Uniform Classification of Accounts ELECTRIC RAILWAYS PRESCRIBED BY THE Railroad Commission of Wisconsin January, 1909 SECOND EDITION Madison, June 1, 1912 : ye 7 (N } Uniform Classification of Electric Railway Accounts PRESCRIBED BY THE RAILROAD COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN. Mapison, July 1, 1909. To Wisconsin Electric Railways :— This circular embraces the uniform classification of accounts for electric railways prescribed and issued by the Railroad Commission under date of Januery, 1909, and the detailed text of instructions to accompany such classification prepared under the provisions of chapter 362 of the Laws of 1905 and the amendments thereof, known as the Railroad Rate Commission Law: Inquiry, etc., of commission, SECTION Ys. dae tite rail read commissicn may in its discretion prescribe a uniform sys- tem of rendering accounts of business transacted in Wisconsin by all railroads within the meaning of section 2 (including sub- divisions a and b) of chapter 362, laws of 1905. Said commis- sion may also prescribe the manner in which such accounts shall be kept, and the time within which such railroad shall adopt such system; provided that all forms of accounts which may be prescribed by the commission shall conform as nearly as prac- ticable to similar forms prescribed by federal authority. Any railroad within the meaning of section 2 (including subdivisions a and b) of chapter 362 of the laws of 1905, failing to comply with the provisions of this act shall be hable to the penalty pro- vided for in’ section 27 of chapter 362 of the laws of 1905. | The term ‘“‘railroad’’ defined. Section 2. a. The term ‘‘railroad’’ as used herein shall mean and embrace all corpora- tions, companies, individuals, associations of individuals, their lessees, trustees or receivers (appointed by any court whatso- ever) that now, or may hereafter, own, operate, manage or control any railroad or part of a railroad as a common earrier », ‘ 643094 4. RAILROAD COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN. in this state, or cars, or other equipment used thereon, or bridges, terminals, or side tracks, used in connection there- with, whether owned by such railroad or otherwise, and also all street and mterurban railway companies. The term ‘‘rail- road’? whenever used herein shall also mean and. embrace ex- press companies, and telegraph companies, and all duties re- quired of and penalties imposed upon any railroad or any officer or agent thereof shall, in so far as the same are applicable, be required’ of and imposed upon express companies and tele- graph companies and their officers and agents, and the commis- sion shall have the power of supervision and control of express companies and telegraph companies to the same extent as rail- roads. It will