Pi, B ; i | CONAN Y A OF THE ; Gf UNIVE ry ROiry Ar, Nore y Ole HT iR Are ION oe UES y ee | rch? a t J ty j igf 4 FOR AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE COMMUNITIES TO ESTABLISH VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS IN ILLINOIS _ Prepared and approved by the Commercial Club of ean the Chicago Association of Commerce, e Civic Federation of Chicago and the Educational Committee of the Hamilton Club of Chicago OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 2% ULTI914 AL Bug FOR An ActT to authorize cities and communities to establish and maintain vocational schools L. Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Illinois Repre- sented in the General Assembly :— That a State Board which shall be styled “State Board of Vocational Education” is hereby created which shall consist of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Dean of the Agricultural Department of the University of Illinois or his suc- cessor in office, and three persons nominated by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate, one of whom shall be an engineer, either mechanical, civil or electrical, in actual practice, and who has a degree as such engineer from a college, university or tech- nical school of first class standing, one an employer of labor and one a skilled industrial employee, who shall be charged with the duty of carrying into effect the provisions of this act, whose term of office shall be three years from the first day of January of the year of their appointment. 2. Said State Board shall serve without compensation, but shall receive their personal and traveling expenses and the sum of ten dollars per day-while in performance of their duties as members of the State Board. They shall have power to appoint and fix the salary of a secretary who shall perform such duties as they shall assign to him, and to appoint and fix the salaries of such other officers and employees as are necessary for the proper dis- .charge of the duties of said Board. All moneys appropriated for said Board shall be paid out of the State Treasury only upon the erder of the chairman of said Board. 3. It shall be the duty of said Board to have general charge of all schools of the State which may be organized under the provisions of this act, and subject to the provisions of this act said Board shall have power— To establish rules and regulations governing the management and operation of such schools and for the transaction of its own business. ! To prescribe the qualifications and duties of teachers and pro- vide for their examination; certification and removal for cause. To ascertain and certify annually to the State Treasurer the I amount of state aid to which any municipality is entitled under the provisions of this act. To approve the course of study which shall be pursued in the various classes of schools established under the provisions of this act; provided that the courses of study shall be closely related to the commercial, agricultural, and industrial interests of the re- spective communities in which such schools are located, and shall include instruction as to the rights and duties of citizenship. To file all papers, reports and public documents transmitted to it by the local boards of vocational education created under the provisions of this act and to keep and preserve all other docu- ments relating to vocational education and coming into its hands. To supervise all schools established under the provisions of this act. To counsel and confer in such manner as the members may deem best with teachers, school officers, employers and employees as to the best methods of conducting schools established under the provisions of this act. To advise and assist local boards of vocational education as to the best methods of carrying into effect the purposes of this act. To visit schools established under the provisions of this act, to examine their facilities for vocational education and to prescribe forms for such reports as it may require from local boards of vocational education. To employ and fix the salaries of such number of, not exceed- ing one hundred, itinerant instructors as they may deem neces- sary for the improvement and scientific development of the agri- cultural interests of the State. Such instructors shall be persons who are proficient in the branches of knowledge which have a direct application to the efficient management of the farm and shall devote their entire time to giving lectures, demonstrations, and to the promotion of such other educational measures as the Board shall adopt for the benefit of the agricultural interests of the State. To report to the legislature at each regular session and make such recommendations as it may deem proper for increasing the efficiency of the system of vocational education established by this act. 4. Whenever any city or community having adopted this act shall establish one or more schools under its provisions, such city or community shall be entitled to receive annually from the State in aid of such school or schools, as long as such school or schools shall be approved by the State Board of Vocational Ed- ucation, an amount equal to one-half of the operating expenses 2 of such school or schools, and the amount of such State aid is hereby made a charge against the State of Illinois, and shall, upon the recommendation of the State Board of Vocational Educa- tion, be paid annually to the treasurer of such city or community upon the warrant of the auditor of public accounts out of any money in the treasury appropriated for such pupose. No State aid shall be given for schools established under the provisions of this act unless such schools are approved by the State Board of Vocational Education as to organization, location, equipment, courses of study, qualification of teachers, methods of instruc- tion, conditions of admission, employment of pupils and expendi- ture of money raised by taxation. 