ends of the arm, would serve equally at night. Let ss (Fig. 60.) represent a transverse section of the outward tube of a telescope, and x x the like section of the sliding or adjusting tube, on which is fixed an index 11. On the part of the outward tube next to the observer, is fixed a circle of letters and numbers, similarly divided and situated as the former circle in Fig. 59; so that the index 1 1, by means of the sliding or adjusting tube, may be turned to any other letter or number. Now there being a hair, or fine silver wire, fg, fixed in the focus of the eye-glass ; when the arm a B of the telegraph is viewed at a distance through the _telescope, the hair may be turned, by means of the sliding tube, to the same position as the arm a B; then the index11 (Fig. 60.) will point to the same letter or number on its own circle, as the index 1 (Fig 59.) points to on the telegraphic circle. If, instead of using the letters and numbers to form words at length, they be used as signals, three motions of the arm will give a hundred thousand different signals. But a telegraph, combined witha telescope, it seems was originally the invention of M. Amontons, an ingenious French philosopher, about the middle of the 17th cen- tury; when he pointed out a method to acquaint people at a great distance, and in a very little time, with whatever we please. This method was as follows: Let persons be placed in several stations, at such distances from each other, that, by the help of a telescope, a man in oue station may see a signal made by the next before him; this person immediately repeats the same signal to the third man; and this again to a fourth, and so on through all the stations, to the last. This, wiih considerable improvements, it seems has lately been brought into use by the French, and called a Telegraph. It is said they have availed themselves of this contrivance to good purpose, in the late war; which has induced the English — also to employ a like instrument, in a different form. The new invented telegraphic language of signals, says a French author, is an art= ful contrivance to transmit thoughts, in a peculiar way, from one distance to another, _ by means of machines, which are placed at different distances, of from 12 to 15 miles each, so that the expression reaches a very distant place in the space of a few minutes. The only thing which can interrupt their effects is, if the weather be so bad and turbid, that the objects and signals cannot be distinguished. By this inven- tion, remoteness and distance almost disappear; .and all the communications of Ss 258 MECHANICS, correspondence are effected with the rapidity of the twinkling of an eye. The greatest advantage which can be derived from this correspondence, is that, if we - choose, its object shall be known to certain individuals only, or to one individual alone, or to the extremities of any distance. Fig. 61. represents the form of the French Telegraph. Fig. 61. A Ais a beam or mast of wood, placed upright on arising ground, and is 15 or 16 feet high. BB is a beam or balance moving on the centre a A. This balance beam may be placed vertically, or horizontally, or any how in- clined, by means of strong cords, which are fixed to the wheel D, on the edge of which is a double groove, to receive the twocords. This balance is 11 or 12 feet long, and 9 inches broad, having at the end two bars c o, which likewise turn on the angles by means of four other cords passing through the axis of the main balance. The pieces c are each about three feet long, and may be turned and placed either to the right or left, straight or square with the balance beam, By means of these three, the combination of movements is said to be very extensive, remarkably simple, and easy to perform. Below is a small wooden hut, in which a person is employed to attend the movements of the machine. In the mountain near- est to this, another person is to repeat these movements, and athird to write them down. The signs are sometimes made in words, and sometimes in letters; when in words a small flag is hoisted; and as the alphabet may be changed at pleasure, it is only the corresponding person who knows the meaning of the signs. The alphabet, as well as the numbers to 10, are exhibited in the middle of Fig. 61, annexed to the different forms and positions into which the bars of the machine may be put. Many improvements and additional coutrivances have been since made in England, The following one is by the Rev. J.Gamble. The principle of it is simply that of a Venetian window-blind, or rather what are called the lever Fig. 62. boards of a brewhouse, which when horizontal, present so small A, a a surface to the distant observer, as to be lost to his view, but e ih are capable of being in an instant changed into a screen of a Bue : : : = et magnitude adapted to the required distance of vision. arBDFC cod (Fig. 62), isa firm upright frame, supporting nine lever boards fb ia: working on centres in BEand D F, and opening in three divisions byironrods, Andabcd,efgh, are two lesser frames, fixed to by iron rods, in the same manner as the others. If all these rods be brought so near the ground, as to be in the management of the operator, he will then have five keys to play on. Now as each of the handles ik1 mn commands three lever boards, by raising any one of them, and fixing it in its place by a catch or hook, it will give a different ap- pearance in the machine ; and by the proper variation of these five movements, there will be more than 25 of what may be called mutations, in each of which the machine exhibits a different appearance, and to which any letter or figure may be annexed at pleasure. Should it be required to give intelligence in more than one direction, the whole machine may easily be made to turn to different points, on a strong centre, after the manner of a single post windmill. To use this machine by night, another frame must. be connected With the back part of the Telegraph, for raising five lamps, of different colours, behind the openings of the lever boards; these lamps by night answering for the openings by day. Fig. 63, represents a front view of the latest form of the Telegraph, now em- x fin cag ae the great one, having also three lever boards in each, and moving- TELEGRAPHS., 259 ployed by the English government, by which a signal is conveyed between London and Deal, being 72 miles, by repetition, in Fig. 63. three minutes. The corresponding boards forming a ee a scale for the alphabet, and for numbering, is annexed ean lj mcd in the engraving. fe ta We shall limit ourselves to what has been here said iy respecting those machines, which have acquired the greatest celebrity; but we shall point out a few books which those who are fond of machines, and who wish to instruct themselves by example, may consult for that purpose. The first of these, which we shall mention, is the Theatrum Mechanicum of Leupold, in several volumes folio, the last of which appeared in 1725. This isa curious work, but the author’s theory is not always well founded; for he seems not be en- alll iia eh ye l B Sab eat cabin ee eae tirely convinced of the impossibility of the perpetual ae foeaaa motion. The next is the Thédtre des Machines of James Besson, in Italian and French. And to these _we shall add, Bockler’s work, in Latin; that of Ramelli in Italian and French, which is rare, and in great request. The Cabinet des Machines of de Servieres, 4to, Paris 1733, is one of the most curious works of this kind, on account of the great number of machines described in it, and which were invented by the author. Some of them are very ingenious, and the principles on which they are constructed de- served to have been better explained; but, in general, they are more curious than useful. The description of the method in which the Chevalier Carlo Fontana raised the famous obelisk, now before St. Peter’s at Rome, is likewise a work worthy of a place in the library of every person fond of mechanics, M. Loriot, who has a collection of machines, the invention of which displays great ingenuity, has promised to publish some day a description of them. This, in our opinion, would be a curious and useful work ; for the most of his machines bear the stamp of genius. We have seen one, invented by him for driving piles, which acts by a motion always in the same di- rection, without being obliged to stop or to retrograde, iu order to raise up again the weight. Nothing, in our opinion, can be more ingenious than the method in which, after the fall of the weight or rammer, the hook that serves to raise it again, lays hold of it, and by which the cable lengthens itself in order to reach lower and lower, in proportion as the pile sinks deeper. If this mode of construction be compared with those hitherto employed, no one can refuse to give it the pre- ference, There is also the Collection, in 6 vols. 4to, of Machines and Inventions approved by the Royal Academy of Sciences, containing the engravings and descriptions of _a great multitude of machines. In English too we have Desaguliers’s Course of } . > y i Experimental Philosophy, in 2 vols, 4to.; also Emerson’s Mechanics, both con- taining the figures and descriptions of many curious and useful machines. Besides _ some others of less note. 28 260 TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. A TABLE OF THE SPECIFIC GRAVITIES OF DIFFERENT BODIES, THAT OF RAIN OR DISTILLED WATER BEING SUPPOSED 1000. METALS. Gold. Spec, Grav. Pure gold of 24 carats, melted The same wire-drawn <+ee+s but not hammered °-++«+--- 19258 Brass, not hammered --++-+- The same hammered :+++++ 19362 The same wire-drawn -++-«« Gold, of the Parisian standard, Common cast brass :+-++++e: 22 carats fine, not hammered* 17486 The same hammered 17589 Iron and Steel, Gold of the standard of French Cast iron -++ecesseeere nes coin, 2122 carats fine, not Bar iron, either hardened or hammered: 2e cee. Stee a os 17402 not -+-+-- beeceecesceces The same coined +-++--+> 17647 Steel, neither tempered nor Gold of the French trinket hardened «-+++-++eee- soee standard, 20 carats fine, not | Steel hardened under the ham- hammered «+++ --«cecsees 15709 mer, but not tempered -+-- The same hammered:see-+++ 15775 Steel tempered and hardened Steel tempered and not har- Silver. Gened ~.+esss- 0s erecces Pureor virgin silver, 12 deniers fine, not hammered ---+-+- 10474 Other Metals. The same hammered ------ 10511 Pure tin from Cornwall, melted Silver of the Paris standard, and not hardened «---++«- A 11 deniers 10 grains fine, not The same hardened----+e«- hammered ¢ ---+~+++ee+s 0175 Malacca tin, not hardened .. The same hammered -+-+++++ 10377 The same hardened ----«see Silver, standard of the French Molten lead -.--+-sesecees coin 10 deniers 21 grains Molten zinc -+s+e-see- woes fine, not hammered --+-+ 10048 Molten bismuth »+seecereeees The same coined --++sceece 10408 Molten cobalt--+e2+ee..eee e . Molten arsenic +-++e+es-veee Platina. Molten nikel +2 cecessscvues Crude platina, in grains ---+» 15602 Molten antimony +e+++s-e- Purified platina, not hammered 19500 Crude antimony -++---+-+ee. The same hammered ------ 20337 Glass of antimony --+++--++-+ The same drawn into wire-- 213042 Molybdena -++--+++> AEE ADE The same rolled ---+---+e6. 22069 Tungsten vate eae atelevere Mereury -««.sscceccccs cerefats Copper and Brass, nih ae Copper, not hammered ----+» 7788 White oriental diamond :--- Rose coloured ditto 3521 3531 * This is the same as sterling gold. PRECIOUS STONES. Oriental ruby a suererert staraieletetate Spinell ditto ce eeseevnecece ee Spec. Gray. 8879 3760 t This is 10 gre. finer than sterling. TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES. Spec. Grav. Ballas ditto -+++++e+eerees 3646 Brasilian ditto se+ee-sseeeeee 8531 Oriental topaz’ ......cceccce 4011 Saxon ditto -+-++++.- eoese § §=3564 Oriental sapphire ----.--++ - 3994 Brasilian ditto +++ seee-+++ 3131 Girasol se«scecscevscecece 4000 Jargon of Ceylon «+--+: sooe §=64416 Hyacinth-+++-e--«- SC . 38687 Vermilion o+.-s.e+% gulatderne Bohemian garnet ++++++-+ $ Syrian ditto ---++e-+-++e-+-- Volcanic ditto with 24 sides Peruvian emerald ---.+e+ ese Chrysolite of the jewellers -- Brasilian ditto +++. + oe eeeee Beryl or oriental aqua-marine Occidental ditto:+++++++ +e+ SILICEOUS STONES. Pure rock crystal of Madagascar 2653 Brown Jasper .cccessescocce mrito-Of Enrope ......ceece. 2600 Yellow ditto wscccccsseceee Crystallized quartz -.-.. Age Gute Violet ditto’ ........ AP sin: Oriental agate ....6e...e cee 2590 Grey ditto ...:.. eoneee BEHGG. OLX. oe cn cc's ne ayes 2638 Black prismatic hexaedral schorl Transparent calcedony ...... 2664 } Black amorphus.schorl, called BEMCLIAN Tac cls setae oe eden > 8 2614 antique basaltes .....+s0. BALCONY X - sc csesccccscsencne, 2000 Paving stone ...cccreccooes BUSTED ase inra.sain era als, wie 8 "er ok Grind-stone -...ccccceecsseee SUVS CUI e.6 cence ais.» «68's 2664 Cutler’s/stone 2 ..s.ceen: seas YS ATTLESS 6G OS Oe ire ears 2950 Mill-stone...secssccccecsece "Green dittd «oes. eovens ee 2966 White flint ...csccccccccecs Red Jasper ....ssccccceceee 2661 Blackish ditto ....e0-cecvece VARIOUS STONES, &c. Opake green Italian serpentine 2430 Violet uot. asasseddien aces Coarse Briancon chalk ...... 2727 Red porphyry ..... sae Relaene x PSpanish chalk .......... biweN Zio Red Egyptian granite ........ MMREEOVY AIC | no > 5 sin, oy cGeis).s 2792 Pamice stoned ss 0.00 0ce0 3% ola Common schist or slate 2672 Obsidian stone ............6- OE ae 2854 Basaltes from the Giant’s Cause- White razor hone .......++ 2876 Wel Vita ca elapse ye baleen ee Black and white ditto ...... 3131 smouch=stOne@. oss ccc cee cee ae ‘Icelandic crystal ...-.+.00e0+ 2715 Bottle glass ........ Zislaldtetetete Pyramidal calcareous spar .... 2730 GACT C1ARS Las, «5 dane cinslne alot _ Oriental or white antique ala- VTEC PAGS 51a oa; ora esti ece seatnents ASCOT (he o.0.¢.0.- 00,0,0,6,0,3,0:9 #1 oN, SEE Tieith crystals jel nacsea enn 'ees Green Campanian marble .... 2742 eMiin Colas Ons om s,01 ofose,nsereye steele BEEUPOILED .Syaureaienie eh cic eee 240 Male fir 250%.'.shc0re te ee ee 550 Elm plank ...... oro ata etal bale eave 671 Female gitto > <3... he. coos 498 Ash ditto. Warren eee wie ne eae 845 Pontarteasts siete 'si>!s 70 ‘aie 07s 'aseleiee a Beech j-i5) see oc lsusre sieht s Ant = 5)" White Spanish ditto ........ 529 Alder 00 7ecvsins si pig's Oe SOO Apple tree .....+ ied 793 WU AIIUL = oer tse encenee, eri L Pear tree 2. asics see 85 cs 661 * Sea water differs in weight, according to the climate. It is heavier in the torrid zone, and at a distance from the coasts, than in the northern seas and near land. tie TABLE OF WEIGHTS. Spec. Grav Quince tree ......... iMveven vf00 I Sha cue ete ote! oferta toon semen 944 Plum tree ..)...'s.. ag vodictotl ols 785 Cherry thee v. Sow cecccse eens 715 RE TT OG or. chile et nlite 3 > 600 PMTCT UOXCm ie wp bles 8 be dee oe 912 mutch ditto. ..+...s WAP AL ED 1328 Mptch yew ..-.....06 Serie. IL TOO 263 Spec. Gray. Spanish ditto’ J0i..0000% cree’ 807 Spanish cyprus ...... coseee 644 American ‘cedar’ J22i....0- 6. 561 Spanish Mulberry tree ...... 897 Pomegranate tree .......... 1354 ASN V Ita ies oe pace eta es al 1333 Orange tre@ ose. scencsesees 705 Note.—We may here observe, that the numbers in the above table express nearly the absolute-weight of an English cubic foot, of each substance, in averdupois ounces. TABLE OF WEIGHTS, BOTH ANCIENT AND MODERN, AS COMPARED WITH THE ENGLISH TROY POUND, WHICH CONTaINs 12 ouNCczES, oR 5760 GRAINS. As we gave, at the end of that part which relates to Geometry, a comparative table of the principal longitudinal measures, we think it our duty to give here a similar table of the ancient Hebrew, Greek, and Roman weights; and also of the modern weights of different countries, particularly in Europe, as compared with the English troy pound. ANCIENT WEIGHTS. Hebrew Weighis. Grs. Troy. lib. oz. dwt. gr. The obolus called gerah .........+.00. 1066 .. 0 O O 10°66 Half shekel or beka ......... rite eee 103-377 YO Os 4a ieae SUS 6 See be mt tate ee ate 206-74 .. O 0 8 1474 MUREIAN POINI BITCH I “c sSa'c w's'So'deie skp de ce wee 1245367... | QIN IS O16? Mealent OF CicaY’,.4 4's. os Hees on aces 2 OeeboacG 108 1 5 36 Attic Greek Weights.* Grs. Troy. lib. oz. dwt. gr. MmAlCUS “ects ss. RT Rac ue ake ate ene ot oe "82 0 0 0 O82 URIS MEE PON onc Nx hie. e: sre xia ain ieee cieretats 8°20 0 0 0 820 DoreCHMGA sets theses oteis Maes Boe tes SEBO ee nO OSS ag PHULACHIGA e's a's v's a ce els HAs An 103°76) Oe 0 0 SENT 78 Petradrachma °:....23 22% etiam teaae tets 207706! 4 OF O28 115 OG feesserimina Of (5 drachms)...-cccassse. SOOl77 .. O 8°:2> S77 Greater mina of 100 drachms ..e-...2+- 5189703 .. 01016 5:03 Lesser Talent of 60 lesser mine .eccoce 23300620 .. 40 6 9 10:20 Greater talent of 60 greater mine ...... 3113418 .. 54 O 12 13°8 Roman Weights. EETiG COvIOUAITG th ctsls ¢ o's" bb. ues eo Ounce, equal to 8 denarii Peeece Grs. Troy. lib. oz. dwt. pr. 51°89 0 0 2 389 415°12 O20 17.712 * It may be proper hire to observe, that these weights were at the same time money. 264 TABLE OF WEIGHTS, Grs. Troy. lib. oz. dwt. grs. As or pound, equal to 12 ounces ...... 4981-44 .. 010 7 13°44 - Another pound of 10 ounces .......... 415)°2 oe... 0, 8 12 288 The lesser talent srcccceseesscscsceee 233506'20 .. 40 6 9 10°20 The greater talent .... vececsssceieses 3113418... 54 0 12 138 The above tables are taken from a work by M. Christiani, entitled, ‘‘ Delle Misure ~ d’ogni genere, antiche é moderne,” &c.; printed in quarto, at Venice, in the year 1760. As this is an obscure subject, and as some difference prevails among the learned in regard to the value of the ancient weights, the translator has added the following tables from Arbuthnot, in order to render this article more complete. Jewish weights reduced to English Troy weight. lib. oz. dwt. gr. Thevehekclee tr ee, Caen nce cae socesees 0 0 9 2 Maneh-ee+sececece soe ececs vane eeeeesee eccees 9 3.6 102 Talenteccccccccsscces er eccescccces eeoees 113 10 1 102 The most ancient Grecian weights, reduced to English Troy weight. Drachma cesses cevepenscosscscsencs ane oe QO OO: 6 32 IVET Tad «latin e's ai0ie we! blelsieié s\ee\celjs\s1 01 e'/s sfels/sls ee clesel Lem) 444 Talent ccvceccccccccerecccsnccssesvere e*e G6 O 12 543 Less ancient Grecian and Roman weights reduced to English Troy weight. Lentes eecsccevrecevessccasaressecne ereeseoe OF DO O 083 Siliquze sereee. Wiata stele a kia 5 We be eea taal or aia 0°00, .345 Obolus + +++ scree vesercesesereneesesers 0 0.0 92 Scriptulum-+ +--+. Hes: RE TR RA Ce Ri 00 018% CAG Ninaea he «ee He eae eee - 00 2 62 SOx tls eo aCoe ies cee eee seseeseee 0 0 8 08 Sicilicus eves ccecccceccee re ceersreccce eo» QO QO 4 13 2 Duella «eccccsccceresnceccerercereacres «> 0 0 6 1 3 Uncia eereccere eoceccove ecoces cooesse () OI8 5 4 Tisiraaecieriesis Gaitute pees seseereereressees 0-10 18 13 § The Roman ounce is the English averdupois ounce, which they divided into 7 denarii, as well as 8 drachms: and since they reckoned their denarius equal to the Attic drachm, this will make the Attic weights } heavier than the correspondent Roman weights. ; We shall here observe, that the Greeks divided their obolus into chalci and lepta: thus, Diodorus and Suidas divide the obolus into 6 chalci, and every chalcus into 7 lepta: others divided the obolus into 8 chalci, and every chalcus into 8 lepta, or minuta. ; ; The greater Attic weights, reduced to English Troy weight. . Ib. oz. dwt. grs. Libra or pound so cccorecee Gale elsiriniate etavers «-« 01018 138 Common Attic mina°:<::«-« Cie aushureia Phare ess @° 3 6 os (Ob i | 7 162 Another mina used in medicine +++++++++++e+s 1 211 102 ‘he common Attic talent ¢++es++++se+ee-s++ 56 11 0 17h Itis here to be remarked, that there was another Attic talent, said by some to con- sist of 80, and by others of 100 mine. Every mina contains ]00 drachme, and every \ bal hs } ; TABLE OF WEIGHTS. 265 “talent 60 mine ; but the talents differ in weight, according to the different standard of the Pichras and minz of which they are composed. The value of different mins and talents, in English Troy weight, is exhibited in the following tables: Table of different Mine. lib. oz. dwt. grs. Egyptian mina......... ecco eeene en esccene Poe 6 22% Antiochic..... saa vevate ees be Seta twa see LS 622% Ptolemaic of Cleopatra .....ssecececsvecses 1 6 14 1632 Alexandrian of Dioscorides ....... cssosceee 1 816 7H Table of different Talents. Beyptian qos ese Be Le. CE eoceeee 86 816 8 PL TIBICCIC) Ware se «RNa as uate «as sseoeeseee 86 816 8 BP LOleMalG. OL CICODALIA ican cad sscnececdarcue ..90.11 Lit 0 Alexandrian ..... Ves ee slows 50 ais concccccsoe 104 019 14 Of the Islands ..... Wares sc duets « caeneees lol. Pe eaele Antiochian, <1... ES OAM RIO RICE > 390 3 13 11 Modern Weights of the principal countries in the world, and particularly in Europe. Aleppo, the pound, called rotolo .. Alexandria in ee AHO Toa aie slesiae ala aeeece PV IACAL UE wale ue cates Aaa ree 6 loess one c's Amsterdam ....... Shaile « niehazey ace Antwerp, and the Netherlanda: een ete tas AViIgnon 2.60 cseeae Setee si a's ce eccceces PealGuehint och cons oe seers hess Ro sseeee PAVOUHCE -igu's'cerics ons sie tuale. ¥en 44s voce WSGFEAIION: 2166... oes Mio 4ae ele vote tepece EOP CHEN Wiss 40.2 & cs. S'e'tie'eio'g'sl ve p sina’ se rerhGe o.oo sods ceeewee ae acim inielas ase BRTOG outa s tie vs s14.0 0 Gctteinless 50% cleo eee Bois-le-Duc © ~.......0ee008 Brn Bourdeaux, see Bayonne. RI Bi teh on og ¢ «okey eee os 9 vs owee Btescia ....... eh tak bdenites's eerataeines ° BRONZE L ole xis ssn pp 2 alesse mabe sieve sl dsiaee 6 "China (the kin) ++-+> dyeisiatets.« Ry ettoies ks Cologne ........ 2 Aaa aeiewecns = Constantinople ......-.ceeeee coves 3 ats Copenhagen ...... wie noes Sable Sie ele aie 6 Damascus ..... Weve tict te pasar sens: Dantzic ......0:- ess Slew ea sale ea An CUTS ARES A OO hap O OC aerinacn Pease s. PPIDTCHCE. A Sole oo lsc Wide e v's onolncleuenve Genoa secovcceccvcensccesccvccoes eee Geneva stk. Reh. Sas hore de sie Pacis Hamburgh) ..s0e--eees AChE Rete ee Konigsberg ..-...e++see-ee COS : Leghorn ...cserecncccrsrertecssssccecs Grs. Troy. lib. oz. dwt. gr. 30984°86 5 411 0°86 6158°74 .. 1 016 14°74 6908°58 . USF) 20°58 7460°71 1 3 10 20°71 704815 .. Lec De la 4ct5 6216°99 1 019 0°99." TELS OL oat RL eeoL ao al 7460°71 1 3 10 20°71 AGGSOT tee, Ore 94 77-97 11659°52 2 O45 19°52 Teale. «s- LE645.G,) Op ay.) iss Saree a ess: 746071 +... be 310 20°F] 710548 .. J 216 1:48 (OTS Shs. od ae lahore 449661 .- 0 9 7 86l 7038°21 - 1 213 6:21 9222'°93 *- 1 7 4 6-93 722034... 1 8 0 20:34 7578:°03 1 3 15 18°03 6940°58 1 2:9 4°58 2561288 .« -4 5 7 488 6573°86 .. 1 1 13 21°86 7774-11 1 3 19 181 5286°65 -» O11] O 665 442605 .. O 9 4 10°05 6637°85 1 116 3°85 8407°45 1 510 7:45 731468 +» 1 3 4 18°68 5968°41 1 O 8 16°41 5145°54 01014 9°54 266 TABLE OF WEIGHTS. LAC CA eee t HOSS Sieh coc cic ee wie aes oes bela Lyons Silk weight ...ccccosecceeeees Town weight sa eececence eocrccee Malo, St., see Bayonne. Marseilles Men ard tees teas Sorta cone a tot Mechlin, see Antwerp. Wee lun he. Ss Sate Watt ee oie he etaverete’ s sate ote . Messina.......+ Pls MaMa ed ANS Aedes Montpellier oof. c..scedivedssessevrces Namur?..¢ en. see's BOA nr SA Rn Nancy cccerscesssescedecoees da otew Nantes, see Bayonne. Naples ceesevceccecccersececres eeeee Nuremberg eccceccccccccccrecsevececs Paris... os ete neee eee ceerccccerececees Pisa, see Florence. TieVel cece seve neces atic cs ot ales alate laitelale Riga «+++: ERE UI NRCS S ets cues erent TRONS) | CISD OOOO ORO O UDO OOD Cone clea: Rotien oo cs-ccsene pee ee Aire ene SaragoSSa ccscccccrsesecresccsvece oe Seville oe cccvcssccvcerscerssce ott ee Smyrna ...... BAO RC OLE ig Oe Settle we cases +e sce esas Prior A abet Stocknoln’ e2.. e-se ee Gees 25% ¥'s 447 VETONA, - ca ccscconscass ns pee Senne ace Vicenza—lesser pound ..cecccessoe eos — greater dittO .2.-.seeeessave ° 7000, The Paris pound, poids de mark of Charlemagne, contains 9216 Paris grains: it is divided into 16 ounces, each ounce into eight gros, and each gros into 72 grains*. Grs. Troy. 7038°21 7089:07 6544°33 7005°39 5272-71 6946°32 6431-93 6544°33 6041°42 4440°82 4844-46 6217°8] 7174:39 7038 °21 4951°93 7870°91 7560°80 6573'86 6148-89 5257°12 7771°64 4707°45 703821 654433 678224 9211 °45 7276:94 6322'82 4939-62 7139:94 4215-21 6826°54 537444 4676:28 6879°05 FRENCH WEIGHTS, It is equal to 7561 English Troy grains. The English Troy pound, of 12 ounces, contains 5760 English grains, and is equal to 7021 Paris grains. - lib. oz. dwts. grs. 1 213 6:21 1 uf 0 1 0 1 ] it 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 — 7 23:93 12 16°33 11 17°42 5 0°82 1 20:46 0 19.181 2 2 _ or © ia No ROO — woorewnNn Ne — doo —p ®@ 18 22°39 13 6:21 6 7:93 7 22°91 15 08 13 21°86 16 4°89 19 1°12 3 19°64 16 3°45 13 6:21 12 16°33 2 14°24 3 19°45 3 4:94 3 10°82 5 19°62 17 11:94 15 15:21 4 10°54 3 22°44 14 20:28 ~ 6 15°05 * Sometimes the gros is divided into 3 deniers, and each denier into 24 grains. TABLE OF WEIGHTS. 267 The English averdupois pound, of 16 ountes, contains 7000 English Troy grains ; ‘and is equal to 8538 Paris grains. NEW FRENCH WEIGHTS, PAA Pr Annie cere cadesascesesssieccess Centigramme...... ESE moweeee igs DlCcigramiMee cscs ve snsaned «ne odo 20s so GraMMG pat cedat vadseresceveccusg nsees Decagramme..... Be ifidnssenke gee de se 0% ACC ORTAIN EIGN ctyccnave season tose CCHILNOPTAMING cc sasses-cesssosesanesed MY PIAS TAMING 1.0) soc as-peceseces ase sas Eng. Troy grains. A decagramme is 6 dwts. 10°45 grs. Troy, or 2drs. 1 scr. 14°45 grs. apoth. weight, or 5°648 drams averdupois. A hectogramme is 3 oz. 8°48 drams averdupois. A chiliogramme is 2 lbs. 3 oz. 4°87 drams averdupois. A myriagramme is 22 lbs. 1 0z. 0°73 drams averdupois. 268 OPTICS. PART FOURTH, CONTAINING MANY CURIOUS PROBLEMS IN OPTICS. THE properties of light, and the phenomena of vision, form the object of that part of the mixed mathematics, called Optics ;- which is commonly divided into four branches, viz. Direct Optics, or vision, Catoptrics, Dioptrics, and Perspective. Light indeed may reach the eye three ways: either directly, or after having been reflected, or after having been refracted. Considered under the first point of view, it gives rise to the first branch of optics, called Direct Optics, or vision: in which is explained every thing that relates to the direct propagation of light, or by a straight line from the object to the eye, with the manner in which objects are perceived, &c. Catoptrics treat of the effects of reflected light, and the phenomena produced by the reflection of light from surfaces of different forms,—plane, concave, convex, &c. When light, by passing through transparent bodies, is turned aside from its direct course, which is called refraction, it becomes the object of Dioptrics. Itis this branch of optics that explains the effects of refracting telescopes, and of microscopes. Perspective ought to form a part of direct optics, as it is merely a solution of the different cases of the following problem: On a given surface to trace out the image of an object in such a manner, that it shall make on the eye, when placed in a proper station, the same impressiou as the object itself—a problem purely geometrical, and in which nothing is required but to determine, on a plane given in position, the points where it is intersected by straight lines drawn to the eye from every point of the object. Consequently, the only thing here borrowed from optics, is the principle of the rectitude of the rays of light, as long as they pass PBtaee re the same medium; the rest is pure geometry. Without confining ourselves to any other order than that of method, we shall now take a view of the most curious problems and phenomena in this interesting part of the mathematics. ON THE NATURE OF LIGHT. Before we enter into any details respecting optics, we cannot help saying a few words on the nature and properties of light in general. Philosophers are still divided, and in all probability will be so for a long time to come, in regard to the nature of light. Some are of opinion, that it is produced by an extremely fine and elastic fluid, in consequence of an undulatory motion communi- cated to it by the vibrations of luminous bodies, and which is propagated circularly to immense distances, and with an inconceivable rapidity. Light, according to this hypothesis, is entirely analogous to sound, which, as is well known, consists in a similar undulation of the air, the vehicle of it. Several very specious reasons give to this opinion a eehsidecnele degree of probability, nothwithstanding some physical difficulties which it is not easy to obviate. According to Newton, light is produced from luminous bodies by the emission of particles highly rarefied, and projected with prodigious velocity. ‘The physical difii- NATURE OF LIGHT. 269 _ culties which militate against the former opinion, seem to serve as proofs of the | present one; for the nature and propagation of light can be conceived only in these two ways. But whatever may be the nature of light, it is proved that it moves with astonish- ing velocity, since it is well known that it employs only seven or eight minutes in passing from the sun to the earth; and as the distance of the sun from the earth, according to the best observations, is 24000 semi-diameters of the latter, or about 95 millions of miles, light moves at the rate of about two hundred iioteand miles per second: at which rate it goes from the earth to the moon, and returns from the moon to the earth, in less than three seconds. The principal properties of light, or those which form the foundation of Optics, are the following : I —Light moves ina straight line, as long as it passes through the same transparent medium, This property is a necessary consequence of the nature of light ; for whatever it may be, it is a body inmotion. Buta body moves in a straight line if nothing ob- structs or tends to turn it aside from its course; and as every thing in the same medium is equal in all directions, the light which passes through it must move in a straight lined course. This principle of optics, as well as the following, may be proved by experiment. Il.—Light, when it meets with a polished plane, is reflected, making the angle of reflection equal to the angle of incidence ; and the reflection always takes place in a plane perpendicular to the reflecting surface, at the point of reflection. That is to say, if a B (Fig. 1), be a ray of light, falling ona plane surface p £; and if B be the point of reflection, to find x ; C, the direction of the reflected ray Bc, we must conceive to 1 be drawn through the line a B, a plane perpendicular to the es surface D E, and intersecting it in the point B; if the angle a CBE in this plane be then made equal to a BD, the linecs | will be the reflected ray. € d el If the reflecting surface be a curve, asd Be, a plane touching that surface must be conceived passing through B, the point of reflection: the reflection will take place the same as if it were produced by the point 8; for itis evident that the curved surface and the plane, a tangent to it in the point B, coincide in that infinitely small part, which may be considered as a plane common to the curved surface and to the tangent plane: the ray of light therefore ‘must be reflected from the curved surface, in ae same manner as from the point B of the plane which touches it. Tele e IL—Light, in passing obliquely from one medium into another of a different density, is turned aside from its rectilineal direction, so as to incline towards the perpen- dicular when it passes from a rare medium into one that is denser, as from the air into glass or water, and vice versa. This proposition may be proved by two experiments, which are a kind of optical illusions, Experiment 1. Fig. 2. Expose to the sun, or to any other light, a vessel aBcD (Fig. 2.), the sides of which are opake, aud examine at what point of the bottom the shadow terminates. We shall here suppose that itisate. Then fill it to the brim with water or oil, and it will be found that the shadow, instead of terminating at the point £, will reach no farther than to Fr. This difference 270 OPTICS. can arise only from the inflection of the ray of light s a, which touches the edge of the vessel. When the vessel is empty, this ray, proceeding in the straight line s A E, makes the shadow terminate at the point £; but when the vessel is filled with a fluid denser than air, it falls back to ar. This inflection of a ray of light, in passing obliquely from one medium into another, is called refraction. Experiment 2. Fig. 3. Place at the bottom of a vessel, the sides of which are ° opake, at c for example (Fig.3.), a piece of money, or any other object, and move backwards from the vessel till the object disappears; if wate: be then poured into the vessel, the object will immediately become visible, as well as that part of the bottom which was concealed from your sight. The reason of this is as follows : When the vessel is empty, the eye at o can see the point ¢ only by the direct ray ca 0, which is intercepted by the edge a of the vessel; but when the vessel is full of water, the ray cD, instead of continuing its course directly to £, is refracted into po, by diverging further from the perpendicular pp. This ray conveys to the eye the appearance of the point c, which is seen as at c, in the straight line op continued: the bottom therefore, in this case, appears to be raised. For the same reason, a straight stick or rod, when immersed in water, appears to be bent at the point where it meets with the surface, unless it be immersed ina perpendicular direction. Philosophers have carefully examined the law according to’ which this inflection takes place, and have found that when a ray, as EF (Fig.4.) passes from air into glass, it is refracted into FI, in such a manner, that the sine of the angle crx, and that of DF1I, are in aconstant ratio. Thus, if the ray EF be refracted into F1, and the ray e¥F into Fz, the sine of the angle crx will have the same ratio to the sine of pF, as the sine of the angle cre has to that of pri. This ratio, when the ray passes from air into common glass, is always as 3 to 2; that is to say, the sine of the angle which the refracted ray forms with the perpendicular to the refracting substance, is always two thirds of the sine of the angle formed by the incident ray with the same perpendicular. It is to be observed, that when the latter angle, that is the distance of the inci- ~ dent ray from the perpendicular, which is called the angle of inclination, is very small, the angle of refraction may be considered as two thirds of it, because small angles have nearly the same ratio as their sines. We here suppose that the ray passes from air into glass; for it is well known, and may be easily proved by the table of sines, that when two angles are very small, that is if they do not exceed 5 or 6 degrees, they are sensibly in the same ratio as their sines. Thus, in the case above, the angle of refraction 1rD, will be two thirds of the angle of inclination GFE; and-consequently the angle formed by the refracted ray and the incident, con- tinued in a straight line, will be one third of it. When the passage takes place from air into water, the ratio of the sine of the angle of inclination, and that of the angle of refraction, is that of 4 to 3; that is to say, the sind of the angle p F1 is constantly 3 of the sine of arn, the angle of in- clination of .the ray incident-in air. Consequently, when these angles are very small, they may be considered as being in the same ratio; and the angle of refrac- tion will be 3 of the angle of inclination. This proportion is the basis of all the calculations of dioptries; and on that ' NATURE OF LIGHT.—CAMERA OBSCURA. 271 account ought to be well imprinted in the memory. For the discovery of it we are ‘indebted to the celebrated Descartes; though it appears certain, by the testimony ‘of Huygens, that a law of refraction equally constant, and which in fact is the same, was discovered before by Willebrod Snell, a Dutch mathematician. But Vossius is wrong when he asserts, as he does in his book ‘‘ De Natura Lucis,” that the expres- sion of Snellius was more convenient. This learned man did not know what he said, when he attempted to speak of natural philosophy. PROBLEM I. To exhibit, in a darkened room, external objects, in their natural colours and pro- portions. Shut the door and windows of the apartment, in such a manner, that no light can enter it, but through a small hole very neatly cut in one of the window shutters, opposite to some well frequented place or landscape; then hold a white cloth or piece of white paper opposite to the hole, and if the external objects are strongly illuminated, and the room very dark, they will appear as if painted on the cloth or _ paper, in their natural colours, but inverted. The experiment, performed in this simple manner, will succeed well enough to surprise those who see it for the first time; but it may be rendered much more striking by means of a lens. Adapt to the hole of the shutter, which in this case must be some inches in diameter, a tube having at its internal extremity a convex lens, of 4, 5, or 6 feet focus; if a piece of white cloth, or a sheet of paper, be then held at that distance from the glass, and in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the tube, the external objects will be painted on the cloth or paper, with much more distinctness and vivacity of colouring, than in the preceding experiment; and in so accurate a man- ner, that the features of the person seen may be distinguished. This spectacle is highly amusing, especially when a public place, a promenade filled with people, &c. are exhibited. | This painting. indeed is inverted, which destroys a little of the effect; but different methods may be employed to make it appear in its natural position: it is however to be regretted that this cannot be done without injuring the distinctness, or lessening the field of the picture. ‘Those who may be desirous of seeing the objects erect, must proceed in the following manner : At about half the focal distance of the lens place a plane mirror, inclined at an. rar angle of 45°, so that it may reflect downwards the rays ig. 9. : ; é proceeding from the lens; if you then place horizon- tally below it asheet of paper, the image of the external objects will appear painted on the paper, and in their natural situation to those who have their backs turned towards the window. Fig. 5. represents the mechanism of this inversion, of which a clear idea cannot be formed without some knowledge of catoptrics. ‘ The sheet of paper may be extended on a table, and nothing will be necessary but to dispose the glass and mirror at such a height from the paper, that the objects may be distinctly painted on it. By these means a landscape, or edifice, &c., may be exactly delineated with great ease. PROBLEM II. ‘o construct a portable Camera Obscura. Construct a wooden box aB cp (Fig. 6.) about a foot in height, ee much in breadth, and two or three feet in length, according to the focus of the lenses em- 972 OPTICS. ployed. To one of the sides adapt a tube = F, consisting of two, one thrust within — the other, that it may be lengthened or shortened at pleasure ; and in the anterior aperture of the first tube fix two lenses, convex on both sides, and about seven inches in diameter, so as almost to touch each other; place another of about 5 inches focal distance in the | al Hi interior aperture; and at about the middle of the box, taken le = lengthwise, dispose in a perpendicular direction a piece of oiled paper G H, stretched on a frame: in the last place, make a round hole J, in the side opposite to the tube, and sufficiently large to receive both eyes. When you are desirous of viewing any objects, turn the tube, furnished with the lenses, towards them; and adjust it either by drawing it out or pushing it in, till the image of the objects is painted distinctly on the oiled paper. The following is the description of avother camera obscura, invented by Gravesande, and of which he gave an account at the end of his Essay on Perspective. This machine is shaped alnmiost like a hackney chair; the top of tt is rounded off towards the back part, and before it swells out into an arch at about the middle of its height. (See Fig. 7. where this machine is represented with the side opposite to the door taken off, in order that the interior part of it may be exhibited to view.) fig. 6. Fig. 7. Ist. The board a, in the inside, serves asa table: it turns on two iron hinges fastened to the fore part of the machine, and is supported by two small chains, that it may be raised to facilitate entrance into the machine. 2d. To the back of the machine, on the outside, are affixed four small staples c, c, c, c, in which slide two pieces of wood D £, D £, three inches in breadth; and through these pass two other pieces, serving to keep fast a small board ¥, which by their means can be moved forwards or backwards. 3d. At the top of the machine is a slit o Q, nine or ten inches in length, and four in breadth, to the edges of which are affixed two rules in the form of a dove tail: between these slides a board of the same length, having a round hole, of about = three inches diameter, in the middle, furnished with a nut, that serves to raise or lower a tube about four inches in height, which has a screw corresponding to the nut. This tube is intended for reeciving a convex glass. 4th. The moveable board, above described, supports a square box x, about seven and a half inches in breadth, and ten in height, the fore part of which can be opened by a small door, and in the back part of the box towards the bottom isa square aperture w, of about four inches in breadth, which may be shut at pleasure by a moveable board. 5th. Above this square aperture is aslit parallel to the horizon, and which occupies the whole breadth of the box. It serves for introducing into the boxa plane mirror, which slides between two rules so that the angleit makes with the horizon towards the door B is 1]24°, or § of a right angle. : 6th. The same mirror, when necessary, may be placed in a direction perpendicular to the horizon, as seen at H, by means of a small iron plate adapted to one of its sides, ~ and furnished witha screw which enters a slit formed in the top of the machine, and which may be screwed fast by a nut. _%th. Within the box is another small mirror, LL, which turns on two pivots, fixed a little above the slit of No. 5, and which being drawn up or pushed down by, the small rod s, may be inclined to the horizon at any angle whatever. CAMERA OBSCURA. 273 8th. That the machine may be supplied with air, a tube of tin-plate, bent at both ends, as seen Fig. 8, may be fitted into one of the sides, this will give access to the air without admitting light. But if this should not be sufficient, a small pair of bellows, to be moved by the foot, may be placed below the seat, and in this manner the air may be conti- nually renewed. The different uses of this machine are as follow. I.—To represent objects in their natural situation. When objectsare to be representedin this machine, extend asheet of paper on the table, or rather stretched on a frame, or you may employ a piece of strong card, and ‘fix it in such a manner as to remain immoveable. In the tube c, (Fig. 7.) place a convex glass, the focus of which is nearly equal to the height of the machine above the table; open the back part of the box x, and having removed the mirror H, as well as the board Fr, and the rules p &, incline the -moveable mirror & 1, till it make with the horizon anangle of nearly 45°, if you intend to represent, objects at a considerable distance, aud which forma perpendicular land- -scape. When this is done, all those objects which transmit rays to the mirror L L, so as to be reflected on the convex glass, will appear painted on the paper frame: the _ point where the images are most distinct may be found, if the tube which contains the lens be lowered or raised, by screwing it up or down. By these means any landscape, view of a city, &c., may be exhibited with the greatest precision. Il —To represent objects in such a manner, as to make that which is on the right appear on the left, and vice versa. The box x being in the situation represented in the figure, open the door B, and having placed the mirror 8 in the slit, and in the situation already mentioned No. 5, raise the mirror Lt till it make with the horizon an angle of 224 degrees; if the fore part of the machine be then turned towards the objects to be represented, which we here suppose to be at a considerable distance, they will be seen painted on the paper, but transposed from right to left. It may sometimes be useful to make a drawing where the objects are transposed in this manner; for example, in the case when it is intended to be engraved; for as the impression of the plate will transpose the figures from right to left, they will _ then appear in their natural position. I1I.—7To represent in succession all the objects in the neighbourhood, and quite around the machine. Place the mirror H in a vertical position, as seen in the figure, and incline the mirror L at an angle of 45 degrees; if the former be then turned round vertically, ' the lateral objects will be seen painted in succession on the paper, in a very pleasant , Manner. ee It must here be observed, that it will be necessary to cover the mirror H with a kind of box made of pasteboard, open towards the objects, and also towards the aperture n of the box x; for if the mirror H were left entirely exposed, it would _ reflect on the mirror L a great many lateral rays, which would considerably weaken _ the effect. IV.—To represent the image of Paintings or Prints. Affix the painting or print to the side of the board Fr, which is next to the mirror L, and in such a manner that it may be illuminated by the sun. But as the object hs 274 OPTICS, is in this case must be at a very small distance, the tube must be furnished with a glass, having its focal distance nearly equal to half the height of the machine above the paper: if the distance of the painting from the glass be then equal to that of the glass from the paper, the figures of the painting will be represented on the paper exactly of the same size. The point at which the figures have the greatest distinctness, may be found, by moving backwards or forwards the board F, till the representation be very distinct. Some attention is necessary in regard to the aperture of the convex glass. In the first place, the same aperture may in general be given to the glass as toa telescope of the same length. Secondly, this aperture must be diminished when the objects are very much iluminated; and vice versa. Thirdly, as the traits appear more distinct when the aperture is small, than when it is large, if you intend to delineate the objects, it will be necessary to give to the glass as small an aperture as possible; but taking care not to extenuate the light; it will therefore be proper to have different circles of copper or of blackened paste. board to be employed for altering the size of the aperture, according to circum- stances. A small portable camera obscura is shewn in sec. Fig. 9. tion (Fig. 9.), where paxnc is a rectangular box, in which slides another EF GM, open at the end EM, and in the centre of the end Fa is a double convex lens H. AX isa mirror inclined at an angle of 45° and 1A is a piece of ground glass, on which the image formed in the focus of the lens is depicted, the rays which would have formed an image on AB being reflected to ait by the mirror ax. The box F Mis drawn out till the image on the ground glass is quite distinct. Objects seen in this instrument are erect, but inverted; but this defect may be remedied by placing the camera before a mirror, and forming . the picture on a1 from the object as seen in the mirror, where already right has been exchanged for Jeft; and a like change being made in the camera, the picture appears as In nature. Remark.--On the top of the Royal Observatory, at Greenwich, was an excellent camera ‘obscura, capable of containing five or six persons, all viewing the exhibition together. All the motions of the glasses were easily performed by one of the per- sons within, by means of attached rods; and the images were thrown on a large and smooth concave table, cast of plaster of Paris, and moveable up and down, so as to suit the distances of the objects. But this fine instrument has been removed since Mr. Airy became Astronomer Royal. THE CAMERA LUCIDA. The Camera Lucida was invented by Dr. Wollaston in 1807, and has for its purpose’ the facilitation of the operations of the draughtsman. It consists of a quadrangular glass prism, by which the rays from an object are twice reflected; the second re- flection correcting ‘the transposition of right for left, caused by Fig 10. the first reflection. The form of the prism is shewn in the annexed figure. The faces A B and a D are at right angles to each other, and a c and cp make with a B and Aap respectively, angles of 674 degrees, and therefore with each other an angle of 135 degrees. a CAMERA LUCIDA. 275 Fig. 11. The object F (Fig. 11), being opposite the face ac of the E prism; the rays proceeding from Fr pass through it, and are reflected from the surface c p to p 8B, and thence they are re- | flected to the eye at x. The rays proceeding upwards to the F eye by the last reflection, the observer is led to imagine the d image below the instrument at, and placing his paper there the image may be traced with a pencil. 3 The prism is mounted ina brass frame supported by brass tubes sliding stiffly within one another, the tubes being slit at d and e (Fig. 12), so as to form a spring for that purpose; and the instrument is furnished with a clamp at 4, to fix it to the drawing board or sketching book. The prism is furnished at = witha piece of brass blackened, and perforated with a small hole for directing the position of the eye. The instrument should be leaned forward until the prism is directly over the middle of the space intended to be occupied by the drawing; the upper surface A B being parallel to the paper. If the eye be altogether over this surface, the pencil cannot be seen, the rays from it do not pass directly through the prism; but by placing the hole of the eye-piece so as to be divided by the edge of the prism, and then applying the eye toit ; with one part of the pupil the image of the object is seen, and witb the other part the pencil. It must be observed, that there is no image actually formed upon the paper, as in the camera obscura, but the image appears as far below the instrument as the object is before it; and therefore the eye cannot, in the same state, see both the pencil and the image distinctly. To remedy this inconvenience; to the brass frame of the prism are attached two lenses a, b, (Fig. 12.), the one concave and the other convex, ‘the former to be turned up in front of the instrument, for short-sighted persons, and the latter to be turned below for long sights. The size of the picture always bears the same relation to the size of the object, that the distance from the eye to the paper does to the distance of the object from the eye. Then by increasing the distance of the prism from the paper, by lengthening the tubes d,.e, the drawing is increased in size, and vice versa. Fig. 18. The above is the form of the instrument generally employ- ed; but it is not the only one, nor perhaps the most ingenious. There are two forms of it invented by S. Amici, which we shall briefly describe. The first consists of a parallel piece of plate glass, c D, joined to a reflecting speculum a. The rays froman object at B are thrown on the speculum a, which is inclined to the surface of the glass c p, at an angle of 135°, and are reflected by it to the glass at x, and thence to the eye above. Fig. 14. In the other, which Amici esteems the best, the rays are made a to pass through the plate glass before striking on the speculum. Thus the ray from B (Fig. 12), passing through the glass is reflected by the speculum to c, and thence by the surface of the glass, to the eye. 276 OPTICS. THE KALEIDESCOPE. The Kaleidescope was invented by Sir D. Brewster, in 1814, while experimenting on the polarization of light. In a patent which he obtained for it, it was described as a new optical instrument ‘‘ for creating and exhibiting beautiful forms.” The extreme simplicity of the instrument however destroyed the effect of the patent, as any one possessing the least mechanical skill can make one for himself. The name of the Kaleidescope is derived from three Greek words, xadog beau- tiful, «30 a form, and cxorew to see. Two reflecting plates, tapered from one end to the other, to about half the breadth, are inclined to each other at an angle, which must be an even aliquot part of 360°, and placed in a tube so that the point of meeting E at the narrower ends of the plates is near the centre of the circular end F G of the tube, in which there is a hole for the eye; and Fig. 15. the edges c A and 4B of the mirrors are in the plane of = the other end of the tube, to which is fitted a pox made of Cars y—7 two circular pieces of glass, the outer. one being greyed G6 to render the light uniform. This box contains the objects, such as beads, small pieces of coloured glass, &c, On looking in at ©, a beautiful coloured star is seen, consisting ofa number of iden- tical sectors ; a greater number the smaller the angle between the reflecting plates. There are several modifications of the instrument depending on the number and position of the mirrors. Fig. 16. The Polyangular Kaleidescope, for instance, is so con- structed that by means of screws the angle of the mirrors can be varied, thus increasing or diminishing the number of the sectors. In the Annular Kaleidescope, by which we may obtain patterns for circular borders, the mirrors are not placed edge to edge, but as ac and Bp (Fig. 16.), producing a pattern surrounding a black circle. Fig. 17. When the plates ac and BD are parallel, the pattern becomes rectilineal. (Fig. 17.) Kaleidescopes may be constructed also, with three or four reflecting plates, but those of three are limited to these three cases: | The mirrors at angles of 90°, 45° and 45°.° The mirrors at angles of 90°, 60° and 30°. The mirrors at angles of 60°, 60° and 60°. | Those of four reflecting plates must be of the form of a hollow square or rectangle. And lastly, by taking off the object box, and placing a lens so that the focus falls, in the plane of ca and a8, (Fig. 15.) a star is formed of the distant objects. PROBLEM III. To explain the nature of V sion, and its principal phenomena. Before we explain in what manner objects are perceived, it will be necessary to -begin with a description of the wonderful organ destined for that purpose. The eye isa hollow globe, formed of three membranes, which contain humours of different densities, and which produces, in regard to external objects, the same effect as the Camera Obscura. The first or outermost of these membranes, called the sclerotica, is only a prolongation of that which lines the inside of the eye-lids. The second, called the choroides, is a prolongation of the membrane which covers ae NATURE OF VISION. 277. the optic nerve, as well as all the other nerves. And the third, which lines the inside of the eye, is an expansion of the optic nerve itself: it is this membrane, entirely nervous, which is the organ of vision; for, notwithstanding the experiments in consequence of which this function has been ascribed to the choroides, we cannot look for sensation any where else than in the nerves and nervous parts. In the front of the eye the sclerotica changes its nature, and assumes a more convex form than the ball of the eye, forming here what is called the transparent cornea. ‘The choroides, by being prolonged below the cornea, must necessarily leave asmall vacuity, which forms the anterior receptacle of the aqueous humour. This prolongation of the choroides terminates at a circular aperture well known under the name of the pupil. The coloured part which surrounds this aperture is called the iris or uvea; it is susceptible of dilatation and contraction, so that when exposed to a strong light, the aperture of the pupil contracts, and in a dark place it dilates. This aperture of the pupil is similar to that of the camera obscura. Behind it is suspended, by a circular ligament, a transparent body of a certain consistence, and having the form of a lens: it is ealled the erystalline humour, and in this natural camera obscura performs the same office as the glass in the artificial one. By this description it may be seen, that between the cornea and the crystalline humour there is a sort of chamber, divided into nearly two equal parts, and another between the crystalline humour and theretina. The first is filled with a transparent humour similar to water, on which account it has been called the aqueous humour. The second chamber is filled with a humour of the same consistence almost as the white ~ of an egg: it is known by the name of the vitreous humour. All these parts may be seen represented Fig. 18; where a is the sclerotica, 6 the cornea, ¢ the choroides, d the retina, e the aperture of the pupil, ff the uvea, h the crystalline humour, 7 z the aqueous, & & the vitreous, and / the optic nerve. The form of the cornea isa prolate spheroid, whose axis is that of the eye ; the surfaces of the crystalline are also spheroidal, the curvature of the inner sur- face being much greater than that of the outer,— b -¥ and their axes neither coincide with each other, nor TE espa iN | with that of the cornea. The density of the crystal- line lens increases from the surface to the centre. This variable density aids in correcting aberration: and the elliptic form of the surface is supposed to have the effect of correcting the aberration of rays falling obliquely on the eye. As it is evident, from the above description, that the eye is a camera obscura, but more complex than the artificial one before described, it may readily be conceived that the images of the external objects will be painted in an inverted situation, on the retina, at the bottom of it; and these images, by affecting the nervous membrane, excite in the mind the perception of light, colours, and figures. If the image ‘be distinct and lively, the impression received by the mind is the same; but if it be confused and obscure, the perception is confused and obscure also: this is sufficiently proved by experiment. That such images really exist, may be easily shewn by employing the eye of any animal, such as that of a sheep or bullock; for if the back part of it be cut off, so as to leave only, the retina; and if the cornea of it be placed before the hole of a camera obscura, the image of the external objects will be seen painted on the retina at the bottom of it. | But it may here be asked, since the images of the objects are inverted, how comes it that they are seen in their proper position? This question can have no difficulty but to those who are ignorant of metaphysics. ‘The ideas indeed which we have of the upright or inverted situation of objects, in regard to ourselves, as well as of their distance, are merely the result of the two senses, seeing and touching combined. 278 ~ OPTICS. The moment we begin to make use of our sight, we experience, by means of touch- ing, that the objects which affect the upper part of the retina, are towards our feet in regard to those that affect the lower part, which touching tells us are at a greater distance. Heuice is established the invariable connection that.subsists between the sensation of an object which affects the upper part of the eye, and the idea of the lowness of that object. But what is meant by lowness? It is being nearer the lower part of our body, In the representation of any object, the image of the lower part is painted nearer that of our feet than the image of the upper part: in whatever place the image of our feet may be painted on the retina, this image is necessarily connected with the idea of inferiority ; consequently, whatever is nearest to it necessarily produces in the mind the sameidea. The two sticks of the blind man of Descartes prove nothing here and Descartes would certainly have expressed himself in the same manner, had he not adopted the doctrine of innate ideas, proscribed by modern metaphysics. PROBLEM IV. To construct an artificial eye, for exhibiting and explaining all the phenomena of vision. This machine .may be easily constructed from the following description. a BDE is a hollow ball of wood (Fig. 19.) five or six inches in diameter, formed of two hemi- spheres joined together at L M, and in such a manner, that they can be brought nearer Fi to or separated from each other about half aninch. The seg- ig. 19. 3 : : : : ment A B of the anterior hemisphere is a glass of uniform thick- ness, like that of a watch; below which is a diaphragm, with a round hole about six lines in diameter in the middle of it; F is a lens, convex on both sides, supported by a diaphragm, and — having its focus. equal to F c when the two hemispheres are at their mean distance. In the last place, the part pc = is formed of a glass of uniform thickness, and concentric to the sphere, the interior surface of which, instead of being polished, is only rendered smooth, so as to be semi-transparent. Such is the-artificial eye to which scarcely any thing is wanting but the aqueous and vitreous humours; and these might be represented also, by putting into the first cavity common water, and into the other water charged with a strong solution of salt. But for the experiments we have in view, this is entirely useless. This small machine however may be greatly simplified, by reducing it to two tubes: of an inch and a half or two inches in diameter, one thrustinto the other. The first, or anterior one, ought to be furnished with a lens of about three inches focus; but care must be taken to cover the whole of it except the part nearest the axis, which may be done by means of a circular piece of card, having in the middle of it a hole about half an inch in diameter. The extremity of the other tube may be covered with oiled paper, which will perform the part of the retina. The whole must then be arranged in such a manner that the distance of the glass from the oiled paper, may be varied from about two to four inches, by pushing in or drawing out one of the tubes. A machine of this kind may easily be procured by any one, and at a very small expence. Experiment 1. The glass or the oiled paper being exactly in the focus of the lens, if the machine be turned towards very distant objects, they will be seen painted with great distinct- ness on the retina. If the machine be lengthened or shortened, till the bottom part be no longer in the focus of the lens, the objects will be seen painted, not ina distintg but in a confused manner. ARTIFICIAL EYRE. 279 Experiment 2. Present a taper, or any other enlightened object, to the machine ata moderate dis- tance, such as three or four feet, and cause it to be painted ina distinct manner on the retina, by moving the bottom of the machine nearer to or farther from the glass. If you then bring the object nearer, it will cease to be painted distinctly ; but the image will become distinct if the machine be lengthened. On the other hand, if the object beremoved to a considerable distance, it will cease to be painted distinctly, and the image will not become distinct till the machine is shortened. | Experiment 3. A distinct image, however, may be obtained in another manner, without touching the machine. In the first case, if a concave glass be presented to the eye, at a distance which must be found by trial, the painting of the object will be seen’ to become distinct. In the second case, if a convex glass be presented to it, the same effect will be produced. _ These experiments serve to explain, in the most sensible manner, all the phenomena of vision, as well as the origin of those defects to which the sight is subject, and the ‘means by which they ‘may be remedied. Objects are never seen distinctly unless when they are painted in a distinct manner on the retina; but when the conformation of the eye is such, that objects at a ‘moderate distance are painted in a distinct manner, those which are much nearer, or at a much greater distance, cannot be painted with distinctness. In tlie first case, the point of distinct vision is beyond the retina; and if it were possible to change the form of the eye, so as to move the retina farther from that ‘point, or the erystal- line humour farther from the retina, the objects would be painted in a distinct manner. In the second case, the effect is contrary: the point of distinct vision is on this side of the retina; and, to produce distinct vision, the retina ought to be brought nearer to the crystalline humour, or the latter nearer to the retina. We are taught by experience that in either case a change is produced, which is not made without some effort. But in what does this change consist? Is it. in a prolongation or flattening of the eye; or is it in a displacement of the crystalline humour ? This has never yet been properly ascertained. In regard to sight, there are two defects, of a contrary nature, one of which con- sists in not seeing distinctly any objects but such as are at a distance; and as this is | generally a failing in old persons, those subject to it are called presbyte: the other consists in not seeing distinctly but very near objects ; and those who have this failing are called myopes. ; The cause of the first of these defects, is a certain conformation of the eye, in con- sequence of which the image of near objects is not painted in a distinct manner but beyond the retina. But the image of distant objects is nearer than that of neigh- bouring objects, or objects at a moderate distance; the image of the former may | therefore fall on the retina, and distant objects will then be distinctly seen, while neighbouring objects will be seen only in a confused manner, _ But to render the view of neighbouring objects distinct, nothing else is necessary than to employ a convex glass, as has been seen in the third experiment: for a con- vex glass, by making the rays converge sooner, brings a distinct image of the objects ‘Rearer ; consequently it will produce on the retina a distinct picture, which otherwise would have fallen beyond it. In regard to the myopes, the case will be exactly the reverse. As the defect of their sight is occasioned by a conformation of the eye which unites the rays too soon, and causes the point, where the image of objects moderately distant are painted with distinctness, to fall on this side the retina, they will receive relief from concave | 280 OPTICS. glasses interposed between the eye and the object; for these glasses, by causing the rays to diverge, remove to a greater distance the distinct image, according tothe third — experiment; the distinct image of objects which was before painted on this side the retina, will be painted distinctly on that membrane when a concave glass is employed. Besides, myopes will discern small objects within the reach of their sight much better than the presbyte, or persons endowed with common sight; for an object placed at a smaller distance from the eye, forms in the bottom of it a larger image, — nearly in the reciprocal ratio of the distance. Thus a myope, who sees distinctly an object placed at the distance of six inches, receives in the bottom of the eye an image three times as large as that painted in the eye of the person who does not see dis- tinctly but at the distance of eighteen inches: consequently all the small parts of this object will be magnified in the same proportion, and will become sensible to the myope, while they will escape the observation of the presbytz. If a myope were in such a state as not to see distinctly but at the distance of half an inch, objects would appear to him sixteen times as large as to persons of ordinary sight, whose boundary of distinct vision is about eight inches: his eye would be an excellent microscope, and he would observe in objects what persons of ordinary sight cannot discover without the assistance of that instrument. PROBLEM V. To cause an object, whether seen near hand or at a great distance, to appear anit ys of Fig. 20. d the same size. _ The apparent magnitude of objects, every thing else being alike, is greater according as the image of the object painted on the retina occupies a greater space. But the space occupied by an image on the retina, is nearly proportioned to the angle formed by the extremities of the object, as may be readily seen by in- specting Fig. 20; consequently it is on the size of the angle formed by the extreme rays, proceeding from the object, which cross each other in the eye, that the apparent magnitude of the object depends. This being premised, let a B be the object, which is to be viewed at different dis- tances, and always under the same angle. On a B, as a chord, describe any arc of a circle, as ACDB: from every point of this arc, as a, c, D, B, the object a B will be seen under the same angle, and consequently of the same size; for every one knows” that all the angles having 4 8 for their base, and their summits in the segment ACDB, are equal. The case will be the same with any other arc, as a cd B. PROBLEM VI. Two unequal parts of the same straight line being given, whether adjacent or not ; to find the point where they will appear equal. On aB and Be (Fig. 21.), and on the same side, construct the two similar isos- celes triangles a FB and Bac; then from the centre Fr, with the radius FB, describe a circle, and from the point c, with the radius GB, describe another circle; inter- secting the former in p: the point p will be the place required, where the two lines appear equal. For the circular ares AE BD and Be CD are, by construction, similar ; and hence it follows, that the angle a pB is equal to BDC, as the point p is common to both the ares. ae ! . - APPARENT MAGNITUDE. 281 Remarks.—I\st. There are a great many points, such as p, which will answer the problem ; and it may be demonstrated, that all these points are in the circumference of a semicircle, described from the point 1 asa centre. This centre may be found by drawing, through the snmmits F andc of the similar triangles a FB and BGC, the line ra, till it meet ac produced, in 1. 2d. If the lines az and Bc form an angle, the solution of the problem will be still the same; the two similar arcs described on a 8 and Bc will necessarily intersect each other in some point b, unless they touch in B; and this point p will, in like _ manner, give the solution of the problem. 3d. The solution of the problem will be still the same, even if the unequal lines proposed, a B and bc (Fig. 22. ), are not contiguous ; only care must be taken that the radii FB and Gb, of the two circles, be such, that the circles shall at least touch each other. If aB=a, Bb=c, bc=b, and ac=d=a-+b-e, that the two circles touch each other, F B must be at least = da pysbcina tele bar dere ai) Shey ae ancien a | A or 3b nee If these lines be less, the two circles Fig. 22. will neither touch nor cut each other. If they be greater, the circles will intersect each other in two points, which will each give a solution of the problem. Let a, for example, be = 3, b= 2, andc = 1: in this case Gd will be found =,/ 2 = 14142, and pF = 3,/ 2=2°1213, when the circles just touch each other. 4th. In the last place, if we suppose Fig. 23. three unequal and contiguous lines, as aA /é AB, BC, CD (Fig. 23.), and if the point from which they shall all appear under ie the same angle, be required, find, by the ; first article, the circumference BEF, &c., Sean from every point of which the lines aB : 4h Peet, and Bc appear under the same angle ; find A also the are cEG from which Bc and cp appear under the same angle; then the point where these two arcs intersect each other will be the point required. But to make these two circles touch each other, the least of the given lines must be between the other two, or they must follow each other in this order, the greatest, the mean, and the least. If the lines aB, Bc, and cp be not contiguous, or in one straight line, the problem becomes too difficult to be admitted into this work. We shall therefore leave it to the ingenuity of such of our readers as have made a more considerable progress in the mathematics. PROBLEM VII. If aw be the length of a parterre, situated before an edifice, the front of which is CD, required the point in that front from which the apparent magnitude of the parterre 1B will be the greatest. (Fig. 24.) Fig. 24. Take the height cz a mean proportional between cB and ca: this height will give the point required. For if a circle be described through the points a, 8, £, it will touch the line CE, in consequence of a well-known property of tangents and secants. But it may be readily seen that thé angle ans is 282 OPTICS. greater than any other ae B, the summit of which is in the line cp; for the angle — aes is less than ag B, which is equal to AEB. PROBLEM VIII. A circle on a horizontal plane being given; it is required to find the position of the eye where its image on the perspective plane will be still a circle. We here suppose that the reader is acquainted with the fundamental principle of perspective representation, which consists in supporting a vertical transparent plane between the eye and the object, called the perspective plane. As rays are supposed to proceed from every point of the object to the eye, if these rays leave traces on ~ the vertical plane, it is evident that they will there produce the same effect on the eye as the object itself, since they will paint the same image on the retina. The traces made by these rays are called the perspective image. Let ac (Fig. 25.) then be the diameter of the circle on Fig. 25. the horizontal plane acp, perpendicular to the perspective R plane, QR, a section of the perspective plane, and P o a plane is required to find the point o, where, if the eye be placed, the representation ac, of the circle ac, shall be also a circle. If po be made a mean proportional between a P and cP, the point o will be the one required. For if pa be to Po, as Po to Pc, the triangles PAo and PCO will be similar, and the angles Pao and cop will be equal: the angles Pao and cc @, or Pao and Reco, will also be equal; hence it follows that in the small triangle aco, the angle at ¢ will be equal to the angle o 4 c, and the angle at o being . common to the triangles aoc and aoc, the other two, aco and cao, will be also equal: ao then will be to co, as co toao; hence the oblique cone Aco will be cut in a sub-contrary manner, or sub-contrary position, by the vertical plane qr, and consequently the new section will be a circle, as is demonstrated in conic sections. PROBLEM IX. Why is the image of the sun, which passes into a darkened apartment through a square or triangular hole, always circular ? This problem was formerly proposed by Aristotle, who gave a very bad solution of it; for he said it arose from the rays of the sun affecting a certain roundness, which they resumed when they had surmounted the restraint imposed on them by the hole being of a different figure. This reason is entirely void of foundation. i et ee eee perpendicular to the horizon and to the line a Pp, in which it - To account for this phenomenon, it must be observed that the rays proceeding _ from any object, whether luminous or not, which pass through a very small hole into a darkened chamber, form there an image exactly similar to the object itself; for these rays, passing through the same point, form beyond it a kind of pyramid similar to the first, and having its summit joined to that of the first, and which, being cut by a plane parallel to that of the object, must give the same figure, but inverted. This being understood, it may be readily conceived that each point of the triangu- lar hole, for example, paints on paper, or on the floor, its solar image round ; for every one of these points is the summit of a cone of which the solar disk is the base. Describe then on paper a figure simittr and equal to that of the hole, whether square or triangular, and from every point of its periphery, as a centre, describe equal circles; while these circles are small, you will have at first a triangular figure with rounded angles; but if the magnitude of the circles be increased more and more, till the radius be much greater than any of the dimensions of the figure, it will be ob- — served to become rounder and rounder, and at length to be sensibly converted into a circle. i OPTICAL PROPERTIES. 283 But this is exactly what takes place in the darkened apartment; for when the paper is held very near to the triangular hole, you have a mixed image of the triangle and the circle; but if it be removed to aconsiderable distance, as each circular image of the sun becomes then very large, in regard to the diameter of the hole, the image is sensibly round. If the disk of the sun were square, and the hole round, the image at a certain distance would, for the same reason, be a square, or in general of the same figure as the disk. The image of the moon therefore, when increasing, is always, at asufficient distance, a similar crescent, as is proved by experience. : PROBLEM xX. To make an object which is too near the eye to be distinctly perceived, to be seen in a : . distinct manner, without the interposition of any glass. Make a hole in a card with a needle, and without changing the place of the eye or of the object, look at the latter through the hole; the object will then be seen distinctly, and even considerably magnified. The reason of this phenomenon may be deduced from the following observations : When an object is not distinctly seen, on account of its nearness to the eye, it is because the rays proceeding from each of its points, and falling on the aperture of the pupil, do not converge to a point, as when the object is at a proper distance: the image of each point is a small circle, and as all the small circles, produced by the different points of the object, encroach on each other, all distinction is destroyed. But when the object is viewed through a very small hole, each pencil of rays, pro- ceeding from each point of the object, has no other diameter than that of the hole; and consequently the image of that point is considerably confined, inan extent which scarcely surpasses the size it would have, if the object were at the necessary distance ; it must therefore be seen distinctly. PROBLEM XI. When the eyes are directed in such a manner as to see a very distant object ; why do near objects appear double, and vice versa? The reason of this appearance is as follows. When we look at an object, we are accustomed, from habit, to direct the optical axis of our eyes towards that point which we principally consider. As the images of objects are, in other respects, entirely similar, it thence results that, being painted around that principal point of the retina at which the optical axis terminates, the lateral parts of an object, those on the right for example, are painted in each eye to the left of that axis; and the parts on the left are painted on the right of it. Hence there has been es- tablished between these parts of the eye such a correspondence, that when an object is painted at the same time in the left part of each eye, and at the same dis- tance from the optical axis, we think there is only one, and on the right; but if by a forced movement of the eyes we cause the image of an object to be painted in one eye, on the right of the optical axis, and in the other on the left, we see double. But this is what takes place when, in directing our sight to a distant - object, we pay attention to a neighbouring object situated between the optical — axes; it may be easily seen that the two images which are formed in the two eyes are placed, one to the right and the other to the left, of the optical “axis ; that is to say, on the right of it in the right eye, and on the left of. it in the left. If the optical axis be directed to a near object, and if attention be at the same time paid toa distant object, in a direct line, the contrary will be the case. By the effect then of the habit above-mentioned, we must by one eye judge the object to be on the right and by the other to be on the left; the two eyes are thus in contradiction to each other, and the object appears double. This explanation, founded on the manner in which we acquire ideas by sight, 284 ee OPTICS. is confirmed by the following fact. Cheselden relates that a man having sus- tained a hurt in one of his eyes by a blow, so that he could not direct the op- tical axes of both eyes to the same point, saw all objects’ double: but this inconvenience was not lasting; the most familiar objects gradually began to appear single, and his sight was at length restored to its natural state. What takes place here in regard to the sight, takes place also in regard to the touch; for when two parts of the body which do not habitually correspond, in feeling one and the same object, are employed to touch the same body, we imagine it to be double. This is a common experiment. If one of the fingers be placed over the other, and if any small body, such as a pea for example, be put between them, so as to touch the one on the right side, and the other on the left, you would almost swear that you felt two peas. The explanation of this illusion depends on the same principles. PROBLEM XII. To cause an object, seen distinctly, and without the interposition of any opake or dia- phonous body, to appear to the naked eye inverted. Construct a small machine, such as that represented Fig. 26. It consists of two parallel ends, A B and C D, joined together bya third piece a c, halfaninch in breadth, andan : inch and a half in length. This may be easily done by means of a Fig. 26. slip of card. In the middle of the end a B makea round hole &, [ about a line and a half in diameter; and in the centre of it fix inal the head of a pin, or the point of a needle, as seen in the figure : opposite to it inthe other end make a hole F with a large pin; _if you then apply your eye to E, turning the hole F towards _ the light or the flame of a candle, you willsee the head of the pin greatly magnified, and in an inverted position, as represented © at G. The reason of thisinversion is, that the head of the pin being exceedingly near the pupil of the eye, the rays which proceed from the point F are greatly divergent, on account of the hole F; and instead of a distinct and inverted image, there is painted at the bottom of the eye a kind of shadow in an upright position. But inverted images on the retina convey to the mind the idea of upright objects: consequently, as this — kind of image is upright, it must convey to the mind the idea of an inverted object. PROBLEM XIII. To cause an object, without the interposition of any body, to disappear from the naked eye, when turned towards it. For this experiment we are indebted to Mariotte: and though the consequences he deduced from it have not been adopted, it is no less singular, and seems to prove a particular fact in the animal economy. Fix, at the height of the eye, on a dark ground, a small round piece of white paper, and a little lower, at the distance of two feet to the right, fix up another of about three inches in diameter ; then place yourself opposite to the first piece of paper, and having shut the left eye, retire backwards, keeping your eye still fixed on the first object: when you have got to the distance of nine or ten feet, the second will entirely disappear from your sight. This phenomenon is accounted for by observing, that when the eye has got to the above distance, the image of the second paper falls on the place where the optic nerve is inserted into the eye, and that according to every appearance this place of the retina does not possess the property of transmitting the impression of objects ; for while the — nervous fibres in the rest of the retina are struck directly on the side by the rays pro- ceeding from the objects, they are struck here altogether obliquely, which destroys the shock of the particle of light. OPTICAL PROPERTIES. 985 The above experiment may be performed more neatly in the following manner. _ Having made three dots, thus— | © @ @ close the left eye, and bring the right directly over the left-hand dot, and about three or four inches from the paper. Though the eye be directed steadily to that dot, the _ other two will be distinctly recognised as existing. But drawing the head gradually _ back, when the eye is about five or six inches from the paper the middle dot will disappear. Withdrawing a little further, it will re-appear; and all three will be again visible: but moving a little further, the dot in the right will disappear: and on withdrawing a little further, still it will again appear, and all three will be visible. _If the right eye be closed, and the left one brought over the dot on the right, similar phenomena will be observed. PROBLEM XIV. To cause an object to disappear to both eyes at once, though it may be seen by each of them separately. Affix to a dark wall a round piece of paper, an inch or two in diameter, and a little lower, at the distance of two feet on each side, make two marks: then place your- self directly opposite to the paper, and hold the end of your finger before your face, in such a manner that when the right eye is open it shall ‘conceal the mark on the left, and when the left eye is open the mark on the right; if you then look with both _ eyes tothe end of your finger, the paper, which is not at all concealed by it from either — of your eyes, will nevertheless disappear. : This experiment is explained in the same manner as the former; for by the means here employed, the image of the paper is made to fall on the insertion of the optic nerve of each eye, and hence the disappearance of the object from both. PROBLEM XV. An optical game, which proves that with one eye a person cannot judge well of the distance of an object. Present to any one aring, or place it at some distance, and in such a manner that the plane of it shall be turned towards the person’s face: then bid him shut one of his eyes, and try to push through it a crooked stick, of sufficient length to reach it: he will very seldom succeed. The reason of this difficulty may be easily given: it depends on the habit we have acquired of judging of the distances of objects by means of both our eyes; but when we use only one, we judge of them very imperfectly. A person with one eye would not experience the same difficulty : being accustomed to make use of only one eye, he acquires the habit of judging of distances with great . correctness. PROBLEM XVI. A person born blind, having recovered the use of his sight; tf a globe and a cube which he has learnt to distinguish by the touch are presented to him, will he be able, on the first view, without the aid of touching, to tell which is the cube, and which is the globe ? : This is the famous problem of Mr. Molyneux, which he proposed to Locke, and which has much exercised the ingenuity of metaphysicians. Both these celebrated men thought—not without reason, and it is the general opinion— that the blind man, on acquiring the use of his sight, would not be able to distinguish the cube from the globe, or at least without the aid of reasoning; and indeed, as Mr. Molyneux said, though this blind man has learned by experience in what manner the 286 OPTICS. cube and the globe affect his sense of touching, he does not yet know how those objects which affect the touch will affect the sight; nor that the salient angle, which presses on his hand unequally when he feels the cube, ought to make the same impres- sion on his eyes that it does on his sense of touching. He has no means therefore of discerning the globe from the cube. : The most he could do, would be to reason in the following manner, after carefully examining the two bodies on all sides: ‘¢ On whatever side I feel the globe,” he would say, ‘‘I find it absolutely uniform; all its faces in regard to my touch are the same; one of these bodies, on whatever side I examine it, presents the same figure and the — same face; consequently it must be the globe.” But is not this reasoning, which supposes a sort of analogy between the sense of touching and that of seeing, rather too learned for a man born blind? It could only be expected from a Saunderson. — But it would be improper here to enter into farther details respecting this question, which has been discussed by Molyneux, Locke, and the greater part of the modern metaphysicians. ~ What was observed in regard to the blind man restored to sight by the celebrated Cheselden, has since confirmed the justness of the solution given by Locke and Molyneux. When this man, who had been born blind, recovered his sight, the impressions be — experienced, immediately after the operation, were carefully observed; and the fol- lowing is a short account of them. When he began to see, he at first imagined that all objects touched his eyes, as those with which he was acquainted by feeling touched his skin. He knew no figure, and was incapable of distinguishing one body from another. He had an idea that soft and polished bodies, which affeeted his sense of touching in an agreeable manner, ought to affect his eyes in the same way; and he was much surprised to find that these two things had no sort of connection. In a word, some months elapsed before he was able to distinguish any form in a painting; for a long time it appeared to him a surface daubed over with colours; and he was greatly astonished when he at length saw his father ina miniature picture: he could not comprehend how so large a visage could be put into so small a space; it appeared to him as impossible, says the author from whom this account is extracted, as to put a cask of liquor into a pint bottle. PROBLEM XVII. To construct a machine by means of which any objects whatever may be delineated in perspective, by any person, though unacquainted with the rules of that sci ence. ° sa ale we The principle of this machine consists in making the point of a pencil, which © continually presses against a piece of paper, to describe a line parallel to that de- scribed by a point made to pass over the outlines of the objects, the eye being ina fixed position, and looking through an immoveable sight. Fig. 27. perpendicular direction by the two pieces of wood it, is adapted for receiving a sheet of paper, on whieh the objects are to be traced out in perspec- tive. The paper is extended on it, and kept in that position by being cemented at the four corners. EF is across bar perpendicular to the two pieces 8G, sc, and having at its extremity another piece KD, moveable on an axis at kK. The latter serves to support the perpendicular rod Dc, bearing a moveable sight B a, to which the eye is applied. The frame T, T, T, T (Fig. 27.), supported in a SG, SG, passing through the two lower corners of @ PERSPECTIVE MACHINES. 287 The piece of wood NP is moveable, and its extremity Pp is furnished with a slender point, terminating ina small button. Near its two extremities are fixed two pulleys, under which pass two small cords mm: these two cords are conveyed over the pulleys L, 1, fixed at the corners T, T, of the frame, and then around two horizontal ones R, R: by these means they fall on the other side of the frame, where they are fastened to the weight @, which moves in a groove, so that when the weight @ rises or falls, the moveable piece of wood NP remains always in a situation parallel to itself. This piece of wood ought to be nearly in equilibrium with the weight, that _it may be easily moved, when it is necessary to raise or to lower it a little: in the ‘middle of it is fixed the pencil or crayon 1. It may now be readily conceived that, if the eye be applied to the hole a, and if the moveable piece of wood nP be moved with the hand, in such a manner as to make the end P pass over the outlines of a distant. object, the point of the pencil 1 will necessarily describe a line parallel and equal to that described by the point P; and consequently will trace out on the paper 0, 0, against which it presses, the image of the object in exact perspective. This machine was invented by Sir Cristopher Wren, a celebrated mathematician, and the architect who built St. Paul’s.. But if it be required to trace out any object _ whatever, according to the rules of perspective, the very simple means described in the following problem may be employed. PROBLEM XVIII. _ Another method, by which a person may represent an object in perspective, without any knowledge of the principles of the art. This method of representing an object in perspective requires, in the same manner as the preceding, no acquaintance with the rules of the art; and the kind of machine employed is much simpler; but it supposes a considerable degree of expertness in the art of drawing, or at least enough to be able to delineate in one small space what is seen in another. To put this method in practice, construct a frame of such a size, that when ‘looking at the object from a determinate point, it may be contained within that frame. Then fix the place of the eye before the frame, and, in regard to its plane, in whatever manner you think proper. The best position for the eye, unless you intend to make a drawing somewhat fantastical by the position of the objects, will be in a line perpendicular to the plane of the frame, at a distance nearly equal to the breadth of the frame, and at the height of about two-thirds of that of the frame. ers This place must be marked by means of a sight or hole, about two lines in diameter, made in the middle of a square or circular vertical plane, of about an inch or two in breadth. Then divide the field of the frame into squares of an inch or two in size, by means of threads extended from the sides, and crossing each other at right angles. Then provide a piece of paper, and divide it, by lines drawn with a black lead pencil, into the same number of squares as the frame. When these preparations | have been made, nothing is necessary but to apply your eye to the sight above- mentioned, and to draw in each square of the paper that part of the object observed in the corresponding square of the frame. By these means you will obtain an exact representation of the object in perspective; for it is evident that it will be deli- neated such as it appears to the eye, and perfectly similar to the figure which would remain on any transparent substance extended on the frame, if the rays, proceeding from each point of the object to the eye, or the place of sight, should leave traces on that substance. The object, or assemblage of objects, will therefore be repre- sented in perspective with great accuracy. 288 _ OPTICS. _.* * Remark.—The same means may be employed to demonstrate, in a sensible manner, — without the least knowledge of geometry, the truth of the greater part of the rules of perspective; for if a straight line be placed behind the frame, in a direction perpendicular to its plane, you will see its image pass through the point of sight, or through that point of the plane of the frame which corresponds to the perpendicular let fall from the eye on that plane. If the line be placed horizontally, and if you cause it to make an angle of 45 degrees with the plane of the picture, you will see the image of it pass through one of those points called the points of distance. If this line be placed in any direction whatever, you will see its image concur with one of the accidental points. It is in these three rules that the whole of perspective almost consists. PROBLEM XIX. Of the apparent magnitude of the heavenly bodies on the horizon. It is a well known phenomenon that the moon and_ sun, when near the horizon, appear much larger than when they are at a mean altitude, or near the zenith. This phenomenon has been the subject of much research to philosophers; and some of them have given very bad explanations of it. Those indeed who reason superficially, ascribe it to a very simple cause, viz. refraction ; for if we look obliquely, say they, at a crown piece immersed in water, it appears to be sensibly magnified. But every body knows that the rays which proceed from the celestial bodies, experience a refraction when they enter the atmosphere of the earth. The sun and moon are then like the crown immersed in water. ‘ But those who reason in this manner do not reflect that, if a crown piece im- mersed in a denser medium appears magnified to the eye situated in a rarer medium, the contrary ought to be the case when the eye is situated in a dense medium, while the crown piece is immersed in ararer. A fish would see the crown piece out of the water much smaller than if it were in the water. But we are placed in the dense medium of the atmosphere, while the moon and sun are inararer. Instead there- fore of appearing larger, they ought to appear smaller; and this indeed is the case, as is proved by the instruments employed to measure the apparent magnitude of the celestial bodies: these instruments shew that the perpendicular diameter of the sun and moon, when on the horizon, is shortened about two minutes, which gives them that oval form, pretty apparent, under which they often appear. The cause of this phenomenon must therefore be sought for in a mere optical illusion; and in our opinion the following explanation is the most probable. When an object paints on the retina an image of a determinate size, the object appears to us larger, according as we judge it to be at a greater distance: and this is theconsequence of a tacit reasoning pretty just; for an object which, at the distance of six hundred feet, is painted in the eye under the diameter of the line, must be much larger than that which is painted under the same diameter, though only _ at the distance of sixty feet. But when the sun and moon are on the horizon, a multitude of intervening objects give us an idea of great distance; whereas when they are near the zenith, as no object intervenes, they appear, to be nearer us. In the former situation then they must excite an idea of magnitude, quite different from what they do in the latter. We must however confess that this explanation is attended with some diffi- culties. Ist. When we look at the moon on the horizon through a tube, or through the fingers bent into the form of one, the size of it appears to be much diminished, though the fingers conceal the intervening objects in a very imperfect manner. 2d. CONVERGENCE OF PARALLELS. | 289 We often see the moon rising behind a hill at a small distance, and on such occasions she appears to be exceedingly large. These facts, which seem to overturn the explanation before given, have induced yther philosophers to endeavour to find out a different one. The following is that of Dr. Smith, a celebrated writer on optics. ; The celestial arch does not exhibit to us the appearance of a hemisphere, but that of a very oblate surface, the elevation of which towards the zenith is much less chan its extension towards the horizon. The sun and moon also appear under the same angle, whether at the horizon or near the zenith. But the intersection of a leterminate angle, at a mean distance from the summit, is less than at a greater. The projection therefore of the sun and moon, or their perspective image on the selestial arch, is less at a great distance from the horizon than in the neighbourhood of it. Consequently, when at a distance from the horizon they must appear less than when they are near it. This explanation of the phenomenon is very specious. But may it not here be asked, why these two images, though seen under the same angle, appear ove greater than the other? Are we not still obliged to have recourse to the former explana- tion? But for the sake of brevity we shall leave the discussion of these two ques- tions to the reader. It is sufficient that it is fully demonstrated that this apparent magnification is not produced by a larger image painted on the retina. In regard to the moon, it is even somewhat less ; since that luminary, when on the horizon, is farther from us, by about a semi-diameter of the earth, or a sixtieth part, than when she is very much elevated above the horizon. Ina word, this phenomenon is merely an optical illusion, what- ever may be the cause, which is still very obscure, but in our opinion it seems to bigpend chiefly on the idea of great distance exited by the intervening objects. PROBLEM XX. On the converging appearance of parallel rows of trees. The phenomenon which is the subject of this problem, is well known. Every per- son must have observed, that when at the extremity of a very long walk, planted on each side with trees, the sides instead of appearing parallel, as they really are, seem to ‘converge towards the other end. The case is the same with the ceiling of a long gal- lery; and indeed when it is necessary to represent these objects in perspective, the sides of the walk or ceiling must be represented by converging lines; for they are really soin the small image or picture painted at the bottom of the eye. Other considerations however are necessary, in order to give a complete explana- tion of the phenomenon; foras the apparent magnitude of objects is not measured by . the real magnitude of the images painted in the eye, but is always the result of the judgment formed of their distance by the mind, combined with the magnitude of the. image present in the eye, the sides of a walk are far from appearing to converge with so much rapidity, as the lines which form the image of them in the perspective plane, ‘or inthe eye. M. Bouguer first gave a complete explanation of what takes place ‘on this occasion; itis as follows: As the ceiling of a long gallery appears to an eye, placed atone extremity of it, to become lower, the case is the same with a long level walk, the sides of which are parallel; the plane of that walk, instead of appearing horizontal, seems still to rise. ‘For the same reason, as when on the sea shore, the water appears like an inclined plane which threatens the earth with an inundation. Some superstitious persons,. little acquainted with the principles of philosophy, have considered this inclination as real, and the apparent suspension of the waters as a visible and continued miracle. In like manner, in the middle of an immense plain we see it rise around us, as if we were at the bottom of avery broad and shallow funnel. M. Boguer has taught us a very : U 290 OPTICS. ingenious method of determining this apparent inclination; but it will be sufficient here to say that, to most men, it is about 2 or 3 degrees. Let us then suppose two horizontal and parallel lines, and an inclined plane of — 2 or 3 degrees passing below our feet: it is evident that these two horizantal lines will appear to our eye as if projected on that inclined plane. But their projection on that plane will be two lines concurring in one point, viz., that where the horizon- tal drawn from the eye would meet it. We must therefore see these lines as con- vergent. It thence follows, that if, by any illusion peculiar to the sight, the plane where the parallel lines are situated, instead of appearing inclined upwards, should appear de- clined downwards, the sides of the walk would appear divergent. This, Dr. Smith, in his Treatise of Optics, says is the case with the avenue at the seat of Mr. North, in the county of Norfolk. But it is to be wished that Dr. Smith had described, ina more minute manner, the position of the places. However we shall solve, according to these principles, another curious problem, which has been much celebrated among opticians. PROBLEM XXI. In what manner must we proceed to trace out an avenue, the sides of which, when seen from one of its extremities, shall appear parallel ? Suppose an inclined plane of two degrees and a half, and that two parallel lines are traced out onit. From the eye suppose two planes passing through these lines, and which being continued, cut the horizontal plane in two other lines; these two lines will be convergent, and if continued backwards will meet behind the spectator. Nothing then is necessary but to find this point of concurrence, which is very easy; for any one in the least acquainted with geometry, must perceive that it is the point where a line drawn through the eye, parallel to the above inclined plane, and in the direction of the middle of the avenue, meets with the horizontal plane. Let a line then inclined. to the horizon two or three degrees, be drawn through the eye of the spectator, and in the vertical plane passing through the middle of the avenue; the point where it meets the horizontal plane will be that where the two sides of the avenue must unite. If from this point, therefore, two straight lines be drawn through thetwo extremities of the initial breadth of the avenue, they will trace out where all the trees ought to be planted, so as to appear to form parallel sides. " If the height of the eye be supposed equal to 5 feet, and the breadth of the com- mencement of the avenue to be 36, the point of concurrence will be found by calcula- tion to be 102 backwards, and the angle formed by the sides of the avenue ought tobe about 18 degrees. It is difficult however to believe, that lines which form so sen- sible an angle will ever appear parallel to an eye within them, in babes 8 point it may be placed. PROBLEM XXII. To form a picture which, according to the side on which tt is viewed, shall exhibit two different subjects. Provide a sufficient number of small equilateral prisms, a few lines only in breadth, and in length equal to the height of the painting which you intend to make, and place them all close to each other on the ground to be occupied by the painting. Then cut the painting into bands equal to each of the faces of the prisms, and cement them, inorder, to the faces of the same side. When this is done, take a painting quite different from the former, and haying divided it into bands in the same manner, cement them to the faces of the opposite side. It is hence evident, that when cn one side you can see only the faces of the prism turned towards that side, one of the paintings will be seen; and if the picture be looked at on the opposite side, the first will disappear, and the second only wili be seen. H DISTORTIONS OF FIGURES. 291 A painting may even be made, which when seen in front, and on the two sides, shall exhibit three different subjects. For this purpose, the picture of the ground must be cut into bands, and be cemented to that ground in such a manner, that a space shall be left between them, equal to the thickness of a very fine card. On these intervals raise, in a direction perpendicular to the ground, bands of the same card, nearly equal in height to the interval between them; and on the right faces of these pieces of card cement the parts of a second painting, cut also into bands. In the last place, cement the parts of a third picture, cut in the same manner, on the left faces of the pieces of card. It is evident that when this picture is viewed in front, at a certain distance, the bottom painting only will be seen; but if you stand on one side, in such a manner that the height of the slips of card conceals from you the bottom, you will see only the picture cemented in detached portions to the faces turned towards that side: if you move to the other side, a third paint- ing will be seen. PROBLEM XXIII. To describe on a plane a distorted figure, which when seen from a determinate point shall appear in its just proportions. A figure, such for example as a head, may be disguised, that is to say distorted, in such a manner, as to exhibit no proportion, when the plane on which it has been drawn is viewed in front; but when viewed from a certain point it shall appear beautiful, that is to say, in its just proportions. This may be done in the following manner : Having drawn on a piece of paper, in its just pro- portions, the figure you intend to disguise, describe a square around it, as a BCD (Fig. 28), and divide it into several other small squares, which may be done by dividing the sides into equal. parts, for ex- ample seven, and then drawing straight lines through the corresponding points of division, as the engravers do when they intend to make a reduced drawing from a picture. Then describe, at pleasure, on the proposed plane, | a parallelogram EMFG, and divide one of the two ishorter sides, as E c, into as many equal parts as D c, one of the sides of the square aBCD, which in this case are seven. Divide the other side mF, into two ‘equal parts, in the point u, and draw from it to the points of division of the opposite side E G, as many straight lines, the two last of which will be H B and Ha. Having then assumed at pleasure, in the side mr, the point 1, above the point H, as the height of the eye above the plane of the picture, draw from 1 to the point xz, the straight line = 1, which will cut those lines proceeding from the point u, in the points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Through these points of intersection (draw straight lines parallel to each other, and to the base E G of the triangle ¥ GH, which will thus be divided into as many trapeziums as there are little ‘squares in the square ABCD. Hence, if the figure in the square a BCD be transferred to the triangle r GB, by making those parts of the outline contained in the different. natural squares of aBcD, to pass through the corresponding trapeziums or perspective squares, the figure will be found to be distorted. But it may be seen exactly like its prototype, that is to say as in the square aBcD, if it be viewed through a hole k, which ought to be small towards the eye and wide towards the object, made in a small board 1, placed perpendicularly in u, ‘so that, the height 1. x shall be equal to H1, which must never be very great, in order that the figure may be more distorted in the picture. u 2 PM! | 292 OPTICS, f In the convent of the Minimes de la Place Royale there is a Magdalen at prayers distorted in the same manner, which has some celebrity. It is the work of Father Niceron of that order, who frequently employed himself on this kind of optical amusement. Several other anamorphoses may be made in the same manner, by painting, for example, on a curved surface, either cylindric, or conical, or spherical, a certain figure, which when seen from a determinate point shall appear regular; but as this does not succeed so well in practice as in theory, we think it needless to say any thing further on the subject, while there are so many others much more curious. Those persons who are fond of such optical curiosities may consult La Perspective Curieuse of Father Niceron, where they will find the subject treated of at full length. PROBLEM XXIV. Any quadrilateral figure being given; to find the different parallelograms or rectangles of which it may be the perspective representation. Or any parallelogram, whether right-angled or not, being given, to find its position, and that of the eye, which shall cause its perspective representation to be a given quadrilateral. Fig.29. Let the given quadrilateral be the trapezium ABCD (Fig. 29), which we shall suppose the most irregular possible, having none of its sides parallel, Continue the sides AB and cD, till they meet in F, and the sides ap and go, till they meet in E; then draw © F, and through the point a, draw & 4, pa- rallel to it. Whatever be the position of the eye, provided what is called the point of sight be in the line £ F, or not only in E F, but in the continuation of it on both sides; the object, of which the quad- rilateral ABCD is the perspective representation, will be a parallelogram. 4 For all persons acquainted with the rules of perspective, know that lines parallel to each other on a horizontal plane, when represented in perspective meet in one point of the line parallel to the horizon, drawn through the point of sight. Thus all the lines perpendicular to the ground line, meet in the point of sight itself: all those which form with that line an angle of 45°, concur in what is called the points of distance; and those which form a greater or less angle, concur in other points which are always determined by drawing from the eye to the picture a line parallel to those of which the perspective representation is required. AJl the lines then, which in the picture concur in points situated. in the line of the point of sight, are images of horizontal and parallel lines. Thus, the lines on the horizontal plane, which have as representatives in the picture the lines B c and a D, are parallel ; and the case is the same with those which give the lineal images a B and Dc. But two pairs of parallel lines necessarily form, by their intersection, a parallel- ogram. The object then of which the quadrilateral a B c D is the image, to an eye situated in the line y E, wherever the point of sight may be, is a parallelogram. This being demonstrated, we shall first suppose that the required object is a rect- angle.. To find in this case the place of the eye, divide the distance Fr & into two equal parts in 1, and suppose the eye situated in such a manner that the perpendi- — cular, drawn from its place to the painting, shall fall on the point 1; and that the — distance is equal to 1 © or r¥: the points F and 1 will then be what, in the language of perspective, is called the points of distance. Continue the lines c 8 and cp to ‘Gand # in the ground line: the lines no ¥ and a BF will be the images of the lines which form with the ground line angles of 45 degrees. The case will be the same with those of which Gc £ and ab © are the images. If the indefinite lines ude and y x a ! . ! PERSPECTIVE DEVICES. 293 vA b, inclined to the ground line at an angle of 45 degrees, be then drawn on the one side and on the other, and ina contrary direction, the lines eG 6 ¢ and a d, inclined ‘also at half a right angle, these lines will necessarily meet at right angles, and form the rectangle a be d. , If the point of sight be supposed in another point, for example £, that is to say, \iffwe suppose the eye to be directly opposite to the point =, and at a distance equal ‘to EK, after drawing EL and FM perpendicular to the ground line in the plane of the picture, we must draw to the same ground line, in the horizontal plane, the perpen- dicular LN, equal to EK, and then the line Nm, making with the ground line the ‘angletmN. If we then draw to the points cand a the indefinite perpendiculars 'a Aand GK, and through the points a and u the indefinite lines H K and a &, meking with the ground line angles equal to LN, and in a contrary direction; these two pairs of lines will meet in 6, x, A, and evidently form an oblique parallelogram, which will be the object of which pcp a is the representation, to an eye situated opposite ‘to BE, and at a distance from the picture equal to EK. | If the sides ab and cd, in the rectangle a bed, were divided into equal parts by ‘lines parallel to the other sides, it is evident that these parallels, being continued, would cut the line 4G into as many equal parts. The case would be the same with lines parallel to a4 and ed dividing into equal portions the sides ad and bc: the’ line AH would likewise be divided by them into equal parts. Thus we have the means of dividing the trapezium a BC D, if necessary, into lozenges, which would be ‘the representation of the squares into which a bcd might be divided. We shall give hereafter the solution of a very curious problem, in regard to orna- mental gardening, which is a consequence of the one here solved. OF PLANE MIRRORS. Plane mirrors are those the reflecting surface of which is plane; as is the case with the common glass mirrors used for decorating apartments. Plane mirrors may be made also of metal. Of this kind were those of the ancients; but since the invention of glass, metallic mirrors are never used, except small ones for certain ‘optical instruments, where it is necessary to avoid the double refiection produced by glass, one from the anterior and the other from the posterior surface. It is the latter which gives the liveliest image; for if the silvering be scraped from the back of a mirror, you will see the bright image immediately disappear almost entirely, jand that which remains in its place will scarcely be equal to that produced by the nearer surface. , ‘ | But in catoptrics, in general, the two surfaces of a mirror are supposed to be at ‘such a small distance from each other, as to produce only one image; otherwise the determinations given by this science would require to be greatly modified. | PROBLEM XXV. A point of the object B, and the place of the eye A, being given; to find the point of reflection on the surface of a plane mirror. (Fig. 30.) Fig. 30 Through z, the given point of the object, and a, pee) the place of the ey l ‘pendi place of the eye, conceive a plane perpendicular to the mirror, and cutting it in the linecp: from the point B, draw BD perpendicular to cp, and continue it tor, so that D F and vB shall be equal: if through the points F and a, the line a ¥ be drawn, intersecting cDin £, the point © will be the point of reflection ; Be will be the incident ray; ua the reflected ray; and » nD, the angle of incidence, and a EB c, the angle of reflection, will be equal. ne an “wr . “ ‘* 5 a bs 294 OPTICS. For it is evident, by the construction, that the angles BED and DEF are equal; but the angles p F and a EC are also equal, being vertical angles ; therefore, &c. PROBLEM XXVI. The same supposition being made as before; to find the place of the image of the point B. 4 The place of the image of the point 'B is exactly in the pointr. But we shall not assign as the reason what is commonly given in books on catoptrics, viz., that in mirrors of every kind the place of the image is in the continuation of the reflected ray, where it is intersected by the perpendicular drawn from the point of the object to the reflecting surface: for what effect can this perpendicular, which is merely imaginary, have to fix the image in this manner, in the point where it meets with the reflected ray continued, rather than in any other point? This principle then is ridiculous, and void of foundation. It is however true that, in plane mirrors, the place where the object is perceived, is in the point where the above perpendicular meets with the reflected ray produced ; but this is accidental, and the reason is as follows. All the rays which emanate from the object B, and are reflected by the mirror, meet, if produced, in the point F: their arrangement then, in regard to the eye, is the same asif they proceeded from the point F. Consequently they must make the same impression on the eye, as if the object were in F; for the eye would not be otherwise affected, if they really proceeded from that point. Hence it may be concluded that, in a plane mirror, the object appears to be as far behind, as it is distant from the mirror. It therefore follows, that a F, the distance of the image F from the eye, is equal to the sum of BB, the ray of incidence, and a £ the ray of reflection, since B £ and E F are equal. It thence follows also, that when the plane mirror is parallel to the horizon, as c D, a perpendicular object, such as B D, must appear inverted. In the last place, when we look at ourselves in a mirror, the left seems to be on the right, and the right on the left. PROBLEM XXVilI. Several plane mirrors being given, and the place of the eye, and of the object ; to find the course of the ray proceeding from the object to the eye, when reflected two, three, or four times, Let there be two mirrors, a B and cp, (Fig. 31.), and let o F be the perpendicu- lar, drawn from the object o to the mirror a B, and continued beyond it, so that F E be equal to o F; and let s urbe the perpendicular drawn from the eye to the mirror c p, and continued till #1 be equal to Hs; join the points 1 and & by the line £1, which will intersect the mirrors in G and «x; and fig. 31. if the lines 0 G, Gk, and K 8 be then drawn, they will represent the course of the ray, proceeding from the pointo to the eye by two reflections. Or, from the point £, the first part of the con- struction remaining the same, let fall, onthe mirror c D, the perpendicular = L mM, and continue it be-— yond it, till 1 m be equal to L ©; draw the line S M, intersecting c D ink; and from the point kK, the line K 8, intersecting a B ing; if G o be also drawn, the lines 0 G, & K, and K$ will represent the course of the ray proceeding from the point 0, and conveyed to the eye by two reflections. In this case, the point m will be the image of the point o, and the distance s M will be equal tothe sum of the rays sK, KG, andGo. | : PLANE MIRRORS. 295 _ If we suppose three mirrors, and three reflections, the course which the incident ray must pursue, in order toreach the eye, may be found in the same manner. For this purpose, let o 1 (Fig. 32.) be the perpendicular drawn from the object to the mirror a B, and let m 1 be equal to Ho. From the point 1 draw 1 K perpendi- cular to c B, produced if necessary, and make kK M equal to mM I: from the point k let fall on pc pro- duced the perpendicular K N, and continue it to L, so that uN shall be equal to KN: draw s u, which will intersect cD in G; and from the point e the line G kK, which will intersect c gin F; if the line F 1, intersecting a B in E, be then drawn from the point F, and also the line x o, then the line © o will be that according to which the incident ray must fall on the first mirror, to reach to eye s, after three reflections at BE, F, and a. In this case the point L will be the apparent place of the image of the object, to an eye situated in s; and the distance s u will be equal to 3 Gc, GF, FE, and E£ o, taken all together. The application of this problem is generally shewn at the game of billiards; but as we have already treated that subject, under the head mechanics, the reader is referred to that article. Fig. 32. PROBLEM XXVIII. Various properties of plane mirrors. I. In plane mirrors the image is always equal and similar to the object. For it may be easily demonstrated, that as each point of the image seems to be as far within the mirror as the object is distant from it, each point of the image is similarly situated, and at an equal distance in regard to all the rest, asin the object: the result must there- fore necessarily be the equality and similarity of the image and object. II. In a plane mirror, what is on the right appears in the object to be on the left, and vice versa. This may be easily proved in the following manner. If a piece of common writing be held before a mirror, it cannot be read: as the word ‘GENERAL, for example, will appear under the annexed form; but on the other hand, if the latter word be presented to the mirror, GENERAL will Fig. 33. appear. This affords the means of forming a sort of secret IAAI O writing; for if we write from right to left, it cannot be read by those ignorant of the artifice; but those acquainted with it, by holding the writing before a mirror, will see it appear like common writing. This method however must not be employed for concealing secrets of great import- “ance, as there are few persons to whom it is not known. III. In a plane mirror, when you can see yourself at full length, at whatever. dis- tance you remove from it, you will always see your whole body; and the height of the mirror occupied by your image will always be equal to the half of your height. IV. If one of the sun’s rays be made to fall on a plane mirror, and if an angular motion be given to the mirror, the ray will be seen to move with a double angular motion; so that when the mirror has passed over 90°, the ray will have passed over 180°. V. Ifa plane mirror be inclined to a horizontal surface, at an angle of 45°, its image ‘ will be vertical. VI. Iftwo plane mirrors be disposed parallel to each other; and if any object, such asa lighted taper, be placed between them ; you will see in each along series of tapers which would be extended zn infinitum, did not each image become fainter in propor- tion as the reflections by which they are produced become more numerous. WII. When two mirrors are disposed in such a manner as to form an angle of at 296 OPTICS. least 120°, several images will be seen, according to the position of the eye. If the angle of the mirrors be diminished, without changing the place of the eye, these images will be seen to increase in number, as if they emerged from behind an opake body. it must be observed, that all these images are in the circumference of a circle, described from the point where the mirrors meet, and passing through the place of the object. ; Father Zacharias Traber, a Jesuit, in his Mervus Opticus, and Father Tacquet, in his Optics, have carefully examined all the cases resulting from the different angles of these mirrors, as well as from the different positions of the eye and the object. To these we refer the reader. VIII. When a luminous object, such as the flame of a taper, is viewed in a plane glass mirror of some thickness, several images of that object are perceived ; the first of which, or that nearest the surface of the glass, is less brilliant than the second; the latter is the most brilliant of the whole; and after it, a series of images less and less brilliant are observed, to the number sometimes of five or six. The first of these images is produced by the anterior surface of the glass, and the second by the posterior, which being covered with tin-foil, must produce a more lively reflection: it is therefore the most brilliant of the whole. The rest are produced by the rays of the object, which reach the eye after being several times reflected from the anterior, as well as posterior, side of the mirror. This phenomenon may be explained as follows. Let v x (Fig. 34.) be the thickness of the glass, a the object, and o the place of the eye, which we shall suppose to be both equally distant from thg mirror, Of all the small bundles of incident rays, there is one A B, which being reflected by the anterior surface in B, is conveyed to the.eye by the line Bo, and forms at a’ the first image of the object. Another, as ac, pene- trates the glass, and being refracted into the line cp, is wholly reflected into pF, on account of the opacity of the posterior side of the mirror, and being again — refracted at E proceeds to o, and forms at a” the live- liest image of the point a. Another small bundle“ F penetrates also the glass, is refracted along the line F«, and reflected in the direction of «B, from which a part of it issues, but cannot reach — the eye; the other part is reflected in the direction BH, and then into HJ, from — which a small part is still reflected, but the remainder issues from the glass and is refracted in the direction of the line 10, by which it reaches the eye: consequently it produces the third image, at a”, weaker than the other two, The fourth image is formed by a bundle of incident rays, which experience twe refractions like the rest, and five reflections, viz., three from the posterior surface of the glass, and two from the anterior. In regard to the fifth, it requires two refractions and seven reflections, viz., three from the anterior surface, and four from — the posterior ; and so of the rest. It may hence be easily conceived how much the brightness of the images must be dimished, and therefore it is very uncommon to see _more than four or five. Fig. 34. PROBLEM XXIX. Yo dispose several mirrors in such a manner, that you can see ERE in each of them, at the same time. To produce this effect, nothing is necessary but to dispose the mirrors on the cir- cumference of a circle, in such a manner, that they shall correspond with the chords i PLANE MIRRORS. 297 of that circle; if you then place yourself in the centre, you will see your image in all the mirrors at the same time. ° Remark.—lIf these mirrors are disposed according to the sides of a regular polygon, of an equal number of sides, such as a hexagon or octagon, which seem to be fittest for the purpose, and if all the mirrors are perfectly vertical and plane, they will form a sort of cabinet, which will appear of an immense extent, and in whatever part of it you place yourself, you will see your image, and immensely multiplied. If this cabinet be illuminated in the inside, by a lustre placed in its centre, it will exhibit a very agreeable spectacle, as you will see long rows of lights towards what- ever side your sight is directed. PROBLEM XXX. To measure, by means of reflection, a vertical height, the bottom of which is tnaccessible. We shall here suppose that a 8 (Fig. 35.), the vertical height to be measured, is that of a tower, steeple, or such like. Place a mirror atc, ina direction perfectly horizontal; or, because this is very difficult, and as the least aberration might produce a great error in the mea- surement, place in ca vessel containing water, which will reflect the light in the same manner as a mirror. The eye which receives the reflected ray being at 0, measure with care the height op above the horizontal plane of the mirror at c; measure also pc as well as c 8, if the latter is accessible, and then say: As cD, is to Do, so is cB to a fourth proportional BA, which will be the height required. But if the bottom of the tower be not accessible, to measure the height a B, we must proceed as follows: _ Having performed every part of the preceding operation, except measuring cB, which by the supposition is impossible, take another station, as c, and place there a mirror or vessel of water: then taking your station in d, from which you can sce the point a, by means of the reflected ray co, measure cd and do. When this is done, you must employ the following proportion: As the difference between cp and ed is to cD, so is ce, the distance between the two points of reflection, to a fourth pro- portional, which will be the distance Bc, before unknown. When Bc is known, nothing is necessary but to make use of the proportion indi- cated in the first case, which will give the height a B. We do not consider this operation as susceptible of much accuracy in practice. Methods purely geometrical, if good instruments are employed, ought always to be preferred ; but we should perhaps have been considered as guilty of an omission, had -we taken no notice of this geometrico-catoptric speculation, though it has never perhaps been put in practice. PROBLEM XXXI. To measure an inaccessible height by means of its shadow. Fix a stick in a perpendicular direction, on a plane perfectly horizontal, and mea- sure the height of it above that plane, which we shall suppose to be exactly 6 feet. When the sun begins to sink towards the horizon in the afternoon, mark on the ground which is accessible the point c (Fig. 36.) where the shadow of the summit of the tower falls, and also the point c the extremity of the shadow of the stick erected perpendicularly on the same plane: at the end of two hours, more or less, mark, as speedily as possible, the two points p and d, which will be the summits of the shadows at that period; then join the two points of the shadow . oa Ver a ad , ¥ 298 OPTICS. of the summit of the tower by means of a straight line, and measure their distance; measure also, in like manner, the line which joins the two points ec and d of theshadow of the stick ; after which you will have nothing to do but to employ the fol- lowing proportion: As the length of the line ¢ d which joins the two points of the shadow of the stick, is to the height of the stick a b, so is the length of the line c p which joins the two points of the shadow of the tower, to the height of the tower AB. It requires only an acquaintance with the first principles of geometry to be able to perceive, merely by inspecting Fig. 36, that the pyramids B a pc and 6 a dc are similar; consequently, that cd is to a b as c pv to A B, which is the height required. PROBLEM XXXII. Of some tricks or kinds of illusion, which may be performed by means of plane mirrors, Many curious tricks, capable of astonishing those who have no idea of catoptries, may be performed by the combination of several plane mirrors. Some of these we shall here describe. Ist. To fire a pistol over your shoulder and hit a mark, with as much certainty asif you took aim at it in the usual manner. (Fig. 37.) Fig. 37. To perform this trick, place before you a plane mirror, so dis- posed, that you can see init the object you propose to hit; then es er hoy er <7 rest the barrel of the pistol on your shoulder and take aim, looking Ny gh at the image of the pistol in the glass as if it were the pistol j itself; that is, in such a manner, that the image of the object may be concealed by the barrel of the pistol: it is evident that if the pistol be then fired, you will hit the mark. 2d. To construct a box in which heavy bodies, such as a ball of lead, will appear to ascend contrary to their natural inclination. Construct a square box,as AB cD (Fig. 38.), where one of the sides is supposed to be taken off, in order to shew the inside; and fix init a boardu 6 D c,so as to form a plane, somewhat inclined, with a serpentine groove in it of such a size, thata ball of lead can freely rollin it and descend. - Then place the mirror H G FTI in an inclined position, as seen in “Sof the box, but so disposed that the eye, when applied to it, can || [see only the mirror, and not the inclined plane u vp, It may be i easily perceived that the image of this plane, viz. HL K G, will wy af seem to be a plane almost vertical, and that a body which rolls from cto c, along the serpentine groove, will appear to ascend in a similar direction from G tou, Hence, if the mirror is very clean, so as not to be observed, orif only a faint light be admitted into the box, which will tend to conceal the artifice, the illusion will be greater, and those not acquainted with the deception wili have a good deal of difficulty to discover it. 3d, To construct a box in which objects shall be seen through one hole, different from what were seen through another, though in both cases they seem to occupy the whole box. Provide a square box, which, on account of its right angles, is the fittest for this purpose, and divide it into four parts, by partitions perpendicular to the bottom, 7S il PLANE MIRRORS. 299 crossing each other in the centre. To these partitions apply plane mirrors, and make a hole in each face of the box, to look through; but disposed in such a manner, that the eye can see only the mirrors applied to the partitions, and not the bottom of the box. Ineachright angle of division formed by the partitions, place some object, which, being repeated in the lateral mirrors, may form a regular representation, such as a par- terre, a fortification or citadel, a pavement divided into compartments, &c. That the inside of the box may be sufficiently lighted, it ought to be covered with a piece of transparent parchment. Itis evident that, if the eye be applied to each of the small apertures formed in the sides of the box, it will perceive as many different objects, which however will seem to occupy the whole inside of it. The first will be aregular parterre, the second a fortification, the third a pavement incompartments, and thefourth some other object. If several persons look at the same time through these holes, and then ask each other what they have seen, ascene highly comic to those aequainted with the secret may ensue, as each will assert that he sawa different object. Remark.—To render the parchment employed for covering optical machines, such as the above,-more transparent, it ought to be repeatedly washed in a clear ley, which must be changed each time: it isthen to be carefully extended, and exposed to the air to dry. If you are desirous of giving it some colour, you may employ, for green, verdigrise diluted in vinegar, with the addition of a little dark green; for red, an infusion of Brazil wood; for yellow, an infusion of yellow berries; the parchment afterwards ought to be now and then varnished. 4th. In a room on the first floor, to see those who approach the door of the house, with- out looking out at the window, and without being observed. Under the middle of the architrave’ of the window place a mirror, with its face downwards, and a little inclined towards the side of the apartment, so that it shall reflect to the distance of some feet from the bottom of the window, or on the bot- tom itself, objects placed before and near the door of the house. But as the objects by these means will be seen inverted, in which case it will be difficult to distinguish them, and as it is fatiguing and inconvenient to look upwards, fix another plane mirror in a horizontal position, in the place to which the image of objects is reflected by the first mirror. As this second mirror will exhibit the objects in their proper position, they can be better distinguished. They will appear however at a much greater dis- tance, andas if placed perpendicularly on a plane, somewhat inclined, and almost in such a situation as they would be seen in if you looked downwards from the win- dow; which will be sufficient in general to enable you to distinguish those with whom you are acquainted, Two mirrors, arranged in this manner, are represented figure 39. Ozanam, and others before him, who published Ma- thematical Recreations, propose by way of problem, to shew a jealous husband what his wife is doing in ano- ther apartment. To bore a hole near the ceiling in the partition wall which separates two apartments, and fix a horizontal mirror, half in the one room and half in the other, to reflect, by means of another mirror placed opposite to it, the image of what might take place in one of these rooms, is certainly an ingenious idea; but there is reason to think that neither Ozanam_ nor his predecessor were jealous husbands, or that they had a singular dependance on the folly and stupidity of the two lovers. 309 OPTICS. . PROBLEM XXXIII. To inflame objects, at a considerable distance, by means of plane mirrors. Arrange a great number of plane mirrors, each about six or eight inches square, in such a manner that the solar rays reflected from them may be united in one focus. It is evident, and has been proved by experience, that if there are a sufficient number — of these mirrors, as 100 or 150 for example, they will produce in their common focus a heat capable of inflaming combustible bodies, and even at a very great distance. 7 This was, no doubt, the invention employed by Archimedes, if he really burnt the fleet of Marcellus by means of burning mirrors, as we are told in history; for Kircher, when at Syracuse, observed that the Roman ships could not have been at a less distance from the walls of the city than twenty-three paces. But it is well known that the focus of a concave spherical mirror is at the distance of half its radius; consequently the mirror employed by Archimedes must haye been a portion of a sphere of at least 46 paces radius, the construction of which would be attended with insurmountable difficulties. Besides, can it be believed that the Romans, at so short a distance, would have suffered him to make use of his machine without interruption? On the contrary, would they not have destroyed it by a shower of missile weapons ? Anthemius of Tralles, the architect and engineer who lived under Justinian, is the first who, according to the account of Vitellio, conceived the idea of employing plane mirrors for burning ;* but we are not told whether he ever carried this method into execution. It is to Buffon that we are indebted for a proof of its being prac- ticable. In the year 1747, this eminent naturalist caused to be constructed a ma- | chine consisting of 360 plane mirrors, each 8 inches square, and all moveable on hinges, in such a manner that they could be made to assume any position at pleasure. By means of this machine he was able to burn wood at the distance of 200 feet. Buffon’s curious paper on this subject may be seen in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for the year 1748. That the ancients made use of burning glasses is evident from a passage in a play of Aristophanes, called The Clouds, where Strepsiades tells Socrates, that he had found out an excellent method to defeat his creditors, if they should bring an action against him. His contrivance was, that he would get from the jewellers a certain transparent stone, which was used for kindling fire, and then, standing at a distance, he would hold it to the sun, and melt down the wax on which the action was written. The astonishing philosophico-military exploit of Archimedes may deserve some farther notice. That exploit has been recorded by Diodorus Siculus, Lucian, Dion, Zouaras, Galen, Anthemius, Tzetzes, and other ancient writers. The account of Tzetzes is so particular, that it suggested to father Kircher the specific method by which Archimedes probably effected his purpose. ‘* Arthimedes,” says that author, | ‘set fire to the fleet of Marcellus by a burning glass, composed of small square mirrors, moving every way upon hinges; and which, when placed in the sun’s rays, reflected them on the Roman fleet, so as to reduce it to ashes at the distance of a bow-shot.” This account gained additional probability by the effeet which Zonaras ascribes to the burning mirror of Proclus, by which he affirms, that the fleet of’ Vitellius, when besieging Byzantium, now Constantinople, was utterly consumed. But perhaps no historical testimony could have gained belief to such extraordinary facts, if similar ones had not been seen in modern times. In the Memoirs of the French Academy of Sciences for 1726, p. 172, we read of a plane mirror, of twelve inches square, reflecting the sun’s rays to a concave mirror sixteen inches in diameter, * Histoire des Mathematiques, par Montucla, vol. i. p- 328. SPHERICAL MIRRORS. ess 0) | in the focus of which bodies were burnt at the distance of 600 paces. Speaking of this mirror, father Regnault asks, (in his Physies, vol. 3. disc. 10.), ‘* What would be the effect of a number of plane mirrors, placed in a hollow truncated pyramid, and directing the sun’s rays to the same point? Throw the focus, said he, a little farther, and you re-discover or verify the secret of Archimedes.’ This was actually. effected by M. Buffon: in the year 1747 he read to the Academy an account of a mirror, which he had composed of an assemblage of plane mirrors, which made the sun’s rays converge to a point at a great distance. OF SPHERICAL MIRRORS, BOTH CONCAVE AND CONVEX. A spherical mirror is nothing else than a portion of a sphere, the surface of which. is polished so as to reflect the light in a regular manner. If it be the convex surface that is polished, it will form a convex spherical mirror ; if it be the concave surface, it will be a concave mirror. We must here first observe, that when a ray of light falls on any curved surface whatever, it will be reflected in the same manner as from a plane touching the point of that surface where it falls. Thus, if a tangent be drawn at the point of reflection to the surface of a spherical mirror, in the plane of the incident ray and of the centre, the ray_will be reflected, making with that tangent an angle of retlection equal to the angle of incidence, PROBLEM XXXIV. The place of an object, and that of the eye, being given; to determine, ina spherical mirror, the point of reflection, and the place of the image. The solution of these two problems is not so easy in regard to spherical as to plane mirrors; for when the eye and the object are at unequal distances from the mirror, the determination of the point of reflection necessarily depends on principles which require the assistance of the higher geometry; and this point cannot be assigned in the circumference of the circle without employing one of the conic sections. For this reason, we shall omit the construction, and only observe that there is one extremely simple, in which two hyperbolas between their asymptotes are employed: one of these determines the point of reflection on the convex surface, and the second the point of reflection on the concave surface. It will be sufficient for us here to take notice of one property belonging to this point. Let 8 be the object (Fig. 40.), a the place of the eye, E the point of reflec- tion from the convex surface of the spherical mirror D E L, Fig. 40. the centre of which isc ; also let F & be a tangent to the point B: A &, in the plane of the lines Bc and ac, which it mects int BN. a3 andi; and let the reflected ray AE, when produced, inter- FT SE sect the line B cin H: the points H and I will be so situated, tlat we shall have the following proportion: as B c is to cH, so is BI to1H. In like manner, if BE be produced till it meet ac inh, we shall have ac: ch: ai: ih; proportions which will be equally true in the case of reflection from a concave surface. _- In regard to the place of the image, opticians have long admitted it as a priaciple that it is inthe point u, where the reflected ray meets the perpendicular dfawn from the object to the mirror. But this supposition (though it serves pretty well to shew how the images of objects are less in convex, and larger in concave, than they are in plane mirrors, ) has no foundation. A more philosophical principle advanced by Dr. Barrow is, that the eye perceives the image of the object in that point where the rays forming the small divergent 302 OPTICS. bundle, which enters the pupil of the eye, meet together. It is indeed natural to | think that this divergency, as itis greater when the object is near and less when | it is distant, ought to enable the eye to judge of distance. By this principle also we are enabled to assign a pretty plausible reason for the di- — minution of objects in convex, and their enlargement in concave mirrors; for the convexity of the former renders the rays, which compose each bundle that enters the eye, more divergent than if they fell on a plane mirror; consequently the point where they meet in the central ray produced, is much nearer. It may even be demonstrated, that in convex mirrors it is much nearer, and in concave much farther distant, than the point H, considered by the ancients, and the greater part of the moderns, as the place of the image. Ina word, it is concluded that in our convex mirrors this image ~ will be still more contracted, and in concave ones more extended, than the ancients supposed; which will account for the apparent enlargement of objects in the latter, and their diminution in the former. This principle however is attended with difficulties, which Dr. Barrow, the author of it, does not conceal, and to which he confesses he never saw a satisfactory answer. This induced Dr. Smith, in his Treatise on Optics, to propose another ; but we shall not here enter into a discussion on this subject, as it would be too dry and abstruse for the generality of readers. PROBLEM XXXV. The principal properties of Spherical Mirrors, both convex and concave. 1. The first and principal property of convex mirrors is, that they represent objects less than they would be if seenin a plane mirror at the same distance. This may be demonstrated independently of the place of the image; for it can be shewn that the extreme rays of an object, however placed, which enter the eye after being reflected by a convex mirror, form a less angle, and consequently paint a less image on the retina than if they had been reflected by a plane mirror, which never changes that angle. But, the judgment which the eye in genera) forms respecting the magnitude of objects, depends on the magnitude of that angle, and that image, unless modified by some particular cause. On the other hand, in concave mirrors it may be easily demonstrated, that the extreme rays of an object, in whatever manner situated, make a greater angle on ar- riving at the eye, than they would do if reflected from a plane mirror ; consequently the appearance of the object, for the above reason, must be much greater. 2. In a convex mirror, however great be the distance of the object, its image is never farther from the surface than half the radius; sothat a straight line perpen-- dicular to the mirror, were it even infinite, would not appear to extend farther within the mirror, than the fourth part of the diameter of the circle of which it isa segment. But in a concave mirror, the image of a line perpendicular to the mirror is always longer than the line itself; and if this line be equal to half the radius, its image will appear to be infinitely produced. 3. In convex mirrors, the appearance of a curved line concentric to the mirror, is — acircular line also concentric to the mirror; but the appearance of a straight line, or plane surface, presented to the mirror, is always convex on the outside, or towards the ~ eye. Ina eoncave mirror, the contrary is the case: the image of a rectilineal or plane object appears concave towards the eye. 4. A convex mirror disperses the rays; that is to say, if they fall on its surface parallel, it reflects them divergent; if they fall divergent, it reflects them still more divergent, according to circumstances. } , BURNING MIRRORS. 303 On this property of concave spherical mirrors, is founded the use made of them for collecting the sun’s rays into a small space, where their heat, multiplied in the ratio of their condensation, produces astonishing effects. But this subject deserves to be treated of separately. OF BURNING MIRRORS. The properties of burning mirrors may be deduced from the following propo- sition : PROBLEM XXXVI. If a ray of light fall very near the axis of a concave spherical surface, and pa- rallel to that axis, it will be reflected in such a manner, as to meet it at a dis- tance from the mirror nearly equal to half the radius. i Fig. 41. For let apc (Fig. 41.) be the concave surface of a BL well polished spherical mirror, of which p is the centre, =r and pB the semi-diameter in the direction of the axis; if EF be aray of light parallel to BD, it will be reflected in the direction of F G, which will intersect the diameter BD in a certain point gc. But the point c will always be nearer to the surface of the mirror than to the centre. For if the radius p F be drawn, we shall have the angles DF Eand DFG equal ; consequently the angles DF E and GD F will also be equal; since the latter, on account of the parallel linesr E and BD, is equal to DFE: the triangle paF then is isosceles, and GD is equal toGF; but GF is always greater than GB; whence it follows that DG also is greater than GB; the point c therefore is nearer the surface of the mirror than the centre. But when the are BF is exceedingly small, it is well known that the difference between GF and GB will be insensible ; consequently, in this case, the point @ will» be nearly in the middle of the radius. 4 This is confirmed by trigonometry ; for if the arc BF be only 5 degrees, and if we © suppose the semi-diameter pB to be J00000 parts, the line BG will be 49809, which differs from half the radius but 7/84, part only, or less then ;j;.* It is even found, that as long as the are BF does not exceed 15 degrees, the distance of the point ¢ from half the semi-diameter is scarcely a 56th part. Hence it appears, that all the rays which fall on a concave mirror, in a direction parallel to its axis, and at a dis- tance from its summit not exceeding 15 degrees, unite at a distance from the mirror nearly equal to half the semi-diameter. Thus, the solar rays, which are sensibly parallel when they fall on this concave surface, will be there condensed, if not into one point, at least into a very small space, where they will produce a powerful heat, _ so much the stronger as the breadth of the mirror is greater. For this reason, the - place where the rays meet is called the focus, or burning point. The focus of a concave mirror then is not a point: it has even a pretty sensible magnitude. Thus, for example, if a mirror be the portion of a sphere of six feet radius, and form an are of 30 degrees, which gives a breadth of somewhat more than three feet, its focus ought to be about the 56th part of that size, or between seven and eight lines. The rays, therefore, which fall ona cirele of three feet diameter, will for the most part be collected in a circle of a diameter 56 times less, and which consequently is only the 3136th part of the space or surface. It may hence be easily * The calculation in this case is easy. For the arc BF being given, we have given also the angle B D F, as well as G F D, which is equal to it, and consequently the angle p & F, which is the supplement of their sum to two right angles. In the triangle p GF then, we have given the three angles and a side, viz. D F, Which is the radius; and therefore, by a very simple trigonometrical analogy, we can find the side DG or G F, which is equal to it, 304 OPTICS. conceived what degree of heat such mirrors must produce, since the heat of boiling water is only triple that of the direct rays of the sun on a fine summer’s day. Attempts however have been made to construct mirrors to collect all the rays _ of the sun into one point. For this purpose it would be necessary to give to the Fig. 42. _ polished surface a parabolic curve. For let cBD be a para- bola (Fig. 42.), the axis of which is AB: we here suppose that the reader has some knowledge of conic sections. It is — well known that in this axis there is a certain point F, so” situated, that every ray, parallel to the axis of this parabola, will be reflected exactly to that point, which on this account has been called the focus. If the concave surface therefore of a parabolic spheroid be well polished, all the solar rays, parallel to each other, and to the axis, will be united in one point, and will produce there a heat much stronger than if the surface had been spherical. Remarks.—I. As the focus of a spherical mirror is at the distance of a fourth part of the diameter, the impossibility of Archimedes being able, with such a mirror, to burn the Roman ships, supposing their distance to have been only 30 paces, as Kircher says he remarked when at Syracuse, may be easily conceived ; for it would have been necessary that the sphere, of which his mirror was a portion, should have had a radius of 60 paces; and to construct such a sphere would be impossible. A parabolic mirror would be attended with the same inconvenience. Besides, the Romans must have been wonderfully condescending, to suffer themselves to be burnt so near, without deranging the machine. If the mathematician of Syracuse therefore burnt the Roman ships by means of the solar rays, and if Proclus, as we are told, treated in the same manner the ships of Vitellius, which were besieging Byzantium, they must have emploved mirrors of another kind, and could succeed only by an invention similar to that revived by Buffon, and of which he shewed the possibility. (See Prob. 33.) The ancients made use of concave mirrors to rekindle the vestal fires. Plutarch, in his life of Numa, says that the instruments used for this purpose, were dishes which were placed opposite to the sun, and the combustible matter placed in the centre ; by which it is probable he meant the focus, conceiving that to be at the centre of the mirror’s concavity. II. We cannot here omit to mention some mirrors celebrated on account of their size, and the effects they produced ; one of them was the work of Settala, a canon of Milan: it was parabolic, and, according to the account of father Schott, inflamed wood at the distance of 15 or 16 paces.. Villette, an artist and optician of Lyons, constructed three, about the year 1670, one of which was purchased by Tavernier, and presented to the king of Persia; the second was purchased by the king of Denmark, and the third by the king of France. The one last mentioned was 30 inches in diameter, and of about 3 feet focus. The rays of the sun were collected by it into the space of about half-a-guinea. I¢ im- mediately set fire to the greenest wood; it fused silver and copper in a few seconds; and in one minute, more or less, vitrified brick, flint, and other vitrifiable substances. These mirrors however were inferior to that constructed by Baron yon Tchirn- ‘hausen, about 1687, and of which a description may be found in the Transactions of Leipsie for that year. This mirror consisted of a metal plate, twice as thick as the blade of a common knife; it was about 3 Leipsic ells, or 5 feet 3 inches, in breadth, and its focal distance was two of these ells, or 3 feet 6 inches: it produced the following effects: Wood, exposed to its focus, immediately took fire; and the most violent wind was not able to extinguish it. _ i... BURNING MIRRORS. 305 Water, contained in an earthen vessel, was instantly thrown into a state of ebul- lition; so that eggs were boiled in it in a moment, and soon after the whole water was evaporated. Copper and silver passed into fusion in a few minutes, and slate was transformed into a kind of black glass, which, when laid hold of with a pair of pincers, could be drawn out into filaments. Brick was fused into a kind of yellow glass; pumice stone and fragments of cru- cibles, which had withstood the most violent furnaces, were also vitrified, &c. Such were the effects of the celebrated mirror of Baron von Tchirnhausen; which afterwards came into the possession of the king of France, and which was kept in the Jardin du Roi, exposed to the injuries of the air, which in a great measure destroyed its polish. But metal is not the only substance of which burning mirrors have been made. We are told by Wolf, that an artist of Dresden, named Gertner, constructed one in imitation of Tchirnhausen’s mirror, composed only of wood, and which produced effects equally astonishing. But this author does not inform us in what manner Gertner was able to give to the wood the necessary polish. Father Zacharias Truber however seems to have supplied this deficiency, by in- forming us in what manner a burning mirror may be constructed with wood and leaf-gold ;- for nothing is necessary but to give to a piece of exceedingly dry and very hard wood the form of the segment of a concave sphere, by means of a turning machine ; to cover it ina uniform manner with a mixture of pitch and wax, and then to apply bits of gold-leaf, about three or four inches in breadth. Instead of gold- leaf, small plane mirrors, he says, might be adapted to the concavity ; and it will be seen with astonishment, that the effect of such a mirror is little inferior to that of a mirror made entirely of metal. Father Zahn mentions something more singular than what is related by Wolf cf the artist of Dresden, for he says that an engineer of Vienna, in the year 1699, made a mirror of paste-board, covered on the inside with-straw cemented to it, which was so powerful as to fuse all metals. Concave mirrors of a considerable diameter, and which produce the same effect as the preceding, may be procured at present at much less expense. For this advantage we are indebted to M. de Bernieres, one of the controllers general of bridges and causeways, who discovered a method of giving the figure of any curve to glass mirrors; an invention which, besides its utility in Optics, may be applied to various purposes inthe arts. The concave mirrors which he constructed, were round pieces of glass bent into a spherical form; concave on one side and convex on the other, and silvered on the convex side. M. de Bernieres constructed one for the king of France, of 3 feet 6 inches in diameter, which was presented to his majesty in 1757. Forged iron exposed to its focus was fused in two seconds: silver ran in such a manner that when dropped into water it extended itself in the form of a spider's web; flint became vitrified, &e. These mirrors have considerable advantage over those of metal. Their reflection - from the posterior surface, notwithstanding the loss of rays, occasioned by their ' passage through the first surface, is still more lively than that from the best polished metallic surface; besides, they are not subject, like metallic mirrors, to lose their _ polish by the contact of the air, always charged with vapours which corrode metal, but which make no impression on glass: in a word, nothing is necessary but to pree serve them from moisture, which destroys the silvering. PROBLEM XXXVII. Some properties of concave mirrors, in regard to vision, or the formation of images. I, If an object be placed between a concave mirror and its focus, its image ia x wy PO A oie rae 0 na a E = . Sage fs =? 