be observed that this classification in many respects conforms quite closely to that prescribed for electric railways by the interstate commerce commission. A special effort was made to secure similarity wherever possible, but in a number of instances it was found that changes were necessary to secure greater detail in expenditures or to combine or eliminate ac- counts which had no application to Wisconsin electric railways. The greatest departure from the classification of the inter- state commerce commission is in the power accounts, those herein prescribed being identical with the power accounts prescribed for electric utilities. Where corporations are engaged in only a railway service, greater detail of the cost of power generation was deemed des#able. Where, however, corporations are en- gaged in both railway and electric hght and power service, the change in question will result in greater simplicity since but one group of power accounts will be required, the total cost of power being apportioned over the several departments on the basis of the benefits received. In the preparation of this classification conferences were had with the accounting committee of the Wisconsin Street and In- terurban Railway Association and with officers of the associa- tion and of individual railway systems. Co-operation and as- sistance were afforded by representatives of the electric utilities. Owing to the great difference in size of the railways it was found necessary to prepare three separate schedules which would recognize these conditions and by each following the same gen- eral principles would permit comparison of the operating result between the smallest and the largest companies. Class C sched- ule is the basis upon which class B and class A schedules have -_ Unirorm Accounts—Etectric RAmways. 5 been founded, the latter two being an unfolding and refinement of the smallest classification. The basis of the classification is as follows: } Jlass A companies—Those having gross earnings in excess of $500,000 per year. Class B companies—Those having gross earnings less than $500,000 but in excess of $80,000 per year. Class C companies—Those having gross earnings less than $80,000 per year. Any railway in class C or class B desiring a more detailed classification than that prescribed for its class, should open the accounts prescribed for the next highest class, and any railway in class A requiring a more detailed system, may go into as much subdivision and refinement of each of the submitted ac- counts as its interest requires, but must not re-arrange or com- bine any two or more of the accounts in such a manner as to in- terfere with the integrity of the scheme and thus destroy the possibility for comparison. A copy of all additional accounts and the desired subdivisions of