5. In any city in this State having a population of over 10,000 inhabitants which shall adopt this act as hereinafter provided there shall be a Board of Vocational Education which shall con- sist of five (5) members to be selected as follows: The Superintendent of Schools of such city or village shall be a member ex officio of said Board and four members, two of whom shall be employers of labor and two of whom shall be skilled industrial, commercial or agricultural employees, shall be appointed by the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the city council of such city, or commissioners thereof in case such city is under the commission form of government, within twenty days after the adoption of this act by such city. Two of the four members so appointed shall hold their respective offices for the term of two years and two of said members so appointed shall hold their respective offices for the term of four years, from the first day of May in the year of their appointment and until their successors are appointed and qualified, and every two years thereafter the Mayor of such city, by and with the advice and consent of said City Council or Commissioners, shall appoint as members of said Board of Vocational Education two persons who shall hold their respective offices for the term of four years from the first day of May in the year of their appointment and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Three mem- bers of said Board shall constitute a quorum. All appointments to said Board shall be so made that at all times two members thereof shall be employers of labor and two members thereof shall be skilled industrial, commercial or agricultural employees. Each member before entering upon the duties of his office shall take the oath prescribed by the constitution of this State. A person to be eligible for appointment must have been a resident of the city more than one year next preceding his appointment. 6. The Board of Vocational Education shall appoint one of its members a chairman and shall also appoint a secretary and $ such other officers and employees as it shall deem necessary and shall prescribe their duties, compensation and term of office. Said Board shall prescribe rules necessary to carry out the pur- poses of this act. Said Board shall provide books in which shall be kept a faithful record of all its proceedings. The yeas and nays shall be taken and recorded upon all questions involving the expenditure of money. The members of said Board shall serve without compensation. 7. Subject to the provisions of this act, it shall be the duty of said Board to establish vocational schools, including schools for teaching household arts, of either or all of the following types or classes, to wit: a. Vocational continuation day schools for youth of both sexes between the ages of fourteen and eighteen years who are em- ployed or are not pupils in other schools, at which vocational schools such instruction shall be given as will render more effi- cient the practical work of the factory, shop, store, office or farm. Attendance at such schools shall be compulsory upon all such youth for 240 hours in each year. b. Vocational evening schools for pupils over eighteen years of age at which schools such instruction shall be given as will supplement and rationalize the practical experiences of the fac- tory, shop, store, office or farm. Attendance at such schools shall be voluntary. c. Vocational continuation day schools for apprentices, clerks and servants between the ages of fourteen and eighteen years of age, attendance at which shall be compulsory upon all such youth who are bound as apprentices, clerks or servants under the statute in such case made and provided. At these schools instruc- tion shall be given with a view to teaching the entire trade or vocation at which such apprentices, clerks, or servants are em- ployed, for not less than six hours per week, during the entire term of such apprenticeship. d. Part-time schools for youth between fourteen and eighteen years, the pupils of which will spend alternate weeks in shop, factory, store or office or other place of employment and at the schools at which instruction shall be given with a view to sup- plementing and rendering effective the work of the pupils in their respective employments. Teachers at these schools may be per- mitted to supplement the school work by giving practical aid and | advice to the pupils and their employers at the respective ae of employment of such pupils. e. Vocational day schools for the. industrial, commercial or agricultural instruction and for the instruction in domestic ser- Ma Tha vice of youth between the ages of fourteen and sixteen years. At these schools instruction shall be given with a view to the voca- tional preparation of the youth of both sexes who expect to commence industrial, commercial, agricultural or domestic serv- ice at the age of sixteen years, and shall include instruction to girls in women’s trades, commerce and the household arts, and to boys in agricultural, commercial, industrial and mechanical subjects. Youth employed upon farms shall not be required to attend such schools except during the months of November, December, January, February and March, but the technical or special teachers of subjects pertaining to agriculture may be em- ployed for ten months in each year, of which period five months’ service shall be in the schools and five months’ service on the farms in the municipality or community supporting the school, giving lectures and demonstrations and promoting such other educational measures as the Board shall determine to be for the benefit of the agricultural interests of the community. f. Schools which shall provide in one institution for the in- struction required in any two or more of the above mentioned types of schools. 