The Missouri Muhlenbergias. BY BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BUSH. Any one in recent years attempting to name specimens of MUHLENBERGIA by the books, must have been struck by the wide difference of opinion in the presentation of the species in the Robinson and Fernald Gray’s New Manual, and the Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora. This difference of cpinion in treating the species of this genus in some cases is so marked as to cause one to wonder if there is not something wrong with our understanding of the species. This difference of opinion is most marked with the members of the Mexicana group, a most perplexing and critical one, the species of which present so many variations in culms, leaves and floral characters. _ It was formerly thought that the species of this, and those of the Acroxts group, were either awned or awnless, this belief causing much confusion in the treatment of the species and the naming of specimens: but it began to be suspected that those species which were habitually awnless sometimes presented awned forms, and those species that were ordinarily awned, sometimes presented awnless forms. This suspicion was first voiced by Scribner,’ who announced that M. Merxicana and M. SOBOLIFERA often or occasionally presented awned forms, and he went so far as to describe awned forms of these species,? and noted that M. TENUI- FLORA and M. TorRreryi were occasionally awnless. My conclusions after a careful examination of several hundred sheets of specimens, are, that Scribner was correct in the main, but that what he took to be awned forms or varieties of M. MEXICANA and M. SOBOLIFERA are really good distinct species, which I herein propose as new. * Scribner, Rhodora 9:18. 1907. ? Scribner, Rhodora 9:18. 1907. os THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Hitchcock '|in the Robinson and Fernald Gray’s New Manual in 1908, presented ten species and one variety for the territory commonly embraced in the Manual region, presenting M. FoLIosA Trinius, for the first time, this having been previously restored by Scribner,? and to it he referred M. ampicua Torrey, which I am inclined to think is a good species. M. Mexicana is there said to have the culms retrorsely strigose below the nodes, and to have the lemmas acuminate or awned, thus including the M. MExIcaNna COMMUTATA of Scribner in his description. It appears to me much better to consider Scribner’s variety a distinct species, and thus relieve the real M. Mexicana of much uncertainty. Hitchcock also includes M. poLystacHya of Mackenzie and Bush in M. MeExIcANA, which examination of a number of specimens I still consider distinct from that species. He reduces M. PALUSTRIS to a variety of M. SCHREBERI, a disposition once made by Scribner,’ but it seems more natural to keep this distinct from that species. The description of M. SCHREBERI is so drawn as to include M. SCHREBERI CURTISETOSA of Scribner, which seems to me to be sufficiently distinct to recognize as a species. M. GLABRIFLORA of Scribner is not mentioned in the Manual, Hitchcock evidently not understanding this species. Nash in the Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora, second edition, in 1913, presents eleven species, ten of these given by Hitchcock in the Manual, and one other; M. ampicua Torrey. In the treat- ment of the species in this work, Nash gives specific rank to M. PALUSTRIS and M. amMBiGuaA, refers M. FoLIosa of Trinius to M. MEXICANA, ignores M. poLysTacHyA of Mackenzie and Bush, and M. SCHREBERI CURTISETOSA, and briefly mentions M. GLABRI- FLORA which seems to me to be an excellent species. In his description of the MExIcANA group, Nash does not speak of the retrorsely scabrous character of the culms just below the nodes of some of the species, evidently thinking this character not worthy of mention. Many years: ago Prof. Dewey wrote the account of the Grasses for the Manual of the Plants of Western Texas,3 in which the ranges of some of our species is given, no doubt based on-specimens in the Herbarium of the Department of Agriculture. The ranges given of several of our species in this work has been modified largely by ’ Scribner, Rhodora 9:18. 1907. * Scribner, Rhodora 9:18. 1907. > Dewey, Man. of the Plants of Western Texas, 1892. MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS | 19 numerous collections and critical study of several species. Prior to 1905, several of the species now included in the genus MUHLEN- BERGIA, were included in the genus Sporobolus, when Dr. Rydberg’ transferred some of the species to this genus. These species seem to me to be intermediate between MUHLENBERGIA and Sporobolus, and could with equal propriety be included in the genus Sporobolus or in MUHLENBERGIA, but I leave these species in MUHLENBERGIA as placed there by Dr. Rydberg. But there is a group of species having single, terminal panicles with flowers on long capillary pedicels, the type of which is Stipa capillaris Lamarck, that seems to me to be very distinct from the other species commonly included in the genus MUHLENBERGIA. This group of species is so distinct from the other species of MUHLENBERGIA in rootstocks, ligules, panicles, flowers and habit, that I think there is no doubt that they are certainly distinct from that genus. The earliest available name for this group of species seems to be PoposEMuMm Des- vaux, in Nouv. Bull. Soc. Philom. 2:188. 1810, where the genus is established and Sizpa capzllaris Lamarck is cited’ as the type. The genus is more fully described in Beauvois Agrost. 29, 1812. I have therefore decided to follow Desvaux in placing some of the species formerly included in the genus MUHLENBERGIA in the genus PODOSEMUM, but present the single species occurring in the State along with the other species of MUHLENBERGIA, to which it has generally been referred. In this, my presentation of the Missouri species, I differ some- what from the treatment of both Hitchcock and Nash, in the works mentioned above, and have more nearly agreed with Scribner in recognizing the species, and have been compelled to describe one new species, being unable to refer the uso tn to any de- scribed species. I have seen nearly all the Missouri material in existence of the species of MUHLENBERGIA, through the kindness of Dr. J. M. Greenman, curator of the Missouri Botanical Garden Herbarium, Prof. A. S. Hitchcock, Agrostologist in charge of the Grasses in the United States National Museum Herbarium, Prof. Wm. Trelease cf the University of Illinois, Dr. J. A. Nieuwland of the University of Notre Dame, and Mr. Kenneth K. Mackenzie of East Orange, New Jersey, to whom I am under many Oe t Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Club, 32:1905. 20 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST to Prof. Hitchcock and Dr. George T. Moore of the Missouri Botanical Garden, I am under obligations for numerous citations furnished and for verifications of publications; to all of the above I herein return thanks for the many courtesies extended. For the Missouri species now included, or were formerly included, in the genus MUHLENBERGIA, I offer the following: KEY TO THE MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS. Panicles contracted, narrow, often numerous, often slender, the branches short, erect or appressed; ligules usually short or minute. 1. MUHLENBERGIA. Panicles open, single, terminal, very large, their branches long and spreading, slender, the pedicels hair-like, drooping; ligules elongated; lemmas with long awns. 2. PODOSEMUM. 1. MUHLENBERGIA SCHREBER; Gmelin, Syst. Nat. 2:171. 1791. A genus of about 30 species, mostly American, a few Asiatic, divisible into several rather well-marked groups, the type-species MUHLENBERGIA SCHREBERI Gmelin. As here treated, the species naturally fall into four groups or sections as follows: Glumes wanting, minute or very short, or in one species a little longer, blunt or obtuse or in one species acuminate; plants decum- bent at the base, from weak or slender rootstocks; lemmas usually long-awned or in one species rather short-awned. A. MUHLENBERGIA proper. Glumes broad, ovate, acute, much shorter than the lemmas; lemmas acute or awned; rootstocks stout, scaly. B. STENOCLADIUM section. Glumes narrow, acuminate or aristate, nearly as long as or exceeding the lemmas in length; rootstocks stout, scaly. C. ACROXIS section. Glumes broad, cuspidate; panicle very much contracted, narrow; plants without rootstocks. D. EucLaADIvum section. A. MUHLENBERGIA proper. Glumes less than one-fourth the length of the spikelets, minute or wanting, blunt or obtuse; lemmas with awns 3-5mm. long; rootstocks rather weak. 1. MUHLENBERGIA SCHREBERI. MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 21 Glumes one-fourth to one-half as long as the spikelets, ovate- acuminate; lemmas with awns 1-2 mm. long; rootstocks much stouter. 2. MUHLENBERGIA CURTISETOSA. B. STENOCLADIUM section. I. Spikelets 1.5-2mm. long; lemmas awnless; infranodes™ _minutely scabrous just below the glabrous nodes; glumes two- thirds to three-fourths as long as the scabrous lemmas, ovate to broadly lanceolate, cuspidate. 3. MUHLENBERGIA SOBOLIFERA. 1. Spikelets 2.5-4mm. long; lemmas awned or rarely awnless; glumes lanceolate or broadly lanceolate. 2. 2. Spikelets 2.5-3mm. long; infranodes glabrous; nodes glabrous; culms low, much-branched; panicles numerous, upper usually short-exserted; awns 3-4mm. long. 4. MUHLENBERGIA BRACHYPHYLLA. 2. Spikelets 3-4mm. long; infranodes retrorsely pubescent; nodes pubescent; culms usually tall, little branched; panicles usually few, usually long-exserted; glumes very broad, ovate- lanceolate, cuspidate, scabrous, clasping, one-half to two thirds as long as the scabrous slender lemmas; lemmas usually with long awns, rarely awn-pointed or awnless; awns 5-1omm. long. 5. MUHLENBERGIA TENUIFLORA. C. ACROXIS section. 1. Glumes much exceeding the lemmas, generally twice as long, about 5mm. long, awned-acuminate; lemmas acuminate-attenuate. 6. MUHLENBERGIA RACEMOSA. 1. Glumes about as long as the lemmas, or slightly longer, or mostly a little shorter, less than 5mm. long, glabrous or rarely slightly scabrous. 2. 2. Panicles ovoid or subpyramidal, or sometimes linear, num- erous, short-exserted,.or partially included in the upper sheaths not dense nor glomerate-flowered. 3. 2. Panicles oblong or cylindrical, or sometimes linear, more or less glomerate, or sometimes loosely flowered. 5. 3. Panicles numerous, rather long, more or less open; lemmas long-awned. 7. MUHLENBERGIA COMMUTATA. * The term infranode is here employed to designate that portion of the culm just below the node, ccrresponding to the upper part of the internode, 22 THE AMHRICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST 3. Panicles numerous, rather short, somewhat dense or more or less open; lemmas not awned. 4. 4. Panicles numerous, rather short, more or less dense; lemmas not awned, perfectly glabrous. 8. MUHLENBERGIA GLABRIFLORA 4. Panicles numerous, more or less open, often slender; lemmas not awned, pubescent at the base; infranodes perfectly smooth; nodes glabrous. 9. MUHLENBERGIA MEXICANA. 5. Panicles few, short, dense, glomerate, oblong or cylindrical; flowers usually purplish; lemmas awn-pointed or somewhat aristate; glumes mucronate or aristate, subequal; infranodes tetrorsely scabrous: nodes glabrous. 10. MUHLENBERGIA FOLIOSA. 5. Panicles numerous or sometimes fewer, filiform, linear or oblong, dense or rather loose. 6. 6. Panicles usually few, usually short-exserted, linear or fili- form; infranodes retrorsely scabrous; nodes glabrous; flowers not crowded, in rather long, erect branches, usually green or stramineous; spikelets 2.5-3mm. long; lemmas usually long- awned, or rarely awnless. 11. MUHLENBERGIATORREYI. 6. Panicles numerous, dense, slender, elongated, usually long- exserted; infranodes minutely scabrous or nearly glabrous; lem- mas acuminate, rarely awned, villous with very long hairs at the base; spikelets 2-2.5mm. long. 12. MUHLENBERGIA POLYSTACHYA. D. EucLADIUM section nova. Culms strictly erect, not rooting at the lower nodes, minutely retrorsely puberulent; glumes broad, one-half as long as the spike- let or more, acuminate or cuspidate; lemmas awnless, long-acum- inate or cuspidate; no creeping scaly rootstocks; panicles slender, the branches appressed. 13. MUHLENBERGIA CUSPIDATA. 1. MUHLENBERGIA SCHREBERI J. F. Gmelin, Syst. Nat. 2:171. 1791. ; Muhlenbergia diffusa Willd. Sp. Pl. 1:320. 1798. Dilepyrum minutiflorum Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1:40. 1803. Muhlenbergia diffusa Schreber, Gram. 2:143, 1810. 3 Muhlenbergia diffusa Schreb., Bush in Flora of Jackson County, Missouri, No. 864, 1885; Tracy in Flora of Missouri, No 1641, 1886; Eggert in Catalogue of Plants of Saint Louis, Missouri, 1891; Daniels in Flora of Columbia, Missouri, No. 75, 1907; Palmer in MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 23 Catalogue of Plants of Jasper County, Missouri, Nos. 988, 990 and 3488, 1916. } Muhlenbergia diffusa Willd., Mackenzie and Bush in Manual of the Flora of Jackson County, Missouri, No. 6, 1902. Muhlenbergia Schrebert J. F. Gmelin, Palmer in Catalogue of Plants of Jasper County, Missouri, Nos. 1376, 2646 and 2894, 1916. Northern Texas and northward, Dewey in Manual of the Plants of Western Texas. Me. to Ont. Minn. and southward, Hitchcock in Manual. Me. and southern Ontario to Minn. Fla. Kans. and Texas, Nash in Flora. Me. to Minn. south to Fla. and Texas, Nash in Illustrated Flora. Massachusetts to Nebraska, south to Florida, Texas and Mexico. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MASSACHUSETTS: Amherst, Girard 40, 1872, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80109; Farmington, Smith, September, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No 79741. NEw YORK: Buffalo, Clinton, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. N. 79859; Pennyan, Sartwell, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79625, the plant marked 1 on this sheet; Pennyan, Sartwell, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79582, the plant marked 1 on this sheet. NEw JERSEY: Hoboken, collector and date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79991, . | Hoboken, collector and date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79989; Hoboken, collector and date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79974; Hoboken, collector and date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79889; | Pemberton, Willmarth, August 25, 1876, U. S. Herb.; Without definite locality, Digyn, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79974. THE AMERICAN MIDI,AND NATURALIST PENNSYLVANIA: Manayunk, Redfield, September 10s Tago, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79858; Philadelphia, Digyn, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79887; Philadelphia, Scribner 313, October, 1881, U. Ill. Herb.; Stoneroad’s Mill, Keller, October 5, 1901, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79868; West Chester, W. D., date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79773; Without definite locality, Sartwell, date not given. M. B. G. Herb. No. 79776; York County, Glatfelter, September, 1899, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80096; MARYLAND: Chevy Chase, Mosher, September 15, 1915, U. Ill. Herb.; Harper’s Ferry, Holm, October 6, 1912, M. B. G. Herb. No. 779204. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Great Falls of the Potomac, Holm, October, 1913, U. IIl. Herb.; Pine Branch, Ball 54, August 25, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79872. OHIO: Cincinnati, Lloyd 575, September 9, 1890, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79885. VIRGINIA: Loudoun County, Helms, August, 1888, U. Ill. Herb.; Munden, Mackenzte 1764, September 3-19, 1905, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79843.; TENNESSEE; Knoxville, Ruth 59, September, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No 798067. KENTUCKY: Bowling Green, Price, June 1890, M. BR: G. Herb. No. 79847; Bowling Green, Price, May, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79846. Wasiota, Kearney 383, September, | 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. °79992. MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 3 ty ILLINOIS: Lisle, Umbach, July 4, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80090; Mascoutah, Welsch, 1862-1871, U. Ill. Herb.; Mount Carmel, Schneck, September 15, 1904, U. Ill. Herb.; Peoria, Brendel, date not given, U. Ill. Herb.; ot. Clair County, Eggert, September 11, 1877, M. B. Herb. No. 739941; St. Clair County, Eggert, September 11, 1877, Herb. No. 739683. st. Clair County, Eggert, September 11, 1877, Herb. No. 739391; M. B. M St. Clair County, Eggert, September 11, 1877, M. B. M M oe Herb. No. 79851; st. Clair County, Eggert, September 11, 1877, Herb. No. 79841; St. Clair County, Eggert, September 11, 1877, Herb. No. 79854; Taylorville, Andrews, August 28, 1898, U. Ill. Herb; Urbana, Gzbbs, September 26, 1898, U. Ill. Herb; Urbana, G. P. C. October 1, 1895, U. Ill. Herb: Urbana, Seymour, September 28, 1880, U. Ill. Herb. Wabash County, Schneck, July, 1900, U. Ill, Herb; Wabash County, Schneck, date not given, U. Ill. Herb.; Wady Petra, Chase 1165, September 25, 1904, U. Ill. Herb.; Wady Petra, Chase 1270, September 23, 1906, U. Ill. Herb.; Wady Petra, Chase 1277, Octcber 7, 1906, U. Hl. Herb.; Wady Petra, Chase 682, October 7, 1906, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80128. MISSOURI: Aberdeen, Davis 1147, September 24, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. . No. 709388; Allenton, Letterman, August 30, 1892, M. B. G. Herb. No. 709388; Campbell, Bush, September 11, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 772800 Carterville, Palmer 1984, July 8, 1901, M. B. G. Herb. _ No. 757390; | Carthage, Trelease, September 18, 1998, M. B. G: Herb. No. 79864; 26 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Cedar County, Trelease, July 30, 1897 M. B. G. Herb. No. 79862; Clayton, Letterman, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No 796012; Cliff Cave, Kellogg 30, October 10, 1901, U. S. Herb. No. 950188; , Cliff Cave, Kellogg, October 10, 1901, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79798; Congo, Hoffman, October 10, 1916; Dodson, Hoffman, September 13, 1916; Dunklin County, Trelease, August 20, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79861; Kolia, Davis 1435, October 23, 1911, U. S. Herb. No. 674025; Folia, Davis 1435, October 23, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No 709445 ; Forest Park, Eggert, September 21, 1875, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79855; Galena, Palmer 6481, October 16, 1913, M. B. G. Herb. No. 717420; Galloway, Standley 9345, August 26, 1912, U. S. Herb. No. 688260; Greene County Blankinship 2821, July 29, 1889, M. B. G. Herb, No. 80047; Indian Hill, Trelease, September 28, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79863; Jackson County, Bush, September 27, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. ~ No. 80049; 3 Jefferson County, Eggert, September 9, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79849; Jerome, Kellogg, 184, October 1, 1913, M. B. G. Herb. No. 719727; Martin City, Mackenzie 482, September 18, 1901; McDonald County, Bush September 1, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80046; | Monteer, Bush 4888, October 10, 1907, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79831; . Oronogo, Palmer, 988, September 15, 1907, M. B. G. Herb. No. 757385; Oronogo, Palmer 988, September 15, 1907, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79828; MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS P haz) Prosperity, Palmer 990, August 20, 1907, M.'B. aa Heth. No. 757389; Bht! Prosperity, Palmer 990, August 20, 1907, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79827; silica, Eggert, September 15, 1891, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79851; | ; South St. Louis, Kellogg, September 7, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79877; Springfield, Standley, 9728, August 31, 1912, U. S. Herb. No. 688645; St. Louis, Eggert, October, 1875, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82696; St. Louis Engelmann, August 1841,, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79688 ; | St. Louis, Glatfelter, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80060; St. Louis, Pammel, October, 1886, M. B. G. Herb. No 79842 ; Stone County /7release, September 10, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79865; Sugar Creek, Mackenzze, September 6, 1896; Swan, Bush, 380, September 24, 1899, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79857; Thornton, Mackenzie 656, October’ 18, 1901, M. B. G. No. 79865; Turner, Standley 8794, September 4, 1912, U. S. Herb. No. 687669; Webb City, Palmer 1376, June 7, 1908, M. B. G. Herb. No. 757388; Webb City, Palmer 2646, September 8, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80063; Webb City, Palmer 2646, September 8, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 757391; Webb City, Palmer 3488, October 7, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 709005; Webb City, Palmer 3488, October 7, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 757386; Whiteside, Davis 28, September 12, 1911 M. B. G. Herb. No. 765895; Whiteside, Davis 1008, September 12, 1911 M. B. G. Herb. No. 673927; THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Whiteside, Davis 1008, September 12, 1911, M. B. G Herb. No. 709063; NORTH CAROLINA: | Aiken, Ravenel, September, 1866, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79691. | Iowa: Ames, Pammel 73, August, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80074; Clinton, Pammel 247, September 4, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79980; Clinton, Pammel 247, September 4, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79850; College Park, Johnson, October 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79884; Columbus Junction, Pammel 1502, date not given ,M. B. G. Herb. No. 79876; Des Moines, Pammel 653, July 14, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79848; DeWitt, Pammel 1455, September 9g, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79874; | Dixon, Snyder 735, September 23, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No 79882; Iowa City, Hztchcock, 1888, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79879; Iowa City, Hitchcock, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79983; Iowa City, Hitchcock, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No 79982; Iowa City, Hitchcock, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79746; Mount Ayr, Beard 642, September 25, 1907, M. B. G-. Herb. No..79722; Mount Pleasant, Witte 993, October 1, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79881; Muscatine, Mackenzie 749, September 10, 1894. NEBRASKA: | Bellevue, Hayden, July, 1853-54, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79690; GEORGIA: Leslie, Harper 1716, October 7, 1902, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79869; The Missouri Muhlenbergias.---II. BY BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BUSH. KANSAS: Manhattan, Kellerman, September 25, 1885, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79969; Manhattan, Kellerman, September 25, 1885, M. B. G. Herbs No? 70077; -Manhattan, Kellerman, September 16, 1888, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79984; Wyandotte, MOS October 3, 1897. ALABAMA: Cullman, Eggert, September 15, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79853: FLORIDA: Apalachicola, Chapman, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 785588; MISSISSIPPI: Biloxi, Tracy, Beatie: I, 1899; Panola, Eggert, September 17, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79732) Panola, Eggert, Gent cmihet 17, 1876, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79728; Starkville, Kearney, 16, September 27, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79979; | Starkville, Tracy, July 18, 1888, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79981. > LOUISIANA: Feliciana, Mohr, September, U. S. Herb. No. 722798; Natchitoches; Palmer .6774, October 1, 1915, M. B. G. Herb. No. 794768. pares" 17-28 iAta. ‘Mid. Wat. Vol. Vii No. 2, March, 1919. Pages 33-49, Am. Mid. Nat. Vol. VI. Nos. 3, 4,,.May—July, 1919. THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST ARKANSAS: Benton County, Plank, Summer, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. Herb. No. 82685; Fulton, Bush 897, September 18, 1900 M. B. G. Herb. No. 79870, Texarkana, Heller 4161, August 27, 1898, M. B. G. Her. Herb. No. 79883; OKLAHOMA: Verdigris, Bush 768, August 2, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79970. TEXAS: Columbia, Bush 1461, October 12, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. Now7o8 79 Dallas, Reverchon 661, 1873, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79612; Dallas, Reverchon 2252, October 5, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79845; Dallas, Reverchon 4207A, 1881, M. B. G. Herb. No 79844; Elmo, Reverchon 3532, October 22, 1902, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79894; . Elmo, Reverchon 3538, October 22, 1902, M. B. No. 79860; Elmo, Reverchon 3538, October 22, 1902, M. B. No. 79892; G. Herb. G Galveston Bay, /Joor, October 19, 1884, M. B. G. Herb. G . Herb. No. 79856; Houston, Lindheimer, September, 1841, M. B. No. 79693; Industry, Wurzlow, 1891, U. Ill. Herb.; Kerrville, Hitchcock 5315, June 22, 1910, U. Ill. Herb.; October 9, 1901, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75877; Marshall, Bush 1011, Palestine, Joor, October 21, 1884, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79870; Rusk County, Vinzent 55, August, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79873; | San Antonio, Bush 826, pan ee 18, 1901, M. B. eZ Herb. No. 79873; Without definite locality, Lindheimer, date not elven, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79990; 3 Without definite locality, Reverchon, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80105; . Herb. MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 35 Without definite locality, Reverchon, date not given, M. B. CG. No. 79893; MExIco: Coatepee Hitchcock 6663, September 2-4, 1910, U. Ill. Herb. 2. MUHLENBERGIA CURTISETOSA (Scribner) Bush, n. sp. Muhlenbergia Schrebert curtisetosa, Scribner Rhodora 9:17. 1907. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: Missouri: Eagle Rock, Bush 377, September 24, 1896, M. B G. Herb. No. 294597. Eagle Rock, Bush 377, September 24, 1896, U. S. Herb. No. 294597} Eagle Rock, Mackenzie, September 24, (eee: ILLINOIS: Champaign, Clinton 92, date not given, U. S. Herb. No. 952420; Without definite locality, Wolf, 1881, U. S. Herb. No. 952419, TYPE of Muhlenbergia Schrebert: curtisetosa. A 3. MUHLENBERGIA SOBOLIFERA (Muhl.) Trin. Gram. Unifl. 189, 1824. . Agrostis sobolifera Muhl.; Willd. Enum. 95. 1809. Trichochloa sobolifera (Muhl.) Trin. Fund. Agrost. 117. 1820. Muhlenbergia sobolifera ‘Trin., Bush in Flora of Jackson County, Missouri, No. 860, 1885; Tracy in Flora of Missouri, No. 1645, 1886; Eggert in Catalogue of Plants of Saint Louis, Missouri, 1891. Muhlenbergia sobolifera (Muhl.) Trin., Mackenzie and Bush in Manual of the Flora of Jackson County, Missouri, No. 1, 1902; Daniels in Flora of Columbia, Missouri, No. 70, 1907; Palmer in Catalogue of Plants of Jasper County, Missouri, Nos. 753, 856, 858, 1375; 2529; 2617, 2546, 3463, 3467 and 3475, 1916. Northern Texas and northward, according to Dewey in Manual, l. c., referring of course to M/. setigera q. v. N. E: to Minn. and southward, according to Hitchcock in Manual. N..H. and Mass. to Minn. Va. Tenn. and the Ind. Terr., according to Nash in Flora. N. W. to Minn. south to-Va. Tenn. and the Ind. Terr., according to Nash in Illustrated Flora. From New:2York:and New Jersey to Nebraske, Missouri, Kansas and Northern Arkansas. : 36 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST _ SPECIMENS HXAMINED: NEw YORK: Ithaca, Rowlee, 1889, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79759; Pennyan, Sartwell, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79629; . Western New York, Gray, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79627. PENNSYLVANIA: Chester County, Canby, 1865, M. B. G. Herb, No 79751; Conewago, Heller 4792, September 27, 1907, M. B. G. Herb. Now 79758: MARYLAND: Harper’s Ferry, Holm, June to, 1912, U. Ill. Herb.; Harper’s Ferry, Holm, June 10, 1912, M. B. G. Herb. No. 779176. DIstRict OF COLUMBIA: Washington, Ball and Paddocre 26, August 7, 1899, M. B. G. Herb. No 79767. ILLINOIS: Belleville, Engelmann, August, 1833, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79660, the plant marked 2 on this sheet; Centerville, Eggert, August 31, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No 79752; Centerville, Eggert, August 31, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No 79753; Centerville, Eggert, August 31, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79754; Centerville, Eggert, August, 31, 1877, M. B. G. No. 79834; | Centerville, Eggert, August 31, 1877. M. B. G. Herb. No. 767046; Mount Carmel, Schneck, October 20, 1881, U. Ill. Herb.; Peoria, Brendel, date not given, U. Ill. Herb.; Peoria, McDonald, August, 1888, M. B. G. Herb. No. 773046; Taylorville, Andrews, August 20, 1898, U. Ill. Herb.; Taylorville, Andrews, August 26, 1898, U. Ill. Herb.; Wabash County, Schneck, July 