the prescribed accounts must be filed with the Railroad Commission before such accounts are opened. All records and accounts, including those which are an enlargement, subdivision or refinement of the prescribed ac- counts, are to be open at all times to the examination of this Commission. | RAILROAD COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN, By 5. HS MEYER, HaLrorp ERICKSON, J. H. RoEemer, Commissioners. b RAILROAD COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN. SECOND EDITION. Mapison, June 1, 1912. To Wisconsin Electric Raviways: This circular is a reprint of the Uniform Classification of Ae- counts for Hleetrie Railways preseribed by the Railroad Commis- sion and issued under date of July 1, 1909, together with the Text of Instructions accompanying such classifications. No material changes have been made in the subject matter of the previous edition. RAILROAD COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN, | By J. M. WINTERBOTHAM, Secretary. INCOME ACCOUNTS. RAILROAD COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN, INCOME ACCOUNT FORM FOR REPORT. OPERATING REVENUES. Revenue from Transportation. (Details) Revenue from Operations Other Than Transpor- tation. (Details) Total Operating Revenues OPERATING EXPENSES. Way and Structures. (Details) Equipment. (Details) Traffic. (Details) Conducting Transportation. (Details) General. (Details) Undistributed. (Details) Total Above Items. Depreciation. (Details) Contingencies (Extraordinary. ) (Details) Taxes. (Details) Total Operating Expenses. Net Operating Revenue or Deficit Non-Operating Revenue (Details) Gross Income or Deficit. DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME Interest on Funded Debt Interest on Real Estate Mortgages Interest on Floating Debt Contractuil Sinking Fund Requirements Amortization Reserve Requirements Miscellaneous Deductions Total Net Income or Deficit DISPOSITION OF NET INCOME Preferred Stock Dividends Common Stock Dividends Other Disposition from Net Income Total Surplus or Deficit for Year Surplus or Deficit at Beginning of Year Adjustments During Year (Profit and Loss Ac- count) Surplus or Deficit at‘Close of Year (as per Bal- ance Sheet) (Details) (Details) (Wetails) (Details) (Details) (Details) (Details) (Details) ever eee “ee ee ewe > Gino feverm o ooeer eevee oes 9 88 eS eee ev ene oseeeeee eevee veve ee ee eee seer eevee as 2 a>. 