a= be ge peg — ane we aoe > pans taal odlicommemmmenrneness a ernrnasinge: ee ae a= aos See saaeeee as “s a ae erate wey ae a ‘| it ii ; 54 j ' 743 Aet Tea) stactet AAV RAEAAA EL LET EG b:, ia (TEE t iVhty Wile TEL iPr pati ah aa i ; ti abit ay Wuyi tt nt! PUPS ER DP Gg Pas ht aay | oe Hine ' t ‘ 104844 thie? : ie Peal piplecers cree HPN E BU TTB ia HTL REE eer cee: i\Ys teal i UPR SEPP EMAMIRL tRigaeecscesaaint itt TT MU LOMA Mc ee se eR, q Received by bequest from Albert H. Lybyer Professor of History University of Illinois 1916-1949 International Encyclopedia of Prose and Poetical Quotations THE INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA PROSE AND POETICAL QUOTATIONS FROM THE LITERATURE OF THE WORLD INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGES ENGLISH, LATIN, GREEK, FRENCH, SPAN- ISH, PERSIAN, ITALIAN, GERMAN, CHINESE, HEBREW AND OTHERS By WILLIAM S. WALSH Author of “A Handbook of Literary Curiosities,’’ Etc. Unper ONE ALPHABETICAL ARRANGEMENT WITH A CoMPLETE CONCORDANCE, TO THE QUOTATIONS, INDEXES OF THE AUTHORS QUOTED AND TopicaL INDEXES To SUBJECTS, WITH Cross REFERENCES THE JOHN C. WINSTON COMPANY BPA DE PHL A + a bs baal all [ ” tt A nek Tee i | Gin © ee of Tue Joun C. Winston Co. ot we i i * ' ‘e s “ Ba ie : Entered at Stationers Hall, eS), | n 4 ¥ f . coe S ta? - Att RicHts RESERVED hie ; * ‘ ‘ i . F \ t . Fae, fae, via ae J 4 Pe ae mY 4 ced i . + “ ‘ _ " b M J / é > ‘ ee ; bis re ag . t at ‘ . pe ‘ t a ie | Y § ¢ a i 5 ‘iy ‘ ' ‘ “ ry / Bese HOW TO USE THIS BOOK The “ENCYCLOPEDIA OF QUOTATIONS” is divided into four parts: 1. A Topical Index of the Subjects of the quotations with cross ref- erences to other subjects which are of allied interest. 2. A List of the Authors Quoted, with dates of their birth and death, and the pages on which the quotations from them are to be found. 3. Dictionary of Quotations in the English and Foreign Languages, arranged alphabetically under words which denote the subject or prin- cipal sentiment of the quotation, each quotation being identified by the name of the author, the work from which it is taken and the location as closely as practicable. A valuable feature of the arrangement used in this work is the fact that Latin and all quotations from other foreign languages are classified under the same alphabetical arrangement with the English quotations, an arrangement which makes it unnecessary for ~ the user to refer to more than one list to find either the original quota- ~ tion in a foreign language or its translation in English. BO ok 2 Complete Concordance to the Dictionary of Quotations. Every 5 prominent word in every quotation is indexed with sufficient context to yMocate every passage in which the word occurs. In this concordance it s is noteworthy that the index words, for instantaneous distinction, are Se printed in bold-face type, the quotation or portion of quotation which ..* they index beirig printed, when derived from English literature, in the & ordinary Roman letter. Quotations from foreign languages are printed _ ‘) in italic letters. To preserve the desirable conciseness the index word Y in each quotation of the concordance is represented only by its initial, as ©) the reader will perceive that itis unnecessary to print the word in full. XN Furthermore, quotations from the eight authors most frequently quoted are followed by a classifying mark which instantly accredits them tc “S ‘their author. Thus the quotations from the following authors, as being * those most frequently quoted, are distinguished by the signs which follow their names: Shakespeare*, Milton**, Popet, Byron||, Wordsworth{, Long: 5 flows, Lowell+7- Tennyson}. eg A (vii) Viil HOW TO USE THIS BOOK There are four uses to which an Encyclopedia of Quotations is most frequently put, and this work has been arranged with special consid- — eration for quickest and most satisfactory answer to any desired ques- tion. 1. To find a quotation on a given subject: Turn to the subject word in the Dictionary of Quotations and look for a suitable quotation among those listed under such subject word. If the quotation be not found in the first place sought for, a reference to the topical index of cross refer- ences will give another subject under which it will likely be found. 2. To find a quotation by any given author: Turn to the list of authors quoted, where the pages are listed on which quotations by the author appear. 3. To find a particular quotation of which only a portion or possibly one word is remembered and of which the author is unknown: A refer- ence to the concordance will reveal sufficient of its context for identifica- tion, with a reference to the page in the dictionary on which the quota- tion in full will be found. 4. For those who desire to cite a quotation showing the use of any particular word, a similar reference to the concordance will yield an example of the context and meaning in which the word is used. Fullness, accuracy, and facility of search have been the principal aims of the compiler of this encyclopedia, and judging from the cordial welcome the successive editions of the work receive, it would seem that it satisfactorily meets the needs of the scholar, teacher, minister, speaker, writer, and reader for a work of the kind in convenient form. / TABLE OF CONTENTS Topical Index of the Subjects with Cross References. . ... Bete Mami Ge LOTS GIO UGCLe yah a Sed midcl oe Nw) slineentorsetecieal Dictionary of Quotations in English PE OREIO Te ATO ee ee as ek EELS fay arabes eMeh lato Concordance to the Dictionary of Quotations........... — 1 ee) ei Leelee. ~ a ee ee TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS. WITH CROSS REFERENCES. A Abdication, r. Authority, 65 Courtiers, 146. Government, 332 Royalty, 625. Ability, 1. Character, 112. Genius, 304. Strength, 669. Talent, 682. Will, 728. Absence, 2. Banishment, 72. Farewell, 262. Meeting, 474. Parting, 555. Abstinence, 4. Moderation, 491. Temperance, 686. Accidents, 4. Chance, 109. Danger, 162. Misfortunes, 489. - Accusation, 5. Calumny, 105. Censure, 108. Action, 6. Labor, 409. Work, 750. Actors, 9. Eloquence, 219. Orator, 551. Adaptation, to. Addison, Joseph, 13. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Admiration, 13. Applause, 52. Honor, 364. Love, 442. Vanity, 708. ' Adversity, 14. Grief, 334. Sorrow, 655. Advice, 15. Comfort, 127. Advice—Continued. Persuasion, 570 Proverbs, 601. Affectation, 16. Appearance, 48. Fop, 285. Vanity, 708. Affection, 17. Friend, Friendship, 294. Sympathy, 679. Age, 17. Antiquity, 47. Decay, 179. Middle Age, 17. Old Age, 18. Time, 6or. Years, 756. Agnosticism, 24. Unknown, 706. Agriculture, 24. Country, 144. Garden, 302. Aim, 25, 26. Aspiration, 61. End, 219. Alliteration, 27. Alone, 27. Altruism, 28. Sympathy, 679. Amber, 30. Ambition, 31. Applause, 52. Aspiration, 61. Desire, 184. Fame, 256, 257. Reputation, 613. Rivalry, 619. America, 34. Country, 144. Nation, 518. Patriotism, 559. Anarchy, 36. Chaos, 11rt. Ancestry, 36. - Posterity, 584. Moe EE.) Angels, 39. Apparitions, 48. Spirits, 661. Visions, 714. Anger, 41, 42. Passion, 556. Revenge, 615. Angling, 43. Fish, 271. Animals, 44. Ass, 62. | Cat, 107. Dog, 198. Horse, 370. Lion, 438. Mouse, 510. Serpent, 635. Sheep, 639. Swine, 678. Anticipation, 45. Desire, 184. Futurity, 300. Hope, 365. Trust, 700. Antipathy, 46. Hate, 342.° aed bene! 47. ecay, 179. Old Age, 18. Time, 691. Years, 756. Apothecary, 47. Apparition, 48. Angels, 39. Fairies, 250, Spirit, 66r. Vision, 714. Ghosts, 306. Appearance, 48. Beauty, 74. Deception, 179. Dress, 202. Hypocrisy, 375. Appetite, 51. Desire, 184. Eating, 215. xu TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS Appetite—C ontinued Feast, 269. Longing, 441. Applause, 52, 53. Admiration, 13. Fame, 256. Honor, 364. Praise, 585. Reputation, 613. Arabia, 53. Archer; Archery, 53. Architecture, 53, 54. Art, 58, 59, 60. Style, 670. Argument, 54, 55, 59. Orator, 551. Reason, 609. Words, 746. Aristocracy, 56, 57. Rank, 608. Army, 57, 58. Soldier, 652. Art, 58, 59, 60. Architecture, 53. Music, 512-516. Painting, 553. Pictures, §53- Ashes, 60. Heat, 346. Aspiration, 61, 62. Aim, 25, 26. End, 219. Longing, 441. Ass, 62. Animals, 44. Astrology, 62. Science, 629. Astronomy, 63. Moon, The, 498. Science, 629. Stars, 665. Sun, The, 672. Atheism; Atheist, 63. God, 312. Audience, 64. Authority, 65. Government, 322. Obedience, 539. Rod, 621. Royalty, 625. Rule, 626. Authors, 65. Books, 95. Critics, 11524 Literature, 439. Plagiarism, 573. Reading, 608. Autumn, 68. Spring, 662. Summer, 672. Winter, 732. Avarice, 60. Economy, 216. Money, 495. B Ballads and Songs, 70. Music, 512. Poetry, 579. Banishment, 72. Absence, 2. Farewell, 262. Parting, 555. Bargain, 73. Compromise, 132. Gain, 300. Battle, 73. Action, 6. Beauty, General, 74. Color, 127. Beauty, Personal, 75. Childhood, 114. Face, 248. Woman, 735. Bed, 79. Rest, 613. Sleep, 649. Bees, 80, 8r. Beggars; Begging, 81. Poverty, 584. Beginnings, 82. End, The, 219. Results, 614. Bells, 83, 84. Church, rat. Bereavement, 84. Loss, 441. Bible, 87. God, 3172. Bigotry, 88 Credulity, 150. Superstition, 675. Birth, 88. Age, 17. Blacksmith, go. Blessings, 90. Blindness, gr. Concealment, 132. Ignorance, 377. Blushing, 92. Beauty, 75. Innocence, 389. Modesty, 494. Boasting, 94. Braggart, roo. Boat, 95. Ship, 640. Shipwreck, 641. Boldness, 95. Books, 95. Authors, 65. Education, 217. Books—C ontinued History, 356. Learning, 420. Printing, 594. Reading, 608. Bore, 99. Borrowing, 99. Plagiarism, 573. Boston, 99. City, 122. Braenen Too, oasting, 94. Brevity, rot. Bribery, ror. Corruption, 143. Crime, 151. Guilt, 335. Money, 495. Bud, 102. Burke, Edmund, 1to2. Authors, 65. © Literature, 439. Burns, Robert, 103. Authors, 65. ~ Literature, 439. Byron (Lord), George ¢ don, 103. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Cc Cesar, 103. Calendar, 103. Calm, 104. Content, 139. Death, 168. Peace, 562. Rest, 613. Calumny, 105. Gossip, 321. Scandal, 629. Slander, 647. Cannon, 105. pants TOS. ypocrisy, : Cards, 105. CSIR Care, 106. Economy, 216. Cat, 107. Animals, 44. Cause, 107. Reason, 609. Censoriousness, 107. Censure, 108. Critics, 151. Fault, 267. Censure, 108. Censoriousness, 107 Critics, 151. Fault, 267. TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS Certainty, 109. Facts, 250. Sucess, 670. Chance, 109, 110, r11. Accidents, 4. Destiny, 185. Fate, 265. Fortune, 290. Chaos, 111. Creation, 149. World, 751. Character, 112. Ability, 1. Example, 239. Fame, 256. Man, 4509. Reputation, 613. Woman, 735. Charity, rr2. Friendship, 294. Gifts, 309. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 114. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Cheerfulness, 114. Content, 139. Happiness, 338. Joy, 399. Pleasure, 575. Childhood; Children, 114. Innocence, 389. Mother, 505. Youth, 756. Chivalry, 117. Courage, 144. Fortitude, 289. Hero, 353. Choice, 118. Christ, 1109. God, 312. Religion, 611. Christian, 120. Charity, 112. Faith, 251. Hope, 365. Religion, 611. Christmas, 120. Holidays, 358. Church, 121. Christ, 119. Easter, 214. Religion, 611. Worship, 754. Circumstance, 122. Destiny, 185. Fate, 265. Fortune, 290. City, 122. Boston, 99. Florence, 570. London, 440. City—C ontinued Rome, 623. Venice, 709. Cleanliness, 123. Purity, 603. Water, 720. Clergy, 123. Learning, 420. Cloister, 124. Roman Catholic, 621. Cloud, 125, 126. Sunrise, 674. Sunset, 675. Cock, 126. Coleridge, S. T., 127. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Color, 127. Appearance, 48. Character, 112. Variety, 709. Comfort, 127. Content, 139. Communism, 127. Property, 599. Company, 127, 128. Meeting, 474. Comparisons, 129. Compensation, 132. Retribution, 614. Compromise, 132. Bargain, 73. Concealment, 132. Conceit, 132. Pride, 592. Selfishness, 634. Vanity, 708. Confession, 133. Repentance, 612. Confidence, 133. Credit, 150. Credulity, 150. Faith, 251. Trust, 700. |Conquest, 133. Glory, 311. Success 670. Victory, 709. War, 716. Conscience, 134. Character, 112. Confession, 133. Content, 139. Guilt, 335. Repentance, 612. Consequences, 137. End, The, 219. Results, 614. Conservatism, 137- | Consistency, 138. ais Xi! aed Character, 112. Reputation, 613. Constancy, 138. Fidelity, 270. Friendship, 294. Honor, 364. Truth, 700. Content, 139. Happiness, 338. Peace, 562. Rest, 613. Cook, 142. Appetite, 51. Dinner, 190. Eating, 215. Feast, 269. Copyright, 142. Law, 415. Coquette, 142. Flirt, 275. Corruption, 143. Bribery, ror. Crime, 15%: Government, 322. Guilt, 335. Politics, 58.2, Vice, 72m. Wickedness, 724. Cosmopolitan, 143. Country, 144. World, 751. Country, 144. Patriotism, 559. Courage, 144. Hero, 353. Perseverance, 567. Court; Courtiers, 146. Ancestry, 36.: = Nobility, 533. Royalty, 625. Courtesy, 146, 147. Friendship, 294. Gentlemen, 305. Manners, 465. Coward, 148: Despair, 184. Fear, 268. Crabbe, George, 140. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Creation, 149. God, 312. World, 751. eee: 150. oney, 495. Teale. 694. Trust, 700. Credulity, 150. Faith, 251. XIV Creddlity 22 pabpiead Simplicity, 645. Teusts7oo; Creed, 150. Religion, 611. Crime, 151. Bribery, ror. Corruption, 143. Evil, 236. Guilt, 335. Murder, 510. Sin, 645. Vicesuy rss Wickedness, 724. Critics, 151, 152. Books, 95. Opinion, 544. Reading, 608. Cross, 152, 153. Roman 2S tholic, 62r. Cruelty, 153. Revenge, 615. Wound, 755. Cuckoo, 153. Culture, 154. Education, 217. Cupid, 154. Love, 442. Curiosity, 155. Inquisitiveness, 389. Curse, 155. Ruin, 626. Custom, 158. Fashion, 264. Habit, 335. D Dagger, 160. Daisy, 160. Flowers, 275. Dance, 160, Grace, 324. Pleasure, 575. Danger, 162. Accidents, 4. Chance, Frog. Misfortune, 489. Darkness, 163. Blindness, gr. Evil, 236. Ignorance, 377. Night, 528. Oblivion, 540. Se ae, 163. Day, 164. Light, 434. Morning, 500. Sunrise, 674. To-day, 694. To-morrow, 694. Yesterday, 756. Dead, The, 166. - Epitaph, 229. Grave, 326. Man, 459. Murder, 510. Suicide, 671. Death, 168. Decay, 179. Eternity, 233. Life, 427. Mortality, sor. Oblivion, 540. Death Scenes, 175, 176, 177. Farewell, 262. Grief, 334. Remorse, Repentance, 612. Sorrow, 655. Debt, 178, Credit, 150. Money, 495. Decay, 179. Age, 17. Antiquity, 47. Death, 168. Disease, 194. Oblivion, 540. Ruin, 626. Deception; Self-deception, 179. Appearance, 48. Hypocrisy, 375. Inconstancy, 383. Defeat, 180. Flight, 274. Ruin, 626. Defence, 181. Defiance, 181. Mistrust, 490. Suspicion, 676. Degrees, 181. Order,5'52. Rank, 608. Democracy, 182. Politics, 582. Desert, 182. Wilderness, 727. Deserter ; Desertion, 183. Crime, dep Grieis7 334; Misfortune, 489. Sorrow, 655. Desire, 184. Ambition, 31. Spetiary 61. onging, 441. Sulfa eee 634. Wishes, 734. Despair, 184. Fear, 268, Grief, 334. TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS Despair—C ontinued Misfortune, 489. Remorse, 612. Destiny, 185. Fate, 265. Devil, The, 186. Hell, 348. Dew, 189. Rain, 607. Water, 720. Dictionary, 189. Authors, 65. Books, 95. Reading, 608. Difficulty, 180. Impossible, 382. Dignity, 190. Great Men, 330. Honor, 364. Nobility, 533. Pride, 592. Dilemma, 190. Dinner, 190. Appetite, 51. Cook, 142. Eating, 215. Feast, 269. Diplomacy, rgr. Disappointment, ror. Disc6ntent, 192. Loss, 441. Sorrow, 655. Discontent, 192. Disappointment, 191. Discretion, 193. Foresight, 287. Thought, 687-690. Wisdom, 732. Disease, 194. Decay, 179. Health, 343. ‘Medicine, 473. Sickness, 642. Disgrace; Dishonor, 194. Shame, 639. Dismissal, 194. Freedom, 292. Dispute, 195. Quarrel, 605. Words, 746. Distance, 195. Dignity, 190. Distinction ; Difference, rg6. Rank, 608. Doctor, 196. Medicine, 473. Sickness, 642. Dog, 108. Animals, 44. Doubt, 199. Hesitation, 354. Suspicion, 676. Drama, 199. Actors, 9. Stage, 664. Dream, 200. Imagination, 379. Visions, 714. Dress, 202. Foot, 284. Hat, 341. Drink; Drunkenness, 206. Moderation, 491. Temperance, 686. Water, 720. Wine and Spirits, 729. Drug, 209. Doctor, 196. Medicine, 473: Dryden, 210. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Duel, 210. Sword, 678. Dulness; Dunces, 210. Ignorance, 377. Sleep, 649. Stupidity, 670. Dust, 210. Death, 168. Mortality, sor. < Duty, 211. Character, 112. Office, 543. Right, 618. Tax, 683. E Eagle, 212. Falcon, 253. Ears; Hearing, 213. News, 526. Rumor, 627. Earth, 214. World, 751. Earthquake, 214. Easter, 214. Christ, 119. Church, r2r, Religion, 611. Eating, 215. Appetite, 51. Excess, 240. Feast, 269. Echo, 216. Economy, 216. Avarice, 69. Care, 106. Money, 495. Education, 217. Knowledge, 406. Learning, 420. Study, 669. Egotism, 218. Conceit, 132. Vanity, 708. Eloquence, 219. Orator, 551. Speech, 657. ords, 746. End, The, 2109. Consequences, 137. Results, 614. Endurance, 222. Fortitude, 289. Patience, 558. pean hy 222. ate, 342. Revenge, 615. War, 716. England, 223. Enthusiasm, 227. Ambition, 31. Character, 112. Zeal, 760. Envy, 227. Doubt, 199. Hate, 342. Jealousy, 395. Suspicion, 676. Epitaph, 229. Death, 168. Grave, 326. Equivocation, 231. Error, 231. Evil, 236. Faults, 267. Estrangement, 232. Absence, 2. Parting, 555. Eternity, 233. Death, 168. Future, 300. Heaven, 346. Hell, 348. Immortality, 380. Time, 691. Euphemism, 234. Sweetness, 678. Evening, 234. Darkness, 163. Night, 528. Sunset, 675. Evidence, 236. Witness, 735. Evil, 236. Bribery, 1o1. Crime, 151. Error, 231. Misfortune, 489. TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS XV — | Evil—C ontinued Sin, 645. Wickedness, 724. Evolution, 238. Life, 427. Man, 459. Progress, 596. Example, 239. Duty, 211. Experience, 242. Help, 351. Excess, 240. Superfluity, 675. Waste, 719. Exclamations, 241. Grief, 334. Joy, 399. Passion, 556. Excuse, 241. Faults, 267. Exile, 242. Banishment, 72. Experience, 242. Wisdom, 732. Expression, 244. Appearance, 48. Face, 248. Extremes, 244. Ende be e250. Eye, 245. Blindness, 91. -Expression, 244. Face, 248. F Face, 248. Beauty, 75. Expression, 244. Eyes, 245. oman, 735. Facts, 250. Certainty, 109. Success, 670. Failure, 250. Decay, 179. Ruin, 626. Fairies, 250. Apparition, 48. Spirit, 661. Vision, 714. Faith, 251. Confidence, 133. Credulity, 150. Fidelity, 270. Trust, 700. Falcon, 253. Eagle, 212: Fall, 253. Falsehood, 256. Calumny, 105. Deception, 179. Xvl TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS Falsehood—Continued Hypocrisy, © 375- Slander, 647. Fame, 256. Ambition, 31. Applause, 52. Glory, 311. Honor, 364. Reputation, 613. Rumor, 627. Familiarity, 261. Friendship, 294. Famine, 261. Fancy, 261. Dream, 200. Imagination, 379. Visions, 714. Farewell, 262. Absence, 2. Parting, 555- Fashion, 264. Custom 158. Dress, 202. Habit, 335. Vanity, 708 Fat, 265. Fate, 265. Chance, 109. Destiny, 185. Fortune, 290. Providence, 601. ° Father, 266. Mother, 505. Faults, 267. Character, 112. Error, 231. Guilt, 335. Sin, 645. Vice, 711. Fear, 268. Coward, 148. Despair, 184. Doubt, 199. Feast, 269. Appetite, 51. Eating, 215. Holidays, 358. Fidelity, 270. Constancy, 138. Faith, 251. Friendship, 294. Firmament, 271. Moon, The, 498. Night, 528. Fish, 271. Angling, 43. Flag, 271. Country, Love of, 144. Patriotism, 559. Flattery, 273. _ Applause, 52 Praise, 585. Flesh, 274. Fish, 271. Food, 281. Flight, 274. Defeat, 180. Ruin, 626. Flirt, 275. Coquette, 142. Woman, 735. Flowers, 275. Country, 144. Nature, 518. Fly, 279. Folly, 279. Character, 112 Fop, 285. Vanity, 708. Food, 281. Fish, 271. Flesh, 274. Fool, 282. Folly, 279. Vanity, 708. Foot, 284. Dress, 202. Shoes and Shoemaker, 642. Fop, 285. Affectation, 16. Appearance, 48. Fashion, 264. Vanity, 708. Foresight, 287. Discretion, 193. Forgiveness, 288. Charity, 112. Fortitude, 289. Courage, 144. Hero, 353- Fortune, 290. Chance, 109. Destiny, 185. Fate, 265. Success, 670. France; Frenchmen, 201. Franklin, Benjamin, 292. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Freedom, 292. Independence, 384. Liberty, 423. Rights, 618. Slavery, 648. Friend; Friendship, 294. Affection, 17. Fidelity, 270. Love, 442. Sympathy, 679. Fruit, 299. Tree, 697. Future, 300. Anticipation, 43. Destiny, 185. Eternity, 233. Immortality, 380. G Gain, 300. Money, 495. Games; Gaming; Sports, 30l. Mirth, 487. Vice, 711. Garden, 302. Agriculture, 24. Country, 144. Flowers, 275. Nature, 518. Trees, 697. Garrick, David, 303. Actors, 9. Gates, 303. Gay, John, 303. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Genius, 304. Ability, 1. Talent, 682. Gentleman, 305. Courtesy, 146. * Fop,-28s- Man, 459. Manners, 465. Youth, 756. Gentleness, 306. Love, 442. Ghosts, 306. Spirit, 661. ision, 714. Giants, 308. Stature, 667. Strength, 669. Gifts, 309. Charity, 112. Goodness, 320. Girdle, 310. Girl, 310. Beauty, 75. Grace, 324. Innocence, 389. Love, 442. Glory, 311. Fame, 256. Honor, 364. Praise, 585. Pride, 592. Reputation, 613. Gluttony, 312. Excess, 240 erst § TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS Xvi\ God, 312. Christ, 119. Church, rar. Gods, The, 317. Heaven, 346. Providence, 6or. Religion, 611. Gods, The, 317. rod, 312. Worship, 754. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 318. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Gold, 318. Money, 495. Goldsmith, Oliver, 319. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Good; Goodness, 320. Charity, 112. Gifts, 309. Gossip, 321. Calumny, 105. Scandal, 629. Slander, 647. Words, 746. Government, 322. Authority, 65. Law, 415. Patriotism, 559. Politics, 582. Royalty, 625. Grace, 324. Manners, 465. Grass, 325. Country, 144. Mountains, 506. Nature, 518. Gratitude, 325. Thanks, 687. Grave, The, 326. Death, 168. Epitaph, 229. Eternity, 233. Future, 300. Oblivion, 540. Graves, 327. Great and Small, 329. Dignity, 1go. Fame, 256. Honor, 364. Great Men, 330. Distinction, 196. Nobility, 533. Reputation, 613. Greece; Greek, 333. Grief, 334. Despair, 184. Sorrow, 655. Guilt, 335. Bribery, ror. Corruption, 143. Crime, 151. Error, 231. Evil, 236. Faults, 267. Sin, 645. H Habit, 335. Custom, 158. Fashion, 264. Hair and Beard, 335. Beauty, 75. Face, 248. Hallucination, 337. Error, 23r. Illusion, 378. Hand, 338. Welcome, 723. Happiness, 338. . Cheerfulness, 114. Joy, 399. Pleasure, 575. Harmony, 340. Consistency, 138. Union, 703. Harvest, 340. Agriculture, 24. Autumn, 68. Fruit, 299. Thanks, 687. Tree, 697, Haste, 341. Action, 6. Hat, 341. Custom, 158. Dress, 202. Fashion, 264. Hate, 342. Enemy, 222. Envy, 227. Wickedness, 724. Head, 343. Education, 217. Learning, 420. Mind, 484. Wisdom, 732. Health, 343. Disease, 194. Life, 427. Medicine, 473. Mind, 481. Strength, 669. Heart, 344. Content, 139. Happiness, 338. Home, 359. Rest, 613. Heat, 346. Passion, 556. Heaven, 346. Eternity, 233. God, 312. Happiness, 338. Immortality, 380. Stars, 665. Heir; Heritage, 348. Heredity, 351. Hell, 348. Despair, 184. Devil, The, 186. Remorse, 612. Help, 351. Friendship, 294. Sympathy, 679. Heredity, 351. Birth, 88. Heir, 348. Hermit, 352. Hero, 353. Courage, 144. Fortitude, 289. Hesitation, 354. History, 356. Books, 95. Government, 332. Reading, 608. Royalty, 625. Holidays, 358. Birth, 88. Christmas, 120. Easter, 214. Thanks, 687. Valentine’s Day, 708. Holland, 358. Home, 359. Absence, 2. Content, 139. Happiness, 338. Peace, 562. Homer, 361. Honesty, 362. Fidelity, 270. Honor, 364. Trust, 700, Honor, 364. Character, 112. Dignity, rgo. Fame, 256. Fidelity, 270. Glory, 311. Honesty, 362. Shame, 639. Hope, 36s. Anticipation, 45. Confidence, 133. Desire, 184. Faith, 251. Trust, 700. XV111 Horse, 370. Animals, 44. Hospitality, 371. Eating, 215. ds Friendship, 294. Welcome, 723. Hour, 372. Time, 691. Humility, 372. Innocence, 389. Modesty, 494. Hunting, 373. Pursuit, 604. . Husband, 374. Love, 442. Wife, 725. Hypocrisy, 375. Deception, 179. Selfishness, 634. I Ignorance, 377. Folly, 279. Learning, 420. Study, 669. Stupidity, 670. Superstition, 675. Wisdom, 732. Illusion, 378. Error, 231. Hallucination, 337. Imagination, 379. Apparition, 48. Dream, 200. Fancy, 261. Thought, 687. Vision, 714. Immortality, 380. Eternity, 233. Future, 300. Heaven, 346. Life, 427. Religion, 611. Impossible, 382. Difficulty, 189. Incompleteness, 382. Inconsistency, 382. Inconstancy, 383. Woman, 735. Independence, 384. Freedom, 292. Government, 332. Liberty, 423. Patriotism, 559. Politics, 582. Right, 618. Index, 385. Prologues, 598. Indian, 385. Indolence, 386. Time, 691. Waste, 719. Ingratitude, 387. Deception, 179. Falsehood, 256. Gifts, 309. Selfishness, 634. Injustice, 387. Cruelty, 153. Inn, 388. Drinking, 206. Eating, 215. Wine and Spirits, 729. Innocence, 389. Blushing, 92. Character, I12. Childhood, 114. Modesty, 494. Purity, 603. Virtue, 712: Inquisitiveness, 389. Curiosity, 155. Eye, 245. Insanity, 390. Mind, 484. Thought, 687. Instinct, 391. Mind, 484. Interest, 392. Pension, 566. Invention, 392. Genius, 304. Science, 629. Invocation, 392. Blessings, go. Prayer, 587. Ireland, 393. Italy, 394. Ivy, 395. Jealousy, 395. Doubt, 199. Envy, 227. Fear, 268. Suspicion, 676. Woman, 735. Jest, 396. Fancy, 261. Laughter, 413. Jew, 397- : Jewels, 397. Gold, 318. Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 308. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Joy, 399. Cheerfulness, rr4. Happiness, 338. Pleasure, 575. TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS Judge, 399. Justice, goo. Law, 415. Opinion, 544. Jury, 400. ustice, 400. aw, 415. Justice, 400. udge, 399. aw, 415. Truth, 700. K Keats, John, 402. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. King, 402. Royalty, 625. Rule, 626. King’s Favorites, 404. Courtiers, 146. Royalty, 625. Kiss, 405. Love, 442. Lovers, 457. Woman, 735. Wooing, 742. Knowledge, 406. Education, 217. Learning, 420. Science, 629. Study, 669. L Labor, 409. Action, 6. Work, 750. Language, 411. Speech, 657. Words, 746. Lark, 411. Late, 413. Laughter, 413. Happiness, 338. JOY, 339. Smile, 651. Law, 415. Economy, 216. Order, 552. Rule, 626. Lawyer, 4109. Leader, 420. Learning, 420. Books, 95. Education, 217, Knowledge, 406. Literature, 439. Science, 629. Study, 669. Understanding, 703 Lending, 422. TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS Letters, 422. Literature, 439. Liberty, 423. Freedom, 292. Independence, 384. Patriotism, 559. Rights, 618. Lies; Liar, 425. Calumny, 105: Deception, 179. Falsehood, 256. Hypocrisy, 375. Slander, 647. Life, 427. Death, 168. Decay, 179. Destiny, 185. Failure, 250. Fate, 265. Health, 343. Immortality, 380. Soul, 656. Success, 670. Light, 434. Day, 164. Morning, 500. Sun, 672. Sunrise, 674. Sunset, 675. Lightning, 435. Like to Like, 435. Lily, 437. Flowers, 275. Lincoln, Abraham, 437. Government, 332. Patriotism, 559. Lion, 438. Animals, 44. Lips, 439. Beauty, 75. Face, 248. Literature, 439. Authors, 65. Books, 95. History, 356. Learning, 420. Poetry, 579. Logic, 440. Philosophy, 571. Reason, 609. Thought, 687. London, 440. City, 122: Longing, 441. Ambition, 31. Desire, 184. Wishes, 734. Loss, 441. Disappointment, ror. Sorrow, 655. e Love, 442. Affection, 17. Childhood, rr4. Constancy, 138. Country, Love of, 144. Friends and _ Friend- ship, 294. Husband, 374. Kiss, 405. Motherhood, 505. Passion, 556. Woman, 735. Wooing, 742. Lovers, 457. Cupid, 154. Love, 442. Loyalty, 458. Country, Love of, 144. Fidelity, 270. Friendship, 294. Patriotism, 559. Royalty, 625. Luxury, 458. Eating, 215. Fashion, 264. Vanity, 708. M Man, 459. Character, 112. Gentleman, 305. Husband, 374. Life, 427. Manners, 465. Courtesy, 146. Education, 217. Gentleman, 305. Medicine, 473. * Disease, 194. Health, 343. Mind, 484. Sickness, 642. Wound, 755. Meeting, 474. Absence, 2. Parting, 555. Welcome, 723. Melancholy, 475. Despair, 184. Grief, 334. Remorse, 612. Sorrow, 655. Memory, 476. Absence, 2. Thought, Merchant, 479. Trade, 694. Mercy, 4709. Charity, 112. Justice, 400. re 442. ity s 92: Merit, ae Character, 112. Goodness, 320. Worth, 754. Mermaid, 481. Fairies, 250. Superstition, 675. Metaphysics, 481. Philosophy, 571. Science, 629. Might, 482. Strength, 669. 687. Marlborough (John Church-| Mill; Miller, 483. ill), Duke of, 466. Marlowe, Christopher, 467. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Marriage, 467. Childhood, 114. Husband, 374. Love, 442. Mother, 505. Unity, 705. Wale, 725. Martyr, 471. Courage, 144. Faith, 251. Hero, 353. Religion, 611. Master, 472. Leader, 420. ° Mathematics, 473. Astronomy, 63. Invention, 392. Science, 629. Milton, John, 483. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Mimicry, 484. Appearance, 48. Manners, 465. Speech, 657. Mind, 484. Disease, 194. Health; 243. soul, 656. Thought, 687. Understanding, 703. Miracle, 486. Faith, 251. Religion, 6rr. Superstition, 675. Mirror, 487. Example, 239. Mirth, 487. Cheerfulness, 114. oy, 399. leasure, 575. XX Miser, 488. Avarice, 69. Money, 495. Misfortunes, 489. Adversity, 14 Evil, 236. Grief, 334. Sorrow, 655. Mistrust, 490. Doubt, 199. Envy, 227. Fear, 268. Jealousy, 395. Suspicion, 676. Mob, 491. Anger, 41. Passion, 556. Revenge, 615. Moderation, 491. Content, 139. Happiness, 338. Modesty, 494. Blushing, 92. Character, 112. Humility, 372. Money, 495. Avarice, 69. Economy, 216. Gain, 300. Monument, 496. Death, 168. Fame, 256. Grave, The, 326 Memory, 476. Moon, 498. Astronomy, “63. Cloud, 125. Stars, 665. Sun, The, 672 Morning, soo. Day, 164. Light, 434. Sunrise, 674. Mortality, sor. Death, 168. Life, 427. Mother, 505. Childhood, rrq. Husband, 374. Love, 442. Marriage, 467. Wife, 725. Mountains, 506. Nature, 518. Mourning, 507. Death, 168. Epitaph, 229. Grave, The, 326. Grief, 334. Sorrow, 655. Widow, 724. _ | Mouse, 510. Animals, 44. Murder, 510. Crime, 151. Death, 168. Guilt, 335. - Suicide, 671. Muse, 512. Poetry, 579-581. Music, 512-516. Songs, 70-72. Music, 512. Ballads 70-72. N and Songs, Name, 516. Character, 112. Fame, 256. Praise, 585. Reputation, 613. NapoleonlI, 517. Nation, 518. Country, 144. Language, 411. Nature, 518. Animals, 44. Country, 144. Dew, 189. Fruit, 299. Mountains, 506. Snow, 652. Tree, 697. Weeds, 722. World, The, 751. Nature, Human, 522. Character 112. Conscience, 134. Life, 427. Truth, 7oo. Navy, 523. Boat, 95. Ocean, 541. Ship, 640. Shipwreck, 641. Necessity, 524. Desire, 184. Wishes, 734. Negro, 525. Neighbor; Neighboring, 525. Confidence, 133. Friendship, 294. Sympathy, 679. New England, 526. News, 526. eNovelty, 536. Rumor, 627. Newspapers, 527. Newspapers, 527. News, 526. TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS Newspapers—C ontinued Novelty, 536. Variety, 709. Newton, Sir Isaac, 528. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Night, 528. Darkness, 163. Evening, 234. Oblivion, 540. Nightingale, 531. NO, $32; Nobility, 533. Character, 112. Great Men, 330. Royalty, 625. Worth, 754. Nonsense, 533. Trifles, 698. Words, 746. Nose, 535. Appearance, 48. Beauty, 75. Face, 248. Expression, 244. Nothing, 536. Trifles, 698. Novelty, 536. News, 526. Variety, 709. Nudity, 537. Numbers, 538. Chance, rog. Poetry, 579. O Oath, 538. Promise, 599. Obedience, 530. Authority, 65. Character, 112. Law, 415. Oblivion, 540. Death, 168. Despair, 184. Grave, The, 326. Morning, 500. Night, 528. Observation, 540. Discretion, 193. Foresight, 287. Watch, 720. Obstinacy, 541. Ocean, The, 541. Sea, The, 632. Ship, 640. Shipwreck, 641. Water, 720. Office, 543. Character, 112. TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS Office—Continued Duty, 211. Right, 618. Omens, 543. Future, 300. Prophecy, 599. Opinion, 544. Critics, \1g.r. Faith, 251. Judge, 399. Opportunity, 545. Chance, 109. Circumstance, 122. Optimism, 550. Anticipation, 45. Confidence, 133. Faith, 251. Hope, 365. Trust, 700: Oracle, 550. Future, 300. Prophecy, 599. Orator, 551. Eloquence, 219. Persuasion, 570. Speech, 657. Words, 746. Order, 552. Economy, 216. Law, 415. Rule, 626. Variety, 709. Orthodoxy, 552. Opinion, 544. Owl, 553. Oyster, 553. P Painting; Pictures, 553. Art, 5&- Architecture, 53. Paradise, 554. lory, 311. Happiness, 338. Heaven, 346. Parasites, 554. Parting, 555: Absence, 2. Farewell, 262. Meeting, 474. Passion, 556. Anger, 41. Desire, 184. Hate, 342. Love, 442. Revenge, 615. Past, The, 557. Future, 300. Memory, 476. Remorse, 612. Thought, 687. XXI1 Patience, 558. Pléasure—C ontinued Humility, 372. Joy, 399. Perseverance, 567. Recreation, 610. Patriotism, 559. Pleasure; Pain, 575. Country, Love of, 144.| Poets, 576. Flag, 271. Ballads and Songs, 70. Independence, 384. Music, 512. Loyalty, 458. Poetry 57 9s Politics, 582. Poetry, 579. Patron, 562. Ballads and Songs,7o. Master, 472. Music, 512. Office, 543. Poets, 576. Saints, 628. Police, 582. Peace, 562. Law, 415. Calm, 104. Order, 552. Content, 139. Rule, 626. Rest, 623: Watch, 720. Pedant, 564. Knowledge, 406. Learning, 420. Pen, The, 564. Authors, 65. Books, 95. , Criticism, 151. Literature, 439. Penalty, Death, 565. Eternity, 233. Oblivion, 540. Pension, 566. Interest, 392. Perfection, 566. Character, 112. Perfume, 567. Sweetness, 678. Perseverance, 567. Ability, r. Courage, 144. Patience, 558. Personal, 567. Persuasion, 570. Argument, 54. Orator, 551. Reason, 609. Philosophy, 571. Argument, 54. Mind, 484. Reason, 609. Science, 629. Pity, 572. Charity, 112. Mercy, 479. Sympathy, 679. Plagiarism, 573. Authors, 65. Books, 95. Borrowing, 99. Quotation, 607. Thieving, 687. Pleasure, 575. Content, 139. Happiness, 338. Political Economy, 582. Government, 332. Labor, 409. Money, 495. Progress, 596. Trade, 694. Politics, 582. Government, 332. Independence, 384. Law, 415. Posterity, 5384. Ancestry, 36. Future, The, 300. Potter, 584. Poverty, 584. Begging, 81. 3 Economy, 216. Praise, 585. Admiration, 13. Applause, 52. Flattery, 273. Glory, 311. Worship, 754. Prayer, 587. God, 312. Worship, 754. Preaching, 590. Education, 217. Orator, 551. Religion, 611. Precept and Practice, 590. Predestination, 591. Destiny, 185. Fate, 265. Preparation, 592. Pride, 592. Conceit, 132. Dignity, 1go. Selfishness, 634. Vanity, 708. Primrose, 594. Flowers, 275. Printing, 594. Authors, 65. Xx TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS Printing—C ontinued Books, 95. Reading, 608. Prison, 595. Crime, 151. Guilt, 335. Vice, 717: Wickedness, 724. Procrastination, 595. Time, 691. Prodigal, 596. Waste, 719. Progress, 5906. Ambition, 31. Evolution, 238. Future, 300. Prohibition, 598. Moderation, 491. Temperance, 686. Wine and Spirits, 729. Prologues, 508. Index, 385. Promise, 599. Future, 300. Hope, 365. Oath, 538. Words, 746. Property, 599. Possession, 604. Right, 618. Prophecy ; Prophets, 599. : Future, 300. Oracle, 550. Protestant, 600. Church, rar. Religion, 611. Worship, 754. Proverb, 601. Providence, 6or. Chance, 109. Christ, r19. Destiny, 185. Fate, 265. God, 312. Religion, 611. Proxy, 602. Puritan, 602. Purity, 603. Cleanliness, 123. Water, 720. Pursuit and Possession, 604. Gain, 300. Right, 618. Property, 599. Pyramids, 604. Quarrel, 605. War, 716. Words, 746. Quiet, 606. Calm, 1o4. Peace 56a. Silence, 643. Quotation, 607. Authors, 65. Books, 95. Plagiarism, 573. Reading, 608. R Rain, 607. Rainbow, The, 607. Storm, 667 Rainbow, 607. Cloud, 125, Rain, 607. Rank, 608. Ordér,*5§2. State, 667. Raven, 608. Reading, 608. Books, 95. Education, 217. Learning, 420. Printing, 594. Study, 669. Reason, 609. Argument, 54. Cause, 107. Mind, 484. Persuasion, 570. Philosophy, 571. Thought, 687. Reciprocity, 610. Recreation, 610. Happiness, 338. Joy, 399. Pleasure, 575. Reform, 610. Character, 112. Remorse, 612. Repentance, 612. Relations, 611. Religion, 611. Christ, 119. Duty, 211. Easter, 214. - Faith, 251. God, 312. Heaven, 346. Hell, 348. Martyr, 471. Praise, 585. Prayer, 587. Providence, 6or. Retribution, 614. Virtue, 712: Worship, 754. Remorse, Repentance, 612. Confession, 133. Remorse—C ontinued Reform, 610. Remorse, 612. Sin, 645. Sorrow, 655. Reputation, 613. Character, 112. Fame, 256. Honor, 364. Name, 516. Rest, 613. Calm, 104. Content, 139. Death, 168. Peace, 562. Sleep, 649. Results, 614. Consequences, 137. End, The, 279, Retribution, 614. Compensation, 132. Reward, 616. Revenge, 615. Anger, 41. Enemy, 222. Passion, 556. Retribution, 614. Revolution, 616. Freedom, 292. Government, 332. Tyrants, 703. Reward, 616. Compensation, 132. Retribution, 614. Riddles, 617. Ridicule, 617. Jest, 396. Laughter, 413. Satire, 629. Riding, 618. Right, 618. Freedom, 292. Independence, 384. Liberty, 423. Possession, 604. Rival, 619 River, 620. Boat, 95. Rod, 621. Authority, 65. Government, 322. Obedience, 539. Royalty, 625. Rule, 626. Roman Catholic, 621. Romance, 623. Literature, 439. Tale, 680. Rome, 623. Rose, 624. TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS Royalty, 625. Abdication, r. Authority, 65. Courtiers, 146. Government, 322. Nobility, 533. Ruin, 626. Decay, 179. Loss, 441. ; Misfortune, 489. Rule, 626. Authority, 65. Government, 322. Obedience, 539. Royalty, 625. Rod, 621. Rumor, 627. Fame, 256. Gossip, 321. News, 526. Ss Sacrifice, 627. Sailor, 627. Boat, 95. Sea, The, 632. Ship, 640. Shipwreck, 641. Saints, 628. Satire, 629. fests 396. aughter, 413. Ridicule, 617. Scandal, 629. Gossip, 321. Rumor, 627. Slander, 647. Science, 629. Astronomy, 63. Invention, 392. Knowledge, 406. Learning, 420. Philosophy, 571. School, 630. Books, 95. Education, 217. Learning, 420. Reading, 608. Scotland, 630. Scott, Sir Walter, 631. Sculpture, 631. Architecture, 53. Art, 58. Sea, The, 632. Boat, 95. Ship, 640. Shipwreck, 641. Secret, 633. Curiosity, 155. Inquisitiveness, 389. Silence, 643. Selfishness, 634. Conceit, 132. Pride, 592. Vanity, 708. Self-reliance, 634. Serpent, 635. Animals, 44. Servants, 635. Help, 351. Sympathy, 679. Shadaw., 636. : Darkness, 163. Evening, 234. Night, 528. Shakespeare, 637. Actors, 9. Authors, 65. Shame, 639. Blushing, 92. Conscience, 134. Honor, 364. Modesty, 494. Sheep; Shepherd, 639. Animals, 44. Shell, 640. Ocean, 541. Sea, The, 632. Water, 720. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 640. Ship, 640. Ocean, 541. Sea, The, 632. Shipwreck, 641. Water, 720. Shipwreck, 641. Ocean, 541. Sea, The, 632. Water, 720. Shoes; Shoemaker, 642. Dress; 202. Foot, 284. Sickness, 642. Disease, 194. Health, 343. Medicine, 473. Sigh, 643. Despair, 184. Grief, 334. Heart, 344. Silence, 643. Calm, 104. Content, 139. Peace, 562. Rest, 613. Simplicity, 645. Childhood, rrq4. Credulity, r5o. Innocence, 389. Youth, 756. XXlll Sin, 645. Crime, 15.2. Evil, 236. Faults, 267. Guilt, 335. Vice, 711. Wickedness, 724. Skeleton; Skull, 646. Slander, 647. Calumny, 105. Falsehood, 256. Gossip, 321. Rumor, 627. Scandal, 629. Slavery, 648. Freedom, 292. Independence, 384. Liberty, 423. Rights, 618. Sleep, 649. Dream, 200. Night, 528. Oblivion, 540. Rest, 613. Smell, 651. Smile, 651. Happiness, 338. Joy, 399. Laughter, 413. Pleasure, 575. Snow, 652. Winter, 732. Snob, 652. Soldier, 652. Army, 57. Courage, 144. Deserter, 183. Enemy, 222. Flag, 271. Glory, 311. Liberty, 423. Sword, 678. Victory, 709. War, 716. Sonnet, 654. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Poetry, 579. Poets,’ 576. Sophist; Sophism, 655. Sorrow, 655. Disappointment, 191. Grief, 334. Melancholy, 475. Misfortune, 489. Remorse, 612. Sigh, 643. Soul, The, 656. Heart, 344. Immortality, 380. XXIV TOPICAL INDEX -OF SUBJECTS Soul, The—Continued Life, 427% Mind, 484. ,Speech, 657. Eloquence, 219. Gossip, 321. Language, 411. Orator, 551. Words, 746. Spenser, Edmund, 659. Spider, 660. Spire, 660. Spirit, 66r. Angels, 39. Apparitions, 48. Fairies, 250. Visions, 714. Spring, 662. Autumn, 68. Summer, 672. Winter, 732. Spy, 664. Stage, 664. Actors, 9. Drama, 199. Stars, 665. Astronomy, 63. Moon, The, 498. Night, 528. Sun, The, 672. Sunrise, 674. Sunset, 675. State, 667. Authority, 65. Government, 332. Law, 415. Patriotism, 559. Politics, 582. Stature, 667. Giants, 308. Storm, 667. Ocean, 541. Rain, 607. Sea, The,.632. Water, 720. Strength, 669. Ability, 1. Character, I12. Genius, 304. Study, 669. Education, 217. Knowledge, 406. Learning, 420. Study, 669. Stupidity, 670. Folly, 279. Ignorance, 377. Style, 670. Authors, 65. Literature, 439. Poetry, 579. Success, 670. Sympathy—C ontinued Chance, rog. Sorrow, 655. Destiny, 185. Tears, 684. Fortune, 290. Suicide, 671. Come. 151. Tale, 680. Death, 168. Literature, 439. Romance, 623. T Murder, 510. Summer, 672. Talent, 682. Autumn, 68. : Ability, 1. Spring, 662. Genius, 304. Winter, 732. Taste, 682. Sun, The, 672. Appetite, 51. Astronomy, 63. Eating, 215. Cloud, 125. Tax, 683. Day, 164. Duty, 2Fre Light, 434. Tea, 683. Sunrise, 674. Drink, 206. Sunset, 675. Taste, 682. Sunday, 674. Tears, 684. Sunrise, 674. very ze4- Astronomy, 63 Pity » 334- Cloud, 125. See she Day Abb, orrow, 655. Light Sympathy, 679. 1g, AS4- Temperance, 686 Morning, 500. K fai a6 Sun, The, 672. Rati Up is Sunset, 675. ripe peso Cloud eae: Modes ion, 491. Evening, 234. Wi, i re seit Night, ¢28: a i ee eee S, 729. Stars, 665. Crna : ose sc Oye. Example, 239. XCESS, 240. Guilt ASE Surfeit, 676. Vice (ts Waste, 719. Wickednase 724. Superstition, 675. Thanks, 687. Apparitions, 48. Gratitude, 325. Fairies, 250. Thief; Thieving, 687. Ignorance, 377. Crime, 151. Surfeit, 676. ustice, 400. Excess, 240. aw, 415 Superfluity, 675. Thought, 687. Suspicion, 676. Discretion, 193. Doubt, 199. Imagination, 379. Envy, 227. Memory, 476. Parte 395. Mind, 484. Swallow, 677. Reason, 609. Swan, 677. Thrift, 691. Sweetness, 678. 4 Economy, 216. Euphemism, 234. Fortune, 290. Perfume, 567. Success, 670. Swine, 678. Time, 691. Animals, 44. Eternity, 233. Sword, 678. Future, 300. Duel, 210. Haste, 341. Sympathy, 679. Past, be -egm Affection, 17. Proscrastination, 595. Friendship, 294. To-day, 694. Pity, 572. | To-morrow, 694. Toast, 693. Fashion, 264. Friendship, 294. Tobacco, 693. Luxury, 458. To-day; To-morrow, 604. Future, 300. Past, “Uhe, 57% Time, 691. Trade, 694. Merchant, 479. Transposition, 695. Treason, 695. Crime, 151. Deception, 179. Government, 332. Royalty, 625. Tyrants, 703. Travel, 696. Country, 144. Ocean, The, 541. Ship, 640. Shipwreck, 641. Tree, 697. Country, 144. Fruit, 299. Mountains, 506. Nature, 518. Trifles, 698. Jest, 396. Waste, 719. Trinity, 700. Troy, 700. Gity, 122: Trust, 700. Antictpation, 45. Confidence, 133. Credit, rso. Credulity, 150. Faith, 251. Hope, 365. Truth, 700. Constancy, 138. Fidelity, 270. Honor, 364. Tyrants, 703. Cruelty, 153. U Understanding, 703. Knowledge, 406. Learning, 420. Mind, 484. Wisdom, 732. Union, 703. Unity, 705. Universe, 706. Unknown, 706. Agnosticism, 24. TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS Vv Valentine’s Day, 708. Holidays, 358. Valley, 708. Country, 144. Mountains, 506. Nature, 518. Tree, 697. Vanity, 708. Appearance, 48. Conceit, 132. Dress, 202. Flattery, 273. Praise, 585. Pride, 592. Variety, 709. Order, 5.52: Venice, 709. City, 122% Victory, 709. Conquest, 133. Glory, 311. Success, 670. Vice, 711. Corruption, 143. Crime, 151. Evil, 236. * Ignorance, 377. Sin, 645. Wickedness, 724. Victoria and Albert, 711 Courtiers, 146. Royalty, 625. Villain, 712. Crime, 151. Guilt, 335. Sin, 645. Vices7 II. Wickedness, 724. Virginity, 712. Innocence, 389. Virtue, 712. Goodness, 320. Innocence, 389. Truth, 700. Vision, 714. Angels, 39. Apparitions, 48. Fairies, 250. Fancy, 261. Imagination, 379. Spirit, 661. Voice, 715. Ballads and Songs, 7o. Conscience, 134- Language, 411. Music, 512. Speech, 657. Words, 746. Voiceless, 715. Waiting, 716. Wales, 716. War, 716. Conquest, 133. Glory, 311. Success, 670. Victory, 709. Waste, 719. est, 396. rifles, 698. Watch, 720. Time, 691. Water, 720. Boat, 95. Cleanliness, 123. Dew, 189. Drink, 206. Ocean, 541. River, 620. Ship, 640. Shipwreck, 641. Wedding, 721. Marriage, 467. Love, 442. Wedlock, 722. Husband, 374. Wife, 725. Weeds, 722. Garden, 302. Nature, 518. Tree, 697. Mourning, 507. Welcome, 723. Hospitality, 371. Wellington, Duke of, 7 24. Wickedness, 724. Corruption, 143. Crimes.1 53. Evil, 236. Gualt, 339: Sin, 645. Vice, 717. Widow, 724. Death, 168. Grave, The, 326 Mourning, 507. Wife, 725. Love, 442. Husband, 374. Wilderness, 727. Desert, 182. Will, 728. Ability, 1. Strength, 669. Talent, 682. Wind, 728. Storm, 667. Zephyr, 760. . XXVl TOPICAL INDEX OF SUBJECTS Wine and Spirits, 720. Wonder—Continued Worth—C ontinued Drink, 206. Superstition, 675. Great and Small, 329. Moderation, 491. Wooing, 742. - Merit, 481. Temperance, 686. - Kiss, 405. Nobility, 533. Winter, 732. Love, 442. Wound, 755. Autumn, 68. Marriage, 467. Cruelty, 153. Spring, 662. Woman, 735. Revenge, 615. Summer, 672. Words, 746. Writing, 755. Wisdom, 732. Eloquence, 219. Authors, 65. Discretion, 193. Gossip, 321. Books, 95. Education, 217. Language, 411. Criticism, 151. Knowledge, 406. Orator, 551. Literature, 439. Learning, 420, Speech, 657. Pen, The, 564. Thought, 687. Word-juggling, 749. Wishes, 734. Wordsworth, William, 740. Y Ambition, 31. Authors, 65. Year, 756. Aspiration, 61. Literature, 439. Time, 6or. Desire, 184. Work, 750. To-day, 694. Longing, 441. Action, 6. To-morrow, 694. Witch, 734. Labor, 409. Yesterday, 756. Witness, 735. Trade, 694. To-day, 694. Evidence, 236. World, The, 751. To-morrow, 694. Woman (In General), 735. Creation, 149. Youth, 756. Character, 112. Life, 427. Childhood, 114. Childhood, 114. Nature, 518. Enthusiasm, 227. Kiss, 405. World, End of The, 753. Innocence, 389. Love, 442. Worm, 753. Mother, sos. Wooing, 742. Worship, 754. Simplicity, 645. Woman (Faults), 738. Christ, 119. . Coquette, 142. Church, rat. Z Flirt, 275. Faith, 251. Zeal, 760. Woman (Virtues), 740. God, 312. Ambition, 31. Beauty, 75. Gods, The, 317. Enthusiasm, 227. Husband, 374. Praise, 585. Labor, 409. Marriage, 467. — Prayer, 587. Work, 750. Mother, 505. Preaching, 590. Youth, 756. Wife, 725. Religion, 611. Zephyr, 760. Wonder, 741. Worth, 754. . Storm, 667. Miracle, 486. Goodness, 320. Wind, 728. LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED. A Accursius, Francis (c. 1260), 333. Adam, Jean, 28s. Adams, John (1 SeReeSEN 100, 120, 323, 3 r180— Allot, Robert, 730. elie Printéss (1783-1810), 7 Pa Henri Frederic (1821-— 1881), 8, be PR RE Ke 734. monius (c. 170-243), 130. 384. Adams, John "ehateey (1767-| Amphis, 545. par II3, 177, 293, 703,|Anacharsis, 223. iL Samuel (1722-1803), 226. Adams, Sarah Fowler (1805- 1848), 316. Addison, Joseph (1672-1710), Anacreon (B.C. c. Anstey, 563-478), TOT, 207% Andrieux, Francois Guillaume J. S. (1750-1833), 404. Christopher (1724- 1805), 351. 56, 790, 128, 131, 140, 145, Antiphanes (B.C. c. 404-330), 234, 240, 256, 260, 261, 265, 268, 271, 280, 207, 308, 315,| Antoninus, 331,355,364, 65, 381, 391, 394, 424, 445, 452, 454, 459, 466, 470, 473, 490, 404, 408, 515, 560, 593, 596, 6or, 603, 60. Marcus Aurelius (121-180), 80, 190, 221, 234, 289, 317, 380, 428, 432, 460, 501, 586, 610, 646, 604, 705, 706. 648, 651, 660, 670, 676, 679,| Apollonius, 427. 606, 700, 714, 717, 757. ZEschylus (B.C. 525-456), 65, aon (CB: Ce cy 168, tS hes 313, 425, 472, 538, 578, 746. ae (B. C: "Eh century), 227, Agesilaus (B.C. 445-361), 344. Agis, 144. Aissé, Mdlle. (1694-1733),353- Akenside, Mark (1721-1770), Aciatophdtics User ME 293, 3» 380° 602, 683, 609. Apuleius (c. 125), 240. 680 or 700), Geeunoe Bietro (1492-1556), 388. iosto, Ludovico (rata 1533)» 185, 203, 261, 640. Aristides, ZElius (c. 117-180), 667 Cc: 380), 22, 223, 675, 738. 444- ille (1114-1203), Aristotle (B.C. 384-322), ne Alcott, Ambs Bronson (1799- 1888), 408, 697. 82, 100, 118, 133, 158, 304, aa ee 493, 550, 557, 562, ee James (1810-1856), PEELS John My 700-1779), 78. Aldrich, Henry (1647-1710), Seber 15, 335, 474, 5 ue Cie 1904), Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (1836- PO: ‘Matthew (1822-1888), Eo i 270, 275, 550, 604, 6 Macatder (B. C 350-323), I19. Alfieri, Vittorio (1749-1803), 145, I5T, 539. Alfonso of Castile, I40. Dette Ose 7 Ost 545 6734220, 227, 266, 304, 318, 320, 331, 346, 382, 435, 482, 522, 532, 540, 546, 612, 621, 633, 634, 639, 657, 659, 667, 690, 706, 728, 750, 752, 753, 756. Alger, William R. (1823—1905),} Arnold, Samuel J. (1774-1852), 474, 554. Ali Ben Abi Taled, see Taled. 344. Ascham, Roger (1515-1568), Alison, ae Archibald (1792-| 243, 426. 1867), I Athenaeus(c.200),191,215,668. llen, Mrs. (Florence Percy)| Attila (c. 453), 73. : eG 2—-), 478, 558. Augustine, Aurelius (Saint) Allingham, William (1828-| (354-430), 175, 259, 316, 21880), 251. 507, 603, 622. (xxvii) Aulus Gellius (c. 130), Ausonius, Decimus pare 4: 175, Rustin: Alfred (1835-), 690. Aytoun, William Edmondstone (1813-1865), 570, 631. ae 268, 614, B Bacon, Lady Anne (c. 435), Bacon, Francis (1561— fae 2s CEA eal Gy lo ee: SIN es 25 47, 54, 56, 59, 64, 88, 96, Oren Fis voll Lee Los, I51I, 203, 222, 243, 248, 298, 308, 313, 320, 334, 399, 407, 416, 421, 426, 427, 434, 460, 473, 485, 506, 518, 543, 6o1, 603, 600, 616, 647, 677, 606, 7OI, 710, 725, 734. Bailey, hilip James (1816—- 1902), 9, 16, 36, 40, 98, 155, 165, 173, 199, 222, 228, 288, 316, 348, 351, 373, 399, 433, 464, 487, 523, 560, 570, 581, 580, 6090, 701. e, Joanna (1762-1851), 95, 463, 511 pee George (1800-1891), Bi Sta “Anna Letitia (1743- 1825), 177, 344, 366, 432, 463, 528, 685. Barbour, 184, 202. Barére, Bertrand (1755-1841), 424. Barham, Richard Harris (1788 TiOAS) 21575 7278 Barker, Theodore L., 236. Barlow, Joel (1752-1812), 281. Barnard, 757 Barnfield, Richard (1574—- 1627), 660, 662. Barrett, Eaton S. (1785—1820), 741. Barrington, George (1755—- 1835), 72. Barrow, Isaac (1630-1677), 381. Bary Se “9 Bartas, Gullizame de Salluste Du (1544-1590), 7, 80, 80, 158, 214, 215, 240, 286, 201, 202, 346, 433, 462, 474, 510, 523, 529, 574, 608, 660, 664, 7O5, 722, 665 Bathyilus, (B.C. e. 20), 573. XXVili LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED Baxter, Richard (1615—1601),}| Bible, Old Testament—C satin: Boileau-Despreaux, Nicholas 195, 240, 269, 365, 420, 488, 59°, 593. Bayard, BPeyplee de (1475- 1524), 47 Bayle, ierre (647-1 706), 607. Bayley, J. H., Bayly, Thomas Aavacs (1797- 1830)5.35 125,121; 147275) 474, 517, 625, 668, 682, 607, 745. Beaconsfield, see Disraeli. Beattie, James (1735-1803), 23, 235, 260, 328, 329, 378, 380, 380, 417, 514, 540, 548, 620, 647, 680, 733. Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de (1732-1709), 70, 647. Bese TOTO) 72 Beaumont aad Fletcher, 15, 26,32 -136. 743 eT0ad, FO9: 171, 182, 193, 204, 207, 208, 238, 257, 281, 206, 326, 391, 405, 465, 483, 495, 496, 505, 527, 533, 535, 548, 565, 572, 594, 607, 724, 736, 739. Beccaria, Cesare di Bonesana (1738-1793), 324. Bede (c. 673- 13 5), 668. mee Richt tie '(1823- 1861), Francis (1584- Bechet Henry Ward (1813- 1887), 134, 287, 326, 392. Beers, Ethel Lynn (1827- 1879), 710 Behn Aphea 4646¢1680), 456. Bellamy, G. W., 731. Bellinghausen, Von Miinch,70s5. Benham, 558. pki ies Isaac de 16 Sia Vai Jeremy (1748-1832), (1612- BEAtey. RictAtd, Goawt7 43), 53.0; bez Ore. Benton, T. H.(1782-1858), 537. Berkeley, George (Bishop) (1685-1753), 35, 683, 758. Bernard of Clairvaux (Saint) (1091-1153), 409. Berry, Dorothy, 564. Bertaut, Jean (1570-1611), 238. Bertin, Mile. (18th century), 6 536. Beyerlinck, 471 Bible Apocrypha, 221. Bible, Old Testament,ro,r4, 18, 27, 29, 40, 43,44, 51, 57, 61, 62, 63, 83, 84, 80, 91, 95, 99, ¥I4, 127, 130, 13.2% 19s, TASs 155, 163, 164, 168, 160, 181, 182, 184, 198, 201, 210, 211, 212,.2T4, 220, 236, 245, 248 253, 254, 261, 265, 260, 271, 274, 281, 282, 205, 207, 208, 390, 308, 313,321, 325, 347; 334, 335, 339, 338, 340, 344, 351, 354, 359, 366, 370, 374 ue 378, 383, 394, 395, 405, 406, 409, 415, 422, 427, 428, 434,| Bolingbroke, Henry S$ 436, 439, 441, 453, 473, 479, 487, 491, 501, 507, 510, 525, 526, 528, 536, 537, 545, 546, 564, 572, 584, 592, 598, 590, 601, 607, 608, 610, 613, 614, 616, 621, 622, 632, 643, 640, 680, 604, 696, 607, 703, 708, TE2 70590720, 72, 724.0725; 7275-129) LAL [Sand 1S8 8h as Bible, New Testament, PA Oe 24, 28, 20, 41, 48, 53, 65, 60,| 83, OljelO7 at E2,..E¥4,. Tro, 120, 128, 132, LOI, 164, 166, 173, 178, 186, 196, 201, 206, 2E2, 212, 220) 233 4123.05.23.05 251, 264, 268, 281, 288, 280, 209, 309, 312, 313, 322, 325, 320, 339, 335, 338, 340, 344, 340, 349.3021 30013721375 383, 386, 400, 413, 415, 420, 423, 427, 434, 436, 437, 441, 442, 459, 467, 472, 405, 518, 525, 536, 545, 561, 562, 566, 585, 587, 590, 509, 601, Orr, 612, 614, 615, 627, 635, 630, 645, 640, 656, 657, 667, 674, 678, 682, 688, 601, 606, 700, 702, 705, 712, 725, 732, 735, 746, 753, 756. Bible, is es II9, 186, 657, 700, 708, 7 Bickerstaff, ate (ec. 1735- T8i2), "Lig sewso) LAL,, 202% 368, 373, 736, 758. ion, Smyrnzeus (B.C. c. _280), 495, 567. Bismarck von Schénhausen, Karl ate Prince (181r5— 1898), 3 Blackburn, Thowiad 215. Blacker, Colonel (1780-1826), 482. Blackie, John Stuart (1809- 1805), 702, 720. Blacklock, T a (1721- 1791), 208, 28 Blackmore, Richard Doddridge (1825-1900), 720. Blackstone, Sir William (1723 —1780), 524, 602. Blair, Robert (1690-1746), 37, 40, 70, 76, 140, 166, 169, 297, 308, 323, 329, 497, 529, 604, 656, 672. Blake, William (2 757-1827), 30, 34, 312, 328, 640. Bigmaity, Susanna (1747-1794), Bloomfield, Robert (1766— ss 1823), ag? Shenae, occaccio (1313-137 4 Bodenstedt, i Pueatich (een (1819-1892), 504. Bodinus, 640. Boethius, Anicius Manlius Se- (1636-1711), 14, 106, 260, 318, 341, 420, 580, 746, 756. John (Viscount) (1678-175 =, II], 315, 356, 357, 358, 600, 720. Bolton, 634. Bonaventure, St. (1221-1274), 706, 721. Bones VIII. (1228-1303), 43. Book of Common ree 288, 2907, 309, 334, 4 Booth, Barton (1 682- 1733) 139. poErG ws George (1803-1881), 17. Bossuet, Jacques (1627-1704), 180. Boswell, James (1740-1705), 56, 64,67, 182, ToT, YOS ato, 218, 3191 339, 410, 436, 470 481. Bourdillon, F. W., 435. Bowles, Rev. William Lisle (1762-1850), 20 eRe a, ap xs Alfred (1826-), Beekaaer John G. C. (1796—- 1828), 126. Bramston,Rev. JPR. 744), 341, 438, 70 Beye tide Janet (1685-1740), So. Breton, Nicholas (1554-1628), Bright, John (1811-1880), 220. Brillat-Savarin,Authelme(1755 —1826), 215. Brissot de Warville, Jean Pierre (1754-1703), 599. Bromley, Isaac H., 584. Bronté, Emily (1818-1848), Bénigne 290. Brooke, Lord (1554—1628),228, 436, 461. . Brooke, Stopford A. (1832-), 440. ae Brooks, Phillips (1835-1803), E223 Broome, William (1689-1745), 168, 197, 332, 687. Brougham, eaves (Lord) © bh Ms 100, 400, 420, 491, 630 Brown, Yon (14 st 766), 618. Brown, R. W., 55 Brown, Tom toga 1704), 46, 206, 350, 435, 436, 720 rowne, Sir F., 388. Browne, Sir Thomas (1605- 1682), 20, 55, 56, 58, 108, 145, 166, £72, 233,.250. 280 207, 313, 349,-352, 367, 378, 380, 401, 408, 435, 452, 460, 497, 513; age: 564, 605, 633, 601, 707, verinus (c. 475-524), 250,| Browne, William (1501-1643), 643 OP 656. 230, 427, 540. LLst’ OF AUTHORS QUOTED _--- Zz Browning, Elizabeth Barrett) Burney, Fanny, 317. (1809-1861), 27, 63, 79, 93,|Burns, Robert 098, 114, 116, 217, 220, 248, 257, 275, 310, 316, 317, 318, 334; 335, 406, 413, 437, 454, 455, 458, 518, 525, 533, 570, 578, 579, 632, 638, 644, 655, Safi 737,746, 750, 751, 756. Browning, Robert(1812—1 880), a Sr eGiia7 44, 60; 62767’, 69, 82, TT, DLO, »EFO,9e3, 154, 157, 163, 105, 167, 173, 174, 180, 183, 186, 180} I99, 217, 220, 221, 230, 237, 239, 250, 265, 270, 288, 299, 305, 316, 321, 330, 340, 342, 340, 348, 351, 360, 378, 379, 382 394, 395, 396, 402, 406, 427, 433, 441, 442, 446, 447 448, 455, 457, 464, 475, 483, 486, 501, 517, 518, 535, 549, 540, 550, 557, 558, 503, 506, 567,; 576, 579, 582, 504, 598. 602, 603, 613, 618, 610, 624, 657, 665, 671, 675, 679, 680, 686, 687, 690, 602, ace toley 720, 724, 746, 748, 752, 7 Bruce, Michael fier cee), 663. Eryact William Cullen (17094- 1878), 68, 110, 121, 123, 172, 278, 294, 328, 425, 432, 506, 521, 522, §42, 587, 6o1, 702, 710, 793 729. Brydges, Sir Seare Egerton (1762-18 216.7312: pear ers John Baldwin( 1802 —1879), 6 icoutenr "George Villiers, Duke of (1627-1688), 43, 66, 268, 533 Buckinghamshire, John Shef- field. Duke of, 362. Buffo, 670. Buffon, G. ee L. de (1707- 1788), 75 Bulfinch, S. ic (1809-1870),561. (1759-1796), 16, 25, 30,32, 43, 46, 64, 67, 68, 76, 78, 86, 93, 103, 106, 108, 113, 124, 120, 141, 153, 160, 170, 172, IQI, 202, 208, 209, 215, 219, 224, 241, 250, 263, 269, 284, 289, 298, 200, 395, 311, 312, 319, 339, 345, 351, 360, 368, 372, 377; 405, 415, 427, 442, 446, 452, 453, 463, 472, 488, 510, 523, 528, 548, 549, 558, 575, 570, 587, 588, 503, 596, 608, 611, 612, 620, 624, 626, 630, 631, 653, 683, 687, 680, 711, 726, 720, 731,735, 744, 758. Burr, Aaron (1756-1836), 575. Burton, Robert (1577-1640), II, 15,37, 39, 50, 56, 70, 81, 88. 4505,. 1020, 221, 0 125,¢120, 142, 150, 160, 185, 207, 216, 256, 264, 260, 337, 351, 373, 386, 418, 410, 420, 430, 476, 483, 488, 518, 510, 535, 548, 562, 565, 573, 574, 585, 590, 605, 621, 626, 630, 642, 651, 670, 675, 680, 730, 748, 750. Bussy-Rabutin, ogee de (1618 —1603). 347, 482. Butlere Barrie! (1612-1680), $5453, 50, S07 165; 591,973 6, 139, 150, 152, 1§5, 160, 167, 159,103, 195, 206, 21331222, 245, 247, 254, 255, 259, 280, 287, 288, 301, 308, 309, 324, 340, 395, 367, 401, 411, 420, 434, 440, 468, 473, 496, 500, 538, 539, 541, 552, 571, 574, 578, 580, 585, 590, 603, 605, 007,018, O21, 0277 040051, 653, 658, 650, 670, 678, 670, 7OI, 710, NE 743, 744, 750, a 4, 755, 76 er, Wittlam Allen (1825- nae! 205 Bulwer-Lytton,Edward George, Byrd, William (1540-1623),485. Earl Lytton, see Lytton. Bunn, Alfred, 202, 312, 368. Bunsen, 1860), 146. Bunyan, Nabe (1628-1688), noes Ye et 415, 563, 618, 628, 678, . Buonarotti, "Michael brates Atte aR 364) 4)» 446, rghley, Lord, eae ie e, Edmund (1729-1797), Baron von (1791-| Byron, Byrom, John (1692-1763), 196, 325, 485, 609 poe ‘Noel Gordon, Lord (1788-1824). Quota- tions marked in the Concor- dance ||. C Cecilius Statius (B.C. c. 200), 63. 5, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 47, 60,|/Cains, Dr., 712 64, 102, 117, 118, 132, 223,/Calderon de la Barca, Pedro 240, 245, 269, 270, 273, 288, (1600-1681), 450, 718. 323, 328, 340, 351, 352, 356,| Calhoun, John C. (1782-1850), 357, 359; 380, 396, 400, 40T, 418, 420, 424, 431, 486, 480, As (BiG: 491, 543, 559, 560, 582, 583, 600, 627, 636, 644, 676, 702, Calvecie: 703, 705, 711, 714, 718, 733. Burnaud, F, C3 543, 583, 704. é. 260), 173; ; Charles Stuart (1831 —1884), 205, 535, 720, 749. Cambridge, 207. 45. Burnet, Gilbert Pceuazt 4715), paras William (1551-1623), 388, 418, 611, 480, . campbell, XX1x Thomas (1777- 1844), 3, 27, 30, 40, 58, 73, 95, 104, 195, 198, 199, 241, 272, 275, 203, 308, 325, 328, 333, 345, 360, 3690, 374, 385, 393, 394, 501, 523, 524, 544, 557, 578, 600, 607, 608, 620, 626, 620, 643, 648, 666, 686, 720; 73.7; 750; Bier Campion, T., 73 Canning, Genial (1770-1827), 55, 132, 208, 561, 505, 6 695. Cannon, Edmund, 534. Capel, Lord A., sos. Caraffa, Cardinal Carlo, 180. Carew, Thomas (1598-1630), 2307 43.00 Cane Henry Siege ses 107, 465, 534 Paricioes Will Gee -), 606. Carlyle, Thomas (1795- 1881), 14, 24, 50, 64, 97, 105, 150, 204, 212, 216, 233, 248, 268, 3°01, 304, 332, 340, 353, 354, 356, 357, 358, 382, 410, 415, 432, 440, 400, 463, 464, 485, 487, 514, 518, 522, 528, 537, 540, 579, 579, 581, 631, 636, eee 706, 734, 742, 748, 751 Carney, Mrs. Julia A. Fletcher, 609 Cater: F. W., 278. Carpenter, Joseph E., 721. Carroll, Lewis, see Dodgson, ev. C. L. Cartwright, William 632, (1611— Catinat, Marshal, 3.53. Cato, Marcus Horchiss (Bic; 234-149), 268, 716 Catullus, Caius Valerius (BAC. 87-54), 108, 168, 262, 335, 342, 443. Cawthorne, 217. Celano, Thomas de, 753. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de (1547-1616), 2,4, 10, 11, 45, $4, 62, 65, 66, 67, 92, 08, 105, 127, 129, 139, 164, 191, 222, 236, 248, 281, 200, 362, 300, 407, 409, 525, 529, 538, 553, 558, 590, Gor, 615, 650, 670, O12 3998 15 Oars t Chamfort, S. R. N.(1741-1794), I0g, 165. Channing, William Ellery (1780-1842), 360, 432, 579. Chapman, George (1559-1634), GNiT3, ES ST pO TO), 370, FAO, £50; 227es40 027 Ss 2es 288, 201, 310, 330, 331, 380, 417, 436, 443, 444, 460, 471, 506, 525, 542, 593, 599, 627, 648 665, 713, 757. Chapman, Jonson and Marston, 42. Charles I., 242. XXX Charleval, 452. Charron, Pierre (1541-1603), 462. Chase: Salmon P. (1808-1873), 582, 704. Lord, Chatham, 280. Chatterton, Thomas (1752- 1770), 207, 452, 459, 500, 562, 640. Chaucer,Geoffrey (1340-1400), 50, 58, 60, 95, 96, 1175 126, 160, 186, 190, 213, 217, 291, 295, 305, 319, 341, 388, 407, 408, 411, 420, 455, 465, 483, 510, 519, 524, 520, 564, 574, 633, 644, 656, 662, 674, 681, 701, 725, 726, 742, 750. Chesterfield, Earl of (16094- 1773), 1733: £16, stag, VaBo, 190, 203, 216, 235, 207, 274, 275,320, 357, 414, 465, 480, 25, 133, oe 506, 617, 634, 670, 733, child, Mrs. F. M., 530 Child, Lydia Maria ‘(1802- 1880), 204. Chillon, 42. Chilo (B.C. 6th century), 166, 205. Chius, Theodorus, 166. Choate, Rufus (1799-1850), 182, 384, 416, 561, 704. Chocritus of Samos, 567. Christy, David, 583. Churchill, Charles (1731- 1764), 10, 22, 27, 40, 52, 87, 95, 107, 109, 140, 152, 193, 224, 228,237, 240,:257, 258, 273, 279, 208, 303, 341, 365, 377, 380, 383, 397, 401, 465, 466, 468, 481, 486, 407, 552, 561, 564, 573, 574, 575, 596, 631, 634, 638, 660, 679, 683, 689, 702, 711, 715. Cibber, Colley (1671-1757), 34, 42, 54,.134, 135,7223,5.233, 258, 265, 341, 302, 401, 442, 457, 470, 565, 571, 576, 585, vada ine fe ain aA = Cicero: Marcus Tullius (B.C. TO6-43) 1352797, S207 5-95; 118, 130, 133, 158, 180, 190, 196, 203, 215, 232, 256, 275, 201, 298, 300, 320, 342, 359, 366, 371, 400, 407, 413, 415, 416, 419, 435, 483, 495, 544, 547, 551, 560, 562, 571, 585, ae 590, 603, 623, 626, 601, LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED Clephsius Akan ch1560) 9343} Cornuel, Mme., 353 413; 4 Glaveiants Stephen Grover ore Barry, see _Proctor, beatae 323, 418, 566, 582,| Cotton, Nathaniel (1707-1788), Clovizhe Arthur Hugh (181o0— 48601)s 4.02451 33, 163,/°237, 545, 612. Cockburn, Mrs. (1712-1794), 8 278, Coddington, Christopher, 267. Coke, Sir Edward (1552-1634), 165, 359, 416. peeicee eae (1796-1840), cole dage, Samuel Taylor (1772 —1834), 8, 23, 28, 32, 40, 41, 50, 64, 68, 71, 70, 84, 91, II5, 132, 136, 152, 155, 168, 170; 182, 185, 180; 262, 232, 243, 247, 251, 269, 282, 308, 314, 315, 318, 321, 362, 373, 378, 399, 405, 407, 424, 425, a46, 452, 459, 462, 481, 4or, 499, 506, 507, 532, 555, 581, 588, 580, 593, 600, 620, 625, 626, 628, 632, 638, 641, 651, 656, 657, 661, 672, 682, 680, 706, 720, 722, 746, 750, 758, 759. Coles, Abraham (1813-1801), 34, 94, 134,.162, 234, 248, 272, (60774 50: Pou Mortimer (1827-1876), Collins, William (1721-17509), 60, 144, 196, 328, 320, 334, 368, 476, 479, 488, 500, 515, 524, 563, 581, 713. Colman, George (1732-1704), 48, 57, 141, 179, 282, 416, 400, 523. Colman (the Younger), George (1762-1836), 34, 197, 200, 265, 345, 382, 383, 423, 405, 550, 682, 687. Colton, Caleb Charles (1780- 1832), 227, 228, 208, 200, 305, 484, yee 616, 634. Confucius (B.C. c. 551-478), 28, 240, 407, 421, 746. Congreve, William (1670- 1729), 42, 89, 91, 93, 178, 218, 233, 285, 365,.426).445, 452, 467, 479, 513, 595, 617, 626, 713, 718, 726, 740, 744. Conington, John (1825-1860), 314, 318, 350, 362, 340, 380, 413, 427, 428, 485, 401, 403, 405, 534, 545, 546, 577, 584, 627, 634, 658, 700, 746. Cigaaidan: Edward Hyde, Earl Constable, Henry, 564. of (1608-1674), I. Constant, 624. Clarke, 361. Cook, Eliza (1818-1880), rrr, Clarke, M’Donald (1798-1842),| 226, 478. 207, 520. ooke, Joshua, 70, 440, Claudian, 508. 468. Claudianus, 65, 402, 623,|Cooper, 57, 217, 321, 323. 712. Corneille, Thomas (1625— Clay, Henry (1777-1852), 323, 1709), 35%, 5399 602, 644. 543, 610, 704. Cornificus (B,C, 68), 553. 17, 48, 141, 180, 220,.361, 580. Coates! Mrs., 7 Cowley, Abrabeoe G 618-1667), 61, 87, 90, 93; 122, 138;)140, 151, 155, 196, 208, 233, 245, 249, 337, 338, 370, 420, 432, 437,440, 445, 452, 476, 401, 547, 571, 670 Cowper, William (1731-1800), 4, 17, > 32," 40," 533'°50;" 66, 78, 84, 87, 92, 106, 110, 122;'123;/12407527 2635 050; 161, 186, 180, 194, 205, 208, 210; 214,°236) 224, 225,226, 227, 2360, 259, 260, 261; 262, 266, 281, 283, 284, 287, 280, 292, 203, 296, 302, 310, 316, 320, 331, 337, 338, 339, 341, 345, 347, 357, 360, 363, 366, 374, 387, 391, 395, 308, 404, 408, 420, 422, 424, 430, 431, 434; 439, 441, 442, 465, 470, 473, 478, 470, 482, 483, 480, 505, 506, 507, 515, 520, 521, 528, 539, 561, 567, 575, 588, 594, 602, 608, 628, 620, 630, 645, 648, 656, 658, 663, 678, 683, 686, 688, 603, 605, 700, 702, 705, 709, 714, 721, 722, 726, mt 733, 742. 748, 752; Coxe, gee Cleveland ( I 818— 1806), ror. Crabbe, George (1754-1832), 16, 45, 87, 97, 106, 133, 148, 149, 152, 150, 244, 248, 282, 320, 335,397, 432, 442, 444, 466, 407, 542, 554, 618, 610, 639, 652, 675, 692, 702, 727, 745- - Craigie, Mrs. (John Oliver Hobbes), 647, Craik, Mrs. Dinah Maria Mu- lock (1826-1887), 173. Craik, G. L., 408. Cranch, Christopher P. (1813- 1892), 460, 650, 690. Cranfield, 7 oe Crashaw, Richard (c. 1616— 1649), 93, 164, 309, 364, 441, 444, 445, 536, 730. Crawford, A., 374 Crebillon, Prosper Jolyot de (1674-1762), 431. Crittenden, Thomas L. (1819- 1803), 145. Croly, G., 490. " Cross, Mrs. M. A. E., see Eliot, George. Cumming, Rev. John (1807- 1881), 61. Cunningham, Allan (1784- 1842), 341, 632, 748 Curran No hn Philpot “(17 50- 1817), 424, 648. Cyprian, St. (c. 258), 621. Senow OF D Dabschelim and Pilpay, 20. Daniel, Samuel (1562-1610), 235.355 45,,05; 771 793,99; £07, 118, 158, 222, 257,283, 398, 404, 460, 482, 541, 611, 644, 646, 649, 666, 678. Dante Alighieri (126 5-132), 199, 2 ae 366, 528, 576, 501, 656, Ganions Georges Jacques (1750 -1794), Darwin, Ghuvles R. 1882), 239, 409. Darwin, Erasmus (1731-1802), 278, 573, 600, 666, 685, 716. Davenant, Sir William (1606- 1668), 43, 96, 158, 378, 412. Davies, a John (1569-1626), 468, Davies, Soaineks mates Jefierson (1808-1880), (18090-— Davin: ephotiias Osbourne (1814 —1845), 372). 724. Davison, William (c. 1608), 444, 738. De Belloy, 560. Decatur, Stephen (1770-1820), 560. Decius Laberius, 448. Deffand, eres du (1697- 1780), 83, 35 Defoe, Svaniel " (1661-1731), 37, 12I, 364. Dekker, Thomas (c. 1570- 1638), 40, 119, 170, 585. Delaune, Henry (17th cen- tury), 644. — Delille, Jacques 1738-1813), 297. Demades (B.C. c. 319), 100. Demodocus, 1098. Democritus (B.C. c. 460- 357), 143, 490, 618. 7or. De Morgan, Lice Demosthenes (B.C. 384-322), 7, 180, 300. De were Alfred (1810— 1857), 6 Denham, ‘Sir John (1615- 1669), 97, 195, 190, 252, 258, 362, 300, 428, 463, 620, 757. Penni John (1657- 1734), DeOuiacey, Thomas (1785- 1850), 439, 541. Derby, Lord, 550. Descartes, René (1596-1650), 687. Dea thamnics Eustaché (called Morel) (14th century), 297. Deshouliéres, Mme. Antoin- ette de Ligier de la Garde (1638-1694), 199, 219, 301, © etme Philippe N. (1680— vi Di bain,” Charles (1745-1814), 211, 312. AUTHORS QUOTED XXXI1 ‘Dibdin, Phavies (1771~1841),| Dryden, John—Continued 225. Dickens, Charles (1812—1870), A, 57 SU sere, (P7859 25052255, 200, 308, 373, 379; 395; 418, 420, 539, 652, oh 693, Gate Tags 728, eres Emily é I -? 3 o-1886), Dickinson! John (1732-1808), 703, 704. Didacus, Stella, 308. Dillon, Wentworth (1633- 1684), 203. Diogenes, Laertius (c. 211- 335) 52208 7 SPOOR Cra yah 157, 143, 166, 195, 196, 207, 215, 217, 288, 324, 344, 407, 416 460, 467, 473, 401, 495, 525, 545, 595, 603, 713, 730. Dionysius, Cato, 12, 547, 650, Disraeli, Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield (1804-1881), 9, aa) 156767, 0ra2; 2533238, I52, 226, 242, 268, 304, 322, Dryden and 159, 166, 160, 170, 175, 170, 183, 189, 197, 201, 203; 208, 210, 232, 254, 255, 250, 257, 266, 260, 280, 282, 283, 286, 287, 289, 200, 291, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 303, 304, 308, 311, 317, 322, 333; 336, 337; 338, 349, 347, 349, 352, 350, 360, 368, 370, 374, 378, 385, 386, 388, 380, 390, 391, 390, 401, 404, 417, 418, 423, 427, 420, 439, 443, 440, 452, 455, 459, 460, 461, 462, 464, 465, 474, 483, 488, 403, 510, 518, 523, 524, 527, 533, 546, 548, 549, 5590, 553, 557, 559, 567, 568, 572, 576, 577, 580, 586, 588, 590, 501, 504, 595, 506, 600, 610, 611, 626, 634, 636, 637, 638, 646, 651, 657, 658, 660, 671, 685, 688, 606, 701, FOO) FIG 7 T2573, FEAST TOS 428,721,742, 749,°755. Lee, 474. 324, 371, 392, 408, 420, 432,| Dryden and Musgrave, 356. 443, 512, 550, 563, 570, 582, cea aety (2807-1867), 583, 504, 500, 611, 707, 716. Dix, John AG (17098-1870), 273.| Duke, Dixon, James Henry (1803- 1876), 180. Dobell, Sidney (1824-1874), 224. Dobson, Henry Austin (1840-), AT 719. Doddridee, Philip (1702-1751), noe Rev. Charles Lewis 205, 44: enard (1668-1711), 468. Dumas, Alexandre, pére (1802 —1870), 738. D’Urfy, Thomas (1650-1723), 275. NO Ea eee) Sullivan (1813- 159 Dwight, Tiuhothy (1752-1817), 34. ed icted a gs 1898),| Dyer, 603. Dyer, Sir Edward, 141. Dodsiés, Bohert (1703-1764),| Dyer, John (1700-1758), 214, Demett, Alfred (1811-1887), 624. Donne, Dr. John (1573-1631), I19, 380, 408, 688. Dorset, 688. Doudney, Sarah, 483. Dow, Lorenzo(1 77 97=183.4), Sor. Dowling, Dowson, ae 732. Doyle, — F. 354, 6 Drake, J neegte Rodman (1795— 1820), 272. Drayton, Michael (1563-1631), 4, 14050 TFT ABO 2035264, 283, 461, 467, 490, 510, 527, 577, 676, 686, 718. Drennen, Dr. William (1754- 1820), 393. Drummond, S075 431, 484, 485, 520. E poe George (1837-18098), 38. raed) King, and the Shep- herd, 213. Bartholomew, 6093.) Edwards,Richard (1523-1566), 107, 135, 605, 664. . (1810-1888),| Edwin, John (1749-1704), 430. Eldon, Lord Roa Scott (1751— 1838), 39 Eliot, Gees. (1819-1880), 20, 44, 46, 93, 96, 116, 137, 185, 212, 328, 358, 402, 448, 457 471, 480, 403, 505, 515, 549, 615 686, 700, 709, 740, 746. See also Cross, M. E. Elliot, Ebenezer (1781-1840), 127, 167,250; Drummond of Havethorridhe Elliott, Jane (pir liawey: 2478, (1585-1649), I15, 121, 257,| Elizabeth, Queen (1553- 1603), 420. II9Q, 544. Dryden, John (1631-1700), 12, Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803- I7, 20, 23, 20, 39, 33, 37; 39; 49, 42, 50, 51, 56, 59, 66, 70, TL) 73+ 77,78, 91,95; 104, I09, 116, 120, 123, 124, 129, 140, 145, 146, 148, 151, 152, 1882); 11, 22, 41, 54, 67, 74, 75,77, 81, 86, 87, 97, 98, 90, EOF LEUS WO, L255 °F say FSO; 138, 139, 147, 150, 154, 150, 166, 279, 190, 212, 214, 227, Xxx LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED Emerson, Ralph Waldo-~Comal Mieiding, Henry (1707-17 34 4), Garrick, David (1717-1770), 56, 198, 208, 211, 268, 281, 238, 239, 242, 244, 250, 253, abhi 4 ns: 552, 550, 606, 618, 266, 204, 209, 318, 325, 330,|__ 620, 682, 687, 749. 331, 332,344, 346, 354, 372,| Fields, N., 306. 402, 407, 411, 419, 420, 422,| Filacaja (1642-1707), 77, 394. 425, 428, 420, 440, 455, 458, 464, 466, 460, 492, 515, 522, 538, 540, 55°, 552, 559, 563, tinued Finley, Js sre Fitz-Geffrey, 72. 573, 576 582, 591, 601, 605,| Fitzgerald, 607, 612, 615, 626, 630, 639, 640, 645, 640, 652, 660, 671, 683, 686, He 697, 700, 702, WIT, 712, Hams Robert (1778-1803), Mepis Thomas Dunn (18109- 1902), 86, Ennius (B.C. ec. 239-160), 18, Bot ners {B..Ci =< et) 540); 287, 533 Epictetus (60-120), 27,41, 48, 65; E50; £02; 2250, 1221,0230, 295, 320 Epimenides (B.C. 7th © cen- tury), 606. Erasmus, Gerard Didier (1465 Bee LE, 1H87)3103, 0285 716 Ehakine, aa, 380, 618. Estienne, Henri (1528-1508), 602. Euclid (B.C. c. 323-383), 660. Euripides (B.C. 480-406), 8, 23, 26, 30, 36, 82, 108; £27, 128, 167; 168, 211,212, 220} 231, 254, 351, 366, 300, 445, 460, 524, 525, 533, 538, 590, 643, 688 Eusden, 750. Evelyn, J.. 404 Everett, wee (1769-1813), 116, 5 Rocce. award (1794-1865), 498, 704. F Eapee Frederick W. (1814- 1863), 410, 619, 750. F alconer, William (1732-1769), 69, 422, 642. Fanshawe, eee M. (1765 —1834), 617. Farquhar, George (1678-1707), 72, 80, 98,283, 405, 414, 722. Favart, Charles Simon (1710— 1792), 535. Fawkes, Francis, 584. a nea: (1651-1715), Wien. Samuel(1810—1886), go. Ferriar, John (1764-1815), 08, 755. Ferté, De la, 482. Fessenden, William P. (1806- Field, Wecerae (1850~-1895),608. Fletcher, Julia A., Edward 1883), 24, 61, 85, 103, 185, 142, 189, 301, 310, 344, 396, 598: he 569, 598, 500, 638, 73> Garrison, William Lloyd ( 1805— 1879), 143, 583 Finch, Francis M. (1827-), 168.| Garth, Sir Santini (1661- 1719), 134, 172, 195, 232, 320, 364, 605 722, 748. (1800- Caectiene ae (1535-1577), 200, 234, 280, 301, 340, 351, ee Rev. Alfred, 597, 598. 450, 504, 554, 584, 502, 602, 675; 004,727; 73: Flatman, 176. Fletcher, Andrew (1655-1716), 70. Fletcher, John (1570-1625), 12, 137, 169, 264, 350, 363, 442,473, 476, 480, 488, 557, 571, 586, 616, 646. see Mrs. Carney. Fletcher, Phineas (1582-1650), 133, 145, 203, 443, 455, 660, 722, Fletcher and Massinger, 54. Florian, 604. Florus, 577. Foote, Samuel (1720-1777), 89, 465, 534. Ford, John (1586-1630), 107, 204, 260, 273, 436, 440, 616. Ford and Dekker, 106. Fortescue, Sir John (c.1476), 120, 678. Fouché, Joseph (1763-1820), & Mya eM oh Fournier, 357, 466. Fox, 61; 307. Franck, Sebastian, 180. Francois I, 738. Franklin, Benjamin (1706- 1790), 25, 99, 197, 205, 216, 220, 223, 230, 202, 243, 326, 331, 392, 424, 432, 463, 490, 525, 539, 562, 565, 584, 633, 683, 602, 690, 705. Franklin, Kate, 325. beets rae) (1752-1832), 292 Frere, fitn Hookham (1760- 1846), 147, 234, 740. Prothiagham, athaniel (1703 =ES79)) 49 Froude, James Anthony (1818- —1894), 199 Fuller, Thomas (1608-1661), 23, 61, 96, 98, 204, 230, 255, 258, 308, 310, 343, 382, 385, 396, 421, 433,460, 471, 493, 497, oe 514, 525, 621, 646, 697, Furntvail *. J., 482. G Gage, 673. Galgacus, 563. Garfield, James Abram (1831- 1881), 46, 323. Gaultier, Philippe, Igo. Gavarni, S. P. Chevalier (1801— 1866), 210. Gay, John (1685-1732), 20, 37, 50, 8051 0340007 LEO erg Oy I40, 143, 144, 228, 263, 293, 275, 2771, 279, 283,, 2804207, 298, 319, 306, 388, 305, 400, 41I, 420, 421, 431, 4306, 438, 452, 450, 470, 480, 403, 404, 490, 503, 505, 524, 544, 553, 555,585, 586, 503, 605, 636, 639, 643, 647, 653, 658, 668, 669, 670, 676, 679, 709, 719, 739, 737- Gibbon, Edward (1737-1704), 28, 268, 201, 357, 443, 482, 507, 616, 660, 680, 711. Gibbons, Thomas (1720-178s), 387, 634 Gifford, William (1757-1826), 495, 502, 581, 615. pits oe FS (1530- 83), Gilkee? William S. (1836-), 582, 611, 633, 686, 604 Gilder, Richard Watsant 1844-), 582. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832),7, 12, 53, 58, 60, 62, 122, 180, 188, 212, 231, 203, 317, 318, 325337 353 394, 415, 446, 465, 487, 549, 565, 579, 613, 614, 682, » Goldoni, Carlo ( y oldoni, Carlo (1707—1793),93. Goldsmith, Oliver (1728-— 4 4 74), 2,35 4, 5: 13, 155.25, 60, 67, 81, 1023, 333, 117, aoae Lage 144, 146, 152, 155, 161, 173, Ig, 198, 206, 221, 235, 240, 242, 248, 267, 274, 278, 202, 297, 301, 303, 305, 320, 322, 339, 334, 339, 345, 348, 352, 359, 360, 364, 366, 368, 370, 380, 387, 388, 300, 414, 418, 421, 420, 430, 431, 458, 459, 470, 472, 477, 494, 495, 507, 523, 527, 537, 541, 554, 560, 566, 568, 560, 571, 572, 582, 585, 587, 588, 591, 594, 614, 630, 636, 643, 653, 658, 650, 663, 670, 682, 688, 607, 600, 711, 714, 749. Gorges, Sir A., 500. Gosson, Stephen (1555-1624), 242, 483. Gower, John (c. 1325-1408), 222,455. LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED NXX1il pens: Richard Yen: I baie Hamiltin, Alexander (1757- Herrick, Robert fesh-169%). 1804), 179. 4, 16, 31, 59, 82, 93, 110, Grahame, James (1765~—1811), Hammond, 336. I4!I, 161, 203, 220, 240, 245, Hannah, 484. 247, 252, 257, 264, 277, 300, 67 ements Ulysses Simpson (1822- Hapgood, 705. 1885), I5I, 335, 419, 559, park. ee (1840-), 504, 564, 719 09, 545, 5 Granville: scree (Lord Lans- aes Julius ” Chaytes (1795- ae (1667-1735), 140, 1855), 120, 122, 222. Hargrave, 648. Graves Richard (1715—-1804),| Harley, Colin A’, 382. 312, 326, 331, 343, 381, 4or, 4377-439, 448, 451, 453, 480, 533, 546, 550, 585, 588, 607 621, 642, 644, 686, 6or , 703, 708, 743, OST Hervey, Thomas Kibble (1804- SO), O40, Harrington, Sir Jokn (1561- Hesiod (B.C. c. 735), 223, 228, 1612), 151, 696. Gray Thomas (1716-1771), a William, 103. I5, 25, 46, 60, 92, 98, ror, Hatiison: I13, I15, 122, 141, 162, 166,| Harte, 577; 210, 213, 219, 235, 268, 1902), 222, 652, 682, 715. 272, 274, 288, 200, 208, 312,| Harvey, Stephen, 6209. 323, 326, 328, 330, 331, 337,| Harvey, eee 641. 345, 350, 360, 368, 378, 408,| Harvie, Chris., 44°, 476, 484, 404, 407, 501,| Hawker, Robert. Stephen (d. 5€3, 504, 515, 542, 585, 600,]_ 1875), 565, 580, 716. 651, 653, ae 670, 685, 605, Hawthorne, ‘Nathaniel (1804- FOL, JOT, 7 864), 216, 399, 497. Green, Matthew A265 2781) Hay, John (1839-1005), Are Heywood, "Thomas, 140, 244, 336, 610, Grae Albert G. 2 Haydon, Benjamin 168, (1786-1846), 82. Robert Greene, B., 267 ga 300, 318, 473, 614, 661, Francis Bret (1830- Hie wae; John (1500-1580), 12, (20;°50,. 73), 2OPpaca, 30, r4t, 166, 182, 186, 199, 213, B22)'23'6) 243527115 127540205, 399, 337, 338, 352, 354, 350, 362, 368, 375, 377, 378, 388, 413, 425, 436, 455, 483, 408, 510, 544, 548, 677, 678, 681, 691, 722),.750. 142, 261, 287, 512, 541, 502, 505, 597, 602, 605, 633, 642, 664, Hayes, Rutherford B. (1822- Hewitt, *Kirate S. (1822-1903), Greene, Robert (1560-1592),| 1803), 482, 583. 582, 683. 140, 248, 346, 430, 450, 527. Haywood, ol. Higginson, Thomas Went- Gregory, 207 Hazlitt, William (1778-1830),|___ worth (1823-), 143. Gresset, J. B. Louis de (1709-|_ 14, 61, 213, 377, 497, 517. <7 Aaron (1685-1750), 04, E777), OTD. Heath, Leander, 51 730. Greville, Mrs., 680. Heber, Bishop, Reginald (1783- Hillard, 2090. Griffin, Gerald (1803-1840),} 1826), 53, 250, 270, 368, 437,|Hippocrates (B.C. c. 460- 478, 5 464, 590, 634 377), 58, 185, 194, 437. Gruter, mt (1560-1627), 207.| Hedge, F. H. tr, 313. Hobbes, John Oliver, see Guarini, Giovanni B. (1537- Bsc G. W. F. (1770-1031), 1612), 673. ~Craigie, Mrs. ey tay Thomas (1588-1679), Hever Robert, 105 4, 111, 747. H Heine, Heinrich (1799-1856), Hodiens Charles Fenno ; 188, 317, 446. (1806-1884), 731. Habington, William (1605s-/Hemans, Felicia D. (1703-|Hoge, James (1770-1835). 1654), 327, 666. £835), 17, 136,5734'575)235;/.0 472, Kane Hadrian (76-138), 176. Hafiz, Mohammed Shams-ed- Din (c. 1300-1388), 735. ep lon a5 AT. Henley, Hale, 1903), 290, 634, Hale, Edward Everett (1822-),)_ 756. Henry, Matthew (1662-1714), 43, 76, OI, 92, 127, 164, 167, 214, 261, 271, 281, 305, 420, 526, 543, 688, 7or. Henry, Patrick (1736-1799), 244, 288, 424. enshaw, Joseph (c. 1678), 502. Herbert, George (1593-1633), (0,205. 355-5072 5031-75295) I2I, 139, 147, 165, 179, 186, 192, 214, 266, 289, 295, 301, 308, 310, 348, 351, 371, 397, 414,445, 461, 483, 502, 510, 279, 293, 328, 342, 348, 354, Hendyng, 4. 283. 673, 7°7, Hale, Nathan (1755-1776), 560. Haliburton, Thomas Chandler _ (1706-1865), 57, 122. Halifax, 365. Bon edhe (1574-1656), 80, Hail, Robert (1764-1831), 421, 730. jpeg Halleck, Fitz Greene (1790- 1867), 168, 160, 257, 209,|° 328, 346, 354, 350, 381, 560. Henry (1777-1850), Halliwell, James O. (1820-| 538, 550, 578, 580, $85, 588, 1889), 168, Ade niet ae 636, 643, 663, Halpin, Charles G. (Miles epee (1829-1868), tiaicerién, Philip Gilbert (1834 Bivodotas: ABC! ec. 484-424), —1894), 634. 122. 38, Herbert of Chetbury, Lord, 163, Homer (B.C. c. Hood, Thomas Holland, 413. 366, 395, 433, 526, 692, 754.| Hol land, Josiah Gilbert (1810- 1881), 59 iiliam Ernest (1849—| Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809- 1894), 22, 77, 85, 90, 00, 112, ZEA, 1395124145073, 108, 2518, 226, 253, 250, 260, 270, 273, 281, 335, 342, 346, 361, 4oo, 415, 422, 427, 420, 433, 447, 459, 474, 506, 533, 579, 5¢8, 604, 600, 613, 645, 650, 661, SEA ate naga 704, 708, 716, 734, 738, 759 Home, John tee 1808), 105, 134, 144, 368, 505, 745. I000), 2, 20, 20; 39, 79, 91, 94, 108, 147. 200, 219, 240, 256, 258, 274, 275, 282, 201, 204, 206, 306, 317, 342, 356, 360, 371, 380 386, 387, 400, 413, 408, 501. 503, 550, 570, 587, bor, 632, 6309, 648, 674, 670, 680, 681. 716,923) 7255730; 739,746, 754, 756. (1798-1845), 21, 68, 60, 80, 115, 131, 160, XXX1V LIST si EES QUOTED Hood Thomas—Continued 778,163, LO5, 202, 237,320; 338, 339, 342, 361, 373, 377; 378, 410, 426, 501, 511, 580, BOSS DAdg/OT A 674, 685, 708, 720, 750. Hooker, Gen. Joseph (1814- 1879), 168 Hooker, Richard (1553-1600), 287,322, 418. Hoole, 130. Hooper, Ellen Sturgis, 546. ' Hopkinson, Joseph (1770- 1842), 34, 385 Horace, Guta Horatius Flaccus (B.C. c. 65), 12, 41, 65, 77, 90, 94, TOI, 108, rI0, 112, 139, 140, 165, 192, 203, 240, 241, 245, 253, 256, 265, 288, 317, 338, 340, 357, 362, 371, 380, 390, 400, 413, 425, 427, 428, 460, 461, 485, 488, 491, 492, 403, 495, 501, 503, 522, 533, 544, 545, 546, 547, 557; 580, 675, 730, 746, 756. : Horne, Richard Hengist (1803 -—1884), 360, 410, 501. Houghton, Lord, . Richard Monckton Milnes (1809- 1885), 87, 332, 346, 522, 525, 621, 600. Howard, Edward, 205. Howard, Mark, 225. 584, 610, 625, 627, 658, Howe, Julia Ward (1810-), 120, 615. Howell, 3, 8, 9, 337, 496, 519, 565, 599, 755 Howells, William Dean(1837-), 465 Howitt, Mary (1804-1888) ,660. Hoyle, Edmund (1672-1760), 105, 199. Hugo, Victor Marie (1802—|Jones, 1885), 77, 137, 518. Hume, David (1711-1776), 59, 70, 404, 603. : Hunt, James Henry Leigh (1784-1859), 29, 262, 350, 405, 437. make Richard (1720-1808), Hatchosute 324. Huxley, Thomas (1825-18095), 7,24, 250, 421, 440, 502,600. Hypsaeus, 160. I +9377. Jean (1820-1897), Ae (1823-), 561. Ingelend, T Ingelow, 159, 279, Ingram, John Irons, 50 ae Irving, ashington (1783- 1859), OF. Isocrates (B.C. 436-338), 29. ©, 600. T4, Fiatiniaa J Jackson, Andrew (1767-1845), 704. ee G. P. R. (1801-1860), 25. ames, Paul Moon, 531. arvis, tr., 390 Jefferson, Fhomas(1743- 1826), 46,179, 182, 316, 358, 384, 401, 424, 539, 543, 545, 563, 583, 606, 618, 610, 702. Jefferys, Charles, 113, 4099, Jeftrcy, Francis, Lord (1773- 1850), 740. Jenyns, Soames (1704-1787), I2, 161, 398, 541. Jerome, St. (340-420), 180. Jerrold, Douglas (1803-1857), 25, 20, SlISeNl555 200,0250, 261, 562, 633, 695, 721, 745. John GhrEcstoM St. (347- 407), 7 550, 502, 576, 577, 570; Johnson, Andrew (1808-1875), 670, 681, 696, 607, 608, Fier Samuel (1700-1784), AVI3, 14,209223)4.7,/600, 675270, 08, LO2, BOs, TOS; Trae 32" E65, 17L5 277, 70s TO 2 089, I90, IOI, 194, 200, 200, 210, 215, 221, 222, 229, 230, 239, 240, 244, 240, 253, 274, 284, 287, 297, 298, 200, 303, 305, Slips b573207329, 3205330 339, S42, 34859350. 352513:74; 378, 382, 383, 387, 388, 380, 406, 408, 411, 416, 431, 430, 440, 463, 465, 476, 481, 512, 517, 522, 525, 537, 5415 545, 559, 560, 561, 585, 587, 500, 607; OEY, 613, 101-7, 6252630, 634, 635, 638, 641, 670, 682, 695, 697, 747, 752, 755, 758. Johnson and Goldsmith, 330 Sir William (1746- -1794), 89, 165, 455, 490, O77, TAT: Jonson, Ben (1574-1637), 32,|- 50, 51, 55,106, 145, 146, 151, 188, 203, 206, 218, 2209, 230, 240, 242, 243, 244, 255, 258, 285, 206, 307, 317, 320, 330, 342,344, 387, 401, 411, 414, 410, 438, 444, 467, 488, 490, 495, 496, 408, 527, 571, 575, pees eee , 693, 715, 744 pee tae af Ravenna (6th century), Jortin, John Pets ace can 617. Joubert, Barthélemy Cather- ine (1769-17090), 14, 482. - owett, Benjamin (1817— —1893), 133, 324, 741. unot, Andoche (Duc d’Ab- rantes) (1771-1813), 38. 143, 328, 457, 406, Aaniee (1740-1818), 150, 240, (483-565), 322, 335. ectaieah ledsaulds 36088 968, 182, 266, 301,.338, 343,407, 416, 460, 495, 502, §22,585, 587, 606, 615, 620, 635, 646, 676, 724, 728, 738, 755, 757. K Karr, 112. Kazinczy, F. (1759-1831), 3. Keats, John (1795-1821), 68, 72,75; S%,:200, 5, 202,5205; 131, 178, 192, 202, 200, 238, 247251, 262, 201,335, $35, 339, 362, 360, 381, 380, 399, 439, 451, 459, 478, 409, 515, 529, 531; 5321-553, 593, 572, 575, 576, 581, 580, 608, 623, 625, 645, 651, 656, 650, 660, 679, 685, 690, 716, 727, 731, 7132, 7355 Keble, John (1792-1866), 18, 86, II9,. 212) 372, 580, J-» 359, 604, 621. Kemble, Frances Anne (1809- 1303), 3, 253, SOG,umSoy, 700. Kemble, John P. (1757-1823), 105. Benner James (1780-1849), envick W., 595; Kepler, Tohaens (1571-1630), 6 3. Kerr, Thomas, 588. Key, Francis Scott 1843), 272, 482, 700. King, 238. King, Dr. H., 503. King, W., 565, 596. King, W. F. H., tr,, 318,335, 360, 546, 5 King, W. Kinglake, ‘Adeeatgee William, (18090-1801), 74 Kingsley, Charles (a 819-1875), 4) 8, 45, 21, Je0,'345, 470; 428, 581, 597, 620, 682, 750, (1780- 752, 759. Kipling, Rudyard (1865-), 226, 302, 316, 471, 483, 654, 682, 693, 607, 719, 738. t owles, ames Sheridan (1784-1862), 410, 454, 645. Knox, William, 504, 504. Koran, 341. Kotzebue, as. Bik, (1761-1810), Kyd, Thomas (1 Sth century), 527. von L Laberius, Decimus (B.C. 1ro5—- 43), 364. La REN 0 Jean de (1645- 1696), 23, 93, ri, 252, 200. 353, 414, 430, La Chaussée, P. Ce *Nivelle de (1692-1754), 232. LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED La Fontaine, Jean (1621—1695),| Lockhart, 131. 48, 116, 180, 219, 2091, 298,| Lodge, 614. 306, 310, 351, 407, 448, 450,| Logan, John (1748-1788), 68, 483, 559, O10, 639, 706, 154, 264, 470, 506. Lamartine, So pts de (1790-|Logau, Frederick von (1604- 1860), 447 1655), 231, 266, 615, 646. Lamb, Charles (1775-1834), 3,| Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 84, 85, 87, 97, 98, 127, 167,| (1807-1882). Quotations 202, 261, 280, 301, 310, 358, marked in the Concord- 397, 497, 439, 486, 407, 564,|_ ance §, 628, 693, 706, 708, 750. Longinus, Dionysius Cassius Landon, joecs E. (1802-|_ (c. 210-273), 58, 434. 1838), 3 Lothair I. (705-855), 110, Landor, Walter Savage (1775-|_ 601. 1864), 23, 82, 97, 122, 200, Pees Philippe 331, 332, 389, 402, 509, 5I7, 522, 542, 570, 640, 652, 750. Tatts ‘XIV. (3658-2715), 667. Langford, G. 59.3002 Lover, ae ee 68), (2773= 1850), _Langiland, gears (c. 1330-] 110, 202 1400), 167, 5 Lovelace, Rivtaca(c6r8veca)| Lanier, Sidhe “tid ga SBY)| 208, 2 es A 365, 505. 516. Lowe, Jo Lansdowne, 504, 559, 616. La Rochefoucauld, Francois, Duc de(1613—1680),1,2,3,13, I4, 15, 21, 22, 51, 99, 139, 142, 218, 280, 297, 306, 326, 331, 339, 340, 342, 368, 377, 396, 401, 447, 457, 481, 480, Lowell, artes Russell (18190- #807), Quotations marked in the Concordance ff. Lucan, Marcus Annzus (30- 65), 238, 254, 363, 422, 482, 516, 525, 547. Lucian (120-200), 12, 22, 317, 490, 534, 509, 611, 612, 634,|_ 460. ; 703, 714s 7333 74335757 Lucretius, Titus Lucretius Latimer, Hugh (c. 1485—1555),|. Carus (B.C. c. 95), 281 135, 189, 421. Layard, Sir te Henry (1817-1804), 6 Weis pete: (2812-1888), ‘ER 4 ithaniel (1653-1602), 75, 175, 233, 324, 333, 448, 538, 658, Leibnitz, Book: Gottfried Wil- helm (1646-1716), 266. Lemon, Mark (1809-1870), IIs. Le Sage, Alain René (1668- 1747), 250, 477, 683. 314, 360, 480, 536, 537,575. Luther, Martin (1483- 1546), ae 252, 313, 344, 935, 739, 35. Tyeurieis (B.C. 396-323), 390. Lydgate, 8 (1370-1451), 50, 120, 59 Lyly, John liter 735 $2,736, 154, 203, 226, 243, 247, 262, 270, 279, 375, 388, 412, 425, 436, 456, 532, 537, wee 6098. Lytle, W. Lyttelton, Cooite, Lord (1700- Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim) 1773), 368, 375, 442, 450, (1729-1781), 82, 198, 300. 457, 460, 576, 726. L’Estrange, Sir Roger (1616-|Lytton, Edward George Bul- 1704), 317. wer-Lytton, Earl (1803- Libanius (c. 314), 405. 1873), 3, 27, 56, 79, 92; 97, Ligne, Prince de, ror. 155,250, 304, 324, 410, 444, Lincoln, Abraham (18009-} 475, 543, 565, 678, 603, 755. 1865), 2, 113, 180, 204, 323, Lytton, Edward Robert Bul- 483, 561, 616, 619, 640. wer, Lord ( Owen Meredith), Lingard, John’ (1771-1851),| (1831-1891), 142, 227, 304, 520, 700. Cigies. George (17098-1865), M Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800-1859), 8, 33, 97, 153, 165, 181, 188, 191, 304, 324, 339, 334, 358, 400, 466, 560, 50S, 552, pe 603, 620, 622, 3, 4. aba Carolus (1707-1778), Littleton, Lord, 1 at aus v9 c. itch D.17), 3, 416 Lov David ibs 1601), 116, 630, 608, 1ieea iP aber, 484. Machiavelli oNiccold (1460- Locke, John (1632-1704), 180,| 1527), 482. 231, 244, 322, 343, 418, 537. Mackay, Charles (1814-1880), Locker- Lampson, Frederick) 00, 288, 402, 494, 550, 597, (1821-1895), 535. | 632, 697, 702. Macdonald, George 1905), 119, 690. ce — George (1636- 1601), Maciintoeke Sir James (1765— 1832), 387, 408, 545. wee Charles (1607-1797), 278, Madden, Same (1687-1765), 9, 238, 540, 707, 747+ Mahon, 241. Mattierbe, Francois de (1555- (1824- 1628), 139. ene peee 33, 452, 4093, 587, 726. Manilius, Caius (B. C. 1st cen- tury) 368. Manners, Lord John (1818-), Manehels, Lord, 400, 648. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, see Antoninus. Markham, Edwin(1852-), 751. Marlowe, Christopher (1564—- 1593); 32, 77:.129, 137, 745, 155, 255, 265, 296, 398, 406, 443, 444, 453, 523, 532, 551, 620, 624 Marcy, William L. (1786- Ta57), °5$3. Marmior, Shakerley (1603- 1630), 221, 261, 334. aged nae (1575-1634), 174, Martial, “Marcus Valerius (c. 43-104), 14, 30, 47, 80, 128, 132, 144, 151, 174, 175; 197, 300, 326, 343, 425, 476, 650. Marvell, Andrew (1621- ~1678), oye ore 327, 358, 359, 514, 5 Masotk William (1724-1707), 265, 270, 334, 587 Lip Gerald Ui 82081), Muasioor Philip (1583-1640), 22, 83, 95, 131, 1609, 238, 258, 264, 205, 341, 380, 403, 417, 460, 717. Massinger and Field, 640. Matthew, 230. Maturin, Charles Robert (1782- —1824), 383. May, T., 416, onaie Henry (1812-1887), MeCreery, John L., 172. Mee, William, 70, 741. Menander (B. C. 342-201), 108, 128, 193, 211, 280, 413, 528, 533; 587, 621, 601. arcing (B.C. 4th century), 17. Meanie, Sir John, 103. eS James (1720-1750), Metcaif, Dr., 283. Meurier, Gabriel, 242. Michael Angelo Buonarotti, see Buonarotti. XXXVI Mickle, William Julius (1735—| Moore, Thomas —Continued 1788), 40, 408. Middleton, Thomas (c. 1570- 1627), 4, 8, 70, 83, 164, 180, 202, 223, 228, 243, 265, 311, 370, 388, 390, 400, 401, 444, 451, 408, bent eat cape 725.770 72 Megsieies ana, | Dekker, 76,1 Middleton and Rowley,. 267, 457. ‘ Mignet, Francois Seogur = Marie 1796-1884), 5 246, LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED — 172, IOI, 192, 202, 203, 213, 0 219, 233, 240, 247, 240, 256,| O’Connell, Daniel (1775-1847), 260, 263, 298, 2900, 304, 310, 6. 312, 335, 346, 347, 361, 307,|O’Hara, Theodore (1820-1867), 373, 380, 396, 397, 415, 425,| 168, 606, 653. 435s 440, 442, 450, 453, 454, DoS John (1747-1833), 457, 479, 474, 476, 477, 478, 499, 503, 504, 507, 515, a oiibeeis) “John (1653-1683), 518, 531, 554, 561, 563, 567,| 312, O17. 576, 583, 587, 003, 625, 035,/ Oldys, William (1690-1701), 643, 640, 657, 663. 666, 685, 796 680, 606, 706, 707, 708, 727, Gitar Khayyam (1025-1123), 160, 234, 349,351» 584. 734, 736 737.749, 744, 756, O’Meara, Barry ‘Edward (1776- Mill, mga Seat Set 750 323, 54 ore, Hannah (1745-1833), 1836), 74, 203. Miller, Cisicioma fin Heine(Joa- 239. 221, 273, 387, 431,|Oracula Sibyllina, 615. quin)(1841-), 237, 360. 90. Order of Foles (c. 1450), 510. Miller, William (1810-1872), Mon Sir Thomas (1478- orary ee (Paul Blouet) 126, 1535), 238, 580, 710. (1848-), Mills, John, 173. orell, Dr. T. (1703-1784),|O’ Reilly, "Joint Boyle (1844~ Milman, Henry Hart (17091-| 353. 1890), 223 1868), 632. orris, Charles, 100, 123,|0’ Reilly, Miles, see Halpine, Milnes, Richard Moncton, see| 440. Charles G. Houghton, Lord. Morris, George P. (1802—1864),|Orelli, 450. Milton, John (1608—1674).|__ 272, 608, 703. Orrery, Roger Boyle, Earl of Quotations marked in the Marcia William (1834-1806), Concordance **, 0, 707. iopenentet eg (B. Ci 630-600), Merion! 586. (1621-1670), 228. tes, 426. Otway, Thomas (1652-1685), 27, Miner Charles (x 7 80-1865), Moliére, Jean Baptiste Poque- lin (1622-1673), 76, 93, 110, Motteux, vacek 7 (c. T80, 106, 215, 242, 247, 467, 473, 492, 406, 573, 658, 711. Muhlenberg, William Augus-| (B Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (1689-1762), 147, 203, 260,|Muis, Corneille, 153. a 474, 505, 620, 686, 737,| Murphy, Mentaiste, Michel - Eyquem de (1533-1502), I1, 52, 80, 95, 107, 148, 159, 180, 202, 218, 236, 237, 240, 252, 250, 280, 317, 320, 330, 335, 353: 356, 373, 403, 425, 441, 468, 473, 489, 402, 522, 544, 552, 574, 608, 613, 650, 664, 668, 700, 706, 714. Montandré, 332. Montgomery, James (1776—- 1854), 80, 85, 133, 136, 186, 180, 214, 255, 300, 315, 339, 347, 366, 360, 381, 300, 413, 423, 430, 433, 485, 480, 504, 531, 542, 580, 507, 600, 604, 612, 620, 632, 708, 755. Montrose, James Grahame, ares of (1612-1650),146, 258, 56 Monvel, J. "M. B. (1745-1812), 240, outa “Clement C. (1770- 1863), 121. Moore, Edward (1712-1757), 70, 203, 285, 396, 445, 585, 750. Moore, Thomas (1779-1852), 3, 21, 25, 40,51, 84, 85, 86, 88, 80, or, Moss, Motherwell, 92, 93, 95, 103, IOS, 131, 132, 144, 140, 165,| Noel, Thomas, 585. 146, 234, 265, 345, 401, 456, 480, 555,677, 735: 739; 740. Overbury; Sir Thomas (1581— 16133), 37, 59; 76, 356, 686, 743. , Piss Ovid, 9Publius Ovidius Naso Ce 43-A.D. 18), 53; 55> 50, 60, 82,04, 107, I10, 114, 128, 233) 143;°1%58,*261; og, Thomas (1740-1808), 82, 113, 636. William (1707- 1835), 306, 477, 520 1718), 178, tus (1796-1877), 428. Arthur (c. 1727-| 218, 220, 228, 245, 252, 256, 1805), 114, 227, 657, 729. 200, 300, 315, 321, 356, 450, 460, 484, 486, 402, 495, 503, N 506, 536, 546, 577, 590, 506, ‘ \ ; 508, 606, 614, 630, 640, 756. Nairne, Lady Caroline Oli-|Owen, Robert, 122, 408. phant (1766-1845), 38, 263,| Oxenstiern, Count Axel (1583- 347, 651. 1654), 280. Napier, Sir W. F. P. (1785- 1860), 58. Pp Napoleon Bonepatte (17690- ; 1821), 382, 482. Paine, Robert Treat (1773- Napoleon III., Charles Louis} 1811), 34. Napoleon Bonaparte (1808—-| Paine, Thomas (1737-1800), 1873), 564. 102, 143, 256, 613, 602. Nash, Thomas (1567-1601),|/Paley, William (1743-1805), 76, 410, 486, 618. . Newbolt, Henry, 524, 562. Palmer, John Williamson(1825 New England Primer, 253, 503,|_ —1906), 719. 588, Paracelsus (1403-1541); 522. Nelson, Horatio (1758—1805),|Pardoe, Julia (1806—1862),345. Parker, npseuss 120, iri John Henry (1801—| Parker, Martyn, 287. 1890), 250, 261, 355, 504,|Parker, a (1810-1860), I20, 304 Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718), 128, 242, 352, 443, 457, 465. Parton, James (1822-1852), 5907. Newton, John (1725~-1807), S45. Newton, Sir Isaac (1642-1727), 528. Too. Norris, 40. Pascal, Blaise (1623-1662), 47, Newtons: Caroline E. S. (1808-| 150, 158, 256, 280 208, 368. 1877), 636. 301, 400, 401, 423, 462, 520, 535, 799. LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED XXXVII Pasquier, Etienne Denis, Baron| Plautus, Titus Maccius (B.C.| Proctor, Bryan Waller (Barry (1767-1862), 355. Pasquin, Anthony, 64. Patmore, Coventry 18096), 630, 665. Paul, St., 603, 606. (1823- Cc. 254-184), 54, 108, 160, 236, 243, 245, 254, 270, 281, 205, 319, 340, 306, 300, 422, 510, 543, 544, 599, 613, 653, B76) 740, 7'5'7< Payne, John Howard (1791-— Piaviced, 106. 1852), 756. Peacock, Thomas we (1785— 1866), 471, 714, 7 Peel, Sir obert tie aeay eee}: Ei de Peele, George (1558-1508), 109, 370, 383. Pepys, Samuel (1633-1703), 460. Darui vats mage Gates (1795- 1856), Percy; tee (1729-1811), I15, 194, 195, 205, 244, 331, es 512, 516, 548, 557, O11, 6 - Periander (Bi Cie 8s) e114 Perry, Oliver Hazard (1785- 1819), 710. Persius, Aulus Persius Flaccus ee : 207, 256, 279, 524, 53 ie oth ey Francesco (1304- 1374), 233,590, 684. Phedrus (B.C. c. 20), 48, 53, 108, 236, 322, 407,432, 547, 579, 610, Phelps, Austin (1820-1890), 8 08. Philemon (B.C. 360), 1209. Philips, John (1676-1708), 205. Phillips, A., 494, 607. Phillips, Charles, 517. Phillips, Stephen, 715. Phillips, Wendell (1811-1884), 180, ee) yn 472, 538, 545, 603, 616, Phocylides (B ic 560), 501, 565. Piatt, Donn (1819-1801), 223. et ae John (1785-1866), Pilpay, or Bidpai (B.C. c. 4th century ), 20, 107, 134, 204, 200, 404, 624. Pinarius, Rufus, 349. Pinckney, Charles 1825), 181, 560. gai (BL. 9227443) ,°357: see Wolcott, . (5746= Pinar: Peter, John. Piozzi, Mrs. Hester Thrale L., 25, Piron, Alexis (1680~-1773), at Wi x Pitt, William (1708-1778), 12, 34, 150, 404, 418, 525, 600, 6 660. Pittacus (B.C. 651~560), 212, 547. Plato (B.C. c. 4209-347), 59, 77, 82, 118, 130, 191, 324, 377, 482, 576, 741. Pliny the Elder (23-70), 4, 24, 89, I04, 100, I10, 153, 164, 183, 221, 243, 413, 460, 523, 536, 537, 538, 547, 574, 694, 730. Pliny the Younger (62-113), I4, 22, 164, 176, 180, 268, 366, 386, 516, 536, 604, 642. Plumptre, Edward Hayes (1821 —1891), 460, 472, 578. Plutarch (c. 46-120), Paya Beale 25, 31,37, 33;'41,'53, 60,95, 100, 103, 104, 109, 120, 143, 145, 158, 164, 166, 182, 189, 190, 23 Op 27 Li 3 OLE; 320.5324, 324, 433, 439, 459, 407, 472, 473, 484, 495, 518, 532, 543, 551, Quincy,” 553, 585, 619, 643, 646, 640, 107, 213, 215, 227, 231, Oeaiens Couch, Cornwall) (1787-1874), 632, 633, 692. Be ice B.Give: 5°), aA, 62 Proud Pierre restau (1800 —1865), 590. Prudhomme (1839-), 332. Prynne, 400. Pulteney, William, 400. Pythagoras (B.C.c. 582-500), 556, 643, 648. Q Quarles, Francis (1592-1644), ELE SEMEN ERE) or 175, 197, 220, 245, 246, 338, 345, 349, 300, 388, 420, 431, as 468, 485, 527, 612, 725, Arthur T. (1863-), 601. 341, 344, 353, 356, 357; ome Philippe(s6s 51688) 402, : “Josiah (1744-1775), 203, ‘661, 662, 668, 660, 673, 687, Quintilian, ‘Marcus Fabius (35- 704, 705, 706, 716, 746. Poe, Edgar Allan (1800-1840), 47, 84, 136, 170, 184, 343, 43°, 473, 506, 567, 608, 624, 695, 747,752, 753. Polignac, Cardinal de, 202. Pollok, Robert (17098-1827), 377, 542, 647. Pomfret, John (1667-1703), OFA2S 4, 421,107, 620. Poole, George, 692. Poole, John (1786-1879), 390. Pope, Alexander (1688-1744). uotations are marked in the Concordance f. Pope, Walter, 556. Porson, 208, 500. Porter, Mrs. David, 183. Porter, Henry, 242. Porter, Horace (1837-), 584. Porteus, Beilby (1731-1808), 25, 119, 196, 240, S5oI. Potter, Bishop Henry Codman (1835), 38, 645. Poullet, Pierrard, 473.. Powell, Sir John, 416. Praed, Winthrop Mackworth (1802-1839), 88, 233, 426, 478, 565, 580, 654. Priestley, Dr. Joseph (1733- 1804), 324, 552. Prior, Matthew (1664-1721), 12, 26, 38, 52, 60, 66, 72, 80, 113, 118, 123, 133, 176, 182, 190, 196, 202, 206, 207, 221, 260, 208;.312; 310, 321; 365, 384, 378, 379, 392, 398, 404, 406, 426, 430, 431, $13, 612, 619, 626, 620, 646, 658, 688, 714, 720, 736. Proclus, sro. Proctor, Adelaide A. (182s5-| Richardson, 1864), 280, 454. 05), 32, 49, 55, 60, 65, 108, os tite 5 Cada ac 598. Quintus, Curtius Rufus, 83, 148, 158, 506, 643. Quitard, 468. R Rabelais, Francois (c. r4a95- E5530 p05 ia S3o ROTs 2.435 218, 308, 412, 413, 431, 496, 408, 500, 506, 524, 534, 547, 681, 700, 751, 754. Rabirius, C., 300. Racine, Jean Baptiste (1639—- 1690), 313, 496, 651. Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann Ward (1764-1823), 266. Raleigh, Sir Walter (1552- TOUS) 17 t. 21 74, $225 25S; 327, 352, 356, 425, 444, 533, 555, 610, 643, 644, 651. Rainsay, Allan (1686-1758), 263. Randolph, Thomas (1605- 1634), 22, 42, 82, 128, 220, 365, 467, 480, 585, 588, 607, 687, 753, 760. Ranke, Leopold von (17905- 1886), 146. Ravenscroft, 535. Ray, John (1628-1705), 38. Read, Thomas Buchanan (1822 ~1872), 354, 628. Realf, Richard, 38, 707. Reynolds, F Rhodes, Wiiliam ‘Barnes (18th century), 534. Rice, Stephen, 418. Richards, Amelia B., 673. Samuel (1680- 7761), 415, 738. XXXVIll LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED Richelieu, Armand Jean du/ Sannazaro, Plessis (1585-1642), 377. Jacopo 1530), 103. Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich} Santeuil, 620. (1763-1825), 456, 52 5. Riley, James Whitcomb(185,-),| Sargent, 23, I9OI, 415, pepnie (B.C. c, 600), 317: (1458- Seals George (c. 1724), 671. adwell, Thomas 1692), 134. Shaftesbury, 618. (1640- ardou, Victorien (1831—), 738.|Shakespeare, William (1564—- Epes (1812-1880), 734- 543. Rivers, Anthony Woodville,|Sarpi, Pietro (1552-1623), 233. Earl (1442-1483), 372. Robert, Humphrey, 375. Robinson, Mary (1857-—), 632. Rochefoucauld, see La foucauld. Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of (1647-1680), 37, 43, 139, 244, 267, 403, 454, 536, 567, 751. Rodger, A., 465. Rogers, Samuel (1763-1885), 15,: 235.25, 25, -64, Pt55- 507, 200, 209, 345, 360, 410, 464, 476, 486, 497, 620, 640, 727. Roland, Mme. (1754-1793), 424. Rolle de Hampole, Richard (1290-1340), 38. Ronsard, Pierre de 1585), 546. Roscoe, Mrs. Henry, tr., 631. Roscoe, William (1753-1831), (1524- 97. Roscommon, 66, 220, 316, 474, 491, 578, 503, 615, 746. Ross, Alexander (1699-1784), 744. Rossetti, Christina G. (1830- 1894), 677, 680. Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828— 1882), 433, 437, 479, 554, 692, 604, 605. Rouget de L’Isle (1760-1836), 202. Rousseau, Jean Jacques (1712 F978), 451675: F90s.-3 534 Roux, J., 402, 705. Rowe, Nicholas (1674-1718), 03, 171, 254, 256, 332, 363, 445, 474, 623, 633, 666, 735, 736, 743. Roydon,. Mathew, 240. Rumbold, Richard (c. 1685), 575/332; Ruskin, John (1810-10900), 60, 131, 132, 330, 332, 410, 434, 636. Russell, 1878), 74, 601. Ruthiéres, Chevalier de, 600. S) Saadi (c. 1190-1201), 244, 407, 624. Saint Simon, 565, 755. Sales, Francis de (1567-1622), 348. Salis, J. G.von(1762—1834),348. Salle, Antoine de, 457. Sallust, Caius Sallustius Cris- 222, pus (B.C. 86-34), 40, 54,|Sew 335, 359, 605, 704, 713. Savage, Richard (1698-1743), 38, 250, 352, 418, 490, 590,|. 7 40. oche-| Saxe, John G. (1816-1887), 90, 650, 728. Scarron, Paul (1610-1660), 193. ¢ Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775-1854), 53. Schiller, Johann Christopher Friedrich von (17509-1805), 40 520541 Viw Ob, 2200, 0298, 301, 355,358, 372, 395, 413, 414, 537, 544, 547, 581, 613, 626, 656, 670, 673, 706, 756. Schlegel, Karl Wilhelm Fried- rich von (1772-1820), 358, Schleiermacher, Friedrich E. D. (1768-1834), 645. Scott, John, 718. Scott, Sir Walter (1771-1832), 5, 17, 18, 23,:28, 334 34,.37; 44, 50, 53, 62, 74, 79, 82, 85, + tLe, peo eros tT 20.483 7> 146, 158, 164, 170, 172, 177, 179, 181, 203, 213, 245, 250, 258, 262, 263, 274, 275, 278, 280, 285, 336, 353,361, 366, 367, 369, 334, 397, 410, 439, 446, 451, 452, 453, 463, 478, 1616), Quotations marked in the Concordance witha *, Shaw, D. T., 225. Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792— 1822), 5, 8, 21, 62, 68;. 690; 72, 79, 106, Trt, 126, 127, 131, 133, 196, 152,352, 293, 157, 160, 172, 184, 185, 202, 214, 223, 224, 225, 235, 237, 244, 248, 261, 271, 278, 290, 343, 361, 368, 360, 374, 385, 389, 399, 402, 403, 406, 408, 410, 412, 427, 432, 437, 440, 447, 452, 460, 488, 400, 507, 515, 525, 530, 531, 532, 539 544, 554, 567, 573, 575, 5785 581, 600, 605, 612, 615, 623, 626, 628, 620, 632, 636, 644, S49 078 080s Ootet eta 718, 720, 752, 754, : Shenstone, illiam Yet aes 1763), 81, 251, 257, 263, 276, 284, 287, 288, 310, 383, 388, 450/49 eae 555, 639, 652, + Sheridan, Richard - Brinsley (1751-1816), 37> 48, 51, 66, 98, 116, 129, 147, 1409, 159, 208, 240, 256, 268, 288, 201, 395, 321, 446, 456, 437, 477, 480, 523, 524, 527, 541, 553, 555, 572, 574, 606, 620, 658, 665, 683, 603, 730, 736, 756. 401, 497, 408, 490, 503, 500,;Sherman, William Tecumseh 510, 523, 524, 549, 561, 572, 578, 611, 612, 620, 623, 634,|9 638, 630, 652, 653, 656, 666, (1820-1891), PAST 4s hirley, James (15096-1666), 166, 218, 327, 497, 502. 668, 682, 685, 689, 710, 717,| Sidney, Algernon (1622-1683), 722, 724, 737, 74°, 745, 748, baNeO Scuderi, Mme, de (1607~1701), 710. Sears, E. H., 121. Sedaine, Michel Jean (1719- 1797), 458.. Sedley, Sir Charles I701), I10, 139, 482. _ 271, 293, 352,9554,9908. Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-1586), 26, 28; 66, 71, 134, 147, 182, 261, 342, 346, 367, 384, 413, 450, 512, 532, 577, 580, 637, _ 639, 650, 670, 681, 688, 725. Simonides of Ceos (B.C. c. (1639-|__ 556-467), 229, 553. Sirmond, Pére, 209. Selden, John (1584-1654), 47,|Skelton, John (1460—1520),142. 280, 322, 373, 416, 418, 460,|Smart, 470, O11, 644, 7290, 747. Lord John (1702—-|Selvaggi, 483. Seneca, Lucius Annzeus (B.C. Christopher (1722— 1770), 314, 606, Smith, Adam (1723-1790), 226, 392, 472, 401, 605. 4-A. D. 65),10,14,22,36,82,|Smith, Alexander (1830-1867), 87, 128, 131, 143, 160, 190, 98, 191, 475, 732. 192, 196, 217, 222, 243, 250,;Smith, Captain John (15705 252, 266, 268, 280, 304, 308, 359, 464, 534, 465, 480, 484, 485, 404, 541, 573, 592, 598, 614, 644, 645,646, 606, 702, 713.| Smith, (1819-|Smith, Seba (1792-1868), 506. ewall, Harriet W. 1880), 61, 441. Seward, Thomas (1708-1700), 36 1872), 416, 388, 407, 428, 431, 436,| Smith, 2. : ard, William Henry (1801— 673. Horace (1779-1840), 10, 16, 241, 407, 504, 617, 663, 690. H, and J., 371, 393. “1631); Smith, Sydney (1771-1845), 30, 36; 47577. 134, 13°74 340, 166, 240, 252, 281, 346, 402, 477, 570, 581, 600, 610, 631, 670, 683 LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED Smith, S. F., 34, 316. Smollett, Tobias George (1721- 1771), 250, 254, 384, 308, Pn 505, 670. viucwatacs 31 Soa (Bc? 470-309), 281, 407, 600, 677. Solomon, Wisdom of, 88. Solon (B.C. 638-550), 450. Scene eins William (1677- 1742), 216, 290,"463, 502: Sophocles (B. ic, 405-406), TOT, TO, 70; 220,°265}) 270, 322, 425, 400, 480, 636, 707, 755. South, Robert (1633-1716),425, 650. Southern or Southerne,Thomas (1660-1746), 32, I72, 220, 207, 389, 445, 468, 572. Southey, Robert (1774-1843), 22,°49, 54; 73)°96;°98; 255, 172, 233, 257, 208, 347) 373, 384, 454, 486, 480, 511, 517, 531, ae 593, 632, 651, 608, 710, Southwell, Robert (1562- 1595), 8, 82, 485, 547, 548. Spencer, Herbert (1820-),76,230. Spencer, W.R.(1 760-1834), 280. Spenser, Edmund (1552-1500), 6, 38,39,44,49, 75; 81 5835 80, 90, 04,95, I14, 120, 133, 139, 153, 165, 166, 212, 240, 254, 256, 257, 276, 284, 296, 208, 395, 313, 320, 330, 332, 339, 340, 344, 346, 357, 387, 413, 443, 444, 451, 455, 456, 465, 479, 485, 480, 501, 512, 510, 523, 546, 547, 576, 580, 505, 604, 609, sity 674, 608, 701, 709, 721, 73 Sprague, Charles (1791-1875), 424, 528, 665. Stael-Holstein, Mme. Anne Louise Germaine Necker de (1766-1817), 53, 219, 607, 703. Stafford, 350. Stanhope, 1209. Starkey, T., 472. Statius, Publius Papinius (c. 45 —96), 143, 317. Steele, Sir Richard (1672- 28) 54, 64, 118, 217, 308, 541, . Steers, Baan 264. lee Alekander, Earl of, os 4. Sterii te as (1806-1844), 2, 180, 392, 460. Sterne, Laurence (17 13-1768), tf) AOL 130 352, -T5oj;"197, 227, 279, 3606, 517, 602, 648, 697. “aaa Thomas (c. 1549), Stevens, Gaoree A. 163.22 Stevenson, Robert Louis Bal- four (1850-1804), 231, 404,| 721, 760. I500- Still, Bishop Jobn (1543-1607), | 207, 215. Stirling, 754. Stoddard, Richard (1825-1902), 438, 750. Story, Joseph (1779—1845), 34, 323,_528, 645. Story, William Wetmore (18109 —1895), 710, 745. Stoughton, William (1631- I7or), 118. Stowe, Harriet Beecher (r811- 1806), 724. Stowell, Lord, roo. pee Mary (1542-1587), Suckling, Sir John (1600-— 1642), 45, 161, 188, 240, 268, 365, 439, 451, 545, 720. Suetonius (2d century), 170, 623. Sullivan, Mrs. M. D., 386. Sullivan, Sir Arthur Seymour (1842-1900), wae Sulpicius, S., 10 Sumner, Charles (1811-1874), 543, 640. Surrey, Earl of, 76, 138. Swain, Charles, 237. Swift, Jonathan { OGMEAAGE). 23, 335 43 nOFy OS)" 108) 1 22, 159, 164, 197, 218, 228, 274, 325, 338, 351, 353, 416, 426, 435, 479, 474, 480, 400, 403, 553, 554, 571, 574, 608, 612, 629, 670, 718, 726, 734, 746, 751, 754. Swinburne, Algernon Charles 1837-), 467, 538, 540, 558, 573, 606, 650, 703, 729, 742. Syivester TE: Pope, 715. Sylvester, J.,286, 433, 474, 492, 519, 574, 608, 660. Symon, 377. 25. Henry Tate, Symonds, John Addington (1840-1803), 655. Symons, 513, 557 Syrus, Publius (B. €..142)3 02, 15, 25, 20, 53, 54, 55, 75, TO4,; 133, 5006; P74; 206,227, 237, 241, 243.202, -2901,' 204, 295, 206, 200, 300, 310, 337, 338, 341, 342, 346, 348, 354 390, 399, 400, 407, 421, 428 435, 442, 473, 480, 487, 488, 480, 402, 495, 524, 525, 540, 547, 559, 562, 500, 659, 700, 754. T Tacitus, Caius Cornelius (c. 54— 117), 193, 227, 280, 258, 310, 322, 342, 423, 482, 563, 584, 598, 673, 706. falsds Ali Ben Abi(c. 602-661), Talford, Sir Thomas Noon (1705-1854), 432. Talleyrand, Périgord Charles (1754-1838), 151%, 492, 536. XXXIX Talmud, 123, 321, 644. apens Torquato Ga 544-1505), Nahum = (1652-1715), ate and Stonestreet, syo. Taylor, Ann, 505. Taylor, Bayard (1825~1878), Soa ae 433, 487, 741, 98. ri and Brady, 327. Taylor, Benjamin F., 602. Taylor, Charles, 621. pee Jane (1783-1824), 1209, 68 Taylor Jeremy (1613-1667), ae 128, 160, 378, 576, 603, dood Cal John (1580-1654), 390, 414, 548, 564. Taylor, Sir Henry (1800-1886), 15,32, 262,332, 435, 500, 614, 690; 707. blind Tom (1817-1880), 430. Temple, Sir William (1628— 1699), 56, 98, 430. Tennyson, Alfred (1809-1892). Quotations marked in the Concordance with the sign f. Terence, Publius Terentius Afer (B.C. c. 185-150), 7, 16,55, 92, 100,°127; 141, 287, 407, 415, 416, 451, 460, 487, 490, 402, 536, 544, 546, 559, 573, 586, 605, 608. Tertullian, Quintus Septimius Florens (c. 150-230), 120, 193,252,471. . Thackeray, William Make- peace (1811-1863), 17, 18, 87, 202, 330, 442, 465, 466, 506, 516, 546, 652, Thales of Miletus (B.C. c. 640 —546), 525, 547. Themistocles(B.C. c. 460), 213. Theobald, Lewis (d. 1774), 131. Theocritus (B.C. 3d century), 365. Theognis (B.C. ie century), 295, 360, 402, Thiers, ue Agoiohe (17907- 1877), 40 Thomas a arkiexipts (13 80- TA7 1); 45925, TOT ATOMS 3, 311, 558, 622. Thomas, Frederick William (1808-1866), 3. Thompson, Francis (c. 1861), 555- Thswison! James (1700-1748), 21, 37, 43, 44, 63, 96, 104, LOO; 124, YOO) 472, 203,217, 2T0,1225,0220, 2375. 253,265, 274, 282, 314, 315, 325, 344, 374, 384, 386, 405, 412, 420, 439, 443, 450, 459, 463, 470, 494, 495, 500, 519, 530, 532, 533, 586, 500, 612, 617, 632, 641, 644, 653, 663, 672, 675, 677, 678, 608, 732, 749. Webster, Daniel (1782~—1852), 5, 22, 24, 25, 35, 40, 61, 87, £20, 222, 1335 L7Oy 22 Fsaso, 303, 323, 385, 407, 410, 423, 418, 424, 480, 486, 408, 526, xl LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED Henry David (181 _| Venning Ralph, 76. oe one 3 i 3 aes Mat se Aubrey de (1788- Thornton, B., 366. 1846), 49, 293. Thrale, sagt: L., see Piozzi,| Viau, Théophile de (1590- Mrs. 1626), 163. 5 - Thucydides (B.C. c. 471-401),| Villon, Francois (c. 1431~ 166, 480, 405. 1484), 407, 705, 756. Tibullus, Albius (B.C. c. 54-|Virgil, Publius Virgilius Maro 18), 366, 455 (B.C. 70-10), 7, 20, 80, 10, Tickell, Thomas (1686-1740), 13, 240, 263, 266, 436, 501, 715. Tillotson, Archbishop (1630- 1604), 168. 120, 137, 196, 200, 240, 242, 252, 250, 265, 204, 310, 314, 317, 318, 339, 333» 341, 349, 359, 360, 400, 443, 473, 484, 490, 401, 557, 558, 560, 573, Tissot, Jacques, 181. 588, 601, 615, 634, 635, 670, Titus, Colonel Silius, 430. 700, 916, 739. 7555) 757s A Veta A (1770-1804), 149.| Volney, Constantin Francois Tome de Burguillos, see Vega.|_ de (1757-1820), 623. Toplady, Augustus Montague! Voss, Johann Heinrich (1751- (1740-1778), 316, 580. 1826), 730. Tourneur, Cyril (c. 1600), 207, 254, 730, 739. WwW Townley, Rev. James (1715- 1778), 638, 731. W., A. 444. Trench,Richard Chenevix(1807| Wace, Robert (c. 1124-1174), —1886), 483. 62 3. Trumbull, John (1750—1831),| Wade, J. A., 490. 247, oon Wakefield, N. P., 167. Tuberville, 50, 386, 502. Walckenaer, Baron Charles Tuke, Sir Samuel (1610-1673),|__Athanase (1771-1852), 181. 206, 349, 728. Walker, William, 325. Tupper, Martin Farquhar| Wallace, Horace Binney, 584. (1810-1880), 216, 313, 361.| Wallace, William Ross, 506. Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques! Waller, Edmund (1605-1687), (57 97—1 787), 1202. 23,37) 40, °74,(78,°105, 213; Tusser, Thomas (1527-1580),} 221, 225, 245, 310, 330, 343, 73, 99, 120, 142, 179, 287,| 347,353, 411, 460, 480, 540, 413, 635, 662, 728. 556, 577, 590, 624, 647, 683, Tyndall, John (1820-1893),|__736, 741, 754, 755. 346. Walpole, Horace (1717-1707), 280, 431, 401; 534, 022, 637; 751. Walpole, Sir Robert (1676- 1745), 3206. Walsh, 435. Walton, Izaak (1593-1683), 43, 44, 128, 195, 300, 344, 442, 443, 476, 712. Ward, Mrs. Humphry (1851-), 331, 335, 734- ard, Thomas, 118. U Udall, Nicholas (1505-1556), 338. Uhland, Ludwig (1787-1862), 662. Urquhart, tr., 547. . Usterl, Johann Martin (1763- 1827), 546. Vv Warner, William (1558-1600), . 5 439, 493. Valerius, Maximus (1st cen-| Warren, T., 47. tury), 206. Valois, Marguerite de (1492— 1540), 274. 541. Vanbrugh, Sir John (c. 1666-| Washington, George (1732- 1726), 134, 147, 233, 326,| 17090), 8, 136, 324. 562. 593, 748. Watson, Thomas, 440. Varro, Marcus Terentius (B.C.| Watson, William (1858-), 316, 116-27), 122. 508, 514, 519, 537, 550, 557; Vaughan, Henry (1621-1693), 550, 561, 563, 566, 508, 604, Sr; 104,. 071, (270, 7207, 347,| |: FO7,/FEt. 380, 493, 688 ; Watts, Isaac (1674-1748), 22, Vauvenarques, Marquis of} 81, 117, 170, 180, 104, 275, 316, 347, 387, 426, 464, 486, (1715-1747), 690. : Nooa. Carpio Lope Felix de} 407, 557, 585, 606, 612, 624, ( 628, 630, 643, 655, 662, ome de Burguillos) (1562 —1635), 604. Watts, Mrs. Alaric A., 637. Watts-Dunton, Theodore, 754. Warton, Dr. Joseph, 26s. Warton, Thomas (1728-1790), Yegetius, 562. 537, 557, 501, 671, 673, 702, 704, 705, Webster, John (17th century), 46, 1905, 220, 332, 340, 4or, 468. Weldy, Amelia, 633. Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of (1769-1852), 122, 341, 710. Wesley, Charles (1708-1788), 120, 1225-205 % 650" Wesley, John (1703-1701), 123, 341, 600, 640. West, Benjamin (1738-1820), 553- West, G., 403, 608. West, Richard, 463. Westbury, Lord, 486. Whately, Richard (1787-1863), 7, 362, 440, 647. Wheelwright, ies Whewell, William (1794-1866), 47, 627. White, Henry Kirke (1785- 1806), 106, 142, 234, 331, 497, 550, 504, 622. White, Joseph Blanco (1775—- 1841), 435. Whitehead, 46s. Whitelock, Bulstrode (1605— 1676), 96. Whitman, Walt (1819-1892), 44, 138, 177, 325, 382, 637, 602, 742. Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807 1892), 40, 75, 117, 183, 184, 212, 253,300, 3235.37 Ona2Ss 369, 402, 416, 423, 456, 464, 563, 580, 597, 602, 612, 630, 700, 707, 732. wae as Age ye, John (c. 1570), 130. Wilcox, Ella Wheeler ( : 85 ak 382, 415. Wilde, (1856-1900), 03. Wilde, Richard Henry (1780-— 1847), 504. Willard, Emma Hart (1787- 1870), 632. Williams, Dr. James, 751. Williams Isaac, 150. Williams, Helen Maria, 602. Williams, Roger (1600-1684), 300, Williams, Sarah, 576. Willis, Nathaniel Parker (1806 Oscar —1867), 57, 86, 451, 672, 716, 727, Wilson, John (Christopher North) (1785~1854), 126. Wilson, Mrs, C. B., 51s. Wilson, R., 127. Wilson, Bishop T., 616. Winaloys Edward(1595—1655), 281, LIST OF AUTHORS QUOTED xii Pee John (1587—1649),| Wrother, Miss, 368. Wyatt, Sir Thomas (1503- Wintkron, Robert C. (1809-| 1542), 110, 200, 384, 596. 1894), a5: 217, 273, 561. |Wycherley, William (1640- Wither, George (1588-1667),| 1715), 93,396, 460, 524, 586, 78, 106,120; 160, 417, 451, 08, 514, 610, 644. Wycliffe and Hereford, 323. Wolfe, James (1727-1750), a! a 118, 180. xX Wolfe, Rev. Charles (1791- 1823), 86, 263, 320, 504. ete B.C. c. 570-480), Wordsworth, William (1770- ¢ 1850). Quotations marked Seth en (B.C. c. 430-357), in the Concordance with| 14, 436. the 4. Woodbridge, Benjamin, 231. Y Woodworth, Samuel (1785- : 1842), 478. Yalden, Thomas (1671-1736), Wolcott, John (Peter Pindar)| 1096. (1738-1810), 30, 35, 131,| Yelverton, a (Lord Avon- 260, 265, 308, 414, 437, 477,]__ more), 418 Yonge, Nicholas, S74: Young, Edward (1681-1765), Pen Gr 14,45) 2%, 20, 315 22% 406, 608, 649, 695, 700. Worsley, 52. Wotton,Sir Henry(1568—1630), 134, IOI, IOS, 230,363, 472, 565, 574, 588, 634, 665. 205, Young, Edward —Continued 108, 118, 120, I52, 153, 160, 165, 167, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 193, 196, 204, 220, 228, 260, 261, 270, 284, 287, 297, 298, 308, 312, 315, 129% rAT9 319, 332, 339, 345) 347) 359, 367, 372, 378, 381, 386, 387, 388, 395, 414, 421, 422, 428, 431, 433, 442, 446, 453, 463, 465, 468, 476, 477, 480, 486, 480, 707, 756. 494, 503, 519, 520, 523, 533» 555, 557, 500, 5725 576, 581, 587, 588, 501, 596, 600, 604, 607, 600, 616, 626, 633, 651, 953, 661, 665, 671, 675, 682, 688, 602, 604, 600, 701, 714, 733, 734, 749 754s Z 26, 28, 33,327,409, 54, 59, ' 63,|Zincke, Ror: F. B., 100. 64, 66, 69, 79, 80, 90, 92, 98, Zwingler, 23. Bie Coe the relat Dictionary of English and Foreign Quotations PROSE AND POETICAL QUOTATIONS. ABDICATION. K. Rich. What must the King do now? Must he submit? ~ The King shall do it. Must he be de- pos’d ? The King shall be contented. Must he lose The name of king? o’ God’s name, let it go. Pll give my jewels for a set of beads ; My gorgeous palace for a hermitage ; My gay apparel for an alms-man’s gown; My figur’d goblets for a dish of wood; My sceptre for a palmer’s walking-staff; My subjects for a pair of carved saints ; And my large kingdom for a little grave, A little little grave, an obscure grave. Re SRISERAEE: Richard If. Act iii. Se. 3. ABILITY. Hamlet. Sure, he that made us with such large discourse, Looking before and after, gave us not That capability and godlike reason To fust in ns unused. SHAKESPEARE. Hamlet. Act iv. Se. 4. And sure th’ Eternal Master found His single talent well employ’d. SAM’L JOHNSON. Verses on the Death of Mr. Robert Levet. St. 7. Cest une grande habileté que de savoir cacher son habileté. There is great ability in knowing how to conceal one’s ability. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Maxim 245. Viola. Out of my lean and low ability Pll lend vou something. SHAKESPEARE. Twelfth Night. Se. 4. 1, 328, Act iii. I give thee all,—I can no more, Though poor the off’ring be; My heart and lute are all the store That I can bring to thee. Moore. My Heart and Lute. Let every man be occupied, and oe. cupied in the highest employment of which his nature is capable, and die with the consciousness that he has done his best. SIpNf£Y SmitH. Memoir by Lady Holland. Vol. i. p. 180. Do not think that what is hard for thee to master is impossible for man; but if a thing is possible and proper to man, deem it attainable by thee. Marcus AURELIUS. Meditations. vi. 19. And al! may do what has by men been one, ‘ YounGe. Night Thoughts. vi. 1. 611: Kent. That which ordinary. men are fit for, I am qualified in; and the best of me is diligence. SHAKESPEARE. Lear. Act i. Se. 4. 1. 35. Every one excels in something in which another fails. Syrus. Maxim 17. The world but feels the present’s spell, The poet feels the past as well, Whatever men have done, might do, Wh :tever thought, might think it too. gre stad ARNOLD. Bacchanalia, II., last ines. He (Hampden) had a head to con- trive, a tongue to persuade, and a hand to execute any mischief. CLARENDON. History of the Rebellion. Vol. iii. Bk. vii. Sec. 84. In every deed of mischief he had a heart to resolve, a head to contrive, and a hand to execute. GIBBON. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Ch. xlviii. Heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, or the hand to execute. Junius. Letter xxxvii, Feb. 14, 1770. 1 Z ABSENCE. On peut étre plus fin qu’un autre, mais non pas plus fin que tous les autres, We can be more clever than one, but not more clever than all. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Maxim 394. You can foolsome of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. There is no lie that many men will not believe; there is no man who dves not believe many lies; and there is no man who believes only lies. JOHN STERLING, Essays and Tales. The world means something to the capable. GOETHE. Faust. Bayard Taylor’s trans. __ This world’s no blot for us Nor blank; it means intensely, and means good: To find its meaning is my meat and drink. BROWNING. Fra Lippo Lippi. 1. 247. Possunt quia posse videntur. They can because they think they can. VIRGIL. Aneid. v. 231. (Trans. COoN- INGTON.) Themistocles said that he certainly could not make use of any stringed in- strument ; could only, were a small and obscure city pnt into his hands, make it great and glorious. PiLuTarcH. Life of Themistocles. They who plough the sea do not carry the winds in their hands. Syrus. Maxim 759. The pilot cannot mitigate the billows or calm the winds. Ibid. Of the Tranquillity of the Mind. You are a devil at everything, and there is no kind of thing in the ’versal world but what you can turn your hand to. CERVANTES. Don Quixote. 1. iii. A traveller at Sparta, standing long upon one leg, said to a Lacedemonian, ‘‘I donot believe you cando asmuch.” ‘“ True,’ said he, “‘ but every goose can.” PLUTARCH. Remarkable Speeches, ABSENCE. Achilles absent, was Achilles still. HoMeER. The Iliad. Bk. xxii. 1. 415. Pope’s trans. Portia. There is not one among them but I dote on his very absence, and 1 wish them a fair departure. SHAKESPEARE. Merchant of Venice. Act i, SC. 2 41. Uo Bianca. What! keep a week away ! Seven days and nights? Eight score eight hours? and lovers’ absent hours, More tedious than the dial eight score times ? O weary reckoning! Ibid. Othello. Act iii. Se. 4. 1. 174. K. Henry. As ’tis ever common That men are merriest when they are from home. Ibid. Henry V. Acti. Ses202717 In the hope to meet Shortly again and make our absence sweet. BEN Jonson. Underwoods. Miscellaneous Poems. lix. Our bours in Love have wings; in absence, crutches. COLLEY CIBBER. Aerzes. Activ. Se. 3. Ye flowers that droop, forsaken by the spring ; Ye birds that, left by summer, cease to sing; Ye trees that fade, when autumn heats remove, Say, is not absence death to those who love ? Pope. Autumn. 1. 24 Condenin’d whole years in absence to deplore, And image charms he must behold no more. Ibid. Eloisa to Abelard. 1. 360. Where’er I roam, whatever :ealms to see, My heart untravell’d fondly turns to thee ; Still to my brother turns with ceaseless pain, And drags at each remove a lengthening chain. ‘ GOLDSMITH. Traveller. 1. 7. In all my wanderings round this world of care, In all my griefs—and God has given my share— ABSENCE. ~~ wi I still had hopes my latest hours to | crown, Amidst these humble bowers to lay me down. GOLDsMITH. The Deserted Village. 1. 81. Ever absent, ever near ; Still I see thee, still I hear; Yet I cannot reach thee, dear ! FRANCIS KAZINCZY. Separation. What shall I do with all the days and hours That must be counted ere I see thy face? How shall I charm the interval that lowers Between this time and that sweet time of grace? FRANCES ANN KEMBLE. Absence. Absence !—is not the soul torn by it Far more than light, or life, or breath ? ’Tis Lethe’s gloom, but not its quiet,— The pain without the peace of death ! CAMPBELL. Absence. Ever of thee I’m fondly dreaming, Thy gentle voice my spirit can cheer. GEORGE LINLEY. Lver of Thee. When stars are in the quiet skies, Then most I pine for thee; Bend on me then thy tender eyes, As stars look on the sea. BULWER LYTTON. When Stars are in the Quiet Skies. ’Tis sweet to think that where’er we rove We are sure to find something blissful and dear; And that when we’re far from the lips we love, We've but to make love to the lips we are near. Moore. ’7is Sweet to Think. For there’s nae luck about the house, There’s nae luck at a’ ; There’s little pleasure in the house When our gudeman’s awa’. JEAN ADAM. Mariner’s Wife. [This poem, which first appeared on the streets about the middle of the eigh- teenth century, is sometimes, but probably wrongly, attributed to William J. Mickle. See note in Coates’s Fireside Encyclopedia | of Poetry, p. 975.] She only said, ‘‘ My life is dreary, He cometh not,’ she said ; She said, “I am aweary, aweary, 1 would that I were dead !” TENNYSON. Mariana. Absent in body, but present in spirit. New Testament, 1 Corinthians y. 3, 31. Friends, though absent, are still present. CIcERO. Friendship. Ch. vii. For with G. D.,to be absent from the body is sometimes (not to speak profanely) to be present with the Lord. CHARLES LamB. Essays of Elia. Oaford in the Vacation. Your absence of mind we have borne, till your presence of body came to be called in question by it. Ibid. Amicus Redivivus. L’ Absence diminue les médiocres pas: sions et augmente les grandes, comme le vent éteint les bougies et allume le feu. Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones, as the wind extin- guishes candles and fans a fire. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Maxim 276. L’absence est 4l’amour ce qu’est au feu le ent: Il éteint le petit, il allume le grand. Bussy-RABUTIN. Absence makes the heart grow fonder: Isle of Beauty, fare thee well ! THOMAS HAYNES BAyLy. Isle of Beauty. Semper in absentes felicior aestus amantes When those who love are severed, love’s tide stronger flows. A PROPERTIUS. Elegies. iii. 31, 43 (h J Distance sometimes endears friendship, and absence sweeteneth it. HOWELL. Familiar Letters. No. 6. Bk. i. sec. i. ’Tis said that absence conquers love; But oh believe it not ! I’ve tried, alas! its power to prove, But thou art not forgot. FREDERICK W. THOMAS (1808- ——). sence Conquers Love. Ab- I do perceive that the old proverbis be not alwaies trew, for I do finde that the absence of my Nath. doth breede in me the more continuall remembrance of him. ANNE LAby Bacon. Letter to Jane Lady Cornwallis, 1613. 4 ABSTINENCE.—ACCIDENIS. Tho’ lost to sight, to mem’ry dear Thou ever w vilt remain: One only hope my heart can ¢heer,— The hope to meet again. GEORGE LINLEY. Song. [This song was composed for and sung by Augustus Braham about 1840, and was set to music and published in London in 1848. But the words “Though lost to sight, to memory dear” are much older than the poem. Linley incorporated an already fa- miliar quotation of unknown authorship into his poem. ] Though absent, present in desires they be; Our soul much further than our eyes can see. M. Drayton. The Baron’s Wars. Bk. iii. 20. And when he is out of sight, quickly also is he out of mind. THOMAS A KEMPIS. Ch ysexit: Imitation of Christ. Quantum oculis, animo tam procul ibit amor. Far as I journey from thy sight, so far Shall love too journey from my mind. PROPERTIUS. Elegies. iv. (iii.) 21, 10. And out of mind as soon as out of sight. LorD BRooKE. Sonnet vi. Fer from eze, fer from herte, Quoth Hendyng. HeENDyNG. Proverbs, MSS. Circa 1820. That out of sight is out of mind Is true of most we leave behind. CLOUGH. Songs of Absence. Wives in their husbands’ absences grow subtler, And daughters sometimes run off with the butler. Byron. Don Juan. Cantoiii. St. 22. Absento nemo ne nocuisse velit. Let no one be willing to speak ill of the absent. PROPERTIUS. 19, 32. Absentes tinnitu aurium presentire ser- mones de se receptum est. It is generally admitted that the absent are warned by a ringing in the ears, when they are being talked about. PLINY THE ELDER. Natural History. XXViii. 5. ABSTINENCE. Call’d to the temple of impure delight He that abstains, and he alone, does right. If a wish wander that way, call it home; He cannot long be safe whose wishes roam. COWPER. Elegiz. ii. The Progress of Error. 1. 578, Against diseases here the strongest fence Is the defensive vertue, abstinence. HERRICK. Abstinence. Abstinence is as easy to me as tem- perance would be difficult. SamM'L JOHNSON. HANNAH MorE’s John- soniana. 467. Abstain from beans; that is, keep out of public offices, for anciently the choice of the offices of state was made by beans. PLUTARCH. Of the Training of “Children. L’abstenir pour jouir, ¢ est risme de la raison. To abstain that we may enjoy is the epicurianism of reason. i’ épicu-— ROUSSEAU. ACCIDENTS. Chapter of accidents. CHESTERFIELD. Letters, Feb. 16, 1753. [The phrase is also used by Burke, Notes for Speeches (edition 1852,. vol. ii., 426. Southey, in The Doctor, chapter exviii., at- tributes to John Wilkes the saying ,“ The chapter of ae is the longest chapter in the book.” Accidents al occur in the best regu- lated families. DICKENS. David Copperfield (Mr. Mi icawber). Ch, xxviii Our wanton accidents take root, and grow To vaunt themselves God’s laws. —- CHARLES KINGSLEY. Saints Tragedy. Act ii. Se. 4.. At first laying down, as a fact funda- mental, That nothing with God ‘can be acci- dental. LONGFELLOW. Christus. The Golden Legend. Pt. vi. What the reason of the ant laboriously drags into a heap. the wind of accident will collect in one breath. SCHILLER. Fiesco. Act ii. By many a happy accident. THOMAS MIDDLETON. No Wit, No Help, like a Woman's. Act iv. Se. 1. Se. 4. I think it a very happy accident. — CERVANTES. Don Quixote. Pt. ii. Ch. Ivii. To what happy accident is it that we owe | so unexpected a visit? GoLpsMITH. Vicar of Wakefield. .Ch. xix. a ACCUSATION. a) Othello. Wherein I spake of most dis- astrous chances, Of moving accidents by flood and ficld. SHAKESPEARE, Othello. Act i. Se. 3. The moving accident is not my trade. WorbDswortH. Hurt-Leap Weill. Pt. ii. Hamlet. Sir, in this audience, Let my disclaiming from a purpos’d evil Free me so far in your most generous thoughts, As that I have shot my arrow o’er the house, And hurt mv brother. SHAKESPEARE, Hamlet. Florizel. As the unthought-on accident is guilty Of what we wildly do, so we profess Ourselves to be the slaves of chance, and flies Of every wind that blows. Ibid. Winter’s Tale. Act iv. Se. 3. 1. 530. Act vx Se. 2.1. 282. The accident of an accident. Lorp THURLOW. Speech in reply to Lord Grafton. [During a debate on Lord Sandwich’s ad- ministration of Greenwich Hospital, the Duke of Grafton tauuted Thurlow, then Lord Chancellor, on his humble origin. Thurlow rose from the woolsack, and, ad- vancing toward the duke, declared he was amazed at his grace’s speech. . “The noble duke,” he cried, in a burst of oratorical scorn, “cannot look before him, behind him, and on either side of him without see- ing some noble peer who owes his seat in this House to his successful exertions in the profession to which [ belong. Does he not feel that itis as honvrable “to owe it to these as to-being the accident vf an accident ?’’ | The fortuitous or casual concourse of atoms. BENTLEY. Sermons. p. 147 (1692). vii. Works. Vol. iii That fortuitous concourse of atoms. REVIEW OF SIR ROBERT PEEL’s AD- DRESS. Quarterly Review. Vol. liii. p. 270 (1835). To what a fortuitous concurrence do we not owe every pleasure and convenience of our lives. GOLDSMITH. Vicar of Wakefield. Ch. DO: 3.46 The happy combination of fortuitous cir- cumstances. Scott. Answer to the Author of Waver- ley to the Letter of Captain Clutter- buck. The Monastery. ~ Fearful concatenation of circumstances. DANIEL WEBSTER. Argument on the Murder of Cuptuin white, 1830. Fortuitous combination of circumstances. DIcKENS. Our Mutual rriend. Volt. ii: Ch. vii. (American edition.) ACCUSATION. Macbeth. Thou can’st not say I did it; never shake Thy gory locks at me. SHAKESPEARE. Macbeth. Act iii. Se. 4.1. 50. Duke. To vouch this is no proof. « Without more certain and more’ overt test, Than these thin habi ts, and poor likeli- hoods Of modern seeming do prefer against him. Ivid. Othello. Angelo. Who will believe thee, Isabel ? My unsoil’d name, the austereness of my life, My vouch against you, and my ape i’ the state, Will so your accusation overweigh, That you shall stifle in your own report, And smell of calumny. o§ a Measure for Measure. Act ii. Se. 4. . 154. Act i. Se. 3. 1. 107. The breath Of accusation kills an innocent name, And leaves for lame acquittal the poor life, Which f a mask withont it. SHELLEY. The Cenci. Activ. Se. 4. I do not know the method of drawing up an indictment against a whole people. BuRKE. Speech on Conciliation with America. Works. Vol. ii. p. 136. Therefore hath it with all confidence been ordered by the Commons of Great Britain, that [impeach Warren Hastings of high crimes and misdemeanors. I impeach him in the name of the Com- mons Honse of Parliament, whose trust he has betraved. I impeach him in the name of the English nation, whose ancient honer he has sullied. I im- peach him in the name of the people of India, whose rights he has trodden under foot, and whose country he has 6 ACTION. turned into a desert. name of human nature itself, in the name of both sexes, in the name of every age, in the name of every rank, T impeach the common enemy and op- pressor of all. BuRKE. Conclusion of of Warren Hastings. [This is the Macaulayized version of Burke’s peroration—conciser, swifter, more dazzling than the original—which has gained popularity through Macaulay’s essay on Warren Hastings.] Speech at the Trial ACTION. When Demosthenes was asked what was the first part of oratory, he an- swered, “ Action”; and which was the second, he replied, “Action”; and which was the third, he sti!l answered, ** Action.” PLUTARCH. Lives of the Ten Orators. [The saying has frequently been imitated. Thus when Louis XI. asked what he needed to make war the Marshal Trivulce replied: “ Three things, money, more money, always money.” (‘‘ Trois choses: de l’argent, encore de Vargent et toujours de l’argent.” Fifty years later Genera! von Schussendi repeated the phrase in German: “Sind dreierlei Dinge notig: Geld, Geld, Geld.”’] “Boldness, more boldness, and always boldness, and France is saved” (‘‘ De ]’aud- ace, et encore de l’audace, et toujours de Vaudace, et la France est sauvée’’). DANTON. Speech before the National Assembly, August, 1792. And as she lookt about she did behold How over that same dore was likewise writ Be bolde, be bolde, and everywhere Be bold. That much she mused, but could not con- strue it By any ridling skill or commune wit, At last she spyde at that roome’s upper end Another yron dore, on which was writ, Be not too bold; whereto, though she did bend Her earnest minde, yet wist not what it might intende. SPENSER. Jaerie Queene. iii. 2, 54, Write on your doors the saying wise and old, ‘“‘Be pea be bold!’ and everywhere, ‘‘ Be Old 5 Be not too bold!” Yet better the excess Than the defect; better the more than less; Better like Hector in the field to die, Than like a perfumed Paris turn and fly. LONGFELLOW. Morituri Salutamus. Lastly, in the ‘*Work, more work, and always work!” (‘Du travail, encore du travail, et toujours du travail!’’) GAMBETTA. Speech at banquet to General Hoche, June 24, 1872. Agitate, agitate, agitate! DANIEL O'CONNELL. [O’Connell was known as “the Irish agita- tor” from this his constant exhortation to his fellow-countrymen. The advice, how- ever, Originated with the Marquis of Angle- sea when Lord Lieutenant of lreland under the Duke of Wellington. Parnell substi- tuted as a watchword, “ Organize, organize, organize !’’] He is at no end of his actions blest Whose ends will make him greatest and not best. GEORGE CHAPMAN. Tragedy of Chavies, Duke of Byron. Act v. Se. 1. Lady Macduff. 1 am in this earthly world, where to do harm Ts often landable, to do good sometime Accounted dangerous folly. SHAKESPEARE. Macbeth. Act iv. Se. 2. 1.74. King. From lowest place when virtuous ' things proceed, The place is dignified by the doer’s deed : Where great additions swell’s and virtue none, It is a dropsied honor. Is good without a name. Ibid. All's Well That Ends Well, Se. 3. 1. 123. Good alone Act ii. Portia. How far that little candle throws his beams ! ‘ So shines a good deed in a naughty world. Ibid. Merchant of Venice. Act v. Se.1. 1. 90. See golden days, fruitful of golden deeds, With joy and love triumphing. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. iii. 1. 837. Count that day lost whose low descend- ing Sun Views from thy hand no worthy action done. ANON. [A reminiscence of the exclamation of the Emperor Titus, ‘Friends, I have lost a day” (“‘ Amici diem perdidi’’) made one night at supper, on reflecting that he had assisted no one that day. ‘The siory is told by Suetonius. | ACTION. ( ‘T’ve lost a day”—the prince who nobly cried Had been an emperor without his crown. Younc. Night Thoughts. ii. 1. 99. [The anonymous verses have been found (in MS. and enclosed in quotation marks with Jacob Bobart’s autograph) on the fly- 1eaf of an album in the British Museum. The entry runs thus: Virtus sua gloria. “ Think that day lost whose descending sun Views from thy hand no noble action done.’ Apparently Bobart trusted to memory and was misled by a defective ear. The more metrical and more familiar version given above is first found (in print) in Staniford’s ah of Reading, p. 27 (third edition, Boston, 1803). (ueen. Ay me, what act, That roars so loud and thunders in the index ? el ows Hamlet. Act iii. Se. 4. Awake, arise, or be forever fallen ! MiLTon. Paradise Lost. Bk. i. 1. 3380. I myself must mix with action lest I wither by despair. TENNYSON. Locksley Hall. 1. 98. Nor doubt that golden chords Of good works, mingling with the visions, raise The soul to purer worlds. WorpDswortH. Ecclesiastical Sonnets, Pt.i. xviii. Apology. Trust no Future, howe’ er pleasant ! Let the dead Past bury its dead ! Act,—act in the living Present ! Heart within, and God o’erhead ! LONGFELLOW. Psalm of Life. Whene’er a noble deed is wrought, Whene’er is spoken a noble thought, Our hearts, in glad surprise, To higher levels rise. Ibid. Santa Filomena. Let us, then, be up and doing, With a heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing, Learn to labor and to wait. Ibid. A Psalm of Life. Something attempted, something done, Has earned a night’s repose. Ibid. The Village Blacksmith. It is better to wear out than to rust out. *BISHOP CUMBERLAND. See Horne'’s Ser- RON Onthe Duty of Contending for the Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well. EARL OF CHESTERFIELD. Letter. March 10, 1746. The great end of life is not knowl- edge, but action. HuXLey. Technical Education. The all of things is an infinite conjugation of the verb—‘‘ To Do. CARLYLE. Ch. i, Non omnia possumus omnes. We cannot all do all things. VIRGIL. Eclog#. viii. French Revolution. Bk. iii. 63. Men my brothers, men the workers, ever reaping something new, That which they have done but earnest of the things that they shall do. TENNYSON. Locksley Hall. Actum, aiunt, ne agas. What is done let us leave alone. TERENCE. Phormio. Act ii. Se. 3, (Demipho.) iB doe Acta ne agamus; reliqua paremus. Let us not go over the old ground but rather prepare for what is to come. CICERO. Ad Atticum. ix. 6, 7. Action is transitory, a step, a blow, The motion of a muscle—this way or that. WorpsworTH. The Borderers. Act iii. Du musst (herrschen und gewinnen Oder dienen und verlieren Leiden oder triumphiren) Amboss oder Hammer sein. Thou must (in commanding and win- ning, or serving and losing, suffering or triumphing) be either anvil or hammer. GOETHE. Grosscophta. ii. Thy Will for Deed I do accept. Du BARTAS. Divine Weekes and Workes. Second Week. Third Day. Pt. ii. Actions speak louder than words. ENGLISH PROVERB, In one form or another the sentiment re- appears in the proverbial and written lit- EAA of all languages. A few examples ollow For as action follows speeches and votes in the order of time, so does it precede and rank before them in force. DEMOSTHENES. Olynthiaca, iii. 15. 5 ACTION. King Henry. ’Tis well said again, And ’tis a kind of good deed to say well: And yet words are no deeds. SHAKESPEARE. Henry VIII. Act iii. Se. 2. 1. 153. Hotspur. I profess not talking: only this, Let each man do his best. Lo.d. 1 Henry IV. Act v. Se. 2. lst Murderer. Tut, tut, my lord, we will not stand to prate, Talkers are no good doers; be assur’d We come to use our hands and not our tongues. Ibid. Richard III, Acti. Se. 3. Great talkers are never great doers. : MIDDLETON. Slurt, Muster-Consiuble. Acti. Se.'1. J on the other side Us’d no ambition to commend my deeds; The deeds themselves, though mute, spoke loud the doer. MILTON. Sumson Agonistes. 1. 246. You do the deeds, And your ungodly deeds find me the words. ibid. ‘Trans. of Sophocles. Electra. 1. 624, For now the field is not far off Where we must vive the world a proof Of deeds, not words. BuTLeR. Hudibras. Pt.i. Cantoi. 1. 867. Such distance is between high words and deeds! In proof, the greatest vaunter seldom speeds. SOUTHWELL. St. Peter’s Convplaint. Say well is good, but do well is better; Do well seems the spirit, say well is the letter ; Say well is godly and helps to please, But do well is godly and gives the world ease; Say well to silence is sometimes bound, But do well is free on every ground; Say well has friends, some here, some there, But do well is weleome everywhere. By say well man to God’s word cleaves, But for lack of do well it often leaves. If say well and do well were bound in one rame, Then all were done, all were won, and gotten were gain. ANON. Big words do not smite like war clubs, Boastful breath is not a bow-string, Taunts are not so sharp as arrows, Deeds are better things than words are, Actions mightier than boastings LONGFELLOW. Hiawatha. ix. A slender acquaintance with the world must convince every man that actions, not words, are the true criterion of the attach ment of friends; and that the most liberal professions of good-will are very far from being the surest marks of it. WASHINGTON. Social Maxims. Friendship. ’AvOpdrovowy ovK EXpHV wore TOV TpayudTwn TiVv yA@ooay Lo x Lely TAEOY, Never should this thing have been, That words with men shouid more aval than decds. Evuripipes. ddecuba, 1187. (Trans. A. 5. Way.) tee Every man feels instinctively that all the beauutul sentiments in the world weigh less than a singly lovely action, LOWELL. Among my Books. Rousseau und the Sentimentatists. An acre of performance is worth a whole land of promise. HowELL. Hamiliar Letters. Bk. iv. Letter xxxiii. ‘to Mr, R. Lee. An acre in Middlesex is better than a principality in Utopia, MAUAULAY. sssay on Lord Bacon. The smallest actual good is better than the most magnificent promises of impossi- bilities. Ibid. Men’s words are ever bolder than their deeds. CoLERIDGE. Piccolomini. Act. i. Se. 4. Strange thoughts beget strange deeds. SHELLEY. The Cenci. Activ. Se. 4. Thought is the soul of act. R. BROWNING. Sordello. Bk. v. Action is but coarsened thought— thought become concrete, obscure, and unconscions. AMIEL. Journal. Dec. 30, 1850. (Mrs HUMPHREY WARD, trans.) Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever ; Do noble things, not dream them, all day long; And so make life, death, and that vast for ever One grand. sweet song. _ C. KINGSLEY. A Farewell. The soul 0’ the purpose, ere ’tis shaped as act, Takes flesh i’ the world, and clothes it- self a king, But when the act comes, stands for what *tis worth. R. BRowninNG. Luria. Act iii. Inciana. Shame hath a bastard bed well managed. Ill deeds are doubled with an evil word. SHAKESPEARE. Comedy of Errors. Act iii. Se. 2. Swe ee ei ACTORS. 9 Words are women, deeds are men. HERBERT. Jacula Prudentum. They say in Italy, that deeds are men, and words are but women. J. HOWELL. Familiar Letters. Bk. i. Sec. 5. Letter xxi. (To Dr. H. W.) Words are men’s daughters, but Godad’s sons are things. Dr. MADDEN. Boulter’s Monument. (Supposed to have been inserted by Dr. Johnson, 1745.) Manfred. Think’st' thou existence doth depend on time? It doth; but actions are our epochs. BYRON. Manjred. Act ii. Sc. 1. 1. 54. Virtue, not rolling suns, the mind matures, That life is long, which answers life’s great end, The time that bears no fruit, deserves no name; The man of wisdom is the man of years. Youna. Night Thoughts. Night y. 1. 772. We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths ; In feelings, not in figures on a dial. We should count time by heart-throbs. He most lives ‘ Who pi most, feels the noblest, acts the est. Life’s but a means unto an end; that end Beginning, mean, and end to all things,— (0) BAILEY. Festus. Sc. A Country Town. Life is not dated merely by years. Events are sometimes the best calendars. LORD BEACONSFIELD Venetia. Bk. it. “Ch. 1: But what minutes! Count them by sen- sation, and not by calendars, and each mo- ment is a day, and the race a life. Ibid. Sybil. Bk. i. Ch. ii. ACTORS. Hamlet. Good. my lord, will you see the players well bestowed? Do you hear, let them be well used; for they are the abstract and brief chronicles of the time: after your death you were better have a bad epitaph than their ill | report while you live. ‘SHAKESPEARE. Hamlet. Act ii. Se. 2, 1. 545. York. As, in a theatre, the eyes of men, After a well graced actor leaves the stage, Are idly bent on him that enters next, Thinking his prattle to be tedious: Even so, or with much more contempt, men’s eyes . Did scowl on gentle Richard. Ibid, Richard II. Actv. Se.2. 1. 23. Ulysses. And, like a strutting player, whose conceit Lies in his hamstring, and doth think it rich To hear the wooden dialogue and sound ’Twixt his stretch’d footing and the scaffoldage. SHAKESPEARE. Act i. Se. 3. Trolius and Cressida. Hamlet. GO, what arogue and peasant slave am |! Is it not monstrous, that this player here, But in a fiction, in a dream of passion, Could force his soul so to his whole conceit, That from her working, all his visage wann’d ; Tears in his eyes, distraction in ’s aspect, A broken voice, and his whole function suiting With forms to his conceit? And all for nothing ! For Hecuba! What’s Hecuba to him, or he to Hecuba, That he should weep for her? What would he do, Had he the motive and the cue for passion That I have? He would drown the stage with tears, And cleave the general ear with horrid speech ; Make mad the guilty, and appal the free, Confound the ignorant; and amaze, indeed, The very faculties of eyes and ears. Ibid. Hamlet. Actii. Sc. 2. Hamlet. Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronoune’d it to you, trippingly on the tongue; but if you mouth it, as “many of our players do, | had as lief the town-crier spoke my lines. Nor do not saw the air too much with yonr hand, thns; but use all gently. For in the very torrent, tempest, and, as I may say, whirlwind of your passion, you must acquire and beget a temperance that may give it smoothness. Oh! it offends me to the soul, to see a robusti- ous periwig-pated fellow tear a passion 10 ADAPTATION, to tatters, to very rags, to split the ears of the groundlings ; who, for the most part, are capable of nothing but inex- plicable dumb shews, and noise. I would have such a fellow whipped for o’er- doing Termagant; it out-herods Herod. ’Pray you, avoid it. 1 Play. I warrant your Honour. Ham. Be not too tame neither; but let your own discretion be your tutor. Suit the action to the word, the word to the action; with this special observ- ance, that you o’erstep not the modesty of Nature: for anything so overdone is from the purpose of playing ; whose end, hoth at the first, and now, was, and is, to hold, as ’twere, the mirror up to Nature, to shew Virtue her own feature, Scorn her own image, and the very age | and body of the Time, his form and pressure. Now this, overdone, or come tardy off, though it make the unskilful langh, cannot but make the judicious grieve; the censure of which one, must, in your allowance, o’erweigh a whole theatre of others. Oh! there be play- ers—that I have seen play and heard others praise, and that highly not to speak it profanely—that, neither having the accent of Christians, nor the gait of Christian, Pagan, nor man, have so strutted and bellowed, that I have thought some of Nature’s journeymen had made men, and not made them well, they imitated humanity so abom- inably. 1 Play. I hope, we have reform’d that indifferently with us, sir. Ham. Oh! reform it altogether.—And let those, that play your Clowns, speak no more than is set down for them: for there be of them, that will themselves laugh, to set on some quantity of barren spectators to laugh too; though, in the mean time, some necessary question of the play be then to be considered; that’s villainous; and shows a most pitiful ambition in the fool that uses it. SHAKESPEARE JTamlet. Act iii. Se. 2. Coriolanus. Like a dull actor now, I have forgot my part, and [ am out, Even to a full disgrace. Ibid. Coriolanus, Act y. Se. 3. 1. 40. Buckingham. Tut! I can counterfeit the deep tragedian ; Speak and look back, and pry on ever side, Tremble and start at wagging of a straw, Intending deep suspicion. SHAKESPEARE, Richard I1I. Act iii, Se. 5. To wake the soul by tender strokes of art, To raise the genius, and to mend the heart ; To make mankind, in conscious virtue bold, Live o’er each scene, and be what they behold— For this the tragic Muse first trod the stage. Pore. Prologue to Addison’s Cato. 1.1. The strolling tribe ; a despicable race. CHURCHILL. Apology. 1. 206. Or if one tolerable page appears In folly’s volume, ’tis the actor’s leaf, Who dries his own by drawing others’ tears, And, raising present mirth, makes glad his future years. HorACE SMITH. Rejected Addresses—Cui Bono ? ADAPTATION. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted ; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance. Old Testament, Ecclesiastes iii. 1-4. A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak. Ibid. Ecclesiastes iii. 7. Magna res est vocis et silentii tempora nosse. It is a great thing to know the season for speech and the season for silence. SENECA. De Moribus. 74. There is a time for some things and a time for all things, a time for great things and a time for small things. CERVANTES, Don Quixote. Pt. ii, Ch, 2.2.8 94 ADAPTATICN. When thou art at Rome, do as they do at Rome. CERVANTES. Don Quixote. Pt. ii. Ch. liv. Perhaps the earliest appearance in general literature of a popular proverb which arose in the following manner. St. Augustine was in the habit of dining on Saturday as on Sun- day; but, being puzzled with the different practices then prevailing (for they had be- gun to fast at Kome on Saturday), he con- sulted St. Ambrose on the subject. Now, at Milan they did not fast on Saturday; and the answer of the Milan saint was: * When Iam here I do not fast on Saturday; when at Rome I do fast on Saturday” (‘‘ Quando hie sum, non jejuno Sabbato ; quando Rome sum, jejuno Sabbato’’). See ST. AUGUSTINE. Letters. xxxvi. Sec. 32 to Casulanus. He that fasted on Saturday in Jonia or Smyrna was a schismatick; and so was he that did not fast at Milan or Rome upon the same day, both upon the same reason : Cum fueris Rome, Romano vivito more, Cum fueris alibi, vivito sicut ibi: When you're in Rome, then livein Roman fashion ; When you're elsewhere, then live as there they live. Because he was to conform tothe custom of Smyrna as well as that of Milan, in the re- spective dioceses. } , JEREMY TAYLOR. Ductor Dubitantium. BEsisChs 1:5, 5 Apollo said that every one’s true worship was that which he found in usein the place where he chanced to be. MONTAIGNE. Essays. Bk. ii. Ch. xii. Apology for Raimond Sebond. TIsocrates adviseth Demonicus, when he came to a strange city, to worship by all means the gods of the place. BURTON. Anatomy of Melancholy. Pt. iii. Sec. 4. Subsee. 5. The virtue in most request is confor- mity. Self-reliance is its aversion. It loves not realities and creators, but names and customs. EMERSON. Essays. Self-Reliance. I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. New Testament. Corinthians ix. 22 Suit thyself tothe estate in which thy lot is cast. Marcus AURELIUS. Meditations. vi. 39. Remember this,—that there is a pro- per dignity and proportion to be ob- served in the performance of every act of life. Ibid. Meditations. iv. 32. 11 Ne e quovis ligno Mercurius fiat. Not every wood is fit for a statue of Mercury. Erasmus. Adagiorum Chiliades, Munus aptum. Por. The crow doth sing as sweetly as the lark, When neither is attended ; and, I think, The nightingale, if she should sing by day, When every goose is cackling, would be thought No better a musician than the wren. How many things by season season’d are To their right praise, and true perfec- tion ! SHAKESPEARE. Merchant of Venice. Alet; va Se, 1516102: Were La nightingale, I would act the part of a nightingale; were I a swan, the part of a swan. EPICTETUS. Discourses. Ch. xvi. Biron. At Christmas I no more desire a rose Than wish asnow in May’s new-fangled mirth; But like of each thing that in season grows. Seer ariee Love’s Labor Lost. Acti " @: 1; Helena. I know him a notorious liar ; Think him a great way fool, solely a coward :. Yet these fix’d evils sit so fit in him, That they take place, when virtue’s steely bones Look bleak in the cold wind. Tbid. All's Well that Ends Well. Acti. SGiil ale 90. Fr. Laurence. O, mickle is the powerful grace that lies In herbs, plants, stones, and their true qualities; — For nought so vile that on the earth doth live But to the earth some special good doth give, Nor aught so good but strain’d from that fair use } Revolts from true birth, stumbling on abuse : 12 ADAPTATION. Wiriue itself turns vice, pelhine' misap- plied ; And vice sometime’s by action dignified. SHAKESPEARE, Romeo and Juliet. Act ii. Se. 3. 1. 15. Enobarbus. Every time Serves for the matter that is then born in? ti Ibid. aeasony and Cleopatra. Act ii. Cc. 2. King. Youth no less becomes. The light and careless livery that it wears, Than settled age his sables, and his weeds, Importing ‘health and graveness. Ibid. Hamlet. Activ. Se. 7. 1. 78. They are happy men whose natures sort with their vocations. LORD BACON. Wise nature ever, with a prudent hand, Dispenses various gifts to ev’ry land ; To ev’ry nation frugally imparts A genius fit for some peculiar arts. SoaAMES JENYNS. The Art of Dancing. Canto ii. 1. 55. Crows are fair with crows. Custom in sin gives sin a lovely dye; Blackness in Moors is no deformity. MIDDLETON AND DEKKER. The Honest Whore. Pt.ii. Act ii. Se. 1. Mahomet made the people believe that he would call a hill to him, and from the top of it offer up his prayers for the observers of his law. The peo- ple assembled; Mahomet called the hill to come to him, again and again, and when the hill stood still, he was never a whit abashed, but said, if the hill will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet will go to the hill. Bacon. Of Boldness. Our torments also may in length of time Become our elements, these piercing fires As soft as now severe, our temper changed Into their temper, which’ must needs remove Phe sensible of pain. Matton. Paradise Lost. Bk. ii-l. 274, The remnant of his days he safely past, Nor found they lagg’d too slow, nor flew too fast ; made his wish with comply, Joyful to live, yet not afraid to die. PRIOR. He his estate Metiri se quemque suo modulo ac pede verum est. For still when all is said the rule stands fast, That each man’s shoe be made on his own last. Horace, LEpistole, 7. i. 1. 98. (Trans. CONINGTON.) Let not the shoe be too large for the foot: Lucian. Pro Imaginibus. 10. Wer sich nicht nach der Decke streckt, Dem bleiben die Fiisse unbedeckt. He who does not stretch himself ac- cording to the coverlet, finds his feet un- covered. GOETHE. Sprtiche in Reimen. iii. Temporibus mores sapiens sine crim- ine mutat. The wise man does no wrong i in chang- ing his habits with the times. Dionysius Cato. Disticha de Moribus. i. 7. You must cut your coat according to your cloth. Old Proverb. According to her cloth she cut her coat. DRYDEN. The Cock and the Fox. 1. 20 TI shall Cut my cote after my cloth. J. HEywoop. Proverbs. Bk.i. Ch. viii. Cut thy coat according to thy cloth. LyLy. Euphues and his England. ’Tis foolish to depend on others’ mercy! Keep yourself right, and even cut your cloth, sir, According to your calling. FLETCHER. The Beggar’s Bush. Act iv. Se. 1. Cut your coat to match your cloth. Pitt. Epistle to Mr. Spence. Meae (contendere noli) Stultitiam patiuntur opes; tibi parvula res est; Arta decet sanum comitem toga. Don’t re bad with me, he says, and’ he says Py My- wealth will bear. the silly things I do: a ADDISON, JOSEPH.—ADMIRATION. 13 Yours is a inesiey A iteaes at the best: A wise man cuts his coat—you know the rest. Horace. Epistolz. i. 18, 28. CONINGTON.) (Trans., The whitewash’d wall, the nicely sanded floor, The ea rnish ad clock that eclick’d behind the door; The chest, contriv’d a double debt to pay Ad A bed ie night, a chest of drawers by day. GoLpsMITH. Deserted Village. 1. 227. In the last couplet Goldsmith was plagiar- izing from himself A er an deck’d his brows instead of A cap set night, a stocking all the day. Descr iption of an Author's Bed-chamber. Each natural agent works but to this end,— To render that it works on like itself. CHAPMAN. Bussy d’ Ambois. Act iii. Se. 1. My nature is subdu’d To what it works in, like the dyer’s hand. SHAKESPEARE. Sonnet cxi. As the husband is, the wife is: mated with a clown, And the grossness of his nature will have weight to drag thee down. TENNYSON. Locksley Hall. 1. 47. thou art But any man that walks the mead, In bud or blade, or bloom may find, According as his humours lead, A meaning suited to his mind. Ibid. The Day Dream. Moral 2. ADDISON, JOSEPH. Peace to all such! but were there one whose fires True genius kindles, and fair fame in- spires ; Bless’d with each talent and each art to please, And born to write, converse, and live with ease ; Should such a man, 0 fond to rule alone, Bear, like the Turk, no brother near the throne; View him with scornful, yet with jeal- ous eyes, And hate for arts that caused himself to rise ; Dabs with faint praise, assent with civil leer, . And, without sneering, teach the rest to sneer ; Wilunug to wound, and yet afraid to strike, ' Just hint a fault, and hesitate dislike ; Alike reserved to blame or to commend, A timorous foe, and a suspicious friend ; Dreading e’en tools, by flatterers be- sieged, And so obliging that he ne’er obliged, Like Cato, give his little senate laws, And sit attentive to his own applause ; While wits and lemplars every sentence raise, And wonder with praise— Who but must laugh, if such a man there be? Who would not weep, if Atticus were he? Porr. Satires and Epistles. Dr. Arbuthnot. 1. 193. a foolish face of Prologue to Nor e’er was to the bowers of bliss con- veyed A fairer spirit or more welcome shade. THOMAS TICKELL. On the Death of Mr. Addison. 1. 45. There taught us how to live; and (oh, too high The price for knowledge) taught us how to die. Ibid. On the Death of Mr. Addison. (See under EXAMPLE.) 1. 81. Whoever wishes to attain an English style, familiar but not coarse, and ele- gant but not ostentatious, must give his days and nights to the volumes of Ad- dison. JOHNSON. Lives of the Poets. Addison. ADMIRATION. Where none admire, ’t is useless to excel ; Where none are beaux, ’t is vain to be a belle. LorD LITTLETON. Soliloquy on a Beauty in the Country. We always like those who admire us: we do not always like those whom we admire. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Maxim 294. a ee l4 ADVERSITY. Un sot trouve toujours un plus sot qui Vadmire. A fool always finds one still more foolish to admire him. Borteau. Le’ Art Poétique. i. 232. mable, she gives virtues; if she wishes to make him esteemed, she gives success. JOUBERT. Pensées, No, 149, (ATT WELL, trans.) ADVERSITY. (See MISFORTUNE, SORROW.) If thou faint in the day of thy adver- sity thy strength is small. Old Testament. Proverbs xxiv. 10. Eitvyov pév pétptog ioht, atvyav dé poovipoc. Be modest in good fortune, prudent in misfortune. PERIANDER. \(Stobaeus, Florilegium, iii. 79, 1.) Remember that there is nothing stable in human affairs ; therefore avoid undue elation in prosperity, or undue depres- sion in adversity. IsocRATES. Ad Demonicum. (Stevens, p. 11, B.) iv) 42. It was a high speech of Seneca (after the manner of the Stoics) that “The good things which belong to prosperity are to be wished, but the good things that belong to adversity are to be ad- mired.” Bacon. Essays: Of Adversity, Adversity is sometimes hard upona man: but for one man who ean stand prosperity there are a hundred that will stand ad- versity. CARLYLE. Heroes and Hero Worship. The Hero as Man of Letters. We need greater virtues to sustain good than evil fortune. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Maxim 25. “Tt seems to me, Cyrus, to be more diffi- cult to find a man unspoilt by prosperity than one unspoilt by adversity.” XENOPHON. Cyropaedia. viii. 4, 14. Melius in malis sapimus, secunda rectum auferunt. We become wiser bv adversity ; prosperity destroys our appreciation of the right. | SENECA. Epistole Ad Luciliwm. xciv. Affliction is the good man’s shining scene ; Prosperity conceals his brightest ray ; f As night to stars, woe lustre vives to man. YouNG. Night Thoughts. Night 9. 1. 406. Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity is On the . °y - | & greater. If Nature wishes to make a man esti-| > Hazuitt. Sketches and Essays. Conversation of Lords. In adversity it is easy to despise life ; the truly brave man is he who can en- dure to be miserable. MARTIAL. Bk. xi. Ep. 56. Secunda felices, adversa magnos pro- bent. Prosperity proves the fortunate, ad- versity the great. PLINY THE YOUNGER. Panegyric. 31. Ignis aurum probat, miseria fortes viros. Gold is tried by fire, brave men by affliction. : SENECA. De Providentia. v. 9. Prosperity is the blessing of the Old Testament; adversity is the blessing of the New. Bacon. Of Adversity.’ Friar Lawrence. Adversity’s sweet milk, philosophy. SHAKESPEARE. Romeo and Juliet. iii. Se. 3. 1. 55. Act Duke. Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which like the toad, ugly and veno- mous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head ; And this our life, exempt from public haunt, ‘ Finds tongues in trees, books in the run- ning brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in every thing. Ibid. As You Like It. Act ii. Se. 1.1. 12. Griffith. His overthrow heap’d happi- ness upon him ; For then, and not till then, he felt him- self, And found the blessedness of being little. Ibid. Henry VIII. Activ. Se. 2. 1. 64. Nothing is a misery, Unless our weakness apprehend it so: We cannot be more faithful to ourselves, ADVICE. 16 In anything that’s manly, than to make Il] fortune as contemptible to us As it makes us to others. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Honest Man's Fortune. Acti. Se 1. Artevelde. What time to tardy consum- mation brings Calamity, like to a frosty night That ripeneth the grain, completes at once. Sir H. Taywor. Philip von Artevelde. Pt. i, Act iv. Se. 2. When pain can’t bless, heaven quits us in despair. YounG. Night Thoughts. Night 9. 1. 500, Virtue is like precious odors,—most fragrant when they are incensed or crushed. Bacon. Of Adversity. As aromatic plants bestow No spicy fragrance while they grow ; But crushed or trodden to the ground, Diffuse their balmy sweets around. GOLDSMITH. The Captivity. Acti. The good are better made by ill, As odours crushed are sweeter still. ROGERS. Jacqueline. St. 3. Let us be patient! These severe afflic- tions Not from the ground arise, But oftentimes celestial benedictions Assume this dark disguise. LONGFELLOW. Resignation. Oh, fear not in a world like this, And thou shalt know ere long,— Know how sublime a thing it is To suffer and be strong. Ibid. The Light of Stars. St. 9. Daughter of Jove, relentless power, Thou tamer of the human breast, Whose iron scourge and tort’ring hour The bad affright, afflict the best. Gray. Hymn to Adversity. A man [ am, cross’d with adversity. SHAKESPEARE. Two Gentlemen of Verona. Activ. Se. 1 Romeo. One writ with me in sour mis- fortune’s book. Ibid. Romeo and Juliet. Act v. Se. 3. 2d Murderer. I am one, my liege, Whom the vile blows and buffets of the world Have so incensed that I am _ reckless what I do to spite the world. 1st Murderer. And I another So weary with disasters, tugg’d with for- tune, That I would set my life on any chance, To mend it, or be rid on’t. SHAKESPEARE. Macbeth. Act iii. Se. 1. O suffering, sad humanity ! O ye afflicted ones, who lie Steeped to the lips i in misery, Longing, yet afraid to die, Patient, though sorely tried ! LONGFELLOW. The Goblet of Life. Tis not for mortals always to be blest. ARMSTRONG. Art of Preserving Health. Bk. iy. 1. 260: Adversity is the first path to truth: He who hath proved war, storm, or woman’s rage, Whether his .winters be eighteen or eighty, Has won the experience which is deemed so weighty. Byron. Don Juan. Canto xii. St. 50. ADVICE. (See also COMFORT.) Who cannot give good counsel ? cheap, it costs them nothing. BuRTON. Anatomy of Melancholy. t. ii. Sec. 2, Memb. 3. Tis Nothing is given so profusely as ad- vice. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Maxim 110. Many receive advice, only the wise profit by it. PUBLIUS SyRus. Maxim 152 We give advice, but we cannot give the wisdom to profit by it. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Mazaim 97. Let no man value at a little price A virtuous woman’s counsel ; her wing’d spirit Is feather’d oftentimes with heavenly words. CHAPMAN, The Gentleman Usher. Activ. Se. 1. 16 Ah, gentle dames! it gars me greet To think how monie counsels sweet, How wonie lengthened sage advices, The husband frae the wife despises. Burns. Yam O'shanter, 1. 38. K. Henry. Friendly counsel cuts off many foes. SHAKESPEARE, J. Henry VI, Actiii.Se.1. 1. 180. Adriana. What see’st thou else In the dark backward and abysm of time? SHAKESPEARE, a tS: The Tempest. Acti. Se. Prospero. Let us not burden our re- membrance with A heaviness that’s gone. Ibid. The Tempest. Act v. Sc. 1. 1. 200. Lady Macbeth. Memory, the warder of the brain. Ibid. Macbeth. Acti. Se. 7. 1. 65, Macduff. I cannot but remember such things were, That were most precious to me. Ibid. Macbeth. Activ. Sc. 3. 1. 222. Hamlet. Remember thee ! ay, thou poor ghost, whilememory holds a seat In this distracted globe. thee! Yea, from the table of my memory Pll wipe away all trivial fond records, All saws of books, all forms, all press- ures past, That vouth and observation copied there, And thy commandment all alone shall Remember live Within the book.and volume of my brain. Ibid. Hamlet. Acti. Se. 5. 1. 95, Aigeon. Yet hath my night of life some memory, My wasting lamps some fading glimmer left. SHAK ESPEARE, Comedy of Errors. Act Y. Se. 1. 1. 314. O Memory! thou fond deceiver ! ‘Still importunate and vain ; To former joys recurring ever, And turning all the past to pain. GOLDSMITH. The Captivity. Acti. Se. 1. The right honourable gentleman is indebted to his memory for his jests, and to his imagination for his facts. SHERIDAN. Speech in the House of Com- mons, in reply to Mr. Dundas. It may be said that his wit shines at the expense of his memory. LESAGE. Gil Blas. Bk. iii. Ch. xi. I’ve wandered east, ’ve wandered west, Through mony a weary way ; But never, never can forget The luve o’ life’s young day ! WILLIAM MOTHERWELL. Jeanie Morrison, Mem. To remember to forget to ask Old Whitbred to my house one day. Dr. JOHN WoLcot. Whitbread’s Brewery Visited by Their Majesties. Mrs. Malaprop. Illiterate him, I say, quite from your memory. SHERIDAN. The Rivals. Acti. Se. 2. Long, long be my heart with such mem- ories fill’d ! Like the vase in which roses have once been distill’d : You may break, you may shatter the vase if you will, But the scent of the roses will hang round it still. THOMAS MooRE. Farewell! but Whenever You Welcome the Hour. Concluding lines. (See under RosE.) Music, when soft voices die, Vibrates in the memory; Odors, when sweet violets sicken, Live within the sense they quicken. Rose-leaves, when the rose is dead, Are heaped for the beloved’s bed; And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone, Love itself shall slumber on. SHELLEY. To To live with them is far less sweet Than to remember thee. aaa I Saw Thy Form. Concluding ines. 478 Heu! quanto minus est cum reliquis ver- a tui meminisse! Alas! what little joy it is to live with those that survive, compared with the rec- ollection of your presence! SHENSTONE. Spituph on Miss Doliman. Oft in the stilly night, Ere slumber’s chain has bound me, Fond memory brings the light Of other days around me; The smiles, the tears, Of boyhood’s years, The words of love then spoken; The eyes that shone Now dimmed and gone, The cheerful hearts now broken. THOMAS MooRE, Oft in the Stilly Night. Oh, I have roamed over many lands, And many friends I’ve met; Not one fair scene or kindly smile Can this fond heart forget. J. H. BAYLEY. Oh, Steer My Bark to Erin’s Isle. Go where glory waits thee ; But, while fame elates thee, _ O, still remember me. When the praise thou meetest, To thine ear is sweetest, O, then remember me. Moore. Go Where Glory Waits Thee. TI remember—I remember How my childhood fleeted by,— The mirth of its December, And the warmth of its July. W.M. PRAED. JI Remember, I Remember. How cruelly sweet are the echoes that start When memory plays an old tune on the heart! ELIzA Cook. Old Dobbin. The thought of our past years in me doth breed Perpetual benediction. WorpswortH. IJntimations of Immor- tality. St. 9. And when the stream Which overflowed the soul was passed away, A Seppe ie remained that it had elt Deposited upon the silent shore Of memorv images and precious thoughts That shall not die, and cannot be de- stroyed. . Ibid. Excursion. Bk. vii. 1. 25. MEMORY. Sweet as love, Or the remembrance of a generous deed. Ibid. The Prelude. Book the Siath. 1.682. Still are the thoughts to memory dear. Scott. Rokeby. Cantoi. St. 33. A place in thy memory, dearest, Isallthat [ claim; — To pause and look back when thou hearest The sound of my name. GERALD GRIFFIN. A Placein Thy Memory. How dear to this heart are the scenes of my childhood, When fond recollection presents them to view. SAMUEL WoopwoRTH. The Old Oaken Bucket, Then soon with the emblem of truth overflowing, . And dripping with coolness, it rose from the well. Ibid. The Old Oaken Bucket. The old oaken bucket, the iron-bound bucket, The moss-covered bucket, which hung in the well. Ibid. The Old Oaken Bucket. What peaceful hours I once enjoy’d ! How sweet their memory still ! But they have left an aching void The world can never fill. CowPER. Walking with God. In a drear-nighted December, Too happy, happy tree, Thy branches ne’er remember Their green felicity. KEATS. Stanzas. Backward, turn backward, O Time in your flight! Make me a child again, just for to- night ! ELIZABETH AKERS ALLEN. tock Me to Sleep. Backward, flow backward, O tide of the years | I am so weary of toil and of tears,— Toil without recompense, tears all in vain ! Take them, and give me my childhood again ! Ibid. Rock Me to Sleep. eS ine Se MERCHANT—MERCY. This is the place. steed, Let me review the scene, And summon from the shadowy past The forms that once have been. LONGFELLOW. A Gleam of Sunshine. Thou who stealest fire From the fountains of the past, To glorify the present. TENNYSON. Ode to Memory. Stand still, my ‘Moreover, something is or seems, That touches me with mystic gleams, Like glimpses of forgotten dreams— Of something felt, like something here; Of something done, I know not where ; Such as no language may declare. Ibid. The Two Voices. St. 127. This is truth the poet sings That a sorrow’s crown of sorrows is re- membering happier things. Ibid. Locksley Hall. St. 38. (See under SORROWS.) I have a room whereinto no one enters Save I myself alone: There sits a blessed memory on a throne, There my life centres. CHRISTINA G. ROSSETTI. Memory. Pt. ii. St. 1 MERCHANT. Whose merchants are princes, whose traffickers are the honorable of the earth. Old Testament. Isaiah xxiii. 8. Strike, louder strike, the ennobling strings To those whose merchants’ sons were kings. COLLINS. Ode to Liberty. 1. 42. In vain state _ Where merchants gild the top. Marston. What You Will. Acti. When I see a merchant over-polite to his customers, begging them to taste a little brandy and throwing half his goods on the counter—thinks I, that man has an axe to grind. CHARLES MINER. Essays from the Desk of Poor Robert the Scribe. Who'll Turn Grindstones ? MERCY. The mercy of the Lord is from ever- lasting to everlasting upon them.that fear Him. Old Testament. Psalms ciii. 17. 479 Who redeemeth thy life from destruc- tion; who crowneth thee with loving- kindness and tender mercies. Old Testament. Psaims ciil. 4. Bowels of mercies, kindness, humble- ness of mind, meckness, long-suffering. New Testament. Colossians iii. 12. Open thy bowels of compassion. CONGREVE. The Jouning Bride. Act iv. Sc. 7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. New Testament. Matthew v. 7. Who will not mercie unto others show, How can he mercie ever hope to have? SPENSER. The Faerie Queene. Bk. iv. Canto i. St. 42. Teach me to feel another’s woe, To hide the fault I see; That mercy I to others show, That mercy show to me. Pope. The Universal Prayer. St. 10. Mercy to him that shows it, is the rule. CowPER. The Task. Bk. vi. The Winter Walk at Noon. 1. 595. Portia. The quality of mercy is not strain’d ; It droppeth, as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath: it is twice bless’d ; It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes: Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it be- comes The throned monarch better than his crown: His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, The attribute to awe and majesty, Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; But mercy is above the sceptred sway ; It is enthronéd in the hearts of kings, It is an attribute to God himself ; And earthly power doth then show likest God’s, When mercy seasons justice: Therefore, ew, Though justice be thy plea, consider this That in the course of justice, none of us Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy ; 480 MERCY. And that same prayer doth teach us all to render The deeds of mercy. SHAKESPEARE. The Merchant of Venice. Act iy. Se. 1, 1.' 184. Excogitare nemo quicquam poterit quod magis decorum regenti sit quam clementia. It is impossible to imagine anything which better becomes a ruler than mercy. SENECA. De Clementia. i. 19, 1. mag eee No ceremony that to great ones ‘longs ' Not the king’s crown, nor the deputed sword, The rene truncheon, nor the judge’s robe, Become them with one half so good a grace, As mercy does. SHAKESPEARE. jh ts Og Pte) ae Mercy’s indeed the attribute of heaven. Otway. Windsor Castle. Measure for Measure. Act 3. The greatest attribute of heaven is mercy; And ‘tis the crown of justice, and the glory, Where it may kill with right, to save with pity. : J. FLETCHER. The Lover’s Progress. Act lii. Se. 3 {This play was left imperfect by Fletcher, and finished by another poet, probably Massinger or Shirley. ] York. Open thy gate of mercy, gra- cious God ! My soul flies through these wounds to seek out Thee. SHAKESPEARE. III. Henry VI. Act i. SC4 177. Sweet Mercy! to the gates of heaven This minstrel lead, his sins forgiven; The rueful conflict, the heart riven With vain endeavour, And memory of Earth’s bitter leayen Effaced forever. WORDSWORTH. Thoughts Suggested on the Banks of the Nith. Isabella. Why, all the souls that were, were forfeit once ; And He that might the vantage best have took anne out theremedy. How would you e, ‘ If He, which is the top of judgment, should But judge you as you are? SHAKESPEARE. Measure for Measure. Act ii. Sev 2s 1 VBE King. Whereto serves mercy, But to confront the visage of offence? Ibid. Hamlet. Actiii. Se. 3. 1. 46. Escalus. Mercy is not itself, that oft looks so; ‘ Pardon is still the nurse of second woe. SHAKESPEARE. Measure for Measure. ACL Aly SCr P2975 Pardon one offence and you encourage the commission of many. PUBLILIUS SYRUS. Maxim 750. Prince. Mercy but murders, pardoning those that kill. SHAKESPEARE. Romeo and Juliet. Act ili SC. piesa eve, First Senator. Nothing emboldens sin so much as mercy. Ibid. Timon of Athens. Act iii. Se.5. 1.3. He that’s merciful - Unto the bad, is cruel to the good. RANDOLPH. The Muses’ Looking Glass. Every unpunished murder takes away apart from the security of every man’s ife. DANIEL WEBSTER. Mass., August 3, 1850. of Capt. Joseph White. A God all mercy is a God unjust. Youna. Night Thoughts. Night iv. 1.234. There is a mercy which is weakness, and even treason against the common good. GEORGE ELIoT. Romola, Bk. iii. Ch. 1x Argument, Salem, The Murder Tigers have courage and the rugged bear But man alone can, whom he conquers, spare. WALLER. Epistle to My Lord Protector. Cowards are cruel, but the brave Love mercy and delight to save. GAY. Fables. The Lion, the Tiger, and. the Traveller. 1. 33. Humanity always becomes & conqueror. SHERIDAN. Pizarro. Acti. Se. 1. Yet I shall temper so : Justice with mercy, as may illustrate most Them fully satisfy’d, and thee appease. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. x. 1.77. My friend, judge not me, Thou seest I judge not thee. Betwixt the stirrup and the ground Mercy I asked, mercy I found. CAMDEN. Remains Concerning England. Section, Epitaphs. Camden’s comments are worth quoting: A gentleman falling off his horse, brake his neck, which suddaine hap gave occasion ~ of much speech of his former life, and some in this judging world judged the worst, In which respect a good friend made this good epitaph, bas pbs Bees fh Saint Augus- tine, “ Misericordia Domini inter pontem | et fontem.”’ a ae oe Se : i . : MEBRIT—METAPHYSICS- _— 481 {The phrase quoted from St. Augustine may be Englished ‘‘The mercy of God be- tween the bridge and the river,” and is said to have been penned by the saint in refer- ence to an unfortunate gentleman who fell into a river. Boswell, under date of April 28, 1783, tells how Johnson improved the last couplet of the epitaph by misquoting it: Between the stirrup and the ground, I mercy asked, I mercy found.] Being all fashioned of the self-same dust, Let us be merciful as well as just ! LONGFELLOW. Tales of a Wayside Inn. The Student's Tale. Emma and Egin- hard. 1.177. Gayer insects fluttering by Ne’er droop the wing o’er those that die, And lovelier things have mercy shown To every failing but their own, And every woe a tear can claim, Except an erring sister’s shame. BYRON. The Giaour. MERIT. Hamlet. Use every man after his desert, and who shall ’scape whipping ? BBs SSERARE- Hamlet. Act ii. Se. 2. 1. 559. 1. 416. Duke. O, your desert speaks loud; and I should wrong it To lock it in the wards of covert bosom, When it deserves with characters of brass A forted residence ’gainst the tooth of time, And razure of oblivion. Jy is: peeenure Jor Measure. Act v. Se. 1. Il y a du mérite sans élévation mais il ny a point délévation sans quelque mérite. There is merit without elevation, but there is no elevation without some merit. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Mazim 401. Le monde récompense plus souvent les apparences de mérite que le mérite méme. The world rewards the appearance of merit oftener than merit itself. Ibid. Maxim 166. View the whole scene, with critic judg- _ _ment scan, And then deny him merit if you can. 31 Where he falls short, ’tis Nature’s fault alone ; ' Where he succeeds, the merit’s all his own. CHURCHILL. The Rosciad. 1. 1028. Tt sounds like stories from the land of spirits, If any man obtain that which he merits, Or any merit that which he obtains. COLERIDGE. The Good Great Man. (Called Complaint in early editions.) . MERMAID. Oberon. Since once I sat upon a prom- ontory, And heard a mermaid on a dolphin’s back Uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath, That the rude sea grew civil at her song: And certain stars shot madly from their spheres, To hear the sea-maid’s music. SHAKESPEARE. Midsummer Night's Dream. Act ii. Se. 12149. (Act iisSe. 27in some editions.) ‘ Who would be A mermaid fair, Singing alone, Combing her hair Under the sea, In a golden curl With a comb of pearl, On a throne ? I would be a mermaid fair ; I would sing to myself the whole of the ay 5; With a comb of pearl I would comb my hair ; ; And still'as I comb I would sing and sa : “Who is it loves me? who loves not me?” ‘ TENNYSON. The Mermaid. METAPHYSICS. Quad celui & qui |’on parle ne com- prend pas et celui qui parle ne se com- prend pas, c’est de la métaphysique. When he to whom one speaks does not understand, and he who speaks him- self does not understand, this is Meta- physics. VOLTAIBE, 482 When Bishop Berkeley said, “There was no matter,” And proved it—’twas no matter what he said ; They say his system ’tis in vain to batter, Too subtle for the airiest human head ; And yet who can believe it? I would shatter Gladly all matters down to stone or lead, Or adamant, to find the world a spirit, And wear my head, denying that I wear it. Byron. Don Juan. Canto xi. St. 1. What T. H. KEy. {Key was at one time Head Master of University School. F. J. Furnivall is au- thority for ascribing the familiar phrase to him. It is sometimes quoted with the ad- dition, ‘‘ What is soul? It is immaterial.”] What is mind? No matter. is matter? Never mind. MIGHT. (See STRENGTH.) Deos fortioribus a desse. The Gods assist the strongest. Tacitus. Bk.iv. Ch 7”. Di qui nacque che tutti li profeti armati vinsero, e li disarmati rovinarono. Hence it happened that all the armed prophets conquered, all the unarmed per- ished. Ch. vi. MACHIAVELLI. Jl Principe. As a rule God is on the side of the big squadrons as against the small ones. Bussy, COMTE DE RABUTIN. Letters. October 18, 1677. The number of the wise will always be small. It is true that it has been largely increased, but it is nothing in comparison with the number of fools, and unfortunately they say that God always favors the heaviest battalions. VOLTAIRE. Letter to M. le Riche. ary 6, 1770. Febru- ae men and God’s are on the strongest side. Six C.SEDLEY. Death of Mare Antony. Act iv. Se. 2. The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators. GIBBON. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Ch. |xviii. MIGHT. J’ai toujours vu Dieu du coté des gros bataillons. ' I have always noticed that God is on the side of the heaviest battalions. DE LA FERTR. To Anne of Austria. [De la Ferté’s phrase has been attributed to Napoleon I., and may in fact have been quoted by him. Another Napoleonic phrase was, ‘‘ Providence is always on the side of the last reserve.” ] Hast thou (a sacrilege his soul abhors) Claim’d at the glory of thy prosperous wars? Proud of thy fleets and armies, stolen the gem Of his just praise to lavish it on them? et ae not learn’d, what thou art often old, A truth still sacred and believed of old, That no success attends on spears and swords Unblest, and that the battle is the Lord’s? COWPER. Expostulation. 1. 849. Put your trust in God, my boys, and keep your powder dry. COLONEL BLACKER. Oliver's Advice. There is a well-authenticated anecdote. of Cromwell. Ona certain occasion, when his troops were about crossing a river to at- tack the enemy, he concluded an address, couched in the usual fanatic terms in use among them, with these words: “ Put your pee in God; but mind to keep your powder Ty ita Hayes. Ballads of Ireland. Vol. i. p. 191. Onui yap &y® eivat 76 dikatov ovK GAAo TL TO TOU KpEiTTOVvog Evudépor, I proclaim that might is right, justice the interest of the stronger. P PLATO. Republic. i. 12. (JOWETT, trans.) Mensuraque juris : Vis erat. , Might was the measure of right. Lucan. Pharsalia. Bk. i. 1. 175. Host. O God! that right should thus over come might. SHAKESPEARE, JJ, Henry IV. Actv. — Se. 4. 1. 28. Might That makes a Title, where there is no Right, — S. DANIEL. Civil War. Bk. ii. xxxvi. ’ C’est la force et le’droit qui réglent toutes les choses dans le monde; la force en at- } tendant le droit. ~ Force and right govern everything in this world; force till right is ready. JOUBERT. Thoughts. (MATTHEW ARNOLD, © trans.) ; — MILL; MILLER—JOHN MILTON, 483 La raison du plus fort est toujours la meilleure. The opinion of the strongest is always the t best. LA FONTAINE. The Wolf and the Lamb. Bk. i. Fable 10. Let us have faith that right makes might: and in that faith let us dare to do our duty as we understand it. LINCOLN. Address. New York city, February 21, 1859. . Vi et armis. By force of arms. CICERO. “© Ad Pontifices. Vi victa vis. Force overcome by force. Ibid. Pro Milone. xi. 30. Richard. They well deserve to have That know the strong’st and surest way to get. « SHAKESPEARE. Richard II. Actiii. Se. 3. 1. 200. xxiv. 63. The good old rule Sufficeth them, the simple plan, That they should take who have the power, And they should keep who can. WORDSWORTH. Rob Roy's Grave. St. 9. Who overcomes By force, hath overcome but half his foe. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. i. 1. 648, What is strength without a double share Of wisdom? vast, unwieldy, burdensome, Proudly secure, yet liable to fall By weakest subtleties, not made to rule, But to subserve where wisdom bears command. Ibid. Samson Agonistes. 1. 58. Then, everlasting Love, restrain thy will; ’Tis god-like to have power, but not to kill. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. The Chances. Act ii. Sc. 2. Song. ‘The great mind knows the power of gentleness, Only tries force because persuasion fails. R. BROWNING. Prince Hohenstiel-Schwan- gau. Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till earth and sky stand presently at God’s great judgment seat; But there is neither East nor West, Border nor Breed nor Birth, When two strong men stand face to face, tho’ they come from the ends of the earth ! RUDYARD KIPLING. The Ballad of East and West. MILL; MILLER. A yet he had a thomb of gold parde.! pele Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Much water goeth by the mill That the miller knoweth not of. JOHN HEywoop. Proverbs. Bk. ii. Ch. v. Demetrius. More water glideth by the mill Than wots the miller of, and easy it is Of a cut loaf to steal a shive. SHAKESPEARE. Titus Andronicus. Act LeSCulak. So. The miller sees not all the water that goes by his mill. BuRtToN. Anatomy of Melancholy. Pt. lii. Sec. 3. Memb. 4. Subsec. 1. The same water that drives the mill, decayeth it. STEPHEN Gosson. The Schoole of Abuse. And a proverb haunts my mind As a spell is cast,— “The mill can never grind With the water that is pants SARAH DOUDNEY. The Water-Miil. Oh, seize the instant time; you never will With waters once passed by impel the mill. TRENCH. Proverbs. Turkish and Persian. The mill will never grind with the water that is past. HERBERT. Jacula Prudentum. JOHN MILTON. Grecia Meonidam, jactet sibi Roma Maronem, Anglia Miltonum jactat utrique parem. Greece boasts her Homer, Rome can Virgil claim ; England can either match in Milton’s fame. SELVAGGI. Ad Joannem Miltonum. Three poets in three distant ages born, Greece, Italy, and England, did adorn: : The first in loftiness of thought surpassed ; The next in majesty ; in both the last. The force of nature could no further go; To make a third. she join’d the former two. DRYDEN. Lines Written Under a Portrait of Milton. Ages elapsed ere Homer’s lamp appear’d, And ages ere the Mantuan swan was heard: To carry nature lengths unknown before, To give a Milton birth, ask’d ages more. CoWPER. Table-Talk. 1. 557. 1Tn allusion tothe proverb, “ Every honest miller has a golden thumb.” 484 Nor second he that rode sublime Upon the seraph wings of ecstasy. The secrets of the abyss to spy He passed the flaming bounds of place and time, The living throne, the sapphire blaze, Where angels tremble while they gaze, He saw; but blasted with excess of light, Closed his eyes in endless night. GRAY. Progress of Poesy. iii. St. 2. 1.1. Dark with excessive bright thy skirts ap- pear. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. iii. 1. 380. Milton’s strong pinion now not heaven can bound, Now serpent-like, in prose he sweeps the ground, In quibbles, angel and archangel join, And God the Father turns a school- divine. Pore. First Epistle of the Second Book of Horace Imitated. 1. 99. Milton, thou shouldst be living at this hour ; England hath need of thee. WORDSWORTH. Milton. Sonnet. (See under ENGLAND.) Thy soul was like a star; and dwelt apart 5 Thou hadst a voice whose sound was like the sea; Pure as the naked heavens, majestic, free, So didst thou travel on life’s common way, In cheerful godliness ; and yet thy heart The lowliest duties on herself did lay. Ibid. Milton. That mighty orb of song, ‘The divine Milton. Ibid. Excursion. Bk. i. I am old and blind! Men point at me as smitten by God’s frown. ELIZABETH LLOYD. Milton on His Blind- ness. [This poem has sometimes been attributed to Milton himself. Miss Lloyd, a member of the Society of Friends of Philadelphia, afterward became the wife and widow of Mr. Robert Howell, of the same city.] ; MIMICR Y—MIND. MIMICRY. Agesilaus being invited once to hear a man who admirably imitated the night- ingale, he declined, saying he had heard the nightingale itself. PLUTARCH. Lives. Agesilaus II. The vulgar thus through imitation err; As oft the learn’d by being singular ; So much they scorn the crowd, that if the throng By chance go right, they purposely go wrong ; So schismatics the plain believers quit, And are condemn’d ‘or having too much wit. Imitation is the sincerest flattery. C. C. COLTON (1780-1832). Ihe Lacon. MIND. Mens agitat molem. Mind moves matter. VIRGIL. A’neid. vi. 727. It is the mind that makes the man, and our vigour is in our immortal soul. OviD. Metamorphoses. xiii. Valentior omni fortuna animus est: in utramque partem ipse res suas ducit, beatzeque misere vite sibi causa est. The mind is the master over every kind of fortune: itself acts in both ways, being the cause of its own happiness and misery. SENECA. LEpistole Ad Lucilium. xcviii. Mens regnum bona possidet. A good mind possesses a kingdom. Ibid. Thyestes. ii. 380. My mind to me a kingdom is; Such present joys therein I find, That it excels all other bliss That earth affords or grows by kind: Though much I want which most would ave, Yet still my mind forbids to crave. SIR EDWARD DYER. MS. Rawl. 85. p.17. (There is a very similar but anonymous copy in the British Museum. Additional MS. 15225, p. 85. And there is an imitation in J. Sylvester’s Works, p. 651. HANNAH. Courtly Poets.) My mind to me a kingdom is: Such perfect joy therein I find. 3 ; | ( ' q 4 4 ‘s “Fy a q : ’ : f L : ~ 3 MIND. —— As far exceeds all earthly bliss That God and Nature hath assigned. Though much I want that most would have, Yet still my mind forbids to crave. ByRD. Psalmes, Sonnets, etc, 1588. My mind to me an empire is; While grace affordeth health. ROBERT SOUTHWELL (1560-1595). Content and Rich. I love my neighbor as myself, Myself like him too, by his leave, Nor to his pleasure, power or pelf Came I to crouch, as I conceive. Dame Nature doubtless has designed A man the monarch of his mind. St. 11. JoHN Byrom. Careless Content. It is the mynd that maketh good or ill, That maketh wretch or happie, rich or poore. SPENSER. Faerie Queene. Bk. vi. Canto ix. St. 30 Petruchio. "Tis the mind that makes the body rich. SHAKESPEARE. The Taming of the Shrew. - Activ. Se. 3. 1. 168. Hamlet. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Ibid. Hamlet. Act ii. Se. 2. 1. 249. (See under PRISON.) A mind not to be changed by place or time. The mind is its own place, and in itself Jan make a heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven. ; Mitton. Paradise Lost. Bk. i. 1. 253. Nothing is a misery, Unless our weakness apprehend it so: We cannot be more faithful to ourselves, In anything that’s manly, than to make Til fortune as contemptible to us As it makes us to others. Honest Man’s Fortune. Acti- Se. 1. Edgar. Who alone suffers, suffers most i’ the mind, _ Leaving free things and happy shows behind ; But then the mind much sufferance doth o’erskip, When grief hath mates, and bearing fel- lowship. SHAKESPEARE. King Lear. Act iii. Se. Boeloel td. Stultus uterque locum immeritum causatur inique; , , In culpa est animus, qui se nonseffugit unquam. Each blames the place he livesin; but the mind Is most in fault, which ne’er leaves self behind. Horace. Epistole. Bk. i. Ep. 14. 1. 12. (CONINGTON, trans.) 485 Hamlet. My father, methinks I see my father. Horatio. Where, my lord? Hamlet. In my mind’s eye, Horatio. Sis Rear Hamlet. Actii. Se. 2. 1 185. I do not distinguish by the eye, but by the mind, which is the proper judge of the man. SENECA. Ona Happy Life. (L’Estrange’s Abstract.) Ch. i. They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude. WoRDSWORTH. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. St. 4. {Wordsworth informs us that these two lines were contributed to his poem by Mrs. Wordsworth. } The eye of the intellect ‘sees in all objects what it brought with it the means of see- in ie CARLYLE. Essays. Varnhagen Von Ense’s Memoirs. Men have marble, women waxen, minds. SHAKESPEARE. Rape of Lucrece. St.178. I had rather believe all the fables in the Legends and the Talmud and the Alcoran, than that this universal frame is without a mind. Bacon. Essays. Of Athéism. The mind hath no horizon, It looks beyond the eye, and seeks for mind In all it sees, or all it sees o’erruling. J. MONTGOMERY. The Pelican Island. Canto i. 1. 78. O heavy burden of a doubtfull minde! QUARLES. A Feast for Worms. Sec. 2. Strength of mind is exercise, not rest. Pore. Essay on Man. Epistle 11.91.4104. Love, Hope, and Joy, fair pleasure’s _ smiling train, Hate, Fear, and Grief, the family of ain, These mix’d with art, and to due bounds confin’d Make and maintain the balance of the mind. ; Ibid. Essay on Man. Epistle ii. 1. 117. It is the mind’s for ever bright attire, The mind’s embroidery, that the wise admire. That which looks rich to the gross vulgar eyes Is the fop’s tinsel which the grave despise. ; DYER. To Mr. Savage 486 Were I so tall to reach the pole, Or grasp the ocean with my span, I must be measured by my soul: The mind’s the standard of the man. Isaac Watts. Hore Lyrice. Bk. ii. False Greatness. Concluding lines. It is the mind that makes the man, and our vigor is in our immortal soul. Ovip. Metamorphoses. xiii. The march of the human mind is slow. af BuRKE. Speech on the Conciliation of America. The march of intellect. ; SourHEY. Sir Thos. More; or, Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society. With curious art the brain, too finely wrought, Prays on herself, and is destroyed by thought. CHURCHILL. Epistle to Hogarth. 1. 645. In years that bring the philosophic ‘mind. WorpswortH. Ode. Intimations of Im- mortality. Concluding lines. To the solid ground Of Nature trusts the mind that builds for aye. Ibid. A Volant Tribe of Bards on Earth. And there they stand, as stands a lofty mind, Worn, but unstooping to the baser crowd,- ~ All tenantless, save to the crannying wind, Or holding dark communion with the cloud ByRon. Childe Harold. Canto iii, St. 47. That little world, the human mind. ROGERS. Ode to Superstition. Your absence of mind we have borne, till your presence of body came to be called in question by it. CHARLES LAMB. Essays of Elia. Amicus Redivivus. What you are pleased to call your _ Mind. LORD WESTBURY. [A solicitor, after hearing Lord Westbury’s opinion, ventured to say that he had turned the matter over in his mind, and thought that something might be said on the other side: to which he replied, ‘Then, sir, you MIRACLE. will turn it over once more in what you are pleased to cali your mind. Ke NasH. Lije of Lord Westbury. Vol. ii. 292. Mind is the great lever of all things; human thought is the process by which human ends are ultimately answered. DANIEL WEBSTER. The many-headed monster of the pit. ; Porr. Imitation of Horace. Epistle i. Bk. ii. 1. 304. Mendici, mimi, balatrones, hoc genus omne. Beggars, buffoons, and jesters, all this class. [Id genus omne, “ All that class,” is often used in the same way to denote in a com- prehensive manner any category or descrip- tion of people or things. ] Cesar. This common body, Like to a vagabond flag upon the stream, Goes to and back, lackeying the varying tide, ; : To rot itself with motion. SHAKESPEARE. Antony and Cleopatra. Act i. Se. 4. 1. 44. Archbishop. An habitation giddy and un- sure Hath he that buildeth on the vulgar heart. Ibid. II. Henry IV. Acti. Se. 3. 1. 89. Marcius. Your affections are A sick man’s appetite, who desires most that Which would increase his evil. He that depends : Upon your favors, swims with fins of lead, And hews down oaks with rushes. ye! Trust ye? Hang: } The saddest thing that can befall a soul Wes Oxety minute you do change your nN bd And call him noble that was now your hate, Him vile that was your garland. SHAKESPEARE. Coriolanus. Te 1: 182 And what the people but a herd confus’d, A miscellaneous rabble, who extol Things vulgar, and, well weigh’d, scarce worth the praise? ape Paradise Regained. Bk, iii. |. 49, Who o’er the herd would wish to reign, Fantastic, fickle, fierce, and vain? Vain as the leaf upon the stream, And fickle as a changeful dream ; Fantastic as a woman’s mood, And fierce as Frenzy’s fever’d blood— Thou many-headed monster thing, Oh, who would wish to be thy king? Scott. Lady of the Lake. Canto y. St. 30. Hamlet. The play, I remember, pleased not the million ; ’t was caviare to the generai. SHAKESPEARE, Hamlet. Act ii. Se. 2. 1. "7. Acti. Se. The multitude is always in the wrong. EARL OF RoscomMon. Essay on Trans- lated Verse. 1. 184. Our supreme governors, the mob. HORACE WALPOLE, Letter to Sir Horace Mann. . 7th September, 1748. Learning will be cast into the mire and trodden down under the hoofs of a swinish multitude. BuRKE. Reflections on the Revolution in France. Works. Vol. iii. The great unwashed. Attributed to LORD BROUGHAM. Men of genius are rarely much an- noyed by the company of vulgar people, because they have a power of looking at such persons as objects of amusement of another race altogether. COLERIDGE. Table Talk. August 20, 1838. MODERATION. Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me. Old Testament. Proverbs xxx. 8. Mydév ayar. Not too much. [The phrase is best known in its Latin form, ‘‘Ne quidnimis.” Diogenes Laertius, in his biography of Solon: (I. 2, 16, 63), ascribes it to that philosopher-statesman. It is also attributed to Cleobolus. With the equally famous saying, “Know thyself’ 492, (see under KNOWLEDGE), it was inscribed over the temple of Apollo at Delphi. It was numerously imitated by the Greeks and the Romans. Its earliest known ap- pearance in poetical literature is in The- ognis : Mydév ayav omeviery TaYTwY Méo’ apLoTa. Be not too zealous; moderation’s best In all things. THEOGNIS. Sententix. 335. The analogous phrase, ‘“‘ Méetpov aprotov”’ (moderation is best, in Latin, ‘‘Optimus modus”), is attributed to Cleobolus by Diogenes Laertius (1, 6, 6, 93), and it is some- times asserted that these were the words inscribed on the temple of Apollo. ] Id arbitror, Adprime in vita esse utile, ne quid nimis. I consider it to be a leading maxim in life, not to do anything to excess. TERENCE, Andria. Acti. Se.1. 1. 34. There is, said Michael, if thou well observe The rule of Not too much, by temperance taught, In what thou eat'st and drink’st, seeking from thence Due nourishment, not gluttonous delight, Till many years over thy head return: So mayest thou live, till like ripe fruit thou drop Into thy mother’s lap, or be with ease Gathered, not harshly plucked, for death mature. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. xi. 1. 530. I, who have so much and so universally adored this aprotov pétpov, “excellent me- diocrity,” of ancient times, and who have concluded the most moderate measure the most perfect, shall I pretend to an unrea- sonable and prodigious old age? MONTAIGNE. Essays. Bk. iii. Ch. iii. Of Experience. Auream quisquis mediocritatem Diligit, tutus caret obsoleti Sordibus tecti, caret invidenda Sobrius aula. He that holds fast the golden mean, And lives contentedly between The little and the great, . Feels not the wants that pinch the poor, Nor plagues that haunt the rich man’s door Imbittering all his state. ane oe Bk. ii. Ode x. (CoOWPER, trans.) Keep the golden mean between saying too much and too little. PUBLILIUS SyRUS. Maxim 1072. Ce n’est pas étre sage D’étre plus sage qu’il ne le faut. It isnot wise to be wiser than is necessary. QUINAULT. Armide. La parfaite raison fuit toute extrémité, Et yeut que l’on soit sage avec sobricté. MODERATION. * Perfect good sense shuns all extremity, Content to couple wisdom with sobriety. MOLIERE. Misanthrope. Acti. 1.1. Faut d’la vertu, pas trop n’en faut, L’excés en tout est un défaut. Be virtuous: not too much; just what’s cor- rect: Excess in anything is a defect. MONVEL. Erreur d'un Moment. Le juste milieu. Attributed to KING LOUIS PHILIPPE, Surtout pas de zele. Above all, no zeal. Attributed to TALLEYRAND. He knows to live who keeps the middle state, And neither leans on this side nor on that. Pore. Jmitation of Horace. Bk.ii. Satire lid 61, Avoid extremes; and shun the fault of such Who still are pleas’d too little or too much. Ibid. Essay on Criticism. Pt. ii. 1. 184. Medio tutissinus ibis. . You will be safer to go in the middle. Ovip. Metamorphoses. ii. 187. His writing has no enthusiasms, no aspi- ration, contented, self-respecting and keep- ing the middle of the road. EMERSON. Representative Men. Montaigne. Est modus in rebus; sunt certi denique fines Quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum. There is a mean in all things; and, moreover, certain limits on either side of which right cannot be found. Horace. Satire. Bk. i. Satire i. 1. 106. [Conington’s translation runs as fol- lows: “shed _there’s a mean in morals. Life has ines To north or south of which all virtue pines. ] I neither want, nor yet abound, Enough’s a feast, content is crown’d. I faine not friendship where I hate, I fawne not on the great (in show), I prize, I praise a meane estate, Neither too lofty nor too low; This, this is all my choice, my cheere, A minde content, a conscience cleere. SYLVESTER. A Contented Mind. St. 3 ! 4 4 : : q : q : ae, ae ~ MODERATION. AY eee Hoc erat in votis; modus agri non ita magnus, Hortus ubi et tecto vicinus jugis aquae fons Et paullum silvae super his foret. This used to be my wish: a bit of land, A house and garden with a spring at hand, And just a little wood. HorRACE. Satires. ii.6,1. (CONINGTON, trans.) I’ve often wish’d that I had clear, For life, six hundred pounds a year; A handsome house to lodge a friend ; A river at my garden’s end; A terrace walk, and half a rood Of land set out to plant a wood. Swirt. Imitation of Horace. Bk. ii. Satire 6. We should aim rather at levelling down our desires than levelling up our means. ARISTOTLE. Politica. ii. 7, 8. Then bless thy secret growth, nor catch At noise, but thrive unseen and dumb ; Keep clean, be as fruit, earn life, and watch Till the white-wing’d reapers come! VAUGHAN, The Seed Growing Secretly. Fool. Have more than thou showest, Speak less than thou knowest, Lend less than thou owest, Ride more than thou goest, Learn more than thou trowest, Set less than thou throwest.. PEARS ESARE, King Lear. Acti. Se. 4. ma bres Hamlet. I could be bounded in a nut- shell, and count myself a king of infinite space. Ibid. Hamlet. Aetii. Se. 2. 1. 250. To be resign’d when ills betide, Patient when favours are denied, And pleas’d with favours given,— Dear Chloe, this is wisdom’s part ; This is that incense of the heart Whose fragrance smells to heaven. CoTTon. The Fireside. St. 11. Thus hand in hand through life we’ll 80; Its checker’d paths of joy and woe With cautious steps we’ll tread. Ibid. The Fireside. St. 13. O, grant me, Heav’n, a middle state, Neither too humble, nor too great ; More than enough for nature’s ends, With something left to treat my friends. DAVID MALLET. T make it a virtue to be content with my middlingness ; it is always pardon- able, so that one does not ask others to take it for superiority. GEORGE ELIoT. Daniel Deronda. Happy the man, whose wish and care A few paternal acres bound, — Content to breathe his native air In his own ground. Pope. » Ode on Solitude. p. i. Give me, ye gods, the produce of one field, si That so I neither may be rich nor poor ; And having just enough, not covet more. DRYDEN. Take the good the gods provide thee. , Ibid. Alexander's Feast. 1. 106. Content with poverty, my soul I arm; And virtue, though in rags, will keep me warm, Ibid. Third Book of Horace. Ode 29. What happiness the rural maid attends, In cheerful labour while each day she spends! She gratefully receives what Heav’n has sent, And, rich in poverty, enjoys content. GAY. Rural Sports. Canto ii. 1. 148. We thinke no greater blisse then such To be as be we would, When blessed none but such as be The same as be they should. WILLIAM WARNER. Albion’s England. Bk. x. Ch. lix. St. 68. Moderation is the silken string run- ning through the pearl-chain of all virtues. FULLER. Holy and Profane States, Bk. iii. Of Moderation. [Quoted also by Bishop Hall in the intro- duction to Christian Moderation as an Ori- ental proverb. | Give me, kind Heaven, a private station, A mind serene for contemplation: 494 MODESTY. Title and profit I resign: The post of honour shall be mine. Gay. Fables. Pt. il. The Vulture, the Sparrow, and Other Birds. 1. 69. When vice prevails, and impious men bear sway, The post of honour is a private station. ADDISON. Cato. Activ. Sc. 4. Reason’s whole pleasure, all the joys of sense, Lie in three words,—health, peace, and competence : But health consists with temperance alone, And peace, O Virtue! peace is all thy own. PoprE. Essay on Man. Epistle iv. 1. 79. Corin. He that wants money, means, and content, is without three good friends. SHAKESPEARE, As You Like It. Act iii. Og et FRE Studious of ease, and fond of humble things, AMBROSE PHILLIPS. From Holland to a Friend in England. An elegant sufficiency, content, Retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, Ease and alternate labour, useful life, Progressive virtue, and approving Heaven! THOMSON. The Seasons. Spring. 1. 1158. Man wants but little; nor that little long ; How soon must he resign his very dust, Which frugal nature lent him for an hour! Young. Night Thoughts. Night iv. 1.114. Nec multo opus est nec diu. Not much is wanted nor for long. SENECA. Man wants but little here below, Nor wants that little long. GOLDSMITH. Edwin and Angelina; or, The Hermit. St. 8. Far from the madding crowd’s ignoble strife, Their sober wishes never learn’d to stray ; Along the cool sequester’ d vale of life They kept the noiseless tenor of their wa Gnay. see y in a Country Churchyard. Cleon hath a million acres,—ne’er a one have I; Cleon dwelleth in a palace,—in a cot- tage I. CHARLES MacKay. Cleon and I. Plain living and high thinking are no more: The homely beauty of the good old cause Is gone; our peace, our fearful inno- cence, rata religion breathing household aws. WORDSWORTH. Sonnet. Written in Lon- don, September, 1820. Concluding lines. a Belt ove it not! The primal Duties shine aloft—like stars ; The Charities that soothe, and heal, and bless, Are scatter’d at the feet of Man—like’ flowers. The gen’rous inclination, the just rule, Kind wishes, and good actions, and pure thoughts— ~ No mystery is here; no special boon For high and not for low, for proudly grac’d, And not for meek of heart. The smoke ascends To heav’n as lightly from the Cottage hearth As from the haughty palace. Ibid. #xcursion. Bk. ix. 1. 234, To be honest, to be kind; to earn a little and to spend a little; to make i upon the whole a family happier for his presence ; be necessary and not to be embittered ; to keep a few friends, but these without | capitulation; above all, on the same grim condition, to keep friends with himself—here is a task for all that a man has of fortitude and delicacy. R. L, STEVENSON. A Christmas Sermon. MODESTY. Juliet. I met the youthful lord at Laurence ’cell : And gave him what becoming love I might, Not tennis o’er the bounds of modesty. SHAKESPEARE. Romeo and Juliet. Act 1¥ SC, Zab aie to renounce when that shall MONEY. A495 Don Pedro. It is the witness still of excellency : To put a strange face on his own perfec- tion. SHAKESPEARE. Much Ado About Nothing. Act ii. Se. 3. 1. 48. On their own merits modest men are dumb; “Plaudite et valete’’—Terence—hum ! GEORGE COLMAN THE YOUNGER. Lpi- logue to the Heir at Law. He saw her charming, but he saw not half The charms her downcast modesty con- ceal’d. BuHoMSON. The Seasons. Autumn. 1.229. Her, modest looks the cottage might adorn, Sweet as the primrose peeps beneath the thorn. GOLDSMITH. The Deserted Village. 1. 329. There is a luxury in self-dispraise ; And inward self-disparagement affords To meditative spleen a grateful feast. Nesree ETE. The Excursion. Bk, ivy. . 471, MONEY. For the love of money is the root of all, evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. New Testament. I. Timothy vi. 10. Love of money is the mother of all evils. {According to Diogenes Laertius (vi. 2, 6, 50) this was a saying of Diogenes the Cynic. It is sometimes attributed to Bion.] Effodiuntur opes irritamenta malorum. Men dig the earth for gold, seed of un- numbered ills. OviID. Metamorphoses. i. 140. Money is the sinews of war. {Diogenes Laertius, in his Life of Bion (Bk. iv. Ch. vii., Sec. 3), attributes to Bion the saying Tov mAoviov evvat vevpa mpaymrTatwv (Money is the sinews of affairs’’), Plutarch, in his Life of Cleomenes (Ch. xxvii.), thus comments on the saying, ‘‘ He who first called money the sinews of affairs seems to have said this with special refer- ence to war.”’ Accordingly we find Libanius (Oration XLVI.) expressly defining money as Ta vevpa tov madéuov’ (‘the sinews of war’’).] War is a matter not so much of arms as of expenditure, through which arms may be made of service. THUCYDIDES. History. i, 83, 2. Victuals and ammunition And money too the sinews of war. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. The Fair Maid. Alczus mentions Aristodemus in these lines : ’Tis money makes the man; and he who’s none Is counted neither good nor honourable. DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Life of Thales. vii. Money alone sets all the world in motion. PUBLILIUS SyRuS. Maxim 656. Rem facias ; rem, Si possis recte, si non, quocunque modo rem. Make money, money, man; Well, if so be—if not, which way you can. Horace. Epistole. Bk.i. Ep. 1, 1. 66. (CONINGTON, trans.) (Literally, “A fortune—make a fortune; by honest means if\you can; if not, by any means make a fortune.” Pope’s paraphrase is well known: Get place and wealth, if possible, with grace; If not, by any means get wealth and place. eta of Horace. Bk.i. Epistle i. 1. 103. Unde habeas quaerit nemo, sed oportet habere. None question whence it comes, but come it must. JUVENAL. Satires. trans.) xiv. 207. (GIFFORD, The rule get money, still get money, boy; No matter by what means; money will do More, boy, than my lord’s letter. BEN JONSON. Every Man in His Humour. Act ii. Se. 3. : Imperat aut servit collecta pecunia cuique. Gold will be slave or master. Horace. LEpistole. Bk.i. Ep. 10. 1.47. (CONINGTON, trans.) ay Ford. If money go before, all ways do lie open. SHAKESPEARE. The Merry Wives of Wind- sor. Act ii. Se. 2. 1. 175. There is no sanctuary so boly that money cannot profane it, no fortress so strong that money cannot take it by storm. CICERO. Jn Verrem. 1. 2, 4. 496 Timon. This yellow slave Will knit and break religions; bless the ac- curs’d, Make the hoar leprosy ador’d; placethieves, And givethem title, knee, and approbation With senators on the bench. SHAKESPEARE. Timon of Athens. Act iv. Se.3 1. 33. Anne Page. O what a world of vile ill-favour’d faults Looks handsome in three hundred ounds a-year. Ibid. The Mer Le pene of Windsor. Act iii, Se. 4. 1.3 Grumio. Nothing comes amiss, so money comes withal. I Me aes Rare of the Shrew. Act i. Caro ado Money is welcome tho’ it be in a dirty clout, but ’tis far more acceptable if it come in a clean handkerchief. J. HOWELL. Familiar Letters. Bk. ii. Letter xxv. Jo Mr. P. W. Jago. Put money in thy purse. SHAKESPEARE. Othello. Act i. Se. 3. 1. 338. Subject to a kind of disease, which at that time they called lack of money. RABELAIS. Works. Bk. ii. Ch. xvi. Money brings honor, friends, con- quest, and realms. MILTON. Paradise Regained. 422. Money, th’ only power That all mankind falls down before. BuTLER. Hudibras. Pt. iii. Canto ii. 1. 1827. Les beaux yeux de ma cassette! I] parle d’elle comme un amant d’une mai- tresse. The beautiful eyes of my money-box ! He speaks of it as a lover of his mistress. MouieRE. L’Avare. Act v. Se. 3. Point d’argent, point de Suisse. No money, no Swiss. RAcINE. Plaideurs. i. 1. {Originally meant as a hit at thi venality of the Swiss mercenaries, the phrase is now used in the sense that if you want anything you must pay for it.] The Almighty Dollar, that great ob- ject of universal devotion throughout our land, seems to have no genuine de- votees in these peculiar villages. WASHINGTON IRVING. The Creole Village. Wk. ThoaL MONUMENT. Whilst that for which all virtue new is sold, And almost every vice,—almighty gold. BEN JONSON. Epistle to Elizabe he Countess of Rutland. No, let the monarch’s bags and others hold The flattering, mighty, nay, al-mighty gold. JOHN WALCOT (Peter Pindar), Zo Kien Long. Ode iv. But the jingling of the guinea helps the hurt that Honor feels. TENNYSON. Locksley Hall. MONUMENT. Benedick. If a man do not erect in this age his own tomb ere he dies, he shall live no longer in monument than the bell rings and the widow weeps. An hour in clamor, and a quarter in rheum. SHAKESPEARE. Much Ado About Nothing. Act vy. Se. 2. 1. 80. Duke of Buckingham. May he live Longer than I have time to tell his ears ! Ever belov’d, and loving, may his rule be! And, when old Time shall lead him to his end, Goodness and he fill up one monument! Ibid. Henry VIII. Actii. Se. 1. 1. 90. lachimo. © sleep, thou ape of death, lie dull upon her ! And be her sense but as a monument, Thus in a chapel lying ! Ibid. Cymbeline. Act ii. Se. 2. 1. 82. Because he needs no praise, wilt thou be dumb ? Excuse not silence so, for it lies in thee To make him much outlive a gilded tomb And to be praised of ages yet to be. Ibid. Sonnet CI. St. 63. Nothing can cover his high fame but heaven ; No pyramids set off his memories, But the eternal substance of his great- ness,— To which I leave him. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. The False — One. Actii. Se. 1. Gold once out of the earth is no more due unto it; what was unreasonably committed to the ground, is reasonably MONUMENT. resumed from it; let monuments and rich fabricks, not riches, adorn men’s ashes. ‘ Sir THOMAS BROWNE. Hydriotaphia (Urn-Burial). Ch. iii. To extend our memories by monu- ments, whose death we daily pray for, und whose duration we cannot hope, without injury to our expectations in the advent of the last day, were a con- tradiction to our beliefs. Ibid. Hydriotaphia ( Urn-Burial). Ch. v. But monuments themselves memorials need. CRABBE. The Borough. Letter ii. Those only deserve a monument who do not need one; that is, who have raised themselves a monument in the minds and memories of men. HAZLITT. Chowracterigtics. No. 388. The marble keeps merely a cold and sad memory of a man who would else be for- gotten. No man who needs a monument ever ought to have one. HAWTHORNE. English Note-Books. don, November 12, 1857. Abbey. And so sepulchred in such pomp dost lie; That kings for such a tomt would wish to die, MILTON. Epitaph on Shakespeare.. (See under SHAKESPEARE.) Lon- Westminster He hath a fair sepulchre in the grateful stomach of the judicious epicure,—and for such a tomb might be content to die. CHARLES LAMB. JEssays of Elia. An Essay on Roast Pig. 4 Forget thyself to marble. MILTON. Jl Penseroso. 1. 42. Tombs are the clothes of the dead. A grave is but a plain suit, and a rich monument is one embroidered. FULLER. The Holy and Profane States. Bk. iii. Of Tombs. All buildings are but monuments of death, ; _ All clothes but winding-sheets for our last knell, All dainty fattings for the worms be- neath, All curious music but our passing bell : Thus death is nobly waited on, for why ? All that we have is but death’s livery. SHIRLEY. 32 497 Who builds a church to God, and not to Fame, Will never mark the marble with his name. ° Pore. Moral Essays. Epistle iii. 1. 285. Sorry preéminence of high estate, Above the vulgar born to rot in state. ROBERT BLAIR. The Grave. 1. 184. Proud e’en in death, here rot in state. CHURCHILL. The Ghost. Bk. ii. 1. 726. The tap’ring pyramid, the Egyptian’s pride, And wonder of the world, whose spiky top Has wounded the thick cloud. BLAIR. The Grave. 1. 190. Hark! from the tombs a doleful sound. Isaac Watts. Hymns. Bk. ii. Hymn 63. Can storied urn or animated bust Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath ? Can honour’s voice provoke the silent dust, Or flatt’ry soothe the dull cold ear of death ? GRAY. Elegy Written ina Country Church- yard. St. 11. Call to mind That glory’s voice is impotent to pierce The silence of the tomb; but virtue blooms Brat on the wreck of life, and mounts the skies. KIRKE WHITE. Inscription for a Monu- ment to the Memory of Cowper. 1.19. Wouldst thou behold his monument? look around ! RoGeErs. Italy. Florence. (This is a literal translation of Sir Chris- topher Wren’s epitaph in St. Paul’s Cathe- dral: ‘Si monumentum requiris, circumspice.’ The epitaph is frequently misquoted with “queeris’’ substituted for ‘ requiris,” e. g.. Sir Christopher Wren’s inscription in St- Paul’s Church—‘Si monumentum queris. circumspice’’—would be equally applicable to a physician buried in a church-yard; both being interred in the midst of their own works. HORACE SMITH. The Tin Trumpet.] So flits the world’s uncertain span ! Nor zeal for God, nor love for man, Gives mortal monuments a date Beyond the power of Time and Fate. Scotr. Rokeby. Canto vi. St. 1. 1. 27. 498 = Our poor work may perish ; but thine shall endure! This monument may moulder away, the solid ground it rests upon may sink down to a ‘level of the sea, but thy memory shall not fail! Wheresoever among men a heart shall be found that beats to the transports of patriotism and liberty, its aspirations shall be to claim kindred with thy spirit. DANIEL WEBSTER. Address. Charlestown, Mass., June 17, 1825, The Bunker Hill Monument. Ye shall not pile, with servile toil, Your monuments upon my breast, Nor yet within the common soil Lay down the wreck of power to rest, Where man can boast that he has trod On him that was “the scourge of God.” EDWARD EVERETT. Dirge of Alaric the Visigoth. St. 3. MOON. As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night, O’er heaven’s clear azure spreads her sacred light, When not a breath disturbs the deep serene, And not a cloud o’ercasts the solemn scene}; ; Around her throne the vivid planets roll, And stars unnumbered gild the glowing pole, O’er the dark trees a yellower verdure shed, And tip with silver every mountain’s head, Homer. Jiliad. Bk. viii. 1.687. (Pops, trans.) He .. . thought the moon was made of green cheese. RABELAIS. Works. Bk.i. Ch. xi, Romeo. Lady, by yonder blessed moon I swear, . That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops. Juliet. O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, That monthly changes in her circled orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise varia- ble. SHAKESPEARE, Romeo and Juliet. Act ii. Se. 2. 1, 107. (See under OATH.) MOON. Or thinke, that the moone is made of a greene cheese. J. HEYWooD. Proverbs. Bk. ii. Ch. vii. Hubert. My lord, they say five moons were seen to-night: Four fixed, and the fifth did whirl about The other four in wondrous motion. SHAKESPEARE, King John. Act iv. Se. Bd 182; Late, late yestreen I saw the new moone, Wi? the auld moon in hir arme. THOMAS PERCY. Reliques. Sir Patrick Spence. St. 7. I saw the new moon late yestreen, Wi’ the auld moon in her arm. Scotr. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. Let the air strike our tune, Whilst we show reverence to yond peep- ing moon THOMAS MIDDLETON. The Witch. Act v. Sc. 2. [These lines are introduced also into Mac- beth, Act iv., Sc. 1. Doubtless they-are part of a song of older date than either Middle- ton or Shakespeare.] Queen and huntress, chaste and fair, Now the sun is laid to sleep, Seated in thy silver car, State in wonted manner keep. Hesperus entreats thy light, Goddess, excellently bright ! BEN JONSON. Hymn. To Cynthia. The neighboring moon, (So call that opposite fair star), her aid , Timely interposes, and her monthly round Still ending, still renewing, through mid-heaven, With borrow’d light her countenance triform Hence fills and empties to enlighten th’ earth, And in her pale dominion checks the night. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk iii. 1, 726. Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly to the listening earth Repeats the story of her birth. ADDISON. Spectator. No. 465. Ode. St. 2. The dews of summer night did fall ; The moon (sweet regent of the sky) Silver’d the walls of Cumnor Hall, And many an oak that grew thereby. WILLIAM J. MICKLE. Cumnor Hall, MOON. Jove, thou regent of the skies. PoPE. The Odyssey. Bk. ii. 1. 42. Now Cynthia, named fair regent of the night. Gay. Trivia. Bk. ili. 1. 4. And hail their queen, fair regent of the night. DARWIN. The Botanic Garden. Pt. i. Canto ii, 1. 90 The moon had climbed the highest hill Which rises o'er the source of Dee, . And from the eastern suinmit shed Her silver light on tower and tree. JOHN LOWE. Mury’s Dream. 48. How like a queen comes forth the lonely Moon From the slow opening curtains of the clouds ; Walking in beauty to her midnight throne! GEORGE CROLY. Diana. The moving moon went up the sky, And nowhere did abide; Softly she was going up, And a star or two beside. COLERIDGE. The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. Pt. iv. St. 10. The moon looks On many brooks, The brook can see no moon but this. Moore. Trish Melodies. While Gazing on the Moon’s Light. St. 2. [This image was suggested by the follow- ing thought, which occurs somewhere in Sir William Jones’s Works: ‘‘The moon looks upon many night-flowers; the night- flower sees but one moon.” Note by MOORE. ] Like moonlight o’er a troubled sea, Brightening the storm it cannot calm. Ibid. The Loves of the Angels. Second Angel's Story. St. 48. If thou would’st view fair Melrose aright, Go visit it by the pale moonlight ; For the gay beams of lightsome day Gild, but to flout, the ruins gray. Scorr. Lay of the Last Minstrel. Canto ii. St. 1. Art thou pale for weariness Of climbing heaven, and gazing on the earth, Wandering companionless Among the stars that have a different birth,— And ever changing, like a joyless eye That finds no object with its constancy ? SHELLEY. To the Moon. 499 Oh! to see it by moonlight,—when mellowly shines The light o’er its palaces, gardens, and shrines ; When the waterfalls gleam like a quick fall of stars, And the nightingale’s hymn from the Isle of Chenars Is TS hake by laughs and light echoes of eet, From the cool shining walks where the “young people meet. THOMAS MoorE. Lalla Rookh. The Light of the Harem. 1, 16. That orbed maiden, with white fire laden, Whom mortals call the moon. Sueitiny, The Cloud. St. 4. Tha moon put forth a little diamond peak No bigger than an unobserved star, Or tiny point of fairy scimetar. Keats. Endymion. Bk. iv. 1.499. The devil’s in the moon for mischief; they Who call’d her chaste, methinks, began too soon Their nomenclature: there is not a ay, The longest, not the twenty-first of June, Sees half the business in a wicked way, On which three single hours of moon- shine smile— And then she looks so modest all the while! ByRgon. Don Juan. Cantoi. St. 113. Come o’er the moonlit sea, The waves are brightly glowing. CHARLES JEFFERYS. The Moonlit Sea. Meet me by moonlight alone, And then I will tell you a tale Must be told by the moonlight alone, In the grove at the end of the vale! J. A. WADE. Meet Me by Moonlight. I stood on the bridge at midnight, As the clocks were striking the hour, And the moon rose o’er the city, Behind the dark church-tower. I saw her bright reflection In the waters under me, Like a golden goblet falling And sinking into the sea. LONGFELLOW. The Bridge. 500 MORNING. (See SUNRISE.) Full many a glorious morning have | seen Flatter the mountain tops with sovereign eye, Kissing with golden face the meadows green, Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy. SHAKESPEARE. Sonnet. Xxxiii. Richard. See how the morning opes her golden gates, And. takes her farewell of the glorious sun | How well resembles it the prime of youth, Trimm’d like a younker prancing to his love. Ibid. Til. Henry VI.” Actii. Se.1.1, 21. Troilus. The busy day, Wak’d by the lark, hath rous’d the ribald crows, And dreaming night will hide our joys no longer. Ibid. Troilus and Cressida. Act iv. Se. ONS: Sweet is the breath of morn, her rising sweet, With charm of earliest birds. MiuTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. iv.-1. 641. Romeo. Look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east. Night’s candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops. SHAKESPEARE. Romeo and Juliet. Act iii. Se. 5. 1.9 Horatio. But, look, the morn, in rus- set mantle ‘clad, Walks o’ er the dew of yon high eastern ? hill. Ibid. Hamlet. Acti. Se. 1. 1. 166. Till morning fair Came forth with pilgrim steps in amice Tay. ILTON. Paradise Regained. Bk. iv. 1. 426. 1‘* Rastward”’ in Folio. MORNING. ‘hae on. As Wien the mance ee sun ties the morn, And, having gilt the ocean with his beams, Gallops the zodiae in his glistering coach, And overlooks the highest peering hills. SHAKESPEARE, Titus Andronicus. Act Li. Se, 1. Lbs Under the opening eyelids of the morn. . MILTON. Lycidas. 1. 26. Flames in the forehead of the morning sky. 1. £71. Now morn, her rosy steps in th’ eastern clime Advancing, sow'd the earth with orient pearl, When Adam wak’d, so custom’d ; for his sleep Was aéry light, from pure digestion bred, Ibid. Paradise Lost. Bk. y. 1.1. Morn, Wak’d by the circling hours, with rosy hand Unbarr’d the gates of light. Ibid. Paradise Lost. Ibid. Lycidas. BK. vi, LZ Haste hither, Eve, and, worth thy sight, behold Eastward among those trees what glori- ous shape Comes this way moving, seems another morn Risen on mid noon. Ibid. Paradise Lost.. Another morn Risen on mid-noon. be ahr The Prelude. 19 Bk. v. 1. 308. Bkevicslk: The sun had long since, in the lap Of Thetis, taken out his nap, And, like a lobster boil’d, the morn From black to red began to turn, BuTLER, Hudibras. Pt. ii. Canto ii. 1. 29. Day, peeping from the east, makes the sun turn from black to red, like a boiled lobster. RABELAIS. Works. Bk. y. Ch. vii. As far as Phoebus first doth rise, Until in Thetis’ lap he lies. Sir ARTHUR GORGES. The meck-eved Morn appears, mother of Dews. THOMSON. The Seasons. Summer. 1. 47. ur! _ MORTALITY. Behold how brightly breaks the morn- ing ! Though bleak our lot, our hearts are warm. JAMES KENNEY. Behold How Brightly Breaks, There shall he love, when genial morn appears, Like pensive Beauty smiling in her tears. THOMAS CAMPBELL. Pleasures of Hope. PEjis. 1 95: She stood breast-high amid the corn Clasp’d by the golden light of morn, Like the sweetheart of the sun, Who many a glowing kiss had won. THomas Hoop. Ruth. ’Tis always morning somewhere in the world R. H. HorNE. Orion. Bk. iii. Canto ii. (See under HOPE.) O Father, touch the east, and light The light that shone when Hope was born. TENNYSON. In Memoriam. Pt. xxx. In the morning of the world When earth was nigher heaven than now. BROWNING. Pippa Passes. Pt. iii. The yellow fog came creeping down The bridges, till the houses’ walls Seemed changed to shadows, and St. Paul’s Loomed like a bubble o’er the town.. Oscar WILDE. Impression du Matin. The breezy call. of incense-breathing morn. Gray. Elegy in a Country Church-yard. St. 5. Dewy morn With breath all incense, and with cheek all bloom, Laughing the clouds away with playful scorn And living as if earth contained no tomb. Bryon. Childe Harold. Canto iii. St. 98. MORTALITY. (See LIFE; MAN; SKELETON.) Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down; he 501 fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. Old Testament. Job xiv. 1, 2. As of the green leaves on a thick tree, some fall, and some grow. Ibid. Ecclesiasticus xiv. 18. Like leaves on trees the race of man is found,— Now eregy in youth, now withering on the nd; Anciher race the following spring supplies: They fall successive, and successive rise. HomMER. The Iliad. Bk. vi. 1.181. (POPE, trans.) All, that in this world is great or gay Doth, as a vapor, vanish and decay. SPENSER. Ruins of Time. 1. 56. Mark how fleeting and paltry is the estate of man,—yesterday in embryo, to-morrow a mummy or ashes. So for the hair’s-breadth of time assigned to thee live rationally, and part with life cheerfully, as drops the ripe olive, extolling the season that bore it and the tree that matured it. MagcuUs AURELIUS. Meditations. iv. 48. Memento mori. Remember you must die. Motto of the Order of the Death’s Head. [A reminder of our latter end. The Egyptians passed round a skull at their feasts for this purpose: and behind the Roman general in his triumphal charict stoodaslave whispering in his ear, “‘ Respice ost te, hominem memento te” (‘‘ Look be- ind you, remember that you are but a man”). The Russian Tsars used to be pre- sented with specimens of marble at their coronation, from which to select one for their tombs.] Mépvyo’ ore Ovntos Urapyxets. Remember that thon art mortal. PHOCYLIDES. Sententix. 109. Pallida mors equo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas Regumque turres. Pale death, with impartial step, knocks at the hut of the poor and the palaces of kings HoRACE. Odes. Odei. Bk. 4. 1. 138. Hamlet. Imperious Cesar, dead and turn’d to clay, Might stop a hole to keep the wind away: O! that that earth, which kept the world in awe, Should patch a wall, to expel the win- ter’s flaw ! oe Hamlet. Act v. Se.1. 1, 502 MORTALITY. Expende Hannibalem : quot libras in duce summo . Invenies? Produce the urn that Hannibal contains, And weigh the mighty dust which yet re- mains; And is this all? JUVENAL. trans.) Satires. x. 147. (GIFFORD, Warwick. Why, what is pomp, rule, reign, but earth and dust? And, live we how we can, yet die we must. SHAKESPEARE. JJI. Henry VI, Act v. Se. 2515 27, Queen. All that lives must die, Passing through nature to eternity. Ibid. Hamlet. Acti. Se. 2. 1.72. Antony. But yesterday, the word of Cesar might Have stood against the world: now lies he there, And none so poor to do him reverence. Ibid. Julius Cesar. Act iii. Se. 2. 1. 118. Antony. O mighty Cesar! dost thou lie so low ? Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs, spoils, Shrunk to this little measure? Ibid. Julius Cesar. Act iii. Se. 1. 1. 149. Prince Henry. Tll-weaved ambition, how much art thou shrunk! When that this body did contain a spirit, A kingdom for it was too small a bound: But now two paces of the vilest earth Is room kee Tbid.. I. Henry IV.. Act v. Se. 4. 1. 88. Richard. Let’s talk of graves, of worms and epitaphs; Make dust our paper; and with rainy eyes Write sorrow on the bosom of the earth. Let’s choose executors and talk of wills: And yet not so, for what can we be- queath, Save our deposed bodies to the ground ? Our lands, our lives, and all are Boling- broke’s, And nothing can we call our own but death, And that small model of the barren earth Which serves as paste and cover to our bones. For heaven’s sake let us sit upon the ground, And tell sad stories of the death of kings :— How some have been depos’d, some slain in war; Some haunted by the ghosts they have depos’d ; Some poison’d by their wives, some sleeping kill’d; All murder’d. ee Richard If. Act iii. Se. To smell to a turf of fresh earth is wholesome for the body; no less are thoughts of mortality cordial to the soul. THOMAS FULLER. The Virtuous Lady. I made a posy while the day ran by; Here will I smell my remnant out, and tie My life within this band. But time did beckon to the flowers, and they By noon most cunningly did steal away, And wither’d in my hand. HERBERT. The Church. Life. That flesh is but the glass, which holds the dust That measures all our time; which also shall Be ‘crumbled into dust. I sar bee Temple. Church Monwments. Man’s life is like'unto a winter’s day,— Some break their fast and so depart away } Others stay dinner, then depart full fed ; The ee age but sups and goes to bed. O reader, then behold and see! As we are now, so must you be. JOSEPH HENSHAW. Horex Sucissive. (See under INN.) The glories of our blood and state Are shadows, not substantial things ; There is no armour against fate, Death lays his icy hand on kings. Scepter and crown Must tumble down. And, in the dust, be equal made With the poor crooked scytheand spade. Se Contention of Ajax and Ulysses. c. i - So MORTALITY. 503 Scilicet omne sacrum Mors importuna pro- fanat, ner rae Omnibus obscuras injicit ila manus. Death lays his impious touch on all things rare: His shadowy hands no sacred office spare. Ovip. Art of Love. iii. 9. 19. The prince, who kept the world in awe, The judge, whose dictate fix’d the law, The rich, the poor, the great, the small, Are levell’d: death confounds ’em all. GAY. Fables. Pt. ii. Fable 16. The a a Sexton, and Earth-worm. 1. Our days begin with trouble here, Our life is but a span, And cruel death is always near, So frail a thing is man. New England Primer. Or like a wind that chafes the flood, Or bubbles which on water stood ; Even such is man, whose borrow’d light Is straight call’d in, and paid to-night. The Wind blows out, the bubble dies, The Spring entomb’d in Autumn lies; The Dew’s dried up, the Star is shot. The Flight is past, and man forgot. Dr. H. Kine. Sic Vita. This world is all a fleeting show, For man’s illusion given; The smiles of joy, the tears of woe, Deceitful shine, deceitful flow,— There’s nothing true but Heaven. Moore. This World is all a Fleeting Show. Like the dew on the mountain Like the foam on the river, Like the bubble on the fountain, Thou art gone, and for ever! Scott. Lady of the Lake. . Canto iii. St. 16. Coronach. Like bubbles on the sea of matter borne, They rise, they break, and to that sea return. Pork. Essay on Man. Epistle iii. 1. 19. For what are men who grasp at praise sub- ime, But bubbles-on the rapid stream of time, That rise, and fall, that swell, and are no ore, Born, and forgot, ten thousand in an hour? Youne. Love of Fame. Satire ii. 1. 285. So peaceful rests, without a stone, a name, What once had beauty, titles, wealth, and fame, How lov’d, how honour’d once, avails thee not, To whom related, or by whom begot ; ‘A heap of dust alone remains of thee ; Tis all thou art, and all the proud shall be! Pore. Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortu- nate Lady. 1. 69. Where is the dust that has not been alive ? The spade, the plough, disturb our an- cestors 5 From human mould we reap our daily bread. Youne. Night Thoughts. Night ix. 1. 91. Here lies James Quinn. to bé taught, Whate’er thy strength of body, force of Deign, reader, thought, In Nature’s happiest mould however cast, To this complexion thou must come at last. GARRICK. Epitaph on Quinn in the Abbey Church at Bath, England. MURPHY. Tife of Garrick. Vol. ii. p. 38. [The last line is frequently attributed to Shakespeare, obviously in confused remin- iscence of the analogous address applied by Hamlet to Yorick’s skull: “Now get you to my lady’s chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favor she must come” (Hamlet, Act v., Sc. 1, 1. 186).] (See under SKULL.) The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power, And all that beauty, all that wealth e’er gave, Await alike th’ inevitable hour :— The paths of glory lead but to the grave. Gat Elegy in a Country Church-yard. te 9: : All, oe or late, are doom’d that path to tread. Homer. The Odyssey. Bk. xii. 1. 31.: (POPE, trans.) Omnesunamanetnox _ Et caleanda semel via leti. Yes, all await the night, The downward journey all one day must tread. HorAckE. Odes. Bk: i. Ode 28. 1. 15. One destin’d period men in common have, 504 MORTALITY. The great, the base, the coward, and the | A flash of the lightning, a break of the brave, All food alike for worms, companions in the grave. LANSDOWNE. On Death. Thy shadow, Sea, Now steals along upon the moon’s meek shine In even monochrome and curving line Of imperturbable serenity. And can immense Mortality but throw So small a shade, and Heaven’s high human scheme Be hemmed within the coast yon arc implies? Harpy. Ata Lunar Eclipse. Earth, from pole to Central To contemplation’s sober eye, Such is the race of man; And they that creep, and they that fly, Shall end where they began, Alike the busy and the gay. But flutter through life’s little day. GRAY. Ode. On the Spring. ‘St. 4. And thou hast walked about (how strange a story !) In Thebes’ streets three thousand years ago, When the Memnonium was in all its glory. HorRACE SMITH. Address to the Mummy at Belzont’s Exhibition. My life is like the summer rose, That opens to the morning sky: But ere the shades of evening close, Is scattered on the ground—to die. R. H. WILDE. Summer Rose. Lament of the Captive. St. 1. If I had thought thou couldst have died I might not weep for thee ; But I forgot, when by thy side, That thou couldst mortal be ! It never through my mind had passed, That time would e’er be o’er When I on thee should look my last, And thou shouldst smile no more! CHARLES WOLFE. Song. The Death of Mary. Oh why should the spirit of mortal be roud ? Like a fast-flitting meteor, a fast-flying loud. wave, ; He passes from life to his rest in the grave. WILLIAM Knox. Mortality. All that’s bright must fade,— The brightest still the fleetest; | All that’s sweet was made But to be lost when sweetest. Moore. All that’s Bright Must Fade. Once, in the flight of ages past, There lived a man :—and who was he? Mortal! howe’er thy lot be cast, That man resembled thee. He saw whatever thou hast seen; Encountered all that troubles thee: He was—whatever thou hast been; He is—what thou shalt be. J. MONTGOMERY. The Common Lot. Oh threats of Hell and hopes of Para- dise ! One thing at least is certain,—This Life flies; One thing is certain and the rest is Lies ; The Flower that once has blown for ever dies. EDWARD FITZGERALD. Rubaiyat of Om Khayyam. St. 63. ’Tis but a Tent where takes a one day’s rest A Sultan fo the realm of Death aioe The Sultan rises, and the dark Fer- rash Strikes, and prepares it for another Guest. Ibid. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. St. 45. A Moment’s Halt—a momentary taste Of Being from the Well amid the Waste— And Lo! the phantom Caravan has reach’ d The Nothing it set out from—Oh, make haste ! 78 go Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. St. The world will turn when we are earth As though we had not come nor gone; There was no lack before our birth, When we are gone there will be none, OMAR KHAYYAM. (BODENSTET, trans.) J —” »- Y———— eh CU |S MOTHER, — Lo! as the wind is so is mortal life, A moan, a sigh, a sob, a storm, a strife. EDWIN Pasir: The Light of Asia. Bk. iii, 1.) 25. MOTHER. Stabat mater dolorosa Juxta crucem lacrymosa Qua pendebat Filius. At the cross her station keeping © Stood the mournful mother weeping, Where He hung, the dying Lord. Anon. Stabat Mater. (DR. IRONS, trans.) King Richard. A grandam’s name is little less in love, Than is the doting title of a mother. SHAKESPEARE. Richard III. Act iv. Se. Ie 1300, Lady Macduff. The poor wren, The most diminutive of birds, will fight, Her young ones in her nest, against the owl. Ibid. Macbeth. Activ. Se. 2. 1.9. Atgeon. Almost at fainting under The pleasing punishment that women bear. ' See Comedy of Errors. Acti. Se.1. 1. ' In the first days Of my distracting grief, I found myself As women wish to be who love their lords. JOHN HoME. Douglas. Acti. Se. 1. My dear angel has been qualmish of late, and begins to grow remarkably round in the waist, sothat I cannot leave herin such an interesting situation, which I hope will produce something to crown my felicity. SMOLLETT. Roderick Random. (1748.) Last chapter, last paragraph. aay att iain fall—and woman, since she fell’ The world (as since that, history, less polite +hap pre. hath been a creed so strictly eld), Has not yet given up the practice quite. Poor thing of usages! coereed—compell’d, Victim when wrong, and martyr oft when right, Condemned to child-bed, as men for their sins Have shaving, too, entailed upon their chins,— A daily plague, which, in the aggregate, May average on the whole with parturition. Byron. Don Juan. Canto xiv. St. 23. I tell you there isn’t a thing under the sun that needs to be done at all, but what a@ man can do better than a woman, unless 505 it’s bearing children, and they do that ina oor make-shift way ; it had better ha’ been eft to the men—it had better ha’ been left to the men. GEORGE ELIOT. Adam Bede. [Put into the mouth of Bartle Massey. | Exeter. And all my mother came into mine eyes And gave me up to tears. Be gic cheere Henry V. Activ. Se. 6. Bastard. Heaven guard my mother’s honor and my land. Ibid. King John. Acti. Se. 1. 1. 70. Hamlet. O, wonderful son, that can so astonish a mother! Ibid. Hamlet. Act iii. Se. 2. 1. 319. Where yet was ever found a mother, Who’d give her booby for another? GAY. Fables. Pt.i. Fable iii. 1.33. The Mother, the Nurse, and the Fairy. A mother only knows a mother’s fondness. LADY MARY WORTLEY MONTAGU. Letters. To the Countess of Bute. July 22, 1754. But strive still to be a man before your mother. COWPER. Connoisseur. Motto of No. 3. Thou wilt scarce be a man before thy mother. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Love’s Cure. Act ii, Se. 2. My mother! when [I learn’d that thou wast dead, Say, wast thou conscious of the tears I shed ? Hover’d thy spirit o’er thy sorrowing son, Wretched even then, life’s journey just begun ? Perhaps thou gavest me, though unfelt, a kiss ; Perhaps a tear, if souls can weep in bliss— Ah, that maternal smile! it answers— Yes. COWPER. On the'Receipt of My Mother’s Piehire Lj21- Who ran to help me when I fell, And would some pretty story tell, Or kiss the place to make it well? My mother. ANN TAYLOR. My Mother. St. 6. 506 His mother from the window look’d, With all the longing of a mother, JAMES LOGAN. Braesof Yarrow. St. 4. The cold winds swept the mountain- height, And pathless was the dreary wild, And ’mid the cheerless hours of night A mother wandered with her child: As through the drifting snows she ress’d, The babe was sleeping on her breast. SEBA SMITH. The Snow Storm. There was a place in childhood that I remember well, And therea voice of sweetest tone bright fairy tales did tell. SAMUEL LOVER. My Mother Dear. A mother is a mother still, The holiest thing alive. COLERIDGE. The Three Graves. St. 10. In the Heavens above, The angels, whispering to one another, Can find, among their burning terms of love, None so devotional as that of ‘‘mother.” E. A, PoE. Yo My Mother. Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children. a THACKERAY. Vanity Fair. Vol. ii. Ch. 12. For the hand that rocks the cradle Ts the hand that rules the world. WILLIAM Ro8s WALLACE. What Rules the World. The bearing and the training of a child Ts woman’s wisdom. TENNYSON. The Princess. Canto vy. 1.456. Womanliness means only motherhood; All love begins and ends there,—roams enough, But, having run the circle, rests at. home. R. BROWNING. The Inn Album. vii. Maids must be wives and mothers, to fulfil Th’ entire and holiest end of woman’s being. FRANCES ANNE KEMBLE. Woman's Heart. Happy he With such a mother! faith in woman- kind Beats with his blood, and trust in all things high Comes easy to him, and though he trip and fall, He shall not blind his soul with clay. TENNYSON. The Princess. Canto vii. l. 308. MOUNTAINS. A woman’s love Is mighty, but a mother’s heart is weak, And by its weakness overcomes. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. Legend of Brit- tany. Pt. ii. St. 43. Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall; A mother’s secret hope outlives them all. O.W. HOLMES. The Mother’s Secret. 1.117. MOUNTAINS. i Then the omnipotent Father with his thunder made Olympus tremble, and from Ossa hurled Pelion. OvID. Metamorphoses. ou allusion to the myth of the Titans, who piled Mount Pelion and Mount Ossa upon Olympus in order to scale the dwell- ings of the Gods, but were overwhelmed by Jupiter. The myth belongs to the same cycle as the Biblical story of the tower of Babel. Homertells thestory in the eleventh book of the Odyssey. The most famous lines are thus translated by various hands: They were setting on Ossa upon Olympus, and upon Steep Ossa leavy Pelius. anita Homer’s Odyssey. Bk. xi. 1. 426. Heav’d on Olympus tott’ring Ossa stood ; On Ossa Pelion nods with all his wood. PoPrE. Odyssey. Bk. xi. 1. 387. To the Olympian summit they essay’d To heave up Ossa, and to Ossa’s crown Branch-waving Pelion. COWPER. Odyssey. Bk. xi. 1. 379. To fling Ossa upon Olympus, and to pile Pelion with all its growth of leafy woods On Ossa. BRYANT. Odyssey. Bk. xi. 1. 389. I would have you call to mind thestrength of the ancient giants, that undertook to lay the high mountain Pelion on the top of Ossa, and set among those the shady Olympus. RABELAIS. Works. Bk. iv. Ch. xxxviii. Mahomet made the people believe that he would call a hill to him, and from the top of it offer up his prayers for the observers of his law. The people assembled ; Mahomet called the hill to come to him, again and again; and when the hill stood still, he was never a whit abashed, but said, “If the hill will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet will go to the hill.” Bacon. Essays. Of Boldness. _——s MOURNING. 507 \ So pleased at first the towering Alps we try, Mount o’er the vales and seem to tread the sky ; _ The eternal snows appear already pass’d, And the first clouds and mountains seem the last : But those attain’d, we tremble to survey The growing labours of the lengthen’d way; The increasing prospect tires our wan- dering eyes, Hills peep o’er hills, ae Alps on Alps arise ! PoPE. Essay on Criticism. Pt. ii.-1. 25. All as a pilgrim who the Alps doth pass, phen ‘he some heaps of hills hath overwent, ie to think on rest, his journey spent, Til Poa oi tae! some tall mountain, he doth More! "heights before him than he left be- DRUMMOND. [As Pope imitated Drummond, so he in turn was imitated by Rousseau, who likens successful conquerors to “those inexperi- enced travellers who, finding themselves for the first time in the Alps, imagine that they can clear them with every mountain, and, when they have reached the summit, are discouraged to see higher mountains in front of them.” Emile. Bk. iv. See Walsh’s Handy Book of Literary Curiosities, p. 45, for other parallelisms. ] Alps on Alps in clusters swelling, Mighty, and pure, and fit to make The ramparts of a Godhead’s dwelling! cae he Rhymes on the Road, Extract i. As some tall cliff that lifts its awful form, Swells from the vale, and midway leaves the storm, Though round its breast the rolling clouds are spread, Eternal sunshine ‘settles on its head, GOLDSMITH. The Deserted Village. 1.189. Rave ceaselessly ; but thou, most awful - Form! Risest from forth thy silent sea of pipes, How silently ! Around thee and above Deep is the air and dark, substantial, black, An ebon mass: methinks thou piercest it As witha wedge! But when I look again It is thine own calm home, thy crystal shrine, Thy fetvtetion froth eternity ! O dread and silent Mount! I gazed upon thee, Till thou, still present to the bodily ' sense, Didst vanish from my thought: en- tranced in prayer I worshipped the Invisible alone. COLERIDGE. Hymn Before Sunrise in the Vale of Chamount. 1. 5, Lands, intersected by a narrow frith, Abhor each other. Mountains interpos’d Make enemies of nations, who had else, Like kindred drops, been mingled into one. vowel Task. Bk.ii. The Time-Piece, . 16. See the mountains kiss high heaven, And the waves clasp one another. SHeiitey. Love's Philosophy. Oh, thou Parnassus ‘whom I now survey, Not in the phrensy of a dreamer’s eye, Not in the fabled landscape of a lay, But soaring snow-clad through thy native sky, In the wild pomp of mountain majesty ! Byron. Childe Harold. Cantoi. St. 60. The castled crag of Drachenfels Frowns o’er the wide and winding Rhine. . Ibid. Childe Harold. Canto iii. St. 55. Mont Blanc is the monarch of moun- tains ; They crown’d him long ago, On a throne of rocks, in a robe of clouds, With a diadem of snow. Ibid. Manfred. Acti. Se.1. That speck of white just on its marge Is Pella: see, in the evening glow How sharp the silver spear-heads charge When Alp meets Heaven in snow. Ibid. Childe Harold. Canto ix. MOURNING. It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting. Old Testament. Ecclesiastes vii. 2 Leontes. Once a day [ll visit The chapel where they lie: and tears shed there 008 MOURNING. _ 2 =a, Shall be my recreation: so long as Nature Will bear up with this exercise, so long I daily vow to use it. SHAKESPEARE. The Winter’s Tale. Act WiC. 221. eb. Duke. To mourn a mischief that is past and gone, Is the next way to draw new mischief on. Ibid. Othello. Act i. Se. 3. 1. 204. Queen Margaret. Wise men ne’er sit and wail their loss, But cheerly seek how to redress their harms. Toid. IIT. Henry VJ.- Act y. Sc. 4, 1. 1. King. How is it that the clouds still hang on you? Hamlet. Not so, my lord; I am too much 7?’ the sun. Queen. Good Hamlet, cast thy nighted colour off, And let thine’ eye look like a friend on Denmark. Do not, for ever, with thy vailed lids Seek for thy noble father in the dust. Thou know’st, ’tis common; all that lives must die, Passing through nature to eternity. Hamlet. Ay, madam, it is common. Queen. If it be, Why seems it so particular with thee? Hamlet, Seems, madam! nay it is; I know not seems.— ’'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother, Nor customary suits of solemn black, Nor windy suspiration of fore’d breath, No, nor the frwitful river in the eye, Nor the dejected haviour of visage, Together with all forms, modes, shews of grief, That can denote me truly: deed, seem ; For they are actions that a man might lay: But I have that within which passeth show ; These, but the trappings and the suits of woe. Ibid. Hamlet. the these in- Acti. Se. 2. 1. 66. Hamlet. That it should come to this! But two months dead! nay, not so much, not two; So excellent a king ; that was, to this, Hyperion to a satyr: so loving to my mother, That he might not beteem the winds of { heaven Visit her face too roughly. and earth ! Must I[remember? why, she would hang on him, As if increase of appetite had grown | By what it fedeon: And yet, within a | month,— Let me not think on ’t—Frailty, thy name is woman !— A ris month; or ere those shoes were oid, With which she follow’ my Pees father’s body, Like Niobe, all tears ;—why she, even she, — O heaven! a beast, that wants discourse of reason, Would have mourn’d longer,—married with my uncle, My father’s brother; but no more like my father, Than I to Hercules: Within a month ; Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous Heaven ™ tears Had left the flushing of her galled eyes, She married :—O most wicked speed, to post With such dexterity to incestuous sheets ; It is not, nor it cannot come to good. dapat NH Hamlet. Acti. Se. 2. 1. 138. Lives there whom pain hath evermore pass’d by And sorrow Teena with an averted eye? | Him do thou pity, him above the rest, . Him of all hopeless mortals most un- qr bleasidant Wm. WATSON. Epigrams. | King Richard. My grief lies all within, And these external manners and laments Are merely shadows to the unseen grief, 7 That swells with silence in the tortur’d soul. SHAKES. Richard If. Activ. Se. 1. 1. 295. Lafeu. Moderate lamentation is the MOURNING. $ 509 right of the dead; excessive grief the enemy to the living. SHAKESPEARE. All's Well that Ends Well. Act 1.+S8c..lel, 48. Capulet. All things that we ordained festival, Turn from their office to black funeral: Our instruments, to melancholy bells ; Our wedding cheer, to asad burial feast ; Our solemn hymns to sullen dirges change; Our bridal flowers serve for a buried corse, And all things change them to the con- trary. Th Ee eee and Juliet. Act iv. Se. 5. Hamlet. Nay, then, let the devil wear black, for Pll have a suit of sables. Ibid. Hamlet. Act iii. Se. 2. 1.124, There to converse with groans, Unrespited, unpitied, unreprieved, Ages of hopeless end? MiLTon. Paradise Lost. everlasting Bk. ii. 1. 184. What though no friends in sable weeds appear, Grieve for an hour, perhaps, then mourn a year ; And bear about the mockery of woe To midnight dances, and the public show ? Popr. Elegy to the Memory of an Unfor- tunate Lady. 1. 55. Then flash’d the living lightning from her eyes, And screams of horror rend the af- frighted skies. Not louder shrieks to pitying Heaven are cast, When husbands, or when breathe their last ; Or when rich China vessels, fallen from high, In glittering dust and painted fragments lie! Ibid. Rape of the Lock. Canto iii. 1. 155. lapdogs, O! sing unto my roundelay, O! drop the briny tear with me. Dance no more at holiday, Like a running river be; My love is dead, Gone to his death bed All under the willow tree. THOMAS CHATTERTON. Ailla. Minstrel’s Song. When Dido found ASneas would not come She mourned in silence and was Di do dum. RICHARD Porson. Impromptu. Each lonely scene shall thee restore ; For thee the tear be duly shed; Belov’d till life can charm no more, And mourn’d till Pity’s self be dead. WILLIAM COLLINS. Dirge in Cymbeline. Concluding lines. They bear him to his resting place— In slow procession sweeping by ; I follow at a stranger’s space ; His kindred they, his sweetheart I. Unchanged my gown of garish dye, Though sable-sad is their attire ; But they stand round with griefless eye, Whilst my regret consumes like fire ! THOMAS HARDY. Wessex Poems, She. When musing on companions gone, We doubly feel ourselves alone. Strr W. Scorr. Marmion. Canto ii. Intro- duction. St. vi. Ah, surely nothing dies but some- thing mourns. Byron: Don Juan. Canto iii. St. 108. He that lacks time to mourn, Jacks time to mend. : Eternity mourns that. ’Tis an ill cure For life’s worst ills, to have no time to feel them. Where sorrow’s_ held turned out, There wisdom will not enter, nor true ower, Nor aught that dignifies humanity. Str HENRY TAYLOR. Philip Van Arte- velde. Acti. Se. 5. 1. 38. Ah, what avails the sceptred race, Ah, what the form divine ! What every virtue, every grace! Rose Aylmer, all were thine. Rose Aylmer, whom these watchful eyes May weep, but never see, A night of memories and of sighs I consecrate to thee. W.S. LANDOR. Rose Aylmer. intrusive and 510 MOUSE—MURDER. [The lady to whose memory these lines are dedicated was one of Landor’s early loves ; she died suddenly and prematurely in India. Instead of repeating the name, Landor originally wrote in the second stanza ‘“‘Sweet Aylmer.’’] MOUSE. I hold a mouse’s wit not worth a leke That hath but on hole for to sterten to. CHAUCER. Wyfe of Bath’s Prologue. 1. 572: Consider the little mouse, how sagacious an animal it is which never entrusts his life to one hole only. PuLautus. Truculentus. Act iv. Sc. 4, 1. 18. Bienes that always trusts to one poor ole Can never be 8 mouse of any soul. Pork. Paraphrase of the Wife of Bath. Her Prologue. 1. 298. The mouse that hath one hole is quickly taken. HERBERT. Jacula Prudentum. It had need to bee A wylie mouse that should breed in the cats eare. J. HEYwoop. Proverbs. Pt. ii. Ch. v. A hardy mouse that is bold to breede In cattis eeris. Order of Foles. MS. circa 1450. Edgar. But mice and rats and such small deer Have been Tom’s food for seven long year. SHAKESPEARE. King Lear. 4. 1. 135. Ratons and myse and soch smale dere, That was his mete that vii yere. UNKNOWN. Life of Sir Beves. Act? ili. Se. Wee, sleekit, cowrin’, tim’ rous beastie, O, what a panic’s in thy breastie ! Thou need na start awa sae hasty, Wi’ bickering brattle! I wad be laith to rin and chase thee, Wi murd’ring pattle ! Burns. Toa Mouse. MURDER. Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed. Old Testament. Genesis ix. 6. Clarence. Erroneous vassals ! the great King of kings Hath in the table of his law commanded That thou shalt do no murder: and wiit thou, then, Spurn at his edict and fulfill a man’s? SHAKESPEARE. Richard 1IJI. Acti. Se. Ac 1 EIN, Mordre wol out, that see we day by day. CHAUCER. The Nonnes Preestes Tale. 1. 15,058. Hamiet. For murder, though it hath no tongue, will speak With most miraculous organ. pees te Hamlet. Actii. Sc. 2. 1. vs Hamlet. Till then sit still my soul: foul deeds will rise, Though all the earth o’erwhelm them, te men’s eyes. Ibid. Hamlet. Acti. Se. 2. 1. 255. Iago. Guiltiness will speak Though tongues were out of use. Ibid. Othello. Act vy. Se. 1. 1. 109. Yet heay’n will still have murder out at last. DRAYTON. Ideas. iii. Murder may pass unpunish’d for a time, But tardy justice will o’ertake the crime. DRYDEN. The Cock and the Fox. 1. 285, Bolingbroke. They love not poison that do poison need, Nor do I thee; though I did wish him dead, I hate the murderer, love him murdered. The guilt of conscience take thou for thy labour, But neither my good word nor princely favour. Ware r heat te Richard IT, Act vy. Se. Pembroke. All murders past do stand excus’d in this; And this, so sole, and so unmatchable, Shall give a holiness, a purity, To the yet-unbegotten sin of time’s, And prove a deadly bloodshed but a jest, Exampled by this heinous spectacle. Ibid. King John. Activ. Se. 3. 1. 51. Macduff. Confusion now hath made his masterpiece ! Most sacrilegious murder hath broke ope The Lord’s anointed temple, and stole thence The life o’ the building. Ibid. Macbeth. Actii. Se. 3. 1. 64, ee “Sr ae — MURDER. 511 ae ge Murder most foul, as in the best But ‘this ‘most foul, strange and unnatural. Bee nate. Hamlet. Acti. Se. 5. 1. 27. Antony. O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth, That I am meek and gentle with these butchers ! Thou art the ruins of the noblest man That ever lived in the tide of times. Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood Over thy wounds now do I prepare’. Ibid. Julius Cesar. Act iii. Se. 1. 1. 254. Macbeth. There shall be done A deed of dreadful note. Ibid. Macbeth. Act iii. Se. 2. 1. 44. Macbeth. Blood hath been shed ere now, i’ the olden time, Ere human statute purg’d the gentle weal ; Ay, and since too, murders have been perform’d Too terrible for the ear: the time has been, That, when the brains were out, the man would die, And there an end; but now they rise again, With twenty mortal murders on their crowns, And push us from our stools: this is more strange Than such a murder is . . Ibid. Macbeth. Act iii. Se. 4, 1. 76. Macbeth. Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No; hand will rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green one red. Ibid. Macbeth. Act ii. Se. 2. 1. 60. this my Lady Macbeth. Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him? Ibid. Macbeth. Acty. Se.1. 1. 88. Othello. Not Cassio kill’d! then mur- der’s out of tune, And sweet revenge grows harsh. Ibid. Othello, Act y. Sc. 2. 1. 115, Othello. Put out the light, and then put out the light: If I quench thee, thou flaming minister, I can again thy former light restore Should I repent me; but once put out thy light, Thou cunning’st pattern of excelling nature, I know not where is that Promethean heat That can thy light relume. EAE RE HARY Othello. Act v. Se. 2. 1. Ghost. But, soft! methinks I scent the morning air ; Brief let me be, orchard, My custom always of the afternoon, Upon my secure hour thy uncle stole, With juice of cursed hebenon ina phial, And in the porches of mine ears did pour The leperous distilment. Ibid. Hamlet, Acti. Se. 5. 1. 59, Ghost. Thus was I, sleeping, by a brother’s hand, Of life, of crown, of queen, at once despatch’ d ; Cut off even in the blossoms of my sin, Unhousel’d, disappointed, unanel’d ; No reckoning made, but sent to my ac- count With all my imperfections on my head. Ibid. Hamlet. Acti. Se. 5. 1. 74. Unrespited, unpitied, unrepriev’d. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. ii. 1. 185. Sleeping within my Unwept, unhonored, uninterred he lies. PoPE. Homer's Iliad. Bk. xxii. 1. 484. Unwept, unnoted, and for ever dead. Ibid. Homer's Odyssey. Bk. vy. 1. 402. Without a grave, unknelled, uncoftined, and unknown. Byron. Childe Harold. Canto iv. St. 179. To the vile dust, from whence he sprung, Unwept, unhonoured, and unsung. Sir 'W. Scort. Lay of the Last Minstrel. Canto vi. St. 1. Unwept, unshrouded, and unsepulchred. saatbeate § A Tale of Paraguay. Canto i. t. XI, Hamlet. Now might I do it, pat, now he is praying ; And now I'll do’t;—and so he goes to heaven : 512 MUSE—MUSIC. And so am I reveng’d? That would be scann’d : A villain kills my father; and, for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send To heaven. O, this is hire and salary, not revenge. He took my father grossly, full of bread ; With all his crimes broad blown, as flush as May; And, how his audit stands, who knows, save heaven ? But, in our circumstance and course of thought, ’Tis heavy with him. And am I then reveng’ d, To take him in the purging of his soul, When he is fit and season’d for his pas- sage ? INGLE vi Up, swords; and know thou a more horrid hent: When he is drunk, asleep, or in his rage: Or in the incectuous pleasure of his bed ; At gaming, swearing ; or about some act That has no relish of salvation in ’t: Then trip him, that his heels may kick at heaven ; And that his soul may be as damn’d, and_ black, As hell to which it goes. SHAKESPEARE. Hamlet. 76. Frankford. Oh me unhappy! I have found them lying Close in each other’s arms, and fast asleep. But Si I would not damn two precious sou Bought with my Sayviour’s blood, and send them, laden With all their scarlet sins upon their backs, Unto a fearful judgment, their two lives Had met upon my rapier ! THOMAS HEYWooD. A Woman Killed with Kindness. Act iii. Se. 3. The very air rests thick and heavily, Where murder has been done. JOANNA BAILLIE. Orra. Act ili. Se. 2. There was a manhood in his look, That murder could not kill! Hoop. The Dream of Eugene Aram. St. 16. Assassination has never changed the history of the world. BENJAMIN DISRAELI. Speech. May, 1865. MUSE. If answerable style I can obtain Of my celestial patroness, who deigns Her nightly visitation unimplored, And dictates to me slumbering, or in- spires Easy my unpremeditated verse ; Since first this subject for heroic song Pleased me, long choosing and begin- ning late. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. ix. 1. 20. When panting virtue her last efforts’ made You brought your Clio to the virgin’s aid. WILLIAM bare iaie Poetical Address to Mr, Addison. [Addison signed his papers in the Spectator with one or the other of the letters making up the name Clio, the muse of history. These lines delighted Dr. Johnson: ‘The couplet which mentions Clio.is written with the most aa ne delicacy of praise; it ex- hibits one of those happy strokes which are seldom attained.’’] MUSIC. Eftsoones they heard a most melodi- ous sound. SPENSER. Te Queene. XU SG Bk. ii, Canto Cleopatra. - me some music; music, moody food Of us that trade in love. SHAKESPEARE. eee and Cleopatra. Act i. Ses, 1. A lamentable tune is the sweetest musick to a woeful mind. Sir P. SIDNEY. Arcadia. Bk. ii. Peter. When griping grief the heart doth wound, And doleful dumps the mind oppress, Then music with her silver sound, With speedy help doth lend redress, eee eae and Juliet. Act CaO. le 1 eos mie lines are quoted by Peter to the musicians. Evidently they are a reminis- cence of the ancient song Big 85s by Thomas Percy: Where gripinge grefes the hart would wounde, And dolefulle dumps the mynde oppresse, There music with her silver sound With spede is wont to send redresse. PERCY. Reliques. A Song to the Lute in Musicke. | se \ ee MUSIC. 513 Music the fiercest grief can charm, And fate’s severest rage disarm. Music can soften pain to ease, And make despair and madness please ; Our joys below it can improve, And antedate the bliss above. PoPE. Odeon St. Cecilia’s Day. St. 7. Duke. If music be the food of love, play on; Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die. That strain again! it had a dying fall: O, it came o’er my ear like the sweet sound f That breathes upon a bank of violets, Stealing and giving odour! oll A aia Twelfth Night. Acti. Se. bays 3 Twitched strings, the clang of metal, beaten drums, Dull, shrill, continuous, disquieting ; And now the stealthy dancer comes Undulantly with cat-like steps that cling. SYMONS. Javanese Dancers. Lorenzo. How sweet the moon-light sleeps upon this bank ! Here will we sit, and let the sounds of music Creep in our ears; soft stillness, and the night, | Become the touches of sweet harmony. Sit, Jessica. Look! how the floor of heaven . Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold. There’s not the smallest orb, which thou behold’ st, But in his motion like an angel sings, Still quiring to the young-ey’d cheru- bim ; Such harmony is in immortal souls. But, whilst this muddy vesture of decay Doth grossly close it in, we cannot hear it. SHAKESPEARE. Merchant of Venice. Act v. Se. 1. 1. 54. And sure there is music even in the beauty, and the silent note which Cupid strikes, far sweeter than the sound of an instrument; for there is music wherever there is harmony, order, or proportion; and thus far we may maintain the music of the spheres. Str THOMAS BROWNE. Religio Medici. Pt. ii. Sec. ix. Ring out, ye crystal spheres! Once bless our human ears, If ye have power to touch our senses so; 33 And let your silver chime Move in melodious time, And let the base of Heaven’s deep organ blow ; And with your ninefold hanmony Make up full consort to the angelic sym- phony. MILTON. Hymn. On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity. St. 18, When his veering gait And every motion of his starry train Seem governed by a strain Of music, audible to him alone. WoRDsSWoRTH. The Triad. 1. 48. Jessica. | am never merry, when I hear sweet music. Lorenzo. The reason is, your spirits are attentive; For do but note a wild and wanton herd, Or race of youthful and unhandled colts, Fetching mad bounds, bellowing, and neighing loud, : Which is the hot condition of their blood ; ‘ If they but hear perchance a trumpet sound, . Or any air of music touch their ears, You shall perceive them make a mutual stand, Their savage eyes turn’d to a modest gaze, By the sweet power of music. fore, the poets . Did feign that .Orpheus drew: trees, stones, and floods; Since nought so stockish, hard, and full of rage, But music for the time doth change his nature. SHAKESPEARE. Merchant of Venice. eK Cu Lske 69. There- Act Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast, } To soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak. Ive read that things inanimate have. moved, And, as with living souls, have been in- form’d By magic numbers and persuasive sound. oe Ae The Mourning Bride. Acti. Cn ; Music’s force can tame the furious beast : Can make the wolf or foaming boar restrain His rage; the lion drop his crested mane Attentive to the song. PRIOR. Solomon. Bk. ii, 1. 67. 1This line is constantly misquoted with “the” substituted for “a” or “beast” for * breast.” 514 MUSIC. Othello. She will sing the savageness out | A of a bear. SHAKESPEARE. Othello. Activ. Se.1. 1. 184. Lorenzo. The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moy’d with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils ; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus ; Let no such man be trusted. Ibid. he Merchant of Venice. Act v. Se. Deeoo. The man who cannot laugh is not only fit for treasons, stratagems, aud spoils; but his whole life is already a treason and a stratagem. CARLYLE. Sdrtor Resartus. Bk.i. Ch.y. Is there a heart that music cannot melt? Alas! how is that rugged heart forlorn! BEATTIE. The Minstrel. Bk. i. St. 56. Richard. How sour sweet music is, When time is broke and no proportion kept! So is it in the music of men’s lives. Cag eT ARS Richard II. Act v. Se. Ds dy ae Anon they move In perfect phalanx to the Dorian mood Of flutes and soft recorders; such as raised To height of noblest temper heroes old Arming to battle. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. i. 1. 549. Up he rode Follow’ d with acclamation and the sound Symphonious of ten thousand harps that tuned Angelic harmonies; the earth, the air Resounded, thou remember’st, for thou heard’st ; The heavens and all the constellations rung, The planets in their station listening stood, While the bright pomp ascended jubi- lant. Ibid. Paradise Lost. Bk. vii. 1. 537. Sonorous metal blowing martial sounds: At which the universal host up sent shout that tore hell’s concave, and beyond Frighted the reign of Chaos and old Night. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. i. 1. 540. There let the pealing organ blow, To the full voiced quire below, In service high, and anthems clear, As may with sweetness, through mine ear, Dissolve me into ecstasies, And bring all heaven before mine eyes. Loid,.. ll Penseroso. 1. 161, Lap me in soft Lydian airs, Married to immortal verse, ; Such as the meeting soul may pierce, In notes, with many a winding bout Of linked sweetness long drawn out. Ibid. L’ Allegro. 1. 136. Untwisting all the chains that tie The hidden soul of harmony. Ibid. L’ Allegro. 1. 143. Who shall silence all the airs and madrigals that whisper softness in chambers ? Ibid. Areopagitica. Such sweet compulsion doth in music lie. Ibid. Arcades. 1. 68. Can any mortal mixture of earth’s mould Breathe such divine enchanting ravish- ment ? Ibid. Comus. 1. 244. Music, the mosaic of the air. MARVELL. Music’s Empire. 17. Music is nothing else but wild sounds civilized into time and tune. THOMAS FULLER. History of the Worthies of England, Ch. x. Writers. Musi- cians, Enough of mournful melodies, my lute ! Be henceforth joyous, or be henceforth mute. Song’s breath is wasted when it does but fan The smouldering infelicity of man. Wm. WATSON. Epigrams. Hark ! the numbers soft and clear, Gently steal upon the ear ; Now louder, and yet louder rise And fill with spreading sounds the skies, Pork. Ode for Music on St, Cecilia's Day. a —— a on MUSIC. 515 Light quirks of music, broken and uneven, Make the soul dance upon a jig to Heav’n. Pore. Moral Essays. Epistle iv. 1. 143. Music resembles poetry: in each Are nameless graces which no methods teach And which a master-hand alone can reach. Ibid. Essay on Criticism. Pt. i. 1. 148. As some to church repair, Not for the doctrine, but the music there. Ibid. Essay on Criticism. Pt. ii. 1. 142. Music, the greatest good that mortals know, And all of heaven we have below. AppIson. Song for St. Cecilia’s Day. iii. Music religious heat inspires, It wakes the soul, and lifts it high, And wings it with sublime desires, And fits it to bespeak the Deity. Ibid. A Song for St. Cecilia’s Day. St. 4. Where through the long-drawn aisle and fretted vanlt The pealing anthem swells the note of praise. GRAY. Elegy Written in a Country Church- yard. St. 10. The harp that once through Tara’s halls The soul of music shed, Now hangs as mute on Tara’s walls As if that soul were fled. So sleeps the pride of former days, So glory’s thrill is o’er ; And hearts that once beat high for praise Now feel that pulse no more. Moore. The Harp that Once Through Taras Hails. I pant for the music which is divine ; My heart in its thirst is a dying flower ; Pour forth the sound like enchanted wine, Loosen the notes in a silver shower ; Like a herbless plain for the gentle rain I gasp, I faint till they wake again. SHELLEY. Music. When Music, heavenly maid, was young, While yet in early Greece she sung, The Passions oft, to hear her swell, Throng’d around her magic cell, Exulting, trembling, raging, fainting, Possest beyond the Muse’s painting. CoLLins. The Passions. 1.1. Fill’d with fury, rapt, inspired. Ibid. The Passions. 1.10. ’Twas sad by fits, by starts ’t was wild. Ibid. The Passions. 1. 28. In hollow murmurs died away. Ibid. The Passions. 1.-68. O Music! sphere-descended maid, Friend of Pleasure, Wisdom’s aid ! Ibid. The Passions. 1. 95. With melting airs or martial, brisk or grave; Some chord in unison with what we hear Is touched within us, and the heart replies. COWPER. The Task. Bk. vi. 1. 3. Soft is the music that would charm for- ever; The flower of sweetest smell is shy and lowly. WORDSWORTH. Not Love, Not War. Bright gem, instinct with music, vocal spark. Ibid. A,Morning Exercise. Music’s golden tongue Flattered to tears this aged man and poor. KEATS. The Eve of St. Agnes. St. 3. The silver snarling trumpets ’gan to chide. Ibid. The Eve of St. Agnes. St. 4. What fairy-like music steals over the sea, Entrancing our senses with charmed melody ? Mrs.C.B.WIiLson. What Fairy-like Music. And when she had passed, it seemed like the ceasing of exquisite music. LONGFELLOW. Evangeline. Pt.i. 1. 62. For the beauty of a lovely woman is like music: what can one say more? GEORGE ELIOT. Adam Bede. And music pours on mortals Her, magnificent disdain. EMERSON, The Sphinz. 516 A velvet flute-note fell down pleasantly, Upon the bosom of that harmony, Aud sailed and sailed incessantly, As if a petal from a wild-rose blown Had fluttered down upon that pool of tone, And boatwise dropped o’ the convex side And floated down the glassy tide And clarified and glorified The solemn spaces where the shadows bide. From the warm concave of that fluted note Somewhat, half song, half odor forth did float As if a rose might somehow be a throat. SIDNEY LANIER. The Symphony. NAME. Clarum et venerabile nomen. An illustrious and ancient name. Lucan. Pharsalia. ix. 208. Stat magni nominis umbra. Remains the shadow of a mighty name, Ibid. Pharsalia. i. 185. Dixi omnia, quum hominem nomi- navi. I have said everything when I have named the man. PLINY THE YOUNGER. Epistolx. iy. 22. ; wae is thy name, faire maid?” quoth a Peouhon. O King!” quoth she. Percy. Reliques. King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid. St. 6. [Shakespeare, quoting this ancient ballad in Love’s Labour's Lost, Act iv., Sc. 1, 1. 65, gives the beggar’s name as Zenelophon. ] Duke. Who may, in the ambush of my name, strike home. abides: Measure for Measure. Act i. Se. 3. 1. 41. Juliet. O, ca Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name: Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And [’ll no longer be a Capulet. Ibid. Romeo and Juliet. rye 11580. 2. . 33. NAME. Juliet. which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet ; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d, Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title: name; And for that name, which is no part of thee, Take all ‘myself, SHAKESPEARE. Romeo and Juliet. Ti Cs 2 tee That which we call a Snob, by any other name would still be snobbish THACKERAY. Book of Snobs. Romeo, doff thy Act Juliet. Bondage is hoarse, and may not speak aloud ; Else would I tear the cave where echo lies, And make her airy tongue more hoarse than mine With repetition of my Romeo’s name. SHAKESPEARE. Romeo and Juliet. Act ii, Se:'2. 1. 160. Mrs. Page. I cannot tell what the dickens his name is. vf ag: ery Wives of Windsor. c. Act iii. Ferdinand. 1 do beseech you (Chiefly that I might set it in my prayers), What is your name? Ibid. Tempest. Act iii. Se. 1. 1. 34. Bastard. And if his name be Seon J’ll call him Peter ; For new-made honour doth forget men’s names. Ibid. King John. Acti. Se. 1. 1. 186. Cassius. Brutus and Cesar: what should be in that Cesar? Why should that name be sounded more than yours? Write them together, yours is as fair a name; Sound them, it doth become the mouth as well; Weigh them, it is as heavy; conjure with ’em,— Brutus will start a spirit as soon as Cesar. What’s in a name? That | se awe ee, ee a = ee ee Ce la ee ind ge Ns ee . ae : q % 5 NAPOLEON I. 517 . Now, in the names of all the gods at | And still it half calls up the realms of once, Upon what meat doth this our Cesar feed, That he is grown so great? art shamed ! Rome, thou hast lost the breed of noble bloods! SHAKESPEARE. Julius Cxsar. PLD Beal i VS Age, thou Acti. Se. Macbeth. How now, you secret, black, and midnight hags? What is’t you do? All Witches. A deed without a name. Ibid. Macbeth. Activ. Se. 1. 1, 48. And left the name at which the world grew pale To point a moral or adorn a tale. Dr. JOHNSON. Vanity of Human Wishes. His opinion was that there was a strange kind of magic bias which good or bad names, as he called them, irre- sistibly impressed upon our characters and conduct. . How many Cesars and Pompeys, he would say, by mere inspiration of the names, have been ren- dered worthy of them! And how many, he would add, are there who might have done exceeding well in the world, had not their characters and spirits been totally depressed and Nicodemus’d into nothing. LAURENCE STERNE, eid 19. Oh, hirestlie not his name! let it sleep in the shade, Where cold and unhonour’d his relics are laid. THOMAS MOORE. O Breathe Not His Name. Tristram Shandy. Oh no? we never mention her,— Her name is never heard ; My lips are now forbid to speak That once familiar word. THOMAS HAYNES BAYLY. Oh No! Never Mention Her. We He left a Corsair’s name to other times, Linked with one virtue, and a thousand crimes. ByRon. The Corsair. Canto iii. St. 24. I have a passion for the name of “Mary, For once it ‘was a magic sound to me, fairy, Where T beheld what never was to be. Byron. Don Juan. Canto y. St. 4. Oh, Amos Cottle!—Phcebus! what a name | Ibid. English Bards and Scotch Review- ers. 1, 399. A nickname is the hardest stone that the devil can throw at a man. Hazuitt. Political Speaues Influence. On Court Nicknames and whippings, when they are once laid on, no one has discovered how to take off. LANDOR. Imaginary Conversations: Peter pa iaee and President Du Paty (Du ‘aty). And last of all an Admiral came, A terrible man with a terrible name,— A name which you all know by sight very well, But which no one can speak, and no one can spell. SOUTHEY. The March to Moscow. St. 8. I do not fear to follow out the trath, Albeit along the precipice’s edge. Let us speak plain ; there is more force in names Than most men dream of; and a lie may keep Its throne a whole age longer, if itskulk Behind the shield of some fair- -seeming name. LOWELL. . “i A Glance Behind the Curtain. I cannot love my lord, and not his name. TENNYSON. Geraint and Enid. 1. 92. Our men scarce seem in earnest now: Distinguished names !—but ’tis some- how, As if they played at being names Still more distinguished, like the games Of children. ROBERT BROWNING. Waring. i. NAPOLEON I. Grand, gloomy, and peculiar, he sat upon the throne a sceptred hermit, wrapped in the solitude of his own originality. CHARLES PHILLIPS. The Character of Napoleon. 518 NATION—NATURE. Yes! where is he, the champion and the child Of all that’s great or little, wise or wild? Whose game was empires, and whose stakes were thrones, Whose table earth—whose dice were human bones ? Byron. The Age of Bronze. St. 3. On a lone barren isle, where the wild roaring billows Assail the stern rock, and the loud _ tempests rave, The hero lies still, while the dew-droop- ing willows, Like fond weeping mourners, lean over his grave. The lightnings may flash and the loud thunders rattle; He heeds not, he hears not, he’s free from all pain ; He sleeps his last sleep, he has fought his last battle ; No sound can awake him to glory again ! LEONARD HEATH. parte. To the very last, he [Napoleon] had a kind of idea; that, namely, of la carriére ouverte aux talents—the tools to him that can handle them. CARLYLE. Essays: Sir Walter Scott. The Grave of Bona- L’Angleterre prit Paigle et l’Autriche Paiglon. England took the eagle and Austria the eaglet. Victor HuGo. [L’Aiglon means ‘“‘the Eaglet,” and there- fore is a proper description of the son of the Eagle (L’ Aigle), 7. e., Napoleon himself, who transferred the imperial eagles of Rome to his own standard. It was Victor Hugo in this famous line who first applied the re- spective terms to father and son. ] NATION. And hath made of one blood all nations of men. New Testament. Acts xvii. 26. It hath been an opinion that the French are wiser than they seem, and the Spaniards seem wiser than they are. But howsoever it be between nations, certainly it is so between man and man. Bacon. Essays. Of Seeming Wise. ~ Better one suffer, than a nation grieve. yA tog! Absalom and Achitophel. Pt. i. . 416. England is a paradise for women and hell for horses; Italy a paradise for horses and hell for women, as the pro- verb goes. Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy. Pt. iii. Sec. 3. Memb. 1. Subsec. 2. It is a goodly sight to see What Heaven hath done for this deli- cious land ! 4 ‘ What fruits of fragrance blush on every tree | What goodly prospects o’er the hills expand ! Byron. Childe Harold. Canto i. St. 15. Except by name, Jean Paul Friedrich Richter is little known out of Germany. The only thing connected with him, we think, that has reached this country is his saying,—imported by Madame de Staél, and thankfully pocketed by most newspaper critics,—“ Providence _ has given to the French the empire of the land ; to the English that of the sea; to the Germans that of—the air! CARLYLE. Essays. Richter (Edinburgh Review, 1827). A nation’s right to speak a nation’s voice, And own no power but of the nation’s choice ! mee hie Family in Paris. Letter Kid Si Men, upon the whole, Are what they can be—nations, what they would.’ E. igre ies Casa Guidi Windows, - A people is but the attempt of many To rise to the completer life of one; And those who live as models for the mass Are singly of more value than they all. ROBERT BROWNING. Luria. Act v. NATURE. I am whatever was, or is, or will be: and my veil no mortal ever took up. PiutarcnH. Of Isis and Osiris. 1 Portugal. NATURE. 519 I am the things that are, and those that are to be, and those that have been. No one ever lifted my skirts: the fruit which I bore was the sun. Procius. On Plato’s Timxus. (Inscrip- tion in the temple of Neith, at Sais, Egypt.) See one promontory (said Socrates of old), one mountain, one sea, one river, and see all. BuRTON. Anatomy of Melancholy. Pt. i. Sec. 2. Memb. 4. Subsec. 7. Out of the book of Natur’s learned brest. Du BARTAS. Divine Weekes and Dayes. Second week. Fourth day. Bk. ii. (JOHN SYLVESTER, trans.) Nature vicarye of the Almighty Lord. CHAUCER. Parlement of Foules. 1. 379. Nature, the Handmaid of God Almighty. HowELL, Famitiar Letters. Bk. ii. Let- tere Oe Dre TP, What more felicitie can fall to creature Than to enjoy delight with libertie, And to be lord of all the workes of Nature, To raine in th’ aire from earth to highest skie, To feed on flowres and weeds of glorious feature, To take whatever thing doth please the elie ? SPENSER. Mutopotmos: or, The Fate of the Butterflie. 1. 209. Duke. And this our life, exempt from public haunt, Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones, and good in every- thing. SHAKESPEARE. As You Like It. Se. 1. 1. 15. On every thorn delightful wisdom grows ; In every rill a sweet instruction flows. pomae Youna. Loveof Fame. Satire i. 1, 249. And live like Nature’s bastards, not her sons. Act ii. MILTON. Comus. 1. 727. If Nature be a phantasm, as thou say’st, A splendid fiction and prodigious dream, To reach the real and true I’ll make no haste, More than content with worlds that only seem. Wm. WATSON. Epigrams. To-morrow to fresh woods, and pas- tures new. Mitton. Lycidas. Concluding line. With thee conversing I forget all time, All seasons, and their change, all please alike: Sweet is the breath of morn, her rising sweet, With charm of earliest birds; pleasant the sun When first on this delightful land he spreads His orient beams on herb, tree, fruit, and flower, Glist’ ring with dew ; fragrant the fertile earth After soft showers; and sweet the com: ing on Of grateful ev’ning mild; then silent night With this her solemn bird and this fair moon, And these the gems of heaven, her starry train. Ibid. Paradise Lost. Bk. iy. 1. 689. ’Tis sweet to be awaken’d by the lark, Orlull’d by falling waters; sweet the hum Of bees, the voice of girls, the song of birds, The lisp of children, and their earliest words. Byron. Don Juan. 1-123. Betwixt them lawns or level downs and flocks Grazing the tender herb were interposed, Or palmy hillock ; or the flowery lap Of someirriguous valley spread her store, Flowers of all hue, and without thorn the rose. Another side, umbrageous grots and caves Of cool recess, o’er which the mantling vine Lays forth her purple grape and gently creeps Luxuriant; meanwhile waters fall Down the slope hills dispersed, or in a lake, That to the fringéd bank with myrtle crowned Her crystal mirrér holds, unite their streams. The birds their quire apply ; airs, vernal airs, murmuring NATURE. Breathing the smell of field and grove, attune The trembling leaves. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. iv. 1. 252. The perfections of Nature show that she is the image of God; her defects show that she is only his image. PascaL. Thoughts. Ch. xii. Nature, so far as in her lies, Imitates God. TENNYSON. Ona Mourner. But who can paint Like Nature? Can Imagination boast, Amid its gay creation, hues like hers? Or can it mix them with that matchless skill, And lose them in each other, as appears In every bud that blows ? THOMSON. The Seasons. Spring. 1. 466. Oh, what a glory doth this world put on For him who, with a fervent heart, goes forth Under the bright and glorious sky, and looks On duties well performed and days well spent ! For him the wind, ay, and the yellow leaves, Shall have a voice, and give him elo- quent teachings, He shall so hear the solemn hymn that death Has lifted up for all, that he shall go To his long resting-place without a tear. LONGFELLOW. Autumn. Concluding lines. Nature! great parent! whose unceasing hand Rolls round the seasons of the changeful year ; How mighty, how majestic are thy works ! With what a pleasing dread they swell the soul That sees astonish’d, and astonish’d sings ! Tuomson. The Seasons. Winter. 1. 106. ‘ care not, Fortune, what you me deny: You cannot rob me of free Nature’s grace ; You cannot shut the windows of the sky Through. which Aurora shows her brightening face ; You cannot bar my constant feet to trace The woods and lawns, by living stream, at eve: Let health my nerves and finer fibres brace, And I their toys to the great children leave: Of fancy, reason, virtue, naught can me — bereave. earns ai Castle of Indolence. Canto ii. St. 3. The course of Nature is the art of God. Youne. Night Thoughts. Nightix. 1.1267. (See under ART.) All are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose body Nature is, and God the soul, Poprr. Essay on Man. Epistle i. 1. 267. Slave to no sect, who takes no private road, — But looks through nature up to nature’s God. Ibid: Essay on Man. Epistle iv. 1. 381. Ever charming, ever new, When will the landscape tire the view ? JOHN DYER. Grongar Hill. 1. 102. My banks they are furnish’d with bees, Whose murmur -invites one to sleep ; My grottoes are shaded with trees, And my hills are white over with sheep. SHENSTONE, Hope. & Pastoral Ballad. Pt. ii. The throssil whusslit in the wood, The burn sang to the trees, And we with Nature’s heart in tune, Concerted harmonies ; And on the knowe abune the burn, For hours thegither sat In the silentness 0’ joy, till baith Wi’ very gladness grat. WILLIAM MOTHERWELL. Jeanie Morrison. St. 8. Nature, exerting an unwearied power, Forms, opens, and gives scent to every flower ; Spreads the fresh verdure of the field and leads The dancing Naiads through the dewy meads. CowPeEeR. Table Talk. Bk. i. 1. 690. q j j j “ a ; NATURE. 621 Nor rural sights alone, but rural sounds, Exhilarate the spirit, and restore The tone of languid Nature. COWPER. The Task.* Bk. Ai Sofa. 1.187. The And recognizes ever and anon The breeze of Nature stirring in his soul. beer hte The Excursion. Bk. iv. . 591. As in the eye of Nature he has lived, So in the eye of Nature let him die! of ae The Old Cumberland Beggar. Last ines. Vain is the glory of the sky, The beauty vain of field and grove, Unless, while with admiring eye We gaze, we also learn to love. Ibid. Poemsof the Fancy. xxiii. One impulse from a vernal wood May teach you more of man, Of moral evil and of good, Than all the sages can. Ibid. The Tables Turned. St. 6. The soft blue sky did never melt Into his heart ; he never felt The witchery of the soft blue sky! Ibid. Peter Bell. Pt. i. St. 15. On a fair prospect some have looked, And felt, as I have heard them say, As if the moving time had been A thing as steadfast as the scene On which they gazed themselves away. Ibid. Peter Bell. Pt. i. St. 16. As if the man had fixed his face, In many a solitary place, Against the wind and open sky ! Ibid. Peter Bell. Pt.i. St. 26. The sounding cataract Haunted me like.a passion: the tall rock, The mountain, and the deep and gloomy wood, Their colours and their forms, were then to me An appetite; a feeling and a love, That had nv need of a remoter charm, By thought supplied, nor any interest Unborrowed from the eye.—That time is past, And all its aching joys are now no more, And all its dizzy raptures. Ibid. Lines on Tintern Abbey. 1. 76. I have learned To look on Nature, not as in the hour Of thoughtless youth, but hearing often- times The still, sad music of humanity, Nor harsh nor grating, though of ample power To chasten and subdue. felt A presence that disturbs me with the And I have JOY Of elevated thoughts ; a sense sublime Of something far more deeply inter- fused, Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, And the round ocean, and the living air, And the blue sky, and in the mind of man ; A motion and a spirit, that impels. All thinking things, all objects of all thought, And rolls through all things.’ fore am I still A lover of the meadows and the woods, And mountains; and of all that we behold From this green earth ; world Of eye and ear, both what they half create, And what they perceive; well pleased to recognize In nature and the language of the sense, The anchor of my purest thoughts, the nurse, The ouide, the Ser of ay heart, and soul Of all my moral being. WORDSWORTH. Lines on Tintern Abbey. 1. There- of all the mighty To him who in the love of Nature holds Communion with her visible forms, she speaks A various language ; for his gayer hours She has a voice of gladness, and a smile ° And eloquence of beauty, and she glides Into his darker musings, with a mild And healing sympathy that steals away Their sharpness ere he is aware. WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. Thanatopsis. p Rap t 522 NAVURE, HUMAN. Go forth under the open sky, and list To Nature’s teachings. WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT. Thanatopsis. 1, 14, The hills Rocked-ribbed and ancient as the sun,— the vales Stretching in pensive quietness between ; The venerable woods—rivers that move In majesty, and the complaining brooks That make the meadows green; and, poured round all, Old Ocean’s gray and melancholy waste,— —- Are but the solemn decorations all Of the great tomb of man. Ibid. Thanatopsis. 1. 37. But on and up, where Nature’s heart Beats strong amid the hills. RICHARD MONCKTON MILNEs (Lord Hough- ton). Tragedy of the Lac de Gaube. St. 2. Nature which is the time-vesture of God, and reveals Him to the wise, hides Him from the foolish. CARLYLE. Sartor Resartus. Bk. iii. Ch. Vill. Nature is a mutable cloud which is always and never the same. EMERSON. Essays. First Series. By fate, not option, frugal Nature gave One seent to hyssop and to wall-flower, One sound to pine-groves and to water-falls, One aspect to the desert and the lake. It was her stern necessity; all things Are of one pattern made; bird, beast, and flower, Song, picture, form, space, thought, and character Deceive us, seeming to be many things, And are but one. History. Ibid. Xenophones. I thought the sparrow’s note from heaven, Singing at dawn on the alder bough; I brought him home, in his nest, at even: He sings the song, but it cheers not now, For I did not bring home the river and sky ; He sang to my ear,—they sang to my eye. : Ibid. Eachand All. 1. 13. For what are they all in their high conceit, When man in the bush with God may meet ? Ibid. Good-bye. Concluding lines. The never idle workshop of Nature. ’ MATTHEW ARNOLD. LElegiac Poems. Epi- - logue. I strove with none, for none was worth my strife ; Nature I loved; and next to Nature, Art. I warm’d both hands against the fire of life ; It sinks, and I am ready to depart. Lanpor. Dying Speech of an Old Philos- opher. NATURE, HUMAN. Let us a little permit Nature to take her own way; she better understands her own affairs than we. MONTAIGNE. Essays. Bk. iii. Ch. xiii. Of Experience. The book of Nature is that which the physician must read; and to do so he must walk over the leaves. PARACELSUS. (See Encyclopedia Britannica, ninth edi- tion, vol. xviii., p. 234.) Let them learn to be wise by easier means, let them observe the hind of the forest and the linnet of the grove, let them consider the life of animals, whose motions are reg- ulated by instinct; they obey their guide and are happy. Let us, therefore, at length, cease to dispute and learntolive; ... and carry with us this simple and intelligible maxim, that deviation from Nature is de- viation from happiness. Dr. JOHNSON. Rasselas. Ch. xxii. So Wordsworth says of the birds: With Nature never do they wage A foolish strife; they see A happy youth, and their old age Is beautiful and free The Fountain. St. 11. Nunquam aliud Natura aliud Sapien- tia dicit. Nature never says one thing, Wisdom another. / JUVENAL, Satirx. xiv. 321. Naturam expellas furcfé, tamen usque recurret. You may turn Nature out of doors with a pitchfork, but she will still re- turn. Horace. LEpistole. Bk.i. Ep. 10. 1. 24. [Destouches imitates this line in his Glo- rieux, 3, 5: Je ne le sais que pe R Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop. I know it only too well: drive out the natural, it returns in a gallop.] hl at i tian ea aa NAVY. For all that Nature by her mother-wit * Could frame in earth. SPENSER. Faerie Queene. Bk. ivy. Canto Xs AL, To man the earth seems altogether No more a mother, but a step-dame rather. Du Bartas. Divine Weekes and Workes. First week, third day. It is far from easy to determine whether she [Nature] has proved to him a kind par- ent or a merciless stepmother. PLINY THE ELDER. Natural History. Bk. vii. Sec. 1. Ulysses. One touch of Nature makes the whole world kin, That all, with one consent, praise new- born gawds, Though they are made and moulded of things past, And give to dust, that is a little gilt, More laud than gilt o’er-dusted ; The present eye praises the present object. SHAKESPEARE. Troilus and Cressida, Act TI SC. Sods Lid: (The first line is constantly misinterpreted. As the context shows, it does not mean that common sympathy is stirred by a revela- tion of a common humanity, but that one passion (7. e., one touch of nature) common to everybody is love of novelty.] All argument will vanish before one touch of nature. Colas. (ee Poor Gentleman. Act v. Ge de Some touch of Nature’s genial glow. a Lord of the Isles. Canto iii. St. Wolsey. And Nature does require Her times of preservation, which per- force I, her frail son, amongst my brethren mortal, Must give my tendance to. SHAKESPEARE. Henry VIII. Actiii. Se. 2. 1. 147. Belarius. How hard it is to hide the sparks of Nature! Ibid. Cymbeline. Act iii. Se. 3. 1.79. 1From jigging veins of rhyming mother- wits. MARLOWE. Prologue to Tamberlane. 523 Leontes. How sometimes Nature will betray its folly, Its tenderness, and make itself a pas- time To harder bosoms! SHAKESPEARE. Winter’s Tale. Acti. Se. peed a ay Soothsayer. In Nature’s infinite book of secrecy A little [ can read. Pi Le Fete and Cleopatra. Acti. Se. Accuse not Nature, she hath done her part ; Do thou but thine! MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. viii. 1. 561. Art may err, but nature cannot miss. DRYDEN. The Cock and Fox. 1. 452. To me more dear, congenial to my heart, ‘One native charm, than all the gloss of art. GOLDSMITH. Deserted Village. (See under ART.) 1. 253. Gie me ae spark o’ Nature’s fire, That’s a’ the learning I desire. A a Epistle to L. J. Sapraik. Epistle 1. St. 13. , & Nothing in nature, much, less conscious being, Was e’er created solely for itself. YounG. Night Thoughts. Night ix. 1. 711. Certainly nothing is unnatural that is not physically impossible. R. B. SHERIDAN. The Critic. Scat Nature stamp’ dusin aheavenly mould. pec as Pleasures of Hope. Pt. i. 1. Nature never did betray The heart that loved her. WORDSWORTH. Lines composed a few miles above Tintern Abbey. 1. 123. Act ii. True fiction hath an higher énd, and scope Wider than fact; it is nature’s possible, Contrasted with life’s actual mean. P. J. BAILEY. Festus. Proem. NAVY. Ships, Fraught with the ministers and instru- ments Of cruel war. SHAKESPEARE. Troilus and Cressida, Prologue. NECESSITY. The royal navy of England has ever been its greatest defence and ornament ; it is its ancient and natural strength,— the floating bulwark of our island. Str WM. BLACKSTONE. Commentaries. Volai.uBk. Ona, All in the Downs the fleet was moor’d. Gay. Sweet William’s Farewell to Black- eyed Susan. “Why, my Lord,’ replied Ben—“ it with truth may be said, While a bald pate I long have stood under ; There are so many Captains walk’ d over my head, That to see me quite scalp’d were no wonder !’’ J. COLLINS. Ben Black. Britannia needs no bulwarks, No towers along the steep ; Her march is o’er the mountain waves, Her home is on the deep. te Ye Mariners of England. St. 3. They saw the cables loosened, they saw the gangways cleared, They heard the women weeping, they heard the men that cheered ; Far off, far off, the tumult faded and died away, And all alone the sea-wind came singing up the Bay. HENRY pats es The Sailing of the Long Ships. NECESSITY. Mater artium necessitas. Necessity is the mother of invention. Latin Proverb. Xpela SiddoKer, kav Bpadvs ts i, coor. Necessity will teach a man, however slow he be, to be wise. EURIPIDES. Fragment 709 Magister artis ingenique largitor Venter. Hunger is the teacher of the arts and the bestower of invention. : PeErsivus. Prologue. 1. 10. Necessity, mother of invention. i pte Lovein a Wood. Act iii. c Obliged by hunger and request of friends. PoPE. Lpisile to Dr. Arbuthnot. Prologue to the Satires. 1. 44. Clifford : So cowards fight, when they can y no farther; So doves do peck the falcon’s piercing talons; So eet thieves, all hopeless of their ive Breathe out invectives *gainst the officers. “sieges RTH a} Henry Vi. Pt. iii. Act i, e Danger deviseth shifts; wit waits on fear. Ibid. Venus and Adonis. 1. 690. Want is a bitter and a hateful good, Because its virtues are not understood ; Yet many things, impossible to thought, Have been by need to full perfection brought. DRYDEN. Wife of Bath. 1. 473. Necessity—thou best of peacemakers, As well as surest prompter of invention. Scott. Peveril of the Peak. Heading of Ch. xxvi. Necessity, my friend, is the mother of courage, as of invention. WALTER ScoTr. Quentin Durward. Ch. BGO he Necessity ,—the proper parent of an art so nearly allied to invention. Acti. Se. 2. SHERIDAN. The Critic. A wise man never refuses anything to necessity. PUBLILIUS SyRus. Maxim 540. We give to necessity the praise of virtue. Sa ep Institutiones Oratoriz. Bk. i. 8, 14 Thanne is it wysdom, as thynketh me, To maken vertu of necessite. CHAUCER. The Knighte’s Tale. 1. 3048. Il faisoit de nécessité vertu. He made a virtue of necessity. RABELAIS. Gargantua. i. 11. ecene Outlaw. To make a virtue of neces- sity SHAKESPEARE. Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act iv. Se: lil. 64. Gaunt. All places that the eye of heaven visits Are to a wise man ports and happy havens. Teach thy necessity to reason thus: There is no virtue like necessity. Ibid. Richard II. Acti. Se. 3. 1. 275. Not mine the saying is, but wisdom’s Saw : “Stronger is naught than dread neces- sity.” EURIPIDES. Helena. 513. (A. S. Way, trans.) . eS SS ee » ee ; ; 4 : NEGRO—NEIGHBOR; NEIGHBORING. 525 , Yet do I hold that mortal foolish who : NEGRO. strives against the stress of necessity. ree 4 : EURIPIDES. Hercules Furens. 1. 281. Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or One of his sayings was, ‘‘Even the gods | the leopard his spots? cannot strive against necessity.” . Old Testament. Jeremiah xiii. 238. DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Life of Pittacus. iv. P ‘ Aldiora oughyev eriyepo, Necessity knows no law except to RR AN ; conquer. I am endeavoring to wash an Ethi- PUBLILIUs SyRUs. Maxim 553. | opian white. Lucian. Adversus Indoctum. 28. Necessitas non habet legem. segs Necessity has no law. Proteus. The old saying is, LANGLAND. Piers the Plowman (Skeat’s | Black men are pearls in beauteoug ed.). Passus xiy. 45. ladies’ eyes Neode hap no lawe. Julia. ’Tis true such pearls as put out Ibid. Piers the Plowman. Passus xxiii. ladies’ eyes. 1. 10. SHAKESPEARE. Two Gentlemen of Verona. Necessity has no law. I know some at- Act v. Se, 2. 1. 11. torneys of the name. : ; Black is a pearl in a woman's eye. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Poor Richard's GEORGE CHAPMAN. An Humorous Day’s Almanac. Mirth. Lear. Necessity’s sharp pinch ! But our captain counts the image of SHAKESPEARE, King Lear. Act ii. Se. | God—nevertheless his image—cut in 4. 1, 210. : bps ob F : ebony as if done in ivory, and in the Edmund. As if we were villains by | blackest Moors he sees the representa- necessity, fools by heavenly compulsion. | tion of the King of Heaven. ; j vpaed ; King cs Act rod Se. ay ne THOMAS FULLER. The Good Sea-captain. ee Ce) Am I not a man and a brother? Necessity urges desperate measures. [Motto on a medallion by Wedgwood . : +++ | (1787), representing a negro in chains, with ap a we Ott Guteote, Viele Bemt | one knee on the ground, and both hands lifted up to heaven. This was adopted as , Sospake the Fiend, and with necessity, we wen) of the Antislavery Society of The tyrant’s plea, excused his devilish | “©” on.] deeds. t MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. iv. 1. 393. NEIGHBOR; NEIGHBORING. - _ Necessity is the argument of tyrants; it is Thou shalt love thy neighbour as the creed of slaves. thyself. WILLIAM PITT (Earlof Chatham). Speech New Testament. Matthew xix. 19. on the Indian Bill. November, 1783. ty. . } Ayata Tov TAnociov. Necessity and chance Lovethyneighbour, = = Approach not me, an Piwhat Pewill’ is THALES. (Stobaeus Florilegium. iii. 59, e.) fate. Bishop of Ely. The strawberry grows MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. vii. 1. 172. underneath the nettle, : . | And wholesome berries thrive and ripen Necessity never made a good bargain. ae B. FRANKLIN. Poor Richard’s Al c. : P : tad Neighbour’d by fruit of baser quality. Necessity, thou mother of the world! peer Henry V. Act i. Se. 1. SHELLEY. Queen Mab. vi. 1. 198. What is nearest touches us most. The I must bear 5 RoE d at What is ordained with patience, being passions mse higher at COmesie nan at ; imperial tragedies. aware : A DR. JOHNSON. Letter to Mrs. Thrale. Necessity doth front the universe : ; With an invincible gesture. A man’s best things are nearest him,— Mrs. BROWNING. Prometheus Bound. 1. | Lie close about his feet. 117. LoRD HOUGHTON. The Menof Old. St.7. NEW ENGLAND— NEWS. O thou sculptor, painter, poet ! Take this lesson to thy heart: That is best which lieth nearest ; Shape from that thy work of art. LONGFELLOW. Gaspar Becerra. Con- cluding lines. (See under Dury.) A mastiff dog May love a puppy cur for no more reason Than that the twain have been tied up together. TENNYSON. Queen Mary. Acti. Se. iv. NEW ENGLAND. The breaking waves dashed high On a stern and rock-bound coast, And the woods against a stormy sky, Their giant branches toss’ d. MRS. HEMANS. The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in New England. St. 1. What sought they thus afar ? Bright jewels of the mine, The wealth of seas, the spoils of war? —They sought a faith’s pure shrine. Ibid. eae Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. 09. I first drew in New England’s air, and from her hearty breast Sucked in the tyrant-hating milk that will not let me rest; And if my words seem treason to the dullard and the tame, 'Tis but my Bay-state dialect,—our fathers spoke the same. J.R. LOWELL. On the Capture a fngiene Slaves near Washington. St. 2 I shall enter on no encomium upon _ Massachusetts; she needs none. There she is. Behold her, and judge for your- selves. There is her history ; the world knows it by heart. The past, at least, is secure. There is Boston and Concord and Lexington and Bunker Hill; and there they will remain forever. DANIEL WEBSTER. Second Speech on Foote’s fesolution. January 26, 1831. NEWS. How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings; that publisheth peace; that br ingeth good tidings of good; that pub- lisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth ! Old Testament. Isaiah lii, 7. As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Old Testament. Proverbs xxy. 26. It is good news, worthy of all accepta- tion; and yet not too good to be true. MATHEW HENRY. Commentaries. I. Timothy 7. 16. Cleopatra. Though it be honest, it is never good To bring bad news; message An host of tongues: tell Themselves when they be felt. a eas Antony and Cleopatra. Act.ii. \Se.-5,,1. 8d. give to a gracious but let ill tidings Messenger. The nature of bad news infects the teller. Ibid. aoe and Cleopatra. Act i. Se. 2a 92. Northumberland. The first bringer of un- welcome news Hath but a losing office; and his tongue Sounds ever after as a sullen bell, Remember’d knolling a departing friend. Lbid.: Henry LVa i Pt iis ACthiAScals!, 100 Clown. Hey, Robin, jolly Robin, Tell me how thy lady does. Ibid. Twelfth Night. Act iv. Se. 2. 1. 70. A Robyn, Jolly Robyn, Tell me how thy leman does. A Robyn, Jolly Robyn. Cleopatra. Prithee, friend, Pour out the pack of matter to mine ear, The good and bad together. SHAKESPEARE. Antony and Cleopatra. Act li. Se. 5. 1. 53. Cleopatra. Ram thou thy fruitful tid- ings in mine ears, That long time have been barren. I “ge Rar and Cleopatra. Act ii. Se. Hubert. Old men, and beldams, in the streets Do prophesy upon it dangerously : Young Arthur’s death is common in their mouths: And, when they talk of him, they shake their heads, And whisper one another in the ear; And _ he that speaks doth gripe the hearer’s wrist ; a NEWSPAPERS. Whilst he that hears makes fearful action, With wrinkled brows, with nods, with rolling eyes. I saw a smith stand with his hammer, thus, The whilst his iron didh on the anvil cool, With open mouth swallowing a tailor’s news ; Who, with his shears and measure in his hand, Standing on slippers—which his nimble haste Had falsely thrust upon contrary feet— Told of a many thousand warlike French, That were embatteled and rank’d in Kent: Another lean, unwashed artificer Cuts off his tale, and talks of Arthur’s death. SHAKESPEARE. King John. Activ. Sc. 2. 1. 185. Biondello. Master, master! news, old news, and such news as you never heard of! Ibid. ee’ of the Shrew. Act iii. Sc. Hubert. O! my sweet sir, news fitting to the night, Black, fearful, comfortless and horrible. Ibid. King John... Act v. Se. 6. 1. 19. Falstaff There’s villainous news abroad. Ibid. I. denry IV. Actii. Se. 4. 1. 323. Celia. Here comes Monsieur le Beau. Rosalind. With his mouth full of news. Celia. Which he will put on us as pigeons feed their young. Rosalind. Then shall we be news- crammed. Ibid. As You Like It. Acti. Se. 2. 1. 83. King John. Be Mercury, set feathers to thy heels And fly, like thought, from them to me again. Ibid. King John. Activ. Se. 2. 1. 174. Il] news is wing’d with fate, and flies apace. DRYDEN. Threnodia Augustalis. 1. 49. 527 Ill news hath wings, and with the wind doth go Comfort’s a aie, and comes ever slow. DRAYTON. The Baron's Wars. Bk. ii. 28. Evil news fly faster still than good. T. Kyp. The Spanish Tragedy. Acti. : For evil news rides post, while good news aits. MILTON. Samson Agonistes. 1. 1588. He’s gone, and who knows how he may report Thy words by adding fuel to the flame ? Ibid. Samson Agonistes. 1. 1350. Let the greatest part of the news thou hearest be the least part of what thou believest, lest the greater part of what thou believest be the least part of what is true. Where lies are easily admitted the father of lies will not easily be ex- cluded. QUARLES. Enchiridion. Cent. ii. No. 50. Where village statesmen talk’d with looks profound, And news much older than their ale went round. GOLDSMITH. The Deserted Village. 1. 223. News, the manna of a day. GREEN. The Spleen. 1.169. NEWSPAPERS. Ask how to live? Write, write, write anything ; The world’s a fine believing world, write news ! BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Money. Act ii. Wit Without I am a printer, and a printer of news; and I do hearken after them, wherever they be at any rates ; I’ll give anything for a good copy now, "be it true or false, so it be news. B. JONSON. News from the New World. The newspapers! Sir, they are the most villainous, licentious, abominable, infernal,—not that I ever read them! No—I make it a rule never to look into a newspaper. R. B. SHERIDAN. The Critic. Acti. Sc. 2. Caused by a dearth of scandal should the vapours Distress our fair ones—let them read the papers. GARRICK. Prologue to Sheridan’s School for Scandal, 528 How shall I speak thee or thy power address, Thou god of our Idolatry, the Press ! CowPer. Progress of Error. 1. 462. (See under PRINTING.) He comes, the herald of a noisy world, With spatter’ d boots, strapp’d waist, and frozen locks ; News from all nations lumbering at his back. Ibid. The Task. Bk.iv. The Winter Evening. 1, 5. Hear, land o’ cakes, and brither Scots, Frae Maidenkirk to Johnny Groat’s ; If there’s a hole in a’ your coats, I rede you tent it: A chiel’s amang you taking notes, And, faith, he’ll prent it. Burns. On Capt. Grose’s Peregrinations Through Scotland. Here shall the Press the People’s right maintain, Unawed by influence and unbribed by gain ; Here patriot Truth her glorious pre- cepts draw, Pledged to Religion, Liberty, and Law. JOSEPH SToRyY. Motto of the Salem Regis- ter. Adopted 1802. Wm. W. SToRy’s Life of Joseph Story. Vol.i. Ch. vi. Lively or sad, life’s meanest, mightiest things, The fate of fighting cocks or fighting kings. CHARLES SPRAGUE. Curiosity. The press is the fourth estate of the realm. CARLYLE. Heroes and Hero-worship. Sec. 5 Behold the whole huge earth sent to me hebdomadally in a_brown-paper wrapper. LOWELL. Biglow Papers. Series i. No. 6. NEWTON, SIR ISAAC. Nature and Nature’s laws lay hid in night : God said, “ Let. Newton be!” and all was light. PoPE. Epitaph Intended for Sir I. Newton. I do not know what I may appear to the world ; but to myself I seem to have NEWTON, SIR ISAAC—NIGHT. ee, been only like a boy playing on the sea- shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. NEWTON. Quoted in Brewster’s Memoir. Vol. ii. Ch. xxvii. Newton (that proverb of the mind), alas! Declared, with all his grand discoveries recent, That he himself felt only “like a youth Picking up shells by the great ocean, Truth. Byron. Don Juan. Canto vii. St. 5. Deep vatsee in books, and. shallow in him- self, Crude or intoxicate, collecting toys, And trifles for choice matters, worth a sponge ; : As children gath’ring pebbles on the shore. MILTON. Paradise Regained. Bk. iv. l. Sots Where the statue stood Of Newton, with his prism and silent _. face, The marble index of a mind forever Voyaging through strange seas of thought alone. bihetecag hel The Prelude. Bk. iii. 1. ‘NIGHT. Watchman, what of the night ? Old Testament. Isaiah xxi. 11. Macbeth. What is the night? Lady Macbeth. Almost at odds with morn- ing, which is which. SES oer i ee Macbeth. Act iii. Se. 4. I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. New Testament. John ix. 4. "Ev vuxti Bovan roi¢ cogotor yiyverat. By night comes counsel to the wise. MENANDER. Monosticha. 150. [Usually quoted in its French form, “La nuit porte conseil.’”’ This is the motto of the New York Herald.] It was evening here, But upon earth the very noon of night. DANTE. Purgatorio. Canto xv. 1.5. This dead of midnight is the noon of thought, And ihr mounts her zenith with the stars. MRs. BARBAULD. A Summer’s Evening Meditation, | : : | ‘ —— NIGHT. 529 And smale foules maken melodie, That slepen alle night with open eye, So priketh hem nature in hir corages ; Than longen folk to gon on pilgrimages. ccs ae Canterbury Tales. Prologue. Hamlet. ’Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world. ag Hamlet. Olds When it draws near to witching time of night. BLAIR. The Grave. 1. 55. 'Tis the witching hour of night, Orbed is the moon and bright, And the stars they glisten, glisten, Seeming with bright eyes to listen— For what listen they? A Prophecy. 1.1. ACtalliasoCy 2c KEATS. Macbeth. Now o’er the one-half world Nature seems dead; and wicked dreams abuse The curtain’d sleeper! ; witchcraft ce!e- brates Pale Hecate’s offerings; and wither’d murder, Alarumed by his sentinel, the wolf, Whose howl’s his watch, thus with his stealthy pace, With Tarquin’s ravishing strides, to- wards his design ‘Moves like a ghost. poser et ee. Macbeth. Act ii. Se. 1. Hamlet. Making night hideous. Ibid. Hamlet. Acti. Se. 4. 1. 54. Silence, ye wolves! while Ralph to Cynthia owls, And eee night hideous; answer him, ye owls. PorE. The Dunciad. Bk. iii. 1. 165. . Banquo. I must become a borrower of the night For a dark hour or twain. ia eke ma Macbeth. Act iii. Se. 1. ot Ode Horatio. In the dead vast ? and middle of the night. Ibid. Hamlet. 1“ Sleep” in Folio. 2This is the reading of the quarto. Other old copies read ‘“‘ waste,” which modern editors have sometimes changed into “waist.” Acti. Se. 2. 1. 198. 34 Till sable Night, mother of dread and fear, Upon the world dim darkness doth dis- play, And in her vaulted prison stows the day. SHAKESPEARE. The Rape of Lucrece. 1. 117. Puck. Now the hungry lion roars, And the wolf behowls the moon; Whilst the heavy ploughman snores, All with weary task foredone. Ibid. Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act v. Se. 1.1 1. 360. Juliet. Come, gentle night, come, lov: ing, blackbrow’d night. a} ie paces and Juliet. Act iii. Se. 2. Juliet. Come, civil night, Thou sober-suited matron all in black With thy black mantle. - “aay nary and Juliet. Sele Act iii. Se. 2. Beaford. The day begins to break, and night is fled, Whose pitchy mantle overveil’d the earth. Loida Ta Henryiy LoeAchii Se; 21a 1. Night’s black mantle covers all alike. Du Barras. Divine Weekes. First week, Jirst day. A night of tears! for the gusty rain Had ceased, but the eaves were drip- ping yet ; And the moon looked forth, as tho’ in pain, With her face all white and wet. OWEN MEREDITH (LORD LyTTON). The Wanderer. Bk.ii. The Portrait. - Now had Aurora displayed her mantle over the blushing skies, and dark night withdrawn her sable veil. oan Don Quixote. Pt. i. Bk. iii. aLVilg Sable-vested Night, eldest of ees MILTON, Paradise Lost. Bk. ii. 1. 962. Night was drawing and closing her cur- tain (a sky full of silent suns, not a breath of breeze moving in it), up above the world and down beneath it. RICHTER. Flower, Fruit,and Thorn Pieces. Bk. i. Ch. ii. (EWING, trans.) Whilst twilight’s curtain spreading far, Was pinned with a single star. MACDONALD CLARKE. Deathin Disguise. 1. 227. (Boston ed., 1833.) 1 Sc. 2, 1. 1, in some editions. 530 [Mrs. F M. Child, in an obituary notice of C larke, quoted these lines in this form, which has become widely accepted: Now twilight lets her curtain down And pins it with a star.] T heard the trailing garments of the Night Sweep through her marble halls. LONGFELLOW. Hymn to the Night. St. 1. Macbeth. Come, seeling night, Skarf up the tender eye of pitiful day : And with thy bloody and ree hand Cancel and tear to pieces paaee great bond Which keeps me pale! Atcpritiree Macbeth, Act iii. Se. 2. Angelo. This will last out a night in Russia, When nights are longest there. i er foc for Measure. Act ii. Se. Portia, This night methinks is but the daylight sick. T es oe of Venice. Act v. Se. 1. hanes brought on the dusky hour Friendliest to sleep and silence. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. v. 1. 667. O thievish Night Why shouldst thou, but for some feloni- ous end, In thy dark lantern thus close up the ‘stars, That nature hung in heaven, and filled their lamps With everlasting oil, to give due light To the misled and lonely traveller? Ibid. Comus. 1.195, When night Darkens the streets, then wander forth the sons Of Belial, flown with insolence and wine. Ibid. Paradise Lost. Bk. i. 1. 500. Eldest Night And Chaos, ancestors of Nature. Ibid. Paradise Lost. Bk. ii. 1. 894. Nor fragrance after showers, Nor grateful evening mild, nor silent night With this her solemn bird, nor walk by moon Or glittering starlight, without thee is sweet, NIGHT. But wherefore all night long shine these ? for whom This glorious sight, when sleep hath shut all eyes? MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. iv. 1. 653. - . for now began Night with her sullen wings to double- shade The desert; fowls in their clay nests were couch’ d, And now. wild beasts came forth, the woods to roam. Ibid. Paradise Regained. Bk.i. 1. 499. The day is done, and the darkness Falls from the wings of Night, As a feather is wafted downward From an eagle in his flight. LONGFELLOW. The Day is Done. Darkness now rose, As daylight sunk, and brought in low’- ring Night, Her shadowy offspring. cata Paradise Regained. Bk. iv. i. Night, sable goddess! from her ebon throne, In rayless majesty, now stretches forth Her leaden sceptre o’er a slumbering world. Silence, how dead! and darkness, how profound ! Nor eye, nor list’ning ear, an object finds ; Creation sleeps. ulse . Of life stood still, and nature made a pause ; An awful pause! prophetic of her end. Youne. Night Thoughts. Night i. 1. 18. ’Tis as the general Now black and deep the Night begins to fall, A shade immense! Sunk in the quench- ing Gloom, Magnificent and vast, are heaven and “earth. Order confounded lies; all beauty void, Distinction lost, and gay variety One universal blot: such the fair power Of light, to kindle and create the whole. THOmMsON. The Seasons. Autumn. 1. 1188. Swiftly walk over the western wave, Spirit of Night! SHELLEY. To Night. | : | Se ee ee ae Ss - = La a ay betes _a «ee as See NIGHTINGALE. 531 How beautiful this night ! the balmiest | The scene was more beautiful far to the sigh eye Which vernal zephyrs breathe in even-| Than if day in its pride had arrayed ing’s ear ity Were discord to the speaking quietude PAUL Moon James. The Beacon. That wraps this moveless scene. Heaven’s ebon vault, Studded with stars unutterably bright, Through which the moon’s unclouded grandeur rolls, Seems likeacanopy which love has spread To curtain her sleeping world. SHELLEY. Queen Mab. Pt. iv. 1.1. How beautiful is night ! A dewy freshness fills the silent air ; No mist obscures, nor cloud, nor speck, nor stain Breaks the serene of heaven : In full-orbed glory yonder moon divine Rolls through the dark blue depths. Beneath her steady ray The desert circle spreads Like the round ocean, girdled with the sky. How beautiful is night ! ROBERT SOUTHEY. Thalaba. Bk. i. St. 1. The stars are forth, the moon above the tops Of the snow-shining mountains—Beau- tiful ! I linger yet with Nature, for the night Hath been to me a more familiar face Than that of man; and in her starry shade Of dim and solitary loveliness I learn’d the language of another world. Byron. Manfred. Act iii. Se. 4. For the night Shows stars and women ina better light. Ibid. Don Juan. Cantoii. St, 152. And the best of all ways To lengthen our days Is to steal a few hours from the night, my dear. Moore. The Young May Moon. 1. 8. There is a budding morrow in midnight. KEats, Sonnet to Homer. Night is the time to weep, To wet with unseen tears Those graves of memory where sleep The joys of other years. JAMES MONTGOMERY. Night. St. 4. And o’er them the lighthouse looked lovely as hope,— That star of life’s tremulous ocean. Ibid. The Beacon. I felt her presence, by its spell of might, Stoop o’er me from above ; The calm, majestic presence of the Night, As of the one I love. LONGFELLOW. Hymn to the Night. St. 2. The night is come, but not too soon ; And sinking silently, All silently, the little moon Drops down behind the sky. There is no light in earth or heaven But the cold light of stars ; And the first watch of night is given To the red planet Mars. Ibid. The Light of Stars. St. 1. God makes sech nights, all white an’ still Fur’z you can look or listen, Moonshine an’ snow on field an’ hill, All silence an’ all glisten. LOWELL. The Cowrtin’. St. 1. The light white cloud swam over us. Anon We heard the lion roaring from his den; We saw the large white stars rise one by one, Or, from the darken’d glen, Saw God divide the night with flying flame, And thunder on the everlasting hills. I heard Him, for He spake, and grief became A solemn scorn of ills. ghee! A Dream of Fair Women. if OO: NIGHTINGALE. The nightingale, as soon as April bring- eth Unto her rested sense a perfect wak- ing, 532 While late bare earth, proud of new clothing, springeth, Sings out her woes, a thorn her song- book making. And mournfully bewailing, Her throat in tunes expresseth What grief her breast oppresseth. Six PHILIP SIDNEY. O Philomela Fair. Juliet. Wilt thou be gone? it is not yet near day: It was the nightingale, and not the lark, That piere’d the fearful hollow of thine ear ; Nightly she sings on yond pomegranate tree: Believe me, love, it was the nightingale. SHAKESPRARE, ne and Juliet. Act iii; Se..5. Lord. Wilt thou have music? hark, Apollo plays, And twenty caged nightingales do sing. Ibid. Taming of the Shrew. Induction. Se. 2. 1. 33. What bird so sings, yet does so wail ? . O, ’tis the ravish’d nightingale— Jug, jug, jug, jug,—tereu—she cries, And still her woes at midnight rise. Lyty. The Songs of Birds. Sweet bird that shunn’st the noise of folly, Most musical, most melancholy ! Thee, chauntress, oft, the woods among, I woo, to hear thy even-song. MILTon. Ji Penseroso. 1. 61. “Most musical, most melancholy”’ bird! A melancholy bird! Oh! idle thought! In nature there is nothing melancholy. COLERIDGE. The Nightingale. 1. 18. O nightingale, that on yon bloomy spray Warblest at eve, when all the woods are still; Thou with fresh hope the lover’s heart dost fill While the jolly hours lead on propitious May. MILRON Sonnet. i. To the Nightingale. To the poplar shade, Where, all abandon’d to despair, she sings Her sorrows through the night; and on the bough Sole-sitting, still, at every dying fall, Takes up again her lamentable strain Of winding woe; till, wide around, the woods Sigh to her song, and with her wail resound. THOMSON. Seasons. Spring. 1. 720. NO. Thy liquid notes that close the eye of day. MILTon. Sonnet. To the Nightingale. The olive grove of Academe, Plato’s retirement, where the Attic bird Trills her thick-warbled notes the sum- mer long. Ibid. Paradise Regained. Bk. iv. 1. 244. One nightingale in an interfluous wood Satiate the hungry dark with melody. SHELLEY. The Woodman and the Night- ingale. St. 2. - O Nightingale, Cease from thy enamoured tale. Ibid. Scenes i om Calderon's ‘Magico Prodigioso.” Se. 3. Thou wast not born for death, immortal bird ! No hungry generations tread thee down ; The voice | hear this passing night was heard In ancient days by emperor and clown. Keats. Joa Nightingale. St. 7. — Where the nightingale doth sing Not a senseless, tranced thing, But divine melodious truth. Ibid. Ode, ‘‘ Bards of Passion and of Mirth.” 1.17. Hark! ah, the nightingale— The tawny- -throated ! Hark, from that moonlit cedar what a burst! What triumph! hark !—what pain! O wanderer from a Grecian shore, Still, after many years, in distant lands, Still nourishing in thy bewilder’d brain That wild, unquench’ d, deep-sunken, old-world pain— Say, will it never heal? MATH. ARNOLD. Philomela. NO. One made the observation of the people of Asia that they were all slaves to one man, merely because they could not pronounce that syllable No. PLUTARCH. Morals. Of Bashfuilness. Have you not heard it said full oft, A woman’s nay doth stand for nought. C. MARLOWE. Passionate Pilgrim. St. 14. NOBILITY—NONSENSE. Julia. And yet, I would I had o’erlook’d the letter. It were a shame to call her back again, And pray her toa fault for which I chid her. What fool is she, that knows that I am a maid, And would not force the letter to my view ! Since maids, in modesty, say No to that Which they ‘would have the profferer con- strue Ay. Fie, fie! how wayward is this foolish love, That, like a testy babe, will scratch the nurse, And presently all humbled, kiss the rod! SHAKESPEARE. Two Gentlemen of Verona. Aet ise. 2.1. 50: The lasse saith no, and would full faine: And this is Love, as I heare saine. SIR WALTER RALEIGH. What ts Love? Maids’ nays are nothing, they are shy, But to desire what they deny. HERRICK. Hesperides. Aphorism. 1381. And whispering, ‘I will ne’er consent,” consented. Byron. Don Juan. Canto i. St. 117. I have heard, indeed, that two nega- tives make an affirmative; but I never heard before that two nothings ever made anything. DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM. Speech in the House of Lords. O Damsel Dorothy! Dorothy Q.! Strange is the gift that I owe to you; What if, a hundred years ago, Those close-shut lips had answered No, When forth the tremulous question came That cost the maiden her Norman name, And under the folds that look so still The bodice swelled with the bosom’s thrill? Should I be I, or would it be One-tenth another, to nine-tenths me? O. W. Hommes. Dorothy Q. St. 5. NOBILITY. (See ARISTOCRACY ; RANK.) The nobly born must nobly meet his fate. EURIPIDES. Whoso hy nature ’s formed for noble deeds, F’en though his skin be dark, is nobly Alemene. Fragment 100. born. vg ies Fabulxz Incertz, Fragment 4, 11,0 Enroliaratvs Fabule Incerte. Fragment 118, 14. 533 A noble soul is like a ship at sea, That sleeps at anchor when the ocean’s calm ; But when she rages, and the wind blows high, He cuts his way with skill and majesty. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. The Honest Man's Fortune. Activ. Se. 1. Ay, these look like the workmanship of heaven ; This is the porcelain clay of human kind,. And therefore cast into these noble moulds. DRYDEN. Don Sebastian. Act i. Se. 1. The precious porcelain of human clay. Byron. Don Juan. Canto iv. St. 11. Whoe’er amidst the sons Of reason, valor, liberty, and virtue Displays distinguished merit, is a noble Of Nature’s own creating. THOMSON. Coriolanus. Act iii. Se. 3. Titles are marks of honest men, and wise: The fool or knave that wears a title lies. Youne. Love of Fame. Satire i. 1. 145. Howe’er it be, it seems to me, Tis only noble to be good. Kind hearts are more than coronets, And simple faith than Norman blood. TENNYSON. Lady Clara Vere de Vere. Gaye : Better not to be at all Than not be noble. Ibid. The Princess. Pt. ii. 1.79. Very rich he is in virtues, very noble— noble, certes ; And I shall not blush in knowing that men call him lowly born. E. B. BROWNING. Lady Geraldine’ s Courtship. Concluding lines. NONSENSE. (See FOLLY.) Misce stultitiam consiliis brevem: Dulce est desipere in loco. Mingle a little folly with your wis- dom; a little nonsense now and then is leasant. HORACE. Carmina. Bk. iv. Ode 12, 1. 27. 534 NONSENSE. ~ [Conington’s translation runs as follows: Be for once unwise; when time allows ’Tis sweet to play the fool.] Aliquando et insanire jucundum est. It is pleasant at times to play the mad- man. SENECA. De Tranquillitate Animt. xvii. 10. A little nonsense now and then Is relished by the wisest men. ANON. A careless song, with a little nonsense in it now and then, -does not misbecome a monarch. HoracE WALPOLE. Letterto Sir Horace Mann. 1770. Qui vit sans folie n’est pas sisage qu’il croit. He who lives without committing any folly is not so wise as he thinks. 209. LA ROCHEFOUCAULD. Mazximes. Questio subtillissima, utrum Chimera, in vacuo bombinans, possit comedere secundas intentiones; et fuit debatuta per decem hebdomadas in concilio Con- stantiensl. A most subtle question, whether a chimera buzzing in space could devour second intentions, and was debated for ten daily sittings in the Council of Constance. RABELAIS. Works. Bk. ii. Ch. vii. [Rabelais pretends that this bit of non- sense was the title of a book which Panta- pane on his visit to Paris, noticed in the ibrary of St. Victor. It is an obvious‘ bur- lesque of the medieval scholastic dispu- tations. ] Go, call a coach, and let a coach be call’d, And let the man who calleth be the caller, And in his calling let him nothing call But “Coach! Coach! Coach! Oh, for a coach, ye gods!” CAREY. Chrononhotonthologos. Se. 3. A Chia. An oyster may be crossed in love! Who says A whale’s a bird ?—Ha! did you call my love?— He’s here! he’s there! he’s everywhere ! Ah me! he’s nowhere! R. B. SHERIDAN. The Critic. € A Tragedy Rehearsed, Act iii. Se. 1. Fluttering spread thy purple pinions, Gentle Cupid, o’er my heart ; I, a slave in thy dominions ; Nature must give way to art. - POPE. Song by a Person of Quality. ——. So she went into the garden to cut a cabbage-leaf to make an apple-pie; and at the same time a great she-bear coming up the street pops its head into the shop. “ What! no soap?” So he died, and she very imprudently married the barber; and there were present the Picninnies and the Joblilies and the Garulilies and the Great Panjandrum himself with the little round button at top. And they all fell to playing the game of “catch as catch can” till the gunpowder ran out at the heels of their boots. SAMUEL FOOTE. [Written to test the powers of one who had bragged that he could commit to memory any dozen lines at the first reading. } Bombastes. So have I heard on Afric’s burning shore A hungry lion give a grievous roar; The grievous roar echoed along the shore. Artax. So have I heard on Afric’s burning shore Another lion give a grievous roar ; And the first lion thought the last a bore. WILLIAM B. RHODES. Bombastes Furtoso. Acti. Se. 4. If down his throat a man should choose, In fun, to jump or slide, He’d scrape his shoes against his teeth, Nor dirt his own inside. Or if his teeth were lost and gone, And not a stump to scrape upon, He’d see at once how very pat His tongue lay there, by way of mat, And he would wipe his feet on that / EDMUND CANNON. Impromptu. There was an Old Man who said, “ How Shall I flee from this horrible Cow ? I will sit on this stile, and continue to smile, ; Which may soften the heart of that Cow.” EDMUND LEAR. Book of Nonsense. - ee ee ee ee ee ee ee j ’ 4 NOSE. 530 The piper he piped on the hill-top high ( Butter and eggs and a pound of cheese), Till the cow said, “I die,” and the goose said, “ Why ?” And the dog said nothing, but searched for fleas. C.S. CALVERLEY. Ballad of the Period. They dined on mince, with slices of quince, - Which they ate with aruncible spoon, And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the moon, The moon! The moon! They danced by the light of the moon! ae LEAR. The Owl and the Pussy ‘at. They sought it with thimbles, they sought it with care; They pursued it with forks and hope ; They threatened its life with a railway share ; They charmed it with smiles and soap. C. L. Dapason. The Hunting of the Snark. But the principal failing occurred in the sailing, And the Bellman, perplexed and dis- tressed, Said he had hoped, at least, when the wind blew due East, That the ship would not travel due West ! Ibid. The Hunting of the Snark. "Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe; All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe. “ Beware the Jabberwock, my son ! The jaws that bite, the claws that eatch ! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun The frumious Bandersnatch !” Ibid. Jabberwocks. NOSE. Speed. O jest unseen, inscrutable, in- visible, As a nose on a man’s face, or a weather- cock on a steeple. SHAKESPEARE. Two Gentlemenof Verona, Act li. Se. 1. 1. 124, As clear and as manifest as the nose ina man’s face. BURTON. Anatomy of Melancholy. Pt. iii. Sec. 3. Memb. 4. Subsec. 1. Nose, nose, nose, nose ! And who gave thee that jolly red nose ? Sinament and Ginger, Nutmegs and Cloves, And that gave me my jolly red nose. RAVENSCROFT. Deuteromela. Song No.7. (1609.) [Quoted in BEAUMONT and FLETCHER, The Knight of the Burning Pestle, Acti. Se. 3.] So saying, with delight he snuffed the smell | Of mortal change on earth. Bk. x. 1. 275. So scented the grim feature, and up- turned His nostril wide into the murky air, Sagacious of his quarry from so far. Ibid. Paradise Lost. Bk. x. 1, 272. MILTON. Paradise Lost. If the nose of Cleopatra had been shorter, the whole face of the earth would have been changed. PascaL. Thoughts. Ch. viii. 29. (O. W. WIGHT, trans.) Ah, qui jamais auroit pu dire Que ce petit nez retroussé Changerait les lois d’un empire? Ah, who could have ever foretold that that little retroussé nose would change the laws of an empire. CHARLES SIMON Sultanes. [Favart’s tragedy is virtually a dramati- zation of Marmontel’s tale founded on the history of Soleiman the Magnificent, Sultan of the Ottomans (1490-1566). Soleiman’s favorite Sultana was Roxelane, who had been born a slave in Russia. Marmontel says that she would never have been espoused by the Sultan had not her nose been retroussé, thus affording a pleasant relief from the Saracenic hook-nose. To this day a retroussé nose is known in France as a nose @ la Rozelane.] Lightly was her slender nose Tip-tilted like the petal of a flower. TENNYSON. Gareth and Lynette. FAVART. Les Trois She’s an angel in a frock, With a fascinating cock To her nose. FREDERICK LOCKER LAMPSON. tress’s Brats. Any nose May ravage with impunity a rose. R. BRownina@. Sordello, Bk. vi. My Mis- 536 NOTHING. De nihilo nihil, in nihilum nil posse reverti. Nothing can come from nothing. Apt and plain! Nothing return to nothing. Good again! PerRsIus. Satires. iii. 83. (GIFFORD, trans.) {Literally : Out of nothing nothing can come, and nothing can become nothing. Matter being considered eternal, the cre- ation of the world out of nothing, and its ultimate resolution into nothingness, was held by the school of Epicurus to be absurd. Nil igitur fieri de nilo posse putandum es, Semine quando opus est rebus. We cannot conceive of matter being formed of nothing, since things require a seed to start from. Lucretius. De Rerum Natura. 1. 206. Ovdev yap ex Tob pndevds épxerat, Bomep pyd- €ls TO OUK OY amépxeETat, Nothing proceeds from nothingness, as also nothing passes away into non-exist- ence. MARCUS AURELIUS. Quod Sibi Ipsi Scrip- sit. Meditations. iv. 4. Haud igitur redit ad nihilum res ulla. - Nothing therefore returns to nothingness. LucRETIUS. De Rerum Natura. i. 242. As having nothing and yet possessing all things. New Testament. II. Corinthians vi. 10. I have everything, yet have nothing; and although I possess nothing, still of nothing am I in want. Act di: Sc: 2,712, TERENCE. Hunuchus. (243.) Ad Kalendas Greecas. At the Greek Kalends. after never. [As the Greeks had no Kalends, the phrase is used of anything that can never possibly take place. According to Suetonius, the say- ing was often in the mouth of Augustus in speaking of the probability of his paying his creditors.] The next day There is nothing to write about, you say. Well, then, write and let me know just this,—that there is nothing to write about; or tell me in the good old style if you are well. That’s right. I am quite well, PLINY THE YOUNGER. Letters. Bk. i. Letter xi. 1. NOTHING-—NOVELTY., Bassanio. Where every something, being blent together, Turns to a wild of nothing. SHAKESPEARE. Merchant of Venice. Act iii. Se. 2. 1. 184. fichard. Whate’ er I be, Nor I, nor any man that but man is, With nothing shall be pleas’d, till he be eas’d With being nothing, Ibid. Richard II. Act v. Se. 5. 1. 39. Nothing speaks our grief so well | As to speak nothing. CRASHAW. fp the Death of a Gentle- man. 1. 27. Nothing! thou elder brother e’en to shade. ROCHESTER. Poem on Nothing. They have learned nothing and _for- gotten nothing. [This saying concerning the Bourbons is attributed to Talleyrand. In a letter of the ‘Chevalier de Panat to Mallet du Pan, Janu- ary, 1796, it occurs almost literally,—‘‘ No one is right; no one could forget anything nor learn anything.’’] Nothing was born; Nothing will die; All things will change. TENNYSON. Nothing Will Die. St. 3. A life of nothings, nothing worth, From that first nothing ere his birth To.that last nothing under earth. Ibid. The Two Voices. St. 3. NOVELTY. There is no new thing under the sun. Old Testament. Ecclesiastes i. 9. | There is nothing new except what has been forgotten. [Saying attributed:to Mademoiselle Ber- tin, milliner to Marie Antoinette.. “There is nothing new except that which has become antiquated,” was the motto of the “ Revue Rétrospective.”’] Est quoque cunctarum noyvitas caris- sima rerum. In all things what we most prize is novelty. OvID. Epistole ex Ponto. iii. 4, 51. Natura hominum novitatis avida. Human nature is greedy of novelty. PLINY THE ELDER, Natural History. Bk, xii. See. 5. NUDITY. 537 Indeed, what is there that does not appear marvellous when it comes to our knowledge for the first time? How many things, too, are looked upon as quite impossible until they have been actually effected ? PLINY THE ELDER. Bk. vii. Sec. 6. Natural History. There’s naught so easy, but when it was new Seemed difficult of credence, and there’s naught ; So great, so wonderful, when first ’tis seen, But men will later cease to marvel abt ii. 1024. LUCRETIUS. De Rerum Natura. Let not things, because they are common, enjoy for that the less share of our consid- eration. PLINY THE ELDER. Natural History. Bk. xix. Sec. 59, New opinions are always suspected and usually eae for. no other reason than because they are not already common. Locker. Essay on the Human Understand- ing. Dedicatory Epistle. Clothing the palpable and familiar With golden exhalations of the dawn. SCHILLER. Death of Wallenstein. Acti. Se. 1. (COLERIDGE, trans.) King Henry. Rob, murder, and com- mit The oldest sins the newest kind of ways. SHAKESPEARE. JI. Henry IV. Act iv. Ses 5s Iai: Ah well I wot that a new broome sweepeth cleane. Lyty. Euphues. Be not the first by whom the new are tried, Nor yet the last to lay the old aside. PopE. Essay on Criticism. Pt. ii. 1. 138. Strange the world about me lies Never yet familiar grown— Still disturbs me with surprise, Haunts me like a face half known. In this house with starry dome, Floored with gem-like plains and seas, Shall I never feel at home, Never wholly be at ease? Wm. WATSON. World-Strangeness. There was another fine passage, too, which he struck out: “ When I was a young man, being anxious to distinguish myself, | was perpetually starting new propositions. But I soon gave this over ; for I found that generally what was new was false.” BoswELu. Life of Johnson. Vol. vii. Ch. viii. (1779.) I have read their platform, and though I think there are some unsound places in it, Iecan stand upon it pretty well. But I see nothing in it both new and valuable. ‘“‘What is valuable is not new, and what is new is not valuable.” DANIEL WEBSTER. Works. Vol. iii. Speech at Marshfield, September 1, 1848. This new page opened in the book of » our public expenditures, and this new departure taken, which leads into the bottomless gulf of civil pensions and family gratuities. T. H. BENTON. Speech in the United States Senate against a Grant to President Harrison's Widow, April, 1841. NUDITY. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. Old Testament. Genesis ii. 25. And he said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither. Ibid. Jobi. 21. Naked came we into the world, and naked shall we depart from it. The Bald-headed JESOP. Fables. cxx. Horseman. Lear. Poor naked wretches, where- soe’er you are, That bide the pelting of this pitiless storm, How shall your houseless heads and unfed sides, Your looped and windowed raggedness, defend you From seasons such as these ? Aegean King Lear. Act iii. Se. Baie Pec A kind and gentle heart he had, To comfort friends and foes : The naked every day he clad, When he put on his clothes. GOLDSMITH. Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog. Lives the man that can figure a naked Duke of Windlestraw addressing a naked House of Lords ? CARLYLE. Sartor Resartus, Bk. i. Ch, 1x, 538 We shift and bedeck and bedrape us, Thou art noble and nude and antique. SWINBURNE. WDolores. NUMBERS. \ Why is it that we entertain the belief that for every purpose odd numbers are the most effectual ? PLINY THE ELDER. Natural History. Bk. RVinie Oh wave (See under CHANCE; LUCK.) One on God’s side is a majority. WENDELL PHILLIPS. Speech, arper’s Ferry, November 1, 1889. That cause is strong which has not a multitude, but one strong man behind it. LOWELL. Democracy and Other Addresses. | Address, Chelsea, Mass., December 22, 1885. Shall we judge a country by the ma- jority or by the minority? By the minority, surely. EMERSON. Conduct of Life. Considera- tions by the Way. OATH. ‘H yA@oo ouauoy’, 7 d& pv avepmoroc, My tongue has sworn it, but my mind’s unsworn. EURIPIDES. Hippolyta. 612, [Cicero’s Latin translation is often quoted: Juravi lingua, mentem injuratam gero. ] Biron. Or, having sworn too hard-a-keep- ing oath, Study to break it and not break my troth. iy eee wane Love's Labour’s Lost. Act ibe ts] Cee BM Ea stay Salisbury. It is a great sin to swear unto a sin, But greater sin to keep a sinful oath. epee Henry Vi. ‘Acti v.s8e,. 1.1. Clarence. Perhaps, thou wilt object my holy oath? To keep that oath were more impiety Than Jephtha’s, when he sacrific’d his daughter. Ibid. III. Henry VI. Act vy. Se. 1. 1.89. _ Ease would recant Vows made in pain, as violent and void. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. iv. 1. 96. He that imposes an oath makes it, Not he that for convenience takes it; Then how can any man be said To break an oath he never made? SAMUEL BuTLER. Hudibras. Pt. ii. Canto ii. 1. 377. NUMBERS—OATH. . It is not the oath that makes us be- lieve the man, but the man the oath. JESCHYLUS. Fragment 385. Diana. ’Tis not the many oaths that make the truth ; But the plain single vow that is vow’d true. SHAKESPEARE, All’s Well that Ends Weill. Act iv. Se. 2. 1. 21. Hamlet. Makes marriage vows As false as dicers’ oaths. Ibid. Hamlet. Act iii. Se. 4. 1. 45. Longaville. What fool is not so wise To lose an oath to win a paradise ? Ibid. ead Labour's Lost. Activ. Se. 3. 1. 72. Sir Toby Belch. For it comes to pass oft that a terrible oath, with a swagger- ing accent sharply twanged off, gives manhood more approbation than ever proof itself would have earned him. Ibid. Twelfth Night. Act iii. Sc. 4. 1.169. Shylock. An oath, an oath, I have an oath in heaven: Shall I lay perjury upon my soul ? No, not for Venice. v6 ai eae of Venice. Activ. Se. 1. Hotspur. Swear me, Kate, like a lady as thou art, A good mouth-filling oath. Ibid. JI. Henry IV. Act iii. Se. 1. 1. 254, Juliet. Do not swear at all; Or, if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self, Which is the god of my idolatry, And [ll believe thee. Ibid. Romeo and Juliet. Act ii. Se. 2. 1. 112 (See under Gops and Moon.) Take not His name, who made thy mouth, in vain; It gets thee nothing, and hath no excuse, ene Temple. Church Porch. St. Vows with so much passion, swears with so much grace, That ’t is a kind of Heaven to be de- luded by him. NATHANIEL LEE. The Rival Queens; or, Alexander the Great. Acti. Se. 1. I will take my corporal oath on it. CERO Don Quixote. Pt. i. Bk. iv. He =, ae OBEDIENCE. Oaths are but words, and words but wind. BUTLER. Hudibras. Pt. ii. Canto ii. 1. 107. Un menteur est toujours prodigue de serments. A liar is always lavish of oaths. CORNEILLE, Le Menteur. iii. 5. A giurar presti i mentitor son sempre. Liars are always most disposed to swear. ALFIERI. Virginia. 11. 3. And for the support of this declara- tion, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Declaration of Inde- pendence. They fix attention, heedless of your ain, With oaths like rivets forced into the brain ; And e’en when sober truth prevails throughout, They swear it, till affirmance breeds a doubt. COWPER. Conversation. 1. 63. And hast thou sworn on every slight pretence, Till perjuries are common as bad pence, While thousands, careless of the damn- ing sin, Kiss the book’s outside, who ne’er look’d within ? Ibid. ' Expostulation. 1. 384. Jack was embarrassed—never hero more, And as he knew not what to say, he swore. Byron. The Island. Canto iii. St. 5. A demd, damp, moist, unpleasant body ! DICKENS. Nicholas Nickelby. Ch. xxxXiv. I made them lay their hands in mine and swear To reverence the King, as if he were Their conscience, and their conscience as their King. To break the heathen and uphold the Christ, To ride wrongs, To speak no slander, no, nor listen to it, abroad redressing human 539 To honour his own word as if his God’s, To lead sweet lives in purest chastity, To love one maiden only, cleave to her, And worship her by years of noble deeds, Until he won her. TENNYSON. Jdylis of the King. Guine- vere. 463. OBEDIENCE. York. Let them obey that know not how to rule. SHAKESPEARE. JI. Henry VI. Act v. Se 1L1S6) One so small Who knowing nothing knows but to obey. TEN ON Idylis of the King. Guinevere. . 183. Wolsey. The hearts of princes kiss obedience, So much they love it: but to stubborn spirits, They swell, and grow as terrible as storms. ake Leper Henry VIII. Act iii. Se. Re tanoa. Antiochus. It fits thee not to ask the reason why, Because we bid it. Ibid. Pericles. Acti. Se. 1. 1. 157. Henceforth I learn that to obey is best, And love with fear the only God. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. xii. 1. 561. Let thy child’s first lesson be obedi- ence, and the second will be what thou wilt. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Poor Richard’s Almanac. Power, like a desolating pestilence, Pollutes whate’er it touches ; and obedi- ence, Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth, Makes slaves of men, and of the human frame A mechanized automaton. SHELLEY. Queen Mab. iii. 1. 183. ° Obedience is the bond of rule. TENNYSON. Morte d’ Arthur. 1. 94. Obedience is the cotirtesy due to kings. Ibid. Launcelot and Elaine. St. 31. 540 OBLIVION—OBSERVATION. By contenting ourselves with obedi- ence we become divine. EMERSON. Essays. (First series.) Spir- itual Laws. OBLIVION. It is sometimes expedient to forget who we are. PUBLILIUS SyRUS. Mazim 233. We may with advantage at times for- get what we know. Ibid. Maxim 234. Cancelled from heaven and sacred memory, Nameless in dark oblivion let them dwell. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. vi. 1. 379. Did therewith bury in oblivion. WILLIAM BROWNE. Britannia’s Pastorals. Bk. ii. Song 2. Duke. ’Gainst the tooth of time And razure of oblivion. SHAKESPEARE. Measure ae Measure. Act y.Se. 1.1.12, (See MERIT.) Iago. Men are men; the best some- times forget. Ibid. Othello. Act ii. Se. 3. 1. 233. Oblivion is not to be hired. 7 SIR Fe aa BROWNE... Hydriotaphia. LET Va Far off from these a slow and silent stream, Lethé, the river of oblivion, rolls Her watery labyrinth, whereof who drinks Forthwith his former state and being forgets, Forgets both joy and grief, pleasure and ain. Miao Paradise Lost. Bk. ii. 1. 582, Thus let me live, unseen, unknown, Thus unlamented let me ‘die ; Steal from the world, and not a stone Tell where I lie. PoPE. Ode on Solitude. Concluding lines. How happy is the blameless vestal’s lot ! The world forgetting, by the world for- got: Kternal sunshine of the spotless mind ! Each prayer accepted, and each wish re- sign’d ; Labour and rest, that equal periods keep ; < Obedient ,Slumbers that can wake and weep”’ Desires aire affections ever even. PoPE.' Eloisa to Abelard. 1. 207. Of all affliction taught a lover yet, ’'Tis sure the hardest science to forget. Ibid. Eloisa to Abelard. 1, 189. As flashes of dawn that mists from an east wind smother With fold upon fold, The past years gleam that linked us one with another. SWINRURBNE. A Century of Roundels. The only pang my bosom dare not brave Must be to find forgetfulness in thine. Byron. The Corsair. Cantoi. St. 14. Him who ne’er listened to the voice of praise The silence of neglect can ne’er appall. BEATTIE. The Minstrel. Bk. i. St. 2. Some write their wrongs in marble; he, more just, Stoop’d down serene and wrote them in the dust, Trod under foot, the sport of every wind, Swept from the earth and blotted from _ his mind. There, secret in the grave, he bade thea lie, And erieved they could not ’scape the Almighty eye. SAMUEL MADDEN. Boulter’s Monument. Oblivion is the dark page whereon memory writes her lightbeam charac- ters, and makes them legible; were it all light, nothing could be read there, any more than if it were all darkness. CARLYLE. Essays. On History Again. But each day brings its petty dust Our soon-chok’d souls to fill, And we forget because we must, And not because we will. MATTHEW ARNOLD. Absence. OBSERVATION. Bastard. For he is but a bastard to the time, That doth not smack of observation. eer boee King John. Acti. Se.1. . 208. OBSTINACY—OCEAN, Jaques. In his brain, Which is as dry as the remainder biscuit After a voyage, he hath: strange places cramm’d With observation, the which he vents In mangled forms. SHAKESPEARE. As You Like It. BCo7: Wess: Armado. How hast thou purchased this experience ? Moth. By my penny of observation. ri ae: pees Labour's Lost, Act iii. Se. Act ii. Let observation with expansive view Survey mankind from China to Peru. Dr. ‘ TERN: Variety of Human Wishes. |De- Quincy, in his Essay on Rhetoric, quotes approvingly from “a little biograph- ical sketch of Dr. Johnson, published im- mediately after his death,’ the objection that the above lines,are desperately tauto- logical. Put in other words they mean simply “ Let observation with extensive ob- servation observe mankind extensively.” It has also been pointed out that the phrase “from China to Peru”’ is not original: The wonders of each region view From frozen Lapland to Peru. ig J wate Epistle to Lord Lovelace. 1713. "Tis nothing, when a fancied scene’s in view, To skip from Covent Garden to Peru. Sir RICHARD STEELE. Prologue to AMBROSE PHILLIPS’ The Distressed Mother. All human race, from China to Peru, Pleasure, howe’er disguised by art, pursue. THOMAS WARTON. Universal Love of Pleasure. ] OBSTINACY. (See WILL.) Novi ego ingenium viri Indocile: flecti non potest, frangi potest. I know the stubborn temper of the man; He may be broken but can ne’er be bent. SENEcA. Thyestes. 199. Aman may well bring a horse to the water, But he cannot make him drinke without he will. J OHN HEYwoop. Proverbs. xi. Bk. i. Ch. Camillo. You may as well Forbid the sea for to obey the moon, As, or by oath, remove ; or counsel, shake 541 The fabric of his folly, whose foundation Is pil’d upon his faith, and will continue The standing of his body. SHAKESPEARE. The Winter's Tale. Act i. Se. 2. 1, 427, Man is a creature of a wilful head, And hardly driven is, but eas’ly led. S. DANIEL. The Queen’s Arcadia. iv. Se. 5. Act For fools are stubborn in their way, As coins are harden’d by th’ allay; And obstinacy’s ne’er so stiff As when ’tis in a wrong belief, BUTLER. Hudibras. Pt, iii. Canto ii. 1. 481. He that complies against his will Is of his own opinion still. Ibid. Hudibras. Pt. iii. Canto iii. 1. 