306 — ; OPTICS. seen within the mirror, and more magnified the nearer the object is to the focus; so that when the object is in the focus itself, it seems to occupy the whole capacity of the mirror, and nothing is seen distinct. If the object, placed in the focus, be a luminous body, the rays which proceed | from it, after being reflected by the mirror, proceed parallel to each other, so that they form a cylinder of light, extended to a very great distance, and almost without diminution. This column of light, if the observer stands on one side, will be easily perceived when it is dark; and at the distance of more than a hundred paces from | the mirror, if a book be held before this light, it may be read. | II. If the object be placed between the focus and the centre, and if the eye be either beyond the centre, or between the centre and the focus, it cannot be distinctly perceived, as the rays reflected by the mirror are convergent. But if the object be strongly illuminated, or if it be a luminous body itself, such as a candle, by the union of its rays there will be formed, beyond the centre, an image in an inverted situation, which will be painted on a piece of paper or cloth at the proper distance, or which, to an eye placed beyond it, will appear suspended in the air. IiIl. The case will be nearly the same when the object is beyond the centre, in regard to the mirror; an inverted image of the object will be painted then be- tween the focus and the centre; and this image will approach the centre in propor- tion as the object itself approaches it; or will approach the focus as the object removes from it. In regard to the place where the image will be painted in both these cases, it may be found by the following rule. Let acs (Fig. 48.) be the axis of the mirror, indefinitely pro- duced; F the focus, c the centre, and o the place of the object, between the centre and the focus. If F « be taken a third pro- portional to F o and F ©, it will represent the distance at which the image of the point placed in o will be painted. If the object be in w, by employing the same proportion, with the proper changes, that is by making F oa third propor- tional to F w and F ©, asin o, the image of it will be found in 0. In the last place, if the object be between the focus and the glass, the place where it will be observed within the mirror, may be found by making Fw toF A, asF a toFo. Remarks.—1. This property which concave mirrors have, of forming between the centre and the focus, or beyond the centre, an image of the objects presented to them, is one of those which excite the greatest surprise in persons not acquainted with this theory. For if a man advance towards a large concave mirror, presenting a sword to it, then he comes to the proper distance, he will see a sword blade, with the point turned towards him, dart itself from the mirror; if he retires, the image of the blade will retire; if he advances in such a manner that the point shall be between the centre and the focus, the image of the sword will cross the real sword as if two people were engaged in fighting. 2. If, instead of a sword blade, the hand be presented at a certain distance, you will see a hand formed in the air in an inverted situation; which will approach the real hand, when the latter approaches the centre, so,that they will seem to meet each other. 3. If you place yourself a little beyond the centre of the mirror, and then look directly into it, you will see beyond the centre the image of your face inverted. If- you then continue to approach, this phantastic image will approach also, so that you can kiss it. LENSES. 307 4. If anosegay be suspended in an inverted situation (Fig. 44.), between the centre and the focus, a little below the axis, and if it be concealed from the view of the spectator, by means of a piece of black paste- board, an upright image of the nosegay will be formed - above the pasteboard, and will excite the greater asto- nishment, as the object which produces it is not seen; for this reason those not acquainted with the deception will take it fora real object, and attempt to touch it.* 5. If aconcave mirror be placed at the end of ahall, at an inclination nearly equal to 45°, and if a print or drawing be laid on atable ares the mirror, with the bottom part turned towards it, the figures in the print or drawing will be seen greatly mag- nified; andif a proper arrangement be made so as to favour the illusion, that is if the mirror be concealed, and only a small hole left for looking through, you will imagine that you see the objects themselves. | On this principle are constructed what are called Optical boxes, which are now very common: the method of constructing them will be found in the following problem. PROBLEM XXXVIUII. To construct an optical box or chamber, in which objects are seen much larger than the box itself. Provide a square box, of a size proper to contain the concave mirror you intend to employ; that is to say, let each side be a little less than the focal distance of the mirror; and cover the top of it with transparent parchment, or white silk, or glass made smooth, but not polished. Apply the mirror to one of the vertical sides of the box, and on the opposite side place a coloured print or drawing, representing a landscape, or seaport, or buildings, &e. The print ought to be introduced into the box by means of a slit, so that it can be drawn out, and another substituted in its place at pleasure. At the top of the side opposite to the mirror, a round hole or aperture must be made, for the purpose of looking through; and if the eye be applied to this hole, the objects represented in the print will be seen very much magnified: those whe look at them will think they really behold buildings, trees, &c. We have seen some of these machines, which by their construction, the size of the ‘mirror, and the correctness of the colouring, exhibited a spectacle highly agreeable and amusing. OF LENTICULAR GLASSES, OR LENSES, Alens isa bit of glass having a spherical form on both sides, or at least on one side. Some of them are convex on the one side and plane on the other; and others are conyex on bothsides: some are concave on one side, or on both; and others are con-— _Vex on one side and concave on the other. Those convex on both sides, as they resem- ble a lentil, are in general distinguished by the name of lenticular glasses, or lenses. The uses to which these glasses are applied, are well known. Those which are convex magnify the appearance of objects, and aid the sight of old people; on the: other hand, the concave glasses diminish objects, and assist those who are short-sighted. |The former collect the rays of the sun around one point, called the focus ; and when of a considerable size, produce heat and combustion The concave glasses, on the contrary, disperse the rays of the sun. Both kinds are employed in the con- ‘struction of telescopes and microscopes. * Curious spectres and appearances, formed in this manner, have of late years ‘been exhibited as | Baars to spectators in London. > a 308 OPTICS. ‘PROBLEM XXXIX. To find the focus of a Glass Globe. As glass globes supply, on many occasions, the place of lenses, itis proper that we should here say a few words respecting their focal distance. The method of determin- ing itisas follows. Let Bc pD (Fig. 45.) bea glass sphere, the centre of whichis Fr, and cpa dia- meter to which the incident ray a B is parallel. This ray, when it meets with the surface of the sphere in B, will not continue its course in a Fig. 45. straight line, as would be the case if it did not enter a new medium, but will approach the perpendicular drawn from the centre F to B the point of incidence. Consequently, when it issues from the sphere at the point 1, it would meet the diameter ina point £, if it did not deviate from the perpendicalar F 1, which makes it take the direction 1 0, and proceed to the point o, the focus required. To determine the focus 0, first find the point of meeting 5, which may be easily done by observing that in the triangle FB x, the side F B is to F Eas the sine of the angle FE B is to the sine of the angle F B E; or, on account of the smallness of these angles, as the angle F E B, or its equal G B E£, is to the angle F BE; for we here suppose the incident ray to be very near the diameter c p; consequently the angle a B H is very small, as well as its equal Fr BG; and angles extremely small have the same ratio as their sines. But, by the laws of refraction, when a ray passes from air into glass, the ratio of the angle of incidence a 8 4H, or GBF, to the angle of refraction F B 1, if the angles be very small, is as 3 to 2, and therefore the angle F B E is nearly the double of = B G: it thence follows that the side Fr E, of the triangle F BE, is nearly the double of FB, or equal to twice the radius ; Consequently p x is equal to the radius. To find the point o, where the ray, when it issues from the sphere, and deviates from the perpendicular, ought to meet the line pg, the like reasoning may be em- ployed. In the triangle ro £, the side 1o is to of nearly as the angle 1£ 0, or its equal IF E, is to the angle orE. Now these two angles are equal; for the angle IF D is the one third of the angle of incidence FBG or ABH; but, by the law of re- fraction, the angle o1E is nearly the half of the angle of incidence u1k, or of its equal F1 8B, which is 2 of the angle rBG: like the preceding it is therefore the third of FBG or HB4, and consequently the angles olf and OE1 are equal; whence it follows that oF is equal to of, which is itself equal to D 0, on account of their very great proximity. Therefore po, or the distance of the focus of a glass globe from the surface, is equal to half the radius, or the fourth part of the diameter. Q@. E.D. PROBLEM XL. To find the focus of any lens. _ The same reasoning, as that employed to determine the course of a ray passing through a glass sphere, might be employed in the present case. But for the sake ‘of brevity, we shall only give a genera] rule, demonstrated by opticians, which in- cludes all the cases possible in regard to lenses, whatever combinations may be formed of convexities and concavities. We shall then shew the application of it to a few of the principal cases. It is as follows: As the sum of the semi-diameters of the two convexities, is to one of them, so is the diameter of the other, to the focal distance, In the use of this rule, one thing in particular is to be observed. When one of the i : : LENSES. 309 faces of the glass is plane, the radius of its sphericity must be considered as infinite ; and when concave, the radius of the sphere, of which this concavity forms a part, - must be considered as negative. This will be easily understood by those who are in the least familiar with algebra. Case 1.—When the lens is equally convex on both sides. Let the radius of the convexity of each of the faces be, for example, equal to 12 inches. By the general rule we shall have this proportion: As the sum of the radii, or 24 inches, is to one of them, or 12 inches, so is the diameter of the other, or 24 inches, to a fourth term, which will be 12 inches, the focal distance. Hence it ap- _ pears that a lens equally convex on both sides unites the solar rays, or in general rays parallel to its axis, at the distance of the radius of one of the two sphericities. Case u1.—When the lens is unequally convex on both sides. If the radii of the convexities be 12 and 24, for instance, the following proportion must be employed: As 12-1 24, or 36, is to 12, the radius of one of the convexities, so is 48, the diameter of the other, to 16; or as 12-4 24, or 36, is to 24, the radius —s of one of the convexities, so is 24, the diameter of the other, to 16: the distance of the focus therefore will be 16 inches. Case 111.—When the lens has one side plane. If the sphericity on the one side be as in the preceding case, we must. say, by applying the general rule: As the sum of the radii of the two sphericities, viz. 12, — an infinite quantity, is to one of them, or the infinite quantity, so is 24, the diameter of the other convexity, to a fourth term, which will be 24; for the two first terms are equal, for an infinite quantity increased or diminished by a finite quantity, is always the same: the two last terms therefore are equal; and it hence follows,’ that a plano-convex glass has its focus at the distance of the diameter from its convexity. — Case 1v.—When the lens is convex on the one side, and concave on the other. Let the radius of the convexity be still 12, and that of the concavity 27. As a concavity is a negative convexity, this number 27 must be taken with the sign — prefixed. We shail therefore have this proportion: As 12 inches — 27, or — 15 inches, is to the radius of the coneavity — 27 (or as 15 is to 27), so is 24 inches, the diameter of the convexity, to 43!. This is the focal distance of the lens, and is positive or real; that is to say, the rays falling parallel to the axis, will really be united beyond the glass. The concavity indeed having a greater diameter than the convexity, this must cause the rays to diverge less than the convexity causes them to converge. But if the concavity be of a less diameter than the convexity, the rays, instead of converging when they issue from the glass, will be divergent, and the focus will be before the glass: in this case it is called virtual. Thus, if the radius of the concavity be J2, and that of the convexity 27, we shall have, by the general rule: As 27 — 12, or 15, is to 27, so is — 24 to — 431. The last term being negative, it indicates that the focus is before the glass, and that the rays will issue from it divergent, as if they came from that point. CasE v.— When the lens is concave on both sides. If the radii of the two concavities be 12 and 27 inches, we shall have this propor- ‘tion: As — 12 — 27 is to — 27, or as 39 is to 27, so is — 24 to 168. The last term being negative, it shews that the focus is only virtual, and that the rays, when they issue from the glass, will proceed diverging, as if they came from a point situated at the distance of 168 inches before the glass. 310 OPTICS. Casr vi.—-When the lens is concave on one side, and plane on the other. If the radius of the concavity be still 12, the above rule will give the follow- ing proportion: As — 12 an infinite quantity, is to an infinite quantity, so is — 24 to — 24; for an infinite quantity, when it is diminished by a finite quantity, remains still the same. Thus it is seen that in this case the virtual focus of a plano-con- caye glass, or the point where the rays after their refraction seem to diverge, is at a distance equal to the diameter of the concavity, as the point to which they con- yerge is in the case of the plano-convex glass. These are all the cases that can occur in regard to lenses: for that where the two concavities might be supposed equal is comprehended in the fifth. Remark.—In all these calculations, we have supposed the thickness of the glass to be of no consequence in regard to the diameter of the sphericity, which is the most common case; but if the thickness of glass were taken into consideration, the deter- minations would be different. OF BURNING GLASSES. Lenticular glasses furnish a third method of solving the problem, already solved by means of mirrors, viz. to unite the rays of the sun in such a manner as to produce fire and inflammation: for a glass of a few inches diameter will produce a heat suffi-. ciently strong to set fire to tinder, linen, black or grey paper, &e. The ancients were acquainted with this property in glass globes, and they even sometimes employed them for the above purpose. It was probably by means of a glass globe that the vestal fire was kindled. Some indeed have endeavoured to prove that they produced this effect by lenses: but De la Hire has shewn that this idea is entirely void of foundation, and that the burning glasses of the ancients were only glass globes, and consequently incapable of producing a very remarkable effect. Baron von Tchirnhausen, who constructed the celebrated mirror already men- tioned, made also a burning glass, the largest that had ever been seen. ‘This mathematician, being near the Saxon glass manufactories, was enabled, about the year 1696, to procure plates of glass sufficiently thick and broad, to be converted into lenses several feet in diameter. One of them, of this size, inflamed combustible substances at the distance of 12 feet. Its focus at this distance was about 1} inch in diameter. But when it was required to make it produce its greatest effects, the focus was diminished by means of a second lens, placed parallel to the former, and at the distance of four feet. In this manner the diameter of the focus was reduced to 8 lines, and it then fused metals, vitrified flint, tiles and slate, earthen ware, &c.; in a word, it produced the same effects as the burning mirrors of which we have already spoken. ' Some years ago a lens, which one might have taken for that of Tchirnhausen, was exhibited at Paris. The glass of which it consisted was radiated and yellowish; and the person to whom it belonged asked no less for it than £500 sterling. For the means of obtaining, at a less expence, glasses capable of producing the same effects, we are indebted to M. de Bernieres, of whom we have already spoken. By his invention for bending glass, two round plates are bent into aspherical form, and being then applied to each other the interval between them is filled with distilled water, or spirit of wine. These glasses, or rather water lenses, have their focus a little farther distant, and ceteris paribus ought to produce a somewhat less effect ; but the thin- ness of the glass and the transparency of the water occasion less loss in the rays than in lens of several inches in thickness. Ina word, it is far easier to procure a lens of this construction than solid ones like that of Tchirnhausen. M. de Trudaine, TELESCOPES. Sih some years ago, caused to be constructed, by M. de Bernieres, one of these water lenses 4 feet in diameter, with which some philosophical experiments have been already made in regard to the calcination of metals and other substances. The heat produced by this instrument is much superior to that of all the burning glasses and mirrors hitherto known, and even to that of all furnaces. We have reason to expect from it new discoveries in chemistry. Weshall here add that with water lenses, of a much smaller size, M. de Bernieres has fused metals, vitrifiable stones, &c. PROBLEM XLI. Of some other properties of Lenticular Glasses. 1. If an object be exceedingly remote, so that there is no proportion between its distance and the focal distance of the glass, there is painted in the focus of the lens an image of the object in an inverted situation, This experiment serves as the basis of the construction of the camera obscura. In this manner the rays of the sun, or of the moon, unite in the focus of a glass lens, and forma small circle, which is nothing else than the image of the sun or moon, as may be easily perceived. 2. In proportion as the object approaches the glass, the image formed by the rays proceeding from the object, recedes from the glass; so that when the distance of the object is double that of the focus, the image is painted exactly at the double of that distance ; if the object continues to approach, the image recedes more and more ; and when the object is in the focus, no image is formed; for it is at an infinite distance that it is supposed to form itself. In this case therefore the rays which fall on the glass, diverging from each point of the object, are refracted in such a manner as to proceed parallel to each other. The method of determining, in general, the distance from the lens at which the image of the object is formed, is as follows. Let oc be the object (Fig. 46.), pF its distance from the glass, and E F the focal distance of the glass ; if we make use of this proportion : as F D is tor HE, so is EF to E G, takingr Gc on the other side of the glass when & Dis greater than E F, the point c will be that of the axis to which the point p of the object, situated in the axis, will correspond. Hence it may be easily seen, that when the distance of the object from the focus is equal to nothing, the distance © G must be infinite, that is to say there can _. be no image. It must also be observed, that when EF is greater than ED, or when the object is between the glass and the focus, the distance x G must be taken in a contrary direc- tion, or on this side of the glass, as EY; which indicates that the rays proceeding from the object, instead of forming an image beyond the glass, diverge as if uley proceeded from an object placed at g. OF TELESCOPES, BOTH REFRACTING AND REFLECTING, Of all Optical inventions, none is equal to that of the telescope: for without - mentioning the numerous advantages derived from the common use of this wonderful instrument, it is to it we are indebted for the most interesting discoveries in astro- nomy. Itis by its means that the human mind has been able to soar to those regions otherwise inaccessible to man, and to examine the principal facts which serve as the foundation of our knowledge respecting the heavenly bodies. The first telescope was constructed in Holland, about the year 1609; but there 312 yrs is much uncertainty in regard to the name of the inventor, and the means he em- ployed in the formation of his instrument. A dissertation on this subject may be seen in Montucla’s History of the Mathematics. We shall confine ourselves at present to a description of the different kinds of telescopes, both refracting and reflecting, and of the manner in which they produce their effect. Of Refracting Telescopes. Ist. The first kind of telescope, and that most commonly used, is composed of a convex glass, called the object glass, because it is that nearest the objects, and a concave one called the eye-glass, because it is nearest the eye. These glasses must be disposed in such a manner, that the posterior focus of the object glass shall coincide with the concave glass. By means of this disposition, the object appears magnified in the ratio of the focal distance of the object glass, to that of the eye- glass. Thus, if the focal distance of the object glass be ten inches, and that of the eye-glass one inch, the instrument will be nine inches in length, and will magnify objects ten times. This kind of telescope is called the Batavian, on account of the place where it was invented. It is known also by the name of the Galilean, because Galileo, having heard of it, constructed one of the same kind, and by its means was enabled to make those discoveries in the heavens which have immortalized his name. At present, very short telescopes only are made according to this principle; because they are attended with one defect, which is, that when of a considerable length they have a very confined field. 2d. The second kind of telescope is called the astronomical, because employed chiefly by astronomers. It is composed of two convex glasses, disposed in sucha manner, that the posterior focus of the object glass and the anterior focus of the eye-glass coincide together, or very nearly so. The eye must be applied to a small aperture, at a distance from the eye-glass, equal to that of its focus. It will then have a field of large extent, and it will shew the objects inverted, and magnified in the ratio of the focal distances of the object glass and eye-glass. If we take, by way of example, the proportions already employed, the astronomical telescope will be 12 inches in length, and will magnify ten times. Telescopes of very great length may be constructed according to this combina- tion, It is common for astronomers to have them of 12, 15, 20, and 30 feet. Huy- gens constructed one for himself of 123 feet, and Hevelius employed one of 140. But the inconvenience which attends the use of such long telescopes, in consequence of their weight, and the bending of the tubes, has made them be laid aside, and another instrument more commodious has been substitued in their stead. Hartso- ecker made an object glass of 600 feet focus, which would have produced an extra- ordinary effect had it been possible to use it. 3d. The inconvenience of the Batavian telescopes, which suffer only a small quantity of objects to be seen at once, and that of the astronomical telescope, which represents them inverted, have induced opticians to devise a third arrangement of glasses, all convex, which represents the objects upright, gives the same field as the astronomical telescope, and which is therefore proper for terrestrial objects: on this account it is called the terrestrial telescope. It consists of a convex object glass, and three equal eye-glasses. The posterior-focus of the object glass generally coincides with the anterior one of the first eye-glass; the posterior focus of the latter coincides also with the anterior focus of the second, and in like manner the posterior focus of the second with the anterior one of the third, at the posterior focus of which the eye ought to be placed. This instrument always magnifies in the ratio of the focal distances of the object glass and one of the eye-glasses. But TELESCOPES. 313 it may be readily seen that the length is increased four times the focal distance of the eye-glass. 4th. The image of objects might be made to appear upright by employing only two eye-glasses: for this purpose it would be necessary that the first should be ata distance from the focus of the object glass equal to twice its own focal distance; and that the anterior focus of the second should be at twice that distance. Such is the terrestrial telescope with three glasses; but experience has shewn that, by this arrangement, the objects are somewhat deformed, for which reason it is no longer used. 5th, Telescopes with five glasses have also been proposed, in order to bend the rays gradually, as we may say, and to obviate the inconveniences of the too strong refraction, which suddenly takes place at the first eye-glass; and also to increase © the field of vision. We have even heard of some telescopes of this kind which were attended with great success ; but we do not find that this combination of glasses has been adopted. 6th. Some years ago a new kind of telescope was invented, under the name of the achromatic, because it is free from those faults occasioned by the different refrangi- bility of light, which in other telescopes produces colours and indistinctness. The only difference between this and other telescopes is, that the object glass, instead of being formed of one lens, is composed of two or three made of different kinds of glass, which have been found by experience to disperse unequally the different coloured rays of which light is composed. One of these glasses is of crown-glass, and the other of flint-glass. An object glass of this kind, constructed according to certain dimensions determined by geometricians, produces in its focus an image far more distinct than the common ones; on which account much smaller eye-glasses may be employed without affecting the distinctness, as is confirmed by experience. These telescopes are called also Dollond’s telescopes, after the name of the English artist who invented them. By the above means, the English opticians construct tele- scopes of a moderate length, which are equal to others of a far greater size; and small ones, not much longer than opera-glasses, with which the satellites of Jupiter may be seen, are sold under Dollond’s name at Paris. M. Antheaume, according to the dimensions given by M. Clairault, made, in that capital, an achromatic telescope of 7 feet focal distance, which, when compared with a common one of 30 or 36 feet, was found to produce the same effect. This invention gives us reason to hope that discoveries will be made in the hea- vens, which a few years ago would have appeared altogether impossible. It is not improbable even that astronomers will be able to discover in the moon habitations and animals, spots in Saturn and Mercury, and the satellite of Venus, so often seen and so often lost. [Since the publication of the former editions of this work, achromatic telescopes, greatly exceeding in size any that had before been contemplated, have been con- structed in Paris, and at Munich. M. Guinand, of Neufchatel, succeeded in overcoming, to a certain extent, the difficulties which had been experienced in the manufacture of large and homogeneous discs of flint glass; and some of the Parisian glass-makers are understood to be in possession of processes by which the same object may be effected. This has given a decided impulse to the efforts of opticians, _ aud the result has been, that at the observatories of Cambridge, Munich, Dorpat, and other places, astronomical telescopes, of more than ]2inches aperture and 20 feet focal length, have been mounted, and are in action ; and equatcrial motion being commu- nicated by clock work, they are as manageable as instruments of a very moderate size. With the Dorpat telescope, Professor Struve has already rendered important services . 314° OPTICS. to astronomical science. A full description of this instrument may be seen in the — Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. ii. part 1.] To give an accurate idea of the manner in which telescopes magnify the appearance of objects, we shall take, by way of example, that called the astronomical telescope, as being the simplest. If it be recollected that a convex lens produces in its focus an inverted image of objects which are at a very great distance, it will not be diffi- cult to conceive, that the object glass of this telescope will form behind it, at its focal distance, an inverted image of any object towards which it is directed. But, by the construction of the instrument, this image is in the anterior focus of the eye-glass, to which the eye is applied; consequently the eye will perceive it dis- tinctly ; for it is well known, that when an object is placed in the focus of a lens, or a little on this side of it, it will be seen distinctly through the glass, and in the same direction. 'The image of the object, which here supplies its place, being then inverted, the eye-glass, through which it is viewed, will not make it appear upright, and consequently the object will be seen inverted. In regard to the size, it is demonstrated, that the angle under which the image is seen is to that under which the object is seen from the same place, as the focal distance of the object glass is to that of the eye-glass: hence the magnified appear- ance of the object. In terrestrial telescopes, the two first eye-glasses only invert the image; and this telescope therefore must represent objects upright. But having said enough respect= — ing refracting telescopes, we shall now proceed to reflecting ones. - Of Reflecting Telescopes. Those who are well acquainted with the manner in which objects are represented by common telescopes, will readily conceive that the same effect may be nroduced by reflection ; for a concave mirror, like a lens, paints i in its focus an image of distant objects. If means then are found to reflect the image on one side, or backwards, in such a manner as to be made to fall in the focus of a convex glass, and to view it through this glass, we shall have a reflecting telescope. It need therefore excite no surprise that before Newton, and in the time of Descartes and Mersenne, telescopes ‘on this principle were proposed. Newton was led to this invention while endeavouring to discover some method of remedying the want of distinctness in the images formed by glasses; a fault which arises from the different refrangibility of the rays of light that are decom- - posed. Every ray, of whatever colour, being reflected under an angle equal to the angle of incidence, the image is much more distinct, and better terminated in all its parts, as may be easily proved by means of a concave mirror. On this account he was able to apply an eye-glass much smaller, which would produce a greater mag- nifying power; and this reasoning was confirmed by experience. Newton never constructed telescopes of more than fifteen inches in length. Ac- cording to his method, the mirror was placed in the bottom of the tube, and reflected the image of the object towards its aperture: near this aperture was placed a plane mirror, that is to say, the base of a small isosceles rectangular prism, silvered at the back, and inclined at an angle of 45 degrees. This small mirror reflected the image towards the side of the tube, where there was a hole, into which was fitted a lens of a very short focal distance, to serve as the eye-glass. The object then was viewed from the side, a method, in many cases, exceedingly convenient. Mr, Had- ley, a fellow of the Royal Society, constructed, in the year 1723, a telescope of this kind, 5 feet in length, which was found to produce the same effect as the telescope of 123 feet, presented to the Royal Society by Huygens. TELESCOPES. 315. The reflecting telescopes used at present are constructed in a manner somewhat different. The concave mirror, at the bottom of the tube, has a round hole in the middle, and towards the other end isa mirror, sometimes plane, turned directly towards the other one, which, receiving the image near the middle of the focal dis- tance, reflects it towards the hole in the other mirror. Against this hole is applied a lens of a short focal distance, which serves as an eye-glass, or for viewing ter- restrial objects, in order that they may appear-_upright ; and three eye-glasses are used, arranged in the same manner as in terrestrial telescopes. A telescope however may be made to magnify much more by the following con- struction. The large mirror, as in all the others, is placed at the bottom, and has a hole in the centre, before which the eye-glass is applied. At the other end of the tube is another concave mirror, of a less focal distance than the former, and so dis- posed that the image reflected by the former is painted very near its focus, but at a little farther distance than the focus from its surface. This produces another image beyond the centre, which is greater as the first one is nearer the focus: this image is formed very near the hole in the centre of the large mirror, opposite to which the eye-glass is in general placed. This kind of reflecting telescope is called the Gregorian, because proposed by Mr. James Gregory, even before Newton conceived the idea of his; and it this kind which is at present most in use. There is also the telescope of Cassegrain, who employs a convex mirror to magnify the image formed by the first concave one. Dr. Smith thought it attended with so many advantages, that he was induced to analyse it in his Treatise on Optics. Cas- segrain was a French artist, who proposed this method of construction about the year 1665, and nearly at the same time that Gregory proposed his. It is certain that the length of the telescope is by these means considerably diminished. The English, for a long time, have enjoyed a superiority in works of this kind. The art of casting and polishing the metallic mirrors, necessary for these instruments, is indeed exceediugly difficult. M. Passement, a celebrated French artist, and the brothers Paris and Gonichon, opticians at Paris, are the first who attempted to vie with them in this branch of manufacture; and both have constructed a great number of reflecting telescopes, some of which are 5 or 6 feet inlength. Among the English, no artist distinguished himself more in this respect than Short, though his telescopes were not of great length: besides some of 4, 5, and 6 feet, he made one of 12, which belonged some years ago to the physician of Lord Macclesfield. By applying a lens of the shortest focal distance which it could bear, it magnified about 1200 times. The satellites of Jupiter therefore, seen through this telescope, are said to have had a sen- sible apparent diameter. But this telescope, as we have heard, is no longer in exist- ence, the large mirror being lost. The longest of all the reflecting telescopes ever yet constructed, if we except that lately made by Herschel, is one in the king’s collection of philosophical and optical instruments at La Meute; it is the work of Dom Noel, a Benedictine, the keeper of the collection, and was begun several years before he was placed atthe head of that establishment, where he finished it, and where the curious were allowed to see it, and to contemplate with it the heavens. It is mounted on a kind of moveable pedestal, and, notwithstanding its enormous weight, can be moved in every direc- tion, along with the observer, by a very simple mechanism. But what would be most interesting, is to ascertain the degree of its power, and whether it produces an effect proportioned toits length, or at least considerably greater than the largest and best reflecting telescopes constructed before; for we know that the effects of these instruments, supposing the same excellence in the workmanship, do not increase in proportion to the length. Huygens’ telescope of 123 feet, which he presented to the Royal Society, did not “a ‘ ¢ 316 OPTICS. produce an effect quadruple that of a good telescope of 30 feet; and the case must be the same in regard to reflecting telescopes, where the difficulties of the labour ‘are still greater; so that if a telescope of 24 feet produced one half more effect than another of 12, or only the double of one of 6 feet, it ought, in our opinion, to be considered as a good instrument. We have heard that Dom Noel was desirous of making this comparison, and the method he proposed was rational. We have long considered it as the only one proper for comparing suchinstruments. It is to place at the distance of several hundred feet printed characters of every size, composingbarbarous words without any meaning, in order that those wao make the experiment may not be assisted by one or two words to guess the rest. The telescope, by means of which the smallest characters are read, will undoubtedly be the best. We have seen stuck up, on the dome of the Hospital of Invalids, pieces of paper of this kind, which Dom Noel had placed there for the purpose of making this comparison; but unfortunately such instru- ments cannot be brought to one place. Printed characters, such as above de- scribed, might therefore be fixed up at a convenient distance from each without remove ing the instruments, and persons appointed for the purpose ought to go to the different observatories, at times when the weather is exactly similar, and examine what charac- ters can be read by each telescope. By this method a positive answer to the above question would be obtained. But the largest and the most powerful of all the reflecting telescopes has been lately made by Dr. Herschel, under the auspices of the British monarch; a conse- quence of which was the discovery of his new primary planet, and of many additional satellites. After a long perseverance in a series of improvements of reflecting teles- copes, of the Newtonian form, making them successively larger and more accurate, this gentleman came at length to make one of the amazing size of forty feet in length. This telescope was begun in the year 1785, and completed in 1789. ‘The length of the sheet-iron tube is 40 feet,and diameter 4 feet 10 inches. The great mirror is 491 inches in diameter, 33 inches thick, and weighs 21181b. The whole is managed by a large apparatus of machinery, of wheels and pulleys, by means of which it is easily moved in any direction, vertically and sideways. The observer looks in at the outer or object end; from whence proceeds a pipe to a small house near the instru- ment for conveying information by sound, backward and forward to an assistant, who thus under cover sets down the time and observations made by the principal observer. The consequences of this, and the other powerful machines of this gentleman, have been new discoveries in the heavens of the most important nature. * PROBLEM XLII. Method of constructing a telescope, by means of which an object may be seen, evenwhen then instrument appears to be directed towards another. As it is not polite to gaze at any one, a sort of glass has been invented in England, by means of which, when the person who uses it seems to be viewing one ob- ject, he is really looking at another. The construction of this instrument is very simple. Adapt to the end of an opera glass (Fig. 47.), the object glass of which in this case becomes useless, a tube with a lateral aperture as large as the diameter of the * This celebrated telescope, by which its maker, Sir William Herschel, LL.D., made discoveries of the greatest importance in the heavens, has long been in a state unfit for use : the surface of the great mnror having become covered with a crystallised crust. Sir J. Herschel, the distinguished son of Sir William, uses a twenty-feet reflector, of his own construction ; and he has found its powers quite sufficieut for the most delicate observations of astronomical phenomena. The late Mr. Ramage, an Aberdeen tradesman, made a considerable number of excellent mirrors of large dimensions,some of which were fitted up as telescopes, and mounted in a manner similar to the great one of Sir William Herschel, with some simplifications. Une was for several years on view at the Greenwich Observatory. Mr. Ramage had one fitted up for himself; and we believe Sir John Ross, the northern navigator, had one set up at his house at Stranraer, with which he occa. sionally made observations on the eclipses of Jupiter’s satellites. “ MICROSCOPES. 317 tube will admit, and opposite to this aperture place a small mirror inclined to the axis of the tube at an angle of 45 Fig. 47. degrees, and having its reflecting surface turned towards the object glass. It is evident that when this telescope is directed straight forwards, you will see only some of the lateral objects, viz. those situated near the line drawn from the eye in the direction of the axis of the telescope, and reflected by the mirror. These objects will appear upright, but transposed from right to left. To conceal the artifice better, the fore part of the - telescope may be furnished with a plane glass, which will have the appearance of an _ object glass placed in the usual manner. This instrument, which is not very common in France, is exceedingly convenient for gratifying one’s curiosity in the playhouse, and other places of public amusement, especially if the mirror be so fixed as to be susceptible of being more or less inclined ; for those who use it, while they seem to look at the stage and the per- _ formers, may without affectation, and without, violating the rules of politeness, examine an interesting figure in the boxes. We must however observe that the first idea of this instrument is not very new ; for the celebrated Hevelius, who it seems was afraid of being shot, proposed many years ago his polemoscope, or telescope for viewing under cover, and without danger, warlike operations, and those in particular which take place during the time of a siege. It consisted of a tube bent in such a manner as to form two elbows, in each of which was a plane mirror inclined at an angle of 45 degrees. The first part of the tube was made to rest on the parapet towards the enemy; the image reflected by the first inclined mirror passed through the tube in a perpendicular direction, and meeting with the second mirror was reflected horizontally towards the eye glass, where the eye was applied: by these means a person behind a strong parapet could see what the enemy were doing without the walls. The chief thing to be apprehended in regard to this instrument was, that the object glass might be broken by a ball; but this was certainly a trifling misfortune, and not very likely to happen. OF MICROSCOPES, What the telescope has performed in the philosophy of the heavenly bodies, the microscope has done in regard to that of the terrestrial: for by the assistance of the latter we have been able to discover an order of beings which would otherwise have escaped our notice; to examine the texture of the smallest of the productions of nature, and to observe phenomena which take place only among the most minute parts of matter. Nothing can be more curious than the facts which have been ascer- tained by the assistance of the microscope: but in this part of science much still remains to be done. There are two sorts of microscopes—simple and compound : we shall speak of both, and begin with the former. PROBLEM XLIII. Method of constructing a Simple Microscope. I. Every convex lens of a short focal distance is a microscope ; for it is shewn that alens magnifies in the ratio of the focal distance to the least distance at which the object can be placed to be distinctly seen ; which, in regard to most men who are not short-sighted, is about 8 inches. Thus a lens, the focal distance of which is 6 lines, will magnify the dimensions of the object 16 times ; if its focal distance be only one line, it will magnify 96 times. IJ. It is difficult to construct a lens of so short a focus; as it is necessary that the radius of each of its convexities should be only a line; for this reason small $18 OPTICS. glass globes, fused at an enameller’s lamp, or the flame of a taper, are employed in their stead. The method by which this is done, is as follows. | Break off a piece of very pure transparent glass, either by means of an instrument | made for that purpose, or the wards of a key; thentake up one of these fragments | by applying to it the point of a needle a little moistened with saliva, which will make it | adhere, and present it to the blue flame of a taper, which must be kept somewhat. inclined, that the fragment of glass may not fall upon the wax. As soonalmost as it. is held to the flame, it will be fused into a round globule, and drop down: a. piece of paper therefore, with a turned up border, must be placed below, in order to receive it. It is here to be observed that: there are some kinds of glass which it is difficult to fuse: in this case it will be necessary to employ another kind. Of these globules select the brightest and roundest; then take a plate of copper, 5 or 6 inches in length, and about 6 lines in breadth, and having folded it double, make a hole in it somewhat less in diameter than the globule, and raise up the edges, If you then fix one of these globules in this hole, between the two plates, and bind them firmly together, you will have a wey microscope. As it is easy to obtain globules of 4, 1, and 1 of a line in diameter, and as the focus of a globule is at the distance of a quarter of its diameter without it, we are enabled by this process to magnify objects in a very high degree; for if the dia- meter of the globule be only 3 line, by employing this proportion : as § of half a line, or &, are to 96 lines, so is 1 toa fourth term, we shall have as fourth term the number 153, which will express the increase of the diameter of the object. The object therefore, in regard to surface, will be magnified 23409 times, and in regard to solidity 3581677 times. The celebrated Lewenhoeck, so well known on account of his microscopical ob- servations, never employed microscopes of any other kind. It is however certain that they are attended with many inconveniences, and can be used only for objects which are transparent, or at least semi-transparent, as it may be readily conceived that it is not possible to illuminate a surface which is viewed in any other way than from behind. By means of these microscopes Lewenhoeck made a great number of curious observations, an account of which will be found hereafter, under the head Microscopical Observations. Ill. The water microscope of Gray, which is much simpler, may be constructed in the following manner. Provide a plate of lead, } of a line in thickness at most, and make a round hole in it with a needle ora large pin; pare the edges of this hole, and put into it, with the point of a feather, a small drop of water: the anterior and posterior surfaces of the water will assume a convex spherical form, and thus you will have a mi- croscope. The focus of such a globule is at a distance somewhat prenter than that of a glass globule of equal size; for the focus of a globule of water is at the distance of the ra- dius from its surface. A globule of water, therefore, 4 a line in diameter, will magnify only 128 times; but this deficiency is fully compensated by the ease with which a globule of any diameter, however small, may be obtained. If water be employed in which leaves, wood, pepper, or flour has been infused, in the open air, the microscope will be both object and instrument; for by this means the small microscopic animals which the water contains will be seen. Mr. Gray was very much astonished, the first time he observed this phenomenon; but it afterwards occurred to him that the posterior surface of the drop produced, in regard to those animals placed between it and its focus, the same effects as a concave mirror, and magnified their image, which was still farther enlarged by the kind of convex lens of the anterior surface. IY. Another kind of microscope may be also procured at a very small expense, by a ul ne A COMPOUND MICROSCOPES. 319: making ahole of about the fourth or fifth part of a line in diameter, in a card or very thin plate of metal. If very small objects be viewed through this hole, they will appear magnified in the ratio of their, distance from the eye, to that at which an object can be distinctly seen by the naked eye. This kind of microscope is much extolled in the “‘ Journal de Trevoux;” but we _ must confess that we never could see small objects distinctly through such holes, unless at the distance of aninch, or half an inch; and even then they did not appear tobe much magnified. PROBLEM XLIV. Of Compound Microscopes. The compound microscope consists of an object glass, which is alens of a very short focus, such for example as 4 or 6 lines, and an eye-glass of 2 inches focus, at the distance from it of about 6 or 8 inches. The object must be placed a little beyond the focus of the object glass, and the distance of the eye from the eye-glass ought to be equal to the focal distance of the latter. Having formed such a combination of glasses, if the object be made to approach gently to the object glass, there will be a certain point at which it will appear to be considerably magnified. If the focal distance of the object glass be 4 lines, for example, and if the object be 43 lines from it, the image will be formed at the distance of 64 lines, or five inches 4 lines: it will therefore be 14 times as large as the object, for 64 is to44 nearly as 14 tol. Ifthe focal distance of the eye-glass, in the focus of which this image is formed, be two inches, it will magnify about 4 times more: but 14 x 4 = 56, which ex- presses the number of times that the diameter of the object will appear to be magnified. If you are desirous that it should not be magnified so much, remove gradually the object from the object glass, and bring the eye-glass nearer; the image will then be seen not so large, but more distinct. On the other hand, if you wishit to be magnified more, move the object gradually — towards the object glass, or move the latter towards the object, and remove the eye- glass: the object will then appear much larger; but there are certain limits beyond which every thing seems confused. Instead of one eye-glass, two are sometimes used to increase the field of vision; the first of which has a focal distance of 4 or 5 inches, while that of the second is much less; but this is still the same thing. The image of the small object must be placed, in regard to this compound eye-glass, in the same point where an object ought to be, to be seen distinctly when viewed through it. A concave object glass might be employed by making its posterior foeus coincide with the image: this would form a kind of microscope similar to the Batavian teles- cope; but it would be attended with the same inconvenience, that of having tuo contracted a field. There are also reflecting microscopes as well as telescopes: the principle of both | is the same, a minute object placed very near the focus of a concave mirror, and on this side of it, in regard to the centre, reflects an image of it beyond the centre; and this-image will be larger the nearer it is to the focus. The image is viewed through a convex lens, and in this kind of microscope an object glass of a much shorter focus may be employed, which will contribute to the amplification of the object. Every thing relating to this subject may be found in a very curious work by Baker, entitled the “‘ Microscope made Easy.” 'Thereader may consult also Smith’s Optics, part 4. These works, and particularly the first, contain a great variety of . enrious details respecting the method of employing microscopes, and the observations made by means of them. See also ‘‘ Essais de Physique de Muschenbroeck.” - We intend to give an account of the most curious observations which have been made by the assistance of the microscope ; but to avoid confusion we shall — reserve that article for the end of this part of our work. wee 5202) OPTICS. PROBLEM LXV. A very simple method of ascertaining the real magnitude of objects, seen through a microscope. | It is often useful, and may sometimes gratify curiosity, to be able to determine the real magnitude of certain objects examined by means of the microscope: the following very simple and ingenious method for this purpose was invented by Dr. | Jurin, a celebrated philosopher, and a fellow of the Royal Society of London. | Take a piece of the finest silver wire possible to be obtained, and roll it as close as you can aroundan iron cylinder, a few inches in length. It will be necessary to examine it with a microscope, in order to discover whether there be any vacuity or opening between the folds: by these means you will ascertain, with great precision, the diameter of the silver wire. For if we suppose that there are 520 turns in the space of an inch, it is evident that the diameter of the wire will be the 520th part of an inch ; a measure which cannot be obtained in any other manner, Then cut this silver wire into very small bits, and scatter a certain quantity of them over the small plate on which the objects, submitted to examination, are placed: if you look at these bits of wire along with the objects, you will be enabled, by comparing them together, to judge of the size of the latter. It was by a similar process that Dr. Jurin determined the size of the globules which give to blood its red colour. He first found that the diameter of his silver wire was the 485th part or an inch, and then judged by comparison that the diameter of a red globule of blood was the fourth part of that of the wire; from which he concluded that the diameter of the globule was the 1940th part of an inch. PROBLEM XLVI. To construct a Magic Picture, which being seen in a certain point through a glass, shall exhibit an object, different from that seen with the naked eye. As this opticial problem is solved by means of a glass cut into facets, or what is called a multiplying glass, we shall first explain the nature of such glasses. Multiplying glasses are generally lenses, plane on one side, and on the other cut into several facets in the form of a polyedron, of this kind is the glass represented Fig. 48. and 49. where it is seen in front, and also edgewise. It consists of a plane hexagonal facet in the centre, and six trapeziums arranged. round the circumference, These glasses have the property of representing the object as many times as there are facets ; for if we suppose the object to be o, the rays which proceed from it fall upon all the facets of the glass A D,pc,c B. Those which tra- verse the facet p c, pass through it as through a plane glass in- terposed between the eye and the object ; but the rays that pro- ceed from o, tothe inclined facet aD, experience a double re- fraction, which makes them converge towards the axis oz, nearly as they would do if they fell upon the spherical surface, in which the glass polyedron might be inscribed. The eye, being placed in the common point of concurrence, sees the point o, at a, in the continuation of the radius E F ; consequently an image of the point o, dif- ferent from the former, will be observed. As the same thing takes placein regard to each facet, the object will be seen as many times as there are facets on the glass, and in different places, ; i Now, 1f we suppose a luminous point in the axis of the glass, and at a proper distance, all the rays which fall on one facet will, after a double refraction, proceed MAGIC PICTURES, oe toa piece of white paper placed perpendicular to the axis continued, and paint on it an image of that facet of a greater or less size, and which at a certain distance will be inverted. Consequently, if we suppose the eye to be substituted instead of the lu- minous point, and that the image itself is luminous or coloured, the rays which pro- ceed from that image, or part of the paper, will terminate at the eye ; and they will be the only ones that reach it after experiencing a double refraction on the same facet. If the like reasoning be employed in regard to the rest, it may be easily seen that, when the eye is placed ina fixed point, it will observe through each facet only a cer- tain portion of the paper, and that the whole together will fill the field of vision, though detached on the paper ; so that if a certain part of a regular and continued picture be painted on each, they will all together represent that picture. The artifice then of the proposed magic picture, after having fixed the place of the eye, that of the glass and the field of the picture, is to determine those portions of the picture which shall alone be seen through the glass ; to paint upon each the deter- minate portion, according to a given subject, such as a portrait, so that when united together they may produce the painting itself; and in the last place, to fill up the remainder of the field of the picture with any thing at pleasure; but arranging the whole in such a manner as to form a regular subject. Having thus explained the principle of this optical amusement, we shall now shew how it is to be put in practice. Let a scp (Fig. 50.) represent a board, at the ex- Fig. 50. tremity of which is fixed another in a perpendicular direction, having at its edges two pieces of wood with grooves, to receive a piece of pasteboard, co- vered with white paper or canvass. This pasteboard, which may be pushed in or drawn out at pleasure, is the field of the intended picture: uD H is a verti- cal board, the bottom part of which must be contrived in such a inanner that it can be brought nearer to or farther from the painting; and towards the upper part it is furnished with a tube, having at its anterior extremity a glass cut into facets, and at the other a piece of card, in which is a small hole made by means of aneedle, and to which the eye is applied. We shall here suppose the glass to be plane on one side, and on the other to consist of six rhomboidal facets, placed around the centre, and of six triangular ones which occupy the remainder of the hexagon. When every thing is thus prepared, fix the support z pu at a certain distance from the field of the picture, according as you are desirous that the parts to be delineated should be nearer to or farther from each other. But this distance ought, at least, to be four times the diameter of the sphere in which the polyedron of the glass could be inscribed ; and the distance from the eye to the glass may be equal to twice that diameter. Then place the eye at the hole hole x, the distance of which has been thus determined, and with a stick having a pencil at the end of it, if the hand cannot ‘reach the pasteboard, trace out, in as light a manner as possible, the outline of the ‘space observed through one facet, and do the same thing in regard to the rest. This operation will require a great deal of accuracy and patience ; for, to render the work perfect, no perceptible interval must be left between the two spaces seen through two contiguous facets: it will be better on the whole if they rather encroach a little on each other. Care must also be taken to mark each space with the same number as that assigned to each facet, in order that they may be again known. This however will be easy, by observing that the space corresponding to each facet is always transferred parallel to itself from top to bottom, or from right to left, on the other side of the centre. The next thing is to delineate the regular picture intended to be seen, and to a6 322 OPTICS. q transpose it into the spaces where it appears distorted. According to mathematia| accuracy, it would be necessary for this purpose to form a projection of the glass cut! into facets, supposing the eye at the distance at which it is really placed ; but as we sup- pose it a little more remote, we may without any sensible error’ assume, as the field of the regular picture, the vertical projec. tion, as seen Fig. 51, where it is represented such as it would appear to the eye bined perpendicularly above its centre, and at a very considerable distance. Delineate in the field, which in this case will be hexagonal, and composed of six rhomboids and six triangles, any figure whatever, as a portrait for example, and then, considering that the space abcd (Fig. 52.) is that where the portion of the pic. . ture marked 1 ought to appear, it must be transferred thither with oA as much care as possible ; do the same thing in regard to the Cl gl 2] yest; and by these means the principal part of the picture will ee be completed. But as it is intended to shew something else we Py oo beside what ought to be seen, it must be disguised hy means. Ag ys of some other objects painted in the remaining part of the N74 field, making them to harmonize with what is already painted, in such a manner, that the whole shall appear to form one regular and connected subject. All this however must depend on the taste and genius of the artist. In the “ Perspective Curieuse” of father Niceron, a much more minute explana- tion of the whole process may be found. ‘Those to whom what is here said does not seem sufficient, must consult that work. Niceron tells us that he executed, at Paris, and deposited in the library of the Minimes, of the Place Royale, a picture of this kind, which, when seen with the naked eye, represented fifteen portraits of Turkish Siltane ; but, when viewed through the glass, was the portrait | Louis XIII. | A picture by Amadeus Vanloo, much more ingenious, was shewn in the year 1759, in the exhibition room of the Royal Academy of Painting. To the naked eye, it was an allegorical picture, which represented the Virtues, with their attributes, properly grouped; but, when seen through the glass, it exhibited the portrait of Louis XV. 2 Remarks.—\st. It is necessary to observe, that the place of the glass, when once fixed, must be invariable; for as glasses perfectly regular cannot be obtained, if they are moved, it will be almost impossible to replace them in the proper point ; hence it” will be necessary to be assured that the glass is of a good quality; for, if it be too alkaline, and happen to lose its polish by the contact of the air, another capable of producing the same effect cannot bessubstituted in its stead. This is an accident which, according to what we have heard, happened to the glass of Vanloo’s picture. _ 2d. Instead of a glass, like that employed in the above example, or of one more. compounded, a plain pyramidal glass might be employed, by which the problem would be greatly simplified. 3d. A glass, the portion of a prism, cut into a great number of planes parallel to its axis, might also be employed; iv this case the painting to be viewed through the glass ought to be delineated on parallel bands. 4th. A glass might be formed of several concentric conical surfaces, or of ceva ) spherical surfaces of different diameters, likewise concentric: in this case the pic- ) ture to be viewed through the glass ought to be distributed in different concentric rings. | Oth. A magic picture might be formed by reflection. For this purpose, provide a } MAGIC LANTERN. 323 metal mirror with facets well polished, and having very sharp edges; place before it, ina direction parallel to its axis, a piece of white paper or card, and by means of the principles above explained delineate a picture, which when viewed in front by the naked eye, shall represent a certain subject; if you then make a hole in the middle of the picture, and look through this hole ac the image of it formed by the mirror, it will appear to be entirely different. PROBLEM XLVII. To construct a lantern, by means of which a book can be read at a great distance, at night. Construct a lantern of a cylindric form, or shaped like a small cask placed length- | wise, so that its axis shall be horizontal; and in one end of it fix a parabolic mirror, _or merely a spherical one, the focus of which falls about the middle of the length _of the cylinder: if a taper or lamp be then placed in ‘this focus, the light will be reflected through the open end, and will be so strong that very small print may be read by it at a great distance, if looked at through a telescope. Those who see this light at a distance, if standing in the axis of the lantern continued, will imagine that _they see a large fire. PROBLEM XLVIII, To construct a Magic Lantern. The name of magic lantern, as is well known, is given to an optical instrument, by means of which figures greatly magnified may be represented on a white wall or cloth. This instrument, invented, we believe, by Father Kircher, a jesuit, has be- come a useful resource toa great number of people, who gain their livelihood by exhibiting this spectacle to the populace. But though it has fallen into vulgar hands, it is nevertheless ingenious, and deserves a place in this work. We shall ‘therefore describe the method of constructing it, and add a few observations, which may tend to improve it, and to render it more interesting. : First, provide a box about a foot square (Fig. 53.) ) Fig. 53. of tin-plate, or copper, or wood, and make a hole towards the middle of the fore-part of it, about three inches in diameter: into this hole let there be soldered a tube, the interior aperture of which must be furnished with a very transparent lens, having its focus within the box, and at the distance of two- thirds or three-fourths of the breadth of the box. In this focus place a lamp with a large wick, in order that it may produce a strong light; and that the ‘machine may be more perfect, the lamp ought to be moveable, so that it can be ‘placed exactly in the focus of the lens. To avoid the aberration of sphericity, the lens in question may be formed of two lenses, each of a double focus. This, in our | opinion, would greatly contribute to the distinctness of the picture. ' Atasmall distance from the aperture of the box, let there be a slit in the tube, for which purpose this part of it must be square, capable of receiving a slip of glass surrounded by a frame, four inches in breadth, and of any length at pleasure. Va- ‘rious objects, according to fancy, are painted on this slip of glass, with transparent colours ;- but in general the subjects chosen are of the comic and grotesque kind. Another tube, furnished with a lens of about three inches focal distance, must be ‘fitted into the former one, and in such a manner, that it can be drawn out or pushed in as may be found necessary. Having thus given a description of the machine, we shall now explain its effect. The lamp being lighted, and the machine placed on the table opposite to a white ¥ 2 324 OPTICS. wall, if it be exhibited in the day time, shut the windows of the apartment, and introduce into the slit above mentioned one of the painted slips of glass, but in such a manner that the figures may be inverted: if the moveable tube be then pushed in or drawn out, till the proper focus is obtained, the figures on the glass will be seen painted on the wall, in their proper colours, and greatly magnified. | If the other end of the moveable tube be furnished with a lens of a much greater focal distance, the luminous field will be increased, and the figures will be magnified in proportion. It will be of advantage to place a diaphragm in this moveable tube, at nearly the focal distance of the first lens, as it will exclude the rays of the lateral objects, and thereby contribute to render the painting much more distinct. | We have already said that the small figures on the glass must be painted with transparent colours. The colours for this purpose may be made in the following. manner: red, by a strong infusion of Brasil wood, or cochineal, or carmine, according: to the tint required; green, by a solution of verdigris; or for dark greens, of martial vitriol (sulphate of iron); yellow, by an infusion of yellow berries; blue, by a’ solution of vitriol of copper (sulphate of copper); these three or four colours, as is well known, will be sufficient to form all the rest: they may be mixed up and rendered tenacious by means of very pure and transparent gum-water, after which they will be fit for painting on glass. In most machines of this kind, the paintings are so coarsely executed, that they cannot fail to excite disgust; but if they are neatly designed, and well finished, this small optical exhibition must afford a con- siderable degree of pleasure. PROBLEM XLIx. Method of constructing a Solar Microscope. ; The Solar Microscope, for the invention of which we are indebted to Mr. Lig berkun, is nothing else, properly speaking, than a kind of magic lantern, where the sun performs the part of the lamp, and the small objects exposed on a glass or the point of a pin, that of the figures painted on the glass slips of the latter. But the following is a more minute description of it. Make a round hole in the window shutter, about three inches in diameter, and place in it a glass lens of about twelve inches focal distance. To the inside of the hole adapt a tube, having, at a small distance from the lens, a slit or aperture, capa- ble of receiving one or two very thin plates of glass, to which the objects to be: viewed must be affixed by means of a little gum-water exceedingly transparent. Into this tube fit another, furnished at its anterior extremity with a lens of a short focal distance, such for example as half an inch. If a mirror be then placed before the hole in the window-shutter on the outside, in such a manner as to throw the light of the sun into the tube, you will have a solar microscope. The method of em- ploying it is as follows. Having darkened the room, and by means of the mirror reflected the sun’s rays on the glasses in a direction parallel to their axes, place some small object between the two moveable plates of glass, or affix it to one of them with very transparent gum- water, and bring it exactly into the axis of the tube: if the moveable tube be then pushed in or drawn out, till the object be a little beyond the focus, it will be seen painted very dictinctly on a card or piece of white paper, held at a proper distance; and will appear to be greatly magnified. A small insect, such asa flea for example, may be made to appear as large as a sheep, or a hair as large as a walking-stick: by means of this instrument the eels in vinegar, or flour paste, will have the appearance of small serpents. 4 Remark.— As the sunis not stationary, this instrument is attended with one incon- venience, which is, that as this luminary moves with great rapidity, the mirror on ; t ; COLOURS AND REFRACTIONS. 325 the outside requires to be continually adjusted. This defect however S’Gravesande remedied by means of a very ingenious machine, which moves the mirror in sucha manner that it always throws the sun’s rays into the tube. This machine, therefore, has been distinguished by the name of the sol-sta. Some curious details respecting the solar microscope may be seen in the French ‘Translation of Smith’s Optics, where several useful inventions for improving it, and for which we are indebted to Euler, are explained. A method, invented by Apinus, of rendering it proper for representing opake objects, will be found there also. It consists in reflecting, by means of a large lens and a mirror, the condensed light of the sun on the surface of the object, presented to the object glass of the microscope. _M. Mumenthaler, a Swiss optician, proposed a different expedient. But solar microscopes are still attended with another inconvenience : as the objects are very ‘near the focus of the first lens, they are subjected to a heat which soon destroys or disfigures them. Dr. Hill, who made great use of this microscope, proposed tbere- fore to employ several lamps, the light of which united into one focus is ‘exceedingly bright and free from the above inconvenience; but we do not know whether he ever carried this idea into practice, and with what success. PROBLEM L. Of Colours, and the different Refrangibility of Light. One of the noblest discoveries of the 17th century, is that made by the celebrated Newton, in 1666, respecting the compositicn of light, and the cause of colours. Who could have believed that white, which appears to be a colour so pure, is the result of the seven primitive unalterable colours mixed together ina certain propor- tion! This however has been proved by his experiments. The instrument which he employed for decomposing light in this manner, was the prism, now well known, butat that timea mere object of curiosity on account of the -eolonrs, with which every thing viewed through it seems to be bordered. But on this subject we shall confine ourselves to two of Newton’s experiments, and a deduction of the consequences which result from them, If a ray of a solar light, an inch or half an inch in diameter (Fig. 54.), be admitted into a darkened room, so as to fall on a prism placed ho- rizontally, with a piece of white paper behind it, and if the prism be turned in.such a manner, that the image seems to stop; instead of an image of the sun nearly round, you will observe a long per- pendicular band, consisting of seven colours, in this invariable order, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. When the angle of the prism is turned downwards, the red will be at the bottom, and vice versa; but the order will be always the same. From this, and various other experiments ofa similar kind, Newton concludes : 1. That the light of the sun contains these seven primitive colours. 2. That these colours are formed by the rays experiencing different refractions ; and the red, in particular, is that which is the least broken or refracted; the next is the orange, &c.: in the last place, that the violet is that which, under the same inclina- tion, suffers the greatest refraction. The truth of these consequences cannot be denied by those who are in the least acquainted with geometry. But the nicest experiment is that by which Newton proved that these differently coloured rays are afterwards unalterable. To make this experiment in a proper man- ner, it will be necessary to proceed as follows: In the first place, the hole in the window shutter of the darkened room must be reduced to the diameter of a lineat most ; and the light every where else must be 326 OPTICS. earefully excluded. When this is done, receive the solar rayson a large lens, of 7 or 8 feet focus, placed at the distance of 15 feet from the hole, and a little beyond the | lens place a prism in such amanner that the stream of light may fall upon it. Then holda piece of white card at such a distance that the image of the sun would be painted upon. it without the interposition of the prism, and you. will see painted on the card, instead of a roundimage, a very narrow coloured band, containing the seven primitive colours, Then pierce a hole in the card, about a line in diameter, and suffer any one of the colours to pass through it, taking care that it shall do so in the middle of the — space which it occupies, and receive it on a second card placed behind the former. If intercepted by another prism, it will be found that it no longer produces a lengthened, but a round image, and all of the same colour. Besides, if you hold in that colour any object whatever, it will be tinged by it; and if you look at the object with a third prism, it will be seen of no other colour but that in which it is immersed, and without any elongation, as when it is immersed in light susceptible of decompo- sition. This experiment, which is now easy to those tolerably well versed in philosophy, proves the third of the principal facts advanced by Newton. 3. That whena colour is freed from the mixture of others, it is unalterable ; that a red ray, whatever refraction it may be made to experience, will always remain red, and so of the rest. It does no great honour to the French philosophers of the 17th century to have disputed, and even declared false, this assertion of the English philosopher, especially on no better foundation than an experiment so badly performed. and so incomplete as that of Mariotte. We even cannot help accusing that philosopher, who in other respects deserves great praise, of too much precipitation; for his experiment was not the same as that described by Newton in the ‘‘ Philosophical Transactions” for 1666; and it may be readily seen that, if performed according to Mariotte’s manner, it is impossible it should succeed, However, it is at present certain, notwithstanding the remonstrances of Father Castel and the Sieur Gautier*, that there are in nature seven primitive, homogeneous colours, unequally refrangible, unalterable, and which are the eause of the different colours of bodies; that white contains them all, and that all of them together com- pose white; that what makes a body be of one colourrather than another, is the configuration of its minute parts, which causes it to reflect in greater number the rays of that particular colour; and in the last place, that black is the privation of all re- flection; but this is understood of perfect black, for the material and common black is only an exceedingly dark blue. Some people, such as Father Castel, have admitted only three primitive colours, viz., red, yellow, and blue; because red and yellow form orange, yellow and blue green, and blue and red violet or indigo, according as the former or the latter predo- minates. But this is another error. It is very true that with two rays, one yellow and the other blue, green can be formed; and this holds good also in regard to material colours ; but the green of the coloured image of the prism is totally different: it is primitive, and stands the same proof as red, yellow, or blue, without being decom- posed. The case is the same with orange, indigo, and violet. We extract the following remarks on this subject from Dr. Brewster’s treatise on Optics, in Dr. Lardner’s Encyclopedia. * The Sieur Gautier, who pretended to be the inventor of the method of engraving in colours, opposed with great violence, in the year 1750, the theory of Newton, both in regard to colours and to the system of the universe. His reasoning and experiments, however, are as conclusive as eX- periments made with a faulty air-pump would be against the gravity of the atmosphere. For this _ reason, he never had any partizans but a few of his own countrymen, one of whom was a poct, who had found out that objects are not painted on the retina in an inverted position, DECOMPOSITION OF LIGHT. Jey Decomposition of Light by Absorption. *‘ If we measure the quantity of light, which is reflected from the surfaces, and transmitted through the substance of transparent bodies, we shall find that the sum of these quantities is always less than the quantity of light that falls upon the body. Hence we may conclude that a certain portion of light. is lost in passing through the most transparent bodies. This loss arises from two causes.. A part of the light is scattered in all directions by irregular reflection from the imperfectly polished surface of particular media, or from imperfect union of its parts; while another, and generally a greater portion, is absorbed, or stopped by the particles of the body. Coloured fluids, such as black and red ink, though equally homo- geneous, stop or absorb different kinds of rays, and when exposed to the sun they become heated in different degrees, while pure water seems to transmit all the rays equally, and scarcely receives any heat from the passing light of the sun. ‘* When we examine more minutely the action of coloured fluids in absorbing light, many remarkable phenomena present themselves, which throw much light upon this curious subject. ‘* If we take a piece of blue glass, like that generally used for finger glasses, and transmit through it a beam of white light, the light will be a fine deep blue. This blue is not a simple homogeneous colour, like the blue or indigo of the spectrum, but is a mixture of all the colours of white light which the glass has not absorbed ; and the colours which the glass has absorbed are those which the blue wants of white light, of which, when mixed with this blue, would form white light. In order to determine what these colours are, let us transmit through the blue glass the pris- matic spectrum kK L (Fig. 54.) ; or what is the same thing, let the observer place his eye behind the prism pac, and look through it at the sun, or rather at a circular aperture made in the window-shutter of a dark room. He will then see through the prism the spectrum KL, as far below the aperture as it was above the spot rp, when shewn on the screen. Let the blue glass be now interposed between the eye and the prism, and a remarkable spectrum will be seen, deficient in a certain number of its differently coloured rays. ) a square or circular opening, of 7 or 8 inches in dia- meter, directly opposite to the mirror. Behind this a strong light is so disposed as to illuminate strongly an object placed at c, without shining on the mirror, and without being seen at the opening. Beneath the APPARITION.—REFLEXION, 341 aperture, and behind the screen is placed any object at c, which is intended to be represented, but in an inverted position, which may be either a flower, or figure, or picture, &c. Befcre the partition, and below the aperture, place a flowerpot D, or _ other pedestal suitable to the object c, so as the top may be even with the bottom of the aperture, and that the eye placed at c may see the flower in the same position as if its stalk came out of the pot. The space between the mirror and the back part of the partition being painted black, to prevent any extraneous light being reflected on. _ the mirror; and indeed the whole disposed so as to be as little enlightened as _ possible-—Then a person placed at c will perceive the flower, or other object, placed behind the partition, as if standing in the flowerpot or pedestal: but on putting forth his hand to pluck it, he will find that he grasps only at a phantom. Fig. 66. represents a different position of the mirror and par- tition, and better adapted for exhibiting effect by various ob- jects. ABcisa thin partition of a room, down to the floor, with an aperture for a good convex lens turned outwards into the room, nearly in a horizontal direction, proper for viewing by the eye of a person standing upright from the floor or foot- stool. pb isa large concave mirror, supported at a proper angle, to reflect upwards through the glass in the partition B, images of objects at £, presented towards the mirror below. A strong light from alamp, &c. being directed on the object E, and no where else; then to the eye of a spectator at F, in a darkened room, it is truly surprising and admirable to what effect the images are reflected up into the air at c. It is from this arrangement that a showman, both in London and the country, excited the people to the surprise of wonderful apparitions of various kinds of ob- jects, such as a relative’s features for his own, paintings of portraits, plaster figures, flowers, fruit, a sword, dagger, death’s head, &c. The phenomena to be produced by concave mirrors are endless ; what have been just described, will be a sufficient specimen of what might be exhibited to elucidate the principles of that curious machine. PROBLEM LXI. Is it true that Light is reflected with more Vivacity from Air than from Water ? This assertion is certainly true, provided it be understood in a proper sense, that is as follows: when light tends to pass from air into water, under a certain obliquity, such as 80° for example, the latter reflects fewer rays, than when the light tends, under the same inclination, to pass from the water into air. But what is very sin- gular, if the air were entirely removed, so as to leave a perfect vacuum in its stead, the light, so far from passing with more facility through this vacuum, which could oppose no resistance, would experience more difficulty, and more rays would be reflected in the passage. We do not know why this has been given in the Philosophical Transactions as a paradoxical novelty; for this kind of phenomenon is a necessary consequence of the law of refraction. When light indeed passes from a rare medium into a denser, as from air into water, the passage is always possible; because the sine of the angle of refraction is less than that of the angle of incidence; that is to say, these sines, in the. present case, are in the ratio of 3 to4. But, on the other hand, when light tends to pass obliquely from water into air, the passage under a certain degree of obliquity is impossible, because the sine of the angle of refraction is always much greater than that of the angle of incidence, their sines, in this case, being in the ratio of 4 to 3. There is therefore a certain obliquity of such a nature, that the sine of the angle of refraction would be much greater than the radius ; and this will always happen when the sine of the angle of incidence is greater, however small the excess, than 3 of the 342 | OPTICS. radius, which corresponds to an angle of 48° 36’. But a sine can never exceed radius; consequently it is impossible, in this case, that the ray of light should pene- trate the new medium. Thus while light passes from a rare medium into a denser, from air into water for example, under every degree of inclination, there are some rays, viz. all those which form with the refracting substance an angle less than 41° 24’, that will not admit of the passage-of light from water into air: it is then under the necessity of being reflected, and refraction is changed into reflection. But *thongh light may pass from water into air, under greater angles of inclination, this tendency to be reflected, or this difficulty of proceeding from one medium into another, is continued at all these angles,in such a manner, that fewer rays are reflected when they tend to pass from air into water under an angle of 60°, than when they tend to pass from water into air under the same angle. In the last place, when light tends in a perpendicular direction from water into air, it is more reflected than when it tends to pass in the same direction from air into water. . This truth may be proved by a very simple experiment. Fill a bottle nearly two- thirds with quicksilver, and fill up the other third with water; by which means you will have two parallel surfaces, one of water, and the other of quicksilver. If you then place a luminous object at a mean height between these two surfaces, and the" eye on the opposite side at the same height as the object, you will see the object through the bottle, and reflected almost with equal vivacity from the surface of the quicksilver, and from that which separates the water and the air. The air then, in this case, reflects the light with almost as much vivacity as the quicksilver. Remarks.—\1st. We have reason therefore to conclude, that the surface of the ~ water, to beings immersed in that fluid, is a much stronger reflecting mirror, than it is to those beings which are in the air. Fishes see themselves much more dis- tinctly, and clearly, when they swim near the surface of the water, than we see ourselves in the same surface. 2d. Nothing is better calculated than this phenomenon to prove the truth of the reasons assigned by Newton for reflection and refraction. Light passing froma — dense fluid into a rarer, is, according to Newton, exactly in the same case as a stone — thrown obliquely into the air; if we suppose. that the power of gravitation does not act beyond a determinate distance, such for example as 24 feet; for it may be de- monstrated, that in this case the deviation of the stone would be exactly the same, and subject to the same law, as that followed by light in refraction. There would also be certain inclinations under which the stone could not pass from this atmo- ~ sphere of gravity, though there were nothing beyond it capable of resisting it, and even though there were a perfect vacuum. In this case however we must not say, as a certain celebrated man when ex- plaining the Newtonian philosophy, that a vacuum reflects light: this is only a mode of speaking. To express our ideas correctly, we ought to say that light is sent back with greater force to the dense medium, as the medium beyond it is rarer. We are far from being satisfied with what is said on this subject in the “ Diction- ~ naire d’Industrie,” into which one may be surprised to see optical phenomena intro- duced ; for it is there asserted, that this phenomenon depends on the impenetrability of pee and the high polish of the reflecting surface. But when light is strongly reflected, during its passage from water into a vacuum, or a space almost free from air, where is the impenetrability of the reflecting substance, since such a space has less impenetrability than air or water? In regard to the polish of the reflecting surface, it is the same, both for the ray which passes from air into water, and that which peases from water into air. CURIOUS PHENOMENA. 343 PROBLEM LXII. _ Account of a Phenomenon, either not observed, or hitherto neglected by Philo- sophers. If you hold your ‘finger i in a perpendicular direction rey near your eye, that is to say, at the distance of a few inches at most, and look at a candle in such a manner that the edge of your finger shall appear to be very near the flame, you will see the border of the flame coloured red. If you then move the edge of your finger before the flame, so as to suffer only the other border of it to be seen, this border will ap- pear tinged with blue, while the edge of your finger will be coloured red. If the same experiment be tried with an opake body surrounded by a luminous medium, such for example as the upright bar of a sash window, the colours will appear in a contrary order. When a thread of light only remains between your * finger and the bar, the edge of the finger will be tinged with red, and the edgé next the bar will be bordered with blue; but when you bring the edge of your finger near the second edge of the bar, so that it shall be entirely concealed, this second edge will be tinged red, and the edge of the finger would doubtless appear to be coloured blue, were it possible that this dark colour could be seen on an obscure and brown ground. This phenomenon depends no doubt on the different refrangibility of light; but a proper explanation of it has never yet been given. . PROBLEM LXIII. Of some curious Phenomena in regard to Colours and Vision. I. When the window is strongly illuminated with the light of the day, look at it steadily and with attention for some minutes, or until your eyes become a little fatigued; if you then shut your eyes, you will see in your eye a representation of the squares which you looked at; but the place of the bars will be luminous and white, while that of the panes will be black and obscure. If you then place your hand before your eyes, in such a manner as absolutely to intercept the remainder of the light which the eye-lids suffer to pass, the phenomenon will be changed ; for the squares will then appear luminous, and the bars black: if you remove your hand, ___ the panes will be black again, and the place of the bars luminous. If. If you look steadily and with attention for some time at a luminous body, such as the sun, when you direct your sight to other objects in a place very much illuminated, you will observe there a black spot; a little less light will make the spot appear blue, anda degree still less will make it become purple: in a place abso- | Jutely ‘dark, this spot, which you have at the bottom of your eye, will become lu- minous, Ill. If you look for a long time, and till you are somewhat fatigued, at a printed book through green glasses; on removing the glasses, the paper of the book will appear reddish: but if you look at a book in the same manner, through red glasses ; when you lay aside the glasses, the paper of the book will appear greenish. IV. If you look with attention at a bright red spot on a white ground, as a red wafer on a piece of white paper, you will see, after some time, a blue border around the wafer; if you then turn your eye from the wafer to the white paper, you will see around spot of delicate green, inclining to blue, which will continue longer accord- ing to the time you have looked at the red object, and according as its splendour and brightness have been greater. On directing your eyes to other objects, this impression will gradually become weaker, and at length disappear. If, instead of a red wafer, you look at a yellow one; on turning your eye to the’ white ground you will observe a blue spot. A green wafer on a white ground, viewed in the same manner, will produce in 344 OPTICS. the eye a spot of a pale purple colour: a blue wafer will produce a spot of a pale red, In the last place, if a black wafer on a white ground be viewed in the same man- ner, after looking at it for some time with attention, you will observe a white bor- der form itself around the wafer ; and-ifyou then turn your eye to the white ground, you will observea spot of abrighter white than the ground, and well defined. When you look at a white spot on a black ground, the case will be reversed. In these experiments, red is opposed to green, and produces it, as green produces red; blue and yellow are also opposed, and produce each other; and the case is the same with black and white, which evidently indicates a constant effect depending on the organization of the eye. This is what is called the Accidental colours, an object first considered by Dr. Jurin, which Buffon afterwards extended, and respecting which he transmitted a memoir in 1743 to the Royal Academy of Sciences. This celebrated man gave no explanation of these phenomena, and only observed that, though certain in regard to the correctness of his experiments, the consequences did not appear to be so well established as to admit of his forming an opinion on the production of these colours. There is reason however to believe that he would have explained the cause, had he not been prevented by other occupations. But this deficiency has been supplied by Dr. Godard of Montpellier; for the explanation which he has given of these pheno- mena, and several others of the same kind, in the ‘‘ Journal de Physique” for May and July 1776, seems to be perfectly satisfactory. PROBLEM LXIV. To determine how long the Sensation of Light remains in the Eye. The following phenomenon, which depends on this duration, is well known. If a fiery stick be moved round in a circular manner, with a motion sufficiently rapid, you will perceive a circle of fire. It is evident that this appearance arises merely from the vibration impressed on the fibres of the retina not being obliterated, when the image of the fiery end of the stick again passes over the same fibres; and there- fore, though it is probable that there is only one point of light on the retina, you every moment receive the same sensation as if the luminous point left a continued trace. But it has been found, by calculating the velocity of a luminous body put in motion, that when it makes its revolution in more than 8 thirds, the string of fire is inter- rupted; and hence there is reason to conclude, that the impression made on the fibre continues during that interval of time. Butit may be asked whether this time is the - same for every kind of light, whatever be its intensity ? We do not think it is; for a brighter light must excite a livelier and more durable impression. This affection of the eye has been used by Dr. Paris in constructing a toy called the Thaumatrope. It is shewn in Fig. 67., where 4 B is a circle cut out of card, and having two strings c D, fixed to it, by twisting which with the finger and thumb of each hand it may be twirled round rather rapidly. On one side of the cord a charioteer in the attitude of driving,—so that when the cord is twisted round, the charioteer is seen driving the chariot as in the figure,—in consequence of the dura- tion of the impressions of sight on the retina, we see at once what is drawn on both sides of the card. there is drawn any object, as a chariot, and on the other | MICROSCOPICAL OBSERVATIONS. 345 SUPPLEMENT, CONTAINING A SHORT ACCOUNT OF THE MOST CURIOUS MICROSCOPICAL OBSERVATIONS. PwHILOSOPHERS were no sooner in possession of the microscope, than they began to employ this wonderful instrument in examining the structure of bodies, which, in con- sequence of their minuteness, had before eluded their observation. There is scarcely an object in nature to which the microscope has not been applied ; and seve- ral have exhibited such a spectacle as no one could have ever imagined. What indeed could be more unexpected than the animals or molecule (for philosophers are not yet agreed in regard to their animality) which are seen swimming in vinegar, in the infusions of plants, and in the semen of animals? What can be more curious than the mechanism in the organs of the greater part of insects, and particularly those which in general escape our notice; such as the eyes, trunks, feelers, terebre or augres, &c.? What more worthy of admiration than the composition of the blood, the elements of which we are enabled to perceive by means of the microscope; the texture of the epidermis, the structure of the lichen, that of mouldiness, &c.? We shall here take a view of the principal of these phenomena, and give a short account of the most curious observations of this kind. I.—Of the Animals, or Pretended Animals, in Vinegar and the infusions of Plants. lst. Leave vinegar exposed for some days to the air, and then place a drop of it on the transparent object-plate of the microscope, whether single or compound: if the object-plate be illuminated from below, you will observe, in this drop of liquor, ani- mals resembling small eéls, which are in continual motion. On account of the circumvolutions which they make with their long, slender bodies, they may be justly compared to small serpents. But it would be wrong, as many simple people have done, to ascribe the acidity of vinegar to the action of these animalcules, whether real or supposed, on the tongue and the organs of taste; for vinegar deprived of them is equally acid, if not more so. These eels indeed, or serpents, are never seen but in vinegar which, having been for some time exposed to the air, is beginning to pass from acidity to putrefaction. 2d. If you infuse pepper, slightly bruised, in pure water for some days, and then expose a drop of it tothe microscope, you will behold small animals of another kind, almost without number. They are of a moderately oblong, elliptical form, and are seen in continual motion, going backwards and forwards in all directions ; turning aside when they meet each other, or when their passage is stopped by any immove- able mass. Some of them are observed sometimes to lengthen themselves, in order to pass through a narrow space. Certain authors of a lively imagination, it would appear, even pretend to have seen them copulate, and bring forth ; but this assertion we are not bound to believe. If other vegetable bodies be infused in water, you will see animalcules of a diffe- rent shape. In certain infusions they are of an oval form, with a small bill, and a long tail: in others they have a lengthened shape like lizards: in some they exhibit the appearance of certain caterpillars, or worms, armed with long bristles ; and some devour, or seem to devour, their companions. When the drop in which they swim about, and which to them is like a capacious basin, becomes diminished by the effect of evaporation, they gradually retire towards the middle, where they accumulate themselves, and at length perish, when entirely deprived of moisture. They then appear to be in great distress ; writhe their bodies, and endeavour to escape from death, or that state of uneasiness which they experience. 346 OPTICS. In general, they have a strong aversion to saline or acid liquors. If asmall quantity of vitriolic acid be put into a drop of infusion which swarms with these insects, they immediately throw themselves on their backs and expire; sometimes losing their skin, which bursts, and suffers to escape a quantity of small globules that may be often seen through their transparent skin. The case is the same if a little urine be thrown into the infusion. ; A question here naturally arises: ought these moveable molecule to be considered as animals? On this subject opinions are divided. Buffon thinks they are not ani- mals; and consigns them, as well as spermatic animals, to the class of certain bodies . which he ealls organic molecule. But what is meant by the expression organic mole- cule? As this question would require too long discussion, we must refer the reader to the Natural History of that learned and celebrated writer. Needham also contests the animality of these small bodies, that is to say perfect animality, which consists in feeding, increasing in size, multiplying, and being — endowed with spontaneous motion; but he allows them a sort of obscure vitality, and from all his observations he deduces consequences on which he has founded a very singular system. He is of opinion that vegetable matter tends to animalise — itself. As the eels produced in flour paste act a conspicuous part in the system of this naturalist, a celebrated writer has omitted no opportunity of ridiculing his ideas, by calling these animals the eels of the jesuit Needham, and representing him asa partisan of spontaneous generation, which has been justly exploded by.all the modern philosophers. But ridicule is not reasoning: we are so little acquainted with the boundaries between the vegetable and animal kingdoms, that it would be presuming ~ too much to fixthem, But if must be allowed that Needham’s ideas on this subject are so obscure, that in our opinion few have been able to comprehend them. Other naturalists and observers assert the animality of these small beings: for they ask, by what can an animal be better. characterised. than spontaneity of motion ? But these molecule, when they meet each other in the course of their movements, retire backwards, not by the effect of a shock, as two elastic bodies would do; but the part which is generally foremost turns aside on the approach of the body that meets it: and sometimes both move a little from their direction, in order to avoid running against each other. They have never yet indeed been seen for certain to copulate, to produce eggs, or even to feed; but the last-mentioned function they — may perform, without any apparent act, like the greater part of the other animalcules. — The smallness and strange form of these molecule can afford no argument against their animality. That of the water_polypes is at present no longer doubted, though - their form is very extraordinary, and perhaps more so than that of the moving mole- cule of infusions. Why then should animality be refused to the latter ? It might however be replied, in opposition to this supposed similarity, that the polype is seen to increase in size, to regenerate itself, in a way indeed very different from that of the generality of animals, and in particular to feed. The pretended microscopic animals do nothing of the kind, and consequently ought not to be ranked in the same class. But it must be allowed that this subject is still involved in very great obscurity; and therefore prudence requires that we should suspend our opinion respecting it. I1.—Of Spermatic Animals. Of the microscopic discoveries of the last century, none has made a greater noise than that of the moving molecule observed in the semen of animals, and which are called Spermatic animalcules. This singular discovery was first made and announced by the celebrated Lewenhoek, who observed in the human semen a multitude of — small bodies, most of them with very long slender tails, and in continual motion. In size they were much less than the smallest grain of sand, and even so minute in — . + i 7 some seminal liquors, that a hundred thousand, and even a million of them, were not equal to a poppy seed. By another calculation, Lewenhoek has shewn that in the milt of a cod-fish there are more animals of this species than human beings on the whole surface of the earth. Lewenhoek examined also the prolific liquor of a great many animals, both quadrupeds and birds, and that even of some insects. In all these he observed nearly the same phenomenon ; ; and these researches, since repeated by many other observers, have given rise to a system in regard to generation, which it is pee here to explain. ‘No one however has made more careful, or more correct, observations on this subject than Buffon ; and for this reason we shall give.a short view of them. | This celebrated naturalist, having procured a considerable quantity of semen, extracted from the seminal vessels of a man who had perished by a violent death, observed in it, when viewed through an excellent microscope, longish filaments, which _had akind of vibratory motion, and which appeared to contain in the inside small bodies. ‘The semen having assumed a little more fluidity, he saw these filaments swell up in some points, and oblong elliptical bodies issue from them; a part of which remained at first attached to the filaments by a very slender long tail. Some time after, when the semen had acquired a still greater degree of fluidity, the filaments disappeared, and nothing remained in the liquor but these oval bodies with tails, by the extremity of which they seemed attached to the fluid, and on which they balanced themselves like a pendulum, having however a progressive motion, though slow, and as it were embarrassed by the adhesion of their tails to the fluid; they exhibited also a sort of heaving motion, which seems to prove that they had nota flat base, but that their transverse section was nearly round. In about twelve or fifteen hours after, the liquor having acquired a still greater degree of fluidity, the small moving molecule had lost their tails, and appeared as elliptic bodies, moving with great vivacity. In short, as the matter became attenuated in a greater degree, they divided themselves more and more, so as at length to disappear; or they were precipitated to the bottom of the liquor, and seemed to lose their vitality. Buffon, while viewing these moving molecule, once happened to see them file off like a regiment, seven by seven, or eight by eight, proceeding always in very close bodies towards the same side. Having endeavoured to discover the cause of this appearance, he found that they all proceeded from a mass of filaments accumulated in one corner of the spermatic drop, and which resolved itself suc- — eessively in this manner into small elongated globules, all without tails. This cir- cumstance reminds us of the singular idea of a naturalist, who observing a similar phenomenon in the semen of a ram, thought he could there see the reason of the peculiar propensity which sheep have to follow each other, when they march together in a flock. Buffon examined, in like manner, the spermatic liquor of various other animals, _ such as the bull, the ram, &c., and always discovered the same molecule, which at - first had tails, and then gradually lost them as the liquor assumed more fluidity. Sometimes they seemed to have no tails, even on their first appearance and forma- tion. In this respect, Buffon’s observations differ from those of Lewenhoek, who _ always describes these animalcules as having tails, with which he says they seem to assist themselves in their movements; and he adds, that they are seen to twist themselves in different directions. Buffon’s observations differ also from those of the | Dutch naturalist in another respect, as the latter says that he never could discover any trace of these animalcules in the semen or liquor extracted from the ovaria of females; whereas Buffon saw the same moving molecule in that liquor, but not so often, and only under certain circumstances. It appears, from what has been said, that many. researches still remain to be made SPERMATIC ANIMALS. _ 347 348 OPTICS. in regard to the nature of these moving molecule; since two observers so celebrated” do not agree in all the circumstances of the same fact. Nothing of this kind is observed in the other animal fluids, such as the blood, lymph, milk, saliva, urine, gall, and chyle; which seems to indicate that these ani- malcules, or living molecule, act a part in generation. TII.—Of the Animals or Moving Molecule in spoiled corn. This is another microscopic observation, which may justly be considered as one of the most singular; for if we deduce from it all those consequences which some authors do, it exhibits an instance of a resurrection, repeated, as we may say, at pleasure. The disease of corn, which produces this phenomenon, is neither smut nor blight, as some authors, for want of a sufficient knowledge in regard to the specific differ- ences of the maladies of grain, have asserted, but what ought properly to be called abortion, or rachitis. If a grain of corn, in this state, be opened with caution, it will be found filled with a white substance, which readily divides itself into a multitude of small, white elongated bodies, like small eels, swelled up in the middle. While these molecule, for we must be allowed as yet to remain neuter in regard to their pretended animality, are in this state of dryness, they exhibit no signs of life; but if moistened with very pure water, they immediately put themselves in motion, and shew every mark of animality. If the fluid drop, in which they are placed, be suffered to dry, they lose their motion; but it may be restored to them at pleasure, even some months after their apparent death, by immersing them in water. Fon- tana, an Italian naturalist, does not hesitate to consider this phenomenon as a real resurrection. If this circumstance should be verified by repeated observations, and that also of the Peruvian serpent, which may be restored to life by plunging it in the mud, its natural element, several months after it has been suffered to dry at the end of a rope, our ideas respecting animality may be strangely changed. But we must confess that we give very little credit to the latter fact ; though Bouguer, who relates it on the authority of Father Gumilla, a Jesuit and a French surgeon, does not entirely disbelieve it. Some other observers, such as Roffredi, pretend to have distinguished, in these eel-formed molecule, the aperture of the mouth; that of the female parts of sex, &c. They assert also that they have perceived the motion of the young ones contained in the belly of the mother eel, and that having opened the body, the young were seen to disperse themselves all over the object-plate of the microscope. ‘These observations deserve to be further examined, as a con- firmation of them would throw great light on animality. Note.—It appears from the careful observation of Francis Bauer, Esq., that the molecules in question, the nature of whose existence so puzzled Montucla, are minute parasitical fungi of the genus wredo. See an interesting article on the subject in the Penny Magazine for March 31st, 1833, and continued in the No. for May 11th, 1823. IV.—On the Movements of the Tremella. The tremella is that gelatinous green plant, which forms itself in stagnant water, and which is known to naturalists by the name of conferva gelatinosa, omnium tener- rima et minima, aquarum limo innascens. It consists of a number of filaments inter- woven through each other, which when considered singly are composed of small parts, about aline in length, united by articulations. This natural production, when viewed with the naked eye, exhibits nothing re- markable or uncommon; but by means of microscopic observations, two very extra- ordinary properties have been discovered in it. One is the spontaneous motion with ae ‘ CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD, 349 which these filaments are endowed. Ifa single one, sufficiently moistened, be placed _on the object-plate of the microscope, its extremities are seen to rise and fall alter- nately, and to move sometimes to the right and sometimes to the left: at the same time, it twists itself in various directions, and without receiving any external impression. Sometimes, instead of appearing extended like a straight line, it forms itself into an oval or irregular curve. If two of them are placed side by side, they become twisted and twined together, and bya sort of imperceptible motion, the one from one side, and the other from the other. This motion has been estimated by Adansou to be about the 400th part of a line per minute. The other property of this plant is, that it dies and revives, as we may say, seve- yal times; for if several filaments, or a mass of tremella, be dried, it entirely loses the faculty above mentioned. It will remain several months in that state of death or sleep; but when immersed in the necessary moisture, it revives, recovers its power _of motion, and multiplies as usual. _ The Abbé Fontana, a celebrated observer of Parma, does not hesitate, in conse- quence of these facts, to class the tremella among the number of the Zoophytes; and to consider it as the link which connects the vegetable with the animal king- dom, or the animal with the vegetable; in a word, as an animal or a vegetable endowed with the singular property of being able to die and to revive alter- nately. But is this a real death, or only a kind of sleep, a suspension of all the -faculties in which the life of the plant consists? To auswer this question, it would be necessary to know exactly what is the nature cf death; a great deal might be said on this subject, were not such disquisitions foreign to the present work. V.—Of the Circulation of the Blood. Those who are desirous to observe the circulation of the blood by means of the microscope, may easily obtain that satisfaction. The objects employed chiefly for this purpose, are the delicate, transparent member which unites the toes of-the frog, and the tail of the tadpole. If this membrane be extended, and fixed on a piece of glass illuminated below, yeu will observe with great satisfaction the motion of the blood in the vessels with which it is interspersed: you will imagine that you see an archi- pelago of islands witha rapid current flowing between them. Take a tadpole, and having wrapped up its bodyin a piece of thin, moist cloth, place its tail on the object-plate of the microscope, and enlighten it below: you will then see very distinctly the circulation of the blood; which in certain vessels pro- ceeds by a kind of undulations, and in others with an uniform motion. The former are the arteries, in which the blood moves in consequence of the alternate pulsation of the heart ; the latter are the veins. The circulation of the blood may be seen also in the legs and tails of shrimps, by putting these fish into water with a little salt; but their blood isnot red. The wings of the locust are also proper for this purpose: in these the observer will see, not without satisfaction, the green globules of their blood carried away by the serosity in which they float. The transparent legs of small spiders, and those of small bugs, will also afford the means of observing the circulation of their blood. The latter exhibit an extraordinary vibration of the vessels, which Mr. Baker says he never saw any where else. But the most curious of all the spectacles ot this kind, is that exhibited by the | mesentery of a living frog, applied in particular to the solar microscope, which Mr. _ Baker tells us he did incompany with Dr. Alexander Stuard, physician to the queen. . _ It is impossible to express, says he, the wonderful scene which presented itself to our eyes. We saw at the same moment the blood, which flowed in a prodigious number _ of vessels, moving insome to one side, and in others to the opposite side. Several of _ these vessels were magnified to the size of an inch diameter; and the globules of 350 | OPTICS. blood seemed almost as large as grains of pepper, while in some of the vessels, which were much smaller, they could pass only one by one, and were obliged to change their figure into that of an oblong spheroid. VI.— Composition of the Blood. With the end of a quill, ora very soft brush, take upa small drop of blood just drawn from a vein, and spread it as thin as possible over a bit of tale. If you then apply to your microscope one of the strongest magnifiers, you will distinctly see its globules. By these means it has been found, that the red globules of the human blood are each composed of six smaller globules, united together; and that when disunited by any cause whatever, they are no longer of ared colour. Thesered globules are so exceedingly minute, that their diameter is only the 160th part cf a line, so that a sphere of a line in diameter would contain 4096000 of them. VII.—Of the Skin ; its Pores, and Scales. If you cut off a small bit of the epidermis by means of a very sharp razor, and place it on the object-plate of the microscope; you will see it covered with a mul- titude of small scales, so exceedingly minute, that, according to Lewenhoek, a graia of sand would cover two hundred of them; that is to say, in the diameter of a grain -of sand there are 14 or 15. These scales are arranged like those on the back of fishes, or like the tiles of a house; that is, each covering the other. If you are desirous of viewing their form with more convenience, scrape the epi- dermis with a pen-knife, and put the dust obtained by these means into a drop of water: you will then cbserve that these scales, in general, have five planes, and that each consists of several strata. Below these scales are the pofes of the epidermis which when the former are re- moved may be distinctly perceived, like smali holes pierced with an exceedingly fine needle. Lewenhoek counted 120 in the length of a line; so that a line square, 10 of which form an inch, would contain 14400; consequently a square foot would contain 144000000; and as the surface of the human body may be estimated at 14 square feet, it must contain 2016 millions. Each of these pores corresponds in the skin to an excretory tones the edge of which is lined with the epidermis. When the epidermis has been detached from ‘the skin, these internal prolongations of the epidermis may be observed in the same manner as we see, in the reverse of a piece of paper, pierced with a blunt needle, the rough edge formed by the surface, which has been torn and turned inwards. The pores of the skin are more particularly remarkable in the hands and the feet. If you wash your hands well with soap, and look at the palm with a common mag- nifier, you will see a multitude of furrows, between which the pores are situated. If the body be in a state of perspiration at the time, you will see issuing from these pores a small drop of liquor, which gives to each the appearance of a fountain. VIII.—Of the Hair of Animals. The hairs of animals, seen through the microscope, appear to be organized bodies, like the other parts; and, by the variety of their texture and conformation, they — afford much subject of agreeable observation. In general, they appear to be eom-— posed of long, slender,hollow tubes, or of several small hairs covered with a common bark ; others, such as those of the Indian deer, are hollow quite through. . The bristles of a cat’s whiskers, when cut transversely, exhibit the appearance of a me- dullary part, which occupies the middle, like the pith ina twig of the elder-tree. Those of the hedge-hog contain a real marrow, which is whitish, and formed of radii. re " | | Bg 7 EYES OF INSECTS.—MITES IN CHEESE. 351 As yet however we are not perfectly certain in regard to the organization of the human hair. Some observers, seeing a white line in the middle, have concluded that it is a vessel which conveys the nutritive juice to the extremity. Others contest this observation, and maintain that it is merely an optical illusion, produced by the covexity of the hair. It appears however that some vessel must be extended length- wise in the hair, if it be true that blood has been seen to issue at the extremity of the hair cut from persons attacked with that disease called the Plica Polonica. But quere, is this observation certain ? IX.—Singularities in regard to the Eyes of most Insects. The greater part of insects have not moveable eyes, which they can cover with eye-lids at pleasure, like other animals. These organs, in the former, are absolutely immoveable; and as they are deprived of that useful covering assigned to others for defending them, nature has supplied this deficiency by forming them of a kind of corneous substance, proper for resisting the shocks to which they might be exposed. But it is not in this that the great singularity of the eyes of insects consists. We discover by the microscope that these eyes are themselves divided into a prodigious multitude of others much smaller. If we take a common fly, for example, and examine its eyes by the microscope, we shall find that it has on each side of its head a large excrescence, like a flattened hemisphere. This may be perceived without a microscope ; but by means of this instrument these hemispheric excrescences will be seen divided into a great number of rhomboids, having in the middle a lenticular con- vexity, which performs the part of the crystalline humour. Hodierna counted more than 3000 of these rhomboids on one of the eyes of a common fly; M. Puget reckoned 8000 on each eye of another kind of fly, so that there are some of these insects which have 16000 eyes; and there are some which even have a much greater num- ber ; for Lewenhoek counted 14000 on each eye of another insect. These eyes however are not all disposed in the same manner: the dragon fly, for example, besides the two hemispherical excrescences on the sides, has between these two other eminences, the upper and convex surface of which is furnished with a multitude of eyes, directed towards the heavens. The same insect has three also in front, in the form of an obtuse and rounded cone. The case is the same with the fly, but its eyes are less elevated. It is an agreeable spectacle, says Lewenhoek, to consider this multitude of eyes in insects ; for if the observer is placed in a certain manner, the neighbouring objects appear painted on these spherical eminences of a diameter exceedingly small, and by © means of the microscope they are seen multiplied, almost as many times as there are eyes, and in such a distinct manner as never can be attained to by art. A great many more observations might be made in regard to the organs of insects, and their wonderful variety and conformation, but these we shall reserve for another place. X.—Of the Mites in Cheese, and other Insects of the same kind. If you place on the object-plate of the microscope some of the dust which is formed ~ on the rind and other neighbouring parts of old cheese, it will be seen to swarm with a multitude of small transparent animals, of an oval figure, terminating in a point, and in the form of a snout. These insects are furnished with eight scaly, articulated legs, by means of which they move themselves heavily along, rolling from one side to the other; their head is terminated by an obtuse body in the form of a truncated cone, where the organ through which they feed is apparently situated. Their bodies, particularly the lateral parts, are covered with several long sharp-pointed hairs, and the anus, bordered with hair, is seen in the lower part of the belly. 352 OPTICS. There are mites of another kind which have only six legs, and which consequently are of a different species. Others are of a vagabond nature, as the observer calls them, and are found in all places where there are matters proper for their nourishment. This animal is extremely vivacious ; for Lewenhoek says that some of them, which he had attached to a pin before his microscope, lived in that manner eleven weeks. XI.—Of the Louse and Flea. Both these animals are exceedingly disagreeable, particularly the latter, and do not seem proper for being the subject of microscopic observation; but to the philosopher no object in nature is disagreeable, because deformity is merely relative, and the most hideous animal often exhibits singularities, which serve to make us better acquainted with the infinite variety of the works of the Creator. ; If you make a louse fast for a couple of days, and then place it on your hand, you will see it soon attach itself to it, and plunge its trunk into the skin. If viewed in this state by means of a microscope, you will sée, through its skin, your blood flowing under the form of a small stream, into its ventricle, or the vessel that supplies its place, and thence distributing itself to the other parts, which will become dis- tended by it. This animal is one of the most hideous in nature: its head is triangular, and ter- minates in a sharp point, to which is united its proboscis or sucker. On each side of the head, and ata small distance from its anterior point, are placed two large an- tenne, covered with hair; and behind these, towards the two other obtuse angles of the triangle, are the animal’s two eyes. The head is united by a short neck to the corslet, which has six legs furnished with hair at the articulations, and with two hooks each at the extremity. -The lower part of the belly is almost transparent, and on the sides has a kind of tubercles, the last of which are furnished with two hooks, Dr. Hook, in his ‘‘ Micrographia,” has given the figure of one of these animals, about half a foot in length. ‘Those who see the representation of this insect will not be surprised at the itching on the skin which it occasions to persons, who in consequence of dirtiness are infested with it. The flea has a great resemblance to the shrimp, as its back is arched in the same manner as the back of that animal.’ It is covered as it were with a coat of mail, consisting of large scales laid over each other; the hind part is round, and very large in regard to the rest of the body; its head is covered by a single scale, and at the extremity has a kind of three terebra, by means of which the insect sucks the blood of animals. Six legs, with thighs exceedingly thick, and of which the first pair are remarkably long, enable it to perform all its movements. The great size of the thighs is destined, no doubt, to contain the powerful muscles which are necessary to carry the insect to a height or distance equal to several hundred times its length. Being destined to make such large leaps, it was also necessary that it should be strongly secured against falls to which it might be exposed, and nature has made ample provision against accidents of this kind, by supplying it with scaly armour. Figures: of the flea and louse, highly magnified, will be found in the works of Hook and Joblot. XII.—Mouldiness. Nothing can be more curious than the appearance exhibited by mouldiness, when viewed through the microscope. When seen by the naked eye, one is almost induced to consider it as an irregular tissue of filaments ; but the microscope shews that it is nothing else than a small forest of plants, which derive their nourishment from the moist substance, tending towards decomposition, which serves them as a base. The stems of these plants may be plainly distinguished; and sometimes their buds, LYCOPERDON.—FARINA OF FLOWERS.—LEAVES OF PLANTS, 353 some shut and others open. Baron de Munchausen has even done more: when carefully examining these small plants, he observed that they had a great similarity to mushrooms. They are nothing, therefore, but microscopic mushrooms, the tops of which, when they come to maturity, emit an exceedingly fine kind of dust, which is their seed. It is well known that mushrooms spring up in the course of one night ; but those of which we here speak, being more rapid, almost in the inverse ratio of _their size, grow up in a few hours. Hence the extraordinary progress which moul- _ diness makes in a very short time. Another very curious observation of the same kind, made by M. Ahlefeld of Giessen, is as follows: Having seen some stones covered with a sort of dust, he had the curiosity to examine it with a microscope, and found, to his great astonishment, that it consisted of small microscopic mushrooms, raised on very short pedicles, the heads of which, round in the middle, were turned up at the edges. They were striated also from the centre to the circumference, as certain kinds of mushrooms -are. He remarked likewise that they contained, above their upper covering, a mul- _ titude of small grains, shaped like cherries, somewhat flattened; which in all proba- bility were the seeds. In the last place, he observed, in this forest of mushrooms, several small red insects, which no doubt fed upon them, (See Act. Leips. for the year 1739.) XIII.—Dust of the Lycoperdon. The lycoperdon, or puff-ball, is a plant of the fungus kind, which grows in the form of a tubercle, covered with small grains like shagreen. If pressed with the foot, it bursts, and emits an exceedingly fine kind of dust, which flies off under the appearance of smoke; but commonly a pretty large quantity remains in the half opened cavity of the. plant. If some of this dust be placed on the object-plate of the microscope, it appears to consist of perfectly round globules, of an orange colour, the diameter of which is only about the 50th part of a hair; so that each grain of this dust is but the 125000th part of a globule equal in diameter to the breadth of a hair. Some lycoperdons contain browner spherules, attached to a small pedicle. This dust no doubtis the seed of this anomalous plant. XIV.—Of the Farina of Flowers. It is not long since the utility of this farina in the vegetable economy was known. Betore this discovery, it was thought to be nothing else than the excrement of the juices of the flower; but it is shewn by the microscope that this dust is regularly and uniformly organised in each kind of plant. In the mallow, for example, each grain is an opake ball, entirely covered with points. The farina of the tulip, and of most of the lily kind of flowers, has a resemblance to the seeds of cucumbers and melons. That of the poppy resembles a grain of barley, with a longitudinal groove in it. But weare taught by observation still more; for itis found that this dust or farina is only a capsule, which contains another far more minute; and it is the latter which is the real fecundating dust of plants. XV.—Of the apparent holes in the Leaves of some Plants. There are certain plants, the leaves of which appear to be pierced with a multitude | of small holes. Of this kind, in particular, is that called by the botanists hypericum, and by the vulgar St. John’s wort. But if a fragment of one of these leaves be viewed through a microscope, the supposed holes are found to be vesicles, contained in the thickness of the leaf, and covered with an exceedingly thin membrane: in a word, they are the receptacles which contain the essential and aromatic oil peculiar to that plant. rt 2A 354 OPTICS. XVIL—Of the Down of Plants. : i ; The spectacle exhibited by those plants which have down, such as borage, nettles, | &c., is exceedingly curious.. When viewed through the microscope, they appear to be so covered with spikes as to excite horror. Those of borage are for the most part | bent so as to form an elbow ; and, though really very close, they appear by the mi-, eroscope to be at a considerable distance from each other. Persons who are not: previously told what substance they are looking at, will almost be induced to be. | lieve that they see the skin of a porcupine. XVII.---Of the Sparks struck from a piece of Steel by means of a Flint. If sparks struck from a piece of steel by a flint be made to fall on a leaf of paper, they will be found, for the most part, to be globules, formed of small particles of stee], detached by the shock, and fused by the friction. Dr. Hook observed some | which were perfectly smooth, and reflected with vivacity the image of a neighbour- ing window. When in this state, they are susceptible of being attracted by the magnet; but very often they are reduced by the fusion to a kind of scoria, and in that case the magnet has no power over them. The cause of this we shall explain hereafter. This fusion will excite no surprise, when it is known that the bodies most difficult to be liquefied need only, for that purpose, to be copneas to very minute particles. XVIII.— Of the Asperities of certain bodies, which appear to be exceedingly sharp and highly polished. If a needle, apparently very sharp, be viewed through the microscope, it will seem to have a very blunt, irregular point, much resembling that of a peg broken at the end, The case is the same with the edge of the best set razor. When viewed through the microscope, it will appear like the back of a penknife, and at certain distances exhibit indentations like the teeth of a saw, but irregular. If a piece of the highest polished glass be exposed to the microscope, you will be much astonished at its appearance: it will be seen furrowed, and filled with asperi- ties, which reflect the light in anirregular manner, making it assume different colours. The case is the same with the best polished steel. Art, in this respect, is far inferior to nature; for if works which have been made and polished, as we may say, by the latter, are exposed to the microscope, instead of losing their polish, they appear with greater lustre. When the eyes of a fly, if illu- minated by means of a lamp or taper, are viewed through this instrument, each of them exhibits an image of the taper with a precision and vivacity which. nothing can equal. XIX.—O/f Sand seen through the Microscope. It is well known that there are some kinds of sand calcareous, and others vitrifiable. The former, seen through the microscope, resembles in a great measure large irregular fragments of rock. The most curious spectacle however is exhibited by the vitreous — kind: when it consists of rolled sand, it appears like so many rough diamonds, and sometimes like polished ones. One kind of sand, when seen through the micro- | scope, appears to be an assémblage of diamonds, rubies, and emeralds: another pre- sents the embryos of shells, exceedingly small. XX.—Of the Pores of Charcoal. Dr. Hook had the curiosity to examine with a microscope the texture of charcoal, which he found to be filled with pores regularly arranged, and passing through its whole length: hence it appears that there is no charcoal into which the air does not are | LINES IN THE PRISMATIC SPECTRUM. . 355 introduce itself. This observer, in the 18th part of an inch, counted 150 of these pores; from which it follows, that in a piece of charcoal, an inch in diameter, there are about 5720000. On this subject we have been obliged, agreeably to our plan, to be exceedingly brief; but, to supply this deficiency, we shall here point out the principal works which contain micrographic observations, and the authors who have particularly applied themselves to this kind of study. The first we shall mention is Father Bonnani, a Jesuit, author of a book entitled ‘‘ Ricreazione dell’ochio é della mente,” part of which is entirely devoted to this subject. The celebrated Lewenhoek spent almost the whole of his life in the same occupation, and published the observations he made in his ‘‘ Arcana Nature.” A great many observations of this kind may be found scattered here and there throughout all the Journals and Memoirs of learned Societies. But few have made so many researches on this subject as M. Joblot, author of a quarto volume, entitled “ Description et usages de plusieurs nouveaux Microscopes, &c., avec de nouveaux observations sur un multitude innombrable dinsectes, &¢c., qui naissent dans les liqueurs, &c. Paris, 1716.’’ He infused in water a great number of different substances, and caused the small animals produced by these infusions to be engraved: to the greater part of them he has even given names, derived from their resemblance to known bodies, or from other circumstances. But we must refer the reader to the work itself, which was republished in 1754, considerably enlarged, under this title: ‘‘ Observations d’Histoire Naturelle, faites avec le Microscope sur un grand nombre d’Insectes, et sur les Animalcules qui se trouvent dans les liqueurs preparées et non preparées, &c.,”’ 4to, with a great number of plates. Needham, in the year 1750, published his work, called ‘“‘ New Micro- scopical Observations.” Buffon’s observations on spermatic molecule may be seen in his work on Natural History. We have also Baker’s works, entitled ‘‘ The . Microscope made Easy, and Employment for the Microscope.” The first part con- tains a description of the apparatus and the method of using different kinds of mi- croscopes, and the second a very long detail of microscopical observations made on va- rious natural objects. This work was attended with great success, and is exceedingly instructive. The Abbé Spallanzani caused his microscopical observations, in which _ he several times contradicts Needham, to be printed in Italian ; a French translation, entitled ‘‘ Nouvelles Observations Microscopiques,” was published, in octavo, at Paris, in 1769, with notes by the above philosopher. If to these be added various Memoirs by Fontana, Roffredi, Spallanzani, &c., published in the ‘* Journal de Physique,” we shall have enumerated all the writings, or at least the principal ones, which have hitherto appeared on this subject. We shall add to the preceding problems on Optics in Montucla’s work, a brief _ summary of the modern discoveries in this branch of science. Fired Lines in the Prismatic Spectrum. By viewing through a telescope the spectrum formed from a narrow beam of solar light by a fine prism of flint glass, Fraunhofer of Munich discovered that the spec- _ trum was covered throughout by dark lines of different widths, perpendicular to the direction of the length of the spectrum, none of the lines coinciding with the _ boundary of any of the coloured spaces. There are not less than 600 of these lines. Several of them are sensibly broader than the others, and may be discovered with | comparative ease. One is near the outer end of the red space; a broad and dark DA IN He 356 OPTICS. one is near the middle of the red, a strong double line is in the middle of the orange, one in the green consists of several lines, a very strong one is in the blwe, one in the indigo, and one in the violet. Similar bands are seen in the light of the planets, fixed stars, the electric spars and coloured flowers, but they are not found in the spectrum formed by the light ofa lamp; but in the orange portion of the lamp- light spectrum, there is a line brighter than the rest of the spectrum. ) On the Heating Power of the Spectrum. Dr. Herschel found by experiments that the heating power of the spectrum gra- dually increased from the violet to the red extremity, and that the thermometer continued to rise beyond the red end, where no light whatever could be perceived, Hence he drew the conclusion that there are invisible rays in the light of the sun, which produce heat, and which have a less refrangibility than red light. Mr. Seebeck however, who has recently experimented on the subject, shews that the place of maximum heat in the spectrum varies with the substance of which the prism is made. Thus with water the maximum of heat was in the yellow portion of the spectrum; with sulphuric acid, it was in the orange; with crown glass, in the middle of the red ; and with flint glass, (the material which Herschel used) beyond the red. On the Chemical Influence of the Spectrum. It has long been known that lunar caustic becomes black when exposed to the light, and very speedily so when exposed to the light of the sun. When exposed to the light of the spectruin, it is found to become very soon black beyond the violet extremity, less readily so in the violet, and so on towards the red end; and when a little blackened by exposure near the violet end, its colour is partially restored by exposure in the red rays. On the Magnetizing power of the Solar Rays. Some years ago Dr. Morichini announced that by collecting the violet rays in the focus of a convex lens, and carrying the focus from the middle of one half of a needle to the extremities of that half, and continuing the operation for an hour, the needle acquired perfect polarity. ‘The experiment was repeated sometimes with, and some- times without, success, by various scientific persons; but the truth of the fact an- nounced has recently been put beyond dispute by some experiments made by our distinguished countrywoman, Mrs. Somerville. Having covered with paper one half of a sewing needle, quite devoid of magnetism, Mrs. 8. exposed the uncovered half to the violet rays, and in about two hours the needle had become decidedly magnetized, the exposed end exhibiting north polarity. The indigo rays magnetized a needle with nearly the same facility as the blue ones; and the blue and green produced also a small analogous effect, but the other rays pro- duced no sensible effect whatever. When the rays were concentrated by means of a lens the effect was produced more speedily ; and what is very remarkable, the magnetic effect was produced by exposing the needle half covered with paper to the sun’s rays transmitted through green glass, or through glass coloured b/ue with cobalt. The light transmitted through a blue or green riband produced the same effect, and when the needles thus covered had hung a day or two in the sun’s rays, behind a pane of glass, their exposed ends were north poles, as when the effect was produced by the rays of the spectrum, These peculiar properties ot light have acquired increased importance from the singular and most wonderful application that has been recently made of 7 ies $ ’ PHOTOGENIC DRAWING. 307 some of them to taking drawings and views of matchless accuracy, and of delicacy beyond the reach of all human art. _ About twelve months ago it was announced that M. Daguerre, well known for the beautiful and interesting dioramie pictures executed by him, and exhibited in most of the principal cities of Europe, had discovered a mode of fixing the images formed in the Camera Obscura and of producing pictures which exceeded in delicacy any thing ~ that had ever before been seen. On this announcement reaching England, Mr. Fox Talbot immediately laid before the Royal Society an account of a method which he had practised for some years, and which it was thought might possibly be the same in substance as the process discovered by the ingenious Frenchman. A comparison of the results shewed, how- ‘ever, that the processes of M. Daguerre and Mr. Talbot were by no means identical. Both methods, indeed, gave permanent pictures from images formed in the Camera; ‘but Mr. Talbot’s pictures had dark shades where light colours were in the foe ‘copied, and lights where in nature the colours were dark. On the contrary, i ‘Daguerre’s pictures, light colours were represented. by light shades, and dark ae ‘by dark shades ; and the gradations of the shades—the translation, soto speak, from ‘colour in nature to shade in the picture, exhibited a degree of perfection utterly un- ‘attainable byart. Still, however, the process of Mr. Talbot has its ewn useful and independent application in cases where that of M. Daguerre, admirable as it is, does not apply at all. We shall give such an account of both processes as, we trust, will enable an attentive reader to practise either with success ; beginning with | ‘S } | | PHOTOGENIC DRAWING. Having pasted a bottle carefully over with paper, dissolve in it a quantity of nitrate of silver, (lunar caustic) in distilled water, putting one drachm of the nitrate to four table spoonfuls of water; and taking care that neither the nitrate in its solid state, nor the solution, is exposed to the light of day. Put the bottle away in a dark closet for use. Fill another bottle with a saturated solution of common salt and water; it is not necessary that the water should be distilled. ‘Take a sheet of stout writing paper, such as Bath post, dip it in a solution composed of from ten to twenty parts of pure water to one of the saturated sclution of salt. Press the wetted paper ' between sheets of blotting paper, and then dry it at the fire. Ina room from which day-light is carefully excluded, wash over one side of the paper twice with the solution of nitrate of silver, using for the purpose a large camel’s hair pencil, and dry the paper after each washing. The paper may now in general be considered as prepared, and it will be found sufficiently sensitive for making photogenic pictures by the direct action of the sun’s jrays. Butif it is intended for taking pictures by meansof reflected light, as in the Camera Obscura, it will be necessary to go over the whcle process of preparation again; dipping in the salt and water, drying,—washing with the solution of nitrate of silver, and drying again. By proceeding in this way, the sensibility of the paper ‘may be increased almost indefinitely: but it is very difficult fo fix images on paper | of extreme sensibility, as the darkening processis apt to proceed, whatever process may beadopted for checking it. Having prepared paper of the requisite sensibility for the object in view, we shall _ suppose that it is desired to have on the paper a representation of some subject, _as shewn in the Camera Obscura. | Having fixed upon the point of view, draw out the slider of the Camera till a _ distinct image of the object in view is obtained in the focus, or a piece of common paper. Then, inaroom from which day-light is shut out, replace the piece of com- /mon paper in the Camera with a piece of prepared, highly sensitive photogenic paper (the object glass being covered) ; and shut down the posterior flap of the Aaa ahi ee Sa ile Pon ee he > as P ek 358 OPTICS. Camera ; and removing the instrument to the selected point of view, take off the cover — of the object-glass, and allow the image of the object which it is desired to have — represented to be formed on the photogenic paper. If the day is bright, a distinct | image of the object will be found imprinted on the paper in from 15 to 30 minutes, Then, the cover being put again upon the object-glass, remove the Camera with the — paper initto the dark chamber ; and, withdrawing the picture, immerse it immediately | in cold water for 15 or 20 minutes. It may beadvisable to change the water occasionally, to wash out as much as possible of the nitrate of silver remaining un- changed on the paper. Dry the paper at the fire, and make a solution of one table — spoonful of the saturated solution of salt and water, and three or four spoonfuls of pure water,—adding the bulk of two pins’ heads of iodide of potassium. Soak the paper in the solution, and dry it at the fire, and in all ordinary cases the image will be found to be fixed, being altogether insensible to the further action of light. To make an accurate Drawing of any object, by means of Solar Light. Take a piece of prepared paper large enough for the object in view, and in a darkened room place the object on the side of the paper which has been washed with the nitrate of silver, and place over the object a piece of good window glass. It may be well to place the paper on a book, and to keep the object in accurate contact with the paper, by pressure on the edge of the glass ; for absolute contrast is essential to the perfection of the picture. ‘The arrangements may be more conveniently made by means of a small drawing board, with a cushioned back-board to lay the paper and the object upon, and a pane of glass adapted to the board to lay upon the object; and the whole can be fastened into the frame by the cross-sticks at the back of the cushioned board, as the paper is fastened into the frame for drawing. Let the object under the glass be suddenly placed in the direct rays of the sun, and in a few minutes a perfect image of it will be formed on the paper ; the parts of the paper uncovered will be black, or nearly so; those parts of the object through which the solar rays pass most freely will be darkest in the picture, and such parts - as totally exclude the rays of light will be white; the other parts of different degrees of shade, depending on the transparency of different parts of the object. It may be stated, generally, withrespect to colour, that lights in the object give darks in the picture, and vice versa. If the picture be fired as directed above, zt may be used, as the object was, to pro- duce another picture in which lights, shades, and direction will be again reversed; but this second picture, is always less distinct than the first one, because all the im- perfections of the paper through which the rays penetrate to the prepared paper be- neath, are represented in the transferred picture. Copies of engravings may be taken in the same way, by laying the face of the engraving on the prepared side of the photogenic paper; but here again both lights, shadows, and ‘positions will be re- versed, and the want of uniformity in the texture of the paper on which the engraving is made will impair the distinctness of the photogenic copy; and if this copy be fixed and used to obtain a reverse, the indistinctness in the reverse will be still further increased from the same cause. But both the copies from the original, and the transfer from the copy, are often very beautiful. Feathers, finely veined leaves, and many grasses, form very interesting photogenic pictures ; and the use of the art in preserving pictures, fac-similes of rare and delicate plants, &c., is very obvious. A pleasing application of the art, to persons who draw with confidence and taste, and are desirous of multiplying copies of their sketches, may be called Photogenic Etching. Smoke one side of a piece of window glass over the flame of a candle, and DAGUERREOTYPE. 359 with a pointed implement make a drawing of any object on the smoked side of the lass. 4 Lay the clean side of this glass on a piece of prepared paper, and expose the drawing for a short time to the sun, when a perfect copy of the drawing will be imprinted on the paper, the part hid from the sun by the soot being the white ground of the copy. This smoked glass, with the drawing upon it, may be used to take any number of copies in succession; but the pictures, as they are taken, must be kept from the light till they are fixed. It may again be noticed, that any imperfection in the contact of the glass and the paper injures the distinctness of the impression. Many other applications of the process will readily suggest themselves to persons who may be inclined to practise it. We now proceed to give directions for producing pictures with the aid of the Ca- mera, by the more delicate process of M. Daguerre; availing ourselves chiefly of the official account published by the discoverer, in compliance with an agreement made — with the French government, which has settled an annuity of 6000 francs on M. Daguerre, and one of 4000 frances on his associate, M. Neipce, as a recompence for making the particulars of the discovery known for the benefit of the public at large. DAGUERREOTYPE. The pictures are formed on thin plates of the purest silver plated on copper ; the copper being of sufficient thickness to maintain perfect smoothness and flatness in the silver plate; but the thickness of both ought not to exceed that of a stout eard, and the size of the plate will depend on that of the Camera. Powder the surface of the plate with the finest pumice stone; then laying the plate on several folds of paper, take some cotton dipped in a little olive oil, rub the plate gently, rounding the strokes. The pumice stone and cotton must be changed ~ several times. When the plate is well polished, it must be cleaned by powdering it over again with pumice stone, rounding and crossing the strokes to obtain a flat ' surface. Roll up a little pledget of cotton, and moisten it with a diluted solution-of nitric acid (one part of acid to eight of distilled water), applying the cotton to the mouth of the phial containing the solution, so that the centre of the cotton only may be _ slightly wetted; and with the pledget so moistened rab the surface of the plate equally. Change the cotton and rub on, rounding the strokes till the acid is per- fectly spread, and forms a thin film on the surface. Again powder with pumice, and clean with fresh cotton, rubbing as before, but very slightly. Put the plate with the silver side upwards in a wire frame, and to the copper side apply the flame of a spirit lamp, the flame playing upon and touching the copper as the lamp is carried round. Continuing this for about five minutes, a strong white _ coating will be formed on the surface of the silver. Withdraw the lamp, and cool the plate suddenly by placing it on a cold substance, as a marble table. When perfectly cooled, polish it again with dry pumice stone and cotton, repeated several times. Repeat the operations with the acid; and polishing afterwards with dry pumice stone and cotton thrice; taking care not to breathe upon the plate, or to touch it with the fingers, or even with the cotton on which the fingers have rested. Put the plate into a frame, and invert it, so that the silver face may be downward on the top of a box, at the bottom of which is a quantity of todine broken into small pieces, and contained in a little dish. Let the plate remain in this position, till the 360 OPTICS. | | : condensation of the vapour of the iodine has covered the surface with a fine coating of a yellow gold colour. The time for effecting this may vary from five minutes to balf an hour, according to the operation ; the operator examines from time to time how the process is proceeding. This process is conducted in a darkened apartment, and the examinations are made by a little light admitted sideways, not from the roof. Lifting the plate with the frame with both hands, and turning it up quickly, the operator sees at a glance the true colour of the coating; very little light sufficing for the purpose. If too pale, the plate is instantly replaced; if the gold tint is passed, the coating is useless, and the whole of the operations must be gone over de novo. Having previously adjusted the Camera to focus, place the plate in the Camera; and placing the Camera in front of the landscape, uncover the lens, and allow the light to form a picture of what is before the Camera on the coated surface of the silver; all light except that from the object glass being rigidly excluded. The lens of the Camera ought to be periscopie. The time which the plate must. remain in the Camera depends entirely on the intensity of the light of the objects whose image is to be depicted. At Paris it may vary from three to thirty minutes. When it is conceived that the plate has remained long enough, the Camera with the plate in it must be removed toa darkened chamber ;.the only light admissible being that of a taper. The plate removed, nothing whatever will be perceived upon its surface ; its ap- pearance is an absolute blank. Put it into a box, the face inclining forwards 45 degrees from the perpendicular ; and at the bottom of the box place a cup containing -mercury. Putting on the lid of the box, place a spirit lamp below the mercury, till it is raised to a temperature of 60° centrigrade. Withdraw the lamp immediately, and after continuing to rise some time, the thermometer, by which the heat of the mercury is measured, will begin to fall. When it falls to 45° centrigrade, withdraw the plate. A plate of glass is placed in this mercurialising box in front of the plate; so that by means of a feeble taper the operator can see the gradual development of the picture under the influence of the mercurial vapour. The impress of nature is on the plate when it is removed from the Camera, but it is invisible; and it is not till after several minutes’ exposure to the mercurial vapour that the faint traces of objects begin to appear. After the mercurialising process has been completed, the next object is to fix the image. Plunge the plate into a plate of common water, and withdraw it immediately, the surface merely requiring to be moistened. Then plunge it into a saturated solution of common salt; or, which is better, into a saturated solution of hyposulphate of soda, moving the plate about in the solution by means of a hook of copper wire. When the yellow colour is quite gone, lift up the plate with both hands, taking care not to touch the drawing; and plunge it again into a trough of pure water. Lay the plate immediately upon an inclined plane; pour over it, in a stream, hot but not boiling water, to carry off what may remain of the saline solution. If any drops of water remain on the drawing, they must be blown off; for by drying they would leave stains on the drawing. It remains only now to place the plate in a square of strong pasteboard, covered by a glass; and to frame the whole in wood; and if all the operations have been successfully conducted, a production will be the result which, with respect to deli- cacy and faithfulness, is unapproachable by any art previously known. ; * , ag q _ ai COLOURS OF PLATES.—GROOVED SURFACES. 