3 wie oer ee eee eee ee eee oe 016 so) b € 9 Cia © 60e e ve Unirorm ACCOUNTS—ELECTRIC RAILWAYS. q SCHEDULE OF REVENUE ACCOUNTS. OPERATING REVENUES. * A—REVENUE FROM TRANSPORTATION. Classes A, B and C. Passenger Revenue. Credit this account with aJ] revenues earned by the carrier for the transportation of passengers. To this account shall be credited the carrier’s proportion of the receipts from the sale of tickets and collec- _tion otf cash fares; also over-collections made in excess of determined rates, such over-coliections to be held subject to claim. This account shall be charged with amounts paid for fares refunded; tickets re- deemed; also amounts paid for transferring passengers and baggage between stations and depots, except in cases where the transfer of - both passengers and baggage is provided’ for in the division of the through rate. Notr :—Cash fare penalty collections made by conductors and the proportion of amounts collected on sale of mileage tickets and mileage credentials subject to refund should not be credited to the account Passenger Revenue. NOTE :—Pcssenger Revenue should be credited with mileage tickets only as the mileage therefrom is honored fer transportation. Receipts from mileage books when solé should be credited to an open account, which account should be charged and Passenger Revenue credited as the mileage is honored. poesvyoindg JaMmog “ss queudmby 1aM0g JO UOT}B1edg (‘ssuLp[ing JeMog ourpnpouy) “*quewudinby 19aM0g JO DOUBUOJUIL TY ‘Vy ssp1g ra) G (CABMIIVY UBTY IdWIQ—19MOg JO YSOQ Jo UorjLod -Old) ‘slpelg—pex2u0li0ddy adMog ‘Gg (ABM[IBY—IOMOG JO 4SOD Jo u0l} -lodolg) “4tqe({—peuor}.oddy Jomog ‘ge ‘QOUB[VG—PooUBYOXG 1aMOdg “LE ‘poseyoing leaMog ‘9g ‘yuoudinby 1eMog Jo uoteiedg ‘Ge (‘SsuIp[Ing 1eMOg sulpn[ouy) ‘yuoudinby JaMOg JO soURUOJUIV ‘FE ‘TI 88v1Q ‘UHMOd “V ‘NOILVLUOdUSNVUT, DNILOAGNOQ ‘AT SELZNONOOOV USNAdXU ONILVUAdO (ABM[IBY UBYY IdYIO—19MOg JO JsOD Jo uorqasod -Old) ‘jlpelg—peuorsoddy JoMog (‘ABMTIRY—AIMOY JO JSOD Jo uol, -lodoig) ‘g1qec({—pouorj.oddy 1amog ‘QOURLBE— posuvyoxy IOMOg ‘posvyoing 1aMog ‘yuoudinby taMog Jo uomeiedO (‘ssulp[Ing 1aMog SsuIpnTouy) ‘yuouldinby AaMOgG Jo voUBUaJUIe ‘QO 88010 ‘66 '8& “LE ‘OE Bes bE 137 List of ACCOUNTS AND INDEX, ee ee oe ee ww ewe ese er reese ee eee ee ee eee eee se ees SDUNOL) PUB SaINIXIY ‘SFUIp[INg JUV[q JoMog Jo souvuUIRy ‘9 Mirah Telelaie alieie!_ ses eth) Sw al we elie Stash gan akan seh ALU LLL [BOLIOOTH JUB[q TJoMOg ArvIxny Jo oouvuequrrp, ‘pe Si sa'elrousite tele eis ie Vetucd) a) ofa NeW ceie eee “S1OJRAIOUH) JO oOUBUOUIRW ‘OG ‘qyuowdinby ArRIfIxny IUR[g IaMog Jo souvuelulypy “qe¢ | "''""*SQUIGINy, puUv SeUISUG UIBEIG Jo sDUVUAJUIRIY “ve | SHONVNADLNIVIN ‘-sasuodxgy pue sorddng yurfg toMog snoourlpoostyy ar] | EERO BE DS SANA dea TE Ma IER Say CBA PEE TERA up | Sidlie. 