1, 1879, U. Ill. Herb., the plant marked B on this sheet; Wabash County, Schneck, September 1, 1879, U. Ill. Herb.; Wabash County, Schneck, September 6, 1879, U. Ill. Herb.; Wabash Conty, Schneck, August 17, 1880, U. Ill. Herb. ‘MISSOURI: Allenton, Letterman, August, 1876, M. B. G. Herb. No. 772801; Allenton, Letterman, August, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 772803; Bagnell, T'release, September 22, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No.79765 MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 37 Bagnell, Trelease, September 18, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79760; Big Bend of the Meramec, Glaitfelter, September 15, 1891, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80064; Cliff Cave, Kellogg 32, October 10, 1901, M. B. G. Herb No. 79800; Cliff Cave, Kellogg, October 10, 1901, M. B. G. Herb. No. 950200; Current River, Carter County, Trelease, September 10, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79763; Dodson, bush 1868, August 24, 1903, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79755; Dodson, Bush 1868, August 24, 1903, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79756; Dodson, Hoffman 145, September 17, 1916; Eolia, Davis 1440, October 23, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 709440; 3 Greene County, Bush 4814, September 4, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80038; Independence, Bush, 1884, U. S. Herb. No. 746205; Jackson County, Bush, September 4, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80040; Joplin, Trelease, October 7, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79761; McDonald County, Bush, September 1, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80037. Meramec Spring, Phelps County, T release, September 25, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79764; Noel, Palmer 4176, September 8, 1913, M. B. G. Herb. No. 717316; Noel, Palmer 4254, September 10, 1913, M. B. G. Herb. No. 717317; Pearl, Standley 9230, August 22, 1912, U. S. Herb. No. 688145; Randolph, Mackenzie 370, October 2, 1898; Sibley, Bush 4814, August 31, 1907, M. B. G. Herb No. 78930; Sulpher Springs, Jefferson County, Trelease, October 23, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79762; Swope Park, Mackenzie 432, September 13, 1901; Bere Park, Siigall 50, September 16, 1906, M. B. G. ech “No. 80054. 38 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Webb City, Palmer 753, July 22, 1906, M. B. G: Herb. No. 80553 Webb City, Palmer 856, July 22551000; VL. B: G. Herb. No. 756979; Webb City, Palmer 1375, August 4, 1908, M. B. G. Herb. No. 756957; Webb City, Palmer 1375, August 4, 1908, M. B. G.: Herb. No. 80056; Webb City, Palmer 2546, July 22, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 757904; | Webb City, Palmer 2546, July 22, 1909, .M B. G. Herb. No. 80058; | Webb City, Palmer 2549, July 19, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 756956; Webb City, Palmer 2617, September 2, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80061; Wicks, Kulloge 31, July 20, 1898, U.S. Herb. No. 709440; Wicks, Kellogg 31, July 20, sieht M. B. G. Herb. No 79766. Iowa: Steamboat Rock, Pammel, Hume, and Fitz 1346, date not given, U.S. Herb: No. 79771; Winterset, Carver 1928, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79769; KANSAS: Cherokee County, Htichcock 889, ate M.’B. G: te No. 79636; Rosedale, Mackenzie, July 19, 1896; NEBRASKA: Weeping Water, Williams, August, ake M. B: G. Herb. No. 79628. ARKANSAS: Eureka Springs, Palmer 4425, syeelaes 20, 191 3, M. B. G. Herb. No. 716987. Culms much branched from the base, 3- 4 dm. tall, smooth, erect; infranodes slightly strigose below the glabrous nodes, at least the lower; leaves numerous, 5-10 cm. long, 3 3-5 mm, wide; "panicles neithider 1-1.5dm. long, the short branches oppressed; ’ ‘spikelets 2-2.5 mm. long, acute, somewhat crowded; glumes: broadly ovate, acute or acuminate, one- to two- thirds as long as. the: floret; , MUHLENBERGIA SETIGERA (Scribner). Bush, n. sp. Muhlenbergia sobolifera setigera Scpibner, Rhodora 9/18: “t907,- t MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 39 lemma slender acuminate, hairy-tufted at the base, attenuate into a slender awn 1-5 mm. long. Differs from M. sobolifera in having shorter, much-branched culms, shorter and narrower leaves, shorter and denser panicles, longer and narrower florets which are awned. Was referred by Vasey to M. sylvatica, M. sylvatica, var., M. sobolifera, M. sobolifera var., and M. Wulldenovit. Scribner based M. sobolifera setigera on Reverchon’s 70 and 1054, referring to it also his No. 30, but gives neither dates not localities for the type specimens. Many years ago Reverchon sent to Dr. George Vasey of the Department of Agriculture, specimens of Grasses to be determined, and these were numbered from 1 up, usually marking ‘‘ Vasey”’ on his labels. The specimens of Muhlenbergia which I am referring to this new species, which he sent to be named, were reported by Vasey under five names, M. sylvatica, M. sylvattca var —, M. sobolifera, M. sobolifera var.—, and M. Wildenovii. Believing these to be distinct species and varieties, Reverchon numbered one 1049, another 1050 and so on up to 1054, these being the numbers given to these species and his MS. list of Texas Plants. But the specimens sent to Dr. Vasey with numbers on the labels, and other numbers bearing the same numbers do not agree, and I feel confident that Reverchon used the same numbers over and over. I have seen several of Reverchon’s No. 70, supposedly part of the No. 70 sent to Vasey, and these are marked M. sylvatica var. —, presumably a MS. name of Vasey’s, but these do not appear to be the same as that examined by Scribner. I have also examined two sheets of specimens marked 30 by Reverchon, collected at Ferris, Texas, but these differ from the No. 30 examined by Vasey and Scribner, and cited by Scribner as belonging to his M. sobolifera setigera, in being short-awned. These Ferris specimens are named M. sobolifera var.—presumably a MS. name of Vasey’s, and the date of collection is stated as 1884 and 1888, while the one cited by Scribner is said to be dated 1885. One of the Ferris specimens is numbered 1665, which makes it apparent that Reverchon_sep- arated this variety from M. sobolifera, and assigned it a much later “number in his MS. list of Texas Plants. Having been intimately acquainted with Mr. Reverchon, I learned much about his numbering, the earlier collecting being numbered according to his MS. list, which was arranged in accord- 40 THE AMERICAN MIDILAND NATURALIST ance with his collecting. When Reverchon first began collecting plants in Texas, in the seventies, the first species he collected he listed as No. 1, the next No. 2, and so on up to about No. 1884, when I persuaded him to adopt the serial system of numbering, beginning with the last number in his MS. list, and giving each collection a different number. | According to this earlier method of numbering, every species bore the same number, no matter where and when collected, as for instance, M. sobolifera was No. 1052, and every collection of what he took to be M. sobolijera he gave that number to, no matter where it was collected, in 1878, 188c, 1882 or 1885. : I have also examined one sheet of Reverchon’s No. 1054, which is labeled M. Mexicana by Reverchon, cited by Scribner as part of the type of M. sobolifefa setigera, but this appears to me to be only M. Mexicana. It differs from M. sobolifera setigera in having the lower glumes acuminate and nearly as long as the lemma, the lemma merely acute or acutish and not awned. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: OKLAHOMA: Sapulpa, Bush 769, July 22, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79634, labeled M. sobolifera by Bush;° Verdigris, Bush 770, August 2, 1894, U. S. Herb. No. 217323, labeled M. sobolfera by Bush and M. Mexicana by Scribner. TEXAS: Dallas, Reverchon 1054, September, T8860, Ul. iter b, ND: 49861, labeled M. Mexicana filiformis ay Reverchon, and M. sobolifera by Scribner; Dallas, Reverchon 2253, October 5, 1900 U. S. Herb. No. 411579, labeled M. Mexicana by Bush, and M. sylvatica by Scribner ; Dallas, Reverchon 42073, August 26,. 1880, U. 2 bear No. 501272, labeled M. tenuiflora by Bush; Dallas, Reverchon 2253, October 5, 1900, M. Ber ee Herb. No. 75666, labeled M. Mexicana by Reverchon; ras Dallas, Reverchon 2253, October 5, 1900, M. eB: G. Herb. No 75665, labeled M. Mexicana by Re Pep neg 3 : Dallas, Reverchon 2253, October CF 1900. ni ‘B. G Herb. No. 75646, labeled M. Mexicana by Bighs 7 Dallas, Keverchon 1052, 1882; M. B- Ge Herb. No: - 79768, labeled M. sobolifera by Reverchon:’ ae MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 41 Dallas, Reverchon 4207, August, 1880, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79757; labeled M. sobolifera by Bush; Dallas County, Reverchon, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79719, labeled M. sylvatica by Reverchon; ' Ferris, Reverchon 30, 1884, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80712, labeled - M. sobolijera var.— by Reverchon, evidently a MS. name of Vasey’s; Ferris, Reverchon 30, 1884, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80111, labeled M. sobolifera var. — by Reverchon, no doubt part of sheet No. 80112; Ferris, Reverchon 16y65, 1888, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80710, labeled M. sobolifera var. — by Reverchon; Without definite locality, Reverchon 70, 1879, type, U. S. Herb. No. 49863, labeled M. Wailldenov by Reverchon and Scribner, and M. sylvatica var. — by Scribner; Without definite locality, Reverchon 70. date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80082, labeled M: Wulldenovit by Reverchon, and evidently co-type of Scribner’s variety; Without definite locality, Reverchon, date not given, pre- sumably the same collection as No. 70 on sheet No. 80082, M. B. G. Herb. No, 80084, labeled M. sylvatica by Reverchon. Without definite locality, Reverchon 1049, 1881, possibly the “same collections as specimens on sheet No. 80084, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80083, labeléd’M. sylvatica var. — by Rever- chon, probably a MS. hame of Vasey’s; Without definite locality, Reverchon 1052, date not given, marked ‘‘127 Vasey,” labeled M. solobifera by Reverchon, probably being the name supplied by Vasey; Without definite locality, Reverchon, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79891; Without definite locality, Reverchon 1054, date not given, M. BG Herbt. No. 75661: Without definite locality, Reverchon 30, 1885, U. S. Herb. No. 952417, labeled M. Mexicana; and M. sobolifera var. — by Scribner ; Without definite. locality, but presumably Dallas, Reverchon 1054, 1880, U. 8. Herb. No. fons labeled M. -sobolifera, “and M. Willdenovti by Scribner. 4. MUHLENBERGIA BRACHYPHYLLA Bush, n. sp. Culms 2-4 dm. tall, “much branched, much branched: from the 42 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST base, the old culms stramineous, shining; infranodes glabrous; nodes glabrous; leaves numerous, short, narrow, the larger 5-7 dm. long, the upper reduced to 1-2 dm.; principal nerves of the larger leaves 7-9; panicles terminal on the culms and branches, and from all the upper and middle sheaths, numerous, very slender, short, the divisions appressed, the terminal and those terminating the branches usually short-exserted, those from the lowest sheaths usually long-exserted on very slender peduncles; spikelets 3mm. long, rather slender; glumes broadly lanceolate, attenuate or cuspi- date, about one-half as long as the lemma; lemmas lanceolate, awned, minutely bearded at the base, sometimes awnless or short- awned; awns slender, about as long as the lemmas or sometimes shorter. Type specimens collected at Webb City, Missouri, Palmer 2734, September 20, 1909, specimens in the Herbarium of the Missouri Botanical Garden, sheet No. 757387. The species here proposed has been referred to M. Torrey: on the one hand and to M. tenuiflora on the other, but differs conspicuously from these species in being lower, more branched, in having more numerous leaves which are shorter and narrower, with but 7-9 principal nerves, in having numerous panicles, which are mostly - short-exserted, in having glabrous yellow polished infranodes and glabrous nodes. It is much nearer M. Mexicana, to which it bears a strong resemblance, but differs in having shorter and broader glumes, awned lemmas, and long-exserted panicles from the lower sheaths. 3 SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MISSOURI: / Golden City, Palmer 4575, October 6, 1913, M. B. G. Herb. NO.71'7221; Webb City, Palmer 2734, September 20, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 757387, TYPE; Webb City, Palmer 2734, September 20, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80062, TYPE collection. ILLINOIS: Bluffs Lake, Eggert, September 24, 1875, M. B. G. Herb. No. hte O72. 5. MUHLENBERGIA TENUIFLORA (Willd.) B. S. P. Cat. PI. N. Y.'67, 1888. Agrostis tenutflora Willd. Sp. Pl. 1:364, 1787. MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 43 Agrostis pauciflora Bush, Fl. Am. Sept. 1:63, 1814. Trichochloa longiseta Trin. Agrost. 117, 1820. Muhlenbergia Willdenovit Trin. Gram. Unifl. 188, 1824. Muhlenbergia Wulldenovi Trin., Tracy in Flora of Missouri, No. 1647, 1886; Eggert in Catalogue of Plants of Saint Louis, Missouri, 1891. Muhlenbergia tenuiflora (Willd.) B. S. P., Mackenzie and Bush in Manual of the Flora of Jackson County, Missouri, No. 5, 1902; Daniels in Flora of Columbia, Missouri, No. 74, 1907. Northern Texas to Mass. and Minn., Dewey in Manual of ae Plants of Western Texas. Mass. to Ont. Minn. and southward, Hitchcock in Manual. Mass. to S. Ont. Minn. Ala. and Texas, Nash in Flora. Mass. to Minn. Ala. and Texas, Nash in Illustrated Flora. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: West Haven, Kirk 976; August 17, 1913, U. S. Herb. No. 725822, labeled M. tenuiflora by Kirk, and M. sobolifera setigera by the Department of Agriculture. NEw YORK: Pennyan, Sartwell, date not given, M. B. G Herb. No. 79582, the plant marked 2 on this sheet; Western New York, Gray, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79587. ONTARIO: Foster’s Flats, Macoun 1 242, ats Tl; LOOT aU eu blenn: No. 952525. NEW JERSEY: Cranberry Lake, Mackenzie 2453, September 16, 1906, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80101; Sussex County, Mackenzie 1095, September 25, 1904; Sussex County, M ae 2453, september 16, 1900. - PENNSYLVANIA: ; Germantown, Digyn, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. | 79583. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Washington, Lae antsy 28, ee ia) B: Soe Bd No. 80085. “Onto: : Margaretta Ridge, as July 28, 1896, U. : Herb. No 431146, oy Seem Mu ee A4 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST TENNESSEE: Cowan, Ruth 26, July, 1898, U.S. Herb. No. 952526. KENTUCKY: | Big Black Mountain, Kearney 234, August, 1893, U. S. Herb. No. 952527; Big Black Mountain, Kearney 234, August, 1893, U. S. Herb. No. 822978; Big Black Mountain, Kearney 234, August, 1893, M. BG; Herb. No. 79586; ‘Harlan Court House, Kearney 33,' August, 1893, U. S. Herb. Novos 25280, Harlan Court House, Kearney 33, August, 1893, U. S. Herb. No. 822979; Harlan Court House, Kearney 33, August, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79588; Pineville, Mackenzie 962, August-September, 1904. ILLINOIS: Edgemont, Crazg, October 23, 1910, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82662; Elgin, Vasey, date not given, U. Ill. Herb.; Peoria, Brendel, date not given, U. Ill. Herb.; Peoria, McDonald, August, 1889, M. B. G. No. 773047; St. Clair County, Eggert, August 3, 1877. M. B. G. Herb. No. 79838; St. Clair County, Eggert, August 3, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 739936; | St. Clair County, Eggert, August 3, 1877, N. D. Herb. No. 8143; Urbana, Seymour and White, September 26, 1886, U. IIl. Wabash County, Schneck, July 2, 1879, in part, the plant marked A on this sheet, U. Ill. Herb.; Wabash County, Schneck, September 4, 1904. U. Ill. Herb. MIssourIi: Allenton, Letterman, August 1, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. No. 867670; Allenton, Letterman, August 1, 1900. M. B. G. Herb. No. 772805; Sibley, Mackenzte 548 A, October 2, 1901; \ With ie cefinite locality, Bush, Gate not ce U. S. Herb. No. 950198. MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 45 NorTH CAROLINA: Montreat, Standley and Bollman 9966 August 23; 1913. U. S. Herb. No. 688883; Waynesville, Standley 3687, September 9, 1910, U. S. Herb. No. 514551. MICHIGAN: Saugatuck, Umbach, August 5, 1898. Iowa: ; Iowa City, Hitchcock, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No: 79585; Winterset, Carver 260, September, 1884, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82688; ALABAMA: Jackson County, Chase 4490, October 15, 1907, U. S. Herb. No. 590834; Jackson County, Chase, October 15, 1907, U. Ill. Herb. ARKANSAS: Mount Mena, Trelease, October 1, 1898, M. B.-G. Herb. 2 No. 79444. OKLAHOMA: f Sapulpa, Bush 773, September 20, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79621. 6. MUHLENBERGIA RACEMOSA (Michx.) B. S. G. Prel. Cat. N. Y. 67. 1888. | Agrostis racemosa Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1:53. 1803. : Agrostis setosa Muhl. Gram. 68. 1817. Trichochloa glomerata Trin. Fund. Agrost. 117. 1820. Trichochloa calycina ‘Trin. Fund. Agrost. 117. 1820. Polypogon racemosus (Michx.) Nutt. Gen. 1:51. 1818. Muhlenbergia glomerata (Trin.) Gram Unifl. 191. 1824. Muhlenbergia glomerata ramosa Vasey, Cat. Grasses U.S. 40. 1885. 1885. Muhlenbergia racemosa ramosa (Vasey) Beal, Grasses U. S. ae, 253.. 1590. Muhlenbergia glomerata ‘Trin., Bush in Flora of Jackson County, Missouri, No. 564, 1882; Tracy in Flora of Missouri, No. 1642, 1886; Eggert in Catalogue of Plants of Saint Louis, Missouri, 1891. Muhlenbergia racemosa (Michx.) B. S. P., Mackenzie and Bush in Manual cf the Flora of Jackson County, Missouri, No. 4, 46 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST 1902; Daniels in Flora of Columbia, Missouri, No. 72, 1907. N. F. to Wash. and B. Col. and southward in the East to N. Car., and in the West to Texas (?), N. Mex. and Ariz., Scribner apd in the West to Texas (2), N. Mex. and Ariz., Scribner in Rhodora, l. c. N. F. to N. J. and southward, Hitchcock in Manual. N..F. ‘to’ B. Bot: N. Je, Nz Car. MoPpand ™N« Mexite, Nash Flora. 'N. F. to B. Col. south to N. J. and N. Mex. Nash in Illustrated. Flora. New Foundland to Washington, south to Alabama and oa SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NEWFOUNDLAND: | Exploits River and Badger Brook, Robinson and Schrenk 196, August 13, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80096; Exploits River and Badger Brook, Robinson and Schrenk 196, August 13, 1894, M. B. G. No. 79741. MAINE: Crystal, Knight, September 15, 1905; Mount Desert Island, Rand and Redfield, August 21, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79710; St. Francis, Fernald 169, August 51, 1889, M> B..G, sHerb: No. 79967. NEW HAMPSHIRE: | Gilmanton, Blake, September 6, 1861,.M. B. G. Herb. No. 79909 ; Sanbornton, Carter, 128, September 20, 1902, U. Ill. Herb. / VERMONT: Bellows Falls, Carey, 1741, M. B. GC. Herb. No. 79677. CANADA: Lamberton, Glatfelter, August 2, 1892, M. B. G. Herb. Neo. 80092. NEw YORK: | | Bergen, Collector not given, dNnlaa 30, 1907, U: HI. Herb. ; Niagara Falls, Engelmann, August, Sige M.‘B.,G; Heya No. 79678; Niagara Falls, Morong, Aen 28, M. B. GC. ‘Herb. No. e800: Pennyan, Sartwell, date not given, M. B..G. Herb. No. 79961; MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 47 Western New York, Gray, date not een MiB Gi ierb: No. 79965; Western New York, Gray, date not given, M. B. G. No. 79962; Western New York, Gray, date not given, M. B. G. No. 79676; Without definite locality, collector and date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79954. ONTARIO: Bicaber, Hoy, August, 1883, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79624; Lambton County, ee August 22, 1892, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80066. NEw JERSEY: Cranberry Lake, Mackenzie 2428, September 16, 1906, M. ‘B G. No. 80100. Mount Arlington, Mackenzie 918, August 21, 1904; Sussex County, Mackenzie 2428, September 16, 1906; Without definite locality, Curtis M. B. G. Herb. No. 79675; INDIANA: Wells County, Deam, September 11, 1901, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80076. ILLINOIS: Augusta, Mead, 1843, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82695; Bluffs Lake, Eggert, September 11, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79908 ; Champaign, Clinton, October 1, 1895. U. Ill. Herb.; Chicago, Glatfelter 643, August 20, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80071; Dupont, Eggert, September 11, 1877, M. B. G. No. 739390; _ Dupont, Eggert 11, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 738989; Dupont, Eggert, September 11, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 772999; Dupont, Eggert, September 11, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79840, Dupont, Eggert, September 11, 1877, N. D. Herb. No. 8144; Dupont, Eggert, September 11, 1877, N. D. Herb. No. 8140; ‘East Alton, McDonald, August, 1897, U. Ill. Herb.; Elgin, Sherff 1946, September 14, 1912. U. Ill. Herb.; Falling Springs, Engelmann, September, 1844, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79673, evidently part of the collection sheet 48 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST No. 79674, the plant marked A on that sheet exactly matching this; Lake Villa, Gleason and Shobe 128, August 6, 1906, U.Ill. Herb.; Lake Villa, Gleason and Shobe 200, August 9, 1900, U. Ill. Herb.; Oquawka, Patterson, September, year not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 792777; Peoria, Brendel, date not given, U. Ill. Herb.; Princeville, Chase 940, October 14, 1900, U. TL. Herh.; Princeville, Chase 1269, September 23, 1906, U. Il. Herbe Wady Petre, Chase 1943, September 22, 1908, U. Ill. Herb.; Without definite locality, Patterson, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 785591. MISSOURI: Banks of the Mississippi, presumably just South of Saint Louis, Engelmann, August, 1843, the plants marked B on this sheet, the other plant marked A on this sheet evidently belonging to sheet No. 79673; Congo, Hoffman, October 7, 1916; Courtney, Bush 6508, October 16, 1911, U. 8. Herb. No. 673597; Creve Coeur Lake Kellogg 28, September 25, 1901, U. S. Herb No. 950202; Creve Coeur Lake, Norton, September II, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82683; Dodson, Hoffman, September 10, 1916; Hannibal, Davis 1044, September 16, ii Loe ‘5S. Herb. No. 673942; Hannibal, Davis 1044, September 16,1911, IM. ‘BiG: Herb: No. 709096; | Jackson County, Bush 59, neue 26, 1890, M. B. G. Herb. No. 768677; Jackson County, Bush 1876, August 28, oe M. B. G. Herb. No. 80054; Jackson County, Bush, September 17, 1802, Mhows Gy bers No. 80044; . | Jackson County, Bush, September 22, 1893, M. B. G. No. 80050; | Jackson County, Bush 405, September 22. 1892, U.S. ‘Herb. No. 950210; a MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 49 Jefferson Barracks, Eggert, September 11, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79907; Randolph, Mackenzie 368, October 2, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 89720; | Randolph, Mackenzte 369, October 2, 1898; Sheffield, Hoffman, October 7, 1916; Sheffield, Mackenzie 658, October 18, 1901; St. Louis, Eggert 225 a, September 4, 1877, U. S, Herb. No. 950203, exactly same date and collection as specimens on sheet No. 79907; St. Louis, Engelmann, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79963. The Missouri Muhlenbergias.---Ill. “BY BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BUSH. TOWwA: Ames, Ball 113, August 5, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79950; Ames, Ball 113, August 5, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79904; Ames, Hitchcock, August, 1889, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79922; Ames, Hitchcock, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79960; Armstrong, B. S., September, 1895, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79749 Armstrong, Craity, August 21, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79910; ; Dakota City, Pammel, August 8, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79951; Iowa City, Hitchcock, August, 1888, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79911; Ledyard, Pammel and Cratty 760, August 28, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79921; Ledyard, Pammel and Cratty 760, August 28, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79925; Ledyard, Pammel and Cratty 760, August 28, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80106; Ledyard, Pammel and Cratty 760, August 28, 1897; ~ Mount Pleasant, Mills 13, 1894, M. B. G. No. 79927; Muscatine, Mackenzie 781, September 26, 1894; Sioux City, Wakefield, August 30, 1887, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79949; Tabor, Pammel 778, September 20, 1897, M. B. G. No. 79906; Tabor, Pammel 778, September 20, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79917; Webster ‘City, Pammel 274, June 15, 1895, M. B. G. Herb No. 79948; Pages 57-77, Am. Mid. Nat., Vol. VI., No. 5, September, 1919. THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST West Union, Whitmere 248, July 6, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79947; ; Winterset, Carver, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79924. WISCONSIN: LaCrosse, Hale, 1861, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75629; Mirror Lake, Eggert, August, 24, 1903, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82672; Prairie du Chien, Hale, 1861, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75648; St. Croix, Hale, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79956; St. Croix, collector not given, but probably Hale, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79699. MINNESOTA: Detroit, Seymour, August 24, 1884, U. Ill. Herb.; Lake Minnetonka, Glatfelter, October 3, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80089; | Sandy Lake, Sandberg 783, August 12, 1891, U. Ill. Herb.;. Spirit Lake, Geyer, September, 1838, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79685. KANSAS: . Manhattan, Norton, September, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79926, Manhattan, Norton, October 22, 1892, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79940, Riley County, Norton 596, September 3, 1895, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79946. NEBRASKA: Along the Missouri to the Mountains, Hayden, July 8, 1854, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79681: Fort Union, Hayden, 1855, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79684; Fort Union, Hayden, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79964; : Nuckolls County, Hedgcock 348, July, 1886, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79807; Nuckolls County, Hedgcock, July 3, 1899, M. B. G. Herb. . No. 79806; Omaha, Eastman, October 1, 1915, U. Ill. Herb.; Thomas County, Rydberg 1762, September 13, 1893, U. Ill. Herb. Without definite locality, Hayden, 1853-54, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82657. MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 59 DAKOTA: Without definite locality, Vasey, 1888, VB Ge erp eNO 79912. SoutH DAKOTA: Brookings, White, August 3, 1908, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79802; Brookings, White, August 3, 1908, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79803. NORTH DAKOTA: Benson County, Lunell, August 5, 1906; Benson County, Lunell, August 26, 1906, U: S. A. Herb.; Fargo, Seymour, August 23, 1884, U.S. A. Herb.; Grand Falls, Brannon, 52, July 1, 1886, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79995 ; Lake Ibsen, Lunell, July 29, 1900, U. S. Herb. No. 746130. ALABAMA: Without definite locality, Buckley, date not given. M. B. G. Herb. No. 79955. OKLAHOMA: Snyder, Eggert, September 19, 1903, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82673; Snyder, Eggert, September 18, 1903, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82674. TEXAS: Without definite locality, Reverchon 1677, October 25, 1874, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80108. NEw MExico: Animas Creek, Metcalfe, 1142, July 13, 1904, M. G. B. Herb. No. 79801; Animas Creek, Metcalfe, 1142, July 13, 1904, M. B. G. Herb. No 79824; Dona Ana County, Wooton and Standley 3342, September 25, 1908; Lucero’s Ranch, Ellis 18, August 10, 1914, M. B. G. Herb. No. 760268; | Mesilla Park, Standley, September 29, 1906, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80103; Picos, Standley, 492%) August 15, 1908, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79823; River Mimbres, ae November 5, 1851, M. B.G. Herb. No. 79966; 60 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Without definite locality, Fendler,965,1847, M. B.G. Herb. No. 79682; Without definite locality, Hendler, 966, 1847, M. G. B. Herb. No. 79683; ; Without definite locality, Fuller, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 78953; Without definite locality, Wright 1888, 1851-52, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79680. COLORADO: Black Cafion, Baker 686, August 11, 1901, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79918; : Boulder Cafion, Daniels 526, August 21, 1906, No. B. G. Herb. No. 80077; Brighton, Johnston 389A, September 15, 1908, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80102; Cafion City, Brandegee 3457, 1872, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79725; Cafion City, Brandegee 970, 1874, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79724; Colorado Springs, Chase 5279, August 28 to September 5, 1908, U.S. A. Herb.; Deer Run, Baker gto, August 21, 1901, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79919; Denver, Holm September 14, 1889, U.S. A. Herb.; Denver, Holm, August 6, 1898, U.S. A. Herb.; Denver, Holm, July 15, 1899, M. B. G. Herb. No. 778843; Fort Collins, Pammel, June 29, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79952; Fort Collins, collector not given, October 2, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79945; Manitou, Glatfelter, September 9, 1905, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80087 ; Manitou, Glatfelter, September 9, 1905, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80121; Manitou, Letterman, August 11, 1884, M. B. G. Herb. No. 772774; Mountain Valley, Brandegee 603, August, 1873, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79724; Rocky Mountains, Hall, 1862, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79910. WYOMING: Sundance Mountain, Chase 5270, August 25, 1908, U. S. A. Herb. - MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 61 MONTANA: Billings, Seymour, September 4, 1884, U. S. A. Herb. WASHINGTON: Spokane County, Suksdorf 947, July 12, EO, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79959; Without definite locality, Tracy, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79916; Without definite locality, collector and date not given, M.B.G. Herb. No. 79928. ARIZONA: Nagle’s Ranch, Jones 6056, September 20, 1894, M2 Bi.G: Herb. No. 80073; St. John’s, Griffiths 5182, August 9, 1903, U.S. A. Herb. NEVADA: Humboldt Pass, Watson 1288, September, 1868, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79613. UTAH: Without definite locality, Jones 6033, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79942. 