361 On the Inflexion and Diffraction of Light. To observe the action of bodies on light passing near them, let a lens of short focus be fixed in a window shutter, anda beam of sun light be transmitted through the lens. This light will diverge from the focus of the lens and form a circular image of light on the opposite wall. The shadows of all bodies held in this light will be found to be surrounded with three coloured fringes. The first, reckoning from the shadow, will be, violet, indigo, pale blue, green, yellow, red. The second, blue, yellow, red ; and the third, pale blue, pale yellow, pale red. These fringes may be conveniently examined by means of a lens, and they present various interesting phenomena, according as the light is the direct solar ray, or the dif- ferent primitive portions of the spectrum; and even according to the shape of the aperture through which the light is admitted. Of the Colours of Thin Plates. The thinnest transparent film that can be generally met with will both reflect and transmit light which is white or colourless; but if the thickness be diminished to a very great degree, the reflected and transmitted light are both colvured. A soap bubble is a familiar and beautiful illustration of the colours produced by reflection and refraction from and through thin plates. The colours of the oxidated film on glass which has been long exposed to the weather, is another example; and if a piece of sealing wax be stuck toa plate of mica, and detached with a jerk, extremely thin filaments will adhere to the wax, and they will exhibit the most brilliant colours by reflected light. If we blow a soap bubble, and cover it with a clear glass to protect it from cur- rents of air; after it has grown thin by standing awhile, a great many concentric coloured rings will be observed round the top of it. As the bubble grows thinner the rings will dilate; the central spot will become in ‘succession white, bluish, and then black, after which from the extreme thinness of the black part, the bubble will burst. Of the Colours of Thick Plates. The colours of thick plates may be seen with a candle held before the eye, ten or twelve feet from a pane of crown glass in a window on which has been a fine deposition of moisture or of dust. But these colours may be seen to great advantage by means of two equally thick plates of glass placed near to and above each other, and nearly, but not quite, parallel. If a ray of condensed light, subtending about 2°, fall nearly perpendicularly on the upper plate, and the eye be placed behind the plate, several reflected images will be seen in a row, besides the direct one. The field will be seen crossed by numerous beautiful bands of colour; the central bands consist of blackish and whitish stripes, and the exterior of brilliant bands of red and green light; the direction of the bands being parallel to the common section of the inclined planes. On the Colours of Grooved Surfaces. It has long been known that the beautiful play of colours exhibited by mother of | pearl and some other substances is derived from their surfaces being covered with _ minute grooves; and the late ingenious Mr. Barton, of the Royal Mint, made a beau- tiful application of this property in the production of what he very appropriately called Jris ornaments. By means of a delicate machine he was enabled to cut, with a diamond or polished steel, parallel grooves at the distance of from the 2000th to the 362 OPTICS. 10000th part of an inch apart; and the light reflected from the finely grooved sur- face exhibited the most beautiful prismatic colours. ‘They were formed into buttons for dress coats for gentlemen, and into articles of ornament for ladies, arranged in patterns. In forming the buttons, patterns were cut in steel, which was afterwards har. dened and used as a die to stamp the impressions on buttons made of brass. In sun- light, gas-light, or even brilliant lamp or candle-light, the brilliancy of the colours of these ornaments was scarcely surpassed by the flashes of the diamond. Perhaps it was because these very beautiful articles were soon supplied at a cheap rate, that they have ceased to be much used in fashionable life; they are, however, very elegant; and, asa branch of Optics, the phenomena which they exhibit form a most interesting object of contemplation. On the Absorption of Light. All bodies absorb light. On the summits of high mountains, where light from celestial objects has to pass through a thinner stratum of air, a much greater number of stars are visible to the eye than onthe plains below; and through great depths of — matter objects become almost invisible. The absorptive power of air is finely dis- played in the colour of the morning and evening clouds; and that of water, in the red colour of even the meridian sun, when seen from a diving bell at a great depth in the sea. These appearances are caused by the absorption of one class of rays in passing _ through the air or the water, while the rest make their way, either directly or by reflection, to the eye. Charcoal, in its ordinary state, is the most absorbent of all bodies; but in some particular states of combination—in gas or in flame—as forming the essential © constituent of the diamond, it is very transparent. Metals are transparent in a state of solution; and silver and gold, when beaten very thin, transmit light, the former blue, the latter green.-: Some clouds absorb blue rays, and transmit red ; others absorb all rays in equal pro- portions, and exhibit the sun through them perfectly white. The image of the sun, as seen through diluted ink, is also quite white. The absorbing power of different bodies is variously modified by heat and other circumstances. Pure phosphorus, which is of a slightly yellow colour, transmits freely almost all the coloured rays. When melted, and gradually cooled, it absorbs all the colours of the spectrum at thicknesses at which it formerly transmitted them. On the Polarisation of Light. When light emitted from the sun or any self-luminous body, is reflected from the surface, or transmitted through the surface, of any homogeneous uncrystallized body, the reflected or transmitted light continues the same when we turn round the body ; so that the light falls upon it at the same angle, or the different sides of the rays from the same paper lie with reference to the angle of incidence. Such light is called com- mon light. But a kind of light has been discovered which exhibits different properties with respect to the angle of incidence, according as the reflecting or transmitting surface is presented to one side or another of the incident ray. Such light is called polarised light. Whenever this light is obtained it must have previously existed in the form of common light; from which it may be obtained hy reflection from the surface of tran- sparent and opake bodies, by transmission through plates or planes of uncrystallized bodies, or by transmission through bodies regularly crystallized, and possessing the property of double refraction. THE POLARISATION OF LIGHT. 363 Fig. 68. To explain the difference between common and EH; polarised light, let a (Fig. 68.), be a plate of glass | so placed at the end of atube mn, that aray of light incident at a, may be reflected along the axis of the tube mn. At the end of another smaller tube NP, which can turn round within mn, place a similar piece of glass capable of reflecting a ray a c,to the eye at 5. Let aray of light,.r a, fall upon the vertical plate of glass a, at an angle of 56°, and incline the plate a to the axis ac, so that the ray may be reflected along a c, and from c again at an angle of 56°tox. Then, when the first reflection is horizon- tal, and the second vertical, or when R A C is a horizontal plane, and ac Fa vertical one, the ray c £ will be so weak as to be scarcely visible. But if we turn the tube np within m N without moving a orm N, or altering the inclination of c to ac, the raycE will become stronger and stronger, till it has been turned round 90°, or that acE is in a horizontal plane as well as R ac, when the light of the beam c £ attains its maximum—continuing to turn the tube it will become fainter and fainter, till, after being turned 90° more, when the plane a CE is in the opposite vertical ck, it will again be invisible; at the next 90° the brightness of the ray will be at its maximum, and on completing the revolution it will vanish again. This experiment shews that when either the upper or the under side of the ray is nearest c, the plate is incapable of reflecting it; but that when the right or the left side is nearest the reflecting plate, the plate reflects the ray as if it were common light, and in intermediate positions, intermediate portions of light are reflected. The ray a Chas therefore properties different from common light, and we hence conclude that a ray of common light, as R a, reflected from glass at an angle of 56°, becomes polarized by the reflection. If the original beam R a has considerable intensity, the reflected pencil c £ does not wholly vanish, and the part remaining visible is coloured. This branch of Optics is fertile in striking phenomena ; but it is of such extent that we must, in this place, content ourselves with referring to works in which room has admitted its being treated in requisite detail. Dr. Brewster’s Volume in Lard- ner’s Cyclopedia, and the article Optics, apparently by the same author, in the Library of Useful Knowledge, may be consulted with advantage. 7 S| rt” ‘/ .« ae tee A ae eek a ee! Oe ee ee 4. | OS eee Are oe 364 ACOUSTICS, PART FIFTH. CONTAINING EVERY THING MOST CURIOUS IN REGARD TO ACOUSTICS AND MUSIC. Tur ancients seem to have considered sounds under no other point of view than that of Music; that is to say, as affecting the ear in an agreeable manner. It is even very doubtful whether they were acquainted with any thing more than melody, and whether they had any art similar to what we call composition. The moderns, however, by studying the philosophy of sounds, have made many discoveries in this department, so much neglected by the ancients; and hence has arisen a new science, distinguished by the name of Acoustics. Acoustics have for their object the nature of sounds, considered in general, both in a mathematical and a philosophical view. This science therefore comprebends music, which considers the ratios of sounds, so far as they are agreeable to the ear, either by their succession, which constitutes melody, or by their simultaneity, which forms harmony. We shall here give an _ account of every thing most curious and interesting in regard to this science. ARTICLE I. Definition of Sound ; how diffused and transmitted to our organs of hearing ; ex- periments on this subject ; different ways of producing Sound. Sound is nothing else but the vibration of the particles of air, occasioned either by some sudden agitation of a certain mass of the atmosphere violently compressed or expanded; or by the communication of the vibration of the minute parts of hard and elastic bodies. These are the two best known ways of producing sound. The explosion of a pistol, or any other kind of fire arms, produces a report or sound, because the air or. elastic fluid contained in the gunpowder, being suddenly dilated, compresses the external air with great violence: the latter, in consequence of its elasticity, re-acts on the surrounding atmosphere, and produces in its molecule an oscillatory motion, which occasions the sound, and which extends to a greater or less distance, according to the intensity of the cause that gave rise to it. To form a proper idea of this phenomenon, let us conceive a series of springs, all maintaining each other in equilibrium, and that the first is suddenly compressed in a violent manner by some shock, or other cause. By making an effort to recover its former situation, it will compress the one next to it, the latter will compress the third; and the same thing will take place to the last, or at least to a very great distance; for the second will be somewhat less compressed than the first, the third a little less than the second, and so on; so that, at a certain distance, the com- pression will be almost insensible, and at length it will totally cease. But each of these springs. in recovering itself, will pass a little beyond the point of equili- -brium, and this will occasion, throughout the whole series put in motion, a vibration, which will continue for a longer or shorter time, and at length cease. Hence it happens that no sound is instantaneous, but always continues, more or less, according to circumstances. : “a “ - a vot { % P NATURE OF SOUND. 365 The other method of producing sound, is to excite, in an elastic body, vibrations sufficiently rapid to occasion, in the surrounding parts of the air, a similar motion. Thus, an extended string, when struck, emits a sound, and its oscillations, that is to say, its motion backward and forward, may be distinctly seen. The elastic parts of the air, struck by the string during the time it is vibrating, are themselves put into a state of vibration, and communicate this motion to the neighbouring ones. Such is the mechanism by which a bell produces its sound: when struck, its vibra- tions are sensible to the hand which touches it. Should these facts be doubted, the following experiments will exhibit the truth of them in the clearest point of view. Experiment 1. Half fill a vessel, such as a drinking glass, with water; and having made it fast, moisten your finger a little, and move it round the edge. By these means a sound will be produced, and at the same time you will see the water tremble, and form undulations so as to throw up small drops. .What but the vibration of the particles of the water can produce in it such a motion? Experiment 2. If a bell be suspended in the receiver of an air-pump, so as not to touch any part of the machine; it will be found, ’on the bell being made to sound, that as the air is evacuated and becomes rarer, the sound grows weaker and weaker, and that it ceases entirely when as complete a vacuum as possible has been effected. If the air be gradually re-admitted, the sound will be revived, as we-may say, and will increase in proportion as the air contained in the machine approaches towards the same state as that of the atmosphere. From these two experiments it results, that sound considered in the sonorous bodies, is-nothing else than rapid vibrations of their minute parts: that air is the vehicle of it; and that it is transmitted so much the better when the air by its density is itself susceptible of a similar motion. In regard to the manner in which sound affects the mind, we must first observe that at the interior entrance of the ear, which contains the different parts of the organ of hearing, there is a membrane extended like that of a drum, and which on that account is called the tympanum. It is very probable that the vibrations of the air, produced by the sonorous body, excite vibrations in this membrane ; that these produce similar ones in the air with which the internal cavity of the ear is filled; and that the sound is increased by the peculiar construction of the parts, and the circumvolutions both of the semicircular canals and of the helix: herice there is occasioned in the nerves that cover the helix, a motion which is transmitted to the brain, and by which the mind receives the perception of sound. Here however we must stop; for it is not possible to ascertain how the motion of the nerves can affect the mind; but it is sufficient for us to know, by experience, that the nerves are as it were the mediators between our spiritual part, and the external and sensible objects. Sound always ceases when the vibrations of the sonorous body cease, or become too weak. This is proved also by experiment, for when the vibrations of a sonorous body are damped by any soft body, the sound seems suddenly to cease. In a piano- forte, therefore, the quills are furnished with bits of cloth, that by touching the strings when they fall down, they may damp their vibrations. On the other hand, when the sonorous body, by its nature, is capable of continuing its vibrations for a considerable time, as is the case with a large bell, the sound may be heard for a long time after. 366 ACOUSTICS. ; ARTICLE II. On the Velocity of Sound ; experiments for determining it ; method of measuring distances by it. Light is transmitted from one place to another with incredible velocity; but this is not the case with sound: the velocity of sound is very moderate, and may be mea- sured in the following manner. Let a cannon be placed at the distance of several thousand yards, and let an ob- server, with a pendulum that vibrates seconds, or rather half seconds, put the pendu- lum in motion as soon as he sees the flash, and then count the number of seconds or half seconds which elapse between that period and the moment when he hears the explosion. It is evident that, if the moment when the flash is seen be considered as the signal of the explosion, nothing will be necessary, to obtain the number of yards which the sound has passed over in a second, but to divide the number of the yards between the place of observation and the cannon, by the number of seconds or half seconds which have been counted. Now the moment when the flash is perceived, whatever be the distance, may be considered as the real moment of the explosion ; for so great is the velocity of light, that it employs scarcely a second to traverse 60000 leagues.* By similar experiments the members of the Royal Academy of Sciences found, that sound moved at the rate of 1172 Parisian feet ina second. Gassendus makes its velocity to be 1473 feet in a second; Mersenne 1474; Duhamel, in the History of the Academy of Sciences, 1338; Newton 968; and Derham, in whose measure Flamsteed and Halley concurred, 1142. Though it is difficult to determine among so many authorities, the last estimate, viz. 1142 per second, has been generally adopted in this country. Recent experiments on the velocity of sound, made with all the advantages of modern science, give results differing considerably from that of Derham; and from the close agreement which they present, they seem entitled to great confidence. The results being reduced to the temperature of freezing, Arago and others found the velocity per second, in English feet, to be 1086-1; Professor Moll and assistants, 1089-42; Dr. O. Gregory 1088°05; Myrbach 1092°1; and Goldingham, at Madras, mean of two results ]084°9. It may therefore be stated, in round numbers, that, in dry air, at the freezing tem- perature, sound travels at the rate of 1090 feet in a second. ‘* That sounds, of all pitches and of every quality, travel with equal speed, we have a convincing proof in the performance of a rapid piece of music by a band at a dis- tance. Were there the slightest difference of velocity in the sounds of different notes they could not reach our ears in the same precise order, and at the exact intervals of time, in which they are played; nor would the component notes of a harmony, in which several sounds of different pitches concur, arrive at once.”—(Sir J. HERsScHEL ; Sound, Encyc. Metrop.) It is to be observed that, according to Derham’s experiments, the temperature of the air, whether dry or moist, cold or hot, causes no variation in the velocity of sound. This philosopher had often an opportunity of seeing the flash and hearing * The velocity of the particles and rays of light is truly astonishing, as it amounts to nearly two hundred thousand miles in a second of time, which is nearly a million times greater than the velocity of acannon-ball. It has been found, by repeated experiments, that when the earth is exactly between Jupiter and the sun, his satellites are seen eclipsed” 8} minutes sooner than they could be accord- ing to the tables; but when the earth is nearly in the opposite point of its orbit, these eclipses happen about 84 minutes later than the tables predict them: hence it is certain that the motion of light is not instantaneous, but that it takes up about 16} minutes of time in passiny over a space equal to the diameter of the earth’s orbit, which is at least 190 millions of miles in length, or moves at the rate of nearly 200000 miles per second. Hence therefore light takes about 84 minutes in passing from the sun to the earth. @ ON THE VELOCITY OF SOUND. 36] the report of cannon fired at Blackheath, nine or ten miles distant, from Upminster, the place of his residence ; but whatever might be the state of the weather, he always counted the same number of half seconds, between the moment of seeing the flash and that of hearing the report, unless any wind blew from either of these places; in which case the number of the seconds varied from 111 to 112. It may be readily conceived, that if the wind impelled the fluid put into a state or vibration, towards the place of the observer, the vibrations would reach him sooner than if the fluid had been at rest, or had been impelled in a contrary direction. | } 4 ea But notwithstanding what Derham has said, we can hardly be persuaded that the velocity of sound is not affected by the temperature of the air; for when the air is heated, and consequently more rarefied or elastic, the vibrations must be more rapid: observations on this subject ought to be carefully repeated. A remarkable instance of the effect of a low temperature and a dry atmosphere in facilitating the transmission of sound, is recorded in the account of Sir E. Parry’s voyage, in which he wintered at Port Bowen. Ona particular occasion there was found no difficulty i in making a man hear, at the distance aE amile, directions which were given in an ordinary tone of voice. An inaccessible distance then may be measured by means of sound. For this pur- pose provide a pendulum that swings half seconds, which may be done by suspending from a thread a ball of lead, half an inch in diameter, in such a manner, that there shall be exactly 923 inches, or 93 between the centre of the ball and the point of sus- pension: then fie moment you perceive the flash of a cannon, or musket, let go the pendulum, and count how many vibrations it makes till the instant when you hear the report: if you then multiply this number by 571 feet, you will have the dis- tance of the place where the musket or cannon was fired. We here suppose the weather to be calm, or that the wind blows only in a trans- versal direction ; for if the wind blows towards the observer from the place where the cannon or gun is fired, and if it be violent, as many times twelve feet as there have been counted half seconds must be added to the distance found; and in the contrary case, that isto say, if the wind blows from the observer, towards the quarter where the explosion is made, they must be subtracted. It is well known that a> violent wind makes the air move at the rate of about twenty-four feet per second, which is nearly the 48th part of the velocity of sound. Ifthe wind be moderate, a 96th may be added or subtracted ; and if it be weak, but sensible, a 192nd: but this correction, especially in the latter case, seems to be superfluous; for can we ever flatter ourselves that we have not erred a 192d part in the measuring of time ? This method may be employed to determine the distance of ships at sea, or ina harbour, when they fire guns, provided the flash can be seen, and the explosion heard. During a storm also, the distance of a thunder cloud may be determined in the same manner. But as a pendulum is not always to be obtained, its place may be sup- plied by observing the beats of the pulse, for when in its usual state, each interval between the pulsations is almost equal to a second; but when quick and elevated, each pulsation is equal to only two thirds of a second. ARTICLE III. How Sounds may be propagated in every direction without confusion. This is. a very singular phenomenon in the propagation of sounds ; for if several persons speak at the same time, or play on instruments, their different sounds are heard simultaneously, or all together, either by one person or by several persons, without being confounded in passing through the same place in different directions, or without damping each other. Let us endeavour to account for this phenomenon. The cause no doubt is to be found in the property of elastic bodies. For let us conceive a series of globules equally elastic, and all contiguous, and let us suppose ey eee ALS eee | ee ee ee CL CS Fe en ae ‘es a eg : : 4 “hE FP ae ek Ne a 4 ‘ oye S : + “ 368 ACOUSTICS. that a globule is impelled with any velocity whatever against the first of the series ; it is well known that ina very short time the motion will be transmitted to the other extremity, so that the last globule will have the same mo- Fig. 1. tion communicated to it asif it had been itself immediately im- ea pelled. Now if two globules with unequal velocities impel at the g Beas a same time the two extremities of the series, the globule a, for o example, the extremity a, and the globule b the extremity 8 (Fig. 1.), it is certain, from the well known properties of elastie bodies, that the globules a and 4, after being a momentat rest, — will be repelled, making an exchange of velocity, as if they had been immediately impelled against each other. If we suppose a second series of globules, intersecting the former in a transversal direction, the motion of this second series will be transmitted by means of the com- mon globule, from one end to the other of this series, in the same manner as if it had beenalone. The case will be the same if two, three, four, or more series cross the first one, eitherin the same point or in different points. The particular motion commu- nicated to the beginning of each series will be transmitted to the other end, as if that series were alone. This comparison may serve to shew how several sounds may be transmitted in _all directions, by the help of the same medium; but it must be allowed that there are some small differences. For, in the first place, we must not conceive the air, which is the vehicle of sound, to be composed of elastic globules, disposed in such regular series as those here sup- posed ; each particle of air is no doubt in contact with several others at the same time, and its motion is thereby communicated in every direction. Hence it hap- pens that the sound, which would reach toa very great distance almost without dimi- nution, if communicated as here supposed, experiences a considerable decrease, in propertion as it recedes from the body which produced it. Though the movement by which sound is transmitted be more complex, there is reason to believe that it is reduced, in the last instance, to something similar. to what has been here described. The second difference arises from the particles of air by which the organ of hear- ing is immediately affected, not having a movement of translation, like the last globule of the series, which proceeds with a greater or less velocity, in consequence of the shock that impels the other extremity of the series. But the movement in the air consists merely of an undulation or vibration, which, in consequence of the elasticity of its aérian particles, is transmitted to the extremity of the series, such as it was received at the other. It must be observed that the sonorous body communicates to the air, which it touches, vibrations isochronous with those which ’ it experiences itself; and that the same vibrations are transmitted from the one end to the other of the series, and always with the same velocity: for we are taught by experience that a grave sound, ceteris paribus, does not employ more time than an acute one to pass through a determinate space. ARTICLE IV. Of Echoes ; how produced ; account of the most remarkable echoes, and of some phe- nomena respecting them. Echoes are well known; but however common this phenomenon may be, it must be allowed that the manner in which it is produced is still involved in considerable obscurity, and that the explanation given of it does not sufficiently account for all the circumstances attending it. All philosophers almost have ascribed the formation of echoes to a reflection of sound, similar to that experienced by light, when it falls on a polished body. But, as D’Alembert observes, this explanation is false ; for if it were not, a polished surface ECHOES, 369 would be necessary to the production of an echo; and it is well known that this is not the case. Echoes indeed are frequently heard opposite to old walls, which are far from being polished; near huge masses of rock, and in the neighbourhood of forests, and even of clouds. This reflection of sound therefore is not of the same nature as that of light. , It is evident however, that the formation of an echo can be ascribed only to the -repercussion of sound; for echoes are never heard but when sound is intercepted, and made to rebound by one or more obstacles. The most probable manner in which this takes place, is as follows. For the sake of illustration, we shall resume our comparison of the aérian molecule to a series of elastic globules. If a series of elastic globules then be infinite, it may readily be conceived, that the vibrations communicated to oue end, will be always propagated in the same direction, and continually recede; but if the end of the series rest against any fixed point, the last globule will re-act on the whole series, and communicate to - it, in the contrary direction, the same motion as it would have communicated to the rest of the series, if it had not rested against a fixed point. This ought indeed to be the case whether the obstacle be in a line with the series, or oblique to it, provided the last globule be kept back by the neighbouring ones; only with this difference, that the retrograde motion will be stronger in the latter case, according as the obliquity is less. If the aérian and sonorous molecule then rest against any point at one end; and if the obstacle be at such a distance from the origin of the motion, that the direct and re- percussive motion shall not make themselves sensible at the same instant, the ear will distinguish the one from the other, and there will be anv echo. But we are taught by experience, that the ear does not distinguish the succession of two sounds, unless there be between them the interval of at least one-twelfth of a second: for during the most rapid movement of instrumental music, each measure of which cannot be estimated at less than a second,* twelve notes are the utmost that can be comprehended in a measure, to render the succession of sounds distinguishable; consequently the obstacle which reflects the sound must be at such a distance, that the reverberated sound shall not succeed the direct sound till after one-twelfth of a second; and as sound moves at the rate of about 1142 feet in a second, and consequently about 95 feet in the twelfth of a second, it thence follows that, to render the reverberated sound distinguishable from the direct sound, the obstacle must be at the distance at least of about 48 feet. There are single and compound echoes. In the former only one repetition of the ' sound is heard; in the latter there are 2,3, 4,5, &c., repetitions. We are even told of echoes that can repeat the same word 40 or 50 times. Single echoes are those where there is only one obstacle: for the sound being » impelled backwards, will continue its course in the same direction without returning ; but double, triple, or quadruple echoes may be produced different ways. If we suppose, for example, several walls one behind the other, the remotest being the _ highest ; and if each be so disposed as to produce an echo; as many repetitions of the | same sound as there are obstacles will be heard. Another way in which these numerous repetitions may be produced, is as follows: F Let us suppose two obstacles, a and B (Fig. 2.) op- Fig. 2. posite to each other, and the productive cause of the A S : B sound to be placed between them, in the point s; the sound propagated in the direction from s to a, after | returning from a to s, will be driven back by the obstacle B, and again return to s; having then traversed the space s A, it will experience a new repercussion, which * If a piece of music, consisting of 60 measures, were executed in a minute, this, in our opinion, would be a rapidity of which there are few instances in the art. 2B fe Pes Tat SF ACOUSTICS. will carry it to s, after it has struck the obstacle n; and this would be continued in infinitum if the sound did not always become weaker. On the other hand, since the sound is propagated as easily from 3 to B as from s to a, it will at first be sent back also from 8 towards s; having then passed over the space s a, it will be repelled from” a towards s; then again from zB towards s, after having traversed the distance s zB, and so on in succession, till the sound dies entirely away. The sound therefore produced in g will be heard after times, which may be ex- pressed by 285A; 28B,28B-—-28A; 484-+258B; 48B-+ 28a; 48a-+ 4588; 6sa+4sB; 6sBp+484; 684+68B,&c.; which will form a repetition of the sound after equal intervals, when s 4 is equal tos B, and even when sB is double sa; but when sa isa third, for example, of s3,.this remarkable circumstance will take place, that after the first repetition, there will be a kind of double silence; three repetitions will then follow, at equal intervals; there will then be a silence double one of these intervals; then three repetitions after intervals equal to the former; and so on till the sound is quite extinguished. The different ratios of the distances s A, $B, will also give rise to different irregularities in the succession of these sounds, which we have thought it our duty to notice, as being possible, though we do not know that they have been ever observed. , There are some echoes that repeat several words in succession ; but this is rl astonishing, and must always be the case when a person is at Bach a distance from the echo, that there is sufficient time to pronounce several words before the repetition of the first has reached the ear. There are some echoes which have been much celebrated on account of their singularity, or of the number of times that they repeat the same word. Misson, in his Description of Italy, speaks of an echo at the Villa Simonetta, which repeaaaa | the same word 40 times. At Woodstock in Oxfordshire, there is an echo which cepa the same sound 50 times. * The description of an echo still more singular near Roseneath, some miles distant from Glasgow, may be found in the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1698. Ifa person, placed at the proper distance, plays 8 or 10 notes of an air with a trumpet, the echo faithfully repeats them, but a third lower; after a short silence another repetition is heard in a tone still lower; and another short silence-is followed by a third repetition, in a tone a third lower. A similar phenomenon is perceived in certain halls; where, if a person stands in a - certain position, and pronounces a few words with alow voice, they are heard only - by another person standing in a determinate place. Muschenbroeck speaks of a hall of this kind in the castle of Cleves; and most of those who have visited the Ob« servatory at Paris have experienced a similar phenomenon in the hall on the first story. Philosophers unanimously agree in ascribing this phenomenon to the reflection of the sonorous rays; which, after diverging from the mouth of the speaker, are reflected in such a manner as to unite in another point. But it may be readily con ceived, say they, that as the sound by this union is concentrated in that point, a per- son whose ear is placed very near will hear it, though it cannot be heard by those who are at a distance. 3 We do not know whether the hall in the castle of Cleves, of which Muschen- broeck speaks, is elliptical, and whether the two points where the speaker and the person who listens ought to be placed are the two foci; but in regard to the hall in the Observatory at Paris, this explanation is entirely void of foundation. For, Ist. The echoing hall. or as it is called the Hall of Secrets, is not at all elliptical ; “ This seems to be a mistake: the echo at Woodstock, according to Dr. Plat, repeats in the day time yery distinctly 17 eee i and in the night time 20.— Nat. Hist. of Oxf. chap. i. p. 7. — ; . VIBRATIONS OF MUSICAL STRINGS. 371 it is an octagon, the walls of which at a certain height are arched with what are called in architecture clozster arches ; that is to say, by portions of a cylinder which, ‘in meeting, form re-entering angles, that continue those formed by the sides of the octagonal plan. 2d. The person who speaks does not stand at a moderate distance from the wall, as ought to be the case in order to make the voice proceed from one of the foci of the supposed ellipsis: he applies his mouth to one of the re-entering angles, very near the wall, and the person whose ear is nearly at the same distance from the wall, on the side diametrically opposite, hears the one who speaks on the other side, even when he does so with a very low voice. It is therefore evident that, in this case, there is no reflection of the voice according to the laws of catoptrics; but the re-entering angle continued along the arch, from one side of the hall to the other, forms a sort of canal, which contains the voice, and transmits it to the other side. This phenomenon is entirely similar to that of a very long tube, to the end of which if a person applies his mouth and speaks, even witha low voice, he will be heard by a person at the other end. The Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, for the year 1692, speak of a very remarkable echo in the court of a gentleman’s seat called Le Genetay, in the neigh- bourhood of Rouen. It is attended with this singular phenomenon, that a person who sings or speaks in a low tone, does not hear the repetition of the echo, but only his own voice; while those who listen hear only the repetition of the echo, but with surprising variations; for the echo seems sometimes to approach and sometimes to recede, and at length ceases when the person who speaks removes to some distance in a certain direction. Sometimes only one voice is heard, sometimes several, and sometimes one is heard on the right, and another on the left. An explanation of all these phenomena, deduced from the semicircular form of the court, may be seen in the above collection. ARTICLE V. Experiments respecting the vibrations of Musical Strings, which form the basis o/ the theory of Musie. If a string of metal or catgut, such as is used for musical instruments, made fast at one of its extremities, be extended in a horizontal direction over a fixed bridge; and if a weight be suspended from the other extremity, so as to stretch it; this string, when struck, will emit a sound produced by reciprocal vibrations, which are sensible to the sight. If the part of the string made to vibrate be shortened, and reduced to one half of its length, any person who has a musical ear will perceive, that the new sound is the octave of the former, that is to say twice as sharp. If the vibrating part of the string be reduced to two thirds of its original length, the sound it emits will be the fifth of the first. If the length be reduced to three fourths, it will give the fourth of the first. If it be reduced to 4, it wil! give the third major; if to 3, the third minor. If re- duced to 8, it will give what is called the tone major; if to #, the tone minor; and if to 48, the semi-tone, or that which in the gamut is between mi and fa or si and sol. _ The same results will be obtained if a string be fastened at both ends, and 4, 3, and 3 of it, be successively intercepted by means of a moveable bridge. - As this subject will be better understood if the reader has a clear idea of the rela- tion of the sounds in the diatonic progression, we shall here insert the following table. 2B 2 ‘ ve ) “qaqa agg : *“dABIO er1qnop oq} jeren i “Yyunoy out a 3 IOUT q)XxIs ogy ——, ; “IOUTUU piryy oq} = 9 ¢ . . ss ; hs r f “= i . 3 g 9Ab100 9[dts} a4} 0} | | “‘Wyanoj 9q3 942490 OY} SAaJoUDP Z 0} sofeur q}xIs a4} sayouap § | csofeu psig oy sayouap at Lhe Na sny L—: siaquinu Surmozfoy ayy Aq pautmiagep pe) RN “q38u9] [enba jo sSursqys uasos yuasoidas saut] UaAVS asaq} JI eq} Ueas eq oq ALLE IT -9q TIEM spr09u09 atuouey pedroursd ay} Jo 7 XQ y Bal | PPL vy0 " : "QAB}IO a[qnog uy TBI 4}XIS ‘10fe VINDS J a. 4e) =— | O ° ie) ob ph] << < 4 “UTIAPS . IOUT TIXIS qtp. | ‘uoissasborg 91u0jmIg” ay} mu. spunog: ay? f0 u0IInI24 ay) sassaudaxe nnawDY yoryN ur sauunpy snowabuy , MUSICAL STRINGS, . 373 Such is the result of a determinate degree of tension given to a string, when the length of it has been made to vary. Let us now suppose that the length of the string is constantly the same, but that its degree of tension is varied. The following is what we are taught by experiment on this subject. If a weight be suspended at one end of a string of a determinate length, made fast by the other, and if the tone it emits be fixed; when another weight quadruple of the first has been applied, the tone will be the octave of the former; if the weight be nine times as heavy, the tone will be the octave of the fifth; and if it be only a fourth part of the first the tone will be the octave below. Nothing more is necessary to prove that the effect produced, by successively reducing a string to one half, 2, 3, &e., will be produced also by suspending from it in succession weights in the ratio of 4, 9, 18, &c. ; that is to say, the squares of the weights, or the degrees of tension, must be reciprocally as the squares of the lengths proper for emitting. the same tones. Pythagoras, we are told, was led to this discovery by the following circumstance. Harmonious sounds proceeding from the hammers striking on an anvil in a smith’s shop happening one day to reach his ear, while walking in the street, he entered the shop, and found, by weighing the hammers which had occasioned these sounds, that the one which gave the octave was exactly the half of that which produced the lowest tone; that the one which produced the fifth, was two thirds of it; and that the one which produced the third major, was four fifths. When he returned home, medi- tating on this phenomenon, he extended a string, and after successively shortening it to one half, two thirds, and four fifths, perceived that it emitted sounds which were the octave, the fifth, and the third major of the tone emitted by the whole string. He then suspended weights from it, and found that those which gave the octave, the fifth, and the third major, ought to be respectively as 4, 9, 23, to that which emitted the principal tone; that is to say, in the inverse ratio of the squares of 4, 2, 4. Whatever may be the degree of credit due to this anecdote, which is appreciated as it deserves in the History of the Mathematics, such were the first facets that enabled mathematicians to subject the musical intervals to calculation. The sum of what the moderns have added to them, is as follows: It can be demonstrated at present by the principles of mechanics: Ist. That if a string of a uniform diameter, extended by the same weights, be lengthened or shortened, the velocity of its vibrations, in these two states, will be in the inverse ratio of the lengths. If this string then be reduced to one half of its length, its vibrations will have a double velocity ; that is to say, it will make two vibrations for one which it made before ; if it be reduced to two thirds, it will make three vibrations for two which it made before. When a string therefore performs two vibrations, while another performs one, the tones emitted by these strings will be octaves to each other; when one vibrates three times while another vibrates twice, the one will be the fifth to the other, and so on. 2d. The velocity of the vibrations performed by a string, of a determinate length, _ and distended by different weights, is as the square roots of the stretching weights : quadruple weights therefore will produce double velocity, and consequently double the number of vibrations in the same time; a noncuple weight will produce vibra- _ tions of triple velocity. or a triple number in the same time. 3d. If two strings, differing both in length and in weight, be stretched by different | weights, the velocities of their vibrations will be as the square roots of the distending | weights divided by the lengths and the weights of the strings: thus, if the string a, stretched by a weight of 6 pounds, weigh six grains, and be a foot in length ; while the string B, stretched by a weight of 10 pounds, weighs five grains, and is half a _ foot iu length ; the velocity of the vibrations of the former will be to that of the 374 ACOUSTICS. vibrations of the latter, as the square root of 6 X 6 x 1 to that of 5 x 10 x 4, that . is, as the square root of 36, which is 6, to that of 25, or 5: the first therefore will perform 6 vibrations while the second performs 5. From these discoveries it follows, that the acuteness or gravity of sounds, is merely the effect of the greater or less frequency of the vibrations of the string which produces them; for since we know by experience, on the one hand, that a string when shortened, if subject to the same degree of tension, emits a more ele- vated tone; and on the other, both by theory and experience, that its vibrations are more frequent the shorter it is, it is evident that it is only the greater frequency of the vibrations that can produce the effect of elevating the tone. It thence results also, that a double number of vibrations produces the octave of the tone produced by the single number ; that a triple number produces the octave of the fifth; a quadruple number, the double octave; a quintuple, the third major above the double octave, &c.; and if we descend to ratios less simple, three vibrations for two will produce the concord of fifth; four for three, that of the fourth, &e The ratios of tones therefore may be expressed, either by the lengths of the equally stretched strings which produce them, or by the ratio of the number of the vibrations performed by these strings; thus, if the principal tone be denoted by I, the octave above is expressed mathematically by 4, or by 2; the fifth by 2 or 3; the third major by 4 or §, &c. In the first case, the respective lengths of the strings are de- noted; in the second, the respective numbers of vibrations. In calculation, the results will be the same, whichever method of denomination be adopted. PROBLEM. To determine the number of the vibrations made by a string, of a given length and size, and stretched by a given weight; or, in other words, the number of the vibra- tions which form any tone assigned. Hitherto we have considered only the ratios of the number of the vibrations, performed by strings which give the different concords; but a more curious, and far more difficult problem, is, to find the real number of the vibrations performed by a string which gives a certain determinate tone; for it may be readily conceived that their velocity will not admit of their being counted. Geometry, however, with the help of mechanics, has found means to resolve this question, and the rule is as ‘a follows: Divide the stretching weight by that of the string ; multiply the quotient by the length of the pendulum that vibrates seconds, which at London is 394 inches, or 4693 lines, and divide the product by the length of the string from the fixed point to the bridge; extract the square root of this new quotient, anid multiply it by the ratio of the circumference of the circle to the diameter, viz. 3} nearly, or the frac- tion 333, in decimals 3°1416 nearly; the product will be the number of the vibrations performed by the string in the course of a second. Let a string of a foot and a half in length, for example, and weighing 8 grains, be stretched by a weight of 4 pounds Troy weight, or 23040 grains: the quotient of 23040 divided by 8 is 2880; and as the length of the pendulum which swings seconds is 4693 lines, the product of 2880 by this number will be 1352160; if this product be divided by 216, the lines in a foot and a half, we shall have 6260, the square root of which will be 79°1201: this number multiplied by 33 or 3°1416, gives 248°563, which is the number of the vibrations made by the abate string in the course of a second. A very ingenious method, invented by M. Sauveur, for finding the number of these vibrations, may be seen in the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences for 1700. MUSICAL STRINGS. 375 Having remarked, when two organ pipes, very low, and having tones very near to each other, were sounded at the same time, that a series of pulsations or beats was - heard in the sounds; by reflecting on the cause of this phenomenon, he found that these beats arose from the periodical meeting of the coincident vibrations of the two pipes. Hence he concluded, that if the number of these pulsations, which took place in a second, could be ascertained by a stop watch, and if it were possible also _ to determine, by the nature of the consonance of the two pipes, the ratio of the vi- brations which they made in the same time, he should be able to acertain the real number of the vibrations made by each. We shall here suppose, for example that two organ pipes are exactly tuned, the | one to mi flat, and the other to mz, as it is well known that the interval between these two tones is asemi-tone minor, expressed by the ratio of 24 to 25, the higher pipe _ will perform 25 vibrations while the lower performs only 24; so that at each 25th vibration of the former or 24th of the latter, there will be a pulsation; if 6 pulsa- - tions therefore are observed in the course of one second, we ought to conclude that _ 24 vibrations of the one and 25 of the other are performed in the 10th part ofa second: aud consequently that the one performs 240 vibrations, and the other 250 in the course of a second. M. Saveur made experiments according to this idea, and found that an open organ- pipe, 5 feet in length, makes 100 vibrations per second; consequently one of 4 feet, which gives the triple octave below, and the lowest sound perceptible to the ear, would make only 124: on the other hand, a pipe of one inch less 7, being the shortest the sound of which can be distinguished, will give in a second 6400 vibra- tions. The limits therefore of the slowest and quickest vibrations, appreciable by the ear, are according to M. Sauveur 12} and 6400. We shall not enlarge farther on these details, but proceed to a very curious phe- nomenon respecting strings in a state of vibration. Make fast astring at both its extremities, and by means of a bridge divide it. into aliquot parts, for example 3 on the one side, and | on the other; and put the larger part, that is tosay the 3, in astate of vibration; if the bridge absolutely inter- cepts all communication from the one part to the other, these 3 of the string, as is well known, will give the tone of the fourth of the whole string; if 4 be intercepted, the tone will be the third major. But if the bridge only prevents the whole of the string from vibrating, without intercepting the communication of motion from the one part to the other, the greater part will then emit only the same sound as the less ; and the 3 of the string, which in the former case gave the fourth of the whole string, will give only the double octave, which is the tone proper to the fourth of the string. The case is the same if this fourth be struck: its vibrations, by being communicated to the other three fourths, will make them sound, but in such a manner as to give only this double octave. The following reason, which may be rendered plain by an experiment, is assigned for this phenomenon: when the bridge absolutely intercepts all communication between the two parts of the string, the whole of the largest part vibrates together ; and if it be 3 of the whole string, it makes, agreeably to the general law, 4 vibra- tions in the Fete that the whole string would make 3: its sound therefore is the fourth of the whole string. But in the second case, the larger part of the string divides itself into as many portions as the number of times it contains the less, which in the present example is 3, and each of these portions, as well asthe fourth, performs its particular vibrations : at the points of division, as B,c,p (Fig. 3.), there are established fixed points, between which the portions of the string a B, BC, CD, D £, each vibrate separately, forming alternate bendings in a contrary direction, as if these parts were alone and _ invariably fixed at their extremities. 376 ACOUSTICS, This explanation is founded on a fact which M. Saveur ren- Fig. 3. dered sensible to the eyes in the presence of the Royal Academy A B pRB of Sciences. (‘‘Hist. de l’Acad. année 1700.) On the > < Cc points c and p (Fig. 3.), he placed small bits of paper; and having put the small part of the string A B in astate of vibra- tion, the vibrations being communicated to the remaining part B £, the spectators saw, with astonishment, the small bits of paper placed on the points c and D remain motionless, while those placed on the other parts of the string were thrown down. If the part a B of the string, instead of being exactly an aliquot part of the re- mainder B £, be for example 2 of it, the whole string a E will divide itself into 7 por- tions, of which « B will contain two, and each of these portions will vibrate separately, and emit only that sound which belongs to the } of the string. If the parts a B and BE be incommensurable, they will emit a sound absolutely discordant, and which almost immediately ceases on account of the impossibility of bendings and invariable points of rest being established. ARTICLE VI. Method of adding, subtracting, muitiplying, and dividing Concords. It is necesary for those. who wish to understand the thecry of music, to know what concords result from two or more concords, either when added or subtracted, &c., by each other. For this reason we shall give the following rules. PROBLEM I. To add one concord to another. Express the two concords by the fractions which represent them, and then mul- tiply these two fractions together; that is to say, first the numerators, and then the denominators; the number thence produced will express the concord resulting from the sum of the two concords given. ; Example 1.—Let it be rae to add the fourth and fifth together. The paler for the fifth is 2; and that for the fourth 3; the product of these two is §, = 4, being the peressicn for the octave. It is indeed well known that the octave is composed of a fifth and a fourth. Example 2.—What is the concord arising from the addition of the third major and the third minor ? The expression for the third major is 4, and that of the third minor is 8, the pro- duct of which is 39 or 2, which expresses the fifth; and this concord indeed is com- posed of a third major and a third minor. Example 3.—What ts the concord produced by the addition of two tones major ? A tone major is expressed by 3 cD consequently, to add two tones major, § must be multiplied by §. The product ${ is a fraction less than 84 or 4, which expresses the third major ; hence it follows, oat the concord expressed by § is greater than the third major; and consequently two tones major are more than a “third major, or form a third major false by excess. On the other hand, by adding ve tones minor, eee are ee expressed by fo, it will be found that their sum }, is greater than 8% or 4, which denotes the third major: two tones minor erick added together, make more than a third major. This third indeed is composed of a tone major and a tune minor, as may be proved by adding together the concords $ and ~,, which make bo = to OF $- It might be proved,-in fies manner, that two semi-tones major make more than a - : ti ‘ ? ; ; a ie ey ‘ 4 qu x x A : 2 \ ‘ P ae s ‘i =.’ > us : ; oh - ‘ oe PRINCIPLES OF HARMONY. e: ‘tone major, and two semi-tones minor less than even a fone minor; and in the last | place, that a semi-tone major and a semi-tone minor make exactly a tone minor. » a . PROBLEM II. To subtract one concord from another. Instead of multiplying together the fractions which express the given concords, they must here be divided; or invert that which expresses the concord to be _ subtracted from the other, and then multiply them together as before: the BRAC i will give a fraction expressing the quotient, or concord required. aecnels 1.—What is the concord which results Srom the fifth subenaceed from x the octave ? _ The expression of the octave is 4, that of the fifth 3, which inverted gives 8; and if $ be multiplied by 3, we shall have 3, which expresses the fourth. Example 2.—What is the difference between the tone major and the tone minor? tae tone major is expressed by §, and the tone minor by #, which when inverted gives 5 ; the product of § by = is §f, which expresses the difference between the tone : major ae the tone Rance: net is what is called the great comma. PROBLEM III. i To double a concord, or to multiply it any number of times at pleasure. In this case, nothing is necessary but to raise the terms of the fraction, which _ expresses the given concord, to the power denoted by the number of times it is to be multiplied ; that is, to the square if it is to be doubled, to the cube if to be mie and so on. Thus, the concord arising from the tone major tripled is $}3: for as the expression of the tone major is 8, we shall have 8 X 8 X 8= 512, and 9 xX 9 x 9=729. This concord $12 corresponds to the interval between wé and a fa higher than fa sharp of the gamut. PROBLEM Iv. _ To divide one concord by any number at pleasure, or to find a cone which shall be the half, third, &c. of a given concord. | To answer this problem, take the fraction which expresses the given concord, and extract that root of it which is denoted by the determinate divisor: that is to say, the square root, if the concord is to be divided into two; the cube root, if it is to be divided into three, &c. ; and this root will express the concord required. Ezxample.—As the octave is expressed by }, if the square root of it be extracted it will give ¥ nearly; but jis less than #, and greater than 3; consequently the | a middle of the octave is between the fourth and the fifth, or very near fa sharp. ARTICLE VII. Of the resonance of sonorous bodies; the fundamental principle of harmony and melody ; with some other harmonical phenomena. Experiment 1. If you listen to the sound of a bell, especially when very grave, however in- } different your ear may be, you will easily distinguish, besides the principal sound, several others more acute; but if you have an ear accustomed to appreciate the musical intervals, you will perceive that one of these sounds is the twelfth, or fifth 378 ACOUSTICS. above the octave, and another the seventeenth major, or third major above the double ~ octave. If your ear be exceedingly delicate, you will distinguish also its octave, its double, and even its triple octave: the latter indeed are somewhat more difficult to be heard, because the octaves are almost confounded with the fundamental sound, in consequence of that natural sensation which makes us confound the octave with unison. The same effect will be perceived if the bow of a violoncello be strongly rubbed against one of its large strings, or the string of a trumpet-marine. In short, if you have an experienced ear, you will be able to distinguish these different sounds, either in the resonance of a string, or in that of any other sonorous body, and even in the voice. Another method of making this experiment. Suspend a pair of tongs by a woollen or cotton cord, or_any other kind of small string, and twisting the extremities of it around the fore finger of each hand, put these two fingers into your ears. If the lower part of the tongs be then struck, you will first hear a loud and grave sound, like that of a large bell at a distance; and this tone will be accompanied by several others more acute; among which, when they begin to die away, you will distinguish the twelfth and the seventeenth of the lowest tone. : The truth of this phenomenon, in regard to the multiplicity of sounds, is con- . firmed by another experiment, mentioned by Rameau, in his ‘‘ Harmonical Genera- tion.” If you take, says he, those stops of the organ called bourdon, prestant or flute, nazard and tierce, which form the octave, the twelfth and seventeenth major of the bourdon, and if you draw out in succession each of the other stops, while the. bourdon alone is sounding, you will hear their sounds successively mixed with each ‘other ; you may even distinguish them while they are all sounding together ; but if you prelude for a moment, by way of amusement, on the same set of keys, and then return to the single key first touched, you will think you hear only one tone, that of the bourdon, the gravest of all which corresponds to the sound of the whole system. Remark.—This experiment, respecting the resonance of bodies, is not new. It was known to Dr. Wallis, and to Mersenne, who speak of it in their works ; but it appeared to them a simple phenomenon, with the consequences of which they were entirely unacquainted. Rameau first discovered its use in deducing from it all the | rules of musical composition, which before had been founded on mere sentiment, and on experience, incapable of serving as a guide in all cases, and of accounting for every effect. It forms the basis of his theory of fundamental bass, a system which has been opposed with much declamation, but which however most musicians seem at present to have adopted. All his harmony then is multiple, and composed of sounds which would be produced by the aliquot parts of the sonorous body 4, 1,1, 1, 3, and we might add },1, &c. But the weakness of these sounds, which go on always decreasing in strength, renders it difficult to distinguish them. Rameau, however, says that he could distinguish very plainly the sound expressed by 3, which is the double octave of a sound divided nearly into two equal parts, being the interval between Ja and si.flat below the first octave: he calls it a lost sound, and totally excludes it from harmony. It would indeed be singularly discordant with all the sounds given by the fundamental tone. We must however observe that the celebrated Tartini, in regard to this sound, was not of the same opinion as Rameau. Instead of calling it a lost sound, he maintains that it may be employed in melody as well as harmony; he distinguishes it by the name of the seventh consonant. But we shall leave it to musicians to ap- * preciate this idea of Tartini, whose celebrity in composition, as well as execution, be Wey ee 6 eee ee en Pe Ber A a, re Pets C0 UP Oe) ee Pare er oe. Pe 7 lA aa Ps 4 y, . é : = ~ ‘ mer PRINCIPLES OF HARMONY. 379 required a refutation of a different kind, from that to be found at the end of a work printed in 1767, entitled ‘‘ Histoire de la Musique.” Experiment 2. If you tune several strings to the octave, to the twelfth, and to the seventeenth major, of the determinate sound emitted by another string, both ascending and de- scending; as often as you make that which gives the determinate sound to resound strongly, and with continuance, you will immediately see all the rest put themselves in a state of vibration: you will even hear those sound which are tuned lower, if care be taken to damp suddenly, by means of a soft body, the sound of the former. Most persons have heard the glasses on a table sound, when a person near them has been singing with a strong and a loud voice. The strings of an instrument though not touched, are often heard to sound, in consequence of the same cause, especially after swelling notes long continued. This phenomenon arises, no doubt, from the vibrations of the air being commu- nicated to the string, or to the sonorous body, elevated to the above tones: for it may be easily conceived that the vibrations of strings, tuned to unison or to the octave, or to the twelfth, &c., of that put in motion, are disposed to recommence regularly, and at the same time as those of that string, one vibration corresponding to another, in the case of unison; two to one, in case of the octave; or three to one in that of the twelfth: the small impulsions therefore of the vibrating air, produced by the string put in motion, will always concur to increase those movements, at first insen- sible, which they have occasioned in the other strings; because they will take place in the same direction, and will at length render them sensible. Thusa gentle breadth of air, continued always in the same direction, is at length able to elevate the waters of theocean. But when the strings in question are stretched in such amanner, that their vibrations can have no correspondence with those of the string which is struck, they will in this case be sometimes assisted and sometimes opposed, and the small movement which can be communicated to them, will be annihilated as soon as pro- duced, consequently they will remain at rest. ‘ Question.—Do the sounds heard with the principal sound derive their source imme- diately from the sonorous body, or do they reside only in the air or the organ? It is very probable that the principal sound is the only one that derives its origin immediately from the vibrations of the ‘sonorous body. Philosophers of eminence have endeavoured to discover whether, independently of the total vibrations made by the body, there are not also partial vibrations; but hitherto they have been able to observe only simple vibrations. Besides, how can it be conceived that the whole of a string should be in vibration, and that during its motion it should divide itself into two or three parts that perform also their distinct vibrations ? It must then be said that these harmonical sounds of octave, twelfth, seventeenth, &c., are in the air or the organ—both suppositions are probable,—for since a deter- minate sound has the property of putting intoa state of vibration bodies disposed to give its octave, its twelfth, &c., we must allow that this sound may put in motion the particles of the air susceptible of vibrations of double, triple, quadruple, and quin- tuple velocity. What, however, appears most probable in this respect is, that these vibrations exist only in the ear: it seems indeed to be proved, by the anatomy of this organ, that sound is transmitted to the soul only by the vibrations of those ner- yous fibres which cover the interior part of the ear; and as they are of different lengths, there are always some of them which perform their vibrations isochronous to those of a given sound., But, at the same time, and in consequence of the pro- perty above mentioned, this sound must put in motion those fibres which are suscep- tible of isochronous vibrations, and even those which can make vibrations of double, Op a YS Soe nee a eee Fae Ta re RL ee 380 ACOUSTICS. triple, quadruple, &c., velocity. Such, in our cpinion, is the most probable long tion that can be given of this singular phenomenon. Experiment 3. For this experiment we are indebted to the celebrated Tartini of Padua. If you draw from two instruments, at the same time, any two sounds whatever, you will hear in the air a third, which will be the more perceptible the nearer your ear is placed to the middle of the distance between the two instruments. Let us suppose then, for example, two sounds which succeed each other in the order of consonances, as the octave and the twelfth, the double octave and the seventeenth major, &c. ; the sound resulting, says Tartini, will be the octave of the principal sound. This experiment was repeated in France with the same success, as we are assured by M. Serres, in his ‘* Principes de l’Harmonie,”’ printed in 1753; but with this ex- ception, that M. Serres found the latter sound to be lower by an octave. As the octaves are easily confounded, this difference needs excite no surprise. We must however here observe, that the celebrated musician of Padua established on this phenomenon a system of harmony and composition ; but it does not seem to have met with so favourable a reception as that of Rameau. ARTICLE VIII. Of the different systems of Music; the Grecian and the Modern, together with their peculiarities. I1.—Of the Grecian Music. During the infancy of music among the Greeks, their lyre had four strings, the sounds of which would have corresponded to sz, ut, re, mi; but they afterwards added other three fa, sol, la. The first diatonic scale therefore of the Greeks, translated into our musical language, was st, ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, and was composed of two tetrachords, or systems of four sounds, si, wt, re, mi; mi, fa, sol, la ; in which the last of the one and the first of the other were common, and on this account they were called conjunct tetrachords. We must here observe that, however singular this disposition of sounds may ap- pear to those who are acquainted only with the modern diatonic order, it is no less natural and agreeable to the rules of harmony; for Rameau has shewn that it is nothing else than a chant, the fundamental bass of which would be, sol, ut, sol, ut, fa, ut, fa. It possesses also the advantage of having only one altered interval, viz. the third minor from re to fa, which, instead of being in the ratio of 5 to 6, is in that of 27 to 32; which is somewhat less, and consequently too low by a comma of from 80,to 81. ; But this perfection in the Grecian gamut was counter-balanced by two great im- perfections, viz. Ist. that it did not complete the octave ; 2d. that it did not termi- nate by a rest, which leaves to the ear that kind of uneasiness resulting from a song begun and not finished. It could neither ascend to sz, nor descend to la; and there- fore the musicians who, to complete the octave, added the latter note below, con- sidered it to be foreign, as we may say, and gave it the name of proslambanomenos. For this reason they endeavoured to discover another remedy for this detect, and Pythagoras, as is said, proposed the succession of sounds mi, fa, sol, la; si, ut, re, mi, composed, as it appears, of two disjunct tetrachords. This diatonic scaleis almost the same as ours, with this difference, that ours begins and ends with the tonic note, while the former begins and ends with the mediante, or third major. This termina- tion, alinost reprobated at present, was very common among the Greeks, and is still so in the chants or vocal music of our churches. . But here, in consequence of the harmonic generation, the values of the sounds and Ry tae ee Pa ee eee re CO ye Os ine a es BN A aa Hl) 1 Oe sar OF THE DIFFERENT SYSTEMS OF MUSIC, 381 intervals are not the same as in the first scale. In the first, the interval from sol to la was a tone minor, in the second it is a tone major. In the last place, according to this second arrangement there are three intervals altered or false, viz. the tierce major, from fa to la, too high; the tierce minor, from da to ut, too low ; and the fifth, from Ja to mi, too high. These are the same faults as those of our diatonic scale ; but the temperament corrects them. To these sounds the Greeks afterwards added a conjunct tetrachord descending, si, ut, re, mi, and another ascending, mz, fa, sol, la; by which they nearly supplied all the wants of melody, so far as it was confined to one tone: Ptolemy speaks ofa combination, by means of which they joined the second primitive tetrachord to the first, lowering the si a semi-tone, which made si flat, ut, re,mi. This, no doubt, answered the purpose when they passed from the tone of wé to that of its lower fifth fa ; a tran- sition common inthe Grecian music, as well as in our church music: for in that casea si flat is required. Plutarch also speaks of a combination where the two last tetra- chords were disjoined, by raising the fa a semi-tone, and that no doubt of its lower octave. Who does not here perceive our fa $, which is necessary when we pass from the tone of ué to that of its upper fifth sol? ‘The strings, which corresponded to si flat and fa sharp, wereno doubt merely added, and not substituted in the room of si and fa. It is well known that in the Grecian music there were three genera, viz. the dia- tonic, chromatic, and enharmonic. What has been hitherto said relates only to the diatonic. What characterises the enharmonic is, that it employs, either ascending or descend- ing, several semi-tones in succession, The chromatic gamut of the Greeks was si, ut, ut sharp, mi, fa, fa sharp, la. This disposition, by which they passed imme- diately from ut sharp to mz, omitting the re, must no doubt appear very strange; but it is certain that this was the gamut employed by the Greeks in the chromatic genus. It is however not known whether the Greeks had considerable pieces of music of this kind, or whether, like us, they employed it only in very short passages of cantatas; for we also have a chromatic kind, though in a different acceptation. This transition from semi-tones to semi-tones, is less natural than the diatonic suc- cession; but it has more energy to express certain peculiar sensations: the Italians therefore, who are great colorists in music, make frequent use of it in their airs. In regard to the enharmonic music of the Greeks, though considered by the an- cients as the most perfect kind, it is to us still an enigma. To give some idea of it, let us assume the sign %, as that of the enharmonic diesis or sharp, which raises the note a quarter of a tone: the enharmonic scale then was si, si 3%, ut, mi, mi ®, fa, la, where it appears that, after two-fourths of atone, from sz to ut, or from mi to fa, they proceeded to mi or la. It can hardly be conceived how there could be ears so well exercised as to appreciate fourths of a tone, and even if we suppose that there were, what modulation could they make with these sounds? It is however very certain that this kind of music was long held in high estimation in Greece ; but on account of its difficulty it was at length abandoned, so that not even a fragment of Grecian music in the enharmonic kind has been handed down to us; nor any in chromatic, though we have some in the diatonic. We must however here observe, that this enharmonic music of the Greeks is not perhaps so remote from nature as has been hitherto supposed; for does not Tartini, in proposing the use of his consonant seventh, which is nearly a mean sound between la and si flat, pretend that this intonation, la, sib, szb, re, re, sib, sib, la, is not only supportable, but highly agreeable. Tartini does more; for he assigns to this succession the sounds of its bass, fa, wé, sol, sel, ut, fa, marking ut with this sign 67, which signifies consonant seventh. If this pretension of Tartini should find partizans, may we not say that the enharmonic music of the Greeks has been revived ? < Ben: i 382 ACOUSTICS, It now remains that we should say a few words respecting the modes of the Grecian music. However obscure this matter may be, if we can believe the author of ‘“ Histoire des Mathematiques,” who founds his ideas on certain tables of Ptolemy, these modes are nothing else than the tones of our music, and he gives the following comparison. , The Dorian being taken hypothetically for the mode of ut, these modes, some lower than the Dorian and others higher, were: The Hypodorian ..+++.corresponding to sol Tie DY POPEryOlan: svaso suse e's seos5 0) 14 Hab. The Hypophrygian acutior...... Dae tas la - The Hypolydian or Hypo-elian .. ... si flat. The=Hvnoudian acuti0res as ccess css aos. St The’ Dorian | .28.%. sie eocrccecersccese Ut The Iastian or Toniag .... +00 seseces (22 8000p: Aa i SL SRE ARR RAGA Pit SOR seonse TE TREC EGIGN tiratet oe ek vote te eee seee- re Siiarp. Them Lydiin Wess 4 pcan ok cee lives esto wal ARCO VRerdOFiGn aatsie an a tistie dg os ens fa The Hyperiastian or Mizxolydian ...... fa sharp. The Hypermixolydian ..seee+eee+eeeee Sol the replicate of the first. But this question might be asked: If the difference of the Grecian modes con- sisted in the greater or less height of the tone of the modulation, how can we ex- plain what is told us of the characters of these different modes, some of which excited fury, others appeased it, &c.? There is reason therefore to think that they depended on something more; and it is not improbable, that besides differences of tone, there was a character of modulation peculiar to each. The Phrygian, for example, which originated among a hardy and warlike people of that name, had a masculine and warlike character, while the Lydian, which was derived from a soft and effeminate people, had an analogous character, and consequently was proper for calming the transports excited by the former. . As we have here said enough respecting the Grecian music, we shall now proceed to the modern. Il.—Of the Modern Music. Every person acquainted with music knows, that the gamut, or diatonic scale of the moderns, is represented by these sounds ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, ut, which complete the whole extent of the octave ;* and, we shall add, that from its genera- tion, as explained by Rameau, it follows that between ut and re there isa tone major; from re to mi, a tone minor ; from mi to fa a semi-tone major; from fa to sol a tone major, as well as from sol to /a; from la to si a tone minor, and from si to ut a semi- tone major. Hence it is concluded, that in this scale there are three intervals which are not entirely just, viz., the third minor from re to fa, and indeed, being composed of a tone minor and a semi-tone major, it is only in the ratio oi 27 to 32, which is some- what less, viz. an 80th, than that of 5 to 6, the just ratio of the sounds which com- pose the third minor. In like manner, the third major, from fa to Ja, is too high, being composed of two tones major, whereas it ought to be composed of a tone major and a tone minor, to * Of the seven notes in the French scale wtf, re, mt, fa, sol, la, si, four oniy are generally used among us, as mi, fa, sol, la, which are applied to the scale in this order, fa, sol, la, fa, sol, la, mi, fa, and express the natural series from c. It is of little consequence however which method be used ; the principles still remain the same. : J MODERN MUSIC. 383 be exactly in the ratio of 4to05. In the last place, the third minor, from /e to ut, is also altered, and for the same reason as that from re to fa. If this disposition of tones major and minor were arbitrary, they might no doubt be arranged in such a manner that fewer intervals should be altered; it would be sufficient for this purpcse, to make the tone from ut to ve minor, and that from re to mi major; the tone from sol to la might also be made minor, and that from la to st major. For it will be found, that by this method there would be no more than a single third altered ; whereas, according to the other disposition, there are three. This circumstance has given rise to disputes among the musicians respecting the distribu- tion of the tones minor and major; some being desirous, for example, that there should be a tone major between ué and re, and others atone minor. The harmonic generation of the diatonic scale, as explained by Rameau, will not however allow this disposition, but only the former, which is that indicated by nature; and not- withstanding its imperfections, which the temperament corrects in the execution, it is preferable to the first of the Grecian scales, a scale very deficient, as it did not comprehend the whole extent of the octave; it is superior also to the second, mi, fa, sol, &c., ascribed to Pythagoras, because its desinence is more: perfect, and conveys to the ear a rest, which is not in that of Pythagoras, on account of its fall on the tonic note, announced and preceded by the note si, the third of the fifth sol, the effect of which is so striking to our musical ears, that it has been distinguished by the name of the senstble note. Two modes, properly so called, are known in music, the characters of which are exceedingly striking to ears possessed of any musical sensibility : these are the major mode and the minor mode. 'The major mode is, when in the diatonic scale the third of the tonic note is major; such is the third from ué to mi. The above gamut, or diatonic scale, therefore is in the major mode. But if the third of the tonic note be minor, it indicates the minor mode. This mode has its scale as well as the major. Thus, for example, if we assume da as the tonic note, the scale of the minor mode ascending will be la, si, ut, re, mi, fa, sol f, la. We here make use of the term ascending, because it isa singularity of the minor mode, that its scale descending, is different from what it is ascending ; and indeed in descending we ought to say la, sol, fa, mi, re, ut, si, la. Ifthe tone were in wt, the ascending scale would be ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la», si, ut, and descending wt si», la b, sol, fa, mio, re, ut. Hence the reason why, in airs in the minor mode, we so often find, without the tone being changed, accidental flats cr sharps, or naturals, which soon destroy their effect, or that of those which are in the clef. This is one of those singularities, of the necessity-of which the ear made musicians sensible: the cause of it however, which depends on the progress of the fundamental bass, was first ex- plained by Rameau. To these two modes shall we add a third, proposed by M. de Blainville, under the name of the mixed mode, the generation and properties of which he explains in his History of Music? His scale is mi, fa, sol, la, si, ut, re, mi. We shall here only observe, that musicians do not seem to have given a very favourable reception to this new mode, and we confess that we are not sufficiently versed in these matters to be able to decide whether they are right or wrong. But however this may be, the character of the major mode is sprightliness and gaiety ; while in the minor mode there is something gloomy and sad, which renders it peculiarly fitted for expressions of that kind. The modern music has its genera as well as the ancient. The diatonic is the most - common; and is that most agreeable to what is pointed out by nature; but the moderns have their chromatic also, and even in certain respects their enharmonic, » though in a sense somewhat different from that assigned to these words by the ancients. ‘ 384 ACOUSTICS. The modulation is chromatic when several semi-tones are passed over in succession, as if we should say fa, mi, mi, re, or sol, fag, fa mi. It is very rare to have more than three or four semi-tones following each other in this manner; yet in an air of the second act of la Zingara, or the Gypsey, an Italian intermede, there is a whole lower octave almost from ut to re in consecutive semi-tones. It is the longest chro- matic passage with which we are acquainted. Rameau finds the origin of this progression in the nature of the fundamental bass, which, instead of proceeding from fifth to fifth, which is its natural movement, pro- ceeds from third to third. But it must here be remarked, that in the first passage from mi to mi, there ought strictly to be only a semi-tone minor, and from mi» to re asemi-tone major; but the temperament and constitution of most instruments, by confounding the ref with mi, divide into equal parts the interval from re to mi, aud the ear is affected by them exactly in the same manner, especially by means of the accompaniment. There are two enharmonic genera, the one called the diatonic enharmonic, and the other the chromatic enharmonic, but they are very rarely employed by musicians. These genera are not so called because quarters of a tone are employed in them, as in the ancient enharmonic; but because, from the progress of the fundamental bass, _ there result sounds, which, though taken one for the other, really differ a quarter of a tone, called by the ancients enharmonic, or are in the ratio of 125 to 128. In the diatonic enharmonic, the fundamental bass goes on alternately by fifths and thirds, and in the chromatic enharmonic it goes on alternately by third major and minor. This progression introduces, both into the melody and the harmony, sounds which, — belonging neither to the principal tone nor its relatives, convey astonishment to the ear, and affect it in a harsh and extraordinary manner, but which are proper for cer- tain terrible and violent expressions. It was for this reason that Rameau employed the diatonic enharmonic in the trio of the Fates, in his opera of Hippolitus and Aricia ; and. though he was not able to get it executed, he was firmly persuaded that it would have produced a powerful effect, had he found performers disposed to fall into his ideas, so that he suffered it to remain in the partition which was printed. He mentions, as a piece of the enharmonic kind, a scene of the Italian opera of Coriolano, beginning with these words, O iniqut Marmi! which he says is admirable. Specimens of this genus are to be found also in two of his own pieces for the harpsichord, the Triwm- phante and the Enharmonique, and he did not despair of being able to employ the chro- matic enharmonic at least in symphonies. And why indeed might he not have done so, since Locatelli, in his first concertos, employed this genus, leaving the flats and sharps to exist, and distinguishing for example the re~{ from mi». This, says a modern historian of music, M. de Blainville, is a piece truly infernal, which throws the soul into a violent state of apprehension and terror. We cannot terminate this article better than by giving a few specimens of the music of different nations. For this purpose we have given, on the opposite page, Grecian, Persian, Chinese, Armenian and Tartar airs, which will serve to form an idea of the modulation that characterises the music of these people. a 385 GREEK AIR OF A HYMN TO NEMESIS. 386 ACOUSTICS. ARTICLE IX. Musical Paradozes. I.—It is impossible to intonate justly the following intervals, sol, ut, Ja, re, sol; that is to say, the interval between sol and ut ascending, that from ut to la redescending from third minor, then ascending from fourth to re, and that between re and sol de- © scending from fifth, and to make the second sol in unison with the first. It will be found indeed by calculation, that if the first sol be represented by 1, the ut, ascending from fourth, will be 3; consequently the la, descending from third minor, will be #; the Ke above them will be 3%; and inthe last place the sol, descend- ing from fifth, will be 8. But the sound represented by 4, is lower than that repre- sented by 1, therefore Ke last sol is lower than the first. But how comes it that experience is contrary to this calculation? In answer to this question we shall observe, that the difference arises merely from the remem- brance of the first tone sol. If the ear however were not affected by this tone, and if the performer’s whole attention were directed to the just intonation of the above intervals, it is evident that he would end with a lower sol. It therefore often hap- pens that a voice, without an accompaniment, after having chanted a long air, in which several tones are passed through, remains, in ending, higher or t lower than the . tone by which it began. This arises from the necessary alteration of some intervals in the diatonic scale. In the preceding example, from la to ut, there is only a third minor in the ratio of _ 27 to 32, and not of 5 to 6; but it is the latter which is intonated if the voice be. true and well exercised; consequently the person who chants, lowers by a comma more than is necessary, and therefore it is not astonishing that the last sol should always be lower, by a comma, than the first. II.—Jn instruments constructed with keys, such as the harpsichord, it is impossible that the thirds and the fifths should be both just. This may be easily demonstrated in the following manner.—Let there be a series of tones, fifths to each other ascending, as ut, sol, re, la, mi; if ut be denoted by 1, sol will be 2, re 4, la 8, mi 1$: this mi ought to form the third major with the double octave of wt or 3, that is to say they ought to be in the ratio of 1 to 4, or of 5 to 4, or of 80 to 64; fine this is not the case, for } and }§ are to each other as 81 to 64: _ this mi therefore does not form the third ADs. ‘with the double octave of ut; or if both are lowered from the double octave, ut and mi are not thirds to each other, if mi is a just fifth to la. In instruments with keys then, such as the harpsicord, however well tuned, all the intervals, the octaves excepted, are either false or altered. This necessarily follows from the manner in which that instrument is tuned; for when all the wé’s are made octaves to each other, as they ought to be, the sol is made the fifth to ut, re the fifth to sol, and the octave is lowered, because it is too high; da is then made the fifth to re, thus lowered, and mi the fifth to da, and this mi is lowered from octave. By continuing in this manner to ascend twice from fifth, and then to descend from octave, the series of sounds si, fa, ut, solf, ref, lat, mi, si, are obtained. But the latter si, which ought at most to be in unison with the wt, the octave of _ the first, is found to be higher; for calculation shews that it is expressed by 28744, which is less than } the value of the octave of ut: this renders necessary what is called temperament, which consists in lowering gently and equally all the fifths, so that the latter si $, is found to be exactly the octave of the first ué. Such at least is” the method taught by Rameau, and it is no doubt the most rational. But whatever may be the method employed, it always consists in rejecting, in a more or less equal _. ae Vets ee ae 5 it 4 re ey : ¥ a EFFECTS OF MUSIC. 387 manner from the notes of the octave, this excess of si { above ut, which cannot be done without altering, in some measure, the fifths, thirds, &c. pit have just seen that the sz a, given by the progression of fifths, i is higher than ; but if the following progression’ of thirds be employed, ut, mz, sol ff, si #, this mt will be very different from the former; for it will be found that it is expressed by #%, while the octave of ut is 3. But 4 is less than $f, consequently this si# is below ut expressed by 4, and the interval of these two sounds is expressed by the ratio of 128 to 125, which is the fourth of the enharmonic tone. Ill.—A lower note, for example re, affected by a sharp, is not the same thing as the higher note mi, affected by a fiat ; and the case is the same with other notes which are a whole tone distant from each other. The sharps are generally given by the major mode, and even by the minor, pro- vided the sub-tonic note is not distant from the tonic more than a semi-tone major, as the sz is from ut, in the tone of ut; then, as from re to m2 there is a tone minor, which is composed of a semi-tone. major and a semi-tone minor, if we take away a semi- tone major, by which re $ ought to be lower than mi, the remainder will be a semi- tone minor, by which the same ref ought to be higher than re. If the distance between the notes were a tone major, the sharp would raise the lower note by an interval equal to a semi-tone minor, plus a comma of 80 to 81, which is a mean semi- tone betweem the major and the minor. The note therefore is raised by the sharp only a mean semi-tone, or a semi-tone minor. Flats are generally introduced in modulation by the minor mode, when it is neces- sary to lower the note a third, so that it shall form with the tonica third minor: me flat therefore ought to form with ut a third minor; consequently if from the third major ut mt, which is 4, we take the third minor, which is 3, the remainder 3$ is the quantity which expresses how much the flat lowers the mi below the natural tone : mz flat then is higher than re sharp. In practice however the one is taken for the other, especially in instruments con- structed with keys: the flat in these is lowered, and the sharps gradually raised, till they coincide with each other; and we do not know whether practice would gain much by making a distinction between them. ARTICLE X. On the cause of the pleasure arising from music—The effects of it on man and on animals. It has often been asked, why two sounds, which form to each other the fifth and the third, excite pleasure, while the ear experiences a disagreeable sensation by hear- ing sounds which are no more than a tone or a semi-tone distant from each other. Though it is difficult to answer this question, the following observations may tend to throw some light on it. Pleasure, we are told, arises from the perception of relations, as may be proved by various examples taken from the arts. The pleasure therefore derived from music, consists in the perception of the relations of sounds. But are these relations suffi- ciently simple for the soul to perceive and distinguish their order? Sounds will please when heard together in acertain order; but on the other hand, they will dis- please if their relations are too complex, or if they are absolutely destitute of order. This reasoning will be sufficiently proved by an enumeration of the known concords. In unison, the vibrations of two sounds continually coincide throughout the whole time of their duration; this is the simplest kind of relation. Unison also is the first concord. In the octave, the two sounds, of which it is composed, perform their vi- brations in such a manner, that two of the one are completed in the same time as aes 974 388 ACOUSTICS. one of the other. Thus unison is succeeded by the octave. It is so natural to man, that he who, through some defect in his voice, cannot reach a sound too grave or too acute, falls into the higher or lower octave. When the vibrations of two sounds are performed in such a manner, that three of the one correspond to one of the other, these give the simplest relation, next to those above mentioned. Who does not know, that the concord most agreeable to the ear is the twelfth, or the octave of the fifth? In this respect it even surpasses the fifth, the ratio of which, a little more compounded, is that of 2 to 3. Next tothe fifth is the double octave of the third, or the seventeenth major, which is expressed by the ratio of 1 to3. This concord therefore, next to the twelfth, is the most agreeable; and if it be lowered from the double octave, to obtain the third, it will still be in consonance; the ratio of 4 to 5, by which it is then expressed, - being very simple. In the last place the fourth, expressed by 3, the third minor, expressed by 3, and the sixths, both major and minor, expressed by 3 and 3, are concords, and for the same reason. But it appears that all the other sounds, after these relations, are too complex for the soul to perceive their order: of this kind are the intervals called the tone major and the tone minor, expressed by § and $,, and much more so the semi-tones major and minor, expressed by 43 and 34. Such also are the concords of third and fifth, however little they may be altered; for the third major, raised a comma, is eX- pressed by 33; and the fifth diminished by the same quantity, has for its expression 73: in the last place, the tritone, as from ut to fa, is one of the most disagreeable discords, and is expressed by 18. The following very strong objection however may be made to this reasoning. How can the pleasure arising from concords consist in the perception of relations, since the soul often does not know whether such relations exist between the sounds ? The most ignorant person is no less pleased with a harmonious concert than he who has calculated the relation of all its parts: what has hitherto been said may there- fore be more ingenious than solid. We cannot help acknowledging that we are rather inclined to think so; and it appears to us that the celebrated experiment on the resonance of sonorous bodies, may serve to account, in a still more plausible manner, for the pleasure arising from concords ; because, as every sound degenerates into mere noise, when not accom- panied by its twelfth and its seventeenth major, besides its octaves, is it not evident - that, when we combine any sound with its twelfth or its seventeenth major, or with both at the same time, we only imitate the process of nature, by giving to that sound, in a fuller and more sensible manner, the accompaniment which nature itself gives it, and which cannot fail to please the ear on account of the habit it has ac- quired of hearing them together? This is so agreeable to truth, that there are only two primitive concords, the twelfth and the seventeenth major; and that the rest, as the fifth, the third major, the fourth, and the sixth, are derived from them. We know also that these two primitive concords are the most perfect of all, and that they form the most agreeable accompaniment that can be given to any sound; though on the harpsichord, for example, to facilitate execution, the third major and the fifth itself, which with the octave form what is called perfect harmony, are substituted in their stead. But this harmony is perfect only by representation, and the most per- fect of all would be that in which the twelfth and the seventeenth were combined with the fundamental sound and its octaves. Rameau therefore adopted it as often as he could in his chorusses, and particularly in his Pygmalion. We might enlarge farther on this idea, but what has been already said will be sufficient for every intel- ligent reader. Some very extraordinary things are related in regard to the effects produced by EFFECTS OF MUSIC. 389 the music of the ancients, which, on account of their singularity, we shall here men- tion. We shall then examine them more minutely, and shew that, in this respect, the modern music is not inferior to the ancient. . Agamemnon, it is said, when he set out on the expedition against Troy, being desirous to secure the fidelity of his wife, left her under the care of a Dorian mu- sician, who, by the effect of his airs, rendered fruitless, tor a long time, the attempts of Agisthus to obtain her affection; but that Prince having discovered the cause of her resistance, got the musician put to death, after which he triumphed without difficulty over the virtue of Clytemnestra. We are told also that, at a later period, Pythagoras composed songs or airs capable of curing the most violent passions, and of recalling men to the paths of virtue and moderation: while the physician prescribes draughts for curing bodily diseases, an able musician might therefore prescribe an air for rooting out a vicious passion. The story of Timotheus, the director of the music of Alexander the Great, is well known,—One day, while the prince was at table, Timotheus performed an air in the Phrygian mode, which made such an impression on him that, being already heated with wine, he flew to his arms, and was going to attack his guests, had not Timotheus immediately changed the style of his performance to the Sub-Phrygian. This mode calmed the impetuous fury of the monarch, who resumed his place at table. This was the same Timotheus who, at Sparta, experienced the humiliation of seeing publicly suppressed four strings which he had added to his lyre. The severe Spar- tans thought that this innovation would tend to effeminate their manners, by intro- ducing a more extensive and more variegated kind of music. This at any rate proves that the Greeks were convinced that music had a peculiar influence on manners; and that it was the duty of government to keep a watchful eye over that art. Who indeed can doubt that music is capable of producing such an effect? Let us only interrogate ourselves, and examine what have been our sensations on hearing a majestic or warlike piece of music, or a tender and pathetic air sung or played with expression. Who does not feel that the latter tends as much to melt-the soul, and dispose it to pleasure, as the former to rouse and exalt it? Several facts in regard to the modern music place it on a level in this respect with the ancient. The modern music indeed has also had its Timotheus, who could excite or calm, at his pleasure, the most impetuous emotions. Henry III. king of France, says ‘‘ Le Journal de Sancy,” having a concert on occasion of the marriage of the Duke de Joyeuse, Claudin Je Jeune, a celebrated musician of that period, executed certain airs, which had such an effect on a young nobleman, that he drew his sword, and challenged every one near him to combat; but Claudin, equally prudent as Timo- theus, instantly changed to an air, apparently Sub-Phrygian, which appeased the furious youth. But, what shall we say of Stradella, the celebrated composer, whose music made the daggers drop from the hands of his assassins? Stradella having carried off the mistress of a Venetian musician, and retired with her to Rome, the Venetian hired three desperadoes to assassinate him; but fortunately for Stradella, they had an ear sensible to harmony. These assassins, while waiting for a favourable opportunity to execute their purpose, entered the church of St. John de Lateran, during the per- formance of an Oratorio composed by the person whom they intended to destroy, and were so affected by the music, that they abandoned their design, and even waited on the musician to forewarn him of his danger. Stradella, however, was not always so fortunate ; other assassins, who apparently had no ear for music, stabbed hitn some time after at Genoa: this event took place about the year 1670. Every person almost has heard that music is a cure for the bite of the tarantula. This cure, which was formerly considered as certain, has by some been contested ; but, however this may be, Father Schott, in his ‘‘ Musurgia Curiosa,” gives the- 390 ACOUSTICS. tarantula air, which appears to be very dull, as well as that employed by the Sicilian fishermen to entice the thunny fish into their nets. Various anecdotes are related respecting persons whose lives have been preserved, by music affecting a sort of revolution in their constitutions. A woman being at- tacked for several months with the vapours, and confined to her apartment, had resolved to starve herself to death: she was however prevailed on, but not without difficulty, to see a representation of the Servo Padrona, at the conclusion of which she found herself almost cured, and, renouncing her melancholy resolution, was en- tirely restored to health by a few more representations of the like kind. There is a celebrated air in Switzerland, called Ranz des Vaches, which had such an extraordinary effect on the Swiss troops in the French service, that they always fell into a deep melancholy when they heard it: Louis XIV. therefore forbade it ever to be played in France, under the pain of a severe penalty. We are told also of a Scotch air (Lochaber no more) which has a similar effect on the natives of Scotland. Most animals, and even insects, are not insensible to the pleasure of music. There are few musicians perhaps who have not seen spiders suspend themselves by their threads in order to be near the instruments. We have several times had that satis- faction. We have seen a dog who, at an adagio of a sonata by Sennaliez, never failed to shew signs of attention, and some peculiar sensation by howling. The most singular fact however is that mentioned by Bonnet, in his History of Music. This author relates that an officer, being shut up inthe Bastile, had permis- _ sion to carry with him a lute, on which he was an excellent performer: but he had scarcely made use of it for three or four days, when the mice issuing from their holes, and the spiders suspending themselves from the ceiling by their threads, assembled around him to participate in his melody. His aversion to these animals made their visit at first disagreeable, and induced him to lay aside his recreation; but he was soon so accustomed tothem, that they became a source of amusement. We are informed by the same author, that he saw, in 1688, at the country seat of Lord Portland, the English ambassador in Holland, a gallery in a stable, employed, as he was told, for giving a concert once a week to the horses, which seemed to be much affected by the music. This, it must be allowed, was carrying attention to horses to a very great length. But it isnot improbable that this anecdote was told to Bonnet by some per- son, in order to make game of him. ARTICLE XI. Of the properties of certain Instruments, and particularly Wind Instruments. I. We are perfectly well acquainted with the manner in which stringed instru- ments emit their sounds; but erroneous ideas were long entertained in regard to wind instruments, such as the flute; for the sound was ascribed to the interior sur- face of the tube. The celebrated Euler first rectified this error, and it results from his researches : Ist. That the sound produced by a flute, is nothing else than that of the cylinder of air contained in it. / : 2d. That the weight of the atmosphere which compresses it, acts the part of a stretching weight. | 3d. That the sound of this cylinder of air, is exactly the same as that which would be produced by a spring of the same mass and length, extended by a weight equal to that which compresses the base of the cylinder. This fact is confirmed by experiment and calculation: for Euler found that a cylin- der of air, of 73 Rhinlandish feet, at a time when the barometer is at a mean height, must give C—sol__ut ; and such is nearly the length of the open pipe of an organ which emits that sound. The reason of its being made generally 8 feet is, be- cause that length is required at those times when the weight of the atmosphere is greater. Since the weight of the atmosphere produces, in regard to the sounding cylinder of air, the same effect as that produced by the weight which stretches a string, the more that weight is increased, the more will the sound be elevated ; it is therefore observed that during serene warm weather, the tone of wind instruments is raised ; and that during cold and stormy weather it is lowered. These instruments also emit a higher sound, in proportion as they are heated; because the mass of the cylinder of heated air becoming less, while the weight of the atmosphere remains unchanged, the case is exactly the same as if a string should become less, and be still stretched by the same weight: every body knows that such a string would emit a higher tone. But as stringed instruments must become lower, because the elasticity of the strings insensibly decreases, it thence follows that wind and stringed instruments, however well tuned they may be to each other, soon become discordant: for this reason the Italians never admit the former into their orchestras. II. A very singular phenomenon is observed in regard to wind instruments, such as the flute and huntsman’s horn: with a flute, for example, when all the holes are stopped, if you blow faintly into the mouth aperture, a certain tone will be pro- duced; if you blow a little stronger, the tone instantly rises to the octave; and by — blowing successively with more force, you will produce the twelfth, or fifth above the octave; then the double octave or seventeenth major. The cause of this effect is the division of the cylinder of air contained in the instrument : when you breathe into the flute gently, the whole column resounds, and it emits the lowest tone; but if you endeavour, by a stronger inspiration, to make it perform quicker vibrations, it divides itself into two parts, which perform their vibra- tions separately, and which consequently must give the octave; a still stronger inspiration makes the column divide itself into three portions, which give the twelfth, &c. III. It remains for us to speak of the trumpet marine. This instrument is only a monochord of a singular construction, being composed of three boards that form a triangular body. It hasa very long neck, and one thick string, mounted on a bridge, which is firm on the one side, and tremulous on the other. It is struck by a bow with one hand, and with tbe other the string is stopped or pressed on the neck by means of the thumb, applied to the divisions indicated for the different tones. The trembling of the bridge, when the string is struck, makes it imitate the sound of the trumpet; and this it does to such perfection that it is scarcely possible to distinguish the one from the other. Henceit haditsname; but whereas, in the common stringed instruments the tone becomes lower as the part of the string struck is longer, the case here is the contrary ; for if the half of the string, for example, gives ut, the two thirds give the sol above, and the three fourths give the octave. M.: Saveur first assigned the reason of this singularity, and proved it in a sensible manner, by shewing that when the string, by the gentle application of the finger, is divided into two parts which are to each other as 1 to 2, whatever part be touched, the greater immediately divides itself into two equal portions, which consequently perform their vibrations in the same time, and give the same sound as the less. But the less being the third of the whole, and the two thirds of the half, it must give the fifth or sol when the half gives ut. In like manner, the three fourths of the string divide themselves into three portions, each equal to the remaining fourth, and as they perform their vibrations separately they must emit the same sound, which can be only the octave of the half. The caseis the same with the other sounds of the trumpet marine, which may be easily explained on the same principle. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 391. Ben “m 392 ACOUSTICS. ARTICLE XII. Of a fixed Sound ; method of preserving and transmitting it. Before the effects of the temperature of the air on sound, and on the instruments by which it is produced, were known, this would not have formed the subject of a question, but to the few possessed of an ear exceedingly fine and delicate, and in which the remembrance of a tone is perfect: to others no doubt would remain that a flute, not altered, would always give the same tone. Such an opinion however would be erroneous, and if the means of transmitting to St. Domingo, for example, or to Quito, or only to posterity, the exact pitch of our opera were required, to solve this problem would be attended with more difficulty than might at first be imagined. Notwithstanding what may be generally said in this respect, we shall here begin by a sort of paradox. It is every where said that the degree of the tone varies according to the weight of the atmosphere, or the height of the barometer. This we can by no means admit: and we flatter ourselves that we can prove the contrary. It has been demonstrated by the formule of Euler, and no one entertains any doubt in regard to their truth, that if @ represents the weight which compresses the column of air in a flute, L the length of that column, and w its weight, the number of the vibrations it makes will be expressed by Vo that is to say, will be in~ the CL compound ratio of the square root of c, or the compressing weight taken directly, and the product of the length by the weight taken inversely. Let us suppose then that the length of the column of air put in vibration is invariable, and that the gravity of the atmosphere only, or G, is variable, as well as the weight of the vibrating column. In this case we shall have the number of the vibrations proportional to the expression e/a, But the density of any stratum of air being proportional to W the whole weight of that part of the atmosphere immediately above it, it thence follows that w, which in equal lengths is as the density, is as c. The fraction © there- Ww fore is constantly the same, when difference of heat does not alter. the density. The square root of < then is always the same; consequently there will be no variation in the number of the vibrations, or in the tone, at whatever height in the atmosphere the instrument may be situated, or whatever be the gravity of the air, provided its temperature has not changed. This reasoning, in our opinion, 1s unanswerable ; and if the gravity of the air has hitherto been reckoned among those causes which alter the tone of wind instruments, it is because it has been implicitly believed that the weight of the column of air put in vibration is invariable. It is however evident that under the same temperature it must be more or less dense, according to the greater or less density of the atmo- sphere; since it has a communication with the surrounding stratum of air, the density of which is proportional to that gravity. But the gravity in equal volumes is pro- portional to the density ; therefore, &c. Nothing then remains to be considered but the temperature of the air, which is the only cause that can produce variations in the tone of a wind instrument. But whatever may be the degree of heat or of cold, the tone might be fixed in the fol- lowing manner. For this purpose provide an instrument, such as a German flute, the cylinder of air in which can be lengthened or shortened by moving the joints closer to or farther from each other; and have another so constructed, as to remain inva- riable, and which ought to be preserved in the same temperature, such as 54 degrees wd MUSIC AND MECHANICS. 393 - of Fahrenheit’s thermometer. The first flute being at the same degree of tempera- ture, bring them both into perfect unison, and then heat the first to 74° degrees of Fahrenheit, which will necessarily communicate to the cylinder of air contained in it the same degree of heat, and lengthen it by the quantity necessary to restore perfect unison: it is evident that if this elongation were divided into twenty parts, each of them would represent the quantity by which the flute ought to be lengthened for each degree of Fahrenheit’s thermometer. But it may be readily conceived that the quantity of this elongation, which at most would be but a few lines, could not be divided into so many parts; and there- fore it ought to be executed by the motion of a screw, that is to say one of the joints of the instrument should be screwed into the other ; for it would then be easy to make this elongation correspond to a whole revolution, and hence it might be divided into a great number of equal parts. By these means the opera at Lima, if required, where the heat frequently rises to 110° of Fahrenheit’s thermometer, might be made to have exactly the same pitch or tone asat Paris. But this is sufficient on’a subject the utility of which would not be worth the trouble necessary for attaining to such a degree of precision. ARTICLE XIII. Singular application of Music to a question in Mechanics. This question was formerly proposed by Borelli; and though we do not think that it can at present be a subject of controversy, it has occasioned some difference of opinion among a certain class of mechanicians. Fasten a string at one end to a fixed point; and having stretched it over a kind of bridge, suspend from it a weight, such as 10 pounds for example. Now, if instead of ‘the fixed point, which maintains the string in its place in opposition to the action of the weight, a weight equal to the former be substituted, will the string in both cases be equally stretched ? We have no doubt that every well informed mechanician will readily~ believe that in both cases the tension will be the same ; and this necessarily follows from the prin- ciple of equality between action and re-action. According to this principle, the im- moveable point, which in the first case counteracts the weight suspended from the other end of the string, opposes to it a resistance exactly equal to the action which it exercises: if a weight equal to the former be therefore substituted instead of the fixed point, every thing remains equal in regard to the tension experienced by the parts of the string, and which tends to separate them. But music furnishes us with a method of proving this truth to the reason, by means of the sense of hearing; for as the tone is not altered while the tension remains the same, nothing is necessary but to make the following experiment. Take two strings of the same metal, and the same size, and having fastened one of them by one end to a fixed point, stretch it over a bridge, so as to intercept between it and the fixed * point a determinate length, such as a foot for example; and suspend from the other end of it a given weight, such as ten pounds. Then extend the second string over two bridges, a foot distant from each other, and suspend from each extremity of it a weight of ten pounds; if the tone of these two strings be the same, there will be reason to conclude that the tension also is the same. We do not know whether this experiment was ever made; but we will venture to assert that it will decide in favour of equality of tension. This ingenious application of music to mechanics, is the invention of Diderot, who proposed it in his ‘*‘ Mémoires sur differentes sujets de Mathematique et de Physique,” printed at Paris, in octavo, in the year 1748. aa 394 ' ACOUSTICS. ARTICLE XIV. Some singular considerations in regard to the Flats and Sharps, and to their progression on their different tones. Those in the least acquainted with music know that, according to the different keys employed in modulation, a certain number of sharps or flats are required ; because in the major mode, the diatonic scale, with whatever tone we begin, must be similar to that of ut, which is the simplest of all, as it has neither sharp nor flat. These flats or sharps have a singular progress, which deserves to be observed; it is even susceptible of a sort of analysis, and as we may say algebraic calculation. To give some idea of it, we shall first remark, that a flat may and ought to be con- sidered as a negative sharp, since its effect is to lower the note a semi-tone ; whereas the sharp raises it the same quantity. This consideration alone may serve to deter- mine all the sharps and flats of the different tones. It may be readily seen that when a melody in ut major is raised a fifth, or brought to the tone of sol, asharp is required on the fa. It may therefore be thence concluded, that this modulation, lowered a fifth or brought to fa, will require a flat ; and indeed one is required on the si. It hence follows also, that if the air be raised another fifth, that is to say to re, one sharp more will be required ; and this is the reason why two are necessary. But to ‘raise two fifths, and then descend an octave to approach the primitive tone, is to rise only one tone; consequently to raise the air one tone, two sharps must be added. The tone of re indeed requires two sharps, and for the same reason the tone of mi requires four. . The tone of fa requires one flat, and that of mi requires four sharps; therefore when an air is raised a semi-tone, five flats must be added; for, a flat being a negative sharp, it is evident that such a number of flats must be added to the four sharps of mi, as shall efface these four sharps, and leave one flat remaining; which cannot be done but by five flats; for, according to the language of analysis, — 52 must be added to 4x, to leave asremainder — x. For the same reason, if the modulation be lowered a semi-tone, five sharps must be added: thus, as the tone of ut has neither sharps. nor flats, five sharps will be found necessary for sz, which is indeed the case. If the modulation be still lowered a tone, to be in la, we must add two flats, in the same manner as two sharpsare added when we rise a tone. But five sharps plus two flats, is the same thing as five sharps minus two sharps, or three sharps. We still find therefore, by this method, that the tone of Ja requires three sharps. But, before we proceed farther, it will be necessary to observe, that all the chro- matic tones, that is to say all those inserted between the tones of the natural diatonic scale, may be considered as sharps or flats; for it is evident that ut or re» are the same thing. It is very singular however, that according as this note is considered an inferior one affected by a sharp, or a superior one affected by a flat, the number of sharps required by the tone of the first, ut #, for example, and that of the flats re- quired by the tone of the second, re», always make 12; which evidently arises from the division of the octave into 12 semi-tones: therefore, since re b, as above shewn, requires five flats, if, instead of this tone, we consider it as ut, seven sharps will be required ; but for the facility of execution it is much better, in the present case, to consider this tone as re b, than ut §. This change therefore ought always to be made when the number of the sharps exceeds six; so that, since ten sharps, for example, would be found in the tone of la =, we must call it sib, and we shall have for that tone two flats, because two flats are the complement of ten sharps. On the other hand, in following the pro- gression of the semi-tones descending, if we should find a greater number of sharps than 12, we ought to reject 12, and the remainder will be that of the tone proposed: SHARPS AND FLATS. 395 for example, as wt has neither sharp nor flat, we have five sharps for the lower tone si; ten sharps for the semi-tone below la#; fifteen sharps for the still lower semi- tone /a:; if twelve sharps therefore be rejected, there will remain three, which are indeed the number of sharps necessary in the tone of A—mi—la. The tone of sol § ought to have 8 or 4 flats, if we call it Jab, ’ The tone of sol will have 13 sharps, from which if 12 be deducted, one sharp will remain, as is well known. The tone of fa will have 6 sharps, or 6 flats, if we call it solb. The tone fa ought to have 6 flats plus 5 sharps; that is to say, ] flat, as the 5 sharps destroy the same number of flats. That of mi will have | flat plus 5 sharps; that is, 4 sharps, as the flat destroys one of them. That of re will have 9 sharps or 3 flats, if it be considered as mib. That of re will have 14 sharps; that is to say 2, by rejecting 12, or $ flats plus 5 sharps = 2 sharps. That of ut will have 7 sharps, or 5 flats, if we call it reb, In the last place, the tone ut natural will have 12 sharps; that is to say none, or - 5 flats plus 5 sharps, which destroy each other. The very same results would be obtained in ascending by semi-tone after semi- tone from ut, and adding 5 flats for each; taking care to reject 12 when they exceed that number. Our readers, by way of amusement, may make the calcula- tion. By calculating the number of the semi-tones, either ascending or descending, we might in like manner find that of the sharps or flats of any tone given. Let us take, for example, that of fa: from ué ascending there are six semi- tones, and six times 5 flats makes 30 flats; from which if we deduct 24, a multiple of 12, the remainder will be 6: solb therefore will have 6 flats. - The same fa is 6 tones lower than ut; consequently there must be six times 5 or 30 sharps; from which if 24 be deducted, 6 sharps will remain, as we have found by another method. The tone of sol is 5 semi-tones lower than ut; consequently there must be five times 5, or 25 sharps; from which if 24 be deducted, there will remain only one sharp. As the same tone is 7 semi-tones higher than wt, there must be seven times 5 or 35 flats; from which if 24 be deducted, the remainder will be 11 flats, that is to say one sharp. This progression appeared to us so curious as to be worthy of this notice; but in order that it may be exhibited under a clearer and more favourable point of view, we shall form it into a table, which will at any rate be useful to those who are beginning to play on the harpsichord. For this purpose we shall present each chromatic note as flattened or sharpened, and on the left of the former we shall mark the sharps it requires, and the flats on the right of the latter. 0 sharp ut* 0 flats. 1 sharp sol * 7 sharps ut # © or reb* 5 flats. 8 sharps solf or la * 4 flats. 2 sharps re* 3 sharps la* 9 sharps re# or mib 3 flats. 10 sharps laf or — szb* Q flats. 4 sharps mi * 5 sharps 924 11 sharps fas 1 flat. 0 sharp ut* 0 flat. 6 sharps fa or solb* 6 flats. Of these tones, we have marked those usually employed with a*; for it may be easily conceived, that by employing re { under this form, we should have 9 sharps, which would give two notes with double sharps, viz. fa $#, ut $H ; so that the gamut re oe any 396 ACOUSTICS. woud be ref, mit or fa, fade or sol, solf, lah, si% or ut, utZE or re, regs which it would be exceedingly difficult to execute: but by taking mib, instead ¢ re #, we have only 3 flats, which renders the gamut much simpler, as. it then become. mib, fa, sal, lab, sif, ut, re, mib. We are almost inclined to ask pardon of our readers for having amused them wit) this frivolous speculation; but we hope the title of our work will plead our excuse ee ARTICLE XV. | Method of improving Barrel-instruments, and of making them fit to execute airs ofa every kind. The mechanism of that instrument called the barrel organ, is well known. It con! sists of a great number of pipes, graduated according to the tones and semi-tone/ of the octave, or at least those semi-tones which the progress of modulation it general requires. But these pipes never sound except when the wind of a bellows! kept in continual action, is made to penetrate to them by means of a valve. Thi valve is shut by a spring, and opened when necessary by a small lever, raised by spikes implanted in a wooden cylinder, which is put in motion bya crank. The cran] serves also to move the bellows, which must continually furnish the air, destine: to produce the different sounds by its introduction into the pipes. But in order that the subject of this article may be properly comprehended, it wil be necessary that the reader should have a perfect idea of the manner in which thy notes are arranged on the cylinder. The different small levers, which must be raised to produce the different tones being placed at a certain distance from each other, that of half an inch for example. circular lines are traced out at that distance on the cylinder. One of these lines i intended for receiving the spikes that produce the sound wf, the next for those tha’ sound wt #, the next for those that give ve, and soon. ‘There are as many lines 0 this kind as there are pipes; but it may be easily conceived that the duration of ar air or tune can not exceed one revolution of the cylinder. : Let us suppose then that the air consists of twelve measures. Each of these cir. cumferences is divided into twelve equal parts at least, by twelve lines drawr parallel to the axis of the cylinder ; and if we suppose that the shortest note of the ai is a quaver, and that the air isin triple time, denoted by 3, each interval must be di: vided into six equal portions; because, in this case, a measure will contain six quavers, Let us now suppose that the first notes of the air are la, ut, si, re, ut, mi, re, &c., al equal notes, and all simple crotchets. At the beginning of the line for receiving the la, and of the first measure, a spike must be placed of such a construction as t¢ keep raised up during the third of a measure the small lever that makes the Ja sound; then, in the line destined for the ut, at the end of the second division or beginning of the third,a spike similar to the first must be fixed in the cylinder; and in the line destined for the sz, another of the same kind must be placed: it is evident that, when the cylinder begins toturn, the first spike will make Ja sound during the third of a mea- sure. The second, as the first third of the measure is elapsed, will catch the lever and make ut sound; and the third will in like manner make st sound during the ss third. The instrument therefore will say da, ut, si, &c. If, instead of three crotchets, there were six quavers, which in this measure are the first long, the second short, the third long, and so on alternately, which are called dotted quavers, it may be easily perceived, that, after the spikes of the first, third, and fifth notes have been fixed in the respective places of the division where they ought to be, nothing will be necessary but to take care that the spike of the first quaver, which in this time ought to be equal to a quaver and a half, shall have its head con- structed in such manner as to raise the lever during one part and a half of the six > BARREL INSTRUMENTS. 397 divisions into which the measure is divided; which may be done by giving it a tail behind of the necessary length. In regard to the short quavers, the spikes repre- senting them ought to be removed back half a division, and to be formed in sucha manner as to keep the lever corresponding to them raised up only during the revolu- tion of a semi-division of the cylinder. By these examples it may be easily seen what must be done in the other eases, that is, when the notes have other values. Were the cylinder immoveable in the direction of its axis, only one air could be performed; but as the spikes move the small levers merely by touching them beneath in a very narrow space, such as the breadth of a line at most, which is a mechanism that may be easily conceived, it will be readily seen that, by giving to the cylinder the small lateral motion of a line, none of the spikes can communicate motion to the levers. Another line therefore, to receive spikes arranged so as to produce a diffe- rent air, may be drawn close to each of the first set of lines, and the number of the different sets of lines may be six or seven, according to the interval between the first lines, which is the same as that between the middle of one pipe and the middle of the neighbouring one: by these means, if the cylinder be moved a little in the direction of its axis, the air may be changed. Such is the mechanism of the hand or barrel organ, and other instruments con- structed on the same principle; but it may be easily seen that they are attended with this inconvenience, that they can perform only a very small number of airs. But as aseries of five, six, eight, or a dozen of tunes, is soon exhausted, it might be a matter of some importance to discover a method by which they might be cnanged at pleasure. We agree in opinion with Diderot, who has given some observations on this subject, in the work above quoted, that this purpose might be answered by constructing the cylinder in the following manner. Let it be composed of a piece of solid wood, covered with avery hard cushion, and let the whole be pushed into a bollow cylinder, of about a line in thickness, On this inner cylinder draw the lines destined to re- ceive the spikes, placed at the proper intervals for producing the different tones ; and let holes be pierced in these lines at certain distances, six for example in each division of the measure if it be triple time, or eight in the measure if it be common time, denoted by c: we here suppose that no air is to be set that has shorter notes than plain quavers. Twelve holes per measure will be required in the first case, and sixteen in the second, if the air contains semi-quavers. It may now be readily conceived that ona cylinder of this kind any air whatever might be set; nothing will be necessary for this purpose, but to thrust into the holes of the exterior cylinder spikes of the proper length, taking care to arrange them as above explained ; they will be sufficiently firm in their places in consequence of the elasticity of the cushion*, strongly compressed between the inner cylinder and the hollow outer one. When the air is to be changed, the spikes may be drawn out, and put intoa box divided into small cells, in the same manner as printing types when distributed in the cases. The interior cylinder may then be made to revolve a little, in order to separate the holes in the cushion from those in the exterior cylinder, and a new air may then be set with as much facility as the former. We shall not examine, with Diderot, all the advantages of such an instrument, be- cause it must be allowed that it never can be of much utility, and will have no value | in the eyes of the musician. It is however certain that it would be agreeable, for those who possess such instruments, to be able to give more variety to the airs they are capable of performing; and this end would be answered by the construction here described. * Might not cork be employed instead of the cushion here proposed ? 398 ACOUSTICS. ARTICLE XVI. Of some Musical Instruments, or Machines, remarkable for their singularity of | construction. At the head of all these musical’ instruments, or machines, we ought doubtless to| place the organ; the extent and variety of the tones of which would excite much) more admiration, were it not so common in our churches; for, besides the artifice | necessary to produce the tones by means of keys, what ingenuity must have been. required to contrive mechanism for giving that variety of character to the tones, which | is obtained by means of the different stops, such as those called the voice stop, flute stop, &c. ? A complete description therefore of an organ, and of its construction, | would be sufficient to occupy a large volume. : The ancients had hydraulic organs, that is, organs the sound of which was occa-_ sioned by air produced by the motion of water. These machines were invented by Ctesibius of Alexandria, and his scholar Hero. From the description of these hydrauli¢ organs given by Vitruvius, in the tenth book of his Architecture, Perrault con- structed one which he deposited in the King’s Library, where the Royal Academy of Sciences held their sittings. This instrument indeed is not to be compared to the modern organs; but it is evident that the mechanism of it has served as a basis for that of ours, St. Jerome speaks with enthusiasm of an organ which had twelve pair of bellows, and which could be heard at the distance of a mile. It thence appears that the method employed by Ctesibius, to produce air to fill the wind box, was soon laid aside, for one more simple; that is, for a pair of bellows. The performer on the tambour de basque, and the automaton flute-player of Vau- canson, which were exhibited and seen with admiration in most parts of Europe, in the year 1749, may be classed among the most curious musical machines ever in- vented. We shall not however say any thing of the former of these machines, be- cause the latter appears to have been far more complex. The automaton flute-player performed several airs on the flute, with the precision and correctness of the most expert musician. It held the flute in the usual manner, and produced the tone by means of its mouth; while its fingers, applied on the holes, produced the different notes. It is well known how the fingers might be raised by spikes fixed in a cylinder, so as to produce these sounds; but it is difficult to conceive how that part could be executed which is performed by the tongue, and without which the music would be very defective. Vaucanson indeed confesses that this motion in his machine was that which cost him the greatest labour. Those desirous of farther information on this subject may consult a small work, in quarto, which Vaucanson published respecting these machines. A very convenient instrument for composers was invented some years ago in Germany: it consists of a harpsichord which, by certain machinery added to it, notes down any air or piece of music, while a person is playing it. This is a great advantage to composers, as it enables them, when hurried away by the fervour of their imagination, to preserve what has successively received from their fingers a fleeting existence, and what otherwise it would often be impossible for them to re- member. A description of this machine may be found in the Memoirs of the Aca- demy of Berlin, for the year 1773. ARTICLE XVII. Of a new instrument called the Harmonica. This new instrument was invented in America, by Dr. Franklin, who gave a description of it to Father Beccaria, which the latter published in his works, printed in 1773. It is well known that when the finger, a little moistened, is rubbed against the THE HARMONICA. 399 edge of a drinking glass, a sweet sound is produced; and that the tone varies according to the form, size, and thickness of the glass. The tone may be raised or lowered also by putting into the glass a greater or less quantity of water. Dr. Franklin says that an Irishman, named Puckeridge, first conceived the idea, about twenty years before that time, of constructing an instrument with several glasses of this kind, adjusted to the various tones, and fixed to a stand in such a manner, that different airs could be played upon them. Mr. Puckeridge having been afterwards burnt in his house along, with this instrument, Mr. Delaval constructed another of the same kind, with glasses better chosen, which he applied to the like purpose. Dr. Franklin, hearing this instrument, was so delighted with the sweetness of its tones, that he endeavoured to improve it; and the result of his researches was the instrument which we are now going to describe. Cause to be blown on purpose glasses of different sizes, and of a form nearly hemispherical, having each in the middle an open neck. The thickness of the glass, ~ near the edge, should be at most one tenth of an inch, and ought to increase gradually to the neck, which in the largest glasses should be an inch in length, and an inch and a half in breadth in the inside. In regard to the dimensions of the glasses them- selves, the largest may be about nine inches in diameter at the mouth, and the least three inches, ‘each glass decreasing in size a quarter of an inch. It will be proper to have five or six of the same diameter, in order that they may be more easily tuned to the proper tones; for a very slight difference will be sufficient to make them vary a tone, and even a third. When these arrangements are made, try the different glasses, in order to form of them a series of three or four chromatic octaves. To elevate the tone, the edge towards the neck ought to be ground, trying them every moment, for if they be raised _too high, it will afterwards be impossible to lower them. When the glasses have been thus graduated, they must be arranged on a common axis. For this purpose, put a cork stopper very closely into the neck of each, so as to project from it about half an inch; then make a hole of a proper size in all these corks, and thrust into them an iron axis, but not with too much force, otherwise the necks might burst. Care must also be taken to place the glasses in such a manner, that their edges may be about an inch distant from each other, which is nearly the distance between the middle of the keys of a harpsichord. To one of the extremities of the axis affix a wheel of about eighteen inches in diameter, loaded with a weight of from twenty to twenty-five pounds, that it may retain for some time the motion communicated to it. This wheel, which must be turned by the same mechanism as that employed to turn a spinning wheel, commu- nicates, as it revolves, its motion to the axis, which rests in two collars, one at the extremity, and the other at some distance from the wheel. The whole may be fitted into a box of the proper form, placed on a trame supported by four feet. The glasses corresponding to the seven tones of the diatonic octave, may be painted of the seven prismatic colours in their natural order, that the different tones to which they cor- respond may be more readily distinguished. The person who plays on this instrument, is seated before the tow of glasses, as if before the keys of a harpsichord; the glasses are slightly moistened, and the wheel being made to revolve, communicates the same motion to the glasses: the fingers are then applied to the edges of the glasses, and the different sounds are by these means produced. It may be easily seen that different parts can be executed with this instrument, as with the harpsichord. About fourteen or fifteen years ago, an English lady at Paris performed, it is said, exceedingly well on this instrument. The sounds it emits are remarkably sweet, and would be very proper as an accompaniment to certain tender and pathetic airs. It is attended with one advantage, which is, that the sounds can be maintained of *e 400 ACOUSTICS. P| prolonged, and made to swell at pleasure ; and the instrument, when once tuned, never requires to be altered. It afforded great satisfaction to many amateurs ; but we have heard that the sound, on account of its great sweetness, became at last somewhat insipid, and for this reason perhaps it is now laid aside, and confined to cabinets, among other musical curiosities. ; A few years ago, Dr. Chladni, who has made various researches respecting the theory of sound, and the vibrations of sonorous bodies,* invented a new kind of in- strument of this kind, to which he gave the name of euphon. This instrument has some resemblance to a small writing desk, and contains in the inside 40 glass tubes of different colours, of the thickness of the barrel of a quill, and about sixteen inches in length. They are wetted with water by means of a sponge, and stroked with the fingers in the direction of their length; so that the increase of the tone depends merely on the stronger or weaker pressure, and the slower or quicker move- ment of the fingers. In the back part there is a perpendicular sounding board, through which the tubes pass. In sweetness of sound, this instrument approaches: near to harmonica; but seems to be attended with advantages which the other does not possess. . Ist. Itis simpler, both in regard to its construction, and the movement necessary to produce the sound; as neither turning nor stopping is required, but merely the motion of the finger. 2d. It produces its sound more speedily; so that as soon as touched the tone may be made as full as the instrument is capable of giving it: whereas in the harmonica the tones, and particularly the lower ones, must be made to increase gradually. 3d. It has more distinctness in quick passages, because the tones do not resound so long as in the harmonica, where the sound of one low tone is often heard when you wish only to hear the following one. 4th. The unison is purer than is generally the case in the harmonica; where it Is difficult to have perfect glasses, which in every part give like tones with mathemati- cal exactness. Itis however as difficult to be tuned as the harmonica. Sth. It does not affect the nerves of the performer; for a person scarcely fecls a weak agitation in the fingers; whereas in the harmonica, particularly in concords of the lower notes, the agitation extends to the arms, and even through the whole body of the performer. 6th, The expense of this instrument will be much less than that of the harmonica, 7th. When one of the tubes breaks, or any other part is deranged, it can be easily repaired: whereas when one of the glasses of the harmonica breaks, it requires much time, and is difficult to procure another capable of giving the same tone as the former, and which will correspond sufficiently with the rest. For farther particulars respecting this instrument, and the history of its invention, see ‘‘ The Philosophical Magazine,’’ No. 8, or vol. ii. p. 391. ARTICLE XVIII. Of some singular ideas in regard to Music. Ist. One perhaps would scarcely believe it possible for a person to compose an air, though entirely ignorant of music, or at least of composition. This secret, however, was published a few years ago in a small work ,entitled “Le Jeu Dez Harmonique,” or ‘ Ludus Melothedicus,”’ containing various calculations, by means of which any person, even ignorant of music, may compose minuets, with the accoiw- paniment of a bass. 8vo. Paris 1757. In this work, the author shows howa minuet * He published a work on this subject entitled, ‘ Entdeckungen uber die Theorie des Klanges.” Leipsic, 1787. 4to FIGURES IN SAND ON VIBRATING PLATES. 401 and its bass may be Seiniiowed according to the points thrown with two dice, by means of certain tables. This author gives a method also of performing the same thing by means of a pack of cards. We do not remember the title of this work; and we confess that we ought to attach no more importance to it than the author does himself. We shall therefore content ourselves with having mentioned works to which the reader may have recourse for information respecting this kind of amusement, the combination of which must have cost more labour than the subject deserved. We shall however observe, that this author published: another work, entitled ‘‘ Invention d’une Manufacture et Fabrique de Vers au petit metier,” &c. Svo. 1759, in which he taught a method of answering, in Latin verse, by means of two dice and cer- tain tables, any question proposed. This, it must be confessed, was expending much labour to little purpose. 2d. A physician of Lorrain, some years ago, published a small treatise, in which he employed music in Hetoriunioy the state of the pulse. He represented the beats of -a regular pulse by minuet time, and those of the other kinds of -pulse by different mea- sures, more or less accelerated. If this method of medical practice should be intro- duced, it will be a curious spectacle to see a disciple of Hippocrates feeling the pulse of his patient by the sound of an instrument, and trying airs analogous by their time to the motion of his pulse, in order to discover its quality. If all other diseases should baffle the physician’s skill, there is reason to believe that low spirits will not be able to withstand such a practice. ARTICLE XIX. On the nies Sormed by Sand and other light substances on vibrating surfaces. Dr. Chladni of Wittenberg, by his experiments on vibrating surfaces, published in 1787, opened a new field in this department of science, viz., the consideration of the curves formed by sand and other light bodies, on surfaces put into astate of motion. As this subject is curious, and seems worthy of farther research, we shall present the reader with a few observations on the method of repeating these experiments, taken from Gren’s Journal of Natural Philosophy, vol. iii.* Vibration figures, as they are called, are produced on vibrating surfaces, because some parts of these surfaces are at rest, and others in motion. The surfaces fittest for being made to vibrate, are panes of glass; though the experiments will succeed equally ~ well with plates of metal, or pieces of board, a line or two in thickness. If the surface of any of these bodies be strewed over with substances easily put in motion; such for example as fine sand; these, during the vibration of the body, will remain on the parts at rest, and be ‘thrown from the parts in motion, so as to form mathematical figures. To produce such figures, nothing is necessary but to know the method of bringing that part of the surface, which you wish not to vibrate,into a state of rest ; and of putting in motion that which you wish to vibrate; on this depends the whole expertness of producing vibration figures. ~ “Fig. 4. Those who have never tried these experiments might imagine, that to produce Fig. 4. it would be necessary to damp, in particular, every point of the part to be kept at rest, viz., the two concentric circles and the diameter, and to put in motion every part intended to vibrate. This however is not the case; for you need damp only the points a and 4, and cause to vibrate one part c, at the edge of the plate; for the motion is soon communicated to the other parts, * See also Phil. Mag. No. 12. 2D 402 ACOUSTICS. which you wish to vibrate, and the required figure will in this manner be produced. The damping Ps be best effected by laying hold of the place to be danipel be- Fig. 5. end, brought into contact with the glass in such a manner, as to supply the place ~ © tween two fingers, or by supporting it only by one finger. This will be more clearly comprehended by turning to Fig. 5., where the hand is represented in that, position necessary to hold the plate. In order to produce Fig. 6. you must hold the plate horizontally, placing the thumb above at a, with the second finger directly below it; and besides this, you must support the point 6 on the under side of the plate. If the bow of a violin be then rubbed against the plate at c, you will produce on the glass the figure which is delineated Fig. 6. When the point to be supported or damped lies too near the centre of the plate, you may rest it on acork, not too broad at the of the finger. It is convenient also, when you wish to damp several points at the Fig. 7. di q Fig: 8. Fig. 11. circumference of the glass, to place your thumb on the cork, and to use the rest of your fingers for touching the parts which you wish to keep at rest. For example, if-you wish to produce Fig. 7. on an elliptic plate, the larger axis of which is to the less as 4 to 8, you must place the cork under ¢, the centre of the plate; put your thumb upon this point, and then damp the two points of the edge p and q, as may be seen Fig. 8., and make the plate to vibrate by rubbing the violin bow against it at r. There is still another convenient method of damping several points at the edge, when large plates are employed. Fig. 9. re- presents a strong square bit of metal a 8, a line in circumference, which is screwed to the edge of the table, or made fast in any other manner; and a notch, about as broad as the edge of the plate, is cut into one side of it witha file. You then hold the plate resting against this bit of metal, by two or more fingers when requisite, as at c and d; by which means the edge of the plate will be damped in three points d, c, e ; and in this manner, by putting the vibration at f, you can produce Fig. 10. In cases of necessity you may use the edge of a table, instead of the bit of metal; but it will not answer the purpose so well. To produce the vibration at any required place, a common violin bow, rubbed with rosin, is the most proper instrument to be employed. The hair must not be too slack, because — sometimes necessary to press pretty hard on the plate, in order to produce the tone sooner. When you wish to produce any particular figure, you must first form it in idea on the plate, in order that you may be able to determine where a line at rest, and where a vibrating part, will occur. The greatest rest will always be where two or more lines intersect each other, and such places must in par- ticular be damped. For example, in Fig. 11. you must damp the part x,-and stroke with the bow in p. Fig. 12. may be produced with no less ease, if you hold the plate at r, and stroke with the bow at f. The strongest vibration seems FIGURES IN SAND ON VIBRATING PLATES. 403 Fig. 12. - always to be in that part of the edge which is bounded by a curve: for example, in Fig, 8. and Fig. 2, at n. To produce these figures, therefore, you must rub with the bow at 7, and s not at r. You must however damp, not only those points where two lines intersect each other; but endeavour to support at least one ee which is suited to that figure, and to no other. For example, f when you support a and A, Fig. 4., and rub with the bow at e, Fig. 13. Fig. 11. also may be produced ; because both these figures have these two points at rest. To produce Fig.4., you must support Z with one finger the part e, and rub with the bow inc; but Fig. 11. cannot be produced in this manner, because it has not the Fig. 14, point e at rest. A One of the greatest difficulties in producing the figures, is to determine before-hand the vibrating and resting points which (O\ belong to a certain figure, and to noother. Hence, when one is = , “ not able to damp those points which distinguish one figure from another, if the violin bow be rubbed against the plate, several hollow tones are heard, without the sand forming itself as ex- pected. You must therefore acquire by experience a readiness, in being able to search out among these tones that which belongs to the required figure, and to produce it on the plate by rubbing the bow against it. When you have acquired sufficient expertness in this respect, you can determine before-hand, with a considerable degree of certainty, the figures to be produced, and even the most difficult. It may be easily conceived, that you must not forget what part of the plate, and in what man- ner, you damped ; and you may mark these points by making a scratch on the plate with a bit of flint. cio : When the plate has acquired the proper vibration, you must endeavour to keep it in that state for some seconds; which can be best done by rubbing the bow against it several times in succession. By these means the sand will be formed much more accurately. 3 : : Any sort of glass may be employed for these experiments, provided its surface be smooth; otherwise the sand will fall into the hollow parts, or be thrown about in an irregular manner. Common glass plates, when cut with a stone, are very sharp on the edge, and would soon destroy the hair of the violin bow: on this account the edge must be rendered somewhat smooth, by means of a file, or a piece of coarse hard free-stone. , 2 ; You must endeavour to procure such plates as are pretty uniform in thickness ; and you ought to have them of different sizes; such as circular ones of from four to twelve inches in diameter. You must not employ sand too fine, but rather that which is somewhat coarse. The plate must be equally strewed with it, and not too thick ; as the lines will then be exceedingly fine, and the figures will acquire a better defined appearance. 2n2 404 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY, PART SIXTH. CONTAINING THE EASIEST AND MOST CURIOUS PROBLEMS, AS WELL AS THE MOST INTERESTING TRUTHS, IN ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY, BOTH MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL. Or all the parts of the mathematics, none are better calculated to excite curiosity than astronomy and its different branches. Nothing indeed can be a stronger proof of the power and dignity of the human mind, than its having been able to raise itself to such abstract knowledge as to discover the causes of the phenomena exhibited by the revolution of the heavenly bodies; the real construction of the universe ; the respective distances of the bodies which compose it, &c, At all times therefore this study has been considered as one of the sublimest efforts of genius ; and Ovid himself, though a poet, never expresses his thoughts on this subject but with a sort of enthusiasm. Thus, when speaking of the erect posture of man, he says: Cunctaque cum spectent animalia cetera terram, Os homini sublime dedit, coelumque tueri Jussit, et erectos in sidera tollere vultus. Metamorph. Lib. I. In another place, speaking of astronomers, he says: Felices animze! quibus hzc cognoscere primis, Inque domos superas scandere cura fuit. Credibile est illos pariter vitiisque, jocisque, Altius humanis exeruisse caput. Non venus aut vinum sublimia pectora fregit, Officiamve fori, militizeve labor ; Nec levis ambitio perfusaque gloria fuco, Magnarumve fames sollicitavit opum. Admovere oculis distantia sidera nostris, /Etheraque ingenio supposuere suo. If astronomy at that period excited admiration, what ought it not do at present, when the knowledge of this science is far more extensive and certain than that of the ancients, who, as we may say, were acquainted only with the rudiments of it! How great would have been the enthusiasm of the poet, how sublime his expressions, had he foreseen only a part of the discoveries which the sagacity of the moderns has enabled them to make with the assistance of the telescope! The moons which surround Jupi- terand Saturn; the singular ring that accompanies the latter; the rotation of the sun and planets around their axes ; the various motions of the earth; its immense distance from the sun; the still more incredible distance of the fixed stars ; the regular course of the comets ; the discovery of new planets and comets ; and in the last place, the arrange- ment of all the celestial bodies, and their laws of motion, now as fully demonstrated as the truths of geometry. With much more reason would he have called those who have ascended to these astronomical truths, and who have placed them beyond all doubt, privileged beings, and of an order superior to human nature. t MERIDIAN LINE. 405 CHAPTER. I. ELEMENTARY PROBLEMS IN ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. PROBLEM I, To find the Meridian Line of any place. The determination of the meridian line, is certainly the basis of every operation, both in astronomy and geography; for which reason we shall make it the first problem relating to this subject. There are several methods of determining this line, which we shall here describe. I.—On any horizontal plane, fix obliquely, and in a firm manner, a spike or sharp pointed piece of iron, with the point uppermost, as a B, Fig 1. Then provide a double square, that is to say, two squares joined together so as to form an angle, and by its means find, on the horizontal plane, the point c, corresponding in a perpen- dicular direction with the summit of the style. From this point describe several concentric circles, and mark, in the forenoon, where the summit of the shadow touches them. Do the same thing in the afternoon; and the two points D and £ being thus determined in the same circle, divide into two equal parts the ~ arc intercepted between them. If a straight line be then drawn through the centre, and this point of bisection, it will be the meridian line required. By taking two points in one of the other circles, and re- peating the same operation ; if the two lines coincide, it will be a proof, or at least afford a strong presumption, that the operation has been accurately performed; if they do not coincide, some error must have arisen; and therefore it will be necessary to recommence the operation with more care. Two observations, the least distant from noon, ought in general to be preferred ; both because the sun is then more brilliant and the shadow better defined, and be- - cause the change in the sun’s declination is less; for this operation supposes that the sun neither recedes from nor approaches to the equator, at least in a sensible manner, during the interval between the two observations. : In short, provided these two observations have been made between 9 o’clock in the morning and 8 in the afternoon, even if the sun be near the equator, the meridian found by this method will be sufficiently exact, in the latitude of from 45 to 60 degrees; for we have found that in the latitude of Paris, and making the most unfavourable suppositions, the quantity which such a meridian may err will not be above 20”. If it be required with perfect exactness, nothing is necessary but to make choice of a time when the sun is either in one of the tropics, particularly that of Cancer, or very near it, so that in the interval between the two operations his declination may not have sensibly changed. We are well aware that, for the nice purposes of astronomy, something more precise will be necessary ; but the object of this work is merely to give the simplest and most curious operations in this science. The following however is a second method of finding the meridian by means of the pole star. Il.—To determine the meridian line in this manner, it will be necessary to wait till the pole star, which we here suppose to be known, has reached the meridian. But this will be the case when that star and the first in the tail of the Great Bear, or the one nearest the square of the constellation, are together in the same line perpendicular to the horizon; for about the year 1700 these two stars passed over 406 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. the meridian exactly at the same time; so that when the star in the Great Bear was below the pole, the polar star was above it; but though this is not precisely the case at present, these stars, as we shall here shew, may be still employed in obtaining an approximate meridian. Having suspended a plumb line in a motionless state, wait till the pole star, and that in the Great Bear above described, are together concealed by the thread; and at that moment suspend a second plumb line, in such a manner that it shall hide the former and the two stars. These two threads will then comprehend between them a plane which will be that of the meridian ; and if the two points on the ground, cor- responding to the extremities of the two plumb lines, be joined by a straight line, you will have the direction of the meridian. The time at which the pole star, or any other star, passes the meridian on a given day, may be found in the following manner : Subtract the right ascension of the sun from the right ascension of the star (in- creased by 24 hours if necessary), and the remainder is the apparent time of the star’s passing the meridian. The sun’s right ascension, as well as that of any star likely to be used in the ordinary procedure of astronomy, may be feund in the Nautical Almanac, or White’s Ephemeris, one of which no English astronomer will be without. : To trace out a meridian line by means of the pole star, find as above the time when the star is on the meridian; and about six hours before that time, the star will be at its greatest elongation east of the meridian: and about six hours after at its greatest elongation west of the meridian. This greatest elongation may be found by adding together the log. cosine of the declination, and the log. secant of the latitude, and the sum (rejecting 10) is the log. sine of the greatest elongation. Thus on Feb. 10th, 1889, in lat. 51° 29 N., to find the greatest elongation of the pole star one hour:— Declination 88° 27’ 24” cosine 8:430279 Latitude 51° 29 0” secant 10:205692 Required elongation 2° 28’ 43” sine 18°635971 Now for some time, about the greatest elongation, the azimuth does not sensibly change ; there is therefore sufficient time to note from a given place the direction — of the star at the time, and to draw on the ground a line in that direction. From this line let an angle be laid off equal to the greatest elongation computed as above; towards the west of the star is east of the meridian, but towards the east of the star is west of the meridian; and the line forming this angle with the line drawn in the direction of the star, will be the meridian line. But the object may be effected with much more neatness by a theodolite ; for, having adjusted the instrument, and directed the telescope to the star at the time of its greatest elongation, it is only requisite to turn round the instrument in azimuth 2° 28’ 43”, or such other angle as may result from the computation, and then any object on the horizon bisected by the cross wires of the telescope will be ina meridian line from the place of the instrument. PROBLEM It.. To find the Latitude of any place. The latitude of any place on. the earth is its distance from the equator; and is measured by an arc of the celestial meridian, intercepted between the zenith of the place and the equator; for this arc is similar to that comprehended on the earth between the place and the terrestrial equator. This is equal to the elevation of the LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE. 407 pole, which is the arc of the meridian intercepted between the pole and the horizon. To those therefore who live under the equator, the poles are in the horizon; and if there were inhabitants at either pole, the equator would be in their horizon. The latitude of any place on the earth may be easily found by various methods. Ist. By the meridian altitude of the sun on any given day. For if the sun’s decli- nation for that day, when the sun is in any of the northern signs, and the given place in the northern hemisphere, be subtracted from the altitude, the remainder will be the elevation of the equator, the complement of which is the elevation of the pole, or the latitude. If the sun be in any of the southern signs, it may be readily seen that, to find the elevation of the equator, the declination must be added. 