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TO RENEW CALL TELEPHONE CENTER, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN WAR 22 1994 MAY 3 1 1994 NOV 0 4 (394 OCT 26 1994 _ CENTRAL CIRCULATION BOOKSTACKS | When renewing by phone, write new due date below | previous due date, L162 THE HIGHLAND CLANS OF SCOTLAND ARMORIAL BEARINGS OF THE CHIEFS The Highland CLANS of Scotland: Their History and Traditions. By George &yre-Todd With an Introduction by A. M. MACKINTOSH WITH ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-TWO ILLUSTRATIONS INCLUDING REPRODUCTIONS OF M‘IAN’S CELEBRATED PAINTINGS OF THE COSTUMES OF THE CLANS VOLUME ONE D. APPLETON AND COMPANY NEW YORK MCMXXIII J. \ a anetrs CONTENTS KOREWORD . ‘ : ‘ INTRODUCTION THE HIGHLAND CLANS : ‘ LCLAN BUCHANAN j 4 ‘ CLAN CAMERON ‘ : ; CLAN CAMPBELL é ‘ ‘ THE CAMPBELLS OF BREADALBANE ° CLAN CLAN CLAN CLAN CLAN CLAN pLLAN CLAN chan CLAN CLAN CLAN CLAN CLAN CLAN (Aer ® chan ry CLAN CLAN CHISHOLM : ; . COLQUHOUN . ; : COMYN . ; A ; DAVIDSON : i : DRUMMOND : : ; DUNCAN OR ROBERTSON ‘ FARLAN . : ; : FARQUHARSON . E : FERGUS . ; ‘ FORPES : FRASER GORDON . ‘ ; é GRAHAM . 2 GRANT. : GRANT OF GLENMORISTON ° GREGOR . ° : . GUNN : ° : . LAMONT . e . ° LINDSAY . ° . . — Vi ‘CLAN CLEAN LCEAN } CLAN CLAN “CLAN CLAN LOGAN. MACALASTAIR MACARTHUR MACAULAY MACBEAN . MACCRIMMON MACCOLL CONTENTS THE MACDONALDS OF THE ISLES . . THE MACDONALDS OF CLANRANALD . . THE MACDONALDS OF GLENCOE ° . PAGE 200: 205 208. 214 a1& 224 229 232 244 252 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Armorial Bearings Mosaic of Charlemagne Buchanan Loch Lomond Shore at t Balmaha Cameron River Arkaig Achnacartry Campbell : Inisconne!, Loch Awe Inveraray Castle Campbell of Breadalbane Sir Duncan Campbell of Ciena Taymouth Castle Gates, Kenmore . Chisholm Colquhoun Dungless Castle Luss Pier and the Straits of Kae Comyn . Comyn, Lord of Kilbride Davidson : Tulloch Castle, Dingwall Drummond Duncan or Robertson The Cumberland Stone on Batioder Moor Farlan . , Eilean-a-Vow Castle . Farquharson ‘ ; , Old Bridge of Dee . ; ; Fergus . Forbes . Castle Forbes . . vil Frontispiece . Facing page x ee) 116 vill LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Fraser . : : : : : . Facing page 122 Gordon . Q ; i ; ‘ i i E32 Huntly Castle . ; , ‘ ; : 3 Sf ERO Graham , ; ‘ : Neste 8 The Great Marquess of Mantee : : o i ERS Mugdock Castle : : i , 5 re ESO Grant . ‘ , : “ ete Entrance Hall, Castle fauht ‘ : : Ms ied) eat) Grant of Glenmoriston \ aot So Gregor ; . ‘ ‘ re of ee Edinchip, Balquhidder : ; ; J Nee i ES Glengyle House ; ; ; A 1 i TO Gunn . ; ) 5 : ; : ae NUghON i e Lamont é j f x ; : i Re a3) Toward Castle . ; vss - ; : Ps ip 262 Logan . , , ; ‘ i i 3} 3) 200 MacA lastair : Recent , nn a 208 Saddell Castle . } : : : ‘ e ae 200 MacArthur : ; ss Pena? 0) MacAulay : : ‘ R te ur aia Row on the Gareloch ; ‘ ; : Fe iy 1 12kO MacBean y eae? fra: MacCrimmon s. ikea oo | MacDonald of the Isles “ 232 Barochan Cross Py BRO MacDonald of Clanranald ne ey | MacDonald of Glencoe x ; ; 3 hi B52 The Governor’s House, Fort William : : Fe aga Glencoe 2 . : 93 5) 256 FOREWORD THOUGH the Scottish Highlander is proverbially tenacious of the memories of his race, and almost invariably well- informed regarding the descent and relationship of his clan, there has hitherto been a notorious lack of collected information regarding the individual histories and tradi- tions of the Highland tribes. Of several of the clans there are admirable monographs in existence, and for the general history of the Gael one may consult books like Skene’s Celtic Scotland and Browne’s History of the Highlands; but in the way of a collection of histories of the separate clans nothing sufficiently detailed has been available. The present work is designed to supply in convenient shape information regarding each clan which is only to be found in widely scattered quarters elsewhere. On thorny points, like the chiefship of the MacDonalds, the headship of Clan Chattan, and the relationship of the MacArthurs and the Campbells, it is hoped that the facts have been stated without bias. It is hoped also that, while it would be impossible, within even a generous compass, to furnish complete narratives of all that is known of each clan, the net has been cast sufficiently, wide to include all events of real importance, and to show their relationship, causes, and effects in a reasoned narrative. |With only a very few alterations the list of septs put forward by Mr. Frank Adams in his excellent compendium of the Highland Clans, Septs, and Regiments has been adopted, and it is hoped that the reproduction of the spirited colour prints from Mclan’s celebrated Clans of the Scottish Highlands, now almost unobtainable, will add a further feature of interest. GEORGE EYRE-TODD. 1X From THE Mosaic oF CHARLEMAGNE FORMED IN THE CHURCH oF St. SUSAN BY ORDER OF Pope LEo III., SHEWING THE UNI- VERSALITY OF THE TUNIC OR KILT AMONG EUROPEAN NATIONS IN EARLY TIMES. : Facing page x. A *, i ? f 2 . ay! . * if . . 5 > Pa 2 b - . ' iv .. 4 . bs ie at > ‘ ; ins x j 4 yi : o s + t “4 . iF ‘ j Po ae ea | am z | THE LIBRARY ee te a ted AOE Ate ane UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS INTRODUCTION FoR some time past there have been signs of a reawakening of interest in all matters pertaining to the Highlands, and Mr Eyre-Todd has taken up the task of meeting a wide demand which has arisen for information as to the origins and fortunes of the various clans and their principal families. At present the only book claiming to give a comprehensive view of this subject is Mclan’s Clans of the Scottish Highlands, but that work, published three-quarters of a century ago, is rarely met with and is valuable mainly on account of its pictures. Since it appeared the horizon of inquiry has been considerably widened by the publication of documents from the national archives and the charter chests of private families, and many of the spurious pedigrees and absurdities of earlier writers, such as Douglas in his Baronage of Scotland, have been swept away, though they will no doubt continue to be quoted by superficial writers. In Celtic Scotland (1880) the late Dr W. F. Skene devoted a chapter and part of the Appendix to the clans and their genealogies, and his conclusions are often accepted as final and authoritative; but he is by no means a safe guide, on account of his fatal propensity for setting up theories on insufficient foundations, and his blind devotion to the MS. of 1467. His previous work, The Highlanders of Scotland (1837), is practically thrown overboard in Celtic Scotland, and may be ignored by the modern student (except perhaps with the notes in Dr Macbain’s edition of 1902). In the present ».@ | ¢ Xi INTRODUCTION century several books of more or less authority giving histories of individual clans have appeared, but no serious attempt had been made to deal with the clans generally until Mr Eyre-Todd boldly essayed the gigantic task. He brings to this task an open mind and good judgment, and the readers of his pages, whether agreeing with him or not in every detail—and he may expect considerable disagreement—cannot but feel that he has been animated by a sincere desire to get at the truth of things, and that on the whole he has treated his subject in a fair and sympathetic manner. I wish him every success. A. M. MACKINTOSH. August, 1923. THE HIGHLAND CLANS IT is now well understood that the Celts originally came out of the east. Guest, in his Origines Celtice describes the routes by which they streamed across Europe and along the north coast of Africa in a bygone century. The migration did not stop till it had reached the shores of the Atlantic. ‘The Celtic flood was followed within the Christian era by the migrations of succeeding races— Huns, Goths, Vandals, Franks, these variously called themselves—and before the successive waves the Celts were driven against the western coast, like the fringe of foam driven up by wind and tide upon a beach. This process was seen in our own islands when the British inhabitants were driven westward by the oncoming waves of Saxons, Angles, and Danes in the fifth and following centuries. Thus driven against the western shores these Celts were known, down to the Norman Conquest, as the Britons or Welsh of Strathclyde, of Wales, and of West Wales or Cornwall. In the north, beyond the Forth and among the nountain fastnesses, as well as in the south of Galloway, ‘he Celtic race continued to hold its own. By the Roman chroniclers the tribes there were known as the Caledonians or Picts. Between the Forth and the Grampians were the Southern Picts, north of the Grampians were the Northern Picts, and in Galloway were the Niduarian Picts. To which branch of the Celtic race, British or Gaelic, or a separate branch by themselves, the Picts belonged, is not 10w known. From the fact that after the Roman legions vere withdrawn they made fierce war upon the British tibes south of the Forth, it seems likely that they were ot British. Dr. W. F. Skene, in his Highlanders of Scotland, took elaborate pains to prove that the Picts were zaelic, an earlier wave of the same race as the Gaels or Scots who then peopled Ireland, at that time known as scotia. Exactly how these Scots came into the sister isle is not 10w known. According to their own tradition they derived their name from Scota, daughter of one of the ?haroahs, whom one of their leaders married as they passed westward through Egypt, and it is possible they Da VOL. 1. I re: 2 THE HIGHLAND CLANS may be identified with the division of the Celtic tribes which passed along the north coast of Africa. According to Gaelic tradition the Scots migrated from Spain to the south of Ireland, According to the same tradition the} brought with them the flat brown stone, about nine inches thick, known as the Lia Fail, or Stone of Destiny, or which their kings were crowned, and which was said té have been Jacob’s pillow at Bethel on the plain of Luz From Ireland they began to cross into Kintyre—the ‘© Headland ’’—in the sixth century. Their three leader: were Fergus, Lorn, and Angus, sons of Erc, and thei: progress was not always a matter of peaceful settlement Fergus, for instance, made a landing in Ayrshire, ant defeated and slew Coyle the British king of the district whose tumulus is still to be seen at Coylesfield, and whost name is still commemorated as that of the region, Kyle and in popular rhymes about ‘‘ Old King Cole.” In Kintyre and the adjoining neighbourhood th invaders established the little Dalriadic kingdom, s called from their place of origin in the north-east o Ireland, Dal-Riada, the ‘‘ Portion of Riada,’’ conqueret in the third century by Fergus’s ancestor, Cairbre-Riada brother of Cormac, an Irish King. They had their firs capital at Dun-add near the present Crinan Canal, anc from their possession the district about Loch Awe took th: name of Oire-Gaidheal, or Argyll, the ‘‘ Land of the Gael.’ These settlers were Christian, and the name of thei patron saint, Kiaran, remains in Kilkiaran, the old nam of Campbeltown, Kil-kiaran in Islay, Kilkiaran in Lismore and Kilkerran in Carrick, which last, curiously enought is a possession of the Fergusons at the present hour. Th invasion, however, received one of its strongest impulse from a later missionary. Columba crossed from Irelan and settled in Iona in the year 563, and very soon, with hi followers, began a great campaign of Christian conversio. among the Northern Picts. The Picts and early Britons as is shown by their monuments and the folk-customs the: have handed down to us, were worshippers of Baal an Ashtaroth. Columba’s conversion of Brud, king of th Northern Picts at his stronghold at Inverness, opened u the whole country to the Gaelic influence. By and b marriages took place between the Pictish and the Gaeli royal houses, and these led, in the ninth century, to di: putes over the succession to the Pictish crown. In th struggle which followed, Alpin, king of the Scots, wa beheaded by the Picts on Dundee Law, in sight of his ow host. But the whole matter was finally decided by th THE HIGHLAND CLANS 3 victory of Alpin’s son, Kenneth II., over the last Pictish army, in the year 838, at the spot called Cambuskenneth after the event, on the bank of the Forth near Stirling. ‘Six years later Kenneth succeeded to the Pictish throne. _ The history of these early centuries is to be gathered from Adamnan’s Life of Columba, the Annals of Tigher- mac, the Annals of Ulster, the Albanach Duan, Bede’s ‘Chronicle, and other works. _ By that time another warlike race had made its appear- jance on the western coasts. At their first coming, the ‘Dalriads or Scots from Ireland had been known as Gallgael—Gaelic strangers. The new piratical visitors jwho now appeared from the eastern shores of the North Sea, received the name of Fion-gall or ‘“‘ fair-haired strangers.’ Worshippers of Woden and Thor, they proved at first fierce and bitter enemies to the Christian Picts and Gaels, slaying the monks of Jona on their own altar, and even penetrating so far as to burn Dunbarton, the capital of the Britons of Strathclyde, in the year 780. In the face of this menace, Kenneth, in the year of his victory over the Picts, removed the Lia Fail from his own stronghold of Dunstaffnage on Loch Etive, to Scone on the Tay, transferred the bones of Columba from Iona to ‘Dunkeld, and fixed his own royal seat at the ancient capital of the Southern Picts, Forteviot on the Earn. ‘This remained the capital of the Scoto-Pictish kings for ‘two centuries, till in 1057 Malcolm Canmore, son of the “‘gracious’’ Duncan and the miller’s daughter of Forteviot, overthrew Macbeth, and set up the capital of his new dynasty at Dunfermline. . Meanwhile the Norsemen overran not only the Western isles but much of the northern part of the country. For a time it was an even chance whether ancient Caledonia should become Norseland or Scotland. Under Malcolm (Canmore and his sons, however, the Scots pushed their conquests south of the Forth, annexed Strathclyde, Northumberland, ard Westmoreland, and became a for- midable power in the land. David I. fortified his dynasty against attack by planting the country with Norman and English barons and introducing the feudal system; and the final issue with the Norsemen was fought out by the last of his race, the last of the Celtic line of kings, Alexander III., at the battle of Largs in 1263. _ It is about this period that the traditional history of most of the Highland clans makes a beginning. It was long the custom to attribute the origin of all these clans to a Gaelic source. The late Dr. W. F. Skene wrote his 4, THE HIGHLAND CLANS book, The Highlanders of Scotland, to show that many of the clans, particularly in the more eastern and northern parts of the Highlands, must have been of Pictish origin. Without going into the somewhat elaborate details of his evidence and argument, with later modifications in his Celtic Scotland, it may simply be said that the ponourebel appears reasonable. Nor would it appear less honourabl to be descended from the ancient Pictish race of Caledonia than from the Scottish race which crossed the narrow seas” from Ireland. The record of the Picts includes their magnificent and victorious struggle against the Roman legions, their defeat of the British Arthur himself. at Camelon in 537, and the overthrow of Egcfrith of Northumbria at Nectansmere in Fife in the year 835. But it must be remembered that the Norse race has also con- tributed to the origin of the clans. The names of the ancient MacLeod chiefs—Torquil, Tormod, and the like— would of themselves be enough to point this out; and it must be remembered that the wife of the mighty Somerled, from whom all the Macdonald and several other clans are. descended, was sister of Godred the Norwegian King of Man. It is equally certain that several clans are of Anglian and Norman origin. The Murrays claim descent from Freskin the Fleming. The Gordons, whether Gordon or Seton, are Norman from the Scottish Border. And the Macfarlanes, cadets of the older Earls of lenncel are of Northumbrian, or Anglian source. Nothing could be more interesting than the process by which families of such various origin, in the course of a few generations§ became so impregnated with the spirit of their surround-— ings as to be practically indistinguishable in instinct and characteristics. Sir Walter Scott had the Highlanders as” a whole in view when he framed his famous and apt description of ‘‘ Gentlemen of the north, men of the south,§ people of the west, and folk of Fife.’ ; The clan system no doubt took its origin largely from” the mountainous nature of the country in which the people: found themselves, each family or tribe living in its own glen, separate from the rest of the world, and too remote from any capital to be interfered with by a central govern-/ ment. In these circumstances, as in similar circumstances elsewhere, Afghanistan and Arabia, for instance, the father of the family naturally became the ruler, and when the family grew into a tribe he became its chief. In later days, when great combinations of related clans were ' formed, the chief of the strongest branch might become captain of the confederacy, like the Captain of Clanranald } 4 THE HIGHLAND CLANS 5 and the Captain of Clan Chattan. The chiefship was inherited by the eldest legitimate son, but it must be remembered that in the Highlands the son of a “* hand- fast ’’ union was considered legitimate, whether his parents were afterwards married or not. Handfasting was a form of trial marriage lasting for a year and aday. If it proved unfruitful it could be terminated at the end of that time, ‘but sometimes a chief might die or be slain before his handfast union could be regularised, and in this case his son was still recognised as his heir. The system arose from the urgent desirability of carrying on the direct line of the chiefs. Another outcome of a state of society in which the rights and property of the tribe had constantly to be defended by the sword was the custom of tanistry. If the heir of a chief happened to be too young to rule the clan or lead it in battle the nearest able-bodied relative might succeed for the time to the chiefship. This individual was known as the tanist. A conspicuous example of the work- ing of the law of tanistry was the succession of Macbeth to the crown of his uncle, King Duncan, notwithstanding the fact that Duncan left several sons, legitimate and illegitimate. By his right as tanist Macbeth ruled Scotland ably and justly for seventeen years. By writers on the customs of the clans a good deal has been made of the so-called law of gavel. It is supposed that under this ‘‘ law ’’ the whole property of a chief was divided among his family at his death, and Browne, in his History of the Highlands, accounts by the action of this *“law ”’ for the impoverishment and loss of influence which overtook some of the clan chiefs. By this process, he says, the line of the chiefs gradually became impoverished while the senior cadet became the most powerful member of the clan and assumed command as captain. There seems, however, some misunderstanding here, for the law of gavel would apply equally to the possessions of the senior cadet. The “‘ law ”’ of gavel probably meant no more than this. A chief portioned out his lands to his sons as tenants. When his eldest son succeeded as chief, as these tenancies fell in, he portioned out the lands in turn to his own sons in the same way. Thus the nearest relatives of the chief were always the men of highest rank and most influence in the clan, while the oldest cadets, unless they had secured - their position in time by their own exertions, were apt to find their way to the ranks of the ordinary clansmen. As all, however, claimed descent from the house of the chief, all prided themselves upon the rank of gentlemen, and 6 THE HIGHLAND CLANS behaved accordingly. To this fact are owed the high and chivalrous ideas of personal honour which have always characterised the Scottish Highlander. ee ae As an acknowledgment of his authority all the clansmen” paid calpe or tribute to the chief, and when ne sometimes inhabitants of a conquered district, or members) of a “‘ broken ’”’ clan, a clan without a head—attached themselves to a tribe, they usually came under a bond of manrent for offence and defence, and agreed to pay the calpe to their adopted chief. If a clansman occupied more than an eighth part of a davach of land, he also paid the chief a further duty, known as herezeld. The fundamental difference between the clan system of society and the feudal system which was destined to supersede it, was that the authority of the clan chief was based on personal and blood relationship, while that of the feudal superior is based upon” tenure of land. ! . ee ' Of the origin of the Highland costume not much is known. The kilt is one of the primitive garments of the world; it*is one of the healthiest and probably the hand- somest, and there can be no question that for the active pursuits of the mountaineer it is without a rival. In its original form, as the belted plaid, it afforded ample protection in all weathers, while leaving the limbs absolutely free for the most arduous exertions. The earliest authentic mention of the kilt appears to be that in the Norse history of Magnus Barefoot, with whom Malcolm Canmore made his famous treaty. According to that document, written about the year 1097, Magnus, on returning from his conquest of the Hebrides, adopted the dress in use there, and went about bare-legged, having a short tunic and also an upper garment, ‘‘ and so men called him Barefoot.’’ Next, in the fifteenth century is. the notice by John Major, the historian, who mentions that the Highland gentlemen of his day ‘‘ wore no covering from the middle of the thigh to the foot, clothing them- selves with a mantle instead of an upper garment, and a shirt dyed with saffron.’’ q As for the tartan, in Miss Donaldson’s Wanderings in the Highlands and Islands, a proposition is made that the numbers of colours employed had a relation to the rank of the wearer—that eight colours were accorded to the service’ of the altar, seven to the king, and so on in diminishing number to the single dyed garment of the cumerlach or serf. In view, however, of the fact that all the members of a clan wear the same tartan, and that the tartans of some of the greatest clans contain but a small number of THE HIGHLAND CLANS 7 | colours, such a theory obviously will not bear examination. The earliest costumes of the clansmen appear to have been not of tartan at all, but of plain colour, preferably saffron. Certain early references, like that of Aldhelm, Bishop of Sherborne in 970, and that of Ossian when describing a Caledonian woman as appearing in robes ‘“‘ like the bow of the shower,’’ are by no means conclusive as referring totartan. As variety came to be desired, each clan would use the natural dyes most easily procured in its district, and the easiest pattern to weave was one of simple warp and woof. By and by a clansman would come to be identified by the local pattern he wore, and before long that pattern would come to be known as the tartan of his clan. Whether or not this describes the actual origin of the Highland tartans, there can be no question as to their suitability for the purposes of the hunter and the warrior, to whom it was important to be as little conspicuous as possible on a moor or mountain-side. It was also of value to the clansmen in battle, who required readily ta distinguish between friend and foe. After the last great Highland conflict at Culloden, it is said, the dead were identified by their tartans, the clansmen being buried, each with his own tribe, in the long sad trenches among the heather. To the Highlander the garb of his forefathers has always justly counted for much. Sir Walter Scott gave immortal expression to the feeling when he made the Duke of Argyll and Greenwich exclaim to Jeanie Deans, ‘‘ The heart of MacCailean More will be as cold as death can make it, when it does not warm to the tartan.” CLAN BUCHANAN BADGE: Dearcag monaidh (vaccineum uliginosum) Bilberry. SLOGAN : Clairinch! : THE name of the Clan Buchanan is almost alone among those of Highland families in being derived, not from a personal ancestor, but from the lands on which the Clan was settled. These lands extended of old along the east shore of Loch Lomond, from the borders of Drymen parish — northward for some eighteen miles, and included, besides Ben Lomond itself, as fine a stretch of country—strath and mountain—as any in the Highlands. Branches of the Clan also owned lands in the neighbouring parish of Drymen, and on both sides of the Water of Endrick, which here enters the Queen of Scottish Lochs, as well as about Killearn and Balfron and further east at Arnpryor, near Kippen; so that a good deal more than the actual parish of Buchanan may be considered as the old Buchanan country. Strange to say, however, this Buchanan country does not appear to have been the original territory owned by the Chiefs of the race in Scotland. According to the family historian, Buchanan of Auchmar, the founder of the race was a certain Anselan O’Kyan, of royal race, like that of the O’Neils in Ireland, who came over to escape troubles in the sister island about the year 1016, and with his followers took service under Malcolm II., at that time engaged in his great struggle against the invading Danes. For his services in this struggle, Anselan was granted the lands of Buchanan in Stirling- shire and of Pitquhonidy and Strathyre in Perthshire. Anselan further secured his footing in the Buchanan country by marrying an heiress of the Dennistoun family, the lands he got by her including Drumquhassle on the Water of Endrick. MacAuslan remained for two centuries and a half the name of the Chiefs of the family, and it remains, of course, an independent surname to the present hour. The first of the race to be styled ‘“‘ de Buchanan ”’ was Gillebrid, who was seneschal to the Earl of Lennox, and flourished in 1240. Meanwhile, in 1225 Macbeth, the father of Gillebrid de Buchanan, had obtained from Maelduin, Earl of Lennox, a charter for the island of Clarinch, near 8 BUCHANAN ge 8, ing pa we iy eal os 0. Viemed ad Uiresee 23 Ut? be 3 soe Lv id CLAN BUCHANAN 9 Balmaha, and the name of this island afterwards became the slogan or battle-cry of the Clan. In 1282 Sir Maurice de Buchanan received from Donald, the sixth Earl of Lennox, a charter of the lands of Buchanan themselves, in which the Chief was granted the privilege of holding courts of life and limb within his territory, on condition that everyone sentenced to death should be executed on the Earl’s gallows at Catter. The charter is printed in Irving’s History of Dunbartonshire, and the stone in which the gallows tree was set is still to be seen beside the old judgment hill of Catter, on Endrickside. At a later day Catter was itself for many generations in possession of a family named Buchanan. During the wars of succession Maurice, the Chief of Buchanan, had the distinction of being one of the few notables of Scotland who would not sign the Ragman Roll, or swear allegiance to Edward I. of England. Another of the name, Malcolm de Buchanan, signed the bond, but the Chief stood firmly for the Independence of Scotland and the cause of Robert the Bruce. Auchmar records a tradition that, after the defeat at Dalrigh, Bruce was joyfully received in the Buchanan country by its Chief, that the King’s Cave, near Inversnaid, takes its name from this episode, and that Buchanan with the Earl of Lennox afterwards conveyed the King to safety. From an early date the family of the Chiefs gave off branches, many of which remain of note to the present hour. Thus Allan, second son of Maurice, the ninth laird, married the heiress of Leny. His line ended in an heiress, Janet, who married John, son of the eleventh Chief of Buchanan, and became mother of the twelfth Chief. The eldest grandson of this pair distinguished himself in the wars abroad. After the battle of Agincourt, when France, on the strength of the ‘‘ auld alliance,’’ asked help from Scotland, and 7,000 men were sent over, Sir Alexander Buchanan went at the head of a number of his clan, and at the battle of Beaugé is said to have encountered the Duke of Clarence, and, escaping his thrust, to have pierced him through the left eye, and on his fall to have carried off his cap or coronet on his spear’s point. The usual account is that Clarence was slain by the Earl of Buchan, Constable of France, but in telling the story, Buchanan of Auchmar quotes the book of Pluscardine Abbey, and declares that according to the family tradition it was for this service that the French King granted the Buchanan Chief the double tressure flory counterflory, which forms part of the Buchanan arms 10 CLAN BUCHANAN to the present day, and also for crest a hand holding — a ducal cap. Sir Alexander Buchanan was _ himself afterwards killed at the battle of Verneuil in 1424. Sir Alexander’s next brother, Sir Walter, became thirteenth Laird of Buchanan, while the third brother, John, inherited his grandmother’s estate of Leny, and became ancestor of the Buchanans of that branch. From Thomas, third son of Sir Walter, the thirteenth © Laird, who is stated by Auchmar to have married Isobel, a daughter of Murdoch Stewart, Duke of Albany, grandson of King Robert II., came the Buchanans of Carbeth. And from Thomas, second son of Patrick, the fourteenth Laird, came the Buchanans of Drumakil, with its branches, the Buchanans of The Moss, and others. ; | An interesting story is told of the founding of the house of Buchanan-of Arnpryor by John, second son of Walter, the fifteenth Chief, and a daughter of Lord Graham. In the days of James IV., Arnpryor was in possession of a laird of the Menzies family. This laird was childless, and as he began to be oppressed with years, a neighbour, Forrester of Cardin, on pretence of a false debt, threatened that, if he did not assign the estate and castle to him, he would attack and capture them by force of arms. In his distress Menzies appealed to the Chief of Buchanan, offering, in return for a guarantee of protection during his life, to leave his lands and estate to one of the Chiet’s family. The offer was accepted, the obligation faithfully carried out, and the estate duly left to the Chief’s second son. Of the descendant of this individual, the Laird of Arn- — pryor in the days of King James V., an amusing story is told. As the King’s forester was returning to Stirling on — a certain occasion with deer for the royal table, Arnpryor took the liberty of appropriating the venison for his own use. He would listen to no remonstrance, declaring with a laugh that if James was King of Scotland, he, Buchanan, was King of Kippen. The forester proceeded to Stirling, and laid his complaint before the King, and forthwith that — monarch, so well known for his exploits in disguise as the Guidman of Ballingeich, betook himself in person to the gates of Arnpryor. There he was roughly refused — admittance by the porter, who informed him that the laird — was at dinner, and could not be disturbed. James there- — upon ordered the man to inform his master that the King — of Scotland had come to dine with the King of Kippen. | On receipt of the message Buchanan flew to the gate, and proceeded to make the most profuse and eager apologies. CLAN BUCHANAN 11 At this, it is said, the King only laughed. He forthwith joined the laird in partaking of his own royal venison, and for ever after Buchanan of Arnpryor was known as the King of Kippen. A signet ring, given by James, is still in possession of the Chief of Buchanan. Patrick, the sixteenth Chief of Buchanan, married a daughter of the Earl of Argyll, while John Buchanan of Leny married a daughter of the Earl of Menteith, and both fell at the battle of Flodden in 1513. The clan also fought bravely for Queen Mary at Pinkie in 1547 and at Langside in 1568. he latter event brought upon the stage of Scottish history a member of the clan who must always remain famous as one of the greatest of Scottish scholars and men of letters. George Buchanan was the third son of Thomas Buchanan of Mid Leowen, now known as The Moss, on the water of Blane, some two or three miles south of Killearn. Thomas Buchanan was the second son of Buchanan of Drumakil, through whom he had the blood of a daughter of King Robert III. in his veins. His wife was Agnes Heriot, of the family of Trabroun in Hadding- tonshire, and his son George first saw the light in February, 1506. Thomas Buchanan of Mid Leowen died early, leaving his widow to struggle valiantly for the upbringing of her eight children by the frugal cultivation of the little estate. At the age of fourteen the future historian was sent by James Heriot, his mother’s brother, to pursue his studies at Paris University, but two years later his uncle died, and he was forced to return home. He next joined the forces of the Duke of Albany, to try a soldier’s career; but after the hardships of the winter retreat from Wark Castle suffered a severe illness, and gave up sword and buckler. He returned to his studies at St. Andrews and Paris, became preceptor to the young Earl of Cassillis, and afterwards to a natural son of James V. Attacking the corruptions of the Greyfriars in his poem ‘‘ The Franciscan,’’ he was forced to flee to _ france in 1539. There he became famous as the greatest of the Scottish scholars who occupied chairs in the continental universities. Among those who boasted of being his pupils was the celebrated Montaigne, while among his friends were the Scaligers, father and son. While imprisoned in Portugal by the Inquisition, he began his famous Latin paraphrase of the Psalms, and he afterwards gained the notice of Mary Queen of Scots by a - poem on her marriage to the Dauphin. On her return to Scotland, the Queen chose Buchanan as her Latin tutor, 12 CLAN BUCHANAN and conferred upon him the temporalities of Crossraguel Abbey, worth £500 Scots a year. By Mary’s brother, the Earl of Moray, he was made Principal of St. Leonard’s College at St. Andrews, and from that time onward he remained a supporter of that personage. Upon the fall of the Queen he drew up his notorious ‘‘ Detection ”’ of her doings. Afterwards, under Moray, he was charged with the education of James VI., and many amusing stories — are told of his discipline of his royal pupil. For a time he was Keeper of the Privy Seal, and for long he took a large part in the public affairs of the kingdom; but he is chiefly remembered now by his two great literary works, © the treatise, De Jure Regni apud Scotos and his Latin History of Scotland. He died on 28th September, 1582, and is esteemed as the last and greatest of the Latinists, and one of the first apostles of modern democracy. | The scholarly tradition of the great Latinist and historian was followed by the twentieth Chief, Sir John Buchanan, who in 1618 mortified a sum of £6,000 Scots for the maintenance of three students of theology in the University of Edinburgh, and a like sum for the main- tenance of three students in the University of St. Andrews. In the records of the Burgh of Dunbarton also, this same Sir John appears as the donor of various grants for the erection of a hospital there in 1635 and 1636. His wife was a daughter of Lord Cambuskenneth, grandson of the Earl of Mar. Sir George Buchanan, the twenty-first Chief, commanded the Stirlingshire Regiment in the Civil Wars of Charles I., fought at the battle of Dunbar, and was taken prisoner at Inverkeithing. The reign of John Buchanan, the twenty-second Chief, proved disastrous to his house. Some of his proceedings, as narrated by the family historian, possess not a little of the character of conventional melodrama. On the death of his first wife, Mary Erskine, daughter of Lord Cardross, he was left with a daughter, Elizabeth, who appears to have possessed a will of her own. First he attempted to make a match for himself with the daughter of Sir John Colquhoun of Luss, but the young lady jilted him and married Stirling of Keir, which threw Buchanan into a palsy that troubled him till his death. He next arranged a match between his daughter and the son of Buchanan of Arnpryor, and broke the entail of his estate in order to leave it to the pair; but the plan was spoilt by the young lady refusing her consent. To punish her, he made a disposition of his estate to Arnpryor, but, going to Bath just then, fell in love with a Miss Jean Pringle, and VHVI \ AV IIMLV PeLdOHS CNONG TI Hee *c1 ased Sule] CLAN BUCHANAN | 13 married her. He thereupon cancelled the disposition, and made an enemy of Arnpryor. He next arranged a marriage for his daughter with his old friend, Major _ Grant, Governor of Dunbarton Castle, to whom he made a disposition of his estate; but again the girl indignantly refused. Grant and he thereupon arranged to sell the Highland part of the estate to clear it of debt. Arnpryor then, as Buchanan’s man of business, so manipulated matters that at the death of the Chief in 1682, the whole estate had to be sold. It was acquired by the third Marquess of Montrose, grandson of the great Scottish general of Charles the First’s time. Buchanan House, near the mouth of the Endrick, the ancient seat of the Chiefs, then became the seat of the Montrose family, and remained so till about 1870, when it was destroyed by fire, and was replaced by the present Buchanan Castle. Parts of the old mansion still remain, and possess considerable interest of their own. Elizabeth, daughter of the last Laird of Buchanan, it is interesting to note, married James Stewart of Ardvorlich, while her half-sister married Henry Buchanan of Leny. It was probably owing to the break in the direct line of the chiefship that the clan took no part in the Jacobite rebellions of 1715 and 1745, which perhaps was not an unfortunate circumstance for the bearers of the name. On the failure of the direct line, the representation of the ancient race fell to the nearest heir-male of the family. There is reason to believe that Auchmar’s account of the clan, published in 1723, had really for its purpose the advocacy of its author’s own claim to the chiefship as head of the most recent cadet branch of the family, and there- fore nearest in blood to the last of the main line. Nisbet in his Heraldry indicated a different destination. It was not till a hundred years later, however, that an authoritative claim was made. In that printed claim it was declared that the Auchmar branch of the family had become extinct, and that the chiefship had therefore fallen to the next nearest cadet branch, that of Buchanan of Spital or Easter Catter, the old estate of the Knights Templar in Drymen parish. This family had also come to possess the lands of an earlier cadet branch, that of —Leny...Thomas Buchanan, tenth laird of Spital, had married, first, Katherine, ultimate heiress of Henry Buchanan of Leny, and secondly, Elizabeth, heiress of John Hamilton of Bardowie. His son, Colonel John Buchanan of Leny and Spital had, on inheriting the estate of Bardowie, assumed the name of Hamilton. In 1818 14 CLAN BUCHANAN he was succeeded by his brother, Francis Buchanan M.D., an author and man of science, who is said to hay known more about India and its civil and natural histor than any European of his time, and who also assume the name Hamilton. On gth July, 1828, Dr. Buchana was served heir male to his great-gt.-gt.-gt.-gt.-gt.-gt. grandfather, Walter Buchanan of Spital, and establishe his claim, the Arnpryor branch being extinct, as Chief te) the Clan Buchanan. The individual through whom hi counted descent was Walter, third son of Walter, th fifteenth Chief of Buchanan, who became laird of thy property of Spital in 1519, as well as from John, thirc son of the twelfth Chief, already mentioned. According to the tradition of the Leny family, it long held possessior of these lands by the preservation of a small sword witl which its ancestor first acquired them. Whoever had thi custody of this weapon and a tooth of St. Fillan wa: presumed to have a right to the estate. The sword wa: abstracted from Leny in 1745. The Buchanans of Leny have had an even mor turbulent history than the direct line of their original house — on Loch Lomondside. One incident of that history is recorded on a tombstone still to be seen in the litthe kirkyard of Balquhidder, near Strathyre, in what was at one time the MacLaurin country. At acertain Fair in the Leny territory, it is said, a MacLaurin “ innocent ”' suffered the indignity of being struck across the face with the tail of a new-caught salmon. The ‘‘ innocent ” could do little to avenge the insult, but with a loose tongue he declared that his assailant dared not try the same trick at the next fair in the MacLaurin country at Balquhidder. The episode was promptly forgotten by the ‘‘ innocent,” but Balquhidder B air had scarcely begun when a band of Buchanans was seen coming, fully armed, up the road from Strathyre. Forthwith the Fiery Cross was sent round, the MacLaurins mustered, and a battle took place at Auchinleskine. The MacLaurins were getting the worst of it when their Chief saw his son cut down. Clay- more in hand, he shouted his battle-cry, his clan were filled with the ‘‘ miri-cath,’”’ or madness of battle, and attacked so furiously that all the invading Buchanans were slain. The last two, who tried to escape by swimming the Balvaig, were shot with arrows, and the spot is still Pelnted out as the Linn-nan-Seichachan, the ‘ pool of touit. 2" : ue Ne, Buchanans of Loch Lomondside were not, how- ever, without their feuds and tragedies. Walter, the first — | CLAN BUCHANAN 15 | ‘Laird of Spital, had an illegitimate brother, known a 'Mad Robert of Ardwill. This individual got his sobriquet ‘from a curious incident. He had undertaken, under a ‘heayy penalty, to secure a certain malefactor for the Laird. ‘The malefactor died, and Robert’s surety was called upon ‘to pay up. Mad Robert, however, dug up the corpse, ‘carried it to the Gourt, and duly claimed to have performed ‘his undertaking. ' Of the various septs of the Clan, MacAuslans, Mac- Calmans, and others, many interesting stories might be ‘told. Chief of these septs probably are the MacMillans, descended, it is believed, from Methlan, a brother of 'Gillebrid de Buchanan, the first of the surname, in the ‘time of King Alexander II. The MacMillans originally lived around Loch Tay, with Lawers on the north shore for their chief seat. From that region, however, they were driven out by the Chalmerses in the reign of David II. The MacMillan Chief of that time had ten sons, who settled in various parts of the country. The Chief was MacMillan of Knapdale in Argyllshire, who, it is said, had a charter from the Lord of the Isles engraved on the top of a rock; and at the chapel of Kilmory, which was built by the family, is still to be seen the finely carved MacMillan’s Cross. For the slaughter of an overbearing incomer, Marallach Mor, a son of MacMillan of Knapdale, had to leave the country, and settled beside Loch Arkaig in Lochaber, where, under the name of MacGille Veol, he and his descendants performed many doughty deeds as supporters of Lochiel. They could raise no fewer than a hundred fighting men to support that Chief’s cause, and proved themselves ever ready to take part in the most desperate enterprises. The MacMillans are said to have lost their Knapdale estate by taking part with their superior, MacDonald of the Isles, in the cause of the rebel Earl of Douglas against King James II. in 1455. The MacCalmans derive their descent from a brother of Gillebrid and Methlan, who settled on Loch Etive side in the time of Alexander IIIJ., and there is evidence that. John Ruskin, the famous writer, was one of the race. Another interesting branch of the Clan is that of Buchanan of Drurfiakil, now represented by Sir Alexander Leith Buchanan of The Ross on Loch Lomondside. This latter property was acquired in 1624 by Walter Buchanan of Drumakil, uncle or cousin of George Buchanan the historian, and it was within the walls of the mansion that, after the rebellion of 1745, the Marquis of Tullibardine, elder brother of the second Duke of Athol, was taken 16 CLAN BUCHANAN ; prisoner. On being seized, he is said to have uttered th prophecy, ‘* There will be Murrays on the Braes of Athol when there is never a Buchanan at The Ross!’ And sure enough, the male line of the Buchanans of The Ros presently came toan end. The heiress, Jean Buchanan o The Ross, married Hector, son of Colin MacDonald o Boisdale, who reunited by purchase different propertie which had been alienated from the family estate. At hi seat of Ross Priory, he frequently entertained his brothe Clerk of Session, Sir Walter Scott, and the present lair is the grandson of his second daughter. Among more modern members of the Clan who havi attained distinction are Douglas Buchanan, the Gaeli Cowper, who was a catechist at Kinloch Rannoch in 1755 Dr. Claudius Buchanan, who died in 1815, famous among, the first of those who induced the British nation t send the blessings of education and religion to our Indiar empire; Sir George Buchanan, the famous physician anc scientist, whose reports are among the classics of sanitary literature; and Robert Buchanan, the famous poet anc novelist of our own time. 3 Still another chapter of the Clan’s history may be saic to have been begun by a holder of the name who left his native strath at the end of the seventeenth century, George Buchanan was the younger son of Andrew Buchanan, Laird of Gartacharan, near Drymen. Migrat ing to Glasgow to push his fortune, he took part with the Covenanters at the battle of Bothwell Bridge, and had a reward set upon his head. After the Revolution, however, he appeared as a prosperous maltster in the town, and was second Deacon-Convener of the Trades’ House, in the time of William and Mary. The old maltster had four sons, all of whom played a striking part in the foundation of Glasgow’s prosperity. They were George Buchanan of Moss and Auchintoshan, Andrew Buchanan of Drumpellier, Archibald Buchanan of Silver: banks or Auchintorlie, and Neil Buchanan of Hillington. All four brothers became great Glasgow merchants, and built splendid mansions in the city. George was City | Treasurer in 1726, Andrew became Dean of Guild and. Lord Provost, and in 1725 the four brothers founded the. Buchanan Society, now the oldest charitable institution in Glasgow, with the exception of Hutchesons’ Hospital. | The Society has a handsome income from funds of its own. It has supported many a promising youth of the Buchanan Clan or its septs through college to a useful career in the ( world, and the amount of solid good that it has done in Pe ent CLAN BUCHANAN 17 -he couple of centuries since it was founded must remain deyond computation. At the present hour the Society is a large and thriving brotherhood, and its annals, begun oy the late Mr. Gray Buchanan, and now on the eve of dublication under the editorship of Dr. R. M. Buchanan, ire certain to excite wide interest, as they will form the .atest chapter in the long history of this ancient Clan. SEPTS OF CLAN BUCHANAN Colman Dove Donlevy Dowe Dow Gilson | Gibb Harper Gilbertson Lennie Harperson Macaldonich Macandeoir MacAuslan MacCalman MacCalmont MacCammond MacChruiter MacColman MacCormack Macdonleavy MacGibbon MacGilbert Macgreusich Macinally Macindoer Macindoe ; MacMaster MacMaurice MacMurchie | MacMurchy Macnuyer ! MacWattie MacWhirter Masterson Murchie Murchison Risk Ruskin Spittal Spittel Watson Watt Yuill VOL. I. - CLAN CAMERON BapcE: Dearcag fithich (empitium nigrum) crowberry. SLOGAN: Chlanna nan con thigibh a so ’s gheibh sibh feoil. PiprocH: Locheil’s March, also Ceann na drochait moh. In all the Highlands there is no clan more famous at on for valour and chivalry than Clan Cameron. Their dee of bravery in the Great Glen and out of it are not marks by the bloody ruthlessness which characterises so mu West Highland story, and alike for the chivalry wil which he took up the cause of Prince Charles Edwai when it seemed a forlorn hope, and for the influence whi he exercised on the Highlanders during the enti rebellion, the Gentle Lochiel, as he was called, of th time remains on the page of history a type of his fami and race. | The name Cameron signifies Crooked Nose, and tl story of the founder of the race remains embedded in tl traditions of the West Highlands. In a corrupted for that story may be found in the opening chapter of Jam| Ray’s Compleat History of the Rebellion of 1745, andt' present writer has heard it direct from the shepherc firesides in Lochaber. The tradition runs that the first | the Camerons was not a Gael, but of British or Cym» race, and came originally from Dunbartonshire. Being! ‘“bonnie fechter’’ he was engaged in many quarre) and in one of these suffered the disfigurement which ga’ him the name which he handed on to his descendan: Dunbartonshire having become too hot for him, he ma? his way to far Lochaber. There the Chief of t MacFhearguises was at the time in danger of being ovr come by a neighbouring clan with which he was at fet. He welcomed the stranger, and made him the offer of }3 daughter’s hand and a fair estate for his assistance. 1! offer Cameron accepted, and, having vanquished } host’s enemies, found a settlement in the neighbourhe which his descendants have retained to the present di: A quaint part of the tradition as detailed by Ray is th; at a critical stage of his adventure, Cameron betc! himself to his old nurse at Dunbarton. This dame, W? 18 | | CAMERON 8, acing page 1 1) wv INOIS LL UNIVERSITY OF I CLAN CAMERON 19 was a noted witch, furnished her foster-son with a parcel of thongs, which she told him to tie to a fox’s tail. This fox he was to let loose, and all the land it should run over on its escape should become his. Further, it would be converted to the same sort of territory as the last which the thongs touched on his father-in-law’s estate. The sequel may be given in Ray’s own words. ‘‘ That Cameron might have a good estate as well as a large one he let the fox loose upon a fine meadow just bordering. upon MacDonald of Glengarry’s estate, expecting to have all the promised land and that it would consist of fine meadows. The charms were performed with great ceremony, and the fox turned out as the old woman directed; and, that he might travel the faster and take the course they desired, they set dogs after him. The creature, glad of his liberty, and willing to preserve his life, endeavoured to elude their chase by running into a little brook which passed through the meadow where he was set at liberty. The dogs then entirely lost him, and he kept along the channel till he came to the estate of Glengarry. . Water being the last thing the enchanted thongs touched, as fast as the fox ran the land was over- flowed, so that in the space of a few hours all the country for several miles together became one continued loch. The MacDonalds, affrighted at this sudden inundation, such of them as had time to escape removed their habita- tions higher up into the mountains, and left the lake and the adjacent hills to be peaceably enjoyed by Cameron and his followers. What became of the fox, or where he stopped, history does not relate, but from this origin it is called Lochiel, or the Lake of Thongs, from which the Chief of the Camerons takes his title.’’ According to Ray, the founder of the name was Sir Hugh Cameron, and the chronicler is good enough, not- withstanding his strong prejudice against everything Jacobite, to say that there had been ‘‘ a constant succession of great men down from Sir Hugh, Knight of the Wry Nose, to the present Lochiel, famous in the late Rebellion.” From a later warrior, Donald Dhu, who flourished in the end of the fifteenth century, the Clan has also been known as the Race of Donald the Black, and it is from this ancestor that the usual Christian name of the chiefs of the present day is derived. There is also a tradition that Lochiel is not the eldest branch of the family, this having been known as the Clan MacGillean Obhi, an heroic tribe mentioned in some of the early poetic fragments ascribed to Ossian. According to this tradition, Lochiel acquired 20 CLAN CAMERON the family property in Lochaber by marriage with the Mac- Martins of Letterfinlay. The family genealogies assert that the actual ancestor of the Cameron chiefs was Angus who married a sister of Banquo, Thane of Lochaber, slain by Macbeth in the eleventh century, and present a long line of chiefs descended from this worthy, who dis. tinguished themselves highly in the wars and other historic events of the country. 7 One of the most famous and desperate of the feuds in which the Camerons were engaged was that with Clan Chattan in the end of the fourteenth century, concerning the lands of Glenluie and Loch Arkaig, to which MacIntosh, the chief of Clan Chattan, laid claim. In the course of this feud the Camerons penetrated as far as Invernahaven at the junction of the Truim and the Spey There they were met by MacIntosh at the head of a force of MacIntoshes, MacPhersons, and Davidsons. Jusi before the battle a dispute took place between the Davidsons and MacPhersons, who each claimed the pos: of honour, the right to lead the host. MacIntosh decidec the delicate question in favour of the Davidsons, and as¢ result Cluny MacPherson in indignation withdrew his men. Thus weakened, Clan Chattan was defeated by th Camerons. That night, however, MacIntosh sent to th camp of the MacPhersons one of his bards, who treatec the sullen clansmen to a poem in which their conduct i retiring from the fight was attributed, not to their sense 0 honour, but to their cowardice. This so infuriated th MacPhersons that they made a surprise attack upon thi Camerons, whom they defeated and pursued with grea slaughter to the confines of Lochaber. One of the result of this encounter remains among the most famous episode. in Scottish history. The MacPhersons and the Davidson proceeded to fight out their claims to precedence with coli steel, and presently the uproar among the clans becam_ so great that the King sent the Earls of Crawford ani Dunbar to quell it. In the end it was agreed that th matter should be decided by a combat between thirty mei on each side, and the upshot was the famous battle with barriers on the North Inch of Perth, fought before Kin) Robert III. in 1396. li Among those who fought on the side of Donald, Lor of the Isles, at the battle of Harlaw in 1411, was Joh Cameron of Lochiel. The Camerons, however, afterward found themselves at feud with the Island Lords, and i this feud suffered most severely, and were brought almo: to extinction. It was in this emergency that the “ | CLAN CAMERON 21 ‘Chief, Donald Dhu, already referred to, achieved fame. ‘Along with his son, the still more famous Alan Cameron, | ‘he restored the clan to a state of prosperity. Alan obtained ‘from the Crown feudal charters of the lands of Loch ‘Arkaig and Lochiel, to which the MacDonalds of Clan ‘Ranald had laid claim, and by this means dealt a blow at ‘these Lords of the Isles which materially helped their downfall. The same Chief engaged in another feud with ‘the MacIntoshes. At a later day he supported Ian ‘Mudertach when that warrior assumed the chiefship of Clan 'Ranald, and he fought alongside the MacDonalds at Glen ‘Lochy in 1544, when they defeated and killed Lord Lovat ‘with nearly all his followers. In consequence of this last ‘achievement the Earl of Huntly was sent into Lochaber ‘with an overwhelming force, and, seizing Lochiel and ‘MacDonald of Keppoch, carried them to Elgin, where ithey were both beheaded. | “Sixty-seven years later, still another disaster befell the ‘Camerons. In the course of his mission to carry justice ‘and pacification into the West Highlands, the Earl of ‘Huntly had obtained certain rights of superiority over Lochiel’s lands, and in 1594, when the Earls of Huntly ‘and Errol, representing the Roman Catholic faction in the country, were making a stand against the Government, i\Lochiel’s forces were ranged upon their side. The ‘Camerons fought on that side at the battle of Glenlivat, where the Earl of Argyll, commanding the Protestant ‘forces, was overthrown. For his distinguished share in ‘this battle Lochiel was outlawed, and lost part of his ‘estate, which was never afterwards recovered. Nine years ater Argyll attempted to wrest the superiority of the ‘Camerons’ lands in Lochaber from Huntly, Lochiel ‘having agreed to become his vassal. On this occasion .a number of the Camerons threw off their allegiance to ‘Lochiel and entered into a plot to take his life. The 'Chief, however, laid an ambush for the plotters, slew ‘twenty of them, and captured other eight. Again, for ‘this, the Cameron Chief was outlawed, and Lord Gordon, ‘Huntly’s son, invading Lochaber, seized him, and imprisoned him at Inverness. _ Perhaps the most famous of all Highland chiefs was ‘Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel. Born in 1629, and ‘brought up by the covenanting Marquess of Argyll as a )sort of hostage for his clan, he afterwards took the side of ‘King Charles I. When Cromwell’s forces overran the country, after the battle of Dunbar, Lochiel held stoutly ‘out against them. Twice with greatly inferior forces he 22 CLAN CAMERON defeated the English invaders, and so continually did he harass the garrison at Inverlochy that he kept it in a State of siege till the Governor was glad at last to accept peace on Lochiel’s own terms. The Chief accordingly marched to Inverlochy with pipes playing and banners flying. He was received with a guard of honour, entertained to a feast, and, on giving his word of honour to live in peace, was not only granted an indemnity for the crimes and depredations committed by his clan, but had all the loss sustained by his tenants made good, and received payment for the woods on his property which had been destroyed by the Inverlochy garrison. The story is told how in one of these fights Lochiel found himself in death grips with a gigantic English officer. They lay on the ground together, neither of them able to reach his weapon. At last the Englishman saw his chance, and reached out to recover his sword. As he did so he exposed his throat, and this the Chief in his extremity seized with his teeth and held till his opponent’s life was extinct. When upbraided at a later day with the savage act, he declared it was the sweetest bite he had ever tasted. It is this Chief who is said to have slain with his own hand the last wolf ever seen in the Highlands of Scotland, and his hardihood may be gathered from the story that on one occasion, when sleeping out in the snow, having observed that one of his sons had rolled together a snowball for a pillow, he rose and kicked away the support, exclaiming, ‘‘ Are you become so womanlike that you cannot Sleep without this luxury? ’’ It is told of him that on one occasion at a later day he attended the court of James VII. to obtain pardon for one of his clan. The King received him with honour, and granted his request ; then, purposing to make him a Knight, asked him for his own sword in order to give special point to the honour. But the sword was so rusted with the long rainy journey from Scotland that Lochiel found it impossible to draw it from its scabbard, whereupon, overwhelmed with shame before the courtiers, he burst into tears. The King, however, with ready tact, consoled him. ‘ Do not regard it, my faithful friend,” he said, ‘‘ had the Royal cause required it your sword would have left the scabbard promptly enough.”’ He then gave the Chief the accolade with his own royal weapon, which he forthwith bestowed upon him as a gift. A day came when Lochiel had an opportunity of proving the King’s Saying true. At the Revolution, when the Royal Standard was raised in the Highlands by Viscount Dundee, he joined the Jacobite DIVNUY AHATA "ez O8e Suloey iy 3 + ; x a s r, r + je : => > A 4 ee . j 4 * # - acl \ =f é 4 , : CLAN CAMERON 23 army with his clan, and fought at Killiecrankie. After urging Dundee to give battle, with the words, ‘* Fight, my lord, fight, if you have only one to three! ”’ he himself charged bareheaded and barefooted in front of his men, and contributed largely to the victory. He lived, how- ever, to see great changes, and died in 1719, at the age of ninety, never, after all, having lost a drop of blood in any of the fights in which he had been engaged. The son of this Chief joined the Earl of Mar’s rising in 1715, and was forfeited for doing so, and it was his son again—the grandson of Sir Ewen—who was the Gentle Lochiel of 1745. But for him it is likely that the clans would never have risen for Prince Charles Edward. Courageous and loyal, with the highest sense of honour, he was held in the greatest esteem in the Highlands. When he went to meet the Prince at Borrodale he was determined to have nothing to do with a rising, and it was upon a generous impulse, touched by the forlornness of the royal adventurer, that, against his better judgment, he decided to throw in his lot with Charles. Following Lochiel’s lead the other chiefs came in, and the standard was raised at Glenfinan. Throughout the rising it was his influence which restrained the Highlanders from acts of plunder and violence. On one occasion during the march to Derby, an Englishwoman who had hidden her boy in terror of the cannibal habits which were attributed to the Highland army, exclaimed as Lochiel entered her house, ‘‘ Come out, my child, this man is a gentleman; he will not eat you! ’ Among other things it is said Lochiel prevented the sack of Glasgow, and for this reason the magistrates ordered that whenever Lochiel should visit the city he should be greeted by the ringing of the bells. When the Jacobite cause was finally lost at Culloden he was severely wounded, but he escaped to France, where his royal master gave him command of a Scottish regiment. He died abroad in 1748. The events of that time are commemorated in the well-known piece of pipe-music, ‘‘ Lochiel’s away to France.’’ It is pathetic to remember that the last victim of the Jacobite cause was Lochiel’s brother, Dr. Archibald Cameron, who was arrested on the shore of Loch Katrine during a mission to this country when the Rebellion was over, and was tried and executed as a deterrent. Another member of the clan who figures scarcely less notably in the literature of that time is Mistress Jean Cameron. This lady, as tutor for her nephew, Cameron of Glendessarie, in person brought a large body of the 24. CLAN CAMERON Camerons to join the Prince’s Standard at Glenfinan The Hanoverian annalists of the time, like Ray, haw. taken outrageous liberties with her reputation. Many writers, like Fielding in his Tom Jones, make suggestive references to her career. It is certain, however, that a least one other individual traded upon and besmirched he name. This person, according to Chambers’ Tradition: of Edinburgh, represented herself as a cast-off mistress 0) the Prince, and after imposing upon the sympathie: and support of Edinburgh. Jacobites, died in a stair foo! of the Canongate. She masqueraded in men’s clothes and had a timber leg. The actual Mistress Jean Cameron of Glendessarie, however, had a character above reproach. She was a good deal older than the Prince. In later life she settled at Mount Cameron in East Kilbride, and, according to Ure’s History of that parish, she died and was buried there in all the odour of respectability. The grandson of the Gentle Lochiel, another Donald Cameron, was a Captain in the Guards, and married the Lady Vere. His descendant again, the father of ‘the present Chief, married a daughter of the fifth Duke of Buccleuch. And the present Chief himself, who succeeded in 1905, married Lady Hermione Graham, daughter of the fifth Duke of Montrose. Lochiel has had a dis- tinguished career. He served in South Africa during the war in 1899 and in 1go1-2. In 1901 he was aide-de-camp to the Governor of Madras; and he was a Captain in the Grenadier Guards till his marriage in 1906. He has also essayed politics, having contested Sutherlandshire in the Unionist interest in 1910. In all matters in which the welfare of the Highlands is concerned he takes an active part, and in the great emergency of the war of 1914 he came forward in a fashion worthy of his ancestors and characteristic of the Cameron clan, and raised four additional battalions of Cameron Highlanders for active service. One of these he himself commanded, and the esteem in which he is held was proved by the fact that the men required came forward to join the colours within a few days after the announcement that Lochiel had received the commission. Among other achievements, he led his Camerons in the tremendous charge at Loos in which his two brothers and so many clansmen fell. It is amply evident that the present Cameron Chief is as loyal and as’ active in his country’s service as any of his ancestors, and against his name there falls to be written yet another most notable chapter in the history of the clan. e| | | ; —— — ‘pe ased sutoey ¢ Sb IG) eae LVS tt Ed AUWYUVOVNHOV t . : ee ’ 2 = es ye ‘ or fi a =e s ' 5 a CLAN CAMERON 7h abs SEPTS OF CLAN CAMERON Chalmers Clarke MacGillonie MacKail MacMartin MacOurlic MacSorley Macvail Martin Sorley Clarkson Kennedy MacChlery Macildowie MacOnie MacPhail MacUlric MacWalrick Paul Taylor CLAN CAMPBELL BADGE : Garbhag an t-sleibhe (lycopodium selago) Fir club moss. SLOGAN : Cruachan. . PiprRocH: Failte ’Mharcuis, also Baile Ionaraora, and Cumh *Mharcuis. 3 BEHIND Torrisdale in Kintyre rises a mountain named Ben an Tuire, the ‘‘ Hill of the Boar.’’ It takes its name from a famous incident of Celtic legend. There, accord- ing to tradition, Diarmid O’Duibhne slew the fierce boar which had ravaged the district. Diarmid was of the time of the Ossianic heroes. The boar’s bristles were poisonous, and a rival for his lady’s love induced him to measure the hide with his naked feet. One of the bristles pricked him, and in consequence he died. Diarmid is said to have been the ancestor of the race of O’Duibhne who owned the shores of Loch Awe, which were the original Oire Gaidheal, or Argyll, the ‘‘ Land of the Gael.’? The race is said to have ended in the reign of Alexander III. in an heiress, Eva, daughter of Paul O’Duibhne, otherwise Paul of the Sporran, so named because, as the king’s treasurer, he was supposed to carry the money-bag. Eva married a certain Archibald or Gillespie Campbell, to whom she carried the possessions | of her house. This tradition is supported by a charter of David II. in 1368, which secured to the Archibald Campbell of that date certain lands on Loch Awe “as | freely as these were enjoyed by his ancestor, Duncan O’Duibhne.”’ _Who the original Archibald Campbell was remains a “matter of dispute. By some he is said to have’ been a Norman knight, by name De Campo Bello. The name Campo Bello is, however, not Norman but Italian. It is | out of all reason to suppose that an Italian ever made his way into the Highlands at such a time to secure a footing as a Highland chief; and the theory is too obviously one | of the common and easy and nearly always wrong deriva tions of a name by mere similarity of sound. Much more probable seems a derivation from a personal characteristic in the usual Gaelic fashion. In this case the derivation 26 | | be ‘acing page 26, GAME bei OF ARGYLL CLAN CAMPBELL 27 y vould be from cam beul, ‘‘ crooked mouth,’’ in the same vay as the name Cameron is derived from cam sron, ‘crooked nose.’’ For a century and a half the MacArthurs of Strachur, yn the opposite shore of Loch Fyne, appear to have been egarded as the senior branch of the clan. They certainly vere the most powerful, and Skene in his Highlanders of scotland says it is beyond question that they held the thiefship. Their claim may have been derived through narriage with a co-heiress of the O’Duibhnes. But with he execution of the MacArthur chief by James I. at mverness in 1427 the Campbells were left as the chief amily of the race of Diarmid. Colin Mor Campbell of Lochow was knighted by Alexander III. in 1380, and it is from him that the suc- eeding chiefs of the race to the present day have been cnown as *‘ Mac Cailean Mor.’’ Colin the Great himself ies buried in the little kirkyard of Kilchrenan above the vestern shore of Loch Awe, where his descendant, a recent Juke of Argyll, placed over his resting-place a stone yearing the inscription, ‘‘ To the memory of Cailean Mor, Jain on the Sraing of Lorne 13 .’ High on the hill idge opposite, on the eastern side of the loch, a cairn narks the spot at which the doughty warrior, in the hour # victory, pursuing his enemy, MacDougall of Lorne, too ar, was overcome and fell. It was the son of this chief, Nigel or Neil Campbell, vho, espousing the cause of Robert the Bruce, brought us family on to the platform of the great affairs of scottish history. He befriended the king in his early vanderings, accompanied him in his winter’s exile in Xachryn Island, and fought for him at Bannockburn, and is a reward he received in marriage Bruce’s sister, the 2rincess Mary or Marjorie, while the forfeited lands of Javid de Strathbogie, Earl of Atholl, were settled on their second son. From that hour the fortunes of the -ampbells received hardly a check. Waving helped, at he Bridge of Awe, to overthrow Bruce’s enemies, the sowerful Lords of Lorne and of Argyll, they proceeded tecemeal to supplant them and their kinsmen, the MacDonalds, and secure their lands. In some cases they ‘compelled or induced the owners of these lands to assume he Campbell name. Thus the Campbells of Craignish, hough stated to be descended from Dougall, an illegiti- nate son of a Campbell of the twelfth century, are iniversally understood to have borne the name Mac- *achern, and to have been a branch of the MacDonalds. 