547. ehapcapiat) misquoted (and improved} thus: “ A man convinced against his will,” etc. Mrs. Malaprop. (She is) as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile. SHERIDAN. The Rivals. Act iii. Se. 2. OCEAN. (See SEA.) Camillo. To unpathed waters, un- dreamed shores. SHAKESPEARE. The Winter's Tale. iv. 8c. 4. 1. 558. Act Well pleased they slack their course, and many a league Cheered with the grateful smell old Ocean smiles. Mitton. Paradise Lost. Bk. iv. 1. 164. Where the broad ocean leans against the land. GOLDSMITH. The Traveller. (See under HOLLAND.) 1, 288. Past are three summers since she first beheld The ocean ; all around the child await Some exclamation of amazement here. She coldly said, her long-lasht eyes abased, Ts this the mighty ocean? is this all? That wondrous soul Charoba once pos- sest,— Capacious, then, as earth or heaven could hold, Soul discontented with capacity.— 542 Is gone (I fear) forever. Need I say She was enchanted by the wicked spells Of Gebir, whom with lust of power in- flamed The western winds have landed on our coast ? I since have watcht her in lone retreat, Have heard her sigh and soften out the name. BK. ii. Once more upon the waters! yet once more ! And the waves bound beneath me as a steed That knows his rider. Welcome, to their roar | Swift be their guidance, wheresoe’er it lead ! Though the strain’d mast should quiver as a reed, And the rent canvas fluttering strew the gale, Still must I on; for I am as a weed, Flung from the rock, on Ocean’s foam, to sail Where’er the surge may sweep, the tem- pest’s breath prevail. Byron. Childe Harold. Canto.iii. St. 2. LANDOR. Gebir. Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean —roll! Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain ; Man marks the earth with ruin—his control Stops with the shore ;—upon the watery plain The wrecks are all thy deed, nor doth remain A shadow of man’s ravage, save his own, When, for a moment, like a drop of rain, He sinks into thy depths with bubbling groan, Without a grave, unknell’d, uncoffin’d, and unknown. Ibid. Childe Harold. Canto iv. St. 179. (See under MURDER.) Time writes no wrinkle on thy azure brow— Such as creation’s dawn beheld, thou rollest now. Ibid. Childe Harold. Canto iv. St. 182. OCEAN. His deeds inimitable, like the sea That shuts still as it opes, and leaves no tracts Nor prints of precedent for poor men’s facts. ype AERA: Bussy d@ Ambois. Act 12 SC; See Time has touched me gently in his race. And left no odious furrows in my face. CRABBE. Tales of the Hall. Bk. xvii. The Widow. St. 3. And thou, vast ocean! on whose awful face Time’s iron feet can print no ruin-trace. R. MONTGOMERY. The Omnipresence of the Deity. Pt. i. Thou glorious mirror, where th’ Almighty’s form Glasses itself in tempests ; all in time, Calm or convulsed, in breeze, or gale, or storm, Icing the pole, or in the torrid clime, Dark-heaving ;—boundless, endless, and sublime, Th’ image of Eternity—the throne Of th’ Invisible; even from out thy slime The monsters of the deep are made; each zone . Obeys thee; thou goest forth, dread, fathomless, alone. BYRON. Childe Harold. Cantoiy. St. 183, And I have loved thee, Ocean! and my joy Of youthful sports was on thy breast to be Borne, like thy bubbles, onward: from a boy I wanton’d with thy breakers—they to me Were a delight; and if the freshening sea Made them a terror— twas a pleasing fear, For I was as it were a child of thee, And trusted to thy billows far and near, And laid my hand upon thy mane—as I do here. Ibid. Childe Harold. Canto iv. St. 184. T’ll bid him welcome, clap his mane, And hug his breakers to my breast. GEORGE GRAY. The Storm. He laid his hand upon “the ocean’s mane,” And played familiar with his hoary locks. POLLOK. The Course of Time. Bk. iv. 1. 389. Old ocean’s gray and melancholy waste. BRYANT. Thanatopsis. 1. 43. a OFFICE— OMENS. 543. A life on the ocean wave, A home on the rolling deep, Where the scattered waters rave, And the winds their revels keep! pia seen ty A Life on the Ocean ave. OFFICE. Places do not ennoble men, but men make places illustrious. PLUTARCH. Laconic Apothegms. Agesilaus. No post the man Ennobles ;—man the post! pt BULWER LYTTON. King Arthur. Bk. xii. Men in great place are thrice ser- vants,—servants of the sovereign or state, servants of fame, and servants of business. Bacon. Essays. Of Great Place. The phrase, “ Public office is a public trust,’ has of late become common property. CHARLES SUMNER. (May 31, 1872.) [It seems to have been a gradual evolu- tion, whose processes may be studied in the following excerpts: It is not fit the public trusts should be lodged in the hands of any till they are first proved, and found fit for the business they are to be intrusted with. MATHEW HENRY. othy wi. To execute laws is a royal office; to exe- cute orders is not to be a king. However, a political executive magistracy, though merely such, is a great trust. BURKE. On the French Revolution. When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property. THOMAS JEFFERSON, in a conversation with Baron Humboldt. (See RAYNER. Life of Jefferson.) p. 356. Commentaries. Tim- Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees; and both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people. HENRY CLAY. Speech at Ashland, Ky. March, 1829. The very essence of a free government consists in considering offices as public trusts, bestowed for the good of the country, and not for the benefit of an individual ora party. JOHN C,CALHOUN. Speech. July 13, 1835.] Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Letter to Tench Coxe. 1799, OMENS. Nomen atque omen. An omen in the name. PLavuTus. Persa, Activ. Se. 4. 1. 73. Horatio. In what particular thought to work I know not; But, in the gross and scope cf mine opinion, This bodes some strange eruption to our state. EE ental bes Hamlet, Act i. Se, 1. 1. /. Horatio. In the most high and palmy state of Rome, A little ere the mightiest Julius fell, The graves stood tenantless, and the sheeted dead Did squeak and gibber in the Roman streets: As stars with trains of fire and dews of blood, Disasters in the sun; and the moist star, Upon whose influence Neptune’s empire stands, Was sick almost to dooms-day with eclipse. Ibid. Hamlet. Acti. Se. 1. 1. 113. Lenox. The night has been unruly: where we lay, Our chimneys were blown down; and, as they say, Lamentings heard i’ the air, strange screams of death, And prophesying, with accents terrible, Of dire combustion and confus’d events, New-hatch’d to the woful time. The obscure bird i Clamour’d the livelong night ; some say, the earth Was feverous, and did shake. Ibid. Macbeth. Actii. Se. 3. 1. 62. Calphurnia. When beggars die, there are no comets seen ; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes. Ibid. Julius Cesar. Third Citizen. When clouds appear, wise men put on their cloaks; When great leaves fall, the winter is at hand ; When the sun sets, who doth not look for night ? Act ii. Se. 2, 1. 30. 544 Untimely storms make men expect a dearth: All may be well; but, if God sort it so, ’Tis more than we deserve, or I expect. daar s Richard If]. Actii. Se. 3. 1. 32. King Henry. The owl shriek’d at thy birth, an evil sign ; The night-crow cried, aboding luckless time ; Dogs howl’d, and hideous tempests shook down trees ; The raven rook’d her on the chimney’s top, And chattering pies in dismal discords sung. Ibid. SOIL Henry VI. Act.v. Se. 6, 1.47. That raven on yon left-hand oak (Curse on his ill-betiding croak) Bodes me no good. Gay. Fables. The Farmer’s Wife and the Raven. 1. 27. It wasn’t for nothing that the raven was just now croaking on my left hand. PLAUTUS, Aulularia. Actiy. Se. 3. This day black omens threat the bright- est fair That e’er deserved a watchful spirit’s care ; Some dire disaster, or by force or slight ; But what, or where, the fates have wrapt in night. bi ape the nymph shall break Diana’s aw, Or some frail China jar receive a flaw; Or stain her honour, or her new bro- cade; | Forget her prayers, or miss a masque- rade ; Or lose her heart, or necklace, at a ball ; Or whether Heaven has doom’d that Shock must fall. Pope. Rape of the Lock. Canto ii. 1. 101. ’Tis the sunset of life gives me mystical lore, And coming events cast their shadows before. CAMPBELL. Lochiel’s Warning. 1. 55. Sed ita a principio inchoatum esse mun- dum ut certis rebus certa signa precurre- rent. Thus in the beginning the world was so nee that certain signs come before certain events. CICERO. Divinatione. Liber i. Cap. 52. OPINION. Often do the spirits Of Lisi events stride on before the events, And in to-day already walks to-morrow. SCHILLER. Death of Wallenstein. Act vy. Se. 1. (COLERIDGE, trans.) Poets are the hierophants of an unappre- hended inspiration; the mirrors of the gigantic shadows which futurity casts upon the present. SHELLEY. A Defence of Poetry. OPINION. Quot homines tot sententie; suus cuique mos. As many men,so many minds; every one his own way. TERENCE. Phormio. Actii. Se. 4. Quot capitum vivunt, totidem studiorum Millia, Count all the folks in the world, you’ll find A separate fancy for each separate mind. HORACE. Satires. ii. 1, 27. (CONINGTON, trans.) So many heads, so many wits. J. HEYwoop. Proverbs. Bk. i. Ch, iii. As the saynge is,so many heades, somany wyttes. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Godly Meditacyon of the Christen Soule. There never was in the world two opinions alike, no more than two hairs, or two grains ; the most universal quality is diversity. MONTAIGNE. Essays. Of the Resemblance of Children to their Fathers. Talk what you will of taste, my friend. -you’li find Two of a face as soon as of a mind. } Eons Salires and Epistles. Satire vi. . 268. Enobarbus. Men’s judgments are A parcel of their fortunes; and things outward Do draw the inward quality after them, To suffer all alike. SHAKESPEARE. Antony and Cleopatra. Act iii. Se, 18. 1. 31. Gratiano. Fish not, with this melan- choly bait, For this fool gudgeon, this opinion. Ibid. Merchant of Venice. Act i. Se. i. ITAA Ye. Thersites. A plague of opinion! a man may wear it on both sides, like a leather jerkin, I ie eee and Cressida, Act iii. Se. - 7 = i> we “ey =) \ OPPORTUNITY. 545 Macbeth. 1 have bought Golden opinions from all sorts of people, Which would be worn now in their new- est gloss, Not cast aside so soon. SHAKESPEARE, Macbeth. Acti. Se. 7. 1. 23 Opinion in good men is but knowledge in the making. MILTON. Areopagitica. Opinion! which on crutches walks, And sounds the words another talks. Luoyp. The Poet. 1.55. Some praise at morning what they blame at night, But always think the last opinion right. Pork. Essay on Criticism. Pt. ii. 1. 230. ’Tis with our judgments as our watches, none Go just alike, yet each believes his own. Ibid. Essay on Criticism. Pt. i. 1. 9. But as when an authentie watch is shown, Each man Winds up and rectifies his own, So in our very judgments. Sir JOHN SUCKLING. Aglaura. Epilogue. Monuments of the safety with which errors of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it. THOMAS JEFFERSON. Inaugural Address, March 4, 1801. Men are never so good or so bad as their opinions. MACKINTOSH. Ethical Philosophy. Popular opinions, on subjects not pal- pable to sense, are often true, but seldom or never the whole truth. JOHN STUART MILL. On Liberty. Ch. ii. Truth is one forever absolute, but opinion is truth filtered through the moods, the blood, the disposition of the spectator. WENDELL PHILLIPS. Orations, Speeches, Lectures, and Letters. Idols. The chief good is the suspension of the judgment, which tranquillity of mind follows like its shadow. DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Pyrrho. xi. I traversed a dominion Whose spokesmen spake out strong Their purpose and opinion Through pulpit, press, and song. 35 I saw, in web unbroken, Its history outwrought Not as the loud had spoken, But as the mute had thought. HARDY. Wessex Poems. OPPORTUNITY. Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow we die. New Testament. I. Corinthians xy. 32. Then I commended mirth, because a man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry. Old Testament. Ecclesiastes viii. 15, Drink, sport, for life is mortal, short upon earth our days; But death is deathless, once a man is dead. AMPHIS. Gynaecocratia. Fragment. Eat, drink, and play, and think that is bliss: There is no heaven but this; There is no hell Save sabe which serves the purpose doubly well. A.H.CLouGH. Spirit's Song in Dipsychus. Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. New Testament. II. Corinthians vi. 2. Carpe diem. Seize the present day. . Horace. Odes. Bk. i. Ode 11. 1. 8. [The context runs as follows: Sapias, vina liques et spatio brevi Spem longam reseces. Dum loquimur, fugerit invida ZEtas : carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero. Strain your wine, and prove your wisdom: life is short, should hope be more? In the moment of our talking, envious time has slipped away. Seize the present; trust to-morrow e’en as little as you may. (CONINGTON, trans.) ]. Catch, then, oh catch the transient hour ; Improve each moment as it flies! Life ’s a short summer, man a flower; He dies—alas! how soon he dies! Dr. JOHNSON. Winter. An Ode. Dum vivimus, vivamus. UNKNOWN, (The earliest known appearance of this familiar Latin phrase is in Inscriptiones Grutuli, a medizeval collection of proverbs.] “ive, while you live,” the epicure would say, “And seize the pleasures of the present day ae: 546 OPPORTUNITY. “Live, while you live,” thesacred preacher Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, cries, ‘And give to God each moment as it flies.”’ Lord, in my views let both united be; I live in pleasure, when I live to Thee. PHILIP DoDDRIDGE. Lines written under Motto of his Family Arms. I slept, and dreamed that life was Beauty ; I woke, and found that life was Duty. Was thy dream then a shadowy lie? Toil on, poor heart, unceasingly ; And thou shalt find thy dream to be A truth and noonday light to thee. ELLEN STURGIS HOOPER. Life a Duty. Let us crown ourselves with rose-buds, before they be withered. Old Testament. Apocrypha. Wisdom of Solomon. ii. 8. Carpite florem, Qui nisi carptus erit, turpiter ipse cadet. Pluck the fiower, For if you pluck it not, twill fade and fall. Ovip. Artof Love. iii. 179. Gather therefore the rose whilest yet is prime, For soone comes age that will her pride deflowre; Gather the rose of love whilest yet is time, Whilest loving thou mayst lovéd be with equall crime. SPENSER. The Faerie Queene. Bk. ii. Canto xii. St. 75. Make use of time, let not advantage slip; Beauty within itself should not be wasted: Fair flowers that are not gather’d in their prime, Rot and consume themselves in little time. Rae Venus and Adonis. St. Strong is the soul, and wise, and beau- tiful ; The seeds of god-like power are in us still ; Gods are we, bards, saints, heroes, if we will. MATH. ARNOLD. Essays. Written in Emerson’s Sweet lady mine! while yet ’tis time, Requite my passion and my truth, And gather in their blushing prime The roses of your youth. RONSARD. Lines to His Mistress. cluding lines. Con- (THACKERAY, trans.) If you let slip time, like a neglected rose, It withers on the stock with languish’d head. MILTON. Comus. 1.748. Old time is still a flying: And this same flower that smiles to-day To-morrow will be dying. HERRICK. Hesperides. To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time. Then be not coy, but use your time, And while you may, go marry; For having lost but once your prime, You may for ever tarry. Ibid. Hesperides. Much of Time. Life let us cherish, while yet the taper glows, And the fresh flow’ret pluck ere it close; Why are we fond of toil and care? Why choose the rankling thorn to wear? J.M. USTERL. Life Let Us Cherish. Nunc est profecto, interfici, cum per- peti me possum, Ne hoc gaudium contaminet vita aegritudine aliqua. Now sure ’s the moment when I ought to die, Lest some hereafter bitterness in life Impair this joy. TERENCE. Eunuchus. Act iii. Se. 5, 3. (W. F. H. KING, trans.) Othello. If it were now to die, *Twere now to be most happy ; for, I fear, My soul hath her content so absolute, That not another comfort like to this Succeeds in unknown fate. Hae eane te Othello. Act ii. Se. 1. 1. And could we choose the time, and choose aright, *Tis best to die, our honour at the height. DRYDEN. Palamon and Arcite. Bk. iii. 1. 1086. Ottima. Sebald, as we lay, Who said, “ Let death come now! ’tis right to die! Right to be punished! nought completes such bliss But woe!’ Who said that? ROBERT BROWNING. Pippa Passes. . Ille potens sui Laetusque deget, cui licet in diem Dixisse, “ Vixi.” Happy he Self-centred, who each night can say, ‘My life is lived.” HORACE. Odes. Bk. iii. Ode 29. 1. 41, (CONINGTON, trans.) To the Virgins, to Make ; OPPORTUNITY, Not heaven itself upon the past has power ; But what has been, has been, and I have had my hour. DRYDEN. Imitation of Horace. Ode xxix. 1. 71. BE. iii. Amariorem enim mesenectus facit. Sto- machor omnia. Sed mihi quidem Befiwrar. Viderint juvenes. Old age makes mesour. The least thing puts me out. However, as far as I am con- cerned, I have lived my time. Let the young men Jook to it. CICERO. Epistolarum ad Altticum. xiv. 21, Ich habe genossen das irdische Glick, Ich habe gelebt und geliebet. I have enjoyed earthly happiness, I have lived and loved. SCHILLER. Piccolomini. iii. 7, 9. I die,—but first I have possess’d, “And come what may, I have been bless’d. ByRon. The Giaour. 1. 1114. J’ai vécu. I existed. Famous mot of Sieyés when asked what he did during the ‘“‘ Terror’’ of the Revolu- tion. MIGNET. Notices Hist. 1, 81. You should hammer your iron when it is glowing hot. PUBLILIUS SYRUS. Maxim 262. Strike whilst the iron is hot. RABELAIS: Bk. ii. Choxxx1. It is a maxim universally agreed upon in agriculture, that nothing must be done too late; and again, that every- thing must be done at its proper season ; while there is a third precept which re- minds us that opportunities lost can never be regained. PLINY THE ELDER. Natural History. Bk. xviii. Sec. 44. Take Time by the forelock. THALES OF MILETUS. Likewise attributed to Pittacus, author the Seven Wise Men of Greece. Time (Cronos in Greek, Saturn in Latin) was painted and sculptured by the ancients with a perfectly bald pate, save for a single lock in front.] King. Let’s take the instant by the for- ward top For we are a and on our quick’st decrees Th’ inaudible and noiseless foot of time Steals, ere we can effect them. SHAKESPEARE. All’s Well that Ends Weil. Act v. Se. 3. 1. 39. 547 Time wears all his locks before, Take thou hold upon his forehead ; When he flies, he turns no more, And behind his scalp is naked. Works adjourned have many stays, Long demurs breed new delays. ROBERT SOUTHWELL. Loss in Delay. Tell her the joyous Time will not be staid, Unlesse she doe him by the forelock take. SPENSER. Amoretti. 1xx. Rem tibi quam nosces apiam dimittere noli; Fronte capillata, post est occasio calva. Let nothing pass which will advantage you; Hairy in front, Occasion’s bald behind. DIONYSIUS CATO. Disticha de Moribus. 126: [Besides Saturn, or Time, the Romans also personified Occasion (or, in more idiomatic English, Opportunity) as a ae or goddess, standing on a rotating wheel, the feet fitted with winged sandals, the head hairy in front but bald behind. The hair veiled the face from the unwary, but offered a hand- hold to him who promptly recognized the flying figure.- In other words, Occasion must be gripped from the front at the criti- cal moment when it presents itself, or it will be beyond capture. ] Oceasio prima sui parte comosa, poste- riore calva Quam si occupasis, teneas ; elapsum Non isse possit Jupiter reprehendere. Opportunity has hair on her forehead, but is bald behind. If you meet her seize her, for once let slip Jove himself cannot catch her again. PHAEDRUS. When fair occasion calls, ’tis fatal to delay. Lucan. Pharsalia. Bk. i. 1.518. (ROWE, trans.) 7 For occasion hath all her hair on her fore- head; when she is past, you may not recall her. She hath no tuft whereby you can lay hold on her, for she is bald on the hinder part of her head, and never i A again. RABELAIS. Gargantua. Bk. i. Ch. xxxvii. (URQUHART AND MOTTEUX, trans. ) Zeal and duty are not slow; But on oceasion’s forelock watchful wait. Mitton. Paradise Regained. Bk. 3, a hyped ‘Who lets slip fortune, her shall never find; Occasion once past by, is bald behind. COWLEY. Pyramus and Thisbe. xv. Brutus. There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune ; 548 Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures. wines eee Julius Cesar. Activ. Se. 3. 1, 218. ; Me fortune fayours, none but fools will a Daypex. Epilogue VIII. To the Duke of Guise. There is an hour in each man’s life ap- pointed To make his happiness, if then he seize it. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Felis of the Country. Actii. Sc.3. 1.8 Hoist up saile while gale doth last, Tide and wind stay no man’s pleasure. ROBERT SOUTHWELL. St. Peter’s Com- plaint. 1595. Nae man can tether time or tide. Burns. Zam O'Shanter. 1. 67. Truly there is a tide in the affairs of men; but there is no gulf-stream setting forever in one direction. ‘LOWELL. Among My Books. New England Two Centuries Ago. Parolles. There’s place and means for every man alive. SHAKESPEARE. ant Well that Ends Well. Act iv. Se. 3. 1. 316. O opportunity, thy guilt is great ! ’Tis thou that execut’st the traitor’s treason ; Thou sett’st the wolf where he the lamb may get; Whoever plots the sin, thou point’st the season ; ’Tis thou that spurn’st at right, at law, at reason ; And in thy shady cell, where none may spy him, Sits Sin, to seize the souls that wander by him. Ibid. Rape of Lucrece. St. 126. King John. How oft the sight of means to do ill deeds Mare ill deedsdone! Hadst thou not been A fellow by the hand of nature mark’d, Quoted, and sign’d, to do a deed of shame, This murder had not come into my mind. Ibid. King John. Activ. Se. 2. 1. 219. Elinor. Urge them, while their souls Are capable of this ambition ; OPPORTUNITY. Lest zeal, now melted, by the windy breath Of soft petitions, pity, and remorse, Cool and congeal again to what it was. ie pore catee King John. Act ii. Se. 1. Prospero. I find. my zenith doth de- pend upon A most auspicious star; whose influence If now I court not, but omit , my fortunes Will ever after droop. Ibid. The Tempest. Acti. Se. 2. 1. 181. Everything that grows Holds in perfection but a little moment. Ibid. Sonnet 15. 1.1. King. That we would do, We should do when we would ; for this “would” changes. Ibid. Hamlet. Activ. Se. 7. 1. 119. (See under HESITATION.) Lago. This is the night That either makes me or fordoes me quite. Ibid. Othello. Act vy. Se. 1. 1. 128. Hamlet. While the grass grows— The proverb is somewhat must Ibid. Hamlet. Act iii. Se. 4. 1, 358. “eb ihe old proverb I would have them now, The horse may starve whilst the grass doth grow. JOHN TAYLOR, A Kicksey-Winsey. Pt. iv. last line. He that will not when he may, When he will he shal) have nay. Quoted by BURTON, in Anatomy of Melan- choly. Pt.iii. Sec.2. Mem. 5. Subs. 5. [John Heywood, Proverbes, Ch. iii., quotes the saying with “would” substituted for ‘‘will” in the second line. Percy, in the me wes, preserves an ancient ballad, The dad Knight, where it appears in this form: ie that wold not when he might, He shall not when he wolda. ] Menes. Who seeks, and will not take when once ’tis offer’d Shall never find it more. SHAKESPEARE. Antony and Cleopatra. Act ii. Se. 7. 1. 82. The present moment is our ain, The neist we never saw. JAMES BEATTIE. Stanza added to the Mariner's Life. Great Julius, on the mountains bred. A flock, perhaps, or herd had led; OPPORTUNITY. 549 He that the world subdued had been But the best wrestler on the green ! EDMUND WALLER. If all the warld be worth thy winning, Think, oh think it worth enjoying: Lovely Thais sits beside thee, Take the good the gods provide thee. DRYDEN. Alexander’s Feast. 1. 97. Now ’s the day and now’s the hour. Burns. Bannockburn. {‘‘The Man and the Hour” is the title of a novel by Harriet Martineau.] Der den Augenblick ergreift Das ist der rechte Mann. He who seizes the (right) moment, is the right man. GOETHE. Faust. Schtilerscene. Turning for them who pass, the common dust Of servile opportunity to gold. WORDSWORTH. Desultory Stanzas. St. 9. “My County Guy, the hour is nigh, The sun has left the lea, The orange flower perfumes the bower, The breeze is on the sea. ScoTT. Quentin Durward. Ch. iy. Once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide, In the strife of Truth with Falsehood, for the good or evil side; Some great cause, God’s new Messiah offering each the bloom or blight, Parts the goats upon the left hand, and the sheep upon the right ; And the choice goes by forever ’twixt that darkness and that light. JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. The Present Crisis. St. 5. Then to side with Truth is noble when we share her wretched crust, Ere her cause bring fame and profit, and ’tis prosperous to be just; Then it is the brave man chooses, while the coward stands aside, Doubting in his abject spirit, till his Lord is crucified. Ibid. The Present Crisis. St. 11. Age is opportunity no less Than youth itself, though in another dress, And as the evening twilight fades away The sky is filled with stars, day. LONGFELLOW. Morituri Salutamus. cluding lines. invisible by Con- What is opportunity to the man who can’t use it? An unfecundated egg, which the waves of time wash away into nonentity. GEORGE ELIOT. Scenes from Clerical Life: Amos Barton. For now I see the true old times are — dead, When every morning brought a noble chance, And every chance brought out a noble knight. Such times have been not since the light that led The holy Elders with the gift of myrrh. TENNYSON. Idyils of the King. And statesmen at her council met Who knew the seasons, when to take Occasion by the hand, and make The bounds of freedom wider yet. Ibid. Dedication to the Idylls of the King. And grasps. the skirts of Bee chance; And breasts the blows of circumstance. Ibid. In Memoriam. Iixiv. St. 2. happy And lives to clutch the golden keys, To mould a mighty state’s decrees, And shape the whisper of the throne. Ibid. In Memoriam. lxiv. St. 3. Deeds let escape are never to be done. R. BROWNING. Sordello. Bk. iii. Each life’s unfulfilled, you see ; It hangs still, patchy and scrappy: We have not sighed deep, laughed free, Starved, happy. And nobody calls you a dunce, And people suppose me clever : This could but have happened once, And we missed it, lost it forever. Ibid. Youthand Art. xvii. feasted, despaired,—been 550 OPTIMISM. (See HOPE.) Tout est pour le mieux dans le meil- leur des mondes possibles. All is for, the best in the best of pos- sible worlds. VOLTAIRE. Candide. [An ever-recurrent phrase which Voltaire puts into the mouth of Dr. Pangloss, as a hit at the optimist doctrines of Leibnitz. | In the best of possible worlds the chateau of monseigneur the baron was the most beautiful of chateaux, and madame the best of possible baronesses. ‘ Ibid. Candide. Ch.i. Was verniinftig ist, das ist wirklich: und was wirklich ist, das ist verntnftig. HEGEL. Rechtsphilosophie. Preface. p. 17. [Commonly abbreviated to ‘ Alles was ist, ist verntinftig’” (‘‘Everything that is, is reasonable’’).] Whatever is, is in its causes just. DRYDEN. Cdipus. Act iii. Se. 1. One truth is clear: whatever is, is right. Pope. Essay on Man. Epistle i. Con- cluding lines. A glass is good, and a lass is good, And a pipe to smoke in cold weather ; The world is good, and the people are good, And we’re all good fellows together. JOHN O’KEEFE. Sprigs of Laurel. Act ii. Se. 1. God’s in His heaven ; All’s right with the world. BROWNING. Pippa Passes. Pt. i. There’s a good time coming, boys! A good time coming. CHARLES Mackay. The Good Time Com- ing. : Preach to the storm, and reason with Despair, But tell not Misery’s son that life is fair. KIRKE WHITE. Lines on Reading the Preface to N. Bloomfield’s Poems. 1. 8. Thou wilt not leave us in the dust : Thou madest man, he knows not why, He thinks he was not made to die; And Thou hast made him; Thou art just. age In Memoriam. Introduction. OPTIMISM— ORACLE. And all is well, tho’ faith and form Be sundered in the night of fear ; Well roars the storm to those that hear A deeper voice across the storm. TENNYSON, In Memoriam. exxvii. St. 1. Oh yet we trust that somehow good Will be the final goal of ill, To pangs of nature, sins of will, Defects of doubt, and taints of blood. Ibid. In Memoriam. liv. St. 1. Behold we know not anything ; I can but trust that good shall fall At last—far off—at last, to all, And every winter change to spring. Ibid. In Memoriam. liv. St. 4. Yet spake yon purple mountain, Yet said yon ancient wood, That Night or Day, that Love or Crime, Leads all souls to the good. EMERSON. The Park. Concluding lines. But life is sweet, though all that makes it sweet Lessen like sound of friends’ departing feet, And Death is beautiful as feet of friend Coming with welcome at our journey’s end; For me Fate gave, whate’er she else denied, A nature sloping to the southern side; I thank her for it, though when clouds arise Such natures double-darken gloomy skies. LOWELL, An Epistle to George William Curtis. Postscript, 1887. 1. 49. This one sits shivering in Fortune’s smile, Taking his joy with bated, doubtful breath : This other, gnawed by hunger, all the while Laughs in the teeth of Death. T. B. ALDRICH. Quatrains. ORACLE. AeAgixn ud yaipa, A Delphic sword. ARISTOTLE. Politica. i, 2. [A two-edged sword, in reference to the ambiguities of the Delphic oracles.] AN a 8 ORATOR. Gratiano. As who should say, “I am Sir Oracle, And when I ope my lips let no dog bark !” SHAKESPEARE. The Merchant of Venice. AChI. SC. 1.15.93; The oracles are dumb, No voice or hideous hum Runs through the archéd roof in words deceiving. Apollo from his shrine Can no more divine With hollow shriek the steep of Delphos leaving. No nightly trance or breathéd spell Inspires the pale-eyed priest from the prophetic cell. MILTON. On the Morning of Christ's Nativity. 1. 178. {Plutarch relates (Isis and Osiris) that a ship well laden with passengers drove with the tide near the Isles of Paxi, when a loud voice was heard by most of the passengers calling unto one Thanus. The voice then said aloud to him, ‘When you are arrived at Palodes, take caré to make it known that the great god Pan is dead.’’] (See Gops.) ORATOR. (See ELOQUENCE; ARGUMENT.) Cedant arma toge, concedat laurea linguee. Let arms give place to the robe, and the Jaurel of the warrior yield to the tongue of the orator. CICERO. De Officiis. [So the line is usually quoted, though Cicero wrote laudi, not linguzx.] When Demosthenes was asked what was the first part of Oratory, he an- swered, “ Action’’; and which was the second, he replied, “Action”; and which was the third, he still answered “ Action.” PLuTaRcH. Morals. Orators. (See under ACTION.) Lives of the Ten I asked of my dear friend Orator Prig: | “What's the first part of oratory?” Hesaid, “A great wig.” “ And what is the second?” Then, dancing a ji And Baaelig profoundly, he said, ‘A great wig.” 551 “And whatis the third?”’ Then he snored like a pig, And puffing his cheeks out, he replied, “ A great wig.” GEORGE COLMAN THE YOUNGER. Orator Prig. Cowards and faint-hearted runa- ways Look for orations when the foe is near: Our swords shall play the orator for us. MARLOWE. Tambourlaine the Great. Pt- i. Acti. Se, 2. Buckingham. Fear not, my lord, I'll _ play the orator As if the golden fee for which I plead Were for myself. SHAKESPEARE. Richard III. Act iii. Sc. 5. 1. 95 Antony. I come not, friends, to steal away your hearts ; I am no orator, as Brutus is. Ibid. Julius Cesar. Actiii. Se. 2. 1. 216. Canterbury. List his discourse of war, and you shall hear A fearful battle render’d you in music: Turn him to any cause of policy, The Gordian knot of it he will unloose, Familiar as his garter; that, when he speaks, The air, a charter’d libertine, is still. Ibid. Henry V. Acti. Se. 1. 1. 43. (See under VERSATILITY.) Beaufort. Nephew, what means this passionate discourse, This peroration with such circumstance? Ibid. If. Henry VI. Acti. Se. 1. 1.99. Bid me discourse, I will enchant thine ear. Ibid. 1. 145. Thence to the famous orators repair, Those ancient, whose resistless eloquence Wielded at will that fierce democratie, Shook the arsenal, and fulmin’d over Greece, To Macedon, and Artaxerxes’ throne. MILTON. Paradise Regained. Bk. iv. 1. 267. That dishonest victory At Cheronea, fatal to liberty, Killed with report that old man eloquent. Ibid. Sonnet 10, [Isocrates, the celebrated orator of Greece. His patriotic feelings received so severe a shock on hearing the result of the battle of Cheronea that he died broken-hearted, or, as some authors say, of self-starvation.] Venus and Adonis. 5d2 ORDER—ORTHODOXY. Adepts in the speaking trade Keep a cough by them ready made. CHURCHILL. The Ghost. Bk. ii. 1. 545. Proud of his “ Hear hims,’”’ proud, too, of his vote And lost virginity of oratory, Proud of his learning (just enough to quote). He revelled in his Ciceronian glory : With memory excellent to get by rote, With wit to hatch a pun or tell a story, Graced with some merit, and with more effrontery, “His country’s pride,” he came down to the country. ByRoN. Don Juan. Canto xiii. St, 91. You’d scarce expect one of my age To speak in public on the stage; And if I chance to fall below Demosthenes or Cicero, Don’t view me with a critic’s eye But pass my imperfections by. Large streams from little fountains flow ; Tall oaks from little acorns grow. DAVID EVERETT. Lines Spoken by a Boy of Seven Years. ORDER. Maria. Ay, but you must confine your- self within the modest limits of order. SHAKESPEARE. Twelfth Night. Act i. Se: 3, L. 7, Puck. Not a mouse Shall disturb this hallow’d house: I am sent with broom before, To sweep the dust behind the door. Ibid. Midsummer Night’s Dream. Act y. Se. 1. 1. 376. Confusion heard his voice, and wild uproar Stood ruled, stood vast infinitude con- fined ; Till at his second bidding darkness fled, Light shone, and order from disorder sprung. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. iii. 1. 710. Not chaos-like together crush’d and bruis’ d, But, as the world, harmoniously con- fused : Where order in variety we see, And where, tho’ \all things differ, all agree. Pore. Windsor Forest. 1. 18. Order is Heaven’s first law; and this confest, Some are, and must be, greater than the rest, ‘More rich, more wise; but who infers from hence That such are happier, shocks all com- mon sense. Pore. Essayon Man. Epistle iv. 1. 49. Ulysses. The heavens themselves, the planets and this centre Observe degree, priority, and place, Insisture, course, proportion, season, form, Office and custom, in all line of order. SHAKESPEARE. Troilus and Cressida, Acti. Se..3. 1. 85. Ulysses. Oh! when degree is shak’d Which is the ladder to all high designs, The enterprise is sick. How could commu: nities, Degrees in schools, and brotherhoods in cities, Peaceful commerce from dividable shores, The primogenitive and due of birth, Prerogative of age, crowns, sceptres, laurels But by degree, stand in authentic place? Take but degree away, untune that string, And, hark, what discord follows! each thing meets In mere oppugnancy. Ve Be acre and Oressida. Act i. Se. Can any man have a higher notion of the rule of right and the eternal fitness of things? HENRY FIELDING. Tom Jones. Ch. iv. Bk. iy. For the world was built in order And the atoms march in tune; : Rhyme the pipe, and Time the warder, © The sun obeys them and the moon. EMERSON. Monadnock. St. 12. ORTHODOXY. And prove their doctrine orthodox, By Apostolic blows and knocks. BUTLER. Hudibras. Pt. i. Canto i. 1. 199, Every one’s true worship was that which he found in use in the place where he chanced to be. MONTAIGNE (Quoting Apollo). Essays: Apology for Raimond Sebond. Bk. ii. Ch. xii. “Orthodoxy, my Lord,” said Bishop Warburton, in a whisper,— orthodoxy is my doxy,—heterodoxy is another man’s doxy.” Ppp PRIESTLY. Memoirs. Vol. i. p. OWL—PAINTING ; PICTURES. OWL. Then nightly sings the staring owl, Tu-whit ; _ Tu-who, a merry note. SHAKESPEARE. Love’s Labour's Lost (Song). Act v. Se. 2. 1. 905 Lady Macbeth. It was the owl that shrieked, the fatal bell-man Which gives the stern’st good- night. Ibid. Macbeth. Actii. Se: 2. 1.3. Do you think I was born in a wood to be afraid of an owl? Swirt. Polite Conversation. Dialogue i. Can grave and formal pass for wise When men the solemn owl despise? Gay. Fables: The Shepherd and the Philosopher. 1. 55. St. Agnes’ Eve—Ah, bitter chill it was! The owl, for all his feathers, was a-cold. KEATS. The Eve of St. Agnes. 1,1. OYSTER. Falstaff. I will not lend thee a penny. Pistol. Why, then the world’s mine oyster, Which I with sword will open. SHAKESPEARE. ae Wives of Windsor. Act ii. Se. 2. 1.1 Benedick. I will not be sworn but love may transform me to an oyster ; but J’ll take my oath on it, till he have made an oyster of me, he shall never make me such a fool. Ibid. Much Ado About Nothing. Act ii. Se. 3. 1. 25. He was a bold man that first eat an oyster. “SwiFt. Polite Conversation. Dialogue ii. Ceres presents a plate of vermicelli,— For love must be sustained like flesh and blood,— While Bacchus pours out wine, or hands a jelly: Eggs, oysters, too, are amatory food. BYRON. Don Juan. Canto i ii, St. 170. An oyster may be crossed in love. SHERIDAN. The Critic. Act iii. Se. 1. PAINTING; PICTURES. (See ARCHITECTURE; ART.) Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting with the gift of speech. SIMONIDES. Quoted by PLUTARCH, De Gloria Atheniensium. iii. 346. Connubialis amor de 553 A phates is a poem without words. CORNIFICUS. And you, brave Cobham ! to the latest breath, | Shall feel your Ruling Passion strong in death. Ibid. Moral Essays. Epis. i. 1. 262. In men, we various Ruling Passions find ; In women, two almost divide the kind; Those, only fix’d, they first or last obey, The love of pleasure and the love of sway. Ibid. Moral Essays. Epis. ii. 1. 207. “ All this is madness,” cries a sober sage. But who, my friend, has reason in his rage? PAST. “The ruling passion, be it what it will, The ruling passion conquers reason still.” ALEXANDER POPE. Moral Essays. Epis. iii. 1. 153. On different senses different objects strike ; Hence different passions more or less inflame, As strong or weak, the organs of the frame ; And hence one Master Passion in the breast, Like Aaron’s serpent, swallows up the rest. Ibid. Moral Essays. Epis. ii. 1. 128. In the human breast Two master-passions cannot co-exist. _ CAMPBELL. Theodric. Where passion leads or prudence points the way. ROBERT LOWTH. Choice of Hercules. i. But, children, you should never let Such angry passions rise ; Your little hands were never made To tear each other’s eyes. Isaac WATTS. Divine Songs. Song xvi. Too avid of earth’s bliss, he was of those Whom Delight flies because they give her chase. Only the odour of her wild hair blows Back in their faces hungering for her face. WILLIAM Watson. Byron the Voluptuary. - Only I discern Infinite passion, and the pain Of finite hearts that yearn. ROBERT BROWNING. Two in the Cam- pagna. St. 12. The music had the heat of blood, A passion that no words can reach ; We sat together, and understood Our own heart’s speech. ARTHUR Symons. During Music. PAST. (See HIsToRyY.) Laudator temporis acti. A praise of bygone days. Horace. Ars Poetica, 173. Fuimus Troes; fuit [lium. We have been Trojans; Troy was. VirGIL. Aneid, ii, 324. Therefore Agathon rightly says: Or this alone even God is deprived, the power of making things that are past never to have been.” ARISTOTLE. Jthics. Bk. vi. Ch. ii. (R. W. BRowNn’s trans.) Not heaven itself upon the past has power; But what has been, has been, and I have had my hour. DRYDEN. Imitation of Horace. Ode xxix, 1: 71. The past at least is secure. DANIEL WEBSTER. United States Senate, Jan, 26, 1830. We remain Safe in the hallowed quiets of the past. LOWELL. The Cathedral, 1. 234. Paulina. What’s gone and what’s past help, Should be past grief. SHAKESPEARE. A Winter’s Tale. Act. iii. Se. ii. 1. 34. Lady Macbeth. Things without all remedy, pera be without regard; what’s done is one. Ibid. Macbeth. Act. iii. Se. 2. 1.12, Duke. To mourn a mischief that is past and gone, Is the next way to draw new mischief on. Ibid. Othello. Acti. Sc. 2. 1. 82, Weep no more, lady, weep no more, Thy sorrowe is in vaine, For violets pluckt, the sweetest showers Will ne’er make grow againe. THOMAS PERCY. Reliques. The Friar of Orders Gray. (See FLETCHER. The Queen of Corinth.) Actiii. Se. 2. Bkes 1; Duke. True is it that we have seen better days: : And have with holy bell been knoll’d to church ; And sat at good men’s feasts; and wip’d our eyes, Of drops that sacred pity hath engender’d. ‘SHAKESPEARE. As You Like It. Act ii. Se. 7. 1. 115. ’T is greatly wise to talk with our past hours, And.ask them what report they bore to heaven. Youne. Night Thoughts. Night ii. 1. 376. Whose yesterdays look backwards with a smile. Ibid. Night Thoughts. Night ii, 1. 334. John Anderson, my jo, John, When we were first acquent, 508 PATIENCE. Your locks were like the raven, Your bonny brow was brent. Burns. John Anderson. The thought of our past years in me doth breed Perpetual benediction. WorpswortH. IJntimations of Immor- tality. St. 9. The “good old times”—all times when old are good. BYRON. The Age of Bronze. i. The best of prophets of the future is the past. Ibid. Letter. Jan. 28, 1821. Gta 3 There is a history in all men’s live ieGrine the nature of the times deceas’d, To which observ’d, a man may prophesy, With a near aim, of the main chance of things As yet not come to life, which in their seeds And weak beginnings lie intreasured. siSecraet Bes It, Henry IV. Act iii. Sebo ys g2: Gone—glimmering through the dream of things that were. ByRon. Childe Harold, Canto ii. St. 2 Backward, flow backward, O tide of the years ! I am so weary of toil and of tears,— Toil without recompense, tears all in vain,— Take them and give me my childhood again | ELIZABETH AKERS ALLEN. Rock Me to Sleep. O mihi preteritos referet si Jupiter annos! Oh! if Jove would but give me back my past years ! Aneid. Bk, viii. 1. 560. VIRGIL. But the tender grace of a day that is dead Will never come back to me. TENNYSON. Break, Break, Break. Let us alone. Time driveth onward fast, And in a little while our lips are dumb, Let us alone. What is it that will last ? All things are taken from us, and become Portions and parcels of the dreadful Past. : Let us alone. Ibid. The Lotus- Eaters, O Death in Life, the days that are no more. Ibid. The Princess, 1V. Tears, Idle Tears (last line). Dead and gone, the days we had together, Shadow-stricken all the lights that shone Round them, flown as flies the blown foam’s feather, Dead and gone. SWINBURNE. Past Days. Ah, the Past, the pearl-gift thrown To hogs, time’s opportunity we made So light of, only recognized when flown ! R. BROWNING. Jocoseria, Jochanan Hak- kadosh. PATIENCE. All men commend patience, although few be willing to practise it. THoMAS A KEmMPIsS. Imitation of Christ. Bk. iii. Ch. 12. (BENHAM, trans.) Leonato. ’Tis all men’s office to speak patience To those that ring under the load of sorrow, But no man’s virtue nor sufficiency To be so moral when he shall endure The like himself. . SHAKESPEARE. Much Ado About Nothing. Act wdc...) 27; Patience and shuffle the cards. CERVANTES. Don Quixote. Pt. ii. Bk. i. Ch. vi. Viola. She sat like patience on a mon- ument, Smiling at grief. SHAKESPEARE. Twelfth Night. Act ii. Se. 4. 1. 134. Pericles. Like Patience gazing on kings’ graves, and smiling’ Extremity out of act. Ibid. Pericles. Act vy. Sc. 1. 1. 189. Antonio. I do oppose My patience to his fury, and am arm’d To suffer, with a quietness of spirit, The very tyranny and rage of his. v6 oe i gbibenen: of Venice. Activ. Se. 1. Gloster. Since you will buckle fortune on my back, To bear her burthen, whether I will or no, I must have patience to endure the load. Ibid. Richard ITI. Act iii. Se. 7. 1. 228. Nym. Though Patience be a tired mare, yet she will plod. Ibid. Henry V. Act ii. Se. 1. 1. 32. PATRIOTISM. Iago. How poor are they that have not patience ! What wound did ever heal but by de- grees ? SHAKESPEARE. 376. Duchess of Gloster. That which in mean men we entitle patience, Is pale cold cowardice in noble breasts. Ibid. Richard II. Act.i. Se. 2. Cleopatra. Patience is sottish, and im- patience does Become a dog that’s mad. Ibid. Antony and Cleopatra, Act iv. Se. 15. Patience is the virtue of an ass, That trots beneath his burden, and is quiet. Othello. Act ii. Se. 3. 1. LANSDOWNE. Heroic Love. The worst speak something good; if all want sense, God takes a text, and preacheth Pa-ti- ence. GEORGE HERBERT. The Church Porch. Attempt the end, and never stand to doubt ; Nothing’s so hard but search will find it out. HERRICK. Seek and Find. Nil tam difficile est quin quaerendo inyes- tigarie possit. Nothing is so difficult but that it may be found out by seeking. TERENCE. Hemitontimoroumnos. Act iv. Sen Ve! ee Or arm th’ obdured breast With stubborn patience as with triple steel. MILTON. Paradise Lost. Bk. ii. 1. 568. Patience et longueur de temps. Font plus que force ni que rage. By time and toil we sever What strength and rage could never. LA FonTAINE. Fables. ii. 11. There is, however, a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue. BuRKE. Observations on a Late Publica- tion. The Present State of the Nation. 1769. Furor fit lesa seepius patientia. An over-taxed patience gives way to fierce anger. Maxim 289. Beware the fury of a patient man. DRYDEN. Absalom and Achitophel. Pt. i. 1. 1005. (See under ANGER.) PUBLILIUS SYRUS. 559 For patience, sov’reign’ o’er trans- muted ill. SAMUEL JOHNSON. Wishes, 1. 352. Ue in sense, with fivefold bonds con- ned, Rest we contentif whispers from the stars. In waftings of the incalculable wind Come blown at midnight through our prison-bars. WILLIAM WATSON. L£pigrams. The Vanity of Human Everything comes if a man will only wait. BENJ. DISRAELI. viii. 1847. All things come round to him who will but wait. LONGFELLOW. Tales of a Wayside Inn. The Student's Tale. Pt. i. If the single man plant himself indomi- tably on his instincts, and there abide, the huge world will come round to him. EMERSON. Addresses and Lectures. The American Scholar. Tancred. Bk. iv. Ch. I propose to fight it out on this line, if it takes all summer. GRANT. Despatchto Washington. Before Spottsylvania Court-House. May 11, 1864. Endurance is the crowning quality, And patience all the passion of great hearts. LowELL. Columbus. 1. 241. PATRIOTISM. Ov of detkéc apvvopévw rept TaTpHC TeOvaer, A glorious death is his Who for his country falls. HomMER. Iliad. xv. 496. (LORD DERBY, trans.) [And for our country ’tis a bliss to die. (POPE, trans.) ] Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. It is sweet and glorious to die for one’s country. HORACE. Odes. iii. 2. 13. Who would not die for his dear country’s cause! Since if base fear his dastard step with- draws, From death he cannot fly. One common grave Receives, at last, the coward and the brave. (FIELDING, trans.) [The translation is put into the mouth of Tom Jones’s Fidus Achates. Partridge. (Tom Jones. Bk. xii. Ch. 3.)] 560 PATRIOTISM. O fortunata mors, quae naturae debita pro patria est potissimum reddita! Happy the death of him who pays the debt of nature for his country’s sake. CICERO. Philippica. ivy. 12. 31. Volumnia. Had I a dozen sons, each in my love alike and none less dear than thine and my good Marcius, I had rather eleven die nobly for their country than one volup- tuously surfeit out of action. SHAKESPEARE. Coriolanus. Acti. Se. 3. 1. 208. Who would not be that youth? What pity iscitie, That we can die but once to save our coun- try! Appison. Cato. Activ. Sc. 4. I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country. NATHAN HALE. 22, 1776.) STEWART. Nathan Hale. Ch. vii. To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late; And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds For the ashes of his fathers And the temples of his gods? (His last words, Sept. Life of Capt. MacauLay. Lays of Ancient Rome. Ho- ratius. XXVii. The brave Die never. Being deathless, they but change Their country’s arms, for more, their ceun- try’s heart. P. J. BAILEY. Festus. v. Patria est communis omnium parens. Our country is the common parent of all. Moth Vincet amor patrise, laudumque im- mesna cupido. Love of his country and an insatiate thirst for glory shall prevail. VIRGIL. Aineid. BK. vi. 1. 824. Pucelle One drop of blood drawn from thy country’s bosom, Should grieve thee more than streams of foreign gore. SHAKESPEARE. J. Henry VI. Act iii. Sc. 3. 1. 54. Plus je vis l’étranger, plus j’aimai ma patrie. The more I saw of foreign lands, the more I loved my own country. DE BELLOY. Siége de Calais. Our country is wherever we are well off. MILTON. 1666. CICERO. Orationes in Catilinam. Letter to P. Heinbach. Aug. 15, 1The maid—i. e., the Maid of Orleans or Joan of Arc. ; | Who dared to love their country, and be poor. PoPE. On his Grotto at Twickenham. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Dr. JOHNSON. In Boswell’s Life. That man is little to be envied whose patriotism would not gain force upon the plain of Marathon, or whose piety would not grow warmer among the ruins of Iona. Ibid. Journey to the Western Islands. Inch Kenneth. Such is the patriot’s boast, where’er we roam, His first best country ever is at home. GOLDSMITH. The Traveller. 1. 73. So the loud torrrent, and the whirl- wind’s roar, But bind him to his native mountains more. Ibid. The Traveller. 1. 207. There ought to be a system of man- ners in every nation which a well- formed mind would be disposed to relish. To make us love our country, our coun- try ought to be lovely. BURKE. Reflections on the Revolution in France, Vol. iii. p. 100. ; Millions for defence, but not one cent for tribute. CHAS. C. PINCKNEY. When Ambassador to the French Republic. 1796. Our country! In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong. STEPHEN DEcATUR. Toast given at Nor- folk. April, 1816. © They love their land because it is their own, And scorn to give aught other reason ways Would shake hands with a king upon his throne, And think it kindness to his majesty. FITZ GREENE HALLECK. Connecticut. For when was public virtue to be found When private was not? Can he love the whole PATRIOTISM. 561 Who loves no part? He bea nation’s friend Who is, in truth, the friend of no man there. COWPER., The Task. Bk. v. Breathes there the man with soul so dead Who never to himself hath said, This is my own, my native land! — Whose heart hath ne’er within him burn’d? As home his footsteps he hath turn’d From wandering on a foreign strand ? If such there breathe, go, mark him well! For him no minstrel raptures swell; High though his titles, proud his name, Boundless his wealth as wish can claim,— Despite those titles, power, and pelf, The wretch, concentred all in self, Living, shall forfeit fair renown, And, doubly dying, shall go down To the vile dust from whence he sprung, Unwept, unhonour’d, and unsung. [Hath not thy heart within thee burned At evening’s calm and holy hour? S. G. BULFINcH. The Voice of God in the Garden. | Land of my sires! what mortal hand Can e’er untie the filial band That knits me to thy rugged strand ! SIR WALTER Scott. Lay of the Last Min- strel. Canto vi. St. 1. My foot is on my native heath, and my name is MacGregor ! Ibid. Rob Roy. Ch. xxxiv. Where’s the coward that would not dare To fight for such a land? Ibid. Marmion. Canto iv. St. 30. I loved my country, and I hated him. SOUTHEY. The Vision of Judgment. Ixxxiii. He who loves not his country, can iove nothing, BYRON. The Two Foscari. Act iii. Se. 1. He, with lib’ral and enlarged mind, Pee st his country, cannot hate man- ind. CHURCHILL. The Farewell. 1. 301. 1 Did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us by the way? New Testament. Luke xxiv. 32. 36 Far dearer, the grave or the prison, Illumed by one patriot name, Than the trophies of all who have risen On Liberty’s ruins to fame. Moore. Trish Melodies. Forget ‘not the Field. Who fears to speak of Ninety-eight? Who blushes at the name? When cowards mock the patriot’s fate, Who hangs his head for shame ? JoHN K. INGRAM The Dublin Nation. Vol. ii. p. 339. April 1, 1843. Let our object be our country, our whole country, and nothing but our country. ; DANIEL WEBSTER. Bunker Hill Oration, Works. Vol. i. p. 78. We join ourselves to no party that does not carry the flag and keep step to the music of the Union. RuFus CHOATE. Letter to the Whig State Convention, Worcester, Mass. Oct. 1, 1855. The mystic chords of memory, stretch- ing from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearth- stone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be by the better angels of our nature. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Jnaugural Address. March 4, 1861. The ever lustrous name of patriot To no man be denied because he saw Wherein his country’s wholeness lay the flaw, Where, on her whiteness, the unseemly blot. WILLIAM WATSON. Sonnet. There are no points of the compass on the chart of true patriotism, ROBERT C. WINTHROP. Letter to Boston Commercial Club. 1879. That man’s the best cosmopolite Who loves his native country best. TENNYSON. Hands all Around. A steady patriot of the world alone, The friend of every country—but his own. GEORGE CANNING. The New Morality. 562 PATRON—PEACE. PATRON. There mark what ills the scholar’s life assail, Toil, envy, want,the Patron and the jail. Dr. i OHNSON. Vanity of Human Wishes. se LDQ. : (See under AUTHOR.) Is not a patron, my lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man strug- gling for life in the water, and when he has reached ground encumbers him with help? Ibid. Boswell’s Life. The man that has no friend at court, Must make the laws confine his sport ; But he that has, by dint of flaws, May make his sport confine the laws. CHATTERTON. The Revenge. Act ii. Se. 3. 17565. PEACE. Peace, peace, when there is no peace. Old Testament. Jeremiah yi. 14; viii. 11. They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Ibid. Micah iv. 3. Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bel- lum. Let him who desires peace prepare for war. VEGETIUS. De Re Militari. iii. Prologue. In pace ut sapiens aptarit idonea bello. Like as a wise man in time of peace pre- pares for war. STOR ACH SOLUTES mien Lil [Pope paraphrases Horace thus: And who stands safest? Tell me, is it he That spreads and swells in puffed pros- perity, Or, blessed with little, whose preventing care In peace provides fit arms against a war, Imitations of Horace. Satires. ii. 1. 123.] We should provide in peace what we need in war. PUBLILIUS SyRUS. Maxim 709. It is most meet we arm us ’gainst the foe: For peace itself should not so dull a king- Om, ee But that defences, musters, preparations, Should be maintain’d, assembled and col- lected, AS were a war in expectation. SHAKESPEARE. Henry V. Act. ii. Se. 4. The commonwealth of Venice in their armoury have this inscription: ‘‘ Happy is that city which in time of peace thinks of war.” Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy. Pt. ii. Sec. 2. Memb. 6. To be piypaced for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Speech to both Houses of Congress. Jan. 8, 1790. ‘As has been often said, the goal of war is peace; of business, leisure. ARISTOTLE. Politica. iy. 14. We should so enter upon war as to show that our only desire is peace. i CICERO. De Offictis. i. 23. Richmond. To reap the harvest of per- petual peace ; By this one bloody trial of sharp war. SHAKESPEARE. Richard III. Act vy. Se. use, Mihi enim omnis pax cum civibus, bello civili utilior videbatur. I consider that peace at any price with our fellow-citizens is preferable to civil war. Cicero. Philippica. ii. 15, 37. Vel iniquissimam pacem justissimo bello ante ferrem. I would prefer even the most unfavour- able peace to the justest war that ever was waged. i Ibid. Epistle vi. 6. 5. There never was a good war or a bad peace. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Letter to Quincy. Sept. 11, 1773. We love peace, as we abhor pusillanimity ; but not peaceat any price. Thereisa peace more destructive of the manhood of living man than war is destructive of his material body. Chains are worse than bayonets. DOUGLAS JERROLD. Specimens of Jerrold’s Wit. Peace. No more to watch at night’s eternal shore, With England's chivalry at dawn to ride; No more defeat, faith, victory,—O! no move A ae on earth for which we might haye ied. HENRY NEWBOLT. Peace. Archbishop. A peace is of the nature of a conquest ; For then both parties nobly are sub- dued, And neither party loser. SHAKESPEARE. JI. Henry IV. Act iv. Se, 25.1589. King Henry. In peace, there’s nothing so becomes a man, As modest stillness, and humility. ibid. Henry V. Actiii. Se. 1. 1. 3. i * PEACE. 563 Volumnia. That it shall hold com- panionship in peace With honour, as in war. Ber pas Coriolanus. Act iii. Se. I\bring you peace with honour. BEACONSFIELD. Gloster. Now is the winter of our dis- content Made glorious summer by this sun of York; And all the clouds, that lower’d upon our house, In the deep bosom of the ocean buried. Now are our brows bound with victor- ious wreaths ; Our bruised arms hung up for monu- ments ; Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings, Our dreadful marches to delightful measures. Grim-visaged war hath smoothed his wrinkled front ; And now—instead of mounting barbed steeds, To fright the souls of fearful adver- saries— . He capers nimbly in a lady’s chamber, To the lascivious pleasing of a lute. SHAKESPEARE. King Richard III. Acti. POL kids Gloster. Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace, Have no delight to pass away the time, Unless to spy my shadow in the sun. bbe King Richard III. Act i. Se. 1. . 24. Peace hath her victories, No less renowned than war. Mitton. Sonnet. To the Lord General Cromwell. But dream not helm and harness The sign of valor true; Peace hath higher tests of manhood Than battle ever knew. WHITTIER. Poems. The Hero. St. 19. He who did well in war just earns the right To begin doing well in peace. R. BROWNING. Luria. Act ii. Life may be given in many ways, And loyalty to truth be sealed As bravely in the closet as in the field. LOWELL. Harvard Commemoration Ode. But the real and lasting victories are those of peace, and not of war. EMERSON. Worship. The Pilgrim they laid in a large upper chamber, whose window opened toward the sun-rising; the name of the chamber was Peace, where he slept till break of day, and then he awoke and sang. BuNYAN. The Pilgrim’s Progress. Pt. i. War its thousands slays, Peace its ten thousands. BEILBY PortTEts. Death. 1.178. Peace rules the day, where reason rules the mind. CoLLins. Eclogue II. Hasson. 1. 68. Peace and friendship with all man- kind is our wisest policy, and I wish we may be permitted to pursue it. “THOMAS JEFFERSON. Letter to C. W. F. Dumas. 1786. I knew by the smoke that so gracefully curled Above the green elms, that a cottage was near, And [ said, “ If there’s peace to be found in the world, A heart that was humble might hope for it here.”’ MooRE. Ballad Stanzas. ... Verily I do think War is as hateful almost, and well-nigh As ghastly, as this terrible Peace, whereby We halt forever on the crater’s brink, And feed the wind with phrases . . . Wm. WATSON. Ver Tenebrosum. The days of peace and slumberous calm are fled. KEATS. BE. ii. Yet there we follow but the bent -as- signed By fatal Nature to Man’s erring kind ; Mark where his courage and his con- quests cease ! He makes a solitude and calls it—peace ! Byron. The Bride of Abydos. Canto ii. Hyperion, St. 20. Leyton may have had his Tacitus in mind, who ascribes a similar phrase to Galgacus, the leader of the Britons in their battles against the Roman legions at the foot of the Grampian lines. ‘‘ Not East nor West,” cried Galgacus, ‘“‘ would satisfy these Romans. Alone of all people they covert alike plenty and poverty. To plunder, to slay, to harry they miscail empire. And where they make a solitude they call it peace,’— Atque ubi solitudinum faciunt pacem ad- pellant. ] 564 PEDANT—PEN. L’empire, c’est la paix. The empire is peace. NAPOLEON III. Speech at Bordeaux. Oct. 9, 1852. Let us have peace. U. S. GRANT. Accepting May 20, 1868. Nomination. Peace! and no longer from its brazing portals The blast of War’s great organ shakes the skies! But beautiful as songs of the immortals, The holy melodies of love arise. LONGFELLOW. The Arsenal at Springfield. Why do they prate of the blessings of Peace? We have made them a curse. TENNYSON. Maud. i. 6. Falstaf. The cankers of a calm world and a long peace. SHAKESPEARE. I. Henry IV. Activ. Se. 2. In the inglorious arts of peace. ANDREW MARVELL. Upon Cromwell's Re- turn from Ireland. When shall all men’s good Be each man’s rule, and universal Peace Lie like a shaft of light across the land, And like a lane of beams across the sea? TENNYSON. The Golden Year. PEDANT. Wel loved he garleek, oynons, and eek lekes, And for to drinken strong wyn, reed as blood. Then wolde he speke and crye as he were wood. And whan that he wel dronken hadde the wyn, Than wolde he speke no word but Latyn, A fewe termes hadde he, two or thre, That he had lerned out of som decree; No wonder is, he herde it al the day ; And eek ye knowen well how that a jay Can clepén “ Watte’’ as well as can the pope. But who-so could in other thing him grope, Thanne hadde he spent al his philoso- phye ; Bay, 5 Questio quid iuris,’ wolde he crye. He was a gentle harlot and a kinde; A bettre felawe sholde men noght finde. ESD Ee. Prologue to the Canterbury Ss. A servile race Who, in mere want of fault, all merit lace ; Who blind obedience pay to ancient schools, Bigots to Greece, and slaves to musty rules. CHURCHILL. The Rosciad. 1. 188. PEN. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Old Testament. Psalm xiy. i. Biron. Never durst poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were temper’d with love’s sighs. Peart Love's Labour’s Lost. Act y. Se. iii. Sir Toby Balch. Let there be gall enough in thy ink; though thou write with a goose-pen, no matter. Ibid. Twelfth Night. Act iii. Se. 2. 1. 52. I had rather stand in the shock of a basilisk, than in the fury of a merciless pen. SIR a BROWNE. Religio Medici. Cc. 4. Ptic There’ A no wound deeper than a pen can giv It makes men living dead, and dead men ive J. TAYLOR. ercke ees 706|Champion-c. cased in af]. .657 occasions-and cc*¥ 35 everywhere the c.......706|/Champions-—four c. fierce** 36 ot datentuc scone ver me OO maOueudat kee. s rani aes ie 666|- fotin’c. iercets ee Irt Causeway—whose c. partst 288 the unfathomed c...... Goy ts histesarek Soe ee eee 628 Caution’s—cold pausing c.578| very c. of the earth*....453 |Chance-—a noble c. ‘+ ve 5490 Cautious—most c. fall..... ae Centres—my life c......... 476) all ce diréctiona . one 340 IDE TCs etre aspen aks wie Oe ses 74|Centric—with c. and eccen- ashes of iy ¢" 2 ae 61 Cavalrymen—many dead c. 368 trict mimi me as 63| bludgeonings of c......501 Cave—c. his humble....... 352|Centuries—c, fall like...... 316) “Cxrgsoverts-all tis ae .. 109 c. where echo lies*.....516|Century—c. of sonnets..... 503) 4% C.18'a nicknames ee see 109 fait Cie Ue bin haw aid > 376|Cerberus-like c........... 4471 °Clisa word voids... enka 1) SWORE Ils... aaah ee 353] of C. and blackest mid- if c. will have me*..... 109 Cavern-or mossy c....... 380 ribVod a fhsahy 9 Su Reba 44761 ~Kickyte that orcs.) 109 Caverns—c. measureless to .620|Cerere—sini C. et Libero...451| necessity andc.¥*...... 525 Caves—c. of cool recess**519|Cerements—burst their c. * «307] "(no ‘gifts from: C, u... oe eee G, of ocean bear:1s3 +p. MPP gs 100 Cecilia—C. rais’d the wonder 30| there is nothingc...... TOO}, than toc: 2+ Geena .410 divine C. came........ 39'Ceraminis-c. gaudia..,... 73! the mainc. of¥........558 CHANCELLOR 791 CHARMS PAGE PAGE| PAGE Chancellor—c. in embryo...287 Changes—Continued |\Charge—Continued Gjuster StulD corte ois 57| to their c. half their c, to keep Ihave... .2.. 657 Dink tbat is: Os. ce, 4/20 .418 POSEOIST lc octets a3 Rests Oe. with all. vais. ete tee - 73 Chancellor’s—c. encyclo- MO tVelrvO. 1. SrA tn) ea tars 283 \. sary whole. ¢.¥ 0. . oc ee 387 lie down like a tired c.. .184 like a froward c....... +430 make meac...... + isp ee my absent c.f... is..0« . 85 new-born c........ ose nor outgrows the c.....117 CHILD-BED 795 , PAGE PAG Child— Continued Children—Continued nor outgrows the c. m4 men are twice c....... + 22 old man’s twice a c. PA MOOT OS os rsh erGars fee, DS T1s CMe HISY Olu Coe on ane asia Cat BE Te DEY Cait Aeie «4,05 cae 732 OW Me hishcse.). Fo caceke PSO Me LeALWALD. Coord ashardl ae. ha we 217 Pascal Ofta: Cosvuds Sarees 116] rosy c.atthe door...... 25 Saving-a little.c.:, assem 4t BOOLUS OL Oe ins eee ots 2 117 Se Wes A Goh dL ones oeniy aaa ROGUMESDOLLSIOL Cavigetis ies os fer 301 SOOU tliMG) Clo. vee ae. her 627. steal) young Cnn... 27 oes 574 Spoyles the) Cs. «sere mrad Cail ovires Mbtle Gin oay nie dats 115 BAIN IN P.Ob AC. Tye: aapeon 506| their country their c....359 WREFE 1S IN VCs wis. «ght 2804 AAWO C. An tWOnbh. 2. bs sa 433 With ahete Onc ah wine ine -« 506] unless it’s bearing c....505 Child-bed—condemned_ to TON CHGy On), wheveiernas Biss Ber ey ces nt orev 85 ALDOR. TO Cr te. oe catis ers 351 Childe-burne c. feere....243 STI Vin Wah tn ouraue. sich 116 burnt c. dreadeth...... 243) —were allithy. cv¥.....4. 224 Saree Harold—-C. had a where c. would with. ...408 OTS Sp Ae dir Oe a lao |i irk sleprecm ates abt = een eemeans Ff ra Childhood_c. fleeted by. pias wouldst wish thy c..... 29 c. shews the man**, TLOle My OUL CLWELE™ «04 ocksnc cee 116 give me my c. again.. ...558!Children’s—c. teeth are set.3 51 PIVEMMNE Myre: again. ...-475). Miscc. lookSian.ni4 quod os 360 grow into second c..... 22|Child’s—his c. heart...... 117 AUT Y Ce BAI 5, byalts« ax< cueeets OTC CaSO Dey ine acc eats Shacast 116 IDIQCEMIN Cro PS, 6g ante 506| thy c. first lesson...... 530 Scenes Of any; C.26 3... dak 478|Childward-in c. caret... .738 womanhood and c.§....311|Chill—bitter c. it was..... BSS womanhood and c.§....757/Chilo—to C. or Plato...... 407 Childhood’s—down c. cheek 685|Chimzeras—c. dire**....... 714 COMING, wROUN 1 tos ayaa ee Chime-—evening c......... 95 MVOC O TOLL Iii clave cdes SOMGrSOLU Ch. Wendy crs 715 Childishness—is second c.* fen Feit SOQthIN Gj icc ercpese 84 Children—about herowne.. 67} your silver c.**........ 513 asics gath singer. 1528 Chimera—a c. then is man. 462 ATG R Ce Vit wien. hs cotnctey, ae 557| c. buzzing in space..... 53 c. and fooles cannot....425| utrum c. im vacuo...... 34 Cand fooles*. a. occ snc 425|Chimes-c. at midnight*...372 c. but of larger size... .116|Chimney—madeac. in my*, 236 eerust let loose Hao ato. 235|Chimneys-—c. were blown CHICALUG TOM: doe. 3 ceases 182 Gowns cents <5 50 ei ss. 543 c. of a larger growth....116| neighbor’s c. smoke....120 c. of a larger growth. ...116|Chin-—c. that’s bare....... 36 c. of a larger growth....464| close-buttoned to the c. ee c, Of a larger size... ... 464| his c. new reap’d*...... 285 CLOLPAIe! Wut. ts hee als oc 6r2)) rthevdimpled cy taced sore 18 @: of One family, os). ws 606" —vour, ¢..double®s:. . scene 18 c. of the feeble sun..... Ano} China—traihes darts. och 544 GoObs She 1Stil oc rasck. O56 strom OatOnVentus. .. asad e..tutt 60 lisp. os arn se 25a trom. ©. tOe PET bcais8ls 541 TALEO tor o's fae Rete PROM LAL VEIT Ce. oc ha pre fe doteaate i c. sweeten labours.....115}. rich C. vesselsf......... 09 €. that shew? eee ‘ow alll As ava ke ted alt Bien il he le eens at: ease the Tist.o5. sean eur 116|Chink—their importunate c.644 c., wives and grandsires.292|Chinks—c. that time has c. with their play...... 430 AEG OK feo ke he Res orep ets 23 Cc. VOW shoud... . oaks 606| vanish in the chinks.... 23 dp stolen" ea 574|Chins—entailed upon their fits allsnenie.t yi soa 411 senate OR, tay IN is os ela 505 from heir) Cotas. aaa 621 Chintz-a charming c.f....560 PAMESTOL CG. Sy oi -»-.517|Chios—Argos, Athens, C...362 Greatic. haves: 2... ss. 520|Chip—c. of the old........ 352 hath; wite afid’c.: 5. 5. o5 469|Chirping—c. like grasshop- hearts of little c....... 506 ETS Sea EE Ms a < casionttiars 21 his c. one family....... 44|Chisel—Grecian c. trace... 79 PUSWUETIET Ce. sk". Stee c em Chivalry—and truec.*.....223 his wife andc..... eh e RECS SONS > bverese\eroje II if the c. were Be hns és enkhS |. beauty and her,c.l.,.:.:. L161 H&p Or Gan ee ete. 5101" he loved .c......j « Nites? little Comte’ still. a. cates 1 316 Spain’s c. awayll..».+- ext. CHRISTIAN PAGE Chivalry— Continued Spall Ss Cio he Ee 618 with/all thy cit athox 73 with England’s Ce) Rae 562 Chloe—C. stepp’d int.....652 deat Guthisnis acne 493 what can C. wantt.,. .345 Choice—all my ci my...... 492 c. goes by forevertt....540 ©. Of ditheulties: ../...0as 118 GO PMIS Cie! fecsc tae 128 every mind its c....... 119 I struck my c. upon her* 46 fonorancesthys Cues bakes 378 in the happiest c....... 469 Syiipathiy a Cte a. ..0 es 450 thepterrib! Gi teteespos- Pe 119 to say Hobson’s Gun a... 118 WS HODsOn 'S.6.55% oreo ghves 118 where there is no c.....1190 Choices—when better c. . ELS Choir—make our c.*...... 595 the c. invisible... :..... 29 Choirs—bare ruined c.*... 21 Choked-—virtue is c.*...... 33 Choler—aggravate yourc.*, 41 with your c. question*®.. 41 Choose—and ec. aright..... 546 c. whom you may...... 722 Choosers—be noc......... 82 Chorasman-C. waste..... 621 Nig eee c. in unsion.. 83 nga. Aetel eaten: 5 rs Chords—ail the Coline eee ie 30 C@iitl tInis@n’ they ace cere 706 ce thatevibrate oierds 1 aon 516 Gloser cs thane. cate 470 mystic c. of memory... .561 Choristers—be morning’s c. 662 OL GGG. S Ceuta nee 742 Chorus—c. of the Union.. .561 Was TEAdy Caticed. ap aan 4I5 Christ—C. at Cana’s feast. . 03 CratiCanars teastrs. © nt 730 C. hath made us free... .423 C. himself was poor....119 Cina heéavetieiar tase ole 0570 Gaincthe: good: cn sexaiete 700 (IS: TISET cat ete o akon 215 i) tha bas tombe leis sb see. 84 CGsthe Lordas risen. fc. 215 CLNeRCOLG. tae dies ale IIQ C. took the kmdness 687 (> WAS; DOB? a. “dui sigltene 120 Crwas the, words, vce 119 C. went aginty . rigs ee ts 2 710 his captain Cte. oda 327 Wests) ©, 18 TISCH cam a ees 214 © C), that ut, werejin...<305 anlvia) Co rad 8 tas oe .120 Pilate or Cos Sate ~710 TEJOICE. 100 Cesc dele ake 252 senulchre.of GC .2. 6 sess 119 uphold the'C a peace reacts 530 VOLCE OF. Cict nce Bee ene 618 Christian—a C. aga poeiatehy: Asia, On 1S roan OED | blood of a C. man......226 C. and a brute.........398 Cochuldt vcto vp csv neck Se CHRISTENDOM 794 CIVIT PAGE f PAGE PAGE Christian— Continued Church—Continued Coens ae his c... 40 C. is God Almighty’si47'120]* seed of the Gis0') 2 471 best. ‘His"c.. e728 1S. eee C. is the highest style...120; seed of thec........... 471| blows of é To) eee 30 C. of a faith like this....105| some to c. repair }.....515| blows of c. Bees: .sfee 122 C. wrong a Jew*...... .616| the Catholick c........ 622] blows -of c.7. ogee 549 happy C. child...... ...120| toc, in the morning....469| c. and course off 5). 512 ReissacGery tee es waa | Ate Ci Fepamiyen cas es ¥122|')-clutch of c..% 3 oe fee 502 fikeca Oot: eee ane Z00| '*trueves-militant.. 2% 88] mere precedence of c....440 Mor Nas asses tte ae aes 671 | 2 ‘trie to c. and statetf.. :6961" Slave of c.l> tee eae .122 perfectly likea C....... 490 i cteabar gia hae had been slave of ¢.. 3 2 VaR “ . 383 gad goo (Itc eS, Fi es SOO) Cee tC Cee ee se 0 eae 590] some c. to please us....489 to: be:a.G.2%". os Peet Peace LIEN a pi flat countries..... 661] “with such ci* 222 ee 551 Wwroneta Met eee nee Orb |SescabiGh ich tae wha tee 195|Circumstances—c. alter Christendom-thing in C.. .397|Church-going—sound of the Cases?) 23"... +-.3 eee 122 Christianity—of true C.||. ..708 ce bellestaveay eee 841-%c. ate things: 5 te asso 122 ToICe (Ol Cah Peek ies 120|Church-tower-dark c.§...499| c. over which...... SE Christianorum—semen est age yard—-buried in a combination of ©.l5. vena SANZUISH OL tees, Lee AT (FEC) EE ea Se 497) © concatenation of C22). 2a Christians—blood of C. is. .471 little COUNTY Cissus owes 31|" concatenation Of c. 7) ca5 122 ipritisny ©. 1000s ose se Aso\ Vv vitttle Country: s ses 3281) creature of C:. sos eee ..122 Ss have burnt se... ye $8) Raw sven ae ste se 1.2831 creature Of'C. o.. va sane 122 , JEWS\One he tees ae O74) tthe TePStOle. ay. ican ee 426)" fortuitous )C.. oat eee 5 C ‘love one another..... 120|Church-yards—when (e fortuitous’ CG). +. e.. ae 122 mens COQ Cin see ee 120 VOW Wate sce eee =99| harmony Of C.se oe -340 Seed OF Cee te ee eee 477) oowhen €eyawps. cose. 300 *sport of cillt =. ee tere ere 122 SOrmiatly: Ca walltts . ee 373|Churl—one lowc.f........ 664] suitable toource...... . 587 sthink vale. to ae Grr top stare Chee tae 8 Citadel—of Heaven's c. .570 what these C. are*..... 120|Chylde—(child) c. were bet- Sea-pirtci| Oe ee - 627 Christ-like—C. is it for sin§ .646 Ternto See eee eras 377 |Cities—brotherhoods in c.*.552 CHubiscasscGhe tS eee 231|Cicero—Demosthenes or C..116| c.andtocourts........ 123 Christmas—C, blocks are Demosthenes or C,..... 552] c. humming with...... 123 mrnig Slates ees 2 ¥20) oid Crsay*. 24 333 | c)please ws" ee 123 C. comes but once...... $20) tpassagein Cree aoe x20| first, among tC. ole a ces 623 C. I no more desire*..., 11/Ciceron—le grand C.. ¥-375| syhum Of DUSV C.. eee 123 night before C.. ...121|Ciceronem— Roma patrem man's art built cS 122 Christo—gaude in OAtsal. 252 Pairae Cnn PEON, 266| ramparts of ourc. eee 344 Christ’s-support of C. gos- Ciceronian-his C.glory|l)r{ s's2 || “swan of ¢.SeL. eee . FOG pelo ehieene ete .472|Ciel—le c. taidera......... 351 |Citizen—c. of the world. ...143 Chrononhotonthologos-—left Cigar-give meac.||....... 603] c. of the world. 3 ees you Glass wae eee, »49|Cimmerian-—C. darkness omen c..2. ee eee Chrysalis—or the c........ 604 OCT PERIL Ay oe 199|Citizens—called her c......623 Chrysolite—entire and per- \Cinders—c., ashes, dust.. 4 5x|° ‘c. with terror||...... = .agae fect clk COs aaa se 308| c. of my spirits* Aacaberenycte 6r|* hearts of-our C. 7... . gee Chuck—dearest c.¥....... 380|Cipher—and c. too........ "630 made Ws Colts eee 464 Chuckle-—One’s fancy c....415| writeandc.too........ 421| makes them od A Co). ao Church—a'c: door®: 3. 755 |Cipher-key—the c. where- Tworce Whos eee « va. Oe atc. with meek........ 124 sot HE Nee codec MP ie 415|_ well-being of its C. . 266 ales c. and synago- i\Circenses-Panem et C.....301|Cito—quic. dat........... 300 ee ee pret ele 437|Circle-c. bounding earth. . 191 |Citron— drinking c. witht. .540 eiias acy to Godper=. . 407| c. bounding earth,..... 379|Citronen—wo die C........ 304 c. alone beyond........ 122) *‘cwhis throne**, 274." 7 . 39|Citrons—limes and c......270 coand-clergy,. soo), oer. 122| °c. in'the water®. .. ¢..., 311|City—of the soull|.........624 Cunniitant: 5 ta. nos, 150| c,mark’d by heavent...266| c. that is set on........420 ©; without: a bishop .*.%.2182'|, *san the’er {3a ei 506] c. which in time of...562 court, canrpo'c. [Mr ae. 456| swinging round thec.... a8, built. aco. 32% cis chen eee God -built:a/c Sees se. Ty, awithin thatecs.. 12. 637] - first co Cainve.— cs see gospel c, secure........ 122'Circles—c. are praised..... S20)" Broly eet ae reer T-likeac.38e ao aare Fhe pied oS haee~ c. nulle language isac........-411 immunities of the c. SY CANN Ih et DATE Lae oat. Sees -706| march against thec.....661 inside of -a0.%., 62.8.4 .121 iSrediatere: through all my oO ef thes 5 tee sme4Og knoll’d toc. es eee 557 GISTs OM ie eee pats 453| populous c. pent**....123 man may eryicy. yea 377 |Circulation—purpose of c...634| small and obscure c.... 2 near to. thee. Seo 81s 121\Circumference-its c. no- taketh’ a ic. 5... sae = 134 ne’er to the c......... 121 MVE Go ).tr ates Seas 706) there is the c....... e007 never hadvas,.i% 31.9 ..121/Circumlocution—c. office was this ‘desert ¢.¥. 22 mee 1374 nor.is)/Pails'citess see ee 283 beforehand’). 00h 418} ‘whole "ev. /=a) © ae Re iy: outside the-c.: S35 7.% .621|Circumspection—great prov- Cives—servare roe oe’ ..- 206 scale of the c. jee ero oe 195 idence and c...... . -469|Civet—c. in the room......567 scandal of the c....... -312|Circumspice—monumentum musk and ¢,... 2... ie whee @pesd C.¥. 5. i eces yee eee“ TECHIES CE CS 08 0 hb. eAOF ounce Of GF 6. ope eee ee ae ee ey c os at ie Ee pn eee eee ee ee > 2 a eS ee ee eee ee ae CIVIL — Civil-a Ce habitus, & . nar 795 CLOUDS Cleobolus—attributed to Cu iar Clock—Continued sea grew c.at*,........481/Cleon-C. hath a. MAA Nihil SS A. Cui sparse meron ees 431 BOS WAL Ne tc ees nt ae 562/Cleopatra—nose of ios Ba aot a! be spe the: Varnish dG... 13 PCR OV UDR yt ce ae réyie since , died*®. -.... ... .194|Clocks—are ploughmen’s c.*412 Civilities-sweet c. of life. ..443|Clergy—an Arminian c....600} c. were strikino§......, 499 Civility—c. not seen*...... Sean CHU and Co. i... nes 122|Clock-setter—time the c.*. 691 Bitcimootl C.F 3%. a. Pee VICES OL BG (Ce veces cxeusy ois 711|Cloister-shady c. mew’d*, 712 Civilization—founders of hu- Clergyman-if a c.|....... 427|Cloisters—studious c. pale**r 24 EL Ms Seat oi ove eye n tne 25/Clerk—a c. foredoom’dt...578|Close—c.. of the day...... 235 Civillzes—presence c. ours. .693} goes the c............. P2AW easing sto 1S. +. weed 68 Civis—c. Romanus suum. ..623|Clerkes-gretest c. ben Close-ear’d—be c. and..... 401 Civium—commutandoc.....322 PIG tela rae etre ease cm ous 408|Closed—c. are those eyes. .560 Clamor—c. such as heard**, 73 oa eee suppose me Closet—bravely in the c.tt.563 PTOUAIv ATi Gee, Sor ae a okawt AGO: 4 Cs Meaney OS TR a wats SAGO. ISetO;DIGs oak, actin ene 05 iamour’d—c. the fares ie Who: DerCh ancy aor, s45 8\Cloten’s-what C. being PEt Peet et eign cies cc 543] we can be more c. than DETER ee eke ea cet 352 Clan--Alpine ’ s c. warriors OTN Ci da stn Fats chorea re 2|Cloth-according to her c.. 12 CUS etre BSR, ec awec ep cued + ae Rdaaygy atl Ul ovoutes sien eee temas 32rhs aecordinge to thy cx. .0,.52 Clang—c. or metal........ 3|Clew-—c. to direct........ 835 saccording to yourc..., 112 Clapper-tongue is the c.*. or fhe lostrc§ sheaiwte telus. SOS atten WV. . bk ok a hare 12 Clapper-clawing—another } c.195|Clients’—their c. causes....419] cut your c. sir......... I2 MNe ano ther’ Cone ac: 04). 160)>_ tol make Ca layisee ec aoe 4201) drink and. C..tO; US. 281 one another c..... =....605|Cliff—on the firm c........ 400 bag Match wyroOuUL Cre. webaete 12 Claret—c. is the liquor for..209] some tall c........... .507|Clothed—c. it with life. ...418 UC Ce Ce ee ae 2441Cliffs—c. which had been..232} isc. best.............. £03 PUNE OFF Cl a ge ete cs 471|Climate—through every c..459|Clothes—c. are all the suul. 204 Clarion-sound the c...... 131|Climb—c. not at all... 0.3% 255| c. but winding-sheets. .497 Clarissa—drawn C. down{.652] c. the steep........... BOO). Lc. of the-dead's. = -cscus 5 407 Clark-C¥ in* hiss. cx 420), tose steep Hills® oO, 2. a. ATs OULMtLtO, DOKienacdhlukendes 204 Clarkson—abolition: of C... 332) , wotld I co... hk... Hare SAl ee RANCHES IICo- wie Seca 203 Clash—armies c: by night.. 24] whowouldc.......... SS UEC OTIS, Cx, ia eye 537 Clash’d—c. and hammer’d}372)|Climbers—hasty c. quickly.341| suit ofec............... 59 Clasp-to c. herstill ...... 662|Climber-upward-c. turns Clothing—c. the palpable. .537 waves c. one another. ..406 Hismtacet et. .K. aa 3 CLOUG=O) Lith} waa seers 738 Clasps-in gold c.*........ 98|Climbing-—c. up a hill, . 200m ian SAD Ler C0 Praia 1 Rasacts 125 Hite wOL Ee. t Aeae Sos OSEAN ive VET C.T os oe ak ieee TPE DOW sll tilexCarar ry ese rae 607 Class—ali this cf: “tea, 5. 491 |Climbs—-that c. highest....254| c. lay cradled......... 126 BIAECONG Ot acces ate~ 5-2 324|Clime-—c. forme.......... Srl Gn takes alka iw. sacs 455 Classic—on c. ground. 204, ~Colds inves. arellc cs 5. bs sues A Olle Ce OL Wilthlessese tee areas 735 Claws-c. of the beast..... 2071 -.poldenm C! was]. ca... 6 ou 570| c. that’s dragonish*. . 288 CMa teat 5.60.05 ates sag, growth of CVeny Cor.s ce 34[2.c. which: wrapSiiy si... i Clay—c. of human kind....533| ravage all the c....... - 23} communion with the c.||. eae Ci which her own-c.||. ..... 73 -soft.as her c.l]. ......... SAS -Oibia! \CASTCHTU Carre ac. at atersuanete 675 foolish-compounded c.*.414| some brighter c........ As Alba ta Stag VATHO Coss wena ste ae 504 Pochawiromior, gue. ick SrT lee thereastermiCat.. c:a a.. cee ROO OtiG Ww ihiten Corrie tone EX. Hope that Moiese. . ee Eaee ROuC thy: Clit. auch 22 ANON Lys AGia iCall itecobcuten i 278 Hig witiningies: 2... aos. 584|Climes—humors turn with DMS that eC Masa eel ATS Meaty OE Cs ob 5.cta reine sh o> 584 CUT ee. MTD Pee Onn AOS PIDULA DIC: Cy, Mo shss,seheBacals 522 Miere: COlGsC oF v Ne peis due: 275| . turn with c. ae Se EEN BsGirt NOres, NO@SPCC Kish. a-c¥e Ge Of TianyATiGuet toe beset ae ona eet THETIC Wi bil ui arereu-tooe vite SOOT IME DOW AsCid oak Geo ap oisi ieebeae 408 OF Parte Ce ah co, oF ions Ars elio—prousht your C o.cmie5 £2) isablece 8 eae tow. shes 367 HOtter ATese eae vee = Reema. VETENUGIUT Eka hase tas, bas OOO SASEUEIIN Ex. Ct aayeter eae bane hi Dar bei eee tater a fetes 463 couplet which mentions GUITITIOE S Cie haba s ale, one 742 Soll rit Hcerteks sane oie te ne 506 2 ay NC eRe Ce gS Basta ioes comer at aie Gx eae 360 tenementcotc. et. so ss 23 Cloaca-c. of uncertainty to c. with my presence. .476 tenement of hae dette eho BmGe aa Ha 2 a, BENE a 462] your dropping Cie ie 663 turned “to, Oe" eee ees 501 |Cloak-to carry on....... 319| yonder c. that’s *....,. 125 was common.c.}....... Pe ie ld Oa em 4 .650|Cloud-folds-c. of her gar- Clean keepucs,. < sche ssi 493 paca Cc. around 2 athe 320 MENtS$-. rs cane ayy ee Cleane—new broome sweep- LG te Ee 08 Cloudsbehin d. thei c.$51, 4.467 Ebi (Get S; Sancta 37 Gipake- thine old c. about base contagious c,.*....610 Cleanliness—-c. is indeed BBE Ceo ai sit Mista oo cee eke 205| c. a humorous liningt{.125 Bek. sc: nn oe 123 |Cloaks—cast, your c....... 556. .c. and. échpsesksnsauuties 267 c. into godliness....... L25 PeeDUb OM NEI C4". «, con a.e 543| c.are lightly curled*....318 Cleanness—c. of body..... 123 |Clock—c. does strike...... 473) C. at MOMMING espe as ance 126 Clear—as c. andas........ 535) scy..does notestrike.. 5... 372| c. his chariot «:-+......313 Gunna Cali, .-, sss 2... Jr 284 Cobwebs-gnats in c...... 248 lawsiare like: Gl. on 416 JAWS avert kercn ms. 1 ce 416 laws were like c........ 416 Cock—c. as thinks........ 700 G. fights Dest) ohne 359 CENA AS Urle™. te ee 126 c. that’s silent and..... 468 c. with lively din**....127 cfrowing of the c.*.-.... I21 crowing of the c....... 308 early village c.*....... 126 PASCINALINIS WC wa en ee 535 morning c. crew*...... 127 DiickedtasGs Awe te wes 460 CDEC Crewe. per 126 THIS Suda Cr ete cis cee as as 553 PIS 1Sta. Cates Se aaa 553 Cocking-—c. of a pistoll|....210 Cockle-—c. wild oats...... 422 his c. hat and staff... .. 205 SOW ORC es nae 340 Cockle-shell-heave a c...308 Cockloft-—c. is empty..... 343 often the c. is empty. .308 WHOSE Ce lst cr er rteee 6 308 Cock-pigeon—Barbery ce. OVERRE sere heen 743 Cocks-fighting c. or...... 528 Cocoon-c. on its own thoughtstt We ee, 486 hig *Owil (Cite pean ee 754 Codlin—c. ’s the friend. ...200 Codling—a c. when ’tis*...311 Codrus-laughter C,f..... 284 Coelo-eripuit c. fulmen,..202 Coelum-c. non animum. .607 UAE CE tacre sein inyele eerie Maree 400 PUIG We cee tee Ra teee 401 Cceur-—t: c. valtant rien 382 n’avions qu'un Cc, ...... 705 Coevals—his ownc........ Boy Co-exist-cannot c........ 557 Coffina citiewr.:2- + sen 676 Carer tov Gun Gia ae hae 4I4 TIO TUSGLESS Grane tie aeyeree 320 Cog—deceive and c*¥:..... 273 smooth deceive and c*. .363 Cogitation-in cogibundity OL lee Siete ere tenner 749 Cogito—c. ergo sum....... 687 Cohesive—c. power of..... 583 Cohorts—c. were gleaming|| 58 Coil— c. that’s made*..... BF )k3 ee Ghat Sima iet cc snes ene 754 this chthadist. ps wee es 2 7 this mortal es Cele 671 Com=liettt Coie. cle as 274 the Go biberiuc ces see 5 the Ctirrentecw ers me iets 650 were lawiul ¢...:0.. Ta 26 COMBA TA NTS x. PAGER ‘Coincidence-strange c.||...110 Coincidences—numerous c, , Should |.) yee ee 356 Coins—as c. are harden’d. .541 minted c. €XPTess...... 310 Conjure—c. with ’em*. 516 Cok—she hadua cs) aes 126 Cokaigne—land that height ~ Soe ath. ¢. ¥en 62 Cold=c: for the hof -2. 8 6 S in clime arell..;... ee 450 c. performs the*¥*,..... 350 darkness’and ¢..7eeee 433 hunger best and c...... 222 looks" s6"C.{ >. 2 eee 422 lovers grow ¢.:<.......458 meéasures thee)... ee 602 shake against the c.*... 21 Sleep forvci[y). .. << «eee 380 Colde—and soone c....... 455 hot love soon’c..... ate ASS Coleridge-S. T. C........ 127 Colic=c. pangs**.... -. sam 104 Coliseum—stands the C.||..620 Collar—braw brassc.. 2.4.8 305 Collars—her c. of the moon- shine ’s*. 2. eee 200 College—endow a cf...... 728 Colliersand'a C5... 15 606 Collop—a deere c......... 276 c. Of my Hesht 7. ae 274 Cologne-city of C........ 620 Colonies—the C. raised... .673 those United'C.... = ee 384 Colony—without one dis- senting "C3.5 2. 384 Coloquintida—bitter as c.*, 281 Color=c. of his: skin ae 648 horse of that e* ae 370 Colori-minium ne crede ¢.757 Colors—blended c. glow]. ..554 Colossus—like a c.*....... 330 Colour-—c. pass’d the Tyrian Vern muerte Ree Shs 205 lifetct amc ee eee .. 418 thy: nighted c.4\ <9 een 508 Colours—c. a suffusion....399 tinder. gospél cc... Wee 17 Colt=c. that’s back’d*...77 62 €> WhOuS Wwisel |. yoo 471 that’s ac. #5.) Jo. eee 371 Colts—and unhandled c.*. .513 Columbia—C, the gem of. .225 C. to glory-arises...eaaae 34 C.torglofy arise. 2yeee » 34 Hail C) happy land wees 34 sons‘or Cry <2 34 Columbas—vexat censura c,.416 Column-—thou nameless c.|/626 Columns-in useless c. tos- ’ ig AG, te 568 round, broken «cia see 3905 oS oe yk flavam religas . ate Side eee 203 Gaines L Cotte. oe eee 481 Gof pearlf? 2) enc sae 481 Combat-—c. deepens..... Posy (| hardstoicsy as cee +. One vie est UN C.... 100s aoe bh Combatants~—c. are lost... .606 ig ule yee oN aed aaa ae. ae = «ar 1 COM BATS 797 COMPARE PAGE PAGE Combats-c. nature...... . 33 |Coming—Continued BoabrCs lOVEL©.) aeons ae SAMBA Ol LHe LOrds: 4. treet «6 615 who c. bravelyi. .:. ase. 5 Tipe COO MAMIE Ch. 3.013 4S Pee .288 who c. bravelyf........ tS fee eOOG: tine O,..<5 saerlaeoe 550 Combattre—peut c. derechef 193| mark our cil.......... 372 Combination-—c. and ‘a iidas onour, Cll. Maceianyey. 723 form*® \. fee Aer 461| welcome thec.t........ 371 Combine—bad men c...... 627| welcome the c......... B71 had, Men .Ch.../oak see 705 welcome thec.f{........ 723 Combing-—c. her hairf..... 481 welcome the ¢.i, sss. . 723 Combustion—of dire c.*....543|Command-—a limited c...>. 37 Come-—all things c........ is SO Wahies, UIE CHICL . 4 ah tite athe eae 365 c.in the evening....... eae IN TIGL, pola elshe aerate 350 c. in the evening....... 7241) c. shows the man...... 322 Ceritymtisth-ws ach «Cases 495) comfort and c.9.... «2; -741 C:, Noth WHEN] os gales Z 20 MENG CATING All. 2 bale ese 403 ©, of8fe:challeaon88 Kite h: POE Wipehe: IOVS Clare scs,6 slsteccshe 470 o.one cs alae. ene. 634) Palicwthis wee. CRE Sore 728 cs#torme:; soon sire aac: BSH hm ATO, Cet ca eerisie « oct ey 737 SUMO Neer ree ck 613) Sonly.im Gks sd). Mere ee 308 cawhat mary), ss c1i2es Sty Pet VaIS IDyCet | aeuteesee oe. 610 cut afidiic: againis+%2.. 106|Commander-their dread DIENS Ma Vo CF ieeetoele cigs 4 621 Ce St OM, ARP Pe Pelle ea 187 PLOLMEO. 6 yt eng ote ie eke a 601|Commandment-thy ec. all prepare for what is toc. 7 alonets. xi. teh: 477 things come round§.. 716 Commandments-c. in your Will. ehsound tone i mole 559 TAC CHAE RAR cola, ato es 240 VOU Viate eit Ieee. ALS pCa IlelsiS [ACE syadloupere ots. c 240 Comedy—c. to those shawa keep his) chives asiad ations 313 AAAS Sb ore cwracia, Ghana ete ale = 431|Commandress-the great c.291 c..to those who........ 751 the ‘ereat.-Gi- ws o9.8 sii 330 Comely—attyre bee c...... 203 |Commands-those he c.*. . .687 Comer-—grasps in the c.*.. ad Commemorated-c. as the grasps imitheccrth? ee. ..: Gaye Shs... cv meee? 384 Comers-—all c. of the woridogr Commend-c. extol*...... 724 Comes-—everything c. if...550 everything crif........ 716 Comet-—c. of a seasonl|..... 329 HG :c..Seen ts. 2... 215 82 543 Cometh—he c. nott....... 3 Laven ark a10) Hi eae oye ean ee 302 hec.torth likes swe nl ox 501 Comfort—all the c.¥....... 127 be ofesood Css. sh eee 83 c. comes too late*...... 127 c. comes too late*...... 506 CUsa cripples..c2k ooc12 527 c. scorn’d of devilst. 656 ito. MNViaAgera 4 aes. 19 cto my agekads cose 601 ALD, OCLC Sa eery Sakon. thas 106 TL bee cold:c* gre gens a. 183 not anotherie.* wa.n ee 546 our. c.. flows sscee@er.. 378 to c. and command]...741 to: co frien dS tence Sh Seok 113 whence can c. spring ..127 Comforter—thou true c....172 Comforters—c. in sorrows... 97 miserable c. are ye..... 127 Comfortless—c. and _ horri- CF sik ee OS a etnt 527 Comforts—c. here but..... 596 ein» Heaven*: sciiie.e 106 ENJOYS, MOre Cece d . aoe 140 our creature c:* 55 3. ewlen 127 peat ll GO... a4) «ieetewteds 587 Coming-—c. events cast....544 GS events. cast «0. cqeeeae 600 CPT GWOT a's Pol oc hth bce Commendeth—obliquely c. himself: 447 ais Mees 108 Commends-c. the play... .220 Commentator-transatlan- (OTERO HOGI Dra ae 622 Commentators—c. each dark passagenwrat. « 152 c. each dark passage... .675 give mec. plain........ 152 give Mele: plain te je. 5. 675 Commentary-—life a c. on THEEKt shy pa eee 231 Commerce-c. binds the. ..590 G.-COlLd. DeEstows. ese. al. 207 e. could bestowliveicc. 667 c. from dividable shores*5 52 c. which now attracts... 35 in. matters of C.s tive 158 our.c? in peace®ic sie. 563 Company-—and high-lived c. é 33 choice Of his Or, ese laees 128 c. he is wont to keep. ...127 crhe keepsisy. ara sy- aanies 127 Cit: Keep Tha kath.cto eee I27 Gu, Villainous, C75 hie 128 good c.andgood...... .128 good c., good wine*....723 good c. in a journey. ...128 hes pretcy Cyamneeeer 286 rh a Tie ose AC AE MER ea Be 8 382 misery, loves..C..ify As: 480 tell mei thy- Cosas tase: 127 Compare-c. great things WILT ite 2 8 ees itn tec .120 c. great things**®...<....139 COMPARISONS _ PAGE Comparisons—c. are odious129 c. are. odorous. 224i 20 c. made between...... .129 c. make enemies....... 129 CG, dovolt.timetaiw ce fet 129 gloomy Chol. Seat 380 Compass—all the c. re Bb Sirgen 573 Can, Ch more eae, ISI c: more thant Aen 2630 26 fatthiniyetin:. .....0. eae 263 his bending fickle c.*...454 mind anyaer ees Ee te 641 Narrow: cin Tee ae 310 poimts, Of the Gris.% Yon. 35 POIMtSsOLNELere he tees. 561 Compassion—and c. join’d.331 Horels obec ae 479 colirageandic...2 28055 145 TIIASE IG Cy anetee tans tees 480 side Of eS ae 30 9 Compensations—world of c. 6490 Competence—peace and c.{343 peacelandi ogre rain 404 peace andic ts fis eee. 686 Competency-—c. lives long- GLENS UNFIT EL AOI 76 Compilers—all c. who..... 574 Complain—but not c.||..... 450 should ourselves c.*.... 16 Complaint-—is a fatal c. .429 Complexion-—c. of virtue... 92 COIOUE ANG Cl. sco ee 418 hea tures OLiOs.se. aimee for tiny cet. Meas. BR KOcEHIS. Cio Welete nctat ube ts Complexions-—coarse c.**.. 77 Compliance—and sweet c.**726 Complies—c. against his will521 Compliment—chick of c.f. .274 Compliments—like c....... 509 man %6f cure see. wees 285 many hollow c.**...... 274 Complying—most c7 when. .744 Compose-the best c....... 574 1 maranatha in his 5" a yi to Ne Sete Ele ksie we Sie" de ATV GF, aE BI ae 65 let your literary c...... 65 Comprend-/’on parle ne c. DASA oA ete eet 481 Comprendre-tout c. c’est. .703 ROUt CATENA, tI Nn 703 Compromise—on c. and Darterter, Gia) ALAC 132 eepamerge grt | heavenly GRR QUE OSs 525 mapas TLPOTLC Hea ewes 55 Sweetic. dotht*.7 377... 51 Comrade-unpledged c.*. ene Comrades—brave enough c. 670 ce let us'Sing Ne, 6S <2 + +359 Concatenation-c. of cir- CUMSTANCES ose te 5 of circumstances....... 122 c. of self-existence..... 749 in ac. accordingly..... 305 Concave-—c. of that fluted note tore heil’s c.** » 6 jee. 1¥ a 6 eos" ev 8 we Ie 798 PAGE PAGE Conceal—as to c. them... .659| Confession—Continued + nee 7 c. than discover.......659} norefugefromc...... whereby toss) 245.5% 7650:\l 2 Open.c..1s8| good, 74a ae 138 Concealing—hazard of c....711/Confessor—ghostly c.*..... 72 Concealment-—c. like a Contide—man mayc....... 280 VOTING as diets deh a oP ee 132/Confidence—brisk c. still. "7ae : Conceit—c. in weakest bod- c. isa plant of......., Tks LOST i ET cs oe ee 1321.9 :¢, iS.a thing notin +a ee 133 Comayipuiia he oi enoe T321° growth. of c,.- mene oe 133 cCeimore richin*®. fest 132|/Confident—and c. to-mor- fofideepVclwre. 2 9a see 660 TOWS] Sic aree alee 114 Hassin@iall cwwhe eee. 660}. c. and kind¥Se3u% 1. ee 610 the Cadvance «1st .tk. + 414|Confine—hies to his c.*....661 their. high cle Sein 522|Confin’d—cribb’d, c.*......269 their high GAG steaks 752| cribb’d, c., bound*......355 ivileckes in 2b paeterh tee. 244 \esicribb .d,.c.% tet eee wise in his own c....... 13 2|Confinement—expectation wiser in hisownc....... 132 and C..: s\.e=\ouerae aaee 366 Conceits—wiseinyour ownc.132|Confirmations—c. strong =a Conception-in his c. proofs® . (ak vee 05 wretched was ot) came 427)\Confiteor—c. si quid prodesinss Concern-least c. other Conflagration—a mighty c.. 83 peoples. Aen pee 469 /|Conflict—fierce the c....... 93 Our Manse: sees 608} heat -of- 0.9. 5 )..ge eee 654 Concerns—vast c. of...... 506); . Noise 70h Cote a. eee 73 Concessions—by reciprocal the rueful’c.4 7 pee 480 > Wale Maeehae a .......132/Conformity—-in most re- Cc. of the weak iin .ie. 132 quest; 1S\.c.: aise Ly Ycencise—laboring to be c.. . 101 | Confounded—confusion worse Conclusion—a foregone c.*. 221 CoE aren 2 eee 180 lame and important*...221|Confronts—which c. us... .582 Concoit—ce que l’onc... .756|Confused— ~harmoniously. c. t5s2 Concord—Boston and C....526|}Confusion— . and lies..... 188 Concordia-c. +es parvae c. heard his voice**. 552 CLESUNTIS A os.gh ee o4 |) cin my powers*., soe 52 Concurrence—a fortuitousc. 5] c. now hath*..:....... 510 Condemn-c. the fault. 645| c. sought the shade..... 235 Chan aoe Wad eke Rene 288| c. worse confounded**. .180 Condemnation-—of c. or ap- in. .swéetitss. 2 ee. eee 414 TOOLT Ge. tivoin ae ck ees 419 |Congregation—-pestilent c. Condemn’d-c. whole years of. Vapours® Ee ene 475 in absencef.s). 2:24. the. latgestici. 3.54. 121 justice on the self c.||... paar Congress—c. of Vienna... .101 Condemning-—c. what we Conjectures-jealousies c. co .627 not understand...... 108 | * rweary Of Chl... aah 381 Conditions-c. which con- Conjuction—an ominous c.. 62 fronts n-csauiel see ee 582 |Conjuration—what c. and #681 Conditions—our soft c.*....3 3 Cos aa horrible to ‘pur. soft. Chighws 2 gS oe, oo CAT. 2 735 regardeth no Cy. ..4%%'.5 456 Conlarect c; thee*. ...): . 1587 Conduct—begins in his c. ape ishe. did .c-shim*.a Gee 555 cannot igivelcit Foie « to ¢,. much... cemented 305 characters*andci a Aes Conkling—C. in nominating c. and equipage........ 465 Gratit:> o2cavr Cet ae 38 esti might: ve a ae 591 |Connait-et ne sec. pas.... 38 the. en truet. nee etent 15:2." \€t NC/SE-6,.PaSaneai. ee 407 wrong c. appear right... 55|Connaitre—que chercher c...190 Conduits—c. of my blood* 20|Connections-no c. there. . 2588 4|Confederacy-c. of nations. 606 |Connu_il meurt c. de tous. .407 LITO OF Ca. seeks ee 704 |Connubial—c. love turned. .553 Conference—c. a ready man 96)|Conquer-c. all mysteries. .572 civ Teadyi mani. elee 600} ' tc.-but ito save! sce cee 710 Confess—c. yourself to hea- C.nwe Muster ee 272 PERS tere Gee eae ess 133| c. willing hearts**...... 570 T WilkGacs, Gx v5 Fee ee 33] 0 does.c. him eee 4 . 458 Confessed—absolv’d who except. to "Cf.mwe oases ~525 has-6, Wes AN CULL SS. 133" ‘stoops to mies... 4. ee 448 Confessio—erranttmedecinac133| wont toc. others*. .224 Confession—c.be a medicine1r33 |Conqueror—becomes a C.. » 480 c. of our faults.........133| c.in the Olympic games, 301 CONQUERORS PAGE Conqueror—Continued RLS AEE oS eu: on 01310 wee oe 134 Gite aCe Gore ante. uk oT Conquerors—beats all c....170 c. should havell.... 357 Grewugier cs, és. 607 Conquers—absence c. love. 3 Tee UNACE Did ck artes 133 riborc.call things. «se. 409 PP PLORIL TLC. Cais tk ola axe ne 480 Conquest—ance tors up to 280 cee SOMO i Oe 1 SIAR 2 47 c “has explored’: «ci. - 134 c. have been fools...... 37 OLTitSGlit iF ae eeu, Sy 2 224 GIT SUCS.. i Gene 32 a 134 “honor friends c.*¥*...... 490 WALUITC OL ACh. foc-s rere 562 TAVCROIS Go rhe, echt. econ a 7° Synipathy:or Of C:. .. .;.. 471 Conquests--all thy c.*..... 502 PES ICAU COAGEN Ute. oho: 6i-aec 563 Consanguinity—no touch of c.* wan! poveiies o. Sils,, ahaa o' lg ee tk Conscience—a burthen’d c. AS CIEE e 20 tetera eke ic hae 492 A BOOGIOHS@ fe spss oeraw > 505 ae tie be Culen Sars, < crcicsene 88 celestial fire called c....136 congratulating c. cheers. 20 Gs AVOOMESTICON 50 oe cree 365 RenetSn NESS KANO Pires vos onic 711 CPA MIN cote oer ecsnscehactiote 135 c. does make cowards*. .134 en Hold nis courts. =o. 716 c.does ake cowards*. .671 @ POO My 1OLas, cc. ess 136 ce. have vacation....i... 136 c.in everything........ 136 Grinto what®®c....°... 134 c:is but'a word*....... 136 c. never makesf....... 4 eProp him thats ic...) 418 Bvor-therskind*? ut. T216 c. rarely gnawsl|....... 137 c. that undying serpent .136 c. the bosom hell. ...... 136 €) to-our dealing... >... 142 c. wakes despair....... 134 c. wakes despair¥*..... 340 c. with injustice®. ..... 137 powardl Coy Sar ee 134 3 fantastic thing called c.. free: fron Oy ce a 258 SHI Ol ees se ee Pies ee 510 cultwrG:.24. ses Cee, 134 SUES oe ain fe in 136 BE Gx GIOAT oo e/a aa aedbis hun I40 PSE Coil te crenata eee 137 lenow swoat C18"... 0. a 456 PATS Ge 8S ef, Sees 136 minis: C. Wwitat’ 1s: S. . oe. 402 piyecemnath ake Ss: 136 move. chills herf "os. > o. 560 Meacerarc. FF)! 8 ee 252 misabovea* 2... ; 572 still and quiet-ci*...... 137 tie curiena of oS): 92 thw o. flies out*®........ 135 799 PAGE Conscience—Continued OTE TIGL Otis 5. 6 shane- cae 539 what c. dictatesf..... .136 when c. wakens........ 134 WOERIODE: Cit ale dooss cattle ers 136 VADISE.|OL Coataie oiate' s/s theres: 136 Consciences-guilty c. al- VERY SA sient Cowen cb pel Sak 134 miuliy:, Cus make igo" oul. 134 Conscientious—and c. men.612 peace sriete as c. remain- EX ae he ee ere 478 iivecktte. i c. to thee. ...509 Consecration-the c. and .581 Conseil—la nuit porte c.....528 Consent-from c. and cus- DOUIG fee caSpo anise suas oe 418 Tiwill-ne'ericaane....s.. -350 Ts wrlline ene ic. ons 533 SilencéaSives Ci... 24 «+0. 643 understood ‘to-Gx..4,,. << 643 Consequence—thing of c...432 Consequences—logical c. are44o0 3|Consented—will ne’er con- BEYEICd eer wea Dake: 533 Consentire—qui tacet c.....643 Consents-she half c....... 350 Conservative-c. govern- PMOL Gs Myce ais eic.et he 138 Consider—c. in silence. .... 650 Consideration—c. like an FY seg Ns Wee a aE ee Se 610 less share of ourc....... 537 Considers—who c. too much355 Consilio-in c. constan- TlenSie eee. cis atone Consiliis—stultttzam c. bre- DEVE Oi Te SS Jon us Consistency—a foolish c. is. 33 Go Sa JEW ge, 5 oan, rence 13 Geastitlew asia icsecte cis one 138 with c. a great soul..... 138 Consistent-the foolc.f....556 who ‘try to be ¢C...%.. «+ 138 Consolation-c. to the WretCheGswe acd ais creas 480 IGG TORICS EE oro em ates 457 Consoler—death the c.§. 17 4 Consort—make up full c. +e +512 Constable—c. of the watch* 582 night-watch cF... 2... 448 Outrin the C5... -u..ci cals 167 Constance—council of C....534 Constancies-whose c. ex- 12,08 =19 Seog yn I Constancy—commendeth a WOMAN EAN Co. sass 138 Ge ALONG 15m 4.210kd doveus caus 139 CeMOVC LI s.c 5 ane eS. s 1390 vii Ste snes ante || eer a en + P52 e@. lives:in realms. ; ........ 232 BOnCKa Ube ttc 5% tos xe 380 US SRMOEGETY Cas: 5. a. cece ie ore 130 truth and c, are vain. ..239 WS IUGE rte, oh ane -499 with pack-horse c...... I50 Constant—are not c.*...... 383 c. as the northern star*. 138 c. in nature WETC 1... CHiN HOtUINL s,s «> CONTENT PAGE Constant—Continued ca youtare =. nae AGG nothing c. in the ‘uni- WETSOU. Go. ca hey Oe ee IIo one thing c. never*..... 383 SOnOF TONGS) ot oeaee seas 656 were man but c.*...... 138 wild are ct. sigaytait ented Aaa 556 Ce de" wee eo 0.6: cre ayes ale pears feta: of virtues. 7 ie I¥ejojepe tui rane P 721 Chistitution-c: in allits.. need its c. the glittering..... 384 QUES? ONEL At Sitges canes: 705 than the Cote coe Aceay 2 416 EHEKGs ASi bet nes ceel eee ys 34 Constitutione—aeterna c. cre- WIDEST VIE reed yes Gis ore 596 Constructions—of hard c...399 Construe—could not c.it... 6 Way Cs) thINnests way eee 40 Consuetudo-c. natura po- Lentlorneste =... cyah ae rs5é c. pro lige servatur...... 158 ¢. quasi altera natura. ..158 legum tnterpres c....... 158 Gopeulatea re during my BN BBA) foc cansey Bis ee 05 nha hee me c. Ro- mam 95 Consules—c. ficent quotanniss77 Consuls—new c. and ee ey pro-" COTESIALG: Bitola, 5 es canaries 577 Consult—c. too much...... 18 Consume-rot and c.*...., 546 Consumption—a c. for fear. 468 3 |Contagion—breathes out c.*529 esotethe night*.-) ease 643 cuof the south* 2 s.niesc 156 Contagious—eminently c ODE). s.245 32 uieeee 420 Contemplate—must I c.*... 691 Contempiation—for c. he and* inna ee os 461 serene forse, ..a.1h) . «. 406 SUEDS*T gupsl atest seas 809 |Coral—his bones are c.*....111 c. retirements.j7% 2... 494 |Controversies—decide all c. Corals-c. to cut life upon. . 217 c.soabsolute.......... 546 {OG ARE rutin ane araty x50/Cord-the cis 009 am eae 137 ch tor breathel... 2... - 493|Contumely—proud man’s Cordial-is ‘a C.> op acele 319 c. with my harmf...... 140 face 5. ah tele ice, egal 730) “ODS C, dit 22. eke alae 453 c. with my middlingness493 Convents—happy c. bos- wink-tippling c,....... 683 c. with (ahi Sees Wi tan coc 493 OresGet eee ce eae te one 125 Cordials—creams and c....270 can bec, acces ve. 65/Convenience-every pleas- Cordis—ex abunantia C. OS. - O57 cannot bec......... er Att MATT re sy lone tts tee ae 5|Cormorant-insatiate c.*. .708 commends me to mine*.192| meet the c. of every one, 416)Corn—amid the, Cort oun eae 501 crown iscalledc.*...... 139|Conversation—a bee inc...319| another peaks ween ne SY 514 eny, Ch tO tee were a tee 376| c. perfectly delightful. Aestyke tt) wun’ others’ Clones cures ace a easy andic.. 2...» 159| inc. boldness now..... 65)! reap d. NO Chin aieeeaeeee 340 ENJOYS Csv ieee wee are 493 |Conversation’s—on c. burrs659! this newc............. 5a Sot without;c.s i... a" 192|Converse-formedbythyc.{s80| twoearsofc........... humble livers in’e:*. 22 140) shold any hougs'ey. 7 on. 475 wreath’d with poeae Cc, 363 in measureless c.*...... res ON MeTIO LC UW a YS CONG. aes ames é 3 Corne-this new corne, 19 FEATS ANG Ce’ 2. TATW PSlent CAWMICHE Skt. ona 07) | when ¢:.is' Tipe» coe eee 287 Means and c.¥0 hls... 494|° sweet c. and love**.... 8s Cornea—quarum altera fer- MURGRE SoS) walis = tee LA OUSLO Crewebln oe sper. een oes 509 tT Cosh sie ci ee 200 Mine OWN C.ty ee ee acs 140|Conversing—with thee c.**519|Cornelia—well might C. say115 MV Meaty S Ct eas we T3014 WIth LCG CM ene cae 658/Cornerstone-—c. of a nation§ 35 NO ONEMSIC.: + teeter nee TO2 |e aAWwi tle Leet em miner 658|Cornfield—green c. did meg pleasure, ease, c.f...... 338]Converts—more c. make. ..590/Cornish-C., lads can 716 POoDande:". Ge atict tt 141| proselytes and c....... Voll thousand C. boys-< pase 565 quicken c. to bliss...... 609|Convex-—the c. side....... BIO} “thousand Ce men. 565 TES: WEC eee ee ee 550|Convey—c. the wise it call*234| twenty thousand Se SAMO Ol Gime tt indstettae 140 Si Mace see kk with men... 716 Ssuchiisweet'Cn es. + st TAG | Mae-C.T | etereroncweh eas Rane 244 Coronation-at their ‘c. . 501 within himself c........ 140 Gonvilleet@eain OPP CH... 2542 1t, . tivelt-C. 00a via eae ee o4 worse than worst c.*. ...141|Convulsions—c, epilepsies**194|Coronet—jewel of their c,..660 Contented—c. like me..... TAT) ic eraspiny Varden 21|Coronets—more than c.f. ..321 blessings ac. mind..... EHOW Nee Maga e Cekgial nba LOM Ray deme es Smtr, 28A| “more thanac-toe st eiee 533 c. self-respecting and. ..492|Cookery—c. is become an Noughtiorie. a eee 35 CLWi little SCS. 2c, eee I41 Ait sactdiekcctemak cee 142|Corporal—my c. oath...... 538 when oneé’is-C.3.°5. = 3s). 139|Cooks—c. are gentlemen..142] what seemed c.*....... 48 Contentedly—lives c. be- Wevilisends '¢se ew kas 142|Corporations-c. have no tweens ola ae 49 Gevil sends’ Ce. o,. ncteeers 319 SOui1S 4a eee 416 Contention—a slight c.*....605| epicureanc.*.......... 52| they (c.) cannot commit 416 Contentions—fat c.**...... 420 ae cannot live without Corpore—1H €. 4520, . s-0s sue 16 Contentless—best state c.*.141 tie i tASh Wht Car SOHO A ieee 343 Contentment—and c. theset339 Case haart c. with *...... 488) in c. versant.......... 330 and: ¢,) theselice. see 604|Coolness—dripping with c..478|Corpse—beside this c...... 437 best7e.- Nias: s23 oe as wee 139|Cooperation—born for c....705| c. within its grave...... 720 Contentus—tla c. vivat....192|/Cools—a husband c.f...... 375|Corpus—protection of the Contest-great public c....401|Coote—toothless and bald ADeCSS.C..c, Bek eee 204 SUCH A. GiiG.s ait tee te 401 AGUA CME ona ta cere ated fipaae 20|Correct—just what’s c.....492 Conthraries-dhrames al- Cope—c. of heaven........ ant Corrected—others severely Ways £O DY Clone eee D2 UMthe starr yiCa ce ore ante Cr’ Sheadaee eee 107 Continent—a boundless c. mee starry c. of heaven**. 66 revised and c. by...... 23C QMirOZell Cite ete 50| sMindermeryac. +). ff Correction—no woe to his c. will not suffer......: ee Cophetua—C, loved the pega tht” © tC one se a ee 51 sg tear here awakening SALT Ise ame he erika 154 ice thy, c, mildly*e ee 405 eg Le a 369 |Copies—setting of boy’s c.*,217|Corrector—great c. of enor- Cadtortions at the c. of. ..380/Copper—the commone..... 50 MOUs <> cS ayers eee 171 G.tofthe sipylau caves sae 398|Copse—yonder c. where... .124/Corrupt—c. a saint®*......, 128 Contradict—c. themselves. aes Copy-c. and book*....... 487 c, by power. 4 cnt eee 463 do I clanyselie seco. TS) RCO. IIOW SS .n Bee alse 5271 | ¢,. 200d Manners. ee = WHO WOR Greece ten 23 Oi tO: Cea Utes vi iiss) oretacaus 575|\Corruptible-when this c. Contradiction—a c. Be .736|Copyright—privilege of c.. .385 stall! S.20. < due cae 173 subject of c....... Feet? 462 Coquetry-c. is the essential1 42 Corruption—c. is a tree. ...143 well likes'c.......)... S470) I MSPeCleS OliCe ced. Beye. ass 142| c. like a general flood}. .143 Contraries—things mere c..419|] whole of theirc........ TA42| |G. WitlS Dott=155) eee 29. Contrary—are everc....... 202|Coquette—heart of ac 143| lends c. lighter wings{..15° to the o:*. .r:Se OG BOO). "WOUPEODIGEC. Mey kad 143 |Corsair’s—a C. name tol]. ..517 ‘ipon -C..feet*. tsa ee 527|Coquettes—while vain c....356/Corse—a buried c.*....... iii Contrive—a head toc..... 1|Cor-—c. hominis disponet.. O61)" Ja busted clemetne ees 509 avhead-to..c.).2 Grn = tl] 2, devel Gd) DEUS ob... oss 409| .c..to the rampartaus ae 328 Control—his c. stops||...... 542] etc. inquietum donec....316| slovenly unhandsome c.*285 CORTEZ | PAGE st PAGE Corse—Continued Counsel— Continued thew dead o*e rss 307| three may kepe ac.....633 to winter-ground thy c.*327| toc. deaf¥............ 273 Cortez—like stout C....... 362| two may keepc.*...... 633 Corvis—Dat ventamc...... 416| virtuous woman’s c. 15 Corydon-C. and Thyrsis®*63 s who cannot give good (Br Aa G would kiss*her? >. 32% 742|Counsellor—not for his c.*. 440 Cosa-quania lac, e pin...576| onthec. recoils........ 614 2 aan be really Counsels—loves and c.*....205 es eae ge ese skate EASNM TNATUTESS Cit eros eS Coir politeLahe best c.f. .561/Count—c. all he folks..... 544 Cosmus-C., Duke of Flor- ¢.:a man’s years. J/2 22 - SNCS ete ee on c. their chickens....... 45 Cossack—C. commanders.. 27| c. their chickens....... 45 Cost—counteth the c.. 53 |\Countenance—awful and se- WHAG IE Cicer cess se 34 TETIESt TCC ices en 380 mela Gth Cote faccetes «es ys 355 percheertul cle. ce ee ee 487 whole world’s c........ 464| c. more in sorrow*..... 42 Costly—but not c....;:.... 203 |e Ore INOLTEMINS «ssh shh wie 656 Costs-—first step whichc.... 83} c. soon brightened]... .639 Cot-his lonely c. appears. 25) © disinheriting ¢.2... 0... 240 histonely e202 he oP. /360 her c: triform** -y 0... 498 the low liestc¢. f.2. 222. G50 Moti tiryebece oon sicce alee 248 Cote—cirtaimiy te: sore Se. 12} jin whose conspicuous Cottage—c.might adorn. ..495 NN ee Sey ea I19 Cp ANSI AGL ee staan. 504-2 Serenity of Cle. ase e 381 SOF pertility ix, pes ss 373) ~ thesilentic often) 752i; 644 Ch Was MeAbo nee sist ne wie = TAAL ye Ce SACL meena. crs oe. 685 CE WAS NCATs oy fea Ss. 563 |Counted—bec.ereIsee.... 3 EWE Be at ta esre ee ee 373 |Counter—goods on the c.. .479 OR OVU ERY cb Oe cy woke ole 593| the c. our lovers ce) with a double. ..... -593 staked tae etal 26 Ppa Our 6.02 Ae 2. yee ae 672|Counter-check-the c. quar- TIME Set Se capa catric dt ARNG 2494 felsome* 4. . oto 55 BEL, SRGONS, nate conse ok eens 359|Counterfeit—c. presentment hittle: smiling ¢.2<. 27")... 25 OLETE APM een att er 53 PO Me2UT Bree 28 Fe ee ns 451|Counterfeiting—long and lowly thatched c....... 361 continualc.......... 426 SOs Gari Cres is. oe eee 23 |Counterpart-his shadowy the c. hearth]......... 494 a Brier ae bible Ate aA to the ¢: ‘Charmsts..¢.'!". 384 Citntere ie men’s c....747 Cottages—poor men’s c.*..590|Counteth-—c. the cost...... 53 Cotnar—C. as oldas....... 209'Countree—-my ainc....... 361 Cottle-Amos C, Phoebus. .517/Countries—see of other c.. .607 Cotton-C. is King........ 583 |Country-—c. is the world. ..143 eh a a ens 583 ho eitie the. world. 143 Couch—drapery of his c...172| c.is the world......... 143 drapery of hisc........ 432| c. ours once moreft.... 36 amy troway ©. 5... .< >. SOS meenthat dtawss. denne a: 358 So-iny c.) tepair: 2.5. 073 O40. die for one Be). Te a 559 Cough-c. by them ready..552} evenin hisownc......:143 Could-neither cy nor care. °349)" far oo. s Ss ae eee 526 Council—at her c. metf....549| father of hisc.......... 266 c-rok, Constarice sos. R341 0 tather Of IS C.. 2 3 ous «on 266 heavenly c. paused....461| fight for theirc......... 359 Councillors—c. of state sit..301| first bestc............. 560 Councils—c. of the brave. .696] for hisc. falls.......... 559 Counsayle-three may POM TIT Ce etre veut eh ates os 560 KODE Go Lose iets a See tOE AEILeL Ix Olt cee rec ats 560 Counsel—and evil c....... 614| friend of everyc........ 561 BietOr Co, ac. ee PR OOIGE YY Ol at Cee herein avd es 25 CEASE SEY (C.F >, caiet coe 16| God made thec........ 122 Beestialin DET... « o> cloacr GD ee COG LV, Co. cn eleleretsre 04s. 270 e Still’ be truet;...+. e TGee GOd tly. CheG ec cadk oie ops 207 Pe LOMLEs WISE «eos c+ 0-8 «2 G2 a te DOORN: OL TILY Cse,s whe ct 9 s1s'050 72 PARE ELTA Coe si 4 4 3. 2 acees 449| good of thec.........-- 543 friendly ¢.*.........-.. PUMEERET EIST OUl Chr s sss s ses 359 mone ¢. sweet...>>».. TOW ie SDESt oe se : - 583 sometimes c. takef..... 683| hisc. he sigh’d. .242 subtle-paced c.*....... 7247| hisc. he sigh’ pee Is, 393 COURAGE PAGE Country— Continued his native c. ey einetee sl « 56% Hisiown Cea eee 590 ATLLOXAIC, 5h. eco eae eee 606 judge a Cc. bya.) Seen 538 know but one c........ 34 labour in:this'cey 2. 410 lefWourcr he Lire eee 72 liberties of hisc........ 630 love off his: coe a) Sey ar 56¢ LOVELOUF Co) ane eee 560 love their c. andt..). 2. 560 lovedtiny Crh. 7 an Ee et: 565 loved my ownc........ 560 $OVES DUS’ Che see ee 561 loves not hisic,||f47 218 551 my c. still PB Wools OR: 224 myles) tis or thee oe 34 nothing but our c¢.. 21) 3: 561 nothing but ourc....... 35 object be ourc......... 561 one c., one constitution7o 5 OuT=c; as it 1S ea ae tee 34 OUl? CHISs 5 ere a 560 Our cvistheretes vases 560 our c. right or wrong. ..560 OUR Cu pisos tat ee tte eee 59 our c. whether bounded. 35 Orn wholec: ..%, Hl. wees 561 SAVE OURTCIs date see ose 560 struggling c. bound... .358 aaah or perish with A aPaiaTe. Snel apace ets eats 1090 hs Dest Cost sitet ee ta 583 Phere isiny Cross eee 424 thy: tative! Coan fr eetaree 607 to their fainting-c...... 225 tremble for my c....... 316 tremble for myc....... 401 the undiscovered c.*....671 WdoONnEe Nisiers os gees 268 Vour Cs Nonles ovata Ig2 what c. he came....... 143 WISEMAN. S'Coma seis o 143 Country men-c. all man- Aiinclny hit ee Sees cee ee 143 Glare mankind>s..0 oe. 143 Romans. Cis 213 Romans, RPT RN BG ea 684 Country’s—be thy c.*....., 20 deari¢e. cause! 15 alee 5590 earth’s biggest c.ff..... 36 nis'cS causels Soivieeseuas 255 iisics, pridell: 1-3, ween eee s Se ISTE.) T111E oe ey ee See 606 hisses, sake: Sigesiaee 560 his c. wholeness. ....... 561 May Co. WOES.cu on pam wieke 356 Our? Ce Danner sss «che 272 $HCIL' C, ATMS yet ae ace 560 their ¢.. pride. o.7 kes. 25 their c. WisheS iz... oe 328 thyve, DOsom*is.cig. eee 131 thy, c, DosOm* - ae 2s 560 County-C. Guy the hour. .118 Coupled c. together for. ..468 Courage-c. and compas- Sion FF see 45 c. and his conquestsl|. . . 563 ce. be as keen... ..35.1..147 COURS 44 PAGE Courage— Continued G. DEGAS Keen - oy berth s 147 CG enGuph and tous aes en 490 Ce AITOnT NEattse on ocn aoe 145 Gil disttesssee . 2 ae 145 Coin toe mield =. Seana 103 c. leads the way....... 134 c. mounteth with occa- "SION tes, eee Ae eee 144 c. never to submit**, ...180 c. scorns the death..... 145 ©; to, declare.) 5 sensi. aie 149 c. to endure andy{...... 427 Dut cea. StOUt spneeeee oan 174 famed foric..:.. se oa 258 TROCHETOL Chet Bisse 524 MOGs Dittsil. tae ee 3890 tigers WAVe.ce® pes. & 480 test of c. becomes...... 145 unbounded cjang, «cans 331 VOUT CoTISC 44 Sop meleheree ae Course—c. of human events384 CG. Of -nOUr rte tee ss 512 cof true love* ., if. 6... 450 former cs 1s, silage pe we 490 his ceaseless Cy wile ps 602 insisture, c., proportion*s 52 Nature's,,second.o*, «14:65 Slack theit Cot.) eee 541 GOEKWISESEIC. 2. 05s sheIay Bele 473 Courser-c. to a stand*....368 Coursers—two c. of the....210 Court—c., camp, churchl|.. .456 COlvappeal. save a aete s 584 Eriend. atic.ces wake 562 PIOTIOUS 2G... te ae TSO 06 iknow, L CAmottsc. 23 wee 59| who turnipse......... 1440|_ Wind of C..... eee eee ee 383 God made all the c..... 44) with dismal c.......... 642|Critics-c. all are ready foil all ye 6.77.55 std 39) Crime-commit ac........132 PORE | i qearem Go vos ahaa I5t Meaner c.. kings*=. <2. - 37°] consecrateacill........ 151| ¢. are like brushers..... 15 meanest of his c........ 446! consecrate a cll... 00... 238| knew the c. part....... 60 of Cc. rational** coe ee eee 463 Cc and not the scaffold. er'5 T know who Crip suvaene. eens 152 gerve hic. iiss. onto 636) c. and punishment..... 615| most newspaper c...... 518 spiritual c. walk**..... DOL PM eT tens aon, Hr. 4 Ae 26| mnotevenc. criticise..... 152 these delicate t.*...), saw SO eh iat et!. ac. bee 598} orc. makell........ spesha7 to these c.......+....- 346 for onec..............196| Such small c.f......... 3° Crebillon—Marivaux and C. 08) fortunate c. he calls....696| they turmc............ 152 Crede-experto c. ser Att free BRE TOM’ tS. .!. oes 103| true c. dare not mendj. 60 Credente—difficult of c). r2753:7)0) Sn. the se) bs oe wk rsx| trust in cl]... . so... 152 feel ons, Pt at Jee: 97! lec. fait la honte....... r51| turn dc. REXEL. 22m... 152 Credit—blest Peper. CAPPER MM aveior cc... . 202k. ss0| Withac. ave st cpegittin Mets. : e corpse of public c...... ™50| madden toci......... With a C. \OVGoquiseaes bas g ©. 18 naught saree 32% vend TOES wear tale 3 - tT caitiguesiclled | off by onec. ee oc eo eoeeee reese ee CROAK 804 PAGE PAGE Croak-ill-betiding c......544|Crown—Continued Croaking—just nowc..... 11544 ce ofisorrows}eb oe 47.0 the:cibrood... 3243 2a SO Pe IC LAOL tNOEHS meta tote tis < 317 Crocodile—mournful c.*...684| c. of thorns§...... thes $7 S proneia Gilse rT Ae 684] c. ourselves with....... 546 tears of the e270 r46) Sc. theiendey. 4s 0k ee 220 Crocus—c. and hyacinth**..277] deserves noc.......... 338 of theese 77h aes 279 | mvearh thercehiaase we eae 83 Sayvsior thie Cen. cee ae av7ot siforce \olatherc. .%...cm ee 359 treads the (Gith aces ee 2 RECULt LESS ae eens, inte beni: 348 Croft’s—C. life of Dr. eet fatke's iron ese. AN 339 Croke=-ne’ by'¢.. 2. Se 604] myc. is in my heart*...139 Cromwell—anecdote of C...482} my latest hours toc... 3 C., had I but served*...404| mot the king’s c.*...... "480 C.Ikdid mot: think **) 68415 sof lifesdfiie 3 7 Sea, 511 if thoutfall’st,“C.*) 77 2O| Aiscepter andic, ate eee 502 see C. damnedf........ 260] -tooineanaicem sits seneer 404 some C. guiltless....... VOT | MeWAltI POI ave Matis tame 450 unknown to C.:.. 352. 407| -Gwait Uponiatesa. 2. see 450 Cronos-C. in Greek....... 4] InESWEAT A.C, bale tein int). 625 tinder_Ci lived). = 2,05 STON PWVEALS a Cet aeaielsttes iets 650 Crony-trusty Saas c...129| . why doth the'c.*?.. 22... 625 Crooke—hooke or by c.....604| won the c............. 07 Cross—at the e220... 505|Crowne—a lawrell c. ..660 ea CP Sea ee ee 316|Crown’d-—c. him longll. . Pots 507 bitter ay T se ee 119|Crowner’s—c. quest law*. .417 c. leads generations. ...153|Crowneth—c. thee with. ...470 Cot “wood ) ke ae 317|Crown-imperials—the c. * 276 c. she woref c. the brinel| os 0) 6),¢ 60 16 eo) ww cio e ins PF =p) ww 308 Crowning-the c. quality tts 59 459|Crowns-—c. o’ the world. 638 don’t c. the bridge§. 607} Serthesplay 3. 6.,.Ke% ses ante Ad Gul ats Boke. be 335) 2 the plays. in ween 220 dastiat Mise. pacieaen eee Al icend Cyeveryainiers sisaee 220 present the e-f) 2)4. 42 Ror! rend cea lit ad ear Pee 220 the: Christian ctype 327|- endvthaticonecse: eae 220 under whose blessed c.*.119] right ofc..............6 728 Crossed—c. in love........ 534| » soonest unto c.*, ...5) 0% 144 Crosses—c. care and grief* 106) ¢’tis in €.in02 29...) ase 288 c., relics, crucifixes. .... 152|Crows-c. are fair withc... 12 Cenc fromss eens 587| the ribaldc.*.......... 500 Crossing-it is but c...... 3192] . ies esze cs did knock* 27 eee . 642 c. rose Slowly.......... 337 have'a good cae seenee 685 need. a: body ‘cin .cth Le 405 no language butac.f... 24 one mutual ie* iit. aeee 1374 that I may not c. ..415 we are born wec.*..... 88 we ‘Still .G.nokik ba pees 88 Crye—c. as he were wood. . 564» moche c. and no wull.. .678 Crying—c. in the nightTt.... 24 c. in the wilderness. .... 715 Futtered: was ¢..7a. : oe 88 Crystal—her c. mirror**, ..519 morn:s hoar Cia/ee 68 youth deemed c........ 379 Cubit—c. to his stature. ...688 to his stature one c.... .688 Cuccu—lhude sing c....... 672 Cuchillo—guerra al c...... far Cuckold—that c. lives*....305 Cuckoo-—as the c.......... 153 ce. builds) notBas nes tee 153 c. Shallt-call=2-nc See 153 e..then ont tae 153 fedrthe .c:*) -hset eee 153 tell-talence. ce oa 154 the cy bird age eee 15 Cuckoo-buds—c. of yellow hue? se eee eee 153 c. of yellow hue*....... 276 c. of yellow hue?. 2.4 662 Cuckoo’s-the c. bird*..... 153 |Cuckow-the merry c...... 153 Cud-—c. of sweet*......... 201 esof wrath} iieke cee 43 Cuffs—ruffs and c.*......, 204 Cuisses—c. on his thighs*,. . 117 Cull’d—those fair fingers c¥131 Cultivation—c. of the earth. 24 Cultivators—c. of the land.. 25 Culture—as c. brings us... .435 c. then is properly...... 154 foundation of ei. Jue ee ee ee ess i nh Cumnor Hall—walls of C.. pe Cunning—plaited c. hides* . 601 the c; knownl:<25). 0 556 thrive inc... 2. eee 436 which c.times*>./s.7 Jue 49 Cup-but in thec......... 693 Ceits= glow the 4.5 «knee 346 c. that clears@.0% fee 604 c. that’s stared*: tun aes 603 c. to the dead.......2% 603 drunk their c..2 i: :e 85 every inordinate c.*....206 in *Follys: c.f. eee 399 life’s enchanted c.j]..... 21 moonlight coloured c...437 toss, thexcil), aie 109 c. of his head*¥., «+. . 23 487|Cruteh-shoulder’d his "twixt the c. and....... 109 Gnoltiglory.eese ts eke LS GPUtC a cuts ans. ee ton avi 653 |Cupboard-idol in the c.. . .647 eof justice and... 2... 480] _ very bade jne aes teas 439 |Cupid-C. and Campaspe. . 154 >. of snowtft...........570,Crutches—on c. walks.....545/ C. has wings. isacd CUPID'S PA Cupid— Continued oF t TiS 101 pace 345 C. o’er my heartt..... 534 C. painted blind*..... .154 ipoltot: C. ‘fel hs & 276 giant-dwarf Dan C.*... giant-dwarf Dan C.*... note which C. strikes....452 some,.C. kills¥<) 22 ONP! 154 weak wanton C.*...... a4 which C, strikes. 32. 7 the wind-swift C. winuehias young Adam ©3057 125 154 Cupid’s—cut C. bow string*487 With (G@. Gursec. otis si 83 Cups-c. that cheer but. . .683 wive'ine theie.* 770.4). 403 Sive me. the eso 0.%. 603 when flowing. c......... 208 Gur-cowardly c..s.5 $s lis 148 Suaoths arin wae oo. I45 Dap Dy Cita itt wees 526 Curae—c, leves loquntur....644 Curas—nunc pellito vino C..730 pig ag a anh s homely OTRAS sg Hak oe ont I40 hed desperate c....... 194 a desperate ©.........% 473 MB SpeGay Geet. see es 104 DEVOUT Citta yeas Meret 169 RAUSCLOr Cy, kate an eee a3 c. is bitterer stilll]...... 450 Cuistiot worthmein. eae: 473 any SOTLOW.'S C.¥ ess aren 85 nares fOPNoOVe ws ts eee. 34 NOC; POMIGVE. Lc. betes 452 Only Gos deaths wes oe 379 parbh Gkiihe ere xe eton 2252 ShwditheGusais tk ee On Shun the em Sikes eo ecco e 430 44:15 th abics sass oes ater. B 509 unable to c. them- SCIVES Seater eee 197 WIM VeErsal. Grn watrtc eee. 370 Cured—what can’t bec. 222 Curfew-—c. tolls the knell. . 2 35 estolls thetknel?)). eee: 675 Curiosity—by way of ac...465 Sr dGesnG Lesses ee Des own jealous ci*. 224.0% « 155 that low vice: c.||:...... nes Curious-c. are to hear*™*. .155 é. in conjecture....25 6)... 380 Curl-in a goldenc.t...... 481 Curled—c. up on the floor. . 222 Curls—his ambrosial c. -317 his ambrosialc.f...2... 337 Hyperion scF 42. 2: 460 mvegual seit. Seater 36 sunning over with c.}..311 Ye volden-e. Wk aah tar 719 vine c. her tendrils**. . .462 Curran—John Philpot C. amplified sii ae.an. ane 648 Current—c. of the soul..... 378 C.of the souls >. }e:5 tee 408 erthat with*s.9.5<. 62:68 620 take the c. when*...... 548 @urrents—c. of this world*. 417 two w2ch silver c.¥.....468 S05 DAGGER PAGE PAGE Curs-the c. bark is....... 643 |Custom—Continued c. of low degree........ 198| c. which is before...... 158 smallcs are not*s)2.4. 17; 438| consent andc. draw....418 Spaniels (C8. 9. Stes 198| done against c......... 158 Curse—a necessary c....... 461| dupes are men toc..... 150 AlmMetieS (Clo ee ne Sor Wert. 1Sia Ci. . te ee) ete 158 c. his better angel*..... 30 je mar yieldsito Ghia sae 150 c. his better angel*..... 156| more powerful than c...158 @. Of crushed atféction ms 157 © nor c: stale..2% <0... hai. 709 Gof mankind*® 1 3.540 250}. office and Got. suite 552 Carole God ten oes BINS S77ie One Good, c.f .): gee var IIo c.islikeacloud........ 155} slaves ofc.... SSeS Chon all laws$i ys eave a 456| that monster c.*,...... 150 G.. too-deepllyi a5. tS: PST asthe tyrant. Cha. eee 158 I know how toc.*...... EySheato. CYTANt (Chesson eke 158 made themac.f....... 564|Customers—all his c....... 602 Of AC. SORE 137| over-polite to his...... 470 OG ac, See ys ett 614A} A peaplerOL Ce... ce-p he seer: 226 some chosen c......... GOO eapecple Gf Crt wis aie. a kieles 605 such a terrible c........157|Customs—new c.*........ 158 the dear-bought c.t....726| old and usualc.. 473 their greatestc......... 60|Cut—c. a throatl]..... 466 With (Gupid:S. che. ert: 383] c. and come again... :. 106 Cursed-each c. hisfate....157| c. ee ae aa) RS Sab Rise 12 c be theisocialf:2= . 25 TS | PCa MVC. acca aa I2 c. by heaven’s decree...459| c. ne halter . REO ses Oe 460 c. that rascally thief....157| cc. the matter short..... 413 SHO: SiGe s were ane TG 7 lene Cont ya Oat te tent tua eee: 12 Curses—c. are a sort...... SAOMC. VOUT, COa Lars. aren 12 ¢, are like young? .: 02% LS Siamese VOUT coat. (aera: 22 12 c. like young chickens..155|} c. your cloth.......... 12 e, not lend erat sya DT Ee etAS SOOT Ca aod. eee ete 427 PWOulldy Calla te ten eae WS Ome Oli CO! Chg ti Beets as ae 473 Cursing—as he loved c.....155/Cuticula—nempe c. bene.... 76 alla CUS Laie ete ake 456|Cuts—c: /his’coat... ..g2.0. 13 Godhinicwn... 2 ee 750|Cycle—c. and epicyle**.... 63 Curst-by Nature c....... 2ai\enes OL- Cathay |. sinus 131 c. from his cradle, ..... As zie SATE C. ASke coe Weitette 06 Gypeheyhtson wnces fo he 91|Cygnet-the c. to this*. es ey. bey he veto.e Gua ee 229|Cymbrian-in C. plaine.. aw Curtain-—closing her c.....529|Cynara—thy shadow, C....732 dra wartne. conta hs 431|Cynic—Diogenes the c.....640 dreadsac.lecture...... mao alet sage or close ae meee 453 toc. her sleeping....... RS Tie WOLD GC. Darky falas leeeeenens ae twilight lets herc...... 530/Cynthia—C. named fair...490 twilight’s c. spreading..529| C.if this minute....... 738 Curtains—c. of the clouds. .499|. Ralph to C. howlsf..... 520 fall theca. Wee ee eetate 683 |Cypress—c. and myrtlell....304 Curtle-axe—gallant c. upon TSA ClO. cee eens 1c nee 327 my thigh ata ae 51|_ with c. branches hast|l. . 452 Cushion-c. and soft deant.350 Cypresse-sweet i isithe;ess).276 c. where you lean...... 737|Cytherea’s—or C, breath*. .276 Custom—all c. of exercises*475 all c. and gross sense. ...159 D Ce alVayrsh nlaitaicrs ies. 59 c. calls me to it®....... 158|Dab-—a d. at an index.... 67 c. doth make dotards. ..159/Dacian—their D. mother|]. .302 ei hath imade* ee case 159|Dad—brother’s father d.*. .747 @ is heldito bes.e.ie dis gS) meet \theirid... .°: sigs 25 eA Sit Reise otter not® —a eee 107 tipsy d. and ‘jollity**, . 167 | ovletting I dinot* J. 140 that nigitlyac.. tae pepe 620] 49the soul*to d.s2ee ee 18 the Pyrrhic d. as yetiix=.162|2swhat man d.©. fone. 146 thersotul\ dit. ewe. ene 515|Dared—he nobly d.f....... 146 to d. attendance*...... TOE | ehe Hobly d. =, ae 688 wousdoudt 3 See. wae ror. to|beidby any. oan 226 Danced—and talk’d....... 758|Dares—much he d.*,...... 144 d.) by the yiehtobear og 53512 who, btavely dj.) ue 254 d. I say right welll|.. ...162/Darien—a peak in D....... 362 Dancer-—the stealthy d.....513|Daring—loving are the d...145 Dances—but it d.......... to1| well-doing and d....... 612 d. on the green........ 446|Darius—he answered D....619 dsinethecmind sa. wecieee 291|Dark—be d. and dreary§$. 367 one who d.ibest: 2.7 .ck. 449| d. amid the blaze*¥..... oI she di such atway<. 0.8267} -d. blue-ocean|(¢s. oan tem 542 to midnightuders seen es SOQ! °d. bittehetcy 2 ame. coe 362 whenlan oldsman'd,...w165)| Fd; horse. 2 eee i ee 371 Dancing—d. days are done161|_ d. horse which......... 707 d. , drinking, rent ge 488) ocd. hour® es.20.. eae a d.’sa touchstone. . ne ds soul* Fh sees. elena ourndidavs® Maen ae). 160] d. with excessive bright. ps Dandolo-blind old D.||....z22| d. with excessive Dandy-despot—d. hef..... 287 bright}. 7 ene 484 Dane—than.@ D.*.. 00. 0. 623| ever during d.**......., oI Danger-a certain d....... 617 \c(irom ‘the. \d.... 7). ay -saaae 675 absent d. greater....... 4512) an mis: cee, Tae eee 393 coulded brave. f.60).t. TAI} in thy; ds lantern** em 530 ad» deviseth™ shifts®). :< .524/|'.justle in the dio. seneeaae a -inndiseard$. 7s) a.ar. 7o4| justled in the d.......- 474 d. that is nearest...... 196|@clarge and dl eee 247 d. to give the best advice 16| leap in the d....... eed GaAysiOL Gaaee Sees 653420 er ‘the Gree Pa last2oftaqp tere ns ANG . r67'\< *skin’ béj@.y sy ee eee 533 no dPdauntsis Ge PP. 759| soon be d ok ew ee DARKER Dark—Continued that the d:} 32 soups eee 64 the Dungrysd: 5. weer 532 what in me is d.¥*,....314 Darker-d. the night§..... 366 Darkest-the d. hour...... 366 Dark-heaving—d. bound- less||. . Seve Ue 0 Wiehe e ees Tagte hae deeply, beauti- no d. but ignorance*... 542 5.0 tt, set TO ee 32 Darkness—and the d.§....236 and. the dis ioe aes 530 Cmaieriam diy. Hien 190 confine me tod... .8 d. that is'deady. 25 0F 07% 33 Dawn—as creation’sidilive 164010 ds into d, 220 ee Ie 164 aides tO TICSiy. as sm See 562| d. when the longest. ...164 daughter of the d......674] 4d. with life and hesecter6e d, is Overcastesn eee. 265| decline of dl. . 236 d. without the dew...... 652| deficiencies of ‘the pres- exhalations of the d... .537 SHE oT, Pe re nh aes 132 Hashes or.d..thates 540| dog must have his d....164- grey d. is breaking..... 374| dog will have his d.*....164 just, before. di. Pele. : 366| each d. acritiquef..... 138 near the: Sul 22 sire g66)°°d. each brings. 4), % 540 BIFIOIIIS Ati Cla hope eee ie, eam 522| each d. is the scholar. . .243 Stan oid Seine aig eH 666| every d. decreased..... 165 > the dap pleded at .. oy tet 412| every d. should be..... 221 the cheerful d.f....... 8 peévery d. speaks. 27,2 220 Dawning—aid the diva: A ay 507| eye of pitiful d.*...... 1530 Day—a summer’s d. toe ogss | tt faint- brief dit se, we 68 WIT EELIS Gsjes eases OT 388| fairer than thed....... 78 By Witten SuGe. stacte ace % 502| fairer than the d/...... 451 a witttets Cin sys e s+ sus Az Tie hnds the desks weee.cee oe 366 A REGIS. bhA..¢ «std 600| forever andad.*...... 164 across, te dshas ese : 45s *for. your last’divor ae 175 alack the heavy d.*....403| from d.tod........... 140 an amplerd.f..... J. 167 \0* God's eternal ds.0.)).012433 holes Gore Ws ieee cee aceae 383| goes all the d.*........ 487 DAY ES 808 | DEAD PAGE PAGE PAGE Day. Conan Day—Continued Dead—among the d....... 96 hate the d.. Hawkes RUSS what a d.may........g00}; »among the d. meni fae 603 have had your d.. .164|. while it is d...........528] ashes of d. menz. «2. . 7) 61 have their d.f... e250lneyOur eatlyadine craks oars 250/. be with*theja.*), mae 167 her d. had counted. . ..742|Dayes—d. of madnes...... 390|. beside the d:.......4.% 123 his lastidssit ukece woe 220|. -loose good d........... 81| bivouac of the d.......1 his astadsees ae 6 2 .220|Daylight—as d. sank**....530| bivouac of the d.......653 hours of.d;$: tuner ce 89) sithe Gesickta se ouse ..530| blessed are the d....... 166 T have lost.a dus‘: «kh su O)ov We, DURHIEL Soc... eee 164} by being deo) 7. Levee 257 T haveilost:a-d.o..n = 4|Days—after many d.......616| character d. at......... 321 mage Ota dies, Bofors tie TOO jmpatlid,sOr 0s ok feels 36710, Cesar$d, and* >on 501 infest: theld.$. os «hi. hie 236| ancient. of dill ces bs 333| clothes of the d........ 4907 jocund d. standshe being. d.*. yea Fee iia ofie whole Go l-ssigee eds 564) polden dF fue foam 6| honours of the dead.... 33 our tempestuous. dis... .225|. golden d.™*; cman is d.. 4/0) eee 184 saved the d.nt.cins ee 354) epong d.care aren Seren. 165| peman. be. diva eee 312° see ‘the dit-" |... v eae 258 |= Mostsofsall dain. caene 765], man ‘though d. © oh 380 shines therd ve aseenere - 116} melancholy d. are come 68| men living d.......... 564 seize the present d.....545| multitude of d......... 431| might exceed the d.....166 something every d.f.... 21] my bead Of G2. oh a swer64}e mighty dacs eee 96 slows the d.*.. -?.$29) amy d, are-in.siw.t. 26o2| Pemourn theidare 7. eae 83 - sufficient unto the d.... 264) vamny, salad, d:*.0hi sai: 957 }0 amy Joyetis d. cea gen 509 sweet d. so cool........165|. of bygone d.v..... esse 557| not d. but gone....... 167 that dreadful d........ G53. tol few do: sc catee ok cate s0r|/°none for: the divi tinue 365 the bright .d* ois. .0i0- 635]. -of future d*) . oo. ...5300] “not d. but gonéiws, aie 167 the rbus vy d-* oe ons cietoye 500| scot. nights andsdaar ces et. 30r| not thecdi.itis tne). eee 174 the cheerful d......... E77\ got Otherad: seen 31a}; oer the d)../2 Gauci 354 the» darkest ds. 5... sins. 366| of the d. doings.......164| once_d. you never etal . 209 the dd) but. ones. s0\5 32 435}, our d. bepivictsds a5 ont ..503| our Spartan dill........353 the expiring dip y4s\0s + 675) /apass Out iki walk tee 431| queenliest d.. 5410 oe the Satis BANS oe nes bis $94| red-letter d.,..5...2.. "358| might of the d.*....0... 500 the harmless d........ 588] remnant of his d....... 12: 1sheeteti d.* %,. #2. see 306 the harmless ch. :.....°. 634| seen better d.*........ 557|o sheeted d.*. .-..4. ie 543 the important d........ 265) short upon earth our d.. 545| sleeping and the d.*. ...268 the last di faskk. 45 ngewe 497| some d. be dark§...... 367| soul so'd.s. 1. wolenie ae 561 { the live-long d.*....... 164| sweet childish d.*¥*..... so tell .us ye.d..3273.4.qaae 308 d the longest d.......... 366| the d. and hours...... that I were d.f.....%.. 302 the poorest d.......... 233| the unalterable d....... ak they, are. d.fia.; scot 252 the present d.......... 545| those heavenly d.J..... 166| this d. of midnight.....59% the proud) d.*). 260.2 sok 164| to lengthen our d...... 165| those immortal d....... <9 the roughest d.*....... 366| wor -f thed..........434| those we call the d.t....107 . the younger d.f........ 131|Day-star—'. attracted his .394] thou wast d......... i SSS this joyous d ee 22 d. i in the ocean** Oe 673 to be ass see eee 75 toil our little d.. --400|Daytime-a candle in the told him Iamd....... 227 until the d.’s out. 20 d vhs Bota Yeh Ie. 460| two months d.*........508 weary d. and night. . joey Da-z'e-powcr tod........626! until he be d.. «deny aia ~ DEAD-LETTER 809 . Dead—Continued until you are d... .227 worm dead bive. 9, S05. 573 were do -nowess..2 ie ees 685 when I am Ct Peg ee. when one’s d.f.. 560 whom we call d. ay. eh os 381 whose garlands d.. 85 wish him ’d.Fisle. Res 510 would I were d.*.......184 ve d.. poets} AuTi. A 578 yet. warm) dll 22236. ea icy. Dead-letter—d. days......358 Dead-Sea—d. shorel|....... 192 like:d.. fruitss7ee ee 192 Deaf-—d. was he.......... 617 d.was the manic. oi 617 dull.ds ears*¥225 re, 3: 20 none.iso d.\; 20 z Ot NONE. SOG, 5s ice eevee 214 Deafe—who is so d.. gt Dealings—own hard d. a: I20 Dean—D. Drapierf........ 560 soft d. inviterr a: e.- 5° Deans—dowagers for d.f...311 Dear-—all the country d.... Dhisstublandidtes: soi. 744 but something d.||......442 d. as remember’df..... 165 ad. as. thenvital.. onc. Gh. 345 fo as these. eyeses ote8 . 345 xd Mand? hats Blot 224 d. lost companions..... 345 Catoyme agers si her Pe. 446 dito. this:héart ss. ote 478 expectation makes a blessings aes iy all 45 few d. objects|l........ 555 is mostydee sais ane ets 637 lags Bema tyr a ck capes ca Aa 241 Me More WW. fs At I Sep ket. 523 should betso:. di xie3 2s 410 something b. and dear. . SOtth isd sie sto ae ees 447 to, mem’ ry ideéaree © 222: % Dearer—and d. half¥*..... 725 d; to my leyes Fae Waser 453 Dearest—tne d. and the ah aye Dearie—me and my d......446 Dears—the lovely d....... 311 Dearth-expect a d.¥...... 544 Deary—thump her d....... 727 Death—absence and d.q. 86 Alliiar wet. 9 2.0 pene 560 accelerates my d....... 431 amiable lovely d.*..... I71 angel... i'd ee ones 321 Epe-ofnd: Fi Serer we ales 406 approaching .G2is. fae leks 677 had man’s diss)? ier 27 been studied in his d.* .175 better after’ diva 2s 455 between life and d...... 196 beyond d. shall crown...220 bitterness of d.....:... 368 the bridal chamber d... bright d. quiver’df..... Drotherito,.d., sty. see | PAGE| Death—Continued . lies on her like* . loves a shining markr75 170 cold cheek of d..... 380 come away d.¥ 0.300. 327 consents to dill oS Se: 301 covenant with d....... 649 ericd out cd). 27a. 241 Sptenens: ch Seer cee 169 cruel d. is always...... 427 CUTENIS Gist taut se ee 379 danger of violent d..... I1Il d. a necessary end*. 174 Se enter MHS IT eee 613 deaims. with 4 osevees 175 d. and existencel]...... 201 d. and existencel|....... 651 d. and sleep and......: 645 disattlast.u Mack, shee se? 454 d. bereaved us all...... 86 d. borders upon. 2232 Pe d. broke at once....... mm d. but entombs the body; 73 Wucalls were Ae 218 a. calls wertod, sso 166 ii came with 7.0. Se 170 Geschill dr the fait.2)jo.. 170 d. close following**... ..371 COME NOW ac. es oes 546 d. cometh soon or...... 560 ay contoundsem) 2% .). 503 Gacdestrowine ae, oon. 174 Ge TODlOWEISh Wisk, coven. ATI d. for those we dote||... 86 d. grinned horrible**. ..175 d. had the majority... .166 d. has done all dvcanee 167 d. hath a thousand..... 160 di his: soulei do. 2. 2. 04 PAS Ade LE iN eR seers «tarts 166 Genin CHENCUP toc che cles s 731 d. i’ the other*.. 364 Ch inwtitexpots i. oe", 3 731 yp innIeESelT IS ease OM. a 169 d. into the world**, 253 dein lifet- Avene eee eee 558 d. into the world**,.... 393- A RISKAADOL banka eae cee Z73 d. is always near... 503 diis\ansend 6°50... 8 eres: 388 ‘d. is an equal doom... .166 d. is an eternal sleep. ..172 d. is beawtifultt soo ee 550 As sshbutiarsurecy Hcy 364 a. 1s déathless se fia 545 d. isshfe’s: gatese 1.03024 173 d. is most in apprehen- ilersist hos Ay Bek arate 45 dets teats SRT APR ee 407 d. is swallowed up..... 173 d--is the comnion'!. .14.0. 173 dj.is' the crowns tasreals.e 172 Ge isethe-end fis ok 26.8 tx 4it d. is the longest 4). 4ii<7: 172 d. is the privilege...... vie d. jewel of the WUStowee eT d. kind nature’s signal. .171 Ge MAY SRNISC is fet: cls odes 503 Cvlavsehighicy ry :(:. sess 502 d d id . makes equal. I4I eeeeve DEATH PAGE Death—Continued d; makes equal iv... o. 166 d. makes no conquest*. 1257 d. may be call’d....... 671 d. nigh and chaos......666 ad; O° beyond)... 0.4 Pee 172 ‘d. of each day's life*.. .65a dof kings® 72 30 Bote oe 502 ds ofsprinces® (tt 543 d. of the righteous..... 220 d. only craves not...... 168 d. only’ grasps. .°) 2 Vi 173 d.pale priest, 2v 52-074 173 d. rock me asleep*..... 171 d. rocke me aslepe:.... 171 dushall benoy) 200s. 380 d. should have play*. ..197 dasoveall diisl ix Shek. 172 Gd¥somoblett iis cee o. 685 d. still draws nearerft...171 d. the consoler§........ ie dathe gate off¥e..0.7% d. the great reconciler. a8 di. the healer2.. sea ee 174 d. the journey’s end... .388 d. the poor man’s dear- GSEs WG-5 ox ad hore ortae 90 d. the wundiscover’d Countcy he. Tay ee 160 d. to the happy thou.. .172 Gutreazds Anse eee ee 575 Gur aes. Ka isuts tema alates 350 d. eithont deaths...... 23 airusidor parks PIT aie: 721 d. where is thy sting. ..173 d. where is thy sting. ..173 d. where is thy stingf.. .176 d. which nature never. .174 al will. seizetind ae citer 107 d. with the might...... 273 d. with his thousand. ..169 d. with impartial...... 501 democracy of d........ 227 done: toud.iby* So. ene es 647 downward slope to dit-77 drawing near her d..... 23 in dread of d.||..... 174 dear beauteous d... .I71 doors.of Gir ase 169 ear of, datisue oe 407 early dill .aames eee 169 eaten to d. with....... 410 ecstatic (5 lacee, Oh die SESE ea | 567 Clea ni isis It eee ews 497 equal in the presence of PMA oil se lac 166 every fear ad: jn. Seah. 429 eyeion. d...3. Meme tion: 250 fear: of dz7y ..) aerial 174 fear of duthan.t p.cn sac 671 first day of deathl]..... 167 fear d. to feel, th. ja.cnee 173 field of d. surveyed.....466 for life: for ‘dia eee 454 for dj-mature™*. sei aian 492 from d. he cannot...... 559 fall oF dis Miva tered caer 17 PIVE Me: Ge 4 aus wel toes 424 glorious Gyswie ih tains 559 gone to, hemdsitue 3; <7- 672 DEATH-BED 810 DECEIV ED E E : PAGE Death—Continued Death—Continued Debate—C ovina great teacher d.jf... .368| sight of d. makes*..... 565]. < Rupert of Sdicto. Mos ee 50 groancOiedests cusses « 73| silent halls of d........ £72] -swise atia d.. sae ee 382 gulf.of 'd. iiss ask. aaseaye 252} silent halls of a 432|Debated—d. for ten Galion happy, issthésds vw... sasls 560| 2 .SIRVELY OFAC st pres: do: a riately 717 sittings | 7.17 cfg: Loe 534 hate that d. hensageds .174| sleep and d. . Pda fexexe bial 649} d.in America......... 384 her shadow d.* ...646| sleep before d.. . .649|Debility- weakness and d.*, x9 hiss bed: of:ds eee nee. 5.9.7 | « GIEED IS. AiClatsd & one +: Fae bin 172|Debonair—blithe and d.**, 760 his d. bed), Haaeistingitin. $001 Lp SIEED CL. 1a. 40 ce cael 671]. buxom and dit. ieee 760 his d, calemeties ude decF24) PSO DAG Ba tatidar Bre rusts 177|Debt—d. I never*......... 610 his d. eclipsed......... 303| something after d.*..... 671} d. of nature for. F ..560 his’ Own cithemcece shecnie 417| sting of life andd...... 26'|'.-d. to nature's 4), meee ae 167 hallow eyes of d.*.......380| . strike a do... ee. sais 431| funding our national d..170 ihyminythatad.S seas eect 520| the stroke of d. is¥..... 170| great ad. *.cue emo 395 inflict the d. penalty...:1096| strong as d......... dx. T60)|) most 1n d>thatae 388 is double d."oq a.0 Mase. AOOl Strong as G4, aouie. » nae 395| nod. with so much. 170 is not absence d.}...... 2itustrong in Coke. espe eae. S56) ¢mational dite ik. sie ab 49 Jott, C18 ii). i Eis, tess TO) Meweetiis Cajere onperebad: Ey2 away every dseaten eee 170 PAWS Ofcd.™ 1S lewis, Dae FAL SWOOT tOnCsinerteraieeeneen « 178) ;7produce® their, d.. as. eee 37 just and: mighty di: 5.%.. EH, lis beeth Olid geecaye eae atten ete intelli e sivehetrhatabpetonie Sin « ne 440 Jono w. Ol) dSlcg hess wrceekd. 173| that d. should Seine: 67.7 |\ some! Diy. Gl i. asa 67 Ife; di andetia a6 Ae, med FPTApeatHere 1S\ NO C5 eceee cer iter. 14 2| «that rational dij ope 179 life which we call d.. 768| ...theré is no-d.$i.6% sien. 172|_ ways of paying d....... 216 like unto) d2$itacete anil. 633] . thine own, O Di: s..4.... 175|Debtor—be d. for a rood...410 living ids seated gel AAO till hiscd. sane be. eee 220|Debtors—forgive our d.... .288 look by d. reveal’d||. 177| time, force andd.*.. 453 |Debts—d. are like small... 1179 daokccinns Gsm ee des ote ...328} ‘tis d. that makes.. 220\ 4% d. to his authors: see 573 loveiiikerdaditens ous. 448), sie. Conteris abt siete: 317|_ forgive us our d........ 288 lovely in dis, thet marae 1671. ato. d.. WE=21Ve arms ie eke 445 |Decay-fondest hopes d....102 dovelyrinicdics tat. aa eee Shall to-GuUsty ct ays ce erent. 604| in our d.f. fi OG Saree maieet) hisud jc... melds ek TAsi|) took isd. within steeen Aye eee unperceived d.. 217 MO MeN t OL, dss ew oes ets 176] ma tratioilsCes ecm. Siete 374 |) majestic inod.t Saaae ce ie INet withwd sees wayeebe a. 230] + triumphant-d.dhist* jen. 104 |e subjectstoud mie monuments of d.. 407). true tosthesdiie. anh fan: 458| the pygmy-body tordet= 548 more terrible than d.. 145] - truly Jong’d for, dif, oas!.274) Povesture of dita wore 513, my, d..and lifera: ahs. 385 | .ugly. sivhts.obd) setae. 201} vesture of d.* oe5 near d, he stands...... AOA © auVAletOELG: jyaneystele Bite 642| with unperceived d.. no alternative but d.§..457] valley of d.T..... ..... 74|Decay’s-—d. effacing fngersege noble d.is notiane, 22. BrO)ly Valley, Olds, jasereneeees oes 708| unconscious of d..... 7. aeo mo, One Gariteaits ao eee 160), ,.vasty hall ofsdsj5.62% co. 173 |Deceased-he first d....... 230 morialhotidiat® aah ten 433| . war, d. or sickness*«).... 450]: 4s indeed d.*\. ">. 2a.i5 sae now doth d.*... (eersitl o way. to dusty d.ttser.ee 429 |Deceit—aids in his own not born, for dik elie SG2il) give Lear ‘Oumedes suid, een 134 Cares Livi. eae tol eS of the. de. s eh food Aer 68)eowonderful is di. Fale ei r72'lie wavorithe diy. ae eee 370 onlyrdethesn.ts, aenwn 306| _ weighs d. on him....... ee favour, theidiy yeti - +420 our d. begat ois s.jauses 89| yet afraid of d......... hug the*dear di S20: ee our.ds begun) aa.beaiur 431| young Arthur’ Seas trhs. ee a6 Oh that, d.* ea vee 376 our own but d.*.......502|Death-bed—d.’s a detector.177| silent d.... 2.0.06... 75 pain of d. would*...... 174\ Ad.sorrammrarelyan, ten 2s 175 | ithat.d: should dwell*. -179 pang ona d.......368| d. whereon it must ex- Se prize of differs. 2.02 Je770} «d. untimely: frosts... 2. 170] practice to d. *. eee 179 quenched by d.§.......238| many d. do they escapel| 169] smooth d. and cog*. . . .363 realm ofr dae). 4 Sa 04| .though d. image....... 649| that mutually d...... --274 reaper whose name is with-shim all (dire eS 454| tod, one sr selts tL a ae VRB Pe ees 172\Death-shot-d. glowing in to d. one’s self.........180 remember’d d. afterf...406 Tits l Gee Seatac <1) Chere 74 Deceived—and be dic. wae remembrance of d......115 |Debased—d. by slavery|!...463| d. the whole world..... 180 screams of d™, -452/¥.': 543 |Debate-d. and beate the has d. her father... Jie 170 see his diats Ase 220 PUSH ee ec ae st 354| never d. whe deceives. . ..180 should it know of d.....116| horse will oft d........ 33| mo man is more easily d.180 shun d. with anxious...435! Rupert of d........... 56) wish to be ds.......... 180 DECEIVER 811 DEFENCE Hen ae the d.. Sie’ 6 te: oJ .0 Uitelerecamren dz OS an frida as aaa 477 Deceivers—were d. ever*, . 383 Deceiving—and that d..... 700 arts of d.. pee edes December-chill Do 120 D. when they wed*¥..., 743 a drear- nionted 2. cru 478 in D. SHOW cs Sin heen 379 qt Ly SWeA Cares carta cece Mirth of 1tS Doce ook. 478 Decencies—dwell in d.t....714 those thousand d.**.... thousand d. that**. . Decepi—populus vult d.. Deception—d. and wicked- HESS Ole we sae th oseal a 80 Decide—moment to d.ff...549 who shall-Giti. oe: s.stws 195 When! YOU Cte an sree ars 354 Decider—thou grand d.....171 Decision—valley of d...... 708 Deck—the burning d...... 354 Decke—der D. streckt...... I2 Declaration—D. of Indepen- CLCTICE Sata eee aul: ayy. sb. s 384 support of this d..... Nate Decline—d. of day|| . 2 sG friend to life’s a. 144 Declined—I am « into*.... 19 Decorations-—sole. in d, all. 522 Decorum—dulce et d .550 Hunted: COWS: so was TT Decree-a cold d.*........ 417 by heaven's d.. ss 3-459 d. established*. lear eke LG his absoluterd...22 .). 3.1 588 Of SONIe Cas ee ae es 64 Decrees—our d. dead*.....401 our quickest! d=). wt. 547 mighty state’s d.f...... 540 Ded—d. as a dore nayle....167 ete mutuum ee ae tae res ss 422 Dedea ment elect ee us 305 the ven tie de. oe tanga. - 465 Dedi-habes quodcunque d.309 Dedis—doth gentil d....... 305 Dedit—saepe d, quisquis. ..309 Dee—sarids: 0° Dio. arcseass 45 on the River: Ds) ...3..-.5 I41 BOUNTCE Oli ae ath ce eaten 4909 Deed—all thy dull 3 =o a. 542 arid daring Gill oss ac iene 450 applaud the ier aren 3890 a Darbarous di tae 310 better day better d.....164 better day worse d.....164 but in the er nae a 592 WY OUL, Get iet enclose aaa 257 d. of dreadful note*... £51, d. without a name*.... d. without a name*....735 every nee Giffen o's 703 every good d..........634 COKE Ps. ert ee he sare good d. in a naughty*..130 honest in d.F is... .580 into your an ee ee heey PAGE PAGE . .180 | Deed—Continued BUSSIMES CHE Oe. os sikitiays 221 qastilies the Gd. t.o AsaAnad 622 kind of good d.*....... 8 leader in the d......... 738 DATHEICSS. docs c\uw yin bine 266 One Ny eros Cs, Rte ae 7 BND HE Gi Nh ahs y'aeiald piesa peek & 26 TAO DEY steer yp rate cage oh onc 357 no unbecoming d.**. ....634 ONE OOOO ce rack oth » 586 remembrance of a gener- OUSRC Gere Pye ete ve take 478 some d- of name.......... 261 somewhat the d........586 the doers Cte vexaionit 305 this d. accurst.. coc eat Ok ty will tomid:s. ai act 7 Tess; Hherdct a bee ens 25 WICKES Ute, wa eee acteces 646 Deeds—begot strange d.... 8 blazonvevili die a 238 Dy foul Cee eae keane 130 byecentletG 2 <2 kee. 305 Dy fen blerds: sstiereic ae 465 ive GHEE Cte siAsace, sco 244 can blazon evil d.||.....151 d. are better things than VOL US Stee: Seapate E ae gts! d. are masctiline .......... 47 GATORIIEI pert ch ose ees 0 CUBA GOING.) ola o ss.5,5 fo) d. are sometimes better. 16 Mueare Gie SOUS we 6... .4..% 747 BIDLTGAIDLC-3 ofeyaee o> «face 542 d. let escape..... - 549 TOL OIC Y Sete yace.ce hr 480 GamOb wOrdSemths suisse efece 8 d. of high resolve....... 460 d. partake of heaven... .257 G. Pertorimed vf, csc aaa « 245 d. that. are donell.... ... 304 d. which have no. 644 d. which make up.. eae Pee 330 CG fo ah Nias hs SA eRe Pei 548 OCU) Cle awe Be cnace eeaiinca doth pentikd: raja... 405 TOT MATT CONCS oye stare iat 707 for Noble ds). uae onan se 533 TOLE VIE CUOUSTOs. os eu peleta es 240 foul a. willirise®s: 2...) : 510 POLI C.F ries Meas acne 6 BOON MD AS bi pers stile alerts 108 high words and d...... 8 his devilish d.**. 525 his little d.. Be RE ill d. are doubled*...... 8 in d. not years|l.. -433 inspires immortal d. 443 makes great d......... a7 massive d, and great$.. 54 more avail than d...... 8 OL Oden Ges nce as es 165 CE WOLKE Co Se clas ot hake 340 Ot HODIC Cd. Tear ot. 26 sie 664 BHT VEFEMOUS 1s te +m «star Lao OM. VIFCUOUS, C. wor oi samen 107 on virtuous d...... 713 our d, determine....... 137 our d. still wavel.......137 Deed—Continued proclaims most d.**....258 renowned for their d.*. .223 royal d... es acne Ss 137 ~aSDea king in) Gd. te) ae oe LE7 than their d>. nee the present d.*........566 their d. were evil......434 to commend my d.**,.. 8 to commend our d.*.... 20 WANA urailid.! se) acne 136 WE dT VO, int)... ae alehs 9 Werlive Ind. vs spree. 433 what d. are done Sevan ete 7h with noble d.* L sis ROS years of noble ‘d. +. ae Ss ae 539 Vout better a. = 4 sete 238 your d. are known..... 52 Deep- bottom. of the d.*.. .364 broolksis di" +. staat 643 cradle of. the. di f...eceen 632 curses not loud but d.*.. 21 d. and dark blue oceanl||.542 dipare dumbass ays. bo 6 43 deserene =. Caicte te eae 408 aiteh tOOvds... nace Ge 33 Hoasty: ds ake, eee IIt lowed chris te sacra ian 185 monsters of the d.||.....542 natural philosophy d.. 06 OM CNErG. ic = Sty Senet Mas 24 the frighted d.**........ 180 Toe. rolling d 2. ww. t,he he 543 the yawning d-* a5, se. 3 735 ENG VASE Ye Gta sob recuty iets 302 ther vast ved to.. oe ee 661 Deeper—d. ones are dumb.644 Deeply—d. beautifully blue 632 Deer-—a chasing the d Ost ay stricken diss aa eee 374 herd-abandoned d...... 374 hunter and the d.......308 hunter and the d.......374 stricken d. go weep*... .135 the strickenvd.ty... case 374 such small dito) £4. .510 Defamation—d. would like .r0 5 Defeat—ennobled by d.....218 NO MOTE C.wayy whee aes 62 180 WVOLSE Oly Curitieranamane ath scat 133 Defect—cause of this d.*,..107 covers every d......3.. 327 each fulfils: dint 3. specs 471 AINE DVO Use ak cath. ctusaieinr. 182 Pine DY" CEL waa. eid ass ite e 383 fine DY Ce Ly.4y het s ialegenes 736 TEV te Bear Re PR, Ramee 3 492 letiia dS, Sieh caetaas ae ons 132 single redeeming d.. 268 some, d. in Bert vita ee » 1566 Some'd: in her’... ene Fhe ASS than the d.$ya Wis sa eaters Defects—her d. show...... 520 Defence—cases of d.*...... 181 cheap d. of nations.....118 dv and ornament: a.aiae 524 ad. or apology... 4. Pen a BAS gate to make d.¥*,.....181 In the dive eeseseevees +472 DEFENCES PAGE Defence—Continued Millions torideee ete. 181 millions tor d*s:2eern .. 560 tormake td tee Van eene 303 well:for his'd, 12 3% 359 WIlLSOME AG. serene ee tiers 745 Defences—d., musters, prep- ATALIONST GR aro eee 562 Défend-z] se d........... 181 Defend—men ready to d.. .667 ministers of grace d.*...307 Defendant-d. leaves the COUDEM a dea staes ee pes 13 Défendent—z/s se d. contre. .181 Defends—it d. itself....... 181 Defer—d. not till......... 505 madness‘to d.. 2:45. 2.4 506 Deferred—from hope d.....366 hope d: maketh....... 0. 366 OF hopetd vassice tee 366 Defiance-d. in their eye... d. to all the force...... Defiled—will be d.*....... 582 Defy—d. the Omnipotenti*r87 Tdowds him? 2) shee tee 181 LOO WERe S tee were 290 Degenerate—d. from your.. 37 Degradation—breath of d. anid || Stee sree en 462 Degree all 3 faTbhercder seme 4713 bith by dite eke ee ee 552 but d, away*. 92.52". 552 ME OLS Rgiat potted AA eas 238 Dut india. see ee oe 618 differing but in d.**,...182 TOW 3G. Sete ep A es oe 205 MMeASUTe OFid- el wee 407 observe d. priority*....552 when d. is shak’d*¥..... 552 Degrees—but by d.*....... 550 din tschoolstst) aoe oc 552 fine by desks eat he aee 736 fine byad. si. eee 182 Prows Up DY. disso 182 scorning the base d..... 33 Deguiser-—-d. sa pensées....658 pour d. leurs pensées....650 Dei-estne D. sedes nisi CETF A Fu oe OSI, Soe 314 vox popult VOL Direc a. Cees Deil’s—-d. awa wi’......... 68 3 Deities—d. of each dwelling3 50 avor no tone cot ees 645 Deity—a d. believed...... S15 bespeak the D......... 515 d, that’s perfectly...... 465 description of aD...... 381 felt presence of the D. 64 for D7 offended-s22 eee 64 half dust, half d.|). --462 resign the Do ae 95 to’ beard Yea Sie 24 ry ae not the D. dwell- J ieee these wo rons 314 Deloct ee dandeee see 390 Dejected—never d. whileft. .228 Dejection-in our d.J..... 576 Delay—all low d.......... 361 aawas best’ ./c oan eee 26 fatal to Git ove rere WAL S1Z DENTES : E } ; PAGE Delay— Continued Delights— Continued naticht-of do. f..%s.+..345). theserviolent dt. sees 220 persuaderdss Rit... se et 555| these violent d.*....... 575 Dela ye eae aie and d.¥355| these violent d.*,...... 676 ali d.-are Ga eo A, Pee 5951 -¢0 Scorn to ** i) noe 258 . breed new d.. Sy iehe cee see 547|Delinquencies—their own d.108 doubts, d., surprisest... d. have dangerous*,... for d. and doubts.. Deliberamus—dum d. quan- do incipendum....... Deliberando—d. saepe pertt occasto 354 Deliberandum—d, est saepe .354 Deliberate—d. as often as354 Deliberates—-woman that d.355 PL eit lee eleth phe: 0. ei)6 Deliberation—d. sat and Dilbile tcate wee: oa 188 TOSt tOLOUCO Ose attest 354 Delicacies-thy pompous APS, Basia Sebi awe a 10 Baers —for d. best**. 372 fortitude andes. ese 404 lessens woman’s d...... 456 Delicta—prodest d. fatert.. .133 Delicto—in flagrante d.....335 Delight—a sour d......... 440 BiG: CYES IG. cites aie ee 555 AG Tarde eee 660 ang Une G. lmuaioe estes 578 artist S WeSt CL ..c pee ee 566 degreesor dia in owe ec 489 Gach ea yO Ves cos ae ees AI3 da. withslibertie. wa... 519 dimness with its own d. 75 draw His Ownids.n. . cn. 490 Ever New Get wien cies v3 LO ever new d.**.........726 FOL Ae LOU ste cic ee sOs devant ener ce eee ees 282 He Urata wee as a ee 554 lstolaiierz hadlors MW iatep se ens cae 87 if there’s d. in love..... 452 EOWA Ye) b Gaal 3 ah Bs ly Ree acre 21 in whom he did d.]|..... 459 labour we d. in®:..2...: 50° TOGUIITLSCCNIDN CL le ercmeeeee 576 no d. to pass away*....563 Of WHI PULTE ka. ates ee, 686 Of pure Ue wee eer 347 Oleptretd’ peer ase Sete 628 Ot trite cee we ieee ores 4690 over-payment of d......347 HPiantom o1dsiece. ae 741 aleve coh Alc GaN ey encanteaatee 454 Siti role nicest es OO temple of impure d.... 4 templenGt dese ese ee 575 that d. they never..... 442 THEIL CEATAC. Se erate 7.26% SO t Wate te ee e750 Cur NG Anto eu se Perri hele) WEeTC RIN) ety eee ne eS 410 Wept “with Cig. e «tices os 86 whom d>fites'> 5.23... 5 2 whom d. flies. eee eee Delights—all passions, all d. ie: Grarevatnitme aes +n 576 ring of intimate d...... 732 POY Ee tHOb ac ne Paes ¢ oO Delitto—nel d. é la infamia.151 Deliver—till I may d.*..... 307 Deliverance—day of d.....384 Deliver’d—but not d.¥..... 300 Delos—where D. rosel|..... 333 renee of Apollo oahihe dvs acne at eee 402 Delphian—the D. vales....328 Delphic—a D. sword....... 550 the: D: oracle”. 27. hae 50 Delphos-—sleep of D.**....551 Deluded—d. by him....... 538 to .be\ coe ke pene 324 Delusion—d. of youth..... 432 the ‘universal’ dio.¢. 2.0: 134 1nder some ti. 2 ane 42 Delved—when Adam d.. 8 Demanding-—d. all deserv- 1G. 2 on, cea ee 464 Demaratus—D. was asked. .643 Demd-—d. damp moist... ..539 Dementat—prius d........ 390 Demesne-as his d........ 362 Dementiae—sine mixtura d.304 Demi-god—what 4. hath*. .553 Demi-gods—heroes and d...354 Demi-wolves—d. are ’clept*198 Democracy-d. gives. to évety mantis. nace 182 d.” in' Sparta; . sisersreaie 182 d. is the healthful...... 182 Go that IS/an: eee 323 €..0f death t=4. pa ore 227 Cos: Of (da as. ee oe 603 Democrat-d. autocratf....669 Demoeratic—that fierce d.**551 Democrats—the d. d. d.l|.. .274 Democritus—what D. would Not. “WEeCh,.. eee Ce 61 Demonicas—Isocrates ad- VISEtH <1). Cres ye eee LE Demon’s-d. that is dream- IN os oe oa 608 Demonstration—d. of what VOUT cee Gee 571 Demosthenes—D. or Cicero 116 compare D, to me. .aaae 100 DSwas ‘asked=.. a> sieae Pre Scoffing atio™ vena see 60 when" Diwas ... eee 551 Demurs-—long d. breed. ...547 Den=from his d5j °2% 4 ae 531 Denied—comes to be d 686. to beta Sic =o enue 356 to be d.. pa Aes se. 356 to bed: 3. eee 686 Denies—who silently d.....356 Denmark-friend on F508 so.an D7¥o- oe ee 376 state. of “D2 eee 667 throne of soe eee 23 3944 Denote—can d. me*.......508 Dentes-equt d. insptcere GONG oo. halle ain Rae DENY 813 DESPISE PAGE PAGE PAGE Deny-—d. him merit if... ..481 | Desert— Continued _ |Desires—Continued palliate nor'd. 7.002). “58| “dd. circle-spreads........ 531; our own d. denied us...107 What. they doth Anas. es 5337). -a. @ fountain), . 8S. 183| present in d. they be. 4 would fain d.*....... ATiesdeshall rejoices; , 6. = 182} who d. most that*..... “401 Deny’d-teach to ‘be d... 82| double-shade the d.**...530| who overcomes his d....133 teach tober dio i SA 93| every man after his d.*481| with sublime d......... 6x5 téach “to baid. ore eos WAZ im oitethe wide-d, esos. se" 644| vain d. is fre@ ies. fas eh Denying—d. that Ij|....... ASazien lonely d: trace. foe.. - 707 |Desires—with vain d...... 04 when d= men ak ee WAANOW OL ALTUC Goss sees 587 |Desks-—stick close to your d. ree Deny’st-if thou d. it*..... ESL ewerose of thesd<-s¥ 45 4: 626) 'votaryol the des. ttre: 564 Deo—par esse D. videtur...317| the d. werell.......... 727|Desk’s—d. dead w. 2.750 Deos—D. forttoribus a desse.482| the lonely d.t......... 314|Desolate—none are ‘so d, i . »442 expedtt esse: G23... es eT siautothe d, and eases ee 522|Despair—abandon’'d to d...532 an orbe d. fecit timor....317| touchstone of d.||...... 670] alone makes d.. 31 RSS Deorum-—lente trad. est...615{ wunrewarded but d...... 5096| ammunitions of Eee’, 367 Depart—about you and d..556} your d. speaks loud*. Pee andetroim. c.f. sare oe 368 and’ d: full-fede Se .9. Bi 388 | Deserted—banquet-hall di. comfortlessd.* 24. 18s 610 d. her presence so...... 555 dvati his satmosticen. 4.0). Sas conscience wakes d.**.. .349 triends: docs sake. oe ts 85|Deserter—looked upon him d. defies evenl|......... 185 Relprtin: tovdite wn et ees 723 asia dss vet eee 183| d. tended the sick**....1094 PEAY .tOrds 5 He wre se 522|Deserts—his d. are small...146|] d.to getin........... 468 shall we d. from it..... 537|Deserve—d. to have*...... AS3 eds toset in) 20s 6 eee 468 SQrd Ma Wave aoe wae eat. Boga meveritoncisasma ome. 490] and eternity’s d........317 when ye d. thence..... 211 thangwerdnc ee asl, ses. S44) ee tiercer DyiG.t* ae pee 185 Departed—all but he d.. eS Wwhabry oud ewes ees Dalim fiercer Dy d.Fhia hr. moe 188 a@. di einriend ies ts Po 26|Deserved—hadst less d.*...325| forehead by d.§........ 394 Departing—friend’s d. fetthe 550|Deserving—d. nothing. . 404) 0 give up nor.d-s .a.2 8a 280 Departs—friend after friend d. without honour..... 291| greater mischief than d.1o99 are 85) d. without honour... 3309 Hope bist: sad dita tate, 185 Departure-I. wish them a THemMnOSt GC ei eietet! 3 eee aan eetbeshall: Gite irene amen es 572 Feit Cy ow Sranenersiea ne 2|Design—difficult to d...... LOO MMT Wildudies tsi mene 642 Mew. d. taken oy. oe eet Ss pe ainitacic. of dotieir nese 639 incredulous Old sae pe 334 Departures—charges or d...473| towards his d.*........ BIg this Hat: dF seas 185 Depends—he that d.*...... 401 |Designs—all high d.*...... BS zie tS NOt ara e. se ROSREAS. 432 Deplore—-in absence to d.t. 2! bends his whole d...... Bs iw clikedi§: Jk co. 2 wenn 234 Deportment-—unless d. gives46 5| lofty d. must close..... a7 ie love’ std) issbute eee 452 Depose—men cannot d.*...403|Desire—and warm d.**....663} make d. andf......... 513 Depos’d—have been d. * piss bloom of young d...... 445| midriff of d.f.... 415 musthe be dF i250. 0.. business and d.*¥....... 184] mnod.so absolute...... 185 Depositary—d. of the truth. N6s deep d. hath none*..... EF OL TUdetAh wee. Ae eee 207 Depravity—estimate of hu- avot thei mothe? 2752S. Gr jm rautestion. of diz. 20 5.. an. a 5 tnand deseo eae. eT 489| d. what they deny..... 53g} ereason. with. dinad.sens Depression-d. in ae PAS HSUSOM-Seess. peteeh eee 184| some divine d.f........ oe Deprived-even’G. is dy. 3 02557 |" "an fierce dd... ie. 446) theneblack: di. eee 185 Depth—d. of therocean on 617 (eit warms id. 4) toe as 396| torapture andd....... 750 in whose calm d........ AZaien Hips -Of. may di. 4A etes ee Fa ele tyrant, than idcwiswasmor 3607 dark biiet deanery ee. 33-7" Simedium: of d.illz cee see 6a oewan-d.s Aa oe eee 334 outiofthe dees S5As° no more to.dssom. © ee OS mawasting in desman: 451 Watery» diode oahe te ween. 251 phe of youre d25 5% 36S} e cwastinigrin, dite Wace: 610 pakicouad es elected by*....403 aS Et RSS ee ee 64s @ewither, byidite. oh as4 oe3 7 outward sainted d.*... ae 76 of fulfitled da chs Go wy gist lmeworse than, dis teeta, 368 Dere~soch smale id. ...510] our d. is got without*.. .192|Despaired—feasted d. been Derling—old man’s ye Ter tout low Calle gate bee aoe 446 ADDY sae ee cee 49 Descant—her amorous d.¥*234} this fond d............ 381 Desguiringntne thee d..... 442 ae ae Ne d, Aver- Ahowrarte i does ee Tao (er torthee dy oS. w. s. «See 452 A ee ieee his 348| thy heart’s d.**........726|Despatch—no d. gave oe Deacentaand fare Ase 469| wakens fond d......... 675 TANG.) ie wn eee ee claims of long d. t.. ot a3 2 wasmot. d:|j ot. ae 247 Despayring—men fallis Bie ot nobility of dil). on. Winabiyourdne see cae nt 604 INTO dco VE 184 pre-eminence of high d, a wings of false d.*¥...... 184|Desperate—d. is the wisest "smooth.is the dU... 95.20) SAU MAWOTIG GS) Aipissicc ada ct ee 39 COUPSE a 5 PERN ci secete 473 Descended—to be well d.... 37|Desires-d. composedf.....540} d. turn*®............., 390 Description—begar’d all d.* 75} d. of the mind**....... 580| diseases d. grown* AEN 473 beggar’d all dk 2a: Soe d. were aS warm,...... 630) forrardydisease <2 hase 473 paragons d. and*. .566| d. of the mind**....... S50) ir0f-d, steppes wii yeed. 366 that paragons d.*. 0. 05: 740| d. were as warm....... 636| one d. med’cine more...473 Desarts—and d. wild* ae et 681| every man d. to livelong 23|_ urges d. measures...... 525 Desert-abide in the d. feomlow di. os. 446 |Despise—d., laugh, weep]. . 463 Witlhic ds culate 131- Mears d, be® oo. ee) 345| dod. ihe. A leakerion. 373 ad. a beggar born*...... 671| levelling down our d....403| Warning to d.j.. 427 DESPOND S14 ] DEW eee : a PAGE PAGE} PAGE Despond-to d. than. . 593 | Devil—Continued i Devil— Continued Despondence-spite of d. 74| Abashed the d.**...... 630) synonym for thed...... 188 Desuetude—almost innocu- between the d.......... 190), the d. dwells hose 3490 OUS Ghekots! snk St arSicteall the sd, aeons iu dies 206| the d. himself*¥...... it S6 Despotism—defies even d.||.185 call’ detheg Ge. pie corbin hick gare 788i. oto meet. thetd: 6 oe . .1890 Destinies—d. for multitudesr37 cannot call thee.d,l .:.,450] - tothe GC... 2 Seesmic 416 fates and dea fe 167|. command the d.*......392| tolltothed....... ; 222 our d. o’er leap||....... 6a -ed. a chapel pak oh vetoes r21j_ wasG.or Devil..... ». 568 our d. o’er leapll Moite cam 666| d. always builds....... 121| wedlock’s thedi|....... ae peated suo fugge di . d. and no monster*....186| which the d. design’d. . .189 nw ly Dorey Sera 185| d.asa roaring lion.....186| wonders how thed...... ge. Destine hath set:down..285|. d.at home.-.. .....6.: 628 |e AVeeldst eee eats REY eek go by di to Ae ie ae TS85 sod. builds'a .chapel!).ecs « g2t|; you are 2... . 5.) ahi iSO. DY, dC. 12 At aaaere toes 468| d. can cite Scripture*... 87! _ your adversary the d., "186 goes by d.¥..vcaibe ie 185 | 70d. can citetat. 37 keane 376 |De-vilish—tough and d. sly. 1412 Boas by d.% 2.7 fk seth Re 468| d. can throw at.. 517 |Devill—eat with the d.. 186 more wise. thansd(tx 186) Med. didtorinta eee cmeiae 373 |Devils—d. are here*....... 3490 knowledge of his d.*266| d.did PTIN Vs Gli oR 5O3 | cscs ateW OSS} cea eee 46 man escapes his d...... 185| d. ever God’s ape...... t21| d. being offended*. . .736 Of his Gate wack Deanne. TOG) y ods NASA yCATE:. mse hiemiehene 189| d.inthe moonl|........ 409 ONG Cie eo aeratho trae ears Fos o.d., pathinog ins ye “tie) « house we... -s.c.ee 740 Destroyed—cannot ‘be d. . 479) sudeis still at hand -eanyes an T80) the dleavings. ys naee 23 Destroyers—courteous d.*..554| d.may never find... 189| 2*the d.stoolse.. +. ae eee 739 8 Destroys—d. at will....... 4603| d,sends cooks... ..... 142} ».triumph for duohue eee 183 a theinsmind: © 9st. eae 300) oxd. sends cooks sc anes oe 3iTO [what damned: deaaanae S352 Destruction—d. cowers to d. spend hint) ©. jie «sek 389} whend. will*........, 186 ANAT IC i ote wcacea ate ae d. tempts us not wal eros 686) - whenduewill*&. 4.).5 eee 378 Destruction—goeth before d.592|} d.that old stager...... 189 |Devised—d. by the enemy*392 ns is ;dits. .ceetee tebe ered 643} d.to keep state*....... 619 |Devotees—no genuine d.. . . 406 Jeadeth to, dle se ue ake: 314.8) Sid tO, Days ie atatewke Shae 639|Devotion-calls d. genuine Teach OL ete see So) Sad. was pigi-die. cami 686 growth 4... ake Wa63 redeemeth thy life from d: wear*black®\4; <0. 2% shee Bpha3 afraid to d. 8 SOE eee Tis ANG Slag hy dum deve Sete 231 ILC. SOU Semeur dale. a chaos oes S13 AIG COT dats raphowet excl, aoatene 462 Aira tory Nome ete. one ees 430 OTEICO deaaroerantele e rete .430 before Nerds cai serie ae .220 best:tordst See ese 546 better tod. than....... 364 IblSSto' ast. a ener. eae 5590 iborm but itoud.. Jee. 462 brave d. never........ .560 bravely dul. neo.) ae. 617 broke the Cy URE, She eee ode business) tis tord ser ei... 54 but by annihilating d. geet bat to dpe eesti oe 160 bits top ils aecke cette 388 ean’ d, but.once*>>. an 170 COmterlte tO disp eee: 407 Gare tocd eee sate, 339 da, becatise are 00 Wee 451 da. but onceto!. Sr mea, 560 ds. by “imelies sist Ae. 261 d. for his dear country’s.5590 d. for one’s country.....550 d..nobly forty. os wei 60 d.ina great causel|..... 168 zAS CASbE. petetemia tien teet 109 Gd. Ot. a-TOSE Lad: samen ein 567 CO. af; P. catees ne Tatas Bod 624 ds Tihs Si arte tees 488 d. to save charges...... 565 di was now cast}: wt... 109 A. Wemast lr ease 502 d. with harness*....... 280 distinguished from to d..431 Bloranid de nvaed. Uso. ne’ 654 AONE. Cl ce wer tS hone 21 AC OLIC, . euete Ree tte 241 do we not d.% . 2. ee 828 397 doomed tordsas. fase 378 Gown aridndste, ir). sacder 300 each night we d........ 651 Ot Pt Clew ty secans ehegeretbve Wie 328 Godicuts therd.1.....sim7od gods love d. young. oe ee aes gods love d. young. 169 DIE 2 ; PAGE Die—Continued good d. first fy Jeane +170 pround:to, dis ae eae 504 hazard of the di* 29.8) = 10g hazard of the spotted d.*1o9 OW TOL GS slater tater oats 13 how to-dil|f i pees 27 how to d 3.0 MiG eae IIo how-to.d..-. eae eee 240 how toss eee 240 howto du, a. ees OL how tod: aa cee ae 501 Ldareinotidial.2i aaiee 580 pects but first||. SATE, Sse: 547 df Didi nd: Sep 572 if imisty dh yee os I7I thot ShOtla' ater sah... de ees 588 ASHNOUM LGC wee Sree e 30 learn of metod.f...... 501 let hind: [ser awh Aes 521 Jet med.) hs Dare eae 540 livevancd.d) veel ee oats 240 live: or dee e cris Saree 372 IWOOT Qian sCeyo aveh toa 109 hve ond GG aie iy 109 live OF d PBA. Ress hice SRO. 109 livesumusted 2 aeyyere ster 502 livesimaust dick 20.8) oe 508 Loveicanid sy aeneiie: 454 man cd. betters) .4 avin wa 560 mend. butionceticd 4... 170 man shall wholly d 64 Man, Can Girne AoE ees 30 man) wouldids* teen. sae. SIL May, st dusatoo. es os.oe 428 matural tod Moreen we 88 needs must dace omens 425 notiatraid told) .a: aries oe 12 notimadeto dpa see 550 not wholly, dae, «cure 380 nothing will d.7. 536 OL bravely Gat . sciemeraen 450 on. bravely. dulcimer 688 other menid sy, 4am sees 310 Ought tod: Hp es eee. otek 546 people can'tidvet. 2 8 178 place to din. st. tee 388 privilege to'd.a..o. site 0 OFT Het tocar eee. ae ee 546 Shall Heid, Maren nes See 614 shall neve, « . sett 381 slandend fies ace Sot: « 409 Sure toids . ian tek 442 sweets tO ds no ute. does, 640 teach men to Git ats aiiisk 240 that shallinotid: 4a Aeke 478 thing to, d 7% setae 160 those thatrdsf/ Senet. ae 481 tlhe: due fee. cis eens 220 tillitheytdwei. PF. Sata oe 470 ALL V OU scncheie sts Serene 220 time’ to Civ we ak eae ene 10 tis butte disistini ye 171 tard! aspiiinprn . shaven 380 tod. leavetesds thie: O71 to.d) 19.3. a ees be ee 172 to.d. Ssiaxdebth via. tirice 67 Ho di 1s Ditters oe. thetin 1 aot. a: 343 grace and good d.*.....263 his’ soa tisk dts naa 666 of churlish, dct eee mer 371 so heavily with my d.*..475 Cr itar Cd oe aa eee ATA very melancholy d.*....475 Dispraise—d. or blame**. ..685 Dispraised—to be d.**..... 586 Dispraises—praising most UT ey ae 86 isposer—gatherer and d...574 isputandi—d. pruritus ec- ELESTAT UIA Veniear scoters Yo Disputandum—non est d....682 Disputation—debt by d....440 itch of d. will prove... .195 Disputations—the medieval SCHOlASHIC Giraiks! tt Siac: 534 Dispute—blasted by d.....195 CEASENCO! Coes arity ohetevseae 522 Ga thlikeat asa tee 85 fOT DEAL VE 4 a te sical e va 40 forbear d. and practise..195 NONE: COL Meee aes 473 LenAVETA LC) Girt Aayeuts Slat 605 a AaXetolmeck oto! alts IS RNR ele, 105 Disputing—itch of d....... 105 no d. about tastes..°... 682 Disquietudes—sorrows and SS ub Rae alah! iene. Ai em 490 Dis’s-from D. waggon*. . .276 Dissect-creatures you d.t..431 Dissection—subjects for d.||.620 Dissemble—d. your love. ..195 Know how: tordesto. -ses« 180 Dissemblers—no d. heret.. .556 Dissembling—d. subtle... .456 Dissensions—d. between heartS.0< esa eheseownt 233 d. like small streams. . .232 Dissent—dissidence of d.. ..600 Tie ee eae is the art Dissimuler-savorr d, est. ae SQUOU, Ga ESE Iu does a.6< 377 Dissipate—d. the winds. 83 Dissolve-d. me into ecsta- Stes th oben ays ois we Suncs = 14 Distance—by d. made more BWECbie clan cida woh auctatof os 196 by d. made moreJ..... 196 d. lends enchantment.. .195 d. sometimes endears... 3 due d. reconcilest...... 195 notes by d. made...... 476 the d. beaconst........369 Distant-as d. prospects pleases... ct «ost arued 105 d. views of happiness. ..196 Distates—guilty joys d. sur- Mises ly ch papeuedas 47° Distemperatures—pale d. ANCE Ag. 1 peat eae wae: Distill’d—d. almost to sai scce ONnCe., Heenan ren tan yt > 77 Distilment—the leperous d. a It Distinction—d. lost.......53¢ DISTINGUISH 818 DOGGE PAGE 3 PAG ’ PAGE Distinguish—anxious to d. Divinity—Continued Doctors—Continued _ mySelfe:s warerue se 6360537). of hell*#..09.:...9...377| Od. who do. not, deceivesarns not d. by the eye. Ms siksde that stir ct. sec et ¥23'4¢)| slike dy thusts estes -195 Distraction—d. in s aspect 9| d. that shapes*....... .601| want their d. mouldy. . ea Distress—in my d.* ..572| d. within them**,.....207| when d. disagreef.. of danger and dil. un rhe oT yt such d.-doth*). 403 |Doctrine—bold teacher’s d. ( é: ot thy cit aces eee .394|Division—makes sweet d.* 412| book of d............. 87 WHETG gly hous cute stevetarerete 401 Distresses—d. of our friends 489 Distrust—d. is cowardice... 194 d. of my own abilities. . 47 ONCE COC aeane tela) mecverstctets 490 SACU ani weenie ke eee. 469 Disturb—fears of old age d. 23 Ditch—who sees the d.. 33 Ditchers~gardenery, d. and grave-makers*™ ...... eee gardeners, d.and...... 302 Ditio—atrt janua d........ 348 Ditties-soft amorous d.** ,161 Ditto—I d. to Mr. Burke... 52 Ditty—d. long since mute. . 72 hicand Geatodtse. waco. 84 Diu-opus est nec d.. .-404 Dive—d. into the bottom*. 364 Diver—Ceylon d. held his...450 Divers—therefore the d....104 Diversa—laudet d. sequentes 192 Diversity-most universal tialityviicrd’ acciucars 544 Dives—sat ero. Dov... 613 Divide—d. and command...706 Ge ANG COVEITi ats fone. . 322 GRACE A PCTA.. Soke esti 322 AMISNOt TOsbaKe st aus tes 447 SatHSutiac Creo aes nee 474 Divided—and were d.......704 CA we taller ouce ee see 272 AWE Laine ee aot aermeeee 03 Dividing—d.we fall....... 703 Divils-fightin’ like d...... 303 Divine—aniwaty depen. ce ee 6 79 atixiliar tou. porte ee 335 Deine Arse wert oats flee ses 72 iby’ d? revelationy won 6 407 ean no’ more’ dit... 27. Impste d. above the reach..... 435 avideas below. we. cee 570 TORUS Bees eee Se ees 714 CPOOd Tae thates | eens oie 590 human facetd set. ts 60 human form-d.|i. ose 460 toakeé ‘one di is: 2. SE AAT Tick TS eC sees eee ie AG men pronounce d...... 237 Tipe COL kIMest se eee 323 neht dior kinges?. s.6. 401 The -worldnc poste ogee 452 to forgive dil seen es 231 to’ forgive d: foe ee ee 288 She-s (Beet ptlansomnee 70 she’s lovely, she’s d....741 them seem"dita 2 Sova: 740 we become d Divineness—participation of Diviner’s—glad d. theme...714 Divines—philosophersandd.138 Divinity—as if d.. 56 d, that stirs 540 op ere) ee Wee a, eS oe ee wens sore @ we @ ee ee Divitias—semper d. habet. ..407 Divorced—Roman d. from his wife. .*.".3: ee an aA 466 Divum—d. domus......... 623 Divus—D. ne loquitur an CFOS FS REE So SE 112 Dixerunt—pereant qui ante MOS ROSITA ee ee ee 573 Dixit—tpserd 7a oe 130 Dizziness—love is like a d.450 Do-as most m:)do:2.sN 264 butito: d) and diefie20 3. 654 damn'’d if you do 7a25. 5901 dare tocdeytiaces oes oe 146 daretto-dopises os oe ees 688 dwall thingswies ae ase 7 d.-noble'things: . 32... 8 d*not doi to oethers,>. “20 deoridiess be oe eae ns 241 d. to be forever known 61° d. to our neighbour..... 29 d. well is better........ 8 aiwhat l pleased: Jy. +130 - d. what his clearly.....750 d. with might and main.212 d. ye even so to them.. 28 d. ye even so to them 20 each man d. his best*® 8 fearitold:* ieee tne ee S55 hand findeth to d.. .212 Mmeanstto. Git. ae eee 55 men should d. to you... 28 men to-d. tome....... 28 no matter what you d.345 shouldtnotsd teh... 577i SOMNUCH LOrdethe citer toes 61 something to d.ff.. PATT that men can d.. .250 that we would d. Rae ae . 2548 thewerb* to"de set ee of what can an old man d. 21 what man would do....441 WihhatayOu,Uers: ors ST OT whichever you do...... 467 Whovdare: Citetines voice 289 Wiluneverdster oe ee 749 will Grde Ree oe cote 18 Docent-homines dum d....217 Doctor—dismissing the d.,.197 Gwandssaintss.ac2% «4c... 24 Gu sipard. ver ere Oe colt ts 107 d. takes the ee VAS a Te 107 fée- thecd) forse 49.24 610 lately acdvate re ei ee 197 never were my d....... 07 pass for a cathedral d. see seize the d, too*....... 197 Silent:d Ashools 4 ees . 366 women have a d........118 your patient d.* 301 Doctors—amongst the d... nee best d. in the world... .1097 | “d.tand imagination... % 390 d. which they heard....s5or emblem of his d.... 61 fot for the d.f.. oe not for the d.f.. prove their d. orthoteee 88 prove their d. orthodoxrso prove their d. orthodoxss2 truth of hisidy se.) 61 whose d. and whose life 124 wind rof-dsa <2 Sain +3368 Winds .of (d2hh io he Taree Doctrines-d. and _ their maggots.) 7 el ee 88 d. which they heard.. ..123 d. there set forth.. 67 what makes all d.......150 Doctus—homo d. in se. 407 Doe—he list d.......... {Su Doer-—d. and the thing.. : 610 spoke loud the d.**. 8 Doers—never great d.. 8 talkers are no good d* 8 Doer’s—the d. deed*......365 the di.deed* 572" es 113 Does—d. well........ “Ura d..it..%, Be eee 26 not what man df ees 441 Dog-—as a d. returneth....282 be .ard.:and bay*/.255 ee IOI peiaud.* soe. eee 198 beat a d.*. +S ele ane before the d. the....... 374 better than his d.f..... o7i dead dinite cer ae 108 deat Kewl... 4h eee 198 d. bark at a beggar*,... 65 d. by instinct? 22s. 33 d.’s a. savage one, ae 51 d. must have his day...164 d. must have his day...164 da; said: nothing 7) 22 535 d. that’s mad?.f) (sean 5590 d. was found)... 108 d. -will have*!)'; Poise 164 every d. his day... 750 every dog his d........ 590 haire of the d. that.....436 his faithful dos; sate his faithful (dG. sees {S335 is thy servant a div syi 198 let-no di. batk* > Fy ee 551 living«d\.. Wilt ee eee 130 mastifl dope yee ..520 mine enemy’s d.*...... 