7. MUHLENBERGIA ComMuTaTA (Scribner) Bush, n. sp. Muhlenbergia Mexicana commutata Scribner. Rhodora 9: 18. 1907. ‘““Panicles much lorger and larger than those of M. MExicana; lemmas awned; awns 4-10 mm. long; otherwise much as in M. Mexicana.” New York, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Illinois and Minnesota, Scribner, 1. c. Vermont and New York to South Dakota, south to Virginia, Nebraska, Missouri and Oklahoma. SPECIMENS EXAMINED; VERMONT: Rutland, Kirk, 974, September 9, 1913, U. S. Herb. No. 725390. NEw YorK: Fulton, Rowlee, August, 1888, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79739; Oxford, Coville, August 29, 1884, U. S. Herb. No. 295258. ONTARIO: Gault, Herriot, 80, August 31, 1901, U. 8. Herb. No. 952416; Pelee Point, Macoun 26245, August 5, 1901, U. S. Herb. No. 952415. 62 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST NEW JERSEY: Hoboken, collector and date not given, U.S. Herb. No. area PENNSYLVANIA: Easton, Garber, 1890, U. S. Herb. No. 265677; Susquehanna, Kneucker 315, August, 1901, U. S. Herb. No. 587196; } Susquehanna, Porter, August 8, 1895, U. S. Herb. No. 952387; Susquehanna, Kneucker 315, August, 1901, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79740. VIRGINIA: Bedford County, Ghee September, 1873, U. 5S. ec No. 746218; Bedford County, Curtiss, September, 1873, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79727. ILLINOIS: Peoria, McDovald, september, 1900, U. S. Herb. No. 746214; Wady Petra, Chase,1540, August 4, 1907, U. S. Herb. No. 645418; | Without definite locality, Wol/, 1882, U. S. Herb. No. 952377. MISSsouRI: Gates, Standley, 9382, August 26, 1912, U. S. Herb. No. 688298, in part, the plant marked B on this sheet; Whiteside, Davis, 1030, September 11, 1911, U. S. Herb. No. 673932. MICHIGAN: South Lockwood, Dodge 17, October 2, 1911, U. S. Herb. No. 952373- IOWA: Iowa Lake, Beatty, August 27, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75587; Johnson County, Snyder, September, -1886, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75604. Mount Pleasant, Mills 860, August, 1897, U. S. Herb. No. 328112. MINNESOTA: Fort Snelling, Mearns 749, September 1, 1891, U. S. Herb. No. 952392. NEBRASKA: Weeping Water, lions, date not given, U. S. Herb. No 952399. MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 63 a SOUTH DAKOTA: | ca Iroquois, collector not given, August 15, 1874, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79708; i. Tacoma Park, Griffiths 780, September 11, 1897, U. S. Herb. No. 79708; Tacoma Park, Griffiths 780, September 11, 1897, U. S. Herb. No. 952394. OKLAHOMA: . Verdigris, Bush 770, August 2, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79633; Verdigris, Bush 771, October 5, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79632. | 8. MUHLENBURGIA GLABIFLORA Scribner, Rhodora 9g: 22. 1917. Culms terete, very minutely scabrous for a short distance below the nodes; panicles 2-6 cm. long, occasionally somewhat glomerate, the closely flowered short branches appressed, usually partly 4 enclosed in the subtending leaf-sheaths; spikelets ovate-lanceolate; glumes lanceolate, acute or acuminate-pointed, subequal, a little shorter than, as long as, or a little longer than the lemma, scabrous on the keel excepting near the base; lemmas ovate or oblong, obtuse or submucronate-pointed, scabrous on the heel and lateral . nerves above, otherwise smooth, no hair at the base; palea ovate- oblong, obtuse, equalling on a little shorter than the lemma. Pennsylvania and Maryland, west to Illinois, Missouri and Texas SPECIMENS EXAMINED: PENNSYLVANIA: Wissahickan Creek, Smith 84, August, U.S. Herb. No. 952386 MARYLAND: Hyattsville, Scribner, 1888, U.S. Herb. No. 746131. ILLINOIS: Mascoutah, Welsch, 1862-1871, U. 8. A. Herb.; Taylorville, Andrews, September 10, 1898, U. 5. A. Herb. MISSOURI: St. Louis, Engelmann, 1842, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79662. 9. MUHLENBERGIA MEXICANA (L.) Trin. Gram. Unifl. 189. 1824. Agrostis Mexicana I,. Mant. 1: 31. 1767. Agrostis laterflora Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. I: 53. 1803. Agrostis clandestina Sprengel, Mont. 1: 32. 1807. Cinna Mexicana (1,.) Beauv. Agrost. 32. 158. 1812. 64 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Trichochloa Mexicana (1,.) Grin. Fund. Agrost. 117. 1820. Muhlenbergia clandestina (Spreng.) Trin. Gram. Unifl. rgo. 1824. Muhlenbergia polystachya Scribner, 1. c. 1907, not of Mac- kenzie and Bush, 1902. Muhlenbergia polystachya Hitchcock, Gray’s New Manual, edyy. 327 1908, . 000) NLR be Muhlenbergia foliosa Nash, Britton and Brown, Illustrated Flora, 2nd ed. 185. 1913, not M. foliosa Trin. 1824. Muhlenbergia Mexicana Trin., Bush in Flora of Jackson County Missouri, No. 862, 1885; ‘Tracy in Flora of Missouri, No. 1642, 1886; Eggert in Catalogue of Plants of St. Louis, Missouri, 1891. Muhlenbergia Mexicana (1,.) Trin., Mackenzie and Bush in Manual of the Flora of Jackson County, Missouri, No. 2, 1902, Palmer in Catalogue of Plants of Jasper County, Missouri, Nos. 1388, 2686, 2797, 3463, 3467 and 3475, 1916. Muhlenbergia Mexicana filiformis Vasey, Bush in Flora of Jackson County, Missouri, No. 863. 1885. Muhlenbergia Mexicana filuformis Gray. Eggert in Catalogue of Plants of Saint Louis, Missouri, 1891. Muhlenbergia Mexicana filiformis Muhl., Tracy in Flora of Missouri, No. 1644, 1886. N. B. to Ont. S. Dak. and southward, Hitchcock in Manual. N. B. to W. Ont., N. Car., Tenn., Nebr. and the Ind. Terr., Nash in Flora. N. B. to Wyo., S. Dak., N. Car., and Texas, Nash in Illustrated Flora. Massachusetts to North Dakota, south to Alabama and north- eastern ‘Texas. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MASSACHUSETTS: Granville, Seymour 2, September 15, 1913, M. B. G. Herb. No: 746678; Norquit, Sturtevant, August 31, 1888, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75588; South Warmington, Sturtevant Ronrennbee 11, 1890, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75577; South Warmington, Sturtevant, September 11, ha? MSR Herb. No. 75576; MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 65 south Warmington, Sturtevant, September 17, 1890, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75575; Walpole, Greenman, 3236, September 26, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 742290. CONNECTICUT: South Canaan, Greenman 3229, October 3, 1897, M. B. Herb. No. 742285. Irvin Lakes, Greenman 2453, September 25, 1910, M. B. G. Fier bee NOn7 384.24) NEW YORK: Bergen, collector not given, August*30, 1915, U. S. A. Herb.; Buffalo, Clinton 9272, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75572; | itnaca,Pearce, October, 6,.1883,,U. 5: Herb. No. 152807; Ithaca, Jreleare, August 19, 1878, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75605; Lebanon Springs, Harrison, September 25, 1890, U. S. Herb. Q No. 952387: New. York, Coville, September 24, 1884, U. S: Herb. No. 295257; New York, Gerard, 1882, U.S. Herb. No. 952388; Western New York, Gray, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75626. ONTARIO: Fredericktown, Fowler, 1878, U.S. Herb. No. 259605; Gault, Herriott 81, August 31, 1901, U. S. Herb. No. 952412. NEW JERSEY: Sussex County, Mackenzie 2434, October 16, 1906, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75668. DELAWARE: | Centreville, Commons, October 5, 1873, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75579- PENNSYLVANIA: Easton, Porter, September 2, 1895, U. S. Herb. No. 952385; Germantown, Scribner, September 28, 1875, U. S. Herb. No. 746128; Graeff’s Landing, Heller 4815, September 14, 1901, U.S. Herb. No. 4406273; Graeff’s Landing, Heller, September 14, 1901, M. B. G, Herb, No. 75642; 66 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Lancaster, Heller 4819, September 12, 1900, U. S. Herb. No. 406277 ; Lancaster, Small, date not given, U. S. Herb. No. 746125; Lancaster, Small, May, 1891, U.S. Herb. No. 298410; Mountville, Eby, July 8, 1891, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75633; Philadelphia, -Digyn, date not given, M. Bi G. iHerb No: 79975; Philadelphia, Scribner 105, September, 1875, U. S. Herb. N>. 746128; Westchester, Deane, date not given, U. S. Herb. No. 746116; Westchester, Deane, 1827, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82681; Williamsport, McMinn, 1867, U.S. Herb. No. 952384. MARYLAND: Chevy Chase, Mosher, September 15, 1915, U. S. A. Herb.; Great Falls. of the Potomac, Ball 73, September 4, 1899, U. S. Herb. No. 952406; Great Falls of the Potomac, Ball 73, Bontenrpee 4, 1808, M. B: G. Herb. No: 75589. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Deanewood, Chase 3006 1-2, September 9, 1905, U. S. Herb. No. 746115; Deanewood, Chase 3006 1-2, September 9, 1905, U.S. A. Herb. High Island, Dewey 121, September 7, 1894, U. S. Herb. No. 491691; High Island, Dewey 121,. September 7, 1894, U. S. Herb. No. 490690; Hyattsville, Holm, September 18, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 779206 ; | Long Bridge, Blanchard, September 28, 1891, U. S. Herb. No. 311999; Mount Pleasant, Chase 279) September: 7, 1905, -U..5. Herb: No. 952405; Potomac Flats, Ball 712, October 20, 1906, M. B. G. Herb. No, 952407; Washington, Wheeler, September 20, 1906, U. S. Herb. No. 952404. OHIO: Athens, Ball, September 21, 1902, U. S. Herb. No. 952382; Central Ohio, Sullivant, date not given, M. G. G. Herb. No. 75624; MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 67 Cincinnati, Lloyd 574, September 16, 1890, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75624; Cleveland, Greenman 3249, July 29, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 742082; | Liverpool, Holm, September 18, 1912, U.S. A. Herb.; London, Sharp 6790, September, October, U. S. Herb. No. 952383; Sheffield, Ricksecker 203, September 25, 1901, U.S. Herb. No. 217632; St. Marys, Kneucker 203, September 25, 1901, U.S. Herb, No. 557160; ot. Marys, Kneucker 203, September 25, 1901, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75582. VIRGINIA: Waterboo, Pollard 757, October 18, 1895, U. 8. Herb. No. 307244; Without definite locality, Pech, date not given, U. S. Herb. No. 952408. WEST VIRGINIA: | Aurora, Steele and Steele, August 30, 1898, U. S. Herb. No. 359404 ; Goose Creek, Donnell-Smith, September -8, 1879, U. S. Herb. No. 490294; : Sweet Springs, Steele and Steele 317, September 15, 1903, NAB] G. Herb. N0.+75583: Sweet Springs, Steele and Steele 317, September 15, 1898, U.S. Herb. No. 490294. INDIANA‘ Clark County; collector and date not given, U. S. Herb. No. 722787; | Lafayette, Dorner 222, September 15, 1901, U. S. Herb. No. 952381; Russellville, Grimes 790, September 11, 1911, U. S. Herb. No. 952380; Wells County, Deam, September 12, 1897. TENNESSEE: Knoxville, Ruth 807, June, 1888, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75567. KENTUCKY: Bell County, Kearney 366, September, 1893, U. S. Herb. No. 952418; 05 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Bell County, Kearney 366, September, 1893, U.S. Herb. No. 746132; Bell County, Kearney 366, September, 1893, U. S. Herb. No. 822929; Wasiota, Kearney 366, September, 1883, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75037; Without definite locality; Short, 1840, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75607. ILLINOIS: Kankakee, Crampton 547, September 11, 1913, US'S Herb: No. 750683; Mascontah, Welsch, 1867-1871, U.S. A. Herb.; Mount Carmel, Schneck, 1879, U. S. Herb. No. 952373; Mount Carmel, Schneck, October, 1879, U. 8. A. Herb.; Mount Carmel, Schneck, September 25, 1881, U. S. A. Herb.; Mount Carmel, Schneck, September 8, 1879, U. S. A. Herb; Peoria, Brendel, date not given, U.S. A. Herb.; Taylorville, Andrews, August 2, 1888, U. S. A. Herb.; Taylorville, Andrews, September 12, 1858, U. S. A. Herb.; Urbana, Gates, October 6, 1907, U. S. Herb. No. 645175; Urbana, Gibbs, September 26, 1898,,U. S. A. Herb.; Urbana, Gibbs September 27, 1888, U.S. A. Herb.; Wabash County, Schneck, September 18, 1880, U.S. A. Herb.; Wabash County Schneck, September 18, 1880. U.S. Herb. No. 746117; Wady Patra, Chase 200, August 31, 1888, U. S. Herb. No. 746123; Wady Petra; Chase 200, August 31, 1888, U. S. Herb. No. 952378; Wady Petra, Chase 1166, September 25, 1904, U. S. Herb. No. 952373: Wady Petra, Chase 1166, September 25, 1904, U. S. Herb. No. 580931; Wady Petra, Chase 1267, September 23, 1806, U. S. Herb. No. 9523743 Without definite locality, Engelmann, August, 1883, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79660, the plant marked 1 on'this sheet, but I can not be sure that the label cited belongs to the plant marked 1. MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 69 MISSOURI: Aberden, Davis 963, September 11, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 709401; Aberden, Mavis September 24, 1911, M. B. G. ‘Herb. No. 799375; Allenton, Letterman, August, 1879, M. B. G. Herb. No. 772776; Glarksville, Daws 1117, September 24; 1911, U. S.’Herb. No. 673972; 7 Clarksville, Dasts, September 24, 1911;:-M.