6) vie) @),6) Ge W le 9) 08 ele 6.60). of 60 oe «eve cu 8 6 6.6 6 posvyoind ULVAIS ce Bee ge eer ees sis ee on uae YN EIS 2 esa es yee” +t omery anoalinl|[oost iy “pis } Or se ee oR eC Ur] [BOELT SORar OT | ATER SISSIES COSMET GUER eigen Bee ae S616 Vi e's Oe a sks a 8s 6) 0 Juciuitas wiitee SOUS DUSIUI90ne BI | ‘-NOILVHAdO ‘T 88019 pun PY ssvzy ‘spuno.y puB SaInIXTY ‘SSUIP[ING JUR[g loMog Jo souRUEUIRY ‘9 ‘jueoudinby Jur[d loMog Jo vouRue{UIe, “¢ ‘HONVNALNIVW ‘sosuodxy pur sorddng yue[g 1aMog snoour[aosty “fF & ‘posvyoing wives . ° ‘peyeleuexy) UBAIS ~ ‘LOqeVTyT sulyeledg © ‘T ‘NOLLVYUAdO ‘O ssn1g CSOTIT[M OL1]O00[Y 1OJ poqtaoseid sy) ‘NOILVHUUNGD BWHMOd WVHLS “[—UAMOd ‘Vv ‘NOILVLUOdUSNVUT, ONILONGNOO ‘AT SLNNOOOV ASNAdXA ONILVYAdO List oF ACCOUNTS AND INDEX, 138 Sank ier sek. 9.8 60s ele siete SETI TES pur ‘spunoly * | seInjxig ‘SsuIp[Ing jur[q Jomog jo souvueiuIEyy ‘et pue seinjXxig ‘ssurpling jue[g Jemog Jo soueueqUle, ‘Zt eG oe eeeeee eeee eoeee eee . eevee eee *-quourdinby te Moo jd iwMaog Aieyixny jo vsouvueyureyy “PLT GG fv treet Seereerepers crs sI0iBIouer) JO BOUBUAITIBK “OTT \ ‘queudinby jue[q JoMog JO soUBUSyUIBVAL ‘TT ze ‘quowdmby Alelpixny jue[d JoMog Jo souvuoeJULeWY “QTT | TY pice a "*souIqIng, puR seulsUy S¥y Jo oouRUAIUIeAL “BLT | ‘AONVNELNIVW ‘HONVNELNIVI Ie ‘‘sesuedxm pure sor[ddng jurid lomog Snoour][aost]T “OT | TG ttt herent ee ene Free eeeeeeeeeeresqupomqnry “aot | -sosuedxy pur sorddng jue[g 1oMog snoauRleost_ ‘OL (te see Due iatelevene, s.s/ 6 SOUISUG Surpoog LOJ TOIVAA “VOT OG . o- De ee ee * « 6.8 0.0 eevee . eee poseyoind SBYr) Ld MO ‘6 “‘poseygoim dq SBY) IOMOd ‘6 TTS Sah ago Ce an poonpolg svg 1aMog °g -peonpoig seg JeMog °g 6h C0 Nees © #20 6 6S Tete 0 0.89 8 Se eee a ORLY E SNOOUB|[VOST J "py, | : pee crete ene Ae: Be ee ee eT oer Loge] [BOLMOeLy “OL ie r | gp crtttet a sa-dies re pet ee Peiee usage vo “++ -goqury oursugq “qs, | 1oqey suiyeiedg ‘f Bat Sees peib sts ste a'e aie sls) aye Jette. © ° . Whereis eouepuejUTLodng “By, | ooBd /NOILVUHdO :NOLLYUHdO ‘TI 880) pun 88D) 9 ‘OQ 8&8010 (SOTTI[IM O100[H 10} poqtsoseid sy) ‘NOILVHUHNAHD HWAHMOd SVS ‘°Z—HHMOd “VV ‘NOILVLHOdSNVU J, DNILOAGNOD ‘AI SLNOOOOV ASNHdXaA ONILVAaddO 139 List oF ACCOUNTS AND INDEX, 4aNod ‘OE ‘ON SB Owes BY} Fuloq 41 o19Y paiyTWo st ‘paspyoung ‘SE OSA UO ‘SYUNOSDE AVMAIVY STALOMTG otf1 JO ‘paspyoung WUILAND VYL799I1] [DYILIWWMOD ‘3JUNOIV SAILITIL OIMLOATY 01 JO 6) ‘ON—: ELON TQ critttt testes Re ea hte es Ae eee spunoiy pur ‘spunoiy SeINIXTY ‘SSUIP[INgG JUR[q JoMOg Jo soURUEIUTRIY ‘gT pue SeInjxty ‘SSUIP[INg JUue[q JeMog Jo souBUEqUIe ‘RT 09 ee er) ane Che (PL 6 6 06) 6 wie we @ @ of aa 4 owe «7s sue wie yuowudinby } [BOLIOO|Y JUB[q JeMog Arel[[xny Jo eouvuequieyy “opt § : OO cori ttr ttt eet ees “+ +*sioyRtauen Jo eouRUOIUTE, ‘QL ) juemdinby Juv[q JaMog Jo oouvuaqureyy “LT 6¢ juewudinby AreijIxny juR[g lomog jo souvueqUIVR “BT | 6G “"""**S[ooyM-1oIVAA PUB SoUTqIng, Jo souRUOJUIRY “qoT | Seen aint d gs¢_ SeUIN[ YY pue sfeury ‘suvq jo souvusqureyy ‘egq | STAG AN ToS Odea EDS BJO re Ue uae :GONVNAINIVIN /HONVNALNIVIL Lg sesuedxy pure sorddng jurrg leMog snoour[jedstyy ‘qeq } 7 ant PG rte ete e en cncte seers rreeeeserreseessgauporaqnry “BET § sesuedxqy pure seljddng jue[g Jomog snoeur[[eostpy ‘CT to cities Meee ‘peseyoing Jemog oljneapAyT ‘FT ‘peseyoing JeMog olneipAy ‘FT gc C6 e € 6 6 we he 8 eo et 8 8 ee 6 we eee -“* *IOQeTT SNOOUY[OOST IY "pe ) gc WS naval es 9 « 6.