Decorations Drawn by Sophia T. Balcom for “ The Grant of Apple-Pie Hill.” | Books for Children A List from which (= you can select gifts for your children which will open to them the world of delight to be found in good — books. beg ts 2 ONE ~N Re — es eee se .- Ss =) E. P. DUTTON & COMPANY ee Publishers TSE Sea cor NEW YORK O ALL WHO ARE INTERESTED in the books which children read and wish to own and re-read, we offer this — list not as something to be consulted only during Children’s Week, or when you are buying gifts for the Holidays, Hit ae as a list for reference the year around. a If the richness of its contents makes you regret the necessary " limitations of any home bookcase, why not check it over with the — librarian of the school or local library from which your children draw books for home use. A group of parents might perhaps pre- sent to the school their little ones attend “An Ancient Mappe of Fairyland” with a set of the immortal books to which it is intended to be a lure and guide. The pro rata cost of these books in Every- — = man’s Library, or Kings’ Treasuries editions need not be great, and the gift will open to your children wide acquaintance with books that have been loved by generations. Then, for the home, — those which appeal most strongly to your child’s individuality — either classics or modern books can be purchased in editions as beautiful as good paper, fine binding and illustrations in color by such artists as Arthur Rackham, Charles Folkard, Herbert Se : etc; Can Creace, E. P:- DUTTON & COMPANY, 681 Fifth Avenue, New Work poe ee THE FIRST THING TO GET FOR LITTLE READERS is a reproduction in colors of that novel, imaginative, instructive thoughtfully and beautifully designed by Bernard Sleigh ANCIENT MAPPE OF FAIRYLAND This cut shows only the middle third of the journey little folks may follow through the classic stories the world has loved so long. At the very start they have passed Jack MHorner’s cottage, Mother Hub- bard’s house and the one where the Rock- abye Baby is tucked up in a tree-top. They have passed little Bo-peep leading her sheep. Goosey, Goosey Gander is trying hard to keep up and Humpty Dumpty is leaning over so far to -see them go by his wall that they know what will happen soon. They have crossed the bridge over Elfin Cove and are bound for the Never Never Land Wi er eue beter ifr thie house is just below the end of the rainbow. Perhaps they will sail the sea of Dreams and reach the shining Val- halla, or it may be turn aside to Oberon’s, pal- ace or the Diwari’s land. But one thing is certain. The great books which they are lured to read by the fascination of this map will give them life long pleasure. To introduce a child to the companionship of good. books is a great gift. In three parts on paper, unmounted, $5.00; mounted on linen about 72 incaes by 18% inches, $10.00. 1 POPULAR PICTURE BOOKS IN COLOR The artistic color-schemes, and bright colors of the Dutton picture books have made them favorites through more than fifty years in homes, schools and libraries. Nursery rhymes, ob- jects of every day life and familiar animals lithographed or beautifully printed in bright colors delight the children. Among the artists whose work is reproduced are E. S. Hardy and Gor- don Browne. In size these books range from 8 in. x 10 in.‘to 10 in. x 12% in. A WAS AN ARCHER A Rhyming Alphabet, pictured by PT ard Vie Aseria Maer tee aed ee fen ate $ .75 ANIMALS AT HOME Pictures of Moose, Beaver, Etc. Paper Money. «vs. See Aael pe shal ot Sua DING, DONG, BELL Pictures: by Hardy.) weapers.: .+<- $250 FOLK AT THE FARM Domestic animals described in verse mathapictwees A. many emits ot sin $ .75 MY OWN DOLLIES Little girls delight in this....... $ .50 OLD DOBBIN Six full pages, pictures in colors, of horses, with verse. Linen.$ .75 PICTURE OBJECTS ABC A rhyming alphabet, strong paper.