*B: G. Gerb. No. 709316; Clay County, Mackenzie 790, September 21, 1895, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75677; Clay County, Mackenzie 945, September 21, 1895; Courtney, Bush 1154, September 10, 1901, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75568; Creve Coeur Lake, Glatfelter September 11, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75654; Creve Coeur Lake,.Glatfelier, September 17, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75655; Creve Coeur Lake, Kellogg 29, September 25, 1901, U. 5. Herb. No. 950197; : Dodson, Hoffman September 10, 1916; Dodson, Hoffman September 10, 1916; Dodson, Mackenzie, May 8, 1875, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75676; Forest Park, Glatfelter 613, September 20, 1891, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75653; ~ Forest Park, Glatfelter 643, September 20, 1891, M. B. G. Herb. Nor 756515 . Gates, Standley 9382, August 26, 1912, U.S. Herb. Ne. 688288, in part, the plant marked A on this sheet; Hannibal, Davis 1106, September 19, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 709121; Hannibal, Davis 1106, September 19, 1911, U. 8. Herb. No. 673964; Hannibal, Davis 1410, October 18, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 708745; Jackson County, Bush 1726, September 14, 1890, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75673; 70 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Jackson County, Bush 1880, September 14, 1890, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75675; Jackson County bush meprem bet 27301803, \ VL. be top Leno No. 75678; Jasper, Palmer 1388, September 12, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75670; | Jasper, Palmer 1388, September 12, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 756904; Jefferson Barracks, Aggert September 4, 1877, M. B. B. Herb. No. 739682; Jefferson Barracks, Eggert, September 4, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75658; Jefferson Barracks, Eggert September 4, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 739940; | Kansas City, Stzgall 49, October 20, 1902, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75672; Lee’s Summit, Mackenzie AIg, September 9, 1901; McDonald County, Bush, September 1,. 1893, M. B. G. Herb, IN O77 SO 7 Oakwood, Davis 130, October 6, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 756896; Scotland, Palmer 2686, September 12, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75652; Scotland, Palmer 2686, September 12, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 757605; Shannon County, bush, October 21, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75971; | Shannon County, Bush, October 21, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 7507S: Sheffield, Mackenzie 563, October 18, 1901; Sibley, Mackenzie 563, October 2, 1901; Springfield, Weller 53, Penguins. 13, 1890; U.S, “HerbsaNe, 950196; st. Louis; Aggert' 2234, ‘October -7,, 1897;/ Use. snerb: cine 950195; St. Louis, Pammel, October, 1886, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79335; Sst. Louis County, Eggert; September 11, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75640; St. Louis County, Eggert, September 11, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 739939) ‘MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS Te St. Louis County, Eggert, September 11, 1877. M. B. G. Herb. No. 739388; 4 ot. Louis County, Eggert, September 11, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75657; St. Louis County, Eggert, September 11, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75641; swan, Bush 460, September 24, 1899, M. B: G. Herb. No. 75574; Swope Park, Mackenzie 437, September 13, 1901; Turner, Standley 9851, Heptember 5,) 1912, U..S)/Herb. No. 688766; : Webb City, Palmer 2797, September 29, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75656; : Webb City, Palmer 2757, September 29, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 756902; Webb: City, Palmer 2463, september17, 1911, U“S..A. Herb’: Webb City, Palmer 3463, September 17, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 709108; rane Webb City, Palmer 3463, September 17, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 756899; Webb City, Palmer 3463, September 17, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 709021; Webb City, Palmer 3463, September 17, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 756900; e Webb City, Palmer 3475, September 17, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 709006; Webb City, Palmer 3475, September 17, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 756903; Webb City, Palmer 3475, September 17, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 756901; Whiteside, Davis 1030, September 11, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 709077; Whiteside, Davis 1010, September 11, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 709228; Whiteside, Davis 1011, September 11, 1911, U. S. A. Herb.; Whiteside, Davis 1030, September 11, 1911, U. S. Herb No. 673932; Whiteside, Davis 1011, September 11, 1911, U. S. Herb. No. 673925; THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Without definite locality, collector not given, August, 1881, M. By Ge Herb, No..'75625: NoRTH CAROLINA: Biltmore, Biltmore Herbarium 657b, September 12, 18098, MM. B. G.:- Herb; No.775603 Biltmore, Biltmore Herbarium 657b, September 12, 1898, U.S. Herb. N0w335376; Magnetic City, Wetherby 24, September 20, 1895, U. S. Herb. No 9524109; Mountains of North Carolina, Boynton, 1888, U. S. Herb. No. 852411; Without definite locality, Boynton, date not given, U. S. Herb. No. 746129. Iowa: Amana, Schadt 657, September 21, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75601 ; A Carroll, Simon 1018, September 21, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75935; | Chariton, Mallory 799, October 2, 1897, U. S. Herb. No. 75634; . | Dakota City, Pammel 211, August 8, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79615; De Witt, Pammel 1451, September 9, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75593; Dixon, Snyder 734, September 21, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75602; Iowa City, Hitchcock, 1889, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75584; Iowa City, Hitchcock, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75622, Iowa City, Hitchcock, date not given, U.S. Herb. No. 733277; Iowa City, Somes 3868, September 9, 1909, U. S. Herb. No. 672490, Mount Ayr, Beard 638, September 25, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75595; Mount Pleasant, Mills, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75620; Mount Pleasant, Mills, 1894, U. S. Herb. No. 952397; Mount Pleasant, Mulls, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75598; Mount Pleasant, Mills, 1894, U.S. Herb. No. 952397; Mount Pleasant, Mills, 1894, U.S. Herb. No. 952398; Mount Pleasant, Mills, 1894, U. S. Herb. No. 952399; MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 73 ‘ Mount Pleasant, Mills 17, 1894, M. B. G. Herb.-No. 75599: Mount Pleasant, Mills 17, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75597, Mount Pleasant, Mills 860, 1897; Mount Pleasant, Mills 860, August, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75596; Mount Pleasant, Mills 860, August, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75600; Mount Pleasant, Mills 860, August, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75600; Mount Pleasant, Mzlls 860, August ,1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75663 ; Muscatine, Reppert, September 6, 1887, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75616; Sheldahl and Slater, Pammel 1465, September 17, 1808, Wie beG. Herbs No. 755901; Turin, Pammel, September 8, 1894, U. S. Herb. No. 746124. MINNESOTA: Detroit, Seymour, August 22, 1884, U.S. A. Herb.; Fort Snelling, Mearns 771, August 31, 1891, U. S. Herb. No. 952391, Houston County, Freiburg, July, 1912, M. B. G. Herb. No. 763870; | Sst. Cloud, Campbell 1877, U.S. Herb. No. 952393. KANSAS: Cullison, Norris 218, September, 1887, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79833; Manhattan, Httchcock 3836, September 27, 1908, U.S. A. Herb. No. 952402; Manhattan, Hitchcock 3836, September 27, 1908, U.S. A. Herb. Manhattan, Httchcock 3844, September 27, 1908, U. S. Herb. No. 952403; Manhattan, Norton, October 11, 1892, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75608 ; Manhattan, Novtgh, October 2, 1887, M. B. G. Herb. N». 75609; McFarland, Hitchcock 7831, October 17, 1910, U. S. Herb. No. 952400; Riley County, Norion 592a, September 9, 1895, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75614; THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Riley County, Norton 597a, September 9, 1895, U. S. Herb. No. 353373; Rockport, Bartholomew, ig a 12, 1889, M. B.-G. Herb. No.4767491. NEBRASKA: Omaha, Eastman, September 14, 1915, U. S. A. Herb. SoutH DAKOTA: Oak Lake, Griffiths and Schlosser mes 1892, U. S. Hetb. No. 210915; Pearl Creek, Thornber, August 15, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75659; Sioux Falls, Thornber August ,1882, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75632; Trent, Ball and Ball, September 26, 1903, U. 8S. Herb. No. 952395. NorRTH DAKOTA: : Fargo, Waldron; August 14, 1890, U. S. Herb. No. 952396; Fargo, Waldron and Moons, August 20, 1901, U. S. Herb. No. 406356; Pembina, Havard 2, date not given, U.S. Herb. No. peeee ALABAMA: Without definite locality, Buckley, September, 1841, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79664. ARKANSAS: Fulton, Bush 980, Beaten 19, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75588. OKLAHOMA: Ottawa, Stevens 2458, August 27, 1913, U.S. A. Herb.; Sapulpa, Bush 772, September 21, 1894, M. B. G. Herb, No. 75610; Sapulpa, Bush 1396, September 27, 1895, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75612; stillwater, Waugh, September 6, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75611; Stillwater, Waugh 2146, September 27, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75613. TEXAS: Dallas, Reverchon 1054, October 1880, U.S. Herb. No. 822932, labelled M. MEXICANA FILIFORMIS by Reverchon, and mM. FOLIOSA AMBIGUA by Hitcheock. MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 75 Dallas, Reverchon 2330, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82679; Dallas, Reverchon 2330, date not given, M. B. G. Herb No. 75538; Dallas, Reverchon 2330, date not given, M. B. G. Herb No. 75568; Granbury, Reverchon 4110, September 7, 1903, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75664; Without definite locality, Reverchon 1054, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75661. 10. MUHLENBERGIA FOLIOSA Trin. Gram. Unifl. 190. 1824. Agrostis filiformis Willd. Enum. Hort. Berol. 1: 95. 1809, Agrostis filuformis Sprengel 1802. Agrostis foltosa horitulana R. &.S. 2: 373. 1817. Agrostis filujormis Muhl. Gram. 66. 1817, not Agrostis filiformis Sprengel 1802. Trichochloa Coliosa Trin. Fund. Agrost. 117. 1820. Cinna filuformis (Willd.) Link, Enum. Mort. Berol. 1: 70. 1821. Agrostis lateriflora filuformis (Willd.) Torr. Fl. r: 86. 1824. Muhlenbergia Mexicana filiformis (Willd.) Scribner, Mem. Torr. Club 5: 36. 1894. Muhlenbergia Mexicana of American auithors in large part, not ‘Trinius 1824. Muhlenbergia Mexicana Nash in part in Illustrated Flora, not of ‘Trinins 1824. Muhlenbergia ambigua Hitchcock in part in Manual, not M. AMBIGUA Torrey 1843. Me. to Ont. S. Dak. and southward, Hitchcock in Manual. Not recognized by Nash in Flora. Not recognized by Nash in Illustrated Flora. Maine and Quebec, westward to North Dakota and Wyoming, southward to North Carolina and Arizona. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MAINE: Auburn, Merrill: 13, August, 1898, U. S. Herb. No. 952483; Bangor, Knight 3, Ma enet 7, 1904, U. S.. Herb. No. 952474; Bradley, Briggs 10, September, 1891, U. 5. Herb. No. 952479; Brownfield, Merrill 18, August 24, 1896, U. S. Herb. No. 952484 ; THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Cumberland, Chamberlain 453, September 6, 1902, U.S. Herb. No. 746194; Dover, Fernald 526, September, 1891, U. S. Herb. No. 952480; Foxcrait, Fernald’ 523, September 5,, 1894, U. S.4Herb. Na, 952482; Foxcrait, Fernald 523, September 5, 1894, U. S. Herb. No: 952482; Madison, Fernald 529, August 1, 1892, U. S. Herb. No. 952481; Orono, Fernald 524 September 13, 1890, U. 8. Herb. No. 952473; Orono, Harvey and Harvey 1270, June 1890, U. S. Herb. No. 952511; St. Francis, Fernald 170, August 18, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75630; St. Francis, Fernald 170, August 18, 1893, U. S. Herb. No. 204116; St. Francis, Fernald 170, August 18, 1893, U. S. Herb. No. 822926. QUEBEC: Montreal, Mohr, August 10, 1883, U. S. Herb. No. 722799. | NEw HAMPSHIRE: Manchester, Batchelder September 25, 1910, U. S. Herb. No. 952476; Peterboro, Deane and Batchelder, August 30, 1910, U. S. Herb. No. 952476; Peterboro, Deane and Batcheldr, August 30, 1910, U. S. Herb. No. 952477; Wolfsborough, Conant, September, 1881, U. S. Herb. No. 952475. r : » VERMONT: Burlington, /ones 1678, September 8, 1892, U. S. Herb. No. 647813; Rutland, Kirk 1032, August 15, 1913, U. S. Herb. No. 725801; Rutland, Kirk 1033, August 15, 1913, U. S., Herb. No. 725802: MASSACHUSETTS: Essex County, Conant, 1879, U. S. Herb. No. 952472; Framingham, Smith, September, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79914; south Hadley, Cook, 1887, U. S. Herb. No. 277074; MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS ‘igi Southampton, collector and date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 785517. RHODE ISLAND: Limestone Rock, Greenman 2528, October 2, 1910, M. B. G. Herb. No. 740428. : Providence, Olney September, U.S. Herb. No. 852471. New YORK: Hinckley, Mabeur 3348, August 7, 1911, U.S. Herb. No. 952469; Ithaca, collector not given, October 26, 1892, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75643; Ithaca, collector not given, August 25, 1893, M. B. G. Herb: No. 75644; Ithaca, Rowles, September 4, 1894, U. S. Herb. No. 952468; Lake George, Vasey 1882, U.S. Herb. No. 952452; Lebanon Springs, Harrison, September 19, 1890, U. S. Herb. No. 952470; Oxford, Coville, September 11, 1885, U. S. Herb. No. 295252; Pennyan, collector and date not given, but probably Sartwell, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75606; : Wayne County, Mankensen, October 8, 1869, U. S. Herb. No. 822927; Western New York, Gray, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75643; Western New York, Gray, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75623; Western New York, Gray, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75627. CAN ADA: Without definite locality, Shepard date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75628. ONTARIO: | Birch Island, Macoun 26246, U.S. Herb. No. 952486; Gault, Herriott 83, September 6, r901, U. S. Herb. No. 952490; Gault, Merriott, September 5, 1898, U. S. Herb. No. 952489; Johnstone’s Harbor, Macoun 26248, U. 5. Herb. No. 952487; Point Edward, Macoun 26247, U.S. Herb. No. 952485; Point Pelee, Dodge 19, September 17, 1911, U.S. Herb. No. 952491; Rockcliffe, Macoun 86177, August 10, 1911, M. B. G. Herb. No. 744523. ai Are i iy rir Pats eee 4, By, Lark te Me 7 Hit \ The Missouri Muhlenbergias.