«) 6) spi e Pic ac ar acai rk On oe ear ia Sf eeLTOC CPT [BOLI99[H DET { : = ; 2 oonenaee op hiingd. oi Me SRS ies “-Joqery olneipsTT ager | loge] SurjeiedgQ “ET cc eee eee ee eee oles ee Sr er ‘eouepusjuTIedug "BET J eased :NOILVUAAO ‘NOILVYAdO ‘ 88019 pun P ssvjg CSOIFI[TI) OLIO9[Y 10J poqtsoseid sy) “NOILVYUANAD UAMOd OLIAVUCAH ‘@—YaMOL “Vv ‘NOILVLUOdSNVAT, ONILOAGNOQ ‘AT ‘BLNNOOOV ASNAdXA ONILVYAdO List or ACCOUNTS AND INDEX. 140 69 69 69 69 69 19 19 Brae hana 914 oy aye site Bie sanenel 6Uie thas sp 8 ese 8 RP STOLE) spunoly pue Ssoin}XLJ ‘SSUIp[Ing JU loe[log JooouvueUreY “Ce puv SoIngXxIy ‘SSUIP[INg JUB[q Jo[log Jo souBUeyUleY “Ce een Tae Say os vteys Sie | —dinby Surppuvy-ysy pus [BoM jo soUBUEJUIB]YT “APE |” r ‘yuowuldinby juB[q 1e[log JO VOUBUSJUIVIY “Fe Seine Sineaiche va Swreysan se) syn Sys ate ars are esol US LTE . AIVIIXNY Ao[log puB Slo[log JO eOUBUOJUIVIY “VPS _ ‘HON VNULNIVIN :HONVNELNIVIN sseeeesssosuaedxy pure sottddng Ulve}G SNOOURT[PXSTIY “Ee ‘sosuodxm pure sot[ddng uBveig SNOSUBI[VOST]Y “Ee SO «8 Aiea DoS O69 0.0 0 (Oye 40 6 1p» CFO He HO wo We ieee ae LLL Ge oneal eo} L9]B MA PG “MBAS IO} 191B AA Sere boon tert s er dgersveepensercveecerree*THUQIG TOT [ON . “1S ROIS LO] [ONT “Tz 2 a al 8) we, Or ace, 6. 69 9@! Sve SC AE a a MN AG ES | sutjeledgQ ‘Oz “10qe'] surye13dg 02 ‘:NOILVUAdO ‘NOILVUAdO ‘TJ S8M1Q PUD VF ssvg | ‘9 8810 (‘SOLIT[IT D1pOO[H LOJ poeqtaoseid sy) ‘(LNQ0)0V LNAWNOLLYOddY) NOILVUANAD WVALS ‘"P—uEMOd ‘“V ‘NOILVLUOUSNVU]T, DNILONGNOO ‘AT ‘'SLNOQOOOV FSNAdCXH ONILVAAdO 141 List of ACCOUNTS AND INDEX, gg cicttttsess Pebr gee Freese ee sspunorg pue Soin} XLT ‘SouIp[Ing Jeonpolg ser) Jo asouBUeJUIe ‘1E eg juewdinby suljpuvy-ysy puev [BOD Jo sDUBUSIUTeY ‘QoE | Chee alts Teresa si efone ne te siceihwi ee, sips fe eee eee ‘quoudinby | IgdnpoOlg Svx) puv SloonpoOlg sBVy jo sduvusqzUleyy “ROk | ‘HONVNELNIVIC cg sosuedxy puev sotjddng leon polg svxy SNOsURI[IOST]T ‘6Z 7 eiies Scena st & etre a eA LOM TOPOL SV ‘Se 7 ile a Sh SE aR Ee ‘rang deonporg sey “Lz 1 Game a tic BAP bah oe IOQU'T SUTI}VIOdG LaONpoOlg SVBH ‘9Z Polya f ‘-NOILVYAdO ‘TI 88019 pun ‘py ssvjg ‘spunoly pue SVINJXI] ‘SSUIP[INg Jeon poig svy jo souRUDUIeAPY “TE ‘jueudinby Jeonpoig svy jo souvUuejUIep ‘Og ‘HONVNALNIVW ‘sosuodxy pue satjddng seonpolg svg SNOVURI[IDSIP “6% ‘I9JVA\ LIONPOIG SV ‘SZ ‘ENT AeONpOlg s¥eH “LE ‘IOGB']T SUIVV1EdG JIONpOld SseVLyy “9% :NOLLVYUdO ‘DQ 88019 ‘(SONI OLMjOe|q IO} poqtioseid sy) ‘(LNQO00V LNANNOILYOddV) NOILOONGOUd SVD BYHMOd ‘C—HHMOd “V ‘NOILVLUOdSNVUY, DNILOAGNOD ‘AT 'SLNQNOOOV ASNAdXaH ONILVaddO List or ACCOUNTS AND INDEX. 