28 CLAN CAMPBELL In the reign of Bruce’s son, David II., the next Chief of the Campbells, Sir Nigel’s son, again played an important part. It was when the entire country was over. run by Edward Baliol and his English supporters. Robert, the young High Stewart, suddenly broke out of concealment in Bute, and stormed the strong castle of Dunoon. In this enterprise, which inspired the whole country to rise and throw off the yoke of the invader, the Stewart was splendidly helped by Colin Campbell of Lochow. As a reward the Campbell Chief was made hereditary governor of the stronghold, with certain lands to support the dignity. This grant brought the Campbells into conflict with the Lamonts, who were owners of the surrounding Cowal district, and in course of time they supplanted them in considerable possessions—the kirk of Kilmun, for instance, where they first begged a burial- place for a son whose body could not be carried through the deep snows to Inveraray, and which remains the Argyll burying-place to the present hour; also Strath Echaig at hand, which was obtained from Robert III, as a penalty for the sons of the Lamont Chief beating off and slaying some young gallants from the court at Rothesay, who were trying to carry away a number of young women of Cowal. | Colin Campbell’s grandson, another Sir Colin, further advanced his family by marrying a sister of Annabella Drummond, the queen of Robert III., and his son, Sir Duncan, married, first a daughter of Robert, Duke of Albany, son of Robert II. and Regent of Scotland, and secondly a daughter of Sir Robert Stewart of Blackhall, a natural son of Robert III. He was one of the hostages for the redemption of James I. from his English captivity in 1424, and at that time his annual revenue was stated to. be fifteen hundred merks, a greater income than that of any of the other hostages. A further sign of his importance, he was made by James I. Privy Councillor, the King’s Justiciary, and Lieutenant of the county of Argyll, and by James II., in 1445, he was raised to the dignity of a Lord of Parliament by the title of Lord Campbell. It was Lord Campbell’s eldest son, Celestine, for whom a grave was begged for the Lamont Chief at Kilmun.. ‘The second son died before his father, leaving a son, Colin, who succeeded as second Lord Campbell, and became first Earl of Argyll, while the third son obtained the lands of Glenurchy, formerly a possession of the MacGregors, and founded the great family of the Gare rss ‘ \ \ — INISCONNEL, LOCH AWE, THE CRADLE OF THE CAMPBELL RACE acing page 28, fF ., 2 > ¥ * a : Naas eet \. = 3 - J e { 4 be > . } Zi . ; Pie ioe pee. a eg 2a f Seg Rai ces toy b heel AALS * x ie’ =n i Pi : 4 Sue ont $ ‘ _ . . ai . Pes ‘ ee ' oe MP far ' Lf te it Pees i St - / ; - me 1 , / Ay f ‘ < ‘ rs : i CLAN CAMPBELL 29 ‘ampbells of Glenurchy, Earls and Marquesses of ireadalbane. Hitherto the seat of the Campbells of Lochow had been ye stronghold of Inchconnel, which still stands on the Jand of that name, amid the waters of the loch; but Wenurchy built for his nephew the first castle at nveraray, which continued to be the headquarters of the imily for four centuries. At the same time, during his bsence abroad, his wife is said to have built for him, on n islet in the northern part of Loch Awe, the strong castle f Kilchurn, which remains to the present day one of the 10st picturesque features of the Highlands. Thenceforth he history of the Campbells of Breadalbane forms a eparate and highly interesting chapter by itself. Meanwhile the younger sons of each generation had come the founders of other notable families. The econd son of Cailean Mor settling on Loch Tayside had ounded the family of Campbell of Lawers, afterwards tarls of Loudoun, while the fourth son had been made by tobert the Bruce, Constable of Dunstaffnage, a post held ry his descendant to the present day, and the fifth son, Juncan, is believed to have been ancestor of the Yampbells of Inverurie, from whom sprang the families of importance of his family by acquiring the estates of Glen- lyon, Finlarig, and others on Loch Tay side. When he married Margaret, daughter of George, fourth earl of | Angus, in 1479, he obtained with her a dowry of six hundred merks, and he fell with James IV. at Flodden in | 1513. His eldest son and successor, again, Sir Colin Campbell of Glenurchy, married Marjorie Stewart, daughter of John, | Earl of Atholl, half brother of James II., her mother being | Margaret Douglas, that Fair Maid of Galloway, who, as | heiress of her ancient house, played such a strange. romantic part in the story of her time. Sir Colin, the youngest of the three sons who succeeded | him, sat in the Scottish Parliament of 1560, and played an | active part in furthering the Reformation. Till his time _ the lands of Breadalbane had belonged to the Carthusian | Monastery at Perth founded by James I. Sir Colin first | obtained a tack of these lands, and afterwards had them | converted into a feu holding. He was a great builder of | houses, and besides a noble lodging in Perth erected Edinample on Loch Earn, and in 1580 founded at the | eastern end of Loch Tay the splendid family seat of Balloch, now known as Taymouth Castle. The site of this stronghold is said to have been settled in a curious | way, Sir Colin being instructed in a dream to found his | castle on the spot where he should first hear the blackbird - sing on making his way down the strath. According to the family history written in 1598 he also added the corner turrets to Kilchurn Castle. Kilchurn and much of the other Breadalbane territory had once been possessed by Clan Gregor, but when feudal tenures came in, the chiefs of that clan had scorned to hold their land by what they termed ‘* sheep-skin rights,”’ ing them by the ancient ‘‘ sword. As a result, when disputes arose they had no documents to show; the effort to vindicate their claims and elected to continue hold-| coir a glaive,’’ or right of the eS ti i ee ee THE CAMPBELLS OF BREADALBANE 39 by the power of the sword got them into trouble; and the Campbells and other neighbours easily procured against them powers of reprisal which in the end led to the conquest and transference of most of the MacGregor territory. Sir Walter Scott put the plight and feelings of the clansmen concisely in his famous lament: Glenorchy’s proud mountain, Kilchurn and her towers, Glenstrae and Glenlyon no longer are ours; We’re landless, landless, landless, Gregalach! Accordingly we find in the Breadalbane family history that Sir Colin “‘ was ane greate Justiciar all his tyme, throch the quhilk he sustenit that deidly feid of the Clan Gregor ane lang space. And besydis that, he causit execute to the death mony notable lymmars, and beheided the Laird of Mac Gregor himself at Keanmoir, in presence of the Erle of Atholl, the Justice Clerk, and sundrie uther nobillmen.’’ Sir Duncan Campbell, the eldest son and successor of this redoubtable chief, is remembered in popular tradition by the names of ‘‘ Black Duncan,”’ or ‘‘ Duncan with the cowl.’’ Like his father he added greatly to his family possessions by acquiring feus of the church lands which were then extensively in the market as a result of the Reformation. At the same time he was perhaps the most enlightened landowner of his age. At any rate he was the first of Highland lairds to turn attention to rural improvement. Among other matters he was a great planter of trees, and also compelled his tenants to plant them. Many of the noble trees which still surround his stronghold of Finlarig, at the eastern end of Loch Tay, were no doubt of his planting. Like his father also he was a notable builder of strongholds, and besides Tay- “mouth, Edinample, and Strathfillan, he possessed Finlarig, Loch Dochart, Achalader, and Barcaldine. From. this Partiality he obtained the further sobriquet of ‘‘ Duncan of the Castles.’’ When he began to build Finlarig some- One is said to have asked why he was placing it at the edge of his property, and he is said to have replied, in characteristic Campbell fashion, that he meant to ‘ birse yont.”’ He was knighted by James I. in 1590; was made heritable keeper of the forest of Mamlorn in 1617, and afterwards Sheriff of Perth for life. Finally, when the order of Baronets of Nova Scotia began to be created in 1625, he was one of the first to have the dignity conferred upon him. His first wife was Jean, daughter of John Stewart, Earl of Atholl, Chancellor of Scotland, and a few 40 THE CAMPBELLS OF BREADALBANE — years ago the effigies of the pair were discovered on the © under side of two stones which for centuries had been — used as a footbridge across a ditch at Finlarig. At Fin- larig are also still to be seen the gallows tree and the fatal pit in the courtyard, to which prisoners came from the Castle dungeon by an underground passage, to be gazed | at by the laird’s retainers before placing their head in the 7 hollow at the side still to be seen, to be lopped off by the executioner. ‘The heading axe of these terrible occasions _ was till 1922 preserved among other interesting relics at Taymouth Castle. Since 1508 the chapel at Finlarig has _ been the burying-place of the chiefs of the house. Black Duncan’s eldest son and successor, Sir Colin, was a patron of the fine arts, and encouraged the painter Jameson, the ‘‘ Scottish Vandyck.’’ His brother Robert, who succeeded him as third Baronet, and was previously known as ‘‘ of Glenfalloch,’’ represented Argyllshire in the Scottish parliaments of 1643, 1646, and 1647, the period of the civil wars of Charles I. and the exploits of the Marquess of Montrose. This chief, the third baronet of Glenurchy, had by his two wives a family of no fewer than fifteen, of whom more anon. Meanwhile his eldest son’s son, Sir John Campbell, fifth baronet of Glenorchy, was to make history in more ways than one, both for his family and for the country. From his swarthy complexion he was known as Jan Glas. He was a clever and unscrupulous politician, and it was said of him that he was ‘“ cunning as-a fox, wise as a serpent, and slippery as an eel.” By his first | wife, the Lady Mary Rich, daughter of the first Earl of Holland, beheaded in 1649, he received a dowry of #10,000, and it is said that after the marriage in 1657 he conveyed her from London to the Highlands in simple fashion, the lady riding on a pillion behind her lord, while her marriage portion, which he made sure was paid in coin, was carried on the back of a strong gelding, guarded on each side by a sturdy, well-armed Highlander. It was _ probably this money which helped him to one of the most notable actions of his career. At any rate it appears that among other investments he lent large sums of money to] § George,, sixth Earl of Caithness, The Sinclaice have stories to tell, which may or may not be true, as to questionable methods by which these burdens of the Earl of Caithness were increased. One is that Charles Hoe obtained the earl’s security for large sums, and then pledged it with Glenurchy. In any case in 1572 the Earl | of Caithness found his debts overwhelming, and, being SIR DUNCAN CAMPBELL OF GLENURCHY (BLACK DUNCAN OF THE COWL), AND HIS FIRST WIFE, ELIZABETH STEWART, ON STONES AT FINLARIG CASTLE Facing page 40. THE CAMPBELLS OF BREADALBANE 41 _ pressed by Glenurchy as his chief creditor, conveyed to him in wadset the whole property and titles of the _Earldom, the possession of which was to become absolute if not redeemed within six years. The redemption did not _take place, and on the death of the Earl, Glenurchy pro- cured from the king in 1677, in right of his wadset, a new charter to the lands and title of Earl of Caithness. The _ heir to the Earldom also claimed the title and estates, and Glenurchy proceeded under legal sanction to enforce his rights by strength of arms. For this purpose he sent his _kinsman, Captain Robert Campbell of Glenlyon, with a strong body of men, into the north. The Sinclairs also _ gathered in armed force, and the two parties came face to face, with a stream between them. Glenlyon is said by _ the Sinclairs to have used the strategy of sending a convoy of strong waters where he knew it would be captured by the Sinclairs, and at night, when the latter had enjoyed themselves not wisely but too well, the Campbells marched across the stream and utterly routed them. It was on this occasion that the Campbell piper composed the famous pibroch of the clan ‘‘ Bodach na Briogais,’’? the Lad of the Breeches, in ridicule of the Sinclairs, who wore that garment; and it is the event which is commemorated in the famous song ‘‘ The Campbells are Coming.’’ In the end, however, by the legitimate heir, George Sinclair of Keiss, the Campbells were driven out of the country, and Charles II., being at length persuaded of the injustice of his action, induced Glenurchy to drop the Caithness title, _and compensated him in 1681 by creating him Earl of Breadalbane and Holland, with a number of minor dignities. Cunning as ever, Glenurchy procured the right _ to leave his titles to whichever of his sons by his first wife he should think proper to designate, and in the end, as a matter of fact, he passed over the elder of the two, Duncan, Lord Ormelie, who eventually died unmarried ‘ten years after his father. Glenurchy’s first wife died in 1666, and twelve years later Glenurchy, probably by way of strengthening his claim to the Caithness title, married Mary, Countess Dowager of Caithness. This lady was the third daughter of the notorious Archibald, Marquess of Argyll, who, strangely enough, like the father of Glenurchy’s first wife, had been beheaded after the Restoration. Possibly Breadalbane was inspired by his father-in- law’s example to adopt sinister methods. At any rate we know that he was the chief mover in the transaction known In history as the Massacre of Glencoe. In this transaction 42 THE CAMPBELLS OF BREADALBANE he showed his usual cunning. Glencoe appeared a desirable addition to the estate. So also did Glenlyon. He had left Campbell of Glenlyon to bear the expense of the great Caithness expedition, and he now took advantage of Glenlyon’s impecuniosity to induce him to act as his catspaw in the affair of Glencoe. In that affair Glenlyon had also a personal revenge to satisfy, for the MacDonalds of Glencoe, on their way home after the battle of Miilliecrankie, had raided and _ thoroughly destroyed his lands. At any rate it was Captain Robe't Campbell of Glenlyon, with a company of Campbells, who carried out the notorious massacre. (What his feelings towards his chief may have been at a later day we do not know, when, upon riding into Edinburgh to redeem a wadset on his lands of Glenlyon cnly in the nick of time, he encountered his kinsman and chief in the act of closing the wadset and ousting him from his heritage. Such a personage was Ian Glas, first Earl of Breadalbane and Holland. The wily old chief lived till 1717. Two years before his death he sent 500 of his followers to join the Jacobite rising of the Earl of Mar, but escaped without serious consequences of the act. Curiously enough as a result of the massacre Highland superstition has associated a curse with the house both of the prime mover Breadalbane and with that of his agent, Glenlyon. Sir Walter Scott tells the story of how at a later day a Campbell of Glenlyon was the officer in com- mand of a firing party entrusted with the carrying out of the death sentence of a court martial. The intention was to reprieve the culprit, but the reprieve was not to be made known to the latter till the very moment of execution. Glenlyon had arranged that the signal to fire should be his drawing his white handkerchief from his pocket. When all was ready, and the firing party was in position, he put his hand into his pocket to produce the reprieve. Unfortunately his handkerchief came with it. This was taken by the soldiers as the appointed signal, the muskets rang out, and the prisoner fell. At that Glenlyon is said to have struck his forehead with his hand, exclaiming, ** I am an unfortunate ruined man; the curse of God and Glenlyon is here! ’’ and forthwith to have retired from the service. The second Earl of Breadalbane was Lord Lieutenant of Perthshire and a representative peer. In his time occurred the Jacobite rising of 1745, when it was reckoned that the Earl could put a thousand men into the field. The third Earl was a Lord of the Admiralty and an ‘cb osed Supe AUMONNAM ‘SHLVD ATLISVO HLNOWAVL Sat FP pee eK eae THE CAMPBELLS OF BREADALBANE 43 ambassador to the Danish and Russian courts. By his third wife the Earl had a son John, Lord Glenorchy, who died before him childless in 1771. His widow Willielma, daughter and co-heir of William Maxwell of Preston, was the famous Lady Glenorchy whose peculiar religious views induced her to found chapels for her followers in Edin- burgh, Carlisle, Matlock, and Strathfillan. On the death of the third Earl himself in 1782, the male line of the notorious Ian Glas became extinct. The patent, however, included heirs male general, and the peerage accordingly went to a grandson of Colin of Mochaster, third son of Sir Robert Campbell, third baronet of Glenorchy. This grandson, John Campbell, succeeded as fourth Earl of Breadalbane. He was Major- General and a representative peer, and was made Marquess of Breadalbane and Earl of Ormelie in 1806. His only son, John, was, according to Peter Drummond of Perth (Perthshire in Bygone Days), the hero of a curious romance. While a student at Glasgow University he fell in love with Miss Logan, daughter of Walter Logan of Fingalton, near Airdrie, and partner in the firm of Logan and Adamson, who lived in West George Street, the ground floor of the house now occupied by Messrs. Paterson’s music warehouse. The young lady was a great toast and strikingly handsome. Every time she entered the Theatre Royal in Queen Street it is said the audience rose to a man and cheered wildly. Alas, however, the match was considered unsuitable and was broken off, and the lady died unmarried in 1856. Lord John meanwhile had succeeded as_ second Marquess and fifth Earl on the death of his father in 1834, and became a Knight of the Thistle, a Knight of the Black Eagle of Prussia, Lord Lieutenant of Argyllshire, and president of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. In his time Queen Victoria paid her famous first visit to Scotland, and on that occasion was entertained at Taymouth with the most splendid hospitality. With huntings and Highland games by day and feastings and balls at night, the royal entertainment was ‘* more like the dreams of romance than reality.” The Marquess died without issue at Lausanne in 1862, when there ensued one of the most famous peerage cases on record. The Earldom was claimed by John Alexander Gavin Campbell of Glenfalloch, as great-great-grandson of William, fifth son of Sir Robert Campbell, third baronet of Glenorchy. There was, however, a question as to his legitimacy. His grandfather, it appeared, a younger son 44 THE CAMPBELLS OF BREADALBANE of the Glenfalloch of his time, had, while an officer in the army, run away with the wife of an apothecary at Bath, and though -the apothecary presently died, it was questioned whether a union so begun could afterwards be accepted as legitimated by a Scottish marriage and so legitimize the offspring of the union. Glenfalloch’s claim to the Earldom was accordingly disputed by the repre- sentative of his grandfather’s younger brother, Campbell of Borland. In the end, however, it was shown that the gay young officer and the lady of Bath had been received at Glenfalloch by the young officer’s father and mother, who were strict in their religious views, and unlikely to have countenanced the lady unless they regarded her as really their son’s wife. The House of Lords accordingly decided in favour of Glenfalloch’s claim, and he became sixth Earl of Breadalbane. His eldest son, the late head of the house, who succeeded in 1871, held several high positions in the royal household. He was a Lord-in- Waiting from 1873 to 1874, Treasurer of the household 1880-5, Lord Steward of the household 1892-5, also A.D.C. to the King and Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1893-4-5. He was created Baron Breadalbane in the peerage of the United Kingdom in 1873, and advanced to the Earldom of Ormelie and Marquessate of Breadalbane in 1885. He was also a Knight of the Garter and a Privy Councillor, and was Keeper of the Privy Seal of Scotland from 1907. He married in 1872 Lady Alma Graham, youngest daughter of the fourth Duke of Montrose. In 1921, when, in the stringency after thé great war, many of the great land- owners of Scotland parted with their estates, he disposed of Taymouth Castle, the town of Aberfeldy, and the lands at the lower end of Loch Tay. On the Marquess’s death in 1922 he was succeeded in the Earldom and older titles by his nephew, Iain E. H. Campbell, but that nephew himself died in May, 1923. At his death it was discovered that he had been married for seven years. Should he have no son the titles and estates will devolve upon the former competitor’s son, Captain Charles W. Campbell of Borland. CHISHOLM ‘acing page 44, CLAN CHISHOLM BADGE: Raineach (filix) Fern. PiprocH : Failte Siosalaich Strathglas. One of the most remarkable episodes among the adventures of Prince Charles Edward in the West Highlands, between the time of his escape from Benbecula by the aid of Flora MacDonald and his final setting sail for France on board the Doutelle, was that of his shelter and protection by the Seven Men of Glen Morriston. The names of these seven men, as given in the Lyon in Mourning, were Patrick Grant, commonly called Black Peter of Craskie, John MacDonnell alias Campbell, Alexander MacDonnell, Grigor MacGregor, and _ three brothers Alexander, Donald, and Hugh Chisholm. These seven were afterwards joined by an eighth, Hugh Macmillan. These men had been engaged in the Jacobite rising, and, as a result, their small possessions had been burned and destroyed. Seventy others of their neighbours who had surrendered they had seen sent as slaves to the colonies, and in desperation they had bound themselves by a solemn oath never to yield and never to give up their arms, but to fight to the last drop of their blood. Several of their deeds are recounted in the work already referred to. About three weeks before the Prince joined them, four of them, the two Macdonnells and Alexander and Donald Chisholm, attacked a convoy of seven soldiers carrying provisions from Fort Augustus to Glenelg, shot two of the soldiers dead, turned loose the horses, and carried the provisions to their cave. A few days later, meeting Robert Grant, a notorious informer from Strathspey, they shot him dead, cut off his head, and set it up in a tree near the high road, where it remained for many a day, a terror to traitors. Three days later, word reached them that an uncle of Patrick Grant had had his cattle driven off by a large party of soldiers. Near the Hill of Lundy, between Fort Augustus and Glenelg, they came up with the raiders and demanded the return of the cattle. The three king’s officers formed up their party for defence and continued to drive away the cattle; but the 45 46 CLAN CHISHOLM seven men, moving parallel with the party, kept up ¢ running fire two by two, and finally, in a narrow anc dangerous pass, so beset the soldiers that they fell intc confusion and fled, leaving the cattle, as well as a horse laden with provisions, to the assailants. To these men the Prince was introduced as young Clanranald, but they instantly recognised him, and welcomed him with the utmost enthusiasm and devotion. They took a dreadful oath to be faithful to him, and kept it so well, that not one of them spoke of the Prince having been in their company till a twelvemonth after he had sailed to France. Charles told them they were the first privy council who had sworn faith to him since the battle of Culloden, and he lived with them first for three days in the cave of Coiraghoth, and afterwards for four days in another of their fastnesses two miles away, the cave of Coirskreaoch. ‘ John Home, in his history of the Rebellion, quoting the narrative of Hugh Chisholm, says that ‘‘ when Charles came near they knew him and fell upon their knees. Charles was then in great distress. He had a bonnet on his head, a wretched yellow wig, and a clouted hand- kerchief about his neck. He had a coat of coarse dark-coloured cloth, a Stirling tartan waistcoat much worn, a pretty good belted plaid, tartan hose, and Highland brogues tied with thongs, so much worn that they would scarcely stick upon his feet. His shirt (and he had not another) was of the colour of saffron.’? The outlaws undertook to procure him a change of dress. This they did by waylaying and killing the servant of an officer, conveying his master’s baggage to Fort Augustus. On 6th August, learning that a certain captain of militia, named Campbell, factor to the Earl of Seaforth, was encamped within four miles of his hiding-place, Charles determined to remove, and, during the night, attended by his rude but faithful bodyguard, he passed over into Strathglass, the country of The Chisholm. The Prince stayed in Strathglass for four days, then passed over into Glen Cannich, hoping to hear of a French vessel that had put into Poolewe. Disappointed in this, how- ever, he returned across the Water of Cannich, and, passing near young Chisholm’s house, arrived about two in the morning of 14th August at a place called Fassana- coill in Strathglass, where the party was supplied with provisions by one, John Chisholm, ‘a farmer. Chisholm was even able to furnish a bottle of wine, which had been left with him by a priest. It was not till the 1gth of CLAN CHISHOLM AT August that the Prince passed from Glen Morriston to Glengarry. On finally parting from his faithful protectors 4t a wood at the foot of Loch Arkaig, the Prince gave their ‘leader, Patrick Grant, twenty-four guineas, being nearly all the money he possessed. This made an allowance of three guineas for each man, which cannot be considered a preposterous acknowledgment, seeing that any one of them could, at any moment during the Prince’s stay among them, have earned for himself the reward of £30,000 offered by Government for his capture. ’ Of one of these seven men, Hugh Chisholm, in later days, an interesting account is given by Sir Walter Scott. Towards the close of the century he lived in Edinburgh and became known to Scott, then a young man at college, who subscribed to a trifling annuity for him. Scott says ““he was a noble commanding figure of six feet and upwards, had a very stately demeanour, and always wore the Highland garb. . . . He kept his right hand usually in his bosom, as if worthy of more care than the rest of his person, because Charles Edward had shaken hands ‘with him when they separated.’’ In the end he returned 'to his native district, and died in Strathglass some time after 1812. ‘The humble clansmen who appear thus heroically in ‘Scottish history in the eighteenth century, were members ‘of a race whose origin is lost in the mists of antiquity. ‘By some the family is believed to have taken its name originally from a property on the Scottish Border, and to ‘have been transplanted thence at an early date to the district of Strathglass in Inverness-shire. Another theory is that the Chisholms, whose Gaelic name is Siosal, are ‘derived from the English Cecils. If either of these ‘theories be correct, the case is little different from that of ‘many others of the most notable Scottish clans, whose progenitors appear to have settled in the north in the time ‘of Malcolm Canmore and his sons, much in the same way ‘as Norman and Saxon knights were settled in the ' Lowlands by these monarchs, and probably for the same reason, to develop the military resources and ensure the loyalty of their respective districts. Whatever its origin, the race of the Chisholms appears early enough among the makers of history in the north. -Guthred or Harald, Thane of Caithness in the latter part ‘of the twelfth century, is stated by Sir Robert Gordon to have borne the surname of Chisholm. His wife was the daughter of Madach, Earl of Atholl, and he was one of the most powerful and turbulent of the northern chiefs, 48 CLAN CHISHOLM till William the Lion at last defeated and put him to death and divided his lands between Freskin, ancestor of th Earls of Sutherland, and Magnus, son of Gillibreid, Ear of Angus. Upon that event the chiefs of the Chisholms| it is conjectured, sought a new district, and about th year 1220 settled in Strathglass. From that time to thi they have been located in the region, and to an early chief the saying is attributed that there were but thre persons in the world entitled to be called ‘‘ The ’’—th; King, the Pope, and The Chisholm. | In the Ragman Roll of 1296 appear the names o} Richard de Chesehelm, in Roxburghshire, and John de Cheshome, in Berwickshire, but it cannot be supposec that these individuals had any but the most remote relationship with the Clan Chisholm of the north. Ip 1334 the chief of the Chisholms married the daughter and heiress of Sir Robert Lauder of Quarrelwood, presumably the estate of that name in the parish of Kirkmahoe in Dumfries-shire, who was at that time Constable of the royal castle of Urquhart at the foot of Glen Morriston on Loch Ness. Robert, the son of this marriage, succeeded through his mother to the estate of Quarrelwood, and became keeper of Urquhart Castle. He was one of the knights who was taken prisoner along with the young King David II. at Neville’s Cross in 1346, but procured his freedom, and left a record of his piety at a later day by bestowing six acres of arable land within the territory of the old Castle of Inverness upon the kirk there. The deed, dated in 1362, is still preserved, and the ground, still the property of the Kirk Session, has its revenue devoted to the relief of the poor, and is known on that: account as the Diribught, ‘‘ Tir na bochd,’’ or poor’s land. By way of contrast to this piety, Sir Robert Chisholm, Lord of Quarrelwood, was accused in 1369 of having wrongously intromitted with some of the property belong- ing to the bishopric of Moray, and twenty-nine years later John de Chesehelm was ordered to restore the lands of Kinmylies, which belonged to the church. In the Register of Moray, under the date of 1368, is preserved the record of an act of homage performed to the Bishop for certain lands by Alexander de Chisholme, presumably a son of Sir Robert. ‘‘ In camera domini Alexandri, Dei gratia FE piscopi Moraviensis apud Struy, presente tota multitudine | Canonicorum et Capellanorum et aliorum, ad prandium ibi invitatorum, Alexander de Chisholme fecit homagium, junctis manibus et discooperta capite, pro eisdem terris,”” etc. CLAN CHISHOLM 49 _ The main residence of the chiefs of that time appears ‘to have been Comar, and in an indenture dated 1403 ‘Margaret de la Aird is stated to be the widow of the late chief, Alexander Chisholm of Comar. This indenture was ‘for the settlement of the estates between the widow, -Alexander’s successor Thomas, and William, Lord Fenton, _as heirs portioners, and it detailed the family property as lying not only in the shires of Inverness and Moray, but ‘also in the counties of Aberdeen, Forfar, and Perth. __ At the end of the fourteenth century the chief of the time, John Chisholm, had an only child, Morella, or ‘Muriel. By her marriage to Alexander Sutherland, baron of Duffus, a large part of the property of the chiefs was carried out of the family, and John’s successor was left with little more than the original patrimony of his ancestors in Strathglass. Muriel also carried into her -husband’s family the Chisholm insignia of the Boar’s head as an addition to its coat of arms. | somewhere during those centuries occurred a tragic incident which has retained a place among the traditions of the clan. One of the Chisholm chiefs, it appears, carried off a daughter of the chief of the Frasers. To ensure her ‘safety he placed her on an island on Loch Bruaich. But her father’s clan having mustered in force, traced her to this retreat. A fierce struggle followed, and in the course of it the young lady was accidentally slain by her own brother’s hand. The incident is the subject of a well- known Gaelic song, and around the spot are still to be seen the burial mounds of those who fell in the battle. __ For some two centuries Comar appears to have Temained the residence of the chiefs. In 1513 amid the troubles which followed the defeat and death of James IV. at Flodden it is recorded that Uilan of Comar, along with Alastair MacRanald of Glengarry, stormed the royal castle of Urquhart. And again in 1587, when the chiefs of the Highland clans were called upon to give security for the peaceful behaviour of those upon their lands, the fame of ** Cheisholme of Cummer ’”’ appears on the roll. Within the next century, however, Erchless Castle had become their main stronghold, and at the Revolution it was garrisoned for King James. After the battle of Killiecrankie it was deemed important enough to call for a special effort at reduction, and General Livingstone found no little difficulty, though he besieged it with a large force, in capturing the place and preventing the clansmen from regaining possession. Among the Highland chiefs who signed the loyal VOL. I. D 50 CLAN CHISHOLM address to King George I., which was presented to that , monarch by the Earl of Mar on his landing at Greenwich in 1714, appears Ruari or Roderick Maclan, the Chisholm chief of the time. George I., as all the world knows, | treated the address and its bearer with scant courtesy, and by that proceeding directly brought about the rising of the. Jacobite clans under the Earl of Mar in 1715. In that rebellion the clan was led by Chisholm of Cnocfin, and in consequence, after the defeat at Sheriffmuir, his estates were forfeited and sold. In 1727, however, the veteran procured a pardon under the Privy Seal. The lands had meanwhile been acquired by MacKenzie of Allangrange. On the pardon being granted he conveyed them to Chisholm of Mucherach, who, in turn, conveyed them to_ Roderick’s eldest son, with an entail on his heirs male. In 1745 the clan again turned out in support of the Jacobite cause, and was led on the occasion by Colin, the youngest son of the chief. The protection afforded Prince Charles Edward by the seven men of Glen Morriston during the critical days of his wandering in the Chisholm country and its neighbourhood, was only part of the devoted effort put forth by the clan on that memorable occasion. . Alexander Chisholm, who succeeded to the chiefship in 1785, and died in 1793, left an only child, Mary, who married an Englishman, James Gooden, and settled in London. The chiefship and estates then passed to his youngest brother, William. This chief married the eldest daughter of MacDonnell of Glengarry, and his elder son and successor, Alexander, sat as M.P. for Inverness-shire. On the death of the latter in 1838 the estates and chiefship passed to his brother Duncan. The clan is fortunate in still possessing a chief of its name well known for his public spirit in Highland affairs, while Erchless Castle, the ancient family seat, remains one of the most beautiful and picturesque of Highland residences. Near the Castle, on a green mound surrounded by ancient trees, a number of the early chiefs were buried, and here also, by his own desire, lies Alexander William, the chief who died in 1838; but the burying-place of most of the family was at Beauly Priory, where a tablet set up by his only daughter, Mrs. Gooden, commemorates Alexander, the chief who died in 1793. From an early date a branch of the clan was settled at Cromlix, or Cromlics, in Perthshire, which includes the episcopal city of Dunblane. At the Reformation, this branch produced in succession three bishops, all of the CLAN CHISHOLM 51 name of William, each of whom strenuously opposed the tenets of the Reformation. The first of these, who died in 1564, was notorious for his moral shortcomings, and seized the pretext of the Reformation, when church lands were being cast into the melting pot, to alienate the spiscopal estates of Dunblane to his illegitimate children. The second of these bishops, who was appointed co-adjutor ‘o his uncle in 1561, and succeeded him as Bishop in 1564, acted as envoy for Mary Queen of Scots from 1565 to 1567. Before 1570, like several other Catholic Scottish »ishops, he withdrew to France, where he was appointed Bishop of Vaison. In 1584 he became a monk of the Chartreuse, and latterly was prior of the Chartreuse at Lyons and Rome. This bishop also was succeeded by a 1ephew, who became bishop of Vaison in 1584. He was 10torious for his intrigues in Scottish affairs in 1602, when, in the interest of the Scottish Catholics, he sndeavoured to obtain the cardinalate. He was rector of Venaissin from 1603 till his death in 1629. Finally, by he marriage of Jane, only daughter of Sir James Chisholm %f Cromlix, to James, second son of David, second Lord Jrummond, who afterwards became Lord Maderty, the ands were carried into the family of that nobleman, and vave his descendant, Viscount Strathallan, his second title, vhich is still carried by his descendant, the Earl of Perth, hough the superiority of the lands afterwards passed to he Earl of Kinnoul. _ Two other Catholic prelates of the name were person- ‘ges of importance in the Highlands. The elder of these, ohn Chisholm, was educated at Douai, was made a welate as titular Bishop of Oria in 1792, and became Jicar Apostolic of the Highland district in the same year. le was succeeded by his clansman, Aeneas Chisholm, who, fter an education at Valladolid, became tutor at Douai in 786, and priest in Strathglass three years later. After eing raised to the prelacy as titular bishop of Diocaesarea 1 1805, he became Vicar Apostolic of the Highland istrict in 1814. CLAN COLQUHOUN BapcE: Braoileag nan con (arbutus uva ursi) Bear berry. SLoGAN : Cnoe Kalachain (or Cnoc an t-seilich). Prprocu : Caismeacha Chloinn a’ Chompaich. Ir the battle of Glenfruin remains the most outstanding, triumphant, and disastrous landmark in the history of Clan Gregor, it remains also the most notable in that of their old enemies, the Colquhouns. Every day, all summer through, a great stream of tourists makes its way up the silver reaches of Loch Lomond, and strangely enough the two interests which most engross the attention of the pilgrims are the associations with Rob Roy on the eastern shore of the loch and the memories of the great battle which the Colquhouns fought with the MacGregors in Glenfruin on the western side. This wide ‘* Glen of Sorrow,’ as its name means, opens away among the hills some three miles above Balloch, at the southern end of the loch, and, while its ‘‘ water’’ has become famous among anglers within recent years, the interest of the glen to most passers-by must remain for all time that of the great clan conflict in which the Colquhouns suffered so severely at the hands of their invading enemies. Sir Walter Scott, who, it is said, had been treated with somewhat scant courtesy on the occasion of a visit which he paid to the residence of the Colquhoun chief, has put the triumph of the clan’s old enemies into a nutshell in his famous MacGregor boat-song in Rob Roy: Proudly our pibrochs have thrilled in Glenfruin, And Bannochar’s groans to our slogan replied; Glen Luss and Rossdhu they are smoking in ruin, And the best of Loch Lomond lie dead on her side. Widow and Saxon maid Long shall lament our raid, Think of Clan Alpin with fear and with woe; Lennox and Leven glen Shake when they hear again Roderich vich Alpin dhu, Ho ieroe! The ultimate result of the battle was very different from what might have been expected. While the MacGregors were hunted and harried through all their fastnesses, the 52 a] COLOUHON Facing page 52, CLAN COLQUHOUN 53 Colquhouns quietly settled again on their lovely loch shore, and their subsequent fortunes illustrated well the old saying, ‘‘ Happy is the nation that has no history.” From the foot of Glenfruin to the head of Loch Lomond, and over the hills along the whole side of the Gareloch and Loch Long to Arrochar, stretch the fair mountain posses- sions of the Chiefs of Colquhoun at the present hour. On Gareloch side the fair garden city of Helensburgh has risen on their estate; and their possessions include not only their ancient lands of the time of the battle of Glenfruin, but also the territories of the Macaulays at Ardencaple, and of the wild MacFarlanes at Arrochar. There is no lovelier avenue in the Highlands than that from the south gateway below Glenfruin, which winds along the silvan shores of the loch for a mile and a half, to Rossdhu, and thence for another mile northwards on the road to Luss. Rossdhu itself stands, a stately seat, on its promontory, with deer park and noble woods about it; and the Colquhoun village of Luss, at the foot of its own beautiful glen, remains, in spite of the streams of tourists who pass it by in steamers and motor cars, one of the most sequestered and unspoiled spots in all the Highlands. Curiously enough the original seat of the family was not on Loch Lomond side at all. Dunglass Castle, just below Bowling on the opening Firth of Clyde, at the spot where the old Roman Wall is believed to have had its western end, was the early seat of the race, and the three- mile stretch down the western shore of the Firth thence to Dunbarton rock formed the old barony of Colquhoun from which the family took its name. Some five centuries ago, however, the laird of Colquhoun married the heiress of the older lairds of Luss, and thus by and by the head- quarters of the family were removed to Loch Lomond side. Here the heads of the house seem to have steadily increased in prosperity, and the followers of their name to have grown in numbers. For the most part they appear to have been a peaceful race, and it was not until towards the end of the sixteenth century that they began to be mixed up in the distressful business of the making of history. Sir Humphrey Colquhoun, the chief of that time, in 1582 purchased the heritable crownership or coroner- ship of Dunbartonshire, to be held blench of the Crown for the annual fee of one penny; and it was this Sir Humphrey who, ten years later, first came into con- flict with Clan Gregor. In face of an assault by the MacGregor clansmen from the other side of the loch, he was forced to take refuge in his strong castle of Bannochra, 54 CLAN COLQUHOUN of which the ruin is still to be seen in Glenfruin, and here, it is said, he fell a victim to the treachery of his servant. This man, in lighting the chief up the stair at night, so managed his torch as to throw the light upon his master, and make him a mark for the arrow of an enemy outside, by whom Sir Humphrey was shot at and slain. The story goes that the death of the chief was brought about by his second brother, John. At any rate an entry in the diary of Robert Birrell, burgess of Edinburgh, dated 30th November, 1592, mentions that “‘ John Cachoune was beheidit at the Crosse at Edinburghe for murthering of his auen brother the Lairde of Lusse.’’ Further confirma- tion of the tradition that John was the guilty man is to be found in the fact that Sir Humphrey was succeeded, not by his second but by his third brother, Sir Alexander Colquhoun. | This chief, Sir Alexander, was the man who figures in the great contest with the MacGregors at Glenfruin. In his introduction to Rob Roy Sir Walter Scott lays the blame of beginning the feud upon the Colquhouns. His narrative runs, ‘‘ Two of the MacGregors, being benighted, asked shelter in a house belonging to a dependent of the Colquhouns, and were refused. They then retired to an outhouse, took a wedder from the fold, killed it, and supped off the carcase, for which they offered payment to the owner. The Laird of Luss, however, unwilling to be propitiated by the offer made to his tenant, seized the offenders, and by the summmary process which feudal barons had at their command, caused them to be condemned and executed.’? Sir Walter adds that “‘ the MacGregors verified this account of the feud by appealing to the proverb current among them, execrating the hour when the black wedder with the white tail was ever lambed.’’ There is at the same time another and probably a truer account of the outbreak of the trouble. It would appear that the MacGregors were instigated to attack the Colquhouns by Archibald, Earl of Argyll, who had his own ends to serve by bringing trouble on both clans. As a result of the constant raids by the MacGregors, thus brought about, Sir Alexander Colquhoun in 1602 obtained a licence from James VI. to arm his clan. On the 7th of the following February the two clans, each some three hundred strong, came face to face in battle array in Glen- fruin. The battle was so much a set affair that Alastair MacGregor divided his force into two ‘parties, he himself attacking the Colquhouns in front, while his brother John came upon them in the rear. The Colquhouns defended NONOHNOTOO AO SHHIHO AHL AO LVAS LNHIONV :‘AGAIO AHL NO AILSVO CLAN COLQUHOUN 55 themselves bravely, killing among others this John Mac- Gregor; but, assailed on two sides, they were at last forced to give way. They were pursued to the gates of Rossdhu itself, and 140 of them were slain, including several near kinsmen of the chief and a number of burgesses of Dun- barton who had taken arms in his cause. According to a well-known tradition, some forty students and other Dunbarton folk had come up to witness the battle. As a watch and guard MacGregor had set one of his clansmen, Dugald Ciar Mhor, over these spectators. On the Colquhouns being overthrown, MacGregor noticed Dugald join in the ‘pursuit, and asked him what he had done with the young men, whereupon the clansman held up his bloody dirk, and answered, ‘“‘ Ask that! ”’ The MacGregors followed up the defeat of the Colquhouns by plundering and destroying the whole estate. They drove off 600 cattle, 800 sheep and goats, and 14 score horses, and burned every house and barn- yard and destroyed the ‘‘ Haill plenishing, guids, and gear of the four-score pound land of Luss,” while the unfortunate chief, Sir Alexander Colquhoun, looked on helpless from within the walls of the old castle of Rossdhu, the ruin of which still stands on its rising ground behind the modern mansion. Retribution, swift and terrible, however, was visited upon the MacGregors. Some sixty Colquhoun widows in deep mourning, carrying their husbands’ bloody shirts on poles, appeared before James VI. at Stirling. It has been suggested that this parade was not all genuine, that these women were not all widows, and that the blood on the shirts had not been shed in Glenfruin. But the King was sufficiently moved, and forthwith letters of fire and sword were granted against the MacGregors. Their very name was proscribed and the sheltering of one of the clan was made a crime punishable with death. While his men were hunted with dogs along the hills, the chief, Alastair Gregor, was induced across the Border by the _ promise of his false friend, Argyll. The latter had given his word that he would see him safely into England, whither the King had by that time removed his court; but no sooner was MacGregor across the Border than Argyll had him arrested and carried back to Edinburgh, where on 20th January, with four of his henchmen, he was tried, condemned, and hanged at the Cross, while all his possessions were declared forfeited. A few years later a drama of another kind was carried out at Rossdhu. The son of the chief who fought at 56 CLAN COLQUHOUN Glenfruin was made a baronet. Sir John Colquhoun married Lilias Graham, eldest sister of the great Marquess of Montrose, and he returned the King’s favour by proving a devoted loyalist in the Civil War, for which action he was fined 42,000 by Oliver Cromwell. Besides this, Sir John had another trouble in hand. He appears to have tun away with a younger sister of the Marquess of Mon- trose, Lady Catherine Graham, who had taken refuge at Rossdhu. He was accused of having used the Black Art for the purpose of enticing her, and of having employed, among other witches and sorcerers, one Thomas Carlippis, whom he kept as his ordinary servant. Along with. certain love philters, he is said to have used a certain jewel of gold set with divers diamonds, rubies, and other precious stones, and from this fact one may doubt whether there was much necromancy after all in the attractions with which he overcome the scruples of the fair young lady. As a consequence, however, the gay baronet was outlawed and excommunicated, and, what with the expense of his love-jewels, his fines as a Royalist, and other extrava- gances, he was presently forced to dispose of his life-rent of the estates, and it was only with difficulty that posses- sion was recovered by the bargaining of his shrewd brother, Humphrey Colquhoun. The male line of the Colquhouns came to an end with Sir John’s grandson, Sir Humphrey. This laird was a member of the last Scottish Parliament and an ardent opponent of the Union with England. He had an only daughter, Anne, who was married to James Grant of Pluscardine, second son of the Chief of the Grants. He was most anxious that his daughter should inherit his honours and estates, instead of his nephew, John Colquhoun of Tillie-Colquhoun, now Tilliechewan, near Balloch. To secure this he resigned his baronetcy and estates into the hands of the King, and in 1704 received a new charter securing the life-rent of these possessions to himself and entailing them afterwards upon his daughter and son-in-law. Then, in order that the name and estate of Colquhoun should at no time become merged with those of the Grants, he provided that if at any time the Laird of Colquhoun should succeed to the lairdship of Grant, the Colquhoun estate should at once pass to the next Colquhoun heir. Curiously enough, Sir Humphrey was not long dead when his daughter’s husband succeeded his elder brother as Laird of Grant. Thereupon the Colquhoun estates passed to Anne’s second son, Ludovic Grant, who forth- ‘9S ased Suey SoblaetOls LIV tLLS EL VGN sd lel “SSeil Rr rt Ran aes * ryonwe YJ g)¢ ‘ " t = ¥ “ ¢ * \ N \ n - j ¥ * - ~ le bs + ‘ : . 1 ¥ ° i < 1s a 7 ~ yo > has ‘ - : . 5 n x a ‘ \ I i 3 4 heat : s Se ee ee ~5 hots - { . ; F a 4 ine cy ’ p ’ fos i ‘i. ee CLAN COLQUHOUN BY with took the name and designation of Sir Ludovic Colquhoun. By and by, however, Sir Ludovic’s elder brother died, and he himself became Laird of Grant, and had to resign the Luss estates to his younger brother, the third son of Anne Colquhoun. Then came a curious incident. A poacher was charged at Dunbarton Sheriff Court with trespass on the lands of Sir James Colquhoun, Bart., of Colquhoun and Luss. The lawyer who defended him pleaded that the indictment was irrelevant, as the accuser was not Sir James Colquhoun, Bart., and he won his case. The fact was that in arranging for the succes- sion to the estates, Sir Humphrey Colquhoun had failed to provide for the simultaneous succession to the baronetcy, which now really belonged to the descendant of his nephew, John of Tillie-Colquhoun. The Laird of Luss, however, was made a baronet of Great Britain in 1786, and by the failure of the line of Tillie-Colquhoun, the original baronetcy afterwards returned to his descendant. In more recent days the Lairds of Luss have played a not less distinguished part in Scottish affairs. They have been members of Parliament and Lords Lieutenant; one was a Principal Clerk of the Court of Session, and another a Sheriff Depute of Dunbartonshire, while one member of the family, John Colquhoun, was author of the well-known open-air book, The Moor and the Loch, and his daughter, Mrs. L. B. Walford, is one of the best-known novelists of our time. In 1847, when Queen Victoria visited Dun- barton Castle, she was received by Sir James Colquhoun as Lord Lieutenant. The carriage in which he drove her Majesty from and to the landing-place is still kept in the coach-house at Rossdhu, and a picture representing Sir a in the act of receiving her Majesty still hangs in the all. Alas! this same Sir James, twenty-six years later, came to his end in a way which is recalled yet as one of the most tragic of Loch Lomond’s memories. On the 18th of December, 1873, with five of his keepers he had gone to the Colquhoun deer island of Inch Lonaig to secure Christmas fare for his tenants and friends. On his return in the heavily-loaded boat he had reached Inch Tavanach, the ‘‘ Monk’s Island,’’ off Luss, when, in a sudden storm the boat was swamped and all on board perished. Sir Iain Colquhoun, the present possessor of the estates and holder of the title, is the third successor since then. Before the war he held a commission in the Scots Guards, and was a noted athlete, winning the light-weight boxing championship of the British army. On the outbreak of 58 CLAN COLQUHOUN war in 1914 he went to the front in France, where he greatly distinguished himself, won the D.S.O. with bar, was mentioned in dispatches and held the rank of Major. He is now Lord-Lieutenant of Dunbartonshire. SEPTS OF CLAN COLQUHOUN Cowan Kilpatrick Kirkpatrick Macachounich MacCowan wings j COMYN Facing page 58. , A pe PO Meta. Wee Vaz Evcevstrend ¥ i ‘ * ' - = - x he > ’ M ¥ ; A - Fs t 77) J + cia} 3 *y < af ) ‘ 3 é i ~ 7 . t i WN: ) ; 2 Tm 4 CLAN COMYN BADGE: Lus mhic Chuimein (cuminum) Cumin plant. THERE was no greater name in Scotland towards the end of the thirteenth century than that of Comyn. With their _ headquarters in Badenoch the chiefs and gentlemen of the clan owned broad lands in nearly every part of Scotland, and the history of the time is full of their deeds and the evidences of their influence. Writers who seek to derive this clan from a Celtic source cite the existence of two abbots of Iona of the name who held office in the years 597 and 657 respectively. The later of these was known as Comyn the Fair, and from one or other of them the name of Fort Augustus, “* Kil Chuimein,’’ was probably derived. Another origin of the family is recounted by Wyntoun in his Cronykil of Scotland. According to this writer there was at the court of Malcolm III. a young foreigner. His occupation was that of Door-ward or usher of the royal apartment, but, to begin with, he knew only two words of the Scottish language, ‘‘ Cum in,’’ and accordingly became known by that name. He married the only daughter of the king’s half-brother Donald, and his descendants’ therefore represented the legitimate line of the old Celtic kings of Scotland, as against the illegitimate line descending from Malcolm III. The Comyns themselves claim descent from Robert de Comyn, Earl of Northumberland, who fell along with Malcolm III. at the battle of Alnwick in 1093. That Robert de Comyn, again, claimed descent, through the Norman Counts de Comyn, from no less a personage than Charlemagne. The probability appears to be that a scion of the house of Northumberland came north in the days of Malcolm III., and obtained lands in the county of Roxburgh, where one of the name is found settled in the reign of Malcolm’s son, David I. No record is left of the family’s rise to influence and power, but in the course of the next two hundred years the Comyns managed to make themselves by far the most powerful house in Scotland. Richard de Comyn stood high in the service of William the Lion, and his son William, marrying Marjory, Countess of Buchan, became lord of that great northern earldom. In the days of King | Alexander II., Comyn, the great lord of Kilbride, and his 59 60 CLAN COMYN wife, were the chief builders of Glasgow cathedral. By, this fact appears to hang a pretty and pathetic tale. When the great work was half done Comyn died. His wife, however, in loving faithfulness completed the building, which may be taken, almost as it stands to-day, as a monu- ment of her wifely love and faith. It is an interesting fact that there exist in the lower church which they built two fine likenesses of the Comyn Lord of Kilbride and his lady, carved in stone. Along with them is a life-like carved head, of Alexander II. himself, and the three are believed to be the earliest existing portraits of historic personages in Scotland. The building of Glasgow cathedral above: referred to took place about the year 1258, and some idea of the enduring quality of the work may be gathered from the fact that the oaken timbers of the roof, taken down. some few years ago, remained as sound as on the day when. the Lord of Kilbride and his lady saw them placed in position on the shrine. | A few years later, in the reign of Alexander III., there. were in Scotland, according to the historian Fordun, three powerful earls, Buchan, Menteith, and Atholl, and no fewer than thirty-two knights of the name of Comyn. There was also Comyn, Lord of Strathbogie. As Lords of Badenoch they owned the formidable stronghold of Lochindorb in that district, and a score of castles through- out the country besides. Stories of their deeds and achievements wellnigh fill the annals of the north of that. time. In the boyhood of Alexander III., when Henry III. of England was doing his best by fraud and force to bring Scotland under his power, it was Walter Comyn, Earl of Menteith, who stood out as the most patriotic of all the Scottish nobles to resist the attempts of the English king. When Henry, at the marriage of his daughter to the boy-king of Scots, suggested that the latter should render fealty for the kingdom of Scotland, it was probably Walter Comyn who put the answer into Alexander’s mouth “That he had come into England upon a joyful and pacific errand, and would not treat upon so arduous a question without the advice of the Estates of his realm.” And when Henry marched towards the Scottish Border at the head of an army, it was Walter Comyn who collected a Scottish host, and made the English king suddenly : modify his designs. Alas! at the very moment when he seemed to have achieved his purpose, when the English faction had been driven out, and Alexander and the Comyns, with the queen-mother, the famous Marie de. Couci, had established a powerful government in Scot- CLAN COMYN 61 Jand, the Earl of Menteith suddenly died. The incident ‘was tragic. In England it was said his death had been ‘caused by a fall from his horse, but the truth appears to ‘be that an English baron named Russell had won the laffections of Comyn’s wife, and that she poisoned her ‘husband to make way for her paramour. It is agreeable ‘to know that Russell and the faithless countess were shortly afterwards hounded from the kingdom. From that time ‘the Earldom of Menteith appears to have passed into other ‘hands, successively Bullocks, Stewarts, and Grahams. ' On the death of the Maid of Norway, the infant queen ‘of Scotland, in the year 1290, John Comyn, Lord of ‘Badenoch, known popularly as the Black Comyn, was one ‘of the twelve claimants to the Scottish throne, and the ‘tradition of the marriage of the young Comyn of Malcolm Ill.’s time with the daughter of Donald, King Duncan’s ‘legitimate son, is proved to be authentic by the fact that the Lord of Badenoch’s claim to the throne was based ‘upon that descent. He was among the knights who ‘supported King John Baliol against Edward I.’s invasion ‘in 1297, but was one of those forced to surrender in the ‘castle of Dunbar after the defeat of the Scots at that place. -\ On the patriot Wallace giving up the governorship of ‘Scotland after his defeat at the battle of Falkirk, John ‘Comyn, the younger of Badenoch, otherwise the Red Comyn, was chosen as one of the two governors of Scot- land, and in 1302, he, along with Sir Simon Fraser, defeated three English armies in one day at the famous battle of Roslin. By way of reprisal Edward, a few months later, marched another army into the north, and ‘took Comyn’s great stronghold of Lochindorb. Comyn, ‘nevertheless, afterwards bravely carried on a guerilla warfare against several invasions by the English king. Finally, however, defeated at the passage of the Forth, ‘where Wallace had won his great victory of Stirling Bridge, Comyn was forced to surrender. In these wars against Edward of England the Red Comyn had a very personal interest. His mother was Marjory, sister of King John Baliol, and accordingly he had an immediate claim to the throne of Scotland should anything happen to King John’s sons, the young Edward and Henry Baliol, at that time minors and captives. This claim was superior to that of Robert the Bruce, and inevitably brought these two great families, the Comyns and the Bruces, into bitter conflict. Comyn had further reason to look with hope on his chance of succeeding to the crown. He had married Johanna, daughter of 62 CLAN COMYN William de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, whose mother was Isabella, widow of John, King of England, grand- father of Edward I. , There were also other immediate causes of feud between the Comyns and the Bruces. After the crown had been awarded to Baliol the Bruces kept apart from public affairs, maintained allegiance to Edward I., and, living mostly in England, kept possession of their great estates. Baliol and the Comyns, on the other hand, fighting hard for the independence of Scotland, suffered both in liberty and land. Resenting Bruce’s inaction, Baliol confiscated his estate of Annandale, and gave it to John Comyn, Earl of Buchan, who forthwith seized and occupied Bruce’s great stronghold of Lochmaben. This insult the Bruces — never forgave. At the same time it probably rankled in the Red Comyn’s mind that, while he himself, who had the better claim to the throne, and had done and suffered — so much for Scotland, was regarded with disfavour, the Bruces, who had consulted only their own ease and interest, and had maintained allegiance to the English king, should have been practically promised the reversion of the Scottish crown by Edward I. Matters were in this state when, according to Wyntoun, the two barons found themselves riding together from Stirling. The question of the claim to the throne was broached, and Bruce, it is said, made the proposal that one of them should give his estates to the other, and be supported by that other in an attempt for the crown. Comyn, Wyntoun says, agreed to give up his claim to the throne and accept Bruce’s lands, and, as a result of the compact, became acquainted with the plans and alliances — Bruce was forming for his attempt. Then, when Bruce was at the English court, Comyn revealed the matter to Edward I. , : This may be merely a popular tale, but nothing else has been brought forward to account for what followed. | Bruce, it is said, questioned at court by Edward I., asked leave to go to his lodging for papers proving his innocence. There he received a warning from his young kinsman, the Earl of Gloucester, who sent him a feather or a pair of spurs, and forthwith he fled to the north. Five days later, as he crossed the Border, he met a messenger of Comyn’s on his way to the English court. The man was slain and the letter seized upon him proved the treachery of Comyn. A few days later—it was in the month of February, 1305—the two great barons met at the Justice Ayre in Dumfries. To discuss their difference COMYN, LORD OF KILBRIDE CONTRIBUTOR TO THE BUILDING OF GLASGOW CATHEDRAL, A.D. I< | Facing page 62, ~~ ed ‘nd his - - s = ; . : X t ‘ i * F f Ls 7 at tae CLAN COMYN 63 iey retired to the church of the Minorites, which had been nilt by Comyn’s grandmother, the famous Devorgilla, siress of the ancient Lords of Galloway. There, as all -e world knows, question, reproach, and retort ended in ruce losing his temper, drawing his dagger, and _ stab- ng the Red Comyn in the throat. The deed_was »mpleted by Bruce’s henchman, Kirkpatrick of Close- arn, with the unforgotten exclamation ‘‘ I mak siccar,”’ ad Sir Robert Comyn, uncle of the slain man, who ished in to save him, met the same fate. It was this act which drove Bruce to open war, and rought about the ultimate freedom of Scotland; but uring the struggle which ensued the king again and again aid bitterly for the rash deed he had done at the high tar of the Minorites in Dumfries. Alexander of Argyll ad married the Red Comyn’s daughter, and for that sason his son, John of Lorne, was Bruce’s bitterest foe, nd more than once put the king to the utmost peril of is life. John of Lorne, of course, was overcome at last, nd his descendants survive only as private gentlemen, 1e MacDougalls of Dunolly. The same fate sooner or iter overtook all the other connections of the great house f Comyn. ‘The Comyns themselves, under the leader- aip of Comyn, Earl of Buchan, were finally defeated by ‘ruce at the battle of Inverury. For many days, sick to eath, the king had been carried about in a litter, and the earts of his followers had begun to fail, when the Earl of suchan and Sir David of Brechin made the attack; where- pon the king, calling for his warhorse, mounted, led his ttle force to battle, and vanquished his sickness and his nemies the Comyns at the same time. Buchan fled to ‘ngland, while Bruce burned his earldom from end to end > such effect That eftir that, weile fifty yheir, Men menyt ‘“‘ the Heirschip of Bouchane.”’ “he son of the Red Comyn was the last of his line, and bout the time of his death the collateral branch which eld the earldom of Buchan also became extinct. In the churchyard of Bourtie is to be seen the effigy of . knight said to have been one of the Comyns slain in the iattle of Inverury. Gradually throughout the country the Comyns were upplanted by other families. An instance of this is the ccurrence enshrined in the tradition regarding the trans- erence of Castle Grant on Speyside to the family of its resent owners. According to tradition a younger son of - 64 CLAN COMYN Grant of Stratherrick eloped with a daughter of a Macgrego; chief. With thirty followers the pair fled to Strathspey and found a hiding-place in a cavern not far from the castle, then known as Freuchie. The Comyns naturally looked with disfavour upon such an invasion, and triec to dislodge the band, but Grant kept possession of the cave. Then Macgregor descended Strathspey at the heac of a party of his clan, and demanded his daughter. His son-in-law was astute. Receiving him with every show o} respect, he contrived in the torchlight and among the shadows of the wood to make his men appear a muck larger following than his father-in-law had supposed, anc a complete reconciliation took place. Grant then pushec his advantage farther.. He complained of the attacks of the Comyns, and induced Macgregor to join in an assault on Freuchie. By stratagem and valour they took the stronghold ; the chief of the Comyns was slain in the attack, and his skull remains a trophy in possession of the Ear of Seafield to the present day. The Comyns at Dunphail had a similar fate, which is well told by Mr. George Bain in his book on the Findhorn. When Bruce’s nephew, Thomas Randolph, was made Earl of Moray, the Comyns found their old privileges as Rangers of the king’s forest of Darnaway restricted. By way of reprisal the Comyns set out, a thousand strong, under the leadership of young Alastair of Dunphail, to burn Randolph’s new great hall at Darnaway. The force, however, was ambushed by the Earl at Whitemire, and cut to pieces. Young Alastair Comyn fought his way to the Findhorn. He found the further bank lined by the Farl’s men, but, throwing his standard among them with the shout ‘‘ Let the bravest keep it,’’ he leapt the chasm at the spot wrongly called Randolph’s Leap, and with four of his followers made his escape. Moray then besieged Alastair’s father in his Castle of Dunphail, and brought the garrison to starvation point. On a dark night, however, the young man managed to heave some bags of meal from a high bank into the stronghold. Next day, by means of a bloodhound, he was tracked to a cave on the Divie. He begged to be allowed out to die by the sword, but was smoked to death by the Earl’s men. Then the heads of himself and his companions were thrown into his father’s courtyard, with the shout ‘‘ Here is beef for your bannocks.’’ The old chief took up the head of his son. ‘“* It is indeed a bitter morsel,’’ he said, ‘‘ but J will gnaw the last bone of it before I surrender.’ In the end the little garrison, driven by hunger, sallied out and were CLAN COMYN 65 cut to pieces. Early in the nineteenth century the minister of Edinkilly found the skeletons of young Alastair and his companions, seven in number, at a spot still known from the fact as the ‘‘ grave of the headless Comyns.”’ _ The Comyns were still powerful, however, after Bruce’s time. Edward III., when he overran Scotland in the interest of Edward Baliol, made David Comyn, Earl of Atholl, governor of the country. It was he whom Bruce’s rother-in-law, Sir Andrew Moray, overthrew and slew at che battle of Kilblene, and it was his countess whom Moray was besieging in the stronghold of Lochindorb when word arrived that the English king and his army were at hand. Moray, it is said, put courage into his little force by wait- ng to adjust his girths, and even to mend a thong of his armour, before retreating. But he knew the passes of the Findhorn, and led his little company into safety across the viver at Randolph’s Leap. _ Ata later day the Comyns had descended to be merely i warring clan among the clans. In their feud with the Mackintoshes it was they who attempted to drown the latter out by raising the waters round the castle in Loch Moy, when the attempt was defeated by a Mackintosh clansmen “ssuing on a raft at night, breaking the barrier, and letting he flood loose upon the besiegers. On another occasion the Comyns, pretending peace, invited the Mackintoshes to 1 feast at Rait Castle, where at a secret signal, each Comyn clansman was to stab a Mackintosh to the heart. But Comyn’s daughter had revealed the plot to her Mackintosh over; the Mackintoshes gave the signal first, and the plotters were hoist with their own petard. . Still another incident of the long feud with the Mackintoshes arose out of jealousy regarding a fair dame pf the time. Comyn of Badenoch had reason to resent the iittentions paid to his wife by his neighbour, Mackintosh af Tyrinie, and the feeling reached its climax when Mackintosh presented the lady with no less a gift than a vull and twelve cows. Comyn, thinking it time to nterfere, invited Mackintosh and his followers to a feast, ind slew them all. As the Comyns were slowly ousted by heir Mackintosh and Macpherson neighbours they were lriven to wild and lawless deeds, and on one occasion, in eprisal, Alexander Macpherson, known as the Revenge- ul, slew nine of their chief men in a cave to which they tad resorted for hiding. _ The Comyns, however, were not altogether ex- inguished by the warfare and feuds in which they played (© striking and unfortunate a part. In the eighteenth ma VOL. I, £ 66 CLAN COMYN century their chief was a simple gentleman, Cumming of Altyre on the Findhorn. He represented the knight who fell with his chief, the Red Comyn, in the church of the Minorites at Dumfries. That knight was Sir Robert Comyn, fourth son of John, Lord of Badenoch, who died about 1275. Early in the eighteenth century, Robert Cumming of Altyre married Lucy, daughter of Sir Ludovic Gordon, Bart., of Gordonstown, _ lineally descended from William, Earl of Sutherland and his wife the Princess Margaret, daughter of King Robert the Bruce, and from George, Earl of Huntly, and his wife, the Princess Jean, daughter of King James I. Robert Cumming’s great-great-grandson, Alexander Penrose Cumming, through this connection inherited the estate of Gordonstown, near Elgin, assumed the name of Gordon, and was created a baronet in 1804. He was M.P. for the Dumfries burghs. The second baronet was member for the Elgin burghs at the time of the Reform Bill. He married a daughter of Campbell of Islay and grand- daughter of John, Duke of Argyll, by his duchess, the famous beauty, Elizabeth Gunning. His second son was Roualeyn George, the famous lion-hunter, while his youngest daughter is the well-known traveller and author, Miss Constance F. Gordon-Cumming, and the present baronet is his grandson. : Sir William Gordon-Cumming, Bart., of Altyre, is the fourth holder of the title. He succeeded his father in 1866, and saw active service as a Captain and Lieut.