---IV. BY BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BUSH. os NEw JERSEY: Califon, Fisher, September 7, 1897, U. S. Herb. No. 952450; Califon, Fisher, September 7, 1897, U. S. Herb. No. 647188; Califon, Fisher, September 7, 1897, U. S. Herb. No. 733809; Cranberry Lake, Mackenzte 2434, September 16, 1906; Sussex County, Mackenzie 2434, September 16, 1906, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75667. PENNSYLVANIA: Dillerville, Portier, September 16, 1859, U. S. Herb. No. 952451; | Lancaster, Small, September 24, 1889, U. S. Herb. No. 746186. MARYLAND: Garrett County, Donnell-Smith, September 26, 1879, U. S. Herb. No. 822931; Garrett County, Donnell-Smith, September 26, 1879, U. S. Herb. No. 822932. VIRGINIA: Luray, Steele and Steele 125, U. S. Herb. No. 418475; Turay, Steele and Steele 125, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75586. INDIANA: Latayette; Dorner’68, September 7,*1902, U. $. Herb. “No. 952461; | Miller's; Chase’ 662; September 21,, 1897, U.S.) Herb. No. 740119; Miller’s, Umbach 5119, October 2, 1909, U. S. Herb. No. 952458; Pine, Umbach 5073, September 18, 1909, U. S. Herb. No. 952459; ° | Pages 81-97, Am. Mid. Nat., Vol. VI., No. 6, November, tg19. THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Pine, Umbach, September 13, 1897, U.S. Herb. No. 351222; Tolleston, Chase 334, September 23, 1898, U. S. Herb. No. 746120; Tolleston; Chase 334, Sépteinber 23,1898, -U. Ih = berb] Tolleston, Chase 334, September 23, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75590; Wells County, Deam, September 15, 1901, U. 8S. Herb. No. 952460. KENTUCKY: / Without definite locality, Short, 1840, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75649. ILLINOIS: Algonquin, Nason, August 27, 1879, U.S. A. Herb.; Apple River, Pepoon 611, August 18, 1908, U. Ill. Herb.; Athens, Hall 1888, U. S. Herb. No. 952505; Champaign County, Burrill, October, 1871, U. Ill. Herb.; Joliet, Skeels 553, September 28, 1904, U. S. Herb. No. 952462; Joliet, Skeels 553, September 28, 1904, U.S. Herb. No. 746122; Joliet, Skeels 553, September 28, 1904, U. S. Herb. No. 646206; Lewistown, Pepoon, August 1890, M. B. G. Herb. No. 767489; Oregon, Wazte, August 17, 1885, U. S. Herb. No. 490959; Rockford, Bebb, date not given, U.S. Herb. No. 952453; Without definite locality, Ball, date not given, U. S. Herb. No. 682507; Without definite locality, Gandoger, 1904, M. B. G. Herb. No. 713648; Without definite locality, Wolf, 1880, U. S. Herb. No. 952457; Without definite locality, Wolf, 1881, U. S. Herb. No. 952455; Without definite locality, Wolf, date not given, U. S. Herb. No. 952456. NortTH CAROLINA: Buncombe County, Bzltmore Herbarium 657a, U.S. Herb. No. 335375: 3 MICHIGAN: Cassville, Dodge, September 9, 1910, U. S. Herb. No. 952467; Grindstone City, Dodge, September 1, 1912, U. S. Herb. No. 739523); Imlay City, Palmer, September, 1880, U. S. Herb. No. 952465; Port Austin, Ball, September 20, 1902, U. S. Herb. No. 952466. MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 83 ¢ Iowa: Ames, Ball 115, August 5, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75618; Ames, Pammel 114, August 8, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. , 75617; Clinton, Pammel 251, September 4, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75619; Iowa City, Hitchcock, 1888, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75585; Muscatine County, Pammel and Reppert, 1861, September 10, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79770; Sheldahl, Pammel, Hume and Sample 1422, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75992; Sheldahl, Pammel, Hume and Sample 1422, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75594. WISCONSIN: Left Foot Lake, Schuette, August 31, 1883, U. S. Herb. No. 751731; > Milwaukee, Chase 1948, August 11, 1902, U. 5. Herb. No. 746118; ' Williams Bay, Umbach 4696, September 2, 1909, U. S. Herb. 4 No. 952460; Williams Bay, Umbach 4721, September 3, 1909, U. S. Herb. ” No. 952463. MINNESOTA: Battle Lake, Sheldon, August, 1892, U. S. Herb. No. 952444; Fergus Falls, Sheldon, August, 1892, U. S. Herb No. 952445; Fort Snelling, Mearns 794, September 13, 1891, U. S. Herb. No. 952443; Groveland, Oswald, 1911, U. S. Herb. No. 730775. KANSAS: Kingman County, Carleton 549, September 30, 1891, U. S. Herb. No. 952442; Riley County, Norton 597, August 18, 1895, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75615. NEBRASKA: Big Sandy Creek, Clements 2848, August 9, 1893, U. S. Herb. No. 221806; Central Nebraska, Rydberg 1686, August 12, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75636; Natteck, Rydberg 1756, September 11, 1893, U. 5S. Herb. No. 208268; » 84 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Natteck, Kydberg 1764, September 13, 1893, U. S. Herb. No. 208267; South Fork of Dismal River, Rydberg 1686, August 12, 1893, U.S. Herb. No. 208269; Talmage, Elmore 92, August 6, 1896, U. S. Herb. No. 952441; Thedford, Rydberg 1704, August 19, 1893, U. S. Herb. No. 208266. SoutH DaKkoTa: Bear Creek, Over 2335, September 1, 1913, U. S. Herb. No. 693343; Mill City, Griffiths 723, August 27, 1897, U. S. Herb. No. 952448; Huron, Griffiths 6, August 25, 1896, U. S. Herb. No. 952449. NorRTH DAKOTA: , Devil’s Lake, Hitchcock 5061, U.S. Herb. No. 952447; Devil’s-River, Hitchcock.5061, U. Ill. Herb. MANITOBA: | Elm Park, Macoun 13213; shat 11, 1896, U.S. Herb. No: 952488. MISSISSIPPI: Starkville, Tracy June 21, 1892, U. S. Herb. No. 952495. NEw MExIco: Socono County, Metcalfe 359, August 3, 1903, M. B. G. Herb. NOW 75037500 Socono County, Metcalfe 359, August 3, 1903, U. S. Herb. No. 952494; Socono County, Metcalfe 359, August 3, 1903, U. S. Herb. No. 495426; : Without definite locality, Fendler 764, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79687. COLORADO: Denver, Ward, August 19, 1891, U. S. Herb. No, 152895. WYOMING: Tower, Griffiths 521, August 12, 1897, U. S. Herb. No. 952493. ARIZONA: Wilgus Creek, Blumer 1784, October 12, 1907, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75660; ; Wilgus Creek, Blumer, October 20, 1907, U. S. Herb. No. 952491. II. MUHLENBERGIA TORREYI Gains Hitchcock, ined. MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 85 ‘Agrostis diffusa Muhl. Gram. 64. 1817, not Agrostis diffusa Host. 1809. Agrostis sylvatica Torr. Fl. U. S. 1: 87. 1824, not. Agrostis sylvatica L. 1763. . Agrostis Torreyt Kunth. Enum. Pl. I: 226. 1838, replacing Agrostis sylvatica. Torrey. Muhlenbergia sylvatica (Torr.) Torr. Cat. Pl. N. Y. State, 188. 1840. Muhlenbergia sylvatica gracilis Scribner, grans. scans. Acad. Sci. 9: 116. 1885, not N. gracilis Kanth, 1829. Muhlenbergia umbrosa Scribner, Rhodora 9g: 20. 1907. Muhlenbergia umbrosa attenuata Scribner, Rhodora 9g: 21. 1907. Muhlenbergia sylvatica YT & G., Bush in Flora of Jackson County, Missouri, No. 861, 1885; Tracy in Flora of Missouri No. 1646, 1886; Eggert in Catalogue of Plants of Saint Louis, Missouri, 1891; Mackenzie and Bush in Manual of the Flora of Jackson County, Missouri, No. 7, 1902; Daniels in Flora of Columbia, Missouri, No. 73, 1907. Muhlenbergia sylvatica Torr., Palmer in Catalogue of Plants of Jasper County, Missouri, Nos. 218 and 3187. 1916. Me. to Dak. and southward to Missouri and Kansas, according to Scribner, l. c. N. B. to Ont. Ia. and southward, Hitchcock i in Manual. N. B. to Ont. Minn. N. Car. Tenn. Nebr. and the Ind. Terr., Nash in Flora. Maine to Minnesota, Name to Arizona, Virginia and Texas. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MAINE: Dover, Fernald 528, September 3, 1894, U. S. Herb. No. 952428; Moscow, Chamberlain, August 29, 1902, U. S. Herb. No. 491269; Orono, Knight, September 17, 1905; St. Francis, Mernald 171, one TS eT SO3 av Lows or elerb, No. 79617. MASSACHUSETTS: Essex County, Conant, August ,1880, U. S. Herb. No. 952429; Essex County, Conant, 1880, U. S. Herb. No. 952430; South Hadley, Cook 1887, U.S. Herb. No. 277075; THE AMERICAN MIDILAND NATURALIST Without definite locality, Chapman, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 785595. CONNECTICUT: Windsor, Bissell, September 16, 1906, U. S. Herb. No. 952431. NEw York: | : Bergen, collector not given, August, 1887, U. Ill. Herb.; Ithaca, collector not given, August 25, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79737; Lake George, Vasey, 1882, U. S. Herb. No. 952432; Lake George, Vasey, 1882, U. S. Herb. No. 952433; North Hannibal, ‘Pearce, September 13, 1883, U. S. Herb. No. 152900; Pennyan, Sartwell, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79625, Wayne County, Mackenzen, September 16, 1870, U. S. Herb. No. 822950). % i" NEw JERSEY: Hoboken, collector and date not given, M. B. G.:Herb. No. 79654; | Hoboken, collector and date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79626; Stockholm, Van Sickle, August 1, 1895, U. S. Herb. No. 244234. PENNSYLVANIA: Germantown, Digyn, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79584; Philadelphia, Smith 85, date not given, U.S. Herb. No..552434; Quakertown, Moyer, August, 1877, U.S. A. Herb.; Without definite locality, McMinn, date not given, U. S. Herbs, (NO..0524 75.5 it MARYLAND: Bradley Heights, Chase 6859, U. Ill. Herb. OHIO: Milan, Moseley, August 27, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79588. VIRGINIA: Sweet Springs, Steele 298, September 12, 1903, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79743. WEST VIRGINIA: Goose Creek, Donnell-Smith, September 12, 1879, U. S. Herb. No. 822961; MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 87 Goose Creek, Donnell-Smith, September 12, 1879, U. S. Herb. No. 822961; Sweet Springs, Steele and Steele, 298, September 12, 1903, Weiss Herb. No.) 490276. ‘TENNESSEE: Cocke County, Kearney, September 1, 1897, U. S. Herb. No. 952427; . Knoxville, Ruth 3, date not given, U.S. Herb. No. 952426; Suwanee, Lggert, September 10, 1898, M. B..G. Herb. No. 79721; Suwanee, Eggert, September ‘10, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79734: ILLINOIS: Athens, Hall, September, 1874, U. S* Herb. No. 952436; Beardstown, Geyer, 1842, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79661; Blufis Lake, Eggert, September 24, 1875, M. B. G. Herb. No. 797355 Edgemont, Craig, October 23, 1910, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82663 ; Menard County, Hall, date not given, U. Ill. Herb.; Mount Carroll, Shimek, October, 1891, U. S. Herb. No. 952438 ; Oquawka, Patterson, September, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75662; Peoria, Brendel, date not given, U. Ill. Herb.; Peoria, Brendel, date not given, U. Ill. Herb.; Peoria, Brendel, date not given, U. Ill. Herb.; Princeville, Chase 941, October 14, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79747; Princeville, Chase 941, October 14, 1900, U. S. Herb. No. 746215 ; Taylorville, Andrews, August 24, 1898, U. Ill. Herb.; , Taylorville, Andrews, August 26, 1898, U. Ill. Herb.; Taylorville, Andrews, August 27, 1898, U. Ill. Herb.; Taylorville, Andrews, August 28, 1898, U. Ill. Herb.; Taylorville, Andrews, September 10, 1898, U. Ill. Herb.; Taylorville, Andrews, September 12, 1898, U. Ill. Herb.; Urbana, Gibbs, September, 1898, U. Ill. Herb.; Wabash County, Schneck, September 4, 1900, U. Ill. Herb.; 88 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Without definite locality, Andrews, date not given, U. III. Herb.; Without definite locality, Engelmann, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79660, in part the plant marked 3 on this sheet, but as there are 3 distinct species on this sheet, and 3 labels, it is impossible to tell which plants the labels belong to; Without definite locality, Wolf 318, date not given, U. Ill. Herb.; Without definite locality, Wolf 1882, U. S. Herb. No. 952437. MISSOURI: Aberdeen, Davis, September 24, 1911, U. S. Herb. No. 675645 Allenton, Letterman, August, 1876, M. B. G. Herb. No. 772799; Allenton, Letterman, September, 1892, M. B. G. Herb. No. 772902. Bagnell, release, September 22, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79742; Carthage, Palmer 218, September 7, 1902, M. B. G. Herb. No. 756905; Cliff Cave, Norion, August 26, 1899, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82694; | Columbia, Tracy, August 11, 1884, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79736; | Creve Coeur Lake, Kellogg 26, September 25, 1901, U. S. Herb. No. 950192; Creve Coeur Lake, Kellogg 27, September 25, 1901, U. S. Herb. No. 750194; Creve Coeur Lake, Kellogg, September 25, 1901, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79799; Dodson, Mackenzie, September 26, 1896; Gates, Standley, 9382, August 26, 1912, U. S. Herb. No. 6882098, in part, the plant marked B on this sheet; Ironton, Russell, August, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79723; Jackson County, Bush, September 27, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80039; Jefferson Barracks, Eggert, September 4, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 767490; Jefferson Barracks, Eggert, September 4, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79730; t= MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS iiaste Jefferson Barracks, Eggert, September 4, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 739938; Jefferson Barracks, Eggert, September 4, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79731; Jefferson Barracks, Eggert, September 4, 1877, M. B. G. Herb. No. 739938; Jefferson Barracks, Eggert, September 4, 1877,.M. B. G. Herb. No. 79839; Jefferson Barracks, Eggert, September 4, 1877, N. D. Herb. No. 8388; Monteer, Bush 4887, October 10, 1907, M. B. G. Herb. No 79832; Monteer, Bush,4887, October 10, 1907; Sarcoxie, Palmer 3187, September 18, 1910, M. B. G. Herb. No. 757392; Sarcoxie, Palmer 3187, September 18, 1910, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79804; Sibley, Bush 4822, August 21, 1907, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79829; Sibley, Bush 4822, August 21, 