8. The Board of Vocational Education shall have charge and control of all schools which may be established under the provi- sions of this act and shall have power, with the concurrence of the city council, or mayor and commissioners of the city— First: To buy or lease sites for such schools with the neces- sary grounds. If the Boards shall be unable to agree with the owner or owners for the purchase of any such site, then with the concurrence of the city council or mayor and commissioners it may acquire the title to any such site in the manner provided by law for the exercise of the right of eminent domain. Such pro- ceedings to condemn shall be in the name of the city for the use of the board of vocational education of such city. Second: To erect or purchase buildings suitable for the use of such vocational schools as are hereinbefore mentioned and keep the same in repair. 9. The said Board of Vocational Education shall have power and it shall be its duty— First: To hire buildings or rooms when needed for the use of schools established under this act and for its own use. Second: ‘To furnish such schools with the necessary fixtures, furniture, tools, machinery and apparatus. Third: To employ teachers and fix their compensation, and to examine teachers by examination supplemental to the ex- amination of the state board of vocational education if such sup- 5 plemental examinations seem necessary, but no person shall be employed as such teacher who does not hold the certificate of qualification of said State Board of Vocational Education. Fourth: Subject to the control of said Board to prescribe the text books to be used and the studies to be pursued in the schools established under this act and to apportion and assign pupils to said schools. Fifth: To exercise such authority as may be necessary for the proper management of said schools and to enact such rules as may be necessary or expedient for that purpose. Sixth: To expel any pupil guilty of gross disobedience or misconduct and to dismiss and remove any teacher for cause whenever in the judgment of said Board such action is essential to the best interests of the school. Seventh: To grant the use of school buildings or any part thereof, when not otherwise needed, including light, heat and attendants, for public lectures, concerts, and other educational and social interests free of cost, but subject at all times to the control of said Board. Eighth: ‘To superintend and control said schools and to have charge of all land, buildings, fixtures and personal property pur- chased or hired under this act, and see that the same are kept in good condition. Ninth: To provide fuel and other necessary supplies for said schools and buildings. | Tenth: To report to the city council, or mayor and commis- sioners, and to the State board of vocational education from time to time any suggestions they may deem advisable in relation to said schools and their management. Eleventh: ‘To prepare and publish an annual report showing its receipts and expenditures and the workings and results of the schools under its care. Twelfth: To make such reports from time to time to the state board of vocational education and to the city council, or Mayor and Commissioners, as they may require respectively. Thirteenth: To certify annually to the city council, or to the Mayor and Commissioners in cities having the commission form of government, within the time required by law such amounts as shall be necessary for the maintenance of the schools estab- lished under this act. 10. None of the powers conferred upon the board of voca- tional education of such city shall be exercised except at a regu- lar meeting of the Board. 11. All conveyances of real estate shall be made to, and the title to all property acquired by condemnation shall be vested in, 6 we the city in trust for the use of the board of vocational educatiom,, of such city and no sale of real estate acquired under this act)...’ // shall be made by the city government except upon the written — request of the board of vocational education. Whenever any real estate acquired under the provisions of this act shall in the judgment of said board of vocational education be unnecessary or unsuitable for the purpose for which it was acquired, such property shall be discharged from the trusts herein imposed and shall become the property of the city free from any claim in favor of said board. 12. The board of vocational education shall not add to its expenditures anything over and above the amount that shall be received from the State in aid of the schools established under the provisions of this act, and the amount annually appropriated for the support of such schools. If the board shall add to such expenditures the city shall not in any case be liable therefor. Nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to authorize the levy or collection of any tax upon the demand or under the direction of the board of vocational education. No funds raised by taxation or otherwise appropriated or set apart for the benefit of the common school system of the State shall be expended in establishing, equipping or maintaining any school established under the provisions of this act. Said Board is hereby declared to be a department of the municipal government of the city wherein it exists and shall be known as the department of voca- tional education of such city. 13. The City Council, or the mayor and commissioners, shall have the power to levy a tax not to exceed one mill on the dollar annually on all taxable property in such city for the support of schools organized under the provisions of this act, such tax to be levied and collected in like manner with the general taxes of such city and to be known as the “Vocational Educational Fund,” which said tax shall be in addition to all other taxes which such city is now or hereafter may be authorized to levy. 14. All blanks, books, stationery, furniture or other supplies necessary to the transaction of the business of such board of vocational education shall be furnished to the board at the ex- pense of the city, and all other expenditures on account of schools established under the provisions of this act which may be - authorized by the city council, or the mayor and commissioners, shall be paid out of the city treasury. 