- Colonel of the Scots Fusilier Guards. He holds the medal with clasp for the South African Campaign of 1879, the medal with clasp and the bronze star for the Egyptian Campaign of 1882, and two clasps for the Nile Expedition of 1884. His possessions in the county, some 38,500 acres, are considerable for a private gentleman, but will hardly compare with the vast possessions once owned by his ancestors, the great chiefs of the Comyns of the days of King Alexander ITI, It should be added that a considerable body of the Comyns at one time, taking offence at being refused inter- ment in the family burial-place, changed their name to Farquharson, as descendants of Ferquhard, son of Alexander, sixth laird of Altyre, in the middle of the fifteenth century. o SEPTS OF CLAN COMYN Buchan MacNiven Niven DAVIDSON Facing page 66, << = se caret a =" a 4 4 ae CLAN DAVIDSON BADGE: Lus nam Braoileag (vaccineum vitis idea) Red whortle- berry. PIBROCH : Spaidsearach-Chaisteal Thulaich. ACCORDING to the Highland manuscript believed to be written by one MacLauchlan, bearing the date 1467, and containing an account of the genealogies of Highland clans down to about the year 1450, which was accepted as authoritative by Skene in his Celtic Scotland, and believed to embody the common tradition of its time, the origin of the Davidsons is attributed to a certain Gilliecattan Mhor, chief of Clan Chattan in the time of David I. This personage, it is stated, had two sons, Muirich Mhor and Dhai Dhu. From the former of these was descended Clan Mhuirich or Macpherson, and from the latter Clan Dhai or Davidson. Sir Aeneas Macpherson, the historian of the clan of that name, states that both the Macphersons and the Davidsons were descended from Muirich, parson of Kingussie in the twelfth century. Against this state- ment it has been urged that the Roman kirk had no parson at Kingussie at that time. But this fact need not militate against the existence of Muirich at that place. The Culdee church was still strong in the twelfth century, and, as its clergy were allowed to marry, there was nothing to hinder Muirich from being the father of two sons, the elder of whom might carry on his name, and originate Clan Macpherson, while the younger, David, became ancestor of the Davidsons. Still another account is given in the Kinrara MS. upon which Mr. A. M. Mackintosh, the historian of Clan Mackintosh, chiefly relies: This MS. names David Dubh as ancestor of the clan, but makes him of the fourteenth century, and declares him to be of the race of the Comyns. His mother, it says, was Slane, daughter of Angus, sixth chief of the Mackintoshes, and his residence was at Nuid in Badenoch. Upon the whole, it seems most reasonable to accept the earliest account, that contained in the MS. of 1467, which no doubt embodied the traditions considered most authentic in its time. The chiefs of the Davidsons are said to have been Settled in early times at Invernahavon, a small estate in Badenoch, at the junction of the Truim with the Spey, and 67 68 CLAN DAVIDSON when they emerge into history in 1370 or 1386 the holders of the name appear to have been of considerable number, and in close alliance with the Mackintoshes from whose forebears they claim descent. The event known as the battle of Invernahavon is well known as a landmark in Highland history. According to commonly accepted tradition, the older Clan Chattan, descended from Gilliecattan Mhor of the time of Malcolm Canmore or David I., saw the line of its chiefs come to an end in the latter days of the thirteenth century in_the person of an only child, a daughter named Eva. This heiress in 1291 married Angus, the young sixth chief of the Mackintoshes, who along with her received from Gilpatrick, his father-in-law, not only the lands of Glenlui and Locharkaig, but also the chiefship of Clan Chattan. The lands of Glenlui and Locharkaig, however, appear to have been seized and settled by the Camerons, and eighty or ninety years later the dispute regarding their ownership came to a head. After many harryings of the Camerons by the Mackintoshes and of the Mackintoshes by the Camerons, it appears that in 1370 or 1386—accounts differ as to the date—a body of some four hundred Camerons made an incursion into Badenoch. As they returned laden with booty they were intercepted at Invernahavon by Lachlan Mackintosh, the eighth chief, with a body of Clan Chattan which included not only Mackintoshes but Macphersons and Davidsons, each led by its respective chieftain. At the moment of attack a dispute arose between the chiefs of these two septs as to which should have the honour of commanding Clan Chattan’s right wing. Macpherson claimed the honour as male represen- tative of the chiefs of the older Clan Chattan; Davidson, on the other hand, insisted that he should have the post as the oldest cadet. These claims would appear to uphold the account of the origin of these two septs which derives them, not from the Mackintoshes but from Gilliecattan Mhor, chief of the older Clan Chattan. Mackintosh, forced to decide in the urgency of the moment, gave the post of honour to the Davidson chief, and as a result, the Macphersons, highly offended, with- drew from the battle. Asa result of this, the Mackintoshes and Davidsons, greatly outnumbered, were routed and cut to pieces. What followed is the subject of a tradition given by Bishop Mackintosh in his History of Moray. — According to this tradition Mackintosh sent his bard to the Macpherson camp, where he treated the Macphersons CLAN DAVIDSON 69 round their camp fires to a taunting ballad describing the cowardice of men who forsook their friends in the hour of danger. This, it is said, so enraged the Macpherson chief that he forthwith called his men to arms, and fell upon the Camerons in their camp at midnight, where he cut them to pieces, and put them to flight. This battle at Invernahavon appears to have been one of the incidents which directly led up to the famous combat of “‘ threttie against threttie before King Robert III. on the North Inch of Perth in 1396. According to the chronicler Wyntoun, the parties who fought in that combat were the Clan Quhele and the Clan Kay, and authorities have always differed as to who these clans were. Accord- ing to some, the battle was a direct outcome of the mutual jealousy of the Macphersons and Davidsons following the rupture at Invernahavon; and the Gaelic name of the Davidsons, Clan Dhai, which might easily be mistaken by a Lowland chronicler for Kay, lends some superficial colour to the claim. It is scarcely likely, however, that the Macphersons and Davidsons were at that time so important as to warrant a great national trial by combat such as that on the North Inch, which has made such a striking mark in Scottish history. The probability seems rather to be that the combat within the barriers before King Robert III. was between Clan Chattan as a whole and Clan Cameron. According to the Kinrara MS., Clan Quhewil was led on the North Inch by a Mackintosh chieftain, Shaw, founder of the Rothiemurcus branch of the family. Maclan, in his Costumes of the Clans of Scotland, is evidently seeking a pretext when he asserts that it was mortification at defeat on the North Inch which drove the Davidsons into obscurity, and finally induced the chief with some of his followers to remove further north, and settle in the county of Cromarty. It seems more likely that the decimation of their ranks at Invernahavon, and the losses caused by subsequent feuds, so reduced the numbers of the clan as to render it of small account during the succeeding century. Lachlan Shaw in his MS. history of Moray states that early in the seventeenth century the Invernahavon family changed its name from Davidson to Macpherson, the individual who did so being James of Invernahavon, commonly called Seumas Lagach, great-grandfather of John of Invernahavon. But Mr. A. M. Mackintosh, the historian of Clan Chattan, has ascertained that the James of Invernahavon referred to was son of a John Macpherson, 70 CLAN DAVIDSON who, according to Sir Aeneas Macpherson’s MS., had feued the property. It can thus be seen how Lachlan Shaw made the mistake of supposing that the Davidsons of Invernahavon had changed their name. : The historian of Clan Chattan above referred to offers another theory to account for the comparative disappear- ance of Clan Davidson from the historic page, by pointing out that two of the name were concerned in the murder of Lachlan, the fourteenth Mackintosh chief, in 1524. One of these two, Milmoir MacDhaibhidh, was the chief’s foster-brother, but believed that Mackintosh had helped — to destroy his prospects of marrying a rich widow, and accordingly, on 25th March, along with John Malcolmson and other accomplices, fell upon the chief and slew him while hunting at Ravoch on the Findhorn. For this deed the three assassins were seized and kept in chains in the dungeon on Loch-an-Eilan till 1531, when, after trial, Malcolmson was beheaded and quartered, and the two Davidsons were tortured, hanged, and had their heads fixed on poles at the spot where they committed the crime. Mr. Mackintosh also points out that another Davidson, Donald MacWilliam vic Dai dui, conspired with the son of the above John Malcolmson against William, the fifteenth Mackintosh chief in 1550, when the head of that chief was brought to the block by the Earl of Huntly at Strathbogie. The Davidsons who did these things, however, were merely servants and humble holders of the name, and their acts can hardly have brought the whole clan into serious disrepute. That the Davidsons did not altogether cease to play, a part in important events is shown by an entry in the Exchequer Rolls (iv. 510) in 1429. This is a record of a distribution of cloth of divers colours to Walter Davidson and his men by command of the King, and the gift is taken to be possibly an acknowledgment of the loyalty of the Davidson chief and his clan during the Highland troubles of the year. Later popular tradition has associated the Davidsons with the estate of Davidston in Cromarty, the laird of which is mentioned in 1501 and 1508, in the course of a legal action taken against Dingwall and Tain by the Burgh of Inverness. Here again, however, the historian of Clan Chattan has pointed out that, according to Fraser Mackintosh’s Invernessiana, pages 175-184, the owners of the estate of Davidston were a family named Denoon or Dunound. | In any case, however, the Davidsons had taken root in ‘of ased suleg TIYMONIG. + VIS y OSHoOOW ies "qADYNDAQ 0104 CLAN DAVIDSON 71 this neighbourhood. In the second half of the seventeenth century Donald Davidson owned certain land and other property in Cromarty. His son, Alexander Davidson, was town clerk of the county town, and his son William succeeded him in the same office. In 1719 this William Davidson married Jean, daughter of Kenneth Bayne of Knockbayne, nephew and heir of Duncan Bayne of Tulloch. The son of this pair, Henry Davidson, born in \1729, made a great fortune as a London West India merchant. His wife was the daughter of a shipmaster of Cromarty, who was son of Bernard MacKenzie, last Bishop of Ross. In 1763, when the estate of Tulloch was sold by the creditors of the ancient owners, the Baynes, it was purchased by Henry Davidson for £10,500, and has since been the seat of his family. On the death of Henry Davidson, first of Tulloch, in 1781, he was succeeded by his brother Duncan. This laird was an energetic and notable man in his day. On the Tulloch estate he carried out vast improvements, including the reclamation of a great stretch of land from the sea, and the construction of the main road from Dingwall to the North. He was provost of Dingwall from 1784 till 1786, and M.P. for Cromarty from 1790 to 1796. This laird’s son, Henry, was, like his uncle, a successful West India merchant in London, and, like his father, was a great planter of woods and reclaimer of land. His son, Duncan, the fourth laird of Tulloch, began life as an officer in the Grenadier Guards. His first wife was a _ daughter of the third Lord MacDonald, and his return to Parliament as member for Cromarty in 1826 was the occasion of great celebrations in the countryside. Asa politician he was chiefly noted for his opposition to the Reform Bill. An enthusiastic sportsman, he was the reviver of horse racing at the Northern Meeting at Inverness, and he drove the first coach which ran from Perth to Inverness, on the Queen’s birthday in 1841. At his death in 1881 he was succeeded by his eldest son, Duncan, who married Georgina, daughter of John MacKenzie, M.B., of the Gareloch family, and in turn died in 1889. His son, the sixth and present laird, who was born in 1865, married in 1887 Gwendoline, daughter of William Dalziel MacKenzie of Farr and of Fawley Court, Buckinghamshire. He was trained for a com- mercial career, but after fourteen years in London, his health breaking down, he retired to live at Tulloch. He takes an active part in county business, is a J.P., D.L., and Honorary Sheriff-Substitute, as well as county | : 72 CLAN DAVIDSON commissioner for the Boy Scouts and chairman of various” county boards. A keen sportsman and horticulturist, he takes a lively interest in farming, gardening, shooting, fishing, and all games, and as a reflection of his tastes the gardens and policies of Tulloch Castle are among the most beautiful in the north. Tulloch is an ancient barony held by rights from the Crown. The first Davidson lairds took much pleasure in filling the castle with valuable portraits and works of art, and it was a cause of much regret when in July, 1845, the castle was burned down and most of its contents destroyed. On 25th March, 1909, with a view to the formation of a Clan Davidson Society, the Laird of Tulloch called a meeting of holders of the name at the Hotel Metropole in London. Some sixty members of the clan were present, when it was proposed, seconded, and carried that Davidson of Tulloch be recognised and acknowledged as chief of the. clan. The act was questioned in a letter to the Northern Chronicle, in which the writer pointed out that, while for a long period of years writers on Highland history had all pointed to Tulloch as the chief, this must be taken as an error seeing that The Mackintosh was the only chief of Clan Chattan. In proof of this statement it was pointed out that in 1703 twenty persons named Dean alias Davidson had at Inverness signed a band of manrent declaring that they and their ancestors had been followers, dependents, and kinsmen to the lairds of Mackintosh, and were still in duty bound to own and maintain the claim, and to follow, assist, and defend the honourable person of Lachlan Mackintosh of that ilk as their true and lawful chieftain. A long correspondence followed pro and con, but it was pointed out by later writers that the acknowledg- ment of Mackintosh by twenty Davidsons as supreme head of the Clan Chattan confederacy did not prevent the Davidson sept from possessing and following a chief of theirown. Asa matter of fact, history shows them to have had a chief at the battle of Invernahavon, and by all the laws of Highland genealogy the clansmen were fully entitled to meet and confirm the claim of their present leader and head. Two other landed families of the name in the north are the Davidsons of Cantray and the Davidsons of Inchmarlo. The former are believed to have been settled on the lands of Cantray, an ancient property of the Dallases, for at least two hundred years. In 1767-8 the lands of Cantray and Croy were purchased by David Davidson, son of William Davidson and Agnes MacKercher, who afterwards | i | CLAN DAVIDSON 73 added Clava to the estate. This laird married Mary, daughter of George Cuthbert of Castlehill, Sheriff-- | ‘Substitute of Inverness, and is alluded to in the statistical account of 1842 as ‘‘ a man of singular sagacity, of most active powers of mind, and practical good sense,’’ and as ‘‘4 liberal-minded and fatherly landlord.’’ His son, another David, was knighted by King George III., and his grandson, Hugh Grogan, the fifth laird, was convener of the country of Inverness. His son, Hugh, the present laird, as an officer of the Seaforth Highlanders, served through the Afghan War of 1880, for which he holds a medal. Inchmarlo, again, was purchased in 1838 by Duncan _ Davidson, son of John Davidson of Tilliechetly and Dess- | wood on Deeside. The present laird of Inchmarlo is his grandson, Duncan, while his youngest son’s son is _ Francis Duncan Davidson, late captain in the Cameron _ Highlanders and now owner of Desswood. It should be added that Davidson of Tulloch 1s _ hereditary keeper of the royal castle of Dingwall. Among notable holders of the name of Davidson -pmention must be made of the redoubtable provost of _ Aberdeen, Sir Robert Davidson, who led the burghers of _ the city at the battle of Harlaw in 1411, and gallantly fell at their head. It is said to be his armour which is still treasured in the vestibule of the City Chambers at Aberdeen, and when the great old church of St. Nicholas in that city was being repaired a generation ago his Skeleton was recognised by a red cloth cap with which he _ had been buried. Another notable clansman was John Davidson, Regent of St. Leonard’s College at St. Andrews in the days of ~ Queen Mary, and afterwards the minister of Liberton near Edinburgh, who quarrelled with the Regent Morton, opposed the desire of James VI. to restore prelacy, excom- municated Montgomerie, Bishop of Glasgow, at the desire of the General Assembly in 1582, and was author of _ Memorials of His Time. All of the name of Davidson are not necessarily members of the clan, but those of Highland descent are still numerous enough to afford a handsome following for their chief at the present hour. SEPTS OF CLAN DAVIDSON Davie Davis Dawson Dow Kay Macdade Macdaid MacDavid CLAN DRUMMOND BADGE: Lus mhic Righ Bhreatinn (thymis syrpillum) mother of thyme. PIBROCH : Spaidsearachd Duic Pheart, the Duke of Perth’s March, and the Lady Sarah Drummond. IN view of the recent devastating war with Austria- Hungary, it is curious to remember that, according to tradition, one at least of the great historic houses of Scotland derives its descent from Hungarian stock. The commander of the vessel in which Edgar the Atheling, with his mother and his sisters Margaret and Isabella, set sail for Hungary to escape the usurpation of Harold, is said to have been Maurice, son of George, son of Andrew, King of Hungary. As every Scotsman knows, the vessel was driven into the Firth of Forth, and the Princess Margaret presently became the wife of the mighty Canmore, Malcolm III., King of Scots, with far-reaching effects on the subsequent history of Scotland. The King, it is said, made Maurice Steward or Thane of Lennox, a title still held by the Drummond chief, and bestowed upon him the lands of Drymen on the Endrick, from which his descendants took their name, and which they continued to possess for some two hundred years. It is said to have been in commemoration of their ancestor’s achievement in bringing Queen Margaret to Scotland that, when coats of arms came into existence, the Drummonds adopted the device of three bars wavy, or and gules, represent- ing the sunset waves of the North Sea. In the time of Alexander II., Maurice’s great-great-grandson, Malcolm Beg Drummond, further secured the status of his family by marrying Ada, daughter of the Earl of Lennox, and granddaughter of the High Steward of Scotland; and his grandson, Sir John Drummond of that ilk, Thane of Lennox, appears in history as a stout defender of Scottish liberty against the usurpation of Edward I. of England. He was summoned to Parliament as one of the greatest barons of the kingdom. It was his son, again, Sir Malcolm Drummond, who suggested to King Robert the Bruce the strewing of caltrops in the way of the English 74 DRUMMOND Facing page 74. By ies as CLAN DRUMMOND 75 cavalry at the battle of Bannockburn. ‘‘ Gang warily,”’ the family motto adopted by his descendants, is said to bear reference to that suggestion. For his services on that occasion he obtained from the King certain lands in Perthshire, which had the effect of removing the family seat from Loch Lomondside to the central district of Scotland. : It was a few years later that the house made its first alliance with the Royal family. Margaret Logie, the beautiful, imperious second wife of Bruce’s son, David IL., was a daughter of the house of Drummond. Though she was the widow of John de Logie, who had been executed for his part in the great Soulis conspiracy against King Robert the Bruce, King David was infatuated with the spell of her beauty, and could refuse her nothing; and with her extravagant pilgrimages to Canterbury and the satisfaction of such personal spites as that by which she induced the King to cast the Steward and his sons into prison, she led David a pretty dance, till he divorced her at Lent in 1369. Hereupon she collected her wealth, betook herself to the Papal Court at Avignon, and continued to make trouble till her death shortly afterwards. Meantime, by the marriage of Sir John Drummond, grandson of the Drummond who fought at Bannockburn, to Mary the daughter and heiress of Sir William de Montifex, the family had come into possession of Stobhall on the Tay and large possessions in Perthshire, and a further alliance with the royal house was made when Sir John’s eldest daughter Annabella became the wife of King Robert III., and was crowned with him at Scone in September, 1390. Through this marriage all the succeeding Kings of Scotland and of Britain have been descended from the House of Drummond, and there its Drummond blood in the veins of most of the crowned heads of Europe. Annabella’s elder brother, Sir Malcolm, married Isabel Countess of Mar, sister of the Earl of Douglas who fell at Otterburn. Sir Malcolm was murdered by Alexander Stewart, natural son of the fierce Wolf of Badenoch and grandson of Robert II., who forcibly married the Countess and assumed the title of Earl of Mar, fighting under that name at Harlaw and Inverlochy. Annabella’s younger brother, Sir John, who succeeded as Chief of the Drum- monds, was Justiciar of Scotland. But the house had not yet reached the summit of its fortunes. The Justiciar’s great-grandson, another Sir John Drummond, of Cargill and Stobhall, was a dis- 76 CLAN DRUMMOND tinguished statesman in the reign of James III., and for his services as Ambassador Extraordinary to England, to arrange the marriages of the King and his sons with princesses of the House of York, was made a Lord of Parliament in 1487. Drummond, however, had secret hopes of seeing another daughter of his house seated on the Scottish throne. The King’s eldest son, the Duke of Rothesay, then a lad of sixteen, had already shown a striking partiality for Lord Drummond’s eldest daughter, the Lady Margaret, and when the prince took arms against his father, Lord Drummond appeared upon his side. After the fall of James III. at Sauchieburn, the young prince, now King James IV., embarked with his young. mistress upon a wonderful life of royal revels and gaiety. At Linlithgow Palace a splendid succession of shows and theatrical entertainments, of hunting parties by day and dances and masked balls at night, were got up: for the pleasure of the youthful pair, while James lavished priceless gifts upon his lovely young mistress. Deeply enamoured, and in his youthful ardour, James, it is said, became affianced to the beautiful girl, and intended to make her his queen, and the advances of the royal lover appear to have received every encouragement from her father, Lord Drummond, both at Court and at the family seat of Stobhall on the Tay. Something of the ardour of the time and the glamour of the royal love match is to be read in the stanzas of a poem of the period, ‘‘ Tayis Bank,” preserved in the Bannatyne Manuscript. The poet, who might be the royal lover himself, describes the spot at blossom time: | Quhair Tay ran down with stremis stout, Full strecht under Stobschaw ; and he describes in the most exuberant language the charms of the lady herself : This myld, meik, mansuet Mererit, This perle polist most quhyt, Dame Natouris deir dochter discreit, The dyamant of delyt; Never forniet was to found on feit Ane figour more perfyte, Nor non on mold that did hir meit, Mycht merk hir wirth and myte. The nobles of Scotland, however, had other views for their sovereign’s future. So long as the alliance with ) CLAN DRUMMOND 77 ‘the fair Lady Margaret remained only a distraction, they \were prepared to regard it as a mere sowing of wild oats, ‘but when the lady gave birth to a daughter, and it was ‘rumoured that she had been secretly married to the King, ‘they became seriously alarmed. Their desire was that \James should marry a daughter of the English royal ‘house, and when it became clear that the Lady Margaret ‘Drummond was a definite obstacle to the match, her fate appears to have been sealed. Lord Drummond was just ‘then building his new mansion of Drummond Castle in Strathearn, and one morning after breakfast there, in 1501, the Lady Margaret, with her sisters, Lady Fleming and | Sybilla, were seized with sudden sickness, believed to _ have been caused by poison, and in a few hours were dead. The three lie buried ‘‘ in a curious vault covered with three ‘fair blue marble stones joined close together about the | middle of the choir of the Cathedral Church of Dunblane.”’ At that time the family burying-place at Innerpeffray had not yet been built. _ Whatever his sins in conniving at this affair, Lord Drummond was to see much sorrow in the years that remained to him. His eldest son Malcolm died before him -unmarried, and his second son William, Master of Drummond, had a darker fate. At that time the Drummonds were endeavouring to set up a barony burgh of Drummond, and the market cross which they actually _ procured for the purpose is still to be seen beside the Town ‘House of Crieff. But the Murrays of Auchtertyre had a _ similar ambition, and the cross of Crieff set up by them is _ also to be seen a stone-cast away. The rivalry came toa head when the Abbot of Inchaffry commissioned Murray of Auchtertyre to poind some cattle of the Drummonds for the payment of a debt. William, Master of Drummond, raised his clan to avenge the insult. He was met by the _Murrays at the little hill of Knockmary, but, reinforced by a body of Campbells, the Drummonds put the Murrays to flight. The latter took refuge in the little kirk of Monzievaird, at Auchtertyre, and the Drummonds, having failed to find them, were on the point of returning to their own territory, when a Murray, seeing his chance, was ill-advised enough to shoot an arrow from a window of the kirk, and kill his man. Thereupon the Drummonds, heaping brushwood round the little straw-thatched fane, set it on fire, and burned to ashes the church itself and eight score of the Murrays concealed inside. For this deed the Master of Drummond was arrested, tried at Edinburgh, | and, notwithstanding his father’s importance and influence, 78 CLAN DRUMMOND was duly executed. His son Walter, who, on his father’s death, also became Master of Drummond, likewise died before his grandfather, and it was his son David, great.| grandson of the first Lord, who, on the death of the latter in 1519, succeeded as second Lord Drummond. Te | Meanwhile a third son of the first Lord, Sir John Drummond of Innerpeffray, had distinguished himself among the Scottish soldiers of fortune abroad, and had become captain of the Scots Guards of Henry II. of France. Several considerable families of the name are descended from him, but most interesting perhaps is the fact that, through the marriage of his second daughter to the Master of Angus, he became grandfather of the Earl of Angus of James V.’s time, and, by the marriage of that Earl of Angus to Queen Margaret, widow of James IV., became ancestor of Henry, Lord Darnley, husband of Mary: Queen of Scots, and ancestor of all the later monarchs of Britain. | To the end of his days the first Lord Drummond con-. tinued to play a highly distinguished part in Scottish. history. He was the ambassador sent to the English Court by James IV. before the battle of Flodden, to secure. the necessary delay for his master’s warlike preparations; and, along with the Earl of Huntly and the Earl Marischal, after the fall of James, he gave valuable. support to the party of the Regent Queen Margaret and her husband, the Earl of Angus, against the faction headed by the Earl of Arran. It must have been with | tragic feelings that, four years before his own death, he. learned of the death on Flodden’s fatal field of James IV., whom he had loyally served, and whom he had once’ hoped to look upon as a son-in-law. David, the second Lord Drummond, himself married a princess of the Scottish royal house, Margaret, daughter of Alexander, Duke of Albany, and granddaughter of King James II. By her, however, he had no children. By his second wife, Lilias, daughter of Lord Ruthven, he had two sons, Patrick the elder of whom became the third Lord Drummond, while James the second son was in 1609 created Baron Maderty, and became ancestor of the Viscounts Strathallan, who were to succeed to the chief- “oul of the family through this link three hundred years ater. . Meanwhile the elder line of the Drummonds was to continue a highly distinguished and romantic career. James, the fourth Lord, after acting as ambassador for James VI. to the Court of Spain, was in 1605 created Earl | CLAN DRUMMOND 79 ‘of Perth. The earldom was created with remainder to ‘heirs male whatsoever, and its first heir was the Earl’s ‘prother John. This chief of the Drummonds was a ‘Royalist officer in the short brilliant campaign of the “Marquess of Montrose. He married Lady Jean Ker, ‘daughter of the first Earl of Roxburghe, through which ‘marriage his fourth son William became second Earl of -Roxburghe and ancestor of the three first Dukes of that ‘name. The third Duke of Roxburghe, with whom the line of Drummond Dukes of Roxburghe ended, was the famous book collector, after whom a certain well-known book | binding takes its name. - Meanwhile the Earl of Perth’s eldest son James suc- ceeded to his father’s own earldom. By Lady Anne Gordon, daughter of the Marquess of Huntly, he had two ‘sons, both of whom played a distinguished part on the | Jacobite side at the time of the Revolution and after. The elder brother James, fourth Earl of Perth, was Chancellor - of Scotland, passed with his royal master to France at the Revolution in 1689, and was created Duke of Perth by James VII. at St. Germains in 1695. His son James, | Lord Drummond, having taken part in the Earl of Mar’s rebellion in 1715, was attainted, and therefore could not ' succeed to the Earldom of Perth, which accordingly | became dormant at his father’s death in the following year; but by the Jacobites he was styled the second Duke of Perth, that title having been confirmed in France by Louis XIV. in 1701, on the death of King James, at the same time as the titles of the Dukes of Berwick, Fitz James, Albemarle, and Melfort, all of which were Jacobite _ dukedoms in the same position. : The second Duke had two sons, and it was the elder of these, James, the titular third Duke, who was head_of the family at the time of the last Jacobite rebellion. He was living with his mother at Drummond Castle, when it became known that Prince Charles Edward had landed in the West Highlands. The Government of George II. knew his sympathies, and sent an officer, his neighbour, Captain Murray of Auchtertyre, to effect his arrest. The family were at dinner when Captain Murray arrived, and the Duke insisted upon deferring business until the meal was over. This being done, after a glass of wine the Duke proposed that they should join the ladies, and politely opened the door to allow his guest to pass first. He did not, however, follow him, but, closing the door and turning the key, escaped by another exit, and in a few moments was galloping away to join the Prince. He was 80 CLAN DRUMMOND wounded at Culloden, and died on the passage to France on board the French frigate La Bellone a month later. Something of the Jacobite ardour of the family can be gathered from the fact that, after the cause was finally | lost, his mother caused the fine lake at Drummond Castle to be formed to cover up for ever with its waters the stables | which had been polluted by the Hanoverian cavalry of the Duke of Cumberland. The second Duke’s brother, Lord John Drummond, had ; also taken an active part on the Prince’s side. Sir John Cope, who was afterwards to earn unenviable fame by his defeat at Prestonpans, had encamped in the park of his - house of Ferntower, near Crieff, and on the way north- ward to Culloden the Prince himself had lodged both at Drummond Castle and at Ferntower. Lord John was therefore attainted along with his elder brother, and the — Drummond estates were forfeited in 1746. It was for him | that the famous regiment of Royal Scots in the French , service was raised. He died without issue in 1747, and was succeeded in turn by his uncles, John and Edward, © as fifth and sixth titular Dukes of Perth. Edward, however, died without children in 1760, and with him | ended the whole male line of James fourth Earl of — Perth, by the attainder of whose son James, Lord Drummond, in 1715, the Earldom of Perth had bécome dormant. This title was now revived in the person of James Drummond, grandson by his first wife of John, second - son of the third Earl. This John Drummond had been | General of the Ordnance and principal Secretary of State ‘ for Scotland in the time of Charles II., and had been > raised to the peerage as Viscount Melfort in 1685 and as - Earl of Melfort in 1686. Like his brother, the fourth Earl — of Perth, he had followed James VII. to France, and had been made Duke of Melfort at the Jacobite Court in 1692, with succession to the children of his second wife, the title being confirmed as above mentioned by Louis XIV. in 1701. By an Act of the Scottish Parliament, the Earldom | of Melfort was attainted and forfeited in 1695, but he — continued to be known as titular Duke of Melfort. His © third son William was Abbé-prieur of Liége, and his — fourth son, a Lieutenant-General in the French Army, and | Grand Cross of St. Louis, was ancestor of three generations — of distinguished officers in the French service who bore the title of Comte de Melfort. The Duke’s eldest son by his first wife, James — Drummond of Lundin, as already mentioned, came in as _ } CLAN DRUMMOND 81 chief of the Drummonds in 1760. He was served heir to the last Earl in 1766, and thereupon assumed the title of Earl of Perth. His son, James Drummond, eleventh Earl of Perth, had the Drummond estates in Strathearn restored 'to him by the Court of Session and Parliament in 1785. At his death in July, 1800, however, these estates passed _ to his only daughter, Lady Willoughby de Eresby, whose grandson, the Earl of Ancaster, possesses them at the present day. ___ Meanwhile John Lord Forth, eldest son by his second _wife of the first Duke of Melfort, had succeeded as second titular Duke of Melfort, and inherited the Melfort estates _which had been granted to his father by James VII. He _married the widow of the Duke of Albemarle, who was ‘countess and heiress of Lussan in her own right, and he 'had two sons, the younger of whom, styled Lord Louis ' Drummond, was second in command of the Royal Scots ‘at Culloden, and became a lieutenant-general in the French service, Grand Cross of St. Louis, and Governor of _ Normandy. ___ It was his grandson James Louis, fourth Duc de Melfort, and Comte de Lussan, a general in the French service, who on the death of the eleventh Earl of Perth in 1800 became twelfth Earl of Perth and Chief of the ‘Drummonds. He died nine months later, and was Succeeded in all these titles by his brother, Charles Edward. In 1803 the latter began proceedings in the Court of Session to assert his claim, but had the action dismissed for a technical reason, and, as he was a Roman Catholic prelate, he could not bring his claim before the House of Lords. After his death in 1840, however, his nephew, George Drummond, established his pedigree before the Conseil d’Etat of France and the Tribunal de la ‘Seine, and his right of succession to the French honours of Duc de Melfort and Perth, Comte de Lussan, and Baron de Valrose. He was sixth Duc de Melfort and fourteenth Earl of Perth, and by Act of Parliament in 1853, was restored to the honours of his house in this country as Earl of Perth and Melfort, Lord Drummond of Cargill and of Stobhall and Montifex, Viscount Melfort and Forth, and Lord Drummond of Rickertown, Castle- ‘Maine, and Galstown, Thane of Lennox, and hereditary Steward of Strathearn. On the death of this Earl at a great age in 1902, however, the entire male line of Patrick, third Lord Drummond, became extinct, and the chiefship of the clan, along with the family honours, was inherited by VOL, I. F a9 | | 82 CLAN DRUMMOND Viscount Strathallan, representative of James, Lon Maderty, second son of David, second Lord Drummond of the time of King James III. | ._ The first Lord Maderty was raised to the peerage b> James VI. in 1609, and, like all others of the Drummoni family, his house remained steadfast supporters of th Stewart cause in Scotland. His second son, Sir Jame: Drummond of Machany, was Colonel of the Perthshiri Foot in the Engagement to rescue Charles I. in 1648, am Sir James’s grandson, Sir John Drummond, was forfeitec in 1690 for his adherence to the cause of James VII. a the Revolution. His eldest son William, however, in 171 succeeded his distant cousin of the elder line as fourtt Viscount Strathallan. | | Meanwhile David, the third Lord Maderty, who marriec a sister of the Royalist Marquess of Montrose, was also <¢ supporter of the cause of Charles I.; and William, the fourth baron, held a high command like his cousin in thi ill-starred Engagement of 1648. Later he fought a Worcester in the cause of Charles II., and, though taker prisoner, managed to escape and join the Royalist remnan in the Highlands, till it was dispersed by Morgan in 1654 _ He then joined the army of Russia, and attained the rank of lieutenant-general, but at the Restoration returned tc this country, and was appointed a Lord of the Treasury and General of the Forces in Scotland. As a reward ol his loyalty, he was in 1686 created Viscount Strathallan. _ It was at the death of his grandson, the third Viscount, that William Drummond of Machany succeeded to the title as above mentioned. | Having taken arms for Prince Charles Edward, this lord was slain at Culloden, and his name, along with that of his eldest son, was included in the Bill of Attainder. __ Itis interesting here to note that, while Strathallan was thus engaged in the Jacobite turmoils of the North, his brother Andrew was busy founding the well-known banking house of Drummond and Company, London, purchased the estate of Stanmore in Middlesex, and founded an important family there. : | Meanwhile the representation of the family was con- tinued by the son and grandson of the attainted fifth Viscount. The grandson, who was a General and Governor of Dunbarton Castle, in 1810 petitioned fruitlessly for a restoration of the family honours. At his death in 1817, his cousin, James Drummond, son of William, second son of the fourth Viscount, became representative of the Strathallan family. The family | CLAN DRUMMOND 83 onours were restored to him by Act of Parliament in 824, and a new chapter in the family history opened. This second son, Sir James Drummond, G.C.B., was a word of the Admiralty, Officer of the Legion of Honour, ind Knight of the Medjedie, while his third son, iimond, was Lieutenant-Governor of the North-West rovinces of India, and his great-grandson is the eleventh 7iscount, now Earl of Perth, and Chief of the Drummonds. dis lordship succeeded _ his father, the tenth Viscount Strathallan, in 1893, and his cousin, the fourteenth Earl of ?erth, and Drummond Chief, in 1902. ' It is a long and strange tale, this, of a race which everal times intermarried with the Scottish royal house, ind several times ruined itself by giving that house its oyal and strenuous support; but there are few families or ‘lans which, with so long a record, have so little to stain he honourable blazon of their arms. CLAN DUNCAN OR ROBERTSON BADGE: Diuth fraoch (erica cinerea) fine-leaved heath. SLOGAN: Garg’n uair dhtisgear. PrsrocH : Failte Tighearn Shruthan, Salute to the Lord of Stam and Riban gorm, the Blue Ribbon. THE MacGregors are not the only Scottish clan entitled to the proud boast ‘* My race is royal.’’ Clan MacArthur can produce a vast deal of presumptive evidence to support its claim to a descent from the famous King Arthur of early British history and tradition. And Clan Robertson was placed in a similar position with regard to descent from a later monarch by the researches of the historian Skene, whose own family may or may not be a branch itself of Clan Robertson. It was formerly the habit of genealogists to attribute the origin of the Robertson Clan to the blood of the MacDonalds, but according to the authorities adduced by Skene in his History of the Highlanders, the chiefs of the name appear rather to be descended from Duncan, eldest son of Malcolm IIL, the great Canmore of the eleventh century. Common tradition, again, previously bore that the name Robertson was derived from the head of the clan in the days of King Robert the Bruce, who, having had certain signal services rewarded by that king with a grant of lands on the upper waters of the Garry, adopted the king’s cognomen as his family name. It seems well established, however, that the Gaelic name of the Clan Donnchadh, pronounced Donnachy, and translated Duncan, was derived from an ancestor of that name, fourth in descent from Conan, son — of Henry, last of the ancient Celtic Earls of Atholl, while the name MacRobert or Robertson takes its origin from Robert Reoch of the days of James I. and James II., who played a prominent part in the dramatic history of his time. : Towards the end of the fourteenth century, in 1392, 4 couple of years after King Robert III. had ascended the throne of Scotland, Clan Donnchadh played its part in one of the fierce transactions characteristic of that wild time. The savage Earl of Buchan, better known as the 84 DUNCAN OR ROBERTSO Facing page 84. THE LIBRARY OFTHE UNIVERSES 4 Go PILLINGIS CLAN DUNCAN OR ROBERTSON - 85 Wolf of Badenoch, a son of Robert II., enraged by the spiritual reproof of the Bishop of Moray, had made a ferocious descent upon the lands of that prelate, sacking and plundering his cathedral of Elgin, and giving both cathedral and town ruthlessly to the flames. Immediately afterwards, the Wolf’s example was followed by one of his natural sons, Duncan Stewart, who gathered a great force af the wild mountaineers of Atholl and Badenoch, armed only with sword and target, and, bursting through the mountain passes into the fertile plain of Forfar, proceeded to destroy the country, and commit every sort of ravage and atrocity. Clan Donnchadh are recorded as among the wild clansmen who took part in this raid, and from their situation in the uplands of Atholl and on the borders of Badenoch itself, it is certain that they must have been, by force of compulsion if not by actual inclination, among the most constant followers of the Wolf and his savage sons. On this occasion Sir Walter Ogilvy, Sheriff of Angus, along with Sir Patrick Gray and Sir David Lindsay of Glenesk, rapidly gathered together the forces of the district, and, though much fewer in numbers, trust- ing to the temper of their armour, hastened to meet and tepel the invasion. They attacked the Highlanders on the Water of Isla at a place called Gasklune, but were almost immediately overwhelmed. The mountaineers rushed upon them with the utmost ferocity, and before that rush the knights in steel armour went down like stooks of corn in a spate. Ogilvy and his brother, with Young of Auchterloney, the Lairds of Cairncross, Forfar, and Guthrie, and sixty men at arms, were slain, while Sir Patrick Gray and Sir David Lindsay, grievously wounded, were only carried from the field with the greatest difficulty. The fierceness of the Highlanders on that occasion is shown by an incident quoted by historians. Sir David Lindsay had pierced one of them through the body with his spear and pinned him to the earth, but in his mortal agony the brawny cateran writhed himself up, and with a sweep of his sword cut Lindsay through the stirrup and steel boot to the leg bone, then instantly sank back and expired. Strangely enough, this fierce raid was followed by no punishment on the part of the weak government; but under the rule of the king’s brother, Robert, Duke of Albany, this was one of the worst governed and most turbulent periods in Scottish history. The next episode in which Clan Donnchadh played an outstanding part was, curiously enough, on the side of 86 CLAN DUNCAN OR ROBERTSON law and order, though in connection with one of the most outstanding crimes which stain the historic page. King James [. had been murdered in the Black Friars Monastery at Perth in the early days of 1437, and the murderers, with their chief, Sir Robert Graham, had escaped into the wild mountains of Mar. The Earl of Atholl had taken a chief part in the conspiracy, and the fact that he was the immediate neighbour of the Chief of Clan Donnchadh might have led that chief also to become a partner in the treason. The chief, however, the Robert Reoch already referred to, remained staunch in his loyalty to the Crown, and, along with John Gorm Stewart, effected the capture of the Master of Atholl, the chief conspirator, Sir Patrick Graham, and others, who were immediately afterwards executed with excruciating tortures. For this service the Robertson chief received an addition to his family arms of which his successors were always justly proud. , As already mentioned, it is from this Robert Reoch— Robert the Swarthy—who is sometimes styled Robert Duncanson, that in later days the chiefs and members of the clan took the name of Robertson. Alas ! the next appearance of the Duncanson or Robert- son chiefs in the pages of history is much less creditable. It was seven years after the assassination of James I. The rapacious nobles, Douglas, Crawford, Hamilton, and others, had seized the opportunity of the minority of the infant James II. to satisfy their own greed and lawless desires by all kinds of rapacious deeds. The one true patriot of the time, Bishop Kennedy of St. Andrews, ventured to withstand their rapacity, and united with the former Chancellor Crichton in an effort to restore law and order. Forthwith the Earls of Douglas and Crawford, with other fierce nobles, among whom is specially mentioned as an associate Robert Reoch, gathered together a great force, and descending on the Bishop’s lands in Fife and Angus, burned his farms and villages, committed all kinds of savagery, led his vassals captive, and utterly laid the country waste. The Bishop retaliated by laying the fierce marauders under the Church’s ban of excommunication, and among those who were thus placed outside the pale of all Christian hope and brotherhood in this world and the next must have been included the Robertson chief. There may have been those who saw in the downfall, ten years later, of the great house of Douglas, the ring- leader of this great national outrage, a fulfilment of the *9g ased suloeyy GVaHHV SHIT HOIHM HO ANHOS AHL ‘ATLLVA AHL LOANIG OL GOOLS ANNdG AHI AAdINoG SIAL NO MOOW NAGOTIND NO ANOLS GNVIYSENNO AHL ‘ . ‘ = CLAN DUNCAN OR ROBERTSON 87> good Bishop’s curse, but so far as is now known, the Robertson chiefs can have been no more than temporarily affected by the excommunication. From their chief seat and possession, Struan or Strowan—Gaelic Sruthan, ‘‘Streamy ’’—the chiefs were known as the Struan Robertsons, the only other Highland chiefs thus taking a qualification to their family name being the Cluny Mac- Phersons, whose estate of Cluny lay at no great distance from that of the Robertsons. Struan was otherwise known by the name of Glenerochie, and the possession was erected into a barony in 1451. The chief was also Dominus De Rannach or Rannoch, and _ possessed, further south, the fifty-five merk land of Strath Tay. Early in the sixteenth century, however, the Robertsons became involved in a feud with the Stewart Earls of Atholl, descended from the Fair Maid of Galloway, heiress of the great house of Douglas, and John Stewart, half brother of King James II., and son of Queen Joan, widow of James I., by her marriage with the Black Knight of Lorne. In this feud, about the year 1510, William, the Robertson chief, was killed, and, his successor being a child, a great part of the Robertson lands was seized by the Earl, and never afterwards recovered. At Struan, however, the chiefs treasured to the last as an heirloom a mysterious stone set in silver, which seems to have been a Scots pebble. This was known as the Clach na Bratach, the stone of the flag, and was believed to give the Robertsons assurance of victory in the field. As became their royal lineage the Robertson chiefs remained loyal to the House of Stewart throughout the . troubles of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. During the civil wars, under Donald Robertson, son of the tenth chief, acting for his nephew, then a minor, the clan joined the standard of the Great Marquess of Montrose, and took part with distinguished bravery at the battle of Inverlochy, in which the Campbells were so utterly over- thrown. For his loyalty Donald Robertson was rewarded with a pension at the Restoration. Mclan, in his Costumes of the Clans, inserts a tradition regarding one of the Robertson warriors who particularly distinguished himself on this occasion. This individual, who was known from his occupation as Caird Beag, the little tinker, had slain, it is said, nineteen of the Campbells with his own hand. (‘When the conflict was over, he made a fire and with some comrades proceeded to cook a meal in an iron pot which he had brought with him. The Marquess happening to pass, and, being himself without any such 88 CLAN DUNCAN OR ROBERTSON means of securing a meal, asked the Caird Beag for the use of the pot. His request was met with a downright refusal, the clansman declaring that he had well earned the meal he was preparing, and thought the least favour that could be allowed him was to be permitted to refresh himself therewith. Montrose, it is said, took the answer in good part, exclaiming, ‘‘I wish that more little tinkers had served His Majesty to-day as well as you have done.’’ | At the Revolution, again, in 1689, Alastair or Alexander Robertson of Struan raised his followers, and took part with Viscount Dundee, King James’ general, in the short campaign which ended with the death of that romantic personage at the battle of Killiecrankie in Atholl, no great distance from the Robertson country. As a con- sequence, in the following year, Struan Robertson suffered the forfeiture of his estates. He, however, escaped to France, and obtained a remission in 1703, and, when the Earl of Mar, in the autumn of 1715, raised the standard of ‘‘ James VIII. and III.’’ at Braemar, he was joined by the Robertson chief. The military force of the clan at that time was reckoned to be 800 men. At Sheriffmuir, Struan Robertson was taken prisoner, but managed to escape,. again obtained a remission in 1731, and again, in 1745, was among the most notable Jacobites who joined the standard of Prince Charles Edward. His clansmen were then said to number 700, though only 200 of these resided on the estates then actually owned by the chief. In con- sequence of his repeated risings in the Jacobite cause, Struan Robertson finally lost his estates, which were annexed to the Crown in 1752. Apart from his military escapades, this chief, Alexander, the thirteenth of his line, remains a notable figure in the history of the Highlands. He was no mean poet, and a published collection of his pieces, including a curious genealogical account of his family, has been described as ‘‘ very creditable to his literary acquirements.’’ In private life he was marked by a conviviality of feeling and humour which is said to have bordered on eccentricity. | At a later day, in 1785, part of the old Struan property, including the seat of the family, was restored to a repre- sentative, and finally came into possession of Major- General Duncan Robertson, descendant of Donnchadh More of Druimachinn, third son of Robert, the fifteenth chief. General Robertson had his residence at Dunal- laistair in Rannoch. The oldest cadets of the family were the Robertsons of Lude, while the Robertsons of Inches in CLAN DUNCAN OR ROBERTSON - 89 Inverness-shire traced their descent from the house of Struan at a very early period, and from them sprang, about 1540, the Robertsons of Ceanndace and Glencalvy ‘in Ross-shire. The Skenes of Skene have also been thought to be a branch of the Robertsons. According to this tradition Donnchadh More an Sgian—Great Duncan of the Dirk—migrated from Atholl to Strath Dee, and there founded this family. The fact that the head of this house who signed the Ragman Roll in 1296 did so as John le Skene, seems to favour the tradition of the personal origin of the name, while the dirks in the coat armour and the Highland supporters in antique costume also maintain the theory. But it seems more likely that the family of Skene took its name from the parish than that the parish took its name from the family. Many distinguished men of the name have added lustre _ tothe clan. Eben William Robertson, High Sheriff and Deputy Lieutenant of Leicestershire, who died in 1874, was the author of Scotland under her Early Kings and other historical works of importance. James Robertson, Professor of Hebrew at Edinburgh University in the latter half of the eighteenth century, was the author of a well- known Hebrew grammar. James Burton Robertson (1800- 1877) was translator of Schlegel’s Philosophy of History. Sir John Robertson, an Australian squatter, was five times Premier of New South Wales. Patrick Robertson, who died in 1855, was the distinguished Scottish judge whom Sir Walter Scott nicknamed Peter 0’ the Painch. Thomas William Robertson, 1829-1871, was a well-known actor and dramatist who acquired fame as the writer of Caste, School, Ours, and other society plays of the mid- Victorian period. And, greatest of all, there was William Robertson the historian (1721-1793), who, when minister of Lady Yester’s Chapel at Edinburgh in 17509, attained enormous success with his History of Scotland. He was appointed Principal of Edinburgh University three years later, appointed historiographer of Scotland, and elected Moderator of the General Assembly in 1763, and attained a European reputation with his History of Charles V. in 1769. His introduction to the last-named work, which comprised an estimate of the Dark Ages, was among the first successful attempts in this country to found larger theories of history upon considerable accumulations of fact. His latest work, A History of America, published in 1777, was not less valuable than fascinating, but was never completed owing to the outbreak of the revolutionary war in America. 99 CLAN DUNCAN OR ROBERTSON -SEPTS OF CLAN DUNCAN OR ROBERTSON Collier Colyear Donachie Duncan Duncanson Dunnachie Inches MacConachie Macinroy MacDonachie MacRobbie Maclagan MacRobert Reid Roy Stark Tonnochy MAC FARLAN Facing page 99. . f mis ve < I>, ae 4 ’ f ‘ j 5. . f 5 El gn ' “ 2 a) ’ = ae ee oO PAKLEET TAe y ES dm READE 1 “y } ’ - 5 j i a” 3 Was i a t at . ‘ 5 p : * } “* i ) : Z ro 5 ‘ CLAN FARLAN BADGE: Muilleag (Oxycoccus palustris) Cranberry bush. SLOGAN: Loch Sloidh. PipRocH : Spaidsearachd Chlann Pharlain. OnE of the loveliest regions in the West Highlands at the present hour is the district about the heads of Loch Long and Loch Lomond, which was for some five centuries the patrimony of the Chiefs of the MacFarlan Clan. With the waves of one of the most beautiful sea lochs of the Clyde rippling far into its recesses, and the tideless waters of the Queen of Scottish Lochs sleeping under the birch- clad slopes on another side, while high among its fastnesses, between the towering heights of Ben Arthur and Ben Voirlich, shimmers in a silver lane the jewel-like Loch Sloy, this ancient territory could not but in the course of centuries produce a race of men instinct with the love of the mountains and the moors, and all the chivalrous qualities which go to make the traditional character of the Highlanders of Scotland. This is nothing less than fact in the case of Clan Farlan, for in origin the Clan was not Highland at all, and only became so, like a number of others, by long residence among the mountains and the lochs, and by intermarriage with native families of Celtic descent. It is true that many tellers of the story of the clan seek to derive its origin amid the silver mists of a mythical Celtic past. According to one account, the clan takes descent from a hero who arrived in Ireland with the first | colonists from Spain, and whose descendants afterwards settled in Scotland. _Maclan, who mentions this tradition, wisely concludes that it ‘‘ must be classed among the Milesian Fables.’’ This tradition was amplified in a paper read by the Rev. J. MacFarlane Barrow at a meeting of the London branch of the Clan Society, and printed in the Clan MacFarlane Journal for January, 1914. Quoting from a MS. of the monks of Glenmassan, this writer declared that in the veins of the MacFarlans ran ‘‘ the blood of Earls, and not Earls only, if it came to that, but of Kings, for was not Alwyn Mor, first Earl of Lennox, the great-grandson of Mainey Leamna, the son of Core, OL 92 CLAN FARLAN King of Munster, who was fifth in descent from Con of the Hundred Battles, King of Ireland ? ”’ To descend from these misty altitudes of vague tradition, however, to the realm of ascertained fact. It is recorded by the greatest of Scottish archeologists, Chalmers, in his Caledonia, quoting from the twelfth- century Simeon of Durham, that the ancestor of the family was the Saxon Arkil, son of Egfrith. This Arkil, a Northumbrian chief who fled to Scotland to escape the — devastations of William the Conqueror, received from Malcolm Canmore the custody of the Levanax or Lennox district, and became first founder of the family bearing that title. Alwyn, son of Arkil, was a frequent witness to the charters of David I. and Malcolm IV., and was created Earl of Lennox by the latter King. The son, another Alwyn, of the first Earl of Lennox being a minor at his father’s death, William the Lion gave the earldom in ward to his brother David, Earl of Huntingdon, but the young Earl recovered possession before the year 1199. When he died in 1224, he left no fewer than eight sons. Of these, Malduin, the eldest, became third Earl of Lennox, and Gilchrist, the fourth son, obtained from the latter in 1225 a charter of the lands of Arrochar, and became ancestor of the MacFarlans. Along with Clan Donachy, the Mac- Farlans are said to have been the earliest of the clans to hold their lands by feudal charter. Like other vassals of the Earls of Lennox, the MacFarlan chiefs exercised their rights under the stipulation that all criminals condemned by them should be executed on the Earl’s gallows at Catter. One of the earliest traditions connected with the family has to do with the great Norse invasion of Hakon, which ended at the battle of Largs in 1263. Previous to that battle, Hakon sent Olaf, King of Man, with sixty ships, up Loch Long. The Norsemen drew their vessels across the narrow isthmus of the MacFarlan country, between Arrochar and Tarbet on Loch Lomond, and the spot is pointed out, at the milestone midway, where the Laird of Arrochar hid his family from the fierce Norse raiders. Duncan, the second Laird of Arrochar, married Matilda, sister of Malcolm, fifth Earl of Lennox—he who was the friend of Wallace and Bruce, who fought at Stirling Bridge and Bannockburn, and fell at Halidon Hill, and there is reason to believe that the Laird of Arrochar and his followers fought under the Earl of Lennox at Bannock- burn. It was to the country of Duncan of Arrochar that Bruce escaped on the memorable occasion when he crossed the narrow waters of Loch Lomond, and recited to his men CLAN FARLAN 98 the great romance of Fierabras; and it is pretty certain that Duncan would be one of the little group of the Earl’s hunting party which shortly afterwards met the King, and hospitably entertained him and his little army, in the hour of their need, with the fruits of the chase. The son of Duncan and Matilda was named Malcolm, probably after his uncle the Earl; and Malcolm’s son, the fourth Laird, was named Pharlan, which has been trans- lated Bartholomew. It is from this individual that the family have since taken their surname of MacFarlan. Pharlan’s son Malcolm had a charter confirming him in possession of the lands of Arrochar in 1354, and his son Duncan, the sixth Chief, married Christian, daughter of Sir Colin Campbell of Lochow, and died shortly before 1460. His son John married a daughter of Sir James Mure of Rowallan, and sister of Elizabeth Mure, first wife of King Robert II. The next Chief, Duncan, was served heir to his father in 1441, and the next, Walter, married a daughter of the second Lord Livingstone. Meanwhile the original house of Lennox had suffered a tragic catastrophe. Donald, the sixth Earl, had left only a daughter, Margaret. She married her cousin, Walter de Fassalane, on the Gareloch, who, as the earldom appears to have been a female fief, became seventh Earl in right of his wife. The son of this pair, Duncan, eighth Earl, was again the last of his line. His daughter Isabella became the wife of Murdoch Stewart, Duke of Albany, grandson of King Robert II., and for a time Regent of Scotland. On the return of James I. from his long captivity in England, Duke Murdoch, his two sons, Walter and Alexander, and his father-in-law Duncan, Earl of Lennox, were all arrested, tried, and executed on the Heading Hill at Stirling. Afterwards, on the death of the Duchess Isabella in 1460, her youngest son’s son, Lord Evandale, held the earldom in liferent till his death. Upon that event ‘occurred the Partition of the Lennox; one-half of the territory went to the daughters of Earl Duncan’s second daughter, Margaret. These daughters were married respectively to Napier of Merchiston and Haldane of Gleneagles. The other half went to Elizabeth, Earl Duncan’s youngest daughter, married to Sir John Stewart of Darnley. In 1473 Darnley obtained a royal precept declaring him heir, not only of half the lands, but of the title of Earl of Lennox. Meantime the heir-male of the old Earls of Lennox was the Chief of MacFarlan, and some writers on the Clan suppose that the latter took the field in order to assert his 94. CLAN FARLAN claim, and suffered the loss of his territory in consequence. But there appears to have been no break in the line of the Chiefs. The idea that a cadet assumed the chieftaincy appears to have arisen from a later Latin charter in which Sir John MacFarlan was styled ‘‘ Capitaneus de Clan Pharlane.’’ This, Skene in his Highlanders of Scotland took to mean Captain of Clan Farlan, but Dr. MacBain, editor of the latest edition of the work, points out that Capitaneus is really the Latin for Chief. As a matter of fact, Andrew MacFarlan of Arrochar married a daughter of John, first of the Stewart line of the Earls of Lennox, and his successor, Sir John MacFarlan already alluded to, was knighted by James IV., and fell along with the Earl of Lennox himself at Flodden Field. The Chiefs of MacFarlan, indeed, appear to have been zealous supporters of the Lennox Earls. It was probably in this character that, shortly after Flodden, the Mac- Farlans attacked the castle of Boturich on the south shore of Loch Lomond, which was part of the ancient property of the earldom that had fallen to the share of Haldane of Gleneagles. The incident is narrated in Sir David Lindsay’s well-known poem, ‘‘ Squyer Meldrum.” The Laird of Gleneagles had fallen at Flodden, and the Squyer was making love to his widow in Strathearn when news came that her castle of Boturich was being attacked by the wild MacFarlans. Forthwith the valiant Squyer got his forces together, and rode to the rescue, driving off the marauders and securing the fair lady’s property. The next Chief, Andrew the Wizard, has recently been made the hero of a romance, The Red Fox, by a member of the Clan. He married a daughter of the Earl of Glencairn, and his son Duncan, who married a daughter of Lord Ochiltree, was an active supporter of the Regent Lennox during the childhood of Queen Mary. The Mac- Farlans, indeed, were among the first of the Highland clans to accept the Protestant form of worship. When Lennox, afterwards father of Queen Mary’s husband, Darnley, took arms in 1544 to oppose the Regent Arran and the Catholic party, the MacFarlans, under Walter MacFarlan of Tarbet, joined him with 140 men. These were Cearnich or light-armed troops, provided with coats of mail, two-handed swords, and bows and arrows, and it is recorded that they could speak both English and Erse, or Gaelic. Three years later, in 1547, the Chief himself fell, with a large number of his Clan, at the battle of © Pinkie. _It was the next Chief, Andrew, who became famous by ‘F6 osed Suey GNOWO'T HOOT NI SAHIHD) ANVTUVOVIT AHL 40 GIOHONOULS ATAVY NV Z£4Si Lag “ATLISWO MOA-¥-NVaA Ia ¢ & CLAN FARLAN 95 the part he played in fighting on the side of the Regent Moray at the battle of Langside in 1568. According to the historian Holinshed, ‘‘ The valiance of ane Heiland gentleman named MacFarlan stoode the regent’s part in great stede, for in the hottest brunte of the fighte he came up with 200 of his friendes and countrymen, and so man- fully gave in upon the flankes of the Queen’s people, that he was a great cause to the disordering of them. This MacFarlane had been lately before condemned to die for some outrage by him committed, and obtayning pardon through the suite of the countess of Moray he recompensed that clemencie by this piece of service now. at this batayle.”’ MacFarlan’s neighbours, Colquhoun of Luss and the Laird of Buchanan, also fought on the side of the Earl of Moray at Langside. For his part, MacFarlan received from the Regent the right to wear a crest consisting of a demi- savage proper, holding in one hand a sheaf of arrows, and pointing with the other to a crown, with the motto, ** This I'll defend.”’ This was the most turbulent period of the Clan’s history, when the frequent raids made by its members upon the lowlands brought them an unenviable notoriety. From the fact that these raids usually took place on clear nights, the full moon came to be known over a considerable part of the western lowlands as ‘‘ MacFarlan’s lantern.”’ Further, the Clan’s ‘‘ gathering’’ was_ significantly “ Thogail nam Bo,”’ “ lifting the cattle.’’ The slogan of the Clan was ‘‘ Lochsloidh,’’ ‘‘ The Loch of the Host,’’ so named from the fact that the gathering-place of the Mac- Farlans was upon the shores of that sheet of water. The Laird of MacFarlan appears in the rolls of chiefs made out in 1587-94 with a view to enforcing the law which made each chief accountable for the peaceful conduct of his followers. In the latter year they appear along with the MacGregors in the statute for the punishment of theft, reiff, oppression, and sorning. The MacFarlans also have been accused of a part in the assassination of Sir Humphrey Colquhoun in his castle of Bannachra in Glenfruin in 1592, though, according to the diary of Robert Birrell, burgess of Edinburgh, quoted in Irving’s History of Dunbarton- shire, the assassination was the work of Colquhoun’s own brother John. In July, 1624, many of the Clan were tried and convicted of theft and robbery. Some were punished, some pardoned, and a number were removed to the uplands of Aberdeenshire and to Strathaven in Banffshire. Among other septs of the Clan are the Allans or Mac- 96 CLAN FARLAN Allans, settled in Mar and Strathdon, and a large number. of others are enumerated by the Loch Lomondside chronicler, Buchanan of Auchmar. They assumed the names of Stewart, M‘Caudy, Greisock, MacJames, © M‘Innes, and others. The origin of one of the names of septs of the Clan, that of the Mac-an-Oighres or Macnaires of the Lennox, is said to have been as follows. One of the chiefs left his: second wife a widow with one son, while the heir by his. first wife was vain and a little weak-minded. The younger brother owned a beautiful grey horse, and on one occasion, the elder, setting out for Stirling, desired to ride it in order to make a good appearance. The stepmother, a Highland Rebecca, refused the loan on the pretext that the steed might not come safely back, and at last the young Laird signed a deed agreeing to forfeit the lands of Arrochar to his half-brother if the horse were not returned. The stepmother thereupon bribed the groom to poison the horse while away. This was done, and her son entered upon possession of the estate. The Clan, however, refused to accept him as their Chief, and some years later | the treacherous document was legally annulled and the lands restored to the rightful heir. From this incident certain MacFarlans were known to a recent time as Sloichd an Eich Bhain, ‘‘ descendants of the white horse,’’ while those who supported the heir took the name of Clann an. Oighre. | a John, the son and successor of the Chief who fought at Langside, founded an almshouse at Bruitfort on Loch | Lomondside, opposite Eilean Vow, and endowed it as a hostelry for passing travellers. His son Walter was a strong supporter of Charles I. in the Civil War, and in consequence had his castle destroyed by Cromwell’s men, | and was fined 3,000 merks. John, the grandson of Walter, again, took part against the Stewarts in the Revolution of 1688, and was Colonel of a volunteer force raised in his | neighbourhood. His son and successor, Walter, was famous as an antiquary, and among other works the | Lennox Chartulary survives only in his transcript. When he died in 1767, his library was purchased by the Faculty of Advocates, and is still of much use to antiquarian students. His materials were used by Douglas in his Peerage of Scotland, and his portrait hangs in the museum — of the Society of Antiquaries. Alexander MacFarlan, the brother of the antiquary, was a successful merchant in | Jamaica, becoming one of the assistant judges of the island, and a member of the Legislative Assembly. He — | CLAN FARLAN 97 was an eminent mathematician and Fellow of the Royal Society, and at his death in 1755 left an interesting ‘collection of instruments to Glasgow University. (William, the Chief who succeeded the antiquary Walter in 1767, was a physician in Edinburgh. He had three ‘sons and three daughters. John, the eldest, who suc- ceeded, married Katharine, daughter of James Walkinshaw of Walkinshaw, and, among others of a family, he had Margaret Elizabeth, who died 12th May, 1846, aged 2g. A monument on the west side of Grey Friars Church, Edinburgh, narrates that ‘‘ at the period of her decease she was the lineal representative of the ancient and honorable house of MacFarlan of that Ik.’’ ___ It was in 1785, in the time of the last-named Chief, John, that the Arrochar estate was brought to a judicial sale. It was purchased by Ferguson of Raith for 428,000, and at a later day was acquired by Colquhoun of Luss for £78,000. __ The extinction of the house of the Chiefs is associated by tradition with a curious incident. MacFarlan, it is ‘said, had on the waters of Loch Lomond a famous flock of swans with which the luck of the family was associated. In the time of the last Chief, one Robert MacPharrie, who had the second sight, declared that the days of the Chiefs of Arrochar were numbered, and that the sign of this event would be the coming of a black swan to settle among MacFarlan’s swans. Strangely enough, soon afterwards, a black stranger was seen among the other birds on the loch, remaining for three months before it disappeared, and it was very shortly after this that the barony passed out of the hands of the MacFarlan Chiefs for ever. Among the many distinguished later members of the ‘Clan was Principal Duncan M‘Farlane of Glasgow Uni- versity, Moderator of the Church of Scotland at the time of the Disruption, who had the honour of conducting Queen Victoria over Glasgow Cathedral and College in 1842. While he was minister of Balfron, he was among the guests invited to meet Sir Walter Scott at Ross Priory on Loch Lomondside. On that occasion he happened to Marrate to the novelist a folk-rhyme connected with ‘Buchlyvie, then part of his parish. This ran: “ Baron of Buchlyvie, May the foul fiend drive thee And a’ to pieces rive thee For building sic a toun, Where there’s neither horse meat nor man’s meat, Nor a chair to sit doun.”’ VOL. I. G ) 98 CLAN FARLAN The authorship of the Waverley novels was then a secret; a few weeks later, when Rob Roy was published, and Mr. MacFarlane saw his verses at the head of the twenty- third chapter, he must have had a shrewd guess as to the authorship. | | The main stronghold of the Chiefs of MacFarlan was of course the castle of Arrochar, nothing of which now remains but a fragment of wall. The later Arrochar House, by which it was replaced, is still to be seen embedded in the modern mansion of the name on the shore of Loch Long. Besides this stronghold the Chiefs owned castles on the island of Inveruglas and on Eilean Vow in Loch Lomond, fragments of both of which still remain. The most recent chapter in the history of the Clan has, been the formation of a Clan MacFarlan Society in/ Glasgow and London. The Society has Mr. Walter MacFarlan, D.L., Glasgow, as its Honorary Vice- President, while its acting President is Mr. James MacFarlan, representative of the Gartartan branch of the ancient family of the Chiefs, descended from Sir John MacFarlan, who fell at Flodden. One of the tasks which the Society has set itself is the investigation of claims to the chiefship, which has been obscure for more than a century. SEPTS OF CLAN FARLAN Allan Allanson Bartholomew Caw Galbraith Griesck Gruamach Kinnieson » Lennox MacAindra MacAllan MacCaa MacCause MacCaw MacCondy MacEoin MacGaw MacGeoch Macgreusich Macinstalker Maclock MacJames MacNeur MacNair MacNiter MacNider MacRobb MacWalter MacWilliam Miller Monach Robb Parlane Thomason Stalker Weir Weaver FARQUHARSON Facing page 98. CLAN FARQUHARSON BapGr: Lus nam braoileag (vaccineum vitis idea) Red whortle- berry. é SLoGan : Cairn na chuimhne. It is said of an Earl of Angus, chief of the great house of Douglas, in the days of James V., that at Douglas Castle, far in the Lanark fastnesses of Douglasdale, he laughed at the threats of Henry VIII. of England. ‘“* Little knows my royal brother-in-law,’’ he said, ‘‘the skirts of Cairntable. 1 could keep myself here against all his English host.’’ With much more justification might the Farquharson chiefs of bygone centuries have laughed at the threats of their most powerful enemies. Upper Deeside, which was their clan country, was so surrounded with a rampart of the highest mountains in Scotland, and so narrow and few were the approaches to it through the defiles of the hills, that even the kings of Scotland them- selves must have hesitated to attack so formidable a fastness. In the earliest times, as it is to-day, Upper Deeside was a favourite resort of royalty. Just as Queen Victoria and King Edward and King George have made their way thither in the autumns of more recent years, for the hunting and the fishing and other Highland delights which the district affords in royal abundance, the early Scottish kings are said to have resorted thither in their time. Craig Coynoch, or Kenneth, is said to take its name from the fact that from its summit in the ninth century Kenneth II. was wont to watch the chase; and not far off, at the east end of the bridge over the Cluny, stood Kindrochit Castle, the residence of Malcolm Canmore and later kings, from which the neighbouring village took its name of Castletown of Braemar. Among _ other traditions of royal visits at that time the great Highland Gathering still held here each autumn is said to have been founded by the mighty Malcolm, who offered a prize of a purse of gold, with a full suit of Highland dress and arms, to the man who could first reach the top of Craig Coynoch. Here Clan Farquhar, or Finlay, has been settled from the days at least of King Robert the Bruce. 99 100 CLAN FARQUHARSON According to tradition and family history the chiefs of the Farquharsons were lineally descended from the great ancient Thanes of Fife. They emerge into the limelight of history early in the fourteenth century in the person of a redoubtable Shaw MacDuff of Rothiemurchus. It was the time when the great house of Comyn, previously all-powerful in many quarters of Scotland, was going down before the might of the Bruces, their junior competitors for the Scottish crown. The Comyn chiefs had _ their headquarters in Badenoch, and Shaw MacDuff with his followers performed prodigies of valour in driving them out of that country. As a reward King Robert the Bruce is said to have appointed him hereditary chamberlain of the royal lands of Braemar, about the upper waters of the Dee, on the other side of the Cairngorms from his original patrimony. Here ever since, with vicissitudes more or less dramatic and romantic, the Farquharson chiefs have remained settled. The son of Shaw MacDuff, founder of the family, was a certain Fearchar who lived in the reigns of Robert II. and III]. From him the clan takes its name of Mac’earchar, or Farquharson. He married a daughter of Patrick MacDonachadh, ancestor of the Robertsons of Lude. His son Donald also married a Robertson, of the family of Calveen; and his son again, another Fearchar, married a daughter of Chisholm of Strathglas. This Fearchar left a large family, several of whom settled in the Braes of Angus, and became ancestors of respectable families there. From Finlay Mor, the grandson of this Fearchar, the clan took its name of Finlay, otherwise MacKinlay or Finlayson. The clan was a member of the great Highland confederacy of Clan Chattan, and of course played a part in the many feuds in which that confederacy was embroiled. Constantly in those early days the Crois- tarich, or Fiery Cross, was sent hurrying through these glens of the Upper Dee, and brought the Farquharson clansmen racing hotfoot to their immemorial gathering- place at the foot of Glen Feardar, where still stands their famous ‘* Cairn of Remembrance,’’ Cairn-a-Quheen. As late as the end of the eighteenth century, according to the writer of the Old Statistical Account, ‘‘ Were a fray or a squabble to happen at a market or any public meeting, such influence has this word over the minds of the country people that the very mention of Cairn-na-cuimhne would in a moment collect all the people in this country who happened to be at said meeting to the assistance of the person assailed.”’ : CLAN FARQUHARSON 101 The Cairn of Remembrance is said to have had its origin in a curious custom of the clan. Each man, as he came to the gathering-place at the summons of his chief, brought with him a stone, which he laid down a little way off. On returning after the raid of battle each survivor lifted a stone and carried it away. The stones which were left were then counted and added to the cairn. In this way the number of the dead was ascertained. Each stone on the great heap, therefore, represents a Farquhar- son who fell long ago in some one of these forgotten encounters. The slogan of Cairn-a-Quheen played its part in rousing the clan not only in many of the local clan feuds, but in not a few of the great battles of the country. Finlay Mor, already referred to, carried the royal standard at the battle of Pinkie, where he fell with many of his clan in 1547. From this fact Finlay Mor’s second son Donald got the name of Mac-an-Toisach, or ‘‘ son of the leader.’’ From him descended the Farquharsons of Finzean, who, on the death without male issue of James Farquharson, tenth chief in succession from Fearchar, son of Shaw, succeeded to the chiefship of the clan. The present Farquharsons of Invercauld are descended from Catherine, the surviving daughter and heiress of this house, who was known, in Scottish fashion, as Lady Invercauld. This lady married Captain Ross, R.N., who again, by the custom of Scotland, took the name of the heiress, and so handed on the ancient name of the Farquharson chiefs. When the civil wars between Charles I. and his English and Scottish Parliaments broke out, towards the middle of the seventeenth century, the Farquharsons were from the first on the side of the king. The National Covenant was signed in 1638 as a protest against the king’s attempts to force the English Liturgy upon Scotland. To this Covenant the Farquharsons were opposed, and Donald Farquharson of Monaltrie raised several hundreds of the clan and joined the Gordons who were defending the town of Aberdeen against the Earl of Montrose, who was then leader of the Parliament troops on the side of the Cove- nant. Six years later Montrose, who had refused to sign the second or Solemn League and Covenant, of 1643, and who was now a Marquess, took up arms on the side of the King and was joined by the Farquharsons “‘ with a great number of gallant men.’’ Later, in 1651, when Montrose had perished on the scaffold, and the young Charles II. had come to Scotland to make a bid for the throne of his ancestors, the Farquharsons joined that prince, and, 102 CLAN FARQUHARSON following him to England, took part in the battle of | Worcester, where he was defeated. Fifteen years later there occurred on Deeside an incident which illustrates well the fierce spirit which still survived among the gentlemen of the clan at that time. The event is commemorated in the well-known ballad, ‘* The Baron o’ Brackley,’’ and the leading personages were John Gordon of Brackley, near Ballater, and John Farquharson of Inverey, above Braemar. According — to the Gordons Brackley had, in execution of legal warrant, poinded some of Farquharson’s cattle. There- upon Farquharson raised his followers, marched down to Brackley, and proceeded to drive away both his own and Gordon’s cattle. Upon Brackley sallying forth to prevent — this, the Farquharsons fell upon him and slew him and his brother. The ballad makes out that Brackley and his — brother were the only men in the house, and that they — sallied out as a result of the taunts of Brackley’s wife, a daughter of Sir Robert Burnet of Leys, who forthwith — engaged in a shameless liaison with Farquharson. The ballad concludes : O fy on you, lady! how could ye do sae? You opened your yetts to the fause Inverey. | She ate wi’ him, drank wi’ him, welcomed him in; She welcomed the villain that. slew her baron. She kept him till morning, syne bade him be gane, And shawed him the road that he shouldna be ta’en. ‘‘ Through Birss and Aboyne,”’ she said, ‘‘ lyin’ in a tour, Ower the hills o’ Glentanar you’ll skip in an hour.” There is grief in the kitchen, and mirth in the ha’; But the Baron o’ Brackley is dead and awa’. For this deed Inverey was prosecuted, and lay in outlawry for many years. He is said to have been fierce, — daring, and active, and is remembered on Deeside as ‘‘ the © Black Colonel.’’ | When the revolution took place the Farquharsons — turned out, Inverey among them, and joined Viscount Dundee. After the battle of Killiecrankie, in which — Dundee fell, Inverey had again to go into hiding. On this occasion his castle was burned and he himself only — escaped in his shirt. His hiding-place, still known as the Colonel’s Cave, may be seen in a glen above the village of Inverey. The Farquharson country, however, was presently to — ‘cgi ased Sule AACVM IVMUANAD AD LING ‘WINVOUAANI ‘AAC AO ADdIud AIO ‘su0S 9 UDUUP MN 9 °L 0104 CLAN FARQUHARSON 103 see a still greater and more famous event. About the end of the reign of Mary Queen of Scots, the Farquharsons ‘had effected an excambion with the Earl of Mar, by which they exchanged the Haugh of Castletown, near Braemar, for the lands of Monaltrie farther down the valley. Soon after this transaction the Earl built on the haugh the stronghold now known as Braemar Castle. After the battle of Killiecrankie King William’s government placed a garrison in this stronghold to keep the country in sub- jection; but the clansmen rose, besieged the place, forced the soldiers to retire under cover of night, and, to prevent a similar encroachment in the future, burnt the Castle. The Earl, however, had it restored, and it was here that in 1715, insulted by the new Hanoverian king, George I., he summoned the Highland chiefs for the great hunting- party at which the rising in favour of James VII. and Il. was planned. Braemar Castle was crowded to overflowing on that occasion, and the principal meetings were held at the neighbouring house of the Farquharson chief, Invercauld. It was accordingly from the dining-room at Invercauld, still preserved in the modern mansion, that the fiery cross was sent through the glens preparatory to the raising of that ‘‘ standard on the Braes of Mar,’’ on the little mount in Castletown at hand which was to mean so much of sorrow and disaster for the clans and their chiefs. As an immediate result in this neighbourhood, Braemar Castle was again burned by Argyll’s forces in 1716, after the battle of Sheriffmuir. Meanwhile the Farquharsons had formed part of Mar’s army which, under Brigadier Mackintosh, was thrown across the Forth, and marched into England as far as Preston. A noted figure on that march was Fearchar gaisgach liath, ‘‘ the Grey Warrior.’’ This hero had taken part as a lad with the Marquess of Montrose in the Jacobite victories of 1645, and he lived to see his last remaining son fall, and the hopes of the Jacobites extinguished, at the battle of Culloden a hundred years later. After that event, at the extreme age of 115, he wandered the country, desolate and forlorn, visiting the graves of those who had fallen in the last conflict, and known far and near by the name above given him. On the way into England in 1715 in the attempt to defend the house of a widow from plunder from a band of Lochaber men he received a wound, but this did not prevent him going on with the expedition. At Preston, when Brigadier Mackintosh and the little Jacobite army found itself on the eve of being attacked by Major-General Willis and the Government troops, John 104 CLAN FARQUHARSON Farquharson of Invercauld, at the head of a hundred chosen Highlanders, took up position at the long narrow bridge over the Ribble, and there is little doubt he would | have made good its defence against his assailants long enough to afford the Jacobites time to effect their retreat. His force was, however, recalled, and the calamitous surrender of the little Jacobite army in the town - soon followed. The Farquharsons were again out at the rising of 1745. They were mainly instrumental in defeating the Macleods at Inverury, and gave an excellent account of themselves - at the battles of Falkirk and Culloden. The disastrous issue of the rising at the latter battle brought sorrow and ruin to many of the clan. After that event, Charles — Farquharson, the ‘‘ Meikle Factor of the Cluny,’’ was forced to take refuge in the cave known as the Charter Chest, in the face of Craig Cluny above Invercauld. It was the place in which the chiefs in time of danger were wont to conceal their most precious possessions, and so secure was the spot that for ten months Farquharson lay concealed in it while his house, within earshot below, was occupied by soldiers of King George. Evidently the Government was impressed by the need for laying a strong hand on the Farquharson country. — About 1720 the forfeited Mar estates had been purchased | from Government by Lords Dun and Grange, the latter being a brother of the Earl of Mar. Ten years later, how- ever, Farquharson of Invercauld had purchased the lands | of Castletown from these owners. About 1748 he leased — Braemar Castle, with fourteen acres about it, to the Government for ninety-nine years at a rental of £14, and they proceeded to repair the house, build a rampart around it, and place a garrison within its walls. Four years later that shrewd and intrepid pacifier of the Highlands, General Wade, carried his great military road — through Deeside, and in the course of doing so built — across the Dee what is now known as the Old Bridge of — Invercauld. But there were to be no more Jacobite rebellions, and — from that day to this the Farquharson country on Deeside — has remained in steady repute as a peaceful and law- abiding district. The days were over when the laird of Invercauld could undertake, for the payment of certain blackmail by the city of Aberdeen, to keep three hundred | men in arms for the landward protection of the burgesses. _ Successive chiefs have devoted themselves to the extensive _ improvement of their estates. In the first half of the — CLAN FARQUHARSON 105 nineteenth century one of them, in the course of a long possession, planted no fewer than sixteen million fir trees and two million larch on his estates, besides building as much as twenty miles of good roads throughout the neighbourhood; and since the coming of the Royal family to the neighbouring estate of Balmoral in 1848 Invercauld has seen the constant entertainment of Royalty itself. Among other alliances, the Farquharson chiefs have twice inter-married with the ducal house of Atholl. While there have been many distinguished cadet houses of the clan, it should be noted that a number bearing the name in the counties of Aberdeen, Banff, and Moray are in reality descendants of the Comyns, having changed their name after the final overthrow of their house, and adopted that of Farquharson as descendants of Fearquhard, son of Alexander, the sixth laird of Altyre. SEPTS OF CLAN FARQUHARSON Coutts Farquhar Finlay Finlayson Greusach Hardie Hardy Lyon MacCaig MacCardney MacCuaig MacEarachar MacFarquhar Machardie MacKerracher MacKerchar Mackinlay Reoch Riach CLAN FERGUS BADGE: Ros-greine’ | (helium thymum mari-folium) Little sun- flower. ABOUT the year 1Igoo the present writer, in his quiet dwelling in the neighbourhood of Loch Lomond, was surprised one evening by a visit from a handsome young Highlander in a grey kilt, who stated that he had walked all the way from Keppoch in Lochaber in the hopé of | finding employment. At a venture the writer suggested that his visitor might be of the well-known race of the MacDonalds of Keppoch; but the suggestion was met instantly with the somewhat disconcerting reply: ‘* Mac Donald! The MacDonalds have only been in Keppoch for four hundred years; my people have been there for many many hundred years before that.’’ On being asked who his people might be, the young adventurer replied that his name was MacFhearguis. At the request to write down the name, he had some difficulty in doing it, but he had no difficulty whatever in describing a long line of ancestry which stretched back through Fergus, son of — Erc, and a long line of Irish kings, to no less a person than Scota, the daughter of Pharoah himself. The young man explained that a large part of the district now held by Cameron of Lochiel had originally belonged to his race, and that the original Cameron, who was not a Gael but a Briton from Dunbartonshire, who had got his name, ‘“ Cam-shron ”’ or ‘‘ crooked nose,’’ from damage to that — feature accruing from his warlike disposition, had origin- ally acquired a footing in the country by fighting the battles, and marrying a daughter, of the MacFhearguis chief. The immediate ancestor of the young man from Keppoch, it appeared, had fought at Culloden, and, being exiled to America, there married an Indian princess. The son of the pair had returned to this country and had become the ancestor of the midnight rambler. At present (1923) there is living in New York a claimant to the Chiefship of the clan, who signs himself ‘“ Clann Fhearguis of Strachur,’’ who has been the hero of many strange adventures, and avers that his ancestors possessed lands on Loch Fyneside. | : 100 FERGUS Facing page 106, a e CLAN FERGUS 107 Whatever the authority for the various parts of the statement as given by the astonishing young Highlander above mentioned, it is certain, so far as Gaelic tradition can go, that the first important settlement on these shores from the north of Ireland was made in the year 503 by three brothers, Lorn, Fergus, and Angus, sons of Erc, of the Royal Scottish race; so Clan Fergusson can claim a sufficiently high antiquity for its name, though it may be difficult to prove direct descent from these early Scoto- Irish chiefs. This traditional origin of the clan name was turned to amusing and useful account on one historic occasion. In 1583, after the escape of King James VI. from the Earl of Gowrie and other lords of the English faction who had made him prisoner at the Raid of Ruthven, he summoned a number of hostile ministers of the Kirk to appear before him at Dunfermline. Their reception was anything but friendly, and the situation was only saved by the quaint humour of one of them, Mr. David Ferguson. The King, he averred, ought to listen to him if no other, for he had relinquished the crown in his favour. Was not he, Ferguson, the descendant of Fergus, the first Scottish king, and had he not cheerfully resigned the title to his Grace, as he was an honest man, and had possession. By this, and more to like effect, mixed with some subtle flatteries of the King’s literary performances, he turned. James’s wrath aside and secured a peaceful dismissal. In the sixth century a holder of the name played a part which has had far-reaching effect upon the later Christian history of Scotland. In the early Life of St. Mungo or Kentigern, it is related how in the year 543 that Saint, himself a member of the royal British race, having left the household of his early protector, St. Serf, at Culross, came, at Carnock near Stirling, to the door of a certain holy man, Fregus or Fergus, then on the point of death. This holy man directed Kentigern to place his body after death upon a car, to harness to it two unbroken bullocks, and to take it for burial whither the bullocks might lead. With his sacred charge Kentigern made his way to a place then known as Cathures, now Glasgow, and at a little burying-ground on the banks of the Molendinar, which had been consecrated by St. Ninian 150 years before, he buried the body. The spot is now covered by Blackadder’s Aisle, on the south side of Glasgow Cathedral, which is otherwise known, from the fact just narrated, as Fergus’ Aisle. Within a few yards of it Kentigern raised his early chapel and cell, and from that 108 : CLAN FERGUS spot spread the Christian gospel through the whole province of the Strathclyde Britons, before he died in 603. Meantime there had been at least one other King of Scots of the name of Fergus, which, as a matter of fact, is said to be derived from the Gaelic Fear, a man, Gais, a spear, and to be cognate to the English name Shakespeare; so the Clan Fergus might claim descent from several royal forebears, as well as from Fergus, Lord of Galloway, in 1165, whose wife was a daughter of Henry I. of England. The first solid mention of the name in more modern history, however, is in the charter by which King Robert the Bruce conferred certain lands in Ayrshire on ‘‘ Fergusio filio Fergusii,’””> who was ancestor of the family of Kilkerran, of which Lieut.- General Sir Charles Fergusson is the head at the present hour. Families of the name, it is true, were to be found in other parts of the country, and Thomas, Earl of Mar, granted a charter of the lands of Auchenerne in Cromarty to Eoghan or Ewen Fergusson, who appears in the confirmation granted by David II. at Kildrummie Castle in 1364 as ‘‘ Egoni Filio Fergussii.’’ There have been Fergusons for six centuries in Balquhidder, represented now by those of Immerveulin and of Ardandamh, the latter in Laggan on Loch Lubnaig in Strathyre. Fergussons were also to be found in Mar and Athol, where, in the clan map included in Brown’s History of the Highlands, the neigh- bourhood of Dunfallandie is given as the country of Baron Fergusson. Dunfallandie is still in possession of | this ancient family, who have owned it since the time of King John Baliol. : It is difficult to say who claimed the chiefship in those early centuries, although in the roll drawn up in 1587 the Fergussons appear among the “‘ clanis that hes capitanes, cheiffis, and chiftanes quhome on they depend.’’ The most notable family of the name, however, since the days of Bruce has undoubtedly been that of Kiulkerran. Another noted family has been that of Fergusson of Craigdarroch in Glencairn parish, one of whom remains famous as the victor in the tremendous drinking bout celebrated in Robert Burns’ poem, ‘‘ The Whistle.” This family definitely claims descent from Fergus, the powerful Lord of Galloway of the twelfth century, already mentioned. | From the Fergus Fergusson of Robert the Bruce's time, the lands of Kilkerran descended to Sir John Fergusson, Knight, of the days of Charles I., when the family suffered considerable reverses of fortune, and CLAN FERGUS 109 had their lands alienated. Presently, however, John Fergusson, son of Simon Fergusson of Auchinwin, the youngest son of Sir John, acquired great reputation and fortune aS an advocate, advanced the funds for clearing the family estate, and in 1703 was created a Baronet of Nova Scotia. Sir James, the eldest son of the first baronet, was also a noted lawyer, who became a judge of the Court of Session and Court of Justiciary in 1749, under the title of Lord Kilkerran. He married the only child of Lord Maitland, son of the fifth Earl of Lauder- dale, and grandson of the twelfth Earl of Glencairn, and of his nine sons and five daughters, the fourth son George also became a Lord of Session as Lord Hermand. ‘The eldest son, Sir Adam Fergusson, who was an LL.D., represented Ayrshire in Parliament for eighteen years and the city of Edinburgh for four. Sir Adam’s nephew and_ successor, Sir James Fergusson, married the second daughter of the famous Sir David Dalrymple, Bart., Lord Hailes, who himself had married a daughter of Sir James Fergusson, Bart., Lord Kilkerran, and his eldest son and successor, Sir Charles, married the second daughter of the Right Hon. David Boyle, Lord Justice General of Scotland, and aunt of the seventh Earl of Glasgow. The son of this pair was the late Right Hon. Sir James Fergusson, Bart., P.C., K.C.M.G., of Kilkerran, who, among his many dis- tinguished offices was Governor of Bombay, Governor of South Australia, and of New Zealand, as well as M.P. for Ayrshire and Under-Secretary of State for India and for the Home Department. To the end of his life he took an active part in public affairs, and was chairman of a commission for the furtherance of cotton-growing in the British colonies when he was killed in the great earthquake at Jamaica in 1907. His wife was a daughter of the Marquess of Dalhousie, and his son, Lieut.-General Sir Charles Fergusson, Bart., of Kilkerran, the present head of the family, is a very distinguished soldier. Sir Charles joined the Grenadier Guards in 1883, became Adjutant in 1890, and, at the outbreak of the Sudan War in 1806, transferred to the Egyptian army, and Served with the roth Sudanese Battalion throughout the campaign of 1896-7-8. During this campaign he was severely wounded at Rosaires, was five times mentioned in despatches, had the brevets of Major, Lieut.-Colonel, and Colonel, and received the D.S.O. and the medal with eight clasps. He commanded the 6th Sudanese Battalion in 1899, and the garrison and district of Omdurman in 110 CLAN FERGUS 1goo, and closed his record in Egypt as Adjutant-General | from igor to 1903. Afterwards he commanded the 3rd Battalion of the Grenadier Guards from 1904 till 1907, | was Brigadier-General on the General Staff of the Irish | Command from 1907 till 1908, and Inspector of Infantry | from 1909 till 1913. Heisa Justice of the Peace, a Deputy Lieutenant of Ayrshire, and a Commander of the Bath. In 1901 he married Lady Alice Mary Boyle, second | daughter of the Earl of Glasgow, by whom he has three | sons and one daughter. At the outbreak of the great European War Sir Charles was appointed to the command | of the Second Division of the British Expeditionary Force | in France, receiving the rank of Lieut.-General, and he was | throughout actively and gallantly engaged in the arduous | work of the campaign at the Front. 4 Among other celebrated people of the name of Fergusson a few out of a long list may be noted here. One of the most famous was David Ferguson, the Reformer, already referred to, who died in 1598, who was first a glover, then a minister at Dunfermline, who preached before the Regent against the taking away of church property, was Moderator of the General Assembly twice, and one of a deputation which administered one of the numerous admonishments to King James VI. He com- piled a collection of Scottish proverbs, and wrote a curious critical analysis of the Song of Solomon. There was Robert Ferguson, ‘‘ the Plotter,’ who died in 1714. He took an ardent part in the controversy about the legitimacy — of the Duke of Monmouth, was one of the chief contrivers of the Rye House Plot, was chaplain to Monmouth’s army, and accompanied William of Orange in his landing in 1688. He afterwards became a Jacobite, and was committed to, Newgate, but never brought to trial. More famous still was Robert Fergusson, the Scottish poet and exemplar of Burns, who died in 1774, and for whom Burns erected a tombstone in Canongate Churchyard. There was also Adam Fergusson, the Professor of Philosophy at Edin- burgh, in whose house, the Sciennes at Edinburgh, Sir Walter Scott as a boy had his memorable meeting with Robert Burns. At the death of Robert Burns’ friend, the Farl of Glencairn, in 1796, Professor Ferguson made a claim to the earldom before the House of Lords as lineal descendant of and heir general to Alexander, created Earl of Glencairn in 1488, and to Alexander, Earl of Glencairn, who died in 1670, through the latter’s eldest daughter, Sir Adam’s great-grandmother, Lady Margaret Cunningham, wife of John, Earl of Lauderdale, and mother of James, CLAN FERGUS 111 Lord Maitland, above referred to. But the Lords decided although Sir Adam Ferguson has shown himself to be heir general to Alexander, Earl of Glencairn, who died in 1670, he hath not made out a right of such heir to the dignity of the Earl of Glencairn.”’ Last who may be noted was Sir Adam Ferguson, son of the above and long a familiar friend of Sir Walter Scott, who as a Captain of the rorst Regiment read the Sixth Canto of The Lady of the Lake to his company in the lines of Torres Vedras, afterwards became keeper of the Regalia of Scotland, and was knighted in 1822. Regard- ing him Lockhart in his Life of Scott recounts an amusing incident in which the poet Crabbe was concerned. He quotes the Life of Crabbe, in which that poet describes how on this occasion he met ‘‘ Lord Errol, and the MacLeod, and the Fraser, and the Gordon, and the Ferguson,’’ and conversed at dinner with Lady Glengarry. In a note regarding the allusion to Fergusson, Lockhart says: ‘“ Sir Walter’s friend, the Captain of Huntly Burn, did not, as far as I remember, sport the Highland dress on this occasion, but no doubt his singing of certain Jacobite songs, etc., contributed to make Crabbe set him down for a chief of aclan. Sir Adam, however, is a Highlander.’’ SEPTS OF CLAN FERGUS Fergus Ferries MacAdie MacFergus MacKerras MacKersey CLAN FORBES BADGE: Bealaidh (spartium scorparium) common broom. SLOGAN : Lonach. j PrprocH : Cath Glen Eurainn. As in the case of many other of the Highland clans, there are traditions which trace back the genealogy of the Forbeses to the blood of the early Celtic kings of Scotland, and through them to a still more remote ancestry in the royal race of Ireland. These traditions, in so far as they concern the Clan Forbes, are detailed at length in a brochure by the Honourable Mrs. Forbes of Brux, published at Aberdeen in 1911, and entitled Who was Kenneth I., King of Scots? This pamphlet claims a descent for the chiefs of the clan from Kenneth II.—he who finally defeated the Picts at Cambuskenneth in 838, and united the kingdoms of Picts and Scots—and behind him, through a more or less hazy ancestry of individuals whose relationships are difficult to make out, such as Forbhasach, son of a Lord of Ossory, slain in 755) Forbasa, Abbot of Rath Aedha in the sixth century, and the like, to the misty chiefs of the early Irish Hy Nial. That these traditions have been held by the Clan for hundreds of years is shown by the facts that the Chiefs, down to the battle of Duplin in 1332, were known by the name O’Choncar, that more than one later chief, like James O’Chonacar the 17th Baron, at the end of the eighteenth century, bore the name of those early Celtic ancestors, that a son of the second Lord Forbes in 1476 had his lands on Deeside erected into the barony of O’Neil, and that a Master of Forbes as long ago as 1632, in the report of an interview, made an allusion to relationship, believed to date from early Celtic times, between his own race and the race of the MacKays, of which Lord Reay was the head. The descriptive name Forbhasach, ‘“‘ bold forehead,”~ appears to have been common in those times; but as patronymics did not then exist, the name cannot be said to have been that of a family, or succession of holders from father to son. Whatever may be the truth about the remotest ancestry of the clan, and whatever might be the relation- ship of early individuals bearing names more or less resembling that of Forbes, it seems clear that the cognomen at present borne by the chiefs and others of the race was derived from the lands of Forbes in Aberdeen- 112 FORBES Facing page 112, CLAN FORBES 113 shire. In the brochure already alluded to it is claimed that these lands have been possessed uninterruptedly by the Forbes chiefs in right of their descent from the early Scottish kings, who personally owned them. In 1736 the fifteenth baron wrote: ‘‘ We know of no person by tradi- tion, nor the history of any one, who possessed the lands of Forbes before ourselves.’’ At any rate, in the days of William the Lion the lands were in possession of the family, the first of the name upon record being John de Forbes. From Fergus de Forbes, the son of this individual, all the Scottish families of the name are believed to have descended. The lands were formally granted by charter to the head of the house by King Alexander II. about the middle of the thirteenth century, and towards the close of that century the owner played a part in a striking episode which brought his race into prominence on the page of Scottish history. This owner was Alexander, eldest son of Fergus de Forbes, above mentioned. As governor of the royal castle of Urquhart on Loch Ness, he made a spirited defence uf that stronghold against the army of Edward I. of England in 1303. The Scottish garrison was hard pressed, and presently it became evident that it would be starved into surrender. The governor did not regard his own fate, but he had with him in the castle his wife, then about to become a mother, and for her safety and the preservation of the succession of his family he was most anxious that a means should be found of conveying her through the English lines. One day the gate of the castle opened, and the English saw a beggar woman driven forth. The tale she told was that she had happened to be inside the castle when the siege began, but that now, as provisions were running short, the garrison were no longer willing to feed a useless mouth, and had driven her out. Believing this tale, the English allowed her to pass, and the governor had the satisfaction of seeing her make her way to safety. Shortly afterwards the castle fell, and Forbes with his entire garrison was put to the sword. His wife, how- ever, shortly afterwards gave birth to a son, and the Succession of the Forbes family was preserved. The gallant governor who thus fell is said to have been other- wise known as O’Chonochar, and according to tradition he, or a predecessor, was buried under a rock in Glen Urquhart, known to this day as Innis O’Connochar. The name is said to have been used by the chiefs of Clan Forbes down to a recent period. To the posthumous soft of the brave governor of VOL. I. H 114 CLAN FORBES Urquhart Castle, King Robert the Bruce granted certain, lands adjoining those already owned by him in Aberdeen- shire. This head of the house, who was also named Alexander, was with the host under the Regent Earl of Mar which was surprised by Edward Baliol at Duplin in 1332, and he was among those who fell in that disastrous: battle. His son, Sir John Forbes, was a distinguished personage in the reigns of Robert II. and Robert III. His wife was a daughter of Kennedy of Dunure, ancestor of the noble house of Ailsa, and, of their four sons, the second, Sir William, became ancestor of the Lords Pitsligo; the third, Sir John, of the Forbeses of Culloden,’ Watertown and Foveran; and the youngest, Alexander, of the Forbeses of Brux. The eldest son, Sir Alexander de Forbes, when King James I. was a prisoner in England, led a following of a hundred horse and forty spearmen to France, where he fought against the English under Henry V. at the battle of Beauge in 1421 and is immortalised by the poet. Ariosto. Later in life—some time between 1436 and 1442. —he was created a Lord of Parliament by James II. His’ wife was a daughter of George, Earl of Angus, and a granddaughter of King Robert III., and his eldest son, the second baron, married a daughter of William, first Farl Marischal, and granddaughter of the first Lord Hamilton and the Princess Mary, daughter of King. James II. Of this second baron’s three sons, Duncan of: Corsindie became ancestor of the Forbeses of Pitsligo and: other families, while Patrick of Corse, who was armour-' bearer to James III., became ancestor of the Forbeses of: Craigievar and the Forbes Earls of Granard in Ireland. | According to Macfarlane’s Genealogical History, the: Forbes Chiefs had the whole ruling and guiding of the King’s affairs in the district between Forfar and Caithness. shires down to the year 1500. Alexander, the fourth’ baron, in 1488, after the death of James III. at Sauchie’ burn, where Forbes himself had taken part, displayed the bloody shirt of the murdered king on a spear, and,| marching through the north country, summoned all loyal’ - subjects to rise and execute vengeance. He succeeded in getting together a large force, but on learning of the defeat: of the Earl of Lennox in the south, he laid down his arms, and was pardoned and received into favour by the youthful’ James IV. John, the sixth Lord Forbes, was three times married.’ His first wife was Catherine, daughter of John Stewart, Earl of Athol, the half-brother of fames II., her mother. CLAN FORBES 115 being the famous Fair Maid of Galloway, heiress of the great race of the Black Douglases, who had first been successively married to her cousin William, Earl of Douglas, stabbed by James II. in Stirling Castle, and afterwards to his brother James, last of the Douglas Earls, who was overthrown by King James II. and ended his days as a monk in the Abbey of Lindores. By his first wife Lord Forbes had one surviving daughter, who married the Laird of Grant. By his second wife, a daughter of the Laird of Lundin, he had two sons, John and William. Of these, the elder, John, was that Master of Forbes whose dark and turbulent career furnishes one of the most outstanding episodes in the reign of James V. Already, in 1527, a fierce feud between the families of Forbes and Lesley had, with its ramifications through the districts of Mar, Garioch, and Aberdeen, plunged the country in blood. Among others of the lawless acts of the Master of Forbes was his murder of Seton of Meldrum, and he was known to have lent his services to further the schemes of Henry VIII. against Scotland. The Master had married a sister of the Earl of Angus, the ambitious chief of the Douglases, who had married the widow of James IV., and for long exercised royal power during the boyhood of James V. On the midnight escape of James from Falkland, to assume royal power, and banish the Douglases from the kingdom, the Master of Forbes took a vigorous part in the schemes by which their friends endeavoured to secure their return. He appears in particular to have been the moving spirit who induced the Scottish lords at Wark to mutiny against the Regent Albany, and in 1536 he was accused by the Earl of Huntly of a design to shoot King James himself as he passed through Aberdeen. Upon these charges he and his father, Lord Forbes, were both imprisoned. The father was acquitted amid much popular rejoicing, but the Master was condemned and executed, declaring himself innocent of treason, but acknowledging that he ought to die for the murder of the Laird of Meldrum. The trial and execution of the Master of Forbes took place on 14th July, 1538, and two days later the beautiful Janet Douglas, Lady Glamis, sister of the banished Earl of Angus, was condemned and burnt to death for conspiring to poison the king. An account of these mysterious events is to be found in Pitcairn’s Criminal Trials of Scotland. That the king believed the Forbes family, apart from the Master of Forbes, to have no part in the crime is shown by the fact that Lord Forbes was speedily set at liberty, that no 116 CLAN FORBES attempt was made to forfeit the family estates, and that William, the Master’s younger brother, was appointed to an office in the royal household. In the reign of James V.’s daughter, Mary Stewart, the feud between the Forbeses and their neighbours the Gordons came to a height. The Gordons were the great upholders of the Roman Catholic Church in the north, while the Forbeses were steady supporters of the Reformation. In the transactions of the time Adam Gordon of Auchendoun, the Earl of Huntly’s brother, played a conspicuous part. After Gordon had defeated the Forbeses in one hard-fought battle, the Regent Earl of Mar gave the Master of Forbes some horsemen and five companies of foot to support an attempt at dislodging the Gordons, who had taken possession of Aberdeen. Forbes, however, fell into an ambuscade laid for him by Gordon, a certain Captain Carr with a party of hagbutters doing great execution among his ranks, along with a company of bowmen from Sutherlandshire in the service of Auchendoun. On this occasion the Master of Forbes was defeated and taken prisoner. It is worth noting here, as a clue to some of the ill- feeling between the Forbeses and the Gordons, that the Master of Forbes here mentioned, and who afterwards became eighth Lord, had married a daughter of the Earl of Huntly, and had divorced her, as the notorious Earl of Bothwell had divorced her sister, Lady Jean Gordon, in order to marry Queen Mary. | | Another episode of the strife between the two clans. was even more dramatic than that above mentioned. Part of it is related in one of the best known Scottish ballads, ‘‘ Edom o’ Gordon.’’ It was in 1571, when Adam Gordon was Acting Deputy-Lieutenant for Queen Mary’s party in the north, and in the late autumn following the incident above narrated. The Gordons summoned the House of Tavoy or Corgarf, belonging to John Forbes, to yield. Forbes’ lady, a daughter of Campbell of Cawdor, refused to do this without her husband’s instructions, and thereupon the Gordons fired the house, and she and her family and attendants, twenty-seven persons, were burnt within. The ballad relates in true folk-song fashion the lady’s proud colloquy from her towerhead with the enemy, and its cruel answer : Out, then, spake the Lady Margaret, As she stood on the stair; The fire was at her gowd garters, The lowe was at her hair. "gir a8ed Suey Sad fous Lis Vy. a ~ “THE LIBRARY OF THE CLAN FORBES 117 But the climax is reached when the lady’s daughter, suffocating in the smoke, begs to be rolled in a pair of sheets, and dropped over the wall. The fair burden is received on the point of Gordon’s spear. Oh, bonnie, bonnie, was her mouth, And cherry were -her cheeks, And clear, clear was her yellow hair, Whereon the red bluid dreeps. Then wi’ his spear he turned her ower— Oh, gin her face was wan! He said, ‘‘ You are the first that e’er I wished alive again! ”’ He turned her ower and ower again— Oh, gin her skin was white! He said, ‘‘ I might ha’e spared thy life, _ To ha’e been some man’s delight! ”’ The burning of Corgarf, thus chronicled, had a sequel which affords a striking illustration of the manners of feudal times. The incident is related in Picken’s Tradi- tional Stories of Old Families, from which it may be quoted: ‘‘ Subsequent to this tragical affair,’’ says the writer, ‘‘ a meeting for reconciliation took place between a select number of the heads of the two houses in Lord Forbes’ castle of Druminor. The difference being at length made up, both parties sat down to a feast. The eating being ended, the parties were at their drink. ‘Now,’ said Huntly to his neighbour chief, ‘ as this business has been satisfactorily settled, tell me, if it had not been so, what it was your intention to have done.’ “There would have been bloody work,’ said Forbes, “bloody work, and we would have had the best of it. I will tell you. See, we are mixed one and one, Forbeses and Gordons; I had only to give a sign by the stroking down of my beard, and every Forbes was to have drawn the skean from under his left arm, and stabbed to the heart his right-hand man.’ As he spoke, Forbes suited the sign to the word, and stroked down his flowing beard. In a moment a score of skeans were out, flashing in the light of the pine torches held behind the guests. In another moment they were buried in as many hearts; for the Forbeses, whose eyes constantly watched their chief, mistaking this involuntary motion for the agreed sign of death, struck their weapons into the bodies of the unsuspecting Gordons. The chiefs looked at each other in silent consternation. At length Forbes said, ‘ This is 7 118 CLAN FORBES a sad tragedy we little expected; but what is done cannot be undone, and the blood that now flows on the floor | of Druminor will just help to slocken the auld fire of — Corgarf.’ ”’ After the murder of the Bonnie Earl of Moray at. Dunnibristle in 1592, Lord Forbes, who was Moray’s close © friend and the feudal enemy of his murderer, the Earl of - Huntly, marched with the slain man’s bloody shirt on- a spear’s head through his territories, and incited his followers to revenge. John, son of the Lord Forbes who played a part in so_ many tragic incidents, and of Lady Margaret Gordon, above referred to, was much revered for his pious life. He adhered to the Roman Catholic Church, and his fame is remembered to the present day under the name he took of — ‘‘ Father Archangel.’’ His escape from Scotland to- Antwerp in the disguise of a shepherd’s boy was one of the romances of that time. He took the habit of a. Capuchin friar at Tournay in 1593, and is said to have converted 300 Scottish soldiers to Catholicism at Dixmude. | In 1606, only six weeks after succeeding to the peerage, — he died of the plague at Ghent while visiting those attacked | by that disease. A Latin life of him by Faustinus Cranius - was translated into English, French, and Italian. ; The tenth Lord Forbes was one of the Scottish nobles and soldiers of fortune who in the first half of the seven- | teenth century won fame under the banners of Gustavus | Adolphus of Sweden. In those wars he attained the rank — of Lieutenant General, and after his return to Scotland, he was sent to Ireland in 1643 as one of the commanders © entrusted with the suppression of the rebellion there | against Charles I. The twelfth baron was a Lieutenant-Colonel of the | Horse Guards in the latter years of the seventeenth century, and was made a member of the Privy Council by King William III. His elder son, the thirteenth baron, had his | own troubles in the events of his time, since his wife, a daughter of William Dale of Covent Garden, lost no less | a sum than £20,000 through rash investment in the great South Sea Bubble. The sixteenth baron was appointed Deputy-Governor of Fort William in 1764, and the post) was evidently not altogether a sinecure, since he died there forty years later. | The seventeenth baron, already mentioned as bearing the name James O’Choncar, distinguished himself as Colonel of the 21st Fusiliers. He served with the Cold- stream Guards in Flanders under the Duke of York, and, | CLAN FORBES 119 ‘at the Helder under Sir Ralph Abercromby in 1799, attained the rank of General in the Napoleonic wars, and was made a Knight of the Royal Sicilian Order of St. anuarius. He was a representative peer for Scotland, acted as High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland from 1825 till 1830, and was created a baronet of Nova Scotia. His son, again, Walter, the eighteenth baron, commanded a company of the Coldstream Guards at Waterloo, and took part in the terrific struggle at the Chateau of Hougomont. The nineteenth Lord, who succeeded in 1868, was premier baron of Scotland, a representative peer, and a Deputy-Lieutenant of Aberdeenshire. Among the cadet branches of the family it is uncertain whether that of Pitsligo or that of Craigievar was the elder, there being a doubt as to which of their ancestors, Duncan and Patrick respectively, was second son and third son of the second Baron Forbes. Pitsligo is said to have been acquired by marriage with a daughter of Fraser of Philorth in the middle of the sixteenth century; but a hundred years earlier, in 1443, John Forbes of Pitsligo was among those slain in the battle between the Lindsays and the Ogilvies over the justiciar- ship of the Abbey of Arbroath. The fourth and last Baron Forbes of Pitsligo was a noted Jacobite, who played a conspicuous part in the Earl of Mar’s rising in 1715. After living abroad for five years he was allowed to return, but having raised a regiment for Prince Charles Edward at the Jacobite rebellion of 1745, he was attainted, and lived in hiding till his death in 1762. Meanwhile the second son of the union with the heiress of Pitsligo had founded another family. His eldest son, William Forbes, married Margaret, daughter of the ninth Earl of Angus, and their eldest son, another William, was created a baronet of Nova Scotia in 1626. The fourth baronet married a daughter of the Earl of Kintore, and John, the eldest son of this union, married Mary Forbes, daughter of the third Lord Forbes of Pitsligo, through whom, on the decease of John, Master of Pitsligo in 1781, her descendants became nearest heirs and representatives of that noble family. The sixth baronet, Sir William Forbes, was the famous Edinburgh banker of the eighteenth century. His second son was a Judge of the Court of Session under the title of Lord Medwyn, and the eighth baronet, who married a daughter of the sixth Marquess of Lothian, assumed the additional surname and arms of Hepburn, as heir of entail to the barony of Inver- 120 CLAN FORBES may, and as heir at law to the estate of Balmanno, on the’ death of Alexander Hepburn Murray Belshes. The Forbeses of Newe are also descended from Duncan, | son of the second Lord Forbes. Their immediate ancestor | was William Forbes of Dauch and Newe, younger brother of Sir John Forbes, created Lord Forbes of Pitsligo in 1633. The baronetcy dates from 1823, its first holder - having been a merchant at Bombay. Ten years later, Sir Charles Forbes was served nearest heir-male general to) Alexander, third Lord Pitsligo, and in the same year the Pitsligo arms and supporters were granted him by the Lord Lyon. : The Forbeses of Craigievar, again, are descended from Patrick of Corse, armour-bearer to James III., who for his services had bestowed upon him the barony of O’Neill. | The second baron of O’Neill and laird of Corse was known | significantly as Trail the Axe. The fifth took an active. part in the settlement of the Church after the Reformation, and was for seventeen years Bishop of Aberdeen; and his — son, Dr. John Forbes of Corse, was Professor of Theology | in King’s College, Aberdeen, and author of many valuable © works. The present line is descended from the brother of © the Bishop, William Forbes of Craigievar, which, by the ) way, means the ‘* Rock of Mar.’’ It was his son who, in | 1630, was created a baronet of Nova Scotia. He com manded a troop of horse on the Parliament side in the Civil Wars, and was active otherwise in the public business © of his time. His son, again, known as ‘‘ the Red Sir John,’’ did much to repair the fortunes of his house, which | had suffered seriously during the Civil Wars, and he sat repeatedly in the Scottish Parliament. Later heads of. the house also distinguished themselves, and Sir William, — the eighth baronet, inherited the Sempill peerage as repre- sentative of the Hon. Sarah Sempill, eldest daughter of | John, twelfth Lord Sempill, and wife of Sir William, the fifth baronet of Craigievar. The next representative of | the house, his son, Sir John Forbes Sempill, eighteenth | Baron Sempill, served through the Sudan and South — African campaigns. Still another notable family of the clan has been. that | of the Earls of Granard in Ireland, who are descended | from Sir Arthur, sixth son of Trail the Axe, above referred | to. Sir Arthur settled in Ireland in 1620, and obtained © extensive territorial possessions from the crown in the. county of Longford. These were erected into the Manor of Castle Forbes, and Sir Archibald was made a baronet | of Nova Scotia in 1628. Four years later, as Lieutenant- CLAN FORBES Brio’ Colonel, he accompanied his regiment to take part in the wars of Gustavus Adolphus, and was killed in a duel at Hamburg. His eldest son distinguished himself under the Marquess of Montrose in the Civil Wars, and after the Restoration was made a Privy Councillor, Marshal of the Army in Ireland, and one of the Lords Justices, before he was raised to the peerage in 1673. A year later he raised the eighteenth Royal Irish Regiment, and was made Earl of Granard. The second Earl was imprisoned by William the Third in the Tower, served in Turenne, and took part at the battle of Saspach and the siege of Buda. The third Farl, distinguished in public service, naval, military, and political, died senior admiral of the British Navy: The sixth Earl, who opposed the Union with Great Britain, was made a peer of the United Kingdom as Baron Granard of Castle Donington in Leicestershire, a mansion which figured conspicuously in the public eye as the place of internment of German officer prisoners during the war of 1914. And the present Earl of Granard, eighth of his line, has highly distinguished himself in public service as a Lord in |Waiting, Assistant Postmaster-General, and Master of the Horse, as well as special Ambassador to announce the accession of King George V. at the courts of Lisbon, Madrid, the Hague, Brussels, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Christiania. Among other distinguished bearers of the name of Forbes, the most famous was Duncan Forbes of Culloden, President of the Court of Session, whose exertions at the time of the last Jacobite rebellion did much to prevent a general rising of the Highland clans, and to preserve the throne for George II. Duncan Forbes was descended, through the family of Tolquhon in Aberdeenshire, from Sir John, third son of Sir John de Forbes, who died in 1405. He purchased Culloden from the laird of MacIntosh in 1726, and, according to Marshal Wade, could count upon a Highland following of 200 men. Altogether, from first to last, there is perhaps no Highland family which can boast so many branches highly distinguished in so many spheres of public life as that which has sprung from ‘the stem of this ancient Aberdeenshire house. SEPTS OF CLAN FORBES Bannerman Fordyce Michie CLAN FRASER : BADGE: Iubhar (taxus baccata) the yew-tree. SLOGAN : Caisteal Downie; and more anciently Morfhaich. | PIBROCH : Spaidseareachd Mhic Shimi, and Cumhadh Mhic Shimi. © THE race of the Frasers, as purely Highland in character | and Celtic in instinct to-day as any clan in the North, | must be regarded as undoubtedly of Norman descent. The roll of Battle Abbey contains the name of the | ancestor who came over with the Conqueror, and no long | period of time appears to have elapsed before the earliest — of the Scottish Frisells or Frasers obtained a settlement north of the Border. It is true that Maclan in his Clans | of the Scottish Highlands suggests that the name Frisell, | now Fraser, may be a corruption of the Gaelic Friosal, | for which he suggests as a derivation Frith, a forest, the ‘th ’’ being silent, and siol, ‘‘ a race,’’ which would make the word Frissel, to mean ‘‘ the race of the forest ’’; and he cites the traditions in the lower parts of Inverness-shire, | which, he says, detail forays by the inhabitants of the | Fraser country as having been carried out by cearnich na coille, or ‘* warriors from the woods.’ But this theory | appears to be demolished by the fact that the earliest | Frissels known in Scottish history belonged, not to the Highlands, but to East Lothian and the upper valley of the Tweed. Their removal into the North of Scotland, like that of the Gordons, appears likely to have been a comparatively late affair. | According to the family tradition, the earliest settle ment of the Frisells was in East Lothian and the earliest | whose name is found in charters is believed to be Gilbert | de Fraser who lived in the time of Alexander I., in the | early years of the twelfth century. Very soon the family diverged into Tweeddale, and there, on High Tweedsmuir, | near the sources of the river, Oliver Fraser, Chief of the | name, built the stronghold called after him, Oliver Castle, — which continued for several generations to be the chief | feudal seat of the family. The Fraser territory included Biggar on the west, with its castle of Boghall, and probably stretched thence to the other Fraser stronghold | of Neidpath near Peebles, on the east. 122 FRASER g page 122, bl - sf a eee) ; - ad on = thy oy t he, ie oe % F Sus ie CLAN FRASER 123 The first of the name who played a great part in Scottish history appears to have been William Fraser, Bishop of St. Andrews and Primate of Scotland. After the death of Alexander III. Fraser was appointed one of the six guardians and regents of the realm. In strong contrast to Robert Wishart, Bishop of Glasgow, who was the other churchman appointed regent, Fraser favoured the interests of Baliol and Edward I. of England. He was indeed the first to solicit the interference of the English king in Scottish affairs. In striking contrast appears the character of the next of the race to figure in national history. Edward I. had defeated Wallace at the battle of Falkirk in 1298, but, incensed that the Scots continued to resist his usurpation, he appointed John Segrave governor of Scotland, and early in 1303 sent him into the country at the head of twenty thousand men. With his army in three separate camps, Segrave lay near Roslin, when on the morning of 24th February a boy rushed in, shouting that the Scots were upon them. The news was true. Sir John Comyn, the Scottish governor, and Sir Simon Fraser had gathered a force of eight thousand horse in the Fraser country at Biggar, and by a night march fell upon the English unaware. They rapidly defeated the first English army under Segrave himself, and were dividing the booty, when they were attacked by the second army under Ralph the Cofferer. This they also defeated, and again thought their work done, when they were assailed by the third army under Sir Robert Neville. Though worn out by the long night march and the two first fights, they attacked and totally defeated this third array, and were accordingly able to make the proud boast that in one day they had defeated three English armies. Sir Simon was one of the truest and bravest of the Scottish patriots. After the death of Wallace, and the defeat of Bruce at Methuen and Dalrigh, he made a last effort for the freedom of Scotland with a small force at Kirkencliff, near Stirling, but was defeated and taken prisoner. Carried to London in heavy irons, he was led through the city crowned with periwinkle, and after a similar trial to that of Wallace, suffered the same horrible death as a traitor. Meantime Sir Simon’s brother, Sir Alexander Fraser, had been one of the first to join Bruce, and had been among the prisoners captured at Methuen, but had been ransomed and soon again joined the king. _ After the death of Sir Simon Fraser his estates were divided. Through the marriage of one of his daughters, 124 CLAN FRASER Boghall and Biggar passed to the Chief of the Flemings, while, by the marriage of his other daughter, Neidpatt passed to the Hays, afterwards Earls of Yester and Marquesses of Tweeddale. But the race of the Frasers continued to play a striking part in Scottish history. Ai the battle of Halidon Hill in 1333 the fourth division of the Scottish army had among its chief captains James anc Simon Fraser, who were then ‘‘ veteran leaders of approvec valour.’’ They were both killed in the battle. ! Meanwhile the family had made its way into the North. According to Anderson’s History of the Lovat Family, Sir Andrew Fraser appears about 1290 as a Highland proprietor, the first of his name to do so. The uncle of Sir Simon of Biggar, Sir Andrew, married the daughter of the Earl of Orkney and Caithness, and through her mother, daughter and heiress of Graham of Lovat, came into possession of the territory of that name. The family settled in the district known as the Aird, between Loch Ness and the Beauly Firth in Inverness-shire. From Simon, the eldest son and successor of Sir Andrew Fraser, the succeeding chiefs took their Celtic patronymic of MacShimi, or MacKemmie, as the ‘‘ sons of Simon,”’ and the race seems to have rapidly increased and grown in power, for before long the Fraser chief could count upon the support of ‘a good number of barons of his name in Inverness- and Aberdeenshires.’’ In 1416, in an indenture, Hugh Frisoll, or Fraser, is styled ‘‘ Lord of the Aird and Lovat,’’ and fifteen years later he was summoned as a baron to attend the Scottish Parliament. By his marriage with Janet, sister and co-heir of William Fenton of that Ilk, he materially increased the wealth and power of his family, and his son and grandson, the second and third Lords Lovat, did the same by marrying respectively a sister of David Wemyss of that Ilk, and a daughter of the Earl of Glamis. | It was yet another Hugh Fraser, the fifth Lord Lovat, shown to have sat in the Scottish Parliament of 14th March, 1540, who took part in one of the most famous conflicts of the Scottish clans, that known variously as the battle of Lochlochy and as Blar-na-leine, the Battle of the Shirts, in 1544. Queen Mary was an infant two years old when, through a kindly act of the Fraser Chief, a large part of the West Highlands suddenly burst into flame. The trouble began with the deposition and execution, by his own clan, of Dugal, Chief of Clan Ranald, for certain acts of cruelty and oppression. Alastair, his uncle, who was declared CLAN FRASER . 125 thief, died in 1530, whereupon the latter’s natural son, ain Muidartach, who had been legitimatised, managed to ecure the estates and the chiefship. Meanwhile Dugal’s Jdest son, Ranald, had been fostered by his uncle, Lord ovat, and on his becoming a man, Lovat determined to yut him into possession of his father’s lands and honours. Zanald, however, was ungenerous and unpopular with 1is clansmen, who scornfully nicknamed him Gallda, the Stranger or Lowlander. Joined by the Camerons, they ‘hased him out of their country, raided some of the Fraser erritory, and captured the strong castle of Urquhart on woch Ness. In turn they were driven back by the Jueen’s lieutenant, the Earl of Huntly, who, with the vaird of Grant, had come to the aid of Lovat. Thinking hey had dispersed the MacDonalds, Huntly and Grant narched homeward up Glen Spean, while Lovat, with Ranald Gallda and some four hundred Fraser clansmen, et out by the side of Loch Lochy towards the Aird. [They had not gone far when the MacDonalds suddenly ippeared descending the hills on front and flank, in seven columns, with pipes playing and banners flying. Immedi- itely a terrific battle began, without quarter or mercy on ither side. It was a hot day in July, and, in order o fight the better, both sides stripped off their clothes, tom which circumstance the fight takes its well-known ame. Traditions of the warlike deeds performed are to 9e found in Gregory’s and other histories of the High- ands, and so fatal was the issue that of the Frasers it is aid only one sorely wounded gentleman and four ollowers remained alive, while on the MacDonald side here were only eight survivors. Lord Lovat himself and is protégé, Ranald Gallda, were among the slain. For the next two hundred years the Chiefs of the ‘rasers played their own part in the affairs of the Highlands, and the race again came into the limelight of yeneral Scottish history in the person of the notorious Simon, thirteenth Lord Lovat, of the time of ‘‘ the orty-five.’’ Upon the death of Hugh Fraser, eleventh Lord Lovat, n 1696, Amelia, the eldest of his four daughters, co-heirs, wroceeded to assume the title. She had, however, eckoned without her second cousin, Simon Fraser. simon was the eldest surviving son of Thomas Fraser of 3eaufort, third son of the ninth lord, and this Thomas, yeing still alive, and the nearest heir-male, was now, as a natter of fact, the twelfth Lord Lovat. Simon Fraser 1ad no intention to allow the title and chiefship to go 126 CLAN FRASER past him, but the method he took to secure them was thai of an African savage. His father had been a follower 0 Claverhouse, and had intrigued in the cause of the exilec Stewarts, and his chances of a peaceful succession to th peerage were not a little doubtful. Simon, however proceeded to make the matter certain in his own way, sc far, at any rate, as he was himself concerned. First o} all he made an attempt to carry off his second cousin Amelia, but the attempt did not succeed. Then, gather ing a band of desperadoes, he broke into the bed-chambe: of Amelia’s mother, the dowager Lady Lovat, anc brutally effected a forced marriage with her, drowning her shrieks with the uproar of a band of pipers, anc carrying her off to an island where she was entirely in his power. The lady was a daughter of John, firs! Marquess of Athol, and, her family taking action regarding the outrage, Simon Fraser was condemned to death. He and his father then took to the woods, and lived for several years as outlaws. In course of time he inducec the Duke of Argyll to procure a pardon for his politica’ offences from King William; but, being summoned before the High Court of Justiciary for his outrage against Lady Lovat, he did not appear, and was accordingly outlawed. Plunging thereat into Jacobite intrigues, he went tc France. There, by his own account, he was imprisonec for three years in the castle of Angouleme, but other evidence shows that he was thrown into the Bastille, and only obtained release by taking holy orders. Ten years later, when the Jacobite rising of 1715 took place, he appeared in London, and secured favour by offering his services to the Government against the Stewarts; then, proceeding to Scotland, raised a band of freebooters, with whom he made such a show of loyalty to the House ol! Hanover that he obtained a free pardon. Meanwhile, or the plea that his marriage with Lady Lovat had _ been ‘‘ merely a joke,’’ he made a marriage with Janet, daughter of the Laird of Grant, by whom he had two sons and two daughters, and in 1733 he had his title to the barony confirmed by the House of Lords. In that year, having become a widower, he proceeded to kidnap Primose Campbell, sister of John, fourth Duke of Argyll, and on securing pardon for this new offence, he had the audacity to ask for a dukedom. This being refused by George II., Simon Fraser again turned his coat and began to look to the House of Stewart as a more likely furtherer of his ambition. Upon the landing of Prince Charles Edward, he held out the hope that he : CLAN FRASER 127 would join the rising if given the strawberry leaves, and it is said that the patent was actually made out. At the same time he endeavoured to impress on the Government that he was acting loyally in the Hanoverian interest. He had the misfortune of many such schemers, however, to fall between two stools. The Jacobite dukedom never reached him, he failed to give effective help to the prince at the right time, and after the battle of Culloden his treason was so evident, that he was one of those upon whom the Government’s chief displeasure and punishment fell. After skulking for a time on an island in Loch Morar and elsewhere, he was at last captured in a hollow tree, where his bloated body was wedged so tightly that he could not have extricated himself. At St. Albans, on the way to London, he was sketched by Hogarth, a mass of fat and cunning. At the trial in Westminster Hall he defended himself with great skill, but the ‘‘ old fox ’’ had come to the end of his career. Eighty years of age, he was convicted and sent to the Tower, and was beheaded on gth April, 1747, being the last to die by the axe at that historic stronghold. A popular rhyme puts his case in a nutshell : Lord Lovat’s fate indifferent we view, True to no king, to no relation true. The brave regret not, for he was not brave; The honest mourn not, knowing him a knave. Strange to say, the son of this ‘‘ wicked Lord Lovat ”’ became one of the most distinguished soldiers of his time. As leader of the clan at Culloden, where the Frasers joined at the last moment, he behaved with great valour, and on the Highlanders being forced to give way, he marched off his clan with banners flying and pipes playing, in the face of the enemy. Afterwards, on the plea that he had been forced by his father to support the Jacobites, he obtained pardon, and in 1757 raised 1,800 Frasers to take part in the war against the French. At Louisberg and Quebec he and his clansmen played a most distinguished part, and in the attack on the latter city, in the difficult landing and the battle afterwards on the Plains of Abraham, the Frasers covered themselves with glory, and vitally contributed to the famous victory which gave Canada into our hands. General Simon Fraser also took part in the defence of Portugal in 1762, and may be held to have redeemed by his valour and loyalty the good name of his house. On his death childless in 1782, he was succeeded in the chiefship by his half-brother Colonel Archibald 128 CLAN FRASER Campbell Fraser, whose mother was Primrose Campbell above referred to. He was British Consul at Tripoli and Algiers from 1768 till 1774, M.P. for Inverness-shire from_1782 till 1796, and author of a work, Patriots of the Family of Fraser, Frisell, Simson, or Fitz Simon in 1795. He set up a monument in Kirkhill kirkyard, on which his services were duly detailed. His son, who died before him in 1803, was a barrister, commanded the Fraser Fencibles in Ireland at the crucial period of 1798, and was M.P. for Inverness-shire from 1796 till 1802. Upon the death of Archibald Campbell Fraser without surviving issue in 1815, the line of the wicked Lord Lovat came to an end. There have been several claims to the title, but the chiefship, it has been decided, passed to Thomas Fraser of Lovat and Strichen, great-great grandson of Thomas Fraser of Knockie and Strichen, second son of the sixth Lord Lovat and Janet, daughter of Campbell of Cawdor. Thomas Fraser of Knockie and Strichen had married Amelia, only surviving child of James, Lord Doune, eldest son of Alexander, Earl of Moray, and exactly 227 years from the time when he acquired the estate of Strichen, his descendant became representative of the main line. Thomas Alexander Fraser of Lovat and Strichen was the twenty-first chief. He was created Baron Lovat of Lovat in the peerage of the United Kingdom in 1837, and established his right to the fifteenth century Scottish barony of Lovat in the House of Lords twenty years later. He married the eldest daughter of the Marquess of Stafford, and was Lord Lieutenant and Sheriff Principal of Inverness-shire. His son, the twenty-second chief, was also Lord Lieutenant, and the present chief, who succeeded in 1887, is his second son. The present Lord Lovat is the sixteenth Baron of the old Scottish creation, and has brilliantly upheld the warlike and patriotic traditions of his family. He began’ his military career as a lieutenant in the First Life Guards. and continued service as a major in the 1st Volunteer Battalion Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders. At the outbreak of the South African War he raised from among his own clansmen and other Highlanders a mounted force known as the Lovat Scouts, which from the experience of its. members as ghillies, stalkers, and the like, in the High- lands, and mounted on serviceable active ponies, proved } most useful during the campaign, and afforded a suggestion which has been taken up since in the organisation of the British Army. Lord Lovat was himself mentioned in despatches during the campaign, and was made CLAN FRASER 129 successively D.S.O., C.B., C.V.O. and K.C.V.O. On his return from South Africa he raised two yeomanry regiments to form part of a Highland Mounted Brigade, of which he became Lieutenant-Colonel. When the war of 1914 broke out, he at once went upon active service again, raised further units for his brigade, and proceeded to the front as its commander. In time of peace his Lordship took a most distinguished part in furthering the most vital interests of the Highlands, and in the matter of ‘he war his name and fame were an inspiration to every Highlander in the field. _ The family seat, Beaufort Castle, occupying a beautiful situation near the river and town of Beauly, is a modern mansion built on the site of an earlier one of the same name razed to the ground after the battle of Culloden in 1746, and this in turn superseded the still more ancient vastle of Lovat near the same spot. _ The chief cadet line of the family is that of Fraser of Philorth, which now holds the ancient Scottish barony of Saltoun. Sir Alexander Fraser of this branch, who lived n the time of James V. and Queen Mary, having inherited tom his grandfather the baronial burgh of Philorth, ounded on it the town of Fraserburgh, and established here in 1597 a short-lived university. He represented Aberdeenshire in the Scottish Parliament in 1596, and was cnighted by King James VI. In 1669 Alexander Abernethy, ninth Lord Saltoun, having died without issue, his peerage devolved upon his heir of line, a later Sir Alexander Fraser of Philorth, whose mother had been Idest daughter of the seventh lord, and who thus became enth baron. He was a zealous Royalist, and commanded tegiment on the side of Charles II. at the battle of Norcester in 1651. His grandson, William Fraser, leventh Lord Saltoun, married a daughter of Archbishop harp, murdered by the Covenanters on Magus Muir. He rote a fragment of family history, and planned to bring he succession to the Chiefship and the Barony of Lovat ito his family by marrying his eldest son to Amelia taser, eldest daughter and heiress of Hugh, eleventh Lord ovat. For this he was seized and imprisoned on Eilean ‘gas in the Beauly by Simon Fraser, the ‘‘ wicked lord ”” lready referred to, who at that time was anxious to marrv melia himself. In the sequel the Master of Saltoun larried a daughter of the first Earl of Aberdeen, The iXteenth Lord Saltoun, who married a natural daughter f the famous Lord Chancellor Thurlow, served with istinction in the Napoleonic wars. At Quatre Bras he VOL. i. I 180 CLAN FRASER 4 commanded the light companies of the 2nd Brigade of Guards, and at Waterloo he held the chief point of French attack in the battle, the garden and orchard of Hougomont, and led the final charge against the French Old Guard. Among his other honours he was K.C.B., K.T., a military Knight of Russia and of Austria, and a Scottish Representative Peer. His grand-nephew, the present Lord Saltoun, eighteenth Baron, is also a Scottish Representa- tive Peer. He has been Lieutenant-Colonel of the 2nd Battalion Grenadier Guards, and major of the 3rd Battalion Gordon Highlanders. It may be noted that Saltoun estate itself, in Haddingtonshire, has never belonged to the Fraser line of peers, having been sold by Alexander, ninth Lord Saltoun, in 1643, to Sir Andrew Fletcher, grandfather of the famous Scottish patriot, the opponent of Lauderdale, the Duke of York, and the Union with England. There are also, among other branches, the Frasers of Ledeclune and Morar, represented at present by Sir Keith Alexander Fraser, Bart. The family is descended from Alexander, second son of Hugh Fraser, an early Lord Lovat. A daughter of the house married the fifteenth chief, and the baronetcy dates from 1806. 