142 el, i ec aCe Tats 6 aye | -xXq uUolTyeylodsuvly, snoouRl[[eosl]y Zh, eee op vex SES SVULEC. DUN SSO" | Ih a area ark on ene Se ERA TOA TIO] pusw UOLJDI[[OD JYUSla1y puv ssordxAy OF eee een er eos Seer eT By SKS Yee -o]a7, pur euoydelay, jo uornjridg SULYIO[AOJUT PUB [BUSTS JO UOT}RIOdGD OL ‘“''Sosuedxq osnoyleg snoourR[[9osl fq 69 “ccc sedo(durq esnoyleg JO sacvA\ 69 ‘''Sesuodx@ UOTyRIG SNOVUL[[OOST]Y gg ccc cts *sadol dug uolryeig Jo secvAA gg ‘“soesuedxG JdIALOg IBD SNOOUBI[AOSTIY 89 Ge partie tee < Severe ee a SO ACT Ute ’ QOIALOG IBO SNOIUR[[VOST]TT JO SaoR At LQ ciittrrtteet see see seers ess TU -UIVLT, PUB UBULIOJOPY ‘SLoyonpuoy ssoldxy puB Jyolaly Jo saovA, Ly tees oe USMS, fF PpUe USUI} -OW ‘SLOJONPUOH AaSUESSV JO SOORA\ 99 ‘**UOTYRyIodsuRIT, JO sOUOpUEJUTIEdNYG aord ‘VW 88010 S Ye) rr DO Hig <6 HOH OSH OSH SHH ——~,-—“" te ‘NOILVLYOdSNVU YT, ONIDIOANOS) ‘sosuoed -XxqY UOTPRILOdsSURIT, SNOOUR[[ODSIJY “ES ‘SOOBULRCT PUB SSOTT "ZC ‘ALOATLO(] puB UOTO[[OH JYUSloly puB SsetdxXnT “TG ' "SWMO4SAG ydviceoy, puv suoydo[ay, ‘sul -YOO[LOJUT ‘[RUSTG JO UOlIRIOdQ ‘OG-GF ‘sosuodxq osnoydeg pure sodo[dwuy asnoylvyg JO SaovA\ ‘SP-LP ‘sosuodx@ UOTIBIS puv sodojdum UOlyeVIS JO SOSRAA ‘OP-CF ‘sosuodxy puv soso[d -U OOIAIOG IBD SNOOUV[[OOSI] “FPE-SP “uOUL -ULBALT, PUB UOULOJOP ‘sAoJONpUOD Ssoldxq puBv JYyslaly Jo sosvAy ‘CP ‘UOWUIRAT, PUR UOULIOJO]Y ‘SLOJONPUOD LISUOSSVG JO SOGVA\ “TP uolyRlodsuBly, JO vsouepudJULLadnyg ‘OF ‘E8810 ‘SuvVO HO NOILVUHdO ‘a a1 ‘SENNOOOV AUSNAdXY ONILVUHdO ‘sosuod xq ULTYRIAOUSUBL], SNOOUR[[OOSTIY “GO-EF ‘UOWIULRAT, puw Ud -I0JOWFW ‘sdloyonpUuoH JO SesRAA “CPI uolyeyIodsuRly, JO vouepueULIedNg ‘OF FELIU, 143 List of ACCOUNTS AND INDEX, Ne QL ft ee there eeeeee es gpunory pue soInyxIy ‘Ssurpling soMO [BleueH Jo souRUEqUIRY Zg ! ee ae ee eee: TO ULL ILON dO [BleuaH JO esoURUEJUTIeY “TO GL SosuedxG UOISSIUIULOD pROITIVY 09 PL TT ttt eee e eg gg -UsdxW [RldMex) SNODURI[OOSI]Y “GC pL “"°*'**[Bleueyn—sosuodsqy MUTT ‘gc FL “''**sesuedxmy pur setddng dO [Blow Snoouv[[oostpy “1¢ Qh clits quay eomO [RxeueN “96 GL SY19[N VOYO [BA9Uey Josolivpeg ‘ce GL *' CC SIOOTYO [B1OUBH JO SOLIB[VS “FE a5td ‘VY 8819 ‘spunoly puBv SeINIX TY ‘SouLplIngy dvYO |vlouery JO VBOURUVULBIY “ZO ‘quetudrnbay dO [BlouUey JO ooURUDJUIBIY “19 ‘SoSUIDAXT UOISSIMUULOD PVOIIeYy ‘99 ‘sosuod xy [BLDUON) SNOOUR[[AOSIY “GC ‘[RIDUBDH—SOSUBdXY MUTT “ge ‘sosuod xy puev sorddng vdJo [vleuey = “yE—-"9G "SIOG VIO [Blouey JO solayjeg “ee ‘'S1OOIJO [BIVUIH JO SoTAR[RG “FE ‘L810 ‘IVUHNAD “A SENQOOOV ASNIIXA ONILVAAIO BIO [Blauey Jo ————“ “spunoly pueB SOINJXTY ‘SSUIp[Ing vdYo [Blouer, pue ‘yueudinby DOUBUSJULB IVY 54) cpl by, ‘SoSUOdXG UOISSIUIULOD, PBOTTIVY ‘09 ‘SusuOdXY BLIOUDH SN OOURI[PDSIPT ‘EG—9C ‘SOLIB[IRS BOO [BloueH “cE—FE 0 88mIQ List or ACCOUNTS AND INDEX. 