1908 my d. will whinel]...... 28 than: d; idistract;".e mee 03 this. d.«smarts. See 198 the:only d.4..°. 09. ee throw at:a d.4s.7 2.) eee very handsome d,. 321 your lamezdint. eae EWE: Dog-days-shake in d.. 274 |Dogge—a sleeping d....... 106 DOGGEDLY PAGE Seek any 2208 himself d. to SIY Domum—dulce d. resonemus3 59 |Dorion—D. ridiculing the. .+++. 67/Donus-d, sua cuique tutis- PAGE Popienen—s cost la d.. 576] SONI 5. stk Xe oe 359 Dogs-all by the name of a¥298 hic d. haec patria....... 350 d. are fighting in.......108| mon d. acctpiet te laeta. ..360 d. are fighting. weeeee..006|Dona-et d. ferentes....... 310 d. howl’d*............544|Donald—think 0’ D. mair. .205 av of Swarts coe ....--717/Done—by men been d..... I d. walking on its.......590] credits whatisd.f..... 46 d. ye have had........ rOmieedos has di... .l. oires 606 fierceness English d.*...149|} doing never d..........750 howseloldd,.¢, 42a eniasOr ied. at once hastily. .ty i: 341 let d. delight.. 3 SaGlgg ad. too late! weclink 4 chelet’ 547 little d. and all*....... 198) ‘hath nothing d......... 212 POAC. TOOL eee tie < SO SIME LAAT C.. TOPS. seleisanu tye ~22T mores like die... fie 007 if it were d*..........347 Fain cats and does 007 (Psi itawere.d 4. &..0ss 355 Tinto. The esse, ais ate SS O7 SiG, muChetoMDeNG snide sf. ane 408 Doges—wolves like d...... a7 aie ¢never.to be Gd.asn. os. 549 Dog-star—d. ragest....... 57S" .Of something Gitk ....n > 479 the ‘scorching di. Js ..... 585] required to be d........418 Doing—delightful d. noth- something Gy Scyesy heute 7 phe hae i ee nes Ae ee SS SoOmesomething: des ea aoe, 4II Geathing nom. . korea hes 341| that which they have ay 7 AEs bEy cee os viene s ores Godiemtounaverd. 1s" re aloe. 567 lear Diy Ge ses ore 420| whatever men haved... 1 outdone by the d.... 7 OF Mem WEL AUT AS) (Clee ddcensstie creates yj HATS ALG CEQ EM iets clei) s Fe WAAL Si. atSt Ce tiee re sous) Ss 557 weary in well d.... ZOOM W Ha teishC fret cord 407 NOt bite Gharcl bicllle ons ote bchees Tie what, S-ds We Partly: ccs. i 13 Doings-the day’s d.... ROA Ne WOn aTeyc. fas a Ae hha 604 Dolce—d. far ntente........386| Donne—on croit qu'elle d....291 Dole-be his di¥ 2 .35505..- 241| quelle nous d.......... 310 Doleful—and d. dumps*...512| qu’on crott qu'elle d..... 310 Dolefulle—and d. dumps...512| qu’on croit qu'elle d..... 459 Dolendum-vis me flere d Dons—d. d’un ennemt..... 310 CSET ashe cel Med aeteerete 679|Don’t—damn’d if you d....591 Dolore—nessum maggtor d.656|Doom—crack of d.*....... 753 Dollar—almighty d. that...496| edge of d.*............ 454 Dolphin—my d. chamber*..744| regardless of their d.... 46 Dolphin’s—D. anchorforged 90} regardless of their d....115 PH Dla Ved ne se wee 641|Doomsday-is d. near*. .. .363 mermaid on ia d.*:5% 2. % ASTIE LSiCkealmost. toi mm: 6543 Domain-right of eminent d,573 Doomsters—purblind ra ede eee ays Dome-d. of many-coloured Doon—braes o’ bonny D.. . 106 Glass. seo Meee ee 432|Door—and open d.tf...... 605 dsmore ‘Vast s sn ee, SOSiWmaS a Church cuhe.t ciasier. 755 G=.o Pua htiee. ok alee GATE at ai yodeten. ost cy onate S71 a. of thougntlt..-emce BAS At CIE ilo Meh oe. Sagas! secu 25 roundéd Peter’s d...... rales behind the d.h6-s, secu 552 fue pNesint da i..eea Soil aC. Of. POWEL! COT bentees ois 400 with starry d..........537| drove me from the d... .636 Domestic—at d. than at....525| every humble d........ 400 conscience a d.c...... Os le HOSpItavlerc: ih tnurus.as 585 current of-d. jovi eee 3308 .Show him the dias... 22 d; happimess,iee payee nk BOONE SAINE LG. sWOETEL FE ows xox, fh. 24 d. happiness thou..... PONE SiMtLte tne Gl foe cc, cpsveadtcr, 578 Domine—D. exaude vocem. .334|Door-nail—dead as a d.*...16 Domini-—mtsericordia Doors-—clap to the d.*..... 488 Nter 3 SOL eee 480 sed TD. est dirigere...... OI Dominion-d, absolute**.. .648 d. over palm and pine. .316 traversed a, distenen. t 545 Dominions— —on their d.... .673 gsiave in thy dite eae 534 San in my ¢.7. eco k 673 the Spanish d... .a.1.+8 673 Dominum-—d. videre pluri- PUI a fcux! che ete ee ale +0472 d. all looked d. of death ee eee i> be. 60 se eee oeeee ee shut your d write on your d.§ your living d.** Per oe ey eee eee ee eee ee wee eoerever Cee ree |\Dore—ded as a d. aney leu: that same d.. DOVES PAGE .607 |\Dorothy—D. O. strange is..533 Dotage-streams of d. flow. 221 Dotages-command d. of htman.\. 06s, eee 207 Dotard-—sly. d..5. an.nontaeen 274 Dotards—d. of us all...... 150 Dote—to d. uponl|......... 555 they say cdothid.\ esse: 4604 those we d. onl]........ 86 woman madly d.*....., 276 Dotes-who d. yet. doubts*395 Double—palter with us ina GF SCNSER ise a ete 179 Doublet—has his d.. OLE Doubt-all men d.t....... 190 defects, Of:dsii. Bot-teaet ws 550 d. a greater mischief... .1090 dy thoutheustars.. 2: an, 199 fatthin honest dete... oe 190 ATP GeacONact Lume) setae 462 in fear and d.. 367 IGARIIG SOO NGset eee eye 100 Wea DY. dase skister fd cathe 245 IVES EDOM Caden eee 396 modest d. is call’d*.....190 never stand tod... 252 ONCE ADCS prac sacs ee 199 Ouiantuistinsd eee eee 355 shafts of d 253 Stand to damon center 559 than d. one heart...... 253 thanvd, one heattes 4... 700 RO COW ON, ne saan 4 6190 when i ps Bre Ph Fame ips ne ea Sa 105 Wien itl: Ger. sear knees 190 WHEreENG. wbnlerey arin oan 109 Doubtful—to d. masters.... 82 Doubting—d. charms me...190 d. in his abject spiritTT ..540 Doubts—delays and d...... 420 dotes! yet. Git. oe ee. ee 395 d., delays, surprisest...470 Ey WihOuchs ener se Merge nos 356 in. d. counsellors. .;....: 06 knows most d. most....100 littlest d. are fear}. ....452 Our. are traltones ae LOO saucy d. and fears*.....260 saucy d. and fears*.....505 Saucy Garand sateen te 26 355 VO SpeCtTe:, des ¢ nec, shcttys 99 Douceur-—plus fait d......306 Dough-—cake is d.*........ 270 Douglas—D. in his hall... .181 hike Pe conguerss a a.tee 34 Douglass-song of Percy apo lh DE Pht gael elesyes.c 2 71 Douter—apprendre a d.....199 Doux-—du grave aud....... 580 Dove—any sucking d.*. 438 any suckinovd tar ene, e 715 Durnisk: diae— ess ee 663 Share’ cle Cutest eens 253 springs of DSi en ae 28 than the Gees. reer 635 wings of the d.||........ 406 Doves—condemn the d.....416 a doeck tara e.. 148 d, do peck*4: Sut es F928 DOVE-COTE ‘Doves— Continued d. draw love*s 7.34 2% 7.2445 d.’ will peaie® fis it Se 753 d. with noisome*....... 149 fy WEEsdS,e -cneas oee ee 212 harmless as d.......02. 635 moan of depot eon Laan A trembling ‘dipaie tins 212 Dove-cote—eagle in a d.*. .212 Dove-like—d. sat’st brood- ATT te Fen meee deere 13 d. satst brooding**.. .. .393 Dowagers—d. for deanst.. .311 Dower-d. finest of§.......304 funeral .5 Drawn-long d. out**..... 14 never could have d... 86 820 DRESS’ D | PAGE PAGE Draws—beauty d. usft..... 336 Dreamz ontinued d: fifty foot'of -water./:358|': we that.d.{... 5.25 - eee shed: him$ +d. that waves 2. - eae 386 break our fdeit,..k. no ee 648| d. which are the chil: ehanvefilidsitnicaoes & 491 dren*® 2.3.4) see 200 dare to dOfffi..3 Fer, 146| early d. of good]. 451 d..and, euess cai, eek 732| glimpses of forgotten a.t470 d, in courtshipt......... 47°| ground not upen d.. 202 d. in death’s eternal....430| 1t only in dreams...... 662 da stselitigt: ee oy ee goo! land of 4... d2. 2.9 ae 24 d; not: hali-se fairv We... 25| must d. themselves Le. .202 ad; of ands = Gi hee y14| of forgotten \d.f..... as 200 d, of a waking man....365| of forgottend.t....... 202 d. of not*to. telly? seis 682} of golden di): 4.) 623 dof pease! HVS 36 eum 29| passing rainbow d....., 202 d, of petces 2% ii% 2) of ao2| pleasing d.:, i.) Scopes 263 d. of something.... 737| sends delusive d....... 200 d, of .thingsithatie: sae 558| some d, we have. 202 d. of those that....... 365| some brighter d........ 347 dso sweet ?2.L% tke 1o1| splendour of strange d..467 d. thetfanicy*y 400 Mine 131}° their own din, .} «2am 202 d. them all day long.... 6]: their own d.,.....:-43 426 d. then a shadowy lie...548| to pleasant d........ sid d. which was not alll|...202} to pleasant d.......... 432 dewithin ardsoh tienen ae 430| thy wise d.. 274 emptysd.$ spas eat ee 432 unsubstantial d....... 636, coldentd: sees eiee ee 282|% what d.'may* >. jae 671 goldenid: iv. hee ees 714| When d. they say...... 201 have had a d.*,. 201|. wicked d. abuse*¥...... 529 hidecus.d* Ne Wen. 151|Dreamt-—d. that I dwelt... 202 house-top afb 2y46, 0). 416 |Dreary—dark and d.§..-...367 love's’ young d/.5 6-0. .: 453|° my life isd}... sides ae 3 makes ardsfe een ese 609], my_life is d.y.. ... stem 302 Memory. deme eee 202|Dredth—child fire d....... 243 not d. them........... 321 |Dregs—bitter d........... 201 old.man's divi 4s. 00 714 \0 d.,0f life... pints 370 prodigious d........... 51 d. of Mens: .« «vise aay quiet d.. ......692|Dreme— d. of joye...2 3m 380 rather like a d.¥....... 477 |Dress—character in his d. . . 203 runs-miy dips. VS 24| disorder in the d.. 203 shadow, of a dtan. ©... 33 |: ¢d. covers the. s..iaaeeme 670 short asially res oe 435| -d..0£ NO Use... }s-cenemm ny silently asad......... 53| Gd. of thought......... 4iI spirit, of myod Pe. wats \. 202| 4d. themselves*...... vd 1 steadfast CO SC tl aia. aN y1s| d. us fairly for our eng 237 stillcacad ct aacs ees eee 2or| gaudy d.. ; . 202 stirr’ a with her dl. . Ret in another d§ Be . appeal ae thesPoet sidan fiw vs 2 1|_ sacrifice to thus to d.*. zt re rere | a Dress’d—neat and ‘trimly d. 285 thus to d.*.. plain in d.. wdalen ee eawilesse eOL Dreamed-—d. that life was .546 - DRESSES PAGE Dress’d—Continued THAENESE Co worse nes 205 pomp or dove, Sees this: fleshly d.ouv2..6 vse 380 undress best d......... 325 Dresses—d. for breakfasts..205 Drift-I cannot d...... 322602 Drifted—d. from thee.....474 Drink—best d. was.......720 black earth d.v... <2. 2.207 cool. thin d.* 227) o. faaee L400 d., deep (6 Surge eras aed d. deep or tastet. Feeleiag Ve: ad. deep until -2.e8.-+ 22409 d. for the een ..650 d. no more than. 207 d. sparingly oteuedss 436 a. sport: for lifeis? 232% 545 d. to-day and drown 206 a. tO, ene Only kes oy ok 603 d. to sweet Nan... 584 a tothe lass 22. 5 fet es 603 Cothererystalen else sts 352 (iethis health cious 603 drop) tastdy leas. ee e720 GAC eATLCNC erates. holes 215 Catan Gans edeete te 215 Pat anc d.:fOt. seers aes 545 eat, d. and play 545 BAL FAIL CO) Cis Sue alert tne 545 Eh Sip rigor Mum Bl APURRE Ie ira 380 every creature d....... 208 Cat re Cl eters. s a.cces eer erehee ore 207 i Uvocrhe Tits KRW, Cue eegne sire bnEs 215 let a soldier d.* 653 let him d. merrily . pete Lol) let them heartily d..... 414 dettisy Cll n.t oho lalarehe cen 731 THAT, AC Gute Weolecters 5 281 meat. and d.ics- sere 281 FOAL OF Gees cee od te tes 281 nor any drop tod...... 632 old wine to.d77i oe .:. 19 while you live, d.. 209 Who-always der. ie. sss 206 WHO always dist oe fees 668 wild anarchy of d...... 206 why met Cost oe tees 200 Drinke—cannot make him Ree eRe ee ee 54r dowherr 16486 3. 22>. son 598 Drink’st- thou eat’st eo S Sere ey SESS 9N8 8 50 oF 6p Drinking darting, d. cag ing. -488 d. joys did first......-. 208 d, largely sobers ust .. -421 harm ani det Pee ee 208 red-hot with d.*¥....... 206 unhappy brains for d.*.206 Drinks—d. to Hamlet*. ...403 king d. to Hamlet*.... .603 strongest d.** 24,7. 207 whereof who d.**...... 540 Drip—-d; of thep oe). or 05 Dripping—by constant d.. .567 Drive—a coach and six....418 hold or d.. 25 Driv’ller-d. and a show. ..221 Driven-hardly d.is......541 82] DUNDEE PAGE Drives—d. fat oxen. Sed Ss le Pies rer bs v.12 eee 483 ruin fiercely ave . -626 ruin’s ploughshare d.. ..626 Driving—or d. about...... 618 Droit—la force et le d...... 482 Drone—lazy yawning d.... 80 Drones—against hostile d.. 80 Drop-—d. of blood*....... 560 Cor Tait a aes Sees 542 GOL Water: oh. it ute ee 5607 Guoti waterad. ous we: 567 Gsbor Atinic sete Pe cre eee 632 every d. hinders....... AI Drops-—d. ebbing show]... .302 d, -thatisacred® 22 o% 557 d. the ripe olive....... 501 like kindred d? fo 3227’: 507 precious dsare' oor. Ft 685 tuddy dethates..4 0. =: 345 FUAGY Gee sone ete 345 Dropsies—d. and asthmas**194 Dross—ounce of d.**...... 348 your d: behind’ 2% Sy. Bit Drove—d. me from....... 636 Drown-pain it was to d.*..201 Oe of being Agar ed pica tek aa eae ae 41 like aadiermeat. is as oe 206 Drowns-—d. a province....358 Drowsyhead-land of d... .386 craic a d. disobedi- DST oe tases ae sees 102 Drudgery-dry a aty erie. 750 make d. divine........ 636 Drudging—is always d..... 66 Drugs—what do Sahat chattist 4525 aia 681 Druid—a. D-liesi; 2.72. 2: 29 Drum-alarming dil|....... 7Ia call of her morning d... .673 d.-ecclesiastie?.". 22) 22.4 590 Cis NOW: COS soe ee Sates 718 MOU Ande or ties cet ste 329 rumble of a distant d... 61 Spirit-sirming dF) os... 263 Drums—beat the d.... 208 beat. the dey eee 353 Beat Ot deserters ote 710 da. begin foro’) a 654 d. discordant sound.... d. sad roll has beat... ..653 like muffled d.§........ 431 ,|Drum-beat-whose morning’ Seb Rided O cetiad Ee cmott ene 673 Drunk—and all d......... 208 BUC POG hes seeks 208 Plotrinusiy dscns er eee 208 pabiestsely 0 eae ee 646 must get ae Fete ees 208 Oe eee in their PAGE Drunkard—Continued Banr acd: so Sarees 206 some frolic d.. .210 Drunken—d. man like*. ..206 quarrels witha d. man. , 206 Drunkenness—d. an expres- Dry-—d. as the remainder*s4r1 in the: dior 2t aide ae 757 your powder d......... 482 your powder d,........ 482 Dryden—D. a coach and six.210 D. taught *to. joms 2.7.2 210 e’en copious D.f 210 Dryden’s—D. less presump- CUOUS! Fe we Pat ee ee 210 Dubiar—d. m’aggrata...... 199 Dubius—dum d. fluit......355 Dublin—old D. city........303 Ducat—for a d. dead¥..... 241 Duchess—fright the d.*.. ..438 Duck-—d.with French nods*273 d. with French nods*. ..363 Due-give the devil his d.*186 hunger for their d...... 707 tore: 19 thy dt ae 325 Dues—all their d.......... 212 Duke-d. and a’ that......608 indeed the d2¥.2 35, 952. 426 Marquis; ds, and so. - +303 Dukedoms-—grant no d.....425 Dulce-d. et decorum. .550 Dulces—interea d. pendent . .360 nec dad. occurrent oscula. ..360 Dulcet—d. symphonies**. .. 53 such d. and harmonious*481 Dulcimer—damsel with a d.202 Dull—and venerably d.....421 d. beyond conception, Sgt Heap scesnoisor cece 670 learn the-dy cd Ser, 304 not only d. himself.....210 so. ds a-kingdom™*®. 272... 62 Dullard—d. and the tametts26 Dulness—and gentle d.{...210 dof the fool® i 24 Sere. 282 th Cn See. . ete oon es 322 mature in d. from...... 210 With: this-d.ian) sess 670 Dumas—D. when asked.... Dumb—beggar that is d. . .644 deeprare dah Se Ie as 643 deeper one are d....... 644 da: dictated: ti. por. see 617 d) repeated it. ove 617 mien: are.di >/.te..2 3 mers 405 mighty griefs are d.... ,644 our lips are dif see: 558 tho ber dz 5 he. .: Salvi 384 ad; our sppapertn. 2. Ble SO2i|" HcOnen Wiicle vers h seein bane 21h\. ee. Tent, oS) eee 212 a, Feturn to! (hse eto BUT We RUONE tiVeCusesnt Wicd aseetta O87 (pe. ICG MS) Sig aie ko 632 d. thowiarts. a see fl 211|- d.as the subject*...... ar2|..¢€. he ‘was lord4. .¢sn-e= 213 CG. that hasimotiil. ness So3ia~_ a. thath no places: tec. 212|-.¢, ina dove-cotet 5 ee 212 d. that is a little gilt... 52) d.if that namef....... 211|,..¢. in his flight§..)... alee 236 dathat. visesmipiie a. erie 464| d. that lies before you..212| e. in his flight§........ 530 cl, ChOUlact wee phate ose 210| d. that lies nearest......212| e. pounces on the......463 A. thou arth, Muck .e 432| d.’tis to love himself....64| e. stricken with........ 212 d. thou wouldst nott...329| d. to his Creator....... 404| e. suffers little*........ 212 (Grp hele oreretet ts on tae ees BETie HerGidwHis da spent 211| fierce 'esini .. cones eee 212 GLO dtSsenarlowa. ehenibn 32S |, eATINS eC we pLOIn pba peters Tea) tull-wing d-é.F. oer .212 d. under your feet..... 2rT ly HES Waste aatnictamtigerd 546| high as the e.. siete whe Se d. we tread uponl|...... 20 Tile patn: Clad shee. beams Memes 2r1| liket the “6.4. Syn ae 503 d. would hear ERT icectas 320] |-epathvot: Gully amen pre 3721, struck: Yel); ooo ee ee 213 @arth atid deere ar 4 502| performing a _ public Theban:. €.5..%6 5). eR eee 213 fashioned of the ic. OBS hy statin ox omtes oF L51Ljee whom th’ €..<).. 5 see 212 SAIMEPOST Ta. alt aera. Ga ASO sa DCI Brae thet wckondoes 335| young e. wes a es ee 213 C1ve told iineck ae aner 523) reward of one.d...... 4.. 212|Eagles—bated like e.*..... 57 grandeur to our d...... PTT te iSCTISE OLIU..00. Syitahas tm ieane 20Ds e. fate and mine: we eee 213 halfid s halts ek ybs cnet 462). service sweat for d.*..,.... 16) .e. gaz d Wponie o. nani 120 héa; ob id daw -reacnaeee 20 simpleness ONG, Fn. 625 <<. 21 2')...€. not be esfinca aise ae 130 hearts arerdies cu). <.Miieene 346| subject’s d. is the king’s*403| e. playmates of........ 315 holds the cds.) .. si fromeanie. wind. (ore 540 centric** , . 63 turk lof freshnte.t. sae ne, sO2| © from tie ett oe ae 672 Echafaud—non pas Pe. See upon’ the eevee eee 528| from her native e.**....434|Echo-applaud thee to the . Tipon.-bHisiela ss nee ate 560] “gorgeous ef? 2 99 187 very -€.7.. Sse eee 52 utmost .e,cam, ». J). 7; 748)-"4ni the ef gees SR ee 470}: > 'a dying e.2..\ 2, Yue .257 WE ATE GES Fo Ree sys ees ROA) in vyonder ef Pie oF een 674] °'é.canswered, °.-. em 216 were ite, ope eee $99| 1 itis: the @% ic fiiia poe eu 78| e. answers||....5...2009 85 whilere, SS'el eb Wun sie -410| I’ve wanderede........ 477| ©. answers wherel|...... 216 whole huge e.tt........528] _nonorth, noe.... 35| ) én the sense... .).2e ee 715 whole round SI ree a ees 58o| “notse. 70 7 ey Ot SOV ae ee or See aig 344| ‘industry. and‘e.... 722 424 Stra mmouldt*: eee bess RTA! ecole fish teat |e avz| join. with etl ee ee 216 Earthy-—in e. mire........ By 2a emtouiver, cn se atm 28x | * ‘of political-e%,5% ) aa 83 to their e. mother...... 450 | "eto levers ee eee 215|Ecrits—leurs é. sont dts vols.573 Ease—and arrant e........ 200\) "e0-yourswordse!> feck. 747|Ecstasies—dissolve me into Dele Se merce bee a7 -eMertodive sae se bene eee 215 RH ik a Tay ben tO.@. US.) «ns ess 489| great ones e. up*¥...... 271 Ecstasy-blasted with e.*, 301 — calm he'sits ate.t...,.. 466| heart you woulde...... 344| seraph wings of e.. 484 Gays Ofie. tuo wen es aes 470| letuse.anddrink...... 545|° verye. of love*®. 7 sj eer 449 devoid 6t'e:$. 22; (ok. RAI raved COLE. awe eens eee e 215 | {Swart aS:een). ee a. SO done with so much nor walk'nore.ts wi: 460|Edas—non vivere uteé...... 215 el Ae fo ee eras ae shalt thot dew eer 409 |Eden-border comes of E.**554 doth‘e,. some deal*......490| “some wouldie......0..., 687| ‘* gate of Ei... see 554 e. and alternate........ 494} tell me what youe...... 215| this other i + 223 evand Speed’ 0, tae mane 341| they e. they**......... 380| through E.’ took#*®). 22% 242 Cratterwarre nese cane 613|Eate-e. thy heart........ 344\° with loss cf BAe ee 303 Naa err theirann 7) acc. ee 388|Eaten—e. me out of *...... ae Eden’s- E. dead probation- e: leads’ to habits: seus 335) -eoto:death with*<) 2." “4rol™ vary i. sae ..504 ee with dignity. see te 190| worms have e. them*. he : from E. fountain...... 685 e. would recant**....,.538/|’Eathen—poor benighted Edge-e. is sharper than*. . 647 Ber atieds. ttt os Reece SOO er eae gs ay Ma .719) e. of the meee ee ele oa eee Oe EDICT “eo EMINENT ; PAGE PAG PAGE Edge— Continued Egypt’s—Continued Eloquence— Continued teeth nothing one.*.... 70| when E., fall... : ee ewok eves eiskiae gee 570 teeth nothing on e.*,...577)_ when E. fall.......... @. OL eVeS, | Mvea sateraeee 570 BEb TOI Cots) ous palnutee aes 351|Egyptians—E. in their fog*. Be e, the ssoult® 4 soe ee - 54 the precipice’s e.ff.....517 . passed round....... SOr'les,.e., to wWoell os. 05 Hates 748 Edict-spurn at hise.*..... 5Io| e. ‘pride Ba scteth eet eae 407| ©. whose power........ 78 Edition-in a newe....... east Pew. PITCe. 2c). ais ats Sherk Maras Goajwehneavenly ¢, 4). 40% aoe aets -219 more elegant €......... 230|Eie—please thee.......... 519| most splendid e....... +310 acagteael Were superior e. Eies—e. and ears....... : ear OL. patriot es. san ake 224 INET ra last ete eae 217| fieldes havee....... overwhelming e.||..... 655 Sabtaton be e. most have Eifer—der Freunde E. ist 5208 PLOSE. WAS Cine Fotarkh 308 BOIS, « oom owtetoe eres 116/Eighteen-roses of e.f..... 16| whose resistless e.**....551 e. makes the man...... 217/Ejaculations—e, and im- Eloquent—makes those e.. .444 é. Was an ornament. ...217}. patiences..+. 3.204 ¢+«- AAO EOLA NANG C.4s 5th, kere 5r left without e.**... .217|Elapsum—e. non isse possits47|_ soe. as thoull.......... 626 Wberake: ....he.< s acti .217|Elated—never e. whent. . .228|Eludes—the onee......... 746 Hiberal iO. cc .eiscacls .305|Elates—-while fame e. thee. 479| Blyes-fairy 6%) 6 snafus 251 WHera lL eciarhdeys tae tates « 420|Elation—e. in prosperity....14| the criticising e........ 670 Making 6. NOL, < were: 217|Elbow-e. at each end..... \262|_ thee. On weiriiedove es Acree 47 MODICG. hr atc ta te has, oes 6 571|Elbow-chair-snug e. can Elysian—o’er E. flowers**, .277 part Oly Cnn «ate ae Sore a 606 BLLOTUs secs cis eo: 144| o’er the E. flowers{.....277 tis an education... <<<. 217|\|Elbows-awt at e. TSS 5 Menthe lifer. Sic 4 ot edewa tr ae 172 Sits e@. TOTMSL + 6 a aerke ¥- 217|Elder—an e. than herself*. .456|Elysium-—circuit is E.*....625 virtuous and noble e.**,.217|Elders—the holye.f....... BAO ima wilat by. ta Veus stele te 3890 Edward-time of E........ 47|Eldest-e. of things**...... 5290|Emancipation—-e. is but Edward’s—of E. reign..... 350/Elect—mark of the e...... 108 Palio. of ete) ots 217 Edwin’s—thy E. too...... SAS paeWNeN, LO. Ose oath theeht ET Ser Oliuiniversal.e pres ecm ee Eel—better than the e.*....204|Election-e. was forced Embalmer-soft e. of...... EOL VSCIONCET, « ..c.cerese.es 385 CIPON sessed bile le ere .118|Embark—when I embarkf. ve Eeris—in cattis e.........: 510] momentofthee........ - 636 Embarrassed—awkward, e., Effect-arguing from cause Electric-the e. chainll.. ..680 SUlikea etn see merays eons eee 40 5 KEN SRS eaten, Dees Be 440 |Electricity-my experiments ACK WaS Calict om aot aie; 39 cause.of this e:*.).). 3. 4..; 107 Wither w sy sh waecee oe 292|Embatteled—e. and rank’ he Effected—been actually e.. .537|Elegance-ever so much e.388 TC CNTs eee 527 Effectual—the moste...... 538|Elegant—e. as simplicity...645| e. farmers stood...... Are Effects—close in like e. BT eG SUTMCICH CV .ch 1). ian ele one 49 e. hosts, with spear§. 21 Efficacy—more e. in it. .129|Element-—low’ ring e.**...125|Embellit—/] e. tout ce qu'tl Effigies—some valuable e. DOWER OME Ch fen sie © sans eyest 221 HOUGHE ipa saih hoe 20 Effodiunter—E. opes irrita- Elements—become our e.** 12|/Embers—where glowinges e. Tig 1 {0 eg a. FeO 405 | eecontiet o£ 168.6 .[|4,o-s ae cic 462 through**.,,, .163 Effort—all humane....... 3o¢\endare the e. toll. adscue. 641 |Embittered—not to bee. .404 by great e...........-. SPA e ALA Y cass wyane Boece eke 61|/Emblem-e. of happiness. .412 WIPGEGUS Cis cctisintna es 3 26] e. be kind to thee*..... 263|. e. of his doctrine....... ok Efforts—by greate........ GOSieeerso Wit ked- Ins mes es AOL Hames VICI GS Tas alto neperonete ges Ste with more large e. in orderft...... to5|Emblems-—e. of deeds thetsog Soin eh aly RR Set he 552| mixed thee. did.......461/Embrace-as to e. she**. . .165 figere- e, liceat nist peper- Wat Gta ts me gesthase oale BST lia sit) ONE LE#.ve oth, « cesta ghees 342 COTSS IS te ey tee eae 270! wonders of thee........ PRS A clet iS Cx, ses creraiayy ciety ees 234 Egg—an unfecundated e.. ..549|Elephant-—e. isnever won.. 43] pity them,e.ft.......... ao e. of democracy........ half-reasoning e.t...... OI Embraced-e. the cold sta- 3 Elephanto—perfecta nitens e.200 Eggs—butter and e. and...535 @. Ol BOLE Eieet ieteus a age lots 2 une: Set Se 635| > “er ofate olen test ee sd301 efor nobleve O39 ie 480 AMNEIANTEMMIS ete acs A ae e. most sweet*. 1. ......222 get thine e; ; eee E eae ; star of esr siemens 3 6 Gresemttsh Festi iy eis os 221} have violente.*....... yk survey oure.||........ 628 e. must justify.........221r| have violent e* Lt ee 676 that fearful ele Sane 2h 47al- se, ofthenvorld’: 2200! ..221| his greate 3 fone be there Sis: peaces ese sc 564) 'e. thaticrowns: .: . -.e220| in attaining our e teas ‘ they miscall e.. PES M65 eatry theiman.s. 2 .».e219| more are men’se RatSiay 48 Empires-game was e.l|... =o e. where they began....504| moreare men’s e.ma. ak, 43 latdvexswaste Pras tse. 23| endure unto the e......221| odd old e.* Sree 3 ane menvande:||yj. e655 .0 3s 666 finds not here ane...... 85} shapes our eet eee a of dead Sue feekaee ae 624| forward to theire......220| that e. well. eee Employ’d—-his single talent from thee. Neeser ae ye 221| that e. well. Ve ae a3 well €::4,0. cso eee ee I GOOG EO Pee oecr area these four og ‘Cat eae Employment-highest e. of great good e.¥.4...... 499|°‘to these'el¥ liam 5125 va which his nature is higher e. and scope.....523| violent e.*........ “es Capableyes .hiir gre if the e."be well). 7 ...222| we may oure.... ene aae Employments— varioushise. te in his Cress es cece eens 175 Lihat Ur es Raat + BF Empoison—may e. liking*..647| journey’s e............ 388] whose e. will Apa eeS Emptiness—e. of ages in...750| knowledge of its e.t....171| work to e 3. ee i iis re betiays Ney wee 286| lamented in thy e.t....304|Endurance-e. is the crown- a his e. ete) ey Sig's ce 643+) Nifetand es, 25 25.2 3% 5 e407 a nett. coe ree SINS OFF 12 eee et ae ° ife's preatie.). fy 2", OU as0 Otel foeecohtvetrenone sins ofe:*3,ac5er2 Poteet, 5 life's a aif baklaz oc oe oF lena strepetn da 144 Empty-ane. day......... 570| madeafinere.*........ 176|End 7 first =. their pityt. ae Empyrean“the e! rung®™.'7674| makeané.f: 220. .25. 387 S Lhe ret € Sele ee Emulation—e. ’twixt us*..610| man’s chief e......... 1331 Teer aT Peer oe 738 é.in the learn'dt:...... #28} toMilots je.5 RS, Sat 220/R ree © say aces eee 438 pale and bloodless e.*.\"oae8) "aunust’€) eres ses. Soe 381 re eg Mig is to De €.2 434 shouting their e.¥2..... §2| must quickly eit) 207.5 255 wet pest Sesmnaaa Wasnt ae se LISI IS NGL AS 6 3 ety on Satine A758 | Petiy laste. 6 1220 Endures-love e. no tie. .. .455 Enchant-e. thine ear*....551| no private e.t........ 568 a prune eee ks Diy Gitar ae Oe Ae 27'S |X SNOLMOUD Ey as, cents eee eee .ras sapere rin his €.......228 Enchanted~e. by the our destined ‘e/§/!. .\.. ‘so7] Of NA TODS » 7 waite ek ; wicked Spells. cea: seen 542| of hopeless e.¥*)).00.. 500 = gs TAT eCtS a9 gh gairaeo Lies ercuphe py e- pees 21| our journey’se.ft...... 550 Bee ee anya ak ane dae pep ghosts from an performing e. us¥**.....658 seatLS On cereale 135208 BOP ELE Gee at Se 729| prophetic of her e......530 bate ae A ae 405 Enchanter’s-the ©. wand||.709| remember the e....... Ped Pe rntocec ak mera 208 Enchantment-—distance some felonious e.**..... 530 hated mine e.*......... 397 lendse.... Leos] the writeris"et7 2 aes | pel ae DAS 0.8. setae ase e. softly breathe....... 660/"" there an e.% 5 «ci [R0 Eg: SICHS ESOT Gr? 4c. 0 tae se Enclosure—her e. green**..554| there shallle.*....... 1420 piteaten - Cort alia Sid Encomium-no e. upon fillhis'eiio. tee yen Nich sere fo MINS.©.5.. + naniennapie 404 Massachusetts. ..... PesOi Thto Van Fe. Cele. ea er a WHO COnGHATS Siete ee Encyclopedia—e. of facts..150| to his e.*.......... .. +406 Enemy able 161 Heiae ea e. of facts. 239 to sweet e.*....... eae yk} and one €.......-.+++. gh Encyclopedic—e. “mind. . he UNtoOrance hee ee 222 attack (HG, Gedtan oxy ‘23 End-acts to onee.f....... works but to this e. 13 become an €........+.. aoe Btronqes.| 82 0IN es oe Perm bas End-all—the- e207. 00037.. 1358 aS ERODE yin rica Cunning 6,* a... cee 7 eae ENEMY ENERGY. PAGE Enemy— Continued dearest G2... .. Wag. SaaS devised by the enemy* » 2223 devised by the e.*...... 392 SOF alte, See ae hoe ta53 friend made an eé.......422 eine. kills 33 vic tsetse 686 e. in their mouths*.... e. is within the gates... .133 pitts of anne. .ae eee Stee ie) has one enemy........222 hear your e.*..... ates -A74 Hing Tis 6. toe oats ee 205 if thine e. hunger......615 inasingle e.ff...... e222 inflict not onane.......222 invention of the e......223 invention of the e...... 392 Misses; ob anvel an ere << 405 let alone thine e....... +223 ABATE Cr cs caPettle oe < 2231 mans Clef, es.642. 0 pre 23 many.are. the @24 260%. 144 MCR NEL esc sco etek Sela nLO mine e. my judge...... 223 BOW eI a tetsne eer wlerers ee 2S Oner Goines. /5, & 02 an - 2445 DUDUGC ICs ecsisiarctec snes ack 365 TAM COLOUSIGL US cere cunereno 2s Ta HANCOTOUS ETH se Seka 363 PINGICE Oya a cusretocaherere cieiete 222 spoils of the e..........583 to thine e.*..... Ashu: 2e. When Youn Gi. Jats. = 223 LSE IE, ca ceenscarsheerets fa pee 205 you are mine e.*.......223 Energy-affair of e........ 304 e. of the individual..... 466 Sens... that Gees coe. 305 unremitting e....... Legh ee Enfant—l’e. toujours est homme........+- sth 0) un fripon @'é........%-. 116 Engage-in bloody fight Eder An ta eee ee 21 Engagement-—every honor- abler Crete, oe .582 En-gedi-from E. even to. .622 Engineer—have the dy 2 Engines—as great e. deep-throated e. a his violent e.on..... your mortal e.*,.... England-—air of E........ 643 away from_E.. i oc... .622 banner of ee sists Sate breath in E.. can one E.*.... comes into E compelled to forgo E.. E. can either match.. “se ee wee ee ee ree is a paradise for... is a nation may as well. ........204 model to thy*.......224 . never did*...... .224 the mother.........226 o2/ PAGE England—Continued . the name of might.. E. what she will. 673 7602224 E. with all thy faults... 224 HagroruLy ys pees e272 France and E.. wv. 1 1633 gentlemen of E........ 374 Greece, Italy and E.....483 homes of Hop ay sees .360 King of E. cannot..o.:. 359 Knowioh D749. oe sak . 607 knuckle-end of E.......631 leads; torH Aavesak ek 630 make proud sss". sae < 308 martial airs Ofek, eudeee 673 PiATtIAl AITSOlel ase 673 men Ofer. oe srwwioed 410 noland tke Ripa. ae 226 Net (sutter-Ha. ee oa ae .226 old E. in the lee....... 632 people.of Harn aaa 227 roast; beef of-He cee oe. 281 royal navy of E........ 524 shires: im yey wes ote 471 State om reins sem. aes 225 this realm, this E.*. ....223 unless proud E. Keep eS 54 will visit E.. 622 (England’s—at E. feet. 710 H. greatest sony... os: 1.724 E. head and heart......224 OLE TOla a tere eee ec 328 with’ B: chivalry.i si: .«% 562 English—an E. style..... LST any. thread paneer ..601 ancient E. dower§..... 224 by es pilotsi sa. cases 358 EY aire Cowl direst. 311 Be antarticles ssatrneciil: 309 Pe tap Vin ta. aoe 226 Be make tty tiheiriiiensick 225 He Na tiomnas rere ee E. sovereign’s b.§...... 225 Me that of the sea. .ae.. 518 Byer SOL aie Miner aed eres trates 581 Ee stibject, S arate tare 203 the E. winterl]......... 732 lived E. poetry........ 660 Ours. deade ey aie 417 Our a Mation ay i, aor 227 our E nation Meats ceee 611 surly Ei oprideieoev.a< 631 dale) Uebebecsy WOpp ls Benin, 227 Englishman-E. being flat- SLOFEC AWeoay hoo Males dels 227 E. does not travel. ..... 227 E. hath three qualities. .226 Andsthe Le cde yaa. 227 Lat an Has. tee Siedeeee 4: bot an Bakke ess 226 TETHAINS Ault noe ec Lee 686 Ghesayinp Ewes, de . 683 Llelonh en @ ag) Cay es Ames eas 361 Englishmen-E. are we....225 Engross-he should e.t....578 Enjoy—better than toe.... 62 Canene ST-CLth 3 Séarsceueth 88 e. themselves so well. ..388 Be teitsiessibarmys Yin ot ee «are OO Phatewe TMA, Os. sec does ed ENVY k ; PAGE Enjoy— Continued whiles we e. it*........ 441 whiles we e.¥........:. 604 Enjoyed—chased than e.*. .604 bttle!to ‘be ©... 024 ee eas 431 Enjoying-it worth e...... 540 Enjoyment—benefit and e..132 existence bye.l|........ 433 Not 6s.and: Note awe 5907 POSE Of Cond) ie A ae 576 Serene? €y SDC] tu reacts 13.1 Enjoyments—all e. else**. .556 Enlarge-to e, itself*¥...... Roe Enmity—love or e. fulfil**. Gen Ennemi-—les dons d’un e.. ..310 vaudratt un sage €...... .298 Ennoble—do not e. men. ..543 Ennobled-e. but by namel]], 463 e. by himselft .568 Ennobles—no post the man Pe Ne EE ee ee nT 543 Ennui-e. isa growthl|..... 090 Ennuyer-—/e secret d’e...... 99 Ennuyeux-—hors le genre e.. 909 Enough-cries hold e.*....155 Gusiey TeaASte eon een ee 492 Having Juste: hes ase ws 493 MOLE: Umar. sete ecveys 4093 Ensample-—this noble e....590 Ense—calamus saevior e....565 SQEUSON C2 PALCL wy cab anes 755 Ensign—beauty’s e. yet*. .,271 Meat Gating en. soe 272 her tattered es: saa we. 273 imperiale wee sk Wo anes 272 Ensky’d—as a thing e. and Sainted tw. tic aaa 628 Enslave—not to e......... 301 Enterprise—break this e. Lovee ch. eka ae 14 GUIS SICKT Ae ee aes Se WOEOIC C24 A.ccnre ra sesso 118 iO EVEL. Cros ay. wun tees 221 OL BODIGTE. ae 0 oe tees 731 Enterprises-e. of great DICE aia Arata eee 134 G01 ered pith™ avon inseue 671 GLI STEATCS newt) ae eich 300 LO PTCALIC: anuchsuepece peers 460 Entertain-to e. strangers... 39 DAS ONG Co sant ae ae 647 Enthusiasm—has one e.... .647 rash e. in good]]........ 227 aiighiavaybi ten st mme-« Se RSE IS ae ey Enthusiasms—has no e.....402 Enthusiast—no wilde...... 227 SWEGD C8 ie ureve An arden 39 Entrails—their owne...... 660 Entrances-exits and> their Peak ee tans TELOR A coh Ecko 664 Entrate—speranza voi ch’e..366 Entreat—e. for me*....... $72 Entzwei-e. und gebiete....70% Envious—an e. fever*...., 228 silence e. tongues*...., 20 Envy-—base e. withers. .... 228 e. assails the noblest... .228 ©. BTOWS «sc ng vata ds n° 228 e. in her loathsome cave. 156 e. is a coal VRE seeee ENV YING 828 iene IES 4 PAGE PAGE : : PAGE Envy— Continued Equi-e. dentes imnspicere Eruptions-in strange e.*..214 e. isa ki kind Of Mne oes aes GONGIVES Ao Pe 309 |Erys—wode has e.........213 e.’s a sharper spur ....228|Equinoxial—of e. in thilke Esau-hands of Ev... ..... 78s 6. is Duties .228 COU Fe Ts TE aes 3 126 |Escape—deeds lete........ 549 e. of the small. .....:. 6227 Equipage—conduct and e.. .465|Esprit—les défauts de l’é.... 5% @, OF SCOTH. 0 Feces .290|Equitable-e. of men...... 400|Espy—him may e.........247 e. to which thef........ 228|Equity-—e. is a roguish thing418 |Esse—nzhil _e.. i iat ee e, want the Patron.....562} humanity, justice, e....418 Essence—divine Py ‘is niet 46a é, will meritt 32.0260 0% 228|Equivocate—will not e.....583| e. of a free government. 543 Makes: 6," TISe.s «te wise 228|Era—the e. done.......... 316] e. of life is divine......, 707 MIOULVES Oltesece eee 56|Erasmus-—EL., that greatt..312| e. that cannot destroy praise withoute........ 227|Erebus—of BS fe iets Sieg 303 itself 2.) Saas ,..380 that malignant é€..:.... 228|Erect-e. Shee. howi-kiwe 460| his glassy 6.¥. 8 a js Same Hive shatpees sero cee 2281 Ve, his Stature’, . Ce 450). ‘Our mix dei o. a eee 462 WOMAt Ss’ Gsoie e e ee 228) Uigodlike ¢.¥* ewe up vigor [> s their é pure’: eigeees 661 Envying-—e. a famous man, 227|Erection—cost of the e.*... 53 |Est-quod none........... 425 Epée—d’ advantage sur l'é. ..565|Erin—arm of E. prove..... 303 |Established—what is e.....401 d’advantage sur l'é...... wes! Scextle Of Fs.) ak noe eee € 242 |Estate-e. of the world*. ...475 OG Bot perishing exile!olelivs:s ies pet ae 393 |e. which. witst: 2 <. eases 259 oN eens eae wee 131}. when E. first rose......393}| e@.in whic thy lotis cast 11 eptieaiart —fired the E. ae se Erin-go-bragh-anthem of é. Of mat..a i... eo See 501 Ephesus—dame of E....... | PRONG LSE Po ey, | 304) sihad hisie.saoaehes eee .596 Epic-forgot his e.t....... 508 Eroes-thin red line of ’e...654| his high e............. 183 Epicure-e. would say. “¥40| Err—Art miay 6... eens 52314e-nis, high se, 5... sees 254 OLA WOM SAY a elente ee .166| cane, but once........ 460| lowe. beganf.......... 39 would say? 24..%.% F. 54'5i| peChOOSe pULie:) mate. en 231 MCANE’C..c: sy aie ee 492 the judicious e......... #07 *fdate topes, ok wi. ce eee 30t| --of high é€)): 4 S.geeti as 407 Epicurean—E,. cooks*..... 52| ¢. in opinion.......... 231) 2-po0or (65.5 fee. eee 140 glorious e. paradox.....459| ¢. with Plato.......... 232| religion forane........ 437 Epicuri-—e. de grege porcum., 265| Needs must é.... 0.6. 231} “-TeSCues “your?e, aes 420 Epicurianism—-the e. of Teasonings ‘but ito elfen, 1462] | (smalleniar as eee 585 ECASOIL Fac Palerat eiecie eet 4) Stover is humant eerie 231| sethe fourth re: =) eee 528 Epicurus’—from E. herd) 3265): to ests hiumanytiw.o% see 288) cvthis of 627... ewe 205 into osty vse ee ..205| when thousands e. Ne: f408| pcto high 62) 4. 65 schoolot Hh. ac ees .536|Erra Pater-or E.. ) avs CATS {Sebo Wan Se. o tee 469 Epicycle—cycle and e.**.., 63|Errand-e. to fulfil§ . . epee 5478 eewith his 6.5 se eee 12 Epiderme—a la seul e.. #61 ° mo fool's'é... Reet at 4 697 |Estates—titles ande....... 733 Epigrams-—word e. was sub- Errare-humanum est e.,..231 |Esteem-e. and lovet...... 101 Stittited:2 oc. eee 40|Errata—without e. may....231}] e. and lovet........... 310 Epilepsies-e. fierce ca- Err’d—ne’ere. atall...... . 231 | - honest) bard's eve eee 310 tarrhste see 194|Error—atiributus est @...... oS |. tovknowisto.e: FS eee 555 Epimenides—while E. and.696| buries every e......... 327 |Esteemed—make him e.... 14 Epitaph-e. of a person of..473| endless e. hurledf...... 462). petson who is €.. 1.92.5 586 Any thy set Seis epee ee 229\° te, and"mistake? 5. ..0.¢ .701 |Estridges—plumed like e.*. 57 © Or Ate. |i- 2 sage See oS 152| e.isa.scribbled one}. ...232 Estimable—-make a mane.. 14 this*"2ood ecauer.u swims 480} 156. Of opinion .4 J2epcus. « 702 |Estranged-seeminge...... 183 write mine e.*......... 229| e. wounded writhes....702|Esuriens—graeculus e. im Write TAY G45) ees 229| guilty of noe,........ .400 coclumxs. GRP 16 95S Epitaphs-in your e......,.229| hateful ¢.%. 00 6.... 47. 232 |Etat-—l’ état c’est mot. ......218 worms and e.¥/...5)0.; SO2)| eultable: to wes, coe i ata3T |e tate’ est.nioc ae eee .667 Epitome-their curious e...438] manyane.*....... ....417| tout l état estenIut...... re Epochs—actions are oure.||. 9] uncertainty and e. . 462 |Eteint—l é. le petit........ Epocha—memorable e. of. .384] what damned e.*...... 49 |Eternal—an e. friendship. ne Equal-are createde.......618|Errors—e. like straws. {23:9} tan"e; NOW...c. se 233 be esinadete it eee 502| e. of opinion may...... 54515 2an &, NOW. AM laos cee 233 be his e.... 1: hg. ela .226| own youre. aig nea ts 138| being considered e......536 €) Ol Oundayerrs. 6s eee 425| profit by hise. fs. 3244 | She Meminine: 70 ese 740 e.untous..... veeeeeee400!] some female e. £3 Sa ee Ree | 240| e. fitness of things...... 552 freeand ef. Pisin bee ..618| stronger e. blind....... 107|° revene, life 0 yA, eae 233° mammime'e, 2.2 phe .207 than reasoned e....... .600 night’s eyshore: .4. uae 562 nore, nor unequalf.....471| which e. seemt........ 606|.:theirel homes 5 eee 23 seek Alcidese...:...... T3T| Sovour-ex-pastice aves a a S to bees. .4.: tae ped Equality-e. of years of Errs—wherein he e........ with the'e.4*. 3 ous 188 birth ree c oat oe 460|Errour—bv e.we i artnet 78 Eternally—we wake e......38° e. with his fellow-man. b+ Erubuit—Deum vidit et e... 03 state ob Gf. oo wee eee 184:| oe. salva res est. Ao. BOR 02 Equalled—e. the most ot ee Eruditorum—unus dies ho- Equals—but between e.....207 Minum €......... aaa e commerce between e. ~207 Erupit—excesstt evastt @....275 none bit ¢............297!Eruption-e, to our state. ..543 Eternellement—ne dure é.. .139 Eternité—de l’tmmobile é.. .=30 Eternities—between two e.. 233 between two e......... 233 between two e......... 432 -conflux of twoe........233 Ee a a ee ae ETERNITY 829 EVIL PAGE | PAGE PAGE Eternities—Continued |Eve—Continued Everything—Continued time between twoe.....432| had tempted E.*..... eT OR etl HAVES: . os. es 536 HRY OG 24% stern a 2G Sy Miner i. and Tey. ws epooVenl.ve.e. thoughteniwye.. UAT mteraity—ages. Of: Goede sOOO Nm Olipln. possest fw. os8 2.7372 Sans. 6.7% 000.004 hs debate 664 can 6. belong’... ..2. J.'2979| « on ember.e.*........ .. 71|Everywhere—-he’s e., ah me deep as é..... veves ee e045! Our grandmother E-*. ..735 NESE Sow ee 534 clwellers’in GA ice eens oy ko dewy elFRO. Sucasn 255|Eves—on summer e.**..... ieee e “below J0. 0. 228k veee234. . women from E.. ). 2% .739|Evidence-e, of things..... 251 6, bids thee to [2a 0. 234\Eveleen’s—to E. bower. . ics to, given eG. Pon wa ee 417 eamourns’ that:..%/ see. 500 |Even—gray-hooded e.**...235|Evident—things true and e.236 6. of moments||.-.... 2.2. BOT hestin tele oe eis 523 |Evil—accounts of e.l|...... 737 e. of moments..... -++2555| sweet approach of e.**.. o1| all partiale.t.......... 340 e. thou pleasing........234 Evening—came stille. on**. 234| benot overcome of e....,236 e. thou pre ASAE) oF 381] come inthee.......... 372| beginnings of e......... 82 ghost of his e.. Sarees 0S S| UAdewsOL theve nie a2 .235| bent on doing e.. ceeeeee237 heirs Ofiallie tens -257| each e. sees§..... Cer best. knowin, vin ih 0h 2 230 heirs of . lets Sak de S401 0 ehellis cee Serie ee s644 Pichpice of evncae ss Reicher 118 heralds of e.||..... wens 202 Pole, beamilis sive. fan be +608) < Choose. the leaste, tras. 118 horologe of e.§..... o2),602 |e camelonet wien vet) (235) +, does-e.. that: good .)....4.222 amape Of. e.). 0.55% 2% 5421' 2:6, shades prevail... .%). 272} > domestic, e.f. 0. 22.0%. 5.726 intimates e. to man....234! long uninterrupted e....732| dreams ofe.l|.......... 46 made e...... Bites s. SOLS! ! many at ef iniecs e 406| e. and on the good.....6o01 Piattare: GOs Oates oss uke wHOZ (se Never Cr yebu oath eases 236| e. be thou my good**. ..185 Nic tare: LORE HPs heeree 508| nor grateful e.**.......530| e. be thou my good**. ..236 nothing but eno) ...65 32550) tof prateful’e.**..07 08 819| e. Communications..... 128 Malacelof ak 728 oe 234| - peaceful eins... 020s. 683] e. communications..... 128 parenthesis in e. seG03S) eshades of eS, 2s). S20% Wei Ay easel Unteok ey Sasa 5237 parenthesis in e. eee OOL? tthe. glows si (0% Poors Se IMLS Se ce aes ahha 508 pilgrim ofe......5..... £02) Sawastey WeLeae orn atte 528| e.initsnatureft....... 230 portions of e.ff.. . .332|Evening’s—at e. close..... age) Ges into, the®tissg eyo. 205 60% radiance ofe........0%; ASE at ESclosey WAGIAIOUe: aa si) © e.18 half cured, die. oc: 237 Silence ds of 6). 5 800028 O4.Spe es calmisands.. e200 sess Borpore: 15: Mll Goes ees oie Far 321 through into e. 2. O0.8).% SP) Sar Stare Ne o. pe eei gry pessoal. guaie. ba eo 4 340 ROUCTOL ese ote. nL 556 Even-song-hear thy e.**..532| ©. 1s ONLY As Gaeta. 237 wanderers o’ere.||...... 602} ring toe... 260d. .....368} ©. is wrought by....... 237 what does en ost. os! 6021 < cingeth tore. ls soe. S67 PPR MINS Co c5 Batiat. ahok ae 237 Sternity’s—and e. despair. .317|Event—arbitrate the e.**..370| e. news rides post**....527 Ethereal—part e. fire...... 403) © far-off divine.e.fey. oo. 221) ve. mews flyin 4 eee. es 527 thter-would**. 22 93% UO 5) = roteatters there. 287) e:.6f the deada..,/. 22). war Eihiopian-E. change his or the. F oes 2 Le .355|~ e- of what I purpose....590 Sichieest eee < Sees els) elstals IS ZiSdlp MSTINELINW) Chace viel A. ee eUel os ore 330] e. sign*. Peter eee 544 an E. white... ...... 3. 525|Events—-among possible e..401| ¢€- Sign*.............- ~544 Ethiop’s—in an E, ear*. 78) come before certain e...544| ¢-Soul*............... 376 Etranger—plus je vis V’é....560 coming e. cast.........544| @ that men do*........ 238 Etrurian-where the E. coming e. cast........ .600| e. that we know..,....236 Sha desPeas ee Sake Tew Pcontus d 6.85 ook s cas .543| @ to him..........005 236 Etude—le vray €6........... 462| e. are sometimes....... 9| ¢- Which I would not....590 Eugh-e. obedient to...... GOP Of ereat els. os. 8 weeeee544| © With which.......... 42 Eunuchs-as e. are the....378| of great e.............600| fear of onee...........269 Euphrasy—purged with e.**247| of humane.......... ..384| from seeminge......... 237 Euphrosyne-in heav’n of humane........ ....384| future good ore....:... 469 ycleptubt*, 2.2 .44,. eee a re Tew: of €.. 2), F520 < edevag6) 2god of e]f. ca... ie 3450 Euphues-e. I say is the. ..435|Eventus-—e. magister est....243| good ande............ 5904 Europe—all E. rings**..... 423 |Ever-for e. anda dayt....164] good fore. € eae ey at: 376 better fifty years of E.f.131| for e. never§.......... 692} good ore. sideff.......540 E. to be worn out....... 622|Everlasting-e. had not BOO fo €... seer cele ces 416 fate of Eyl sere ek . 266 fixed ta rse\. weveee es 672| half itse...........06. 711 kingly line in E........ 37| ane. now..... euhulgia es 233 |. Rave an i tela 220+ +238 Euxine-than the E.||...... EY FhOml 62 tOTE Re wee ss ..479| his e. star*¥..........0. 39 Evasion—e. of man*...... 666 Everlastingness—shoots of if you doe.... gente g28 29 Evasit—excessit e. erupit...275 CP no ake «he .....380| increase ort CLT ee ee eee 401 Eve—at e. when¥*........ 532 Everybody-e. saysit...... 321 in things e. Ps) << Rey +237 create another e.**..... 85 |Every-dayness—e. of this in things e. as ne eee 320 ear OL Bie cele eee eet 286 work-day worldff....447| ™means of.e.¥F. «5 ie tad hoe 237 Ss gpane.,. P22 re 38 \|Everyone-e. to his taste. aa: mens e, manners*..... 238 B spans: .s. PIT TeS. 38 |Everything—e. comesif....5s9| morale. or vice. ge saat; 324 fairest of her daughters é--comes ifs... Lee atte 776| mo man meanse.”...... 186 rr RAR eet 131| e. is nought...........600| not to doe............221 Mah of her daughters PATHSIS? 6 ccs se se eS SO of morale... ...-++++++52t De Slay Pena ee 462! goodine.*............519! only e. that®..........377 LVILDOING 830 EXPERIENCE Eee PAGE PAGE . PAGE Evil— Continued Excels—everyone e........ 1/|Exercise—Continued or extremely e......«.+182|Excellence—allied to e,....711{ mild €...6..cscscecessIOf predestined e, round...592| fair divided e.*....... 1468 on e. depend. oo oie we SeOtEE purpos’d e.*,...... eae aise Sek 400 let. CVeny.estaaia ie. ek 743 looks beyond the e...... 485 man’s e. appears||...... 685 microscopic esf.s. 27.22. 247 THOUS becOs t yayy fa Ske es 18 murder 10 minecks Saw. 246 not distinguish by the Cua, cy oucdedl set Oe Rtas he 485 DICASAN Pera). ee) oer. 716 thespoet, Sie: P as woe 379 rhetoric of thine e. .246 TLVeEr nite exter... 508 song to BION an Oh chou Ole 52.2) CowphavahebbzhahstonPmerne a) Ae A 570 a still-soliciting e.*..... 658 strikes, the’ € sa gee a 250 that inward er4.e..568 % 485 thatisamecess yoke mee. 642 the ‘Almightyie.e 25 3 oe). 540 the presentels inches olen 523 there is No, exivads eee 442 thinee;, bet saa. sta 52 twinkling of ane....... 246 twinkling of ane..,..... 246 under heaven’s e.*..... 423 MaALOLALVING) Cs sere 249 watchful 26.495 e steene Cees 601 welcome in your e.*....376 wench’s black e.*...... 240 WITS, the, Cram vaetsean ee 250 with admiringe....... 521 with equal ecto tem 266 with griefless e......... 500 with (Open. €..Liiwi.. 2 hee 520 with sovereign egtind 8 500 WOMAT Swi eter isco seks 246 Eyeballs—my e. rollf......501 Eyebrow-his mistress’ e.*.457 nis MIStREssa Css Melee 664 Eyelids—e. heavy and red. .41¢ eof the morn** 2.5 901500 exot the morn**... 29% 673 ON Vour ec Pee at Eye-offending—e. brine... .684 Eyes—and her e.||......... 48 another man's ertiiaie 338 another man’s e.*...... 602 attentive e.. Ot, dh he tA O'S avails it to havee...... 378 beauteous, lovely e.*. ..525 beauty of your e.*..... 75 before mine e.**,......514 Dlack esand sealer tes 13.47 832 HYESIGHT pace| Eyes—Continued both histe... Asse She Sa butther ene 248 ibutehis ens. ee ore 664 came into my e.*...... 505 Gatriesshiste. sees 607 closed are those e....... 560 closéawhisteit oe Seine ee Q2 closed his e....... We SOG dearer tomye..... -453 dry-youre: Sea Me A 578 each others e.. 2.5.5... 606 ears than'e..% 25.2 sew ads eloquence “Of 2€). 2. Siete 570 enamelled e.¥*........ 277 e. are heavy and....... 750 e. are sentinels... ...%. 0% 246 e.. are so'sharpe><. +2)... 247 e. are homesf..... Pe hee kes e035. stars eee. 78 e. before their tongues. .309 e. delight jc Pe eee 555 e, haverallthes...4. ci: 608 e havecseen si aiees- Fons 6st -heaven* eee 246 e. look your best*.....260 e, May pierce*® 2... 26% e026 esl blue. ier eee 599 e. of my money-box....406 ‘e. red with weeping... .685 ersofalks ees PR, 368 e. so soft and brown§...143 eo Sublime 6 ie SOU eS os 638 ethatishones:saene 26 478 e. the break of day*....405 e. the glow-worme..... 247 es thowgivestt} Jone eee 279 esto. the, blinds 2oee 23% top exitosthezblindsnmier..ae sete 245 e. upon the earth*...... A475 fear suprised e.. 307 from heriest! oe sraee- 509] from heres. 2% see eas 644 from humanve.sis sees 360 get thee glasse.*....... 582 gross vulgar.eali i ant 485 her e. displayed. ...:..., 466 here. were wild........ 251 her galled e.*..........508 her heavenly e.*....... 684 as-his.6. unto... dvs, oe 372 his €, langpuishv ses 2. 287 hollow e. of death*.. 380 if e. were made........ 75 in theirie fitness os 246 at thine, e:e* . me eee 247 inundation of the e.*. ..684 in WwOMan Sve ee seit ae 246 Jew 26.5 u ee eee ae 397 large bluew..: << Giteee 247 large blue e.|].......... 459 lips and. ec iia Seen eee 4II look with thine e.*..... 399 love-darting e.**,...... 77 lover’s e. will gaze*.....246 make sweet @.......... Phyl meek browne.§........ Siz mine e, are made*¥...... 48 more than mortal e.t. ..657 my enthralled e.*...... A451 PAGE| Eyes— Continued my weeping CRs a ola eee 347 mation .scer fons caine 219 night has a thousand e.. 435 no speculat tion in those ROR CER Sere 306 of ie yt ERLE: 247 of mine!own 6.58) ieee 306 of perswading e........ 78 on each other’se....... 248 oureccaniseens lhe 4 OULAVEL Yue eae ete) oe 338 our wanderinge.t...... 507 peep through theire.*.. 4 pretty e. may rollt..... 79 sans e. sans taste*,...... 664 shall inferior e,*....... 436 she gave mee.J........ 680 shirt.all esprit see ae 530 Shuts hise wee ake eee 246 sinless-e, that}i......¢0%8 742 soul which hase........ 435 soul within here.||...... 439 sparkling in]! 6%. 0 es. 447 star-like sorrows of im- morealser tte wae 248 | Sabdutie stores ote 684 tear each other’se...... 557 thatel'can-seee tae F 376 their beautifule........ 247 their golden e.*........ 412 their:own.iesF ee 436 their savage e.*........ 513 these feck, Bee te 345 these‘e:* he, hae 352 thesevsadretiyciy hese: 345 these poor-e..-... ofc .24 248 these watchful e;...... 500 those dimpid ef" =a. 657 those mutual e.|]....... 555 those who havee....... 742)\, to theiz-e.n eee 378 LGt Herve joie eer ee 408 fOMMeN Set hehae ee ee 510 toldiitivher.e-c. eee ee 457 toystenderse 495s 3|- thy.twope 2s eae 307 when e. meet for....... 660 wig Gi OUmre. hel Oversee 557 with beseeching e...... 374 with dreamful e........ 628 with -eaglexes. 2 oi. oe. 362 with earnest e.f....... 286 with tears minee....... 657 Wwithetheseves: eee ne se 236 Withythinieve vw mn. sa" 603 with uplifted"e.s® .2). 20 459 whose bright e.**...... 247 woman with my e.*.... 85 Eyesight—his e. lost*...... 442 not with blinded e. waz ...728 Eye-witness—one e. Se BAS F Faber-F. qutsque foriune.. 54 Fable—my little Fable-existences-f. are no au ean apie FACE PAGE Fables=-all the f..... 32.20% 313> all the f inves ene oan 485 fot theskyaen.eee wen 274 Fabric-a f. huge*¥*....... 53 {ofthis folly* seas bee 541 f.: of: this. vision®.& 74.50% oe the fi rose. 3.252 2 heme 53 the noiseless f. sprung.. 53 Fabricius-Romans under Bing 22) se See 400 Fabrick-f. of a vision..... 753 Fabricks—and rich f....... ye Fabrum-/. esse su@....... Fabula-de te F. narratur. “68s f. non sentio tora,... 321 f/tota Gactorés's) eee 256 Face—all except her f.||. ...240 another's f. commend. .396 beautiful fist. See eee 248 brother Geffrey’s f.*....352 captives Gf a fc Sree a care will makeaf....... ohaliidcher {1} ojategen ee is comfortin alisen oe eee 240 commandments in his f..249 commandents in your f.*249 construction in the f.*. .248 except her fil) oe ee 228 f. formed to conceal... .648 fshalfiknowni ge. Ae eee 537 £*is* like “253 eva tess 249 fis my fortuney.2." = 240 f:-is. the indéx.= leer a2 248 f. like a benediction 248 f; not seene hes. wea 680 f)'o’er which Ye. eee 247 f. of every one]. :. 2.02 250 ffof-the earthy our eee 535 fithatilaunch Gs ee. ee 7 fwas of/thates see 250 false f. must hide*...... 256 false f. must hide*¥...... 376 familiar with her f.f....711 fixedhis {ae 521 flow ring fees eee 376 foolish I-33 eee 38 forge'a metry fi... 140 eT frame: my fit. 2) tee 376 from cher 7/25 ee ee 240 furrows in myf........ 542 garden im her ff. 3227 240 given'to’alman’s £70». 427 given you onef.*,...... 739 hair veiled the f....... 547 heaven erected f....... 463 Herangels fis nese « :..240 her brightening f....... 520 her'£So faire cose coe 202 his*dappledeiv./; vss tee 374 his morning?) .. See .248 his*mornine’ £7. See 630 human f, divine¥*,..... 240 human. divinef*s.. 2. 4€0 Tsee: thy fee BY in the sf. -.\eeeeemerna 24 kissing with golden f.*. . 500 light upon her f.§...... 250 look on her f, De ee 8 249 lovely f. who view...... 79 lovely ign... 5. s 3s. BES \2)>: 53 FACES 833 FAITH | 2 PAGE PAGE PAGE Face—Continued Fade—Conttnued Fair— Continued MAARHETS I themes ees AOS 1 eOlrIDaA Vals). ats ieee 25 Or less: {$e ee a 304 mind’s construction in thag aot fT. . o : sec TD bee SNe “Was t... xuene any Se .200 theacts akin oe ..»-. 49|Fades-f. the Shape od F235 tee she Wast, ... nee ee 270 more familiar f. a jensen Soe ecing—1, are the joysjacu 404 shall the f...< . 2.805 642 miostiy+in the fn .2 ee e4oeet. Nonours. of 28241 e. so'deadly f. ll, 77a.) anne 334 my father’s f.||...... ...352|Faerie CAE, the f. as the so f..she.takes. ic.) date: 79 my lifeless .f.f); 4152..% 560 WISSEL SW eens Sou sweetand £3 xa jab sree 5 624 * music of her f..... .....250|Faery-f. lands forlorn. ....251| sweetandf............ 736 Mrusicrolr hishfe) yaa pas5Oieek, Jands, forlornm!ss)aviat <: O2gile the»brighteststes ci... 368 nose on a man’s f.*,....396/Faery’s—a f. child......... 2a Tes PULTe LO EPO! ls ae a 376 nose in: asman’s ff... 7.0535 |Fagots—-f. and fi). ..2..26!. TOG EM WASTIOULL SUM hese eae 79 ie Ade S 28g ota ee SS ee MV TLE TS, ocular: oal8s. TOOlsy wWell-and: £.8¥= 0002 685 Oneitair fy... att. aes 446|Faggots—too many f...... 88). “when f. occasion....... 4” ora beauteous f........465|Faiblesses—de leursf....... 93 |Fairest-f. of creation**. ..740 or lovelierf. .s0. fsak . 79\Fail—action seldom f...... 29] f. things grow*........ 130 pass into her f.9....... Gio this fers yey needs 250|Fairies—f. black grey*..... 250 power Off fa FeC a. 414| never f. who diell....... 250|_ f. by moonlight........ 638 recognize that f.§.7.... 692|} they never f.]}......... 168|Fairness—doubt her f.f... .604 round unthinking f.t...286| tof. atallff........... 250|Fairs—meetings,markets,f. 306 SHiBiNg ye See ks TOleeWword. as tan ® segsk br pee 250)|Fairy—a f. thing... iim. BLS shining morning f.*....664/Failed-f. in the higha..... 26] almost f. time*........ 372 shone on her f.§........ 712|Failing—every f. butll..... ASli,s bright. f taless.. 552 a 506 Leia dea Shy’ (ae ae tare era 528|Failings—e’en his f........ 267}. .by f.. hands their.......... 328 standéf toriactes. font 483]. his f. lean’d to. .... 0. ox 24 lee Ove taAKeSE am oe gees eI phony -faleacars s, S320 123 |Fails-something in which FOAMS OE MT 2 5 tery ancints 517 stratice: fon 4.44% 495 ANOtMEr facil holt nt. en 1 |Fairy-like-what f. music. .515 MPI AES Noiad deo % ....701|Faint-breathless and f.*. .285|Fairy Queene—in thy f.....660 sweat ofithy f....0. 0.7. 40 foheart faired 60% aes 145|Faith-audacity of f.§..... 7590 sweetest f. I ever looked Me thnst Feo ae tee OR Bid Vig h OO OL Ea cr) Oeteess cs dees 6 87 eaters. 6.2 . ok 4 sue 7 if we Fe note wus 22). 22-55¥ 266 |S poulld their £04 ie 8% ole 88 that sweeterf..........695| with f. praises........ .586| byf.imputed**........ 252 this grained f.*...... «« 19|Faéints-f. into a.t........ 16). by implicit fo... 5. ....4: 252 Sure bie fo See Se Te 33 |Fair-accommodate the f...262} child of f.is........... 487 two ofa. ;..:... tees 4d seat Peron: +... elie osk sot. constant. f. To id ody 47° visit her f. too*........ BOSis and look £8: vs. de ces ZO30 ETOrY Ola ln ets. gaye 63 Mma IS 1... clone Pheu deeet sand speal £.9...5 -.4 263." 273} defeat, f., victory. ..... 562 white nette i. et ek gOt is all that fillets até 2 ... 38| enormous f. of many*...252 wenoee awitilt.: iow. 2 eee se eral! that f. = 2 wel seic. gao} ..etred from the f..2 i. oa: 495 wili-f.ome*. On¢%2. 21710206) cappear 801.9 Je. wha os 380| f. always implies....... 253 your fimy*i. 6.00). . sas7Ole varmsiare £45.50 2.55 Bei 462} te and hoped 7570.00 eae 113 your f. my Thane*..... 248| brave deserve the f.....145| f. and morals hold... .227 Faces—back in their f...... 5571) brightest -f.ters cau «cos 544| f. and unfaithf........ 253 f° GE the Noor. 2). k SG .e 584| build the future f.tt.... 83| f. at last worth........ 98 have angels’ f.*...... pumas ea putrsa. fe 2 ik /275| £. become a passionate]. 252 of upturned fo... 0.0% .250| careI howf.shebe..... 78| f. beyond the forms of old familiar fo23.5.).3.. = 85| distress our f. ones..... aby Ef aces sae 252 Poors womens fea. bse Sil peever yet. the fFs) as .cce 647| f. builds a bridge....... 252 touched earthly f.*..... US eh as a etar Gein. 3. aus 28| f. builds a bridge....... 252 with ladies’ £.*, 0s... Whirek lady Geers, se cai. misty te fantastic fh Olin isc 526 Facinore—non alio f. clart, "106 ££ Hietseest eae ote 713409. 383 tarde, MORGCLE BSC os eo it pae ga we 325 PRACE=AS SA shire cine WS *402) pe sf tomo purposel. 2.7 bats 142| f. I would not shake 253 f. fundamental§....... 4|. f. she was not, #. 0b. a 79| f.is the substance...... 251 wider than 14 $25.2) 4. 42 523| f. sex should bell....... 247| £.melteth into blood* 77 Facts—angularity of f......25°| fat, f. and fifty........ 71}, ¢omelteth into? 2.2 0-:. > 743 encyclopedia off...5. {{15°0'F “fat, f. and forty:.:... 2.4%. 71. 2. mere folly? ..... oor. 5&8 f. are stubborn........ 250| from f. to f............ 745| f£.once wedded fast..... 88 heapof £ fh teee ws 357|+ + gaz dion the fi4 viwe x, geal, .t.shines*equal . 20). ° 0.45 290 imagination for hisf....477| gift formyf........... 310| f. spring the light...... 600 man Of fod had aes 25°| guardians of the f...... 378| f{. that is within........ 252 nothing but f....... .-.259| hath made youf.*...... 38) .. f, thatis in... 12. ooo sis 600 ekéne ta Peek Seciet wetihs 400| how f. she be.......... 610} f. triumphant§........ 704 poor men’s f;....22. seisiei54 2 leanOW: fi SHE De .ccciae ofscert Girolleat- unfaithfult ee 365 world of f£. 75 oiscteteensais a5Ot ph ts ACEP or. 3b hakmcrpsts 387| f. whichis but......... 290 Faculties—fires all the f....424| if she be not f.to...... astl, f. which was... a-qas: 251 Faculty-infinite inf.*.....460| libell’dallthef.t....... 726| flower of faithf........ 252 Fade-bright must f.. aad 2 eamadervoniitees . ch 3 caw sik 290ts, dower Of £.9. 7. teas gens 741 bright must f....... --.504| most divinely f.f....... 79| for modes of f.f........ Ist fest to t.astewes vewkis 5302] Aonot foto outward view....7¢]. have allf.. 0 0 ceo os ae 112 first tof. away...<...-442) only whatisf,......... 8z} havef, that.......... 483 FAITHFUL 834 FAME Faith—Continued hath denied the f....... 24 his f. ces oy h eee Sher 5x if, £, 1tselitit sana. 20S in that f.. BT 483 inflexible in f.......... 380 loses: £ran ¥en ee es 491 made of f. and service*. .444 more f., in honest doubtt199 my. childhood’s'fi. =. . 7. 455 OUL AILEY Mie oe ee ore I51 once broken f.*........ 490 ONGNEC Ar Eee chee 405 only f. that wearstT....244 pil’d upon his f.*7 5.0% 541 plain and simple f.*....232 Points atte ee cee ee 124 purest f. unhappily*. wet OE Pure-ey CG fet eee 252 Teason fs anda. coe 339 simple/i* than fe... oe 38 simpler tai nates cee eee Sn simple:t. thany. co. oes 533 surpassing common f...742 tho tf. and formjre.. +. -550 thy newt). surnet seo 671 UPOMVEr Latest cree /.700 Wears (hic t+ a sesame 264 when.f.'is lost... 25.7%; 184 WHOSe ws NAS] ase ceeee 253 With Pumice ite. se ane 605 woman's Prarie .740 woman’ Shands atte, 384 woman’s plighted f.... .383 Faithful—Abdiel f. found.. .270 be more f. to ourselves. .485 f. over afew things..... 635 f to ourselvess. es sete I4 fe -toythee te. ake toe ae 732 4 Faithless-among the f.**. . she is f Faith’s-f. pure shrine. .... 526 f. transcendent dower§. 30 men sit. atet te wee eee 490 Falchion-the f. flash...... 354 Falcon-—as f. doth the*....376 tpoised Ome. eee 463 Toetow Taner oe et ee 253 Till COG. tat eae en ee 253 Falcons-like tow’ring f.... 26 the f. piercing? "7 >... 524 WOLlG WEL. on teen 130 Kalla dying t.*.. .. S23 ALIGEISGOMs 2 tare ance eae 32 another thing to f.*..... 400 around weal. te ee 28 before sats acme eee ee 502 but mistake and f...... 429 by dividing we f....... 703 Dy wirtte iss oo eee 646 Catch ia is Bags dere ate 341 Gividédvwertomre.cat ts ee 272 dividediwe'f.. eee le 703 every, €ying trace ec 532 OL1t) LS See te eee 253 f. no lower..........-. 255 f, outandiehide, tay eea. 606 Feat NO ire on ee ee 255 feartol.: jos. ce wee 254 E | Fall—-Continued foresaw that you would 2 TA Ske ae tek hii REL freesto fitting 75% Sl ee 292 great axe f.* 1 Se AOT ereatest: £52.00 BFE 254 havea iso eee ane 502 heavens should f,...... 412 if theysiet at mei tee 254 iT PULe TI vabebO as. « ete: 592 itt PA Gam Stine es 34253 Hable to: £44) oe tear 483 hkely tof-& 7 Janes cse t 275 make him daily f....... 254 mark but ays eee wig2 most: cautiousm. see. oe. 231 nodding to herf........ 255 Tidevand foie Sues a4 Rane 370 xisk+a fall 4 Poe ee 2254 tiska tT fe Soi eae 670 Sanvivedrthert. fs ete 360 SUrVI Vedi the sis Ie .. pea 470° the heavens f.......... 400 the judgment f......... 401 the ‘sky (Sees 401 thewuloar fore: 28 254 they f. successiveft..... 501 whatualtct : Stair aceiem 255 when they f.*......... 364 Wolter, to f..> eee 255 Fallacy-f. in argument. ...440 Fallen—be forever f.**..... 3h f. angel’s power........ 184 f. from heaven ters .ts: 253 ff} irom), Lis dita eeeee mee 183 te from: his higher eeenee 254 fortheii7 >. % 4-5 ee 149 low-fallen from high. ...254 SO £s0.10st. -. > sates 183 the mighty itis... om aes 253 WOUth IS fia. we eteten 255| Fall’st-if thou f.*,....... 20 | Falleth—just manf........ 254 Falling—a f. man*........ 255 af PStALS ss 6 ce ee ee 255 a. Le WVOTE Se ee 253 f> off histhorse 23. Zens 480 tf) out-of friends=*. 23.0" 605 £. out-of, lovers. ssns He 605 Fr OULlOL? 22 Pare St ee. 605 f. with my weightf..... 316 ereatly, £. withiy se: ot. ok 255 Falling-off—what a f.*....255 Falls-f. are means*....... 255 fas Didot ett Hees bom 254 f. early or too late...... 363 te LOPAG VE: ss qe hee ee 255 f. in honourable strife. ..255 fe, like Pieuctterfege wey ie 254 for his country fates 5590 OF in proud f4¢ Maat ms: 568 to whose a. te Mea ee 620 when. Rome. f.|].0s'2...0.3% 624 where he f. short....... 481 whoever@t:.. | Hewes. 402 False—all is notf......... - 40 all was fee teeter kt 49 as allt, thingsete,ieccer 275 ‘by Mature ces we hte 456 f..and hollow** / mV? 55 LAGE| False—Continued PAGE f. as dicers’ oaths*.....538 faface, must® an). sehen f. face must*, .. #.. ss 3 ge fin onu thingie < aseesn had been wd, . ater ee 130 makes a f. wife........ 396 makes f. true...... ai ¥EZOG not then, be f.tywa ivaepheege orf. for trueT on, Ss. sh aeae the f., sinceregiacy 446 ee 556 thing that’sit:li-. eee 152 true Orta aes hse S27 was new was f........4 537 would’st not play £.*...355 Falsehood—bait of f.*..... 250 crown. Of th. aks ae 453 f. and fraud. Siege 256 fs is Worse™ taf. shee 256 f. under saintly show** 40 flattery and f. flourish. .123 for, f;, framedeiack eee 256 for their. 1.23550. eee 274 goodly outside f. hath*. 4c¢ goodly outside f. hath*.376 her and f, grapple Jere eee 702 no ff: can**0 a. eee 256 of thanktul/ i.) 4.4 ae eee 261 one’ f) leads) neha. fae .180 some dearii. +. 2.ese08 256. than ¢nicev£.t..i5. soe 16 than nice fdlosttene ta 426 than “nice ft. eae ec 702 that splendid fayaee ae 425 their fi04.c epee 739 thy f. to thy heart*..... 18r to utter {.., 25 6A 313 truth. in £:..5......aeeaeee 427 truth witht. tis a. 549 truths, with £)|| eee 647 your bait of £72.44. eee 43 whilst ..°strade emit ae 626 Falsely—know them f...... 378 Falsta fff. sweats to deathoas Falsus-7. in uno Ff. m..... 256 Falter-f. would be sin... . 619 Hot ft: jen .2 Bae ee 200 nor f. nor repent....... 567 Falti-7.. maschi ........ 9A7 Fama-—explorat f. recessus. .402 Fame-/. mendacia risit. .1.37 quibus appetentior f.....258 Famam-—sz bonam f. mihi. .613 Fame-all my f.*,........ 148 all poetic fT: fire 579 all Romanoit} erie 256 and noisy: fee eee 716 and -wild.£4.2 6 teagan 566 ‘barren vii 7a). ee aoe .258 build myftn 6.7. eed . 2256 Buildanyf.. 2 see 623 cause bring f.ff../.0fS2 540 confounds thy £.*...2.. 42 contempt of f..........258 cover his high f.... 257 create our'fi sh. 70 ee 6190 damn'd). toni tases 250 damn’ dito £.1 sate eae 259 desire ‘of -£:.5 934.9 ee 258 desire:.of. £5888. 3.00 365 835 FAMED PAGE Fame—Continued O11 ONE: bute oberch pads every lurking-place f....402 fair f. baspirest 5 Rene « ae RLS #2.2.06ea Gis, scans + RA CR TO £. finds never tomb. 257 ft. have; madeln enwcare: 748 Pod DEAT. tus cue «tans ee Rh f. iS a TEVENYE ss ops as «+259 f. iso plant**......0-.258 t is tiie Shatle. ah 4.actec 260 Ee PONS E 08 fort Aten 258 FAierthve se airetile fk ae ols 60 f. is not double fac’d**. .258 f. of having written... .256 f. of this great work.. 04 Footy GAT thie 6 bo). cols ace 308 f. sometimes hath...... 258 f. that comes after..... 428 f. then was cheap...... 257 f-asttalliv Cames uo% =. 06 250 POUL OCT tase. < orotarecrene ta 258 Pan Git. te ane eet: 258 HANGS AG Wal fic coche sscusne Say TICTEPOL, Lit tists ae tant taps bose. 637 Hien Weaver iy if. osc. 256 Misra tects oe Cat ae 184 Ja kicyeulah if 2d oleh iigeursyave ere Alle” Sea 406 ODES LEST tok Nala dtncs 3-0 259 iit LOM fe. -54 ane tad tee 257 PETAOT CALE Lake eA, sc twonele 260 know naught but f.*.... 63 knowledge, f. or pelff. ..142 fet fo that, aller. doo a ote 257 Ge hil Pete tahoe a 257 PLES ALT = 3 Soe Gone n tre 257 HO VELOL fetes iy See asusr ages 32 Mam dreams Oltshs. .\.. 457 martyrdonr of f./}. ....- 260 MistookjpTOr tS ak. cork 274 TONOPONW OF \fa, . 6 es sre +3 362 AAG OAT ena we cto eat 408 BOG eI G tee ois a le toes 259} chi SA a Gp ae aR A 407 = cWa Ral hig eRSUAW kee cen eeepc 42 s eV GY, Rha res Rell AUR pls a Pha 122 OLietenal tise cc cee 282 OR ANOUET So. hectare aw ¢ 647 OB CID TOP LS tees Soetoro 574 PLrevemee LOrt. ssi) dep iat pride, f., ambitionl|..... 456 ae Lieto gt he ees oe. i, 260 reward of future f...... 260 PMS EOu Tee te tyes Cc, 3 561 RETMEUINES TON toate teeta si 543 ese ed TA PRN ty oe ane he 258 MS OR ao 9 aeons 560 SHIH) £0 tates Oe 3 25 Pemipile ‘Off... ox cc secre s 61 thus f£. shall bet? 2 Peo 258 ho-everlasting f-1. cas 259 BO find 1b Tee. aaa a7 3 foo hie wr ses ee, 257 towers oO: f= fee 257 VOICE OL fT). 3. uy eee ee 260 what's £1 ti Ree ap so: 250 What “16. £2090 28 2. 250 hha t-is-£... 2 :ke eens 260 Mlat \is-this.t. see. 258 while f. elates thee..... 312| ; PAGE Fame—Continued while f. elates thee.....478 WHOSS F246.) dy -abvsey 402 Wit Dede IUNIUSES » ope cet od 228 FE pened weuildst thou be f. 33 Fame’s-f. best friend..... 220 f. eternall beadroll...... II4 f. eternall beadroll...... 256 £, glorious Chase ..,.rmrti 3 Prlad Get Son lta ai. terse, 86 EA 1OUGES EH EEUEND iops..ch< aheyo 257 f.proud temples . 4%)... 260 light -f. ate metry... ...%,. 201 OWA Wevernal S.o8. % cecatetis 653 on f, eternal camping- PLOT Ele leg aN aac c tetra 168 Familiar-f. to the lover. ..261 £. With Men tacet. too. on. vibe? lotwertsrarteoas see ae, : 440 never yet f. grown..... 537 OldIE TaCes paeve tsa clea 85 palpable and the f...... 537 played Lu with,. . oo wee 542 EOOUE ND Vel aatie sce oeeeuay ete 261 Familiarity-f. begets bold- TLSSS rcrese teal aia ks IES aay (4 261 f. breeds contempt..... 261 Pe WHIL PMO Wet isc peas ihakio 261 With halite th a... cre aw 261 Famine-—die by f....... ne 2OT TEMCAT PSL Lelr f.etauem ca aar 261 TiS) TyaG Meese 5 i. 261 imploring £) frm... c.-.. 636 ioe Me Otley. paint ete « 26% Famish’d-f. at a feast... ....103 Families—great f. of yester- Gata ee: Beenie en OE ai Pa AMNOSES ANCA tesco ss aypsite, 8 3 Famille—linge sale en f.... .633 Family—everyf.hasa..... 647 apple... tum ahah seks « 494 f. or household-gods....350 f. welcome thee........ 360 haplesssis tiat. sae 468 Oneuie Mere w en ar. arate 44 Luddy taroOutig sake 360 Famous-f. by my pen... .258 f (Dy tay SWOLC acter. 25 BUD yratiy SWrouecles aoc 564 Bet iat eh WOM ek hare empress 227 Fe topataces ss wae cleats 61 found myself pls of 260 Fan-tossing of af.’...... 620 winnow like a f.§. 320 Fancie-hold of the f...... 262 TW Yelm Wither. tons ce 641 Fancies-f. come from far{ft447 LES SMM GESTS” Degas eo 2 con 665 our f. are more*.......... 456 GULeie taker ements oc 722 Feason OL Misi ee a vial jf Oc Raa eve ne aliases tp $type a 221 SE Mi on at ea 3390 Baik =corine, 1. © 1% geen: ane 301 Fans-f, a fire. bait a scarfs andf.*.......... 204 Fanatic—usual f. terms... .482 Fancy-allimiy 03. ye sie me, 70 albmiy ft. pasted, . okren. « TAI betrayed by his f.. .400 FARE PAGE Fancy—Continued but interludes which f. Makes wy -cleee se ; 201 Yate LOG. a Adcdaae eeneraree 68 f. and understanding**. 238 £.-Stows colder wy aglow 330 f. like the, finger... 5 sess 262 f. never could have..... 86 fs. Teasons; vit ties aco ae 520 f. restores whatt....... 262 f. still my sense*....... 201 MOMe-DOUNG cieerde cen ae 262 Hhome-bounds feats 690 hopeless f. feign’df..... 406 INS CUIOUS A neces eye aus cas 262 yah gett Sa Reseed pated 201 let the. ie nOatiiats.,. 504 cf 262 let the fo roamaweyo on ace: 575 most excellent f.*,...... 307 most excellent f.*...... 646 not express’dinf.*..... 202 one’s f. chuckle.) or. acs. 415 OUt gal asst sh done 343 Ott ihe waLGs cackeceae tease 683 Separate f: for. vc. 5 si 544 SHADES AS, fete seta puis 261 sweet and bitterf.*..... 261 sweet and bitter f.*....576 CHoOUsht aid fin sss ate 07 where is f. bred........ 262 WHISDELS! Ofats) em ba thess ols 132 WHOM: £, CAINS! css a ethos 262 VOUtHIUl POETS Taner. cous 445 Fancty’s-f, child**. 0... 577 POL PAEATTOOC . aubermentke tare 261 fo LOM GMESSt cee ean Sahat 66 EV MeLEO LAV set. 2a Pe 103 fy £2 Wao ecian. atees fuer 7OL Wiican 1 DeatiSe aaa 202 WOM Orls Tey Serer et eaiencae 458 Faneuil Hall-to F........ 303 Fanny’s—pretty F. way. ..465 Fantastic—alike f.itt...... 748 AsvalwOlan Sse cuca. 49t PeHCkle ence. a. tian e.s 401 SUCHE ohhiChkGa, 4, pico 65 Fantastical-is only f...... 264 OIA Sh ieee ce, cee eee 475 Fantasy—by thy f.*....... 448 RITA CVOR Tees kee ea om 444 Fantasy’s—not f. hot fire. ..446 Far-and f. away:........ 275 haltatea he Acai Wea Ue 275 TLC HEUER Wi at state 2 age, oe cae 275 VIC SRA WAN Mewes ca oie Pat 275 fog aVolbn mews Aigo hurr Ae, Se og: ae 455 Sie Wihtat Gul wrmce: & aati 212 ter, COLI ULY nam entn kines 526 LASSE OUTS Wy 16m eas 4 t. frOtist ner me sme 404 few and f. between..... 360 how f. your eyes*...... 26 Wet Sond (es tans tor eruees 422 Farce-la f. GSE FOUCE 2 «chk, 431 ts played Gites te 431 NODE Eire cane. - 664 Fare—bill Of fie nae ac. 450 f. thee well? on 2. ote, 263 {thee wellllamasewsse so. 264 tT; the WOtse ago ads 4 a> 341 FARES 836 FATHER PAGE ; PAGE Fare—Continued Fashion’s—Continued Fate— Continued £,-yourwelitire cnn crs 347) (teporboff{Fi. e505 .264| f. of gods and men**, .. . 266 Sree f. we dine...... 608] words as f, Decks fe 6745! *f; of mene eee es 63 OOULE IE. Se entes 281|Fast—break their f. and.. "388 f. of men and empires||. . 666 Faresill the land? 2.24. acieiprealke their tismse: ys ses 502| f. of mighty monarchs: . 109 On he Le eae Sra 54| f.asmenrunmad...... 671° '£, 08 Roriet 2 oe 265 Fardels—would f. bear*....671| f. bind f. find*........, 6o1| (4. ordains that ew 3 ea. 555 Farewell—as f. and then...263| f.at Rome on Saturday. 11] f. seemed to wind...... 175 ANG snOWAL. Mt eee ae 263| father of much f.*...... 676|_ -£. sits on these 0) eo 266 tite long tOo eee een 254| grew f. and furious..... 488| f. steals along, >. 2. <)>: 266 fawayis gone. > sens. 56| grewf. and furious..... 735| f. that flings the....... 370 feta word sthatl ier eccer. 202|"nermit's fs. ee. 451} stears” hist =, a eee 146 £1) Cassiush mccain 262| "makes f° to-morrow. :\/270| ‘fits fori...) 390 fetor inithatl sees eens. 264|\ public f defied 4. 2).. e. S88). fixed +k. ne ee ee 266 f, goes out sighing*..... 37% Le Spares, that ote. 5. YO4)> “fool ol fate. eee et ee 282 f. goes out sighing?..... ¥a3 \Fasted-f. on Saturday.) 141, fool of 14. 2) cal, 462 Lappy fields*™, 2.5 >.. 263|Fasts—with bitter f.*....451| for mef. gaveft........ 550 fe DEAS PONG ta. et. oe bs 455|Fat-f. and greasy*....... 205| fromf. secures......... 309 f. if EVEII ecm sen east BOA) Ge and shining yas ene. 265| have conquered f....... 266 itnyetiends gussets 263) st tairrand TOrty «nee sae 171\- "heart tor-any £ Sop 7 frotiwitoctserys nen eckstas FAO = te Lair aia ticy ren poms 17| heart for every f.]...... 603 f. to the glorious*...... ROO LT HeTOLsOtIeT Sy tre cane re S741 og. 1 ODP Say eee 470 f. the tranquil mind*....262| f. oily manofGod...... 124}. a1 unknown. fo. 546 fithoutartt a ks 262| f. oily manofGod...... 2051. “know. thelr £2 ee nee 378 f. ‘to Lochaberov. vs. a 263| feast of f. things....... 269|. “master Of my-t. 7 sake 290 TeetOVONES cea 263 |, iimselt ents) So ees 436|. “master of my £427). 592 FOCI SEIS Mare Seconda scree 264), cist. and CLOWS*. ste e s 26s'|4 Tieet -Sit.c eee 533 aitfantaer. taut acres 262| Jeshurun waxed f...... 205) any tiwex tents... wees 364 Samessian tetera rere cos 264|. laugh and be fat....... 414| not over-rul’d by f.**. . . 266 sweet friends f......... ye Javea "oe tse eer 4t4| cof Hine arti tite pee 497 Grieawikdld |, Boa. coecataa MOLE Catwans see ee ome 265| over-rul’d by f....:.7.-. 265 Farewells—all f. should pel Hea resolved to grow f...... BY Stalip OLI.: Lee aay f, should be suddenl]....s555| thataref.*¥............ stamp Off h6 2 oe 337 Farm-or pelting f. .224\Fata—desine fj. deum flecti. 288 take a bond of £.*...... 109 Farmers-f. therefore are Py OUSEQIL nen amet ere 265) tempted f. Mf leavel]. . . 266 the cfounders:. 1... 2s|Fatal—by f. naturel]....... soz}, torrent of hisit. 4eanee 403 Farming-tried at f....... 422| f. gift of beauty........ o> “true ae ty yee 646 Farms-—villages and f.**,..123] f. gift of beauty§....... 394| - untowardi77, 3 aoe 402- Far-off—for the f.......... ne f! sift of beauty! <0 hal. vuloar t,o eee 331 for the £. bien ciaeanee eee AB rh DELIA tit ore ss sre eee os when f. summons...... 179 Farther—farther the more. 606 £ttodelay y jeadl. oe eee what I willisf.*....... 525 hotan inch teas cts 33 |Fate— aoeutesd DY cn ees bBo wing’d with f.......... 527 Farthest=t)wayeabpoub. ona 245) midis chore ete ete cota. 363 |Fates-f. and destinies*. .. . 167 Powayiabob see aeeree Spe architects off § sw 54| f. have wrapt int...... 544 Next rnitOtnete pseeenne SS earmMournavaiise +a some. $021. say, US Nay. 5 eee 205 Farthingales—f.and things* oe BOOKVOL Tet een eee 266| f. severest rageft....... 513 Fascinate—will not f....... BO a DOWS LOds ee ee ne te oRe 159| masters of their f.¥..... 54 Fashion-f. ever isa...... 26s5| breathless on thy f.§....704] masters of their f.*...., 265 fe? ciatide Wass Sek. pootdereere 2081 byt not-option.. . 2... 522| masters fo their f.*..... 472 thetaswhat eg. setae OO) “achange ist fan ee 34\ Sowhat f3aimpose*... 2 ee 265 fomthe day ois. se ec 265|. conquer ourf.fJ........ 266} whom the f. sever...... 451 f. of these timesf....... TO, sCONtrOl Mis tien mets 265 |Father—blessed of my F...346 fNorithistworld 2 onium se 264| decrees of f.are........ R301 OOD Y atea. cen aee ee 352 if tOOTOLTEN wic neve oo eee 205 ech stn vals. eq eer eae Geet 682. bosom of hist. 5.0 268 WEAES Ollttoe er ce oh: 264 eager ft witch...) ¢:<- 86) - ‘copy.of the £.*, 425.28 352 Wises DELATe wouhae 390| f. cannot harm me..... 1401 ‘country =f, 35 Pee 358 giassvor ea. eae. 487| f. cannot harm me..... 166)|.. deny thy t2. eae 516 like the: tijuana’ Oran 6x71 ft haswwillied! =... 265|) deny thyct.*, a eee 516 NOG ee Ee Ae ebay fe 18 Shine Fo eine: sus 160|' = equal f. ink.ce aes 700 out of the t= 2 ea eee 265| f.in grounds of tea..... 109|_ f, feeds his flocks....... 144 GuiteOUut or tote wicks 567| f. is irhpenetrated...... 266)0.f Harry to that? 4. ee 734 WOT CS INeW. Late tore ee 285| f. is most concealed....266| f. in the calendar...... 708 bergen ed te tOD- f. is most concealed. , 706 f. of a peoplet.. 3. aan 667 GR ee eee a 658 f. itself could awe. .....135 f. of allt. 2... Woe Fashioned-#: of the self- f. never wounds....... 284| f. of his country....... 266 same dustT#i ic 1... ; 480| f; never wounds....... 617:| £. of his country 2. 3.468 266 thatil, ‘obners* sme ree ASTI \ TOF Allg sere a ey Bey 3.6:7;} Wo. OF ies. i205 ieee eee 527 Fashion’s-f. brightest arts.330| f. of Cato............. 265|..f. of lights. 7. jaan ee 300 Pubtightest ave, cee. $00) 12 0f urape. 1. ea ee 266| f. of themanf......... 116 oldid. g08 Benue THe teen she cries 62 the Almighty F. shines**1 4 hy f) esti ate ary IIt thy nope fowters os. ait: 508 When bis ft. dies, 162 3- 440 Wisit Was tt. cmtee oe ESO WIStlt CHALE i eth winite 267 WICC ENS thetic aherate 207 your F. knoweth..... Hite e Father-in-law-to be f..... 57 Fatherland-f. of a noble SOU ee mes Dy aus acs 143 fT. tO. thes Dravennr. cae. PLAS Worl iG Iw hoc ah mea 143 Fatherless—f. and widows. .611 Fathers—ashes of his f.....560 f. brave and freetf..... 649 f. have eatena......... 531 PE EOTLOW ore Ged oth. evel s 267 f. spoke the sameff..... 526 PIS Bab FOVES euro sca obs ok Ti. GOd2 Of a OUL fac. -c ate 3310 Hie ie SO Yea aoe ouae oes 578 in: my Fs Nouses.. sce a 346 IMiguityeor fe tec se 351 frie Te CMEC | de ect eaaha vee 34 bach ah ees tka o | pag Ae peetegale 352 ay f. 108S*. 2 os de ns 505 Drews, £.. sued ,— bros). v0 164 poor f. body* Tope pees 508 poor f. bod ve PET! OA 508 BUF SL ELIE Lise, ora 3: evacuator 351 their f. late return...... 360 Pitike ote tote. os stone, oe, ae Mean SDISICE ocrae, «Pence o7 Fathom-—canst NOL tpitt. -2 aah fall five ae ve e.c.t oceks III ih epigt Meet si could never*........ 364 Fatis—tot pignora f....... .469 Fatter—would he were f.*. pats Fattings-f. for the worms. 407 Fatuorum—limbus f....... 282 Fault-condemn thef...... 645 FOES (OTE. Thain Gate seen 179 every f. forgive........ 446 every one f.¥....... ss ROP everything RES oe everything a f.........457 f, concealed.... ..++...132 837 FEAR ; PAGE PAGE Fault— Continued Faultless— Continued Pedear-Grutus") ¢.c aon SA f. pieceitop oe ede ee 268 f, dear Brutus*®. ... a. $ 472 e7is: f. Se er eee 686 PRrOL Which? 3) on, mee 533 |Faulty—we are f.......... 566 Pron such}. a... comes 492|Faust-soul of F.......... 741 f. so nearly allied...... 711|Faute—c’est une f......... I5r f, unknown is as*...... 222| laf. en est aux dieux....670 f. which needs......... 179|Favor-f. to a poor man. ..309 PCat treet ee ee Zou eCOUCIS Lend, ee eerie 503 find or forge a.f.ll. 52/2: 152|/Favour-—for your f.*...... 421 for at alone. font le C40) TOOlS Out Ok fees oe ae 364 RL Tea ee Rie, 362| kissing goes byf........ 405 hide the f. Ivseefo ts. 3 AxOt nor princely £.°s, ca ete 510 DINGLALE. fea ttiee see mee 13| - popularf. bears. ....... 291 MEEH SV OTSE. Le cs ein cain + ESS recto this fAmust*.- oes 646 Te TIOShinsh. we ee eee 485|Favors-—f. are only accept- Tide trie foes were ete eee oe 242 FW SY (ib aeta pti hens rau 310 Mere. warlt Ot fonts oe 152} f. unexpected doubly. ..595 mererwant of fo. acl 564| God always f. the...... 482 nature's f. alone. 720s". ASTI Siporn your fo. OF ek. 491 Hot at. tolovese st. ot: 445|Favours-f. are denied... .403 OPEDATIY Ee cera Sale tee Grelr sts bit omtewro. oe ca 401 OrentmauulrSuee eres ALOE sie NOt VOUL* ae hy eres 600 she nacuattantet sak weed SZ Oe fa Ot TiS, OL mie a cree ae 755 Wilerentue 1. Springs... 4011" of futtre ft... o nes ek. 326 WhO napoenowk tee. te. See 268)" on princes’ f.*. .. 32.20: 254 wicked heinous f.*..... TSS OE PTIICeSs tee serie cra. 404 Faults-all his f.. 0. .a..: ZO je Steep) Gd tit. Mania fetes 330 EXCHSENDMEH bese. mals oe es FLEW OCG biel bees Mickey iret yr .720 EV CAILSD Yet e aaron toes TO Plea wWhel tOLcuuert,. sas ie 548 tf) CONSpICwoOUS STOW Ve P4.0lme wilere ib) for. «ete cee cc: 444 EGE ROMELY OS. on ye tee « F2OVOUr Tenores toe nee te 84 SMO SCURVY ats cada f nac 327|Favorinus-F. the philoso- f-ol'a triend ete. 53 296 Ser wee esas 586 f- thatare rich* an. sa = 267 |Favorite—the generalf..... 20 FeLOrSCaliee ette tier sete 572|Favourite-f. has no friend. 298 f. we flatter when alone. 64| f. was never heard of. ..371 fewest f,)-with......... 303? his’ £2 fies® “202s ane 205 finish f. illustrious..... OS3i Hrodigal’s £39 ce te 506 forehead of our f£.¥*..... 417|Fawn-f. on rage with*. 405 qreentomimour tess. ¢ 267|Fawne-I f. noton........ 492 preatest.or Losec coe 268 |Fawning—may follow f.*..274 las iis owr/fict) .o. 108 |Fayre-f. words fat....... 509 PAS HIOs TS eo diene ene 268|Fays-f. and fairies dwell. .251 have great. f..°.' 02. t-: 33% |Fear—act of f.¥..5....... 307 have-ereater t:5.4, see: S35 tmrairaid Of igi. .t. dtncrce ae 148 hert alittle bind: =... EIZi allt. nofe- aides. 1s aes 733 her f. a little blind. ..... TES and teHnOteor cae ee 29 Nigh, He open’ in... a... APTIVG Detthia-£ Poteet ee Te 260 men niske f¥ 20. an: 20 Te iit ee eke ee 269 men’s f. do seldom*....108/ brings forth a f.. . .420 moulded out of f.*..... 267 consumption for f. Ree See 468 HO LL Can spy. ten SOV oottandal fo, "are as fas III OUPLOWlietenwos «eee TOT) converts tO Le. nese III OWMONe Sivek eee ee 133 "cure of LF oe 269 see all other’sf.t....... 408| despatch byf.......... 367 some f. so nearly....... 267| dread andf.*.......... 520 theirt. toscall: 9... cue se 124| exempt fromf......... 268 eter tO SCA. tec 2071 farewell t. tes os ue cet ee 185 their own f. books*..... 5I| farewell f.**........-.. 370 thy f. my Lesbia....... 335| f. admitted into....... 268 thy neighbour's f...... 108! f and bloodshed{...... 653 POOPY tes none res suc. SiO F -and AOUDb whee 367 vile, ill-favour’d £.*....496| f£ God and..........--. 313 en aainet forts o,-< elect g24 tf hath’ aW.\ 7 eae eee 260 With all thy fo... ass 224| f her danger||l.....:...731 PMieEneSe Olt, <2 kod ee 268| f his dastard step...... 550 Faultless—faultily f. ise 268| ¢ in the world......... 317 f. monster...... ...+-268! f¢ islikea cloak9.......260 f, piece to seef......... 566| fis my vassal..... eek TS FEARE PAGE Fear—Continued 5 f, many whom..... fists 200 f. no storm before...... 46 £. not ina worlds son au PFE SS £.< NOG LCI Se tesa eneene 348 1; (TLOt) CO: Sh eacue ceera chucks 425 FOOL GOA ellie iene oe SERS OMe Delle anehien abe eae 260 £ OF Rim wWuG ene warels 471 fe Otvciniwetaa, ners eee a eee 479 f. Ot, ONeGve VIS Ae Pin cet he 260 f. of some divine...... 200 fof the seen, ats Ge 612 fe OF the lWOndiane Seva = : es fe Ol Whatua eras & Gere. f. oppresseth ahaa qa tt ae? f. stared in her eyest....2609 Perthatrecine ae fom kee. 185 £ bE DITASEsicsin auch Sisiehegs 417 fi PHEMGE cane Rad Sao che 174 Po the tasthioriis ss a. aque 2609 f the Mores 46 aemse, be 304 f. the’ only. God**.. (>... 539 £* the worst". © ee ae 260 f, their Subjects *. cau. = 403 f to liv@or die va. wae 372 £ to hiverordican owes. 420 if to whom:t ge ce se 212 Germans f: God... 0.5.. g13 hate, (and erieft.. > -..-- 485 homage Oftart Nace ccackd 442 1m Go eee re UR nee 313 imagining some f.*..... 379 imagining some f.*..... 134 eNnOCeNCELA Militar 581 left-no LoPke | ore Me caskeeue 366 Maples tOet wae tek. cia 677 may £ .t00 tarts. fe.2 oy 253 mixed with fee se ere. 442 DASNY GUL es eataai stan 550 DO Lill LOVE aia eee 268 NO teri lOves oie cubase 442 NOMOVE NOL faeces 647 painting of yourf.*..... 337 poise of nae and ose Nee ao pride and f.tt. a ath cee gee 582 rashicae tf: tone: 260 tage and +://S) See ce 415 reverent’ {7.6/0 wan ee 261 Siamerot few see teeny. 385 SIAVES LO Lon ossheee foe 269 Caine -Withet.*, gepeeteas 600 term Or’ £294 Pence ck. . 260 them thatt. him. «. . << 479 MAME “tO Li TEeE Ea ena SLO to every f. case mao r res 347 torvfsrrtiime, fice a eee 268 trembl’d with fear..... 86 "twas a pleasing f.||..... 542 Was Onligt J. phe sae cbs ici | undisturb Cuby. tae hs 140 VOid (Of Pr rete dates 401 Waits Ondiiti ease 524 walkin i) Geo eee 260 we often f.*...... 268 what welt jee ccele cache 221 work of £53 ate were py 570 Feare—nor f. to die...... . 20 Pirie with £3.75 alesse one er 838 FEED PAGE | PAGE Feared-f. would happen. .490/|Feast—Continued numbers of the f.*...... G27 |atOva: 1, cccss siento eee 223 GO. DE Tc etieichtie ie gates 626| when Imakeaf........ 151 Was. bCtErL.| medenre bectenee: 269 |Feasted-f., despaired, been Fearful—a f. thingl|....... 457 HADDY. pi cuss Aen anne 540 {. comfortless and*..... 527 |Feasting—found inf....... 216 F eatfully “2 and wonder- HOUSE. OF fict.c beast eee 507 EQUI oO Nee od a Setetge 5 thorough imernyatarcn wee 120 Fearless— ae minds climb*...144|Feasts-f. with simple Fears—caresandf......... 427 plenty. ine ote ee 360 dangers breed f........ 200}. BOO Mien St ote ae Sun delicate -f.4|..s <6: a2 o. 680 | *“in fand* watt, Bela. 5 ane ae eines 600 corebhotswrenate Mies S85 Me Ah 34.7" “WaSpeVetil te. lm pie nee 383 present cl Se ecw coe 45: Wea ltiya tes ee cetera tieeeas 454 tasteior tes ie cme emer 260 \e wit.S a tal. atin ao eee eee 363 tO (OUT ie. Gone a enaeee 599 |Feathers—animal without f. 35 we with unseen f....... Ba rl\** be fine £2). ee eee 204 when little f. srow*. ... 452) -f to thy meels™ eons 537 sig elepast |alew im peeey 5 SM ayes 268)" fine ft: take. oe heer 204 With StIdGen) tl ernie 3201, OUT OWD fe. et eee 212 WIGMOUL OUI, Tekin te kad es 200| Owl tor all hicine ees 553 WithOlt OULl .. s.-p oe Ae Ha a Stet OWL, eae Bene ee ee Heast-at thet. j0.. uc ees 205). with my OW to... see 213 beginning of a t.25..00.. 341 |Feats-f. of youth........ 21 beginning ofa t.*s..2.. 821g hich f” donet: saa) oe ee 30 COUbMMAleT <2 see one 39718 4. Dy the hand of nature*s48)| q»colden f.. 2 santha ds acm 505 where fi catight/t% 1.0 OS Hieiie Otninupi Le west ™en t23.07 1 wadast f, Ofte % carcte ters oh eis 425 Feels-f. another......... TR HMR OL White Jesters an. he 646)\ es loves his £2 1256 gis -rerork 505 fathe: noblesttan.. 20s. % 43 3(emnail ft. welljavete, .s..: 2 AT AtemloVveth: his tare eee 505 Feere—childe f. de fire....243| loves hisf.men....... 20) ) sour £: please sy .1.uielelerctore 456 Fees—and flowing f.**..... Acomenleasantrt.. eae arrest ts 2o5 eetattine of his fs... 204. Feet—bar my constant f;.. 4520) * ‘prettier. f. of. ..0..%8.:) mswew wear the-tye visu «s-masteee 614 beneath’ otir £:§.. 004... Ro7 | uutesty, Dieasant f: ain. a. 128|Feu—allume le f..... ae ee = close about hisf........ MostmtwanityOL LL Lhe fete em alee PS Aine AU fle, UCI rcrat nee oe 3 echoes of fs Alay stare 499|Fellow-citizens—with our f.562| ce qu’estauf.levent.... 3 f. beneath her petticoat.161/|Fellow-feeling-f. feeling Feuds-by theirf.t........ 606 f. fitted with winged. ...547 MA WESIS, ee cee i OFO\etOO. MANY Motes ose mh es 88 fof him that. ses Poe 2. ZO WMA OUCIOL A a. yecteinee set OSOlmewith civilt. 7. wae sloects 704 Tae ge ae a ere a adie a o1/|Fellow-islands-f. a little Few-f. and far between... 40 Paw aSwlstOmteried: .tero et 24 more or less nea~..... 28| f.and far between...... 360 friends departing f.{¢...550/Fellows—all ‘good f. to- fe there. bes: + ested « 348 her pretty-t oe. 3 LaAGo et 161 gether’ Qo ta. BRIG OC GetOt GSEs! ccsretse hans sierart 65 his. £5 uncovered... 2372 ¢ EZtreaimone tneset.: 2. Soc s.) 3 TRAIL Oca cial sd tersdet o/s 5 seeactius 583 iss Wis 2% us soe et. ces 284| framed strange ERT, ATA ME that, fo MAY) acon seceenctat 410 many twinkling f.||..... Bor ee cine of -poodt.*? ae .e2% 287|Fever—an envious f.*.....228 many twinkling f.......162] young f. will be........ 75S ee Orig Kine 1t) afer dtes cuter: 3906 my prin tlessiise ee. oss 285 |Fellowship—and bearing f. i135 £,. OL, tNE=SOULE,, &, haku 612 Mulittle. £:5..,'cctepcwee core EET eTIl sas ti tS ASO\. of. whensahe was* avin. lias 642 of innumerable f....... xO2\\pet- in misfortuties.. ..2 2: AGO. staging, ft. burtiscs a4. a. 194 steer. their. £..5.0..2. eee 6 fey 122 PSUAIHIE Is Ae 7, Bactone BOMMATAgINg. t. buts ae .643 their f. through faithless Eads SHAME « ots tes7ode ah .206/Feverous—all f. kinds......104 leathers)...3. ihe ae BOANMOES OF (DEEL... <.0 3. ee otsteiele 459. 2earth was f. and™.3...5 543 thy. innocent. f,.t Wie ROAM HANGS OF, 1.1.5 Leman aretha 338)|Feyth-f. and ful credence... 05 those blessed \f.*.".. erixoime tities of good £.% 2 0.).5;. 438 Fezziwig—in came Mrs. F..652 times iron I4t 2056 Jee 542|Felonious-some f. end**. .530|Fib—destroy his f.t....... 655 under our {29..:0s.eae 597 |Felt—of something f.f..... 479|Fibres—and finer f........ 520 Hnder.our fase ei Po. .508|Female—a f. or*.......... 735|Fibs—tell you nof...... Bae SIS tipon.contrary) £.¥ 3.93% S27 ASL LWALTIOTS. bes shoe tes WEN, «LOU VOM Ons sis oun ete VE 4420 FICKLE 840 FIRE PAGE ; PAGE PAGE Fickle-f. as a changeful. ..491 |Fierce—Continued Figures—de f. tracées......422 f., fierce and vain....... 491| on the whole than f.||...406] flitting f. come.... 123 f. in everything else....139|) sof.as they paint...... 186| pencill’d f. are¥........ 553 spark. too [1.25 0 oh s/s 569 |Fiery—a f. soul.......... . 23} some f, monstrous} snug 195 woman is often f....... 738} (a £. soul. 2 20 36 in ae] 6 such heavy nlyide aces i55@ Fico-{: for the phrase*> ies 4) oe f.-souls snc Sen 568|Figuris—sigare f.......... 422 Fiction—as improbable f.*.702/|Fife—ear-piecing f.*...... 11263 Filches-f. from me....... 613 by fairytate en wor Ofillthe fiicsn wate. .131]File-the valued f.*....... 198 f. imva-dream* ait 9] sound of f. i554 .710| though with a f.. .409 f. lags after truth.. 702|Fifty—at f. chides....... .. 17|Filia-f. pulchrior...... ee. fPmayideck.., iy ee N260 |Hilatiinis.a fOClwseick »02es0t7|Filial—thed: band <) <2 = 561 splendid £;. 4.45334 S22, ¥O} #e.eb FT us. oak eek be <759| > the-f.iband a0). ferree. - £631 stranger ee nee woa| ° fat;fair; and f... o.......) 27] - true. £. freedom** a ua, 61 true E ha Bie 4 : 523 Fig- a fstormicare ay sue -141|Filius— qua pendebat f...... 505 when f. nce tres ie eke 702 ISA be ae ne eee Aes pias Fillef the fitesiss7ee ee sige Ficus-f. f. ligonem...... ..746 BC oer Re aad ee ...182|/Fillpot-once Toby F...... 584 Fiddle—his f. and..... Mes 3202 Tire ootise than fee : 428 Film-—the f. removed**. .. .247 FidesP unica: fuser. coe 698)| = 4; of thistless..4 wae fen .299|Fin-—on peut etre plus f..... 2 Fidele—I live here, F.*..... 4271 st: of thistlesses Ayaan. .614|Final-f. goal of illf....... 550 Fidelity’s—f. a virtue...... 270| name of the prophet figs241 Find=fast’ £:* 22-3 601 femay. be founds x.l5.8 289 |Fight—better f.**......... 270)|) fo itsatter many su. seen 616 Loris sewewasetee wa cee avo Sibetter £:**...5.c ee 6 oe .635| f. something blissful... 3 Fiel—tant de f. entre-t-1l....318| canf. again.......... -193| f. the only creature.... 33 Field—accidents by flood chide andi, sa. . sae 606| never f. it more*....... 48 hale tain te eee edie f. ti another daie:....%.. 93 |Fine-f. by defectf........ 182 Achaians in the f.§..... ar f.-and.die1s. death* 0-174] © £.) by. udefecti 99-5 aan 383 f 1sot far-off ole 08) ihe begins within ete 262 133); £.:byjidefecth24- uses 736 fds Slaitin sng aad > he Boi leh torssieiis ance iste saees 561} “fe by~ degrees a9) fens. tie 182 f2Ol iS) came seen te ye 329| f. for their country..... 350)) °-£ By depreéssacs 2a oe 36 Pf OSnigntaetero. .. vice 67:5 Beat Ot On entice aeeae 559| f. tamen laudandus..... 175 Happyit; Or ie eee 489} (dai outienies: Ps tekn 710 fortes in f. assequendo...147 Anthele. | Te ce bee ee 63| «f..was dene*. 9. 203..2 & 285\> th-jactton tases eee 26 inhabitants of the f.2..:644| ~give thef.up..i.... 06% 480) > t00.f..a point gen ay eek 56 antothet. 2 eee eee 662)| - RoOdiatla tt. wee aes 640|Finem-—respice f......... .219 manifor the fee tne ae 737 harder f ~ 6 STE a Soe 133 |Finery—f. on the back. ....205 op fran hilt! Leyes 531| in bloody f. engage..... 21\Fines—certt dentque f...... 492 owns the £20 Be ot aie g7S| sasto®, sce aia vee 428 |Finis—cui licttus est f...... 622 physic of the f.f....... €o | emianis! tories fees sue eee 6or} st f. bonus, est: .......5.222 physic'of-the £.22.);3", (3g02| man's to Lia seen 670|Finger—every f. points me. 256 physic of the f.t....... 474 may, Lagan. ieh sd stat. 103! for fortune’s £7707 ae 556 produce of onef........493| not £bis seaticitineh..b we 490}. hissambitious,*2. 9 eae 380 rush’d into the f.|]...... wa (| qamot:the :L.. 25et7. 2 yist ane 220] let our f. ache*¥........ 670 sisters of thef.......... a7}; ao. cowards £.7 Sus. aeuas 524 moving f. writes) fee 185 smell of f. and*¥*....... é20} “ithe sacred:f. 73s.) unis 355| moving f. writes....... 592 SOWS tei fiat sy eee 926 | (eto: Le Agalt aath oeee 193| point with silent f...... 661 the f. be lost*®**......... £80) be: tare cone: oh. ccm 718| pointed’out with the f.. .256 verdure of the f.:...... s20|_ tof., to strugglef....... FLA) Stientits points) sae ee 661 Fields—babbled of green too old and weak tof.§. 21/|Fingers—f. of this hand... .406 if Rk ies ee eee ee H76t hoWas 10, £8.20: |. ces 148] f. weary and worn...... 410 f; have eies, 10). [fie vss at; | covill fp apgaimns foe fe 103| f. were made.......... 338 farewell happy f.**.... .263 Fighter— Gull $M peutyh tose 82 my. f, end? endear 338 Re fare leet OLtat sos |Wightin’-f. like divils..... 303} /-onvhis tf? plistray 2 ene 286 farbrightE, 1.0. TiPAS: 58|__ first class f. man....... 719 |Finished-left to be f. ny .468 nature gave usf........ 122|Fighting—f. and of love. ...571|Finite—of f. hearts that. JS5% poetic f. encompass....304| f. cocks or f. kings...... 528|Finny—the f. preyt....... 336 what arethef.......... 29 aie in the streetwere sce 606 Fins-f; of Jead*: . "2 we 401 Fiend—eagerly the f.**....507| foremost f. felll]........ 74 |Fir-f. and branching**. . . .608 f. angelical*........... 370 His. nen, sete a ae 292 |Firbloome—sweet is the f.. . 276 frightful ‘£3 SHS. Me “wantiot fi. 5 an. wee 679 |Fire—all air and f......... 407 marble-hearted f.*..... Fights—battle-fields and f..660] allonf................ 396 ho f: in hell’sc. A aie 333) Moock sf, beste tine 1k 359| oa clear. £.7.s. saeneeeee 106 or f. from hell......... 463| f.andrunsaway...... -193| aclear f one ganda ee 301 spake the f.¥¥......... s25| f.andrunsaway....... 193| bef. with £4. .:.)..0 te 436 superior f.**.......... 489 | hwhoeverit.a dg. une ee 402| burnt child f. dredth. ..243 Fiend-like-f. AE Sebi eet 231 |Figure—concealed the f....434] coals of f.............. 615 f is it tof Acs 646 en OLR Saks dorkit 300] compact of f.¥,.5.....4 463 Fiends—call f. and spectres*735 f. to ourselves)... 0145). 262| consumes like f........ 509 juggling f. no. more*, , W23t the flying J joy et ae ere 547 convex of £8 Se ee 350 Fierce-f.andvain........ Wot let Watt. OF Lie ace etet ee. do not stir the f........ 344 f,as frenzy’s fever’d.., .401 Figur’ tay f. goblets*... t| dreadeth the f...... Pe FIREBRAND 841 FLAME PAGE PAGE PAGE Fire—Continued Fired-f. the shot heard.... 74/Fishes-f. first toshipping.. 50 dreads the f......:....243 |Fire-hearts—whosef....... Wren, that tipple seat aed oe 275 earths centralise: 424 |Fireplace—the radiant f....652|} how thef. live®........ 271 effect of * o> eee 350|Fires—altars and your f....359| lived like f............ 271 eicner H6st with t-* sees 7a, tor Fain eS Ee ER 626|} men lived like f..0..... 554 fans’ af: ck Sea ae Zieet. that scorch?.. 242. 4270 honvother ft; tele ae 358 fantasy s MOut. + ene oe AAG Pe tor violent fry eo ee &. 227 prodiced.jt f:.75 see 238 Teere das fo 2 Is eee Bags Prom SIA! fy te ee oe 83| tawny finned f.*....... 43 TlancdsmiOtionll se eee ee 62" "one ‘whose f:f oo 13 |e worse: for they on ne 474 TANS Wersit. tae. ase aces ROM ei piutsouteourte. 2 .otetes we 205 |Fishified—art thou f.*..... 274 one f. burns Oilers eo 436| these piercing f.**...... r2\Fishing—-a f. rod... eee 271 f. enough in my braintf. 380 their: wornted) f250' f26. 60| when he goesf......... 44 PeTSGe tee ete 200 PSthose rolling foe. 28st.) 609 Pishlike-and f, smell*¥.....651 f. from the mind|]...... 2 othe radiantitc «cosa oe 652|Fist—children use thef.....116 f. in antique Roman... .434/Fireside—-f. enjoyments....732|Fit-f. for the business..... 543 fin each=éyel oo 72: :. 5 TOM RAD DY, fan ot oe ne eae Z6o0et. is strongest? "506. 3607 ft: the blood" see oe 559! no f. howsoe’er§....... S7i@ pfamai torts s nae. cee 582 feoirlite. 92 ieee. 522i ‘to fenappimess. Su: vce BOolLaf was on nts) sen ce. 642 f. of some forgotten}. .. .731|Firmament—brave o’erhang- IN'Yar again se tise he. 268 fesparkiincein® 2... 449 ing (Leta Pe le 2 CANE PVR er AgAlIL Sassen ee: 595 Petnat Wieuntsy. ess. 42\\"\ brave o erhanging ?.°.) 52771 seldom f.so nthe. aes 6190 fe that Mounts’. 2.0... 615| brave o’erhanging f.*...475|Fitness—eternal f. of...... 552 f. us hence like*........ 555 lee £. showetl hiss alas . ae a7 Tier etermalt,Obe st acter 618 Hating tone. ae ee LSA eho Wack te ker ty cnes ons he 271 |Fits—or have her f 470 flaming, heat-full f......346|- glow’d the f.¥*........ 22 Sime cad: DYs isn ene 334 fretted with golden f.*. .271 green f. Of earthioe 1. STEN SAU y Let gses otis a Aare 515 fretted with golden f.*..475| in earth’s f.§.......... 278|Fittest-survival of the f.. .230 from the f, foo 8 Sy. Oca eeilian dot were ees 250| survival of thef........ 239 glass of liquidf......... 73°} spacious f. on high..... S4z0? the f, plate ie Bp. oT: glowing of such f.¥..... 60/* sunin the f:,.. 7.0... 0: 407 |Fitzgerald-F. Seteaieattes: gulfs of liquid f.*....... 156} watcher in thef........ 41 |Fix—-can f. or change...... 384 Gee RSL het ae sc ae 41 |Firmness—who possess’ f...306| f. all things immutably. 233 idden. £0 90% . 589 |Firre-f. that weepeth..... 697 |Fixt-which was f......... 138 his; cheertul tf... fe .36° |First—be not the f.t..... ..537|Flag—American f......... 273 Wis strerot £,0 ote oe ee Adel sends tf. lesson... .2s- Bob Carry the: fants oe ee 561 Pd ee chs Pasns -+++-379| f£, man among these fel- Carry the faces eee 704 MiUtunerav ts... jen diag S53 HOW Statsrcnn cesta ote amie sceath s pale fe isan tienes 271 injuries takes f......... 74°)|}"" f. that ever burst. ..'... 63 ale Enelisits.9. seu see eee 226 aSt) VEr@KeH oo Soo ee 6°) for the f. time......... 537 | f. of Erigiand, 922.3%. 272 kindle f. with snow*....453] Jast shall bef.......... 21304 t, OL Our! Unione. teicer. 272 like f. and powder*..... 22O Peo ulastiorsteriss saeee ae 636. £. of our union. .e.'. 5.4 703 ker randrs sco oe. Se nan iap wonty the. f. Step o.. 2+ o.'. 83|- f.of the free. 2.00 055.. 272 like f. and powder*..... 676! show from the f.**..... 393| f.to April’s breezes. .... 74 Ls SL le ea Se en ag 207| that f. nothingt.......536| f. under which we rally. 34 little f. is quickly*...... Sat Hite tothe fi. 97 i 2. SoSmeher tustian ta mereskeane 640 little f. kindleth....... 83 ttle tothe t.2 oo ese peer Ser holy feacas cut vd ote 273 MOVES BS, SIE Bie eed eco 444 wonderful when f....... 537, Hert holt, cain ane 669 make a ES, Fleets, 83 |Firstlings-f. of my heart*. 25| one f. one land.........704 O tere OEE ne ere 4006 | Rir-tree—boughs from the f.433| our country’s PE ee ger 719 Se PACUEE S Ee as. ws ne 523 Fir-trees—f. dark and high.115 Taised their ts shes oe 673 part ethereal f......... 4630 Gish—all 36 fiewee os se eo err Pi cook the foe tis yk 710 poking the f........... as ee DRED ee care giz Ovapabond EF, 87 uns a6 491 put out the kitchen f....205| eat Bethe £5 4 een 271 |Flagrante-in f. delicto. ....335 right Promethean f.*...246| f in troubled waters.... 43|Flagranti-in f. crimine Bea - Oat tee ere meets 744| f in troubled waters. ...271 comprehenst......... 335 sheet of F.........-05- ae le, TEE MTN Sc eats ths < 271 eee sie of his dun- ME hi aes Satine a 472| f£ not with*..:........ Rag to BOOM a uh EN oe NR 570 - sparks of f............ -247| f. to the Hellespont... .675 Flakes-f, were folding it. 320 aparks OF CMs cao- +. wel 684| f was sold for......... 271 |Flame—tna’s breast of f. i450 stir the f...........--. 683| £ with the worm*...... 271| Characters of fil]........ 394 tempest dropping f.*. “668 Paha wore nk ee! 453| fetters f. with......... 453 that immortal f\]...... +1446 feet Pen VE LCs oes. . . £23 £corrupts botht gees ae Ry (e} f£-is monstrous seme ae. 273 f. is the bellows*...... 5273 f. isthe foodt a8 ina. aire tear ke f; ‘sithe nurseus finish’. 273 let painted £5 sisiich 274 MOE: LOVEE Ae ae 273 orf. )soothe. ce f cran ae 497 the sincerest f....... . 484 wast, lostts matewesthe 274 Flavia—F.’s a witt........ 568 Flavor—high celestial f.||...470 Hlaw lay the .+ Asati 561 the winters f*. aftece 501 without crack or f.§.... 84 Flaws—dint oftfsuntuees- . 562 Flax—the smoking f.§..... 238 Flaxen-f. was his poll*... .336 Flea—cannot make a f.....317 Fleas-great f. have...... 554 searched for fy awa cent 535 smaller f; thate . \caeaees 554 Flectere—/. st nequeo...... 340 Flecti-f. non potest...... -541 Fled-lichts aref.......... 85 Flee-the wicked f........ 148 Fleece—bear vourf........ 573 love's goldén faakt. Sc 316 Flees—he who f...:........ 103 Fleet-f. was moor’d...... 524 years £. awayll.:...% 00 . 406 Fleeth-f. also asa r Fleeting-f. and paltry is... © fer ief @) Sie « iv te) eee Fists Fleets-f. and armies f. of iron framed f, sweep over theel| Flere—st vis me f Flesh—a little f eollop, Of miwaint 4b ee ee. . and blood so cheap... oe bee ef ee & s : - but the glass ahivaiene © « gS vielem vriie © 08 6 0.96 2 \4@) eel Eee . how art thou* . on our bones like cumbrous f,** more f. than* o's 0) eo eve js a (a pip ie 0) See ere ew Oye)! 'D © le! gi esa pretty a piece of f.* revealed in the f take off myf $0) 00: @ 6h6 @ 6. are Gum POOLSOLiclat tr gectue eeeeys EGOTtCO GOLC Mee Aes unpolluted sie ey tie wi Ee 327 Fletcher-F. Ben #) 2 ‘Pie .0, Wie fe" She Wsiepe « Ge ye. ef ose. et tee pte ©.) [ep oo em sine! aiie, & wl 8 Flie— re within a beade the buzzing f Flies—and f. apace as I follow f attract the f catch small f f. at the right time f. forever buzzingt every wind are) ee) eleheue Le » eee e err ee ees © eo eye oe lw: 04's) 8 ve pees, f. or ants entombed.. f.to wanton boys* half-starved f oie ey PE Palle 6s) @ Oe han oe aee We 6. 6) 6 © Vella aie small f were caught... Flight-an eagle f.*....... 212 Sa Bae Sei pee A by sudden f £ ROE ages past PS GS ons never- -ending Fe sha 2 8 8g no thought of f.** no middle f.** nothing but actual f.... E PAGE Flight— Continued struggle and fn ee 24 take theird’s:\306.0 oe 9° talcrthetir i. + jeetera vee 442 take their f,....... aie 604 take thysi7e. cq. ee 176 theiselisame ito- ase 53 THneun VOUn. cs eee 478 thy certain €..cipooas Bane 601 view: thesia 9a. vse with no middle f.**...., Flights—swallow f. of soni s8 Flinch-f. not, neither... ..280 nor t’other f, | PR ce De 56 Fling-f. it at thy face*....181 f. out with cheer....... 272 Flippant—wife grows f.....470 Flirt—I ‘fwithi see eee 275 Flirtation-f, attention with- OUT. A ian oleate 275 significant word f....... 275 Flix—blows her f.......... 374 Float—forever f. that...... 272 Floating-f. bulwark of... .524 twort, planks Sis- a adee 474 Floats—-f. on the surface§. .370 Flock=tedwtis'*f3455 eee 630 £. perhaps on. ae 7 intectsthe tics on ead 63 no f. however watched$§. 3 the whole: fsmenige eae 639 with the: f,. osname 630 Flocks-feeds his fy. ..2..53 144 f; prazing thet, poe 519 fruitstand: fee ee 700 Flodden’s-F. fatal field. . .682 Flog-f. them uponl|....... 621 Flogged—ne’er been f...... 621 Flogging—now less f...... 621 Flood—accidents by f. and¥ 5 against the chiding f.*. .458 and -the tiie cen see 63% before the fe. eee 308 beyond:thist**ia, nee 350 chafés thét ieee aa 503 f. of: téedrsith Aa.) wera 584 o’eria, restless! fee as ee 431 sure another i *; 7) ae 283 takenat theses an. oes 547 the preat Lig vs csi 35 bhe-areingt oe eee Tha Limé Of £55, 2 ee 128 Floods—can the f. drown it.453 fjandastreamsin ase uae 643 eteatih,.: have tae poe ee 486 the-f; cartel ee eee 667 trees, stones and f.*..... 513 Floor-f. of heaven*....... 513 the nicely sanded f.. 13 Floors-f. of plastert...... | 560 Flora—on F. breathes**. ..726 Raprerin Reg | er: 546 Florence— ungrateful Fl]... 570 Floribus—in tpsts f. augat..575 Flounder—as the f. dooth. .236 Foures-f. gynnen for.... 96 Flourish-famously did fy (332 famouslie did f...... tee 357 £..of your praise™... ..«. 99 f> or may.fade x. ccs 5 oe FLOW PAGE z| Flow-deceitful f.... 503 | ebb ‘and fiastse. eo etepaty IIo Ee PONY a tatiocs «diy oteig O20 f. most silently...... - 643 fy OF SOUL eset Se ee .270 the enclasping Fj c0hs. $33 28 cad) Beebe s tide stronger Red eis in cs haa hoster braiave MERE 3 Flower—a passing f........ 76 bright golden f.**,..... 277 bird beast and f........ 522 crimson-tipped f........160 decorate thef...... ae tee hehe! VIN foe oo. ee hotece Surs(aeSa 5 each f. and hethia2inss278 each f. the dews|]...... .236 every oO ening ty Se sett. 8x airest: LPF Skok a ae i 170 #1s dry tse tS Re 685 P.ist. thespird 24 os dere 361 fof all the fieldie. cu; 170 POOF fatty 4.26. Bia be ‘pop (0 <0. wife Foibles—from our f. springs600 Fol—bien f. est qui........ Fold=feltntiqvt. cet ece. Totcol thiss ne hee ol sEnplanicd:shieas te eee pennmdithe fis ee ods Folds-f. that look so Folie—qut vit sans f........ Folio—volumes in f.*...... eee vee Folk-f. to go on pilgrim- WEEE POOUT Menem ent ce Folks—count all the f...... very good kind of f..... Follies—faults and f....... f. doth emmew*.,...... oma yocease.. aie MEE shift their ti) eae sosyourn ese tees ee Stim ‘of ‘all’ their f; 5. Je. whose f. pleaset with’ histowniisd Oo. .2 40) youthtulfioler save soe Follow-—as I f. flies content! to fe: 53 an.) e ee fast they f.* 72 ee! f. after those fof tne | ep at eke et ee f. thou shalt winf I f. him to* eee ee es ‘+ 5 8.00 0 cos 9 » 2 eae © Wedd (eee ae 219 DO 0 6 80 « » 2 jee 6s wae SI et a ee shetfohimtinne 3s Fs. Followers—advance her f.. . advance her f Following—has no f....... Follows—swallow f. not*... Folly—a‘ little £2..234 8225 alittle tic dates ee Se according to hisf....... and prudence f......... betray its cP ee ee ae blush, f:,° blush kta eee twee ewe committing anyf..... 844 PAGE 24 Folly— Continued do not. my ia eae 383 138 dream of £10233 3. Se 280 396| experience from his f...244 228) “fabric: of “his £*) Ve 541 537| f. and ignorance*..... .280 16| £. doctor like*, 22...22 671 9234; ret Ss all 3 Bkoee es ee eat 246 263) PEs loves: thet aa F2 260 273) Tt Ok ORES Wty satin wee 243 300| f. of our pursuits....... 431 ADT OT SFOMDESWISES iwaee cree ok ee 378 2421) Stool imnihisttsideyen cee ee 282 396| galled with myf.*...... 283 72 AGW eMIUChots acces acne oe 270 224) abt prowl se mean e eee 280 Boo PilltOL. eelides Se gee 280 ah is Fatheniso-old Uses 280 led byvis Seen 33 oy a6 lives without f......... 280 mixture tok cts. oe eae oe 280 9281. i NOtse Of fee en oe a oes 532 Ace) * Our Ownet:... ose oe 133 630) esuectijasivesssee coe ee 280 22h) torhis deere es ok ee 282 63:0|>% tocthisiare fasta oe ee 476 533 || \ turd'tot tio soe 448 S341 Whatirercatl sot. s are 600 66) > what ft. can‘be: to", Jie 734 whom f. pleasest....... 284 529| whom, pleasesf....... 430 257} “wisdom to tee ee 408 BAA | ~"wiseiman'’s £tae% ee Be 283 240\. swrite arcoatioris <6 J... 95 50 268/F ae =i all they taught BG) Meet TAG Jeane. cos. eh etetab one oe 740 758) / od: at “full length’ .2e8, Seea 280 aha) Pints teupfs te be eee 399 74 Pis fcircle.7. neyo ee. 61 739|Fomen—most cruell f. bee. . 208 430|Fond-f. and billing....... 744 243) Ula todiver Cenae oso cies 29 23 |Fons—jugis aquaef........ 403 379|Font—-given me at the f.*. .403 240|Fontarabian—on F. echoes.623 480 |Fonte—de f. leporum...... as 365|Fontem-—inter pontem et f...480 4729 |Fontenoy—battle of F.....466 429|Food—and no f.*......... 290 472| and wanted f.4........ 361 204|'> aretamatory tle 553 4538|.. been Dom sty or ae 510 458| British Christians’ f.....459 275|( fairfancy Sf... see 261 264| f. convenient for me... .4o01 455|. t@doth'choke* 22.3 .):2 281 TAA|i >t, tor AAcheron.* ¢ J. 0H 653 251 | *tfor powder® 424% <4 653 336| Mt for “worms sore Tod OF 230 9231) - tLOt lovers coe oe 513 677.\) 2 Ob "SWEEUEIE eo vette 261 280| f. of sweet and bitter*. .576 533| f. that to him now*..... 281 282| f. the thickets yieldt.... 50 104| f. the thickets yieldf....302 523| f. served up in earthen- 51 ware Tht =e ee 447 AwG6| £t0-Onegnans. = oe eee 281 £L4)) da the trinte. eigen oe oe 352 S34)/ © hevoives: f:f- t ee 0ed : FOOL PAGE Food—Continued homely was their f...... 320 judge of wholesome f... 81 knowledge is as f.**....408 moodyst. of. us*,. eee 512 most delicious f........741 nature’s daily f.]...... 74I right choice f.<: seheee 305 struggle os room and f,. 230 sweet £5 0b) 22224 Je 580 the Roweth PES IP GA 266 the:same £*eeiee-ocae 307 Fool—a motley f.*........ 282 aram ping f:* 25.55% , SACs atworthy fee ae. ee 283 answer a 4077 2s, tle 282 at-fifty is'a fee tie 17 better a witty f.%...... 283 horn afte: hake ee 284 Dutca f.%s5, eC eee. oe 283 dulness of the f.*....... 282 fortunes fe". pee 282 f. and knave... 196 fvallethatss Saas 382 ffalways: finds: Sun .. st I4 f. and a madman*...... 206 fiLandjestertz Sa ore 19 f.- and sagell, «- site ae 18 fiat forty ee . 17 fat fortyeeee eee 732 fiat :the othesesve fa 271 fscannot-held ity yan 643 £2 doth: thinkt7a eee 408 f.' hath. said? {SU . 22a 63 f. in fashion, ey 284 fSin hisifoliyeea yy oeee 282 {> inherits! Wines A. Bars 348 fis happy ties ete e a 378 f#lies*hidi in} ows sete 382 f. must now end... 284 fVnotsto knewekiin eee 455 {Hof tate. FN Lt See 282 fof fateks sass ae 462 Sot . Ae re: woo tee EVOL NaAtuTet s. Cin dale, 6 307). -0f f. subjectsil >)... vex 103 play the £053 cie. ee a solep tout offayourves .is-dst 364|Foot—better f. before*. 284 play the :f* ol... ee 2c is paradise! Mato. ua 607| better f. before*....... 341 play: these. see es. 282) sf.) paradise? osseaite. 3 oe tale wbetter POLON ty. chicas 370 play: thet ie aie en SFOS eeley PATACISE) wie. Sesto do 282| both horse and f....... 661 Hlay the tev. eee. HHS SAE paradisei ety 45 33 29 0 hmeete has anusic yw ey te et 285 Femains ahs c29, West PANO VL tush ink >. cr yee ae BSF eet ies OI da teat cman aes 361 TEeMains aioe wee cle ee 735| £. that crowd thee...... WAC lhe LIS ONVMINY Seven seu one ae 561 shouldest bray a f...... 282). some \fiery- f¥ jee aoc teer 210 WOMen are Lis ji Vash y740| nature made youf...... 630|» the solemn f..;....s:5. 287 Foolishness—is f. with God.732|] nof. errand........... 607|Fopling—Sir F. is......... 286 min clin Fee ss eke 644| none but f. will........ 548|Foppery-f. of a world*. .666 which being fi" Ss 0ss 305] none but f. would*..... 428|Fops—from such f.f....... 283 Ayia Red a gue an Pee, SN gp Be Asa eertivtiber.Ol, fo. » ames. es AS2 hs vthents, timselees....crt kote 485 Wil Hot Hist tees 23aieaot laborious fips see 42% pak ther, Delp otis ile ae 286 Fools—are © called «£.¥ 4022983) of all the f, : wes ees ons. 286 |Forbear—loudly cries f,. 33 Backs ofthe: Ula hee 621 |*7 Told: men are filer. wasn Pest te OCCASTONM ILO oes Hobie oy arts 289 been women’s f........ wag i voldim, LO0!Sei ae o.\e eel. 2S Fe ROCCASION: LOM ste ots ante choi 722 beggar aby ££: ister BOO only-f* will telle avAy.2.. 702|Forbeare—Jesus’ sake f..,.229 best 72 beste aes BoGiiP our fathers ferential 283 |Forbearance-f. ceases to breath of }£, 2S 2F 0 97a BEG RNAI LEG lost. se kiss oe 283 DEVS aco trenstatitars a haneen ° 559 butt nr loves. heaaes BAO e paradiseof fess satin a. 282|Forbid-f. a crime........ 598 flannelled f. at the..... goalie paradise Of £:** 7y te... 282/|Forbidden-f. pleasures foodiof hehe ae -274| paradise of f.**........ 554 LOTION sh A a eg eaten: 508 food of Lies here re 274| people f. willbe........ Gosia. thitigser. Haves... weds 598 f, ‘are anade Oss pt: Asa 283 2 plain’f, at lastts 2.3 «.d). 152|Force—any material f.....331 f. are my themel]...... RRO leo pease theif... 2.2.5. sie Av. any material f,s2 oa sae 690 f. are my themel|...... .284| poor f. decoyed into....469| before them inf....... i) f. are sttibbornsin® .... S45 jae poor. dappled £.¥) s2...1.. S7A la De to Ol aAntisee anaes 483 f, are the game........ 283| scarecrows of f...... ho yhhO by be On Slightienu. a tno ae: Ff. bolt¥ a: tod os tae BSaWe Gee Wet > dase obs fore 743| c'estlaf. et ledrott...... 482 f. by heavenly com- Someehavets:.. s nations. :.j. 560 Foreknowledge-f. abso- ate t a A, ne eT Ae 266 of providence f.**...... 54 Forelock—on occasion’s f.**547 parted f.** 401 time bythe k PS a 547 F ear that you would aes its to dake bene ee are 16 Foresight-f. strength]. ...741 sagacious f. points..... 287 thant theimfa eros es oe 287 Forest-f. by slow stream. .251 inndsofthe:f: “eee ae 522 imtothed 225 {hee aaa 675 Foresters—Diana’s f.*..... 234 Forests—ye f. high........ 425 Forever—death and that Vas teiites ft 54 eae f; what abysms..... 0. 740 man has 2 ere oe ae 602 Nowland LANs. see 9705 that. vastets: s..) PRO eee to-day andi. cee 750 Forfeit—deadly f. should re- lease™# >. Sats Pate sewer fhe fees ees Ae ae 307 were f. once*..........480 Forge—arms ye f....... +1573 Btcthe: eto ao eee 90 f. a lifelong troublef. . 49 Tf aheéad. Seis een 506 Forge’s—on the f. bfow.... 90 Forget-and wef.......... 752 best sometimes f.*..... “40 PAGE PAGE Forget— Continued Forgone-f. all custom*. .. 475 Besteto uly oe, cc epee . 288 | Forgotten—and f. nothing. . 530 could f. anything. ..... 536| what has been f........ 536 feand forgivetty ttt ist. 288|Fork—knife and f. were 676 f. because we must..... 540|Forks—made before f...... 338 fi her prayers: wee See 544) pursued it with f....... 535 fond Hhearteren fee. eeim 697|Forlorn—-I rest f.......... 612 f. what we know....... 540|Form—combination and a f)-~who-welares).. 0lsaes 540 ot ene teas 461 BO Lt: ATE asin ae eats 363 | #*fairer.f.. cc © See 443 hardest science to f.|| 454\ritaith and 1.) seh ee 550 hardest science to f.t...540| flowed to human f.f....554 eisallcrmess laps ween t S10) eek divine cic. eee .714 at Tits theese Samba. 338| f. of life and lightl|...... 44° last tof. thee, aibuner. 183] f. of life and lightl]...... 741 West. weiter ox. eee 316+ chis£: and pressure.ses aan 487 never cana. ..L, mene 477| his f. had not yet**..... 187 remember to f........- a7 ehis f was ot.) eee 211 soon: f/aftronteny. ae. 289| human f, divinej]....... 460 this fond heart f........ 478| inf. and moving*...... 460 Forget-me-not-root of af..278| itlackedf.*............ 475 Forget-me-nots-f. of the most amwiul dint ae 507 angeles: te). Sar noe. 79\eemouled of i:*. ) g=eee eee 390 PROE fife angels$ an - 66612-mould of inane 487 Sweet d:fo 5c Soa ee 3470) tot finer ft.) eae 79 Forgets-f. his loves or proportion season f.*..,552 Geb tsi as a eee eet 208| teem’d with human f,....554 loved nevetl fas eos 454| «that unmatch’d ts... 301 Sstateland being f.**.9 sig4o| othe t, divine. saa eee 5090 Forgetfulness-dumb f. a the f. remainsJ........ 30 CSV: ci ii oe ee g747\.cwhat. is EAgacleee ee 48 f, in. thinel!. ..vti2.¢345401 oP where) thi = Almightys fuses touks. © F ah Bies 634 fornall aise See 542 ity finale ee eRe, ee 65 |< which shavelnod. aie 644 my senses.in {4m Fess 650|Formal—grave andf....... 553 Mot iniembirett, Newel. Skies ee quid fiesta .& 2 ee eee 76 Sweets .of festa, at 35 |Forme-for souleisf....... 49 Forgetting-sleep anda f.. Bo Former-—a f. generation... 22 Forgiven—his sins f£.9..... 480|Forms-—all f. all pressured* , 477 when it Saysit: i..auie ee 289| theatth:-supiuresty t.ceme ee 76 Forgo-f, me nowt... .vuce Bey ah | séed 2 sc tee 662 how ifieth yt?) tee Be 85] f. of the departed§..... 87 Forgot—acquaintance be f.. art: noti fay Sawa ees 3 iby themworld fiers ee 540 remember’d or f.||...... 260 Forgotten-f. even by God.180 have beenrf.||\¥. Ra statectan 857 than a great dealf...... 421 Forgive—delighteth to f....280 foreot vand ji eee ee 288 f. how many willf...... 280 fiSO; ANENTALG Weta. wie 231 i 1S OUMdebts eee bee 288 i AIS GUT ele accents ee ee 288 f, #1S COUT SIDIS. tee eee 288 food tonto ee a 288 Hot LOsk Teo Ate 343 Perhaps Viste. ees 22. «280 POWET TOMA oe lane 288 to ff alates Fahy Oran 703 to fi divinelae enon te 231 to fedivinel Sewanee 288 to Trwrores safe. 200 who tlmMostwA sta ee 288 Forgiveness-f.giveandtake28 f. is better. thanwer. ai. & 288 fis bettermthan Aisi, 288 f. to the injured........280 him who asksf.........288 f, of things unknown... fopenstand)} awa a2e f. that once have§$...... 470 #.. though. bright) tae 79 from. outwardy is) <2 470 hervisible fi. 47 3) eee 521 in mangled £3. wee 542 Forsake-—do not f......... 316 Forsaken—when he’s f.. 21 Forsakes—universe f, thee. 438 7 Foreseeing—in their f.,.... Forsworn-I have f.*...... 209 sweetly were f.*......, 405 Port=hold.the faean ar. x Kt la raison du plus f...... aa Forte-f. tenere eventunt, , , 199 Forte-spessu @ daf........ 1145 Forted—a f. residence*, ,, .481 Forteresse—une j. assiegée. 468 Fortes~. in fine assequendol47 vixere f/- anteiie. win 357 Forti—omne solum f. patria. 143 Fortitude—of f, and delicacy494 Fotioribus—Deos f. a desse .492 where true f.. ):2050% - 280 Fortress—beleaguered f... .468 castle andf............359 city and the fire e.kee 007 s il i FORTUITOUS 847 FORWARD A PAGE PAGE PAGE Fortress—Continued Fortune— Continued Fortunes— Continued Rae ournGod st: Malye. easel pits Cog-bolt f.. 6.2.07. 255| onf, crowning slopet... 39 Gods our fs ee. eet gra mmniscown f7.4. 255 Pe ok oF 54 bFOUL VES OT ft pe BAe 539 march up to a f9see a. 7452 enostages to f..2 ee: 460) our lives.our fi. eae 583 mo4: so stronpee.. 6. -495| ill f.as contemptible....485| parcel of their f.*.,.... 544 some tf. that. ee.2:oee 457| inevery reverse of f.....656| rubin yourf.*,.....2.. 205 the city's f) 90. se PeeOO7 |) 15 f, -berself- blind. wi.c!, Zor) wisoids their fakes 57 Ghis-t-. built*®). 7.8 seo 23| laf.nous vend......... 310| thanf. before you*..... 287 Fortuitous—combination of LTR UCHE GE HA ee ens. 291} ° thou f. champion*..... 148 f. circumstances..... F la f. vend ce qu’on...... Beau try Our Lene 2 fae, ee 109 combination of f. cir- love ont: tend*.) 2.529% 205 “turns f. wheel. sy. a.eas IIo cumstances. MeL 22 been as Om tout.*. Jae S47 when fiamalices ia TL 394 f. combination of circum- feteigeniptyy dnt ae 290} with our f. change*..... PUL Stances PF ae Rites cus pened t. a6 hake eae 495 |Fortune-telling—England a ff CONCUETENCE, . wanes ae oO Sheeimmake our fee On kis 319 fo TOStaKn Ss BA Oe. Be. 109 f. concourse. Ol al... s2e= 5). make of his own.t.. 02% 54|Forty—at f. and reforms... 17 FOF CaAStAler. w.odee eee -. Siemaker of his own £47. 3% 54 |\4icomesto 15 year oe.7 1% 18 f. or casual concourse...122} making a f?........... TOL state talpancnl. oe. sere ee 17 Fortuna-omn1 f. animus modest in good f....... WANE MOO MA tet eae day lr ou a ck te 17 CST Ny eed RF) Cate 484| most dejected thing of fe VEars Old . We ih. eee 22 solum ipsa f. cecaest....291 EP eee RL Re AS TOA eit Lo Teese. can Oe Io Stelivm: face fa: v6.2 0s BOO MsOb Hine OL B.chintacee See 4601 Nook young till. 925k 17 Fortunae-in ommne adver- Que esp iendsias ee toe RVOl Sa Titi Owe oa seek. Mee I7 Stiale: Porc is. Ge eee G50} eral don Lady PA. is. 282 |Foster-nurse-f. of nature*.614 G0 QUE: FVSUCTAS A. 3 J RAbeesatisned with. nist, 20.) 219|Fou-f. for weeks......... 120 su@ quemque f.......- 54) Prenall See-foms va.) 2"). t 291|Fought—as they f......... 308 Fortunate—against the f.. PF2S! tedicin in: £*, 6. ol oe. 666) its for. Jesw Christ* 2 2ke. 327. proves the fs. -t2h wt? TA} Pketrive awithy feet se, 6761) tth ane bled ten ay. aa eee 34 short to: the oP Seas Se: a7) etehan evil fee SS. 14|Foul—by f. deeds*........ I30 Fortune—arbiter of every- thus tar Ourrst.*ie).cue es 700) ok as: Vulcan’s stithy*...370 GUE SH A. BOY anes eg SA eyicissitudes of f...2 ..%: 201| f. deeds will rise*...... 510 as good f. is relative....489| whatisvourf.......... 2A0he murder most. f.¥. 40%. > +, 511 care not ft. whatwisi4 o3. 20 Mtwheeliot te. 0 ars ei Nor 4or| nothing can seem f,*....222 carves out hisf......... 54| » when f. favours. ..... 6. 548| paint the devilf.......:. 186 crested f. wears........ 6851|> when f. flatters i. ... 00° ZOOWe SOIMMELY DIAY fee sti cel 677 conduce much tof...... 54| whenf.isonour....... 201 |Foules—small f. maken. ...529 easy. ft. esiven UP ta. Rie 469} - when f. means*.,...... 367 |Found—when f. make note. 205 every kind fsb jy eae 484| where f. smiles........ 651|Foundation—whose f. is*...541 @very man's fo: 07.0 es RAL eeu bs Te Vea. . Lc ete ave 200|Founded-f. as the rock*. ..595 fools Gk EES Ay ek Ts Shee CE aewrorsty OLSl= ac aaa tele 366|Founder-f. of his own.. f. and thy love*........ TO2) Se" who lets slimt.t:.. es 4 547|Founder’d—a f. horse will f. at her wheel*¥........ 290!|Fortunes—architect of his oft debated. 145 aaa 33 EL HEINSS ite yey es we ee 290 OWaNiGen ba scien eae 54|Founders-f. of human civ- f. stves us birthis. oi. 7. PSA aby o. Hand arey. sa. sue 726 lization) 4). arose 25 if hatipati Hers eis. es 2o1|-dalse f. frown*?. i. 3% 289|Fount-f. of joys delicious||575 fo. Ste S@emisig eis Sehnert sro mM fell-with my-for., o. ) 592| level with.their f....:.. 620 £15 like At: tee) o hee 200)" 4eansry frowns). 08 140|Fountain—bubble on the f.. 503 £315 like alass: fees Bar |e ete LENA MS s..c4 5 ho wets Soe 200) MIeSert ar Lnisie eee re 183 f. is not’ satisfied... ¢.7 0: 489| f. highest peaks....... 402 Gens. fishes u8 eee ae 685 f. is painted blind*..... 2OT sie ice prelersmy wenn ate Bg eesnOul Withee a nc tenet ee 575 PUHOWST< sf e hare. 280) ot) sharpe adversitie.. . 2656) °fisealedt., 0... 00.%.+ < 400 f. made such havoc*.. 20| f. will ever after*...... 8 led SSCA Carag s Abate a Sb brace 421 f;makes, hint? 0 vee Soll eetomt. fingert «eee io aee EMO MEA LCOUDICd tae moaits ett. mae ff makes hinetses<5.Sa0 Soo eddy. +) furious? oA 20.5 nee tLOUDLEG MIM. |! aise ale 735 £. my friends lvevee a3. 20 Lie onearts their £o.0e 2. ATO DET A TL hk oe re ome ee 04 fe On.my backs aes aes Soe att. LOOlF src, os tee ae 282| returns again to the f.. 17 £ reipris® =. 8h. DEER ZOO | sie tuturetto ys, oe Soo Parise like a f.f ct slate 580 iP sells what foes 4 oe ee SOL wish eepower oe ses fale eit ma sthow fap. we alee ee eee 594 {sells what 23.4 MS onmeity f Simei. sc eet ee ee Ho Oewiate ertned. ccs een 346 f. takes her course...... Sh Osmo Ww) THEITWE es ee eres 291|Fountains-f. are within. .476 f. the create sou. co. See Ponlenlet f; bubbles: .. ackPr. & 325| f£. murmuring wave..... 328 f. the great comman- man’s f. are according. .300| f. of the pastf......... 479 dress...) 1. 2g5R i eee 390| samarnners with £:£. 02.4. Tro). f, silvery column's Masse 581 f. who oft proves] Lites 290| manners withf.t....... A65| Pirom Littles, iowa 3 116 f. will*send' ite ape eaters roo) samanners with ff... .82% 556| from little f. flow. MESES 2 i wilt thow prove 4 AFOV extnanners with:f.c030 ~~. 6 6O0x| eesilver f.lanud trie. ees 267 get a favor frompt).eeeoey mar your f.8.... .. div. 658|Forward-f, and frolic glee.. 13 gift of £90.70. Ss ees HOMeROL al ouT Earth ed We aoe Too} Site let us ranger ae Wess Lani: given hostages to EA ZOO NPM CU Diy ty Sia Sp et. Nae. Mee 2o0r 0 & let usranwenmetn ols. 3690 good man's f*7 ears. BOL PRG ERCUD | i545 sie 291; f. the Light Brigadef... 74 FOUR-SQUARE 848 PAGE Forward—Continued a SHOU prEesSubssenekeiale Ss 37 thet: topes semi eetan ees 547 Four-square-stood f. to BIDE ci ocxkaehs pier ess 724 Fourth—the f. estate...... 528 Fowl-captured by a f.....639 falcon doth the f.*..... 376 lord ob the lism ee 473 Fowls-f. in their clay Nestsre .. caukeiaeeas 530 Fox—Quakerism of F...... 332 Fox-f. barks not when*.. .643 f. captured by a fowl. ..639 ty he tollowSs cs ce eee. 374 Mike the: fied vans esto 350 fake jbaOr aitie 3,0 ssh ete 553 F oxes-fire us hence like £* 555 f. have holes.......--- 361 PRALt an it totes te 463 PSTCTOICES |G See serie ah ee 199 Fox-chase—mad ata f.t... Fox-follower-a mere f... Foxglove—purple of f...... 270 Fragments—and painted f.f500 Fragrance—clouds of f.f...456 f. smells to heaven..... 493 f. smells to heaven..... 580 FT CSrOts tale eects is oaks “5 bae nor f, after showers**. . .530 SIMCY. uf se, Mee Sumesy yas 15 Fragrant-f. the fertile**. .. 510 Frailties—draw his f. from. 268 an thought-olitet sue cist. 382 Frailty—{. thy name is*¥....508 hee CHyp TATE 1S" sieveacie nas 739 sf; i eee to eee suh2g organ-pipe of f.*...... 677 therefore more f.*...... 274 WitheMyste. | 5 sce 740 Frame-could f. in earth. ..523 f-outlinesia*t: Sy .2 onset 565 member of the f........ 314 of ithe htiman tao isk 539 argans of thet ake 2. 557 that: little ton: tied ers: 330 the mipiity fete eoraee 63 Phe vocal fs eee oe 7139 this goodly £.* 245%. @s 475 Chissmortal t.. t..ctewt aoe 446 this universal f.¥*...... 314 this aniversal £2 bitesee 485 universal f. began...... 230 France-better in F....... o1 between F. and Bidnnaees country Of lo.) tae es 263 diadem, of Mes heron 32 eves) of. Fh Ae a2 anes © ame 435 F. robs mnarshes.’eiuis 459 F. with all her vines. ...224 King Osh. feeb ae 2092 limits of Pas ninse sone .649 GVS dé ese peer et 263 Weer) Of Hiss: alte atthe 117 a sage. in HOG cee ree 734 sons of: Fini fae ae 202 threatening F.......... 202 we conquered F.f...... 710 Frangi-f. potest.......... 541 PAGE Franklin-body of Benja- Witt. Pi sere oe +2230 ears matchless F........ 202 Frankness—wrap it up inf..101 Frau-eine F. mit in S ee ..738 Fraud-—falsehood and f....256 Fray—eager for thef....... 718 end Of at Ae tate. 341 latter end of at.*. fay... 82 Freckle—’tis but a f....... 226 Freckles—in those f.*...., 276 Fredome-f. is a noble thing202 ize AUC Halted so deeet ee 649 SR eee 649 battie fon thet +, sai eare 168 beautifuliand:£.. 2 fats 567 be merry and f.........141 born f. and equal...... 618 hoeurnd thes, peyton 750 Draveandt 7 jiemenon cir 649 cost them nothigg f.....300 could. be fast tap eee. 204 die f "menue. tibeeeae stectes 203 else fo will®* jae? Gtnte ce 556 Aower istteS|— aeeentecnss- ss he 204 For thew nescies sae tee eee 354 fas nahire. 2. 24. alee 202 {from none» e2.< aies 648 f-eovernment... «sie 543 £ INe!S@ Tate.) tie ace seats 5 Ti SOULS eos bch ee 204 f; trade dsimoteces te opie 582 f. trade one of the...... 582 freedom to the f........ 204 generous.and f......... 465 himself. Devs nets wees alert 436 jand ,ot. the Giese ees oh. pleat 272 dnc OL LRG tice. acacannaee 333 Jeaving f. thingsto... i. 485 made ‘1S stool oe re ieee 423 TMA IEStIC LW. wee ae ee 484 DeateWidofivaal eral ay, Eerie sete 120 TAMA fade naked aeieers 84 IM1iustebe- fl. |eeecmenneees & 227 mone .can. be masses, ..ceea) 648 render’d me f.......... 264 tide not a Lchorse.) meek 62 SO" LAS. sy entre ee areal he 444 the truly £) Seas rene 423 themselves be f.*...... 436 they arewt ein. cus wie 648 to-day united, f........ 316 truth: snakes, eect ates 203 who leaves usf......... 458 who would be f.|J....... = Will; bef ieee. Syke § cele Free-booter—f. unrestrain’ date Freedom—bastard f. waves .640 birthirotd. oa nena ee 223 blind glimpse of f.f..... 4190 bounds of f. widerf..... 540 cause robiiaw,. Ate at erse 203 claimed hist i wie. Sear 648 crown by f. shaped9....225 eatns His f¢ paaee enc 203 £OL EOL yy at meee aren 703 f. and courtesy..... MRRILT £- has, a thousands... cw. 203 {Ain my lOVenem nite ats 595 Sisits child. 3. .euisiwedee FRESH PAGE Freedom—Continued f, Jeaning ontes teeknee 226 {0b MEN sah eee +322 Eo religtarimy ie ae eee 204 f.only. deals wie io ee 203 i... shall tawhilecs sy. scene 328 f£.-shrieked .dsuc a. ee oe 203 £, thowiart sloth eenee ees 204 f. ‘to ;thesiave. ces 204 f. to worship God...... 203 f. to. worsbip Guets peer 754 ft; which (m0. sper 203 f. yet thy bannerl]...... 203 f. yet thy banner||...... 347 pet 11d of staan 640 his name as tan epeeseeeeee 204 idea, of £5: iy. 2. eee eee 3.23 if £, ail ¢.ces meee 204 let. fring.) eile eeeee 34 step.0lf>, 5c: ino ees eee oe the sweetest f.......... 269 "tis f.-to- ODeY: dans. Sees 423 true filtalt ee. ci ae 461 truth and. {i.e wens 203 virtue, f£.,)truthpar meee 530 when totromioncnmeen meee 272 who, deny, f; 40.5..5 0 seen 6490 work out your f.f...... 409 Freedom’s—bled inf. cause. 34 f. banner streaming... .272 f.battlesoncell; . cee eee 203 f, -holysflame i) rowan 312 is f -shieldtiitw. seen 74 ist. shields 2.) apes 203 was f. championl)...... 203 was'f, homejsi... sis 334 Free-land-f. in our peer Freely—f. they stood**....202 he got tities meee en 300 Freeman-he is the f....... 203 Freemen—millions Ob. Kae Bie rule o’ er eee ere tS | 1436 Tules (oO SF ih. eee 436 Free-thinking—boast of f...150 Freeze-f. thy young blood*307 nothing can fA Wea ye Freezing—is ever f........ na Fremont-—free speech F....204 French-F. are with....... 605 F. have been faithful. $ -139 F.the empire — of the landh,..:.5 vp dona see 518 much like the F....t..- 201 Not: a. i. wordiig eee eres 382 on. F. translation? =. uses 200 the f. guardse7 eee 466 thousand warlike F.*...527 with «Fo nods*ds.0m betes 363 Frenchman-F. easy, de- bonairaswcciteyt ope 202 Frenche-F. of Paris was. .201 Frende-f. in courte....... 205 Frenzy-—in fine f.*........ 379 while f. desolated...... 316 Frenzy’s-f. fever’d blood. . 401 Frequence-staled by f.t. .261 Frequent—did eagerly f. 24 Fresh-f. asa bridegroom*. 285 f. in this old* tof... woods?® fo: same ee 510 el FRESHNESS PAGE Freshness-dewy f. fills... .531 fin the stream... <5... , 663 Freunde—der F. Etfer ist’s. . 2098 Friars—clouds like f.§..... 607 f. and their hoods...... 88 Friday—on f. too......... 676 Friend—all he misle’d a f.. .113 anv easy. foc nee 304 Mitt Old afi os st ws) ue 205 and f. received........ 261 andy. thy ict seas 207 angry with myf....... a AF become “youriien oo. 222 better new fo ace 206 book or f.. 3.0.88 Sara hye 588 Hook ort: < See peste 634 Galk then tts sete 580 departed £:* 25 en a5 20 father and . £5 eres 316 faults of a f.. erent ree BOO FeCe Of Lites oc er 550 flatterer from the f.....205 FOrCUNES-fisseke . cece: 290 Hivpatter: fi.) since pea Me 85 f. Hath fallens vos. ffs 209 Fi MCG. he Gy cece ood 205 Sit eS s gardens seats 205 PRU OCE Ma oe tec ee a at 205 f.is never knowne..... 205 WIG ONE salvar sinc. ter ob chess 705 Eis wor tial, ». x02. 207 f. made an enemy by...422 f. made this good...... 480 f may wellthe././. at.c: 209 PSUNGSLHOVLd ies ee 230 PoOtinmyy: bettetar iis 1a tn 200 f. judge not me. = hoe f. of Aas country. A tae 561 JLRS AN Tea Ree ee Seenieind OD 612 f. of sie Stile Seas 208 PROLIOCTNATL es ck, oetis 561 f. should be the worst*. .208 Pshould, beat’... 206 HeSO: 1 Met anders wa. cays 474 Retest pitts oa oe A ye MEM coi at: be sneha gph iy Pl 207 Be WHO COMES) Serre ects 909 PAVE tO MMe a Leen a ncserers 89 Pive-up thes, Gia. cee: 88 ciciciie G1] erie e oh ope 208 TAS ERIOMT: Meter do ioe turene 208 eave hada t, 553 cee 87 PEO Patent een creeks 299 HOG Tt. Coolinge* 20,5 24)... 232 lam your = A Ne A a ie 207 ignorant f.. abe Sed ohn su 208 ina tie fod, wee aces 273 rite relays ae CMR pit, oa 261 liseli and. £3 o7 te eras Keep tn yal, ©. fo. ate cies .296 keep thy f**...... ene OAd ee ep eo -396 tee, bnef, fhe. Fe tek ok 396 pase nod. f AN ee 2 568 sowed sig ioe ast DAP make at: ) ey daa ae takes no. f:f.....\< ces Sn EER mark a f, remains]. . . -463 my :£ profess d*.... . Ge 72 Bigt when*): oi, eo. .205 “A 849 FRIENDSHIP PAGE PAGE Friend— Continued Friends—Continued Mame CNG £25 vis washed s 20 f. in sable weedsf{...... 509 gation et, 4% | Seagst asotls f. intyouth. 4 fun aca 232 need, friend in. b 205 (pat. OUt_OL Sight wasstau. a pe never lackaf.*........ 295| f. prophets of the pastil.. HO TeAat COUlt A: ~ Sateniaye Oh mblepIeOIMatiSé,. oe Nr) de uae be Olde eee sideline eal se 19| f., Romans, bemelycilae ss fe Otlet | aANGstOes nie, As ek 617] f. so link’ d together.... 28 OPeveyir fear. a ee ee 422| f. those relations that. ..297 ONG fe atid Ones are sd -chs 616| f. to congratulate...... 399 Own familar £5040. s/s «tks 297| f. who in our sunshine. .415 philosopher and f.f..... 20 lite Wien himiselianr nay 494 pretended f: Auhes eae ap Sire (Od MW. £a..s « sieteste oe oh 298 OVE Riaiieks cele oe Ae aks ZOO | MeRtVeSitO tL. sea ae 300 SPITE ots oe evi a (oat « 904} 7RAVE DEEN ferries ae agenesis 432 TEJOUT 1S fegeewee agate toe 200M HAVE NO! Lis Pan eaye.scas 298 POCUMICd: Aut sors basse ss 2907| has a thousand f....... 222 Tevuimed -aalice . teed au ste GO File ONOT ket at fall sen oe 406 Steadtast £4. Otnia cca ac 2061 Howser my £205. wt. os 208 Siispicious £35. is bs de Ta hele tohepad|y.? Boe ae 555 thevcandidch aie da heat 298; incommonamongf.....1e7 thegeneral fu... sens 20| keepa few friends...... 494 thinktofeniyat cold. eosdce 6 SOs a lation at, yOur ft «10a 414 tiawit bel trie ae. it oeteicis 270| like summer f.......... 2905 i ytd Beg) 0G Ro ae eae os Za That SEs Ob Tait Ara) alee ee 206 ie 5.0 cg Net: ah Bip ere SN 295| manyf.I’vemet....... 478 FOrlodge af w5../s0 el aes 403. Inany-f£: bvemetin a8. 607 treat Your fo. % merase kere 204 f a Tore: Mis Te hg ot Aaivtens 273 Withoutoa tbadon et alec F4o a MiUtitwdenOt tse, ne. 206 vet rcallofies Jk cots ta oe 20 Me SLOPE Or Ti et on eee ene ats 205 You" choosesa: fx.ten: 2.8: OOle Or taitbtul fu. fa ae eee 605 ViOUteCeat, be ea a capes. 296| of perfidiousf.......... 208 your departed f........ 207| of seeming f........... 208 Friendly—everf.t......... ACP MOLG, Lae foie ol sire ant sisters 19 Friends—adversity of our old: frate: bests <2): x 19 IDES S oc No greece Sachs OPE ce 250,010 £; tovtrust... es es 19 SCOP CEL Lom a icten tects 422| property of f. is commonr127 attachment of f.. 5.3... 8| prosperity makes f.....295 backing of your f.*..... 296| reft meso much of f.*... zo banquets of thyf....... 295| remembering my good beasts to know their f.*. 45 aS GAS en ee 296 behave to our friends... 29 request OL foe ee 524 Gast off his feya, set oe ners Z0e4s Shall try £." >. oe ean 206 CNOICEIOE Fira fare stele Pole SINSUOls OUlL, faa ene c tttels 108 choice makes our f,..... 207| stich agreeable f........ 44 CHOLEE OR GN ss 1. ean ors ASO) e ble bestr ft jaea ae ee 96 comments of our f......298| those f. thou hast*..... 2096 epoled wy fe ee ees 307| those you make f.*..... 205 GENMON 40.fo As bie: Se 197 |, scnougand off Ptians) vas 222 distresses of ourf....... ASO Gireeatiti fo... atekste cers 321 Gearesty Peseta a Lo, wrote bareer god fhe wnt sa. 404 dearestif. alase.. za a4 shane cinin li LOT COMMOL tal annie cine: ales 537 dearest t. must’ pyatc..an Scie trCACHELY, Ole fallen. om. sie OO eat and drinkasf.*..... ALGO ty GLCAG ING: La-tollne qavsnerees 493 SVEMOUr feed. WHR reese gears trencher fF... dic tei daiog 554 EVEN OEE fk ota Aoki roe 223 | DitTOODS, OF f.7 58 4... de bests 12% LAAT OLS WHET. shen cccenlatens 268i), truest £. i. or By ot aiviand 208 fallingout Of fo.ci-s.8 spare 605| two f., two bodies......296 farewell my f.. 2... 05 P2063 ta GVO" WHOSE attra eee aie 705 CM TER Teo ort Saas fet 298| wail f. lot*....... o vie 0 6 296 POMPE NC fateh steht e eiasciet ote 205: . were long £27 saree ciesate +223 flatterers looke like f....273| who gives tof..........229 POLST V GOUT Ls. cu rets ote at ens 298)' with £.f"... 0... jutnces toa os ERAT INCL ae. by aha d side s ar! sve weeping: £.-5.-«mssaterene 584 f. are all embarking. ...351|_ zeal of f...........e00. 98 PROSTATE ee le ims oy tiareer's 85 ig enh be hs from f. f: paparting feettt.....550 gather S kuagettere wane AO PAB EAL LE CYL TN. cs. os crate: Sates's 3 205| an sree foc ee re 234 tet ae oy Ts, tev ahs 208|. -angels front f.0.\... «.< .207 f. in heaven*.......-.-347| break off a thousand f.. .222 FRIGHT 850 FURNITURE PAGE PAGE | PAGE Friendship-—Continued Frons-—dectpit frons prima. 48|Fruits—Continued COlOUE Olilese ss ae etter 367|Front—deep on his f.**....188| f. of loveare gone...... 21 Endearsitsoes neice 3 etait larce-f. 822 items ‘461 f. of the eatth nae ee 300 even in theirlis oc... - 295) 87 Ob JOVEN cme re. aL ee 460| know them by their f... 209 faine Not ieee oe cee aie A028 | eahairy in tose eee eee 547| pleasant f. do grow..... 249 Fetters Ol, teoecete cee tere ae ZOO NP Gary il tes ne vet hes .547|Fruitage—flower and f. is. .464 few Lever ide ep sale ee 208| his wrinkled f.*¥........ 663 | © £)fair to sight™ >) oe 192 f And SOLU atrcste cree 289| horrid f. they form..... 58|Fruitful—too f. was.......385 £; DOOKS (CASE rae eee we 404| with f. serene**,....... 459 |Fruitfulness—mellow f..... 68 £- Dit aomame. + see y oes 297|Fronte-f. captlicta.. ..547\Fruit-tree—these f. tops*. .408 frcCAnN SIHOOLMM eee nace 297|Fronti-f. nulla fides. . Hecker ts 48|Frustrate-each f. ghost... 26 f, comes nearest to..... 454|Hrost—as ina fet. os. ces ee. 386|Frying-pan—out of the f.. .236 f. is a disinterested..... 297| death’s untimely f......170|/Fudges—and the f......... 623 f.isa sheltering........ 750) wetedsthe ws ees ne ae ee 278\Fuel-adding f. to the PPIs constant’ eee 602 |) Mtrakitlingh =... eee 254 flames } ee ‘: oe fois constanuine. sem 7AS te Wace WrouUgay ils seen 732|Fugaces-j. labuntur annt. .756 f. is love withoutl]...... 299| hunger f. and woe...... 205|Fugacissimi-j. zdeoque tam f. is more than......... 205'' Meternal ie: athe ene es dine NS) 5 ae eee 103 f. is only O)05 0 nes eee ee 297| like an untimely f.*....170|Fugiebat—qut f. rursus....103 i, is ean lasting. .... 207 |\4 wither’d bya ete 224|Fuit-celuy qut f.......... 193 MAS CROs tease ee ae a ee .297|Frosts-f. do bite the mead* 42] qui f. peut revenir...... 103 fPisthe- great screue «alee 590|Frosty—a f. night........ . 15|Fulgura-—f. frango........ 83 fo like loves tee. aan eee 297|Froward—when she’s f.*...375| f. frango...........--- 83 f. mysterious cement. ..297|Frown-false fortune’s f. * | 1280 |Full-f. of years “ety sae 22 FOLALSelE se cee ene 205i¢. tear. at yOur te... st ee 861) maketh’a f. mane... ee fPhof the worlds. wae 2077 ete ab picasiren.. . foc ee 575| serenely f. the epicure. .140 f. often ends 1 Asks soe 290)| tat sSherdotit c.f oe eee 743 |Fuller’s-f.. earth......... 230 f..sounds too cold...... 200 lal lid and ee. ae 744|Fulmen-—eripuit caelo f. 202 f. the privilege......... 298| men’s f. or smilel]...... 260| ertputt Fourf.......... 202 t) fheswine Ob. netsh ck 295| smitten by God’sf...... 484| ertput Fovem f.......... 202 TatWO DOGIES oc. Mcrae: 7O5)|P) tik Of DiS. 6.25 see 352|Fulmin’d-f. over Greece** 551 f. with none but....... 207 |; payestenday sui. foie 1z11|Fume-shall beaf.*....... 206 | FUNCHONG, Ol kta) oes 571) “yesterday Stare: soe .507|Fun—mirth and f. grew... .488 honest f. withall....... 182|Frowns-f. in the storm. ape mirth and f. grew.......735 IASG DULY. See ee ee 297|Frowsy—my f. couch...... 59 only fi and feed. uc... 270 Anat; NAME. nies pena 745|Froze-f. the genial adie 33 the mostést tf. ..2.) on eae 9735 It POOCT stiches coe 299] f. the genial current, .408/Function-f, is smothered*. 45 Keep *hisa antaek 5. eee 206|o ny DlOGd ta upt ee 20 "Te OF thes TitStaenrcee s 34S leaves of ft. tallest ear 506|Frugal-f. fae ahi him, 22| highest fof -being...... 335 loye andes sates eee 200 aw nadia tatmaiitdee ee 216| the f. never dies§...... 30 of -fermales t iitu.y Geeta cere 209 Uruit-be asts.e ee 403 |Fundamental-—a fact f.§... 4 peace and {). 222... ase 503 |leearth sisweetole tne 62|Funera—}. plango........ es SUmmimnerits eer eee N205)| Vetalser ra tia ttm eee 247| suprema f. debet........ 220 these f. are exposed. . .-. 97| flowers and their f.**, ..238/Funeral—after the f....... 712 thine tS se ee te ener 200), isan Successes ee ; 61| agprandize one ft)... ae 86 thy Prallier te. eee .463| f. of baser quality*..... §25,\)~ Detore bis tis ee ee .220 StIS S.A Ce atisee eremnere eee C52 | (I ror piety cote 423\""t. dower ofl... . «a case 394 GORD) STIATIVG peaeeen ee yee 2060 stethat ean ial laa se VAA\2 1, Song be Stipe see Pee 7°) true ft Jawsiclen on. 371| .f. of that forbidden** 253)" in Cesar st.ee.. «paren 31 when didf.*..... be aS 392 trof that:forbidden**: 1303) sin f.Sfirevay ees Pee) whet did toh. tee we ae 42 f. which I bore.........5109 “Ot a. fy HOLE . as ee eee 320 Fright—a perfect f.||....... 256 fe With ipeness: aes” ene 68 |) to? black fae. eee “Ext fe thesuchesss cae ee 438% pather/the f eee. Jee ZS 107 LOLOL int omen eae + 6 cael tod. the souls? coo. 563 |e herb-treea-re se see! 519|/Funerals—queen of f....... 380 Frighted-f. the reign*** 3) '272)) © like ripe £;7* 0. 02.10, 492] 2 toll for £20.90 O40. Frightful—be f. when one’sfs69| like ripe f.*¥........... 420 |Furca—naturam expellas f.. 522 f. ieap in the dark...... 24| punishmentisaf....... 615 |Fiirchten—wir Deutschen 2 Fripon-finit par étre f.....301| righttothef........... 146 Gott nae 4 eee MN fod Onant an teak T26| Pert peStir uLStt eee ee, 300|Furies—firebrands of the f. eae Rollet angi. 2 be ee TAO eT Chat tne tae eee 604| harpy-footed f. *’ ee Frisk—and his f.. 2.0.2. ..%. 292| the time that bears nof. o/|Furious—fast and f.. sare we fit nears... era's -251| weakest kind of f.t..... 300| grew fast andf.,.......488 Frith—4 narrow f..-)..4.5 507) what f/-wouldil. >... .). 615| temperate and f.*i 2) Ceane Fritters—dish of f......... 66) ‘vields?badi fsa). 580|Furnace-f. for your foe*.. 42 Frivolity—irresponsible f.. .322|Fruits—as fairest f........ 228| f. for your foe*. ane gee Frock—angel inaf....... 253 SIS DV. Snel tar eae reas 614] one great f**¥...... REE s, Frog-thus use your f......44| Dead-Sea f. that tempt.102 sighing like f Len, gh simpeSig Frogs-f. to whom Jupiter. 430:| \RlOOd, thert seis eee nee 352/Furnish-f. all we ought. ..212 Froid—Dieu mesure le f....602| f. and flocks*¥*.... ....700/Furnished-f. all in arms*.. 57 Frolic-forward and f. glee. 18| f. of fragrancel]........518|Furniture—this poor f.*....204 FUROR 851 GARRULOUS PAGE PAGE PAGE Furor-. fit lesa ita al .559|\Gain—Continued Game— Continued Furrow—ploughs the f.. “418 maves OF. 80) (0% DiGecs os): 123| pleasure of the g....... 1906 Furrows—no odious f.. 3542) steady g..of man... ...:< goo} *.tigour:o£ therpie. Sake 106 no odious ‘f5 0. SOR 692] to gloriousg.§...°..... G53) there: sit0.e, Tk Sek ote 32 Soeuiime’ sf. tik. ee BOSteunbrib’ d. by: 22 s+. 34| whose g. is whist{...... 371 sowed. our. fi. ose oe, Sysiananbribed by gicekis sie 528|Games-—bread and the g...301 Further-f. off from heaven378|Gains—counts his sure g....300| g. of children.......... 517 Fury—becomes a f........ 3096] g. for all our losses..... gisole the Olympic: gees weet 301 bind Pwith™ ecg sey Be Sie litvpliecare OUTS). cc. tele 300|Gander~sauce for the g....436 Hil’ a with. fe eee 5 5 womuocked at nye. nne ek). 397| some honest g.f........ 470 fire-eyed. fucks eee. Az Gatto lou a® ia. nto. ae 577|\Gangways—they saw the g. f. from your eyes....... 606| g.ofa shuffling nag*.... 70 Cleared rae Gel ess hs cere 524 f. of a disappointed mseveeruig Wc aes 513 |Ganymed-G. divinely fair. 79 WODTATI cores RAMP 42| manner of his g.¥...... 61 |Gaolers—desolation of g.*. .705 f. of a disappointed Gaius’-heard through G. Garb-in priestly g.*...... 376 WOMmMAaD 6.62, ke eb 233 stlercell tet pentare etl ces 136|Garden—begins with a g...122 f. of a merciless pen... .564|Galaxy—seen in the g.**...665] come into the g.t...... 302 f. of a patient man..... 42/Galba-said of G.......... 3.22)| - fairest g.in her iene: 20. 249 f..of a patient man..... 559|Galgacus—phrase to G.....563| first plantedag........ 302 hella fe ars a paste wat 42|Gale—and the g........... Boo leg. in her face 65) 4c < 240 Jmpetuous dt. smotetexarros! atthe gillee sc eee ps 668] g.in the desert waste. ..142 storming f. rose**...... 73% UbYreeZe OF POF, ss .s -s SABES Ole Pits ho. sae seus 311 toric PA ten ae bisG OLey Griva ngs eet 0 ie Soran BO 2 es Was, acwilds mee as ee 27 murs to Pease Be. TAOW - Gpivins Bites oi a eae SOM es WAS -aoWillds uae aks dee Gey Furze—miles of fx, 2 ..53:25% (662 R4evening o. . 5. see es ale 453| God ee first plant- Fiisse—die F. unbedeckt. 22.112), gentle ni. 00 eee ee es 642 OGiaGG nate is. a Sete 122 Fust-to f. in us unused*... 1) lightning and the g.....273] God the first¥ees s. chee 122 Fustian’s-f. so sublimely partake the gifii.di« ...): E20; eHousesand (ohn .t. weer 493 i Ca eee S isk: ae SO SINKS HEINE, Bix. ace che aust: Aer POtOP ENE sO Ones stereiae, 9 534 Futur’—ez ‘twas f.tf...... 60 StOUteSstugns he ach. s. aiyors O68 tloves; ares ct hotecaiane.. 302 Future—blindness to the f. i266 strewathe, oles. oA ke 542] once the g.smiled...... 124 ipotiy, Hel £58.42. > Bele 356| while g. doth last...... SAS) Ose Of theres os 5.. suas 625 Sager forthe £., sack naeeaod wewitn gentler atic ec. GaAtienthe o. faire, eae wits. 27 for. thei 3.1 Ste ess 244|Galen-in old G........... ZOTIPAtH Y SWECb: Sects jetted etary: es 360 £. may bring forth. 22a2. z00/— Wecker out of Gi... .a. 630] unweeded g.*.......... 184 f possibilityuorses : . sic 287 |Galilean—the G. Lene? peLLOl puNweeded SF. Gide 5 oy. ceikie 750 fe yet s1tiSeen. © ho. vse 234/Galileo—the starry G.||....570] your g. grows......... 400 Hudgine of the, £75 eee a8SieGwith starry Gast edhe « 570|\Gardener—g. Adam and his mever plan*thé fea. 288 |Gall-can so much g....... 318 Wile tivsesra doit Cb See 37 prophets ofthe fil7.4 Jags5e pechokine. gity i a Satine. LAO Wee ou A dat aridity ot seit 30 GIG Mice ae es ete, Ss 233) Geo Senos m= fads ikon 564 /|Gardeners—but g., ditchers*302 the remotest f......... Sse memo for) os Seretase ctetsrees » 392| g. ditchers and grave- reste nOut Sean ce as Pui atasuneloneaaly reece eet oc ae IO5 TMAKErS esis eke ee 37 with thet) abs eee yoo. 266| with g.andhoney...... 451|Gardens—Adonis’ g.*...... 599 vawning void of the f.. .432|Gallant—this g. pins*...... 285|:.g) and shrines. os. 6.066 499 Future’s-f. a sealed...... 604/|Gallants—g., lads, boys*...488} his g. nextt........... 302 f. a sealed seed-plot.....433|Galle-in her honey g...... ZO Pipe ys Py ence. wae, Sie 493 Futurity-f. forever future.381|Galligaskins-my g. that Garland-g. and _ singing _ shadows which f....... 600 haweer sta gone Fee O5 TODES TE ie Wee cae A ae S77 which f. casts upon..... 544|Gallop-g. of verses*...... Boole: Of the warts. het: «.« Ss Fuzz—wuzzy-'ere’s to you, Fetus Ai ay Oa. eee ken 522 sweetest: £.) FO lite wie ers 436 BY eRe RO 710|Galloped-I g., Dirck g.....618| that was your g.*...... 491 Fyleth-f. his owne nest. ..359/|Gallops-—g. the zodiac*. .500|Garlands—gather g, there. .278 f. hys owne nest... ...359|Gallowses—gaolers and g. ta #7905). whose g. déad jank. ns - . 28 Pyre-inito the f sores. 236|Gallows-maker-g. for that whoge! @.1 dead . =. hveten 85 framietiis. ow ase aided > 565|Garleek—g., oynons and...564 G Gallows-tree—under the g. “488 Garment-—as with a Saks hed isd 13 Galls—bitterness of your g.* 18/Garments-fathers of their Gaieté=ia. 2.0.3. HEM oS 197|Gallum—g. in suo ik ie Pe PR racdieorers JnES Gain-cares of g......... . 20 VST to eR TEE? Bhs he 59| g. of the night§. it kche aamree: 530 cares. of » was. teree Ree 144|Gambler-—g. said of his Ae Sah manethetr gos aoa ac betas 312 desire of g...... eg 70|Gambols-your g., your NY. @; WEALE Soe arty ore.ceate 364 Riends. tod aye eke 221 SONASA iota, Sathsts. seats GAG Is OULD Fe POOLS sytiur dala us .204 gi not vbase<...b welts goo |Gaine—at a oof oc o.c &. oc .301|Garret—born in the g\|].... 90 g. of a fewls 6,4. 2068s Bos ee. 1S DOD WOLkH ote « 10 seals 301| g. four stories high*....308 & of-man>: sine. res SOMMER ISO... . 4 eplke sw ote 220 sll Vinge: Misa. apr eesc sen syetaee georlosé at alls o..ca deen 740) g. was emipires|.....-.. 301 |Garrick—G. take the chair.303 gown, g., glory||... eA SORMMORIIE B.'s ead sa ao 0% 616| here lies David G.......303 makes oe a ne eee tthe 300| pieces of the g...... te GOES Our G's arsaladh vag .+ 303 Dar. of Oe a frie OP eOD ee pleasute Of the!) g.,.,...% 26|Garrulous-g. recounts.... 21 GARTER PAGE Garter—familiar as his g.*. .551 hen Pi Saw Fos vat eee ee 760 Garters-scarfs g. goldt....117 Garth-G. did not writet...574 Gash-the red g.||......... 302 Gasp-the last g.*¥......... 458 Gate—at one g. to make**., ane atione’ g aR Maes 303 five-bart.d o>, pave, cre 33 golden orientallg....... 674 heaven's g. sings*...... 412 heaven’s golden g...... 328 straiphtthet.. ..: seen 290 the ‘great Oe cs bike 385 WIE 1S, tNE;S. shee ee whe 348 Gates—ever during g.**. ...303 g. are passed........... 42 g. of burning adamant**3 50 cot. Heaven Winey leas 480 is, OF Heh tr* eee tite Fake 500 o.,Ol ANETCY 21a en oe. 23 NEAVEN! By.) ulna ee 412 her goldén gts, UA. 500 CWO GIVErsesphs en tists. 200 ye everlasting g.**..... 150 Gateways-—g. of the day}. .727 Gath-tell it not in G...... 321 Gather-g. honey allthe day 81 g. in their blushing..... 546 g. therefore the rose. ...546 g.ye rosebuds!, 85.2 Sc 46 Gathered-g. not harshly WICKES the taxa cdteey ems 492 g. togetherin.......... 587 Gatherer—g. and disposer. .514 Gaudy-g. dress.......... 202 Téat NOt we. sri. ae etek 202 TICh NOG GA. ae eee ee 202 Gaul-to G. to Greece..... 748 Gave-that Igi.2t8 070.4. 220 the: Lorde. 230% Sa . 84 the! Borde ss Fee eee. 441 wWhat:Wermk: . i citecmin. 220 what:we go. 5 Vues 300 Gawds-—praise new-born g. Pe 523 Gay-busy andtheg....... 504 PA ASASOLLEs. min teete ate aie 79 grave tO p21 cal eee 580 SFCALLOL GA hens dleteeetes 501 iislecouldibe'eam Aha. i: 476 ainprofitably *g.) 420 2h 630 Gayer-his g. hours...... 522 Gayety-g. of nations..... 303 Gaze-—modest g.*....... S13 should g. forever...... .470 Gazed-stood and g....... 424 - Gazelle—loved a dear g....442 nursed a dear g........102 Gebir—spells of G...... ws42 Gebiete—entzwet und g.....706 Gedanke—und ein G....... 105 Geese—g. that gabbled.....235 our g. are swans,...... 50 Geffrey’s-thy brother G.*,352 Gelebt-tch habe g.........547 Geliebet—gelebt und g...... 547 Gem-bright g.J......... 515 brighter thangaln see 06 g. hath dropp’ al: BS tee .680 g. of the ocean. 1225 852 GEORGE'S PAGE PAGE Gem— Continued Gen tility —Continued eof the old rock. Wises 352) cottage Of gir sya eee 503 got ‘purest oy eG es .707|. cottage of go. haem 593 g. that twinkling....... 685 |Gentilman-the ah g. .305 heart of one.g.v. > toe, 406 |Gentle—a g. air. webs. wae stolen -the gunk sna. A482 Vlas DAVE, «ct wits See 393 Gems-g. and golden**,,..272} g. craft........... . eae g. of heaven*®* 0. ju. -510|- g,.as zephyrs*, . jum. aee General C.-G. C. is a g. in manner’ij.7. .), Gee Grete tps te.ehertee ae 583| g. of speech§. 65 General—an ill g.......... 608] g. though retired...... 466 caviare to the g.*...... Aot| *@.. dedés awe eee 465 over the g....... Fe eat 4662. o,. min Gy. Ghote pene eee 305 the, ¢. favorite, 1. .caNes 1201 Sig. minds... 7; eee 465 the "Romante.| hyPehs a 501} know the g.blood...... 38 Generalities—glittering and life was ott co eee 61 SOL Cinema teens 384| spring our g. blood..... 38 Generation—a former g.. 22|..sthey are asigit stile eee 306 and fourth gis. eee .:.351|Gentle-folks—old g. are thevoso the seconde. 42 wi) Cae: 351|Gentleman—became a g.*. .305 Generations—by succeeding ira vier He toR Ay ae tee 305 Dna us san he, conett ater tae ee 384) }hne puss's2 » okie 33 BO? MO AMINIELY Cin oe 53 2 |e -Arst trite, 22.5, a eee I19 Generosity—fits and starts ¢..and scholar, J: or ee 305 Git OMe a chewesce Weis LHe Vers Ai poe tDoLi acne A Stree. 305 Generous~g. and free..... 465) eo. by natureime seen 05 Genial-g. spirits fail. 476| g. falling off his horse... 480 Genii-g. that move..... °226) oi whojtell into. eae 481 Genius—bane of all g......539] God Almighty’ Soo. Sonics 120 every work of g........ 600| si grace.a Gat) amen eee 305 Fo Tt eis ee Oeithe ete ee ira hephad written eillienkemen 305 g. guide the head......293 am ag. sae oe 305 @ hand in-hand 2. se 360] 22 WAS 8.2.7 ..2 eles ee 305 g. has somewhat....... 305| Jack became ag eae 212 ©. iStmarmliy si. petted 2:3304 | oclovelier 2-422. gauss O5 Fon ISL LDASUCT uM cette eee ..304| more thorough g....... 306 siisthatinttias 2o.s $9404 fname’ Of c.f aie o aesieo &..is. the father heen me F304'|4 spartly. 2." 9, een ce eseereie 305 g. like all heavenly..... 304] right honorable g....... A477 goinust.be born %, wack 304 |e" thatia igs. see eee 305 ig, must. be born. Geheaiss mer then ie fy ae 38 0 WAUSt be DOr Ht Ge oo 638 pe cae ti Almighty’s is. baat energy. crise morte BOS 1a: 1? SS. othe, 0 pee ae ee oA g. the Pythian of...... 304| g. ee England, s sent ae 40: be dOved dine Geto 257| g. of the French guard. 306 &, Was Such. 72, ake {TO2| &omob of arisrie..c. dal ee 755 ig. which means. ei. 2.2m 404] no ancient sXbuti-d sae 37 gl witcand.2 oe Aone 6o01| three g. at once........305 HIS +B ATE Wists swam meds 638| two single g. rolled..... 265 LIN POStOL emits sedeees ..304|Gentlemen’s-to literary g. MEN Ols Sone ete SERAOX lodgings! -Walneelabeee 466 ingredient of g......... 304|\Gentleness—g. of all the: Miraclesornge. Bian 2 eae 304 gods* +. at; inet ee 306 Substitute wor 2.4 ee 405|.-2. shall force*< ay. . oe .oRe nolpreatic Aine wee ieee 304| g.succeeds...... hina 306 TO. WOLK OLS ast ee 304). let'g, my strong*. 52. ee 306 one; se bitiy oe aww eee 629} possess trueg:)...--aen 306 privilege of g.tT........ 304| powerofg....... eee 483 true gs ikinidleste, ..\.hik 13|Gentlewoman-a g. made ~ Winere Nis. 0... ir. aieeee ie ready _... i: a. eee 204 Willone:gurtibes ie . iste 304 Gentlewomen—her g. like* 641 your g. is within,.,.... 27|Gently-speak g.......... 306 Genoux—nous sommes a g..332 touched mee. 2. eee +542 Genres—tous les g......... 99 |Genus—qui g. jactat suum.. 30 Genteel—g. in personage. ..465|Geometric—by g. scale... .473 the o.thing. 550 see 305 |Geometry—leads to g...... 660 Gentil-g. that doth g.deeds465 |George-name beG.*...... 516 eis eS tha ture, oth el ee 305)°" paint, G. shallot cee 709 Gentility—cottage of g....373| Saint G. that*......... 628 “Cottage: Of sai. oi ianen 373 |George’s-in G. aget 638 GERM 853 GLARETH PAGE| : PAGE PAGE Germ-the g. of our mis- Gift— Continued Girl-graduates—sweet g. int311 fortunes see ot 82| g. of speech........... 553 |Girls-boys and g......... 756 Germans-G. fear God.. ..313| g. of which fortune..... 183| g. blush sometimes..... 93 to ithe Gs+...o 2.4388 re Brat sg ethat héeaven®) vaca: 39| in your g. be courted...115 Géronte—asked by G......473| g. to know it*......... 36| rosebud garden of g.f...311 Gesang—We1b und G......730| g. which God has...... 446| train of g. and boys]... .623 Gestic—-in g. lore......... 161| g. without the giver}}.:113| truth of g. and boys*. . .383 Gesture—an invincible g...525| g. without the giverf{..309| voice of g...........5. 510 their very g.F 7HPLs Gok Sat nerieas Hiss. {eau aye 6. 682] wretch’d un-idea’d g....311 Get—despair to g. in. .-468| heaven’s last best g.**. .310/Girlish-in holy g. wiset. ..742 mever 2, Outi Pore. 6 468) heaven’s last best g.**. .726/Give—better tog.......... 300 surest way tog.*....... 483] mnature’s noblest g.||..... we Si eavanditshall n4)4 ener 300 RO. 2. Ue ie ene eee ewe tee 460) manext, best-gs S.ikres des i 384] g. me, kind heaven.. 403 to ¢. what must& BA). ac 400} * not the siya: 240 ages 3090| g. me, ye gods.. Aa SBAOS wanttow Ot. + aaeae dei 468|Gifted-some divinely g g. what thou canst..... 310 warit to g. im... dees 468 SUITE Peete 2 Ge. dra FOR go) < el ge.thee: alli .a irs fact 310 wise must Bi... es 348|Gift-horse-look a g....... 309} more blessed tog....... 300 Wish tO.9.1n... bea 469 |Giftie-the g. gie us....... 10o8| not what weg.tf....... 309 wish tog. outs. ie Joe 469 |Gifts-dipenses various g... 12| seeming tog........... 310 Getting—despair of g. out..468| g.ofanenemy......... Zo} Pethey- beg 1-g.as Snes I4t g.. up.scems Not. os... 42 gov heaven! re aus aires g44 | sobhoughtte-e505 Aus sds 459 Ghost—a future g......... 460| g. she looks from me*. ..309|Given-g. my share....... 2 an all=11sed Genes ey AO eac titat caste. Sita: aoe ZOO ORL Naver gies we. ak 220 End, Ei oly: Ge. oth. ee ats 585 jother go mayo. ase ease 290| Lhaveg.already*...... 300 Hope’s pining g....:.. 4ma\| Sobis. oY tomes ass del. 58/5) sShalle ben git! Baers cs cares 441 moves likeag.*........ 529| meaning in these g.**... 77| whatever Il haveg...... 300 Heeds NG Fas so Ree 712} werpresent their g@2. 4 asa 325|Giver—and the g.......... 243 Scipio Sees: Seated: 308] rich g. wax poor*...... B09) axitom the ein: 9. sehen 300 some courteous At. See BOS Sishinino ge tha ton ty. snc 325 | eemakesithe oie. rise apices 300 BHOU POO eg. SH atek WT 7: aebnat Goto. ee: ots 588| without the g.ff....... 300 vex dot hisig. as. do saa 420 == they Dring 2! sak Hos. ates 310] without the g.ff....... 113 what beckoning g.f....308|] those g. are ever....... 309|Givers—when g. prove*. . sae what gentle g.......... o7| thy precious g.**....... Siro a VaALy as thelga pricy sees Ghosts—farewell of g...... W2oleevalue oh all culty Saeed: 309 Garces blessath him that Pex gin g. from an enchanter...729| win her with g.*....... 308) . but nothingige: 2). 2.26 387 g. they have depos’d*...502] with shining g......... 671T aebut nothing ¢../a)en: O34 g. wandering here*..... -.306 sider ty pigmei g. hum- gu by: halvesines acta. sa. ie 309 of visionary g.....-.... FaG Ceres se Os Fae 208 | oshe'es toethisy.cdoanecraeres 313 Giant-farther than the ee .308 @lagias ait g. blushl|. .... 2. ; tilt -he'g. twices oar hres 300 g. on the mountain]. . TAIGid—@. but tog. a eis. 490914 che:has he-@.*.2.\:h.-aeee 300 So UPON alrang, oe ack Aetas . 2305 g. refined gold*........ 675 | eineyer 2.. 14.4 die oe eee 1390 Bd a otapert. 2 hAc 308] merchants g.the....... 479|\« what, man. 2.003 Jia-wat 317 my g. goes ) with me..... 6097|Gilded—a g. fool.......... 585| who g. quickly......-. 300 Heeping oF Aes S. 6.05 308 |Gilding—g. pale streams*..500| whog.tofriends....... 220 the g. race.........--- 308|Gilds—love g, the scene. ..456| -whog.tofriends....... 300 ase it-like-a: gtd wears 308|Gilead—balm in G......... 473 |Giveth-he g. oft.......4. 300 when a g. dies*........ 45 OV balm in- Ce tes Ot Fi 473 |Giving—get by g.......4.. 300 Giants— ancientugs a. Po2e a 506|Gilly’ vors—rich in g.*...... 50}: *godlike in ge 0. y. aaa « 630 ig) inthe earth: ¢) seit 308|Gilt~dust that is a little g.* 52/Glad—g. did I live......... 231 G. LADET A, <7 did BORK. 687| g. the ocean with*..+... 500|_ makes the heart g...... 64 @. strength™®. 24... 3 660)» >is a little o.*.sia. Sur xt 523 |Gladiator-the g. hell...... 301 g. unchained strength..425| mistakes any g. sas han 50|Gladness—g. in every face. .390 like startled gill........ 605|nothan g.,o er. dusted*+..4 5523), -half ther a.ce 4 sind od 488 onag. shoulders....... 308|Gimble-gyre and g....... 535| shared-each other’s g....680 than the g............. “id Gin-pit fall and with g....592| the g. of the world..... 20 Gibber-squeak and g.*....543|Ginger-g., nutmegs and voice of g........4.-6- 521 Gibbets—unloaded all ‘the g. 5 33 clawester: ©2783 5 ade OS 3351 (wi very g: 2tates ons eis 520 Gibes—your g. now*....... 646| sand.andg.........++- 719 |Gladstone—is toG......... 570 Giddy—he that is g.*...... 436|Gird-g. the splice eats 3 63 |Glamis—G. thou art*...... Pe makes the head g....... 64 |Girdle—g. the world....... 571 Glance- beauty’ s powerful more g. and unfirm*....456 Regs Mee eee oe ATO tC" ks eee al ee 56 Gift-every good g........ 300 fh AiG. PIMOS Obs 310 A ae! g. from*, 42 fatal g. of beautys ¢ oa 394 Girl_a fant Bhar? to soao te nmeet: thy 21a. anaes enOt fatal g. of beautyl|...... 394| afair youngg.......... a64li~ stolen. wlladltiws. Aneeerae 508 eis! 'smation Stereo Pole sare ladian. Ciuc ees 386|Glare-caught by gil|...... 311 efor my fairies races 310| an unlesson’d g.*...... 310| dost g. with*... tgorees 306 g. from Heaven........ Societe ot my soul on ).veweda 88| ever meee epeag ce ee one 5° GB. of heavent 5.2 saan GOOie «Weiss Of HONE: Ba: ion. ate 406. ckinglys ee wilh soit. g ogee 626 g..of myrrht. .2s2ee a 549| little cottage g.f....... 116 Glareth-not ei golde aie g. of noble origin{.....369| some mountaif g....... 728 ca . 5° GLASS 854 GLOW-WORMS PAGE PAGE : PAGE Glass-a brittle g. that’s Gloria—cito transit g. i ele Glory— Continued broken*c waitin ees 76| sic transit g. mundt.....311| g. to God..... Vebis1.. Say broken g. no cement*... 76| sic transit g. mundt,.....311| go where g. waits...:..478 excuse is thergiad teers. : 603 Glorize—cupido g. novissima gown, gain, g.......4..-456 g.is good. .....6- huatearsro CXULIUT 35 FR Ae 258| greater g. dim*........130 g. of fashion? 1, 2. . 2.390] g. Sctlicet cupido....... 259)\ a heaven Of: o.8 wu. ta. liane 312 guof fashidslt6 Vos 487|Glories—for their g.*...... 625: had) one \g.ftwu\. 9 ote Oa g. wherein the noble*. Shi g. like glow-worms.....195| his Ciceronian g.l|......552 g. which holds our..... ¢o2} 4 of our blOad. . 6G. a5ih 0 502) : his g. abides** wwe IIo image in the g......... KR G4y oral thisrwel ds cl. x viele als 61| honour, praise and g....316 isike leis mes bos 291| g, triumphs spoils*..... 502] in full- orbed g. Sbv> sae! 531 mark and g.¥). 2... Os. 487) Hoty woman Sigiise 2. ctr. 457| pinto g. peépi bitin. dean 347 mouthstin' alg. feria. we. 407) ether, ea pastime eee tens 31.2'| B4ntove< peep... «alate 688 My LOAN |i. eet ale 720|\Glorify—g. your Father....239| like thy g...........:.567 of many-coloured g.....432| .andg. himself......... 570)| © lovejand-s... See eee 743 Sort. of gi). 2.08.82 ....629/Glorious—a g. death...... 559| «man. for his gi..% vat. ten 457 through optic g.**.....187| g. by my pen.......... 258|~- meridian of my g.*..... 254 40, the Gog tie UE aL ee 486) so. DY MY pete .ci. ae eee sHA4i wcot. some forge, . Weasel 312 rae musical g.....658| g. by my sword........ 255) Unpaths of-e-s tin. wet aun 166 ideas FoF ee , 603 make it great andg..... 2| paths of g.....5.... 551903 Glaube. “fehl der G.. 86) pisweetiandic tos ene a5. 850) Ceriseini gi, Seth eerie. IOI Glaubens—des G. licbstes Ram. Was (ois Avie en 322 | ornush) tog... Sch. dee 73 WARES octrcrer Be See 486|Glory—a king’s g.......... 403)| osseavofcg th. ..g. benign 254 Gleam-g. on the years that475| alone with his g........ 3291 Heseaofig:® .: at) eee ee 502 Gleame-g. and glittering.. 50| and the g............. 480| ®seldom comes g........ 257 Gleaming—g. in the pros- Awake* tocar). is. pales 292| seldom comes Sesh Le 312 pecty;.cx.. He Sy eee 23)| atColumbiato gn. fete G4) some gt) Se Been Sh.osgine Gleams-—with mystic g.f...479| cross of g...........-. 716] surpassing g. crown’d** 672 > Glee-and such g.......... 488) Ascroym of G.Akas ath Rk 335 * their highie. soak Sen 733 forward.and frolic o:5 5413718 | "sdaysiof our g:||...52.5 2 759) « (thine, the. g.. *a ave ae 504 Moise and WHS. whe ees sere 25) sidesine for Saas, Wine Shae 259 |\octhirst-for . an, amie 560 Glen—down the rushy g....251| desire ofg............. 2:58 | Ecthirst oly one ain ee 65 Glens-sequestered g. of Gyingy osSmitlesi|eerterer. ces 709| trailing clouds of g.47... 80 meotlahnaie Tote 204| extremes of g........-. 245] uncertain g. of*........ “AS 5 Glides-g. in modest inno- for his g..those so Ji. + 403 | ovvisionsiohi gone Ha. cua, 288 CENCE»... Mb RA ae 20 (gain. ge offerl Bsdwie Li 456| ¢ visions ofigs.\.anan shin 312 still g. the stream§..... gol) gleams: of gem urs o@iasias 53) ocvisions ‘of: 25. gatwibees IA Glimmer-some fading g.*. 20} g.andinjoy§......... 569| ware g. waits yeff...... 312 some fading: pfiu2!. < *, 5477 | | ig..and the'seandal. 5 28h 312] way to g. t sold north eeee 211 Glimpse-gives but ag.....203] g.andtheshame....... 462\|) way, toseizaGLe ane eee 312 Glisten—an’ all.g.tf.2J. 26.2. 531} g. circling from thel 443 |) cowealth, and 2. ik.. mene 25 Glisters—all that g.¥...... SOle tea Gies NOt ua Nieee se 312} whatag. doth§........ 520 not, gold thatieiic). ws mh 50|. g. from his gray hairs...183| what g.is there........ 32 not gold that g......... So Oto: Guardst.cnuiy . aaah 168| where g. waits thee. .312 Glittering-gleame and g. g. guards with. ....-..% 653| who pants for g.t...... 250 SHOWE ees 010k Se eeete ds 50; g.in his bosom........ oe whose gxistin. @.00/00% wigi2 g. and sounding general- g. in thetdsist 2) 24. mee Zia whose:.2. Was}. <6. fue 711 ILIOS sinh J BOS 384): -g. in the skies. ...s.0.% Soh Glory’s-or g. «Met hap ade 334 in golden coats*..... B49 2.18 like ates 6 titty ieselee 31m) bog: thrill i is oer. ee Glitters-all they say that g. is.qur motiveny sss. 33 \P hg. wvOLCE IS Se ..7a ae aenee 497 are 50|° g.is the sodger’s....... 653 un. Galap. oa 255 Gloaming—when the g. is. . TAG Oe Sa AEStLADG| warm. Skies 46218 to’ erg dinils, Gaal 136 Globe-great g. itself...... 83 | deo like tasastit. seek oa Seals 589| through g. morning-gate178 preatigostselet aaa er 753|" og. made. theseichiefstcnigi6 \2eto g@.goallaiiir. a aoe She the spottyes; Pes 7. ae 188 ¢tgot God? etn that dee. 27% |Gloss—g. of art’. .Uc.a0h ae the spotty ig.< «ite Soe: 226| g.of the coming. . 2... 615] shining g. that fadeth*.. “ this distracted g.¥...... 477| g. of thy prosperous their newest g.*¥...... -545 this earthly. ceigeceeier 435 WATS SUS chu witts B\etere Petes 482 |Gloster-—Salisbury and G.*.257 this g. the stage bh vite! « GALS Ast hoe. of thelSlicy4] a7 ane) sd 521 /|Gloster’s—G. show*....... 684 Globes-of iron g.**....... Fos) ig) of the sing wad? .e-ah 346 |Glove—g. upon that hand*, "8 our g. last verge....... 359] g. of the well-won...... 255)%°g. upon thatuhand* yaa 338 Gloom-—chase my g. away.476| g.of the world......... 311/¢ehand and ig. So3seanee 338 encirchng: gs. ou Sh eso 71h os of this utet nae ees 252 |hchand, and(gisn) i .aeseee 338 g. of earthquake...... SEALS Oh VITtier Smee ae TITANS Ulibtley cel: Saree, hoe .233 the :aery. "5.0%. Mp 434| g. pursue.............312|Glow—blended colors g. Has -554 the quenching itt, eee 530 elexnevealednn mtn aeee. 3 708| the evening g,||........ pe tis Lethe’ sip. S0st 4a, ee g. shows the way....... 75|Glow’d—the canvas g...... Gloomy-double-darken g. g. that was Greece..... 47|Glow-worme-eyestheg. jendeiy skies {24 te eee 550] g. that was Greece..... 624|\Glow-worms-glories like g.195 grand g. andes seee SIT) g. the grapell.is sive ows) 208 |@ upon gi feedsa. eum GLUCK Gliick—das irdische G...... Gluck~—est ce G oo gab « } © eye Hele A. 516s S01 @ Glutton—a mere er ihe cae Gh te iMre ag. dies ui. shade Gluttonous—not g. delight¥qo2 Gluttony-swinish g.**,...312 Gnash-g. my gums....... 351 Gnat—braiiia, Gu ons ae ics 398 grey-coated g.¥........ 200 Strain at, & So eres wea 375 tiny-trumpeting g.f....648 Gnats-g. are unnoted .....120 Gin CODWeDS®. cy «6-5. 48 Gnostic—g. of church his- TOO) Wi on tue ais MMWR eat ol else fon 24 oYcE5 aye Cho bane a re A 555 pit, &. at OUCE tees tt, 195 Paths OU Aoe- eye & Gat ae 468 OI TOL, VEL fu, «ahs orcs « 621 S@E ETE VOU FO mess coc ap 287 shall I bid him go*¥.....1905| Goal=at the Gc gc wic ots 25 PAL Be GRY oars ae einer: 550 g. of War 1S DEace. si... 562 Huse Ai PHO Pino oie. ei e.ate 25 PAG os VE Wills hace ancy ed a. 507 Goals—oafs at the g....... 302 So nary his g. PEPONE LD zy ed Che Oth ae ccs 549 BGT: Oly shine a HelceLeidks -589 wild g. sporting a ee on Gobble-uns-G. ’at gits you.735 Goblet-—fill the g.j]........ 731 golden g. falling§ Pia any 499 parcel- -gilt oe ee ee qA4 this FSi oka hn sas asiete 98 his o. briniin: ditt. a. ek 459 NTU RPT Ch ee one ere 1s eu I the Poldenog. 3. tie. ns © Re yee 06 Gath made es clwe) sic) ove 347 G. hathsmade man. <,,.,. 459 G. Hath prepared... ..,. 201 Gahath sworn lh. 4..5). 372 ROA LG es eta ice ols 107 Co Glos THOSE. oy. ak > 352 (a. eZ Sed soft... «alu 710 Ge Ra CUIT SIN Gg so is ore res 750 Meee 1S hia cinta) Seeds oe ee 598 rts QDOMesaU waa cs otk 63 Ee CMO ee ete head 619 (StS POOG ira were tpl eas .700 G. is just He ee EN 4o1 Went TUISU) white: ride te 316 Rema LAW ISAST cs. ors lao oa 419 MM TSO EL Ge a: awerels.< 4 cts 6, 2a 434 MVS MRONVG, oa fotki ass spose shes 313 Giis not averse. './,... anges GOD PAGE God— Continued Giisnobtimant en seen SLs G. ison theside........ 482 (som the side. ae 482 G. is our fortress*...... 312 G. is our refuge. ..2..3. 312 (7.18 our trust 4. desea 272 G..is the perfects.) 132326 Gis thy daw ower ¢ 375 Geiss thiyela wile eee 726 Geis true ae nae eee 416 Gaisswithin gay. ase 27 G. let the torrents...... B25 (Gi made bees, etaleeus 180 (Ceysiadesiiinn 0b. bios 461 (rRanaderitiall. 2. sonic 752 Gamade man sh tin bien 1890 G. made the country. ..122 Gy makes. sechif fins. «caer 531 G. measures the cold. ..6o1 GeaeMIOVesin Jeu bie Gene BO GieinvaPatheren tf = ok 316 G. never had a church. .121 G. never made. ........ 610 G. never sendeth....... 602 G. rejoice over......... 721 Crim Ole al ae eta e 2 eet 266 (Creat oye FS ae fs ee 601 PACs will a dAtene as 450 OLSON Si eek a SRR Ss 455 Se. oLiny idolatry *=.,..15:- 317 g- of my idolatry*. .... 538 Sot our fathers.&.. assis 316 ge Oouridolatrys a. sie 528 =. of oun idolatiy s.34sen 504 g. of this new world*¥*. . 672 Giisaltde let vicar. caeqoeuy 434 G. save the mark*...... 286 G. save the mark...... 428 (S] sendsca? Weir Gann 602 G. shalt not work...... 486 G. speed his career..... 422 G) takes. ai textsy. 484 G. the first garden..... 122 Gathe, soulttia aca teers Sa Gi the soulivese wea 520 (Gs the'soul pant Gk 706 Githeviservelwe'c2.3 ee os 677 G. their severance. ......633 G, though in the... ..)... 2390 G. thought on me...... 186 (erty COUNGLY Ratha 270 Ge torglorifiyy, cute yale 120 Geto man bao sees san 314 Cr torelorit vaio. a anand 657 Gr FOO NUCH ie 2) ceo, < hans cae 318 G. who gave 1b. 5 diet ntiews Bh G. who gave uS.2). ceo, G. who is able to prev Se (. whovloveth 4, seas 588 G, will estimate........ 671 Giwilk: helol-ere eae 351 G. sent his singers§.....570 grace of-Go ih .s.cosatn 325 ne for &, Onl F™ pet in etoyy 461 himself a g. orf...:.... 462 GODDESS PAGE God—Continued himself from G......... 54 how ikea et os2 ee 460 T fear Gere Sis creeere 313 T fear Gr. See via ates sins if G. did not exist...... 315 if GPtortiitiso*® ea. 544 if'G.*weresnote. 22.7 ists 315 ifvimowine Gee vs =... 580 imagéerol Gos k eee eh 520 imagelot Gar tet eee 525 imitates Ge eth elo 520 in G. 4s Ours oe lee 700 inspiring G2 tees «le . 314 ismot- ASG tere eek 464 yealousy GcAee sot ees oat? justification towardsG.**25 2 kingdonreottGee octen ee) 402 know thy Giese. oe 462 Law TOEMGr.£ Oe cree ke 323 JawiOl Guerre eee 590 life ta "Gee Wels eae © 632 liftsipsto Gsee ses eee 4009 lisht/said Gere Pe 434 loses faith in. G........ 401 loveroitG.s Breen 255 foveiolh-G rent eee & 393 man is*atgc, keine eee 464 mercy gracious G.*.....480 mercy of Gale eee 481 qi sob: GAS Sek See aes 266 millstot Gasset eo ee 615 MINICOM thin, sen rate 588 Mindor GeOre see ee 603 moulded by (Gite 22. < 447 mame for Gi ere. oe. 506 nature, the handmaid of G. Almighty......5190 naught but Gonos oes 316 nearer my Go. oeoee = 316 nogidare Ni yee 318 nobiest work of G...... 631 none: but Gis meee oe 580 nor asks of'G.7/) 5075. 268 noris Gto Ms sew, wa 211 nor G, alone inf. 2.0.20. 430 not Gs toscantiee ae. 462 nothing with G. can be accidental§es oF 2.+ 4 obedience to G......... 703 of ‘G.abovel 47 ite. epee oronature’s Glee ee: 384 Gnesi ese PS 22% One Giinitie. = see aks 706 ofacleotGulet T7 at Sens 136 oraclevof (Geri fae ot 393 our: fathers: Gite? 0. 316 ourifathers (Glaeser 316 praise Gr, from ae 388 praising G. and. ...>.-. 587 praising "G. "with? J.) cas 580 praises Git ee Bee 580 presume not G.f....... 407 prove that G. is not....252 read’G. aripht ice 5. oe ot 461 render to my G........ 585 reverence to Gijeo..- 123 Sacrifice‘to Gis... set 611 same with G...........636 sanction of the g.......317 856 GODS AGE PAGE God—Continued God—Continued sanction of the g.f..... ee which) Gy acter. cae . -446 saw G. dividef........ 531) “owho ry. dG bee acters ae 588 saw her G. and blush’ d. 04| whoG. doth late 2. Gam SA Wii tS! Ge sea eau chete 92.O1e WHOM Only sta aietat: eee 316 scourge Olea eae = 498} whomG, willruin...... 390 SECT tS Ur cec ch eet eiehetene 94] whom G, wishes to..... 300 Seen its Go eee ee 730). “whose. Gavist Sire oeerene 312 seen O God beside thee.201| with G. he. 5S ee ona sees G. in clouds}...... 385| with G. may meet...... 752 serve. fwellvVee eke es 636] with G. may meet...... 522 SCErVEC*IA Vr hs esa cee 4£04|S=word: OfAG see Se eee eee 61 servant Of GiF*. 04.238 63:5 |~t workorG. a eee ee 363 Smaiiie OL Gye octet oe 340|7 work or/Gett ss eee 363 Bovis nistG wane ae ee 2r71 wwork Of Ge ae . 608 sowmiuch iof"G. fies. wien 603) “works (ol-G? - eae 12 souliand*G. eee eee 382 “worshipp dG. tora... 603 taken Giiteet aaa rol your trust. 1 Genta 482 temple built toG....... Teil, zeal for Gass... eee 407 thatidenyra. Give, menu oe 64|Goddess—god or g ot ee that G. and nature..... 485] g. excellently tagne - AOS the hvine? Gace ea eee 700| g. fair and free**......, 488 thetvomlyiGate ene 53.0) Pen OL My wala tiny. mame 317 the-varted"Gee ee ea esse 315] g. violated brought..... 424 thee great. Gli 2. 88 215 “moves a tate eee 318 there isa G..2.0...: *... 63/Godfathers—earthly g. of*. 63 tinereisirio! Ges 2A, es «tees 63 |Godhead-feeling from the ~ there iso Gin: teen 63 Ge caught||te eae 443 theretissne Gs. see 63)" “his*sole*ct re ee ee 318 those whom G. to...... 390|Godhead’s—a g. dwelling. ..507 thou material G.||...... 673 |Godlike—a g. attribute... .406 thou shouldst be G.....605| g. erect with**,........ 461 though trol (Gorey. et. 7060). “ge “hours ao. eee eee 464 thougntsiol Gor eee 6401) ois atrallusine «en eae 646 throws himself ion Gori 27) eit 1S eee ee ee 231 thy G. reigneth........ 526, seeds-of g. power....... 546 RIS Only Mant Lew ere ree 348| seeds of g. power....... 728 to Goalonetti ie. eee 377\\2 = then) szmostage) aaaee eee 464 to VG Athy ee ee ee ie 207)" ects G10. Rk a eee 483 to love God for himself... 209 id prearipoess fF y into to nature s1Git es Meee 150 ay e868 to mature’siGi. Se. : 31S) in heata g. G.. MS ris 484 to natiureis’G.6- 8 ea 52's. “next O ee eas Sh eee 123 tomnature.s Gilt. eee. 520|Gods-—all the g. assembled.325 tO *wOrsipyGrsene cers 7EAl Sallow the ois. wt: meena 587 Criustiin Ginn cs cen 482| angels would beg.f..... 32 trusttin Geen. 2 en ee 619] angels would beg.ft..... 503 ErustseiniG cies pee en 230\- anger/ol the oe. aee 390 ATS FON, WEL Oe are eh 454| -as'*G) ambassador, panne 124 ‘intess senda” wee es 1331°asif his G.} wos eee 539 unto G. in the heavens..409| as the immortal g...... 307 unto G. the things..... 322\|"\ bend thes: 22 fn cee 317 uus*worship Gots 6 ee 588\ created ‘the’ i.) eee 314 usurped from G.**,....648] dwellings of theg....... 506 VOICE: OliGr siete ncene Coes 715| dwells with g. above*...448 VOICE .OL'G Itt. ee ee 715| even G. providence. 183 vorceor Git ee. oe FITS) even the @,- 3.0, 1 eee WOICE Oliesaa re een etre HIB false oy fell, eee eee 318 Was Gre ObnDevalemn Aeyeens 563) itwor teins aoe ee ee Ways Of (Gitte «ale ety ore 314| give mé ye g..).) eos 403 WES IOL Ha, nbONnS non celle 314] ~g.fand poets only. seen 150 WiaySiOl (asntOt@ rah hehe 303) ‘@. ‘ate juSti. sos hie eee 711 Wwe CAM .0 0 alr arate 4061" pare WE)... bh) eta eee 728 were | tiord Go... 605) ‘eo tare “WE Jud. nee eee 5406 What: Wcall: Gita ene 316| g. by man bestow...... 317 what.Gewouldsnis: snes 600| G. eldest d....... Rope 434 where G, built a church,121| G. finger touchedt...... ay wherever G. erects.....121| G. first creature........ where every g. did*....461}) G. great ines seat, ote where G. hath a temple.121} G. had made*..........580 “—" er ae ithe Seow pt tin, eee. > « heeeoenoes be aie 2d, t. GOD'S ACRE PAGE Gods—Continued & have judged........ 