15. All moneys raised by taxation for the support of schools established under the provisions of this act or received from the state in aid of such schools or from any other source for such purpose shall be held by the city treasurer as a special fund for 7 vocational education subject to the order of the board of voca- tional education, and shall be paid out only upon warrants signed by the chairman of such board and countersigned by the Mayor and city comptroller, or, if there be no city comptroller, by the city clerk. 16. Any city having a population of more than 10,000 inhabit- ants now or hereafter existing in this State may adopt and be- come entitled to the benefit of this act in the following manner: Whenever three per cent of the voters of such city qualified to vote for Trustees of the State University and voting at the last preceding election of said Trustees shall petition the judge of the county court of the county in which said city is located to sub- mit to a vote of the electors of such city the proposition as to whether such city and the electors thereof shall adopt and be- come entitled to the benefits of this act, it shall be the duty of such county court to submit such proposition accordingly at the next succeeding general state, county, or city election, and if such proposition is not adopted at such election the same shall in like manner be submitted to a vote of the electors of such city by such county court upon like application at any general state, county or city election thereafter, and an order shall be entered of record in such county court submitting such proposition as aforesaid. 17. The judge of such county court shall give at least thirty days’ notice of such election by publishing a notice thereof in one or more newspapers of general circulation published within such city at least five times, the first publication to be at least thirty days before the day of the election; and if no newspaper is published in such city then by posting at least five copies of such notice in five public places in said city at least thirty days before such election. Such election shall be held under the elec- tion law in force in such city except as herein otherwise pro- vided, and all persons qualified to vote for Trustees of the State University shall be authorized to vote at such election. The bal- lots to be used at such election shall be in the following form, and the voter shall make an X or cross mark in the space opposite “~ proposition favored: 7 For the adoption of an act entitled, ‘‘An Act to authorize cities and communities to establish and maintain Vocational Schools.” Against the adoption of an act entitled, ‘‘An Act to authorize cities and communities to establish and maintain Vocational Schools.” If a majority of the votes cast at such election shall be voted for the adoption of. this act, it shall son and paint Ag adopted by and in force in. stich city. 8 18. Any community having a population of 1,000, occupying any contiguous and compact territory and excluding therefrom any part of a city having a population exceeding 10,000 inhabit- ants, may establish a vocational school by submitting the propo- sition to a vote of the people at a general or special election. 19. Upon the receipt of a petition signed by 50 or more legal voters residing in such territory, the county superintendent of schools of the county in which the territory or the greater part thereof is situated shall forthwith order an election to be held for the purpose of voting “for” or ‘against’ the proposition to establish a vocational school, by posting notices for at least ten days in ten of the most public places throughout the territory. Such notices may be substantially as follows: NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that on the day of an election will be held at —-_————— for the purpose of vot- ing “for” or “against” the proposition to establish a vocational school for the benefit of the inhabitants of (here describe terri- tory described in petition). The polls will be opened at — o’clock — M. and close at — o’clock — M.” County Superintendent. Any person who has attained the age of 21 years and who has resided within the territory for a year shall be authorized to sign the petition. 20. The form of petition required by the foregoing section may be substantially as follows: State of Ilinois,) .. PRICE Ny les) = § To the County Superintendent of Schools of Said County and State :— We, the undersigned, being fifty or more legal voters residing within the following described territory, to wit: (here describe territory) respectfully petition you to give notice of an election to be held according to the provisions of “An Act to Authorize Cities and Communities to Establish Vocational Schools,” approved 1913, for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition to establish a vocational school for the benefit of the inhabitants of the above described territory. NAMES... NAMES oY i. hereby certify that I am a legal voter and . reside within the territory described in the foregoing petition, and that the signatures on this sheet were signed in my presence and are genuine, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the ' | persons so signing were at the time of signing qualified to sign said petition. 7 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19—. day of Notary Public. 21. The elections mentioned in Section 18 of this act shall be conducted by the persons designated by the County Superintend- ent of Schools to whom such petition is addressed, to whom all returns shall be made within ten days after such election. ‘The ballots shall be in substantially the following form, to wit: - The voter shall make an “X” or cross mark in the square fol- lowing and opposite the proposition favored and the ballots shall be so counted. When the question is voted upon at a general election it shall be submitted according to the provisions of the statute under which the election is held. Any person who has attained the age of 21 years and who has been a resident of the territory for one year immediately preceding such election shall be authorized to vote at the election. 