2d. If the meridian altitude of one of the circum-polar stars, which do not set, be taken twice in the course of the same night, namely,once when directly above the pole, and again when exactly below it; and if from each of these altitudes the refrac- tion be subtracted; the mean between these two altitudes will be that of the pole, or the latitude. Or, take any two altitudes of such a star at the interval of 11? 58™ of time, correcting them by subtracting the refractions as before; then the mean be- tween them will be the height of the pole, or the latitude of the place. 3d. Look, in some catalogue of the fixed stars, for the distance of any star from the equator, that is to say its declination; then take its meridian altitude, and by adding or subtracting the declination, you will have the elevation of the equator, the complement of which, as before said, is the latitude. PROBLEM III. To find the Longitude of any place on the earth. The longitude of any place, or the second element of its geographical position, is the distance of its meridian froma certain meridian, which by;common consent is con- sidered as the first. This first meridian was formerly supposed to be that passing through the island of Ferro, the most eastern of the Canaries. But the meridian of the observatory of Paris is now used by the French, and that of the Royal Observa- tory of Greenwich by the English. Formerly the longitude was reckoned, from west to east, throughout the whole circumference of the equator; but at present-it is almost the general practice to reckon both ways from the first meridian, or the meridian accounted as such; that is to say east and west, so that the longitude according to this method can never exceed 180 degrees: and in the tables it is marked whether it be east or west. We shall now proceed to shew in what manner the longitude is determined. If two terrestrial meridians, distant from each other 15°, for example, be supposed to be continued to the heavens; it is evident that they will intercept, in the equator and all its parallels, arcs of the same number of degrees. It may be readily seen also that the sun will arrive first at the more eastern meridian, and that he will then have to pass over !5° in the equator, or the parallel which he describes that day during his diurnal rotation, before he arrives at the more western meridian. But to pass over 15° the sun requires one hour, since he employs 24 hours to pass over 360° ; x hence it follows, that when it is noon at the more eastern places it will be only 11 o’clock in the morning at the more western. If the distance of the meridians of the two places be greater or less, the difference of the hours will be greater or less, in the proportion of one hour for 15°; and consequently of 4 minutes for a degree, t seconds for a minute, and so on. Thus it is seen, that to determine the longitude of a place, nothing is necessary but to know what hour itis there, when it is a certain hour in another place situated under the first meridian, or the distance of which from the first meridian is known; for if this difference of time be changed into degrees and parts of a degree, allowing A408 _ ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. 15° for one hour of time, one degree for 4 minutes, and so on, then the longitude of the proposed place will be obtained. To find this difference of hours, the usual method is to employ the observation of some celestial phenomenon that happens exactly at the same moment to every place on the earth, such for example as eclipses of the moon. Two observers sta- tioned at two places, the difference of the longitude of which is required, observe, by means of a well-regulated clock, the moments when the shadow successively reaches several remarkable spots on the moon’s disc; they then compare their ob- servations, and by the difference of the time which they reckoned when the shadow reached the same spot, they determine, as above explained, the difference of the lon- gitude of the two places. Let us suppose, by way of example, that an observer at London pater - obser- vation, that the shadow reached the spot called Tycho at lh. 45m, 50s. in the morning; and that another stationed at a place a madea similar observation at 24m. 30s. after midnight: the difference of this time is lh. 21m. 20s., which, reduced to degrees and minutes of the equator, gives 20° 20’. This is the difference of longi- tude: and as it was later at London when the phenomenon was observed, than at the place a, it thence follows that the place a is situated 20° 20’ farther west than London. As eclipses of the moon are very rare, and as it is difficult to observe with preci- sion when the shadow comes into contact with the moon’s disc, so as to determine the commencement of the eclipse, and also the exact period when the shadow reaches any particular spot, the modern astronomers make use of the immersions, that is to say the eclipses, of Jupiter’s satellites, and particularly those of the first, which, as it moves very fast, experiences frequent eclipses that end in a few seconds. The - case is the same with the emersion or return of light to the satellite, which takes place very quickly. For the sake of illustration we shall suppose that an observer, stationed at the place a, observes an immersion of the first satellite to have hap- pened on a certain day at 4h. 55m. in the morning ; and another stationed at a place B at 3h. 25m. The difference being lh. 30m. it gives 22° 30’ for the difference of longitude. We may therefore conclude that the place a is farther to the east than B, since the inhabitants at the former reckoned an hour more at the time of the phe- nomenon. Remark.—These observations of the satellites, which, since the discovery of those of Jupiter, have been often repeated in every part of the globe, have in some measure made an entire reformation in geography; for the position in longitude of almost all places was determined merely by itinerary distances very incorrectly mea- sured; so that in general the longitudes were counted much greater than they really were. Towards the end of the seventeenth century there were more than 25° to be cut off from the longitude assigned to the old continent from the. western ocean to the eastern coast of Asia. This method, so evident and demonstrative, was however criticised by the celebrated Isaac Vossius, who preferred the itinerary results of travellers, or the estimated dis- tances of navigators; but by this he only proved that, though he possessed a great deal of erudition badly digested, he had a weak judgment, and was totally unac- quainted with the elements of astronomy. A knowledge of the latitude and longitude of the different places of the earth, is of so much importance to astronomers, geographers, &c., that we think it our date to give a table of those of the principal places of the earth. This table, which is very extensive, contains the position of the most considerable towns both in England and in France, as well as of the greater part of the capitals and remarkable places in ’ LATITUDES AND LONGITUDES. 409 every quarter of the globe; the whole founded on the latest astronomical observa- tions, and the best combinations of distances and positions. The reader must observe, that the longitude is reckoned from the meridian of Greenwich, both east and west. When east it is denoted by the letter ©, and when west by the letter w. In regard to the latitude, it is distinguished, in the same manner, by the letters N and s, which denote north and south. A TABLE, . CONTAINING THE LATITUDES AND LONGITUDES OF THE CHIEF TOWNS AND MOST REMARKABLE PLACES OF THE EARTH. “Names of Places. Lat. Long. Names of Places. Lat. .| Long. Abbeville, France 50° 7’N| 1°50’ £ || Awatcha;Kamtschatka |52° 52’ N/158° 47’ EB Aberdeen, Scotland 57 9N| 2 6w || Azoph, Crimea 47 ON| 39 14 5 Abo, Finland 60 27 Nj 22 17 E || Bagdad, Mesopotamia |33 20 N| 44 25 & Acapulco, America 16 50 N| 99 49 w || Bahama l., America |26 43 n| 78 56w Acheen, Sumatra 5 36 N| 95 19 E || Baldivia, Chili 39 50 s| 73 34Ww Adrianople, Turkey [41 3 Nj 27 8 E|| Bale, Switzerland 47 34N| 7 35 E Agra, India 27 13 N| 78 17 £ || Bangalore, India L2E5S Nie Aleppo, Syria 36 11 N| 37 10 E || Bantry Bay, Ireland [51 34 nj 10 10 w Alexandretta, Syria |36 45 nN} 36 15 E || Barcelona, Spain 41 22n| 2108 Alexandria, Egypt 31 13 N} 29.55 §E || Bassora, Arabia 30 32 N| 44 46 £ Algiers, Algiers 36 49 N| 3 5 E || Batavia, Java I. 6 9 s/l106 52 E Alicant, Spain 38 12 N| 0 29w || Bayeux, France 49 17 Nj 042W Altona, Germany 53 33 N| 9 57 E || Bayonne, France 43 29 n| 1 28 Ww Altorf, Germany 47 45. N| 9 34 E || Beechy Head, England |50 44 nj 015 & - Amiens, France 49 54N| 2 18 £ || Belfast, Ireland 54 35 ni 5 57 WwW Amboyna I. India 3 40 s|128 15 £ || Bencoolen, Sumatra I.| 3 48 s|102 O8 Amsterdam, Holland [52 22 N; 4 53 E | Belgrade, Turkey 44 43 nN} 20 10 E Anabona I. Ethiopia 1 25 s| 5 45 & || Bender, Turkey 46 51 N| 29 46 E Ancona, Italy 43 38 N| 13 29 E || Bergen Castle, Norway |60 24N| 5 20 E Andrew’s St., Scotland|56 20 Nj 2 50w || Berlin, Germany 52 32N| 13 22 F Angers, France 47 28 Ni 0 28w || Bermuda, Bahama I. 32 22Nn) 64 30 Ww Angouleme, France 45 39N| O 9 £ || Berne, Switzerland 46 57N| 7 26 & _Anapolis Royal, Nova/44 45 nN} 65 46 w || Berwick Tweed, Eng. |55 46n| 2 OW Scotia Besancon, France 4714N| 6 3E Antigua, Caribbee 17 4N| 61 55 w | Bezieres, France 43 21N) 3138 Antibes, France 43 35 N| 7 8 E || Bilboa, Spain 43 26n| 3 18W Antiochetta, Syria 36 6N/ 32 20 & || Blois, France 47 35N] 1208 Antwerp, Flanders 5113N| 4 24 £]! Bologna, Italy 44 30N| 11 215 Archangel, Russia 64 34 nN} 40 43 E || Bolkereskoy, Kamts- |52 54 N/156 50 E Arcot, India 12 54N| 79 22 E chatka Arles, France 43 41 N} 4 38 E || Bombay, India 18 54N] 72 50 E Arras, France 50 18 N| 2 46 E || Borneo, Borneo I. 4 55 N\114 55 & Ascension I., Brazil 7 57 s| 13 59 w || Boston, England 53 10N| 0 258 Astracan, Siberia 46 21 nN} 48 8 E |! Boston, America 42 22x] 70 59 w Athens, Greece 37 58N/ 23 46 x |} Botany Bay,N. Holland/34 0 s/151 14 £ Auch, France 43 39 N| 0O 40 E || Boulogne, France 50 44 N] 137 & Augustine St., Florida |29 48 N} 81 18 w || Bourdeaux, France 44 50N|} 0 34W Augsburg, Germany |48 22 N| 10 55 £ || Bourges, France 47 5N| 2248 Avignon, France 43 57 N| 4 48 E || Bremen, Germany 53 5N| 848 EB Avranches, France 48 41 N} 1 21 Ww || Breslaw, Silesia 51 ON] 17) 2k Aurillac, France 44 55n| 2 32 E |} Brest, France 48 23 N| 4 29w Auxerre, France 47 48 NI 3 34 E || Bridge Town, Barbad. 113 5 N! 59 41 w 410 Names of Places. Bristol Cathedral, Eng.|51° 27’ n| 2° 35’w 51 50 Bruges, Flanders Brussels, Flanders Buchan-ness, Scotland |57 Bucharest, Wallachia |44 Buda, Turkey 47 Buenos Ayres, Brazil |34 Cadiz Observ., Spain |36 Caen, France 49 Caffa, Crimea 45 Cagliari, Sardinia 39 Cairo, Egypt 30 Calais, France 50 Calcutta, India 22 Calicut, India 11 Callao, Peru 12 Camboida, India 10 Cambray, France 50 Cambridge, England {52 Canary I., Canaries 28 Candy, Ceylon 7 Canterbury, England 51 Cape Comorin, India | 8 Cape Finisterre, Spain |42 Cape Francois,-St. Do-|19 mingo Cape Town, Caffraria |33 Cape Ortegal, B. of Bis.|43 C. St. Lucas, California/22 Cape Verd, Negroland |14 Caracas, S. America |10 Carcassone, France 43 Carlescrona, Sweden {56 Carlisle, England 54 Carthagena, Spain 37 Carthagena, S. America]10 Casan, Russia 55 Cassel, Germany 51 Castres, France 43 Cayenne I.,S.America | 4 Cephalonia 1., Turkey |38 Cette Light H., France|43 Ceuta, Barbary 35 Chalons-sur-Marne, Fr.|48 ChAalons-sur-Saone, Fr.|46 Chandernagor, Bengal |22 Charlestown Light, {32 Carolina Chartres, France 48 Cherbourg, France 49 Chester, England 53 Christiana, Norway [59 Christianstadt, Sweden|56 Civita Vecchia, Italy |42 Clagenfurth, Carinhia |46 Clermont-Ferrand,Fr. |45 Cochin, India 9 Colchester, England {51 Collioure, France 42 Cologne, Germany 50 Compiegne, France 49 Lat. 13 36 eA AOL AAA A A Ae Ze Se A Beg eee Oh 43 N N N 55 N 1N 5 N 37 N 47 N 57 .N 53 -N 32 N 55 N 25 N y day Aa Ay A Wey Ae say Ae Ae Oe a Se ee ee ee <= Long. 14 £ 22 E 54 5 55 2 54 E}! ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. — Names of Places. Lat. Long. Conception la, Chili |36°49’s| 73 5w Congo R. Ent., Congo| 6 10 sj 11 15 £ Constance, Switzerland|47 36 N| 9 8 E Constantinople, Turkey|41 1N| 28 55 E Copenhagen, Denmark |55 41 nN| 12 40 & Cordova, Spain 37 52N| 4 46Ww Corfu, Vido L, Turkey |39 38 N| 19 56 E Corinth, Greece 37 58N| 23 28 & Cork, Ireland 51 52 Nil 8 16 We Coutances, France 49 3N! 1 26W Cowes, Isle of Wight [50 45 nN} 1 19W Cracow, Poland 50 4N|\ 19 57 & Cremsmunster, Germ. [48 3N| 14 8 E Cuddalore, India 11 43. N| 79 48 E Curasgoa, West Indies [12 8 N| 69 OW Dabul, India 17 45 N| 72 6308 Dantzic, Poland 54 21 N\ 18 388 Dartmouth, England (50 17 Nx) 3 35 Ww Deseada, Caribbees 16 20 N} 61° 2Ww Dieppe, France 49 56Ni 1 58 Dijon, France 47°19 .N| 95-2 Dillengen, Germany [48 34 N| 10 30 & Dol, France © 44 33 N| 1 45 W Dole, France 47 7N| 5 308 Domingo St., Antilles |18 30 nj 69 49 w Dordrecht, Netherlands|51 49 nN} 4 40 B Dover, England 51 8N! 119E Dresden, Saxony 51 3 Nn 13 43 B Drontheim, Norway /|63 26 N/ 10 23 & Dublin Obs., Ireland (53 23x] 6 20 Ww Dunbar, Scotland 55 58 nil 2 36W Dundee, Scotland 56 25Ni 3° 2% Dungeness, England [50 55 N| O 58 E Dunkirk, France 51 2n| 2238 Durazzo, Turkey 41 19 N} 19 27 Edinburgh Obs., Scot. |55 57 N|} 3 11 Ww Elba, P. Torrey, Italy|42 49 Nj 10 20 E- Elbing, Poland 54 8N| 19 228 Elsinore, Denmark 56 2Nn| 12 388 Embden, Germany 53°22 nl 7:12 Enchuysen, Holland (52 42 N 5 18 E Ephesus, Natolia 37 50 N| 27 37 EB Erfurth, Germany 50 59 N| 11 2E Erivan, Armenia 40 20 N| 44 35 ED Erzerum, Armenia 39 57 Ni 48 36 EB Eustatia, Caribbees 17 20 N| 63 5 Ww Faenza, Italy 44 17 Nj 1] 218 Falmouth, Pend. Cas.,|50 8N; 5 2w Fernambouc, Brazil 8 3s} 34 54wWw- Ferrara, Italy 44 50 N| 11 368 Ferro I., Canaries 27-50 N| 17 58 Ww Finisterre C., France |42 54 nN] 9 16W Fladstrandt, Denmark |57 27 n| 10 33 BE Florence, Italy 43 47 nN) 11 16 E Flushing, Holland 51 27 -Ni 33am Forbisher’s Straits, (62 5 N| 47 18 W Greenland Formoso I. N. p. China/25 11 n/121 56 & —S.p. E. do./21 54N121 58 Frankfort on the Mayn,/50 7N| 8 36 & Germany LATITUDES AND LONGITUDES. _ —. Names of Places. Frejus, France Gallipoli, Turkey Gambia R. mouth, Negroland Geneva, Switzerland Genoa, Italy Ghent, Netherlands Gibraltar, Spain Glasgow, Scotland Gloucester Cath. Eng. Gluckstadt, Holstein ~ ~ Goa, India Gombroon, Persia Good Hope C., Africa Gottenburg, Sweden Gottingen, Germany Granville, France Gratz, Styria Greenwich, England Grenoble, France Guadaloupe, Caribbee Guernsey, St. P. Eng. Hague, Holland Halifax, Nova Scotia Halle, Saxony Hamburgh, Germany Harlem, Holland Harwich, England Hastings, England © Havannah, Cuba I., Helena St. I., Africa Holy Head, Wales Hull, England Hydrabad, India Jafnapatan,C.CeylonI Jago, St. Cape Verd I. | Jamaica, Kingston, W.L. Jassey, Moldavia Java Head, Java I. Jeddo, Japan Jena, Germany _ Jersey I. St. Aubin, Eng. | Jerusalem, Palestine _ Jeniseik, Russ. Tartary Ingolstadt, Germany Inspruc, Tyrol Inverness, Scotland _ Joppa, Syria | Ipswich, England _ Ismail, Turkey _ Ispahan, Persia Juan Fernandez J.,Chili/33 Judda, Arabia 21 Ivica I., Spain 38 Kilda St. I., Scotland [57 Kinsale, Ireland 51 14° Long. 33’ 5 1lE 44 E Names of Places. Konigsberg, Prussia Lancaster Steeple, Eng.|54 Landau, France 49 Land’s End, England |50 Landscrona, Sweden |55 Langres, France 47 Lausanne, Switzerland |46 Leeds, England 53 Leghorn, Italy 43 Leipsic, Germany 51 Leostoff, England 52 Lepanto, Turkey 38 Leyden, Holland 52 Liverpool, St. Paul’s, [53 England Liege, Germany 50 Lima, Peru 12 Limerick, Ireland 52 Lisbon Obs., Portugal |38 Lizard Light, England |49 London, St. Paul’s Ch. [51 Londonderry, Ireland 154 Loretto, Italy 43 Louisburg, Cape Breton |45 Louvain, Netherlands [50 Lubeck, Germany 53 Lucia, St. I. Caribbee |13 Lucca, Italy 43 Lunden Tower, Sweden|55 Luxembourg, Netherlds./49 Lynn, Old Tower, Eng.|52 Macao, China 22 Macassar, Celebes I. 5 Madras, India 13 Madrid, Spain 40 Madura, India 9 Mahon Port, Minorca |39 Malacca Fort, India 2 Malta I., Val. Obs.,Italy|35 Manchester, England |53 Manilla, Luconia I. 14 Mantua, Italy 45 Marseilles Obs., France|43 Martinico I., F., Royal,|14 West Indies Masulipatam, India {16 Mauritius I.,Pt. Lewis,/20 Africa Meaco, Japan 35 Meaux, France 43 Mecca, Arabia a1 Mechlin, Netherlands [51 Memel, Courland 55 Messina Light, Sicily {38 Metz, France 49 Mexico, Mexico 19 Milan Obs., Italy 45 Mocha, Arabia 13 Modena, Italy 44 Montpelier Obs., France/43 Montreal, Canada 45 Lat. 54° 42’n| 21° 3 N| 2 TZN SS 4N 52 N 52 N 31N 48N —_ on wo io) Z — NHPnrw NOK DAY a or) 2 no 24 N|153 58 N 2 18 n| 40 2n| 4 42 N] 21 11 N| 15 7N| 6 26 N| 99 28 Ni 9 20 N| 43 34 nN} 11 36 N| 3 31 N) 73 411 Long. 29’ EB 48 W 412 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. : 2 —————— ee Names of Places. lat. Long, Names of Places. Lat. Long. Mosambique Harbour, |15° 1’ s| 40°47’ & || Quebec, Canada 46°47’ nN} 71°10’w. Zangue Quiloa, Zanguebar 8 41 s| 39 47 E Moscow, Russia 55 46 N| 37 33 £ || Quimper, France 47 58 Ni 4 6wW Munich, Germany 48 34 E || Quito, Peru 013 Ss} 78 45 Wi Munster, Germany 51 36 £ || Ragusa, Dalmatia. |42 39 N] 18 6 E, Namur, Netherlands {50 51 § || Ramsgate, England 51 20 Nn} 1 25 | Nangasaki, Japan oy) 52 E || Ratisbon, Germany 49 1N\ 12 4 at Nankin, China 32 7 £ || Ravenna, Italy 44 25 N| 12 11 E| Nantes, France 47 33 w || Rennes, France 48 7N| 1 41 WwW) Naples, Italy 40 16 £ || Rheims, France 49 16N| 4 6 Ei Narbonne, France ~ 43 0 £ || Revel, Livonia 59 27 N| 24 35 E Narva, Livonia 59 14 £ || Riga, Livonia 56 57 N| 24 8 EB) Naze, Norway 57 3 E || Rimini, Italy 44 4N| 12 33 E| Negapatnam Port, Indiaj10 55 © || Rio Janeiro, Rat.1., }22 53 s| 43 12 w) Nevis, 1.,S. Pt. Caribb.|17 33 Ww Brazil : Newcastle, England [55 36 w || Rochelle, France 46 9N Nice, Italy Nieuport, Flanders Nombre de Dios, S. A. 17 © || Rochester, England {51 23 N 45 E || Rome College, Italy 41 54N 35 w || Rotterdam, Holland |51 56N 37 w || Rouen, France 49 26N 1 £ || Rye, England 51 3N 4 £ || Saffia, Barbary 32 20N 14 £ || Saint-Flour, France |45 25 54 w || Saint-Malo, France 48 39N 9 E || Saint-Omer, France [50 45 N — OQRNNWHOOFPKRNOF on Ochotsk, Tartary Olinda, Brazil Olmutz, Moravia Oneglia, Italy 43 4 Ej) Salerno, Italy 40 40 Ni} 14 35 E Oporto Bar, Portugal {41 8 37 w || Sallee, Barbary 34 5N 43 W, Oran, Barbary 3 39 w || Salonica, Turkey 40 38 Nj 22 56 BE Orenburg, Astracan [51 5 E || Saragossa, Spain 41 38 N| 1 42w Orleans, N. Louisiana |29 11 w || Scanderoon, Syria 36 35 N| 36 15 B Orleans, France (47 55 E || Schamaki, Persia 40 27 n| 36 45 B 37 E || Scilly Isles, St. Mary’s,|49 54 N| 6 17 W, 55 EB England | 16 w || Selinginsk, Russ. Tart./51 6 N/106 39 E 52 © || Senegal R. ent. Negro./15 53 Nj 16 31 Ww 22 £ || Senlis, France 49 12 N| 2 35 EB 50 £ || Sens, France 48 12N| 317 E 41 w || Seringapatam, India |12 25 | 76 42 EB 27 w || Seville, Spain 37 24.N}| 5 38w 40 w || Sheerness Staff, Eng. |5111N 0 448 20 £ || Siam, India 14 21 N/100 50 E Ostend, Flanders Oxford, England Padua Obs., Italy Palermo Obs. Sicily Palicaud, India Pampeluna, Spain Panama, Mexico Para, South America Paris Obs. France Parma, Italy 44 27 £ | Sienna, Italy 43 22 N| 11 10 E Passau, Germany 48 25 © || Sierra Leone, Guinea 8 31 N} 13 18 W Patmos I., Natolia a7 40 £ || Shields, England 55 2N| 1 20 Wi Pavia, Italy 45 10 E || Skalpolt, Iceland 64 ON| 16 OW Pegu, India un 12 E£ || Smyrna, Natolia 38 25 N| 27 68 Pekin Obs., China 39 28 E || Socotra I., Africa 12 30N| 54 10 E Perpignan, France 42 54 E || Soissons, France 49 23N| 3 208 Petersburgh, Russia {59 19 E || Southampton Spire, En./50 54 N, 1 24W Philadelphia, America |39 11 w || Spoletto, Italy 42 45 N] 12 36 E Pico I. Peak, Azores Pisa Obs., Italy 43 Plymouth, N. ch. Eng./50 Pondicherry, India j11 Port Mahon, Minorca I./39 Porto Bello, New Spain| 9 Port Royal, Jamaica |17 Port Royal, Martinico |14 Portsmouth Obs., Eng.|!50 Prague, Bohemia 50 Presburg, Hungary 48 33 w || Start Point, England [50 13 N} 3 38 W 24 £ || Stettin, Pomerania 53 26N| 14 46 E 7 w || Stockholm, Sweden 59 21 N| 18 35 54 £ || Stockton, England 54 34 N] 1 16W 18 E || Stralsund, Germany [54 19 N| 13 328 43 w || Strasburgh, France 48 34N| 7 51E 52 w || Stromness, Orkneys (58 56N} 3 31 W 6 w || Stuttgard, Germany [48 46 Nn} 9 11 E 6 w |} Sunderland, England [54 55 Nn} 1 15 W 25 £ || Surat, India 21 4N/ 72 518 11 £ |) Surinam,ent.S.America’ 6 25 N] 55 40 W DIFFERENCE OF HOURS. 413 Names of Places. | Lat. Long Names of Places. Lat. Long. le ansea, Wales bi 37’n| 3° 56’w || Valparaiso, Chili 33° O' NI 71°38’w Syracuse Light, Sicily [37 3 N, 15 16 B Vannes, France 47 39 Ni 2 45 w Tangier, Barbary 35 42 Ni} 5 50 w/|! Venice St Mark’s,Italy/45 26 Ni 12 21 & Tarento, Italy 40 35 N| 17 29 & || Vera Cruz, New Spain [19 12 nN] 96 9w Tauris, Persia 38 10 N| 46 37 £ |} Verona Obs. Italy 45 26n|/ 11 18 Tefflis, Georgia 41 43 nN; 62 40 £ || Versailles, France 48 48nl 2 7 E Tellicherry, India 11 44N) 75 36 E Vienna, Germany 48 13 N| 16 23 EB ‘Temeswar, Hungary (44 47 nj 29 0 £ || Vigo, Spain 42 13 NN) 8 33W “Teneriff Peak, Canaries|28 17 n| 16 40 w || Vilna, Poland 54 41 N| 25 17 E -Tetuan, Barbary 35 50 Ni 5 20w || Upsal, Sweden 59 52 N' 17 39 B “Tinmouth. England. [55 3N/ 1 18w |} Uraniburg, Denmark |55 55 N| 12 43 & ‘Thessalonica, Greece |48 38 N| 22 56 & || Urbino, Italy 43 44 n| 12 37 EB ‘Tobago I., N.E. point,|11 10 n| 60 27 w || Wardhus, Lapland 70 23 N/ 31 7 & _ Caribbees Warsaw, Poland 52 14 Ni 21 3 8 -Tobolsk, Siberia 58 12 N| 68 68] Waterford, Ireland 52 13N} 7 10wW Toledo, Spain 39 52 N| 4 11w || Wells, England 51 11 N, 10 12Ww Tonsberg, Norway 59 23 Ni 10 12 £ |) Wexford Harb., Ireland}/52 22 N| 6 19 W Torbay, England 50.26 Nn} 3 31 w || Weymouth, England |50 37 Nn] 2 22w Tornea, Sweden 65 51 N) 24 12 E Whitby, England 54 28 Nj 0 36W ‘Toulon, France ya peeks, N| 5 56 £ || Whitehaven, W. mill, E.|54 33 n| 3 35 Ww Toulouse, France 43 36 N) 1 26 £ || WicklowLight, Ireland |52 38 n) 6 OW ‘Tours, France 47 24n| 0 42 £ || Wittenberg, Saxony {51 53.N; 12 46 E Trente, Italy 46 6N\ 11 4 £ || Wurtzburg, Franconia|49 46 N| 9 55 & Trieste, Carniola 45 38 n| 13 47 BE || Wybourg, Finland 60 43 Nj 28 46 E Trincomalee, Ceylon I.| 8 33 Nj 81 22 w Yarmouth, England 52 46 N| 1 41 EB ‘Tripoli, Syria 34 26 N| 35 51 E || Yellow River, China (34 3N/120 0 & Tripoli, Barbary 32 54 Nj 13 12 E || Ylo, Peru 17 36 s| 71 10w ‘Truxilla, Peru 8 6s! 79 3w| York New, Bat. Amer.|40 42 nl 73 59 w Tunis, Barbary 36 48 nN] 10 11 £ || Youghal, Ireland 51 55.N| 7 48W ‘Turin, Piaz. Cast., Italy|45 4N| 7 40 & || Zagrab, Croatia 45 49Nn|\ 16 5E Tyrmau, Hungary 48 23 N| 17 35 E|| Zante I. Town,Italy [37 47N| 20 55 5 Valencia, Spain 36 29 Nn} O 23 w || Zara, Dalmatia 44 2N,) 15 10 E Valladolid, Spain 41 42 n\| 5 34w/|) Zurich, Switzerland ‘47 23 | SUSicR PROBLEM Iv. To find what o'clock it is at any place of the earth, when it is a certain hour at | a another. As the earth makes one revolution on its axis in the course of a com- Mon day, or 24 hours, every point of the equator will describe the whole eircle of 360 degrees in that period: and therefore if 360 be divided by 24, the quotient 15 will be the number of degrees that correspond to one hour of time. | Hence it is evident that two places which are 15 degrees of longitude distant from ‘each other, will differ one hour in their computation of time, one of them making it earlier or later according asit is situated to the east or west of theother. To deter- mine this problem therefore, find by the preceding table the difference of longitude of the two places, which may be done by subtracting the longitude of the one from that of the other if they are both east or both west of Greenwich, or by adding them if the one is east and the other west, and then change the sum or difference into time: ‘this time added to or subtracted from the hour at one of the given places, will give for result the hour at the other. If Greenwich be one of the places proposed, the difference of longitude will be found in the last column to the right in the preceding table. q =. 414 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. Multiply the degrees by 4 for minutes of time, and the miles by 4 for seconds of time, or find the hours and minutes corresponding to the given degrees and minutes in the subjoined table, which will greatly facilitate operations of this kind. Now let it be proposed to find what o’clock it is at Cayenne, when it is noon at London, The difference of longitude, or of meridians, between London and Cayenne, is 52° 7’; which converted into time, gives 3 hours 28 minutes 28 seconds; and as Cayenne lies to the west of London, if 3h. 28m. 28s. be subtracted from 12 hours, the remainder will be 8 hours 31 minutes 32 seconds: hence it appears that when itis noon at London, it is only 8h. 31m. 32s. in the morning at Cayenne; consequently when it is noon at Cayenne, it is 3h, 28m. 28s. in the afternoon at London. When it is noon at London, required the hour at Pekin? The difference of me- ridians between London and Pekin is 116° 36’, which is equal in time to 7 hours 46 minutes 24 seconds. But as Pekin lies to the east of London, these 7h. 46m. 24s. must be added to 12 hours: and hence it is evident that when it is noon at London, it is 7h. 46m. 24s. in the evening at Pekin. On the other hand, to find what o’clock it is at London when it is noon at Pekin, these 7h. 46m. 24s. must be sub- tracted from 12 hours, and the result will be 4h. 13m. 36s. in the morning, When the two given places are both to the west of London, to find their difference of meridians, the longitude of the one must be subtracted from that of the other. If Madrid and Mexico, for instance, be proposed; as the longitude of the first is 3° 42’, and that of the second 99° 5’, if the former be subtracted from the latter, the re- mainder 95° 23’ will be their difference of longitude, which, changed into time, gives 6 hours 2] minutes 32 seconds. Hence, when itis noon at Madrid, it is 5h. 38m. 28s. in the morning at Mexico. If one of the proposed places lies to the east and the other to the west of London, the longitude of the one must be added to that of the other, in order to have their difference of longitude ; and the sum must then be converted into time, and added or subtracted as before. By way of example we shall take Constantinople and Mexico, the former of which lies to the east of London. The longitude of Constantinople is 28°55’, and that of Mexico 99° 5’, which added give for difference.of longitude 171°= in time to 8h. 32m.) When it is noon therefore at Constantinople, it is only 3h. 28m. in the morning at Mexico; and when itis noon at the latter, it is 8h. 32m. in the evening at Con- stantinople. | | LENGTH OF DAYS. e415 A table for changing degrees and minutes into hours, minutes, and seconds; or the contrary. HM D | HM D | HM D HM M M § M M §s M M S M MS M MSs 1 ora 37 2 28 73 4 52 109 7 16 145 9 40 2 0 8 38 2 32 74 4 56 110 7 20 146 9 44 3 0 12 39 2 36 75 5 0 ie 7594 147 9 48 4 0 16 40 2 40 76 5 4 112 7,28 148 9 52 5 0 20 41 2 44 77 Pee: 113 39 149 9 56 6 | O 24 42 2 48 78 5 12 114 7 36 150 | 10 O 7 0 28 43 2 52 79 5 16 115 7 40 To?) 077s 8 0 32 44 > 56 80 5 20 116 7 44 152 | 10 8 9 0 36 45 3440 81 5 24 117 7 48 15S elon) 2 10 0 40 46 3 4 82 5 28 118 7 52 154 | 10 16 11 0 44 47 Ss 83 5 32 119 7 56 155 | 10 20 12 0 48 48 3.12 84 5 36 120 8 0 156 | 10 24 13 0 52 49 3 16 85 5 40 121 8 4 157 {2 10V2s8 14 0 56 50 3 20 86 5 44 122 8 8 158 | 10 32 15 10 51 3 24 87 5 48 123 8 12 159 | 10 36 16 wees 52 3 28 88 5 52 124 8 16 160 | 10 40 17 i 8 53 3 32 89 5 56 125 8 20 161 | 10 44 18 1212 54 3 36 90 6 0 126 8 24 162 | 10 48 19 1 16 55 3 40 91 6 4 ey 8 28 163 | 10 52 20 1 20 56 3 44 92 6 8 128 8 32 164 | 10 56 21 1 57 3.48 93 6 12 129 8 36 165 01196 22 1 58 3,52 94 6 16 130 8 40 1661 11° 4 Boi 59 3 56 95 6 20 131 8 44 167-1198 24 1 60 4 0 96 6 24 132 8 48 168 | 11 12 25 1 61 44 97 6 28 133 8 52 169 | 11 16 26 1 62 4 8 98 6 32 134 8 56 170 | 11 20 7 1 63 4 12 99 6 36 135 9 0 a | a oe 28 1 64 4 16 100 6 40 136 9 4 172) 1 298 29 1 65 4 20 101 6 44 137 97.8 L7SC tok by 32 | 30 2 66 4 24 | 102 6 48 138 9 12 174 | 11 36 31 2 67 4 28 103 6 52 139 9 16 175 } 71) 40 32 2 68 4 32 104 6 56 140 9 20 176°h 11 44@ 33 2 69 4 36 105 7 0 141 9 24 Lut Litas 34 2 70 4 40 106 ood. 142 9 28 178 | 11 52 35 2 71 444 # 107 Te. 8 143 9 32 179 | 11 56 36 2 72 448 # 108 ie ANG: 144. 9 36 180 | 12 0 ~ In the above table the narrow columns contain degrees or minutes, and the broad ones hours and minutes, or minutes and seconds. Thus, if 4 in the first narrow column represent degrees, the 16 opposite to it in the broad column will be minutes; and if 4 represent minutes, the 16 will be seconds. If it be required to change 4* 20’ into time ; opposite to 4 will be found 16, which, in this case is minutes, and opposite to 20’ stands 1 minute 20 seconds, which added to 16 minutes, gives 17 minutes 20 Seconds, the time answering to 4° 20’. PROBLEM V. How two men may be born on the same day, die at the same moment, and yet the one may | have lived a day, or even two days more than the other. It is well known to all navigators, that if a ship sails round the world, going from east to west, those on board when they return will count a day less than the inha- bitants of the country. The cause of this is, that the vessel, following the course of the sun, has the days longer, and in the whole number of the days reckoned, during _ the voyage, there is necessarily oné revolution of the sun less. 416 Sia ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. On the other hand, if the ship proceeds round the world from west to east, as it goes to meet the sun, the days are shorter, and during the whole Sib damtea 3 the people on board necessarily count one revolution of the sun more. Let us now suppose that there are two twins, one of whom embarks on board a vessel which sails round the world from east to west, and that the other has remained athome. Whenthe ship returns, the inhabitants will reckon Thursday, while those on board the vessel will reckon only Wednesday; and the twin who embarked will — have a day less in his life. Consequently if they should die the same day, one of them would count a day older than the other, though they were born at the same hour. But let us next suppose that, while the one circumnavigates the globe from east to west, the other goes round it from west to east, and that on the same day they return to port, where the inhabitants reckon Thursday, for example: in this case, the former will count Wednesday, and the latter Friday, so that there will be two days’ difference in their ages. In short, it is evident that the one is as old as the other; the only difference is, that in the course of their voyage the one has had the days longer and the other shorter. If the latter returned on a Wednesday and the former ona Friday, the former would count the day of his arrival Thursday: next day would be Thursday to the inhabitants, and the day after would -be a Thursday to those who arrived in the second vessel; which, notwithstanding the popular proverb, would give three Thursdays in one week. PROBLEM VI. . To find the length of any given day in any proposed. latitude. Let the circle ancx (Fig. 2.), represent a meridian, and ac the horizon. Assume the arc cx, equal to the elevation of the pole of the proposed place, for example London, which is 51° 31’; and having drawn px, draw DF perpendicular to it, or make the arc A F equal to the. complement of cE, and draw Fp: it is here evident that — Ep will represent. the circle of 6 hours and pF the | equator. | After this is done, find by the Ephemeris the sun’s declination, when in the proposed degree of the ecliptic, | or determine it by an operation which we shall shew how to perform hereafter, We shall suppose that the declination is north: assume the arc rm toward the arctic | pole, equal to the declination, and through the point m draw MN parallel to Fp, | meeting the line DE in o, and the horizon acin Nx. Then from the point 0, as a centre, with the radius om, describe an are of a circle MT, comprehended between the point m and nT parallel top x. Having measured the number of the degrees comprehended in this arc, which may be easily done by means of a protractor, and | having changed them into time, at the rate of 1 hour to 15 degrees, &c., the double of the result will be the length of the day. Thus, if the length of the day at London, at the time when the sun has attained — to his greatest northern declination, be required ; as the greatest declination is 23° | 28’, make FB equal to 23° 28’, and the arc Br will be found to be 123° 6’, which corresponds to 8h. 12m., and this doubled gives 16h. 24m., as the length of the day. If you have no fans. of the sun’s declination for each depree of the ecliptic, this deficiency may be supplied in the following manner. Find the number of degrees which the sun is distant from the nearest solstice, whether he has not yet reached © it, or has passed it. We-shall suppose tuat he is in the 23d degree of Taurus. The nearest solstice is that of Cancer, from which the sun, according to this supposition, © - LATITUDE.—CLIMATES. 417 is distant 37°. Draw the line Bp representing a quarter of the ecliptic; and having assumed, from the point B, the arcs BK and B&, each equal to 37°, draw kK &, inter- secting BD in L: if MN be then drawn through the point L, it will give the position of the parallel required. All these things may be found much more correctly by trigonometrical calcula- tion. Thus, in the case in hand, add together the log. tangents of the latitude and declination, and the sum, rejecting 10 from the index, is the log. sine of an arc; which, added to or taken from 90°, according as the latitude and declination are of the same or contrary denominations, and the sum or remainder reduced to time, the result is half the length of the day. st PROBLEM VII. The longest day in any place being given, to find the Latitude. This problem is the converse of the preceding, and may be solved without much difficulty ; for the longest day, in all places of the northern hemisphere, always happeus when the sun has just entered the sign Cancer. Let Fig. 3. FD (Fig. 3.) then represent the celestial equator, or rather its diameter, and Bx that of the tropic of Cancer. On the latter Caan describe a circle BK L; and having assumed the arc B K equal to Lie ‘ the number of degrees corresponding to half the length of the as given day, at the rate of 15° for one hour, draw K™ perpen- we dicular to BL; if the diameter N Mo be then drawn through the eS point m, the angle pco will be the elevation of the pole, or at latitude of the place. The same Trigonometrically. From the sum of the log. cotangent of the declination, and the log. sine of half the length of the day diminished by twelve hours, deduct 10, and the remainder is the log. tangent of the latitude. PROBLEM VIII. The Latitude of a place being given, to find the Climate in which it is situated. In astronomy, the name climate is given to an interval, on the surface of the earth, comprehended between two parallels under which the difference of the longest days is half an hour: thus the days in summer, under the parallel, whether north or south, distant from the equator 8° 25’, being 12h. 30m, this interval, or the zone com- _ prehended between the equator and that parallel, is called the first climate. The limits of the different climates may therefore be easily determined, by finding in what latitudes the days are 123 hours, 13, 13, 14, &c. The following is a table of all these climates. Climates. Latitude. Latitude. Climates. Latitude. Latitude. meee trom. O°. 0 to Siz 2h All... from, 58° 29 -. to, 59°58 | RM as isichl) | Ae 2 ny oie vet pe hOr.s BO MEV ed bale OO., OS's. 4 ae ORaREeS Seer AO.) DOs teats ot Zo OO XV seat: Ghu lSy eau ak Gomme PM nina opt od" DO: iho ajo. OO 420 BOVE. 93. 6 asin 62... 25... ae GS eae RE eet OO aU er oleie OU OO ANID oa are GS 22g Foss G4 Be lencsi dO, 28: cesien 41, 22 AVIIE ...- 64 G ... 64 49 Vil 4] 22 45 29 XIX 64 49 65 2] Vill 45 29 Je 49 21 XX 65 21 65 47 Dea ge AO Zhe, eos OL, 128 DORE. oy ts.0ti OS) 4 haere 66.) 6 meets OL 2B ieee ne t04 2 AL icra 660 BGG e266 9220 XI 54 27 ot apes red. XXIII 66 20 66 28 XI 56 37 58 29 XXIV 66 28 66 31 2E 4a 418 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. As the longest day at the polar circle is 24 hours, and at the pole 6 oe there are supposed to be six climates between that circle and the pole. Climates. Latitude. Latitude. Climates. Latitude. Latitude. XxXV. from’ 667731’: to’ ~ 672 30’ XXVIII from 73° 20 to 78° 20 XXVI OP HESO! geek: SOO M30 XXIX v2, 78/720) ee Be KV LEE OG BO oo te pad: 20 XXX oé) ‘84° 20) Vig 00 ae Now if it be asked in what climate London is, it may be easily replied that it is in the tenth; its latitude being 51° 31’, and its longest day 16h 34m. Remark.—The idea of climates belongs to the ancient astronomy ; but the modern pays no attention to this division, which in a great measure is destitute of correctness, in consequence of the refraction ; for if the refraction be taken into account, as it ought to be, whatever Ozanam may say, it will be found that, under the polar circle, the longest day, instead of 24, will be several times 24 hours; for as the horizontal re- fraction elevates the centre of the sun 32’ at least, the centre of that luminary ought consequently never to set between the 9th of June and the 3d or 4th of July; and the upper limb, from the 6th of June to the 6th of July; this makes a complete month, during which the sun would never be out of sight. PROBLEM IX. To measure a degree of a great circle of the earth, and even the earth itself. The rotundity of the earth, that is to say its being a globe, or of a form approaching very near to one, is proved by a number of astronomical phenomena; but we think | it needless to enumerate these proofs, which must be known by those who are in the least acquainted with the principles of philosophy and the mathematics. We shall here then suppose that the earth is perfectly spherical, as it apparently is ; and shall begin our reasoning on. that hypothesis. What is called a degree of the meridian on the earth, is nothing else than the dis- tance between two observers, the distance between whose zeniths is: equal to a degree, or the geometrical distance between two-places lying under the same meridian, the latitudes of which, or their elevation of the pole, differ a degree. Hence, if a person proceeds along a meridian of the earth, measuring the way he travels, he will have passed over a degree when he finds a degree of dif- ference between the latitude of the place which he left, and that at which he | has arrived; or when any star near the zenith of his first station has approached or receded a degree. Nothing then is necessary but to make choice of two places, situated under the same meridian, the distance and latitudes of which are exactly known; for if the less latitude be taken from the greater, the remainder will be the arc of the meridian comprehended between the two places; and thus it will be known that a certain number of degrees and minutes correspond to a certain number of toises, or yards, or feet, &c. All then that remains to be done, is to make use of the following prepor- tion. As the given number of degrees and minutes, is to the given number of toises, - yards, or feet, so is one degree to a fourth term, which will be the toises, yards, or . feet corresponding to a degree. But as the statious chosen may not lie exactly under the same meridian, but nearly so, as Paris and Amiens, the meridional distance between their two parallels must be measured geometrically ; ; and when this distance, as well as the difference of latitude of the two places, is known, the number of toises, yards, or feet corresponding toa degree may be found by a proportion similar to the preceding. This was the method employed by Picard to determine the length of a terrestrial degree, or the meridian in the neighbourhood of Paris. By a series of trigonometrical 3 , . > v 5 Pr “3 ’ GREAT CIRCLE OF THE EARTH.—FORM OF THE EARTH. 419 operations, he measured the distance between the pavilion of Malvoisine, to the south of Paris, as far as the steeple of Amiens, reducing it tothe meridian, and found _ it to be 78907 toises. He found also, by astronomical obervations, that the cathe- dral of Amiens was 1° 22’ 58” farther north than the pavilion of Malvoisine. By _ making this proportion then: As 1° 22’ 58” are to one degree, so are 78907 toises to 57057; he concluded that a degree was equal to 57057 toises. Picard’s measurement having been since rectified in some points, it has been found that this degree is equal to 57070 toises. Corollaries.—I. Thus, if we suppose the earth spherical, its circumference will be 20545200 French toises = 24881°8 English miles, II. Its diameter will easily be found by making use of the following proportion : as the circumference of the circle is to its diameter, or as 314159 is to 100000, so is the above number to a fourth term, which is 6530196 toises==the diameter of the earth = 7920-12 English miles. III. If we suppose its surface to be as smooth as that of the sea during a calm, its superficial content will be found to be 134164182859200 square toises = 197063856 English square miles. The rule for obtaining this result is: Multiply the cireumfe- rence by half the radius, and then quadruple the product; or still shorter, multiply the circumference by the diameter. | IV. To find the solidity: Multiply the superficial content, above found, by a third of the radius, which will give 146019735041736067200 cubic toises = 260124289920 English cubic miles. Remark.—The operation performed by Picard between Paris and Amiens, was afterwards continued throughout the whole extent of the kingdom, both north and south; that is to say, from Dunkirk, where the elevation of the pole is 51° 2’ 27”, to Collioure, the latitude of which is 42° 31’ 16”: the distance therefore between the parallels of these two places is 8° 31’ 11”. But it was found at the same time, by measurement, that the distance between these parallels was 486058 toises, which gives for a mean degree in the whole extent of France 57051 toises; and by correc- tions made afterwards, this number was reduced to 57038. During this operation care was also taken to determine the distance of the first meridian, which in France is that of the observatory of Paris, from the principal places between which it passes. The meridian of France continued, enters Spain, leaving Giromne on the east, at the distance of about 4 of a degree; passes two or three thousand toises to the east of Barcelona, traverses very nearly the island of Majorca, to the east of that city, and then enters Africa, about seven minutes of a degree west of Algiers. But we shall not follow its course farther through unknown nations and countries, and shall only observe that it issues from Africa in the kingdom of Ardra. The astronomers of France have, since the above, repeated the measurement of the said arc through the country, with no great difference ; from whence they have deduced the length of the meridional quadrant, which has been assumed as the standard of the new uni- versal measures. Also several degrees of the meridian through England are now measuring by Colonel Mudge, and Colonel Colby, of the Royal Artillery, under the auspices of the Master General and Board of Ordnance; and an arc exceeding in amplitude all others that have yet been measured, is in course of execution in India. PROBLEM X. Of the real figure of the Earth. We have already said that the rotundity of the earth is proved-by various astrono- mical and physical phenomena; but these phenomena do not prove that it is a perfect ‘ 420 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. sphere. Accurate methods for measuring it were no sooner employed, than doubts began to be entertained respecting its perfect sphericity. In fact, it is now demon- strated that our habitation is flattened or depressed towards the poles, and elevated about the equator; that is to say, the section of it through its axis, instead of being a circle, is a figure approaching very near to an ellipse, the less axis of which is the axis of the earth, or the distance from the one pole to the other, and the greater the diameter of the equator. Newton and Huygens first established this truth, on physical reasoning deduced from the centrifugal force and rotation of the earth ; and it has since been confirmed by astronomical observations. The manner in which Newton and Huygens reasoned, was as follows. If we suppose the earth originally spherical and motionless, it would be a globe, the greater part of the surface of which would be covered with water. But it is at present demonstrated, that the earth has a rotary motion around its axis, and every one knows that the effect of circular motion is to make the revolving bodies recede from the centre of motion: thus the waters under the equator will lose a part of their gravity, and therefore they must rise to a greater height, to regain by that elevation the force necessary to counterbalance the lateral columns, extended to other points of the earth, where the centrifugal force, which counterbalances their gravity, is less, and acts in a less direct manner. The waters of the ocean then must rise under the equator as soon as the earth, supposed to be at first motionless, assumes a rotary motion round its axis: the parts near the equator will rise a litfle less, and those in the neighbour- hood of the poles will sink down; for the polar column, as it experiences no centrifu- gal force, will be the heaviest of all. This reasoning cannot be weakened, but by supposing that the nucleus of the earth is of an elongated form; or by supposing a singular contexture in its interior parts, expressly adapted for producing that effect ; but this is altogether improbable. The philosophers however on the continent persisted a long time in refusing to admit this truth. Their principal arguments against it were founded on the measure- ment of the degrees of the meridian made in France; by which it appeared that a degree was less in the northern part of the kingdom than in the southern, and hence they concluded that the figure of the earth was a spheroid elongated at the poles. If the earth, said they, were perfectly spherical, by advancing uniformly under the same meridian, the elevation of the pole would be uniformly changed. Thus, in advancing from Paris, for example, towards the north 57070 toises, the-elevation of the pole would vary a degree ; and to make the elevation of the pole increase ano- ther degree, it would be necessary to advance towards the north 57070 toises more; j and so on throughout the whole circumference of a meridian. If, in proportion as we proceed northwards, it is found necessary to travel farther than the above number of toises before the latitude is changed one degree, there is reason to conclude that the earth is not spherical, but that it is Jess curved or more flattened towards the north, and that the curvature decreases the nearer we approach the pole, which is the property of an ellipsis having its poles at the extremities of its less axis. In the contrary case, it would be a proof that the curvature of the earth decreased towards the equator ; which is the property of a body formed by the revo- lution of an ellipsis around its greater axis. But it was believed in France at first, that the degrees of the meridian were found to increase the more they approached the south. Thedegree measured in the neigh- bourhood of Collioure, the austral boundary of the meridian, appeared to be equal to 57192 toises, while that in the neighbourhood of Dunkirk, which was the most northern, seemed to be only 56954. There was reason therefore to conclude that the earth was an elongated spheroid, or formed by the revolution of an ellipsis around its greater axis. The partisans of the Newtonian philosophy, at that time too little known in France. FORM OF THE EARTH. 421 replied, that these observations proved nothing, because the above difference, being so inconsiderable, could be ascribed only to the errors unavoidable in such operations. As 19 toises correspond to about a second, the 238 toises of difference would amount only to about 12 seconds; an error which might have arisen from various causes : they even asserted that this difference might be on the opposite side. - To decide the contest, it was then proposed to measure two degrees as far distant from each other as possible, one under the equator, and the other as near the pole as the cold of the polar regions would admit. For this purpose, Maupertius, Camus, and Clairaut, were dispatched by the king, in the year 1735, to measure a degree of the meridian at the bottom of the Gulf of Bothnia, under the arctic polar circle; and Bouguer, Godin, and Condamine were sent to the neighbourhood of the equator, where they measured, not only a degree of the meridian, but almost three. It resulted from these operations, performed with the utmost care and attention, that a degree near the polar circle was equal to 57422-toises, and that a degree near the equator contained 56750, which gives a difference of 672 tolses, and therefore tuo considerable to be ascribed to the errors unavoidable in the necessary observations. Since that time it has been generally admitted that the earth is flattened towards the poles, as Newton and Huygens asserted. We shall here add that the measurements formerly made in France having been repeated, it was found that the degree goes on increasing from south to north, as ought to be the case if the earth be an oblate spheroid. This truth has been since confirmed by other measurements of the meridian, made in different parts of the earth. The Abbé de la Caille having measured a degree at the Cape of Good Hope, that is under the latitude of abont 33° south, found it to be 57037 toises; and in 1755, Fathers Mairé and Boscovich, two Jesuits, having mea- sured a degree in Italy, in latitude 43°, found it to be 56979: it is therefore certain that the degrees of the terrestrial meridian go on increasing from the equator towards the poles, and that the earth has the form of an oblate spheroid. Other operations of the same kind for measuring a degree of the terrestrial me- ridian have been since undertaken at different times, as by the Abbé Liesganig in Germany, near Vienna; by Father Beccaria in Lombardy; and by Messrs. Mason and Dixon, members of the Royal Society of London, in North America; and again more lately by Mechain and De Lambre in France. They all confirm the diminution of the terrestrial degrees as they approach the equator, though with inequalities difficult to be reconciled with a regular figure. But it may here be asked, why should the earth have a figure perfectly regular ? It is, indeed, impossible to determine with perfect accuracy the proportion be- tween the axis of the earth and its diameter at the equator: it has been proved that the former is shorter, but to find their exact ratio would require observations which can be made only at the pole. However the most probable ratio is that of 177 to 78. Consequently, if this ratio be admitted, the axis of the earth, from the one pole to the other, will be 6525376 toises, and the diameter of the equator 6562242. In the last place, the difference between the distance of any point of the equator ‘on a level with the sea, to the centre of the earth, and the distance of the pole from the same centre, will be 18433 toises, or about 22 English miles. Since Montucla wrote the above, however, the French astronomers Mechain and De Lambre, in 1799, completed their measurement of the meridian, from Dunkirk in France, to near Barcclona in Spain, an extent of almost 10 degrees; "from whence it has been more accurately deduced, that the flattening of the earth at the poles is only the 334th part, the ratio of the axes being that of 334 to 333; that the polar axis is 78993 English miles, the equatorial diameter 79234 miles, their half difference only 118 miles, which is the height of the equator more than at the pole, from the 422 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. centre ; the mean diameter 79113 miles, the mean circumference 24873 miles, the greatest or equatorial circumference 24892? miles, the least or meridional circle 24855 miles, and the difference of the two 373 miles. Corollaries.—I. From what has been said, several curious truths may be deduced. The first is, that all bodies, except those placed under the equator and the poles, do not tend to the centre of the earth; for a circle is the only figure in which all the lines perpendicular to its circumference tend to the same point. In other figures, the curves of which are continually varying, as is the case with the meridians of the earth, the lines perpendicular to the circumference all pass through different points of the axis. II. The elevation of the waters under the equator, and their depression under the poles, being the effect of the earth’s rotation around its axis, it may be readily con- ceived that if this rotary motion should be accelerated, the elevation of the waters under the equator would increase; and as the solid part of the earth has assumed, since its creation, a consistence which will not suffer it to give way to such an ele- vation, the rising of the waters might become so great, that all the countries lying under the equator would be inundated ; and in that case the polar seas, if not very deep, would be converted into dry land. On the other hand, if the diurnal motion of the earth should be annihilated, or become slower, the waters accumulated, and now sustained under the equator, by the centrifugal force, would fall back towards the poles, and overwhelm all the polar parts of the earth; new islands and new continents would be formed in the torrid zone by the sinking down of the waters, which would leave new tracts of Jand uncovered. Remark.—We caunot help here remarking one advantage which France, and all countries near the mean latitude of about 45 degrees, would in this case enjoy. If such a catastrophe should take place, these countries would be sheltered from the inundation, because the spheroid, which is the real figure of the earth at present, and the globe or less oblate spheroid into which it would be changed, would have their intersection about the 45th degree; consequently the sea would not be altered in that latitude. i PROBLEM XI. To determine the length of a degree on any given parallel of latitude. As the difference between the greater and less diameter of the earth does not amount to the 800th part, in this and the following problems we shall consider it as absolutely spherical; especially as the solution of these problems, if we supposed the earth to be a spheroid, would be attended with difficulties inconsistent with the plan of this work. Let it be proposed then to determine how many miles or yards are equal to a de- gree on the parallel passing through London ; that is to say under the latitude of 51 degrees 31 minutes This problem may be solved either geometrically or by calcu- lation, according to the following methods, Ist. Draw any straight line as (Fig. 4.), and divide it into 23 equal parts, because a degree of the equator contains 69°14 miles, or about 23 leagues. Then from the point a as a centre, with the distance as, describe the arc Bc, equal to 51° 31 ; and from the point c draw cp perpendicular to as: the part AD will indicate the number of leagues contained in a degree on the parallel of 51°31. 2d. This however may be found much more correctly by trigonometrical calcula- tion; for which purpose nothing is necessary but to make use of the following pro= portions: viz. ‘Fig. 4. gue B D A - ——— - LENGTHS OF DEGREES.—DISTANCES OF PLACES, 493 Rad. ; cosine lat. :; the miles in a degree of the equator : to the miles in a de- gree of the parallel. The above is worked by logarithms in the following manner: A stating >:.eee nets ed hee cole eee 10°0000000 is to the cosine of the latitude 51° 31’.. 9°7939907 So is the number of miles contends in a degree of the meridian, viz. 69:14.... 1:8397294 * toa fourth term. tate Ditto t ststecg ats Shes 1°6337201 which in the table of Acypurithens will be fori answering to 43°025 miles, as before. A degree therefore on the parallel of London contains nearly 43 miles, or about 75643 yards. The demonstration of this rule is easy, if it be recollected that the circumferences of two circles, or degrees of these circles, are to each other in the ratio of their radii. But the radius of the parallel of London is the cosine of the latitude; whereas the radius of the earth, or of the equator, is the real radius or sine of 90°, and hence the above rule. 3d. If the circumference of the earth at the given parallel be required, nothing is necessary but to multiply the degree found as above by 360: thus as a degree on the varallel of London is equal to 43 miles, if this number be multiplied by 360, we shall have 15480 miles, for the whole circumference of the circle of that parallel. ’ The following table, which shews the number of miles contained in a degree on . every parallel, from the equator to the pole, is computed of the supposition that the length of the degrees of the equator are equal to those of the meridian, at the medium latitude of 45°, which length is nearly 69), English miles. se = &, —5| ————s——— | | i | COnNTOoaUhWwWNeH © PROBLEM XII. Given the latitude and longitude of any two places on the earth, to find the distance between them. We must here observe, that the distance of any two places on the surface of the earth, ought to be the arc of the great circle intercepted between them. The distance therefore of any two places, lying under the same parallel, is not the are of that pa- rallel intercepted between them, but an arc of a great circle, having the same extremities as that arc ; for on the surface of a sphere, it is the shortest way from one point to another, as a,straight line is upon a plane surface. This being premised, it may be readily seen that this problem is susceptible 424 ASTRONOMY AND GROGRAPHY. of several cases; for the two places proposed may lie under the same meridian; that is to say have the same longitude, but different latitudes; or they may have the same latitude ; that i is, lie under the equator or under the same parallel; or in the last place, their longitudes and latitudes may be both different: there is also a subdivision into two cases, viz. one where the two places are in the ’same hemisphere, and another where one isin the northern and the other in the southern hemisphere. But we shall confine ourselves to the solution of the only case which is attended with any difficulty. a For it is evident that if the two places are under the same meridian, the are which measures their distance is their difference of latitude, provided they are in the same hemisphere, or the sum of these latitudes if they are in different. hemispheres. Nothing then is necessary but to reduce this arc into leagues, miles, or yards, and the result will be the distance of the two places in similar parts. If the places lie under the equator, the amplitude of the are which separates them may be determined with equal ease ; and can then be reduced into leagues, miles, &c. Let us suppose then, which is the only case attended with difficulty, that the places differ both in longitude and latitude, as London and Constantinople, the for- mer of which is 28° 53’ farther west than the latter, and 10° 31’ farther north. If we conceive a great circle passing through these two cities, the arc comprehended he- tween them will be found by the following construction. From a asa centre (Fig. 5.), with any opening of the com- Fig. 5. passes taken at pleasure, describe the semicircle Bc DE, representing the meridian of London. Take the are BF find its place in F, and draw the radius a F. In the same semi-circle, if the arcs B c and E vp be taken each equal to 41°, the latitude of Constantinople, the line c p will be the parallel of Constantinople, the place of which must be found in the following manner. On cD as a diameter, describe the semi-circle c Gp; and in the circumference of it take the are c G equal to the difference of longitude between London and Constan- tinople, that is 28° 53’; then from the point G draw Gc u, perpendicular to c p, to have in H the projection of the place of Constantinople ; and from the point u draw H1, perpendicular to A F and terminated at 1 by the are BCD E: if the arc F 1 be S| | equal to 51° 31’, which is the latitude of London, in order to. measured, it will give the distance required in degrees and minutes. In this case it _ is about 22 degrees. * If one of the places be on the other side of the equator, | as the city of Fernambouc in Brazil is in regard to London, being in 7° 30’ of south latitude, the are Bc must be assumed on the other side of the diameter BE, (Fig. 6.), equal! to the latitude of the second place given, which is here 7° 30’; and as the difference of longitude between Loudon and Fer- nambouc is 35° 5’, it will be necessary to make the areca = 35° 5’. By these means the arc F 1 will be found to be equal to about 66° +, which reduced into miles of 69°07 to a degree, gives 4558 — miles for the distance between London and the above city of Brazil. This problem may be solved trigonometrically thus: If the latitudes are both north or both south, either add them both to 90°, or subtract them both from 90°; if one is north and the other south, add either to 90° and subtract the other. Call the results 7 and 1’, and the difference long. L. Then call half the sum of Zand /’ are ], and add together (in jopeataen twice * Calculation by spherical trigonometry gives 22 deg. 23 min. + Trigonometrical calculation gives 66 deg. 15 min. rf . ' 4 ; - es i ITINERARY MEASURES, 425 the cosine of half 1, and the sines of 7 and/, and half the sum, rejecting tens, will be the sine of arc 2: add together the sines of the sum and difference of arcs] and 2, and half the sum will be the sine of half the required distance. Remark.—When the distance between the two places is not very considerable, as is the case with Lyons and Geneva, the latter being only 36’ farther north than the - former, and more to the east by 6 minutes of time, which is equal to 1° 30’ under the equator, the calculation may be greatly shortened. For this purpcse, take the mean latitude of the two places, which in this instance is 46° 4’, and find by the preceding problem the extent of a degree on the parallel passing through that latitude, which will be = 47-922 miles. The difference of longi- tude between these places is 1° 30’, which on that parallel, allowing 47°922 miles to a degree, gives 71°88 miles, and the miles corresponding to the difference of latitude are 41°44. If we therefore suppose a right angled triangle, one of the sides of which adjacent to the right angle is 4144 miles, and the other 71°88, by squaring these two numbers, adding them together, and extracting the square root of the sum, we shall have the hypothenuse equal to 82°97 miles; which will be the distance, in a straight line, between Lyons and Geneva. As this is the proper place for making known the measures employed by different nations, in measuring itinerary distances, it will doubtless be gratifying to our readers to find here a table of them, especially as it is difficult to collect them: for the same reason we have added some of the itinerary measures of the ancients, the whole expressed in English feet. TABLE OF ITINERARY MEASURES, ANCIENT AND MODERN. Ancient Greece. Feet. Feet. | The mile 123 to a degree ...... 28995 The Olympic stadium.......... 604 |_The same 15 to adegree ....... 24292 A smallerstadium ..ccccseoses 482 : fire. least stadium ....':....-.. 322 Arabia. Heimer dee ess acter cs woesees 6929 Egypt Me schenus 2... eccessscscess 19421 Ar ance, The mile of 1000 French toises.. 6392 Persia. The small league of 30 to a degree 12159 The parasang or farsang ......-- 14499 | The mean league of 25toadegree 14594 The great or marine league of 20 Roman Empire. EOUAMIO ET CCl einrs'o als evis c's gate eats 18238 The mile (milliare) .....-+.0¢+ . 4833 nein Judea. — (he: mile 7.3% 32)>.3 se ua we sag eters 35050 The rast or stadium .......se0 486 Decnark The berath or mile .......--.. ea aD hes tnilecren: cc's acute ae 25123 Ancient Gaul. England. The league (Jeug) .....++++++- 4249 V The mile stas ean teen ot ace 5280 Germany. — Scotland. The rast or league ....... ones L400 | Lhe mile wn. dees. ate erste etay ss 7332 426 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. Treland. Russia. Feet. : Feet. The pile s.ssceks helt BRET 6724 | The ancient werst 4193 The modern werst ..ssccsseses 3497 Spain. The league (legale of 5000 vares) 13724 The common league 174 to a de- gree wooo eceoereevreceeersece 20846 India. The.little. cosa s/05:. sas seceecene 8579 The great COSS,...sesccveerces DOE The Roman mile.,....+2+++++- 4909 | The gau of the Malabar coast .. 38356 The Lombard mile ......-+ee+e+ 5425 | The nari or nali of the same .-e. 5753 Tur key. The agash-......s0:. saeense~ sae OG Italy. The Venetian mile .....+...+-- 634] China Poland. The present li ....... «4:60 The league .¢;....:+.-- 18223 | The pu, equal to 10 lis ....-... 18857 These values are extracted from a work by Danville, entitled Traité des Mesures ttinéraires anciennes et modernes, Paris, 1768, 8vo., in which this subject is treated with great erudition and sagacity ; so that, amidst the uncertainty which prevails in regard to the precise relation bet ween these measures and ours, the evaluations given by Danville may be considered as the most probable, and the best founded. We have deviated therefore in many points from those given by Christiani, in his book Delle Misure d’ogne genere antiche é moderne. This work is valuable in some respects ; but the subject is far from being éxamined there in so profound a manner as it has been by Danville. PROBLEM XIII. To represent the terrestrial Globe in plano. A map, which represents the whole superficies of the terrestrial globe on a flat surface, is called a planisphere, or general map of the world. A map of this kind is generally represented in two hemispheres ; because the arti- ficial globe, which represents the globe of the earth, cannot be all seen at one view: hence, when delineated in plano, it is necessary to divide it into two halves, each of which is called ahemisphere. It may be thus represented in three ways. The first is to represent it as divided by the plane of the meridian into two hemis- pheres, one eastern the other western. This method is that generally used for a map of the world, because it exhibits the old continent in the one hemisphere, and the whole of the new in the other. The’ second is to represent it as divided by the equator into two hemispheres, the one northern and the other southern. This representation is in some cases attended with advantage, because the disposition of the most northern and most southern countries are better seen. Some maps of this kind have been published, in which the tracts pursued by our modern navigators, and all the discoveries made by them in the South Seas, are accurately delineated. The third method is to exhibit the globe of the earth as divided: by the horizon into two hemispheres, the upper and lower, according to the position of each. Under certain circumstances, this form has its advantages also. The disposition of the different parts of the earth, in regard to the proposed place, are better seen, — and a great many geographical problems can be solved by it with much greater facility. Father Chrysologue of Gy, in Franche-Comté, published some years ago two he- — 7 ‘#* 4 i PLANS OF MAPS. 427 mispheres of this kind, the centre of one of which was occupied by Paris ; and he added an explanation of the different uses to which they might be applied. Two methods may be employed in these representations. According to one of them, the globe is supposed to be seen by the eye placed without it; and such as it would appear at an infinite distance. According to the other, each hemisphere is supposed to be viewed on the concave side; as if the eye were placed at the end of the central diameter, or at the pole of the opposite hemisphere; and it is conceived to be projected on the plane of its ‘base. Hence arise the different properties of these representations, which we shall here describe. I. When the globe is represented as seen on the convex side, and divided into two hemispheres by the plane of the first meridian, the eye is supposed to be at an infinite distance, opposite to the point where the equator is intersected by the 90th meridian. All the meridians are then represented by ellipses, the first excepted, which is represented by a circle, and the 90th which becomes a straight line: the parallels of latitude also are represented by straight lines. This representation is attended with one great fault, viz., that the parts near the first meridian are very much contracted, on account of the obliquity under which they present them- selves. When the hemispheres are represented by the second method, that is to say as seen on the concave side, and projected on the plane of the meridian, the contrary is the case. It is supposed, in regard to the eastern hemisphere, that the eye is placed at the extremity of the diameter which passes through the place where the equator and the 90th meridian intersect each other. In this case there is more of equality be- tween the distances of the meridians; and even the parts of the earth represented in the middle of the map lie somewhat closer than those towards the edges. Be- sides, all the meridians and parallels are represented by arcs of a circle, which is very convenient in constructing the map. It is attended however with this inconvenience, that the parts of the earth have an appearance different from what they have when seen from without. Asia for example is seen on the left, and Europe on the right ; but this may be easily remedied by a counter-impression. II. If a projection of the earth on the plane of the equator be required, the eye according to the first method may be supposed at an infinite distance in the axis produced: the pole will then occupy the centre of the map; the parallels will be concentric circles, and the meridians straight lines. But it is attended with this inconvenience, that the parts of the earth near the equator will be very much con- tracted. For this reason it will be better to have recourse to the second method, which supposes the northern hemisphere to be seen by an eye placed at the south pole, and vice versa: as there is here an inversion of the relative position of the places, it may be remedied in like manner by a counter-impression. III. If the eye be supposed in the zenith of any determinate place, as of London for example, and at an infinite distance, we shall have on the plane of the horizon a representation of the terrestrial hemisphere, the pole of which is occupied by Lon- don, and which is of the third kind. But this representation will still be attended with the inconvenience of the places near the horizon being too much crowded. This defect however may be remedied by employing the second method, or by supposing the above hemisphere to be seen through the horizon by an eye placed in the pole of the lower hemisphere: the different meridians will then be represented by arcs of a circle, as will also the parallels: the circles representing the distance ee ; & " be ig “ 428 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. from the proposed place, to all other places of the earth, will be straight lines. The inversion of position may be remedied as in the preceding cases. The numerous uses to which this particular kind of projection can be applied, may be seen in a work published by Father Chrysologue in 1774, and which was intended - as an explanation of his double map of the world, already mentioned. | Various other projections of the globe might be conceived: and by supposing the eye in some other point than the pole of the hemisphere, more equality might be preserved between the parts lying near to the centre and the edges of the projection ; but this would be attended with other inconveniences, viz., that the circles on the surface of the sphere or globe would not be represented by circles or straight lines, which would render a description of them difficult. It is therefore better to adhere to the projection where the eye is supposed to be in the pole of the hemisphere opposite to that intended to be represented; whether the terrestrial globe, as in common maps, is to be projected on the plane of the first meridian, or whether it be required to project it on the plane of the equator, or on that of the horizon of any determinate place. A series of six maps of the stars, prepared under the direction of J. W. Lubbock, Esq., has recently been published by the Society for the diffusion of Useful Know- ledge. If we conceive the celestial sphere to be inscribed in a cube, touching at the poles, and at four equi-distant points on the equinoctial; then if lines be drawn from the centre of the sphere through the stars as depicted on its surface, these lines continued will, on the faces of the squares, give the projected places of the stars, This is the construction which Mr. Lubbock has adopted: and it is certainly attended with many and great advantages. PROBLEM XIV. 5 The latitude and longitude of two places, London and Cayenne for example, being given ; to find with what point of the horizon the line drawn from the one to the other corresponds ; or what angle the azimuth circle, drawn from the former of these places through the other, makes with the meridian. The solution of this problem is attended with very little difficulty, if spherical trigonometry be employed, as it is reduced to the following: the two: sides of a spherical triangle and the included angle being given, to find one of the other two angles. But for want of trigonometrical tables, which I had lost with all my bag- gage in consequence of shipwreck, I found myself obliged, on a certain occasion, to solve this problem by a simple geometrical construction, which I shall here de- scribe. I cannot however help mentioning the singular circumstance which con- ducted me to it. . Being at the island of Socotora, near Madagascar, on board a vessel belonging to the East India Company, which had touched there, I formed an acquaintance with a devout Mussulman, one of the richest and most respectable inhabitants of the island. As he soon learned, by the astronomical observations which he saw me make, that I was an astronomer, he requested me to determine, in his chamber, the exact direction of Mecca; that he might turn himself towards that venerable place when he re- peated his prayers. I at first hesitated on-account of the object; but the good Tahia (that was his name) begged with so much earnestness, that I was not able to refuse. Having neither charts nor globes, and knowing only the latitude and longi- tude of the two places, I had recourse to a graphic construction on a pretty large scale. I determined the angle of position which Mecca formed with the above island ; and traced out, on the floor of his oratory, the line in the direction of which he ought to look, in order to be turned towards Mecca. Words can hard y express how much the good Iahia was gratified by my compliance with his wishes; and I have no doubt, if still alive, that he offers up grateful prayers to his prophet for my a / al REFRACTION. 429 conversion. But let us return to our problem, in which we shall take, by way of example, London and Cayenne. Fig. 7. To resolve it by a geometrical construction, de- scribe a circle to represent the horizon of London, which we shall suppose to be in the centre P: the larger this circle is, the more correct will the -ope- ration be. Draw the two diameters A Band cD, cutting each other at right angles: and having assumed DN, equal to the distance of Londen from the pole, draw the radius np, and P E perpendicular to it, which will represent a radius of the equator: make the arc EK equal to the distance of the se- cond place from the equator, which, in regard to Cayenne, is 4° 56’; draw also K F and KG perpendicular to the radii pB and PN; and from the point G draw ¢G @ per- - pendicular to the diameter a B, and continue it on both sides: if from 0 as a centre, with the radius GK, a semicircle RH Q be then described on the line ro Q, the points R and Q will necessarily fall within the circle; because P G being greater than Po, we shall have, on the other hand, cx or oR less than os. Having described the semicircle Ra Q, assume the arc HI equal to the difference of the longitudes of the two places, that is towards the side c, which we here suppose to represent the west, and towards the south if the second place lies to the west of London and farther south, which is the case in the proposed example; for Cayenne is situated to the west of London, and lies much nearer the equator. Hence it may be readily seen what ought to be done, if the second place lay farther north, or to the east, &c. The arc u1 then having been taken equal to 52° 1)’, draw 1h perpendicular to the diameter RQ; and draw Hf, till it meet, in m, that diameter continued: if mF be then drawn, which will cut L1in 7, the point T will represent the projection of Cayenne on the horizon of London; and consequently, by drawing the line pt, the angle TPA will be that formed by the azimuth of London passing through Cayenne. It will be found, by this operation, that the line of position of Cayenne, in regard to London, makes with the meridian an angle of 61°48’, consequently Cayenne bears from London south-west by west 4 west nearly. It must however be allowed that this problem can be solved mechanically, by means of a globe, with much more ease and convenience; for nothing more is _ Necessary than to rectify the globe for the latitude of London, to screw fast the quadrant of altitude to that point, and then to turn it till the edge of it corresponds _ with Cayenne: if the number of degrees intercepted between it and the meridian be then counted on the horizon, you will have the angle it forms with the meridian. But as a globe may not always be at hand, nor tables of sines and tangents to solve _ it trigonometrically, this want may be supplied by the graphic construction above described. THEOREM. The heavenly bodies are never seen in the place where they really are: thus, for example, the whole face of the sun is seen above the horizon, after he is actually set. Though this has the appearance of a paradox, it is a truth acknowledged by all | astronomers, and which philosophers explain in the following manner. The earth is surrounded by a stratum of a fluid much denser than that which fills the expanse of the celestial regions. A smal] portion of the terrestrial globe en- _ veloped by this stratum, commonly called the atmosphere, is seen represented Fig. 8. If the sun then be ins, a central ray sr, when it reaches the atmosphere, instead Ae a 430 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. | : of continuing its course in a straight line, is refracted towards the perpendicular, and assumes the direction EF. A spectator at F, must consequently see the sun in the line rE; and as we always judge the ob- pe ots ject to be in the direct continuation of the ray by | cai FI. which the eye is affected, the spectator at F sees the i va ia centre of the sun at s, a little nearer the zenith than | he really is; and this deviation is greater, the nearer | the body is to the horizon, because the ray then falls : with more obliquity on the surface of the atmospheric fluid. | Astronomers have found that when the body is on the horizon, this refraction is about 33 minutes; therefore when the upper limb of the sun is in the horizontal line, so that if there were no atmosphere he would seem only beginning to peep. over the horizon, he appears to be elevated 33 minutes; and as the apparent diame. ter of the sun is less than 33 minutes, his lower limb will appear to touch the horizon. Thus the sun is risen in appearance, though he is not really so, and even when he is entirely below the horizon. Hence follow several curious consequences, which deserve to be remarked. I. More than one half of the celestial sphere is always seen ; though in every trea- tise on the globes it is supposed that we see only the half; for besides the upper hemisphere, we see also a band round the horizon of about 33 minutes in breadth, which belongs to the lower hemisphere. If. The days are every where longer, and the nights shorter, than they ought to be, according to the latitude of the place; for the apparent rising of the sun precedes the real rising, and the apparent setting follows the real setting; therefore, though the quantity of day and night ought to be equally balanced at the end of the year, the former exceeds the latter in a considerable degree. Ill. The effect of refraction, above described, serves also to account for another astronomical paradox, which is as follows. The moon may be seen eclipsed even totally and centrally, when the sun is above the horizon. A total and central eclipse of the moon cannot take place but when the sun anil moon are directly opposite to each other. We here suppose that the reader is acquainted with the causes of these phenomena, an explanation of which may be found in every elementary work on astronomy. When the centre of the moon there- fore, at the time of a total eclipse, is in the rational horizon, the centre of the sun ought to be in the opposite point; but by the effect of refraction these points are raised 33 minutes above the horizon. The apparent semi-diameter of the sun and moon being only about 15 minutes, the lower limbs of both will appear elevated about 18 minutes.—Such is the explanation of a phenomenon which must take place at every central eclipse of the moon; for there is always some place of the earth where the moon is on the horizon at the middle of the eclipse. IV. Refraction enables us to explain also a very common phenomenon, viz., the apparent elliptical form of the sun and moon, when on the horizon; for the lower limb of the sun corresponding, we shall suppose, with the rational horizon, is elevated 33 minutes by the effect of refraction ; but the upper limb being really elevated 30 minutes, (which is nearly the apparent diameter of that luminary at its mean dis- tances,) is elevated in appearance by refraction no more than 28 minutes above its real altitude ; the vertical diameter therefore will appear shortened by the difference between 33 and 28, that is to say 5 minutes; for if the refraction of the upper limb were equal to that of the lower, the vertical diameter would be neither lengthened nor shortened. The apparent vertical diameter will thus be reduced to about 28 minutes. = ECLIPSES. 431 But there ought to be no sensible decrease in the horizontal diameter; for the extremities of this diameter are carried only a little higher in the two vertical circles passing through them, and which, as they meet in the zenith, are sensibly parallel. The vertical diameter then being contracted, while the horizontal diameter remains the same, the result must be, that the discs of the sun and moon will appa- rently have an elliptical form, or appear shorter in the vertical direction than in the horizontal. V. There is always more than one half of the earth enlightened by a central illumi- nation ; that is to say by an illumination, the centre of which is visible; for if there were no refraction, the centre of the sun would not be seen till it corresponded with the plane of the rational horizon ; but as the refraction raises it about 33 minutes, it will begin to appear when it is in the plane of a circle parallel to the rational horizon, and 33 minutes below it. There is therefore a central illumination for the whole hemisphere, plus the zone - comprehended between that hemisphere and a parallel distant from it 33 minutes ; and there is a complete illumination from the whole disc of the sun to the same hemisphere, and the zone comprehended between the border of it, and a parallel about 16 minutes farther below the horizon. What Ozanam therefore, or his continuator, endeavours to demonstrate after De- schales with so much labour and tediousness, (see ‘‘ Recreations Mathematiques” vol. 11. p. 277, edit. of 1750,) is absolutely false :* because no allowance is made for refraction. PROBLEM XV. To determine, without astronomical tables, whether there will be an Eclipse at any new or full moon given. Though the calculation of eclipses, and particularly those of the sun, is exceedingly laborious ; those which took place in any given year of the 18th century, that is between 1700 and 1801, may be found, without much difficulty, by the following operation. The method of finding those of the present or 19th century, will be shewn in the additional remark to this problem. For the New Moons. Find the complete number of lunatious between the new moon proposed, and the _ 8th of January 1701, according to the Gregorian calendar, and multiply that number _ by 7361; to the product add 33890, and divide the sum by 43200, without paying | any regard to the quotient. If the remainder after the division, or the difference between that remainder and the divisor, be less than 4060, there will be an eclipse, and consequently an eclipse of the sun. Ezxample.—It is required to find whether there was an eclipse of the sun on the first of April 1764. Between the 8th of January 1701, and the Ist of April _ 1764, there were 782 complete lunations ; if this number then be multiplied by 7361, | the product will be 5756302; to which adding 33890, we shall have 5790192; and ' this sum divided by 43200 will leave for remainder 1392: this number being less _ than 4060, shews that on the Ist of April 1764 there was an eclipse of the sun, which was indeed the case; and this eclipse was annular to a part of Europe. Bost the) Ball ooes: _ Find the number of complete lunations between that which began on the 8th of January 1701, and the conjunction which precedes the full moon proposed : multiply this number by 7361; and having added to the product 37326, divide the sum by 43200: if the remainder after the division, or the difference between the remainder _and the divisor, be less than 2800, it will shew that an eclipse of the moon took place | at that time. ¢ 432 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. Example.-—Let it be required to find whether there was an eclipse at the full moon _ which took place on the 13th of December 1769. Between the 8th of January 1701, | and the 28th of November 1769, the day of the new moon preceding the 13th | of December, there were 852 complete lunations: the product of this number by 7361 is 6271572; to which if we add 37326, the sum will be 6308898. But this — sum divided by 43200, leaves for remainder 1698, which being less than 2800, shews that there was an eclipse of the mooh on the 13th of December 1769, as indeed may | be seen by the almanacs for that year. | Remark.—To determine the number of lunations, which have elapsed between the | 8th of January 170], and any proposed day, the following method, which is attended with very little difficulty, may be employed. Diminish by unity the number of years _ above 1700, and multiply the remainder by 365; to the product add the number of bis- | sextiles between 1700 and the given year, and the result will be the number of days from the 8th of January 1701 to the 8th of January of the proposed year. Thenadd the | number of days from the 8th of January of the given year to the day of the new moon | proposed, or to that which precedes the full moon proposed ; and having doubled the | sum, divide it by 59, the quotient will be the number of lunations required. | Let us propose, by way of example, the 13th of December 1769, the day of full — moon. The preceding new moon fell on the 28thof November. If 69 be diminished by unity, the remainder is 68; which, multiplied by 365, gives 24820. As in that interval there were 17 bissextiles, we must add 17, which will give 24837. Lastly, — the number of days from January 8th to November 28th 1769 was 309, which added to | the above sum make 25146. This number doubled is 50292; which divided by 59 gives for quotient 852. The number of complete lunations therefore, between the 8th of January 1701 and the full moon December 13th 1769, was 852. Additional Remarks.—This easy method of finding eclipses was invented by M. de la Hire, a celebrated French astronomer; but as it will require some alteration to make it answer for the present century, we shall first explain the principles on which it is founded, and then shew how this alteration is to be made. Ist. In regard to the full moons, we shall suppose that the sun is at present in the ascending node, and the moon in the descending: the former during the period of a lunation will move from his node 80 degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds; which expressed in quarters of a minute are equal to 736]. Hence M. de la Hire multiplies this number by that of the complete lunations, between the new moon on the 8th of January 1701, and the full moon proposed ; and the product necessarily gives all the movements which the sun has made during that time, to recede from the one node and to approach the other, 2d. The sun at the time of the full moon,in the month of January 1701, was distant from his node 155. degrees 31 minutes 30 seconds, which, expressed in quarters of a minute, give 37326: hence, according to M. dela Hire, this number must be added to the product of 7361 multiplied by the lunations, 3d: The two nodes of the lunar orbit are distant from each other 180 degrees, or 10800 minutes; which multiplied by 4, give 45200: the distance therefore of the one node from the other is represented by 43200. 4th. To obtain the true distance of the sun from the node 43200 must be sub-_ tracted from the sum mentioned in the example, viz. 6308898, as many times as pos- sible; and hence, according to M. de la Hire, this sum must be divided by 43200, — neglecting the quotient. 5th. The remainder after the last division gives the true distance of the sun from his node, which we have hitherto supposed to be the ascending node; that is to say, the node by which the moon passes from the southern to the northern side of the a > . ee ta . ‘ ECLIPSES. 433 ecliptic. If this remainder does not exceed 2800, there will be an eclipse, or at least it will be possible ; because the sun will not be distant from his node 11 degrees 40 minutes. For 11 degrees 40 minutes are equal to 700 minutes; and 700 minutes multiplied by 4, give 2800 quarters of a minute. 6th. There may be an eclipse though the remainder after the last division exceeds 2800; but in that case the difference between this remainder and the divisor will be less than 2800. The reason of this is, that the sun is necessarily distant from one of the two nodes less than 1] degrees 40 minutes. The one node indeed being distant from the other only 43200 quarters of a minute, andas the sun cannot recede from the one node without approaching the other, if the difference between the remainder after the division, and the divisor 43200, does not exceed 2800, there will necessarily be one of the nodes from which the sun will not be distant 11 degrees 40 minutes. But it may here be objected, as the sun during the time of a lunation does not pass over 30 degrees of the ecliptic from west to east, why have we asserted that if he be at present in the ascending node, he will remove from it, in the course ofa Junation, 30 degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds? This objection will not appear of much consequence, but to those who imagine that the nodes which the lunar orbit forms with the solar are fixed and immoveable. This is not the case; these nodes havea periodical motion ; thatis, they pass through the 12 signs of the zodiac in the course of almost 19 years, not from west to east, as the sun, but from east to west: at the end of a lunation then the sun must be 30 degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds distant from the node he has quitted; because he not only moves from his node, but bis node moves from him. In regard to new moons, the only difference in the operation is, that 33890 is added to the product of the lunations by 7361, instead of 37326. At the time of the new moon in January 1701, the sun was distant from his node 141 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds; which expressed in quarters of a minute are equal to 33890. For an eclipse of the sun, therefore, 33890 must be added to the product of the lunations by 7361. It is to be observed also, that for solar eclipses, the remainder must be less than 4060 ; which represents the quarters of a minute contained in 16 degrees 55 minutes. A solar eclipse indeed is not impossible but when the sun and moon are at a greater distance from their nodes than 16 degrees 55 minutes: the remainder and divisor therefore must not be compared with 2800, as for eclipses of the moon, but with 4060. To apply the above rules to the present century. It is evident, from what has been said, that to find, by the above method, the eclipses of the sun and moon in the present century, nothing will be necessary but to substitute, for the sun’s distance from the node at the time of the new and full moon in the month of January 1701, the same distance at the time of the new and full moon in the month of January 1801, and to count the lunations between the new moon in January 1801, that is the 14th, and the time proposed. _ But the sun’s distance from the node at the time of the new moon on the 14th day of January 1801, was 280° 56’ 44”, and his distance from the node at the time of the full moon on the 29th of January 1801 was 297° 15'11”. The former of these reduced to quarters of a minute gives 67427, and the latter reduced in the same manner gives 71341. Example \st.—Let it be required to find whether there will bean eclipse at the full moon on the 18th of March 1802. Between the 14th of January 1801 and the 3d of March 1802, the day of the new moon preceding the 18th of March, there will be 14 complete lunations. The product of this number by 7361 is 103054 ; to which if we add 71341, the sum will be 174395. But this sum divided by 43200, leaves for remainder 1595; which, being less than 2800, shews that there will be an eclipse of the moon on the 18th of March 1802 2 F 4 a } | q 434 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. Example 2d.—It is required to find whether there will be an eclipse of the sun on the 3d of March 1802. Between the 14th of January 1801, and the 3d of March 1802, there will be 14 complete lunations; if this number be multiplied by 7361, the product will be 103054, to which adding 67427, we shall have 170481 ; and this sum divided by 43200, will leave for remainder 40881: this number is not less than 4060, but its difference from 43200, which is 2319, is less than 4060 ; we may con- clude therefore that there will be an eclipse of the sun on the 3d of March 1802. Eclipses of the Sun and Moon during the nineteenth century. To gratify the curiosity of the reader, we shall here give a table of the eclipses, both of the sun and moon, which will take place in the course of the present century ; with the different circumstances attending them, such as the time of the middle of the eclipse, and its extent ; and, in regard to eclipses of the moon, how many digits will be eclipsed, &c. We must however observe, that as this table is extracted from an immense labour,* undertaken for another purpose, perfect exactness must not be expected, either in extent or time, and particularly in regard to the eclipses of the sun, since it is well known that a solar eclipse, on account of the moon’s parallax, varies in quantity according to the place of the earth; that an eclipse, for example, which is central and total to the regions of the southern hemisphere, may be only partial and small to the northern. The author therefore, to whom we allude, was satisfied with indicating, rather than calculating, these eclipses; and left the more exact determi- nations to astronomers. To render this table however more generally useful, we shall add the following explanation. The hour marked indicates the middle of the eclipse in true time; 3 signifies one half, } one fourth of an hour, morn. morning, aft. afternoon. The quantity of the eclipse is expressed in digits and divisions of a digit. A digit is one twelfth part of the diameter of the luminary eclipsed. Six digits are equal to one half of the disc; four digits to one third, &c. When an eclipse is marked 0 digits, the meaning is that it is less than a quarter, or + of a digit,~ When the moon is within a minute of a degree or less of the centre, the eclipse is marked central; when within two minutes, almost central. The duration of eclipses is nearly proportioned to their greatness; a total lunar eclipse will continue at least 3} hours, and at most 4 hours and some minutes; a partial eclipse, which exceeds six*digits, may continue 24 or 31 hours; eclipses of between three and six digits, are of 2 or 3 hours’ dura- tion ; those of two digits will last about 14 hour; those of one digit about 1 hour; and those of half a digit about 2 of an hour. The time therefore of the middle of an eclipse, and its duration, being given, its beginning and end may be nearly ascertained by the following rule: viz., subtract its semi-duration from the time given, and the remainder will be the hour of the beginning; add the same quantity, and the sum will be the time of the end. A lunar eclipse must begin and end every where at the same time; with this difference, that so many hours must be added or subtracted as the one place is to the eastward or westward of the other. Thus, an eclipse that begins about 44 hours p. m. at Greenwich observatory, will begin about 12 p.m. at Pekin, as the latter is 7 hours 46 minutes eastward of the former. _ In regard to solar eclipses, they are dated from the time of the conjunction of the — sun and moon. Though this date be sensibly different from that of the middle of the eclipse; yet this difference will never amount to two hours, and may be nearly found by the following rules:—Ist. In the morning a solar eclipse must always happen sooner, and in the evening later, than the time of the conjunction. * This labour is a table of the solar and lunar eclipses since the commencement of the Christian sera, to the year 1900, inserted in ‘* L’Art de verifier les Dates,” by the Abbe Pingere, a celebrated ' astronomer, and member of the Royal Academy of Sciences. ea ECLIPSES. 435 2d. The nearer the sun is to the horizon, the more sensible will be the difference. 3d. The acceleration in the morning will be great in proportion to the elevation of the sun at mid-day, three months before, and the retardation in the evening will be great in proportion to the sun’s elevation three months after, the time proposed. It thence follows, Ist, That the difference must be greatest in the torrid zone; and 2d. That the greatest difference in the other latitudes must happen in the evening of the vernal, and in the morning of the autumnal, equinox; for the greatest meridian altitudes are observed three months before and after these seasons. - The parts of the world where the eclipse is visible, are marked. If there be no limitation, the whole or the greater part of Europe or Asia must be understood. Particular divisions of these quarters are denoted by the letters E. W. N. and S., that is, East, West, &c. When an eclipse is said to be visible in E. or W. of Europe, &c., the meaning is, that it is visible in all the parts of the region specified, where the sun is sufficiently elevated above the horizon at the time of conjunction. When it is marked as visible N. or S. of any particular region, all places in every other direction are excluded. The terms small and great for the most part refer to the eclipses, and not to the places where they are visible. The latitude of those places is marked in which an eclipse is central. South latitude is indicated by the letter S., and North latitude by N., which is frequently omitted. An 0, or cipher, denotes North latitude. The course of a central eclipse is ofttimes pointed out by three numbers. The first and third shew the latitude in which the eclipse is central in the planes of the 5th and 155th meridians; the second, included in crotchets, gives the latitude in which it is central at mid-day. The place where an eclipse is central at mid-day, may be easily found, when the time of the true conjunction at Paris is known. The interval between the true conjunction as given, and mid-day, nearly shews how many hours and minutes the required place is east or west of the meridian of Paris. It is to be observed also, that the limits of eclipses are fixed to be the tropic of Cancer in Africa, and the northern extremity of Lapland; and from 5° to 6° N. lat. in Asia to the Polar circle. In longitude, the limits are the 5th and the 155th - meridians, supposing the 20th to pass through Paris. The first and third numbers above mentioned, do not always express the latitude, under the 5th and 155th meridians. Sometimes an eclipse begins before the sun has risen upon the former, and ends after it has gone down on the latter meridian. - In these cases, the first number denotes the latitude in which the eclipse is central at sun-rising ; and the next the latitude in which it is central at sun-set. The number included in crotchets is omitted when there is no meridian within the limits pre- - scribed, under which the time of mid-day coincides with the middle of the eclipse. It is to be observed also, that a number is sometimes added to point out the increase or decrease of an eclipse. A. single character or number indicates the latitude in which an eclipse is central in Europe or Africa at sun-set ; and towards the eastern extremity of Asia at sun- rising. An asterisk * denotes that the course of a central eclipse extends many degrees beyond the equator. A dagger + indicates that its course is beyond the pole ; and the excess is sometimes added to 90. Thus 94 intimates that the eclipse re- ferred to is central 4° beyond the pole. The sign + affixed to pen. is used to ex- press that the penumbra is deep or strong. An eclipse is visible from 32° to 64° north; and as far south of the place where it is central. or 2 436 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. LIST OF ECLIPSES, FROM THE BEGINNING TO THE END OF THE PRESENT CENTURY. 1801.—Eclipse of the moon, total, March 30th, 5} morn. cent. Of the sun, April 13th, 44 morn. Europe N.E. Asia N. dim. from W. to E. Of the sun, September 8th, 6 morn. Asia N.E. small. Of the moon, total, September 22d, 7} morn. 1802.—Of the moon, March 19th, 114 morn. 5 dig. Of the sun, August 28th, 74 morn. Eur. Afr. Asia, cent. 69 (59) 23 an. Of the moon, partial, September llth, 11 aft. 9 digits. 1803.—Of the sun, August 17th, 8} morn. great part of Eur. S. Afr. Asia, S. cent. 26 (12) * an. 1804.—Of the moon, partial, January 26th, 9 aft. Of the sun, February 11th, 1) morn. Eur. Afr. Asia, W. cent. 25 (32) 64. Of the moon, partial, July 22d, 54 aft. 102 dig. 1805.—Of the moon, total, January 15th,9 morn. Of the sun, June 26th, 11 aft, part of Asia, N.E. Of the moon, total, July llth, 9 aft. 1806.—Of the moon, partial, January 5th, 0 morn. 9 dig. Of the sun, June 16th, 4 aft. Eur. Afr. W. cent. 31—16 tot. Of the moon, partial, June 30th, 10 aft. pen, Of the sun, December 10th, 24 morn. small, Asia, S.E. 1807.—Of the moon, partial, May 2st, 5} aft. 1} dig. Of the sun, June 6th, 5} morn. small, Asia S.E. Of the moon, partial, November 15th, 8} morn. 3 dig. Of the sun, November 29th, merid. all Eur. Afr. Asia, W. cent. 18 (13) 9 — 25. 1808.—Of the moon, total, May 10th, 8 morn. Of the moon, total, November 3d, 9 morn. Of the sun, November 18th, 3 morn. great part of Asia N. incr. from’ W. to E. 1809.—Of the moon, partial, April 30th, 1 morn. 10 dig. Of the moon, partial, October 23d, 94 morn. 94 dig. 1810.—Of the sun, April4th, 2 morn. Asia, S.E. cent. * 10 an. 1811.—Of the moon, partial, March 10th, 64 morn. 5 dig. Of the moon, partial, Sep- tember 2d, 11 aft. 7 dig. ; 1812.—Of the moon, total, February 27th, 6 morn. almost cent. Of the moon, total, — August 22d, 3 aft. 1813.—Of the sun, February Ist, 9 morn. Eur. Afr. Asia, cent. 32 — 24 (26) 55 an. Of the moon, partial, February 15th, 9 morn. 7} dig. Of the moon, partial, August 12th, 33 morn. 4} dig. 1814.—Of the sun, January 2lst, 2) aft. Eur. S.E. Afr. cent.* 10 an. Of the sun, July 17th, 7 morn. Eur. S. Afr. E. Asia, S. cent. 14 — 33 (31) 5 tot. Of the moon, partial, December 26th, 114 aft. 6 dig. 1815.—Of the moon, total, June 21st, 6} aft. 121 dig. Of the sun, July 7th, 0 morn, Eur. and Asia, N. cent. 62 ¢ tot. Of the moon, partial, December 16th, 1d aft. 1816.—Of the moon, total, June 10th, 1} morn. Of the sun, November 19th, 104 morn. Eur. Afr. Asia, W. cent.59 (38) 33 — 37 tot. Of the moon, partial, December 4th, 9 aft. 73 dig. 1817.—Of the sun, May 16th, 7 morn. Asia, S. cent. * (7) 12—7an. Of the moon, partial, May 3d. 3) aft. pen. +. Of the sun, November 9th, 2! morn. Asia, E. cent. 26 — 5S. tot. 1818.—Of the moon, partial, April 21st, 0} morn. 53 dig. Of the sun, May 5th, 7 morn. Eur. Afr. Asia, cent. 13 (51) 60 — 53 an. Of the moon, partial, October 14th, 6 morn. 2 dig. 1819.—Of the moon, total, April 10th, 14 aft. Of the sun, April 24th, merid. N. of Eur. and of Asia, dim. from W. to E. Of the sun, September 19th, 1 aft. Eur. N.E. small. Of the moon, total, October 3d, 34 aft. LIST OF ECLIPSES, 437 1820.—Of the moon. partial, March 29th, 7 aft. 6 dig. Of the sun, September 7th, 2 aft. Eur. Afr. Asia, W. cent. 62— 29 an. Of the moon, partial, September 22d, 7 morn. 10 dig. 1821.—Of the sun, March 4th, 6 morn. Asia, S.E. cent. * (7 S.) 24 tot. 1822.—Of the moon, partial, February 6th, 5 morn. 43 dig. Of the moon partial, Aug. 3d, 0} morn. 9 dig. 1823.—Of the moon total, January 26th, 5! aft. Of thesun, February 11th, 3 morn. great part of Asia N. small. Of the sun, July 8th, 64 morn. Eur. and Asia, N. Of the moon, total, July 23d, 31 morn. 1824.—Of the moon partial, January 16th, 9morn. 9 dig. Of the sun, June 26th, 114 aft. Asia, E. cent. 27 —41 tot. Of the moon, partial, July 11th, 45 morn. 1 dig. Of the sun, December 20th, 11 morn. Indies, S. small. 1825.—Of the moon partial, June Ist, 0} morn. Of the sun, June 16th, O} aft. Afr. small cent. * (0)*. Of the moon partial, November 25th, 44 aft. 2} dig. 1826.—Of the moon, total, May 2Ist, 3faft. Of the moon, total, November 14th, 44 aft. Of the sun, November 29th, 114 morn. Eur. Afr. Asia, W. 1827.—Of the sun, April 26, 31 morn. Eur. N.E. Asia, N. cent. 49 (81) 84 an. Of the moon partial, May 11th, 83 morn. 11; dig. Of the moon sara November 3d, 5 aft. 10 dig. 1828.—Of the sun, April 14th, 93 morn. small part of Eur. §.E. Afr, Asia, cent. 2S. (18) 29— 26. Of the sun, October 9th, 0} morn. Asia S.E. cent. 7 * an. 1829.— Of the moon, partial, March 20th, 2 aft. 4 dig. Of the moon, partial, Sep- tember 13th, 7 morn..53 dig. Of the sun, September 28th, 2) morn. Asia, E. cent, 59 — 40 an. 1830.—Of the sun, February 23d, 5 morn. Asia, N. dim. from W. toE. Of the moon, total, March 9th, 2 aft. Of the moon, total, September 2d, 11 aft. cent. 1831.—Of the moon, partial, February 26th, 5 aft. 8 dig. Of the moon, partial, August 23d, 10} morn. 6 dig. 1832.—Of the sun, July 27th, 24 aft. Eur. S. Afr. Asia, S.E. cent. 23 N. 3 S. tot. 1833.—-Of the moon, partial, January 6th, 8 morn. 53 dig. Of the moon, partial, July 2d, 1 morn. 103 dig. Of the sun, July 17th, 7 morn. Eur. Afr. E. Asia, N. cent. 83 (80) 73 tot. Of the moon, total, December 26th, 10 aft. 1834.—Of the moon, total, June 21st, 8{ morn. Of the moon, partial, December 16th, 53 morn. 8 dig. 1835. _Of the sun, May 27th, 14 aft. small a of Eur. Afr. Asia, S: W. cent. 7—8—3S. an. Of the moon partial, June 10th, 11 aft. 0§ dig. Of the sun, November 20th, 11 morn. small part of Eur. S.W. Afr. small part of Asia, 8. W. cent. 4 (11 S.) * tot. 1836.—Of the moon, partial, May Ist, 84 morn. 44 dig. Of the sun, May 15th, 2} aft. Eur. Afr. Asia, W. cent. 53 — 54— 44 an. Of the moon partial, October 24th, 13 aft. 14 dig. 1837.—Of the moon, total, April 20th, 9 aft. Of the sun, May 4th, 74 aft. small part of Eur. N. great part of Asia, N.E. Of the moon total, October 13th, 11) aft. 1838.—Of the moon, partial, April 10th, 2} morn. 7 dig. Of the moon, partial, April 10th, 2! morn.7 dig. Of the moon, partial, October 3d, 3 aft. 03 dig. 1839.—Of the sun, March 15th, 2) aft. Eur. S. Afr. Asia, 8.W. cent 17 — 26 tot. Of the sun, September 7th, 10} aft. extrem. of Asia, E. cent. 37. an. -1840.—Of the moon, partial, February 17th, 2 aft. 44 dig. Of the sun, March 4th, 4 morn. cent. 16 (37) 48. -Of the moon, partial, August 13th, 7} morn. 7} dig. -1841.—Of the moon total, February 6th, 2} morn. Of the sun, February 2lst, 1] morn. almost all Eur. N. Asia, N.W. dim. from E. Of the sun, July 18th, 2 aft. great partof Eur. N.E. Asia, N.W. incr. from W. to E. Of the moon, total, August 2d, 10 morn. x 438 ; _ ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. 1842.—Of the moon, partial, January 26th, 6 aft. 9 dig. Of the sun, July 8th, 7 morn. Eur. Afr. Asia, cent. 35 — 50 (49) 21 tot. Ofthe moon, partial, July 22d, 11 morn. 3 dig. 1843—-.Of the moon, partial, June 12th, 8 morn. pen. Of the moon, partial, De- — cember 7th, 0} morn. 21 dig. Of the sun, December 21st, 5, morn. Asia, cent. 25 (8) 21 tot. 1844.Of the moon, total, May 31st, 114 aft. Of the moon, total, November 25th, 04 morn. 1845.—Of the sun, May 6th, 10} morn. almost all Eur. N.W. Asia, N.W. cent. 90 (98) fan. Of the moon, total, May 2Ist, 43 aft. 123 dig. Of the moon, partial, November 14th, 1 morn. 10} dig. 1846.—Of the sun, April 25th, 5} aft. Eur. and Afr. W. cent. 28 — 26. Of the sun, October 20th, 84 morn. Europe S.W. Afr. Asia, S.W. cent. (18 S.)* an. 1847.—Of the moon, partial, March 31st, 91 aft. 23 dig. Of the sun, September 24th, Saft. 44 dig. Of the sun, October 9th, 94 morn. Eur. Afr. Asia, cent. 58 (31) 16—17 an. 1848.—Of the moon total, March 19, 9} aft. Of the moon total, September 13th, 64 morn. Of the sun, September 27th, 10 morn. Eur. N.E. Asia, N. 1849.—Of the sun,February 23d, 14 morn. Asia, E. cent. 3] —28—32an. Of the moon partial, March 9th, 1 morn, 84 dig. Of the moon partial, September 2d, 5} aft. dig. 1850.—Of the sun, February 12th, 61 morn. Asia, S.E. cent. * (11 8.) 17 Of » the sun, August 7th, 10 aft. extrem. of Asia, E. cent. 14 tot. 1851.—Of the moon partial, January 17th, 5 aft. 51 dig. Of the moon, partial, July — 13th, 7; morn. 8} dig. Of the sun, July 28th, 23 aft. Eur. Afr. Asia, W. cent. 70 — 39 tot. 1852.—Of the moon, total, January 7th, 64 morn. Of the moon total, July Ist, 32 aft. Of the sun, December I 1th, 4 morn. Asia, E. cent. 59 (36) 35 tot. Of the moon, partial, December 26th, 1 aft. 8 dig. 1853.—Of the moon, partial, June 21st, 6 morn. 23 dig. 1854. Of the moon, partial, May 12th, 4 aft. 3 dig. Of the moon, partial, November 4th, 9} aft. 1 dig. 1855.—Of the moon, total, May 2d, 44 morn. Of the sun, May 16th, 2} morn. great part of Asia, N. dim. from W. to E. Of the moon, total, October 25th, 8 morn. 1856.— Of the moon, partial, April 20th, 9} morn. 83 dig. Of the sun, September 29th, 4 morn. Asia, N. cent. 84 (67) 66 an. Of the moon, partial, October 13th 114 aft. 114 dig. E 1857.— Of the sun, September 18th, 6 morn. Eur. and Afr. E. Asia, S. cent. 40 (12) 12 S. an. ; 1858.—Of the mceon partial, February 27th, 103 aft. 4 dig. Of the sun, March 15th, Of aft. Eur. Afr. Asia, W. cent. (40) 68. Of the moon, partial, August 24th, 24 aft. 54 dig. 1859.— Of the moon, total, February 17th, 11 morn. Of the sun, July 29th 9 aft. small, Asia, N.E. Of the moon total, August 13th, 45 aft. 1860.— Of the moon, partial, February 7th, 24 morn. 9f dig. Of the sun, July 18th, 2 aft. Eur. Afr. Asia, W. cent. 49—16 tot. Of the moon, partial, August Ist, 5b aft. 43 dig. 1861.—Of the sun, January 11th, 31 morn. small, Asia S.W. Of the sun, July 8th, 2 morn. Asia, S.E. cent.* 9 an. Of the moon, partial, December 17th, 8i morn. 2 dig.—Of the sun, December 3lst, 2} aft. all Eur. Afr. cent. 17 — 36 tot. 1862.—Of the moon total, June 12th, 63 morn. Of the moon, total, December 6th, 8 morn. Of the sun, December 21st, 5! morn. great part of Asia, N. LIST OF ECLIPSES. 439 1863.—Of the sun, May 17th, 5 aft. great part of Eur. N. Of the moon, total, June 2d,0 morn. Of the moon, partial, November 25th, 9 morn. 11 dig. 1864.— Of the sun, May 6th, 03 morn. Asia, S.E. cent. 6 — 23. 1865.—Of the moon, partial, April 11th, 5 morn. 14 dig. Of the moon, partial, Oc- tober 4th, 11 aft. 33 dig. Of the sun, October 19th, 5 aft. extrem. of Eur. and of Afr. W. cent. 16 an. 1866.— Of the sun, March 16th, 10 aft. small, Asia, N.E. Of the moon, total, March 3lst,5 morn. Of the moon, total, September 24th, 2h aft. Of the sun, October 8th, 53 aft. Eur. W. dim. from N. to S. 1867.—Of the sun, March 6th, 10 morn. Eur. Afr. Asia, cent. 31 (45) 69 an. Of the moon, partial, March 20th, 9 morn. 93 dig. Of the moon, partial, September 14th, 1 morn. 8 dig. 1868.— Of the sun, February 23d, 24 aft. Eur. S. Afr. Asia, S.W. cent. 9— 2] an. Of the sun, August 18th, 5$ morn. Eur. §.E. Afr. Asia, S. cent. 14 — 18 (11) 0 tot. 1869.—Of the moon, partial, January 28th, 13.morn. 5$ dig. Of the moon, partial, July 23d, 2 aft. 63 dig. Of thesun, August 7th, 10 aft. Asia, N.E. cent. 46 tot. 1870.—Of the moon, total, January 17th, 3 aft. Of the moon, total, July 12th, 11 aft. Of the sun, December 22d, 03 aft. Europe, Africa, Asia, W. cent. (386) 49, total. 1871.—Of the moon, partial, January 6th, O aft. 8 dig. Of the sun, June 18th, 21 morn. Asia, S.E. small. Of the moon, partial, July 2d, 14 aft. 4 dig. Of the sun, December 12th, 44 morn. Asia, S. cent. 17 * total. 1872.—Of the moon, partial, May 22d, 114 aft. 14 dig. Of the sun, June 6th, 34 morn. Asia, cent. 8 (42) 43 an. Of the moon, partial, November 15th, 53 morn. 0 dig. 1873.—Of the moon, total, May 12th, 114 morn. Of the sun, May 26th, 9 morn. great part of Europe N.W. Africa W. Asia N. dim. from E. Of the moon, total, November 4th, 44 aft. 1874.—Of the moon, partial, May Ist, 44 aft. 93 dig. Of the sun, Oct. 10th, 114 morn. Europe, Africa, Asia, W. cent. 82 (74) 55 an. Of the moon, partial, Oc- tober 25th, 8 morn. 12 dig. 1875.—Of the sun, April 6th, 7 morn. Asia, S.E. cent. * (1) 21 total. Of the sun, September 29th, 14 aft. small part of Europe S.W. Africa, Asia, 8.W. cent. 13 (10) 13S. an. 1876.—Of the moon, partial, March 10th, 64 morn. 34 dig. Of the moon, partial, September 3d, 94 aft. 4 dig. _ 1877.—Of the moon, total, February 27th, 74 aft. Qfthe sun, March 15th, 3 morn. great part of Asia N. ann, from E. Of the sun, August 9th, 5 morn. Asia, N.E. small. Of the moon, total, August 23d, 114 aft. almost cent. 1878.—Of the moon, partial, February 17th, 114 morn. 9} dig.. Of the sun, July 29th, 94 aft. extremity of Asia, E. cent. 52 total. Of the ae partial, August 13th, 04 morn. 63 dig. 1879. i; the sun, January 22d, merid. small, Asia, S.W. cent. * 7 an, Of the sun, July 19th, 9 morn. Europe S. Africa, Asia, S.W. cent. 8 — 16 (12) * an, Of the moon, partial, December 28th, 45 aft. 1} dig. 1880.—Of the sun, January 11th, 11 aft. Asia, E. cent. 16 total. Of the moon, total, June 22d, 2 aft. 123 dig. Of the moon, total, December 16th, 4 aft. Of the sun, December 3Ist, 2 aft. Europe, Africa, dim. from N. to S. 1881.—Of the sun, May 28th, 0 morn. Asia, N. dim. from W. to E. Of the moon, total, June 12th, 71 morn. Of the moon, partial, December 5th, 5} aft. 114 dig. 1882.—Of the sun, May 17th, 8 morn. Europe, S.E. Africa, Asia, cent. 10 (88) 42 — 26 total. Of the sun November I]th, 0 morn. Asia, S.E. cent. 2 * an 440 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. 1883.— Of the moon, partial, April 22d, merid. 01 dig. Of the moon, partial, October 16th, 74 morn. 3 dig. Of the sun, October 31st, 0} morn. Asia, E. cent. 46 an. 1884.—Of the sun, March 27th, 6 morn. small, great part of Europe N.E. dim. in Asia, from E. Of the moon, total, April 10th, merid. Of the moon, total, October 4th, 104 aft. Of the sun, October 19th, 1 morn. Asia, N. : 1885.—Of the moon, partial, March 30th, 5 aft. 10 dig. Of the moon, partial, Sep- tember 24th, 8! morn. 9 dig. 1886.—Of the sun, August 29th, 14 aft. extremity of Europe, S.W. Africa, cent. 6 (4) * total. 1887.—Of the moon, partial, February 8th, 10! morn. 53 dig. Of the moon, par- tial, August 3d, 9 aft.5 dig. Of the sun, August 19th, 6 morn. Europe and Africa, E. Asia, cent. 54 — 62 (54) 29 total. 1888.—Of the moon, total, January 28th, 114 aft. Of the moon, total, July 23d, 6 morn. almost central. 1889.—Of the moon, partial, January 17th, 5$ morn, 81 dig. Of the moon, partial, July 12th, 9 aft. 5§ dig. Of the sun, December 22d, 1 aft. Asia, S.W. cent. * 5 total. 1890.—Of the moon, partial, June 3d, 6 morn. 03 dig. Of the sun, June 17th, 10 morn. Europe, Africa, Asia, cent. 25 (38) 19 an. Of the moon, partial, November 26th, 2 aft. 01 dig. 1891.—Of the moon, total, May 23d, 7 aft. Of the sun, June 6th, 4 aft. great part of Europe, N. cent. | Of the moon, total, November 16th, 02 morn. 1892.—Of the moon, partial, May 11th, 11) aft. 11} dig. Of the moon, total, No- vember 4th, 44 aft. 12% dig. 1893.—Of the sun, April 16th, 3 aft Europe, S. Africa, cent. 20 — 18 total. 1894.—Of the moon, partial, March 2Ist, 24 aft. 3 dig. Of the sun, April 6th, 44 morn. Europe, N.E. Asia, cent. 10 (43) 8. Of the moon, partial, September 15th, 43 morn. 25 dig. Of the sun, September 29th, 5$ morn. Africa, E. small. 1895.—Of the moon, total, March 11th,4 morn. Of the sun, March 26th, 10 morn. almost all Europe, N.W. Asia, N.dim. from W. to E. Of the sun, August 20th, OL aft. Asia, N. small. Of the moon, total, September 4th, 6 morn. 1896.—Of the moon, partial, February 28th, 8 aft. 10 dig. Of the sun, August 9th, 41 morn. Europe, E. Asia, cent. 60 — 68 (59) 49 total. Of the moon, partial, Au- gust 23d, 7 morn. 8 dig. 1897.—No eclipse. 1898.—Of the moon, partial, January 8th, 0 morn. 1} dig. Of the sun, January 22d, ~ 8 morn. Europe, E. Africa, E.all Asia,cent. 1] —5(10)44 total. Of the moon, partial, July 3d, 9§ aft, 11 digs Of the moon, total, December 27th, 12 aft. 1899.— Of the sun, January 11th, 11 aft. extremity of Asia, E.dim, from N. to 8S. Of the sun, June 8th,7 morn. Europe, W. and N. Asia, N. Of the moon, total, June 23d, 2Laft. Of the moon, partial, December 17th, 14morn. 11} dig. 1900.—Of the sun, May 28th, 33 aft. Europe, Africa, cent. 45 — 26 total. Of the moon, partial, June 13th, 4 morn. pen.+. Of the sun, November 22d, 8 morn. small eclipse, Africa, cent. 3 S. * an. PROBLEM XVI. To observe -an Eclipse of the Moon. To observe an eclipse of the moon, in such a manner as to be useful to geography and astronomy, it will be necessary, in the first place, to have a clock or watch that indicates seconds, and which you are certain is so well constructed as to go in an uniform manner: it ought to be regulated some days before by means of a meridian, if you have one traced out, or by some of the methods employed for that purpose by . yi : 1g x. LUNAR ECLIPSES. 441 astronomers; and you must ascertain how much it goes fast or slow in 24 hours; that ‘the difference may be taken into account at the time of the observation. You ought to be provided also with a refracting or reflecting telescope, some feet in length; for the longer it is, the more certain you will be of discerning exactly the moment of the phases of the eclipse; andif you are desirous of observing the quantity of the eclipse, it should be furnished with a micrometer. When you find the moment of the eclipse approaching, which may be always koe either by a common almanac, or the Ephemerides published by the astronomers in different parts of Europe, you must carefully remark the instant when the shadow of the earth touches the moon’s disc. It is necessary here to mention, that there will always be some uncertainty on account of the penumbra; because it is not a thick _ black shadow which first covers the moon’s disc, but an imperfect one that thickens by degrees. This arises from the sun’s dise being gradually occulted from the moon ; and hence it is difficult to fix with exactness the real limits of the shadow, and the penumbra. Here, as in many other cases, observers are enabled by habit to distin- guish this boundary; or at least prevented from falling into any great error. When you are certain that the real shadow has touched the moon’s disc, the time must be noted down; that is to say, the hour, minute, and second, at which it happened. In this manner you must follow the shadow on the moon’s disc, and remark at what hour, minute, and second the shadow reaches the most remarkable spots: all this likewise must be noted down. If the eclipse is not total, the shadow, after having covered part of the lunar disc, will decrease. You must therefore observe in like manner the moment when the _ shadow leaves the different spots it before covered, and the time when the disc of the moon ceases to be touched by the shadow, which will be the end of the eclipse. If the eclipse is total, so that the moon’s disc remains some time in the shadow, you must note down the time when it is totally eclipsed, as well as that when it begins to be illuminated, and the moments when the shadow leaves the different spots. When this is done, if the time of the commencement of the eclipse be subtracted from that of the end, the remainder will be its duration; and if half the duration be added to the time of commencement, the result will be the middle. To facilitate these operations, astronomers have given certain names to most of the spots with which the moon’s disc is covered. The usual denominations are those of Langrenus, who distinguished the greater part of them by the names of astronomers and philosophers who were his contemporaries, or who had flourished before his time. Some others have been since added; but there was no room for the most celebrated of the moderns, such as Huygens, Descartes, Newton, and Cassini. Hevelius, far more judicious in our opinion, gave to these spots names taken from the most remarkable places of the earth: in this manner he calls the highest mountain of the moon, Mount Sinai, &c. This however is a matter of indifference, provided there be no confusion, We have here subjoined a representation of the moon, by means of which and the following catalogue they can be easily known, on comparing the numbers in the latter with those in the former. 442 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. ui] \ S So V) i Ing All Un ——$—— \ MTT \ li => 1 Grimaldi. 2 Gallileo.. 8 Aristarchus. 4 Kepler.: 5 Gassendi. 6 Schikard. 7 Harpalus. 8 Heraclides. 9 Lansberg. 10 Rheinhold. 1] Copernicus. 12 Helicon. 13 Capuanus. 14 Bullialdi.. A Sea of humours. B Sea of clouds. C Sea of rain. 15 Eratosthenes. 16 Timocharis. 17 Plato. 18 Archimedes. 19 Isle of the middle Bay. 20 Pittacus. 21 Tycho. 22 Eudoxus. 23 Aristotle. 24 Manilius. 25 Menelaus. 26 Hermes. 27 Posidonius. D Sea of nectar. E Sea of tranquillity. F Sea of serenity. 28 Dionysius. 29 Pliny. 30 Catharina, Cyrillus, Theopilus. 3] Fracastorius. 3 32 The acute promontory. 83 Messala. 34 Promontory of dreams. 35 Proclus. 36 Cleomedes. 37 Snellius and Furnerius. 38 Petau. 39 Langrenus. 40 Taruntius. G Sea of fecundity H Sea of crises. SOLAR ECLIPSES. 443 PROBLEM XVII. | To observe an Eclipse of the Sun. Ist. The same precautions, in regard to the measuring of time, must be employed in this case, as in that of lunar eclipses ; that is to say, care must be taken to regulate a good clock by the sun on the day before, or even onthe day of the eclipse. 2d. A good telescope must be provided, of at least three or four feet in length ; which must be directed towards the sun ona convenient supporter. If you are then desirous to look at the sun without the telescope, you must employ a piece of smoked glass, or rather two pieces, the smoked sides of which are turned towards Bach other ; but are prevented from coming into contact by means of a small dia- phragm cut from a card placed between them. These two bits of glass may be then cemented at the edges, so as to make them adhere. By means of these glasses inter- posed between the eye and the telescope, you may then view the sun without any ‘danger to the sight. _ About the time when the eclipse ought to commence, you must carefully observe the moment when the solar disc begins to be touched by the dise of the moon: his period will be the commencement of the eclipse. If there are any spots on the solar disc, you must observe the time when the moon’s disc reaches them, and also when it again permits them to appear; in the last place, you must observe, with all the attention possible, the instant when the moon’s dise ceases to touch the : E solar disc, which will be the end of the eclipse. But if, instead of observing in this manner, you are desirous of making an ob- servation susceptible of being seen by a great number of persons at the same time, affix to your telescope, on the side of the eye-glass, an apparatus to support a piece of very straight pasteboard at the distance of some feet. This pasteboard ought to be perpendicular to the axis of the telescope, and if it be not sufficently white, you must paste to it a sheet of white paper. Make the end of the telescope, which contains the object glass, to pass through the window-shutter of a darkened room, or one rendered considerably obscure ; and if the axis of the telescope be directed to the sun, the image of that luminary will be painted on the paper, and of a larger size according as the paper is at a greater distance. It is necessary here to remark, that before you begin to observe, a circle of a convenient size must be delineated on it; so that, by moving it nearer to or farther from the telescope, the image of the sun may be exactly comprehended within it. The space contained within this circle must be .divided by twelve other concentric circles, equally distant from each other; so that the diameter of the largest may be divided into 24 equal parts, each of which will represent a semi-digit. It may now be readily conceived, that if a little before the commencement of the eclipse you look with attention at the image of the sun, you will see the moment when it begins to be obscured by the entrance of the moon’s body; and that you may in like manner observe the end of it, and also its extent. It must not however be expected that the same exactness can be attained by em- ploying this method, as by the former; especially if you are furnished with a long telescope, and a good micrometer, In observing the great solar eclipse of May 15th, 1836, two gentlemen residing at Greenwich, one observing the sun’s image on paper in a dark chamber, and the other looking directly at the sun, found that the time at which they observed the contact of the moon with the spots on the sun, were in several instances identical. E Remarks.—There are partial eclipses of the sun, that is to say, eclipses in which only a part of the solar disc seems to be covered, and these are most common. Others are total and annular. 444 ASTRONCMY AND GEOGRAPHY. Total eclipses take place when the centre of the moon passes over that of the sun, or nearly so; and when the apparent diameter of the moon is equal to that of the sun, or greater. In the latter case, the total eclipse may be what is called cum mord; that is to say, with duration of darkness: of this kind was the famous eclipse of 1706. 7 During eclipses which are total and cum mord, so great darkness prevails, that the stars are seen in the same manner as at night, and particularly Mercury and Venus. But what excites a sort of terror, is the dismal appearance which all nature assumes during the last moments of the light. Animals, struck with fear, retire therefore to their habitations, sending forth loud cries; the nocturnal birds issue from their holes; the flowers contract their leaves; a coldness is felt, and the dew falls; but as the moon has suffered a few rays of the solar light to escape, all is again illumination; day instantly returns, and with more brightness than when the weather is cloudy. Some eclipses, as already said, are really annular: they take place when the eclipse is very near being central, while the apparent diameter of the moon is less than that of the sun; which may be the case if the moon at the time of the eclipse is at her greatest distance from the earth, and the sun at his nearest distance to it. The eclipse of the sun, on the Ist of April 1764, was of this kind to a part of Europe, and also that of May 1836. During eclipses of this kind, when the sun is entirely eclipsed, a luminous circle of a silver colour, and as broad as the twelfth part of the diameter of the sun or moon, is often observed around the former ; it is effaced as soon as the smallest part of the sun begins to shine: it appears more lively towards the sun’s limb, and decreases in brilliancy the further it is distant. Some are inclined to believe that this circle is formed by the luminous atmosphere with which the sun is surrounded; others have conjectured that it is produced by the refraction of his rays in the atmosphere of the moon; and some have ascribed it to the diffraction of the light. Those who are desirous of farther information on this subject, may consult the Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences, for the years 1715 and 1748. On various occasions, persons who have witnessed the formation and dissolution of the annulus in annular eclipses, have recorded certain singular appearances as having been noticed by them; and the eclipse above referred to of May 15th, 1836, being annular in the north of England and south of Scotland, Francis Bality, of London, well known for his devotion to astronomical science, went to Jedburgh, in Roxburgshire, over which the central line of the moon’s umbra passed on that ~ occasion, to observe the rare phenomenon, and to see what truth there might be in these reported singular appearances. It is needless to say that he was provided with all needful instruments; and he got the error of his chronometers from the neighbouring observatory of Sir T. Brisbane, at Makerston. He was fortunate also in meeting at Jedburgh with an able assistant in Mr. Veitch, of that place, a most ingenious mechanic, a self-taught maker of telescopes, and enthusiastically attached to scientific pursuits. The day was uncommonly favourable. Mr. Baily, in his account of the eclipse, published in the 10th volume of the Me- moirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, says, ‘‘ The diminution of light, during the existence of the annulus, was not so great as was generally expected; being little more than what might be caused by a temporary cloud passing over the sun; the light however was of a peculiar kind, somewhat resembling that produced by the sun shining through a mist. The thermometer in the shade fell only 3 or 4 degrees; it was 61° during the time of the annulus. About twenty minutes before the formation of the annulus, Venus was seen with the naked eye; and a few minutes afterwards I found it impossible to fire gunpowder with the concentrated rays of the sun SOLAR ECLIPSES. 445 through a lens three inches in diameter. The same lens had no effect on the bulb of a thermometer during the existence of the annulus.” ; After some further remarks, Mr. Baily goes on to say :—‘ I shall now proceed to detail the singular appearances which occurred at the formation and dissolution of the annulus.’’—‘* When the last portion of the moon’s disc was about to enter on the face of the sun, I prepared myself to observe the formation of the annulus.’ I was in expectation of meeting with something extraordinary ; but imagined that it would be momentary only, and consequently that it would not interrupt the noting of the time of its occurrence. Inthis however I was deceived, as the following facts will shew. For when the cusps of the sun were about 40° asunder, a row of lucid points, like a string of bright beads, irregular in size and distance from each other, suddenly formed round that part of the circumference of the moon that was about to enter, or which might be considered as having just entered, on the sun’s disc. Its formation iudeed was so rapid, that it presented the appearance of having been caused by the ‘ignition of a fine train of gunpowder. This I intended to note as the correct time of the formation of the annulus; expecting every moment to see the thread of light completed round the moon; and attributing this serrated appearance (as others had done before me) to the lunar mountains, although the remaining part of the moon’s circumference was comparatively smooth and circular, as seen through a telescope. My surprise however was great on finding that these luminous points, as well as the dark intervening spaces, increased in magnitude, some of the contiguous ones ap- pearing to run into each other like drops of water; for the rapidity of the change was so great, and the singularity of the appearance so fascinating and attractive, that the mind was for the moment distracted, and lost in the contemplation of the scene, so as to be unable to attend to every minute occurrence. Finally, as the moon pur- sued. her course, these dark intervening spaces (which, at their origin, had the ap- pearance of lunar mountains in high relief, and which still continued attached to the sun’s border) were stretched out into long, black, thick, parallel lines, joining the limbs of the sun and moon; when, all at once, they suddenly gave way, and left the circumference of the sun and moon in those points, as in the rest, comparatively smooth and circular; and the moon perceptively advanced on the face of the sun, ‘«* The appearances here recorded passed off in less time than it has taken me now to describe them, but they were so extraordinary and so rapid that all idea of time was lost, except by the recollection afterwards of what had-passed; for I was so riveted to the scene, that I could not take my eye away from the telescope, to note down any thing during the progress of the phenomenon. I estimate, however, that the whole lasted about six or eight seconds, or perhaps ten at the utmost. - « After the formation of the annulus thus described, the moon preserved its usual circular outline during its progress across the sun’s disk, till its opposite limb again approached the border of the sun, and the annulus was about to be dissolved. When, all at once (the limb of the moon being at some distance from the edge of the _ sun) a number of long, black, thick, parallel lines, exactly similar in appearance to | the former ones above mentioned, suddenly darted forward from the moon, and joined the two limbs as before: and the same phenomena were repeated, but in inverse order. For, as these dark lines got shorter, the intervening bright parts assumed a more circular and irregular shape, and at length terminated in a fine curved line of bright heads (as at the commencement) till they ultimately vanished, and _ the annulus consequently became wholly dissolved.” Mr. Baily says that he shall not attempt to account for this phenomenon: but he says the lines *‘ were as plain, as distinct, and as well detined, as the open fingers of the human hand held up to the light.” It appears that, in a total eclipse April 22, 1715, Dr, Halley noticed similar pheno- ce 446 "ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. ' mena, as did M. Cassini May 22, 1724; ea Ellicot, June 16th, 1810, at total cclipal which they observed. An annular eclipse of the sun was observed by Mr. S. Webber, April 3, 179], and precisely similar phenomena were noticed; and like phenomena had been noticed by M. Nicolai and Professor Moll of Leyden. It would appear also that similar phenomena have been noticed in the transits of Venus over the sun’s disc. PROBLEM XVIII. To measure the Height of Mountains. The height of a mountain may be measured by the common rules of geometry: for if we suppose cs D (Fig. 10), to be a mountain, the perpen- dicular height of which is required, the following method can be employed. If the nature of the adjacent ground will admit, measure a horizontal line a B, in the same vertical plane as the summit.s of the mountain. The greater the extent of this line, the more correct will be the result. At the two stations a and B, measure the angles sa E and s BB, which are the apparent heights of the summit s, above the horizon, when seen from a and B. It will then be easy, by means of plane trigonometry, to find, in the right-angled triangle s £ A, the side E A, as well as the perpendicular s 8, or the elevation of the summit s above A & continued. Now let us suppose the vertical line sr to be drawn, intersecting BE in¥F. As, in dimensions of this kind, the angle Es Fr, formed by the vertical line and the per- pendicular s £, will for the most part be exceedingly small, and much below one degree, the lines s E and s F may be considered as equal.* On the other hand, the line F H, comprehended between the line a © and the spherical surface c A, is evidently the quantity by which the real level is lower than the apparent level, in an extent such as A F, or more correctly in a mean length between AF and BF: for this reason take the mean length between aE and BE, which differ very little from a F and B F; and in the table of differences between the apparent and real levels, find the height corresponding to that mean distance: if this height be then added to the height sz ors F, already found, you will have s u for the corrected height of the mountain, above the spherical surface, where the points a and B are situated. If it be known how much this surface is higher than the level of the sea, it will be known also how much the summit s of the mountain is elevated above the same level. Another Method. As it may be difficult to establish a horizontal line, so as to be in the same vertical © plane with the summit of the mountain, it will perhaps be better to proceed in the following manner : Trace out your base in the most convenient manner, so as to be horizontal: we ; shall here suppose that it is represented by a6 (Fig. 11.); let s ¢ be | ig M1. the perpendicular from the summit s to the horizontal plane passing through a b; and let ¢ be the point where this plane is met by the perpendicular: if the lines a c and 6 c be drawn to that point, we — shall have the triangles sacands bc, right-angled at c; and the angles sac and s be may be found by measuring, from the points a and b, the apparent height of the mountain above the horizon: the angles sa 6 ands ba, in the triangle as 6, must also be measured. Now, since in the triangle s ab, the angless a 6 and sbaare known, * For even in the case of this angle being a degree, they would not differ'a ten thousandth part, which would suppuse the distance of the stations from the mountain to be more than 100000 yards. 4 | HEIGHT OF MOUNTAINS. 447 and also the side ab; any one of the other sides, such for example as sa, may be _ easily determined by plane trigonometry. In the triangle ac s, right-angled at c, as _ the angle s ac is known, the side ac and the perpendicular sc may be found in the _ same manner. When this is done, the method pointed out in the preceding ope- _ ration must be employed: that is to say, find the depression of the level below the apparent level for the number of feet or yards comprehended in the line a c, and add it to the height s c: the sum will be the height of the point s, above the real level of the points a and 3. Ezxample.—Let the horizontal length a b be 2000 yards, or 6000 feet: the angle sab 80° 30’; and the angle s b a 85° 10’; consequently the angle bd s a will be 14° 20’. By means of these data, the side sa of the triangle as b will be found to be 8050 yards. On the other hand, if we suppose the angle sac to have been measured, © and to be 18°, the side a ¢ will be found, by trigonometrical calculation, to be 7656 yards; and sc, perpendicular to the horizontal plane passing through a b, will be ~ found equal to 2488. Now, as the depression of the real level below the apparent level at the distance of 7656 yards, is 121 feet, or 4 yards 6 inches,* if this quantity be added to the height sc, we shall have 2492 yards 6 inches for the real height of the mountain. Remark.—When either of these methods is employed, if the mountain to be ‘measured is at a considerable distance, such as 20000 or 40000 yards, as its summit in that case will be very little elevated above the horizon, the apparent height must be corrected by making an allowance for refraction, otherwise there may be a very considerable error in the result. The necessity of this correction may be easily con- ceived by observing, that the summit c of the mountain B c “ts Fig. 4. (Fig. 12), is seen by a ray of light = ca, which is not rectili- neal, but bent; so that the summit cis judged to be in p, according to The direction of the line a D, a tangent to the curve A C E, which in the small space a c may be considered as the arc of acircle. The angle p a B therefore, of the ap- parent height of the mountain, exceeds the height at which the summit would appear without refraction, by the quantity of the angle c aD; which must be determined. But it will be found that this angle c a D is nearly equal to half the refraction which would belong to the apparent height D a B. You must therefore find, in the tables, the refraction corresponding to the apparent height p a B of the mountain, and sub- tract the half of it from that height: the remainder will be that of the summit of the mountain, such as it would be seen without refraction. Let us suppose, for example, that the summit of the mountain seen at the distance of 20000 yards appears to be elevated above the horizon 5 degrees: the refraction corresponding to 5 degrees is 9’ 54”, the half of which is 4’ 57”; if 4’ 57” therefore be subtracted from 5°, the remainder will be 4° 55’ 3” which must be employed as the real elevation.t It may thence be seen, that, to proceed with certainty in such operations, it will be necessary to make choice of stations at a moderate distance from the mountain ; so that its summit may appear to be elevated several degrees above the horizon ; otherwise the difference of the refraction, which is very variable near the horizon, will occasion great uncertainty in the measurement. 2 We shall give hereafter another method for measuring the height of mountains, by means of the barometer ; but in this case it is supposed that it is possible to ascend * See the table in the additional remark. + Montucla here employs the common tables of refraction used for nautical and astronomical purposes, such as that given in ‘‘ Riddle’s Navigation,” and other works of the kind. In regard to mda refraction, and the allowance wade for it, see the additional remark at the end of this article. q «I . ae - ‘ +7 f t 448 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. to the summit of them. We shall also give a table of the heights of the principat mountains of the earth above the level of the sea. We shall here only observe that the highest mountains in the world, at least in that part of it which has hitherto been accessible to scientific men, are situated in the neighbourhood of the equator; and it is with justice that an historian of Peru says, that when compared with our Alps and our Pyrenees, they are like the towers and steeples of the churches in our cities, compared with common edifices. The highest yet known is one in the Himalayan range in India, which rises nearly 27000 feet in a perpendicular direction above the level of the sea. As all the known mountains in Europe are scarcely two-thirds of the ieee of those enormous masses, the falsity of what the ancients, and some of the moderns, such as Kircher, have published respecting the height of mountains, will readily appear. According to these authors, tna is 4000 geometrical paces in height; the mountains of Norway 6000; Mount Heemus and the Peak of Teneriff 10000; Mount Atlas and the Mountains of the Moon in Africa 15000 ; Mount Athos 20000; Mount Cassius 28000. It is asserted that these heights were found by means of their sha- dows; but nothing is more destitute of truth, and if ever any observer ascends to the summit of these mountains, or measures their height geometrically, they will be found very inferior to the mountains of Peru; as is the case with the Peak of Teneriff, which when measured geometrically was found to be only about 7000 feet. Hence it appears that the elevation of the highest mountains is very little, when compared with the diameter of the earth, and that its regular form is not sensibly altered by them; for the mean diameter of the earth is about 79573 miles; thereforé if we suppose the height of a mountain to be 34 miles, it will be only the 2273d part of the diameter of the earth, which i is less than the elevation of half a line ona gion six feet in diameter. Additional Remark.— As Montucla has not here explained the method of finding the difference between the apparent and true level, we think it necessary to add a | few observations on the subject. ‘Two or more places are said to be ona true level, when they are equally distant from the centre of the earth. One place also is higher than another, or out of level with it, when it is farther from the centre of the earth; anda line equally distant from that centre in all its parts, is called the line of true level. Hence, because the earth is round, that line must be a curve, or at least parallel or concentric to it. But the line of sight, given by operations of level- ling, which is a tangent, or a right line perpendicular to the semi-diameter of the earth at the point of coutact, always rising higher above the true curve line of level the farther the distance, is called the apparent line of level; and the difference between the line of true level and the apparent, is always equal to the excess of the secant of the arch of distance above the radius of the earth. Hence it will be found that this difference is equal to the square of the distance between the places, divided by the diameter of the earth ; and consequently it is always proportional to the square of the distance. From these principles is obtained the following table, which shews the height of the apparent above the true level for every 100 yards of distance on the one hand, aud for every mile on the other. The common methods of levelling are sufficient for laying pavements of walks, or for conveying water to small distances, &c.; but in more extensive operations, asin _ levelling the bottoms of long canals, which are to convey water to the distance of many miles, and such like, the difference between the true and apparent level must be taken into account. HEIGHT OF MOUNTAINS. 449 ® BD PTY of 3 Diff. of eee Hie. of Oe a OF inst. | Level. piek: Level. eats Level. Dist, | Level. Yards. | Inches. Yards Inches. Miles. } Ft. In. Miles. Ft. Ins 100 | 0°026 1000 | 2°570 4 0 of 7 32 6 200 | 0:103 1100 | 3°110 4 0 2 8 42 6 300 | 0:231 1200 | 3°701 3 o 44 9 53. 9 400 | 0°411 1300 | 4°344 1 02-8 10 66 4 500 | 0°'643 1400 | 5°038 2 2 8 11 80 3 600 | 0'925 1500 | 5°'784 3 6 0 12 95 7 700 | 1°260 1600 | 6°580 4 Lowey 13 112 2 800 | 1°645 1700 | 7°425 | 5 16 7 14 180.1 900 | 2:081 $ ' (OCG 23 11 By means of these tables of reductions, the difference between the true and appa- rent level can be found by one operation; whereas the ancients were obliged to employ a great many; for being unacquainted with the correction answering to any distance, they levelled only from one 20 yards to another, as they had occasion to continue the work to some considerable extent. These tables will answer several useful purposes: First, to find the height of the apparent level above the true, at any distance. If the given distance be contained in the table, the correction of the level will be found in the same line with it. For example, at the distance of 1000 yards the correction is 2°57, or nearly two inches and a half; and at the distance of ten miles, it is 66 feet 4 inches. But if the exact distance be not found in the table, multiply the square of the distance in yards by 2°57, and divide by 1000000, or cut off six places on the right for decimals, the rest will be inches ; or multiply the square of the distance in miles by 66 feet 4 inches, and divide by 100. 2d. To find the extent of the visible horizon, or how far can be seen from any given height on a horizontal plane, as at sea, &c. Let us suppose the eye of an observer on the top of aship’s mast at sea, to be at the height of 130 feet above the water, it will then see about 14 miles all around; or from the top of a cliff by the sea side, the height of which is 66 feet, a person may see to the distance of nearly 10 miles on the surface of the sea. Also, when the top of a hill, or the light in a light-house, the height of which is 130 feet, first comes into the view of an eye on board a ship, the table shews that the distance of the ship from it is ]4 miles, if the eye be at the surface of the water; but if the height of the eye in the ship be 80 feet, the distance will be increased by nearly 11 miles, making in all about 25 miles. 3d. Suppose a spring to be on the one side of a hill, anda house on an opposite hill, with a valley between them, and that the spring seen from the house appears, by a levelling instrument, to be on a level with the foundation of the house, which we shall suppose to be at the distance of a mile from it: this spring will be 8 inches | above the true level of the house; and that difference would be barely sufficient for the water to be brought in pipes from the spring to the house, the pipes being laid all the way under ground. 4th. If the height or distance exceed the limits of this table: Then first, if the distance be given, divide it by 2, or by 3, or by 4, &c., till the quotient come withic, _the distances in the table; then take out the height answering to the quotient, and multiply it by the square of the divisor, that is by 4, or by 9, or by 16, &c., which will give the height required. Thus, if the top of a hill be just seen at the distance of 40 miles; then 40 divided by 4, is 10, and opposite to 10 in the table will be found 663 feet, which multiplied by 16, pies of 4, gives 106]4 for the height 450 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. of the hill. But when the height is given, divide it by one of these square numbers, 4, 9, 16, 25, &c., till the quotient come within the limits of the table, and multiply the quotient by the square root of the divisor, that is by 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, &c., for the distance sought. Thus, when the top of the peak of Teneriff, said to be about 3 miles or 15840 feet high, just comes into view at sea, divide 15840 by 225, or the square of 15, and the quotient is 70 nearly, to which in the table corresponds by pro- portion nearly 10? miles; which multiplied by 15, will give 154 miles and 3 for the distance of the mountain. In regard to the terrestrial refraction, which in measuring heights is to be taken into account also, as it makes objects to appear higher than they really are, it is estimated by Dr. Maskelyne at 4, of the distance observed, expressed in degrees of a great circle. Thus if the distance be 10000 fathoms, its 10th part 1000 fathoms is the 60th part of a degree on the earth, or 1’, which is therefore the refraction in the altitude of the object at that distance. Le Gendre, however, says he is induced by several experiments to allow only 7th part of the distance for refraction in altitude. So that upon the distance of 10000 fathoms, the 14th part of which is 714 fathoms, he allows only 44” of terrestrial re- fraction, so many being contained in the 714 fathoms. Delambre, an ingenious French astronomer, makes the quantity of terrestrial re- fraction to be the 11th part of the arch of distance. But the English measurers, Col. Ed. Williams, Capt. Mudge, and Mr. Dalby, from a multitude of exact observa- tions made by them, determine the quantity of refraction to be the 12th part of the said distance. The quantity of this refraction however is found to vary, with the different states of the weather and atmosphere, from the 15th part of the distance to the 9th part; the medium of which is the 12th, as above mentioned. PROBLEM XIX. Method of knowing the Constellations. To learn to know the heavens, you must first provide yourself with some good celestial charts, or a planisphere of such a size, that stars of the first and second mag- nitude can be easily distinguished. At the end of the present article we shall point out the best works on this subject. Fig. 13. Having placed before you one of these HC yguus charts, that containing the north pole, turn “1 your face towards the north, and first +t find out the great bear, commonly called Arcturus + tae Charles’s wain (Fig. 13.) It may be easily Bear known, as it forms one of the most remark- Gp *, | able groups in the heavens, consisting of Bear 8" E* Cassi i seven stars of the second magnitude, four + “Star peta : ; +7 of which are arranged in such a manner as pa. to represent an irregular square, and the erseus: * . : Copella 4 other three a prolongation in the form of a very obtuse scalene triangle. Besides, by examining the figure of these seven stars, as exhibited in the chart, you will easily distinguish those in the heavens which correspond to them. When you have made yourself acquainted with these seven principal stars, examine on the chart the con- figuration of the neighbouring ones, which belong to the Great Bear; ard you will thence learn to distinguish the other less considerable stars which compose that constellation, After knowing the Great Bear, you may easily proceed to the Lesser Bear; for nothing will be necessary but to draw, as seen in the annexed figure, a straight line through two anterior stars of the square of the Great Bear, or the two farthest’ | THE CONSTELLATIONS. 451 distant from the tail: this line will pass very near the polar star, a star of the second ‘magnitude, and the only one of that size in a pretty large space. At a little distance | from it, there are two other stars of the second and third magnitude, which, with four ‘more of a less size, form a figure, somewhat similar to that of the Great Bear; but smaller, This is what is called the Lesser Bear; and yéu may learn, in the same manner as before, to distinguish the stars which compose it. Now, if a straight line be drawn through those stars of the Great Bear, nearest to the tail, and through the polar star, it will conduct you toa very remarkable group of five stars arranged nearly in this form 4: these are the constellations of Cassi- opeia, in which a very brilliant new star appeared in 1572; though soon after it became fainter, and at length disappeared. . If a line, perpendicular to the above line, be next drawn, through this constella- tion, it will conduct, on the one side, to a very beautiful star called Algenib, which is in the back of Perseus; and, on the other, to the constellation of the Swan, re- ‘markable by a star of the first magnitude. Near Perseus is the brilliant star of the Goat, called Capella, which is of the first magnitude, and forms part of the constel- lation of Auriga. After this, if a straight line be drawn through the two last stars of the tail of the Great Bear, you will come to the neighbourhood of Arcturus, one of the most brilliant stars in the heavens, which forms part of the constellation of Bootes. In this manner you may successively employ the knowledge you have obtained of the stars of one constellation, to enable you to find out the neighbouring ones. We shall not enlarge farther on this method ; for it may be easily conceived, that we cannot proceed in this manner through the whole heavens: but any person of inge- nuity, in the course of a few nights, may learn by these means to know a great part of the heavens ; or at any rate the principal stars. The ancients were not acquainted with, or rather did not insert into their cata- logue, more than 1022 fixed stars, which they divided into 48 constellations; but their number is much greater, even if we confine ourselves to those which can be distinguished by the naked eye. The Abbé de la Caille observed 1492 in the small space comprehended between the tropic of Capricorn and the south pole; a part of which he formed into new constellations. But this space is to the whole sphere, as 3 to 10 nearly; so that in our opinion, the whole number of the stars visible to the naked eye may be estimated at about 6500. It is a mere illusion that makes us conclude, on the first view, that they are innumerable ; for if you take a space come prebended between four, five, or six stars of the second and third magnitude, and try to count those it contains, you will find that it can be done without much difficulty ; and some idea may be thence formed of their total number, which will not much exceed that above stated. The stars are divided into different classes, viz., stars of the first, second, third, _&c. magnitude, as far as the sixth, which are the smallest perceptible to the naked eye. There are 20 of the first maguitude, 76 of the second, 223 of the third, 512 of the fourth, &c. __ In regard to the constellatious, the number of those commonly admitted is 90; of which 33 belong to the northern hemisphere, 12 to the Zodiac, and the remaining 45 to the austral or southern hemisphere. We shall here give a catalogue of them, with the number of the principal stars of which each is composed, together with the names of some of the most remarkable stars: the constellations which have this mark * against them, are modern ones, the others ancient. The figures placed against the principal stars, denote their magnitudes. 