601 in His heaven....... 550 G. justice tardy........ 402 hes iove iss 3 7>.ce gee 580 g. Meet B....- eee eee 474 mrs enind..2 ats ade 266 6. mouth knows....... at G. new Messiahft...... 549 prophetsriet. Ss. age: 579 g. see everywhere§..... 54 g. should not talk like. .112 BZ. S0' speed. me. s20508..0% 364 G. sons are things...... 747 Gistarsrandi i sess2 Wes: 464 g. themselves throw*. ..627 PVisit, the! SINS a ye oe 351 Sav ilies. oy Seeare wre aa 591 good the g. provide..... 540 hearkens to the g...... 587 in G. eternal day....... 433 inspiration of the g.....416 in the world made g.....317 nSGe Imiracie sais aries <: 487 kings ‘t makes g.*...... 370 fandcotslost el. sacs 333 like g. they were....... 318 like g. together........ 318 Nveclikeso. oe os oh Pach 739 making g. by dozens... .317 milis* of the grit ac eh) 615 my country’s myG..... 34 names of allthe g.¥..... 517 MPAVUPEL TS Aree ti, Batiste ee 59 nearest to the g........ I41 ofall Gi workst®.% ki 740 ofeall) thenmvees ait San: 306 Gtealls the Glen Mae ee 445 Ob Uri pia tierce tei 227 Ones Side: ister it ak 2: 538 other evare to. oes Wes: 360 RACE. Git (aera, eee 318 rest withthe Ga eK sey 670 smitten by G. frown.*...484 some of G. choristers. ...742 table of theigis ons... 317 talk about the g.||...... 402 tax G.fulness. tte ods Sas 416 temples of hist gacnk. ect 560 the earlyi gases). Se 318 the earhviigw Saha, ont 6590 the g. approveJ....... 657 thé g. weenseten sala 615 thes. arrives gm 28% 318 the g. assist Maree A: 482 the g. decreed......... 3L7 the g. of the place...... II the. provides 86... 493 the very 2a. 32t. 8 670 there should be g....... = Us think G. greatness...... 316 thy g. and truthshinicce 20 to thesg.2 8. WeMiaee e 17 Rieard rhs G. throne. . ..334 vaunt themselves G. laws 4 whatever g. may be....200 where G. omnipotence. 665 where g. might elena 214 whom the g. love. s x66 whom the g. lovell. . 4 169 857 PAGE Gods—Continued whom the g. love...... 169 whom the g. love...... OY | why seek the g......... 314 wise men and g........ 482 with-thep.n . Moar Pie ST God’s Acre—-the burial- ground, GaSisack weeee 320 Godsend-—a real g......... 635 Goe—bid him. 2. 0 c.-a%. siete. 105 bearne::toMerallk aileais es 182 shalliiebid herons: ant 194 Goes-g. all the day*...... 487 tseless if it-g2) 2 sere esse 387 Goest-than thou g.*...... 493 Goethe-G. has done...... 318 poet alluded toisG.... Goethe’s—G. course few.... (a Sages minds ng eps 750 Going-—order of your g.*...195 order of your g.*.. 2... 262 speed the g.f........%- 723 where are you g........ 240 Gold—almighty g.......... 496 almighty: Bray. Pees 406 VIbASINOt Ls, pears stays, 2 oeaees > 50 EAS NO’ OE skh asc ees 50 barbaric pearl and g.** iB betrayed for g......... 682 bought for g.f....: Fa oe LOX boweht: forex wes. \ oe 310 CANS 4 Clie et. tih ecards 319 cursed lust of g23\.% 0 <.. 70 Gustis CRE sikh. Pej nee 665 farthing forag.coin.... 50 foolswtheirvow eee. afc 325 Parpersre or we yewlltio on 117 gild refined g.*........ 675 glisters isnot g.*....... 50 glitters 16 not:e@:<. 2 50 g. bright and yellow. ...310 g. could never buy..... 319 Atl OHISIKE +65" 5 ensyayard ts 319 g. is the touchstone. ...319 ONCE OUb Oberstar cna at 496 eI Lass eRe ies arent te 456 ois tried, by fire7s..2 5: 14 RSCOG Of eMart. wilei le © 495 @athat pildsierin wae. L57 ie. that’s put to* i, .c- 408 @. will be slavetk. wns. sb: 95 heaps,,of gt aah aes hae afte ee hearts Of O.* wire datas, 88 heaven’s pavement trod- den OPER a ty tovers.0 anes 69 is to be counted g....... 50 laden with blooming g.¥* 77 Hike es tiatis Pie caterer te orsie 570 dive. Dy the: Guts one ateie ses 319 MOSES, Oe See oraratedets ae cis 310 AS EOE Wier tindies vats aero eo te 70 MISt, OF Gitar tde. ots) do derma 84 mart your offices for g.*. 101 not covetous for g.*....364 MGietOny OP ATLEL D:, cnete vel 739 opportunity to g.f..... 540 OUROS Of OE tee thr wkts, sce 348 patines of bright g.*....513 pearl and g..........+. 328 plate sin with g.*...... 51 GONE PAGE Gold—Continued plate sin with g.*...... 401 purple'and ¢i¥ 19 eee 58 realms: of 9. on sai ieee 362 TIDS Of iF Tienes ae 60 SOOfSiofe- Th... oe ae oe 380 saint-seducing g.*...... 310 search ofug..). eee 459 shinethias the e@: 15.00 50 Slaves tog). 2 eyaeee o 755 thirst. fonse-|Gad ane e 70 fhirst for 970, wait cue ets 310 Chom Of) Saas eevee 483 to glittering She say BO @ touches! into! o.)5.sss. 2 142 truth with gt. 2)... 3. 401 weight i AE Bre at 319 Nicer ted SUAMh ce geo ar ace ea oe 755 wedges of oF. 0. 3.6.2 oon 201 when g. becomes her ob- JOGHE et atitcciers hoc 60 with g. she weighst.....260 Golde—alle isnot g........ 5° not alle g. that glareth.. 50 Golden-g. bullet*........ 310 PaAchime wasfijac- ou. 579 Pe CHOLdS years acne 7 Ri Caycts bueno luxury of doing g.......320 luxury of doing g.......320 luxury of doing g.......360 made you g.*..........320 man’s g. namef........620 men imost os. pose « ta Oe much of a g. thing*.....675 must needs be g........ my son; be gevien ee oe neither; g.tnor. en eee 495 neither my g. word*. 510 never SOP; Or. sae oe 545 no gs of lifes Ae eee a no g. that we can say*. . 237 no. Mahisose. week eee 320 noble to beigtt.) Se. eae noble to be. oijs semen «322 noble to beg. t. kane pee 331 none to o.. 2 mtae eee 728 nor: aughtisouge sane Tr nor g. compensate b....119 not Se the g. of one}. ...107 not too) g-ito: be. en fon nothing either g. or*....485 nothing Ms 'Ssoig Mewes oe 46 of giworks4 ena ae eee ff one last’ ¢.d5 ks aoe 340 One, lost pe asad oe gan one of.9.. aan. eee ..108 only nobis to be -gi7. 22.533 only to the sc Sa. 86 opinion in g. men**,...545 Our purposele.: vote. oi SS Outlot of". 62 2e5 eee 237 parent of g.**,., ye! preferred to be g....... 40 proclaim himis.encesene 331 right g. from a book.... 08 said our g. things.. smallest: actual gig aeons so'g; he wouldictn 2 eas some fleeting g......... some fleeting g....... 390 some special g. doth*. ..237 some special g¥*........320 speak something | Lis ore SD steal ag. things2oe. jose still educing g..... 287 sweet and g.... -74r that g. meugucome io. women that, g. znay.come.s, .6 eee that g. shall-fall}. »ac9 seme that g: shall fallf... 22.550 that maketh g. or ill... 485 that primal g... ~591 the common g.. eoeee see eee oreeee the publick gt: <)..iacuumee the slighted g...... ones their g. receives]......654 these g. nem§..... asad S04 to. do g:*b. ise es 7 - to. the P.cwe.ck eh eee g.. too much of a g. thing*. ihe ‘die USL oe ae oS ww GOOD-DAY 859 GRACE PAGE PAGE PAGE Good—Continued Gorgeous-g. as the sun*... 57|/Government—Continued turn the g. to evil...... 416|_ g. fame of summer..... 69 relating to society and BY DEVOL GOW. came tone iaia 570 Rigo Dp Ati gietek ix ge 28 pas Pe Ags. ahs 2 universal g. at Oe aed 340 .Or8| Ina change of g Me NE MK was doing g.. si as oes 320 Gorgon-G. would disownl|. 648| loose g. ain’t the plantt. 33 we lH be 908%) wivites wohl 321|Gorgonized—g. me fromt..287| menunderg.......... 322 we'll be g wees -331/Gorgons—G, and Hydras**. as onlyiotn. of ee . eee 182 VELA Gt LS cere ny NE Aas 237|Gory—thy g. locks*....... organization Oligt ee. 323 what’s the g...........320/Goshen-sojourners of G. ik. g° PEOple sign, tee 323 when g. men die.. . 30/Gosling—be such a g.*..... Boris Support thevacw ase 323 Which 1S). jUSb sm cee 423 |Gospel—bread and the g.. . 281 |Governments—all free g.. ..323 Wistl tober gs cw ES 2OT ATOM bile S. Ai.,c, cpctecs «dunks ACB Sr EXISt: tOwe > verte ee 324 with something g. geet Ba © EE PILEACL we oe yeuc ae estceed SOG Of o. white they... veuc, 323 WORKS ENG Cesta mater etc .188| precepts of the g....... 350|Governors—our supreme g..401 worst speak something g. 50] support of Christ’s g....472)Governs—g. all law....... 418 Seed ees eae nor CHEM AULT hey opstevekt isc 600} g. the whole world.....280 Bah Aas. iow Na rage zeses mnder 2, coloursi. 4.1" 3 7 fle Pare WIMED Ib... «64.11 400 Gubalyseach g. thing. . . 83|Gossip-g. and spitef...... 409 |Gowans-the g. fine....... 1209 Good morning—bid me g.. "432 of the Airke owaa. a. a8 216|Gowd—man’s the g........ 608 Good-morrow-g. nor good- DER Parlancey .cicles cal 727|Gown—an alms-man’s g.*,. 1 (GUD Roe Sa sn oot SRO Ee 588| of emptiness g.f....... AS Tle ANIVIOCHEL Oo edad ane 421 TAD SEO o ebicsys fecnnds.0s 6/5 856 Got-things en an 5 403 BOGE Liacky eA Git aire son eee 363 Good-nature-g. is her ees 560|Gothic—in g. letters....... Sse o e1Om SICKNESS. ae cyan 16 Gakdifesseana ¢ g. still. . 289 |Gott—Deutschen furchten G.313| g. of garish dye........ 500 Rola. ene Style oe etetaens BAOVe OUSPUSCING Ia le sakes. scar SL Tat LE WHe neste ¢ oribe amet tetas Peas century of g peat Cacwoowae toed 131|Gout-—in the s: Deena! hex earn, 382| sword £ (eg hoe ll gear ner 456 condition of human g...448|/Govern—as all did g....... AOU LN Ode oe he seo .204 fog ea V6 Cl ners 6 heh ers © WOON AS Alsi Ca erta 0: cus» fh fie .461|Gown-man-g. learnedf... 57 SRAM NE PLACE. ee cvanc E20 as GIVIGEVAIC: Onc. s08 cha «0.9 « 322/Gowns-that hath two g.*., 62 ee ST OWA BOON a rehenevosiwere O7 GT GOCSMOL OE. ok. bcs encta incre 404|Grace—brows of g.*....... 39 g. never fearful*...... a7 Lailve CAC. Se MiMNSElL 2.22 see » 323| ‘cause g. and virtue....324 SSC NIMES NO TEE ia oc us PSNR ATCO An Tipteers 3. ce ¢ AS ow ComesniNtO 1s os sect «5 264 greatness and. g........321%\- g. king and people..... OSes CAS WilhkOMe a Ch et 3325 How: awilttl -S.1iS. tn cocks Oso oe the mOSt. to cis siete 644| every g....... eee haere 50°90 PAUGH Of Stl eer eee S 7 me PUNE TESL ES. ote 4 teste ASOleerelen trot 2" o.. ongese tee e 325 SOME OL eee eieree eek dees e ROO tHe WOLLGs sis tyes soiceaiels 322| givesthem decent g......465 their g. does not perish. 30te 2. those that toil. ssn... 22| God has tape Sar een Want-Of &) andt wr. caw AtANeo. those WhO toll... ss: (ifete, | Aeirexelaye ltt: Pm ectuseu whereupon; caste 480 while g. thinks**....... STN wees US DElOW ae cite tetenc Sicieu's 322| goodness and of g.f....414 ANIGCLOMD ILL is ave jiepene TSS let Husbands. Oe s./ con boca 470| goodness and the g.....120 greatnesse on g. loves... 33} to g. wrongt.......... Roe ee Se aide DOOM. ste ole, tere 580 Good-night—at once g.*...262] to g. wrongt.......... AOa Ss ANG’ 2GOU ts. 5 a. eens 263 NA Se Cree Mer ate tia; whe lovsck os, 263 |Gouverne—neé g. pas....... AOA. ge affordeth Healt eters 485 Be KISS WAS GIVEN 6S ctaue oe 432|Governed—-people g. by....182| g.meno*............. 324 Ge VAL LUO IS septansre be, ove. a 262|Governing—capable of g...322|} g.ofadaythatf...... 2558 @, YOULWOWT so... ..-550|/Government-—all g........ To, a OLGOde en hoe ies 325 PLE erat kes cars olets.oce 264). arisen itp in) the 2... 7 1a. SSH ee bat: lets Ebon nts oes 588 Say NOt B..... sree eres AFD ee DEESALOT IS soe eta aieiese Soro: thatrhest rc. vayie wa « 237 the stern’st g. eal GS Dest werw itch rosie scree SAME es COO WIE Cruterasa g ctere tare 325 Goods-for ill-gotten g.....122] conservative g......... ES Ole OM COL WAIL orate ee ne: macoratee 671 g.to feed the poor...... Tia) endot allicy aLogstay ~ag2di &) Was seated On*.. jt... 460 she is my g:*......2...... 725| essence of free g........ eget eT os eto tt ooh a 5 a fe 560 throwing half his g.....479| for g. though*......... Raa, KAN AeNOiy Bis 2,4 aerate. 249 Good-will—professions of g. 8} forms of g.ft........... ESE) Pere OF US es. cr es We ces 634 Goose-every g. can.. Cara atATITIS Olea tenn oc cea kas Rael" DAIRG OT Aas we. oc, 59s 70 every g. a Swan........ 759| g. arrogates to itself....324| noblest g. shek {C2 “Eh 566 every g. is cCackling™ s,s. adh eo. can Confers. 05.307. 582| noblest g. she ow’d*....735 SPAR TUSULCE Saris od shaun 56 government cannot en- OIWeVeryioe meen state tore 250 g., bee and calf......... 565 CEG ee take Goa i se G4gr- Onee Our gig tr ee 324 g., bee and calf......... Do bgtdi Sat ae a Ren 2 a 543| possible with g.f....... 405 BSI, WIN «wile bls. + «isle ore 535). @. is a contrivance...) ... 443i DOWET Ol Br. oie teen 260 g. say this..... mtd ex SEOn wre 279) HITS he ate 323). power Ol go. 32). brats eae ee FG FN SOVETC YL ies on bn A TOlee Ceisea. (LUSL. oe oye Pe urave4at, purity of gill. 255 Sesh eet toyal game of g........ 301| g.is of the people......323| reception into g.**.....366 Savice forthe iF oes APO PC oe WKEIOUTS | = svers arts ee 323] so muchg.. PAR: Fas Goose-pen—write with a g.*564| gg. of all the people.....323| snatchag. ae ee va 00 Gordian-G. knot of it*....551] g. of the people........323| sweet attractive g. a 461 Gore—streams of foreign g.*13 1| g.of the people..... a eg2szie that nobler sQ.a.4.- sie 6 5 O05 Of foseian Bo a\c 24> 560} g.that makesthem*....740] that sweet timeofg..... 3 Gorge—my g. rises*.......646| g. without a king......600| thousand for g.........325 GRACED 860 GRAVES PAGE PAG PAGE Grace—Continued Grapes—Continued Grave—Continued unbought g. of life..... a WSAarovSOULe mie 2 see 224) ‘-g. or the prisony >. ..5 25 561 with a better g.*....... gol wrath are... =. s- 615| g,. stood tenantless*. ...306 Graced-g. with some een Js Grapple-g. them to thy*..206} g.togayt............. 580 Graces—all other g....... .325|Grapples-g. with his evil ge. to light yee 580 all other Biff anc oe 325 CEE eo nah pt des op. 39| ° &. to mild’). ..Na aoe 80 all ‘your. ¢.*..-2- 53-2. . -75|Grasp-g. the ocean. ...... 486| g. where is thy victory. IN Dy OVET ee nee AST. Wit ny g$ ens. se 441| g.whereisthy........,. g. might alone his...... 4609 |Grasping—g. at air........ 21| g. where is thy victoryt. aa g. were not there....... 325|Grasps—g. the skirts oft...549| g. where Laura........ 327 g. which no methodst. ..515/Grass—all flesh is g........ 325] g. where our herd...... 329 loves and copes cee: Fos it plades Gl Poles 325| g. within its walls§..... 320 peculiar gett fool. Sq er tiesh Wises tamer eer 274| have not the g.*...... .396 sacrifice to theG....... G24)" 2.) StOODS NOLS No.0. ee 285| honoured inhisg....... 257 shocks the 2... ;-cmn Jae ols 45 Epi tered pte na. eee 123| humble g. adornedt....177 Grecas—ad kalendas G.....536| snakeintheg.......... 635| hungry as theg....... .160 Grecia—G. meonidam.....483| the feather’dg......... 164] it. youder gs tatoos Ar, Grecum-g,. est non potest the ‘tender "g.F¥ oS. ee ig'in her'g:) eee 328 lagi ewe ee lo eae Reel wiet is tie ee ee laid in*my se .327 Gracious-g. message*..... BAe while the g. doth grow*. a3 Uttle ge, kee ee Lee I PS nll Oo. eee ere ee 1o|_ while the g. grow*...... 548| low-laidin myg.*...... 373 Gradation-not by the sia’ esate GUN aad gs like marches to thes.) = 431 Be es eS Saat NRA I 653 ta smeeed Ce panes, Bi) ainarcnes tothe fe.) a reat ad revocare g, half. Ce OSEN. CP era nras oe a 644| mattock and theg....., 174 SUPETOS GUE 2: eke eke 348] like g. rejoice a give gorse: 241°" moral*oa flee eee 96 Graham-Peel, Stanley, G.. 57 wings a Oyf oh ak Aaah bap Bok 200}, “My g. as Nowy.) eee 172 Grain—chaff and Fa Pe ett 320|Grat—wi’ very gladness g...520/ my g. to make......... 328 PUOVEr MitOtMIS sa 118/Grateful—g. mind**....... 326). night Of the: pee 6 see 320 ripeneth the g......... 15| g: forthe prize......... 341, OD MYR. eae oe br oy 328 Smell Of Re reer aac oas « 123 |Gratitude—g. isa fruit of...326| one common g,........ 559 Grained-this g. face*..... 10| “gis expensive... ss... 616] .onersmatll oe), eee 464 Grains—or two g.......... 344] 8. of mento eee 326| passer du g. au doux . 580 two g. of wheat*....... 55|-‘g Of most men. 00. v: 2 326| pompous in theg....... 460 Grammar-erecting a g. g. of place-expectants. .326| rest in the g........... 504 SCHOOLS. ee ERE ee 94| principle than g........ 616) **round‘his'o 323 ee 578 Grammar-school-erecting tO, Dearisig, ean. as .» +326]. secret in‘theg.. -. >. (2 eae FW ich at ee Po at Nae cats Sar 17| unwilling g. off........ 3126| secretin theo)! ots .707 Grampian—on the G. hills. ae MOICE (OL 2 eee er tee 326|' secrets of the g.*; ... 11% 647 che (as enes gsc ape 563 |Gratuities-and family g...537| sorrow totheg......... 18 Grand-beautiful and g.... 34/Gratulation-sign of g.**...721] sorrow totheg......... 335 2 (gloom yates aan te 517|Gratulations—our g. blow... 749| Stands upon the g...... 61 the oh Stand ieee ae 707|Grave—an unmade g.*..... 327| step towardtheg....... 431 Grandam’s—g. name is*...505| and patriot g.......... SOr| > the coldest 644 Grandeur-ever so much approach™tiiy’s.o ae. T7'9| ‘ethe early ¢-| 7, eee 170 oR, Seis k esa eR OO Tt CAD DTOR CHITTY By a mtn et 43a|. the g: above 224 ee 665 g. that was Rome...... 47 Sbeyondiwne plo ee ee 452| theg. forget theel|...... 168 g. that was Rome...... 624|—-prisk org... oe. Eee Sie] theig itself} = i= ae 173 ato OUTS Ee ran ee ZtT}) abit tothe o.. eb eee ¥06| ~ the’ gs; ‘unitesh. 7) em 328 OL SELVile so hos ee TAA eit vO CHG tease. eae 503) “the silent (o240. se 3S Grands-—les g. ne sont g. que.332| clear of the g.......... 464|" “thy'sad oc" 9 3. ee 327 Grandsire—g. phrase*. .60r| cradle‘and the 97/72. 77% 431| to bes, exceeds}... oe 414 BUCO, S alone a ade Steere cas 161] companions in the..... 504| upon his mother’s g.§. .630 Grandsires—and g. hoary. (2021 ncriel- as tuerea. ae sre. E60| s" UponIny oO. 7. 5. eee eee 26 Grange—lovely moated g.f.302| cruel as the g.......... 395| which the g. despise. . Bs Grant-—Conkling in nomi- fark ini toe pin eee 320. without ke. eee 5 ee Mating iG. eeeewesa ye SSI Medig the ess. scene ae 231] without aygle 2 eee 542 Pan lO vel (Ss terasae e 569| earliestathisg..:...... 741 |Grave-digger—a g. or e-me Leavis eee OS] evel Ue ces cease tare 383 even... . .605 Granted—as God g........ 601) —“fromuts g. away?.:.... ae Grave- -makersgardeners, Granville-G. the politet... 66] glory ortheg.......... 73 ditchers and g.*..... Grape-a SOUT ....-+++4-- Set} Pe. SNGAOMIaL 2 eae ys 553 |Graves—g. all gaping wide*. aon bursty. S'\G-,e0 sere Sie CLEMO etIne oy Gieue c ele 320]. g. are severed... 72. seem 32 lory the:g. | imc. weutete Bos | Re. G Sete ee ee aaa 327|. 9 from which: > eee 225 Pee DUrple on es eels RYO} go. 1s aplastic a ne 497| g. most holy place...... 172 lite tolthe Balimela 731| g. isnot its goal§....... Os | eo Loe MENLOTY «cera 531 the purple g.¥*........ 207| g.isnotits goal§....... 432} g. of your sires:, 22.0, .-359 the purple Go ecanmeacsie 201. 9748S heavens. +. a. oe 328| g. stood tenantless*. ...543 Grapes—bunch of g........ 182| g.it buriesevery....... 327| hair of S.: oe oo ae 325 gather g. of thorns.....,...2001.,8- OF DIMM ws cs ae morgen 320| on king sic * eee 558 gather g. of thorns..... 614| g.ormellow..... : -295| such g as his. . 328 a eee See eee 7 —_— : st GRAVITE 861 GREEN PAGE PAG PAGE Graves—Continued Great—Continued Greatest—Continued {Aik of ot A peine se Oeieewe the Smallest sriower.. sx BOs a einake him ea.e7 Cina sr two g. grass-greent..... 434| g. thoughts, g. feelings..332|] the g. only aref........ 645 Gravité—/a g. est un mystere 51| g. thoughts, g. feelings. aor Greatly—treat them g...... 700 Gravity—buried in his g.*.. 20] g. to little men........ 609 |Greatness—g. and goodness321 g.isa mysteryioe.. ONES: ia ate le 357 nesse loves. .....s0... 33 adversity: thegu.u. 3; <1): ¥4.)- omen é€ntirely iz... .ps. 565 |Grecian—a G. shore....... 532 all that’s g. and good...108| misery of beingg....... 332} didi Gi chisel: v.-shawoe: 79 and rudely g.t......... 233| mnog.intellectual....... 332|Greece—bigots toG....... 564 and rudely: ot.) .srane £62; No g., nocsmalt..i..022s. 330] «eye of Git¥ ud. i ges 333 ate: boriy eh 2h aa. oe eek 330| nog. ‘thing goat PS ap 2 Ye 182| G. boasts her Homer... . 483 be sublimely g......... 32| none think the g...... giant wlory. of Gr. gees i ted a 131 both g. and small...... GSSaeMOT TOO oi acitaet- ae is; 493 glory thatewasiGu. sera 47 but: the) te fevoseschecte-<: Beal esnothing ig. ise.> saseaqn athe 333| g. than themselves*....227|Green-—g. as the rushes... .393 my Ones aret; bas cine snus epee. than the K-.< xe ota as g. be the'turf ./siG% 45% 209 g. ones devoured....... 554] g.than we knowQ...... g. in judgment*........ 757 Ones CAtTie bn avin. 271 \Greatest—g. can but blazef. 228 g..in youthi/ ia. a1 eer 501 eo TIC, THEN ...- ewes .38 g. happiness of the..... B24) eo. Old agenimens,. Shea ae 20 g. so wonderful........ Samiaue. Bappiness {OK «+ <26s B2Al s (Fs Old AGE. = & elewtereosrees 20 PP SOWIS ATES ta. bees 33a, o. happiness for... «. «0.4% G24 s +s. Old. ages |... sete amare 20 Pie ROIS STITCE Tm cn ante, 656) g. happiness OD, oe creette: geal. .¢. Old ages 2. t.apusases 336 g. spirits never........ SE RMIESIGs TIEN .tencicya’ cesdic «ta 3351 Ho. VOU Ate Maeve dees bre 257 . EDS DARC esentutl: nese SOSie ettiake him, ¢. hy oo eters . 6!] her enclosure g.¥*......554 GREEN-EY’D 862 GROW N PAG . PAGE : PAGE Green— Continued Grief—Continued Groan— Continued making the g.* 20. o0.'s11| comy. particular g.¥.. 9. ..334] for others gi... 9.25 ae 28 memory be g.¥..... ¢ 06922) ¢ maught but g.s. 02.46) 07g. of déath pla. as 43 memory gin see ve od 6$s5 | cenoushtrbutugstts neki - I9r} nor sigh nor ¢:. as 442 perish’din the g.f...... 46| one desperate g.*.;....489| pour’d his g........... 670 simple village g.f...... 39| only time forg......... 410| with bubbling g.l|...... 542 the ocislantieiiecraes 353 |) maOUbOL My Phe ye eer 285|Groaning—g. ever for..... 613 to. aipysthought:\.02.".% 20 2') «patch ge wath. ste one 601/Groans—bridge of g....... 433 when summer is g.l|..... 58 plague of sighing and of forth such g:* .3.17Ga 28 374 with pleasant g.**...... 325 FS. er ale EE. ee 106| -g.of the dying........ i wrestler on theg....... BAG} MaShews Ole. eon fon pete e ae wae g.. ting, yet*.......5 27m 213 Green-ey’d—g. monster*...395| sick and pale with g.*...227| heg.in anguish........ 374 Green-house-loves a g....302| smilingatg.*.......... 132| with everlasting g.**...500 Greenwood-the g. tree*...698! smiling at g¥.......... 4 B with mortifying g.*... . 488 Greet-g. her with**...... HoT ©some p.;shows*.. see with penitential g.*....451 Grefes—where gripinge g...512| speaks our g........... 536 Groat—a. g. a year. 7242. & 216 Greta—and G. woods...... 278| spends a bootless g.*...687|Groat’s—to Johnny G...... 528 Grew-g.in beauty... ..%.'. 328| substance of a g.¥*...... 334|Grog-shop—wild-blazing g. . 207 Grey-g. temples at twenty 22] surmountsofg......... 413|Groom-g. retails the..... 755 wear hodden g..... 22sul. GOS, «to, that e.%. ya ee Sox) @ than +hiss oo. Bie, ea 407 Grey-hound-g. presses 0n.463} Warning g............. 431|Grooms—poor g. are*..... T20 MMAStIi: o ERs ses ee ee 198| when g. hath mates*...485| with g. and porters}... .661 Greyhounds-hounds and when »;, hathtay 3.2 we! 489|Gross—not g. totsink*:4'2" } 463 Mahe RRR SAC 1098 ier rt ik wren te sell by g.¥. cs. ee Seem Ghee glistering g.*..... 140| Wisdom ismuchg. .378|Grossness—all its g........ eT. a: lonelyigrt se Aiea: 335|Griefless—with g. eye...... 500|*'g..0f his nature, 22 375 ibe past get. asks eee ee 557|Griefs—all my g......... i 2| the g. of his nature. . 13 bottom of my g.¥...... wie | Sedil iy GB. tOsthiGuem on eet 1476 Grot—her elfin g.......... “251 but grand woetm Seki. 184| great g. I see¥........ .334|Grots-umbrageous g.**...510 canker, and the g.||..... BI | eye..are silent. te ameeers .334|Grottoes—g. are shaded withs2o0 Gate. and oo. «othe hekens 106| mighty g. are dumb....644|/Ground—builds on the excessive g. the*....... sO9] 4 minds his g¢,,..¢0sul oy .208 ssn. SG), 35 Stas fellowship in g......... ASO Sei ya Old, Gs ee PTAs S all it holy g. oyetedve tote econ 203 fellowship of g......... 4801, £sot-all ‘the we. Me 617 | o*call.it Hola; git ae eee 754 flood of @.2.9.a Be Tes .334| small g. find tongues. i 3644) Ocdewy (eit, wee ee 412 gave his father g.f..... 230| their swelling g.*...... 672 | ' ain wt. oh. merce cee 359 = became Affine yim. oe: 531|Grieve—a nation g........ 578|4¢g. both seatand. 22 fae. 674 g. best is pleas’d*...... “So! ofor.sin.to g.§.. 25 270.9 646) ) g..it. rests-uponsn. sae 498 ig can chagmieses. soak Sits) aco. foramhourieelent oe oe. 500] \has reached. oi. .« eee. 562 eo. fills the. room* tina wy Os) sssnoutld, o, .tneet ea. ae S60] * tHis.OW2.2.de< ca ee 493 g. finds some ease...... 489|_ subjects may g......... 626) ‘lies upon thelgs. 42S. 255) 7 SOEST Pes on ee 309 |Grieves-g. my heart* AMA e. 376| not goovertheoldg.... 7 i. Nath. knows. eee ae By iv that: fat. tbe eal ees 646} *hon_classie'p: Sie Re fees 304 g. her breast oppresseth . 532 |Grievous—g. word stirreth ; 42) o iquit the cee ee oe 23 g. his all within*.......508/Griffith-chronicler a G.*..357| return unto theg....... 400 g. is passionlessis 2296 .. 334|Grimes—old G. is dead. ..168] solid g. of natureJ..... 486 g. is past! “ee OO, a2 |Grin—by ag... ee 6 i nf456|* ‘stirrup and the eyo... 480 elis: proud seewan ce 2 S24 CA0y Areas sss see eee 618| ‘stirrup and thee... 1%. 481 1S tO, WIA» cs ee 106] every g. so merry.....: 414] sweeps the g.t......... 484 @, returns with. 3s. 2°. He Még..O. ENE SUM. » s/ceeecemee 707) + eto the\o., G25 nee See 3 mrisnotdldsbe, .. teenie 378] one universalg......... 415 Groundlings-the ears of the g. still treads upon..... 467| owned withag......... 373 BP a 4 Bie ee 9 g. that does not speak*.490|_ sit and g.............. 19 |Ground-nest-—left his g.*...412 REFCALET 2 s.sns Meee ae 656|Grind—an axe to g........ 479/Grounds-—g. of fate in g....109 hate, fear, andg.f...... WOs lsecan never g.. aie 483 |Grove-field and g.**...... 520 Nearts in ovr ee Ames ees “a9 oxGod's mills g.P. dey ee 266) \@,.at the.end Of: sass ene 499 his date tof ovr Gr Dan), 45| g. exceeding small§....266] g.issocalled.......... 434 his g. beguiled......... 33'4| bog! the taces* wien: ey et 84 - tg, nods at-g.l. .e0e ee 302 holy name of g..... Jee 8 | samill will neveried) S702. 483 | {linnet.of the’e;O0?.2 eae 522 hopeless g. is passionless644| mills of God g.§........ 615| olive g. of Academe**. ..532 in. og. welknowil. AR. de oe 221| mills of the godsg...... 615| *teach-the' g. ..::. ;s') eee in sociable g.*......... 336|Grindstone—nose to the g..216| the camptheg......... 446 JOY ANG GC. roe eee 540] "noses to the Be. OP. Pel. 750|Groves-—g. are of laurel. ...394 letsth itis + eAeeee te in. 655 |" rosé to the oho. Ieee 750| g. deep and high...... 2451 long g. and paint...... 86|Griping—when g. grief*....512] his loved g....... Pe vi; a ae luxury. ink ee as te es 334|Gripinge—where g. prefes. .512|Grow-g. upon a a) ©. gas luxurv of g.. Ce ES, 335|Grizzled—hair just ¢....... 20| let knowledge g.. . 400 manliness of g..

337 g. the guardian of f..... at tool off the 9.) 0:5. 55 4: « 204 c OF ys x dat empeond 269 Smythe. s we men 4 : De ae free an). 6. saps 20% he that made it will g.t 236 H fy is Bravia. . ea hahha 336 hitime, o> meI ice ees AI2 2 h, just grizzled........ 336 i996 ak <2 arate OOM bac Dh see ek 297|Habeas-h. ut nactus......236| h.of a woman......... 337 MYor. ANG sue 297 |Habere—sed oportet [Pakage AGI. sO ENG weer aha oes 33:7 une. better 7. "cr crane he 423 |Habileté—c’est une grandeh. 1| h.on her forehead...... 547 Obey their ols. i ee ee 522|Habiliments-honest mean h. on her forehead...... 547 AVSIM Eaten reteranet 207 LE ce he RS Ate ae 204| h. to stand on end*,,...307 Guides—and wisdom g..... = Habit—become SO BY D: puieat Soi, Oe to stand, 0n* Fhe . 2337 Blind, p. which: ra. as Weeepresd/.7 erm herdair hobs aye See 337|Halves—gives by h........ 309. “h.. toxbless:4%. & Se eeaee 573 his h. just grizzled..... 20| nothing here by h...... 389) “h.to.executé.7o..u ae seer hish. stood. .00.2..0%- 337 ee to my ain coun- h, to.executé; 35... 298 I his h. stood...... ot Mag aN ELE CEES Pa RET Wee ere eee 260) h, tolexecute: 25 7. ee I hoary Hse sees ee 272 Hailetacal thee rH MMs e 307| h. was at the latch...., 727 in woisker di bite fone 446) *drinks to He Mera 403| h. wherewith I write. ...406 its golden h.tft......... S6\edrinks toma" ee ee 603}: “h.«you' cannot 14 72 2s 263 let not thy hee 203 GOOCH PCastery a2 oe 508|) “h: you *eannote.s. .. ae 715 lines ‘ofhit Haare eee 336 to*Yorick'’s skulls) 2 ‘sos | heart (and byes aoe 300 most resplendent h.f. ..336 tragedy OEP EL RES aS Nee 633| Shishicy hee ae .502 my flowing h.......... 336| what H. means........ 304|° his sovereign Hi... e. 587 sacred h. dissevert..... 337|Hamlets—in h. dances..... 446)° in eaeh it eee ee 578 Stood iforshyaew..ferele ss 337|Hammer—Amboss oder H.. 7| in his h.*............3 379 the silvery h........... 336| (be either anvil orch.? 2. 7] “in the’ oneshiy. 7.3... 281 the smallesth.......... 337| h.is the tongue§....... 84/ Vaid my heuponi 542 thy amber-dropping h. your iron when...... 346) Mendiahe rae eee 351 eee oie ee 350) een by OUT TITON Welly .mere 547| let my righth.......... 338 thy amber - dropping 116 hb. felbss Spas oy Oe 331° love's own hs 2.7 Ey ase Fo ae 3 no sound othe es ee yes 53> obey: dv high a ee 342 war-dishevelled h.ff.. a neither h. nor axe...... §3| “oni my Jeftvne a eee 544 wild h. blows). 4at20- stand with his h.*...... 527| one h., one nation...... 704 with a single Hae, *38 Hammer’d-clash’d and one whose-h:¥i) i 395 with his bh F) esas ue hammerdt®= 47.49: 372| pawned an open h.*....490 WOM S- hos e eee 37|Hammers-—clink of h...... aes redsright* he ee 338 Hair-breadth-—of h. ‘scapes*OR1 h, closing rivets*....... Ted trightase nee eee 338 Haire-h. of the dog that. .436|Hammond-used by J. H.H. 283 Shutshhisvhs 3a. ee 319 Hairs—all his h.*¥......... 616|Hampden-some_ village H.707| the kindlier h. Tian 84 Have gray sas ee 464 Hamstring-lies i in‘ his'h.* #2" -9|* *the teader'sih sony Soe 394 hisysilver ree: firey 20|Han-her ’prentice h...... ZIT] othis cursed ite ye eee 288 h. of your head........ 335|Hand-—a brother’s h.*......511 tre aie ete eee ill Wwhite-h:“become*?’. 19} “a ‘drysh®. 7 Ae 18)‘ 'this little Eta) eee in her ht Bee ele 248 |iha-great- oes eee: ee 338] touch of a vanished h.}. 35 my gray he's ose Lees £31 +e hard hie yogis 338) unknowing “hile. i ece. 373 WY STAY} ae chee aa'5|* ta qmastensiba eee eee se2 1 ovVupon ser“ H.te, oe eee 338 than two heor 7: ps BAA |< a Spending hit, . oa. oe: 506| upon the left h.fjf...... 549 : those herih:# 2) ves 436|¢%a-vanish a hj.e. eee 633 | * *upon- whichi. 4 eee 384 Hair’s-breadth-h. of time.sor1| a vanish’d h.f......... 4411" “whatemortalshae ss see 561 Hairy-h. in ‘fronte7 2% 547| bloody and invisible h.*530}| what you can turn your h, in front; "24 Pa a se 547| by the Almighty’s h....338 tO. Se eee 2 Hale—you are h.......... 22| cheek upon her h.*..... 78 whose awful h......... 316 Hale’s—H. Primitive Orig- clean from my h.*...... 51t| ‘whose unceasing h....., 520 inlation ee eee ae 420| dear Juliet’s h.*¥....... A05 | “with one=hya ee eee 37a Half—and dearer h.¥*..... 72s) > vdesn folate her 338] with rosy h.wtee ass 500 h, was more than...... 473| extension of a man’s h..392| wizard h. his cold§..... 382 how much h. exceeds...473| frame of h.*........... 353 | (’youreh, yourteee ees 376 my better. bh... 4e anaes #95)" strom hers eee eee 555|Handel—H.’s but a ninny, .106 other h. liveth......... 750| gilded h. may*........ #071 “he to Favs Oe ee 699 — Half-gods-when h. go....318| give methyh.......... 657|Hand-grenades—as h. flew.474 Halifax—with Lord H.....466| give my h............. 109 |Handhold-—offered a h.....547 Hall—and gorgeous h...... wes bE Baie: IY sh Me ema e ee Eee 467 Handiwork—gone upon my banquet h. deserted.... 27| h.andglove........... 338 hf Sk eee 642 the castle hoes gos. se T2x| eoboand plovess «vs, a eels 338| your h. perusel]........ 642 MMELTy idee ee See T20| ©#h. findeth to’ do... . 7... 212|Handkerchief—a clean h.. .406 eres Literature of heliove'sot =. = elle 3409 |Hand-kissing-sweet h.... 35 nee es ere ae 720| hin h*..............338|Handle—taste not, h. not.. .682 Halle-swith itisinh. .120] h.inh. through........ 493 |Handless-h. mana....... 617 THe Ae ene eee 120| h. is hostile only....... 203 |Handmaid—h. of God Al- Halletulanees redeem hd hy justerais'diec.. tute. OI mighty 0. sss ee ee: 519 loss) Hy 29s 2) Ga eee hMjust raiseds Ss 266) truth ds tts°h.. et ee 402 Hallelujahs—rung with H org h. more instrumental*. ,344|Hands—and snowy hl. .-- - 439 Halloo—h. your name*....216| h. of little employmentts38 city put into his h...... Halls-her marble h....... 530| by the h. of nature*..., 548] “for idle h..........-.-. 387 in h. in gay attire...... 446| h. that dealt the blow. . 73)... Bs ate pute. seta a. 124 in marble h. Te 202| h. that gave the blow... o1| h. before knives....... 338 through Tara’s h....... BLS) Rohe That OTvesue ti hae OT) bof toilty eine. os one 338 alt—a moment's h....... 234) on that Mathers. sk ae 320| h.in mine and swearf...539 @anoment shee so4t* h; that ’rocks..2%5 0. 506! =nis shadowy bit .a.a cen 503 MH ANDSA vy 865 HARD ; PAGE PAGE PAGE Hands—Continued Happiness-can enjoy h.. ..338 |Happy—Continued horny h. of toilff.......411| cause of its own h.,....484| andh. shows*........ .485 horny h. of toilff...... 750| deviation from h..,.... Saat are RN. ROW] Pac ve aes 339 Hymen did our h.*....467| distant views of ? dak enya LOO} belare we dre ie. oe 414 idle hands to do...... .189| divided h. was. eG tr Dat be the yis way vs, wonton 470 is IG TONNE. one ein Sai... domestic h.. i... Japon goolT ealino man ho?) eee 220 judgment ruled our h.*, 20] domestich. thou.......470| despaired been h....... 540 little/ ds-were., J Jeni PemoO0le. Clplem: Of Nyon. - os occ 4a. fOr the hy kts soe 372 lodged in the h......... 543| enjoyed earthly h...... 547| half h. by comparison. .131 lodged in the h......... Be ee OVC Ales Sa Sines. aie os aa De eat einen a eee 141 my feeble h.§...... Me aaa Tole fiery 3" Bea toes on oe « 330) hs could’ lt bérwith. 22 143 pale, wither’d h....... . 21] glimpse of h.. et noes che he.self-centred ves. ue. 540 right h. of fellowship...338] greatest h. oreo gh S241 hetwhoe ite hens 580 sever wedded h....... .721| greatest h. of the whole.324| h.ina first marriage 470 Shake'h. withiasonc (+ BOO ~OTeAtest: Nee flOt ea. ts faa Saat he to hesborie.:.1, sees 363 something from ourh.§. 30] greatest h. of.......... 374) w Haissthat Cray. tees ¢ ces 562 ey USC OUT Nt ne ie wr eas Si Me cOnsists, NOt... aa .. 5200) "on, isthe. deathy so. .560 APCS pO ULE 1h. At noe ites od 387). h.-courts thee in*®. 7.22. TO24 eheeMAan’S) Without .. oo: I4I AEA DOL: Weatensawe cnt seate he depends acy wae o ee SaGihe ine hate tee els eee e 343 washing shis hii wh... c< Ba Si) bs Obama pecs et os ay 6 190)" ha thatune knowse.. oe. 378 ie slabbebeam stad cle A oemereae yr ae Pie tee Hepote tates cies cakes eee Gl sin asloaat yore pee Pee 140 ya Hhs daly etl tc, AOD jm OfpSOCLEG Yen Si sates Sk R24 he thera yas «4 ol tee 140 Tyersae(oreh Mess net Pe ee £00 Vee EOE WOULD ae a tana meres 23 le We tie imam 7 8 enn nee 1.66 work for your h. to do..189{ h.seems made......... 340) the thenman ys tas See. 493 wer ttle be. ia. als os 557| h.theruralmaid .....493] h. the people.......... 357 Handsaw-hawk from a h.*.390] h. too swiftly flies...... 2781) oho the peoples. aueonees 358 Handsome-everything h. h. was born all Sein gai 1330 2 pa Atitespeopleses sums 358 about im" ij5 4... ... 62) iy, our being’s end}... . BZ biter ne WHOM kee ey 580 Rie isu Giia tak.) eahorco "305 heap dob tpom hin. 2... £4\° he-couldil be: =. os. ss: 118 IHano—all' bo separately....25051).. his own Deleic. ak o. Sak S30 Meissnent Ate See ewer 634. all hattorether : st. sions. ous,4 565! home-born Leip Per ie o> Tia shaving been hi: 7 yuk, 477 all h. together. ...... Me OG ie 1k) ACENOU Nt. cto es te ASTON te, nae Coach ok 16 Ie ae aie Wee 469 and wretches h.f...... SAGO fer LE TOC HHA ee,ccceste Bee ee 339) makethe peopleh...... 324 FEwWs AG) os lacie. che Pee’ [oe aSOliGelie Wee eo 4. Neat. SORE makesvonw hea ee io re 605 h. themselves in hope...469] is h. belowt.......... Pia Mat IVeESshiaste eee aoe 140 LO Ue AS tae esta Ph arene a {Gloire bbae ay lol spat c anole ingeet ae SIS" NEVET SO: lyk ee ee 227 would h. on him*...... TSO LOOM Tetras ses Gozi|--never.sophies ts es 339 Hanged-be h. forthwith... SGe lerverOk Baas ca oe a oe ok Te a4O) erie Hr eee 220 see thee h. first........ SOS Meemadey fot ae sate yo. ws (23 40| pono wanis hse 2 pat aes 38 Hanging-deserve h. ten MATL SUSOGIAL Derisers ass « 76s) tlohe shouldabe Hanae es: 182 ELITIC Sy Mees Pee hoes at 320| naked of their h.s...=:.. 2b ian ring hy DelSt 4 ake. eee we 84 h. and wiving*........ EGG+ MO hh. WICH 3 Poke oo ts 4576] © short to the hey. ors Maes 428 h. and wiving goes*....468! no meanh.*..... Re 676) thevh: time§$.. s2.e ee 656 hi: was. the-worst: ....3...<% BOS Wee MEW AT Cm Hote: 5) sec. Gre 2241" they aré 1. .mene sa aa 12 Marmage Amd: D.,. <. s-c.612 TOs eeourtelncttyrand hy. sane e45Oin thrice ho-iS. oat sess 460 matrimony and h. go...468/ our h. will growd. Petiok ie: eS the: Di. Ase ee eae 651 Hangman-—even ah....... 695|~ ‘prize of bh: must i... 05. AGO". to. be: hi. here. Ae B3r the little ba dare... 52... 487| prospects and tite Aha ie Dera old Ooo SACHA MEALS SO bor 308 Hangman’s—a h. whip....269| pursuit of h.......... JOES me tosthe dca entae ennui e 172 SU SWE eo. re wk shai Ree tae COSC Ee oie ors eAree aos 601| too h. for mortality]. ..339 Hangs-h. a tale¥.......... ASS St TiGhibis ek Seale we 388] to what h. accident.... 4 Hievatee let re tierra B72) -sufnctent tor ds... +4. 713| touch the H. Islesf..... 62 h. upon the cheek*..... 78] the h. of others........ 476| when we were h.*...... 338 Hannibal-that H. containsso2} than our h............ SCO WOLld OL in da yer ro. 281 Hannibalam-exrpende H...502} thought of tender h.§...163 |Harbinger—day’s h.**..... 663 Hap-—our h. is loss*....... iss) thought ‘of tenderh.f. /Gs4\- “death's h¥* <>.) 646 Happened—could but have to fireside h........ +..300) “hvot early snows? }! oe 68 | se RPC Se eA? BE pea tens WAGE eto: Haverknow2 Hy, csc O50 her WF. o oT oe ie OG 567 Happens—what h. new**..155} to make hish..........548 Per eecees hs Of blood 7a Happie—better be h....... S7012 LOO tami iat hf... +. 280" ha toi heavens eas ans 23 & maketh wretch or ly. 15S pe oO WAY tOctlakicte tee be Bets > Tol with. ws ese res ee a 569 Happier—h. for his pres- we deem our h.|/....... 339|Hard-h. and *{tfull of BTCC Se ek sida ceres an what h. we justly callf. .107 rage*, . ie oe NEES by than I know...k nce. WOT COL Ieee ans een ah nies 84] h. features every Pia 553 remembering h. thingst. 3 xs youth beholdsh........ Baie “ise be times eh beens ak qog remembering h. thingst. 479 ree h. award- nothing’s so hard...... 252 Bectuare. bt eek ae rea M SL, op tade pore un 5. t 434, 443): ‘nothing’ sso Hie Aas. 559 AES UTS LAY SNe i tone yt aul 684 itappy ae h. accident...... 4| times wereh........... 422 Happiest-heish.......... 350), a Wo accident, .. occ. nen what is h, for thee to ehreth,. WONMIeHA 4.05%. +0 358| and Beate fee oe ee 522 MASCOL Uuarernca’s wealersor et Le 55 Hare—hold with the h..... presses on the h........ run with the h... 270 SOmerteari nics oon eee cee 374 Voursare the 0. fon ce 148 Harebell—the azured h.*. ..327 Ab yoda Gail ales queue iy etn 285 Harel—H. the famous fa- Dmitatorees..v wis na BOSS Harem—pet.of the h...... 270 Hargrave—H. Somerset’s COUNSEL gs ymien Ohaus ims 648 Harlot—gentle h. and.. 564 Harm-h., done to a*......222 Rags Los Rh a Geant im NER a 6 AAT 115 bO/ Olt Lso weesctege ee 179 Harmed—no one shall be h.4uo0 Harmes-of h. two........ 118 bars a thousand h.*....487 redress their h.* 2508 Harms—our own h.*...... 587 Harmless—h. as doves..... 635 Harmodius-H. descended from the ancient H... 38 Harmonies—concerted h...520 Harmonious—dulcetand h.*481 Ih? am berss eis octane 577 Tata haa\) ofa pease 2 ee A ae 580 hesiim Bers’ Mur te eee ale 688 Harmony-—a secret h.**,..679 bhosom.ot that Hv. cee. 516 Dy IGUMSOULS 2 ee eee 340 drowsy with the h.*....444 OOS OLAys te cases teacaus taleters 413 from He CUVIthe eens erent 658 from heavenly: bi. wes 340|E h. not .understoodf..... 340 h. of circumstances. ....340 h. of the universe...... 340 ho OF (hexwior sere an 418 h. order or proportion. .513 h. whose diapason..... 78 no: touch Of Hie saa goed ce Wiis SO OLA tae eee 340 SOM Ong he ite eee ieee 514 spirit of union and h.... 35 SUCH wis item sere ae nit . 513 SUCH leas ike oa ieee aici 665 their i. foretells, 8a. o4 touches of sweet h.*....513 your ninefold h.**...... 513 WIA L Lima toe hte eats oi che 469 Harness—by the h........ 48 i. ON) “Olt bactcn a 2s. 289 elim Vawd: Wl, a avd cencised .563 Harn-pan—ms tite ah ores 226 Harns-—I’ll clash h, from. ..226 Haroun Alraschid—good H.} 53 Harp-h. of lifet.¢ .)s swissesess 30 h, of Orpheust*..5 see. 217 hot Orpheus* acne eee 571 Hithawonee. hae se eer 515 one Cleat unit. «Aeon 5907 Harper-grand oldh....... 732 Harrow-h. up thy s.*..... 307 Harry-saw young H,.*....117 H -the: kinow sae ate ea 257 £0 SIRV~ tO ingens ehae 563 Harsh-—out, of tune and h.*, 83 out of tune and h.*.... .391 S66 PAGE : PAGE Hart-as the h. panteth.... 61|Hate—Continued hy ungaled piay? $7. S835) <1 dO me. eee a Sie > cle ties -h. would wounde...... s12|° ‘Edoh. him®*. | ioe the lowly ne. Scns tee sie 592) vil h, andi aes. 2.6342 youthful h, or roe...... 775 |* tmmortal hte see 180 Harts—the swiftest h.*....641| itis not hill: ...2.02..: -, 32 Harvest—at the great h.§. ee love draws Die ee sae 342 FO. eat Le ee ne eee love orl 23 oe, are 265 Harvest-fields—h. AS UeneaRe ae make us-h.. -2 7. i ee 612 Harvest-home—at h.*..... 285| “most deadly hi... 272 342 Harvest-time-h. of love is most - deadly h.* #) 9", 342 THe Ter. ar eeiapsts eatin ays Asa} ““mny?only in Fen ls ee ene 223 Hasard=le hoestay. = ~le Too| nor your ht). eae 384 Hass—nicht der H. der nor ‘your"hi- =. 49 ae .600 Fema ne Se 208) “nourish -hiy Sa eae eee 318 Haste—alwaysinh........ 341) > “shriek of ha Sy oe 343 AG HACC eh es Tee a 341)- *so ho thee (65s nae 261 is Of Ue eee emcee tte 341] them’ that hy, toe eee 351 hs hither, Pvecers see 500} | “they also-hie. #7 ly eae 280 be niakes Wweaste. co seer 341) > "time *wesh 2 2) eee 268 he makes waster ms ee. 341| was now your h.*,..... 401 Bastill “Davoittiee seroma 341|° well-bred ‘hue. 1). Je 144 h. to the beginning Pete as 341 )- “where -Ich.;-4 fae ais 4Ga fs “nim DiS Tae aaa 57 |\Hated=l ho him. 0 eee 561 TATELOOL IRI Arca ete eee 467.) “when Tl-hi soe eee 342 PIO cies ce disek tare meee 234|Hater—a good h.......... 343 Make Ne LOM Y = CESErVG. to, 1 eee 483 h. fear and grieff....... 485) ~paverwe fe. . eee 300 LOL ares be scree ee ae 73) 0 hewmore than a. ae eee 493 h. found onlyj]........ 343 |=*h and to hold?) ae 421 EE eg ge he ae »..--342| h, what we would h.*,., 659 iho inthe* ike... asters 342| keep what you h....... re h. in hal Rk ak ees 342) what wehi*i))i27"_.7 hi. is ‘surprised. 4 00. 342|Haven-h. under the hillt. ace bi teenth 2 ea ee 343 |". the peaceful h.; | 77.2) 173 h. those you have......280 Havens- —ports: and happy h.. thy wantacee se Se SAT tee ee ..524 ly. VOUlWHI lei. ee 343 |Havoc—h. of my means*, . 20 heapes of-h........ ...228|Hawk-catch theh..... ..416 hearts that h. thee*.... 20 .. from.a® aoc ene HAWK HAWKS | S67 HEART x PAGE PAGE PAGE Hawk—Continued ‘Head—Continued Health—Continued MAGN Wrist$ Pye 7623 restsihis h. wpofts. 2... 476| h. my nerves and......520 hears the hipesP rae p cameras dy. Re 2. ee .370| innocenceandh....... .I41 sofrom: the hit! 222 7k BOOTS Cher miescentres, ss. a+ «he 584| peace andh.. SAA Be Hawks-h. and hounds*...312|] the h. invade.......... 343| perfect state ‘of he ie 423 Hawthorn-the h. bush....278} the h.invade.......... OSsie POUT iy HLS Oe ees 200 tne. ir. bush. Bae Peace the hoary hs, 4.5 LS LENA aiid ee eee 367 the: hs bush* *\. 3 42.58 403} the hoaryh.is........:335| reverend care of your ander:the +h. F247 8 8 Se 682 i the hoary hi as Ju Sa. ¢ 756 | it Rah idee aye er Pl 17 Hay-by Lord C. H.. ae to the weary Hes... Po. Sols’ sickness and. ht ..0 joe 721 Hay-bottle of h.......... uneasy lies the h.*..... Oso” surest road to i. «1+. BOO sweet h. hath no feliow*184 upon your H:§. 402 e. S7Ole) this hvdeny. Soy. ae 603 the new-mown h....... SAT e wear my halls eR, A2\" “when ty, istlosti® oo. se 441 make h. whilethe...... 4724| when the h. aches*.....679| with h. are quite....... 207 Hazard—at h. latet....... Oe e with hres Nt Book SAR SOUL MeATIG ue sa see es 406 h. of new fortunes*...., 57 . wise the reverend h..... +22) * youth, -h. and. so 7.0. 0.. 418 niofthe-die® er Fe TOO With histie fee te See ke 345|Heap—dragsintoah....... 4 h. of the spotted die*. ..109|Headache—next morning h.436|Hear—but h. me.......... 213 Bee thasOi tes ete eee 109|Headed—many h. beast.....491| h. a little............. 401 Hazards—greatest h. are many-h. monsterf{..... AO LIM atVOICEL a oe wt hee 263 attamed 2 Seoex't oh. 4 162|Heades—so many h........ 544| h.meformy cause*,....213 Hazel-nut—an empty h.*..200/Headless—h. man had..... 617| h.with the keenest earstt 07 He-h. for God only**,.... 461 |Heads—beast with many h.*4o1| his “th. hims’'......... 552 h, that might the*..... AGO tole arts POI na ee aee re little tse: tosh rere aes 20 O° Revthat: toss Gia G2 ooe 602| h. may soddenl|........ Hom hityous tera oat ae 2rt Head-airiest human h.l|...482| h. replete with thoughts. $5 Streit bis £4718 Meee tees 3 all h., all Leye™™ SR hark pine ke 662| h. sometimesso........ BAS abate will nOtels ect sce oI “atchio bee 5.0 20S! OTP 3.26 thrust thro.) ae cy tas Des wre tnose that tem... eee 550 atents: he? ea, 262 Poe a26ia° hthrustythroubh ss ).% Lop awantsr at hits ee coke, 348 ibare-and:shiny h.:..'.', 198 monster with uncounted What we hteee ee sees BTS bright insubmissive h...467 be Ree te Le Le ey 627" willineither hiss.) esos Coe CoOvermMye ieee. os Se ee POSH shakes them via. 2 esta. ss iar ASN AG eyes Pel oie Sele) Atri Oe ete 2T4 Crow! Of bis Se aS ie so many hie er ee ol ees 44|Heard—eare it h.......... 213 cuttist ny bik. 220}: .565| their diminish’d h.**, tens men have not h....'..). 201 wood: grayet fp. Sees Lee 22| your houselessh.*...... Rare = SHOT. COUMC es cee eee 74 wood prey hf. Pek ee: 424| young h. are giddy..... AES et thing when! hs see. fe 245 great h. of things...... 2Hle= Very eiipey beh rs 5% Osim Wille bet Nees sae. Ae ae 583 hang the h. aside}. ..... a Headstone—a little h.......329|Hearers—the h. wrist*.....526 hean indexttoe sh Le 25 31|Headstrong-h. as an alle- Hearest—news thouh...... 527 h. fantastically carved*. aes COLVROH eh Cr et Set San nawmen thou Nagi e eth ae 478 behairyin tronty 23.25. 547|Heal—h. their wounds*....572|Hearing—the h.ear........ 214 neistbloody.*. 2s et Se .501| physician h. thyself....196|Hearings~younger h. are ihisis: pot smiore®. Joo. SS. 344|Healed-h. of their diseases.43 6 Ciute® a8 8 Se ee oe To hathat issroyale eet 425 |Healing—the h.art........197|Hearsays—than ten h...... 245 He therprow sn skis 22ers sotHeals=God bu Oh et 197|Hears—he that h.*........ 527 he stovcontriverts aes putealtn—anid he on-potn.. 255). hint *that hes cs. 5 ook 396 he-tocontrives.% 2 08. BH) composition sof: he 4.5) s Tray theimeanarchett.. a. ose S57 h. was silver’d o’er..... 20\- destroys his h. by!) 2 >. 473|Hearse—thy grandam’s h...220 h. whicn statuarics Pry: deg: Top .ariniktto Mites tata. Gosttteart—a’ biohst) aoe. ee ee 363 hissouikty ite eo. IN, 565| drooping h.. Per a aa et reeling as Meme. 2 2. 555 his h. unmellow’d*..... 305| enjoyment OP Geen.» SAS ek AUTH ey eee ent en Oe IIA thin fi, "Sit ts de eee es 376|. eternal h. goes round....208|' a man’s hi............ 601 isther hiss Sean Bae 736| forh. unbought........ OlCirata te well ee soe eee ee 610 sewel in his hes. 7072" t4} ~ grace aftordeth h....... ASs ewal womans Hens tt ace ons TA5 iayinic: h OEAeA ee Be ses On heist hee eee’. 757| abundance of theh......657 Jay tne Hits. Ph sans . Soll, and-peace’and .. 73°. 6s Te rslone’ the ee A es. to 680 lesson tothe he.4, 2220 345| h.and wealth have..... 405i alt he*they live®® os 7. °sk 662 lesson. ‘toithe he; #725 qaziee Thaplessiim Of 8. Ma. Re. SAA or aliotne’ Wes pete sy cys ale sue 433 little h. sunning overt..311| h. both of body........ BAZ anger Or TTy Nets as sunt 657 lodgings inia h® 9) saaev 308| h. gushes from at...... 218| arrow for the h'||........ opts makes the h. giddy..... HA -eonsists witht 72.2 404 bn Dack my fll ons aes cee 204 man with theh.f....... Bae we Mts bie MrSte sie ce tees S43)" Dest sad hySae Gey cs 367 my h- ie bloody. = Ps4.5: 624). he tS*thbe seconds. 2. os. 344 beating of my own h....346 moth with tes ie tye SOSA MIsStheevitaly sak: } oe BAAR OGIS aint tilt oe sore eres 345 On mye. s hoe Pe oe Bi the te om both... Reise esu break: the Til, eaemerare ss 555 overany he eeh Fee oe ae 52a) hon the’ galell.......... 663} break herh...... awh tee 726 over thy h--return**....492| h., peace andf......... 343| but one h.. aa oe OS Ghesmanil hie aay ss hee Peace atldy. ..ys sss. 686| but some ie’ Hes taal 31 a eae 680 one: sinallity,. Jt He tothe sick? «ai era. 568| come from theh........ 600 plays round the h.. Shen 4 life with h.............663}) command my h. and...441 HEART 868 HEART PAGE PAG PAGE Ueart—Continued Heart—Continued Heart—Continued concurrence of the h.....588| h.is pureft........ ....604| her h. is ever nearff. . -447 congenial to my h...... 52 m2, 45S LUNTG. 5 Muse's Charen 339| her husband’s h.*...... 722 dear to this h.......... 47 fy isso Cull off fans os ad G8o pac ner 1rOns It seventeen 660 deep hy 15-filhs spices 278. OL. 18 tue ASee ctncwin «tue Ms her: restless hy 5i5,. ose 660 detector of the h....... 177| h. is true as* Lae ae) RA 45},-chere ‘the. h..w.kes pene 345 Cevourstiny: die isi take coos 344| h.kep’ goin’ pity-patfft.. aa 5) mnere the h.. . tees aeee 422 doubly wretched h.§...614| h. knowethits......... SAA a His CHI Ss: Bie ate Ir down a daughter’s h. ;. =F OARRRO. LADS ALD fie coanine eee 608) 20s hs allures seen 460 @upe olstne) Nias. wae 403| hh. never changing...... 470| his h. and hand*....... 300 ease of h. her..... Pe deste gs AGO) eudas Te Wear te nade ta esate 270|.. his bh. with His; Lieenee 400 eat mot ibityboscasere chet SAA Ae. Of d Iai den) sercicls avis 346| his neighbor’s h........ 380 eate thy H. aint ob ate i Oenebe lpia cebulenmeant:haleaneyr sy ree Manne 340. nis OWN Hawa eh eee 344 Cave thy. esi die ate sc SAAN LOL CAT Bh he cree ortate 4e01.. hit a womantsubs.mis se 26 Sig emne hg Muaeaeeey Beery cee AOl eon Ola MANS, tcc hcl 737| hollow h. from paining. 232 every h. whenT.......- BADEN Ole Tyan en ites 556|.= NUMDIe. ween eee 373 every living h. Fehrs nice Reds ROT Nell. OlOaicn a5 me eases 344), «i bursting, nln aes 450 every woman’s h.§..... ASM» aH. dOL. DAL COW 4 soegaheiaitee 534| if thy h. fails... deg ues 255 faithful h.tf...... va wes f931. 2. Of the wooers.\\..deny 797|...im every Bio) Rig gk sme 587 Ehjou Aloe ehhdo wey a ais EAS) AOL Very all eave heehee BAA ~1D ny tie eee 51 false ey oa wn 6 das ok TO le gi. SORE ONION pL ae ee Rane SSO aan yy i © tien eee 75 fillsep Hise Sa sateen ASO) > i. OE Tees ts. tee Oe C7 loci MY Hi eps ele 139 firm \asli.2 ats pet oererace 450 eee On hters limestone cme 439|. incense of the h...... 4. 403 fond impassion’d h.....463} h.-on her lips||......... A30|-> incenseiof the-bo 4), .aele « 580 freshness of the h.||..... TOZ eon on: thetriphtre.Gums s 473\, incense of the b.wt. cai. 580 fromebis hn, Sieve te ekrtece 670s wh Orubrary pre erste eae 272i. 9) INO TOTS de arch e eee 525 Full Mi arevealsne-closn sae TS haran O-eri. wots Rea eabeete 2331 .into their: buen wrest ee 66 furnace-burning h.*....684| h. runs away......... 3451, into thine hh’. Wa jiene 346 gentle h. he had...... 53 Tila Sal we. hye tet dee 203|.. itis the D:§. . @uatdem 345 PiVeS! The Ta. wits wicstenets 209| h. shall be found......., 498) isthe Divx sone kien ae 457 HOMESt MLA catia netanecs Pate 260|s2h. shall break* rene 684). 518 the hills eameene tae 505 great poetic h.t......%. 570]. 1 h,’shall thank you.....). 687| jealous h. would....... 454 greater ismyh....., ... 4A0)> Mh athatepleeds tae Re 6 425 land and gentle h.. Re ic: STICVES AN Yiddsoe Gepereee ouees 376| h. that gave the blow...439| know myh............ 555 Puardian Of Muy. Wer. eS2l lee he that mas tol eee 454| language of hish.t..... 568 piiltiess aban ee 144| h. that loved herf......523| leaves the h. sick....... 451 nas ane Wes ee seine ere 345| h. that loves liberty....425| -lesson to thy h.§....... 526 hath "notthy boos SOT lat that-s, broken)... mesa 4A81.- life and Hitt... of yee heal the throbbing h....133) h. that is humble...... 144| lock’'dupinmyh.*.....300 her husband's h-*.,. 2... 456 h. that was humble..... 563/\.4d0ne. bean yeni eee 477 h.fandeveslieie eee 412| h.thatissoonest....... 7 Ole tOOK If thy, ek sta eee ae 66 h, as(sound as*e. werk ek AST s oh. thatnOtsy eld. eo. 5e ieee 680i, Jook in thy hiew eae 346 hh, ‘ane, Aute..las is sila t| h. the accustomed scapihy yt lose: her hiicene aes 544 hivand lute. yer cease 310; h. the fountain ofJ..... love}ini VOur Dyete eee 434 hsbelalso 4 eee ereeeee SAAD I tO COMCELVE oe ae inom 5 a lover's hf dost. sei 532 h. bowed ‘down ss« ce 208i tomold ak acess. tte le ges |. lovelorn hinnseee ee 275 hi burn within: cadens ses Oll wi tO NOld. os canminnisuas 671| makes the h. glad...... 64 di DULWONEG + miele ot + eee ABE” SHOOT PIEY het aerate 573i Maly awit. Seas eae 174 can know ee cekei see 680) _h.to resolver s.w sist. el set YT}. meéelk Of FSi opted 404 Carl ae Er es Pace tenets S57 Ol he LO, CALS “COLO elaine eee te Io9g| meet a mutual h.....:.450 cool ate’ laos eae A88iic he wnspo0tted ist. ness 458.2 Merry sh. Settee ae ee 487 h. detests himt........ OSOlewn. untainteds a. than $1371, merry, Nit J. wu. . eee ‘487 @ PR NCIES UEUSTATIO © bie ietee atic 330). . Was darken diwithl 447k merry by... 0 ee II4 i, VGistrustine ’ sit... 6 SO0ilwmile was) DOtp ees tne eee .f06(? merry hy; goesiali=7s yaa IIA SRA Gt hn va Che en ad me act ALS ogi. WAS KiTId) ant. a i 566 open my bo OR eee eRe Oe cee where a noble h.*¥...... Ago hy that.the world; 5 es3 233 oppos’d against my h.*. ieee where nature’s h....... goo" hi. their tortiuness.. sae: 479 orphans of the h.||...... Cede which he tonhts ).. 25. wit ZAG De Ghoveh Stouts ya. wee 431 © serpent: ht Fes 376! » who h.is warm...+.... 124| h. we leave behind..... 30 own-h. he eats is aoe. 344| whoseh.hathtried..... 243| home to our Di Was ats See 554 poor bh; -frée pt ee 405) ) whose h. you would’).. ¥344))'-in their h.F coo UE: 246 pourest thy fullh....... 412| witha fervent h.§...... S20; kind: h. are moref i.) $e. 321 rob the h. withinl|...... 472\° with- life and hoffe: -. 2. 752\. kind h. are moret.): 22. 533 rotten at-the hfs), 72. B76i.> withimeter be§s: os 5. 2% 178| kind h. are moref...... 38 same h-*beats...0.2% - Fe +346 within his own h....... ASON PUES CWOlE ts tiesto ee 489 seeth with the h........ 5] ewithout losing isso. SA Thee lai Geto their ease oe 305 sees your h. wrecked|| . as woman -with thehit. +s 737.105 littowup, ovr Dew Ps 1. Gens 4009 seizes.on his hie oot S. SoA SO WOUNGEE Tus o's ct ee T7 pr love Our bP) Fe en 467 Stelnessiob& I. ab Dik ok 366). Wring- your hoe. 25.6 oak. 344} mine own h. sorrows*...45% pense of his hi it... 2 650) Nevet. thyil Wie, Sees ASA lee Try, DAIS. ce cele: eee - 631 smitten to the h........ 3i4|) your h-imstructs' you, ..447)\ my bh. core’ oyse. aps 556 some h. did breakt..... 86|Heart-throbs—count time gantnilalgabestoleybelesn pon ie eel 246 something the h.§...... 346 Sal eho ieviege trae Ole Not-oue Hy an. dee 361 stakes his: hy. 7s Ses Zor |.) count time by hy... i... Asa, of finite he thats) ene 441 Strong i cof ee os 354|Hearth—a cleanh......... ZO Lies Ole Seats la fiye econ nets 5590 Peaeh. mye. eet a. re lt eva CLEAN Ha wet eee ei wee. ans POON: Ole asta itv wee ee ces 326 tear.out ones hits). RA Di lite DiaziNe tes ee wrote obese 25| ourownh.speech...... 557 tempest of my h.*...... 6$4| cricket on the h.**..... 360| something from our h...7509 than doubt oneih! “) <5 700). bhi. and home. 3.%/2... >... 350] steal away your h.*, ...551 the penerous Die. es e284. ands home) oie to. Seo the-h. currenty aso: .: oie the gentlest h.,..'..,.-.147| ~h.oringle-nook........ Sc Ore Eheim GWwOtues.. i. aoe the h. afraid... 340 Pedi shall-burn solo Saou, 360| thousandh. beat happilyjr6% She hb. Ay ee oy oe s4en tne cottage biG... AOA ee thy ns desiret*® oc. aon theshsrepiies.- =. 5... 83| wunextinguishedh....... EStipme to vlovak-ly os ws aes es Whe replies. <2. 7 eek Spel woman forthe hf. oe... Ga ailtattO-OurK De ay wes wel sete a5 5 the bs civenY. ot foe 480|Hearths—altars and h.....359| that human ‘~ endure. .330 the ne simi oe. MS 366|Hearth-stone—his clean h.. 25] trueh.lie............. 86 the numanh ns oS. og | enearwand bites .tn. ns POrws two LOndth.as Asteas eee 344 thevhsismmand hf ote Pt, 582|Hearts—all h. in love*..... 743| twoh. intoone........ 70S the human e864) as Ann wondsteeling li sia. e ea Oso two-b. makes. i. ieee es 344 the human hye 252 A8o) pancdeamichty: li ters oe. a2 0{ratwO Na thate aie .ekeee 705 the larger ner. is san ee. SA eran Ge otery ba) eee ee 375| twoh.togetherJ....... A471 the lion "hy. teehee ewe SOA meetechcOttis In Ae, ew er Pano PEWO lovato eh aera ieee 223 the o’erfraught h.*...., MOO att hs Case 2.2.5 oo eee 227| whath. have menf..... TAI the-poor hk Sores BT Wet DLOKem is Cicw! Sea ete 345| wins a thousand com- the tenderest h......... 28! cheerful hh. now........ 478 PAOHN: Msc ay Aa oo 143 their country’s h....... 560| combine your h. in one*.468| work of theirownh.....615 this fond hy. ee 478| conquer willing h.**....570|/ young h. are.......... 758 though “your hi¥i. 27 =. 376] ensanguined h......... 106|Hearty—-h. old man....... 22 thy constant le 7 Sy 984 24 et mentrap. the. bots) 248|Hearse—before the h...... 508 thy hard bos 3 tae Po Pav ces tliat. sees so7 a thisimarble Wey cso. a: 229 to bis h:Fi te as eee 222| from out youngh,l..... SS ce DULGeM aAtiGs lest .e weber 409 fo che hs. yc, ee ees 987) § great hv expandyy. 42 3. 2909|Heat—an’ scorching h.....357 foil on; poor by eee 546| group of wiseh.........131| fantastic summer’sh.T..370 rue a is a eee ee AoA Paine ate Gryrasd sare se ws 170| force of ferventh....... 9c Srust tos y9 Deen wen eae STOW TALE USES ott) Bot aA Z40\> frorm ‘burning, Deo. Sete 459 bane on: thei. eset s 47 Si wall Are, WATLING Gs ae oan ts Forlh « tsfor. the-cold. 25 6 25: ¢ 640 twilight of the h........ 346i) bh. deep welléitn. 2 ee. 5 ZOO mh, ANasalm yee ke eee 346 tyrant of the Lie, 62. Sy Avo heey desires bet, 40.0 2 B45 (Pt dit. Ob DLIGOG bee. ueaiah, ae 557 tuntlocked: his H. Sve" es C84lChy oP meng. say eres. 57 ol) = th Ob Our TVeES*. 3). ¢a.aee I unlocked the h.J....... 654| h.in glad surprise§..... 4\ music religious h....... 515 upon, my h.$. 568 os pee TTA WY BE LOVETT SO) cael aes 602] oneh. all know doeth. ..436 upright h. and pure**...313] h. like Englishh.f...... 226| oneh. another h. expelst3 6 upright hvand pure**s. 303) “i my lovesio... sos... 706| that Promethean h.* ...511 Wallante Te 2st fon ote PHaz\ ea ORVCOLdT. 29.24 Wie’ ool 488 |Heate—toyle for their h.. . .400 Walt: Gf Ti, Geos eee Fee 23 7 ntE POL OaAkT sss sss ; .226|Heath—my native h.......361 want ah. ere MyOd peel cOl Omit sy s.5 tacete ons S44 bo NW Native. De se ASOT a at Se ee a eee - aa HRATHEN PAGE Heath—Continued Of browns, Oeneeletec eit 631 UPON ebae ms wees ae lae 474 Heathen—break the h.f....539 VWeLyalle 1d Soest eee 560 Heather—world of h....... 279 Heath-flower—from the h., 285 Heats—far-off h. through... 81 Heaved-h. the lead....... 358 Heaven-—a seeming H.....340 aimaht, Jssaee ey toe 355 airs from h Mo Fils eleke Brake 307 eaegrOr hs Maes ek pak cnet 25 alluh sandr os) oe eae Zan allan is Vaart Biot BK 316 all of h. we have....... 515 Bik Oth aaien vient e 165 Alp meets H. inl|......507 and approving H...... 404 and sweetest h.*....... 567 ardent opens h,........ 588 are 11Gb; Hieenys. saa Beas 349 AS HCA sc eek eee oe 632 attributecot ale ea 480 attribute of h.is:..... 480 before highthes 5. cic. 65 believe ot RAF se eheies 740 blue th.) Diows see cane 304 brimngiall ho oee eee. oe 514 calltthemehete.. a perce es 567 cancelled from h.**,.... 540 igs nba, lobe seg he OA pale 346 comfort’s iba ten pe eS oe 106 compar dptOun we Berne 468 comprehend the h.t....247 cope 10k hii alee wile ee 271 Cope iol Wines. tseebeae 464 correspond with H.**. .450 cobtvOr dat) sede ie an dawird*in, hin... Shum ae 432 dawns from As ies os 367 door of h.. Ree Bite earth andh............ 608 earth ore.) tegtas oe “40 earth was nigherh...... 50Or earth would beah...... L13 empyreal HGR ark. ters 214 eyve:of El asacies ae ak ent 3890 Evert vteen. eae Aes 524 eve of Hh. te Wace tale: 646 ewe Ofih. tOP ew cr Me oer 675 fame but ak) oe het oe ee 257 Lamon Dut eek aid atl oee 496 farther/ott fromivbiiey., os ws IIs Father which is in h....566 helds of heer eas es 667 fixed place of Hs, oh. Ane 602 floor'oh Aut teers es BT3 flooriGe lke epee 665 fis FOE ites aes Maas 377 fought ins Hot ere kee 188 from h. ‘descended..... 407 from hit Camere cee es 454 fron hi ‘or Neate te calls 412 from hetosearthiis ce. 590 friendsuim Huta sere ook 347 full fix’d on*h......... +252 fll Of hittits aad go aoe 581 further off from h......378 pates.of b.F iy desis amt 480 870 PAGE Heaven—Continued Bates Of eG aaa 480 gens Ol Hs his. sl sree 519 getting into h. tes Ps fess srk 5890 Giltetronirle awa cael rhe 398 GiltOt see [eh ae sik esate 423 gt f.Ol. tiedia Wie. Sa ae 726 eufti that hijgives*. 2% ca.6 39 eshg cm Ove want sere ee oe -344 go tOvnse. San aie tecisies 583 (co Gist inehltS tase sah. atens 555 KOCS tO mt seth ex ohk oe SLI orantomienby med nrde. cual sic 403 harbingers to h........ 23 heart aslitileriny canst onus 113 h. a draught ofs..0..0. 453 h. a friend gives aipate Ly © h. and earth.. i530 H. and earth shall... 746 H. and earth shall....:. 753 he be fismivca.® shee he -besine!: a Saceviecee 348 FE bwt the wistons, ere ast hy ‘birtithrseteants oo eter 545 H:. biatbitries wis. ci ates! 367 he commences... 2. eae 221 he could holdts ask isis Ayes 541 Et doth with ustic.o.86 230 he frst, tawente. pavement. 423 h. from all creaturest.. .266 h. gives its favourites||. .160| delehegurevaen ee per Eo 505 HH. has"doow diye. mace 544 He hasino rage seer 233 hy Holds dear Maer ciate. 425 Hi. invites ahs te psseiitie 8 350 H. is above all®....... 602 he 1S love: aehe ane ester 446 h. is shining o’erus..... 74 AH istthine wide anaes atk 152 EL, is Wore. oe ore Pee 40 h. itself descends in|. ...443 He hes about tseiank s. 80 hy taist tails Seeiecien: Oe 455 hen OL glory weit en Se 312 he Of helit? su. Fat Nope 340 ey Ot elite es sacks at: 340 hwofipleasureletien sce 452 hv ontearth Steen. 4. ieee 6 347 H. open’d wide** ...... 303 h. quits us in despair... 15 H. sends us good meat. .142 H. still with laughtert.. 32 Htakes care: a in brett te 588 H, that but once sre wi 638 H. that every virtuet ..437 her the earthy tae eure 314 H. tries earthifff...... 672 He pon earth tGemene-ley 80 Ho was, hershelpyies cue 244 is. were nothin cases. 45 Hi wall helon.Sancleawsecet 351 h, with all its splen- dors} sseeteet eink 89 Eh. with thee its'ae0n ome 242 in El. Ambition ist aaldie 454 in h. pronounced....... 617 invh. they scorn Pritite.se- 350 dia thie Ace oy ret nh Rage 236 inthe beg ustee. e Amen 321 HEAVEN PAGE Heaven--- Continued in ths eae ob eh aa is h. a dream 662 it, pleases’ Hex waive neuss 576 jig: top bite eS oe sus joy of be. #.6s pete aan 580 kaniel sO aes eee ee eae 324 Kind. of: Hosme a cea 538 iGng-olrlsa. sae ae 525 iss ghigh hii panes ee 406 dass high’ 2. ae dem eran 5047 krio ws save) Dit tec eee ee law. Of iit ||i. asic eee 418 leave hemtow eee ee 134 leave to Hi. ana 634 jight) from) bases ees : 103 light: froroyn: | eaie. se eee saa light of H. restoret....434 like to+h, 42 nee ee , .699 little h. below......... 347 look:down frome ao. 347 looks: on Nit ce tens sree Olea loss:of ‘hs Aiea. eee 340 madewn Eel ini see 468 make ah. of Hell**..... 485 makes h. drowsy*...... 444 meikind hit. .2 ae ee 493 music bordering nearest aed Sean Pett eee 84 myself Anigeinmea eae 340 nature hung in h,**....530 noth: caniboundiives one 484 noth. ittselig arctan 547 not he itcelig pester eras 557 not obey anh ave ceo 350 Onmclinibinp es een eee 499 of such is the kingdom ot Jhy ivtige Ss shee IIs one minute oMhaee eee I31 peopled highest H.{* ...739 permitito b.* hijo suee 428 Persian’s hi \.c see 347 poetry Of Dale deaynton eae 63 poetryiof Fe W\;. sa: dene 666 points of h. andf...... 413 points to He. . 5 «ste om 6657 practisetin) 2. nase eae 567 providence of H....... 602 quick) to beeper 380 radiant h. survey... 4.- 450 Trainirom, h.e. ae ieee 479° report they bore toh... .557 requires no other h ....244 rise to Hy 6 Gos dee 580. Saints Ane eee . hel Se sea and the h.o s.r 446 serene’ of H, pactiiseeacte 531 smells"tol Biv oo... at eee 403 stnells* tor tivo wa eee 580 smells) to) n-tae ae 646 sons Of hia) aéiece. hee 747 sons of by oi pk once 947 summit in Iai ci see AIO starry cope of h/S, cer 665 stars of h,2.. 2.8 Jae 63 Survivessity H.4 oe eee 327 takem quick+to fiw smeme 61 than serve in h.**. .....350 that. purest. li: saree wnangad the bounteous hit... sega REAV EN-GATES : S71 PAGE PAGE Heaven—Continued Heavens—Continued the’ vaulty h.*....... baey tied! Sls gon oe ed ah ed A ee IP 360 things inh. and.......,. Apeiee He sand fall 0. ea 412 thing ys ¥ des RAG SEES I s7r| h. themselves blaze*....543 ‘tis i. alone thatTf..... 348, h. themselves*........ 552 per oy SESEIE 72, peed ate Palmer. LOrGATUN ate), tee ci 403 Was hy itself thatce sia... Ow wy Pe EOL SIN GM be a 5. ate cea 347 LON. again. de... ck mes POG ia tO. GARLM iy... Chts or 603 tO DY agains hee ee 579| H.to give success{4.....601 Bovmerit We sicekctlaeet 353| H.to give success{......670 Bamodel Ft aie es 63; hh. wide scope...5.<,.. 24 to. pitying, Bat) Se 22. CPooieeae. LOeUDS Oy his Song diy ae ns 400 Prue tee wean ahi eas oes BOS «Oly Lie CHOC elanen coi o's, 0, 2. 570 ye bona g age Wel aye. ok We Ws ee ai Aico t® Ii yall OAR 29 9 Rojee 63 WAS Veryiie lsc aclara «rc 758| see H. glories shine. .:..290 WAP CO Di ficate, oly eres Sic Rervae SPAteteU a Ds st at cae 271 WACO Wistar ty seat eee Fool. teach he employ. oo... . 62 Wa VebO: Ms aaj ae ae hikae SOU re Theatian AOOVEr) oe kiesne oe 506 NACE as a ial a he ie a MS ae TONS Pes dle eer Ieee eee eet 400 what.ach.is love. =... Avot underhreyeuerny. ae: 423 What Huthasisent—....,. . Ags ie Weicalkthe Diy zt what H. hath donell . Broly write BInew.. et. when h. his model. ..... 461 |Heaviest-the h. battalions. 3 where fav’ring h....... A001. thevh battahons, > fu... which Hxsends:....... <5... 367|Heaviness—h. of heartl].... 432 whispered in h......... 617 He that’ SaeGriek i. ae Williol hase nis cro ae 588|Heavy—'tis h. with him*...512 WIMASGOiehlo® Sete ts oe te 508|Hebe—coy H. flies........ : 604 workmanship of H..... 533]. H. shallmever bell... . . 731 RTA TUCO) Rn pate See Oe een 615|Hebenon-juice of Solsta Heaven-gates—and h.poured Dane rTM en cose diets a (Seb cia Soa aR ee 180|Hebe’s—hang on H. cheeickk, 38 Heavenly—a h. mould..... 523 |Hebrides—farthest.H.4]....715 Car giMdSe). 4 ee 42|Hecate’s—pale H. offering®. 529 more: Ho Ursteke. Sante 570|Hector—better like H.§.... 6 the h. bodies shinet....218| great H. welcome*..... 44 the h. council paused. . .461 |Hecuba—what’s H. to him*. ae TO DOCIES: + aratsts atu oo 403 |Hedge-h. a king*........ With bershows}. <2 1.5. 77|Hedge-sparrow-h. fed thers fe Heavens—against H. hand**290|Heel—an armedh......... 380 as the naked h.fJ....... 484| tread each other’sh.....480 bowed the h. also...... 353%. upon anothert’s h.t. ..:. 480 breathed H. airf.......384/Heels—at his | Ds Esti cere 326 ipyehy decree te ard onus COume ay TMS MIS aha cca 326 down the h. they go... 63] feathers to thy h.*..... 527 Tors isa keke (Ae te so2| h. may kickat*........ 512 H. all subduing ....... 6a). hl fuer shoess 8) 534 he Blue sme. teas Deots becky His hesim jaucs. cece « 405 H. cheerful face**..... Po ous Otlagat, Mewes ee te ve cit ae 201 HH clear, AGUTCD Aas ae os ccus 408 |Heifer—finds the h.*...... 236 h. declare the glory.....271|Height-cannot reach the H. deep organ** ....... 51 eG Steyr as can eek 441 Heebonvault\ts- a. eee CPN LOMOliend. "|e te cele: 22 Heebou vauloe vor omar Kor | vou proud its. . oe oc 360 Le onrst, AaWie sg ena 552|Heights—h. by great men§ .332 i eabes She tae: cca AMG ene wWhene tHOse). 10.25 os. 707 h. gate swings*..2...i.... 412| h. which appearl]....... 232 bY glorious stint. 5. a Aen | more h; before,’ 2.4... 507 h.. golden sgate. aoc. 328|Heir-and only h.......... 7 u h. grace and boon...... Bo Oia potiriesia tit ly svegies oy coe ay oe 480 apm Intola ct cuaare trope eae Biaier CreatiOn Sieh. fears bores 348 lei hich TVUHIAT oN. 2 owe so4| h. of all the agesf...... 348 bo -hreh way. cia ae. seed thelist oifitrets wig Ma gre h amo aha Sank On Ae 48 hip hold. fii ere gene cai 364| the impatient h.||...... Bis H. jewelled crown..,...172| whatever an h.f....... 230 Ps last) besti gitte .55, a a 310|Heirs—h. of all eternity*. ..348 H. last best gift**...... Tah aaee ais tI tek 5 wate 578 hidike a euttaine >. hc. 313|Helen—H. make me im- H. melodious strains. ...121 tGita leer spits he ob eee +7 STONE POSE. . ciwakee Fetes 384| like another H. 77 A BLL PAGE Helen—Continued sweet H. make me..... 406 wWheéerewl MieSio.. cae cic 28 Helen’s—sees H. beauty*. .3709 Helios-son’ of H..*. 7.205. . 53 Hellespont—fish to the H.. .675 Helm=atstheehivea, ss oe 641 cant hold. the Wat, sues 104. naranidlanices (ie ee 623 not h, and harness..... 563 pleasure at the h.: 2) 2. 758 Hell—agreement with h....640 MAP In vation eos hee 739 blasts-trommhese ee 307 break loose from h.**. ..350 abner His Cee ees ee 468 eharactersiof hase 2) e350 conimand anh J24 5. 350 cayinity-of be He. oe: Ace w/e dowt) ton. *F. 285) 28, ee 340 Cacti aes: Woden eee 353 fearro * Dakatscse. hee 269 FEAT Or ine she it nee ee 351 fend from lees vee ee 40s PateGr hays. tee eee 366 gates Of Heme se ee ote SAtestone Hirer. aoe a Gates oF a Ay. eee 650 SOMES ek eee, Be ae 350 Pili ole hese eee he rmiet s eve heavemor ittacsaae ees 340 ina table te pests ee. TI3 h. ‘broke loose**....... 350 Di for horses. 0.0. tee 518 HetorwoOmefiec aac aa 518 ES eves wsrart) hem. see 646 H, hathnodimitsy 4.4 349 His emipty* Oi oes 340 His tulliotwn face oe 348 i. is'belh ees eee 348 H. is more bearable. BSr Finis paved Wings sent oeeree 348 h. itself breathes*:..... 520 hiothea ven? =>, age oF 349 hvof heaven" = 7a. cae]: 85 hilof witchcratt®. tothe’ Bes Moet. 354 grace that liesin h.*.... 11|/Herod—out-H. H.*...... TOE h, and other country**, .635! it out-Herods H.*...., EEO HIGH PAGE Heroes—and h. killl]...... .260 and noble “ih. 27. cee 353 bards, saints, h.........546 hail yewhwe oa aa h. and demi-gods...... 354 h, are much theft....7;.353 h. as gréatio ot ae 353 h: banners Sees 650 h: if-we willy > eee eeee 728 h, it would seem....... 353 h: littlencnown +4. ees 357 h. of old: sh, Bae eee 433 make h. assemble...... 225 make h. assemble...... 225 many hi ilivedse =a 357 nottalknhke he eee Ir2 not the h. blame.......353 Heroic—far h. song**....., 512 h: cannot. be:tire*. ete 354 nosh, poentiiaes< seen 581 Heroism—of genuine h. is. .354 Heros—combten de h. glori- CUK ste nea a esis 353 divusne loquitur anh... .112 _an'y a pas de h. pour. ..353 Herostratus—H. lives that butnti? oa. eee 7.258 Herself-but ‘hijo ee I31 h. a fairer flower**. ..., 277 in h. complete*¥*......, 566 Herte—every gentil h...._, 662 fer from yas. s cae ee 4 fer fron hues. sey eee 4 Herz—mein H., ist schwer. .656 Herzen-zwet H. und.... Hesitate—h. disliket...... Hesperian-—fair H. tree**. |, Hesperus—H. enireats thy.408 Héstha leds. ae 271 Hi. that led™*y oa 235 Heterodoxy—h. is another mans’ doxy >, =) Se 552 Heureux—jamats sth. ni. . .339 Hexameter-h. is an exotic. 581 in thedhi) yo eee a eee 58r to the lv§ 0a. eee 581 Hey-day-the h. in the blood* Ae es sae 17 Hide-h, myself in thee... .589 let’mesh.. cohen pee eee 316 stars h. their diminish’d heads ees een 672 tender hi¥ tees rae 370 well-cared for h........ 265 Hideous—h. when adorned the most)3 =e 203 makes night. hoo). ee 520 making night h.*...... 520 Hieron—as H. observes... .256 Hierophants—h. of an un- apprehended........ 544 WOE eutiie ite e Elvan ai ae . .600 High-and h. thinking]. ..404 and h. thinkingY....... 680 boon fer h. and§....-...404 failed in the h. aim,.... 26 Fame’s ladder so h..... 86 h. ancestral spaces..... h, and low mate...... h, and palmy state*... Se ee eS ee ee ee Fo te 76 EES ee Oe ee a a) a oe HIGHER PA High— Continued He aS We DAVE. wes asta 576 h. though his titlest. . abe h. life h. charactersf.... 57 fy, COs aionert 6 aap 30 gnvall CHingS buy eae es 506 sara em atem Ch pet Ree) See 2 30 nothing buth. life..... 658 OE as ESCA CE ae ake rea 407 Ttaised to h, estate...... 65 Sa Ho abovers cae. 404 TIS" Bish 174411 san etree S 26 Higher—-h. much than he.. 26 the. D. next tonasnciks - 230 the hi mMextrt sei we ek 508 tor ns thinps Was st aera 507 Highest—h. suffer most....576 Highlands-heart’s in the h. 631 Highway-—and heaven’sh. .385 Hill—breezy h, that....... 328 Calla tOei ar ate ar: 506 heaven-kissing h.*..... 460 high eastern h.*¥....... 500 highest peering h.*..... 500 | ieee Fea Cog Sica bah ge Ce eee 620 Hep OLOU: eee a eet wee aed 303 af the h. will not... .'..\.. 06 Mahomet will gototheh. t2 oifeld anh} fis-. sate 531 BELO, A. Deets 8. en rete 420 the highest h.......... 499 went Wp the His, irises 202 wind-bédten hii? sce. 393 Hillock—or palmy h.**... 510 Hills—across the h.f...... 455 amidethe-hetdii sco ees 522 climb: steep hit soe gar 41 Heaps on his & teat ee 507 h. are white over...... 520 ee OF SHOW .-o5 Gate nek Pore 405 hh, peepio er hile? 2263 507 He tock -tipbed.. 3... kcal: 522 i where his life........ 382 h. whose heads touch*. 881 like all h. I See sha tep tect ott 260 over low’ring h.*....... 445 Gertthe is. wank ees, 275 mer the eh. srr .G ids anita 275 Geriine: to... setae 275 oer'the h. andt.-.2..42. 455 VEL the lt: . rss Wek oe 2 275 Ver thie hy oe tft a wt tele 275 the everlasting h.f..... 531 ye swelling h.J........ 661 bangs eon a ce ye toa ** ee .571 Hill- eee ‘high. os Sertich: 535 Him-—absent from H...... 597 before ye ask H.. . £557 . who form’d thell. dota las 443 H. who is at Ou aerate 471 H. that sent:me.....>... 528 H.. which is able. .....4;, 348 lose myself in EL, of aus 23.19 reveals H. tothe....... 522 them that fear H....... 479 to Hii no high? .: cede 314 to Hsnohipht css aston: 330 Himself—and glorify h.....570 but of h Himself—Continued THUG Sa Vell ca eapte area ecu 441 does not knowh........ 407 ence Ornih thee ne, or ee 634 Tug ey Ree Ma het ae ee pe 133 fOr hin, WEA VES. ur ecu ee 614 friends witli ly, uw. ...k. 404 happen to, ks sale eee 490 has defeated h......... 134 fice Calin tikee ede: peg es 384 nehrst to. subdue... =. 133 His taker and’... .5..4 321 IMS? ClLMelen on cite oe 25 knoweth not h......... 706 TUWOS: UITICOR Moats aad gine ces 27 TORE SO La Wet opeiies ot Sree 134 IOVG.Of eM pemtdchaws. casa eee 134 lord’Or Wile ean ses 472 lord; Off lte Be ea ee 472 Nature ana. Wote ws wan: 88 neign bor with Gey... 219 none isexcepth........ 131 Gr haus: erro iee preaches 133 PASSES INLO Ns. '. ol. metas 686 Richard’s h. again..... 135 Richard’ $ he again: .0134! FUTINS Old, Lae ie ovey tert 179 Shallow. ihre eee, 421 shallow in h.¥*........ 528 striving to overcome h...133 ERAITTO IN pe encviscso tee: 587 ELIaE ASRS [uicacjeeteest oo ea oeay 138 rege oh 1514 ORG ay es ee Ee eet 583 BOR ey VES Pee 5 cae 585 Hone ora Wate es tet os. ee vee AI7 PON i KNOWN. | ys arcne.ate 40 fo ature and. Dy. ot. 463 UMKNOWH t0.N5.5 sac. i. 407 qWiless: ADOVE Nate acm nn- 460 when not h. he’s.. 461 who conquers h..... 5 ee WO: fads itt ae ee a. 634 Himselven-h. knowe..... 407 Hind-h. of the forest..... 522 h. that would be*...... 441 Hindrance-h, sought ak LOUD eee Aare Hindsight—h. was better. ae Hinges—on golden h. mov- LUE ES ein tok ecto: apes 303 on goldenih. ss... ob eines 303 Olig their lyme ae ee, 303 Hint—h. a faultis.. 2.354. Hints-mendacity or Eis, es Hip—on ‘thejhi*s. sc. 0 s,s 400 Teeato Hippocrates-—refers wea a wea blushful ia 6. ¢ ee 8 ele eRe a eee 0 the blushful H.. Vee Hire-this is h. and*.. A A 512 is —tor WOW heck oa arse: « 476 I, JOV@lanC CATO ieee» 602 Hiss—h. of fiery darts**... 73 h. of rustling wings**... 80 MC OTLO a TES. cia-o: oat p 488 they h. at ME.....++-+. 488 Histoire-l’h. n'est que le PLDICI . «Mo the.sve a vale 357 al a inventé I’h.. RIG Pte 357 PAGE Historian—h. of my....... 356 naturalistand he te... 320 theths- 1653 3 Gee ree 358 Historici-Physici, H.. sete: Histories—h. make men wise 96 Historiker—der H. ist ein. .358 History—anything by h....357 Call the rant,at nv eee B57 dipnity, Of Hee. ere 358 CgnIty OL ene eee 358 has invented h.. 32.7... .357 HAVE nO! tye ere 358 Ha distillation of.) soc. 357 H. hath triumphed. Sea SO. an een a eos 558 FES TS ONL Viewers aa ee 357 1 ee UM 30ND Fumes oremeecone 357 Fis ehilosopiiy,.e ce ee 356 Hers Pailosopiiv. . see 356 ES ISh Geers oN eee eee 358 h. must bé false... ...; 357 H. repeats itself. ....... 350 be withyall-berl 2 356 hot America) 544 384 its h, outwrought...... 545 lover ol fi eae ae 357 materials fOmH 4) eee 357 TVA tisehal eee 356 Tfead thereby ses ee 2190 Teva thei heer 323 what S erie cee 681 History’s—h pen its praisel|.357 h. purchased pagel|..... Rt | Hit-as it may ber fe 553 Htiste to. liste ee wee 301 h.a woman’s heart..... 45 never h. the mark...... 26 Hive—about the h.**...... 8e theth= defend ese 80 Hoary-h. head.......... 18 he headin ess see pate 335 Hoarding-for his h. went*.300 Hoarse—bondage is h.*....516 Hobbes-H. clearly proves.718 made old H 718 Hobgoblin—h.of little nae 38 1 Hobson—Tobias H. was. ..118 Hobson’s—’tis H. choice. .. to say HS choice.) ae. 118 Hoc—post h. ergo propter h..440 ER Vga et Captain Be it cas Ges ayeoe- upon his Tle...) 75 Hog-fattest h. in Epicurus’ ie 5 go the whole h......... 678 h. from Epicurus’...... 265 h, that ploughs nott....678 the whole h. to be...... 678 Hogs-than h. eat acorns. .411 thrown tov. oe aes 558 Hoist—h,. with his own*. .. .614 Hoke-by h, ne by croke. . .604 Hold—cries h. enough*. .. .155 Naverand toib.. en ole 721 bof natures wee ne 358 hor) dnives 5. seen 25 Hold-fast—h. is the only ogee ye fe areta woe 490 Hole-hath one h.....,... 5Io if there's @iw see oe. HOT, ES PAGE Hole—Continued Om hz 10r $08. sens Petr Aes 510 ONe POOTIR ER wists cae sagier 510 Stop aca atoPsee ieee enas 501 to.one bh. onlviee. asian 510 Holes-foxes have h....... 361 he iponauta plese ere 618 Holiday—a Roman h.||..... 302 Ao Roma lew ce seers 358 Ta Ke NES are! cepa 358 ita Dy humor Spehescr “s = No wmMorecet Ie. eee eee Holidays—were playing in® <2 308 Holiness—bent to h.* 628 Holland—character of H.. He thatescanrcesuunen ese 3 as MVNELOw MM wo lIES sisusneientat Hollander—H. had not ween 4s Hollanders—H. as of the. SpAMaras. cee Gee ae Hollow-false and h.**.... 40 Hollows-—h. of the grove... 68 5 Holly—every post with h... the nbranchiern ier. 5 tet 121 Holly-hedge-the h........ 608 Holly-tree-see the h...... 608 stood to see theh....... 64 Holme-the carver h.......608 Holy—died to make men h..120 Be tline 1S a toe Bele ers 606 OL Wir Gee be cals lve autele 376 that which is h......... 678 Holy-day-keep H........ 603 Holy Ghost-the H........ 400 Homage-—do her h........ 418 HWOf a teat||ac.4,.90 teeny: 442 h. only to eternal...... Att Home-are from h*....... PEHOlG Opt Hoard ee eehe 628 Call iti Cones Sree eee 4 confess het h.f. ,.........057 dear hutromrs. oe iect- cn 361 dreamaot Ngec cet 361 draw tieathil| jee ects. oes 423 CVE-Ofs Nereis eecabidtale 472 evert.isias Nee v5.2 ets oe 560 every land’sah........ I43 far thos Haeede tae ener 507 filed lout i.e se ce 2528 hastening fondly h.. 2 SOE Havera, dey cater hie 361 hearth and bre fae ae 35 HICATUN paTNG wits. eves gcc 3590 heaven and h, on Febeige ia 413 here ourh . 5 Sit = 359 hie him h ‘ aie wig 3d iG. Hoge eee ee eee 226 his h. his heritagel]..... 450 his Hative Nese ita 360 Hi EVER Iie eel eee 143 hh, his footsteps. . ae. hci sory h- is all the world...... 144 | WR Kg) lines aie glad hate Ht REL 361 h. is on the deep....... 524 Weis the savory. ae ee 231 h. keeping youths*..... 606 hs Of the brave ws erent 225 Hof the braves. anion: 225 h. on the rolling deep.. .543 874 PAGE Home—Continued h. she had none........ 361 Temreoiniguie errr eens 452 TOE Sais tt SE te cet onksr ane fopees 361 Mearete hier mes : 2597 Never isiat here h re 575 TEC Wayelees hack eel 360 no) place-(ike*hi oc. .. sets 361 only one the h.ff....... 361 owiiiea lanham pee on 507 Dilsring Suvomie hye, 388 PLOVICESEAE I we a. ie 54 Provides ayes ot... es 178 restsiat Leeder ore: 506 shall I never feel ath 537 SONS OlGhieaetes er eae ee 359 thei eternal Hoses. sc 23 their eternav i=. 70. ss 221 Watt dive alee ear Wns WAS) cube lai ee teen ee, 359 Walls. ther seme 245 welcome thee h........ 360 without the laren 360 without the ds x iy Homeless—h. near a thou- SATU ha ee eee 361 Homely-—h. features to keep home ts sac5 whee eee oy MEVETISOL Mee ae sek ma 361 wellofshalte® 20. see 142 Homes-—a thousand h....361 hitot england) isha aee 360 Homer-—Achilles or H.....301 deep-brow’d H......... 362 e-ensgood s Esa. is 361 LORD ACeaGin sy etn ee eee 362 Greece boasts her H....483 Haiheing deadem -n uk ee 362 Hea hemiselt must 8 Tee 70 NOL ist Hlamodstiz™. 1. 60 for istit He rodsim. oe 362 oldeH blinds ieee ee 362 fead:. Ee onces Meee 362 Stealirond bee ae eee 573 Homer’s—ere H. lamp..... 483 great H. birthplace..... 362 Hangryeehoste os ene 3358 Hye solden chant .a sees 590 H. rule the best........ 423 save Hi ruleier me fees S75 WiedstoreH. bitty... sc 362 Homerus—bonus dormitat it te tah atasth Sue. omtieeen east EOE Homeward—ploughman h. DIOGS:, He. glee ee eee te 235 Homo-autimsanith....... 577 cartor est illis h.. 2 587 COCE NS Dade MF ee dee neve. IIQ h. doctus i S€......008 5 407 h. unius librt.......... 98 h. proponet et.......... 601 WH SUM» she oe es ee 460 h. trium lnterarum...... 746 Hominem-h. memento te. .501 anh, dicendum......... 4190 quum h. nominavt...... 516 Homines-—candida paxh.... facinore clarih.alio.... h. dum docent discunt... non dit non h HORE . PAGS Homines— Continued quicquid agunt h....... 460 quot h. tot sententie@..... 5 Homini-os h. sublime de- C at Me Roh sada 5 aerate ete 459 Hominis—cor h, disponet. . .601 militia est vita h........ 428 Hominum-—natura h. novi- tatis: i ee ere 536 sermo h. moreS.......+. 6590 Homme-est I’h. meme... +>.756 étude de I’h, c’est ’h... , .462 V’h. est toujours enfant... | 116 style est Tit Neen ee 670 Homeopathic—H. school of medicine. we cen ee eee Honest—be hiis. ee. 363 by h; means. iene. 405 commanding what i is h. .416 direct“and hit. 2 2 ee 363 good just and h........ 423 side :toybe Neuen. ee 383 mid: to be dein errr ee 631 his h.ethought. 4282 see 634 histh thought. eee 363 h. exceeding poor*..... 363 hein: deéd*¥ 333.) eee 580 hp in dissrace. eee 364 ‘th. mana es 2 tee Thy ~MANiges dt ead eee 364 hi; Wan pane coe ee 608 Humans avwboome see se 363 h. man's thes 9oe 20e- 363 hy manists : .Seteeeeee 363 In. men esteemie s es 204 made. mé Hes. eee aes myself indifferent h.*,..320 myself indifferent h.*.. '363 no h../touch.:..4.99 aaa 687 Of hss memeeee ess oe 533 poor but hots eae 363 though it be hits 2a eee 526 to: be het. siteees See 404 truly Do mani Ate eee 364 very nme: oe, eee 44 well to: be his .u eee 383 wor d’s grown h.* 363 Honesty-great as his hh v4 197 h. be no puritan*...... 363 ti. dsjhist 4.) Sa eee 362 h,.1s\often inte.5. ane 363 h.. is the best. ... 22 age h, is the best policy..... 362 tloresthan hi stitee tee ee 20 party; heise ai Aba 583 ich. hi.dwellstig 22am 62 rich h. dwells like a MIST). . fe eee TUBS So rich. aS‘h.® 5, (eee 362 so strong if h®,. canoe 13.7 Strong, none eee 363 transtorm, 1.45.6 nee 7a Honey—bees made h...... 180 gall and hdoth). voy 451 gather h, allthe day.... 81 gather h. from the weed*237 h in the flowing stream .2c90 i. makes: ... pike saa 573 h. of his music-vows*,. . .390 kneading up the h.*....80 HONEY-COMB 875 HOPE é PAGE PAGE PAGE Honey—Continued Honour—Continued Hooping—out of allh.*....742 shaking out h..........279| in peace withh.*....... 563 |Hoop’s-the h. bewitching the sweetest h.¥......, 676| keep mine h.*........ +357 FOUR 4.0 Pe ee ae 285 Honey-comb-not worthy keeps h. bright* anh: 567|Hop-h, a little from*..... 555 Or the’ he*., Ari, wot lose “mine hike) fl 364|Hope—abandon h, all ye. . .366 Honey-dew-he onh...... B2G2\e sovedi i not ne. |) a wee 365| allh. abandon§........ 366 anrhvha th féd +... eel rma nisin tel |e) Soe Sohal hisitoseteee sus eee 366 Honey-love-my h.*...... 204| mineh.ismy life*...... 623 pratispiciousthne. ss)" ees 360 Honi-h. sott qui mal...... SaOiry ate Of Hiveni 32 sco 460] bottom and the soul of Honor-a roll of h......... SOG slot without he.) ... oe 5909 BH rt 55k es ee oo bed ofht 84 Fe3 es, A acl 80} new-madeh, doth*..... 516] breakittoourh.*,,..., 231 FeV ECV MONE a ook = a caer 86| ourh. atthe height.....546] builds hish.*.......... 627 Corb he bop aegl Wee oes Oma Ges en CO7t| Our ne ends shee. Sea B64 erbut cacthly hi oe Pe 368 nie trae i ien ee se mtors SSoaiie peace with hyeca. cee as 56g | abut onlysh *eren = Fore 370° h; hath humiity.c. =. 0. . 223 ja pluck “briehte hf. has? 364 percongenial h¥, tn orm 368 bh. love, obedience*s. sar! “tpostrof hiis yO: £04 |) cozening shit hf) Bone 367 h. may be crowned*. Li -639 post of h. shalt” 2. =r oe 494 death A Seki FAIRS Sali at 3 68 h. the brave and*...°.... gga strobe Ofte. yet ae 731| dwelleth kindly h...... 360 Ae turns: withweee soe. 226| seth.inoneeye*....... 364| entertaining h......... 1909 hurt tha tehstecis, ss 496| sodger’s wealthish.....653| evenh. is denied....... 442 money brings h.**..... AoO + @sOns Ob Ties Ss des ee hs 365| excite fallacious h.**. .,290 my mother's h.*. 7... . Boss Guat anes iit teases 6 pee 544| fair h. long leisuret..... 470 Oirsisavrecdebnreeee: ares Roa | sthiat ha which*s Soe tt. acne feedion h.: 71 fhe Bom 81 one saered fhe ee: Beer ethy dearth hee | Sik 364| fondh. of many]]....... 168 public h. is security....150| to covet h.*........... 34a), f00l dG with Bit A aa 420 Sher oiveseh. cktin wee: BOE eto eEOVetmnes oo Ue os 364| fooled with h.......... 370° With siative tin Clads*y. 468) — tOp Of Fis... oe 8 ro4h) fdorksand nile Abe) eee. 535 mheni ih) dies. wey a. Erode acrutanesny eid oer Try iromrh. and? =o: eae 368 Honorable-h. of the earth.479| virtueish............. 608| from h. deferred... ....366 Honores—tulit alterh.......573| Wwhatish.............. 402 | ‘gay hy, is theirs 202) 368 Honoribus—plenus h....... aay whens, “oloste os. 364| have recoveredh....... 185 Honorius-H. long’ did when h. bids him...... aq topaton ea dor® ot. eee 367 awelllitn eo sation Sate WOU tye Mea 5 e Renn ees ROA Te shimagainst «henge. Oey, 366 Honors-full of h.......... gal t+your Bignn... Sr 209 }" h.. and: love]. ...2..%. 507 tea ileaserr a. ose cee Beh) Ce VOUL NN. OTID Sat ieee 351| h. deceitful as.....: obec HOre wheiaitest aii, yor te 32|Honorable—Brutus is an h. h. deferred maketh. .... 366 h. of the housell........ 162 Pant Spey areas! er th, peager hi. Wit maan] ane 367 more substantial hve) /. 321} ‘good inor bys sls. 405) * LeeCVer urges. oni: wks las 366 space of our large h.*. ..10r/Honour’d—makes him h.*. .629| h.foraseason......... 203 Honour-a dropsied h.*. .. .365/Honour’s—can h. voice....497] h. for the living........ 365 an/Oubwardel.” «Soa Gan WuMorehnSakes sw ce eran 745| h. grown wise.........:290 ancient Roman h.*,.... 3961 for. those hit. ).') 25 364| h. hath happy place....360 bedi en cee 80| his blushing h.*,....... 254| h. humbly thenft....... 368 chastity atime... soe 118| his h. to the world*,.... 176| ‘hs: is brightest!.....2. 7245 conscious h. is to feelf..137|} h. are shadows........ 365| h. is brighest. >... .. 23.09 ive the h. due¥*,...... ASS wens. of tie deadie.' 25 29m 33| h.is but the dream. ....365 Fath Anvil eee ace 3641) Ds ehrive® ey CM 264 f tihs is-thes ie ls tee. aes 367 his} eerrooted he wwe so 365| h. to the world again*..327} h.daid waste......... a PA BIONEe* Wee t cn ace 365| new h. come upon him*,158| h. like the gleaming... .366 h. and shame from{....365] mo h. awaited......... 58) emaytvanishs 29. 278 ih g i aiithealust. 2. kt 5. soe e718) ©: when h. at stake*®, > °.5 605| h. never comes**.......350 ACOIMIES terete ees cate: 328|Honte—le crime fatt lah....151| h.never comes**....... 366 h. far more precious Honteux-h. comme un re- he not fory.a ges Caen, 382 a ae ge a Re 364 MEE ESO RN LID CaN: GAN 630) Sh ofall ils. .4 erie 370 h. his own word asf....539|Hood-a famous man is bof alls whores. Gers 402 his pastitie sins ses a OOO RebinwEl.. payer 2 oe 97) teh, of all WHOL. CRS 602 BVis.allaby'sy oda ee. BOs} esparedOL Eran ee ee? Be 281| h. of being good...... -366 hats bicwl at ...365|Hood—-that wears a h.....215| h. shines dimly........ 106 h. is like a widow...... Bix | MWwearsva Tit eo etek 207| h. springs exultant..... 368 bis the subject’, sce 364|Hoof-beat-h. in their§....580| h. springs eternalf.....368 h. peereth in the*...... 204|Hoofs—h. of a swinish mul- he tells aniu3% ee eee 368 h., praise and glory... ..316 Stade AOR Thott 401} h. thatis unwilling]... .185 Beh! pircics' hie oir e ees +365|Hook—bait thy hy. ..3.:.: 4360/7 tH. \the.icharmeri® 2.0) 360 h, that spark of... -. 2. 's65 le ohis: hy was such... 2 Ofi..% 43} H.thounurseof...... ..368 hito:whingn fe. ot eee .212| leviathan withah...... 43| h. though h. were...... 366 hy antaightes. oo ees 352| should havea hil|l..... y 4th hs to. VOR a 368 h. was there..........-. 365|Hooks—my bended h.*.... 43) H.tolda..........,. ..368 h. without deserving. ..330|Hookahs—divine in h.||....603} h. will make thee...... 360 if h. gives greatness... .312|Hooke—by h. or by crooke.604| H. with eyes so fair... ..368 inteclearty 237: ...+.568|Hook-nose-Saracenic h...535| H. withering fledl]......415 HOPELESS 876 HOTSPUR PAG PA : PAGE Hope—Continued Hopes—Continued Horse— Continued Danay niotihet acktcsicen 476| neither h. deceive...... 140] one h. was blind.......372z in faith and? hot «sees 113| our h. like towering....196| on his pale h.**..,..... 371 is there. Rovhis 51. cn 618 ois 366| our hearts our h.§...... 704| Tide nota freeh..., 62 leaves ari eae pa eanas4| our h: then cease,.... 3 a3|~ run their O%, 5 oe 8x Ligh? of Digitale sivstceete be 2601) 5 DAYS jOUf 2.8 68 ac 368| rubagalledh.......... 135 lined himself with h.*,..367| these h.and........... 365| some in their h.*,...... 312 liveswithout)Naw.e bees 142), MIDGR Her eee ob sie es 356|..talkiof his h*, oe 371 lively h. designs. . iets LisnVAUY a OTe. 4 cee te un cat 365). the gall oh ee ee 135 love Can Deivts alee «Brats «4 50|— Sith betteriits a.:feibse cles 602| the h, strength, aks i> Lone ee Love, .H.,and Joy!.\....0a35) withowtiour Nya a. ais, 3.60 | iw tO.claiS elit iy. ce epen tegen 407 love or, Hs: dce meh 9 5hss ATOL , WIthOUbONSAL £2 on 4 Hain 737| want ofah.. ete has Hee 608 lovely.*aS- het calves an ts .531|Horatius—how well H. kept want of ah.. Ohne 609 mother’s secret h....... 506 the Dridgwe piecnd cies 165| whip for thé Hiner eee 621 never bade nse h....... 599|Horizon—above theh...... AZ8| . wild hj. without, .. 3. Al never h. toomuchf..... 369),,dnind. hath, no his 26.4057 48.2 lie What ba Ue Shi cm eis geen Sfe none without h....... 368 the b.*vergelcins ftevcaaces 43 2|Horseback— —beggar on h,\ alae MOL A NOTMIOY:.'. i sthoxse 647 |Horloge—cette h. extste.et...2720| ¥ beggar on be oeeas fe 81 Of nh, deferreds parianst aks 366|Horloger—n’a pas d’h......720|Horse-laugh—quaver out a OL Tish tionmin ade ene 290 |Horn—alliot: Bisici ie ater ctoss 200 AES on h. the wretch....... 3681 on of the suwnter. 2 a. copes 374 Horse-meat-calls it h.. : 630 ONE ONL Yai stent quiet cis ees 3| plenty with her flowing Horsemanship—with noble ONCe: mOSst che, ne eee 24 Fo ie ets Mil orks Senet ehe aioe HF 3 Get oe eee 17 phantoms-of hits . eases oe that dread: haute. skek Rect 623|Horsepond—a muddy h....471 pillar of a people’s h. Tt that) wiles eee tow ates 623|Horses—given to h........ , 630 property a wep Bess Bey mye: the’ mellow he sh Wineiw,<) ope A761, onell- for toes eee eee 518 poise of h. andt*.......%. 203 =; THOSE OAL, . ec. < Bese motes 200}, hn. oxen Daves =. o.-eeee 361 Tecollections of h....... 23|Hornbook-its plain h.....304| h. hot at hand*........ 232 should: hehets hoot, Gases 545|Hornets—wasps and h.....416| paradise forh.......... 518 Somarewell artes a6 od aie 185|Horns—by hish.*......... 186| . -whipped.bis hay... -. ae 51 SO ;Lare well: by 2s or, sisteoe S70 sscow short hie a.com 602|Hortensius—his friend H.||. ie SWElt NelleS hy. ys oe olees 300] amllnO, DHeNMOONE. ete emte 52|Hortus—h. ub et tecto...... 403 Sweetie. >. sbteabhhoem 2 369| with h. as were*....... 380|Hose-his pouthful h. well EHCTE 1S se Mees ie #8 366|Horo—quae vitam didit h.. .431 Sav d* irks! see 20 thew wit tesbah pees see 368|Horologe-h. of Eternity§ ..692|Hospes—h. comesque cor- EID Ol Dies eet 470|Horrebow—Danish of H....635 DPOVIS Oe a ae ae , : : this pleasing wna - oh, 381 Horrible-comtortless and tempestas deferorh...... throws wal deteeee meta 30 hy Re us. Seven ag rs Sea 527|Hospitable—h. thoughts** . ie Me thus heavenlyh....... 368|Horrid-h. image: doth”: 4.0.45 |_. bh D.rende. cn arin oo (2S till h.creates; he ie t-sis8 200|Horror—death is h........ 327|Hospital-but an h........ 388 to weakest bs iiiayeeieleu< BOS psa eneay Vi Sasa hueieier 269|Hospitality—deeds of h.*...371 ~ true hils®s «sith atest BUC MMT WarG. HnOl s sfossrel sche ai 381|Hospitis—h. adventus...... 200 ; what h.waSita sslclemoistos 3651 . 01 bragging. hts... os 436|Host—a fashionable h.*....371 when H.-was.born*: =. <:so0z |). screams of h.fissn..2... 509), a fashionable, h.*v. s 723, an white-handed .H.**,.....252|Horrors—full with h.*..... 260), amipeardiy nw. eee 723 A who agaist bz pues oe BOG adle na wha ere ae eas 350| h. with their banners||.. 58 ‘ with: fnesiv ho * 5 eee 532] of undistinguish'd h.. 73| the heavenly h.....:... 587 : Hopeless—all h. mortals. ..508|Horse—a dark h.......... 3:7.1|.)-the*purplesh.. a... eee 710 we are:mostH; wettest, Bales aiGark buwaichi ns gegevens 70% | e the staney e845 see 235 Hopes-—according to neg but Dis Heb 6 agi. pm eley gyul. the-startyibet". ssn cae 271 : h; can’t judge a h.. ree, 48). the vulgar ht: .. soe 420 ; by H. ‘perpetual breath. «3 od change 197 en. tact 370| universal h. set up**....272 cherish long da. wc dices. 427| dearer than his h.yt..... 372|. withouttheir jh. ce ee 388 j flattering nh; cals. ie tu. A247 atauino.ow his bis Seen 480| yeheavenlyh.......... 588 é fondest h. dceay....... 192| founder’d h. will....... 33 |Hostages—h. to fortune. 460 ; fondest h. decay....... a42\|, 2 tal hot te ate tee. 40) 5 ho tostorbune Varela 460 he who. his). ee eek de. 4 180| give me another h.*....370|Hostess—h., clap to the ; he who h.cthiée yieuel an. M08) <2O00 WE1O Bh, Fault whi 571 oors . 488 h.. as Gagefiizas. tama es: 636) a.2000 hy tostire tt oe semenes 722 Hostesse—without his h.. 388 99 h. belied on fears....... 7S wens taxeceh sh. f eet 683 |Hostility-open and de- . h: to: Scorhrit= aulaueres 200) “hi and Lo0bus sa ts +s. a0 661 clared DSi 55 Siar ..- 298 7 h, of all meng.) .nd ctereiels 208| h.in better condition...472 Hate euihettied h. Fe Pie 2» 21 Z h. laid ipancsarck echt. hs 38411: is rubbed ask ane 135 |) (Godwot Be: (oe) 584 i h, laid waste: ....-.... 27| h. may starve while....548| shock of charging h.....466 h, like tow’ring falcons.. 26| h. of that color*....... 370|Hot—love is soone h.....-.- 455 h. of future years§..... 56) Oh. tobe tee brate we 370| h. love soon colde...... 455 ' H. pining ghost........ 4521. “h; tottheywaters cn couse 541) iron 18D... 5. 547 | insteadvof thather dime a2 23 | 5h. witht wings bs sihens.. 370), is glowinigel fo asin am 346 F Jost: Dirwhice sear eeteeee ee G4 «4h pcwes. JOSE: wages Reape Biancties 6090| - itis glowing DA eae S47 2 mortal’s h, be long,....427) kingdom fora h.*.....,241/Hotspur—H. of the North*. reo HOUND 4, PAGE Hound-h. or spaniel*. , run. with the Mwesn <0: 375| ourh.inlove.......... 2/Hub-Boston State-house slow h. wakes the...... Os te OUrspAas He. ss ce fe ep bot! 18 thew. yee a eOO atheipiand hisSt th fod br SOtnany HS 8 Peery 691| h. of the universe...... 99 with his h.f........ 40 riarsteala few hos, 2229752 ea7) hi. ineAmericny -)~ 210m 09 Hounde-holde with the h..270| suchh. ’gainst. |). 11/1! 453) -the bh... se 584 sleping h, to wake...... 199} the circling h.**.,..,. .500|Hue-h. like that when... .554 Hounds—hawks and h.*¥., = theses ange. 453 |Hues—h. like hers........ 520 hevand ;echo* =..." 25, a9 what peaceful h........478 Hugged-h. th’ offender. ..646 h. and grey hounds*. . 33 House~a fair h.*......,..360|/Hugs-h. it to the last... ., 256 hol Sparta* 28 2. 374| -a handsome h..... 0... 734|Huitre—l’h. etott bonne..... 419 hi shall make*.,........ 216| asmoky house*........ 90|/Huldy—sat H. all alonett. ..745 hyshould dine*® 9, 389} all through the he, ee 121/Hum-h. of bees....:..... 519 - Hour—3 idark hots fF. sy 2h any h: totwhich 34.90% 371° or. hideous h.** - 525 2S. 551 and holy hiss). 2 or SOL 7 peathupom that. W224 667|Humain—que d’estre h.....153 and tort’ ring bis Seer chee noire Ob then, yn kee 53|Human-—airiest h. head||. ..482 blest: hee sta Ss Aso |= heardumthe hss2 ss Sone. 63 lu alike. things... 26 fon” 754 bountiesiof-an: hiv: 22% 372| his h. his homell........ AsOlowatieast hte. ee gee 231 catch the transient herbs) his own: hi. ee as 599| base for h. breast...... 480 consecrated h:......... G02! Th. and sarden. CoS... 403| characteristic of h. na- dari: hy or twain}... 22". 520] h. be divided against. ...649 EAUUT OM ahaha he eee er oeaes 289 dies 17-an iS; ya te. GFF #hiis tol/beletsey 4 345! contrivance of h. wis- from childhood’s h.. 44a) © ho not built with hi. oe 758 OM. tas Oa hoe eee ie FLOM Tsltoth. Fe ees oe g72/ h. of every one.» .'; 2. 350) sere hostatutes) /o Fee II froin hF toth fos. niga in OL kauchters 2%... 2, 414| estimate of h. depravity. is Prominhseto: tnt. 63 .+ are AZ \pmiee Ob rete oe tt 404| flowed toh.formf...... 554 hadtimy hiss. eatin TOO Lis oP Pordst ios bi eS 219] founders of h. civiliza- adam yo AST PS SAvive OL UeOTUST sa. %. coe Sor TOMS AeA re ee 25 Nadas HAPS Ss. Fie 2. 2557), hy tollodge a friend: . 2°. : 403 ee trom, natures... o> 357 Heineachtman's life! 0°) s48'\ > hs-was known sie. Snipe trom: bs mould soe ay..o* 503 PRS EICD ete See te 549| h. where nut-brown....388] high h. scheme.... 504 Hyis niches: . hts) ee 623] “h. with Montaignef’....37%) 4h. affairs......05..2., 24 h. of glorious life Rae) ee - h. with starry dome. Sa is face. divine™™®) 34ers 460 hvorth davis. forse c lower’d upon our h. * » | 563 h. form divinel]........ 460 h.when from the toaghalese Piiaiies Hy tS on ston ere ee 350] h. left from h. free**. .. .648 h. which gives us....... AZiine rivebather’s: hiss 346| h.nature’s daily food]. .741 my secure h.¥.).0.0.. ies rt iy he mye) vec Mh, Na hite toys. Pe. ee 536 nature lent him foranh.. 22} nae luck about theh.... 3] h.racefrom........... 541 now si the his 3a oe: 540) ono private hyin.=.; 2. 3°: S88 ised, thought, iSiss.. hee 486 one littlesh. Sh eet A75h-) therdaric hy 1? Si. Xs 468| h. wisdom acting on... .416 striking thetaeg§.) Ae, 499| their golden 4 bene . 318] in h.a airs; J. haa 279 tenant .of anche. ook. 463| this hallow’ EBD ee eed! scaly cin the h. breastY. 2s)... 554. th’ appointed h........ Gree torins hrc se our sa oh. 359| “in the bh. breast .7, 3a. 557 the crowded Hoy 3.35.24 372| welcome to our h.*..... 423| ~lords of h. kind.. Src? VE therdarkest:-baj.. eet! 366) Y your ancient hit i's. 2. 36| march of the h. mind. ..486 the.dusicy hit". 3% sone t 530|Houses—-h. thick and milk of h. kindness*.....355 the:fatal os oleee nee 186 Sewerstto. De TSS: 423 |. Settee ote att 484)" to err is hela vo ai aie. 231 my latest h. to crown. 3 |Howl—whose h.’s his watchs29| two h. loves...... Shae 447 of wearisome h......... :.§76|Howlings—-h. attend it*... 72) was h. powerll......... 16 877 PAGE ..198 |Hours—Continued Hoyland—made an H.. HUMAN PAGE .640 HUMANE 878 ICE PAGE PAGE : ‘ PAGE Human—Continued Humours—Continued Husband’s—Continued weaknesses of h. nature.268| inallthyh........ 28|. her h. heart® 0). 22078 722 which the h. breastl|....472 gine beck h. of the land*, sek let’ hy govern facade nen VAga Humane-more h. more**,..570| Humylite-h. is a thing....372| leth. know*...........725 Humanité-h. d’estre cruel. .153 |Huncamunca’s-in H. eyes. 7Ao1 1 thy b. will, pee 37's Humanity—allh.as....... 623 |Hungary-if a H. failt..... 680|__ when h. or when}. .....500 arveinedshes a ai eae ae. 570|Hunger-gnawed by h ....550|/Hush-and h. while....... 657 condition Of. che estes 4607) | heatterlabor bard: gas 25|Huswife’s-tease the ; discipline of h........ ..469| h., frost and woe........205 WOOI**. -. Say, eee 717 h. always becomes. ....480| h.is the best sauce...... 52|Hut-—h. by the Danubel|...302 hi, to beeruel s,am,20 ie ot 153| h.is the teacher of...... S2A4|/) 0s Of StONE. 2 7e5 meee ee 141 h. with all its fears§..... 36] h. revenge to sleep..... 396]: hoof stone eipacnaateee 134 h. with all its fears§,. 667 oblised' byehuht Meenas. §24| » dis of the poOtits Spake. Sor Taw of Ia: cS fokieidiscts 418| who bears h. best..... 222 \elove in a hewe eee o> Sede RAL music of By eed HY 464|Hungering-h. for her face..557| that dearh...... WLS be 361 BRTIYSICHOL 1s Thee iehevewe by la cies 521/Hungry—a h. belly........ 205|Huzzas—of loudh......... 131 TTUSIC. Ol shades, cheapness. ae 716) o COttage is Hil .chtark bee 451 Hyacinth-h. with rich in- suiering, sad h.$.u0:on BS ee ewery DA mouth ities An 602 Layette Gee eee 277 that dignifies hi. J.<.\.. 500] wih asthe era ye: eats 169 |Hyacinthine—h.locks**, , . . “Ae traitor tpi l.l he sorcdaaetee 6061 7aD. “Sinseri sivcupst rcpt Sens 190|Hybla—the H. bees*....... Humanum-h, est errare....231|Hunt—h. of the bear...... 433 |Hydra—mouths as H.*...., Pe Humble—but the h........ 372|Hunter—a mighty h. aes tats 374|Hydras—Gorgons and H.** 714 Versa Doe. hii hucesees 361 aor of the h.. .374|Hyen-laugh likeah.*..... 743 fond oth things gous, 6 ¢ 494| h, and the GRed peas ete 1.308 Hyena-voice of the h.. .146 he of dn birth oo. 39 Agecicis 65 h. and the deer........ 374|Hylas—ne vous aime " pas neither too h..........:403| h: before the Lord...... BTA | ay ped +0 2. se a ee not therefore h.ft....... 51|__h. home from the hill. . .231|Hymen—arch flamen of H. “698 one may. be bik, os eens 373 |Hunter’s—the h. aim had*. 3 va) -H. did our hands* 20.96 467 shall h. himself. sie Bead RTOS Gast ee Gat hae 74| H. holds by Mammon’s, .123 too h. to aspire. ....463|Hunting—h. was the labor. es officious H. comes. . .456 Humble-bee—dozing an: 81|Huntress—queen and h.....408| sacred H. theset......., 470 Humbleness—all h., all pa- Huntsman-h. his pack. . ...303 |Hymen’s-to H. flame.:....425 tierice™® . Wael, emg's 444 Hurled~power h. head- Hymn-h. or psalm affords. 72 and whispering h.*..... 373 Longe rane kat ats ee 187 ‘3 loud as thel]..... x ts SU Humbleth-he that h. him- Hurly-burly-when the h.’s low perpetual h...., 441 selfinaiss iets Sen 372 done*s ww, Pos 474\ low perpetual h........ 61 Humbug-the word h......748|Hurricane—a tropical h....466| solemn h. that§....., ..520 Humili—asperius nihil est Hurricanes-cataracts and Hymns-— hear savage h.. 622 ‘cat eae oer eet hate 65 Bag che OOS h. of heavents a sulics sgl Humility—by true h....... 372 Hurry-never i in aha pec. «341| }.our solemn bh, * jis Se III honor hath h,..........413|Hurt-got a h.. .....755|Hyperion—H, to a satyr*. ..508 hs isiatvirtuesicah «heiehs 373| h. that honor feelst cian 496|Hyperion’s—H. curls*...... 4€0 h. that low sweet....... mea Ga: Ohi eae. ine ge ae 374|Hypermnestra—H. alone of many Christians want h.373|Husband—as the h. t ae Siyhs Ql) eo. Uo 425 pride that apesh....... 3493 \\ below Her De Ore ce ese 469 Hypocrisie—/’ h, est un hom- pride that apesh....... 47 2 eo Ve eL A ee See cece emg 75 WMGLC'.. cea ele eee 377 Prodan he eee ee 373| commandeth her h......725 Hypocrisy—except he tere “Saar proud of hisdi¥: Fete 2931 *ca0es thy hFP Le) ae 375| h.is the homage**,..... 374 stillness and h.*/......4 BG2H Se eOverISUher stipe ean 7251 ~h; the only evil? *.n55.08 397 ; Slirplice OL Un aie se ee 363| her h. to promote**,....726| thy praise, H.||......... Sra ' Miatrapes Wy Sc tackepeis ct 593| h.and the wife.........605| thy smiles hil]..........463 . that apes Hess. 52k od SOS 0 eo frae the wife....%.2..: 16|Hypocrite-h. had left..... 57 i what isihis h*, 5 tii. .4 616| h.’s sullen, dogged, shy .470|Hypocritical—be h. per cau- wath! base: le. eine, 2c. 405| h. to the WBS ohare afefeistens 470° TLOUSHP ten. eee S377 Humor-every h. hath*....312| lover in the h......... 375 |Hypocrites—cant of h..... 1152 h. was the only........ 618| made away with her h...135 more tipon Disae. 4k oi ADA a TOsWOLSGra Hero a icentey 375 I Humors-h. turn with such h. , such Wile ae ieshons 635 . climes} Sek oct. nese ce I1o| theh. gaine no Depa Ae Sor 460 |I-Rome and I. 0 Ae se men’s unreasonable pi Bla ers onige lr wn a item ee I 344) State it is le ae sos ane noxious'h; thatinfect, ~.420n)| Gerillia th: coolst.\, ge wees: 3.4'5\|)) thouwert ls. 72 eee (ic (OS | take their hie: a4. ee tO Hersh SA aa eee es 3754 wert thow ], #052 ae 605 R. Humour-career of his h.*. 468 truant h. shouldll....... 375 Iago—pity Of it It. eee 572 every ny bathtes se. at 4 399| woman oweth to her h.*, 212 |Iago’s—I, soliloquy hettaane ts 638 ‘ in thish#: oe Baaieent s 742 |Husbandman-life of the h.. 25 |lam—magno 1. conatu......608 poor hi of mime. cd. + 50|Husbandry-h. in heaven*. . 665 |Ice—deep snow andi.**,...350 with ‘nature hebwanie ses 303 |Husband’s—even her h. Fortune's i. prefers..... 33 Wat and hit 2. fos en. 631 Titel Cees ars SA a ZOO) tatain Junel| ese les 387)- with sleepless i. es a ee 6096 Idler—an i. isa........... 387 BUTT MUE OO eck oneh eke ca. slo he 387 fdiy=thys i BUSY. 2 2. os. 387 dol=also ami on) ages 647 TMisshapen, i.e woe. cs 622 Idolatries—to itsi.l|....... 752 Idolatry—god_ of data) Wega Ae 517 BOR OF mT Tn ks eretinn's 538 Podtof Curie ate 527 goddess of my i. 317 Idomeneus-bold I. §. Ore aS 21 Liswithtanm ior coat su oes 5 : WIth Ae i wetorn sce sretecc ot Ignoble-i. mind’s a slavet. at Ignominy-i. sleep with Wet oii ea Ae ghana 220 Ignorance—audacious i... . 283 bei. thy choice.) oc . 378 by i. we know Bt ORE ie 378 Childishiite aes sie ee 378 eontinues if. i... 2. ses 378 discover our fit oe ce 408 TOU AMOP So. were! crater 280 from i. our comfort..... 378 hide its 1.........-++- 629 i. isa blank sheet...... 232 ag et rate ee iene, SEU Peter 378 (ive thelcurce*s 8. 377 146-the mother; oes. ee 378 i. is'the root.of ..... AOE ares i. of better things...... 442 TOL te Law eee emer ee 416 ignorant of one’si.......408 in i. Spain Ansa ae 67 ind. pedatecn. <5 casts Bee 463 let me not burst in i.*. ..307 NEWS ON wbOd.. Abe 414 no darkness but i. 4 Pihee’y: 163 no darkness Rute 377 CIV AO Leia eatin s seeds oe 397 putting us to A est: 657 PSO A Sec chia theta 302 thoi monsters I.*... 7. < 377 879 IMMORTAL PAGE PAGE Ignorance—Continued Ills—Continued where i! is bliss..< 8% 35. S7o4. J, tO COME! Pande erate 46 WEE VERY LFS Oe races MAOa fe tO COMme.”. maemo Tis WO 1. 167 Gie. sae» eee 7 ol. iter Ss WOLSteiac cm ot eae 09 Ignorant-conscious that you love on through alli....470 AT OLIN Gy tee en es 408 mortal 1: prevailing. . ne ibe: ra SUIGUG. A hos arte: Las ho.-er athe isk. ets eee 710 tf Of a matter thar... . 421| solemn scorn of i.f..... Sat ty Of One's ignorance... .408}" the, of life... 312 TIA /SHIte Ob, a0. se 758| thosei. we have*....... 236 mMmalady.ot the t..-.. .... 702 GS AMS MCUTE hore cea es 509] i. togive them*........ 363 GOMTO VeIelWeanw se eacat a ae AOI BLOM OO thes. ccs Berea ete 80 tratismuted sits, wea EEO 6tOlDiS ty ton MIS factss., 1477 unthwarted by the i....700| tricks hath strong i.*. ..370 WE SPAT DG To irae os suns TOON Bwithiereat te.) a. ue ones 367 TAPAS Se een 4 oneanee| 237\|Imaginations-i. as one Wher. ideed:.”.. ,. 2. 197 SVOULIC Soe, eee ch kes 427 when i. we call theml]...198) i.ofonemind......... 304 where no/i. seems**. .. .3%7|° my i: are as®. 50... 70 where no i. seems** | ...733 |Imaginings—horrible i.*. 45 Ill-doing—doctrine of i.*. ..389|Imago—vagans formatur 1..110 (Illicita—praevalent 7....... 5098|Imbecile—par un grand 1.. .271 ‘Tlliterate-i. him quite..... 477 \Imitated1. the nightingale484 AYsshoatetiete: fi. ect 236 |Imitation-i. is the sincerest484 Wert iaOSe 1,6 iss aes Fe O7 Ling LOLOL: CLE waa haus ou 484 Mespetate 1.5) ose sc. e we 194|Immanuel-his name I.....712 extremest i.ajoy...... 490 |Immaterial-it is i. 482 PREP DEEV Cc hick css hae 25 |Immortal—and beauty i i. ..380 i. that men endure..... SHON tcl She w 1, agents eee fare 638 880 IMMORTALITY PAGE Immortal— Continued denies his soul’si....... 64 i. ages past yet........ 381 i. bya double prize..... 398 i. with a kiss.. ..406 nothing strictly i. “put. .380 Innere acess d with , eg Pa rene Mote 381 searnoreal UE ALS ene < owe 380 i. to die aspiring i esas 61 i, to die aspiring: ...... 8 longing alter tov sree ne’er is crowned with i.. if 16 MObniner ute Laer etalls ot 382 quafti. and joy** 2. oss 380 TAIsec CO teas owe eres ie 04 seed-plotiof A. .16 asi sieie 96 SNAG. Olden s cei Siete achene 260 Immortals—appear the i.. .318 songs of the i.§.......;. 64 Immunities-the i. of the Churches. codec 472 Impartial-i. laws were... .5901 Imparts—ey’ry nation fru- Pall verre etter entre 12 Impatience-and my i.*. .. .285 i. does become*........ 559 Impeach-—] i. Warren Hast- TfiGSiaras eae ee eee Se bgt Tepes the soft sae SMe eles recat eee ca 446 Impediments_are termed i. 38 5 vt Aue, great ee ee . 469 Impell’d-i. with steps... ..370 Impera—divide et t........ ae Imperat-1. aut servit...... Imperfect-i., unfinished§. oe Imperfection—where i. cea- Seth 4. Stee A esos oe 348 Imperfections-i. on my head ee eae eee S11 my i. by. Ba, ei Ne, Bor ee 552 DASS MY Ys ee sagas as 116 Imperial—at i. qaecdaen 7525 Imperii—capax 1. nist im- PCVTOSSEL 4s aie sae oe es 322 Impetus—qui cetera vincit 1.596 Impiety—were more i.*... .538 Impious-i. men bear. .... 494 itis 1, in a good mans... Implement—a necessary i.. Important-i. labor of man. Impossibilities—not for i. Impossibility—promise of i ae Impossible—as quitei...... 153 7 becausentusi. G2 coer. 252 few things arei........ 382 45S Wee pe tei ae 382 i, is nota French oun: 382 not physically i........ 523 nothing 35/1). saan me 382 quia BisCSU Do ies» lo siinclle asloll 252 FIONA gt ate nes base 382 this ‘Same as. cee tens 382 what’si. can’t be...... uieer Impotence-i. of mindt... .560 in fLOTid tebe ue pete 286 fit grensi onesie t lela sty Alo lol Improbanda—judex damnat PAGE Impudence-rooted callous Sage aes Bee oa een 383 Want Oltiss ss wit nm Caae fo) Impulse—circumstance and Tl rt fe Se a ae 122 circumstance and i.||. .. .383 In—despair to geti........ 468 Tait BO eee cies oe Ee 468 SHISHA AGATE Ae ease ca 460 Want, tO Geta. de ons 468 Inaction—disciplined i. .387 Inactivity—wise and mas- terly i.. te to:the Pol€t tac anon 679 Industry—candle of i......424 commonly abateth i.... 56 IN CreASeOl 1, scsi ee 216 mother thatdsion, see 304 SOUL iol tee eae coe 10 Inebriate—cheer but not i..683 cheer, but. not 1...... os 683 Iners-tllud t. quidem...... 386. Thevite Die Ata with the Infamous-the TOS 1... wpe 258 Infamy-give i. renown.. ..682 retreat froma... + seen 364 Infancy—around our i.ff.. 80 have their i A.-. . yereie > 137 \Institution—an i, is....... 332 Iniquity-i. devours*®: 2. 63% 237 |\Innocuous—almost i. desue- in “the ie eke 460 i. of the fathers........351 TSTCG tals Pn helene nies 418 Instruct-i. me, ie Thou**. 303 Initia—alia i.e fine........ 221 \Inn’s—worst i. worstt.....S69| venture tO 1.,.- ..+e-> 223 [NSTRUCTION 882 PAGE PAGE Instruction-i. ot their Interval—the interval that VOuthc.. au ekotor aes 257 lowefs' es vr ate tress Somes Sweet 1 HOWSr anie solu ce 519 |Intimidate—a halter i......293 WisdottvatGsts. tet 313 |Intoxicate—crude or i.**. ale Instructions—bloody i.*...355;_ i. the brains, ose. Se His Owais cs a ame 590 |Intoxicated—wine i. both**, sar THY 2. RAKOL cc ogied or aes 59 Intoxication—continual nw Aaa, Instructor-i, of the wisell..378] is but i]... 0. 2 oe, 208 Instrument-any stringedi. 2 Intreasured-—lie i.*........ 558 MUIGHtV ia, LOLs seen Sele ce 565 |Intricacies—no pleasing i.f.302 most awful i. 4 Coe Lee 718|Introduction—better i. than 75 SOIMELOLEA LL. Sie ate rela pears 729| i. to any literary work.. 67 SOUTCLO! Aldi oe oi ee 452|Intrude—hope I don’ti.. "390 Instruments-i. of cruelwar*s 23 i. to melancholy bells*. .111 Peto SCOUTED CrURts sabe ts 711 OBR ATIAA ED alee ah wk i aura A le 500 Insult—a blockhead's i... ..617 one more i. to God..... 183 Insults—or i. unavenged{. .616 Insurrection—-the nature of I51 Intellect—all i. all sense**. 662 GVCVOLLLHE uae re eet ees 485 cate taisenhoceeiaeh tae 748 i; that bred Them... 02; 096 ATC NI GT say eee, © oh epee 486 CEN Nedetpe sg of hu- - 97 foesilectuaitedt great "4 Pi Tapes tc aces is chau, eee 332 Oe AOS 1 one eee etre 740 Intelligence-characters of beauty ainda. - costed 435 i, ANCADEDIE OL oes aes 3092 LSU WISE = ok a oi Gees ao WhOSe atiend 9 esse 14 Intend—more thafi they i.t a6 Intende—what it might in- tenidesti.. Ma ae ee 6 Intense—a life i.J]......... ae Intent-action the intent.. 26 SLES (OL mya nner he 31 Intention—fervor of i.l]... 36 Intentions—devour second i.534 full OF Codd dashes eee 348 With wWOOd d.snat weete cles 348 With POO a. sere mee 348 Intents—be thy 1.*........ 307 Intercourse-soft i. from SOUL Ad wat eacne chee re 423 Loterest—he, cals +")... 342 tal RS ae ae 3092 i. always will prevail... 29 i. of the stronger....... 482 love, i. and admiration ..331 NOT Att Valea eee: ARS Interested-i. him no more. 222 Interesting—an i. situation. 505 Interests—and powerful i.. . 583 Caresdomth Vals ck sean ce 458 Interference-by superna- title: hikes aweeces 401 ‘Interpretation—i. will mis- GuOte® ce ae eae 40 Interpreter—be his own i best i. a Sighl| ae inte Sgr 2 452 HASsOW Les escheat aes 252 Interpreters—i. of our in- ClnatOnS sees .202 Inftruder-i. as thou art®, Intuition—a passionate i. q. 252 |Irren-wage du zu 1. oc ‘301 goniamcacre 5 8Y of the Irritable—those i. folk. .... 576 pekob cee ae ee 160|Is-everything that i......550 Givading: oie from 1. '.649|{onay it 1823 3 ee ee 508 Invectives—breathe out i.* .524| nothing is but what*... 45 Invention—allied to i......524] - something i. or seems}. .470 AS LOL vip Boe Shs eee 524| wasori. or will be...... 518 pesto wemoht.. =. sentir 524| whatever i. i. rightt....340 Craw Onl, Wis ti messes 607|' whatever i. i. rightt....550 eat ap ity. 1.t cee eee 20| whateveri. i. risht..... 618 fe lalisacdsarir ids asta ce 392|. whatever i. 1. nits. 920: 550 1 AS Ue eat oe ee 702|Isabel—crown’'d I. throughs 1 Of the enemy. as) ee 392) “you, were deren. en eee 605 i, Of thejenemy.. 12 Re 223 |Iser—I. rolling rapidly... ..620 PIETIL OF. Srey oes .514\Iseult—I. watched img. . .742 RI PNEROL 4. alas tele .524|Isis-Cam and I.f..... > ane motherOLed:s sts ek ere §24|. the l.-screens 4.22 a. een 304 OT. ESSA dnl Sates 607 \Island— bulwark of ouri....524 prompter-of tj... eo 5241 the green! 1... tose eee 393- Inventions-—for old i.*..... TIO}, A: OL bliss. iste eee 225 TOTO, 1 eee eis ee, oe 264)° 1, unto i ft... yews. eee 924 sought out manyi...... 450] ‘the 1. is queen}... Lae 226 Inventor—plague the i.*...355| tight littlei............ 225 placueitiel. nee eee 614 |Islands-his i. lift......... 253 to zbey that as eters ie 202)|. ‘his i. ditt vice, eke tee 602 oceans oe or never many western i........ 362 LLB Tee ee en o|! “the i.°feel’’, . 2.0... 2 ae Tieentoviod sit shall be i. *, 7s \Isle-fast anchor’d i....... 225 Inventory—a three-fold i. ‘164 t.,of, the oceans: Gwen 394 Invents-i. a machine..... 392 which stands*}. 2a5 225 Investigarie—quaerendo 1. our i. indeed...02 ae 385 POSSUM, «oe oMctge we ee $50) -Seio-s: rocky 1.|/}3. see -. .362 Invincible-i. in arms...... 380] silver-coated -1-f, 2. 3208 225 Invisibility-into air and i..460| the Emerald I.......... 393 Tivisible-16 m0t B70 Se 201" the Emeralde2.% 2 aoe 303 late Kobatony cus tare TESS oe oe 29| this. scepter'd 1..... Siam 223 the1.alonel? i234 eee, 507|Isles-far sunny i......... 641 throne of the wile ears ste §42)|- her hundred 14). een 700 through: the 1/2). $340|" “i. of Greecell: >. 500) mam 333 Invite-when lips i........ 555° the .British 17, 2.2 eee 226 Invites—i. my stepsf...... 308| the sprinkled i1.7:).3203 437 Inward—do draw the in- Isocrates-I. adviseth De- War Gs, Fos Ab ead sete eG 544 TMONICUS te) ee 5 Of 1..less\exact** 77a) 2) 556] I. the celebrated. ..:.:. S51 thé, a: ‘manf dy, PP Ree, 590 |Isolations—pair of infinite i. 28 Tona=risins:Of Ai. fs ee 560|Ispahan-the city I....... +270 Ionia—in I. or Smyrna.. 11|Israel—when I. of........ .397 Iphicrates—be reviled I..... 38| when J. was........... 338 Ira-7. furor brevis est..... 41 |Israfel-where I. hath... ...605 lenta i, deorum est...... 615 |Issues—but to fine i.*..... 239 trux decet 1. feras...,.. - 606 = joined great 1.2 eee 54 Irz—anantium 1. amoris. eepes Isthmus-i. of a middle animts celestibus 1.. - 42 statet.. . 2. eee 462 Tre-fillot 1. eine et ee 4z-|\ this 1. ofak.: sh -.4 eee Iris-a fivelier 1.7 7.0. 663 this narrow ie... |. eee 233 i, all husst®. 4-96 Soe 2771 weak-built t..... (coun (233 PAGE Tron—a rod" ol-1- =. eee 322 clods of 1.* 3 eae - 90 hammer youri......... 346 hammer your i. when. ..547 i. did on the anvil*...., 90 i. did on the anvil*¥...., 527 i, entered intayt iy, sae 334 meddles with cold i.....254 Of ic globest* 2. oo 105 the i. agewt Non Gee 318 ‘Time'e\i. feet. ee ee nee 542 tool.ok 15.N nh en ae eee 53 whilst the i. is hot...... 547 .390|Irreligious—view ani.one.. 64 Le ee se ae ee a a. e ITALIA PAGE Italia—I. thou who hast]. ..394 Italian—and I. songt...... 200 an uchoice: LX. ob ak oer 681 Italians—as the I.say..... 128 Italy—any part of I.. .661 Greece, I. and England. 483 in proud I 48 3 ae as 264 Ia Dioynoen Ree Coes 518 iStah ie ee ae 304 és ree who ‘ch$en tei 394 masque: of Lili seeerasn 700 slope. to 13k). eee 304 Itch. of. scribbling... .. 65 1. fOr -SCri bling ee\.Je7 ay: 755 the i. on purpose....... 56 Itching—an i. palm*...... IoL have an iv palm*..2.i.5 69 Iter—-longam 1. est per pre- ‘cepta gota seiage Dates Ts 243 er 1. tenebricosum..... 168 Iteration—hast damnable i.*128 Itinerary-eyes andi...... 607 Itself-none but i......... I a8 Seu TOM this de eacites s,s Ithuriel—I. with his cheb ts se Ivie—no i. out to sell...... 730 Ivory—done ini........... 52 OP SAWRIs. 28: Wey. tts ie 200 WIG 1, ClEAINS s.16 sh. «bis 200 Ivy-clasping i. twin’dt....395 courtly isn JOINT 2 stavesive irs 395 eteeping 1. clings. ..)...,. 0% 395 idthy home is. duces. 3905 pale/t. creepsi. 2s son. 3905 room with i. leaves..... 120 the 1.4 branchygxeas cose, 730 the. 17 STeens,. vaughn 305 LE Jabberwock—beware the J. 535 powers , hard topaz. ..397 ack-every J. became ‘a gentleman®: 4.58 2.2 212 W. SHALE Dipe nie eaeias rs 60 J. was embarrassed||....530 J. was so comely....... 312 BNCe CVELY Jak is-cchoiethen ss 305 a ee 22 | 2 a j acks-insinuating J.*.....363 these bragging J.*...... 757 aeantte standing like.570 ackson’s—Stonewall J.way719 shag Shin PE SAiG.c, Gk. oa 40 acob’s-is J. voice....... 415 OL lec lncddeme: iis. ope I55 of, Jaiadder [5 ¢ aa asses 250 a Ji SURE: r ie 36 ade—a hckle-4.. . auehist 205 j.ona journey 2.9 doe 571 Be galled, 1% stu, eaicnes « 135 Jetrand. the tp scse-saey nan ens 562 Bete 1 755 5nd ere O41 ATUSCA LMA Gy. ahebacevas 505 James—and our J......... 637 King J. us’d to call for.. 19 Rete +716 amie—O. J. bie enrt angled—sweet bells j.* ; . 83 Jamie s-King J. men sweet bells. 3.7. can nent 301 883 JEW ELS PACE PAGE apan—madman in J...... 734 |Jest-a mirth-loving j.*....114 ar—frail china j.t........ Sad io. 2s SCOrmtl jn eee ae knee 617 SIO ess 6 aaa 468) fellow of infinite j.*..... 397 Jargon—noisy j. of the FOU Je. ca pb yaa 306 ; schools BP icy tit oi B Aaa sQlory a. anah. e gat og me 462 j. 0’ your schools....... G3)» had HS Jo~ se 2 oj bs ate rae 596 sounding j. of... 5 OS Gb an ULHe: phaletsee ele tek ee ny Baundiced—the j, eyes v.71. 43561) «in: the Joos ns wigs ld age Jaws~j. of death*........ 74| j. and youthful jollityass ga thatabitess +. Lid. kee 535| j«be laughable* ae ee re AI4 Jay— admires CRE Gd > ah: 253)| rf lOSOS ACS OIN oy pe erers 14 BSCE ier ctera att Wcrcis 204| j. unseen, inscrutable*. .535 shrubs the sack as ohio 68} j. which would Obs: tat 618 TV CEEM BUC aif i ee LR Moe nner aie) Ae Cae: Bs Pa age Se 431 Jean-farewell tomy J.....263} mayj. with saints eee 196 nae sorrow-there, J.:.....347| of infinite j.*) .. 2... 44 646 Jealous—a j. love......... 306) 0-7. unseen* sta. fs 306 AF WOMAR GC ss os i 305 yigtne Aga hata: AN 702 che WOMATs 9 prec c 6 anes 395 WiC) CAL ct hy go) saline ined aie 657 BG bO. CHa Gee. iy ates aco 395 |Jester—a teat or oepeyin Wwe 10 DE wWAS telleiaore pots 6 eee abe SOON ae SCOUTED Ms Ishi. ciers anoint 437 qeotthelothert wiate.s 4 ALE Sd RaWGene GEL) whiacy =. cs 414 more joclbhes* fas 4. 743 Jesters -buffoons and j....401 APU CRS IIS otee cin 0s 205)" .jado, of prove*. 2.7. in, 06 Dettenis i Ole ees 4s 228|Jest’s—a j. prosperity*. .. .396 RNG ACVES CAT ec tush < BOGS OF pranks ike bee 360 WVLUM Efe VEGhe sy cialadays.:« Doub hisvjs.abe COarse. ay. osm BGR: Jealousies—j., conjectures*.627 memory for His sane 477 bie pe seldom cures Jessamin roses and j.**...277 PR ER OL Jessamine—and pale j. eK 277 destruct and j.. Phd ec tcat 469 | Jessica—sit, J.4.........4. 513 effect hath j......-.-.- ae Jesu Christ—for MF a sepa 327 in j. there is more...... 96|Jesus—but J. said........ at ats j. dislikes the world toll. 06 CAME tOM]s - traaetese Sects 606 JaIs -alWaAyS DOLiA sr.0.. 390 fOCU Sa Kem orn ~.. .220 At CHUGH GS, tel autres DOO Wee SAlGeunitOn aed cate, eek 500 iS OTUGl AS iia rapa eels 305 Ji Said “wn tOes sites ce een 606 j. is the bellows. ........ 96| just J. instant......... 27 j. lives upon doubt..... ZoGls said -J..unto) him ste. 678 j. of some one’s heir... . 233 Jessy—the world beside J..452 j. thou magnifier is haere 305 |Jeux—la j. de prince....... 404 BEV MONGOL IS pinott, coun rine 305) Jew—a J. CYS: .25....8126 307 NOGA Was i lene kerick. EOYe| Eiahstel Diorecneed baie Seino Oe 307 self-harming j.*........ CHT wed Recingiy- tal Eres ote mS 307 REEVE AGi ota. «rte oe 395| idea Pek of: W) PPM apt, Bia ree 307 tincttyres Of daa indcckea 8 22 Se 15° ENE: Alhowa ms aks t)- aye caer 07 Jealousy’s-j. pecutne Be J. dripping with blood. .317 Chiro ects. nus syerraphetety J. wrong a Christian*. ..616 Jeffersonian—J. simplicity. eA Y therefore J, though*. . .470 Jeffrey—J. completely failed7 SOL Wrote: cst ears elon t 16 Jehovah—J. has triumph’d.307 | Jewel—consistency’s a j.. ..138 J;, Jave. or Lordiz ..). 4. 315|' experience be a j.*..... 138 eR SAld. tO: MOSES. tm a) Cie all Uribe snus Shae eer ee eee oe 613 Ja they AEPOse 5h. Sra ics 465| j. ina Ethiop’s ear*.... 78 Jejuno—non 7. sabbato..... EDR Ta OIG Itt. ot. cape tas 130 Jelly—almost to.j.*¥....... 207] 7. ob their souls* 2. obs 613 epeyanse a allel amine uetera aux §53| j. which no Indian mines139 Jenny—J. causes his...... 275| precious j. in his head*.. 14 MIAERECHITIG Ri ee vi. is foie 405| precious i Otatheinw- 660 Jeotha—|. was jade of. . «..363 ||. such a j.¥ oo qok e. S as 725 Jephthah- J. judge of Teeter SHISi TPIS Weise eee oe 361 Jephtha’ mk when he Jewels-dumb j. often*...3098 SOT Otero) dpistn 8 ee 538| her precious j. : SEEN Ee A 308 Jericho-tarry at J.. Ani gO - Ui sitver mysteries I Jerkin-like a leather j j. * 544 . five-words longT..... 748 Jerome-St. J. tells us..... 573 in the carcanet*...... 308 Jerusalem—I forget thee, O j. Of the mite. com> ge 8 580 oo ee Us Eee OR ee 38|). J. orators of jove,....<).1,.398 Jeshurun-J. waxed fat....265| these are my Jae Ee Seen 115 Jessie—world beside J.. MAGA OAIN Valea fetes sesiee 201 JEWISH 884 JUDEX PAGE PAGE : PAGE ewish-his J. heart*...... 153 | Jove—Continued Joy—Continued pei stubborn J.*....223| J. himself cannot...... 347) “smiles of Foie Loe ee 503 Jews—J. might kiss....... S05} @9k: labs, adie sees 455 || 1SOUTCe ‘OL g25) 27k, SUN 700 J.vone heavy? Joke. .674 SOriLoray, ve... shes ene .315| stern j. which warriors, 74 Jig—dancing a i705 ea: 551 © thow segentin ae ee .499|" (such perfect3, Zia Be, 484 f= tOMMea VT. t.tis ee ete srs| “my king! my /J.7 20: = -19|. Wtakitioi big.) ea, 7a eee 550 you j., you amble*...., FSO) Wenear tO Jc. tate mune ele 404| the bubble j.f...... . 2.300 igging—j. veins of........ 523 | OL Js LOLS yan. eee 273} °the>vernhal j. rap 3e4 663 Jill—J. shall dance........ 160]; #Say- J. langhs® Any Cf 05 45$q' ¢this be” Jia. ee ee 390 JOARV jot ODT ee oe gore throne Ol. Va.ynree ict eens 590| thought and j.4....... 680 Job-good J. of oldf....... 686| when J. doth*......... 396| thought and j........., 706 poor as )itiote «tee Sina OP 585| “when J: gaveus....4... 409} a°tis little j.v 1 £..too, exquisite). 2. ae 339 Journées—perdue de toutes j. of elevated thoughts] . aie j. too exquisite S. eae 3909 LES TAGE ey es Thee 105)“ jooL heavens... 5 sone 580| my plenteous j.*....... 684 Journey—company ina j...128| j. of thy lord......... 9635: “of 3. departed) > oem 656 distant j. through the 4. of youthful-sports| ;!Ps42)) other” J... 7. eel nee SKIES Tis weet re eee 864,44 Or woe-sh ss. ese eee 680) our J. Delowli oe 513 downward j.all........ SO3| “Je TISeS ‘Mane 4h). ete. 309| present j, ares... 287 MGT EAH as s'y ct et es 4| j. shall be in heaven....612} pursues imaginary j....380 Rae 93, “SPOTL sey eee oe £o7,|\~5Athat is felerr ey aes 708} rob us of our 4... oie 115 FACS OM a deka ae ae 571] j. where misery is...... 656] “should watch)... tse 280 Journeymen-some of na- 7uwnose: hahd.' Seer et 875|. (sickly j. fall off). 72aam 21 ture’s j. made men*.~ to} “j.would.soon....)..7 40% 368| “some new j..... 2s. ee 370 Journeys-our first j....... 6671; SLite, J.,Hmpies wo. ess ae storehouse of her j......452 J. ONGINg tis 5 tecris ae 606) +7 ke SsOMe Yo ee eras to: former: j...-> eee 477 Guin j Mendig = aie oe 550| love, hope, and j.f..... oe Jubeo-hoc voles hoc j.,....728 they end 22s bees eos S88) (eno sich 7. Ont. oe ae 451 |Jubet—cum posstt J......6 598 Jove—as J. himself*....... O31 nO tnder aos ewe oes 586|Jubjub—beware the j. bird.535 by great J. designed... .661| nor j. nor love......... 647 | Jucundum-insantre 7. est. 534 by J. the strangerf..... B42). OL GOMEeSHe. Jy uae toe 330|Judas—J. betrayest set .606 even to J. himself...... 448| of imparting j......... 2441. ° Jo kissed his® sous 60¢ front of .¢? eee oe 460| one inch of j........... 413|Judases—three J.*........ 1.156 if J. would buts een oe ee8i) paths Of jseveen o. coe 493 |Judee—wild J. stretches. ..121 } alone enduest....... 4754| save the man! i WS ae Pe | 447|Judea—down in J.tf...... . 583 Pancd, Mare ci vote 24| Silentness'O 5)... eee 520|Judex—bonus 7. damnat... .645 yranih lancie Soiree og 455) silly j. at silly things....414| 7. damnatur cum...... .399 ' JUDGE S85 JUSTICE feo ios : PAGE PAGE Judge—a j. is justt ...... . 57) Judgment—Continued Jupiter— Continued a righteous 7.9. 0.53 0. Pie ge (26h Te ng i ba a a a 66; J. gave the stork..... 4390 an impartial j.......... AOC eesoOinit and, joe ay 422)" J.; hang out.204 2 Jee. :693 BL Uprighs jK aks nik ca A0Gmeusurrender sy. . “foe. bee 260} J. has loaded us...... 108 [Sd Pp EE yn Pa ae 695| suspension of thej...... SAS Ve lseim trttins ee eee 314 akbar that. & Joss. .e cen SOCKET SWAY. Gy Jo oo eae oe 556| overwhelmed by J.. .506 enemy my j.......%... adie CUS.) ITER. s. >. soe ee: 575| posstt F. reprehendere., FG, IT j. people............ MRM OC 48. age chk ee: a ridet amantum F.......455 j. a country DY nataecee ee Pea tito: a feartul jf... ue 12|Jura—and J. answers||..... 660 j. all things justly...... 645|Judgment Book-~leaves ar i an ache Oe J. vis. ..482 j. condemns the crime. .645 Powel th astes Soe eee 745 | Jurisprudence-light of j...416 j.in hisown..... See cae a 400|Judgments-in our very j...720|Jury—j. passing on*...... 400 j.in his own cause...... 40o| j. as our watchest sa ne 720|Jurymen-j. may dinet....400 j. is condemned.......:. BOSE WiicecOuUri. t. foci ak cine: 338|Jus—summum j........... 415 j. not according....... ADs pO ES ATCE oe Se ee 544) Justa j. mati) oss 2 8 254 F-aNOC INS) sais «heel AGO te OU GaVer es leente ok tcenaty coe 5451 > actions of the’ j.t%. 0.4 S 327 Af allo (MINS wae Aa ae. 462] sentinels unto our j.....245] actionsofthej......... 437 Ja COAG IO" Ahn ee os ms Ge TO WOR Oat fs Gcblimas ts ands; v5.05 20h me et 610 J. that pardon’d....... 390/°" with OUr E.T¥. Qo. sea aes SAS was Well aASupase tenth oe ome 280 j.. whose dictate....... SOs |e > WHOSE Ju Aree tes oe. LO as well asi}. tT. : ewes ks 481 Jj. you as you are*...... 480|Judicio—modesto et circum- ashes. of the 7.0) 177.3 437 THUY Madar nie sieanit 3 ah 436 Ago ae ee Ea SRE 108| be j. and fear not*...., 20 Oren Badge od oie ans 460\ Jug —a j..Of wine... 0... . 554| bearing them is j.*..:.. 401 aad j-of the man... 485)" this brown jo. 5 &.. 2% 2s; SSA. Mite the) sat weet ae ele 327 shall not be my j.*..... 223 hs Sets j. & Berlin...... 404)|** dare to be j. to. ....73 401 Sole J, Ol tetnthaee a. caps, 462|Juice-j. in poison-flowers.281}| Godisj............... 316 the indifferent j........ O50 = 1. 11, poisoned Mowers... Sn! "God is jee ui. ee oo eles 401 wary how ye j......... ROTO Mee tASOGteT Fae eo G, Lome pods, ave 7. eS shes? 615 MIE MOUNE fe ks x aa nk « 399] j. meant to feed....... 663/ . good, j. and honest... . .423 Judged-have j. otherwise. ee Wolia=ltos vom ec sh ee AZO RE SNOCE Paige, see rts 540 fpr a ar: Oh Ot <1: ol Ser ee 400 | Julia’s—J. lips do smile. ..-439| in action simply j...... 140 LOGE, WUCTE Jo ore ates ence 287|Juliet-J. is the sun*...... Se mAts CAUSES. For Hyatt Dace. 550 heonly je FINED cscs 402|Juliet’s-dear J. hand*....405| Jj. are the ways**...... 314 hungry j. soonf........ 400|Julius—great J. on....... S48) tmen buts sae 402 f. allrancgedhs iw ganas ates 420\" mightiest J. fell*. 27... Rad eaten DY as 2. e/dere Pe 501 j. and senatesf........ rot|July—-ending in J.l|....... 732\°- loyal j. and pure**, 1%; 460 J. and senatest..... > a 319| second day of J.,1776...384| I made him)j.**........ 202 j. conmissions be...... 400| warmth of its J. tg eet te is memory of the j.97...... 327 J. Must beware... 0... 399|Juments—fitter j. than....630| memory of thej....... 327 j. steal themselves*. ...687|Jump-to j. or Stile ie fork 3 Ae OM, CAE 4s cass fae ee 601 just Tei bi Rea ge Si ae 220|June—April, J., and Sep- "prosperous to be j.ft...540 EA <6 pl See ae 380 ten Detew due: eae. 103| remembrance of the j.. .327 the, b.- ODS ten oi chen. 480| April, J., and Novemberro3| sleep of the j.......... 651 when. J, stealteo cies. i, 399| April, J..and Novemberro4} so good, so j.......... 461 who are j. alike........ AO lr ss TOSS SSS aes ee ea os RES SOO DE Yeccsee es al eens 401 Judging-—in this j. world...480} dayin J.ff............ 166) ..the pure; the fi,’ «fees 465 j. of the future... .,. 288| dayin J. FE eames cet oe 672)" thow srt *j.po. gees: LGR O j. people by appearances 48| .in flowery J........... 328 |Justes—du somnetl des 7... .651 Judgment-—and j. given**..646| J. may be hadff....... 348 | Justice—course of j.*...... 470 better of my J eet ae eee 590| leafy month of J....... 672| crown 0j justice and....480 Dlood And jae et te BeGp: ont Ob Teo dee cera ac 672| even-handed j.*..... Pe 3S'5 ‘sawed sie Rape Ale At Ge OO mON be OL! | seadertad } cots 620] even-handed j.¥....... 615 ETILIC.. 9c p SORE pie: ote atsdecelece Abt le month Of [Owes a. aa se 620} foundations of j........ 400 Seat. BOAT. oo Fearne 483| morning of eStore a0apeGod 5 j.-tatdy: .. ir. 402 PYreeiiny jor woe eae a SOHUMANY Vcras ea ea es 624; humanity, j., equity....418 have 7. here? 22.5785 35 twenty- PATE OL [lane 499| j. and discernment..... 584 His Jf T1pets <2. oes we be June’s—J. bridesman poethiesy j. cannot sleep......... 401 his j. ruled our hands*.. 20|Juniata-the blue J........ = SGlsh 47 CONGUCES ty 4 Mle asters 402 bis 7 sGurid... oak oe ae 757 Junipre—sweet is the j.. a Ty THOGOG «aie ale eeetcles 401 Sriffiseice “OWE iF oie ua 400|Junius—J., Aprilis, Sep- j. of my quarrell Pees ae 137 da, Chitecitlt she og Aono sites 58 COMCE he Stas es tear 103} j.in fair round*........ 664 F.ialls upod. ok. 5 ee 47|Juno—J. ruffles the....... 693| j. is a virtue.......... 401 j- guide his bounty*...309|_ on J. smiles**.......... 125). 03. is blind. 2. Seong % 401 j. thou art fled¥........ 609|Juno’s—J. unrelenting hate716| j. is feasting*.......... 596 met. tha 3: fall ans) as AGwie as OF J-eves*.. oe...’ .276| ji. islameas........... 401 make the better j....... 300| like J. swans*. ....206| “4. is like the. 9. 20. 2 vy. 402 man’s erring j.t........ 593 |Junot—J. a soldier. ---.... 38| 1. is what is...... pte 401 SUCTOG Fac otk seabieiec eyo 283|Jupiter-as J.**.... ....125| i.may wink........... 401 ARIOTES Oly 1 dy cag dien ee hago 5. 308| as J. on*®*. DTT} fe OL 1b. 0 eetiee ste eee 2 420 TESETVE TINY J." « Hanis ie Eh LO eel koe quod cunque vides.314, j. of thestate.......%.. 416 JUSTIFY PAGE Justice—Coniinued J. Tats PONT apres: 3909 fj. shall, De .doneune act. 402 j-shall be donend..i. 6 ° j. the interest of the stronger..... Os Oe hte 482 4. £0 all nencceg ain. bates 182 4. to be\ honoured ..ws,< 257 j. turns the.scale. ........ 578 Fv, Walkces||-25. a weaeiere etait 616 j. while she winks...... 401 Go Wit beeia Vesnie cae 400 daniCe OL 7.25. eee 401 lengthen simple j....... 420 let-4 be, donem yd. alsa 400 let 4. be: done steraecowne én 400 ROVE,OL acti: oe Men rees Ce 401 loveds gteatlys names 402 Of criminal ys+epe. silos 401 OL piety, OWE ton ds ee Gee 423 OL Wil dkgs.c0 suck mes 616 PIUCKS DY see wetness 401 MOCtIC.).EWitht any sath ee 260 poetic jy) wit aera e 401 principles of eternal j...323 RS by eneats a Pirin am See, of, 80 SAVS 1, take Vu o cha ore 420 shall temper so j. with TMETOY hit cenie p< seers i 480 SHOVE ONC Janeeek Melon « 417 strong lance of. j.*....... 51 Sword |i qavcens othe some 401 EATON Jy, Wall eae seh cdr: 510 basic (Olde ak eee ek 401 that j.Wseizes®aaa: + dan. 400 tiivat. Ob sweep ware cc wig 170 then ‘thers sean pte oe 400 thief jadi tate sey wea 106 tO (Seite ec ee eee 101 tO strictest j.+ ich: Bieta GO3 uncompomising as j....583 what 1S jc, cit fetes hen osu 402 when mercy seasons j.*.479 S86 KING PAGE| . PAGE Keel—along her k....... .641 |Kind—Continued on even ki va5 se ie «tke 641! Or hunian® kee ; 533 With uprightik. 2 jo. 641) ork. the same. eo ee ee 238 Keep-—k. our secret....... 634} one wondrous k........ 670 k. what you have...... 336|° only to: Det k*ee 153 k. ever at his side...... 33), . Prey Upon ‘Ins io. 463 they should k.g....... 483| spares his own k....... 463 Keeping—lose by k........ 309 |. Spouse. too ke fo he. 560 Keeps—another k......... 573), -t0at SVervake gen ee 430 Ken-—avert their k........ 318° thinks him Kite soe 422 swims into hisk........ 36a |". to*be” Ki. 6 ace eee 404 Kent-rank’d in K.*,...... 527 |. Was G6 ic, (Spi aoe 630 Kept—a little well k....... 421| "while she's ki 2 i ee 201 A a enie es eek a tm. Kerke-to k. the narre.... Kettle—calls the k. black. .107 ics, Sings: SONRSE et Sones 724 k. to the trumpets*. ...603 let» the Wi? a eae ts: 403 Key-—k. of knowledgeft. ..400 ko I6Veme ce Meee 405 k. which admits usft... 07 k. which Passions move. 78 Own iile sik. tere. ae on 644 this samme ken bree ok Se 654 WibHetiissKe fisrae ute 54 Keys-k. of all the creeds}. 637 kK. Of this, breaste... ss 7s Tnercolden Kite. pee 37 the olden! ky css senae 540 Kiaugh—-his weary k...... 25 Kick=heswill kit 2). ce oe ane L365 he willie ee 135 ko his) heelsink #5..3...4..0 465 k. me down stairs...:.. I95 k. that scarce would....124 kK, the beagtncr: cee.” wea 454 HO Dodies, tO! lcauae ares 416 stab land giz aceene ho. 147 Kill-kill the body........348 licens ¢@ito ks ee were ne 107 may k. with right...... 480 Oty tO. het see Bie ete 48 ; 3 pardoning those that k.*480 where j. reigns........ 423 where j. vindicates..... 33 ls apast pOWED £0: kings. no. 374 Justify—j. the ways**..... STAN eRe Ve Kel Use ce tn me seme 317 justify the ways of**...393| to cramp and k........ 416 must j. the means...... gax\>: tO kK. thevuner cy... wk « 386 Justitia—fiat 7. et pereat. ..400/|Killed—I scotched, not k.||..631 Pat hit. Be aoe A00le ak, With Teponit ie fae 551 pretio venditur j.....,..101|__ some sleeping k.*...... 502 Justitie—jundamenta jj. Killeth—the letter k....... 415 Subs RR REE ou Be 400 |Kills—k. a reasonable crea- Justle—j. in the dark......474 UIC’. aie jae crs oe 95 Justled—j. in the dark..... YAN st Ba TOE SOUNC tee nar o RROD Gore 100 Juvenal—most bucolical J. 44|/Kin-degrees of k......... 324 Juvenes—viderint j........ 647)\,emore than &.F kos 611 WO OGher ie ee 301 K whole world k.*....... 523 . Kind—and dying k...:.... 224 Kalendas—ad K. Grecas..536| andso k.............. 656 Kalends-Greeks had no CLAN (OR ike wee Fer ec 463 Kio, io ie heard oat o lc SS Ole cOnnoen tian kc Serene 610 the. Greek’ Kya iret oaes SSOiln SLOWS DY Kare ot csc 484 Karrner—die K, zu thun...626| he wask.............. 421 Kate-swear me, K.*...... 538| is not therefore k.f..... 383 Katerfelto—K. with his hair337| =k: as kings: .....:..... 404 Koy with bis bait. «ae aa 442| k. hearts are moreyt..... 38 Kathleen—K. Mavourneen.374| less than k.*.......... 611 Keats—K. who was killed||.402} newest k. of ways*..... 537 5 "Sp comet ya) Kindled-k. a mighty con- flagration wT Se 8 Kindleta—little fire k...... 83 Kindred—his k. they...... 509 k. with thy spirit....... 408 jove Ol ko fa eee 454 Kindly—loved sae k....... 86 Kindness—bowels of mercie peers eine I 479 by your kil ya ee 422 deéds ‘of era ee 600 done’ you ‘a ko) ee 326 k. counterfeiting absent IGWew oi ou hee ee 5° milk of human k.*..... 355 think it ictto-. i ee 560 “who. dé. ag am 51 Kine=grass ‘or bk *¥ a oe 123 homeé-bred Ek. oh 636 kithe nor ks 287 eee 611 ‘plough; 0 ee eee 573 King-—a gray-beard k.. 750 ak, pideed. . a) ae ee 417 ak. is miade bee 577 a Toiphity oot eee 445 a’ sick k7. })S\cae iy oa 130 an anointed k.*,.;... 7) 403 and ‘the k’2; 7 hae 220 as*a k*)) De. ee 450 as his: k 720, eee a tae as Sparta sk... oo 354 brightly as’a 13 * 7 ae 130 cotton iss) 2 er 583 daughter of a k.*. 1137 684 deny it.to a‘k.*) eee 650 drank with the k....... 642 every inch a k.*. 667 excellent a io*"" (935ai8 503° for a. kel eee 626 for a'ki2. 2 ee 4€0 govern k. and people... epreatias “ki 3 ee 312 greater than the-k....., 404 have. a ket. ee 1,08 have me k.*.) ee 100 hedge‘ a°k:*¥ .) ee 403 if ak. more wisef...... 57 k. and the beggar*..... 71 kK: cat! make ae ayes .363 ik, do “now. sie eee Bett k. doth wake*.7 =. sae 730 k. drinks to Hamlet*. . .403 k. drinks to Hamlet*. . .693 ki “grew vain 7. vee rh les ‘dead >>.) 2 ae .241 KINGCUPS PAGE King—Continued je Ob hea vet... weet 525 erol Gay... ee eee 675 k. of infinite space*. ...403 k, of-intimate delights. .732 work mabe es. pice 510 Fo OLS poets. |, verse 660 le SO POOR a an ae 461 ~ upon his throne... ... 560 k k. who loves the law...458 mockery k. of snow*... .403 TBOre: Cale Koo. Seo oe 405 RAMS" Of kc ee Noe eee 348 Mathie Ol Le eee eee 667 never k. dropped....... 404 NOt tG, be erika na 543 Opinii y. kc ose ee ante 458 obsequious to their k... 80 Oracetot ack eee poe 403 Our Tishtitl Kin. eer. = 631 pageantry ofak....... 600 reverence the k.f...... 539 Served the Ks. ss site 404 ME COU TOY BOM e visto: © 404 sovereign lord the k.....567 storie as their k.: eke 439 than ever ik. Gids. a. <1. 363 GEM OSG Ronis ee ut Beast ass 287 PMew rst. 1. Nee vk boy oe SW the greatest kos... 403 the kK reigns puta. cc... 404 Nee Sage cone eee ee rite eit 81 HG 3c pl cae a ae area 402 EQuben Vet ios rete saps 204 PUGH OLN, “Kena cere cys 438 mndes which kf. ose 241 Was: K, itl NeAven. oo. 5 318 EtCCH: LHe! Karate a crigai 403 UA Gad S0 A ACR ae ates 404 whatsoever k. shall... .583 wisdom of their k...... 747 MES GOR, GH Vaiss oie otc 491 MELCEPONT Gs ch eer tose. chek. 600 Kingcups—cowslips and k..376 Kingdom-k. be divided. ..649 dee fOr GAWAS GN ce ate tes cle Ae Ob CarOG wir ate e eee kus ae 402 ee WS NOS rte inca ithe ae 6090 TNO awk si yet eee tee = 484 Tavis lav Oe uk © ol ae eer. T POSSESSES A Wai Sau ee 484 prepared for you....... 346 tome 8 E18.) co ioe 484 Kingdom-come-kin’ o’ k.t{745 Kingdom’s-a k. bulwark. .405 lass’d away k.*..5..... 440 Stabes, and, ie. dcceee ive 362 who..tavare Gy... . enc 323 Kingly—k. glare will...... 626 longest c., lines; ows a Bis King Pin-the k.......... 584 Kings—argument of k.....718 art OL ko. de een ee au7 Drea th Of Kew. senceeees 363 Drea thy wk, cust eee tee ete 608 brea ti) irk. deta cisse atone 631 Brea bh Ob oN ae ... 323 scavenger and ki... 2% 608 sonsiwere kexts Gh eb): 470 these miserable k....... 404 MiredioL Kes... rss aohaee 626 to. that fear* oe 403 twist k. and tyrants... .703 two k. of Brentford... .404 wiat have le.tiTel ss ay. 403 when k. are building... .626 wherein k. republics... .664 which k. or laws.....:. 339 Kirch’—die K. allein...... I22 Rit —tor the. ees Ae 588 Kirkconnel-fair K. lee... .328 Kirk-hammer-the auld k..3092 Kiss—1 k. too long........ 600 a LONG KISS Wer tens ew 263 as theyll ©. lee. ean, 575 bound=bDy-avko =n ee 209 climbing for a kl) li 360 Hrst ik. OF LOVE a. eee 406 immortal with a k.:.... ay immortal withak...... 406 iE Ar DOny aM ewe. hae Pen 405 k. but in the cup... ils. 603 k, from my mother... ..553 Kanha d sworn... eae ssc 501 k. high heaven........ 507 Me raTAGS TIPETLIAG woos ch canl-are Meats 742 ie of one girth. e4 Bae 406 k. rhymes to bliss||..... 406 kK, snatch -d hasty. ves: 405 k. the book’s outside. ..530 ae CRE DIACE GOL «eee beak 505 yt TOM ey. to t's cca Se 405 sithesrOd*s".. se seks 2st « 405 KNAVE : PAGE Kiss— Continued x. the rod¥S ise S33 Key WAS, ClVemin s,s ee. 432 icnwill Stay ea, Seen 609 feb. US: Kio air fee 263 ice sDianys. 1:58 ee ae 444 longs long lew. saree 406 may k, a bonny lass... .405 more orthodox k...,.... 88 mountains k. high heav- CRY ice sd teen Skee oneJoug kit... ae me ene. sott, ka Fie Pu) Wore gy 86 princes k. obedience*. . . 539 she kk. these. ins . estar 662 sweetest the) ke) S14 955 508 the envied kiss........ 25 the. envied k.to........ 360 the Grstuki Po ieee... 360 the kindle fey, 3! 263 Uighbslaseavoyotlleyumes gash eee 381 thou) kY not mewn at ee 406 though unfeltak,...... 505 tok them alll ie 406 tyrants seem tok.*,..., 310 Wath ae koe ae. es ee 606 with sirait rouse fa 741 words and Je. i175 uae 471 Kissed—and k. him....... 606 first time he k. me... .. . 406 ‘Jeniiy,.k. ame. Ya, Gare 405 Judas k. his master*. .. 696 Ienasain With pe en ee 606 PAW; LS Rae ae ete gees 285 ke. the rodt. 2-4 Ree 405 we have k. away*....., 449 Kisses—k. and welcome. ..724 k. of an enemy are...., 407 kabalmier-thany sean 406 ic, Dringy acain*n a. eee 05 ic trom:a female” wea 304 k., tears and smiles]... .741 lips whose k. pout]... ..406 melts ike tcl. Aiea 411 play’d at cards fork....154 pluck d aplksiby*s wee 405 remember’d k.f......, 165 share, bisi ice ee ee 25 Sspolenhikia.. cn mcd eee 687 their ownllk; sin?) 25, ohn 405 Witte tote ek 5 wae foe 251 worth a hundred k.f. ...131 Kissin’—k. is the key...... 405 Kissing—k. full sense into. 217 k. goes by favour..... 1405 ieswithy colden*. +.% ssn 500 mace. tO ko Peet Ae eee, ie 495 Kissings—all these k. worth406 Kitchen—around the k. fire735 in. the.k. bredfl.Ji6. 2th. 90 1, SHG. «cee Le ae 142 Kite—although the k.*. ...236 hawikornles. suo ene, 416 Kite’s—a k. dinner........ 345 Kithe—neither beene k. .61L Kittenhbe avk.®! -heiis) cer 577 k. and cry mew*....... 70 Knack-—merry tender k....217 Knave-—a double k........ 364 against: aris eas see 687 888 KNAV ERY PAGE Knave—Continued an atrantik © roe 412 defence against a k.....436 endires'a kat 2 tamara 383 fool and joo ear we eet ee 196 foot ord thatan svete to 533 if ak; ENOWS). wee fn we 634 ik. and tool tantra 284 k. hath:made: a. fries a: 605 TMIGEE J thas, 2a ae 635 tid Of a) Re eas 51503 told me he’s a le, oP aos 64 Knavery-—k. is the best oo TENCE oogth. Sy ee 36 Knaves-—arrant k. all*,. nett at icin placesn (sapere 364 hold k-whrive seine se ae by. kvismade.. io...) 2 call’d them untaught k. igs ce dati iim aoe Wuee eeate 284 ie ‘their power. wwe tae 325 k, their winetin.g.eaue 608 of flattenngska.cet 258 share with Kaew sect 420 which *k, pursue wv. ee 283 Knead-k. two virtuous SOUls|[ is oc ea ee ease qt Knee—cap and k. slaves*..554 prattling on hisk....... 25 Kneeling-take aim k.. falice Vatmidc aa gee cee: Knees—k. beneath a iebletayt climb his k Vaan eke, 25 Knell—k. of parting ws oss k., the shroud. ety A k. that summons*...... 83 Gur lastik ew een eee 407 the sound of.a k....... 84 theizek. 1S Mtn aees: wena 328 Rouelis—k \calleanewe sean 350 ke in, that iwvordacwe 1 27 dc. 11s) Dalek. & eee eae 84 Knew-before I k. thee*. ..128 carry allfheskae : ge oe 56 ka thee butetoua: See 209 qmuch be lk. 2. = siete ees 421 they k.. beforé.. Ai. Sex 582 EHOUCTIE. | pe 4 oncon eum 408 what before they k.t...378 Knife—my k. and fork... .676 to: Poe kN fo eS er oe 417 Knight—a belted k........, 363 ay Delitedslme, He 2 bes 608 anoble kite. et)no cee es 540 astrue) Wek) Se ae cee ae I1l7 kk: of ithe isitire ets ee 286 ownudealdc pss? aa 7II very parfit gentle k.....117 Knights—and carpet k..... 216 and courteous k.... in... 660 Knits—k. me to thy....... 561 k. two human hearts. ..480 4 that kk, up say be aera 650 Knitters—k. in the sun*... 71 Knives—hands before k.. ..338 Knock-k. and it shall... .587 Knock-down-a_ k. argu- MENT cis. See we ae 56 Knocker-tie up the k. fis .578 Knocks-blows and k.....552 PAGE Knoll’d—k. to church*....557 Knolling-k. a departed PEROT Sy eer eae 26 Knot—Gordian k. of it*....551 KROL LOOtstectaate hn eee 404 Knots—true-lover’s k...... 200 Know-ado to k. myself*. .475 all that we ko isfl Monee s 407 ALtMbDUte tO danse see 406 by ignorance we k. not. .378 didn’t k. everythin’}f.. . 583 few sometimes may k.**408 forget what we k....... Ik. everything except}. 407 ital Icom ysel fee ee ace etree A407 Lek= nothing .f5cl otek 407 k. not anything. a....4-. 3690 k. not anything?, 0... 550 kk? the -m0Stl# wa. eee 378 ke thenviayseltte: see 407 ie LL yseld cape eerie Maes 407 ke ve the land; sarcmcse 304 little mortals ko 4... 24% 421 THOTE LL Owe eee eae 408 NO’ tO de tee: Seats 258 Not, to kK Me. Wows cheeresee 706 one] didsnot) Kes na ante 407 OuUrSeLVes tO Wich seine ae. 407 ourselves “to: kik he ate 713 pretend tok ss we. ete 322 SATEULOAK: ot ce” 9, & hecieete 378 Sséek NOt :tockii ow sree 266 Seek "noustG kate 706 SECKINGSLO~ Key wees eels 199 Sofas kh Kel age loys Wales on eee 244 than halt skp sees a 421 thete 3s to Ks. sh ta eeee 433 SEIS: 11 bi, 0O, We, take aaeue eee 408 to_k.; to.esteem.... o. ¢ 555 to-k Sher wast. ©. ccs 200 Rov cee thai Ree ge Wee. 677 Pulcs NEES Slice yk sear 407 to k. that which**....... ake £0. SOY Se line sweat saute 407 £00 tiCh tone, Feast 63 OO TACO tO Vea 408 Rife) bigest: ada vi ntez Ay oa es Geen 407 Knowe-can himselven k.,407 ON she kon chuvad ae bee ec 520 Knowest-—for thou k.**... .313 A. THOU Loe. mene apes 304 Tesse tiady, bol te tee eres 403 Knoweth—what he k...... 407 Knowing-—not worth the ike 422 who k. nothing knows}. 530 Knowledge—all our k. ist. .407 PULLOUT KAS hing grt de eps tence he 713 ANG all eh tae were os hesao I12 pepinining Ol Kove win bust 273 pool otek ea aces ede 02 comes to our k, for..... 537 desire of k. in excess.... 32 desire Onde ut se care slane 112 diffused k. immortalizes4o8 he that increaseth k....378 innocent of the k.*..... a dep OL eth. aco Bbw as a's k. advances by steps. 383 je and Winber.< wens os. : .409 PAGE ~ Knowledge— Continued : k, and wisdom for...... 408 ko (butienievinig Sse 142 k. comes, but wisdom ..408 k., fame lor peltin -. oe .-042 k. in the making**,.._ $545 ii $C eee « -407 KAS aS LOO <6 ne tae ees 408 le: is MOre, Ghai. ne ee 406 k, is now no moref..... 409 ke 1S Tow, a }e, cee eee 421 ki is proud that. 2. . 2.5 133 - itself is power... ..... 406 k,-0f goo Wands = ee 594 k. of good bought* . 243 k. of his destiny....... 706 k. of itself i IS et oa ae 407 k, of matt is ase. oe eee 407 i, OL tiyseli*, =. oe eee 407 k. shall be increased. .. . 606 ky the winet. 7% See 377 k. to their eyes..... .378 ic. to. then byes so ose 408 k. under difficulties... .408 let ‘lc STowTt.- oa ee 400 literature voi ice. eee 439 little k. is dangerous. ...421 lové and lot aS See 347 fiian OL kt ee eee 406 man without ic.) aes 304 must adorn koe 465 must carry ke eee 607 no man's k* heres. oe 244 fot’ less thantic Saas 198 out-topping kn ue ae 630 price or key) oy ee 501 DUrsint ‘of te ee 190 = sorrow’ isk 7\ 70 pe eee 378 spouseless virgin, K. il. 2 ae Step. TONG Sah a. eee 408 sweetly uttered ki. 10 580 since k: is but. 378 the: human k.. #2 7S 571 the’ price for". eee 13 this “18k... 407 timorous k. stands . 283 too much’ k.t: 152 een 462 tree of ike. e2 oe eee 105 tree Of ke: . 22. ee 409 tree-ot i. is||> 2 (eee 378 when half our k.f...... 408 where k. leads........, 78 woman’s happiest k.#*. ot 4 Known~as good not kk, By k. by alls 4.25 ee 407 little to’ be k.. 02) Se 408 to be forever’k. 7.4. 61 Knows-he half k. every- adie re 4090 he k. about it. . oe 602 just k.-and:.) 7 eee 47 k. himself to be*¥.2 7.23 408 kno’ more. 2... ee eee 408 k. the universe...) 425 £07 that he k. no moret... .378 that ko nothing 2 eee 460 ‘who’ kK, mOsSk.a. es eee 199 who k. save heavenf...512 Knuckle-end-k. 5 Eng- land Z KOLN PAGE Kéln-in K., a town....... 651 Kommt-spdt k. thr....... 413 Kénig—der wahre K....... 82 Koénige—wenn die K. bau’n.626 Kosciusko~as K. fell. .....203 i Labor—and 1. hard**, , ifbaalMeabess Me crushed and starving 1. ‘ee days of 1.§ difficulty and 1. hard**, oe ee OVELY: LeSpedu wastes <4 a2 360 hunger alter: oor. a. si 25 important l. of man. 24 1. and tediousness...... 09 1. conquers all things. ..4009 1 1Sethe: Seed: Of oo ee te sc,» 385 1. of the savages....... 374 l. omnta vinctt......... 400 1. wide as the earth..... 410 P With Whats. in en. 382 TORE HOM Se rte he oc A ry: Bie de Det aelte snc ea All lame l, et mora......... 409 FIED WAVER aa ie iu onches es oleae 59 Baty Wasa. oh ec etAs 86 their Chee Ieand=. 427 0 oa tad ba inate pees So comm a 9 409 to pared Se ee 374 WOPKSTOL 1. Ore Sets. agen. 387 Laborando-—orando ... -409 Laborare-—l. est orare...... 409 Laborat—qut orat et I...... 409 Laboratories—epitome of Abba 53% Ae ate 742 Laborem—altertus spectare POTS ee Rs al ies perc 490 Laborin’—1. man an’ff....410 Laboring—your l. peoplel|. .282 Laborious-—l. indeed at**. .571 lave} Gayest tar. oan ss 258 Laboris—von plenal....... 400 Labour—and |. hard**..... 597 WYRNIS 1 SOUS > 4 orcas he pecs 84 Dyi/and intente* oc. 380 ease and alternate l.....404 GT e) A oh ed eal an gen 510 Ror Pete IGS lows ok ase. ie 2s TMOMESH UDEATS 2.5 o0 a, 06.5' 409 REAR BGC e Ores neo eiie =< cand 300 BTISGHEETEUL ins so. get 493 1. and are heavy laden. .613 Tan test toate... cece +540 1. for their travaile..... 410 Ts, bis business i, a kee I40 ft: in this country 18. 4)... 410 b. itself is but as ee 410 fh itself. 235) Sect a ecco 750 1. we delight in? 40.5.) 410 1, we delight in*i=.. 2." 750 sand .tG) ee eae 410 fearn: to, @ady. sere 4II many still — daiate cots 410 mniginty: ln GNSS ct. cuseae 340 my 1. for ae Pavel: as the 1. done ‘ their 1. for their pains... ave, & © 6.4 & 22 9 S70 889 Labour—C, ontinued PO ELS tty eae at 410 ROIS) CHC dOt em rar g.lsrs 409 Labourer—a true 1.*....... 140 Labours—children sweeten SOR Sh ae See meh 1. of the lengthen’dt....507 our fruitless 1. mourn...258 Sorecdii Da tlc oh ents. 650 haceont Lid section cethe 683 thee mountainal.- 4.2. 623 1. spend their time..... 470 1. whose bright**,..... 247 On AMOR e: VSISt ane 438 of 1. intellectuall]....... 740 Lads—gallants, 1., boys*. . .488 Lady-—a gentle 1. Sore ee 343 comes the 1.*.7 2. 3 oS. . 744 every |. would bef...... 736 every 1. would bef...... 457 faire 1. ne’er could..... 145 As ptnGul atte s sess» oe 538 A iTEENe MICAS «ae wicehae 251 totthe merell). oie. 3... 623 TSO FIctiyieladh, ses se 79 PMEWROLU Se cle tect opie nee: 570 iene bhint. Cally...2.5..hie: 79 EtG Gale tntuc ya ane tates 727 SST CoO 1 a a 570 lovely 1. garmented.... 79 my l. sweet arise*...... 412 sweet l. mine.......... 546 Purists the |. from fs +. 443 EIEUMELAOOSY coscie fens 526 phys tay Witets. «re. t AA LAND PAGE Lady— Continued weep no more,l........ 442 weep no more, l........ 557 Lady’s—a 1. chamber*..... 563 Le inathetcases en ae 736 Il} which is nice*. 5. 6 475 my lychamber*se ee 03 Lady-smocks-—l, all silver- White...) ee ote ee 153 Leseris—odisse quem 1.....2890 Leserunt—quos |. et oderunt280 Lagoon-of the 1.§......... 700 Lags-superfluous 1. the vet- Clan eS Peo eee ee 22 Lake-—a stormy 1......... 471 bosom of.the l:j--. es. . 437 bosomsiversii] =... 678 desert andsthest: .t ove 522 reali eyb bre ab hoi i, Mey eA uaeya Me Ae 351 LeGhatetor thes ... ee 413 1. the best reserv’dtf.....737 nol) Or first. 4.12 ae 636 nor yetwthe Lee. eee 537 Stick’ to His Ios ee 642 stick to his...) =e 604 that, comes ly 5 eee 573 that 1. ne, Petia s 536 that wall. 558 though 1] not... ase 413. were thy lo7. sk eee 420 Lasts—l. ever past........ 82 Latch—hand was at the 1... 727 the clinking 177) eee 302 Late—better 1. than never. .413 comes t06_]'*?) eee 506 done to0‘l). -% 23 ae 547 Tépent tool... noe 467 you come). o.oo ..0 nee 413 Latin—and LL. speaks... 2a 4Il come in FS eee rane i is Ly, TiamMess.. . «ace 630 © lash’ d into Lo... 9 ATS L, ‘names for. eee 630 Saturn inl, Si.ce eee 547 small L.and Jessy ee 411 soft bastatd Ll... 2. we. 304 that LD. was. pee Ae Latrat—vehementius I. quam mordet . é: aa eee 148 Latter—our 1. stages ie 23 Latyn—no word but L.....564 Laudable-in 1. things. sie, of SO Laudant-tacent satis 1... ...586 LAUDARI PAGE| Laudari-—/, a laudato viro.. . 586 Laudator-~l, ‘temports actt. .557 Laudum-—/, gue immesna.. .560 Laugh~and if Il... ci. 415 amgels (1) toG ai. scsteues 114 because to Liisyi% capes 413 despise 1. weep]]........ 463 Mo we Motel” ay ¢ ok hr 3907 EGO Wald dur 4 2 disks Aon cee 413 Heraclitus would not l... 61 Wad AA aa) 8. be oes 283 Fes dread 1]. Fees 617 Aer Vesa ee artis Paes 284 landlord ?s 1 was.;.. ons: 415 Wand De tat son tk ce ond 414 Brand bertatad = 6 c\.ieevacdic 414 Leetid the world... s)seasnce 415 acinose that... ane. 490 1. at your friendst...... 414 Hike: PArrots* ex)... éshosis 414 1. not too;mMUuCchses.. . 2 397 t not tOOumMUuCH ae aks. 414 ie were wanbi cea. ah od: 414 Tewilheutcthes-1.. 26 acc. A413 loud 1. that spoke. ..... 235 man who cannot l...... 415 Most muet lea Js) cbc: 283 never heard to l........ 414 they |. that win*....... 414 Tine £O lle . oteg. pees he Io ee Rett fork rhe data 413 try to make myself l....415 we must 1. before....... 414 who but must 1. aa Lee Noe 13 why do you l.. 413 WADI Ta IG Se i Ae Pokal bar 629 ~ Laughable—jest be 1.*..... 414 what they thinkl....... 415 Laugh’d-I 1. and danced. .758 PRES seh ee Seto 549 OUEMAS NOt las... 8. na eoeecs 165 they l. consumedly..... 414 Laugher-the 1. weep*..... 219 Laughing—having men- Hone LS 294-8200 oh: 414 iilike:a bovin grays ce rig ae Bara TRE ho nha Ved UNE, Sep 488 ney Ma beer van steco.c ache 413 Laughs-he who 1. too muchg15 Jove bit: iat es ce. 455 oo. ore, te ee 455 . and light echoes. ..... 409 Pare hearty): cits. 371 Lin: the teeth War ee. 550 SAY. JOVE MLS arias, fice 455 that toves and: Leos er 414 when the jester ]........414 Laughter—her lovely l.....240 house! oF La ee aes 414 1; althost-evers-5 ase: 413 brand tears ares. 4,< .5. 415 1) hath’ only ee A413 1. holding both his**....414 1. holdines othe. en 488 Mota fooleo. a. cee 413 1. shakes the skies...... 413 Ts under a WIZATUl a aie 348 Toud as isttue = oe oe cee. a lovely 1. leaps. midriff of eats with 1. eae 5 89] PAGE Laughter— Continued qirth and 1, letha.cue. 488 Taib yelalig-s eye bp el Pan meee eee Oe 730 MUCH Hes dit, d. 4 yn, Shey 415 our sincerest li; ..,.... 9%. 575 Peas Orla: skaat wets yc 284 restrain+yourn lista. 413 Shake) wath 124 ny) oe ents 274 TONGS, tO], ..0 ee Re ee a 4 Laughters-—l. for all times. . Laura-—grave where L.....327 Laurea-—concedat 1. lingue.551 Laureate-—his 1. pension||. . .566 Laurel—Apollo’s 1. bough. .255 BrOVES are.Ofl.. sce 102 304 l. greener fromf........ 750 ever STOWS 4.54. 4..5. 386 Ll. of the warrior... . 3... 551 Lawrell—a 1. crowne....... 660 1, need of mightie....... 607 ep blag sceptres, what are the L.|........ 626 Laurence—at L. cell¥*...... 494 Laurie~all sang “Annie ar ne st name Baer e 72 Lava-the 1. floodll........ 450 Lavender—hot 1. mints*....276 Law-—adversaries do in 1.*.. 419 Blt etl Asertie Shy teirvan aocie 4190 Beastie, Ib chee, tn chet 3 158 bidding the law*....... 419 bloody book of FFs os ia 417 break Diana’s 1... 544 buys out the 1.*. 417 delivered from the 1. errs do in 1.* Sy 215 extreme l., extreme. . AIS father antic the 1.*.....416 fear no l.. 417 first gave to the 1. ..418 fix’d the 1.. .503 Sagres violation of the Me 335 for 1. we have. . 418 oe uncertain ty of Lanteh hae ee SN ae eeey, Tos God is Lt.. “Ae dace ALO God is thy ee oli 375 Godlisithy die*a ab. 726 GOES LO: THE lke rss rs ga aA S hathiresisted 1.7 4. 5.06. A417 Heaven's frstilsiac. se. S52 higher 1. than. Pees ar O ignorance of the 1... 410 im Laval (eae vied as. 419 Tet bHiShs. hoe ieee SUA Peck. 417 keep vi Po Beek «sek 419 Reepsee ne eG et cp. 654 Rept vie ES neces ee chs 415 LOVIN eet, 6: ccs ¥ oecatte 456 ITO WS TNO! Li Ashe. otexs aes 525 Peat TEASON™ 2c. occ, eh bane 548 Pecan. do no rgonte. yaa. 417 1, hath not: been*....... 419 Iisa SOLrG- OF? den tacud sucka 420 ilacets wl UN 306 Waa anne ae Ee 416 i 1S NOtHINe DUt.< - sire z 416 I is the last result......,... 416 1. it has honored....... 418 LAWS 3 PAGE Law—Continued trofGod (067 fant pa 590 1. of heaven andj|,...... 418 1 otthe Medeciin a, uae 415 pl that Dl escuela 583 iwhat pleat, Sas eae 490 tL which moulds: 14.40% 419 1. which moves his...... 449 Ete ot 10, . eer rae 123 quillets of the 1.*....... 417 Religion, Liberty and L. 34 Religion, Liberty and L.528 rigorous |. is often. ..... 415 Bale therd.5 8 itd ial ste 418 malede by cd. eestinsat demas 418 scarecrow of the 1.*..... 417 science of our ].t....... 418 seven hours to lio... 165 SOVErelgn lia a eres 667 table Ol: hisi Fe pameesis, 510 Sha tis lesan tea onete 2 416 thewbritichal 95s eee 648 ther nelish: tol mews ae 648 theshiohestiiy..49 nee 322 tists ther: ieee ce tee ere 430 to: himself ish hts, oe 417 tol. systemandf....... 4190 LOUS OT IM Nae varie 420 SOUS OLIN. 1) acing as 420 truant inthe 1) So aw: 417 trumpets under the 1.§.. 84 LNchancea bleslisy toed oe 500 inderstandia, 1-* 74s a 404 unwritten 1.. 416 victory and 1. q. widen Shera 211 wirtuetot the l* wet 2 xs 572 gical is Coe Reus eee oe Oe a 314 IAS T= Ni Lee ee ame ees ag 4X7, where). iends.h.s.b.0044 18 windy side of the 1.*... ae Lawe-hap no 1.......4... 52 Lawes—love knoweth no 1..4 56 knoweth no af oivitiws '388 Lawful-—end is ae Re ee ee. i 1s) ke CRevTe tei claca he waics 626 Tete Dele a. 7 canst Ard 417 When they, [oy 2 cages 508 Law-maker-—notion of al., Lawn-saint in 1 Lawns-l. or level downs**, 519 WOOdS and: LW .a.ta. mars 520 Laws-—actions to the l... ...320 asior [hy lai sm fo. ae bad or obnoxious 1...,.. be) 892 LAWYER PAGE Laws—Continued by. gen'zal die os re LOT contine -theds. 77.622 o. 562 curse on alll. butf...... 456 devise: 1. forint fe, 417 execution of thel....... 322 facts and the 1 400 for thy Aira rena ot 636 give usnew leis. se ok 417 golden and sanguine 1... 225 her-sober 1,74 e a ee 686 interpreter of 1......... 158 kings ord voanwer see eer 339 1. are like cobwebs...... 416 1. are like cobwebs...... 416 Pare fvailticwweoe week 417 confine hiss fee ete. 562 STA VecStUdyat ee tee 165 ly prind.the: poor’ ss. oo: 418 1 of amempires ts .4. nie 535 ior matures .see cae ee 384 1? sleepll.:ack eect oe 616 Ib Avere: Giventic: fo ozs on 501 1. were like cobwebs... .416 liberty, and-L iS. eke 504 little senate Pia .0 Sik 255 nature's) lL lay hidf=®.?-; 528 no: Lunsawelees cee ose 417 open tothe | Pser. oe 417 our established 1........401 the ladelay tit tee ace 671 thie. same: lien BO eC ae 418 thei sainesh |. skeet ae 418 these l. are brought.....418 to: ecernali "a fee ee 424 to,execute lcci.) pes 543 torture Ot. see ee 390 11Se Of Pood Ly, Se eee = oe yerant themselves God’s iy 0e RUA ae eee 4 Lawyer-crafty'1): [0.2 196 l. is a gentleman....... 420 of an unfeele ees te 223 nord many thing sw ed: 536 tet. es See 223 shewmgiay- to She re 310 wel;by-doingife. . 420 Pwiile Tele seen gegen eee 17 Learned—all 1. and all..... 208 best become 1:......... 08 Hasil-sso mutes oes 408 trast: thoustioteltess. |. as 482 have lncthing shoe. 536 are pind i Sacer 604 PAGE| LEAVES PAGE Learned—Continued l. by being singular.....484 1, from examples....... 356 i man-hasdt Ser ee 407 1,-without sense? 6.47.20 422 less\is 1 there 8, yee 621 loads of 1. lumberf... the 1. reflectt things Jontearth: * thy very 1. women Learneler—pass for 1... le vtasky> Sf eee 422 . 405 Learning—a’ tke 1. I desire. 523 8 by false 1. ist Rast E ay, 40 enough “ofl; eae ee 607 fraught with all io.) oe 102 it isnot lie ee ee 465 kind.of dwhich.. > rer 385 knight of le es oe 422 L-by:- study must’ 2 ee 670 1, doth make thee...... 420. 1;-hath-gained 2. 724 08 is is ‘butianh® eee eee 420 1. itself received........ 408 }-onee andes eee 607 1. teacheth more....... 243 i wilh betcast.anitor. ae oe 40r I wiser STOW Fee. 2 hee 345 1iwiser STOW... sc. oe vee 422 amrefin’’ de eee 422 1. without inoue A ae 421 little lvisi aa) ee 421 love he bore tol........ 42t love he bore te Li. aaa 630 loverof 1.$..32 266s ee 909 men of polite... oe 420 much 1. shows how..... 421 of polite deat 2. eee 305 palace of Tm Icke fare 385 pride:of ac. ae 503 proud ofthis Li ae 552 proud of his Lj. 2). 604 scrapsvot Le eee 607 study -of 1? 2a ee 61 seem to inhale 1l........ 07 their 1. and wisdom..... O7 this’) -what*®si een 421 too! much 125 32 ea cee 420 whence is thy ].... - Aes whence is:thy 1)... oe 660 would be lstil, Agee 422 Leas:—choose the 1........ 118 last -notid*. See 413 last tot dt... 2 eee re last ‘not ly). 7) te eee Leather—but 1. or prune oe like a 1, jerkin*....... 544 Leave—all tol........ 1 460 most wel, behind...) 2. a Leaven-earth’s bitter 14. .48° Leaves—are like ].f........748 autumn 1. lie dead...... 68 blank 1. between,......- 437 1. and covers’o£.... oe eau Tat the tirstil 2 see He 205 1, have their time.......175 1. in wintry weather.... 28 i of the forestl]...... ee on a thick tree.......50% 7 t . F fF . | ¥ 4 LEAVING Leaves—Continued like 1. on treesf........ like withered 1......... 58r ot t; ead; . sachiaeees 68 russet l. obstruct....... 68 Toe. dead... . ocd ode eh 33 Mathie WAY sot oki ci ae 240 Lee—John L. is dead...... 168 moorland andl.........412 Leech-like-—l. to their faint- IN 5 ss aio cae upie o> ahs 225 Leesing—more in l.........444 Left—go to thel........... 618 goats upon the 1. hand**.549 locks which arel....... 22 on my). hand 7 Ace. sf 544 Piatt itn hee nots f8 ges ae 220 What. We doses. Bers aNs 220 witatuwe, Li's + lara 300 Leg—a decreasing 1.*...... 18 one las it. Fs eager 406 Upon ORE], der ane: Hae te 2 Legacy=a rich LL. caesh va) 326 HOW ISe ; eke Pane cat 362 Lege—consuetudo pro l. ser- DBEBS vice 5G eS ore es 158 Legend-—city’s ancient l.f. .661 fabless the less .ie ws sae 313 Legends-—fables in the 1... .485 Legible—makes them 1.....540 Legion-l. ’s his name 286 Legions—his 1. angel forms**187 Proakoriary Lareera. a sat 563 Te Thee stot & eu dee ele wk Pe 322 Legislator—dawdled into a l.102 Legs-and making l........599 its hind i ce eee 390 straight Lt odie. 5.0K 370 Legum-—l. interpres ctn- Rueido 1 Meee ee 158 Leicester—came to L.*..... 176 Leighton—Archbishop L. us60. cs bets Sea kee 2 388 Leisten—wird wenig l...... 355 Leisure—at 1. parfitly...... 341 hope long. 1 Tass aoa ast 470 k answers7l* {i seas 341 meanitic-of lo 4 Gar maer. 386 never less 'atL..; f2. 3t8; 27 mo blessed lt Seat ee 410 of business ls anes 562 pepernttiat lac. cee abt 467 to wediateh.*. . oese.iht 467 893 eo PAGE Leite—verein und ].........706 Leke—not worthal........510 Lekes—and eekl.......... 564 Leman—how thy 1. does. ..526 Lemonade-eyes and 1.....347 Lemon-trees—l. bloom.....394 Lend-I’lll. yousomething. 1 1. less than* ate Rate or 493 1, me the money*....... 18 6a teachasidis: ss. eee 55 What youl kiemmwsnte. 422 will not. thee®..-) sneer 553 wilt 1. this money*..... 422 Lender-or al. be*........ 99 servant of theds. acutave 09 Lendeth-1. unto the Lord. .572 Lends-l. out money*...... 342 Lengths—l. unknown before483 Lenient—become very l... .703 Lenity—respective 1.*...... 42 Lent—Joveis Pini ean 572 Lente—jestena 1........... 341 Lentement—hatez-vous I....341 Lentos-—exctto l........... 83 Leopard-1, his spots...... 52 5 Leperous-the 1. distilment*511 Leporum—medto de fontel. .575 Leprosy—the hoar 1.*...... 496 Lere-science that menl.... 19 PATTIE AE Od tees gue ahs Pa elas 217 Lerne—gladly wolde he l.. .420 Lesbia-faults my L....... 335 by letewsshivies 2.8) ee 44 Less—and beautifully 1... ..182 and beautifully l....... < better the more thanl.§. 6 know the 1 1, said the better....... the dittledk. mess 0 ssc) 5.25 6909 Lesson—an old l.||......... 745 child’s first I) bes. 2). ..2 539 doth 1. happier men||.... dzto, the headin ants 422 Itorthy heant§cae satan 526 most drhicult ts. 5 aon . 4 407 Lessons—of two such l.||. ...423 Let-l) for life or.) .a. 2658 345 Isussalonet ais cites en 4II etl. alone: =. smh a: 345 to be 1. unfurnished... ..308 to. bes: alone! Sos weerss- 384 Lethe—in L. steep*....... 201 ii 7. SELECT Ceo es 261 bb: the river of 3%. .67% 540 Lethe’s—’tis L. gloom 3 Letter—bondage to the 1... .416 by l. and affection®..... 653 made this 1. longer..... 423 EUS ONS, Le ietane sss ert 405 merlooked theless ee! @idness, of the ls. vue ene 415 therbitter | ssn wan uc 417 fhe icilleth ss. 533 et 415 mrite toe los. bow awe 307 Lettered—than |. ease...... 67 Letters—first taught 1.f....423 CER Ce OCHICWss cl seh eM 553 intercourse of l......... 590 KE Cadmus gavelliss2.ace: 162 hi Cadmus gavell. fo). (s.m 423 LIBERTY PAGE Letters—Continued man of thrcel. Seer aren 746 men of Lwiay wat Pees. 602 BO. Los ee es IIt pause awhile from l..... 66 Levait—2] ne 1. deban...... 202 Levee-the throng’dl...... 274 Level—to 1. down......... 182 Levell’d—are 1|., death con- founds.5 52 ae 503 Leveller—l. of mankind... .445 Levellers—your 1. wish.....182 Lever—mind is the great 1... 486 Leviathan—draw out l...... 43 Lex—popult suprema l,....322 Lexicography-lost in 1. as..747 Lexicon-l. of youth....... 250 Lexington—Concord and L..526 Liar-every man’sal...... 416 from a: Leh yee 426 1. is always lavish.:.... 539 i Of the first) wis sees 426 1. ought to have........ 425 notertousel: =. . A a ee II £0 Pe a. Tek a See 425 Liars-l. are always....... 539 Libel—convey al.in....... 629 Liberis—pro l. pro aris..... 359 Libero—sine cerere et l...... 451 Libertas—/. et natale solum..574 Libertate—placidam sub quietam HO, e © Oe os ee © Sub 1. Pacent.) Awate tetas 703 Libertatem—quam stulti I.. .423 Liberté—l’arbre de lal...... 425 Liberticide—which 1. and DLEW 2 Seen 225 Libertie—delight with 1.....510 Liberties—l. of his country. .630 never give up theirl.....424 Libertine—a charter’d 1. is- Stilt ar te ate 551 and recklessuli* vs sue 590 Liberty—author of 1........316 bread ‘and: lites 141 cradle of American 1... .303 crust of bread and 1.t...424 enjoy sue: lt tice eae 595 fatal ‘to. l Seems tees SSL give up essential 1 424 God grants lit Ssrserttan A24 God hath givenl....... 424 hard 1. before**........ 423 heart that loves l....... 425 hour of vrituousl....... 131 in dungeons 4:|}. J.:. eae 505 Wumontale)... ese). c AeA innocence myl......... 50: is' lawtul 15a ok. cies 20: jealous of his 18 taoks oh 55! land. of. Lin. te eaten ae 34 large 1: of othersuaneut. © 2 large |. of others....... 107 let 1. make use of¥...... 595 libation - draws seas: 425 land Jaw... wiain! 426 inaslow.as Oursie ore. 22 1. beneath the church- VAL. \ arate A eiene, Vk 426 lwcitcumstantialts. 4. 55 Le Garect™.; stliee we. See te 231 le down ia greekt, eee. ote eh 601 i.is. the handle... 8... 427 il. may..do thee™. Maine + 426 1. mayekeepitien sates 517 l. never lives to........ 425 lawiich isinzitias obese 427 love. thet, Serre ae 702 magnanimous l... i ettaas thax ture of ak Bt eo 427 no1..that-many men. Jit nol. that many men... .180 odious damned 1.*...... 426 oft tellinstacdk: 210, erie 426 tell whered 1.f.s) 2.0 540 tells\ asltas Soa eset 180 to. 1. abroad arr wie, Tee: I9l SE, NOUMEOUTEL Cee. 426 Wiha tS cialis entertain aoe 427 wOrld.svhenlen. Sete ee 425 youl: under ata. ee 427 you l. under a mistake. .426 Lied—-he 1. withl]|.......... 566 Lies—brew’d with l........ 427 confusion and l.........188 fill of forged... 33.094 ae hereche Lawes ee if a clergyman he 1.||... es I dowi-tO. ch aie fees ae 432 DP liketrathil,.o.tade eee 357 1..to hidesrty aes Aly 170 ik Gowhide.tt Sleek tee ote 426 i upon thisisides, 71.8% 427 no man who does not believe many 1...... 2 rest-1s1.c. sy ebaebcete ok 504 these 1. are like®.. 0.451 ae where irare... . coe. 7 52 Liest—-thou 1. in thy throat. saat Lieb-wenn ich dich 1 Liebe—die L. vermindert. ..456 Life—a blameless l.f....... 626 a blameless here th vier « 620 a Chatmedid. ©. mk mek fe oe 231 advantageous to 1.*....428 all (Covet uss eee ae 430 an action-ofel.. 4'0t Ale 460 AS LOG. sa wa chaste Stee 428 aS. light, arGelig sien srne ees 446 bankrupt of 1.......... 386 beauty in his 1.*, ..420 been alice cn toe eae 728 beliei and: Lance. 655 between 1. and death...196 bitterhesstimidss fara 546 bivouac oL.l.§2.5 ese 354 blandishments of l...... 671 blest .one’selvee aceon.) 00 7 blight of liisek-m one k 680 PAGE Life—Continued both 1. and sense*¥*,... 238 business of yourl....... 457 but:his hs, 23 4s eee 255 careless of the single 1.*. a8 cleat. fords .42 eee ee completer l. of one:.... $18 consume my l.]|....... ‘174 ‘count l.just. ee ee 433 death in 1s ae 558 death, 1., and sleepJ.... 86 deem not Lita Oe Rave 432 depths of Ih. cbse oe ee 433 doctrine and whose l...124 dost thou love 1........ 432 dreps.of 1.4777, 30 see 370 each dayal.. 651 each day’ sl. +o . 650 each man sie... at ae 548 earn. l..and. + 342 see 493 end of 1.42: fe.48 ee 368 end.of 1.7447, wah eee ee 4Il end..Of hissy, me pee 490 essence of ]. is......... 707 evén .... .: 457 ere TOS THE en. ba etalon 302 i hesquarid oss a <6 123 dHOVECS LIKE) Coc eda 432 iehow- pleasant. o2./....5.: 758 MO TNCCMGE TS cg ee es cit 150 1 is avbubble, is ee 427 1, is a fatal complaint. . .429 1, isa fragment........ 432 leista jesbea cise tac ok eck 431 USiG AV NREMCMOre ca aets ace. 430 1. is a kind of sleep...... 430 ABs tiie FAW Pe} oan 173 1. ’s a short summer 165 TRIS RWAGIALE... aritspapaee 428 JES MEWASTEYOL -cle is recet dc 576 1. ’s an incurable disease.429 1 is as:tedious as*..>..... 420 PE ISICLCEL Mad cus cae sa 174 DiS Driet saree ates oe a 58 Dis bitia cath... ous 420 4 is butis-d sive ce, 427 ].’s but a means........ 222 l.is but a pilgrimage... .420 Pisibut'aispan.t no 7. <> 427 PP iSsBixt a SPAD. » wie tots meee 503 RESKDILE Aion ee acre 432 is ended eo ke ches 364 l. is everywhere........ 431 Visin. decrease... «+b: 431 Peis TERPS TI Gls sissies + I51 NAG Aid OER cons cs ane nhs) ae 504 M24 LOO woke ate ea 220 NSIS THOTCA!'s + pica) etses 545 Teas TAY ETOCS coke sais arts 600 S95 excel Life— Continued l. is not dated merely by VENTE Bae rere a, Aan 9 WelsWOulOSt. outs boss 257 l, is not measured...... 433 imismmotmnere 1) Ob ea. < 343 Lis not so’short.... 2... 147 PeisinoOtetoubetn 2 make 700 LAS Chianti Reta i age A ye 211 leg Sciateye EA Ma alt ven 8 Al 432 l. is run his compass*.. .429 BOE est eran ey esc 58 PISESH OTS oe ake se Cesare 279 etersrrort, LOL tes ie axe 427 PVISISWEELT Tors, Grmen vol cake 550 PPI OSGELO LIN Ui We eens 232 IPASEGCOGSUOTG st aectve Get: 260 PHESTtOO SMUT Eye 4. forte ates 428 fASiLOO Shops torn. fae 428 TL aSttwolold|(s t.mey oe 201 PRIS) Wert ee Soe alee teers c aren 428 ak Gyawsr pile. ae 567 Wletuis @herisht.setus s.2 304 PROiia tae acne gs, Tok PPO MIOTAIS Mat oe ie: 522 AMOLICATONS Ole saa) Se 184 ior ha tice oe eee 84 i OLcteatiniSuD {ipeies x ate 166 inotinanvessmrs .. es 427 ih of pleasurét rt. 5690 1. o’ the building*...... 510 1) on any chance*:...... Es lyon any chance*.~.....; 184 1, on the ocean wave... .543 protracted is... ... a... 22 ieprotracted is. an. as 431 Uechcmty SRW sec te ee 58 Pathatileadsp eee 612 1, that lies before....... 613 1 thatane ersballs' so) 234 itistaticcheat in 7 se 420 PEO ICOMIG Ste, Weare ene se 20 Me EONCOUNG Pace sera cee 368 WetCOrCOmelon te ac cca: 657 (eupom a tNTOWs.. ic ae 210 ee WalsiDeaUby ast uss ae es 546 was gentle® yas fo 461 URWEesplaiser ono sara «3 330 l. went a-maying....... 758 1. we’ve been long...... 431 iPwhat-arecnou sa... 445 1. within this band...... 502 i within'this: bandye.. .. 602 L without love 1s. 2)... AA5 MereSceiiay aihecxkes a sack ces 619 Hebteor |ton breath. 2. 3 ike tollowing let... fee. 431 MGC Ono Gels hata cckcar Te cose ot at 221 setees ba iea) epee mune Meee 473 hin Gaur 816 AN Faas area Mee eae 454 LIFE PAGE |\Life—Continued livelier than 1.*........ 553 lives true eer ee 458 lorcior thy 1... 331 LONE. 25) LTP) Orie coe 454 love longi Eee ges eee 428 love of 1. increased...... 2355 luxuries Of 1 tate epee 459 makes death.ee 4. ee 321 makeup ll ae ee 330 make 5 eg es io Retour subi stat 428 IAT SUMS Te eee 502 man’s lyon‘earth.. ..... 428 TAP OL DUSVe let ye ee 431 measure of a man’s 1... .433 meditative wt. es, 457 mingle withily.s.n vs a 453 ano MISE Ola) Man ite Ae Ree 0S vine 20 my deathand lysF. =: 381 Telos kee 5 Were ne oe 433 Ty leisslivedie a cae oe 546 ETE Ly TUVE TOV Ne eeee ee 85 my l. on any chance*,.. 15 naught in this l. sweet. .476 never entrusts his l.....510 TOMEI See heehee Seer 20 moht orl somes cet e 47 HO POOUOL ine as. een ae 457 no experience of 1... 2... 63 no |. that breathesf.....174 no scene of mortal l.....656 norlove thy Verte 428 Hot come: toda 558 not the whole of 1....... 433 mottoat.ot Vili a ees 378 nothing but high l...... 658 Notiinesae nis lew 175 TIO. EEL le aoe ay oe een 634 Ocean Olle ayer ATA Obra man :slh Saat ee eee 460 Olarmiaty set see eee 645 Of lS Of Crown 24. ee eae pape Olina ty sud os a peers 602 OEntS LOnMeHl eae ee 480 of human l.. tee eae OO Ol man sats See ee 456 rie: ihe Feed aes 233 one'l: to losefor. 75. 0. 560 or landtori(s ieee 425 ordained a 1. for me.....186 our l. a little gleam..... 432 OUPUSIS Metso ee Pee ce eee 388 Our sas scarce an ae os 433 our 1 is two-fold]|....... 651 Our lithe le ss hte 753 part with 1. cheerfully... .501 Darts inele se eee es 618 Passes\ irom he. i, oe OA passion and the 1....... 476 Patient nasde 7 payee eae 366 Penalty OLA ao sates 21 MOO Wee Mtns ee i ae 430 portion in tits =") ee 380 proloags.bis Ties es 476 Pulde: oF Lee es heer 185 Pulse Of 1; Stood Maat a sO TUG Le he one ore ac eanaek ae 607 Fatlitigiat late ee oe eee 22 redeemeth thy 1. from...4>¢ Scholar silacssall wae 502 LIF E-BLOOD 896 LIGHT PAGE PAGE PAGE Life— Continued Life—Continued Light—a better Lj....2.... 