$ .75 These are all 10 in. x 12 in. in size. MY SANTA CLAUS BOOK Christmas pictures with a few jingles to accompany, ¢ach.v., Jue) wea 75 OLD KING COLE The jolly old rhyme, illustrated by E..S. Hardy... Paper i.) gate cee $ .50 OUR PETS PICTURE BOOK Goats, sheep, horses, deer, cows, dogs, etc., become familiar friends through pictures and bits of verse. Paper..$ .75 THREE BLIND MICE This and other old rhymes accom- panied by excellent pictures. Paper, $.75 MY BOOK OF TRAINS Fifteen railway pictures........ Paty HAPPY FAMILIES AT THE FARM With pictures by Randolph mee : — POPULAR PICTURE BOOKS—_—_———xX—_———_—___—_—. THE LITTLE MOTHER SERIES | In decorated board binding with cloth backs, size 4% x 5% in. They have been for some time out of stock and asked for repeatedly, so convenient are they for little hands and so entertainingly illustrated. Price ER O00! sy cs AP aS eae tole 0 S50 las Ys dose! ow ow SL egies Hoey MRED CENA pile Wes Utes 60 cents. EDWARD BUTTONEYE AND HIS LITTLE REDSKINS ADVENTURES Jolly-red Indians suggest many a About a toy of the sort a two-year game. ; old lugs about under his arm. WARRIORS BRAVE TOY BEARSKINS AT SCHOOL For any active boy. the b h a _wooll For the boy who owns woolly THREE BOLD PIRATES bear. j ; ‘ Brimming over with adventure. PUDGY hs JOLLY TARS Will keep any youngster smiling. An introduction to the sea and THE LITTLE BLUE RABBIT ships. One of the books which make a A DAY WITH THE GNOMES youngster keen to learn to read. An introduction to fairyland. Gay, colored picture books, that widen a child’s world, and keep him ‘interested. Board covers, decorated. Size 614 x 8 inches. Each..... 60 cents. MY LITTLE FRENCH BOOK MY LITTLE ITALIAN BOOK MY LITTLE RED INDIAN BOOK CHIEF COURAGEOUS ' MY LITTLE CHINESE BOOK MY SHORT STORY BOOK Te) yaa) The Pic d iper of Hame in VERSES, ETC. FOR LITTLE FOLK THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN. By Robert Browning. Illustrated | by Margaret T. W. Tarrant. Never has this fascinating story with its lesson of truthfulness teee more exquisitely presented to little people. There are eight full page pictures in color ~ as well as many clever line drawings to break the type, which is clear and large for those youngsters who like to spell things out for themselves........... $1.50 NURSERY RHYMES. By Gwen Trew. Thirty illustrations in silhouette give new life to the jingle which each faces. |] The rhymes are those which have caught the attention of little ones year after year. They are printed in type easy to follow and the quaint silhouettes add to their Charms. igs. caw a wlauhale > Dole og ds Saw 0.8 pcp ecdita tea gta ok a $1.25 MOTHER GOOSE’S NURSERY TALES MOTHER GOOSE’S NURSERY RHYMES Each volume is fully illustrated with full page plates in colors and many black and white decorations by E. Stuart Hardy and others. Price of each, $1.50 © ADVENTURES OF GENERAL SPOOLEY. The story of a. famous battle as it was witnessed by a tree. Later a part a of one of its branches was turned into a toy soldier who carried the tale to his | ttle sowner: Tey seen cues wivlepe ee ule eG ekide ove ateinte ouaile, Ge ee ane ae $1.50 LITTLE INDIAN MAIDENS AT WORK AND PLAY. By B. B. Ruyl. | The plays and occupations of Zuni children are described in verse with many | unusually good illustrations in color 4 ‘CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED IN COLOR GRIMM’S FAIRY TALES. Translated by L. L. Weedon. With ten full-page colored plates by Ada Dennis and numerous illustrations and decorations in black and white by E. Stuart Hardy and others. Lively whimsicality is in the decorations and just the right touch of en anda termite tie large Pictures <\, ¥..s. ss sia wits als 9h a pinmoetac ended hiss agaiess abe om nae bee auae dareenke's $1.50 BIBLE STORIES. - Retold by L. L. Weedon. The Right Rev. William Boyd Carpenter, Bishop of Ripon, contributes a stimulating introduction. The eight illustrations in colors