1907, U. S. Herb. No. 590886; Sibley, Mackenzie 548, October 2, 1901; Springfield, Standley 8546, August 31, 1911, U. S. Herb. No. 687497; St. Louis, Eggert 226, August 3, 1877, U.S. Herb. Sit 950193; Swan, Bush 603, September 28, 1899, U. S. Herb. No. 362266; Swope Park, Mackenzie 427, September 13, 1901; Terre Bleue Creek, Trelease, August 30, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79745. MICHIGAN: Lapeer, Dodge 18, August 17, 1911, U. S. Herb. No. 952439. IowA: Ames, Bessey October 18, 1872, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79748; Clinton, Pammel 250, September 4, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79616; Clinton, Seioerth 250, September 4, 1896, U. S. Herb. No. 294631; Dakota City, Pammel 111, August 8, 1896, M. B. GC. Herb. No. 79727; Dakota City, Pammel 111, June 29, 1886, U. S. Herb. No. 952440; 9G THE “AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Fayette County, fink 461, August, 1894, U. S. Herb. No. 230547. | MINNESOTA: St. Anthony Park, Oswald, 1911, U. S. Herb. No. 730777. KANSAS: Manhattan, Htichcock, October 21; 1892, M. B. G. Herb. No. Sro6ig) | Manhattan, Kellerman, 1888, U. S. Herb. No. 228628; McFarland, Hitchcock 7832, October 17, 1910, U. S. Herb. No. 952401; Riley County, Norton 598, September 28, 1895, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79614; Riley County, Norton 598, September 28, 1895, M. B. G. Herb. No. 353374: NEBRASKA: Red Cloud, Sates, RED 13,1906, U. S. Herb. No: 559642. ARKANSAS: Benton County, Plank be date not givens U.S.) Hera No: 952425; Benton County, Plank, Summer, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82686; Benton County, Plank, Summer, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82687; . Benton County, Plank, Summer, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82678. TEXAS: Dallas County, RKeverchon 1050, September, 1873, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80080; Without definite locality, Nealley 403, 1889, U. S. Herb. No. 952424, labeled M. umbrosa by Scribner; Without definite locality, Nealley, 1890, U. S. Herb. No. 952414; Without definite locality, Reverchon, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80114; Without definite locality, Reverchon, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80115; Without definite locality, RKeverchon, date not gba Mia 1s ts) Herbs No; ne OnLG™ Without definite locality, Reverchon 31, 1885, U. S. Herb. No, MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS Ol 952423, labeled M. sylvatica var.—and M. Willdenovit by Seribner ; Without definite locality, Reverchon 71, U. S. Herb. No. 952413, labeled M. sylvatica and M. sobolifera by Scribner, and M. Mexicana by Hitchcock. ARIZONA: Grapevine Cafion, Toumey 168, July 30, 1891, U. S. Herb. No. 952422; Without definite locality, McDougal, 1891, U. S. Herb. Noa. 952421. 12. MUHLENBERGIA POLYSTACHYA Mackenzie and Bush, Manual of the Flora of Jackson County, Missouri, 23, 1902. Muhlenbergia Mexicana Scribner, |. c., in part, not M. Mexicana ° ‘DEI TO24s Muhlenbergia Mexicana Hitchcock in Manual in part, not M. Mexicana Trin. 1824. ; Not mentioned by Nash in the Illustrated Flora. Missouri and Illinois to Wisconsin. This species has been neglected or misunderstood since it was first described, and in order that my readers may see how verv different it is from M. Mexicana, to which it has been referred by two agrostologists, I herewith present the original description; M. POLYSTACHYA Mackenzie & Bush, n. sp. 2 feet high, erect, much branched; leaves 1 1-2 inches to 2 1-2 inches long, 1 line to 2 lines wide; panicles on peduncles 1 inch to 5 inches long, long- exserted, naueene flowered, the lower branches separated; few ers nearly sessile, 1 line long; the glames as in the last (MM. Mexicana); hairs at base of flowering glume copious, 1-3 to 1-2 length of glume. Open rocky woods east of Sibley. August-October. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: MISSOURI: Sibley, Bush, October 14, 1901; Sibley, Bush 4171, October 10, 1906, U. S. Herb. No. 950396, with lemmas awned; Sibley, Mackenzie 637, October 14, 1901, TYPE. ILLINOIS: Fulton County, Wolf, date not given, U. S. Herb. No. 952504; Urbana, collector not given, 1876, U. Ill. Herb. ; Wady Petra, Chase 1268, September 23, 1906, U.S. A. Herb.; 92 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST Wady Petra, Chase 1268, September 23, 1906, U. S. Herb. No. 952454. WISCONSIN: Ashland, Hitchcock 5095, September 27, U. S. Herb. No. 952500, . Without definite locality, Wood, 1887, U. S. Herb. No. 952501; Without definite locality, Wood, 1887, U. S. Herb. No. 952502. 13. MUHLENBERGIA CUSPIDATA (Torr.) Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Club, 32: 599. 1905. Vilfa cuspidata ‘Torr.; Hook. Fl. Bov. Am. 2: 238. 1840. Sporobolus cuspidatus (Torr.) Wood, Bot. & Fl. 385. 1870. Sporobolus brevifolius Scribner, Mem. Torr. Club. 5: 39, 1894, in small part, not Agrostis brevifola Nuttall 1818, nor Muh- lenbergia brevifolia (Nutt.) Nash. Sporobolus cuspidatus (Torr.) Wood, Mackenzie and Bush in Manual of the Floraof Jackson County, Missouri, No. 4. 1902; Daniels in Flora of Columbia, Missouri, No. 81, 1907, but very doubtful, as this species is not known to get as far east in Missouri. Dr. Daniels has omitted several very common species of Sporobolus from his Flora, and I suspect that one of these has been mistaken for M. cuspidata. Wisc. to Mo. and southward, Hitchcock in Manual. Mani. to the N. W. Terr. south to Mo. and Kans., Nash in Flora. Mani. to Alberta, south to Mo. and Kans., Nash in Illustrated Flora. Manitoba to Wisconsin, Northern Illinois, Missouri and Colorado. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: ALBERTA: Calgary, Hitchcock 4977, September 19-22, 1909, U. II. Herb. NortTH DAKOTA: Leeds, Lunell, August a 1906, U. Ill. Herb. WISCONSIN: St. Peter’s River, Thurber, date not given, U. Ill. Herb. No. 79663. Iowa: Ames, Hitchcock, date not given M. B. G. Herb. No. 79630. ILLINOIS: Joliet, H2ll 185, September 6, 1906, U. Ill. Bere Joliet, Hall. 185, October 9; 1906, U. Ill. Herb.; MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 93 Will County, Hill, August 16, 1912, U. S. Herb. No. 950191, all these Illinois collections a notable eastern extension of the range of this species. MISSOURI: Atchison County, Bush 4233, August 5, 1893, U. S. Herb. No. 950190; Cockrell, Bush 6479, September 23, 1911, U. S. Herb. No. 673563; Greenwood, Bush 4125, September 19, 1906, U. S. Herb. No. 590408 ; Jackson County, Bush 1879, August 24, 1891, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80043; Watson, Bush 783, October 1, 1895, U. Ill. Herb. KANSAS: Decatur County, collector and date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79631; Riley County, Norton 595, July 26, 1895, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79635. COLORADO: Fort Collins, Ball, August 8, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 82684. NEw Mexico: | “Cross L”’ Ranch, Griffiths 5461, August 21-24, 1903, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79813; “Cross L,”’ Ranch, Grifiths 5518, August 21-24, 1903, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79814; Raton Mountains, Griffiths 5461, August 18-19, 1903, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79815. 2. PoposEMuM Desvaux, nouv. Bull. Soc. Philom. 2. 189. 1810. Muhlenbergia in large part of American Authors, not of Schreber, 1791. A large genus of 40 species or more, natives of America, com- prising those species with more or less open, large panicles, the branches of which are either drooping or spreading, pedicals slender or capillary, lemmas long-awned, or occasionally short-awned or awnless.t A single species occurs in our territory. *The center of abundance of PODOSEMUM species seems to be in Western Texas, to which region P. capillare does not appear to extend, it being the center of a group of three species belonging to the South Atlantic r: gion. In a subsequent paper I shall discuss some of the many allies of P. capillare. 04 THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST 1. PODOSEMUM CAPILLARE (Lamarck) Desv. Nouv. Bull. Soc. Philom. 2: 188. 1810. Stipa capillaris Lam. Tabl. Eneycl. 1: 158. 1791. Muhlenbergia capillaris (Lam.) Trin. Gram. Unifl. 191. 1824. Muhlenbergia filipes Chapman, Fl. S. U.S. 603, 1897, in part, not M. FILIPES M. A. Curtis, 1843. Muhlenbergia capillaris Kunth, Tracy in Flora of Missouri, No. 1640, as from Boone County, Missouri, collected by Galloway, but not given by Daniels in his Flora of Columbia, Missouri, 1907, and no specimens known from north of the Missouri River. Muhlenbergia capillaris (Lam.) Trin., Palmer in Catalogue - Plants of Jasper County, Missouri, No. 2828, 1916. Central Texas to Fla. and Va., according to Dewey in Manual of the Plants of Western Texas. Mass. to Fla. west to Mo. and Texas, Hitchcock in Manual. Mass. N. J. and Mo. to Fla. the Ind. Terr. and Texas, Nash in Flora. 3 Mass. to Kans. Fla. and Texas, Nash in Illustrated Flora. New Jersey southward along the coast to Florida, west to Texas, aud in the interior to Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Southern Missouri and Oklahoma, therefore being largely a coast species; no specimens have been seen from east of New Jersey or west of Eastern Texas. ; SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NEw JERSEY: Atlantic County, C. A. Gross, September 3, 1897; Millburn, Mackenzie 580, September 20, 1903; Sussex County, Mackenzie 1121, September 25, 1904. MARYLAND: Glen Echo, Steele, September 25, 1904, U.S. A. Herb.; Great Falls of the Potomac, Ball 72, September 4, 1899, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79791. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Great Falls of the Potomac, Holm, October 13, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 779209; Washington, Ward, September, 1875, M. B. G. Herb. No. 75887. VIRGINIA: Bedford County, Curtiss, September, M. B. G. Herb. No. 772781, vse MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS 95 Bedford County, Curtiss, September 1-20, 1873, Meo Bee. Her bs4N07 70774. NorRTH CAROLINA: Biltmore, Ailtmore Herbarium 656a, September 13, 1808, WEB 2blerbaINO. 70795; Without definite locality, Curtis, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79651; Without definite locality, Curtis, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80007. GEORGIA: Leslie, Harper 1723; October 8, 1902; M. B..G. Herb: No. 79786. ALABAMA: Mobile, Mohr, September, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79782. FLORIDA: Duval County, Curtiss 3401, September, M. B. G. Herb. No. Por 75: Gainesville, Chase 4269, September 30 to October 3, 1901, ie SoA. Herb; : Jacksonville, ene 3401, September,*M. By (G: Herb. No. 80002 ; . Jacksonville, Curtiss 4049, October 6, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 767219; Jacksonville, Curtiss 4050, October 16, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 767200; Lake City, Bitting 785; September 8, 1892, M. B..G. Herb. No. 79796; Lee County, Gandoger, September, 1900, MB. Gi Herbs No: 713891, Sanibel, fWttchcock 466, July, August, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79789; Without definite locality, collector and date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79995; MISSISSIPPI: Biloxi, Karle, October 8, 1897, U. Ill. Herb.; Biloxi, Earle, October 8, 1897, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79795; Dionime di edey '4037, Octobe dA, boos Wl. Ub, Gy etlerbo, No. 79794- 96 | THE AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST LOUISIANA: Red River, Hale, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79601; Without definite locality, Hale, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79699. TENNESSEE: Knoxville, Ruth, September, 1892, M. B. G. Herb. No. 773048; Knoxville, Ruth October 6, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80093; Knoxville, Ruth, October 6, 1894, U. Ill. Herb.; Knoxville, Ruth, October, 1895, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79780; Knoxville, Ruth, October, 1897; Knoxville, Ruth 58, September, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79785; | Knoxville, Ruth, October, 1900; Sharp Gap, Ruth, September, 1890, M. B. G. Herb. No. 773069. KENTUCKY: : Without definite locality, collector and date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79592. ILLINOIS: Union County, Seymour, feet’ U. Ill. Herb. MISSOURI: Eagle Rock, Bush 378, September 18, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80051; Eagle Rock, Bush 378, September 18, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80118; Eagle Rock, Bush 378, hogs tnites 18, 1896, M. B. G. Herb. No. 294602; Eagle Rock, Mackenzie, September 18, 1896; Joplin, Palmer 2828, October 11, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. No. 756897 ; Joplin, Palmer 2828, October 11, 1909, M. B. G. Herb. -No. 756898; McDonald County, bush, September 1, 1893, M. B. G. Herb. No. 756898; Monteer, Bush 5123, September 10, 1908, M. B. G. Herb. No. 756898; Monteer, bush 5123, September 10, 1908, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80057; i, MISSOURI MUHLENBERGIAS ga A py Monteer, Bush 5123, September 10, 1908, M. B. G. Heed | BG No. 606505; swan, Bush 642, September 29, 1899, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79776; OKLAHOMA: Fonts, Blankenship August 28, 1895, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79784; Sapulpa, Bush 767, September 20, 1894, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80003. TEXAS: Bowie County, Eggert August 27, 1898, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79781; College Station, Nealley, date not given, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79890; | Columbia, Bush 1546, October 17, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79788; Corsicana, Reverchon 3540, September 27, 1902, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79888; Corsicana, Keverchon 3540, September 27, 1902, M. B. Ge Herb. No. 79777; Corsicana, Reverchon 3540, September 27, 1902, M. B. Herb. No. 79783; Corsicana, Reverchon 3540, September 27, 1902; Grand Saline, Reverchon 2253, October 18, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. No 79790; Grand Saline, Reverchon 2253, October 18, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. No. 79779; Grand Saline, Reverchon 2253, October 18, 1900, M. B. G. Herb. No. 80070; Poly teennic.. iuin+268,October 2, 19011, M..Bs.G.-Herb.-No- 710101; Sheldon, Reverchon 4109, September '6,° 5903, M..B..G.’ Herb, No. 79778; Sheldon, Reverchon 4109, September 6, 1903, M. B. G. Herb. No 79889; QO Without definite locality, Drummond 344, date not given, Vos Bo Ge Herb... 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