7 Other notable members of the clan have been the covenanting divine James Fraser, known as Fraser of Brae, who suffered imprisonment on the Bass Rock, in Blackness Castle, and in Newgate; James Baillie Fraser, the famous Asiatic explorer and writer, whose rides from Semlin to Constantinople and from Stamboul to Teheran were notable events in their time; James Stewart Fraser, General and Commissioner in India in the early years of last century; Patrick Fraser, a Lord of Session and author of various legal works; John Fraser, the botanist, who introduced pines, oaks, azaleas, and other plants from America, and Tartarian cherries from Russia, and went to America as Collector to the Tsar Paul in 1779; Louis Fraser, Curator to the Zoological Society, naturalist to the Niger expedition in 1841, and author of Zoologia Typica; and Sir William Fraser, LL.D., the famous Scottish genealogist and antiquary, writer of learned accounts ol many Scottish families, and founder of the Chair of Ancient History and Paleography at Edinburgh Univer sity. From first to last the Frasers have made a mark ir history as romantic, varied, and useful as that of any family in the country. | Frissell MacGruer MacKim MacSimon Sim Simpson Tweedie CLAN FRASER SEPTS OF CLAN FRASER Frizell Macimmey MacShimes MacSymon Simon Syme 131 CLAN GORDON BavcE: Eidhean na craige (hedera helix) rock ivy. Srocan : A Gordon! a Gordon! Pisrocu : Failte, and Spaidsearachd nan Gordonich. Tuoucu the origin of the name and family of Gordon has often been debated, the weight of evidence favours the assumption that the ancestor of the house came from the manor of Gourdon in Normandy about the time of the Norman Conquest, and that he or a descendant was one of the feudal settlers encouraged to come to Scotland in the days of Malcolm Canmore and his sons. Early in the twelfth century, at any rate, according to Chalmers’ Caledonia, the ancestor of the race is found settled on the lands of Gordon in Berwickshire. A tradition runs that the first of the name to cross the Tweed was a valiant knight, a favourite of Malcolm Canmore, who, having killed a wild boar which seriously distressed that district of the Border, obtained from the King a grant of these lands, to which he gave his own surname, and, settling there, assumed the boar’s head for his armorial bearing in commemoration of his exploit. For three centuries at least the heads of the house were most closely associated with Border history, and when at last they removed their _chief seat to the North of Scotland they left scions of the race, like the Gordons of Lochinvar, afterwards Viscounts Kenmure, and Gordon of Earlston, to carry on the tradi- tions of the name in the south. In the Berwickshire parish, a little north of the village of West Gordon, a rising ground now covered with plantation, but still called ‘‘ the Castles,’? and showing the remains of fortification, is pointed out as the early seat of the family. The original Huntly was a village now vanished in the western border of Gordon parish, where two farms are still known respectively as Huntly and Huntly-wood. In 1270 Adam de Gordon took part in the Crusade organised by Louis XI. of France. From this fact the Adam family are said to derive their crest and motto. _ In 1309 Sir Adam de Gordon, in return for giving UP certain temporal claims, obtained from the monks of Kelso 132 a4 a GORDON we 132, CLAN GORDON 133 leave to possess a private chapel with its oblations here. It was this Sir Adam de Gordon who along with Sir Edward Mabuisson was sent to Rome by King Robert the Bruce in 1320 as the bearer of the famous letter to the Pope drawn up at Arbroath by the Scottish barons, to declare the real temper and rights of the Scottish people as against the claims of the English Edwards. And it was this same Sir Adam who, in recognition of his services, appears to have received from Bruce a grant of the lands of Strathbogie in Aberdeenshire, which had previously belonged to that king’s enemies. Strathbogie was one of the five ancient lordships or thanages which comprised Aberdeenshire, and covered an area of a hundred and twenty square miles. Sir Adam fell at the battle of Halidon Hill in 1333. In 1357 Sir Adam’s grandson, Sir John de Gordon, obtained a confirmation from David II. of King Robert’s grant of these lands, and he or his successor obtained another confirmation from Robert II. in 1376. The chief interests of the family, however, were still on the Border, and in the following year the Earl of March, with whom was Sir John de Gordon, having burned the town of Roxburgh, and the English Borderers having retaliated on Sir John de Gordon’s lands, the latter crossed the Border, carried off a great booty, and, when intercepted by a force twice the strength of his own, in a desperate affray overthrew Sir John de Lilburn at Carham. In the following year, after another fierce conflict, Sir John had a shief hand in defeating and taking captive Sir Thomas de Musgrave, the English Governor of Berwick. Finally, he was one of the knights who took part with the young Earl of Douglas in the famous encounter with the forces of the Earl of Northumberland on the moonlit field of Otterbourne n 1388, and there he fell. In that famous encounter, as the well-known ballad outs it, The Gordons good, in English blood They steeped their hose and shoon. Fourteen years later, in the days of King Robert III., ook place the great battle of Homildon Hill, in which gain the leaders on the two sides were an Earl of Douglas ind Hotspur, son of the Earl of Northumberland. On this ccasion occurred a chivalric episode. Sir John Swinton, seeing the carnage made in the close Scottish ranks by the “nglish bowmen, couched his lance and was about to charge. At that moment Sir Adam de Gordon, who had ong been at deadly feud with him, knelt at his feet, begged Ope as | 134 CLAN GORDON @ his forgiveness, and asked the honour of being knighted by so brave a leader. Swinton gave him the accolade and tenderly embraced him, then the two, at the head of their followers, dashed upon the English. Alas! their bravery was not followed up; they both fell, and the battle was lost. Sir Adam, who was the son of Sir John de Gordon mentioned above, was the last male of his line. By his wife, daughter of Sir William de Keith, Marischal of Scotland, he had an only daughter, Elizabeth. This lady married Alexander, second son of William Seton of Seton, and from that day to this the heads of the great house of Gordon have been Setons in the male line, these Setons. being, like the Gordons themselves, descended from one of the Norman settlers planted in Scotland by King David I. In right of his wife, Alexander Seton was known as Lord of Gordon and Huntly, and his son, another: Alexander, assuming the name and arms of Gordon, and marrying a daughter of Lord Crichton, Chancellor of Scotland, was created Earl of Huntly by James II. in 1449 with limitation to his heirs male by Lord Crichton’s daughter. The Earl had been twice previously married, first to a granddaughter of the first Earl Marischal, by whom he acquired a great estate, but had no children, and secondly to the heiress of Sir John Hay of Tullibody, by whom he had a son, Sir Alexander Seton, who inherited his mother’s estates and was ancestor of the Setons of Touch. :. 4 The Earl had in 1424 been one of the hostages sent to England as security for the ransom of James I., and his son George, the second Earl, married the Princess Joanna, daughter of that King, from whom all the later heads of the house have the royal Stewart blood in their veins. Earl George’s second son, Adam, Lord of Aboyne, marrying Elizabeth, Countess of Sutherland, became Earl of Sutherland in her right, and ancestor of the great Suther- land family, while the third son, Sir William Gordon, became ancestor of the Gordons of Gight, and so of George Gordon, Lord Byron, in the nineteenth century. The eldest son, Alexander, the third Earl of Huntly, was he who before the battle of Sauchieburn, counselled James II]. to come to terms with his rebellious nobles, but, his advice being overruled, retired like the Earl Marischal and othei nobles to his estate. Huntly nevertheless took part a Sauchieburn. Two years later Huntly was appointec Lieutenant of James IV. north of the Water of Esk, an¢ CLAN GORDON 135 from this time the Gordon family figures as perhaps the most powerful in the north of Scotland. Shortly afterwards occurred the curious episode of Perkin Warbeck’s visit to Scotland. This ‘‘ Prince of England,’ as he was called, was received with royal honours by James IV. as one of the sons of Edward IV., slain by Richard III. in the Tower. The Scottish King addressed him as cousin. gave tournaments and other courtly entertainments in his honour, and bestowed upon him the hand of the Earl of Huntly’s daughter, the beautiful Catherine Gordon, who was through her mother daughter of James I. of the blood royal of Scotland. It is of interest in this connection to note that when Perkin Warbeck was finally sent out of the kingdom, setting sail from Ayr in the ship of Robert Barton, he was accom- panied by his beautiful wife, who remained faithfully by his side throughout all his future reverses of fortune. After his execution in 1498 she was kindly treated by Henry VII., who placed her in charge of his queen, and gave her a pension. She was known by the English populace as the White Rose of Scotland, and afterwards married Sir Matthew Craddock, ancestor of the Earls of Pembroke. Her tomb is still to be seen in the old church at Swansea. When insurrection broke out in the Western Isles in 1505, the Earl of Huntly was sent to quell the northern area, and he stormed and took Torquil MacLeod’s strong- hold of Stornoway. Lastly, on Flodden’s fatal field, Huntly, along with the Earl of Home, led the Scottish vanguard, and opened the battle with the furious charge which routed the English van, the only part of the action in which the Scots were successful. Sir William, the Earl’s younger brother, fell in the battle, but Lord Huntly himself survived till 1528. His eldest son John, Lord Gordon, who died in 1517, married Margaret, natural daughter of James IV., and it was his elder son, George, who succeeded as fourth Earl. This nobleman took an active part in the affairs of Scotland in the times of King James V., Mary of Lorraine, and Mary Queen of Scots. He was made Chancellor of the kingdom in 1546. He also, two years later, obtained a grant of the earldom of Moray, but the acquisition led to an act which has left a stain upon his name, and it ultimately for a time brought about the complete eclipse of his house. Among other things, the new earldom made him feudal superior of the Clan Mackintosh lands in Nairnshire, in addition to those he already controlled in 186 CLAN GORDON Badenoch. Huntly appears to have endeavoured to secure complete control of his feudal vassal by getting him to sign a bond of manrent, but the chief, William Mackintosh, refused to bind himself. The Earl then proceeded to deprive Mackintosh of his office of Deputy _ Lieutenant. Presently a certain Lachlan Malcolmson, who owed Mackintosh a grudge, saw in the difference between him and the Earl a means of possible profit and revenge. He accordingly brought a charge against the chief of conspiring to take Huntly’s life. Mackintosh was accordingly seized, and thrown into a dungeon at Bog of Gight. Thence Huntly carried him to Aberdeen, tried him there in a court packed with his own followers, and had him condemned to forfeiture and execution. The provost, it is said, convened the town in arms to prevent the execution, and accordingly Huntly carried his victim to his own castle of Strathbogie. There, it is said, he left. him to his lady to deal with, and that lady—Elizabeth, daughter of Robert, Lord Keith—promptly had- him: beheaded. This was in 1550./ Sir Walter Scott and. Skene in his Highlanders of Scotland give a highly picturesque account of this incident, but the fact as above stated appears to be authentic. “Nemesis came to Huntly | later. He was looked upon as the main champion of the. Catholic faith. In this character his interests were opposed to those of the Queen’s brother, James, and when Mary conferred upon the latter the northern earldoms, first of Mar and then of Moray, Huntly felt compelled to support. his own interest by force of arms. His grandfather had been made hereditary keeper of the castle of Inverness in 1495, and when Queen Mary went thither in the course of the royal progress which she undertook to establish her. brother in his earldom, she found the gates of the castle. closed in her face by Huntly’s castelan. In the upshot the. castle was taken and the castelan hanged, and Mary, marching eastward through Huntly’s country, encountered - him with her army on the slopes of Corrichie on Deeside. | The struggle ended disastrously for the Gordons. The. Earl, a stout and full-blooded man, having been taken prisoner, was set upon a horse before his captor, when he was suddenly seized with apoplexy and fell to the ground. dead. His body, produced in Parliament in a mean sack- cloth dress, was condemned to forfeiture of titles and estates. | His son, Sir John Gordon, was butchered by a bungling | executioner at the Cross of Aberdeen, while Mary was compelled by her brother to look on at the horrid end of the man whon, it is said, she had once dearly loved. At’ CLAN GORDON 137 the same time George, the eldest surviving son, sentenced _in the barbarous fashion of the time to be hanged, drawn, _and quartered, only escaped by the special clemency of the Queen, who, however, appointed him Chancellor in 1365, . and reversed the sentence of forfeiture against his house. This fifth Earl married Ann Hamilton, daughter of the Regent Earl of Arran, herself a descendant of King James II., and so established still another connection with the royal house of Stewart. Amid the feuds between the houses of the north at that time a striking incident stands out, and forms the subject of a well-known ballad, ‘‘ Edom o’ Gordon.’’ Details of this incident and its sequel will be found in the account of Clan Forbes on a previous page. The rivalry, however, between the houses of Huntly and Moray was not over, and at the hands of George Gordon, the sixth Earl, it culminated in a deed which has left a vivid record in ballad and tradition. The Regent Moray’s only daughter had married James Stewart, a descendant of that Murdoch, Duke of Albany, executed by James I. on Stirling heading hill, and in right of his wife Stewart had assumed the title of Earl of Moray. From his handsome appearance he is remembered as the Bonnie Earl 0’ Moray. Popular tradition, enshrined in the ballad, asserts that James VI. was jealous of his Queen’s admiration for the Bonnie Earl, and that Huntly was afforded facilities for accomplishing his family revenge. The subject was dealt with by the late Andrew Lang in an interesting paper. The upshot was _ that while Moray was staying at his house of Donibristle near Culross on the Forth, it was suddenly assailed by Huntly. Moray escaped, but as he fled along the shore his long yellow hair caught the light of the burning mansion, and betrayed him. After he was struck down Huntly reached the spot, and being called upon by his followers to take an active part in the slaughter, slashed Moray across the face; whereupon the latter is said to have exclaimed bitterly, ‘‘ You have spoilt a better face than your own.”’ Colour is lent to the popular tradition of the King’s concern in the act by the circumstance that, eight years later, in 1599, Huntly was created Marquess, as well as Earl of Enzie, Viscount Inverness, and baron of seven other lordships. In 1594 Huntly had been accused, along with the Earls of Angus and Errol, of conspiring with the King of Spain for the restoration of the Roman Catholic religion in Scotland. The young Earl of Argyll was 138 CLAN GORDON sent against him with four or five thousand men, but on his way towards Strathbogie, on the confines of Glenlivet, | he was confronted by Huntly and Errol at the head of a_ force of fifteen hundred. Argyll took up a good position on the side of Benrinnes, but he proved an indifferent | leader, and in the end himself carried the tidings of his | defeat to the king at Dundee. As a result the King himself was forced by the Protestant nobles to lead an) army into the north, where he demolished Errol’s castle of Slaines, and Huntly’s stronghold of Strathbogie, said to have been the finest house of the time in Scotland. It was not long, however, as we have seen, till Huntly received the ample amends of the King. Perhaps one of the reasons for the favour shown him was the fact that he married Lady Henrietta Stewart, eldest daughter of the King’s favourite, Esme, Duke of Lennox. | His son George, second Marquess, was a staunch adherent of Charles I. In early life he commanded a company of gens d’armes in France, and in 1632, during his father’s lifetime, was created Viscount Aboyne. He refused to subscribe the National Covenant in 1638, and in| consequence was driven from Strathbogie by the Marquess of Montrose, then a general on the Covenant side. For two days at that time the Marquess’s second son, James, held the Bridge of Dee at Aberdeen against Montrose, but in the end'the latter succeeded by stratagem. He sent his cavalry up the river bank, as if to cross at a: higher point, and the Gordons on their side rode up to oppose | the crossing. While doing so they were cut to pieces by the cannon of Montrose, and as a result the bridge was lost and Aberdeen captured by the Covenanters. A Covenanting ballad, ‘‘ Bonnie John Seton,’’ which celebrates the occasion, refers curiously to the effect of the unaccustomed cannon fire upon the Highlanders of that | time. The Highland men are clever men At handling sword and gun; But yet are they too naked men To bear the cannon’s rung. For the cannon’s roar in a summer night Is like thunder in the air; There’s not a man in Highland dress Can face the cannon’s rair. Huntly was captured and carried to Edinburgh, and afterwards outlawed and excommunicated, but, along with Montrose, who by this time had taken the King’s side, he _ ; *9€1 ased Suloey bocl NI ‘[A SAWV[ Ad GHAOULSAG SHAHIHO NOGUOD AHL AO LVS ‘HATLSVO ATINOH ‘PIT SUS 2 aryatty “A “004d c r E te at CLAN GORDON 139 ‘stormed Aberdeen in 1645. After the defeat of Montrose at Philiphaugh in that year he raised forces for Charles I. in the north, but was captured by Colonel Menzies at ‘Delnabo, and though his wife was a sister of the Marquess of Argyll, then head of the Scottish Government, he was beheaded at Edinburgh by the Covenanters in 1649. | The Marquess’s eldest son, George, Lord Gordon, had joined Montrose and fallen at the battle of Alford in 1645, and his second son, James, who had inherited his father’s Viscounty of Aboyne, and had also joined Montrose in the interest of Charles I., had fled to France and died of grief after the execution of the king in 1649. It was therefore the third son, Lewis, who was restored to the family honours and estate, as third Marquess, by Charles II., during that young monarch’s short reign in Scotland in 1651. It was his only son George who succeeded as fourth Marquess in 1653, when he was no more than ten years old. After seeing military service with the French under Turenne at the battle of Strasbourg and afterwards -under the Prince of Orange, he was, at the recommen- dation of Claverhouse, created Duke of Gordon in 1684. James VII. appointed him a Privy Councillor and captain of Edinburgh Castle, but at the Revolution in 1689 he surrendered the stronghold to the Convention of Estates. His wife, a daughter of the Duke of Norfolk, retired to a convent in Flanders, whereupon the Duke brought an action against her for restitution of conjugal rights. It -was she who in 1711 sent the Faculty of Advocates a medal ‘bearing the head of the Chevalier, with the motto “ Reddite.”’ Naturally her son, Alexander, the second Duke, was an ardent Jacobite. During the Rising of 1715, while Marquess of Huntly, he joined the forces of the Earl of Mar at Perth with two thousand three hundred men, and he was present at the battle of Sheriffmuir; but he received pardon and succeeded to the Dukedom in 1716. He was on intimate terms with the King of Prussia and with Cosmo di Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, after whom he named his eldest son, and he received presents from Pope Clement XII. It was his eldest son, Cosmo George, who was head of the house during the critical period of the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745. While the Duke himself did not join the rising under Prince Charles Edward, his brother, Lord Lewis Gordon, did, and led a strong contingent of the clansmen in the campaign which ended at Culloden. 140 CLAN GORDON The importance in popular estimation of the part he played is commemorated in the well-known ballad, ‘‘ Lord send Lewie Gordon Hame.’’ Another of the Duke’s brothers, Lord Adam Gordon, was afterwards M.P. for Aberdeen- shire and Kincardineshire and Commander of the Forces in Scotland. The Duke himself died in France in 1752. His eldest son, Alexander, the fourth Duke, was described by Kaimes as the greatest subject in Britain. He was made a peer of the United Kingdom in 1784 and was a Knight of the Thistle and Lord Keeper of Scotland. But he probably remains most famous as the author of the well-known song, ‘‘ Cauld Kail in Aber- deen,’’? and by reason of his wife, the ‘‘ Gay Duchess of Gordon,’’ who was the chief figure in Edinburgh society at the close of the 18th century. A daughter ef Maxwell of Monreith, she is said to have shown her high spirit as a girl by riding with her sister down the High Street of Edinburgh on a sow’s back. When the Duke was raising his regiments of Gordon Highlanders to take part in the American war, she is said to have recruited a battalion in a single day by standing at the cross of Aberdeen with the King’s shilling between her lips as a prize for every lad bold enough to come and take it. And it was she who, when Robert Burns paid his last momentous visit to Edinburgh in 1786, set the seal upon his fame by her countenance and hospitality. A strange contrast to Duke Alexander was his third brother, that Lord George Gordon who, beginning life in the Navy, and afterwards entering Parliament, acquired notoriety as an agitator and leader of the No-Popery Riots of 1780, afterwards becoming a Jew, and dying at last in Newgate Gaol. : | The fifth Duke, George, a general officer, Governor of Edinburgh Castle, and G.C.B., was the last of his line. His statue as ‘‘ The Last Duke of Gordon,”’ erected by his: Duchess, stands at the cross at Aberdeen. As Marquess of Huntly he had a distinguished military career, command- ing the regiment now known as the Gordon Highlanders, in Spain, Corsica, Ireland, and Holland, where he was’ severely wounded, and commanding a division in the Walcheren expedition of 1809. At his death in 1836, the’ dukedom became extinct. Most of the estates, including Gordon Castle near Fochabers, passed to his eldest sister, . Charlotte, wife of the fourth Duke of Richmond, whose son, a distinguished statesman, was in 1876 created Duke, of Gordon. 4 In 1836 the Marquessate passed to the late Duke of CLAN GORDON 141 Gordon’s kinsman, George, fifth Earl of Aboyne. This nobleman was descended from Lord Charles Gordon, fourth son of the second Marquess, who, in consideration of his loyalty and service, was created Earl of Aboyne by Charles Il. at the Restoration in 1660. Aboyne Castle on Deeside, from which he took his title, had belonged in early times to the Bissets, the Knights-Templar, and the Earl of Mar, but had been in the possession of the Gordons since 1388. A popular ballad, ‘‘ The Earl of Aboyne,’’ appears to refer to some incident of the first Earl’s time at the Court of the Merry Monarch. It describes the Earl’s return from London, and the great preparations made by his wife to receive him; but alas! he let slip a word of his too gay goings on with some fair damsel in the south. The result is a quarrel, the Earl rides away, and the lady’s pleadings are sent after him in vain. It is only when these are followed by news of her death that he turns northward again. My nobles a’, ye’ll turn your steeds That that comely face I may see then : Frae the horse to the hat a’ maun be black, And mourn for bonnie Peggy Irvine! It was the first Earl who built the present castle of Aboyne. The Earl of Aboyne, who succeeded as ninth Marquess of Huntly, was K.T. and Colonel of the Aberdeen Militia. The present peer, who succeeded in 14863, and who is his grandson, is the premier Marquess of Scotland. He wasa Lord-in-Waiting to Queen Victoria from 1870 to 1873, was appointed captain of the Hon. Corps of Gentlemen at Arms in 1881, and was thrice chosen Lord Rector of Aberdeen University. He is a Privy Councillor and LL.D., and personally one of the best-liked personages of the north. There are of course many branches of the great house of Gordon throughout Scotland. Of these the chief is that of the Gordons of Haddo, which has for its head the Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair. This branch claims to represent the original house of Gordon in the male line, by descent from Gordon of Coldingknowes, celebrated in song. Its remote ancestor was Patrick Gordon of Methlic, slain at the battle of Arbroath in 1445. His great-grandson, James Gordon of Methlic and Haddo, was a warm supporter of his chief, the fifth Earl of Huntly, in Queen Mary’s interest. His grandson again, Sir John Gordon of Haddo, was made a baronet of Nova Scotia by Charles I., in whose service he distinguished himself at 142 CLAN GORDON the battle of Turriff. Captured at last by the Covenanters, he was confined in a church in Edinburgh, known from this fact as ‘‘ Haddo’s Hole,’’ and was executed at the Cross of Edinburgh in 1644. His second son, Sir George Gordon of Haddo, was President of the Court of Session and Lord Chancellor of Scotland, and was made Earl of Aberdeen in 1682. George, the fourth Earl, was the distinguished statesman who was Queen Victoria’s Prime Minister at the time of the Crimean War; and the present head of the house, who is his grandson, has also held many high offices, including those of Governor-General of Canada and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. At the end of his second tenure of this last high post he had the honour of the Marquessate conferred upon him. His Lordship was High Commissioner to the General Assembly from 1881 to 1885, and has been Lord Lieutenant of Aberdeen- shire since 1880. For a considerable time his Lordship’s succession to the Earldom was regarded as uncertain, till it was declared proved that his elder brother, George, the sixth Earl, had been drowned while voyaging as an ordinary seaman from Boston to Melbourne in 1870 Of all the bearers of the name of Gordon, however, perhaps the most romantic and tragic figure is that of Charles George Gordon—‘‘ Chinese Gordon ’’—who, after the most amazing and beneficent career of his time in many parts of the world, was overwhelmed and slain on the steps of the Government House at Khartoum, which he had defended alone against a siege by the Dervish hordes for three hundred and seventeen days, just as the British Expedition sent out too late for his relief came in sight fighting its way up the Nile. : SEPTS OF CLAN GORDON Adam Adie Edie Huntly GRAMME Facing page 142, CLAN GRAHAM apGE: Buaidh craobh (laureola) spurge laurel. qprocH: Blar Auldearn (1645); Blar Raonruarai (1689) ; Cumha Chlabhers (1689). \monc the ancient names of Scotland there is none that an claim a higher antiquity than that of “* the gallant ‘rahams.’? Though the spelling and pronunciation of he word Graham is now Saxon, there is every reason to ielieve that its earlier form was Celtic, Graem or Grim ing said to be the Pictish word for soldier, and to be lerived from Gruamach or Gramach, ‘‘ one of stern ispect.”” A legend, recounted by the historians Fordoun, 3oece, and Buchanan, runs that it was one of the race vho first, about the year 183, broke through the Roman varrier between Forth and Clyde, and that it is from this ‘ero that the wall of Antoninus takes its popular name of 3raeme’s Dyke. It is possible, at the same time, that he name Graeme’s Dyke may be less romantically derived rom the word ‘‘ grym ”’ of the ancient Cymric or British anguage, which signifies strength. The Graemes or 3rahams, however, appear in authentic history at a suffi- siently early period. In 1128 William de Graeme was a vitness to the charter by which King David founded the Abbey of Holyrood. In the following century the chief of the house married a daughter of Malise, Earl of Strath- ‘arn, and with her received considerable lands in that listrict. From that time the principal seat of the family was Kincardine Castle, on the edge of the beautiful Kin- ‘ardine Glen, near Auchterarder in Strathearn. This Sir Patrick de Graham was one of the Scottish knights vho in 1296 made the disastrous attempt to relieve the sastle of Dunbar, held for King John Baliol against the English by the famous Countess, Black Agnes. The iistorian Hemingford tells how Sir Patrick, one of the noblest and wisest of the Scottish barons, disdained to isk for quarter, and fell in such gallant fashion as to sxtort the admiration of the English themselves. The son of the marriage with the daughter of the Earl of Strath- 2arn was the famous Sir John the Graeme, hero of the Wars of Independence, who rescued Wallace at Queens- erry, and was killed in 1298 at the battle of Falkirk, 143 144 CLAN GRAHAM where his name is still perpetuated in the district 9 Grahamston. The lament for his death put into the mout} of Wallace by Henry the Minstrel forms one of the fines passages in the famous poem by that author. “‘Quhen thai him fand, and gud Wallace him saw, He lychtyt doun, and hynt him fra thaim aw In armys vp. Behaldand his paill face, He kyssyt him, and cryt full oft, ‘ Allace! My best brothir in warld that euir I had! My atfald freynd quhen I was hardest stad! My hop, my heill, thow was in maist honour! My faith, my help, my strenthiast in stour! In the was wyt, fredom, and hardines; In the was treuth, manheid, and nobilnes; In the was rewll, in the was gouernans; In the was wertu withoutyn warians; In the lawte, in the was gret largnes; In the gentrice, in the was stedfastnes. Thow was gtet caus off wynnyng off Scotland, Thocht I began and tuk the wer on hand. I wow to God that has the warld in wauld Thi dede sall be to Sotheroun full der sauld. Martyr thow art for Scotlandis rycht and me; I sall the wenge, or ellis tharfor de.’ ”’ The grave of this hero in Falkirk kirkyard is still to be seen, with table stones of three successive periods above it, As an evidence of the honour in which his memory was held, it is recalled that, after the second battle of Falkirk in 1746, when the Highlanders wished to do special honour to one of their opponents, Sir Robert Munro, who had fallen, they opened the grave of Sir John the Graeme and buried him beside the dust of the hero. One great two-handed sword of Sir John the Graeme is preserved at Buchanan Castle by the Duke of Montrose; another was long in possession of the Grahams of Orchil, and is now treasured by the Free Mason Lodge at Auchterarder. | Sir John the Graeme was also owner of the estates of Abercorn and of Dundaff on the Carron. The latter, at the eastern end of the Kilsyth hills, was once a royal forest. It is in this ancient forest, on the lands of Halbert- shire, now Herbertshire, that tradition places the incident which forms the subject of the famous ballad of “ Gil Morice,*’ on which John Home founded his still more famous “* Tragedy of Douglas.’’? The Earl’s Burn and Earl’s Hill are said to take their name from the incident, and the Earl’s son of the ballad may possibly have been a scion of the House of Graham. . By way of contrast to the fame of Sir John the Graham, { CLAN GRAHAM 145 is recorded that in 1320 Sir Patrick de Graeme was one | the five knights who took part with William de Soulis, le seneschal, and David de Brechin, the King’s nephew, | the formidable Soulis conspiracy to overthrow the ing and place the crown on the head of Lord Soulis as lineal descendant of the daughter of Alexander II. The tails of the conspiracy are unknown, but Graham, with veral others brought to the trial, was acquitted, while avid de Brechin was executed as a traitor, and Soulis imself died as a prisoner in Edinburgh Castle. A grim emorial of this conspiracy came to light in the nineteenth ntury, when the monument to Sir David Baird was sing erected on the site of the old castle of the Earls of trathearn near Crieff. Accidentally breaking into a ault, the workmen discovered, along with human remains, rtain gold ornaments and domestic vessels: which were entified as tragic relics of the Countess of Strathearn, rough whose confession the plot was revealed, and who as sentenced to life-long imprisonment by Bruce. Sir David Graham of Kincardine was also owner of the state of Cardross on the Clyde, and exchanged it for é lands of Old Montrose in Forfarshire, from which his mily was in later days to take its title. It was to Cardross at Bruce retired in his latter days, and in Cardross Castle aer vos, *‘,the castle on the point ’’) occurred the scene, ) touchingly described by John Barbour, when the great ng bade farewell to his knights, entrusted the Good Lord mes of Douglas with the carrying of his heart to the oly Land, and peacefully breathed his last. _Another Sir David Graham, son of the purchaser of Id Montrose, was also remarkable for patriotism and Jour. It was he who, at the approach of the English the battle of Durham in 1346, earnestly besought King avid II. to order the Scottish cavalry to charge the iglish archers. ‘‘ Give me,’’ he cried, as these archers me nearer and nearer, ‘‘ Give me but a hundred horse d I will scatter them all.’’ Then, even this being refused m, the brave baron, followed only by his own vassals, de against the bowmen. But it was too late ; the deadly Ower was already on the way, and the day was lost. ‘aham’s horse was shot under him and he himself with ficulty escaped, while the King, grievously wounded _ two arrows, was captured. Graham was one of the ottish barons who afterwards secured the ransom of wid II. from the English. To secure the King’s free- ™, Sir David’s son, afterwards Sir Patrick Graham, ‘$s for a time one of the Scottish hostages in England. VeewOL. I. K \ spa is dl 146 CLAN GRAHAM | It is of this Sir Patrick Graham that the story is to in Winton’s Chronicle, how, having returned from a vir to France, he was challenged by Lord Richard Talbot ) run a course in a tournament, and was wounded throug his habergeon. During the supper which followed, i English knight asked Graham to run three courses «i the morrow. ‘‘ Sir Knight,’’ replied the Scotsman, “| you would joust with me I advise you to rise early ail confess, after which you will soon be delivered.” T jest proved true, for on the morrow in the first cour Graham pierced the English knight deep through t: harness, and he died on the spot. Sir Patrick Graham was twice married. William, fs son by his first wife, was his successor, and ancestor { the great House of Montrose. For his second wife &r Patrick married Egidia, daughter of Sir John Stewet of Ralston, half-brother of King Robert Il., and by br he had four sons, of whom the eldest, Sir Patrick Graha, married Eupheme, Countess of Strathearn, only daughir of David, Earl of Strathearn, eldest son of King Robert Ij, by his second marriage with Euphemia Ross, 1 right of his wife, Graham became Earl of Strathearn, al also brought himself and his descendants into the grit struggle, in which the children by King Robert’s seco] marriage claimed the crown on the pretext that the Kins first marriage to Elizabeth Mure of Rowallan had t! been a lawful one. This Sir Patrick Graham was killi in 1413 by Sir John Drummond, and left an only chi, Malise, also known as Earl of Strathearn. It was © whom King James I. deprived of the earldom, on the pa that it was a male fief, and made Earl of Menteith inste¢ and it was this action which moved the Earl’s uncle, ‘1 Robert Graham, to renounce his allegiance, and to pi ‘ and carry out the assassination of the King at Perth. ! should be remembered, however, that in this plot Ell Malise himself seems to have had no share. He lived l 1492, and left three sons, from the eldest of whi descended the Earls of Menteith and Airth, and from | second, Sir John Graham of Kilbryde, near Doune, kno? for his valour as ‘‘ Sir John with the bright sword,” 'f Grahams of the Debatable Land, now represented by '€ Grahams of Esk, of Netherby, and of Norton-Conyé: and of whom came Sir Richard Graham, Visco! Preston, who was twice arrested and twice pardoned } the part he played on the side of James VII. during '€ troubles of the Revolution. | Of this Menteith family came William Graham, El : CLAN GRAHAM 147 of Menteith, Chief Justice and President of the Council of Scotland in Charles I.’s time, who petitioned that King, and had the earldom of Strathearn restored to him, but who foolishly proceeded to go about wagging his head and hinting significantly of ‘‘ blood that was redder than the King’s ”’ and his ‘‘ cousin Charles on the throne.’? The matter was brought to the notice of Charles by Drummond of Hawthornden in his ‘‘ Considerations to the King,”’ and as a result the poor nobleman was forthwith stripped ot both his earldoms and all his offices, and only after a ‘ime re-admitted to the Scottish peerage as Earl of Airth. _ After the accession of King James VI. to the English hrone, the Grahams of the Debatable Land, who by their urbulence had been something of a problem to both singdoms, were transported to the north of Ireland, the sounty of Cumberland being taxed to the amount of €408 19s. od. sterling for the purpose, and they are still imong the stoutest of the Ulster men who form the back- yone of Irish prosperity at the present hour. It is said 0 have been regarding this transportation that the song “Sweet Ennerdale ’”? was written to the pathetic air ‘‘ I vill awa’ and will not tarry.’’ It is preserved in the Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, and runs as follows: | “ Now fare thee well, sweet Ennerdale, | Baith kith and countrie, I bid adieu, | For I maun away, and I may not stay, } To some uncouth land which I never knew. To wear the blue I think it best Of all the colours that I see, And I'll wear it for the gallant Grahams, That are banished from their ain countrie. I have no gold, I have no land, I have no pearl nor precious stane, But I would sell my silken snood, To see the gallant Grahams come hame. | In Wallace days, when they began, Sir John the Graham did bear the gree ‘Through all the lands of Scotland wide, He was the Lord of the south countrie. And so was seen full many a time, For the summer flowers did never spring, | But every Graham in armour bright, Would then appear before the king. ’ ' They all were dressed in armour sheen, Upon the pleasant banks of Tay, Before a king they might be seen, These gallant Grahams in atray.”’ 148 CLAN GRAHAM Much interesting information regarding the later ear of Menteith—including that last, most ‘pathetic figure \- all, the Beggar Earl who died under a hedge, and ki buried in Bonhill kirkyard—is to be found in the writin; of Mr. R. B. Cunninghame Graham, late of Gartmor now of Ardoch, who is said himself to have grounds fi making a formal claim to the earldom. | Meanwhile the main line of the Grahams of Kincardi) went on. Sir William Graham, son of Sir Patrick, wa, like his father, twice married. By his first wife, Mariot daughter of Sir John Oliphant of Aberdalgie, he had a s« whose descendants carried on the Kincardine line; b: secondly, he also made, like his father, a royal allianc, marrying the Princess Mary, second daughter of Kir Robert III. This lady had already been twice marrie, to George, Earl of Angus, and to Sir James Kennedy | Dunure, and after Sir William Graham’s death s: married a fourth husband, Sir William Edmonstone [ Duntreath. By his union with this Princess, Sir Williai Graham became ancestor of the Grahams of Fintry, [ whom one was the very useful friend to Robert Burn; likewise of the Grahams of Claverhouse, the most famo3 of whom was that John Graham, Viscount Dundi, immortalised by Sir Walter Scott in the song “ Bonr2 Dundee,’’ who lives in Covenanting annals as the bit hated of the royal officers, and in the history of his tir as the brilliant commander of the forces of James VII. 1 Scotland, who fell at the moment of victory at the bat? of Killiecrankie in 1689. Another of the sons of Sr Walter Graham and the Princess Mary was Patric, Bishop of St. Andrews, who prevailed upon Pope Sexts V. to declare the Scottish Church completely independet of the Archbishop of York, and to erect St. Andrews i10 a bishopric, who was sent back to Scotland as papal lega, only to find his efforts at reform raise a storm among té Scottish nobles and bishops, who procured his ruin ad his imprisonment in Loch Leven Castle, where he did in 1478. From the same pair were also descended 1¢ Graemes of Garvock, and the gallant Sir Thomas Graen;, the hero of Barossa, who was made Lord Lynedoch® 1814. . Sir William Graham himself was for a time, alog with others of the first rank and consequence, a hostaé in England for the great Earl of Douglas who had bet captured at the battle of Homildon Hill; and while the it is likely that he made the acquaintance of the yous King James I., then also a prisoner at the English cou- —<$—— THE GREAT MARQUESS OF MONTROSE, BY VANDYCK, AT BUCHANAN CASTLE Facing page 148. f - r . r x + > 2 $ + - ‘ fF oes 3 oa) t %, ae | H * F oc Se 9 a ® ~ ~4 t i a ae ah . CLAN GRAHAM 149 He was succeeded by his grandson, Patrick Graham of Kincardine, who, after acting as one of the Lords of the Regency following the assassination of James I., was made a Lord of Parliament about the year 1445 by the title of Lord Graham. William, his son, the Second Lord Graham, married Lady Ann Douglas, daughter of George, fourth Earl of Angus, ‘‘ the Red Douglas ”’ of James II.’s time, who in Scottish tradition is remembered as having ‘ put down the Black.’’ The third Lord Graham took part in 1488 at the battle of Sauchieburn, in which James III. fell. In that battle the King’s rearward division was commanded by Graham, Earl of Menteith, with Lords Erskine and Graham as his lieutenants, and, at a later day, in 1504, on account of his gallantry, Lord Graham was made Earl of Montrose. Still later, at the battle of Flodden in 1513, he led part of the Scottish vanguard along with the Earl of Crawford, and fell along with his royal master on the disastrous field. By his third wife, 1 daughter of Lord Halyburton, the Earl was the ancestor of the Grahams of Inchbraikie, while his eldest son, the second Earl, was ancestor, through the youngest of his our sons, of the Grahams of Orchil and Killearn. The eldest son of the second Earl, Robert, Lord ufaham, fell at the battle of Pinkie in 1547. He had narried a daughter of the third Lord Fleming, Great Jhamberlain of Scotland, and his son John, the third Earl, who fought for the Regent Moray at Langside, was Jhancellor of the Kingdom from 1 598 till 1604, and after- wards Viceroy of Scotland, James VI. having by that time rossed the Border to assume the English crown. Lord Graham’s eldest son, John, the fourth Earl, married the eldest daughter of William, first Earl of xowrie, and sister of the luckless Earl who fell in the o-called Gowrie Conspiracy; and the son of the pair, /ames, the fifth Earl, born in 1612, was the most brilliant ind illustrious of all his race, the Great Marquess of Montrose. The story of this great leader is too well known to ’€ Tepeated here. His succession of victories over the tmies of the Covenant at Tippermuir, Alford, Aberdeen, nverlochy, and Kilsyth, forms one of the most romantic hapters of Scottish history, and his surprise and defeat it Philiphaugh, with his later capture in the north of scotland, his vindictive execution at Edinburgh on aist nek 1650, and his splendid second burial in the Cathedral # St. Giles eleven years later, after the Restoration, have xcited interest and sympathy hardly less than that excited 150 CLAN GRAHAM by the careers and misfortunes of Mary Queen of Scots and Prince Charles Edward Stewart. The estates and honours of the house were instantly restored to the Marquess’s son by Charles II. at the Restoration. This second Marquess, known as “ the Good,’’ married a daughter of the second Earl of Morton, and his successor espoused a daughter of the Duke of Rothes, Chancellor of Scotland. During the Great Marquess’s campaign, at the instance of his implacable enemy, the Marquess of Argyll, the ancient family strong- hold of Kincardine Castle was besieged, captured, and destroyed. Afterwards, for a time, the family residence was Mugdock Castle, near Glasgow, and there was a town house in the Drygate of that city. It was at Mugdock that in the days of Charles II., when the Earl of Middle- ton was engaged in the proceedings which brought about the persecution of the Covenanters, he is said to have engaged with his associates in wild bacchanalian revels. The stronghold is said to have. been acquired by the Grahams as early as the twelfth century. But in 1682 the third Marquess acquired the extensive estates on Loch Lomond side, which had previously belonged to the chiefs of Buchanan, and from that time onward Buchanan House and its successor, Buchanan Castle, at the mouth of the Endrick, have been the chief seats of the family. | The fourth Marquess acquired the property of the Duke of Lennox in 1702, was made a knight of the Garter and High Admiral of Scotland in 1705, and Duke of Montrose two years later, for his part as Lord President of the Council in Scotland in promoting the Union. On the accession of George I. in 1714 he became one of His Majesty’s principal Secretaries of State. | To William, the second Duke, the Highlands owe the repeal of the Act of 1747 which suppressed the use of the Highland dress. For this service, performed in 1782, His Grace’s memory is held in much veneration by the Gael. Duncan Ban Macintyre, the famous Gaelic bard, wrote 4 poem on the occasion, and for long the Highlanders gratefully drank as a favourite toast, ‘‘ deoch slaint Mhon’t-ros.’’ It is interesting to remember that te daughter of this peer, Lady Lucy Graham, was married to Archibald Stewart, Lord Douglas, the gainer of the famous Douglas Cause, in which the House of Lords had decided that he was the actual son of Sir James Stewart of Grandtully and Lady Jane Douglas, sister of the first and last Duke of Douglas. | The Grahams successfully avoided the troubles of the MUTINY Hd HSOULNOW Gai HOyLV AS) AnH ARE DNOW ‘ATLSVO MOOGDNIN ‘ofr ased suloe.y | | CLAN GRAHAM 151 acobite risings, though they had some minor difficulties vith the wild caterans of Clan Gregor, to whose raids heir estates, lying on the Highland line on Loch Lomond ide, were exposed. During the Earl of Mar’s rebellion n1715, the Government placed a garrison.on the Duke’s woperty at Drymen, to defend the western passes from he Highlands, by Aberfoyle and Balmaha; and a little ater there are stories of the ‘‘ bold Rob Roy,’’ whose ieadquarters were at Inversnaid, and who laid claim to Jraigroyston on the lower slopes of Ben Lomond as his yvatrimony, seizing the Duke’s factor, and compelling him ly successive souzings in the loch to yield up the rents he iad collected in that neighbourhood. But from the time of the Union downward the House of Montrose has been ye of the most loyal and active in the Government service wf the country. ‘The third Duke, who succeeded in 1790, vas a Knight of the Garter, Lord Justice-General of scotland, Lord Lieutenant of the Counties of Stirling and Junbarton, and Chancellor of the University of Glasgow. The fourth Duke was a Knight of the Thistle, Lord sieutenant of Stirlingshire, and for a time Postmaster- xeneral. The present Duke of Montrose was his third on, two elder brothers of the name of James having died n 1846 and 1872 respectively. His Grace is the holder of some seven titles in the peerage of Scotland and two n the peerage of Great Britain. He is hereditary Sheriff of Dunbartonshire, General of the Royal Archers of Scot- and, and Lord Lieutenant of the county of Stirling. He s a Knight of the Thistle and an A.D.C. to the King, ind has been Lord Clerk Register of Scotland since 1890. for a few years he held a commission in the Coldstream suards and the sth Lancers, and at a later day he was ommanding officer of the Queen’s Own Glasgow Yeomanry and the 3rd Argyll and Sutherland High- anders. During the South African ‘War he volunteered Or active service, and, with his battalion, was first on farrison duty for twelve months in Ireland, and afterwards, n South Africa, commanded the column which constructed he block-houses in the north-west of Cape Colony for a listance of 370 miles, thus contributing very substantially o the means by which the war was finally brought to an nd. It is interesting to note that by his marriage with he daughter of Sir Frederick Graham, Bart., of Netherby, ‘n the old Debatable Land, the Duke linked up two of the nost ancient lines of the House of Graham. __ The heir, again, of the House’s honours, the Marquess 4 Graham, has also done distinguished service to his 152 CLAN GRAHAM country. In early life he went to sea, and very soon obtained the certificate of a master mariner. He served through the South African War in the Army Service| Corps, and for his services received the medal and three. clasps; and, more recently, with the rank of commander, he organised the Clyde Division of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, which amply proved its worth by sending strong contingents upon active service in the war of 1914. His lordship married in 1906 Lady Mary Douglas Hamilton, only child of the late twelfth Duke of Hamilton, and heiress of the island of Arran, which in the future is likely to form a notable addition to the family estates. SEPTS OF CLAN GRAHAM Allardice Bontine Buntain Bunten MacGibbon MacGilvernock Macgrime Menteith GRANT Facing page 152, CLAN GRANT BabGE: Giuthas (pinus sylvestris) pine. SLOGAN : Stand fast, Craig Elachaidh. PrpRocH : Craigelachaidh. THERE seems no good reason to doubt that Clan Grant was originally of the same ancient royal stock as Clan Gregor. It is true that there is a family of the same name in England, but it is of a separate and different origin, and probably derived its patronymic from the ancient name of the river Cam, which was originally the Granta, or from the ancient designation of Cambridge, which was the Caer Grant of the early Saxons. Early in the eighteenth century, when there seemed some prospect of the pro- scription of the name MacGregor being removed, a meeting of the MacGregors and the Grants was held in Blair Athol, and it was proposed that, in view of their ancient relationship, the two clans should adopt a common name and acknowledge a single chief. The meeting lasted for fourteen days, and, though it finally broke up without coming to an agreement, several of the Grants, like the Laird of Ballindalloch, showed their loyalty to the ancient kinship by adding the MacGregor patronymic to their name. According to the tradition of the clan, the founder of the Grants was Gregor, second son of Malcolm, chief of the MacGregors in the year 1160. It is said he took his distinguishing cognomen from the Gaelic Grannda, or “‘ ugly,’”’ in allusion to the character of his features. It is possible, however, that this branch of Clan Alpin took its name rather from the country in which it settled. In the district of Strathspey is a wide moor known as the “ griantach,” or Plain of the Sun, the number of pagan remains scattered over its surface show- ing it to have been in early times a chief centre of the ‘Beltane or Sun Worship. Residents kere would be set down by the early monkish writers under the designation of “de Griantach”’ or ‘‘ de Grant.’ This latter sug: gested origin of the name is supported by the crest of the Grant family, which is a Mountain ir Flames, an obvious — to the Baal-teine or Baal-fire of the early pagan aith. 153 154 CLAN GRANT The first of the name to appear in written records was Gregor, Sheriff of Inverness in the reign of Alexander II., between 1214 and 1249. It was probably this Gregor de Grant who obtained Stratherick through marriage with an heiress of the Bisset of Lovat and Aboyne. The son of this magnate, by name Laurence or Laurin, who was witness to a deed by the Bishop of Moray in 1258, obtained wide lands in Strathspey by marrying the heiress of: Gilbert Comyn of Glencharny; and the son of Laurin, Sir Ian, was a noted supporter of the patriot Wallace. | It may have been about this time that the incident happened which transferred the stronghold, now known. as Castle Grant in Strathspey, from the ownership of the once powerful Comyns to that of the Grants. According to tradition a younger son of Grant of Stratherick ran away with and married the daughter of his host, the Chief of MacGregor. With thirty followers the young couple fled to Strathspey and took refuge in the fastness now, known as Huntly’s Cave, a little more than a mile from) the castle, at that time known as Freuchie. Comyn of Freuchie, little liking such a settlement in his immediate neighbourhood, tried to dislodge the trespassers, but with- out result. Then the MacGregor Chief appeared upon the scene with an armed following and demanded his daughter. | He arrived at night, and was received by his astute son- in-law with much respect and hospitality. As the feast went on at the mouth of the cavern, Grant so arranged the comings and goings of his men in the torchlight and among the woods that his father-in-law was impressed with what appeared to be the considerable size of his” following, and, changing his mind with regard to the desirability of the match, freely forgave the young couple. Forthwith Grant proceeded to turn his father-in-law’s: friendship to account. He told him of the attacks made upon him by Comyn of Freuchie, and persuaded him to help in a reprisal. Before morning the united forces of Grant and MacGregor made an attack on Freuchie, slew, the Comyn chief, and took possession of the castle. As| a token and memento of the occurrence, the skull of Comyn | is carefully preserved at Castle Grant to the present day. — The castle did not immediately change its name, for in a charter under the Great Seal in 1442 Sir Duncan Grant | is described as ‘“‘ Dominus de eodem et de Freuchie.”” A succeeding chief, Sir Ian, joined the Earls of Huntly and | Mar with his clan in 1488 in support of James III. against | his rebellious nobles; so by that time the Grants had) become a power to be reckoned with. Like most of the | CLAN GRANT 155 dighland clans they had their own-story of fiery feud and iloody raid. One of the chief quarrels in which they vere engaged remains notable from the fact that it led lirectly to a notorious historical event, the slaughter of he Bonnie Earl of Moray at Dunibristle on 7th February, ‘392. The trouble began when the Earl of Huntly, Chief if the Gordons and of the Catholics of the north, finding iimself in danger among the Protestant faction at court, ‘etired to his estates and proceeded to erect a castle at Ruthven in Badenoch, not far from the Grant country. This seemed to the Grants and Clan Chattan to be intended ‘0 overawe their district, and difficulties arose when the members of Clan Chattan, who were Huntly’s vassals, vefused to fulfil their obligations to furnish the materials or the building. About the same time John Grant, the Tutor, or trustee, of Ballindalloch, refused certain payments ‘o the widow of the late laird, a sister of Gordon of Les- more. In the strife which followed a Gordon was slain, ind as a consequence the Tutor was outlawed and Ballin- lalloch was besieged and captured by Huntly. That was yn 2nd November, 1590. Forthwith the Grants and MacIntoshes sought the protection of the Earls of Athol and Moray. They refused Huntly’s summons to deliver ap the Tutor, and when surprised at Forres by the sudden ippearance of Huntly, fled to the Earl of Moray’s castle of Darnaway. Here another Gordon was shot by one of Moray’s servants. This bred bad blood between the two zarls, and later, when the Earl of Bothwell, after an attempt on the life of Chancellor Maitland, was said to oe harboured by Moray in his house of Dunibristle, Huntly willingly accepted a commission to attack that dlace. Here again a Gordon was mortally wounded, and, on the Earl of Moray fleeing along the shore, he was pursued by the brothers of the two slain men, and promptly dut to death. Among other acts of vengeance Huntly sent a force of Lochaber men against the Grants in Strathspey, killing eighteen of them, and laying waste the ‘ands of Ballindalloch. Afterwards, when the young Earl of Argyll was sent to attack Huntly, the Grants took part with him at the battle of Glenlivet, and Argyll’s defeat there was mainly owed to the action of John Grant of Gartenbeg, one of Huntly’s vassals, who, as arranged with Huntly, retired with his men at the beginning of the action, and thus completely broke the centre and left wing of Argyll’s army. ' 4 _ The most notable feature in the annals of the clan during the first half of the seventeenth century was the 156 CLAN GRANT career of James Grant of Carron. The determining factor in the career of this notable freebooter was an event which had happened some seventy years previously. This was the murder of John Grant of Ballindalloch by John Roy Grant of Carron, a son of John Grant of Glen Moriston, at the instigation of the Laird of Grant, who, it is said, had conceived a grudge against his kinsman. A feud between the Grants of Carron and the Grants of Ballin- dalloch was the result. In the course of this feud, at a fair at Elgin about the year 1625, one of the Grants of Ballindalloch knocked down and wounded Thomas Grant, one of the Carron family. The brother of Thomas, James. Grant of Carron, attacked the assailant and killed him on the spot. At the instance of Ballindalloch, James Grant was cited to stand trial, and, as he did not appear, was outlawed. In vain the Laird of Grant tried to reconcile the parties, while James Grant offered money compensation, and even the exile of himself. Nothing but his blood, however, would satisfy Ballindalloch, and, driven to despair, with his life every moment in jeopardy, James Grant finally collected a band of broken men from. all parts of the Highlands, and set up as an independent freebooter. His career was that of another Gilderoy, or the Hero of the famous MacPherson’s Rant. Lands were wasted by him and men were slain, and Ballindalloch, having killed John Grant of Carron, the nephew of the freebooter, was himself forced to flee to the North of Scot- land. At last, at the end of December, 1630, a ‘party of Clan Chattan surprised James Grant at Auchnachayle in Strathdon by night, when after receiving eleven wounds and seeing four of his party killed, the cateran was taken prisoner, sent to Edinburgh for trial, and imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle. | About the same time the famous feud occurred between Gordon of Rothiemay and Crichton of Frendraught, which ended in the burning of Frendraught, with Lord Aboyne, the Marquess of Huntly’s son, and several of his friends. Rothiemay had been helped in the feud by James Grant, and it was said the latter had been in treaty to undertake the burning of the mansion. On the night of 15th October, 1632, the freebooter escaped from Edinburgh Castle by descending on the west side by means of ropes furnished him by his wife or son, and fled to Ireland. Presently, however, it was known that he had returned, and Ballindalloch, setting a watch upon his wife’s house at Carron, almost secured him. The freebooter, however, shot the chief assailant, one Patrick — So SE | ENTRANCE HALL, CASTLE GRANT, AND WEAPONS OF THE GRANT FENCIBLES ng page 156. le oe a3 bs ‘ y = , = uy a ¥ ut 4 4: by ‘ - t ‘ - =} he re {s i % ‘ m ‘ 1 =) 8 i ‘% + 3 2 : =" 4 - r ‘a x . a _ ip : : e ¥ 4 * m - . fe * ‘ i 4 7% L ‘“ ‘ * | en Ge ae oe aie he fi t Fes , ; r of ‘ ? < 5 M at i> page a Fy th “¢ - - i= 4 ¢ - 7 : es at . we i ‘ ° , i F - " ‘an be * ¥ wee ‘im oe o 6 5 the great Clan Chattan confederacy, they might have ieved a greater place in history, and might have been fed many of the disasters which overtook them. After the young Chief of the Grants, with the help of father-in-law, the Chief of MacGregor, had established | headquarters at Freuchie, now Castle Grant, by the lighter and expulsion of its former owners, the Comyns, race of the Grants put forth more than one virile branch ‘root itself on fair Speyside and elsewhere. Among se were the Grants of Ballindalloch, the Grants of thiemurchus, the Grants of Carron, and the Grants of ‘cabuck. In the days of James IV., the Laird of Grant 5 Crown Chamberlain of the lordship of Urquhart on ch Ness, which included the district of Glenmoriston. 1509, in the common progress of events, the chamber- ship was converted into a baronial tenure, and the ‘ony was granted to John, elder son of the Chief. The ‘nge, however, instead of aggrandising the family, batened to entail an actual loss of the territory, for ‘n died without issue, and the barony, under its new ure, reverted to the Crown. A similar, but much more disastrous set-back was that ich happened about the same time to the ancient family valder or Cawdor, near Nairn. In the latter case the Thane resigned his whole estates to the Crown, and - them conferred anew on his second son John, and VOL. I. 161 L 162 CLAN GRANT OF GLENMORISTO: shortly afterwards John died, leaving an only child, a gi Muriel, who ultimately, by marriage, carried the thanedy away from the Cawdors, into possession of the Com its present owners. The case of Glenmoriston was not so irretrievable, ) ) the barony was acquired by Grant of Ballindalloch. ‘4 latter in 1548 disposed of it to his kinsman John Grani) Culcabuck, who married a daughter of Lord Lovat, ¢ John Grant’s son Patrick established himself in the distrt and became the ancestor of the Grants of Glenmorist} It is from this Patrick Grant, first of the long line) lairds, that the clan takes its distinctive patron Mac Phadruick. Patrick’s son John, the second chief, married a daugt of Grant of Grant, and built the castle of Glenmorist: from which fact he is known in the tradition of his fan: as Jan nan Caisteal—John of the Castle. . In James VI.’s time Glenmoriston had its own troubs arising from an act which, one would have suppos! would have been looked upon by any Scotsman as; warrant against oppression. Clan Chattan, it appess had been faithful friends and followers of the Earls) Moray, and in particular had been active in aveng; against the Earl of Huntly, the death of the ‘* Boni Earl ’’ at Donibristle on the Forth. For these servi they had received valuable possessions in Pettie « Strathnairn. But presently the Bonnie Earl’s son becai reconciled to Huntly, and married his daughter; th thinking he had no more need of Clan Chattan, proceet to take back these gifts. By way of retaliation, in 1 some 200 gentlemen and 300 followers of the clan til arms and proceeded to lay waste the estates of the gre) ing Moray. The latter failed to disperse them, first " three hundred men from Menteith and Balquhidder, ai afterwards with a body of men raised at Elgin. He tl went to London and induced James VI. to make 11 Lieutenant of the North. Returning with new 4 the Earl issued letters of intercommuning against Chattan, prohibiting all persons from harbouring, m4 ing, or entertaining members of the clan, under sevt penalties. Having thus cut off the clansmen’s means) support he proceeded to make terms with them, offer | them ‘pardon on condition that they should give a | account of the persons who had sheltered and helped tht in their attempt. This Clan Chattan basely proceeded do, and the individuals who had rendered them hospita' and support were summoned to the Earl’s court ("4 id li 4 (LAN GRANT OF GLENMORISTON 1638 ¢vily fined, the fines going into Moray’s own pocket. A tking account of the proceeding is furnished by Spald- 7 the historian. He relates how ‘‘ the principal male- gcors stood up in judgment, and declared what they had (ten, whether meat, money, clothing, gun, ball, powder, 1, sword, dirk, and the like commodities, and also mructed the assize in each particular what they had wten from the persons panelled—an uncouth form of tbation, where the principal malefactor proves against ) receiptor for his own pardon, and honest men, perhaps ther of the Clan Chattan’s kin nor blood, punished for tir good will, ignorant of the laws, and rather receipting 'm more for their evil nor their good. Nevertheless the focent men, under colour of justice, part and part as iy came in, were soundly fined in great sums as their sites might bear, and some above their estates was fined, il every one warded within the tolbooth of Elgin, till the 1, mite was paid.”’ ‘Among those who thus suffered was John Grant of ‘nmoriston. The town of Inverness was also mulcted, tl the provost, Duncan Forbes, and Grant, both went to jadon to lay the matter before the king. They did this fhout success, however, and in the end had to submit he Earl of Moray’s exactions. In the latter half of the seventeenth century, John, the 'h Chief of Glenmoriston, married Janet, daughter of 1 celebrated Sir Ewen Cameron of Lochiel, and earned i name of Jan na Chreazan by building for himself the x stronghold of Blary. Like Sir Ewen Cameron, his lier-in-law, he raised his clan for the losing cause of nes VII. and II., and fought under Viscount Dundee at liecrankie. The clan was also out under the Earl of it in the rising for ‘‘ James VIII. and III.” in 1715, f as a result of that enterprise the chief suffered yeiture. The estates, however, were restored in 1733. Patrick, the ninth chief, who married Henrietta, a eghter of Grant of Rothiemurchus, undeterred by the fortune which had overtaken his family on account ‘its ‘previous efforts in the Jacobite cause, raised his “ for Prince Charles in the autumn of 1745. He was “In time to see the raising of the Prince’s standard at ‘nfinnan, but he followed hotfoot to Edinburgh, where clansmen formed a welcome reinforcement on the eve fhe battle of Prestonpans. So eager was he, it is said, 'nform Charles of the force he had brought to support cause, that he did not wait to perform his toilet before ‘ing an interview. Charles is said to have thanked Rh nny 164 CLAN GRANT OF CLENMORISTO! him warmly, and then, passing his hand over the rou chin of the warrior, to have remarked merrily that could see his ardour was unquestionable since it had even allowed him time to shave. Glenmoriston took 4 remark much amiss. Greatly offended, he turned ay with the remark, ‘‘ It is not beardless boys that are to y your Highness’ cause! ”’ | This, however, was not the last the Prince was to kr of Glenmoriston, or the last that Glenmoriston was; suffer for the cause of the Prince. When Culloden |, been fought, and the Jacobite cause had been lost for ey, Charles in the darkest hours of. his fate, wandering; hunted fugitive among the glens and mountains, foun, shelter with the now famous outlaws, the Seven Men) Glenmoriston. Only one of them was a Grant, BI) Peter, or Patrick, of Craskie, but it was in Grar’ country, and the seven men, any one of whom could) any moment have enriched himself beyond the dreams) avarice by betraying the Prince and earning the £30, set by Government upon his head, proved absolut: faithful. These men had seen their own possessiti destroyed by the Red Soldiers because of the Prince, < they had seen seventy of the men of Glenmoriston, vw had been induced by a false promise of the Butcher Di of Cumberland, at the intercession of the Laird of Grant, march to Inverness and lay down their arms, ruthles} seized and shipped to the colonies as slaves, but tl} treated Charles with Highland hospitality in their ca’ of Coiraghoth and Coirskreaoch, and for that the Sev Men of Glenmoriston will have an honourable place ) ever in Scottish history. | While the Prince was in hiding in the Braes of Gh moriston, two of the Seven Men, out foraging } provisions, met Grant of Glenmoriston himself. 