2a2 452: ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. F I. PRINCIPAL CONSTELLATIONS NORTH OF THE ZODIAC. No. Constellations. |N°-of] Chief Stars. No. | Constellations. |N9-°f] Chief Stars. Stars Stars 1 | Ursa Minor 24 | Pole Star 2] 19 | Serpens -| 50 2 | Ursa Major 105 | Dubhe 1 | 20 | ScutumSobieski] 76 3 | Perseus 72 | Algenib 2] 21 | Hercules cum 4 | Auriga 66 | Capella 1 Ramo et Cer- 5 |*Bootes 54 | Arcturus 1 bero 117 | Ras Algiatha3 6 | Draco 84 | Rastaber 3 | 22 |*Serpentarius 7 |*Cepheus 51 | Alderamin 3 siveOphiucus/142 } Ras Alhagus 3 8 |*Canes Venatici] | 23 |*Taurus Ponia- scil. Asterian towski 7 et Chara 63 24 | Lyra 24 | Vega 1 9 '*Cor Caroli 3 25 *Vulpecula et 10 |*Triangulum 10 Anser- 36 1] | Triangulum 26 | Sagitta 12 minus 5 27 | Aquila 40 | Altair 1 12 |*Musca 6 28 | Delphinus all b 13 |*Lynx 48 29 |*Cygnus 82 | Deneb Adige 1 14 |*Leo Minor 59 30 |*Equuleus 10 15 *ComaBerenices| 45 31 |*Lacerta 16 16 |*Camelopardalus| 78 32 |* Pegasus 88 | Markab 2 17 |*Mons Menelaus} 11 33 |*Andromeda 71 | Almaac 2 18 | CoronaBorealis, 21 II. CONSTELLATIONS IN THE ZODIAC. No. Constellations. f oes Chief Stars. No.}| Constellations. ee Chief Stars. 1 eA vies 67 7 | Libra 55 |Zubenich Mali2 2 | Taurus 143 |Aldebaran 1 8 | Scorpio 37 |Antares 1 3 | Gemini 87 |Castor and 9 | Sagittarius 73 Pollux 1.2 | 10 | Capricornus 54 4 | Cancer 87 11 | Aquarius — 119 |Scheat 3 5 | Leo 101 |Regulus 1 | 12 | Pisces 115 6 | Virgo 117 |SpicaVirginis 1 : III. PRINCIPAL CONSTELLATIONS SOUTH OF THE ZODIAC. No. | Constellations. R ie Chief Stars. No. | Constellations. iecee Chief Stars. 1 |* Phoenix 13 Canis Major | 31 | Sirius 1 2 |\*Officina Sculp- *Equuleus Pic- toria 12 torius 8 3 | Eridanus 76 | Achernar *Monoceros 31 4 |*Hydrus 31 Canis Minor |-18 | Procyon MM 5 |*Cetus 70 | Menkar *Chameleon 10 6 |*FornaxChemica] 14 *Pyxis Nautica | 4 7 \*Horologium 12 *Piscis Volans 8 8 |*Reticulus Hydra 43 | Cor Hydre 1. Rhomboidalis} 10 *Sextans 43 4 9 )*Xiphias - 7 *Robur Caroli- ! 10 |*Celapraxitellis | 16 num 12 11 |*Lepus 18 *Machina Pneu- ; 12 |*Columba Noa. matica 3 : chi 10 *Crater 11] Alkes 3. 13 | Orion 70 | Betelguese 1 }| 27 |*Corvus 9 | Algorab | 14 |] Argo Navis 43 | Canopus 1 | 28 |*Crosiers 6 im CELESTIAL CHARTS. 453 © No.| Constellations. og Chief Stars. No. Constellations. ye off Chief Stars. % tars 4 Stars 29 |*Musca 4 38 |*Corona Aus- 30 |* Apis Indica 11 tralis 12 31 |*Circinus 124, 39 |*Pavo 14 32 | Centaurus 36 40 |*Indus 12 33 |*Lupus 24 41 |*Microscopium | 10 34 *QuadraEuclidis| ‘ 42 |*Octans Hadlei- 35 |*Trangulum Aus- | anus 43 : trale 43 |*Grus 14 36 | Ara 9 44 |*Toucan 9 37 |* Telescopium 9 45 | Piscus Austra- lis | 20 | Fomalhaut 1 IV. NUMBER OF STARS OF EACH MAGNITUDE. — = Magnitudes. Total Constellations, a | Number US I, | If. iil. Iv. Vie Vii of Stars. In the Zodiac 12 16 44 | 120 | 183 646 1014 5 Ir. the N. Hemisphere | 33 6 | 24 95 | 200 | 291 635 1251 In the S. Hemisphere 45 9 | 36 | 84] 190 | 221 | 323 865 90 | 20 | 76 | 223 | 512 | 695 | 1604 3130 > We shall not here enter into any physical details respecting the stars; as we re- serve these for another place, where we shall speak of their distances, magnitudes, notion, and various other things relating to this subject; such as new stars, change- ible or periodical stars, &c. The best celestial charts were for a long time those of Bayer’s Uranometria, a work n folio, published in 1603,,and which has gone through a great many editions. But these charts have given place to the magnificent Celestial Atlas of Flamsteed, pub- ished in folio at London, in 1729; a work indispensably necessary to every practical istronomer. Ofthe other charts or planispheres, those of Pardies, published in 1673, n six sheets, magnificently engraved by Duchange, are esteemed. We have also the wo planispheres of De la Hire, in twosheets. Senex, an English engraver, published ikewise two new planispheres, according to the observations of Flamsteed ; one of hem in two sheets, where the two hemispheres are projected on the plane of the ‘quator ; and the other where they are projected on the plane of the ecliptic. Those vho have not the Celestial Atlas of Flamsteed must provide themselves with either if these planispheres. ‘The modern astronomers, and particularly La Caille, having dded a great number of new constellations to the old ones in the southern hemis- jhere, two new planispheres have on that account been formed. One of them, by ML Robert, consists of two sheets, where the ground of the heavens is coloured blue ; o that the constellations are very distinctly seen. It is constructed according to the -ewest observations; and it is accompanied with useful instructions respects ths aethod of knowing the heavens. As it is of the greatest importance to astronomers, to be acquainted with the con- tellations and stars of the Zodiac, because the planets move in that circular band, jenex, before mentioned, published, about half a century ago, The Starry Zodiac, rom Flamsteed’s Observations ; and as it was difficult to be procured at Paris, the eur Dheuland, engraver, gave, in 1755, a new edition of it; with such corrections s the interval between that period and the time when Senex published his edition, ad rendered necessary. He was directed in this undertaking by M. de Seligny, a . 454 ; ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. young officer in the service of the East-India Company. To the Zodiac of Dheuland is annexed a minute catalogue of the Zodiacal stars, with their longitudes and latitudes, reduced to the year 1755. This catalogue comprehends 924 stars; but the author, to render his work more useful in nautical observations, gives to his Zodiac ten degrees of latitude, on each side of the ecliptic. It may be readily seen, from what has been here said, that those who are not possessed of the Celestial Atlas of Flamsteed, must procure the Zodiac and Catalogue of Dheuland, or rather of Seligny, and that even possessing the former work does not supersede the necessity of the latter. A new edition of Flamsteed’s Atlas, reduced to a third of its original size, has since been published, with a planisphere of the austral stars observed by La Caille. M. Fortin, the author, reduced all the stars to the year 1780; and added a chart of the stars representing the different figures which they form, together with their relative positions. To the above list we may add the large Celestial Atlas lately published by Pro- fessor Bode, ot Berlin, consisting of twenty sheets. Remark.—Since the period when mankind began to observe the stars, various astronomers, at different times, have undertaken to exhibit, in charts, their places, relative distances, and magnitudes. To the works of this kind before mentioned, we may add also the Calum Stellatum of Julius Schiller, 1627; the Firmamentum Sobes- cianum of Hevelius, 1690, in 54 sheets; and Doppelmayer’s Celestial Atlas, Nurem- berg 1742. In the year 1729 Flamsteed’s Celestial Atlas was published in 28 sheets, containing 2919 stars, observed by that astronomer at Greenwich, and divided into 56 constellations. In the year 1776, an edition of it, reduced to the quarto form, was published at Paris by Fortin, in 30 sheets; in the year 1796 La Lande and Mechain published the same plates, considerably improved and enlarged with seven new constellations. In the year 1782 M. Bode published the same Atlas in 34 sheets, small folio; but he added, besides the old observations, a great many new ones, and above 2100 fixed stars and nebule. In the year 1748, a new Uranographia, of the same kind as that of Bayer, to consist of 50 sheets, was announced to be published by subscription in England. Dr. Bevis, a noted astronomer, was at the head of this undertaking, and some of the sheets were engraved; but the work was never completed.* The Atlas now published by professor Bode, in 20 sheets, is constructed according to an entirely new projection, Flamsteed’s charts were each 21 inches in breadth and 28 inches in length; those of Bode’s Atlas are 26 inches in breadth and 38 in length. Flamsteed’s Atlas contains only 56 constellations on 28 sheets; that of Bode contains 106 on 18 sheets, together with the stars around the south pole, and two hemispheres. Of late years, by the continued assiduity of astronomers, the number of stars observed has been much increased. Dr. Herschel, with his excellent | telescopes, has discovered above 2500 nebule, groups of stars, and double stars. Baron von Zach of Gotha constructed a new and complete catalogue of the fixed stars, from his own observations ; but Professor Bode for the greatest number of his | improvements was indebted to La Lande. This meritorious astronomer supplied him at different times with new stars, amounting altogether to about 6000, which were observed by himself and his nephew Le Francois, at the Military school, with a mural quadrant by Bird. But the first manuscripts transmitted by La Lande, contained the right ascensions only to minutes of time; and consequently were not accurately enough defined for the large scale on which these charts are constructed. Professor _* Another little known Celestial Atlas, which at least is not mentioned by La Lande, is that of Cor- binianus Thomas, a Benedictine and professor of mathematics at Augsburg. It is entitled “ Fir mamentum Firmianum,”’ in honour of the then bishop of the house of Firmian, and was published a Augsburg in small folio, in the year 1731. In this Atlas the northern crown is called “ Corona irmiana. | P| CELESTIAL CHARTS. 455 Bode therefore inserted only some of these stars into his charts, being obliged to leave out the greater part of them. La Lande sent afterwards more correct positions ; and though the professor encountered many difficulties in reducing them, in conse- quence of errors in the transcribing or calculation, he was enabled to add to his charts some thousands of new stars, furnished by the above astronomer. The professor however found several vacuities, and being desirous that the improvement introduced into his work shonld be uniform, he resolved to supply these deficiencies from his own observations. He began therefore in the month of December 1796, at the royal observatory of Berlin, to search for and observe new stars, with a mural quadrant by Bird; and by these means was enabled to enrich his Atlas with some hundreds of stars, of the 6th and 7th magnitudes, not to be found in any of the catalogues. Flamsteed, for his charts, made choice of a kind of projection by which, especially under great declinations, no proper idea is given of the real figure of the circles of the sphere. In these charts the parallels to the equator are straight lines, which intersect the meridians, where the cosines of their distance from the mean meridian falls. They appear therefore as crooked lines; the meridians or great circles appear alse crooked, and the parallels or less circles straight lines, entirely contrary to the real form which these circles of the sphere exhibit. Professor Bode therefore made choice of another kind of projection, namely, that conical projection described by Kastner in his Geometrical Treatises, and in which the semi-diameter of the mean parallel is the cotangent of its declination. The mean meridian, on the other hand, is lengthened where these cotangents fall; and from this point as a centre are drawn the parallel circles at every 5 degrees. At this centre the vaiue of the angle of right ascension, for example 10 degrees, is made = sin. decl. 10°; and the meridians are drawn as straight lines. By this construction the degrees of ascension are kept in the proper proportion to those of declination, in the mean zones lying be- tween the parallels, as far as they extend east or west; and the principal stars which each sheet exhibits, fall in these mean zones, Each sheet generally contains about 75°, on the equator, of right ascension, and 54° in declination. When the equator falls in the middle of the chart, the parallels and meridians are straight lines, placed at equal distances, and intersecting each other at right angles. ‘The polar regions are deli- neated according the sterecgraphic projection. The scale of these charts, the two polar ones excepted, is 10° declination to 4 inches English. The names of all the constellations are given in Latin, according to the general practice; the original constellations, when they form the principal figures in the chart, are completely shaded; but in such a manner that the smallest stars and the nebulous spots are apparent. The names are given in large Roman shaded characters. - The constellations introduced in modern times are shadedin the punctured manner ; and the names are adged in large open Roman characters. Besides the Arabic and Latin names already known, the old Arabian names are also added to many of the stars. The epoch of the right ascension of these stars is fixed at the lst of January, 1801. The ‘Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge have published two sets of celestial maps on the gnomonic projection. 'The smaller is of a quarto size, and the larger of 25 inches square, and forms one of the most useful celestial Atlases hitherto published. The late Professor Harding, well known to astronomers as the discoverer of the planet Juno, published an Atlas of the heavens, which is considered exceedingly accurate—especially that part of it where planets may be expected toappear. At the death of the. Professor many copies of this valuable Atlas were in possession of the family, and several copies were purchased on the occasion by English astronomers. An Atlas has for some time been in progress of construction from actual observations made by several astronomers in Germany and one or two in England, each taking a separate part of the heavens and filling up from his observations skeleton forms with which he is furnished. This work when finished will doubtless beof standard character. 456 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. CHAPTER II. A SHORT VIEW OF THE PRINCIPAL FACTS IN REGARD TO PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY, OR THE SYSTEM OF THE UNIVERSE. THERE is no difference of opinion at present among enlightened philosophers, in regard to the position of the planets and of thesun. All those capable of estimating the proofs deduced from astronomy and physics, admit that the sun occupies the centre of an immense space, in which the following planets revolve around him at different distances, viz., Mercury and Venus; the Earth, always accompanied by the moon; Mars; Pallas and Vesta, discovered by Dr. Olbers; Ceres, discovered by M. Piazzi; Juno, by Harding ; ; and Jupiter, followed by his four moons or satellites ; Saturn, surrounded by his ring, and accompanied by seven satellites; the Georgian planet, discovered by Dr. Herschel, together with its satellites; and lastly a great number of comets, which have been shewn to be nothing else but planets having orbits very much elongated. The path in which each of the planets moves around the sunis not a circle, but an ellipsis more or less elongated, in one of the foci of which that luminary is placed ; so that when the planet is at the extremity of the axis, beyond the centre, it is at its greatest distance from the sun; and when at the other extremity of that axis, it is at its nearest distance. This ellipsis however is not very much elongated: that de- scribed by Mercury is the most of all of the ancient planets; for the distance of its focus from the centre is equal to a fifth part of its semi-axis. That of Venus is nearly acircle. In the orbit of the earth, the distance from the focus to the centre is only about a 57th part of the semi-axis. The last discovered planet, Pallas, it is said has its orbit the most elongated of any, its Ps being about one third of its mean distance from the sun. The motion of all these bodies around the sun is regulated by two celebrated laws, the discovery of which has rendered the name of Kepler immortal. The first of these laws, which relates to the motion of a planet in the different points of its orbit, is, that it always movesin such a manner, that the area described by the radius vector, Fig. 14. or the straight line drawn from the planet to the sun, increases uniformly in equal times, or is always proportional to the time; ~ so that if a planet, for example, employs 30 days in moving from A to x (Fig. 14.) and 26 in moving from x to p, the mixtilineal area A S x will be to the mixtilineal area x s p, as 30 to 20; or © Asm is to asp, as 30 to 50, or as 3to 5. In double the time therefore this area is double, and so on; whence it follows, that when the planet is at its greatest distamee, it moves with the least velocity in its orbit. The ancients laboured under a mistake, when they imagined that the retardation which they observed in the motion of any of the heavenly bodies, such as the sun for example, was a mere abe illusion: this retardation is partly real, and partly apparent. The second law, discovered by Kepler, is that which regulates the distances of the planets from the sun, and their periodical times, or the times of their revo- lutions. According to this law, the cubes of the mean distances of two planets from the sun, around which they perform their revolutions, are always in proportion © to each other as the squares of their periodical times; thus, if the mean distances of two planets from the sun, be the one double of the other, since the cubes of these distances will be as 1 to 8, the squares of the periodical times will be as 1 to 8; con- sequently the times themselves will be to each other as 1 to the square root of 8, which is 23 nearly. a OF THE SUN. 457 | This rule holds good, not only in regard to the principal planets, those which revolve about the sun, but also in regard to the secondary planets, which revolve around a primary planet, as the four satellites of Jupiter and the seven satellites of Saturn. If the earth had two moons, they also would observe this law in regard to each other by a mechanical necessity. These two laws, first discovered by Kepler, from his observations and those of Tycho Brahe, were afterwards confirmed and proved by Newton, from the princi- ples and laws of motion; so that those who deny truths so well established, must be incapable of feeling the force of a demonstration. We know of no secondary cause that could have any influence in regulating the distances of the planets from the sun, yet there appears a relation between the dis- tances which is too remarkable to be considered accidental. This was first remarked by Bode of Berlin, who remarked that a planet was wanting to complete the rela- tion; and that want has since been supplied by the discovery of the four new planets - at almost the precise distances from the sun which Bode suggested that a planet ought to be. According to Bode (and it is nearly true), the distances of the planets may be expressed as follows :—that of the Earth being 10. MEGHCULY Cis vas ow eicts we engl | Venus he stiecdee: 2p eas OF Barts, Poeeee 0 2? - B2h ==97 10 Mara cine vadeuecg Bart Hoa 2 a1G New planets ....000. 2? + 3:23 = 28 Jupiter..ccceseseeeee 22+ 3:2! = 52 Saturn .......e-+.0.. 2? + 3:2) = 100 Georgium Sidus..... - 27-4 3°28 = 196 We shall now lay before our reader every thing most remarkable in regard to those celestial bodies of which we have any knowledge, beginning with the sun. They who can behold this sublime picture without emotion, ought to be classed among those stupid beings whose minds are insensible to the most magnificent works of the Deity. I.—Of the Sun. The sun, as we have already said, is placed in the centre of our system, as a source of light and heat, to illuminate and vivify all the planets subordinate to it. Without _ his benign influence the earth would be a mere block, which in hardness would sur- _ pass marble and the most compact substances with which we are acquainted; no vegetation, no motion would be possible: in a word, it would be the abode of dark- ness, inactivity, and death. The first rank therefore among inanimate beings cannot be refused to the sun; and if the error of addressing to a created object that adora- tion which is due to the Creator alone, could admit of excuse, we might be tempted to excuse the homage paid to the sun by the ancient Persians, as is still the case _ among the Guebres, their successors, and some savage tribes in America. The sun is, or seems to be, a globe of fire, the diameter of which is equal almost to 111 times that of the earth, being about 883217 English miles ; its surface there- fore is 12321 times greater than that of the earth; and its mass 1367631 times. Its distance from the earth, according to the latest observations, is about 95 millions _ of miles. ; This enormous mass is not absolutely at rest: for modern astronomers have found that it revolves round its axis, in 25 days 12 hours. This motion takes place, on an axis inclined to the plane of the ecliptic about 73°; so that the equator of the sun has the same inclination to the earth’s orbit. This phenomenon was discovered by means of the spots, with which the surface of the sun is covered at certain periods: with the assistance of a telescope, these 458 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. spots, which are dark, and generally of a very irregular form, and which often remain some months, may be observed on the disk of this luminary. They were first dis- covered by Galileo, who thus gave a mortal blow to the opinion of the philosophers of that time, some of whom, treading in the steps of Aristotle, considered the ce- lestial bodies as unalterable. He repeatedly observed, at different periods, large spots on the sun’s disk ; saw them always approach in the same direction, and almost in a straight line to one of the edges; then disappear, and re-appear afterwards at the other edge; whence he concluded that the sun had a rotary motion about his axis. It is remarked that these spots employ 27 days 12 hours to return to the same point of the disk where they began to be observed; hence it follows that they require 25 days 12 hours, to perform a complete revolution ;*, and consequently the sun. em- ploys that time in revolving about his axis. It thence follows, also, that a point in the sun’s equator moves about four times and a third as fast as a point of the terrestrial equator, during its diurnal motion; for, the circumference of a solar great circle being 111 times as great, these points would move with the same velocity if the period of the sun’s revolution were 111 days. But being only 25 days and some hours, it is about four times and a third as rapid, Astronomers have also had the curiosity to measure the extent of some of these solar spots; and have found that they are sometimes much larger than the whole earth. In regard to the nature of these spots ; some philosophers have conjectured, that they can be nothing else than parts of the nucleus of the sun which remain unco- vered, in consequence of the irregular movements of a fluid violently agitated. An English astronomer, Professor Wilson of Glasgow, revived this idea in the Philoso- phical Transactions for 1773, with this difference, that according to his theory the luminous matter of the sun is not fluid, but of such a consistence that, under par- ticular circumstances, there may be sometimes formed in it considerable excavations, which discover a portion of the nucleus. The sloping sides of these excavations, according to his opinion, form the faculz, or that border less luminous, without being black, with which these spots are generally surrounded. This theory he endeavours to establish, by examining the phenomena that ought to be exhibited by such exca- vations, according to the manner in which they might present themselves to an ob- server. Other philosophers have supposed these spots to be only clouds of fuliginous vapours, which remain suspended over the surface of the sun, in the same manner as the smoke that rises from Vesuvius at the time of an eruption; and which to an eye placed in the atmosphere would appear to cover a Jarge tract of country. Some also have imagined them to consist of a kind of scum produced by the combustion of heterogeneous matters, which have fallen on the sun’s surface. But, in all pro- bability, nothing certain will ever be known on the subject. For considerable pe- riods no large spots are seen on the sun’s disk, and sometimes a great many are ob- served. In 1637 it is said they were so numerous, that both the heat and splendour of that luminary were in some measure diminished by them.t If the opinion of Descartes, respecting the incrustation of the stars, and their conversion into opake planets, had been then known, some apprehensions might have been entertained of seeing the sun, to the great misfortune of the human species, undergo this strange metamorphosis. . We shall here remark that a certain figure of the sun, given on the authority of Kircher, and copied in various maps of the world, ought to be considered merely as * The reason of this difference is, that while the sun performs a complete revolution on its axis, the earth, moving in its orbit, advances about 25 degrees towards the same side: on which account the spot must still pass over about 25 degrees, before it can be in the same point of view in regard to the earth. + In September 1839, they were very numerous, and many of them large. & a vo <7 ie OF MERCURY. 459 au imaginary production.. No observations have ever been made by any astronomer, that can serve as the least foundation for it. In 1683, Cassini discovered that the sun not only has a proper light of his own, but that he is accompanied by a kind of luminous atmosphere, which extends to an immense distance, since it sometimes reaches the earth. But this atmosphere is not of a form nearly spherical, like that of the earth: it is lenticular, and situated in such a manner that its greatest breadth coincides almost with the prolongation of the solar equator. We indeed often see, during very serene weather, and a little after sun- set, a light somewhat inclined to the ecliptic, several degrees broad at the horizon, and decreasing to a point, which rises to the height of 45°. It is principally towards the equinoxes that this phenomenon is observed; and asit has been since seen, and in various places, by a great number of astronomers, these appearances cannot perhaps be accounted for, but by supposing around the sun an atmosphere such as that above mentioned. ; It has been observed that this Zodiacal light is most distinct about the first of March, at about 7 o'clock in the evening; but it has been seen in January, and according to M. Toulquier it is always seen at Guadaloupe in fine weather. ; Doctor Herschel has two ingenious papers in the Philosophical Transactions for 1795 and 1802, containing many new and curious speculations on the nature and con- stitution of the sun, his light, &c. Dissatisfied with the old terms used to denote certain appearances on the surface of the sun, Dr. Herschel rejects them ; and instead of the words, spots, nuclei, penumbra, luculi, &c., he substitutes openings, shal- lows, ridges, nodules, corrugations, indentations, pores, &c. He imagines that the body of the sun is an opake habitable planet, surrounded and shining by a luminous atmosphere, which-being at times intercepted and broken, gives us a view of the sun’s body itself, which are the spots, &c. He conceives that the sun has a very exten- sive atmosphere. consisting of elastic fluids, that are more or lesa lucid and tran- sparent, and of which the lucid ones furnish us with light. ‘‘ ‘This atmosphere, he thinks, is not less than 1843, nor more than 2765, miles in height: and he sup- poses that the density of the luminous solar clouds need not be much more than that of our aurora borealis, in order to produce the effects with which we are ac. quainted. The sun then, if this hypothesis be admitted, is similar to the other globes of the solar system, with regard to its solidity—its atmosphere—its surface diversi- . fied with mountains and valleys—the rotation on its axis—and the fall of heavy bodies on its surface; it therefore appears to be a very eminent, large, and lucid planet, the principal one in our system, disseminating its light and heat to all the bodies with which it is connected. = Il.—Of Mercury. Mercury is the smallest of all the ancient planets, and the nearest the sun: its distance from that luminary is about 3% of that of the earth: Mercury therefore re- volves about the sun at the distance of about 37 millions of miles. On account of this position, it is never more than 28° 20’ from the sun, and on this account it is very difficult to be seen. When at about its greatest elongation from the sun it appears through a good telescope as a crescent like the moon towards her quadratures. It has not yet been ascertained from any observations whether Mercury has a motion round its axis, which however is very probably the case. This planet completes its revolution round the sun in 87 days 23 hours 15 minutes; and its diameter is to that of the earth as 2 to 5; so that its bulk is to that of the earth as 8 to 125. The distance of Mercury from the sun being no more than 3% of that of the earth; and as heat increases in the inverse ratio of the squares of He distance ; it ieee 460 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. follows that, ceteris paribus, it is nearly seven times as hot in that planet as on our eaith, This heat even far exceeds that of boiling water. If Mercury therefore has the same conformation as our earth, and is inhabited, the beings by which it is peopled must be of a nature very different from those of the latter. In this there is nothing repugnant to reason; for who will dare to confine the power of the Deity to beings almost similar to those with which we are acquainted on the earth? We shall shew hereafter that the conformation of the surface of Mercury, and the nature of the circumambient fluid, may be such as to make it not impossible for such beings as ourselves to exist in it. III.—Of Venus. Venus is the most brilliant of all the planets in the heavens. This planet, as is well known, sometimes precedes the sun; and on that account is called Lucifer, or the morning star: sometimes it follows him, appearing the first after he is set; and on that account is distinguished also by the name of Vesper, or the evening star. This planet revolves about the sun at a distance from him, which is to that of the earth from the sun, as 68 to 95; consequently its distance from the sun is about 68 millions of miles: its greatest elongation from the sun, in regard to us, is about 48°, and it exhibits the same phases as the moon. The revolution of Venus around the sun is performed in 224 days 16 hours 49 minutes: its diameter, according to the latest and most correct observations, is nearly the same as that of the earth, and consequently it is of equal bulk also. Changeable spots have been discovered on the surface of Venus, which serve to prove the revo- lution of that planet about its axis; but the period of this revolution is not yet fully ascertained. M. Bianchini makes it to be 24 days, and M. Cassini 23 hours 20 mi- ~ nutes. For our part we are inclined to adopt the latter opinion; but unfortunately these spots, seen by Maraldi and Cassini, are no longer visible, even with the help of the best telescopes, at least in Europe: at present not a single spot can be ob- served in this planet; and therefore the question must remain undetermined till new ones are seen. Venus may sometimes pass between the earth and the sun, in such a manner as to be seen on the disk of the latter, where it appears as a black spot, of about a minute apparent diameter. It was seen for the first time passing over the sun’s disk in Nov. 1631; it was again observed under the like circumstances on the 6th of June, 1761; and the same observation was made on the 3d of June, 1769. It will not be again seen passing over the sun’s disk, till the 9th of December, 1874. Inthe observation. - of this phenomenon, all the states of Europe interested themselves, as the founda- tion of the best method of finding the sun’s parallax, from which his distance from the earth may be computed, and thence his distance from any.other planet whose time of revolution is known. IV.—Of the Earth. The Earth, which we inhabit, is the third in the order of the planets hitherto known. Its orbit, the semi-diameter of which is about 95 millions of miles, com- prehends within it those of Venus and Mercury. It performs its revolution about the sun in 365 days 6 hours 11 minutes; for it is necessary that a distinction should be made between the real and complete revolution of the earth, and the tropical revo- lution or what is called-the solar year. The latter consists of 865 days 5 hours 49 minutes ; because it-represents only the time which the sun employs in returning to the same point of the equinoctial; but as the equinoctial points go back every year 50”, which makes the stars seem to advance the same quantity, in the same period ; when the earth has returned to the point of the vernal equinox, it must still pass over i)” before it can attain to the point of the fixed sphere, where the equinox was the — *y r 4 x r Fe * Bs OF THE MOON. 461 preceding year. But as it employs for this purpose about 20 minutes, these added to the tropical year will give, as the time of the complete revolution, from a point of “the fixed sphere to the same point again, 365 days 6 hours 11 minutes, as mentioned above. During a revolution of this kind, the earth, in consequence of the laws of motion, always maintains its axis parallel to itself; and it performs its revolution around this axis, with respect to the fixed stars, in 23 hours 56 minutes ; for it is in regard to the fixed stars that this revolution ought to be measured, and not in regard to the sun, which has apparently advanced in the same direction about a degree per day, This parallelism of the earth’s axis produces the variation of the seasons ; as it exposes sometimes the northern and sometimes the southern part to the direct influence of the sun’s rays. This parallelism however is not absolutely invariable. In consequence of certain physical causes, it has a small motion, by which it deviates from it, at each revolution, about 50 seconds; asif it had a conical motion, exceedingly slow, around the move- able and supposed axis of the ecliptic. On account of this motion, the apparent pole of the world, among the fixed stars, is not fixed; but revolves about the pole of the ecliptic, and approaches certain stars, while it recedes from others. The polar star has not always been the nearest the arctic pole ; nor is it yet at its greatest degree of proximity: it will attain to this situation about the year 2100 of our era, and its distance from the pole at that period will be 28’ or 29 ; the arctic pole will then recede more and more from it, so that in the course of ages there will be another polar star, and even others after that in succession. The axis of the earth is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic, at present, in an angle of nearly 23° 28, which causes the inclination of the ecliptic to the equator, and pro- duces the different changes of the seasons. This inclination is also variable, and, according to modern observations, decreases about a minute every century: the ecliptic therefore slowly approaches towards the equator, or rather the equator towards the ecliptic ; and.if this motion takes place with the same velocity, and in the same direction, the equator will coincide with the ecliptic in about 140,000 years; and then a perpetual spring, as well as an equality of the days and nights, will prevail all over the earth. But it has been shewn by Laplace, that.all variable planetary phenomena are periodi- cal, and restricted with respect to their amounts within certain and comparatively narrow limits; one of which being attained, they recede again towards the opposite one; but the times of periodical variation are many of them of great extent. V.— Of the Moon. Of all the celestial bodies which surround us, and by which we are illuminated, the most interesting, next to the sun, is the moon. Being the faithful companion of our ‘globe during its immense revolution, she often supplies the place of the sun, and by her faint light consoles us for the loss we sustain when the rays of that luminary are withdrawn. It is the moon which raising, twice every day, the waters of the ocean, produces in them that reciprocal motion, known under the name of the flux and reflux ; a motion which is perhaps necessary in the economy of the globe. The mean distance of the moon from the earth is about 60} semi-diameters of the latter, or 240,000 miles. Her diameter is in proportion to that of the earth, as 20 to 73, or nearly as to 3 to 11; so that her mass, or rather bulk, is to that of the earth, nearly as ] to 482. The moon is an opake body ; but we do not think it necessary to adduce here any proof of this assertion. She is not a polished body, like a mirror; for if that were the case, it would scarcely transmit to us any light, as a convex mirror disperses the rays in such a manner that an eye, at any considerable distance, sees only one point 462 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. on the surface illuminated ; whereas the moon transmits to us from her whole disk a light sensibly uniform. To this we may add, that observation shews in the body of the moon asperities still greater, considering her magnitude, than those with which the earth is covered, If the moon indeed be attentively viewed, some days after her conjunction, the boun- dary of the shaded part will be seen as it were indented; which can arise only from the effect of its inequalities. Besides, ata little distance from that boundary, in the part not yet illuminated, there are observed luminous points, which, increasing gra- dually as the luminous part approaches them, are at length confounded with it, and form the indentations above mentioned: in short, the shadows of those parts, when they are entirely illuminated, are seen to project themselves to a greater or less dis- tance, and to change their position, according as they are illuminated on the one side or the other, and ina direction more or less oblique. It is in this manner that the summits of the mountains on our earth are illuminated, while the neighbouring valleys and plains are still in obscurity; and that their shadows are projected toa. greater or less distance, on the right or the left, according to the elevation and _ posi- tion of the sun. Galileo, the author of this discovery, measured the height of one of these lunar mountains geometrically ; and found it to be about 3 leagues, which is nearly double the height of the most elevated peaks of the highest mountains known on the earth. But later astronomers, by more accurate measurements, have found that few of the lunar mountains rise above a mile in height, and that the majority do not reach above half that height. _ The best time to observe the shadows is about half moon, when the separation of light from the dark part is a straight line; the shadows are then seen of their full extent, not being foreshortened. We have already spoken of the names given by astronomers to these spots, and of their use in astronomy. We shall therefore not repeat them here, but proceed to something more interesting. On the surface of the moon there are spots of different kinds, some luminous, and others in some measure obscure. It was long considered as fully established that the most luminous parts were land, and the obscure parts sea; for it was said, as water absorbs a part of the light, it must transmit a weaker splendour than the land, which reflects it very strongly. But this reasoning is not well founded; for if these spots, which are obscure in regard to the rest of the moon, consisted of water, when illuminated obliquely, as they are in respect to us during the first days after the conjunction, they ought to transmit to us a very lively light; as a mirror which seems black to those not placed in the point to which it- reflects the solar rays, appears on the other hand exceedingly bright to an eye situ- ated in that point. Others have hence been induced to believe that these obscure parts are immense forests; and this indeed may be more probable. We have no doubt that if the vast forests still in Europe, and those of America, were seen at a great distance, they would appear darker than the rest of the earth’s surface.* But is this observation sufficient to make us conclude that these spots are really forests? We do not think it is; and the reasons are as follow: It is in a manner proved, that the moon has no atmosphere; for, if she had, it would produce the same effects as ours. A star, on the moon approaching it, would change its colour: and its rays, broken by that atmosphere, would give it a very — irregular motion, even at a considerable distance from the moon. But nothing of this kind is observed. A star covered by the dark edge of the moon suddenly disappears, # About the eighth day of the moon’s age, towards the upper part of the moon, and not far from the line which divides the light from the dark part, is seen a straight and deep excavation running through aa extensive range of hills. If we were to meet with such an excavation on the globe we inhabit, we should certainly consider it a monument of ancient art. . ; 3 is OF THE MOON. 463 without changing its colour, or experiencing any sensible refraction. Some astro- nomers indeed have imagined that they saw lightning in the moon, during total eclipses of the sun; but this no doubt was an illusion, owing to their eyes being fatigued by looking too attentively at the sun. Besides, if there were clouds and vapours in the moon, they would sometimes be seen to conceal certain known parts of her surface; as an observer placed in the moon would certainly see certain pretty large portions of the earth, such as whole provinces, concealed sometimes for days, and even weeks, by those clouds, which frequently cover them, during as long a period. M. de la Hire has shewn that an extent as large as Paris would be percepti- ble to an observer in the moon, if viewed through a telescope which magnified objects about 100 times. But if there be no dense atmosphere, no elevation of vapours, on the surface of the moon, it is difficult to conceive how there can be any kind of vegetation in it; and if this be the case, it can produce neither plants, trees, nor forests, and conse- quently noanimals. Itis therefore probable that the moon is not inhabited; besides, if it were inhabited by animals nearly similar to man, or endowed with some kind of reason, it is hardly to be supposed that they would not make some changes in the surface of that globe. But since the invention of the telescope, to the present time, no alteration has been observed in its surface. The moon always presents to the earth very nearly the same face; and therefore she must have a rotary motion about an axis, nearly perpendicular to the eckiptic, the duration of which forms the lunar month; or in one of its hemispheres there must be some cause, which makes it incline towards the earth. ‘The latter conjecture is more probable ; for why should this revolution of the moon around its axis be per- formed exactly in the period of its rotation about the earth. However, as the moon always presents the same face to the earth, it thence follows, that her whole surface is illuminated by the sun, in the course of a lunar month; the days therefore in the moon are equal to about 15 of ours, and the nights of the same duration. But if we suppose, notwithstanding what has been said, that there are inhabitants in the moon, they will enjoy a very singular spectacle: an observer placed towards the middle of the lunar disk, for example, will always see the earth motionless to- ‘wards his zenith, or having only a motion of nutation, in consequence of reasons which we shall explain hereafter. In a word, each inhabitant of that hemisphere will always see the earth in the same point of the horizon; while the sun will appear to perform his revolution ina month. On the contrary, the inhabitants of the other hemisphere will never see the earth; and if there are astronomers in it, some of them no doubt will undertake a voyage to the hemisphere which is turned towards us, for the purpose of observing this sort of motionless moon, suspended in the heavens like a lamp,and the more remarkable as it must appear to the lunar inhabitants of a diameter four times as large as that of the moon appears to us; with a great variety of spots performing their revolutions in the interval of 24 hours: for there can be no doubt that our earth, intersected by vast seas, large continents, and immense forests, such as those of America, must exhibit to the moon a disk variegated with a great many spots, more or less luminous. We have said that the moon always presents the same disk to the earth; but strictly speaking this is not exactly the case; for it has been found that the moon has a certain motion, called libration, in consequence of which the parts nearest the edge alternately approach to or recede from that edge by a kind of vibration. Two kinds of libration are in particular distinguished; one called a libration in latitude, by which the parts near the austral or the boreal poles of the moon, seem to vibrate from north to south, and from south to north, through an are which may comprehend about 5 degrees. This however is a mere optical effect, produced by the parallelism of the moon’s axis of rotation, which is inclined 24 degrees to the ecliptic. 464 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. The other libration is that in longitude ; which takes place around the above axis, at an angle of nearly 74 degrees; and as both are combined, it needs excite no wonder that this phenomenon should have long been an object of research to philosophers. However, it is evident that the inhabitants of the moon, if there really be any, who are situated near the edge of the disc turned towards the earth, must see our globe alternately rise and set, describing an arc of only afew degrees. The moon is a little depressed at the poles in consequence of her rotation, but because she presents always the same face to the earth she must be elongated in the direction of that axis which points towards the earth. According to the theory this excess ought to be about the 3000th part of the least axis. It is remarkable that the satellites of Jupiter also present always the same face to the planet, and there can be no doubt that it isa general consequence of the combined laws of gravitation and revolution. The planes of the earth’s equator and the moon’s orbit, and the plane drawn through the moon’s centre parallel to the ecliptic, have always very nearly the same intersection. VI.—Of Mars. Mars, which may be easily distinguished by its reddish splendour, is the fourth in the order of the primary planets. Its orbit incloses that of Mercury, Venus, and the earth; consequently the motions of these planets must exhibit to the inhabitants of Mars the same phenomena, as are presented by Mercury and Venus to the inhabitants of our globe. The revolution of Mars around the sun is performed in 686 days 23 hours 30 minutes, or nearly two years. Its mean distance from the sun is more than 1} that of the earth, or about 144 millions of miles. Spots are observed sometimes on the disc of Mars, by which it is proved that it revolves on an axis almost perpendicular to its orbit; and that this revolution is completed in 24 hours 39 minutes. The days therefore, to the inhabitants of Mars, if there are any, must be nearly equal to ours; and the days and nights in this planet must be of the same length, since its equatcr coincides with its orbit. Mars has a very dense atmosphere, and when either of the poles emerges from dark-_ ness into the rays of the sun, itis found to be decidedly brighter than the other parts of the surface; and the extent of the bright spot gradually becomes less during — the time that the pole remains in the light. This appearance has been conceived to be caused by snow deposited during the polar winter, and the gradual melting of it during the summer. The diameter of Mars is about 4100 miles. VIL.—Of Jupiter. The next planet to Mars, of the ancient ones, is Jupiter. Its distance from the sun is above 5 times that of the earth, being 490 millions of miles. ‘The period of its revolution around the sun is 11 years 317 days 12 hours 20 minutes. Its diameter, compared with that of the earth, is as 11 to 1; so that its bulk is 1331 timesas great as that of our globe. This bulk does not prevent Jupiter from revolving around his axis with much more rapidity than our earth. The spots observed on the disc of this planet have indeed shewn that this revolution is performed in 9h. 56m.; so that it is more than twice as quick, and as any point in the equator of Jupiter is eleven times as far dis- tant from the axis asa point of the earth’s equator is from the terrestrial axis, it thence follows that this point in Jupiter moves with a velocity about twenty-four times as great. It has therefore been observed that the body of Jupiter is not perfectly spherical : | it is an oblate spheroid, flattened at the poles, and the diameter of its equator is to THE FOUR NEW PLANETS. 465 that passing from the one pole to the other, according to the latest observations made with the most perfect instruments, as 14 to 13. On the four new Planets, commonly, from their smallness, called Astroids. These planets CerEs, Patuas, JuNo, and Vesta, are situated between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and are nearly at the same distance from the sun. Ceres was discovered by Piazzi, on January 1, 1801. It is of a ruddy though not very deep colour, and, being surrounded by an extensive and dense atmosphere, it exhibits a distinct dise when viewed with a magnifying power of 200. Like the atmosphere of the earth, that of Ceres is very dense near the planet, and becomes rarer at a greater distance. As this planet approaches the earth its apparent size increases much more rapidly than it ought to do from the diminution of the distance; an effect which, Schroeter observes, arises from the finer exterior strata becoming visible as it approaches. It performs its revolution round the sun in about four years seven months and ten days. Its mean distance from the sun is about 2°669 times that of the earth; and its diameter has been variously estimated at from 163 to 1630 miles. Pallas was discovered March 28th, 1802, by Dr. Olben, of Bremen. It is nearly of the same apparent magnitude as Ceres, but of a less ruddy colour. It is surrounded with a nebulosity, but of less extent than that of Ceres. But Pallas is distinguished from al! other planets by the great inclination of its orbit to the plane of the ecliptic. While the other planets revolve in orbits which are nearly circular, and deviating only a few-degrees from the plane of the ecliptic, that of Pallas is inclined to this plane about 35 degrees ; and while the mean distance of this planet from the sun is nearly the same as that of Ceres, from the greater eccentricity of the orbit of Pallas, the orbits of these two planets intersect each other, a phenomenon quite anomalous in the solar system. The diameter of this planet, like that of Ceres, has not been satisfactorily determined: it has been estimated at from 80 to upwards of 2000 miles. Juno was discovered by Mr. Harding, at Lilienthal, on September Ist, 1804. It is of a reddish colour, and is free from the nebulosity which surrounds Ceres and Pallas. It is probably the smallest of the new planets; but it is distinguished by the great eccentricity of its orbit, its greatest distance from the sun being double its deast distance. Its time of revolution is about 4 years and 123 days; and its mean apparent diameter, as seen from the earth, is, according to Schroeter, 3°057.” Vesta.—From the regularity observed in the distances of the old planets from the sun, some astronomers supposed that a planet existed between the orbits of Mars and. ‘Jupiter. The discovery of Ceres seemed to confirm this conjecture, which, however, was overturned by the discovery of Pallas and Juno. Dr. Olben, how- ever, imagined that these small celestial bodies might be the fragments of a large planet, which had been burst. by some internal convulsion, and that several more might be discovered between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. And he | conceived that if they originated in this manner, though their orbits might be _ differently inclined to the ecliptic, yet as they must all have diverged from the same point, they must have two common points of reunion in opposite regions of the heavens. ‘These nodes he found, from observation on the planets that had been _ discovered, to be in Virgo and the Whale. With the hope therefore of detecting _ other fragments of the supposed planet, Dr. Olben examined thrice every year al] the i _ little stars in these two opposite constellations, and he discovered Juno in the Whale; and on March 29th, 1807, he discovered Vesta in. Virgo. The appearance of this planet is similar to that of a star of the 5th or 6th mag- nitude, and it may be seen on a clear night by the naked eye. It is not surrounaed _ iby any nebulosity; and, with a power of 636, Dr, Herschel saw no appearance of a 2H 466 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. planetary disc. Its orbit intersects that of Pallas, but not in the same place where it is cut by Ceres. Its time of revolution is about 3 years and 66 days. Sir David Brewster has some ingenious speculations on the origin of these small planets, and he is decidedly of opinion that the phenomena which they exhibit lead to the conclusion that they are the dispersed fragments of a single planet. See his edition of Ferguson’s Astronomy, and the article Astronomy in the Edinburgh En. cyclopeedia. The axis of Jupiter is almost perpendicular to the plane of its orbit; for its inclination is only 3 degrees: the days and nights therefore in this planet must be nearly equal at all seasons. The surface of Jupiter is for the most part interspersed with spots, in the form of bands; some of them obscure, and others luminous; at certain periods they are scarcely visible; nor are uniformly marked throughout their whole extent ; so that they are, as it were, interrupted : their number also varies, and they can be very well seen by the assistance of a telescope magnifying 50 times, but best when Jupiter is at his least distance from the earth. The year 1773 was exceedingly favourable for these observations; because Jupiter was then as near to the orbit of the earthas possible, The distance of Jupiter from the sun being above 5 times that of the earth, it is evident that the sun’s diameter must appear five times less, or about 6 minutes only; consequently the splendour of the sun at Jupiter will be 25 times less than itis tothe earth. But a light 25 times less than that of the sunis still pretty strong, and more than sufficient to produce a very clear day: the inhabitants therefore of Jupiter, forit is probable that there are some in this planet, will have no great cause to complain. ‘But if they are treated less favourably in this respect than the inhabitants of the earth, they possess advantages in others; for while the earth has only one moon, to make up for the absence of the-sun, Jupiter has four. These moons, or satellites, were first discovered by Galileo; and they enabled him to reply to those who objected, in opposition to the earth’s motion, the impossibility of conceiving how the moon could accompany the earth during its revolution; Galileo’s discovery reduced them to silence. The satellites of Jupiter revolve around him in the periods, and at the distances indicated in the following table. | Order of the Dist. in semi-diame- | Periodical Times Satellites. || ters of Jupiter. D 6H. OM. I. 6°048 I 1S es HH, 9°623 3 13 14 . Hil. - 15 350 yg Wena 3 (Sg hey 8373 LV 0 Sm 27°998 1 | The inhabitants of Jupiter then, in this respect, enjoy much greater advantages than those of the earth; for having four moons, some of them must be always above the horizon which is not illuminated by the sun; they will even sometimes see the whole four, one as a crescent, another full, and a third half full; they will see them eclipsed, as we see the moon deprived of her light from time to time, when she enters the shadow projected by the earth, but with this difference, that, being much nearer to Jupiter, considering his bulk, they cannot pass behind him, in regard to the sun, without suffering an eclipse. When the brilliancy of the satellites of Jupiter is examined at different times, it is found to undergo considerable change. By comparing the mutual positions of the satellites with the times when they attain the maximums of light, Sir Wm.. Herschel concluded, that, like our moon they all turned round their axes in the same time that they performed their revolution round Jupiter, >: ae OF SATURN. 467 From the theory of reciprocal attraction, La Place discovered two remarkable theorems concerning the motions of these satellites. First. The mean-motion of the first satellite added to twice the mean motion of the third, is rigorously equal to thrice the mean motion of the second satellite. Second. The mean longitude of the first satellite minus three times that of the second, plus twice that of the third, is exactly equal to a semi-circle or 180 degrees. By following out these laws, we find, lst. When the second and third satellites of Jupiter are simultaneously eclipsed, the first is always in conjunction with Jupiter. 2d. When the first and third satellites are simultaneously eclipsed, the difference between either of their longitudes and that of the second is 60°. 3d. When the first and second are simultaneously eclipsed, the difference between either of their longitudes and that of the third is 90°. It is obvious from these results, that a wonderful provision is made in the system of Jupiter to secure to the planet the benefit of his satellites ; for it 2s ¢mpossible for - the planet to be deprived of the light of all the satellites at the same time. Astronomers, however, not contented with establishing the existence of these moons attached to Jupiter, have done more ; for they have calculated their eclipses with as much correctness, at least, as those of our moon. The Nautical Almanac, and other astronomical Ephemerides, exhibit for each day of the month, the aspects of the satellites of Jupiter, and announce the hour, minute, and second at which their eclipses will commence, and whether they will be visible or not on the horizon of the place; they give also the time when any of these satellites will be hid behind the dise of Jupiter, or disappear by passing before it. ‘These predictions are not matters of mere curiosity, since they are of great utility in determining the longitude. VILl.—Of Saturn. Saturn, which is still farther from the sun than Jupiter, exhibits a most singular spectacle, on account of his seven moons, and the ring by which he is surrounded. He performs his revolution around the sun in 29 years 174 days 6 hotirs 36 minutes; and his mean distance from that luminary is about 93 times as Gs as that of the earth, or 900 millions of miles. At such an immense distance the apparent diameter of the sun, to a spectator in Saturn, is no more than # of what is to us; and its light as well as heat must be 90 times less. An inhabitant of Saturn transported to Lapland, or even to the polar regions, coyered with perpetual ice, would experience there an insupportable heat; and would no doubt perish sooner than a man immersed in boiling water; while an inhabitant of Mercury would freeze in the most scorching climates of our torrid zone. By noticing carefully the changes of certain dark spots on the disc of Saturn, Sir Wm. Herschel found that he revolved on his axis in 10h. 16m., and that.the axis of rotation is perpendicular to the plane of the ring. Nature seems to have been desirous to indemnify Saturn for his great distance from _ thesun, by giving him seven moons, whichare called his satellites. Their distances | from the centre of Saturn, in’ semi-diameters of that planet, and the periods of their revolution, are as expressed in the following table. - Satellites. | Distances. Revolutions. Dan hue NE I. 5'284 RPPOR ARIS II. 6°819 274] II. 9°524 4.12 95 IV. 22°081 15 ' 23°41 Vv. 64°359 79° 7 48 Vi. 4°300 tii Sib VIL. 3°351 0 22 40 2 2 468 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. Of these satellites, five were discovered by Cassini and Huygens, before the year | 1685; and it was imagined there were no more, till two were discovered by Dr. | Herschel in 1787 and 1788. These are nearer to Saturn than any of the other five; but to prevent confusion in the numbers, with regard to former observations, the are called the 6th and 7th satellites. The inclination of the first four satellites to the ecliptic: is from 30 to 31 degrees, The fifth describes an orbit inclined in an angle of from 17 to 18 degrees to the | orbit of Saturn. Dr. Herschel observes that this satellite turns once round its | axis exactly in the time in which it revolves about Saturn; and in this respect it | resembles our moon. We shall not here enlarge on the advantages which this planet must derive from. so many moons; what we have said in regard to Jupiter is applicable in a greater de- | gree to Saturn also. | But something still more singular than these seven moons, is the ring by which | Saturn is surrounded. Let the reader conceive a globe placed in the middle of a flaé | thin circular body, with a concentric vacuity: and that the eye is placed at the ex- tremity of a line oblique to the plane of this circular ring. Such is the aspect ex- hibited by Saturn, when viewed through an excellent telescope; and such is the position of a spectator on the earth. The diameter of Saturn is to that of the | vacuity of the ring, as. 3 to 5; and the breadth of the ring is nearly equal to the interval between the ring and Saturn. It is fully proved that this interval it a va- | cuity; for a fixed star has been seen between the ring and the body of the planet; this ring therefore maintains itself around Saturn as a bridge would do concentric to the earth, and having every where a uniform gravity. ‘ | What is called tre ring of Saturn certainly consists of at least two rings, concentric with the planet and each other, both lying in one plane, and separated from each other by.a very narrow interval. It has been surmised by some observers that the outer ring consists of several narrow ones. In the fourth volume of the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, there is a very interesting account by Captain Kater, of some observations which he and some other persons made on the ring; and the conclusion which all the observers came to was, that the outer ring was certainly composed of several separate ones. Any tolerable telescope will shew the division of the ring which divides the outer from the inner part; and Professor Struve has given the following dimensions cof the planet and the rings from micrometrical measurements with the magnificent Fraun- hofer achromatic telescope, at the Dorpat observatory. Miles. Exterior diameter of exterior ring......... Aver s ee eee . 176418 Interior ditto Cito RUT SE BD Ree Lee ee sea wes OOLTS Exterior ditto intemor dittO st. ea ete ake ee ops LOLOOU Interior ditto CELLO TM Noes alerts a te ee eet toe - 117339 Equatorial diameter of the planet .......... die is 8 66min eee ee ee Interval between the planet and interior ring .............. 19090 Interval between the rings ......... Sei Peder PSE ee te ue 1791 ; Thickness of the ring, not exceeding ...........000008 44 100 (See Mem. Astron. Soc., vol. 3.) That the ring is an opake substance is shewn by its casting a deep shadow on the body of the planet, on the side next the sun; and receiving the shadow of the planet on the other side. The time of revolution has been found to be 10h. 29m. 17s. Recent micrometrical measurements seem to indicate that the rings, though nearly, are not accurately, concentric with the planet. And it has been stated that this want of perfect concentricity is essential to the stability of the system of which the rings ¥ ae OF SATURN. ; 469 form so conspicuons a part. Sir J. Herschel, in his Astronomy, has the following striking remarks on the phenomena of Saturn: ‘The rings of Saturn must present a magnificent spectacle from those regions of the planet which lie above their enlightened sides, as vast arches spanning the sky from horizon to horizon, and holding an invariable situation among the stars. On the other hand, in the regions beneath the dark side, a solar eclipse of 15 years’ dura- tion must afford (to our ideas) an inhospitable asylum to animated beings, ill com- pensated by the faint light of the satellites. But we shall do wrong to judge of the fitness or unfitness of their condition from what we see around us, when perbaps the very combinations which convey to our minds images of horror, may be in reality theatres of the most striking and glorious displays of beneficent contrivance.”’ This body, of a conformation so singular, is alternately illuminated on each side by the sun; for it makes, with the plane of Saturn’s orbit, an invariable angle of about 31° 20’; always remaiving parallel to itself; in consequence of which it pre- sents to the sun, sometimes the one face, and sometimes the opposite one; the inha- bitants, therefore, of the two hemispheres of Saturn enjoy the benefit of it alter- nately. Saturn is seen sometimes from the earth without his ring; but this phenomenon may be easily explained. Saturn’s ring may disappear in consequence of three causes. Ist. It disappears when the continuation of its plane passes through the earth and the sun; for in that case its surface is in the shade, or too weakly illuminated by the sun to be visible at so great a distance; and its edge is too thin, even though illuminated, to be seen from the earth. This phenomenon is observed when Saturn’s place is about 19° 45’ of Virgo and Pisces. 2d. The ring of Saturn must disappear also, when the continuation of its plane passes between the earth and the sun; for the flat part of the ring, which is then turned towards the earth, is not that illuminated by the sun. It cannot therefore be seen from the earth; but its shadow may te scen projected on the disk of Saturn. The nature of this singular ring affords much matter for conjecture. Some have supposed that it may be a multitude of moons, all circulating so near each other, that the distance between them is not perceptible from the earth, which gives them tbe appearance of one continued body. But this is very improbable. @ Others have imagined that it is the tail of a comet, which, passing very near Saturn, has been stopped by it. But such an arrangement of a circulating fluid would be something very extraordinary. In our opinion, while we admire this work of the sovereign Artist, the Creator of the universe, we must suspend our conjec- tures respecting the nature of it, till a farther improvement in telescopes shall enable us to obtain new facts to support them. The distance of Saturn from the sun is so great, that, if it be inhabited by intelli- gent beings, it is very doubtful whether they have any knowledge of our existence, and much less of that of Mercury and Venus; for in regard to them, Mercury will never be farther from the sun than 2° 25’, Venus than 4° 15’, and the Earth than 6°; Mars will be distant from the sun only about 9°, and Jupiter 28° 40’: it will there- fore be much more difficult for the Saturnians to see the first three or four of these planets, than it is for us to observe Mercury ; which can scarcely ever be seen, as it is almost always concealed among the rays of the sun. It is however true that the light of the sun is, on the other hand, very weak; and that the constitution of Saturn’s atmosphere, if it has one, may be of such a nature, that these planets are visible as soon as the sun has set. 470 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. : 1X.—Of the Georgian Planet. pags It was long supposed that Saturn was the remotest planet in our system; but P from inequalities in the motions of Jupiter and Saturn, astronomers at length began to suspect that another more distant planet existed ; and this conjecture was confirmed in 1781, when Dr. Herschel discovered a new planet, which he called the Georgium Sidus, in honour of the then reigning king of England, George III. The — French call it Herschel, in honour of the discoverer ; and Professor Bode, of Berlin, gave it the name of Uranus, who was the father of Saturn, as Saturn was of Jupiter. An interesting history of the discovery was presented to the Academy of Sciences at Brussels, in May 1785, by Baron von Zach of Gotha, and is inserted in the first volume of the Memoirs of that Academy. The distance of this planet from the sun is immense; being about 1800 millions of miles, which is double that of Saturn. It performs its annual revolution in 83 years 150 days and 18 hours of our time; and its motion in its orbit must conse- quently be above 7000 miles an hotr. To a good eye, unassisted by a telescope, it appears like a faint star of the fifth magnitude ; and it cannot readily be distinguished from a fixed star with a less magnifying power than 200. Its apparent diameter, to an observer on the earth, subtends an angle of no more than 4 seconds; but its real diameter is about 35000 miles, and therefore it must be about 80 times as big as the earth. Hence we may infer, as the earth cannot be seen under an angle of quite a second by the inhabitants of the Georgian planet, that it has never yet been disco- vered by them, unless their eyes and instruments are considerably better than ours. The orbit of this planet is inclined to the ecliptic at an angle of 46 minutes 26 se- conds; but as no spots have been discovered on its surface, the position of its axis, and the length of its day and night, are not known. On account of the immense distance of the Georgian planet from the sun, it was highly probable that it was accompanied with several satellites or moons; and the high powers of Dr. Herschel’s telescopes indeed enabled him to discover six; but there may be some others which he has not yet seen. The first and nearest the ' planet, revolves at the distance from it of 123 of its semi-diameters ; and performs — its revolution in 5 days 21 hours 25 minutes; the second revolves at the distance ~ from the primary of 163 of its semi-diameters, and completes its revolution in 18 days 17 hours | minute : the third, at the distance of 19 semi-diameters, in 10 days 23 honrs 4 minutes; the fourth, at 22 semi-diameters, in 13 days ll Wests 5 mi- nutes; the fifth, at 44 semi-diameters, in 38 days 1 hour 49 minutes; and the sixth, at 88 semi-diameters, in 107 days 16 hours 40 minutes. It is remarkable that the orbits of these satellites are almost all at right angles, to the plane of the ecliptic; and that the motion of every one of them, in their own orbits, is retrograde, or con- trary to that of all the other known planets. X.-- Of Comets. ‘ Comets are not now considered, as they were formerly, to be signs of celestial vengeance; the forerunners of war, famine, or pestilence. Mankind in those ages must have been exceedingly credulous to imagine that scourges confined to a very small portion of the globe, which itself is but a point in the universe, should be an- nounced by a derangement of the natural and immutable order of the heavens. WNei- ther are comets, as supposed by the greater part of the ancient philosophers, and those who trod in their footsteps, meteors accumulated in the middle of the air. Astronomical observations made at the same time, in different parts of the earth, have shewn that they are always at a distance much greater than that even of the — moon ; and consequently that they have nothing in common with the meteors formed in our atmosphere. i ‘ } bs i § OF COMETS. 471 The opinions entertained by some ancient philosophers, such as Apollonius the Myndian, and particularly Seneca, have been since confirmed. According to these philosophers, comets are as old and as durable as the planets themselves; their revo- lutions are regulated in the same manner; and if they are seldem seen, it is because they perform their course in such a manner, that in a part of their orbits they are so far distant from the earth as to become invisible; so that they never appear but when in the lower part of them. Newton and Halley, who pursued the same path, have proved by the observations of different comets, which appeared in their time, that they describe elliptical orbits around the sun, which is placed in one of the foci; and that the only difference be- tween these orbits and those of the planets is, that the orbits of the latter are nearly circular, whereas those of comets are very much elongated ; in consequence of which, during a part of their course, they approach near enough to our earth to become visible ; but during the rest they recede so far from us, as to be lost in the immensity of space. ‘These two philosophers have taught us also, by the help of a small num- ber of observations, made in regard to the motion of a comet, how to determine the distance at which it has passed, or will pass, the sun; as well as the period when it is at its least distance, and its place in the heavens for any given time. Calculations made “according to these principles agree in a surprising manner with observa- tions. _ The modern philosophers have even done more: they have determined the periods of the return of some of these comets. The celebrated. Dr. Halley, considering that comets, if they move in ellipses, ought to have periodical revolutions, because these curves return into themselves, examined with great care the observations of three comets, which appeared in 1531 and 1532, 1607, and 1682; and having cal- culated the position and dimensions of their orbits, found them to be nearly the same, and consequently that these comets were only one, the revolution of whick was completed in about 75 years: he therefore ventured to predict that this comet would re-appear in 1758 or 1759 at latest. It is well known that this prediction was verified at the time announced ; hence it is certain that this comet has a periodical revolution around the sun, in 75 years anda half.* According to the dimensions of its orbit, determined by observations, its least distance from the sun is #83 of the semi-diameter of the earth’s orbit ; it afterwards recedes to a distance which is equal to 354 of these semi-diameters ; so that its greatest elongation from the sun is about four times as great as that of Saturn. The inclination of its orbit to the ecliptic, is 17° 40’, in a line proceeding from 23° 45’ of Taurus to 23° 45’ of Scorpio. _ There are still two comets, the return of which is expected with some sort of foundation; viz., that of 1556, expected in 1848; and that of 1680 and 1681, which it is supposed, though with Tess confidence, will re-appear about 2256. The latter, by the circumstances which attended its apparition, seems to be the same as that seen, according to history, 44 years before the Christian era, also in 531, and in 1106; for between all these periods there is an interval of 575 years. There is reason therefore to suppose that this comet has an orbit exceedingly elongated, and that it recedes from the sun about 135 times the distance of the earth, What is very remarkable also in this comet is, that in the lower part of its orbit it passed very near the sun; that is, at a distance from its surface which scarcely exceeded a sixth part of the solar diameter; hence Newton concludes, that at the time of its passage it was exposed to a heat 2000 times greater than that of red-hot __ * Its re-appearance in 1835, in the very place in which observers had been instructed to look for it, is one of the greatest triumphs of modern science. A very interesting series of observations on this comet were made at the Cape of Good Hope, by Sir J. Herschel, and Mr. Maclear, in 1836. ore is a very elaborate paper on this comet published as a supplement to the Nautical Almanac or 1839. 472 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. iron. This body therefore must be exceedingly compact, to be able to resist so pro- digious a heat, which there is reason to think would volatilize all the terrestrial bodies with which we are acquainted. - Within these few years two small comets have been discovered, which revolve round the sun in comparatively short periods, The first, which is called Encke’s comet (from the name of the astronomer who first predicted its return), completes its revolution inabout 3 yearsand4 months. Thesecond, called Biela’s comet, which was first observed by an Austrian officer whcse name was Biela, revolves in about 6 years and 8 months. Both these comets have been repeatedly observed ; they have no tails; and Biela’s is so transparent that Sir J. Herschel saw some small stars through the centre of it. It appears indeed to consist of extremely attenuated - vapour; and it is wonderful that a thing so light should continue its course through — the regions of space, obeying, with the most exact regularity, the laws of gravi- tation. At present there are more than 100 comets, the orbits of which have been calcu- lated; so that their position, and the least distance at which they must pass the sun, are known. When a new comet therefore shall appear, and describe the same, or nearly the same path, we may be assured that it isa comet which has appeared before: we shall then know the period of it revolution, and the extent of its axis, -which will determine the orbit entirely: in short we shall be enabled to calculate the times of its return, and other circumstances of its motion, in the same manner as those of the other planets. : “: Comets have this in particular, that they are often accompanied by a train or tail. These tails or trains are transparent, and of greater or less extent; some have been. seen which were 45, 50, 60, and even 100 degrees in length, as was the case with those of the comets which appeared in 1618 and 1680. Sometimes however the tail consists merely of a sort of luminous nebula, of very little extent, which surrounds the comet in the form of a ring, as was observed in the comet of 1585: it frequently happens that these tails cannot be seen unless the heavens be exceedingly serene, and free from vapours. The celebrated comet, which returned about ‘the end of the year 1758, seemed at Paris to have a tail scarcely 4 degrees in length; whereas some ob- servers at Montpelier found it to be 25°; and it appeared still longer to others at the Isle of Bourbon.* In regard to the cause which produces the tails of comets, there are only two opi- _hions which seem to be founded on probability. According to Newton, they are - vapours raised by the heat of the sun, when the comet descends into the inferior regions of our system. It is therefore observed that the tail of a comet is longest when it has passed its perihelion ; and it always appears longer the nearer it approaches to the sun. But this opinion is attended with considerable difficulties: According to M. de Mairan, these tails are a train of the zodiacal light, with which comets become charged in passing between the earth and the sun. It is remarked that comets which do not reach the earth’s orbit, have no sensible tail; or are at most surrounded by aring. Of this kind was the comet of 1585, which passed the sun at a distance 7, greater than that of the earth; the comet of 17)8, which passed at a dis- tance almost equal to that of 1729, that is, at a distance nearly quadruple; and that of 1747, which passed at a distance more than double. It is indeed true, that the comet of 1664, which passed at a greater distance from the sun than that of the earth, appeared with a tail, but it was of a moderate size; and as the distance of its peri- helion was’ very little more than that of the earth from the sun, and as the solar * The tail of Halley’s comet underwent some remarkable chances during the appearance of the comet im 1855—6. A beautiful set of drawings, by Mr. P. Smith, of the appearance of the tail at the Cape of Good Hope, have been engraved and published in vol. 10, Mem. Royal Ast. Soc. OF COMETS. 473 atmosphere extends sometimes beyond the earth’s orbit, no objection of any great weight cau thence be made, in opposition to the opinion of M. de Mairan. We shall remark, in the last place, that while the other planets perform their revo- lutions in orbits very little inclined to the ecliptic, and proceed in the same direction, comets on the other hand move in orbits, the inclination of which to the ecliptic amounts even to a right angle. Besides, some move according to the order of the signs, and are called direct ; others move in a contrary direction, and are called retro- grade. These motions being combined with that of the earth, give them an appear- ance of irregularity, which may serve to excuse the ancients for having been in an error respecting the nature of these bodies. : , It has been already said that there are some comets which pass very near the earth; and hence a catastrophe fatal to our globe might some day take place, had not the Deity, by particular circumstances, provided against any accident of the kind. A comet, indeed, like that of 1744, which passed at a distance from the sun only ' greater by about a 50th than the radius of the earth’s orbit, should it experience any derangement in its course, might fall against the earth or the moon, and perhaps carry ~ away from us the latter. Asa multitude of comets descend into the lower regions of our system, some of them, in their course towards the sun, might pass so near the orbit of our earth, as to threaten us with asimilar misfortune. But the inclination of the orbits of comets to the ecliptic, which is exceedingly. varied, seems to have been established by the Deity to prevent that effect. It would be a curious calculation to determine the least distances at which some of these comets pass the earth; we should by these means be enabled to know those from which we have any thing to apprehend: that is, if it could be of any utility to be acquainted with the period of such a catastrophe ; for where is the advantage of foreknowing a danger which can neither be retarded nor prevented ? It would seem however, from the extreme tenuity of the matter of which comets are generally formed, that except from actual contact, the more weighty bodies of the system have little to apprehend from them. One comet passed near if not among the satellites of Jupiter; and the orbit of the comet was altogether deranged by the attraction of the planet, but the motions of the satellites were not found to be affected in the slightest degree. An English astronomer, who possessed more imagination and learning than sound- ness of judgment, the clebrated Whiston, entertained an opinion that the deluge was occasioned by the earth’s meeting with the tail of a comet, which fell down upon it in the form of vapours and rain: he advanced also a conjecture, that the general con- _ flagration, which according to the sacred Scriptures is to precede the final judgment, "will be occasioned by a comet like that of 1681; which returning from the sun, with a heat two or three thousand times greater than of red-hot iron, will approach so near the earth as to burt even its interior parts. Such assertions are bold; but they rest on a very weak foundation: and in regard to a general deluge, occasioned by the | tail of a comet, we need be under very little apprehension on that head; for if we consider the extreme tenuity of the ether in which the comets float, it may be readily conceived that the whole tail of a comet, even if condensed, could not produce a quantity of water sufficient for the effect ascribed to it by Whiston. Cassini thought he observed that comets pursue their course ina kind of Zodiac, which he even denoted by the following verses :— | Antinous, Pegasusque, Andromeda, Taurus, Orion, Procyon, atque Hydrus, Ceutaurus, Scorpio, Arcus. But the observations of a great number of comets have shewn that this supposed Zodiac of comets has no reality. 474 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. - 'G X1.—Of the Fixed Stars. As it now remains for us to speak of the fixed stars, we shall here collect every thing most curious in the modern astronomy on this subject. The fixed stars may be easily distinguished-from the planets. The former, at least in-our climates, and when they are of a certain magnitude, have a splendour accom- panied with a twinkling called scintillation. But one thing by which they are parti- cularly distinguished is, that they do not change their place in regard to each other, at least in a sensible manner: they are therefore a kind of fixed points in the heavens, to which astronomers have always referred the positions of the moving bodies, such as the moon, the planets, and the comets. We have said that the fixed stars in our climates exhibit a sort of twinkling. This phenomenon seems to depend on the atmosphere ; for we are assured that in certain parts of Asia, where the air is exceedingly pure and dry, as at Bender-Abassi, the stars havea light absolutely fixed; and that the scintillation is never observed, except when the air is charged with moisture, as is the-case in winter. This observation of M. Garcin, which was published in the History of the Academy of Sciences for 1743, deserves to be farther examined. The distance between the fixed stars and the earth, is so immense, that the diame- ter of the earth’s orbit, which is 190 millions of miles, is in comparison of it only @ point; for in whatever part of its orbit the earth may be, the observations of the same star shew no difference in its aspect; so that it has no sensible annual parallax, Some astronomers however assert that they discovered, in certain fixed stars, an annual parallax of a few seconds. Cassini, in a memoir on this parallax, says he observed in Arcturus an annual parallax of seven seconds, and in the star ealled Capella one of eight.* This would make the distance’ of the sun from the former of these stars equal to about 20250 times the radius of the earth’s orbit, which, being 95 millions of miles, would give for that distance 19237500000000 miles. Be- tween the fixed stars and the Georgian planet, which is the most distant of our system, there would therefore remain a space equal to more than 10000 times the distance of that planet from the sun. : Placed at such an immense distance from us, what can the fixed stars be but im- mense bodies, which shine by their own light; in short, suns, similar to that which affords us heat, and around which our earth performs its revolutions? It is very probable also that these suns, accumulated as we may say on each other, have the same’ destination as ours; and are the centres of so many planetary systems, which they vivify and illumine. It would however be ridiculous to form conjectures respect- ing the nature of the beings by which these distant bodies are peopled; but of whatever kind they may be, who can believe that our earth, or our system, is the only one inhabited by beings capable of enjoying the pleasure which arises from the contemplation of such noble works? Who ean believe that an immense whole, a creation almost without bounds, should have been formed for an imperceptible point, a quantity infinitely small ? The apparent diameter of the fixed stars is in no manner magnified by the best telescopes; on the contrary, these instruments, while they increase their splendour, seem to diminish their magnitude so much, that they appear only as luminous points; — but they shew in the heavens a multitude of other stars, which cannot be observed © without their assistance. -Galileo, by means of his telescope, which was far inferior to those now employed, counted in the Pleiades 36 stars, invisible to the naked eye; in the sword and belt of Orion 80; in the nebula of Orion’s head 21, and in — * It may be safely affirmed that this estimate (for it can have been nothing more) of Cassini is greatly in excess. It is doubtful whether the parallax of any fixed star amounts to 1”. e THE FIXED STARS. 475 . that of Cancer 36. Father de Rheita says he counted 2000 in Orion, and 188 in : the Pleiades. In that part of the Austral hemisphere, comprehended between the pole and the tropic, the Abbé de la Caille observed more than 6000 of the 7th magni- tude, that is to say perceptible with a good telescope, of a foot in length; a longer telescope shews others apparently more distant, so in progression perhaps without end. What immensity in the works of the Creator! And how much reason to exclaim with the Psalmist: ‘‘ The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firma- ment sheweth his handy work !” The fixed stars seem to have a common and general motion, by which they revolve _arouud the pole of the ecliptic, at the rate of a degree in 72 years. It is in conse- quence of this motion that the constellations of the zodiac have all changed their positions, Aries occupies the place of Taurus, the latter that of Gemini, and so of the rest; so that the constellations or signs have advanced about 30 degrees beyond the divisions of the zodiac to which they gave names. But this motion is only ap- parent, and not real; and arises from the equincctial points going back every year about 51 seconds on the ecliptic. The explanation of this phenomenon however is _of such a nature as not to come within the object of this work. It has always been believed that the fixed stars have no real motion, or at least- no other than that by which they change their longitude. But it has been disco- vered, by the very accurate observatious of modern astronomers, that some of them have a small motion peculiar to themselves, by which they slowly change their places. ‘Thus Arcturus, for example, has a motion by which it approaches the ecliptic about 4 minutes every 100 years. The distance between this star and another very small one, in its neighbourhood, has been sensibly changed in the course of the last century. Sirius also seems to have a motion in latitude, of more than 2 minutes per century, by which it recedes from the ecliptic. A similar motion has been observed in Aldebaran or the Bull’s Eye, in Rigel, in the eastern shoulder of Orion, in the Goat, the Eagle. &c. Some others seem to have a peculiar motion in a direction parallel to the equator, as is the case with the brilliant star in the Eagle; for in the ‘course of 48 years it has approached one star in its neighbourhod 73”, and receded from another 48”. All thestars perhaps are subject to a similar motion; so that ina series of ages the heavens will afford a spectacle very different from what they do at present. So true it is that nothing in the universe is permanent! In regard to the cause of this motion, however astonishing it may at first seem, it will appear less so, if it be recollected that it has been demonstrated by Newton, that a whole planetary system may have a progressive and uniform motion in space, without the particular motion of the different parts being thereby disturbed. It needs therefore excite no surprise that suns, as the fixed stars are, should have a motion of their own. ‘The state of rest being of one kind only, and that of motion in any direction being infinitely varied, we ought rather to be astonished to see them absolutely at rest, than to discover in them any movement. | But these are not the only phenomena exhibited to us by the fixed stars; for’ ‘some have appeared suddenly, and afterwards disappeared. The year 1572 is cele- brated for a phenomenon of this kind. In the month of November of that year, an exceedingly bright star suddenly appeared in the constellation of Cassiopeia: its ‘splendour at first was equal to that of Venus when in its perigeum, and then to that of Jupiter when he exhibits the greatest brightness ; three months after its appear- ance it was only like a fixed star of the first magnitude: its splendour gradually decreased till the month of March 1574, at which time it entirely disappeared. There are other stars which appear and disappear regularly at certain periods; of this kind is that in the neck.of the whale. When in its state of greatest brightness it is nearly equal to a star of the second magnitude ; it retains this splendour for about | , “oe 476 ASTRONOMY AND GEOGRAPHY. fifteen days, after which it becomes fainter, and at length disappears; it then re- appears, and attains. to its greatest splendour, after a period of about 330 days. The constellation of the Swan exhibits two phenomena of the same kind ; for in the breast of the Swan there is a star which has a period of 15 years, during 10 of which it is invisible; it then appears for 5 years, varying in its magnitude and splen- dour. Another, which is situated in the neck near the bill, has a period of about 13 months. In the same constellation a star was observed in 1670 and 1671, which disappeared in 1672, and has never since been seen. Hydra also has a star of the same kind, which is attended with this remarkable circumstance, that it appears only 4 months; after which it remains invisible for 20, so that its period is about two years. Some stars seem to have become extinct since the time of Ptolemy; for he enumerates some in his catalogue which are not now to be seen : others have changed their magnitude; this diminution of size is proved in regard to several of the fixed stars; among this number may be classed the star B in the Eagle, which at the beginuing of the last century was the second in splendour, but which at present is scarcely of the third magnitude. Of this kind also is a star in the left leg of Serpen- tarius or Ophiuchus. It uow remains that we should say a few words respecting those stars called nebule. They are distinguished by this name, because, when seen by the naked sight, they appear only like a small luminous cloud. There are three kinds of-them. Some consist of an accumulation of a great number of stars crowded together, and as it were heaped upon each other; but when viewed through a telescope, they are seen distinct, and without any nebulous appearance. Among these is the famous nebula of Cancer, or the presepe Cancri, forming a collection of 25 or 30 stars, which may be counted by means of a telescope. ‘Similar groups may be seen in various parts of the heavens. Other nebulz consist of one or more distinct stars, but accompanied or surrounded by a whitish spot, through which they seem to shine. ‘There are two of this kind in Andromeda; one in the girdle, and another smaller about a degree farther south than the former. Of this kind also is that in the head of Sagittarius ; that between Sirius and Procyon; that in the tail of the Swan; and three in Cassiopeia. It is probable that our sun appears under this form, when seen from the neighbourhood of those fixed stars which are situated towards the prolonga- tion of his axis; for he has around hima lenticular and luminous atmosphere, which extends nearly to the earth. The Abbé de la Caille counted, in the Austral hemi- sphere, fourteen stars surrounded in this manner with nebulosities; but the most remarkable appearance of this kind, is that of the nebula in the sword of Orion; for, when viewed through a telescope, it is found to be formed of a whitish spot, nearly tri- angular, and containing seven stars, one of which is itself surrounded by a small cloud, brighter than the rest of the spot. One is almost inclined to believe that this spot has experienced some alteration since the time of Huygens, by whom it was discovered. The third kind of nebule is composed of a white spot, in which no stars are seen when viewed with the telescope. Fourteen of this kind are found in the Austral hemisphere, among which the celebrated spots, near the South pole, called — by sailors the Magellanic clouds, hold the first rank. They are like small detached portions of the Milky Way. But it may be thought an error to ascribe the splen- dour of that part.of the heavens to small stars accumulated there in a greater mul- titude than any where else; for it does not contain a number, visible by common > telescopes, sufficient to produce that effect; and there are portions of the Milky Way no less brilliant than the rest, though no stars are observed in them, unless with the yery highest improved instruments. SYSTEM OF THE UNIVERSE. _ 477 Respecting the milky way, nothing certain is known; but we may conjecture, not without probability, that it consists of some matter similar to that of the solar atmosphere, and which is diffused throughout that celestial space.* If our whole system indeed were filled with a similar matter, it would exhibit to the neighbouring fixed stars the same appearance as the milky way. But why are all these systems, with which that part of the heavens is interspersed, filled with this luminous matter ? To this question no answer certainly can be given. We shall here remark, that the famous new star in Cassiopeia had its origin in the milky way, and was perhaps formed by a prodigious quantity of this luminous matter being precipitated on some centre. But it is more difficult to explain why, and in what manner, the star disappeared. This origin of the new star may acquire some probability, if it be true that in the part of the milky way where it was seen, there is a vacuity similar to the other parts of the heavens. Many of the fixed stars, when examined with telescopes, are found to be double, or ~to consist of two stars. Sir Wm. Herschel has enumerated more than 500 of such stars within 30” of each other, and Struve and other modern observers have in-. creased the list to at least five times the number. Some of the stars which form these double ones are within less than one second of each other. In catalogues they are divided into classes, the closest forming the first class. On observing the direction of the line joining the centre of these stars with respect to the meridian, Sir Wm. Herschel found that some of them formed dynamic systems, actually revolving round each other, or round a common centre, in circular or elliptical orbits of different degrees of eccentricity ; and by continuing to watch their motions, the times of revolution of several are now kuown with very considerable accuracy. The stars forming y Virg?nis revolve in about 629 years, Castor in about 253 years, 70 Ophiuchi in about 80 years, and € Ursz in about 58 years. The following list of a few of the larger class of double stars may be useful for the trial of telescopes :— Onject. = | Haat pram aa y Arietis 1H 44M pale ae ey 9” Castor Taues 57 45 5 e Piscium 1°. Sa 88 5 5 ¢ Aquarii 22° 20 90 55 4 » Draconis AFee as ston, eS: 4 Andron. 37 932 51 ty laa 3 4 Bodtis 44 14 58 41 38 3 — Urse Le 67) 30 2 ~ Bootis 14 33 76. 31 1 y Virginis | Vase ‘90 29 id Besides these double stars, others are found to present more complicated com- | binations, consisting of three, of four, or sometimes of a greater number of separate stars; and it not unfrequently happens that the separate stars are of different colours. _ XIi.—Recapitulation of what has been said respecting the System of the Universe. | We shall terminate this chapter with a familiar comparison, calculated to shew, by _known and common measures, the small space which our planetary system occup es in the immensity of the universe; and the poor figure, if we may be allowed the expression, which our earth makes in it. This consideration will no doubt serve to * Unless, with Dr. Herschel, we suppose it isa far extended stratum of stars, by us seen edgeways, 478 ASTRONOMY. rs humble those proud beings, who, though they occupy but an infinitely small portion of this atom, have the vanity to think that the universe was created for them. ‘To form an idea of our system as compared with the universe, let us suppose the sun to be in Hyde Park, as a globe of 9 feet 3 inches diameter: the planet Mercury will be represented by a globule of about 4 of a line in diameter, placed at the distance of 37 feet. Venus will bea globe of a little more than a line in diameter, circulating at the distance of 68 feet from the same centre: if another globule, a line in diameter, be placed at the distance of 95 feet, it willrepresent the earth, that theatre of so many passions, and so much agitation; on the surface of which the greatest potentate scarcely possesses a point, and where a space often imperceptible excites, among the animalcula that cover it, so many disputes, and occasions so much bloodshed.. Mars, which in magnitude is somewhat inferior to the earth, will be represented by a globule of a little less than a line in diameter, and placed at the distance of 144 feet; Jupiter, by globe 10 lines in diameter, 490 feet from the cen- tral globe; Saturn, about 7 lines in diameter, at the distance of about 900 feet; and the Georgian planet, 4 lines in diameter, at. the distance of 1800 feet. But the distance from the Georgian planet to the nearest fixed stars, is immense. The reader may perhaps imagine that, according to the supposition here made, the first star ought to be placed at the distance of two or three leagues. This is the idea which one might form before calculation has been employed; but it is very erroneous, for the first, that is to say the nearest star, ought to be placed at the same distance as that between London and Edinburgh, which is more than 300 miles. Such then is the idea which we ought to have of the distance between the sun and the nearest of the fixed stars ; and there is reason even to think that it is much greater, for we have supposed, in this calculation, that the parallax of the earth’s orbit is the same as the horizontal parallax of the sun, that is to say 8:5”. But certainly this parallax is much less ; for it can hardly be believed that it could have escaped astronomers had it been so great. Our solar system then, that is the system of our primary and secondary planets, which circulate around the sun, is to the distance of the nearest fixed stars almost as a circle of 1800 feet radius would be to a concentric one of 300 miles radius; and in the first circle our earth would occupy a space a line in diameter, appearing like a grain of mustard seed. - Another comparison, proper to convey some idea of the immense distance between the sun, which is the centre of our system, and the nearest of the neighbouring bodies of the same nature, is as follows: It is well known that the velocity of light is so great, that it passes over the distance between the sun and the earth in” about half a quarter of an hour: in a second and a half it would go to the moon and return, or rather it would go fifteen times round the earth inasecond. What time would light then employ in coming to us from the nearest of the stars ?—Not less than 108 days; or if the annual parallax be only two or three seconds, it would require a year and more. — What immense distance then between this inhabited point and the nearest of its neighbours ! ‘Is it not probable that in this vast interval there are planets which will remain for ever unknown to the human species ? Modern astronomy indeed has discovered that this space is not entirely desert: it is now known that about a hundred comets move in it, at greater or less distances, but do not penetrate to a very great depth. Those of 1531, 1607, 1682, and 1759, the — only ones the periods and orbits of which are known, do not immerge farther than about 374 times the radius of the earth’s orbit, or four times the distance of Saturn from the sun. If that of 1681 has a revolution of 575 years, as supposed, it must recede from us about 130 times the distance of the earth from the sun, or about 14 times that of Saturn from the same body ; which is only a point when compared with the nearest of the fixed stars. But there are comets perhaps which perform their reve- . a CHRONOLOGY. | 479 » Jution only in 10000 years, and which scarcely approach so near the sun as Saturn: in _ that case these would penetrate into the immense space, which separates us trom the first of the fixed stars, as far as a fifteenth part of its depth. Those desirous of seeing a great many curious conjectures respecting the system of _the universe, the habitation of the planets, the number of the comets, &c., may con- sult a work by M. Lambert, member of the Royal Academy of Berlin, entitled « Sys- téme du Monde,” Bouillon 1770, 8vo. Every one almost is acquainted with the _“ Pluralité des Mondes,” of Fontenelle; the ‘ Cosmotheoros,” of Huygens, the _“Somnium,” of Kepler, and the ‘Iter extaticum,” of Kircher. ‘The first of these, _the ‘“ Pluralité des Mondes,” is an ingenious and pleasing work, but alittle too affected. _ The second. is learned and profound, and, like Kepler’s “‘ Somnium,” will please none but astronomers. In regard to the last, however much we may esteem the memory of Kircher, it can be considered in no other light than as a production altogether _ pedantic and ridiculous. CHAPTER III. OF CHRONOLOGY, AND VARIOUS QUESTIONS RELATING TO THAT SUBJECT. Aut polished nations keep an account of the time which has elapsed, and of that which is to come, by means of periods that depend on the motions of the heavenly bodies ; and this is even one of those things which distinguish man ina state of civili- zation, from man in the animal and savage state: for, while the former is enabled at every moment to count that part of the duration of his existence which has elapsed ; to foresee, at an assigned period, the recurrence of certain events, labours or duties; the latter, though in some measure happier, since he enjoys the present without recol- lecting the past, or anticipating the future, cannot tell his age, nor foresee the period of the renovation of his most common occupations: the most striking events of which he has been a witness, or in which he has had a share, exist in his mind only as past; while the civilized man connects them with precise periods and dates, by which they are arranged in their proper order. Without this invention, every thing hitherto done by mankind would have been lost to us; there would be rio historical records ; and men, whose existence in the social state requires the united efforts of its different members in certain circumstances, could not employ that concurrence of action, which is necessary. No real civilized society therefore can exist without ‘an agreement to count time in a regular manner; and hence the origin of chronology, and the various computations of time employed by different nations. But, before we proceed farther, it will be proper to present the reader with some definitions, and a few historical facts, necessary for comprehending the questions which will be proposed in the course of this article. There are two kinds of year employed by different nations ; one of which is regu- jlated by the course of the sun, and the other by that of themoon. The first is called ithe solar, and the second the lunar year. ‘The solar year is measured by a revolution of the sun through the ecliptic, from one point of the equinoctial, that of the vernal equinox for example, to the same point again; and, as already said, consists of 365 days 5 hours 49 minutes. The lunar year consists of twelve lunations ; and its duration is 354 days 8 hours 44 minutes 3 seconds. Hence it follows that the lunar year is about 1) days shorter than the solar; consequently, if a lunar and a solar year commence on the same day, at the end of three years the commencement of the former will have advanced 33 days before that of the latter. The commencement therefore of the lunar year passes successively through all the months of the solar year, in a retro- grade direction. The Arabians and Mussulmans in general, count only by lunar lyears ; and the Hebrews and Jews never employed any other. 480 CHRONOLOGY. But the most polished and enlightened nations have always endeavoured to com- bine these two kinds of year together. This the Athenians accomplished by means | of the famous golden cycle, invented by Meto, the celebrated mathematician whom Aristophanes made the object of his satirical wit; and the same thing is done at present by the Europeans, or the Christians in general, who have borrowed from the. Romans the solar year for civil uses; and from the Hebrews their lunar year for their ecclesiastical purposes. Before Julius Cesar, the Roman calendar was in the utmost confusion; but it is here needless to enter into any details on the subject: it will be sufficient to ob-. serve, that Julius Cesar, being desirous to reform it, supposed, according to the sug-. gestiou of Sosigines his astronomer, that the duration of the year was exactly 365. days 6 hours. He therefore ordered that, in future, there should he three successive | years of 365 days, and a fourth of 366. This last year was afterwards distinguished | by the name of bissextile, because the day added every fourth year followed the sixth | of the calends which was counted twice; and because, to avoid any derangement in the denomination of the following days, it was thence called bissexto calendas. Among us it is added to the end of February, which has then 29 days instead of 28, which | is the number it contains in common years. This form of year is called the Julian year, and the calendar in which it is employed is called the Julian calendar. But Julius Cesar was mistaken, when he considered the year as consisting exactly of 365 days 6 hours; as it contains only 365 days 5 hours 49 minutes; and hence it follows that the equinox always retrogrades in the Julian year 1] minutes _ annually; which gives precisely three days in 400 years. Hence it happened that the equinox, which at the time of the council of Nice corresponded to: the 21st of March, after the lapse of about 1200 years, that is to say, in the year 1500, fell about the 11th. Pope Gregory XIII. being desirous to reform this error, | suppressed, in 1582, ten consecutive days; counting, after the 1]th of October, the: 21st: and by these means brought back the vernal equinox following to the 2Ist of March; and, in order that it might never deviate any more, he proposed that three bissextiles should be suppressed in the course of 400 years. For this reason the years 1700 and 1800 were not bissextile, though they ought to have been so” according to the Julian calendar; the case will be the same with the year 1900, but the year 2000 will be bissextile; in like manner the years 2100, 2200, and 2300 will not be bissextile ; but 2400 will; and so of the rest. | All this is sufficient, and more than sufficient, for the solar year. But the great difficulty of our calendar arose from the lunar year, which it was necessary to com- bine with it ; for as the Christians had their origin among the Jews, they were de- sirous of connecting their most solemn festival, that of Easter, with the lunar year; because the Jews celebrated their Passover at a certain lunation, viz. on the day of the full moon which immediately followed the vernal equinox. But the council-of Nice, that the Easter of the Christians might not concur with the Passover of the Jews, | ordained, that the former should celebrate their festival on the Sunday after the full | moon which should take place on the day of the vernal equinox, or which should immediately follow it. Hence has arisen the necessity of forming periods of luna- | tions, that the day of the new or full moon may be found with more facility, in order to determine the paschal moon. ; The council of Nice supposed the cycle of .Meto, or the golden number, according to which 235 lunations are precisely equal to 19 solar years, to be perfectly exact. | After the period of 19 years, therefore, the new and full moons ought to take place on the same days of the month. It was thence easy to determine, in each of these years, the place of the lunations; and this was what was actually Gone by means of the epacts, as shall be her baker explained. | But in reality 235 lunations are less, by an hour and a half, than 19 solar Ju> : BISSEXTILE, 481 Jian years; whence it happens, that in 304 years the new moons retrograde a day towards the commencement of the year: and consequently four days in 1216 years. On this account, about the middle of the 16th century, the new and full moons had anticipated, by four days, their ancient places: so.that Easter was frequently cele- brated contrary to the disposition of the council of Nice. Gregory XIII. undertook to remedy this irregularity by an invariable rule, and proposed the problem to all the mathematicians of Europe: but it was an Italian physician and mathematician who succeeded best in solving it, by a new disposition of the epacts, and which the church adopted. This new arrangement is called the Gregorian calendar. It began to be used in Italy, France, Spain, and other Catholic countries, in 1582. It wassoon adopted, at least in what concerns the solar year, even by the Protestant states of Germany: but they rejected it in regard to the lunar, and preferred finding the day of the paschal full moon by astronomical calenlation: the Roman Catholics therefore do not always celebrate Easter at the same time as the Protestants in Germany. The English were the most obstinate in rejecting the Gregorian year, and almost for the same reason which made them long exclude Peruvian bark from their pharmacopeia: that is to say, because they were indebted for it to the Jesuits: but they at length became sensible that whatever is good in | itself, and useful, ought to be received were it even from enemies: and they con- formed to the method of computing time employed in the rest of Europe. This change did not take place till the year 1752. Before that period, when the French counted the 21st of the month, the English counted only the 10th. In the course of ages they would therefore have had the vernal equinox at Christmas, and the winter at Midsummer. The Russians are the only people of Europe who still adhere to the Julian calendar. After this short historical sketch, we shall now proceed to the principal problems of chronology. PROBLEM I, To find whether a given year be Bissextile or not ; that is to say, whether it consists of 366 days. Divide the number which indicates the given year by 4, and if nothing remains the year is bissextile: if there be a remainder, it shews the number of the year current after bissextile. We shall here propose, as an example, the year 1774. As 1774 divided by 4 leaves 2 for remainder, we may conclude that the year 1774 was the second after bissextile. To this rule however there are some limitations. Ist. If the year is one of the “centenaries posterior to the reformation of the calendar by Gregory XIII., that is _to say 1582, it will not be bissextile unless the number of the ceuturies which it denotes be divisible by 4; thus 1600, 2000, 2400, 2800 have been or will be bissex- tiles; but the years 1700, 1800, 1960, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, 2600, 2700, were not, or will not be, bissextiles, for the reason already mentioned. 2d. If the year be centenary, and anterior to 1582, but without being below 474, it has been bissextile. 3d. Between 459 and 474 there was no bissextile. 4th. There was none among the first six years of the Christian era. 5th. As the first bissextile after the Christian era was the seventh year, and as the bissextiles regularly followed each other every four years till 459; when the given year is between the 7th and the 459th, first subtract 7 from it, and then divide it by 4; if nothing remains, the year has been bissextile ; but if there be any remainder, it will shew what year after bissextile the proposed year was. Let the proposed year, for example, be 148: if 7 be subtracted, the remainder is 141, which divided by 4, pint 482 CHRONOLOGY. leaves 1 for remainder ; consequently the year 148 of the Christian ra was the | first after bissextile. Of the Golden Number and Lunar Cycle. The golden number, or lunar cycle, is a revolution of 19 solar years, at the end of which the sun and moon return very nearly to the same position. The origin of it is as follows. Since the solar Julian year, as already said, consists of 365 days 6 hours; and as the duration of one lunation is 29days 12 hours 49 minutes; it has been found, by combining these two periods, that 235 lunations make nearly 19 solar years; the difference being only 1h.3lm. It is therefore plain that after 19solar years the new moons ought to take place on the same days of the month, and almost at the same hour. In the first of these solar years, if the new moon happen on the 4th of Janu- ary, the 2d of February, &c., at the end of 19 years the new moons will take place | also on the 4th of January, the 2d of February, &c.; and this will .be the case eter- nally, if we suppose that 235 lunations are exactly equal to 19 solar revolutions, Hence is sufficient to have once determined, during 19 solar years, the days of the month on which the new moons happen; and when it is known what rank a given year holds in this period, we can immediately tell on what days of each month the new moons fall. The invention of this cycle appeared to the Athenians to be so ingenious, that, when proposed by the astronomer Meto, it was received with acclamations, and in- scribed in the public square in golden letters: hence the name of the golden number. It is distinguished also by the less pompous denomination of the lunar cycle, or cycle of Meto, from the name of its inventor. PROBLEM II. To find the Golden Number of any given year ; or the rank which it holds m the Lunar Cycle. To the given year add 1, and divide the sum by 19: if nothing remains, the golden number of the given year will be 19; but if there be a remainder, which must neces- sarily be less than 19, it will be the golden number required. Let the given year, for example, be 1802. If 1 be added to 1802, and if the sum 1803 be divided by 19, the remainder will be 17; which indicates that 17 is the golden number of 1802, or that this year is the 17th of the lunar cycle of 19 years, If the year 1728 be proposed, it will be found, by a similar operation, that the re- mainder is nothing: which shews that the golden number of that year was 19. The reason of adding 1 to the given year, is because the first year of the Christian era was the second of the lunar cycle, or had 2 for its golden number. If any year before the Christian wra be proposed, such as the 25th for example, substract 2 from that number, and divide 23 the remainder by 19; if 4 the remainder be then taken from 19, the result will be the golden number of the year 25 before ! Jesus Christ ; which in this case is 15. Remark.—It may be readily seen, that when the golden number of any year has been found, the golden number of the following year may be obtained by adding 1 to the former. The golden number of the preceding year may be obtained also by sub- tracting 1 from the golden number already found. Thus, having found the golden number of the year 1802, which is 17, by adding 1 to it, we shall have 18 for that of — the year 1803; and 1 subtracted from it will give 16 for the golden number of © 1801. Of the Epact. The epact is nothing else than the number of days denoting the moon’s age at the . THE EPACT. 483 end of a given year. The formation of it may be easily conceived by considering that the lunar year, which consists of 12 lunations, is less than a Julian year by about 11 days ; therefore if we suppose that a lunar and a solar year begin together on the Ist of January, the moon at the end of the year will be 11 days old; for 12 complete lunations, and 11 days ofa thirteenth, will have elapsed; and therefore the moon, at the end of the second year, will be 22 days old, and at the end of the third 33. But as 33 days exceed a lunation, one of 30 days is intercalated, by which means that year -has 13 lunations; and consequently the moon is only 3 days old at the end of the third year. Such then is the progress of the epacts. That of the first year of the lunar cycle is 11; this number is afterwards continually added, and when the sum exceeds - 80, if 30 be subtracted, the remainder will be the epact; except in the last year of the cycle, where the product of the addition being only 29, the same number is deducted to have O for epact:: this announces that the new moon happens at the end of that year, which is also the beginning of the next one. The order of the epacts therefore is 11, 22, 3, 14, 25, 6, 17, 28, 9, 20, 1, 12, 23, 4, 15, 26, 7, 18, 29. This arrangement would have been perfect and perpetual, if 19 solar years, of 365 days 6 hours, had been exactly equal to 235 lunations, as supposed by the ancient astronomers; but unfortunately this is not the case. On the one hand, the solar year consists only of 365 days 5 hours 49 minutes; and besides, 235 lunations are less than 19 Julian years by one hour and a half; so that in 304 years the real new moons are anterior, by one day, to the new moons calculated in this manner. Hence it happened that in the middle of the 16th ceutury, they preceded by four days those found by calculation; as four- revolutions of 304 years had elapsed between that period and the council of Nice, at which the use of the lunar cycle had been adopted for computing the time of Easter, it was therefore found necessary to correct the calendar, that this festival might not be celebrated, as was often the case, contrary to the intention of that council ; and with this view some changes were made in the calculation of the epacts, which form two cases. One of them is that when the proposed year is prior to the reformation of the calendar, or to 1582: the second is when the years are posterior to that epoch. We shall illustrate both cases in the following problem. PROBLEM III. Any year being given, to find its Epact. I. If the proposed year be anterior to 1582, though posterior to the Christian wera, which forms the first case; find by the preceding problem the golden number for the given year, and having multiplied it by 11, subtract 30 from the product as many times as possible: the remainder will be the epact required. Let the given year, for example, be 1489. Its golden number, by the preceding problem, is 8, which multiplied by 11 gives 88; and this product divided by 30 leaves | for remainder 28; the epact of the above year therefore was 28. ' - In like manner, if 1796 be considered as a Julian year, that is to say, if those wha have not adopted the new style of reformation in the calendar wished to know the epact of that year, it would be necessary first to find the golden number, which is 11; this multiplied by 11 gives 121; and the latter divided by 30, leaves 1 for re- _™ainder. Hence it appears that the epact of 1796, considered as a Julian year, was i. | Il. We shall now suppose that the given year is posterior to the reformation of the calendar, or to the year 1582; which forms the second case. In this case, multiply the golden number by 11, and from the product subtract the number of days cut off by the reformation of Gregory XIII., that is to say 10, if the year is between 212 484. CHRONOLOGY. 1582 and 1700; 11 between 1700 and 1900; 12 between 1900 and 2200, &c.; divide what remains after this deduction by 30, and the remainder will be the epact — required.* Let it be proposed, for example, to find the epact of the Gregorian year 1693, the golden number of which was 3: multiply 3 by 11, and from 33, the product, subtract 10: as the number 23 cannot be divided by 30, that number was the epact of the year 1693. ! If the epact of the year 1796 were required, the golden number of which was 11; multiply 11 by 11, and from the product 121] subtract 11, which will leave 110: this number divided by 30, gives for remainder 20, which was the epact of the year 1796. : If the epact of the year 1802 were required, the golden number of which is 17 ; multiply 17 by 11, and from the product 187 subtract 11; the remainder, 176, divided by 30, leaves for remainder 26, which therefore is the epact for the year 1802. Remarks.—The epact, according to the Julian calendar, may be found without a division, in the following manner: Assign to the upper extremity of the thumb of the left hand the value of 10; to the middle joint 20, and to the last or root 30, or rather 0. Count the golden number of the proposed year on the same thumb, beginning to count 1 at the extremity, 2 on the middle joint, 3 on the root; then 4 at the extremity, 5 on the joint, 6 on the root; and so on, till you come to the golden number found; to which, if it falls on the root, nothing is to be added, be- cause the value assigned to it was 0: but if it falls on the extremity add 10 to it; and if on the middle joint 20; because these were the values assigned to them. The sum, if less than 30, will be the epact required ; if greater than 30, subtract 30 from it and the remainder will be the epact. ; Thus, if the epact of 1489 were required: as the golden number of that year was — 8, count 8 on the thumb, as above mentioned, beginning to count | on the extremity, 2 on the middle joint, 3 on the root; then 4 on the extremity, and so on. Because 8, in this case, falls on the middle joint, add to it 20, and the sum 28 will be the epact of the above year 1489. In like manner, if the epact of 1726 be required, the golden number of which is 17; count 1 on the extremity of the thumb, 2 on the | middle joint, &c., till you complete 17, which will fall on the joint; and if 20, the value assigned to that joint, be then added to the golden number, the sum will be ' ' 37; from which if 30 be subtracted, there will remain 7 for the epact of 1726, ac- | cording to the Julian calendar. By the same artifice the epact for any year of the 17th century might be found ; | provided 20 be assigned to the extremity of the thumb, 10 to the joint, and 0 to the © root; and that you begin to count 1 on the root, 2 on the joint, and so on. | PROBLEM IV. To find the day of the New Moon in any proposed Month of a given Year. First find the epact of the given year, as taught in the two preceding problems ; and add to it the number of months, reckoning from March inclusively: subtract the sum _ from 30 if less, or from 60 if greater ; and the remainder will give the day of the new moon. ' . Let it be required, for example, to find on what day the new moon happened in } the month of May 1802. The golden number of 1802 was 17, which multiplied by | 1] gives 187; and if 11 be subtracted, according to the rule, we shall have for re- | mainder 176: this divided by 30 leaves 26 = the epact of that year, as before found. When the golden number is 1, if the year be posterior to 1900 3 i ‘ i by 1}, and then procerd as. above Girecuon : ‘ PEL et hehe ea THE MOON’S AGE. 485 Now the number of months from March, including May, is 2; and 2 added to the epact makes 28, which subtracted from 30 leaves 2: new moon therefore took place on the 2d of May 1802. Accordingly the Almanacs shew it was new moon on the 2d at lh. 43m. in the morning. Remark.—In calculations of this nature, great exactness must not be expected. The irregular arrangement of the months which have 31 days, the mean numbers necessary to be assumed in the formation of the periods from which these calculations are deduced, and the inequality of the lunar: revolution, may occasion an error of nearly 48 hours. More correctness may perhaps be obtained by employing the following table; which indicates what ought to be added to the epact for each commencing month. January ecccee 1 May secccessecee 3B September.... 8 February...... 2 | JUNE eee eeeee. coe 4 October tae 8 Marthicss s4s2%6 J ‘ UR Va sterecsi erties oa eee | November.... 10 Aptilevs.cenaau, 2 AUP USC Hs silas ie 94 6 December .... 10 PROBLEM Y. To find the Moon’s Age on any given day. To the epact of the year add, according to the above table, the number belonging to the month in which the proposed day is ; and to this sum add the number which indicates the day: if the result be less than 30, it will be the moon’s age on the given day; if it be 30, it shews that new moon took place on that day; but if it exceeds 30, subtract 30 from it, and the remainder will be the age of the moon. Let it be required, for example, to find what was the age of the moon on the 20th of March 1802. The epact of 1802 was 26, and the number to be added for the month of March, according to the preceding table, is 1: this added to 26 makes 27, and 20, the number of the proposed day, added to 27, makes 47; from which if 30 be subtracted, the remainder is 17 = the moon’s age on the 20th of March ; and this indeed is agreeable to what is indicated by the Almanacs. The moon’s age, during the present century, may be found with sufficient exactness by the following rule. : From the given year subtract 1800, multiply the remainder by 109, and divide the product by 295. othe tenth part of the remainder add the day of the month, and the number from the subjoined table; and the sum, if it does not exceed 30, is the _ moon’s age,—if it exceed 30, the excess is the moon’s age. TABLE. Jan. Feb. Mar. Ap. May. June. July. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dee. Common Year 95 6 5 6 7 8 9 10 °s511D:0212 Y sapere BR ears Oy oe, Gon Zion SHY HME 104 alk ulB OLB welSeees Thus taking the example proposed above, 1800 deducted from 1802 leaves 2; and 2 multiplied by 109 gives 218 for a product, which divided by- 295 gives 0 for a quotient, and 218 for a remainder; the tenth parts of which is 21'8 or 22 nearly. Remainder ........ A ae se? 25 Day of month.......... wi) (20 Tab. NO.acs oats isides sas 5 47 Dediicts waded stds Tees oS Moon’s age ...... Fecleecee 17 days. 486 CHRONOLOGY. Of the Solar Cycle and Dominical Letter. The solar cycle is a perpetual revolution of 28 years, the origin of which is as follows: Ist. The seven first letters of the alphabet A Bc D EF G are arranged in the calen- dar in such a manner, that a corresponds to the Ist of January, B to the 2d, c to the 3d, p to the 4th, £ to the 5th, F to the 6th, c to the 7th, a to the 8th, B to the 9th, and so on through several revolutions of seven. The seyen days of the week, called also feria, are represented by these seven letters, 2d. Because a year of 365 days contains 52 weeks and 1 day, and as that remaining day is the first of a 53d revolution, a common year of 365 days ought to begin and end with the same day of the week. 3d. According to this disposition, the same letter of the alphabet corresponds to the same day of the week, throughout the course of a common year of 365 days. 4th. As these letters all serve alternately to indicate Sunday, during a series of several years, they have on that account been called dominical letters. 5th. 1t hence follows that if a common year begins by a Sunday, it will end. by a Sunday; the Ist of January therefore of the following year will be a Monday, which will correspond to the letter a; and the 7th will be a Sunday, which will correspond to the letter G, which will be the dominical letter of that year. For the same reason the dominical letter of the following year will be F, that of the next one £, and so on, circulating in an order retrograde to that of the alphabet. From this circulation of the letters has arisen the name of solar cycle; because Sunday among the pagans was called dies solis, the day of the sun. 6th. If there were no days to be added for bissextile years, all the different changes of the dominical letters would take place in the course of seven years. But this order being interrupted by the bissextile years, in which the 24th of February corresponds to two different feriz of the week: the letter ¥, for example, which would have indicated a Saturday in a common year, will indicate a Sunday in a bissextile year: or if it indicated a Sunday in a common year, it will indicate a Sun- day and a Monday in a bissextile, &c. Hence it follows that in a bissextile year, the dominical letter changes, and that the letter which marked a Sunday in the com- mencement of the year, will mark a Monday after the addition of the bissextile. This is the reason why two dominical letters are assigned to each bissextile year; one which serves from the Ist of January to the 24th of February, and the other from - the 24th of February to the end of the year; so that the second dominical letter would naturally be that of the following year, if a day had not been added for the bissextile. 7th. All the possible varieties to which the dominical letters are subject, both in common and in bissextile years, take place in the course of 4 times 7, or 28 years; for after 7 bissextiles the dominical letters return and circulate as before. This revolution of 28 years has been called the solar cycle, or the cycle of the dominical letter. PROBLEM VI. To find the Dominical Letter of any proposed year. I. To find the dominical letter of any given year, according to the Gregorian Calendar, add to the number of the year its fourth part, or, if it cannot be exactly divided by 4, the least nearest to it; from the sum subtract 5 for 1600, 6 for the following century 1700, 7 for 1800, and 8 for 1900 and 2000; because the years 1700, 1800, and 1900, are not bissextiles ; 9 for 2100, 10 for 2200, and 11 for 2300 and 2400, because the three years 2100, 2200, and 2300 will not be bissextiles; divide what remains by 7, and the remainder will be the dominical letter required, counting from — 7 _—.. = DOMINICAL LETTER. 487 the last letter c towards a the first; so that, if nothing remains, the dominical letter willbe a; if 1 remains, the dominical letter will bea; if 2 remains, it will be F; and so of the rest. Thus, to find the dominical letter of the year 1802: add its fourth part 450, which makes 2252,and from this sum subtract 7; if the rexainder 2245 be divided by 7, the remainder 5 will shew that the dominical letter is c, since it is the fifth, counting in a retrograde order, from the last letter c. We must here observe, that to find with more certainty, by this operation, the. dominical letter of a bissextile year, it will be necessary to find first the dominical letter of the preceding year, which will serve till the 24th of February of the bissextile year; after which the next letter in the retrograde order must be used for the remain- ing part of the year. Thus, if it be required to find the dominical letter of the year 1724; first find that of 1723, by adding to it its nearest less fourth part, 430; subtracting 6 from the sum 2153, and dividing the difference 2147 by 7: the remainder 5 shews that the dominical letter of the year 1723 was c; which is the fifth of the first seven letters of the alphabet, counting in the retrograde order. Since it is known that c was the dominical letter of 1723, it may be readily seen that B was the dominical letter of the following year 1724. But as 1724 was bissextile, B could be used only till the 24th of February, after which a, the letter preceding B, was em- ployed to the end of the year; hence it is seen that a and B were the two dominical letters of the year 1724. In like manner the dominical letters of any future bissextile year may be found. . 2d. To find the solar cycle, or rather the current year of the solar cycle, corre- sponding to a given year; add 9 to the proposed year, and divide the sum by 28: if nothing remains, the solar cycle of that year is 28; but if there be any remainder it indicates the number of the solar cycle required. Thus, if the solar cycle of 1802 be required; add 9, which makes 1811, and divide this sum by 28; the remainder, being 19, shews that 19 is the solar cycle of 1802. The reason of this rule is, that the first year of the Christian era was the 10th of the solar cycle; or in other words, that at the commencement of this era 9 years of the solar cycle were elapsed. Remarks.—The solar cycle of any year whatever may be found with great ease, and without division, by means of the subjoined table. 7 a | Years, A se Years. eae Centuries. She Centuries. Orci, 1 1 10 10 100 16 1000 20 2 2 20 20 200 25 2000 12 3 3 30 2 300 20 3000 + 4 4 40 12 400 8 4000 24 5 Z 50 22 500 24 5000 16 6 6 60 4 600 12 6000 8 7 7 70 14 700 0 7000 0 8 8 80 24 800 16 8000 20 9 9 90 6 900 yg 9000 12 fe NEE ISL eae 1 Bgl Coe ie Le BE Oe SR Se i Sees SAREE MESES The method of constructing this table is as follows :—— Having placed opposite to the first ten years the same numbers as the solar cycles of these years, and 20 for the solar cycle of the 20th ; instead of putting down 30, for the 30th year, set down only 2, which is the excess of 30 above 28, or above the _ period of the solar cycle, For the 40th year inscribe the numbers which correspond | to 30 and to 10, that is 2 and 10; and so of the rest, always subtracting 28 from the 488 - CHRONOLOGY. sum when it is greater. Having thus shewn the method of constructing this table, we shall now explain the use of it. In the first place, if the proposed year, the solar cycle of which is required, be in the above table, look for the number opposite to it in the column on the right, marked solar cycle at the top, and add 9 to it; the sum will be the solar cycle required: thus if 9 be added to 12, which stands opposite to the year 2000, we shall have 2] for the solar cycle of that year. But, if the given year cannot be found exactly in the above table, it must be divided into such parts as are contained in it. If the numbers corresponding to these parts be then added, their sum increased by 9 will give the solar cycle of the required year ; provided this sum is less than 28; if greater, 28 must be subtracted from it as many times as possible. | Let it be required, for example, to find by the above table the solar cycle of the | year 1802. Divide 1802 into the three following parts 1000, 800, 2, and find the. numbers corresponding to them in the right hand columns, which are 20, 16, 2; the sum of these is 38, and 9 added makes 47; from which if 28 be subtracted we shall have for remainder 19, the solar cycle of 1802. II. The reason of adding 9 to the sum of all these numbers, is because the. solar cycle, before the first year of the Christian era, was 9; consequently this cycle had begun 10 years before the birth of Christ, which may be ascertained in this’ manner :— Knowing the solar cycle of any year, either by tradition or in any other manner, — that of the year 1693 for example, which was 22; subtract 22 from 1693, and divide the remainder 1671 by 28; then subtract 19, which remains, from 28, and the re-_ mainder 9 will be the solar cycle before the first year of the Christian era. III. A table to shew the golden number of any proposed year might be con- | structed in the same manner; with this difference, that instead of subtracting 28 it would be necessary to subtract 19, because the period of that cycle is 19; and that instead of adding 9, it would be necessary to add only 1; because the golden number, | before the first year of the Christian era, was 1: consequently this cycle began two | ‘years before the birth of Christ ; that is to say, the golden number for the first year | of the Christian era, was 2, &c. | IV. The dominical letter of any proposed year may be found by another method; | and when this letter is known, it will serve to shew the letter which corresponds to | every day throughout the whole of the same year.* Divide by 7 the number of days which have elapsed between the first of January | and the proposed day inclusively; and if nothing remains the required letter will be G; if there be any remainder, it will indicate the number of the required letter, | reckoning according to the order of the alphabet, A 1, B 2, &c. Thus, to find the dominical letter of the year 1802; take any Sunday, the 28th of February for example, and find how many days have elapsed between it inclusively, | and the lst of January: as the number is 59, divide this number by 7, and the remainder 3 will shew that C, the third letter of the alphabet, is the dominical letter required. _ The days which have elapsed between the first of January and any given period © of the year, may be readily found by means of the following table; but it is to be observed that after February, in bissextiles, the number of days must be increased by unity. y | * It is here to be observed, that when you wish to find the dominical letter, the proposed day must be a Sunday ; otherwise you will find only the letter which belongs to some other day. | WEEK DAYS.—EASTER-DAY. 489 Days. Days. From Jan. to Feb.ccccscscssse 31 From Jan. to August ........ 212 Jan. to, March ....4s2.0.: 9 59 Jan. to Sept. ....cecees 243 PantOuA PE l iiss 042 AeO Jats tds Octal > vt acens tee Jan. to May...... soeeee 120 _ sat. to Nov, «2.015... 304 Matis FO SUNG | «ci sessces (LOL —~Jan. to Dec. weccccsess dot Jan. to July.....-.-+-- 18) Jan. to Jan....... mate att « 365 : PROBLEM VII. To find what day of the Week corresponds to any given day of the Year. To the given year add its fourth part, or, when it cannot be found exactly, its nearest least fourth part; and to the sum add the number of days elapsed since the first of January, the proposed day included: from the last sum subtract 14, for the - present century, and divide what remains by 7: the remainder will indicate the day of the week, counting Sunday 1, Monday 2, Tuesday 3, and so on: if nothing re- . mains, the required day is a Saturday. Thus, if it be required to know what day of the week corresponded to the 27th of April 1802; add to 1802 its nearest least fourth part 450, and to the sum 2252, add 117, the number of days elapsed between that day inclusive and the Ist of January. If 14 be subtracted from the last sum, which is 2369, and if 2355 which remains be divided by 7, the remainder will be 3: consequently the 27th of April 1802 was a Tuesday. Remark.—If the proposed year be between 1582 and 1700, it will be necessary to deduct only 12 from the sum formed as above. If the “year be anterior to 1582, it will be necessary to deduct only 2; because in 1582 ten days were suppressed from the calendar. Asa bissextile was suppressed in 1700, which makes an eleventh day suppressed, 13 must be subtracted if the given year be in the last century. For the same reason 14 must be subtracted in the present century, 15 in the twentieth and twenty-first, and so on. PROBLEM VIII. To find Easter-Day and the other Moveable Feasts. By the reformation of the calendar, the 14th day of the paschal moon was brought ° back to the same season in which it was found at the time of the council of Nice, and from which it had removed more than four days, According to the decree of that council, Easter ought to be celebrated on the first Sunday after the 14th day of the moon, if this 14th day should happen on or after the 21st of March. Hence it is obvious that Easter cannot happen sooner than the 22nd of that month, nor later than the 25th of April: which on that account have been called the paschal limits. The following is a table of these limits from the year 1700 to 1900. Lunar Paschal Lunar Paschal | Lunar Paschal Cycle. Limits. Cycle. Limits. i Cycle. Limits. 1 April 13 8 March 27 14 March 21 2 April 2 9 April 15 15 April 9 3 March 22 10 April 4 16 March 29 4 April 10 11 March 24 17 April 17 5 March 30 12 April 12 18 April 6 6 April 18 13 April 1 19 March 26 7 April. 17 490 CHRONOLOGY. By means of this table Easter may be found in the following manner. First find the golden number or lunar cycle of the year, and opposite to it, in the above table, | will be found the day of the month on which the paschal full moon happens in that year. The Sunday immediately following is Easter-day, according to the Gregorian calendar. If the full moon happens on a Sunday, Easter-day will be the Sunday following. | Thus, if Easter-day 1802 were required, as the golden number of that is 17, op- : posite to it will be found April 17th; and as the following day, or the 18th, is a Sunday, Easter-day happens on the 18th of April. | columns, each divided into seven parts. falls. Second Method. Easter may be found also by means of the following table, which consists of nine The first column contains the dominical letters, the seven following the epacts, and the ninth the day on which Easter TABLE FOR FINDING EASTER. am ne | ns | | | ns | | es | | HSM 291 2) 1851173) e216 A 11 | 10 9 4 3 2 27 | 26 | 25 23 | 22 | 21 17 eelOmieo. B 10 9 8 3 2 1 | 26 | 25 | 24 93%) 29.21 16,4. 15 714 C 9 8 7 2 1 * 25 | 24 23 OMT 20 D Tome 4 ies 8 a 6 1* |.29 | 28 23 | 22 21 | 20 | 19 E TAs iS) 612 7 6 5 * pa ak sj ones Re Nw or ee 931922 1 OF 20 | 19 | 18 F Bay 19411 6 5 4 29 | 28 | 27 93 | 22 | 21 19 | 18 | 17 G E27 ULI ELO 5 4 3 28 127. 4826 —— 20 | 19 26 March 15] 14 | 13) 12 2 April 8 aad gt Gains 9 April Lity © 4129.1023, 1G April 24 | 23 April 20 | 19 | 18 7 March LAM PES 1a) es 3 April Tivwaye Br lite Baek 10 April B29 28 plat el eA eid 24 April 20°41 1997. 18 a7 28 March L3eiy12.P TIANi0 4 April CIS ile 45 8a Ali 29 | -298. | 27.44.26 18 April 25 April 22 March 29 March L2HE1aH) YOUNGS 5 April 19° 18 tLe 1G Bir Beale 33st 1seApnl 27 |. 26 |. 25 [24 | 19-Apria 23 March YSr TT 116s "15" 30 Naren BL?) TOM O18 6 April ASH yCQA} 13 April 27. 1.261325) 24 |. 20) April 24 March 17 16°) T5414 31 March TOM) POTTS RIPE, 7 April Sp 2) (1 ae ee a te pr 26 1 25) )-04 21 April 20 25 March 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 1 April 9 8 ¥i 6 8 April } 15 April 25 | 24 22 April ’ WEEK DAYS, &e. 491 To use this table, the epact and dominical letter for the given year must be found. Thus if 1802 were proposed, the dominical letter of which is C, and the epact 26; look in one of the cells, opposite to that inscribed C, for the epact 26, and opposite to it will be found, in the last column on the right, the 18th of April, which is Easter-day. aa Third Method. If the epact of the proposed year does not exceed 23, subtract it from 44; and the remainder, if less than 31, will give the paschal limits in March; if greater than $1, the surplus will be the paschal limits in April. But if the epact is greater than 23, subtract it from 43, or from 42, when it-is 24 or 25; the remainder will be the day of the paschal limits in April, and the Sunday following will be Easter. Remark.—Since all the other moveable feasts are regulated by Easter, when the day on which it falls is known, it will be easy to find the rest. Septuagesima Sun- day is nine weeks or 64 days before it, both the Sundays included. Ash-Wednesday is the 47th day preceding Easter, and the Sunday following Ash-Wednesday is the first Sunday in Lent. Ascension-day is 40 days, Pentecost. or Whit-Sunday is 50 days, and Trinity Sunday is 57 days, after Easter. PROBLEM IX. To find on what day of the week each month of the year begins. As it has been usual in the calendars to mark the seven days of the week with the first seven letters of the alphabet, always calling the lst of January A, the 2d B, the 3d C, the 4th D, the 5th E, the 6th F, the 7th G, and so on throughout the year; the letters answering to the first day of every month in the year, according to this disposition, may be known by the following Latin verses: Astra Dabit Domiaous, Gratisque Beabit Egenos, _ Gratia Christicole Feret Aurea Dona Fideli. Or by these French verses :— Au Dieu De Gloire Vien Espere ; Grand Coeur, Faveur Aime De Faire. Or by the well known English ones :— At Dover Dwells George Brown lisquire, Good Caleb Finch, And David Frier. Where the first letter of each word is that belonging to the first day of each month, in the order from January to December. Now, as these letters, when the dominical letter is A, indicate the day of the week by the rank which they hold in the alphabet, it is evident in that case that January begins on a Sunday, February on a Wednesday, March on a Wednesday, _ April on a Saturday, and so on. But when the dominical letter is not A, count either backwards or forwards from the letter of the proposed month, till you come to the dominical letter of the year, and see how many days are between them; for, as the dominical letter indicates Sunday, it will be easy, by reckoning back, to find the day of the week corresponding to the letter of the proposed month. Thus, if it were required to find on what day of the week February 1802 began ; as the dominical letter of 1802 is C, and as the letter corresponding to February is D, _ which is the one immediately following C, in the order of the alphabet, it is evident that February began on a Monday. In like manner if April 1802 were proposed, as the letter G which belongs to that month is the third from C, the dominical letter, it may be readily seen that April 1802 began on a Thursday. 492 ' CHRONOLOGY. The day of the week on which any proposed month begins, may be found also by means of the following table :— MONTHS. A B C D E F G January | Sunday} Satur. | Friday | Thurs. | Wedn. | Tues. | Mond. February | Wedn. | Tues. Mond. | Sunday ; Satur. | Friday | Thurs, —_—— March Wedn. | Tues. | Mond. | Sunday | Satur. | Friday | Thurs. —__ ——_ April Satur. | Friday | Thurs. | Wedn. | Tues. | Mond. | Sunday et me eee May Mond. | Sunday | Satur. | Friday | Thurs. | Wedn. | Tues. | June Thurs. | Wedn. | Tues. | Mond. | Sunday | Satur. | Friday July Satur. | Friday | Thurs. | Wedn. | Tues. | Mond. | Sunday —_ August Tues. | Mond. | Sunday | Satur. | Friday | Thurs. | Wedn. = —- | ————__ --____ September, Frida Thurs. | Wedn. | Tues. | Mond. | Sunday | Satur. P sf ——— —— October, | Sund. | Satur. | Friday | Thurs. | Wedn. eats Mond. | —. November| Wedn. | Tues. Mond. —_—_— Sunday | Satur.. | Friday | Thurs. December | Friday | Thurs. | Wedn. | Tues. | Mona. Sunday | Satur. To use this table, look for the dominical letter of the given year at the top, and in the column below it, and opposite to each month will be found the day on which it begins. Thus, as the dominical letter for 1802 is C, it will be seen, by inspecting the table, that January began on a Friday, February on a Monday, March on a Monday, April on a Thursday, and so of the rest. PROBLEM X. To find what Months of the year have 31 days, and those which have only 30. Raise up the thumb « (Fig. 15.) the middle finger c, and the little, finger E, of the left hand; and keep down the other two, viz. the. fore finger B, which is next to the thumb, and the ring-finger p, which is between the middle finger and the little finger. Then begin to count March on the thumb a, April on the fore finger p, May on the middle finger c, June on the ring-finger p, July on the little finger FE, and continue to count August on the thumb, September on the fore- | finger, October on the middle finger, November on the ring-finger, and December on the little finger; then beginning again continue’ to count January on the thumb and February on the fore-finger: all those months which fall on the fingers raised up A, c, E, will have 31 days ; and those which fall on the fingers kept down, viz. 8 and p, will have only 30, except February, “which in common years has 28 days, and in bissextiles 29. | The number of the days in each month may be known also by the following, lines :— Thirty days hath September, April, June and November; All the rest have thirty-one, Except February alone. LUNAR YEARS, &¢. 493 PROBLEM XI. To find to what Month of the Year any lunation belongs. In the Roman calendar, each lunation is considered as belonging to that month in which it terminates, according to this ancient maxiw-or the computists, In quo completur, mensi lunatio detur. Hence, to determine whether a lunation belongs to a certain month of any given year, as the month of May 1693 for example; having found, by Prob. 5, that the moon’s age on the last day of May was 27; this age 27 shews that the lunation ends in the next month, that is to say in June, and consequently that it belongs to that month. It indicates also that the preceding lunation ended in the month of May, and there- fore belonged to that month. PROBLEM XII. To determine the Lunar Years which are common, and those which are embolismic. This problem may be readily solved by means of the preceding, from which we easily know that the same solar month may have two lunations. For two moons may end in the same month, which has 30 or 31 days, as November, which has 30; or one moon may end the first of that month, and the fellowing moon on the last or 30th of the same month: this year then will have had 13 lunations; and consequently will be embolismic. We shall here give an example. In the year 1712, the first moon having ended on the 8th of January, the second on the 6th of February, the third on the 8th of March, the fourth on the 6th of April, the fifth on the 6th of May, the 6th on the 4th of June, the seventh on the 4th of July, the eighth on the 2d of August, the ninth on the Ist of September, the tenth on the Ist of October, the eleventh also on the 380th of the same month, the twelfth on the 29th of November, and the thirteenth on the 28th of December; we know that this year, as it had thirteen moons, was embolismic. We know that all the civil lunar years of the new calendar, which begin on the first of January, are embolismic, when they have for epact 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 19; and also 18, when the golden number is 19. Thus we know, that in the year 1693, the epact of which was 8, the lunar civil year was embolismic; that is to say, had thirteen moons: this happened because the “month of August bad two lunations, one of which ended on the first, and the follow- ing one on the thirtieth of the same. PROBLEM XIII. An easy method of finding the Calends, Nones, and Ides, of any month in the year. The denomination of Calends, Nones, and Ides, was a singularity in the Roman Calendar; and as these terms frequently occur in classical authors, it may be useful to know how to reduce them to our method of computation. This may be easily done by means of the three following Latin verses. Principium mensis cujusque vocato calendas: Sex Maius nonas, October, Julius et Mars ; Quator at reliqui : dabit idus quidlibet octo. Which have been thus translated into French: A Mars, Juillet, Octobre et Mai Six Nones les gens ont donné ; Aux autres mois quatre guardé; Huit Ides 4 tous accordé. The meaning of these verses is, that the first day of each month is always called the calends ; raves ARS 494 CHRONOLOGY. That in the months of March, May, July and October the nones are on the seventh day, and in all the other months on the fifth ; Lastly, that the ides are eight days after the nones, viz. on the fifteenth of March, — May, July and October; and on the thirteenth of the other months. It must now be observed that the Romans counted the other days backwards; always decreasing, and that they gave the name of nones to those days of the month which were between the calends and nones of that month; that of ides to those days which were between the nones and ides of that month ; and the name of calends | to those days which remained between the ides and the end of the preceding month. Thus in the four months of March, May, July and October, where the nones had six days, the second day of the month was called sexto nonas ; that is to say the | sixth day before the nones, the preposition ante being here understood. In like ~ manner the third day was called quinto nonas ; that is to say the fifth day of the nones, — or before the nones; and so of the rest. But instead of calling the sixth day of the month secundo nonas, they said pridie nonas ; that is, the day preceding the nones, — They said also postridie calendas, the day after the calends ; postridie nonas, the day after the nones ; postridie idus, the day after the ides. PROBLEM XIV. To find what day of the Calends, Nones, or Ides, corresponds to a certain day of any given month. To solve this problem, attention must be paid to the remark already made, that all the days between the calends and the nones belong to the nones; that those be- tween the nones and the ides bear the name of ides; and that those between the ides and calends of the following month, have the name of the calends of that month. This being premised, the following method must be pursued. Ist. If the day of the month belongs to the calends, add 2 to the number of the days in the month, and from the sum subtract the given number; the remainder will be the day of the calends. Thus, for example, to find to what day of the Roman calendar the 25th of May corresponds, it is first to be observed that it belongs to the calends, since it is be- tween the ides of May and the calends cf June. As the month of May has 31 days, add 2 to this number, which will make 33; andif 25 be subtracted from the sum, the remainder 8 will shew that the 25th of May corresponds to the 8th of the calends of June; that is to say, the 25th of May among the Romans was called octavo calendas Junit. 2d. If the day of the month belongs to the ides or the nones, add 1 to the number of days elapsed between the first of the month and the ides or nones inclusively ; from this sum subtract the given number, which is the day of the month, and the remainder will be exactly the day of the nones or ides. We shall suppose, for example, that the given day is the 9th of May, which be- longs to the ides; as it is between the seventh day of the nones and the fifteenth day of the ides. If 1 be added to 15, and 9 be subtracted from the sum 16, the remainder 7 willshew that the 9th of May corresponds to the 7th of the ides of that month ; that is, the 9th of May among the Romans was called septime idus Maiti. In like manner, if the proposed day be the 5th of May, which belongs to the nones, because it is between the Ist and 7th; add 1 to 7, and from the sum 8, sub- tract 5, or the given day of the month; the remainder 3, shews that the 5th of May corresponds to the 3d of the nones; or that the Romans called the 5th of May, tertio nonas Maiti. ROMAN INDICTION, 495 PROBLEM Xv. The day of the Calends, Ides, or Nones, being given ; to find the corresponding day of the month. This problem may be solved by a method similarto that employed in the preced- ing, but with this difference, that instead -of subtracting the day of the month, to obtain that of the calends, &c., the latter is subtracted to obtain the day of the month. Let it be required, for example, to find what day of the month corresponds to the 6th of the calends of June, which the Romans expressed by sexto calendas Junit. As the calends are counted in a retrograde order from the Ist of June towards the ides of May, it is evident that the 6th of the calends of June corresponds to some day in the month of May; and as that month has 31 days add 2 to 31, and from the sum 33 subtract 6, or the given day of the calends, the remainder 27 shews that the o 9th of the calends of June corresponds to the 27th of May. The same operation must be employed, in regard to the nones and the ides. _ Remark.