and many others in black and white are by Ambrose Dudley.............. $1.50 STORIES FROM HANS ANDERSEN. Translated by W. Angeldorff. E. Stuart Hardy’s little dwarfs and peasant children are almost as enchanting as the three white swans which drift across its cover. Six plates are in colors, others in black and white....................... $1.50 NATURAL HISTORY OF BIRDS, FISHES, Etc. By Theodore Wood. Two volumes which have proved very useful where the complete book (listed elsewhere at $2.50) is not desired. Profusely illustrated in black and white. Each................00cce cece Na aaah cheer ae ea $1.50 STRUWELPETER. By Heinrich Hoffman. Children of more than one generation have been impressed by good Dr. Hoffman’s amusing tales of the slovenly boy, children who laughed at a negro, etc.—and it is to be hoped benefited by their exceed- emmenteticnia wioraic, | With ail the. original lustrations hace duis ite eng ot ees te vee et tw edaw em aeaees $1.00 PICTURE BOOKS FOR THE VERY LITTLE FOLK —————— ey BEYOND THE MOUNTAIN. By Aunt Sadie (Sarah Phelps Stokes Halkett). . Fanciful verses telling how the plants got their names (maybe) are illustrated by Katharine Pyle with dainty drawing and BLONLISPIECE AD: COLITSA iis nic ha ee ta hae a ee Eee els aes en $1.50 AUNT SADIE’S RHYMES AND RHYMES-STORIES. By Aunt Sadie. The composition of a rhyme on any subject which popped up was the author’s summer amusement and her own illustrations are as delight- | EUNLY| SPOTTAM EOS IR Be wis ete lice oie wok < ieive vata whsigl Maral ciety ec es $1.50 ALL AROUND THE SUN DIAL. By Caroline Hofman. Rhymes of child-like simplicity and sweetness. which have the rare power of taking grown-ups back to pleasant memories. Profoundly illustrated Dy. Rachel kobinson?Eimen|/.i< ten ats Os, a ttsb ce os ae Coe $1.50 THE FUNNY FEATHERS. By Lansing Campbell. Full pages in color and drawings im the text | tell all about the funny doings of the Dinkie Ducklings, and other barnyard friends. .... $1.50 THE HAPPY FATS AND THE GROUCH. By Kate Jordan. Infectiously joyous verses and | illustrations tell how the merry Little Happyfats hunted down the Grouch and cured him by making, him Vato brs) site. . eegcis stake Glare es oes sos ole Bie lode © Di whe Fb wpaaeieela eka le aman an $1.50 DUCKY DADDLES AND THE THREE BEARS. By Bertha Parker Hall. Photographs re-_ produce the story of how Ducky Daddles and the nursery dolls acted “Goldilocks and the *0 Threé Bears’) so as to: help) the littlest reader. os < Jccihuilw. tee eee nae eile $1.50 — A BUNCH OF KEYS. By Margaret Johnson. Their family name was Key; two of them asked | Uncle George for a new book. “Make it,” said he. So the whole bunch of them made a |} book, pictures and all, of which this is a copy ,: a J a 2 STORIES FOR THE YOUNGEST READERS and for some still too young to have begun to read. THE GIANT OF APPLE-PIE HILL AND OTHER STORIES. By Miriam Clark Potter, author of Pinafore Pocket Stories. Contains besides the adventures of Princess Pat-a-Cake on Apple-Pie Hill an account of the nine lives of Mr. Tommy Tippy-Cat, and many other charm- ing fancies about children, creatures and fairies. The profuse illustration by Sophia T. Balcom is one of the special delights of the book.............. $2.50 i PINAFORE POCKET STORY BOOK. By Miriam Clark Potter. Whimsical, quaint fancies to rouse the imagination of the four-to-five-year- old who has outgrown Mother Goose and finds a story-book as yet a rocky road to pleasure. “The Day the Sun Ran Away,” “The Man Who Ticked,” “The Blue Calico Witch,” are among the delightful stories in the book. Profusely Meee ater save SODMA 1. Baleom sic 40 bene Peaks cate oe ree os aoe ae $2.00 SHORT STORIES FOR SHORT PEOPLE. By Alicia Aspinwall. Thomas Wentworth Higginson in a prefatory note to these frolicking stories of pure impossibility says that the lover of childhood and of creative imagination alike find pleasure in it. Illustrations by Marie Danforth................. $2.00 By the same author CAN YOU BELIEVE ME?...