532 Sen Ofte sere coe ae 28 Swhatis your 1... scien 427| ages would its 1.§....... 30 secret of my be ane Maer 209| \)when'l consider 1........370| aul was Ld2ou. «oe 528 Seekthis'l RAs es Santee 633} > when’l: is lost, .-... 55 64) ) and*that TT 23) 549 set gray 1. ti: eae PAR \434| © where his 1. rosé... 05.5 382 7 bebolds the 1.4.20 ee 89 Sshdalsor iis ee 609). where L'ismore....... 24 T45 bereft Of dF ee 92 ehortishumanl........ 431| Whereforenotl........ 435| birth tol oerea: e Rearie: 636 Short-span:0f logis ate 427| Wwherel.andtruth...... 645) . celestial 1.4*. 7 = ees 92 sins against this]... ... 347| Which givesusl........ 431| ‘commands alll 7207 = 363 ‘ins against thisl....... 428| while‘there isl. os 366} common asl.is........ 447 30 runs the round of 1.¢..434| Who can get another !...193| crying forthe Jape, ae ae 24 soften'd into Lt... se... ss4| Who gaveusl.......... 424| -dear to me asl... 21. 446 apeck of Ps ate ca 233) swrole.l dies.) oy... ea, 435| dim religious I*®? 7. 7.58 124 EpiCe Of lowe ae eee 709| Wine of 1.isdrawn*..... 185| dreamy and magical 1.§. €9 aint) giveth to. <1 ine PUD ee fie ete Ss Sener CIENT 454} “entreats thy ene 498 spy 1. appearing*....... 380| with 1. and hearttTy..... 346| ‘excess Of 1 0 oe i. eee 484 Stat Olsen stented el 281| with 1. and heartfy..... 759) Stair power Ov lL. nee ar 530 titigs Set td Socrates 26) ucWith dis Siven. ven cvetee 423. tar more than lt. eee 3 etornis of Ie o4 Ae 608) withadetondie. hor. ope ek 649} - cherce:d. whight _2 eae 403 story of amyl este ee ERT) WESC K OL at ANS oy ee oe 497| fierce 1. which beatst. ...626 struggling for]. Lat. s6ah.. years orl A ion jak. 433| flash of 1... 521g Boge et 244 sunset of 1. gives....... 544 |Life-blood—this 1. with. Wiese flower of virgin ]........437 Sunset, Gt ieee ele 600/|Life’s—are 1. victors....... 410] for ever in the 1.8.) . 1). 441 sweet in bien: oe ee 453| blotted from 1. pagell.... 86) for semseorl........... 627 sweet 1. blooms......... 450| each]. unfulfilled....... 549| form of lifeand1,||...... 446 take liironames set 160) [apt), Worst oot. wast 509| . fountain of 1¥¥ "2 lcs 150 tears of ‘alllanylee oe a55| an l*feast... 20... 2. e8050|, fromethat Lo cee 300 than: thosejot lager ean a70\n Rast: BAteC es = one Gate 173| -gatestof 1. eh eee 500 that 1. I fal S oon 78 sso| 1a long tragedy....... Agi}. gates ol 4 eee 685 Chat AS lone ae ere ee o}, pleactual mean... cn... §23)) 2 grave tO sc, 1 eras eee 580 that] is lone. cok 423'| ods BUNEOTS OF na, om sis op 433| green 1. that lingers.. ...476 EO Mikasa aan te mane 384} a butaimeans. cs 0} igive duel =e aoe 530 the round of Lt |. 4... 372| 1. buta walking shadow.429| heaven’sownl]......... 86 the thin-spun 1.**...... 258]; 1..common way{....... 484| heaven's ownl......... 369 thevidlé ies cee 356)° tae all TOME o. se ae 388). her ls herdife$.... ee oe 457 themimtodl se oe ee 573| 1. dying taper penn ates. 663/ her sacred 1. Mees bors: 408 there my 1. centres..... 479| 1. evening BYAY. socks aus 352) ner silver iti cee 409 thing of Ul He a waka |). LL adine Space rae ee 476| it 1) can thas, eos 435 thisvalone 1c eee 390] 2 1 OUT laSSi eee rae 200) samplore your 1... ee 412 this“). Aae) fase ay oe oe 3881.0 LejOurNey, juSt.a., sis.e sae 505 in supernatural li. so, cee this ithes. we. na ay $q4\. 1. Ast Seetie. ss. nena ger) “a6 ike Lil hon €03 this'littiele a ee orcs Tiy2 wale tittletcaress aus conus Aga lead iii yi" pe ee 507 this-ott ioe ee ee ene RTO Me ele dtetle layers cok une ee 5304| - let-there be to es 434 threatened its 1. Sze agi elittlc Suse wn asa 665] det there be Ie ces 434 thrillsopin setts ess 41| 1. meanest mightiest 16tS i, NeW eee 23 through 1 before....... 430 things fee oe 520\) Uite*and 1. eae ee 741 throtigh i he§ so. ac ALT) ) elrMICANShi Sh ee eases 33| 1.a candle of understand- through 1) we'll sG.-.,0..403 |, gl One jOyr aioe. 3. «ek 754 ing tates eee 83 SOUS With See ee 428 | 4, poet playin vies oe 117| 1. and sweetness to the. .435 tills Peay ee te ee 600] ale Tough Sea ys derive ae 624| 1. and will aspire*...... 463 time of 1. isshort/.....< 428 | cl. trémulous.ocean.;....531]sal CUES hw eee ee 112 tired OD oa) eee 440| 1. tumultuous sea....... 655|. 1) from heavenll.... 7.3 446 ebisesecondls 47h acs 2 454| 1. unrestingsea......... 598| 1. God’s eldest daughter. 434 tO iusy Lr, nee ees 264| 1. whose progress....... 106| 1. he leaves behind§.....240 LoeuUtieupon se. sw nyse 217| 1. work well done.:..... 173 | i: -heart livest2 = .5 eee II4 40 TEV Out 1 i aes oa ie THO: eelvtearswo Lillliseens oe oe oe 4531) leis come Into... : oe 34 trust flattering 1 BE ce tsa 420) tat YOUN TOA: Je cused oe 477| 1. ne’er seen before..... 8 unhappy inhisl........ A071 sMOVE Isadererds. 0, cease 443| loo’er itsipalates. eee 409 useful ry ED hee ake Hip 404|, make up l tale... ......555|) leohday a eee 380 ele OL re Sours Weed ener 2S'liesOnd. Vast -OCeatliat..ans.. 430| 1. of heaven restoret....434 wale vol: Po8cs ae eters 2047 cOtinl a, Clocks 1. waver 431| 1. offspring of heaven**.. 434 vale of rural le Joc at wits FS | NOOW Ts KEV. spaced aareeten te 644)) ‘cofmiorm. 72-07 ae sor Waihi ties Of cae ere jer ee 23) others] bloom). yan. «eine 230| 71 of nature; 2520. ee 407 voyage of their 1.*...... SAB) VtOn, 3,.. e.05aee we li pursuel ics ce ge ae 368 |Lift-1. me, guide mef.....412| 1. ofthe sense.......... 434 WeD Of OUT. comer 237| tol. from earthifist-... < 446 1; of the worlds.) alee 420 Wilatae itiaii lyon AST MEOW! ON Mighieauys's 6a oat 372| 1. of thy countenance...248 ee ee ee ee Ee EE ——— ——- ww LIGHTBEAM Light — Continued Fesuones* oo egt ce ace 552 '¥55 shine 22 yf ae5 230 issuch a candle... .2.-. 2 83 1. that led astray....... 103 ip tpat ledtS.. ts. 2 eee 549 Dithat esses ot Ae 246 1. that makes things. ...435 1, that never was]......581 J’ that ‘shines. 1a oe -<. 402 1. that shone whenjf.....501 iy that. visits; 2. 918 eee: 345 1, the prime work**..... oI 1. through yonder*..... 7 l. upon her face§....... 250 1. which heaven........ 367 1, within his own**,.... 724 MVE SATU). zs. e3.tte bei 321 maior land. eA 420 men of inward 1........ 247 men of |, and leading. ..420 my eyes than {ts > 453 my ]..is Spenett os ys. Fs 02 noonday |.tothee...... 546 OL giorious-L4 fos oe 413 of F and leading ?.7... 420 One LLU action, ee 103 purple l: of love... 22%. 445 WU Ouse bee le eet Sarr remnant of uneasy]... .435 Shake and MIAN m2 ih 554 shaft of 1. acrossf./...... 564 Sitart Ole bos crack, eet 675 SIMMIN ads same este 434 So Heaveniye 1 son ees 3 443 Spirits of T)*o) 2 eo. 686 sweetness and l........ 435 sweetness and-l.........678 teachnlitote. ee. se 2h 163 that tierce LT... eel. 4 2k 47X1I that-tender ails oe ../ 6. 78 the livinigolee aches ss 570 the morning ase 272 "ON Blt PRS Rata ore hen 2 os 727 fovofiiciate 1.7" os 672 fivcele with. [ae St se ae 13 was airy 1.¥*........... weak and glimmering 1.. Wereit mike iunias face 540 WIIHCDD WaSifo tek ooo eu 434 whose borrow’dl....... 503 whose 1. I hailed9...... 103 with borrowed 1.**..... 408 with excess of Ia f2 22. 92 with inward 1...... eoitabe worlds! Gf 15.2 Fo. nee Fe: 35 cerca di ee bighthouse —]. looked bse sia tage Ut aa wk : 31 1. of “heli Ph eh a ae o7 Lightning—are near to l.. goal be thow.as 1. in*®. so Spy! 435 break the lyk iio ots 83 reat ‘the los We he 83 brief as the l*: 20.8 7at- IOI brief.as the 1, 2.47 a0. 435 defence against l....... 435 57 LINKED S97 PAGE Lightning— Continued asokithe dy. “sto ee. pso4 Peand the.cale 02 Bal Pi: 273 1. and the gale. 2272.50. 669 1. from her eyesf....... 509 Ian yaOb SitSas eon eee 126 OT ine ee Gs ae te 474 FeOr 12 main 2 Yeon ee 735 bres fatericl | 00) eth ee 615 Eels TOW, Cake feet. epee 607 Hoonike: thedk 2 ur, cee 435 vantsh. nkenPhs py, yee 435 Lightning’s—l. darts aside. . 202 1. the dread arrows..... 315 Hin ble Widarepes cle. aes. 156 Lights—and celestial 1... ...665 bear: all ites terry, 4" 618 father ofidy: wide. 300 follow d-talse tes soe 504 arevtled ?: vast Sunt. oe 85 ishermanier as) tt eee 425 1. of the village§....... 441 Me of the villages: e728 oo. 476 IVot the :worldiae ie 420 Hesanic to. reseyrs hie. | 618 1. that do mislead*..... 405 i Ghateshnonecnt cai. abt: 558 Obheaven sti io) ee 63 Ort are sthel les ei sed 3 753 stern 1) of-arship. 2 4 Wwe 287 fhe nistrest-lert ars o.com 636 whose l. are fled........ 28 Ligna-in silvam non I.....675 Ligne-/a 1. avec sa... 271 Ligno—ne ¢ quovis I.. Ty Ligonem-/. J. vocat....... 746 Like=l. cures 1... 280.822. 436 in’ dittetencet ial aes 38 1. readily consorts with. .435 MAWillito score wae 436 AMVC Ouse CAN cs tentnae 437 look wpoon: his: 1%. t,t. : 460 look: tipo0n- his hs 652 eu 460 the 1; himself Pronk 58 Likeness—my 1. that...... 637 thy 1. thy fit help*¥*..... 726 Like‘ihoods—poor 1. of mod- ern seeming*........ © Liking—love does doat in 1.444 may empoison 1.*...... 644 Likings—our timid 1. kill]. . and: tovedok 2) ug. heres 276 Lilies—and loved 1... 276 braids of LSet) oe le 336 consider the lee San 437 [sarestilbls Asst ao 437 L ofall kinds¥s. 0 3beiak 276 bathaéfestertss en eave. 244 1. white prepared....... 437 purple) Dantes sacs...) 437 the sais he Crise ta eee 37 twisted braids of 1.**, 437 Weare 9+ fein 1. os 437 Lily-every roseand1..... 437 folds theliallfi was ee. 437 ink Cor: lt Pee tege eran rae att P AZ31 lp eteLeS ete eis ors beh totaet = 275 droid Ghat cee cee clot 437 1. that once was*.......437 Pamiiwedeky |. eee: 675 ' PAGE Lily— Continued sweet the l. grows...... 437 wand-lke [;g2..)..4:754 37 4 Lily’s—white l.breezy tent**270 Lima-traveller from L.....622 Limb-every fiowing l......325 make.a body, of a lagetiss. 82 some cureless 1.........473 strength OL o. eee 20 Vigor irom these. 21 Limbeck-—a 1]. only*....... 206 ASHrOM ayll oc fore eee 32 Limbo-1. large and broads > J. large and broad#¥*....1/s52 Limbs—decent 1. composedt1 47 her polish’d 1..........208 1, be strung toll.. 250 Ht Gani DEAR Meant, ar ioers& 585 Try CO] eee eet gee SOO tive: tired bye eee alt 80 these 1. whence........ 460 thy massive, eka 204 whose trembling 1l...... 113 Limbus-/. fatuorum...... 282 Limes-l. and citrons...... 270 Limits—l. on either side... .492 modest |. of order¥..... 552 stony |. cannot*.. Ra S05 Lincoln—Abraham L...... 437 Linden—L. when the sun.. .620 Line—carved notal.......320 for.l. a.cabletmet swan ve 43 full resounding l.t...... 210 ALON Lote eto a ee 181 Marlow’s mighty l...... 467 on this: ie cee mre ene ae 559 progress through thel... 37 slendér'red 12S 0). 248 74 their red 1. streak...... 74 thin red 1. of ’eroes.. 654 well-orderedias) 4 eae 579 Linea-1ulla dies sine ].....164 Lineage—of his ]. boasts... 36 Lineaments—in my l.||..... 352 ieSenatiita [leans Lees 487 Linen-find 1. enough*..... 58 itis not} eet oar. on ee 410 old 1. wash whitest..... 10 wash, his: soiled I: 48 633 Lines-eight l.a year...... 568 litesnas Kk ic. cas Grate acy, 402 l. are fallen unto me... .359 Weis eT bay obeyed ee eer ce 336 LoGiia t TrODhs.aaees- ore 605 mrote: these ll.t.%..0 Wane sc 573 Linge-7l faut laver son Il. SGLE 4) SAS oh oki ay eran 633 Lingers—l. in the west..... 476 L out the dasye iG aia-mak 388 Lingua—juravi 1.......... 538 Linguae—concedat laurae l..551 Lining-—clouds a humorous Oe ig ee ae eae 8 ee eS 125 forth her silver 1**..... 125 her silver 1, ed Sale. St 367 Link-1. is broken......... 264 the silver Nf ; .446 Linked-l. in one heavenly $1632, Ser a ae mh 470 1. us one with As ae 540 898 LIVE LINKS PAGE Links—|. of 1ron* ie 595 Linen-is like 1.. 455 Linnet-l. of the grove. ie tee 522 the-itsinig st Aes 579 Linnets-the |. singf....... 579 Lion—a dead At Serre 130 a hungry lace eee 2 ee 534 a living LAAT Es eS 198 4 TOATING 1.510 he ee 186 beardrthe: Leslee. awe 181 chatedily by=se 42 senen 181 feats OL adetar ose ee 45 heat Gal Mins aise ee 438 hunery teroarsha cei 520 1. among ladies*........ 438 1. and stoat have isledf. .128 1. drop his crested...... Bes 1. dying thrusteth*..... 438 ls im theslobby ae 439 Ieinsthelopbys a. 439 Tesignbexond jae: i, wee 438 181s cotched semen ane 433 1. is not so fierce........ 186 lsroaringesfrominne eee 531 1. woos his bride........ 745 mated by the 1.*....... 441 play thew are 438 seciaim al’ ea. eee 43 rouse the pale k een ee 439 theichafedM ters mn kick 42 the. heart. 3c Saat 384 the tawny: lesen we 438 weapons has the 1... -439 when a litoars® 2 ses 438 who nourishethal...... 438 Lions—bears and 1.. . .606 dead 1. by the beard*... 148 heard1oroart. cee 739 ofroaringe) tee ier see 100 Lion’s—sell the 1. skin*.....100 wear al .nidekemee ens 51 wear all shidetas..e ae 148 winged 1. marble piles]. . 700 witha lewheélpt: ieee 438 Lioness’s—l. rage......... 233 Lip—a contumelious l.f....287 ANS Ol His Le kone 42 Cuprandwthe la pee ee 109 eye nose; | 7S ee 352 her cheek, her 1.*...... 284 OF bis|| Ste. oe eee 648 vermeil-tinctur’d 1.**... 77 Lippes—dasht her on the 1...439 Lips—are sever’d 1.*....... 248 bytiemale iis ain eee 4AII from™herth:* asa gee 405 fromanyie would. 0. 488 from: whose 122... ee 570 grew upon my 1.*...... 405 heal his ‘i+. 4 eae 576 heart’on herh|l}. aches 439 her 1Jare-roséstave. hee 439 her l-are rOSeS.h hiv 439 her Ivsackoforti: 2..125) 406 her 1. whose kisses]... .. 406 Julia's 1-dosemiles ces, e 439 kiss’ these d4.2 sae 662 1. ATE TOSES TO es cee 248 lvdidifront theirs eee 642 Kone’er actiki sist fh: 588 | PAGE Lips— Continued LieneVer err... ants seas as 644 Veit 3) aes ys re ee 439 1. suck forth my soul.... 77 ]. taught to writhell..... 450 1. that are for othersf...406 1. that he has prestf.... 85 iethat 2 ha vetoes oe 646 lSwe are near-s tees eel. 744 1. were four red*¥....... 439 lewere, red rr ee eta 439 man of unclean 1........439 my Lotremblel: i) ase. 501 ope m yell" hee toners 551 our.) are dumb}, .4.00: 4II our.) are dumbinesoer 558 smile round the l.ff....745 steeped to the 1.§....... 439 take those 1. away*..... 405 tallof thel:.3 5 See 439 teach not ithy Leaaee nee 405 the:l. we lovesn =ssueaeus 3 theil/-we lovestiae.weies- 744 those 1, had language. . -439 thougil rosy. 45 Seer 454 through a yalife Ase See 406 thy: Tote, 2 2s eee 248 thy setlat. hae eee 36 to ‘the, very 1“ .4aheee oe 439 touching of thel.f...... 406 when 1, AnvVite.m seach 555 VOU. VOuUt le Boe =e SeRISK 658 Liquid—l. amber dropt....624 sage and venerable 1... .68&3 thy notestta ie. a taeere 532 Liquor—mounts the 1.*....615 such al ash tf gees ee TAI thatardent|, sees we 3790 theisamel = sine. eee Sa 36 Liquors—hot and rebellious Be EL OASS Sat rpe 19 EAE tae VOGUE Lhe ves ae 430 carve too and 1.¥....... 285 Isof childrens sim. oe 510 Bractis Gite 1.1) eee eek 16 Pan tOurtheiny ee ih ae 25 Lisp’d—I 1. in numberst.... 66 Listen—for what l......... 520 Hor LAtONt Tew cree ee 390 world would 1. then.. 488 Listened—l. intensely... .639 pokere gor to himselft. .421 Listens=1l. liké’a. sak dv cancs 247 Wid 1s OnCell er kee wearers 745 Literary—any 1. work...... 67 let our 1. compositions. . 65 let your 1. compositions. 65 Iemen ares. ieee rick 67 ofl! men Sie peeetie et eee 607 to 1. gentlemens’ icteenesnee Literato—dulcts otio l...... 67 Literarum—homo trium 1....746 Littérature—s’ arrete @ la 1... 602 Literature—Cham of 1..... 398 l.-of knowledge.)..%). 9% 439 l. isa very bad crutch. . .439 1. is the thought of..... 440 Not.1-umlesse" 4.7. ek 440 Tile aries ecto eee 573 wherever 1. consoles... +334 nee PAGE Litigious—l. and busy here. 419 leterms** > 2) See 20 Litter-have 1. spread..... 361 Little-—and_ t004.2,. eee 02 blessedness of pene + ae contented wi’ 1.. . ee from 1. fountains....... 552 have'l, fleasi 474-50 554 Li have = 42 eee I4l inl, things .==S=40e8 ae 182 1. and the.2.-s.c0e5: eee 492 1, do we need | 22%, >o em I4I 1. here belowies... eae 934 IML -ask?) ee. eee I4I TL ask S8s 2 a6. ee 134 l. said is soonest. 4. aan 644 love me'hisige4ti Pee 453 love mel... 2. a: fee 453 love mel. Sy Soe 453 man wants but... 21 man wants but eee 141 man wants bites eee 404 not he whownasil-a: se 102 pleas’ d :tooHit S7e—see 402 suffer these tl} 2-45. see r1g the ]. ones’. Ae nea 271 theses things*. 23 sae 699 to earn a.l eee eee 404 wants but] # en eee 141 wants but-l2 722 ace 404 whatever wasl......... 330 who withtas = fee 14! Littleness-is 1.9..........503 | . there]. was not] ¢-: moe 252 Littlenesses—thousand peer- { ing o> aye le ately ene 626 [Liturgy - a Popishil: kya 600 Live—and dead menl...... 564 and |. cleanly*i#2—..¢aee 610 anything sbutel; es eee 612 as. |) to: be? fhe 365 ask how tol. 3 See 527 ate to 1..0.2 7 «cee 215 bear to lo Ae eee 330 beginning tout see cee 388 choose to 1** 4.5 476 come l. with me........ 443 do not 1.28 3 eee 358 do: not 1s, ee. see 430 edt toile. ceased eee 215 fear to lu+.o4. So See 372 for ever shallit lw, fae 04 glad didi ils ae eee 231 haste enough tol....... 420 hope toc hy. 4ee fe ee 368 how can 1 1:3*)..,- ee 85 how long weilia...; .baae 433 how to lf).> >. basi 240 how tod... 25s << Sse 591 T cannot 1.005.) see 580 IL-not in myself] .aoee 123 if 1. you canfiot. ... ae 428 is not to Ll... /s.08 See 452 is to 1, twice; ..ia . une 476 j0yful-to 12.14.3406 nnEee 12 knows to 1-7...) 5 een 492 learn to Ll). foe eee 240 learn’d ‘to 18 tenes eee 240 let me not L* sy, ae ae 19 let. us.1. and love sie en 443 4 LIV ED 899 LOFTIN ESS ; : PAGE PAGE PAGE Live—Continued : Livelihood—pith and 1.*.. . .338 | Living—Continued learn to 1. wellf........ 428 |Livelong-the 1. night*.....543] nol. with thee......... 128 learn to Il. well. ......%, 428 |Lively—l. to severet....... S8oil-not. with thee, 2..!. ee 205 Rearil tO lots ac Cae ee 522|Liver—declaring that thel..473| mnomanl.............. 227 1.in Roman fashion..... 11] 1. rather heat with*...... 438001. poets$. ate mess POE GIG eos sige cta thee ae 109 |Livers-free 1. ona small...691| plain 1. andf.......... 494 ROE CIS oe aac cae TOO} heat of our 1-9: oe. plain; land cases. oe 680 bar die? s, *cen7. oe 109| 1. white as milk*¥,...... terrors of the lJ.gct.sat 174 Perationally 2. sae: 501/Livery—her vestall.*...... 78 theslonly,5' va aus saloon 16 He fOr CVers.\as ee eke 381| light and careless 1.*.... 12] when thel. might...... 166 nike a wretch... ene: 488) light and careless 1.*....203| wildjoysofl........... 433 1. not in myselfl|........ TOOM Ml Osa, TUT etnias het eee 712|\Livor—summa petit l....... 228 rapast Veats: = ee ae ore B77 One Mle. Of hell Spal wer 376|Load—endure the 1.*...... 558 1. till I were married*...468| 1. of the court.......... 3747 Poheay yl, ON thee. !:.% sand 326 PitO1eat ore oe ee ee 215 |Lives—all men’s 1.*........ RS omeleiecomes light: anita: s II4 Peto. cate. we eet: 20 Lew allithati erect, nee: BOAT Me luOL_SOLLO Waa ee ere 558 PEG PETIEG er ec tees eee tee, SAG" Vall that, lantst*), 2c of). ROSE Missitthethigasese wr. 80 Loewe! NOW *s sa cea SO2MP Se uts mever 1. gee ak eee 387|Loaf—a 1]. of bread........ 554 1. well how long*¥*...... 428|' forty thousand 1.*...... GTC. Meola bya ays ad ates 483 Mwell ori see yee Azole’ hairs been lta. whee. 616|Loam-gilded 1. art....... 613 while-youle rs ror GA Siie hed: Dy Tule ces nine eoe 335|Loan-l. oft loses*......... 99 tewith here es ae 2535) he-yloniga sehen te ts te 43 3)enle oft, losessboth *. he a 422 tiwith theeand ’s.— =. t aaa es he-litwacete wagner .at 47 Oi MelOSe) YOURMAOKs geinceiear 422 1. with those that....... AT Ole herl avis? @awein ey 2: Bh 257|Loath-l. to part......... 468 man desires to l. long... 23 PEMNOSEd, cosmo a 9 Loathing—a certain: 1.*.... 46 maf to l*coeval,. =... At SPSS MOStH Se sss See te Ag siiimuaniacai tls it seh teh eer 444 TMlay He) Pee toe oe Ao thei rightly lee aise wae ee 29 |Loaves—smells of buttered 1.311 WIACE AIOU LOM oe am ae oe SOO (Me IG. WHOA recs sccte te ae ate 534|Lobby-in the l. roar...... 438 TNCASS LO tlic tec Siete ce chat 200| hopeless of their 1.*..... eye) Viveyabsharan stew BGReeer oe Cooke 439 PAPEL iG lees oes wet cas 2 T45 |) human creature's 1... carol, honsin the ls. 45. <...2 2.6. 439 THC ILO I DY os ta tree POS RItS ANE) Sul eee se ee 410|Lobster—a boiled 1........ 500 Shall Els Now's co fee. eee TM AStwOUlnd eaten eer | eee tae AS Sit akeva J. bowledasn. «seas 500 shouldst 1. forever...... 431| lengthened out your 1... 22|Lochaber—farewell to L... .263 Sol=andact4mtse acne ee SOme lal Prayerinca anette 580 |Lochiel—L. beware of..... 600 Bola Hearts. sees Z0imate ate. bepter that.o% a. cc 376|Lochinvar—quoth young L.275 BO lary Wuiciiuss ee oe AGS Re ATS. DUt, OUL see ft neha: 431|Lock—as well as 1. AS. LBeeenrars 400 Sous that whens sac 432| 1. contentedly between..492| clappin’ is the l.. eds so lo with them is, 2.0.2 Any ie rariot alOne..ok cotta BO eusitigle loin frontearn seer 547 SO May se them he". 2s 420|. 1. of great men§$i.)..... 240|Locke—now with L.f...... B77 E so mayest thou 1.**..... AO? ela OL INET Maen te eens AST enice Mrs losncio ise wee 406 StllL Shaleiys seri Neer te O44 Sl. 6b mente Ae ak 606|Locks—and frozen l....... 528 taught us howtol...... 13| 1. of these good men#...564| and hyacinthine 1.¥*....461 phe. toll. wrote eae 240| 1. in these touches*..... 553| combined 1. to part*...:307 Chey wiay eee ee ee Pts eel through alliitel:, Ase « Be cae fairl Anil. sees cate 457 thousand pounds tol. 102 ols true life.) foe 458| fewl. whichare left you. 22 thus letame/ Ets. se 2c. RAG (eel Unto hiniselinwee ss. oe. ze his golden...) ..ceenaes 602 to'lMalon€s Aaa ee 2§\) “nine | instead offoné.¢-.107)\" Phis hoary la. J) .m ere 542 weloand Jearmn? F270, 2% 421 GUurrleaticl ile eee tans So2 mer set ty lancins selerarectote 386 we i pycthe' =a) ees Rio) ourl,our fortunes. 00.0. sO) lar, LS ben DELOTEia nearecena teeta ons 547 ge ois 50 at rae cee 433)\eOUL Le.&.. o..00 301 why thus ly. 74 ee 6141 47U.4s crucihedsscet Aras: 7034.. 1. N€ WiDS = sae eee 218 why thusids dan seer oe AAT IZ°L: is risen. lcoeeten 4 aes 274 G.1.18 true dying. ssaee eee 86 Longings—immortal 1.*....441} L. knows who......... 37) the others. 286 ee 301 Long-suffering—meekness 1.479| 1. may be an owl....... 56|Loss—as 1. or guerdonl]..... 260° Longue-celle-ct plus 1.. (423 |) due my. pasturesat ss. .t.ae 601 |), down. with lc 7 ...gyaas 387 Look-as stars 1. on the sea. 3| 1. of all the workes of....519| 1. which is unknown... .442 firstilast dill + Sores. Sak £771 ei. of all things? = ...462| that 1 is commonf.....: 86 Ieabout us andi. . cna: AG? pels. Of. himseltimebincde ae 472). .wall> theit 1:7... je nee 508 le hefore*vou ssi ices ee 287 leat tor himself. 4. © arcs e 472|.. what I. feels he... ..008 687 i) behind yous see SOT imal ot the towl®. . suite 473| yetl. of thee**;.:...... 85 1. before thouleap...... 287| 1. of the valley.........708|Losses—gains for all our 1...750 1. drew audience and*¥*. .188| L. of thy presence*..... 472| laughed at my 1.*...... 307 l. ere-ye leapé: x. teehee 287i eT] Once. OWL. sade fate 57 ie, Sate AS dices Soe eee 300 1. ere ye leape.......... 257 ee 1OVE DIY fas = ieee 5171 Lost—a battle 1.2. 5.2 ee 710 bin thy-heart. tee. Za0laemadeca ls Ct ie noe 3631, allis not tS. a4 oe 180 1. then into thines +", 2167346]! cmercy of the Uiy. +... as AVQj~ pare Tot 1).% cae soe ee TOF one longing, ling’ring 1..177| my bosom’s I*......... 200|. . hopelessly are 1.... .. Jam 576 Only a limand Sse it meen AAG Tats Sule Re eae ey 403 T have 1.7.26) pee 220 tender l. reprove....... HAG) sOOte Th aie Ray ead arin Fos], cit, tis! lostiln. ne Renee 457 to lpi: Vee ie. eae Ber tsoucht theta ae ees 5871. lend*isl). .3 6 ho sae 422 with erected i san ies 300] the Almighty L.;....... 5tolnasgoved. and 1}. .o.. apm 442 Looked—and 1. unutterable thendying, geet ihre c 505| 1. but once your prime. .546 things’) 435, ae 643 athe Ly. gavew fina: «bens 84\- 1 1t forever. Ae oe 442 no sooner 1, but*¥,...... 443 \eStheir l) and hase = t ‘ PAGE PAGE Lost—Continued Love—Continued PLO WILCNS aos 5 casa «ei 28| cannot quench l........ 453 maust-oe i) again... <.... AOC h_ Capacity tor. flo. oe IQ! sooner l. and won*,..... 456\ changeold for? 22) ©, 383 EG OCA Vel orig patie ae aes Obaiiuots | Pav © eerrten 590 PETIT Lats er ara gederencia eheneis AA a LClACi Ty ee, oe le ees ed, 472 to have loved and1l.t.... 87} common as light is l....447 we left, (we 12: =) less nstettes 309, connubiall.turned..... 553 when wealth isl........ AAT EP CONGUOL Laithata.' sen 455 Lot—a glorious ].]]........: 260) * constancy in 1s!) 2 20... 139 Didals our Lies Jeas eee sor] could not but love..... 383 Hee Lisa. Sv cco eee ae AST) 2 COUrse. OL Fae NS re 681 Pe assigned: to ses is ne Gro}, seourse of true. 22. 450 Ba DO CAST... cnmtieceit cet KOA) erossedain) 12 Resta 534 Pett West e vane oc e Toa weerossedryn bas ieee et 553 Its fallén tome... o. 3. sso weculid by lee ee eee 576 eof man \belows.. 2.5. goo cure lL with Peels. Sites 436 fhe common los ao... oats ais Géar Ti hunt® Sew veS., 454 the commaon bees. sc ses - 63:7) death for'lsinoe.. 22.4. 471 their |. forbade..; .).°. ca. 323| death to those whol.t.. 2 CU LFIS CAGt ewes ho sn ET he cud: she Ty hime, 2.8/6, 450 Loth-I. and slow......... 23 SAceplaAs nist pore See 166 VWOUurLHOMe. 1 ot eae wes, othe enol eaehont iin Be eae 218 Lots—admiring other’sl....192} delight in l............ 452 Lotus-land-hollow L.f....318] descends in L.J......... 443 Loud—as the 1. had spoken.545| disappointment of 1....457 Louis XI-L. asked what he dissemble your l....... 105 MeCKSd ass or vrs, oa8 6 edivinedis: Lia aseat eee 444 Louis XV-closed by L.....486} do not 1. thee, Dr. Tell.. 46 Love—a woman’s l.ff...... SoG) ssecstasyrorele™ lee 22 G1 440 . absence conquersl...... sierettect of be vee Sar 675 Sais OL Lee i ee, ee Coa eens in clans 2 cel Re ee 209 Sitairer hal ee ce ee ee TAs ee CSteenl ATG Vela. te cae IOL alcinti. TO, late oer aes 572| esteem and l.f......... 310 Blas POT ley, stein yeas 348) even dike -L:..:..2-... 278 Gi fee Doseign oe tts) tas 444| everlasting 1. restrain. . . 483 ALES fay eel es «tee apes & AAGHL eed pure: lean era 20 Alle Derinis sess coo on: 506| feeling andal.f....... 521 allowhorl® S76 te0.. Piste. Sin Tells aris hss oS sa PERE ae 275 and comely. L*) oo... 6. aay ew tovleG cir3 keene te 28 SENG Ss Pee ae eine Sek orate SeO he Ment for LF oe A 743 ATE Pale ete en St tespraiee ons Baz \ameuie, 1" |S eee ee 445 AT: Pe posh Ait 2001" —tirstekiss Of Lie es 406 and ‘Of bags ee tec Sy Uy ealamnie Ol le. seme et. es 320 and. practice ly..s4;.00 40| flowers and fruits of love 21 arms of my truel....... S6iptbeetOsdosn os ces oe 450 BS De AOtiie ei bs chet eke TAS po LOCC GEL Pry REPS At 513 AS WOMlAt Sole akan cra, TOT|E DUt tools. 11 loans eo ee 449 Pe ais ee OR ee rectene 448| for contemning 1.*..... 451 Dettiiye Latace oe ky ne PAs tee ors My lets acale ek ke 310 Desthy UA eae sees AWAD OOM Re wean te ce eine) be wise andi seas AABN SG0d'S As igi . SUS See 589 PpGarnasuaie ls oo, sacs cue AAO Sood thatd: mess 4 206 hecominiwe ls Lea ale 494| graces in my I.*........ 451 Behe vert! Bo ee tc eee 730| greatest'l. of life... .... 23 benevolence and 1.]....619] ‘grief in L*..;.2..00... 490 best of passions ]....... AAS MUD OVA liton eae ee eee ees 453 best to 1. wisely........ 442) “Nas equal land). 00. %% 469 better to l. amiss....... 87} he would ey east 742 better to 1. amiss than. .442| heart’s1. will.......... 346 better to l. wisely...... Ba) * hearts that! . 794 175.04 233 between 1. and duty. ...116 AS Sei ie SS hn See 270 heyorid “Hisvie = Soa. Pt MOMS: IVA leah ote mae ete 62 wonduWwithel Cys. 3s 3906| honor, 1., obedience* 21 Po (a 8 Nl A Me er A RY I Tos | SaLlope and. Latest 507 building of my 1.*...... 453 aintin Pe yo: 444 tit bAtphty Fos os oes PEGE RAO tye a cate flea eek 452 butih can every sic. 4465) | ILAO Thebes «rho 5 445 Totals Fick ee Sen} cueio teers ck, okt Sethe 335 Dube 1 theese 1. vie #00 |= Tl, theeamoshh 22s tai) 34 LOVE PAGE Love—Continued bls thee still. ed 740 448 I 1. thee to... .. 0: ey Lee, 454 A LAS, You hee ere es fae 446 it, Li. be ours} 9 putes 253 if you dol. old men*.... 20 diy Leeks casks ee IIL in’ | and sacrifice; js: 700 int lof theex. Liner lees tA y as Sas, we eee 595 may Ll. alike. se 560 in peace L.. tunes... .~, 446 in.redeeming he. oe 580 de Siguty OL Fir ene 490 in the:l. of natures... 521 inly touch’or ls. yt 453 innocence. of 1.4%. . 665.5. 71 iaarr Wares ee SS, 450 iS. Lathoush Geka 454 iS CHereel. > re ae eRe 346 SCS) TO tll eee eee eee ee 32 jealous.3 aera a 396 HOV: 211 heey ery eae 6 keepa ls ouphiya ote 5905 1 Tey Seog lphirare sale swab gues TO 405 kindle toi: se Ae) ee 103 kindness counterfeiting absentee tener gphet 50 learins toms spt iin see 521 leave my 1. alone*...... 671 leisure for 1. or hope... .4r10 tetctha Ie bettie heey 456 letu thi, 15 bet hates. 8 oe 722 afer buUty aa, as ean oe 457 hie isi peo. ee ee 347 life, without Lisis ong oot 445 Heh tOls lll ces ee eee 240 ips thatiweerlar of.6reee 3 igttle Jess i ee ee at 505 little whimpering L.. .. .603 live ahd tly hy eae 443 live withoutsi.. 2 hearse 142 looksrolalhs gee eee 458 loss ot: Use <3 ee eee 86 ia Overt, on cnet ee 458 yvalltves So eee 44 ie alonercarima: sae 456 1. always makes....... 444 dspand.bear.s..5o5 ee ee 200 1, and friendship....... 200 mandi joy ands... 346 ieands lohtey en 6 a ered 321 1, and not proud reason. 446 i arid roses ewes . Se, 2I i2 end scandal Wye Se 620 Jhand=theell’ , .227s0). 2 264 ieand: there toi. es. feS55 1. and thought andJ... .680 ang. Wins 45 24200 ee 87 1. asleep within the....754 1. bade me write........ 630 ip. Degiia Mea ots eee e 746 1. betters what is best] .443 t% bless hima iaeaee 422 l. breaks through*..... 445 1. by another’s eyes*... .602 1aby.l. repaid ee 452 i> can die. «fa. Meee ee 454 IAcatiido's Soa ateeeree ee a7 ls canghope’.i52/- er id: 368 LOVE 902 LOVE | PAGE PAGE : PAGE Love—Continued Love—Continued Love—Continued 1, can-hope hiiesesee o 450 Priks 18 TOG 1. Ss x aaglas eee 455| 1, that makes me. gt 445 1. can scarce deservel|...450| 1. is not to be........-- 452| 1, that would seem*,....445 1, can transpose*....... 154| -1. is not to be...3...+.. 454| 1. the king who. -.° lia 458 1. cannot be mixed..... 442| 1. is not where......... 444| 1.’s the gift which...... 446 1. comforteth like*..... 458| 1. is soone hét?..-..... 455| 1. the sole diseaset...... 452 1. conquers all. ........ Ang | ode 1S StrONS OS ass 57) sras 169| 1. the whole... inte: 560 1. delights in*......... 273| 1. is strong as death....395| 1. the young and*....... 448 Ip. divineralll sess 589| 1. is Sweet... 602.0... 447|' J. thee’ dear se.5 7 fm 365 {. droaps ens. kk, wee 506] jis the miind’s: .'...,....«- 451}. 1. thee less§.") eee 04 l-endyresmmostien..- sa Asis | pel. is the tyrantiof. ..c5. 449| 1. thee not, Sabidius..... 47 1. exalts the mind...... 443| 1. is too young to*¥...... 456| .-1, thee: stillS32) 2 ae 224 Isextinewish desea 5 ae asis altos well=tima dei, to makencc 445| 1. thee to-day, 75a 442 Lfosmaniwus Meee. 4o07| 1. is your.master*. ..... 448| 1. their’countryf. 560 1, for the sake: s. brie: Age dodtselt Shall <2’ gob tac. 477\. |, their land§ 72. nee 560 1. fram’d with mirth. ...488]|. 1. kisses tears........ yat| i. their lords}. 35 7. ae 505 1. from 1]. towards*...., 445| 1. knoweth no lawes....388| 1. then hath......... - .452 1. gilds the scene....... 456| 1. knoweth nocdlioa voice 456). } thoaarti Par ae per ie 1. gilds the scene....... 736| 1, lessens woman’s...... 456| 1. thy neighbor........ 20 lgives itself§ =... ave 444} ol dketdea thi at nucy etn: 45| 1, thy neighbor” Ss 525 1, goes towards 1.*...... a45| .1. lingers stillll,........ 18| | 1 thy neighbor. yee 525 luecushed from a2 eee ot | di mace those cow a 248) | i. thyself last®"27.) aie 20 1. had no returnf....... 450| 1. may transform me*...449| 1. to hatred turned,.... 42 1; hasa thousand... . +: 444| 1. may transform me*...553| 1. to hatred............ 233 L-hassmadet. 3.) ee 456 Lime slut tlenee ae eee eek. 453 1. to; taste? 4. eee 7154 1, has never known..... eG ral, Ine Etibe lea tena 483| . ly tootninchy see 342 1. has no gift soll. ...... So} wits The HOTS. wo iads cha 565 |, “litoo°wellt 2. eee 450 1, hath chas’d sleep*....451| 1. moderately*......... 676). ‘1. took tipy, a. eee 30 1. hath undergone...... 8¥| 1. most concealed...... 444) 1.) tous Le eee 458 1. He stood alone...... 318| 1, must be sustained!]..,5531 ..1) WaS spon a oe 572 l. his affections do*..... A775 s dest Needs .-..0. bas wie 155| 1. was liberty? ....... 667 L., Hope and Joyt..... ABS tale tia VOL {oe ke yee 537|\. J: Wes kel) eee 233 [Mina cottave ses 451| 1. my neighbor as...... 485| 1. was minel]..... Stee: 450 Din ahitic. tae ee AST |e EWEN Pind 8 ee ee oe 406| 1. was the very root]... .232 lxitt these}. a4 sb ee 386 lwede OF Oil Wore he, ee ee 37| 1. were ever like*¥....... 448 l. in your heart........ AB4 i ada OF Ql oe te nee 592) 1) Were*young >, vee 444 Landeed iss \chicc a ae 444| 1. of his country........ 560| 1. what hours weref.....447 l. indeed is light|]....... WAG trie Ol at: et ee ee 579| 1. when you get........ 448 [iS araimiliatest ee eee 4AQi| Wile OL Money. =. obit 408| lL will oreep*se2 er eee 597 l..’s a mighty lord*..... WsT pd pot moneys. sae ieee 4931-2 1will' not" hen ae eae 455 Liis & smoke* 7.0 f0kao “aol), Laot motieys.. ee ek 69| 1. with fear the only**,. .530 IS al SOUT! ae ee 449| 1. of the turtlell......... 394| 1. with galland........ 451 lista spiritualiga cannes 444| 1. of wicked men*...... 111| 1. with some woman*...449 Lis all -asfire Soe oor ae AAA cel OL wornenlloo. wan tte 457| 1. with those........... 263 Li. 38 arr ee a eee ae 741| 1. on fortune tend*..... 295| 1. without his wings||....200 Lzis'an ‘April's: 5.2. 450] #l, on through «. 2 sfc 454|. make after], the* 343. 342 Isis ‘an /egotisnins aun 457)\"-1.0n through. jet. oe 4z7o| _ makes 1) witht. =e ae 371 bois blind? cel pinned hit 154] 1. one another.....:... 178) “man's "is Ohl 2a ae 56 iis: blind® eens jee 448] 1. one maiden onlyf.....539| marriage from ].||.......- 470 — lois but abiecseeres-e, 447155108 Chaney: Cotte oe sso| ‘match her l/7@ t= ee 460 - Peis Giseiwised rs O16 ot 342) yod. porslaten ene es hoe 265|} men 1. in hastell........ 343 isis done V2 lee. ede 43.5 eaistOr TeEASOi, «ae eee TX1)) ministers ofl 2. eee 446 Lisidone ds avi: os eae 435 VedwOur COUnthy iP a. a ee §60| mixed with ltl os. ae 26 LF ASM@dOOmeds rain. tase 269) palaour heartey anki see 467; more capacity for 1.||....451 l. is flower-like........ 570 lon. retiects: thei. 4+ 04 vs TASi- more Land’)... eee 347 Iiwis shea Vem rs: see ee ti aee 446i loerepwised + 2 was oo cien rIYl “more Wel, a... ee 342 1. is his own avenger||...447| 1. rules the court....... 446| mother evenl........-. 360 l. is indestructible...... AS A} Pel SAcri ices tall piscsey. al: 444} much extremity for 1.*. .452 Lislifes: Sie aetna 454| 1. should have no wrong.742| much in]. as*.......... 444 Ll. islifeisiend tii. nalon 443 ||| wlsoon’ colde. as... ¢ae8 4551). must die fort. cone 441 l. is like a dizziness. .... 450| «lsought is*®. isu44 25.0 744| mutuall. may..... ie l. is like a landscape....195] 1. still burningt........ yo7| my 1. as deep*. i i.5 oaeeaae Lis like linnen fay eseeee 445 lv ch .stodps: 489) . iy. ie eank 448| my former 1.*......-..--439 1. is like our life........ 221| 1.stopsat nothing...... 445| my 1, is dead): .4.ee-uee l. is 1. forevermoret..... ASS | PELeSUTLeELtS not) lois aie 458| my 1. to see..... PAP 3 1. is loveliest when..... 245| 1. taught him shame: ...443} my only 1*.,......020-223 l. is maintained by..... 451| 1. that of every§....... 457} my violent 1.*,......+- 550 Isis merely a*®.. 48 -448| 1. that two hearts...... 344] necessity 18, Ui. Gesu anes lis natiure'ss..-.46 ee 444| 1, that’s half refused....508] mever doubt I1.........199 bis not: 1*2.2., ecwedes 453! 1. that shall not die.....745! nevertold her1l*..... Pee LOV ED ; PAGE Love—Continued movroure for lb. she t 34 ne-cure tor: Lt Saari 452 a) gto: hans el ae ner 268 noctear.in' bs 20- et. ge 442 POHL SOM SIMS | Wiese oe: 447 no partner in his l...... 226 ho.perfect 12)%... sot ae 457 none can]: ey eee 387 mone.cansl) ees. sie 634 HOt LOT lye ee eek es tess 455] notior Et Tey buco es 455 Noten] Fy ee eee 653 NOtAl des eee te eet 470 nothing in 1.*..... a Scie hele. Laewhatti.a eee 608 OL 1: divine se ya ee 612 efi the food**.. 2. 2s. 652 off wi’ the auldl.....°... 383 off with the old 1.... 383 et ee a ee eee 452 pid ars little sot nt ae 455 tte: PEO eee 531 ouly parents= 1) +: 48" 455 OuUE Prstrieetcc s,s bee 443 ourhoursin i os. 2 poinito. is. cles 28s es 87 Pains wf 1." beNs. 48. 452 pangs of despised 1.*....671 perfect l. implies....... 445 Pest Ol lot sek fee eos 76 pleasure of 1. is in loving.447 poet«without 1) 5. 579 poetry and Pave 28 338 © powertulel* ee 440 prancing to his 1.*...... 500 presence of thel........ 132 present 1. demands..... 436 purple licht of dit.) 445 fFecrurts-o1 eee oe 605 renewalof dhe. P60 605 Tenewingiol Les. ee 4 605 Tend vines oml.wee fos ee 605 rose:of lewhile = 94-4. = 546 Sarg: Of ls 25 0 ana ae 72 Scorn no'man Sl.) se. 445 Ssealsnor 1*t a seas 405 self-love than l......... 396 servant untorl.:.f- os. nape: Serve: 1. ANG. oo.) ome 375 shialk We few. ceo .. cree 501 shall 1. too journey......- 4 she doves is I. =. es 457 Shitsiyouth. «. see. es 447 Silence im toes agit aces 644 since neither l..:.....8 2390 slighted 1.49 sair...:). 08. 452 smiles of l1.adorn....... 463 sod: byewhich 2.1 2 Ss. 262 Bopha. eters, 580 something to 17.05 47 9.% 448 Spirit OF 1 ees en wees 2 278 Spirit.oOL ew we ee 445 Apring of Le aoe 455 Strenoth.of i. 2.51456. 005 sublimes my 1.......... 446 sweet a6 lie. eee 478 sweet converse and 1.**, 85 eweet lol see™iosum viene 342 sweet l. weref....... 738 903 PAGE Love—Continued sweet sympathies of 1...470 sweetitoclin sa, ee 16 sworn my Le. See ae 516 talkscofels.; 25 a 456 tehlvitistbite wee) ee 425 terms.of 124357 9. 8 ie 506 power that combats 1... 34 that plighted 2), 360 tha tetheyes so ee ok 347 testithattaye, oe ale 383 test: that thy 1." 2. 00.. 498 that rwerlict eee ee 2 446 the eraped:|| Pera re ak 208 then: thatd. him*-) 2, 201 things they do not L.*.. .343 they 1. indeed who*.....450 they*lPleast®: see 132 thinevaltary eae ser ee 446 Ebina Lee, wees 395 this! foolishh): kaye eee 405 mus Toolish Ik ee ee 533 Chispic? tees eee ie ea, 533 those ee eee 457 thasensnows sae aes. 443 thow -without:I), se 0S. 445 though |, repine........ 702 though: I, use¥i. 252... 448 thoughts of fir. oe. 663 thHroughesed ye ee 30 tiivalAStDestiieen. .mencc: 463 Trdenoileertet ys err. nies 572 BEL SiC Oike wea eee ee eine 444 to auwoman's ia)... 572 fo-conquer here. 453 to, Nagai see 53456 AQ RTATIC ts eee Cte tee W2% ton lis:her sie ie oo ae ee 299 CON NET ee eee rn tele 299 fo: kher ise me throes 217 toulsisiin st: Opies See 743 LOMMAKe Seber eee ee 612 too divine tous. = soaks 632 4radean 1 eee eee. te) Erileeantiisee ieee 447 ETUISL LP ISee ere teres 451 unhappy in herl....... 457 manited 1m Leese aem ates: 706 wakes torlifs fr eens 457 Wa wor lewiseit ee eae 743 weilnand truistie sro.) 111 ratte MEE of OC ae Re RIS. ol noe: 456 weigh gainst 1.2). 2. 454 weigh 1. against the.....454 what a heavenisl...... 452 Wikies: LE We a, ee eee 450 Writers Users caeete eles 452 WEA EOTS: Le Ee te 705 What. canrdorer ck si 505 when t-DepinS* ss eo oc 232 corireni il. could. Set yates 600 Wier IN ONCEs as. cette 355 when 1 /speaks® 3.2% 2.3. 444 when theyre «. os ae 7406 the: l2hopeF ts ae: 532|Loving-kindness—crowneth thy trie esse acrenew dea 603 thee with |... =.38ee 479 yOu larevsuchts sacs Je 745|. no more than 1.7, seen 586 when 1. vowsll....<.... 36|Low-—build too 1.......... 26 Loves—ambition 1. to slide. 33} happy 1. lie down*...... 650 Shite Woichkdangely sy aay os ee FOL) a in the 1. ait... 26 beat. wrone™ sect eters 3431/-n0. 1.1. J. n.tok an oe 330 been ditwihip it reieioets 448) > nor tod lino. ssn e eee 492 either W,08:. 5. chee dans 342). not for 1 Sls 494 evensour LPN e tate heras EOL |; that isl), Seo e eee 255 ever was l. Waynes A448) @thatel.: mank.ece eee 26 gave us nobler1.Q...... 5791. .what is +t. eee 303 him wito f-ime..chi.ek 295 |Lower-—from 1. to theft... .230 hisdSare* Sten hese 28 strom, | tof} 38 ae eae 98 inseparable faithful 1.*. .336|Lowers—interval that 1.... 3 itii5 | SPrinie™ s5 = con uke 62| your forehead l.. . .306 little 1. and graces...... 93 |Lowliness-—. is the base. -373 I, ATMA Gate aealete 746) 1. is young ambition’s PIG eCAVo. asecfeen clot 746 ladder* .-e 2 eee 33 1 GESDAIE 1S weiss Metter 452/|Lowly—call him 1. born... .533 1. golden fleece......... 416) ¢ bel. Ort tane0ee eee 140 Leereat artilleryi. sscsae 445 |Loyal—l. and neutral*..... 556 1. heralds should*...... 4451.1; Just and puree anes 469 La it tions see ee eee te 283). fie 2 90 wentrem. and bits... soe. 198 Madame—m. the best of possible sas tiis vacant: 550 Madchen-—wanderndes M. BSE once CEMA TC 613 Madding—the m. crowd. Madeline’s—M. fair breast. 580 Madest-thou m. manf....550 Madman-fool and a m.*. . 206 Si, INADA ie tide beet.) 374 m. of another order... .301 Olay Lae ms Pees bd ts 534 thapeis tiers). $2.e5 f 379 foie Sebi a. me ole ae 440 Madmen-—as m. do*....... 448 buries m. in the heapsf. 32 HOME Datla sye cist 301 Gmralearth sims. Agenae 64 proper to mits... 2. 367 ShUL AS tH ces ke lite cia 201 RTOLSt OL Til kISiin, 6G faa 628 WOUS TAG ITIe hee bt 3 eel as 760 Madnes—daves of m....... 390 Madness—both to m. and. .734 despair and m. pleaset. .513 fetter strong m. RP te 501 Nips AOC TE haa vais abees 301 MESES SAID AGT ynaphos whe cy owes g 312| MAID PAGE Madness—Continued mi. does, incline: erat 741 m. in great ones*,..... 391 m. most discreet...... 449 m.,.Of, poetry ay. s..de es 380 m, Of the maniyt. lee 583 thay callit/meutolly sy. 476 TMETE tn. foe at eee ae 488 tmerelyatim,* oh; sje 448 Mixture OL Marae ees On Mixture, OL Meese 304 moon-struck m.**..... 194 Ordensor sae aes pat a wale 301 such harmonious m .488 SULTS? COU ces pp hates 304 thaG tines ets 2 et. aes. 467 CASE WA Ubon ante ye Mowe eels uum 577 that way. im. Wes. cc. 65 301 EMIS DEM teh cos cake kee, rot 300 GIS eLGartid ot crenemerricteleiene 556 thro; mt hated by4.2 e..- 419 to desperate m......... 440 very midsummer m.*, .672 was notlike m-*30. asa. 475 work ltke:1mige aoc. rapeete 232 Madonnas—used to draw M.447 Madrigal—this m. would bet 57 Madrigals—airs and m.**. .514 binds eae 362 bold bad im steer 05° pold badant’ 8 aoe 05 pold ‘m, that,, eee 553 brave foreseeing m.fTf...438 brave m. choosesfT..... 540 brave m. struggling. ...255 breathes there the m...561 Put a0. Fee ee 501 bitt\m. alone 72) ee eee 480 call no m: happy] ene 220 can any m, be said..... 538 cannot make a m.tf....464 éatised tm to fall) (7 ae 112 child imposes on the m..116 chimera then is m...... 462 command shows the m..322 covers a goodm........ 465 covers imeall’ Speer 640 decipher the whole m.. .415 defined m. to bea...... 400 (dissolute mt. 2 seen ee oe MAN YO7T M AN z PAGE PAGE PAGE Man—Continued Man—Continued Man—Continued dreffle smart m.ff......583| grantedtoam........ 413| lived a mortal.m....... 192 ey OL Wil)... care et Saal © ereat my “dies$ 2: 20} © looking fora mie). hate) 460 each m. a friend§......759| great m. dies§......... Z40\"e love tonimees. 2s, eee 497 each m. feared...... Leeaool- ereatm: down*s. ce ,.° 20 sito lying tich ms) 2 feu 585 each m., gains or sustains133| half part of a blessed m.*468| made ofm............. 736 éach m. thinks) Ss Zon te andsOiie me...) 383| madem. upright....... 459 ear of a drowsy m.*..... 420} handsome m........... 353 ho dnakes Mm. who. es. oe ee se 442 envying a famous m....227| happiness for m.||...... Too) “anakes the mipee so abe 754 estate of m7. ot et Fou me nappy.them~ sos a. l hse 140| malignant be thanm....463 eternity totmwiy. 230 fons ROL Wap py tiem se sete TAO |" in. at beast iaaue ye ae ue 449 evasiow of nye et eee 666) “happy mi.’s without)” ..%41 |) -m.aduncey. 2.0.2), 0.7, 793 ever-trusting rine es nen A035 (ee happy thems) 7 166) © mi, aflower. 0. 2 165 every m. after his desert*481| happy them.}......... 403° mia flowery: .2i).2) 2 545 every mualivet se 548| haughty insulting m.*..403| m. after his........... 344 every m. by one....... 274) he wasam.:;. 6505.00. 230 moalone at.’ 8.204 Fi 5h 88 every: tit has, ete GS2ee ne wasta 1 see 461] m. always knows....... 420 Svery: ims athe eee ees 30)—> he was’ ait] ~ eee 461| m. always worships. ...754 every: i) his eee Some Neart of tie ye eyo 52| m.anda brother....... 525 every mis like: =. oo... P2 7itee Meare Oris oe eee ee ZOOL Wee tile Vid OiTC. 4 eee ae 588 every m. is the son..... K4Apeihedrtiol mr a 4a. 8 316) “m. and hiswifes 72) .. 537 every’ m.'who.......... 648)" heart of mip ct Os & 349| m.and wife...... A teary 408 every m. with......... FOS) "heart of am! hss te 937 bnsand wife oe ore 471 evils foram Ss. Ee: S90)» hearty old. UP Se ao ai, and woman* fae 4 613 BEACH ee tes Gogh Mhonest m2 92. 8S, 363; m. armed to the teeth.. .204 exceeding poor m.*,.... 26a) honest ms Pe 304). 1 Mm. be. more offso7s et 738 ExXCuses no neo. ee Avo MOmeSG ane ke eae 608| m.bethe heavens...... 706 extraordinary m:.. 1... 2102/) *honest'm: 78.60 363 | ma. be Valant., 0 2e 406 extremes:inm... 2. C4 SNe nOtvestaniwes fini fa nn. 363| m. behind the book..... 67 eye of m. hath not*..... zor honestrmi's. ©. 22. oe 28 363| m. being reasonablel|. . . 208 falisvon\m. the... 2. 200, = honest m.'s the.= .... .* Osc Mei eDACc Iss (eee aes oe 18 falls'upon. a tal! P24 Ay) Paine ii apain®Y +). 146) ots by miwasiy) Py... 460 false to anym.*........ AS Sis bE Teeay aa es St Oe ae 460; m..by nothing. 2.5.5... 305 fat oily m. of God...... £24) “I-would be m?..: 6... -! Gggy ein, can die. ks, 30 fat oily m. of God...... BOSS y air te Stee ee ae 406/" m,. can do better...... 505 father.of them J... .% PrOmeti ait. were se, Se 380i) m. can keep M. 0. . P 6. 633 father of the m.f....... 608/- if any m. obtain....... AST teat. CANnOt COVET aes aes 600 feet of maiGd m. do a-land*. yo) os 271 fOr atm by oe ee ee AOSier inwards mF a eee ee 204| m. dreams of famef....457 £Of 2 thotiphtiess me. sot O50" aS ain... Sas ee ee 646i "m:, foolish ne 325. 5 168 for m. to tell**......... 42010 *ts Plato's nr. Cre, os 460} m. for aye removed... .230 frail a thing is may, 497)" | ast mr happy Pr) eee 469| mm. for his glory........ 457 traila) thing: isis, 503) knew ane who 207 he 490| m. for the fieldt....... 737 hell in me. vo VES 440}'-lknew any mi. eo 490; m. forthe swordf...... 737 gain of miss Pe Se eS 300} knowledge of m.is..... 407] m, forget his woe...... 731 PAirot tee pee ee ee SORE Knows herine. ooe. te 33 7." hin, 1Ongee NOt Awe. 4 51 gently scan your brother IabORmorny wan, ce eee ae aq, torgotes. tet. HHS at 503 miter, Sl eee TLS) laborin- man tt. 4. 410| m.from his sphere..... 257 give me that m.*....... 555} “large hearted m.,...... 570} m. gan then avise...... 444 gives to every m........331| learnedm.has......... 407 |, 9m, Had=fixed. his4]/ Xens wt 521 gives to every.m........619| less thanam.*......... 336\6.m: has an axes, ey 479 God (tot cose eee 411)" letra im: contend: oy. 20" im. has foreveres teen 602 Godtowmt Fb P eA 314) “letia m: keep:..0. 25 26% 419| m. has of fortitude..... 404 *o00d great! mise ee S2iweleth notin. . ooo 467| m. has three characters.112 BOOW an, Ferre 2 oe 461! life.of a learned m...... 30 om hathiio better se eens 45 good m. never..#...... Sores iterot aie teats he SOL im. haying onces acne B73 good m. never dies..... SATION ITeOOL MAE, bos ee os cack TIVE tm, He was tow, sae ae 124 good m. prolongs...... AZGVeSiterot mis bute 7s.) x TOOWO) ta his life hath* gem, se 50 good Gld:m:*. eer we Loar ite ofan: lessees 2. 3% 427| m.in all the world’s*. ..285 good old nese r A ae a Bon licwa gat... eu eee Shiota, it) armsee Gee ee ae "8 200d old ane? ees oe 635) tke am, nradet: >. ..8 .4 461} m. in benediction...... 750 eoodliest nr sos 131| like*master like m...... A72) 9 ms in his pridepees-nn oe 301 woodiiest t1."*. 2 ys. es 462| like master like m...... 635| m.in the bush with....522 Goodly frame of mist: tA0sIO tived a my 504| m.in the bush with....752 908 MAN PAGE Man—Continued im. in the.moon;<.... J... 726 m. is a bundle of 464 m. is a creature of...... 541 m. is a carnivorous]]....282 m,isa SOd an. ae week 464 7171S a Name ory Gace 460 mise nobletin ns Skene 460 m. isa restless thing. ...117 m. is a restless thing... .464 m. is a substance...... 460 m. is a tool-making. .. .463 m, is a tool-using...... 463 m.1s* but wie saws ace 407 tit 1S DUbS ee eee tm etas 460 paar Kewl OSU NIE Beach PFA Ge kre eae 462 4s 1S Divi ee eeu eit t 462 m. is certainly beri as Zyah) {11,48 Creation. Ss) eres 219 m, is dead 3 ead shor. 184 m. is dearer to.we sere. 587 411 1S LS OW il weve Je reel cls 223 MN 1S, WIStOWiatrep series 363 ENG 1S GS: ee SO Mee bs mo isvanmortal sen. 750 Mase kao wns wees es. 127 m. is made great....... 54 m. is man’s A. B. C.....461 m. is moré thanf}id.. .. 696 m., is never deceived... .180 m.issnot as Godfiz.e<: 464 m. is not completely. ...220 m. is not the creature. .122 Pace IS\ NOt: A ee ees 598 2 iS\of Soulks askew te 460 IM 4S OL a Kin saaeh weeks 64 m. is*onerwotld suc. ss 461 IM. AS ENE. Vaveniace ataemets erect 339 m. is the creature...... 122 m.is the nobler........ 463 m. is the only ut. aes 460 m. is the whole.2vx.-<: « I50 m. is the whole. ....... 239 Mm. iS THY Y Piste ples a 718 Ins is: $0, Wise SA eres 463 iM, 1S Very apte see ate 387 in. is Womans. oem mee 737 TH lives Happyiee seme 140 t,-looks Sloity 255. enc 459 m. low-fallen from...., 254 m,.made money....5-. 189 m. marks the earthl|....542 ily Way CONHOE we n.a. 280 i. .1mna ye Cryscuurch =... Gl iM. Nay -seIS6 4 ee ee eae 405 Mmay. laste eee 387 Mm. may lashes fee eae te 634 m. may rangell........ 456 m. may receive........ 614 m. may well bring.’ Seas 541 mM. might play twee ss 508 ms mine equal. ....65.; 297 inl. sist = Dept anaes ei oe 713 m. must bear her...... 746 #1. MOVER -IStkens cia eis a 68 m. of baser earth...... 280 Mm. Of Mean shan doe ies 354 mM) of onesbook. eee eees 08 mi. of pleasures2. tte 576 m. of peace and war....196 PAGE Man—Continued OL. TNVIN eT aa Womb 375 Of ROSST te ee cane 568 Of: SCNSEx aioe as 5203 of Svirtiessr bce 131 of wisdom; hic. 7220 Onl an V1lSar tke reeer 606 OnLy MATSee wee ee 63 over m. he made**, .648 PrOPOSES ju ae F cea 601 rules in science...... 457 seeks his own......, 464 SOVETES. . ier Aik etme 630 shackled to his..... 637 she Joveso3 i akieerre 586 should be ever...... 49 should choose....... 534 should ever........ 220 so stationed... ..:... 54 sprung from himself. 38 SESSSSSSSSR SBS RSRESSSESPEESSESSSEEREESEEBBEESESERSEREEEBEBEBBESBEBSES struggling for life... that Dut misist ip eae 536 thatvhas on ke aa ae 562 tha ters) OTE wenden 501 thatelay's. o. wx tees 149 that loves andf....: :414 that loves thee..... 223 thats ne er, snasecr 621 that mournsinn ssa 314 Chat Wrongs seca AIS the disappointment .457 the hermit sigh’d. 27 the hermit sigh’d...737 the monarch of..... 485 thesmotit sees a Sor thé: posts ese es. 543 the tyrant messi... 463 the voice of naturet. 50 then the imagef..... 32 thou feeble tenant|]. . 463 thou pendulum]... .463 though dead........ 380 LOMaLiSe tt ies ce eae 611 to commandt..: ai). 7 COCO GME ae ws evenine 415 0 fallin en es 32 LO JA OUT in tae tee 410 too muchaGod..... 318 to theAastas vw seewe 464 wants but little. .... 21 wants but little..... I41 WATTS? DELL tira Baneee te 404 Wants “Dut dae cane 734 Was aie CG: anes Macros Sang Was HODIC tH tec Ph mes 606 was not formed|].... 27 WE wigCl wat eumi eh ees 33 were taken......... 61 Wile We se eee. in a ate 96 who cannot laugh. ..415 who can’t use it..... 549 who consecrates.... 26 who keeps up....... 3.80 WIIG Wises e ae cere pee ae 133 WHO OE. sckak, comes Sue ste 133 WHOPOLCES itis trent 66 who turnips cries... .440 . whose borrow’d....503 ‘ whose heart is warm, I24 . whose heaven-erected463 ; PAGE Man—Continued m. will not. trust. yee +383 m., will only wait. See m. with the heady. . 737 m. without knowledge. , 1377 m. without teligion i iS...122 m. wise in nis own...., 132 m:. would die*2) eee 511 Mm. Would inc, sane 266 manners make the m.. .465 manners makythm.. 465 manufacture... pee 282 Many asin on. 353 MOEA. OT 40k ec eee 742 meet ‘aA: Mich. sea. ee ee 282 members of am........ 705 memory of apnay..- ee 407 might be in-me. aan 461 mildest manner’d m.]]. .148 mildest manner. *d mi. .466 milk Hver' dsm) pee 149 mind of desultory m....700 mind ‘of “mss. ces cee 521 mind that makes the m..484 mind that makes the m. , 486 miracle to m. is m...... 463 money makes the m. 495 more™ of 3 ee 521 More thal et ae 380 more than i.e 737 much of iets ae ee 684 quust helpless m........ 463 ‘hae m. can tether...... 548 never m. was true...:.. 742 no guilty m. escape .335 NO oi" lea ee eee 550 no m. at one time... =.. 448 NO Th. Duta. ee ee 439 NOON, ‘Cans: 226 See 332, no m: can work oo ae 528 no mm. can Sérvels oye aes 472 no Mi. happy. a2 eee 220 fio Mm! is Dorit} >. snore 41I 110M. KnOWs son Samer 407 nom. til thirty. pee 247 no m. who believes only.180 NO tlie inate ec ee 582 NOT ADSL as. oe eee 310 noftia.m. 9s eee 464, not as ftatlan-*e2 oe ee 661 not m.tor thea. eee 674 not undevelopt Moses of God. orm ae eee 603 ot God: to-mar= aee 393 of heaven ist se, aoe 464 of Onelin.;..w sre ae ee 332 of mand sbeasth 2 aan 554 of 'm.- below... s..e eee 400 of mankindts mie. aaa 407 old enough foram.f....311 old m. eloquent**...... Sai old’ m2 to have®) «sem Sir old m. who'saids. anne 534. Once ames. foo eee 584 one greater m. 7S aoe 393 one m.’s oppress’dt....228 one strong m.tt< ss. 532 only mi? ds vilés eer .464 only perfect 21.0%. .steee 363 open’ mM; TOM... e.e «sie Oe OO | I wage ‘ - MANDATES Man—C iaddeedealh or m. belowt.. he 18 pasar sin. <)> 57 . 40% peevish m. and wife... 468 people in amir. iv 0s we. . 286 periect ta. 76 Po eee 363 perfection ina m....... 461 piebald miscellany m.f. a64 Plain an FF ee 363 poor'a thing asm... Jf... 460 Poor. proud. se eeece 585 DOG In. thatrew en eect 404 Poor Old ah! fn TE eee 82 DOOTPOIG ance ee oe ras PIOOTESE- Tit. bores nee yale so 59 POWeLD Of a meee. ae 392 DYaise) "NO. Alyn oe ee ae 220 praisedsby a mir oo ot ee 586 press not a falling m.*. .417 PLeVa was’ Tt s6 waco ee 374 Pride-of.mise Nee. 38 Sproducetarm. osc st. soe ee Proucdiems. se fy es proper judge of the m. nee proper, touthe ta: / 25S... 413 public’m of lights... 420 FACS OF TH Ist eel ee a 501 TACEAOT WHat sre sie a 504 tarely m. escapes...... 185 reading maketh a full m. be TIONG 1LtOree eo ee 610 TIGNES: Of Ail ovis anc es: 36 TIES OP ait. a cet 167 sadder and a wiser m.. .378 sadder and a wiser m...656 searce bela mis. oe oe 505 SCENE Oleiinte. te bee. 462 shape Of/ne Tha, oS. . 447 Shews\the firs eos. 116 should undo a m.*..... 419 SHOW tNlemM beens te 51 Sick rissa cee ec or 366 slaves to onem........ 532 So” DESy actus eae uas oe 750 SOAMMCHASA Wo eee 218 some divinely gifted m.f 30 eterna tay lis Wane: irate ye ine 361 Sortacac) ket Vet tee ce eres Fe 453 spares neither m....... 201 Spirit..of. rm. isi}. <, . 7’. 394 spirit OES Tikal cece oes ae 464 Bpirit of 0. isl] 4 0 ice oe 712 STMTIES lit ts okree hae cua 302 standard of thei oc oan 486 SUAtG OL TE he fs ve ie 254 Stateia i. Deo. bs anche ae 725 Stlibsstromealiial. cn tee 660 strange thing is m.|]....736 strife betwixt am...... 468 striving to be D1. /¢.4.e2 238 StUG yi tOn tite tsa a 462 Sti; Ofsitls 2 ene Co ate 462 study of mankind is m.{462 Such ai. * ie ee | 744 such master, such m...635 such master, such m...635 Sablinte ot ims. 3. 314 takes a wise m....... Eni With Ash sa taxva sa opays: ties we ee TOS 909 MANKIND ——on PAGE PAGE Man—Continued Man—Continued LOXiY pa VS cc oe marreyt 928) owas. a.m Fig Os eo BEACH cay tine cte ee a ae 524) was a youngm.........537 teaches m. his own..... 87| was m. madea....... “ened tenrper-of the m:. 22>... 54r| weigh the m........ .608 terrible mz with, 22). ST peeyrelLi~ OReds mi... ee -210 tHanaiy tee ey eee 735| were m, but constant*. .138 thou madest m.f....... 530| what cananoldm.do.. 21 than-that‘of-m.f 7.252%. 531| what hast thou m......462 thankless, inconsistent what is am, profited. 3036 (OER Ey os A ACA ERG So os 463| what ER 6 ode SE a Pe asOO Phat heist. es AS Sie Wie tl) Maine ce eee Aeicutay tow RAALHOW Wiss. can ak oo 26| whatm.does....... vent al GHaAtdmMe is ca ho ee 560], what m, gives: (2.202'". ce) the sreat ims). oo 208 5 PETZ What. may miele A .376 thes prea) OS 452| what were m....... w360 thesliving m-. sts) .8 227| what were m...... : +2737 the living m, 27 to5 02055 562| whenam.assumes..... 543 the m. complete....... 331| Whenism. strong...... 27 the wt. jst tenuis en. 31r|) "when m:, doth: -220. 72 347 the msiseoes foes 577| Whenever am. has..... 543 the: mery: mio se es 338| where is the m.f....... 421 the mightier m.*....... 331 |. “wherevissthe m.) .. 22 728 the mightier m.*......, 629| wherein a m. can err....460 the natural m4 es 553| while m. is growing... .431 theanoble ay (20200 s 36| while wandering m.....429 the noblest m.*........ 167} who's master, who’s m.474 the noblest m.*/....... §r1|' why has-not m7u. i. 247 the one mFS 5h. 7451) Wi Notte een 459 Ghemigut-ineswe ewes. 549| will of another TH Set ce a3. the/sameim- ft Woe oe 2 382 will Of mit se Owe ee the tragedy ms... 3. 753 wise m. knows himself*, Se the wisest mr. 9.sia. 25 3. 280M MWISe In WOSES. hake 441 theswitty mes hss 31974 WISE Is" POOTh< iuisieeistere 585 theawitty: tins. wens AL At Te WASCE WM schoo teeta 248 thisvaged: ms) 2k sat ere SPS )|* awaser M.kis. 2h i ces 6890 this clock-work m...... TOO|) | withi this nv-"s S.-i 587 ‘iis extraordinary mes) 472 |. swork 1s. meu y eee 460 StHisista teow See ee AGE o> works: of mis Si, eyes 123 this: universal m....... Ra years Of. Lee aoe e: 222 tHe Weatravil see ee 517| you weream.*........ 146 thy manufacture m.t{. ..462|Mandates—m. make heroes. 225 RGA POOL tian. Jot 309! m.makeheroes........ 225 tO aorisetin cts yee 524|Mandragora—poppy nor m.200 to bleed: form... 2. 2.. 119 |Mandrake’s—m. groan*. ...156 to every m. and nationtts49 |Mane-—clap his m......... 542 TOsEVERY Nie ee 560)|| ‘his brinded mi**2 23.2 438 COPTEVEEY: MIAME eee es 584\|" his: crested. mus. os. se 513 tom. alone=s § usr ,!: 446): the ocean's mye a... 542 torent alone shea coe: 44: Oe thin. Sal aes ee ce 370 to'm~) thevearth.e 729k. g23'|-etpom thymine 542 fOMNORAIAG Cee, See ER 61 |Manhood—disappointment to none m. seems ignoble463 Of Mis tae eet eee A3 = COPONE shoe he eee 281| gives m. more*........ 5358 £0 tem perims: yo. say. oo. Paolwe tan asstTuccles ss setae. 432 toithe, brave-m: ss... 143\- me invhis. looks, 29s... 512 to;the lashim:*s..2 2 : roo| ~m,10ong- misled 4. 2.0.9 504 Toto peo mss 14 .)ae. es 5221. ane of diving mango. Sy 562 HOt DAOPti<: hea ons eres Baa ims. tol relOrm 2) | oe eae 758 tied on mss hoa e. PELE ee testsUOL ins sae oe Secon 63 truly shenest miss one. 364| troubled m. follow’dl|. .191 truly greats. ae ee get troubled m. follow’dl]...451 trust not ames | Alec 456|Manhood’s—m. prime vigor433 turns she every m.*....388|Manifest-as m.as........ 535 valiant m. and freef.... 84|Mankind—and ride m.....464 very unclubable m....:112| are allmi,.:..... Sere eI LS vigorous VOUNg ml. s oe 286| better for m....... ee ATA SUPETIONUG I}. eee eras hoes 6511 “business of mi. 203.0). 2457 was auhttle 105%: tase 1657 () cannot hate mig. o. /s0r WAS eel EM ers tiety ais or ahoe 3771 countrymen all m......143 MANKIND'S PAGE Mankind—Continued delightsofimn iit. see ues 304 deserve better of m.....325 destruction of m.f..... | 1336 fOr valloiniatl seshe eae 605 gyardianssOl serie 061 levellemolims tk eyes ai 445 Mittlease tattle sccm. tose. rekan 210 makes m. aspire....... 365 m, are always happier. .477 mstrom Adam. s4..s4. tos 739 1 (TOM A Cain. weve ster 739 U1. ONLY, 11a Cll ewan ener 406 MEAN EStUOl tae teeta ee 250 aTICANE POT 11 eee ee, fey: 102 SNETCY O10) nett ohn 323 Olpahl ins 1. wat: diner eo 353 Ot DASG tarhcure gs. yes esente 320 ODIMONS Olsmiwa. seaces ete 384 On subdues, 17a a0. ois) oko 228 TISHUS OL GAs yea. ais wey 182 Satire On Mi. oa wees. ote 486 SPINIt OLIh. yeah eek 425 study of m.{ Ree a 407 study of m. is mant....462 SULVEY, Glew eOMls weccee ces 541 thavtya. lem eet See ee 496 FO. SHIN Tt See eee ete 604 tramples’0’er M...¢.600) 387 well-being of m........ 302 WAGE ll ett, Weare wee 563 words among m........ 581 Mankind’s—all m. wonder.454 Man-like—m. it is to...... 231 id. 1S) 1 be bON cae en eee 646 Manliness—his fair m.*....742 WONG: DiGyatl:» cm tone 415 Manly—anything that? Sina iehs anvthine thats see (485 drop Of m. blood. 5... -455 * Abhe mM parte asc ese 212 Mann—der rechteM....... 549 Manna-m. of a day...... 527 tongue dropped m.**..., 55 Manner -~awfully stupen- AGUS aes ae eee 325 follyiatid ileus shen el 414 gentle in i. i. feukies = I47 2a eee eeW UME boca Mrs SS Ea): 185 mild and agreeable m...147 forthe rms POLK iawats ae) 158 Mannered—mildest m. man|| 50 mildest m. man. ..5-.a: 148 Manners—by hism........ 305 PDR Sito. anderen: hegc: acl, 465 eatecnithe rte oie oes 280 COMmupt, LOOG man eet 128 Cortipt Goodies ee 128 Aaeniby ol al: eee ae 190 FING INL. TSEC. 2 phe deere 466 Pood myand Sot. 2.2... 147 he chastises mies fast «asec 240 m. make the man...... 465 mH. makythemeate ances 465 910 MARASMUS PAGE PAGE Manners—Continued _ Man’s—Continued seb askbhyructaiapnam en yn: a 465| ofm. first disobedience**253 Mm.Ot all nations... a. 44< 664: -.0f.a m.life, Ses as ane atl the daw war. cates 465 BOL a miliies...eeee no GODS Mi. Oiethe time ae cya. 264) ..0f m. Lifes. te. kee .602 m. were gentlet....... 569] «Of M.-Tavagel. «wen +542 m. with fortunesf...... r10| . old m, dream... |. ...0. sae m. with fortunest...... 465)| ).oldim:, ie yie* saute .650 m. with fortunest...... 556| old m,. twice a child..., 22 m. with fortunest...... 60x - old mm. wit}. iss acne 750 Tol dest rage acts ee. Ae 147| | ONG m., POISON, ..7 eee 281 NOt, SOOG Tl, chown es 350| one m. wickedness.....237 nothing settled in m....466| onem, will............ 322 GL mMinetentled.. mikes ee 230| . ONG). Wit)... see eee 601 GL Ts aan kah Shen See EO| » poor mM, day. scene eee 674 eur m. count. tor more ..465)| —~ rich, Mm. dOGrmae a.eneee 492 Saw them, mu. sesge. « 465| security of every m. life. 480 Stem] .Ol ca. moe eae 60| sheddeth m. blood..... 510 these external m.*...., 508| sick m. appetite*...... -401 WIMCOALLM Tle heen in eee 35| strengthen’s m. heart. .281 With ti da Val Seek 2861» tisim, to Oghty owes . 601 Man’s—a m. vanity....... 40211. to.avm. Laces ~ nee 427 and increasesiainl.;et eis As6|--.tO: mesestate:..e eee 460 art is m. instrument 50] - took aim lifes ance pe: bad Gm csa wernt ener < 417| were am. sorrows...... ‘bad-m. death-isy aden 327| when m. eye appears||. “685 busie m. best recreation. 96] while m. desires....... 231 each m. burden lies**...403| wise m. folly*......... 283 eachom. Wite: ancy ae un lets 548! with m. nature*....... 53 eachams. Shoes, om wore T2| 2 younguum. daneyi. jae 663 every m. a liar.... A106) - YOUNG ts Deo a ae 337 every Mm. reason....... 609| young m. vision....... 14 exceeds m. might*..... 448|Mansfield—Lord M. first. ..648 for macillusionie amines 503 |Mansion—back to its m....407 isi aon see ee EO = DIS MOIS 20a. 5 cee ee 630 great m. memory*..... 33201 whata m. bayer sn mass 376 great m. overted «... i4.. 636|Mansions—are many m....346 ita 10, Deltech Saga. ehiks os 565i (tila, Dili t evel ae ee eee 666 madequate aS itis, ees. Av6)| 14m. 10" the, shaesees eee 347 TLASE AN. gLOee weenie 220| .more-stately nic)... 5¢8 lordly m. down-lying... 86|Mansionry—his lov’d m.*. .677 TM. AatOO) cere eae 616|Man-slayer—and m....... 106 111.1245, Mal TOL. coat 608|Mantice—-m. quid in tergo ta, Att DUILt (Cities ac wee. a 122 OSE, ofo ree baie ener ee ee 108 mM. Dest tiie ses eee 525|Mantle—a golden m....... 336 rele yes me bot=am ie bets | [by Garam neh ie 563| Aurora displayed her m. first disobedience** , 3093 Tl... ae Sabet Shee ee 2. MEAT be ieee ile Uwe: 6o1| her silver m.**. 3, 272 Hil MOUSE spans hk are 350144 1d PUSSeb alee see ae + Sao m. imperial racef...... 336| night’s black m. PSS. m. ingress into........ 430|. the prophets m........ 600 Ti, Anhumanit ya . oc ies 153]... Diack. ‘1H. ieee eee eee 520 m. social happiness....736| whose pitchy m.*...... 520 m, state implies....... 461|Mantuan-the M. swan... .483 tin. Cendert.. cum seeieen es 339|Manufacture-thy m. mant462 iM, bhatt SAaVaAS spat ote 463 |Manus—m. haec mimica, ...203 ir, Ja waOk lifeh i. Mute city. 237| haec inimica tyrannis. “703 AN) LG ISt ell cee as Mee chace 502}| obscuras tnjicit illa m...503 m. life’s but a span*....653|Many—as m. men so...... 544 11, LOVES OL? oie umes shoes 456) cattempf, oLaneauce ee 51 m. maturer nature..... 626| madness of them.f..... 583 m. rebellious sin....... 571|\. m. taint with tole. .ene 410 m. secret thought...... 22! m. still must labour]]...410 m. the best cosmopolitets61/ m. there be........... 348 m, the good for. sissies 608) “So m, and. som... eee 488 m. worth something. . ee Wisdom, Of 10s:.0he ae 601 measure of a m. life... » 433 Maple—m. seldom inward. .6¢8 Thy. itl. Cheeksc™ Aetee cai 684|Mar-oft we m.*.......... 26 no m, pleasure....5.... 548|Marasmus—m. ane wide- nose.on am. face*...... 535 Wasting"*2. ... suena MARATHON Marathon-M, Res on stiches WATT OL ae. neaelode ete 560 spares gray M. il. . onl oy Marble—a m. white§. . acictie 238 Ges 1. POOU a. ees 720 forget thyself to m.**. ..497 REEL tte OL Wicae = ee meee 623 many 4 braver im......- 364 m,. piles let no man... ..230 Wie SOLten G antor.. see 554 m. soften’d into lifet...632 rye to” Teta... he ca ste e 222 int, ‘to Tetaint one eee 222 qari bie tiers ote, sete 497 ACHE Na ye ail One tet bere 485 more the m. wastes... .631 SPECIMENS -Ol Ms. sete ss 501 GhHeveold Mee acacieree 632 tie Hara mecee eo oe as 608 the ami: merely: Vs. 22.. 497 ShHistine Meee ee eee oe oe 238 fender this m.ti-e..-.: 230 whole as the m.F...5..:: 395 Witte Tt dail... te ree 238 WHOMGS IEMs) cc face o thie 238 WrOUSS ih Wise ae se test 540 WLOUGS Wiiilae tes cusses one 707 Marbles—mossy m. rest.. Marcellus—M. and Bernar- Oe eee cic ee 307 M. exiled feels........* 131 March—day’s m, nearer. ..507 TEST OL Miseee eo eee oe 662 aes or Me? are. nee. we 662 long majéstic m.{...... 210 PM Us GUE Saw is sue ss 552 Wo is1O-er thes. Avivo: 524 m, of ‘intellect. .2. 20.4 486 m. of fhe himan....... 486 Mi AAMOtN Lose ne ashe et 365 whose pathless m...... 424 with solemn m.*....... 307 Marched-—m. a league Franeres 7m. DACK apainos sans. 292 He tfOrtly ite ee fee 02 Marche2s—dreadful m. to*. .563 Marching—boys are m.....719 Marcia—the virtuous M....676 Marcius—-my good M.* 560 thes noobie Mier. . I ae vessel and the m.||. : Martial—m. airs of Haeindee 73 m. airs of England 673 a oe 6 ke: meltine) atrs-Onin, a. fc. rs Martlet - —temple - haunting i AS eo Ee ei ate 677 Martyr—a blessed m.*..... 20 iM.Liny ay SHeetiohe sane 472 m. in his shirt of fire... .472 f1r.4 Ofte wien were ee 505 myto what..c2 ava 472 WARS Seats death ten Co OES 471 with theiramell sss sera 595 Martyred—m. men have mademys. forester. OR 20 Martyrs—blood of the m...471 blood of primitive m,...471 bloodwot mesa 471 Hooksor wickets a melee oe 560 iM.worthy of theds. 4. a. 472 theum:oniNerore. 40-02 710 Marvel-—cease to m. atit...537 thisia1.-tO. . 437 money mmsand*.) =... =: 494| m. to make me love*...209| veiled m.has.......... 575 money m. and content.141| m.worsethanthe...... 473| very m. disposition* 475 place and m. for*...... S481. tio tistor ach. 1 oo ue BOL we DEM aA ba teta sade cyan 654 save m. to live*........ #201 DO Other.m.*.. od.m a ay ie Wee 4 Lh ae <1 OSE ESS a 654 Meant-—more is m. than**, .213| one desp’rate m. more. .473 Meliora—video m. proboque.s590 Measure—and m. might...571| out, loathedm.*........ 473 |Melodie—foules maken m..529 CHANgeEs Olearitiner ee it. S 440 shall ever m.*¥..._..... BOO mo dKeotOe: 1 nee) ee 446 Cromwell’s m. or degree4o7|Medio—m. tutissimus tbis. .492|Melodies—breast of m.....378 good m. pressed down. .309|Mediocribus—m. esse poetts..577 heard m. are sweet..... 645 knows no Be coe 571 |Mediocritatem—auream quts- m.of love arise§ 05... 504 m. of a man’s life...... 433 ORL eee, een eae 492| m, the echoes of....... 399 WM. Ola, WlaSbewe sie. aes 420|Mediocrity—excellent m.of 492} m. unheard before..... 639 I: OL MIStte ere oa ...482|Meditation—worth my m...467| of mournful m......... 514 irastile form eae 62s. 341 |Mediterranean-the blue M. #2.0))o JSWeetest, 1.4m. cbenioe 196 Tw Wey Coulee iets ios 418|Medley—m. of disjointed wonderful) m.§.¢-.. «04: 579 ANE GINeben, ica eee 614 PEIES RR ee ete ou 201 |Melodious—in m. time**. . .513 m. your mind’s height. “486 Meed-—m. of his sweet§....238]__ most m. sound........ 512 most moderate m...... 402]. m@erres hime. os deus « 38|Melody—dark with m...... 532 shears and m.* SA 527 not for Ti) Pee We ie «pe in a¥1 3 back 5 spade \otays. ee as lena 581 Sipned-:to-ame 9]... oc aioe OSC ene tor mF ede. soph ad 625)\eindvotrinune + tse 568 standard for the m.....418|Meek-—for m. of heart]....404| m. of every grace...... 250 Eis Netley Mss rand. so2|Meekness—m.long- -suffering 479 ENOR bal ivi s hae eet Uses sied 605 Britta tes, 8a) ee ae. oe Meet-hope tom. again.... 4] of sweetest m.*........ 650 with Whabine >. «os fe svOU Me MEG. malevenes ores Saal SME OM LOV.C (SIT Ts hae wenn Aer ae 449 Measured—m. by my soul. 486 in the hopetom........ Bey Wane Of Ii. Aha «iy aay 655 Tit. GOW OW SAAN «chy, exces te 20) pi, aHOepart Onis: sx. bac ATA|mawinds: wither og sale 628 Measures-in short m.....330| m.meby moonlight....499|__ with charmed m.-..... 515 in. all ouritime on es 5 BOgte Patt) LOM) -camait fer cyoys 555|Mellow—goes to bed m.... .208 tis NOt MEN ecm ovens Sooo gelireeany. (Again Schoo. AT AV eELAVECrOL ING. Ue eves cheae ee 295 fot menvbutims 5. su: BS 2) ee tis, GALATI avncelioere edocons 263 |Melrose—view fair M......490 to delightful m.*....... BOs etO tH. NO MOTE... . «sivas 475|Melt—m. myself away*. .. .403 urges desperate m...... Rome tavaith Shall Twn, cap h mows 453) metOlIl, a TlODlenten were ceaeas 250 wild-warbling m. rise...472| used to m....-......+% 475|Melting—m. airs or....... 515 Meat—another’s m. or drink281| we m. with champagne. 474|Melts—m. with unperceived both mouth and the m..142| we three m. again*..... 735 aecaw? Jak sake ae a 20 choleric’ a ni. ™ <8, pose) 281 |Meetest—praise thou m....478|__ then m. forever........57 dish -GE- mi) Wi warce ee 44|Meeting—jovs of m........ 474|Member—on the _ vicious eat but little dic oa. - BOT AMRIT 21s WS ice) ois be ele 233 Mf) ahi von 6 tek AT3 MEMBERS PAGE Members-all the m.*.....679 LER ge hayn neared peti RceAyeho 590 Wi; Ol bia tle ae wee 705 other healthful m.*..... 6790 Meminisse—quam tut m.. ..478 Memnonium-_M. was in all. Memorem-—mendacem m., 504 ESSE Nts senators tapec 25 Memorial—-swectest m. thellgoe Memorials—themselves mm. NEC sree ot earn tae 497 Memories—and m. of men. .407 extend our m. by...... 497 mightiot mm, atdass. s.r. 500 Set.off hist. eo. 406 with such m., filled..... 477 Memorize—name forever m.357 Memory-and sacred m.**.540 blessed m. on a throne. .479 expense of his m....... 477 fond =m. brings?... 2. -- 312 fond* 4.10 « 478 SLAVES SOLS ete eas 531 great mains met es 332 NaveraPOod tie. oe 425 life some m.*2 22.05 08... 20 hife Some mE ee oe alae 477 Ta be Sreenn ark te et. 722 mm eplisShesiath ms tot 226 m, exceilent toj]........ 552 AEC USES LO nee Feta ea 634 dia PLEO 1. . occ et 685 m., iS necessary........ 425 m. lends her light:.... wes m. of earth’s bitter]... .480 m. of man runneth....., 692 tof the just... .ce @:327 mor the just. ane 327 MyohaimMan.. ooo. 497 mao wwhatwhes*. ee 349 m. writes her lightbeam. 540 Mm. Servesthiti<. era 607 m. takes them..;:.. See OS m. the warder of*...... 477 m. the warder of the braiyeees Sr ser mccocet: 206 m. will bring back..... 448 morning star of m.||....446 morning-star of m.||....741 mystic chords of m.....561 naught in m. live...... 446 Onn; thou fond). 27. 477 piacedn thyme... 5... 2 478 pluck from the m.*..... 301 quitefrom yourm....... a7 quite from yourm...... 477 Snore Of thon ere 478 SHOE, OTs We ee Bs ee 689 sinner Of his mee. ore 426 Slave to mits shes COO SON Ofems eee eee 637 sweet their m. still... ..478 table of my 16 alte APA lb 477 the mJ ofites yee 477 thoughts to m. dear... .478 thy m. shall not fail... .408 to his m. for his jests. . L477 to. mu aloneveces eat ae 368 tou dear. e. swe eee 4 TO) ti CeaLan «cee cater 689 914 PAGE Memory—Continued Vibrates im the in... oe 477 Whelan. PIA VS yes Se 478 where, tiSleptoe fats. 84 Wile mm olds*se..4 5 23 477 who has not a good m,. .425 Memphian-his Re aa Ce RRR E Soret oy ea eee Memphis—temple of Resid Mee een coed che fe 407 Men-—affairs of m.ff...... 548 all tit. Aberen mite ect 571 all’m, commend .7 os... 558 al at, SCO meu eee eee 579 alisthines total lm «oe ip all*-vagromem. =. rin set 582 alonetionmussne see 324 among the dead m.....603 hakebebaoyos(oyblsymaaie wir, Se A Que 494 andi arelltite aia ciee 462 eWoler cnalemoleleeiien baa ecm wey: 25 and sVOutio. sen peer a 634 ale. Dutt give. sieeve were 353 ATG OUNT TI oe oe eee 344 are selfishim-Wc 3 tas age 224 aS Manly ise eee 544 association Ol Ms. ae 606 bad m.icombine™: sien 705 beacons of wise m...... 440 DEST VOL Ue Rey seco ce iruete 119 best m. are moulded*. .267 DESb OL Nisha cs nee eae B75 binds m. to be traitors. . 401 black m. are pearls*....525 brave m. werell........ 357 brave m. would act.... 33 iDreathaot see eee 275 bringing vallei.. en 420 Jayedumsne likens Sage mmises ste 232 DY, Sleat els ere 332 chatices rule m.. j=... 122 childrentol ime 612 company of the wisest and wittiest m....... 07 crowd of common m...,.218 dark insidious m....... 420 do not ennoble men... .543 do not trust alltm:.~.=. 490 educated m. were...... 217 exceedingly tallm...... 308 featotlittierm=:.. ..sene 251 fighting m. are the..... 667 fOrv MT tOr et mt eee 659 fore this meee ore ee 260 fOrAMmOSt MIA ae eee 301 Teer iy = ee Seer 204 fullsightsrot mt oe 323 good m. and true*..... 320 ood tnesatcen fee ee 320 wood ane starve: +e ee 95 RICAUING ALCOR DA. siete ee 331 greatiin. arein. |e oe 331 preatem. ALGe en eae 232 STEAGIN. ATC] ss. ks ae 600 great m. by small...... 331 great m. may jest*..... 1906 ereat: monly cater eien 331 great mito beroskee cece 407 great m. too often...... 331 great m. trembie...... 438 MEN PAGE Men—Continued great im. will’. eee 332 great th. will. — 3 ee 332 preat rich in.) a 388 hearts of 11,;S.2. oe eee 570 hearts have m.f....... TAI his Heirtine m1. yer ee 202 honest m. esteem...... 204 Ti OL CN. win o aera ee 123 if dtl, Willcall 1a ee 588 if 11. “Will Calling. oa eae 628 if YOU WeLe 11) ceete ee 343 int. WE}s day gets weeots 556 in neat 1. ST eee 559 if OLMEL fits). s.cme cone 107 its greatest m..-.. ee 332 its’ sreatest Nn, a eee 707 just 12) Siisie ce po eka ethers nemoartee 501 Rust ole bite ee 402 justifiable to m.**...... 314 Kiss: no: M0 ieg cece 742 knew Bréat. ni. jg... .ee ee 332 let the youngim..- ese 547 level now with m.*..... 84 hike youre eee ee 957 literary iteate> os eee 67 lives of coarsest m.tT...582 lives of great m.§...... 240 lives of great m.§...... 614 lives ‘of Ime eer ee 487 lives (Ofna ee cee 606 living to be brave m.... 61 love of wicked m.*..... III Mia JOTIC VOL Ines 401 make m, expect a*¥...., 544 makesmiree. 2... cae 120 take “Im, “wisein =o ee 96 makes MMs DOOl. see 585 makes m. living....... 564 Many Wortnye iiss vee 613 measures not m....... 582 Measures wot 10s, pee 582 melancholy m, are..... 476 Memories Of M.. sso... 407 melancholy m., are..... 476 m. and beasts his prey. i id. and empires; se. es 666 fit, AIC SUCKS. | een 265 m. and women merely*. 664 m. are a little breed}. ..301 mare always... 2 ere 364 imaretas Much... eee 245 Mare ate thee peta ote 487 mare! Hoxi..... cee 618 m. are but children of..116 m. are but children....464 Mare Dtta oe ee 613 m. are created equal... .618 m: are able... ner 231 ty are-mad. sa ee 301 mi, ‘are-m¢ et.) s 231 mare ims eee 540 m. are never so good... .545 IM. ‘ATC! SO... ie ee 280 m. are the sportl]....... 122 m. are twice boys...... 22 m. are twice children... 22 im. are used #40 eee 20 Mm. as angels**o- ee 739 m.as they ought....... 554 ; PAGE Men—Continued m. at some time*...... 54 m. at some time*...... 265 m. at some time*...... 472 mi be so strong. ....... 427 mo pelowwalids .. so ee 446 mM. Dlisn less fe oP er 03 m. but like visions. .... 257 m. by their exampie....240 af. Gall him lowlys4.2, 4 533 m. can cover crimes*. 51 m. deal with life... ... 430 m. denounce asill...... 237 m. dig the earth.:.:... 495 Mea wand drinks ay, 215 m. entirely great...... Be 5 m. everywhere could. ..2094 m. favor the deceit.-.... 370 mi, tor, theix’sins|| fi 25.2. 505 m. grow virtuous...... 23 i ave a tient. sees 4323 m. have all thesel]...... 456 MHA Ven Giedy sine.) ciad 455 AES MA VEMOSt eer neuro ath. 609 m. have marble*...... -485 m. have not heard..... 201 m. high-minded m......667 m. in great place... 2. .. 543 m. in great place....... 635 1) A PCOIMANOL wan Atte 503 m. in reason’s sober... .116 gs im troubleseyic5' 2.2 -459 m. incredulous of...... 334 m. into the world ready booted. Chae ae 56 Poles LOWates. oye ae 455 m. like: billets: 24.2540 IOI WMYswlived ule i Peiino eek b 271 m. lived like fishes... .. 554 m. loved darkness..... 434 m. made us citizensff. .464 Meaaake, tatits® oe sae 267 fire inay, be) readin... 2 245 DL May Cone ts. euice, ot): 621 Mm. may -construeher 2... 440 fh, TAY vers aot eee ee 284 TS May TST Hees oe 597 Wm met.each sar. ser 399 iauvanted onl gore An «easly che 7390 m. more divine*,....:: 375 ti most tamed. s2 ee 258 MIIOUSE GCA ee ye eats III m. must needs abide*. . . 265 i, must Works s0.. 26. 410 Pity POLISG WOKS: tine tts 750 ie Tuy brothers}. . 0s). . 7 fn Not altar ter... .cee 218 HM seOLPARE! (ah chalets « 18 TOM ISOUKSe veces, ; 98 ty, OLA DOORSigt cas, of be ewe 378 Mm, of England i to ik 410 i, OL baalarde.. O55" 420 Ms Of PeENIUS ATEw ts see 491 Mr Ol jucement.. dw. es 283 im, of judgment 22 si 398 m. of light and leading. .420 m. of low degree....... 708 CH WOOL, MIGh bls Wiss eee 833 m. of most renowned**, . 415 m. of much haste.... 385 915 MEN PAGE PAGE Men—Continued Men—Continued i. Of pOhte.oenis.. a8 ae 305| old m. sleep longest... .430 m. of polite learning 420| Opinion in good m.**,..545 EIR-TOLVSCTIS@ 2) cy ers, tiene diners 283)|| ordinary, sort.of, 1m. ae. 659 fy Ob SENSE. wa ee eee One, DArb.tOm ii ae tee 200 Mie OL Withoer can, cee dere aT Als wea WS: are 111...) aaah 301 m. of your large profes- peace becomes m....... 606 Si or aicny fa; ee ALO LoilipetoOught mead aa: 333 Mm. often marry ins ses <. 467| tace of miserable m.f... 49 m,. only disagree**,.... Aoal a reasoning Of, miseec wae 741 mi OIG at mes. ao oe 484] respects self-made m. 90 m. ready to defend..... GG WleaeriCk tii. rilews se . ae 418 m. scarce seem in...... Sat: roll of common m.*,.... 218 m. should be what*., 49| rough to common m.}..652 m. should do to you. 28| self-made m.....:..... 218 m. Should. press. ....4.. 37| sensible m. mever...... 611 410: SHOW whltGi line « ors annie: recent aste Weiler tees. 332 I eSINilesaG pee, cia sees 383i) sensible mandi.) ons 612 m. some to bus’nesst...457| shadowsofusm.. a4 4. m. some to businesst...736| shall free-born m....... 418 1, SOOnMBIVe. ct Wuakiee. 250) ae SRAmMe LO I). teal) ieee « 463 ar, Strivedtormpght.. seme AS ANie Sl VeES OL Il ieee tne 539 m. that cheered........ 524| small number of m.. 67 m. that fishes gnawed*. .201 some m, there are*¥,.... 46 Pate nnost sets tet es 25 See SOS Ole tien tte ae eee 401 m. the solemnowl...... AS see SDeAKc CO Ty ances el eas 579 tit. bO GO, tO t1@ xe cle 2 steppein otherm....... 354 m. upon the whole..... 518| stories of savage m..... 35 roa Keke Folonblesaqacts Mn seh GSGOilEstrone miostand: gna: 483 m. were deceivers*,.... 383| subject we old m. are*. .426 THs sWELE sirStbies sek lees 23S ieasucn m.as het ft... ace: 36 m. while teaching...... ATT SECO Tas, Det ses ao oe 227 m,. who attend**,......., Tesi MMECASTES) OL;,1N> tor earessh cot 683 m. who can make...... ee CAC. 17)... CO ai ccaan iene 416 mp who graspiat a: 2). a. ogni Cell tit. WIA burke eae 582 m. who in our morn§... 30| than most m. dreamff. .517 tae Whole borin sane 503 thatin.. dO’. 6) ae 238 Mietyall Liber eee wee, 537| that m. lere..... Sa ide 574 m. will wrangle........ 612| that m. should do...... 2 Tt, WibhcSiStersiacn: ts wee ATO)|) es UNe WiSeSt Ist) en eae 258 im. WOuld bead .2. 1. on S2ilie the- wisest in. e a ose ae 408 modest m. are dumb AOS pa thes wisest Mm. - 4). 4a ee 534 more I see of m 4.6071) these good m,"]........ 5c 504 mortal m., mortal m.*.,. - +653 they are happy m...... most equitable of m.. 400| this happy breed of m.* be most ms dose hea. wee. 264 mE cHOug hts Of thee 596 most m. employ....... 430| thoughts of other m.....408 most wretched m....... hy S ewbOrliG ble inn mee nen erate 330 nationrot gallantin,. &¢.t%7 | tO little mo; oo ae ns 609 Bot. Dube eae PoP (ie edge © Aon a Wr 2 ORM mune ae ee 740 Manor tal titer ree eet oA ROLIeeLOUCry: tel tarkttnc.ci teas 319 Onkol ties terse eee ee 344| true authority in m.**. .461 of bearded ta..455 4. GSciletLuster vanider a. tine oe 700 of honest nitwans on ae. 533| twelve good m. into. 400 oti honest) m7... 2 hee Ge. 619| twelve honest m....... 400 OL iittlepmalls sy fh 4 eels 565| unexperienced m....... 365 OL THICeADG tle eee tess AGP Venera ble IM aoye.css tates 22 O qT: AN Lees. wave dees LOL, very honest m.. 05.5.2. 44 Of OG hee. ics ea ea ok PEO ve DELUY Ilse... eens 330 Ol DI1Vate 15s st. eee 20S tea TICE ls rete ao) eee 459 OL. opea kino ins e wees ac 318| werem. to live......... 422 Die SUCH Y 11a. eee te BeSie wheat are stoops. cn ie 5890 Of Waylaritigem..- «4... - 427| what m.andwomen....613 Di, WOL Gly Hi-fi ere orn ene 403| what m. assume to be. 49 OL VOUPH IN. queen oa anvtint ¥56| what m, assume....... 646 old m. and beldams*....526| whateverm.do........ 460 old m. are testy........ 21| when bad m. combine. .627 CHON TRE ETOW?.. ates, eysreloneiers 22| when good m. die...... 30 LLC, TI NO Wevter BA. Peue-ahs 7§7| when m. are arrived.... 25 LCT CSICKCIY ary olay~ op suede 7 Olea Wilet Ihe CLOW oe eae es 611 MEND d PAGE Men—Continued when m. once reach.... 21 when m. with angels**, . 238 916 | PAGE| Mental—m. and physical... 76 theym. breadthtiins. os. 738 Mentem—m, injuraiam gero.538 where m, may read*....376|Menteur—un m., est Ste eg 530 where net-maskt mm. Mention—-what you m. .658 dors MAP Ki SSE AO 664|Mentiris—m. in gutture . .426 wheresoever among m.. 498/Mentitor—prestt 1 m. son which old m, huddle. . . 260 SCHEPTC a scene sunk oe 539 wicked m. be bold...... 185|Menzogna—magnanime m.425 wicked m. from........ 440/|Merchandise—m, and trad- windy ways of m.f..... 464 trig Dic ak. cetera Meenene. 641 wise m. and God’s...... 482|Merchant—m. over-polite to479 WISE ity OW ee soe 283 |Merchants—m. most do con- wise m. have said*..... 421 ress Leming, whe Seite 342 yvase mi iongw "he eto 124| mM. venture trade*...... 80 wiseim: neer®. 7.2 508| whose m. are princes. ..470 Wises put often costs ae 258| whose m. sons were.....479 wise Maput ont sc. ee 543|. where m, gild the...... 479 RVOrst Of nis. aie ee 740|Mercie—who will not m....470 worth a thousand m....129|Mercies—and tender m.. 470 VETLO LOP 1 aan ee 198| bowels of m. kindness... .479 Vyouns pith eee. 283| tender m. of the wicked. 44 SOUND ti ciin ce eee 757|Merciful—blessed are the m.479 Mend-again and m....... Ze) Site that sin, sees tate 480 Mah +o aie eee 620), let-ussbe. mi 6c, ies 280 they are to m.§......... 366) Uletus be miticie.2/9)7. 481 thought an’ 'm........, OTs “moto mela). serene 372 SITTIE SGOvIT) eae yee ee 500|Merciless—a m. pen....... 504 1 Tole 08 Pub Crm Ghee USER 8 Cae rs |Mercurius—ligno M. fiat. . II Mendacem-™., memorem Mercury—a statue of M.. Il CSSCHR Rs at eerie As 425| beM. set feathers*..... 527 Mendacia—famae m, risit...137| likeaM.............2. (2037 Mendacior—parthism ..... 606| like feather’d M.*...... TL7 Mendacity—m. of hints||....647| the herald M.*........ 460 Mendax-—splendide m. et...425|Mercy—as m. does*....... 480 Mended-is soonest m...... 644 attribute of heaven is m.480 old ‘howiges ‘Maus Soe 54| becomesa ruler than m..480 Mendici-m. mim bala- EXCites:OUun Mine eee. AOL tromes fe ne oe pate of.m.*oie Pee, 480 Menelaus—M. Odysseus’§.. gates Of This. SA eae. 323 _ Menenius Agrippa—M. con- Godivall-im sisi sien 480 cluded {..gan" eee 705| havem.,shownl]........ 480 Menial—a pampered m TSMR ASKSCuth.. Poa teioete 481 Povey 636| justice with m.**, .. 00. 80 Men’s—adorn m. ashes....407| love m. and delight... .480 alli: Pood frien. ee 564| m. but murders*.....:. 480 allm.ofice tote =) ae eeS| | ean. l fotmdigieee. ke wee 480 at good m.feasts¥...... We ode Tie M4 GOL cde Saerehee dae hie ee 79 bringeth m. minds..... 421| m.is for the mercifull]..157 forget m. names*...... 516| *m.’s indeed. thet" 4.2 480 inall milives* <2. 5. e158 © ta. is not atselktut iy auc 480 AL Sm lives ns bn Se ae ATO} iia. of }God eccxdaoe 481 m.ibehaviourl?\% 2 +e: 203}).(im,oi-the Lordis vere, 79 ‘staiths are tse ye. 7. 490| m. sigh’d farewelll]..... 415 m.Maith’ do seldom*, #108) 9inate. Him pot anon 479 m. judgments are*..... 544| m. which is weakness... 480 m. noses as they lie*. 200|°° No.m,'s shown. 67 20.4% 376 i) privilege sof"... A S14 SOHO NETS: Talc iie Otis 12 old ‘nk prayersi. BGs a2 CHOU Split: «eyes 720 Messes—all the m......... aI5 pci eae i eg with Myst sor gallus eee 302 other country m.**¥..... Caine tye feet ce ile gels 2 AG NeCeO: OL To ete hee, 281 Messiah—God’s new M.{T. .549 Midnight — Cerberus and tyrant-hating m.ftt....526 Met—fellow well m........ 474 blackest m, born**, , .476|Milking—a m., sir......... 249 HCV er ile i sere ate re SO. Dicwi ab tm eo. oa 559). woing amr ot. .-240 BIC SOOM GTi. oben eset ota AAS ee DPUpe ata. Cae oss st 499 kmaid—as the m. sung. 1235 SOrE tit an Giew ees e's 474| budding morrow in m...531|__m. shocks the graces. ..451 that first WEtiIs see ae ee ATA leer ChiniGey a. Tilers eae the 372|Milky—m. mothers of the we m.-—’twas in a...... BOTA ATLLO: Cilerileana crs. meas oe 618 Tere Sema eet on amen g 44 Metal—breed for barren m.*392| -m. brought on**....... S36 t= OLeaewWaAay ke rata eenee 385 breed) of barrenumn,.*:...422! m. darkand§<«.......2. 642 that milky wire, Se ve Dish tw, Onto. soe Oro Merten Ol 5.5 soe ae cian 669| the m. mothers........ PIAS Ole Winns ere a nes ee GNESS CULL Tee oes, ce 651|Mill—drives the m........ Se graves itself inm....... ae tMsidead Or Maa cass. « 528| glideth by the m.*..... 483 Hits ke Ghent see eee Cosi ethic my hour 2.4. . 200)° » eoeSs Dy his*iie eee 483 i UNOWEd tOte occ. os Raye tonewerot tee. 7 ee .372| goeth by the m........ 433 sonorous m. blowing**. .272/|Midriff—m. of despairf....415| impel the m........... 483 Metals—books like m.... 98 |Midsummer—m. madness*. 672 m. can never grind... .483 Metaphor-into no m...... oo |Midwife—the fairies’ m.*...200| m. will never grind... .483 Metaphysics—and the m.*. .670|Mien—her m. carries...... 217|Miller—jolly m. once...... 141 Metaphysics—this is M....48x |Mieux—tout est pour lem...550| m. knoweth not of..... 483 Metaphysique-—c’ est de la m. 481|Might-and measure m....571| m. sees not all........ 483 Mete—what measure yem.. 29| m.havebeen.......... 612| than wots the m.*..... 483 MHICASUTE Vents ste ral: 614 ins MaverDeen: case. 707 ace re like a MPASOLIIS -INT Me ee tee SEO) 4 alo lave Deen]... su... ORAL ETNS e O a os on eT cr emen eae 285 Meteor-—fast-flitting m....504| m. is right............ 482 iminery saase OL a be fe harmless flaming m. aa Reo tie Gabe Ta eS ie. seersrers 482 Million-pleased not the ikea red... c- 2h ss 337| mm. was the measure... .482 TICES Peon tae Shame 491 m, flag of England..... 272| nom. or greatness*....105/ think for the m........ 67 m. streaming Lose ee Ba GEL Oledida: Sia taree as tees 531 Millions—m. for defence. ..181 streamed like a m... 272| that right makes m.....483} m. for defence........ 560 stream’d likeam...... 337| thus overcome m.*..... Asa sa yet. torbecuo.< F 354 Method-—certain reason and what, the nts be. e oc o 26|Mills-—God’s m. grind..... 266 Gn) eee See oo!” whem he mist. 0e. ee 548| m. of God grind§.....:266 m, in man’ s wickedness.182| with m.andmain...... 213m: of God erind$s on, 615 m. in man’s wickedness. 724 Might-Have-Beens—poorm. EG get Ole Laer eOUS sewn reea 615 GHETE |S tpi tote ten et 90 | Mightiest—m. in the m.*...479/Millstone-is like a m.....344 Methodism—M. of Wesley. .332|Mighty—better than the m.133 looke through am...... 247 Methods—no m. teacht....515| shrine of the m.||....... 334 Milo’s=M: exntditt yo. ee 220 Métier—chacun SOW MST 604 themttalierr st. ss. 253| remember M. end......615 Metre~slaves in m........ 7 theei. fallen... 253 Milton—as ty DRA cna eh cae 288. Mettle—promise of their m.*232| thingsthatarem....... So ove aiM. births saat un 483 self m. tires him*...... 1} things which are m.....732| M. thou shoulds’t].....224 Meum-omne m,. est autem Milan—at M. they did not M. thou shouldst bef]. ..484 ECHL OES is oes ee, ¢ 500 fast on Saturday)... Thi Maewas tO UStorstas are 183 Meurt—celuy m. tous les j..473| fastat M.or Rome..... Izj mute inglorious M.....707 m, tl n'est pas ainst..... 103) shattofeMewy eee Rie path) vote. een rre wee 654 Mew-and cry m.*........ 577|Mild-grave to m......... SSO. TUSCAN. NaSue tau ee 707 Me-wards-—m. youraffection453|/__m. in our method...... 147| the sightless M........ 6390 Mexico-—Virgil at M....... 622|Mildest-m. mannered manl]] 50! which M.held§........ 227 Mice-all the m. desert....183| m.withmanners....... 147 |Milton’s—at M.side....... 750 Prom ppleriii sted: 5. 161|Mildness—ethereal m.come663} in M.fame............ 483 ML ANG Tate ANC. ee oc Erol. ml. Hath alay Gtaae.a.: 572| M. strong pinionf...... oe RYT SOUL PLAS as care ne) so ns 107 |Mile-importance of a m. ..398| preserved in M.t....... Ce eke saves cl a Web ca Bae, Baan ee 46 |Mile-a-tires in a m.*..... 487 |Miltonum—Anglia M. Siete, Grid met. ss sls crac e 191 |Miletus-man of M........ 720|Miluo—neque m........... 416 Patou ANG. 1s. ktrecs es + 510/Milieu—le juste m......... 492 Mimetic—strong aeart: 70s MIMI 918 PAGE PAGE Mimi-—mendici m. balatrones4g1 |Mind—Continued _ Mimsy-—all m. were....... 535| matter over in his m...486 Mince—dined on m........535| meaning suited to his Mind—a bashful m....... 437 MT. ee ee ees eee eoees 13 a brave m.*..........338| medicine of the m...... 571 a mighty ti... aa 667 | melts the mm. to... . ss 572 a tn, fofever ii... 680) = 77. a. thoupera as. Sele 464 a Nobles, ha eee eee 300| m. can weave itselftt. .486 a NoOblesmMbriiamen occ 486i CONLENTL. 5 cesta seas I40 @ Afoubied 0. it ae 2s 30x). tn. diseased....'..,. ee ee 746 absence of m. we...... 486| m. forever voyaging]. .528 all OLrone wane cats .705| m. hath no horizon... .485 as Of A: TR:d505 nue oe be 544; m. by nature weak... .408 balance of the m.{..... 485| m. conscious of virtue. .137 beast whose m......... 463| m. from a muddy spring224 beauty of the m....... 79| m. has a thousand eyes. 435 blotted from his m.....540| m. is its own**........ 340 DY Lie sia: wake eae 485| m. is the great lever... .486 Ue ENE Lie ese ete 485| m. is the master....... 484 CALs VOU Datiles ae ee ies 486| m.’s the standard of... .486 change her m. likel|....736| m. may well contain**. .408 change his constant m.**270] m. moves matter...... 484 change the m......... 139] m. not to be changed**. 485 change “yout sm... .... 44408. 5 m.00f man Thon os 521 but chang’d his m.f....111 A SOL Maras | ae ate leaee cae 730 cheers of iri 6 eee TOlp mart wg tite Svacan tre. cn ss 387 COMmmMOmn, HiS-ms s.% ae nse 43 8ieumaor DOGY tofu 462 communicate their m...659| m. serene for.......... I40 conformation of his m..330| m. serene for.......... 493 CONTECH tC Men ce feteye ras wee m. that builds for aye{ .486 defects of the m....... Mm. that, €Vvery i +. che 356 desert of the m.|]...... 387 m. that makes the body*204 destroys their m....... 390| m. that makes the..... 486 each separate m....... 544| m. that very fiery]|....402 encyclopedic m.. 4.00), Soest bros all heres nee 92 erect the m.**.....:... s80| m. to mea kingdom is. .484 every one’s m......... 289| m.tomea kingdom... .484 feast alor ei. ee eee 380i mawieyto;mesan she eee 485 fire from the m|||....... 21| m. with noble and grace- frame your m. to*..... 487 fal Atel. eect eek pease diane 07 from his im. they... ...: 390|,. monarch of his'ni.,..... 485 gentle. mo DY..ccimeussuecnt AGS NEVEL Mt crude levers 482 Rives to Herm... -. 3... 132| no blemish but the m.*. 79 MOOG Mane eee omic ee ASA op NO tT EO eS fekatert ey ae cnens 646 eratetu) sett ene ee 3 2.0ileecnob thelial tak ue 607 STeAt MakKHows. eugene 483) lee Ol) ODC Uae. sci andonumele 304 greatness Of mis.n.4.. - BZOl MOU L Okita: panoms ais ete 4 ihadea trugalirn sc ee 216) Out. OF Mea eect Se reds 4 eS Out OL freee A|. passions of, her m.f..... 573 healthy m.sin. o. 2s oc 343| peace of m. dearer..... 361 ade ari ete, ote icons she uae 3.2)". peri the 12.6 wer eeu 23 lshbhaateh lie ae lees: eae ey Seen ns 24| pleased to call your m..486 humbleness of m....... AZO polley, Ol, te tad oele mie 20 ill Inay a sadan.se a: 51| prerogative of m. eOCO impotence of m.}...... 569 preseuicd OF alg createm oe 3 I45 in’ Neritia+ a epee 24 Gitiet Gi ischer. 3... I40 infirmity of noble m.**,2 48 reason rules the m.....563 INjULES, WIS MM. pins 9:6 oe 300i, Sea. Of thesi.... Bee. eee 651 is without am......... AS Si, . Simplicity. Of Mid ity cies 380 itas the msAthate wee ASA) eSOre . Gr Gi) trae. aes 604 journey from my m. Ale: SOUAG MAAN (Aue we wees 343 labyrinth of the m +. Me 1422 stands a lofty m.||...... 486 law. Of yen: a oe 590| stealaway thy m....... 2098 let:the cris sae bee OTol. strensthiot mle ......ne 386 lib’ral and enlarged m. cat Strength optnensieb, 5.0/6 485 livesin,thym,*) 3. . o> strong and sound m....330 magic of the m4 coh ax 68o suffers most i’ the m.*. .485 man’s m. is knownfft.. 2889 temper of his m.*...... 144 janie gnelaWormroaln hh eK Gu the: bravest, mica. . wts sins 147 march of the human m, 486 the chainless m,||.... E| | Minde—a m. content...... PAGE |Mind— Continued the’ feeling. mz... oe cee pi the gentle myer ree the human m. Brae ees 330 the human m. in ruins. .391 the immortal m........ 380 the: larger maofion- eee 738 the miwabovellas: oie 443 them. Mmatiuresio. «ta. oe 9 the’ noblestivt See 139 the m. oppress*....... 512 the philosophic m.9§...486 the: refined. 2s ee 443 the) spotless, mite eee 540 thes tranquil im. ae 262 th’ unconquerable m., .312 thew, vacanth inh ea eee 235 they Vacati thas. ieee 4I4 the wiser’ 111, || ues. ase sees 23 Shen the: thts. a. eae ee 480 this Tairmin tee oe eee: 364 thy great m. ojo uve tees "tis the m. that®....... 485 to a m. diseased*...... 301 to conceal the m..7...: 650 to (corrupt. theminc sneer 422 to thy m. ete... ose 412 tortuosity of m|l. .edew tranquillityeoremin cai 46 tranquillity of m....... 545 well-tormed Iniccs. cele 560 who GuUlet Min cence ieee 140 WhateiS aha rales nen 482 whose untutored m.f{...385 with careless m........ 318 with in. Serene.) auanen 144 Without a Ile) ake beer RB a) WOCEUL TL Saas 6 kee 512 woman’s fickle m..>... 738 wWOManCS di. erie nee 738 your absencevot mca. a as 4 burden of a doubtfull m.485 cleane through the m.. .247 her earnestam= cen, eaerate 6 Mindes-of vanished m.... 96 Mindful—m. what it cost.. 34 Minds—and corrupted m. 730 balm of hurt m. se Meee 650 bringeth men’s m...... 421 great m. are carry’d.... 32 hobgoblin of little m....138 in-mly: Ms neMe teases 485 infected sm." . see cusses 136 m. innocent and....... 505 . all-gentle graces.... 70 . and memories of... .407 97 m m mM. ALTE Nottie Ver—wnt ree m. attentive to their own408 m. of old 6 m. for ever bright at- @ 60 8 oO be + Oh es ue tire . o's alee m. strong physic mere 451 my Mm, unsworn........ 538 of noble ani ee 258 Out Of Men'S mi... ae 427 religion of feeble m.....676 So Many “Mie eee 544 the m. construction*... 490 the m. construction*...248 MINE oL9 . A PAGE PAGE Minds—Continued ie eet Te women waxen m.*,..., 485] m. have by the*. i400 your m, height. . sASON SINEOL WeSpasiatis.ca. «= 50 Mine—are m. alonell.. dctasite 21} m, worked by the relics4&6 jewels of the m......... 526! shalt not workm....... 486 juger des gens surlam... 48|Mire-in earthy m....:... HE Never! be M.-, Jue ee AA QYN ILO COE, oa amd enps gue ets QI the gnomed m......... 572 |Mirrhe—sweete-bleeding. . ee the m. a thousandt....218|Mirror—behavior is a m.. .465 Thitieis iS sass. seis BOQ Meteryetal me*y. 0s. 5 510 wealth Of the tly... dese. HYSTONIS) phe qnlw Myre Neew 0 8h) Re eerie Bag 487 were thine and m.f....447| its warped m.......... 665 what’s m. is yours*....509| m. of all courtesy*..... 147 wisdom from the m.....319} m. of all courtesy*..... 487 Minerva-sow to M....... Tole m, up to nature’... ... Io Minerva’s—with M. step||..354| m. up to nature*...... 487 Minister-m. of the Al- SUHECCILAS a ives oneal 487 ATIUG ITE Vl cee ne rat oe 673} thou glorious m.||...... 542 m. to a mind diseased*..391] works are the m....... 487 post of first m......... 260|Mirrors—m. of the gigantic Spibitetort: f2yotn. ees 927 SHAGO Wisner ie 544 thow taming am,” on... 511 |Mirth-and of m.§........ 579 WHSHyglieralile bese ie, cok h Cale’ TATSING. Wiles, cer oe Io Ministers—actions are my anc isumoutit als... 200 ee beg it an te plier 48 ah owe fen aE RAD MOVSe | Hoe Sno ean ue Cues 575 angelsvaiid, Ins) caer. 307| cheerful without m.||. ..339 Bubimucot love. a... AGHEMITeCTGt atte Te cscs Gene 87 his im. a flaming=.....: S13) heart-easing im." so! ... 488 Hijet ete ligie. se tema a» 2G Icommendedm........ 545 m, and instruments*. ..523 TaN deOh meee ces oe eee 202 aie gOr marace > nae Ae SAT los beable tid Vottae sosvc le ante 475 oun. OF SOLLOW ea ao... 457| love fram’d with m.....488 you murthering m.*...392| m. admits me of thy**.488 Winor—-the brisk m.f...... 75S) im, atid tun pTew. .:.... 488 Minorities-rights of m....324| m.andfun grew....... 35 Minority—deprive a m.....616| m. and innocence]... .. 3890 OLeDYG LOEW: ata Rudo es 38} m. and laughter let*...488 Minos—et M. et Solon...... S05) am, and Javghter||... + <. - 730 Minstrel-ethereal m....412| m. and youth**....... 663 TH NaS abo Lele rite she ees ATO\ oe sCane Wt, LOLLVa sc... 280 NOL fUPEADLUTES =. oe hres SOT 1. Cannot moves ...... 487 ring the fuller m. inf... 84] mm. of its December.....478 hiss lead Geli week 480] much wit andm....... 205 Minstrels-m. pause not..556| of becoming m.*....... II4 Minstrelsy—in their m. S55 Ol rot becoming ~m.ten) os. 487 Mint-from the m.J...... $75|" ounce Of Me... 0 488 Door.1a4il 6 1, . si. 55. 216, raising present m...... Io Mints—lavender m. savory*276 resort of m. teak iad carte 360 Minute—one m. gives..... O20 (teeta int. ewes + eh elcn =a 300 with every m. yon*....491| they that love m....... 414 Minute-jacks-vapours and to m. and merriment*. . 487 STO E ey ier iccs, stots ime eee 54 vexed with m. thel|....488 Minutes—care of the m....216] where graybeard m. .388 in forty m. i Latent a tere 310|Misanthropy—m. and volup- lending them m. -692 ¢uousness. . os. eee 03 little m. humble....... 609 Miscellany—the piebald tT, what eae a Regd op SB 395 Pee ee Bee ee 464 aiignbenn nat ened rues tA reir 9|Mischief—an ivory m...... 75 Mivacle—chila of faith is m. 487 hand to execute any m.. I great standing m.{....171] in every deed of m..... 1 is AM... ee eee ee eee eee AS Ee nOOM: LOLs leet eek uy 409 is God’s m.........--.. ASTI “inore ‘mi, that... <-,1+.+ 426 ia, ‘ot design] <2. <2: « 639| mourn am. that*...... £68 FO5. GOwIVATI. tee hel = Meal 463 OMPTMeL IL: Rsk seers a 557 this is SD TE ce ac elreves eeuwiielss 381 some m, still Pre Ra ee 1890 tO Besa il oes. cate ek aes 353 this m. had not then*¥*. .739 what 15,0 U1... rss ss Se ad Soe et oak oot 651 Miracles—de faire des m....486| to real m...........6- 365 m. are ceased*,....... FRG Eee tise or gt. eee 460 Ms Ales DAstia.. Cee eis nee 486) when to m.t......... 237 MISFORTUNES ; PAGE Misdeeds—King’s m. can- NOt panceh tdi ee 403 Misdemeanors-high crimes AIAG Theis omer eeckneiaiers Be SS Miser—like a m*.......... 50 likeman titer nee eee 362 HetiS ras eit ke eee 488 m. should his caresf. 488 in. who always ee 602 Miserable—because I am m.575 he who can endure to be DUC eee dos fake ai ae cee 14 lonely becasue I am m..476 thiesinsehave*t sew. sane 70 Miserae—beateque m. vite. 484 Misericordia—m. Domini in- LER Se oge os Pek Oh sca 480 Miseri—unius in m, exitium4oo Miseria—del aie as A nel- lam. : .656 m, fortis irogee ct. 14 Miseries—all my m.*...... 684 ANC Nhe oe, ec aeaeye 548 Miseris—m. succurrcre dis70.679 Miser’s—m. pensioner..... 506 Misery—companions in m.. 489 dépree worn. 25 3 pace 324 Extremes: OL ..% 635 such m. such Nan...... 635 to his m. eyebrow*..... 457 Mistresses—young men’s m.725 Mistrustful—to rest m.*...490 Mists—-m. from an east Wind sccs oO air es 540 season -Of-11t. kisses ee 68 Misunderstood-to be m.. .332 Mite-inspect am.f....... 247 Mither’s-frae my m.......351 Mitre—beneath the m.. si Mixture—m. of earth’s mould*¥r. it Wvcawae. 514 Moan-a m.asigh........ 505 Moaning—bar and its m...410 Moat—m. defensive to a house* Mob-governors the m. -401 manner in which the m. .414 Mockeries—m. of the past alonelliy 2 shicerwadechare og Apso Wis monumental m. ete of snow* Mockful-in m. play Mocking-bird—m. wildest of singers§ a) 6 we « 8 Ste hres Fie) 4 eo, PAGE Mode-m. of the lyre...... 640 Model—draw the m.*...... 53 Tm Of the bartenn. sae 502 WM Ol MINES) eee ee 312 when heaven his m....461 Models—m,. for the mass. .518 Moderate—the most m. mea- SUL Fs erm chaioneeraa 402 Moderation—m. is best....401 £1") DEBESE.. oh Sones pn 402 493 Moderns—m. in their senset748 Modest—her m. looks...... 495 in). INNOCENCE. mince ne 20 TOOK GSO. Atl canta bt cc raateeneaeee 499 m. limits of order*..... 552 1 THEN TALS gba ete 495 Zealous). Vetere. 80 Modesty—bounds of m.*..404 downcast m. concealed .495 innocence and m....... 202 maids in m. say no*. 533 NOU. that ais pee See 586 pure and vestal m.*.. 405 the mot, nature*...... Io Modéle—des rots lem....... 312 Modo-M. he’s called*....188 SUQUES: AW Whose #.cys,om puree 147 SUQVULET 1 Wes ccc ree mee 147 Modus-—est m. im rebus....4092 Mogul-M and Mugwump. 584 Moine-l’habit ne fatt lem.. 51 Moise—ne pas crotre ceux de M.. I50 Moist—m., unpleasant. body530 the m. gtark ewes 543 Moldavia—our green M....2090 Mole—learn of the m.f.. 59 the m. to ploughft...... te Molem—meus agtial m. Moloch—M. sceptred Lape tas 7 Moments-eternity of m.]].555 Molly—-true to his M....... 312 Moly—-sweet is M......... 276 Moment—as a m..’........ 756 bright m. of promising. 26 bit-aaii ble sol anew ees 548 critical m. when... .> 547 Every Is CIOS ot, 1 173 every In. ,Otulite. «asso 431 improve. cache M7. vee = 165 improve each m.......545 TMELCIES On a Teen one 506 Mls ibedieses \ arcs 46 m. between two eterni- LiGGi i eC Mt a Le 432 memay contain. 2...) 602 TOL OUSs Gat URIne se ree 545 me tO PUCCLOG Laem 540 m. when I ought...... 546 one m. may contain... .433 one transcendent m.tT. .441 present/ms ds ace vies ae some awful m.§ the (right) m oe eek Sys Rs tel! 540 m. make the year Monarca—di quel m....... Monarch—a merry m... becomes the throned m. 70 Britain’s m. once 341 PAGE Monarch—Continued misbecome’ a m....... 280 *m, OL'a.shed ts. 1 eee 360 m. of all T survey... ee 473 m. of her peopled]... .. 641 mi. Of bis mund J. eee 485 Mm. Of Mountains! eee 507 m, of the brook... 2 ae 44 mi, to be wise... =... ene 600 not misbecome a m 5a TLCHest,:.0) 10) 3 eee 673 Sole imeOLhs 3 ee 630 that m. to whom.>.... 673 to. De a, Teese ne eee 403 Monarchs-—m. ill can...... 620 m..seldom! sigh. «cca TAS m., tmust redress... 5 626 mm, Tuieniuste ee 626 Tiehteous. ti eee 436 them... bags 22. eee 496 Monarchy—m. tempered by 70 trappings Ot ati .. eee 182 Monastic—heart m. aisles. .125 Monday-—a Saturday and M. .647 cat ons Maes ee eee 674 M. in the Mall 7 425 Monde—quand tout le m. a LOTTE ..acohe ois -alshagsieniae tee 232 Mondes-—/e metlleur des m..550 Money—books and m .placed420 defining me asses oe eet 405 except sfOh in eae eee 67 Pet MM, DOV... eae 405 he that wants m.*..... 404 holy that m. cannot....405 af 3. | PO", chee ee 495 tack of mole aes ee oe 406 lend me the m.*....... 18 Tend this." eee 422 1O Ves OF: 3) oer aes eee 69 LOVE Of - Ti), onc see ee eee 495 lOve LOL) ATs .teeee pee 405 TAKE IN. Soe cee ee 405 Man Mace. 10... epee 180 an, alone; Sets saa. eee 05 m. brings honor**..... 496 me can beget-m.. 6 392 I. MAKES 1. sabes 302 m. makes the man... .405 {1% 11) UY GOCSt she meer 488 mm. 1s thecsinews seca, 405 mM AS< byl oe ocean 106 Mm. 1S “WelcOMe. +. ane 406 mi. more money. 7... 6 +1. OL, , LOOIS). eee aes 7 m. that most purel].... 18 m, th only power a 496 m.. the Sinews soi «safes 405 m. too the sinews...... 405 more valuable than m..613 NO-Ml., TO SWwisse. ce. 406 put m;in*, eee 496 SO. Ms. COMES... oom 490 So, Twente ee 754 spendthrift covets m...634 that wants m.*........ 141 time..iS a7, cya eee 602 WithOtit, 31s seas Gee 601 Money-bags—dream of m.*201 Money-box-eyes of my m.406 MONGREL PAGE Mongrel—m. grim*....... 198 m., puppy; whelp...a.<. 198 Mongrels—m.., spaniels*. . .198 Monitor—the m. expressed 4639 Monk-—dress does not make the m. a 51 m. who shook......... 600 Monkey-or m. sick....... 603 Shana tae en Bt ay 743 Monks-m. of old......... 125 Monmouth-river at M.*..620 Monopoly—a close m...... 650 Mons—m. parturibat...... 608 Monseigneur—chateau of m. Ehe- barons oes fercrt 550 Monsieur—a fasting m. -350 I BNE HTHCE Tg! He cuncwnce 285 Monster—a faultless m....268 green-ey dim™. “.-)-5). .; 395 many-headed m....... 401 i. Orso trightfulf.2:.../. he m. with uncounted*. oe 4 Monsters—m. of the deep]|. as Montaigne—house with M.t371 M. had said M. is wrong in Montenotte—comes from M. 38 a\'t, see) $s at sus. 6 Montes—parturtunt m. .608 Montesquieu’ s—aphorism of Oe tee eee) ete Pee 357 Month-—a little m.*....... 508 second m. alone....... 104 Months—O perilous m.*...419 Monument-as a m.*...... 406 (Bunker Hill) base of Ghis) 11) Sh See tes eal 34 behold his TBA oes 407 Bute tel Atte Lutes HA ce 53 early but enduring m...402 Slt cone. easel 406 memories by m........ 497 m. more lasting than ASS eek ike ne eras 04 Il. LOLs WANISMEC fos: Gre, <5 96 TOSS Atlee tet eshte 497 no longer in m.*....... 496 only deserve am....... 497 patience onam.*...... 132 patience onam.*...... 558 reared a m. alone...... 04 TiCh. | wy, PIs res se 497 sight.of such a°mnaci ss 53 ERIS arty (AY iio, haa 98 your m. shall bes ete O4 Monumental-in m. mock- LY ete Po ale SOY Monuments-gilded m. of Priricés® . oar ces 04 hung Up foram 4s. 2 563 letAmatidus saacaie tc 497 m:;, Of death, iit ae 497 m. of the safety........ 545 m. shall Jastis wcwe- .604 PAGE Mood—a sunny m.ff...... II4 a WOMAatl Semios mas eee 491 the meltinowm.*25 ao. 3 aes Moods-through the m....545 Moon-and the m......... 552 behowls the m.*....... 529 chaste mistress the m.*,234 cold fruitless m.*...... 712 cold fruitless am: * a0. 4 712 devil’s in the m.|]...... 499 awellim thems vee. 2. (yf GNVIOUS HIMSE Sn Sees 78 glimpses of the m.*..... 307 gloryrot the mv..%..0... 346 horns 0’ the moon*..... 52 kill the envious m.*....227 Het loisthe wns at ack at 535 m,. above the tops|!.....531 I ARM StATS yaseer ee 600 AIAN StarGe wile ious 655 mMeanditae Starches nae 666 m. being clouded*..... B32 m. from the wolves..... AlI2 mie, bad jclinrbed:-.. 2g), 4° 400 m. in dim eclipse**..... 187 mm. looked-forths sich ..: 520 PU PLOOMG te hes Mov set an kn) 490 ie LOOLESIpPOMMercr.- eek. 2 499 m..of Mahomet,,...0:...; 153 Aa Db OLtN . kn 5.58 499 m.refulgent lampf..... 408 ia. tistics: ine see ese ee 271 de ROSE O CESS soe ee 499 Bite Sia bat See re mee ere 655 m. sweet regent........ 498 im takes-up the.) 22%. 271 me takesinp: tien, and 408 m. their mistress||...... 163 me wasamade ofscs-. 2. 498 m. went up the sky 499 mortals callithe mee. 4909 nor walk by m.**..2):2. 530 orbed ismtbelamieah 27h)... 520 overhead the m.** Paar pale-faced= mich. S51 «5 364 Sawethe mew amet. ta aegeess 498 shets thesmtivas-. oe scites: 726 stood the mht. 2x5 sane 386 Setar tise sent iceclets 2s 720 SUnAtME, 1iicaes. doin eee a5 the inconstant m.*...... 383 the inconstant m.*..... 408 EHevittletaes ss eee kas 531 tne lorel y-11 jg 85 Se: ones the neighboring m.**...408 the “wintfyemi cbs. 580 Tlgihc yudeh beg 20ity = antago ph etre 510 irda Aa Toe stun ieee ge ae eee 234 EMME ATC ay ata ae anaes 614 when the m, shone*....130 yon peeping m......... 408 yonder blessed m.*..... 408 yonder m. divine...... 531 m. themselves memo- Moonbeams-—m. kiss the sea4o6 Tiale<-s4-2 sce oe ae 497|Moone—m. is made of..... 498 m. upon my breast.....408! sawthe newm......... 408 mortal m. a date Monumentum-—exegt m, @re 94 st m, requiris 407 Moonlight-meet me by m..409 m. o’er a troubled BEGIE PVH ark gaa oe MORIRE PAGE Moonlight—Continued sweet the m. sleeps*... .513 the. pale wma Ae. ne eae 499 Moonlit—the m.sea....... 499 Moons-ere suns and m.... five m. were seen*...... 98 Moan arrantthiei= eee 687 im. meek: Shines. Fy spe 504 m. unclouded grandeur. 271 Moonshine-hours of m.||. .499 M1. an SNOW} pet, ere eee Gel Moonshine’s—m. watery Beamistotiete wid epee 200 Moon-struck—and m. mad- HESS teh Geen Te dances 476 Moorland—o’er m. and lee.412 Moors-blacknessinm..... 12 the blackest-mi: =: osu s< 525 Mora—nec m. nec requies. ..341 Moral—all my m. being. ..521 hiSumyipleasesioneinae 568 ima, hereh these aes 738 US-SV Crim Ly eee be ee ie 383 ATI IKe Aine OLS races ove arse 237 AO CATMO PLING | Maes S 427 tm onithestime*..c we 283 POUL AMITINersto deiner 260 POIMbEa Ale wa ceases Gly POMc rarely. bape wre tees ce, 682 CO. De SOM see5 tie ee Ae 558 £6411; purposes] =u... 335 Moralist-great English m..390 pie creat snl. Leiter: xs 308 Morality—Johnson’s m. was.399 TH) EXPILES | Grae weet IIr m.is perplexediasien ws 367 never teach false m..... 77 Moralize—m. my song..... 501 Moralized—m. his songt...7o01 Morals—book of m........ 8 faith and me hold’ so 227 foundation of m........ 324 PICA UI pil scws cae or tees 492 mengsetheinaiy enemies 621 More tian, Out Mia 405 Wats 11st den estan 601 Mordre—m. wol out....... 510 More—are nom.}......... 558 better, the, massive are « 6 from, mM. £0) mSh ee Ss 409 He KtrO Weg eee seers 8 408 Mle iSemMiea nb Ree loo te a 213 mi. we ‘discover. ..\...<'; 408 Tt WE SUI a irene aa ae 408 the little ims jeans concees, = 690 to seek for’ m.n.. 3... 4908 fo.seek for amiy, 4 & eesrsre 490 Wishes: 1OLian..aateain see ae I Morea’s—along M. hills|!. .. Mores-—castigat ridendo m. .620 O lempora, Om, ....... 601 sermo hominum m. 659 temporibus m., sapiens. 12 vitia mM. SUNL. 6... ees +46 5 Morgan—and Lady M.....303 Mori-—memento m......... 501 Pro Patria M.. 2.1... 0a Moriar—non omnis m...... 380 Morire—pui che tl m....... MORITUR 922 MOTHER'S PAGE PAGE PAGE Moritur—di diligunt adoles- Morning-star—bright m.**. 663 |Mortius—de m. nil nisi... .166 CONS HPPA Ry al Pees 457| m. of memoryl........ 446|Mortuos—m. plango....... 83 Morituri-m. salutamus....170|__m. of memoryjl........ 741 |Mosaic—and wrought m.**, 277 m, te salutant.......... 170|Morn’s-the m. approach**412| by m. art............. 574 Morn-—another m.f....... 500|Morrow-a rainy m.*...... 656) m,of theair?) sve 14 breath.of Sito 207G5 500} Sid: good Ny Tes... oie 412|Moslem’s—M. eee bre . 693 breathvobim A tent © San By .o +h din pees. ee ener 531|Moss—and furr’d m.*..... 327 dewy om. witha... 0). Sor emule wor thie meen eas 61 bare: ofsmeea ee ae 407 Gach mn Mare Hl eee on CST PRON CVEry In: eke te 74 | len his bed-ga..20 7 a. gee 325 eyelids of the m.**..... 560 | ithe am, noch MT se ey 370 |Mot—a.famousim... eee 658 happyomiscn. atau Tier) § their ood ms.e ones ee 164 Ae that dims their herald of the m.*....... 412| thought forthem....... 164|“ » eyes PRS ee eee 107 incense-breathing m....501|Mors—m. gravis wncubut....407| m. that j is in thy broth- lauphsithe niin )8 eas 1758 m. wmportuna profanat. .503 ér’s eyeiit ss tea 107 Mela GeOl pi) geet taka | eters 501 | +20. fortune Grn. fee 560|Moth—man the m......... Pipes meek-eyed m.......... 500| pallidam. @quo........ 502) > mm. forsthesstate. a eeeer 610 messentet. Of mere AS 412|Mort—un pas vers lam.....431|Mother—a m. still........ 506 mislead the mut sls. ae 405|Mortal-can any m. mix- all “myinitiee ean e ee 505 m. and cold indiffer- tisets 4: eee ein or: St4| call my mi: cameto eee 684 ence. 680 ler couldst m. berms oe 86)4 “astonish apm"? eae 505 m. from ‘plackto....... SOO. Gouldst. mbes et re O04) Si beatibul mime eee hak m. her rosy steps**..... 500| informs ourm. part}..:314|° before thy m.......... 505 Te Ald PSSehan ern ane goo! wis. mi. fern: oon. 4 ale ths 6O5| ebetter my at ae ne eee 363 rh. TO t Wie ei Tie ee reuters 4teio-Nieism ear pete 545| Childe Harold had a m1|| scan mM. set.a-sparkles.. 07. 379] (nore than tga er ws 231| children of onem....... 360 m, to noon he fell*#*....255| ~m. howe’er thy........ 5041) found @ mise. ieee 505 mo wak'd. by**i2 kw soo| 4 m..made.of clay*....... 567) 22000 My Met an ae ee 393 Mie without evel see 381| m.shali have puton....173| kiss from mym........ 553 Be ORT ce hae ee ee Or \otm, tonthe skies" ne. hts 39) longing *olcalinks sem ene 506 rose the morrowm...... 689| my brethren m.*....... 523] . loving tetmy a* ae 508 salutation to the m.*....126| my veilnom.......... 706) “thaid sor mse ae ee eee 736 Salutes tthe miki fase 500| -of m. be proud... 2.0. . 594 a before your m. 505 salutes the m:*........ 672| of m. change on**,..... 535}: m.48 the. joe eee 506 seems another ‘m.**.,..500/ part m, clay.......... 463} mm. kills her‘babef2 4 244 7190 such awful m. couldl|...555| spirit of m. be......... 504] m. meets on high...... 347 that. sacredidtre:-4 5 hots FTP ethatim. fools se, serene sce 5251 my ot alttevilsi eae 495 the morrow m......... B2O;oeenOU Arte Wiehe sees 6 BOL \tmiot -arts* casa eee 335 the morrow. Nis 407 ee Bayety of Mei, sts 9303 were, DOtIt i: ant ee 537| Whistling ofan....:... 25 Oi libel TM. CVES: ya ate e+. cieses 323 Nakedness—wert in thy n.||.394| whistling of an.t...... 250\enananners of all nao so). oe. 664 Name-—a deathless n.§..... 257| Whose n. has beenll..... 200in4 M1.) CChO TOUNG) .c).ic gens 680 a Pood 4,6... oe et zee your n. if you will:..50.% 129| n. like men have....... II7 B imsteng fous ods s 257|Named-n. the man....... 16| n. right to speak....... 518 a-mighty ne. s. SeklT .516|Nameless—n. in dark obliv- n. what they would. ...518 a terrible t.<:.8 eee 517 {OTe ae 2b AEN oot SAOEMNALILE and TroNe a ee 418 aftect att. <.@ set eats 569|Names—commodity of good news from all n........ 528 age without an........ 131 PUT ceraad St Ul? we 6137 round of no. jt ieee 590 ambushGl, ameter cn so RrOlee Cistinguisned “ny. fio. ae Sprietethe Happiest nse) aan 358 an innocent n.:........ Film LOLCE§ iit >a. iy, me at at, Srzihe the ne Care. oi ok wee 404 Pay Its, Tot Pee ar ere 379| forget men’s n.¥....... 516} the tuneful no. 0! cua, 412 and ancient n.......... ETO) ia SOOU Of DAM T.. ti. a5 36% 5 Sr7| ewith foreign’ 1,25 meaae 560 ang ROMAN Dios ot ieesos 256| his n. SAKES cirdget ds oh 2 601 Waked-the nu. jy smre hare 626 blushes at the ni. 2150.35 Gore 71s Latin no. 73. epee ee. 630|Native-I am here n.*..... 158 breathe not hisn....... er7LesOsG SCTIOUNS) 1... 252.55 629] loves his n. country....56r bude his’ Oi vee acne: 647| 1. he loved to hear..... Shia ry, Meath. ee 561 by any othern......... 516] mn. inscribed in History’s my) ne land 2. ot Shas 34 change but the n....... 413 PACE or or ipharoe a eotste adie ge 57 my n. land SAMA SORE Peele 561 Corsgir’s. 1. toll-ec-nners 517| n. of all the gods*¥...... 517; n. mountains more..... 56c died withoutan.*...... St7},tt..t0 their books. .- wi, 2560). One n Charniest oo. clei < 523 ennobled but by n.j||....463; ourselves good n....... 240|Natura—alind n. aliud sa- fascination ofan....... a60jposnall our nes lise oleces 257 PRTG. a art hrc 522 for thation,® sce ~51 the immortalny, 2,/s. .v'. 257| . dedtt agros.......... 122 good D. iN}... sees Oe 613|Nan-such mistress, such n, enim mH suts........181 her, Norman: dies. eae 533 ING Ae a oul cok ee Reroteshy O26 ban 2 hominum novttatts. . .536 his n, is*). se ee ET Oling TOUSWEEL Nea cneh aicssicte BEAR I. $2. JOGO 5 3th a ancy coe neg oe 640 if his n, be® u..2.. ithe 516|Nap-taken out his n..... .500| mn. non factt saltus...... 181 impeach him in then... 5|Naples—dream that at N...697|Natural—do it moren.* ...324 in My eet see ee 587|Napoleon—N. made a kin- dyive OuUtithe Tl ay pene 522 left the n,..40 i\oiae omnes 260 PEO TEP cn «nee. 38)" has become'ns,! .. i caer 335 left thé DAA os eer 682| N.of the realms|l....... ro3}. has become n.27.2) cos 335 lights. het ne in cen ah 425|Napoleon’s—considered N. term of N. Selection... .239 lustrous n. of patriot. ..s4Gr PLCSEIICEH 3 hice teste ys 129|Naturalist-N. and Histor- magic of @:.UG! sccvavias t 260|_ N. troops fought....... 58 lating; nate ree: 320 magic of a Ns, aa. 325|Narcissa—poor N. spoke}. .569|Naturam—n. expellas furca,522 man's good 1.15. ac nee 620|Narcissa’s-N. naturet....569|Nature—a second n........ 158 - my good n.....: [tte Se 613 |Narcissus—N. is the glory..386| asecondn............. 150 my n. shall live........ 255|_ purple of N. flower..... 248| -above n. makes........ 365 my n. shall never...... 94 |Narr—bletbt en UNE st ae cme 730| accuse not n.™*........, 523 my Romeo’s n.*..,,...516|Narrative—n. withage..... 21| affrighted n. recoils... .357 NATURE F PAGE Nature—Continued ancestors of n.*¥*....... 36 ancestors of n.**...... III artaquickens nes... .. oe 59 and insiulawiace ce ne. 667 aS Te gSHOWSasee ore torah ere 339 Awd ne Swears see ee 23.0 beyond ev’n n. warm. ..554 blessings n. pours...... 4O7 body, msisis eee Ae eee 314 OGY TiesiSiews ce ete eters ite 520 body! nVASTe ae). eters 706 book: OF NlAS sweeties + 522 breeze of n. stirring. ..521 built) biyenitseeer eee cee ee 223 but n. methodis’d]|.....418 Dy-tataln.iis. sch eee ete 563 iby n: alliasioney. sco 37 DW ts CUPSH tomes ers cee eee 22 iby. n, “s formed 7 9.3F. 2. 533 by: nex vilell vay oe -aa.o eS 463 change his n.*¥.7....0 0. gr characteristic of human Thc 5. ee cere See 280 combats. ene ete 33 course, OL: meee eee 59 COUTSE Cl Ness hn we 520 Dame N. doubtless..... 485 GarlinguoL ia. hee 218 debt-ofn, fon! oss. .2 8 - 560 debtito NiSehee Hos cers 167 deviation from n. 7. 2... 522 divine «nit ee ae By ath ios 352 does mend n.*........ - 59 GonerDVitl.t.. mona serene 590 eye) Of 1.442... eee ee 521 expelling m.sirom..)..) 634 extremes in-n.f). v.22. 245 foolvot isa eek ee 282 fools\callan.<, eee ee 316 force-Of nu ic@ulds are 483 foster-nurse ofn.*...... 614 from. human ti.te* nee 357 fromn. up tour oe fe snS frugalin, eaves e t fas. 522 frugal n. lent him...... 22 God n. lent him)... 2. + 22 Godvand Nae rae ances 485 God anGgn. (ae ees 664 goodn.and goodf...... 231 ereatmnmadejies..2 se 464 grossness of his n.f..... S715 habit is second n....... 335 Nand OL mene eee ee es 548 has good n. been....... 284 his mnsdsitoots ete sees 273 hisitrueen. ee oe eae ees 417 hold of n=is A Sei anek 358 human NS seen ee 536 hitman ms atseliee ee 6 Lfearthy 1:".3 aoa B55 if n. be a phantasm....519 if ‘A. “wishes. 302 emes 14 immortal. Iwtsten ee oe 666 in ni therets- sas cree 532 fitutors nese eee 553 law OPN ands. eo ee 418 laws of Neande aon eee 384 hens (Ofon.. 8). ce oe eee 407 linger yet with n.||...... a . signs the lost release.. 22 926 NATURE PAGE PAGE Nature—Continued Nature— Continued link of n. draw**; <2. <3 85|'Sail sink in years... oer 381 longias=).= 4 to eae yo8}. .n.slopiig tofi..ne ore 550 look on nie ss ee ee S271) ©, SO fat aS}. ese 5 eee 520 looks through n.f...... 3Igf - n. sstamp dd W6..5 Nee .533 looks through nt. %..'.4 520] n. stood recovered....., 260 love.of Misys ese se ee S2y\' i. .Strives to vind. eae 655 masterpiece of n..:.... 209} '‘n. that’s. an@rt tosn ee 447 Mitrorarp tounr! See". Tol-i.n,; that is: kind] ose 471 SUTTON Wp tote. ee 487| a AIS ne fits-alliipasee on coe 411| mn. which is above...... 158 n. formed but one...... 640|° n. which is the........ 522 n. from her seat**! 2.:.2254\* .n. who lovesi £).} yen. 463 n. gave us fields........ 122, nm. will=betray=... eee 523 n. Breat-parent.. 2: (2 520| n. without voice....... 314 nh, has built: 4 7k ae 343 |} mothing itime) sian ee 523 hs has in swortht 2. 48 593} mor mannorn......... 316 n. has proved him......523| of excelling n.*........ 511 n. hath framed*). 2) Al, | of Inimant tie eee 268 n. having wrought..... 6401-7) of Janguid=nysaeee ee 521 n: held us'forth. 2772 437) OL OUP.N........5.0.... 561 n. him began.2)/. ee 401|. of that p..as,. 9 eee 415 ni EP toyed 6, Jp Sete 522| one touch of n.¥...5.., 523 n, in hir corages....... 529| our mortal n.g........ 657 n, in her operations... .18r paint like no... 520 n. is mutable cloud...., 522) pangs ofn.t...+....,.. 550 Hi 4s byt arb ae (2 59|-* part .of our ain ty come 158 M. is butiarth es eee 340} part.of our n) 7a 335 n. is fine in love*... ||. 445| passing through n.*. .. .508 fiz issGod:s ae 59| paths of peevish n....., T13 n. is not at variance.... 58| perfection of n......... 58 n. is one with rapinef...239| perfections of n........, 520 nh. is seldom in, 2... 2. .7: I59| prerogative of n......., 60 ny is subduid*® Pes Sa, I prodigality of n.¥....., 506 n. link’d with art...... 303 prompting, of nl) ae 460 ne madera palse. +. ont. 530| propensity of n.**...... 381 n. made every........ ,2o6 A etaniean 11 ee ae ee Se 576 Nemadeshers: some ee 2091 'restuon i fixe se eee 165 fi; made ihimio. eee 640] seems to ben.......... 8 n. meant but foolst....408] solid ground ofn.4..... 486 Nn.might stand wp*o ses. 461| something ton......... 59 neimourn thersy. 2 57) PSpOlls Ofstis,0 ae eee 378 n. must give way!..... 53:4)" 2Sp0usOL nik ee NS ae 408 AnimMust-produce -9). 2... #50|Puspalss Or aa" ee RB aih Ga 523 n. never did betray]. ..523| strength of n.fv..7v... 464 ny never Jendsti.2")= ees 230)", stroticper thank. eeneee 158 ni never says! o's ees 522|.\ that n. hung int* i, 22) ) 530 n. never sends... .\5::. 33.2 |°ethanvagainstn.4. eee 158 fn: of the: tinves*? 22).5 8 558|%°thou and n, can? (a. 2. 170 Nn: Oft THECry sears sete 63) Lethe same-ti..t) 0 eee 356 n. oftentimes breaks*...214| ‘tis theirn. to......... 606 n. points the way...... 470| to carry n. lengths... .. 483 his polurhert* ese bees 769|* through no; to* eee 502 hs round Him. 7s. 253)" \through: nde ee 150 n. seems at work...... 756s “touch ot nears em, ol 523 n. seems dead*¥........ 529| traffics with man’s n.*, 553 n. selfe had "S39 UP F449 639 | eetrtist tO srt ote te. ae 619 n turn n. out of doors....522 ‘ — «le NATUREL PAGE Nature—Continued Vital Versa l’ ny ievactyhcdee Svat 166 unjust [reibebner terse oe - 463 Visitings of n.%. ke) wes « 1392 woice of DE erie eee 50 VOICE OL My Jot. Sera ws 60 WOLCECOL Ths ciegt) sb sblets te 626 what he is from n...... 331 while n. kindly bent... .480 wise n. did never*...... 308 Wise Tl. CVeT. . 6. ca e oten 12 With nine VeTy ie S). tps 522 WWOLKCS LOL Tia cay stearate ile. 519 WOLKSHOP! Of Th. os tie eo 522 Naturel—chassez le n. t1....522 Nature’ aired byn. hands 37 Dye sMaAna ye. 4: has, lee 66 ean heavenly nz. 4 26s sss 318 dearth of noble n....... 715 EVM. Walked tet Bote. os 280 CVES OMIM alanine. om ae - 318 fallingyintoy Dies. Male. 381 for human on. daily LOOATE. oe niet rales 741 forirendsy fase shi. 4 anos free nyorace. suena. he 520 from eLUley i; we ee eke 157 in n. plan Sestysh 5 . kan 457 is n. TERE Se ee tae 230 HSE CORE Puskas al ee 508 ais tl, possible: | 4.0150 523 fond ni plan eee te 463 lift your Natup T+ seasee 400 ike) bastards. 5/55. 510 men whose m./::.).4.%). 12 men’s n: wrangle?. 2... 25 n. calls are few........ I4I meaeldest lawieas Stes er. 634 m. genial glow... f2.8. . 523 Me awdamadcant< shige. 59 n. happiest mould...... 503 n. happiest touch...... 40 n. infimite book*.<:.2 2... 523 n. law toa echancge..s..i<- 1390 n. laws lay Hidis.s.¢ ao: 528 n. learned breast....... 510 n, “mother=wit.<..¢ 2.66. 39 me noOpleSst .aittiie. sa 5 ae 565 n. not honour’slaw..... 103 am. OWwil-creatiig .):.ofe.a'. 37 ie OW TCECA TIN sil cet eee! n. richest sweetest..... 640 im So eCaSV. Duty tae 88 Sa7 n. second course*...... 650 MP SOLEINITSE 8 plas ais .... 7.2... 525 Te CO Ulta (COME won shorn iteks 525 HAS NOwWa Wer. sks ay apins 525 n. is the argument...... 525 n. is the mother of...... 524 AL on TIONS SOR LW cdews sek: 525 n. makes even the Coward Brave. a. cea 148 n. mother of invention. .524 Nea YL iTiend i1Sk: weap 524 NM ewer mMmadess| sa aeei 525 n. the proper parent... .524 fie COO DESEO leans «anne 524 me thowumotuetn.. aes 25 n. urges desperate...... 525 The WH tea Chime ® ctor duane 24 refuses any third ton...524 Stress Ola ss Weceeeeesie are 525 Strive. against Ueieere ss 525 than’ dreaditin. cc assess 524 ton. the praise? 1. 3-04. 524 Willainis DOV Dict ee as ete fe 525 wirtiie’ Hice 1) "aw us wi fee 524 aT tile Ol; Tl. sv eee eeun dene tas 524 Nittiwe OL Tle. Mees aaiee wes 524 ewars Within. sn mas ss oss 265 Necessity’s—n. sharp pinch*525 NES1 PAGE Neck-brake his n......... 480 one n. which hell....... 406 SmI0Oth FVOLy Tt eee 330 the humbled n.*....... 565 Necklace-or n. ata ballt. .544 Necks-trust our n........ 584 Nectar—age of ourn||..... 431 beside their n.t 8 De OL POO. Wits eet saree 730 THe, sDOLTS eee ee ce 452 Need—been by n.......... 524 friemelimiayte es ae 205 frend ite he eee 205 Daven! Olas s i ast aicicae 587 THOStGUIeti Mh vy ava eae A54 Po telt, WRiChisns ¢ Werelo. 683 RW Maee Ud Wcities oe ta eee tna iahs 562 Neede—man have n.. .205 Needle-for the n.f........ 737 lost | a alg oR PREM ae SN Sd 640 eetlpitio a. DOLE ryiunin cacacneet 441 my. bo the pole « fesda mers 39 plying her n. and thread. ek: the tiy tities ees aes 68a touched n. tremblest...680 Needs—must n. keep ever.. 33 nvepl gUsue seu eesingy oy Aue Se Beet Ny 586 \Aalonealenr ana seenee! it cell 205 Negare—docet n........... 82 Negata-sepe n. dedit...... 3090 Negatives—two n. make an. 533 Negilect—most faint n.* Ts TLS CATINKUI Stor eet kre e a ta okt 578 SUIERCE OL, Nek omer 540 SUCH SWE bil. jee ie a 203 Negligences—noble n. teach. 60 Negro-—n. in chains........ Neighbor—love my n. as... seldom we weigh our n..107 Neighbour—change his n.{.219 lowe Ghiyrtis.0.) <1 euhon ene 20 TOVE,CH Yi ty epee eel 525 Our, Dade 1st. aeons 237 Otle n. tot (SOC eee eae 20 love thipn as. ee. sed ees eee EGO \GO (Otis ie ae ee eee Neighbour’s—his n. heart. 880 our n. shame Ty ts PALICS tae cgalocenane 108 then NOUSE. Maa a ZO Neist—n. we never saw.....548 Neode—n. hap nolawe..... 525 Nereids—like the N.*...... 641 Nelson—N. gave orders for. 710 Nemesis —inappeas’ble N. within N. who should requitell. . es Neptune-—N. for his trident*2 73 On wateny IN sen. kas 224 SAIC COUN nt ssantteee ey centre 668 Neptune’s~great N. ocean*. Bt I in Darien oy seems PAZ N. deep invisible paths. ¥ be) N. empire stands*. .../. 543 Nero-—martyrs or N....... 410 Nerve-strength of n.f/....454 Nerves—health my n... 520 strengthens our n.. .223 Nest-her lowly n......... 413 TIS OW ieaths car deeitet wa Or. 359 NEST-EGGS” 928 NIGHT : PAGE : AGE ; PAGE Nest—Continued. News—Continu d Night— Continued his watery aif, so. ..412| good n. baits¥*,....... 527; atn returning......... 360 hysowne'nh foot 359| good n. from.......... 526) "await. the-n.w cece 503 in herns eer son} Sab iy hath oe se ee 527| azure robeofn.+....... 272 inj isin ee eee Sag) Ub mia wile cigs ee ce 527| beauties of then.,......665 last:year's n:§. 20" 756| it isgoodn............ 703.1 ~ beautiful isin.3 2.25 ee 531 this delicious'n. 2 ...2. 356 Ss GOO Do tee ee 526| beautiful this n........ 531 with thy e 4r2|° “mouth full of metres 5 527| beyond the nif? 7) ames 455 Nest-eggs—like n. to make..420| nature of badn.*....... 526|' black Dat 1). .6 aes 302 Nestor-though N. swear*..414| n. fitting to¥........... g27| black by ‘nist at ee 64 Nests—build your n........573| n. from all nations.....528| borrower of then.*...., 372 AVE Tse eecie a ec ete 26n) ) Ds inthe citiesis- i... 147| borrower of the n.f..... 520 Rich thedast yt teresa, * 75§6| mn. much older than..... 388| by n. comes counsel... .528 n. were couch’d**,..... 530 n. much olderthan..... 527). candles of the n.*...... 665 Nether-secrets of the n. i. Old wie yee 527| ‘Checks the n-*. 707. i8 408 Ward Sycur we 3a we oe 389| n.themannaof........ 527) ‘cheek of n* hig) pobre 78 Nets-in making n........: 470| 7. thou hearest........ §27| come civil n.*...1)..0% 520 n. not.stretched to..... 446) ~ printerof nae oe 527| come seeling n.*....... 530 spreading Of tt. 0a... pe: 622|: soittbe tick see eens 527| contagion of the n.*....643 Wash his nsf" sete 622| some joyful n.*........ 200| dark and stormy n.....420 Nettle-underneath the n.*.300| what's the n.*......... 363| dark n. withdrawn..... 520 Neutral-loyal and n.*..... S36). “write sites eter 527, darker grows the n.... .366 Neutrality—cold n. of...... 4oo| villainous n. abroad*...527| darker then.§......... 366 Never—hetter late thann...413| wit isn. only.......... a14| }iday and top. .heeee 399 aay attra bette 536|Newspaper—most n. critics.518| death, n. and chaos... .666 nL ifomeverss tee 692; never to lookintoan...527| discouraged inton.§....441 TIS RIOTS yee ee ee 184|Newton-Jet N. beft....... 230| divide the n. witht..... 531 Nevermore—quoth the rav- let. Webel iy. seo 528| drives n. along........ 675 ete ry see Lik Se eee £36) “°NvatiRera gag te J on, 622| drowsyearofni]|....... 488 New-all but n. things*.... 19] N. that proverbl]....... 528) ‘each n, we dies. ae, 651 and, pastures 4.7" 7) |. 519|_ statuestoodof N.4..... 28\-2-@ar.O€ 14... 58 sie eee 121 ever charming, ever n...520|New York—Xenophon at N.622| eldest n.**............ 530 ever reaping something New Zealand—some traveller empty-vaulted n.¥*.... 39 nT Mise ts ee from: Niesat se Se $4|.¢ field: of 0... SG oa atin ae 75 isnothing n...5 2). e 536|Next-—n. unto the farthest..238| fitting to then.*....... 527 n.and valuable........ 537| n.way home’s......... 260} “efor. the “af, Jee poe 531 nvare. tried, er. cate oe 537|- the higher n.ff........ 239| garments of the n.§....530 a ATEUTICGL a7 te ee 748|Nez-—ce petit n. retroussé...535| give nota windyn.*....656 n. broome sweepeth. ...537|Niagara—N. stems with....224/ in empty n............ 86 n. opinions are always. .537|Nice—lady’s which isn.*...475| inendlessn...:........ 484 n. things succeed....... Izro|_ monsieur the n.*....... 285! “in. pagann: (7 /Siyeeee 105 n. things succeed....... 264|Niche—n. he was ordained..331| in the stillyn.......... 478 n, world whichf........ 455|__n. he was ordained..... 619| infant crying in the n.t. 24 non. thing under....... 536|Niches—n. round the hearth359| lamp of n.t........... 408 nothing n. exceptT..... 536|Nicholas—hopes that St. N..121] look for n.*...........543 Diate3to sits see, oe t10|Nichtgown-in his n....... 116| love’s n. is noon*...4). 445 Ting In theme soe oe 84|Nickie-Ben—auld N....... 611| loving blackbrow’d n.*, 520 saw then. moon....... 498|Nickname—n. God’s creat- low ring ni nereen cen 53 saw the n. moone...... 408 tIreS®. tarsi ee 739| makes n. hideousf..... 526 scorning whatisn...... 227| n. is the hardest stone..517| making n. hideous*....307 starting n. propositions, 537|Nicknames—n. and whip- may endure foran.....366 the threshold of then... 23 Pings Nee fee See middle of then.*....... 307 this n. departure....... 537|Nicodemus’d-N. into noth- most glorious n.||...... 660 this} ni /Sclence!.s2 15. 19 ANON Ab ee ees et ae sr7).camy n. of life®o. Pies 20 to something n.§....... 111|Nick o’ Teen-great god N..603| myn. of life*.......... 477 whatismsis not: sues: 537|Nieges—ou sont les n. d’au- 71000: OFS. eee eeeee 528 WHAT Wasil «cmc con: Es LUI Km Se BTA: 4261, 9m. andestorm|:eene eee 668 when it'wasms......50. 537|Niente—dolce far’n........ 386|. en. begins.to fall gene 530 when n. is preferr’d.....455|Nieuwentyt—Dutch theo- n. brings out stars......701 WHIGDMSNOSMi ys fue ae 264 jodian NUS. teat aeee 2 20| mn. cometh when....... 528 Newcastle—coals to N......675|Niger—quamvts ille n...... 648] n. congratulating con- New England’s—N. airtt. ..526|Night-a fearful n......... 660 science'T te ee 20 Newest-—n. kind of ways*..537| a miserable n.¥*........ 2zo01| 1. darkens the streets**. 163 Newness-in n. of spirit....415| a watchful n.*......... 625| n. eldest of things**....520 News-—a tailor’s n.*....... 0o|- and.oldm: FEy ee a472) -n. followed. ti. 2s nares 235 bring bagi seer ae R26), and Old.nt ee, nace eee 514| n. for the morrow...... 61 bringer of unwelcome and. silent. mon a: gees 624| n. hasa thousand eyes. .435 fie As Sete ene See 26) ) as n. follows" 700 «+ ses: 575| n. has been unruly*....543 SVU Nye oe ee eee eae asm thes assets ee 6Q6|' (nin Rassias hee ice 530 evil n. rides post**..... 624 |) ason) $0. Stats ace. see BAN CRS COMEY i, Ge PEE 531 NIGHT-BIRD'S 929 NOISY . : PAGE E PAGE Night—Continued Nightingale —Continued Nobility— Continued meas Garey it ess 597 n. as soon as April. . SS Lisien. Of: Dirthy,..1 eer eee 56 BONS TET Se eee. 3 MiczOo)4 ne doth single: ss ae oesg aon. Of descentviia 08, gen 38 ag. is long*?." -...% peers SOULe he Nad Made. se pitas Sse Our Oldiat- ae ee 2187 n, is fhe timer... eee ne n. if she should sing*, . Tria vwith n. of natures. yas 76 n. is the time to. ..... n, that on yon bloomy**532/Noble—a n. chancef....... 540 n. of cloudless climes]... a ass n, the tawny-throated..532] an. deed§............ ” Hoot tOalt--. 2. oe es GS OlrmenO T 1OOKR! ye tart sna wets 674) ame deeds iia... tee 357 moerot memories... .t 2: BOG IMO Tl? CEASE Tec 6 or ete oe Sie Pla ibang eathede ym mye oe 0 ee og 549 RB.OP tears: Slee. wets a CEL aRis Cate eer ears 33." ak De soul es hee 533 pn orday? J eee 55°, pause the n. had made. -414| ben. and thety Pay So 240 n. sable goddess....... 30| singing of the n. Loa 0. Calbinumeiee ay ae 401 n. shall be filled with§$..236; the ravish’d n......... Reais dO: i. things, 2 . ons sae 8 Ma SHOWS! StATS| ©. eco 531| the wakeful n.**...... ood eeido Ne. CoInes.1,scat 4 ees 321 Mm. that first wes .o'..2 =: 474| ©°twere any 1,*) 2.5... 23436] © every. 2. work, 2 2Mne 645 Tvtee Gaye tse es 455)" was the-n¥ 5: ieses 532 for. deeds. the is bes 533 SE AUER Ding sce ae Kare. os 164) ewéere Fan) Je eek ERS leap gg ND pete 8 eo} 37 nm. was drawing........ 529 Nightingales—as n. do upons - inne Dreastst: anEnit een 559 ae willbidetiacte tte ket oGteen rhigin note isles nese agOpooman was me. yon ot 2.8 606 n. with her sullen wings*530; mn. hymn from......... 409\ n.and nudeand....... 538 Mor Silent ns fA cee ees 530 ee TAs SON soe sceere ers 235 (eaby Deritages o1ee ses 465 Othievishe td oe ee 530} twenty caged n.*...... S29" m1, OL Nature Sowneay me. 533 Gut Gb theta vc. oe nee 2090/|Night-invasion—a n. and{..726| n.to be goodt......... 38 pass in*the'n.§.-52 99. 474|Nights—and sleepless n.**..403| n.to be goodf......... 321 presence of the n.§.....531/- an. repose§........... ATT =4n. type of cood$in ve ee 570 regent of then......... 400eGod amakestcich fet, ..a541r i} not bent -a. Ww. ee 400 sable n., mother of*....529} n. are wholesome*..... Tarp Ol, i. birth. Nee 36 pAcag ieee ol Prone 475) on. black mantle. im..... 529; only n.to be goodft..... ag 5 slepen alemnso sey neoe, 520) mat., candles /are® a, 20.33... 500]. only n. to be goodf..... 533 SPITIDFOL Woche. Rhee ale 590\.. no candles are® a..% ass OA than not: be mspacatts se. 533 Maliness and then-*< 2.5131 © ni devoid of §.. 5.5.5... RTO Wie tUEIT js TAGCswr waht 585 summer nedid.3:0'5 5... AOS met eternal Stars. 2. a5 O02 eeetO. DE. Nicos woe eis ote guste pherctiil tie sane nae, 412| n.incarelessslumber...140| to ben. we'll.......... 321 the livelong n.*¥7....... RAs mit, OL DICASUITELs Be cen ce Az OE tOO: 11: LOL? We eee 273 te sin) stormist: a. seat S77 Sit. OLewWa king nsute sso. 653| very n., n. certes....... 533 tiersable tee. ss cheeses 649| n. swiit dragons*..... 306| years of n. deedsf...... 539 the summer’s n........ G90 (eof 1. and days... ce : 301 |Nobles-n. look backward.. 37 the watentul ti. ee Ay ieeoraste, Ong 11: Vests aud As 81 |Noblest—n. work of God. . .631 then silent m.** > bee 519|Night-shriek—hear a n.*...269| twon.ofthings........ 678 RHisasethe Mowe fr. 30. Sane. 548 ee tessa and Nobly—die n. for®..) SY oa8 560 this n. methinks iste S30 POMS Ls Merge oe assent ae 641". 4S N DOrmnis. be a8 eee 533 iets baci ole one 306 Nicht winde=n. sighl|.o..4. ae seth JOjopmeloeeheleriinn Gers. 533 tittie OR BOOP se ee. 55 307|Nihil—-de nthilo n......... 26) | Ne HOLM iriiSt nie. ,s-an ee 533 upon n, so sweetll...... 555|Nihilum-—redit ad . res nude SO, Tl. SINS so Slt eeeee 564 voices of the n.§....... 87|Nile—banks of the N....... Sari shat Ne Gies7. ws soi oee 20 watchman what of then.528| the Eternal N.......... 605|Nobody-I care for n...... I4I wWhatiis the ier. 2i.ue oes 28] watersoftheN........ 2043 ae No atibometn jas eee 284 when n. darkens**..... 530| waters of the Nee aot 294|Nocens—cum n. absolvitur..300 when n. is nigh........ ESO -WOrMs OLIN. Fs sac: 47|Nod—affects ton.......... 317 where eldest n.**...... 36|Nile’s-N. famous floodl|...605| evenan.............. 586 where eldest n.¥¥*...... 111|Nilo—fiert de n. posse...... SSO be Rives tHe Bouton os ac U 317 WEES OM Ele O-win oe tet ae 236|Nimrod-N. the mighty gives thesis k Bae 337 witching HOUL OF Finctusne 520 JuRSbaGH =. enuresis henkorae ek oe S774 MSE ANC. 1) a. poosameers |, a5 witching time of n.*....306|Nine—last but n. daies....742|Noddin’-we’re a n........ 651 witching time of n.*... .520|Ninety-eight-speak of n. .561|Nodosities—n. of the oak... .308 witching time Of nie? Wane ‘529|Niobe—had answered N...533|Nods—n. and becks**...... AI4 MEADE tH kote tied ics! ai 544} in modesty say N.*..... G4 si ety anc. becks*tar. ott. se 488 Night-bird’s-the n. singing424/ like N. all tears* sok... 508) »-Homer n, but]... .\i2uu-& 362 Night-cap-n. deck’d his like N. all tears®. .2.... 2G s lOVE WIth) Nek. sre eicdeiel « 371 cae ete re ee 13| ° N, of nationsl[c2 ss 224. 624| with French n.*......:. 273 Night-crow-the n. cried*..544| this like N............. 230\" with French ntsc 2 3. 363 Nighted—thy n. colour*....508| thundering N.§........ 733| withn. “ withiolingemeeners oe ie gh ke doar em many that syllable N......... 532|Noes-ayes and n......... 602 ENGELS 2 3 Se 490|Noah’s-into N. ark.......748)Noise—flichterin n. and glee 25 Nightingale -feathers from Nobility-appendix to n. 66) nor catch at ni: . 493 RSE Rep ER caehh e s So's onc 15| appendix to n......... . 386 such an: arose™: ay dees 52 heard che momself. {...° 484| destroy man’sn....... wnoOa te the least nuk oe eee 644 Ran iat ed di. oe -). 413| mind and hisn.*...... .285|__ who make the n........ 644 leave tothen.J......-. 413] MY Nh... cree ee eeeee 38|Noiseless—n. tenor of...... 25 music inthen.*:.......128| mn. is exempt from. do<«268|Nolsy-a.n world. 2... saw. 528 59 NOM PAGE Nom-qu’un nn. trop tot fameux sh dac cee St 260 Nomen-et venerabtle n.....516 N. GUE OMEN Ta 055 8k oe 43 n. que ertt indelibtle... 04 Nomine—mutato n. de te... .413 mutato n. de te......... 681 Nonum-n. que prematur 4N ANNUM,.......2.. 80 Notitiam—n. serae postert- tQUD ain Sac OE, Mee "7 Nonentity—wash away into DN ekeiede 5. icc cee 549 Noune—alsoan..:........ 622 Nonsense—a little n....... 280 daullest.n. has. chee aie 280 Alen fOt crate Sal 421 little nin ste eer ee 534 little n. now and....... 280 mn. now, and then... wo. 533 nnow and thenicais. 70. 534 ms throne eee ee ae 330 now n. leaning. 2255.). 568 Senise RUG Nl. seen. she 568 Nooks-sequestered n.§.. 09 Noon-by n. most......... 502 evenia tise oe canine eee TOL love’s night is n.*...... 445 Ms Oletligh tyre eee cen ie 528 me of thought? sa.ese .ek 528 Nosquick driedags: 3. Je. 379 n. to dewy eve**....... 255 risen on mid-n.4]7....... 500 risen on mid-n.**_...... 500 the shameless n.f...... 372 Noonday-—truth and n. obese 546 Noontide—our n. majesty. .314 Norfolk—hath banish’d N.* .327 Norman-her N. name 533 than N.eblocdt: 2 sane Norman’s Woe-reef of N.§. 642 Norval—name is N........ 144 Norway-ambitious N.com- batedttcpeen eee 306 Noose-gripe of n.......... 584 North-entreat the N.*..... 233 frozen regions of the N..424 seen II o. in an airy height..... 26 the knotty 0.¥ is .i)-/sisin« 668) seesinallo...........- AT—O. Of Paiti steer ws: < 60 |Obligation—owed great 0...321 Ocean-and the o. O- or sail. ....0+0++++++439/Oblige—o. her andj........343 OCEAN PAGE Obliged—o. by hungert....524 you yourself have o. .326 Obliging—so o. that he ne’er 1 3 5 |Oblique—allis 0.*......... 712 Oblivion—after is 0........ 428 alms fos OF Gee eee .108 and mere o.SsLe ieee 664 DEStial OMe ye eee ae 355 DUE IN Ose yore heen 540 in darioree sa. eee 540 Ouis MOttolben use e ene 40 o. is the dark page: 2 540 razure of OLS M ey sh ue 481 Tazire' of OM ay. ~s sees 540 FUVEr Of 0:0 * Ge see Poets 540 Oblivious-sweet 0. anti- dotetarsoteeeees ees OI Obscure-that clear o. Il. P22'6 Obscurus—o. fio........:. IOI Obsequies—celebrates his 0.578 Observance-—all trial, all o. ee duty and o.* Observants-silly Suokinee eee ee eee oe ZFS I. EO Tor ae o. stayt..408 6. copied there*io.n ao. 477 0. the-which he* 452.5 : 541 oO. with expansive view. .541 PENNY, OL Os*c rs Mes ae 541 Sriackceol Ove eee 540 Observations—o. which our- Selvesiiee ae here. 218 aaah mee eae Ra Py PP IAE Gt Crp ete ads - 42 Obserdee of all observ- ers® hot ott Ser ° Observer—waited six thou- sand years foran 0... 63 Observers—observed of all OUR, ue ee ee eee 487 6. of fis law saviaee een 506 tite Oo; Saket y ss. setae 218 Obstant—fata 0........... 265 Obstinacy—o. fixes there... 33 Obstinacy’s—o. ne’er so stiff 541 Obtain-o. that which he. . .481 Obtains—which he o,...... 481 Occasio—deliberando sepe pert Oso 20 he a ee net orate 354 @.. PUNE SUBS de Pak 547 post est o. COW Gt. ree: 547 Occasion—also Per ned? 547 fair o. calls ‘tis fatal... .547 oO. DY the hand tmetaaaernr 540 o. hath all her hair. .547 o. must be gripped from. 547 oO. once past by is...... 547 @. STULLESE cee ys OI WItlEGOeIOLt 5 sprne en ohne 60 Occasions—o. and causes*. 56 Oy,Dald behind a2. a7 on o. forelock*¥*........ Occident—yet unformed O, e : Occupation—absence of o. is not whirl of varied o. pesubietneh every man be -457 581 OCEAN’S 932 OLD PAGE PAGE : PAGE Ocean—Continued Odious-are always o......129 | Office—Continued bosom of the 0.*....... 563|_ comparisons are o...... 129| officer and theo........619 broadJo: Jéans:" 541 |Odisse-zngenit est 0. quem no sacred 0. spare. one 503 caves 0f:0.) fu. . .)s sins 707 PACSETGS ets ee Ge 289] publico.is........ ts sean deeper than o.......... 657 |Odit-aut o. mulier........ 342| sad.o, payd.........0% 501 earth, air and ©-.3 3.51 214|Odor—half song, half o....516| till by high o:........, 322 earth,.0., airs .cSaiesy Sate 214| that sweet 0.*,........ 624|_ virtue of your o.*...... 582 first beheld the o....... 541|Odorem-servabit o. testa Officer—each bush an o.*, .676 gilt. theo." ae ee 672 (ne SP a eee 625| huffingo.anda........ 1096 grasp the o. with...... 486|Odors-like precious 0..... 15] 0.and the office......,, 619 great Neptune’s 0.*....511| 0., fruits and**......... 400} = 0. Of Mine%.(icus es ee 105 great o. of truth....... 528} o. when sweet violets. . .477|Officers—gainst the 0.*....524 great o. truthi......... 528125 Sabeart o."? sik aot hots < 53! 0. of the government. ..323 heart of the 0.§........ 69|Odour—and giving 0.*...., 513|_ 0. of the government ares43 illimitable 0.**........ 11I| 0. of her wild hair...... 557|Offices—considering 0. as. .543 life on the 0. wave..... 543 |) eradiance’ and o...... 0.) 278| great o. will...........331 life’s tremulous o...... 531/Odours—as o. crushed are STeat.0. Wille ae eee 610 ie's Vast Ort Sa ee 430 sweeter... . Sse at ees 15| keep out of publico..... 4 like the round o....... 531] ~Sabean o.from*¥s2.. .\:, 567| longing eyeono..:..... 543 loved’ thee, -o.|0.. 22.20% 542| shook thousand o...... 488| mart your o. for gold*. .101 o. as their road........ 225|Odysseus—O., jax the Offspring—her shadowy 0.**530 o. into tempest........ 609 gréatSect. Waele ee ari). of human Orx...8 ic, eae 460 Ovleanine onsite: cee 359|Odyssey—and the O....... 362): -D. Of a.darkin se. ate 5904 o, may overwhelm..... 424 |O’ershoot-never to o.t....3091|__ time’s noblest 0........ 35 o. murmurs there...... 639 |O’ertook—never is o’ertook* 25|Oglings—sweet o. I see....744 ©. Of existence.) 075.0: 433 |O’erwhel~-—earth o. them*s1o Oil-flame lacks 0.*....... 19 ©. Of Years oes wee 692 /Off—o. with his*.......... s65| incomparableo,||....... 567 o. swell and¥.......... 668] o.withhishead......... 565| midnight o............ 660 o. to the river of||...... 447| o. with the old....;..... 383| 0- on the sea........., 668 SG wild and$’.cte,4 wh 447} “'o.. witho the oldé 2) ia) 20 383|' 0. which I gives. 03 « 668 On nvilds ands. ee aecre 106|Offence—detest th’ o.t...... 646| Our Wasted 0.7). 05 samen 434 o. with his beams*..... 500] every o. is not®......... 343| Pouring o. on the sea. ..104 old:o: -smilés**. 904 2G 548) osfor man’s,o8* gs0te oe 277| the midnighto......... 421 on the o. of life§....... 474) *\fOL MAY Opes, Lee 623| throw o, on troubled. . 668° painted .OC.& 22 wee 64r| forgavé-the «a. oe ths 646|_, with everlasting 0,**...530 retreats of theo........ TOT asi. Oj 1S. TPanict ey eee 646 Oile—still Wwith..0,.ws ts bas 104 the broad o. leans...... 3501. eepatdon one-osncn a mee 480 |Oily—fat 0. man of God... .124 the mighty 0........... 541} < retain theo.¥. 43 ss < 2809|_ fat o. man of God...... 265 the mighty 0.......... 609) crto take 6.7, 9he otal, 609 |Oiseaux—aux petits des 0., .602 the round o.9#...2.%.... S21) Urvisave of Ghat eel ee 480|Oke-the tallest 0......... 608 thou vast of. ase ose 542 taowhere theiowist.< 02 Yau 401 |Old—accompany o. age*,,, 21 Ocean’s—o. gray and mel- (Offences — forgiveness for an ‘ov jtriend (2, .,/haeee 2p ancholyw on fy. dee wae 522 his\O% sates: a 288| and grows o.*,........ 265 Old, onvra vet... somes $42) | dmade old io:* teh ee 637|. any o. fellow J). anes 22 on o..foam toll aaa tee 542| many giddy 0.*......... 730). ate. an oman. ie. 197 the ov manes; cet. ae 542/670, at ny beckuc skh 363| every o. man’s eye*....650 when the 0. calm...... -533|_ 0. gilded hand may*.....417| fears of 0. age......... 23% Oceanus—of great O.**.. ..620|Offend—more 0, by want...237| forty yearso........... 22 Ocean-waves-—ye o. that...424| o.herandt............. 343| goodo.man*.......... es O’clock—what’s 0......... 190| to o. we should......... 396| goodo.man*.......... a O’Connell-hear O. spout- to o. and judge*¥........ 400| good o. timel]...... ++ 558 an ite! Be a cee ee 393 |Offender—hugged the o.....646| hope to growo......... 23 Octave—flows in the 0.....655| loveth’o.f............. 646| how tobeo......... +e 22 Octogenarian-o. chiefl].... 22] 0. never pardons........ 289|'. how.to be oj). Maads . 22 Ocular-the o. proof*...... a36[the righ oo ello, &, Pee 123| how to growo.... .... 22 Oculis—quantum o........ 4|Offending-front of my 0.*..242| Iamo.and...... a: Odd-in 0. numbers....... 110| I am the most o. soul I love everything that’s luck in o. numbers..... 110 alive®..a. def 33) Hes dues: LR eee 19 luck lies in o. numbers*. 100/|Offer’d—once ’tis 0.*....... 548| if you do love 0, men*.. 20 o. numbers are........ 538) Offering—o. heaven holds lay the o. asidet...... .537 o. numbers are the most CAT, ot eile ht pL OM 425| lay the o. asidef....... 748 effectinal's <4. +. 22" nies 110|_ though poor theo. be.... 1| leaving the o.,.......- 23 Odds—at 0. with morning*.528| poor the o. be.......... 310 minds. of 0.1.05 Vion che 06 facing fearfulo......... 560/|Office—a losing 0.*......... 526| mo man would beo..... 23 0; is gone* ea. eed §\ “all. ments O.t0% eae 558| not yetsoo.*.....:.... 3.19 would allow him 0.*....181| Circumlocution O. was..418| Of0.men............-- 756 Nderunt—quos laeserunt et 0.289| destin’d o. bears........ 80| O.agecomeson...... isa Odi-o. et amo............ 342| insolence of 0.¥. ....... 671; ©-ageisan........ ae ae Odia-accerima proximorum is a royal 0............ .543| 0 ageisstill§...... sees 23 Oe tach 0 ae ee Meee 342' o. and custom*,........552' ©. age makes me.......547 ———— et OLLER | 933 ORARE , PAGE ae PAGE PAG Old—Continued Ombre—ne voti rien que l’o.. 163 |Opinion—Contiuued OVARE;SO Sad Akl des . 23|\Omen—nomen atque o.....543| publico.is............ 690 o. and formalfe........ 164| o.in the name......... RAs UDC CO AnONs wer seer 323 o. and well stricken.... 18)/Omens-eye reads o....... 273) "= purpose and O.. 00. u.. 545 bat BOl. yn eels ees we7or blacko, threatl.0.. 2.02. AA NeeTLVAISIO. Ati forte earns 693 o. friend's are best...... 19|Omnes-nemo o. neminem..180| round tohiso.......... 420 Qalave iecsiaon ee ees 455|Omnia—non o. possumus... 7| some o. still........... 728 o. man eloquent**...... Salts oumutaniur wos... 0. £10} » Scope OF my O.f 2)... cs. 543 Gs tans dering. a 757 \Ommnipotence-to'span O,. .57r) ‘this oF 0. ori FA 271 o. man’s twicea child... 22|Omnipotency—highest strain to err in opinion: :. 3... 231 Gaman’s With) fe sees os 759 ORS Onda ie fun ohn nes 380|Opinions—and establish our o. men and beldams*. ..526|Omnipotent—defy the O.**,187 ONE ahs 5 tia ener. tore 54 oO. men are testy....... 21|On-o. wi the new........ SOs as theirl Osteo. pele © 545 o. men are twice boys... 22) on with the........... 383] between two o......... 354 O. men are twice....... 2z2iheupward- and O,..00 cen. 2. TAL ersolden o..fronwes fo ae 545 iio SHOT MO Wrenn oy a te 283 |Ondines-sylph and o......709| mnewo. are always...... 537 Gy mien senowW ise was <= 283 |One—are butio. 22.22. B22 OmOnMaAMkKind. h.7, 40%. 384 On THETINICTIOWS 0d sets 5 Be HS 7) oa eWCAtIAS- Oye mt nioeecse eee OSE I pODMIAITO nONs sth > wi ass 545 ou. men~ sickens. aoe 7Ols bell:strikesior\. 2053 Se ee 372| their own o. withl|...... 301 Dame 1000s n. eee ee 2! better o. suffer: 2. ..42% Grote sbWOrO. a iices sire oie te ee 544 ©. men’s prayers... ...:.'. 236 better tphan-G. ss1.. ee T27Pia vain Ot att) tee see 427 o. order changethf..... ELOi «>but oO; hfe to losess 3. 560|\Opponent—malign an 0....570 On TUES astALM ot ee foe 22) fOr number On ers eee 324|Opportunities—o. lost can o. wine wholesomest... 19! foro. only............ 447 HEVEH est Nae ee ee 547 o. wood best to burn.... 19! labourfortheo.||....... ATO” small-Oviareye onsen al 300 only o. in judgment*... 18) ~o, and inseparable..... 705|Opportunity—age is o. no out of 0. fieldes. 2. 2) ..% to) ~ o. on. God's stdev 2. 22s 538 LSS ha Ran See ey, 549 praising what is o...... 227 \ew Oewitanotner. -.. <.c0. 540| idiomatic English 0.....547 prodigious 0, age....... 492| these three are o....... Yoo) ill-annexed*'0.*.. 2.260% 237 revives the o.||......... 73 tlmethreenarer Oreos fs cos, *ool|* of servile-o. toY.:.....- 540 Fire. Gut-the o.70 04 ou Aion we Ate, ero 4671). o has hair on.) 7 ).. 547 Bayelsa PTOWINE One 4O5 1 Wit OLOs..% 6.5 oss ees Gori: 6. is often lost... 50... 354 Says that. Ment. 4... 22|One-half—o. the world....750] oo. transient........... 58 things grow 0.......... 264|Ones—distress our fair o...527| 0. thy guilt is great®*....548 things Grow Ove vee. sis os 204i sweet little 0; ..22 570255 360| time’so. wemade...... 558 things grow 0.......... 691|/Onion—an o. will do¥*...... 684:a @ whatisio:. to. cts ae 540 though I look o.*...... Toe livemano,* Sata: 684|Opposed—and usually o....537 time toigrowi Ost. on. 758|Onus—bene fertur o........ 114|Opposites—by o. are cured. 437 virtuous in their o.age.. 23|/Onward—half a league o.f.. 74/Oppress’d—one man’s o.f..228 was ano. manwho..... 534|Opal—mind is a very 0.*. ..110|Oppressor—o. of all....... 6 WE: ALLO rE Re ate ileal 547|Opals—fiery 0., sapphires...397| the o. feeds...........5096 when an o. man dances.161|Ope—o. my lips, let*....... 551|Oppugnancy-—in mere 0.*. .552 whichis titeOLp cit... a: 455\|Open—and o. doorff...... 695|Optics—but 0. sharp...... 247 YOWATA Oy wae oer 18} o. as well as lockf}..... 400| finer’o. giventMiay a e.. 247 YOu. BFE -O.. ... «sun. 564)... for 6, build, 4 4. eee 573 quum o. argumentationem4t19 |Organic—system to the 0.,..335),-for 0. good}s. .on.a ome 679 Oration-o. fairly spoke*... 52/Organize—o., organize.. 6|' 3 -for Oo. woes 0a: ee eee 614 this Subtle: O.a. bias teem 203 |Organ-pipe—dreadful o. * -668| foro. woes............ 685 Orations—look for o....... 551|Organs—o. of the frameft...557| from o. to take........ 487 Orator-friend O. Prig..... Seri swelling Oo, itl fe oni. 456], have”o, pertect..leaeee 107 NO O..aS OEUtust soe os ae 191/Orgon—the mery o........ 126| insupportable in o......108 Oe AG eco ioe eghins oe Mora 577\Orgunjé—past O......... 621) (misfortunes of 10.2. oe, 490 o. here concealed the. ..434|Origen—thought great O...611| more restraint on o.....423 0.0L Greece a eee 551|Original—great O. proclaim.271| seeing o, suffer........ 480 play the 0.¥........... eT eaMOTe Os Chan wekee tale we 5731 « those, of othersi. sean 108 poet, o., or sage§....... 23 |tacore O-gbhan, Dic an heetc 639] to be treated yionvese 20 tongue Of ThE Dh. a eed RET | SOLO: awiltinge yeni 573| When o. we'd admonish. rae Orators—famous o. repair**551/Originality-his own o.....517| wise for 0............. 133 DATUM Dh ee aries 477|Originals-than his o......573} Wwouldhelpo........... 680 ON OL MOVE) ben her easlepee 209\| etiam 01S Onn a2 yee ae 639|Otherwise—by seeming o.*. 415 On OL LOVE sic een 398|Originator—o. of a good...607/_ have judged o......... 601 Oratory-—first part of o.....551|Orion—fierce winds O. arm- Otio—dulcts o. literato..... 67 Rist part Olsorr oe rae 551 26 are ey ae 187 |Otium—o. cum dignitate,..1090 flowery 0. he despised..ror| look on great O,f...... 666\| % Gutd ‘Sttt05. ee eee 383 the first part ofa....... 6| Orison—poured themselves Ottomans-—Sultan of the O. ee 5 Wirginity OL Oulls ae cwsceert Rie Wb eae kaon |i! eee ade ee by. oe Ours-they are 0,......... 710 Orb-her circled 0.*....... 408|Orleans—O. territory...... 04|Ourself—adjunct to o.*....420 most glorious o.||....... 673 |Ormus—wealth of O.**,. oe Oursel’s-to see o.. ; .108 Of, OL song sores nee ae 484/|/Ornament-—a moment’ S 0. W741 Ourselves—but in 0.¥*....... 472 the smallest 0.*........ 513 | deceiv’' d with: 0.% 5 onaicn 49). do not feelinio te scene 108 Orbaneja—O., painter of Metence andiounean © mee 5oa|*+ faithful tovom ae openers 485 Ubedate eee. cen ee ces ReOoiSeoib teh en Re wee caer 49\ \ feel_o. alone: Gee eee 500 painter O. of Ubeda,...553| too much of o.¥*,...... 556| from o. awayt ties 21 Orbi-contrarius evehor o...576|Ornaments—o. had been ignorant of 0.*,...... .587 Orbs—and lessening o...... 666 neglectédia.45.0.eher 203)|' < keep it'0..2. Gas bine eens 634 It WHOSEO, 8c he enaraee 371 |. On Of Thyimer se ae 54| not be corrected o 107 such countless 0........ 434|Ornata—che quant’ era pino.203| 0. to knowf............ 407 Orchard-fair with 0. lawns178| 0. hoc tpso quod........ 203'| 5 ©. to know. ee ae eee 713 sleeping within my o.*,.511/Ornate—-o. for the very than for,0,40 un -weeeeee 133 therhaApp VEO Sent eeee 07 TCASON Se. Myler mm 708 value) OD) O:eee ane eee oe 54 Orchestral—o. silences..... 66 5|Ornavit—tetigit non o...... S32 we tripiO;seet. ee eee 108 Orchis—and the o0......... 278|/Orphan-the o. pines...... a3 Out=fain goon eee 468 Ordained—what is o....... 525|Orphans-o. of the heart||..624] never geto............. 468 Oxder—art Of 0.* 61. ju is 80|_ wronged o. tears....... 7iq | Of Betting O.57\..0 ine mae 468 built-10 0 hese te eee 552|/Orpheus— feign that Ovts.8), 532.0, Bccursed=spoti nae rel harmony, 0. or propor- Harp OLsOCeey acess eh oes 2572). 0. damned. spot*s.:. sie rs 5 TION seria See eee BT3| eokarp Ol Oi ree at o. Of mind... eee 4 limits Ol:Or veces epee Bin 2) ee Chk COLE COA Clade, eokey mete OWOf Sight, ee eee 4 linesi0f Oct a eat eee ee 552|Orthodox—their doctrine o. 38 0, OL sight eee ee 4 o. confounded lies...... 530|| their doctrinejo.2%), on. ESO} = Diate Or 0, fee ee .382 o. from disorder sprung*s52|_ their doctrine 0,....... 552) Such areus oO. es eee 469 0. in variety seet......., 340|Orthodoxy—o. is my doxy. nae to, Bet 0. eke arcu eee 468 o. in variety we seet. ...552|Os-cordts o. loquitur...... 65 wish*to getio.. ». yaa . -460 o. is heaven’s firstf..... 552|Oscula—circum o. natt..... oe Outface—o. the brow*...... 436 On Gl your soingt: enki 195|_ 0. natt preripere........ 360|Outlawed—nor be o.. .416 o, of your going*....... 262|Osity—words in o......... 749 Saha hl iy want these WHELClUalliOs.:.te Boe tees 351|Osprey—an o. aloft........ $81] i cr0ll Ane ae. fe ee 357 Orders—Almighty’s o. to Ossa—and Mount O....... 506 Gutesweatent the o,. ..614 DELLOLM ES he ee ee A06) arom O SH tenis. ctn 506) &-0,OL tHE poor... aes ..626 mistress’ o. to perform{.466| heave upO............ 506|Outside—is but 0.*......... 553 to exectites0..0-)... aioe Az un On wr elon aac) ie een 240| o. formed so fair¥*....., 726 Ordinary—mindes best 0... 96| O.upon Olympus...... 506| swashing and a martial Ordnance—o. in the field*..739| O. upon Olympus...... 506 0. ¥ bet. satiee ode ee 51 Orient—his 0; beamst*)%..'510|' fatop, of Oy...) ume, see 506|Outsides—their painted 0... .730 theo; tG-the® 2 cjeesetnucteee 627 tottering Ox stoedeeeais. 240|Outward—from o. forms....476 yonder shining o.}..... 427| tott’ring O. stoodf..... 506) ) 1n.o.-Show*ss: 40 ype ee 556 Orient’s—O. mission of good Ossibus—nostris ex o. ultor..615| things o. do draw*...... 544 will 68 Ara atn bois 316|Oswego-—O. spreads her. . .242|Outweighs-surging sea 0....455 Organ-heaven’s cas o.** oe 3/Other—bear o. people’ s Ouvrage— emettez votre 0....341 o. of the tendencies. ....323 aAfietionss ac).nek ce 490|Ovens-—o. they with........ 120 the pealing o.**......... SIA) 6 pids.eaeh' on-otarccisonice 705 |Overboard—then some leap’d the silent 0............645| never tired of each o....457 Ol eRe ees gis svete WeROae OVERCOME PAGE Overcome—be not o. of evil. 236 notito beio.F?. 25, Ok 180 Shs o,might® 2. ase 482 Overcomes-who oo. by FOLCENe bie us Poe ee 483 Over-civil-or on. 2.7 568 Overdone—anything soo.*, 10 Overlooks—o. the highest*. 500 Overthrow-his o. heap’d HappimMess aur. wees 14 Overthrown-oft are o. 73at Aare eas SO O. or over- CLVAL Sad tate eer cats = 68 Gucih vobts vellera fer- Ee ety Men Dhandlt ccilbeate sg 345 Ovid-as Or berant..--: 670 Oweal canon ee ye ae I41 On HOWMNANS otk tence ae 178 Qtr VOU OHem a anccny yo 179 Os WOUIONE Sterns nies ss 687 Owest-less than thou 0.*. . 493 Owl-a mousing 0.*....... 253 ALPaMGOrsatl Ose «rots 553 againsh-the'o.* 57 oF .' 2 505 o. for all his feathers. ...553 OuShriek G-avt use aes 544 o. that shrieked*...... 553 solemn o. desipse...... 553 the clamorous 0.*...... 251 the staring OF 0 ss. ot oe 553 thestarine O.*. 22. 432 Owlet-the o. Atheism..... 64 Owlet’s—an o. ‘laruml|.....354 Owls—answer him, ye o.f...520 eagle among blinking 0..127 flo'o, OL any kind 7.2 ...% 63 : o. tom Athens. 2... .67 Owl-songs—sadder than o. Tl i Own=butihis"o-2..-. oe. 561 calkounvas Dut te: 2 es 502 for His o. .476 ill- favoured thing : sir but {INE LOR. te Sk 50 is theif ogee see eee SOO mark’d him for her 0... .476 my 0., my native....... 561 nothing OLITNY Oot cca 574 Ox-brother to the o...... 750 more thanano......... 271 stalled o-and seis see 269 Oxen-—drives fat o........ 436 horses.a: Havech. 05... 361 alt? OLTOr se owes rs see sree 337 thate drivetir Orie wee ent gu pis Opie OL. 8) sn sa ees 337 Oxlip—-where 0.*......... 276 Oxlips—bold o.*.......... 276 Oxus—O. forgetting....... 621 Oynons~—garleek, 0. and... .564 Oyster—first eat an o...... in Ss into ail Oot ee Beg o. may be crossed in. 534 o. may be crossed in... .553 pearl in your foul o.* 50 transform me to an 7a lig tea PRAIA RE ACR 440 "twas & fat 0.70.2 50% +. 420 world’s mine 0.*....... 553 world’s mine 0.*;....%. 750 VOU SOULIO.~. es esr oe Os 935 PAGE Oysters—eggs, 0., tool]..... 553 ih you're ready"or.c.. . 282 12 Pabulum—Acheruntis p.... 653 Pace-in p. ut sapiens.:... 562 requiescat 1n p......... ane Hisested thy mets te os 52 Pacem-—jactunt p. adpellant. 26s qua destderat p.......... 562 sub libertate quietum....703 vel n1quisstmam p...... 562 Paces-two p. of*......... 02 Pacific—-stared at the P....362 Pacify—p. the quarrelsome. 83 Pacings—p. to and frot....434 Pack—huntsmen his p.....303 p. of matter to mine*.. .526 Paddle—y. your own canoe. 634 Padlock—wedlock and a p.||.470 Pady-—remains of James P. .231 Pagan-from p. slumber.. .600 Pagans—against black p.*..327 p. in those holy fields*. .119 Page—a printed p.||....... 18 beautiful quarto p...... 98 Ibutionesp.ee ce eee 356 for the p. alonef....... 554 her ample’ psen..02 5. o.: 378 her aniple pe. es ks 408 TV AIC Lenten heer 668 new p. openedin....... 537 p. having an ample MATOS Ge ee te 98 p. whereon memory....540 p. with the dimpled chin. 18 the p. prescribed**,..... 266 Pageant-this insubstantial 753 Pah wi mode woeful p.*.664 Paid—he p- Palos: 27S 412 well p. that® Ser et Sot ee 617 Pain—all the p. to pain. ...477 and the: p.Peee ees as 557 Ded: Or Dees: wet ae eee 643 Dut SireLand pe eee IOL Call rip ee Tee tere ee: 430 Ga Dacit TOL Dee watt 576 conceal histplss So et 452 doth inherit pF. -.2. os. 576 every paand$) ss oe 614 family of pepe oe a oe 485 feelBnorp.s, cater saree kis tee 476 feel nop: ae eos 643 fEelSaepit in Poe ane ee 576 feels pleasure and p.....576 first: feele! pt eo ae eee 612 for all our Dieses eee eee 759 for another’ Spent ie 679 cneatest. py ieee tioe e 349 Srick atd'p:. \. sits Soe as 46 pret and put. em ee ae $6 hark -whatiptew-o.% «cts 532 heart then knew of p....115 heedless of your p...... 539 help for p......-6+.e05- 24 in aromatic. peli. sess eet 567 invaroimatic D.3... 3 vs oes 624 in company with p.J...653 PAINT PAGE Pain—Continued keep the pier 4) 2) ae 643 like weight of p.*....... 16 loves hisipstty f.eh.o: 350 Love's very pi os 452 medicines all p......... 172 never mind the p.||..... 621 no weariness norp...... 388 not worth’ the psi. 7.27" 473 Of pedaricness oo .8 xh) 433 one p. is lessened*...... 436 one p. is lessen’d by*.. . 4809 p. hath evermore...... 508 Peis traughtia. Men ee 575 p. is perfect misery**. ..139 plilaysmotitsle: tenn 174 ip: tos lovesrre onan ee 87 PatOloVvendtisvees ara 452 pr to the bearvn at Oe 603 p. without the peace.... 3 partake of the’p. <5. ". 679 passion andthe p....... 441 past thro’ pases 576 peril and piv ele oe 360 Dhystes pLevey.s ie areas 410 pilgrimage as p.. -592 pity-wanting p. Se ypaleads 572 pleasure after p........ 208 pleasure after p........ 576 pleasure and p.**...... 540 TFeliev-d. their paver ses 81 LEST SP .9e wee ae eee ae 245 SENSE-OL ND restate Sate es 239 Sense. Ol Det ~ sie ees 679 short-lived!'p..e. . ek ets 745 smile inl py eto oe eae 575 soften p. to easef....... 513 their subject’s p........ 78 threats of p.andruin ...219 three parts pitt sane 576 HUMNSStO Pin ci alter sere 576 under p. pleasure...... 576 VOWS Made tpt eee 538 when p. and anguish... .737 when p. can’t bless..... 15 when p. ends. 3.2.1 8 221 whom through p....... 578 with ceaseless p........ 2 WOES im pith ee eee TAT Paine-felt but p......%-.. 733 to pleasing pees sees. 576 Paines—p. for their sweate.409 Pains—according to his p.. .300 and pxoLotners en sees 4890 fot peand fearssa. 60 oes 347 HASATS SP acrmthcee ete eet ones 298 if} POETIC ph avert eee 301 labour for their p....%.-: 400 lessiart and.D.. ost eles ee 574 little p. tebtise soe ere ee 432 mMarnof pyc eee 576 Tot worth thy pus eee 452 Da atid. study ae =e eee 404 OL 1OVE Desek ants cee 452 Paint—best can p. emi he .670 doés‘he piv) 2s soe ee 447 p. an inch thick. | £IR.. 646 Dethelidl yaa ee we07'5 Dp. the prospect ra.0n!. 582 WHO:CAN Pine... stein 2p G20 PAINTED PAGE 28 53 |Palms-p. in air .554|Palmy-p. state of Romet. . 553 |Palmyra—Baalbec and P.. Palodes—are arrived at P.. 708/|Palpable—-form as p.*...... et” 53| p. and the familiar 526|Pamere—mountain Painted—well that p. mee ‘ Painter—a flattering p.. made mea p made the: psec eee £53 p. is hinted and Ce ee sculptor, p., poet§ when some great p Painter’s—p. magic skill... Painting—p. is almost the*.553 p. is silent poetry than p. can express Simonides calls p the muse’s p Paintings—your p. too*. . Paints—bravely autumn P.. Pair—loving modest p.. A eaten vor os Aone ks teen: 59|Pan-or brown p la Ve, go" ke! ‘a! ‘plow’ aie Verba aa, 16 great god P. is dead... Pie ASt Cea ee eaccus were - 69 Panegyric—p. drags at.. .453|Panem—p. et circenses 744|Pang—account the p....... 6 eachshath his’ pills ve. 2 his bitterest p HOMULULE Dl ns eens only p. my bosom] p. all pangs above p. of all the partings...: p. of hope deferred Pangloss—mouth of Dr. P. the happiest p Paired—and blithely pe Paix—lemptre c’est la p. Palace-and stately p dwelleth in a p B°¢ en's = ld 16 oN. Se ey PARENTHESIS in np. of ali’. eee 6 tailk of PG esc. eee 382 mill< of sPosyjin.o ee 746 ho P.. onvearth. == eee 136 only: blissiof. P.5..os-9aee 470 p: for horses< iach eee 518 Pp. for, WOMEN -c pe 518 pis that places. vce 240 p. sof -fools }452....-,, em 282 p. of foolst? ce on ees 282 p..0f fools enact 554 tavight ins Pave eee eae 578 the: foolisip- [tees ee cree 282 thesfoolsip.d.e ee ee 714 their: Own plaice oa ae this) fOGKS “pi. senses 282 this: f60!'¢' p.- eee 554 walkeduny Pies eee 178 walls of P) .iioeee 628 were p. enow.......... 554 were p. enow.......... 729 where delicious P.**....554 will (poDe ie seen ees 347 Wim a’ p.+4 ee eee 538 .550|Paradises—are eight P.....554 221|Paradisiacal—p. pleasures of Pangs—hold out these p.*.. Dp. anda prison]| more p. and fears* p. for a hermitage* the Mahometans..... 08 405|Paradox-—glorious epicu- more p. and fears* p. of the soul] p. of absence p. of the soul TEaN “Pisa, cna eee 474 459 oe Paragon—an earthly p.*... 78 p. of naturet p. of the soul] p. that rend|l the haughty p. Dp: of “animals. 2a) es 460 pee Paragons-that p. descrip- Palaces—and of p @rgeous «in... see 753 p. which it hath§ some bitter p 45 the keenest p.||..... 2.2... 387|Parallel-admits no p...... 131 see ee ee we wee light o’er its p p. and towers p. are crumbling] Panjandrum— —the great Pose Pansy-p. freakt with**,... Se eae i pleasures and p PLIUCES Vp; t hs See 590 those golden p Palais—nous vivons au p.. ne ae weariness oe 2 a ie. et So 2) we 3 be ig le 32 . Natural Theol. lean and slippered p.*... Panteth—as the hart p.. Panther’s—is any p Paper—dust our p.*....... 502 fom inikvand 1. sam ale 578 Notieat Wits, Aen. eee he 96|Pardon-first begs p,*..... 565 p. bullets of* SHOWS Of pp: tLe ae ramen AO Paper-mill—built a p.*....217 iam her hna. 504 Papers-read the p p. in each handt your folded p ee 0 00 © Cig: 6 9 68 0) 0 0 o Palfrey’ s—arms and p Pall—the p. from our daria, Pall we spay side of P.. shady side of P Pallas—bust of P P., Jove and Mars tidn* |. eee ee 566 be its p.4s5.. Sag eee 131 their p. decline........ 605 276|Paramoi rs—of forlorn p...697 277 Parasites-smooth detested p.* ig so oes 664 Paratus—sem per pe nes 502 20|Parcels-parcels of the dreadtult* yon ates 558 233|Parchment-lamb should be “made p.4 eee 4190 pen, Wax and p25 wees 755 grant a P sihe! Ditties Sea cotelts 288 ip." hivn te eee 288 p. after execution*..... I27 p. after execution*..... 506 p. is still the nurse*.....480 p. one offence pet pee he 480 theyre’ Gr" py wea a eee 2890 Pardoned—may one be p.*. 289 Pardoning-p. those that Papilia—P. wedded tot. Rape waste P. or Prot- 698 Poepelle ASSL life’ s p. shall. with pomp and p 617|Paradise—a fool’s p 69 are opening p 54 UU Ce. w ole Say. Pallets—upon uneasy p.*... Palliate—attempt to p.. Palm—an itching p.* and branching p. | ee have an itching p.*..... his sweating p.*........ lands) Of pets secre nice: 447 lands orp; {aes eee 608 like some tall p 53 Sipe qui merutt ferat.615 . gui merutt ferat me 6g Cipla el srene orel es Weil 2.5 Ot cet 480 Pardonner-—c’ est tout p.. see ABA Pardons—offender never D. 607|Parem—ullum inventet p.. Dr ae Parens—coumunis omnium Poe Oe Sa ees eee 560 age 5|Parent—a kind p. ........ 523 Natyre gtéat pig. 25 es 520 te OF ell Wh ae ee 560 Ds Ofkan artramteres oe ae 524 1p. of good** ar eee oe 314 einteehe shoo El a 24 is bios" Hell with P P+. ar see ee ee eee eens 7 p. 05 etwas Dpiwis's SOF Parenthesis—p. in eternity. Gor in p..weed™* 5..2.-aixouhe aed fee a PARENTS PAG Parents-ces p.que l’on se jaitaoy area a makes our p.....207 peat bes DS CSE 207 Only op. lOvE SIA se. oe 455 towards thy pi i.ees 20 which in p. shine...... 37 Pares—p. autem vetere pro- Obr Ot Fo CS ae 435 Patis“aSit; Pease 268 than perfumed P.§..... 6 Park—charming is 3 Pet 2303 Parle-an angry p.*....5.. 307 celut a qutlon p....... 481 qut p. beaucoup........ 644 Parler—de p. aux yeux....422 Parley-admitap......... 223 Parliament—Act of P.. .418 the Common House of P. 5 Parliaments—mother of P. .226 Parlour—walk into my Py .660 Parmaceti—was p. for*. 286 Parnasse—tout le P........ - 600 Parnassus—Bedlam or P.t.578 thow PY whom! 2.22: =: :. 307 Parnell—P. substituted as a2 watchword. 222c22 6 Parole—la p. a été......... 658 bea PO CIB, STN Ss 658 f. fOmamne ya. & eee 747 pesnare la pores Cee 422 p. of literary men...... 607 Parrot—more clamorous than tarp. sey oe 743 Paroles—p. que pour de- RUSE SS kOe 6590 p. may rehearse....... 658 Parrots—laugh like p.*....414 Parson-forty p. power||...124 forty p. power tol]...... S77 p. much be-musedt....578 p;; ob illustrious: 22600 124 p. owned his skill. ..... 56 Part—alas must p......... 555 before wey n2 sen ek: 263 better p. of me*¥....... 754 Dich AISA p ates ead eye teks 450 dearest friends must p..555 done her pit nen ee 523 fom better: pA ck fecha 725 forgot my pen. Gein 5 hard*to p. when....... aie his blessed p; to*®. 1... 327 if we must p. forever...555 ass e710 p).:2 ite eae ae otk a left-somie po v5 dukes os WOALMELO 3955 Se eet 558 lives that once p....... 474 love and then to p...... 555 ISVES NOs: PMs hme wes 561 meet (and. Oflirs otiejereis 474 MUSE: WE: Pai! e25 sas reveiw laters 555 only p.to. meetin. .> nae 555 Hat onceleh or. scemus 555 TT Ob atl bee. 123 De Oh all so seaeh ewe es 706 p. to meet again...... . 263 p. which it governes....460 th’ infested -pl..5 adem 474 the manly Decde.< cxiacevens 212 well pour p. fe 5: hp sickens. 365 937 PAGE Parted—met or never p.. 86 never shall be p.¥*...... 85 Dp: torevernsttian eee: 451 Sher iwe pe ee aeeG 233 WESDa- seer cil cine ie 233 we two ‘pln Bee: 555 Parthenon—wears the P... 54 Parthians—lying than the P. 6906 Parthis—P. mendactor..... 6906 Particular—bright p. star*. 61 pPawith theet ios ae. 08 the p. has over the gen- Cla Sep hee ee. Pk 466 Parting—our p. was....... 233 Pp. is such’sweet*s) . 2810; 262 p. was well made*...... 262 thie:proudestin ta. sere. STE Partings—p. gone and p. yets55 such epmbrealalien arc 555 were sudden p.||........ 555 Partington—beat Mrs. P.. ..137 Partisanship-p. was in- Stalediits tere teeta: 584 Partner—his loved p.. . .360 peimthetrade....4 sesh. 605 Partridge—finds the p.*. .. .236 neither p. nor quail. .... 281 Parts—all p. are played... .664 do actithe pi. aa ae 665 ine! that p= ust #1). 555 inated ea, ty. 8). 259 in, p> Stiperior’ 209) 5, 733 p. and proportions of. ..314 paand spreads; SF 95% 642 p. of one stupendoust. .314 p. of one stupendous whole} tae eed fe 520 p. of one stupendoust. . . 706 splay? their =p. kee oe - 664 played their p......... 664 plays many p.*........ 664 uttermost p. of the. ....457 Parturition—whole with p. Tl 505 Party—but with a p....... 583 individual ora p....... 543 neither p. loser*.... 2... 562 Da Honesty Staak. 583 p. is the madnessf...... 583 Serves hisip it. .: aut. 583 snug and pleasant p.... Os NO Pree ie see 704 LOnD: Lavery esta cote s 102 COMAOUD Hcl ter eee ets 561 ire TOL One pspfeie een 138 WAG TO ONE Dp y Je. ce « 83 Parum—non qut p. habet.. .192 Parvis—p. componere magnat 20 Pas—le premter p........ 83 Pass—let nothing p... 547 Mever comes tops: :. 382 p. and speak one§...... 474 Shiite Ds away. eee aia 746 ships that pain§iniue. 474 LINES Da AWAY so 25-0 eo - 220 Passage—a Ha broadth sino. 349 p. o’era restless flood. ..431 p. to the realms oft... sae season’d for his p.*....51 Passed—when she had p.§. “5 I ' when she had p.§.... PASSIONLESS eich sa Stee COKE 632 ip Dee ee a with p..551 snares relenting p.*....684 Passeth—soon p. it away. .427 Bore 2p Ar each other HF Dhar as eect tnt S 474 aa p.world Ses One: 66 Passion—affection mistress Of prt Aare Se ee 40 an-old ps aie Le eee 732 BODY. DP. (GLivere Wee 103 eatching allip @yer eee. 219 control yourtepise ee 41 enchantment over p.||. .655 woldicalmn psa ee 3190 govern my p. with..... 556 her p. suggests: ¢ fi. 22. 395 haunted me like a p.f/..521 am cher first pret aes ose fofe) im her first) ples teehee 457 in p. we propose*...... 556 iInfimite a. andie. tien). 557 iiss burning puso 460 made ofan. Asie cee 444 mynp. berunk Vase see 383 MOW. Ds Urns? payee 2 560 one masterpsls eee 557 one p. doth expel...... 436 p. and prejudice....... 609 Dp. and the ite wheat. .2s, 476 D: andi theipain vee 441 p. crowns thy hopes||.. .743 De urstebfeltes i aes 5506 p.is.the galepiy. - sn. 430 polike the... eae. 43 p. of great heartsff..... 559 D2 PUbstO Usemers nares 455 p. seeks aid from... .25n 342 p. shall have spentf 371 De slain ie. Mere eke 508 Dastotm.d.the sees 638 pi that no vet ensieee 557 Pp. to proceeds iain ae ae 603 Dp, we feel.) eis eee 447 patroned by “piseee eae 605 PECUIte’ Mey “pikes ahs 546 ruling p. conquersft..... 557 fuling p. strongie. 5.2. 556 shocks ef p, 4 eieace ea. 36 take heed lest p.¥*..... 556 that sweet pir os.cvase 443 the motive and the cue LOL) Pst cess era tan ae tame the rulingsp. ie etree « 5 ee Ghemrfirstephacsscrr tars 457 thoughteand =pit osc eee 462 fill.our p: diesas.zaacese 40 TAIESTS \COU Se aici See 501 vows with so much p....324 whate’er the p.f....... 142 where p. leads......... 557 whirlwind of your p.*.. 9 WIth: aS: ¥ lone eae ies 42 with prclasi Scns anne 346 with sO Much! pas seins 538 Passionate—this p. dis- Courses), ees awa ken 51 Passionless—hopeless ee 4S) Dov iechowes bre cathe ee ke 644 PASSIONS 938 PAUL PAGE PAGE , , PAGE Passions—absence dimin- Past— Continued Patient—Continued ishes little p......... 3}: “upon thepthasiy. i. Si 557| preacheth p...........559 allctherip.tiyae 2 eee 454 o- voice of ther. nay Yee. 97| provok’d my p......... 593 all p., all delights....... 440| 2 When She ig fhe se ee 547| the gradual p.......... 329 and p. hostll........... 6a} —fwihter isp oe, Ach at 304, tospeak p.*.........5 -.558 angry p. rise.......... 557|Paste—p. and cover to*....502| to speak p.*........... 501 angry spy rise... whl 606/Pasterns—on four p.*..... 7o| weentitle p.*.s.« Sm 196 contending p. jostle... .248|Pastime—make itself a p.*.523| weentitlep.*...7....., 559 different p. moret...... 654 |. OULD. ANAT: jw kee 97| with stubborn p.**,..., 200 key which p. move..... 78|Pastorals—pelfered pp. re- with stubborn p.**, . 2. , 559 les médiocre p.......... 3 OWING ccteeetht: Ree. 68| with wonderful p....... 472 not paslavetcoaetn 272 56|Pastors—ungracious p. do*.590|__ year gracious p.*...... 