—The above two questions may be easily solved also by means of a table of the Calends, Nones, and Ides, which will be found with other tables at the end of this part. Of the Cyele of Indiction. The cycle of indiction is a period of fifteen years, distinguished by that name, according to some authors, because it served to indicate the year in which a certain tribute was paid to the Roman republic; and hence it is called the Roman In- diction. It is called also the Pontifical Indiction, because employed by the court of Rome in its bulls, and in all its decrees. The following, it is said, is the origin of tbis custom. In the year 312, Constantine issued an edict, by which he authorised the exercise of the Christian religion throughout the whole empire. Some years after, the council of Nice was assembled, which in 328 condemned the heresy of Arius: in the space therefore of fifteen years, Christianity triumphed over persecution and heresy ; and on that account it was considered as a memorable period. To preserve the remembrance of it, the cycle of indiction was established; the commencement of which was fixed at the Ist of January 313, to make it begin with the solar year ; though the epoch of this cycle, according to the institution of Constantine, had been fixed at the month of September 312, the date of his edict in favour of the Christians. It was the emperor Justinian however who first ordered, that the - method of computing by the indiction should be introduced into the public acts. But, whatever may have been its origin, which Petau considers as very doubtful, it is certain that the first year of the indiction was the year 313 of the Christian ra. The year 312 therefore must have corresponded to 15 of the indiction, had _ this method of computation been then in use; and if 312 be divided by 15, the remainder will be 12; which shews that the 12th year of the Christian zra was the _ 15th of the indiction: consequently this cycle must have begun three years before the birth of Christ: or, in other words, the first year of the Christian era corres- _ ponded to the fourth of the indiction, and hence we have a solution of the following | problem. PKOBLEM XVI. To find the number of the Roman Indiction which corresponds to any given year. Add 3 to the given year, and divide the sum by 15: the remainder will indicate the current year of the indiction. | ‘ee 496 CHRONOLOGY. Let it be required, for example, to find the indiction of the year 1802. If 3 be added to 1802, we shall have 1805, and if this sum be divided by 15, the remainder will be 5. Hence it appears that the indiction for 1802 is 5. Of the Julian Period ; and some other periods of the like kind. The Julian period is formed by combining together the lunar cycle of 19 years, the solar of 28, and the cycle of indiction of 15. The first year of this period is supposed to be that which corresponded to 1 of the lunar cycle, | of the solar cycle, and 1 of the cycle of indiction. If the numbers 19, 28, and 15, be multiplied together, the product, 7980, will be the number of years comprehended in the Julian period; and we are assured by the laws of combination, that there cannot be in one revolution two of these years which have at the same time the same numbers. This period is merely an artificial one, invented by Julius Scaliger; but it is convenient on account of its extent, as we can refer to it the commencement of all known eras, and even the creation of the world, were that epoch certain; for, according to the common chronology, it was only 3950 years before the Christian ! wera. But the commencement of the Julian period goes 4714 years beyond that era; | and hence it follows that the creation of the world corresponds to the year 764 of the Julian period. The method by which it is found that the year of the birth of Jesus Christ was the 4714th of the Julian period, is as follows. It is shewn, by a retrograde calcula- tion, that if the three cycles, viz., the sclar, lunar, and that of indiction, had been in use at the birth of Christ, the year in which he was born would have been the 2d ) of the lunar cycle, the 10th of the solar, and the fourth of the cycle of indiction. But these characters belong to the year 4714 of the above period, as will be seen in the following problem. That year therefore must be adapted to the year of the birth of Christ; from which if we proceed backwards, calculating the intervals | of anterior events, from the profane historians and sacred Scriptures, it will be found | that there were 3950 years between that period and the creation of Adam. If 3950 | then be subtracted from 4714, the remainder will be 764; so thatthe Julian period | is anterior to the creation of the world by 764 years. PROBLEM XVII. Any year of the Julian period being given; to find the corresponding year of the lunar cycle, the solar cycle, and the cycle of indiction. Let the given year of the Julian period be 6522. Divide this number by 19, and » the remainder 5, neglecting the quotient, will be the golden number; divide the | same number by 28, and the remainder 26 will be the year of the solar cycle; if 6522 be then divided by 15, the remainder 12 will indicate the indiction. If nothing remains, when the given year has been divided by the number belonging to one of these cycles, that number itself is the number of the cycle. Thus, if the year 6525 were proposed; when divided by 15, nothing remains, and therefore the indic- | tion is 15. But if itwere required to find what year of the Christian era corresponds to any — given year of the Julian period; such for example as 6522, nothing is necessary but to subtract from it 4714; the remainder 1808 will be the number of years elapsed » since the commencement of the Christian era. All this is so plain that it requires no farther illustration. a THE JULIAN PERIOD. . 497 PROBLEM XVIII. The Lunar and Solar Cycles and the Cycle of Indiction corresponding to any year being given; to find its place in tivee’uJian period. Multiply the number of the lunar cyele by 4200, that of the solar cycle by 4845, and that of the indiction by 6916. Add together all these products, and divide the sum by 7980; the number which remains will indicate the year of the Julian period.* Let the lunar cycle be 2, the solar 10, and the indiction 4; which is the character of the first year of the Christian era. In this case 4200 x 2— 8400; 4845 x 10 = 48450; and 6916 x 4= 27664; the sum of these products is 84514, which di- vided by 7980, leaves for remainder 4714. The year therefore in the Julian period, to which the above characters correspond, is the 4714th, or the origin of the Julian _ period is 4713 years anterior to the Christian era. Remarks.—I. There is another period, called the Dionysian, which is the product _ of the lunar cycle 19, and the solar cycle 28; consequently it comprehends 532 years, It was invented by Dionysius Exiguus, about the time of the council of Nice, to in- — clude all the varieties of the new moons and of the dominical letters; so that, after 532 years, they were to recur in the same order, which would have been very con- venient for finding Easter and the moveable feasts; butas it supposed the lunar cycle to be perfectly correct, which is not the case, this period is no longer used. II. As among the cycles of the Julian period there is one, viz. that of indiction, which is merely a political institution—that is to say, which has no relation to the motions of the heavenly bodies—it would have been of more utility perhaps, to substi- tute inits place that of the epacts, which is astronomical, and contains 30 years: the _ number of years of the Julian period would, in this case, have been 15960. This . period of 15960 years was called by the inventor of it, Father John Louis d’ Amiens, a Capuchin friar, the period of Louis the Great. But it does not appear that it met with that reception from chronologists, which the author expected. Of some Epochs or Periods celebrated in History. The first of these epochs is that of the Olympiads. It takes its name from the _ Olympic games, which, as is well known, were celebrated with great solemnity every four years, about the winter solstice, throughout all Greece. These games were “instituted by Hercules; but having fallen into disuse, they were revived by Iphitus, one of the Heraclide, or descendants of that hero, in the year 776 before Jesus Christ ; and after that time they continued to be celebrated with great regularity; till the | conquest of Greece by the Romans put an end tothem. The era or epoch of the i Olympiads, begins therefore at the summer solstice of the year 776 before Christ. * The year of the Julian period may be found also by the following general rule: Multiply the golden number. by 3780, and the indiction by 1064; subtract the sum of these products from the product of 4845 multiplied by the solar cycle; divide the difference, if it can be done, by 7980, and the remainder will be the year of the Julian period. The reason of this rule may be found in the solution of the following algebraic problem: To find a number which, divided by 28, shall leave for remainder @ ; divide by 19, shall leave 6; and by 15, shall leave c. Call the three quotients, arising from the division of the required number according to the terms of the problem, z, y, z Then the number will be == 287 +@=—-19y+ 6 =15z%+c. From : 92+a—b ; 9x+a—b the first equation 28 2 + a.==19y + b, we havey— a@ + qo: Now since Tr is an Ae i 92+a—b . m—a+b ; integer number, let us suppose it == m, then m == ener and 7 =~ 2 m+——79-— ? or making m—at+b 9. = 7, or m = 19 nm + a — b, we have, by substitution, a2 == 19” + 2a—2b. There- fore 28 r+ a—532n + 57a—56b—U52+ Ce by the third quotient; and by resolving this equation in the same manner, putting p and g to denote the successive fractions, we shall find the ' Qumber sought to be 15z + c == 7980qg + 4845 a — 37806 b — 1064 c. 2K 498 CHRONOLOGY. PROBLEM XIX. To convert years of the Olympiads into years of the Christian era, and vice versd. Ist. To solve this problem, subtract unity from the number of the olympiads, and multiply the remainder by 4; then add to the product the number of years of the olym- piad which have been completed, and from the last sum subtract 775; or, if the sum be less, subtract it from 776: in the first case, the result will be the current year of the Christian era, and in the second, the year before that zra. Let the proposed year, for example, be the third of the seventy-sixth olympiad. Unity subtracted from 76 leaves 75, which multiplied by 4 gives for product 300, The complete years of an olympiad, while the third is current, are 2: if 2 therefore be added to 300, we shall have 302. But as 302 is less than 775, we must subtract the former from 776, and the remainder 474, will be the current year before Jesus Christ. As a second example we shall take the 2d year of the 201st olympiad. If 1 be subtracted from 201, the remainder is 200; which multiplied by 4 gives 800, and 1 complete year being added makes 801. But 775 subtracted from 801 leaves 26; which is the year of the Christian era, corresponding to the 2d year of the 201st olympiad. 2d. To convert years of the Christian wera into years of the olympiads; the number of years, if anterior to the birth of Christ, must be subtracted from 776; or, if pos- terior to that period, 775 must be added to them: if the result be divided by 4, the quotient increased by unity will be the number of tne olympiad; and the remainder, also increased by unity, will be the current year of that olympiad. Let the proposed year, for example, be 1715. By adding 775, the sum is 2490; and this number divided by 4, gives for quotient 622, with a remainder of 2. The year 1715 therefore was the 3d year of the 623d olympiad; or more correctly, the » last six months of the year 1715, with the first six months of 1716, corresponded to | the 3d year of the 623d olympiad. II. The era of the Hegira is that used by the greater part of the followers of Mahomet: it is employed by the Arabs, the Turks, the various nations in Africa, &c. ; consequently, it is necessary that those who study their history, should be able to convert the years of the hegira into those of the Christian era, and vice versa. For this purpose, it must be first observed, that the years of the hegira are nearly lunar; and as the lunar year, or twelve complete lunations, forms 354 days 8 hours — 48 tdinupene if the year were always made to consist of 354 or 355 days, the new — moon would soon sensibly deviate from the commencement of the year. To prevent | this inconvenience, a period of 30 years has been invented, in which there are ten — common years, that is to say of 354 days; and 11 embolismic, or of 355 days. The | latter are the 2d, 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 26th, and 29th. It is to be observed also, that the first year of the hegira began on the 15th of July 622, of the Christian ra, PROBLEM XX. To find the year of Hegira which corresponds to a given Julian year. To resolve this problem, it must first be observed that 288 Julian years form | nearly 235 years of the Hegira. This being supposed, let us take, as example, the year 1770 of the Christian era. Now as 621 years complete of our era had elapsed when the hegira began, we must — first subtract these from 1770, and the remainder will be 1149. "We must then employ this proportion: if 228 Julian years give 235 years of the hegira, how many REMARKABLE EVENTS. 499 will 1149 give. the answer will be 1184, with a remaiy/der of 99 days. The year 1770 therefore, of the Christian era, corresponded, at lgast in part, to the year 1184 of the hegira. | On the other hand, if it be required to find the year of the Christian era which corresponds to a given year of the hegira, the reverse of this operation must be em- ployed: the number thence resulting will be that of the Julian years elapsed since the commencement of the hegira; and by adding 621, we shall have the current year after the birth of Christ. We shall say nothing further on this subject, but terminate the present article with a few useful tables. The first contains the dates of the principal events recorded in history, and of the commencement of the most celebrated zras; the second is a table of the golden numbers for every year from the birth of Christ to 5600; the third a table of the dominical letters from 1700 to 5600; the fourth a table of the index letters for the same period ; the fifth a table of the epacts; and the sixth a table of the calends, nones, and ides. A TABLE OF THE YEARS OF THE MOST REMARKABLE EPOCHS OR ZRAS AND EVENTS. Years , Years Julian Remarkable Events. Pariah: oe neon Memorentign Of the World “Seessescceceses.ce- ans» s07 9 0.0 706 0 | 4007 mene Deluge, or Noah’s flood *....cccccccoccecs Oy cre ooo 2362 | 1656 | 2351 _ Assyrian monarchy founded by Nimrod ...... Oe Ee 2537 | 1831 | 2176 Bemccecor Abraham, waar 8 Se sles el Te Vee oe ed 2714 | 2008 | 1999 Kingdom of Athens founded by Cecrops .........-..++5 - | 3157 | 2451 | 1556 mutrance of the Israelites into Canaan ...ccs.-seceseeees 3262 | 2556 | 1451 BCRtTUCtION Of LTOVS von cc eedseis eres) aun eslece cle aiatee 3529 | 2823 | 1184 Solomon’s temple founded ........ Tetras as poet ss see ses {3701 }-2995 |. 1012 me Arronautic expedition’ vesccossscecctasase cats e ses. 3776 | 3070 | 937 mumeurous. formed his laws )\.,.iisees occ stcnvaveccevess us 3829 | 3103 884: meeeeees 1st king of ithe Medes 2 as o's vk amis ae old o's 3838 | 3132 875 Olympiads of the Greeks began ....s.ceecsccnnceeessces | 3938 | 3232 | 775 BEECHES OF TLOMAI) TA y sc cc ossicles s'o0 6.0 5's 6.) aps aioe 40 o's 3961 | 3255 752 Aira of Nabonassar ......... RS Serie tae x cree 3967 | 3261 | 746 _ First Babylonish captivity by Nebuchadnezzar ........... . 4107 | 3401 606 The 2d ditto and birth of Cyrus ........ eee Sic goete toe . | 4114 | 3408 | 599 fametomon's temple destroyed. 12... ese sclesuccscece soee | 4125 | 3419) 588 eros began to reign in Babylon. ....csserccsecseesees | 4177 | 3471 536 Bereponnesian war began .....seessesesesees aieea pues Mut eSea| SO204) 4 ook @uexander the Great died .......ceceecsee: eas Sere Sees 4390 | 3684 | 323 Captivity of 100,000 Jews by Ptolemy ..... ‘Ar iiabeshe sess | 4893 |"3687 | 320 @eemedes:killed at Syracuse 9.20... cee eet erwin 4506 | 3800 | 207 Julias Cesar invaded Britain ............- Be Sibes Sie oes. | 4659 | 3953 54 | He corrected the calendar ..... PVE RETE CCE er Sark oe 4667 ; 3961 46 pamee rue year of Christ’s birth .........0..seecsssccces 4709 | 4003 4 Christian Era begins here. \ : Years ; Years Remarkable Events. Ee ioe shoe Christ Dionysian or vulgar era of Christ’s birth ....-eeeesenceee | 4713 | 4007 0 Christ crucified, Friday April 3d ...4--+-+--- cucccccese |:4746:| 4040 33 Jerusalem destroyed ...........+.0005 Be etek ie Re 4783 | 4077 70 Adrian’s wall built in Britain ............. Ay Lipa ecaenue 4833 | 4127 120 ‘Dioclesian epoch, or that of Martyrs ...... ceccsecceeccee | 4997 | 4291 | 284 MeO of Nice 2. 0. oo. eect toss cece tena. 5038 | 4332 | 325 ‘Constantine the Great died .......0...-.e0008 A es 5050 | 4344 } 337 500 CHRONOLOGY. ulian se Remarkable Events. clits 4: cae The Saxons invited into Britain ...ceccesccceccccesseees 5158 | 4452 Hegira or flight of Mohammed... sap idle Hike 5335 | 4629 Death of Mohammed ....+e...eeeeee AC TRE ioe 5343 | 4637 The Persian yesdegird pe sisid aw auiets Sage 5344 | 4638 Sun, moon, and planets seen from the ble oe Be tse soles! € acta 5899 | 5193 Art of printing discovered ae oastyce she eh ots Veis see caret ae 6153 | 5447 Constantinople taken by the Turks .......... went ee visti 6166 | 5460 Reformation begun by Martin Luther ........sece-see.. 6230 | 5524 The calendar corrected by Pope Gregory sere 6295 | 5589 Sir Isaac Newton born .... .«%csie'swieee piedirieinis oterel tints are 6355 | 5649 Made president of the Royal Society ........-- esis ytes t 6416 | 5710 Died; March 2OUi se <0. as cc NG Se = nae ose Gee Ron eee 6440 | 5734 Years - since Christ. 445 + 662 630. 631 1186 1440 1453 | 1517 1582. 1642 1703 1727 TABLE OF SOME OTHER REMARKABLE EVENTS, RELATING CHIEFLY TO THE ARTS AND SCIENCES. Use of bells introduced into churches ........cesseececeses Ah Ore it Alexandrian library destroyed, and Egypt conquered by the Saracens ........ Organs first used in churches .......... nce bicteiniacarets yr i ee AN bioawiae . Glass invented by a bishop, and brought to Bagi by a Reece monk.. Arabic ciphers introduced into Europe by the Saracens ......eeeesseeseee Astronomy and Geography brought to Europe by the Moors .........+.-. Silk manufacture introduced at Venice from Greece .....+esceccceeccecece Spectacles invented by a monk of Pisa........ © 4¢ia\w Rips hem bie e oy4 epee gierale The mariner’s compass invented or improved by asic se eccecceceerscves Gunpowder invented by a monk of Cologne ........ 4 iol ard Boas ue as eile ees The art of weaving cloth brought from Flanders to England ....-seseeees0 Cannon first used in the English service by the Governor of Calais First company of linen-weavers settled in England ....sescsseesseeees ay Cards invented for the amusement of the French king .....escccecereceres Algebra brought to Europe from Arabia ..... s vie'etee Wetnela isis ete gf sleet ates ale Great guns first used in England at the siege of Berwick ............00.. Paper made of linen rags invented ........ een ess 06 nice Cs sees guess ene Printing invented in Germany ....ceccvccceccsseee a swiss him bibs 015 sey else Engraving and etching invented ....... eee e tee cerrccecseecerescensens Cape of Good Hope discovered ...... Coc ee cc eceececceessctoceeenesocess Geographical maps and sea charts brought to England .......-sceereseeess America discovered by Columbus ....... AGE ha eae A cece ec onencccecs «Algebra taught by a Friar at Venice ...000 eoecesees ER i Aes itech sen ea First voyage round the world by Magellan ....csceccesvcccevssces=vestes Variation of the compass discovered by Cabot .c.cecesecrseeccoteecececs Iron cannon and mortars made in England ......cecaseccvccee socvsscece Glass first manufactured in England ......... WARS Fo SUIT ce asee ee eweeh sam First proposal of settling a colony in America .......scevccsccesesorcccues Bomb-shells invented at Venloo ........c.eeeeeeecs th elena 4 wine ea ae 1 seem Telescopes invented by Jansen, a spectacle-maker of Holland ............ Art of weaving stockings invented by Lee in Cambridge ...... Pe Watches brought to England from Germany ........+0. etese eas yh see Thermometers invented by. Drebbel, a Dutchman ......+.esee-eeee- cesece Galileo first observed three of Jupiter’s satellites, January 7th ........ Logarithms invented by Lord Napier of Scotland...... Piri te Circulation of the blood discovered by Hervey ..-sec..0+---see:- so cee Gazettes first published at Venice......... Bre nh oh ata ee APT ROL ry sa * , “ “8 7 =» a my # BRITISH PHILOSOPHERS AND MATHEMATICIANS, Transit of Mercury over the sun’s dise first observed by Gassendi, Nov. 17th. Galileo condemned by the inquisition .... French academy established, January Transit of Mercury observed by Cassini, Nees 11th Polemoscope invented by Hevelius .......ccecescceccece Transit of Venus observed by Horrox, November 24th Barometers invented by Torricelli ....cseees++s-: : ° Royal academy of painting founded by Louis XIV. ............ etiiatene eo. Galileo first applied the pendulum to clocks ...csecsscccseccsoes seseses Air-pump invented by Otto Gueric of Magdeburg ........ gradal'o pista? besita we ae Huygens first discovered a satellite of Saturn, March 25th ........0+5 cose Royal Society of London established, July 15th ......... venansepesdcewue - Royal Academy of inscriptions and belles-lettres founded..........sceeee8- . Academy for sculpture established in France ..........0.ceseeeeees Pile nage The observatory of Paris founded ........+....55 aelalghetete Misia! sietalele « hehere Magic lantern invented by Kircher ..... Be mphmerihe’d y 64 «ot ae eaecclelele ol te ciety _ Academy of sciences established in France .......... solace wows vate ola Mi Cassini discovered 4 of Saturn’s satellites in the course of a few years ...+.... The royal observatory at Greenwich built .......eee.ees seeees The anatomy of plants made known by Grew........ We gr etteste cay ers es see The Newtonian philosophy was published ...... Same ocekee nar: cece The academy of sciences founded at Berlin ...ccecccesserseves Academy of sciences established at Petersburgh ....-coccevccersoecececs _ Aberration of the fixed stars discovered and accounted for by Bradley ...... Transit of Mercury observed by Cassini, Nov. L]th .........0+ cece veee 3S ’ Academy of sciences founded at Stockholm .cecesesseeereceneceseeecsas New style introduced into Great Britain, Sept. 3d, being Fsehoned Sept. 14th eeeeseeGeor *t ses eeaeee eer es oe veee @erereece eee evoesetseaeane eooee emerere British Museum established at Montague-House, by an act of parliament . Transit of Venus over the sun, June 6th..... sna eis sane waar eatels ote ccs es Pe ' Royal academy of arts erepuhed Ab LONCONT vane cio we oes ame es veld allne bier Transit of Venus over the sun’s disk, June 34d, CO IRRR A SRM Dire ii EMINENT BRITISH PHILOSOPHERS AND MATHEMATICIANS. | Arbuthnot, John, M.D. .ooe..oe.. sevens Oo ceo c ee nen seers enanaveccsess famecon, Hoger, philosopher 6. vccvcsssesectcececcsssesesncsnccconcerecs | Bacon, Lord, ditto ...... Snot ia atte’ o Cake ee wikis 8H oe € Mhk bite che Wels btafe eisGievemts ce ¢ | Barrow, Isaac, mathematician ......... seid Ad wabe sid telsia Wie didi pian h eie's cieisl's 8 ae | Boyle, Robert, phil....seeseeessssee vee wieeve cts eo wd Cee eecsw sans oe baccoe trerewood, Edward, phil. and math, ...cccccecscccccnscnvcyeusce cocececs | Briggs, Henry, math. ....s.seesseseccceseesecee sc ececcees ccc cece evesece | Cheyne, George, phys. and phil. .......... 6 0000s oieigs ticle v1 sccccercsocces | Clark, Samuel, phil. and math. .....0..sescerccccees pi aterisreis © seach: aoe Cook, James, navigator... csicccescsccessecs estaia delete eat stein es ese cen ne Derham, William, philosopher ......... AE TALE Fe ht ae Seon cee Dudley, Sir Robert, phil. and math. .....seseesseseesees HSER CAIN ioxBt : _ Evelyn, John, phil. .....+....00. SR APy here eR Dee adids MRE ONO Foe, Ferguson, James, phil. and mech. ....seeeecsssserees Prrrrrrer er Graham, George, math. and mech. ...........++- seeees owlel$ «sie aUnoE tae ose Gregory, James, prof. St. Andrew's ...+.seseeeseeeerseeerenes edevees A Gregory, David, prof. Oxford, astronOMy’....--++.eeeesevece waaisie at ae Gemeiter, Edmund, astron. .. 92.202 sccccccsvesssreoene eatin a diehe Carats a OSs ce | Hales, Stephen, phil, ...ccesececceerererereeece re one bie dia eieis o%s Hailey, Edmund, astron. ....-... sahaka hack (VaNe kn: Cer Dodeeetorks ee | ae x A 3 ‘ 4 ' > = Fs es q 502 GOLDEN NUMBERS, 4 Died, Harriot, Thomas, math, 2.2... cecssvercccensesecccsssanensooevences steel fame Harrison, John, inventor of the time-keeper .......6..-.-. bade bw els ola apatite? Harvey, William, phys. discoverer of the circulation of the blood ...... cece.’ 160 Horrox, Jeremiah, astron.®... - ..)eiclse sa sls'as viele se sitio die ci celalscty sleleidy 6 seal een Keil, John, mathxand astron, «2... .ccccecvccesccssedsectecscccoscscsscw Liam Locke, John, phil. ........ o eit vide uate niece weep itee sid baat dalore carat ccceccee LOE Long, Robert, astron. Decal nes ecw ale Als oyna: dWaiTeie seule cules glatoels #6 otelel an Lyons, Israel, math. ....:...+scccesseseeees sels a dic Wie o(a'd bea vee etter eenans kane mn Maclaurin, Colin, math.......... arok Kk shalt Saale wa aldla’e @ Qelalate d'etat Lie Sie teens 1746 Newton, Sir Isaac, atk and Sphild: cvs lsayeiers 2 2!e5:dte bwtaleoee © i s.alelé atolls] alevate iene mma Pell, John, math. ........ awk wie slbisie « d'b\e eip's o Nie d'a ela.» s¥ ale Ieneilt's = oi aisles tia aes een Pemberton, Henry, phil. ........ pe secitla we sh «eee 4 di ote ia weg tae 1771 Ray, John, phil. ..ccessseeseetecccccrersccsvcccerscscesssccessccaceees 1705 Simpson, Thomas, math. .......... son cle 'e fits Lathe ach eta 'e'oieeth fat aaa sesus aera a Watts, Isaac, phil. and math. ............ saene s dUGW Se oe ca ce Sle cules aan Whiston, William, astron: /...-.e5ss0. ass dn eS wdialiw aw ohahe Wiese algal ame oes ree Wilkins, John, phil. ...... eer care tae saPElTib ele $1 0.0.8 be wheels rem eh wleratenent ge nn Wren, Sir Christopher, math... cccssessesesccssecccscccccsevcscsscetseees Ling TABLE OF THE GOLDEN NUMBERS, FOR EVERY YEAR SINCE THE BIRTH OF CHRIST TO THE YEAR 5600. = The centenary years ; that is, the last years of each century. ——— ———— er GOLDEN NUMBERS. Intermediate years. 1 6 11116 Ph if 12 17. 31 8 13 18] 4 9 14/19 5 10 15 fee ee a . 1 20 39/58 77 96| 2 7 1217 3 813 18 4! 9 14 19] 5 10 15! 1 611 16 2 21 40159 78 97| 3 8 13/18 4 9/14 19 5/1015 1|'61116/2 71217 3 22 41/60 79 98} 4 9 14/19 5 10115 1 6/11 16 2! 7 1217/3 813 18 4 23 42161 80 99| 5 10 15/1 611116 2 712 17 3| 81318] 4 9 14 19 5 24 43/62 81 6 1116/2 712117 3 81318 4| 91419151015 1 6 25 44163 82 712 1413 8 13118: 4 9114 19 °5/10°15 1) 6 71 Teme 7 26 45/64 83 8 13 18| 4-9 14/19 5 10115 °1° 6111 16 9| 7 19°070Ne 8 27 46/65 84 9 14 19] 5°10 15] 1 611116 2 4/12 17 3] 8 13 18) 9 28 47/66 85 10 15 116.11 16/2 7 12117 .3°.8113.128 4) 9 142 90mm 10 29 48/67 86 11 16 21712171 3 8 13118 .4- 9114 19. 5iLO 15, Slee 11 30 49/68 87 12 17 -3| 8 13 18} 4 9 14:79 -5 10}115 1 6|1) 16° 03m 12 31 50/69 88 13 18 4) 9 14 19] 5 10 15] 1 6 11/16 °2 7\12 17° "See 13 32 51/70 89 1419 5/1015 2) 6 11 16/2 7 12117 3. 8113 18° 4a 14 33 52/71 90 15.1 6/1116 2) 7.12 17| 3 8 13118 4 9114 19 (Sec 15 34 53/72. 91 16 2 712,17. 3] 8 13 18! 4 9 14119 5 10115 1 Gomme 16 35 54/73 92 17 3 S13 18° 4) 9 14 39) 5.10.15¢1 611/16 2 7 12) 17 36 55|74 93 18 4 9/1419 5/10 15 1/611 16} 2 7 1217 3°\ Samm | 18 37 56/75 94 19 6 1015 1 6/1116 2|-7-12 17/3 8 13/18 4 Sin 19 38 57|76 95 1 611/116 2 7112 17 31.8 138 18] 4 9 14/19 5 LOR DOMINICAL LETTERS. TABLE OF THE DOMINICAL LETTERS, rrRom 1700 To 5600. —— 2300 2900 2700 3100 | 2800 3200 3300 3700 | 3400 3800 | 3500 3900 | 3600 4000 4100 4500 | 4200 4600 |} 4300 4700 | 4400 4800 5500 Jentenary years; that is, the last years of each century. Q to q2 > Intermediate years. 19295 75.85 2 30 58 86 eee bo) 9 87 4. 32 60 88 ee ee ee | ee en ky yo Q ie Q FHOaD | | mart] Uiaa eoes Qprns iss} ' Bi Bey Meal ee 6 34 62 90 (em OS ot 8 36 64 92 9 37 65 93 10 38 66 94 PSI 671495 12 40 68 96 134) 69 497 14 42 70 98 152 643% 72, 99 16 44 72 rHWao Q EQ o te Emap | aria | PWad C2 Hauer > BOQ 2b Q | ETAL | | | 17 45 73 18 46 74 19 47. 75 20 48 76 oo Bate - Seam Q Ey dg 9 21 49 77 Se wo Qt: ky ye — mp te | ic > | > qeaU 603 504 1700 1800 1900 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 2800 2900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3400 3500 3600 Hgets sr HH ett ES SS Pir DWAO 2000 © CHRONOLOGY; TABLE OF THE INDEX LETTERS, From 1700 To 5600. Metemptosis.* p Met. Met. & proemptosis.f]} n Met. Met. n Met. and proem. Bissextile. n Bissextile. Met, and proem. m Met. Met. 1 Met. Met. ] Met, and proem. Bissext. and proem. || 1 Bissextile. Met. k Met. Met. k Met. and proem. Met. and proem. i Met. Bissextile. i Bissextile. Met. i Met. and proem. Met. and proem. h Met. Met. g Met. Bissextile. h Bissext. and proem. Met. and proem. g Met. Met. f Met. Met. f Met. and proem. Bissext. and proem. || f Bissextile. * Metemptosis, or the solar equation, is the suppression of a day. There was a metemptosis m the year 1800, because that year, which ought naturally to have been bissextile, was not so. Since the reformation of the calendar it takes place three times in 400 years. + Proemptosis, or the lunar equation, is the anticipation of the new moon. There is a proemptosis in about every 300 years, because the new moon takes place then a day sooner than it ought to do. ny “ ne . as = 505 Ww} = =61xx x| xtxx| tax! MA| IAxxX AX AI} xx 1x 1 xx xt IMAXX| ITAX TA; AXX AIx] J TI} = TIxxX 1X «| xtx| UIA) MAXX TAX Aj} AIxXxX THX 1 xx X| XIXX] ITIIAX WA) TAXX Ax| 3 AI} HIXxX/ TIX | Xx) — NPY Pree TAR A ARE) AIS) OS | oe #| XIK) MIA) WAxx| TAX) A| AIXX] TIX | xx x| XIXX| IIAx TA] TAXX AX At| 11xx 11x I xx XI] WIAXX| TAX] Tf TA) AXX| AIX] OT) Txx| IX «| XIX} WTA) Axx) TAX A) AIXX| IIx WM) ree} Xx) Xixx| WAX) ¥ HA} TAXX| AX| = At] WIXX| = TIX Tie we XX |S CSXT) Asx | TARP ee emeARe || PAI OH eee | @axe) Se THA | MAXX} TAX A] Atxx| HTX | xx KX} XIXx| MAX] 1A] TAXX| = AX/ \ AT] WIXX] IX XX} wi) & Ae Ne BES tA AXX| ant A se at S * Xie eA A oe RCA es a Txx| U| & X| XIXX] MIAX WA| TAXX AX AL} TIXx TIX I xx XI|MWIAXX | TAX TA] AXX| AIX tr} xx} b] - 1x «| XIX] WIA] Axx] [Ax A} AIXX| TTX Tt) = 1xx x| xixx| max} oa} taxx] Ax] © at] Mixx] d| & ux I xx XI|IMAXX| ILAX TA] AXX| AIX W| 1xx 1x é xix| THA] WAXx} = [AX A| Arxx| 1| § TIX i) ‘1XX x| XIxx| TITAX WA | TAXX AX AI| T1XxX 11x 1 xXx XI] UWIAXX] TAX TA] AXX) 8] © ; AIX Ut] 1xx 1X »| XIX} A] WAxXx) [AX A] AIXxX| IITX 1} mx x] XIxx] TIAX TA] TAXx}] 4 Ay Al} WIXxX| Tx 1 xXx X1| MAXX} TAX TA] AXX| AIX Tr} = TIxx Ix «| XIX} tA! MAXX] f = 1AX A} AIxXx] IIx IL oe xx x| XIxXx| TAX] TIA; [AXX AX At} xx 11x I xx XI} WAXx| W pu TAX AXX| AIX lt} xx Aj AIxx| IIx | xx x} Xixx| @ SQ ojrmax| oma; taxx] ax| AT) Mixx 1) *SLOVda eS Ree De eet ae a ee ines Pale Sa ee xix | wax] Tax | TAX, [OAS =|) Ake fe | 11x 1x | x | xI "SHAAMAN NACTOO | ITA | 1A 009¢ Ob OOLI UVAA AHL WOU ‘SLOVdA AHL dO ATAVL gk oe ee OT OSs SP 506 CHRONOLOGY. A TABLE OF THE CALENDS, NONES, AND IDES. De of April, June, Sept., January, August, March, May, July, fee November. December. October. February. 1 Calendee. Calende. Calende. Calende. 2 IV IV Vi 1V 3 111 Ill V III 4 Prid. Non Prid. Non IV Prid. Non 5 None. None. Ill None 6 VIII VIII Prid. Non VIII 7 VII VII None VII 8 VI VI VIII VI 9 V V VII V 10 IV IV VI IV 11 III III V III 12 Prid. Id Prid. Id. IV Prid. Id 13 Idus Idus. Ill Idus. 14 XVIII XIX Prid. Id XVI 15 XVII XVIII Idus XV 16 XVI XVII XVII XIV 17 XV XVI xXVI XIII 18 XIV XV XV XII 19 XIII XIV XIV XI 20 XII XIII XIII x 21 XI XII XII IX 22 x XI XI Vill 23 Ix xX xX VII 24 VIII IX IX VI 25 VII VIII VIII V 26 VI Vil VII IV 27 V ny Pa VI III 28 IV V V Prid. Cal. 29 III IV 1V Martii. 30 Prid. Cal. III III 31 Mensis sequen-| Prid. Cal. Prid. Cal. tis. Mens. seq. Mens. seq. USE OF THE FOREGOING TABLES. Ist. Table of the Golden Numbers. This table contains the centenary years, that is to say, the last years of each century, arranged in cells at the top, and the intermediate years in the ten cells on the left hand. The centenary years which have the same golden number, are placed in different cells, but below each other in a line, as 1800, 3700, 5600. The golden — numbers belong, some to the centenary years, and others to the intermediate years. The former are placed in arow by themselves below the centenary years, and are as follow: 1, 6, 1], 16, 2, 7, 12, 17, 3, 8, 18, 18, 4, 9, 14, 19, 5, 10, and 15. The latter will be found ina line with the intermediate years distributed in 80 different cells. DOMINICAL LETTERS—-INDEX LETTERS—EPAOCTS, 507 I. Now to find the golden number of a centenary year, for example 1800; first look for the centenary year in the cell to which it belongs, and immediately below it, in the row at the bottom standing by itself, will be found 15, which was the golden number of that year. II. To find the golden number of an intermediate year, 1802 for example. Find the centenary year 1800 in its proper cell, and the intermediate year 2 in the cells on the left hand; then on a line with 2, and exactly below 1800, will be found 17, the golden number of 1802. 2d. Tuble of the Dominical Letters. The centenary years are arranged in this table, as in the preceding, in the four “cells at the top, and the intermediate years in the seven cells on the left. All the centenary years which have the same dominical letter are arranged together in one cell, Those which have C for dominical letter in the first, those which have E in the second, those which have G in the third, and those which have B A in the fourth. As in 40 centenary years, the number comprehended in this table, there are 10 bissextiles, these 10 years have been placed in the fourth cell, and the other 30 in the first three. The intermediate years placed horizontally in the same cell, differ by 28 years, because the solar cycle contains only that number. Thus the difference between 1] and 29 in the first cell, is 28, and the case is the same with 29 and 57, &c. Each collateral cell contains four perpendicular rows, consisting each of four num- bers, because a bissextile recurs every four years. The four first dominical letters, in the four upper cells, viz., B, D, F, G, correspond to the numbers 1, 29, 57, 85, in the first cell of intermediate years; the case is the same with the dominical letters in the next row, A, C, E, F, in regard to the numbers 2, 30, 58, 86; and so on throughout the table. I. To find the dominical letter of a centenary year, 1800 for example. Look for 1800, which stands in the second cell at the top, and immediately below it will be found the letter E. . II. To find the dominical letter of an intermediate year, as 1802. First find the centenary year 1800 in its proper cell; then look for 2 among the intermediate years, on a line with which, and below the cell containing 1800, will be found the letter C. 3. Table of the Index Letters, and Table of the Epacts. The use of the first of these tables will readily appear, when we have explained _ the nature of the second. The table of the epacts contains the golden numbers in the horizontal column at the top; the index letters are arranged in the first perpendi- cular column, and the epacts in columns parallel to it. Nowif the epact of any year be required; first find the golden number of the proposed year, and in the table of index letters, the letter corresponding to the century; then look for the same letter in the table of the epacts, and also for the golden number at the top; and on a line with the index letter, and directly below the golden number, will be found the epact required. Let it be proposed, for example, to find the epact of 1802, the golden number of which is 17. Look in the table of the index numbers, and it will be found that the letter corresponding to 1800 is C; then find C in the first column on the left of the table of epacts; and ona line with it, and directly below xvii among the golden numbers, will be found xxvi, the epact of the year 1802. The epact of any other year, till the year 5600, may be found in like manner. * es 4th. Table of the Calends, Nones, and Ides. o _ This table requires little explanation: look for the given month at the top, an in the column below it, and opposite to the proposed day, will be found the corres. ponding day of the Roman calendar. The day of our calendar, corresponding to : given day of the Roman calendar, may be found with the same ease. sae DIALLING. 509 PART SEVENTH. CONTAINING THE MOST USEFUL AND INTERESTING PROBLEMS IN GNOMONICS OR DIALLING. Gnomonics, or Dialling, is the art of tracing out on a plane, or even on any surface whatever, a sun-dial; that is, a figure, the different lines of which, when the sun shines, indicate, by the shadow of a style, the different hours of the day. This science depends therefore on Geometry and Astronomy, or at least on a knowledge of the sphere. As many people construct sun-dials without having a clear idea of the principle which serves as a basis to this part of the Mathematics, it may not be improper to begin with an explanation of it. The General Principle of Sun-dials, Conceive a sphere, with its twelve horary circles or meridians, which divide the equator, and consequently al] its parallels, into 24 equal parts. Let this sphere be placed in a situation suited to the position of the dial; that is, let its axis be directed to the pole of the place for which the dial is constructed, or elevated at an angle equal to the latitude. Now if we suppose a horizontal plane cutting the sphere through its centre, the axis of the sphere will represent the style, and the different intersections of the horary circles with that plane will be the hour-lines; for it is evident, that if the planes of these circles were infinitely produeed, they would form in the celestial sphere the horary circles, which divide the solar revolution into twenty-four equal parts. When the sun therefore has arrived at one of these cir- cles, that of three in the afternoon for example, he will be in the plane of the si- milar circle of the sphere above mentioned ; and the .shadow of the axis or style will fall upon the line of intersection which that circle forms with the horizontal plane: this line then will be the line of 3 o’clock ; and so of the rest. All this is illustrated in Fig. 1, which represents a part of the sphere, with six of the horary circles. Pp is the axis, in which all these circles intersect each other ; AH Bh the horizontal plane, or horizon of the sphere, indefinitely continued; a B the meridian; p«£ the diameter of the equator, which is in the meridian; DHEA the circumference of the equator, of which pHeEis a half, and paw a quarter. This quarter of the equator is divided into six Fig. 1. 510 DIALLING. equal parts, p 1, 1 2,2 3,3 4,4 5,5 6, and through these pass the horary circles, the planes of which evidently cut the horizon in the lines c 1, c 2, c 3, c 4, c 5, c 6: these are the hour-lines , and if we suppose them continued to a F, which is perpen- dicular to the meridian c a, they will give the hour-lines c 1, © 11, C IIT, C IV, C V, C VI. The style will be a portion cs of the axis of the sphere; which consequently ought to form with the meridian, and in its plane, an angle s c A, equal to the height of the pole or PCA. Should this reasoning appear too dry and tedious, another method may be em- ployed to acquire a clear idea of the principles of dialling. Construct a solid sphere, divided by its twelve horary circles, and cut it in such a manner that one of its poles shall form with the plane of the section an angle equal to the height of the pole of the given place. If the sphere, cut in this manner, be then made to rest on a horizontal plane, with its pole directed towards the pole of the world, the points where the horary circles intersect the horizontal plane, will be readily seen ; and the common section of all the circles, which is the axis, will shew the position of the style. For the sake of illustration, we have bere supposed the section of the sphere to be formed by a horizontal plane; but if the plane were vertical, the case would be similar, and the lines of intersection would be the hour-lines of a vertical dial. If the plane be declining or inclining, we shall have a declining or inclining dial: it may even be easily seen that this holds good in regard to every surface, whatever be its form, convex, concave or irregular, and whatever may be its position. The style is aniron rod, generally placed in an inclined direction, the shadow of which serves to point out the hours: as before said, it is a portion cs of the axis of the sphere; and in that case it shews the hour by the shadow of its whole length. An upright style, however, such as s Q, is sometimes given to dials; but in that case it is only the shadow of the summit s that indicates the hour, because this summit is a point of the axis of the sphere. The centre of the dial is the point c, where all the hour-lines meet. It sometimes happens however that these do not meet. This is the case in dials which have their plane parallel to the axis of the sphere; for it is, evident that in such dials the intersections of the horary circles must be parallel lines. These dials are called dials without a centre. Vertical east and west dials, and dials turned directly towards the south, and inclined to the horizon at an angle equal to the latitude, or which - if pr edeed would pass through the pole, are of this number. The meridian line, as is well known, is the intersection of the plane of the meri- dian with the plane of the dial; when the plane of the dial is vertical, it is always perpendicular to the horizon. The substylar line is that marked out by the plane perpendicular to the plane of the dial, passing through the style. As this line is of great importance in de- clining dials, it is necessary to have a very distinct idea of it: For this purpose, conceive a perpendicular let fall on the plane of the dial, from any point in the style; and that a plane is made to pass through the style and the perpendicular: this plane, © which will necessarily be perpendicular to that of the dial, will cut it ina line passing through the centre, and through the bottom of the perpendicular, and this line will be the substylar line ! This line is the meridian of the plane; that is, it shews the moment at which the elevation of the sun above that plane is greatest. Care however must be taken not to confound this meridian with the meridian of the place, or the south line of the dial; for the latter is the intersection of the plane of the dial with the meridian of the place, which is the plane passing through the zenith of the place and the pole; whereas the meridian of the plane of the dial, is the intersection of that plane MERIDIAN LINE—SUBSTYLAR LINE. 511 with the meridian, or the horary circle passing through the pole and the zenith of the lane. f In the horizontal plane, or any other which has no declination, the substyle and ‘the meridian of the place coincide; but in every plane not turned directly towards the south or the north, these lines form greater or less angles. Lastly, the equinoctial is the intersection of the plane of the equator with the dial: it may easily be seen that this line is always perpendicular to the substyle. PROBLEM I. To find the Meridian Line on a horizontal plane. To find the meridian line is the basis of the whole art of constructing sun-dials ; but as it is at the same time the basis of all astronomical operations, and as we have already treated of it in that part of this work which relates to astronomy, it would be needless to repeat here what has been already said on the subject. We shall therefore confine ourselves to one ingenious and little-known operation. We shall give also hereafter a method of determining the position of the meridian line at all times, and in all places, provided the latitude be known. PROBLEM II. To find the Meridian by the observation of three unequal shadows. The meridian line on a horizontal plane is found generally by means of two equal shadows of a perpendicular style; the one observed in the forenoon and the other in the afternoon. For this purpose, several concentric circles are described from the bottom of the style; but notwithstanding this precaution, it may happen that it will be impossible to have two shadows equal to each other. This inconvenience how- ever may be remedied by three observations instead of two. For this ingenious method, we are indebted to a very old author on Gnomonics, named Muzio oddi da Urbino, who published it in a treatise entitled ‘Gli Orologi solari nelle superficie plane.” ‘Chis author was exceedingly devout; for he piously thanks our Lady of Loretto for having communicated to him, by inspiration, the precepts he has taught in his work. The operation is as follows. Let p (Fig. 2.) be the bottom of the style, and Ps its height; and let three shadows projected by it be pa, PB, and Pc; which suppose to be tmequal, and let pc be the shortest of them. From the point P draw PD, Pz, and PF, per- pendicular to PA, PB, and Pc, and all equal to each other, as well as to ps. Draw also the lines DA, EB, and Fc, on the two largest of which, viz. Da and EB, assume DG and EH equal to Fc; then from cg and # draw ci and HK, perpendiculars to p A and PB, and join the: points 1 and kK by an indefinite line: make IM and Kt perpendicular to 1x, and equal to@1 and xu; and draw ML, which will meet 1K in the point N: if through n and c the line cn be drawn, it will be perpen- | dicular to the meridian ; consequently by. drawing, from p, the line Po perpendicular _ to cn, it will be the meridian required. As the demonstration of this problem would be too long, we must refer the _Teader to the fifth book of a work by Schootten, entitled ‘ Exercitationes Ma- thematice,”’ 512. DIALLING. PROBLEM IIl. To find the Meridian on a plane, or the substylar line. After what has been already said, in regard to thé substylar line, this operation will be easy; for since this line is the meridian of the plane, nothing is necessary but to consider it as if it were horizontal, and to trace out on it the meridian by the same method: the line resulting will be the substyle, the determination of which is very necessary for constructing inclined or declining dials, and those which are both at the same time. PROBLEM Iv. To describe an Equinoctial Dial. From any point c (Fig. 3.) asa centre, describe a circle AEDB; and having drawn the two diameters intersecting each other at right angles in the centre c, divide each quadrant into six equal parts; and draw the radii c 1, c 2, c3, and so on, as seen in the figure. ‘These radii will shew the hours by means of a style perpendicular to the plane of the dial, which must be placed in the plane of the equator; that is, in such a manner as to form with the horizon an angle equal to the complement of the latitude. The line aD must coincide with the plane of the meridian, and in north latitude the point a must be directed towards the south. Remarks.—I. When this equinoctial dial is erected, if the hour-lines look towards the heavens, it is called a superior dial, but if they are turned towards the earth, an inferior. II. A superior equinoctial dial shews the hours of the day only in the spring and summer; and an inferior one only during the autumn and winter; but at the equi- noxes, when the sun is in the equator, or very near it, equinoctial dials are of no use, as at those periods they are never illuminated by the sun. ILI. At London the elevation of the plane of the equator is 38° 29’, which is the complement of the elevation of the pole: the angle therefore which the plane of an equinoctial dial at London should form with the horizon, ought to be 38° 29”. IV. It hence appears that it is easy to construct an universal equinoctial dial, which may be adjusted to any elevation of the pole whatever. For this purpose, join together two pieces of ivory, or copper, or any other matter, a B cD and cD EF, Fig. 4: (Fig. 4), by means of a hinge at c p: then describe on the two surfaces of the piece a Bc D, two equinoctial dials; and in the centre x place a style extending both ways in a direction perpendicular to ancpD. At, inthe middle of the piece c p EF, fix a magnetic needle, covered with a plate of glass, and towards the edge of the same piece apply a quadrant uu divided into degrees, and passing through an aperture H, made to receive it in the upper piece ABCD. The degrees and minutes must begin to bé counted from the point L. When this dial is to be used, place the needle in the meridian, making a proper allowance for the variation; and cause the two pieces A BC Dand c DEF to form an angle BCF, equal to the elevation of the equator at the given place; thatis, equal POLAR AND VERTICAL DIALS. 513 to the complement of the latitude. If care be then taken to turn the quadrant towards the south, either of these equinoctial dials will shew the hours at that place, except on the day of the equinox. PROBLEM V, Construction of the most important of the other regular Dials. Regular dials are those which have the hour lines, forming equal angles on each side of the meridian: these dials therefore are, the equinoctial, the horizontal, the north and south vertical, and the polar. Having already spoken of the equinoctial and horizontal, we shall now proceed to the north and south vertical dials. Of the South Vertical Dial. If the vertical dial be turned directly towards the south; then make the angle EcK or the arc E kK (Fig. 5.) equal to the height of the pole; if cx v be then made a right angle, the point v will be the centre of the dial; and the angle ¢ vK, which will then be equal to the complement of the latitude or of the elevation of the pole, will denote the angle which the ptyle, in the _ plane of the meridian, ought to form with the plane of the dial. Of the North Vertical Dial. If the vertical dial be north, make, as before, the angle oc k (Fig. 5.) equal to the height of the pole, and the angleckua right angle: the point H will be the centre of the dial; and the angle c Hf will be that which the style forms with the meridian. The style, instead of being inclined downwards, must be turned in a contrary direction, as may be readily conceived when we consider che position of the pole in regard to a vertical plane turned directly towards the iorth. EX PROBLEM VI. Of Vertical East and West Dials. “Next to the dials already described, the simplest are those which Chests front the ast or the west. The method of constructing them is as follows :— Fig. 6 Draw the horizontal line oR, (Fig. 6.) coe and assume it in any point P, for the bottom of the style, the upper extremity of which is intended to shew the hours. At the point p, make, towards the left for an east dial, and towards the right for a west one, the angle H P E, equal to the comple- ment of the latitude of the pole above the horizon; and continue ePpto N. The line E N will be the equinoctial. Then through the point p draw the line c a, in such a manner as to form with the line H R the angle a P H, equal to the elevation of the pole; then a c, which will intersect the equinoctial E N at right angles, will be the hour-line of VI in the morning, and also the substylar line. “When these lines have been traced out, the hour lines may be drawn in the lowing manner. In the substylar line A c, assume a point a, at any distance from te point P according to the intended size of the dial; and from a, as a centre, describe semicircle of any radius at pleasure, Divide this semicircle into twelve equal parts» 21 =A. re o4° Gy 514 ) DIALLING, beginning at the point p, and then from the centre a draw dotted lines through each of the points of division in the semicircle, till they meet the equinoctial £ N: if lines parallel to the substylar line be then drawn through the points where these dotted lines eut the equinoctial, they will be the hour lines required, the substylar line being that of vt in the morning. The parallels above the substylar line, in the east dial, will cor- respond to 1v and v in the morning; those below it to vit, vitt, &c. in the afternoon, Fig. 7. The style, the figure of which is seen in Fig. 7. is placed parallel to the line of v1, on two supports raised perpendicular to the plane of the dial, and at a distance above it equal to that of VI. hours from mz or from 1x. It is here evident that a west is exactly the same as an east dial, only ina contrary situ- Fig. 8. ation (Fig. 8.) ; but instead of marking on it the morning hours, as Iv, V, VI, &c., you. must inscribe on it those of the afternoon, as I, I, W1,1v,&c. Ifan east dial be traced out on a piece of oiled paper, and if the paper be then inverted, but not turned upside down, on holding it between you and the light, you will see a west dial. It may be easily seen that these dials cannot shew the hour of noon: for the sun does not begin to illuminate the latter till that hour, and the former ceases to be illuminated at the same period. PROBLEM VII. To describe a horizontal or a vertical South Dial, without having occasion to find tht horary points on the equinoctial. | Fig. 9. Let the line a 8 (Fig. 9.) be the meri, dian of thesdial, which we suppose a hori, zontal one; and let c be its centre: mak« the angle H cB equal to the elevation oO the pole, in order to find the position} the style, and from the point B, assumed ai pleasure, but in such a manner that ct) shall be of a proper length, draw 8 F per- pendicular to cu. If we conceive the triangle BrFc raised vertically above the plane of the dial, it will represent the style. | From the point c, with the radius cB describe a circle BD a £; and from the same centre, with the radius B F, describe another circle MQNP. P| | Divide the whole circumference of the first circle into 24 equal parts, B 0,0 0,00 &c., aud then divide the second circle into the same number of equal parts, N R, R Ri, &e.: from the points of division 0, of the great circle, draw lines perpendicular tc the meridian; and from the corresponding points R of the less circle, draw lines parallel to that meridian. ‘These parallels and perpendiculars will meet in certall points, which will serve to determine the hour-lines. For example, the lines 03, R38, which proceed from the third of the corresponding points of divison, will mee! ; |) | | TO DRAW ANY DIAL, | ey De in the point 3; through which if c 3 be drawn, it will be the position of the line of 3 o’clock ; and so of the rest, It is evident that the larger the circles, the more distinct will be the intersections formed by the lines drawn through the points of division o and rR. _ Itis remarkable that all these points of intersection are found inthe circumference of an ellipse, the greater axis of which is equal to twice cs; and the less rp @ to ‘twice CN, or twice BF. | The reason of this construction will be easily discovered by geometricians. } \. PROBLEM VIII. To trace out a Dial on any plane whatever, either vertical or inclined, declining or not, on any surface whatever, and even without the sun shining. / | This problem, as may be seen, comprehends the whole of Gnomonics; ; and the “operation may be practised by any person who knows how to find the meridian, and ‘to construct an equinoctial dial. The solution of it is as follows. Having made the necessary preparation (Fig. 10.), trace out a meridian line ona table, according to themethod taught in the first problem; and by means of this meridian, place an equinoctial dial in such a situation, that the plane of it Shall be raised at the proper angle; that is, at an angle equal to the elevation of the equator, or complement of the latitude, and that its south line shall coincide with the above meridian. Adjust along the axis a piece of packthread, which being stretched shall meet the plane on which the dial is to be described: the point where it meets this plane is that where the style or axis ought to be placed, so as to form one straight line with the packthread and the style of the equinoctial dial. When this is done, and when the axis of the dial has been fixed, hold a candle or taper before the equinoctial dial, in such a manner, that the style shall shew noon; the shadow projected, at the same time, by the packthread, or the axis of the dial about to be constructed, will be the south line. You must therefore assume a point which, together with the centre, will determine that line. If you then change the position of the taper, so that the equinoctial dial shall shew one o’clock, the shadow projected by the packthread, or the axis of the proposed dial, will be the hour-line of 1; and so of the rest. Fig. 10. } 4 ) af Remarks.—I. If the plane, on which the dial is to be described, be situated in ‘such a manner that it cannot be met by the axis continued, according to the pre- ceding method, two supporters must be affixed to the plane, for the purpose of re- ceiving a rod of iron, so as to make one line with the packthread; and the operation may then be performed as above described. II. Instead of an equinoctial dial, a horizontal one may be employed ; provided it be placed in such a manner, that the south line corresponds with the meridian which has been traced out. III. This operation may be performed in the day time when the sun shines. In 2L 2 4 3 516 DIALLING, this case you must employ a mirror, the reflection of which will produce the sume effect as the taper or candle. PROBLEM IX. To describe aVertical Dial on u pane of glass, which will shew the hours without a style by means of the solar rays. Ozanam relates that he once constructed a vertical declining dial on a pane of glass in a window, which had no style; and by which the hours could be known when the sun shone. I detached, says he, from the window frame on the outside a pane of glass, and described upon it a vertical dial, according to the declination of the window and the height of the pole above the horizon; taking as the height of the style the thickness of the window frame. I then fixed the pane of glass against the frame in the inside; having given to the meridian line a situation perpendicular to the horizon, as it ought to have in vertical dials. I then cemented to the window frame on the out= side, opposite to the dial, a piece of strong paper, not oiled, in order that the surface | of the dial might be more obscure. And thatI might be able to know the hours’ without the shadow of a style, I made a small hole in the paper with a pin, opposite | to the bottom of the style, which I had marked out. As this hole represented the extremity of the style, the rays of the sun passing through it formed on the glass a luminous point ; which, while the rest of the dial was obscure, indicated the hours , in an agreeable manner. | PROBLEM X. In any latitude, to find the Meridian by one observation of the sun, and at any hour of the day. _ Provide an exact cube, each side of which is about 8 inches; and describe on the | upper face a horizontal dial, adapted to the latitude of the place. On the vertical face, which stands at right angles to the meridian of this dial, describe a vertical one; on the adjacent face to the left an east dial, and on the opposite one a west dial, | of which must be furnished with the proper style. | When you are desirous of finding the meridian on a horizontal plane, place this. quadruple dial on it, so that the vertical one shall nearly face the south; and gra-| dually turn it till three of these dials all shew the same hour: when this takes place, | you may be assured that the three dials are in their proper position. If a line be! then drawn with a pencil, or other instrument, along one of the lateral sides of the cube, it will be in the true direction of the meridian. f It is indeed evident that these three dials cannot shew the same hour, unless they are all placed in a proper position in regard to the meridian ; their concurrence there. || fore will shew that they are properly placed; and that their common meridian is the meridian of the place. PROBLEM XI. To construct a Dial on the convex surface of a globe. | This dial, which is the simplest and most natural of all, is formed by dividing the. equatorial circle into 24 parts. If a globe be placed on a pedestal, in such a man- ner that its axis shall be in the plane of the meridian, and exactly elevated according | to the height of the pole of the place, nothing then will be necessary to complete the | dial, but to divide its equator into 24 equal parts. The globe (Fig. 11.) in this state, may be used without any farther apparatus ; for” one half of it being enlightened by the sun, the boundary of the illumination will exactly follow on the equator, the-motion of the sun from east to west. At*noon, ARMILLARY SPHERE. 517 it will fall on those points of the equator turned directly to the east and west. At one o’clock, it will have advanced 15°; and so on. To render this globe then fit for being employed as a dial; vr must be inscribed at the division which corresponds with the meridian; vit at the following one, and so of the rest; so that the twelfth will be exactly in the point turned towards the west; then 1, 1, 11, &£c. will be under the hori- zon. Nothing then will be necessary but to observe what division corresponds with the boundary of the light and shadow; for the number belonging to that division will be the hour. This dial Eagerst is attended with a very great inconvenience : as the boundary ~ between the light and shadow is always badly defined, it cannot be precisely known | where it terminates ; it will therefore be better to employ this dial in the following manner. Adapt to this globe a half meridian, made of a piece of flat wire, 7 or 8 lines in breadth, and half a line in thickness, and moveable at pleasure arsine its axis, which must be the same as that of the globe. Then, when you wish to know the hour, _tnove the half meridian in such a manner, that it shall project the least shadow pos- sible, and this shadow will shew the hour on the equator. In this case however it is evident that the numbers naturally belonging to the points of division in the meri- dian, should be inscribed on them; that is, x11 at the meridian, 1 at the following division, towards the west, and so on. i PROBLEM XII. Another kind of Dial, in an Armillary Sphere. Fig. 12. This dial is equally simple as the preceding, and is py attended with this advantage, that it may serve by 7 way of ornament in a garden. x Conceive an armillary sphere (Fig. 12.) consisting \ only of its two Ctolures, its equator, and zodiac, and \ 7 \ / furnished with an axis passing through it. If we sup- s —— | pose this sphere to be placed ona pedestal, in such fee. Det, / a manner that one of its colures shall supply the \ place of a meridian, and that its axis shall be directed towards the pole of the place, it is evident that the shadow of this axis, by its uniform motion, will shew the hours on the equator. Ifthe equator therefore be divided into 24 equal parts, and if the numbers belonging to the hours be inscribed at these divisions, the dial will be constructed. But as the equator, in general, is not of suf- Saale ficient thickness, the hours must be marked on ‘the inside of the zone which represents the zodiac, and which, on that aceount, should be painted white. But in this case, care must be taken not to divide “each quarter of the zodiac into equal parts ; for the shadow of the axis, which passes “over equal arcs on the equator, will pass over unequal ones on the zodiac: these divisions will be narrower towards the points of the greatest declination of that circle; so that the division in the zodiac nearest to the solstitial colures, instead of 15°, which are equal to the interval of an hour on the equator, ought to compre- hend Be 13° 45’; the second 14°15’; the third 15°20’; the fourth 15° 25’; the tifth at 55’; and the rut or nearest the equinoxes, 16°20’, It is in this manner that 518 DIALLING. 4 mo | the zodiacal band, on which the hours are marked, must be divided; otherwise there | will be several minutes of error; but each interval may be divided into four equal parts for quarters, without any sensible error. Transversal lines may then be drawn through the breadth of the zodiac, taking care to make them concur in the pole. | We have seen dials of this kind constructed by ignorant artists, who paid no atten- | tion to the above remark, and which therefore were very incorrect. PROBLEM XIII. To construct a Solar Dial, by means of which a blind person may know the hours. This may appear a paradox; but we shall shew that a sun-dial might be erected — near an hospital for the blind, by which its inhabitants could tell the hours of the day. If a glass globe, 18 inches in diameter, be filled with water, it will have its focus at the distance of 9 inches from its surface; and the heat produced in this focus - will be so considerable, as to be sensible to the hand placed in it. This focus also | will follow the course of the sun, since it will always be diametrically opposite to it; | and therefore to construct the proposed dial, we may proceed as follows, Let the globe be surrounded by a portion of a concentric sphere, 9 inches distant | from its surface, and comprehending only the two tropics, with the equator, and the two meridians or colures ; and let the whole be exposed to the sun in a proper posis tion; that is, with the axis of the globe parallel to that of the earth. Let each of the tropics and the equator-be divided into 24 equal parts; and let the corresponding parts be connected by a small bar, representing a portion of ihe hour circle comprehended between the two tropics. By these means all the horary circles | will be represented in such a manner, that a blind person can count them, beginning . at that which corresponds to noon, and which may be easily distinguished by some | particular form. When a blind person then wishes to know the hour by this dial, he will first put his hand on the meridian, and count the hour circles on the bars which represent them; when he comes to the bar on which the focus of the solar rays fall, he will readily - perceive it by the heat, and consequently will know how many hours have elapsed | | since noon; or how many must elapse before it be noon. ) Each interval between the principal bars, that indicate the poe may be easily | divided by smaller ones, in order to have the half-hours and quarters. | PROBLEM XIV. | Method of arranging a Horizontal Dial, constructed for any particular latitude, in such | amanner as to make it shew the hours in any place of the earth. Every dial, for whatever latitude constructed, may be disposed in such a manner as to shew the hour exactly in any given place; but we shall here confine ourselves | to a horizontal dial, and shew how it may be employed in any place whatever. Ist. If the latitude of the place be less or greater than that of the place for which | the dial has been constructed, after exposing it in a proper manner, that is, with its meridian in the meridian of the place, and its axis turned towards the north, nothing — will be necessary but to incline it till its axis forms with the horizon an angle equal | to the latitude of the place in which it is to be used. Thus, for example, if it has | been constructed for the latitude of Paris, | which is 49° 50’, and you wish to employ | it at London, in latitude 51° 31’; as the - difference of these two places is 1°41’, the — plane of the dial must make with the ho-— rizon an angle of 1°41’, as seen in the figure (Fig. 13.), where sN is the meridian, — USEFUL TABLES. 519 ABCD the plane of the dial, and ane, or abe, the angle of the inclination of that _plane to the horizon. If the latitude of the primitive place of the dial be less than that of the place for which it is used, it must be inclined in a contrary direction. 2d. When the second method of rendering a horizontal dial universal is em ployed, the hour-lines must not be described on it, but only the points of division in the equinoctial line. In regard to the style, it must be moveable, in the following man- | ner. Let ase (Fig. 14.) represent | Fig. 14. the triangle in the plane of the meri- | dian, where n B cis the axis or oblique style, and a8 the radius of the equa- tor. The style must be moveable, though it always remain in the plane of the meridian, so that the radius A B of the equator, having a joint in the point a, may form the angle Bac equal to a given angle; that is, equal to the complement of the latitude. For this reason a groove must be formed in the meridian, so as to admit this triangle _ to be raised up or lowered, always remaining in the plane of the meridian. When every thing has been thus arranged, to adapt the dial to any given latitude, such as that of 51°31’, for example, take the complement of 51°31’, which is 38¢ | 29’, and inake the angle B a c = 38°29, The style then will be in the proper posi- tion, and the dial being exposed to the sun, with its meridian corresponding to the “meridian of the place, the shadow of the style, which ought to be pretty long, will shew the hour at the place where it intersects the equinoctial. ) PROBLEM XV. Method of constructing some Tables necessary in the following problems. There are three tables frequently employed in Gnomonics, and which we shall have occasion to make use of hereafter. These are: ‘ . Ist. A table of the angles which the hour-lines form with the meridian on an horizontal dial, according to the different latitudes. _ 2d. A table of the angles which the azimuth circles, passing through the sun at different hours of the day, form with the meridian, according to the different lati- tudes, and the sun’s place in the ecliptic. _ 3d. A table of the sun’s altitude at different hours, ona given day, and ina place the latitude of which is given. From the latter is deduced the sun’s zenith distance, at different hours of the day, in a given place, and on a given day; for the sun’s zenith distance is always the complement of his altitude. _ The first of these-tables may be easily calculated by means of the following pro- portion : _. As radius is to the sine of the latitude of the given place, so is the tangent of the angle which measures the sun’s distance from the meridian, at a given hour, to the tangent of the angle which the hour-line forms with the meridian. By means of this analogy, we have calculated the following table, which we conceive will be sufficient : as it comprehends the whole extent of Great Britain, and particu. larly the latitude of London. | 520 DIALLING. A TABLE OF THE ANGLES WHICH THE HOUR-LINES FORM WITH THE MERIDIAN ON A HORI- ZONTAL DIAL, FOR EVERY HALF DEGREE OF LATITUDE, FROM 50° To 59" 30’. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. AeiM. | AseN Latitude. be De BS TT. XX. | fT. 1X. |TV. VEII.| V. VIEW| Vie VI. 5O°. Well? BS) 239.51) 37°275) 63°50 70> 434) a0 ee Bo 30 1.11.41.) 24° 2. 187 404168117 1770051) SnD 51 | 11 46 | 24 10 | 37 51] 53 24 | 70 58!.90 0O 5131 ive E 19 | 38 4 163 36 | 91-64 90 0 52 11 55 | 24 27 | 38 14 | 53 46 | 71 13-| 90 0O BF 3011.12 1011924.86 |-38.95 153 SS 1991-204 oo ao 53 12 5 | 24 45 | 38 371 54 8 | 71°27) 90.0 53.30 | 12 9 |.24 54 | 38 48 | 54 19 | 71 341 90 O 54 12 14 | 25 2{| 3858 | 54 29! 71 40 | 90 Oo 54 30 | 12 18 | 25 10 | 39 8 | 54 39 | 71.47 | 90 O 55 12 23 | 25 19 | 39 19 | 54 49 | 71 53 | 90 O 55 30 | 12 28 | 25 27 | 39 29 | 54 59 |.71 59 | 90. O 56 12 32 | 25 3 39740). 55-58 1 70.08 1 eOO gee 56 30 | 12 36 | 25 43 | 39 50 | 55 18 |] 72 12 | 90 O 57 12 40,).95 51 | .39 59 | 55 27 | 72.17 | 90° 6 57 30 | 12 44 | 95°58 | 40 -9°) 56 37 | 72 22°) 90° 0 58 12 48 | 26 5 | 4018] 55.45 | 72 27 | 90 0O 58 30 | 12 52 | 26 13 | 40 27 | 55 54 | 72 33 | 90 O 59 12 56 | 26 20 | 40 36 | 56 21 72 39 | 90 O 59°30 13) 0°) 26 27 0 ! We have not marked, iv this table, the angles formed by the lines v hours in the morning and vi hours in the evening, Iv hours in the morning and vir in the evening, because these lines are only a continuation of others; for example, that of rv hours in | the morning, is the continuation of rv in the evening; that of vim hours in the evening is the continuation of viz in the morning; and so of the rest. | The use of this table may be easily comprehended. If the place for which a hori- | | | zontal dial is required, corresponds with any latitude of the table, such as 52 for example, it may be seenat one view, that the hour-lines of x1 and 1 must fori, with the meridian, an angle of 11° 55’, at the centre of the dial; that of x and 11 an angle of 24° 27’; and so of the rest. | If the latitude be not contained in the table, the proportional parts may be taken | without any sensible error. Thus, if it were required to find the angle which the | hour-line of 1 or x1 forms with the meridian, on a dial for the latitude of 54° 15’; as’ the difference of the horary angles, for 54° and 54° 30, is 4’, take the half of 4, and add it to 12° 14’, which will give 12° 16’ for the horary angle between the hours of 1 or xr and the meridian, on a dial for the latitude of 54° 15’. The same operation | may be employed for the other horary angles. | It is necessary to observe that this table, though constructed for horizontal dials, may be used also for vertical south or north dials; for it is evident that a south verti- | eal dial, for any particular place, is the same as a horizontal dial for another, the lati- | tude of which is the complement of the former.. Thus a south vertical dial for the | latitude of London 51° 3)’, is the same as a horizontal dial for the latitude of 38° 2%, and vice vérsa. It is in the construction of these vertical dials that the utility of such tables will be most apparent; for as these dials are in general very large, the commen rules of | Gnomonics cannot easily be applied to them. To remedy this inconvenience, when | 1 , 4 USEFUL TABLES, 521) the centre and equinoctial of the dial have been fixed, assume, as radius, that part of the meridian comprehended between the equinoctial and the centre, and divide it into 1000 parts; then find in some table, or by calculation as above shewn, for the - given latitude—that is, for its complement if a vertical dial is to be constructed, the tangents of the angles which the hour-lines form with the meridian, at 1, 1, mi, tv, &c., and lay them off on both sides on the equinoctial: the points where they terminate will be the horary points of 1 and x1 hours, m and x hours, &c. Let us suppose, for example, that a south vertical dial is to be constructed for the latitude of 51° 31’, the complement of which is 38° 29. A vertical south dial for lat. 51° 31’, may be considered as a horizontal dial for the latitude of 38° 2%. But the angles which the hour-lines form with the meridian on a horizontal dial, for that latitude, are 9° 28’; 199 46’; 319 53’; 47° 9’; 66° 42’; 90° 0’; the tangents of which, radius being divided into 1000 parts, are 166, 359, 622, 1078, 2321, infinite. If the portion of the meridian therefore, comprehended between the centre and the equinoctial, be divided into 1000 parts, and if 166 of these parts be set off on each side of the meridian, we shall have the points of xr and 1 hours; if 359 parts be then laid off in the same manner, we shall have the points of x and 1 hours; and so of the rest. Straight lines drawn from the centre, to each of these points, will be the hour-lines. The last tangent, which corresponds to vr hours, being infinite, indicates that the bour-line corresponding to it must be parallel to the equinoctial. In order to give an idea of the construction of Fig. 15. the second table, let the circle MBND (Fig. 15.), represent the horizon of the place; z its zenith, p the pole, z B the azimuth circle passing through the sun, and psa the horary circle in which the sun is at any proposed time of the day; it is here evi- dent, that if the hour be given, the angle z Ps is known; that the day of the year being given, the sun’s distance from the equator is known, and consequently the arc Ps, which in our ay Te is the fourth part of a great circle, minus the sun’s declination, if it be north, or plus that declination, if it be south; and lastly, that if the elevation of the pole be given, the arc Pz which is its complement, is also known. In the spherical triangle z ps, we have therefore given the arcs z P and p38, with the included angle z ps; and hence we may find the angle p z s, which subtracted from 180 degrees, will leave the angle MZB or MCB, the sun’s azimuth from the south. In the same triangle, we can find the side ZS, the complement of the sun’s altitude at the same time; and consequently the altitude itself. By these means, the following tables have been constructed, for the latitude of London 51°31’. Those who are tolerably versed in spherical trigonometry, may easily construct similar tables for any other latitude. x %* = onsen 522 DIALLING. ~~ 4 A TABLE OF THE SUN’S AZIMUTH FROM THE SOUTH, AT HIS ENTRANCE INTO | THE EACH OF THE TWELVE SIGNS, AND AT EACH HOUR OF THE DAY, FOR LATITUDE OF LONDON, 51° 31’, | Hours. oS TE $25) Wee Vee EN il ae Ww XI. I | 28° 2’| 26° 9’| 22°18’| 19°13’| 16°19’ | 14°46’| 14° 9‘ X. II | 50 50 | 48 7 | 42 9 | 36 25 | 31 49 | 28 53 | 27 49 TXS:) TID) +68) 31 4°65"22) 58)48+) 5157.46 3/242" 791740539 VIIT. IV | 82 2179 27 | 72 55 | 65 41 | 59 O |} 54 24 Vitz = V 4793-547) °91 25-185. 289078 100 Fi) 38 VI. VI 1/105 7 1102 54/97 8] 90 0 VoL VELS TGs 6 TS IV. VIII |127 23 A TABLE OF THE SUN’S ALTITUDE AT HIS ENTRANCE INTO EACH OF THE TWELVE SIGNS, AND AT EACH HOUR OF THE DAY, FOR THE LATITUDE OF LONDON 51° 3)’, Hours. oS IL + 2-1). wel oe lee) se any We XII. 61°57’ | 58°41") 49° 617) 38° 297] (967437) "18" 19744 15 XI. I | 59 40 | 56 34/148 2! 36 571] 25 30 | 17 32 | 13 54 X. II | 53 44 | 50 56 | 43 4 | 32 37] 21 42 | 13 40 | 10 32 TX TEE 945041 1743509 485-59 26 77 15 6D 8 15 ee We VIII. IV }°36, 40 | 34 14.4 97°91 | 1878 8 18 1 16 WITS OV 91927 -9951724 1567108819" O17 147 PNT VL 118 10 | 1541 8 53 Vue VET 9 26 6 50 IV. VIII 1 31 PROBLEM XVI. The sun’s altitude, the day of the month, and the elevation of the pole, being given; to find the hour by a geometrical construction. We give this construction merely as a geometrical curiosity; for it is certain that the same thing can be performed with much greater accuracy by calculation. How- ever, as the solution of this problem forms a very ingenious example of the graphic solution of one of the most complex cases of spherical trigonometry, we have no doubt that it will afford gratification to our readers; or at least to such of them as are sufficiently versed in geometry to comprehend it. Let us return then to Fig. 15, in which pz represents the complement of the lati- tude or elevation of the pole; zs the complement of the sun’s altitude, which is known, being given by the supposition; and ps the sun’s distance from the pole, | which is also given, since the declination of the sun, or his distance from the eguator | each day, is known. In the triangle z Ps therefore, there are given the three sides, to find the angle zps, the hour angle, or angle which the horary circle, passing through the sun, forms with the meridian. This case then is one of those in sphe- rical trigonometry, where the three sides of an oblique triangle being given, it is re- quired to find the angles ; and which may be solved geometrically in the following manner, In the circumference of a circle, which must be sufficiently large to give quarters of degrees, (Fig. 15 and 16), assume an arc equal to pz, and draw the two radii cP — and cz. On the one side of this arc make p s equal to the arc P s, and on the other GNOMONICAL PARADOX, 523 » Fig. 16. z R equal to the arc zs: from the points R and s let noey fall, on the radii pc, cz, two perpendiculars s 7 and ve a vals R v, which will intersect each other in some point x: / ae he then, if svT be radius, we shall have Tx for the cosine WA es 5 of the required angle, which may be constructed in q) a / _ the following manner : / F th From the centre T, with the radius rs orTs, | f which is equal to it, describe a quadrant, compre- hended between TP and Tx continued; if x y be then drawn parallel to T p, the are ys will be the one required, or the measure of the hour angle SP 2; Ss arwae therefore y TX will be equal to that angle. SS ee By a similar construction we might find the angle z, the complement of which is the sun’s azimuth; but this is sufficient in regard to an operation which is rather curious than useful. This construction is much simpler and far more elegant, than that given by Oza- nam, for the solution of the same problem. GNOMONICAL PARADOX. Every sun-dial, however accurately constructed, is false, and even sensibly so, in regard to the hours near sun-set. The truth of what is here asserted, will be readily perceived by astronomers, who are acquainted with the effects of refraction. ‘The following observations will make it sensible to our readers. ‘ It is a fact now well known to all philosophers, that the heavenly bodies always appear more elevated than they really are, except when they are in the zenith. This phenomenon is produced by the refraction, which the rays of light, proceeding from them, experience in the atmosphere; and the effect of it is very considerable in the neighbourhood of the horizon ; for when the centre of the sun is really on the horizon, he still appears to be elevated more than half a degree, or 33 minutes, which in our latitudes is the quantity of the horizontal refraction. The centre of the sun then is really on the horizon, and astronomically set, when his lower limb does not touch the horizon, but is still distant from it an apparent semi-diameter of the sun. Let us suppose then, that on the day of the equinox, for example, the hour indi- cated by a vertical west-dial, near the time of sun-setting, has been observed at the -moment when a well regulated clock strikes six: the shadow of the style ought to be on the hour of six, and it would indeed be soif the sun were on the horizon; but being elevated 33 minutes above the horizon, the shadow of the style will be within six hours, for it is by the apparent image of the sun that this shadow is formed: it will even not reach that line till the sun has still descended 33’, for which he will em- ploy, in the latitude of London, about 3m, 28s. of time. But, in a sun-dial, an error of 3m. 28s. is more than sensible. If the sun be at the summer solstice; as he employs in the latitude of London more than 4’ to descend vertically 33 minutes on the horizon, on account of the obliquity with which the tropic cuts that circle, the difference will be more sensible as the space passed over by the shadow between the hours of seven and eight, is suffi- ciently great to suffer an error of a twelfth or a fifteenth to be very perceptible. We have seen, on a dial of this kind, the point of the shadow, which ought to have fallen on the line of seven o’clock, more than an inch distant from it; though at all the other hours of the day the dial was very exact, and corresponded with an excellent watch which was compared with it. 524 DIALLING. PROBLEM XVII. To describe a Portable Dial on a Quadrant. As the construction of this dial depends also on the sun’s titude at each hour of the day, in a determinate latitude, according to his place in te zodiac, the tables before mentioned must be employed here also. : Let a Bc then, (Fig. 17.), be Fig. 17. scribe, at pleasure, seven qua- drants equally distant from each other, to represent the com- mencement of the signs of the assumed as the tropics, and that in the middle as the equater. Mark on each of these parallels of the signs, the points of the hours, according to the altitude which the sun ought to have at these hours, which may be found in the table above mentioned, To determine, for example, the point of m in the afternoon, or x in the morning, for the latitude of London, when the sun enters Leo; as the table shews that the sun’s altitude is at that time 50° 56,, make in the proposed quadrant the angle 8 a o equal to 50° 56’, and the place where the parallel of the commencement of Leo is intersected by the line a o, will be the required point of 11 in the afternoon and x in the morning. Having made a similar construction for all the other hours, on the day of the sun’s entrance into each sign, nothing will be necessary but to join, by curved lines, all the points belonging to the same hour, and the dial will be completed. Then fix a small perpendicular style in the centre a, or place on the radius ac, or any other line pa- rallel to it, two sights, the holes of which exactly correspond; and from the centre 4 suspend a small plummet by means of a silk thread. “a When you use this instrument, place the plane of it in such a manner as to be in the shade; and give such a direction to the radius that the shadow of the small style shall fall on the line ac, or that the sun’s rays shall pass through the two holes of ' the sights: the thread from which the plummet is suspended will then shew the hour, by the point where it intersects the sun’s parallel. To find the hour with more convenience, a small bead is put on the thread, but in such a manner as not to move too freely. If this bead be shifted to the degree and sign of the sun’s place, marked on the line A‘c, and if the instrument be then directed towards the sun, as above mentioned, the bead will indicate the hour on the hour- line which it touches. . Remark.—To render this dial more commodious, it will be better, instead of the signs, to mark the days of the month on which the sun enters them. For example, instead of marking the small circle with the sign ve, mark December 21; close tothe second place on one side January 21, instead of w, the sign of Aquarius; and on the other November 21, instead of 7, the sign of Sagittarius, &c.; for if we suppose the equinoxes inva- riably fixed at the 21st of March and the 2st of September, the days on which the sun enters the different signs of the zodiac will be nearly the 21st of each month: to use the dial, nothing will then be necessary but to know the day of the month. a quadrant, the centre of which — is A. From the centre a de- : . zodiac; the first and last being | “PORTABLE DIAL. . - O25 PROBLEM XVIII. To describe a Portable Dial on a card. This dial is generally called the Capuchin, because it resembles the head of a Capu- chin friar with the cowl inverted. It may be described on a small piece of pasteboard, or even a card, in the following manner, Having described a circle, Fig. 18, at pleasure, the centre of which is a, and the diameter s 12, divide the cir- cumference into 24 equal parts, or at. - every 15 degrees, beginning at the di- ameter B 12. If each two points of division, equally distant from the di- ameter B 12, be then joined by parallel lines, these parallels will be the hour- lines; and that passing through the “3p centre a, will be the line of six oS o’clock. Then at the point 12, make the angle B 12 Y equal to the elevation of the pole, and having drawn through } the point Y, where the line 12 Y inter- ony sects the line of 6 o’clock, the inde- ee” finite line 95 vw, perpendicular to the line 12 y, draw from the extremities of the line 95 vr, the lines 12 95, and 12 we, which will each make with the line 12 ‘, an angle of 231 degrees, which is the sun’s greatest declination. The points of the other signs may be found on this perpendicular 95 vp, by de- scribing from the point 7, as a centre, through the points %, vr, the circumference of a circle, and dividing it into 12 equal parts, or at every 30 degrees, to mark the com- mencement of the 12 signs. Join every two opposite points of division, equally dis- tant from the points 5, w, by lines parallel to each other, and perpendicular to the diameter 95, v7: these lines will determine, on this diameter, the commencement of Se al _ the signs ; from which, as centres, if circular ares be described through the point 12, j p | 1s | they will represent the parallels of the signs; and therefore must be marked with the appropriate characters as seen in the figure. A slit must be made along the line 95 w, to admit a thread furnished with a small - weight, sufficient to stretch it; and in which it must glide, but not too freely; so that its point of suspension can be shifted toany point of the line 25 vw at pleasure. T hese ares of the signs will serve to indicate the hours when the sun shines, in the following manner: Having drawn at pleasure the line c vw, parallel to the diameter B 12, fix at its extremity ¢ a small style in a perpendicular direction, and turn the plane of the dial to the sun, so that the shadow of the style shall cover the line c we: the thread and plummet being then freely suspended from the sun’s place, marked on the line 95 vr, will indicate the hour on the arc of the same sign at the bottom. The thread may be furnished with a small bead to be used as in the preceding problem. Remark.—This dial originated from an universal rectilineal dial constructed by Father de Saint-Rigaud, a jesuit, and professor of mathematics in the college of Lyons, under the name of Analemma Novum. But though Ozanam has given a con- 526 DIALLING. spicuous place to it in his Recreations, as well as to another «universal rectilineal analemma, it appeared to us that his description of them was too complex to be ad- mitted into a work of this kind. PROBLEM XIX. Method of constructing a Ring-dial. Portable ring-dials are sold by the common instrument-makers; but they are very defective. ‘The hours are marked in the inside on one line, and a small moveable band, with a hole in it, is shifted till the hole correspond with the degree and sign of the sun’s place marked on the outside. Such dials however, as already said, are defective ; for as the hole is made common to all the signs of the zodiac, marked on the circumference of the ring, it indicates justly none of the hours but noon: all the rest will be false. Instead of this arrangement, therefore, it will be necessary to describe, on the concave surface of the ring, seven distinct circles, to represent as many parallels of the sun’s entrance into the signs; and on each of these must be marked the sun’s altitude on his entrance into the sign belonging to the parallel to which the circle corresponds. When these points are marked, they must be joined by curved lines, which will be the real hour-lines, as has been remarked by Deschales. Fig. 19. Having provided a ring, Fig. 19, or rather described a circle of the size of the ring which is to be divided; and having fixed on B as the point of suspension, make B A and BO, on each side of zB, equal to 51° 31’, for the latitude of the place, sup- pose London, that is, equal to the distance of the zenith from the equator: then through the points a and o draw the chord A Oo, and a D perpendicular to it: if the line a 12 be then draw through a and the centre of the circle, the point 12 will be the hour of noon on the day of: the equinox. To find the other hour-points for the same day, at the commencement of Aries Libra; from the centre a describe the quadrant o D; and from the point 0, set off toward p the sun’s altitude at the different hours of the day, as at 1 and 11, 2 and 10, &c.; the lines drawn from the centre A through these points of division, if con- tinued to the circumference of the circle B 12 a, will give the hour-points for the day of the equinox. P To obtain the hour-divisions on the — circles corresponding to the other signs, first set off, on both sides of the point A Fig. 20, the sun’s declination when he enters each of the signs, viz. the ares A Band A1of 23 degrees, for the commencement of Taurus or Virgo; of Scorpio or Pisces; A F of 40° 26’ for the commencement of Gemini and Leo; a xk equal to it for the —s As RING=-DIAL. 527 commencement of Sagittaris and Aquarius; and a c and a Lof 47° for the commence. ment of Cancer and Capricorn. Now to find the hour-points on the circle, (that corresponding to the commencement of Aquarius, for example, ) through the point K, which corresponds to the sun’s entrance into that sign, draw & P parallel to a o, and also the line x 12: from the same point K describe, between x 12 and the horizontal line K P, the arce@ R; on which set off, from R towards Q, the sun’s altitude at the differeut hours of the day, when he enters Sagittarius and Aquarius, as seen in the figure; and if lines be then drawn from k to these points of division, you will have the hour-points of the two circles corre- sponding to the commencement of Sagittarius and Aquarius. By proceeding in the same manner for the sun’s entrance into the other signs, you will have the hour- points of the circles which correspond to them, : Then trace out, on | the concave surface of the circle, seven pa- rallel circles (Fig. 21.), that in the mid- dle for the equinoxes ; the two next on each side for the~ com- mencement of the signs Taurus and Vir- go,Scorpioand Pisces; the following two on the right and left for Gemini and Leo, Sa- gittarius and Aqua- rius ; and the last two for Cancer and Capri- corn: if the similar | hour-points be then joined bya curved line, the ring-dial will be completed. The next thing to be done, is to adjust properly the hole which admits the solar rays; for it ought to be moveable, so that on the day of the equinox it may be at the “point a; on the day of the summer solstice at Gc; on the other days of the year in the intermediate positions. For this purpose the exterior part of the ring cB D must have in the middle of it a groove, to receive a small moveable ring or hoop, with a hole in it. The divisions L, K, 1, A, E, F, G, must be marked on the outside of this part of the ring by parallel lines, inscribing on one side the ascending signs, and on the other the descending: when this construction has been made, it will be easy to place the hole of the moveable part a on the proper division, or at some intermediate point; for if the ring be pretty large, each sign may be divided into two or three parts. To know the hour, move the hole a to the proper division, according to the sign and degree of the sun’s place; then turn the instrument in such a manner that the sun’s rays, passing through the hole, may fall on the circle corresponding to. the signin which the sun is: the division on which it falls willshew tke hour. Remark.—I. To render the use of this instrument easier, instead of the divisions of the signs, the days corresponding to the commencement of the signs might be 528 ; DIALLING. marked out on it: for example, June 21 instead of 95; April 20, August 20, instead 6 and m, and so on. ll. The hole a might be fixed, and the most proper position for it would be that which we origially assigned to the day of the equinox; but in this case, the hour of noon, instead of being found on a horizontal line, for all the circles of the signs, according to the preceding method, would be a curved line; and all the other hour- iines would be curved lines also. As this would be attended with a considerable degree of embarrassment and difficulty, it will be better, in our opinion, that the hole A should be moveable. f PROBLEM XX. How the shadow of a style, on a Sun-dial, might go backwards, without a miracle. This phenomenon, which on the first view may appear physically impossible, is however very natural, as we shall here shew. It was first remarked by Nonius or Nugnez, a Portuguese mathematician, who lived about the end of the sixteenth cen- tury. It is founded on the following theorem. In all countries, the zenith of which is situated between the equator and the tropic, as long as the sun passes beyond the zenith, towards the apparent or elevated pole, he arrives twice before noon at the same azimuth, and the same thing takes place in the afternoon. Fig. 22. Let z (Fig. 22.) be the zenith of any — TZ place situated be- tween E the equa- tor, and T the point through which the sun passes on the day of the summer solstice ; let the circle HAQBKH represent the hori- zon; RE Q one half of the equator; © T F the eastern part of the tropic above. the horizon, and G 7 the western part, It is here evident, that from the zenith z there may be drawn an azimuth circle, such as z1, which shall touch the tropic in a point 0, for example: and which shall fall on the horizon in a point 1, situated between the points @ and F, which are those where the horizon is intersected by the equator and the tropic; and, for the same reason, there may be drawn another azimuth, as Z H, which shall touch in o the other part of the tropic. eg 4 Let us now suppose that the sun is in the tropic, and consequently rising in the . point F; and let a vertical style, of an indefinite length, be erected in c. Draw also the lines 1c K, and FCN; itis evident that at the moment of sun-rise the shadow of the style will be projected inc nN; and that when the sun has arrived at the point of contact o, the shadow. will be projected inc x. While the sun is passing over F 0, it will move from c nN toc K, but when the sun has reached the meridian, the shadow will be in the line c B; it will therefore have gone back from c kK to C Bt d from sunrising to noon then it will have gone fromc Nn toc x, and from cx toc pb: consequently it will have moved in a contrary or retrograde direction, since it first moved from the south towards the west, and then trom the west towarde the south. Let us next suppose that the sun rises between the points F and 1. In this case the parallel he describes before noon will evidently cut the azimuth z1 in two points ; and therefore, in the course of a day, the shadow will first fall within the angle KCL; it will then proceed towards c x, and even pass beyond it, going out of the angle; but it will again enter it, and, advancing towards the meridian, will proceed thence towards the east, even beyond the line cx, from which it will return to disappear with the setting of the sun within the angle Los. It is found by calculation, that in the latitude of 12 degrees, when the sun is in the tropic on the same ade, the two lines c nN and c kK form an angle of 9° 48’; to pass over which the shadow requires 2 hours 7 minutes, SHADOW GOING BACKWARDS. 529 PROBLEM XxXI. To construct a Dial, for any latitude, on which the shadow shall retrograde, or move backwards. For this purpose incline a plane, turned directly south, in such a manner, that its zenith shall fall between the tropic and the equator, and nearly about the middle of the distance between these two circles: in the latitude of London, for example, which is 51°31’, the plane must make an angle of about 38°. In the middle of the plane, fix an upright style of such a length, that its shadow shall go beyond the plane; and if several angular lines be then drawn from the bottom of the style to- wards the south, about the time of the solstice, the shadow will retrograde twice in the course of the day, as above-mentioned. This is evident, since the plane is parallel to the horizontal plane, having its zenith under the same meridian, at the distance of 12 degrees from the equator towards the north: the shadows of the two styles must consequently move in the same manner in both. Remark.—Some may here say, that this isa natural explanation of the miracle, which, as we are told in the Sacred Scriptures, was performed in favour of Hezekiah, king of Jerusalem; but God forbid that we should entertain any idea of lessening _the credibility of this miracle. Besides, it is very improbable, if the retrogradation which took place on the dial of that prince had been a natural effect, that it should not have been observed till the prophet announced it to him, as a sign of his cure ; for in that case it must have always occurred when the sun was between the tropic and the zenith: the miracle therefore, recorded in the Scriptures, remains unim- peached, PROBLEM XXII. | To determine the Line traced out, on the plane of a Dial, by the summit of the style We here suppose that the sun, in the course of a diurnal revolution, does not sensibly change his declination ; for if he did, the curve in question would be of two complex a nature, and very difficult to determine. Let the sun then be in any parallel whatever. It may be easily seen that the central solar ray, drawn to the point of the style, describes a conical surface, unless the sun be in the equator ; consequently the shadow projected by that point, which is always directly opposite to it, passes over, in its revolution, the surface of the oppo- site cone, which is united to it by its summit. Nothing then is necessary but to know the position of the plane which cuts the two cones; for its intersection with the conical surface, described by the shadow, will be the curve required. Those therefore who have the least knowledge of conic sections will be able to 2M 530 DIALLING. solve the problem. For, Ist, If the proposed place be under the equator, and the plane horizontal, it is evident that this Fig. 23. plane intersects the two opposite cones / at the summit: consequently the track of the shadow will be an hyperbola zc D” (Fig. 23.), having its summit turned to- wards the bottom of the style. But it may be easily seen, that as the sun approaches the equator, this hyper- bolic line becomes flatter and flatter; and at length, on the day of the equinox, is changed into a straight line; that it afterwards passes to the other side, and always becomes more and more curved, till the sun reaches the tropic, &c. : , We shall here add, that the sun rises every day in one of the asymptotes of an hyperbola, and sets in the other. 2nd. In all places situated between the equator and the polar circles, the track of the shadow, on a horizontal plane, is still an hyperbola; for it may be easily seen that this plane cuts the two opposite cones, united at their summits, which are de- scribed by the solar ray that passes over the point of the style; since in all these latitudes the two tropics are intersected by the horizon. 3d. In all places situated under the polar circle, the line described by the shadow or a horizontal plane, when the sun is in the tropic, is a parabolic line: but that de-. scribed on other days is hyperbolic. | 4th. In places situated between the polar circle and the pole, as long as the sun’ rises and sets, the tract described by the shadow of the summit of the style is an. hyperbola: when the sun has attained to such a high latitude that he only touches the horizon, instead of setting, the track is a parabola; and when the sun remains the whole day above the horizon, it is an ellipsis, more or less elongated. Sth. Lastly, it may be easily seen that under the pole the track of the shadow. of the summit of the style is always a circle ; since the sun, during the whole dey, | - remains at the same altitude. | Corollary.—As the ares of the signs are nothing else than the track of the shadow) of the summit of the style, when the sun in his diurnal motion passes over the parallel belonging to the commencement of each sign, it follows that these arcs are all, conic sections, having their axis in the meridian or substylar line. In horizontal, dials, constructed for places between the equator and the polar circles, and in all vertical dials, whether south, north, east, or west, constructed for places in the tem- perate zone, they are hyperbolas. This may be easily perceived, on the first view. in most of the dials in our latitude. : These observations, which perhaps may be considered by common gnomonists as of little importance, appeared to us worthy the consideration of those more verse¢ in geometry; especially as seme of them may not have attended to them. For this reason we resolved to give them a place in this work. PROBLEM XXIII. To describe the Arcs of the Signs on a Sun-dial. Of the appendages added to sun-dials, the ares of the signs may be classed among, the most agreeable ; for by their means we can know the sun’s place in the differen| signs, and as we may say can follow his progress through the zodiac. We therefor: ATTY it our duty not to omit, in this work, the method of describing them. - For the sake of brevity, we shall suppose that the plane is horizontal. First de. ARCS OF THE SIGNS,—DIFFERENT KINDS OF HOURS. 531 scribe a dial such as the position of the plane requires, (that is, a horizontal one,) and: fixin itan upright style, terminated by aspherical button, or by a circular plate, having in its centre a hole, of a line or two in diameter, according to the size of the dial. Then proceed as follows :— Let it be required, for example, to trace out the are corresponding to the com- mencement of Scorpio or Pisces. First find, by the table of the sun’s altitude, at each hour of the day in the latitude of London, for which we suppose the dial to be con- structed, the altitude when he enters these two signs. As this altitude is 26° 43’, make the triangle s T £, Fig. 24, in which s T is the height of the style, and such that the angle se T shall be equal to 26°43’: the point = will be the first point of the are of these two signs. Then find, in the same table, the sun’s altitude at one in the afternoon of the same day, which will be found equal to 25° 30’; and construct the tri- es angle sT F, in such a manner that the 2. angle F shall be 25°30’; then from the bottom of the style s, asa centre, with the radius s F, describe an are of a circle, intersecting the lines of 1 and x1 hours in the two points @ and 4; these will be the points of the are of those signs on the lines of 1 and xt. If the same operation be repeated for all the other hours, you will have as many ~ points, through which if a curved line be drawn, by means of a very flexible ruler, - you will obtain the arc of the signs Scorpio and Pisces. By employing the like construction, the ares belonging to the other signs may be obtained. Of the different kinds of Hours. Every thing hitherto said has related only to the equinoctial and equal hours; such as those by which time is reckoned in England, the day being supposed to begin at midnight, and the hours being counted to the following midnight, to the number of 24, or twice twelve. This is the most common method of computing the hours in Europe. The astronomical hours are almost the same; the only difference is, that the latter are counted, to the number of 24, from the noon of one day to the noon of the day following. But there are some other kinds of hours, which it is proper we should here explain ; because they are sometimes traced out on sun-dials: such are the natural or Jewish hours, the Babylonian, the modern Italian, and those of Nuremburg. ' The natural or Jewish hours begin at sun-rise; and there are reckoned to be 12 between that period and sun-set: hence it is evident that they are not of equal length, except on the day of the equinox: at every other time of the year they are unequal. Those of the day, in our hemisphere, are longer from the vernal to the autumnal equinox: those of the night are, on the other hand, longer while the sun is passing through the other half of the zodiac. _ The Babylonian hours were of equal length, and began at sun- rise; they were counted, to the number of 24, to sun-rise of the day following. The modern Italian hours, for the ancient Romans counted nearly as we do from midnight to midnight, are reckoned tc the number of 24, from sun-set to sun-set of » the day following; so that on the days of the equinox noon takes place at the 18th ‘hour, and then, as the days lengthen, the astronomical noon happens at 174 hours, 2M2 532 DIALLING. then at 17 hours, &c.; and vice versd. This singular and inconvenient method has had its defenders, and that even among the French; who have found that witha pencil, and a little astronomical calculation, one may fix the hour of dinner with ver little embarrassment. However, as these hours are still used throughout almost the whole of Italy, we think it our duty to shew here the method of describing them, by way of a Gnomo- nical curiosity. PROBLEM XXIV. To trace out, on a Dial, the Italian Hours. Describe first on the proposed plane, which we here suppose to be a horizontal one, a common horizontal dial, with the astronomical or European hours: delineate on it also the arcs of the solsticial signs, Cancer and Capricorn; as well as the equinoctial line, which is the arc of the equinoctial signs. Then observe that, on the days of the equinox, noon, for a dial constructed at London, takes place at the end of the 18th Italian hour; and on the day of the summer solstice at 17 minutes after the 16th hour. Noon, therefore, or 12 hours, counted according to the astronomical hours, corresponds, on the day of the equinox, to the 18th Italian hour; and on the day of the solstice to 17 minutes after the 16th ; con- sequently the 18th Italian hour, on the day of the summer solstice, will correspond to 17 minutes past 2, counted astronomically. Join therefore, (Fig. 25), by a straight Fig. 25. line, the point of noon marked on the equinoctial line, and that of 2 hours 17 minutes on the tropic or arcof the sign Cancer, and inscribe there 18 hours. Join also by transversal lines 1 hour on the equinoctial and 3h. 17m. on the arc of Cancer; then 2h. and 4h.17m., &c. ; and before noon I] 1h. and lh. 17m. ; 10h. and 12h. 17m.; 9h. and 1h. 17m. &c. ; efface then the astronomical hours, which we suppose ought not to appear and continue the above transversal lines till they meet the parallel of Capricorn, inscribing at their extremities the proper numbers; by which means you will have your dial traced out as seen, Remark.—It may be easily seen, by the ahove example, what calculation will be necessary for a latitude different from that of London, where the length of the day,, at the summer solstice, is 16 hours 34 minutes, and at the winter solstice only 7 hours 44 minutes. In another latitude, where the longest day is only 14 hours and the shortest 10, noon at the summer solstice will take place at the end of the 17th Italiar hour. Noon therefore, or 12 hours, counted astronomically, will on the day of the solstice correspond to the 17th Italian hour ; and consequently the 18th Italian hour THE NATURAL HOURS, £33 ‘at the same period, will correspond to 1 in the afternoon counted astronomically.. ‘Tohave the hour-line of the 17th Italian hour, therefore, nothing will be necessary, but to join the point of 1 in the afternoon, on the are of Cancer, and the point of noon on the equinoctial- And the case will be the same with the other hours. PROBLEM XXV. To trace out on a Dial the lines of the natural or Jewish hours. We have already said, that the equal hours which can be counted from sun-rise to ‘sun-set, to the number of twelve, are called the natural hours ; for it is this interval of time which really forms the day. This kind of hours may be easily traced out ona dial, which we shall here suppose to be horizontal. For this purpose, it will be first necessary to draw the equinoctial, ‘and the two tropics, by the preceding methods. Now it must be observed, that as, in the latitude of London, the sun, on the day ‘of the summer solstice, rises at 3h. 43m., and sets at Sh. 17m., the interval between these periods is equal to 17h. 34m.; consequently, if we divide this duration into 12 parts, each of these will be about 1} hour: for this reason, draw lines from the centre of the dial to the points of division on the equinoctial, corresponding to 54 hours, to 7 hours, to 84 hours, to 10 hours, to 114 hours, to ] hour, and so on; but marking only, on the tropic of Cancer, the points of intersection which these hours form with it. In like manner, as the sun at the winter solstice, in the latitude of London, rises at 8h. 8m., and sets at 3h. 52m., the duration of the day is only 7 hours 44 minutes; which being divided into 12 parts, gives for each about 40 minutes, or 2 of an astro- nomical hour. Draw therefore the hour-lines corresponding to 82 hours, to 94 hours, to 10 hours, and so on; marking only the points where they intersect the tropic of Capricorn; then, if the corresponding points of division, on the two tropics and he eauinoctial, be joined by a curved line, the dial will be described, as seen Fig. 26, Fig. 26. If more exactness be required, it will be necessary to trace out two more parallels f the signs, viz. those of Taurus and Scorpio, and to find on each, bya similar process, he points corresponding to the natural hours: the natural hour-lines may then be aade to pass through five points, by which means they will be obtained with much aore exactness. 534 _ DIALLING. APPENDIX. We shall conclude this pubyer? by giving a general method of describing sun- cals, whatever be the declination or inclination of the plane. This method is founded on the consideration that any plane whatever is always a a horizontal plane to some plane on the earth; for a plane being given, it is evident that there is some point of the earth the Peet or horizontal plane of which is‘ parallel to it. It is evident, also, that two such parallel planes will shew the same hours at the same time. Thus, for example, if we suppose at London a plane in- clining and declining in such a manner, as to be parallel to the horizontal plane) of Ispahan; then a dial traced out on that plane, as if it were horizontal, will give the hours of Ispahan ; so that when the shadow falls on the substyle, we may say that: it is noon at Ispahan, &c. But as the hours of Ispahan-are not those wanted at London, it is necessary that. we should find out the means of delineating those of London, which will not be attended with much difficulty, when the difference of longitude between these two cities is known. Let us suppose then that it is exactly 45 degrees, or 3 hours: when it is noon at London then, it will be 3 in the afternoon at Ispahan ; and when it is ii) in the forenoon at the former, it will be 2 in the afternoon at the latter, &c. Con- sequently, on this dial, which we suppose to be horizontal, if we assume the line . of 3 o’clock as that of noon, and mark it 12; and if we assume the other hour-lines in the same proportion, we shall have at London the horizontal dial of Ispahan, which will indicate, not the hours of Ispahan, but those of London, as required. We flatter ourselves that we have here explained the principle of this method in a manner sufficiently clear, to make it plain to such of our readers as have a slight knowledge of geometry or astronomy ; but to render the application of it more fa- miliar, we shall illustrate it by an example. | Let us suppose then, at London, a plane forming with the horizon an angle of 12 degrees, and declining towards the west 221 degrees. The first operation here is, to find the tonende and latitude of that place of the earth where the horizontal plane is parallel to the given plane. For this purpose, let us conceive an azimuth ar per- pendicular to the given plane (Fig. 27.), and in this azimuth, which we suppose to be traced out on the sur- face of the earth, let us assume, on that side which is towards the upper part of the plane, an arc a H, equal to the inclination of that plane to the horizon: the extre- mity of this are, that is the point u, will be that point of the earth where the horizon is parallel to the given plane. This is so easy to be comprehended that it re- quires no demonstration. Let us next conceive a meri- dian pH, drawn from the pole Pp to the point H: it is evident that this will be the meridian of the given plane;, and that the angle Apu, formed by this meridian and that of London, will give the difference of longitude of the two places. We must therefore determine this triangle, and to find it we have three things given, viz., Ist, TO DESCRIBE ANY DIAL. 535 -a pthe complement of the latitude of London, which is 38°29 ; 2d, a H the distance. of London from the place, the horizontal plane of which is parallel to the given plane, and which is 12°; 3d, the angle p a 4, comprehended between these two sides, which is equal to the right angle w AL plus PAL, or that which the plane forms with the meridian. By resolving this spherical triangle, it will be found, that the angle ‘at the pole aPH, or that formed by the two meridians, is 5° 59’ ; which is the difference of longi- tude between the two places a and H. The latitude of the place will be found also by the solution of the same triangle ; for it is measured by the complement of the arc PH, of the triangle PA H: according to calculation it is 40° 15’.* Thus, a plane inclining 12° at London, and declining to the west 224 degrees, is parallel to the horizontal plane of a place which has 5° 59’ of longitude west from London, and 40° 15’ of latitude. The latter also is the angle which the style _ A let fall a perpendicular hi, on the radiusca. On hi _ plement of the angle pa H: draw KZ perpendicular to _ hi, and from the point /, draw /m perpendicular to the ought to form with the sub-style; for the angle which the axis of the earth forms with the horizontal plane is always equal to the latitude. It is here evident that when it is noon atthe place H, it will be 23m. 56s. after noon at the place a; for 5° 59’ in longitude correspond to 23m. 56s. in time. Con- sequently, at the place a, when the shadow of the style falls on the sub-style, which is the meridian of the plane, it will be 23m. 56s. after twelve at noon. To find there- fore the hour of noon, it will be necessary to draw, on the west side of the sub-style, an hour-line corresponding to 11h. 386m. 4s., or 1lh. 36m. By the like reasoning, . it will be found that 11 in the morning, at the place a, will correspond to 10h. 36m. at the place u, &c. In the same manner, | in the afternoon, at the place a, will cor- respond to 12h. 36m., or 36m. after 12, at the place w: 2 o’clock will correspond to lh. 36m. ; 3 o’clock to 2h. 36m., and so of the rest. ; Thus, if we suppose the sub-style of the plane, on which the dial ought to be de- scribed, to be the meridian, it will be necessary to describe a dial which shall indicate in the forenoon, 11h. 36m.; 10h. 36m. ; 9h. 36m.; 8h. 36m., &c.; and in the after- f noon 12h. 36m.; lh. 36m.; 2h. 36m. ; Fig. 29. 3h. 36m.; 4h. 36m., &c. Pp When these calculations have been made, the dial may be easily constructed. For this purpose, first find, by Prob. 3, the: sub-style, which is the meridian of the plane. We shall suppose that it is p E (Fig. 29.), and that Pp is the centre of the dial. Having assumed PB of a Fig. 28. _* Trigonometrical calculation may be avoided by means of a graphic operation exceedingly simple. In a circle of a convenient size (Fig. 28.), assume an arc pa@ equal to PA (Viz. 27.); make ah equal to'aH3 and from the pomt describe a quadrant, or make h & equal to the arc which measures the declination of the plane, or equal to the sup- Tadiiis cp, and let / m be continued till it meet the circle in 2; the arc pm will be equal to Pp H, and if an arcof a circle be described on mo, and if 7 be drawn perpen- dicular from the point 2, so as to meet this arc in z, the ; angle «mJ will be equal to the required angle P of the ; - triangle ar H. sie : 536 DIALLING. | | convenient length, draw, through the point B, the line a 8 c, perpendicular to P E; if a be the western side, the line Pp d which corresponds to 11 hours 36 minutes, | or which is distant from the meridian 24 minutes in time, may be found by making use of the following analogy :: As radius is to the cosine of the latitude, which is 40° 15’; so is the tangent of the hour-angle corresponding to 24m. in time, or the tangent of 6°, to a fourth term, which will be the tangent of the angle B P d. By this analogy, it will be found equal to 80 parts, of which P D contains 1000: if 80 of these parts therefore, taken from a scale, be set off from 38 towards d, and if p d be then drawn, we shall have the hour-line of 11 hours 36 minutes for the plane of the dial, or of the place H. The line P e, of 10 hours 36 minutes, will be found in like manner, by this analogy : As radius is to the cosine of 40° 15’; so is the tangent of the hour-angle corre sponding to 10h. 36m., or the tangent of 21° to the tangent of the angle B P e. This tangent will be found equal to 293 of the above parts: if this number of parts therefore, taken from the same scale, be laid off from B to e, we shall have the hour-line P e corresponding to 10 hours 36 minutes. The lines of the other hours before noon may be found in the like manner: the two first terms of the analogy are the same, and the third is always the tangent of an angle successively increased by 15°: these tangents therefore will be those of 6°, 21°, 36°, 51°, 66°, the logarithms of which must be added to the cosine 40° 15’; and if the logarithm of radius be subtracted, the remainders will be the logarithms B the tangents of the hour-lines: these tangents themselves will be for B d, Be, ‘&e. 80, 293, 554, 942, 1732, 4814, &c. in parts of which the radius or P D contains 1000. A similar operation must be performed for the hours in the afternoon. As 36m. in time correspond to 9°, the first hour-angle will be 9° ; the second, by adding 159, will be 249; the third 39°; the fourth 54°, &c. The following proportions then must be employed: As radius is tothe cosine of 40° 15’; so is the tangent of 9°, or 24°, or 399, &c. to a fourth term, which will be the tangent of the angles pl, or BP m, orBpPn, &c. Hence, if the logarithm of the sine of 49° 45’ be successively added to the loga- rithmic tangent, of 9°, 24°, 39°, 54°, &c., and if radius be subtracted from the different sums, we shall have the logarithms of the tangents of the angles which the hour-lines Pp J, Pp m, Pn, &c. form with the sub-style; and these tangents themselves will respectively be 121, 339, 618, 1050, 1988, 7268, parts of which Pp B contains 1000. If these numbers therefore, taken from the same scale as before, by means of a pair of compasses, be set off from 8 to lJ, from B to m, from B to n, &c., and if the lines PZ, P m, Pn, P Oo, &c. be then drawn, the dial will be nearly completed; as nothing will be necessary but to mark the point d with x11, because P d is the meri- dian of the place a; and to mark the other hour-points with the numbers which belong to them, as seen in the figure. To avoid the trouble of tracing out more hour-lines than are necessary, it will be proper first to determine at what hour the sun rises and sets on the given plane, at the time of the longest day; which may be easily done by means of the following. consideration. It may be readily seen that if we suppose two parallel planes, in two different places of the earth, the sun will begin to illuminate both of them at the same mo- ment; and that he will also set to both at the same time. The plane of the- dial in question, being parallel to the horizontal plane of a place which has 409 i of north latitude, nothing is necessary but to know at what hour the sun will rise TO DESCRIBE ANY DIAL. 637 in regard to that plane on the longest day. But it will be found that in the latitude of 40° 15’ the longest day is 15 hours 24 minutes; or that the sun rises on that day 7 hours 42 minutes before noon, and sets at 42 minutes past 7 in the evening. It will be sufficient then, on the dial in question, to make the first hour-line in the morning that of 4 hours 15 minutes, and the last in the evening 7 hours 30 minutes, 538 NAVIGATION. PART EIGHTH. CONTAINING SOME OF THE MOST CURIOUS PROBLEMS [IN NAVIGATION. NAVIGATION may be classed among those arts which do the greatest honour to the human invention; for in no department of science is the ingenuity of man displayed to more advantage than in this art, by which he conducts himself through the wide expanse of the ocean, without any other guide than the heavenly bodies and a compass; by which he subdues the winds, and even employs them to enable him to brave the fury of the ocean, which they excite against him: in short, an art which connects in social intercourse the two worlds; forms the principal source of the industry, commerce, and opulence of nations. Hence one of our poets very justly says, / Le trident de Neptune est le sceptre du monde. But this is not a proper place for entering into a dissertation on the utility of navi- gation. We shall only observe, that navigation may be considered under two points of view. According to the first, it is a science which depends on astronomy and geography: considered in this manner it is called Piloting, which is the art of deter- mining the course that ought to be pursued in order to go from one place to another, and of knowing at all times that point of the earth at which a ship hasarrived. | 582 PYROTECHNY. S| | For a rocket of two pounds, To one pound four ounces of gunpowder, add two ounces of saltpetre, one ounce, of sulphur, three ounces of charcoal, and two ounces of iron filings, | | For a rocket of three pounds. | To thirty ounces of saltpetre, add seven ounces and a half of sulphur, and eleven ounces of charcoal. For rockets of four, five, six, or seven pounds. To thirty-one pounds of saltpetre, add four pounds and a half of sulphur, and ten pounds of charcoal. For rockets of eight, nine, or ten pounds. To eight pounds of saltpetre, add one pound four ounces of sulphur, and two pounds twelve ounces of charcoal. We shall here observe that these ingredients must be each pounded separately, ane sifted: they are then to be weighed and mixed together for the purpose of loading the cartridges, which ought to be kept ready in the moulds. The cartridges must by. made of strong paper, doubled, and cemented by means of strong paste, made 0) fine flour and very pure water. as Of Matches. Before we proceed farther, it will be proper to describe the composition of thi matches necessary for letting them off. Take linen, hemp, or cotton thread, ani double it eight or ten times, if intended for large rockets ; or only four or five times if to be employed for stars. When the match has been thus made as large as necessary dip it in pure water, and press it between your hands, to free it from the moisture) _ Mix some gunpowder with alittle water, to reduce it to a sort of paste, and immers| the matchin it; turning and twisting it, till it has imbibed a sufficient quantity of th powder ; then sprinkle over it a little dry powder, or strew some pulverised dr powder upon a smooth board, and roll the match over it. By these means you wil, have an excellent match, which, if dried in the sun, or ona rope in the shade, wil be fit for use. ARTICLE IY. On the cause which makes rockets ascend into the air. As this cause is nearly the same as that which produces recoil in fire-arms, i] is necessary we should first explain the latter. | When the powder is suddenly inflamed in the chamber, or at the bottom of th barrel, it necessarily exercises an action two ways at the same time; that is to say, against the breech of the piece, and against the bullet or wadding, which is place | above it. Besides this, it acts also against the sides of the chamber which it ocew pies; and as they oppose a resistance almost insurmountable, the whole effort of th elastic fluid produced by the inflammation is exerted in the two directions aboy mentioned. But the resistance opposed by the bullet being much less than that op posed by the mass of the barrel or cannon, the bullet is forced out with great velocity It is impossible, however, that the body of the piece itself should not experience |: movement backwards; for if a spring is suddenly let loose, between two moveabl obstacles, it will impel them both, and communicate to them velocities in th inverse ratio of their masses: the piece therefore must acquire a velocity backwaré nearly in the inverse ratio of its mass to that of the bullet. We make use of th, term nearly, because there are various circumstances which give to this ratio certai) t ] ¢ CHINESE AND BRILLIANT FIRE, 583 modifications; but it is always true that the body of the piece is driven backwards, ‘and that if it weighs with its carriage a thousand times more than the bullet, it ‘acquires a velocity which is a thousand times less, and which is soon annihilated by the friction of the wheels against the ground, &c. ' The cause of the ascent of a rocket is nearly the same. At the moment when the powder begins to inflame, its expansion produces a torrent of elastic fluid, which acts in every direction; that is, against the air which opposes its escape from the car- tridge, and against the upper part of the rocket; but the resistance of the air is more considerable than the weight of the rocket, on account of the extreme rapidity with which the elastic fluid issues through the neck of the rocket to throw itself down- wards, and therefore the rocket ascends by the excess of the one of these forces over the other. __ This however would not be the case, unless the rocket were pierced to a certain depth. A sufficient quantity of elastic fluid would not be produced; for the compo- ‘sition would inflame only in circular coats of a diameter equal to that of the rocket; and experience shews that this is not sufficient. Recourse then is had to the very ‘ingenious idea of piercing the rocket witha conical hole, which makes the composition ‘burn in conical strata, which have much greater surface, and therefore produce a auch greater quantity of inflamed matter and fluid. This expedient was certainly not the work of a moment. ARTICLE v. Brilliant fire and Chinese fire. As iron-filings, when thrown into the fire, inflame and emit a strong light, this “property, discovered no doubt by chance, gave rise to the idea of rendering the fire ‘of rockets much more brilliant than when gunpowder, or the substances of which it is composed, are alone employed. Nothing is necessary but to take iron-filings, very clean aud free from ‘rust, and to mix them with the composition of the rocket. It ‘must however be observed, that rockets of this kind will not keep longer than a week ; because the moisture contracted by the saltpetre rusts the iron-filings, and destroys the effect they are intended to produce. But the Chinese have long been in possession of a method of rendering this fire ‘much more brilliant and variegated in its colours ; and we are indebted to Father @Incarville, a jesuit, for having made it known. It consists in the use of a very simple ingredient: namely, cast iron reduced to a powder more or less fine; the Chinese give it a name, which is equivalent to that of iron sand. To prepare this sand, take an old iron pot, and having broken it to pieces on an anvil, pulverise the fragments till the grains are not larger than radish seed: then sift them through six graduated sieves, to separate the different sizes, and preserve these ‘six different kinds, in a very dry place, to secure them from rust, which would ‘render this sand absolutely unfit for the proposed end. We must here remark, that the grains which pass through the closest sieve, are called sand of the first order ; _those which pass through the next in size, sand of the second order; and so on. This sand, when it inflames, emits a light exceedingly vivid. It is very surprising to see fragments of this matter no bigger than a poppy seed, form all of a sudden luminous flowers or stars, 12 and 15 lines in diameter. These flowers are also of different forms, according to that of the inflamed grain, and even of different colours according to the matters with which the grains are mixed. But rockets into which this composition enters cannot be long preserved, as those which contain the finest sand will not keep longer than eight days, aud those which contain the coarsest, fif- ‘teen. The following tables exhibit the proportions of the different ingredients for Tockets of from 12 to 36 pounds. 584 PYROTECHNY. For red Chinese fire. HK | Calibres. | Saltpetre. | Sulphur. | Charcoal. Patel st order. Pounds. Pounds. Ounces. Ounces. Oz dr. 12 to 15 18 to 21 24 to 36 For white Chinese fire. a | : Bruised 1 Sand of the Calibres, | Saltpetre. Gunpowder: Charcoal. BA Geion: Pounds. Pounds. Ounces. oz ar. oz dr.|— | ; 12 to 15 1 12 7 8 11 O | 18 to 21 1 11 8 0 i) ees 24 to 36 1 11 Sano 1270 When these materials have been weighed, the saltpetre and charcoal must be three times sifted through a hair sieve, in order that they may be well mixed: the iron sand, is then to be moistened with good brandy, to make the sulphur adhere, and they must. be thoroughly incorporated. The sand thus sulphured must be spread over the mix ture of saltpetre and charcoal, and the whole must be mixed together by spreading it over a table with a spatula. | ARTICLE VI. Of the Furniture of Rockets, The upper part of rockets is generally furnished with some composition, which taking fire when it has reached to its greatest height, emits a considerable blaze, or, produces a loud report, and very often both these together. Of this kind are’ saucissons, marroons, stars, showers of fire, &c. To make room for this artifice, the rocket is crowned with a part of a greater diameter called the pot, as seen in Fig. 4, The method of making this pot, and connecting it with the body of the rocket,| is as follows. ; =| The mould for forming the pot, though of one piece, must consist of two cylindric parts of different diameters. That on which the pot is rolled up must be three diameters of the rocket in length, and its diameter must be three fourths that of the rocket ; the length of the other ought to be equal to two of these diameters, and its diameter to Z that of the rocket. Having rolled the thick paper intended for making the pot, and which ought to be’ of the same kind as that used for the rocket, twice round the cylinder, a portion of it must be pinched in that part of the cylinder which has the least diameter ; this. part must be pared in such a manner as to leave only what isnecessary for making the pot fast to the top of the rocket, and the ligature must be covered with paper. To charge such a pot, attached to a rocket; having pierced three or four holes in the double paper which covers the vacuity of the rocket, pour over it a small quantity of the composition with which the rocket is filled, and by shaking it, make a part enter these holes; then arrange in the pot the composition with which it is to be! i ] i) | | | | =| | OF SERPENTS—MARROONS. 585 charged, taking care not to introduce introduce into it a quantity heavier than the body of the rocket. The whole must then be secured by means of a few small balls of paper, to keep every thing inits place, and the pot must be covered with paper cemented to its edges: if a pointed summit or cap be then added to it, the rocket willbe ready for use. We shall now give an account of the different artifices with which such rockets are loaded. I.—Of Serpents. Serpents are small flying rockets, without rods, which instead of rising in a perpendicular direction, mount obliquely, and descend in a zig-zag : form without ascending toa great height. The composition of them is nearly the same as that of rockets ; and therefore nothing more is neces- sary than to determine the proportion and construction of the cartridge, which is a follows. The length a c (Fig. 6), of the cartridge may be about 4 inches ; Fig. 6. it must be rolled round a stick somewhat larger than the barrel saan 54 of a goose quill, and after being choaked at one of its ends, fill =. -B A it with the composition a little beyond its middle, as to B; and ; then pinch it so as to leave a small aperture. The remainder BC, must be filled with grained powder, which will occasion a report when it bursts. Lastly, choak the cartridge entirely towards the extremity c; and at the other ex- tremity A place a train of moist powder, to which if fire be applied, it will be com- municated to the composition in the part a B, and cause the whole to rise in the air. The serpent, as it falls, will then make several small turns in a zig-zag direction, till the fire is communicated to the grained powder in the part-Bc; on which the perpen will burst with a loud report before it falls to the ground. If the serpent be not choaked towards the middle, instead of moving in a zig-zag direction, it will ascend and descend with an undulating motion, and then burst as before. ' The cartridges of serpents are generally made of playing cards. These cards are rolled round a rod of iron or hard wood, a little larger, as already said, than the barrel of a goose quill. To confine the card, a piece of strong paper is cemented over it. | The length of the mould must be proportioned to that of the cards employed, and _the piercer of the nipple must be three or four lines in length. These serpents are loaded with bruised powder, mixed only with a very small quantity of charcoal. To introduce the composition into the cartridge, a quill, cutinto the form of a spoon, may be employed: it must be rammed down by means of a small rod, to which a few strokes are given with a small mallet. - When the serpent is half loaded, instead of pinching it in that part, you may intro- duce into it.a vetch seed, and place granulated powder above it to fill up-the remainder. \Above this powder place asmall pellet of chewed paper, and then choak the other end of the cartridge. If you are desirous of making larger serpents, cement two playing cards together ; and, that they may be managed with more ease, moisten them a little with water. The match consists of a paste made of bruised powder, anda small quantity of water. Il.—Marroons. Marroons are small cubical boxes, filled with a composition proper for making them burst, and may be constructed with great ease. Cuta piece of pasteboard, according to the method taught in geometry to form the 536 PYROTECHNY. cube, as seen Fig. 7.; join these squares at the edges, leaving, Fig. 7. only one to be cemented, and fill the cavity of the cube with L grained powder ; then cement strong paper in various directions, aa over this body, and wrap round it two rows of pack- thread, oo dipped in strong glue: then make a hole in one of the corners, and introduce into it a match. If you are desirous to have luminous marroons, that is to say marroons which, before they burst in the air, emita brilliant light, cover them with a paste, the com. position of which will be given hereafter for stars; and roll them in pulverised gun- powder, to serve as a match or communication. Il1.— Saucissons. | Marroons and saucissons differ from each other only in their form. The cartridges of the latter are round, and must be only four times their exterior diameter in length. They are choked at one end in the same manner as a rocket ; and a pellet of paper is) driven into the aperture which has been left, in order to fill itup. They are then charged with grained powder, above whicli is placed a bali of paper gently pressed. down, to prevent the powder from being bruised; the second end of the saucisson being afterwards choaked, the edges are pared on both sides, and the whole is covered with several turns of pack-thread, dipped in strong glue, and then left to dry. | When you are desirous of charging them, pierce a hole in one of the ends; aud apply a match, in the same manner as to marroons. IV.—Stars. | Stars are small globes of a composition which emits a brilliant light, that may be compared to the light of the stars in the heavens. These balls are not larger than a nutmeg or musket bullet, and when put into the rockets must be wrapped up in towt prepared for that purpose. The composition of these stars is as follows. To a pound of fine gunpowder well pulverised, add four pounds of saltpetre, and’ two pounds of sulphur. When these ingredients are thoroughly incorporated, take) about the size of a nutmeg of this mixture, and having wrapt it up in a piece of linen-! rag, or of paper, form it into a ball; then tie it closely round with a pack-thread, and! pierce a hole through the middle of it, sufficiently large to receive a piece of prepared) tow, which will serve asa match. This star, when lighted, will exhibit a most| beautiful appearance ; because the fire as it issues from the two ends of the hole ir the middle, will extend to a great distance, and make it appear much larger. If you are desirous to employ a moist composition in the form of a paste, instead 01 a dry one, it will not be necessary to wrap up the star in any thing but prepared tow: because, when made of such paste, it can retain its spherical figure. There will be. no need also of piercing a hole in it, to receive the match ; because when newly made’ and consequently moist, it may be rolled in pulverised gunpowder, which will adhere to it. This powder, when kindled, will serve as a match, and inflame the compositior of the star, which in falling will form itself into tears. Another method of making Rockets with Stars. Mix three ounces of saltpetre, with one ounce of sulphur, and two drams of pul verized gunpowder ; or mix four ounces of sulphur with the same quantity of salt: petre, and eight ounces of pulverized gunpowder. When these materials have beei well sifted, besprinkle them with brandy, in which a little gum has been dissolved and then make up the star in the following manner. Take a rocket mould, eight or nine lines in diameter, and introduce into it a nip ple, the piercer of which is of a uniform size throughout, and equal in length to th height of the mould. Put into this mould a cartridge, and by means of a pierce: | ry ' SHOWERS OF FIRE, AND SPARKS, 587 +. ‘rod load it with one of the preceding compositions ; when loaded, take it from the ‘mould, without removing the nipple, the piercer of which passes through the com- position, and then cut the cartridge quite round into pieces of the thickness of three or four lines. The cartridge being thus cut, draw out the piercer gently, and the pieces, which resemble the men employed for playing at drafts, pierced through the middle, will be stars, which must be filed on a match thread, which, if you choose, ‘may be covered with tow. { To give more brilliancy to stars of this kind, a cartridge thicker than the above dimensions, and thinner than that of a flying-rocket of the same size, may be em- ployed ; but, before it is cut into pieces, five or six holes must be pierced in the cir- ‘cumference of each piece to be cut. When the cartridge is cut, and the pieces have been filed, cement over the composition small bits of card, each having a hole in the middle, so that these holes may correspond to the place where the composition is pierced. _ Remarks.—\. There are several other methods of making stars, which it would be ‘too tedious to describe. We shall therefore only shew how to make étoiles a pet, or ‘stars which give a report as loud as that of a pistol or musket. Make small saucissons, as taught in the third section; only it will not be necessary to cover them with pack-thread: it will be sufficient if they are pierced at one end, ‘in order that you may tie to it a star constructed according to the first method, the composition of which,is dry; for if the composition be in the form of a paste, there will be no need to tie it. Nothing will‘be necessary in that case, but to leave a little more of the paper hollow at the end of the saucisson which has been pierced, for the \purpose of introducing the composition; and to place in the vacuity, towards the neck of the saucisson, some grained powder, which will communicate fire to the -saucisson when the composition is consumed. If. As there are some stars which in the end become petards, others may be made which shall conclude with becoming serpents. But this may be so easily conceived ‘and carried into execution, that it would be losing time to enlarge further on the subject. We shall only observe, that these stars are not in use, because it is difficult for a rocket to carry them to a considerable height in the air : they diminish the effect of the rocket or saucisson, and much time is required to make them. V.—Shower of Fire. To form a shower of fire, mould small paper cartridges on an iron rod, two lines jand a half in diameter, and make them two inches and a half in length. They must not be choaked, as it will be sufficient to twist the end of the cartridge, and having ‘put the rod into it to beat it, in order to make it assume its form. When the car- tridges are filled, which is done by immersing them in the composition, fold down the ‘other end, and then applya match. This furniture will fill the air with an undulating ‘fire. The following are some compositions proper for stars of this kind. Chinese fire.—Pulverised gunpowder one pound, sulphur two ounces, iron sand ‘of the first order five ounces. Ancient fire.—Pulverised gunpowder one pound, charcoal two ounces, Brilliant fire. —Pulverised gunpowder one pound, iron filings four ounces. The Chinese fire is certainly the most beautiful. VI.—Of Sparks. Sparks differ from stars only in their size and duration; for they are made smaller ‘than stars; and are consumed sooner. They are made in the following manner, Having put into an earthern vessel an ounce of pulverised gunpowder, two ounces of pulverised saltpetre, one ounce of liquid saltpetre, and four ounces of camphor - ia a 588 PYROTECHNY. | | | reduced to a sort of farina, pour. over this mixture some gum-water, or brandy in which gum-adraganth or gum-arabic has been dissolved, till the composition acquire. the consistence of thick soup. Then take some lint which has been boiled in brandy, or in vinegar, or even in saltpetre, and then dried and _ unravelled, and throw into the: mixture such a quantity of it as is sufficient to absorb it entirely, taking care to stir it well. Form this matter into small balls or globes of the size of a pea; and having dried. them in the sun or the shade, besprinkle them with pulverised gunpowder, in order that they may more readily catch fire, | Another method of making Sparks. Take the saw-dust of any kind of wood that burns readily, such as fir, elder-teaml| poplar, laurel, &c., and boil it in water in which saltpetre has been dissolved. When the water has pode some time, take it from the fire, and pour it off in such a man- ner that the saw-dust may remain in the vessel. Then place the saw-dust on a. table, and while moist besprinkle it with sulphur, sifted through a very fine sieve: you may add to it also a little bruised gunpowder. Lastly, when the saw-dust has been well mixed, leave it to dry, and make it into sparks as above described. | VII._—Of Golden Rain. There are some flying-rockets which, as they fall, make small undulations in the air, like hair half frizzled. These are called fusées chevelues, bearded rockets; they finish with a kind of shower of fire, which is called golden rain. The method of constructing them is as follows. ‘Fill the barrels of some goose quills with the composition of flying-rockets, ana | place upon the mouth of each a little moist gunpowder, both to keep in the composi- | tion, and to serve asa match. If a flying-rocket be then loaded with these quills, they will produce, at the end, a very agreeable shower of fire, which on account of its beauty has been called golden rain. 4 | | ARTICLE VII. Of some Rockets different in their effect from common rockets. Several very amusing and ingenious works are made by means of simple rockets, of which it is necessary that we should here give the reader some idea. I.—Of Courantins, or Rockets which fly along a rope. | A common rocket, which however ought not to be very large, may be made to run along an extended rope. For this purpose, affix to the rocket an empty cartridge, and introduce into it the rope which is to carry it; placing the head of the rocket . towards that side to which you intend it to move: if you then set fire to the rocket, | adjusted in this manner, it will run along the rope without stopping, till the matter it contains is entirely exhausted. If you are desirous that the rocket should move in a retrograde direction; first. fill one half of it with the composition, and cover it with a small round piece of wood, to serve as a partition between it and that put inte the other half; then make a hole below this partition, so as to correspond with a small canal filled with) bruised powder, and terminating at the other end of the rocket: by these means. the fire, when it ceases in the first half of the rocket, will be communicated through: the hole into the small canal, which will convey it to the other end; and this end | being then kindled, the rocket will move backwards, and return to the place from which it set out. Two rockets of equal size, bound together by means of a piece of strong pack) thread, and disposed in such a manner that the head of the one shall be opposite WATER ROCKETS, 589 to the neck of the other, that when the fire has consumed the composition in the one it may be communicated to that in the other, and oblige both of them to move ina retrograde direction, may also be adjusted to the rope by means of a piece of hollow reed. But to prevent the fire of the former from being communicated to the second too soon, they ought to be covered with oil-cloth, or to be wrapped up in paper. Remark.—Rockets of this kind are generally employed for setting fire to various other pieces when large fire-works are exhibited ; and to render them more agreeable, they are made in the form of different animals, such as serpents, dragons, &c.; on which account they are called flying dragons. These dragons are very amusing, espe- cially when filled with various compositions, such as golden rain, long hair, &c. They might be made to discharge serpents from their mouths, which would produce a very pleasing effect, and give them a greater resemblance to a dragon, Il.—Rockets which fly along a rope, and turn round at the same time. Nothing is easier than to give to a rocket of this kind a rotary motion around the ‘ope along which it advances ; it will be sufficient for this purpose, to tie to it another “ocket, placed in a transversal direction. But the aperture of the latter, instead of yeing at the bottom, ought to be in the side, near one of the ends. If both rockets ye fired at the same time, the latter will make the other revolve around the rope, while it advances along it. Ill.—Of rockets which burn in the water. Though fire and water are two things of a very opposite nature, the rockets above iescribed, when set on fire, will burn and produce their effect even in the water ; but is they are then below the water, the pleasure of seeing them is lost; for this reason, when it is required to cause rockets to burn as they float on the water, it will be iecessary to make some change in the proportions of the moulds, and the materials of which they are composed. In regard to the mould, it may be eight or nine inches in length, and an inch in liameter: the former, on which the cartridge is rolled up, may be nine lines in thick- less, and the rod for loading the cartridge must as usual be somewhat less. For oading the cartridge, there is no need of a piercer with a nipple. | The composition may be made in two ways; for if it be required that the rocket, while burning on the water, should appear as bright as a candle, it must be composed f three materials mixed together, viz., three ounces of pulverised and sifted gun- yowder, one pound of saltpetre, and eight ounces of sulphur. But if you are desirous /hat it should appear on the water with a beautiful tail, the composition must consist f eight ounces of gunpowder pulverised and sifted, one pound of saltpetre, eight vunces of pounded and sifted sulphur, and two ounces of charcoal. | When the composition has been prepared according to these proportions, and the iocket has been filled in the manner above described, apply a saucisson to the end of t; and having covered the rocket with wax, black pitch, rosin, or any other ubstance capable of preventing the paper from being spoilt in the water, attach to ba small rod of white willow, about two feet in length, that the rocket may con- eniently float. If it be required that these rockets should plunge down, and again rise up; a cer- ain quantity of pulverised gunpowder, without any mixture, must be introduced into hem, at certain distances, such for example, as two, three, or four lines, according 0 the size of the cartridge. b | Remarks.—I. Small rockets of this kind may be made, without changing the mould r composition, in several different ways, which, for the sake of brevity, we are bliged to omit. Such of our readers as are desirous of further information on this 590 PYROTECHNY. | sil gg may consult those authors who have written expressly on pyrotechny, some of whom we shall mention at the end of the 12th section. IJ. It is possible also to make a rocket which, after it has burnt some time on the water, shall throw out sparks and stars; and these after they catch fire shall ascent, into the air. This may be done by dividing the rocket into two parts, by means 0. a round piece of wood, having a hole in the middle. The upper part must be filler with the usual composition of rockets, and the lower with stars, which must be mixet with grained and pulverised gunpowder, &c. II. A rocket which takes fire in the water, and, after burning there half the tim of its duration, mounts into the air with great velocity, may be constructed in | following manner. Take a flying rocket, furnished with its rod, and by means of a little glue attach} to a water rocket, but only at the middle a (Fig. 8.) in such a mannner that th. latter shall have its neck uppermost, and the other its neck downward. Adjustt their extremity B asmall tube, to commuicate the fire from the one to the other and cover both with a coating of pitch, wax, &c., that they ma. v; not be damaged by the water. So Then attach to the flying rocket, after it has been thy cemented to the aquatic one, a rod of the kind describedi the 2d article, as seen in the figure at p; and from F suspen| a piece of packthread, to support a musket bullet x, mad fast. to the rod by means of a needle or bit of iron wire, When these arrangements have been made, set fire to the par c after the rocket is in the water ; and when the compositio. is consumed to B, the fire will be communicated through th small tube to the other rocket: the latter will then rise an leave the other, which will not be able to follow it on accoul of the weight adhering to it. E | | IV.—By means of rockets, to represent several figures ¢ in the ar. If several small rockets be placed upon a large one, their rods being fixed around th large cartridge, whichis usually attached to the head of the rocket, to contain what | is destined to carry up into the air ; and if these small rockets be set on fire while th. large one is ascending, they will represent, in a very agreeable manner, a tree, th trunk of which will be the large rocket, and the branches the small ones. | | If these small rockets take fire when the large one is half burned in the air, the will represent a comet; and when the large one is entirely inverted, so that its hea’ begins to point downwards, in order to fall, they will represent a kind of fier fountain. I If the barrels of several quills, filled with the composition of flying rockets, « above described, be placed on_a large rocket; when these quills catch fire, they wi represent, toan eye placed below them, a beautiful shower of fire, or of half frizzle hair if the eye be placed on one side. If several serpents be attached to the rocket witha piece of pack-thread, by the ent that do not catch fire; and if the pack-thread be suffered te hang down two or thre inches, between every two, this arrangement will produce a variety of agreeable an| amusing figures. V.—A rocket which ascends in the form of a screw. | A straight rod, as experience shews, makes a rocket ascend perpendicularly, aim a straight line: it may be compared to the rudder of a ship, or the tail of a bird, tl effect of which is to make the vessel or bird turn downwards that side to which it inclined: ifa bent rod therefore be attached to a rocket, its first effect will be to mal GLOBES AND BALLS. 591 . the rocket incline towards that side to which it is bent; but its centre of gravity bringing it afterwards into a vertical situation, the result of these two opposite efforts will be that the rocket will ascend in a zig-zag or spiral form. In this case indeed, as it displaces a greater volume of air, and'describes a longer line, it will not ascend so high, as if it had been impelled in a straight direction; but, on account of the singularity of this motion, it will produce an agreeable effect. ARTICLE VIII. Of Globes and Fire Balls. We have hitherto spoken only of rockets, and the different kinds of Works Ss ean be constructed by their means. But there are a great many other fireworks, the most )remarkable of which we shall here describe. Among these are globes and fire balls ; /some of which are intended to produce their effect in water ; others by rolling or leap- | ing on the ground; and some, which are called bombs, do the same in the air. I.— Globes which burn on the water. | These globes, or fire balls, are made in three different forms; spherical, spheroidal, \or cylindrical ; but we shall here confine ourselves to the spherical. To make a spherical fire ball, construct a hollow wooden globe of any size at pleasure, and very round both within and without, so that its thickness a cor B D (Fig. 9.), may be equal to about the ninth part of the diameter a B. Insert in the upper part of it aright concave cylinder & ¥F GB, the breadth of which E F may be equal to the fifth part of the diameter a B; and hay- ing an aperture, L M or 0 N, equal to the thickness ac or Bp, that is, tc the ninth part of the diameter az. It is through this aperture that fire is communicated to the globe, when it has been filled with the proper composition, through the lower aper- turerx. A petard of metal, loaded with good powder, is to be introduced also through the lower aperture, and to be placed horizontally as seen in the figure. | When thisis done, close up the aperture 1 K, which is nearly equal to the thickness EF or G u, of the cylinder FG H, by means of a wooden tompion dipped in /warm pitch; and melt over it sucha quantity of lead that its weight may cause the globe to sink in water, till nothing remain above it but the part ¢ a; which will be the case if the weight of the lead, with that of the globe and the composition, be | equal the weight of an equal volume of water. If the globe be then placed in the water, | the lead by its gravity will make the aperture 1K tend directly downwards, and keep in /€@ perpendicular direction the cylinder & F G H, to which fire must have been pre- viously applied. To ascertain whether the lead, which has been added to the globe, renders its | weight equal to that of an equal volume of water, rub the globe over with pitch or | grease, and make a trial, by placing it in the water. _ The composition with which the globe must be loaded, is as follows: to a pound | of grained powder, and 32 pounds of saltpetre reduced to fine flour, 8 pounds of sul- )phur, ] ounce of scrapings of ivory, and 8 pounds of saw-dust previously boiled in ‘asolution of saltpetre, and dried in the shade or in the sun. Or, to 2 pounds of bruised gunpowder, add 12 pounds of saltpetre, 6 pounds of sulphur, 4 pounds of iron filings, and 1 pound of Greek pitch. It is not necessary that this composition should be beaten so fine as that intended for rockets; it requires neither to be pulverised nor sifted; it is sufficient if it be well mixed and incorporated. But to prevent it from becoming too dry, it will be proper to besprinkle it with a little oil, or any other liquid susceptible of inflammation. 592 : PYROTECHNY. T1.