$2.00 LISTEN TO ME STORIES.. .$2.00 HENNY AND PENNY. By Bertha Parker Hall. The author of the “Ducky Daddles” books tells of just the things children love to do, and creates for them an atmosphere neither dull nor over-exciting. Little folk from five to seven will heartily enjoy the breezy silhouettes which almost by themselves tell the story of these twins and their brother David. .$1.50 PIP, SQUEAK AND WILFRED. By Uncle Dick. The “lively” adventures of a pup, a penguin and a rabbit. The “Boston Transcript” calls it ‘one of the funniest books which have appeared eres ad fie cg. / Illustration from THE GIANT OF APPLE-PIE HILL THE SO-AND-SO FAMILY. By Ethel C. Brown. The original draw- ings of a child of nine to illustrate the doings of an_ in- vented family. .$2.00 Cut from THE BLACK-EYED PUPPY By Katharine Pyle Reduced from “LAZY MATILDA” By Katharine Pyle “She left her room un- dusted, She left her bed unmade, Indeed she really was a shirk, I’m very much afraid.”’ KATHARINE PYLE’S BOOKS ILLUSTRATED BY THE AUTHOR MOTHER’S NURSERY TALES. Thirty-four of the good old fairy tales that every generation of children de- lights to hear, retold with unusual sympathy and charm. Illustrated with seven plates in full color and many drawings in black and white................ $3.00 THE BLACK-EYED PUPPY. A story which any dog-lover will enjoy of how a little terrier with a black patch over one eye came to be a circus performer; and of how, one night he spoiled the -act and Why 20... 0.6.0 sve «cle Ma eccass seein sigis ome emnnenn ann $2.00 TALES OF TWO BUNNIES. These Rabbit stories have had many imitators but none give more delight than the fanciful tales of Bunny Boy and Girl—just right for those beginning to read print, yet needing the help the pictures give to the clear, large print..$1.50 THE COUNTERPANE FAIRY. oY Fairy tales of which “The Outlook” said: “Rarely do the children of the present day have written for them a book that is so exquisite in conception and so. admirable in eXeécution.” 0. oo ieee ink cece one a Bhs oo oe Re $1.50 Companion Volumes of Nursery Moralities. CARELESS JANE LAZY MATILDA ; and Other: Tales,. 3. 004.2 S1iZo and Other: Talesi sass $2.00 The success of the deliciously amusing rhymes which set forth the naughti- ness of Careless Jane, Untidy Amanda, Lazy Matilda, Envious Lucy and the rest, has shown that the pleasantest and easiest way of curing minor faults of dis- position before they become settled habits is to familiarize children with these fascinating jingles at an early age. E 8 as 3 TALES OF ELFINTOWN. By Myrrha Bantock. Six charming little nursery tales for young children with novel and striking illustrations in color by EE ATT foo 2c oA piowe Sr)S tire aera is wid FS ieee ae ae vod Va ha BODE etd Gully wlaie cibie sea Price on request THE WIND FAIRIES, AND OTHER STORIES. By Mary DeMorgan. cer charmingly imaginative collection that will appeal to children whose mental vision grasps those fan- cies which are beyond the power of the eye to see. The pictures, really exquisite, are by Olive Cockerell. $2.00 NIMPO’S TROUBLES. By Olive Thorpe Miller. Brings home in a tactful manner the folly of being self-willed for Nimpo’s troubles are the result of her doing as she pleased while her parents were away. It is a particularly good book for the present “heady” DC VS Cts As AA Se SNS Pee go 3e n.' ¢. «als lars wb. 0) are SU RMUAMS ¥ LORIE bo ho Ween, So TAM So kek $2.00 THE GENTLE HERITAGE. By Frances E. Crompton. A story told by one of five very natural children about the “Bogy” they invented, imaginary places for him to live, until out of one of them he came and they grew to love him dearly. ................