1 chief had had his house burned and his lands pillaged ) his share in the rising, and he asked the two men if tl} knew what had become of the Prince, who, he heard, It passed the Braes of Knoydart. Even to him, howevs they did not reveal the secret of the royal wanderer’s hiditt And when they asked the Prince himself whether he woi care to see Glenmoriston, Charles said he was so wil pleased with his present guard that he wanted no oth’, In the first bill of attainder for the punishment of thie who had taken part in the rebellion the name of Gril of Glenmoriston was included, but, probably at the instaie of Lord President Forbes, it was afterwards omitted, 4 the chief retained his estates. | f . : | { | 7 . WAN GRANT OF GLENMORISTON 165 2atrick Grant’s son and successor, John, held a com- jion in the 42nd Highlanders, and highly distinguished self during the brilliant service of that famous regiment ndia, rising to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. He | at Glenmoriston in 1801. His elder son died while jinor, and was succeeded by his brother James Murray fit. This chief married his cousin Henrietta, daughter vameron of Glennevis, and in 1821 succeeded to the tte of Moy, beside the Culbin Sands in Morayshire, as iof entail to his kinsman Colonel Hugh Grant. | ! | | CLAN GREGOR BADGE: Giuthas (pinus sylvestris) pine. SLOGAN: Ard-choille. PIBROCH : MacGregor’s Salute, and Glen Fruin. ‘* DON’T mister me nor Campbell me! My foot is on; native heath, and my name is MacGregor!” TI; words, put into the mouth of the cateran, Rob Roy, Sir Walter Scott, express in a nutshell much of the sj and history of this famous clan. Strangely enough, tribe of the Highlands was more proud of its anet name than the MacGregors, and no tribe had to st more for bearing that name, or was more cruelly compe: to abandon it. ‘*‘ Is Rioghal mo dhream ’’—my rac) royal—was and is the proud boast of the MacGreg: and no more bitter fate could be imposed upon them t: to give up the evidence of that descent. The clan traces its ancestry and takes its name fi Gregor, third son of Alpin, King of Scots in the latter }: of the eighth century, and from Alpin himself it takes: alternative patronymic, Clan Alpin. Doungheal, 1 elder son of Gregor, was the first MacGregor, and han: on the name to his descendants, while his brother Gui became the ancestor of the Clan MacQuary. In the eil feudal centuries the clan possessed a wide stretch¢ territory across the middle Highlands, from Ben Cruac} to the neighbourhood of Fortingall in Glen Lyon, anc far south as the Pass of Balmaha on Loch Lomond and the chain of lochs which runs eastward to Coilant«! ford in Menteith, not far from Callander. Throught all the centuries of Highland history they were not: for their deeds of valour. When Alexander II. 0 threw MacDonald of the Isles and conquered Ary one of the leaders of the royal army was the M Gregor chief, as a vassal of the Earl of Ross, anda a reward he received a grant of the forfeited estate¢ Glenurchy. A later chief, Malcolm, who lived in } days of Robert the Bruce, supported that King and! cause of Scottish Independence with the whole migh® his clan. He was among those who fought stoutly@ Bannockburn, and afterwards he accompanied Edw' 166 ——<$ = ——s Facing page 166, MAC GREGOR CLAN GREGOR 167 ‘ruce in his invasion of Ireland. There, at the siege of ‘undalk, he was severely wounded, and through that (rccumstance is remembered in the clan story as ‘*‘ am ‘or’ ear bacach ’’—the lame lord. Through that fact e MacGregor chiefs might have been expected, like ‘hers whose fortunes were built upon their support of ‘e house of Bruce, to find their prosperity go on like ; rising tide. But this was not the case. The chiefs ade the fatal mistake of adhering to the old order of ‘ings in the security by which they held their lands. ike the MacKays in the far north, they scorned the sheepskin tenure ”’ of feudalism, introduced by Malcolm anmore and his sons. Taking their stand on their sscent from the ancient Celtic kings, they kept to the old lodial system of independent ownership, and determined ill to keep their possessions, as their fathers had done, y the coire a glaive, or right of the sword. Asa result, iroughout the feudal centuries, they found themselves onstantly engaged in brawls over the possession of sritory for which they could show no title-deeds. Their ndeavours to hold their own were looked upon as mere twless disturbances of the peace, and again and again 1eir more powerful neighbours found it profitable, first to tir them up to some warlike deed, then to procure a royal rarrant for their extermination, and the appropriation of 1eir territory. Chief among these enemies were the Campbells of och Awe, who, in the fifteenth century, became Earls f Argyll, and the collateral branch of the Campbells who, 1 later days have held the titles of earls and marquesses f Breadalbane. A notable incidence of the methods of aese enemies of the MacGregors occurred in the fifteenth entury, when Campbell of Loch Awe induced the facNabs of Loch Tayside to pick a quarrel with the MacGregor chiefs. The two clans met in a_ bloody attle at Crianlarich, when the MacNabs were defeated nd all but exterminated. Forthwith Campbell procured commission from the King to punish both of the reakers of the peace, with the result that presently he MacGregors were forced to procure a cessation of ostilities by yielding up to Campbell a considerable art of their territory. Stories of the clan’s escapades in those days make up nuch of the tradition of the Central Highlands. On one ‘ccasion the MacGregors made a sudden descent upon the stronghold on the little island in Loch Dochart. This was t fastness deemed all but impregnable by reason of the 168 CLAN GREGOR deep water round it; but the MacGregors chose a wint day when the loch was frozen, and, sheltering themsely from the arrows of the garrison by huge fascines of brus| wood which they pushed across the ice in front of ther they stormed and took the place. In the gorge of Gle Lyon, again, there is a spot known as MacGregor’s Lea Here, after a fierce conflict, in which a sept of the Ma Gregors, known as the Maclvers, were all but cut | pieces, their chief, fleeing before his enemies, came the narrowest part of the gorge, and by a wild leap fro: rock to rock across the torrent succeeded in making h escape. The troubles of the MacGregors came to a clima towards the close of the sixteenth century. Driven t desperation, and fired with injustice, they were induce to perpetrate many wild deeds. In 1588, for exampk took place the dreadful ceremony in the little kirk « Balquhidder, remembered as Clan Alpine’s Vow. A fe days earlier a mysterious body, ‘‘ the Children of th Mist,’’ had surprised the King’s forester, Drummonc Ernoch, in Glenartney. They had killed him, cut off hi head, and on their way home along Loch Earnside ha displayed that head in barbarous fashion on the dinne table at Ardvorlich to the sister of the slain man, wh was Ardvorlich’s wife, by reason of which she had fle from the house demented. On the following Sunday th MacGregor clansmen gathered in Balquhidder Kir where one after another approached the altar,. laid hi hand on the severed head, and swore himself a partne in the dark deed that had placed it there. Acts like this were bound to bring upon the clan th last extremities of fire and sword. The house whicl profited most by the reprisals was the younger branch o the Campbells of Lochow. Already early in the fifteentl century Sir Colin Campbell, head of that younger branch had become laird of Glenurchy, formerly a MacGrego possession. He had built Kilchurn Castle at the nortl end of Loch Awe, and he and his descendants had buil or acquired a string of strongholds across the middk Highlands, including the castle on Loch Dochart alread} referred to, Edinample on Loch Earn, and Finlarig anc Balloch, now Taymouth Castle, at the opposite ends 0 Loch Tay. In their heading-pits and on their dule tree: these lairds of Glenurchy executed ‘‘ justice ’? on many} persons as the king’s enemies and their own, and among others who suffered publicly on the village green ai KXenmore was a Chief of MacGregor in Queen Mary’ MOOAADOVAN AO AHIHO *ggI osed Sule. HHL AO LVAS ‘MAAGCGIHNO IVA AO SUVA AHL NO ‘dIHONAdaA | CLAN GREGOR 169 ime, Gregor Roy of Glenstrae. Nevertheless, according ) Tytler, the MacGregors were in the royal army, commanded by the young Earl of Argyll, which suffered lisastrous defeat at the battle of Glenlivat in 1594. _ In 1603, instigated by the Earl of Argyll, Alastair of 3lenstrae made a descent upon the Colquhouns of Luss, ought a pitched battle with them in Glenfruin on Loch uomondside, and defeated them with a loss of 140 men. (Che Colquhouns secured the indignation and sympathy of Sing James VI. by parading before him a long array of vidows of their clan with the bloody shirts of their hus- vands upon poles. Asa result, Argyll was commissioned vy the Privy Council to hunt the ‘* viperous ’’ MacGregors vith fire and sword till they should be “‘ estirpat and rutit out and expellit the hail boundis of our dominionis.”’ This Argyll undertook to do, and among other matters nanaged to trap the Chief of MacGregor by persuading iim to accompany him to the new court of King James n England. He promised to conduct MacGregor safely nto that country and procure his pardon. ‘The first part of his promise he performed, but no sooner was the Mac- aregor Chief across the Tweed than he had him arrested ind carried back to Edinburgh, where he was executed, with thirty of his clan. At the same time severe laws were made against the clansmen. Any man might killa MacGregor without incurring punishment, and for doing 30 receive a free gift of the MacGregor’s whole movable zoods and gear. The very name MacGregor was pro- scribed under pain of death. No MacGregor was allowed © carry a weapon, and not more than four of the clan vere permitted to meet together. The unfortunate clans- nen, it is said, were even chased with bloodhounds, and the spot is still pointed out on Ben Cruachan where the ast of them to be hunted in this fashion turned and shot us pursuer. Among other clans stirred up to attack the MacGregors were the Camerons, but, even in its extremity, Jlan Alpin mustered its force and, reinforced by its tiends the MacPhersons, marched northward and inflicted 1 signal defeat upon the followers of Lochiel. Through all its troubles, however, Clan Gregor survived. Among interesting episodes of its history there sa wild story of the year 1640, remembered on Speyside. A MacGregor, the tradition runs, wooed, won, and carried Mf Isabel, daughter of the Laird of Grant. A member a the Robertson clan, whose suit had been favoured by the lady’s friends, pursued the fugitives with a number of his followers. MacGregor took refuge in a barn, and 170 CLAN GREGOR with dirk and claymore, and a musket which his wife loaded for him, managed to destroy every one of his assailants. Then, in the joy of his victory, he took his pipes, and on the spot composed and danced the wild air still known as the ‘‘ Reel o’ Tulloch.’? Alas! this doughty champion was afterwards shot, and at the sight! of his bloody head which they fiendishly showed her, the poor girl who had fought so bravely to save her lover suddenly expired. | Five years later the MacGregors took the field for King Charles I., with the whole strength of their clan, under Montrose, who promised that the King, when his. affairs were settled, should redress the grievances of the: clan. By way of reprisal Cromwell sent one of his forces) into the fastnesses of Clan Gregor. Loch Katrine, which took its name from its owners’ character as caterans, was still a possession of the Clan, and on the little islet now known from Sir Walter Scott’s account of it as Ellen’s Isle, they had placed their women for safety. Not a boat was to be found, though several were seen on the island shore, and the English officer offered his purse to the! soldier who should cross and bring one back. Forthwith a young soldier plunged in and swam to the island side. The exploit seemed easy, and he had indeed laid his hand! on one of the shallops, when the branches parted, a knife in a woman’s hand flashed in the air, and the would-be ravisher sank in the water dead. At the restoration of Charles II. the clan was rewarded for its support of the royal cause by having all its rights and privileges restored to it; but a generation later, after the Revolution, this act of clemency was rescinded by William III., and all the old laws against the MacGregors. were again put in force. It was little wonder, therefore, that, when the Rebellion of 1715 in favour of the Stewarts broke out, the clan should favour that cause. John MacGregor, who was then the Chief, though he had adopted the name of Murray, was a Jacobite, but he did not take the field, and instead the clan was led by the ‘bold Rob Roy,’’? who belonged to the Dugal Ciar’ branch of the family. At the battle of Sheriffmuir he might have decided the day by charging with his men, but he prudently waited to see how affairs would turn, and in reply to the urgent message of the Earl of Mar, _ imploring him to attack, he answered that if the day could | not be won without the MacGregors it could not be won with them. : The next Chief, Robert, raised his clan and mortgaged | F ; ‘of1 sed Suloey AOWM AOU AO AOVIMHINIA “ASNOH WIAONATO oo haw 8B Bow earn ee oe ted je “A & aie / } | | CLAN GREGOR 171 his whole estate for the cause of Prince Charles Edward in 1745, and refused the offer sent him by the Duke of _ Cumberland, that if the MacGregors would lay down their _arms they should have their name and all their privileges restored. When the day was lost at Culloden the clan marched from the field with its banners flying, but as a result the whole MacGregor country was ravaged by the victorious ‘‘ Butcher Duke,’’ and the Chief was long con- fined a prisoner in Edinburgh Castle. On the death of this Chief in 1758, the honour fell to his brother Evan, an officer in the 41st regiment, who served with much distinction in Germany. The eldest son of the latter was John Murray, a lieutenant-colonel in the East India Company’s service, and Auditor General in Bengal. General Murray was created a baronet in 1795, and on the removal of the laws affecting his name and family, he resumed by royal licence the original surname of MacGregor. On that occasion, 826 clansmen of mature age subscribed a deed acknowledging him to be Chief, and though the honour was disputed by MacGregor of _Glengyle of the ‘‘ Sliochd Gregor a Chroie,’’ Rob Roy’s branch, descended from the twelfth chief who died about 1413, Sir John and his descendants have been loyally recognised as the actual heads of the race. This reinstatement took place in 1822. In the same _year Sir John Murray MacGregor died. His only son _and successor, Sir Evan MacGregor, was a Major General, | K.C.B., G.C.H., and Governor General of the Windward 'Isles, and he married a daughter of the fourth Duke of _Athol. His son, again, Sir John, married the eldest daughter and co-heir of Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Master- man Hardy, Bart., G.C.B., Governor of Greenwich | Hospital, who was the famous Captain Hardy of Nelson’s ship the Victory at the battle of Trafalgar, and through this connection several interesting relics of Nelson and the Victory are preserved at the present seat of the family. Sir John died Lieutenant-Governor of the Virgin Islands, and since then, probably through the Hardy connection, the _ Chiefs of MacGregor have followed a naval career. His son, Sir Malcolm, was a Rear-Admiral of the British Navy, and received the Crimean medal and clasp for Sebastopol, as well as the Turkish War medal and the medal of the Royal Humane Society. He married Helen, only daughter of the ninth Earl of Antrim, and died in 1879. His eldest son, the present baronet, Sir Malcolm Mac- _ Gregor of MacGregor, entered the Navy in 1886, attained the rank of Commander in 1904, became Assistant to the 172 CLAN GREGOR Director of the Naval Ordnance at the Admiralty in 1907, and retired with the rank of Captain in tig11. Sir Malcolm’s sister is the Countess of Mansfield, and his grand-aunt was the author of a fragmentary history of the Clan prepared at the request of the Clan Gregor Society. Edenchip, the present residence of the Chief, stands at the eastern end of the Braes of Balquhidder, pretty near the centre of the old country of the clan, and it is pleasant to think how, after all their fierce trials and troubles of the past, the chiefs and members of the clan are now able to settle quietly upon their native heath, and to acknow- ledge once again the now long respected and always honourable name of MacGregor. Among many notable members of the clan throughout the centuries, MacGregor, Dean of Lismore in the time of Mary Queen of Scots, should be mentioned for his famous collection of Ossianic and other Gaelic poetry known as the Dean of Lismore’s Book. Fortingall in Glenlyon, where he lived, was also the home of a famous race of MacGregor pipers, known as Clann an Sgeulaich. SEPTS OF CLAN GREGOR Black Comrie Fletcher Gregor Gregorson Gregory Greig Grier Grierson Grigor King Leckie Macara MacAdam MacChoiter Macaree Macegruder Macgrowther. Macilduy MacLeister MacL iver MacNee MacNeish McNie MacNish MacPeter Malloch Neish White Peter GUNN ing page 172, 4. 4 ras § os CLAN GUNN BapcE: Craobh Aitean (juniperis communis) juniper. PrsrocH : Failte nan Guinneach. Rovunp the coasts of the extreme north of Scotland, and notably on the eastern and northern shores, the place- names have an interesting tale to tell. These ‘* wicks ”’ and ‘‘oes’’ and ‘‘ dales’’ speak of the settlements of Norse and Danish rovers in days now remote. For some five centuries, down to the time of the battle of Largs, in 1263, that part of the country, along with the Orkneys, the Shetlands, and the Hebrides, was, in fact, Norwegian territory, and to the present hour the inhabitants, at any rate of the coast districts, have probably more Norwegian than Scottish blood in their veins. This is not least true in the case of the Clan Gunn, whose possessions lay in the Kildonan district, about the upper waters of the River Helmsdale' where Ben Grainmore towers two thousand feet against the sky, and the mountain glens come down to the fertile strath of the Helmsdale itself. The soil is fertile, the little mountain lochs abound with trout and char, and red deer, grouse, ptarmigan, and blackcock have jalways been plentiful on the moors, while grains of gold are even yet to be found in the sand and gravel of the ‘streams. It was a country to attract the wild Norse rover, ‘and round the Pictish towers or castles, of which the ruins still remain, many a desperate onslaught must have taken place between the older Pictish inhabitants and the Viking adventurers before these latter secured possession of the ‘region, Clan Gunn, which had its home here in later centuries, took its name and claimed descent from Guinn, second son ‘of Olaf the Black, King of Man and the Isles, who died in 1237. The Gaelic Guinneach signifies fierce, keen, sharp, and is probably an accurate description of the out- standing characteristics of the clan. From later chiefs of the race are descended septs known in modern times by the names of Jamieson, Johnson, Williamson, Anderson, ‘Robson, and others, while the Gallies take their name from a party of the clan which settled in Ross-shire, and was 173 ee 174 CLAN GUNN known as the Gall-’aobh, or men from the stranger’s side. The territory of the clan lay on the border between the country of the Earls of Sutherland and the Earls of Caith-. ness, while to the west of it lay Strathnaver, the territory. of the Mackays, otherwise Lord Reay’s country. With’ all these neighbours the Gunns from time to time had feuds and friendships, and some of the episodes which’ occurred between them were among the most romantic and desperate in the history of the north. Alike as friends and as foes the Gunns appear always to have been held in| the highest estimation. It is obvious that, at a very early date, they had acquired the character of being ‘‘ bonnie fechters.”’ ‘ Perhaps the most outstanding event in the history of! the clan was the battle of Alt-no-gaun, fought in the year’ 1478. The chief of that time, George Gunn, was then the greatest man in the north, there being then no Earl of! Sutherland to overshadow him. Moreover, he held the dignity of Crowner, or coroner, then a high officer of, justice. In virtue of this office the chief wore as a badge: a large silver brooch, from which he was known as Fear a Bhuaisteach mor. In his time a member of the family of Keith, afterwards Earls Marischal, married the heiress of: the Cheynes of Acrigil, and thus obtained a footing on the borders of the Gunn country. The Gunns looked with little pleasure upon the appearance of the followers of such: a powerful family in their neighbourhood, and accordingly disagreements and a serious feud sprang up between them. | With a view to an understanding a meeting was held in: the chapel of St. Tain, but this aggravated rather than. diminished the differences between the parties, and, matters: having come to a head, an arrangement was made to fight out the quarrel at an appointed place. Each chief was to” appear with his relations, a party of not more than twelve horse, and the battle was to be fought to the death. The place chosen was a remote part of Strathmore, but! when the Crowner and his eleven champions reached the’ spot they found that the Keiths were double their number, | having treacherously mounted two men on each horse. | This action, however, merely enraged the Gunns, who hurled themselves into the combat with added fury and| desperation. Both sides fought till they could fight no more, and when the battle was over the Crowner and seven of his clan lay dead, while the Keiths were barely able to’ carry their slain and wounded from the field. Of the’ Gunns the five who survived were all sons of the Chief, /3 CLAN GUNN 175 indall wounded. As night fell they sat down by the bank yf a stream, where Torquil, the one most slightly wounded, washed and dressed the injuries of the other four. As they ‘alked over the disaster of the day the youngest of them, Little Henry, burning to revenge defeat and the treachery »f the Keiths, and to recover his father’s sword, brooch, and armour, induced two of his brothers—the only two still able to fight—to go with him in pursuit of the victorious party. They came up with the latter at the sastle of Dalraid. By this time it was night, and through ‘he narrow window Henry Gunn and his brothers looked in and saw the Keiths drinking ale and relating to their aosts, the Sutherlands, the incidents of the day’s encounter. Little Henry watched his chance, and as the Chief of the Keiths raised the tankard to his lips he bent his bow and sent an arrow through his heart, at the same time calling out ‘‘ Beannachd na Guinnich do ’n Chai ’’—the Gunn’s compliment to Keith! The company inside dashed for the door, and as they came out several were killed by the Gunns, who were waiting for them. It was no equal match, however, and the Gunns presently retired under cover of the darkness, and making for the spot where they had left their brother, all five retreated in safety to their own country. A hundred years later the Chief of the Clan, Alastair Gunn, was again a man of much note and power in the north. He had married a daughter of the Earl of Suther- land, and felt himself entitled to hold his head high among the best in Scotland. This, alas! led to his undoing. One day, about the year 1562, marching, with his “ tail ”’ of followers behind him, along the High Street of ‘Aberdeen, he happened to encounter no less a person than ‘Queen Mary’s half-brother, the Earl of Moray, also with his followers. Owing to the condition of the thoroughfares fat that time it was not less a point of honour than a matter of convenience to keep the crown of the causeway. This the Earl, by reason of his rank, of course considered himself entitled to, but the haughty Chief of the Gunns showed no disposition to yield the point. In the upshot the Earl by means of one Andrew Munro, entrapped Gunn at the Delvines, near Nairn, whence he was carried 'to Inverness, where Moray had him executed ‘‘ under ‘pretence of justice.’’ | Twenty-three years later, in 1585, the clan found itself involved against its neighbours on each side, the Earls of ‘Sutherland and Caithness, heads of the most powerful houses then in the north. It looked as if the Gunns were 176 CLAN GUNN to be the earthen pipkin crushed between two iron pots yet they seemed no whit dismayed, and managed to hol their own in valiant fashion. The two earls planned t come upon the Gunns from both sides at once, and ‘* thereby so to compass them that no place of retreat migh be left unto them.’ The Gunns took up their position i) an advantageous spot on the side of Ben Grian. Ther their enemies, seeing them much fewer in number thai themselves, made the fatal mistake of thinking lightly o them. Instead of waiting for the Sutherlands to come yj and attack simultaneously, the Sinclairs rushed impulsivel: forward. The Gunns waited till their enemies, breathles with the steep ascent, were close upon them. Then the’ poured a flight of arrows into them at close quarters, and rushing down the slope, cut down the commander of th Sinclairs with 120 of his men. The rest they pursued til darkness fell. The Gunns were followed, however, by th Earl of Sutherland’s force, which pursued them as far wes as the shores of Lochbroom. There the Gunns wer brought to an encounter, when they were defeated, thei captain, George Gunn, being wounded and taken prisoner and thirty-two of the clan being slain. Later in the same reign, in 1616, John, Chief of thi Gunns, suffered for the part he was compelled to play a an ally of the Earl of Caithness. The earl, being desirou’ of visiting his displeasure upon a certain William Innes brought pressure upon the Chief of the Gunns to burn th corn stacks of Innes’s tenants. This, John Gunn lon refused to do, offering instead to ‘‘ do his best to slay William Innes.”’ The earl, however, continued to insist in the end the corn stacks were burned, thereby no doub inflicting severe hardship upon the people of the district and as a result the Chief of the Gunns was rigorousl prosecuted and imprisoned in Edinburgh. | A generation later a notable member of the clan wa! Crowner or Colonel Gunn, a native of Caithness, who like so many other hardy Scots of that time made a plact and a name for himself in the wars abroad. He appears it Scottish history when the Marquess of Montrose, then or the Covenanting side, was besieging the Tower of Gight it Aberdeenshire. Word reached the Marquess that ¢ King’s force had landed at Aberdeen, and raising th siege he retreated precipitately to Edinburgh. The force actually landed, however, was a small one, and the mos. important of its officers was Crowner Gunn. On the failure of the cause of Charles I. the Crowner returned tc Germany, where according to the historian of the hous« | | | CLAN GUNN 177 | Sutherland he became a major-general in the imperial ny, and a baron of the empire, marrying “ a rich and bie lady beside the imperial city of Ulm, upon the anube.”’ The early seat of the Chiefs of the Clan was the old stle of Hallburg, the name of which sufficiently indicates | Danish or Norwegian origin. In its time this strong- Id was considered impregnable. In later days the Chiefs the Gunns had their seat at the castle of Kilearnan till was destroyed by fire in 1690. Strangely enough, after the long warlike history of the in, the chief means ‘of its dispersion was the introduction sthe peaceful sheep. In the twenty years between 1811 7d 1831 sheep-raising as a new industry displaced the old feeding of black cattle in the Highlands of Scotland. > make way for it in this district the notorious Sutherland varances took place. In the former year the population ( Kildonan parish, which measures some 250 square ples, numbered 1,574. To make way for sheep-farming fost of that population was removed to the neighbouring trish of Loth, and in the glens where hundreds of families ( the name of Gunn had for centuries had their happy tough humble and too often abjectly poor homes, nothing is to be heard but the bleat of the sheep, the call of the fouse, and the crow of the blackcock. In 1851 the parish ( Loth was united to that of Kildonan, and by this means te number of the population was more than restored. leanwhile, however, many of the old clan of the Gunns lid gone out to the world, never to return to the scenes ( the doughty deeds of their ancestors. _ At the present day the Chiefship of the clan is believed rest with the family of Gunn of Rhives, which is fa oced from the second son of MacSheumais, the fifth lie _Among the members of the clan who have attained ime and fame may be enumerated Barnabas Gunn, lusical composer, who died organist of Chelsea Hospital ! 1753; John Gunn, author of an Historical Enquiry ispecting the Performance of the Harp in the Highlands, ed other musical works, who flourished at the end of the ezhteenth century ; William Gunn, Episcopal clergyman i England and antiquarian writer, who, early in the ineteenth century, published extracts from the Vatican ISS. +, an account of the Vatican tapestries, and a tenth- cntury MS. of the Historia Britonum; Daniel Gunn (774-1848), the congregational minister, pelebrated for his emotional preaching and his schools at Christchurch, OL. I. M 178 CLAN GUNN Hampshire; and Robert Campbell Gunn, the nature (1808-1881), who, when superintendent of convict pris in Tasmania, sent home many interesting specimens previously unknown plants and animals. SEPTS OF CLAN GUNN Gallie Gunnson Georgeson Henderson Johnson Jamieson Keene Kean MacCorkill MacComas Maclan MacKames MacKeamish MacKean MacOmish MacRob MacWilliam Manson Nelson Robison Robson Sandison Swanson Williamson Wilson LAMONT : icing page 178, CLAN LAMONT BapGE: Luidh Cheann (octopetala) dryas. PiBROCH : Spaidsearachd Chaiptein Mhic Laomainn. MONG the clans of the West Highlands which appear to ; able to claim actual descent from early Celtic stock, lan Lamont may be considered one of the most assured. here is some reason to believe that the Lamont chiefs ere originally a branch of the great house of O’Neil, ings of Ulster in early times. The hand surmounting ie old Lamont crest is pointed to as being undoubtedly ie “‘ Red hand of Ulster,’’ and the Lamont motto, ‘‘ Nec ircas nec spernas,’’ is also pointed to as indicating the ose relationship, while the documents of early times nich refer to the Chief as ‘‘ The Great Lamont of owal ’’ seemed to indicate a relationship with the Ulster le of “‘ The Great O’Neil.’?’ The name Lamont appears date from the middle of the thirteenth century. One udal charter of that time was granted by ‘‘ Laumanus ius Malcolmi, nepos Duncani, filius Fearchar,’’ convey- g lands at Kilmun and Lochgilp to Paisley Abbey, while lother, dated 1295, is by ‘‘ Malcolmus filius er haeres mini quondam Laumani.’’ It is from this Lauman that e later chiefs take their name, and are styled Mac- lomainn. Before the date of these charters the chiefs e said to have been named Mac’erachar from their early cestor, Farquhar, grandfather of Lauman, who lived out the year 1200. In any case, from a very early time e Lamonts appear to have possessed the greater part of ywal, and the ruins of several of their strongholds still Nain to attest their greatness. The beginning of their eclipse may be dated from the ddle of the fourteenth century. In 1334, when Edward iol had overrun Scotland, basely acknowledging lward III. of England as his suzerain, and when, as a nsequence of the battles of Dupplin and Halidon Hill, had looked as if all the labours and victories of Robert 2 Bruce had been in vain, Bruce’s young grandson, vert the High Steward, suddenly turned the tables. om hiding in Bute he escaped to Dunbarton, raised his ssals of Renfrewshire, and stormed the stronghold of 179 180 CLAN LAMONT Dunoon. This was the signal for the Scots to rise, ar before long Scotland was once more free. Among tho who helped the High Steward on this occasion, was § Colin Campbell of Lochow, and when Robert the Stewa; became King Robert II. in 1371, he made Campbe hereditary keeper of his royal castle of Dunoon. Fro that day the Campbells used every means to increase the footing in Cowal, and before long a feud broke oj between them and Clan Lamont, the ancient possessors | the district, which was to end, nearly three centuries late in one of the most tragic incidents of Highland histor One of the first episodes of the feud took place in ti year 1400. The King’s court was then at Rothes: Castle, and from it, one day, three young lords cross over to hunt at Ardyne in the Lamont country. As sequel to their excursion, they tried to carry off some | the young women of Cowal; at which four sons of tt Lamont Chief came to the rescue and slew the ravisher A garbled account of the incident was carried to the cour and as a result, the King confiscated the Lamont territo1 in Strath Echaig, and conferred it on the Campbell chie Forty years later another incident occurred in whic the generosity of the chief of Clan Lamont was turned : account by his enemies. Celestine, son of Sir Duncz Campbell the Black Knight of Lochow, had died whi being educated in the Lowlands. It was winter, and t reason of the deep snows, Campbell professed to find impossible to convey the body of his son through tt mountain passes to Loch Awe. He accordingly aske permission from the Lamont chief to bury his son in th little Lamont kirk at Kilmun on the Holy Loch. Pe mission was granted in terms thus translated from tl Gaelic: ‘‘ I the Great Lamont of all Cowal do give un thee, Black Knight of Lochow, the grave of flags where to bury thy son in thy distress.’? Soon afterwareanl Campbell chief endowed the burial-place of his son as collegiate church, and from that day to this Kilmun hi remained the burial-place of the Argylls. In 1472 Coli Farl of Argyll, obtained a charter of further lands od Dunoon Castle, including the West Bay and Innellan, at the stronghold of Dunoon appears forthwith to fa) become a chief seat of the Argylls. oa Still the Lamonts appear to have been willing to act t friendly part to the Campbells. In 1544, when Henry VII was seeking to annex Scotland by forcibly obtainir possession of the infant Queen Mary, and when, to suppo the enterprise, the Earl of Lennox sailed with an Englis CLAN LAMONT 181 pt up the Firth of Clyde, the Lamonts mustered to help , Campbells in defending the stronghold of Dunoon. , that occasion Lennox landed under cover of the fire ym his ships, forced the Lamonts and Campbells to reat with much slaughter, burnt Dunoon, and plundered | church. A pleasant contrast to that episode was the visit of teen Mary herself nineteen years later. The Countess ) Argyll was the Queen’s favourite half-sister, and it is rated how Mary, then twenty-one years of age, on ly 26th rode from Inveraray and slept at Strone, a ‘mont seat; how, next morning, she came to Dunoon, sere she spent two days in hunting, and signed several ers ; and how on the roth she rode to Toward Castle, were She dined with the chief of Clan Lamont, Sir John ‘mont of Inveryne, before ferrying across to Southannan | Fairlie, on the Ayrshire coast. On that occasion the yeen may have been entertained with music from the ous ancient Celtic harp, which was a treasured posses- n of the Lamonts for several centuries. About the year 40 this harp passed by marriage into possession of the »bertsons of Lude, and it is described and illustrated in imn’s elaborate work on the music of the Highlands. ‘It was a few years after this that an event occurred ich throws a vivid light upon the chivalric character ) these old Highland chiefs. The incident took place ther in 1602 or 1633. ‘The tradition runs that the son of Lamont chief had gone hunting on the shores of Loch ‘ve with the only son of MacGregor of Glenstrae. At ghtfall the two young men had made their camp in a ve, when a quarrel arose between them, and in the iden strife Lamont drew his dirk, and MacGregor fell yttally wounded. Pursued by MacGregor’s retainers, ® aggressor fled, and, losing all idea of his way in the tk, and at last espying a light, applied for shelter at acGregor’s own house of Glenstrae. The old chief was icken with grief when he heard the tale, and guessed it 's his own son who had been slain. But the Highland vs of hospitality were inexorable. ‘‘ Here this night,”’ said, “‘ you shall be safe ’’; and when the clansmen rived, demanding vengeance, he _ protected young ‘mont from their fury. ‘Then, while it was still dark, he inducted the young man across the hills to Dunderave | Loch Fyne, and procured him a boat and oars. Flee,”’ he said, ‘‘ for your life; in your own country ' shall pursue you. Save yourself if you can! ” ' Years afterwards an old man, hunted and desperate, | | 182 CLAN LAMONT came to Toward Castle gate and besought shelter. It we MacGregor of Glenstrae, stripped of his lands by th rapacious Campbells, and fleeing for his life. Lamer had not forgotten him, and he took him in, gave him home for years, and when he died, buried him with all th honour due to his rank in the little graveyard about th chapel of St. Mary on the farm of Toward-an-Uilt, wher his resting-place was long pointed out. As is well known, the Campbells had been engaged fc Over a century in making themselves masters of the ancier lands of Clan Gregor, and it may be that this act ¢ hospitality to the old MacGregor chief formed the la: drop in the cup of the ancient feud which brougt destruction upon Clan Lamont. The story of the final act of the feud was told lately b Mr. Henry Lamond, a member of the clan, in the page of the Clan Lamont Journal for 1913. The origina account is to be found in the charge of high treason an oppression brought against the Marquess of Argyll in 1661 included in Cobbett’s Complete Collection of State Trials vol. v, The author of this account rightly says that while the massacre of the MacDonalds of Glencoe in 169 still sends a shudder through the veins of the reader o history, not less horror would attend a perusal of th Dunoon massacre, were it as generally known. As. matter of fact, the massacre of the Lamonts by the Camp bells at Dunoon was a much more dreadful affair tha even the massacre of the MacDonalds by the Campbell at Glencoe. The incident took place after the defeat of th forces of King Charles I. under the Marquess of Montros at Philiphaugh in 1646. By that victory the Marquess ¢ Argyll, chief of the Campbells and of the Covenantin party in Scotland, became absolute ruler of the kingdom and he forthwith proceeded to use his powers for th destruction of three of the clans from whom his family ha been engaged in seizing lands and power for severe centuries bygone. First the MacDonalds were storme and massacred in their stronghold of Dunavertie at th south end of Kintyre; then the MacDougals saw their la castles of Gylen and Dunolly overthrown and given tot flames; and, last of the three, the Lamonts were attacke and well-nigh exterminated in their own region of Cowa Sir James Lamont of Inveryne, knight, then chief ¢ the Clan, had been educated at Glasgow University, ha represented Argyllshire in the Scottish Parliament, an had been King Charles’ commissioner and a friend of th Mareuess of Montrose. In fairness to Argyll it should b INOWVT NVIO JO SHHIHD AHL AO GIOHDNOULS LNAIONV i sci aiaabianetedsteiciniigsecptai aalaaiciaLaciaealebdeniett stadt iowa. — —— — ee ee —<———= — = ee eee ed ‘ATLSVO GUNVMOL Se Re *TQI ase SULIT & i) | CLAN LAMONT 183 mentioned that the commission to Sir James, given under te hand of King Charles I. in March, 1643, authorised zd ordered him to prosecute a war and levy forces in His Jajesty’s name against those in rebellion, and particularly sainst the Marquess of Argyll, and that, in accordance \th this commission, Sir James had gathered together is friends and followers. But upon the king’s surrender t the Scottish army at Newcastle, Lamont had laid down ems and retired peaceably to his own houses of Toward aud Ascog. The indictment goes on to relate how, after te overthrow of Montrose at Philiphaugh, James Camp- Ll of Ardkinglass, Dugald Campbell of Inverawe, and cher officers, under the order of the Marquess of Argyll, lid siege to these two houses. On the third of June, ‘amont surrendered upon conditions, signed by seven of 1e Campbell leaders, which granted indemnity to the lamonts in person and estate, with power to pass freely ‘here they pleased. But no sooner were the strongholds ‘elded than the Campbells proceeded to plunder them iterly, and to waste the whole estates and possessions of ‘e Lamonts, doing damage to the extent of 50,000 ‘erling, and in the course of their operations murdering number of innocent women, whose bodies they left for .prey to ravenous beasts and fowls. While the plundere ig was going on, Sir James and his friends and clansmen ere kept guarded in the house and yards of Toward, with leir hands cruelly bound behind their backs in the reatest misery. The Campbells next burned Ascog and oward to the ground, threw their prisoners into boats, ad conveyed them to Dunoon. There they hanged lirty-six persons, most of them gentlemen of the name : Lamont, upon a growing ash tree behind the church- ard. The rest, to the number of over two hundred and fty, they stabbed with dirks and skeans at the ladder foot, ad cast, many being still living, spurning and wrestling, ito pits, where they were buried alive. So much did the Orror of the circumstances impress people’s minds, that was said the tree withered and its roots ran blood, till 1e Campbells at last found it necessary to ‘‘ Houck out le root, covering the hole with earth, which was full of 1¢ said matter like blood.” Sir James Lamont himself was spared, and, being arried to Inveraray, was forced to sign a paper declaring tat he himself had been in the wrong; and he was after- vards kept a close prisoner at Dunstaffnage, where, under threat of being kept in the dungeon “‘ until the marrow .ould rot within his bones,’’ he was forced to sign a deed re i 184. CLAN LAMONT 4 yielding up his estates. He was also made to-sign a bon for 4,400 merks as payment for his four years’ entertaiy ment in the castle. He was afterwards imprisoned H Inisconnell in Loch Awe, and in Stirling Castle, and we only liberated when Cromwel overran the country j) 1651. | This act of massacre and oppression against Cla Lamont formed the chief item upon which Argyll wa charged after the Restoration, and if it were for nothin) but this alone, he may be held to have richly deserved hi fate when his head fell under the knife of the “ Maiden, The massacre, however, had meanwhile exercised a fai reaching effect upon the fortunes of the clan, many ¢ whom, harried and driven from their lands, had beer forced to assume other names, so that to the present hou there are many Browns and Blacks and Whites both ii Cowal and elsewhere, who are of pure Lamont descent.’ The incident of the massacre, terrible as it was, har been all but forgotten by everyone except the Lamont themselves and a few people who took an interest in th history of Cowal, till, a few years ago, the Clan Societ: was formed, and set about erecting a monument on th) spot where so many of the clansmen had suffered a violen' death, Sir James Lamont was reinstated in his property ii! 1663, but Toward Castle was never rebuilt by the Lamon chiefs, and stands a sad ruin yet among its woods. Thi modern Toward Castle was built by Kirkman Findlay the famous East India merchant of Napoleonic times The later seat of the Lamont chiefs was Ardlamont House on the promontory between Tignabruaich and Loch F yne| but following a notorious murder which took place ther during the occupancy of some English tenants, about id | | —— —— beginning of the twentieth century, the estate was sold. and the chief of the clan now resides principally at West ward Ho in Devonshire. ) | The present Chief, twenty-first of the name, is Majo: John Henry Lamont of Lamont, and he has a recor¢ behind him of hard fighting in the great Afghan War, A which he took part as a lieutenant in command of a troor of cavalry in the famous march under Lord Roberts t¢ the relief of Kandahar and the crushing defeat of Ayouk Khan. Major Lamont is a famous polo player, steeple: chase rider, and follower of hounds, and the only regre of his clansmen is that he no longer lives upon the acres of his ancestors. He is unmarried, and his apparen Successor in the chiefship is Edward Lewis Lamont, CLAN LAMONT 185 etersham, N.S.W., Australia, a great-grandson of the ghteenth chief. He is the eldest son of the late Edward uller Lamont of Monidrain, Argyllshire, and grandson j the late Captain Norman Lamont, M.P. for Wells, omersetshire, who was second son of the eighteenth chief. ‘e is unmarried, but has numerous nephews to support ie chiefship of the clan. The only landed man of the name now in Cowal is Sir orman Lamont, Bart., of Knockdow. His father, the ‘st baronet, who died on 2oth July, 1913, in his eighty- wxth year, was the only son of Lieutenant-Colonel ‘lexander Lamont of Knockdow, whom he succeeded as ird in 1861. Sir James, who as a young man held a ommission in the gist Argyllshire Highlanders, was a ated big-game hunter in Africa, and had a story of strange ‘ventures in Greece, Egypt, and Turkey, In his own achts, the Ginevra and the Diana, he made several xpeditions to the Polar seas which, though their timary object was sport, resulted in some valuable con- fibutions to geographical and other knowledge. He ublished accounts of his adventures in two racy books, asons with the Sea-Horses and Yachting in the Arctic was, and in 1912-3, over the signature *‘ 84,’’ he pub- shed a series of ten articles of sporting reminiscences hich attracted a great deal of attention. He was also 4 a time member of Parliament for Bute, for which also 's elder surviving son, the present baronet, was member om 1905 till 1910. _ Among many other members of the clan who have dis- mguished themselves may be cited David Lamont, D.D., tho was chaplain to the Prince of Wales in 1785, xoderator to the General Assembly in 1782, and appointed japlain in ordinary for Scotland in 1824; also Johann von 'lamont, the astronomer and magnetician of last century, tho was Professor of Astronomy in the University of funich, and executed the magnetic surveys of Bavaria, fance, Spain, North Germany, and Denmark. The ork of John Lamont, the diarist of the seventeenth mtury, also remains of great value to the Scottish enealogist. _ The latest evidence of the clan’s activities is the Clan amont Society, instituted a few years ago, which is now ‘flourishing institution in the West of Scotland. Its iception in 1895 was largely due to Lieutenant-Colonel amont, V.D., a descendant of the MacPatrick branch » the clan. Colonel Lamont is the author of a brochure 1 the Lamont tartan, which has attracted wide notice | | { 186: CLAN among students of these things, and 1s interest to the clan. SEPTS OF CLAN LAMONT Black Bourdon Lamb Landers Limond Lucas Macalduie © MacGillegowie Macilwhom Maclyicas MacPatrick MacSorley Patrick Toward Turner LAMO ih , * Brown Lambie Lamondson Lemond | Limont Luke MacClymont MacLamond MacLymont — MacPhorich | Meikleham Sorley Towart White CLAN LINDSAY BADGE: Rugh (Thalietrumo) Rue. Aw astonishingly varied array of memories is associated with the name of Lindsay in Scottish annals. The family. has shone alike in letters and in arms, and has a history, marked alternately with deep shadows and brilliant lights. At the present hour the race is one of the most numerous in Scotland, and counts the holders of three earldoms and other honours on its roll of fame. _As with many other of the great houses of Scotland, the first ancestor of this family seems to have migrated into the country at the time when Malcolm Canmore and his sons were setting up a new dynasty supported by a feudal system of land tenure. The cautious old Scottish chronicler, Andro of Wyntoun, briefly remarks: ‘‘ Out of Englande come the Lyndysay; Mair of thame I can nocht say.”’ According to the English antiquary, Sir William Dugdale, the surname was first assumed by the owners of the manor of Lindsai in Essex, but the locality is not now known. They are believed to have been derived from the Norman house of De Linesay, and to have ‘‘ come over with the Conqueror.’’ There were several considerable families of the name in England in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. In the Inquest of David, Prince of Cumbria, into the possessions of the See of Glasgow before 1124, the name of Walter de Lindeseya appears as one of the witnesses, _and there is charter evidence to show that the chief Scottish families of the name are descended from him, According to Chalmers, the most famous of the Scottish antiquaries (Caledonia, ii. 433), ‘‘ an English emigrant named Lindsay,’ during the twelfth century, became pos- seéssor of the lands of Luffenach, now Luffness, in East Lothian. He is said ta have possessed all the lands of Ercildoune and Locharret, or Lockhart. In the time of ‘William the Lion his son, David de Lindsay, possessed the estate, and his son again, another David, granted the ‘monks of Newbotle Ba from tolls in the port of 107 188 CLAN LINDSAY Luffenach. At the same time there were Lindsays, father and son, of Crawford in Upper Clydesdale, who were like- wise both named David, and were benefactors to the monks of Newbotle. The latter of the two appears. further to have been the David de Lindsay of Brennewell who, after 1233, gave the monks of Balmerinoch twenty shillings yearly to pray for the soul of Queen Ermingarde, who was possibly his relative. This David de Lindsay was one of the Scottish knights and prelates who swore to uphold the treaty between Alexander II. and Henry of England in 1244, when the English king had marched. north to avenge the overthrow of the Bissets of Aboyne. The same David de Lindsay obtained the lands of Gar- mylton and Byres in Haddingtonshire from Gilbert the Marischal, who had probably obtained them by his. marriage with Marjory, sister of King Alexander II., in. 1235. His second son, William, was Chamberlain of Scotland in the time of Robert the Bruce. | In 1285 also King Alexander III. granted a charter to Sir John de Lyndsay, who was Great Chamberlain of Scotland, to hold the lands of Wauchope in Dumfries- shire as a barony. The author of the Lives of the Lindsays conjectured this Sir John to have been a younger son of Sir David de Lindsay of Luffness, but as the later Lindsays of Wauchope claimed to represent the eldest line | of the race, it is possible that Wauchope was the earliest possession of the family in Scotland. It was probably | this Sir John de Lindesay who, as one of the six great | barons of the realm, swore to acknowledge the Maid of. Norway as heir to the Scottish throne, and who in 1289 | was one of the attorneys for the trustees of the deceased Alexander III, His son, Sir Philip, took part with — Edward of England against the Scots in the Wars of © Succession, invaded Scotland with Percy, and was present | at the siege of Stirling, but went over to Bruce after Bannockburn, and so retained his estate in Wauchope- dale. In the Chronicle of Lanercost there is a quaint Story told of him seeing a vision of St. Cuthbert, and so | reforming his life. His brother, Sir Simon, was also a great man on the English side, and virtual Warden of — the West Marches. He was a prisoner after Bannock- | \ ) burn, and forfeited by Bruce, but his son, Sir John, got | a charter of Wauchope from the king in 1321, and was probably the Sir John de Lindsay who fell on the Scottish side at Neville’s Cross in 1346. The twelfth Laird was forfeited for Border slaughter in 1494, but parts of the | lands were regained, and his descendants remained — y 7 CLAN LINDSAY 189 Lairds of Wauchope till the end of the seventeenth century. _ But a chief seat of the Lindsays from an early date appears to have been Crawford Castle in Upper Clydes- dale. Tower Lindsay, which originally stood’on the site, was the scene of one of the adventures of William Wallace, who, according to Henry the Minstrel, stormed and took it from its English garrison, killing fifty of them in the assault. As the neighbouring lands took their name of Crawford-John from their owner, John, stepson of Baldwin de Biggar, in the reign of Malcolm IV., so the present parish of Crawford got the name of Crawford-Lindsay from its owners, William de Lindsay and his successors, who held it for several centuries. It is interesting to note that this William de Lindsay, the first known Lord of Crawford, married Marjorie, sister of King William the Lion. At a later day Robert de Pinkeney, grandson of the heiress of the original line of Crawford, claimed the Scottish throne as descendant and representative of Mar- jorie. On the forfeiture of the Pinkeneys, the Barony of ‘Crawford was returned to the Lindsays, being conferred ‘by Bruce upon his adherent, Sir Alexander de Lindsay of Luffness, a collateral descendant of William, first Lord of Crawford above referred to. _ Another royal alliance of that time was the marriage of Sir William de Lindsay of Lamberton, also a descend- vant of William of Crawford, to Ada, eldest surviving ‘sister of King John Baliol. This family, the Lindsays of ‘Lamberton, was for a time by far the most important of the name, so far as property was concerned. It inherited, through an heiress, vast possessions in Lancashire, West- imorland, Cumberland, and Yorkshire, in addition to the ““Baronia de Lindesay infra Berwick.’’ It ended with Christiania, whose husband Ingelram succeeded as Sire de Coucy. Her grandson married Isabella, daughter of King Edward III., and was created Earl of Bedford. On the death of his eldest daughter Philippa, the Lindsay /property escheated to the Crown. His younger daughter /succeeded to Coucy, from which house a great number of notable families descend, including that of Henry IV., King of France. __ During those centuries the Lindsays of Upper Clydes- dale had to hold their own by the power of the sword against the frequent raids of the Douglases from Lower , Clydesdale and the Johnstones and Jardines in Annandale. In token of the fact, till a recent time were to be seen the 'Stone vaults which formerly served the farmers of Craw- 190 CLAN LINDSAY 7 ford Moor for secure defence, while several of the hills it the neighbourhood, which were the stations of scout: and beacon fires, are still known as Watches. Othe interesting memorials of those early times are the sma] holdings which still exist on the estate. These are of siz acres each, and formerly had a share also in certain hil grazings, They were among the earliest of the small holding experiments in Scotland, others being the king’s kindly tenancies founded by Robert the Bruce at Loch. maben, the lands held since the battle of Bannockburn by the freemen of Prestwick and Newton-Ayr, and certain settlements near Kilmaurs. Among the most famous of the deeds of those early Lyndsays of Crawford was the part played by Sir James Lyndsay at the battle of Otterburn in 1388. When the Scottish knights drove back the English to the spot where the brave young Earl of Douglas had fallen, it was he who knelt and asked the stricken knight how he fared, and received the memorable answer—‘‘ Dying in my armour, as my fathers have done, thank God! ’’ And it was he who, at Douglas’s command, again raised the banner of the Bloody Heart, and led the Scots to victory. This doughty warrior himself died unmarried. His mother was Egidia, sister of King Robert II. 4 Already, however, the Lyndsays also held broad lands: in the North. While the father of the knight just men- tioned had married the king’s sister, that father’s brother, Sir Alexander Lyndsay, had married the heiress of Glenesk and Edzell. This Sir Alexander of Glenesk himself became ancestor of the senior line of the family,: but in 1365 he resigned to his youngest brother, Sir: William Lindsay, the Haddingtonshire barony of the Byres, and it is from that youngest brother that the famous: line of the Lindsays of the Byres and the Earls of Lindsay of the present day are descended. | It was Sir Alexander Lindsay of Glenesk who, during John of Gaunt’s invasion of Scotland, attacked and put to the sword the crew of one of the English ships which. had landed above Queen’s Ferry, and his son, Sir David, was one of the most famous knights of his time. It was. he who rode the famous course at the tournament at London Bridge in May, 1390. John, Lord Welles, the | English ambassador, we are told, had at a solemn banquet | ended a discussion of doughty deeds with the declaration : ““ Let words have no place; if you know not the chivalry | and valiant deeds of Englishmen, appoint me a day and > place where you list and you shall have experience.” Sir | , | CLAN LINDSAY 191 David Lindsay accepted the challenge, and Lord Welles uppointed London Bridge as the place of trial. At the irst course, though Lord Welles’ spear was broken on ais helmet, Lindsay kept his seat, at which the crowd sried out that, contrary to the laws of arms, he was bound o his saddle. Upon this he dismounted, mounted again without help, and in the third course threw his opponent ‘o the ground. Another of Sir David Lindsay’s exploits, which ended less happily, was the encounter with the dighland marauders under Duncan Stewart, son of the Wolf of Badenoch, at Gasklune, in which many of the yentry of Angus were slain and Sir David himself was xrievously wounded, and narrowly escaped. Sir David narried Elizabeth, daughter of King Robert III., and in 1398 was raised to the peerage as Earl of Crawford. / At this period a daughter of the Lindsays came near ‘0 becoming a Queen of Scotland. A daughter of Sir William Lindsay of Rossie was wooed, won, and forsaken oy the Duke of Rothesay, eldest son of Robert III., and t was in anger for this treatment of his daughter that Lindsay himself took part in the plot which sent the dissolute young prince to die by starvation at Falkland. It was the great-grandson of the hero of the London Tournament who was known as the ‘‘ Tiger’ Earl of Crawford, or ‘‘ Earl Beardie.’’ While his father was still alive the Tiger had been innocently chosen chief usticiar by the monks of Arbroath, but, discovering him ‘o be too expensive a protector, they had transferred the office to Ogilvie of Inverquharity. Burning at the insult, Lindsay raised his men and marched to attack the Ugilvies at the Abbey. As the battle was about to begin, ais father, the old third Earl of Crawford, whose wife was an Ogilvie, came galloping between as a peacemaker, and was mortally wounded by a soldier who did not know us rank. Infuriated by the loss, the Lindsays attacked savagely, cut the Ogilvies to pieces, and afterwards utterly durned and ravaged their lands. The Tiger Earl had married Elizabeth Dunbar of the house of March, and the ‘uthless degradation of that house by James I. made him i bitter enemy of the Stewart kings. It was through this that Earl Beardie made a bond with the great Earl of Douglas and the Earl of Ross that they should take each other’s part in every quarrel and against every man, the king himself not excepted. Douglas could rival the king with his army in the south of Scotland, Ross had almost ‘oyal authority in the north, and the Tiger Earl was Supreme in Angus, Perth, and Kincardine, The league 192 CLAN LINDSAY threatened the throne itself, and James II. only mana d to break it by slaying Douglas with his own hand j Stirling Castle. The second signer of the bond, Joht Lord of the Isles and Earl of Ross, was also finally crushed, and ended his days as an old man, penniless, j a common lodging-house in Dundee. The house of Lind Say was more fortunate. To begin with, the Tiger was encountered and defeated by the king’s forces under the Earl of Huntly near Brechin, and on both sides the country was ferociously wasted and burned; but presently Crawford appeared before the king in beggar’s weeds, with feet and head bare, and implored and obtained for. giveness. James fulfilled his vow to make the highest stone the lowest of the Earl’s Castle of Finhaven, by going to the top of a turret and throwing to the ground a pebble which he found on the battlement there. The Tiger Earl died six months later. One of the notable memories of Dundee is the marriage, in the family mansion of the Earls of Crawford in Nethergate, of Maud, the daughter of the Tiger Earl, to Archibald Bell the Cat, Earl of Angus. Among others of the name who made a notable figure at the time was James Lindsay, Provost of Lincluden, who was made Keeper of the Privy Seal after the death of James II. a David, fifth Earl of Crawford, eldest son of the Tiger. Earl, represented James III. at the betrothal of the infant prince, afterwards James IV., to the infant Princess, Cecilia, daughter of Edward IV. of England, in 1473, and was made Duke of Montrose by James III. in May. 1488, being the first, outside the blood royal, to be raised to that rank in Scotland. He led his vassals and fought along with his relative, Lord Lindsay, at the head of the cavalry of Fife and Angus on the side of James when that monarch fell at the battle of Sauchieburn. It was he who’ finally transferred the chief landed interest of the family from Lanarkshire to the East of Scotland, exchanging the Crawford estates in Clydesdale with the Earl of Angus, now head of the house of Douglas, for certain lands in| Angus. At the same time, as titles were attached to lands, Crawford reserved a small portion of the Barony of. Crawford, and a mound near Crawford Castle, supposed | to have been the seat of the old Barony Court, is pointed out as still belonging to the family. The Duke married a. daughter of the first Lord Hamilton, founder of another great house that had risen on the downfall of the Black Douglas, and with these powerful allies he managed to keep his footing. ag See ee aah one a CLAN LINDSAY 193 At Flodden the Earl of Crawford led part of the van- ard of the Scottish host, and fell with James IV. and » flower of the Scottish nobles, During the time of fusion after the king’s death, the new Earl of Crawford 1s appointed Chief Justiciar of Scotland north of the ‘rth under the regency of Queen Margaret, and he was e of those who helped the queen-mother when she “tied the boy-king, James V., from Stirling to Edin- ‘rgh, and declared him of age and the regency of Albany ‘anend. James V. was then only twelve years old. At later day he found it necessary to visit his displeasure ‘on Crawford, whom he deprived of the greater part of 3 estates. Ten years later, in 1541, there occurred in the family incident which might have proved still more disastrous. avid, eighth Earl of Crawford, was seized by his sons, lexander, Master of Crawford, and his brother John, ho threw him fettered into prison. Indignant at the ‘trage the Earl disinherited the two young men, who wre outlawed as guilty of ‘‘ constructive parricide.”’ hen, with the approval of the Crown, he settled his ‘nours and estates on his cousin and next male heir, Sir avid Lindsay of Edzell and Glenesk. Sir David accord- gly became ninth Earl of Crawford, but at his death / was magnanimous enough to restore the earldom to 2 son of the ‘* Wicked Master’’ of Crawford, with a ‘ovision that if the heirs male of the body of this David ndsay should fail, the earldom should return to the heirs ale of Edzell, Through this provision, upon the death ' Ludovic, sixteenth Earl of Crawford, the honours ould have vested in the descendants of Edzell. They tually did so in 1848, following the failure of the line Crawford-Lindsay. ' Meanwhile the Earls of Crawford continued to play a tt in the most notable events of Scottish history. At 2 banquet which followed the marriage of Queen Mary 'd Darnley, while the Earl of Atholl acted as sewer and 2 Earl of Morton as carver, the Earl of Crawford was pbearer; and after the fall of the Queen at Langside, 2 Earl of Crawford was among the Scottish nobles who mained faithful to her cause. Eight years later, amid € confusion which attended the overthrow of the Earl _Morton’s regency, the Chancellor, Lord Glamis, was un in a scuffle between his retinue and that of the Earl Crawford; but Crawford did not suffer, and in 1583, ten James VI. finally threw off the yoke of tutelage, ‘er the raid of Ruthven, the Earl of Crawford was one VOL. I. N 194 CLAN LINDSAY of the principal nobles who helped him to do so. On th other hand, in 1589, after the discomfiture of the Spanist Armada, when the Scottish Catholic lords threatened t overthrow the Protestant government, the Earl of Craw ford was one of the chief movers, but though he was trie and convicted of high treason, and the leaders of the Kirl clamoured for his death, he escaped with imprisonment. — Among the darkest deeds in the family history was thi barbarous murder by this twelfth Earl of Crawford, it James VI.’s time, of his kinsman, Sir Walter Lindsay of Balgavie. Lindsay was a Roman Catholic intrigue after the Reformation. Forced to flee to Spain, he wrot there an Account of the Catholic Religion in Scotland and, after returning to Scotland in 1598, took part in al the feuds of the Lindsays, till he met his fate at the hand of his Chief in 1605. Even Sir David Lindsay of Edzell however, whose effort to avenge him brought about thi death of Lord Spynie two years later, was a noted Lord o Session and Privy Councillor, like his brother, Lor Menmuir, and others of his house. | This line of Chiefs of the Lindsays came to an end a the death of Ludovic, the sixteenth Bart in 1652. Upor this event, under the arrangement made by Sir Davic Lindsay of Edzell, the ninth Earl, when restoring thi family honours to the son of the ‘‘ Wicked Master ” : hundred years previous, the earldom should have reverte. to the Lindsays of Edzell. But in 1642 Earl Ludovic hac resigned his titles into the hands of King Charles I., anc received a new grant of them, with succession to John first Earl of Lindsay, and tenth Lord Lindsay of thi Byres. Two years later Ludovic, known as the “ Loya Earl’ from his support of Charles I., in which he tool part in the plot known as ‘‘ The Incident,’? was forfeitec by the Scottish Parliament, but the act was premature and it was only at his death tHat the Earldom of Crawfor¢ actually passed to the house of the Byres. These Lindsays of the Byres were descended from Si: William Lindsay, youngest son of Sir David Lindsay o Crawford, who, as already mentioned, acquired the barony of Byres from his elder brother in 1365. Sir Willian was a famous knight, one of the ‘‘ Enfants de Lindsay’ of the chronicler Froissart, and knighted the son of St Bridget of Sweden at the Holy Sepulchre. He increasec his estate by marrying the heiress of Sir William Mur of Abercorn, and from his natural son, Andrew of Gar: mylton, was descended the famous Sir David Lindsay 0! the Mount, the famous poet and Lyon King of the time | CLAN LINDSAY 195 f King James V. By his poetry, it has been said, the word Lyon ‘“‘ lashed vice into reformation,’? and_ his ,ortrait lives in the well-known lines of Sir Walter Scott : He was a man of middle age In aspect manly, grave, and sage, | As on king’s errand come, | But in the glances of his eye A penetrating, keen, and sly Expression found its home— The flash of that satiric rage | Which, bursting on the early stage, | Branded the vices of the age And broke the keys of Rome. | Still is his name of high account, And still his verse hath charms, Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount, Lord Lyon King of Arms. Meanwhile Sir William Lindsay’s elder son, the second sir William of the Byres, married a daughter of Sir William Keith, Marischal of Scotland, and with her got he barony and castle of Dunnottar, on the Kincardine oast, which he presently exchanged with the Keiths for he barony of Struthers, now Crawford Priory in Fife, m condition that in time of danger the heir of the Lind- ays should have refuge and protection at Dunnottar, a tronghold then considered impregnable. The Fife estate vassed out of the family at the death of the heiress of the wenty-second Earl, Lady Mary Lindsay Crawford, who uilt the fine mansion which now adorns it. Sir William’s son, Sir John, was made a Lord of ?arliament as Lord Lyndsay of the Byres in 1445, and ‘ was his son, David, second Lord Lindsay of the Byres, tho, on the eve of the battle of Sauchieburn in 488, gave Sing James III. the “ great grey horse ’’ which should atry him faster into battle or out of it than any in Scot- and, and from the back of which the monarch was resently thrown with such fatal consequences at Beaton’s Mill. Lord Lindsay himself brought to the battle a housand horse and three thousand foot, the strength of fife. The second lord was succeeded by his brother, . John, out with the Sword,” and he again by his brother vatrick. The last-named was in his youth a famous ‘forspekar ” or advocate, and the historian Pitscottie 2lls how, when his brother David, the second Lord, was ‘ut on trial after Sauchieburn, he came to the rescue. At ‘rst the rough baron banned him when he trod on his Sot as a signal to avoid giving away his case in court, | 196 CLAN LINDSAY but afterwards, when the young advocate obtained per mission to plead, and won Lord Lindsay’s liberty, th latter praised his skill and gave him the Mains of Kirk fother for his day’s wage. At the same time James IV) angered by the young advocate’s pleading, fulfilled hi threat to place him where he should not see his own fee for a year, by imprisoning him in Rothesay Castle. The fifth Lord Lindsay was one of the four nobles +, whom the charge of the infant Queen Mary was committe: in 1542, and Patrick, the sixth Lord, was the fierce Reformer and Lord of the Congregation who took par in the murder of Rizzio, challenged Bothwell to morta combat at Carberry Hill, and at Lochleven Castle force Queen Mary to give up her crown. The wife of thi ruffian was Euphemia Douglas, one of “ the Seven Fai Porches of Lochleven,’’ and it was his grandson, th: tenth Lord Lindsay of the Byres, who was made Earl o Lindsay by Charles I. in 1633, and inheritor of the Earl dom of Crawford by his Chief, Ludovic, the sixteentl Earl, in 1642. He was one of the leaders of the Coven. anting Party, was successively High Treasurer of Scotlanc and President of the Scottish Parliament, and, taking part in the Engagement for the rescue of Charles I., wa: imprisoned by Cromwell in the Tower of London and i Windsor Castle till the Restoration in 1660. His sor William, eighteenth Earl of Crawford, second Earl o Lindsay, and eleventh Lord Lindsay of the Byres, at ardent Presbyterian, last champion of the Covenant ir political life, is styled by Wodrow the historian “* the great and ood Earl ’’ of Crawford, concurred in the Revo lution of 1688, and was appointed President of the Counci in the following year. His grandson, John, twentietl Earl of Crawford, was first commander of the Black Watch, then known as Lord Crawford-Lindsay’s High’ landers. At the time of the Jacobite Rebellion he helc the Lowlands for the Government, while the Duke oi Cumberland operated in the north; and after the battle ol Dettingen he was saluted by George II. with ‘ Here comes my champion.’’ He was succeeded by his seconc cousin, representative of a grandson of the first Earl 0! Lindsay, who had been created Viscount Garnock in 1703. And with the son of this holder of the family honours, George, twenty-second Earl of Crawford, sixth Earl o! Lindsay, and fifteenth Lord Lindsay of the Byres, in 1808, the Lindsay-Crawford line of earls came to an end. ) The estates thereupon devolved upon the Earl’s sister; Lady Mary Lindsay Crawford, to pass at her death. } | | CLAN LINDSAY 197 unmarried, in 1833, to the Earl of Glasgow, as descendant of the elder daughter of the first Viscount Garnock. At ‘he same time, a strange series of contests arose over the succession to the various titles. Finally, by a report of the House of Lords, it was found that the Earldom of Lindsay had passed to the last of the Lindsays of Kirk- other, representative of the younger grandson of the ‘famous ‘“‘ forspekar’’ of James IV.’s time. This indi- vidual was a sergeant in the Perthshire militia, and died of brain fever acquired in studying to fit himself for his jigh rank before his claim was proved. It was not till 878, when other two earls de jure had passed away, that he claim to be tenth Earl of Lindsay, ninth Viscount garnock, and nineteenth Lord Lindsay of the Byres was ‘stablished by Sir John Trotter Bethune Lindsay, Bart., of Kilconquhar, as direct representative of William, vounger son of the ‘‘ forspekar,’’ and it is this peer’s son vho is now holder of these titles. Meanwhile, on the death of the twenty-second Earl of Urawford in 1808, a claim to be Chief of the Lindsays ind Earl of Crawford had been made by an Irish peasant, vhich gave rise to one of the most notorious peerage cases n Scottish history. As an upshot of the case, the claimant vas sent to Botany Bay, and though on his return he ‘enewed his attempt, the claim finally fell to the ground, Previously, on the death of Ludovic, sixteenth Earl of crawford, in 1652, the actual Chiefship of the Lindsays, vhich could not, like the title, be transferred by deed to | junior branch, passed to George, third Lord Spynie, trandson of Sir Alexander Lindsay, fourth son of the enth Earl of Crawford. The first Lord Spynie, who had ‘een made a peer of Parliament by King James VI., and ad been vice-chamberlain to the king, after being tried nd acquitted on a charge of harbouring the Earl of othwell, was slain ‘‘ by a pitiful mistake ’’ in a brawl 4 his own house in 1607, by Sir David Lindsay of Edzell, Idest son of the ninth Earl of Crawford: In 1672, xeorge, third Lord Spynie, died without issue, and John “indsay of Edzell thereupon became Chief, as great-great- ‘tandson and lineal descendant of Sir David Lindsay, Idest son of that Sir David Lindsay of Edzell who in 542 became ninth Earl of Crawford by reason of the usdeeds of ‘‘the Wicked Master,’ but afterwards *-transferred the title to ‘‘ the Wicked Master’s’’ son. ohn Lindsay made a claim to the Earldom of Crawford, oth upon the terms on which his ancestor the ninth Earl lad re-transferred the title, and upon the ground that he 198 CLAN LINDSAY was next heir-male of the original creation, but he d not succeed in upsetting the transference of the Earldo by Earl Ludovic to the Earl of Lindsay. His own ma line ended in the person of his grandson in 1744, and tl Chiefship of the Lindsays then devolved upon tl reat of John Lindsay, second son of the nini arl. This John Lindsay, Lord Menmuir, was a very eminei lawyer who held several high State offices, and was ot of the eight Magnates Scotiae who were made Governo of the Kingdom in the boyhood of James VI., and we: known as “‘ Octavians.’’ He acquired the estate of Ba carres in 1591. His second son, Sir David, who sw ceeded, was made Lord Lindsay of Balcarres in 1633, an his son, again, was created Earl of Balcarres in 166 It was his widow who married the Covenanting Earl < Argyll, and his daughter who in 1681 helped that Earl 1 escape from Edinburgh Castle by taking him out as page holding up her train. Colin, the third Earl < Balcarres was an ardent Jacobite, spent ten years in exi! after the Revolution, and, taking part in Mar’s Rebellio in 1715, only escaped by the friendship of the Duke ¢ Marlborough. It was his great-grandson, James, th seventh Earl of Balcarres, who had his claim to the Earldor of Crawford confirmed by the House of Lords in 1848, an thus united again the ancient title and the Chiefship ¢ the Lindsay race. | The present Earl of Crawford is the twenty-sevent Lindsay who has held the title. His grandfather, th twenty-fifth Earl, was a noted traveller and collector ¢ books, author of The Lives of the Lindsays and othe works; his father, the twenty-sixth Earl, was distinguishe as an astronomer, bibliophil, and philatelist; and he him self is the author of works on Donatello and Italiai sculpture. After a distinguished career at Oxford, h was Member of Parliament for the Chorley Division 0 Lancashire from 1895 till 1913, when he succeeded to th: title. He was a Junior Lord of the Treasury and Chie Whip in the last Unionist Government, and is a Truste of the National Portrait Gallery and Honorary Secretar of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings In the great war with the Central Powers, he showed hi patriotism by enlisting as a private in the R.A.M.C.,, am acting as a stretcher-bearer at the front. He afterward held high office in the Government. While he holds thi premier Earldom of Scotland, it is probable that, i precedence were determined by length of service in Par - CLAN LINDSAY 199 fament, he would also be premier peer of the Empire, or his predecessors and he have sat in every Parliament, — ither Scottish or British, since 1147. Throughout the centuries the Lindsays have been amous in many fields. Sir David Lyndsay, the Lyon Sing and poet of the Reformation, has already been aentioned. His fame is rivalled by that of Robert indsay of Pitscottie, whose History of Scotland is one f our most valuable national documents, and by that of wady Anne Lindsay, eldest daughter of the fifth Earl of 3alcarres, whose song, ‘‘ Auld Robin Gray,”’ is one of the ‘mest and most favourite of Scottish ballads. Among amous Scottish divines, too, were David Lindsay, ninister of Leith, who accompanied James VI. to Denmark o bring home his bride in 1589, and became Bishop of Xoss in 1600; Patrick Lyndsay, Archbishop of Glasgow, vho supported the Episcopal schemes of the same king, ind was deposed by the revolutionary General Assembly 1638; and David Lindsay, Bishop of Edinburgh, who rowned Charles [. at Holyrood in 1633, and whose intro- luction of the liturgy in St. Giles’ Cathedral brought bout a tumult which directly helped towards the over- hrow of that monarch. Among more recent divines have yeen William Lindsay, D.D., the United Presbyterian wrofessor and author, who died in 1866, and the late Rev. [Thomas M. Lindsay, LL.D., D.D., Principal of the J.F. College, Glasgow, and historian of the Refor- nation. And not less famous in yet another field was ames Bowman Lindsay, the Forfarshire weaver, elec- rician, and philologist, whose patent of a wireless system # telegraphy in 1854 foreshadowed and_ probably uggested the successful Marconi system of the present lour. _ To-day the Clan Lindsay Society is otie of the largest ind most influential of the bodies which perpetuate the taditions of their name in the past, and utilise the spirit %§ race and patriotism for benevolent purposes in the resent. A notable and popular member is Sir John -indsay, Town Clerk of Glasgow. SEPTS OF CLAN LINDSAY Crawford Deuchar CLAN LOGAN BapGE: Conasg (ulex Europeeus) whin or furze. hee SLoGay : In the north, Druim-an-deur; in the south, Lesteric lowe! LitTLe indeed is known of the Logans as a Highlanc clan, but that little is tragic enough—so tragic as to have brought about the change of the name Druim-na-clavan, the height on which the stronghold of the chiefs was built, to Druim-an-deur, the ‘‘ Ridge of Tears.’? The estate, now known as Druim-deur-fait, in Eilan-dhu, the Black Isle, in Ross-shire, was still, in the middle of last century, in possession of the representative of the family, Robert Logan, a banker in London. : The word Logan, Laggan, or Logie, in the Celtic tongue signifies a hollow place, plain, or meadow, encircled by rising grounds. As a place-name it is common throughout Scotland. Logie is the name of parishes in Clackmannan and the north-east of Fife, while Logie- Easter is a parish in Ross and Cromarty, Logan Water is. the old name of the Glencross Burn in the Pentlands, and Port-Logan is a village in the south of Wigtonshire. | The original seat of the Logans in the north seems to. have been Druimanairig in Wester Ross. Early in the fourteenth century, however, the original line of the chiefs ended in an heiress, Colan Logan, who married Eachan Beirach, a son of the Baron of Kintail, and carried the estates into his possession. Eachan took his wife’s name, and, dying at Eddyrachillis about the year 1350, left a son, Eanruig, from whom descended the Sliochd Harich, who- continued the race in the island of Harris. | But the chiefship could not pass through a female, and. the new head of the clan, having moved into Easter Ross, - settled at Druim-na-clavan, already mentioned, in the Black Isle. This chief, known as Gilliegorm, the ‘* Blue Lad,’’ from his dark complexion, was a famous fighting — man. He married a relative of Hugh Fraser, who at that time had attained a footing in the Aird, and became ancestor of the Lords Lovat. Between the two a dispute — arose, which Gilliegorm prepared to settle by force of arms. Fraser, howewer, obtained the help of twenty-four gentlemen of his name from the south, and with a | 200 | LOGAN acing page 200, CLAN LOGAN 201 force, including the MacRaes in the district of Aird, and others, marched to the attack. The two parties met on the Muir above Kessock ferry, and there, in a bloody battle, Gilliegorm and most of his men were slain. It was as a result of this battle that the name of Druim- na-clavan, the seat of the chief, was changed to Druim-an- deur, the Druimdeurfait of the present day. Among the plunder of Logan’s lands which Fraser carried off was the wife of Gilliegorm himself. She was about to become a mother, and it was determined that if the child proved a male it should be maimed or destroyed, to prevent it revenging its father’s death. The child, which proved a boy, was, either by accident or intention, a humpback, and from the fact received the name of ‘“Crotach.’’ He was educated by the monks of Beauly, became a priest, and travelling through the Highlands, founded the churches of Kilmore in Skye and Kilichrinan in Glenelg. Following the old fashion of the Culdee clergy he married, and among several children, left one known as Gillie Fhinan, the servant of St. Finan, whose descendants are the MacGhillie Fhinans, Mac-‘ illie ’-inans, or MacLennans of the present day. The separate line of the Logan chiefs was, however, continued, and, though shorn of most of their consequence by the battle at Kessock and the alienation of their original possessions through Colan Logan the heiress, maintained themselves in high respect by means of farming and commercial pursuits to modern times. It has been supposed that, like the Frasers, the Chisholms, the Gordons, and other clans, the Logans of Ross-shire were originally a branch of a family of the ‘same name in the south of Scotland. This seems the more likely as the Highlanders were not in the habit of adopting a place-name as a family designation, and Logan is distinctly a place-name. If the conjecture be correct it brings into relationship with the clan some highly interest- ing personages of Scottish history. According to Guillim, the writer on English heraldry, the first of the name to obtain a footing in Scotland was a certain John Logan of the house of Idbury in Oxford- shire. On the defeat of the Scottish force under Edward Bruce at Dundalk in Ireland in 1316, this individual, he Says, captured Sir Alan Stewart, who, by way of ransom, gave him his daughter and certain lands in Scotland, and from this union came the Logans of this country. Unfortunately for this theory, however, there is docu- ‘Mentary evidence of the existence of a family of the name 202 CLAN LOGAN in Scotland a century and a half before that time Robertus de Logan appears frequently as a witness t royal grants during the reign of William the Lion’ between 1165 and 1214. Among the signatures to the Ragman Roll, the bon¢ of fealty exacted from the Scottish notables by Edward I. in 1296, appear the names of Walter, Andrew, Thurbrand John, and Philip de Logan, and among those whose doubtful allegiance the same monarch disposed of by despatching them to his wars in Guienne was Alan Logan, a knight, ‘* manu et consilio promptus.”’ | Also, ten years later, among the Scottish prisoners whe were hanged at Durham by the same crafty monarch in presence of his son Edward of Carnarvon, was Dominus Walter Logan. During the reign of Robert the Bruce, the barony of Restalrig, on which the town of Leith is built, passed by marriage into possession of the Logans, and soon after- wards occurred the most heroic episode which stands to their name. Sir Robert and Sir Walter Logan were two of the knights who accompanied the Good Sir James of Douglas in his expedition to bury the heart of King Robert the Bruce in the Holy Sepulchre. On the plain of Granada, when the little body of Scottish knights found itself hemmed round by Moorish spears, and Douglas, throwing his master’s heart far into the press, rode after it and fell, Sir Walter and Sir Robert fell with him. j During the reign of Bruce’s son, David II., in 1164-5, Henry Logan obtained a safe-conduct to pass with six companions through England to Flanders and return; and others of the name procured similar passports for various purposes in the following years. The great man of the family appears to have been Sir Robert Logan of Restalrig, who, a few years after this, married a daughter of King Robert II. by his second, wife, Euphemia Ross. He it was who in 1398 granted. to Edinburgh a charter giving liberty to enlarge and build. the harbour of Leith, with permission to the ships frequenting it to lay their anchors and cables on his ground. He also made over the ways and roads thither through the barony of Restalrig ‘‘ to be holden as freely. as any other King’s street within the kingdom is holden of the King.” ‘‘ And gif any of his successors quarrel their libertyes, he obliges him and them in a penalty of two hundred pound sterling to the Burgesses for dammadge ) and skaith, and in a hundred pound sterling to the kirk. } | CLAN LOGAN 203 . 5f St. Andreus, before the entry of the plea.” Fifteen years later he gave a further grant of land on which to 5uild a free quay. Still later, in 1430, probably feeling age creep upon him, and the necessity of providing for a future state, Sir Robert founded the preceptory of St. Anthony, the ruin of which is still to be seen overlooking Holyrood, on the steep side of Arthur’s Seat. ' Sir Robert was one of the great men of his time. Besides Restalrig, he owned an estate in Berwickshire with the wild sea eyrie of Fastcastle for its stronghold, held the barony of Abernethy in Strathspey, and lands in the counties of Ayr, Renfrew, Perth, and Aberdeen. Some of the lairds of Restalrig were sheriffs of the county and some provosts of Edinburgh, but in those times it was no advantage to be the owner of property so near to a great city as Restalrig was to Edinburgh. Encroach- ‘ments and quarrels took place between the retainers of the Logans and the city burgesses; fighting even took place on the streets of the capital; and one of the lairds was actually thrown into the Tolbooth on the charge of being “a turbulent and implacable neighbour,’’ who had put certain indignities upon the townsmen. At length the ‘Gowrie conspiracy afforded the citizens an opportunity of getting rid altogether of their restraining neighbour and ‘superior. Whether the Gowrie conspiracy was a plot of ‘the Earl of Gowrie against James VI., or of James VI. against the Earl of Gowrie, remains to the present day a debated question, but whatever were the facts the upshot provided James with satisfaction for his old grudge against '‘Gowrie’s father for the Raid of Ruthven, and with ample forfeited estates wherewith to satisfy certain grasping favourites. That strange and mad affair took place in the year 1600. Sir Robert Logan, the laird of Restalrig of the time, was a dissolute, extravagant, and desperate ‘character. In 1596 he had been forced to part with his estate of Nether Gogar to Andrew Logan of Coalfield; in 1602 his lands of Fastcastle went to Archibald Douglas; in 1604 his barony of Restalrig itself was disposed of to Lord Balmerino; and in 1605 his lands of Quarrel-holes were sold to another unknown purchaser. In 1606 he died. Two years later one George Sprot, a notary public, produced some letters from Logan to the Earl of Gowrie, his brother Alexander Ruthven, and others, from which it appeared that Logan had been deeply concerned in the plot. The letters mention meetings of the conspirators at Restalrig and Fastcastle, and suggest that the plan was to convey the king by sea to the latter stronghold, where, 204. CLAN LOGAN said Logan, ‘‘I have kept my Lord Bothwell in hi greatest extremities, say the king and his Council wha they would.’? On the strength of these letters Logan’ body was exhumed and brought into court to be tried fo treason. At the trial Sprot recanted from his firs testimony that the letters, which he said he had purloined were genuine, but on pressure being brought to bear, anc a promise made that his wife and family should be wel provided for, he returned to his first statement, whereupon to prevent further changes of mind, he was promptly hanged. Regarding Logan the Lords of the Articles, in view of the shady nature of the evidence, were inclined to vote not guilty; but the Earl of Dunbar, who was to get most of the accused man’s remaining estates, ‘" travelled so earnestly to overcome their hard opinions of the process,’’ that at last they declared themselves con- vinced. Doom of forfeiture was accordingly pronounced. This was accompanied, as in the case of Clan Gregor a few years previously, by proscription of the name Logan itself, and accordingly many families were thrown into trouble and distress. The name of Logan did not, however, any more than that of MacGregor, disappear altogether from use. Among noted personages of the name was James Logan, who, as secretary, accompanied Penn to Pennsylvania in 1699, and rose through many legal offices to be governor of the colony in 1736. The Rev. John Logan, author of the tragedy of ‘‘ Runnymead,’’ disputes with Michael. Bruce the authorship of the exquisite ‘‘ Ode to the Cuckoo,’’ and some of our finest Paraphrases. And James Richardson Logan, editor of the Penang Gazette, remains noted for his services to the struggling settle ment, and for his scientific contributions to the study of the East. Logan of that ilk in Ayrshire, the last of his. house, has left a name for wit and eccentricity, though the volume of drolleries published under the title of The Laird of Logan can only in part be attributed to him. Facing page 204. MAC ALASTAIR = ee =) CLAN MACALASTAIR BADGE: Fraoch gorm (erica vulgaris) common heath. Wuiute several of the Highland clans, like the MacGregors and MacQuaries, could, by reascn of their descent from the Scots king Alpin, support their dignity with the proud boast, ‘‘ Royal is my race,’’ there were others to whom it was open to make an almost equal claim by reason of their descent from the ancient princes and lords of the Isles. Among those who could in this way claim to be of the blood of the mighty Somerled were, first of all, the MacDonalds and MacDougalls, and deriving from them were lesser clans, like the Maclans of Glencoe and the MacAlastairs of southern Argyllshire. - The MacAlastairs trace their descent in the famous MS. of 1450, from the great-grandson of Somerled, Angus Mor MacDonald, Lord of the Isles in the latter part of the thirteenth century. Angus Mor had two sons, Alexander, or Alastair, and Angus Og, and it is from the former of these that the MacAlastairs take their patronymic. Alexander of the Isles added considerably to his power and territories by marriage with one of the daughters of Ewen de Ergadia, otherwise John of Argyll. This connection, however, brought him into serious trouble, for his relation by marriage, Alexander of Argyll, married the third daughter of John, the Red Comyn, slain by Bruce in the church of the Minorites at Dumfries. In consequence of that event Alexander of Argyll and his son John of Lorn became Bruce’s most bitter enemies. They were naturally supported by Alexander or Alastair of the Isles. Accordingly, after Bruce had finally defeated John of Lorn at the Bridge of Awe, and captured Alexander of Argyll in the stronghold of Dunstaffnage, he turned his attention to crushing Alexander of the Isles. For this purpose he had his galley drawn, like that of Magnus Barefoot before him, across the isthmus at Tarbert, and besieged the Island Lord in Castle Sweyn, his usual residence. Alexander was forced to surrender, and was forthwith imprisoned in Dundonald Castle in Ayrshire, where he died. At the same time his possessions and 205 206 CLAN MACALASTAIR lordship of the Isles were forfeited and given to his younger brother Angus Og, whose support had been o| so much value to the warrior king, and who figures as the hero of Sir Walter Scott’s famous poem. From their descent as legitimate heirs male of the forfeited Alexander of the Isles, the MacAlastairs may claim to be the actual representatives of the mighty Somerled. The principal seat of the MacAlastair chiefs in early times was at Ard Phadruic on the south side of Loch Tarbert. The nearest cadet of the house, MacAlastair of Tarbert, was Constable of Tarbert Castle, the stronghold built by Robert the Bruce himself after subduing Alexander of the Isles, and, among other positions of honour and power, the Stewardship of Kintyre was held by Charles MacAlastair in the year 1481. | After the forfeiture, in the latter part of the fifteenth century, of the later line of Lords of the Isles, which inherited the turbulent blood of King Robert II. from a daughter of that king, the MacAlastairs attached them- selves for a time to the powerful tribe of the MacDonalds known as Mac Ian Mhor, whose founder John the Great had flourished in the year 1400. They soon, however, attained the dignity of an independent clan. By this time the seat of the chiefs was at Loup in the Cowal district of Loch Fyne, and in 1587, when King James VI. passed the Act known as the ‘‘ General Band,’’ or bond, making the Highland chiefs responsible to the Crown for the good behaviour of their clansmen and the people on their lands, ‘‘ the Laird of Loup ”’ appears in the list as one of those made accountable. This laird, Alastair MacAlastair, died while his son Godfrey, or Gorrie MacAlastair, was still a minor. | : The great house of Argyll was then rising to the height of its power, and doing its best by every sort of means to increase its territories and the number of its vassals. It was probably as a result of one of its schemes that in 1605, all the chiefs of the Isles and West Highlands were ordered to appear at Kilkerran, now known as Campbel- town, in Kintyre, exhibit the titles to their lands, renew allegiance to the Crown, and give securities for their loyal behaviour. Lord Scone, Comptroller of Scotland, was appointed Commissioner on the occasion. To enforce compliance all the fencible men of the western counties - and burghs were ordered to assemble in arms at the. appointed place, and all boats were to be put in possession | of Lord Scone. In case of non-attendance, the Highland | ‘goc ased Sulory QIOHONOULS GIVNOGOVW GIO NV :AMALNIM ‘HAILSVO TTAdavs * CLAN MACALASTAIR 207 iiefs were to be treated as rebels, and subjected to yrfeiture and military execution. It can easily be seen how an order of this kind could e turned to account by the House of Campbell. There te traditions still extant in Campbeltown of a similar aquisition being made at a later day by the mother or wife f one of the Dukes of Argyll, who professed to be of an ntiquarian taste which she wished to satisfy by a perusal { the titles of the Kintyre lairds. Unwilling to disoblige o great a dame, the lairds brought her their family apers. In due course, by an ‘ accident,’? these papers rere lost or destroyed, and as a result, the lairds had to ‘et new titles from the Duke, in which he duly appeared s granter and feudal superior, while they, ot course, ppeared as holding their lands of him as his vassals. Inly one family, it is said, escaped this misfortune. It wed its escape to the shrewdness of a servant. This man, loubting the good faith of the Duchess, disappeared with ‘ig master’s title deeds and other papers, and took care ot to return till all danger was past. By one or other of these enterprises of the House of Argyll the MacAlastair chiefs appear to have lost their yatrimony in Knapdale, and to have had their possessions a Argylishire confined to the lairdship of Loup. In 1618 the Laird of Loup was one of twenty barons ind gentlemen of the shire who were made responsible ‘or the maintenance of order in the earldom during the ibsence of Argyll. He was now the earl’s vassal, and iccordingly when the Civil War broke out and the Marquess of Montrose took arms for Charles I. in Scotland, MacAlastair himself remained at home, though nany of his clansmen joined the Royalist forces. The chief of that time married Margaret, daughter of Campbell of Kilberry. A century and a half later, in 1792, Charles MacAlastair of Loup married Janet Somerville, heiress of Kennox in Ayrshire, and, in right of his wife, in 1805 added the name and arms of Somerville to his own. From that time the family was known as Somerville MacAlastair of Loup and Kennox. Srpt oF CLAN MACALASTAIR be. : Alexander CLAN MACARTHUR BADGE: Garbhag an t-sleibh (lycopodium selago) Fir club moss, Also Lus mhic righ Bhreatainn (thymis syrpillum)| wild thyme. : SLOGAN: Eisa! O Eisa! | WHILE many clans appear to have flourished and immensely increased their power and possessions under the early feudal system, there were others whose fortunes were very different. Like a plant with a worm at the root they wilted and did not thrive. In some cases, like that of the Bissets, they seem to have been snuffed out by some great feud or disaster ; in others they became chiefless, broken men, without a common cause, and therefore ineffectual in the page of history; and in many instances they subsided to the position of mere septs of another clan. No more striking instance of contrasting fortunes of this sort could perhaps be cited than that of the clans MacArthur and Campbell. In their case the original position and chiefship appear to have been exactly reversed, the MacArthurs, who were originally the main stem and chiefs of the clan, having become in course of time something like a sept under the protection of their younger offshoot. In this connection the whole question of the origin of Clan Campbell is discussed by Skene in his well-known work on the Highlanders of Scotland. All students of Highland history are aware of the theory according to which the name of Campbell is made out to be originally Norman-French, and the ancestor of the family to have been one of the Norman notables who ‘‘ came over with the Conqueror.’’ Against this theory Skene points out that no such name as De Campo Bello appears in the Roll of Battle Abbey, Domesday Book, or other record of that time. ‘This fact would not necessarily render the theory of Norman descent untenable, but there is, further, the evidence of the old Gaelic genealogies to show that the family was originally understood to be of Celtic origin. The old theory was similar to that of a Norman origin for the Clan MacKenzie, which has been shown by actual documents to be impossible, De Campo Bello, it is said, acquired the first property of the Clan in Argyllshire by 208 MAC ARTHUR id page 208. CLAN MACARTHUR 209 arriage with the heiress of a certain Paul O’Duibne. his, Skene points out, is the common form which family dition has taken in the Highlands in cases where the uiefship has been usurped by the oldest cadet of the mily. He cites the oldest Gaelic genealogists to show ‘at the Campbells were descended in the male line from ‘is very family of O’Duibne, and in support of his state- ent that the Campbells were originally a cadet branch, 2 points out that the MacArthurs of Strachur, as ‘‘ the *knowledged descendant of the older house,’’ have at all nes disputed the chiefship with the Argyll family. The adition of the MacArthurs is that the Campbells were an Tshoot of their house; and an old saying in Argyllshire ins, “‘ There is nothing older, unless the hills, Mac- rthur, and the Devil.”’ _At the first appearance of the race in history in the ign of Alexander III. it is divided into two great milies, distinguished by the patronymics of MacArthur id MacCailean Mor. MacCailean Mor, ancestor of the ampbells of to-day, first appears on the historic page as itness to the charter of erection of the Burgh of New- irgh by Alexander III. in 1266. At that time he is slieved to have been Sheriff of Argyll, an office created y Alexander II. in 1221. But till the reign of King obert the Bruce, according to Skene, the family possessed heritable property in Argyll. The MacArthurs, on the mtrary, were possessors of very extensive territory in the d earldom of Garmoran, and were clearly, in power as ell as in seniority, at the head of the Clan. As early as 75 Cheristine, only daughter of Alan MacRuarai, ranted a charter “‘ Arthuro filio domini Arthuri Camp- +l, militis, de terris de Mudewarde, Ariseg, et Mordower, insulis de Egge et Rumme.’’ In the early years of the ihowing century MacArthur embraced the cause of King obert the Bruce, fought for him at Bannockburn, and as rewarded handsomely out of the lands of the defeated lacDougals. He was made Keeper of Dunstaffnage, and ranted a considerable part of Lorne. To these posses- ons his descendants added Strachur, in Cowal, on the lore of Loch Fyne, as well as parts of Glenfalloch and lendochart, It was in the days of Robert the Bruce that the Mac- tthur chiefs reached the climax of their fortunes, and it interesting, in view of later events, to enquire what was leir actual ancestry. Herein lies a point of much more terest, with much better foundation of history to support , than may have been commonly supposed. OL. i, Q 210 CLAN MACARTHUR a According to the legendary account of the Highlan clans in early Gaelic manuscripts, given by Skene i: Appendix VIII. of his Celtic Scotland, Cailean Mor, fron whom the modern chiefs of the Campbells take thej’ patronymic, and who is known to have been slain in th famous pursuit on the Sraing of Lorne, was the grandso of Dugall Cambel or ‘* Crooked Mouth,’’ from whom cam the name of Campbell. Dugall’s great- -great-grandfathe was Duibne, whose daughter, according to the legend o Norman descent from De Campo Bello, carried the chief ship to a family of that name; and Duibne was great grandson of Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon, son 0 Ambrosius. The Red Book of Argyll declares thi ancestor of the race to have been Smervie Mor, son o} King Arthur of the Round Table, and the statement ij supported by the fact that the badge of the clan is thi Lus mhic righ Bhreatainn—‘‘ the plant of the son of thi King of Britain,’’ wild thyme. Here we have a link which may well startle the studee of Highland history, an actual claim in early manuscript! that the Clan Arthur and the Clan Campbell are descende¢ from the famous Arthur of British history, whose a | have formed the favourite subject of romancer and poe almost from his own time till the present day. The claim is, however, by no means so strange or so entirely unlikely as it looks. Elsewhere in his Celtic Scotland Skene hat shown that the actual historic Arthur fought his battles not in the south of Wales, as modern readers of Tenny son, Swinburne, and Matthew Arnold are apt to suppose but in the Lowlands of Scotland and on the fringes of th Highlands, on Loch Lomondside, and the northern distric of Northumberland. The pages of Nennius, the historiar of those early centuries, remain as undoubted evidence 0 this fact. It can be easily shown how all subsequen Arthurian literature has had Nennius for its original, am also how the popular tales of the deeds of Arthur have followed the Cymric, British, or Welsh language as i ceased to be spoken in the Scottish Lowlands and early princedom of Strathclyde, and came to have its chief sea in Wales and Cornwall. The present writer has showr elsewhere, from documentary evidence, that, as son 0 Eugenius, or Owen ap Urien, King of Reged or the Lennox, in the sixth century, St. Kentigern or Mungo, the patron saint of Glasgow, was grand-nephew of this historic Arthur, and the fact may be taken to show ho not at all unlikely is the claim of the ancient Gaelic manu scripts for an Arthurian origin of the Clan Arthur an¢ | | CLAN MACARTHUR 211 ‘lan Campbell. There are many enduring memorials of ae great King Arthur in Scotland, including some two undred place-names, from Arthur’s Seat in Midlothian » Ben Arthur in Argyll; but surely none of these is so teresting as the memorial remaining in this name of the neient Highland clan which had its seat under the shadow f Ben Arthur itself on the shore of Loch Fyne. _ The causes which led to the decadence of Clan Arthur nd the ascendancy of Clan Campbell, though they are to ome extent obscure, might be well worth the pains of ae historic antiquary to trace. It has already been 1entioned that the MacArthur chief took arms in the cause f King Robert the Bruce. So did the chief of the vampbells, Sir Neil, grandson of the famous Cailean Mor, ‘om whom the later Campbell chiefs have all been known 3 MacCailean Mor. Both of these chiefs earned the tatitude of the king, and both were generously rewarded ith lands of Bruce’s enemies. But Sir Neil Campbell ad another reward which was bound to bear still greater ‘uit in years to come. This was the hand of a sister of ae Bruce, and there can be no question that the royal slationship gave the Campbells a rise in influence which othing else could have done. To this marriage, indeed, rpical of many others by which the Campbells afterwards dvanced their fortunes and increased their estates, may tobably be ascribed the real foundation of the subsequent teatness of that house. It was not very long afterwards then the Campbell chiefs began to show the leadings of jleir ambition. In the reign of Bruce’s son, King Javid II., MacCailean Mor made the frst effort to secure te chiefship of the clan. The attempt was resisted by TacArthur, who procured a charter declaring that he held is lands from no subject but from the king alone, and the facArthurs continued to maintain this position till the me of James I., Bruce’s great-great-grandson. _ Down till the time of that king and even later, the sudal dependence of the Highland chiefs upon the Crown ‘mained in many cases more nominal than real. The ,ords of the Isles, we know, still at intervals claimed to be idependent sovereigns. In the reign of James II. the ord of the Isles made an independent treaty as a sover- ‘gn prince with the King of England, and, in the aterests of the defeated Earl of Douglas, his lieutenant, Jonald Balloch, invaded and harried the shores of Clyde. fater still, the MacGregors, with the proud boast ‘‘ My Ace is royal,’’ declared that they would hold their lands y, no *‘ sheepskin tenures,’’ but by the strength of their 212 CLAN MACARTHUR own right arm and the ancient coir a glaive or power of the sword. It was to put an end to this ancient allodia]. and irresponsible tenure, which constituted a grave danger to the State, and to establish uniformly in its place the system of feudal tenure under which each chief should acknowledge that he held his territory from the Crown, and should become answerable to the Crown for the. administration of law and for the defence of the realm, that King James I. summoned his famous early parlia- ment at Inverness. The Highland chiefs were called to attend that Parliament, and among those who came was John MacArthur, chief of the name. Bower, the con- tinuator of Fordoun’s Chronicle, describes MacArthur as ‘““a great chief among his own people, and leader of a thousand men’’; but MacArthur’s hour had come. Along with a considerable number of others whose independence and turbulence the king considered a danger to the State, MacArthur was seized, imprisoned, and beheaded. All his property was forfeited to the Crown excepting Strachur, and some of his lands in Perthshire, and so great was the blow thus struck at the family fortunes that the MacArthurs never again appeared as makers of history in the North. The act of King James I. effectually cleared the way for the ambition of the house of MacCailean Mor, which from that time remained in undisputed possession of the honours of the chiefship of the race. Soon afterwards their position was made still further secure by their being raised to the rank of the nobility, and from century to century, by means of advantageous marriages and shrewd tactics, they continued to raise themselves in ‘power and influence. At the same time the MacArthurs sank to the position of private gentlemen, and though they never ceased to claim the honours of the chiefship, they never found themselves in a position to make that claim effectual. MacArthur of Strachur, last in the line of chiefship, died unmarried about the middle of the nineteenth century. A number of MacArthurs remained for centuries about Dunstaffnage, but where their chief had once been hereditary keeper they had become merely tenants to the Campbells. Among others of the race were the Mac- Arthurs, who, from father to son, throughout a long line, remained hereditary pipers to the MacDonalds of the Isles. Several anecdotes of these MacArthur pipers are recorded by Angus MacKay, piper to Queen Victoria, in his work on Pibroch music. The last of the race, who was CLAN MACARTHUR 213 | for many years piper to the Highland Society, and a com- iposer of many pieces still held in high esteem, died about the middle of last century in London. It is sad to think that a clan which could boast descent from so great and romantic a figure as the King Arthur of ‘British history should thus so completely melt and die away from the proud ranks of Highland chiefship. Inishail in Loch Awe is the recognised burying-place of ‘the clan. SEPTS OF CLAN MACARTHUR Arthur MacCartair MacCarter CLAN MACAULAY BaDGE: Giuthas (pinus sylvestris) pine. Very considerable doubt exists as to the origin of the MacAulay clan. The name itself might suggest descent from a Norwegian source, as it might mean ‘‘ Son of Olaf,’’ and the situation of the ancient stronghold of the chiefs, Ardincaple, at the mouth of the Gareloch in Dun- bartonshire, might be used to support this theory. A similar sea-eyrie, Dunollie near Oban, on the Argyllshire coast, is said to have been the ‘‘ Fort of Olaf.’’ Adin. caple is perhaps rather far up the Firth of Clyde to have been a fastness of the bold Norse conquerors who built the castles of Rothesay and Dunoon, but this fact in not con- clusive against the suggestion. Another theory regarding the origin of the name MacAulay—as of Dunollie—is that it was derived from “‘ ollamh,’’ a physician. But what- ever may be the resources of a Harley Street specialist at the present day, it is extremely unlikely that a medicine- man of the Highlands in the time of Somerled or Hakon, or even Robert the Bruce, would be able to build himself a stronghold like either Dunollie or Ardincaple. | The favourite tradition of the MacAulays themselves is that they are a branch of Clan Alpin, and therefore kin to the MacGregors. The only evidence in support of this idea, however, is the action of MacAulay of Ardincaple in 1591 and his descendant in 1694. In the former of these years the chief signed a bond of manrent with MacGregor of Glenstrae, in which he acknowledged himself a cadet of the MacGregor family, and agreed to pay Glenstrae the ‘* calp,’’ or tribute of cattle, in token of his superiority. And a century later, in 1694, in a similar bond to Sir Duncan Campbell of Auchinbriae, the MacAulay of that time acknowledged the same descent from the House of MacGregor. It looks, however, as if rather much reliance had been placed on these statements. The chief of 1694 seems merely to have copied the statement of his predecessor of 1591, and there is considerable reason to believe that the 214 | IA MAC AUL ig page 214. | CLAN MACAULAY 215 earlier statement may have been made for other reasons than mere zeal to elucidate a Highland genealogy. In 1591 the MacGregors ‘were threatening to make things ‘more than uncomfortable for their neighbours on_ the shores of Loch Lomond, Gareloch, and Loch Long. They ‘secured the alliance of MacFarlane of Arrochar, and jt was possibly only to protect himself from their vengeance that MacAulay in 1591 found it prudent to sign ‘the bond of manrent. He escaped, at any rate, from the fate which befell his neighbours, the Colquhouns, In ‘the following year the MacGregors and MacFarlanes raided Colquhoun’s lands, shut the chief up in his castle of Bannachra, and, aided by Colquhoun’s servant when lighting his master up a stair, shot him dead through a loophole. Eleven years later the MacGregors, in still greater force, again raided the lands of Luss, defeated the Colquhouns with great slaughter in Glenfruin, and destroyed all the Colquhoun possessions. From such attacks the bond of manrent saved Mac- Aulay and his lands of Ardincaple on the other side of the hill. The action of the Government of James VI. which followed, seems to have recognised the fact that “MacAulay, in signing the bond of manrent with Mac- Gregor, had merely done so under force majeure, for, while MacGregor was executed and his clan proscribed, Sir Aulay MacAulay of Ardincaple and his clan were exempted from retribution. For this exemption, according to Skene, MacAulay was ‘indebted to the protection of the Earl of Lennox. The fact may be taken as evidence of a very different origin of the clan. Joseph Irving in his History of Dunbarton- shire, states that the surname of the family was originally Ardincaple of that ilk. “‘ A Celtic derivation,’’ he says, “may be claimed for this family, founded on the agree- ment entered into between the chief of the clan Gregor and Ardincaple in 1591, when they describe themselves as Originally descended from the same stock, ‘M‘Alpin of auld’; but the theory most in harmony with the annals of the house (of Ardincaple) fixes their descent from a ‘younger son of the second Alwyn, Earl of Lennox.”’ _Alwyne or Aulay was a common Christian name in the ‘Lennox family. The second and third of the early race of earls bore this name. The MacdAulays, further, | repeatedly appear in the deeds in the Lennox chartulary, and their relations with that house appear to have been fairly personal and close. If, as seems likely, they were really cadets of the Lennox family, they could claim 216 CLAN MACAULAY kinship with James VI. himself, who was the actual hea of that house, and this would largely account for the fac that they escaped prosecution after the battle of Glenfruin when their quondam allies, the Mactanaeee, were being everywhere relentlessly hunted down. ; Another clan proved by undeniable documentary} evidence to be descended from the Lennox family wa: that of MacAulay’s neighbours, the MacFarlanes, who ir similar fashion were coerced into an alliance by the Mac Gregors, and similarly escaped punishment after Glenfruin As if to show still more unmistakably that the state ment of kinship with the MacGregors inserted in the bond of manrent of 1591, was no more than a convenient fiction, Sir Aulay MacAulay, when the MacGregors were pro- scribed for their evil deeds, was one of those who took up their prosecution with most energy, In view of all the facts it would seem that the tradition attributing the origin of the house of Ardincaple to a younger son of an Earl of Lennox, has the chief weight of evidence on its side. In any case the family was of consequence as early as the thirteenth century, for the name of Maurice de Arncaple appears on the Ragman Roll. Nisbet (vol. ii. appendix, p. 35) in his Historical and Critical Remarks on the Ragman Roll, states that MacAulay was not adopted as a surname till the time of James V. Alexander de Ardincaple, son of Aulay de Ardincaple, then adopted it as more suitable for the head of a clan than the feudal designation previously borne, of Ardincaple of that ilk. E Sir Aulay MacAulay, of the time of the battle of Glen- fruin, died in December, 1617, and was succeeded by his cousin-german Alexander. This chief’s son, (Walter, was twice sheriff of Dunbarton. The sheriff’s son, Aulay MacAulay, though a member of the Episcopal Church, was by no means a Jacobite, but on the contrary, at the Revolution in 1689, raised a company of fencibles for the cause of William and Mary. It was with this chief that the decline of the family began, He and his successors, as a result of their extrava- gant habits, were forced to part with one possession after another, till every acre of their once great territories was gone. Aulay MacAulay, twelfth and last chief, sold his” roofless castle to John, fourth Duke of Argyll, and died a poor man about 1767. Meanwhile, early in the eighteenth century, forced to migrate, probably, by the impoverished state of their chief, a number of MacAulays settled in Caithness and Suther- ‘gic ased Suey HOOTHUVS AHL NO -MOU CLAN MACAULAY 217 land, while others passed into Argyllshire, where some of their descendants were afterwards known by the name of MacPheideran. A number also migrated to Ireland, where their chief owned the estate of Glenarm in Antrim. Already, however, at an earlier date, another tribe of emigrants from Garelochside had moved farther afield. It was from this race that the chief distinction of the clan was afterwards to come. Settling at Uig, in the south- west of Lewis, they engaged in constant feuds with the Morrisons of Ness at the north end of the island. In the days of James VI., when the Fife Adventurers settled at Stornoway, in the first of those attempts to bring prosperity to the Lewis, of which the attempt of Lord Leverhulme is the latest example, an outstanding part in the strife that ensued was played by one of these MacAulays. This individual, known as Donald Cam, from his blindness in one eye, was renowned for his strength. His son, ‘‘ the Man ”’ or Tacksman, of Brenish, has had his feats com- memorated in many songs and tales. His son again, Aulay MacAulay, was minister successively of Tiree and Coll and of Harris. Of the minister’s six sons, five were educated for the ministry and one for the Bar. One of these sons, Kenneth, minister of Ardnamurchan, wrote the History of St. Kilda, praised by Dr. Johnson. Another, the eldest, the Rev. John MacAulay, A.M., was minister of Inveraray, where he encountered Dr. Johnson, and afterwards of Cardross on the Clyde. He had three distinguished sons. One became a general in the East India Company’s service. Another, known by his literary works, was made vicar of Rothley by Thomas Babington, M.P., who had married his sister. A third, Zachary, became notable as a member of the Anti-Slavery Society, under its auspices became Governor of Sierra Leone, and had his efforts recognised by a monument in Westminster Abbey. Zachary married Selina Mills, the daughter of a Bristol bookseller, and their son was Thomas Babington, Lord MacAulay, M.P. for Edinburgh, author of Lays of Ancient Rome, The History of England, and some of the most brilliant essays in the English language. SEPTS OF CLAN MACAULAY MacPhedron MacPheidiran CLAN MACBEAN cous Lus nam Braoileag (vaccineum vitis idzea) Red whortle erry. PiBROcH : Mo Run Geal Og. Not much is known of the origin of the name and race of the MacBeans. According to some the cognomen means ‘*the son of the Ben’’ or mountain; but such a name would be applicable to many Highland tribes, and is not specific enough to convey any distinctiveness. Had this been the origin of the name there would almost certainly have been some local or colour qualification added. But no one has ever heard of a family called MacBean Dearg or MacBean Vorlich. Dr. Almand MacBain, the well- known Gaelic scholar, considers the race and name to be the same as that of MacBeth. Both, he says, came from Moray, a Badenoch branch was actually called ‘* Chlann ’Ac-al-Bheath,’’ and the name MacBheathain would formerly have been Mac-’ic-Bheatha, or MacBeth. It seems much more likely, however, that the name took its origin from the outstanding characteristic of an ancestor. One of the Scottish Kings of the eleventh century was known as Donald Ban, or Donald the Fair, and the adjective is commonly enough, as a distinction, attached to the name of clansmen at the present day, a notable instance being that of Duncan Ban Mac- Intyre the Gaelic poet. In the matter of race, the MacBeans have been claimed as a sept of Clan Cameron, chiefly by reason of the fact that some of them fought under the banner of Lochiel at Culloden. But on that occasion a still larger party fought in the ranks of the Mackintoshes, and there is further reason to believe that. from very early times the clan regarded itself as a part of Clan Chattan. The Kinrara MS. records several facts of the time of King Robert the Bruce which make it certain that at any rate one family of the name then recognised Mackintosh as its chief. The first reference mentions how in the time of Angus, the sixth Mackintosh chief ‘‘ Bean MacDomhnuil Mor lived in Lochaber and was a faithful servant to Mackintosh against the Red Comyn, whd 218 —__ —s MAC BEAN Facing page 21%. - ) | CLAN MACBEAN 219 possessed Inverlochy.’’ Shortly afterwards the MS. -ecords how, ‘“‘ In the time of William, first of the name, and seventh of Mackintosh, William Mhor MacBean Vic Domhnuill-Mhor, and his four sons, Paul, Gillies, William-Mhor, and Farquhar, after they had slain the Red Comyn’s steward at Inverlochie, came to Cosinage, where Mackintosh then resided, and for themselves and their posterity, took protection of him and his.’’ The same annalist refers to another incident which would seem to show that, a century later, the MacBeans were regarded as distinctly a sept of the same great confederacy. ‘* No tribe of Clan Chattan,’’ the history relates, ‘‘ suffered so severely at Harlaw as Clan Vean.”’ _ Mr. A. M. Mackintosh in his History of the Mackin- toshes and Clan Chattan quotes a number of charters and bands which show that the MacBeans took an intimate part in the affairs of the Mackintosh chiefs. In 1490 Donald MacPaul or Macphail (son of Paul) witnessed a band between the lairds of Mackintosh and Kilravock, and two years later Donald Macphail and Gillies Macphail witnessed a contract between Ferquhard Mackintosh and the Dunbars. This Gillies, Mr. Mackintosh identifies with the Gillies M‘Fal who appears in the Exchequer Rolls as tenant of Dulleter in 1502-8, and his son as the William MacGillies MacFaill who signed Clan Chattan’s band in 1543. 7 So far the family were merely tenants of land. The next head of the house, Paul M‘William vic Gillies, who in 1568 witnessed the infeftment of the sixteenth Mackin- tosh Chief in Dunachton, is designated merely as ‘* in Kinchellye.’? Even in 1609, when the head of this house was clearly recognised as chief of his race, he was still only a tenant. In that year Angus MacPhail “‘ in ‘Kinkell ’’ signed the Band of Union, ‘‘ taking the full ‘burden in and upon him of his kin and race of Clan Vean.”’ In 1610, however, Angus obtained a feu of his lands from Campbell of Cawdor, and he duly appears as laird “ of Kinchyle ’’ in the Valuation Roll of 1644. -Angus’s son John was the first to bear clearly the present family name. He received his sasine of the lands of Kinchyle in 1651 as ‘‘ John MacBean, alias M‘Angus vic Phaill, lawful son and nearest heir of Angus M‘Phaill vic William vic Gillies.’’ John’s son and successor Paul took no part in Mac- kintosh’s feudal demonstration in Lochaber in 1667, but in 1669 he atoned to the Captain of Clan Chattan by giving him a regular bond of manrent in the ancient style, 220 CLAN MACBEAN undertaking to “‘ follow him as his chief, with all his mel tenants, family, and followers of the Clan Vean, agains all men except only the King, Lord Huntly, and the Lair; of Calder.’’ Later, with two others, he undertook, for ; payment of blackmail, to protect the lands of Strathdearn Strathnairn, and adjoining districts against the depreda. tions of cattle thieves. | Paul’s son William, who was infefted in the family estate in his father’s lifetime, seems to have fallen intc money difficulties. In 1697 he and his father were put to the horn; in 1708 he had to grant sasine of his lands of Kinchyle, Dores, Chapelton, Achnashangach, and others, to Mackintosh of Borlum, on a bond for 8000 merks; and ten years later Mackintosh of Culclachy held a wadset over Dores and Chapelton for £5000. From these embarrassments the family seems never to have recovered, and its difficulties were certainly not lessened by the part taken by its chiefs in the Jacobite risings of 1715 and 1745. ARneas or Angus MacBean, William’s eldest son, was a captain in Mackintosh’s regiment in the Earl of Mar’s army, while the fifth son John was a lieutenant. They shared the march into England and surrender at Preston. /Eneas iS believed to: have been living in 1745, so that his brother, Gillies Mor, who played a heroic part then, was not “ of Kinchyle ” as is generally stated. At the proving of his will he was described as son to Kinchyle and late tacksman at Dun- achton, domiciled at Dalmagerry. Among his property was a copper still valued at seven pounds; in the “ List of. Persons concerned in the Rebellion ’’ he is described as a ‘* brewer ’’; and it has been conjectured that, his farm’ at Dunachton having proved unsuccessful, he was the inn- keeper at Dalmagerry. | Brewer or innkeeper, Major Gillies MacBean stands out as one of the most valiant figures on the Culloden battlefield. Six feet four and a half inches in height, and armed with claymore and target, he was a formidable. figure. When the Argyll militia broke down a wall oF the right, which enabled the dragoons to attack the flank of the Highland army, MacBean set himself at the gap, and cut down man after man as they came through. | Thirteen in all, including Lord Robert Ker, had fallen under his strokes, and when the enraged enemy closed ' 1 round him in numbers, he set his back to the wall and : proceeded to sell his life as dearly as possible. An Eng-— lish officer, struck by his heroism, called to the soldiers to. “save that brave man,’’ but at that moment the heroic | | CLAN MACBEAN 221 Major fell, his thigh bone broken, a dreadful sword cut mn his head, and his body pierced with many bayonet vounds. His widow is said to have composed a pathetic ament to his memory—Mo run geal oig, ‘‘ My fair young veloved.’’ His fate was also enshrined in a set of verses vhich appeared in a northern periodical and have been ittributed to Lord Byron. Three of the stanzas run; Though thy cause was the cause of the injured and brave, Though thy death was the hero’s and glorious thy grave, With thy dead foes around thee, piled high on the plain, My sad heart bleeds o’er thee, my Gillies MacBain ! How the horse and the horsemen thy single hand slew! , But what could the mightiest single arm do? A hundred like thee might the battle regain; But cold are thy hand and heart, Gillies MacBain! ' With thy back to the wall and thy breast to the targe, | Full flashed thy claymore in the face of their charge; , The blood of their boldest that barren turf stain, But alas! thine is reddest there, Gillies MacBain! , Another member of the clan, of the same name, Gillies MacBean of Free, formerly of Falie, also fought at culloden, but under the banner of Lochiel. He received two bullets inyhis leg, but was able to leave the field. voming up with Lochiel, who had been wounded in both ankles, and was being carried out of action by two near relatives, MacBean undertook to convey him to a place of safety whence he might easily get to his own country. On crossing the Nairn at Craigie they were intercepted by some of Cumberland’s men. Compelled to fight, they killed some of their opponents and the others made off. At home the wife of Gillies dressed Lochiel’s wounds, and with a pair of scissors extracted the bullets from her husband’s leg. MacBean lived to be an old man, and has his virtues recorded in a Gaelic inscription in the church- yard of Moy. _ Still another gentleman of the clan, AEneas MacBean, whose son was afterwards Secession minister at Inverness, Was pursued from the battlefield by two dragoons. His path was barred by a torrent, and he was about to be cut down when by a tremendous effort he leaped across. The dragoons followed, but the fugitive making a circuit, again leapt the chasm, and with tremendous exertion he Tepeated these tactics till his pursuers tired of the effort, ‘and gave it up. He also lived long afterwards to tell the tale. of 299 CLAN MACBEAN Meanwhile Donald, the son of Major Gillies MacBean who also had taken part in the battle, and had escaped’ succeeded his uncle Aineas as Chieftain and Laird 0 Kinchyle. Obtaining a commission in the first regimen’ raised by the Hon. Simon Fraser in 1757, he proceedec on service to North America. The trustees whom he lef. in charge of his affairs, finding them hopelessly embar rassed, sold Kinchyle and the other family estates tc Simon Fraser, a Gibraltar merchant, who also purchasec. the Mackintosh estate of Borlum. After the disbanding of Fraser’s Highlanders in 1763 MacBean became a captain in Lord Drumlanrig’s regiment, and retiring later, lived in 1780 at Teary, near Forres. It seems probable that the succession was carried on by one of the kinsmen named as trustee by Donald Mac- Bean when he went abroad. This Captain-Lieutenant Forbes MacBean of 1757, seems to have been the grandson of Paul MacBean of Kinchyle who infefted his son William in his estates in 1689. The Captain-Lieutenant became General Forbes MacBean, R.A., and according to Mr. A. M. Mackintosh, the historian of Clan -Chattan, the representative, through three generations of distinguished soldiers was, in 1903, Archibald MacBean, late captain in the 37th Regiment. | The three most important cadets of Clan Vean were the MacBeans of Faillie, of Tomatin, and of Drummond. Of these branches the first and last no longer possess their family lands. Only MacBean of Tomatin remains. a land-owner in the old country of his clan. ~ Still another branch of the race were the Bains or Baynes of Tulloch in Ross-shire. About the time when the Kinchyle family were being definitely recognised as chieftains a fray occurred at a market in Ross-shire which showed that the Bains of Tulloch were a family of con- siderable position and esteem. At a market at Logieree. on the Conan on Candlemas Day, 1597, a brother of Macleod of Raasay, swaggering about with a ‘‘ tail” of six or eight henchmen, not only refused to pay for certain wares he had bought, but proceeded to assault the merchant and his wife. Indignant at the outrage, Ian Bain, brother of the Laird of Tulloch, remonstrated with the aggressor. The latter answered scornfully, and from hot words the dispute came to blows. Bain had only his foster-brother | to support him, but he slew Macleod and two of his men. The Mackenzies then took the side of the Macleods, while the Munros came into the fray to support Ian Bain. In a running fight as far as Mulchaich several were slain | : CLAN MACBEAN 223 on both sides, but Bain and his foster-brother escaped anhurt, and took refuge with Lord Lovat at Beauly. Lovat not only protected them, but sent his kinsman, Sraser of Phopachie to represent their case at court, with he result that Bain was assoilzied, while proceedings were ordered to be taken against his opponents. _ Holders of the name of Bain, MacBean, and MacVean aave long been outstanding in the municipal and business ife of Inverness. In the eighteenth century James Baine, ninister of Killearn and Paisley became minister of the irst Relief congregation in Edinburgh in 1766, and pub- ished a history of modern church reformation. Of the same period was Alexander MacBean, one of the six amanuenses whom Dr. Samuel Johnson employed in the sompilation of his dictionary. And in our own day the vlan has been able to count such notable members as the ate Australian statesman Sir James MacBean, K.C.M.G.; Alexander MacBain, the well-known antiquary, and man of letters, editor of Reliquiae Celtice and other works; and George Bain, author of the History of Nairnshire, and The River Findhorn, and editor of The Nairnshire Telegraph. SEPTS OF CLAN MACBEAN ; Bean MacBeath } MacBeth Macilvain MacVean CLAN MACCRIMMON PIBROCH ; Cogadh no Sith. THE bagpipe as a musical instrument is common to many nations in Europe and Asia. It was probably a natural, though ingenious development of the simple reed instru- ment blown directly from the lips. By interposing the mechanical device of a large bag or wind reservoir between the inlet pipe and the chanter or pipe containing the reed and the finger-holes by which the sound was produced and manipulated, the player would find he added immensely to the volume of his music and to his own powers of endurance. A still later and formidable improvement was the addition of the drones. In no country, however, has pipe-music been brought to such perfection and used to such effect as in the Highlands of Scotland. The original musical instrument of the Gael was not the bagpipe but the clarsach, or portable harp. The songs of Ossian and the later Celtic bards were sung to the accompaniment of this sweet but rather feeble instrument, which, by the way, was also common to many primitive peoples, such as the Jews. Miriam, the sister of Moses, danced before the Ark on a famous occasion to the sound of the clarsach. The bagpipe was a compara- tively recent introduction to Scotland. There is no word of it in the story of King Robert the Bruce as told by Barbour, or in the romantic narrative of Froissart or the accounts of the battle of Harlaw a hundred years later. Mr. Manson, in his History of the Scottish Bagpipe, sets its introduction about the first quarter of the fifteenth century. No musical instrument could have been better adapted to the hills and glens and lochsides of the Scottish High- lands, or to the methods of clan warfare, and it is characteristic of pipe-music that many of the most famous airs extant at the present hour had their origin in some historic event like the triumph or defeat of a clan, the death of a famous chief, or some other outstanding episode of Highland history. No instrument is better adapted for battle purposes. Even now, when the other bandsmen 224 =r Facing page 224 MAC CRUIMIN be : CLAN MACCRIMMON 225 re sent to the rear, the piper of a Highland battalion goes “over the top ”’ with his company, and many a thrilling ind heroic tradition has been added in this way to the lore # the mountain music within recent years, _Coeval with the coming to Scotland of the bagpipe tself appears to have been the rise of the family which nore than any other raised pipe-playing to eminence as wn art, and added lustre to its practice by the excellence if its performance and the charm of its compositions. \ccording to a very questionable tradition the first of the ‘ace was an individual who studied at Cremona in Italy ind settled in Glenelg. At any rate, whatever their wigin, the MacCrimmons appear to have been the ereditary pipers to the Chiefs of Macleod for something ike three hundred years. As the endowment of their ffice they held the considerable estate of Boreraig, and here to the present day is pointed out the residence, iltigh, where they carried on a more or less regular ollege or Academy of Music for the instruction of aspiring ‘ipers from all parts of the Highlands who flocked thither ‘n the hope of attaining the secret of their mastery and omething like their enduring fame. The family is be- leved to have held the office from a date early in the ixteenth century, but the-first of the name on record was an Odhar, or Dun-coloured John, who flourished about he year tooo. A genealogy of his descendants is given on Manson’s Highland Bagpipe. _ Countless stories are still told in the Highlands regard- ag these MacCrimmon pipers. During the feuds between ae Macleods and the Mackenzies a brother of Donald fore MacCrimmon, son of Ian Odhar, and chief of the ame at that time, was slain by the Mackenzies in Kintail, nd Donald More himself experienced many thrilling dventures and escapes in his effort to avenge him. Among other exploits he set fire to eighteen houses in Aintail, and brought the country about his ears. His xploits came to an end with an episode not unworthy to e set beside that of David, King of Judah, when he cut fragment from the skirt of the robe of his enemy Saul 1 the Cave of Adullam. The Mackenzie Chief, hearing vat Donald was in his neighbourhood, had sent out his on with a party of men to arrest him, and these men appened to come to the very house where he lay con- ealed. As. they sat round the fire they barred his only tay of escape, and it seemed only a question of time till ne or other of them must discover him. The day, how- ver, happened to be wet, and as they threw off their WOT. I. P 226 CLAN MACCRIMMON 4 drenched plaids, the woman of the house, on the pretey of drying them, hung them across the room in such a wa that MacCrimmon was able to pass behind them unpe ceived, and make his escape. The day continued storm| and the Mackenzies remained telling tales round the fir, That night, when the party lay asleep, he returned, ani collecting their weapons, laid them across each oth beside the bed in which their leader slept. In the mor ing Mackenzie was startled to find the weapons there, bu rightly judging whose daring hand had laid them by h bed, and had spared his life when he might have take it, he arranged an interview with MacCrimmon, procure his pardon, and sent him home to Skye unharmed. This Donald More’s son, Patrick More, was the autho under very affecting circumstances of one of the fine; bagpipe airs. He was the father of eight grown-up son! all of whom together frequently accompanied him to kir and market. Ina single year he had the grief to lose n) fewer than seven of them by death, and on recoverin. somewhat from his grief he immortalised his loss by th composition of the pathetic pibroch Cumhadh na Cloinm the ‘* Lament for the Children.” | This same Patrick More MacCrimmon is himself com memorated in a well-known salute and in a lament fc him composed by his brother. Another famous compt sition of the MacCrimmons, Cogadh no Sith, ‘‘ Peace ¢ War,’’ is commemorated as the motto of the clan unde their crest. a At the time of the landing of Prince Charles Edwar in-1745 the chief of the MacCrimmons was Donald Bat As piper he accompanied Macleod, who adhered to th Government, when with the Munros he marched upo Aberdeen to seize Lord Lewis Gordon. The force, hov ever, was attacked and routed at Inverurie, and Donal Ban was taken prisoner. Next morning, contrary | custom, there was no pipe-music at the Jacobite quarter: When Lord Lewis and his officers enquired the reasor they were told that, so long as MacCrimmon was | prisoner there would be no pipes played. On hearing th Lord Lewis at once ordered that Donald Ban should t set free. Not long afterwards, however, MacCrimmo met his fate. He was one of the party sent out by Lor Loudon from Inverness to seize Prince Charles as he la unguarded at Moy Hall, the residence of the Mackintos chief. The raid was turned into a rout by the strateg of Lady Mackintosh and the courage of the blacksmit of Moy with two or three clansmen, and in the confusio | | CLAN MACCRIMMON 207 ind flight Donald Ban was slain. His death is com- nemorated in the affecting lament which goes by his ame, the finest of all bagpipe laments, Ha til mi tulidh, “We return no more.” _ Following the last Jacobite rising, the Act of Parlia- nent of 1748, which abolished hereditary jurisdictions, ind the retaining of pipers and other followers by the shiefs, sounded the knell of MacCrimmon’s greatness, [he lands which they had held as an endowment of their yffice were resumed by the Chiefs of Macleod. Deprived vf their independence and prestige they dwindled and lisappeared. On the departure of the last of them to areenock with the intention of emigrating to Canada, he s said to have composed the touching lament, above re- ‘erred to, Ha til, ha til, ha til, Mhic Chruimin, ‘‘ No more, 10 more, no more, MacCrimmon.’’ He got no further hhan Greenock, however, for the love of the home of his athers drew him back to Skye. This individual, Donald Jubh, died in 1822 at the great age of or. Following the vogue set by the MacCrimmons, the oipers of the Highland chiefs have attracted the attention of every notable visitor to the Highlands. Dr. Samuel ‘ohnson was struck by the performance of the piper of Maclean of Coll, and Sir Walter Scott in the journal of is voyage to the Hebrides in 1814 describes with evident ippreciation the escort of Macleod of Macleod himself at Junvegan. ‘‘ Return to the castle,’? he writes, ‘‘ take dur luncheon, and go aboard at three, Macleod accom- danying us in proper style with his piper. We take leave of the castle, where we have been so kindly entertained, with a salute of seven guns, The chief returns ashore, with his piper playing ‘ The Macleods’ Gathering,’ heard ‘0 advantage along the calm and placid loch, and dying is it retreated from us.” _ In early times the piper was one of the principal mem- ders of the ‘‘ luchdtachd ’’ or personal body-guard of ten nen who attended a chief. These men were as ready to ight as to furnish other services, and there is in existence i composition by the piper of Cluny Macpherson, in which Qe regrets that he has not three arms so that he might wield the sword while he played the clansmen to battle. {n more recent days the Dukes of Kent and Sussex, sons of George III., each adopted the fashion of having a tousehold piper; and the Duke of Kent’s daughter, Queen Victoria, at Balmoral, followed the example of the Highland lairds in the same manner. To-day there are Many societies and clubs in our cities for the preservation 228 CLAN MACCRIMMON and practice of pipe-music, and few things could be m impressive than the appearance, at civic banquets and | banquets of the clan societies, of the pipers, splendic attired and marching with inimitable swing as they p} the appropriate point of war at the climax of the fea} The pipes, too, have made an immense sensation : occasions such as the funeral of Professor Blackie, wh they headed the cortége down the aisles of St. Gil) Cathedral with the heart-searching lament for ‘* Tf Flowers o’ the Forest.’ ; For a very large part of the effectiveness of pipe-mut and the vogue which has made it so inspiring a featt of Highland life and manners the country is without dotj indebted to the famous race of the MacCrimmor hereditary pipers to the Chiefs of Macleod. These pips had a method peculiar to themselves, of writing down t pipe-music in words. A collection of this was publish in 1828 by Captain Neil MacLeod of Gesto. Though | the ordinary eye it looks like nonsense, it was read aj played from as late as 1880 by the Duke ‘of Argyll’s pips Duncan Ross. CLAN MACCOLL BADGE: Fraoch gorm (erica vulgaris) common heath. PiprocH : Ceann na Drochaide médire. ‘HIS small clan, which was anciently settled on the shores f Loch Fyne, is believed to have come of the great race 4 the MacDonalds. The belief is supported by the fact jat the badge of the MacDonalds and the MacColls is ae same, a sprig of common heather. According to the raelic manuscript of 1450 so largely quoted by W. F. kene in his Highlanders of Scotland, the MacDonalds erived their earliest known origin from Colla Uais, an tish king of the fourth century. No doubt following iis tradition the great clan of the Isles was in early times nown alternatively as Clan Colla and Clan Cuin or jonn, the latter name being derived from Constantine, he father of Colla. Coll has accordingly always been a aourite name among the MacDonalds. Among the iost notable holders of it was the lieutenant of the Great farquess of Montrose in the Civil Wars of Charles I., tho was known as Colkitto, or Coll Ciotoch MacDonald. Mf this Left-handed Coll, as his name implies, many tories are told. It was he who brought over the Irish ontingent, and acted as its leader throughout the Mar- uess’ campaign. On his way along the coast after inding, he sent a piper to ascertain the defences of Dun- tune castle on the shore of Loch Crinan. The piper not nly found the stronghold in a complete state of defence ut was himself made prisoner in one of the turrets. His ipes, however, were left to him, and he seized the pportunity to blow out the well-known tune ‘* Shun the ‘ower.’’ Colkitto took the hint, and, leaving the piper » his fate, marched off to join Montrose. Later, when prisoner, and about to be hanged from the mast of his alley at Dunstaffnage, he begged that he might be buried nder the doorstep of the little chapel there, in order that e might ‘‘exchange a snuff with the Captain of Junstaffnage in the grave.”’ Clan MacColl, however, dates from a much earlier ime than that of Colkitto, Previous to the time of the vattle of Glenfruin, in 1602, they appear to have been of 229 230 CLAN MACCOLL some strength. But, like other small clans within th reach of the Campbells, they were liable to be used b». the somewhat unscrupulous chiefs of that powerful famil) as instruments in the Campbell policy of aggression an aggrandisement. By means which are not quite clea they were, along with the Colquhouns and other clans induced to embroil themselves against the MacGregors On the other hand, the MacGregor chiefs, to meet thi forces which were secretly being accumulated and insti: gated against them by the crafty Argyll and Glenurchy made an effort to secure support from other clans, lik the MacAulays and Macphersons. When matters came to a climax, on the eve of the battle of Glenfruin, Alastai MacGregor sent word hotfoot to Cluny Macpherson, whc sent off fifty picked warriors from Badenoch to his support. These men, however, had marched no further than Blair in Athol when they received word that the MacGregors were victorious, having signally defeated the Colquhouns and their allies in Glenfruin. They accord- ingly turned back and marched for home. On the way, as they crossed the wild Pass of Drumochter, the highest point of the road between Athol and Badenoch, as luck would have it they encountered the MacColls returning from a foray in Ross or Sutherland, and driving a creagh before them. Apart from their alliance with the MacGregors the Macphersons had a quarrel of their own with the MacColls, and they forthwith seized the oppor- tunity to clear off all scores. The battle took place on the shore of Loch Garry, and resulted in complete victory for the Macphersons, While very few of Clan Vurich were Slain, the MacColls were almost entirely wiped out, losing their chief and nearly all their fighting men. | One of the decimated clan, Angus Ban MacColl, attracted special attention in the fight by his strength and dexterity. He was encountered by one of the most valiant of the Macphersons, and the two engaged in a mortal combat. This desperate struggle of the two continued till the MacColls were finally overcome and driven from the field. Then, seeing the odds overwhelming against him, Angus Ban fought his way, moving backwards, to a deep chasm in the hillside, and leaping the abyss backwards with astonishing agility effected his escape, none of his pursuers being inclined to risk the leap even in the ordinary way and with a run. . | Regarding further deeds of the MacColls tradition is silent. Whatever they were they were probably achieved in conjunction with their powerful neighbours, the Camp- | CLAN MACCOLL 231 bells, and in their case it may be hoped that the adage was true, ‘‘ Happy is the nation that has no history! ”’ A hundred years ago one of the clan, Evan MacColl, introduced the name into another field by publishing a volume of poems of considerable merit under the title of “‘Clarsach nam Beann,’”’ or ‘‘The Mountain Harp.” Yet another member of the clan was Alexander McCaul, D.D., who in 1821 was sent to Poland by the London Society for Christianising the Jews, who, after his return to London published a weekly journal, Old Paths, dealing with Jewish ritual, became Principal of the Hebrew College in 1840, and afterwards Professor of Hebrew and Divinity in King’s College, and a prebendary of St. ‘Paul’s. THE MACDONALDS OF THE ISLES BADGE: Fraoch gorm (erica vulgaris) common heath. . SLOGAN: Fraoch Eilean. . PIBROCH : Dhonuill Dhui’ (1503); and Donald Balloch’s March to Inverlochy (1431). : A UNIQUE and important place in Scottish history, and particularly in the history of the Hebrides and the south- western Highlands, is occupied by the great figure of Somerled of the Isles. ‘‘ Somerledi,’? or summer sailors, is said to have been the term applied to the Norwegian — adventurers, whose raids upon the coasts of this country were usually made during the pleasanter months of the year; but so far as history is concerned the name is that of the great island lord who reigned as an independent prince of the West and the Isles throughout the middle of | the twelfth century. It is generally asserted in the High- land genealogies of to-day that Somerled was a Celtic chief by whose efforts the Norsemen had been driven _ from the mainland of Scotland, and who had wrested the islands of the west from the Norwegian Olaf, King of Man, before setting himself up as King of the Isles and Lord of Argyll; but the facts of history make it appear more likely that he was himself a Norseman, and we know his wife was Effrica daughter of Olaf of Man. When the High Steward, settled at Renfrew for the purpose by David I. of Scotland, began to drive back the Norse invaders who were then thrusting their settlements into the higher reaches of the Firth of Clyde, his chief opponent was this Somerled of the Isles. The climax of the struggle between them was reached in 1164, when Somerled landed a great force on the shores of Renfrew- shire, and fought a pitched battle with the forces of the High Steward near the headquarters of the latter at Renfrew itself. In that battle Somerled fell, along with Gillecolane, his son by his first marriage, and it seems possible that the Barochan Cross, with its interesting and appropriate sculptures, still standing near the scene of the battle, forms a memorial of the event. Somerled is said to have left a grandson, Somerled, son of Gillecolane, who inherited Argyll but was defeated 23% cing page 232, MAC DONALD OPO LIE AISEES | THE MACDONALDS OF THE ISLES 2338 and slain by Alexander II. in 1221, also three sons by his second marriage, Dugald to whom he left Lorne and his more northern possessions and who became ancestor of the MacDougalls of Lorne, Reginald who obtained Kintyre, Cowal, Isla, Arran, and Bute, and a third son Angus, who obtained the great Lordship of Garmoran, the actual bounds of which are not now certain. It 1s from the younger son Reginald, that the MacDonalds of the Isles and all the branches of the name are descended. Reginald had two sons who between them, in the year 1210, slew their uncle Angus, and possessed themselves of his patrimony of Garmoran. The elder of the two, Donald, succeeded his father in possession of Kintyre and the outer Isles, and carried on the main line of the race. The younger brother, Roderick, got Bute, Arran, and Garmoran. probably he who figures in the legend of Rothesay. Castle enshrined in the ballad of “The Bluidy Stair.’? We know at any rate that the struggle for the possession of Bute and its stronghold went on between the Stewarts and the descendants of Somerled with’ varying fortunes till about the time of the battle of Largs in 1263. The last of the line of Roderick or Ruari, was Amy, the first wife of John, Chief of Clan Donald and Lord of the Isles, of whom more presently. Donald’s son was known as Angus Mor, and his son again as Angus Og. The latter took Bruce’s side in the War of Succession, and it is he who figures as the hero, accordingly, in Sir Walter Scott’s last great poem, The Lord of the Isles. As a matter of history, recorded by Archdeacon Barbour in his Bruce, Angus Og received and sheltered Bruce in his stronghold of Dunaverty at the south end of Kintyre, when the king was on his way south- ward in 1306, to shelter in the Island of Rachryn. From the chronicler’s method of telling the tale it does not appear as if Bruce felt himself perfectly safe while enjoying that hospitality. In the following Spring, however, it was with the help of Christina of the Isles that Bruce organised his expedition for the return to Scotland. The historian Tytler, quoting the chronicler - Fordoun, describes how a chief named Donald of the Isles raised the men of Galloway against Bruce in 1308, and was defeated and taken prisoner on the banks of the Dee on 29th June by the king’s brother. But Fordoun seems to have confounded the Islesman with some lieutenant of MacDougal of Lorne. As a result of his support of Bruce, Angus Og received, as additions to his territories, Morvern, Ardnamurchan, and Lochaber, which had ean, .| 234 THE MACDONALDS OF THE ISLES | previously belonged to the MacDougals, but had been forfeited because of that family’s siding with the Comyns | against the King. | John, Lord of the Isles, son of Angus Og, further | raised the power of his family by marrying his cousin, — Amie MacRuarie, heiress of the line of Roderick, | Reginald’s younger son. By her he got Garmoran and — had two sons, Ranald and Godfrey. From the former of these are descended the houses of Glengarry and Clanranald, which to the present day put forward against the MacDonalds of the Isles claims to the supreme chief- ship of the great MacDonald Clan. John, Lord of the Isles, however, appears to have repudiated or divorced his first wife, Amie MacRuarie, and to have married, under a dispensation dated 1350, Margaret, daughter of the seventh High Steward, afterwards King Robert II. By | her he had three sons, Donald, John, and Alexander, and — by reason, it is believed, that they were the king’s grand- sons, the eldest of the three was preferred to the succession — to the Lordship of the Isles. At the same time, by way of compensation, their mother’s inheritance, comprising | the ancient lordship of Garmoran, was secured to the sons _— of the first wife. Of the three sons by the second wife, — John became ancestor to the Earl of Antrim, and Alexander _ to the MacDonalds of Keppoch. Meanwhile the old Chief, John of the Isles, had again and again shown his haughty spirit. In 1368 he refused to attend the Scottish Parliament and submit to the laws of the realm, and though he was forced to submit after- wards in person to King David II. himself at Inverness, this spirit was carried further by his successor. Almost immediately the arbitrary setting aside of the sons of the first marriage of John, Lord of the Isles, was to produce results the horror of which Scotland has not yet forgotten. Donald, the eldest son of the second marriage, who at his father’s death in 1380 became Lord of the Isles, married Margaret, daughter of Euphemia, Countess of Ross, in her own right. Margaret’s brother, Alexander, Earl of Ross, married a daughter of the Regent Duke of Albany and died about the year 1406. As the only child of this marriage, another Countess Euphemia, was a nun, the Lord of the Isles proceeded to claim the Earldom of Ross in right of his wife. The Duke of Albany, however, secured from the nun-countess a resignation of the earldom in favour of his second son, John, Earl of Buchan, and rejected the claim of his nephew of the Isles. As a result, — in 1411 Donald allied himself with England, raised an THE MACDONALDS OF THE ISLES 235 army of ten thousand men, took possession of the disputed earldom, and, marching southward with great rapidity, destroying the country as he went, penetrated as far as -Inverury, less than twenty miles from Aberdeen. There he was met by his cousin, Alexander, Earl of Mar, son of - the Wolf of Badenoch and nephew of Albany, at the head - of anarmy of Lowland gentlemen. Mar’s army was much ' smaller than that of the Island Lord, but it was infinitely . better armed and disciplined. The battle, fought on St. James’s Eve, 24th July, and remembered as Red Harlaw, ' proved disastrous to both sides, but the Highland advance was checked, Donald retired to his island fastnesses, and, ' being followed up by Albany, was compelled at Loch Gilp ' to relinquish the earldom and give up all claim to ' independent sovereignty in the Isles. Donald of the Isles died in 1420, but his son Alexander, Lord of the Isles, by reason of the injustice which had ’ been done to his family, appears to have remained a ' danger to the State. King James I., after the return from his long captivity in England in 1424, called a meeting of the Highland chiefs at Inverness, and arrested the most dangerous and powerful of them. While some of them were executed on the spot, others, including Alexander of the Isles and his mother the Countess of Ross, were thrown into prison. After a short confinement the Island Lord, who was the King’s cousin once removed, was set free, but no sooner did he find himself once more in his “native territory than his fury at the insult he had received burst forth, and, gathering the whole strength of Ross and the Isles, he burst upon the country, greviously wasting the Crown lands, and burning to the ground the royal burgh of Inverness. The King, however, instantly raised an army, marched into the Highlands, and encountered the Lord of the Isles in Lochaber. As the battle began Clan Chattan and Clan Cameron passed over to the side of the king, and the island lord saw his army put to utter rout. In the style of an independent prince he sent an ambassador to sue for peace; but this presumption merely incensed the monarch, who vigorously prosecuted the campaign against him; and presently, driven to desperate straits, the chief was forced to throw himself upon the royal mercy. Clad only in shirt and drawers, he appeared suddenly before the king at the high altar in Holyrood chapel. There, holding a naked sword by the point, he fell upon his knees, and, delivering it to the king, implored forgiveness. He was instantly committed to Tantallon Castle, while his mother was imprisoned in the monastery 236 THE MACDONALDS OF THE ISLES» of Inch Colme in the Firth of Forth. Meanwhile his kinsman, Donald Balloch, enraged at his chief’s sub- mission, gathered a fleet and army, descended upon Lochaber, and at Inverlochy cut to pieces a royal army under Alexander, Earl of Mar, and Alan Stewart, Earl of Caithness, and carried off immense plunder. He fled to Ireland, but was betrayed by a petty chief, who cut off his head and sent it to King James. After a year’s imprisonment the Lord of the Isles and his mother were restored to their liberty and possessions. At that time Alexander of the Isles seems to have estab- lished his character of loyalty to the Government, for after the murder of James I. in 1437, he became Justiciary of the Kingdom north of the Firth of Forth. His title as Earl of Ross appears to have been fully recognised after the death of his mother, and he thus held vast power on the mainland of Scotland, as well as in the Isles. This power was increased by his marriage with Elizabeth Seton, sister of Alexander, first Earl of Huntly. The old desire for independent sovereignty seems, however, to have lingered in his mind, for in 1445 he joined in a secret league with the Earls of Douglas and Crawford against King James II. The rebellion which these three Earls meditated could hardly have failed, owing to their immense power in the north and south of Scotland, in overthrowing the royal house, had it not been for the singular shrewd- ness, energy, and determination of the young James ll. himself, backed by the ability of the Chancellor Crichton. — Alexander of the Isles died in May, 1449, at which time his son John, destined to be last of the Lords of the Isles, was no more than fifteen years of age. He, however, inherited and carried on the treasonous league with the Earls of Douglas and Crawford, and his disloyalty was probably increased by the fact that he married a daughter of Lord Livingstone, head of the house that so long kept the boy King James II. prisoner and was finally so suddenly and completely overwhelmed and destroyed by him. The King, however, in 1451, felt himself strong enough to do battle with his enemies, and the first results of the treasonous league were the slaughter of William, Earl of Douglas, by James’s own hand in Stirling Castle, and the overthrow of the Tiger Earl of Crawford by the Earl of Huntly in a bloody battle near Brechin: Amid the general upheaval the young Lord of the Isles and Earl of Ross rushed to arms, and seized the royal castles of Inverness, Urquhart, and Ruthven in Badenoch; but his success was short-lived, being check- BAROCHAN CROSS ERECTED ON THE SCENE OF THE BATTLE OF RENFREW WHERE SOMERLED FELL IN I164 Facing page 236. F a 2 = _ y "3 aie Be x _* a4 | . wee é 8 r , ; : a - » , - ‘ , - ? ~ 2 . Fi F + & a : si : 7 a 3 by > THE MACDONALDS OF THE ISLES 237 “mated by the Earl of Huntly, whom the King made Lieutenant-General of the kingdom in place of the Earl of Douglas. James II. then sought to turn his enemies into friends. On the Tiger Earl of Crawford appearing bare-headed and bare-footed before him, and imploring pardon, he freely forgave him. On James, brother and successor of the late Earl of Douglas, he bestowed the hand of that Earl’s child widow, the Fair Maid of Galloway, greatest Scottish heiress of her time. And he also took into favour the young Lord of the Isles, who was his own distant kinsman. The Douglases, nevertheless, were soon again in rebellion. Finally, on Carron Water, forty thousand strong, they stood face to face with the royal army, and it looked as if the pending battle should decide whether James Stewart or James Douglas should wear the crown. The Earl, however, showed a fatal hesita- tion to attack. In consequence during the night his great army melted away, not a hundred men remaining to him in the morning, and Douglas himself became a fugitive in England. Twenty years later, in a small incursion on the Border, he surrendered to Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, and he ended his days as a monk in the Fifeshire Abbey of Lindores in 1488. An almost similar fate befell the Lord of the Isles. In the cause of the Earl of Douglas, who had fled to him after the battle of Arkinholme, he got together a hundred galleys and five thousand men, which, under his kinsman, a second Donald Balloch, Lord of Isla,’ ravaged Inverkip, Bute, Cowal, and Arran, and carried off 600 horse, 10,000 cattle and 1,000 sheep. Shortly afterwards, however, Douglas was driven into exile, and his ally, the Earl of Crawford, died. The Lord of the Isles then became alarmed at the fate which might overtake himself, and made a humble submission to the king. After, some hesitation, James relented so far as to allow the humbled chief a period of probation in which he might show the reality of his repentance by some notable exploit. To this end the island lord brought a powerful body of his vassals to assist the king at the siege of Roxburgh in 1460. But at the opening of the siege the king was killed by the bursting of a cannon, and, taking advantage of the weakness of the Government, the Lord of the Isles was soon in open rebellion again. In October, 1461, at his castle of Artornish on the sound of Mull he, along with 2 Son of John of Isla, brother of Donald of the Isles. Through his mother he inherited the Glens in Antrim. 238 THE MACDONALDS OF THE ISLES Donald Balloch and his son John de Isla, entered into a treaty with Edward IV. of England by which, in considera- tion of an annual pension, he agreed to become a vassal to the crown of England, and to help the English King and James, Earl of Douglas, then in banishment, to subdue the realm of Scotland, Following this treaty the Lord of the Isles declared himself King of the Hebrides and assembled an army which, under the command of his natural son Angus and of Donald Balloch, seized Inverness Castle, marched with fire and sword through Atholl, stormed the Castle of Blair, and carried off the Earl and Countess of Atholl to imprisonment in Islay. But a fearful storm which sunk most of the war galleys was taken by the leader, Angus, as an evidence of the wrath of heaven for his violation of the chapel of St. Bridget in which he had seized the Earl and Countess, and he presently set free his prisoners, returned his plunder, and with his principal leaders did bare-foot penance at the desecrated shrine. Not long afterwards, at a meeting of the clansmen north of Inverness to settle some quarrel regarding the boundaries of his land, Angus was murdered by his own harper, MacCaibhre, who cut his throat with a long knife. For his part in these transactions the Lord of the Isles was attainted in 1475. In the following year he surrendered and, being restored to his forfeited estates, resigned them to the King. The Earldom of Ross was then annexed to the Crown, James III. making one of his sons Duke of Ross, while Kintyre and Knapdale were forfeited and afterwards passed into possession of the Earl of Argyll. The rest of MacDonald’s estates were regranted to the island lord, and he was made a lord of Parliament, with remainder, failing lawful heirs, to his natural sons, Angus Og and John, and their male issue. In 1493, however, when King James IV. paid his great visit to the Western Isles, it was to punish the great MacDonald Chief, who had seen fit to defy the royal authority, or at least to countenance his nephew Alexander of Lochalsh in doing so, Lochalsh’s idea being to recover the Earldom of Ross for his family. After ravaging the Black Isle, belonging to Urquhart, King James’ sheriff of Cromarty, Lochalsh was overthrown by the Mackenzie Chief at the battle of Blar na Pairc in Strathconan. Immediately, with characteristic energy, James summoned John of the Isles to stand his trial for treason. In a Parliament in Edin- burgh he was stripped of all power, as a favour he was allowed to retire to the abbey of Paisley, and | “THE MACDONALDS OF THE ISLES 239 according to the Treasurer’s Accounts, he died at Dundee in 1502-3. . This chief was in reality the last of the Celtic Lords of the Isles; but his house was not to be crushed without a struggle. His son Angus Og had married a daughter of the first Earl of Argyll, head of the house which for over a hundred years had been little by little ousting and sup- planting the ancient race of Somerled. In order to further /his plan, Argyll kept the wife of Angus Og within his power at his castle of Inchconnel in Loch Awe, and when her son Donald Dhu was born he was kept a close prisoner in that stronghold. During the long imprisonment of this unfortunate chief the MacDonalds wasted their strength in fierce feuds among themselves, Maclan of Ardnamurchan slaying the whole race of John Mor of the Isles and Kintyre except one Alexander, son of John Cattanach, who in the end married his daughter. Donald had been a prisoner for thirty years when the encroachments of the Earl of Argyll became intolerable to the Islesmen. Having obtained a commission as Lieutenant, Argyll proceeded to expel the ancient pro- prietors and their vassals, to annul the charters even of recent years, and to grant the hereditary property of the Islesman to his own followers. In their time of trouble the thoughts of the Islesmen turned to Donald Dhu. A small force, led by the Maclans of Glencoe, broke into the dungeon on Inchconnel, freed the captive, and carried him safely to the castle of Torquil MacLeod in the Lews. The Islesmen then rose, burst into Badenoch with fire and sword, burned Inverness, and threatened the whole power of the Crown in the north. The entire military force of the Kingdom was called out, while a naval squadron under Sir Andrew Wood and Robert Barton was sent to reduce the castles of the Island Chiefs; but the rebellion was only put down when in 1506 James himself led an army into the North. The Earl of Huntly burned Torquil MacLeod’s castle of Stornoway, and Donald Dhu, who had so recently been freed from his life- long imprisonment, only escaped to Ireland to die soon afterwards. Alexander, Lord of the Isles and Earl of Ross, however, had left two natural sons. Of these the elder was Celestine of Lochalsh, and Celestine’s grandson, Donald Gallda, was the father of that Alexander of Lochalsh whose rebellion in 1493 brought about the final downfall of his uncle, John of the Isles. The Earl of Huntly was then exercising great power in the western Highlands and 240 THE MACDONALDS OF THE ISLES | } Hebrides, and as part of a scheme for counteracting this, his rival, the Earl of Moray, instigated Donald Gallda to. make a claim to the Lordship of the Isles. Huntly was in possession of the Lews, and Sir John Campbell of Cawdor, brother of the second Earl of Argyll, had obtained Islay, the chief ancient seat of the Lords of the Isles. Hoping they had found a leader against these invaders, MacLeod of the Lews and many of the gentry of the Isles joined Donald Gallda. The force was met at Ardnamurchan by Alexander, son of John Cattanach, above referred to, who at last saw a means of avenging the overthrow of his house upon his father-in-law, Maclan of Ardnamurchan. They came upon the latter at a place called the Silver Craig, and there Maclan and his three sons with a great number of his people were slain. Donald Gallda was thereupon declared MacDonald of the Isles, and, according to the extract of the family chronicle printed by Sir Walter Scott in the notes to his poem, all the men of the Isles yielded to him. Had he lived and had heirs he might have renewed the fortunes of his house, for in September of that year the battle of Flodden was fought, and the great nobles of Scotland had other things to do than attend to risings in the distant Isles of the West. But Donald Gallda lived only for seven or eight weeks after being declared Lord of the Isles, and died at Carnaborg in Mull without issue. The continuation of the line now fell to Hugh the second natural son, or a son perhaps by a handfast marriage, of Alexander of the Isles. His mother was a daughter of the last lay abbot of Applecross, and it was through her that Alexander of the Isles had acquired Lochalsh and Loch Carron. In 1495 Hugh obtained from his half-brother, John of the Isles, a charter conveying to him, with other jands, the district of Sleat in Skye, which remains the patrimony of his descendants to the present day. He was succeeded in turn by his two sons, John and Donald Balloch, the latter of whom was killed in 1506 by an illegitimate brother, Archibald. Donald Balloch’s grandson, Donald Gorm, laid claim to the lord- ship of the Isles, and in 1539, in support of his pretension, laid siege to Eilandonan, the seat of the MacKenzie chief, but was shot dead from the battlements. Donald Gorm’s great-grandson, still another Donald MacDonald, was in 1625 created a baronet of Nova Scotia by Charles I. His patent contained a special clause of precedency, declaring him to be second only to Gordon of Gordonstown, in _the order of Baronets. His son Sir James, the second THE MACDONALDS OF THE ISLES 241 yaronet, joined the Marquess of Montrose in his fast and urious campaign in favour of Charles I. in 1644. At the same time it cannot be forgotten that it was Alastair MacDonald, of the Earl of Antrim’s family, who enabled Montrose to begin his campaign, by bringing over 1,800 ‘tish troops. When Montrose was finally defeated at ?hiliphaugh, the Marquess of Argyll, then at the head of he Government, took the opportunity of dealing his old amily enemies a knockout blow, and sent a Covenanting army to destroy the MacDonald stronghold of Dunaverty ind massacre the garrison, numbering 300. _ Sir James MacDonald, notwithstanding the losses he iad suffered, sent a force to join the cause of Charles II. when that young monarch, six year later, marched into England to the battle of Worcester. _ The third baronet married Lady Mary Douglas, second daughter (and only child to leave issue) of the tenth Earl of Morton, and the fourth baronet, joining the Earl of Mar’s rebellion in 1715, was attainted. It was in the time of Sir Almond, the seventh Baronet, that the great rising of the Clans under Prince Charles Edward occurred. In this MacDonald of the Isles took no part, and at Culloden chose of the name were commanded by MacDonald of | Keppoch. On that occasion the MacDonalds considered | themselves affronted. According to tradition, for their valour at Bannockburn they had been granted the honour ilways to lead on the right of the Scottish army. At Culloden this was refused. As a result the clan did not join in the first charge, and its leader Keppoch fell, crying ‘‘ Have the children of my tribe forsaken me?” _ Sir James the eighth baronet was one of the greatest scholars and mathematicians of his time, and it was his brother, Sir Alexander MacDonald, who in 1776 was taised to the Irish peerage with the title of Baron Mac- Donald of Slate, County Antrim. The fact of the peerage deing Irish was probably accounted for in part by the circumstance that for several centuries Lord MacDonald’s ancestors had owned the Glinns in County Antrim, as well is their estates in the Hebrides. Lord MacDonald’s wife was the eldest daughter of Godfrey Bosville of Gunthwaite ‘n Yorkshire, and granddaughter maternally of Sir William Wentworth, Bart., of Bretton, from which fact the Lords MacDonald have since that time included Wentworth in their names. aa Lord MacDonald’s second son, Godfrey, a Major- General in the army, further assumed the name of Bosville, VOL. I. Q 242 THE MACDONALDS OF THE ISLES but dropped it when on his elder brother’s death he succeeded to the title as third Lord MacDonald. a A curious thing now seems to have happened. Godfrey, third Lord MacDonald, who was also eleventh baronet, married on 5th December, 1803, Louisa Maria de la Coast, a natural daughter of H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester, brother of George III., and had an eldest son, Alexander William Robert, born in the year 1800. This son assumed the name of Bosville by royal licence, pursuant to the will of his uncle, William Bosville of Thorpe and Gunthwaite, who made him his heir. On the assumption, however, it would appear, that there was a bar to his succeeding his father, the peerage was inherited by Lord MacDonald’s second son, Godfrey William Wentworth MacDonald, whose grandson, Ronald Archi- bald MacDonald, is the present and sixth baron. It was not until 1910 that the grandson of Alexander William Robert brought an action in the Court of Session. By decree of that court on 14th June it was declared that Alexander William Robert MacDonald had been the eldest son of Sir Godfrey MacDonald, third baron and eleventh baronet, and accordingly the richtful heir to the family honours. His grandson is now therefore Sir Alexander Wentworth MacDonald Bosville MacDonald, fourteenth baronet. In bringing his action he declared that he made no claim to the family peerage. He, however, is acknow- ledged to be MacDonald of the Isles. Such is the strange story of a great ancient race. On the Island of Finlagan in Islay are still to be seen the relics of barbaric state amid which the Lords of the Isles for centuries were installed with regal ceremonies, and ruled with regal power. That power has long since passed away, but the blood of Somerled still runs in the veins of these heirs of the great MacDonald name. SEPTS OF CLAN MACDONALD (CLAN DONALD, NORTH AND SOUTH) Beath Beaton Bethune Colson Connall Connell Darroch Donald Donaldson Donillson Donnellson Drain Galbraith Gilbride Gorrie Gowan Gowrie Hawthorn Hewison Houstoun Howison Hughson Hutcheonson Hutcheson Hutchinson Isles Kean Kelly Kinnell MacBeth MacBheath MacCaishe MacCash MacCodrum MacConnell MacCooish MacCuag MacCuithein MacDaniell MacKachran MacHlfrish MacGorrie MacGoun MacGown MacHutchen Maclan Maciltiach Macilrevie Macilwraith MacKellachie MacKelloch MacLairish MacLardy MacLaverty MacMurchie MacMurdoch MacQuistan MacRaith MacRory MacRurie MacShannachan MacsSporran MacWhannell May Murchison Murdoson Purcell Reoch Rorison Sorley Train THE MACDONALDS OF THE ISLES Hutchison Johnson Kellie Keene Mac A’ Challies MacBeath MacBride MacCall MacCeallaich MacColl MacCook MacCrain MacCuish MacCutcheon Macdrain MacEachern MacElheran MacGorry MacGowan MacHugh - MacHutcheon Macilreach Macilleriach Macilvride MacKean MacKellai Mackinnell MaclLardie MacLarty MacLeverty MacMurdo MacO’Shannaig MacQuisten MacRorie MacRuer MacRury MacSorley MacSwan Martin Murchie Murdoch O’Drain O’Shannachan O’Shannaig Revie Riach Shannon Sporran Whannell 243 THE MACDONALDS OF CLANRANALD BADGE: Fraoch gorm (erica vulgaris) common heath. SLOGAN : Dh’aindheoin co theiraidh e, In spite of all opposition. PisrocH: Failte Clann Raonuil, and the Cruinneachadh, or Gathering, composed during the rising of 1715. WHEN on 25th July, 1745, Prince Charles Edward Stewart, on board the Doutelle, French sloop of war, containing all his arms and treasure, stood in from the westward towards the mainland of Scotland, it was for the country of Clanranald that he directly set his course. Already, at South Uist, which was one of the island possessions of the chief, he had interviewed Macdonald of Boisdale, the young Chief’s uncle, and had proposed to him to engage in his cause not only Clanranald himself, who was known to be greatly guided by Boisdale’s experience and sagacity, but also MacLeod of MacLeod and Sir Alexander Mac- Donald of the Isles. Boisdale had assured him that, seeing he had not been able to bring with him the French troops, arms, and money which the Scottish Jacobites had Stipulated for, it was absolutely certain that neither Sir Alexander MacDonald nor the Laird of MacLeod would take arms, and that he was himself determined to advise his nephew Clanranald also to remain quiet. Charles, however, undeterred by what had been told him, steered in for Arisaig, to interview the young chief of Clanranald himself. He had sound reason in his own mind for doing this. Thirty years earlier, in the Jacobite rising under the Earl of Mar, the young Captain of Clanranald of that time had been one of the most noted figures, and had sealed his loyalty to the Stewart cause with his life at the battle of Sheriffmuir. Nor, as the event proved, was Charles now mistaken in directing his appeal. Entering the bay of Loch nan Uamh, between Moidart and Arisaig, in the very heart of the Clanranald country, he apprised the young Chief of his arrival, and the latter at once came on board, accompanied by his relative, MacDonald of Kinlochmoidart and one or two others. Clanranald met — the Prince’s appeal with the same objections as his uncle had used, and if he had remained firm, there seems every reason to believe that Charles would have accepted his answer as conclusive, and would have retired from his great adventure. Thus, one of the most romantic and 244 MAC DONALD OF CLAN RANALD Facing page 244. MACDONALDS OF CLANRANALD 245 tragic episodes of Scottish history would never have taken place. But, as the Prince pressed his argument, a young brother of Kinlochmoidart, standing by, began to under- ‘stand before whom he stood, and to show signs of ‘impatience at the attitude taken by his Chief and his brother. Charles, noticing this agitation, turned it to striking use. Suddenly addressing the young Highlander he exclaimed, ‘‘ You at least, will not forsake me.’ ‘ I,” said the young Highlander, grasping his sword, “I will follow you to the death, were there no other to strike a blow in your cause.’’ His enthusiasm fired the Chief, who thereupon declared that, since the Prince was determined, he would no longer withstand his pleasure. Charles then landed, and was conducted to the House of Borodale, one of Clanranald’s followers, and the great enterprise was begun which was to leave such a mark on the memories, character, and poetry of Scotland. Clanranald could at that time put between 700 and 800 men into the field, and his country was perhaps the best suited of any in Scotland for the beginning of so wild and desperate an undertaking as that of the Jacobite Prince. It has been called the Highlands of the High- jands, and its wild mountain fastnesses were believed by its inhabitants to be utterly inaccessible to any Lowland forces till, after Culloden, much to the clansmen’s surprise, they were actually penetrated by the red soldiers of the Butcher Duke of Cumberland. Here, on the south shore of Loch-moidart itself, rose on a peninsula which becomes an island at high water, the stronghold of Castle Tirim, which for ages had been the seat of the Clanranald Chiefs ; and perhaps nowhere were the old traditions of devotion to the head of the clan more strongly held than among these wild mountains and along the shores of these sternly beautiful sea-lochs and islands of Clanranald’s country. While the part which Clanranald took in furthering the project of Prince Charles Edward formed the most notable and far-reaching event in the history of this branch of the great MacDonald clan, the MacDonalds of Clanranald of course claim a common share with the MacDonalds of the Isles and the MacDonalds of Glengarry in the early history of the great MacDonald race. Along with the houses of the Isles and of Glengarry they derive their descent from the mighty Somerled, King of the Isles in the twelfth century. From Donald, son of Somerled’s second son, Reginald, they take their common name of MacDonald, and from Donald’s grandson, Angus Og, they derived the right, by the part he took at the 246 MACDONALDS OF CLANRANALD battle of Bannockburn, of occupying the place of honour ~ on the right of the Scottish armies in the hour of battle. They share also the memories of descent through Angus Og’s son, John, first Lord of the Isles; but, while the MacDonalds of the Isles are descended from John’s second wife, Margaret, daughter of King Robert II., the families of Clanranald and Glengarry descend from Ranald, third son of the Lord of the Isles by his first wife, Amie Macruarie, heiress of the line of Roderick, second son of © Reginald of the Isles above referred to, whom John, Lord of the Isles, married about the year 1337. In the attempt made in 1491, by Alexander of Lochalsh, nephew of John, fourth and last Lord of the Isles, to recover the rich Earldom of Ross for his family—an attempt which brought about the final ruin of his house— Clanranald of Garmoran played a part, and along with the other clans engaged, took Inverness, ravaged the Black Isle and Strathconan, and were cut to pieces by the Mac- kenzies at the battle of Blair na Park. But Clanranald seems to have come out of the strife little harmed. Follow- ing the downfall of the Lord of the Isles which followed, Clanranald seems to have risen to importance, so as, about 1530, to be acknowledged Chief of the name. This may have come about by the action of the old Tanist law, which entailed succession, not upon the eldest son, but — upon the eldest able male of a house, an arrangement eminently useful in days when the succession of a minor laid a clan or a kingdom open to all the distresses of attack and plunder by unscrupulous neighbours. Almost immediately upon attaining this climax in its fortunes the house of Clanranald itself afforded an example ~ of the evils of a minority, and the advantages of a succes- sion upon Tanist principles. Dougal, who became Chief in 1513, the year of the battle of Flodden, proved himself highly unacceptable to the chief men of the clan, who, goaded at length by some of his acts of oppression and cruelty, rose against him and put him to death. At the same time they excluded his children from the chiefship, and by common consent declared Alastair, his brother, to be head of the clan. Alastair died in 1530, whereupon John Moidartach of Eilean Tirim, his natural son, who was afterward legitimised, showed sufficient address to have himself recognised as Chief by the elders of the clan, and to secure a title to the estates. The sons of Dougal were still too young to dispute the chiefship, but Alastair’s father, Alan Macruarie, Chief of Clanranald from 1481 to 1509, had been married a second time, to a daughter of MACDONALDS OF CLANRANALD 247 Lord Lovat, and an only son by that marriage had been brought up by the Fraser chief. This son Ranald, known as Gallda or the Foreigner from the circumstances of his upbringing, at first also made no attempt to dispute the chiefship. But John Moidartach was of a restless dis- position, able and daring, and his ambitious enterprises by and by brought him into collision with the Government ‘of the country. In 1540 he was thrown into prison by James V., and upon this happening, the Frasers took the opportunity to seize the chiefship and estates of Clanranald for their own kinsman, Ranald Gallda. Gallda, however, had that worst of all faults in the eyes of a Highlander: he was mean in disposition, and though he had secured a revocation in his own favour, of the titles which had been granted to John Moidartach, the clansmen would not acknowledge him as their chief. Matters came toa climax early in 1544, when John Moidar- tach was released from prison. He returned to Arisaig, and was received with great rejoicings by the clan, while Ranald Gallda was compelled to flee, and seek refuge with his mother’s people, the Frasers. By way of avenging the injury which had been done him in his absence, John Moidartach gathered a force consisting of his own men, with the MacDonalds of Keppoch and the Camerons, and, marching northward, carried fire and sword into the Fraser country as well as into Glen Urquhart and Glen Moriston. So great was the disturbance that the Earl of Huntly, the King’s Lieutenant in the north, found it necessary to take action, and with a strong force, including the Frasers, the Grants, and the Macintoshes, marched against Clanranald. The latter retired before the King’s Lieutenant, who, without fighting a battle, replaced Ranald Gallda in possession of Moidart. He then set about to return. In Glen Spean his forces divided, Lord Lovat with 400 men, accompanied by Ranald Gallda, marching northward along the shores of Loch- lochy. As Lovat reached the head _ of Lochlochy, however, he suddenly saw the forces of John Moidartach descending upon him on the front and flank in seven columns with pipes playing and banners flying. A desperate struggle at once began. It was a blazing day in July. In their eagerness the combatants cast their clothes, and from this circumstance the encounter is known as Blar na leine, the Battle of the Shirts. The slaughter was terrible on both sides, among those who fell being Lord Lovat himself, his eldest son, and the unlucky Ranald Gallda, while of the victorious side it is said there 248 MACDONALDS OF CLANRANALD were only eight survivors and on the side of the vanquished only four. As a result, John Moidartach was firmly established as Chief of Clanranald, the Earl of Huntly taking no further action in the matter. Moidartach was an extraordinary man, and many traditions of his deeds were handed down among the western clans. In the year after the battle of Blar na leine, when Mary Quen of Scots was three years old, and Henry VIII. of E1gland was prosecuting his rough wooing of her for his son, afterwards Edward VI., by means of fire and sword on the Border and the expedition of the Earl of Lennox to the Western Isles, John Moidartach was one of the Council of the Isles which empowered two commissioners to treat with the English King. For their parts in this transaction, the Captain of Clan Cameron and Ranald MacDonald of Keppoch, both of whom had taken part at the battle of Blar na leine, were seized and beheaded, but John Moidartach obtained a pardon in 1548. In the end John Moidartach managed to transmit the chiefship to his own son, and as an evidence of his greatness the clansmen for generations preserved his skull with reverent regard in the chapel of Ionain Island. In the matter of feuds and raids the MacDonalds of Clanranald were evidently no better than their neighbours. In an Act of Parliament of 1 594, in which a list is given of ** Wickit thevis and lymmaris ”’ guilty of ‘* barbarous cruelties and daylie heirschippis,’”? the name of the clan appears along with those of Clan Chattan, Clan Cameron, and others. Eight years later, in 1602, in two Acts of Parliament, MacRanald appears among those ordered to help the Queen of England in her Irish wars, and to practise their weapons regularly at Weaponschaws. Clanranald, however, was also noted for the more enlightened interests of its chiefs. The family was famous for retaining among its followers a race of bards and sennachies. This family, the MacVuirichs, held a good farm on condition of preserving the history of the clan and the compositions of the great poets of the Gael. As early as the battle of Harlaw in I4II one of their poets, Lachlan, poured forth, to animate the clan, a most stirring composition, remarkable for its energy and amazing alliteration. In the latter part of the eighteenth century, Neil MacVourich, the bard and sennachy of Clanranald, reckoned his descent through eighteen unbroken genera- tions. Neil was entirely ignorant of English, but treasured the possession of two collections of Gaelic writings known respectively as the Red Book, and the MACDONALDS OF CLANRANALD 249 Black Book of Clanranald. When in 1760 James ' MacPherson, the translator of Ossian, was searching the Highlands for the remains of Gaelic poetry, one of these books was lent him by command of Clanranald, and was made much use of in the production of the translation. To the present hour the dispute remains unsettled as to who is the supreme Chief of the name of MacDonald. In the case of each of the three great claimants there are conflicting circumstances to be taken into account. The day has gone by when the rival claimants to such an honour felt impelled to prosecute their claim of precedence with all the powers of the law and the sword. It is possible, in view of the debate which took place lately in the columns of a well-known West Highland newspaper on the question as to whether the last Lord of the Isles was actually forfeited by James IV., that the question may come again to be of some living and real consequence. Meanwhile, it is interesting to know how the three chiefs —of the Isles, Glengarry, and Clanranald—have agreed to keep their differences in amicable abeyance. After Sir Alexander Bosville MacDonald, Bart., of the Isles, had proved before the Court of Session his right to that title and chiefship, a document was drawn out which is likely to remain unique, and which may be reproduced with interest here. This runs as follows: ‘““TO THE WHOLE KIN AND NAME OF CLAN DONALD. ‘‘ We, the undersigned, Angus Roderick MacDonald, otherwise Mac Mhic Ailein, Chief and Captain of Clan Ranald, Aeneas Ranald M’Donell, otherwise Mac Mhic Alasdair, of Glengarry, and Sir Alexander Wentworth MacDonald Bosville MacDonald, otherwise MacDhonuill na’n Eilean, of Sleat, Knight Baronet, desire to certify and make known by these present letters to the whole kin and name of Clan Donald, and to all others whom it may concern, that, after full consideration of the matters after-mentioned and of the whole writs, evidents, and other testimony now available, we have come to the conclusions following, videlicet : fr IRST : ‘* That following upon the forfeiture and death of John Lord of the Isles and Earl of Ross, and the death without issue in 1545 of his grandson, Donald Dubh, the various branches of Clan Donald, of which the Lord of the Isles was supreme and undisputed Chief, separated from and became independent of one another. 250 MACDONALDS OF CLANRANALD “* SECOND : ‘‘ That although claims to the supreme Chiefship of the whole Clan Donald have been maintained by our predecessors, and are still maintained by ourselves, there is no evidence that the whole Clan has ever admitted or decided in favour of any of the said claims. HIRD: ‘‘ That owing to the change of circumstances and the dispersion throughout the world of so many of the kin of Clan Donald, it is now impossible for the Clan to give any decision cn the matter. \ ROURTEH: ‘‘ That as a result of these conflicting claims to the supreme Chiefship there have been in the past great jealousy and dissension among the different branches of the Clan, and in particular among our houses of Clan Ranald, Glengarry, and Sleat, whereby great injury and prejudice have been suffered by our whole race and kin. ** "THEREFORE : ‘" With the view of, so far as in us lies, putting an end to such jealousy and dissension, and enabling the whole kin of Clan Donald to join unreservedly in all under- takings that may tend to the honour and advantage of our name. ‘“ We, as the Chiefs of our several houses, have agreed and hereby agree as follows, videlicet : rims ts ‘* While no one of us in any way abandons his claim to the supreme Chiefship of the whole race of Clan Donald as justly belonging to him by virtue of his descent, We all and each of us agree to cease from active assertion of our Claims, and we call upon our respective houses and all depending thereon to loyally follow and uphold us in so doing. “‘ SECOND : ‘In the event of more than one of us being present on any occasion, and the question of pre-eminence and precedency within the Clan having to be considered, such pre-eminence and precedency shall be peremptorily decided for the occasion by lot without prejudice to the permanent position and claim of any of us. THIRD > ‘’ In order to remove from controversy a matter which has for long given rise to dispute, We, the Chiefs of the houses of Glengarry and Clan Ranald, do not purpose hereafter to object to the use by Me, the Chief of the MACDONALDS OF CLANRANALD 251 House of Sleat, of the designation ‘ n’an Eilean,’ or ‘ Of the Isles,’ not because we, the Chiefs of the said houses ef Clan Ranald and Glengarry, admit that I, the Chief of the said house of Sleat, am the nearest and lawful heir male of the said John Lord of the Isles and Earl of Ross, but solely in respect of the fact that the said designation has by custom come to be generally associated with my said house of Sleat. ‘‘ IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have signed, sealed, and delivered these presents in quadruplicate on the dates marked by us respectively under our Signatures, and before the witnesses subscribing. (Signed) Signed, Sealed, and delivered by Sleat before and in presence of ALEXANDER MACDONALD Godfrey Middleton Bosville OF THE ISLES, MacDonald, B.A., Oxon., SLEAT, his Son, Thorpe Hall, Signed at Thorpe Hall, Bridlington. Bridlington, Celia Violet Bosville Mac- this fifteenth day of July, rg11. Donald, Spinster, his daughter, Thorpe Hall, Bridlington. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered ANGUS R. MACDONALD, by Clanranald before and in CLANRANALD, the presence of Signed at Bordeaux, this Ranald D. G. MacDonald (of twenty-ninth day of June, Ig1I. Sanda), 39 Cours du xxx Juillet, Bordeaux. Mary Louisa MacDonald, wife of the above. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered by Glengarry before and in ZENEAS RANALD M’DONELL, the presence of GLENGARRY, Stair C. Agnew, Barristet-at- Signed at Tuapsé, South Russia, Law, 4 Paper Buildings, this tenth day of September, Temple, London. 1gII. John C. Montgomerie, Jun., Dalmore, Stair, Ayrshire. SEPTs OF CLAN MACDONALD OF CLANRANALD Allan Allanson Currie MacAllan MacBurie MacEachin MacGeachie MacGeachin Maclsaac MacKeachan Mackechnie MacKeochan MacKessock MacKichan MacKissock MacMutrrich MacVarish MacVurrich MacVurie THE MACDONALDS OF GLENCOE — BADGE: Fraoch gorm (erica vulgaris) common heath. PispRocH : Mort Ghlinne Comhann. ONE of the wildest and grandest of the glens of Scotland, and at the same time, by reason of its tragic memories, one of the best known, is that which runs westward from the south shore of Loch Leven into the heart of the highest mountains of Argyll. The stream which brawls through its lonely recesses remains famous in Ossianic poetry under the name of Cona, and high in the face of one of its mountain precipices is to be seen the opening of a cavern said by tradition to have been a retreat of the poet Ossian himself. In the twelfth century, along with the Isles and a vast extent of the western mainland of Scot- -land, Glencoe appears to have been a possession of the great Somerled, Lord of the Isles, from whom it seems to have passed, along with the northern mainland possessions of the great lordship, to his eldest son, Dugal, ancestor of the MacDougals of Lorne and Argyll. In the Wars of Succession at the beginning of the fourteenth century the two great houses descended from Somerled’s sons took opposite sides. While the MacDougals took the side of Baliol and Comyn, the MacDonalds, descended from Somerled’s second son, Reginald, took the side of Bruce, and Angus Og, Reginald’s great-grandson, having dis- tinguished himself with his clan at Bannockburn, paved the way for his family’s rise again to the position of chief consequence in the West of Scotland. As an immediate reward, Angus Og is said to have obtained from Bruce’s grandson, King Robert II., the lands of Morvern, Ardnamurchan, and Lochaber, forfeited by the. Mac- Dougals for the part they had taken against Bruce, While Angus Og’s eldest son, John, succeeded as Lord of the Isles, a younger son, Iain Fraoch, appears to have settled in Glencoe, to which he further secured the right by marrying a daughter of a certain Dugal MacEanreug. From Iain Fraoch this sept of the MacDonalds took its common name of the Maclans of Glencoe, and from the fact that one of its chiefs after the fashion of those early 252 MAC DONALD OF GLENCO Facing page 252. 5 THE MACDONALDS OF GLENCOE 253 times, was fostered by a family in Lochaber, it frequently received the appellation of Abarach. The race is not to be confused with that of Maclain of Ardnamurchan, which claimed descent from Iain Sprangaech, a son, not of Angus Og, but of his father, Angus Mor. While the heads of the great house of MacDonald, the four successive Lords of the Isles, themselves, by their successive marriages and revolts engaged in undertakings which again and again threatened the stability of the Scottish throne itself, the chieftains of the lesser tribes of the name, like Maclain of Glencoe and Maclain of Ardna- murchan, showed a disposition to engage in lawless war- like undertakings which were only less dangerous because indulged in on a smaller scale. In the days of James VI. Maclain of Ardnamurchan bade open defiance to the powers of law and order, and, bréaking out into actual piracy, be- came a terror to much of the west coast of Scotland. The story is told of him that on his plundering excursions, which took him up the narrow waters of Loch Linnhe, he followed the device of painting one side of his galley white and the other black, so that those who noticed him sailing up the loch to plunder and burn should not recog- nise him and waylay him as he sailed down the loch again with his spoils on board. Though the Maclans of Glencoe disavowed any con- nexion with these piratical expeditions of their kinsmen, it is to be feared their own record was not less open to question. As time went on, and the virile house of Campbell rose more and more into power at the expense of their older rivals the MacDonalds, these Maclans of Glencoe played their own part in that struggle of Monta- gues and Capulets. The struggle came to a height in the seventeenth century, when the Campbells at last felt themselves strong enough to deal their MacDonald rivals a knockout blow. In the time of the civil wars of Charles I., when that King’s general, the Marquess of Montrose, had been defeated at Philiphaugh, and the Marquess of Argyll, Chief of the Campbells, found himself at the head of the government of Scotland and in possession of des- potic power, the latter seized the opportunity to send the armies of the Covenant to demolish the last strongholds of the MacDonalds and MacDougals, burning the forts of the latter at Gylen and Dunnollie near Oban, and massacring the garrison of three hundred MacDonalds in their Castle of Dunavertie at the south end of Kintyre. In these events may be found the reason for the raids made by the MacDonalds of Glencoe during the half 254 THE MACDONALDS OF GLENCOE century which followed into the lands of their Campbell. enemies which lay to the westward. For geographical reasons the lands which suffered most from these incur- sions were those of the younger branch of the Argyll family, the Campbells of Glenurchy, whose head in the days of Charles II. became Earl of Breadalbane and Holland. On one occasion, while a marriage feast was going on at Glenurchy’s stronghold of Finlarig on Loch Tay, word was suddenly brought that the MacDonalds were driving the cattle of the Campbells out of the glen, and the wedding guests almost instantly found themselves engaged in a bloody affray with the invaders. Again, on their way home from playing a victorious part under King James’s general, Viscount Dundee, at the battle of Killie- crankie, the MacDonalds of Glencoe seized the oppor- tunity to sweep Glenlyon of its whole cattle and valuables, and left Robert Campbell of Glenlyon, Breadalbane’s henchman, absolutely a ruined man, : This feud and these events were the immediate reason for the occurrence which remains the most outstanding event in the history of the M‘Ilan MacDonalds, and is remembered in history as the Massacre of Glencoe. The importance which that massacre has assumed on the his- toric page is altogether out of proportion to the actual size of the occurrence and to the number of those who lost their lives on the occasion. As a matter of fact, only thirty- eight of the MacDonalds were actually slain, and, though others may have perished among the snowdrifts in the high glens through which they tried to escape, the total is far less than that of those who fell in scores of old clan onsets and surprises, and cannot of course be compared with other massacres of clans obnoxious to the Campbells, like those of the 300 MacDonalds at Dunaverty and the 200 Lamonts at Dunoon. The circumstances of the case have given an outstanding interest and notoriety to the Massacre of Glencoe—the treachery which was used, the individuals who were concerned, and the matchless moun- tain theatre in which the tragic drama was set. Not a little of the notoriety of the event is also owed to the fact that it has been singled out for special description by such masters of the literary art as Sir Walter Scott and Lord Macaulay. The event is too well known to call for minute descrip- tion here. The prime mover in the undertaking, as has already been suggested, was obviously Campbell of Glenurchy, Earl of Breadalbane, and he had a ready tool to his hand in the person of Robert Campbell of Glenlyon, +Sz osed Sule GaLdaoov AG LON GINOD AUNIVNOVIS SIH LIVHL MONYAAOL) AHL Ad GAWAOANI SVM AOONATL) AO NVIOVI LVHL MOCNIM UOOTM-LSUld LNVISIG AHL Ad LIT Wood AHL NI SVM LJ WVITIIM-LUYO1 “ASQOH S.MONUAAOD HHL THE MACDONALDS OF GLENCOE 255 who, as we have seen, had motives of his own for seeking reprisals on the MacDonalds. The days were over when it was safe for a Highland chief like Breadalbane to muster his clan openly and fall upon and destroy an obnoxious neighbour by force of arms on his own authority. Breadalbane was astute enough so to manage affairs that in the attack upon the MacDonalds of Glencoe he should be acting with Government authority and ostensibly in the interest of law and order. In the hands of the cunning old fox of Loch Tay-side the other and higher individuals to whom a stigma is attached for their part in directing and authorising the massacre—King William IJ, and II]. and Sir John Dalrymple first Earl of Stair—were little more than pawns in the game. After the dispersal of Dundee’s forces following the fall of King James’s general at Killiecrankie, it was repre- sented to King William’s Government as desirable that the chiefs of clans should be required to swear allegiance to the new Government, and it was arranged that if they laid down their arms and took the oath before 1st January, 1692, they should receive an indemnity for all previous offences. Breadalbane was the intermediary, and he took care to manage matters very astutely in his own interest. In the previous July, this noble had been trusted with the task of arranging matters with the Jacobite Highland Chiefs, and when they met him at his castle of Achalader, Glencoe, who was of a stately and venerable presence, and whose courage and sagacity gave him much influence with his neighbouring chieftains, is said to have taxed Breadal- bane with the design of retaining for his own use part of the money which Government had placed in his hands for securing the good will of the chiefs. The Earl had retorted by charging Glencoe with the theft of cattle from his lands, and, in the altercation, old feuds were recalled and an evil spirit was excited which promised ill for the weaker party. Maclain was repeatedly heard to say that he feared mischief from no man so much as from Breadal- bane. Breadalbane as a matter of fact seems to have taken pains to direct the special attention of the Master of Stair, as Secretary of State, to the MacDonalds of Glencoe as the most suitable clan of whom to make a terrifying example to the Highlands. In a letter of 3rd December, the Secretary intimated the intention of Govern- ment to destroy utterly some of the clans in order to terrify the others, and expressed the hope that the MacDonalds of Glencoe would afford the opportunity of action against them by refusing to take the oath, 256 THE MACDONALDS OF GLENCOE Unfortunately Maclain was foolish enough to allow the days of grace almost to run out before taking the oath. Then, when he went to do so at Fort William, he was — startled to find that Colonel Hill, the Governor there, not being a civil officer, had no power to accept it. It was necessary to go to Inveraray and take the oath there before the Sheriff of Argyll. The roads were almost impassable with snowdrifts, and, though the unhappy chieftain put forth his best efforts, the first of January was past before he reached Inveraray. The Sheriff was Sir Colin Campbell of Ardkinglas. In the circumstances, seeing that Glencoe had really tendered the oath in time, though to the wrong officer, he administered the oath and informed the Privy Council of the special circumstances. Maclain returned home believing that all was right, but as a matter of fact his doom was sealed. Already in advance a war- rant had been procured from King William for military execution against him, The Sheriff’s letter was never produced before the Privy Council, and the certificate of Maclain’s having taken the oath was blotted out from the record. It seems probable that the fact of the Chief’s submission was never brought to the King’s knowledge. Events then moved relentlessly forward. Before the end of January a detachment of Argyll’s regiment under Campbell of Glenlyon entered Glencoe. On Maclain’s © sons with a body of clansmen meeting them and demand- - ing their errand, Glenlyon replied that they, came as friends to take quarters in the glen in order to relieve the overcrowded garrison at Fort William. They were accordingly hospitably received, and entertained for fifteen days by the unsuspecting chief and his people. On 12th December the order came to put to the sword every MacDonald in the glen under 70 years of age, to close all avenues of escape, and to take a special care that ‘‘ the old fox and his cubs ’”’ should be put to death. As if to fill the cup of treachery Glenlyon continued to enjoy the hospitality of the unsuspecting clansmen. He took his morning draught as usual that day at the house of one of the sons of the chief, Alastair MacDonald, who was married to his niece. He and two of his officers accepted an invitation to dine next day with Maclain him- self ; and he sat late that night in his own quarters playing cards with the chief’s sons. He even reassured these young men, who had come to him alarmed at finding the sentries doubled and the soldiers preparing their arms, by telling them he was about to set out against some of Glengarry’s men, and he ended ‘‘If anything evil had ‘9Sc osed Surry SO INLD) ‘PIT ‘Suos Baym *M °010Yd ‘ 4 + ‘ : { 5 ee 1 4 4 € THE MACDONALDS OF GLENCOE — 257 been intended would I not have told Alastair and my niece.’ At four o’clock in the morning a single shot rang out, and the bloody work began. Lindsay, one of the officers who had promised to dine with the chief, came with a party to Maclain’s door and knocked for admittance, and as Glencoe was getting out of bed and giving orders for refreshments to be provided for his visitors, they shot him dead. His aged wife was then stripped and ill- treated, the savage soldiery even tearing the gold rings from her fingers with their teeth, so that she died next day. While this was being done the chief’s two sons were roused from bed by an old domestic, who bade then fly for their lives. ‘‘Is it a time to sleep,’’ he said, ‘‘ when your father is murdered on his own hearth?’’ As they came out the shrieks and musket shots on every hand confirmed the warning, and, taking to flight, the young men, by their perfect knowledge of the spot, managed to escape by the southern exit from the glen. Their example was followed by most of the other inhabitants, and as Major Duncanson, Glenlyon’s superior officer, had been hindered by the snows from closing the outlets of Glencoe, most of them escaped. Many scenes of blood, however, were brutally enacted. A certain Captain Drummond in particular distinguished himself by his brutality, ordering a young lad of twenty who had been spared by the soldiers to be instantly shot, and himself with his dirk stabbing a boy of six as he clung to Glenlyon’s knees, begging for mercy. At one house a party of soldiers fired on a group of nine MacDonalds sitting round their morning fire and killed four of them. The owner of the house, who was unhurt, asked to be allowed to die in the open air. Barbe, the sergeant in command of the party, answered, ‘* For your bread which I have eaten I will grant the request,’’ and MacDonald was allowed to come out. He was, how- ever, an active man, and as the soldiers were taking aim he threw his plaid over their faces and vanished. The clan then numbered about two hundred fighting men. Of these more than 160 escaped, and, with their wives and children, made their way through the deep snows for twelve miles to a place of safety. But their homes were utterly burned, and their means of subsistence, some twelve hundred head of cattle and horses, and a large number of sheep and goats, were driven off to Fort William for the use of the garrison. It was three years before enquiry was made by Govern- ment into the dastardly business. The report of the VOL. I. R 258 THE MACDONALDS OF GLENCOE Royal Commission then appointed fixed the whole blame upon the Master of Stair. Though his sole punishment seemed to be that he was driven for a time from public life, it was said when he died in 1707 that his end had come by his own hand. In the tradition of the Highlands the massacre was thought to have entailed a curse upon the house of Glenlyon. In a later campaign the head of that house was in command of a firing party appointed to carry Out the execution of a soldier. It was arranged that the proceedings should be carried up to the firing point, and that only then the man should be reprieved. The signal for the soldiers to fire was to be the waving of a white handkerchief by Glenlyon. When the moment arrived the officer put his hand into his pocket to produce the reprieve, but unluckily brought the handkerchief with it. This was taken for the concerted signal, the soldiers fired and the man fell dead. At that Glenlyon is said to have struck his brow with his hand, exclaiming, ‘‘ The curse of God and Glenlyon is here. I am an unfortunate ruined man! ”’ and he forthwith retired from the service. Incidents of the massacre are told even yet in the neighbourhood. Towards the middle of the eighteenth century it is said an old soldier arrived at the inn at Port Appin, and by the other guests was regarded with lower- ing looks. Something he said excited their suspicion, and he was asked if he had ever been in the neighbour- hood before. He admitted that he had, and on being pressed confessed he had been one of the soldiers who took part in the massacre of Glencoe. Dirks were drawn and blood seemed likely to be shed, when he told his tale. {n the dark of the fateful morning, he said, he had been following his officer along the hillside, when a woman was seen behind a boulder a little way off, trying to hide a child. The officer bade him see to it, and kill the child if it happened to be a boy. It was a boy, but before the mother’s tears and prayers he had not the heart to obey his order. At the same time he was bound to show blood on his sword, and as a dog passed at the moment he plunged his weapon through it. A few minutes later, on his officer asking him whether he had slain the child, he held up his reddened blade and exclaimed, ‘‘ Ask that! ”’ As the soldier told the story the innkeeper’s face had grown white. ‘“‘If you were that red-coat I was that boy,’’ he cried, ‘‘ and there will be a place for you at the fireside of the Inn of Appin as long as you live.” Another romantic sequel of the Massacre is narrated by Sir Walter Scott. When, during the Rising of 1745 THE MACDONALDS OF GLENCOE 259 the Highland army was approaching Edinburgh it was feared that the Glencoe men might seek to revenge them- selves by burning the house of Newliston, seat of Lord Stair, whose ancestor had been the chief mover in that crime, and it was arranged that a guard should be posted to protect the place. MacDonald of Glencoe heard of the resolution, and, deeming his honour involved, demanded that the guard should be supplied by the men of his own clan. The Prince agreed, and so it came about that ‘‘ the MacDonalds guarded from the slightest injury the house of the cruel and crafty statesman who had devised and directed the massacre of their ancestors,” By reason of its memories and its magnificence, Glencoe is visited by thousands of pilgrims every year, and in many a spot above the sunny little clachan of Invercoe are still to be seen the ruins of the houses associ- ated with the tragedy of that terrible February morning in 1692. In the early part of last century, however, the lands were left by Ewan MacDonald, the chief of the time, to his daughter, and towards the end of the century, Glencoe was acquired by the great Canadian statesman who took from it part of his title as Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal. SEPTS OF CLAN MACDONALD OF GLENCOE Henderson Johnson Kean Keene MacHenry Maclan MacKean THE NORTHUMBERLAND PRESS LIMITED THORNTON STREET, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE ; | hy i? i) or : ie} eh | WG RUC AT Raat Pah tear cue aA lasyt MR pico Ge Lio Maher UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA IIIA 3 0112 070550576 ae pred ili +i ‘\ Medic i i ith weseee aes bk vey i uh! ath IA) tae See eo P y ¥ Fe ti Sell Novag a ny Ite « Diy Ree s aR i Si Tes tase the Pave aay ra ane I ie ahaa ie \ i oe AMEE seb “elas eee elon dek conor ANN: a9 a x : ry eto ees y : we i's ™ inehihibs ad it a Hast gee thks * HH ay i ¥ sie ; * feet fae. 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