—Of Globes which leap or roll on the ground. I. Having constructed a wooden globe a, (Fig. 10.) with | cylinder c, similar to that above described, and having loaded i with the same composition, introduce into it four petards, | even more, loaded with good grained gunpowder to their orifice as AB; which must be well stopped with paper or tow. If | globe, prepared in this manner, be fired by means of a match a, c, it will leap about, as it burns, on a smooth horizontal plane according as the petards are set on fire. Instead of placing these petards in the inside, they may b affixed to the exterior surface of the globe; which they wil make to roll and leap as they catch fire. They may be applied in any manner to th: surface of the globe, as seen in the figure. i) II. A similar globe may be made to roll about on a horizontal plane, with a ver! rapid motion. Construct two equal hemispheres of pasteboard, and adjust in one o| Fig. 11. them, as a B, (Fig. 11.), three common rockets c,p, £, fille! and pierced like flying rockets which have no petard: thes rockets must not exceed the interior breadth of the hemisphere) and ought to be arranged in such a manner, that the head of thi one shall correspond to the tail of the other. The rockets being thus arranged, join the two hemispheres, by cementing them together with strong paper, in such a manner, that they shall not separate, while the globe is moving and turning, at the same time that the rockets produce tleir effect. To set fire to the first, make a hole in the globe opposite to the tail of it, and introduce intoit amatch. This match will com. municate fire to the first rocket; which, when consumed, will set fire to the second! by means of another match, and so on to the rest; so that the globe, if placed ona’ smooth horizontal plane, will be kept in continual motion. ( It is here to be observed, that a few more holes must be aa in the globe, other- wise it will burst. | The two hemispheres of pasteboard may be prepared in the following manner: construct a very round globe of solid wood, and cover it with melted wax ; ‘tat cement over it several bands of coarse paper, about two inches in breadth, giving it’ several coats of this kind, to the thickness of about two lines. Or, what will be still easier and better, having dissolved, in glue water, some of the pulp employed by the! paper makers, cover with it the surface of the globe; then dry it gradually at a slow fire, and cut it through in the middle; by which means you will have two strong hemispheres. The wooden globe may be easily separated from the pasteboard by” means of heat; for if the whole be applied to a strong fire the wax will dissolve, so that the globe may be drawn out. Instead of melted wax, soap may be em- ployed. Il. _of Aérial Globes, called Bombs. These globes are called aérials, because they are thrown into the air from a mortar, which is a short thick piece of artillery of a large calibre. | Though these globes are of wood, and have a suitable thickness, namely, equal to the twelfth part of their diameters, if too much powder be put into the mortar, they will not be able to resist its force; the charge of powder therefore must be propor-— tioned to the globe to be ejected. The usual quantity is an ounce of powder fora | globe of four pounds weight; two ounces for one of eight, and so on. | As the chamber of the mortar may be too large to contain the exact quantity of powder sufficient for the fire ball, which ought to be placed immediately above the AERIAL GLOBES. 593 yowder, in order that it may be expelled and set on fire at the same time, another mortar may be constructed of wood, or of pasteboard with a wooden bottom, as a B, (Fig. 12.) It ought to be put intoa large iron mortar, and to be loaded with a quantity of powder proportioned to the weight of the globe. This small mortar must be of light wood, or of paper pasted together, and rolled up in the form of a cylinder, or truncated cone, the bottom excepted ; which, as already said, must be of wood. The ) chamber for the powder a c must be pierced obliquely, with a small imblet, as seen at BC; so that the aperture B, corresponding to the aperture of the netal mortar, the fire applied to the latter may be communicated to the powder vhich is at the bottom of the chamber ac, immediately below the globe. By these neans the globe will catch fire, and make an agreeable noise as it rises into the air; yut it would not succeed so well, if any vacuity were left between the powder and she globe. _ A profile or perpendicular section of such a globe is represented by the right-angled parallelogram aBcop, (Fig. 13.), the breadth of which a B is nearly equal to the height ap. ‘The thickness of the wood, towards the two sides, L, mM, is equal, as above said, to the twelfth part of the diameter of the globe; and the thickness, E F, of the cover, is double the preceding, or equal to a sixth part of the diameter. The height @ x or HI of the chamber, HI K, where the match is applied, and which is terminated by the semicircle L GH M, is equal to the fourtb part of the breadth ax; and its breadth cH is equal to the sixth part of a B, _ We must here observe that it is dangerous to put wooden covers, such ag EF, on rial balloons or globes: for these covers may beso heavy, as to wound those on vhom they happen to fall. It will be sufficient to place turf or hay above the lobe, in order that the powder may experience some resistance. The globe must be filled with several pieces of cane or common reed, equal in ength to the interior height of the globe, and charged with a slow composition, nade of three ounces of pounded gunpowder, an ounce of sulphur moistened with , small quantity of petroleum oil, and two ounces of charcoal: and in order that hese reeds or canes may catch fire sooner, and with more facility, they must be harged at the lower ends, which rest on the bottom of the globe, with pulverised junpowder moistened in the same manner with petroleum oil, or well besprinkled ‘vith brandy, and then dried. | The bottom of the globe ought to be covered with a little gunpowder half pulve- ‘sed and half grained; which, when set on fire, by means of a match applied to the nd of the chamber a u, will set fire to the lower part of the reed. But care aust have been taken to fill the chamber with a composition similar to that in the eds, or with another slow composition made of eight ounces of gunpowder, four “unces of saltpetre, two ounces of sulphur, and one ounce of charcoal; the whale ust be well pounded and mixed, _ Instead of reeds, the globe may. be charged with running rockets, or paper petards, id a quantity of fiery stars or sparks mixed with pulverised gunpowder, placed _ ithout any order above these petards, which must be choaked at unequal heights, _ tat they may perform their effect at different times. These globes may be constructed in various other ways, which it would be tedious 2re to enumerate. We shall only observe that, when loaded, they must be well »vered at the top; they must be segs in apiece of cloth dipped in glue, and Se 594 PYROTECHNY. a piece of woollen cloth must be tied round them, so as to cover the hole which con tains the match. , ARTICLE IX. ! Jets of Fire. Jets of fire are a kind of fixed rockets, the effect of which is to throw up into the ai. jets of fire, similar to jets of water. They serve also to represent cascades ; for if; series of such rockets be placed horizontally on the same line, it may be easily seer that the fire they emit will resemble a sheet of water. When arranged in a circula form, like the radii of a circle, they form what is called a fixed sun. ! To form jets of this kind, the cartridge for brilliant fires must, in thickness be equal to a fourth part of the diameter; and for Chinese fire, only to a sixtl art. : The cartridge is loaded on anipple, having a point equal in length to the same diame ter, and in thickness to a fourth part of it; butas it generally happens that the moutl of the jet becomes larger than is necessary for the effect of the fire, you must begir to charge the cartridge, as the Chinese do, by filling it to a height equal to a foutl part of the diameter with clay, which must be rammed down as if it were gunpowder: By these means the jet will ascend much higher. When the charge is completed witl, the composition you have made choice of, the cartridge must be closed with a tompioi of wood, above which it must be choaked. The train or match must be of the same composition as that employed for loading | otherwise the dilatation of the air contained in the hole made by the piercer, wouli| cause the jet to burst. | Clayed rockets may be pierced with two holes near the neck, in order to haw three jets in the same plane. e If a kind of top, pierced with a number of holes, be added to them, they will imitat a bubbling fountain. Jets intended for representing sheets of fire ought not to be choaked. They mus' be placed in a horizontal position, or inclined a little downwards. | It appears to us that they might be choaked so as to form a kind of slit, and bi! pierced in the same manner; which would contribute to extend the sheet of fire stil farther. A kind of long narrow mouths might even be provided for this particula’ purpose, PRINCIPAL COMPOSITIONS FOR JETS OF FIRE. \ Ist. For Jets of 5 lines or less, of interior diameter. =f Chinese fire.—Saltpetre 1 pound, pulverised gunpowder 1 pound, sulphur € ounces, charcoal 2 ounces. White fire.—Saltpetre 1 pound, pulverised gunpowder 8 ounces, sulphur 3 ounces, charcoal 2 ounces, iron sand of the first order 8 ounces. 2d. For Jets of from 10 to 12 lines in diameter. : Brilliant fire.—Pulverised gunpowder 1 pound, iron-filings of a mean size, 5 ounces. White fire.—Saltpetre ] pound, pulverised gunpowder 1 pound, sulphur 8 ounces, charcoal 2 ounces. | Chinese fire.—Saltpetre 1 pound 4 ounces, sulphur 5 ounces, charcoal 5 ounces, sand of the third order 12 ounces. | | 3d. For Jets of 15 or 18 lines in diameter. Chinese fire.—Saltpetre 1 pound 4 ounces, sulphur 7 ounces, charcoal 5 ounces, of the six different kinds of sand mixed 12 ounces. a FIRES OF DIFFERENT COLOURS. 595 _ Father d’Incarville, in his memoirs on this subject, givés various other proportions for the composition of these jets; but we must confine ourselves to what has been here said, and refer the reader to the autbor’s memoirs, which will be found in the ‘‘ Manual de 1’ Artificier.” The saltpetre, pulverised gunpowder, and charcoal, are three times sifted througha hair sieve. The iron sand is besprinkled with sulphur, after being moistened witha little brandy, that the sulphur may adhere to it; and they are then mixed together : ithe sulphured sand is then spread over the first mixture, and the whole is mixed with a ladle only; for if a sieve were employed, it would separate the sand from the other materials. When sand larger than that of the second order is used, the ‘composition is moistened with brandy, so that it forms itself into balls, and the jets are then loaded: if there were too much moisture, the sand would not perform its effect. ARTICLE X. Of Fires of different Colours. It is much to be wished that, for the sake of variety, different colours could be given to these fire-works at pleasure; but though we are acquainted with several materials which communicate to flame various colours, it has hitherto been possible to introduce only a very few colours into that of inflamed gunpowder. To make white fire, the gunpowder must be mixed with iron or rather steel- ilings, _ To make red fire, iron sand of the first order must be em ployed in the same nanner. 2 _ As copper filings, when thrown into a flame, render it green, it might be concluded, hat if mixed with gunpowder, it would produce a green flame; but this experiment loes not succeed. It is supposed that the flame is too ardent, and consumes the nflammable part of the copper too soon. But it is probable that a sufficient iumber of trials have not yet been made; for is it not possible to lessen the force of junpowder in a considerable degree, by increasing the dose of the charcoal ? _ However, the following are a few of those materials which, in books on Pyro- echny, are said to possess the property of communicating various colours to fire- vorks. Camphor mixed with the composition, makes the flame to appear of a pale white olour. _ Raspings of ivory give a clear flame of a silver colour, inclining a little to that of ead; or rather a white dazzling flame. Greek pitch produces a reddish flame, of a bronze colour. Black pitch, a dusky flame, like a thick smoke, which obscures the atmosphere. _ Sulphur, mixed in a moderate quantity, makes the flame appear bluish, Sal ammoniac and verdigrise give a greenish flame. Raspings of yellow amber communicate to the flamea lemon colour. _ Crude antimony gives a russet colour. | Borax ought to produce a blue flame ; for spirit of wine, in which sedative salt, one f the component parts of borax, is dissolved by the means of heat, burns with a eautiful green flame. Much, however, still remains to be done in regard to this subject ; but it would ld to the beauty of artificial fireworks, if they could be varied by giving them dif- Tent colours: this would be creating for the eyes a new pleasure, | ARTICLE XI. Composition of a Paste proper for representing animals and other devices in fire. It is to the Chinese also that we are indebted for this method of re presenting 2 ¢. 2 596 - PYROTECHNY, ‘figures with fire. For this purpose, take sulphur reduced to'an impalpable powder, and having formed it into a paste with starch, cover with it the figure you are desir.) ous of representing on fire: it is here to be observed, that the figure must first be coated over with clay, to prevent it from being burnt. When the figure has been covered with this paste, besprinkle it while still moist, with pulverised gunpowder; and when the whole is perfectly dry, arrange some smal], matches on the principal parts of it, that the fire may be speedily communicated to it] on all sides. ' The same paste may be employed on figures of clay, to form devices and various, designs. Thus, for example, festoons, garlands, and other ornaments, the flowers of which might be imitated by fire of different colours, could be formed on the frieze o} a piece of architecture covered with plaster. The Chinese imitate grapes exceedingly well, -by mixing pounded sulphur with the ay of the jujube, instead of flour paste. ARTICLE XII. Of Suns, both fixed and moveable. None of the pyrotechnic inventions can be employed with so much success, in. artificial fire-works, as suns; of which there are two kinds, fixed and revolving : the method of constructing both is very simple. For fixed suns cause to be constructed a round piece of wood, into the circumference’ of which can be screwed twelve or fifteen pieces in the form of radii; and to these. radii attach jets of fire, the composition of which has been already described; so that’ they may appear as radii tending to the same centre, the mouth of the jet being’ towards the circumference. Apply a match in such a manner, that the fire communi-, cated at the centre may be conveyed, at the same time, to the mouth of each of the jets, by which means, each throwing out its fire, there will be produced the appear- | ance of aradiating sun. We here suppose that the wheel is placed in a position per-, pendicular to the horizon. These rockets or jets may be so arranged as to cross each other in an angular manner ; in which case, instead of a sun, you will have a star, or a sort of cross resembling that’ of Malta. Some of these suns are made also with several rows of jets: these are called glories. : Revolving suns may be constructed in this manner. Provide a wooden wheel, of) any size at pleasure, and brought into perfect equilibrium around its centre, in order. that the least effort may make it turn round. Attach to the circumference of it fire-, jets placed in the direction of the circumference ; they must not be choaked at the bottom, and ought to be arranged in such a manner that the mouth of the one shall) be near the bottom of the other, so that when the fire of the one is ended, it may immediately proceed to another. It may be easily perceived, that when fire is applied to one of these jets, the recoil of the rocket will make the wheel turn round, unless it be too large and ponderous: for this reason, when these suns are of a consider-' able size, that is when they consist for example of 20 rockets, fire must be communi- cated at the same time to the first, the sixth, the eleventh, and the sixteenth; from, which it will proceed to the second, the seventh, the twelfth, the sevéntenmen and soon. These four rockets will make the wheel turn round with rapidity. | If two similar suns be placed one behind the other, and made to turn in a con-| trary direction, they will produce a very pretty effect of cross-fire. Three or four suns, with horizontal axes passing through them, might be im-| planted in a vertical axis, moveable in the middle of a table. These suns, revolving around the table, will seem to pursue each other. Jt may be easily perceived that; to make them turn around the table, they must be fixed on their axes, and these axes, at the place where they rest on the table, ought to be furnished witha very move: able roller. | I ¥ { H _ OPTICAL PYROTECHNY. 597 _ We shall say nothing farther on artificial fireworks; because it is not possible in ‘this work to give a complete treatise of Pyrotechny. We shall therefore content ourselves with pointing out, to those who are fgnd of this art, a few of the best authors gn the subject. One is, ‘ 'Traité des Feux d’Artifice de M. Frezier,’’ anew edition of which was published in 1745. We shall mention also the work of M. Perrinet d’Orval, entitled “ Traité des Feux d’Artifice, pour le Spectacle et pour Ja Guerre.” To these we may add ‘‘ Le Manuel de 1’Artificier,” Paris 1757, 12mo. which contains, in a very small compass, the whole substance of the art of making ‘artificial fireworks: it is an abridgment of the latter work, augmented with several ‘new and curious compositions, in regard to the Chinese fire, by Father d’Incarville. ARTICLE. XIII, Of Ointment for Burns. It is proper that we should terminate a treatise on pyrotechny by some remedy for burns; as accidents must often take place in handling such a dangerous element as fire. We shall therefore not hesitate to follow the example of Ozanam, who in this respect is himself a follower of Siemienowitcz, and the greater part of those who have written on this subject: we shall even confine ourselves to the remedy he proposes. : Boil fresh hog’s lard in common water, over a slow fire; skim it continually till no more scum is left, and let the melted lard remain in the open air for three or four ‘nights. Melt it again in an earthen vessel, over a slow and moderate fire, and strain ‘it into cold water through a piece of linen cloth; then wash it well in pnre river or ‘spring water, to free it from its salt, and to make it become white; then press it into ‘a glazed earthern vessel and preserve it for use. It generally happens, in cases of burning, that the skin rises in blisters, which however must not be opened till the third or fourth day after the ointment has been applied. : . ARTICLE XIV. Pyrotechny without fire, and merely Optical. As the inventions which we have here described, are necessarily attended with ‘considerable expense, and are besides dangerous, attempts have been made in modern ames, and with a considerable degree of success, to imitate the different kinds of ire-works by optical effects, and to give them the appearance of motion, though in ‘eality fixed. By means of this invention, the spectacle of artificial fire-works may be exhibited at a very small expense, and if the pieces employed are constructed with ngenuity, if the rules of perspective are properly observed, and if, in viewing the spectacle, glasses which magnify the objects and render them somewhat less distinct ye employed, a very agreeable illusion will be produced. | The artificial fire-works imitated with most success by this invention, are fixed suns, serbes and jets of fire, cascades, globes, pyramids and columus moveable around their es. To represent a gerbe of fire, take paper blackened on both sides, and very , opake, and having delineated on a piece of white paper the fig. 14. figure of a gerbe of fire, apply it to the black paper, and tie with a point of avery sharp penknife make several slashes Saieay (Fig. 14.) in it, as 3, 5 or 7, proceeding from the origin eae of the gerbe: these lines must not be continued but cut through at unequal intervals. Pierce these intervals with unequal holes made with a pinking iron, (Fig. 14.), in order to represent the sparks of such a gerbe. In short you must endeavour to paint, by these lines and holes, the well known effect of the fire of ” b ‘ ¥ ‘ * ' * 598 . PYROTECHNY. inflamed gunpowder, when it issues through a small aper- Fig. 15. ture. ; According to the same principles, you may delineate the case cades (Fig. 15) and jets of fire which you are desirous pf intro- ducing into this exhibition, which is purely optical; and those jets of fire which proceed from the radii of suns, either fixed or moveable. It may easily be conceived that in this operation taste must be the guide. If you are desirous of representing globes, pyramids, or revolv- ing columns, draw the outlines of them on paper, and then cut them out in a helical form; that is, cut out spirals with the _ point of a penknife, and of a size proportioned to that of the piece. It is to be observed also, that as these different pieces have different colours, they may be easily imitated by pasting on the = back of the paper, cut as here described, very fine silk paper coloured in the proper manner. As jets, for example, when loaded with Chinese fire, give a reddish light, you must paste to the back of these jets transparent paper, slightly tinged with red; and proceed in the same manner in regard to the other colcurs by which the different fire- works are distinguished. When these preparations have been made, the next thing is to give motion, or the appearance of motion, to this fire, which may be done two ways according to cir- cumstances. : If a jet of fire, for example, is to be represented, prick unequal holes, and at unequal distances from each other, ina band of paper, (Fig. 17.), and then move this band, making it ascend between a light and the above jet: the rays of light which escape through the holes of the moveable paper will exhibit the appearance of sparks rising into the air. It is to be observed that one part of the paper must be whole, that another must be pierced with holes thinly scattered; that in another place they must be very close, and then moderately so: by these means it will represent those sudden jets of fire observed in fire-works. To represent a cascade, the paper pierced with holes, instead of moving upwards, must be made to descend. . This motion may be easily produced by means of two rollers, on one of which the paper is rolled up while it is unrolled from the other. Suns are attended with some more difficulty; because in these it is necessary to represent fire proceeding from the centre to the circumfe- rence. The artifice for this purpose is as follows. On strong paper describe a circle, equal in diameter to the sun which you are desi- rous to exhibit, or even somewhat larger; then trace out on this circle two spirals, at the distauce of a line or half a line from each other, and open the interval between them with a penknife, in such a manner, that the paper may be cut from the circum- ference, decreasing in breadth toa certain distance from the Fig. 18. centre, (Fig. [8.); cut the remainder of the circle into spirals , of the same kind, open and close alternately, then cement the paper circle to a small iron hoop, supported by two pieces of iron, crossing each other in its centre, and adjust the whole toa” small machine, which will suffer it to revolve round its centre. ' If this moveable paper circle, cut in this manner, be placed aes before the representation of your sun, with a light behind it, as soon as if is made to move towards that side to which the convexity of the spirals is OPTICAL PYROTECHNY. 599 turned, the luminous spirals, or those which afford a passage to the light, will give, on ‘the image of the radii or jets of fire of your sun, the appearance of fire in continual ‘notion, as if undulating from the centre to the circumference. _ The appearance of motion may be given to columns, pyramids, and globes, cut vhrough in the manner above described, by moving upwards, in a vertical direction,.a yand of paper cut through into apertures inclined at an angle somewhat different from hat of the spirals. By these means the spectators will imagine that they see fire continually circulating and ascending along these spirals; and the result will be a sort of illusion, in consequence of which the columns or pyramids will seem to revolve vith them. | But we shall not enlarge farther on this subject; it is sufficient to have explained he principle on which this cheap kind of pyrotechny can be exhibited; the taste of he artist may suggest to him many things to give more reality to this representation, and to render the deception stronger. _ We shall however add a few words respecting illuminations which form a part of oyrotechny. | Take some prints respecting a castle, or palace, &c.; and having coloured them yroperly, cement paper to the back of them, in such a manner that they shall be only jemi-transparent; then, with pinking irons of different sizes, prick small holes in he places and on the lines where lamps are generally placed, as along the sides of the windows, on the cornices, or balustrades, &c. But care must be taken to make these ioles smaller and closer, according to the perspective diminution of the figure. With ther irons of a larger size, cut out, in other places, some stronger lights; soas to epresent fire-pots, &c. Cut out also the panes in some of the windows, and cement 0 the back of them transparent paper of a green or red colour, to represent curtains lrawn before them, and concealing an illuminated apartment. _ When the print is cut in this manner, place it in the front of a sort of small heatre, strongly illuminated from the back part, and look at it through a convex glass fa pretty long focus, like that used in those small machines called optical boxes f the rules of perspective have been properly observed in the prints, and if the lights ind shades have been distributed with taste, this spectacle will be highly agreeable. lt may be intermixed with some of the pyrotechnic artifices above described; as such lluminations are in general accompanied with fire-works, 600 PHILOSOPHY, ~ PART ELEVENTH. | CONTAINING EVERY THING MOST CURIOUS IN PHILOSOPHY IN GENERAL, AND IN ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES. Havina gone through the different parts of the Mathematics, and of the sciences or, arts comprehended under that head, we now enter the field of Philosophy, which pre-. sents as many objects worthy of exciting our curiosity as the mathematics; or, rather, which is indeed still more fertile in that respect, and affording matter cull better. adapted to the comprehension of the generality of readers. This matter is even so, abundant, that we can scarcely establish divisions in it ; sothat this part of our work | will be a kind of a miscellany, without much order, of every thing that belongs to philosophy in general. We shall successively review in it the principal properties of bodies ; the inventions, whether useful or amusing, to which these properties have given birth’ various questions relating to the system of the world, to meteors, and the origin of springs, with other objects, which it would be too tedious to en umerate,. But before we enter this vast field, it is necessary that we should establish some. -general principles, which we shall doi in the following account of what philosophers, have called the four elements, viz., fire, air, water, and earth. PRELIMINARY DISCOURSE, On the Elements of Bodies. In analyzing any material, when we have arrived at its last component parts, and cannot decompose them farther, we ought to regard them as its elements. Now. every one knows that all or most bodies, submitted to analysis, furnish a fixed matter; also something that is inflammable; an invisible fluid, which manifests itself only by its expansibility and its resistance; and lastly, another which heat raises into vapours, and which afterward re-unites under a visible form. These four component; parts have been named earth, fire, air,and water. 'These enter into the composition of most bodies; but cannot themselves be decomposed. They ought therefore to be considered as the elements of all other bodies; which justifies the common deno- mination, which has been established almost from the first dawn of philosophy, accord- ing to which there are in nature the four elements, fire, air, water, and earth. I.—Of Fire, both elementary and material. What is Fire? This is perhaps one of the most obscure questions in philosophy, and the least susceptible of a satisfactory answer. The most probable account, however which its known properties enable us to give, is the following. Fire is a fluid universally diffused throughout nature; which penetrates all bodies with more or less facility ; is susceptible of being accumulated in some of them, and this accumulation produces, in regard to us, that sensation which we call heat. When this accumulation is carried to a higher degree, it produces inflammation and combustion, which are always accompanied with light. In every state, this fluid | , | . OF FIRE. 601 dilates bodies in proportion to the greater or less quantity of it present; and it at length separates their parts, which we call fusing, burning, calcining. That fire is a fluid, there can be no reason to doubt: for if it were not, how could it be diffused Pcavhcat the atmosphere, and throughout water, without forming an. obstacle to the motion of bodies ? How could it penetrate the densest and most compact bodies, such for example-as metals ? Nay, fire is not only a fluid, but it is even the principle of all auiditye without its influence, all the fluids with which we are acquainted, would be reduced to masses absolutely solid. Metals become fixed at a degree of heat far superior to that of boiling water. Water loses its fluidity as soon as the heat or quantity of fire has been diminished to a certain degree. Spirit of wine, and even mercury, are congealed by the progressive diminution of heat. There isa degree of cold, or privation of heat, perhaps, which would convert air into a fluid-like water, and even into a solid body ; but we are at a prodigious distance from that term. | Fire penetrates all bodies with more or less facility. This follows from the commu- nication of heat from a hot to a cold body. It is with greater or less, a moderate facility, and not with extreme facility, that heat is communicated : for it is well known that this communication is not instantaneous: if the point of a pretty long needle be presented to the flame of a taper, both its ends do not become equally hot at the same time. One body receives this heat more readily than another; or, as we may say, has a greater affinity for heat. The accumulation of the igneous fluid produces on our bodies that sensation which we call heat. This requires no proof; but the sensation is only relative. As long as the palm of the hand, for instance, is hotter than the body with which it is in contact, the latter seems to us cold; but it will, on the contrary, seem warm, if the hand be colder, or contains less of the igneous fluid; or if that fluid tends to pass gradually, as it does, from that body into the hand. Every person almost is acquainted with the following experiment: heat one hand in a very high degree, and cool the other almost to the temperature of ice; if you then immerse both of them into tepid water, the one will experiencea selieation of cold, and the other of heat. This accumulation, carried to a considerable degree, produces inflammation, always wecompanied with light. It results from some experiments made by Buffon, that ‘ron exposed, without being in contact, to the action of another ‘body in a state of nflammation, becomes itself inflamed and red. But an ignited body is nothing else than a body in which the ingneous fluid is accumulated to such a degree as to become ‘uminous. All light indeed is not accompanied with heat; but all heat, carried to a on degree, produces light. | Has fire ‘weight? It appears to us that there can be no doubt that fire is heavy: it $8 matter, since it acts upon matter; and therefore it must possess weight. But the juestion is, to know whether this weight is perceptible, and can be indicated by the nstruments which we employ. S’Gravesande and Muschenbroeck made some expe- ‘imeuts on this subject; but they found no difference between masses of ignited iron, yt iron penetrated with fire, and the same masses when cold. They however con- Hluded from them, that as ignited iron, which by its increasing in volume ought to veigh somewhat less in air, weighed the same in that state as when cold, this equa- ity must have arisen from the addition of the weight of the fire present init. But heir experiments were not made with the necessary degree of care. _ Buffon, who, by means of the forges belonging to him, was enabled to make a hiteh greater number of experiments, and on a larger scale, always found that pieces f forged’ iron, brought to a state of ignition, weighed a little more than when cold; nd he fixed the diminution at a 600th part of the weight of the ignited body. But > must be allowed, and Buffon was sensible of it himself, that this experiment could ot be decisive : fok he has shewn, that iron kept for some time at a red heat, con- 602 PHILOSOPHY. ; = tinually loses a part of its weight, because it gradually burns: on this account he made further experiments on a substance very common in furnaces, namely slag. He first assured himself that slag retains its weight, or loses only an insensible portion of it, in consequence of being heated and cooled again. He then weighed some of this slag cold, by a very delicate balance; he next brought it toa white heat, and then weighed it a second and a third time after it had cooled. Five experiments of this kind always gave an excess of weight in the ignited slag, above that which it had when cold, both before and after. This difference amounted to a 580th or a 600th: part of that of the piece of slag. | But it may be said, if this be the case, fire is heavier than air; for the specific gravity of slag is to that of water, as 24to 1; therefore this gravity is to that of air as 2125 tol. But the fire contained in a piece of ignited slag, is about a 600th part of its weight; consequently it is to the weight of an equal volume of air, as 34 to 1, which is not credible. So great is the tenuity of fire, that we can hardly allow our. selves to think that its specific gravity approaches even near to that of air. But it must be observed, that in an ignited mass brought to a white heat, a large quantity of fire is accumulated the weight therefore of fire, in its ordinary state, ' and in bodies heated to the mean temperature of our atmosphere, may be utterly insensible; but when five or six hundred times, or more than that quantity, has been accumulated, and to such a degree as to produce ignition, its gravity may then become sensible. Let us suppose, for example, that the fire diffused throughout air, heated to 1 degree of the thermometer, weighs only the 300th part of the weight of that air; when five or six hundred parts more have been introduced into it, to pro- duce ignition, its weight may then equal, and even surpass, the weight of such air as we breathe. We do not know whether this would have been Buffon’s answer ; ba such, in our opinion, is that which might be given. Those persons however are mistaken, who consider the increase of weight which metals acquire by calcination, as a Ehooe of the heaviness of fire, which by this ope-' ration they suppose to become fixed, and in some measure solidified along with’ the metallic calees. It is now known that fire has no part in this augmentation of weight. | Fire dilates bodies: by dilating them, it separates their constituent parts, and at length liquefies them. This phenomenon, in regard tothe effect, is well known. That fire dilates bodies, is well known, as will be shewn hereafter by means of a very ingenious machine, which serves to determine the degree and ratio of this’ dilatation. But it cannot produce this effect without separating the consti. ' tuent parts of these bodies; and this is the mechanism by which it is afterwards able to liquefy, and even to volatilize them; for the solidity cf a body is the effect of the mutual adhesion of its constituent parts; an adhesion which, in all probability, is produced by the contact of these molecule in large surfaces. But when fire, intro- duced between them, produces a separation, and causes them scarcely to touch each other, the bod has then attained to such an extreme degree of fluidity, as to be. vo- jected These particles, having no longer any adhesion, can be carried away by the least effort, such as that of heat, which continually exercises an action to extend itself in’ every direction. There are some bodies, bowever, which fire at first tends to contract: but this is because they contain pridciples which the fire dissipates: of this kind is clay, which at first shrinks in the fire; but, if exposed to a greater degree of heat, it dilates, © liquefies, and is changed into glass. ‘ | Il.—Of Air. Air is an elastic, heavy fluid, susceptible of compression; which expands by heat, © | i OF AIR. 603 and contracts by cold. It is necessary for maintaining life to all the animals with which we are.acquainted ; it becomes charged with, and combines with, water, as water combines withit. Such are the principal properties of air, of which we shall nere give a general view, and which we shall prove hereafter by some curious experi- nents. _ Air is a heavy fluid. To discover this property in air, and to prove its existence, equires only a slight knowledge of philosophy. It may be demonstrated by a very nmple experiment. Take a glass globe, 6 inches in diameter, furnished with a tube ‘hat can be opened and shut by a stop-cock ; exhaust it of air by means of a pneumatic nachine, and then shut it, so as to exclude the external air; weigh the globe thus ixhausted of air by a very nice balance; if you then admit the external air, by turn- ng the cock, the equilibrium will be immediately destroyed, and that end of the valance which supports the globe will preponderate. For a globe of the size ‘ove mentioned, 45 or 50 grains must be added to the weight, to restore the equi- ibrium. , Ar ts an elastic fluid. This may be proved by the following very simple experi- aent. Introduce air into a bladder, but in such a manner as not entirely to fill it. f the bladder be then carried, in that state, to the summit of a mountain, it will je more and more distended ; and by carrying it to the top of a very high mountain, uch as the Cordilleras of Peru, it might be made to-distend so much as to urst. | The same effect will be produced if the bladder be placed under the receiver of an ir-pump. For if the receiver be then exhausted of air, on the first stroke f the piston, the bladder will swell out, even if it contains only an inch of air; od when the external air is suffered to re-enter the receiver, it will resume its xrmer state. There can be no doubt that this effect is produced by the elastic force of the air; thich, when the pressure of the external air is removed, increases in volume; and hen the pressure is restored, it assumes its former state. It is like a spring, more less compressed by a weight, and which extends itself in a greater or less degree, s the weight is heavier or lighter. Air isa fluid susceptible of compression. This is a consequence of its elasticity. It is proved, by experience, that a double weight compresses it in such a manner 3 to occupy only one half of its former volume; a quadruple weight reduces it to a surth part of that volume, and so on. So that it may be said in general that the ime mass of air, the temperature remaining the same, occupies a volume which is | the inverse ratio of the compressing weight. Air expands by heat, and contracts by cold. This property of air may be proved so by a very simple experiment. In an apartment, brought to a mean degree ‘ heat, introduce air into a bladder, but in such a manner as not entirely to fill it. ‘it be then brought near the fire, so as to be exposed to a degree of heat greater ‘an the mean temperature, we see the bladder distend, and occupy a larger volume. exposing it to colder air, a contrary effect is produced. | dir is necessary for maintaining animal life. This truth is well known. It may * proved in the most evident manner, by shutting up animals in the receiver of an ‘-pump: for as soon as you begin to exhaust it of air, the animals shew every 30 of uneasiness; they pant for breath, and at length expire, when only a small iantity of air remains. If the air be gradually re-admitted, before they are quite (ad, they recover life and motion. Air becomes charged with water, and combines with it ; as water, on the other hand, icomes charged and combines with air. The first part of this proposition is suffi- ‘ntly proved by facts, with which every one is acquainted. Air is sometimes more ‘d sometimes less humid. Air charged with moisture deposits it in certair bodies, | = ” . A + ¥ ; “a . 4 : ae * - « 4 ; . at : a 604 PHILOSOPHY. : - capable of attracting and absorbing it in a great degree ; such as salt of tartar, which’ becomes so much impregnated with it, that it resolves itself into a liquid, merely by the, contact of common air, though it has been dried by a violent heat. It i water, disengaged from the air with which it was combined, that occasions thi moisture which deposits itself on stones, marble, &c., and during weather distin’ guished by the appellation of damp. The contact of the air alone gradually dimi, nishes the water contained in any vessel, especially if the air be in motion; becausi a new portion of air is every moment applied to the surface of the water. It is by this mechanism that those winds which have passed over a large extent of sea, asi) the case with our west and south-west winds, become charged with water, and ary mostly attended with rain. Water, in its turn, becomes charged with air. This is proved by a curious expe: riment, made by Mariotte. Take a certain quantity of water, and having freed i as much as possible from air, put it into a small bottle, leaving no vacuity in it bu’ a space of the size of a pea; at the end of twenty-four hours the water will occup) the whole capacity of the bottle. What can have become of the air, which wa: in the vacuity, if it has not been absorbed by the water, which was in contac with it ? | This property, which air has of combining with water, of even becoming satu rated with it, and of afterwards quitting it, is the cause of various physical effects such as the production of clouds and rain, the rising or falling of the barome: ter, &c. But these phenomena we shall explain more at length in another place. II1.—Of Water. The principal properties of this common and well-known fluid are as follows: 1 is transparent, insipid, and inodorous; it always tends to put itself in equilibric that is, to assume a form the surface of which is concentric with the earth, a pro’ perty it possesses in common with all the other heavy and non-elastic fluids; iti incompressible : can be reduced to vapour by heat, carried to a certain degree, an: in that state is endowed with a very great elastic force. When exposed to a certai. . degree of cold, it is transformed into a solid and transparent body: it dissolves salts: and a multitude of other substances; and by these means it becomes the vehicle of th’ nourishing particles both of animals and vegetables, which renders it so essential] necessary in the animal economy, that it is in some measure more difficult to liv without water, or without some fluid of which it forms the basis, than without soli aliment. | Such are the properties of water, of which we shall here give a few proofs, ti! we come to another part of this work, where we shall have an opportunity of en larging farther on the same subject. It is needless to adduce any proof that water is transparent, inodorous, and insipid When this fluid possesses either taste or smell, it is because it holds in solution som foreign bodies. People ought therefore to be suspicious of water which is said to b: agreeable to the taste, as it is certain that it is not pure. Water always arranges itself in such a form that its surface is concentric with th earth. Every body is acquainted with this property of water, which it possesses 1) common with all the other non-elastic fluids, and which is the basis of the art of level ling. When two masses of water communicate with each other we may rest assure that their surfaces are level, or at an equal distance from the centre of the earth Those persons then are mistaken, who believe that the water of the Mediterranea’ is more or less elevated than that of the Red Sea, at the bottom of the Gulf ¢! Suez, which, as is said, caused the plan for cutting through the isthmus to be aban’ doned, lest the Mediterranean should run into the Red Sea, or the latter into th former. Nothing can be more absurd, since these two seas have a communicatio’ : | OF WATER. 605 Se with each other by the ocean. Had they been originally created on a different level, they would not have failed soon to assume the same level. Water is incompressible. The members of the Academy del Cimento, the first who it appears. adopted the true method of philosophizing, namely, by subjecting every thing to the test of experiments, made a very curious one, which proves this pro- perty of water. They inclosed a quantity of water in a hollow ball of gold, of a cer- tain considerable thickness, taking care to ascertain that the cavity was completely filled; they then subjected the ball to the blows of a hammer, by which means its capacity was diminished; but the water, instead of suffering itself to be com- pressed, passed through the pores of the gold, though exceedingly small, This experiment was repeated by Mr. Boyle and by Muschenbroeck, who both attest the truth of it. | Water by a certain degree of heat is reduced into highly elastic vapour. This truth may be proved also by very simple experiments. If a small quantity of water be . i upon a strong fire, you will immediately see it transformed into vapour. - If water be kept in a state of violent ebullition in a close vessel, there arises from it an elastic vapour of so great force, that unless a vent be opened for it, or if the vessel be not sufficiently strong to resist its action, it will undoubtedly burst : for this reason, in the boiler of the steam-engine there is a valve, which must be opened when the steam has acquired a certain force, otherwise it would be shivered to pieces.” This vapour, according to the calculations made by philosophers, occupies a space 14000 times greater than the water which produced it. Hence arises the shen force it acquires, when confined in a much less space. | Water, when exposed to a certain degree of cold, is transformed into a solid trans- parent body, which we callice. This fact is so well known, that it is needless to prove it. We shall therefore confine ourselves to an explanation of this singular effect. It is fully proved, by the formation of ice, that the primitive state of water was that of a solid body. It isa solid fused by a degree of heat far below that which, according to our sensations, we call temperate; for it would be a strange error to imagine, that what we call zero of the thermometer, is the absence of all heat. Since spirit of wine, and various other liquors, remain fluid at degrees of cold much greater than that which freezes water, it is evident that the degree called zero, which is marked 0, is merely a relative term, the commencement of the division. Water then is only a liquefied solid, which keeps itself in a liquid state at a degree ‘of heat very little more than that marked 0, on our common thermometers, and which in that of Fahrenheit is marked 32. The reason of this we shall explain when we come to speak of thermometers. | Let us now take a short view of water in its solid state. When heated to a certain degree, the matter of fire, with which it is then impregnated, raises up and separates from each other the molecule of which it is composed; for as these molecule do no longer touch each other by so large surfaces, though still within the limits of adhesion, they easily run one over the other. ‘Thus we have ice brought to a state of fusion, as lead is by a heat of 226 degrees. The matter of fire escapes to diffuse itself in equilibrium in other bodies, which have less, for it is in this manner that cooling is effected ; these molecule approach each other; they come in contact by the small facets which they reciprocally present, thus adhere and form a solid body. What is here said,in regard to the small facets of the particles of water, seems to be proved by the ramifications of ice, for these ramifications, both in ice and in snow, are always formed under angles of 60 or 120 degrees; which indicates planes uniformly inclined. We shall enlarge further, in another place, on this phenomenon, which depends on crystallization. | ; ist 606 : PHILOSOPHY. iT - It would be ridiculous, at present, to explain the formation of ice by the supposec - frigorific particles, the existence of which seems to rest on no foundation. Wate) freezes at a degree of heat which can no longer keep it in fusion: for the same reason and by the same mechanism, that lead becomes fixed at a degree of heat less thar 226 of Reaumur. But thesame philosophers who, to explain the congelation of water’ have recourse to the frigorific particles diffused throughout the atmosphere, do no’ recur to them in the present case: they well know that the-fixation of lead arise only from the particles, which the fire does not keep sufficiently separated, approach. ing each other. Why then should we recur to any thing else in regard to the con gelation of water ? | It is indeed true, that in the congelation of water there is one phenomenon exceed. ingly singular, which is, that water decreases in volume in proportion as it cools, at least toa certain degree; but at the moment when ice is formed, this volume increases very sensibly ; hence the philosophers above mentioned conclude, that some foreign matters, or their supposed frigorific particles, have been introduced into it. But we shall observe, Ist. That the case is the same with iron. 2d. That this is the effect of crystallization ; for we must here repeat, that the congelation of water is merely a crystallization, by which its molecule assume an arrangement which is determined by their primitive form. But this arrangement cannot be effected without producing an increase of volume, as happens in regard to iron when it becomes fixed, or loses its fluidity, merely by the diminution of heat, which kept it in fusion. This will become more evident when we have explained the phenomena of crystallization. | Water dissolves salts and a variety of other substances.—Every one knows that all’ saline bodies, whether acids, alkalis, or neutral salts, are soluble in water, in a greater or less quantity ; and a very singular phenomenon in this respect is, that water which holds in solution as much of a certain salt as it can contain, will still dissolve some’ other salt. But, for the most part, itabandons one of them when it becomes charged’ with the other, if it has a greater affinity for the latter. j Of the other substances, which water dissolves, we shall mention in particular the gummy or mucilaginous part of animals or vegetables, which forms the nourishment of the former. It is in consequence of this property, that water is so useful to the, animal economy; for the nutritive part of aliment must be dissolved and diluted in water, or some other fluid of the same kind, before it is swallowed, or this solution! must be effected in the stomach after deglutition, Hence it is that water, in some} measure, is the first aliment of man and of animals. It is not an aliment itself, but’ it is the vehicle of every thing that serves as aliment. : Finally, water is the base of all the other aqueous fluids, such as spirits, oils, &e:3' for water may be extracted from all of them by a very simple process, namely dis-! tillation. Combustion produces the same effect by disengaging the matter purely — aqueous. IV.—Of Earths. Earth is that part of compound bodies, which remains fixed after they are analyzed. When by the action of fire, we have consumed or raised in exhalations the inflammable. part, have expelled or driven the air into the atmosphere, have raised the water in vapours, there remains a solid and fixed body, not farther alterable by fire, that is the elementary earth, the different kinds of which it is that commonly constitutes the nature of the mixture. ) It must indeed be acknowledged, at least till we arrive at a decomposition beyond | that of the fixed body, that this elementary earth is not all of the same kind; con- | trary to which, it is found that all water, all respirable air, is homogeneous : for where, — by calcination, for instance, we have reduced a metal to calx, which is vitrifiable, | that calx or earth is not necessarily homogeneous, neither to another metallic calx, | - | Ber ; ur EARTHS.—AIR PUMP. | 607 nor to caput mortuum, or to the earth of another body, as the calx of stone, or the earth of any vegetables or animal calces. The proof of this is simple; for metallic calx being revivified by the addition of phlogiston, produces only the same metal _ which had given the calx ; and, by whatever way we proceed, the earth of any other compound will not yield a metal, however we may combine it. This property of metallic calx, is the basis of the art of separating the metals from the earths and stones with which they are mineralized; for as soon as their calcés, vitrified by the violence of fire, comes in contact with the carbonic matter, those of metals regain _ their metallic form, and disengage themsel ves by their weight from the vitrified calces of the other heterogeneous bodies with which they were confounded. It has been usual to distinguish earths into calcareous, vitrifiable, and refractory. _ Calcareous earths are those which, burned in the fire, reduce into a calx. The pro- perties of this calx are well known, the principal characteristic of which is that of _ attracting and absorbing moisture violently, and of effervescing with water. But it , isnot necessary to subject them to that test to know them: they are easily distin- guished by exposing them to the action of any gentle acid. Calcareous earths dis- _ solve with more or less effervescence ; whereas other earths suffer no dissolution. Vitrifiable earths are those which, exposed to a fire more or less active, suffer a _ fusion, and become more or less fluid. The refractory earths, are those on which the most violent heat excited in our fur- _ Maces produces no effect or alteration. We say the most violent heat excited in our furnaces; for perhaps, if all the earths are not found to be vitrifiable, this happens only because we have not been able to , produce a sufficient degree of heat. In fact, in proportion as we have succeeded in _ producing more considerable degrees of heat, we also are able to vitrify materials t which had resisted the former degrees of’ fire. But it isa remarkable circumstance that some earths which separately are unfusible, on being mixed together become fusible and vitrifiable. Thus, for example, calcareous earth, mixed with argil, runs and becomes glass, Usually, metallic matters, mixed either with calcareous earths, or with refractory, as pure argil, communicate to them also fusibility, which these have not separately. We shall limit ourselves here as to what might be said concerning the elements; what has been now said being the most solid and best proved part of the subject. We shall now pass on successively through all the branches of physics, in selecting what they offer the most curious and interesting. We have already said we shall hardly regard much order in these observations: from the bowels of the earth we shall some- times suddenly raise ourselves to the upper regions of the atmosphere; from a problem in the celestial. physics, we shall pass to a question in mineralogy. We Shall treat apart on electricity, on magnetism, and on chemistry, because these branches of philosophy are extremely fertile in curious experiments, and present each of them materials enough for separate treatises. PROBLEM I. | Construction of the Pneumatic Machine, or Air-Pump, with an account of the prin- cipal experiments in which it is employed. Air being an elastic fluid, it may be easily conceived that if it be shut up in a close vessel, and if to this vessel be adapted a pump, made to communicate with it, when the piston is drawn up the air contained in the vessel will enter the body of the pump. If the communication between the vessel and the body of the pump, de then intercepted, and if that between the latter and the external air be opened, 2y pushing down the piston, the air contained in the body of the pump will be ex- yelled. If the communication between the body of the pump and the external air ye then shut, and that between the body of the vessel be opened, when the piston 608 PHILOSOPHY. is drawn up, the air in the vessel will again rush into the body of the pump; and | by thus repeating the same operation as hefore. the whole air contained in the vessel _ | will be evacuated. If the body of the pump be equal, for example, to the capacity | | of the vessel with which it communicates, the first operation will reduce the ‘air to one half of its density; the second to the half of that half, or to a fourth, and | so on in succession: hence a very few strokes of the piston will reduce the air con- tained in the vessel to a very great degree of tenuity. | Such is the mechanism of the air-pump, of which the fol. lowing is a more minute description. a B (Fig. 1.) isa cylin. | | dric pump or barrel, in which the piston D is made to play by | means of the branch or handle pc, having at its extremity a stirrup for receiving the foot, by means of which it can be | forced downwards. The body of the pump is fitted into a. collar, from which proceed three or. four branches that form a | sort of stand. From the top of the pump a there arises a, tube, about an inch in diameter, to the upper part of which is adapted a circular plate, with a small raised border, or rim around it. On this plate is placed the receiver, in the form | of a bell. The small tube above mentioned, which serves to establish a communication between the vessel and the body of the pump, generally passes through this plate, and has a_ screw at the end, in order that the tube of another vessel, , such as a bell or small balloon, from which it is required to evacuate the air, may be screwed upon it. Beneath the plate, and between it and the body of the pump, is a stop-cock 1, so constructed that, by turning it to one side, a communication is established between the body of the pump | and the receiver, while all communication is prevented between it and the exterior air; and by turning it in a contrary direction a contrary effect is produced. Such is the form of the pneumatic machine ; at least of certain simple kinds of it, for there. are others more complex. One kind, for example, consists of two cylinders, the pistons of which are alternately worked by means of a crank; so that one of them. always becomes filled with air from the receiver, while the other throws out into. the atmosphere the air it contained. But it is needless to enter into these details: | those who are desirous of seeing the newest improvements in regard to air-pumps, may have recourse to the different treatises on natural philosophy, where they will find a description and figures of the different additions made to this machine by : mechanics and philosophers, to render the use of it more convenient or more general. By combining this description with what has been said in regard to the air, it wait: be easy to conceive in what manner this machine is employed. When a bell- formed , receiver is used, a piece of oiled leather, with a hole in the middle of it, to afforda passage to the tube u, is sometimes placed on the platera. This wet leather causes, the contact of the edges of the receiver to be more exact, than if it rested on metal; / for some aperture or cleft would often remain, through which the exterior air would | introduce itself. The receiver is then placed upon the plate, with or without the leather, and the cock is turned in such a manner as to open a communication be-. tween the body of the pump and the receiver. The piston, which we suppose. raised up to the top, is then forced down by pressing the foot on the stirrup, and. when it is as low as possible, the cock is turned in such a manner as to intercept the first communication, and establish that between the body of the pump and the exterior air; the piston being then raised, the air in the body of the pump is ex-. pelled, and the cock is turned in the contrary direction which shuts the second coni- ; munication, and opens the former; the piston is then forced down again, and the AIR-PUMP. | 609 jame effect takes place. Or the pump is otherwise worked in the manner peculiar ‘0 its form and construction. Every stroke of the pump expels a portion of the air originally contained in the receiver, and in a decteasing geometrical progression. (hus, for example, if the body of the pump is equal in capacity to the receiver, the irst stroke of the piston will expel one half of the air contained in the receiver; he second will expel the fourth part; the third the eighth part; the fourth the ixteenth part, &c.; so that it may with truth be said that it can never be entirely tvacuated ; but after fourteen or fifteen strokes of the piston it will be so rarefied, hat there will remain only a part infinitely small; for, on the above supposition, he: quantity of air remaining after the first stroke of the piston will be 4, after he second +, after the third 4, and so on; after the fifteenth then it will be only he 32768th part, which in ae is equivalent to a perfect vacuum, for experi- nents such as those that are usually made. | After these observations on the form and use of the pneumatic machine, we hall proceed to a few of the most curious experiments. Experiment 1. | Place on the plate of the machine a receiver in the form of a bell; if you try to emove it you will experience no resistance ; but if you give only one stroke with he piston, it will adhere to the plate with considerable force: after 2, 3, or 4, it will dhere with more force; and after 18 or 20, with the force of several hundred ounds weight. If the base of the receiver be, for example, a circle a foot in dia- heter, the adhesive force will be about 1617 pounds, This experiment is a proof of the gravity of the air of the atmosphere; for the ir is the only body which, by pressing on the receiver, can produce the adhesion xperienced. When the air under the receiver is as dense as the external air, there sno adhesion, the air within and without being then in equilibrio with each other; ‘ut when that within is evacuated, either in whole or in part, the equilibrium is de- troyed, and the external compresses the receiver against the plate on which it rests, vith the excess of the weight it has over the force of the internal air. It will be ound that this force is equal to that of a cylinder of water 33 feet in height, and having ' base equal to that of the receiver. It was by these means that we found the result f 1617 pounds; for a cylindric foot of water weighs 49 pounds; consequently 33 feet reighs 1617. | Experiment 2. | Place under a receiver an apple, much shrivelled, or a very flaccid bladder, in thich there remains but a small quantity of air. If the receiver be then exhausted, ou will see the skin of the apple become distended, so that it will assume almost the ame form, and have as fresh an appearance, as it had when plucked from the tree. The ladder will, in like manner, swell up, and may even be distended to such a degree as 9 burst. When the airisre-admitted into the receiver, they will both resume their ormer contracted state. We have here an evident proof of the elasticity of the air. While the wrinkled pple or flaccid bladder is immersed in atmospheric air, its weight counteracts the lastic force of the air contained in both; but when the latter is freed from the veight of the former, its elasticity begins to act, and by these means it distends the ides of the vessel which contains it. When the air is re-admitted, the elasticity is ounteracted as before, and the apple and bladder resume their former shape. Experiment 3. | Place under the receiver a small animal, such as a cat, or a mouse, &c. If you then ump out the air, you will immediately see the animal become troubled, swell up, and 2R 610 - PHILOSOPHY. at length expire, distended and foaming at the mouth. These phenomena are th) effect of the air contained in the animal’s body, which being no longer compressed bj the external air, exercising its elasticity, it distends the membranes, and throws ou the humours which it meets with in its way. | Experiment 4. If butterflies or common flies be placed under the receiver, you will see al fly about as long as the air contained in the machine is similar 1o the externa air; but as soon as you have given a few strokes with the piston, they will in vail make efforts to rise, as the air has become too much rarefied to support them. Experiment 5. Adapt to a flat bottle a small tube, so constructed that it can be screwed upon th end of the tube, which rises above the plate of the machine. On the second or evei the first stroke of the piston, you will see the bottle burst; for this reason it ough: to be covered with a piece of wire netting, to prevent the fragments of it from doin mischief by flying about. The same effect is not produced on a receiver, because its spherical form gives i strength, in the same manner as an arch, to resist the pressure of the exterior air. Experiment 6, Provide a small machine consisting of a bell and hammer, the latter of whicl can be put in motion by wheel work, so as to strike the bell and make it sound’ Wind up this small machine, and having put it in motion, place it below the re’ ceiver and exhaust the air. As the air is exhausted you will hear the sound 0. the bell always become weaker ; and -if you continue to exhaust the air, the sount will at length cease entirely, or be scarcely heard. On the other hand, if you begin to re-admit the air, the sound will be revived, and will increase more ani more. , This experiment, which we have mentioned in another place, fully proves tha air is absolutely necessary for the transmission of sound, and that it is the vehicli of it. Experiment 7. \ Provide a receiver with a hole in the top, and through this aperture introduci the tube of a barometer, so that the bulb shall be in the inside of the receiver ' then close the remaining aperture with mastic, or with a metal plate, so as exclude the external air. Place the receiver thus prepared on the plate of the instru. ment, and begin to exhaust it of air. On the first stroke of the piston you will see’ the mercury fall considerably: a second stroke will make it still fall, but a quantity less than the former; and so on in a decreasing proportion. In short, as the air ir’ the receiver becomes less, the mercury will descend more and more towards the level of that in its bason. Experiment 8. Provide two hollow hemispheres of brass or copper, two feet in diameter, more) or less, with very smooth edges, so that they can be fitted to each other in such a manner as to form a hollow globe. To one of these hemispheres let there be adapted a tube passing into the inside of it, furnished with a stop-cock, and con- structed in such a manner that it can be screwed on the end of the tube u of the pneumatic machine. Each of these hemispheres must have affixed to ita ring, OI. handle, by one of which the globe can be suspended, while a weight is attache to the other. | — TO INVERT A GLASS OF WATER. 611 - When these arrangements are made, adapt the two concave hemispheres to vach other, so that the edges may be in perfect contact. Screw upon the end of he tube H of the pneumatic machine, the end of that which communicates with he inside of the globe, and exhaust it of air as much as possible, by forty, fifty, or nore strokes of the piston. Then shut the communication between the inside of the lobe and the external air, by turning the stop-cock, and remove the globe from the aachine. If you then suspend the globe by one of the rings, and attach a consider- ble weight to the other, you will find that the weight will not be able to separate he two hemispheres. If the globe indeed be two feet in diameter, and well ex- usted of air, the force with which the edges are pressed together will be equal to bout 6500 pounds. | This is what is called the celebrated experiment of Magdeburgh, because first made y Otto Guerik, a burgomaster of that town. He applied to the globe several pairs ff horses, some dragging in one direction and some in another, without their being ble to separate the two hemispheres: and in this there is nothing astonishing, for ough six horses draw a waggon, loaded with a weight equal to several thousand ounds, it is well known that, one with another, they do not exert a continued effort reater than about 180 pounds, and, dragging by jerks, their exertion does not exceed erhaps 4 or 500 pounds. The effort of six horses, therefore, is equal to no more 1an 3000 pounds. We shall even suppose it to be 4 or 5000 pounds ; but if the six orses draw in different directions, they do not double that force ; they only oppose » the first the resistance necessary to make it act, and do nothing more than what ‘ould be done by a fixed obstacle to which the globe might be attached. It needs: aerefore excite no surprise that, in the experiment of Magdeburgh, twelve horses vere not able to disjoin the hemispheres ; for according to this disposition, these welve horses were equivalent only to six; and it has been shewn that the effort of tese six horses, according to the above calculation, was very inferior to that which tey had to overcome. | PROBLEM II. | ; To invert a glass Sull of water, without spilling it. Pour water or any liquor into a glass, till it is full to the edge, and place over ita luare bit of pretty strong paper, so as to cover the mouth of it entirely; and above '€ paper place any smooth body, such as the bottom of a plate, or a piece of glass, ' even your hand. If you then invert the whole, and afterwards raise it up, you jill see the paper adhere to the glass, and the water will not fall out. 'This effect is produced by the gravity of the air, for as the air presses on the paper, hich covers the mouth of the glass, with a weight superior to that of the water, it ‘ust necessarily support it. But as the paper becomes moist, and affords a passage the air, it at length suddenly falls down. | Remark.—In consequence of the same principle, water or any other liquor may be Fig. 9, drawn from a vessel, by means of a pipe open at both ends. For, let a B, (Fig. 2.), be a tube, thick in the middle, and tapering towards both A ends, which terminate in two pretty narrow apertures. Immerse in any liquor with both ends open until it is full; and then place your finger | on the upper end, so as to close the aperture ; if you then draw it from the fluid, the liquor it contains will remain suspended in it, though the lower end be open; and it will not flow out till you remove your finger from the UB upper orifice. j Instead of employing a tube like that above described, you may use a ‘ssel, such as a B, (Fig. 3.), made like a bottle, and having its bottom pierced \th a great number of small holes: If you immerse this vessel in water with the 2n 2 612 PHILOSOPHY. bottom downwards, the liquor will enter through the holes ang fill it; and if you then place your finger on the mouth of it and draw it from the fluid, the water will remain suspended ir it as long as your finger continues in that situation ; but as soor as it is removed, the water will run out. This is what is called the clepsydra or watering pot of Aris totle; but neither Aristotle, nor any of those philosophers wh followed him, till the time of Torricelli, assigned a better rea son for this effect, than the horror which nature, as they said had of a vacuum. PROBLEM III. To draw off all the liquor contained in a vessel, by means of a syphon. The name syphon is given to a tube or pipe, consisting of two branches, A B an cp, (Fig. 4.), united by a crooked part Bc. Whether thi) part be straight or bent is of no importance. It has sometime: an aperture which serves for filling the two branches, or fo sucking up the liquor in which the shorter branch is immersed while the other isshut. It isemployed in the following manner! for solving the problem: proposed. Having filled the two branches of the syphon with liquor close them with your fingers, and immerse the shorter one in th vessel, so that the end of it shall almost touch the bottom ; ther remove your finger from the end of the longer branch, which will be’lower than th bottom of the vessel to be emptied, and you will see the liquor run out at the extre mity p of this branch, till the vessel is entirely emptied. Or the syphon may b filled and set a-running after it is placed in the liquid, by sucking the air out at th: i lower end with your mouth. This phenomenon is also an effect of the gravity of the air: for when the syphon i) full of liquor, and placed as above described, the air by its weight exercises a pressur: on the surface of the liquor to be emptied, and at the same time on the orifice of thi lower branch. The latter pressure indeed is for this reason somewhat superior to thi former; but as this branch is full of a liquor heavier than air, the advantage must bi in its favour, and the column ought to fall down. At the same time the air pressing on the surface of the fluid in the vessel, forces the liquor into the branch of the syphon immersed in it; which furnishes a new supply to the longer one, and so or in succession, till the whole liquor is exhausted. Remarks.—I. All the wine contained in a cask might easily be drawn off in thi manner by the bung-hole; and this indeed is the method employed in some place: for transferring liquor from one cask to another, without disturbing the lees, whicl are at the bottom. : II. By the same means, water may be conveyed from any place to another oné lower level, making it pass over an obstacle higher than either, provided the place which the water has to surmount is not higher than 32 or 33 feet above the leve. where it begins to ascend ; for it is well known that the gravity of the atmosphere cannot support a column of water greater than 32 or 33 feet. It is even necessary that the obstacle should be several feet less in height than 32 feet above the leve! of the water to be raised; otherwise the water will move in a very slow manner, unless the orifice of the longer branch be much lower than that level. This is a very economical kind of pump, and might be employed to convey water from one place to another, when it is impossible or inconvenient to pierce an inter- vening obstacle, to establish a pipe of communication. As we have never made the. RECIPROCATING VESSELS. 613 experiment, we cannot venture to give this as a very certain method, on account of the air which might lodge itself at the summit of the bending of the pipe. It is on the property of the syphon also that thd following hydraulic amusements depend. PROBLEM IV. To construct a vessel which, when filled to a certain height with any liquor, shall retain tt ; and which shall suffer the whole to escape, when filled with the same liquor to a height ever'so little greater. __ Those who may be desirous of giving to this small hydraulic machine a more mysterious air, add to it a small figure, which they call Tantalus, because in the attitude of drinking; but as soon as the water has reached its lips, it suddenly runs out. The construction of this machine is as follows. Let there be a metallic vessel a 3c p, (Fig. 5.) divided into two parts by a partition rf: in the middle of this partition is a small round hole, to receive a tube ms, about two lines in diameter, the lower orifice of which must descend a little below the partition. This tube is covered by another somewhat larger, closed at the top, and having on one side, at the bottom, an aperture, so that when water is poured into the vessel, it may force itself between the two tubes, and rise to the upper ori- fice s of the first. This mechanism must be concealed by a small figure in the attitude of a man stooping to drink, and having its lips a little above the orifice s. | If water be poured into this vessel, as soon as it reaches the lips of the figure, being above the orifice s, it will begin to run off; and a sort of sypbhonic motion will take place, in consequence of which the whole of the water will run into the lower ‘cavity, which ought to have in the side, towards the partition, an aperture to let the ‘air escape at the same time. | This hydraulic machine might be rendered still more agreeable, by constructing | ‘the small figure in sucha manner, that when the water has attained to its utmost height, it shall cause the figure to move its head, in order to approach it; which would represent the gestures of Tantalus, endeavouring to catch the water to quench this thirst. } PROBLEM V. Construction of a vessel which while standing upright retains the liquor it contains ; but which, if inclined, as for the purpose of drinking, immediately suffers it to | escape. ' Pierce a hole in the bottom or side of the vessel to which you are desirous of giving this property, and insert in it the longer branch of a syphon, the other extremity / of which must reach nearly to the bottom, as seen Fig. 6. Then fill the vessel with any liquor, as far as the lower side of the bent part of the syphon: it is evident that when in- clined, and applied to the mouth, this movement will cause the surface of the water to rise above the bending, and from the nature of the syphon, the liquor will then begin to flow off; and if the vessel is not restored to its former position, ’ will continue doing so till it becomes empty. This artifice might be concealed by means of a double cup, is it appears Fig. 7; for the syphon abc, placed between the two sides, will pro- luce the same effect. If the vessel be properly presented to the person whom you ——— 614 - PHILOSOPHY. are desirous of deceiving, that is to say in such a manner ag to make him apply his lips to the side b, the summit of th syphon, the inclination of the liquor will cause it to rise aboye that summit, and it will immediately escape at c. Those persons however who are acquainted with the artifice wil) apply their lips to the other side, and not meet with the same disappointment. PROBLEM VI. : Method of constructing a fountain, which flows and stops alternately. This fountain, the invention of M. Shermius, is exceedingly ingenious, and affords a very amusing spectacle, because it seems to flow and stop at command. It depends on the operation of a syphon, which, by the peculiar mechanism of this machine, is some- times obstructed and sometimes left free, as will appear by the following description. aB (Fig. 8.) is a vessel shaped like 4 drum, and close on all sides, except a hole in the middle of the bottom Ff, into which is soldered a tube cD, open at both its extremities, o and D ; but the upper one cought not to touch the top of the cylinder, in order that the water may have a free passage. When this vessel is to be filled, it must be inverted, and the water is then introduced through the aperture D, till it is nearly full. From the centre of the bottom of a cylindric vessel G H, somewhat larger, rises a tube D £, a little narrower, so that it can be fitted exactly into the former. Its height also ought to be somewhat less ; and its summit = must beopen. These two’ tubes, c p and zp, have two corresponding holes, 1, 7, at an equal height above the bottom of the lower vessel, so that when the one tube is inserted into the other, the holes may be made to correspond, and establish a communication between the exter- - nal air and that in the upper vessel. Lastly, there must be two or four holes, as K L, in the bottom of the vessel a 3, through which the water may flow into the lower! vessel @ H; and in this vessel also there ought to be one or two holes, m.N, of @ smaller size, through which the water may escape into another large vessel placed: below the whole apparatus, To make the machine play, pour water into the vessel 4 8, till it is almost entirely : full ; having then stopped the pipes K and, introduce the tube p £ into c D, so that the vessel cu shall serve as a base, and make the two holes 1 and 7 correspond with each’ other ; if the holes or pipes k and x be then unstopped, as the external air will have: a@ communication, by the apertures 1, 7, with that which is above the water in the: vessel a B, the water will flow readily into the vessel c #: but the quantity which escapes from G H being less than that which falls from the upper vessel A B, it will. soon rise above the apertures 1, 7, and intercept the communication between the external air and at that of vessel a B; consequently the water will soon after cease to flow. But as the water will continue to flow from the lower vessel, while no. more falls into it from the upper one, the apertures 1, ¢, will soon be uncovered, and the above communication will be re-established : the water therefore will again begin to flow through the pipes K and 1, and, rising above the apertures 1, 2, will soon’ after begin to escape again ; and this play will take place alternately, till no more ' water is left in the vessel A B. ; The time when the air is about to be introduced through the apertures, 1, i, into’ the top of the vessel a B, will be known by a small gurgling noise; and at that | moment you must command the fountain to flow. When you see the water begin to Fig. 8. | ot LA fe f. a } - : WATER CLOCKS.—TOWER OF BABEL. 615 rise above the same apertures 1, i, you must command it to stop. Hence the name given to this machine, the fountain of command. | PROBLEM VII. . How to construct a clepsydra, which indicates the hours by the uniform efflux of water. We have shewn, in the Mechanics, that if a vessel has a hole in its bottom, the water flows out faster at first than it does afterwards, so that if we wished to employ the efflux of water to indicate the hours, as the ancients did, it would be necessary tomake the divisions very unequal; because, if the whole height were divided into (144 equal parts, the highest, if the vessel were cylindrical, ought to contain 23, the ssecond 21, &c., and the last only 1. _ Are there any means then of causing the water to flow off in a uniform manner ? ‘This is a problem which naturally presents itself in consequence of the preceding jobservation. We have already solved it in Mechanics, by shewing what form ought ito be given to'the vessel, that the efflux of the water through a hole in its bottom ‘may be uniform. But we shall here give a more perfect solution, as it is equally ‘exact whatever may be the law of the retardation of the water. This solution is founded on the property of the syphon, and is very old, since it was described by Hero of Alexandria. It is as follows. , Provide a syphon a 8B c (Fig. 9.) and affix to the shorter Fig. 9. branch a B a piece of cork, capable of keeping the whole syphon in a vertical situation, as seen in the figure. When this apparatus is made to play, and the water begins to flow off through the longer branch, it will continue to escape with the same velocity, whatever may be the height of the water: for, in this machine, the efflux takes place in consequence of the inequality of the force with which the atmosphere presses on the surface of the liquid, and on the orifice of the longer branch ; since the syphon then sinks down as the surface of the liquid falls, it is evident that the velocity of its efflux will be ie uniform. | If the height of the vessel p & be therefore divided into equal parts, these divi- sions will indicate equal intervals of time. To render this elepsydra more curious, the branch a B might be concealed by a small light figure made to float on the surface of the water in the vessel, and indicating the hour with a rod, or its finger, on A small dial-plate. _ On the other hand, the water might be made to flow from any vessel whatever, through a similar syphon, into another vessel of a prismatic or cylindric form, from which might arise a small figure floating on the water, to indicate the hour as above described. PROBLEM VIII, What is the greatest height to which the Tower of Babel could have been raised, before | the materials carried to the summit lost all their gravity. To answer this mathematical pleasantry, which belongs as much to the physical part f astronomy as to mechanics, we must observe : _ Ist. That the gravity of bodies decreases in the inverse ratio of the square of their listarice from the centre of the earth. A body, for example, raised to the distance of , Semi-diameter of the earth above its surface, being then at the distance of twice the adius, will weigh only 3 of what it weighed at the surface. 2d. If we suppose that this body partakes with the rest of the earth in the ro- ary motion which it has around its axis, this gravity will be still diminished by the entrifugal force; which on the supposition that unequal circles are described in the 616 PHILOSOPHY. same time, will be as their radii. Hence at a double distance from the earth thiv force will be double, and will deduct twice as much from the gravity as at the surfacy of the earth. But it has been found, that under the equator the centrifugal fore lessens the natural gravity of bodies 3!,th part. | 3d. In all places, on either side of the equator, the centrifugal force being less, and acting against the gravity in an oblique direction, destroys a less portion, in the ratio of the square of the cosine of the latitude to the square of the radius. . These things being premised, we may determine at what height above the surface of the earth a body, participating in its diurnal motion in any given latitude, ought to be to have no gravity. But it is found by analysis that under the equator, where the diminution of gravity at the surface of the earth, occasioned by the centrifugal force, is about sh5, the, _ required height, counting from the centre of the earth, ought to be 3,/289, or € semi-diameters of our globe plus #%,, or 5 semi-diameters and /§, above the surface. Under the latitude of 30 degrees, which is nearly that of the plains of Mesopo. tamia, where the descendants of Noah first assembled, and vainly attempted, as we’ learn from the Scriptures, to raise a monument of their folly, it will be found that! the height above the surface of the earth ought to have been 63% semi-diameters of the earth. i Under the latitude of 60 degrees, this height above the surface of the earth ought. to have been 9,3, semi-diameters of the earth. } Under the pole this distance might be infinite; because in that part of the earth there is no centrifugal force, since bodies at the pole only turn round themselves. PROBLEM IX. If we suppose a hole bored to the centre of the earth, how long time would a heavy, ball require to reach the centre, neglecting the resistance of the air ? ; As the diameter of the earth is about 7930 miles, the semi-diameter will be 3965 miles, or 20935200 feet. If the acceleration were uniform, the solution of the problem would be attended with no difficulty; for nothing would be necessary but to say, according to Galileo’s rule, As 164, feet are to 20935200 feet, so is the’ square of ] second, which is the time employed by a heavy body in falling 164, feet, to a fourth term, which will be the square of the number of seconds employed in, falling 20935200 feet. But this fourth term will be found to be 1301940; and if we extract the square root of it, we shall have the required number, that is 1140 seconds, or 19 minutes. Such, according to this hypothesis, would be the time employed by a heavy body in falling to the centre of the earth. But it is much more probable that a body, proceeding along the radius of the earth, would lose its gravity, as it approached the centre ; for at the centre it would have no gravity at all; and it can be demonstrated, supposing the density of the earth to be uniform, and that attraction is in the inverse ratio of the squares of the dis- tances, that the gravity would decrease in the same proportion as the distance from the centre. The problem therefore must be solved in another manner, founded on the following proposition demonstrated by Newton: If a quadrant be described with a radius equal to that of the earth, an are which’ has 164, feet for versed sine, will be to the quadrant, as 1 second employed.-to pass | Over in falling these 164, feet, is to the time employed to fall through the whole’ semi-diameter of the earth. But an arc of the earth corresponding to 164, feet of fall, or versed sine, is 4’ 16”. 5”; and this are is to the quadrant, as 1 to 1265-2. Consequently we have this proportion, as 4’ 16” 5” are to 90°, or as 1 to 1265°2, so is 1 second, employed in falling 164, feet at the surface of the earth, to 126353 12 , or 21m 5s 12th, This will be the time employed by a heavy body in falling from the surface of the earth to the | ee | TIME OF THE. MOON FALLING TO THE EARTH. 617 centre, according to the second supposition, which is more consistent with the principles of philosophy than the former. PROBLEM X. What would be the consequence, should the moon be suddenly stopped in her circular motion ; and in what time would she fall to the earth 2 As the moon is maintained in the orbit which she describes around the earth, only »by the effect of the centrifugal foree which arises from her circular motion, and which counterbalances her gravitation towards the earth, it is evident that, if the circular motion were annihilated, the centrifugal force would be annihilated also ; ‘the moon then would be abandoned to a tendency towards the earth, and would fall jupon it with accelerated velocity. | But this motion would not be accelerated according to the law discovered by Galileo; for this law supposes that the force of gravity is uniform, or always the same. In the present case, the gravity of the moon towards the earth would vary, vand be increased in the inverse ratio of the square of the distance, according as she ‘approached the centre; which renders the problem much more difficult. | Newton however has taught us the method of solving it: this philosopher has shewn, that this time is equal to the half of that which the same planet would employ ‘to make a revolution around the same central body, but at half her present distance from it. Now, it is well known that the lunar orbit is nearly a circle, the radius of which is equal to 60 semi-diameters of the earth, and her revolution is 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes ;* hence it is found, by the celebrated rule of Kepler, that if she were distant from the earth only 30 of its semi-diameters, she would employ in her revolution around it no more than 9 days 15 hours 51 minutes, Consequently her semi-revolution would be 4 days 19 hours 553 minutes, which is therefore the time the moon would employ in falling to the centre of the earth. | &Remark.—If we examine, by the same method, in what time each of the cireum- solar planets, under the like circumstances, would fall into the sun, it.will be found that ; D. 4H. Mercurywould fall in J. saeewcseied sartiees :e lh ail Venus BOOT 9 SO 2 (8! 80 16 8:60 0 0 O08 600 o's 6.004 66-8) eere ee 39 17 Pet E AM eres nents ost is wade sais tie aC TES LENT ae AS A ec eccceee seccccsccecee 121 10 ero Eerste sis tis gts acln.cls bose cine Gale i «ee 297 6 BAe Tess oaid'n cremtitels cs ciiuts | coder siet dss 5 S01 4 | ALES ee ate Fi sibs hats eee ees eceweseeeesseceses 354 19 ) Vesta oe cnn ones sia ctee Sevsie hecceeet weds a Son. 405 on 0 DUDILER Es arise Maar sie asifbicls niles aetivas tis os tok TE TS ARUP Wines leticisisk thin ed eeetaveaet adeeb LOO! 0 Creorgium Sidings. ss. seanids osts oc bedevede 5425. 0 i PROBLEM XI. What would be the gravity of a body transported to the surface of the sun, or any other planet than the earth, in comparison of that which it has at the surface of our globe ? It can be demonstrated, to all those capable of comprehending the proofs, that the | * We make the revolution of the moon 27 days 7 hours 43 minutes, ninutes ; for the revolution here meant, is from any point of the heavens to the same point again, tnd not a synodical revolution, which is longer ; because when the moon has described a complete arcle, she has still to come up with the sun, which in the course of 27 days has advanced in ap- earance 27 degrees, or nearly. and not 29 days 12 hours 44 618 PHILOSOPHY. gravity of a body at the surface of the earth, is nothing else than the tendency of tha, body towards every part of the earth; the result of which must be a compound ten, dency passing through the centre, provided the earth be a perfect globe, which w here suppose, on account of the small difference between its figure and that of | sphere. It can be demonstrated also, that as attraction takes place in the direc, ratio of the masses, and the inverse ratio of the square of the distances, a partie] of matter placed on the surface of a sphere, which exercises on it a power c attraction, will tend towards it with the same force as if its whole mass were unite in its centre. It thence follows, that if we suppose two aphbran unequal both in their diamee and masses, the gravity of the particle on the one, will be to that of the same partic), on the other, in the compound ratio of their masses taken directly, and of the square of their semi-diameters taken inversely. But it has been demonstrated by astronomical observations, that the sun’s semi. diameter is equal to about 111 of the earth’s semi-diameters, and that his mass is t that of the earth, as 341908 to 1: the gravity then of a body at the surface of thi sun will be to that of the same body at the surface of the earth, in the compound rativ, -of 341908 to 1, and of the inverse of the square of 11] to 1, that is of 12321 tol. | If the number 341908 be therefore divided by 12321, we shall have 273 nearly ; con. sequently a body of a pound weight, transported to the surface of the sun, woult weigh 273 pounds. But we shall endeavour to illustrate this subject by a reasoning still simpler. Ii the whole mass of the sun, which is 341908 times as great as that of the earth, were compressed into a globe equal in size to the earth, the body in question, instead oj weighing one pound, would weigh 341908. But as the surface of the sun is 111 times as far from his centre as that of the earth is from its centre, it thence follows that the above weight must be diminished in the ratio of 12321, or of the square of 111, to the square of unity 5 that is, we must take only the 12321st part of the weight above found, which gives the preceding result, viz. 273. By a similar reasoning it will be found, that a body of a pound weight carried to, the surface of Jupiter, would weigh 27, pounds; to that of Saturn 1,4,, and to that of the moon only 23 ounces. : The masses of Mercury and the other planets which have no satellities can only. be guessed at from the effect which they produce in disturbing the motions of the other planets. The mass of the Moon as compared with that of the sun may be deduced by com-. paring their influence in producing the tides, and the precession of the equinoxes. Tabular view of the comparative light and heat, volumes, mass, density, and gravity at the surface of the sun and principal planets. Volume. Mass. Density. Gravity. | Light & Heat.! Mercury ...e-e- 0:063 TOWsTS | A 1:03 6°680 Venuis.t.een ee es 0°927 BieTT Ole ee 0:98 1-91 ta) Earth). ny 1-000 351936 3-9326 1:00 1-000 |! Mara’. ee niece 0°139 354630 gta) 0°33 431° |} Jupiter: ..eees 1280900 10THS “9926 ype 037 Saturn ...... oy! 995-000 3542 “5500 1:01 ‘Oll | Georgium Sidus.. 80-490 T7518 1:1000 Api 003. | SU eoraasie sap 1384472:000 l 10000 27°90 | . O16 | a Moon sireieed.4 | 020 SBBI0IUT 2°4815 AIR FOUNTAIN—WATER CHANGED TO WINE. 619 PROBLEM XII. | ~ To construct a fountain which shall throw up water by the compression of the air. Let there be a vessel, a section of which is represented (Fig. 10.), namely, composed of a cylindric pedestal or paral- lelopipedon, crowned with a kind of cup FAED. This pedestal is divided, by a partition n 0, into two cavities, the lower one of which must be somewhat smaller than the other. A tube Gu, passing through the partition, reaches nearly to the bottom c Bs; while another tube t mu has its upper orifice near the bottom of the cup, and its lower m near the par- tition no, A third tube 1 x, which, like the first, passes through the bottom of the cup, tapers to a point at the upper md, and with the other reaches nearly to the partition. ' When the vessel has been thus constructed, pour water into the upper cavity, ‘hrough a lateral hole, till it reaches nearly to the orifice L of the tube mL; then arefully stop the lateral hole, and pour water into the cup; this water, flowing into he cavity N 8, will compress the air in it, and will force it, in part, to pass through L into the space above the water in the upper cavity, where it will be more and 10re condensed, and force the water to spout out through the orifice 1, especially if ; be some time confined, either by keeping the finger on the orifice 1, or by means of ‘small stopcock, which can be opened when necessary. | | Remarks.—I. This small fountain may be varied different ways. Thus, for ex- mple, if the weight of the water which flows through c u into the lower cavity NB, e not sufficient to give the necessary force to the water which issues through 1, water ught be introduced by means of a syringe, or even air by means of a pair of bellows lapted to the orifice c, and furnished at the nozzle with a stopcock. ; | Quicksilver might also be poured into it: this fluid would enter it notwithstanding ae resistance of the air, and force it to exercise a powerful action on the fluid con- tined in the upper cavity. II. This fountain might be constructed in a manner still Fig. 11. simpler. Provide a bottle, such as a 3B (Fig. 11.), and intro- duce into it, through the cork, a tube c p, the lower orifice of which reaches nearly to the bottom, while the upper one termi- nates in a narrow aperture. The communication between the external air and that in the bottle ought to be completely inter- cepted at a. Let us now suppose that this bottle is three- fourths filled with water: if you breathe with all your force into the tube through the orifice c, the air in the space AEF will be condensed to such a degree as to press on the surface } of the water © F, which will make it issue with impetuosity rough the orifice c, and even force it to rise to a considerable height. When e play of the machine has ceased, if any water remains in it, to make it recom. ence its play, nothing will be necessary but to blow into it again. _ Fig. 10. | PROBLEM XIII. 9 construct a vessel, into which if water he poured, the same quantity of wine shall issue from it. The solution of this problem is a consequence, or rather a simple variation of the jeceding. Wet us suppose that the small tube 1 x (Fig. 10.), is suppressed, and at the cavity a o is filled with wine; if a small cock nx be inserted into the 620 ? PHILOSOPHY. / machine near the bottom N 0, it is evident that when water is poured into the o F AE D, the air, being forced into the upper cavity, will press on the surface of tl wine, and oblige it to flow through the cock, until it be in equilibrium with the weig] of the atmosphere: if more water be then poured into the cup F D, nearly as muy wine will issue through the cock: so that the water will appear to be convert¢ into wine. Hence, if it be allowable to make allusion to a celebrated event recorded in tl Sacred Scriptures, were this machine constructed in the form of a wine-jar, it might} called the pitcher of Cana. PROBLEM XIV. | Method of constructing an hydraulic machine, where a bird drinks up all the water th spouts up through a pipe and falls into a bason. Let aBnpc (Fig. 12.), be a vessel, divided int two parts by a horizontal partition E F; and let th upper cavity be divided into two parts aie by a vel tical partition G u. A communication is forme between the upper cavity B F and the lower one E¢ by a tube um, which proceeds from the lower parti tion, and descends almost to the bottom pc. 4 similar communication is formed between the lowe cavity ec and the upper one AG, by the tube 18 which rising from the horizontal partition & F, proceed. nearly to the top azB. A third tube, terminating a the upper extremity in a very small aperture, descend. nearly to the partition © F, and passes through th centre of a bason R s, intended to receive the wate. which issues from it. Near the edge of this bason is a bird with its bill im mersed in it; and through the body of the- bird passes a bent syphon q P, the aper ture of which P is much lower than the aperture @. Such is the construction of thi machine, the use of which is as follows. j Fill the two upper cavities with water through two holes, made for the purpose i the sides of the vessel, and which must be afterwards shut. It may be easily see that the water in the cavity a G ought not to rise above the orifice x of the pip’ KI. Ifthe cock adapted to the pipe L m be then opened, the water of the uppe cavity BG will flow into the lower cavity, where it will compress the air, and maki, it pass through the pipe K 1 into the cavity AG; in this cavity it will compress th: : air which is above it, and the air, pressing upon it, will force it to spout up throug] the pipe n 0, from whence it will fall down into the bason. But at the same time that the water flows from the cavity B c into the lower one the air will become rarefied in the upper part of that cavity : hence, as the weight o| the atmosphere will act on the water already poured into the bason through the orifice o of the ascending pipe n 0, the water will flow through the bent pipe qs P, int¢ the same cavity B G; and this motion, when once established, will continue as long, as there is any water in the cavity a c. 3 4 PROBLEM XV. To construct a fountain, which shall throw up water, in consequenee of the rarefaction’ of air dilated by heat. Construct a cylindric or prismatic vessel, a section of which is represented (Fig. 13.) raised a little on four feet, that a chaffing dish with coals may be place(’ beneath it. The cavity of this vessel must be divided into two parts by a partitior z F, having in it a round hole about an inch in diameter : into this hole is inserte¢ a pipe GH, which rises nearly to the top, and over the top is placed a vessel in | THERMOMETERS, 621 : the form of a bason, to receive the water furnished by the jet. Another piper x passing through the top, into which it is soldered or cemented, descends nearly to the partition zr: this pipe may be made a little wider at the lower extremity, but the upper end ought to be somewhat narrow, that the water may spout up to a greater height. It will be proper to adapt to the upper part of this pipe a small stop- cock x, by means of which the water can be confined till the air is sufficiently rarefied to produce the jet. When the machine is thus constructed, pour water into the upper cavity till it reaches the orifice u of f the tube cH; then place a chafing-dish of burning soals, ora lamp with several wicks, below the bottom of the vessel. By these means ‘heair contained in the lower cavity will be immediately rarefied, and passing through he pipe c u, into the space above the water contained in the upper cavity, will orce it to rise through the orifice 1 of the pipe 1k, and to spout up through the aper- ure K. _ To render the effect more sensible and certain, it will be proper to put a small juantity of water into the lower cavity; for when this water begins to boil, the lastie vapour produced by it, passing into the upper cavity, will exert a much reater pressure on the water, and force it to rise to a more considerable height. | Care however must be taken, if the steam of boiling water be employed, not to eat the machine too much; otherwise the violent expansion of the water might urst it. PROBLEM XVI. To measure the degree of the heat of the atmosphere, and of other fluids. History of thermometers, and the method of constructing them. One of the most ingenious inventions, by which the revival of sound philosophy as distinguished in the beginning of the 17th century, was that of the instrument nown under the name of the thermometer, so called because it serves to measure ae temperature of bodies, and particularly that of the atmosphere, :and of other uids, into which it can be immersed. This invention is generally ascribed to the \eademy del Cimento, which flourished at Florence, under the protection of the ‘and-dukes of the house of Medici, and which was the first in Europe that applied > experimental philosophy. It is asserted also, that Cornelius Drebbel of Alemaer (north Holland, who lived at the court of James I. king of England, had a share | this invention. But we shall not here enter into a discussion of this point in the story of Natural Philosophy, as it is foreign to our design.* The invention of the thermometer is founded on the property which all bodies, ad particularly fluids, have of dilating by the heat which pervades them. As spirit ' wine possesses this property in an eminent degree, this liquid was employed in eference to any other. A very narrow glass tube, terminating in a bulb of about iinch in diameter, was filled with this liquor, after it had been coloured red by eans of tincture of turnsol, or orchilla weed, in order to render it more visible, ” The first description of a thermometer ever published, is that of Solemon de Caux, a French ‘gmeer, in his book ‘* Des Forces Mouvantes,”’ printed in 1624, in folio, but written, as appears, ‘or to that period, for the dedication to Louis XIII. is dated 1615, and the privilege granted by at monarch is of 1614. The thermometer here alluded to, acts by the dilatation of air confined in ‘20x, which, pressing against water, forces it to rise in a tube. As Drebbel’s thermometer was (the same kind, it may be asked whether his invention was prior to that of Solomon de Caux ? is is a question which seems difficult to be determined.— Note of the French Censor. §22 ‘ PHILOSOPHY. i It may be easily conceived, that the size of the bulb being considerable, compare¢ with that of the tube, as soon as the liquor became in the least dilated, it would bi in part forced to pass into the tube: the liquor therefore would be obliged to ascend On the other hand, when condensed by cold, it would of course descend. It wa’ only necessary to take care, that during very cold weather the liquor should no entirely descend into the bulb; and that during the greatest degree of heat to bi measured, it should not patrely escape from it. Towards the lower part, som degrees of temperature were inscribed by estimation: such as cold, and a little lowe’ great cold ; towards the middle temperate, and at the top heat, and great heat. Such is the construction of that thermometer called the Florentine, which wai used for almost a century; and such are those still sold in many country places by itinerant venders, and which are purchased with confidence by the ignorant. This thermometer, though its form and the greater part of its construction hal been retained, is attended with this fault, that it indicates the variations of heat only in a very vague and uncertain manner. By its means we may indeed know that one day has been hotter or colder than another; but that degree of heat oi cold cannot be compared with another degree, nor with the heat or cold in anothel: place: besides, the words heat and cold are merely relative. An inhabitant of the planet Mercury would probably find one of our hottest summers exceedingly cool, and perhaps very cold; while an inhabitant of Saturn, if transported to the frigi¢ zone of our earth during winter, would perhaps find it intolerably hot. We our selves at the close of a fine day in summer, experience a sensation of cold, wher removed into air much less bot, and vice versd. all On this account, attempts have been made to construct thermometers, by which’ the degrees of heat and cold could be compared to a degree of heat or cold invariable in nature; so that all thermometers constructed according to this principle, though by: different artists, in different places and at different times, should correspond with: each other, and indicate the same degree when exposed to the same temperature.’ This was the only method of making experiments that could be of utility. This was at length accomplished by means of the two following principles, which’ were discovered by experience. The first is, that the degree of the temperature of pounded ice, beginning to’ melt, or of water beginning to freeze, is constantly the same, at all times and in . places, The second is, that the degree of the temperature of boiling water is ib constant. We here speak of fresh water; and we suppose also that the height of the atmosphere does not vary ; for we know that when water is pressed with a greater weight, it requires a degree of heat somewhat greater than when it is less’ pressed. This is proved by the pneumatic machine, from which if a part of the alr’ be exhausted, water boils at a less degree of heat than when exposed to the open air. Hence arises a sort of paradox, that at the summit of a mountain, the same quantity of heat is not required to boil water as at the bottom of it. But when the: gravity of the air is the same, and when the water holds no salt in solution, it begins: to boil at the same degree of heat; and when it once attains to that state, it never | acquires a greater degree, hdasevat long it may be boiled. : These two constant degrees of heat and cold, so easy to be obtained, have there- | fore appeared to philosophers very proper for being employed in the construction of thermometers. The simplest methcd for this purpose is as follows :— Provide a tube, one of the ends of which is blown into a bulb of about an inch in | diameter; if the tube be a capillary one, the bulb may be smaller. By a process” which we shall describe hereafter, pour quicksilver into the tube, till it rises to the | height of a few inches above the bulb; and then immerse the bulb into pounded ice | putintoa bason. When the mercury ceases to fall, make a mark on the tube, in’ { THERMOMETERS. 623 wrder that this point may be known; then immerse the thermometer into boiling vater, and mark the point where the mercury ceases to rise, which will be that of voiling water. Nothing then will be necessary but to divide that interval, between hese two marks, into any equal number of parts at pleasure, such as 100, for instance, vhich appear to us to be the most convenient. For this purpose affix the tube to a mall piece of board, having a piece of paper cemented to it, and divide the interval etween the marks into the number of parts you have chosen; if 8 be inscribed at he point of freezing, and if a few degrees be marked below it, your thermometer will e constructed. , Care however must be taken, to ascertain whether the diameter of the tube is uni- orm throughout: for it may be easily seen that a tube of unequal calibre would ender the motion of the mercury irregular. For this purpose, introduce a small drop - f mercury into the tube, and make it pass from the one end to the other; if it every yhere occupies the same length, it is evident that no part of the tube is narrower aan another ; if the drop becomes lengthened or shortened, the tube must be rejected 3 faulty. | Several of the modern philosophers, with a view to improve the construction of aermometers, have entered into minute details in regard to the increase of volume ‘hich mercury and spirit of wine acquire, when they pass from the degree of freezing ) that of boiling water; but it appears to us, that as these two terms have been mund to be invariable, they might have saved themselves the trouble of entering ito these considerations, which tend only to render their processes more difficult. It now remains that we should describe the method of filling the bulb and tube ‘ith the fluid intended to form the thermometer ; and which, for reasons to be men- oned hereafter, we shall suppose to be mercury ; for this operation is attended with me difficulty, especially when the tube is very small. i |The first thing to be attended to, is to clean very well the inside of the tube; hich, if it be not a capillary one, may be done by means of a very dry plug fixed to 1e end of a wire, and then drawn up and down the tube. If the tube be capillary, | must first be heated, and then the bulb: the air issuing from the latter will expel ly dirt that may be adhering to it. |The mercury ought to be exceedingly pure, or revived by means of cinnabar; it just also be boiled to expel the air which may be diffused through it. When these preparations have been made, attach to the summit of the tube a small sper funnel; apply the tube to a chafing-dish in such a manner as to heat it gra- aally, and then heat the bulb in the same manner, till it cannot be held in the hand ithout a thick glove. When the thermometer has acquired this degree of heat, if ie small funnel above mentioned be filled with heated mercury, in proportion as the ass cools the air will become rarefied, and afford a passage to the mercury into the ilb, till it be in equilibrium with it. Repeat the same operation to introduce a new aantity of mercury, and so on till the tube is full ; and then graduate the thermo- eter, expelling from it, by the means of heat, what is more than necessary to make jreach the highest point marked towards the upper extremity of the tube. when mersed in boiling water. When this point has been fixed mark it by means of a read, or by notching the tube with a file, and having suffered the thermometer to ‘ol, immerse it in melting ice, which will give the freezing point. It may be readily conceived, that if the whole of the mercury, during this opera- ‘mn, should enter the bulb, it will be necessary to introduce a little more, in order to ary the point of boiling water somewhat higher. Melt and draw out the upper end of the tube, by applying it to an enameller’s Inp, and heat the mercury to such a degree, as to make it ascend near to the ‘mmit ; then seal it hermetically at the lamp, and by these means nothing will 624 PHILOSOPHY. remain in the upper end of the tube but a quantity of air imperceptible, or exceei ingly small. Then affix the tube toa Speed made of some wood which has the property of expan ing but a very little in length by heat: fir has this property as well as that of ligh ness; the bulb must be insulated from the board that the air may surround it mo} freely) and that it may not be affected by the heat which the wood may acquire. | A question here naturally arises: What kind of liquor is the best, and mo convenient for constructing accurate and durable thermometers—Spirit of wine ( mercury ? In our opinion, this question is attended with no difficulty ; for all philosophe must agree that mercury is the fittest fluid for constructing thermometers. N doubt of its superiority over spirit of wine can be entertained, by those wh consider :— Ist. That spirit of wine, unless well dephlegmated, is not always the same; ar who can assert that, in its different states, its progress is always the same, or thati dilatation is not different at the same degree of heat? This point has been determine by experience ; and therefore no certain comparison can be made between differei spirit of wine thermometers. 2d. If spirit of wine be well dephlegmated, as it then becomes highly spirituoy and volatile, is it not to be apprehended that its volume may be gradually diminished It is indeed true, that to prevent this inconvenience, the tube is hermetically close at the top; but this precaution will not prevent the most volatile part from beir exhaled in the upper part of the tube; and in that case the spirit of wine, becomir less expansible, will remain below the degree at which it ought to be; and the sam thing will take place i in every state of the spirit of wine, whether it be employed mm water, as is usual, in order to moderate its dilatibility. 3d. Spirit of wine boils at a degree of heat less than that of boiling water ; cor sequently it is not proper for examining degrees of heat which are greater ; for beyor ebullition the progress of the dilatation of any liquor does not follow the same laws because after that term it becomes volatilized, or is suddenly reduced into vapour ¢ a volume a thousand times greater. On the other hand, spirit of wine, when united with water, is susceptible of freezin at a degree of cold not much less than that at which water congeals; and therefor it is very improper for measuring degrees of cold much below that term. Mercury is attended with none of these defects. This substance, as far as chemis have been able to ascertain, is of an uniform nature when pure; to make it boil re quires a degree of heat six times as far distant from zero, or the term 0, as that ¢ which water boils ; and it does not freeze but at a degree of cold very far indeed belo that of the pragcuayion of water. Another advantage of mercury, whether employed in thermometers or barome ters, is, that while in the act of rising, the small column assumes a convex form ¢ the top, and when it falls a concave form; for this reason, when the summit assume a convex form, we can say that the mercury is in the act of rising; and when : becomes concave, we may conclude that it begins to fall; which is very convenien for prognosticating heat, and for ascertaining whether it increases or has become sta tionary, or has begun to decrease. B PBOBLEM XVII. Description of the most celebrated thermometers, or those chiefly used : Method of i reducing the degrees of one to corresponding degrees of another. : Several thermometers, different in the division of their scale, though constructe on the same principle, are employed in Europe. As the division of the scale i THERMOMETERS. 625 “altogether arbitrary, it is necessary that we should point out the method of reducing degrees of the one to corresponding degrees of another. | These thermometers are that of Fahrenheit, that of Reaumur, that of Celsius, and that of Delisle. The first of these thermometers is constructed with mercury, and is graduated in a manner which, on the first view, may appear rather whimsical. The freezing point corresponds to the 32d degree; and between this point and that of boiling water there are 180 degrees; so that the heat of boiling water corresponds to the 212th degree. The reason of this division is that Fahrenheit assumed, as the Zero of his \thermometer, the greatest degree of cold which he could produce by a mixture of snow and spirit of nitre; having then immersed his instrument in melting ice, and afterwards i in boiling water, he divided the interval between these two points into 180 degrees, which gave him 32 between the above artificial cold and that of common freezing. Experience has since shewn that it is possible to produce an artificial cold much more intense than that produced by Fahrenheit. , Thisthermometer is that generally used in England ; butit appears that the scale is not the most commodious. It might however be Figanaes by transposing zero to the place of the 32d degree, in which case there would be 180 degrees between the freezing point and that of boiling water; and the degree now marked 0 in this ther- mometer, would be — 32, denoting the degrees below freezing by the negative sigu minus. Fahrenheit, it appears, was the first person who employed mercury in the construction of this instrument. | Reaumur’s thermometer is generally made with spirit of wine, and is graduated in such a manner, that the degree of melting ice is marked 0, and that which corre- sponds to boiling water is marked 80; consequently there are 80 degrees between these two points. The scale below O is marked 1, 2, 3, 4, &c.; and when these degrees are used, the words below freezing are added, or for the sake of brevity the sign —. | Delisle’s thermometer is much used in the North; and for this reason it is neces- sary we should make known the mannerin which it is divided. Delisle begins his scale at the point of boiling water, and proceeds downwards to the freezing point; setween which and that of boiling water there are 150 degrees: 150 degrees of his hermometer correspond therefore to 80 of Reaumur, or 180 of Fahrenheit. Celsius of Upsal, and Christin of Lyons, sensible of the defects of spirit of wine, md finding the division into 80 degrees inconvenient, endeavoured to remedy these faults by constructing a thermometer with mercury, and dividing the interval be- sween the freezing point and that of boiling water into 100 degrees. The only ‘lifference between this thermometer and that of Reaumur, is, that mercury is ised instead of spirit of wine, and that 100 divisions are employed in the fame space in which Reaumur~employs 80: one degree of the thermometer of elsius is therefore equal to 4 of a degree of that of Reaumur; consequently, to con- yert the degrees of Celsius’s thermometer to corresponding degrees of Reaumur, Peer ly by 4 and divide by 5: to convert Reaumur’s degrees to those of Celsius, a ontrary operation must be employed. To convert the degrees of Celsius’s thermo- aeter to those of Fabreuheit’s, multiply by 9, then divide by 5, and to the product dd 32. To convert Fahrenheit’s degrees to those of Celsius, subtract 32 from the umber of degrees proposed, and having multiplied the remainder by 5, divide the roduct by 9. _ To convert degrees of Fahrenheit into degrees of Reaumur, the following process hust be employed : if the degrees of Fahrenheit are above 32, subtract 32 from them, hen multiply the remainder by 4, and divide the product by 9, the quotient will be the 1, ‘orresponding degree of Reaumur’s division. Let the proposed degree of Fahrenheit, 28 626 PHILOSOPHY. for example, be 149: if 32 be subtracted from this number, the remainder will he 117, : which multiplied by 4, gives for product 468; and if this product be divided by 9, we shall have for quotient 52, which is the corresponding degree of Reaumur’s “ mometer. If the degree of Fahrenheit be between 0 and 32, it must be subtracted from 32; | then multiply the remainder by 4, and divide the product by 9: the quotient will be the corresponding degree of Reaumur’s thermometer. In this manner it will be found, that 12 degrees of Fahrenheit correspond to 8 degrees of Reaumur, below freezing. Lastly, when the proposed degree is below 0, add it to 32, and then proceed as above directed: the quotient will be the corresponding degree of Reaumur’s ther- mometer. Thus, it will be found that the 45th degree of Fahrenheit, below 0, cor- responds to 342 degrees below 0 of Reaumur. It may here be readily seen, that to convert degrees of Reaumur’s scale to the corresponding degree of Fahrenheit’s, the reverse of this operation must be Per formed. In regard to Delisle’s thermometer; it is evident, from 1ts construction, that the 150th degree in its scale, corresponds to the zero of Reaumur’s scale. If the pro- posed degree of Delisle’s thermometer then be less than 150, it must be subtracted from 150: if you then multiply by 8, and divide by 15, the quotient will be the cor- responding degree of Reaumur, above freezing. Let the proposed degree of Delisle’s thermometer, for example, be 120: if this number be subtracted from 150, the remainder will be 30; then say, as 150 to 80, or as 15 to 8, so is 30 to a fourth term, which will be 16= the degree of Reaumuag thermometer, above 0, or the freezing point. If the degree of Delisle’s thermometer exceeds 150, as if it be 190, for example subtract 150 from it, which will leave for remainder 40; then make use of this pro- portion: As 15 is to 8, so is 40 to 214, which will be the degree of Reaumur’s ther- mometer, below 0, corresponding to the 190th degree of Delisle’s thermometer. As it will be easy to perform the reverse of this operation, in order to convert the degrees of Reaumur’s thermometer into those of Delisle’s, more examples ve needless. It is certainly much to be wished that all philosophers would agree to employ only one kind of thermometer, that is to say, constructed in the same manner, with mer- cury, and having the same scale. In regard to the latter, there can be no doubt that the division of 100 parts, between the freezing point and that of boiling water, would be preferable to any other, as decimal divisions are attended with many ad- vantages in regard to facility of calculation; and this mode of division has since been adopted in France. The thermometer so divided is called the centigrade ther- mometer. | ON REGISTER THERMOMETERS. : Many contrivances have been proposed for ems the thermometer register the variations of temperature. One invented by Mr. Six of Colchester, and named after the inventor, is represented in Fig. 14. It is nothing but a spirit-of-wine thermometer, with a long cylindrical bulb; and its tube bent in the form of a syphon with parallel legs, and ending in a small cavity. A part of both legs, as from a to J, is filled with mercury ; and the ramainder of the legs, and a small portion of the cayity, are filled with highly rectified spirit of wine. The double column of mercury gives motion to two indices, ce and d. Each index consists of a bit of iron wire inclosed in a glass tube, capped at each end with a button of enamel. They are of such size that they, would move freely in the tube, were it not for a thread of glass drawn from the | | | 4 | 4 REGISTER THERMOMETERS. 627 upper cap of each, and inclined so as to press against one side of the tube with sufficient force to retain the index attached at any part of the tube to which it is raised by the mercurial column. The instrument, then, effects its object in the following man- ner. When the spirit in the bulb is expanded by heat, it de- presses the mercury in the limb a, and raises it in the limb 4, of the syphon. When the spirit d in the bulb contracts by cold, the mercury in the limb 6 descends, and causes a proportional rise of the column ina. Now it will be seen that when the mercury in either column rises, it will carry the index in that column with it; and when it begins to fall, it will leave the index attached to the side of the tube, by the small glass spring above adverted to; the lower part of the index marking the highest point to which the mercury in that tube had risen. In this way the highest and lowest temperatures are seen that have occurred between any two times of observation. To prepare the instrument for a new observation, both indices are brought to the surface of the mercury by the attraction of a magnet. It is obvious, from this description, that there must be an as- cending scale attached to 6 to measure the expansion of the . spirit by heat, and a descending scale to a to mark the con- traction of the spirit by cold, ' Some makers, instead of the glass spring, insert a bristle into the cap of the in- ex; but a fine wire of silver or platina would be preferable. ' Another invention of Dr. John Rutherford’s, called the day and night thermome- er, has, from its cheapness, and the simplicity of its construction, in some measure uperseded that of Six. Fig. 15. _ This instrument is represented in Fig. 15, where a represents a spirit, and B a -ercurial, thermometer ; both placed horizontally on the same piece of wood or ory. The index of 8 is a piece of steel wire, which is pushed before the mercury, and ft where the mercury had attained its greatest expansion ; and marking therefrom ‘e highest temperature. The index of a isa piece of glass about half an inch lng, with a small knob at each end. It lies in the spirit, which passes freely beyond i when expanded by heat; and when contracted by cold, the last film of the dumn of spirit is enabled, by the attraction between the spirit and the glass, to ry the index back towards the bulb ; leaving it at the point which marks the great- G cold that has taken place since the setting of the index. From the position ef the thermometers, it is obvious that, to bring both the in- es to the surface of the respective fluids, it is only necessary to incline the instru- int, making the end towards c the lowest. 282 | 628 PHILOSOPHY. For ordinary purposes this instrument is very convenient; it is not easily deranged, and it can be adjusted in a moment. For a description of other instruments of the kind, see the treatise on the Ther- mometer and Pyrometer, in the ‘‘ Library of Useful Knowledge.” PROBLEM XVIII. Construction of another kind of thermometer, which measures heat by the dilatation of a bar of metal. The property which all metals have of dilating by heat, serves as a principle for the construction of another thermometer, exceedingly useful, as much greater degrees of heat can be measured by it than by other thermometers ; for a spirit-of- wine thermometer cannot measure a degree of heat greater than that acquired by spirit of wine in a state of ebullition; and a mercurial thermometer cannot measure any degree of heat greater than that of boiling mercury. It was perhaps for this reason that Newton employed, in his thermometer, linseed oil; for it is well known that fat oils, before they are brought to ebullition, require a degree of heat much greater than that which fuses the greater part of the metals and semi-metals, such as lead, tin, bismuth, &c. Muschenbroeck is the inventor of this new kind of thermometer, called also Pyrometer. Its construction is as follows. If we supposea small bar of metal, 12 or 15 inches in length, made fast at one of its extremities, it is evident, that if it be dilated by heat, it will become lengthened, and its other extremity will be pushed forwards. If this extremity then be affixed te the end of a lever, the other end of which is furnished with a pinion adapted toa wheel, and if this wheel move a second pinion, the latter a third, and so on, it will be evident that, by multiplying wheels and pinions in this manner, the last one will have a very sensible motion; so that the moveable extremity of the small bar cannot pass over the hundredth or thousandth part of a line, without a point of the circum. ference of the last wheel passing over several inches. Ifthis circumference then have teeth fitted into a pinion, to which an index is affixed, this index will make several revolutions, when the dilatation of the bar amounts only to a quantity altogether insensible. The portions of this revolution then may be measured on a dial-plate, divided into equal parts; and by means of the ratio which the wheels bear to the pinions, the absolute quantity which a certain degree of heat may have made the small bar to dilate, can be ascertained; or, by the dilatation of the bar, the degree of heat which has been applied to it may be determined. Such is the construction of Muschenbroeck’s pyrometer. It is necessary to obsess that a small cup is adapted to the machine, in order to receive the liquid or fused matters, subjected to experiment, and in which the bar to be tried is immersed. | When it is required to measure, by this instrument, a considerable degree of heat, such as that of boiling oil or fused metal, fill the cup with the matter to be tried, and immerse the bar of iron into it. The dilatation of the bar, indicated by the turning of the index, will point out the degree of heat it has assumed, and which must neces- sarily be equal to that of the matter into which it is immersed. This machine serves to determine the ratio of the dilatation of metals; for by sub- stituting, in the room of the pyrometric bar, other metallic bars of the same length, and then exposing them to’an equal degree of heat, the ratios of their dilatation will be shewn by the motion of the index. | THERMOMETERS, - 629 A Taste of the different degrees of heat at which different matters begin to melt, to Jreeze, or to-enter into ebullition, according to the thermometers of Fahrenheit, Reaumur, and Celsius. Degrees Degrees Degrees Names of the Matters. Fe ; re) of of Fahrenheit. | Reaumur.| Celsius. Mercury congeals ... 11. 0ss see one vee] —= 39 | — 31d | —. 392 EVE OTSA AR cl hector \ Feed! Lenk: lens 708 300 375 MRTERRTCCZES Biers ter, Uncen. -doouts teh ale’. Sade 32 0 0 Water boils ... ... ah oe a ar 212 80 100 Rectified spirit of wine 2 freezes ete jee Hess} —— 33 | — 29 jee fihe'same boils .... ... woes (tee 175 634 79 Brandy consisting of equal parts spirit. and | water freezes ... ... dee ter eae eee eel me 7 | IR | — 212 | The same boils ...... ee 190 70 874 | Water saturated with marine salt boils . He 218 822 1032 : Lixivium of wood ashes boils... 0... w..sasj 240 924 114 Burgundy, Bourdeaux, &c., wine freezes ...)J —- 20 | — 53 | — 7} : PERT OPSUMEEVAFEOZES: NS. ch fit oh Sew fetes esef nt 400 | ea} og eee cate: DOL Se Seems brea! i BOS UL RSE ats 242 935 116 | Peskuraehiarcscokis) Ii. seel tye ti ..2 lay well Measity ce 142 49% 624 _*| Butter melts... vee eee = eas} 80 to 90 121 to 26/26 to 32] —_{ Oil of turpentine begins fo holy tee ee 560 234 292 | Olive oil becomes fixed ... 0 00. ue ee aes 43 5 6} el Rape-seed oil boils, and is ready to inflame ... 714 298 372 | Peon fusedirsr: At ese 05,08. ON RHUL, Was 408 | 167 309 ee HIGGS 1.4) Ess yc oG fers Le ok. ubceh Rieder Goes ses 540 226 282 | Bismuth ditto... comitatus til hots 460 190 238 "| Regulus of anatomy ditto... 0. sue ses eee 805 344 430 Tasue of the different degrees of heat or cold observed in various paris of the earth, | or in certain circumstances, or in consequence of certain operations, according to Reaumur’s thermometer. Degrees, Constant heat of the vaults below the observatory of Paris ...... 94 men amovnich chickens aré hatched... .. HAY [Hoot H af > - SSeS TTT CL PROBLEM XXXI. What space would be occupied by a cubic inch of air, if carried to the height of the | earth’s semi-diameter ? We have already mentioned that air, in consequence of its elasticity, when charged. with a double weight, is reduced to one half of its volume, and so on in proportion ; at least as far as has hitherto been found by the experiments made on that subject. For the same reason, when freed from the half of the weight which it supports, it | ‘occupies a double space; and a quadruple space, when it has only a fourth part al EXPANSION OF THE AIR, bet the weight to support. Thus, for example, on ascending a mountain, when it is found that the mercury has fallen half the height at which it stood at the bottom of the mountain, it is concluded that, being freed from half the weight which it sup- ported when in the plain, it has been dilated to double the volume, or that the stratum of the surrounding air has only half the density of that at the bottom of the mountain ; for the density is in the inverse ratio of the space occupied by the same quantity of matter, This law of the dilatation of the air, in the inverse ratio of the weight with which it is loaded, has enabled geometricians to demonstrate, that as one rises in the atmosphere, the density decreases, or rarefaction increases, in a geometrical pro- gression; while the heights to which one rises, increase in arithmetical progression, Hence, if it be known to what height we must rise to have the air rarefied one fourth, for example, or reduced to three fourths of the density which it has on the sorders of the sea, we can tell that at a double height its density will be the square of 3, or %; at a triple height it will be the cube of 3, or 27; in short, at a hundred simes: the height, it will be the 100th power of #, &e. Or, if the ratio of the den- sity of the air, at the height of 1760 yards, or 1 mile, to the density of the air on she borders of the sea, has been determined, and if we call this ratio p, we shall aave D? for the expression of that ratio at the height of 2 miles; at three miles it will p?, &c: and at n miles, it will be p”. ; | But, it is known by experiment that at the perpendicular height of a mile above she level of the sea. the mercury, which on the borders of the sea was at the height of 28 inches, or 336 lines, falls to 22 inches 4 lines, or 268 lines, or the height of the mercury at that elevation is expressed by the fraction 268, unity being the whole relight. Hence it follows, that the ratio of the density of the air at that height, to’ he density of the air on the borders of the sea, is expressed by that fraction: conse- juently to find what this ratio would be at the height of the earth’s semi-diameter, ve must first know how many miles are contained in that semi-diameter. Let us uppose that there are 3000. We must therefore raise the above fraction. 268, or Sf, (0 the 3000th power, which may be easily done by means of logarithms; for taking he logarithm of §, which is —0-0982045, and multiplying it by 3000, we shall have or the logarithm of the required number — 294-6135000; which indicates that this iumber is composed at least of 295 figures. We may therefore say, that the density #€ the air which we breathe at the surface of the earth, is to that which we should ind at the height of the earth’s semi-diameter, as a number, consisting of 295 figures, Stounity. It is needless to make a calculation to prove that the sphere even of jaturn does not contain as many cubic inches as are expressed by that number; nd consequently that a cubic inch of air, carried to the height of the earth’s semi- jameter above its surface, would be extended in sucha manner as to occupy aspace reater than the sphere of Saturn. | We shall here just observe, that this rarity would be still greater, for the following eason. We havesupposed the gravity uniform, which is not the case; for as gra- ‘ity decreases in the inverse ratio of the distance from the centre of the earth, it hence follows, that in proportion as one rises above the surface, this gravity is di- xinished ; so that at the distance of a semi-diameter from the earth, it is only a fourth art of what it was at the surface; every stratum of air then will be less loaded by be superior strata, since they will weigh less at the same height, than on the pre- eding supposition: consequently the air will be more dilated. Newton has hewn the method of making the calculation; but for the sake of brevity we shall nit it. Remark.—The extreme rarity of the air, at a distance so moderate, may serve as proof of the great tenuity of the matter with which the celestial space is filled. or if its density were every where the same as it is at the distance of the earth’s Ps Tih 24 i 635 PHILOSOPHY. semi-diameter, it may be easily perceived how little the planetary bodies can lose of their motion by traversing it. The moon, during the many thousand years she has been revolving round the earth, cannot yet have displaced a quantity equal to a cubic foot of our air. PROBLEM XXXII. Ifa pit were dug to the centre of the earth, what would be the density of the air at the different depths, and at the bottom of it ? We shall begin our answer to this question by observing, that one could not pro. ceed to a very great depth, without coming to air so highly condensed, that a person would fioat on it, in the same manner as cork does on mercury. This is evident, if we suppose the gravity at the different depths of the pit to be uniform; for at the distance of a semi-diameter below the surface, the density must be to that of the air at the surface in the inverse ratio of the density of the latter to that of the air at the distance of a semi-diameter above it. But we have seen by. what a number the rarity of the latter is expressed; and the same number willex. press the condensation at the centre. Quicksilver is not quite 14000 times as heavy as the air which we breathe; and. therefore the air at the centre would be thousands of millions of millions, &c. of times denser than mercury. But, for the sake of amusement, since we are on the subject of philosophical recreations, let us examine the most probable hypothesis of the gra- vity which prevails in the case stated in this problem. The gravity would not be. uniform ; it would decrease on approaching the centre, being exactly as the distance from the centre. But Newton has shewn that as the squares of the distances, from the centre, in this case decrease arithmetically, the densities would increase geo- metrically. We must then first find what would be the density of the air at a determinate depth, such as 1000 toises, for example. But this is easy, on account of the proxi- “mity of that depth to the surface; for if the density at the surface be expressed, by unity, that at the depth of 1000 toises, or a mile below it, will be the inverse o! 1000 toises aboveit. But Wi: latter was expressed by $7, consequently the expres-| sion for the former will be 8, or 1 + 4%; hence the density being 1, at the distance of 3000 miles from the centre, the density at the distance of 2999 will be #. Let. us then square 3000, which gives 9000000, and also 2999, which gives 8994001 ; the difference between these squares is 5999, by which if 9000000 be divided, we ‘shal have the quotient 1500, for the number of squares decreasing gies at the same rate that are contained in that square. Ifthe logarithm of &, which is 0-0982045, be multiplied by 1500, the product will be 147:3067500, af the loga- rithm of the density at the centre, that at the surface being 1. But the number corresponding to this logarithm would contain 148 figures at least; whence it follows, that the density of the air, at the centre of the earth, would bel to that at the sur- face, asa number consisting of 148 figures, or at least unity foliowed by 147 ipa to unity. Were it required to determine at what depth the air would have the same density, as water, it will be seen by a calculation founded on the same principles, that it would be at the distance of 30 miles below the surface. It will be found, in like manner, that at the depth of 42 miles below the surfaes| the air would have the same density as quicksilver. . ‘ PROBLEM XXXIII. Of the Air Gun. This instrument, for the invention of which we are indebted to Otto Guerike. -burgomaster of Magdebourg, so celebrated about the middle of the 17th century by: ~ —e AIR GUN. 661 his pneumatic experiments, is a machine in which the elasticity of air, violently compressed, is employed to project a ball of lead, in the same manner as gunpowder. It consists of an air chamber, formed by the vacuity between two cylindric and concentric tubes, placed the one within the other; the bottom of this vacuity com- municates with a pump, concealed in the butt end of the gun, and furnished with a piston which serves to introduce and condense the air, by means of valves properly adapted for the purpose. The ball is placed at the bottom of the inner tube, where itis retained by a little wadding, and at the bottom there is an aperture, closed by 2 valve, which cannot open until a trigger is pulled. It may now be easily conceived, that when the air in the reservoir or chamber is compressed as much as possible, if the ball be placed at the bottom of the interior tube, and if the trigger, adapted to open the valve which is behind the ball, be pulled, the air violently compressed in the chamber will act upon it, and impel it with a greater or less velocity, according to the time it may have had to exert its action. To make an air gun then produce the proper effect, it is necessary, lst, that the opening of the valve should exactly occupy the same time that the ball does to pass through the length of the tube; for during that time the air will accelerate its mo- tion, the expansion of the air being much more rapid than the motion of the ball. [f the chamber should remain longer open, it would bea mere loss. 2d. The ball must be per fectly round, and exactly fitted to the calibre of’ the piece, in order that the air may not escape at its sides. As leaden balls are not always very regular, chis defect may be remedied by wrapping a little tow around it. When these requisites have been attended to, an air gun will discharge a ball with sufficient force to pierce a board two inches in thickness, at the distance of 50, and even of 100 paces. When the air chamber is once filled, it may be eni\- ployed eight or ten times in succession. An English artist even invented a method of placing these balls in reserve in a small crooked channel, from which on discharging one ball, another issued to occupy its place; so that a person could dis- charge the air gun ten times running, much sooner than the most expert Prussian soldier could fire half the number of times, It must however be observed, that the force of the air gun decreases in proportion as the air chamber is emptied. It may be easily conceived, that if this instrument, instead of being preserved in the cabinets of philosophers, should fall into the hands of certain persons, it would be a most formidable weapon, and the more dangerous as it makes no noise when discharged. But as gunpowder, after being a long time amere ingredient in artificial fireworks, became the soul of a most de- structive instrument, it is not improbable that the air gun, when brought to perfection, may in like manner be employed by armies to destroy each other, gloriously and without re- morse. * The air gun is represented Fig. 25, where the interval be- tween the two cylinders, which serves to contain the air, may be easily distinguished; MN is the piston, by which the | * Within these few yea's the above anticipation of Montucla has been verified ; guns, not indeed air guns, but steam guns on the principle of the air gun, have been made for the purposes of war- fare: though, thanks to the peaceful temper of the times, they have nut yet been brought into ac- tion. At the Gallery of Practical Science, in the Lowther Arcade, London, the firing (7) of a stream of balls by the steam gun is daily exhibited. 662 PHILOSOPHY. air is introduced into that chamber; TL the valve, by which a communication is formed between the chamber and the cylinder; and o is the trigger. This mecha- nism may be so easily understood, that no further illustration is necessary. PROBLEM XXXIy. Of the Eolipyle. The Eolipyle is a hollow vessel made of strong metal, and generally in the form | of a pear, terminating in a long tail, somewhat bent. It is filled with water or some. other liquor, by first exposing it to a strong heat, and then immersing it in the liquor | to be introduced into it. While the interior air contracts itself to resume its former | volume, the liquor, in consequence of the pressure of the external air, must necese sarily enter to supply its place. i: If the eolipyle, when filled in this manner, be placed on burning coals, the water | it contains is reduced into vapour, which escapes by the narrow orifice in the tail: or if the fluid, by the position of the eolipyle, presents itself at the entrance, being 1 pressed upon by the vapour, it issues through the orifice with force, and forms a_ pretty high jet. If brandy has been employed instead of water, you may set fire to it with a taper; and, instead of a jet of water, you will have the agreeable spectacle of a jet of fire. This experiment serves to shew, in a sensible manner, the strength of the vapour . produced by a fluid exposed to a strong heat. For, in the first case, this vapour issues with impetuosity through the orifice of the eolipyle; and in the second the | elastic force of the vapour, pressing on the fluid, makes it issue through the same orifice. This experiment may be rendered still more amusing in the following manner. Provide a sort of small chariot, bearing a spirit of wine lamp, and place the belly. of the eolipyle on the latter; close the orifice of the eolipyle with a stopper which | does not adhere too firmly, and then kindle the lamp. Some time after, the stopper will fly out, and the fluid or vapour will issue through the orifice with great violence. The chariot being repelled, at the same time, by the resistance which the fluid or vapour experiences from the external air, receives a motion backwards; and if the exle-tree of the wheels be fixed to a vertical axis, the chariot will assume a cireular motion, which will continue as long as the eolipyle contains any portion of the . fluid. It may be easily conceived, that this vessel must be made of very strong metal, otherwise it might burst, and either kill or wound the spectators. PROBLEM XXXV. To construct small figures, which remain suspended in water, and which may be made | to dance, and to rise up or sink down, merely by pressing the finger against the orifice of the bottle or jar which contains: them. Fig. 26. First construct two small hollow figures of enamel; but | through which a drop of water can be introduced, or apply tail (Fig. 26.), pierced at the end, so that a greater or less right, and remain suspended in the fluid. Fill ‘the bottle with water to the orifice, and cover it with parchment, which must be closely tied around the neck. in the lower part, representing the feet, leave a small hole, to the back part of each a sort of appendage in the form of a wt } quantity of water may be made to enter into this tube. | Then bring the figure into equilibrium in such a manner, | that with this small drop of water it shall keep itself up- / I FLOATING FIGURES—BATAVIAN TEARS, 663 _ When you are desirous of putting the small figures in motion, press the parch- nent over the orifice with your finger, and the figures will descend; if you remove vour finger they will rise; and if you apply and remove your finger alternately, the igures will be agitated in the middle of the liquor, in such a manner, as to excite he astonishment of those unacquainted with the cause. ‘The explanation of this phenomenon is as follows. When you press the water hbrough the parchment which covers the orifice of the bottle, the water, being in- ‘ompressible, condenses the air in the small figure, by causing a little more water, han what it already contains, to enter it. The figure having thus become heavier, aust sink to the bottom ; but when the finger is removed, the compresed air resumes ts former volume, and aivels the water introduced bythe compression: the small igure, having by these means become lighter, must re-ascend. PROBLEM XXXVI, . To construct a barometer, which shall indicate the variations of the atmosphere, by | means of a small figure that rises or sinks in water. The principles on which this small, curious barometer. is constructed, have been xplained in the foregoing problem. For since the pressure of the finger on the yater, which contains the small figure in question, makes it descend, and as it rises gain when the pressure is removed, it may be easily conceived that the weight f the atmosphere, according as it is greater or less, must produce the same effect. Tence, if the small figuré be equipoised in such a manner as to remain suspended luring variable weather, it will sink to the bottom when the weather is fine; be- ause the weight of the atmosphere is then more considerable. The contrary will be ne case when it threatens rain, and when the mercury in the barometer falls; for he weight of the atmosphere, which rests on the orifice of the bottle, being lessened, he small figure must of course rise. PROBLEM XXXVII. Yo suspend two figures in water, in such a manner that, on pouring in more water, the one shall rise up and the other sink down. For this purpose, provide salt water, and suspend in it a small figure, or small lass bottle, of such a weight, that if the water contained a little less salt, it would ul to the bottom. Dispose, in the same manner, another small figure or bottle, ‘pen at the lower part; so that in the same water it shall keep at the bottom, by the iechanism described in the 85th problem. When every thing is thus arranged, if fresh water, pretty warm, be poured into 1e salt water, which contains the figures, the first one will sink to the bottom, in con- ¢ 2quence of a cause which may be easily conceived; and at the same time the other will se to the surface: for the air in the second figure being dilated by the heat of the pater, will expel, either in whole cr in part, the drop of water which formed a por- on of its weight: the figure, having thus become lighter, must consequently rise. “hese two small figures therefore will change places, merely by the effusion of more ater; but the second, when the water cools, will re-descend. PROBLEM XXXVIII. Of Prince Rupert's Drops, or Batavian Tears. | This appe-lation is given to a sort of glass drops, terminating in a long tail, which yssess a very singular property; for if you give one of them a pretty smart blow on 1¢ belly, it opposes a considerable resistance; but if the smallest bit be broken T from the tail, it immediately bursts into a thousand pieces, and is reduced almost » dust. 664 PHILOSOPHY. These drops are made by letting glass, in a state of fusion, fall drop by drop into: a vessel filled with water. They are then found at the bottom completely formed. A great number of them however generally burst in the water, or immediately after: they have been taken from it. As these drops were first made in Holland, they are: by called the French Larmes Bataviques. | Various experiments have been made with these glass drops, to discover the cause of their bursting. 'These experiments are as follow: | Ist. If the tail of one of these drops be broken under the receiver of an air-pump, by a process which may be easily conceived, it.bursts in the same manner as it would do in the open air ; and if the experiment be performed in the dark, a flash of light is observed at the moment of rupture. 2d. If the body of one of these drops be ground down gently on a cutler’s wheel, or whet-stone, it sometimes bursts; but for the most part it does not. 3d. If a notch be made in the tail, by means of the same stone, the drop will burst. 4th. The tail of one of these drops may be hie ver cut off in the following man-' ner: Present the place, at which you are desirous it should be cut, to an enameller’s! lamp; by these means it will be fused, and you may then separate the one part from| the other, without fear of its bursting. 5th. If one of these drops be carefully heated on burning coals, and if it be ther suffered to cool slowly, it will not burst, even when the tail of it is broken. Philosophers have always been much embarrassed respecting the cause of this extraordinary phenomenon; and it must indeed be confessed that it is still very obscure. We can only say, that it is not produced by air, as is proved by the first experiment. We think ourselves authorised to say also, from the fifth experiment. that it depends on the same cause which makes all articles of glass break, if care hay not been taken to anneal them, that is to say if they are not subjected to a lon heat that they may cool gradually, before they are exposed to the contact of thi air. This appears to result from the last experiment; but it does not seem clear it what manner it is effected. It arises, in all probability, from the eruption of som fluid in the inside of the drop, which rushes through the broken part of the tail, It is perhaps an electrical phenomenon, and the drop may burst by the same mechanism that often cracks a glass jar, when it is discharged; that is, when the equilibrium is restored between its interior and exterior surface. Having explained the principa phenomena of these drops, we shall leave the rest to the sagacity and researches o our readers. 4 PROBLEM XXXIX. To measure the quantity of rain which falls in the course of a year. One of the meteorological objects which engage the attention of the modern philosophers, is, to observe the quantity of rain that falls on the earth in the cours of a year. This observation may be easily made by means of an instrument whicl M. Cotte, in his Treatise on Meteorology, calls the Udometer,* but which, in ou opinion, ought rather to be called the Uometer.t This instrument consists of a box of tin plate, or lead or tin, two feet square which makes four feet of surface. Its sides are six inches in depth at least, and th bottom is a little inclined towards one of the angles, where there is a small pip: furnished with a cock, The water which flows through this pipe, falls into anothe square vessel, the dimensions of which are much less, and so proportioned, that th: height of a line in the large vessel corresponds to three inches in the smaller. In thi. t * From v$wp water, and eTpoy a measure. i + From yo; rain, and feTpoy @ measure. hd é | { ; QUANTITY OF RAIN. 065 ‘resent case, therefore, the base of this vessel ought to be only two inches six lines quare. From this description it may be easily conceived that very small portions f a line of water, which has fallen into the large vessel, may be measured ; since @ ine of height in the small one, will correspond to the thirty-sixth part ofa line in he large one. If the large vessel be properly placed, with the small one below the cock; and > the small one be covered in such a manner as to prevent the air from having ecess to the surface of the water it contains; it will not be necessary to examine the uantity of water which has fallen after each shower, or series of rain. It may be ‘xamined and measured every three, or four, or five days. It will, however, be better o do it after each fall of rain. If a register be then kept of the quantity of water which falls every time that t rains, these quantities, added together, will give the quantity that falls in the course \f the whole year. _Ithas been found in this manner, by a series of observations made at Paris, for 77 vears, that the quantity of rain which falls there, one year with another, is 16 inches } lines. . But this quantity of water is not every where the same. In other places it is greater r less, according as they are situated near to the sea or to mountains. The follow- ng is a table of the principal places where observations of this kind have been nade, and of the quantity of water which falls there annually. Inch. Line. Inch. Line. BE SELS Pasal tice <9) -A5's 16 8 Lonion: ..... «3. 18 9 Bayeux ....-... 20 0 The Hague .... 26 6 Beziers ........ 16 °° 3 Rome ......+. 28 O i Aix in Provence 18 38 PRadda ses sores OU ra OU Toulouse ...... 17 2 Petersburgh ...» 16 1 Lyons ........ 25°. 0 Bett ocssc cs) (iy wo lS Relea 23 0 _ From an extensive collection of observations, Dr. Dalton concludes that, for 30 places in England and Wales, the average annual quantity of rain amounts to 35:2 inches ; the greatest being 67-5 inches at Keswick, among the Cumberland hills ; and the least at Uxminster, in the comparatively flat county of Essex. It is probable, however, that the annual quantity for the whole of England and Wales is below 30 inches. It is certain that the quantity of rain which falls at the top of a hillis much greater than what falls at the bottom. Near Kinfauns, in Scotland, a rain gauge, on the summit of a hill 600 feet high, showed the mean annual fall of rain for five successive years to be about 41°5 inches; while a gauge at the bottom of the hill showed that for the same period the mean annual fall was not more than 25-7 inches. Remark.