-.05. $1.5 FAERY TALES OF WEIR. By Anna McClure Sholl. With a frontispiece in color and other illustrations by Katharine Pyle. The dreamy enchanted town of Weir was famous for nothing but the fairy tales which its children gathered each night to hear, before the fires on its great brick hearths. And these are some of them....$2.00 THE DOLL’S DAY. By Carine Cadby. The charming photographs by the author which illustrate the happenings when the nursery dolls took a day in which to do whatever they wanted are just what are needed to make a delightful story vividly Sie Reduced from THE BIRD NEST BOARDING HOUSE BILLY BARNICOAT. By Greville Macdonald. A Fairy Romance for Young and Old so full of the magic of the Sea, so reminiscent of waves breaking on the rocks in curs of foam, so rich in quaint Cornish folklore that it is hard to tell where the real-world ends and the world of magic begins. The illustrations and decorations by Francis D. Bedford are as-full of fantasy as: the ‘text... 00. <3... .2ci0ece ses scb eevee a $2.50 GRANNY’S WONDERFUL CHAIR. By Frances Browne. For over sixty years these fancies of a blind poet have been the delight of children, and they will never grow old. The book was used, loved and commended by Frances Hodgson Burnet, among others, and the dainty airy charm of its ap- peal is reflected in the Introduction and Illustrations by Katharine Pyle. Seven full-page color plates and many drawings in black and white....$3.00 THE BIRD-NEST BOARDING HOUSE. By Verbena Reed. As delightful in spirit as one could wish is this allegory of the folk who lived with Mrs. Worm in a last year’s bird’s nest. Oliver Herford was So en- chanted with it. that he has added to it the most deliciously witty drawings. Youngsters may not know quite how funny they are but the grown-ups will. $2.00 THE SUNSET OF THE HEROES. By W. M. L. Hutchinson. The last adventures of the takers of Troy, from the coming of Penthesile, and the passing of Achilles to the home-coming prepared for Agamemnon. With © 8 plates in color and other illustrations in line by Herbert. Cole.«’..) as auanaegenl FAMOUS STORIES FROM MANY LANDS Illustrated in colors | BEE: PRINCESS OF THE DWARFS. By Anatole France. The children will absorb the fascinating details of the visit paid by the Bee and George to the kingdom of the dwarfs; perhaps, too, they will absorb the subtle atmosphere of courtesy and good manners which distinguishes the story. With illustrations in color by Charles Robinson..................02000. $3.00 THE BIBLE STORY. Retold by the Baroness Freda de Knoop. The author found in Italian art a wonderful Biblical picture book which inspired this retelling of its intensely interesting stories of real men and women. With Sere RCM PETISLTALSOTIS h:'e 0) os cals wie cos in(n: weve ts I diene gods o vc ioun otMmaey ie oe $3.00 GULLIVER’S TRAVELS. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham. The pungent satire by Dean Swift which has delighted its thousands of readers is superbly illustrated in this beautiful edition. Twelve plates in colors and many decorations in line ANDERSEN’S FAIRY TALES. Illustrated by Maxwell Armfield. A beautiful edition of forty-one of Andersen’s stories translated by Mrs. _ Edgar Lucas with decorations and 24 plates in colors by Maxwell Armfield. .$3.50 KINGSLEY’S WATER-BABIES. Illustrated by M. Tarrant. A Fairy-tale for a Land-baby, beautifully illustrated in colors and with an Introduction by Rose G. Kingsley full of loving memories of her father and of his wakefulness to the beauty of the outer world. 