681 p. are likened best..... 643 |Pasture—Lord my p....... 601 |Patient—p. Man. a 559 p. are no more... ¢7160) S56) fone starrow psi fee mee 639|Patient—bringeth his p....473 p. cramped no longer}. .727/Pastures—and p. new**....519} fury of ap. man....... 42 prado cwith. tre een es 123)" fin Sreen "pPornewea sh. eee 601| how does your p.*...... 301 p..of heranind| ee ere Pat-—do at pio teen ee 511 let us beip:$ s.\fo< aanee 15 p.-ol our frame iis. »... 2365) Chow very p. eee ce Hee 34) lebus be p.$t saq@ee ee 587 Dp. tise’ higher. 747 S323 525|Patch—p. a wallto*....... S01) must be=p: eae 88 ruled bychisip:iee es. 648|Patches—p., bibles, billet- not so-p.F a. kia 585 slave to one’s py... .. .. 556 doux pat een eee 70 p.dies*while* .3 ee 96 thesp,-aftsagnne Fae: s1s| p. set upon a®, wes ure), 242| p. though sorely tried§.. 15 the tiger p, sta te eee 745|Patch-work-to p. learn’d..607| p. when favours are... .4093 various ruling p. findt. .556|Patent-right-monopoly by while the:p,Has?*).71 366 your mighty p.||....... 339 D2). hte ee Sa. 650|Patienta—lesa sepius p....550 Passion-waves-—p. are lulled346|Pate—bald p. Ilong....... 524|Patients—-though p. die. ...107 Past—and the p........... 35 beat iyourpaeet noes E 284|Patines—p. of bright gold*. 665 anticipate the p........ 288| perfectly bald p........ 547|= p. of bright gold¥ aaa. 13 iby the:paaaeier et 288iertne) learned st anne s 712|Patrem—Roma >. patria. . . 266 enjoy one’s p. life...... 476|Pater—or Erra P.......... 473|Patri—est patrie p.........266 ever for.the p.. 2)... 22. 613|Path—p. of dalliance*...., 590|Patria—omne solum forte p. 143 fountains of the p.t....479| pp. of virtuous and**....571| p. est communts........ 560 Isknowsthe pines 24A) Spa westreadiisen nh. ets 608/') pro. p, ort, eh dee 550 InfevoCablesp.se. 1 24.4\| 2 (primrose sp. Cte eee Bee. 3490| pro p. pro liberis....... 50 is p. and gone®........ §57| » royal powhich sy? ai 3u. 669|_ que natura debita pro p.. 560 isthe pd.<2¥, aha. eee. 558|_ that p. to treadf....... 503 |Patriz—vincet amor p......560 let the dead p.§....... 147) Paths-on lonely palates 475|_ vincet amor p.......... 560 limitless ‘space the/p..0..43 208m: Olielory fae sian ate. 503 |Patriarch—the venerable p. 25 mem’ry of the p........ 477) (2p: Of JOY OF avoe sna tke 493 |Patrie—-;’aimaima p....... 560 my p. yearsa eine soe. 558] sap ntoat, lead acne ieee 572| ma pb. la plus cherte..... 263 no p.-solong 2°s. 2 97\ tp. which reason kid Wes 515|Patrimony—the Muse’s p... 585 OL things ip see a eee 523|Pati-optimum est p....... 222|Patriot—a p. too cool...... 102 Of things pt nae eee 688|Patience—all p. and impa- and p.graveseeor seen 561 Out pshoursaee eee 756 tience*.........../.444| » lustrous name of p.1 1/56 our p.) hours; 3ah eee 576|Patient-fury of ap.man.. 42] onep.name........... 561 Our pyears] 2% ele 448) orantiusip mele. a eee 367| p.of the world alone... .561 utp. wears ie Fe 479) Rave-mot pti ey au wis 559|Patriotism—chart of true p. 35 Out of the pines of wien 61.6|\s¢his infinitetpry jennie 416} eichart of true pie eee 561 D.2as wells s Baten he ee 753| is ordained with p...... 525" pais thedast .- aa aeeeeeee 560 poatileast is) 7. ore S57 im woveand pase teen ae 290| yp. would not gain...... 560 p. is clean forgot...... 433 |) anen/commend pov. oa, . 558| protests of martyred p..472 p. is clean forgot....... 604} -rot.God's p.*. ote ee os 227) ‘transporte Gf pie ok eee 408 Dwisivomel tier y eon 23.4 towverstaxed spit in alae 559|Patriot’s—each p. devotion. 225 p. lives o’er again. ..1.. 13.61 7 pvand, shutter aie sere TOSierthe ps boasts ae eee 560 p. sorrows let us....... 40lep.and shiuiiein: ae ae. en 558). “the-p. fates: eon 561 p. the pearl-gift....... 558]. p. and’ sorrow™. .... 64) 244| worthy p.**........... 61 quiets of the p.ff...... 557| p. bea tired mare*..... 558|Patron—as their p. hints...274 quiets of the p......... 607| p. et longueur de temps..550| isnotap.............. 562 save by the p..ct oo. 238) om, gazing Onty iW we. . 55 the p. and the jail...... 562 SOON 62 it Sipifype. oe es 604| p. He stand waiting§. ..615|/Patronage—p. of capital... 410 the dreadful p.—f §..... 558] = p..18. a necessary.) 6. 6. 403 |Patroness—my celestial p.**512 the’ p.i3 cis Peete ee Pe 933) /ip. is sottish® (cin awn 559|Pattern—made him our p.. .183 the ps enjoys oe eee 476| p.isthe passionft...... 559| of one p. made........ 522 the remotest p......... 233| ‘p. is the virtue of...... 559! op. of celestial place*....468 the shadowy p.§....... 479} p.onamonument*..... 13'2| © p.of excelling*? 2 4a25 511 things that are’p..2% J.) 5571 Vep..Savereieio Si5 a. 2 0. 59|Pattle-wi’ murd’ring p....510 triumphs in the p...... 477) vp. stasds He§yt.cds. 0. 266 |Pature—i] donne lap....... 602 turning allthep........ ATT) © *pi,t0 ehdute® ino. Meek 558|Paul—after him St. P....,.606 upon the p. has power. .166| p. to his fury*......... 55 Agrippa said unto P....120 tuupon.the p: hase. .2.4.5..547) > to preventiy veh 8O2 he paid P....... Teen 939 PAUL'S PAGE Paul’s—nor is P. churcht. . 283 Pauper-onlyap.......... 85 quit plus cuptt p. est..... 192 ae See mutant a RTS Wee S etete ae Sroka wee 22 Pauperum—p, " ‘tabernas TEQGUI GUC 6 At or Pausanius-replied P...... 107 Pause—an awful p.. .530 cull 11s, tower ee . 1387 nature made a p.. .530 p. the nightingale ‘had. -414 let proud ambition p.... 33 Pauser—the p., reason*. 556 Pavement—and Pp: stars**. 66s riches of Heaven’s p.**.. 609 Pawns-the p. are men... .301 Pax—candida p. homines. . .606 DP. CUM CIVIDUS.. 0.050% 562 Paxi—Isles of: P34 Sees Oe. 551 hea MEVILCO! peat. wees 640 or what Dive henlon s 410 iflicatips wasn cee ores I41 less"to pret, eos See 388 slow betto p... 7 Neeees 09 slow be to psi «2: 7798. 179 Spurithan pa vee & 228 wants wherewith to p... 54 wants wherewith to p...178 Payment—thanks and p.*. .325 SOO Little p: ik ot tee 375 Paymin-traverse P. “shoresla 50 Pays-in doing it p.* 25/9. 325 soert bten son p......... ey the slave that p.*...... 179 Pea-seek a sweet p....... 275 Peace—a long p.*......... 564 a perpetualap: Ft. a. 121 a atict- po withy2. 22 es 679 and: callsatp|2e5% See 563 and universal p.f...... 564 argonattts of pxehy Se 316 arts Glepsesa se eae 564 blessings of p.f........ 564 DIN you pia eee set 563 brothersiin p.fje0e22...< 619 call it patos + ek eee 563 calm p. and quiet**....104 can we digip. 2 eT es 310 carry gentle p.¥........ 20 chamber was p......... 563 WAV Sortie. fet iis te 105 ays Ot Dp, ard Ves; . os 563 GESITONS Pe Pee kes 562 doing wellin p......... 563 Bream Of pei so 3's Sb. 20 empire is pi. Sete 564 fierce hail of p.f........ 466 tor gentile D.. 6. sac 203 goal of waris pasts. Seek 562 health and pl) eee Oe 631 health p. and} Aj9%ee= 343 in p.acharge.......... 653 in p. love’ tunes) 2719.5 446 in p. providest.. Ba e2 502 in De this elements kn sd eee 461 in p: there s® P22 a 4f. 562 itp: there's? Since see ry in p. with honour*.....563 im time of pei eat. Y's 562 PAGE Peace—Continued Sib py orf ye. ea 710 TOME Davos + coe ween 724 is theré any p.f........ alt just andlasting p. ae. os 113 kneel fom es. ae 375 Enotror priate meee 650 lejus havea pis a eke 564 Ian Of Pews.. 4. Lee 196 man of p.and war...... 653 Maintain the phos: 403 most unfavorable p.....562 MVP IS'FONE eke ote 656 NOT Pa NOT/EASC ae ey ere 680 NOt pratany py: soles 562 of célestia lip tts ras ee & 468 of perpetualipie Oe Me < 562 of preserving p......... 562 On Garth pire eae 587 Pra Dad ps Paver Me 562 OLD esos weet... ane aa 424 OUl -PreOur ier. aeeseeeeee; 404 p. and competenceft....686 p. and friendship....... 563 peand healthier shi. 141 p. and no longer§...... 564 p. and rest can never**, .350 Pratianyaprices sea ek 562 p. becomes men........ 606 ~mbroodedr o'er lie. es 624 p., commerce and honest182 p. descending§........ 614 p. hath her: victories**. . 563 panatin higher: {seks 563 p. in Freedom's? ....°.>- 703 poinstead Of sone 710 p. is its companion..... 402 p. is of the nature*..... 562 Dp ibself showlde awe a. >. 562 p. its ten thousands... .563 PrOnvirtieaee. we sees 404 p. of mind dearer....... 361 p, culesithe day-28. 7 os 563 p. seemed to reign§..... 69 Peto. De; LOU: aera I44 ip: tocbe founds 20" We + 563 ie with: these wits. wet. 263 - VoUr Valor 2.7 2. 34 iping timevol precnt wel 563 piping of P. was born,..121 provide in piss 7er. we 562 ESET .2.1 whee ee 326 soft p. she brings...... 113 Etat of pie: ere. tees 272 that publisheth p....... 526 the pr ob death Ae. an 3 this terrible pss. Seis vee 563 BHGSENOL Tie ite see bane ee 563 thousand years of p.t:.. 84 thy p. possessing....... 5890 EINIE OL PHse ey. tee es 562 5O/CONSIGEL-De sn. eee 718 LEY APS SS ac StS seme s 678 Wart ATG! Dill, eee etek 333 WERLOVE Dias fgwdixel. Luseae 562 when p. and mercy ra 360 inere p. and** 27% 7% 366 where there is no p......562 who desirés poe. 320s 562 worth retire to p.., 22 PEDANT PAGE Peaceably-—p. if we can 147 p. if weican ..2)acane. O4 Peacemaker-the only p.*.. Peacemakers—best of. p....524 Peach-little p. in the...... 608 Peak—a p. in Darien...... 362 dwindle p. and pine. ...182 little diamond p........ 499 Peaks—purple p. remote. . .628 the: highestipi aise ee 228 their loftiest p.||........ 228 Peal—knew that p.||....... 74 Pealing—p. loud again..... 84 Pears—p.fromanelm..... Pear-tree-go to a p. for 2090 pears. Make Fo 4: 24290 Pearl—as your p. beste, 50 aS VOUT pit. es ve eee. 62 barbaric p. and gold**, .187 black: is'a pee.) 525 Sore Of Gne pasta tet 406 combrotips} sei eee 481 gate off p.e hs at ae eee 328 Heapsiofip eerie ae eer 201 Nota diant pers. ete 685 ol orient, ps, 49 20 ee 240 Pure as al Poway eee 630 purer thanip:.- ore oe 406 threw a praway. 2) .. 395 LOO; Lich at paws aoe ak 7O1 Withorient pitts eae 500 Pearl-chain—p. of all tho, WIFGUeS an Cee 493 bd ode thrown to hogssh. 2 lee eee 558 Deatte heck men are p.*. .525 CAaSLLViel YOUR DS saree aes 678 fairer than p: sete nee 446 climmer ofthe. eens ore 311 p. that were his eyes*, . .111 p. into the bosom...... 607 Pp. Of thoughtita. seen 690 Seatch-for!p, 2 7 wenn 232 Peas—and tame pigeons ‘p..4a1 as DISeEOnSsp sen fe oe 306 Peas-cod—before ’tis a p.*..311 Peasant—every p.to achieve 32 the*p: enjoystil. meee 403 Peasantry—a bold p....... 25 Peasants—of p. kings...... 370 Peasant’s—p. dress befits.. . 203 Pebble—a smoother p...... 528 Pebbles-children gath’ring 2 HES eee ricac are fortiter... ; Peccantibus — tzrascitur sed ak Wate st ek MBeeat crete ete ae 646 Peccare—cum p. licet...... 598 qua non vel@ p......... 508 Peccat—nthtl p. nist....... 268 Peccatis—non p. trascitur. .646 p. veniam poscentem....288 Peccatum—p. quam remuttt DOVESES ch Te ae re 426 Peck—p. the falcon’s*..... 524 Pecks—p. up wit as*....... 396 Peculiar—gloomy and p....517 Pecunia—collecta p. cutgue.. .405 Pedant-—p. o’er the boy .448 PEDANTIC 940 PERFECT PAGE PAGE PAGE Pedantic—narrow and p... .401 |Pen—Continued People—Continued Pedant’s-the p. pride..... 392| words from your p.. . 66} government of the p....323 which learned p........ BET) 5 WEIG DAM AG cre eis nels ates 66| greater than the p...... 583 Peddler-is wit’s p.*....... S96) ri write pets ene sees 66{> happy. the p.ocsn lee 358 Pede-ac p. verum est...... 12|Pena—non nella p......... £§x1). happy the p...... cooee 358 Pedigree—an old p.. 19|Penal—case of laws p...... 399| his p. are free... - 23a 307 lass wi’ a long D.. pee gaan 38|Penalty—a pecuniary p....385| Ijudgep.............. 26 merits of aD.) 24 Ai ans 36[.cexact, the pst ater 4221-1 love the pi"... See 52 Peel—want you to see P.... 57/Penance-in p. thence..... 623| little street-bred p..... 6907 Peep-p. and botanize]....630|- no p. can..........5%. 612! made for the:pi.-n.a2u8 323 Peep’d—p. but his eyest...664| p. and matrimony are..468| make good p.*........ 723 Peer—a rhyming p.t...... 578). your-pris known. 25)... 414| make the p. happy..... 324 Peeress—proud asa p.t....646|Pence-commonas bad p...539| marry ancient p.. ...460 Peerless—and SOI ae eee 566| take care of the p...... 216} most unpleasant D. il. SD p. piece of earth*....... acs Pencil—from his p. flow||...554] of all the p............ 323 Peers—his valiant p....... ¥45\e@ep. in the gloomisiaas. - 854) 4 OL thesp. wal... : 571}. little statesmen, p...... 138 search of a great D.. cis wake i Ae DOM a ISELD: ote ste et sne. ais clei HO TAPE DIED ALO atia oit'os ¢ che aiolers Sirf Peri—P. at the gate....... 554|Persuasive—and p. sound..513| p. dwellin............ 571 warpledval Piss ed Seat BOS MOP SPCCCL te 16 take isots, 2 ei SO GAGE sc ALCL tora slereeedeney 664 Periculo—alieno p. sapit.. .243|Pertness—half p. and half|l. ~311|. - the best p. do... satin. +259 sunt remedia p......... 473|Perturbation—O polish’d p..625|Philosophia —anim1 medt- Peril—p. of the waters*. ...641/Peru—China to P.*........ 541 CONG Pine ee, Se oe 571 that. piesa. eta ae ee Clima: CO) os .tciscs ey 00 ns0, 541/|Philosophum—me esse p... .643 thevhara p. se oe ROOie Ap And tO byssus et 541 Philosophy—adversity’ s Perils—p. both of......... 130}- a Newton atiPs. 2. is. oe sweet milk pF. wo. «4. 14 p. did abound*........ 458|Perverse—and be ee a Oeyernt and falsé p.¥* ta sah oye 290 p. do environ....... .254|Perverseness—could such ge before Pey.can ic vs scene 356 p: doe enfola...\.,.4.ee 254 Glue Litre ries ht a aS TO asl VITIC DS o ccaiorene eter I S7E Period—one destin’d p.....503/Perverts—p. the prophets||..575| fear divine p.t......... 571 Periods—equal p. keept. ...540/Pestilence—a desolating p..539| grave p. be§........... 571 in. theiancientip.as).shtOd pee GUE Ted Di. iene ein cae ESO), -NaSt ANY Di pam aecctirs aye 571 roll of p........eee0+-2219| wWwide-wasting p.**. £044 ,Distory is! Di... siecle s 356 PHILOSOPHY E PAGE Philosophy— Continued history 4s pices oe 356 itl VYOUD Dis ee ce eee 571 1S SDIRe pth eee eens 571 MOlranps Cravens: «see 96 natural ps deep... 24.4: 06 not proud pisses. wee 607 of cola pS Sea aa 572 p. begins in wonder.....741 p. carried to the highest Ditch a Sees eee 415 pecomplains tate. sc. 1590 p. directs your choice... 66 p. goes no further...... 199 p. inclineth man’s...... A421 PMMA yIS UD ec ues oe 572 Pp. theipreat atid’... 2c. 571 p., the 4umber? of, ra S7r Dp. tor providels #. haces! 571 Ds. willclipn-. seer soeer 608 search of deep p........ 670 sweet milk p.*......... 571 sweets of sweet p.*..... 660 this'same tp. toe see St Philosophye-—al his p...... 564 Phineus—Tiresias and P.**.577 Phisike-gold in p......... 310 Pheebo—P. que sagitias....292 Phoebus—and P. sprung]|. .333 Drigintime eens? see see te 276 P. first does rise........ 500 P. fresh as brydegrome..674 PEcoins tO TSeh see. etek 412 Po whatamnamecer.' © 517 Phoenicia-—P. first if fame..422 Pheenices—P. prime famae 6a e7e| 0, Gus 2 lee’ \pia she 16 bee Phrase—a grandsire p...... 601 ancients in p.t 4 eee 748 Phrases—feed the wind with Dice chon ene eae tae meee 563 Makeriol: p.Sieee vee 745 THINtior ps se owes oe 285 Phrenzies—he first p....... 390 Phrenzy—demoniac p.**....1904 Physic—confin’d by p...... 67 inp. titings oft Asnee 2 437 mind’s strong pst ..0.5 2451 none of your p......... 107 poof the fieldt.cea. ene 59 Dr Ofithe fieldt ae on. ke 302 peor the tieldis snow 474 that gentlepit te oe 5906 throw p. to the dogs*.. .391 "tis ap Pe eee 473 Physical-p. perfection.... 76 Physically—not p. impos- siblet: Soest Bee 523 Physici-P., Historict...... 320 Physician—learn’d p....... 196 no p, there, Scenes eee 473 D. alter he Paden ee eee 107 Paare thouser cewek 630 DP buriedin aves. ae eee 497 Dr heal thyselics: «eset 196 Pe must read? sey. 522 p. of the iron age....... 318 reason for his p.*....... 449 HUG ONE Diss 0 siete Ba es LTA 942 PINION : AGE| 52 pak : PAGE thence, year sie! <9 secession ayn: wih Adis 710 the p. sleeps*.).)..05 jo. .904).)Y. sdith unto. asce eee 702 the pretended p....... _-473 |Pilate’s—’twas P. question. 702 Physicians-abandoned his Tie as gigsntie Ds cae 358 5 Mos te Met Htc eine eta 197 grim—p,. newly on...... 675 first p. by debauch..... 197] )p..of Eternity: >. eee 402 p. are the cobblers...... 194] p. of the sky]... sggm 412 p. ago orend usl]..... 198| DP. Sey) ee se eee 563 those unskilful p...... r07|_ with p. steps... Jo use three p... a ere 197|Pilgrimage—about my p...502 words are the p........ 746 but.a p..of blastes Sees 420 Physics—delight in p. pain*.410 aa onap...... pes 628 iweke a2 Pree 690 ee ey pte ee 1 icket-a strayipi tl. S02 e, 719|_, We . begun]}....... Pickle-rod inipe Se Ate rar Be Pilgrimages—gon on p.....520 Pickpocket-and ihe ee 196|Pilgrims—devotion p. makerss5 Picks—p. yer pocket...... 420| land of the P. pride.... 34 Pickwickian-its P. sense. .748| like p. CO 6 06) a Je a ae Picinni¢est: and the Job- my p. oney 5. 4 ee I es Fen GLOSS Now ae, ac eS eee SSA es SOLE 1 OTA Se =1ane ree 3 Picture—a wretched p.||... . 260 ere passynge to an Bint apes ton ee i AE CER sae) seco ee 3 = as she WAS eh Niet oe4 Pill-p. that leaves....... 45% Dp. in every wave Ped ieee. 247 Pillage—p.. they Withee ee 80 p. isa poem without... .553/,,.wat an’ p.fT......... Re song ges eee 522|Pillar-p. of a people’s pontine pers ae 553 ODER eel Srey rae 39 hy sees Dei pie pane ca ~LOF UNC: PAPEL os see eo. c Wes pig tb an 4 of melee Vn ton eee a6 Pill’ry—like a p. appears. ..155 P. out of doors#. 736 aap brtarseeaty ay ang such aS pete ee eee D abgdemn ae cathe Sr ope dee eS Pie—no a Spee eS aks Pillow—p. for us both*....705 Piece— faultless p. tot.....566| ™y p. white... ee 728 padres page Captive a Te Pillow Pe sige a SP OL CATIUL we eae sete ete z Sil ae teae ae iS ee 5 hie the pee ae 208 Site fre thick as....... pi this heavenly p.:,. 2. .640|>U0"-@ GOtIng Dis nee eae Sp of ee paie, oo. 30tp. =. tales. mitigate the iedness~in their p....... 5 a as ae edges ES might p.||...406| P- ee ome eShiew pee: lerian—the P. springt....421 Pilot’ ‘i Sh tates ONE Fite end chattering p*. 544 we a an ee be aes ee YLalicS ORD ny, ao eee ee AST|—. peerage as ee Pitié—age est sans p........ 116 pimples 2 es his friend. . . 108 Elie Gee ee 5th PAP 116 soot sae aft, os UE eae : pe af ? LOR, See EE mh dnkat D. SPs a Pinch—necessity’s sharp p.*525 from p. whose soul... a 313 Pinches—where it p. me... 467 fruit of er eee ee Pindaric—boast P. skilll]...205 no ore Gp ioe is Saat alk ae jmay P.artl Pome 568 nop. but, .e4. tee "585 Pine—and southern p.t....447 B,veua not grow...... 560 pain pena pe Diet ae 3 8 Pig—a vabing wie pee ah pegs ee and p.....182 Deine poke 7 ase 73 y OF ANGE Sd eee 3 : . Lor whatis.Ww a eee Maske ue aagee ey g3|__ the tallest pe... 188 Pigeons-and tame p. Pine-apple—p. of politeness147 peas 602 ee Ae Bre “att Pine-groves—sound to p...522 as p. peas* ata eee 306 Tye Pp wie cyeyie Si bie) giv! «lela mnie ete 315 _p. feed their young*. ...527 pe leak gla ttn a Pigmei-p. gigantum hu- : & teacthies 7 é peers. ite eee 308 abe re ta BORD DV rar e- Piginics ite U- Stilh es 308) fre se Pe ee ae Pibmay the p body. 222773eg| thunder-harp of p......732 Pignora—tot p. fatis.......460\p, Under the yaller p.}f...720 Pigs—as p. squeak. .......411|Pinion-Milton’s strong p.}484 , al ae PINIONS 943 PLATO PAGE| 5 PAGE PAGE Pinions-clang of DT tee 606 | Pity— Continued Place-expectants—gratitude thy purple pile. Fess a p. melts the mind...... 572 Ob pines Pa. yh ong 26 Ghiy Sver- pre a ee Ps NEVEL Céases Ayn. oe 29 Plagiarists-may term xy SEG eh Pink—coxcombs e’en the p. i 69 p. swells thes...) 2003". 572|Plagiarized-if Pope p..... 30 Do Of courtesy. sa. oe 146| p. then embracef...... 711|Plagiary—is accounted p...574 p. of perfection........ r47 | -p. touched+bute.. 62s 385 Plague-p. a winged wolf, . 261 p. of perfection........ 275 Veep. pon be POOL ste or. 572) ps o both ae Sa Sy 7etss p. of perfection........ SO6i sacred pa hath*.. -.. or: 557)|," p. of lifefy’. Pes «27 20 the whtte plkt aes yee BUT ISaA Ve UWItl “DP. . ink dee hot 480| p.rid your, SUG Sosa hk eIS5 very p. of perfection....146] shecannotp........... 416] p. upon them*. eee SO Pinned-p. with a single stars 201 Sasolt-eyed" apie wm ese 591|Plagues—boils and p. B eet sO Pins—files of p.f.......... 7TOSiersOrt paneyere eis... oot 572| p. that haunt ie -492 Dritiwith-a starve. cee 530| tear-falling p.*........ Se CWO laine pedsiercs tee 207 Pinto—P. was but......... 420) ithe“ angels Poe So. 573|_ worse p. than......... 594 Pious—p. thoughts as..... 2a pesthe pol ithe a. eet. 572|Plain—a darkling p... BID Pipe-glorious ina p.||..... 603) |Postills peawOn s.r se eee 57 aia Nerbless p.fauree $3 ROIS he Ds Dt ashes ee are cores S7oO\) to pu.and periiaps.. ees 2EO i eraptiand PiwAk warn ones sO p.tor fortune'st.. 2)... S36 ecto: pithent sso Aee ee 572 heabe Dp. a> dress Ts. n. seat 203 p. topsmoker oie 7S, REO PPAVOLGCOL Dies= .. cn Reto na ot RADeStr parset eek oe ae 203 PPoL Claretiie. ser. ores 471| whom soft-eyed p...... ETOP Reps Diunt nian wee yee IOI TUMOUTAS Arps. cet. se 627! with p. to dispense*. esol ep. living andq.. a TPE 494 rhyme tne: pies: 552 Pity-pat-kep’ Soin phic 745 pe living: andaite.s aaieeee 680 text of p. and gun...... 88|Pity’s-from p. minel]..... OSon ip. Ol. Marathons coset 560 Piper—p. he piped........ e325) o tith' pe sells besitos hoy 509] p. without pomp...... 203 Piper’s—a p. son.......... 75|Pity-wanting—p. pain*....572| see youinthep.§...... 21 Pipes—p. and whistles*. . 20|Pity-Zekle—hern went p. it. 745|__ upon the watery p.||....542 VESOLG He Pore aie Fete 645 |Pixes—pictures, rosaries and Plainness—in this p.*..... IQI Piping-is p. hot from..... Tree Ce Diate a eieeirey ee hes 152} p. may coexist with. 76 p. time of peace*....... 563 |Place—a certain p......... 350/Plains—and spacious p.4. 661 Pippins—old p. toothsomest 109| bounds of p........... OZite ana tsumnivep st oe 620 Pique—p. all mortalsf..... 560) * bounds Of p.. andi is 25. 484| gem-like p.and........ 537 peneranadlliice vee. baigve (iq). OT tiie’ A og ae ee 485| -silver-mantled p....... I21 Pirates-I mean p.*....... O4Ritercharge the peo. 2a 643 |Plaintiff’s-abuse the pp. Pistol—cocking of.a p.||....210] creatures of another p.*.372 attorneys ten. eee IO Pit-black as the p........ Zoow trom: lowest’ p.. Ss. oe 6|Plaisant—du p. au raged . 586 diggethia ps ist ih, ek 614| get p. and wealtht..... 495|Plan-excels at a p.. ne OY monster of the p.f..... 493) ix, authentic =p... 75." 552| not without a p. ) chao 430 unbottomed boundless p.351/ in great p............. 635 le not ewithoutra palesnemee 462 Pitch-that touch p.*..... So eine PwcOnbats «ceria. eke: 382|_ some worn out p.fT....464 Pitcher-some tall p....... BSaijeaxiss the pe to eu siiens . a 505|Planet-a rhyming p.*....577 Pitchfork—with a p....... S22 )eanen in great p... «05... 5 43|. New p. swims into...... 362 Pitfall—-p. and with gin....592] neither shall his place. .359|Planetary—the p. sphere. ..570 Pith—precedent of p.*..... 338i) p. and means:fortr< 203% 548|Plane-tree—p. the Persian§ 690 Pitiful=God- be? ps. 2.5 22)... 63| p. below the skies...... 589|Planets—no p._strike*..... 121 it WASH Ices vdcuktrans gor) -p. he hives in Is. 27: 48s) p. and the pale; gina 665 "twas wondrous p.*..... 744); Sprin thy memory. 2.) 478| p. in their course...... 419 Pits-p. when these....... o7f 4 p.-is dignified-by*®. 2.2) BOS §- pain theit-turtioy- sot. oe 271 Pittacus—P. said that..... 473) * D.7 is Gignified* #2)..." 413 of thevages a) F:ne ae 20 Savs that Pit s2 20s POR Seer TSeTlO CII see priority and: pits yess f. Ria ERVIN LCE a COL peeeeet eaten 98 Pity—a padther’s Se Re 67olr take my p. fase ene ok om 605|Planks—as two floating p..474 ai tear tor ps see ae izis the-ps comply} Fe. oF COMMLO FOtteny pita eae ea. 490 challenge double p.....644} the p. where he chanced 11/Plans—p. poorand........ 416 heart tO. Pp... Ane ee Sys tue: elite pitas oe as 619/Plant—a time top......... Io himedo thou pie. Sosie the second. py... oes 608| while the earth bearsa p. 34 his M.sGavets si Nase eee Pail? the: second pee eure. « Brae atin’ Ce ie: aipdin tee eee 430 his p -Pave poet vee oe 267) “this is the pr§i il. f2e0.. 47 p. himself indomitably.550 his p. gave............ Sra ate his Testing pases eis. 509 |Planting—wheat for this p.§118 iS thereinop.toe ee Tee Syste eto-p. and power swe. fe. 583 |Plants—as aromatic p... 15 learn to p, them....... 679| to the appointed p .388| grace that lies in herbs, no soul shallip*7ee 572| upon the p. beneath....479 ET RS NS 32) ee Ir p. and. remorse®........ Sasi wherethep.2 ees a... 474| in herbs, p., stones*. 237 p.venters aben i A FPP 572|Places—all p. that*....... 524| like hardy Di eae ee 583 p. hath been Balm*ese.* §72|'' give p. or ‘pelfff.:.....583}. that.p. thorns.....)... 200 p. in thy looks*® 77 4: 572| gives p. or DET pean des 138|Platform—half the p.t..... 302 p.’s akin to love....... B72eein pleasant po. > are os cle 350|Platforms—read their rs .537 p. is sworn servant.....: B7a1>'p. do not ennoble,..... 543 |Platane-the p. round... ..698 p.’s the straightest..... 572| strange p. cramm’d*...541|Plato—-amicus P. sed...... 130 p: is the virtue*. ....... 372) through dirty p....... ROO”d ee err with. Pl averie. aot 232 PLATONE 944 PLENTY PAGE PAGE , PAGE Plato—Continued Please—and p. myself with. 555 | Pleasure—Continued ’ or POF SOCTALES. o chib.< 407|, ceased tO.ps, 02 5..% ee | Pp. Never is; see bi se ae P, having defined man..460| certainty to p......... 360}, ..p,.of the game ~ naceeeee P is my iriend .ts0i5 9. 130] circumstance to p......489] p. of the game.........106 Por. the ptasvrite oeteetse | erOOnwha te Lapetrncn ier itet ts 139| p. to the spectator.....153 P. reports Socrates..... RUS MAC Alb: tO. Oh eee 13| p. tothe spectators...., 603 Pi Sa VsrviSi tO acres (awe 280|.- Nard LO Piste sels «ins cao. 737) De We may welt ie 130 P, thou reasonest...... ZO Liew (VE LOD, eeemwikisr< bets sie 66} point of p...... ee ee 480 P. was continually..... BoA MMI We LOM Ds slatit Mites se cate 200) 2 SCCure his Min ae sie « deSOr WYOUP Withee Doe erence £3.01, snore had -p.diSz es eine 240} »SomestOcD.dinw oe ner -456 Platone—-malo cum P...... wee ea Natutal LO spasm ieee 465| some to p. takef..... ..736 mehercule malo cum P...130| our fettersp........... 456\.. succeed to Diep a ae +: 5 sO Plato’s—Academe, Te- D; not the million*.. 2....40r} o.take his p, feces eae 65 tirement, where¥*....532] p. too little orf........ 402 |). the reader. ap. «. 440 Platter—her cleanly p...... 360| requisites to p......... 465\|>~ these for his p... 21am 463 Plaudite—p. et valete...... 495| too refined to p.f...... 569. though. on: ps. asco ae 216 Play—at your p.§......... si she awvnat I uence oan te segeste 65| they stomach p,*...... 475 Ibesp>.tO) VOU sche wees aye 347 |Pleasure—a :p. in poetic, ..30%/., tide, of paw a-.e eee a7 better at.a Det eee bea 63 Onn Pesure 2) alee 391| to his p. power or...... 485 commends the p....... 220| affections of pleasure UNGEr iP: Pain atc eee 576 crowns the p.40.e.teer es 220 ANG si eres ee aes ERE 439| vibrate sweetest p.....576 Crowns the piss. 6s eres 2209. all Nis Dp praise ceo 352| -well-spring of p......... 361 eat, arinivand pi. oe 1.54 5a Nope: pan. eee eee 370}. = what.p>.Cats We fe eee iat he -couldp:se Siam os 27e\0 and painfullep wea. »..576| when p. treads...) 9m 575 his frolic pi23.7 ab eee 488) cacallsit pits 4c eee ees 339| whisper’d, promised p.. .368 have a p. extempore*...488| call it p.J.....,....... 604|. «cwith p.fills4§inn eee 278 in childish pt 23. atena. ZO1 | ucare NOt 1OMmp..n seers 255|_ youth and p. meet(|....161 in p. there arell........ SO Pyaireamis. Of pe mess aki 647|Pleasure-dome—p. decree. .620 learntstOup: Awe ots ae :275| dropofp..............576|Pleasure-house—lordly p.t.575 lovesol-D. 95 vemhe ase i oi 32) oO pee COL D..ehay s meee .123|Pleasures—all other p...... 452 p. I remember pleased ever -addep..: sh cate 427 all other pare ain. selene 452 Not* cc tee ee 4o1| feels p. and pain....... 57 6lerall the ope eee 131 EDar CNS TOOL fois) pay e's okt nA | HOW EeLoOL Des sein ce ieete 615), . all. the-pe proves... een 443 ps the madmatzs-.1..- 534), -fOOlM tocp- faite tie seins lopeaae 569| calm ‘p. always......i.. 386 Ds this 1s* 3 ae beets 00). friend) of “bi scoucaG teen srs: diffuse theirip.... ses 459 Sitting atcdupt sees 13S. {TOWN AtaDias sie cae 5751), -OOUDNNSN1S ae 9727 some: foul ip¥ esos eis 6771 HEAVEN OL sperm eae te 452| fair p. smiling traint...485 with otheiesprsrccmipestat. 430| heavenly p. spare...... 453| forbidden p. alone..... 598 Playbill—p. which is said. .638| heels of p............. 467| full of Ose 2g eee 43 Played—p. familiar with...542| heels of p............. 57.0: & Mid. PssAtid.., 2 ee 361 Play’d—you’ve p. andt....430| his adjunct p.¥........ 399] p. are like poppies..... 575 We: Pia Wibh fOr > ois 657 1n- leagues. Of pateds-a4 sae 207 in Ds sATeRDAStI Am eee eae 406 Player—a poor p.*.. 04 420 co, leans forall (pre par eae 670 4D. DanishiD, 0A ahaa 347 ALStrunotingup. sa ee ee mero euite Of pitti ete 569} p. of the Mahometans.. 08 and’ a ip; cfsko eee 196| live in p. when........ 540) |uop aecOF the present the pi g0CSi eo isebs fae 60a|\- Jove ‘ot palin nse amie 556 days oa in gek tele 545 this’ .p. here®s. ee 5.45 2 Oi} eran OLD. t Rhee pais 576i)... too refined? yams arees 560 they tired Dp. Geseee or Saeko 28ti5 nights Of peters rmeie 470| purest of human p...... 302. Players—and women merely ‘MO TANS Paka ls 548)) steal our’ p.... 9 spe 477 Det oc pee as. ee 664) 10. p.; ENduUres. 5 ne niges s 709| their lordships’ p.*..... 161 many of our p. do¥..... O12 =. NODS UE ab vis Peta FOr)»: these ‘pretty p22. ee 444 see the p. well bestowed* 9] no p. is taken*........ 670| thoughtless p. maze. ...758 Playing—plotting and p...301] nop. ta’en*¥........... 575|__unreprov’d p. free**. .. 488 the purpose of p- a eee FO OE Narmilessrp airy ech 303 |Plebeians—hungry p.*..... 45 Playmates—have had p.... 85] of heav’nly p. spare. ...744|Pledge—and solemn p.||....471 Plays-ga e he plays..... JOU OWE EVETY Digi wccns fp Sicap.to eachiother ss eee 539 p. sat: tablest ithe pre eae. tae « Sys eu ltile p cried “Sasa Ae SO stmetOLK He) pon. wrens ee. 576 following his p.J....... 569| loverandthep.*....... 270 ae OUS Alas. Oly supe 150 holdeth the potaeas..5 « is 71|eeloOveror Of Dalibere «acct Coys te batedraysnon ee Menu itt te 660 qONeC LON). Peice Ele 4 ely SOMO Ver CuUrstip: tsy.ict una se SOA\s SGIETS, . SONS ise pee 398 SECCHRENE) Dita a ehiolehaiis AGE eeNOt OUT Des. sevaeens vere 6 570| mninesuch p. made...... 568 the mole;to pate, <6'-2e = ZOZ ePRACAIUSt Dey aut cise 7s 225). Of ancient pps Aone 251 those who p. the sea. Ain CANTO te Cie fi risarcy toe 2 620], Only pe kilowatt ee 301 wherefore p.. : 410 poceels themastas< ton. FS Sie eOrevOutucth, pee seers 445 Plough’d-p. by shamell.. me3O4 i> ep. 10 aiwoldeny, tia act + 5 ZO Otl Da Cal: a Missi rca ae 274 Ploughman-the heavy p. p.is born not made..... By 7D ave a llewlGr es meebo. 570 SHOVeESha id sata eee se 29} p., naturalist and histor- Pyare sultanswrd ce aeeeic 228 p. homeward plods..... 235 AAT ater taatcoct stave cts. «5 320| pp. are the hierophants. .544 Ploughmen’s—are p. coco Me OLaltonOl SAge Sen. ou 2Sil We PHALe teas aie auciekmer 600 Ploughs-—p. the furrow....418} p. without love........ 5 Other Dn Ve CREM tre a ors 578 Ploughshare-first Poni a tecbes' » 90| sculptor, painter, p.§...526] p. did feign that*....... 513 her p. o’er creation..... 160| some humbler p.§...... 57 Ohm Ds Ose: Da liane re sea oaae 755 p. o ‘er Creation ass 6261. -the-petiect pied... ci 6s STO. papainiiul vigist sees: 578 ruin’s p. drives Sed sxawndans OPO eTViey PraGieS se wag terete stores 578| p. steal from Homer... .573 Sterairurmstpan es yee 160| truth the p. singsf..... AZOl ep. thatelastiligncn wee 577 the ain Willis Pp... axe sre LOO) ewes CVEL? Diss. obicinid sie ee SLO Ds wiho-On Garth ieee 578 Ploughshares-swords into Poeta—p. nascitur......... S77 DatiLter grea tae marae 576 Sere ey Metals dicate ane WB diy TR GOD nd PA ASCUUE oS Pisce wine S77 p. vision off, PP ore ictal $5 Plows-p. and soweth in. Ear p. nascttur non fit....... 57 Til ty VISAOIY Olt oe iene ofa eae 714 Pluck—p. from the memory3901 solus aut rex aut p.. Bimmer Te Waitt Vit aie eye eects 96 p...the flower .2 .). asc 46| Poetae—disjectt membra P. Bor 7 le SOD IL Veste cick 2 eeeere heroes 579 Plucked—not harshly p.**..492 a Physict, Histories) ..320)., souls.of Dp... 22 ence 380 Pluckt-—for violets p....... 557 usUs p. ut morts est..... S7Ol 1 that-ps fe1en OLA eae 625 Pluma~—quid p. levius..... 738|Poetess—a maudlin p.t....578] the p. dream.......... 581 Plumage-same p. thati|. ..213|Poetic—a p. child......... DS Tie tDe DC Ce ta eka oa 379 Plume -/a p. aeu sous lz rot.565| great p. heartf......... SOL ether peelNeS hae ci ete 570 leritilyis Di.) sje cenebetshi eae RUF ear UP si PAINS shor ane use cel a eee FOL bute pe IHN t vey hates “<5 70 Sie. Mott nit sik Tiree 286} p. fields encompass..... BOs as thnespe pagelina. ate see's 357 SANE LOD: -C.. i OS Pes 75S lie De FUStICE WILD Sa wadl xs Oss AO et he. PeSOlle win ites ones suale 585 when bold Sir P.t s..di< 652|Poetical-made thee p.*¥....580| . these p. were.......... 5790 Plummet-e’er p. sounded*.668 | Poetis—medtocribus esse De tig ale aah ab oten 9 pale 0 0 Cen SR Pe ye 483 Plunp-to see how p.. ate Poetry—as mincing Petes 7O Wee true ps-ates sear 2, 578 Plunder-that p. forbear. ta lQ Mme antbovebateterwerher ici ae BP EWltty: DASINGE odea secret 470 tO P:, tO. SIAY s5 2:5). die ae 563| eloquence and p........ Oval. ye deadt p:8)cs a0 see oe 578 Plunge—p. itl. a POO! Suis: 433| ever producedinp...... 466|_ youthful p. dream**. ...577 Plutarch—-then Teade Pens os4n) i thetonc and pp. <>. 1, 466|Poictiers-Cressy and P.... 57 tistall: Paieasetente Urey Mamet GOs cel) Voss . Spode 417 p.that hich Sccess) eee Seaheeire, and pit i aust See GO DAVE Pe... 2 x38 pe enti 483 p.cwill’ say af, Soe Seen ey| iveveysleh vere ope geen OL eae 6531) ato men With. pn seas 579 Postern—behind shut the p. 618 keep your p. dry....... 48a) the Eternal Py. ata to. 367 Post-horse-wind my p.*..627| keep your p. dry Wesis cee, 482| the prophetic p........ 600 Posy-—made a p......../.. SOzwevlikce fire and p. vis ears ; 4g thewinseeh son spp eieas 612 made:-a wei nota eo: 692| p. flung away.......... upon the past has p.....547 TOF aitingt ci Ot 101 |Powders—p., patches, ihiectas wad SOME Pi. jem fetes 108 Pot—death in the p........ 731|Power-a human p.l...... 616| wand of magic p.§...... 382 keel ther ¢ 6s Als sae 99:21). ap. above us.i Jihad. 08 315| Wwantonnessofp........ 323 p. calls the kettle...... TOT! ofall p, 49 & tuStideh eo wl 324| Who have the p.J...... 483 thorns underap....... 413} an unwearied p.. WEBOl wa WIeck Of D. Mai. creme « 498 Potation—banish long p....100} balance of p........... SOs MEN TCCK OL D5. ois ammiayiac y« 498 forswear thine p.*, 209| corrupt by p.ll......... 363 wretch condemn’d to p., 140 p. pottle-deep*........ ZOO |Puecesire Of pen areesta neta your fathomless p...... 302 Potato—like ap........... 37| Divine P. plans evils... AGN Powerful-or more p.||..... 394 wisdom’s old p......... ATS) sdoor of -p. Thue ees oa 409 |Powers—all sovereign p. did461 Potency—had your p.*....605| earthly p. doth then*...479| divine and supreme p.. .269 Pt OME S Neciia o-c ce eoeees 96| exempted from her p...418|} P. above in cloudes. ....733 Potestas—ipsa p. semina...598| force of temporal p.*...479| P- of the-earthis ylisr au - 384 tspa sctentia p. est. , . 406 ASPOTES Lap tora seocte «cere go08h ip. who wait}. ince. ae. 664 Potion—-hated p. hence*. Arai nlcmnows theie Dp... ae tr. 325| lay waste ourp.§...... 752 Potions—do thy p......... 459| knowledge itself is p....406| some high p........... 322 Potomac—along the P.....719| life and p. are......... Aovuerpne ethereal DP Feo oi . 202 Pots-green earthen p.*.... 48] literature of p......... AGO MES WISE *D.* ae te cuits of tca 587 Cn pactiale wick eiAG ast © love: ofp. spt hi kun ~ Bias g2|_eye heavenly, (). 6.42.5 318 Pottage—receipt fora p,...215| lust of p.inflamed...... 542|Powre-to their p......... 313 Potter=apiiat hisses. os: eA TION Ds DESLOWerewein «ite eek: 452 Practical—p. politics. are 583 MAING: Cc levy cere tay eee 392) ceNo. palm Venice. c.. a. 417 Practice—-his p. wrought... .501 pis jealousioicp sa... 22 SSSNemeiOt EUG: Doce eicletote siclere 50 more his p, wrought... .123 Pouch-p. on side¥........ 20l-xGt SOdHKELDS. cia oe Fisteet> 728 Practices—train of these p. -404 oon SideF lal Bye 664| Omniscient P. was......430|Practice-p. in heaven..... 567 Poule—qu’une poule aurait only p. deserving the. .323| P- what you preach... 2.0, 591 PUAS AIMe, ethene A ies OF Gileew Dash: AS p)saistys tater e Ss Alt caeb yourself 110 9e p.m de 182 Poultice—silence like apse O75) erplacel andy Dien cise). 583/_ Vatunt not Dill earstece gees 377 Pouncet-box—a p.*....... 285| pleasure, p. or pelf..... 485 |Practis’d-he p. what he Pound—p. foolish........- PEC eeepPOND: Of © Dy sets cen st els. 503 preached. ... 02.2055 591 Pounds-p. will take care..216| p. and pelf............ s61|_. he p. what he .. 4.030% 603 six hundred ‘p: wits S65: 493| p. behind the throne. ..404 Precepta—longum ter per -six hundred p.a year. .734| p. but newly gained.. (CGS ie We Se votes 243 three hundred p.*...... | 1496 Da hasvarisenur ap, which hess exci, -ee 673| damn with faint p.f.... 13 Gur PeoOUuLipimide, 2a. 607! p. which seems........ 290| delicacy of p........... 512 mentby.ana pier as..<. 02% $631) wipraise the 2 sat waktis or 272| expect not p. Pemba esse B 227 OP Atom te 2 IFe aes 58h) ~ protecting Roaweeses. 602| flatter and p.*.. Be os hae 742 Pome sear’). oy Se. 140| rather in p. than*...... 644| flourish of your p.*..... 77 p.is the Muse's. 03.4.4 $85|. remote from sp... <<: 39| gem of his just p........482 p. thou source. ......!.: 585| seeds of god-like p...... 546| half-hearted p.......... 586 Sechugith Fern ft. 2.2) 493| solecisme of p........%- a22| high for p............-. 515 sides..with p.v 4.2. oss 585| some blessed p.*....... 378! his pleasure p.......... 352 steeped me in p.*...... 439| some novel p.f......... 369| his p. is lost}.......... I5t PRAISED 948 PRESENCE Pacs| PAGE PAGE Praise—Continued Pray-—all together p.......588)|Preach—Continued honour,.p, and glory ;..4336)--“and early p. 75.02.08 2508) 1 De the gospel seas - siete yay aee 18: ps Indeedant Mitr parte 586| andearly p..... vesee¢ 10341 © ope.to the stormon: een 550 iS-sufficient Dp... uses 586; dar’st not p............589|Preached-I p. as never....500 love. Of p22 2 Se ake oe whe SO7 | MALOTSCES LOL. sae eleete tere 588|_ practised what he p.....501 hastioiipass neces dt. a's, Was tO.p. 2b ce eee oe 409|Preacher—a formal p.......196 ImSt.of p:tcs tia et eee 586] © p..thee, Lord.:........ 588] ‘Sacred. p, cries isn see 546 mine own p.*...... HE e8G| erp. tovallt 2. | aie ae seer ee 462) e«the-bestiipic ay eee ++ -590 need of p...... BS Oe 686) wepito: JOVe forsee, one 1309|Preachers—best of p.§..... 84 mecds no p:* ate see ee 406] p. to-morrow*,........ 488| most modern p,l||....... 408 110 Sinaliep,**- eos eee SO] etpreach Or p. Ap cea wets ae 590|_ p. modest mansion..,.. 124 mone to, pico s tee es 28\-@ xemain jd: LOM, oer 124|Preaching—a woman p.....500 note Gi pits iit eee 122] remainedtop.......... 588} » his p.. much. iene 123 note.Of p.c). sao ees ST's |LSENSE LOD seater eae 568). ¢ his p.“much ee ee 501 D.HiSsOnly pr awe eee 586| who came top......... 124|Precedent—myriad of p.}..418 Di AlOC hi en ee eee £86| a With me:to:aleet pee ee §80]| “:recorded»for:a: pi. [ae 417 p. blame love{.:....... 741|Prayer—a lover’s p.t...... 569 |Precedents—prints of p.....542 sO MAMA. ees vote 557) couclide, the pa maar 588 |Precept—better than p.....243 p. of bygone days...... 5s71 seach p, acceptedt...-te 540| efficacious thanp....... 230 p.a mere glutton.......274] ever fondest p.||........ 264| pathofp.islong....... 243 p. at morninet!, os: 545| every granted p.f...... 348] p. must be upon....... 181 p. God fronr); a Fy 588| fourspendinp......... 165) > when’ p.. fails oi) Blane 230 p. him who is no piven top iisiin fee 588|Precepts-her glorious p. MOLET AN. et ea oS TO6| fous! Ofep sant Abe acne 121 Taw <.. ecg Slee 34 p. no man much....... 220 | ahlth Dayan eee ee ees 588|Precious—most p. to me*, .477 Dp, Of virtue: lt ess. S24 | edn. tHe lips vem eaen nts 588] * SO _P, aS... Oat, a 444 p. thou meetest........ 478| > inp. the lipsy:. vas. 588 )|Precipice’s—the p. edgett. .517 p. to mine own........ 764 \ EVES ADeet, sk he ON 5809|Precocity—miracle of p....413 p. undeserved is....... 586| p. against his¥*,........ 588 |Predestination-remov‘d p. : p. undeservedt........ 586| pp. all his business...... 352 IS... -leie's [S25 tatematee sys 591 prayer and -p.4........ 580| p.and praise9...-...... 589|Predestined—with p. evil public p. offends... 2... 33| ° Pp. ardent opens. .4 4... 588 round........ dedi pth: scarce worth the p.**,..491]} p.isthe burden........ 589|Predica—bien p. quien bien - sent us back top... Te 4i Dyas the Souls mee mee eee 580 WLUE. os: 9:10 sce oleae eae 590 spoke her yoo 32) 225 whe 587) op. 38 the. spirit...¢ -e20. o 589|Prefer—likelihoods of mod- Such"p. ‘comings. 1.4. 585| p. man’s rationalJ..... 580 ern seeming do p.¥... 5 thei right’ per 72 TT '|| aD Ola, COREL hate ce eae 603 |Preferment—p. goes by let- they p. and**... 2.50... $86) se raise:a Spidered, eye 588 ter™. 3. stam . Ce ee 653 they, me* see, 407] ¢ that.same p.4,.0. 250 480|Preferments—p. at a court. 146 their right p.*, 45.008 566| the fervent p..........: 589 |Prefers—fortune’s ice p. to thITSt.oF Poe se4 porte 32| the peo le’s p tke aed See 714 » virtue’s’ land Sontninae 33 thirst ofp... i .peeeeee 259| this will p.¥¥.......... 588|Prejudicate—not be p...... 220 turn ftom pee ere 454) Swen Dp. 1S.0f T1104 y. es oe 127|Prejudice—passion and p.. . 609 voice of py Sor si eee §40]\ “wrought by pit: ofc). 589|_«P- isstrong, poses eo 606 whose highest p........ 123|Prayer-books—beads and Prelate—-withoutap.......600 whose noble p.......... 564 DoT ee ae ee 117|Prematur—nonum p. in — with famt’p.Tie 7s 586|Prayers—forget her p.t....544 ANNUM... 6 cere ecess 65 . Praised—God be p......... 631; Where but pees. Soe ee 587|_ Pp. mM annum........... 580 ip, by a'tnant).. seta 586] here but p.¥..... 0.00.0 596|Premises—p. being thus...740 Praises—all our p. whyt....568| his p. for.............. 506|Prent-he ll p. it......... 528 delights in p.*......... 273| losing ourp.*........:. 587|Prepared—always p.......502 faintly then he p....... SSO) Hany holy p.*h eee ae 587 |Preparation—note of p.*. ..592 Herips due more ates ee PST MOL ein), sehen were 588 |Preparations—defences,mus- p. are our wages*....:. 586|\) Our-p. our tears$ oon. one. 704 ters, pi* .y.i oh Se GOOG Seeks ae ied 589| ip, for death; A)0)2 23 |Prerogative-empire and p.288 Dp. olsthe man’ 2a see SSO tet dt. 1m ti) vip teem eeere ene 516| Pp. Of age crowns*...... 552 who p, everybody...... 5O 7) wesighs ancdop, ...ceeee i it 381| ; rational p.f. 12... 2. 589 whatever p. itself*..... Oa IIMSOLt OL.D... bet er Le: 340|.> With, all’ .*. Shia 426 whom every one p...... CBG) AAG. D. ITIOSt’ haiti eee 588|Presbyterian—P. true blue.150 with faint p.......,.....586|Prayeth—he p. well........ 588 |Prescribe—desires to p.....107 Praising -allarep......... 587 |Praying—now he is p.*.... .511|Presence—bear a fair p.*. . .376 p. God and Aor eee EST Ge ak Work, eu seams. 409| Cloud withmyp...... -476 HD, God withers ee .. -589|Prays—meek heart p.......589| deem a master’s p.... .472 Dp. -him “whens es eee 227)/ sp. perhaps another..... 737| depart her p.so........ 555 Doawhat.is Old see eee 227'leetwhen Shé pie ane 612| felt her ?D.$ .. «koe 531 Pranks—p. that never..... 360] who p. and works......409| for his p.............. 494 Prate—not stand to p.*.... 8|Preach—practice what you his p. shall. 2.65. 0525 6or Prattle-thinking his p.*... 9 LI scot ah saps a obra RoR Re 501 Lard of thy p.* << .aeae 472 Prattling—p. their welcomes 25| p.a whole year........ 430| my p.to be worth...... T29 Prava—qut recta p. factunt.. 55| p.orprayt............ 590| P- civilizes ours..... . 603 je he Oe PRESENT PAG Presence—Continued p- in-the field e252, 120 p. Of bodys s.2e.'25 Fe. uae p. that disturbs].. 252% recollection of yourg.. .478 recollection of your p...478 your p. of bod Present-act in the living Pp. utp. A Spirit. seers te employ. the p. wellf.. gi: futurity casts upon the} D.544 6 bop -OSt Pros ee i doh 26 p. fora mighty King... .445 p. in desires.) ......... 4 p. is all thou.......... 40 p. is and ISMoObes estes 433 p. is ANGI NOs atom wears -604 Da 1S Digsswiths yeas oe 266 p..s its image. <... -136 p. is provided......... 310 Da IOVS Alec: os. e ortt cist 287 pP.mMomenit-is 2; Ae 8: 548 p. state of things....... 356 SEIZEWGOEt Pcs. 2 ste Oeeieiele 165 seizexthe’ poo vas Sie wes 45 though a heenes are stillp. 3 title of p. right ey) Ses 287 to be p. with the Lord.. 3 to glorify the p.t....... ‘479 HOLE Ds SOSH es Noes ae 464 Witnin=thisi pes). Sees wc Presentment—counterfeit D. Se Bah ae 53 Presents—p. I often say. ...310 the pm spell. cas vas. 4s I the p.'spelly 7s... .: 753 Preservation—p. of the im- munities of 3. i. Hes 472 times of (p.* asa cee ee 523 President—p. of innumera- blexsue 2 a PICA AO TAI than beeen ep cves-set~ tees 619 Press—freedom of the p....294 here shall the p........ 34 here shall the p.........528 sdolatry the spici.. vers 2 ok 594 our idolatry the p.. nie pulpit, p. and song. -54 the p. is the fourth estate 5 38 Pressure-his form and p.. .487 all p. past* Pretence—every slight p Pretty-everything that D. Lat PAPO a aie ee he a Prey—and beasts his p.. his i was mant p. upon his kind....... 463 eee? —God who is able to Priam-as ancient P.§ 21 hag -dodtiic bee rls 184 had doting P.*. 700 Priam’s—drew P. curtain*.149 Price-highest p. wecan pay 82 A ee Vacs egie 4 © ie Soria men have their p....... Tol 110, 1. Tsveeb thy oe ae 348 not peace atanyp......- 562 peace at any p......-..- 562 p. he is worth...... ie gare 949 PRINCES ’ ; E ; PAGAL Price—Continued Pride—Continued BO. eteah: p.vatienank oa eee their country’s p....... 25 the p. fon, knowledge. . 13| through p. andft.. 2582 the p. we challenge.... 54| tonic ofa wholesome D.. 33 Prices—all have p.||....... EOD he WaS Dev - 2's dikare sae 355 ee Dp. of omy. eee. oe Dis He eee 302 AIH DS sient se . 45 OSTOL Dix erases ¢ -593 Ae nrg ee p. on it®*, ...277 aes into the secrets. . 380 e—a London p.. ee Tlest—pale-eye p.* hs, Wieis 551 iplinde! is padi ete. Ses p. continues ee i PES ae 116 catraeghas and ai p.|l. Les p. aol rien 5 or borers eo omthe stoicis poiya.8:.< 462|_ p. that to her.......... 2 his 1 untr vis p. aeeens 552 Rresthood aie of the p. ee iSip.chadicastttes .21.es 18 erpetual paewecisensteres 67 Sear p. is moe nee 629 Briestlike~.s i.e Study OL a P.- --- se eee 71 ot that apes. . at an Ae 8 subject owes the p...... 212 Dp. that ANeS siete er es73 such as the De «ew si eicieree 240 nfthat apes: . 797 seto7, 593 |, the Neapolitan p.*. .... 371 p. that apes........... 505 Princely—nor p. favour*...510 p. that puts eG 205 Princerple—don’t believe i a the never-failin Pp. a 70,9, @ 10 ame Met ot B76 (edb oe 92 . thete ist 5.3.2): at Bx ae Princerples-ez to my p. 1. $83 p. will have a fall...... 502 |Prince’s—a p. delicates....140 rose with =a herpiaeee 625 ne p. eth Te a 401 giniriin sais s aee YD. SOL duipnee Paes OM 352 spite of ot. A HS IN . a Princessaect of Doe oe'a uae 543 aa English p........ 631 sepeed Oa gS : pga tinea. +539 nt Egyptian’ Ss a ae 604 Pit faxciese ++ +479 e pedant’s p.. 2302 p- Mavany gsdod PRINCIPALITY 950 PROPHETS PAGE PAGE PAG Princes— Continued Prizes—p. fall to the....... 713 |Promethean-right P. fire*. 246 p. ate Hike tar aeey.is 403 Vofaceidents a atewek 364|.« that P. heat® sone eee D. atid lords. %. SSROM 25 Private—a p. station. .20 2: 493 |Promise—broke no ee te eee 268 p: and lordst i. 463 tha Dp. station gts prt. of 494)? land. of pa% Wilke 8 p. aud lords 42.54.7028 608)|)odrunken probs. 78s 654| mever p. more......... 500 p. and lords.are........ 63T} ne pe emd} ue Ra 568| outruns bis p.J........ 500 D. have DUt®. 240.55 Fe, 625s .ourp. ends) co yer 489| Pp. according to...:..), 509 D: in“this case, Cs 646| soiled lineninp........ 633| P-is most given........ 509 p. Of the stave v4.6 622| when p. was not....... s60|. P. of yourearly........ 250 pOltido miss? eee aa 140|Privates—that p. have not*.403| Pp. of your............. 5090 p. that w6uld...:...... 240 |Probabilities—no further p. that he hath........ 233 p. the dregs-of 9.44904 ¢ 224 than. wee. Mee 199| (Tead a Diiciti ogy Vee 599 p. were privileged...... 106 Probation-~object made word of p. to our*....., 179 p. women nof......... BEGG ML Ce RI, eae $26): «word af pi) Nimes ee Service Of D.\Shiaten eee 404 A adh Ie slowcD.meenl 509 Promise-keeping—precise in Sport Of Dimes ots ote 404|Proconsules—et novt p.....577|. Pewee ee er eee es ee eee 9 sweet aspect of p.*..... 4oe | econsuls and pit... 577 Pon ee p. without.500 our trust in pati .3 os |Procrastination—no p...... 506) .0his: p. were*:5).2i, cna 590 Principality—a p. in Utopia. 8) “p. is the... 2... 396| “p.aredike®.; .¢ i Suara 5990 Principiis—p. obsta........ 82|Proctors—prudes for p.*...311|__ P- of impossibility. ..... 8 Principle—a correct p...... 416 |Procul-o p. este profani. ..491|Promising—bright moment nota pil Mita eRe 582 |Procuress—p. to the Lords*.571 PL D.s.cge eae cw tte 26 question.of p+, 22.2076 673 Prodigal-friends Ops. Mae: 596 |Promontory—a sterile p.*. .475 Principles—his p. are.. £603 |. for avpskce oe ena 604|° sat. upon a.pek: Smee 481 our p. swallertf........ » 583 PLOLEAaASES ee cee 386|_ See ONE P....... see eee 510 p. with timesf......... LIG|7ep. Ot timer ve satin eet 596 |Promotion—but for p.*. .. rs 5 p: with timest ssi $7799 465| p. should wastef....... 489|Prompter—and as the p. p. with times{......... 556| p. within the compass.. .601 breathes$ i; pee 286 Ma wit htimMesi pe eh obsess 601| was p. before.......... 38|Prompts—at the vanity that Print—devils must p....... 40 |Prodigality—p. of nature*..506) Des + se eee ee ee eae devils must p.......... 756 |Prodigal’s—a p. Fay Saal .596 |Prone—not p. and brute**. ase MAING Up: |\7 sees wees 67 |Prodigy—what a p.. .-.462 |Proof—give the worlda p.. 8 p be-little* 25.2 5 ees 352 |Produce-—p. of one field. .493| not p. enough**ia ies 556 see themselvesi’ p...... 67 Profanation—in the less this is n@ p.¥. Jog ae 5 ‘we quarrelin p.*,....2. is foul De aera ores 106 "tis a common p........ 33 Printer—p. of news........ 527 |Profane—hate the p., vulgargot p. to frequent p........ 22 Printing—caused p. to be hence yep... 1 .. Perea 491 |Proofs—p. of Holy Writ*.. .305 qsed® £3 owe Fae 217) money cannot p........ 495 |Propensities—thy evil p....128 s terbe 1sed* its 820 25 04 |\enproculiesterpiwe). See. 491 |Property—all p. vests...... 573 Prior—what once was Mat- Profferer—the p. construe as public. pl, Sue ae ee 543 thewiP!-7at ese 3 ayt hee & eee 533| ISMYDP...-..--eseeeee, 573 Prioresse-a>'p.. 244% Fi5 622|Profession—-your large p...419| P- assures what........ 599 Priority-degree, p. and Professions—all p. that go*.349| P- hasits.............. 599 place®. 22. ee 5 by ‘theirneue< Fete ais 26| spirits... .. 357 forthe py alle eee 403 from pe Daintree oe 519 ereat Pp. COntEStc en ete 401 our p. expenditures... .537 pmtast defied + te 588 p. office is a p. trust... .543 PAOpinion 1S No. ees 690 DeOpIMion Now, ose ane. 323 Dispirtt ctidsmnmrn eee 583 some to p. strifef...... 457 SHCA LUI Pines Lhe 552 the p. burden of, 2 5.* 404 therpiean. 30) 4h ee 5690 therpsetrists ce eee 543 the ps wealtinc.. a. eae so2 torpicstriter sees ne 736 when was p. virtue..... 560 where p. blessings...... 33 Publican-a fawning p.*. ..342 p. standing afar off..... 372 Publick-the p. good...... 20 Publish-why then p.t.... 66 Pudding—proof of the p.. . . 236 solid p. againstt....... 260 solid p. againstt....... 401 Sold pie te ee ee 586 sweets of hasty p.. 281 PUDENT PAGE Pudent—dicere quod p.....639 Puer--o formose p......+.- 757 Pueris—hic p. virginibusque virgintbus p. que canto. .756 Puero—debetur p. reverentiay . ‘ Puff—p. of a dunce Puffs—p., powders, patchest 708 Pukes—passenger e’er p. in||632 Pulchra—mater p......... 7% Eb sete COED San cues 605 Sao avi cen eee 47 Pull’d rea oe different||. .129 different ‘waysl| Mee ne 204 leth—he p. downe...... cee Pulpit-and p. drum...... 590 through p., pressand... Pulpits-more vacant p....500 Trl Obs SLQNE Sie nausea 84 Pulse—a woman’s p....... 107 beats in every p........ 454 feel that.pe NO. fase nee 515 MYeD AS YOULST nse eee 301 new p. unknown....... 76 Dir OL. WLC ne tetany ate 185 the general p......... .530 time dike a: pre sacra 692 Pulses-is. D. BY sG.s3 otigs 716 Pulvere—quid p........... 738 Pulvis—p. et umbra sumus. .460 Pumice—a p. isle in....... 720 Pump-p. anearth........ 358 Pam cnaten Wir od Maren eae as 288 552 Punche p. and Mie se ois, aces 208 Punic—with P. faith...... 605 Puntta—P.. fides....A= wmida we 605 Punish’d—have p. me*....451 SATUS Pe ee eee ee aa ean ge TIGht LO-DE Des se esse ne Punishment—better than p. 538 Crime Ainth pe ee ae cers 615 everlasting “Dw, wy «dint I41 the pleasing pF 2. ki 505 VICE Pith, cieates gore er aati 26 Dannie! Uri LOt Ps ceraese 152 Pupil—being her p.*...... 306 patriarch p. would..... 422 Puppet-—the p. squeaks}... 286 Puppets—p. best and worst . 636 joyee tele Roverchelonas qhetaniny Ate 465 SW GcaTOnD akan cee a dees es 301 Puppy—love a p. curf..... 526 GWINEID ev tude weer 19 Purblind—p. race of miser- Wolo cosy Oe ony By 49 Purchase-p. us a good GPU). elcr tes ee 20 to p.what helmed ice es 4890 Purchased-p. this EPPS ence* Purchaser-p. will pay for ine 54 Purchases-—p. all the pleas- & eile (ae a Lies Cle emule TPES reac nce cg es See pee 650 Purchasing—p. our fellow- creatiiresl fas tac cee ak 102 Pure—beautiful and p.....432 STOWS: DP (Din cee oe ee : 603 loyal just and ee 460 ty, heart tsa ie, 604 De. ad befores oy. swe 603 952 QUARRY PAGE PAGE Pure—Continued Put-—never p. off........ . 506 D. as Hets,.«.. Sire ceRenehese 603]. ‘never be pout... oe 8 Di AS SHOWN ere eae 105 |Puts—p. me out.......... 47 p. as the charities... 470|Puttock’s-the p. nest*... . 236 ye Rua: Rogeg na toh PAO As Orr mie healer 484 |Puzzled—more p. than the*3>7 the p. the just..... . 465|Pye-shine with P.||........ 32 TOetNe) Deis eyetee aspoge, ate 603} than shine with P\||....,. 130 Unto. LHe Dy aoa a eee 436|Pyramid—Lgypt’s p....... 605 VALING, Dis ee tee et 58 |. neight:.of ‘pi. ae -. O4 WHA ES@. Deen ns occas .726| starry-pointed p....... 637 With tla: ps saab macro 436]. tapering pis. 2s «sae 604 Pureness—doubt her p.ft...604 the tap'ring p...<...... 497 Purgatory—wiseacre’s p. . .282 Pyramids-elevation of p... 04 Purge-I’ll p. and*........ 610} NO p. ‘set Of (sag eee 257 Purging—p. of his soul*....512| mop. set off........... 406 Puritan—be no P.*........ ,.363| Outbuilds the p....... 604 old P. anthem§........ 581| outbuilds the p........ 714 P, did not. stop... haan 603| Pp. are p. in vales:...... 308 P. hated bear-baiting...153| P- have risen.......... 605 P. hated bear baiting. ..603| within their p.||........ 605 Pa was NOt atyeqictomes 603| the high p............. 32 Puritanism-P. believingtt.603|_ the p themselves... .. 258 P. meant somethingtt. .603 Prete funeral "pz tee 666 Puritans—among the P... .281|Pyrrhic—a P. victory...... 770 Purity—all p., all trial*.....444| P. dance as yetll........ 423 WOLdsoLy..) garner 371. the P. dancel.... eee aes 162 Purloins—p. the Psalms||. . . 575 |Pyrrhus—P.when his friends709 Purple—p. and goldi|...... 53 |Pythagoras-P. said that. .664 D. Nght. OF JOVE see yee 4 445 |Pythian—Apollo’s P. treas- iD che sails 1, Leis het; 640 wrest: an bated 00 the ds IHISth yy ses eiache < 623|_ P..of the beautiful... 304 thy-p: Dionstvwae iors 534 |Pythias-P. once scoffing... 60 utmost p. rimf........ 4ss| P. once scoffing...... . 669 with rev’rend p......... aoe VOR-p. mountains 2. Q Purpose—doth the p. lose*. 26 increasing p. runsf..... 596 |Quaerit—unde habeas g.... .405 infirm of p.*........... 268 Rhea sent and unthink- NY. Teo a Be ah eel 70 AN Win. ws eeu 488 one increasing p. runs}. ane Quail—neither partridge our p. good Re hem PS, 33 NOL Go. se wees ce eee P.,and OPINION vow fie as 545 Quaker-0. loves an sees 342 Pith DoT on Grea 2 cigicederteng 471 |Quakerism-Q, of Fox. +332 iis 1S Deh PE ses aaiveried soo |Qualified-I am q. in*..... pushes his prudent Die 17 |Quality-inward q. after*. aa shake my fellp.*....... 202} . OF thistq.., tes. enue 308 soil o the pce. ant oe: §|. taste of your g.® oe... 683 the flighty p.*......... 25| the crowning q.f{......559 Purposeless—rich and p....625 |Qualms-q. of heart-sick Purposes-their airy p.**. .661 AZO Yrs 5, sistas eee as 04 Purse-fill his p........... 574 |Quarles—Q. is saved byt. ..554 money in thy p.*...... 496 |Quarrel—entrance to a q.*, .605 pride OF His, nel oie ase 593| hath his a. just* ee 137 steals my p.* Se Nea ie: 613 ina false (os dings gi steneee! igtan 605 Purses—p. shall be proud. .204| 10,4. but®............. €05 Pursue—p. some fleeting...379| 4:14 straw?) o-oo 605 the othetopsts Gwe dak: 746| in print¥ cave ee 55 Pursueth—no man p....... 148| 4.-or feprimand. 2 asc 428 Pursuing-still p.§........ 4i1| 4-isavery.. nee Son ei teca 606 1 |Pursuit-and make p.¥....275| 4. With a man*.. 605 fierce p. on man....... 463 will not q... 22.6. + -2 26 606 had ib pi timwibierxey 604 |, justice of my q.......-. 137 pleasure is p..........-. 604 |Quarrels—in q. interpose. . .605 p. of knowledge eR ate 4o8| -Oflovers.......... . -605 sraktk D508 pict nur ERs 431|,. a- Often prove. ........ 605 roentite (lle of our p.. ere Quarrelsome-—pacify the q.. 83 Pusillanimity—counsels of Quarries-rough q., rocks*. .681 patito SEPALS ing 260 |Quarry—sagacious of his we abhor pie orks. 62 Os eae teak a -535 Puss-fine p. gentleman...567| the pregnant q.........554 QUARRY-SLAVE 953 ‘ RAIN PAGE PAGE uarry-slave—like the q.. ak ‘Quilt-the Tichidcbi we eusmies sO uatael-k; madeass. aca 447 ueen-extravagant q.....693 ‘\Quince-—slices of q.. «535 jmage—a bigot’s r......... 228 be a q. for lif et HOt 22 £6 457 | 'Quinn—here lies James se .503| bothofr, and fearl]..... 415 dike ates ¥.% nOeplowit ele ag uintus—Q. in doubt....., ghia OF yw iter © reo) eee 285 looks a q. t. least. ‘ 8jQuip—q. modest*,.,...... 55| fate’s severest r.f...... 513 now ound. Pr sree, ae Quips—q. and cranks*¥*....414| fawnonr, with*....... 405 Gi crown, Off. Fas as een BLL le Ge and cranks**........ 488| fire’s extreme r.¥...... 453 q. and huntress ai oid telh 98] Gc. and sentences*...... 617 \eevard and fullot rea pie q. my lord is dead*. .429| shall q. and sentences*..467| hard-favored r.*....... 707 / qd. of earthly G:S:nn aver 725 |Quire-full voiced q.**.....514| Heaven has nor. like... 42 q. o’ the May, evra: .663 |\Quote—enough to q.||...... 607 |... in his Tercest. ¥.255 ic ape 42 456 q, of the world. my £7 RS 4 ve sOUnortal.ae they dinar 007 in tm deaf. oc. Nye 41 q. of the world-saiesse: « 34| just enough toq_|l...... 552| inextinguishable r.**... 73 the tsland G* oo ees isa. Z20ipRsense tO: Gis ee jaw es 607). Medicine’ tO. Thi. ie ce 501 WE RTO RiGee wes uh ses 684 /Quoter—q. of it........... Rope grt qihd yee ne ae wee 550 Queens-acts: are Qa ae & 566 |Quotes—great man q.. ooT amo te tile love Jon wines: 233 Gq, and states™ cn sestive tres 647 |Quire-their q. applv**....519| not die hereinar...... 43 “ bodies are but....... 76 |Quirks—q. of blazoning pens749| of savage r............ 73 sea-kings and q.... S700 2 BOF MSI surly ae w= r5i,, vestraan ‘his’ osc. eae ee Queer—are so q........... 19 Quit-q. TAY SIS Sai cstehvarens 306| fr. of a tropical hurricane466 Quench-cannot q. love... .453 |Quiver—her whole q...... $290). Tt. Of Coriquest: 2) 05... 70 g. the fire OlF ori 5 pends 455 8. G..as a.reedll. Ss Sis oes: SAG he Fe ORS sag tea g anon at 558 Questio—g. subtillissima....534|Quotation—classical q.is...607| Tf. of the vulturel]...... 304 Question—an open q....... “1460 every q. contributes....607/ Teason in his t{3,5eneece 556 preatest qd. was......... 384 his: immense G40) .isess 713 strength and Dares bee es 559 long-controverted q.....420/Quotations—q. are allied...607| tempering virtuous r.}. .303 none q. whence........ 495 the ford 0 ects 232 GiOl yous! s n.c nantes 21 R their nobler. oo wa as aie 378 tremulous q. came..... 533 theimnobleirm os. 22.0. 408 ’twas Pilate’s q.. ..702|Rabbit’s-the r. tread..... 68| war, storm, or woman’s Question’d-he q. me*..... 285 Rabble-a miscellaneous SHO I aes, Rage 15 Questioning—a subject's q..626 ge Se ee ee THD WHLIPDOCHE-T, ct. nes Fe 660 Questionings-those obsti- Rabelaie te (R.) left a Rages-battle r. loud...... fy Hate cy Weach ta eet 657 PAPET Gave sorachen eats T7Sila WREUSNE hoe e cee se 33 Questions—ask me no q....155| R. easy-chairf........ es peeeecn eas aikicen BS 4aME TG Giss ayennsay s AZO oe PHAb dO ls Foie ieee arate coeks CIA, We Ra erro hee ete iar eit ac ME The 537 q. answerléss]| 5)... 3... 734|Race—a generous r. . 38 Rese ath ib int ee oa ee 401 Quibbles-in q. angel andf..484| a generousr........... 352| in unwomanlyr........ Aig Quick—quiet to q. bosoms.. 62] a perfidious r.......... 696|_ though in r. he lies..... toc. bosoms eves. tis Fos Wesarservile tn mousse es .564|Rail-r. on Lady Fortune*. es Quickly-it were done q.*...41| against him in ther.....760 Railer—blustering r....... 632 it were done g.*. 22. i... Taechr all huinan 1s 400. sar | Railing-r, at life, 5 a2, Be. WHO) PIVES G.ciec iets. ts ZOO Waran iron! Losec ae els .420|Raillery—not bearr....... 618 WHO PLVES Clore. a eaithe tds o9| another r. altogether. ..401|Rail-splitter-r. a true-born Quickness—too much q.t...569|. bloodless r............ 21 Iie) wisi eae eee 438 fo0\much Gg. fee Aw sencls 688] degenerate from yourr.. 37 Railway—a ft. shares 3-5- 535 Quiddities—his q. now*....646] glory ofhisr........... 486|s2i0 the Yite tyes teem 727 Quies—quid @..... vie esr aces 286 ete His Fee ces as ethane 542|Rain—a weeping r. ad ax fai 6090 Quiet-and be ro Pat Ec ges 203] mixed with every r.....397| asthegentler.*........ 479 Chalake CWa fa pe ARG Gee BSOWEnOble stubborn tan o6 a. 250| beads in drops of r.§. 125 builds GUS. ts ai stats © aan 113 one changeless r....... 410 big 5 comes§ Satara time at 660 ais peace and q.**...104| r. of man ist.\........ soxr| dissolve it inr......... 126 RT eS 2 oer hs fre THF lros. Of MAAN yee diss CERO LOD OF TP Sees ye ees ae Hector Ora et cue Sts ati 197 r. of miserable menf.... 40 follow thes ria ren See Re 3690 forsates libes 70.3 il gs san 607| +. of other days........ 424| hail orr. or any snowt..178 fye upon this q. life*....100] r, where that*®*........ r24| in drops of r. yotnne 607 in qd. ae FEPOSES 5 . eke rs 320| r. withouta goal....... 381| isthere not r.*......... 288 Petes s Sea ays! s oer 5 3| rear my duskyr.f...... y27| itr. daggers........... 160 Quiets—y. te the posttft...607| runs twice his r........ 476| knew it wouldr........ 607 uietus—his q. make*...... 671 stars of humanr....... 420 ike the t.§:ceaost ose 17 uietude—the speaking q...531| suffering humanr......318 mist resembles r.§..... 441 uill-gray goose q; eee akens ca 565| the forward r........«. 425|- or in re ite etecac ae te elon mone 474 q. from an angel’s...... 564] the human r. fiw. dareses —yag|. Or in PFS lc et ee 735 q. plucked from........ 564| ther. is done..... ws ee eI73| %- and the. mist§....... 476 through a q............ 564| the sceptred r.. »..509| 1. cats and ee Biers ee ae Quillets—his q. his cases*.. .646|Rack—not a r.*..... «+2++753| 1%: descendec and...... 7 Donita gases sve ile s 417| +. of this tough world*,.429| 1. 1s over . wptteeeeaee 3 04 Quills—like porcupine: s Ae ...337\Radiance-r. and odour...278| 1. it raineth*.......... o7 q. upon the fretful*. .307 |Radicalism-—r. of Wat Tyler603 sendeth r. on.......... 601 Gop thet ss4 62 6. 337|Radish-like a forked r.*...461| Skeins OLD ay Teoma 607 RAINE 954 REASON PAGE PAGE ? PAGE Rain—Continued © Rash-splenitive and r.*. 41 |Reader— Continued some r. must fall§......367|Rasselas—history of R.. 1132 last.r: reads eae 609 sunshine after r.*...... 458|Rat—poisoned r. ina hole. 42|> Oh-s,, had ‘you9e, ae 682 sunshine follows ther... .111|°* smell -a ro oe :651| tis the BOO” Tf. ..cvaetee 08 thesdismial roast te ee wool msmelhat tev. Mece ee totes 651 | -—to give.the re. se eee 426 the gentle rs Orr 515|Ratem—commisstt pelago r..627| Wwaita century forar.... 63 tHersust yates, Phe Crea 529|Raths-the mome r. out- their r. sleept si. eee 18 Raine— —droppes OMT ie 608 grabe sees sine waeics 535 |Readeth-run that r. it.... 608 mith vee ee estos a 19 |Ratio-r. valebit quam..... 64|Reading—all such r.t....,. 1909 Rainbow-r. in the sky]. ..608/Ratiocinaton—pay with r..440|} curst hardr............ 66 tr. once in heaven...... 608 |Ration—ultwma r. regum...718) curst hardr..........., 756 r. to the storms||....... 608 |Ratons-r. and mice TAL tn Sro| ir. is seeing... ee ee 609 r. to the storms||....... 427|Rats—mice andr.*........ 365) °r> makethianimiveae oe 906 Untoctherk.* penta ae G75) Rie. RAVE a In ee ena inte seiete 183) vr. maketh a. 2) ie eee 600 anweave,a foc ee eee 572|Rattle—-a baby’sr......... 365 time is spent in r., Tee Raindrops-the r. showery pleased with’a mio... 117| tohis r. brings not**. Rear es GANCES Wa ethene sie 162|Ravage-shadow of man’s your writing and r.*....421 the r. showery dance... ed Tlie cere RPMS Reoe ane eae ae 542 Readiness-r. is all*¥....... 601 Rains—with dripping r. 224) rvalltherclime, joes a « 3 |Reading-machine-r,. a]- : Raise—power to r.¥....... 303 |Raven—dove-feather’d r.*. hae ways wound up**. ...422 r. and support**... ata] Ulikethe rae. Te Fe 558 |Readings—with various r. .422 r. and support**....... 03 | *quoeth, the rc o0e che eae 136 |Reads-r. though running. . 608 Raised-r. to high estate... 65] quoth ther............ 608} who r, incessantly**. .. 421 Raiseth=that sae" 3. 20 16| r. on yon left-hand oak.544}_ who r. incessantly**. .. 609 Raison-la parjatt> r. futt..492| 1.saidtothecrow...... 107 |Ready-ar.man.......... 06 lar: du plus fort. -......- ASziiv rt. cook ds hert ioe fe: Sa4.\)> a Tecwriten, ee eee cite Sa lé icuritsme delar..... 4|_ fT. was just now croakings44| be ye alsor............ 753 tout lemondear....... 232|Ravens—doth ther. feed*.. 19] conferencear.......... 600 Rake-at heart ar.ft...... Asai. doth whe roti 6o1 |Real-reach the r.and..... 519 Heartracd’ Loe con. sees 736|Raves—who loves r.j|...... 450 |Realities-man of r........ 250 wild worthless r........ 93 |Ravin-r. up thine own*. .. 33 |Reality—loftier r.......... 60 Ralph—while R.to Cynthiats29|Ravishment-—divine en- of wild rfp ov.a ee eee = I Ram-—a snow-white r.9. . ..636 chanting TSF Seem ore sleep, r. and thought]. . Rampant-r. shakes his**. .438 Ramparts-r.of a Godhead’ Sart! r. of Heaven’s citadel. ..570 r. of our cities Rams-fight of twor...... 443 Random-—word at r. spoken 53 see eee eae Range-brief r. of blame- lesS::davstieencaean te ees 170 Rank-offence is r.*....... 646 rin nature... 23. 4s 576 r.isa farce. 7. 720 nin pare 608 f.is but theo" 77s 608 fRiS' POOR ee eee 456 s tinselagainct sae. 454 there is Of £4.6 sa eee 593 worth your r. requires.. 37 Rank’d-r. in Kent*...... 527 Ransom-to r.\ great kings.308 Ransoms-r. did the gen- ATW Joe PM IOOE, Ue ster 31 Rap-r. comes gently to. 93 Rapids-r. are near....... 95 Rapier—met upon my f....512 Rapine—bird of r.f...... 629 Qnebwibhiit Tek ee ee 230 Rapt-r., inspired......... 515 Rapture—dead tor........ 750 Rapture-first fine uk Ue ote Cie ieee 54 to: f* thesis... ae ee 567 Raptures—all its dizzy r....521 heartielt/ romans. ie eee 453 iS Li Weres4 seek foe oe 467 more than f.tay......n« 435 ho minstrelir: 2 poe ac 561 Rare-is thought r........ 264 On allthingsir? savers 503 Ray-her steadyer,4..4 bie Rays-your diminish’d r.t. ee Raze-r. out the written*. .301 Razor—polished r. keen.. ies Razors—cried r. up....... 605 Razure-r. of oblivion*....481 Re-fortitur inr.......... 147 Reach—beyond myr...... 32 letits altatice .immiaeen 34 fj the GEOSe7 canine Ate ae 27 te thee--dearleat, honk 3 Readability LORE. eee 07 could be r. there....... 40 few to be r. wholly..... 06 having tigen oe 439| where r. would despair. .450|Reconciler—the great R....328 iubeen swayed’, waarcts. « 606) Se WICH DhSNiins ss... ser. 575|Record—one trace of r.....647 how noble in r.*........ 460|Reasonable—a r. man..... 64|Records-trivial fond r.*...477 INSLIMCE HET eho Ss ilove eSia ies es Ate payee paces Meee nas 550|Recovery-things past r....155 hie w thea eee het 443 |Reason’d—not to be r. down454|Recreation—be my r.*..... 508 beaye.® faith. 4. singe: 339 |Reasonest-thou r. well. ...381]_ sweet r. barred*........ 610 OMT OlTh ere nr arts 7 434|Reasoning-r. but to errt. .462|Recreant-r. to her task]. .356 ne hee eee te a SOM art Ol. MEM, Feat ohes Wo. os » 741 |Recta—qui r. prava faciunt. 55 ROEG their rhs: 609 |Reasons—breach of r. lawe. 449 |Recte—sz possisr.......... 495 love's 1, Without 7". 5.4.449| from ro hand... 3. 664: 262/Rectifies-r. his own....... 545 most sovereign r.*...... BOT SUS rene eee cite ae ae 55|Rectum—nequit consistere r.4092 NAMEOL Ko see sae ee GO ie eitleerrine Lt: tte ie 340|_ Secunda r. auferunt..... 14 neither rhyme norr.*...444| 1. to himself........... 728|Recurret-tamen usque r,.. .522 neither rhyme norr.....580| 1. whole pleasuret...... 343 Reda little r.too ent. 8. 569 MOUTON Mors 9. on. BO aos 537| 1. whole pleasuret...... ADA Ie, DIACK COT ot sg ol Sigtonces 500 VOL V Me TOL THe yee 580| fr. whole pleasuref...... 686|° borne by ther... 2... 2S. 225 AOE REAP Fok ee ee vis 60o9| victories over their r.... 54] celestial rosy r.**..>.... 652 NOt toe wy Piet cee Gal pe WHED.T. VOICED. 2. warts. 626) .from blacktors,. 726, 500 NOL CO ew Va. sees DSA emWhO T.WiISELV Los awein,cceee gut | Die asitvar Ne. naa ae 931 Or ria ice tk ek aes 310) who fr. wiselytio.)... . 2a. 609| making the green one r.*511 other r why Ate er aeraais 560/|Rebel-foul contending r.*.375| 1., white and blue...... 225 PICYS ONntritep sy oti. 679 |Rebelles—contre lesr....... 153|_ theirr. line streak...... 74 pilse Of T) 5 ana ec 136 |Rebellion-if r. was the. .. .400|Red-coat—first ar.is...... 653 r. cannot change....... TED pret. LOrevrauSiins an hap 703 |Redeeming—single r. defect.268 r. feebly climbs........ 609 |Rebels-r. from principle... .703 |Redemption-into everlast- F. Dt Chea 05 Swe 741 |Rebuff-refusal no r.||......745 hate aR Bs MEP COR 340 r. for his physician*....449| welcome eachr.........576| 1. from above¥*........ 121 Sei HS TAG]: Soo: ack. 556|Rebuild—what to r....... 626|Red-handed—caught r.....335 r. is her being**........ 238 |Rebuke—and just r.**..... 646 |Red-letter—the r. days.....358 BIS ICEDITCE.. . 55 + slaw ate - VO ep iS OLAVE.la eae enia racy) 639 |Redress—demands r....... 401 Friis staggered... .....). 357|Recall—-may not r. her.....547| doth lend r.¥.......... 512 PeSuerIte sf AL oH. fig clos 416|Recant-r. vows made in monarchs must r....... 626 Fi ornis fancies**®.. oo... 577 PALE? thee ean oe EN) sgh HEC Reuse yee rea aoc ein oe 508 Pov tHe CASE, .'s. 6 5s gh. 416 |Recapture—never could r.§.654|_ to send r......¥....... 512 BO CHOStAtG rcs! fared 416 |Receipt—’tis the only r.... .414|Redressing—abroad r.human Patiles the, mind...) .:. 563 |Receive—ask till yer.......366 WEQOURE I an aoreitde wake 539 BASA WMO bet Sos! c ovals ce" « 600; |42 Shall: not, coy eernma sr ias 211 |Reed—a thinking r........ 462 SEOSUATECK OY ALE. 5) 88) rito forgets toys eee 477 Refuse—Nature’s r........ 67) 2 *book othr eee 87) \ still “ro mé.2Sr aS oe 312 Tethy NamMerens sees ae 516} --treedom ofr t..4 vee 204:\ still ‘4 mere yo Sa ee 478 Refused—what’s oft r.....309| has nofriendr......... 612) than vto-rathee. eee 477 Refute-how to r......... 416) His reat bésty owen ee 24|Remembered-r. joys are.604 Regal-in r. state§........ 21| humanities of old r.....251|_ r. or forgotl|.......... 260 Regalibus—nec posse dartr..402+ inr.what damned error* 49|Remembering—r. happier Regard—be without r.*....557| just enough r......... 612 things [ese ee 470 Regards-r. that stand*...455| left his oldr........... 437|. rv. happier thingsf...... 56 Regent-r. of the night. . - 400 men’s minds ahout to r.421;)Remembers-r. me of all*. 8s r. of the SkieSieus tt ae 409} myr. is to do good....143|Remembrance—dearest r. THOR LNEISKY. teen ee 498)\) nor; DIndShses= te ones. ol willl) “PRs eee 406 Regenti-magis decorum r..480| no r. scornfully....... 612| more continuall r. of Rehearse—he must r. 68x! ot onelar oc eee 611 iin”, ot See ee 3 Region—what r. of the pledg d>tovrt s455 sae 34| not burden our r.*....477 CATE uci cee ee etree 400)" ‘Puree andl se). meee 611| fr. and reflection{t...... O4 wonders of eachr....... S4Ahi 1s always Sidesr su coek 585| r. of a generous deed{. .478 Regions-—r.. of sorrow**... .350)] 'r. “blushingt..S 20. 2. TT1| “x of thelftsts oe eee 327 Register—r. of crimes..... RiGg |eeis as CHPISCIOSS er oeeeee are 225| that my r. warrants*. ..477 1)Of) theierimess.t..52.0 BS 7-4 PRT. HS), Kener ei en ae eee 611|Remnant—my r, out...... 502 Regnat—rex r. sed........ 404| 1., liberty and law...... §28| the rot his days-.a. .. 12 Regne—le rot r........... go4\Per jibertyrands =.) 504|Remorse—-farewell r.**, 185 Regnum-—meus r. bona pos- r. most prevalent...... 6o0| + farewell .r7*# aS 370 SUdEt Sere eet rece ot 484| r. of feeble minds...... 676|° passage to r*. 005. 0., 302 Regret-I only r.......... 560)°°r, of well-doing and. + <.612| "pity “and..1.* 27 sa ee 548 my r. consumes like. oo) f° stands, On; enn ee 35| yr. begets reform....... 612 oldiagea Tre -be ee cle fo withoutsa. |store ee 600} *sinner>feelstr.. 2 vee 612 Regulam—exceptio probat r. 627 Tum-and truetr:|) 2... 200| | ‘the “vain “rte eee 15] Regular-icily r.f......... 68 Ssacréed ihray wees cee 611|Remote-r. from cities. 2a Regumque-,. turres....... he subjects: Ob TH eee oe 611|/Remove—at each r....... 2 ultima ration 7T......... S08). “the Same! Tv een eee 611 Remover—bends with the Reign-in hell they r...... SOG | ewiiaty Le risl ees os, eae 612 te Gas ae eee £3 Mia y tee Secitets, see Be O Crwitelr Tom COGS ue trek 353 )Renard-+. qu’une poule au- MOMPM Tle to eto 502 wrangle foraTr een 612 FOU meee ee €3° cries dcelol: Vejsigaay ee ei ae AS oe 504| writers against r. 64|Rend—a time tor......... 10 Wish stole wee women 491 |Religions—and break rt, ‘406 Rending-r. of boughs froma23 Reigns—king r. but....... 404)! Satie sight eke. ee tee 609|Renounce-r. when that Rein-too much the r.*....556! of r. libertytf........ 603 shally: See ee 4A Rejected—r. several suitors||143| r. self must........... 237|Renown-forfeit fair r. ae Rejoice—in ourselves r.....3009| r. self must........... 6x2 |x. is not the. 29, ae : ee like grasshoppers r...... 21|Religious—a r. bird...... 374 \Uer Onuearth=* ase 258 Tlirwhat ewe ee Aga Ray 1) sighs nate eee L24)) “endless! =F ase eee 257 Rejoicing—r., sorrowing§..411|] music r. heat......... srsiiRent—her 1raisvet.ce eee 345 Relation—a r. either of....471| rather political than r..611|Repair—instant of r.*....3€7 Relations—bundle of r.....464| r. sects ran.......... 88|Repas—le modeste r....... C7 Tadéariand*tieee cena 469| unworthy ar. man.... 64|Rerast-r. with thee...... 4 those rs thatamess sume 207 |Reliquis—cum r. versari...478| to sweet r............. 235 Relatives—hatred of r.....342|Relish—disposed to r.....560| what neat r.¥*........ 270 Relaxation—some r. take..610| fr. grown callous....... Svaliahat neat tat sis eee 6&3 Release—the last fr....... 22|Relume—thy light r.*....511|Repay—-I will r........... 615 the prisoner’s r......-. 650|Rem-y. factas........... 405 | tor. them eyee eee saa Relent—not to r.*........288|/Remain-ever wilt r....... 4|Repeat—to r. themselves. .35¢ __—— REPEATS PAGE Repeats—history r. itself. .356 Repent-falter nor r......290 Hor falter nor ©... 567 fr, afterward alleso.i eo 4607 2 4h JetStires ewan we lek 467 FF... LOO SOOM is cue Mere ott 18 COO), Ate. . wichs weer 467 r. what's past¥..45.:. 2. 133 tov. Vain eek. ose 404 Voth will Ti. wee atte hoe £67 weak alone/f.|[o. 2a 612 Repentance-fierce r. rears.612 RIVE ne Rye. Tee oe 289 HIS SOW Ts coterie set et 614 Need TO [Es EM. SA osltae 2 612 Our rT SISsnotwe a cecal 612 Repents-r. on thorns....612 he“ well -fp..caRak ts 567s Repetitia—crambe r. magts- EP OSE Rahs chain a) Xn Dike 676 Repetition-r. kills the. ie Repining—and cease fr. 8. SEK Or Replication-r. prompt*..219 Replies-the heart r....... 83 Reply—not to make r..... 74 Mot homie ke: he} oles. 654 Pee CULMS DS etree. seek 5s watch word and r...-.. 538 mS CNet NOs recone. « 425 Report—despises false r....137 Sled“ wither eee te 551 HITS | POSSI Lo aan Mees mate 321 TONLE Tae eee ot 600 only heanditscis on ot 245 r. against yourself*->...474 re theyr boned, 22h ae. 557 Witit, faiserny= a: eesee ee he 627 Repose—a night’s r.§...... 7 APG LGA rt eo eaeas eter 235 as Sweetiet. * h.cceen, Wal 102 Hitt rare b Sedat te 403 HUT EALIE MEMES. icy Nene nek ° WEEP lOVECLIs ale ate be 614 fair-dream’d r......... 384 for Nis 1 “views oes eeieie. 350 sive tyr ott eae as 650 TRA ok Ale a Sr la OR gee eee 614 Shindolentr we aoe 386 PARE Ter OE eta v ete ate hete creeehc et 385 DIEMOLET 3.0... ae ake Seetee 341 rs foraenig it. s,s: civents 41 r. which stampsf...... 466 Ter bl clam es hu Ce Us (ee eA II9Q uncurtain that r.....:..432 weary traveller r.f....568 Reprimand—quarrel or r... .428 Reproach-shrieking aniche 2 ee Pe ee 334 Rita ate ema ys, «oS 486 Reprabatinnctall tomes sant 30 Reproof-r. on her lips... .6 the r. valiant* Reptile-r. concealed bit. . Tesi: lool aa ee 241 Republic—r. her station... Sepeotarent is the only ¥ Fee eR esis sot 182 Republics-iree r. of Amer- ica ** r. and emperors.......664| 957 RETRO PAGE PAGE Repudiate-r. the repudia- Rest— Continued TOtSing uf See se 582| creptsilentlytor....... 85 ee preimage Sark the EXCLOISe Ott brs Sern 485 Se OIS dhe ae fromy her’ a* 5.0. Sass ot Ranilee-thies NOs fee ee 74 LIVER VOUT soeyas ies 613 Reputation—a doubtful r. ae prea t/ find: rit? siesta 328 Bisood hs Yoweri a tie ca? . 613 HS feo eee ee he Selene 316 aig, diest sn Sere oie 321| is exercise notr.f...... 386 blaze ‘of, Texts tr Sn feo. HIS is. NOty Ta: ec knee a 387 SSESHObIeSS tito ener 613| labour andr. that f....540 lost my r. © Oisezect at eee 613| madeupofallther..... 34 Giris MACE Oto oe eek Orsierimay jhe. rok re ee aes 327 t. is, what) menia 2.02) 613 Peo. hist Sey, kee 347 rot, LHe Tr. LNEVE aoe se 613} fr. can never dwell** 366 the bubbles re stieen Se 064) Psrcinepeaces.asscse ees 326 Pei /OWT sie. che dalele s POTS Aemevie Cheese tas dave pee 316 wWink.a t) GOW: siese 2 O20 Gat, 1S Doteqduittinge .o) 614 Witten OUtob Tis. o.2 es G13) Per. thee NOw v2 e.cctere oe 328 Request-r. of friendsf. . m2 A eSCtS Mpls itn een eane 281 Requiem-—the master’s r...645| sink to f...0..+.s00.. 328 Requiescat-r. tm pace....326| somayher.*.......... 326 Requisites-r. to please. . Me 8051 eetaket my to" oc site ein ee 601 Res-r. angusia domt..... 585| their Saviour rest...... 347 r. parvae crescunt...... ZOA i Chen COMES T,...0-tcke eee r73 Researches—no deep r. S675 1s thinis Oni nea ie eee 507 Resemble-r. her to thee. RE2gertime for rss. st ee 8e Resentment—extinguishes to r. the cushionf...... 350 EVEL) To ee ee ee 3271 “tor. the weary|ls-.... i 30 Reserve-the last r....... AS ONeEEOWALGS Tlvelss 4 seh ee 201 Residence-forted r. ’gainst*481} way to r..:.........-. 245 Residue—large r. shall....380} wearyareatr.f........ 613 Resides-the true ambition WEALY= DEyAb eras sitemns oe 613 there alone r........ SaRWEeATVs Olin. ors oe. 412 Resign-—r. his very dust... 22/Resting—to his r. place. ..s5o09 Resignation-r. gently Slopes) awa yon sures. Resign’d-—r. when ills pe tided sa Resigning—his world r. 8 Resist-r. both wind and tide* remthe SOME. NONE, Tes heen. ee 79 Resistance—principles of r.600 Resisted—not what’s r. $113 Resolution—-arm’d with r. 744 Native line of r.*...... 134 Native: line of: 1.7% -\.ae 671 rt. honor’s fairest aim.. 32 r. into nothingness... .536 ei NAS DASsSed ssn ey laren. 384 THA. starrer eeiae ee 245 SpiT OMe ke: «kA 436 Resolve—a heart tor...... I DY EM Lee ashe here oe 453 prudent purpose to r... 17 Resolves-r. and re-r. Peery Resource-r. of scarcity. 2. FLO Resources—all these r.||....456 Respect—a decent r....... 384 than. advised: 1°. 4-a. 404 Respected—Peter was r.%. . 260 Respice-r. finem......... 210 Ho DOSE IE. ores seer oe 2 501 Respicere—non soles r. te. .108 Resumption—wav to r. is. .582 Respects-r. of thrift*....470 Rest—and r. begin§...... ants ‘be satires an soe ee 457 But 10 ts Se tote ae doa 403 Resting-place-his long r. § 520 1|Restless-man isr......... 316 iRestlessness-round our r.. 3 16 6 |Restoratives—read AtPLOram er yy Restore—former light r.*.. 511 NEVer, \CANM IIo Bake. a 86 shallatheecr... cree 500 Restorer—nature’s sweet 1.651 Restraint—proportion to wholesomie, tT .jon:. ene 423 Restriction—and due r.. 470 Rests-r. his head........ 476 SO. peaceiwl f-Ex.ce lee 503 Result-r. is known...... 107 Se 1uUStines weaeees ate are 221 Te istifies thes. tee bm2:2 Results—similarity of r....356 Resumes tolriv groin 582 Retain—marble to r....... 222 Rete—non r. accipttrt..... eae Retire-sign for him tor... 22 worth Tito peace.aeas Retired—gentle though r. "466 Retirement—blest r. friend. I44 Retiremeht—developed in r.682 ©. blestir iota 614 ’Undisturb: Ger.stiee leas 732 |Retort-r. courteous*..... 55 Retreat-a brave r........ 193 her lone us. c) as toe 542 TONE), OfEF. TM. pate Hee 634 WL not Fe cae teeta 83 would-not rill te. cme 56 Retreats-in deep r.9..... 680 Retro—quodcunque r. est...140 ri Satands 28 1864 958 RIDE RETROGRADE PAGE Retrograde—must r. if....507 Retrospection—our r. will bese ho avckusts aero 288 Retroussé—ce: petit nez r.. .535 little r. nose would. 535 Return—bade me fr....... 263 bade MeL asiciteects te ae 555 bit eto eee oe 349 Ty NOMINOTELOL ss ene aks 359 Will still ay vehemkee sae 522 Sedat Sai r. in a gallop. .522 NOONE Wy. cate ene 168 Reveal-God would r.....600 Revealed—not be r.f...... 266 Reveals—r. Him to the wises22 Revel-r. it as bravely....204 ry Of earthl| Wea2.. ee ee 700 the late rs ae ee aoe: 207 Revelation—by divine r...407 Of Special sri. ene 87 Revels-r. by a forest side**251 r. now are ended*...... 7153 Revellers-moon-shine r.f. .250 Revelry—-shout and r.**..161 sound of 1a. os eee I61 Revenge—a fell r......... 616 better thanitw eee k. 288 couch’ writhire ae ase 49 feed my. See eee 307 his humility rte. 2.42 616 more to rf. injuries..... 616 Amy reat jr. e sy weer. stk 616 i ALVILtuell. oe trie eee 616 T at firsths 2. vaste 616 r. grows harsh*........ 616 tT. is a much. tee. sie 616 ©) istatkindsie eee ore 616 f)istas: thella aeeee ee 457 tT. is notwalotnmen. eee 288 T) Ss profitableseee ee 616 fF is sweet. ae eee wee 616 Tor death #2 pee ae 58 fT. Proves citSaior ete 616 T. supplies) thesmncs osc 616 T. to sleeprare2. ates: 396 Salary. notixsmeace os hase 512 Study, of d.c2: eee ee 180 SweetiierOwSo. ae coe LF that studieth t.aenniate = 616 We NOt totem enectie) te mieee 397 weak for my 1r.*....... 616 whom rf. is virtue...... 616 Reveng’d—am I r.*....... 512 Revengeful—proud, r., am- bitioustes- wok -eee 63 Revenges-—brings his r.*. .615 brings: hiss 3 hacia sas 615 brings Nis xr P5i4 ~2cmeret 601 Revenue-streams of m....150 ever ens rreS him r.*... | 502 t, the’ king jeer pee 539 so poor to do himr.*....254 somethingstousere sore 448 4 in oe Spe le \v iv to do him r.* Reverend—the r. head..... 22 Reverentiz—debetur pueror.757 Reveries-r. so airy Reversion—bright r. Sn ba etOX 7) no bright r. in the Bey PASO Revient-1] r. au galop....522 Review-—can surely r.ff... PAGE Riband-—what this r. bound310 t. the scenes)... en, 79/Ribbon-r. to stick in his Reviewers-r. are usually. .152 Coat... eae. saan 183 evised-r. and corrected Ribs—her crashing r....... 642 Dy one ery ate aes 230 |Rich—a r. man is.......7, 364 Revolution—justify r....:616| and die r.....5....08 70 r. of the wheel of fortunegor} and die r............. 488 Revolutions—at certain r.**¥350| are a T*man.......... 215 r. are not apece Pe eh 616 |'2-astT.and, #2 oan 625 Ki TSVEr pO. set teal tees 616}. ‘ber. Nor-poor sa. tay 493 Reynolds. es R. is laidts..69| blessing of the r....... 344 Reward—a sure r......... 61471 immortalrd)o ase 406 a sure r. succeeds...... 713] /Joved and r-need xg 324 KTVEWOLtM wren Steen ee 26|. lying tr. man. y-Jp eee 585 Wer, Owllir. ct. Meee oe 712| more r. by giving...... 443 itSLOWM fy sieht eee 712| more r, more wiset....552 a¥s t.-18. in tiles hs YES 452| no sin but to be r.*5. 5. 82 ove's® life's rss. stat 443 | - Ol TOF, eteate. ae eee 339 Nothing Tortie. ts... eee 444|. passing; Tr. with. 2.503 124 only ra Ofsvirtue st eae 712| poorly r. so wanteth*.. 60 1 to itsell ik oc eee 412| 1 beyond the dreams.. 70 the justine ee 404| 1. beyond the dreams.. 70 Rewards—world r. the 481| fr. by no by-ways...... 343 Rex-7 tregiaii tenn nse .. 404|\.t. from thervety «,).409 141 SOLUS QUIIT A GUlact an see 577| 1.in having such*¥...... 725 Rhamses—what R. knows. fa Si wih 1 poverty.e.ee ee 493 Rhemish-—draughts of R.*.730| r.man‘s door.......... 492 Rhetoric—practise r. in*...670| 1. not gaudy*......... 202 Hland poetry. sie ste 406) +t. Ot) poore in. eee 485 T "OLithine evern..ence 245) + somethings t.7 eee IIl wit ancdugay tine: oem 40 suchyare ‘thes * iene 2090 Rhetorician-sophistical r.570} the r. infant.......... 585 Rhetorick-sweet silent r.. 78} the r. the poor........ 503 Rheum-now foolish 'r:* 22+68.4')| > 2: with little storemoun cn 141 Guarterciner. east 496| fr. with the spoils...... 408 Rheums-—joint-racking r.F¥*¥704|0* tiswith the Sparse 408 Rhine— wide and winding r. without a show...... 203 LS Beet ee) aces te 507| tempts by making r.}. .686 the river Re... nee 620i. "we rT: men) ase eee 459 Rhinoceros-—the arm’d r.*146| with thee r......7>... 310 Rhodes—Calophon,R.,Argos3 62 |Richard—indeed Duke Re. 56 Rhone-where the swift R.|/232 , O mon roy.... 458 Rhyme-castles built by r.131/_ R., O my king......... 458 hitches an! acs aeee 70 Richardtoche! himself again134 in prose: t.*0 re ca. heatut 3031 ~R) himself agains seen es 135 legs in 'f, 2. teh Seek 599 |Richer-for r. for poorer. ..721 Ites OL Tilt ma geeein cle sere te 238|Riches~all r. flow........ 357 tianhole tiles & lee #81 “gain those rts coe 488 Napoleon of the realms his \besterio aac ee 141 OLE, cree. | RE eae TO3 He intinitecd. v0) asa eee 308 neither r. nor reason*..444| neither p. nor riches. ..4o01 neither r. nor reason*..580) mot r. adorn.ii. 7.015 407 nor ft, NOL teasone ate $80) Of -itself 1s. ‘2.7% Speen an 407 NOW JUiSit... 3. eke 580| fr. fineless is as poor as*.141 One Lory Ti kee picts eee 580| 1. gather’d trouble....378 OrmaimMentsvolitw. aes 5A] ot, in himself sap) Be eeas o7 re therpipes.. samen eee 552| ther. growin Hell**... 60 ithe TuddersiSy hems rene 580| where r. triumph.....% 123 Some Vidle® quo ak aecerae 386 |Richest-r. monarch in. 073 talent me tombe. cen 452 |Richest-r. monarch in. . 673 thisspowertul sto. Sneek 94|Richmonds-six R. in the who r. below nai eas blog 577 field* .100 SHES UPOUOE IED Dy Rhy Mees ees dees 580 |Richter-R. is little known. 516 Rhymestesnies of the r.§. oie R® says. of. 2 sc eee 748 my (mournful 1.f....... 84 |Rid—be r. on’**¥.. 15 rt. are murmuring...... 655 |Rideau—tirez le r....... 431 VOUT. ft) sSDealce + out ee ae Riddle—-r. of the world .462 Rhyming-—a r. planet*....577|Ride-and r. mankihd....464 of r. mother-wits...... 23 |) Btdlawn to-ti2- oe ee 562 Rib-another r. afford**.. 85! booted and spurred tor. 56 - RIDENDO 959 RIVERS 7 ? rt “Te et if ; SE | PAGE! PAGE Ride— Continued Right—Continued |Rings—all Europe r.**..... 423 Hhouted: and spurred to r.sge2iepprate OL Toate. fede 254 Ne alc COlden at spare wee 204 oe more thantes alee. 493| press the people’sr.. 34| chain of countless r. . 238 rt. not a free horse..... Saleetather, De ts. meh. oe +619 FICHWse WIC hae ere eee 286 than r. and fall........370| r. cannot be found .492|Riot-r. cannot last*...... 227 we- still rvonits 3) sae h Snel. i conductdromek ash. + 335 |Ripe—his r- staget........ Ly Ridendo-—castigat r. mores.629| T. iS Tr... cece cece ences Grol (we Ts andy re ote aneare RidenodumM—“duloesr ins we pe Be lS ite hake ok gas Wesldtecee GIO} AWeliaAnG toe se eae 428 Rider—a proud r.*........ 370\- rv. divine of kingst...... 323 |Ripeness-r, is all*¥........170 knows ig fi eee. oe Fa ile eee AVE Chey. «ei ee eS 6x6 |Sireto the core’. a..ceaskee 68 Peis lOsta. 2 aera ee Goo). ro shall be the-t. 4. ; 619|Rise—and successive r.f...50r FP WAS lOStychiciorer ane. 608|. r. there is none to..... W734) ke DESINS Oi Teo. se eee 228 Wart) Giiay te eerste sae COON heIe tobe ruled sen Lae ATS peat VOUT ocwre. Sys eee 292 Rid&ssqutd HK te sous ote ALS te tentOr die. v.59. Ra mas Obes Have tT at oTst.w a eeree 83 TUL MR oo Bees iotn s GST oct tOnspedlc.w auccat ee LO)! mame Mawar iy he dane las 507 f AMPLE VW Wilkin A OOll. t called it2 a eee 503 spare: the <0. bsek ee 621} R. also personified..... 547 Bpare the ery Pay 5 ees 621|°*R.. countrymen". 4 - ee 213 spareth the r.......... 621|°-R. countrymen*. fe 684 the-tinglinesre soo. ene 4r1| 2R.-under Babricice, + eee 700 ise, thets\5.. 65, aan nite. Gar| “Satisfy thése Ri. pee 563 Roderick—where was R....129|Romanus-—civts R. sum. 623 Roe-hatt-orir. ye ee es e. 275 |Romantic—eitler r. or blind 48 Roederer—scent of the R.. .625|Rome-and of R.......... 265 Rogers—martyrdom of at dR: Tucanshe see 607 Fonn Rl SEE eos a 472 \2) abulv, TeClUSe . echt eee 192 Rogue—no foolisr........ 283| at R. you hanker...... 192 Roulétraat ing tes. ten 746| aisles of Christian R... 54 r. with venisont....... 383| doas er do at R., TT to, Wide at, . ON ie tee 1331) £doubt sof Rela eee “1090 Roguery-r. of alchemy....571| fast a Milan or R...... II Rogues—r.. come to bes. . ..503 1" ‘fate: of Rats. 4) ofa 265 r, in buckram suits*> |. .4261° spate of holy ae. ae. cee 623 r. who could not,...... 259| grandeur that was R... 47 Roi-—le r. est mort......... 241| grandeur that was R...624 16s ORME NT Hon eke sae 404\" sis polden sR... =. ae 623 premter qui futr........ 3%) ° loved. Re more® soe. 103 GIVE EEF ae ee te cee 247 |< ©- fortunate Rane oes 05 Rois—ces malheureux r.....404 almy state of Ru*.> >, 543 desy, le-qmodtle, 6s. 4 312 R. b been growing...... 624 12 SQu0tr GeSi¥. Fe. es: Toole Re broveht lowe. oe 623 SAUOtT DOS 7a eat eee 372| R. can Virgil claim... .483 Roll—a r. of honor.......: 566) R.. has spoken, niet 622 r. on, thou deepll....... 542) R41 the heights. cee 673. Rollet—R. a rogue........ 7464 > Romy countryll oases 624 »| et R, un fripon......... WAGNER SOt? DYiClo. eet ae eee 623 Rolling—a r. stone........ 697: (AR of to-daven eee ae 440 Rolls-the sea rr. its Ri: ‘shallstaxnd| eae 624 maves © ed but eo Bre 34) it. 2 thou Nast t sa). 331 Toff) Noah's are. ee ses 37| R. thou hast lost* Sore ROMEO 961 RUBICON u x PAGE| PAGE PAGE Rome—Continued /Rose— Continued |Roses -. Conlinucd roundsto+ Reet a O2Aler Tt AMG TOT: Osis ne 244| smiles andr; are?...... 380 second man in R....... BTieete Acpaisinstants ..% cai 296) *ostrew on her x 923.7. 320 state in ee ee Oro eet. has Out ak eee £60\“.to -gatherér.f). Joe eee 200 steter ot). Roh. 2k ee 0G)! . 576| read Alexander R...... 571 Roof—high embowed r.**..124} r. of the fair state*..... 300 |Rossore—bello é il r.... 2... 93 Roof-—majestical r.*...... 271| yr. of the garden. :...... 625 |Rost-ruled the r.......... 142 majestical rr. fretted mstoat all Ares s+ 2s eas 587 |Roste—-ruleth all the r......142 Wi GliRaecbetase>: teckex x. im thatall are: .= a8 here: 625 |Rostrum—mount the r.....124 r. fretted with golden tr. with all her pride. ...625/Rot-r. and consume*.....546 Aire ts tata te betas tas na eere with all ats)? ces 625 \euhere rn states. btw 407 Roofs—with r. of goldtt...380] r. without being....... Goa tow di state tiene eh 497 Rooks-r., committee-men. 56] suis pas lar........... OF Dimeweet sand I2° o.oo weed: 372 Room=a littlest 7a. so 308) asweet 1s their: ait cide egbié ower. .anders® 2 4a 428 ample teamed. 4.2):. ev.sute 657| the budding r.9....... 625 |Rote—to get lbyer| Webene & 552 Rive Amplerr ly 8s etch 290). the scentless-r. =.3 800 «<3: 68|Rotten—r. in the state of IDS eWOEshe bol. oot cry d SOC teathessumimer Fa o.ae Ips. 504 Denmark#i.: ace eee 667 maketrvat least. icc. 428s Whioush. a Tosh sak Steet 102|Rottenness-r. begins in hig r. whereinto no one.....479| . under the r..5... 22% 624 conductim st Sue 543 Sstragolector rT Si csi. 229O[suunder theaty>s china: 633 |Rouge—beplaster’d with r.. 303 Roost—come home to r....155} when ther. is dead....477|Rough—-yet as r.*........ 352 come home tor........ ISS) + ewhy does the rf... . acu oe bs 69|Rosebud—no r. is........ Go's) rae pertect £2 tee ae het che 340 T Oba evils a. we eras: 495] xr. garden of girlsT....... 20 eeeay fantaste tied) oe asi 488 the insane ur"... . ea S01 ser. Set with, tT... .e nie 202), cher monthly 1:*# i223. 408 tree o: deepest r....... 23 outs. set withwlittlef cs 2c. gi ritet tat. oy. mam.) 72e met 124 Roots—knot of r.......... 464 |Rose-buds—crown ourselves Pe tat. Ol ye matin. suis. 265 Pte wilite (Core 2 ohn tet aes 578 Wb id liceseen testce sis sc ie lok » SA Oe Te OGL WT Oris . tie eta icieiaseeths 85 Rosamonda’s-R. bowlf...569|. gather yer....0.....2. EyKou|Pouieunsnestelekigicreers blag sma. 330 See one sits female! r. filled with snow...... SAGO artherrs of lifept.x. i gates: 372 DURES ees nee aes wmetee 152/Rose-leaves-r. when - the thes trivial sive: . ee 212 Rose—a full. iSiohyactey oe cone 690 FOSS IS Wise oe Ses 47 7h «the trisdal 1. etat. there ». .699 a neglected r.*¥*...... .546 Rosemary-there’ sit. that’s Wweaty imortal tus hami. 453 all languages the r.....238 ao heide ake eye epee RS AT 276|Roundel—now a r:*...... 251 Sie eb be Ie Ce oe . Phone 516}Roses—are opening r...... 93}Roundelay—merry, merry AS ASPCME Rac eels, oie 3 o> G25 Vx WEdsy Ol ‘TY. setae eicasuarere 612 Boo a's goat Se ee 383 CISD qua bo ted eo bal ear ees ee SG WaRSDOCS OLs We ayn ers eioh one O2A4\ + Unto, Mm yi Te depeche oe 500 Salpeter rai cil ect ac ST Oiletresh-DiO wi Lett acy. 5 ore 760|Round-heads—R. and bo cpm Christmas I no more de- Her Tips\are tyes heap Fad 439 @N-SHOES i sete tatolcalels 603 Bie eet te hie cacao MIRO LOS ATS Tien aeiea Face 4390 Rousseau—wild R. I. Hoes 2055 dewdrop on the r........685| leaves. and 1... «2 4.4/. 672|Rout—a public r. eee 408 Aieroiraits ise coca aby: tke [Ao SPW anrgote-h als th eeeeeneene ee aaer te 21). 18) Jolly’s circle....... 1éz Pe -OF a Bae ont e aie ook as 624) of shadowingut, 2%. jer» 663 |Routed-r. all his foes..... 73 every r. and lily....... 13 Dalle, IE. CES ot Anti a2k~. tants. 567 |Rove—where’er we r....... 3 je Ong a tb eae eee P24 Opemine Srl eas Wl ail 624|Row-r., brothers, r....... 05 garland for the r....... FOS ATS. Tmitis the crete, Acker aie 721|Rowers—r, who advance... 05 gather therefore the r...546|] red r. ona stalk*...... 439|Rowland-Child R. to. the*. 226 XING LT ggg or us sus 624 gre vel Im, the, Lay ae y «chy 93 |Roxelane-favorite Sultana RUT ARAL ORT aye hosp 360) 7. and jessamin*®: v. .. .. 277 WAG: Retin ila gs, ait ag 535 Jast © of siimimer...... SOR e from | youn nesta. eae 758|Roy—de par ler.....:. reo last r. of summer...... 625-9 fr have thorns®. aus sa 267 |Roy—O mon R. l’universe..457 lived near the z.,...-.. 624] r. in Decemberll....... 152|/Royal-innumerable R. So- PELE LIE ATIOL YT eet rayon « 3041. r, of ‘eighteeni.. «wai 16 C1etiee Ou Sek a anes 742 One 2) Dut ONE a 0s.4r «+4 ES tl rT. Of your youtics. .\ ar. 40) eae a r--OffiCcen.e eon ae S43 GSS AE i Sacain ss 43 G24 et rag cinta ar, ates nal wr path whichiwn ta. se 660 Quen Te Ot ss 059 7 ees Zi ter. they twintell.. 1-0. 394 Royalty—outward face of redehetiaicton at ass Qaste 27| r. they twinell......... Ahi PEF en is init anie 426 nyse BY DE: 3h oer Om earae G25\. scent. of te T; -te4 % anos tes Ava dato T) tinlearn dtasyn.9 s 352 Bea OY ENE OR | ac, ECTS ee BAGH oe. Scent Of tHE, Tot canuhperdiens Ai Rubente-r. dextera.......338 TEAS TEM toa hice. ware Re 624! scent of the r...... ....625|Rubicon—passed the R,...1090 RUBIES 962 SACHARISSA PAGE PAGE| PAGE Rubies—beauteous r....... 397 | Rule—Continued Runs-and r.away........ 193 better. thanars. 51.06 2 <942|,,0r seek for. TH aya. we: 375| cand 1. aweyi en owes 103 where the r. grow...... 43.07 \epOInp. 1% Bistalatek Sieg Mies go2)|\s rand. r. awayl ieee 03 Rudder-nrst is a fr....... 439) -“proves. the.f, 4 Ge fee. 627) «he that.n. may. ee eee €08 IY Lis tTUe as no serene 6G68| stand standard o.%)02.1. 571| »-so r. the roundy,.S. aoe 372 re 1S Of ns etme Se ee 580] r. o’er freemen*....... 436|° ‘that r, it well. ).-3. 5 oe 476 tail the £.: Sc Sus teat $0 | *wy of men... eaeikn ee 565| «that. r,mayfs. 20 See 575 Ruddock-the r. would*...327] yr. of right............ ss2\. thatir.omay read. == oe 608 Rudesby—a mad-brain R.*.467| r. of right............ 618|Rupert—R. of debate...., 56 Rudolph-R. of ee, 58'| eri the great fh ster. aaidinmre 330) (R, of: debater. 0 Fae 6 Rue-euphrasy and r.**...247| 1. them with.......... 322|Rupes—pelagt r. immota. - 034 press the. rotors. tee 722| 4, within my dark......350/Rural—each r. sight**... 123 r. with a difference*. 276 tena re iton tive nor ©, sightsi¢/ one. 521 Ruf—besser als mein R.....613| DY. wee eee ee ee eee 22| r, maid attends........ 403 Ruffles-sending them r.. .206 thoughts r. the world. .331]_ r. quiet friendship. .... 404 giving a pair of laced r..206] the Justin) sees ee ee 404|Rush-the opposing r.... .50 Ruffs—with r. and cuffs*..204| to ruin or tor......... 626|Rushes—green as ther... . .303 Rufus-—description of Cur- to.s alone times ee 13| oaks withr.*.......... 401 IS Rus lace “ieee validity. Oia jT.uk su. st et Ruskin-Carlyle or R.....281 Rugged-thy r. strand. ae Ruled-in all things r. me Russet-in r. mantle*..... 500 Ruh—meine R. ist hin.....656| to be r. by law........ 8|Russia—night in R.*......530 Ruhncken-learn’d profes- .501 sor Rist. Tethiteem oc 20 re. fory, to-day. was ee 690 Rust-foul cankering r.*, 302 Ruin—and their r.¥....... 405) Say Over Many aii ore 635] “than tor Gute eae 410 beauteous r. lay....... 572|Rulers-r. of the state....191/ tor. out.............. 7 fires: Giiri dee Aor) see 62 r. who neither see...... 224} to rust unburnish’d7. ..387 behold this®2. 22: ie¢<82 647|Rules—Britannia r. the witha FUL ee 410 desires’ toT., 2. S2500% 390 Waves) ce Meter ok 225 |Rustic’s—I the r. state. 102 earth swith 'r|/s) .eees 542\) Pby v., severe ts 240 A: 5011 the gazing ro 5G God r. has design’d....390| change true r.*........ 110| gazing r, rang’d....... 421 ides thet.) ee Meee 395! . change true Ti®:) 05...” 264|Rusty—was grownr....... 679 his ‘country S ite. 606) bitew, plainer Jet 6 cee 392|Ruth-heart of R......... 623 identical with r..)...-. 2071) #fews plainor|2. eee 627! sad heart of R......... 251 anto .r., hurledi ives 4. 601| hopes of golden r...... 571 |Rye—comin’ thro the r....405 ef, pain, ander eeuecr 210) af wsheureben. eee eee 375 r. fiercely drives....... 160] never shows she r.f....725 Ss r. fiercely drives....... 626| fr, not far enought..... 60 r. leaped from his eyes* 42] r, old discovered||..... 418 Sabbath—-a S. appeared.... 84 the beauteousr; lays.% .167)| 7 rs the «world. .. 7) Joe. 506| ‘announce the S:.0..7: 83 though, in 7-88 ee 188| slaves to mustyr....... 564| one heavy S..5)..4 674 to. tT.) of tor nuite seen. 626| who r. o’er freemen....436| ordained theS........ 674 when others .t..2 6.100 6y2| — with, Old se. jumper os 6271S. ofis rest. tee ee 347 whom God willr....... 390| with perplexing r...... 427" \S.thee hail. 1 eee 674 would r. another...... 400|Ruling-r. passion con- S. was made for man. ..674 Ruin’d—bare, r. choirs*... 21 quersli wie es oc aes coil the- §-- bells aaa ate 84 they are fia waceoon ak 22:7 |. +) passions tid. en eo ae too much S. into....... 674 Ruins—amid silent r...... 623|~ fr. passion strongt. |. : £6 |) owasr os. \keptles aaa eee 674 and namelessr......... 622] ° the r. passiony. ..).. 2% a6 gg le day-no S. to Babylonein' 2). eee 391 |Rum-r. and true religion||.200] |= mef................ 674 WOU. int te wee ee ee 464| fr. and true religion|]....612 Sabbato- oi qejuno S..... 11 mind int, cee A 391|Rumination—my often Yr. PUULEL Ls ee ee 83 here yO Te), 2 AOE Be 395 wraps? lh pA ee 475 Stearn S. odors®*). 2.5 | 53 r. of another's fame... .647/Rumour-—distillation of r.357| S. odours from**....... 567 ft, of “lon aes SP 560) Sr! doth doublet. oo. os. 627 |Sabidi-non amo te, S..... 47 r, of St.Paul s7one. a2: UF's) Ar is a pipet wee 627 |Sabidius-love thee not, r. of the noblest® >... Si2srm- where root. 4. ose 427 Se SET RS Pre 47 r. ploughshare drives. ..160)/Run-from which to r. away 54|Sable—a s. cloud**......-- 367 r. ploughshare drives. ..626] he mav r. that.?...... ° a *s: silver'd*.@ 14h se oe 336 Ruin-trace-no f......... 542) “neverididr. smooth"... 2.450) ners yell sy ee ee 529 Ritle—alittleir, Be es ae AST yeadtye) thatere. a ese os IO4/|) 16) weeds. - eee ene 509 absolute of r.§........ OS AT away awe meee he et tee 193} Ss. goddess from..:.---- 530 absolute TPT yori. 4 AGTH) \e* totand “tro .cc pect . .666 |Sables—age his s.*.....--- 12 bond-of fT. 775 See cw ee es 530 tethat Preawavecs «oc: os 455| s.and his weeds*.....-- 203 each man’s r.f........ S644" that 5 fat oe he saci sighs fors.j 74. eee 348 ‘rood old: x. 4traeew were 483 |Runaways-faint-hearted r.ss1j_ suit of s.*.........---- 509 know not how tor.*....530|Runcible—a r. spoon...... 53 5 ee rin is their ‘at- may his r.¥........... 496|Runlet—a glorious r....... 00 Hret Call ly eee 500 ho TAis.so-) OLR ies 626 Running-first sprightly r. =e Sabrina_S faire? ee 336 fone shall tr. but.). 2/5372)" reads though rk. 608 Sacharissa’ s-S. beauty’s not made to r.**...... 483 ‘Runnith—-man that r. awaiero3 Wine 45 Lee nt ee ame ~cf4t SACK 963 SALUSE PA : AGE PAGE Sack—addict themselves to Sage—Continued Saint— Continued ON as st oo borane eee 209| manyas.||............ S60 the tTigid: Sic... 6 Meee. 10; and leave See pet Sas 610| n'est pas sts. quil,..... S34) thevigidisie, aya tee 376€ deal of s.* 45. 2 ae 206| plus atsé d'etre s........ Was ee the .weakestrs:.i aie ee 58% Sacks-two s. Jove the poet, orator or s.§...... 23 ee tOl ar S028 tel. bn tedeeenee 383 father (gus. eo ee T68| (que lon sot S.05.. 5.4 0% 402| sto catch a s.%2 hae aa a3 Sacrament-—virtue of a s...603| s.and learned skull..... FE) ee Wwert thou. a) S.). 05... ashen Sacramenti—virtus s. ttaest.603| s. by all allowed....... 3 St. Albans—Lord S. said. 308 Sacraments-seven s. doth.468] gs. or sophist|].......... ba7 Sainted—ensky’d and s.*...62€ Sacred—thing most s.f....380] smiling s. replied..:.... 352|St. John-S. minglest..... 27¢ Si (Gatises: eth Bene oe roa ethe.s,repiesi yas ae 431 |Saintly—falsehood under s. Sacrifice-a livineise. .; )..027)2- thought as asa. o0..%. « 680 show#?: beau eee aS. ta: God wtmieestolele <3 23) \eeenOUtht aSiaiGa, era hee 5 733 |St. Medard—cemetery of S. 8 an unprtied sit. wie... 627 |Sages—our politics........ 659|St. Paul’s—in S. Church... 407 an unpitied S). or. s RO MEGHINtS Atl. oe: sks Hone S68 euins C1 ST... ks Ss 622 i lOVEAMOISHE Ale ye Goo! itnan all thes: [as s.08: S2TMIMEFULNSHOL wate. Stake: ae 624 Untaia Swi iesG 5. eek oleae 550) Pathe s. prideys,.01 eee B77 and Westminster igi. Mean) Stace ee 627 |Sagittas—Phoeboque s......292 Abbey-2 £4. nee 622 Sacrifices—upon such s.*. ..627|Said—as wells. asif....... PES it. LOOMEGs:. se. sidh: eee 501 Sad—cheers the s.||........ 731| been s. before......... 573 |Saints—a pair of carveds.*. 1 good man to bes....... AGO) oche-never soa. 28) U- FOVWerand.s: above..e.dac. eee 446 how s.and badand..... 475| less s. the better....... Sic eapards, So, DETOes. aa ae 546 Kam So.ssinceen ech. A7'5| eelittle.s. is sooresti>. 5 4: 644| contracting with the s.. .628 I'll be s. for nae-body...141| much might bes....... Zou crew of eLrant, si.e oeae 88 Hilmayita Ss: mii ses ts, ot Ba J oasvon. Dota.sides v.84, « 56| delivered unto thes.....251 more profoundly s...... 415| s. our good things...... 5741 - for s. themselvesiiu 7.x. 09 MOLE Sslcsiesiceth wer wae AUS Well, Ss Wyse sai terete 573 images of canonized nobody should be s.*...475 |Sail-every threadbare s.. pert: 3 SFiS ead nee ot 628 a sy EetS goed cae nocd.) ote ¢ 334| every threadbare s. 1600 lenmay jest with $00. ..5)- 106 SON UD, Anis Sea eS LS | pastacclusetonsat wie.nrs wha ete etme HIT VaLOSteS.cuc sch aln vk creeks 455 as WOLrUsiOlarr term ae 6t2| nautilug to stl. ie. J... POA TS and Sxpesa- oe veteate 24 Say. L DSi eso cease BOS DOUSI OL Stele pete knel 204° 1S. heroes ifs ..s 4.3 oe oss 728 soothe thes./ieor es) nor. BiG dA PLOUSH. OLS. his. Ris oiene 42§5| s. immortal reign...... 347 World Was S205 kas de tee te 737\, «Ss. on even keel... 5. 641] s. in heaven*.......... 587 your sy tirestuw: “6.45.5 HLA PSs cOM> : Ship Wo steni sh eae 36|> s. in your injuries*..... 736 WOUT Se ties bande ce Mo) JIS: CULEta Sell.cvcheda cesreieie: s 05|° -s..only have such. .. 2 250 Sadder—a s. and a wiser. ..378|Saile-hoist up s. while....548} s. who taught......... 501 ganda wisti aie. sae 243 |Sailed—never s. with Wei. TOOL ss. will.aids... oc Jeeo. 588 Ss. and.a wiser man..... 656 |Sailing—occurred in the S.. 215i eS ou Wil LL all Giveae cu. cuteedan tere 628 S$ and a. wisers, S08. Se 689 |Sailor—a brother-s........ Ogais, teaches,§: 10... seeuiee oe: 60 Saddest—s. of the year..... GSS i drunken. s.-on*.4 se os 627| where's.immortal...... 628 Saddle-in the s........... 464| home is the s.......... 231 |Saintship—shake the s.||....450 Sadness—a most humorous Sy Cast Olt tron .n. cise 88] such s. to beholdf...... 686 Gee Rae estan. ein 475 |Sailors—and sorrows s. find||627/Sake-for heaven’s s.*..... 502 @ nameléss sist. tae 657'| > ts..are but men*®..5. 4. 234 641| for his country’s s. 72 a-wan-wit s. makes..... ATS iweethe S\. devotionwnw.. tc 225|Salaam—to nos........... 342 feeling of s.and§....... 441 |Sails-and rustling s....... 632|Salad—Garrick’sas...... 303 feeling of s. and§.. ..../. A OTea purple tie: Saas. ee uate ahs 640|4i my suidayshie se paeE = 757 feeling of s. comes§..... BON pS fill witht. peels snelt 627|Salamander—as the s...... 262 SONGS Of 1S, $a. see, oleae 579|Saint—a damneds.*....... 376|Salamis—S., Samos....... 362 Saeclum-s. solvet in i Pama ieee TOs Sita cent astire eRe 376) ‘such victory as S......-. TIE Saevior—calamus s. ense...565| as. provokeft.......... 569 |Salary—hire and s.*....... 512 calamus Ss. @nsé........ WSS ova threadbaress, $i. sess 585 |Sale—-setteth to s......... Ae Safe—he cannot long be s. ANP ha TNOURTI, S.cca ae. Seems 628 |Salis-multos modtos s...... s. from temptation§.. | 381 Gonthpt, ai Gs cacao. wae 128 |Salisbury—S. and Gloster*. : a Safest-who standss.f..... RGei@edoctor and: Suge. t. uior. 24|Sallow—s. for the m....... 607 Safety—ale ands.*........ PAG Maglory: WK a. S..0tess satel -« 580 |Salmons-s. in both*...... 620 little temporary s...?.. ASAI Gb Sic wes. ere Oh eenede ottts: is 646 |Salt-a bushel of s......... 371 S$. Walks itis, a:at fee eras ACs SHO. OLDEnIS. 3.50 e eee 628) call Attic silly. nee i this, ower Su*h. 26 pee. 4 F62)° mo trues. allows 7.0. J. 324| measures of s.......... Sagacious-6.- an ‘anitial siosro-vor's, ith..ceke). feta. : 280] sg. of most unrighteous*. ee s, of his quarry™i2,.)202 Se MG. ADTOAG, ast. seers 628/ 5s. to remove s. humors**,436 Sage-as.in France....... 734| S., sage or sophistl]...... O47). 3. was spilt ..0 ch ees 676 a. sober. Stee. fc, eens PRG eS All) CEAPEL yo tek slots 57|Saltness—the s. of time*... 17 d'etre plus s. qual ame estes 4902 S, UMMA weet, ee. ee 628 pe ee ree villainous detre plus s. qu’tl...... ae eed welt Nad Lon abt tee POON ch. o RAT Seige Seadasee 286 experience made him s.. 20/] s. sustained itt........ 628 A Scent Facali seu. a Gee 131 experience made him 's..144| seemas.*............. 40 Saltus—natura non facit s.. .18t let s. or cynic SEE Lewy, 53 Seew.& Sheet tee 379 |\Salus—extra ecclesiam nulla make the s. frolict..... 730| ‘self-electeds............ 593 Sih hak cave hee: 621 SALUTE 964 PAGE PAGE Raters thee§ snare ns cok 170 Sarcophagus—a golden s...229 poi eee 170 /Sashes—of tying s.........217 Gatitegiaan potest pre- Satan—behind me S....... Ta6 LEP 2Scat ae. Rot SeRNia Se 622 Salvation—day of s.. 545 had.except/s.% c.8 fask ad 622 iSO. Si oder ues tee 621 no relishiof-s*26 fata ee 512 that publisheth s....... 526 working Our Ss et.1e5 fae 152 Same—are in thes......... 423 in all thes: Swe ewe 314 Samos-—Salamis, S........ 362 Sampler—ply the s.** Sanatatis—pars s. velle..... 252 Sancho Panza-so S. said. .650 Sanctitude-wisdom s. se- vere** 461 Sanctuary—no s. so holy. .405 eoeeee ey s. in the crowGsiwiet Heh 65 Sand—all ’ot.s. and....... 419 and. theismmae..a wer. 639 edge‘of the’si: ast te Ja. 535 erain ;Ofass. eae. bo see 706 grains. ofs..c.ne ives eee 699 soweth instheis rota 384 streamowith s.¥ 2. . ene 453 the; Britiehis.4 5... 24; 358 traced sini Slain eke 43 tracedsini:s.l|2c.c ws eee 740 Sandal-his s. shoone...... 205 Sandals—with winged s....547 Sand-dust-fair s. are earth’s 76 Sanded-the nicely s. Reh 13 Sands—are drenched s...:. a3 lastis..of lifer ace 55 s. are number’d that*. hi S:cbegin. tOk sac. cee ahs oe 621 5:40 =Deeeiahs feet one pe 45 S..0f time$; ne eee 614 = that .cOVernRel a Stan 326 the mountains see eee charge thee S.*........ 587 if S. rise up against... wae poor §. doubtless...... 611 Sabbathléss horas, sas: 750 S. finds some mischie ..180 S. finds Rometraimg oe sis 87 S. now is wiser}: .« sidle 686 S. o’ercomes none...... 686 ./Se, call him tt ans 187 S. trembles when...... 588 Santanas—vade retro, S.....186 Satchel—his s. and*¥...... 664 s.in his batts aot hie acne 149 Satin—gloss of s.f........ Sid Satins—silksands......... 205 Satire-for pointed s. 1. Sec sO8 my. Modest4sicsmeh ss Ae 568 S. bemiy Songilintacaseea 70 S., besimy song .ani se ae 284 $iiS.a- SOMyOEGAe abe wet 620 SOU, Thardcni ster ota 486 S, Should qsbiewicic cet ates: 620 Satisfaction—strewn_ with s.419 Satisfied-is well s.¥...... 617 Satisfy—nor-nature s...... 316 s. these Romans...... 563 Saturday—a S. and Mondayo74 at Milan they did not Tastion- Se at: Pe ate he that fasted on S...... 11 Saturn—besides S. or Time.547 MATS. with comeeics saat 62 in, atin. e is bee er: 47 Saturninus-S. said, Com- Trades .: 7 tm 2 crates Ie 608 Satyr—Hyperion to a s.*. .508 Sauce—hunger.in the best s. 52 rior seeks for is: 2s sectaree 52 s.,for. the poose. sve .e. 436 Sdudvich= Islander—as the Saucepan-—a boiling s.. 668 S. believessvnemaeor 86|Saul-S. also among...... 5900 Sang—awoke and s....... 563 |\Savage—a s. breast....... 513 S, des IVTanNS & ee oh Ree Alea, |f ti Sits: upoOnitahac ark eae 622 sweet birds s.¥........ 25|1 the noble s:tran.. ix: s.: 2092 San Josef—boarding the S.710| the noble s........... 636 Sanguine-s. censere pictos. 36 the §, ace’. teen eee O7 Sanguis—semen est s. Chris- Savages-s. of North Amer- HAHNOTUNUS Whe eb See A7I 1G cd rete tas ee eee 374 Sap-s. which at the root.. 37/|Save—but s. himself...... 441 Saper—non menno che s....199| delight to s........... 480 Sapere—amare simal s.....448| ready tos............. 303 Sapiens—in pace uts....... Soa)f eready. to s-s Skew. bebe 303 temporibus mores Ss. Kel ees.vas ue pets ham. exten 216 Sapienta—quam parva s. ‘hic.280| s. me and............ 628 Sapienti-dictum s. est....746|s. our country........ 560 Sapientia—vatura aliud s. thou mayest s. me..... 668 aliud...2) Ss eae oi tos) the awhole 2 iies 2 474 Sapit—felicttur s. qut...... to. Si ewith Lpitydace see 480 Sapphire-the s. blaze..... 484 Saved—penny s........... 216 Sapphires—opals, s., ame- shall: ‘bessiiviws vi seeks 221 thystsif Winx ace eese 397 \Saviour—-her S. stung..... 741 with living s.¥¥........ Bix the Ov COmesteikn er sores 314 Sappho-S. survives...... 5701 Gewith their). oer k ik 347 where burning S.||...... 333 |Saviour’s—his S. birth*. 121 Saracenic-S. hook-nose...535} our S. birth.......... 121 ee ae Turks with my S. blood...... 512 ANd OC oie hee 327 |Savoir—le s. des rots.....-.. 377 SCAR PAGE sede teukor household. > ea 6 “e) 2 le) 5, 3 Led ae eee (eo) Savor lavender, BRE Pad, 3.9. 25 vee has eee 276 Savoy-roads of S......... 601 Saw-believe he s.9....... 252 do not s. the air*. .. 9 he. s..all sae eee 504 OT OES. 5 eae oe eee 53 s. it with these eyes... .236 Sawes-s. off the......... ATA all's. of books? eee 477 full-of wise “Ss: cases eee 664 8; Of sacred® tarp eer 628 Say-—can s. nothing...... 573 good deed-to s. well*¥... 8 knew not what to s.||...530 s, well is good m2 she eee they * sii ae eee 321 they .S., <-k dvi) bias 321 Saying—a short s........; IOI for "s" nothing*s. oa 644 &, ‘too mich. A gos. poe 492 the s. wise and old§.. 6 the, -wisestess. aus Sane 2 “407 Says-—he s. but little. ...... 210 s: but little; 3 22s 84 s. many foolish Kc 644 what everybody s.....321 who.s, it. bestt7/ a-u) so. 607 world's: least) ena. 358 Scewan-the S. gate§....... 21 Scaffold—from s. to s...... 472 thes) high>>).¢ se aoe 30 Scale—by geometric s.....473 her lifted scalef........ 260 s, the high pyramides.. 32 turn the s.c ) eee eee 454 turns: the ss 327s. = eee 578 with her lifted s.f...... Scalp’d—see me quite s.. 24 Scaly-s. horror of his folded tail* .186 Deprie God to sh. Sane 407 Scandal—assail’d by s. .620 hegins the s:¥% tak 620 blackest siiofa 6a 312 Gearth: Ofgsivs 2p eee 527 for greatest.2. Wet: 498 this'moveless:s.-- etn e. 531 this *passmersrs 1 78 See 234 tread again the s....... 430 view the whole s....... 481 Scenes—gay gilded s..... 394 new s. bos changes. ...234 S.C Leen ey. oe > Sena, 541 s. of hak pehiidkood TR: 478 SOL WaAl a ere ok SiGe 466 the Ioveliesiecr sao oe 368 Scent—one s. to hyssop....522 s. of the roses will...... 477 Sof ithe roses) ..c2uit. : 56 s. to every flower...... 520 Scepter—s. and crown..... 502 Sceptic—for the s. sidef....462 Sceptra—mox s. tyrannts.. .202 Sceptre—a barren s.*...... 348 her leaden: stissa. Jb Soe 530 my s. for a palmer’s walking staff¥....... I Strom, tryantsas 2. 2. 202 s. shall haves =s.°.9-%: 622 s. shows the force*¥..... 479 aes away his corp: Scepter td ees cE 202 Seentiadia s hermitys 26. 517 the 8. Tacel ae tases wos: 500 theirs. pride dae 40h 4e 202 Sceptres—age crowns s.*..552 OT, Svdd Osa Pn 5S owed ote 753 Sceptrum-s. que tyrannts. .292 Scepticism-s. is slow sui- CAS. whois bees oh 199 Schedules-—s. of my beauty* 75 Scheld-the lazy S........ 607 PAGE Ay oD BW ANS PAGE Scheme-high human s.,...504 Science— Continued the statesman’ss.{..... at Alle StAL-CVEC' Se fe eg eee 620 Without. ee, ze s. frowned, not on..... 476 Schemes—best-laid s...... where proud si... sos 446 Scheming-soul-harden’d s. its Sciences—arts and s. are.. 89 Schismatick—was as...... 11|_ s. and most of allll..... 422 Schismatics—s. the plain be- Scientiz—1psa s. potestas est406 Heversig, Fess Ie Re! 484|Scilurus-S. on his death- Schlag—und ein S.. Os Dedi.cis sane oe eae 704 Scholar—-a s. and a Chris- Scimetar—of fairy s....... 409 MiGdhae ON LN oe ere 398 |Scintilla—parva saepe s. 83 gentleman and s....... 305 |Scio’s—S. eT islell. .. . 362 pensive s. what........ e6olociplo=like Spor. ee 570 s. by education......... 305 |Scipio’s-and S. ghost... .308 s.of yesterday......... 4 5. ghost walks........ 506 Scholar’s-ill the s. life as- | |Scoelus—prosperum ac felix Salhi ote eras CGE LS ton. ert yee 606 s, life assail. 22 2..01.7. é2iscoh-came'to 3),). 6 F7. 588 s. melancholy which*...475|. fools who came tos.....124 s., soldier’s eye, tongue* .390|Scoffer’s-product of a s. whese s. like Scholastic—medizval s., dis- putationesne: ts Ao. 534 ‘Schénen—das Loos des S.... 77 School—a grammar s.*....504 AWWOMANGS: Shicce alate cs 616 Mf WiISGOIUL.GuS. se eats fs 585 fowards’s: with* 22 0% 445 unwillingly to s.*...... 664 Schoolboy—every s. has.. Ee every s. knowsit....... 630 every, §. knows. 642204 630 s. with his satchel. ..... T40 s. whips his taxed top. . .683 the whminwss'* i ee, 630 the whining Seah ee 664 Schoolboy’s—a s. talel]..... 682 SB iSrtalelarss ate cee ape 742 across the s. brain§..... 759 as s. from their books*. .445 s. at the expected 758 School-divine-turns a s.f. .484 Schoole-tales out of s.....681 Schoolmaster—be their s.*. 243 SIS. LOA Gime mete ee eins ° Schoolmen-the babbling s. Knowis. » coe ee ee 464 Schools—degrees in s.*....552 in OUuDrrerent (Saat. 621 Jargon. of (thers Pe, 421 jargon of the! s..(.'. 5982. 630 JALZON, OLFtRE VS Aide te 630 maze OLeSaE a eg 408 av YOULS. nitive a el tales 630 60. ancient: hte eS BS 2 to, ancientes: ses. Peay 564 Science—air of a s........ 418 aitthis:. new SHi.%. os 79 AGHIS ANG. Sigs toe. cdbeN ee 619 eel Of is. Rir athe creek ea 385 ETON CSL tho Vu eee 406 glare of false s........% 620 hardest s. to forgetl]....454 hardest s. to forgett....540 laybheetehotty Stee by ete egge aA 620 maw s,. that (sic oiatee he 574 ONE uS., OV. ates tee 620 ath SOL, |S; nes eee. ee 134 Peal .'S, SAIC. 3M. aa ae 462 sort of hocus-pocus s...420 PED 2 a5. .n 64 Scoler—never wass........ 72 Scopas-S. of Thessaly. ...150 7 |Scope-end and’ si.) Sets 523 heaven’s wide scope. 24 SO'every ics “ait ae “6 76 s Scorch-fires that s.t...... 470 Score-s. and the tally*....217 the s. and the tally*. . .504 Scorn—-envy ors, or hatred. 290 isi here tl ee es eK 560 Lips Such? sitahiier Sse 405 my ‘perfect si fa. oe 17 shat firstt see bo oe 342 Sate rsths ese 743 s. her own image*..... 487 Ss. not envy raise. 7.72. 228 si offe Pye. yee 579 SE thes crow.dp. wae ee 484 Shame-and/s2 ee an 416 solemn s.'of illsf. ..5...531 to.grinning isin, see 617 “to-Si are scatter’ dy. o a. 24 Scornful—view him with s.{ 13 Scorned—a woman s...... I12 Scorning-s. the base de- grees® 23 er oe + : Sv what: issnewi. / fee Scorpion-s. died of the bitero8 s. is engendered......., 262 Scotch—a S. understanding.631 me call flunkeyssiiyS 2, 636 the whole S. nation... .631 Scotched—I s. not killed|] : ,O31 Suthe snake* 2 0s seat 63 Scotchman-—made of a S...630 prospect which a S.. 6306 2.1L My DLOOd | Ia eee 631 Scotia—S. my dear....... 631 Scotia’s—old S. grandeur. .630 Scotland—glens of S...... 204 history ofS 44 ees 630 in. SS) Supporissa eee 630 ole bhowrofeSt. eae: 631 stands S. where....... 630 Scotland’s-fair S. spear. .682 fain. O- strand). eee 631 Scots—and brither S...... 528 and brither S.........631 few industrious S..... SCOUNDREL _ 966 SEAS PAGE PAGE| PAGE Scots—Continued \Sea— Continued Sea— Continued Urailedvatosal.chae eats 631| depths of the purple s...126| the inviolate s.f........ 225 S. are POOL, . Hine anes « Ti Gowns sO? LHe 1S... 6 we ee 627| the inviolate s.f.. aay Te six or seven dozen of S.*100| Egypt’s dark s........ 307 | the open,’s.. <-m. Oem .632 Scoundrel—a s. and a cow- everlasting s. proclaims.119| the rosy S............. 666 AT. Sek ts eae Aree 63 \eglOOU. in US: ner en eee eee 383] the s., Ploy. o.i. Aenean sate Osa iz such, aprulles:* 5 nee 548| ss. roll to waftt........278 calling of the: s.f...... <78| asurgings, outweighs. .1,139) “s: roll tokio... oe 706 crags SA SAGE es stuse 633| that immortal s.7..... 81) s. that thunder round. .225 dangers of the s....... 632| that inflamed s.**..... 187). ss, vast Gepthss. .. fouse 143 datl bite sil isaac 628'|.octhat: ofthe iSuteis wets 518| strange s. of hoses .528 deaf as the s.*.;..4..4 41| the changeless s....... 620| the multitudinous s.*¥..511 Geep, deep 6. inst et.an 644 |\ the, deep 78.5 7.90. ee 190| thronging the s.**..... 700 iim: darks 6.33 ie¢ ers e ox 633| the freshening s.||......542/ through s. of blood... .323 SHASON ; PAGE Seas—Continued mya te’ S.c. sees het Sar wealth of 's:0..5 <4. -526 wild watery is.ec-. 25.) 37 5 your stormy s.|]....... Season—by s. season’d are*, #500 done at its proper e: 547 many things by s.*.... 11 out of s. judged*¥..... 760 pomts these se... ao 548 proportion s. form*....552 <. that’ borente. «na. 501 Shortie theese: scale et « 70 the s. for speech....... ro PHERE 1G 7a Seaicte ie etetera ys sf 10 THErSs Se ae Seeleiots wrap Pero thing that in s. prone Sir Seasoned-till they are s.. .400 Seasoning-—little more s...379 Seasons-four s. in four POLIS ete sn nie a lcrs oles 104 lenews tie Sita. «sis. 549 rolls round the s....... 520 s. and their change**. .510 ao PTOGULI Ct ee oi oe ate oI s. such as these*...... 537 Mott, St LOlkete | ¢ iereear 98 Seat-great judgment s.. .483 his favorite s.J....... 454 s. is the bosom of God. .417 the blissfal s:** 2... 303 wild sequester’d s...... 476 Seats-s. the weary trav- eller tee ee anacee 568 Sebald—S. as we lay...... 546 Second-a s. child... .. 22 devour s. intentions. ..534 grow into s. childhood. . 22 s. and sober thoughts. .688 s. man in Rome....... 31 s. thoughts they say. ..688 Si thoueiits arGan ..\ . 688 S. will be whats. 530 thes: ‘place, sucsie css: 60 thevs: piace. cre. sme 754 Secrecy—book of s.*..... 523 for s. no lady closer*. .633 Secret—another person’s 5. .633 dear friend sts’. oo 2 726 exten: (0 (S.-i ae oe 598 Tool Knows 21S. 2. 9 riesks 634 keep.OUL S). ss. geeks oe ae 634 Keeps Net eee sen ks 633 preserve your s....... IQI Sof $e SEAG, wee eae 633 sor the statics. son eee 422 3... GO ae WOMBLE ate en 5 164 three may keep as.....633 meithh, CHES) i co oe laces 633 Secrets-fond of s,........ 634 s, of every one’s mind. .289 s. of my prison-house*. .307 bring SaWhOSe rasta 602 Of Nos... ea ee 371 slave tO .TO (Sb. ws rehe: 150 Slave OG Bota es ai 520 Secunda—S. felices....... 14 s. rectum auferunt...... 14 Secure-my s. hour*...... 511 past. at. least iSS....7.. 1. 557 967 SELF-TRUST = : PAGE PAGE Secure—Continued Seems—better than he s... 40 PITOUCLY) Sone an eee 483| it s. beforehand....... 46 sweet to feel.s......... 400" s.,. madam, no*. 70. 508 Security—honor is s....... 150 something 1S: OF 'S fie 24.70 s. of every man’s life. ..480|Seen-first ’tis s.......... 537 Senser ota yt. 2 oe eee 10/'-) have-nots: 573 ieee 251 Sed-groweth s.......... 672°" only to bersst 27. = 701 Sedes—estne Det s. nisi terraz14|_ Ss. better dayst2.8 Jr: 557 Seé—all' men ss... 4.22% S79)\)) when: -tis'Ss.. 1) sat ae 245 allethatewe st. .0 eee 430|Sees-s. in all objects..... 485 Dut’ s: at last... .2 2°... 401] _ Ss. it and does it....... 26 Rive mre 10 Bia at o1 |/Seifensieder—wie ein S.....670 orvenmie: to Sate. tees 434|Seine—banks of the S.. 623 hearé gone siderite aes o1 |Seize-if then he s. it.....548 af Nv ewSe tight: sc sees 5 378} meet her; s. hers ....... 547 Ourne yes Can" Sos we ee 4| Ss. the instant time..... 483 seal’d eyes to s.||...... 651] s. the pleasures of..... 545 Ss: all others sfailion -* 408| s. the present......... 545 s. beyond our bourn...339|]_ s. the present day.....545 Sere Vor GO. eee es 287 |Seizes—he who s. the..... 549 atthe things. So. 582|Selden—S. who was...... 70 Ss. what is not. to...... 247 |Selection—term of Natural s. what lies dimly...... 750 Se Soa er ete oy 230 s. with the keenest eyestft 097 |Self—all in s............. 561 Chat WODTHSH. tae ae tee or | *@anotheit Sit, eee rte, 204 BOuS Net-is-tOws 1 se kee 209| companionship of s.t. .637 GO SS OUrselVeSca. s 2. 108| fitting of Bae Rie' sr es 614 What. yours: ja es sees 37710 > know pone’s S22. 28502, 407 Mud ete tay Sete aces ee ee Or] “mine. own... se ret? PL. 384 Seed—got KEES So aee ae 575} “Re: fer Jeaves! Sites an: 485 PSMLLESI See atte cote syeiok ar Seishin (4 See State 634 3)-of-Chitistianss:.. 7)... the chord of sj aks: 30 s. of religious libertyfT. Boe thine own s. be*......, 458 sot the Church. 30.20% 471| thy gracious-s.*¥.2..... 317 S$° of the’ Church. -) 2.27471 |) -thy. graciotis-s*% 7 fae 538 S to start trom. +. . fl 536] ° thysother. s*. 0. 426 Sn VERSOWe ate es ees ee §73|_. victory Over Si... 2.52.1 133 Such Rave le. Joo see es 615 |Self-approving—one s. hourr31 Seeds—in their s.*.y...... 558 |Self-centred—s., who each s. of God-like power. ! ar Night os Hy. eae 546 Se Ol hinted he coocek 5909 |Self-conciousness—incapa- the fwinged S.2'.. double saa. 2.5.2 22)0 |g eS ee Obe WOLMET ab ~. sda sek 741| s. with this clause...... 636 is POO S.idelac Aber iat 3 AOS thermoral pSisetcendsstecu x 15 s. would probably..... 353 JOyS 08'S. Fs \olais ed shee 343 |Sentiments—all the beauti- Servants—admired by their JOYS. Of (8.70), : te eamiee 49 flestiatse ehce tees Sia TN ee eee 353 JOVSIOL Si Saeoce eats 686 |Sentinel—his s. the wolf*..529) are thrice s........... 543 keep thessalick staan eae G646\.athels. “are thrice 4S.. so sa ee 635 kissing full s. into...... 217|Sentinels-the fixed s.*...592) bad s. wound......... 636 language of the s.f/....521|/Sentries-we like s........ 671|Serve—bound to s.*...... 375 light of thes... ..ds<) 0. kya 434 5 we WAN Bat for aes: — ith: “we Sobers 458 mati, of suit seenn mee BOS er MEOVEANEL Ga, eee ieee ee oak flO Mian CAN s.sua.ee see 472 may the s. discover nat- September” April, June ais SCOMM TOyGitaeu ee eee 350 ural things..... Sodigths 435 Sat £503), os. Godéwellay.. «char 636 men: of 6...8 .44hheneins 283| days hathiSaontsce ae TO3d, 8: did "HOV. asasneree 458 mén ‘Of S.;..2¥ acer Ort. sdavs hathao.susr shee 104| s. the future hour7..... 30 moderns in their s.t....748|Septemq-A prilis,S.N Cupminina s. who only stand**.... 92 nos. atiall*in scsecnaean 411 |Sepulchre—a pad) s. in....407| than s. in heaven**....350 no s. have they.. 115| a soldier’s s. A 1.328 they Also-s4* Vos .. ese SERVED PAGE Serve— Continued Se Gare SONS. tts aene 716 OST CUP 8 oe ke 472 RAL EU Bg iiage eee Oe YR SS 755 Served—but s. my God*...404 Had buts. God... .... 404 Serves—s. his country best. 583 S? lis” party, 4.4 suka ad 83 Service—all s. ranks...... 636 UCase a rai Rte I ONE Vag dt 423 in So Hhigh** 220 <3 vine as 514 made of faith and s.*. .444 TIOF tONis- Sa ee es eee 451 s. and the loyalty*. ...325 s. he requirest*®... .c:2. 266 So OF 1 OUINCERety oie. ceca 404 Ss. sweat for duty .c...<+ 635 Su Gas OG pale aes ons 404 S. tO cis COUNTEV dette: 325 Striaih S.. 15 CHE ea etiy. 160 STTa Ss 18a pe ea sna, chnaaaie et « 636 SOME. TIE Wh Se pea t85"S «cs 574 the comstatit, Ss. 3... <6 ae) the: constant, s." aici. c. 635 Wha tawas le S): wyotin 1S your reasonable s...... 627 Servilé—ai 6) Tace...0 5. sai 564 Serving-men-—unjust s.*.. 57 Servit—imperat aut s......405 Servitors—nimble and airy ck cs hee REA PE 747 Servitude—even s. the worst159 laws Of S: began. <....3.< 202 PEWS OLS, iodo anki tcnaone 636 Seson—-the s. pricketh.....662 Sestet-in the s.roll....... 655 Set—best plain s.......... 203 S less SHAM. ty iear Soles Gees 493 their little s. mankind. .219 Settee—the soft s.......... 262 Setteth=he ‘si-up. . 20. 313 Setting—nearer he’s to #.. .245 Foie Gee aes tet an eceud 254 Settlement—act of s....... 418 Seven—-one of thes........ 416 we ater s:lhasan see ald gue 252 Seventy—of s. years§..... 22 S.-years YOUN... fon. sac 22 Sever—to s. for yearsl]..... 555 toil We Sg et uk oe ona 559 whom the fates s....... 451 Severe—du platsant au s...580 Severe-if s. in aught...... 421 lively tor She ane aes 580 PICASA TO'S.ftsactne § Gus 580 PICASAE CONS. ks cena ane 580 ged hi those who love are ne tN ge ie a es 3 Severity_but OPT U6 ac cokes 328 compassion than s,....399 s. of the public p.*..... 417 Severn—and rapid S.ft.....568 the tide. of SA aie vue: 61 Sex-a powerful s......... 337 can either soi ee. duces 661 either s. alonef.. 468 fair s. should bell. . as 247 forgets MEL Sit, Wa xd sGces 7 give the s. their duef.. IOVS: GHG! Bellis, cakesede: Toate | 406 969 SHAKESPEARE PAGE Sex— Continued 5{| neither s. alonef....... 471 OtlheS. VOUsKNO MW. s...597) *s.-at least the bad. =. ..30 S. and the musical glass- Shandon-those S. bells.... 84 OSS te teed teats ota 658|Shank—his shrunk s.*.... 20 Sea Gh WA Disie batty 639|Shape—a questionable s.*. .307 S. this own epitaph....229| comeliness of s.**..... 456 Das NOtsoureee take BO Lexeeta Dieme! teem, ee ues 241 S. made use of it....... SA eran enoOplerus: ean sects 461 S. on whose forehead. .638| harmony of s......... R SeWASTODEEOr Gee ee 183] ifs. it might be call’d**. 48 S..whojtaupnt by. +... O39) einitO proper (Si seekers 89 S. whom you andf..... 638) si-the swhispert.. 61.02. 30 S. unlocked the heart§].654| s. the whisper off..... 5490 S. unlocked his heart...654| what glorious s.**..... 500 Sa wvrouldeGream=s. .6 acs 638/|Shapes-—of calling s.**.. 48 THAt Oo. CTE Ws nic ceed wore. $07 |) Otyealling 30% 2.2.3 ce. 661 thates, spokes eae. eae || eS acy had pees een tae eee 432 to S. gave as much..... 638! > Secours endst a ee eee 601 ity. tO. De ci ter Ronee 26) Ss. that come note oa... 714 WHETLIO. 1900 ba ea eae 5731. so full of s. is fancy*.-.261 wilidtne. “Waltoe aces oe me 569|Share—a railway s........ Beas Well 5 24S or eee 63 CIVENGaNYeusscieico biol aan 2 Shakespeare’s—in Milton’s SSS ctOuS ee aero eee 25 OAi Oo petiaine tases ree 3.0) Me Willat) We Ass tke oie cieeee 300 GLID SWE seme eee: ee ae 639|Shark—like the s.||....... 282 S. magic could not..... 630) |e then nue Vie... 0 eee ee 459 Shallow-—as s. streams}... .643 |Sharpness—that stealsaway SPAM EUNGe Lit es ce pease 421 Cheliragse tens ae 521 Symi) MEInSell tt nates 528 |Sharps—and unpleasing s.*. 412 the s. murmur but..... 643 |Shatter-I would s.||...... 482 Shallows—bound in s. and*548;} s. the vase.:......... 567 Shame-—a deed of s.*...... 4G) 2S. tHe tase ees ese 625 all bounds Of cher 27: - 039 |PpyOu, HOA cers -tie ite 477 an awkward Shia S, Seree 373 |Shaving—have s. tooll.....505 and gentotis 6.10. ee 312|She—a lonesome s. 735 and Of SPAS at men rae 245| chaste and unexpressive All JONEIS: stmeeaae cheats 410 Mica Mia erty oe opel ce agit Me 444 and, sovers.6; tian. eee Bn CN NOt. did OOSSlole S.-i ae 441 blush for s. i areal Se 463| not impossible s....... 444 Che “ANG Sleds eee 261|_ s. for God in him**. ...461 dead topsig nen. eee 383 |Shears-s. and measure*. .527 died GES! Ses eer. eee Roy |) Sa Ot wAeStiny o.oo ne 185 érting sister's s-.... -. 481| the abhorred s.*¥...... 258 erring sister’s s.||...... 6SO| betheavital she oe ee 266 foul. 's;,"andescorn. .. ... 416|She-bear—preat s......... 534 Slory and thes. as. oi. 462 |Sheddeth-s. man’s blood. .510 honour and s.f........ 365|Sheds-the broken s.}....302 An their ie noses me ceieter-scct 312|Sheep—and kept s.*...... A475 TIME CASS. cy srs eke nde eae BOA 1 welGseu Sion s.r). geen 602 POcSuioeh Ther or ee ees AO9\ te tleece OC) sparen eee 573 NOt. DOr utOrsst ss. elute GF Ou rorncinipleuseasetee = oe 95 SoAWieTe ASG le Maes he i eeticed POL en y (se, ek are oe 639 our neighbours s....... O20 PaonestOtten Sie. eee 639 Plousghdebyesil . ae ees ZOde (ORS “SICK Gower, a mabe se 630 S. coimmeti atte. =. ee BOs LOtlety So be. cerca tree 639 Sshath a Dastaroa. ao ac MERON 8. LAS ee a oa 639 S.- hath spot tse. see 429] s. upon the righttT....540 SiAS 10ST ene hore 638 |gebhatl SOL Oats Tansey 580 S, thesdevilt aera ckoge¢ 302|Sheet—a wet s........... 63 2 SS tHE GeVitac eee MOT}, (Nill aes. Of LITE Aenea ee 472 Sithe devilsst. eine ise wheprlh Scofehe Myr alnstes Were cape Wo Soe 320 S With love wae a een ee 443 othat Sstavidard Ss... Js. 4 272 Start ats, 2 ae are eee 258|Sheil-Graham, S., Russell. 57 submit to servile s.....418|Shell—a lovely s.f........ 6390 the sense of oie al iD 639| a smooth-lipped s./...630 -=HS OUT Sr ANd. .f en .4 vo) eae de cose ya ee oe 420 SHIP PAGE Shell— Continued or a prettiersst. oe ee 528 sof Seine. 77s. 23¢@ slumbers in the s....... 6390 thine out-grown s. 598 Pee S. were with IY ae hin ee 18 as a ups ae 528 Ss. of pearly inte. o see 39 Shelter—seek a s......... 636 Shepe-s. he yaf......... 590 Shepherd—and one s......630 si blows histirait ee 732 sil take! thay *2 eee 47 s. tells his tale**...... 682 SWE L PUTONA serene eee 450 Shepherd’s—a s. care...... 601 if ss. wransie cee oe 639 in CVery S, GONLIEs. auae 444 S\ give earl ton bee 639 s. homely curds*¥...... 140 the Chaldean*s.|[- 2s. 673 thers: reed ss ee ee pe tO7.S log kinte 8a. =. nee puepaerdear —s. of England’ ly «Ree te 28 Sheridan—hurrah for S.. Bee in -moulding*Si. ) on ae 640 Shield—the broad s......, 204 an’ samples! «= eee 200 alLsaniple sce see 657 broken was her s....... 682 his ponderous s.*...... 187 my “warliice: she eee 241 safety from mys....... 193 with spear and s.§..... 21 Shift-bad s. is better... .242 times ‘do: 50.7. eee IIo we s. and bedeck...... 38 gees deviseth 8: Atyie segs Oi 6 O ce cte lata) ute wie te 2 Shike ub lt never read S.. 838 Shilling—a leaden s....... 608 Olt 2 Stal ce TA4 took a; S.-. cn tu eee rey Shine—all night long s. these ™ te oS) a7 ee 530 dare: not Sober 470 deceitful Soe ae eee 503 moon's meek s.....!.% 504 NOtito sin use. | eae 387 S780 Disk eae eh ee 286 Shines—age too s. out. 21 Shineth-s. as the gold. . 50 Ship—a painted s......... 641 away the good's......; 632 being’ in avs:) - oe ee 641 ever scuttled’si|/-- 42 50 ever’ scuttled 6.[..7). sae 466 his rapt se)... fee 627 leave a sinking s....... 183 scuttied’ s]/ (ete eee 148 Si) (AC SCA enc een eee 33 s. can weather the§$....668. s. has weathered...... Es Ss. is sooner rigged..... 204 S$) is. swiftilt/\eeme see eee 68 s.of state$ 72... nee 36 sf of State§$ Ws on.0 607 s. well laden. ..:..... 551 SHIPPING Y71 SHUFFLED PAGE PAGE ; PAGE Ship— Continued Shoots-s. at the mid-day Shout—Continued Bry with: G2. os oe 617 SUP HG, OM CPR EO SZ 26| s. that tore hell’s**..... 514 s. would not travel....535| s. them as............ 280|_ theinhumans.||........ 302 Shipping-fishes first to s. 59| s. higher much........ 26|Shouting—and the s....... 370, Ships—are our s.......... 1344 s. of everlastingness. ..380|Shovel-invent a s........ 359 as. s., that. drvides. a) 474|Shop—head into the s. P§s4k si cand: tongs... ia. 724 From ‘fir’de Scr. ee om 196 |Shopkeepers—nation of s...226|__s. makes Game off ek 107 dikes. that). 25 o.oo 4a.) P nation of:.s.82 002% 222.2 226|Show-a fleeting s......... 503 like siithey. Saat so ee 580] nation of s..... a. anes Gost a: terttbidrcs. 7a eae 420 outnumbered him in Shore—Afric’s burning s...534| ‘by outward s.......... 50 So ain Sape's shee ate Aen as P20) sand silent: $7 2 8) 167/ his simple s. Th TE BES 643 So are, WOarast.tes Jae O4tweand the sites). voce cen 566) im outward si*¥*ay Bele, 550 s. dim-discover’d....... Saris Nault ames s/o fe oh Ps 2 633| master of the s Tue Deen 301 S. “fraught with*s. 22. 523] folkson s. -6691+4 of -divinest 5.% 5 0201. ; 376 S. Dave. béen Je. aot O4a Mel sit on. ise ase i.. on 400" *fich without’ a's.4 nse. 203 s. I will descries: . .73% 641| must s. rd Seo AP 7 339| 1s» him. the door: ../.2.4! 22 s.-thatthave 77 e238 Toy Efmy nativecs:|| 22s ols. 264) eb the public's pbisoyewis pe s. that have gone down.233| night’s eternal s....... 562) /sto OUtWward see. so Se 43 s. that. pass§.......... A74> Yon: the’ sz) he eee 639|__ which passeth show*.. .50 s. upon the'sea..../... 475)" “oneton se? 7.8 bee 383 |Showe-gleame and glitter- S..were British. .2 406. 344| silent s. of memory]. ..478 ANG S UA Ta Se DRO ie stately Ss. go’ byf... 0. 633} some silent s.......... 172|Shower-a pleasant s...... o7 tall. a. fiehlys 2309705: 310| stops with the s.l|..... gaa) ia silver Sh). A dclageates 51 5 the -seain.si¢.5 i ecees% Bae the spicy: SHR. 567! of vernal Seccc eects 32 the stately, sif.-. 22... 406] their native ¢......... #5912 Show, Of:6"... was Wa ee 125 Shipwreck-society in s...489] trust to thes.......... 642] the ates So Tite Vn fee -450 who has suffered s.....642] waiting on the s....... 382 |Showers—a a SOG Siete 519 Shipwright-s. or the car- Woose TOCkw Ss." 8 702) 224) ‘bring fresh-s. a5 005 0. I : penter i: wiiecee aes 565 |Shoreless-s. watery wild.. 28] endins... Vga wa 384 Shire-knight of the s.....286/Shores—from dividable ashen (te ee ae +++ +530 Shires—of all s. in England. 471 SURI at ee oe 7 ee ssa ers: ae oe ae SS. 5 $79 Shirt-as well asas....... 410 ee s. to as! 2 et 633| S. io te : A gos Ah hisissolsrevse ois oa 72) wermndreamed sf... 2 S4re stha . a pak sauy sits yee re s. and a half in all*.... 58] what strange s.. .-35| _ sweet ee S.cbeenacanatat! eo son Nts backs, ote son Zo0 fe what strange, 's.5)......: Seeks ee Lem Sie. Pel Be, > their principles than s...204|Shorn—close s. sheep...... 602 eh sweet : A a P ee Wanting auger. 2 oe oee 200} “come home’si+.%...... Oxia it ea Se Cree Pam |B mee WEIL aST aera eer ys ae oe eyo)" tie Bisnis Yee, fos 602 mre’ paisa: eae in Withoutid Set on. eae oe 141 |Short—a s. saying........ IOI Bik Beat te she Shive—to steal a s.*...... es angels visits short..... 40 ake a ee Sade One = Shiver—a little s......... 33| cut the matter grrr: 413 i. gh elec ea we Shock—beneath the s.|].... 3. How long*ar’s.7* "Soo 428 eae ae e ace asin s FEB es = that s. must fallf Pres Sig Ade ML Ca tS 257 eeaie a tatera es aiste 545 aves Se ae aie Shoe-each man’s s....... 12 a vege settee eens a Siiscines aie tee her Very S75 > +2 en BOS OMe 1S'S. tele sei stecee ts 6 Bids ict dor Ae holding owt bisis:. -. 5: AOp ie Se and car between acta 40 ciety eT os s. him himself*........ Sur suas any dream™ 2. 4.77 4 59 age 74 arate bie eee the s. be too large..... T2 peo tOie app yn. e.tsel. 42 i : Be ieee : Ruste Wiintt Of (Al S08) ain cr etensaee Gosll - So's Sotsweet 2... 35..% 475 A ints anit renin | ee bade ge i. 6d eee ee ae eae ae nat Prema diaataes pip tttentsa! NATE GY OL 1A RSs we otey oral tiypyseae 9 SECOLWaASLC excrete. sont , hnemakert-a0 more ie when oe “+ Set 3 7 cf ee chat SIP at sh eallad Sh Jae. cities pete where he falls s........ By Pees 3 tharmithe S. wite..... 7 «. és Togas Sees thate ficwtee $331, then Wisi" .y. pa apa or 376| many a_bitter s.|...... 450 Shylock-character of S...397| tribute of as..........643|Signa—certa s, precurrent..s44 Sibyl—-contortions of the s.380/ ’t will cost as......... 431 |Signal-only a s. shown§. .474 contortions of the s.....398| waft as. fromf........ 423 |Sign-post-once the s.....388 Sibylle—David cum S..5 2953); “walt. ans.bies o.cbi as 679|Signs—believing old s.*...440 Sick—a s. man’s appetite*.491| wesmile ands......... 25] ascertain 6. \COme wees + +544 advice to the s......... 16)AWithout a-Sil.-t. gus. p 459), from -little. St ous. an 665 health to the s.f..:.... 568|Sigh’d—had s. to many|]...745| s. of the times........ 601 iS, eVer Sy. Se deaseree AAdiannO SOOner S. DUET aoa 443|.-S. in the zodiacy. ia. . TIX PEThaps Wes [Sskeeios-ita EPL. Ot. § Ceep ns jue mgt Sha 549 |Sigt-felde has s.......... 213 Say Jmis tune cise au SAS tes. aud lOGk.d. cues e sane 452|Silbern—sprechen ist s.....645 s. almost to dooms-day*543| s. and look’d.......... 643 |Silence—all s. an’ all glis- the ‘enterprise is: sstasc .552 bans. and looked spies tee lden 643 tenth. 39 ated: Face. 531 Sick-bed—s. I lauguish....176] s. to measureJ........ 90): ... toe. ace 632 ODL. S.* see hele eee pye| theses. and PearSinnki « 449| on n’ott que les........, 163 Oiabhis 'S) kaka aes 492 VIG IO Vers. Steer bears 564 a’ Test 1Ses. 0 iy ete te 644 s) of the. ablestanavigaq>. «]- Avon Dy isd... ones a 743 aS. deep ‘as -deathus 95 TOES. oe ee ae ae AS2 | GOT LG LOL ssa? es cue are THAN oS. “PIVES. CONSENE shee tae 643 s. of the heaviest...... 482|. your s. and prayers. 2.381) .-s. how dead.” 4 waueee 530 s. of the last reserve. ..482|Sight—admitted to the s...413} s. implying sound..... 163 take:s.*withius 42% %teer AOKI: sab, WUSE IS. TOV cre aes 443| s.implying sound...... 340 the farthesistee of mee EOYd suiteri an most sweetly s.c0 2m 413 depth -ofsse seta ee GAG Of thee Wissa08. aa 34 devil madeisl ee ee: PSou'Se a faery sOne vio: kt 251 dread of-s, was. 0.202... Ze cle) Savand( answer festa. te 120 ere's. threw'a blight.:.170| s: because Iti). tli. 4 579 Fallen CORS Pa ee eee g3nie Sv but fase wae siee fe 579 talie-intoms Se oir ae: 646| s. heavenly muse**... .303 faliseintor Sie oe ee 646) Se it to rest (yI42e5 Dee 87 falter not. for ss, si Sovits sornobiy tsa ocean. 564 folive Wnt" Sina ko te Bsols thatithéy (sm mien ee wy] for zall-the woos. Vasu 28o|| > that. never? s.522. 09 716 for*s: to grieve§s!. sc. . GaGieethees Tse eee ek 316 FREE). TODS rt ty so ona oe soSt’ to: s; and _answen. } 72. 204 have done with s...... S4zi = whens vows, J2e0. 161 he that is without s.....107|Singe-do s. yourself*....615 his; darlings... 45 720% 373 |Singer—anguish of the s...576 his: favorite sir ilo e. 393 clear sweet s.ff....... 570 is “without. Si... ok wee CUS VIE Se Ome set eae mete 579 know it: isial Shane anes 19 |Singers—sent his s.§:..... 579 DAW: FOES Goi tet he ae oe 590/Singing—beside me s......554 lose ithe Shins ee GAG)! teINS?Sweetrs.S. nero 238 rhan’s tebelliogs sl) 202179727 Ss. alonefo., eae 481 nye fal GO. SCE A 592| syatidawniss ri n0.8 522 not innocence but s....378| s. in the wilderness 727 nothing emboldens s. 30*480 : OL birds ieee oe te 394 HTOUTSELOk: Suge ee eahe te 3 7) sss startlen thet*®@ Baa. 412 ex Sarid ublotid ee ot 371 pathy Sweetest... Hales: 628 (ilotes thes * ses ee: ‘ak Single—if the s. man...... 559 plate.s. with gold*¥....., a Ske; hearted-in life were Pistersm withe.oh we. AeA OL Pk S901 Ite ee? 705 proceedsithe' sr Uk i 646 See ee of more value. ..518 quantum o’ the s......711|Sings—at heaven’s gate s. * 412 mse Pye ects. | ales 646 Dig dsiSo) . Siete ee ee Bae LTISe PD Asst e st cee argue ENE. MOUNLEds (Sus se hae 412 Seé, Su.in "state Rt no ace, 646) #< him; whoes.jt oe eee 597 s. and her shadow**....646| like an angel s.*....... 513 S..uas many. toolsi.,-% . Az yi montly ashe isthe oem 532 s. in loving virtue¥....686| s. her sorrows to...... 532 Satoordull totes setae oe 64.6) s 4b itshers se eee 412 SIS Serbo Selzet es anes . 548| village maiden s....... 581 teach? Sabet a hee. 370). your light, hers... ae 412 that is without s....... 645 |Singular—by being s...... 484 the damning sos. ss) 539|Sink—better to s.|)........ 182 the sos imputes Ont J... 261 @ not eross ito. s. Fhe woe 463 41S, IO SE a Cane ATO. Ot Ss OF Swit as 1a ae: 162 to sour’ biassid:. - see. LOOM Ss) Os. SWITT ewe tae ee 109 WiaShLOubrSeecnen rk. OF 2.9 CSi2 "OF Changed|a 59am 668 Sirens-s. sing sweetest....686| the blushing s......... 520) 4.8: 1s filledrwithign pee ee 540 son@uthe is. Sang iuied ad 4o07| ° the gloomy s........ _...652| Ss. resum’d her light... .269 Sires-graves/of yours... ..359| >-thy sullen Sicis,: aces, BoA la that eGitales aici 385 dand of any Grau enon a s6r| savatcher of theis.cke. +. 362) thes. ble Jsi\boc ae ee 521 landsof ariy-Siimasee Je 631 |\Skiffs—those trim” s:)..,.....758)|\+ the glorious tS.4),.ee 328 meveres Your Sie. seeks 37(|Skill-and different s.*....219| the morning s.**...... 500 Stately. s.ololdeake ee ARS) aibatb: TOUS) BS iam eae one 204) ..the morning si. ken 504 strong were our s....... 3081 < diligence andisin: acs 5% 3.92) Sthe-open.s\ aerated «aces 522 theinsréburhieuie.sie os Qo i tanis atimMOSstuSdaee yrs pecs 363 theirs: NObstscess tees 607 their: s: return as eka BOO texOt- Ol Ss att. erty ane 387| though the s. fall......401 Sir Loin—one fat s........ 03 1 | ees Cn PRS. atte pase cates thy native sill. oe ensoe Sister—brother and my s.*443| sharpens ours,........ DOR! LO: SN Se os a eae oareebemee ee 661 ‘brother to hisvsiwe eet wan Woe) in covetousnesst....1.) 20) » tread thessula sneer 507 her’ younger es! wo.) aes 581 s. was almost as great*. To7|), wide.andistarry S..s.ckinae 231 our sometime s.*...... Heo) some in ‘théines.* outs g.s 312| windows of thes....... 520 should be her s.f...... 387| strength and s.J...... 741 |Slack-s. their course**...541 Sidney sush}e oe sae ie 2%9| that matchless s....... 520 Slackness—s. breeds wormss507 s. the whole day...... . 632 |Skimble—skamble—deal of s. Slain—-field is s........... 80 ss.ot thes worms wee 462 stuff* . wae ce i005) mun battles: +:aen eens 103 s. the whole day...... 721|Skin—are but deep. ve eee tad 76| never do that’s s....... 193 s. when she prayst....612| beauty is but s. deep... 76|Slakes—his thirst he s..... 52 s. whom he lovedl|....555| butas. deep saying.... 76 Slander—and s., diet...... 421 Sister’s—an erring s. shamell481 COlOE OPIS Sia anh ie 64.910, TOW GIS Sch nen eee 647 erring s. shamel]....... 680{ Ethiopian change his s..525| s., meanest spawnt.....648 Ss, and-his cousins’.... <4 611] though WIS Gs py des oe 533] Ss the foulest whelp... .647 s. were virtuous....... yaa —stinctute OL, AySe... okay acts 79| s. whose whisper®...... 647 theas ® threets Jeiccnin 167|Skip—rostrum withas.....124| speak no s.f.......... 539 the sveirdescre se tate 735|Skirts—s. of happy chancef 30 spake no s. ies SREgt ee oe ee 7II to bothsthese s.%..s0.k« 118| s. of happy chancef.. Ol. Ssdtint-evyedts. . ancien are 647 with: ‘sisdear én. eae cee ARON s touch MNEeT S:.\.eiesb ads « 760|Slanderous—by s. tongues*647 Sit-here will we s.*...... RIsilts thi Seappoacwiw eee 484|Slanders—continual s. ee Ss ratheridemne: sas due 387|Skull—his‘ empty s....... 422] s. mark was ever*..... 7 they. s.; they doll =. sde)3. 386| sage and learned s...... 51/Slaughter-some honest s. see Sittings—ten daily 6. & ect S34) © sat, their feasts... 9% Sor borough Stora, see 323 Situation—an interesting s.505| s. of a lawyer*........ 646 |Slave—a s. oneself ........ 648 exchanse of svme cee BOT Vet OLIClG Si Sne oe eeke tees SOB Mba aSe CO, ae ae. See 648 Sixpence—has not s....... PSO a AS a Sanco Gan tees 647 lime arid tats on, oe ee 106 Sixteen-at os. the con- Skulls—dead*men’ss.*; 3.,.520T |) be no. Ss... ti, ee ee 649 sciencell +o Pa tet 137|Sky—a stormy s.......... 526| breathed by as........ 648 Sixth-the s. age*......... 20! 2 awsuminerss.. 4 tae « 486) crowned: his (sie ence 204 thee da y.iwids saoeaes 53'S about the silqesae. 1,093) eVermore a Si ieee as r4i SLAVERY PAGE Slave—Continued fora sal’. a ot ae ae 423 freedom to the s....... 204 habits of the s.f.%. 05 22% 409 habits of the s/f < 421 faall! Ss. anteeciys eee oe 649 AMAT A-Stl Picci ose ee 648 negro s. from Jamaica. .648 no more s. states...... 640 HOG HuaVO'aiSa week teh 648 not, passion/st sci tas « 556 on- earth atstie. ounun. 640 one (nan sists Sees. 648 Diay: thete site eee S77 priest-ridden s......... 131 sa menibéer/ ofr iv: 403 s.in thy dominions{....534 s. of my thoughts]]..... 565 5.08, thee tee secu 350 S.: Lor Tainelee ete. 560 Si tOAMG: SECEDE ST ores, 520 s. to one’s passions. ...556 Stood 6S. 28k. Pe ae 501 the NEMESHS oie se ee oe 648 this vellow s.F ht Ac4% 406 very s. of circumstancell383 will bevs, OF? 5.4 2tie8 495 millina shits. tetera 78 Slavery—chains and s. ..424 debased*by-sillp ees. & 463 gewrd’or make haste 'S) hicen:.as 341 976 SNOW SLUGGARD PAGE Sluggard—voice of the s. po wake tthe -sainsiens see Sluggard’s—for s. brow. 380 Slumber-—ages of monkish s. PAGE Smile— Continued one vast substantial s.. I31 from ‘pagan: $2. 2.,0...2% 600 I must s. again........ 387 in a senseless s..... Mis Ae 3 in dreamless s......... 632 not sent ‘forssioae ee Goo POTtS OLS tec ee el. 625 shallits (on ele, eee 477 to soothing s. seven... .165 Slumbering—a s. world. ...530 Slumbers—and ss. light... .263 deadithatis§*: s.. oe8 432 ere s. chain has >. 2.232% 478 obedient s. thatt...... 540 On ners: waite. os. 651 s. of the virtuous......651 Small—and no s.......... 330 devoured the s......... 271 from's, fites -S oie. oe 83 greatiand):S5 vais» aes 588 preat the ss peaeen es oe 503 grind exceeding s.§..... 615 int what 1S*s= csc 330 no préat, NOS Se. . 8 330 one so s.t tees epee 3 ee 539 reach tHe! Sine ei oes 330 they prindsaumese eee 615 things with so) 8 129 Smarts-this dog s........ 606 Smell—ancient and fishlike Src eee ee eee 651 Isnarrates.ce sect nto ere 651 of sweetest s.J........ srs of BE NS SORT RR 651 Sas Tats Veins eee 651 3 of “held and grove**. .520 s. of mortal change**. . .535 S.’so sweetie Pee 286 Si* SWOCU amie ei cteets ote hes Ceys s. the blood of *........ 226 s* the blood. 3 407. oF 226 the grateful s.**......, 541 Smelleth—s. the battle. ...370 Smells—s. to heaven...... 403 &, toiHeavenvurleh. 232 580 itis. to heaven*: 541.529 646 Smels-sweete s.al........ 276 Smile—a s. and tear||...... 463 ars? 1svever CAE 22 246 652 ANGLANS Nemes Fes 521 and. sweetlyis. 7%. 8285 317 Athlete Selle seem hee 652 brichtlyysicc Baie ee oe 263 calm thou mayst s..... 890 continue ‘te! sf. Pare. 534 frown ‘or. sill! pianew ee ae 260 Pave her acShiigel wey 86 het’s: and tears®* Axio 244 Tica ‘s.*. hi) See ee 76 in fortiune’s's:t fee eee 550 iit wayiol.s eee tee AI4 kindof sickly sis25- eek 222 one» may “Si. ite 376 makes iis /S,||-o taken ee AIS nought Of -S.s eee chee 35 one; mays. ae aes 49 one-"may si" .sc an. eae 651 AGE Smitten-s. by God’ Bekad 484 .652/Smoke-in s. and flame. . or “kind yus. aeee saree 478| like a downward s.f.. 336 reasons why wes....... 28| vclove 18) aS: tia eee 440 rosy edges of thy s.ff.. 36] s. ascends tof........, 404 seen. tars: bute spon cae 414| s.in cold weather...... 550 s. and whisper this....381] s. that so gracefully...144 sviin_ herceyest shea 652| s. that so gracefully... 563 s..in men’s faces*®;... 4. , 273 |Smooth-s., deceive*......, 273 SS in Parveen ok ebioy 575| 4 deceive, and cog*. . 363 Sino miOrewet. bees Beek 504| Ss. is the descent. ...... 49 scon heriipss dt. eee. see 652| s. runs the water*...., 643 s. so when one’s right||..411|_ s. the ice®............ 675 Ss) ethat. glowed thera ct 052 peupotiieat vases they are s. thatiwas child-like: Reese) e1s.. ec eee IQ! s, to those ase 603 Gerbothinisaatinnies earth’s s, s. we would aspire*. . 404 TOUD ys vicidiwweds aaa 76 sc with an intent @Aee. 6 51 |Smote-impetuous fury s.**105 thatanatertialles: sane S05 |coss the air farts) eee 206 thati $s: frill. aes nee 652 | nis. upon his” breacstasenen 372 the’ social 4S: cee ee 685 |Smyrna-in Ionia or S II we MCA TU Gy Mie eae Se 657| \-the custom of S34.) 9, II Wi these rete. aches 557 |Snaffle-s. of courtship... .471 Withowt-~ the? Soe eat dee 360|Snail—creeping like a s.*. 664 withort theives. ee 737|Snails—feet like s. did. ...161 Smiled—he s. and talk’d*. .285|Snake—a wounded s. ths e580 AT Wrohe pL ase nee. 4os|\-devise’ the #5... se. 2 es 280 Sne Sand Se, ste « 383|- scotched the s*. sia 0; 163 Shel ss “OTT ea tse he. Ae 7O:peks, in the grass ae eee 635 tillcwOman Si etls, dai See 27| « the” folded? si. Baers 635 Smiles—and wreathed s.**.414|Snakes—no s. to be met and wreathed s.**..... 488 Wythe crete ‘vag BES 63 betrayine =~ S.7 saber: 738\Snapper-up-s. of uncon- charmed it with s...... 535 siderable*...... .. .698 eterna lise D1si heer annie 286|Snare—-s. for sin..../. >.) 6590 étemal sins hee ae 643] ei to s=them: alleeee eee 275 fair but faithless s. .274|Smares-to secret s........ 208 hig, 6.7). itstaivist BRS eee x 352|Snatch-we must s.f...... 408 ity theirs: fae ee 684 |Sneer—devil in his s.|]..... 415 Old Oceans tees S4T i; erelite. aese meee ee 618 S| and roses Aa hee 380} with solemn s.l[....... 150 Silare solder tation 75510 swith solemme.s io. eepee 618 Sy ftom: .Treasonyt=+. 4061 652]: ..wither’d to asi s6 ae 652 Sf intsuchha ssoce tear. 651 Awyesterday's 45.56 eee Tir sien: yer facetauges anor. 420), -yesterday ¢ §. ig ae 5907 Sol: JOVaieeen vce eee 503 |Smeering—without s. teach s. of lovevadortiirn: 26. 463 the ‘restd.c ge acto veane 13 Ss. tears of allies 455|Sneers—s. with smiles||. ...647 Sowithiallil isi eee wea 27 |SflOb—is! aus... 9, osc eee ee 652 s. that haveino cruelty»: .20| swe call a-s............ 516 Ss. to-dayiin.sny .ta82..546|Snobbish—-stillbessyaeeee. 516 sneers’ with ssilisx J..!/. 647 |Snore-s. uvon the fluit*. ..650 tears) andus. Jc. \ okies: 741 |Snored-s. like a pig...... 551 the sritheteatew it aac fe 478 |Snores-s. out the*, | 025 thy s. hypocrisyl]...... 463 |Snorin’—but some neebor s. 351 welcome ever s.*...... 371 |Snow-architecture of the s.652 with thoughtless s.....123| arrives the s.§..... .652 Smiling—s. in her tears...501| cloud like s........... ..8 29 Swalwaiys)*witheree cet 301 lee crown) of yet aoe 570 s. through her tears....686| darkened landscape s.¥*125 Smith-I saw as.¥....... 527| deep s. and ice**¥...... 350 fet! the ss. es eee 614] descends the s.§....... 652 s. a mighty man§...... 90) ‘diadem jofe sdleae pen ae 507 s. stand with hishammer 090] filled with s........... 240 the paynefull s........ 90]: yhills “of si... a0. ee 405 Smithfield—went towards in December s.*....... 379 See ee ae ee ee ee 47% kindle fire with s.¥..... 453 Smiths-s. ranking round.. 90| king of S.* a... sg e 403 s. who before. 0s tia e 9°] meets h. in s. I ete. hehe 507 Smithy—village s. stands§. 90| moonshine an’ s.tt.. Bete fe 977 ; SNOW-FALL 7 PAG Snow— Continued or any s.[. eat. bs 178 BLES Of" SU Tek Eee A” ars Stect and .s. $4 47440. 90. 642: s. on the mountains... .126 s. shall be their....... 328 speck is seen on s...... 130 the untrodden s....... 620 whiter than the driven s.652 winter’s drizzled s.*. 19 Snow-fall-s. in the river. .575 Snow-flakes-s. fall thickest 22 Snows-eternal s. nd agape 507 harbinger of early s. 68 other s. than those. 732 SOL, DADeErL. stay eee. 466 s. of yester-year...... 756 the. drifting,+s:: as er de 506 Snowy-s. summits of our§. Snuff-the s. of younger SITIES. Sa Fs oe 19 LOGIT Si rina cies 285 WICK: OF 16:5. ta caalece ee: 320 Wide. OF S95 oe he ivid's cake 676 WARE ATtC. Sin ss auntie. ; 735 Snuff-box-fill his s....... 206 Gb amber scfo'5. ee Be 286 Snuffings—s. of the mid- Night: taperl|.4..<0: 67 So-F ‘told: youtsillgcu. 2. 16 Soap-smiles and s....... oa hats O07 Siveen deme cess 2 34 Soapboilers—heads like as. "870 Soar-—creep as well as s. 33 piterids~ tae FOF .50ls Se 1303 s. but never roam]... .413 to: Sinkswon sd Asean. kee een Ga WHEE Wier -Suther. ty Lect 373 Soars-shall he who s.....432 s. on highest wing..... 413 s..on highest wing..... 413 thé lack Seog teen asc > 413 Sob—a "s. a Stofme....6.. 505 the’ child Sirse nee 116 Sober—and s. thoughts. ..688 woeshto *DadishF sa ale re 208 be's:, be vigilant’. s<75 3. 186 for aS) fash ess toe ote 280 kindness to lead the s.. . 209 8. tn VOUT FdigGae te Js sr 203 tO” WGC! 20 AS haar Ae 208 when iS? truth: .kncauttes 539 Sobers-s. us againstt.....421 Sobriété—sage avec s. ..402 Sobriety—wisdom with s...492 Social-and s.‘ease....... 202 cursed be the s. mentsT 157 Society—happiness of s....324 at PROT Spe. ety ws ie cies 240 into! bieh “site ok. . is 702 OOK Sere te EN: Deb ahs OK I1l of, humans... +... -% 590 people inquire in s.....465 8S, in shipwreck... . + «+ 480 S.iS9 now onell;.. 2... e+ 99 s. which we alone...... 07 truths relating to s.....472} tig CATS. co): biste ted 469 Sociis—sine s. jucunda.....128 _ Socrate-et le grand S.... .315| 62 PAGE Socrates-charge S. with.. 55 yodges..ot 5S. e See cay 710 NOCLOL Oucea es ee Me 130 PIATGL ODS. reiges, Sach 407 Plato freportsyopor ens « 118 Said Sof oldisly reads: 510 SD: Called? ities? hashed... 75 S. in Xenophon’s hear- IHG a hl selene See: 20 S. is my friend but. ...130 De Said oe Mais Pk tes 141 Dn Sale tak Men ah aa 215 ©. said he: was not. .... 143 With) 9. fOr, DISS. oy/ai ss. IOs Socrati—S, objiciunt comic. Sodales—concinamus O S.. Pops aw Rte seen and 59 -359 oe) Me) 0.0 ae of whe 6) Sid hetis te 730 elspa ices S. flamed**. 102 Sofa—the s. round........ 683 Soft-s. answer turneth... 43 So as) VOUNG pee er a 790 S. dso tDemmtuisie ees: os 515 Soften—to s. rocks........ 513 Soft-heartedness-s. in times ET, eae Pay siege ay 45 Softness—for s. she*¥*...... 461 S$: turns towury..c. <5 740 that whisper:s.**...... 514 NOUfreet Shai a -ra¥. 5/5 one 204 my native s.. =i G37 s. out of whichtt. . bea eee 36 SE WHELe AEStis oy Sisy sence hs “203 slowhere firsts 0c 94 ete 754 thettattest. Sits... ass 722 Sojourning—s. in a strange IEW AG Dd ator Pas eas here nes 428 Sol—annotta il s. tramonta. .673 Solace—only s. was....... 255 Ss) ta the swaint enc... 68 s. your slight lapsell.... 16 Solar—the s. walkt....... 385 Pies paw alleen ‘othe mess ae 5 Sold—never to be s.f...... 19 WiL GUS. NOW 1S. Sikes aa ee Soldat—fut un s. heureux. Soldier—a successful s... 37 eSUCCESSIII LS aie sete hes ea, Bil Claerusites aaa au ee 653 brave s. who fights.... 88 British s. conquered.... 58 GOstG thes See ateaud wets 630 have beernva 's-42 ea. . 286 fl PNG SSIS ke Caltebeta nia 196 IO SAL ere hagas. sasyeve 17 not as. discharged..... 320 roused up the s||...... 418 Ss. a mere recreant*..... 653 See vake Wie Nnaeh ate hae Spc Sey: 653 s. arm’d with resolution744 S. tilotestange™,. ov mse 64 YE ey SY ee gee) Re 653 E SHOE CN adie cee usc a 653 s. without ambition. 32 the broken: Ss. eck ¢ sis 1653 ‘POW e ce Lenc toh ge wee ree Vee 653 Soldier’s—a s. sepulchre. . “. ambition the s. virtue*. 32 AS. PHOMS is 85. oc ue se 285 old s. sweetheart * 496 Solution-s. SOMN} PAGE Soldier’s—Continuea - $0 a Wan™ oe «eo ee -653 s. armed in their*...... 80 §. eye tongue™. is veda 390 s. pole is fallen*....... 85 s. pole is fallen*....... 255 s. which is ambitious*.475 THEN S cTUtVeR gree ce cents 740 the Solast tatoou. cert cas 653 thes: Life®: 2a... fens sas 652 WAL Si whe eee eee 654 Sole—s. of his foot* 1 or ES 487 Soleiman-S. the Magnifi- CETTE Re wa een eaacceee ee 535 Solemnities—high s.**.. a7 Solemnized—s. with pomp. 384 Soliciting—this supernatu- rio DRC Nereis ona Or ue tee 45 Solicitor—best-moving fair Sas et Oates eae 410 S, alter hearitig c...sse 486 Solidity—lasting s. or...... SAE Solitude—bliss of s.J...... 485 CASV 11 Seas. | hae es ae 752 in s. what happiness**, 27 MME As Suny ste en 563 MA KEST ASS aks eas 5 563 sacred shade and s..... 64 SH Oia MIS OWs Learn. vent fas 517 s. should teach usll. . 27 s. should teach usj|..... 240 solitude when we are Jeastialone||t stesso 28 the dismaying s....... 622 olathe (coh g Ace At ant, 5 CSRs 28 Solitudes-they are s...... 98 Solitudinum-s. factunt pa- cem adpellant........ 563 Solomon—kind of semi S...4090 ELSONS: Ole oO» ite 7II . in all his glory 437 Solon—-his biography of S..491 Minos e¢ S..... S. used to say of this long- controverted . © 2 we wee « 420 re or? . 37|\Somerset—James S. a negro648 Se Olbe we IS yee aot 565 Something—every s. being Dlenbet aed see cee 52 Nas | donewsicten.s) Jacke 646 s. attempted, s. done§. ..411 s. behind the throne... .404 s. far more deeply]... .521 S$. iS Of SCEMS| asec mee 479 S$) Said, S..dOnGe on. aatcenn 740 Siothat Ge TO tees tec ct eovcinrs 4890 s. stilliremains$......... 382 S. the, heart $c as sscsieee 346 So there’ wasss kino aenesoe S We BPC DOGocs ae aesics 937 where every s.¥.......- 536 With 6s. Co.cdOldaeectabes Alt Sometime—our s. sister*. ..722 Somewhat-s. which we NAMES eet aed LO s. which we name...... 707 Somneil—du s. des justes...651 Somni-sunt geminae { POTLAE . 6 ws oe rerene 1200 SOMNUS 978 SORROW PAGE ; PAGE . PAGE Somnus—quid est s........ 649 |\Song—Continued Sons—Continued Son-a booby s........... 352| ‘sings the s...... .. e522] Sts. Of Belial? Ppa, eae Athena’s wisest s.||..... 407| slipperandas.||........ 642|7 ts) of. heaven... er ae 747 bear aS...5 shoes es ‘/ frat 2sonie: Merry. St. ch. eee robe as. Of heaven ta seen TAT by: princes(2s4°-5 es. 352) ‘sand beauerse tie soo. 395] )>s. Of redsdny og) 2 ee 533 eldest «son’sisi%, 2. 0), 351] ‘s. charms the'sense**® /.'. 54|* ‘s.. of rustic toil. /7u7, 631 England's greatest s.t..724| s. gushed from§....... 5479|° the s. Obey diene. sya ee 667 father, s. and brother}*..469] s. makes great........ 577|_. whose merchants s. were470 first Begotten S.¥*...... £29) Ss. of : binds. <. ty fs. 370i. 519|Soon—marry too s......., 467 her . , 731|Soore-every worldly s....388 if his s. ask bread...... 281| s. on its mighty§...... 72|Sooth—an overcome s..... 10 wy far Soy ee ee 85| °s. picture: form........ §22|° 0 it.1ssilly6.*. See 71 nous: tof mine*®- theloud sift) 205 ate: 353 ©: of. Man's. oy. eee eee a53)| “the poet sisiren'. 2 2k 585 ©. 0£ Mat with! * 3202 6061. thy *s., lark Leet 412 S. of Man. hath. 2.2 SOL Mtruth sofa s:. a. ee 72 s. of the female*¥....... 636| wine, women ands.....735 s: shall shears We eee Sas wets Nis site) reas 412 tell not misery’s s...... §50| “women and $:02 0). te 730 the! dutecusis:) Jee: 242| wanted one immortal s. 71 thy sorrowing s........ 505 |Song-book—her s. making. 532 two-legged thing a s....460|Songs—book of s. and son- when the s. swore...... 621 METSE ne, Sits Sa ee 71 worthier s. thanl]...... 2731 CDOS ih. Gis [shies eres 7° Song—a carelesss.......... 280| our sweetest s.......... 575 aicareless*e:, 3.25) See $54 | strig Er SI sy eto ce 9 apfairy Ss * >. oe eee 251| s. and choral sympho- a -sorrowful s.......... 410 THESES A at Rete eee 39 all my s. shall be...... 376) . -s:-breathas"...% Store 514 an excellent s.*........ TEs -consecrateun. min aun 72 and Provencal s......; 4311 -s, have power§........ 72 attentive’ {6 the’s! > ae 573 |F-s:-ob sadness§. — onan. 579 centuries of s.§...... ..623| s. of the immortals§...564 civilsat hears.) oes 481r| tempered by s......... 7° each s. twice over§....654| your gambols, your s.*. .646 ends thers Tears eetnun Karle yout s. endure> . 2. ).,/e8 582 Tor heroic *s.** 25 eee 512|Sonne—up rose the s...... 674 glorious#s.-of old: 7... r21|Sonnet—scorn not the s.9.654 erand,.sweet! ss. 2 oe Siisois a wave of Ae = & 655 etand Wsweetus.2n tent: Zar, =s-\is-ar world: -.s5 sate 655 half s., half odor.......516}_ Wordsworth in s.......750 Gre Sad. Sit eee ketenes 685 |Sonnets—book of songs and lightnings of his s......402 SF Ns eee ee 41 low lone*stz ; 3. 32%. wis 632) e century Of 6..+..5 000.5 447 lowone ‘Seca tors 721| s. sure shall pleasell....642 make ‘aciirrsc eee 71 |Sonnetteer—starved hack- Many anidle s.f...... a2 MIEW Si chore isha teeteens 57 many turn outas....., 16/Sonnet-waves—on these s..655 melancholy out of a s.*.. 71/Sons—as her s........... .623 méte poctisee o.. aes 398| fourscore s. surviving. .704 more exquisite s.¥..... 4z| God's's. are'things.. 2... 9 my adventurous s.**...303| God’s s. are things.....747 old and antique s.*.... 7r| hada thousand s.*..... 200 ST bolts Se Ae eee 484|-had.T a dozen s.*>..--. . 560 power of7s) See ee 356 ne’er shall thes... .¥. 34 Pulpit; press iard sien $4 Slew Ot! ers Sic erate is. ee 519 Tha das eee) saree he Gsahornat: Heres; ee me ee 519 Self SHITIG "S.-i elie oe ie Bait ot Mer oS ats, ae a secrete 354 shall Be ’my si... sees +7) since born His si**27..% 462 Sigh tother s:.'/.)00. <5 532| s. and brothers*..... 605 Sophist—sage or s.||../.... 647 self-torturing s.|]...... 655 Sophisters-that of s...... 117 Sophistry—or s. in vaint...655 Sophonisba-O S......... 749 Sophronisba-S. a Christian VIT QE S35 Sere ee 425 Sorcery—with a pleasing sit oe ae 2090 Sordid-s. as active....... 123 Sorrow—a golden s.*...... I40 a. rooted. “sty, mes 301 all‘her si .:2h eee VE Ea anid < not. $e ees 507 and ‘sshunned 2 fee 508 and’ sstillest$- S95 ee 614 antidote ‘tos... 571 bread" ints:s ee ae 318 by s. of the heart...... 114 drops’ of 's.f-4, S5. aee 684 drown ails 22. ye ee 207 fail notAor ste, Fee 507 first *ereat sheer soe 185 fore-spent night of s, 164 give s. “words*. & ane 490 gnarling s. hath*.., 1.) 280 hatigis weet See Pa. OO he that loves s.........106 her: sister, Si. ae 643 » here I and‘S, sit®:..... 334 ins: steeprue aa eee 5905 in wooing otis pes 655 increaseth *c)255 Ges 378 joy and’ sf .\irs se eae 244 JOY: anid sisi. Van wee 346 keeps “realist yu 656 labor ‘and See 427 labor vandestt os. 2 se 427 load -of's.* ie eee 558 Idad /ob Sic... eee 501 melt “into ‘s.) 2) aes 304 ministers: Gf: S..... mene 457 nae s. there, Jean...... 374 no greater’ 5:90.27 656 one s. never comes*....489 path: of .s.. 7S. 3. ee 656 patience and s. strove*.244 pine with feare ands... 81 pound .of s.. ins es eee 488 regions of Ss 27 ..05 350 Tents s.r 100 ea egas 2 ie SORROW E 979 SOUL ; PAGE PAGE PAGE Sorrow—Continued Soudan—'ome in the S.....719 |Soul—Continued resembles s. only§..... 441 |Sought—never s. in....... 507|.) ‘his. pure x8." 77 ae 327 resembles s. only§..... 476| s. it with thimbles..... 535) otus..si- sincere?,.0i). ae 113 fscaped this:s.*.¢ue.). 656). s., they ‘thus afar... S262" his. ss was great.) .4e 354 showers of §:.:.<....-.. 106 |Soul—a dark s.¥*........ 724| his unbounded s....... 638 a0 Sd badesae ee 2h. OcORs anhery>s:. 6... 0. eee 23) SDS) VETY- (S.-W, ecto se 39 s, calls no time.’....... Waa ts feny Ste. ee, 23| human s, take wing|l...177 a, Gouted at iew. tt. 9). deol? & fiery jal, yer 508/ © have as... 07.0). 657 a, for the Mie l 0), se, Hid ts @ gteatss. ere os, 138| imaged in his s........ 360 s.~has ‘hardly leisure. . 254} "a noble s.c.00%... oo: S33.)e i: boay and Ii sie soe 440 s. her companion...... Syomrne sn that... ee, cee B00) FTE TY 1S. the keeeaeets 595 Si is-im, veins eee nee 655) as. that pity 25 385| in our immortal s.....484 s. is knowledgel]..... aS Po aetintT Sty <6, eee ee 526] in s. and aspectll...... 21 s. lend me words*..... 572} @ wretched s.*./...... 16| in’ whose rich’ s:.'0..;. 461 Sr AOR Tee On ee 758| affirmations of the s....253| in whose rich s....... 461 s. more beautiful...... G90) Mat -evil 6.8012 soe. B70) Odatoy his" Ss. OG NS. 334 s. never comes too...., 378| an immortal s......... 384) Is not the’s. toma... . 3 s. plough’d by shamel|..394| and one s............ OS etiss OLE) Suse cmt Ate 705 S. shows: usteene vee POL:|| SPANO ENC KUS Ed a; Sth ee Best Gulall thers Mare aes eeD. 348 s. to the grave..:....’. 18| and virtuous s......... 713} 1 det the sivbe et. 2a). 209 s. touch’d by thee..... a> Se sbetallt ais thts. oo te 401) wittletsicletsas try. 28. 657 sphere, ofrour si. 5.°%. 6r).- bids: his 4ree «s:t.). 72. 657| ‘lose his own Stine os. 656 Soitacet. a,8*,; To ey Ait? Blind: hig -sf./h2. SAA. 506| make the s. dancef....515 tales of s. done........ Gash “body. and’s.2 6.5 5) ee 343| measured by my s.....486 thevartist ss... 8e0.2.", 447| body ands. like....... 408| medicine for the s... 95 theres nosis Foe 63 | © books .on thes: 0. 752% OF OUNerCy OM My IS. eee or 695 thises:Bow*: 2005052055 6ss| books on the’s.........; 657| 4 mighty 's, “was se. icf). 466 than climbing s.*...... 655| breaks on the s....... 424 ;tnine owt ype vas. 384 to. Tnake-s: sinke |. 2 414| breathes in our s.t..... 314) .- mirror. of (thes...) 20. 487 {Oil and: ¢: ireés he.) STS) Pail tye Sfera ards ote 575| most NE oes VEL ee. 754 water this See ot 2 684) but the s.-no<.2. 31 7s: 256| most offending s. rach 33 where s. 76 held i5. FOO sucalk tomtae sh, aes. 6 soe 347]. motion of the sjJ...... 62 wherever s. is¥®......., AOOLe Calleto! the suarsss . sno 688| mouse of any e at ee 510 why shoulds:., 22. 263 captain of my si... 7/2. zo0) Many. flying) s.1.. gaan. 591 with s. strewing...... 475] captain of my s...2. 0. 502 pm dy, OWL Stave rats eater 619 with s, to the grave.‘ .335| catch my s.¥..0..50.% 445| my. prophetic s.¥...... 611 WritegSi Of 14h te Sa” 502| cement of thes........ 297| my plunging s. ist....456 would banish s........ 2o7 | “city of thers 52274, 2 Gra Vey. Sst. ac ae ee 169 Sorrowe-thy s. isin vaine.442| cordial tothes......... O23 lbeany. Ss... arm. =e eee 493 Shis te ovaines s,s W. Seat © create (aS /et yee ee Sse any. S,, to-day .eetee 628 Sorrowing-rejoicing s.§..411r| current of the s........ $78) omy. s. to. taken ie? 588 Sorrow’s-—but s. spy..... 378| current of thes........ 408; my unconquerable s...290 disease somrss. 22. hese ts 63. -current- of ‘the Ss). i> .). 585| mever dying s......... 120 fells. tooth®) 2.2... 370| deep in mys.......... 707| | never-dying si... 2Nj6h 657 for), tratisient 733 2|\ 7 4rom sy ctors. 2:05.) 24 679} our soon-chok’d s.....752 tell all: thy s -suller. 64 Acie 656 spoken of the s.§...... 432) Phish) s.edikeTh. asc! ip 690 stitting inshisis. 44. as2. HST) Rid Suss WwinGes saa se wee Til strong is these ah ae SAG wiles. CAN weepow ermine 505 strong 1s) theishsau see. 4o8i le tnaimimonta lies: seas 513 such tumults of s....... 415| in godly s. egies sweet and virtuous s...139| ~ jewel of their s.¥....... 613 Swell ‘theres. iwiges. ] ate sive pleads allvc 2 jee te 550 temper of hiss......... 323|)s My SS) ford Oe. als Oe ate 725 that wondrous S/eneru 541 Of petty; Sik eels € 280 the high sie Be. tes Sees 260) “of-thinking, St. hessene sot 440 Mthe human sisi. Sauce 24 4's our Ss. as. ireellitecn oa. «es 628 SOUND PAGE Souls—Continued Gur Ss: Sit Clesex nei... 660 poor s. they perish’d*..641 Sensevanld (Sch eee 378 so s. in heaven se liye vs 346 Ss. are ripened i rb eine ih 463 S. are sway, dosnun eae 340 s.)dark ‘cobttagescte: sme 23 s. dark cottage muceee 23 s. have sight of f.... .... 381 s,°in “armsiicp pe ae 135 Soa aris + ape ee 718 si imaderot Wate nema en 616 S,0f ,emiperors, can stan 330 S..00f poetsii: so xs, ame a s. sincere desire........ s. that cringe and ‘plot? = s. that wander by*..... 548 s. subterranean depth. .657 Si that were =a eee 480 Ss. bee eee CRs ecntind: 581 Si fll 5 eh ee ee 540 Ss. ae SP Cail S 5, Amh ene ee 650 SecbOU SS Cat tina ten cee ania 690 Ss wé loved]. .hue eee 308 Such Ss whOSeman wee ane 435 such ‘so 5720 5 eu eee ee 614 thes) in 6x oes eee 48 the’ s/wellovedt: 405. 86 the starnestus ae beeen 665 their odorous s......... 567 thus Sins eae eee 593 torture s. feel... 4 .n dee 349 try i mer) Sis yess ee 602 try the s. strength..... 433 two PIEclous#s.i. ey. ees 512 two sand. owe ees 705 ti OS. SalaSh eee eee 62 twWOiS) dN ‘(ONE ohana Os two-s. with. Ditton seer O05 virtuous s. for lifell..... 471 we are s. bereaved..... 24 while® thee si ieee 548 whole s. tasking}Tt. ... we 348 Soul-sides—boasts two s...446 Sound—a doleful s.:...... 497 ail theis. tates aces 346 and: persuasive s....... 513 asians ee mee 450 blows-Of St. 7- sue ane 645 bat 4ittless. fulPvote* hes aeaie Te, 57 s. thought’s canal..... 658): - gird’ trea; ** Mee, ee. 63| gentle s. say.......00.. 176 S. was Biven.....c2%.) OFo|(san Ofle SRS aitae sees 619| gentle voice my s. can s. was made to........ 65o0. ainited. ‘wetSerid& “slsiue 272 ‘s. in human affairs..... TA YamitedsiwernSiik neawald te 703 Stabs— s. you for a jest. ..210|Standard-—s. for the measure418 Stael-imported by Madame sauiiice thie. oie. win Pecks 88 de 8.54.0 Ses 2eb ere 6178] 2-ss ofshisvowi.) dems wien S71 Staff—bending s.......... 253| unfurled her s....:.... 272 eockle hat and s.2508 205 |Standers—being slippery s.*364 s. be used by them... .385|Standing—s. of his body*..541 s. is quickly found*. ...621/|Standing-jokes—are s...... 603 S).0L hte cy eras dete 281 |Stands—near death he s....404 sta yaand Hthershay cai. oe 25% | fowheniitt Sr. ty one aioe 387 staysand whe seis ee 420|Stanley—Peel, S.,Graham.. 57 Staffe—s. of life.......... 281| Sir Herbert S. is praise. 586 Staffordshire—S. was if not Stanza—pensas.t......... 578 the ‘soonestea. 120.26 471 |Star—a fall’ng s.¥*........ 253 Stag—poor sequester‘d s.*.374| as. danced*.......... 487 Stage—a s. where *........ 664] an unobserved s....... 499 to worthier Ss... chaps een 665) »and-evening’s, .. . sca. tr 178 apree On thes. << studs 665)|"s and every issac seme ac 272 assert the is.]; tineu asco AOO'\CvAS -ONEIS2: Agiae cg ates aise 346 bitt-as ia. Ss, oie ae: 664} as the northern s.*..... 138 earth. alasicn Wats oe ab ack 664] sas we name a Ss.96 eevee 316 dife's little 7S; stent ate. 665'|\ bitiecs:xoni saps so setae iene 278 uke“ ‘sind atos ee seth 664] bright particular s.*.... 61 on ‘thes. 4S tener. tien 552| bright particular s.*....441 on the s. he was........ 303)|\ Caught acse tyres pees Shh as 633 played upon as.*...... 702. Gharee Of 4 S., oe cee 666 poor degraded s....... 665'|hs fatrwas:iass J. eee cw eter 28 rear’ d the s:235 Gach cle 638 |) ssindineo-ofsarstTe o.distee 63 the-s.a wotldes ao ties 665| grapples with his evil s.* 39 this globe thes......... 431 \ his iow 6.0.8, .0b ace ete 363 trOd. the ’s touts wee 200 wihiSOW DL 1S wie Wrkerkio agate 363 veteran on thes... ie.) 22 ohovers like-a: Bille. sein 432 well-trod -s.¥* 4G it h-<$9'T1 1p LeWaten ARE. 6, tank wine 666 SeOTld SuanSo" apes ae ee 664) Alekce as, aes Bevesee 484 world’s 2-830 3a 664] like the morning s...... 117 world’s 2 Gh me. aretha able ase 665} most auspicious s.*....548 world’s: S:#eic wcblaceni oe 665 | eestei eae 728 s. or two beside ....... 409 s. quenched on high§... 30 s; that roset= Seegee see 673 s. to every wandering*. 453 S: tO ‘S.-vibrates#.= cae 666 the) fiery) s.182) #23 Ae 437 the: moist ‘See 543 the: polare st: #i¢nieeeeaen 621 the western s.......... 666 twinkling of aise oe 106 twinkling ot ase oe 653 twinkle.ofrassiith, an ae 433 with: a-single si, autre 520 Star-chamber-—a s. matter*570 Stare—make him € eee Ao 560 stony. /Britishisjioaeee 287 Starers—of stupid s....... 131 Staring—the s. owl*....... 553 Starlight—or glittering s.**530 s; on he ‘treadsi.8 223) 367 the’ frosty. ‘Sree 621 Starre—to touche as.......121 Starres—s. bright centinels. 666 shooting s. attend...... 247 Starry—her s. shadel|...... son her's. train}*(2—...@ ene 510 his vs): "trainee. ae eee 513 thes’ cope** ene ee isp the: 6. copest 14 eee 665 the. s.vGaliled|| =e tae 450 the s:chost®?:s, eee 234 the. so host** 3. ae 271 Withrs. dOMeieiOm eae 537 with,s. Galileo. 4. ee 570 Stars—a thousand s....... 78 all the sve ee ee 271 aloft like 543 SKICS eco Te eee 3 support of the s. govern- whispers from the s.....559 mifents.%. Speedie toe .182 who build aeneet> the s. 33| the fair s.*............ 390 whom gentler s....<..»470| the middle s......... 492 STEAL State— Continued throne of royal s.¥*.. under secretary of s. vanishes sours). ts a mighty s. decreest.. pate cast and oe free ‘and independent s. WG: free thé (S.J. ee Ne oa 704 goodly s. and kingdoms.362 LiL GS (ttl DOL ya ee 584 indestructible -s..... <1. 704 mighty s. decreesf.. 230 mighty s. decreest.. Aimee Nai moresslave:s.<. «ice 640° on s. dissevered....... 7O4 queens’ and s:*.. 2.245. 647 smallest s. thrive....... 704 S. aS great engines..... 667 Su.can" bersavede., ants. 78 s. were formedt{....... 667 thinn-d.issof halfss.ce 23 UIDION OLS. Se eee oe 703 Statesman-—a ginooine s. showld}i2t- ses eee 583 s. yet friend totss.22- 568 too; Nice for-a*s....-% tO? Statesman’s-the s. game. .718 thes. scheme?........2:<.3 282 the s. schemef........ 14 Statesmen—adored by lit- GETS AP iny ee ate, eee 138 s. at her councilf. .5... 540 where. village s......... 388 where village s......... 527 Station—a private s....... I40 Ai private Suachive ee .140 a. private Sicn Asta se 494 Al PILVaten cia aan ee -404 separate and equal s....#®4 some superior s........ 65 Stations—for their s....... 619 Statists—as our s. do*..... 55 Statue—embraced the cold s.418 more the s. grows..... 63% s..that breathes, Ga58 ae 708 s. that enchants sy.j.0. .632 there the s. stood].....528 Statues—s. of Polycletus...720 s. thick as'treest. o.5.... 302 Statuendum-—s. est semel. .354 Stature-cubit | to his s. .688 erectehisisit* s2 siseecs 459 METS teall bales saa etie 667 s. undepressed in size]... 22 tO fis Ss ONG. sarc ee 688 Statute—a s. higher..... HeA16 ere hitman siFoG.es) oe ~51t rigour of the Pe AIOE 9 417 Stay—ask not to s. Maes 28 s. and the staffe. +.281 3..and the staffs. ..¢)4.. 720 Stays-have many s.......547 Steal-can s. one.........574 did: $2. wayne ounases er tey) silently s. away§......106 silently s. away§......236 s. a few hours from... a53 1 Ss. a province SSA Ty s. away your hearts*...551 STEALING PAGE ner ontinued Art LOU ar neecyeee Mean ts 234 Ss. gon the worldt.. Sane 540 s. from the writings. ...573 s. something every dayt 21 suite bersucer test. aek 574 S) eT Yw ctl BIAGLeT nora: 574 tousharshivetsns Sr.6.c08) 483 A Se Pie diabetes « abe ea 234 when judges s.*....... 390 Stealing—s. will continue s.142 Steals—s) maichs ats eee 568 siomy spamrsetl snot tune 613 s. our years away...... 477 * Stealth—do good by St . ey +373 Steam—unconquer’ aas: .600 Steamship-in the s.f...... 727 Steed—as. a'siff)') Goes 542 On Mmy.......215 from thee thy s.