144 O08 a See wee oor #8 HTS UCN OA jo quot 08 S[BUIULIOy, pue syxovIy, JO yoy Bh citctrtr treet tt tts spunody pue soainjxty ‘Sourpjing JueU -dinby Aly Q Jo souvuoJUTe Ay 61 ‘‘queurdmbray Ay[IQ Jo uoresedo gy cilittttrtrereestsss* spumoig puy soinjxIy ‘Ssurp|iIng Jue -yivdeq] salojg Jo o90URUOJUTRIY QL ‘“*quouyaRdaqy so10jg Jo UoTyR10dO QL clot HUTIULIg puv AIBUOT}VIS gy ociittrrrttereseseee ess gouRinsu] IL ccc1ttt os sesemeg pure selinfuy aoVg ‘Vy ssv7g Th OL “69 89 ‘yuourdinby Jo yuoty ‘STRULUIOT, puUv SYORIT, Jo JUeY ‘spunoly pur soinyXxly ‘Soutpling quowdinby Ai[I}() JO eoUBUAJUIBIY ‘yuowdinby AYLI Jo UoTyRI0dO ‘spunoLyg puv SEIN XT ‘Soulp[ing quoWABAda(] $910JS JO DOULUOYUTR IT queurjrvdeq $1079 Jo uolje1edO ; ‘SUTJULIG PUB AIVUOIIBIS ‘oouvInsuy ‘sopewmR, puv sotanfuy "J 880)) ‘GULAGINISIGNQ ‘TA "$9 ‘'SLNQOOOV ASNUdXY DNILVAddO ‘yuourdinby jo yuey ‘TL “S[BUIULIOT, puv SPORT, JO WEY “OL, ‘sosuedxq qyuewdinby AI[IM —69—89 ‘sesuodxgy seloj1g “L999 ‘Suijutig puv £10u0yByG “Cg ‘Q0UBINSUT ‘Fg ‘sosvuvqg pue sotinfuy “Eg ‘0. 88010 List oF ACCOUNTS AND INDEX. 145 DEPRECIATION. Classes A, B and C. | Page PIS ULPCIRLIGIMILESOmy Glare pine Wee 20 oc sac. 2s ks sc be oe oun nan cet 81 CONTINGENCIES (EXTRAORDINARY). Classes A, B and C. PEO aE UI PE Paras NUE Waa oe oa rar Saar er ean ee 82 TAXES. Classes A, B and C0. Leh x Oct en te as eh cute. nea haart Maio) Pal devrard Mulwigiom «GE Fe fale Seek ole 82 DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME. CONTRACTUAL ACCOUNTS. Classes ‘A, B and C. PRLBPRS ETON LNT GO el Jeb tts ie ee Brcko tee lpleretere nicks PENS Na ivore a ao aley wla e 83 mueress on healcistete Mort edocs rsh. 55.3 My one ae nc oie ea aha eas 84 Interest on Floating Debt........... 2. cece cee cece eee eee eee e ence 84 Contractual Sinking Fund Requirements.................0c0 00 Wire TOS J 146 List oF ACOOUNTS AND INDEX, BALANCE SHEET ACCOUNTS. CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPMENT ACCOUNTS. Classes A, B and C@. INTANGIBLE. ; Page Or ZaDiZatiOry aes 127 Resse y OME O NIGEL Mel LEDC G ic nlts +. canstterda atte Ait wie deldinr OW ote ele as ee « 0 vse 128 ACCRUED LIABILITIES. *« Classes A, B and C. Ee OVI CU a eerchatend FS a alo eu ne ~ en ee pein else sa tt bee ge 128 SRM OM teehee aie aigatttans oi tias ere shane ey AMG feos a i ain a® @ een oho.a eae £28 Hiinacired |Luterost- om Vunded Obs ACCIUBGs. aesc era re vs as Miele cee 129 Unmatured Interest on Notes and Bills Payable Accrued............ 129 MUSA CYC eA CEU OC et dette oe bie cece at dnd Ode 4 32. ie Se wiste alele dae dos 9 eciereté 129 PLPC ChE CMT CC OUMG Ae Sea Gin BEd shits ac OPS tee NEE 4-6 dale ad NSS Se oko eRe bas 130 2 ee te oP a eve bet os : ; ; iN 4 ’ Ms > © es * as eo ; Loge tees) abe oe ey gee ahs CONN Seg s es Gi + a . ‘Yr : + . 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