—We think it necessary here to offer a remark which seems to have ‘escaped all the philosophers who have made observations on the quantity of rain that falls. Every time it again rains, a small quantity of water is lost; namely, that which has served to moisten the bottom of the reservoir; for the water does not begin to run down till the bottom is moistened to a certain degree, and covered as we may say to a certain thickness with water, the quantity of which must be determined and taken into the account after every fall of rain. This quantity of water may be measured by the following process. Take a small sponge, moistened in such a manner that no water can be squeezed from it, even when pressed very hard; then fill the vessel, and having suffered the water to run from it, collect with the sponge what remains on the bottom, and squeeze it into a vessel, 666 PHILOSOPHY. the base of which is an inch square, and already moistened with water. It is evident that if a vessel, the base of which contains 4 square feet, gives in this manner water sufficient to rise to the-height of an inch in the small vessel, there is reason to. conclude that the pellicle of water which adhered to the metal was at least =}, of an inch, or the 48th part of a line in thickness. At any rate, it may be safely esti mated at the 30th or 36th of a line. If it has rained, therefore, two or three hundred | times in the course of the year, 8 lines must be added to the quantity found. PROBLEM XL. Of the origin of Fountains. Calculation of the quantity of rain water sufficient to — produce and to maintain them. ; It would appear that the origin of fountains and springs ought not to have occa. sioned such a diversity of opinions, as has, for some time, prevailed among philoso. - phers. An attentive consideration of these phenomena is sufficient to shew that the | origin of them is entirely owing to the rains which continually moisten the surface | of the globe, and which running over beds of earth, capable of preventing them | from penetrating deeper, at length force a passage to places which are lower. Every person indeed must have observed, that the greater part of springs decrease in a considerable degree, when a long drought has prevailed; that some of them abso- | lutely dry up when this drought continues too long; that when the surface of the earth has been moistened with snow or rain, they are renewed; and that they in- crease almost in the same progression as the waters become more abundant. Some philosophers however have ascribed the origin of fountains to a sublimation | of the waters of the sea, which, flowing into the bowels of the earth, rise up in | vapour, in the fissures of the rocks, and thence trickle down. into cavities and reser- voirs prepared by nature, from which they make their way to the surface. Some | have even gone so far as to imagine a sort of subterranean alembics, But these conjectures are entirely void of foundation. If the water of the sea | produced fountains in this manner, it would long ago have choaked up, with its salf, | the subterranean conduits through which. it is supposed to pass. Besides, the con- nection which is observed between the abundance of rain, and that of the water of the greater part of fountains, would not subsist; as the internal distillation would take place whether it rained or not. It is to be observed also, that the water of springs always distils from above beds of clay, and not from below them; but as these beds intercept the passage of vapours and water, the latter must necessarily | come from above them. A sure method of destroying a spring, is to pierce this | bed; but if the water came from below, a contrary effect would be produced. i What induced philosophers to have recourse to a cause so remote, and so false, no — doubt was their imagining that rain water was not sufficient to feed all the springs | and rivers. But they were certainly in an error; for instead of rain water being too — small in quantity to answer that purpose, it seems rather difficult to conceive in — what manner it is:expended. This will be proved by the following calculation of Mariotte. : This author observes that, according to experiments which have been made, there falls annually on the surface of the earth about 19 inches of water. But to render his calculation still more convincing, he supposes only 15, which makes per square toise 45 cubie feet, and per square league of 2300 toises in each direction, 238050000 — cubic feet. But the rivers and springs which feed the Seine, before it arrives at the Pout- — Royal at Paris, comprehend an extent of territory, about 60 leagues in length and | 50 in breadth, which makes 3000 leagues of superficial content; by which if | 238050000 be multiplied, we shall have for product 714150000000, for the cubie | feet of water, which falls, at the lowest estimation, on the above extent of territory, j ' q te eee land ORIGIN OF SPRINGS—WATER MALLET, 667 ‘Let us now examine the quantity of water annually furnished by the Seine. This ver, above the Pont-Royal, when at its mean height, is 400 feet in breadth, and 5 depth. The velocity of the water, when the river is in this state, may be esti- ated at 100 feet per minute, taking a mean between the velocity at the surface and jat at the bottom. If the product of 400 feet in breadth, by 5 in depth, or 2000 quare feet, be multiplied by 100 feet, we shall have 200000 cubic feet, for the aantity of water which passes in a minute through that section of the Seine, above ie Pont-Royal.. The quantity then in an hour will be 12000000; in 24 hours, 38000000 ; and ina year, 105120000000 cubic feet. But this is not the seventh art of the water which, as above seen, falls on the extent of country that supplies he Seine. ; But how shall we dispose of the remainder of this water? The answer is easy : ne rivers, rivulets, and ponds lose a considerable quantity of water by evaporation ; ad a prodigious quantity is employed for the nutrition of plants. \Mariotte makes a calculation also of the water which ought to be furnished aturally by a spring that issues a little below the summit of Montmartre, and which is fed by an extent of ground 300 toises in length and 100 in breadth ; aking a surface of 30000 square tcises. At the rate of 18 inches for the annual uantity of rain, the quantity which falls on that extent will amount to 1620000 abie feet. But a considerable part of this water, perhaps three-fourths, immedi- tely runs off: so that no more than 405000 forces its way through the earth and indy soil, till it meets with a bed of clay at the depth of two or three feet, from thich it flows to the mouth of the fountain, and feeds it. If 405000 therefore be ivided by 365, the quotient will be 1100 cubic feet of water, which it ought to irnish daily, or about 38500 French pints; which makes about 1600 pints per hour, r 27 pints per minute. Such is nearly the produce of this spring. An objection, founded on an experiment of M. de la Hire, described in the me- 10irs of the Academy of Sciences, for the year 1703, is commonly made to this idea especting the origin of springs. This philosopher having caused a pit to be dug in field, to the depth of 2 feet, found no traces of moisture: from which some con- lude that the rain water flows only over the surface, and does not in any manner ontribute to the origin of springs. But this experiment is of no weight, as it is contradicted by a thousand contrary istances. Every one knows that water, in various places, oozes from the roofs of averns and subterranean passages: it is this water which, after penetrating the arth, and flowing between the joints of stones, produces stalactites, and other tony concretions. It is therefore false that rain water never penetrates beyond the lepth of afew feet. The fact, observed by M. de la Hire, was a particular case, ‘om which it was wrong to deduce a general consequence. | | It is objected also, that water is sometimes collected at heights at which it is npossible that rain water could give birth to a spring. , To this it may be replied, hat if the ground, where these collections of water exist, be examined, it will al- vays be found that they are produced by rain or melted snow ; that these places on he summits of mountains are onlya kind of funnels, which collect the waters of ome neighbouring plain, continually maintained by the rain or the snow, assisted y the small evaporation which takes place, in consequence of the rarity of the ir. It is therefore evident to every rational mind, that the origin of springs and ountains can be ascribed tono other cause, than the rain water and snow which jave been collected. PROBLEM XLI. The Water or Mercurial Mallet. _ The water mallet, as it is called, is nothing else than a long glass -flask, contain- | ; 668 PHILOSOPRY. ing water, which when shaken in the flask, strikes it with a noise almost like that occasioned by a small blow with a mallet. q The cause of this phenomenon is the absence of the air, for as that fluid no longer divides the water in its fall, it proceeds to the bottom of the flask likea solid body, and produces the sound above mentioned. | To construct the water mallet, provide a long glass flask, pretty strong, and ter. minating in a neck that can be hermetically sealed; fill one fourth or one fifth of it with water; exhaust the air from it by means of an air pump, and then close the, mouth of the flask hermetically: When the flask is taken out, if you fuse the neck of it gently at an enameller’s lamp, in order to shut it more securely, the instru. ment will be completed. } If mercury be enclosed in the flask, instead of water, it will make a much greater, noise or smarter blow; and you will even be astonished that it does not break the flask, If the mercury be well purified, it will be luminous; so that when made to run from the one end to the other, a beautiful stream of light will be seen in the dark. Remark.—In our opinion, this property of mercury may be employed to construct. what might be called a philosophical lantern. For this purpose, it would be neces. sary to dispose in a sort of drum a great number of small flasks, like the preceding, or spiral tubes, in which purified mercury should be kept in continual movement: which might be easily done if the drum were made to revolve by means of machi- nery; the result would be a continued light, which would have no need of aliment, | or of being fed. Who knows, whether this idea may not enable us, at some future period, to dispense with the candles and lamps which we now employ to light our apartments? We are however afraid, that whatever be the number of flasks. arranged in this manner, they will still afford too weak a light to supply the want ofa single taper. But, perhaps, there are other useful purposes to which this in vention may be applied. | PROBLEM XLII. To make a Luminous Shower with mercury. Place on the top of the air pump a small circular plate, pierced with holes, and | supporting a small cylindric receiver, terminating in a hemisphere, and cover the. whole with a larger receiver, having a hole in its summit, capable of admitting a glass funnel filled with mercury. This funnel must be sc arranged, that it can be shut with a stopper, so as to be opened when necessary. Then exhaust the air, or | nearly so, from the receiver, and open the funnel which contains the mercury ; the | mercury,in consequence of its weight, and of the pressure of the atmosphere, will _ run down, and, falling on the convex summit of the interior receiver, will be thrown up in small luminous drops, so as to resemble a shower of fire. : This experiment may be performed also in the following manner ; provide a piece of pretty compaet wood, and cut in it a small reservoir in the shape of a hemisphere, — or of an inverted cone; apply it to the upper aperture of a receiver, and fill it with | mercury. If you then exhaust the receiver, the pressure of the external air will | force the mercury through the pores of the wood, so that it will fall down in small luminous drops. _ PROBLEM XLII. W hat is the reason that in mines, which have sptracies, or air-holes, on the declivity of | a mountain, at various heights, a current of air is established, which in winter has | a direction different from what it has in summer ? Explanation of a similar pheno- | menon, observed daily in chimneys.—Use to which a chimney may be applied in summer. a It is customary, in order to introduce air into a mine, at certain distances to sink CIRCULATION OF AIR. 669 erpendicular wells, which terminate at the horizontal or somewhat inclined gallery, *here the ore is dag up; and, in general, the mouths of these wells are at different eights, in consequence of the inclination of the side of the mountain, But in this ise, a very singular phenomenon is observed: during the winter the air rushes ito the mine through the mouth of the lowest well, and issues by that of the ighest; the contrary is the case in summer. To explain this phenomenon, it must be observed, that in the mine the temperature *the air is constantly the same, or nearly so, while without it is alternately colder id hotter ; that is, colder in winter, and warmer in summer. Itis to be remarked, athe other hand, that the well which has the mouth highest, the gallery, and the ‘her well, form all together a bent siphon with unequal branches; the effect pro- aced is as follows: ‘When the exterior air is colder than that in the mine, the column of air which resses on the lower orifice p (Fig. 27.), exerts a greater pressure on the whole air Fig 27 contained in the siphon Dc Ba, than that which : presses on the upper orifice a; this air then must be expelled by circulating in the direction Dc Ba. But the cold air which enters by pb, being immediately heated to the same degree as that in the mine, is impelled, like the former, by the column which rests on the orifice p. The contrary takes place in summer; for the ex- terior air, during that period, is warmer than the air in themine. The latter then being heavier, that contained in the branch A B of the siphon, prepon- derates over the air in Bc; so that the difference stween the columns which press upon a and D, is not able to produce a counterpoise. he air contained in the siphon A BCD then must receive an impulse in that direction ; id consequently must move in a direction contrary to the former. Such is the ex- anation of this phenomenon. _A similar one is observed daily in chimneys; and it is the more sensible as the flues ‘the chimneys are higher ; for a chimney, with the chamber where it terminates, id the door or a window, forma siphon similar to the preceding. Besides, the ex- wior air from nine in the morning till eight or nine at night in summer, is warmer ian the interior, and vice versd. In the morning then, the air must descend the iimney, and issue through the door or the window; onthe other hand, as the exte- or air is colder in the night than in the day, it must, during the former, enter at the dor or window, and ascend the chimney. About eight or nine in the morning, and eight or nine in the evening, the air is, as it were, stationary : an effect which must 2eessarily take place at the time of the passage from one direction to another. Dr. Franklin, who seems to have first observed this phenomenon, says that it ight be applied to some economical uses during summer ; and in that case the pro- erb, “as useless as a chimney in summer,” would not be correct. One of these ses is, that the chimney might be applied as a safe; for if each of its mouths were osed by a piece of canyas, stretched on a frame, the alternate and almost continual irent of air which would we established in it, could not fail to preserve meat from drruption. This current might perhaps be employed also for some work that requires not > much a force as a continuance of it. For this purpose, it would be necessary to x in the flue of the chimney a vertical axis with a helix, like the fly of a smoke- ck ; the current of air would keep it in continual motion, sometimes in one direc- on, sometimes in the other; and in all probability with sufficient force to raise a nall quantity of water per hour. And, as it would remain inactive only three or I, 670 PHILOSOPHY. four hours a day, it could not fail to produce a considerable effect daily. Besides, # moving power would cost nothing. It would however be necessary to have the wheels adjusted in such a manner, that to whatever side the axis furnished with the helix turned, the machine should always move in the same direction ; which is not only possible, but was executed by M. Loriot at Paris, Remark.—The same effect is easily experienced on a small scale, ina close room or chamber, which is very warm with several persons and candles in it, especially if there is no fire or no fire-place. For, by unlatching the door, and setting it a very little open, as an inch or half an inch, it will then be found that the air rushes strongly in near the bottom, but sets as strongly out near the top, and is quiescent near the middle parts. This is very easily tried by holding a candle in your hand, first near the bot. tom of the small opening, where the flame is violently blown inwards; then at the top, where it is carried strongly outwards; but held near the middle, the flame of the candle is quite still. PROBLEM XLIV. _ | To measure the height of mountains by the barometer. | It is very difficult, and even sometimes impracticable, to measure the height of! mountains by geometrical operations. A traveller, for example, who traverses a’ chain of mountains, and who is desirous of ascertaining the altitude of the principal points he has ascended, cannot have recourse to that method. The barometer, how. ever, supplies a convenient and pretty exact one, provided it be employed with the’ ‘ necessary attention. | The principle on which this method is founded will be readily conceived, when it’ is recollected that ifa barometer be carried to the top of a mountain, the quicksilver’ stands at a less height than at the bottom. Ist. Because it has a less column of air. above it. 2d. Because this air has less density, as it is freed from the weight of a’ part of the air which it supported at the bottom of the mountain. Such is the foun. | dation of the rules which have been invented for applying the height at which the’ mercury in the barometer stands to the purpose of measuring the height of mountains, But to.givea very exact rule in regard to this operation, ig attended with no small dif ficulty ; for the height of the mercury in the barometer depends on a complication of so many physical causes, that it is exceedingly troublesome to subject them to calculation. | M. de Luc of Geneva, who has considered this subject with the greatest care, by’ combining all these causes and circumstances, seems to have discovered a method | which, if not absolutely perfect, is certainly more correct than any before given. — To proceed with exactness in this operation, it is necessary to have a good portable’ barometer, well freed from air; and a good thermometer, which we shall suppose to | be that of Reaumur, though M. de Luc, to facilitate the calculation, proposes a particular kind of division. If great correctness be required, it will be necessary | also that an observer should examine the progress of the barometer at the bottom — of the mountain, or in one of the nearest towns, the height of which above the level | of the sea is known. | When you have reached the summit of the mountain, or the place the altitude | of which you are desirous of ascertaining, hold the barometer in a direction perfectly vertical, and examine the height of the mercury ; suspend also the thermometer in | some insulated place in the neighbourhood, and observe the degree to which the } mercury rises. ‘ Having then compared the height of the barometer observed on the mountam, | with that of the corresponding barometer, observed at the same time at the bottom, take the logarithms of these two heights, expressed in lines, and cut off from them > the four last figures: the remainder will be the difference of the heights expressed — in French toises, the logs. being to seven places of decimals. | | F4 _ : | . = ie = MEASUREMENT OF MOUNTAINS. 671 But this altitude requires a correction ; for it is only exact when the simultaneous mperature of the two places is 163, according to the scale of Reaumur’s thermo- eter. For each degree then that the thermometer has remained below 163, at the yper station, one toise must be added for every 215, and the same ce be de- icted for every degree above that temperature. The same correction,* but in the contrary sense, must be made by means of the ermometer left at the fixed station; that is to say, for each degree it remained vove 163, one toise in 215 must be deducted, and vice versd. The height, when vice corrected in this manner, will be the difference nearly between the height the two places above the surface of the sea, or the height of the one above the her. Let us suppose, for exampie, that at the lower station the barometer stood at the light of 27 inches 2 lines, or 326 lines; and that at the upper station it fell to 23 ches 5 lines, or 281 lines. The logarithm of 326 is 2°5132176, and that of 281 is 2'4487063; their difference 0:0645113 ; from which if the three last figures be cut off, to answer for division ' 1000, the remainder will be 645 toises. ¥ We shall suppose also, that at the top of the mountain Reaumur’s thermometer jood at 6 degrees above freezing, and in the lower station at 12; that is, for the mer 103 below 163, consequently 103 toises are to be added to the above number r every 215; and hence, by the rule of three, the number to be added will be und to be 32 toises. It will be found, by the converse correction, that the height to be deducted is 20; sequently there will remain 12 toises to be added, and therefore the height twice ywrrected will be 657. Mr. Needham, on Mount Tourné, one of the Alps, observed the height of the vometer to be 18 inches 9 lines, or 225 lines. Now if we suppose that it was yserved at the same moment at the level of the sea to stand exactly at 28 inches or 46 lines, which is its mean height on the borders of the sea, the difference between je logarithm of 336 and that of 225, cutting off the last three figures, will be found | be 1742, It may therefore be concluded, that the height of Mount Tourné is ‘42 toises. But as in this case we have no corresponding observation at the level \ the sea, nor any observation of the thermometer made at the same time, we have ployed this observation of Needham only as an example of calculation. It is ywever probable that the height of Mount Tourné is between 1700 and 1800 ‘ises. |The late Professor Leslie of Edinburgh has given a very simple rule for computing ‘proximately the heights of mountains from barometrical observations. It is this: S the sum of the heights of the mercurial columns, is to their difference, so is 52000 to @ approximate height in English feet. To find the height of the upper column at the temperature of the lower, multiply ‘e height of the upper column by twice the difference of degrees in the attached jntigrade thermometer ; and the product, divided by 1000, will be the correction to added to the upper column, for change of temperature; and this height must be ‘ed in the preceding rule. To correct the approximate height for the expansion of the air: multiply the height ‘twice the sum of the degrees on the detached thermometer, and dividing the joduct by 1000, the quotient is the correction to be added to the approximate light. | * This second correction, though not mentioned by Luc, appears to us necessary, for several isons, which it would be tov tedious to explain here. —— 672 PHILOSOPHY. A concise rule, with tables for computing the heights of mountains, is givenin “4 Collection of Tables and Formule, by Francis Baily, Esq.” Remarks.—As a portable barometer is an instrument difficult to be procured an¢ preserved, it is almost necessary that a traveller, when he is desirous of making observations, should construct a barometer for himself; but in this case, as thy mercury will not be freed from air, it will always stand a few lines lower than ;¢ barometer which has been constructed with every possible care. This difference maj amount to two or three lines. In regard to Reaumur’s thermometer, it is easily carried; but in what manne) must a traveller proceed to have corresponding observations, either on the border of the sea, or in any other determinate place, which are necessary before he car employ his own with sufficient exactness? ‘This difficulty, in our opinion, seem to limit, in a considerable degree, this method of determining the heights of moun. tains, Besides, it appears that, even if a traveller had on the borders of the sea, or ir| any village situated for example in the centre of France, the height of which above the sea is known, a diligent observer, he would not be much farther advanced, for the temperature of the atmosphere may be different on the borders of the sea at Genoa’ that is to say, it may rain, for example, while the weather is fine and serene on the Alps and the Appenines ; or the contrary may be the case; and hence there is a new difficulty to be surmounted. This difficulty however might be obviated in part, by knowing the greatest, the mean, and the least elevation, of the barometer on the borders of the nearest sea, and thence determining, by meteorological conjectures, the nature of the tempera. ture on the mountain to be measured, though one only passed over it; thus, if an hygrometer on the mountain indicated, for example, great moisture, there would be reason to conclude that the weather was inclined to rain, and that the fixed barome- ter stood atits least height. On the other hand, if the air was very dry, it might with probability be concluded that the weather was serene, and that the fixed baro- meter stood at its greatest height: but it must be confessed that this is not sufficient, to give a satisfactory exactness. However, a great many barometrical observations have been made on the summits! of mountains, and their heights have been thence deduced. Several of them have also been measured geometrically ; and we here adda tabular view of the: heights above the level of the sea, of the most remarkable mountains on the surface of the earth, compiled from the most recent authorities. Height. | Height. © EUROPE. Feet. ‘Feet. ( Mont Blanc, Alps...... eee» 15688 Monte Velino, Appenines.... 8397 | Monte Rosa, Alps....--e+«.. 15084 | Simplon, Passof..... cceeee, «GOREN Gros Klockner, Tyrol .... 12796 The Dole, Mount Jura...... 5523 | | { | Mont Perdu, Pyrenees .... 11283 Hecla, Iceland*.........s08 4887 | Pic d’Ossana, ditto........ 11700 Snuhetta, Norway ........ 6122 | Etna, Sicily...... Beas see 1OSTO Mont Mezin, France........ 6567 | Monte Carno, Appenines.... 9523 Puy de Sanca, France...... 6200 Glac. de Buct, Alps........ 10] 24 Vesuvius, Italy ...vees scene 3932 . Mulhbaren, Spain .......... 117893 i Pic du Midi, Pyrenees.... . 9300 ASIA. Olympus, Greece 2.2.00... 9754 Dhawalagiri, Himalaya...... 28007 | Canigou, Pyrenees.......... 9247 | Jewahir, ditto......----+. Q5747 | | Mount Cenis, Alps ...,..++ 9212 Mowna Rowa, Sandwich I... 15988 “, | m.. | MEASUREMENT OF MOUNTAINS. 673° Aas Feet. )phir, Sumatra............ 13849 | El Pinal, City of ....ceec0. 8362 jgmont, New Zealand---++- 11430 Las Vigias, ditto ..... wees mErCOeD ;rarat, Armenia...... essa 17200 Perotes diito..- os. Cra eer tine vebanon, Palestine ........ 9600 Mexico, Giitoves «see ctelcc es 7468 \watska, Kamschatka...... 12000 La Puebla, ditto .......... 7200 St. Juan del Rio, ditto...... 6484 AFRICA. MountWashimgton, Appalachian 6650 *eak of Teyde, Teneriff.... 12180 itlas, highest peak of, more GREAT BRITAIN: than 12000 Benmacdouie, Scotland...... 4390 Yable Mountain, Cape of Ben Nevis; ditto. 9. ose. <+5 4370 MG00d 3520 Cairnporm, ditid...+..<.e. 4080 Whernside, Yorkshire...... 4050 hgh at Ingleborough, ditto .-... -» 3987 Tevado dr Sonato..cssss oe ob 2O200. Ben Lawers, Scotland...... 3858 llimani, Gold Mount. Peru 24450 Ben More, ditto........... > 3723 thimborago ++++++........ 21600 Bens Gloe; ditto’. 022. a. ee ete SHOU BUDD: <0 5 es eeeeeescene - 19360 | Snowdon,Wales............ 3555 ntisuna, Rocky Mountains. 19136 Shehalion, Scotland ........ 3461 MEAN, GittO ...ea.eseess 18867 Helvellyn, England........ 3324. ‘opocatepetl, ditto PN oe | ee 17903 Skiddaw, ditto..eseee ..-. 3270 Tount St. Elie........0... 17883 Ben Ledi, Scotland,....... 3009 rizaba Sresuigt elevate’ sucxaie. 5 ais ole ea FODO Ben Lomond, ditto........ 3240 ‘inchincha, Rocky Mountains 15931 Maegillicuddy’s Reeks, Ireland 3404 line of Chata, Peru........ 118380 Mourne Mountains, ditto.... 2500 lean height of Andes..... » 11820 Rippin Tor, Devonshire.... 1549 huito, BUY Ole. tis ea ses 0s 2) OLS reneral Observation.—We shall here remark, that the very considerable differ- tes often found between the barometric and geometrical measurement, must not ‘entirely imputed to the method. The latter is certain; but the observers of barometrical heights have often employed imperfect instruments; in general, y have had no corresponding observations ; and they have scarcely ever taken into sunt the difference of temperature at the posts of comparison ; these differences (d therefore excite no astonishment. temark.— We must observe that the French, in general, consider 28 Paris inches she mean height of the barometer at the level of the sea; andas the following arks on this subject by Mr. Kirwan, may be of use to the reader, we here sub- ) them :—“ Sir George Schuckburg has shewn, from 132 observations, made in ‘y and in England, that the mean height ofthe barometer at the level of the the temperature of the mercury being 55°, and of the air 62°, is 30:04 inches ;* may then assume the height of 30 inches as the natural mean height of the baro- er at the level of the sea, in most temperatures between 322 and 82°; for if mercury were cooled down to 32°, that is 23° below 55°, it would be lowered hat condensation only 0:07 of an inch; and if it were heated up to 80°, that is sabove 55°, it would be raised only -078 of an inch; quantities which, except in lling, may be safely disregarded. The French have heretofore considered 28 Paris inches as the mean height of barometer at the level of the sea, that is 29:84 English inches, But from 1400 * Phil. Transact. 1777 p. 586. Xx 674 PHILOSOPHY. observations, made at Rochelle by Fleurieu de Bellevue, and from five years’ obser. vations made at Port Louis, inthe Isle of France, he concludes the mean height of the barometer at the level of the sea to be 28 inches and two lines and B ofa line, in the temperatures of from 52° to 55° Fahrenheit, or 30°08 English inches.* Hence we may consider, in round numbers, 30 inches as the standard height of barometen, at the level of the sea. And knowing the true height of any part of the earth, we may, by subtracting that height, expressed in fathoms, from the log. of 30, viz, 747) 213, find the logarithm which indicates the number of inches at which, as its natural mean, the mercury should stand at that height about the level of the sea, | “Thus, supposing the height to be 87 feet, equal to 14-500 fathoms : ther 4771213 — 14:500 = 4755-7138, which is the logarithm of 29:9; this therefore is the natural mean height of the barometer at the elevation of 87 feet above the level o. the sea. ‘Consequently, to all heights heretofore calculated by the French, above the level of the sea, 139°32 feet must be added English measure, when the mereuria| height at the level of the sea was barely supposed to be 28 French inches.” (Or the Variation of the Atmosphere, by Richard Kirwan, Esq. LUL.D., F.R.S. sant, P.R.I.A. Dublin, 1801.) | Rule to compute heights by the Barometerin English measures, by Dr. Charles Hathon| To complete the foregoing account of the measurement of altitudes by the baro meter, I shall here annex the method of performing that operation in Englis); measures, either feet or fathoms, as extracted from my Philosophical Dictionary| article Barometer, or from my Course of Mathematics, vol. 2, p. 255, edit. 6th ; whicl is as follows. 1. Observe the degree or height of the barometer, both at the bottom and to}, of the hill, or other place, the altitude of which is required, as also the degree of thi! thermometer, for the temperature of the air, in both the same places. | 2. Take out, from a table of logarithms, the logs. of these two heights of thi) barometer in inches and parts, and subtract the less log. from the greater. If fron, the remainder there be cut off three figures on the right hand, where the logs. con) sist of seven places, the other figures on the left hand will give the altitude re | quired in fathoms of 6 feet each. 3. The above result requires a small correction, when the medium tempera of the air is different from 3] degrees of Fahrenheit’s thermometer, which may bi| thus found, when much accuracy is desired. Add the two observed heights of thi) thermometer together, and take half that sum for the mean temper of the air/ Take the difference between this mean and the number or temper 31; then, as man}, units as this difference amounts to, take so many times the 435th part of the fathom) above found; to which add them when the mean temperature exceeds 31, but sub:| tract them when it is less; and the result will be the more correct altitude of the, hill, &c., as required. : A al correction for the temperature of the barometer is sometimes employed | as may be seen in the books above quoted ; but it is so small as to be seldom neces: ! sary to be observed. For an example, suppose at the foot of a mountain, the barometer be observes 29°68 inches, and the thermometer 57; at the same time at the top of the mountair, the barometer was 25:28, and thermometer 42. Then the calculation will be a below. \ « La Chappe thought it 28 inches 1-5 lines, See Beguelin’s Memoir. Mem. Berl. 1769. 12 Coll’ Acad. 424. ef o) eo: ARTIFICIAL SPRINGS. 675 29°68 log. 4724639 57 25°28 log. 4027771 42 696-868 2)99 or 697 nearly. 491 mean. eo) subtr. 183 Then, as 435 ; 184::3 697 : 29 the correction. 29 Fe 726 fathoms = 4356 f. So that the required altitude is equal to 726 fathoms, or 4356 feet. PROBLEM XLY. To make an artificial Fountain, which shall imitate a natural spring. We here suppose that those who intend to try this experiment, have at their mand a piece of ground, somewhat inclined, the bottom of which isa bed of clay, t far distant below the surface of the earth. In this case, a spring absolutely ailar to a natural one, and capable of answering every domestic purpose, may be structed by the following process. Uncover this bed of clay for the extent of an acre, or about 70 yards in length, the same in breadth. A border of clay must be formed at the lower end, ving one aperture at the lowest point, through which the water may issue. To $ aperture adapt a stone with a hole in it, about an inch in diameter. Then lect pebbles of various sizes, and cover this area with the largest, leaving an erval of a few inches only between them. Place others, somewhat smaller, above > interstices left by the former; arranging several strata in this manner above each ter, always diminishing the size, till the last are only very large gravel. Cover whole, to the thickness of some inches, with coarse sand, and then with some ut is finer ; but if moss can be procured it will be proper to cover the very large wel with it to the thickness of half an inch, to prevent the sand from falling into interstices between the pebbles. [tis evident that the rain water, which falls on the surface of this area, will pene- te through the sand, flow into the interstices between the pebbles, which cover : bed of clay, and at last, in consequence of the inclination of the ground, will meeed towards the aperture at the bottom, through which it will issue in a stream greater or less size, according to the abundance of the rain. Now, if we suppose that the water which falls annually on this piece of ground 18 inches in height, it will be found that the quantity of water collected will be 150 cubic feet ; and if we suppose one fourth wasted by evaporation, or remain- * between the joints and interstices of the stones, sand, and moss, we shall still ve about 49600 cubic feet of water in the year, or about 303800 gallons; that is say, almost 1000 gallons per day, a quantity much more than is necessary for the gest family. (t will perhaps be said that such a spring of water would cost exceedingly dear. lis we shall admit. But we much doubt whether the construction of it would tso much as that of a large cistern, which, to confine the water, requires to be ed with clay or cement: besides, the water collected by a cistern is only the in water which falls from the roofs of a few houses, and which is consequently pure, Besides, it might be rendered much less expensive by preparing, in the above man- *, a small portion of ground, such as twenty yards square; and, to increase the antity of rain water thus obtained, which would not exceed 5400 cubic feet, that | ye ae 676 PHILOSOPHY. a which fell on the neighbouring ground might be conveyed thither by small drains, from the distance of some hundred yards. By these means, a very abundant reser. voir of filtred water might be formed at a very small expense; and the proprietor would enjoy the pleasure of having a spring exactly similar to those furnished by nature. We are only apprehensive that the water would flow off with too much rapidity; but this inconvenience might be prevented by making the aperture through which it escaped of such a size as to render it perpetual; or by adapting to it a cock, and keeping it shut till it might be necessary to draw water, PROBLEM XLVI. What is the weight of the air with which the body of a man ts continually loaded? Who would imagine that the human body is continually loaded with the weight, of twenty or thirty thousand pounds, which compresses it in every direction? This, however, isa truth which has been placed beyoud all doubt by the discovery of the gravity of the air. Every fluid presses on its base, in the ratio of the extent of that base, and of its height. But it has been proved that the weight of the air is equivalent to the! weight of a column of water 32 feet in height; consequently every square foot, al| the surface of the earth, is charged with a column of air equal to one of water of 3) cubic feet; that is to say 2000 pounds, as a cubic foot of water weighs 62 pound and a half. The surface of the body in a man of moderate size is estimated at 14 square feet; and therefore, if 2000 be multiplied by 14, we shall have 28000 pou for the weight applied to the surface of the body of a moderate sized man. But how is it possible to withstand such a load ? The answer is easy: the e | human frame is filled with air, which is in equilibrium with the exterior air. Of this| there can be no doubt ;. for an animal placed under the receiver of an air-pump, swelli, up as soon as the machine begins to be evacuated of air ; and if the operation be con) tinued, it will distend so much that it will at length perish and even burst. | It is the difference of this gravity that renders us more active or oppressed, accord. ing as the body is more or less loaded. In the first case, the body being more con, tracted by the weight of the air, the blood circulates with greater rapidity ; and al! the animal functions are performed with more ease. In the second, the weight beinj, diminished, the whole machine is relaxed, and the orifices of the vessels becom: relaxed also; the motion of the blood is more sluggish, and no longer communicate)! the same activity to the nervous fluid; we are dejected, and incapable of labour) as well as of reflection, and this isthe case in particular when the air is at the sami time damp: for nothing relaxes the fibres of our frail machine so much as moisture, 4 ) PROBLEM XLVII. Method of constructing a small machine, which, like the statue of Memnon, shall emi sounds at sun-rise. The story respecting the statue of Memnon, exhibited in one of the temples 0, Egypt, is well known. If we can credit the ancient historians, it saluted the rising sun by sounds, which seemed to proceed from its mouth. But however this ma} be, a similar effect can be produced in the following manner. Provide a pedestal, in the form of a hollow parallelopipedon a Bc (Fig. 98.) and let the cavity be divided into two parts by a partition p =. The lower par) must be very close, and filled with water to a third of its height : the remainder mus) be filled with air. The partition p = must have a hole in it to receive a pipe, Som’ lines in diameter, well soldered into it, and which reaches nearly to the bottom 9} the lower cavity. This tube must contain such a quantity of water, that when thi, air is cooled to the temperature of night, the water shall be nearly at the level of FG MEMNON’S STATUE. 677 Fig. 28. One of the faces of the pedestal must be so thin as ER to become easily heated by the rays of the sun. Of all metals, lead is the soonest heated in this manner ; and theretore a thin plate of lead will be very proper for the required purpose. + aa K L is an axis which revolves freely on its pivots F hy f | We i at k and L; round this axis is rolled a very flexible ‘ i E | cord, which supports on the one hand the weight n, and on the other the weight m, which moves freely in the pipe HI. The ratio of these weights must be | such, that m shall preponderate over nN, when the ‘mer is left to itself; but N must preponderate when the former loses a part of weight by floating in the water; this combination will not be attended with ich difficulty. In the last place, the axis KL supports a barrel, some inches in diameter, and a v inches in length, implanted with spikes, which, touching keys like those of a psichord, raise up quills and make them strike against strings properly attuned. je air must be finished in one or two revolutions of the barrel, and it must be seedingly simple, and consist of a few notes only. All this mechanism may be ‘ily inclosed in the upper cavity of the pedestal. On the top of it must be placed figure or bust, representing that of Memnon, with its mouth open, and in the’ ‘itude of speaking. It would not be difficult to connect its eyes with the axis K 1, such a manner as to render them moveable. ; From this description it may be readily conceived, that the side of the pedestal, sosed to the east, cannot receive the rays of the sun w:thout becoming hot; and it, when heated, it will heat the air contained in the lower cavity ; this air will ‘ke the water rise in the pipe #1, by which means the weight n will preponderate, 1 cause the axis KL to revolve, and consequently the cylinder furnished with ‘kes, which will raise the keys; and in this manner the air that has been noted ll be performed. But for this purpose the diameter of the axis KL must be so portioned, that the weight n by descending, two lines for example, shail cause the ‘inder to revolve once or twice with sufficient rapidity to make the sounds succeed *h other quick enough to form an air. Father Kircher, it is said, had in his museum a machine nearly of the same kind; lescription of which has been given by Father Schott; but we think ourselves thorised to assert, that it could not produce the desired effect ; for Schott says that : air was impelled through a small pipe against a kind of vanes, implanted ina all wheel; but as the air, in this manner, could issue only very slowly, it is dent that no motion could be communicated to the wheel. If Kircher’s machine m produced any effect, as said, the mechanism of it has not been properly de- ibed by Schott. We will not venture however to assert, that the one in question l answer the intended purpose, as we much doubt whether the rising sun would efy the air, contained in its lower cavity, in a manner sufficiently sensible in all nates. Remark.—We shall say nothing farther in regard to the machines which may be ; in motion by the compression, or the rarefaction, or condensation, &c. of the air ; (if we should imitate Father Schott, we might find sufficient matter to fill a arto volume. We shall therefore refer those who are fond of such machines to » “ Mecanica Hydraulico-Pneumatica”’ of that Jesuit, printed at Frankfort, in 7, 4to; and to his “ Technica Curiosa, or Mirabilia Artis.’’ Herbip. 1664, two 8s. 4to, The reader will find in these books abundance of such frivolous inventions, | : 678 PHILOSOPHY. | extracted for the most part from the work of Father Kircher, who paid a good d : of attention to them; and from the ‘ Spiritalia” of Hero; and from Alleoti, his translator and commentator; as also the “ Philosophia Fontium,” oi Dobreremaal &c. &c. PROBLEM XLVIII. The phenomena of Capillary Tubes. Capillary tubes are tubes of glass, the interior aperture of which is very narrow, being only half a line, or less, in diameter. The reason of this denomination | be readily perceived. These tubes are attended with some singular phenomena, in the explanation of which philosophers do not seem to have agreed. Hitherto it has been easier, in this respect, to destroy, than to build up. The principal of these phenomena are as follow: | I. It is well known that water, or any other fluid, rises to the same height in two. tubes, which have a communication with each other; but if one of the branches be. capillary, this rule does not hold good: the water in the capillary tube rises above. the level of that in the other branch; and the more so, the narrower the capillary tube is. i" It seemed very easy to the first aRilomanard who beheld this phenomenon, to give an explanation of it. They supposed that the air, which presses on the water in the! capillary tube, experiences some difficulty in exercising its action, on account of the! narrowness of the tube; and that the result: must be an elevation of the fluid on. that side. if This however was not very satisfactory ; for what reason is there to think that the air, the particles of which are so minute, will not be at perfect freedom in a tube half a line, or a quarter of a line, in diameter ? | But whether this explanation be satisfactory or not, it is entirely overturned by the second and third phenomena of the capillary tubes. f II. When mercury is employed, instead of water, this fluid, instead of rising in the capillary branch, to the level which it reaches in the other, remains below that! level. Ill. If the experiment be performed in vacuo, every thing takes place the same! as in the open air. The cause of this phenomenon then is not to be sought for in’ the air. IV. If the inside of the tube be rubbed with any greasy matter, such as tallow, the water, instead of rising above the level, remains belowit. The case is the ~ J if the experiment be made with a tube of wax,or the quills of a bird, the inside of which is always greasy. V. If the end of a capillary tube be immersed in water, this fluid immediatly rises above the level of that in the vessel, and to the same height to which it would rist. in a siphon, if one of its branches were a capillary tube, and the other of the com: mon size; so that if the surface of the water only be touched, it is immediately, attracted, as it were, to the height above mentioned, and it remains suspended at that height when the tube is removed from the water. VI. Ifa capillary tube be held in a perpendicular direction, or nearly so, an i! a drop of water be made to run along-its exterior surface, when the drop reaches its lower aperture, it enters the tube, if it be of sufficient size, and rises to the height at which it would stand, above the level, in the branch of a siphon, 0: that calibre. VII. The heights at which water maintains itself in capillary tubes, are in fh inverse ratio of the diameters. Thus, if water rises to the height of 10 lines in # PERPETUAL MOTION. 679 ‘be one 3rd of a line in diameter, it ought to rise to the height of 10 lines in a be one 6th of a line in diameter, and ‘to the height of 100 in a tube one 30th of ‘ine in diameter. hak | The falling of mercury below the level in such tubes, follows also the inverse tio of the diameters of the tubes. VIL. Ifa capillary tube be formed of two parts of unequal calibres, as seen Fig. 29, where the diameter of a B is much less than that of B c, and Fig. 29. if a b be the height at which the water would maintain itself in a tube such as a B, andcd that at which it would remain in the larger one B c, when this tube is immersed in such a man- ner that the aperture of the smaller end ps, shall be raised above the level, by a height greater than ¢ d, the water will maintain itself as in pr, at that height ¢ d above the level ; but if the tube be immersed in such a manner that the water shall reach to B, it will immediately rise to the same height as if the tube were of the same calibre as that before men- tioned, The case is the same, if the capillary tube be immersed, beginning with the nar- ver branch. IX. Those persons would be deceived who should imagine, that the lightest uors rise to the greatest height in these tubes: of aqueous liquors, spirit of wine that which rises to the least height. Ina tube in which water rises 26 lines, spi- of wine rises only 9 or 10. The elevation of spirit of wine, in general, is only »half or a third of that of water. This elevation depends also on the nature of the glass: in certain tubes, ter rises higher than in others, though their calibres be the same. To be convinced that these effects are not produced by anything without the tube the liquor, it is necessary to see these phenomena, which are indeed the same in vacuum, or in air highly rarefied, as in the air which we breathe. They vary also vording to the nature of the glass of which the tube is formed; and they are ferent according to the nature of the fluid. The causes therefore must be sought in something inherent in the nature of the tube, and in that of the fluid. This cause is generally ascribed to the attraction mutually exercised between ss and water. This explanation has been controverted by Father Gerdil,. a Bar- ite and an able philosopher, who has done everything in his power to overturn it. 1 the other hand, M. de la Lande has stood forth in its defence, aud is one of ase modern writers who have placed this explanation in the clearest light. The sder may consult also, on this subject, a very learned and profound memoir by M. ‘eitbrecht, in the Memoirs of the Imperial Academy of Sciences at Petersburg. i PROBLEM XLIX. _ Of some attempts to produce a Perpetual Motion, by means of capillary siphons. ‘When philosophers saw water rise ina capillary tube, above the level of that in sich it was immersed, or above that at which it stood in a wider tube, with which formed an inverted siphon, they were induced to conjecture the vossibility of a rpetual motion: for if the water, said they, rises to the height of an inch above at level, let us interrupt its ascent, by making the tube only three quarters of an ‘h in height: the water will then rise above the orifice, and falling down the es into the vessel, the same quantity will again rise, and so on in succession. Or, ‘be water that rises in the capillary branch of a siphon be conveyed, by an inclined de, into.the other branch, a continual circulation of the fluid will take place ; J hence a perpetual motion given by nature. But, unfortunately, this idea was not confirmed by experiment. If the ascent 580 PHILOSOPHY. — of water, in a capillary tube, be intercepted, by cutting the tube at half the height, for example, to which the water ought to rise, the latter wil) not rise above the orifice to trickle down the sides. And the case will be the same in the other’ attenipt. The following, however, is a very ingenious one; and it is difficult to discover the cause of its not succeeding. Let ase (Fig. 30.) be a capillary tube, the diameter of the) long branch of which is much smaller than that of the other ; itis. supposed, thatif the orifice a be immersed in the water contained in the vessel p u, it willrise top, the summit of the bending of the tube; and that in the other branch B ¢, it will rise only to the height c u above the level. If the siphon be filled with water, and if it be immersed | such a depth that the water can rise, as above said, to the bend. ing B, it appears evident, and incontestable, that the water in the part BH, will force down that contained in cn. But this cannot take place without the water contained ina B following it; hence the water will continually ascend from a to B, and fall down into the vessel, through the branch Bc. Here then we havea perpetual motion. Nothing is more specious; but unfortunately this illusion is destroyed also a experience: the water does not fall through the branch B c; on the contrary, it rises till the branch a B alone is full. We think it our duty to subjoin here another idea of a perpetual motion, by means of two siphons, though the siphons employed for this purpose are not alto. gether capillary. It deserves the more attention, as it was not proposed by an. obscure person, but by one whe is justly classed among the greatest mathematicians;] we mean the celebrated John Bernoulli. Let there be two liquors, said Bernoulli, susceptible of being mixed together, the specific gravities of which are as’ the lines a Band cp (Fig. 81.); it is well known that if two tubes, which communicate with each other, have their heights above the branch of communication in the same ratio, the shortest branch may be filled with the heaviest! fluid, and the longest with the lightest, and these two fluids will remain in equilibrio: hence it follows, that if the longer branch be cut somewhere below the length it ought to have, the fluid contained in this branch will run into the lower one. Let us now suppose that the shorter branch E Fr, is filled with a fluid composed of two liquors of different specific gravities, and that a filtre be placed in the point. F, so as to afford a passage only to the lighter ; let the tube F G be filled with the latter, and let its height be somewhat less, in order to establish an qua be- tween the liquor in the branch E F, and that in F 4g. Things being in this state, as the filtre suffers only the lighter liquor to pass, the latter, in consequence of the equilibrium being destroyed, will be impelled outwards, through the orifice cg; and consequently may be conveyed by a small pipe into the orifice E, where it will again mix with the liquor contained in EF: and this effect will always continue, because the column of liquor c ¥ will be too light to counter- balance the compound column E F. Here then we have a perpetual motion; and ais, says Bernoulli, is that which maintains the rivers, by means of the water of the sea; for, adhering to the old ideas, in regard to the origin of fountains, he imagined it was by a similar mechanism that the sea water; deprived of its salt, was conveyed to the summits of the mountains. He only rejected the idea of those who pretend that it “a | \ | { | | Fig. 31. |) oan FORCE OF MOISTURE. 681 ses above its level, in consequence of the property of capillary tubes; for he res arked that in that case it would not flow down. We will not venture to assert what might he the case, if it were possible to realise e suppositions of Bernouilli: we are however strongly inclined to believe that it ould not succeed ; and as the above reasoning, in regard to capillary tubes, though appearance convincing, is belied by experience, we are of opinion that the case ould be the same with this of Bernoulli. PROBLEM L. The prodigious force of moisture to raise burthens. One of the most singular phenomena in physics, is the force with which the vapour *water, or moisture, penetrates into those bodies which are ‘susceptible of receiving . If avery considerabie burthen be affixed to a dry and well stretched rope, and the rope be only of such a length as to suffer the burthen to rest on the ground, 1moistening the rope you will see the burthen raised up. ‘The anecdote respecting the famous obelisk erected by Pope Sixtus V., before St. eter’s, at Rome, is well known. The chevalier Fontana, who had undertaken to raise \ is monument, was, it is said, on the point of failing in his operation, just when the jlumn was about to be placed on its pedestal. It was suspended in the open air; ad as the ropes had stretched a little, so that the base of the obelisk could not rach the summit of the pedestal, a Frenchman cried out ‘‘ Wet the ropes.” This dvice was followed; and the column, as if of itself, rose to the necessary height, » be placed upright on the pedestal prepared for it. This story, however, though often repeated, is a mere fable. Those who read the escription of the manoeuvres which Fontana employed to raise his obelisk, will see aat he had no need of such assistance. It was much easier to cause his capstans to sake a few turns more than to go in quest of sponges and water to moisten his — opes. But the story is established, and will long be repeated in France, because ; relates to a Frenchman. _ However, the following is another instance of the power of moisture, in over- oming the greatest resistances: it isthe method by which millstones are made. When mass of this stone has been found sufficiently large, it is cut into the form of a cylin- er, several feet in height; and the question then is, how to cut it into horizontal jieces, to make as many millstones. For this purpose, tenes and horizontal indenta- ions are cut out quite around it, and at proper distances, according to the thickness o be given to the millstones. Wedges of willow, dried in an oven, are then driven nto the indentations by means of a mallet. When the wedges have sunk toa proper lepth, they are moistened, or exposed to the humidity of the night, and next morning he different pieces are found separated from each other. Such is the process — vhich, according to M. de Mairan, is: employed in diferent places for constructing nillstones. _ By what mechanism is this effect produced? This question has been proposed by ML de Mairan ; but in our opinion, the answer which he gives to it is very unsatis- actory. It Sinan to us to be the effect of the attraction by which the water is nade to rise in the exceedingly narrow capillary tubes with which the wood is filled. 4et us suppose the diameter of one of these tubes to be only the hundreth part of a ine; let us suppose also that the inclination of the sides is one second, and that the ree with which the water tends to introduce itself into the tube, is the fourth part of a grain: this force, so very small, will tend to separate the flexible sides of the tube, with a force of about 50000 grains; which make about 83 pounds. In the length if an inch let there be only 50 of these tubes, which gives 2500 in a square inch, and he result will be an effort of 21875 pounds. As the head of a wedge, of the kind bove mentioned, may contain four or five square inches, the foree it exerts will be | Se eee 682 PHILOSOPHY. equal to about 90 or 100 thousand pounds; and if we suppose 10 of these wed a in | the whole circumference of the cylinder, intended to form millstones, they | exercise together an effort of 900 thousand ora million of pounds. It needs, there. fore, excite no surprise that they should separate those blocks into the intervals” between which they are introduced. yf PROBLEM LI, | Of Papin’s Digester. Papin’s digester is a vessel, by means of which a degree of heat is communicated , to water, superior to that which it acquires when it boils. Water indeed exposed to common air, or the mere pressure of the atmosphere, however strongly it boil, can acquire only a certain degree of heat, which never varies; but that inclosed ll Papin’s digester acquires such a degree, that it is capable of performing operations, for which common boiling water is absolutely insufficient. A proof of this will be seen in the description of the effects produced by this machine. | This vessel may be of any form, though the cylindric or spherical is best; but it must be made of copper or brass. A cover must be adapted to it, in such a manner as to leave no aperture through which the water can escape: To prevent the vessel from bursting, a hole is made in the side of it, or in the cover, some lines in dias, meter, with an ascending tube fitted into it, on which is placed the arm of a lever kept down by a weight. This lever serves as a moderator to the heat; for if there were no weight on the aperture of this regulator, the water, when it attains to a certain degree of common ebullition, would escape almost entirely through the aperture, either in water or in steam: if the weight be light, the water, in order to” raise it, must assume a greater degree of heat. If there were no regulator of. this” kind, the machine might burst into pieces, by the expansive force of the steam, | For this reason, it is proper that the machine should be of ductile copper, and not of cast iron; because the former of these metals does not burst like the latter, but tears as it were; so that it is not attended with the same dangerous conse- quences. S When the machine is thus constructed, fill it with water, and having fitted on the cover, let it be fastened strongly down by a piece of iron placed over it, which can | be well secured by screws: then complete the filling it through the small tube whieh . serves as a moderator or register, and set it over a strong fire. The water it con: tains cannot boil; but it acquires such a degree of heat that it is able, ina short time, to soften and decompose the hardest bodies; while the same effect could not | be produced by ebullition continued for several weeks: it is even said that the heat, may be carried so far, as to bring the machine to a state of ignition ; in which case | it is evident that the water must be in the same ; but in our opinion this experiment is exceedingly dangerous. | However, the following are some of the effects of this heat, when carried only 3 three, four, or five times that of boiling water. | Horn, ivory, and tortoise-shell, are softened in a short time, and at length reduced | to a sort of jelly. The hardest bones, such as the thigh bone of an ox, are sales softened, and at — length entirely decomposed ; so that the gelatinous part is separated from them, and | the residuum is nothing but earthy matter. When no more than the proper degree | of heat has been employed in this decomposition, the jelly may be collected: it | coagulates as it cools, and may be made into nourishing soup, which would be equal | to that commonly used, if it had not a taste somewhat empyreumatic. This jelly | may be absolutely formed into dried cakes, which will keep exceedingly well, ; provided they be preserved from moisture. They may serve as a substitute for meat soup, &c. 5 CHANGES OF TEMPERATURE, 683 Hence it may be conceived, how useful this machine might be rendered in the arts, r economy, and in navigation. From these bones, thrown away as useless, food might be obtained for the poor in mes of scarcity, or some ounces of bread, with soup made from the above cakes, ‘ould form wholesome and nourishing aliment. ‘Sailors might carry with them, during their long voyages, some of these cakes, reserved in jars hermetically sealed ; they would cost much less than preparations f the same kind from meat, as the matter of which the former are made is of no lue. The sailors, who are accustomed to live on salt provisions, would be less xposed to the scurvy. At any rate, these cakes might be reserved till a scarcity f fresh meat or of any other kind of provisions, which so often takes place at sea. ; would be a great advantage to have collected into a small volume the nourishing art of several oxen; for since a pound of meat contains, at least, an ounce Of gela- nous matter reduced to dryness, it thence follows, that 1500 pounds of the same eat, which is the whole weight of a bullock, would give only 94 pounds, which ight be easily contained in an earthen jar. In the last place, it would be of great use to the arts, to be able, with a machine this kind, to soften ivory, horn, bone, and wood, so as to render them susceptible being moulded into any form at pleasure. PROBLEM LII. hat is the reason that in winter, when the weather suddenly becomes mild, the air in houses continues, even for several days, to be colder than the exterior air ? This question will present no difficulty to those who are acquainted with the enomena of the communication of heat. It is well known, indeed, that the rarer body is, the less time it requires to become hot, or to cool; and, on the other nd, that the denser it is, the more abstinately it retains the heat it has 2quired. Hence it may be easily conceived, that when cold has prevailed for some time, all 4e bodies of which our houses are composed, are cooled to the same degree as the xterior air. But when the exterior air, by any particular cause, becomes suddenly varmer, these bodies do not immediately assume the same temperature: they lose nly gradually that which they had acquired; and during this time the interior air, vhich is surrounded by them, retains the same degree of cold. Houses, strongly built—that is to say, constructed of good squared stone, which ave thick walls—must, for this reason, retain much longer the cold they have re- ived from the exterior air; and, for the same reason, the air within these houses rill remain longer at a temperature below that of the atmosphere, than in houses uilt in a slighter manner: for the same reason, also, it will be less cold in such ‘ouses, at the commencement of winter, than in slighter houses. PROBLEM LIIl. IY some natural signs, by which a change of the present temperature of the air can : be predicted. This part of philosophy, we must confess, is still in its infancy. No person has ver yet been able to make a series of observations, sufficient to shew the connec- on which subsists between the temperature of the air, and different physical signs rhich are commonly supposed to precede them. We shall here confine ourselves > a few of those signs, which ate commonly considered as indications of good or ad weather, but we will not warrant them as infallible. Ist. When a strong hoar frost is seen on the ground in the morning, during win- er, it will not fail to rain the second or third day after, at farthest. | ‘ 694 PHILOSOPHY. 2d. It has also been remarked, that it commonly rains on the day when the sun appears red or pale ; ; or the next day when the sun at the time of setting is involved in a large cloud; in this case, if it rains, the next day is exceedingly windy, The same thing almost always takes place also, when the sun at setting appears: pale. 7 3d. When the sun is red at the time of his setting, it is commonly a sign of fine” weather the next day; on the other hand, if he rises red, rain or a strong wind commonly takes place the day after. | 4th. When a white mist or vapour is seen to rise from the water or mars places, after the sun has set, or a little before he rises, one may conjecture, with some degree of probability, that next day will be fine. 5th. When the moon is pale, it indicates rain; when red, wind may be expectell a and when of a pure and silver colour, it is a sign of fair weather, according to this” verse ¢ Pallida luna pluit, rubicunda flat, alba serenat. 6th. When small black clouds, detached from the rest, and lower, are seen wan= dering here and there, or when several clouds are seen collected inthe west, at sun rise, it isa sign of a future tempest. If these clouds, on the other hand, disperse, it is asign of fine weather. When the sun appears double or treble through clouds, it prognosticates a storm of a long duration, It is the sign of a great storm also, whentwo or three broken and spotted circles are seen around the moon. 7th. When an iris, or rather halo, is seen around the moon, it isa sign of rain; and if a halo is seen around the sun, during bright and serene weather, it is also a sign of rain: but if the halo appear in the time of rain, it is a sign of fine weather. 8th. Ifanimals shew signs of fear and uneasiness, while the weather is exceedingly calm and close, it is almost certain that a storm will ensue. The barometer, in this case, falls exceedingly low all of a sudden. 9th. Indications of rain not being far distant, may be gathered from the actions of various animals, as follows : When birds are seen more employed than usual in searching among their feathers, for the small insects which torment them ; ; When those which are accustomed to remain on the branches of trees, retire a their nests ; When the sea-gulls, and other aquatic fowls, and particularly geese, make a ereter noise than usual; When the swallows fly very low, and seem to skim over the surface of the. earth; When pigeons return to the pigeon-house before their accustomed time ; When certain fish, such as the porpoise, sport at the surface of the water ; When the bees do not quit their hives, or fly only to a very short distance; When sheep bound in an extraordinary manner, and push each other with their heads ; When asses shake their ears, or are very much stung by the flies ; When flies and gnats sting more severely, and are more srounlcedie than usual ; When agreat number of worms issue from the earth ; When frogs croak more than usual ; | When cats rub their heads with their fore-paws, and lick the rest of their bodill with their tongue ; When foxes and wolves howl violently ; When the ants quit their labour, and conceal themselves in the earth; When the oxen, lying together, frequently raise their heads, and lick each others muzzles ; When the cecks crow before their usual hour; TO SEPARATE MIXED LIQUORS. 685 When domestic fowls flock together, and squeeze themselves into the dust ; When toads are heard crying in elevated places. 10th. During the time of rain, if any small blue space of the heaven be observed, ne may almost be assured that the rain will not be of long duration; this sign is ‘ell known to huntsmen. -lith. Very violent storms, when accompanied with earthquakes, are almost always receded by an extraordinary calm in the air, and of that alarming kind which »ems the silence of nature about to be convulsed. Animals, more sensible of these atural indications than man, are frightened by it, and hasten to their retreats. ‘ometimes a hollow subterranean noise is heard, When all these signs are nited, the inhabitants of the unfortunate countries, subject to these destructive courges, ought to fly from their houses, that they may avoid the danger of being uried under their ruins. . We shall not entertain our readers with the prolix description which Ozanam, or is continuator, here gives of one of these storms which spread devastation hroughout the kingdom of Naples, in the time of the famous queen Jean. 12th. An English navigator says he observed that an aurora-borealis was always ollowed, in the course of a few days, with a violent gale from the south-east; and e gives this notice to navigators, about to enter the Channel, that they may be upon heir guard.* PROBLEM LIV. To separate two liquors, which have been mixed together. _ This operation is merely an application of the property of capillary tubes, and of hat law of nature by which homogeneous fluids, when near each other, unite toge- her. This is observed to be the case with two drops of mercury, or water, or il, when they come into contact. It is even probable that, before they are in contact, hey lengthen themselves, and mutually approach each other. | However, if you are desirous of separating water, for example, from the oil with which it has been mixed, take a bit of cloth or sponge, well moistened in water, ind place it, immersing it. by one end, in the vessel containing the liquors to be eparated ; the other end must be made to pass over the edge of the vessel, and to tang down much lower than the surface of the liquor: this end will soon begin to lrop, and in this manner will attract and separate all the water mixed with the ail _ If it be required to draw off the oil, the rag or sponge must be first immersed in hat liquid. , | - But those who should imagine that wine or alcohol can be separated in this nanner from water, would be deceived: in order that the operation may succeed, he two liquors must be nearly immiscible together, otherwise they will both pass over at the same time. This process, therefore, cannot be employed for separating water from. wine, though it has been given in the preceding editions of the Mathema- Heal and Philosophical Recreations, with many others equally childish. _ The colouring part of the wine appears indeed to remain behind, because it is less _ ittenuated than the phlegm and spirit; but in reality these two liquors, of which wine essentially consists, are not separated from each other. PROBLEM LV. | What is the cause of the ebullition of Water! ? | Though this question, on the first view, may appear as of little importance, it leserves to be examined ; for those who might imagine that the bubbling observed * See Philos. Transact. vol. LXV. p. 1. | - 686 PHILOSOPHY. in water which boils, is the necessary consequence of the heat it receives, wou d : be deceived. That the contrary is the case may be proved by the following expe. 2 i| riment. Immerse, with the necessary care, any vessel, such as a bottle filled with water, for example, into kettle containing water in a strong state of ebullition; the water in the bottle will not fail to assume, in a short time, a degree of heat absolutely equal . to that of the water which boils; this will be proved by means of a thermometer, yet the smallest sign of ebullition will not be observed in it. What then is the cause of that observed in the water, which is immediately | exposed to the action of the fire? In our opinion, the boiling up is the effect of portions of the water, which toueh the sides of the vessel, suddenly converted into vapour by coming into contact with these sides; for when a vessel rests on burning coals, its bottom tends to receive a degree of heat much greater than that uecessary to convert immediately into vapour a drop that falls upon it. The pellicle of water which touches the bottom must, theres — fore, be continually converted into vapour; and this indeed is the case; for bubbles — of an elastic fluid are continually seen rising from the bottom, and these bubbles, carried by an accelerated motion to the surface, in consequence of their lightness, produce there that bubbling which constitutes ebullition. But the water contained in the bottle, immersed in the boiling liquid, cannot assume a degree of heat greater than that of boiling water; because, however strong the ebullition may be, the water does not acquire a greater degree of heat, On the other hand, a piece of metal, heated only to the degree of boiling water, does not convert the water it touches into vapour; the water therefore contained in the interior vessel, though become equally warm, cannot boil. Such is the explana-_ tion of the two phenomena; and their necessary connection with each other, as well as with the assigned cause, proves the truth of that cause. PROBLEM LVI. What is the reason that the bottom of a vessel, which contains water in a high state of ebullition, is scarcely warm ? Before we attempted to enquire into the cause of this phenomenon, we thought it proper first to assure ourselves of the fact, for fear of exposing ourselves to ridi+ cule, like those who explain in so ingenious a manner the phenomenon of the child in Silesia with the golden tooth; a phenomenon however which was only a decep- tion, as well as that which occurred to the marquis of Vardes, explained with so much sagacity by Regis, and which however was the trick of a servant. And the case is the same with many others, which ought first to be confirmed, before we attempt to explain them. We brought water therefore to a strong state of ebulli- tion, in an iron vessel, and having touched the bottom of it, while the water was boiling, we indeed found that it had but a very moderate heat; ft did not begin to be burning hot, till the moment when the ebullition had almost ceased. In our opinion, this effect is produced in the following manner: we have already shewn, that the ebullition is occasioned by the pellicle of water, which touches the bottom of the vessel, being continually converted into vapour. This conversion into vapour cannot take place, without the bottom always losing some of that heat, — which it acquires by the contact of the coals or fire. But during the interval be- — tween the moment when the vessel is taken from the fire, and that when it is touched, as no new igneous fluid reaches it, though it still continues to boil, it is probable that the remainder of this fluid is absorbed by the water which touches the bottom, and which is converted into vapour. Without giving this explanation as absolutely demonstrative, we are strongly HYGROMETER. 687 clined to think that such is the real case; and what seems to give it more pro- bility is, that while the bottom of the vessel, from which the boiling proceeds, is it little hot, the sides have the heat of boiling water; so that the finger would be mnt, were it kept as long on them as it can be kept on the bottom. But no sooner the boiling ceased, than the bottom itself receives part of the heat of the water, the finger cannot then touch it without being burnt. Remark.—The solution of the following little problem depends, in all probability, | a similar cause. To melt lead in a piece of paper. Wrap up a very smooth ball of lead in a piece of paper, taking care that there be » wrinkles in it, and that it be every where in contact with the ball; if it be held, this state, over the flame of a taper, the lead will be melted without the paper ing burnt. ‘The lead, indeed, when once fused, will not fail in a short time to erce the paper, and to run through. PROBLEM LVII. o measure the moisture and dryness of the air. Account of the principal Hygrometers invented for that purpose ; their faults, and how to construct a comparative Hygro- meter. The air is not only susceptible of acquiring more or less heat, but also of becoming ore or less humid. It belongs therefore to philosophy, to measure this degree * moisture; especially as this quality of the air has a great influence on the human dy, on vegetation, and many other effects of nature. This gave rise to the invention of the hygrometer, an instrument proper for mea- ring the humidity of the air. a But it must be allowed, that the instruments hitherto invented for this purpose ) not give that result which might have been expected. We have hygrometers deed, which indicate that the air has acquired more or less moisture than it had fore; but they are not comparative, that is to say, they do not enable us to com- ire the moisture of one day or place with that of another.* It is, however, proper ‘at we should make known the different kinds of hygrometers, were it only that e may be able to appreciate their utility. I. As fir-wood is highly susceptible of participating in the dryness or humidity ‘the air, an idea has been conceived of applying this property to the construction ‘ahygrometer. For this purpose, a very thin small fir board is placed across be- veen two vertical immoveable pillars, so that the fibres stand in a horizontal direc- on; for it is in the lateral direction, or that across its fibres, that fir and other nds of wood are distended by moisture. The upper edge of the board ought to : furnished with a small rack, fitted into a pinion, connected with a wheel, and the tter with another wheel having on its axis an index. It may be easily perceived, vat the least motion communicated by the upper edge of the board to the rack, by 3 rising or falling, will be indicated in a very sensible manner by the index ; conse- ently, if the motion of the index be regulated in such a manner, that from extreme yness to extreme moisture it may make a complete revolution, the divisions of this rele will indicate how much the present state of the atmosphere is distant from ther of these extremes. This invention is ingenious ; but it is not sufficient. The wood retains its moisture long time after the air has lost that with which it is charged ; besides, the board * This is not altogether correct. Luc has described, in the Philosophical Transactions, the ethod of constructing a hygrometer, which approaches very near to what might be desired in this spect. We have added it to this article. ! 688 PHILOSOPHY. | gradually becomes less sensible to the i impressions of the air, and therefore produces: little or no effect. IJ. An hygrometer may be made APS with the beard of a wild oat, fixed on a’ small column, placed in the centre of a round box: the other extremity of the beard | passes through the centre of the cover of the box, the circumference of which is. divided into equal parts; in the last place, a smallindex, made of paper, is adapted to the extremity of the beard. In order to afford access to the air, it is necessary that the sides of the box should be open, or cut into holes. When this instrument is exposed to drier or moister air, the small index, by turn-. ing round, either in the one direction or the other, indicates the state of the atmosphere, But this. hygrometer, which is exceedingly sensible at first, gradually this loses this property: consequently, it isa very imperfect instrument, as well as the following. III. Suspend a small circular plate by a string, or piece of catgut, fastened to its centre of gravity ; ; and let the other end of the string be attached to a hook. Ac- cording as the air is more or less moist, you will see the small plate turn round, in one direction or in another. This small machine may be covered by a bell-glass, to prevent its being deranged by the agitation of the air; but the bell must be elevated above the base on which it is placed, that the air may have access to the’ string. The hygrometers commonly sold, are constructed on this principle. They consist. of a kind of box, the fore part of which represents an edifice with two doors. On one side of the metal plate which turns round, stands the figure of a man with an umbrella to defend him from the rain; and on the other, a woman with a fan. The appearance of the former of these figures, indicates damp, and that of the other, dry weather. This pretended hygrometer can serve for no other purpose than to amuse children; the philosopher must observe that, as thevariations of humidity are transmitted to this instrument only by degrees, it will indicate moisture or drought, when the state of the atmosphere is quite contrary. If a piece of cat-gut, made fast at one extremity, be conveyed over different pulleys, as a, B, C, D, £, F, G, | &c., (Fig. 32.), soas to make several turns back wards, and forwards; and if a weight p, be suspended from the other extremity, it may be easily seen that it must| rise or fall in a more sensible manner, in consequence, of the moisture or dryness of the air, according as the number of the turns backwards and forwards is’ greater. But this will be indicated better if an index H K, turning on a pivot I, and placed in such a manner. that the part 1K shall be much longer than 1 u, be made fast to the extremity of the cord n ; the slightest change in the moisture of the air, will be manifested : by the point xk of the index, V. An hygrometer may be constructed also in the following manner, Extend a cord, five or six feet in length, between the pegs a and B (Fig. 33), and suspend from the middle of it c, a weight p, by. a thread pc. If an index p F, turning on the pivot, . E, and having the part = F much longer than p £, be adapted to the thread p c, as seen at p; as the cord a CB will be shortened by moisture and lengthened HYGROMETER. : 689 - y drought, the weight Pp, as well as the point p, will rise or fall, and consequently yake the index pass over a certain portion of the area 4, the divisions on which will ‘adicate the degree of moisture or dryness. VI. Put into the scale of a balance any salt that attracts the moisture of the air, nd into the other a weight, in exact equilibrium with it. During damp weather, be scale containing the salt will sink down, and thereby indicate that the state of fhe atmosphere is moist. An index, to point out the different degrees of drought r moisture, may be easily adapted to it. _ This instrument, however, is worse than any of the rest ; for salt, immersed in moist ir, becomes charged with a great deal of humidity ; but loses it very slowly when the- ir becomes dry: fixed alkali of tartar even imbibes moisture, till it is reduced toa iquid or fluid state. : VII. Music also may be employed to indicate the dryness or moisture of the ir, The sound of a flute is higher during dry than during moist weather. Ifa yiece of cat-gut then, extended between two bridges, be put in a state of vibration, + will emit a tone with which a tonometre must be brought into unison. When che weather becomes moister, the string will emit a lower sound; and the contrary will be the case when the air becomes drier. VIII. M. de Luc of Geneva, to whom we are indebted for an excellent work on thermometers and barometers, attempted to construct a compa- Fig. 34. rative hygrometer, and published a paper on that subject in the Philosophical Transactions. The description of this hygrome- ter is as follows. . It has a great resemblance to a thermometer. The first and principal part is a cylindric reservoir of ivory, about 25 inches in length, the cylindric cavity of which is 24 lines in diameter, and the thickness 1 or j, of aline. This piece of ivory must be cut from about the middle of an elephant’s tooth, both in regard to its thickness and length; and it is necessary that the cavity should be pierced in a direction parallel to that of the fibres. A representation of this piece is seen Fig. 34, where it is de- noted by the letters a Bc. The second piece is a tube of turned copper, one end of which fits exactly into the ivory cylinder, while the other re- ceives into its cylindric cavity a glass tube of about a quarter of aline internal diameter. A representation of it is seen Fig. 34, No. 2. These three pieces are strongly fixed toeach other, Fig. 34. by introducing into the ivory cylinder the end of the No. 3. copper tube destined to fill it, having first puta little qi fish glue between them. To unite these parts better | together, the neck of the ivory cylinder ought to be surrounded by a virol of copper. A glass tube of about 30 inches in length, and of such a size as to fit into the same cavity, is also introduced into it,-as seen Fig. 34, No. 3,. which represents the instrument completely constructed. - Itis then filled with mercury, in such a manner that it shall rise to about the middle of the glass tube, and the ivory reservoir is immersed in water ready to freeze, taking care to maintain it at that temperature for several hours; for the ivory will require ten or twelve before it absorbs all the moisture it is capable of receiving. As soon as this reservoir is immersed in the water, the mercury is seen to rise, at first very quick, and then more slowly, until it at length remains stationary towards the ay, s . be’ b . , ye iy, . Se yy: = be N 5 , - ' a a - =} 690 PHILOSOPHY. ~ ; 3 | bottom of the tube. This place, which ought to be some inches above the inser: tion of the glass tube into the copper one, must be marked o, which signifies the zero of dryness or the greatest humidity. This point, as we have said, must bi some inches higher than the copper tube; for it has been remarked, that if thr instrument be immersed in hot water the mercury falls still lower, and this inter’ val below zero is left for the purpose of marking these divisions. We must here acknowledge, that we do not properly understand how M. de Lu proceeds in order to render his instrument comparative : something, in our opinion still remains to be done to give it that property. We must therefore refer th’ reader to the original memoir, in the ‘‘ Journalde Physique” of the abbé Rozier for the year 1775. It will be sufficient to observe, that this hygrometer is ver, sensible; scarcely has it been placed in air more or less humid, than it gives indi cations of that sensibility, by the rise or fall of the mercury ; ‘but it requires, an always will require, to be accompanied with a thermometer; for the same degre of humidity has a greater effect on it during warm weather, than during cold; be sides, the mercury rises or falls independently of moisture, merely by the effect ¢ heat. This instrument, therefore, requires a double correction; the first to kee an account of the dilation which the mercury experiences by heat, a correctio which will be minus whenever the heat exceeds the term of freezing: the seconé to reduce the effect of the moisture observed, to what it would have been ha the temperature been at freezing. . It may be readily conceived, of how great advantage it would be, in regard t the improvement of this hygrometer, to find a degree of dryness, or of less humidity fixed and determinable in every country, to serve as a second fixed term, like the of water reduced to the temperature of melting ice, namely that of the greates humidity ; this would tend greatly to simplify the graduation of the instrumen which, according to the method of M. de Luc, appears to us to be complex an} uncertain. But this is enough on the present subject, respecting which the natu of our work will not permit us to enter into farther details. | All the preceding contrivances have been superseded by the hygrometer invelite by Professor Daniel of King’s College, London. We shall here give a concise abridgment of the account of this instrument, fr the article on the subject in the Library of Useful Knowledge. M. Le Roi having suggested the temperature at which dew begins to be depc sited as a measure of the moisture of the air, De Luc proved that the quantity an force of vapour in vacuo, are the same as in an equal volume of air of th same temperature, or that these two elements of vapour depend on the ten perature. i Dr. Dalton investigated the force of vapour at every degree of temperature fot 0° to 212° Fahrenheit, and expressed this force by the height of the mercurial barc metric column which it could support; and he has given the results ina tabula form, which are thus easily applied to hygrometric purposes. The dew point / found by pouring cold water into a glass, and noting the temperature at which, i the open air, dew ceases tobe formed on the sides of the glass. This is the poin at which, in air of that temperature, dew would just begin to be formed. -Hene may be inferred not only the force exerted by the vapour, but its quantity in a per pendicular column of the whole atmosphere, and the force of evaporation. , Thus if the dew point be at 45° Fahrenheit, the force of vapour, by Dalton’s table is ‘316 of an inch, or about the 95th part of the pressure of the air as measured b’ 30 inches of the mercurial column; or if the specific gravity of steam be ‘70, th weight of the steam or vapour ina given volume of air will be 136th part of th whole. - Now as the force of a whole atmosphere of steam, at the surface of thi earth, would be the weight of a perpendicular column of it, and in a mixture of stear’ ! ARTIFICIAL COLDS. 3 . 691 ad air the force exerted by each is as their relative weights: when the dew point 45° the superincumbent column of vapour in the atmosphere, being one 95th part f the whole atmospheric pressure, is equivalent to the pressure of 4-3 of water; or ae vapour, if condensed, would give that depth of water. Dalton has hence shewn how ) find the force of evaporation at a given time; for the quantity of water evapo- ated from a given surface is proportioned to the maximum force of vapour at the emperature of the surface; the vapour continuing in contact with the surface of he water. Hence, asan example, if the dew point is 45° when the temperature of he air is 50°, we have by Dalton’s table ‘375 — -316 = -059 the force of evapo- ation. . On this principle is constructed Daniel’s hygrometer, which in its most improved ‘orm is represented at Fig. 35. The ball @ is of black glass about 1°25 inch in diameter, and connected with a transparent glass ball ds of the same size, by a bent tube one eighth of an inch in diameter. A portion of sulphuric ether sufficient to fill about three fourths of the ball a is introduced; a small mercurial thermometer, with an elongated bulb, is fixed inside the limb a b, and the atmospheric air being ex- pelled, the whole is hermetically sealed. The ball d is covered with muslin, and the whole is supported on a brass stem fg, on which is another delicate thermometer. The tube can be removed from the spring tube h; and the whole instrument, with a phial of ether, packed neatly in _ a box, which may be carried in the pocket. pees The dew point is ascertained thus. The ether being i brought into the ball a by inclining the tube, the balls are placed perpendicularly, he temperature of the air is noted by the thermometer attached to the stand, and ther is gradually dropped on the muslin cover of d; and the cold produced by the waporation of this ether, condenses the elastic etherial vapour within the ball, vhich produces a rapid evaporator from the ether in a, and lowers in consequence he temperature within the instrument. When the black ball is thus cooled to he dew point, a film of condensed vapour like a ring surrounds the ball; and if jhe thermometer inside the limb c be noted at that instant, we obtain the true lew point of air at the temperature shewn by the other thermometer. Having thus found the dew point, and the temperature of the external air, the noisture contained in a cubic foot of air may be found from the following formula, Weight in grains = ae x p, where ¢ is the temperature of the external air, nd p the elasticity of the aqueous vapour at the temperature shewn by the interior hermometer, which for every degree of the thermometer is given in Dr. Dalton’s lables of the elastic force of steam. See the 5th vol. of the Manchester Memoirs. © PROBLEM LVIII. “ In the supposition of what we have before shewn, in regard to the tenuity of th particles of light, and their great velocity ; what loss of its substance may the sun | Sustain, in a determinate number of years ? . One of the most specious objections made to the Newtonian theory of light, is, hat if light consisted of a continual emanation of particles, thrown off from lumi- ous bodies, the sun would have sustained such a loss of his substance, that he must ave have been extinguished or annihilated, since the time at which he is commonly upposed to have been created. This objection we have always considered as f little weight ; and we have long been convinced that, assuming as basis what can 2yv2 692 PHILOSOPHY, be easily proved in regard to the tenuity of the particles of light, and their arts velocity, a very probable hypothesis could be formed, from which it might be shewn, that no sensible diminution could have taken place in the sun, during the course of the 6000 years which he is commonly supposed to have existed. ' We have since seen, in the Philosophical Transactions, a similar calculation by Dr. Horsley, to shew the frivolity of such an objection. But as there are differen) methods of considering the same question, our reasoning on the subject is as follows | it has nothing in common with that of the learned Englishman, but the prodig@ tenuity of the particles of light. To form this calculation, we suppose and require it may be granted, that at eal instantaneous emanation of light from the sun, this luminary projects in every possi ble direction all the particles of light at its surface. / We require, it may be granted also, that this emanation is not absolutely continued but composed of a multitude of instantaneous emanations or jets, which succeed eacl other with prodigious rapidity : we shall suppose that there are 10000 in a second As the retina of the eye preserves for about 3 of a second the impression it receives it is evident that the impression made by the sun will be absolutely continued i it regard to us. We shall suppose also, what is almost proved, that the diameter of a parti of light is scarcely the 1000000000000th part of an inch. According to these suppositions, it is evident that the sun, at each emanation, a prives himself of a luminous pellicle, the thickness of which is as before stated: consequently, in the course of a second, it will be the 100000000th part of an inek and in 100000000 seconds this luminary therefore will have lost an inch in thick ness. But 100000000 are nearly three years: in three years, then, the sun will her; Jost only an inch in thickness. Hence it appears, that in the course of 3000 years, this loss will amount to 100, inches, or 83: feet in depth; and during the 6000 years, which we suppose the su to have Ganvedl it will be 1662. Hence it follows, that before the sun can lose on second only of his apparent duuneien forty millions of years must elapse ; for th diminution of a second in the apparent diameter of the sun corresponds to 36000 yards: if in the course of 6000 years, the diminution is only about 54 yards i, depth, it will be found, by the rule of proportion, that it will require 40 million, of years to make it extend to the depth of 360000 yards in thickness, or one secon of apparent diameter. | We need therefore entertain no fear of the sun becoming extinct. Our childre. and grand children, at least, are secured from being witnesses of that fatal even’ We shall here add, that we have not taken the benefit of all the advantages w” might have employed; for we might have extended this period much farther; an: Dr. Horsley indeed finds a much greater interval between the present moment an the final consumption of the sun. But we have confined ourselves to those suppt sitions which are most admissible. PROBLEM LIX. | To produce, amidst the greatest heat, a considerable degree of cold, and even to free: water. On artificial congelations, &c. It is a very singular phenomenon, and highly worthy of admiration, that a col far exceeding that of winter can be produced even in the middle of summer; an, what adds to the singularity is, that this production of cold does not take plac unless the ingredients employed become liquid. Sometimes even by re-acting 0 each other they produce a strong effervescence. We shall first take a cursory vie\ of the different means of producing cold; and then endeavour to give some explané tion of the phenomenon. : | ARTIFICIAL COLDS. 693 I. Take water cooled only to the temperature of our wells, that is to say, to 10 sgrees of Reaumur’s thermometer, and for every pint throw into it about 12 ounces ’ pulverised sal ammoniac; this water will immediately acquire a considerable gree of cold, and even equal to that of congelation. Ifa smaller vessel then mtaining water be put into the one containing this mixture, the water in the former ill freeze, either entirely or in part. If it freezes only in part, make a mixture in jother vessel, similar to the first, and immerse in it the half-frozen water: by these eans it will be entirely congealed. If you employ this water half frozen, or at least greatly cooled in the interior sssel, and throw into it sal ammoniac, the cold produced will be much more msiderable: a cold indeed several degrees below that of ice will speedily be the sult. ‘Tf this mixture be made ina flat vessel on a table, with a little water placed be- veen them, the ice formed below will make the vessel adhere to the table. ‘The solution of the salt must be accelerated as much as possible, by stirring the jixture with a stick; for the speedier the solution, the greater will be the cold. Il. Pulverise ice, and for one part of it mix two parts of marine salt; stir well 1e mixture, and a cold equal to that of the severest winter will be produced in the liddle of the mass. By these means Reaumur was able to produce a cold 13 de- ‘ees below congelation. 'Saltpetre, employed in the same quantity, will produce a cold only 8 or 4 degrees alow freezing. It is a mistake therefore, as Reaumur observes, to imagine that iltpetre produces a greater effect than marine salt. Saltpetre is employed only ecause it is cheaper; and besides, when artificial cold is applied to domestic pur-_ oses, it is not necessary that it should be considerable. Instead of saltpetre, Alicant soda, or the ashes of green wood, which contain an quivalent salt, might be employed: the same effect would be obtained, and at a yuch less expense. ‘Ill. A cold much greater, however, than any of the preceding, may be produced 1 the following manner. Take snow and well concentrated spirit of nitre, both poled to the degree of ice; pour the spirit of nitre on the snow, and a cold 17 de- rees below that of congelation will be immediately excited. If you are desirous of producing a cold still more considerable, surround the snow nd spirit of nitre with ice and marine sal3; Which will produce a cold 12 or 13 de- rees below zero; if you then employ the snow and spirit of nitre cooled in this hanner, a cold equal to 24 degrees below zero will be the result. This cold is much reater than that produced by Fahrenheit; for ‘it did not exceed 8 degrees of his hermometer below zero, which arnounts to 173 degrees of Reaumur, below the same erm. But this is nothing in comparison of what the philosophers of Petersburgh per- ormed, towards the end of the year 1759. Assisted by a cold of 30 degrees and nore, they cooled snow and spirit of nitre below that temperature, and by these aeans obtained a degree of cold which, reduced to the scale of Reaumur’s ther- aometer, was more than 170* degrees below zero. It is well known that at this erm mercury freezes, and of the consequences of this experiment we have spoken lsewhere. IV. There is still another method of producing a cold superior to that even which necessary to freeze water. It is founded on a very singular property of evaporable luids. Immerse the bulb of a thermometer in one of these fluids, such as well lephlegmated spirit of wine, and then swing it backwards and forwards in the air, to _* This number, when corrected, ought to be only 3h below water-freezing on Reaumur ; or 39, that 4371 below water-freezing, on Fahrenheit. See the remark at the end of Problem 18. P| 3 + “eng ee ? 694 PHILOSOPHY. excite a current like that of the wind, which promotes the evaporation of the fluic you will soon see the thermometer fall: by employing ether, the most evapora of all liquors, you may even make the thermometer fall to 8 or 10 degrees belo zero. Very curious things might be said in regard to this property of evaporation ; b to enlarge farther on the subject would. lead us too far. We shall therefore on observe, that this method of cooling liquors is not unknown in the east. Travelley) who are desirous of drinking cool liquor, put their water into jars made of poro, earthern ware, which suffers the moisture to ooze through it. These vessels a suspended on the sides of a camel, in such a manner as to be in continual motio which answers the same purpose as if they were exposed to a gentle wind, and whi causes the moisture to evaporate. By these means the remaining liquor is so mu cooled, as to approach the degree of congelation. We shall now offer a few observations on the cause of these singular effects, b ginning with the means explained in the first three articles. | When ice and marine salt, or spirit of nitre and snow very much cooled, are mix, together, it is observed that cold is not produced unless these substances be dissolve From this circumstance there is reason to conjecture, that the mixture absorbs t. igneous fluid diffused throughout the surrounding bodies, or those surrounded by t. mixture, which amounts to the same thing. ‘The melting mixture produces, i in th case, the same effect as a dry sponge applied to a moist body: as long as it is mere confined around it, no change will take place in it; but as soon as the sponge is. liberty to extend itself to its full volume, it will abies a considerable part of t' moisture contained in that body. It must be confessed, that we do not see the m chanism by which the frigorific mixture produces the same effect; but we may co sider the above comparison as capable of giving some idea of it. In regard to the reason why an evaporable liquor cools the bodies from vid evaporates, it appears that the most probable reason is the affinity which that liqn has to fire; so that each of its molecule, in flying off, carries with it some of tho of the fire contained in that.body. But how comes it that these molecule of tl evaporable liquor do not combine rather with the fire which the air can furnish to: i and with which that element seems to have less adhesion than to solid bodies, since | cools more readily? This question we cannot answer; but we give the above el planation rea as conjecture. Remark.—In addition to what has been given on this subject by Montucla, ‘| shall here observe, that the best experiments yet made known on frigorific mixture without the aid of snow, are a of Mr. Walker, of Oxford: some of these a as follows: Take strong fuming nitrous acid, diluted with water (rain or distilled water is bes in the proportion of 2 parts in weight of the former to one of the latter, well mixe and cooled to the temperature of the air, 3 parts; of Glauber’s salts 4 parts; of 1 trous ammonia 35 parts,* each by weight, aud reduced separately to fine powde The Glauber’s salt is to be first added to the diluted acid; the mixture must th. be well stirred, and the powdered nitrous ammonia is immediately to be introduce stirring the mixture again. The salts should be procured as dry and transparent | possible, and are to be used newly powdered. | These are the best proportions, when the common temperature is 50°. Accor | as the temperature, at setting out, is higher or lower, the quantity of diluted ac must be proportionably diminished or increased. This mixture is little inferi. * A powder composed of sal ammoniac 5 parts, and nitre 4 parts, mixed together 1 stituted for the nitrous ammonia, 8 ott ee ARTIFICIAL COLDS. 695 to one made by dissolving snow in nitrous acid; for it sunk the thermome- ter from 32° to 20°; that is in all 52°. In this experiment 4 parts diluted acid ‘were used. - Crystallized nitrous ammonia, reduced to very fine powder, sunk the ther- mometer, during its solution in rain water, from 56° to 8°; when evaporated gently to dryness, and finely powdered, it sunk the thermometer to 49°. Mr, Walker has frequently produced ice by a solution in water of this salt alone, when the thermometer stood at 70°, If an equal weight of mineral alkali, finely powdered, be added to the mixture, the temperature will be lowered 10° or 11° more. As it is evident that artificial frigorific mixtures may be applied to domestic pur- { poses, in hot climates, especially where the inhabitants can scarcely distinguish summer from winter by the sense of feeling, it may not be amiss to give a few hints respect- bis the easiest method of using them. In most cases, the following cheap one may be sufficient: Take any quantity of strong ite acid, diluted with an equal weight of water, and cooled to the temperature of the air, and add to it an equal weight of Glauber’s salt, in powder. This is the ‘proportion when the temperature, set out with, is 50°; and will sink the thermome- ter to 5°; if the temperature be higher than 50°, the quantity of salt must be pro- portionally increased. The obvious and best method of ascertaining the quantity of any salt necessary to produce the greatest effect by solution, in any liquid, at any given temperature, is to add the salt gradually, till the thermometer ceases to sink, stirring the mixture all the time. If a more intense cold be required, double aqua-fortis, as it is called, ‘may be used. Glauber’s salt, in powder, added, will produce very nearly as much cold as when added to diluted nitrous acid. A somewhat greater quantity of the salt is required. At the temperature of 50°, about three parts of the salt, to 2 of the acid, will sink the thermometer from that temperature to nearly 0° ; and the conse- quence of more salt being added is, that it retains the cold rather longer. This mixture has one great advantage in its favour: it saves time and trouble. A little water ina phial immersed in a tea-cup full of this mixture, will be soon frozen, eyenin summer ; and if the salt be added in crystals, not pounded, to double aqua- fortis, though in a warm temperature, the cold produced will be sufficient to freeze water or cream; but if diluted with one fifth of its weight of water, and cooled, it will be nearly equal to the diluted nitrous acid before mentioned, and will require ‘the same proportion of the salt. A mixture of Glauber’s salt and diluted nitrous acid, sunk the thermometer from 70°, the temperature of the air and ingredients, to 10°. , ‘The cold in any of these mixtures may be kept up a long time, by occasionally adding the ingredients in the proportions indicated. Take equal parts of sal ammoniac and nitre, in powder; and cool them by im- mersing the vessel which contains them in pump water newly drawn, its tempera- ture being. generally 50°. On three ounces of this powder pour four ounces, wine measure, of pump water, at the above temperature, and stir the mixture ; its tempera- ture will be reduced to 149, and consequently it will soon freeze the contents of any small vessel immersed init. The cold may be continually kept up and regu- lated for any period of time, by occasionally pouring off the clear saturated liquor, and adding more water; taking care to supply it constantly with as much of the powder asitcan dissolve. This is a convenient mixture; for if the solution be afterwards evaporated to dryness in an earthen vessel, and reduced to powder, it will answer ‘the purpose as well as at first ; as its power does not seem to be lessened by being repeatedly treated in this manner. All the ingredients employed by Mr, Walker being taken at the temperature of 50°, the following table will exhibit the resilt of a great many experiments: | | I i 696 PHILOSOPHY. Temperature. | Sal ammoniac 5, nitre 5, water 16 parts ...---ee+-e+> Ae. Ssh 10° | Do. 5, do. 5, Glauber’s salt 8, water 16 ........ 4 | *Nitrous ammoniac 1, water 1 sececsereceeceeccee eeeteees 4 Do. —————_— 1, soda ], water ] “ssccereerescsereeeeree ‘4 tGlauber’s salt 3, dilute nit. acid 2 ..--.+>- o Sanloemiate duties 3 Glauber’s salt 6, sal ammoniac 4, nitre 2, dees nit. acid 4 10 Do. 6, nitrous ammoniac 5, dilute nit. acid 4 ...... 14 Phosphorated soda 9, dilute nit. acid. 4 seseer---eeee eH 12 } Do. 9, nitrous ammon. 6, dilute nit. acid 4 .... aT } +Glauber’s salt 8, marine acid 5 .....+-+.+--.- Peis hae tuts 0 tDo. 5, dilute vitriolic acid 4 ........... pirat cet bon 3 | The salts marked thus (*) may be recovered by evaporating the mixture, ani may be used again repeatedly; those marked thus (}) may be recovered for usi by distillation and crystallization: the dilute nit. acid was red fuming nitrous aci( 2 parts, rain water 1 part: the dilute vit. acid was strong vitriolic acid and rail) water, equal parts. | By a judicious management, frigorific mixtures, with the aid of snow or poundei ice, mercury even may be frozen into a solid mass. Mr. Walker immersed a hal| pint glass tumbler containing equal parts of vitriolic acid, the specific gravity 0) which was 1°5596, and strong fuming nitrous acid, in mixtures of nitrous acid ant snow, until the mixed acids in the tumbler were reduced to — 30°: he then gra, dually added snow, which had been also previously cooled in a frigorific mixtur. to — 15°, to the mixture in the tumbler, stirring the whole, and found, after some mi nutes, that the mercury in a thermometer immersed in the fluid had become con | gealed or frozen. Quicksilver may be congealed by adding newly fallen snow to strong fuming ni) trous acid, previously cooled to between — 25° and — 30°, which may be easil. and speedily effected by immersing the vessel containing the acid in a mixture ¢ snow and nitrous acid. But the most powerful frigorific mixture yet discovered, is produced by eque parts of muriate of lime and snow. An account of a very remarkable experimen! of this kind is givenin Tilloch’s Philosophical Magazine, Vol. III. It was performe by Messrs. Pepys and Allen, Into a mixture of equal parts of muriate of lime a) 33°, and snow at 32°,a bladder containing no less than 56 pounds of mercury wa} immersed, after the mixture had liquefied by stirring, and when its temperatur was found to be — 42°; as soon as the cold mixture had deprived the mercury ¢ so much of its heat that its own temperature was raised from — 42° to “i yy th mercury was taken from it, and put into another fresh mixture, the same in ever respect as the first. In the mean time, the muriate of lime was kept cooling, by immersing the ver sel which contained it into a mixture of the same ingredients: 5 pounds of th muriate were, by these means, reduced to — 15°; a mixture being made of thi muriate and snow, at the temperature of 32°, in the course of three minutes / gave a temperature of — 62°, or 94° below the freezing point of water. . The mercury reduced to — 30° by immersion in the second mixture, and sus, pended in a net, was put into the new made mixture, and the whole was covere. with a cloth to impede the passage of heat from the surrounding atmospheré) After an hour and forty minutes, the 56 pounds of mercury were found solid an, fixed. The temperature of the mixture, at this time, was — 46°; that is 16° highe than when the mercury was put into it. Several of those who were present at this experiment having, without attending ¢ j i ARTIFICIAL COLDS. 697 : the consequences, taken pieces of the frozen mercury into their hands, experienced ‘a painful sensation, which they could compare to nothing but that produced by a purn or a scald, or by a wound inflicted with a rough edged instrument. The parts of the hand which were in contact with the metal lost all sensation, and became white, and to appearance dead: a phenomenon which alarmed the sufferers not a little: however, soon throwing away the pieces from them, as they would have done hot coals, the injury scarcely penetrated the skin; and in a little time the parts, by friction, resumed their usual sensation and colour. | The late Professor Leslie devised an elegant method of reducing the tempera- ture sufficiently low to freeze water, in any climate, and at any season of the year. His method is shortly this: under the receiver of an air pump, place one vessel containing sulphuric acid, and another containing a small quantity of water. The ‘air being partly withdrawn from the receiver by the air pump, vapour is raised ‘abundantly from the water, and absorbed by the acid. Thus a degree of cold is ' produced which freezes the water in a very short time. | A saucer of porous earthenware is best adapted for holding the water, and instead of sulphuric-acid, other absorbents may be used, such as parched oatmeal, the powder of mouldering whinstone, or the dry powder of pipeclay. ' Mr. Leslie placed a hemispherical vessel of porous earthenware, containing a pound ‘and a quarter of water, over a body of parched oatmeal, one foot in diameter and one inch deep; and by working the pump for some time, the whole of the water “was frozen. PROBLEM LX. To cause water to freeze, by only shaking the vessel which contains it. During very cold weather, put water into a close vessel, and deposit it in a ‘place where it will experience no commotion; in this manner it will often acquire a degree of cold, superior to that of ice, but without freezing. If the vessel how- ever be agitated ever so little, or if you give ita slight blow, the water will im- mediately freeze with singular rapidity. This will be the case, in particular, when the water is in vacuo. i This phenomenon is exceedingly curious; but in our opinion, it is susceptible of an explanation which must appear highly probable to those acquainted with the phenomena of congelation. Water does not congeal unless its molecule assume a | new arrangement among themselves. When water cools, at perfect rest, its mo- ‘leculee approach each other, and the fluid which keeps it in fusion gradually escapes ; but something more is necessary to determine the molecule to arrange themselves ‘ina different manner, under angles of 60 or 120 degrees. ‘This determination they ‘receive by the shock given to the vessel; they were in equilibrio ; the shock de- - stroys that equilibrium, and they fall one upon another, forming themselves into | groups, in such a manner as their approach to each other requires. Another phenomenon of congelation is as follows. If you boil water, and then expose it to the frost, close to an equal quantity of unboiled water, the former will freeze sooner than the latter. This is a fact proved by experiments, made at Edinburgh, by Dr. Black, and, in our opinion may be easily explained; as congelation is occasioned by the molecule of the water approaching each other: it must congeal the sooner, if these molecule, before being exposed to the frost, are already closer. But water which has boiled possesses, in this respect, an advantage over that which has not boiled; for the "effect of boiling is to deprive it of a great deal of its combined air; these molecule then, ceteris paribus, must arrive sooner at the term of proximity, at which they adhere to each other, and form a solid body. We are convinced, that for the same mee 698 PHILOSOPHY. reason, water impregnated by artificial means with air, would be longer in freezin, than common water. PROBLEM LXI. Of the figure observed sometimes in Snow : Explanation of that phenomenon. It often happens, and it has long been remarked with admiration, that the smal flakes of snow have a regular figure. Such is the case: in particular, when the snov falls gently, and in very small flakes. This figure is hexagonal or stellated ; some times it is a plain star with six radii; at other times the star is more complex and resembles a cross of Malta, having six salient and six re-entering angles. I sometimes happens that each branch presents ramifications, like the barbs of a fea ther; but it would be too tedious to describe them all. We shall therefore confim ourselves to a representation of the most remarkable, as seen Fig. 36. This phenomenon has always occasioned great em barrassment to philosophers, since the time of Des. cartes and Kepler, who seem to have been the firs: who remarked it. Bartholin wrote a dissertation - “De Figura Nivis Hexangula,” in which he reason) very badly on the subject. It was indeed difficul: to reason justly on it,* until M. de Mairan observed as he did with great sagacity, the phenomena of con gelation, and until chemistry had discovered those 0} . the crystallization of bodies, when they pass from a fluid to a solid state. | Chemistry indeed has taught us that all bodies, the elements of which, floating ir a fluid, calmly approach each other, assume regular and characteristic figures. Thus sulphur, when it becomes fixed, forms long needles ; regulus of antimony has on its surface the figure ofa star. Salts, when they crystallize slowly, assume regular figures also. Marine salt forms cubes, alum octaedra, gypsum a kind of wedges, regularly irregular, the lamine of which break into triangles of determinate angles; calcareous spar, called Icelandic Crystal, forms oblique parallelopipeda under inva-| riable angles, &c. On the other hand, M. de Mairan, while observing the progress of congelation, saw that the small needles of ice, which are formed, are implanted one into the other at regular and determinate angles, which are always 60 or 120 degrees. Whoever is acquainted with these phenomena, will see nothing in ice and snow, but a crystallization of water, condensed in cold air: one particle of frozen water meets another, and unites with it, at an angle of 60 degrees; a third is added, and is . determined by the action of the point of the first angle, to unite itself in the same’ manner, &c, This is the simplest of the stars of snow, as represented by No. 1. | If new needles of ice are added, which will for the most part be the case, they must place themselves on the first radii, either by making an obtuse or an acute angle - towards the centre. In the first case, the result will bea star, the radii of which have a kind of barbs like a feather, as in No. 2, or like a star, as No.3. The last arrangement however is rare, and that of No. 2 is more common. Some are also. seen, though in less number, much more complex; but whatever may be their com-) position, their elements are always angles of 60 or 120 degrees, it M. Lulolf of Berlin conjectured that these figures were occasioned by the sal ammoniac, or rather volatile alkali, with which snow is impregnated: and in support of this idea, he mentions a very pretty experiment. Having exposed some water to — [ * We find however that Gassendi referred the regular figure of snow to crystallization. Seead — Diog. Laert. Not. opp. vol. I, p. 577. \| i } . ee Ee = _e ——— RECIPROCATING FOUNTAINS. 699 freeze near the common sewer, he found the surface of it entirely covered with small stars of ice, while the frozen water which was at a greater distance, exhibited nothing of the kind. He acknowledges however, that he was never able, by any - process, to detect this principle in snow water, or snow melted in close vessels. No philosopher at present will indeed believe, that either sal ammoniac or volatile alkali exists in snow, unless accidentally ; and there is no necessity of supposing it, in order to explain its crystallization in stars. PROBLEM LXII. Lo construct a fountain, which shall alternately flow and intermit. We have already described the mechanism of a fountain which produces this effect, and which is well known to those acquainted with hydraulics; but as it cannot be adapted to the purposes we have here in view, we shall give another method of solv- ing the problem. Let a pcp (Fig. 37.) be a vessel of any form, which receives by the pipe = a continual influx of water, capable of filling it to the height cH, in the interval, for example, of two hours, Let FGI be a siphon, the upper orifice of which, immersed in the liquor, is F; let Fa be the shorter, and cx the longer, branch, the orifice of which, 1, must be con- siderably below the level of F; lastly, let the bore of this siphon be such, that it can draw off the li- quor contained in the part a1, in the course of half an hour. These suppositions being made; if the vessel be empty, and if the water be suffered to run in by the pipe £, it will fill the vessel to the height G, in two hours, for example; but when it reaches the bending «, the siphon Fat will be filled, and the water flowing into it, in the course of somewhat more than half an hour,* it will empty, not only the water collected as far as GH, but that also which the pipe = may have furnished during that time; because this discharging pipe Fig. 37. “rar will exhaust much more rapidly, than that which furnishes, viz. px. The surface of the water, always descending, will at length fall to the level of the orifice F, and the air introducing itself, the play of the siphon will be interrupted: the water will then begin to rise again to the bending of the siphon at c, so that the play of the siphon will recommence, and this will be the case as long as the pipe E ‘can furnish water. Remark.—It is necessary to observe, that the siphon will not perform its effect, unless it be a capillary tube as far as the bending ; for if its diameter, at this place, be 5 or 6 lines, the water, when it reaches to a little above the bending, will flow off without filling the whole pipe; and the pipe would run off a quantity of water equal only to that furnished by the pipe x. This observation was made, and with great justice, by the Abbé Para du Phanjas, who had recourse therefore, in this case, to several capillary tubes, uniting in one. Another remedy ¢onsists in making the calibre of the discharging pipe capillary, throughout its whole length, and proportionally wide in a horizontal direction, in order that it may have the same surface, and that the same quantity of water may flow through it. By these means the discharging pipe, though single, will perform its office. * This time will be exactly 40 minutes ; for it is the sum of a sub-quadruple progressicn, the first term of which is 30 minutes, the second 7}, &c. 700 PHILOSOPHY. PROBLEM LXIIi. To construct a fountain which shall flow and stop a certain number of times succes- sively ; and which shall then stop, for a longer or shorter period, and afterwards resume its intermitting course ; and so on. The solution of this problem depends on a very ingenious combination of two intermittent fountains, similar to the preceding. Let us suppose a similar fountain, the periodical flowing of which is exceedingly quick, that is to-say, 2 or 3 minutes, and its intermission the same, making altogether an interval of 4 or 5 minutes: let this fountain be fed by another intermittent fountain, placed above it, the duration of the flowing of which is an hour, and the intermittence 2, or 3, or 4: it will thence follow, that the lower one will furnish water only while the upper one sup- plies it; that is to say, during an hour; and in the course of this hour the lower fountain will have 12 or 15 periods of flowing, interrupted by as many periods of cessation; after which time, as the fountain or pipe & of Fig. 37 will not furnish more water for two or three hours, the lower fountain will absolutely cease for one, or two, or three hours. Here then we have a fountain which will be doubly inter- mittent, as it will remain a considerable time without flowing, and when it flows it will ‘be intermittent. Remarks.—I. With three fountains of this kind, combined together, periods of flowing and intermission, so singular as to appear almost inexplicable, might be pro= duced. But it may be readily conceived, that they would all depend on the same principle. . II. By means of these principles, a fountain to flow continually, but which should become larger and decrease alternately, might be easily constructed. Nothing would be necessary for this purpose, but to combine with the fountain of the preceding problem, a continued fountain: it is evident that it would become larger, when the water flowed through the siphon F @1; and that when it stopped, it would assume its usual state. If this continued fountain were combined with the double intermittent one of this problem, the result would be a fountain uniform and continued for several hours of the day, and which would afterwards become larger and decrease alternately for an hour. : PROBLEM LXIV- Construction of a fountain which shall cease to flow when water is poured into it ; and shall not begin to flow again till some time after. For this purpose, we must suppose a very close reservoir, half filled with water,’ as ABCD (Fig. 38.), having a discharging pipe x, some lines only indiameter. This reservoir forms part of another vessel H B F D, in which it is placed; and a portion of the vessel u G ¥F remains empty: I K is a pipe which proceeds from the top of the interior reservoir, nearly to the bottom of the vessel, rp; the upper part of the vessel is funished with a rim, so as to re- semble a cup, and the part H G, is pierced with a number of small holes ; some moss, with coarse sand, or even grass, must be put into this cup, but in sucha manner that the air may have access through the bottom of H G, into the cavity H c. These things being supposed, let the small reservoir be half filled with water, which will flow out through the discharging pipe £; if water be then poured into the cup at the top, it will fall into — RECIPROCATING FOUNTAINS. 7OL the lateral reservoir H c, and close the aperture kK of the pipe Kr. This aperture being closed, the air contained in that part above the interior reservoir, can no longer expand itself: the water flowing through & will fall at first slowly, and at length stop. But if a small pipe be inserted in the corner F, to afford a passage to the water which has fallen into the reservoir # c, when this water is discharged, that at E will again begin to flow. If water be poured incessantly into the cup H G, and if its escape at F be concealed, this machine will excite great astonishment, as it will seem to flow only when no more water is poured into it. This machine might be constructed in the figure of a rock, with a fountain issuing from the bottom of it; and the upper part might represent a meadow, or forest, &c. On pouring water over it from a watering pot, to represent rain, the small fountain would be seen to stop, and to continue in that state as long as water was poured over it. The use to which this idea might be applied will be seen hereafter. PROBLEM LXV. To construct a fountain which, after flowing some time, shall then sink down to a certain point ; then rise again ; and so onalternately. Though we have not found anything satisfactory on this subject, it is nevertheless possible; for we shall mention hereafter some ‘instances of fountains, the basons of which exhibit this phenomenon. We shall therefore content ourselves for the present with having proposed the problem to our readers. RemarKks.—Containing the history and phenomena of the principal intermittent foun- tains known, as well as of some lakes and wells which have similar properties. History of the famous lake of Tschirnitz. In the preceding problems we have explained the principles of the phenomena exhibited by a great number. of fountains, or collections of water, the properties of _ which have at all times furnished matter of reflection to philosophers, and been a “subject of admiration to the vulgar. But much is to be deducted from what the vulgar relate, or imagine they see, in regard to this subject. Many of these springs, when examined by philosophers, or accurate observers, lose the greater part of what they had of the marvellous. In several of them, however, there still remains enough to exercise the sagacity of the searchers into nature. The object of this work ~ obliges us, in some measure, to make known the most remarkable of these fountains. But we shall confine ourselves to those, the facts respecting which are confirmed by good descriptions ; for it is of no utility torepeat what is uncertain or incorrect. I. The greater part of those springs which originate from accumulations of ice, are observed to be intermittent. Such are some of those seen in Dauphiné, on the road from Grenoble to Briangon. They flow, as we have been assured, more abun- © -dantly in the night than in the day time, which on the first view seems difficult to-he ‘reconciled with sound philosophy; but we shall shew that this may be explained without much difficulty. The author of the Description of the Glacieres of Switzerland, speaks of a similar spring, at Engstler, in the canton of Berne: it is subject to a double intermittence, that is to say, an annual and a daily: it does not begin to flow till towards the month of May; and the simple peasants, in the neighbourhood, firmly believe that the Deity sends them this spring every year for the use of their cattle, which about that - period they drive to the mountains. Besides, like those of which we have already spoken, it is during the night that it flows in the greatest abundance. The annual reappearance of this fountain, on the approach of spring, may be easily explained: for it is only towards this period that the mass of the earth, being “afficiently heated, begins to melt the ice from below. It is at this period, therefore, i es 702 PHILOSOPHY, | that the fountain in question can flow. We make use of the expression from below; for it is in this manner that these enormous masses of ice are melted. No doubt indeed can be entertained of it, when it is observed that they continually give birth) to large currents of water, even while their upper surface exhibits the strata of the) preceding year scarcely altered. But how comes it that the greater part of these. fountains furnish the largest quantity of water in the night time? This phenomenon’ deserves to be explained. It arises, in our opinion, from the alternation of heat and cold, occasioned by the’ presence and absence of the sun, in the mass of the earth covered by this accumula- | tion of ice. But as a certain time is necessary before the heat of the sun can produce | its effect, and be communicated to the distant parts, it happens that the moment, of their greatest heat is posterior, by several hours, to that of the greatest heat | of the air, which takes place about three in the afternoon: it is only some hours | then after sun-set, that the greatest liquefaction of the ice, which is in contact with. the earth, can be produced; and if we take into consideration the space which the water thence arising must pass through, in confined channels between the valleys and. under the ice, it will not seem astonishing that it should not make its appearance till | towards night, It will therefore be about eleven o'clock, or midnight, that these streams, produced by the melting of the ice, will furnish the greatest quantity of water. | II. The intermittence in this case depends upon causes which may be easily dis- | covered: it is not even areal intermittence: but the fountains we are about to describe are really intermittent. ° A spring of this kind is seen at Fontainebleau, in one of the groves of the Park, | It would probably be better known, and would not be inferior in celebrity to that | of Laywell, if courts were more frequented by philosophers. This fountain flows from a sandy bottom, into a bason six or eight feet square: there is a descent to it by several steps, in the last of which, or close to the water, — is dug a small channel, which suffers it torun off. The following are the phenomena | observed in this fountain. | The bason being supposed to be half full, as is the case when a large quantity of water has been drawn from it, the water rises to the edge of the last step, and runs off by the channel for some minutes. This discharge is followed by a bubbling, | sometimes so strong as to be heard at a considerable distance. This is a sign of the | speedy falling of the water. It immediately begins, indeed, to fall a few inches | below the level of the channel; but this height is variable. It is then stationary | for some time; but afterwards rises; and continues in this manner alternately. | Fach fiux of this kind employs about seven or eight minutes. Sometimes however it seems to sport with the curious, and remains half an hour, or even a whole hour, | without repeating the same play. The description of a fountain, nearly similar to the preceding, may be seen in the Philosophical Transactions, Nos. 202 and 424; and in Desaguliers’s Course, vol. 2: it is situated at one of the extremities of the small town of Brixham, near Torbay, in Devonshire: the people in the neighbourbood call it Lay-Well. It is on the | declivity of a small hill, and distant from the shore a full mile; so that it can have no communication with the sea. The bason, according to the latest description, is eight © feet in length, and four feet and a half in breadth. A current continually flows into the bason, and the water escapes at the other extremity, through an aperture, three feet broad, and of a proportionable depth. Sometimes the water flows uniformly for several hours, without rising or falling ; and hence some credulous people believe, that the presence of certain persons has an _ influence on this fountain, which interrupts its play. But, for the most part, it has a very sensible and very speedy flux and reflux. For about two minutes the water rises some inches, after which it falls for about the same period, and thena short — rest ensues; so that the total duration is about five minutes. This takes place { , TT: RECIPROCATING FOUNTAINS, 703 twenty times in succession, after which the fountain seems to rest for about two hours, and during that time the water flows in a uniform manner. This, according to the author of the description, is a peculiarity by which this fountain is distin- guished from all others that have come within his knowledge. But we have seen that the one of Fontainebleau experiences something of the same kind: a very strong analogy even is remarked between them, and it appears almost evident from the descriptions, that their periodism is not in the spring, but only in the discharge. This is certain, at least in regard to that of Fontainebleau ; as the nature of the ground does not permit us to suppose any thing similar to that which requires a pe- riodical flowing in the spring itself. _ However, we shall here describe a third fountain, much more considerable than either of the preceding two, and which presents a very striking intermittence ; it is situated in Franche-Comté, and a very good description of it was published in the “Journal des Scavans,” for October 1688. ; _ This fountain is, or at least was at that period, near the high road leading from Pontarlier to Touillon, at the extremity of a small meadow, and at the bottom of some mountains which hang over it; it flows from two different places, into two basons, on account of the roundness of which it has acquired the name of La Fon- taine ronde. The upper bason, which is larger than the other, is about seven paces in length, and six in breadth; and in the middle of it there is a stone cut ina sloping form, which serves to render the motion of its reciprocation sensible. When the flux is about to commence, a bubbling is heard within the fountain, and the water is immediately seen to issue on all sides, producing a great many air bubbles: it rises a full foot. During the reflux, the water falls nearly the same time, and by the same gradations. The total duration of the flux and reflux, is about half a quarter of an hour, includ- ing about two minutes of rest. The fountain becomes almost dry at each reflux, and at the end of it is heard a sort of murmuring noise, which announces its cessation. ; The small town of Colmars, in Provence, presents also a fountain of the same kind. It is situated in the neighbourhood of the town, and is remarkable for the frequency of its flux. When it is ready to flow, a slight murmur is heard; it after- wards increases for half a minute, and then throws up a jet of water as thick as the arm; it then decreases for five or six minutes, and stops a short time, after which itagain begins to flow. In this manner the duration of its flowing and intermit- tence together is about seven or eight minutes: so that it flows and stops about eight times in an hour. Gassendi and Astruc have given a more detailed account of this fountain; the former in his works, and the latter in his ‘ Histoire Naturelle du Languedoc et dela Provence.” The fountain of Fonzanches, in the diocese of Nismes, deserves also to be men- tioned. Fonsanches is situated between Sauve and Quissac, not far from, and on ‘the right of the Vidourle. It issues from the earth, at the extremity of a pretty ‘steep declivity, looking towards the east. Its intermittence is very striking; it flows and stops regularly twice in the course of the day, or of twenty-four hours ; the duration of its flux is 7 hours 25 minutes, and that of its intermission 5 hours or nearly ; so that its flowing is retarded every day about 50 minutes. But it would be erroneous thence to conclude, that it has any connection either with the motion of the moon, or with the sea, though it has been called Za Fontaine au flux et reflux. It would be absurd to suppose channels proceeding thence to the sea of Gascony, which is 130 leagues distant. Besides, as the retardation of 50 minutes is not exactly that of the tides, or of the moon’s passage over the meri- dian, the analogy of the one movement with the other can no more be maintained, than if this retardation were much greater or less. Paes 704 PHILOSOPHY. We shall terminate this paragraph with a description of the famous fountain calle Fontestorbe, situated in the diocese of Mirepoix. The account we shall give of iti extracted from Astruc’s description, published in the work before mentioned. Fontestorbe is situated at the extremity of a chain of rocks, which advance almos to the banks of the river Lers, between Fougas and Bellestat, in the diocese of Mi repoix. At a considerable height above the bed of the river is a cavern, 20 or 3 feet in length, 40 in breadth, and 30 in height. On the right side of this cavern i the fountain in question, in a triangular aperture of the rock, the base of which i about 8 feet in breadth. It is through this aperture that the water issues, whe’ the flux takes place. What characterizes its intermission, in a very singular man’ ner, is, that it is intermittent only during the time of drought; that is to say, ii the months of June, July, August, and September: it then flows for 36 or 37 mi) nutes, rising 4 or 5 inches above the base of the triangular aperture, after which i ceases to flow for 32 or 33 minutes. Ifit happensto rain, the time of intermissio) is shortened, and when it has rained three or four days in succession, it becomes an. nihilated; so that the fountain then continues, though with a periodical increase. but at length, when the rain has lasted a considerable time, the flux is continuel and uniform, and remains in this state throughout the winter, until the return o dry weather, when the fountain again becomes periodical and intermittent, by th same gradations inverted. | The reason of the greater part of the phenomena here described, may be deduce(’ from the principles explained in the preceding problems. For this purpose, nothing is necessary but to conceive a cavity of greater or less extent, formed by the sink’ ing down of a bank of clay, and which serves as a reservoir to a collection of water’ furnished by a spring. Let this cavity have a communication outwards by a kind o' crooked chanuel, the interior aperture of which is near the bottom of the cavity and the exterior one much lower; this channel will evidently perform the part 0 the siphon of Prob. LXIJ. Fig. 37, and will produce the same phenomena, sup posing however that the exterior air has access to the cavity. #| If the spring then which fills the cavity, here described, always furnishes less wa: ter than the supposed siphon can evacuate, the water «will flow only periodically for before it can issue, it must rise to the summit or angle of the two branches Oo the siphon; it will then flow and evacuate the water contained in the cavity, ant it will again stop till more water rises. | But, if the concealed spring, which feeds the reservoir, be variable: that is to say’ if it be much more abundant in winter, and during rainy weather, than in summer’ or during dry weather, the apparent spring will be intermittent only during the lat ter; the duration of its intermissions or rest will decrease, according as the cou cealed spring becomes more abundant; and when the concealed spring gives as muel' water as the siphon can evacuate, the apparent spring will become continued: it wil at length gradually resume its intermittence, according as the interior spring decreases in volume. | Here then the phenomena of the spring of Fontestorbe are explained, by the same mechanism as that of the other springs purely intermittent. It appears, that in the latter the.concealed spring derives its origin from subterraneous water, which re- ceives little or no augmentation from exterior water; and that, on the contrary, the spring of Fontestorbe is fed by water arising from rain and melted snow. 4 We shall add only a few words more, respecting some fountains of this kind, men- tioned in various authors. Such is that in the environs of Paderborn, called Bullerborn, which flows, it is said, for twelve hours, and rests during the same period: that of Haute-Combe, in Savoy, near the lake of Bourget, which flows and stops twice in an hour ; that of Buxton, in the county of Derby, mentioned by Childrey in his “ Curiosités d’ Angleterre,” which flows only every quarter of an hour; one near the ; RECIPROCATING FOUNTAINS, 705 ake Como, celebrated in the time of Pliny the younger, which rises and falls periodi- sally, three times a day, &c. iI, We shall now describe phenomena of another kind, namely, those exhibited vy certain wells or springs, which rise and fall at certain periods, while no place is snown by which the water is discharged. There is a well near Brest subject to this yeriodical falling and rising, the explanation of which has afforded considerable occu- yation to philosophers. The description we shall give of it isextracted from the Jour- jal de Trevoux, October 1728; it was written by Father Aubert, a jesuit, who ippears to have been a very correct and well informed philosopher. . This well is situated at the distance of two leagues from Brest, on the border of an am of the sea, which advances as far as Landernau. It is 75 feet from the edge of the sea at high water, and nearly double that distance at low water. It is 20 feet ndepth, and its bottom is lower than the surface of the sea at high water, but aigher than the same surface at low water. , It would not he astonishing, or rather would be altogether in the natural order of ings, if the well should sink down at low water, and rise at high water; but the tase is quite contrary, as will be seen by the following detailed account of the phe- 10mena observed. _ The water of the well is lowest, that is to say is only 11 or 12 inches above its yottom, when the sea is at its highest. It remains in that state about an hour, ‘eckoning from the time of high water ; it then increases for about two hours and a aalf, during the time the sea is ebbing; after which it remains stationary for about wo hours. It then- begins to decrease for about half an hour before the time of low water, and this continues for the first four hours of the sea’s fowing. In the last jlace, it remains in the same state of falling for about three hours, that is during he last two hours of the sea’s rising, and the first hour of its ebbing; after which it gain begins to rise, as before mentioned. It was observed during the great drought, n the year 1724, that this well was for some hours dry, while the sea flowed, and that t became full as the sea ebbed. We do not know whether this well be still in xistence. What adds to the singularity of the phenomenon is that the neighbouring vells, which might be supposed to experience the same vicissitudes, are subject to othing of the kind. _ According to Desaguliers, a small lake at Greenhithe, between London and aravesend, exhibits the same phenomena; and this author adds, that he heard at aambourn, in Berkshire, of a spring which is full in dry weather, and dry during ainy weather. It is much to be wished that he had ascertained the truth of these ircumstances. IV. But every thing hitherto said, though very remarkable, is nothing when com- ared with the singularity of the famous lake of Tschirnitz. This lake, which is of onsiderable extent, is situated near a small town of the same name, in Carniola. tis about three French leagues in length, and one anda half in breadth, having a ery irregular form. _ The singularity of this lake consists in its being full of water during the greater art of the year; but towards the end of June, or the first of July, the water runs ff by eighteen holes or subterranean conduits, so that what was the abode of fish and bundance of aquatic fowls, becomes the haunt of cattle, which repair thither to pas- ure on the grass which is found there in great plenty. Things remain in this tate for three or four months, according to the constitution of the year; but after tat period, the water returns through the holes'by which it had been absorbed, and 7ith so considerable a force that it spouts up to the height of several feet, so that 1 less than twenty-four hours the lake has resumed its former state. It is however to be observed, that there are some irregularities in the time ana uration of this evacuation, It par ehes ee that the lake is filled and emptie? 706 PHILOSOPHY. two or three times in the year. One year it experienced no evacuation, but j never remains empty above four months. Notwithstanding these irregularities, th phenomenon deserves a place among the most extraordinary singularities of natur See on this subject a work by M. Weichard Valvasor, a learned man of that country entitled ‘‘ Gloria ducatus Corniole,” &c., 1688, 4to. This author enters into detail which entitle him to credit ; and besides this, it is a fact well known, and mentione by various intelligent travellers. M. Valvasor deduces, with great probability, the phenomena of this lake from sul; terranean cavities, which communicate with it, by the apertures already mentione and which are full of water supplied by the rain. When the rain ceases for a cons derable time, so that the water is evacuated toa certain point, a play of siphot, takes place, by which means the whole lake is emptied. But for the details « this explanation we must refer to the work before mentioned, or to the Acts i Leipsic for the year 1688. PROBLEM LXVI. | Of the Speaking Trumpet, and ear trumpet. Explanation of them. Construction 9 | the enchanted Head. | As the sight is assisted by telescopes and microscopes, so similar instruments hay| been contrived for assisting the faculty of hearing. One of these, called the speal ing trumpet, is employed for conveying sound to a great distance: the other, calle the ear-trumpet, serves to magnify to the ear the least whisper. j Among the moderns, Sir Thomas Moreland bestowed the most labour in endej, vouring to improve this method of enlarging and conveying sound, and on this sil ject he published a treatise, entitled ‘‘De Tuba Stentorophonica,” a name whic alludes to the voice of Stentor, celebrated among the Greeks for its extraordinal| str ength. The following observations on this subject are in part borrowed from thi! curlous work. The ancients, it would seem, were acquainted with the speaking trumpet: for v) are told that Alexander had a horn, by means of which he could give orders to b whole army, however numerous. Kircher, on the authority of some passages in manuscript, preserved in the Vatican, makes the diameter of its greatest aperture |) have been seven feet and a half. Of its length he says nothing; and only adi that it could be heard at the distance of 500 stadia, or about 25 miles. This account is no doubt exaggerated; but however this may be, the speakir| trumpet is nothing else than a long tube, which -at one end is only large enough i receive the mouth, and which goes on increasing in width to the other extremit,, bending somewhat outwards. The aperture at the small end must be a little fla tened to fit the mouth; and it ought to have two lateral projections, to cover pa of the cheeks. Sir Thomas Moreland says, that he caused several instruments of this kind tol constructed of different sizes, viz. one of four feet and a half in length, by whic the voice could be heard at the distance of 500 geometrical paces; another 16 for 8 inches, which conveyed sound 1800 paces; and a third of 24 feet, which rendere the voice audible at the distance of 2500 paces. To explain this effect, we shall not say, with Ozanam, that tubes serve, in g) neral, to strengthen the activity of natural causes; that the longer they are th more this energy is increased, &c.; for this is not speaking like a philosopher 5 it, taking the effect for the cause: we must reason with more precision. The cause of this phenomenon i is as follows. As the air is an elastic fluid, so thi. every sound produced im it is transmitted spherically around the sonorous body, when a person speaks at the mouth of the trumpet, all the motion which would t communicated to a spherical mass of air, of four feet radius for example, is eqn 2 . DUCKS AND DRAKES. 107 municated only to a cylinder, or rather cone of air, the base of which is the wider ‘end of the trumpet. Consequently, if this cone is only the hundredth part of the whole sphere of the same radius, the effect will be as great as if the person should speak a hundred times as loud in the open air; the voice must therefore be heard ata distance a hundred times as great. The ear trumpet, an instrument exceedingly useful to those almost deaf, is nearly the reverse of the speaking trumpet; it collects, in the auditory passage, all the sound contained within it; or it increases the sound produced at its extremity, in ja ratio which may be said to be as that of the wide end to the narrow one. Thus, for example, if the wide end be 6 inches in diameter, and the aperture applied to 'the ear 6 lines, which in surfaces gives the ratio of 1 to 144, the sound will be imereased 144 times, or nearly so; for, we: do not believe that this increase is exactly in the inverse ratio of the surfaces; and it must be allowed that, in this respect, acoustics are not so far advanced as optics. _ The tube of the ear trumpet is now often made of india-rubber covered. with an ornamental net work. It is made of considerable length, and being flexible, the wearer can converse with a person across a table by passing over the end to which the mouth-piece is attached, and applying the other end to his ear. ' Remark.—It is a certain fact, proved by experience, whatever may be the cause, that sound confined in a tube, is conveyed to a much greater distance than in the open air. Father Kircher relates, in some of his works, that the labourers employed in the subterranean aqueducts of Rome, heard each other at the distance of several miles, A Wie? ' Ifa person speaks, even with a very low voice, at the extremity of a tube, some ‘nches in diameter, another who has his ear at the extremity will hear distinctly what is said, whatever be the number of the circumvolutions of the tube. This observation is the principle of a machine, which excites great surprise in those unacquainted with the phenomena of sound. A bust is placed upon a table; ‘rom one or each of its ears a tube is conveyed through the table and one of its feet, 30 as to pass through the floor, and to end in a lower or lateral-apartment. Ano- cher tube, proceeding from the mouth, is conveyed in a similar manner, into the same apartment. A person in company is desired to ask the figure any question, by whispering into its ear. A confederate of the one who exhibits the machine, by ‘\pplying his ear to the extremity of the first tube, hears very plainly what has been aid: and placing his mouth at the aperture of the other tube, returns an answer, which is heard by the person who proposed it. If motion be communicated at the ‘ame time, tothe lips of the machine, by any mechanical means, the ignorant will be nuch surprised, and inclined to believe that this phenomenon is the effect of magic. {6 may be easily seen, however, that the cause is very simple. PROBLEM LXVII. hen boys play at Ricochet, or duck and drake, what is the cause which makes the stone | rise above the surface of the water, after it has been immersed in it? _ This play is well known, as most boys amuse themselves with it, when near a niece of water of any extent. But the cause why the stone rebounds, after it has ouched the surface of the water, seems to be involved in a certain degree of ob- curity ; and we will even say that some philosophers have mistaken it, by ascribing tto the elasticity of the water. As water has no elasticity, it is evident that this ‘xplanation is not well founded. _ This rebounding however depends on a cause which approaches very near to elas- icity. Itis the effort made by every column of water, depressed by a shock, to ‘ise up and resume its former situation, in consequence of a sort of equilibrium which 2242 2 } 708 PHILOSOPHY, must prevail between it and its neighbours. But let us enter into a more detaiie¢ analysis of what takes place on this occasion. When the stone, which must be flat, is thrown obliquely at the surface of the water, and in the direction of its edge, it is evident that it is carried Dj two kinds of motion compounded together, one horizontal, which is quicker, anc the other vertical, which is much slower. The stone when it reaches the surface o the water, impels it by the effect of the latter only, and depresses a little the colum1 of water which it meets; this produces a resistance which weakens the vertica movement, but without destroying it; so that it continues to dip, depressing othe) columns; hence there result new resistances, which at length annihilate this motion so far as it is vertical. The stone has then reached the greatest depth to which i can attain, and must necessarily describe a small curve, the convexity of which i opposite to the bottom of the water; but, at the same time, its motion so far a it is horizontal, has lost little or nothing. On the other hand, the column, depressec by the shock of the stone, reacts against it, being pushed by the neighbouring columns: and hence there arises a vertical motion communicated to the stone, whicl is combined with the remaining part of its horizontal motion. The result then mus be an oblique motion, tending upwards ; which causes the stone to rebound aboy the water, making it describe a very much flattened small parabola; it then agair strikes the water obliquely, which produces a second rebounding; then a third, ¢ fourth, and so on, always decreasing in extent and height, till the motion is entirel} annihilated. PROBLEM LXVIII. . Mechanism of paper Kites. Various questions in regard to this amusement. Every one is acquainted with the amusement of the paper kite, a very curiow small machine, which in its mechanism displays great ingenuity. ‘To some howeve it may appear astonishing that an object of this nature should form the subject of a1 academic memoir ; for there is one on paper kites in the Transactions of the Academ: of Berlin for the year 1756. But this surprise will cease when it is known that M Euler was a profound geometrician, at an age when most young per sons see nothing in the paper kite but an object of amusement: t¢ him therefore it could hardly fail of being a subject of meditation It presents indeed several curious questions, and which for the mos: part cannot be treated without the higher analysis. This memoi therefore may be ranked among the juvenilia of a great mathemati cian. We shall not follow him in his profound calculations; wi shall content ourselves with treating the subject in a less igo manner, but much easier to be understood. The kite, as is well known, isa plane surface aBcD (Fig. 39.) as light as possible, shaped like an irregular rhombus; that is to say formed of two triangles, B ac and BDC, in which the angle a of thi former is much greater than the angle p of the latter. The head i towards 4, and p is the tail, to which is generally affixed a long cord having pieces of paper attached to it at certain lengths: some mucl shorter are placed at the corners B and c, which cause the smal’ machine, when elevated, to appear at a distance like a monstrous bird balancing itself in the air by the help of its tail and its wings. | At a point of the axis aD, and towards the point , is affixed a small cord, som hundreds of feet in length, rolled upon a stick, to be let out or taken in as occasiot may require. But it is necessary that this cord should be made fast to the kite in‘ certain manner ; for, in the first place, two other small cords proceeding from a poin’ near the place where it is attached must be extended to the points B and ©, to pre Fig. 39. | \ ) : | | | { | j PAPER KITES. ' 709 & « vent the machine from turning on the axis ap; and secondly, from the same point sf the cord, another small cord must proceed to a point near the head a; so that the angle formed by the cord with the axis aD, shall be acute towards a, and inva- dable: a fourth even is made to proceed from this point of the cord to a point near D. These arrangements being made; when the kite is to be committed to the wind, an assistant holds the cord at the distance of some yards, and the inferior surface of the kite being exposed to the wind, it is thrown up into the air. The person who holds the cord then begins to run againt the wind in order to increase the action of the air on its surface. If a considerable resistance is experienced, a little of the ‘cord is successively unrolled, and the kite rises: it is necessary to know how to govern it by unrolling or winding up the cord properly ; that is to say, letting it go when it is found by the effort experienced that the kite can still rise, and winding it up when it becomes slack.