IOWA STATE COL GE OF AGRI- CULTURE AND MECHANI@ ARTS OFFICIAL EET UNIV beret st WP sik) HIN Summer Session, 1927 TRADES AND INDUSTRIES DEPARTMENT Vol. XXV March 2, 1927 No. 45 - Published semi-weekly Jan. to June; weekly July to Dec., by Iowa State College. Entered as second class mat- ter at Ames, Iowa. IOWA STATE COLLEGE YOUR SUMMER VACATION In a few months summer will be with us again, and each of us will soon be compelled to decide definitely what he intends to do dur- ing these short months of our vacation. As us- ual, there are several possibilities. We may use our time in a way that will be most bene- ficial to us during the following year, or we may idle away the time in waiting for the new fall term to open, It requires no super intellect to decide the correct course to follow, but it does require courage, ambition, and a sincere desire to advance ourselves for the benefit of others, to choose the road that will lead us in that direction, yYOUSWICE SEsIN RE REST D IN THE INDUSTRIAL ARTS COURSES OFFERED AT IOWA STATE COLLEGE During the past year you have no doubt been confronted with problems you would like to thresh out. You have had a desire to learn how the other fellow has successfully worked out problems that you see looming ahead of you, Possibly you may see a need for ad- vanced work in your specific field. These are just a few of the reasons why you will be in- terested in the Industrial Arts courses offered during the summer months at Iowa State Col- lege. TO THE TEACHER Iowa State College has become a mecca each summer for the Industrial Arts teachers of Iowa and surrounding states. The more remote states have their quota, and even Canada has sent her representatives. A more ideal situa- tion could not exist for the teacher who desires to come in contact with others engaged in his specific kind of work. This contact enables him to broaden his views, to grasp new ideas, and is an inspiration toward greater achieve- ment. Development is at present the kKey-note in all Manual Arts teaching. If you are now a teacher, you know that much improvement has been made in the past few years, and you see the need for additional advancement. It will come only thru the efforts of the teachers themselves, Any teacher who wishes to be a factor in the forward movement, can accom- plish much in spending at least a part of his summer at Iowa State College, THE SUMMER TEACHING STAFF The teaching staff at Iowa State College is practically the same during the summer as for the remainder of the school year. It is the custom of the college to retain the heads of de- partments and other professors for conducting work thru the summer months. This is only an added reason why you should select Iowa State College for your summer work, since it will enable you to come in contact with its regular teaching staff who are specialists in their respective fields. SUMMER RECREATION A Summer Session student has ample oppor- tunity for recreation. His time need not all be spent in hard work. The Summer Session Activities Committee arranges a wide variety of recreational and instructive activities, which include social gatherings, athletic activities, plays, lectures, recitals, conferences, excur- sions, etc. Those interested will find ample op- portunity for swimming, tennis, golf, handball, and other sports during their leisure hours. I am interested in the 1927 Summer Session of Iowa State College and desire a copy of the complete catalog. Name, 22.2 2) 2 Se ee eee Streetoand nim) Cre ee er The following persons would also probably be interested in information regarding the Sum- mer Session. Name. 22.222. ] 3a oe eee ee Street AMG eI UL LC ee Place Two Cent Stamp Here Trades and Industries Dept., 202 Transportation Bldg., Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. NINA 0112 105653726