12 plates in colors...... $3.00 BLACK BEAUTY. By Mrs. Anna Sewell. The most widely read, widely translated into other languages of any animal ‘story in literature. With 24 plates in color and many illustrations in line by Lucy Kemp-Welch SMR MS SE A Pai Rw A oa BLU ne aan Leake adel vs'iuls” os biuae $3.00 : Cae [Pee . = FAIRY GOLD A Book of Old English Fairy Tales chosen by Ernest Rhys. , Illustrated with 12 plates in color by Herbert Cole and many in black and white. Tales that have all been told at one time or an- other to English children, some of them so long lost sight of that they will seem new to most young readers de ee ed OTHER TALES OF ENCHANTMENT, ETC. THE ENCHANTED ISLAND. By Fanny L. Apjohn. An allegory of the warfare between good Prince Daimur of the Blessed Isle and the Magician of Evil whose kingdom is the Isle of Despair. It should be read by every boy or girl who is too easily discouraged. Illustrated in black and — WHHE oP. cee gig ns pMbis oujsull ors «nok adieu pelts > one claim $1.75 THE ENCHANTED FOREST and other stories. By Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews. Illustrated by E. Boyd Smith. Those who have read “Bob and the Guides” know how perfectly Mrs. Andrews can express the magic of the deep woods............0-.seceeees $2.00 FAIRY GRAMMAR. By J. Harold Carpenter. The impossible is done!’ English Grammar is made interesting; for when a youngster has finished this amusing story, he will always remember the different parts of speech and how to. use -themy:... 205,205 05. Vo ees oe $1.25 - oe MAX. A Christmas Story. By Annie W. Franchot. 7 He phtiaede gate opel A beautiful fancy for those not too unimaginative to believe in the forest elves who carried Max, the little bell-ringer, away to the mountains to see the Tower of Loyalty (built... 2.8 0.045 Fike dn Se ew oe wlale wyusle 6 4 Sie nae $1.00 ELIZABETH ANN’S DELIGHT. By Maud Dowson. To any little girl from seven to ten this will seem a-book of delight from the moment when she discovers Elizabeth Ann on her garden stool stringing rowan- berries with needle and thread—just before the fairy says: “Hold out your apron, Little Child, for what I shall put into it.” FAIRY GRAMMAR. Illustrated im?color and Hine® 20,6. sy é.25's o's ie bd ure « oue + 0's i0e see $2.00 i THE LAUGHING LION and other stories. By Adelaide Pearson. Reduced from Stories told to children of from six to twelve in the Children’s Art Centre “THE LAUGHING in Boston. Each quaint tale is woven about some treasure of long ago and is as LION” fantastic and colorful as the Arabian Nights. By Adelaide Pearson Illustrated by the Curator of the Centre, Winifred Bromhall 2.70340 eaee ; $2.60 12 ee ad — BOOKS WHICH TELL OF THE COUNTRY FARMTOWN TALES. By Mary Wolfe Thompson. Deliciously funny stories of Mother Specklehen, of the prancing colt Jim Dandy, of Rover Come Over who chased the chickens and ducks but one day turned over a new leaf, and of the other playmates dear to every child. It gives them an intelligent sympathy with creatures of animal habits and nature. De- Pemee Lorenz C. Braren. 0... icc eee te cee eee bare onus $1.50 BUGS AND WINGS. By Annie W. Franchot. Fascinating stories of the aristocratic Angle Worms of England and France who.came to American gardens years ago; of the trials of young Mr. Locust who had to wait seventeen years before coming to the joys of life in the free- dom of open air. The bewitching illustrations are by Jessie Wilcox Smith and NS Me Pe dian Th ha oh < UteR anad go vitals thin «ote W's bic deve wtalenes loliety © $2.50 PLOW STORIES. By Clara D. Pierson. A collection of stories with foundations of fact, told with the idea of teach- ing something of the wide-reaching effects of the development of the plow from the pointed stick of Egypt to the great tractors on our prairies............. $2.00 DOORYARD STORIES. By Clara D. Pierson. Short stories of common animals which appeal directly to a child’s sense of humor and plant very unobtrusively many a helpful idea. Other similarly delight- ful books by this author are: TALES OF A POULTRY FARM AMONG THE FOREST PEOPLE AMONG THE NIGHT PEOPLE AMONG THE MEADOW PEOPLE AMONG THE POND PEOPLE AMONG THE FARMYARD PEOPLE Each, illustrated by F. C. Gordon...... $1.60 _ THREE LITTLE MILLERS THE MILLERS AND THEIR PLAYMATES. THE MILLERS AT PENCROFT THE MILLERS AND THEIR NEW HOME Books which tell in simple every day language all about the natural every- day doings of a family of healthy, wide awake, well-bred children. Each...