22. If a majority of the voted cast on this proposition shall be _ in favor of establishing a vocational school, the county superin- tendent of schools shall forthwith order an election to be held within thirty days for the purpose of electing a Board of Voca- tional Education which shall consist of a president and six mem- bers, by posting notices for at least ten days in ten of the most public places throughout the territory, which notices may be sub- | stantially as follows: Notice is hereby given that on the day of an election will be held at —---———— for the purpose of elect- ing a Board of Vocational Education to consist of a president and six members. The polls will be opened at — o’clock — M. and closed at — o’clock — M. County Superintendent. Two of the members shall be elected for one year, two for two 10 Dam ~ e years, and two for three years and each year thereafter two members shall be elected to serve for three years from the sec- ond Saturday in April next preceding the election. The presi- dent shall be elected annually and all subsequent elections shall be held on the second Saturday of April annually. 23. For the purpose of supporting a vocational school, the territory for the benefit of which such school is established under the provisions of this act shall be regarded as a school district, and the Board of Vocational Education thereof shall have the powers of School Directors and shall be vested with all of the powers and charged with all the duties of Boards of Vocational Education in cities having a population of over 10,000 inhabit- ants, and be subject to the same restrictions, but shall have the following additional powers and duties: 1. To erect, lease or purchase buildings suitable for the pur- poses of such schools and keep the same in repair. 2. To buy or lease sites for school houses with the necessary grounds. If the Board shall be unable to agree with the owner or owners for the purchase of any such site, then it may acquire the title to any such site in the manner provided by law for the exercise of the right of eminent domain. Such proceedings to _condemn shall be in the name of the Board of Vocational Ed- ucation, and the title to all property purchased or acquired by condemnation shall be vested in said Board. 3. To prepare for publication annually in pamphlet form a re- port showing the school attendance during the year, the program _ of studies and a statement of receipts and expenditures, together with the balance on hand, and such other information regarding , the school as they may deem proper or as they may be required to furnish by the State Board of Vocational Education. 4. To establish a suitable number of voting precincts for con- ducting all elections under this act and fixing the boundaries thereof for the accommodation of the voters of the territory, in each of which voting precincts there shall be one voting place designated by the Board. Whenever the Board shall establish more than one voting precinct it shall appoint two judges and one clerk for each voting place, assigning as far as practicable one member of the Board to each voting place; provided, how- ever, that any person who has attained the age of twenty-one years and who has been a resident of the territory for one year next preceding the date of any election held under the provisions of this act shall be authorized to vote at such election. 24. All Boards of Vocational Education established under the provisions of this act shall keep a true and accurate account of all moneys expended by them for educational purposes, and shall II report the same to the State Board of Vocational Education for approval, and the auditor of public accounts is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrants on the State Treasurer on or before the first Monday in September of each year for the re- spective sums upon the recommendation and approval of the State Board of Vocational Education as hereinbefore provided. 25. The words and phrases following whenever used in this act shall be construed to include in their meaning the definition set opposite the same in this section whenever it shall be neces- sary for the proper construction of this act. 1, rfl 12. 13. District—A Vocational Education District created under this act. Boarp—The Board of Vocational Education of a City or Community. . VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTION—Instruction whose controlling purpose is to fit the recipient for profitable employment. . VOCATIONAL CONTINUATION ScHooL—Agricultural, indus- trial, commercial and household art school for boys and girls in employment, the controlling purposes of which are to fit for useful occupations and which deals with pupils between fourteen and eighteen years of age. . VocaTIONAL Day ScHooL—A school giving instruction to persons between 14 and 16 years of age who can give one or more years to such preparation before ce employ- ment. . VOCATIONAL EVENING ScHooL—Vocational schools or classes attended by persons over 18 years of age who are already engaged in useful employment. . Part-Time ScHoots—Schools for persons engaged in useful employment which afford instruction during a portion of the working time of the pupils supplementary to such em- ployment. . APPROVED ScHooLt—A school giving instruction in agricul- ture, commerce, or in the domestic or industrial arts which has been approved by the State Board of Vocational Ed- ucation. . OPERATING ExpENSES—AII expenses except the purchase of real estate, the erection of buildings, and the permanent equipment thereof. | . He—Male, female, singular or plural. . NumsBer—tThe singular number shall include the oe and the plural number shall include ae eaten OatTH—Oath or affirmation. 7 Person—Male or female, singular or plural wamibee 12 o>