¥*...... 475 PAGE Stomach— Continued gratifying the s..... Po gratifying the s........ 215 mutinied against the s..705 ot rather ‘sito do.deeeee 86 Sand nowoods. 4.406 . +200 S. 1S NOt) good. -ola. sian 207 S, is not good) ia.24 aes 215 s. of the judicious...... 07 Stomached—high s. are they both*s27 2 ee: ae 4I Stomach’s-s. solid stroke. .190 Stone—a mossy s.f]....... 28 a, Tich Sie: Anu Ai being broughtas....... Ir beneath the peat Sas ghia, sites eee aa ee 426 Carrying AY seo eee 281 cast A Sree eee sree ends 107 conscious s. to beauty.. 54 down to s. | Wars baruepl a oe ys 482 ive Him Siw eb ee 281 hardeéstis, thates.0n pa 517 heels. a S*# ook ee ae his heels!a:siitarh pewel 326 intestine, s. and ulcer**.104 like+a) s) wallt, Hee ie 570 not ans. Sie Re eee 540 precious s. set in¥...... 223 taised not ancsacpepe 320 roll’ the’ S.4/5 eee ae. 3690 rolling §.4S ever... oes 607 S) made *readyren. ae: 53 s shall be rolled’... .. &. 360 s. unhewn and cold... .631 s.. walls ‘do Not? 22 sai. 505 the ‘firstisi.% Veit 645 the vhardéest isaaa. ene 567 thPGiw sa ise eco eee 615 underneath this s...... 230 without) Auiseeciarae es 503 Stones-grace that lies in herbs, plants, s.*. una herbs, plants, Bi tee 237 inestimable SS Gane 201 Sermons 11 Usseee see 14 sermonsint? S4aro Goa 510 s. of so. great price... .. 308 S$). Of worth | 7 tetra reps 308 theses. arise! wna aneeee 63 trees, s. and.floods*. ears Stonewall-S. Jackson! tate 570 Stood-—sufficient to have SORA DS oP el ea Ata ens 202 Stool-s. to tumble over. ..737 Stooles—betweene two S...354 1|Stoop—when we s......... 373 Stoops-s. to conquer.....448 Stop—plain arvs.*2 Silom 627 what s. she please*....556 Stopt-mouths are s. with Ust.... ei oae see 24 Store-in Paradise our s. 86 inctease His 6) shee ee I44 my heart ca lute are all the sonia), tyts Sere I spread her $.**.., soln. 510 ‘the unguarded s.f..... 348 Stores—your tributary s...348 Storehouse-s, of her joys.452 STORIES 987 STRIFE PAGE PAG PAGE Stories—as great lords s,..682|Strain—Continued Stream— Continued Wanye vehigh’. 2...) drt. 30 that s..again*......... S13) Se with Sand 9.6 omer 453 manyus, high). ... gor 343.9 the simplest.sicuc 3.5 680 asthe Sbashfuls,) Sa ime 730 memorandum of old s.'|. 16|Strain’d-s. from that fair the flowing s:. 64.54. ls 200 s. of the death*........ 681 tSET RS CE Cetin TLlmthe slender shit tts wb 22 386 three .s.. highs i ee 682|Strains—melodious s...... nets .apon thes oF ase) adie 491 Stork-s. as their king....439| soul-animating s.{/... ae when’ the, s.94 cc. ss 478 Storm—a sob, as........-. 505 |Strait-in suchas......... Will ite Ss Skates eae 408 and s. and darkness||...668] s. is the gate.......... 8 Streamlet-this s. fears{]..621 and when the s. of war.. 34|Straits-with echoing s. 28 |Streamlets—the braided s.4f.311 directs, the *suiv's. «4. 406 |Strand—a foreign s........ 561 Streams—as shallow s.t...286 directs the $.)52.5 0" 466| Maypole in the S.......700] as shallow s.f......... 643 dreadful as the s....... 58|) thy waeged's. 52 chit 56%) gliding. pale s.¥. 9.3 9, 500 drives the Sti 7.82. 371|_ walk’d along the s.....341| large s, from little..... I16 fear moss ee ee oe 46|Strange-is wondrous s.f..571| large s. from......... 552 Pale LOL See gis tare fill | aavagnehbales Key Chay icin mana 7O2), slike} smalliase. 9 iis. i a0. 232 he mounts the s.f..... G80 WaetiCh and Sere Weer 57): PEL | dike: cmallesessd 4 ats op 605 height of the s......... 41s) > s.. thoughts: 0. sti. wat of murmuring s.**,...620 in greatest S.........-- 4aool msomething 8. $i. atiie - 11r| ss. of foreign gore*..... 560 leayes thé! S.009%..)-1) . 2507)" 'S. the world about-mevise7) =.8, that evert.. soils 277 nor heed the s...-...... 384| ‘twass., twas passing s.*744| s. that keep{t........ 621 GRIEG YS SS tines ose hs te 466] truth is always si). J... 702|Strebt-so lang er s....... 231 preach to thes......... 550|Stranger—as a s. give*....571|Street-through the s...,.123 privacy of s:/ 0.0.2 5'n5 6$a| by Jove 'theis.t ui. 6.0. 572|Streets-the Roman s.*....543 TOarsr the Sifacot.s fee eo}, every s. finds. 2.5 su: 360|Strength—a giant’s s.*....308 Stood the. 8... 6.8 2 2% 233| Ss. at my fireside§...... 662)- Dy reason, of s:.iek | Su 427 S, alters. .Tiseése 0.) Pea. qs) tis, 10. Strange land: <2 ..006)-“eup of s.. Avia. wae ee: 20 s. it cannot ealm...... 499|_ 8. out of door.....,.... 723| giant’s unchained s....425 Se may (Carey. shia oh eis 371 |Strangers—by s. honoured}. ne if -S>, likeraniner tis. a 349 = -that’s spent. wei. s. - 323| may be better s.*..... 1O4 his, theipiecl. Win ot bees 756 Pthis pitiless 8... oes B37) eS. SPAGGs aa a - it sleet 500 \eGt s-, 1S) lett ay enews 706 this pitiless 's* 0.252 2: es7 11a. meeting ath sr. 3 sre. 434| reals. and stamina.... 25 Ander Enel Seva sas eels 369| to entertain s......... ZOleeretuge: and iss ttee a At 312 Apo: these, ots ee eos 316|Strangury—produce a s...438| s. and rage could....... 559 war, Ss. or woman’s Stratagem-s. of war..... “GON eS. ANG SkiiT aaa ee: Ae 741 TARO see scetecek oie BEN oe WithOUt A.B. oiierts Sanat 683| s. by limping sway*...671 Storms= cod, Of0s. eo as 273 \Stratagems-oft are s.{... 60] s., comeliness of shape**, 456 od Cink “Sent. we Petits 669| s. which errorst...... 1362 S. enough to) beani.2a- ae 490 fiiokth. axe 'S. Pies. oe 375|_ treasons, s. and spoils..415] ss. is felt fromt........ 368 sought the s........... 568 Stratford-atte-bowe-scole s. is in your union§....704 s. in life’s whole. ..:..>. 106 OEM OME STO MES ce ee 2081575. (OL allt. cea eee 705 eof tateatonecrs fees 255|Straw—a pigmy’s s.*..... Bom ess- Of ten |, ae bee ee 604 SOE Mitel Meare (one atthe sete 6o8\_tstrongest oaths are’siis.556)\ 9s. then bussee) cn oe 427 @. prepare. tons. yee 6671 Camera teins. eA sct 720| Ss. wears’ away. :.....% 556 sudden s. are short*. 227| tickled withas.[...... LIV iMethy Ss, is smalls. comiee 14 terrible as s.*......... 539|Strawberry-—s. grows under- towet, Of Site eee owe 24 untimely s. make* eS 544 neathtice Sd eG eee oo] what is s. without**. . 483 Story—a woman’s s.*..... 337| Ss. grows paren * .525|Stretch—he who does nots.. 12 Fis Mey Oa Aras SEN ps a aS 682\Strawe-stombles at a s...121|_ s. the sides of the world*, 31 my s. being aone™ ss... 744|Straws-oaths are s.¥..... AOOLES UG. tire aes . Pee 80 place i’ the story*...... Assia eat weak, S.0 25" Gee. 2 83 |Stretch’d-—still s. out...... 21 s., God bless you. ..../.: 682|Stray—learned to s....... 25iioes. His father onllé ois fia 74 s. in every breeze...... 247| never learn’d ‘to...... 494|Strew-s. on her roses... .329 SUM OR ba ES wae eae ales 681|Streak—thin red line s..... 74|Strewings—give her s.....326 s. is told of yourself... .413 |Streakings-s. of the morn- Stricken—a s. deer is. sch 374 eS tot her pinkie. cea oss 498 TUE E. 8 RS. i 272i; es, ideet wot .anti Nomen 74 S Of Towitere. t. s -ss ss 681|Streaks—envious s. do*...500|Strict-are extremely s.||..470 s. will never go down. ..682|Stream—a sacred s........ 432|Strife-a foolish s......... 522 Ss. withont.ends>. 2)... Feoh T by naunted sel Le G7 7 beet, SLOT), Ac Sis'o4 eas ee 505 tellga leet sath cee Pea esi, vill uStap Ages terse. ae « B20 lea alarms: Of \SJcastin doer ; 605 that’s another s....... GSs et Gown. tis Sash sae oes 692| an everlasting s.......449 the golden 6.47). 76s, 34 Osn we inake, £09. isso. wal. 620| and continual s.*...... 468 the upper 2.1 1-05 324 345| shy yet unreluctant s...729| artificial s. lives¥...... 553 thycs Swe aee se oe 681 still glides the s. a | enue 30| crowd’s ignoble s....... 25 woman’s bright s...... ics ER Sin. ASPRTINIINS eats ses ater 620| crowd’s ignoble s...... 404 Storydressers—our ay,do.. 673) yee hath) Seen wstet wis ete 94| elements to sill. . soos 641 Stout-who’s s. and bold..222| s. of rich**.........0. 567| hero in the s.§........ 354 Strain-s. at a gnat....... awe S. Of teats. ...~. 5. os Mons oh sake Of 8... vie am eels 68 s. your wine and....... Sachtts.. OF ime C22 bl aes signal-sound of s.||..... 13 sweetness of the s...... 576| s. which overflowed]. “885 the. Sterey sive lasisce vs 682 STRIKE 988 PAGE Strife—Continued Struggle—Continued to. public site. aoe a57 | 2manhood) a sitekerae 32 tongue fof ss. eee eee 620] Vone Ss. Mnore| -Senyiys, 4 on void OLnS..:5 aceon U2. 0843). S.-for existence, 12.9.8 239 War is NO Sit een a ae 468) &s, for‘ room and. 5.2 T3ee 239 where there is s....... 463'|\\ 7 tos. to°. aight presser ee 714 Worthemy rset. eee eee 522\Strung—breaks if it be al- Strike—afraid to s.t...... 13 Wave «Sie nee aes 53 clock=does’ sv.2te. ome 472 weasi swith his, naire wee ek 571 s. but hear me........ $2731) 2to0o - tenselyouses sa ee oe 53 S: forsyour altars: ee 359|Stubble—built on s.**....250 s* louder “sak eet. 479| s. before the wind.....724 s. whilst the iron is. 547|Stubble-land-s. at harvest- wplifted: to sic 7% 2.0 393 home*. . Ses Striking-s. the hour§....409 Stubborn-s. in their way. - 541 Strikes—s. and Sel 6% it. 504| “s. temper-of man..7... 541 String—in a hempen s.....488] to s. spirits*.......... 539 Sy attuned “tow fee ee 575|Studies-enter our s...... 07 the! mavices. we ie “16| - of. delightful s.**...... 7OI the “silkenwsi nhs ferent 493 |Studiorum—totidem s. millias44 tintine «bhatus tee alee 552/Study—his s. is his*...... 628 Strings—bow which hath labour and intent s.**. .380 tWOU SO steers 287 WMOTEe™ WES: shake aes 408 many s, to your?...2. 287| much s. is‘a weariness... 095 on .slefider saute. ast ee ead Mansy ANG. Suet ee ee 404 stars and..8.27 Jiu 0. 2935 | some | brown S/, Jot ee 670 Ss. touny. DOW. en ee ee 257 tsi. is KEY tor a eee 421 switched. Sire ase Gig | EaSe MOL Pinay: 2 (Hee eecanene 462 the ennobling s....... 470\\ s. of¢mankind ist o> sin 407 two s. to my bow..... 287 | os, of mankind ist .2). 28 462 Stripes-stars and s, .437| Ss. which in truth was. ..462 Stripling’s—o’er the s. ‘heart. +6) Rethe weallis\ tiie. wae 462 Strive-s. mightily*....... 215|Study’s—s. er like recom- Stroke-one fell s. might||. . 406 pense use ice eae: 660 yet ‘another Si; 0.206. 642|Stuff—made of sterner s.*. 31 Strokes—many s. overinren ons other: men:s Sink eee: 574 thosethappysse-witia es 512| skimble skamble s.*...608 Stroll-s. upon the iors -433 Strolling—the s. tribe. Pao) Strong—against the s. .750 against, the Giese 410 Against tue Ss. .t at. eee 410 and ee Sie here. 581 as Ss. or-weak] \.7iee". 557 CAUSE IS 4. oleae ee 39 Sucks-the bee s.*........ 277 Sudden-never anything so SF Awe ee ea eee eke 443 s. be begins to rise... .. 228 —o SUE 989 PAGE Sue—not cringing to s.....745 Suetonius—according to Ke -536 Suffer—all who s.......... 402 Aiba WHO 1S. . soos Te ae 602 arm dA to. s* Jenene 558 better oneis.. swig se 518 breathes must s........ 890 dare, dovand S.o5 sae 280 highest Se MOSts oi. saee 576 seeing others s......... 480 6. and be strong$ so. 669 S. imosileneenin wees.c eek 656 SO Syallialikes . 1. apes 544 so s. and be strong$.. rs SO. SEEWIOCS. nak sahiean 200 Sufferance—mind much s.*480 TCHS REO GE ts step ae ts 485 Suffer’d—being s. rivers can- NOx racers He Ua 83 Eg have js. Piaics awk oes 641 Sufferer—was a s......... 119 Sufferers—feeble s. groanl|. 46 round the s. temples]. .252 round the s. templef..741 Suffering—child of s....... 674 trom” tO yiS eae, Se 2 149 IeANt? dfs Se. RSA. ee 578 no strangers; to -S.j..)2% 679 Sufferings—a brother’s s...6790 DYPHGUuisS: £5. be es 576 their is... STOW... che ad 578 €ach nis Sins... & Ake. 679 s. which have no...... 644 WODSE SS ANUSE* = eat 349 | Suffers-who alone s.*....485 Sufficiency—an elegant s...404 ViTtGueOGUSS 4 Suro cees 558 SIT biG." Gla (Sans oe ae Se 591 Sufficient—he is s.*....... 461 Suicide—infamous for s...671 SOFLPOLNS 6 eevee Shela; 6790 S. 1S Corfession.... -.20<,2: 671 Suing—in s. long to bide... 81 Suit—a plain’ sh..5 52.402: 407 atid. .one) S65) 4 ate 606 prevail in his:iSa-Sspcn Git 146 s.clightly won Ssagess- 745 s.. meiall points*®. 47 5 ek. 51 s. thyself to the estate... 11 Suitor-taught her s.*....306 Suitors—rejected several s.||143 Suits-s. of solemn black*.508 Sullen—peevish, s., sour*, .375 pulliad eee honor he has: Sy naih Sethe ok on. Wale 5 Suinhtnadarsesed with s.704 oat-cakes and 631 Sultan-S. of the Ottomanss35 s. to:the reali, hs.) <4. 504 Sultana-favorite S. was Roxelanes hin ont ants 535 Sultan’s—S. Turret with. ..675 Sum-cogito ergo s. .687 fall.a: of.me* a4. howe 310 non s. qualis eram...... IIo Sumer-s. is cumen in... .672 Summer-—a short s....... 165 ere@ thalffielanas sstcts 458 follows not thO-S." siamese 677 glory in the s, months. .104) ‘ AGE Summer—Continued gorgeous fame of s. *%.60 guest. Of: s,F inc. tale. 677 in s. days like grass hop- DSLS: faee eis Shee 21 4; takesnall ligt crane < 710 last: TOSe Gf.Syeeee. tos tae < 86 last; TOS@.0% Si.4°.0 5 ct. 625 Hiewsrva SHOrbISS wim oles 545 lifes aushorthg: 0 ie) 545 made glorious s.*...... 192 Made plorious ss. 563 makesia little:s: oo. ..c8. 68 Makes, ani ier scsi 677 maketh Hots. .:.0as cikis%s 677 norsschen shalliae ice 233 S., gilds: themes. 0: 333 S$. ‘grows, adultes acs. ss. 104 takesiall so. sts Seles ees 550 thes lavish s ties. seek . 348 the s. of her age....... 17 when s. is green|| ava pon'é 538 winter bandas, ae. a. Ay 397 Summer-house—any s. in Chnistendom’.cs> wre. 09 theresat sal fous, ey tke. 302 Summer’s—fantastic s.heat*3 709 RTMIG AEA t 4 cas romeo. vac 639 OUSAASS NIC. th eae 6909 Summit-—eastern s. shed. .499 reached «thes; in Ghstess 507 Summits—-snowy s. of our years 21 ‘Summons-s. comes to join.43 2 thatss. theet. (celery . 83 Sun-—an evening s. .328 ancient as the Ra ee 522 ariseviairasre pce ters 227 as our s. declines...... 600 a weary of the s.¥..... 475 Hewtherrasein so en, coe Shae ibeatity vot. thessiin ce et 455 by s. and candlelight. ..454 call the Sal hee aie ee 674 candle in the s.*....... 675 Bande: to-thersoecstaek 675 children of the s....... 616 coeval with the s....... 422 ial to thesSy.cuem vise hle 139 Glial tonthexSss wes 15 hs 139 dial to the s. So aZOX disasters in the s.*..... 543 Carly -Tisine FPS! caret. wae 2747 ere the set of s.¥....... 474 except theirvcill= s7. 32. 333 following the s......... 673 forsaking the setting s..673 glory of the s...... +6 «340 PLO Hears 9.4... teicaees 707 Baia Ss ke ne re aero QI heaven’s glorious s.*....421 imitate THe. Stee abet ces 610 as LO. Soh gear ada & 508 keep out thes.||........ 346 pleasant the s.**...... 5190 Jliet-45 £0015 aoe nt 78 lamp of heaven the s...245 Hicew thee) if. stad yc eae 70 fOsSsOF EME Sree hele oer 235 POLI Gav iGsrsisiere «os Sacco 26 SUN PAGE Sun—Continued nature’s. second s....-:.. 444 Our.s,, declines: nna oe 134 potentiover s/c s..ance 454 radiant s. with**...... 125 revolutions of the s. .720 TISING’ Of Lhe, S19 a4 ae | 382 self-same s.*..... @! bite ces 672 such the s.c 0 aseer eens 75 Sand tilevcand nines 630 So ariseth ine, ernie as 412 s. at midsummer*...... 57 Sdoth move. cose. eee 199 Sa Gotheshine 2 sien sicaees 724 s. glorifies the day*....246 SH 0es TOuUNnd as ace ys 310 Ss. Btows’ cold 7.5. pear 745 s. had long since...... 500 s. has left the lea...... 118 s. in the firmament... .407 s. is in the heaven*....164 s. is laid to sleep...... 498 $. iS failings iss sve Shee 68 3. 1S.shining$, .1...4 nn 367 Soy 1S; SHINS eee el eee eee 636 s. in all his state. ..:.... 178 s. in my dominions 673 Se Never isetss 220s aoa 673 SRE VerE SCLS arenes tare 673 Si never sets Onis. 673 SmTlEVEEASELS SL toa coneoe 673 Seonew) fiseniowegs ob ahr, 187 s. Obeys ttheniaa),. 168552 s. of Bolingbroke*..... 403 SUOf WisdOIn i. aaoee 602 S2OL LY OF td epee te 563 s. predominant in**....672 s. teflecting upon...... 603 suasalutes. thes... are 500 sa. saltitess the* se -1 suse 672 so shinethbiponi; 45.006 603 s., that feral Bes SNE Pe eer 246 s. though it possess... .603 Satoight meg ae sea 218 s. to ight New ich.. «cca. 706 Suitoerise (Ona oa aie ae 601 s: [tOO.Shigiess. anne 603 Sturn atromesterace san [ofe) s. upon an Easter-day. .161 sowas: lowitiyacase ha? « 620 s. which , kindled. :.... 379 ‘s. who scatter’d into. ..675 s. with fierce strength. .655 sweetheart of the s....501 tempest after s.¥...... 458 than the setting s.....673 the COMINMION Salou. oe ae 643 the feeble: 4. anne hae 459 thes plosidus as: aco yan. 500 FHM LIOLIONS. B. nae. 2 672 themoreatiose§) Sac ele 60 fhemmaturineus.a ee oe 68 ENE PISS: (Saeesecess ae 126 the rising ws. joa. abies 435 thesnsingssyu... A hay oa 673 the setting s.*.). Jk. 2. 6220 the settingussills 12 a5 0.04 675 the.« s, «forgotten; - 1... 579 theve:uhmseli. veer. 381 the s., the moon and*®. .666 SUNBEAM PAGE| Sun— Continued thou, Tisine vss cee es 425 £0, the SON oe 675 to-morrowis Sy.ie.5 ee 505 ander theS45 6 S24 536 Voice: Of the-sieteee te 673 watms in ‘the’ sit! ...5. 314 was tte sic? aie, 519 were there no s....... 625 when the s. sets®...... 543 whitens in. the s:.5 2... 603 with the “dying sive, 72. 435 Wits. theiisa seis eee: 435 within thy beams, O S. .434 withoutBalysi. cca se 360 WAILHOUL-A Sates wees 7a7 Sunbeam-as the s....... 603 s. in a winter’s day... .431 Sunbeams-s. trembling ont64r Sunday-—even S. shinest. .674 LOT TiS SO Sepa eie ee 67 Mouse. Onweor 7. te ee. 674 not=divide, S:20, ere. . 674 on Saturday as on S... 11 on S. in the pew...... 425 Sabbath "into *S. 2% P.., 674 take. tHe yon sti tone teen 674 rh ee turns on her Rit Stee Re, ee 454 the yellant SUM News| 278 Sung-s. at festivals*.... 71 talk’ di-and is Sees. ht ee. 758 Sunk-s. beneath the... .353 Sunlight-as s. drinketh Gew it c.52).0f eee eo 406 s. clasps the earth..... 406 Sunny—a s. moodfft...... II4 Sunrise—the whole s...... 675 Sun-rising—opened towards the's:.4. 0 vee eee 563 Suns—by summer s...... 663 ere s. and moons...... 186 full of silentis’. Ao Sens 529 million ‘of «sho ve PS. 427 not,.brook two s.. 8% 619 of setting 900, eh 72. 521 process of the s.f...'... 506 Sa) thieke sors. See 687 Ss sink once, Sos. 666 s.-last says: ates, AE. 236 S. spalace-porch J.0e™ . 639 Sa that ewmiducme. tee. 685 S to cipnt inet i) 2.2. 218 s. to light Bae! Sra nie be 593 Ss tovheht set. Saar 706 than the s. beams*....445 the..s3 ,rose.*. See ee 700 Sunset—beams of s....... 235 s. and evening star....178 8. of: dife ae eee Oaet 600 s.. of: hfe= gives #2205. © 544 thes. tie Se eee 35 Sunset-sea-—cities of the s..125 Sunshine-estate and s..... 295 eternal "s..johre ae ves ee 540 eternal s. settles...... 507 in Ours. LNVe se ee ee. 415 Music and s.§% 0. .4 . 3) 382 S* niter Tait wees hie oe 458 s.. aye shall light...... 402 990 ; PAGE Sunshine— Continued S.wayer Shall leis Whine 702 Sy HLOKen wil wees eee 603 s. follows the rain..... 111 s. follows the rain...... 752 6. .ollows wines ee eeeenes - 5907 S..in the shady ssea..= 249 s. makes ’em alltft..... 720 s,, ofsan tow Old “6.8 oe wate 642 Surgery—past all s.*..... 613 Surges—beat the s.*...... 668 Surgical—a s. operation. ..631 SWALLOWS. PAGE Surmise—a Wild igies. icy 362 smothered in s.¥....., 45 Surmises-blown by s,.*..627 joys, distates, stoia.es 70 Surpass—could s. her|]. . . 567 Surpasses-who s. or sub- dues| . 0°. Sees 28 Surplice-s. of humility*. 363 Surplus-s. in the banks. . 583 Sorpreesie ae me with thet testified> 6:2. My | ret! abe guilty thing jae ane otis See ee 65 Surprises—doubts, delays, : stiri Oe eee 470 piiaas of sh; Ree 87 -719 Serrendere never s. I45 Survey—monarch of all I eatehie cs ove SETS eae s. mankind from...... AI Survival-s. of the fittest. .230 Survive—more likely to $27 3103 Sz. Of “perish eee eee 109 those. +that"s as eee Pie Suspect-man s. much....677 Suspected—are always s. .537 Suspects-s. a true......, 06 s. yet strongly loves*. .395 Suspension-s. of the judg- Mentic «5 st, ee eee 545 Suspicatur—alios improbos os “ego's "sis eee eee oe 60 el tapet fie squint 3 oes Te ee ° shauld be above s. ine s. always haunts*...... 134 s. always haunts*...... 676 Ss. .of schime Py. ane eee 103 susleeps™* .A5-4. 08 Sian 377 tongue s. has........ 676 Suspicione-s. quam hes? ANG sos) sosieas Bee ae Suspicion’s-s. but at best. On Suspiration-s. of fore’d breath*, 7a ee 508 Suwarrow-S. stops such.. 27 Swaggering—a Ss. accent*. 538 Swain—liv'd ‘a: si. 7/25 20 liv’ d vais 3.55: Sau 144 solace*to, thezs.t- wena 568 some! sad, “s.cia-e teen 34 Ss. Tesponsive! asi, 2 29s 235 Swallow-comes one s....677 one so makeryesny. ae 677 one s., maketh noters. 677 one s. maketh not..... 677 S..a. caniel tier 375 s» follows-not*?2= >. 677 totn. by) the see 1 230 vagabond the sif../... 677 Swallowed-to be s....... 06 Swallow-flights—s. of songt. 72 S$. fights elt eer ee 581 Swallowing-s. a tailor’s news*<. 4 vRelc mee 527 Swallow-people-the s. and. es Swallows-s. up the restt. .557 with s. wings* t 6 © dre ese" s - + 4 , * SWAN 991 SWORD PAGE PAGE Swan—a black s......... 635 |Sweet—Continued Swift-S. expires.......... 221 RIGS eUCNAG A L afs sche on Tzaile so scoldly” st. Vas Awe 334| what Rochefoucauld — malertaint ‘sists oes G77) iso. SOLE, SOS... ee 475 and Boi? Jad totes 48c¢ miav ethic? SFr. re: 677| sos. the~sense..:..... 720 Swift-cast into the S. BV6T Seen a. S40". ote fee Oy eee: att) Lair eye ee eres oe 624| ss. as a shadow*/. 2. 3... 1450 snow-white s.¥........ TOON Sandi fawre + eo see 736| -s. as an antelope....... 386 stately-sailing s....... O7 Si) oS. .aS Nes aire tase: 311| s. be their guidancel|...542 Str Spreads: this. 2 27.": 678] s. and glorious to..:.. B3Q'| too s, arrives®, 40. 3: 341 Se doth, Hoats). 3 628 be sovand sdod™ 24 send ear | Ptoo'.s, arrives®, SMe: 676 Sols Avon "de 5 637) 's..as-loved ye 3. oe 478 |Swiftness—by violent s.*.. 42 SPrmok) Citiesgt se. . eee 700 | © 's.-as these by... 22%: 406| s. in the forward race. .425 SON SELL oats hoa O36 eS. ite ee teat ea eee 453| sS. Mever ceasing........ 602 s. with arched neck**..677| s. is every soundf..... 144|Swim-s. before my sightt.456 the Mantuan s......, /483| 8. is the breath**, 2... ROO} eSink: OT Si. ese eee oe 09 the, parésot' as. fo FS: Tr) ‘‘s. is the infant's). 0 7O) .or sink orra. [Pros ae 162 Swan-like—-a s. end*...... 677| s. their memory still. ..478|Swimmer-s. in his agony. 177 si let aney singel 2 2; 677| s. to feel secure....... 490|Swims-s. into his ken. ., .362 Swans-inferior to the s...677 e unto a shepherd....450| s. with fins of¥........ 401 like Jumo seer Oe. 208 206 was the sound...... 23/51) the: arena’s,|[e) 02.7). 302 On geese ate: seo. 50 things Sto taste=i a0} so0|Swindler—being a s....... 301 Swan’s-s. black legs*....127| things s. to taste*..... 191|Swine—asses s. have..... 361 Swarm-not good for the s.. 80] ’tis s. to think....... Zile for Carrial Se, ta ee OI Sway-a little s.......... 43 Lee COS. CLG, ihe ere AC 473| pearls before s........ 678 if your sweet s.*.. BONS VEEN pain 19, airs. a 452° shear’ s? all*ery=. .. . Sa 678 HEV e Oles Syl tafe toe le SsGilaowhat. 3s se He See). Br]? the srov' ling ‘s.f>. #9e 678 supremacy and s.*....375|Sweeten-s. this little hand* 53|Swine’s-in a s. snout....130 with absolute s....... 556|Sweetened-s. by the airs.. 25|Swinging-s. round the c. .584 with gentle si**. 5... ... 462 |Sweeteners—best s. of tea. 620 Swiss-no money, no S,....406 Swear-—disposed to s.....539|Sweetens-tea she s....... 62 the S. inscription...... 645 dowmot.s. at alr. 538|Sweetest-far s. things*...244 eae pee of s. by thy) sracious*®....2938| of sf smellf =). .i5. 0: IS Re Pe Eee ee B 04 syunto avs. Ames wee 538| thes. of thing]..:.:... 678|Swoon-s. it6edeath’ ot 109 178 memes Katetcs, Mek or. 53,8 |. thine “ear is s.5.).8. 5% 478|Swoop-one fell s.*....... 85 s. not by the moon*...498] with s. terms*........ 147|Sword—a Delphic s....... 550 s. to reverence the king+s39 Sweetheart-Blanche and advantage over the s...755 they Ss. 167t eee See 539 Slee RP i! coach aerate at ToS: again ‘thy *s! 2. esi 678 Swears-if he s........... McGhe ins s.¢ Lasaeee ee. oe sog| as a two-edged s....... 225 S)ewith soemuckh. = 22). gz4lres, OL Lhe Stites. 24. as, ee Son) 2 aS) your 6: 78 ate cee 147 s. with so much grace. .538|Sweetly—so s. she........ Gigs. ‘blow —with=ars:. Jim fae 448 Sweat—when service s. for Sweetness—a wanton s....386| by the s.............. 670 Gitymie St ate ese LO) Sain in, s-andpes hs Ves. #281 draws thes. only.) ..o% 203 WiLDwé, «Of sbrow ei. 2. Hog | Wheht. ands sii 7... 2 ee Ags eats, the sit) 427 6790 S) Ob tnytace, Sika, . 409| linked s. long¥*....... 514| edge upon the s....... 42 Sweate—paines for their s..409| may with s.¥**........: sg14| eye, tongue, ’s...4 4 2 300 Sweats-s. to death*..... 705 meso atic. lot Cate. seeps 648) = famous by imyestaie 258 Swede-to the S.f........ 353] s. long drawn out**....514| famous by my s....... 564 Sweepeth—new broome s...537] s. of the strain........ 46| flesh his virgin s.f..... 670 Sweeps-s. a room....... 26} tends towards s.’.and/%v4¢5| for’thes.fyo. 22°02 Fae 937 s. the wide earth...... a8 7 leerwaste its: S.. sare Sec Opts Lorde :thessies e.g ae ee 606 Who’ $,.asPoomer 28, 636] which are s. and light..435| glorious by mys....... 258 Sweet-—a little s. doth. : Aas Sweetes—all joyes, all s....443|] good s. rust.......... 168 a sae ne Ses Is 449|Sweets—balmy s. around.. 1 gle Hack’ thy ys tupateeaae 148 DS, PCAs gckaek ee coe 275 PLEGu Old QS: oon res 1344 mightier than the s....755 all that’ Si: Gemtnaleet., vais Anz eiost: in-the s:2. oh Pas 279 erone rhe ssi. en aie 204 all Shas so sae ce? S922: 304] } lost in the s¢027. 299. % 678| opened by the s....... 134 before thessise ae OiS% 673) “of nectar d: 6:52. ¥205%es72/ 4 plufige’ my sis ck... 342 Ry distance made more stolen: Sirarésss 042 7% 687| polished as yours...... 147 bare pet Petes ere be £O61, "Ss: compacted He. 19...4.663 |) ) put. up) thes. soes)e2eek678 earth’ S-4S, a fmtees, MG Je. 62| s. grown common*....261| sharper than the s.*. eet end. mostmsta Me ooo. 222! °s, into your list... . 294 o5| spear and the s../.... everye s. its soure....244] s. of Burn-mill meadow]636| s. glued to my scADbaraeey heard melodies are s...645] s. the waxen cells dis- $3, POW) Salil. on ewe 456 how..cruelly sh7774.a&. 478 tend...) eee cee 80} s. has laid him low.... 73 Now: ib. Wases-. Peres. tee Aa Sie eee. to the, Shans eee 436| s. less hurt does...... 565 is far. less set Pee se 477i use tothe: sth veers 678] 8, of justice. (2200.5 401 ite Ais 5.7 [a ale eat eo SUG Mowatl Sit ns aco Pe ee 678] superiority over the s...565 made more.6: 40793. 2088 Br6 |= taste, of. se See ,220|)' take away the *s #7. 678 MYHOWN-YV IST A Bes 3209|Swell—great auditories s.*.365| terrible swift s........ 615 naught in this life s....476| hear hers............. Sis than the sie oon wears 565 Navghtsais.asa, si. Ss 476\ + s/.emall things: is%.9.305|°. than the si. e747 0% 565 SWORDS 992 TALKERS PAGE PAGE i PAGE Sword—Continued Tables— Continued Tale— Continued the deputed s.*........ adace plain upon tables...... a t. that is told......... 680 weapon than the s. 56S: ub tee beki ise) tom emcees 12} +t. told by an idiot*, 420 when Mis GS. cesety teers: ,168| +t. which are called..... 38 §| ) 4. which holdeth Ss ae 68x with @ £0 hs Us ee 344|Table-talk—serve for a t.f..659| tells his t.**...... .682 with s. will open*..... 553(a setve.for, £7. 3 nee tee 59| the t. half told Pleas 382 with s. will open*..... 750|/Tacent-t. satis laudant....586| the tender t........... 453 withs the«Staarr sc. vis se 678|Tacet—qut t. consentire...643| the tender t........... TAA Swords-dire s. unto..... 90|Tacitus—T. in his mind....563{ the twice-told t.||...... 681 spears ANG Bun os) demi 482|Tackle—the silken t.*..... 641 |. othe worrdrous tens eee 408 s. into ploughshares. ..562|Tacuisses—st t. philosophus643| thereby hangs a t.*... .681 s. shall play the....+ 6655 551/|Laffeta—doublet of change- thy enamoured t....... 532 UP {SjlANG'hc chy eRt Ses 512 able edged sgh toes 1o| turns a Persian t.......568 we measured s.*...... 55|Tages—die Forderung des T. gr? twice. told. (tea 680 Swore-armies s......... Tail—cut off his t:...2.... twice. told t.% i. wees €81 TONSAVENOTB a) ec ene 830|mmus tolded. t:-EFia yr uae, +86 Tale-bearers-t. as I said. .321 Sworn-having s. too hard*¥.538| t. the rudder.......... 59|Tale-makers—as the t.....321 tonpue /hases. ace 1 ey. SRO O Clk tee sien cc merepe 370|Talent—bildet ein T. sich. ..682 s. on every slight..... 539|Taile-my t. goe.......... 534| bless’d with each t..... 13 Sybaris—his fragrant S.{t..279 Tailor—great is: the: to; 49204 |fs his esutele stay eee % Sybils-the S. say........ Gail! uty Call’st. thous, a: ond 204| t. alone cannot make.. 67 Syene-S., and where**....636|_ t. stays thy leisure*....204| t. does what it can..... 304 Sylla-Pompey bade S....673|Tailor’s—creation of my t..204| t. gives: all thatcias.. ae 304 Syllable—a panting s. TAG tage b LOW Sigs sada cree ee 527| +t. 1s developed in...... 682 Syllables—equal s. alonet. .748| +t. lays be longer||...... aes i is that which*}...... 304 s. govern the world. ...322|Taints—t. of blood f...... t. which is death**. .... 92 Sx ‘vovern thes. eG aun 747|Take—snatch not t.f...... cm Talents-t. angel bright. ..¢82 Syllabub—make as....... M20) Ral. LONE, ds pact. at Ed 300) have; greatits, dane ee 331 Sylph-s. and ondines....709| they should 159) ee ee. 48¢4\), haves Sreatet.6 rau 619 Sylvan-—a s. scene......... ‘xO0S1 \.awill nob thin «<2 yardage SAS oe ibe angel-bright ern oe 754 Sylvia—except I be by S.*.128/Taken—Lord hath t. away.441| use their t.*.......... 133 Symbol-for whatsoever s. hath. i away..n she techs 84|- where their t. lie. :.... 33 thollict cite. aston 67,61. =shall pelt vaway-noee nee A4I with real t. -blesty. /... 257 Symbols—but as s........ PT tee LEOUA 11S | arenes once eh 558|Lales—at his t.%.46 22, Se. 210 Sympathies-sweet s. of love47o| when t............... AS). Whanvients tomes ae 660 Sympathy-—affections of plea- |Takes—he t. away........ 313|)..less read than -t.2.3 Fe 230 sures and Assim meme be AGO ehimLthatet are ri 49.0) Ot all 1) tis Seen 415 either, of [s4.0r ee mae 71|Taking—a terrible t....... 144\' to Out of Schoolene eee 681 mild and healing s.....521/Talbot-Marmion and T...257|Talismans-t. and spells. . 408 Ourss LIS scoldi er Ane... 680/|Tale—a flattering t....... 368 | Talk—alw ays t. WHO oy chdka sky 688 teach iS yiSiege o-oo +o'070 | waxctlat tering stan. om sas 303). an bouts st.7) oe). ee 487 the secret 4S. shades os AaG! ais Plait yet we oes Renee eae O8T lhand “Co eben poe ee 321 twins Of 6S/.3 ower 8 706|)) a.twice-toldt-*s . 2 J. 420 | aide. their -t. tand eee 586 were as. in choice*....450| a schoolboy t.||......./682 Zod gods, how he will Symphonies—and choral s. # 39| na, schoolboy's stlliiden. 7421 cp bene. #ooee. ae eee 658 dulcet s. and voices. 53'| he aGOrin. Bebann piteresey- hiss 260| in poet dinner, t.fsemee 650 playing celestial s.§.. W720 |); AAOEN ft dentate a dee @ cess Sr 5171) -mmuch*t.,, mich esse aioe 44 eymphony + the angelic BOOTH AgLs. whentutt alse 682] t. and never think..... 206 Re Pee Ry ae re 513| an honest t.¥..........681] t. of all the town......256 B naantnet tr and /s..437|| > an: honest t.* paren wes 681 \cntot all thestowaie eee 21 Syne-auld lang :s........ 298] Phan Oldatity... satuakatess! srs -682|) +t only to conceal the Syrup-sweetened with s...270} coulda t. unfold*.....: 307 mind . > +. «2 >seeaaee 650 Syrups—all the drowsy s.¥, 2090|' hangs a t. Mais a6 aa a 37:2|,9%./so like ake. eee 286 BA cigete pre of the s.400| | hangs 4 t.*. +25 .t6% os ok 428) ts.td0 much.,- g gertet 688 his: ise fisll ake eh. Rae A his -t.vof, elay:c....c.chiis keel Teche-and gladly t...... 420|Temple-burnt the t. of this t:.zetitl| a eee ere Tecto—hortus ubt et t...... 493 Diana \s. 2% 2 ee ee 70 Termagant—a dreadful t.. .760|Thanus-calling unto one T.551 Thetis-in Tlapshew. ek ao Termes-few t. hadde het 4564 \Thatch—thetancientats[? 21302)" lap .of Tint onc. hcl: Terms-good set t.*...... 282/|Thebes’-in T. streets....504 Thick—throush t. and aed in honourable t.* ...<.. 285|Theam-there is no t...... 462| through t. and thin... .568 litioinus £2 chore. aut 420|Theatre—a woody t.**....608 Thicke—through t. and thin6o4 recollected . .t. 8eygs. 32 4z\| ) ‘and .universali ti¥i 0... 664|Thicket’s—deep t. gloom. .394 usual fanatic t.. SPAS 2 WAG, It, abies. Lees ere 9| food. the t. yieldf....... 50 with sweetest t. Bese Ta7\e Our. t..hathelost. jt... 467| food the t. yieldt...... 392 Terra—qut jacet mt....... oem. servesdomal t,ol.% Lanel: 664|Thief—a dwarfish t.*......308 sad tbs devsst 22 ic. ZO MWOLI GS - aturet. se oes « dete 664| a dwarfish t.*..... .687 Terrible-t. as an army.... 57|Thebes—presenting T.**...700] a t. or two*.........; 400 Ce Tats WIth ne sacks 517|/Thee—as I do t.*......... 55G|)o troime thektetiny, si pace: 687 EGQus OTE sO oe eka = 35. irda | Ro eiastn gens ateMccele yr Wie aetter ano heedmeet antes it aclsn ieee 582 Terris—quae regio tm t....409| consecrate tot......... BOO |e set a, t.. tocasch® was se 436 Territories—no slave t.....649| ever of t.............. Se COLS a gitae ak. are ees ae 687 Terror—meant for t....... SOO) 4 SEACeR tO isn. ie ess ae 20> Ptnaiy Anu. eee. See 245 no tb. Cassiust 3.4 Sense 137| if not enjoyed with t...f28} +t. and justice........ 196 Sot, FEIT FOP. Was SO SE ATT Ud Se. NOs tae aelek eis 48ollet. dothiteare* S285 134 one species of t....... Ale Lat ATs ae east ae < neers BLO lets doth fear shen .s.ne rs 676 “Lean of the Revolutions) 7 |) olive. to. t:. 02 iii. . Sek 546} t. of inter: ae jars mete 06 toto. man yaeraes. aeak 26S) hlave, Withote* toto. ssh 488) twas 2 ft, saidt Mebi 2 a £..tozthezsoul® tay; 22a Tass Jove.ti. tosdayie. 2.6 oe. 442] eyvond simple t.* 322.21... there Hscno.t See. 5s Bz es need: Of CYS .2.a0 es 484|Thievery—you with t.*... bay with, tasdumbijaas 2. < 718| neither with t... . .128|Thieves—desperate t. all*. .148 Test-more overt t.*...... Pile or .t..the taletismaas ee 681}: opdace . titaskae giare 6) 486 Servestorw ait... 26| one. thought of t.f:.... 456| +t. for their robbery*....3909 tisOb, ridicivies ss. sc’. .}. ¢ 6x8 le ysee!owt. te. ccs ee. 480| +t. for their robbery*. . .687 Testa—ordorem t. diu...... 625\seshall. t. restorey .@\/2 ie 509} +t. of the day’s beauty*. 234 Testament—between the SHent to. Geet. aoseik ok 707 to desperate t.*........ 524 New and Old Titan 437|\.tethat ever.feltt 2 von. 6709 |Thighs—his little t........ 80 hear, this -teFtieats 326) oto, lose. t. were. 1:18. ao. 467|Thimbles—sought it with t.535 purplest-.ol, *. Senet 16| to remember t......... 477|Thin-thick and t......... 568 da; NewsandkOlds: seins 84| while t. I:seek........ 602)» thickesandstus nic. 28 604 Testy—old men aret...... 21| with t. conversing**....519] +. red line streak... ... 74 Tether=nae man cant.....548| witht. live nor yet with- through thick and t....1309 Text-God takesat....... 559 ODE hs a ee AOE Tesi ewalls avortintes op osckh xc 23 is matyurefayt. TT sh ayat- v7! 598| with t. nor without t...128/Thine—forgetfulness in t. ll. 540 neat: rivulet 06 t..-1: 4.3 2s WALWOU. ty Lae a eel: 589| hours ay tk anda 24447 pronounce a t....+#.... 12 wathout.t. istsweet™2.. sgo0le— what iS t.0.5 dim saeeces 99 Square of stil. ay. taeare 08 Theefe-a secret t,........ 449 |Thing—a_ gee t. [lin dees 457 t. of pike and gun. 88 Theft—forgave the t...... 637) @az coodxta. 2eenen nee 675 than parbled.t, ui. aods RUG) AUveS. <1, tosis drre se Santis 868 | teas tb. ADAH «erat «ako 450 Thais—lovely T. sits...... 549} ‘property 1s. tinvie.s2.: Soo aaepretty. tia... Gadencnen 450 Ts Dyihis SiGe wates acre BA Slee t.s It) NAUTS hhh. ever. Aaa 599| a very necessary t.....450 Thales-man of Miletus, Them-to live with t...... 477| and gentlemanlike t....397 A ONTO R SS LE va ee 720 popmesxive meaa t.. 582| .at.any mortal tj... 4. 405 Ae SBA Sor Oat cae He 1Q6\6 sie my, tribes. fs or ie ss each. t. meets*.......°). 552 WHEN Tv WAS. 14 bint > oe 407|Themistocles-T. being great intellectual t.....332 Thames—banks of T....... 637 asited ,tyatth «ais ob os Bor|) shave; a good MM. jnash ac 227 no ape 4% RTE Trae 208] » Ty, ae a MEM scacan: As on7 how, pooriartes tue .2 4. 460 tea 27 OF. neta: 3 2410: ds. SAMs .-060's Sanleitr sf ill-flavored t. sir¥...... 50 Thasiytiecbhnd T-and** ..577 Ticsatray bah forat. Te -aB0 isn’t a t. underviness: o> OS Thane-face. my T.*...... 376| few t, in that just mirrorro8 light unmeaning t.||.... 27 Thank-none can t....... a87 i cspeak.ol, t..8 2. dais 467 |) 3 lose. 8 LF 8 se etetet« 428 NONERCATIA Dich » 30.3 ane 6a4\fawell fort). s+. arn. shor 490| no great t.........06.. 182 GhAllt.- VOU to <'.% eeeke ls 637} swho help-t...% .. 1485 Such. bt. sWweret.y. hehe 477\(« by te.on ithe®, coe 370 sich:st ibe® anyon wae 742| moment’s t. is worth. ..131 swell small t. tol... .0c4 305." tuis but anwadlewiegs 600 these. (little 315 A iiseeee 33.0) t00\ much! ttOte nae 5690 these=ittle.t:, kn .earue 600}. toommucht) tote. 688 t. are in the saddle....464| writing without t...... 688 tvarenotsalwayse, hia: 48|Thinks-t. with ease..... 66 ti are notalways-aonne 432\|.\ who t.-most ... sewer: 671| his t, and actions. ...2. 320 | gnat. plantsects.m. i vot. 2004. -pearis of £.1ntf. . >see 690| images and precious t.9478 t. upon your head§....578| perish that t.......... 688)" in t. not- breaths): 2 224). 433 t. which I havell...... 615| pleasing dreadful t.....234| men use t. only........ 6590 touch’d bythe ts/. . >. .576| pleasing dreadful t.....38r] men’st aremuch...... 134 Wreath, OLr hee ise hae HOSES DOWeL OF ss... lan sient: f68o\se myipusest tt. > 5 veaekiee 521 Thou—do t. but thine**...523| reality and t.g........ 862 my. t. and Tas. soc peee 689 To were, tic ee. ai Oo mig mseasnOL bolige ea we roae s Ro Sie IN Vin be Tan, < ecal nr 62 prayed sthat "ti hie 23: Ro Alsseas uO: Dole. eeu whale cartel: 689] of elevated t.9........ 521 tl héeside, mek, i, ..0/ Meee: BGA ee Setise tLEOttpet sk seas ca.a eee S04 feLon, free: ¢.|\srm ¢coeere 702 t. . beside tmeses. snosee a7 ks 'sepulchres, of tis. .% ies: OGlbmIOur. ts asi see Side, 628 t. hast made himf..... Bso|) some hollow t.9)... .:. <1 356| own rejected t.... 2s... 690 G) sine eee. Fee aos espace. ta.ando uy aeweu cen R22 ie TIVE Of unis. 9st keys 447 WeLenL Sty kA. eae 695] sweet silent t.*........ 688 leeriver of hisit:|| Ao. ious 447 when t. art gone...... wre the Gdergonet.sicas mess < O80 se TV er-Orsinis theme tae 690 ‘fhought-a beautiful t.||. aA this t? might lead**.a. vae3 0 “rivercot. his, t:$ Sy. wera 690 a rOble- C0 tee 6 okie. tides that follow’d t.*. PEOR Hs Second, t, are the so een 688 Boe Ommarm. “Getee o cin 688 ATIC TOA tects egtks seats 680] second and sober t.....688 See Sette Gey Png noe ke yop! toccame like ack... os 690] second t. they say..... 688 eesnecen. tei thee ch 6oclmeat by. ty is) piled. Se. 689] serve your best t...... 574 actiomis buteoarsened tee Sim t. nm tof) oe bik ee ATA, SHOULdE bentley . +...erees 445 Dred anvyalert wy ee ZG me toi LOe mines), st dy : OSS e shomde bests. soneea eee 445 by etatstpplied 4.3). n.. R2T (met aISnad WeapOUs as: facts 288| slave of my t.|........ 565 Dyowant eft ty. 2.°.c6ee 237| +t. is deeper than....... GSO be SO UthVie toe oc ue Ue ae 477 Salis Vere a eens Faiornt: sSoe tris deeper® thany.5:-5.2- 690| solicit not thy tet. eek 673 CHAOS (OLY Ae eee ore AO2\Vs tis speechis.% , esas ba: 757 some: strange t......... 347 Reeurse: of twee eter s12| t. is the property...... 573 some strane) t.< 4. «rcs 688 dignifies an impair t.*..117| +t. is the soul of act..... Ss soiss thes tan ce aes 581 dome ranat lly ib 2st Baie tb. ise LITE Obs acte ed ls 2028, Speech, t, canal. sa. oa. 658 dome GENE Hhinis soa. 647} tois tired of wandering.6090| strange t............- dress;_ok th. . .e ee Att) tacleapt outyto tok osu < 690|} tend on mortal t.*,.... 392 €achisordidy tay, We. see Mas ine £ Gis (GOd nies. os tat ens TOOie that, Careless uvck wie weer 690 BOSC VOL stn, Bree 503); . t. of our past ce .478| thought the t. of other have common t.f...... 569| +t. of thinking souls....440 Terh atest hs 30 ay eS 438 he epreatly:t. 2) 25 ies T46|) t, one «finds? fastn-dainn 607 t; are YOUrs OWil. persue: 644 ne voreably: te. sa. 258 688| +t. once awakened...... Coolsat. Dy TIP Ie, som oer eee 414 HSM MIGMI Pea he eee 445 lee to which /qiuarterea® p15 5535 yt. — COMINION:. 24.9. shee 343 nis homestsey sc kick 23s: 634| +t. would destroy...... 378] t. more elevate**...... 54 his mindy ae tosweeess, sae AOAWEbOLA. STEEN Lianne. agers 302| +t. mysterious seat...... 647 hit on the same t...... Ba Allie tO) that tute vole Seite TSOet.. NOt Dreathseis ees ta) Mmiman: t, 1She tee ASO) #40. that ot. ith st... owe 434| t of men are widen’dft. ..239 impossible to t........ B2ales untixables bye tive oie AG2 \x. t. of “Other men. jca wes 408 in what particular t.*..543| upon a til............ 6Solnat. Of Youth'\es ae acme 7590 WA Bain cin b'p ots Src w Mead OoolPewaciity Of tits. ie oes 387] t. over the universe....581 is destroyed. byt. -pxcc 486). want of £220. 2655.08 237 t. rule the world....... 331 is destroyed by t...... 6Solhaawwant (Of) f... 50. .-F mee PSH Up ac ts eae arate €88 kings of modern t...... 690| whatever t. might ioce 23 so all sunlikext es a €80 lands t. smoothly..... ocr tie WOLK OL Lb... ctakaets viene $e £. stolen) front isi; a5. 573 learning wrthout 2t..442 Ties world, Ott ite. osu ao t. that do often 4s:.:... 278 like a pleasant t.J..... 160|Thoughts—all t., all EEN apy! Ge that Sav Oulatne eae 140 like a passing t.. 2.02% 689| allt. that mouldtt sera 6000p 6, that shakeT sche 727 like a pleasant t.4..... G8olpe and Calor tt.5 2. oak eters 321] +t. that shall gladtt....éco loftiness: Of +2. fee 8 Absiee ane foul, tr" oes T24\eo4¢. that housedtieqe. oy. 570 Mans Secret bie 322| and precious t.J...... 689] t. that voluntary move**€88 mute hadi was: 6.28 S45 ipo and «pacer i.e ws daar ae 494| +t. that would thick*...114 MOON .Of. srs kee oie cee 528| better than ourt....... 16] t. to memory dear..... 478 HOrther basse ee tae 690| cocoon of its own t.tf..486| +t. to memory dear..... €80 objects of all t.9....... 521} companion of her own t.457| +t. to put them in*......363 of saddest! t). tO. §75,)°.conceal hie tiv scaes. 658| t. which were notl||..... 680 po fenderst.2 tae-t. = eee 689} conceal their t......... 659] when dark t. my...... 369 of % 80. ties, oer 645| dissipate his t......... ASTic- with noble ticick sais 28 of. £.. and joy (rik sexual TOO dress) OL its tele. ature 670|. words without t.*..... 688 one t. inchides: allite:27:'706| «feed. von) t.*®.. vc... ys 577 Phonsands snakes cones Of Vittuoushtss., Joe: 398| gored mine own t.*....637 Ge MGOUTT. sdoteks beet aes old? the 271 Ys See Soya great), Loss eyaa wicie 332|Thrall-t. He aks fair hair. oa THRANEN 998 TIM E- i PAGE PAGE PAGE Thrdnen—mit T. ass....... 318|Thrush-the wise t.§...... 654 | Tide—Continued Thre-t.. may kepe counsel . 633 | Thrust-greatness t. upon*.330| the ebbing t.§........ 106 Thread-a twined t....... 337|Thucydides—T. at Boston..622| the glassy t........... 516 attenuated’t.335.2 7.2 339|Thumbs~pricking of my t. * 45\itthe varying dvs slug 691] call t. hisown......... +72 Tomb-a gilded 1.7% Se: cn. 406 which cunning t.*...... 49| call t. his own........ 166! . cheats thet. ..2ges we ce 577 WOTSlmbee Stull emer s comet PAE Os COA COs bee eee ei Saree 596| contained no t.l/....... SOI Time-vesture-t. of God...522/ farther than t.S22 eee 597| cradle and thet....._. 43 x Timid-shriek’d the t.l|....642| flowering t............. 76| > een from thet, . Pigs. Timide—qut t. rogat...... + Tchaveslived eae dese 140|' for such @ £.7*. 2 See as 407 Timor—deos fecit t........ STU h el OAC View vearocs abate 600|* ‘for such 2) t..00 [eos 407 Timotheus—Nautilus of T. ae Tike) 8). Sane kore vats 462). great-t.,of man > 522 T. yield the prize..... B9}t hah ES ei cera veie ates .§71| his own 1* 2c eee 406 Timour-Mammon-T .grinsf719| that smile t........... 546|' itself into 6 4). pee 230 Tincture—t. of askin...... mO1 ANS COU TC wins! 5 shah ciets 369| . nearer to the t......... 431 Tinklings—drowsy t. lull. .235 thing we fled t......... 604 |>s,on the tc 2. eee 85 Tinsel-t. against bullion. .454} +t. and forever......... 756} ~ silence of the t.. ~..J55% 407 THELEOD Sibrsiin tie aiete s 485| +t. of past regrets...... 694| spirit from the t....... “463 Tip-tilted—t. like the petal. 535 ea er Wath tas jee 694|_ toward the silent t. 1: 30 Tired—never t. of........ 7 Lee ANT pie haan ga F004 Tombs—are honoured t... 06 Tirer—pour t. quatre fois Toe-light fantastic t. . 0361) + for their! t. .) 2 eae -5Or LGHS Sate hoe has Gees 202| .Tises.on the £.7./2.55 «4% 61| gilded t. do worms*. 50 Tires—he t. betimes*...... 341|loga—sanum comitem t... 12| +t. a doleful sound...... 407 {It agimile-at. ne Gaal ier 487 |Togae—cedant arma toh A 551| t. are the clothes. .....407 Tiresias—T. and Phineust*s74 Toil—an inward t.*....... 625| t. of the Capulets. . .328 Tiresome—the t. kind..... 99} |-and extreme t-*2cV08. oe 285|Tommy~-T. this an’ Te that. 654 Titan-the weary T....... 206) and. smiling $5. see aE 388 |To-morrow-a dusty t.. . 694 thy relory skate aes 290} |. breathless "t..-c.4%8 26% 374) valready,, walks= ta ee 544 kine Slory Tete eae s677. say time! and - t.crik' ete 559| already walks t........ 600 Titans—-mythior.the. 1.5)... 506) ,iaint with it.cg). + lees 410|",.belovedwi.eaet eee 604 Title-feel his t.*......... » 308 fond oft. and care -tis <% 5461) 8can buy t... 00 sees 306 Leola iSybe ways Peel Cree 6871 sirom Ssuchintos wee ens 490)|' - dreaming? of tifa ee 604 banding. 44s 568| from “t. and: sorrow. «1338/1! each “¢.§ es ee 507 ima kes vataGue Aeiaps ekene se 482|) bandsrotet- thie Moe 338) alight; t- withJe. Sea 604 qityets Clear as vie @eLere RCs 441° sath thy. eta): sate 42%) (olive. till) 4.300. Sa eee 366 IGE SS teeing oa 608| his t. he won...) 20.7%. 460] never ek off till t......506 successive t....... Bass o< 37|~\borny, hands’ of titT.2 s411/ we die... ae, gee 545 Titus=butstdevsSaidi. wetter 438| what t.cacquiressis 24: : 599| +t. will be better....... 366 T. argued with great...4309| where t. shall cease§...115| +t. will repay..........370 the: Emperor T.... . #s2/¢ with t. and cares wow. o!! 454| +t. will be yesterday*. ..604 To-goes t. and back*....491| wreaths for each t...... 360) itsVll be thet..2. faa ee 663 Toad-be jal t.* t.cuo bees Frere 395|Toiling—t rejoicing§..... Ali | “ctrust-ti5. 2 eae eee 165 familiar wAataeete tapas ote 286| were t. upward§ PIE Shed 332) “trust_t..e.en- ass. ee like the £68, 14 Mite oa 2% 14|Toils-what others’ t.. 60|To-morrows-—and confident pour rose-water on a t5eLL3 to Jasting stucco oe 208 abn te eee Toast—a t: in sackt.......+. 371|Tokay—to imperial T..... 731! and confident t........ 604 Jet the’ +t. pass scents. 603 |Token-t. of a convenant..607| ere t. sun............. 571 +, our wantsti.so vas sh 568|Told-art often t......... 482): on. tf) idawnioht ee 604 Tobacco—for thy sake t. I. bak Et: you soll. eed; slaon! 16|_ t. falser than the...... 370 sublime) tiers. 422003 POUL SOll icv he siti ae 600|Tom’s—been T. food*:.... 510 their roguish t.. OF) rorato bert: Soke eee ea 400|Tone—pool of t........... 516 Toby pailpot once T. Fill- Toledo-T. trusty..°:.... 670] restore the t.......0./. 521 ppt wires aeons ena 584|Toll-I t. for funerals..... 83|/Tones—thousand mimic t..21r6 Teeanek toll’d their last. 58 |Toll’d-t. their last alarm. . 58!Tong heare that +. W240 TONGE 1001 TRADE PAGE PAGE PAGE Tonge-kepen wel thy t...644|Tongues—Continued Tort—tout le monde a t.....232 auctrange -tills #2 xh wel ee envious t. will sparet. .726|Tortoise-shop a t. hung*. 48 Tongs-—shovel andt....... 72 host: obs tk srnes.5 lose. CaO ethan thert wie uk eed 131 Tongue—a herald of my t.*. se live upon their t.**, , “286 Tortuosity—t. of mind]. ..427 pnimibles tine in Aes ates 344| lover's t. by night*....715|Torture—no worse t....... 309 at. to persuade........ rt} our hands and not ourt. 8| nor t. shakell ae sskeasant 17 A WOMman is fo a s2088 439| silence envious t.*..... 2g (eo OF Facking. t.¥¥.' 2. ng sue 104 aidance of the t.*...... 644i. small priefstfind tis .7. ».044)_.t. isytheirs|l ong. 5. Be -457 bastinado with his t.*..100] ten thousand t......... DLOlets SNOUd teell- 47, cee - +3490 braggart with my +t.*.. 85| their own t.*.......... HO2) Want awit thlOutiend +” amen 6350 putinot:* . kiss a. ae 633i etheir t.calone-wss,§ Soe 629|Tort’ring—t. hour........ 15 Dut not.” ois eee 703| thousand t. t’ allure....555|/Toto—mthil estt........... IIo cannot hold: his. ti...24'% 643} thousand t. to allure..195/Touch—his impious t.....503 each. ti bestaeaciieaks 74 As em toma SHATDELS o.as sehr SOs) | onects) Of Naturets tere 523 CVC CAPS WOLPGE Meh om ents ZOO Wat At LPeeS Tavera wee ements TAlemOne tHOL NATITC 4 cece 523 founda dal Weak barn dease 660ilnnteim trees® 7. aoe ote nacre TOle. the-spider’s-t.1% occ. ash 391 hammer is the t.$...... 84] t. of men and angels:..112] +t. not, taste not....... 682 hathienontshinn isp. Sa8TO\.t, that: syllablett ares. 661] +t. of a vanished hand.. .86 hang upon thy t.......219| +t. were out of*........510| +t. ofa vanish’d hand f..441 have= no: ts eee os 644| traduced by ignorant t.*105] +t. of nature’s.......... 523 Neraity tM wes clase. 516| upon my t.*..........627|Llouche—ce qu’tlt ....2... 320 His Owns t asides. aeat .421| whispering t. can poison232|Touch’d-is t. within us... 83 his *subawwre . 40 never loved:a't. or....; 442 HiSsstarryte ee es 13| snatch from you by t. Pape ol. thet (3p Ae eee 615 pleasures smiling’ t-£.°.-7485 | -"t.-of ‘friends|li. 2.72." . 86} "on tower and...) ee 400 they ‘lovevartser ns 489| +t. of the Greeks....... 33) “plants tants. ae ee eee 325 Trains-t. of fire®........ 543 |Treacle—fly that sips t.....678| probationary t.........5094 Traitor—and graceless t.*. .375| ~that sips t....-......5% 276) ssparenthat tecgi. ete eee 608 hatesthes tee. eee ere 646|Tread—airy a t:f......2.% 329| that forbidden t.**....303 hated “the tes 646\> day tist. te. eee 5031" "the “faultless t.. ae meee 625 thevxthatet ss ce 620)" théraity« tac see eee 285| the greenwood t.*...... 608 t; tO htumanttyrtes oo 606|— her t. would note..'..2.. 285° Vthe “Siinset atu one eee 235 Traitors-men“tov be £27 401\" path tts ecm ere 563) < the tis:inclinedt... ..- 217 take deep t. for®...... 7™36|' steps we ll' tic. oe oes 403)|~ ethem*onya t. «| See 580 the *t:-trensont: ee 548| t. each other’s heel....489] t. of deepest root...... 23 Traitress-was t. to her *“t.) the “CLOCUSee «a eomere 27| +t. of knowledge isl]....378 sire: $5. Se oes a8 et pon anothens neel. 489 t. of knowledge....... 400 Tramp-t. the boys.are....4719|/_ who t. alone... 7.....; t. of the forests seas 60 Trance—no nightly t.**, ..551 Treason—betrays like t., back t.cthat matured th. ace 501 unimaginable t........ 656 = cannot commit. t...0- ~) 416 Trees—as yellow leaves from Tranquillity-heaven was Clear trom: tet. a ae BSB" Se th tee bios os Seen eee 21 eS ere as TOS| Phe shar worst: oo wre. 643] “beneath shady th, rarer 451 Ronee AU oe Me ne oe PRA lian Geohs leet pore mE ICD: 646] blossoms in the t....... 314 t. of mind follows...... Bae 12 510 Vee Le pao eed 6406|" “drew t.;stones® ... nee. 513 Transatlantic-t. commen- Mia etove tte. wo ae rte 646|" “leaves On‘ £.40,.0...aea 501 tatot yee ose ae 632)" *the traitornsit.s ort 548 odious, odigvusimt t..c cma 383 Transfigured—not changed t. against the common o’er the dark | a aE Be pm, 408 but t.§ Say Seiten cet 178 POOCIA SAS COR ti ede any of venerable t.J....... 608 Transgressing—by t. pen Cans bul peep rr sts oe 40 shadéd’ with ?.... .. -e.5520 Crily ee tren ene 15| +t. doth never prosper. Veag tall ancestral t........- 360 Transient—catch the t. hovers 3 TRIS Ota ens ete $2)" ‘than oldlt 2. ¢me-ck Tee 82 thet) hours! seen eee FIs natrowmedi, tuaie 606| the Arabian t.*....... 684 Translunary—brave t. tAinsehes t. like a deadly blight. "696 tongues in t.%.,....... 14 Transmitter—no tenth t. of .352] words seem t.tf....... 526]. tongues*in t-8d4 inde eee 510 tora Looks Tace ene as 38|Treasons-fit for t. strata- tare ‘preehii st. +. 750 Transport—a t. know...... 76 ETISH ee hore, serene iene 415| t. cut to statuesf...... 302 Trauaile—labour for their t.410|Treasure-fickle t.. 76]. 't. do breale..pipiny pala 82 Triumen—und zu t....... 301} have t. in heaven...... bL2) - t. in yrhose dim yea 608 Travail-labour for my t.*400| hidden t. frets*........ 392) 2t! old:and ‘Vounigwalseue ee Travail’d-I t. madly in...390| love’s unwasting tT....470] +t. throuch all the bevghed e! Travails=fuill ‘ofvour.t... 640010 Tick tie Gece sy se, »» -570)-— ye t. that fadetctaas ; \ [xs - TRELAWNEY 1003 Ape a shall T. die. eee Trivulce-T. replied iupadere shal eS. PE A .505 things’ 3... 7.47 Dee 6 shally 1. -dtenit Se 2.4 .716|Troéd—t. under foot....... 540 Tremble-t. and start*.... 10/Trodden—quickly t. out*. .” 83 Trembler—no t. in the....290} +t. under foot.......... 5 Tremblers—the boding t...248|Troes—fuimus T.......... 557 Trembles-t. to the polef..680| fuimus T........... 4... 700 Trencher-t. friends*..... 54 Troilus—the sweet T.*...! 453 Trencher-man—valiant t.*.215|Troja—T. futt............ 700 Trespass—bass my t.*..... 668|Trojan—how T. valour... .333 Trespasses-forgive us our merriah tat lsuron eaters 196 ee ola RR Se SE hea 288|Trojans—have been T..... Tresses—bind up these t.*.336| have been T blood-red t. deepning||.. 74] T. and Achaians§ fair’ =} “man’s 336 Troop-foreign t. was landed a golden t. wreathed§...311| Napoleon’sg. fought.. 58 golden t. wore**....... 462] the plume eyelid iy 262 loose were her t.. . .488|Troops-t. were about cross- t. like the morn*¥*...., a ine Ys Soe. Pee 82 wavy t. gushing....... 294|Trophies—arms and t.**...272 Trial—all t. all observance’sa4 hang tothe Gee ane 570 scorn him further t.*...417| her cloudy t. hung.....575 Tribe—the venal t........ 274) Utrotallswhot Seam vee ce 61 Tribes—t. of earth anc air. .463 ee Tyriusve mthi nul- Tribute—cent for t........ SOO eee MLO setae ate See tes se aust e Mosouner tote. cena els Pronies under the t. PAT T mnot-one cent for't.. 6... 181 |/Troth—-and one t.*1...... 705 PerinOst engi sis wns Sete s 425) © not breaks my 't:*?), 0. 7. 538 Petey WRLOUM, Gacbers ee see 212 Troubadour-gayly the t.. 2a Trick—win thet... 0). 325. 105|Trouble-capacity of tak- Wilt tHe ber get eee 1990 WMISWES oe wees hr te 304 Trieks—and his't.%. 22.5 2%: GAO e ale One. yee es 501 iherlareencus/th.7~ oi. Sey MIG DP idht.n os eke ie 312 , . such fantastic t.¥ P20). 65| lifelong t. for ourselvest. 40 Trident—for his t.*....... 273) stiches gather’d! t20s 40 378 Tried—gold is t. by fire. . TAhe theesin Heo... ios Meee. 205 has: been t09 222. 445, Z56 i> owithetaheres. oot SS. 427 Has been tic Cs ke. feet ots 686} “witht. here. “Arve. 0% 503 Trifle-atvevery tit... 60.5% 609|Troublers-t. of the earth. .323 leave such to t.f.......430/Troubles— ~brings aangers, t., NOUN tate ak Ls St 600 Caresehies \ eae: 403 t. makes a dreamy..... 699| many t.inmy life...... 46 Trifler—the *all-round’ tr. 21647), @that-t. thee. 2275 f0e.,. 504 Trifles-magnifier of t.....395| +t. of the brain*¥....... 391 Obtain, great Miin. s.r 6081. t#wide. and’ dark. 3.3... 459 seeks painted t........ 380|Troubling—cease from t.. .613 seeks painted t........ 609|_ wicked cease from t.f. .613 Sit too! lof: Ont: > ose = 608|Trouve—ow je le t......... 573 fas these are™ .0 72 2. og |Trowest-than thou t.*... 493 t. for choice matters**. .528|Troy—fir’>d another T..... 77 Pech ac aire: 39 23" 3905| heard T. doubted!!..... -199 e light act oes are ae 608}: Of tottering Te. Pein! 255 t. make the sum...... 690| tale’of ‘LT. divine®*), 2.7 700 ows alis eo) eee 275| T. had been bright* 184 unconsiderable t.*..... 608 |) £*b.snad been Ptr), SP Tes Ps 700 Trinkets—returned to your fie hast been wee ic ees 700 fi, tan eine ee ere 2302 | Pie. Hi aghiegwer ns ue oe Se 730 Trip—fearful t.isdone..... £771) he once elders. a enters 700 then @: him fi... 325 SPAT WAS tee ond cetera. ee 557 ‘Tt as wolncore ree ee. TORI PAIS Ole Dev eek ee ts aie 21 when we t. ourselves. 108 WNeTer Sale aivene sos ens 700 Tripe-a. fat 6.7) 9. Fe. 281|Truant-every t. knew... .630 Triumph-in t. advances..710| t. in-thelawhe tA 2 417 Kirnifig. Of CIP Hs 28s Pe". 7t0\, “you are-no.t®) 92% 045 474 their t.odie® estos 8 Truckle-bed—honour’s t... 80 what. barks: 34 Soy 354 32|Truckles-t. to the bold. ..2090 Triumphs—glories, €z abil coe Trite-ate’ often. t.2/. 793% 545 t. of the vulgar herds... LTS 7 lember i ts or falsete io 527 Who basely fonv, ae snes 255| believes to be t........ 180 who t. in the past...... B77. |} eCatl this: DE bee oe e rntete ee 236 SS ea eT War bg oe Sipe it TRUST ‘ PAGE True—Continued dare. to ‘bert. a ee 170 easy. -to bertt Déalat oe 130 friend, be'toy 8th. fee 207 Godiis ty is "ee oe Tae 416 good men and t.*...... 320 him falsely t.f.. ~.365 honest ‘and. at seca 383 honestidnd in fy ee7 ee 631 isi rrown ct tee ae 538 loti ussbe ty. Me cheeses 24 love is‘@ver t3ie.45 en)! 444 mean tebe t. ase. 138 never Man was'twn ) 5: 724 not too good to be t....526 mothing.te Duthie a sa 503 frealvahd?’ tx... nt See 510 Self best.) p28 Ba 458 Shallabestans ote s 702 suspects’a- tt. Pao. Ge 396 taking t. for falsef..... 49 that she wasn ey een 79 thot sbest.tix te. eee 556 things t. and evident. . .236 +, that matured it..2. sor thy friend: BEitMte cen oes 270 too good to be t....... 701 t according to the law. .415 fenas\ fate? Pa. ph: Shee he 646 tre asvistee teen ae. 138 eas ithe dials wee 701 tanto ePoll ways ae as EPG VOU. Seem, come eee 700 t. to the death. ....005 458 was woman t.......... 384 Whatris! tt fis seat 527 yourself. be) Hee ee 458 Uiraa vad tee tie HES thes : Re ee. 7 Truepenny-ari thou there, 1 SO MESES Tears 07 Bbvalintes gospel te 420% 600 theeshrilistst Ji eee 262 Truncheon-the marshal’s tite eRe es Ie eee 480 Trundle-tail—-or t.*....... 198 Trunks-t. to put in worms 76 Trumpet—a silver t....... 660 a thsoumd heh, 42h nee ers Asia te SOUNGS Sits. ete ee 623 becametastsTiesne Sire. 655 soundthew tite ci mete. 253 to. thet. speak ey eey 403 to oL’a prophecy*s ee 581 thor ourswrabhia as-cast 435 t. sounds to horse...... mss t. to the cannoneer*. . .603 t) to the mort Sees ee 126 ¢& to) te-spoke’s . s. saute 256} tell t, and shame*..,...392 and woman’st......... 740| cause of truth**....... 270| tell t. andshame*,..... 701 better tall... sash. lamer 253| consecrate to ti......0. 7 test OF t,o. ee 150 better tall. Paaeee 700| countenance of t.**....701] test of. t..;........04, 617 cannot be forced into t..133| Dame T. delights...... 7o1| the fatal t. ee rele 378 do not t: all. menue. «1 400) a, Geck thet 2: cet, udaabbe 260| the seeming t.*......,, 40 God is ‘our tibiae ache 272| depositary of the t.. skate the whole. tic. -.capetas 545 government is a t.. 323| divine melodious t.....532|. they breathe t.*......, 175 government is a t.. 43] = -GOUDty EL ate ie ere eee 199| «they breathe t.*.°; aes 747 in childlike t..........- HOO! muemiDlerm Ofate. sviek cals st 78| think t. were a fool*....426 in God is ‘Our tY.\os beh ees yoo! follow out thet.tT...... 527] «thinking of the t.”.. oy. 130 in* uti ble! tai erates O34) matOr Sth Ate see ei he 702) avthis great +... biden 500 is-a publicwte).caas sae BAS | eden Shs cate ee Pate TZ0}s -thisisolemnst..0 Eee ewe 316 old friends to t......... 20} ; \itiend is it... 5 sane tame 130| to lose sight of the t..... 55 pillar of my te...) 04s 209| friend to t.f. 5508} vat0ok ort. chose see 618 HOWET Sa ts. 62s bai ke 324| from the livitfs t. : oe ade te’ ahs S57 | st0Ok for, tine ee 702 Put Not your Lt) 00s sere. 405 great is Tees stolons share 700 t. and bonotr.ses. eee LLY so far will thy mele ti yoo] emoreat IS ties see 7or| t. and noonday light. ..546 than not: to tee pee siemine 253| great ocean of t.. ...528| +t. and pure delight9...578 than rt: tectar ve Shi 203) eoreat TOCean bali see ieee 528). ~t. be) veiled..rc 6) meee IIl those who t uss. test. FOO'|lweHalsn tasy te. #.4seeeeen ae 5O3 | vst. DY *point ot laweer ae 123 t. a few*. OW he BELEN 644} -having unto thw... .-4s, 426| +t.‘ crushed to earth....702 t. her not§. nib eeu Bee 243) (held Atiby ac niie eke ant t. denies all _cloquencel). 748 £. him) notuieo dates 458]. here* patrint +...°).. oa. t. doth sivetiveees see 624 #2 in-alli things} ose s se 506’ here patriot te. tn ereqacah as £, forever: ontts sac uase 703 tin GOs sate cakes teieiatetoee 482|\uihis' sim plet7* 28... feet 363) +t. from, \hist lips... «nee 124 t. in the living God....700] how t. may be........ 682} +. from which thyl].....554 time notiahcorpote ae FOG) meliy SPeclicratse thos” wale eee 701| +t. has but one way..... 7OI timen-and 28 easter 7oo| in wine there ist....... a0 st, as SUCH. a).ceea eee 73a t. men of worth:...+... Ago||. Jags after t;.. J 42) .ca;.702| bt has such 2 facequuuee 701 bar none®. Aig eh Be aah 400\t, dooked).on-t2re7 ene de 637| +t. in every shepherd’s. .444 tetnot a Talk, « + steerroeh AS Gl eUlOVE. SHA tot. ate rane 450 urt. in talsehood encase cae 427 tnot him* Wee oan book 490| loyalty to t. betf...... 563| +t. in masqueradel]...... 427 PATOL. COM ees AS \ernake. the} thane ans ee 38) +t. is always right.. ; “SE t2nottoks...5 bane 490} mingling t. with false- t. is always strangell . .702 tenot toreach meni) wesc 462 hood|l ss cca: -,.647| +t. is its handmaid...... 402 t. on and-think jet sasihs Z 70.) ptaust “speak: te Ay whee 191] jt 18 NOW. jue. ace 626 t. that, good shallt.. 4.4 369| never gives to t.*...... BOS», be is one forever absolutes45 t. that’s pure than. .406| nomore thant......... 536). t..18 precipus.e zeae 701 t. to-morrow e’en as littles45 of speaking. t..s.weagene 6o| t. is the highest thing. .701 awl Dew Hee tees, 3 Seescioae grails Ob thet, Eis saan es £26) ts 18 t.* Pociest oe hee OX we lovesarid *t.b". sem PEs uOtabeare DOIN «cae gewa: 200| +t. is unwelcome........ 702 will not sue kab dekaceh: 84)>, on humble ti Ad.Gn$ -b i: 103) ~t4 lies, at ethene a nee OL your bein God. sia AS 482);,,one: t. is Cleathziis niug 3401 sts looks. freshest he. aes 265 Trustees—government aret.323| one t. is clearf........ SSO, nit. Makes {ves ese oe Trusted—having been t...634| owut-stripped the t.|]....451} +t. makes free.......... tyand. trustworthy y.2,40s) 4 peals’ Of t..0) ind tie-ae 600! +t. miscalled aint plicite*eas Trusting—no t. to appear- perplex the t.......... nee t. never perishes...... 702 ANCES «): L Reeripionte chee 48)\s pOwerluleas teh ae’, tere t.. NEV Etiewas. wea eee 7Or Trusts—as public t.. = ....543| presiding t. impress’d. 638 t. of anything.........357 hesxwhost, Hers.625.heu 728) sanctified by t.9[s.curie. 61] .72. 2 409 virtue, freedom, t......530|/Turneth-t. like the...... at We is Tee ees 702|Turning-shadow of t.....309 MUHA biKIS. teat aes ee ¥o2|Turnips—who t. cries..... 440 when sober t. prevails. .539|/Turns-a dog by instinct t. 33 WEIL WaSe bet acne ote #254 (het, noaore.< 6. 2NS6. 547 where doubt there t....199] +t. she every man*...... 88 where, 1.) tots fe ese ene 634|Turpissimus—repente fuit t.182 where t. and freedom. .293| repente futtt........... 724 which.4s halfiastqjinee: 427|Turret—-Sultan’s t. with.. .675 with t. and loyalty*....458/Turtle—love of the t.l|..... oe With.t.. torgieetal| ere es Mes woice of thet. es. Trathsspiunte tot, foe 16/Turtle-dove—-t. that ee 84 Dilute. cht. ae ees 426 Turtle-doves—pair of loving fecleereah. bee lees Ae fr | la OU eo POF gr ae fee Pal iS ereat..t.. aretfiX. 6s. oe 32 Tudena? s-T. ‘siren tonguell. 4II irrationally held t.....609|/Tutor—become her t.*....3096 living sermon of the t.. 123 |Tutors—it t. nature*......553 Love God § dndittias tee 34|Tu-whit—t., tu-who*¥...... 553 th WO MATOWEs is sales ss 701|Tu-who-t. a merry note..553 thes= tuto bey. 262. 2. .618|Twain—never the t. shall. .483 thy. God's and ’t.*.-. .. -20})- we t. have met........ 475 SE Jas) refined. . is. 22055 591 |Twal—ayont the t........ 72 f-ene- taught... {7 ows’ ot |Twanged—accent sharply te t. on which depends. ..608 OER oh gece rove te 538 t. on which depend... .702/Tweedledee—and t........ 600 t. relating to society...472| ‘twixt tweedledum and Pewonld. yOU- TeACkith iis 73 Silt tewiaha ti deatts setae. sheen 1906 EW te ATEN. 6 ot eek ts 508|Tweedledum—'t ixt T. and Tsars-the Russian t...... 501 Tweedledee......... 196 Mn tale. of ate: es ecOSkie “tyixte |. andi Siac. i 690 Tubal-Cain-old T....... . 90|}Twelve—aposties t........ 590 Patt—path ono) tale siceu ste BAP \s mata tolditesscn es sere 372 Peat FOL WAT cals wre res 33" t great shocks ‘t...0. 2. 372 Tugg’d- t. with fortune*.. 15|Twenty—we’re t. to-night. 22 Tulip—love you, myt...... 127 5|Twenty-one—confidence of iMitioslike. “variegated ty Rea 4.5 ct bas eh eee 458 SROWSI. oc) 2 ee seine Tro pants tor ti. Saeed aes 758 variegated t. show}... .383/Twenty-five-I am but t.t..750 Tully— by was not); 24) s; 626|Twice—he lives t. whof....476 Tumble—must t. down....s502| it is t. bless’d¥........ 479 Tumult—the t. faded..... need Astor UVerth sehen ere eas 476 Tune-a lamentable t.:...512/, runs t. his race........ 476 ibe in. ofits eee 672|Twig—the t. is bentt...... 217 hear thet). eon See 449|Twigges—young t. are soon- mto. taand (Use see ee cae Glide rae ea ee 82 Haren mM testis ceoee 552|Twigs—tender t. are bent.. 82 nature’s heart int..... 520|Twilight—and t. gray**....234 GUE OF he nora Sante 82 > As-t meltsiitrs ss sea cee 236 Ort OL Fes eee 301| disastrous t. sheds**. ise Dit Ol: Cone a ete 412] evening t. fades§...... 549 strike sour tes, = tear 208 eo loved: the -t.$:..; sea: Oss 623 £-40on' the heartetunawaa 78" of. te fairies a 78 Tuneful—the t. nations....412} t. and evening bellf....264 Tunes—all> thet. cn Sas: 275| +t. ascendin& slowly... .235 t. that heicould ssi: ane le t- lets her curtaim.. i... 530 Tuom—quod t. ’st meum...509| +t. of the heart........ 346 Turf—grass-green t.*...... ae +. softi atid dim ses" -. 236 green be the t......... wher ti dewss.: 1.5 045..5 666 ereen erase ta eeerstak it: Twilight’s—t. curtain spread- grea grassy taie2 gies 328 INOEIAY side Saeed eee 520 green mountain t...... 4 ‘Ewin—born’a tlie. va. *~330 heaves ‘the te-42 sees 328|Twinn’d-t. lambs that*. .380 a? Ot. freak, catty, 502|Twins-t. of winged ge .640 Turk-—like the t.f......-. 13 | Twinkling. of an eye....246 Turkey—truce to the T.. ah eh. of atl GVET Sheik oF 246 Turkman’s-the T. restl| . .603|Twit’nam-fly to T.ft...... 578 Turks—Pagans, T. and Sara- |Two-the formert......... 483 Cena*ih oe to cate BRE 327| +t, are better than one..127 UHR PAGE Two—Continued t. may keep counsel*. . .683 WGEAIELE? Ueto ee erections 705 Two-legged-t. thing a son.640 Tycho Brahe—T. or Erra Pateriack Sakis eee 473 tisan (F's Os G.oes) 0k ee 473 Tyler—of: Wat, Tie. 0004 .603 Rape care of the t.f....430 noble t. of good§....... 570 t. of all her:race.;!. 4402 654 t. of king of Naples* 81 t: of the frawaer woe Aas 426 Typogravhia—memorie sac- GUI bass austsne sean’ 594 Tyrannis—haec inimica t.. .703 manus haec inimica t...293 WO SCOP DG o ack oo eee 202 sceptrumque t......... 202 sic semper oer ee 703 Tyrannous-it is t.*...... 308 Tyranny-—even her t.||..... 240 gainuthes to ftecetas oe 377 short-lived: £..0 24. ine ae a6 there t. begins......:.. 418 t. and rage of his* ..5.5 - 558 t. had such a gracel]... .228 Tyrans-sang des t....... -424 Lyrant—age is'a ti... 2... -2t as} forrtheht:.).4/4h At 202 beatae tu leets = varias. he Hittle toot mies rs cs o7 set yourself up forat... 65 t2 lays: hisiyokesmtess P a5 t..of the heart....... 440 Tyrant-hating-t. milli. 1526 Tyrants—argument of t...525 beauties) ares t.-c san ee 78 bid the t. defiance..... 333 blood of: tines. hee 424 ever with, tise .slvadeaes 103 hostile only to t....... 203 kings “andita ssa ee 703 none: butetit amelie es 572 rave, OUR t ck b: wardens 740 rebellion tost.o.0.-aee 703 robes your t. wear...... 410 sceptrerironmnts.. sae 202 than to pt sea ce nee: 556 the +. plea*Sey ibe easel 595 Hater maiye Byiacloll een bres 406 thunderbolt from t..... 292 to t. ever sworn the....703 tC2eVerSwOrll, ai dasuisras 203 {LON PONG yer aes 703 when. t.*seem si. 4 seteads 310 Tyre—T. shall be a........622 Tyrian-the Tr, GVOns cess vin 205 ‘twixt_T. and Trojan.. .106 Tyrius—Tros T.ve mth nullor 96 U Ubeda—Orbaneja the paint- er OL, U.snm a eter ees a painter Orbaneja of U. Uenison—u. stolne is. oe Ugly—makes me u.*...... 420 THOS 0S OWT eraoee ae 76 Uhr—-Die U. schlagt oe UNSTABLE ULCER 1006 PAGE ? GE PAGE Ulcer—intestine, stone and Undertakers—u. walk befores98|United States-the U,..... 704 tM cere ees Spe 194|Undertakings—to desperate Uniting—by u. we stand... 703 Ultor—nostris ex ossibus u..615 A eee NS cp ah a 449|Univers—1] connait l’u,. . . -4O7F Ultimate—our u. existencel|734| to great u............. 634|Universe—a boundless u.t.706 *"Umblest-the ‘’u. person Undervalue-she u. me....610| a distinct u.....,.... baat ZOMG ioe Pa oA 373 |Undiscovered-the u. coun- all the parts of the u.. .218 *Umble—’u. we are....... 373 ti Cie eee en ee 673 |5 iront -the wus one 525 Umbra—pulvis et u. sumus.460|__u. before me.......... 528| harmony of the u...... 340 Umpire—chose as u.*..... 285|Undisputed-sayest an u, includes.the u.5.3. yale 706 Unadorn’d—when u........203 (GEESE yt bel obd! 2 Slanabeys 59 knoweth the u......... 706 Unanimity-—their u. is won- Undone-—be again u.||..... 456| : knows theauies Jot oe 407 derfablen# Sa Gace Sais 6651, better to leavew.*. ./¢ 257|- one up madei np, 4 wee 706 Unanel’d—disappointed, u.*511] I am u............... 353 |. sover ther..u). oso ee 581 Unarmed-—all the u. perish- left something u....... O46) 4 cparts ofthe 54) ee eee 706 ed sie ke ek aes. 482|__ still remains u.§....... $82|. .shame .of the wf) sans 462 Unattain’d-far-off u. and Undress—O fair u........ 325| u. forsakes thee....... 458 byw) wd. ANAS 61|Unequal-nor equal nor u.t471|__ u. is a thought........ 706 dim far-off u., and dim.....440|Unequals—-among u. what**460 | University it and ’twill ee Me a et eter es | Unbend-u. serve 53 Unborn-better u. than. ..377 better to be u 37.7 Unborne—beter to be u...377 Unbowed-bloody but u... .634|Unfinished—imperfect, u.§.382|Unkindness—pu Unbrib’d—unaw’d by in- Uncertain—u., coy and hard to- please. 2 2 0che ete 737 Uncertainty-cloaca of u. anderror.. fs, saa glorious u. of it Uncle-let your u. kick. ...465 oe, 06 er atie Be married with my u.*....508 Mine \ 110%; 45 eee Mia ey 241 MN Yous. fc Ree 611 thysulistolet ier. nee 511 UME NOs ee Ae 32 Uncleanness—and of all u..375 Unclothed—when most u.. .203 Unclubable-very u. man.112 Uncoffined-—unknelled, uu. and unknownl|.......511 u. and unknownjj...... 542 21 Still and 2 r Oe ae 462 Unde-tlluc u. negant..... 168 Underground—good belong- ineito hin isis. fe 39 Underlings—that we gre u.* 54 Understand—and few u.t. .733 Goes Not ss eae seas 481 to-is: Pall tise. See ae 703 tows all is ee ee 703 what we donotu....... 108 Understanding—an u. but no tonguét, eine. 703 candle oftuy, ).2inn eee 83 expense of u.......... 280 fancy ‘and ai" 94 ai, 238 give it an wl. kee 633 higher u. or reason... .430 they. banish tie. ec eee 300 llis*always thes one 703 di. ‘Suineient Tore ee 619 u. to direct Understood—not well u.**. 421 u. our own heart’s.....557 Undertake-then u. it....221 Undertaker—now an u.....197 Unfeathered—u. two-legged thing 460 Unfeeling—u. for his own. .6709 Unfirm—giddy and u.*....456 Unfaith-u. in aughtt 253 wie! & Weve ie Vass ‘s\ io Ne Wel eine! we oe Unfortunate—long to the u.427 ONSMIMOLENUW. . osc antes 672 Ungenerous—by being u.. 098 Ungrateful-he that’s u...387 WOT) -SO MA ag See iaetees 339 some should be u...... 182 Unhonest-that is u....... 426 Unhonored—u., uninterred, De, Fie a ad ead a 511 11s Pan GcAInsuneien. Gees 61 Unbousehants disappoint- FAG bak ety Sa Te a liest stsa0 Union—by u. the © se © © er ciieje chorus.of thew. desis 561 dissolution of the U....704 Has oftomtall. aid od esas 2472 Hag Ot iGwEwibees. somek pe aes 703 AN -VWOUred, 9 deter hic ese 704 indestructible wu....... 704 Liberty and sUnt 6.12 705 JOVErs#*OLaU), + Facracdoiaee 303 musictotsthie: Up een. tr 704 oncerglonousy Uneen. oe 704 our Mederal. JU eon. treat 704 OUT Ui sh. do wok ete 704 our u. is. perfect... 2. 704 spirit of u. and harmony 35 u. here of hearts....... 85 U. or Confederacy..... 704 U. shall not perish.....704 U. strong and great§.... 3 U. strong and great§....667 U. strong and great§...704 Unison—chord in u....... 83 u. with what we....... axis Unit—a feeble'u. in....... 464 Unite—-gentler stars u.....470 ts, ANGHEWIde «+. wanes! axe 706 elerelapaahengehny 2M mye Ml tae of 467 United—u.9- jatar ohy..cn ek ta 468 it. WeSiStan.G sew at fone 272 Me WO SEO i dicead sac: 703 | —-hot from the u.311 true u. of these days... 07 Unjust-a Godse eae 480 on. the uo... ocee eee 601 than) TiSe; Uscwhos se woe 387 M, NO HAtures a8 ly wee Se Unknelled—u., u., uncoffin’d andj... ... 542 Unknowing-—enrich u. na- tions .:E:2n.. Ue eee 35 Unknown-everything u..706 love, theat, 4. eee See 706 of the: llcese ae eee 674 to “himself 1.6 Se eee 407 uncoffined and u.||..... 511 uncoffin’d and u.l].....542 TNS, | 11.1) eea 540 yet u. to himself....... 407 Vvourself «11,2 -tecca: sone ee 706 yourtselyes-11.4*~ oy ke 258 Unlamented-u. let me 1O$ cnhanctiag. Tanenaenaneates 540 Unlawful-this thing u....626 Unlearned-u. men of books3 78 wu, their wants} as. ae Unletter’d—that u.¥*...... Unlineal-an u. hand*....348 Unman-let’s not ul]... ..555 Unnatural-nothing is u...523 Unnoted-u. and for ever Geads 2: sini eee most u. 661 Unprofitable-flat and u.¥184 Unreconciled—u. by life’s.606 Unremembering—her u. wayss55 Unrepriev’d—unpitied, u.**. 511 Unrespited—u., unpitied** . 511 Unrest—give most u noy.ance' Ori. iwi4e ets 8 Unrewarded-nothing went 1h. 5 oc deulalionste See Ste 506 Unseen—walk the earth 1FF is Salterce iy ae 661 Unsepulchred—unshrouded and, erie doe ee 511 Unsex—u. me here *...... 302 Unshrouded—u. and unse- pulchred ; 4s Sx eimmeeamt Unspotted—u. from the. ...611 Unstable—u. as water..... 383 UNSUNG 1007 VANITE PAGE PAGE PAGE Unsung-unhonoured and u.511|Used—being u. to a oe -159/Valet-tel matire tel v, -472 unhonour’d and u...... 567" * a as they userothers: |. 29)5" to his vi [ee ee 353 Unsuspicious-should ever when you are u....... TSO wite-and his. vie... 9) ee ao 1SYana hapten he ras MT Nees 380/|Usefulness—u. comes by. .147|Valet-de-chambre—pour son Unsworn—my mind’s u....538]|Useless—as u. if.......... 387 U3 Ga. ats oie ee ee 363 Untarrying—the u. moves. 598| wu. each without§...... 737) \toetOr MAGE V2 < Awhtece te are ass Untaught-unborn than u..377|Uses-the u. of adversity*. 14 Donets eigen LUT oem 405 tits) LOW Bente a ak ee 377)\Usquabae—wi’ w. we'll face.208|° uv... 2... . eb ls oe es 170 amHoOTM thal eos: aa 377|Usurers—like prudent u...385 Valet’s- but. thei Wy eae 353 Untravell’d—my heart u... 2 Bite artem aliquam nist eyes of their v. 353 Wntrod déen-—aimonn tie” Uma | rem 4s Lew er ter os on es 588|Valetudinarian-life of the Ways Tew we ee 28 Ullorantethe ss TtmOlS ase 6590 v. MR SATS Untruth—u. in a holy cause425|Uttered—u. part of a man’s Valiant-a v. man........ 145 Untruths-taste of their u,. he ake ca ig Ha Meee arial el 645) Sibid man pervs .2 oie 406 Untune-u. that string*...552 MO sbetehtveiie to the brothers were v....... TI4 Unused-to fust in ‘us u.*. 1 bar a hei k. «eatery co Ree EPC 26) Ihe trulkyeev ee tier a 144 Unutterable—u. things. . 643 Utility_-beauty and u. POLO mane Setralye wert, lee ae 222 Unuttered—u. unconscious Utopia—a principality i in U. his: 4v.. -peersyyan . Mav. I45 PATH irc ae >a cede tee 645 |Uxor—neque u. optuma....360| the v. manf.......... 8 Davex’ d—u. with all the thought he had been ea 0 ae et 20 Vv ye .148 Unwary-from the u....., 547 v. never taste of death*. 174 Unwashed-the great u....491|Vacancy—calm of idle v.. .387 Valley—a v. so sweet...... 474 Unwelcome—bringer of uu. exes OER, fee te 337| some irriguous v.**....519 F025 TAS) Nee SU OOM ea 526) eMinte void “and. v..4% a". S00 )e Vv. sof death? re. «5. ee 708 Unwept-u., unhonoured Oe idhe iy dicate aa eee LO4)|\" “v:.. of decision. .4. 772% 708 Ei lo AAPM Ase ll a sie a Gea Pca ese have Wit {SO* Sweets wcay ue aie 708 Wd unhonouredt. 5... i OE a Saree ha to a ae 136|Valleys—of our v.......3. 343 u., unhonour’d and.....561 Vaches- les v. seront...... 604|Vallombrosa—V. where the . mnnotedsandt*s, - 5. 511r|Vacuity—indolent v. of Etrunian®*: foe. 0s 187 u., unshrouded and....511 thoushitteeoe .<. tek 387|Valor—and v. formed**...461 Unwise-for once u.:..... 534|Vaga—pleased V. echoest..568} my v. is certainly.....149 Unwritten-and an u. law.416 Vagabond—nature’ s li- the peace your v. won.. 34 Up-ne with“meY: os. 412 Genser Vee oe oes 647) * ‘reason, v.; liberty! ./i'% ~ 533 SOOT OESeU. ©. ot aes sae 597|Vagrant—all the v. train.. 81/ sign of v. true........ 563 Upbraidings—with thy u.*.215|/Vagrom—all v. men*..... Boer we is: thersalts 4..e-lchowee I45 Upper—u. ten thousand... 57/Vain—are only vil]....... 503 = whoselv. plucks*ii0r 148 Genen thousand. ;.%..... oie shercessandswe dg... Jee 4091|Valour—best part of v....103 Upper-crust—all u. here.... 57] loved in v.||.......... 264| better part of v.*..... 193 (Bib? x04. ae pare aT Ee 57| made thy mouth in fill. of -vikasihie weet 206 Upright—must go u....... 107 Vi eater eSB Slee Buide: Hiss vate tie IA4 Uproar—-the wild u....... 639] Vv. as the leaf......... 401{ immoderate v. swells. .268 mas Stood. teats... 15521 wedieethe: glory]... 72, S27 | WTAE, OL: Viste tara Cee 417 Upward-u. and on....... PAT e vel letrit) Né SsOn.' ee #98 |i No » CLie2evere ye 605 Urania—govern thou my v. mightiest fleets. vee ZS 4 eethes truest val. pot cites I45 Pe ek pettunc as 64|Valdarno—or in V.* e188]\ “vais to besfound? 2 7:2 216 Uranie—Clio veut battre U..609|Vale—end of the v........ 400 |) vie thatewildly* 727.92 . 352 Urbe-aedtficavit u....... Tag erparts: thee vps. sae. 568| what v. were it*...... 145 prima u. anter......... 623| swells from the v...... 507| when v. prays on*....679 Urn-—an empty ul!....... 624| the. v. of years¥..... 19) “wisdom, v., wit®#y. .. . 450 Cary sboriet hasan. aa. ee 497| this melancholy v.....453 Valourous-more childich 10S TMYSteTIOUS tL). es. 42 2h thisummelanchoby? Va.us 2453 [Pe atevin tocitaca doe « Pee As lotta NiSsine (teases 2. 683| v. in whose bosom.....474 Vatous? s-assumie but v.*.. 40 poor ‘earthen a4... 0). ZOOl VevOmdie score tet kote 25| v. whetstone, anger. 42 this “simple 1] hn 463) River Ole Mes mse oc ase .494|Valuable—new and v.... 1537 the niouldering u,>" (320) vs -of rural. 7... Sy. fies)! what is-vitisnot/new 2537 ti thane tannipal «2 soe 502 ¥ ofutears.! Hit ree 347|Valuations-false v....... 427 u. where these pure.... 40 Of. - thats a: stots 708|Value—for its intrinsic v...465 Urns-antique Roman u.. .434 Vilentitiebe Vour Vie. 2h 628) its. v.. to mankind, ser 608 old sepulchral u....... 43.4) 8 be -vour VP % 6 eee) “OS! tof. dearest" WIt . swiews 754 their solder." 665) day ‘my: Ven Shi. #o8| 2*tack the vit wees ae 441 two u. by Jove’s mere. Tos! © told. Bishop Vine. sta 628] singly of morerive.. -er 518 Urs-those dreadful u. ere oid: Bishop Vi. Avante: be v: is sentimentally en- Usages-thinz of u.ll...... os| with my [Viet RE Pee hariceds..ceou ie. seer. 480 Usance-rate of u.*...... a: sae s-Saint V. day*. ee v. on ourselves.....:. 54 Use-fors ap almost can® ©. 2150) St. Vi dayF os an wie potae 708|Vandunck—Mynheer Van- PONE We ee 552|Valere—vivere sed ia e's 343 ducks) ae eee 200 how u. doth breed*....159 Vales—mount o’er the Vane-v. blown with*... .388 in power thou u.*...... 644 v.t. .507|Vanitas—v. vanitiatum....708 not to shine inu.t...... 38714 Vv: stretching | itt. S97 522|Vanité—de leur v......... 93 VANITIES 1008 VERTUOUS PAGE PAGE PAGE Vanities-v of earth].. ..709|Vécu-/’at v.........6... 547|Verbum—v. reddiderit 41n0c- v of life forego oye. ¥ 23|_ ont v. trop d'un jour... .353 UST Ose 51 sae aod a3 746 Vanity—all ts.--v,l). siep588 708| Vegetables—v. in a grum- @.SGPtenit . ee eeeke ss 746 all istiviv-asdeoe aes 708 fo) Shsh2cih Peete ee ee 282|Verdict-give thy v.f..... 400 are “Date V5, wca ce ee ee 454|Vehemence-fiery v. of Verdure—a yellower v.t. ao8 days ale aviu. spe ae 428 VOULLA ctekites akon te 18|o “Vv. (of the field. Vigint -wotie We ae wet igts 708|Vehicle-v. of virtuous Vere de Vere—caste of V.f. 466 lighter: thanmyves sees 708 {HOUSE Aedes BO ea 3098|Verein-v. und leite....... 706 leghter than gwar deeyentas 708|Veil—her sable v......... 529|Verge—and v. enough....2090 need ‘of ‘such’ v.*%.505 AZT TOY asView On TROT tals let ie FOO! Andi iva. CNnOUeh.. eens 657 Nota! we -1st) eee ees: 708| _v. no mortal ever...... BTS) | globes lashe wes cke en 359 of low degree are v....708|Veils-spirits clad in v....460| v. enough for........ 200 POM ps Gand sve. few tae 708|Vein—and scorching v. fen 450]__ v, enough for more... .657 sicken at the v........ 3 3 Veins—circulate through all Veritas—altercando v, amtt- VokCanl. givellcmrs

Vers: Mane ot eee 615} immortal in your y.§..578 ehodkd thea. 2.0 Jeunee 527| what v. snatch’dt..... 26271, 40 higeVicg yor oe eee 580 those v. which........ 683|/Venice-in V. ‘Tasso’s incarnation of this v...581 v. and minute-jacks*..554 echoed. Gn Dae chads yoo| in mournful v......... 508 ve which -the 6) ssc t eeu SAS aE VG ave Peer 327\-. my gentle fF ae oe 04 Variable—prove likewise commonwealth of V.. pre my unpremeditated v.**512 Veto ns peace 498| no power in V.*....... 407| | One Velor ee ae 580 Variableness—no v. neither.309| not for V.*........... 5381 slides into “Vt.00. on. 7° Variety-amidst the soft BLGO «ill! WA fires. oak 7oo|,. Subject Of, atl ov. . menun 229 TS sch RORY inal era ane ae ae 709| V. once was|.......... 709|. the varying V.T - geo 210 ANd) PAY Ve. Bees as 6b530|- V 1 Satin statel stay at 709| to immortal v.**...... 514 her infinite v.¥.i)..c4)0. 7G | WIS) Thee V hes oa anes 342| to. immortal v.49... 581 order da evid ced ax da sirn 709|Venientes—muta ferunt an- Volis*iverel yin mesaetuae 750 orders Inept tos Gey anak 340 Nh Os: Boma Ne va lae ot 90). Va tana elaine 398 order in v. we see... .552|Venison-kill us v.*...... 3741°.% may build]... 103 unseasoned by v...... Fao sone cut, frou ge.) eaiey T31|. Vo.may finde Woe ese Yariety: s-v. the source 6f.709| rogue with v.f........ 383 v. sweetens toil....... 58x the very spice...... 709}Venom-—all v. himself....198| write av. or.......... 578 ee shatter the v....... 457 | er hlingsh. ey te kil etek §75\\-whiles this. Va wie aden 04 shatter «the Yee. + + wes 625 eww, or the folded Versed—deep v. in books**421 N16) you twill oc. gxsies 567 Snakell, @icecn Mire ae 635|Verses—book of v.7....... 554 v. in which roses...,.. 477|Vent-au feu le v......... so 3 |p DOO FOF VAAL o -on aiee 727 a ONL a VOTE wc A cine Son cie 625| ce quest au feu le v. 3}. Sallop OLA usuemens 580 Vassal—-v. to the........ 426| wv. eteint les bougies. . es ae 3|:, he's writitig) Vos «ee 577 Vassalage—of kitchen v.. .636 AS ctr Gott ata ed largitor gn his Wie ee ae 580 Vast-dead v. and middle*. HOO Use ses eee EER VEE oa IS Of VaNec eek Gaeta 580 Vasty-the v. deep*...... 661 Y tom uid Sheet rd es 38| made his v. clear...... 467 Vate-carent quia v. sacro. .357|Ventos—dissipo v........ "3; Versiculos—hos ego v. fect. .573 Vatican--seek the V...... 697|Venturés—lose our v.*....548|Versifier—v. without poetry577 Vatum-—genus trritabile v. ine Venus—balnea vina Venus .207|Versing—poet without v. | Vault-and fretted v.....°122| Grecian V. was........ 203|Versum—puris v. perscribere and fretted v......... SUS MeMOCTO Grtgat Vina teres A451 verbis.... + eames deep damp Wietiche heads I74 Syvillstatves sure a 451|Versus—aut v. facit. ay re So heaven’s ebon v....... Srl Ver—child, of Vi weepee 4s 504|Vertu—faisott de nécesstté v.524 W. 082 which}ckavpes. 24|Verbiage-this barren v.f..274| faut d’lav............. 240 Vaulted—v. either host**.. 73 veer perscribere faut Plaws 2, tees nee 402 Vault’s—v. dayless glooml].s5o5 -570| v. of necessite........ 524 Vaunt-—dost loudly v.l|...377 Verhouiieanial own v.. .570| wicerendalav......... 377 Vaunter-the greatest v. $| thread*ct his -v.Fo0 wien 440|Vertue—the firste v....... 644 Vaward-the v. of cur youth 18| thread of his v.*...... 747| the defensive v........ 4 YVayne-alle in v......... 380 vixen OLenig va fester 1 749|Vertuous— most v. alway.465 “VESPASIEN PAGE| Vespasien—miracles de V ..150 Vesper—-the v. bell from. .675 Vesper’s—black v. pageants*125 Vesssl—a brave v.*....... 641 gilded v. goes. Taseieso make your v. nimble*. O41 the splitting: Vie..seees 642 painted v. glidesf...... 641 v. and the martl|........ 456 VYessels—rich China v.f....500 Vein. whichwine.. 2. 625 Vest—painted v. Prince Vor- pSfagcineren amt Ae Lae Ra 205 V. was admired.: 2 «2. 205 Vestal—blameless v. lott. .540 Berny MiViely es aac ese B80 TO Vestments-—in sacred v.t..s5o1 Vestry—town-meeting or v.606 Vesture—v. of creation*. .566 Vesuvius—the V. bay.....628 Veteran—v. on the stage. . 22 Vexation-free from v.....728 Miah Ole EDAEIt of 6 IU 8. stad": 708 WEES EE APINGSI Sos. Pte 483 We UE US... eae agate 483 Via—calcanda semel v. lett.503 Viands—v. sparkling in*..140 Vibration—with like v. .706 Vicayre—nature v. of the. -510 Vice-almost every v.....377 an accommodating v...711 almost. everv' V.ic. 02. 406 apparel zy.) like*®s 72212. 376 beginnings of v........ 82 Begins. the vif. 8%... 713 between virtue and v...1ro1 confederacies in v.....207 from brakes of v.*....646 hommage que lav. rend..377 let none prefer v....... 7T4 moral evil or v. is......324 no v.so simple*....... 49 Mouy.(SOsSimpre tnt Al. 49 no v. so simplefss. 72. 376 old- gentlemanly 78 | Raed ay Aes prosp’ rous v. attainst..711 dinette Of Vikw st eee o 7I4 Rncture Of VSN. Isl. s. . 237 tosanction twilltt. se. s. 411 Moris teaiipi est alge. 713 ar. 1S, a monstert oes A. 411 itself Mostucteee se. 7II Vv. pays to virtuet*..:.. 377 v. punishment........ 26 v. sinks in her allure- TCHS. Hee Pac os 4 sometimes by action*237 Vv. v. sometimes by*..... FES V, dhatraiesll 2 Aree... 41 virtue itself turns v.*.. 12 Wasa Veul SAy woet. ee. 26 weed: out’ the v.70)... 1. 711 when v. prevail...... 140 when v. prevails...... 404 weed out the v........ 267 Vices—filled with our own v.108 1009 PAGE Vices—Continued our pleasant v.*.:..... II same v..which........ 108 small v. do appear*.... 51 splend id.pigss oe ie eee 711 spreading v. snares... .383 spreading v. snares....711 GHOSE! WV. Obeid sain ctakoral- 376 thosei vw. POG aici 4II fready: Ours. Wirek 3a ieee os 597 Ts JIS uised, & Se. eas - 714 Wi .Ob, thepclersy-..). deat TTI v. sent from hell......467 v. we can frame§...... 597 when our v. leave...... 611 Vicious—the v. weed...... 722 We Oviurye iat fovemeeea 237 v. though his father.... 36 wWirtuous anciavelee a. 713 Vicissitudes-stood by him ITS Vaeaey etree hae OSM 97 cised. to, Miceewiat: Meee 244 Ve OL bOI SS rie, es Fah, 581 Victim—v. when wrong]].. 505 Victims-little v. play.. 406 itttlesva players. 2. Naas II5 theta tediviat ga50 1.8 642 the. v. throath.. 3.25.82 566 Victoire—tout suit v....... 710 Victor—the vanquish’d v.. tMeevs then. aaa ae. 710 Victoree-signe of v....... iG Victoria—se vinctt in v. 123 Victoria’s—V. bright ae ee Victories—best of v....... 133 peace hath her v.**... .563 teal and Jasting v.22tkh 563 VMedeeunpustis cot. 0. me. 96 Victorious—ills of life v....710 LCV. eT ta eS 312 with v. wreaths*...... 563 with v. wreaths*...... 563 Victors—are Life’s v....... 410 to the v. belong the... .583 Victory—a Cadmean v.....710 a LfAmIOUSieVesieein on ante 710 AL PNTETINI CT Wines ces he ot ie 710 CICATLOL. Voss eee ae 710 defeat, faith, wosers: %. 562 empire and v.. .567 Frits OL vats ate ee 700 hacdeste voriatike sien. 133 ig. DEY Vien ae eee hacen ars 193 JOY, EMPITe Ves cease « 2900 PRAT K, DIG Wiese tile Seto et 504 moment lay of v.**. ...634 such another ve. occ. 710 that dishonest v.**....551 v., LollowSrintats 1502. 8 402 N7.. LOLOMS Met Fe sess 710 v. of endurance born. ..710 v. o'er the weight9.... 22 v. over the Romans....709 Westminster Abbey or v.710 who art v. and lawJ....211 \Victuals-v. and ammuni- tion 405 my own Vv. 711 TIGN. SECTOR. cee este tut 402 once were v.........+.465] our pleasant v.*...... 615) 64 Victuros~v. agimus semper368 Vie—chagque instant de la v..431 don’t v. with me 12 VILLID&S PAGE Vie— Continued ma v. est un combat.....428 premiere partie de leur v. 430 Vienna—congress of V.....101 here. ini Vis. ies ieee 735 View—a moment’s v..... 26 by extent of Wye... «ails. 432 GACH LES 1O1l eV.2, 4540 541 have those high acts in v. 33 UPbabeges uinkes ii Senin) oo Pee 204 tire the site Dy cavers 520 v. the whole scene... .481 we v. well pleased. .... 660 with expansive v....... 541 Aviation deve) gurae a, Sy RES 379 Views—by loftier v....... 432 Vigor—-our v. isin........ 486 v. from-the limbll. +.) 52. ai Vigorous—v. let us be in. ..147 Vigour-in v. in thef...... 382 OUT We AS es ee eee cae 484 tepair his v. lost...... 643 Vigil-and v. longl|....... 616 Vigilance-eluded our v...275 eternal v. is the price. .424 1s, eterna li-viel hae ee 424 Vigilant—be sober, be v. ..186 Vigils—painful v. keept..578 Vile—by nature v.||....... 463 hintiverthat wast ses AQI I CUpAaNCeY Mem ior, sx era 505 NaAugMh Soy Vets ome ehees zo NOULNEESO Us Dem ee ae wih nought soi view atoLe one 237 once completely v.....182 only Man asKV: uae was 464 Weare Only. Vain ory 593 WOL)C:sOlmay nbs eeu ne 496 Vileness—v. is so*¥........ 365 Village—lights of the v.§..441 lights of the.v.§........ 476 v. statesmen talk’d. -527 Villager—v. born humbly. 140 Villages-pleasant v. and LATIMIST. ceaseless Villain—an honorable v.*. % + anid. bea. Vit en tie ler 651 DE TA, V he ones ar acolo 376 condemns me for a v.*.136 murdersmade, a. V..-0. 4% 196 smile and be a v.*..... 49 smiling, damned v.*....712 Sauter Wet Weare ant see I2 v. dwelling in all*¥..... 712 ‘We kilissamy father® jae .sa2 ¥. with a smiling*..... Mie Villainies—sum of all v....640 Villains—man- destroying v. 323 v. by necessity*....... 25 v. by necessity*...... 666 Villainy—become black v.*273 butau.directaitineeiee dae aes 712 clothe my naked v.*. 49 clothe my naked v.*...376 eren tiaini Vit shea sete 148 NO! V6 Ney Sral Geer) vacteea 117 Wri eVOtl, *bOAGhe ap .velelcaeh 616 v. vou teach me*...... 712 Villiers-great V. hist.....560 V., Duke of Buckingham 569 VINA 1016 VIRTUE PAGE PAGE PAGE Vina-balnea, v., Venus... .207|Virgin—-soft-eyed v.t..... 581 | Virtue—Continued sapias v, liques et...... 545|__v.. shall conceive...... 712|¢ ‘practice: ofa fey Vincere—nititur v. seipsum.133|Virginibus—puerts v. que praiserolv. kage ean 524 Vindicates—where justice v. 33 legate The Ae 75 6|' = progressives. ve eae ae 404 Vine—alembic of the v... .663|. Uv. puertsque canto.. 56) =révenge -a valine sees 616 and maize and v.f. f..; 608 Virginity—lost v.of oratory] 552t revenge 1Sh V. ciceeeneeee 616 as the v. curls her**... . 462 Virgin’s—bashful v. side- rewards. -OfVivecw.a) eee 256 companion of the =v... 305 IONE ;. ahaxteses ee Oe 458 royalty. (ofiive, 7: .eemene 38 daughter of the v...... "31{-° tO. the .v. aids, 9.5284 512| Coseek, fromijwaggan, Bee oe maize and v.f........ 447] ‘Ve ate soft ash. a. 205 394| sin in loving v.*....... 868 monarch of the v.*,...730|_.v- are soft asl|......... 712|} some v. is needed...... 240 song of ‘the vs$t.9 222k. 431 Virgo-—et 1m omne v....... 425 some v. unawares 711 the drunken v.t....... 395 |Viris—judicio de tantis v. ie the: best: -v. 2... eee 714 the mantling v.**..... 519|Viros—museria fortes v. the v. that possession*. .441 RE ISuANTiest: fOr. ete 45x |Virtue—a v. golden through Be the v. in most request.. Ir Vinegar-like v. from winelayo a grace to DVints ie fo uehariote, rate 443 ‘tis UF ie eee ee 417 pepper and v......... 232| admiration of v.¥*:.... Ora tis. ve, thaten shone 740 such v. aspect*........ gia| all v.. doth succeed i™.26) to -belaivison: sae 714 turnsiy te ee eae 244 all. v.. piiés Tse. oscar t 492| to invariable v........ 380 Vines-v. that round..... 68|. anlobstinatesvin sine VII to mores Vv, jthane ene 230 Vineyards—best of v.||....731| assume a Wi tisharentte Renee 159] = 0, possess. v.00. teem 590 Vini—ect v. Benes eit See 209| “assume a. v.t. 9.2. 75'2'|\ tiles. Othe Val aeae en eee 367 Vino-nunc pellite v. curas..730| base of every v........ 373| truth and v.*........ 388 qui v. ia adeehs errs S| goy| © best vs Thavese 0.0. 237 twas.vi.. Onlyteeee ae 667 Vintage-from his v...... 85| between v. and vice....1g1| unadulterated v.**....423 ont! the: wes 222 Tee, 615| blunder’d on some v...383} valor, liberty and v...533 Vintners—what the v. oes 731| brake. that v. must*....105| very sinews of v... ..128 Violence—better than v...306| but v. blooms........ 407) vice. paysetO Wien ae 2377 fait douceur que v.. -F06) 0 DY Ve Tallsigs naa 7I3|\) Ns ax populare-o pri yee 206 Violent—these v. celights*. 575 by We fall* Bee Rr Pris Aue eee S 646 wa alone. CIR VGR te ee Feta rhe 714 these v. delights*...... 646] 7 CAN. Vi. JOU, aie vee 714|') vi alonevisti ese geee« 413 Violently—v. if they mustt.704| ceases to benasivers Pa: 559| v. alone but builds. 604 Violation-flagrant v. of..335| Colour of v........... 92| v.and the conscience**. 744 Violet-a v. bestrewn..... 328| complexion of v....... 92] ov.. be as: wax peer 17 Bnduthel vil ene 278}| « contempt olivier, oo at 258) 9 Vv... best: loves. s).) see 621 below: the: v.¥{. 2. 02.) 306|| death of v.20). Apel oo 273} v. could see to do**, 713 nodding v. grows*..... 276 delight..m wisn. 262% 62335 v., freedom, truth... .. 539 the glowing v.**...... 277| either of v. or mischief..469] v. in almost every..... 377 under foot the v.**....277| ends the v.f.......... 71g} (Ve in. distressx, gage ae 413 v. by a mcssy stone§.. 28 eradicating the v...... 7111. vs in her shapem vines 2 639 v. of his nativet...... 327] eradicating the v....... 267)'.N. is: beautys. cae terete Violets-and Europe’s v....279, CVETY Verse sees eeeece 13 2|°e.0 18: Dol Gtivegerem men eee 412 and. v/'hituetio. . 22P eR 665) >faucy, Teason, (Vir at 520) ov. is Chokéd*® sti, eee 33 and v. blue*.......... 153| fugitive and cloistered v. her own feature* 487 and v. blue*®.......... 276 Ve Oh Taw Mid meee T24i| > vs0iS" like in Ag 2eata eee 203. and vi ‘blew lle. ac 276| give v. scandalf...... 581}. vs, itself, turns*® Sac eee Chie Hank of vittro 513| glory Ot avit au soe 714). ,itself. turns*i. ais fae 237 beds of v. blue**...... 460] gtace and v........ 1s 324| v. is not malicious....713 early” vi diene! 2 OMe 451| has severest v......... 297| + v. is like precious odors. 15 give you some v.*..... 566| pane, Calls; v.cn4 3.4e Sie 696] v. itself turns vice*.... 12 f0f* Ve pindkte 24%, ea ss7| heaven that ve Vdiew43 7| = V.,i8 peaceramdnwny a are 626 may v. spring*....... 327| im conscious v. boldt... ro} v. makes the bliss i one 913 mix v. with.......... 594, in v. nothingll........ 567 v. may be assail’d**...713 sweet v. sicken........ 477| 18 there. novv.*s..0..0% 148] v. may choosef....... 413 iy» Catie ee Toaee, Wea Bek 276 pete AS Ot VTE ste dle ta 456| Vv. nowssyseldy...ine.. 406 - v. plucked the........ 442| it 1s. not v....3.....4. AOS) ,4v.. Only. makes? seecen ra v. plucked....... ...685| like v. a reward....... 712) Ns objthe law? a pleosme « 572 Vv, pluckt) thes (00. 9) 442| Maiden v. rudely*..... 671| v. that possession*....604 wind-flowers and v....160| man of v. and talent...131|] v. though in rags...... 493 Viper-v. bit a Cappado- mark God sets onivinl.a77)s V. iS noti lett. tne 240 Piatt, Serre CHEE, 19 makeritia Vi... . 2. ..'.403| ov. not rolling, suns. 2.99 Vipera—v. Cappadocem noci- Mark. Phi Rs Soh AA 376| v. is not malicious. ...288 trae EYES) Ua nee 180 den’. admizegy..**; sana wE3licv, 18 hOnotttey. oe 08 Viperous-this v. slander. .647| Mind conscious of v....137| v. is her own.......... 412 Vir—quisque est v. optimus .603 most renowned VOR ATS) oN, IS. Irdeed.vy. yrs), mae 712 spatium sibi v. bonus...476| 0 man’ Sit Vietahs «heres 558) v., like -necessity* 1:4 2m 524 Virgil-Rome and V. eldinni. 483| nO man’s v.¥......... 50% |v. lives after)... see 712 Werse- of Mi, Upee). ar 607| On earth is v.......... 714) oN. Of an ass. iy saenmes 559 at-Mexicot Anite 622| only reward of v....... 7i2| -v. of necessity™ Aspe es 524 Virgil’s—distich of V...... 573| peace, Ove aera vie 404\> “Vi Of necéssitya. suns 524 Le es a 1011 VIRTUES PAGE Virtue—Continued v. of your office*,......582 v. of a sacrament....:. 603 v. premium sibt...... 712 Ww. Sharedaby All spn ters 401 V.-she’ fmdsetooleicuu, «1: 714 Rr Shic Leste oe arene at of 345 7. TAS. SUI CIEN Locos 713 V.. WenCatieDOASt.. ..<. css 355 v. which requires to...714 WS DUDS 2Vcn + telecine 560 what v. flies from..... 711 NV AY, MOO Woy Catena gagaliou at ion > Tis 7 what. Vv. wereeds™.......+ 237 WAL PE WCLULCV. «Sous ae se 509 when panting vV....... 512 Witty (Ole Vim swt. « 4092 brave.the v. and...... 445 TET OLN IONE a0 6 + io sya = 23 CR GEES. cs se 713 CHE VR GCEOS a... . vc, 5.5 4 617 PEO aITIONO oan = nt se 651 think they’re v....... 356 PAGE Virtuous—Continued PUL er ae ct at 331 Vv. actions are! bute. 620 A ANG iWICLOUSD, & oesies 413 Ve anc ViClOUSes soy. .237 Voriiutheisy Oldie. a. schive 611 V, is the, Noble whe 2a.i 36 v. things proceed...... 6 Wine pcVeubhIgto Sh lass 365 when v. things proceed*.713 Virtutem—causa v. est.... 32 habere v. satis est...... 590 Virtutibus—emergent quo- TUTE, MU elt evuc 5 eeu ste 58 5 Virtuousest—v. discrectest¥7 49 v. discreetest** 6 Virtus—carmine fit vivax v..577 felix scelus 9, vocat....696 vivit post funera v...... TE Virum-stylus v. arguit...670 Vis—mensuraque qures v,..482 v. est notissima........ 107 DE CLI. He Atel as ae Age Visage—beauté de v, est. 76 haviour of the’ vee... : 508 RSP DONG “Watesruine mk eters 18 Vi OL OMence* aa. =. lec 480 whose settled v.*...... 376 Visages-men whose v.*..218 Visch—cat lufat v........ 107 Vision—fabrick of a v.*....753 MOCTISITVs POlbminc. ene 4T4 PUG MV eeStAY Siac: 715 ELSE AV ee cia eitsncrern oe 715 Vo (Of AmiNOMeN bar ce.'s coc 7T4 write the Veveseeeeees aa VOUS WANS Views ep ute icone ek itsons v. filled. Bes PIGHIOUS Var OL. scene see 651 TV ADOU Ge ee ee ee ee 715 We. A ISE MAS REAIT pre oee 7T4 Hie Oles lOLS aera oeesaeee 4I4 Visit-v. the fatherless....611 Visitation—-her nightly v.**.512 Visitations—sudden v. daze.614 whose sudden v....... 435 Visiting—a v. acquaintance. 37 Visits—angel’s Mae LOW tees 40 angel’s v. short and TiC tReet ee cree 40 OO FANTCU EVI ie Menai 466 v. like those of angels.. 40 who v. with a gunft....371 Visum—D1is aliter v....... 601 Vita—contaminet v. aegritu- dine. ee -546 in v. esse utile......... 492 militia est v. hominis. ..428 O v. mtsero longa...... 428 T= OFEUCWL CSS. = \s og isheters 58 .. DY@UES EST...) Wn. s wins 90 58 vivere bis Vv. possée...... 476 Vitze—v. summa brevis ....427 Vital—-the v. flame....... 634 fO7NS SPitltsne: cet 238 v. in every part*. 661 Vitam-—eripere v. nemo. . 169 quae v. dedit hora...... 431 Vitia-splendida v....... 7x quae FUerUunt Vieveveee «hO5) VOICE PAGE Vitiis—-st velis v. exut..... 128 usquam secretum uv. .402 Vitium-v. credulat...... 137 Vivamus-v., mea Lesbia atque amemus....... 443 Vivant—qut lanquit en v.. .473 Vivas—esse oportet v....... 215 Vive—quien bien v. 590 Vivere—il morire il v. 145 nec tecum v. possum. Sees: nec tecum possum v....128 BOUT CShLOS. «Renee ee 343 DO. Mit. LUCUd papas sse ae 428 U. St TeECtL NESCIS.......6 428 Vivimus-—dum v. vivamus .545 WEVOS<2e5 | VOCO ws oe ade! aiPsaee 83 VIRI= C16 155E Unio ile vip aly oe 140 in diem dixisse v....... 546 Vizard—a virtuous v.*....376 laughter underav..... 348 Vocal-organ v. breath... 40 the: Vv. ctraie,. cys aeaceee re 39 Vi SDATIC Greer ee. iit Vocation—’tis my v.*..... 410 Vocations—with their v... 12 Vocem-—exaude v. meam. .334 tacens v. verbaque..... 644 Vociferation—in sweet v...749 Vocis—v. et silentit tempora. Io Voice—a deeper v. acrosst.550 ag ModkeKeb tenes lo ting | igen of Sees 314 an CTACIN Sen Va ie . 49 ae PLACIOUS IVa vere wees 419 a NADP VAViesi weenie ere 716 ale NGAI Ces Wescremuke race eey ae ites EN catsynierorty Amey A bole 518 AASWECE LValloereeornmerer 415 Be tremmMous avvs aan 743 Ae Vz MOLAC tials sn ae iae 659 a wandering v.f...... L5G aggravates aves 715 awe at at ect ee ATS Andra “Vets a sep eee 720 bigsmanlVAvee see 20 but v. and shadow. 208 Cali» NONOUTISy Va caterers 07 confusion heard his v.** ae eternally (Ve ee ele 75 feeble” svVekiaaer oper 21 LEW. TD Ys Ver gavinsya pea 16 JOLY) SUV eck eas cP atta ee 407 yaVELS era Sisey a opaion nee 520 MEAL TIIW, Veuia ies Stele 334 Hear My Wee cea clipes 639 Hise pie einai yaar tee 664 left Hise wees care 415 Tet. CHV Vo feo: ere oer 580 MOG OTe he tickets rears 551 OPetHAbLs Va-eiemr eta 3909 only a look and a v.§. .474 DAODIE-Si wv eer seen the ee yea quiet priestlike v....-..716 Small. wv.swithin||; sn. 136 SOUTICV OL Wales cee 633 Stil Smalley: eo nttn ere 716 Stillismialivaiierespen meres 716 thy gentle “va. ures ceie hie Viana: -EChG". yun, ..627 v. from the temple....715 Vv. lL have lostutts..... 2S VOICELESS 1012 AGE PAGE Voice—Continued Volubility-with such v.*..426 «Thearthiseh) ae 532|Volueri—ut v, vacuo...... 143 . in hollow murmurs. .266|Volume—book and v. of*. .477 . in thedarkness§ 4. 474)" dige sa Varies oe 352 -sinl thet streets 8 2 733; im a-certam yv......... 447 18 an thyesoulsea hte "oo| rare v. black with..... 98 “nostouch sore a ee wre | Peet he SACred Varies fe ea: & 231 not heardes. +e h oe 6B! this awtul’ veo) a So 87 of a good woman. /?4715| v. of my brain*.....)- 477 ofr pinks ee eee 519|Volumes—how v. swell. ..152 of gladness.........521|Voluntaries—inconsiderate OL MGOd TAA one Ts fiery vere ee ee 57 of Godt ie eee o 715|Voluntas—fiat v. tua...... 401 SEnGodeie ee ae. eee 715|Volunteer—comes a v.{....301 DUMGOGm: see eee 715|Voluptatem—v. wut maeror Of matures eS tnien oe ° COMESE stile ct ee re 576 ei smaturee es. ore 626|Voluptuousness—of misan- CLINOISE Maen eee Rie thropy anda vie =a. 103 Of O86 "ETVIAE T 2 5 te's 715|Vomit-—returneth to his v.. 282 ols praiseSo. (hs ere 540|Vortiger—Prince V. had on. 205 of? sweetest. tone’. 7.5001" 7 “had ona.) es eee 20 of thetpeopien i: a5: 715|Votarist-like a sad v.**. . 235 of the people....... 715|Votary—v. of the desk... .564 so sweet........... 715|Vote-lend him a v....... 102 so thrilling]....... (PY toute melabteh Gia RMeRS A fh a aie he 552 sounds like......... S54 | cate RING SVelp ck ek ae 109 that veriestes weer 17|Vouch—my v. against you*, 5 thats miioen oe nee 614|/Vow-good night your v.*.556 . that in the distance. .435 SAA AddSS44444444S4S44444446444844482 plain single v.*...,..4:. 538 that is stillt CMe ate es 86 Vowels—open v. tiret....748 thatmie’ stillpe ce: 441|Vows—makes marriage v.*, 538 the harmony of..... 493)" thy vi-drelp. 2 ee 38 was ‘ever soft*...... VES) sty ware Meat cask sees 588 was propertied*....715| vy, are traced inll...... 740 whose sound was{..484| vy. made in Dale nas VOU Cannote smaecies 263| v. with so much...... 324 yous cannot... 5: TED Lo eNr tL SOnTOG Heer eh ec 538 yout v. (broken*®)s v5. 18|Voyage-v. of their life*. +548 Voiceless—weep for the v.. -716|Vox—nescit v. missa reverti.746 Voices—buy men’s Vv." =. ca0 Do i CLOAMROMTTS ne te ee eas celestial: ‘v. to¥®®. vol... 754| v, populi v. Det........ 715 her thousand v....... 580|Vulcan’s—as V. stithy*....370 the vermin v.T Gra erate ree 648 Vulgar—above tes on ecg 407 Vii keep aAine | ae hae O51 **poth the-ereat vy... seas 401 Ve of all timetT 6 Sire peo Q7 company of Vv. people. -401 v.08 all hGimey es). we DF) eFOSSUNA CY CSais oiciens obepeas 485 Ws OF DIAS aa over wie 748| hate the profane v.....401 v. prophesying war....600| opinion of the v....... 64 wApaarsue “him 0oC na 579) “vy. thus through..<.... 484 when mortal ov... J. 7t4al “eons extol things v.**. .401 when soft v........... 477 |Vulgarity—Jeffersonian v..645 waere (airy vive. 0 ois 381 Vulgi-quam v. opinio.... 64 where airy v.......... 716|\Vulgus—odi profanum v...401 Void—an aching v........ 478 \Vuylnus—sub pectore v.....758 into v. and vacancy. . .306 Vulture—rage-of the v.||...304 the dreary vi IY ee 387\Vultures-acquit the v....416 WOLD WAS? Vile ew I12 Vultus—verbague v, habet. .644 Vol-est un v. dans la nature.soo la propriété c'est le v....500 Volcano—v. will break out. 424 Voles—hoc v. hoc jubeo....728 Volley—-v. of words* WwW Wabe-in the w...... 535 747 Wafer-cakes—faiths are w.*400 Volley’d—v. and thunder’d} 74)Waft-to w. met......... 706 Volleys-in flaming v. flew** 73|Waftings—w. of the......550 Vols—sont des v. qu’als....573|Wag—mother’s w......... 264 Volscians—flutter’d your Wager—with a w.|l....... 301 lee te nae eens +222! arguments use W.......301 Voltaire—V. in a conversa- for arguments use Ww... 5 15 C) | Pn 210 | Wages-—praises are our w.*586 when Y. dies.....-.--. 622\Waggoner-her w. a smal!*200! WALRUS ~ PAGE Waggon-spokes—herw.made aff. ooo. ee 200 Wail—does 86 waren 532° her w. resound/....... 532 nothing: to. woe 685 to weep and w......... 351 w. their loss®) 2) en 508 Wailings—with mournful w. 88 Waist—round her w.t.....455 strapp.d/ wae a eee 528 Wait—and:. to w.$. 7.3.2 4Il labor and to w.§=+.. 22+ 4 only stand and w.**....636 Standiandiw.**.. 2 16 who only stand and w.** ¢2 will but wie. oe ee 550 Will. but. widen 716 will. only “woo oss ee 550 willl “onlynswech. cee ee "16 Waiting-gentlewoman-so like aw .*..2 cn eae 286 Wake—before I w....:....588 J diff rence ’twixt w.*... 71 houirde: tovw i sie oe 10% itl. wedlock: = ware eee 470° Wa and | call mer ase ee 663 W: and weep. ae aoe kee W.., 1OF .. thee Suni ee 675 w. the slugeard........ 83 we w. etermally ss. eoee 380 Wak’d—morn, w. Ly the circling boursti 2s 500 when Adam w.**....... 5c0 w.. by) the Jari?) pear 500 W.. ine. toO;SGOn ee eee 387 Wakens—w. the slum tering614 Wakes—w. and wassels*. . .396 w. the morning* A412 Waking-—next w. cavn’d.432 w. of a sleeping Ccgge. .109 Wales—w. a portion...... 588 Walk-—a terrace w........ 403 & LELLACe: W.s.a0s cee 734 nor w. by moon**,..... 530 Nore w. NOt Caton sae 4€0 the “solar ng ie) eee 385 thes solar wee eee 385 Walking-stick-very good WY ee aeons PME 3 Ign 436 Walks—cool shining w.....400 DIY “Wa, abroa des) eee ee 585 some hilly wen eee 610 Wall-like a stone w....... 570 Hikers “ws secacieeiereete Sera Patch Aw. ee ee 3° «50 the white-wash’d w.... 13 Waller-W. was smooth}. .210 Wallet—-w. at his back*. ..108 w.on our own backs. ..108 Wallets—with a couple of w.108 Wall-flower—and to w.....522 Wallow-or w. naked in*. .370 Walls—stone w. do not... .595 w. have.-éars- |e ee 213 w. of beaten brass*....505 w. Of Droys dase oe 2% Ww. wOrnh. thine... eee 23 6|Walnuts—w. and the winet.659 Walnut-tree—and a w.....621 Walrus-the w. said......282 ee * Wand—w. of magic$ WALSH PAGE Walsh-and knowing W.t.. 66 Walton-whatever Izaak We singsit ae eee Waltz—endearing w.l|..... tea Waltzer—pretty w. adieu.162 Wan-why so pale andw.. .451 382 Wander-I w. not to seek. .490 tay Wea loneb acdc ine 393 Wandered-I w. by...... 621 Eeve! wi easts ital eee Vig) RU SnHOr eS from a Gre- «ee RTS Rok 532 Wanderer’ s-the careless w. rien EN ee irae 90 w. o'er eternity]|....... 692 Wandering—w. on a foreigns561 Wanderings—all my w..... 2 ehid.theirewaehtutes Jom: Want-envy, w., the patrons562 Tineither wigeaciax es 402 SAGE LYS Merwe ats Ont Po 3%. oe 484 TINAIELL w LaCie ayo tat e: atative aed 550 485 weocannsep- rates. wh es o. 245 WwW. ever urgent... .... 2400 Wetisia bitter ki dew. sc. 524 wasitself: dotht:s:!. ar 2 734 w. makes rogues....... 593 Wooyidaxes. stiifeas: sl... 341 w. retired to die....... 679 WOMANS Wet see Sattetrs 6 205 Wanted-not as we w.....6o1 ROL WUCIIScWe.. aaa Tee 404 ~ Wanton-silken w.*...... 285 Wanton’s-—a w. bird*..... 555 Wantonness—your w., your AONLOTANCE® x. Baa) est 9 Wants-contending with URL Wi Actas af siousiel eto 462 CXPLess OUT Wel sire. a 658 practih eae ROP AT a): reife = 404 Manawre Dabss «aisha» «5 404 iMy.-w. are. fewss. cow. . I41 my w. are few........ 734 Miraws Supply An rend 3 <2 601 provide for human w.. .323 social w. that sinf..... 157 toast our w. and {..... 368 Wr ale Ttatthya). sabe =» 134 eT NIT Le Wide Seid '- wttets 140 we that, pinch the... 2.5 402 w. to which he can... .683 Waat-wit-such a w.*....475 War-a project of w....... "25 arms against a w.}....562 arts of w. and peace]. . .333 RS 19D WE one we ahs sea tatele 563 flastuolrw." ay aitiance » 417 gouch* of; w.* = sce is 158 dangerous inw......... 595 deed ofsw jasc ak oes 353 discourse of w.*....... 551 dorsvola wis wee ovemess 7I4 dreadful scenes of w...466 GNnter UpOth W. siete wepeurs 562 27, ECE Wel tank as. has 710 for Popes wee 8.22 sce be 4I7 garland of the w.*....255 goal Of: Wiss ae kt ater 562\: grim-visaged w.*...... 563 7” 1013 Me PAGE PAGE War—Continued War—Continued PTim-visag dd viwoke te x Wellein “wis Patel ab a 563 he who hath proved w.||. WOLkKG Of Wat ao heh wed 327 TH Wy Ba eid Lsde reap eA ae Warbler-the first w.t....114 in w. he mounts....... 446|Warblers-idle w. roam. ...361 i) Wess IS Oba a beert iy: 716|Warblings-w. from the instruments of cruel w.*523 #hoMaTl hie ssn Seam 660 learn w. any more..... 562|Warburton—Bishop W. is life-is. wes. cjere- Se eh eti 428 reported jaw aderarereene 37 man of peace and w....196| said Bishop W......... 552 man of peace and w. 653 Ward-—W. has no bear’ +345 never was a good w.....562|Warder—time the w.. ' 5 ss HOt Cl weewacieet es aa S63. WilOt Lie braints acne of bleeding w.*....... -716|Wards—w. of covert bosomtast of glorious W.*smcirs cs 263 |Ware-great bed at W.... 80 prepare for ween. = .562|Wares-retails his w.*... , .396 prepared for w........ 562|Warfare-is'a w.....+.... 428 prepares for w......... 562] life isa w..........4+. ga prophesying w........ GOON RUDY = Ws OLEG pave Braces aso 653 raised impious w.**....187|War-flags—w. of a gathered EAIS A Awe seo ee. 740 EN OELG ‘5% Seestenphey saeco 316 tanks? of walls. 2.26 - 718|Warm—beyond ev’n nature reference to w......... 495 Wis ke ep Ne Ss Al senowned than}wi/*a.. 563)... grew welus Onin p0actet 554 gine Lol wsed oni. haa, « AO5.\n.0 Keeps me lwicid ae gern tee 93 Sine ws Of. Wiirsie s <)assl 405 =sonwewath light: gs. 554 SINeWS Of Gwe ators 4 +h. 408 \eaws asiecstasy sy. 4.06. 4a. 645 SIAIN. INA Wit arereieys 202 ANY 4) 502|Warm’d—w. both hands. .522 SOL SuOLs Ve matetechiis wee 526|Warms—w. every vein....454 Still fartwrs sl Faery. vs ate 717|Warmth—of kindly wit, -346 storm of w. was gone.. 34] w. of its July.......... 478 stratagem,-Of: we. 25st 460m we that.feedss. ssicccreh-. 345 than w. is destructive. .562}|Warm-to w., to Ge eel 741 the justest w........%. 562|Warning—a w. for the. -244 thinks of sweetest 562| come without w. 372 thrcateorawares onsh weet 71 il ee LOOK LOT, Wen ashe eee lai 658 $0 etwile wes hese aia S62) eethis “wihtoliiiest ass. A 27 toMma kel warts. we eis 6| w. for a thoughtless]. .656 EG, Off ett wit he -ebat ae 375| wilderness of w.{T..... 243 toe weawith. eyilfonesh. < 411|Warp-—not to w. or....... 458 tradelofl wis. wire erty s 193| weave the w......... 350 triak of sharp’ w.*® sage<% 562|Warrant-shall be thy w...425 BEL Obes Wino aice ore. as scars 333 | Warres—fierce w. and.....701 awenl esa Obbswa = elena cae ecdls 573 |Warrior—laurel of the w...551 w. and, pillagetf. «nc... G16). day. likevacWeles soe. 320 Wiuby nature 00k eh a9 MTS — w- dirstuteelsics te. eeioe 612 Ww. could wavisht «#7 667|Warriors—as female w....741 w. could: ravisht? say 297| mighty w. sweep§..... 623 w., death or sickness*..450| the w. steed.......... 446 w. even to thelhs sar Jaies. *T ono which: ye Leela. tara: 74 rat Atl sok Gey se anrees hae 678) which .we eel civ. ona aI 7 Wa ILO) SUIS te msieiats verse 718| Wars—of clashing Vi fee 624 w., horrible w......... S264, of Sendlessir wi.F tm stim 36 w. in expectation*....562}| than w. or women*....254 w.is a matteri/s. 2. +. + 495| thousand w. of oldt. . 84 w. is as hateful........ 563} thy prosperous w...... 482 w. is delightful........ %16| tokens of old w....... 204 cise Hell). tm ercare &atetos £4 enw. Slorious Aart.r- hy wks 1906 Wesisino-stritet naw. os 468|\..w. great organ§.... ..,. 564 wrais: thes) sesainnds rae. oe 18| w. or women have*....405 w. its thousands slays. .563| .w. rattle............. 74 w. loves to seek....... 170| w. red techstoneTT..... 19 wi. off elements. i...../... 381| w. that make ambition*.262 w. says Machiavel..... ee Warwick-W. and _ Tal- w. that made game....718 Botts sets oe Ace ars 257 w., thou son of hell*.. err, Wary-to be will......... 227 Ww. upon eachts v2. s es... 573 |Was—what I once w...... IIo w. was the state of....718| whatever w. oris...... 518 w. with-a thousandt. . .719|Wash-to make a w.t.....560 w. within themselves! . .232| w. his soiled linen...., 633 WASHINGTON 1014 ' PAGE Wash—Conitnued Wao the. balay. mater 403 w. the river Rhine..... 620 Washington-say of W....58 Washingtonian—W. dignity for > Mein. ae ne es 64 Wasps-let w. and hornets. S416 Wassail-keeps w. and*. wile: ~ aiid: | Wee. eet. eee - 206 Wassels-wakes and w.}..3096| little drop of w........ 6909 anid. we™, eee OST 64 Waste—-and melancholy w.522} milk and wil||.......... 389|Watkins-—shatter W. if yout, ‘ and melancholy w.....542} on w. stood........... 503|Watte-can clepen W..... 564 dead we. and*® 2.4. . +54 520(7 POOl SwiViINE Wess te of 433|Wave-a. little w.f....... 567 haste makes w......... Salt | Peruns) the, Wie Selseed es 643}. astwt tai wee.) 5 aa 480 lay w. our powers] ..2.752| stay of. wl. Ge. 720|- beneath the w......... Z153 prodigal should w.f... : 480 the conscious yao ve re rae 730| benefits upon the w.. .238 this generation w...... 7¢| oothrcker than wy. sascesi Orr').2 “breakiot ther we. gee eee 504 too short. to wal. ir vs A228 &. Thingscis, wee ous meheee ine 720] cool translucent w.**, .336 Ww: a vast-estate.. 2.0% 691|. unstable as w......... 383| from out the wl renee 709 wy ‘makes “want! 287. 341| w. blush’d its God ta see 94] on wind and w.*...... 407 Wi OF ple tY eta a eis \710| Ow. elideth. byt at ae 483 £pSOme: one wiht, eee €2 w. of wearisome hours. “en w. goeth by the, St sees 483| the climbing w.f...... All we thentime*: .bo abe nee 6o8le wi that. drives. sonctcen 483 the socean: wis. note 543 w. would makef....... 720| w. that: goes by. sie.) 483} the western w......... 530 well amid the w....... 504| w. that is past®./...... 483| the whirling w.j]...... 642 Watch—an authentic w. is Wa thiaitris: past) aakvave ar 483| w. along the shore..... x 7a SHOW, hic: ue ane ees 545| w., w. everywhere...... 632] w.is deeper bluel|...... 236 authentic we is. 9: /2.0%. 720] Ww., Ww. everywhere..,.... 720] ) -w. of thetotean. (248) . 345 constable: of the *wi¥% 22/582 || ewent Cby. .568 Watching—weeping and w.318| and w. near|ll.......... 236| 5 -w. were. deadilcy, 2.2 163 Watchmaker-has no w...720] as the w.............. 407| where barking w....... 358 Watchman-—w. what of the blood-dyed w......... 626] wild w. saying........ 632 bh ed OU es Ear i A oe sa Ba S29 |\ bright wi,meet mee «te. 47 4\.e"wild weosaying sa wee 721 Watchtower-his w. in**..412] bright w. meet....... +708|- winds “and wwiece eee 482 Watchword-w. and replv. 58] by the w.f............ 406|\ t0 the bee’ssvr.*2,.. = Jongh 410 and thes wpe. sma ZOO le lad hwinObi|aen Parente dees 628| w. and parchment Loe f 755 bade thew. flowt...... 568) . he w: plowSss..s3. 0. 384|: > w. to: recetvel yo ae 222 brandy, “and "we- ace 207|'? inthe ws A250 fae ae 313|Waxen—women w. minds*485 brandy and w......... 430] lull’d by falling-w...... 519|Way-a weary w........7 477 bubbles as the w. has*.. 48} murmuring w. fall¥*...510] broad is the: wil. Sy Sea 348 business in great w. (627 noise of w. in mine ears* 201 dark oer the wee 428 circle in the w.*.......: 211|"" on. troubled*ywais- 2. Jas 668| deviseth his w.........€01 conscious w. saw its God 94] peril of the w.*........ 641; dim and perilous w. q. “507° daughter of earth and w.126| rising world of w.**....434 discern the wile 408 drink no longer w...... 206! scattered w. rave...... 543 | “easy isi thes w. tae. see 349. drintiewasi woes eee 4720\|\ ) Stolen w.- arelv iy .OeGan 5081. end ors wedi ee 507 dropiot swas 2.3 sate 567] “ stich» byl them. te. eae. 218) ° forget ‘the wi 0% eee 658 aroptoltwe et ao eee 67| the- still’ waters.¢...... 6or}-= her, own :w..s. eee 522 holy water from*...... 684| the w. fleet **......... 285| her unremembering -v...555 Water— Continued honest w. which*..... .720 horse to the w.........541 in imperceptible Wie wee 20 MLW, WIibeT ee eee .238 inspired .cold w.:...... 03 inspired cold w........730 life’ in thetwieie. ce. 562 HiMNS OM, Wepsema een ae 427 PAGE| WAY PAGE Waters—Continued these’ pure w.......... 40 unpathed: sw Siem se. 541 upon: the! willy eee 2h 542 walks) the’ wi) samr see, 641 w. cannot quench love.453 WwW. once passed by...... 483 - w. to a thirsty soul.... Water-thieveerlasies thieves a ee ee ‘ : eo a, Le ee eee eee WA YFPARING ~ 1015 “WEEP ee tt _ == ; E : PAGE PAGE Way—Continued Wealth—Continued Weaver’s-by w. issue... .532 HIshaOwn W.. sckteGaeen 544| from w. to poverty....20905| may Moorland w.l|..... 205 PSeeP I Y Wess sass eS mag | ete placesandiawit wen 405|Web-his self-drawing w.*. 30 is her Wr st ses. Boda ys eS 6S) senealthy and owevidar fa «2 405 |, ,middle: of; her ww... «. .< 660 life's common w.{....484] her own w............ 623} tangled w. we weave...170 long is the w.**......... 349] ignorance of w. ee caheT | ebelay OWA. ce chemin Garces 660 my lohebyr wesc im .a let 1S NOt DE Weien coy cso 289] w. of glorious feature. .519 the means of w.*...... Eda cest thevwallnteses emis 30|Week-keep a week away* 2 Shoushts «wl wis ey. s.< 4. FRG hep SaY I Wee Wi aire te acs 4051; Weep-a time, toiw... <0. 10 too much w. fort...... £08 orwekareeabterestihin fi» se0 O13 )| pea DOUte lO sw isteas yer, eats st 684 unless our w. epprenend48 5 Wiese aterestaves ic ak as 613| all around thee w...... 890 w. which I feel®....... 80614. wWe of toil.and,of.. .,..4: Ba SL ME NOUL Geass es von syle eae xe! ee ea 460 weapon of her w.|!...... OSe ie tra, Stale; Mate peeves 184] despise, laugh, cial palette 463 Weaknesses-their w. and WiereStale, dats. nis tey has bye Tel ge LUCATIN OG Wiek sides ere euele 684 SEAT Virus, dus tiv be eeevoratibay: 03 | Weasel—as a w. sucks eggs*_ 71] I'll not w.*........... 684 w. of human nature....268|/Weather—and rough w.*..698| make the angels w.*.... 65 Weal-the common w. be..400] through cloudy w...... Aga IUAY 4 Wie Dilte.. eas axhes 509 the; gentle: wi* us ies! 511] Weather-cock—a w. on a THLSht MOtmWV sek ose aaah 86 the public w.f.....-..582 esteeplet ba Meatrhyt were ate might not w. Se aS OF: Wealth—all that w....... SOS |... Ol austeeplet in. v: cui must w. those tears... -415 boundless his w......... 61] w. upon the steeple- aint 33 that I may not w.|]....415 Dy birth doriweas sates tk 460|Weave—robe ye w........ S72) ut OSA OL Wis areusre ise ie 172 GONSISES DAW 4 od opens SOS. the worinetOwat. ke hoe iOZile mtlOOEaLOW cute co cdtetuuea atte: 531 Ovedit 18 Wraps axel ab cer «ile Ses T5O)|, wawherefore:w,nwithi...4.4%0O1.8 to. w. ands wail... 7. a. 531 destroying them for w.*. 60] worm tow............ 59|.. to w. with them*.. .490 FOS AM TAGs viene, eLTime’s we runes oe 382 4 Woiate theyy War soe en 100/ Well-doing—religion of w..612| turns fortune’s w...... 110 : Weighs-gold she w.t..... Zor} 'tweary* in “w 2.3840. 320| Ww.grate onthe*......, oar : Weight-—all this w.**..... 403 | Well-favored—a w. man*..217| w. of fortune.......... 401 smothering w. from off.476| w.manisa gift®*....... 66\Fow.o was. still -. enw eee 621 ; victory o’er the w.4. 2|Well-formed—a w. mind Wheels—beetle w. his..... 235 Wein-W., Wetb und Gesang730 would see ee ee 560] can lesser we..... 203 Wel-werken w. and hastily341|Wellington-Duke of W...260| irrevocable w......... 508 Welcome-and great w.*..270|/Wells—into empty w. .281| Wheel-work—w. to wind Het bay deep-mouth’d w.|..372| into empty! wits . 24 281|Whelp—a _lion’s w.*...... 438 bay deep-mouthed w.|!..723 |Well-s eudidetatis woof 1t.43'3:| = ow. of Sin 7 a aioe, eee 453 be w. back again. =. > 405|Welt—dem Strom der W...682| w. and hound........, 08 bear win? er eee 376| W. will -betrogen sein... .180|Whelps—bear robbed of ee best-of Awe Seen 380|Wenches—w. on his sleeve*28 5 Weide, 2 Sle se 282 ‘bid thimhwits2 scence: 42|Wept—Cesar hath w.*.... 31]/When—and how and w....658 coming with w.ff...... 550| she w. and sighed...... 251|Where—and w. they bet. .308 CVer eka ane aan F234 who TEV er Wes sree ce ees 684 and when and w....... 658 Siveritew. see he eee 571|Werkman-no w. whatever. -1]Wherefore—why and w.*.. 56 TOO. We eNeret. eee 723|Werling—young man’s w. 757 why hath a wherefore*. 56 kisses "and wee . oe oni. 724|Wesley—-Methodism of W..332 Whetstone-w. of the warmest ‘w. “ati. ves. 388|West—and W. is W.. . 483 wits* te BBs WAS a triend ye eee 500| great empire of the Whichever-w. “you ‘do. ..467 We aS thet Ue Ae Sees t 78 RE IE PLS hd oe 34 Whim-soul of Wit 4 ia 560 Ww. eVer Smlest ow aes S71 Im YOUdEr Win ese ae 125|Whine—w. in vain|]....... 28 WW, SOR TG Boe A 723| I’ve wandered w....... 477|Whining-falls a w.. 88 wr oftawiter yay eS 727 “Hingers in the wises ee 476|Whip-her whip of*. .200 w. the coming? !T. 5.8: 2711) “no Hast ne! Wei. et. 35|__with a riding w.t...... 287 w:. the comingf. i. .2% 7. 723) i inot Bast nor wae at). 4 563|Whippers—w. are in love w. to-our house® 21/774 )¢ 23|- she from the w.¥*s.. 2... 672 tooF TU iN Ee eee 8 Ww. to their eee eect 21 the beauteous w....... 126 Whipping-who shall ’scape Welcomes—hundred thou- the drooping “w. tho.) ». 627 WF, OTe Sa 48 Sad wren. oe 723 |*travel due wells. eet 5351 whynet witoo nr 468 prattling their w....... 251) Swe yet ‘glimmersmen mes 234 Ripiopings iene atic Well—allts wit ee aoe ee 222)" Ounld Ww. (Witt. sc. eee 204 oS Wee De eee Lp | all igew. “Porte sot eee 550|Westbury’s-hearing Lord Whirl-in mid“w! of vhiee 556 all'may be wittee oscce 544) = what aw. isi? hoes 736 w. the star of empire... 35| w.and dire hail**...... 350 WHIRLWINDS 1017 WILL ~ e PAGE| PAG PAGE Whirlwinds—as w. shake*. 42|Wicked—Continued Wife—Continued PGi, .TOAT mute Baia §60} - never w. man :wast.2e.724)* man and -w.:.:cii2. Sk 471 ME HOKIG, SUSU aici Rat ocuahiols 260| memory of the w....... 327 | Canost petiéet wait. oa 727 Whiskey-—tak aff their w.. 200] the w.also............ 282 TOY We any. was sil 606 Whisper—and w. this..... | .381 fhe w.-flee:.-5..48 se to.0% 148| peevish man and w.....468 TAS DUS) “Wises tity eeuath. 630} ; unto. the tw: Se giles WA wuSO nthe: We, 11S paris eens 13 w. of the thronef...... BAO s oweall at oncesis: Jac FOR bia Sty le acweds o Login tees 726 w. one another in*..... 520i , sw. Cease strom: crarmin s: 613| such husband, such w.635 with a well-bred w. 2924). w. cease, frompisiwt ox. fr3-e -sweetiw.. |e anti eee eee 752 . Whispers-w. from the starss 59| w. enough to wish to ap- the detested w.¥....... ee Whist-game 1S cae ae lane) 371 peariegt Way divi. lax 49| the shoemaker’s w. ,642 _ Whistle—’tis to w......... at w. in great power...... weal. the tyrant Ww. sue seis ee 8 726 Wa tHEEUEDACK Eo hieus hss 03 Wickedness—flower Ob Ween pea. | eithe> weeiste. os. Joe eee 375 Whistled—w. as he went. 688 method in man’s w. .182| the w: where**,....... E Wis Whistles—w. in his sound* 20| method in man’s w.... 4724| the world and hisw.....726 Whistling—w. aloud to keep149|_ one man’s w........... eam thy lady, thyswity is 744 Westie NATIIG. ot: sake iad Pie SLSDICES OFWs Suny ea wees 24. tomevery: wilPat fe As. tee 306 ¥ Olea DAML... ected ns 259| -w. of the human heart..480} weans and w.......... 360 to keep myself...... 148| Wicket-fools at the w.....302| welcome of aw.:...... 427 Whitbred—ask Old W. to. .477|Wickliffe-remains of W. well-choosing of his w..460 White-as w. as snow*... .336 were exhumed....... 61| widowed w. and....... Le everye w. will have... . .244 poten tah dust shall WwW. and) Sweetos 2h earns nor w. SO very W....... gl merge ya) mete No kat aie ge we 61| w. governs her nasbariaas 5 pure celestial w........ 272 Wide the ditch too deep w. grows flippant ..... 470 fedj ow. and: ities ia... oh 225 BEL Wi ais sea Uiticg: greens 33| Ww. is a constellation of. at red. We Ath DMIG. en tewechs Bere! Phy 1S tne gate nn ania al 2 16|Wiles—and wanton w.**..414 Whusslit—throssil w. .520| hath w. and children. ..460|., and wanton w.**...... 488 Why-every w. hath*. GOs bes thomestiwas cs sus ack a6) ewsimple: wie. veka. TAT reason w. ed a hep age ere 530| ‘his w. and children....471| theit subtle we....0k 2. 7328 the wis: plait 4) JOS beri We. Led s 4.a%s, vara p seats ATON MWeDLo£ will vcs eee 647 w. and wherefore*..... 56| honor unto the w...... 725|Will—a boy’ ‘3 a SATOH ooh 750 Wick—kind of w. or¥...... 320| how much the w-..'...- 420 Sal womans: Wi. cee memen 728 AGE: LOL Wet wes ee sales 676| “husband to the w......-.470]. awoman’s wi. f. «:.« ot. 28 Wicked-—candle of the w..724| in whom his w......... S53) esagainst, HiS,Wistestas sae 541 Ravmighty wit. es. yc. 724| makes a. false w.......396]. against his we...) ye: SAI Sa Ws WAY ite os ae: 400) - man-atd: bisawes v2 5.4-)2s 537" against his tvweisr vata ie 728 fot or the witic.. rss. s PLZ be MATE ATO Waa essa hasta, 468 |srand lofty, will. 2s eee som 462 WILLIAM | 1018 | “WINDS PAGE PAGE C d ‘Ae ; i i Wind—Continue baa pi ghie lee x ONE eee sapere Saas eis wailing. ice | an bend “theirs wie... toat Go 7 | Sea ss | Oag just shitter aes He change the w.**....... 588 bake rel magia Hae oe ud eke Tight than, || 1758 court'sy to their w.*....419 ie re * TOF ‘502| w. of criticism......_. 383 craft) oft wetits.iiae eee 219 . Oe 5p? | eaperehae: blower nee 38 devilsofthis. wee ees 222 aan aout spared h: "637 | Pape thatebhintee’* ome 4a eke: ONE Whos cnet ee 344 Wi de fy i to w..:....184| w. that follows fast. es elsetirberwitin teeter. tae 556 es pial nite oe iia) aeetha erat ale harcae ae piislsi Meant ior is. sem ce aig ea ‘thant w.* fehy 1222 we. to “Measures Wy... ae 602 fairly makes your w.f{. .428 oe sea De Ee v ings of 4s a eee oe fairly: your w.P0.25°5%..5 430| those w eas eel i ines of thal en Se: far ws in. Us. .W so 264| Ww. ety needa eeprom east oe a frame get las Jods SIS, Pv ace ice eullneee z #00735] with the woo 0.) oles 527 freetw. Eien eke - Le ‘ okra ee eae a Z Gods iw andios 0/52 2.8 591|__will soonest w.. Ww . see What chorea? wine 4! goodiw. toward ment .-587 ee ee ..384|Windflower-w. and the great or little by his own ‘FF papbatea ia CS... oe violet = aa) ae as 348 Whe us sae oe bias Soe 54| Win ~a lu se te ae on Wihd-fowelk edie aka growth of human wi||..450| a Big nec Soh 29 violet cae Bee 2) ares gpaeied i lias lb anh Ss lactis of aan Tae 668 Winding -shbet De their w.328 havesnycwee. seca ees 65 ee so gett te sees ae of RdWward © sare Cece Se ea phe IE ii ag rahe have auhartik ee Ad “720 Winding sheets—all sethes esr apap nkl gos * ot a eee ee 97 hie. becee tee aa ee ag wih DIE a Windlestraw- Duke of W. at hishlastrweltiee, fee 3 178] charter a a os foe es, ao lWeirrdndli ire een ited 4 his permissive w.**....377| every w Be rine? * gee cpare & Wik ee oa Ttweabhish shah ene 728| ein sanfte a ak ee 304 Window=at iy a gees ae ifishecwsIshenw =. ies st 728 wag eens Hy i Face ts ee Maes tata an aaa ays incline his w.t*..., 6... 588] for him t aE Aa Sea hid Bic) kt hosee ae openeee aL ti issOt WY Dex. 2a 518 from an ni We ee ee wae Aibate towerhese leads the w. to*... ...4490 ill blows‘the-weF! 5.57: : $ido walt cite fork live by one man’s w....322| ill w. Sree? kes ue ee Ww: er See 466 IV POW Wes ita nies 322] ill w. whic ows Reet de eb ibe Hic dighitr24 not another's wejdre lA 363] in the wii. He eink 385 a eoag if takeheaiee, oa not: my “wit sien sees 585| keep the w.*.......... bis Te ob thee) a) aa rae obedient ee amy awl] Pee he eden A fee pak say noe pe as Wind=po were see 25 ¥ SECMOL Wh snete cir 45-1 | Oe Wn Rita sees stators cee ene y aes thy qwalls, 38 ae on i oo WAVES. Mrat au beamed 28s by the OWD-SWEEt Wi ices os oe 45 one foul w............ ie RD eee ee own sweet w.J:........ 620} resist both pie Aen 265 uae one oe i ‘i aang 3 a pride ruled my w....... 594| run oe Mew car. & 7 9 aid cant. le ee restrain’ thy Wii's). a4 483| sown the W........... 34 ce the ar cone an 668 sins of w.t.........0-. 550} sport of every W........540 blow wand eee 668 state’s. collected w.....667] swell’d with w.f....... ze Seb Ss al a the temperate w. f. :741| tempers the w......... a oid we eotee gee ide the unconquered w. §. .728| the flickering, Whew ge. 384 sian ae Sages vides the w. and not the..... 300) Mthe. 2572... 7| the whispering w....... 414 nate BS oti ae unconquerable w. **...180| the w. extinguishes can- tek eas gia ine 668 sare? odin. VPRO A471 dies... 5 ne Ms dacs tu & ; 3 Re Re {ct “ace: Ag ph Win IGAE TEE SN ee eae 720), thew! ny? PP. » Soliant 27 in, orl hale ee Ws Of Heaven eines 588) the w. the sunshine....383| wailing w. a tenet rie WOKMantis* final. eee 609| the w. was downll...... 42| wates, w. ae *ks*.. a W, OL WONnEieeR tisk oe 728] tide and w. ou lead pe 548} western w. have..... 58 you w. and you........ 59I/ to the crannying w.||...486|] w, an yim it 3 te pe William—youareold,Father \| tow.up.............. 464) w. blew ieee guns. .. er rr Da ee tas 22) * walks upon the w.t....430| w. come ligt tly. -~sonedae Weal. Agee Ppa W. way thew iS ie... o..2 729| w. did sites in vec oe ae te ar wild: west MY a dA ge euskal w. pret i alia Essay ROR D ae iNlin’ Backs is weet 72 w. among the trees -720| W. & + OF one: ota okt santa wittin’ Baris by w....686] w. blew east.......... 535] Ww. in ie? bees a : ee Willow-green, Ver Asta 27.5\" ws blows high: 37... ..-533| Ww. of all the corne SEX, ate song Of ow. ¥i het. Lae oe 71] w. cannot make....... 644| w. of heaven*.........5 TT s catioge tere whe 724 winder the. wr. 90 . eet 451| w:. doth plav the*...... 728| w. that Deviate : under the.w. tree...... SOO} . ww ever soft 2°... 304| Ww. their revels eae +543 w. worne of forlorne....607| w, is southerly*....... 390! w. up and rectifies hae VINDY 1019 : PAGE PAGE Ninds—Continued Wine—Continued w. were love-sick*..... OAC Mekw sy NCOLMEM Shack eee 207 w. were wither’d in||....163} w., women and song....730 w, twhistlenfireeso).2. 2 632| w., women and song... .735 w. whistle free......... 697} with love and w....... 452 weswill abated ine: ss 668) - with new weF*®. 2 6. och: 207 w. with melody....... 628} with w. and wassail*. ..206 young Weied it... 6.23 278)Wines—w. that are known270 Windy—w. ways of menf..464| w. that heavenf....... 9731 Wine-—a jug of w......... 554| use of strongest w.**...207 Bsus Of Wiehe ie 2% W275 leew He likest Hoge. as oan 730 abyurer of wins. dkiicens 9 730|Wing—an angel’s w....... 564 age improves. all w......18| an angel’s w.......... 564 ALE. FOSViawa cls tis toe te aM 208) an angelist wails .to2 ical: 564 PONE W Wak itas feria W2 295] ne’er droop the w.l|....481 IbeawtyiS.—- Wate selene FAT SrOn) Wighest aves oie sigs 413 IDG WAMOL Wh. Meow. 5 O89 700 -MOSMLSOATINIGS Wik thc iominl 463 Ceres and Liber (w.)...45I| on triumphant w...... 368 Mauprol hotewes. fo8 8 209} w. wherewith we fly*. .377 draught ofow.ie. 2 2. 433 |Winged—with w. sandals. .547 drown care in w....... 730|Wings—an angel’s w...... 572 every costly w.||....... 450 leaseltisn wise, oo eee asus 455 GOL StLGHeeEr Wisi fh si.'s 2 734 \enbetethilisnw. 2 jhe 455 friends ganid we... Sake 7 BOS tee Gupid Nas wena. case: 200 good w. a friend....... 200 |— duis: dew yewil..iccs-e 412 good w. good welcome*.723| his dewy w........... 488 Wood. waist. Ny. oe fas Boo) sis nimble. won. of. a. 456 POOUMW./ ISE Ssh Sok ke TSR 730| hiss of rustling w.**.. 80 good w. needs no*..... 72Oteenorse, With Wim .tae ond 370 SSH OL We dis eee le. sha ahs 6631, ° ill news-hathiwes.c% .).¢ 527 heat..with we"... vs eles 488} love’s light w.*..:..... 445 EVROLAS Whiz2 te. teehee <) shir 19| mighty w. outspread** 313 SOC Wats Petohs ite ae 625) eam y aspinimnetws este stabs 32 Rihiee Cee: 1S; tLithin. .e790)) 10n angel wa. sis oN a. ans 446 indulges in w.......... 207| son w. of winds{........ 313 insolence and w.**....530| reach of humane w.....435 like enchanted w....... 515] seraph w. of ecstasy....484 like vinegar from w.||...470| shakes the w.......... 201 not look foriw... i+. ..% 603| while the w. aspire] AI2 of misused w.*¥....... a O mE eA LEATST. 2 evi tee ners 581 LEEW: c¥feteeiee Simao eis he ToOLesw. Of mehtSe@i.e. i 2 530 oldiay. + tosdrimk:) 5.0). 68 19| w. of sea-birds§....... 633 old w. wholesomest.... 19} w. of all the winds..... Bue poison of misused w. an 207| w. of the dovell........ 406 pours ,out. welbii.s 6 ste sh. 553| w.of the morning...... 457 eb Wiad ON Corer a wee Peer Pao le worol the winds (ech ade 313 Sort Obs ws aes a fe a 206) ows of the; wind:. 22.2% Bins Strain your we) isn s se 545| w. seldom quiver at... .466 Sorpass olds, |lc ssn 3 730| with her sullen w.**....530 walnuts and the w.f....659}] with mighty w.**...... 393 RATE ES Ober Wiehe ois.sa0e oe with swallows’ w.*..... 370 MVATINLH OL Wass - a. tai 30| without his w.||........ 200 Poy mara TAC SIU tah wk See ae Wink—may w. a while... .4o01 w..and women......... SOFLIMEDS OOGIW:S , ) hye. vik p ak 650 Wi ad WOMAN, eon. 4 730|Winks—w. at crimes...... 401 w.can of their witst....730|/Winneth-ende he w...... 222 w. for thy stomach’s Winning—much in w.....444 ot ee aa Seer Sere oe 206; not worth the w.§..... 743 w. hassplayed..... 3%. TZ EP euOne. 1S Wel|.y Seid’ wee ess 301 w. in bottles|......... Bar| pew Or toatl pwessicies tists oe% 549 w. isin, the wit is....... 730|Winnow-w. like a fan§.. .3209 w. is wont Ole. chess che 730|Wins-losing he w........ 218 w. of life i pet angie ds eae 205|Winsome-a w. wee thing. .726 w. of life is drawn*..... 185|}Winter—a lusty w.*...... 19 WW OU POmMtS =n %-. ac . oe 731| a woodcockaw........ 677 w. sae bewitching...... 731) bid the w. come*...... 183 w. that maketh.......729| chill blasts of w........ 21 w. that will sell........ 730| every w. changef......369 WISDOM PAGE Winter—Contonued every w. changef...... 550 if sw A.COmMeS | maa aie 581 ATI We WHGD: afar. elatesens 732 lone w. evening........ 732 lust’s ww. comes*....... 458 makes aswin Sacra sak 677 MOTAW.. LPeeZewaeniowt as 233 same w. and surnmer*. .307 stern w:-loves]..../..: 732 the: Bngelish.w.||; .. ste: 732 when w. comes are....415 Wear TOUSL™ scene 608 Wiemwitile tous .ic ooeneccs 104 w., cloathed all in frize.732 w. comes to rule... sa. 4. 732 w. creeps along with. ..104 w. drizzled snow*...... 19 Wises: abe Matic open aoe 543 Wier LSA DAS Utena teresa eons 394 w. lingering chills...... 663 w. of our discontent*. .192 w. of our discontent*. .563 Wie Of Our lie S Sachse ss 336 we. tulersot thes... 732 Winter’s—a w. day....... 388 An WEARS Yin sy Memeieet eee Ae 502 Eira 8 keno a ea ty aR 699 ahavel Away rectal eee anes ps 639 so"many waiout, one 403 CHES Wealth haaeeionhc hd a 5 thesweaila wane ceisler» 2 w. be eighteen or cizhtyl ia Wears all Waileeemorke ee ous 232 Wintry-—its w. rest....... 278 EEDOLUCWaeATGH mie. atte 214 Wipt—w. out with........ 357 Wires-led about by w....465 Wirklich—das ist w....... 550 Wisdom—a higher w...... 464 aligiments aw tabs 601 hatsieparssa2e sy44|| He ot & 134 and “wie guides... oases 33 pit owe line ers ia. eee 408 byw taught.) ceunere 308 couple w. with sobriety4o92 delightful w. grows....519 delightful w. grows... .733 double share of w.**. . .483 fools despise w........ 313 folly with your w...... 533 pew wectuatioss seas cee 371 God give them w.*....733 his w. and his love..... 416 FE towevens||2 statin ociers rete 734 helbnnaue Clow yy Vice cue cae 378 knowledge and w...... 408 larger fact than w..... 77 last resilt Olswe sch .Eie 203 mMansot Wh cane Goes 9 GNA. OL AW lovee eave oe 20 masterpiece of w....... 22 NAY. “We WGaAss). ches hee 223 ofwhumaninwi 5 on acecwee 323 of w. and of witl]...... 647 DULY « CLIC SNES vee tert eens 407 part iolew Asn toe doe 223) praise thei iw. cesses 400 Prove “VouUtcdiw.ct.baus ce 545 result of human w.....416 WISDOM’S 1020 PAGE Wisdom—Continued TIPS in Vwi Sewn eee 303 some w. must thou... .128 soundseimy~ wears ea oe 256 STUY (OL, FWiathatas cies aie Means 602 teachers: Of two. ek eee 07 the prime w.?¥....... 373 their learning and w... 97 though w. wake**...., Boe though w. wake*?*..... 723 truth, w., sanctitude**. 461 turns w. to folly**. ae Vain we alley, ae virtue, w. and valour**, exe were! Wr Minter 610 where w. steers EARS 644 LE MOE ‘Wwe eae on 350 w. and goodness...... 133 We and wit-ares-s esc st 280 We ANOLRED Ae ae eaten oe 522 Wo CONSIStS SIR cette reel c 734 w. cries Out in*. 2 3/2. 3: 733 w. crieth without...... nga w. from the mine...... 319 WwW. tis < betters ose ae 732 w. isthumbles¢.4 5.8 133 ws is: justified wil. Fes 732 w.is ofttimes] ........ 3 AS w. is ofttimes nearer] .733 Wt Sh pPUsh7ds 5 ee ts 596 woemarried ‘to... 02) lve 581 w. mounts her zenith. .528 Wemust be SOUL. cs: 133 we of marmy ii, OLA ae 6or]|- w. of our ancestors. ...733 Wo. Of sUnIS «world. ire se, 5 732 w oft has sought; .). 7% 246 w. that doth guide*....144 w. to gold prefer...... 310 wo.to) proht 4s Ieee I5 w. which is foolishness. 732 w.. will notventer) >. iF: 509 with how little w...... 280 Wisdom’s—as if w. old po- TALO ids hipe ative theta al see AIS iit wriisany ee ee See 524 comes “w? (gain var P 3 578 in: w= ‘school? 222 Cse3:: 585 iS Ww. Dart. fA Vesa 403 Wet ald Ha. If SE See BTS Wise—a w. manis........ 406 aw. tman never... 0.7." 524 aw. man* poor Py 2.5% 585 all are w. when........ 108 and w. and beautiful. .546 and sw tihinges ee . 576 are reputed w.*....... 644 are: THE WHat ee ee 378 ASA WerTATN «tae e ere 562 be noti-w.- ins Se See 132 be. we to-=day i fet Ree 566 be w. with speed*...... 33 bids fair to grow w.....407 bute to: Ww amMene Ale sens 6590 can be w. and love..... 448 cheat us in the w.f..... 382 chronicled for w.*...... 448 confound the w....... 432 counsel to the w....... 528 darkly iwitiGin+ tahoe 233|° PAGE Wise— Continued darkly wits Gere ence 462 deemed to be we. ......746 didiariwe orex sane 5607 follies of the w......... 221 folly to. be wet Wee ay 378 group of w. hearts..... 131 happie thantwi. >. .¢38 378 het wash wilt. tee 117 honest men and w.....533 how w,. they, ares! 48 .% 449 iknow ou wetie).e-2n 633 instructor of the wisel]. .378 instructor of the w.||...378 is motew.Jate allGee. cx ou 280 is not w. at allf]....... 753 is the weiman Ae eee 734 learn tovbeswoieuit. fe 522 madness hated by bas Wile. Ae ee 419 make swnen swish 28. tae 96 may): De -.wWie. a. Sie aeaee 339 member of the w...... 482 Merry, ANGEWE. ssa 383 THOECKY salidi wae ee Fee 383 merry and worse secs 631 more rich, more w.f....552 never wicked man was WISHES eo ee : PAGE Wise— Continued ‘w. as. the froge. Jive . 4 439 w. enough -to¥........ 250 w. in his own conceit. .132 w. in his own conceit. .132 wis he that canta. «2 407 w. man does no wrong. : 2 w. man is makérugye. w. man knows himseli*. ake Ww. man) loses. uve neee 441 We Man May ke eee 143 Ww. Mati “must 9. eee 287 w: man will note.) pal 383 w. man’s country. «2: 143 Winans, tolly*o yam as 283 wi men, and? , 2 se eee 482 w. men have said*¥* 421 w. aden léarn. ee see. 223 weumen neer*e, Spo 508 w. meri.put/ off feet 258 Ww. men. puton*®s77 aa, 543 Ww. men’s counters... ., 747 w. athrough, ‘time. au 21 w. who soar but{...... 413 Wo: wretchijmemecs tiie 560 with the w. consorts...128 word:-:to- the swirom eee 746 Wiseacre’s-w. purgatory. 282 1 Pee SP RS et Shae! Smet 724|Wisely—w. and slow*...., 340° Tt SOM, ea teat, RL 534|Wiser—a w. man......... 378 NOt SO Waltons (eee 538). and awe mani aie 243 not therefore w.f...... sro be w.othany sieve nme 733 not.-worldly wiih. A: 7331) row Ww. andl Jie eee 556 not w. to be wiser..... 492 not the w. grow...... 421 not w. to be wiser...... Tee sadder and a w. man.. .656 one: swhots. wat. eh 1 128| w. in his own conceit. .132 party of -vweetnens fF. oe 231| Ww. men become....... 23 pass. for wii, 22.7 553|Wisest-:eems w.**,..... 566 PCAN Y Px Mee ee ....216] seems w., virtuousest**.740 puzzlevall. thetw,.2ua' 4247\|) (ithe iwemen. {ip eee 258 same time be w....... ad4Siu the. wo mene peel, doe 408 SAayithe.waleeeee ee ae 419} the w. Mone. PY. SoM 534 so w. we frowf........ 283| the w. saying of....... 407 spirits of the w.¥...... 282| w., brightest, meanestt..250 takesiafweanan: ee tees 436} w. may well ex. oe, Weuae0 the. talleithetw eth 22 a2 22|Wish-an anxious w...... 24 the w. beguilet....... 720} Sand iwi agree. Suan 682 therw,. like sie BRI Aee Sit aS we Canis eee 50x thes w.moustyoee se 20s oe 348| each w. resign me Agrida sce 540 AS gteatiy wise ve. 557| he made his w. Gites Te t0.a Ww. Man ports*. 2. sy 524| if a w. wander........ 4 to be:sreat=be-w, s)the 406| if a w. wander........686 to. beswih. eee We eet 408| my warmest w.....:... 631 to “hevw sect det ctateee 448. imy-~ -w.. isle ee eee 406 to be w. and love...... 448| that w. AWAY. Oe. 8 5890 to. theswes sc. eee n2 2) Gethe; tyrants twill eee ae 406 tobe. wets. 20a BaAl. ton be. myo wie, Soe 403 to. be - wi. Mik Bakoeote ede 505\°f we cannot wiiton. eee oo 7134 tO.cDeLIT iid anther etee cs 733| what ardently we w....252 to: be- wae eatery Aa) 732) Swhich .t wis... cee 587 tO.belws LOLs 1. Lom Mh aie 733| whose w. and caref.. 403 to confound the w.....320| w. was father*...,....180 virtuous and the w.....445| w. was father*........ 734 weak the very w....... 330|Wishers—w. were ever fools734 whatcw.7men* = 2i see 283 | Wishes—kind w. and¥....404 who are little w........ 408| made of w.*...... os ae who can be w.*........ 556| our w. lengthen.......600 WAGE EWE hots Maer ee 734|---ounw.. Jensthen® eee s 734 wisdom of the w....... 78\0- wain. w. istilled? iain an 602 WwW. as serpents ..-635| wants and wt..... 7 eo WISHING 1021 WOE : J PAGE PAGE : PAGE Wishes— Continued Wit— Continued Witty—Continued what aman wis: ...8! 180| w. lent from heaven....467/ shall be w.........4..3 es w. never learn’d...... 40a} w. uke: tiercesclaret)... "244 «the w. mane?Asene aes 397 Wishing—w. of all employ- w. shines at the expense477|_ the w. man........... 414 amrents - 772 “405 ht eed ig aera OF ) fig for Wa... cisir mri ashe SE BHCe’ ANG Wee, Gov) enor. w,.thees ie). te «a B05 lay LOY CMETY 1 Wiss a4 retanegs 360 or commune w........ Glee taey that areqwaseten Soysh| ham tesaleieietaa ey SMa S tei 651 pecks up w.*.......... 3096|_ those who are w....... ADSM LOS ATIC \WOC >, a peeiens 205 Piety. nor w..’....-..- s92|Witness-producing holy gave us w......! ET Ae 400 poor apish w......... 733 uyet . Actig Sea aed a70. erief band: wy a saale 184 qu rks and remnants of upon CREW ai ee oks ech ee 307 her voiceless w.||. ae ckepera 2 ae. KV RTM BIOI~ NE, ayy EWe still Of Fo LG tes pep 405) heritage sot wee s.e- 4s 472 ae amicty wi... sree 295| Witnesses—cloud OE Wages x7 B S/o, HOUSE. OF ees 29 ely) vin, ste 414 some w. without yeaitizer these old we Peas xn abo 2015.15 protracted Wo. 5 om 22 that readier w......... 695 Wits—baited all the w....359| is protracted w........ A431 fidtw...is out®ti., ay) every, homelyiw.*.. ...-- 696| joy ee s POS a ete eee 493 thy shallow MOSES? oee es 579] - great w. Sometiniesl. j400|" | JOV.OTh We itn ch ree oe 680 ee Wao toc ss. 1O6| eBTOAL Wo ATO) hel fe ene non (304 lash’ a with Witte ae Aes Pane We ® 484| nectar Gli SOOGUW c:4../ee AZO IPAS tO-Wids \tlagite ee oe 378 too proud foraw....... TOah) 20. gentle Woes reg unel SG Tile Le Uy OL Wiaer. ce aoe 335 where w. failst....... s93| Of their w.}...-....1.- PeOle pIiati’ OF Was thin Sta. hayes ee 656 Sid wot «wo and... 7. 631| S80 Many W.seesa ess 544| mockery of we oat a eRe 500 wisdom and w. are..... 280} some wicked w.f...... 726| now. to correction*....451 wisdom, valour, w.**..456 which w. inherit f..... 250m GOES Ole Will sm om reece 16 w. among lords........ 287| whetstone of the w.*...282| mnotesofw............. 576 w. and spirit......... 60x! «we and Templarst... 5... Lal MeOLES, OL) Tihas os sets te 600 a eet iy a3 Se he, Se Ww. are game cocks..... 228| nurse of second w.*....480 w., eloquence and...... o70| Wittenberg-make you from Of mortal wit shiek or 432 w. in the combat Set) Be 640 Rice, te tal ie er aaa ola HE of winding NG Bee ey ee 532 w. is news only........307 Witts—scourge of we w.449| one brow of w.*......, 722 w. is news only....... 414 Witty—are the most w....476| one w. doth*.......... 480 w.is.out:...7.. tas, ON, 730| not Only swt eee 3, eens 4a one wismakes: yn sok ts 490 wae Ont®: EO, 38 730| POCTS Weeesserreerveee 96| renewed ourw......... 329 WOEFUL : PAGE Woe— Continued Sea xO wel. eek. Oa 576 sights: of w.*¥*......... 350 signs: of 'w.**. {259% 5%), ¢ 254 suits {of witet Peis 508 tears OffWit cee et a 503 teems with mortal w...656 the wise from w....... 106 this world of w.||...... 433 vicissitudes of w....... 4590 “watt witht wey senso 428 weaves for others w....614 weightiottwrae tienes 368 with becoming w.t.... 16 WwW. awaits a country... .685 We brings wih. ee ae 4809 w. lustre= gives. sbe oe 14 wo years||n, tee 442 w. succeeds a w....... 480 Ww. thy.canses 2.2 a. 78 w. to the*hand*® ...7. . 7% 511 World Of wet aaa ee 646 Woeful—a w. mind...... 512 Woes-catalogue of human WT Tete ee ane 718 for other’s wi)... 220. 685 from another’s w....... 490 of present -w.||......... 304 tare are solitary w.....480 SCCCOUPRS WE ee ee 378 thy? Ww. imipart. 2. eee 133 to‘tell’ his wines oe 644 well-sung w. willf..... 6790 what mighty w,....... 739 with old w,*..... ton 688 W.cat mrdnight. a. an. 532 We: ‘clusters. 8h oe ee 480 w. that wait on agell.... 86 w. which hope thinks. . 290 Woful-the w. time*...... 543 Woke-w. and found that. 546 Wold-he that w. not..... 548 Wolf—does the w. love¥... 45 his sentinel the w.*....520 holds aw, by. os. 02. 418 howling~of the w....... 146 make: ‘the w.2) sce eck} the w. is nigh. 794 639 with “thew? 27?) 2 Fiske: w. behowls the moon*. . 529 w. devours the........ 463 Ww. On thestolalltr ss 58 w. where he the lamb*. . 548 Wolsey-W. a little before.404 Wolves~affable w.*...... 554 moon from the w...... 412 silence ‘ye wt... 5290 Woman-a disappointed w.233 a jealotis Wi ee 395 a jéaloueiw.. ae ee 395 ALOiaiti wall. epee me eee 247 A Perlect Wiles gen ae bee 741 a shameless Win: 50 cee 740 Bo Wit oot ts cee 4135 A.W:., a spatiel- 2s a 621 We TOV Geis mer eee 735 SOW, Ot) se@u pecs ee 633 a w. perfectedtf....... 741 a W epreacnitign . hit 590 a WA SCOLNEGL Ag. eee 42 1022 PAGE Woman— Continued Baws (SQOTMERE Feta. yi. 233 al Wn LOMYVOUS ine seieale 457 ALWeWwEON IOS mere hss 740 ancartiul wie ots alee oe, 628 an’ laborin’, w.TT...:.. 410 anger, of aAiwatisic fiona 42 beauty of a lovely w...515 better than a w....... 505 believe a will.......... I52 bornof wert ea ee 501 bate wits. feet 633 cherub in the shape of w.105 dam able deceitful w..739 donesby awit 24a 8 759 CEOtiSHl “Oleweens oat eee 219 every WH iSti atten eee 274 ev'ry. We isatial lu, © 2 457 every Ww.) ists icine. 736 excellent thing in w....715 fairiws which... ace 130 for wordless w.||....... 632 found int with? eet 726 frailty thy name is w.*.739 £POM, WivTOSeMe Aen eee. 739 gentler sister w.... 53... 113 hate a dumpy w.||...... 667 heartofiwistn. 2. see 586 heart oitw.cistt eae 736 havVevagw.. it tot mee we 738 im Godiand wo... oe AOL in love with some w.*..440 large-brained w....... 570 hike-w. kinda tei Ase 245 lovely w. stoops to folly.173 manvand swt see ee 613 march up to a-w.§...7. 745 more commendeth a w.138 Torres Of wins we Oe 738 more than w. to be....737 Raine is “wet... ee eee 508 never yet fair w.*..... 487 not va wits ts ees 730 one-hair Gia sw. see ee 337 ourselves and a w.....738 play*the wits oe ee 85 play ‘the we.Fis. 0. 684 preference to w........ 603 Secret "Govas Wee eee 164 Shelis azwe lo Fe anes 742 she‘is atw et? =e) .ay.ae 742 slighted w. knows no... 233 some savage w.T...... 724 still the w. take*...... 456 stranger is w.||......... 736 such a w. oweth*...... Sy ps Such "al walls t Se ae ee 737 the) best-ws< secession eo. 358 Chetw died t 1a. ae et 628 the we takes ss see 722 GOTOUpIT Wee oe ye 741 till “we siniled. tei ee 27 til w ‘smileae,es see 737 to show a w. when..... 446 Unto Man 1S wos sete 434 [PON e Ae Wel elke seers 149 voice of a goodw....... 71 Was EVer Wer sate rientet 742 Whats were. fees 730 when a w. appears..... 737 WOMAN’S PAGE Woman— Continued when was w. true...... 384 when was w. true......384 Withaw..cODpes||— ame aes 743 Ved Vs ae ane 742 wine and owe... ceil 73c Ww. as you made. 7A4C w. Dorn as: she. 77 ee 23¢ w. either loves........ 342 w. for the hearthf..... 737 w., gentle w., dare.....741 w.in our hours of...... 435 Ws Imuthisy Case m. eee 73€ Werllythis. scales ot aaa 60 w. is always chatieeatieees w. is leader in acme on 738 w. is not undeveloptt. . .737 w. is often fickle....... 736 w.is the clearer........ 311 w. like a dewdrop...... 603 w.; lovely wi.ad.e lees 14¢ w. loves her loverl|..... 457 w. moved is like*¥...... 42 w. never forgets her sex738 w. oweth to her hus- band*.72.-. see 212 woman, perfect w..... 739 w. rules them still...., 736 w. Tules ns stile. 736 Wi Sat Insane eee 41@ w. says she loves...... 46 w. since she fell’d|..... 505 w. soul leadeth us..... 741 w. that deliberates....355 We that. bath... 135 w. the last the bestt... .737 w. they say was....... 736 w. thy vows arell...... 384 w. thy vows arell....... 746 W,.t0. CDeYdaro ee 737 Wi LOD Wille) areca eee ae I w. wakes to lovef...... 457 w. when she was...... ceee Ww. Will or Iwonlt) =e 728 w. with the heartt..... 937 world is an old w...... 50 worse than aw........ 738 worthless Wocat. eyo eee 275 Woman-country—Oh w., Wooedsu ae aac suo SPS Womanhood-grew to w.||.143 3 w. and childhood§....757 Womankind-faith in w.t.506 lessiin “welt kiee eee 566 that w. hadi... 2a > 406 Womanliness—w. means ODL «2 bc ance ee 506 Woman’s—a virtuous w. counsel... :.scckee eee 15 AW. CTV cL tee 228 BW TAIT teen eee 610 AW Gilt ...: w. whole existencel|....456| w. who have been...... 470] with unbashful ipeneade wrong’d w. hate...... e33\) w. will love ber¥. «7... a5 Wace ly naa SO ae 10 Womb-my mother’s w...537| Ww. wine and snuff...... 435] w. in festival terms*...577 Women-and stormy w. il . TAO Mav WIS? TOs LG cat Moreen ate 505|Wood-—a little w.......... 403 ATOMIOD WE tOOLY, «oes s.<0 es 744|Women’s—been w. fools..739| a vernal w.J.......... 521 become some w....... 20S g TOM, WisGyesne uke mates 246| an interfluous w....... 532 bevy of; fair; w.**....... 6 730}, . DOOD Wea LLACRS Teli At ars Sil) andisshaggy WwW... setts 631 eGo san dem ee its 63338 thal W.. AaLe™ ule smrm dors 450i, OOP itl avy... CO. a Maue. A553 RIGIOME ATTORC 294 cos cinces '« ZOS|, . IV. NY POCHSIES. Iara 738| deep and gloomy w.{..521 especially to w.l]....... OIG WW. WEAPONS* .o ajcite feiss O34)e) heswere! Wieitunstine ae aye 564 BECCIS p31) We sadeorsiey oes .337|Won-a battle w......... WT One lel SNAG «Well epee oles 413 BOTW ol AID asic jars stare o's AS Filer me AG Wl age Thor ea altaaces Or7), logs into the we, «lees 675 for ww. .SDEdN. cain cs. » «> 685| allis w.ll......% ane ap pt Siac 1Ob. CVEDY Minocatets te II WOODBINE A) ee PAGE Wo0o0d—Continued old w. best to burn.... 10 old w. burn brightest... 19 plantar weatnnceerale 493 plantas Wosees Adee 734 whole little w.f........ 230 ye witha tease ee 424 yon: anciemtuw, 2. .kohe : 50 yon ancient Ww. fein .eb 50 Woodbine-well-attiredw. iid >> luscious: sswisk eet 2 276 Woodcock—nor a w. a... .677 Woodcocks-live like w. il. .282 -Wooden-shoes—w. are... .603 Woodes-w. have eares. .21 3 Woodlands—w. brown and bares. ate ieee eae 52 Woodman— spare that LEES Z. ui eer Oreos ee 98 Woodman’s-w. axe lies fPeCi. RNR ROT Sie tie 235 Wood-notes—w. wild**...577 Wood-pigeons—airy w. have built. acre eee 310 the w. breed. 310 Woods-all the w. are¥*. 532 and, shadya.witswe oe 5 620 and» the ave peel cenit e 521 fresh wp and FIL racy 519 gaunt w. in ragged.... 68 growth of leafyw....... 506 Mune. with Wwe. Meee 558 nourished in the w.....728 the sleeping w......... 620 the venerable w....... 522 the w. among#* i)... 532 winds and naked w..... 68 Ww. against a stormy... .526 WievAllG Ia WITS) a ewes 520 a sigh to her song....532 W2, tO rOatmre eer eee oe 530 Woo’d-—may be w.*...... 742 therefore to be w.*....742 this humour w.*..2...742 to be w. and won...... 457 we should be w.*...... 743 w.and married. ....2.. 744 Was.) haste* iy > Leer ae 467 W..NlOt wed W. Mans, Stee, 395 would. bew tks. see T44 Wooer—a thriving w.....744 heart of the wooer..... 407 Woof-—weave the w....... 350 Wooing-ever w......... 275 heart of theiwess one. 407 not worth the w.§..... 443 time: [ lostiin watt: fea 246 Wool—and no w.......... 678 PO Out LOL We she ee ae ee PO. OUt LOLs Wee eee eee 61 tease the huswife’s w.** e Wool-gat ering—thoughts ran a wool-gathering. .62 Woollen-in w. ’twould a Sainte Ae ake eee 569 Word-a good we ee 587 aw.’s enough| Oh a MAM ad re 4 748 By Wel Ot 1b boriett tern he eee 502 ny evil wer ee ae ern seas 8 and deliberate w.*..... 376 PAGE Word—Continued atiev ry iwittes, OF, ay 321 better than my w.*....610 blow! with a-w.eu) 748 dead at every w....... 25 forvOner wal. eee ete ee 746 grievous w. stirreth.... 43 honour his gown Wales 80 Dl owas may wie ELS Te 647 in w. mightier**,....., 270 inwardwrywriwe wh cts ee 75 TAT AeWite Yee ace 748 INViGood hy sa, Ee AL 510 Nnotscan- one wets. so. 746 not a‘Prench' wi. .'2. 2 382 not-a lucky w..5 2 382 Hota switces, ae pee 747 Hot aiweeoree see ee 747 old.wsa newest. oe eee 746 Oldvwacnewersre. eee 746 once. familiar’ ws)” 517 one. kindtv:s'to., cone 555 one little wits ee 747 ONE | POOTA wares es 740 teaching me that w.*...747 the fleeting’ws!7’; 7.05% 422 Waste May Ws ils wenn % 680 whose lightest w.*..... 307 With. One tweet. oats: 382 wievand-aiblow.). un a. 56 w. and the Holy Ghost. san w. at random spoken... 53 We > LOT Wena een oe S73 w. I never use...... see toy Wi VOUT Earn: wee ne 748 w. no man relies...... 567 We) Olle garry. | FEASTS a 502 w.- thats floats§) 2.24.2 378 wethatispake itec.° 2.8 119 wisthatspakett: Peer = IQ wi. to: the avise-e) = 746 Wis too large?! Fees 747 Words-—actionus speak loud- erithaniws! ae ee 7 allit-sa dunn se ee oe 707 alms-basket of w.*....740 Atl WOUr Hew ee ee ete Tso and employ ‘wile: ate. 659 are -bDituve and wists ss 539 beste in te ere 581 bethump’d with w.*...100 bethumped with w*. ...747 better things than w.§. 8 big w. do not smite§... 8 by OLE agar Oe he a 748 by winning Wich an nO COMT NIT sy ener ope eects ott 658 CONMNE OUP We. es opete «a's 633 deeds not we bec cele drop gentle w......... 746 BAG Ry OUIe Wane -ceteitena a ale TA7 favtesve. dates so nee ee 5990 feebly w. essayl|....... 75 few foolish angry w..... 43 find me,-the. Wee... 8 fine wt wonder. ..% . 4. 574 from airy w. alonef....748 PIVE SOLTOW Wate ane smi 490 harsh w. though....... 748 her w. and actions**. .. WORDS PAGE W ords— Continued high w. and deeds..... 8 his “w Mare. = pene 748 his wi like! oe WAT in w.as fashionsT;.: ... 748 fast: wo that eee 507 lend "ime “wee 572 let ‘thy “ws be <>. oaaeaeere 643 love ‘with w.* =." eee 453 men’s w. are ever bolder 8 my w. seem treasonff{. .526 my w. shalknotlt er 4:0 no W.. Can” Teach yee 557 plain were his w....... 438 poem without w....... 553 power Ob Wit: eee 219 powerof wt... a. ee 571 report thy w. by**2 627 tespect not wis. ween 398 rich“ wf}? eae 570 rich w. every oneff....748 Sa. dew. 20. sae 612 soft w. have brought... that-w. with men’: / 2. their earliest w........ 510 through w. and§...... 579 thy *w.\decertil 2 ae ee 4603 unpléasant Sh Woe ee 422 unpleasantest w.*..... TA7 untotmoble twas aa sense 738 volley (of wets oan eee 47 war of mocking “w.....057 well-chosen w...... cee eo whose w, all ears®. .7., 747 why "do ot Ww") see 471 wild@w. wander}. 4748 wilged |"We. ... 0 eee 746 world) OFWs... anne 250 w. a different sense. E57 w. among mankind....581 w. another talks... coe 545 w. are but women. .... 9 Weare Dut. s.< 4. eee 687 ww. are carefully een 440 weeare feminine?s. ©... 747 w. are like leavest..... 748 w. are men’s daughters. 9 w. are men’s daughters. 747 W.. are-my OW, oc... te sono, w. areino- deéds*. os aa 8 Wr aie sCaret ss 2 aoe 747 Ws Are SO"MO MOTE ey 644 w. are the daughters of. 747 w are the daughters. ..747 w. are the physicians. . 746 w care thingsiivs 4. oe 680 w. are wise men’s...... 747 W, are WOIMen. oo... aan (a) We ATE CW. vie. (eee ee 747 w. divine of loverff.... 36 Ww oiow"! Swith’... . eee 756 WoeLTOM YOu Pelee cmee 66 wir have, “witiee va. aes 746 WalitViS*writ ii een eee 581 Wels it “wilt Stl ae eee 58r wer learned. by” Ty. conroeme 658 w. ike naturtet.. .ee ee 4748 w. of learned length.... 56 w. of learned length... .421 w. of love then spoken. 478 WORDSWORTH 1025 WORLD PAGE Words—Continued Workmen-when w. strive* 26 w. once spoken......., 746|Works-—all God’s w.**....740 Way OUl Wy, egies 498| country is the w....:.. 143 pleasant and clean w...410/ country 1s the Wally. 143 PEA VAIO At Wines tive y= 409| country is the w....... 143 Bub} VOUT Wve es pees 341| country was the w.....143 Seams: Aba Weems se gs 750| creation of the w....... 536 Phe anaster Ww." os... '.. 459| currents of this w.*....417 Gril iSs te ets aac chon te 750| ere the w. be past...... 221 what a piece of w.*....460| estate of the w.*...... 475 when there’s w. to do..422] esteems that busy w....387 whose w. is done...... 477| everything in this w... 482 whose w. is notft...... 43x17 fabric of our wie 3.25 2." 500]. w. for ourselves and....738| falls the w.ll.......... 624 Wererows LDIAY aie. aes 340|> farm of the. win o... 186 We mINIGLOR Wi css thc one's 5, 4 find aw.tT..... eat are te 346 CES Eta ae tes aso lons 526] find the w. a spirit]... .482 We shiailmnotbe......-.s 230| for the w....-..-.---. 388 i ang pls of Him....528| found in the w......... 563 rN 5 oO pn Mae 750| fruitage is the w. e464 Worke-his w. beginneth..222| gain the whole w....... 656 Worker-to the w........ 351 girdle thie Wat eeu 571 Workers—all true w......- 750| give the world the... .425 Workes—w. of Nature.....519| glories of this w....... 61 Workman-the cunning w. glory ef the w......... 311 Meyer doth oo. 6.56 445} good bye proud w. .752 Workmanship—w. of heav- good w. to ie hols ae ya .751 ot ate ect ee 533' govern the w. ater gaa PAGE W orld—Continued governs the whole w...280 great roundabout the w.752 great w. spint. es IIo great -w. spin}: ./02.22 369 greate ws 6pint econ oes 598 harmony of the w... has the whole w. ever deceived he that the w. subdued. 540 her sleeping w......... 271 her sleeping w......... 531 herald of a noisy w.....528 home is all thew...... 143 how thistw et. oe. 300 ifallthew.and........ 444 tfiall theswiw. see one 5490 isthe w.sdiviness esol 452 in this judging w....... 480 ins thisw Iie. sae 343 in«this.w ist idiot aa 501 ingress into the w...... 430 Into ithe w7An. 0c: fee 537 language of another w.||531 learn -theew sin. < oan 751 Iet the w. change...... 410 let the w. ees Ly ER ae I4I lisht. of theswe.... 0. ie lights of the w......... lost Mark Antony the w. ag made the sw. iin cere. 150 made the w.f......... 382 makes the we. 29.20% 441 man is one iwi. s,s es 461 morning of the w....... 501 mother of the w....... 525 murmur of the w.f....322 new w. which ist...... 455 not loved the w.ll...... 452 not made the w.f...... 680 not made the w.f.....680 now a wep Fakta OL o’er the one-half w.*. 520 Ofpanotherawn si. sean 250 OL another Wes ores 689 out of: therweeene . es 185 Out ofthe te. oe ek 265 patriot of the w........ 561 progress the w. has... .472 progress through the w. "$430 queen of the'w........ 34 guitsha wileriy css 614 respect upon the w.*..750 right with the w:.?... 550 MOUS. t heist Wi. see tte: 387 round about the w.....310 rules the wiih as: San. 506 runs the w. away*..... 135 fins the wit. Aes, ee. 750 rush of €he wee. sett. « 682 secrets of the nether w..38 six days’ work a w.**..150 slaves 0’ the w.J...... 221 sought the w.......... 752 spite the w.tn ser st ad 184 steal from the w.t..... 540 strange the wires. os 537 seen, the Wii niece olen 752 Swore: Then ee tele teres 571 that little w.ll....... . 486 WORLDLINGS 1026 : WORSHIP PAGE : PAGE PAGE : World—Continued World—Continued — - World’s— Continued : that) use thisswihscnn ae 264] Ww. is grown*........«5.284 the w. diameter*......647 the created w......... 691| w. is large when....... 223} the w. opinion........ 752 the mighty w. .. SRS QT he We 18 OSA. oer freee 8 449}... the w..a stage* 2c. 0. 664 the New W,....... dehad 3 2} Maws, IS ADINE: ye, ales pores 348); cs) OG StA SC oo weer s 665 the. passing,iws. sc .seek 66|: .-w. is my fatherland. ...143]. ,Ww. a stage... <.. 3.6 pees OOE: the widesw7*2)...s2.0cn 4 375 \o. WwW. 1S Not-for-aye*™ win ws TTT We BeStRPvic cae mpd e 500 the. w. abroad*. ..n5035 696] w. is not sufficient....345| -w. a fine believing w...527 the w. but feels...... one Tew iS TUL Spaemiate aah mc 280], wa theatreren: eee 664 the w. changes.,...... 110|/_ w. is still decei_ed*.... 49] w. broad field§........354 the w. forgettingt...... 540| w.is too much]....... gsatvuw, fallpanddle see 595 the: w.wherec:cmecunn 4 27 \-aweis young Had. ....4 0. 759\-,.W. Qfeat 286. e.\.6 «nes 752 the w.’s an inn .. 388] w. its veterans rewardsti42| Ww. mine oyster*.....,.553 the wo turns®2An cea s Olama.. 1t5eltaasamohanesads 233| Ww. mine oysterf....... 750 the w. uncertain...... 455| w. knows nothing of...707| w. no blot for us..... lag this pendent w.**..... 214| w. knows only two..... 218} w.no blot for us...... 752 this. tough w.*.2... 3%. 429|-.w. laughs with. you. .....415| ‘w. of light... iw eet« 435 this wicked w. hers supe w. means something... 2] w. so wisely.......... 24 this work-day w. +t... 744 Tir pW DYS DUE Satene ees 388| w. storm-troubled space2zgo this w. of ours||.....5.. AS2)- ow. -oteeare As... tate 2| w. that only seem..... 510 this w. of woell........ 433), we ofoursh cote - eke 752| WwW. uncertain span..... 497 this w. put on§ ie... sc. Ae w. of sweets and...... 752\|: Ww. vain mask**,...._. 423 this w.. where? <3}. 35 Wer thoughttt ais ese hate 97|World-without-end—-a w. though all the w. bie iets Wy Of vile*. Mateos 496 bargaii* a pee er though the w. oriahin .400| w. rewards the........481|Worm-—a loving w.......754 thoughts rule the w....331| w. says least.......... 358| darkness and the w. BS ay thro’ all. theow-fi-. «s>% 4550 hare So fair. Gi ya ees 347|, foot upom-aw. Tiyan 206 to find’ a wittias sarees 166| w. surely is wide...... 2709) > for every witi., deat 754 to.find a wrumioes tee Te21+ pw, tobe wits ton aan 664| round httle w.*........200 to spite the w.*....... 15]. -w. uncertain comes. ...139|- sister of the w..... J... 462 2 PhOwthesny t,o: Al come aiuems 585 eew. Waits dor shelpeates 750|. smallest’ w.¥ A206. a f953 to. thew, Allatnn Ad aoem 165| w. was all before**..... 242| spirit of the w....°.. 2.754 : unprofitable w......... 659} ssw, avasallvaatep oe 2k4. & 388| spurns the w.ll..... bgt 058 unspotted from the w..611r| w. was built in........ 552|.,. the w. to weavef...... 50 uses of this w.*...%.... £841. WaiWasilike. aca sig. eh 664] the w. to Weeds sey. oe 11SE8) Of thisawiate see S501 AoW. J WASHINAUG .- icp hierar 340] Ww. at one end. yr, what a crowded w.....433] w. was sad.......... $737 | naw i the bid™.: eases 132 what is in this w.*..... 184| w. was so made....:.. 544| .. \W. is in the bud? 194 whole w. that at Bair? ae 3294| we was ditmeis.ds sen .112| -w. mounts through all. . 238 whole wit... besk Je 523| w. was worthy........ 578| . w. of the earth..... eee TT wonder of the w....... 407 \20w. well léstec. See ee 449| w. that hath eat®...... 271 wonder of the w....... 604| w. which creditst..... 46| Ww. that hath eat*...... 753 w. along its path...... o1| w. will come round....559| -w. the cankerj]...... or w. and: histwife,oti-/25. .1726|. owe Will hu Oem a aes 1.504 WLONL1 As, Waele eee 318 w, and his wifesaté ace . 751] Ww. without a sun...... 399 your W:;is® 42s. eee 753 w. and whatever...... 24| . w. without a sun...... 37| Worms—food alike for w. .504 w. and worldlings*.....241| w. would listen then. 738 food TorW. >. ams ieee 230 w. applaud the........ 227| worship of the w....... 403} , poor ‘we ithey -. wc. cee 488 , Wanbiuteats: Ghesi) seagaen 664) 2 -worstew bhatt x cand hie 751| slackness breeds w.....507 Wa butsheelsiies ie saver 753|Worldlings—w. can ome y: Aatl, tuedw of Neh ee 647 w. can never fill. sas. 478|Worldly—be wisely w. .733| tombs do w. infold*. . 50° w. dim darkness*..... 520} ..eVery Ws SOOTE® By. nde : 388 w: and epitaphs*. 2 - 502 W, PROCS UDR ervey vere 111|World’s—a w. desiref..... 30) ..w. “be eathoe 2) aha 497 Wi BOCS Uke eee ater oes 597| allur’d to brighter w...so1| Ww. being trampled On... 253 hil OCS. UD Saw wee et tthe 752} best of possible w...... 550|__w. have eaten them*..455 as grown so bad*..212| best of possible w...... 550} Worms—many devils at W. 1460 4 has nothing to...... 361| between two w.|l....... 432|Worn—w. some ergy W. IN awebaa. .onate anid 501| between twow......... 612 years. . ~264 W, in awe, May aatkiges 503| between two w........ 753|Worse—-for better, for w..721 w. in its embraces..... 62} both w. at once they greater feeling to the w. +3 70 we sal bubble tetris 427 wiew... tay Whee Faen 23\2.the w. tor weat.n.nae aad w. is a comedy. ....%.. 431| both w, at once....... 221|. the w. the nearer §....367 w. is a comedy..,..... 75%4s;but the ww, Mia te. Ode uel 570|__worst are no w.*.,....379 w. is a great poem..... SOL) yeorushsar wwe caine 381|Worship—cease to w.....-335 w. is BINA Stas. caer Ss exhausted Wrasse ee ..638] every one’s true w..... II Ww. is B proudscarcs Spe 35 in w. not als be O57 let us w. God... ios . 588 w. ’s a scene of eee infinite number of w.... 31| one’s true w. “ae 552 WiStOll, aa). seperate aren 503| interest in both w...... 70] to w. by all means “the WwW. is-an old woman at ..50}, ,sSOnInanyaw.tee ence. 61 SOds 5. oF ees es WW, 1S. 2000s. «p ae sade ce. 2h5O besBWeel Wi tabtern wae 420\ ..t00 Tait tO Waites ee + nn « 622 WORSHIPP’ D 1027 WRITES j PAGE J PAGE AGE Worship— Continued Wound—Continued Wretched—Continued werbaid.. Willi. ces tirdsios 673 |e Willing to. wets tna 13 jes lLOngAtOothe Ns coe ee 428 what, Geep “Ws siscis «ls ss 425 |stw 1s ‘ereat. @ ye ee ee 7S5 Iu the. onlyewsare s,s ee 378 What. COC iWis/oe es sham 425\ ecw. @ hearts’ oy. + Wn Sz ie thes wes afind||. 265 6a 387 w. her by years off....539|__w. is stifiening........ 612| thus to relieve the w...124 wot. the world.aisi: os 403|Wounded-w. in the house298| relieve the w.......... 267 Worshipp’d-w, God for w. the spirit that.2..0: 183| w. he forsakes........ 651 BP be sw: acts see's «5 5 i's 603|Wounds—heal their w.*...572]} w. love to think of....172 Worshipper—mourns her w.578| of medicable w..... ....474|Wretchedness-of infinite Worship’s-true w. goldl. .676] own w. green......... 616 Wiis art lt Se Ee od Worst-judged the w.....480] over thy w.*.......... 511| Wretches—poor naked w.* ee things at the w.*...... 366] smarting with my w.*..285| . some w. aidf.......... 423 this: is.the-witsee. pee . 366 through these: w.*...'., .480}° ww. hang thatt...02:. 400 Wey iS TOSER eels at. 366| wept o’er his w........ 653|Wrinkle—no w. on thy|l|...542 w. of me is known..... 613) .-what) deep tw.lle.n0o7.. 755 ls stamps the wile. ve aoe 86 w. speak something....559| w. more deep.........617|Wrinkies—conceal your w.132 w. speaks. something Wy POQE,; pooress ise. « 55 je. let: old! we"comers, . 2244 488 POO CL) Ps EB eee: es 50|Wrack—come w.*........ Rog ecw.~ the” d=dU? eA ae, 274 w. that man can b.*....222|Wrangle—natures w. with* 25| w: will devour........ 7 w. win’s w. roomf]..... 560}Wrapper-in a brown-paper Wrist-the hearer’s w.*...526 We Of vfartiutie geet 2). 366 Witt feo Ses 528|Writ—as they fought they epee nmesrse the w. Wrath-cud of w.f....... 43 Wismeratestchorato oer va seas zOS Se neers gOS) ~day@olew. lls... . «3-753 Prone w..with met oy Pere Worst-natured-tis w. erapes oftware. oars 615| proofs of Holy Ww... -395 Selo i. 7 wath. o 568| now wild in w......... 124 |\etw.- Ins watery. fs 2! 238 Worth-afilicted w. retire nursing her w......... a5 (¢! wW..in wateruc2 ever? adae Se DEACE. © bn slay. my 22 ectoid sy, Wea. 5 eS. 43 |Write-angel says w.§....570 equnt. theistiw:* ./s sae es 754| trumpet of our w.*....435| angel should w........ 40 endues the soul with w. uy; 54 turneth away w....... 43 |Ggangel -shouldiewae seek 756 give w. rewards)....0.2. Upon Four Ww. . tse 41| certain he could w.....630 he wants awa 2k. Y0.4. 286 wert Shleaveny <2 Mate: 6z5\\©s does he Walstemse ee. 447 how thy w.¥ic........ 286 Wrath’s-w. pale eclipsetf. 36 few. do ws. eure. Meee 585 if wanting, Wiiwew.s Jett. 682 Wreath—wore a. we OL rosesa 74 jy" he: can w.*..o.8 2 ee 217 iPewa wibing: wept vss "cal w, Sof brightest... .... 576| he could w. and cipher.421 iiew,, wdeniedEvcisk oe: . GOs | Weal wt normnst © se eas on 403| heart and w.§......... 66 TSE TIAT WR. «5 37 x Fs Ss os AG crete bk a_ flowery in thy heart and w.....346 1S @onatawees wor. 20... 154 OS DANI oe ies oe asta me into thine heart and w..346 gtS steal wiser Wats» aisles é 28 Wreaths 0 for each toil. *Es nothing to w. about... .536 OEM GWE P hile) hetal et S2G6l ea Watiat endure)... 5... 7 ASR Per. LO MWe wcll eee 564 own his w..........-.. 325|Wreck-the battle-fire the thy heart and w....... 66 DICSwMletisuw ts wg ssc 210 White ees eae 641} tow.and read¥........ 66 Prove itSewWeewss .6Als.. 26 Wreckstrichis on its w.§..244|] tow. and read¥........ 217 slow DISCS. Wari’. te sSciee thousand feariuiow.*... .201 EP to, wi fair’) se. Ssh. wae BSS SlOWeLISeS 7 Wests 112 © RA 755| w. are all thy deed||....542| to w. well hereafter**.. 66 ENatipabw aS! Wise eskimo Z00|\vew. OF imatter-” 2.05... pee who can w. so fast?) Ji 7. 67 thy ws with* oo)... .... 754|Wren-robin and the w. 63 Giwhy did Iiwtt. oc ee, 66 true wi isionly 2.2.3 sec asa louthan thew. 22... Ti la Cw... With easestes ae 60 ra tS “Wis +, ce eee ats BE 754| the poor w. : 5) i Es ee 505 |s ow. with ease... 4 75., 755 w. makes the mant....754| w. mounted as high. ...308] w anything... 05.0... 527 WOLCOUTHWOLK yan ts Zbl. 737|Wren’s-—Sir Christopher W. Wi. ab sadly times Lee 67 w. what its purchasef...754 iInsctiplior sy soe 497| w. confin’d by physic.. 67 Wegeness: bald of your - |Wrens-w. be w.f....... ¥z015-w. the visiont) 227.5% 608 sdbeeied, Gt «2% oe! 410| Ww. may prey*...:.....212| w. their wrongs in.....540 Wotton Sir Henry W. used W ITA pre Met mar Nt ett Sa) itwer to. live Fei -. .200 Ps ede hiwee ss he $6 151|Wrestled—w. with him....476] w. well hereafter**. .581 Would_that we w. ,d0*. .548| Wrestler—but the best w. .549| w. with a goose-pen*. .564 Walt ion sl Ww her aes. 107 he that w. with us.....223|}Writer-a ready w....... 564 wait upom lowi* 4. mn. 149|Wretch—excellent w. or) .445|° cannot makeaw....... 67 Wie FWVon GOS! Socrsey hited: 25 Ze SiMmenaAnd ther worsen seit. Ge. 53x] one w. for instance... . 67 Wound-a deadly w...... nag alive lilteraaw. ci. oF so. 488|Writer’s-a w. time...... 4 iy tein rier Fen os. rhs 2 658, 4.seo. the sw isa). sees Ie Has orall : thiestwowk. ete alee 06 mortal w. receive**. ...662|,. that maketh w.........485] gravest and. latest w...573 never felt a w.*¥....... 670l\, the w., reliessorcd! .axh 368| regard the w. endft..... 26 Ro we deehek, chelsas a's’: 564| treat a poor w. to;.. «.. 206| regard the w. endt....151 private w. is deepest*..208| w. concentred all...... SOL}emostow. staalt seep. aS TEA CACHABTy tack Aine ie az8ieaviss wir in cision .€ A 569|Writes—he w. well........ 66 Speak Of A: Wek sh oetni 670 Wretched-are pi tseasiaa ¢ moving finger w.......502 MAE RECEEEL LW 5 clei sopgeien. 755 Wes. Pon ee ee onions 32| who w. amissf......... ISI what w. did ever*......550]| consolation to the w. ct w. for*praise: 2... EMERRAL fo what w. did¥..... ania: * 2h Ss lpcleject and ruws®. vo o5. 25 390 w. to make his........568 WRITHE Writhe-lips taught to w. I a We Writing—any style of w...319 ease in w. comesf...... 66 CAS VeWevS.> Amueteh ¥,.in, embryo. 0! ee <8 yellow y. is ixetinge 68|Yesterdays—all ur y. avers Yearn-hearts that y..... 1.5 s7| all our y. have®.720.%.. 420 Yearning—a great y....... 402| ineffectual y.........-- 756 ears—a thousand y...... 584| “of cheerful y.9.. 2. .=-- II4 after manv y..........532| of cheerful y.J......-. 604 charging them y....... 6092 count a Man Siyeue). .o 22 Gavercl Dinh y.< Mees 427 difference in’ y.it./.:.+. 2s 460 equalityivof Vi.cns. 28 460 first! Vy... Of man see 222 whose y. look ea at 7 y. look backward. y. look backward y. seve’n thousand years604 y. sneer and Voi SNOCNUALa tere fete Rees 6 oe “fe eye 6 6 8 ye 8 YESTER-YEAR 1029 ZUYDER ZEE PAG Yester-year—snows of y.. rae Youth— Continued Yeux—pour leurs beaux y.. 1247 Mew-sprey Of y.ss.i. 3... 329 stuc«x all with-y.*....-. 327 Yew-tree’s-that y. shade.328 Yield—neither y. to...... 146 Yoke-his y. onall........ 456 make the y. uneasy...469 MOL DOM GAGEW. . ecco: 423 erOL, Out POW las on!or eer 615 y. of servile pomp**. .. . 423 Yorick—alas, poor Y.*..... 307 BSE pOOEe Views © hess ows < 646 Yorick’s-to Y. skull...... 503 OPK COUN Vict oi cule elses 192 SEY Ce oR Pe ee 563 Young-—life of Dr. Y..... haa Young—being a A man. ...758 [basont Was y2.o4-0.een: 759 both were vi snot esuats 759 call -yourself-y.* =... . 18 fd Chemey... 5 oe ss 3! 579 heavenly maid was Yu: 515 inspires the y. Ws Ate teeog eh sis aay, fetebie Vy. men ssc. ke 547 Riese ys (Ga Viewty swe ae 477 Her HIeTIN Es. «fats anon 757 Pieveaener. ow esas ee 756 SOvVeEnLyY 2VCars Vo. ans... 22 Pie y pare Justis eee. t. as 10 tombe VecwaS Ware nesses 758 | muetimsrin the y.:s.. :) 170 “REISE Ee ggg 0 0¥- bro Rk gee rs oe 37 mien Iwas y..s:...... 758 WOLCSESNY. 5s Aitis et x toed 750 Wears Dibey ct aie usrndles 305 Rats DeAUtiiiihe 2. os « 70 WamtIeaGdS 8A stk vrais oles 758 IATA WILT © sniccene ce es 7590 y. man’s werling...... 759 2 feo oa s3 6g rat 06 a 757 cinerea Sp aie rases. we. 457 Menimen: thinks, ..-te sires 283 Wee CHING. whos ose 283 Mimast torture. 5...) 274) y. without loverst..... 142) Younger—be y. than thy- Hae dete Re 456] y. sons to y. brothers*.. 57| Sis, ae 19 Younker-like a y.*....... 604 War DTA Cine) ON nc, ceo 500 Yours—what is y. is®¥...... 509 Yourself—help y......... Di LOOMIAG Vutardle oe ores, vic 108 SOAK TOY ¥.Na +a. eet 743 BONVOUDE: TUE ss nas - eee 458 BOROMOLE Noe vcore: Fos ib) oe 413 Youth-a happy y........ 522 AmainimMmortal Yau. .,- 2 approve my. “ys » fur- PSE R i 5 eke LS EMO PVE LLG Usha cece £80 98 a; 560 beautiful is y.§../..... 759 BOVRENOECV cis oso aca 457 crabbed age and y.....757 Sere CECA: as 2 o> 759 MOMISION “OLN Vs cca s ... ..8 W501 te LOM ez tOLZ ee wee ae 601 Vola Valiiess hc eet See 232 ~her za wnbound, .40. o23 488 y. no less becomes*.... 12|Zoroastre—consulie Z...... S05 y. no less becomes*....203|Zuyder Zee-the Z........ 623 ert Youh Sa Cre oe Bo'ttiticn.s Bh 4 Pn Tones a ts . 16 ¥ L yp RAS pt rae | gt ates teas Fes-n * a? by ™ 'y +) Sars Mita’ SRST Y ; m > ( a Achy * q = 4 Fete Mace Het ate gone h > oP Oe be toes “) + od “ ¥ $3 Tat FE Sine aa ents PES VIN GT, oi a ae t , - ‘ > is Ps << on : * e £ <2 bt) Aut “pea QING ‘rg as \4 I>F a ‘ , es ’ - “ " ; ‘ : I piiitsete eeecaciq- Pia > (eUP De i = a oe “ ‘ a" r 7s , 2 tee fet o> cP pees. Vinaed=% A ; pa : SB 2s gtoOgIe 2M 4 “es, > y y i 3 » . - J. ‘ & f A 4. 9 CIiRe ie = Be oo} acl a REOS rs: i a ee prt te . ; ‘i : . ie i Fakes > SE Se a ee a ae % vy < ; ? Me “TF » nd _- pag hs-. ah YY; ret Sahai Wd *¥ £97087 OW sik it Beye fis ‘Ach » = uu ivy as ee Sshae UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA MINIM