$1.60 Reduced from FARM-TOWN TALES STORIES OF GOOD PLAYMATES FOR YOUR CHILDREN LITTLE LUCIA AND HER PUPPY. By Mabel L. Robinson. | When Little Lucia had to spend her summer in a swinging hammock her father brought her a puppy for company. This story is a merry account of their ride to the city after she was able to walk again, how the dog got lost and of his saving Lucia from getting burned when a Christmas candle fell on her. It is. charmingly ilhsstrated by Sophia *T; Balcomiy 7) foi. 00V. a2 /sh 5-6 aks oe ea $1.50 LITTLE LUCIA. By Mabel L. Robinson, Author of “Dr. Tam O’Shanter.” Not every girl who breaks her leg is so fortunate as to be able to lie in a swinging couch under the trees day and night, but any reader can share Lucia’s delight in the birds, the little animals that crept out when all was still, the drift- ing stars, and the little collie puppy that looked so wise. Grown-ups will appre- Clatevatectr th, TOE YA Wine ss 5 cia see cleat oo etalitinela als 2 nlc heen $2. THE WILD WHITE WOODS. By Russell D. Smith. A story of genuine hunting and trapping by two boys who spend a winter in the woods on the border of: Canada, finding shelter in the bunk-house of a ~ Yeserted ‘sawmill... i... usaf neta beinmpie inns = euteiely The photographs illustrating these chronicles are so perfect that you might almost mistake them for likenesses of your own troublesome treasures. ...$1.60 DR. TAM O’SHANTER. By Mabel L. Robinson. _A story for girls of the prep school age, just the time when they need the wholesome, romping companionship of a faithful collie friend. Tam even goes to college with his mistress, gets into scrapes and out of them, and makes. this book exceptionally attractive to girls in the expectant years.............. $1.50 SIGURD: OUR GOLDEN COLLIE. By Katharine Lee Bates. Any lover of pets will delight in the bookish, humorous touches which give this volume distinction, but it will naturally give incomparable pleasure to any one who has known or expects to know Wellesley, since Sigurd’s mistresses and the other companions of the road of whom one of them writes, were all so in- peuurapiesar part of the college atmospheré2o. 6.0... ce lac ewes bouev sue $2.00 LAD: A DOG Both by Albert Payson Terhune. BRUCE Mr. Terhune, editor, author, traveler and sportsman, is also a breeder of fine collies, among whom “Lad,” his friend for sixteen years was the finest. It is fitting that the chronicle of such a dog should come to be, as it has, one of the supreme classics of dogdom. No story of an animal pet since “Black Beauty” has gained such world-wide recognition and “Bruce” the story of another of the Sunnybank collies has come it in popular favor. Each............ $2.00 TERRIERS. By Darley Matheson. A book for the boy (or man) who is choosing a canine companion. It con- tains full information as to the chief terrier breeds: The Fox Terrier, the Welsh, the Scottish, Clydesdale, Dandie Dinmont, Airedale, Irish, Blue, Boston, Black- and-Tan, English, White and Yorkshire, etc., with full instructions for every kind of care. With thirty-one illustrations of typical dogs................ $3.00 29 DsTind Shanter PETS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS By A. J. MacSelf Clear and simple infor- mation on the choice and management of pets of all kinds—dogs, canaries, pigeons, cats, bantam fowls, silkworms, rabbits, goldfish, ete., ete. Fully UUW SELACCO yt vera. stag cs $2.00 eterna eT ee ee oe Ome POR UBLRD. LOVERS ene BIRDS IN TOWN AND VILLAGE. By W. H. Hudson. With full-page plates in colors ADVENTURES AMONG BIRDS. By W. H. Hudson. Illustrated with drawings after ‘Bewick!. ..s20. .: >> 9 ee $4.00 The finest model to be found in books for any boy or girl student of nature is in the writings of this famous ornithologist. Here he reviews his first obser- vations of bird life in a country then new to him, and shows how a life-long study of one subject has never dulled his alert observation, narrowed his keen and wise survey of varied beast-, bird-, or man-kind, or embittered his calm un- flagging humor. FAR AWAY AND LONG AGO. By W. H. Hudson. This should certainly be read by every city boy in his early teens. It is the story of his own early years in the Argentine—a life as far removed from any- thing known to a boy of to-day as you can well imagine—and infinitely broaden-_ ing. It is full of color, the life of the pampas, the curious drifters whom he recalls, and the long thoughts of this solitary boy are greatly worth reading, and reading again. $3.00 THE STORY OF A CUCKOO’S EGG.. By Hilda Terras. The author was so fortunate as to be able to observe a cuckoo’s method of | securing a foster-mother for her egg, and later to watch the young cuckoo’s } daily growth from its hatching till it was ready to fly. It is a unique record, il- lustrated with 8 plates in color and 16 other photographs.................-- $2.50 eS HN Ne at SN ee a Re as ee se eee ewe www we eee wm meer ee eere reese eee esreeeseeeeeeee eee eens tees eeee W. H. HUDSON WILD BIRD GUESTS. By Ernest Harold Baynes. The most comprehensive, readable book yet written concerning the fascinating art of attracting wild birds. Theodore Roosevelt, who was President of the Bird Club of Long Island, as well as of the Sara States, says in his preface, “T am following out the methods he advocates of trying to make the wild bi welcome guests around my own place.” It explains the service birds render, the foods they ee the shelters they will use, and how to make friends with them. 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Page AT Wig CATCHES Cie s:5\0) tiers c cene eo ibo.0- 2 Adventures Among Birds, Hudson...... 30 Adventures of General Spooley........ 4 All Around the Sun Dial, Hofman.... 6 Pmenateur atiteman, JOUS. ce. cee Soe eee 26 Among Farmyard People, Pierson..... 13 Among the Forest People, Pierson.... 13 mong the Meadow People, Pierson.... 13 Among the Night People, Pierson..... 13 Among the Pond People, Pierson...... 13 Ancient Mappe of Fairyland, Andersen, DOE Le SOUR EIME UM ie cistk ysl se s aie Sila Xe a0 Andersen’s Fairy Tales, Armfield...... 11 At Seneca Castle, Canfield........... . 24 The cee) 2) YING Td A a 19 Archag the Little Armenian, Schnapps. 18 Atint Sadies’ Rhymes, Halkett......... 6 Adventures of Sammy Sassafras....... 14 HCG ATIAEOIG EaNiCe pai. «s'sre.o0d sas 0 11 Beyond the Mountain, Halkett......... 6 SDible rote Ine, KHOOP. .. clas ee cee 11 Bible Stories, Weedon .......:....... 5 Birds in Town and Village, Hudson... 30 Billy Barnicoat, Macdonald ........... 10 Bird-Nest Boarding House, Reede..... 10 BINGE DEAUET ROC WEN oie wks cence Suess 11 Black-eyed fF Uppy, Lyle -.i6... css cee see es 8 _ Black Partridge, The, Gordon.......... 23 - Bob Knight’s Diaries, Smith........... 26 - Book of Boyhoods, A, Fryer.......... 24 Booksor Children’s Games, ..........0 25% 38 BOGierotetstants, ADIET. J ..;. 6 s.e00k's cis cles 28 Books of the Sagas, Hoffman......... 19 - Boone of the Wilderness, Henderson.. 24 Boys’ Book of Chemistry, Clark........ 33 Boy in Bruzes, A, Cammaerts........ 18 Bowen isin A. Colum, ... cn... ss 18 Boys’ Book of Electricity, Clark....... 33 Boys’ Book of Physics, Clark.......... 33 Boy Who Went to the East, The, Brill 16 Boyamand Girls,“ Woley. i... es cee es 31 Brassbounder, The, Bone.............. 27 Broken Stowage, Bone.............6. 27 MPR V TCC UME ETUC Ia so tia. o.5c 6 Wsinie s eidaiecie's 29 Bugs and Wings, Franchot......... Rrettoans —-INDEX OF TITLES Page Bunch of Keyes, A, Johnson........... Can You Believe Me, Aspinwall........ 7 Canterbury Chimes, Chaucer........... 20 Careless! 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