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The Great Diffusion of Education in Germany. — Secta-
rianism has been no insurmountable Obstacle. — General
View of the Parochial and Local Character of the German
Educational Systems - - - - Page 1
OA .Ly:
Prussian Education. — The Political Division of the Country.
— The Local Magistrates, — Their Duties with regard to
the Schools and Teachers . - . 31
Prussian Education. — The Laws obliging each Parent to
educate his Children. — The Laws obliging the Village to
provide sufficient School Room, etc. for their children. —
The Laws relating to the Education, etc. of Children
employed in the Factories. —The Laws obliging the
Towns to provide sufficient Schools, etc. for their Chil-
dren. — The Laws obliging Great landed Proprietors to
educate all the Children on their Estates - 42
GHAP. “Vi;
Prussian Education. — The Prussian Teachers. — Their
social Position. — Their Education before entering into
the Normal Colleges. — The College entrance Examin-
ations. — The Education of the Teachers in the Colleges.
— The Examination of the Teachers for Diplomas. —
Their Election to Schools. — Their Independence of local
Interference when elected. — Their Relation to the Inspec-
tors. — The Salaries of the ‘Teachers. — Their Amount.
— How and by whom provided. —The Teachers’ Con-
ferences. — Provision for superannuated Teachers, and for
the Widows and Orphans of deceased Teachers. — The
Teachers’ Journals and Reading Societies - Page 81
Prussian Education. — The Teachers’ Colleges. — The
Weissenfels Normal College - - . 125
Prussian Education. — The System of public Inspection of
the Schools - - - - - 180
Prussian Education. — The Parochial Schools. — Their In-
ternal Management. — The Systems of Instruction pur-
sued in them.— The Subjects of Instruction. — The
Statistics of Prussian Education.— Comparison of these
Statistics with those of other Countries. — Deduction
from them with respect to England - - 198
The Education of the Poor in Saxony. — The Laws obliging
the Parents to educate their Children. — The Way by
which all the Parishes are supplied with Schools, Teachers,
and Apparatus. — The Character of the School Buildings.
— The Sunday Schools. — The Training and Education
of the Teachers. — The Social Situation of the Teachers.
— The Excellent System of Classification in the Town-
Schools. — The Method and Subjects of Instruction in
Saxon Schools. —The Teachers’ College at Dresden. —
The Statistics of Education in Saxony - Page 243
The Education of the Poor in Bavaria, Wirtemberg, and the
Grand Duchy of Baden. — The worst School in Munich.
— Statistics of Bavarian Education. — A Town Street in
the Morning at Wirtemberg. — The Teachers’ Colleges in
Wirtemberg. — The Industrial Classes in the Duchy of
Baden. — The School Buildings in the Duchy of Baden.
— The Statistics of Education in the Duchy of Baden. —
The Teachers’ Conferences ; - - 287
Education of the Poor in the Austrian Empire - 314
Education of the People in Switzerland. — When the Can-
tons began to educate all the Children. — The Laws oblig-
ing Parents to educate their Children.— The Normal
Colleges. — Education in them gratuitous. — The Manual
Labour in the Swiss Colleges. — Its Objects and Effects.
— Vohrli’s Opinion. — The Results of Vehrli’s Teaching.
— The Bernese Normal College. — Vehrli’s College. —
Vehrli. — His Opinions on the Education of Teachers. —
His Farm.— His Model School. —The Agricultural
Schools of Switzerland. — Their Effects on Agriculture.
— Vehrli’s Opinions onthe Effects of Education in Swit-
zerland.— Sir James P. Kay Shuttleworth’s Account of
Vehrli’s College. — The Education in the Parish Schools.
— The System of Inspection in Switzerland. — The Pro-
gress of Education in the different Cantons. — The Edu-
cation of the Girls in the Roman Catholic Cantons
Page 345
Education of the Poor in France, Holland, Hanover, Den-
mark, Sweden, and Norway - - - 403
The present State of primary Education in England and
Wales. — The Committee of Council on Education. —
How we might provide sufficient Means for the Education
of the People - - - - - 459
I PURPOSE now to give a simple statement of the really
wonderful efforts which Germany, Austria, Switzer-
land, France, Holland, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden
are making to educate their people. Whether the
methods, by which any of these different countries are
carrying out their great design, are in any way applica-
ble to this country or not, I shall not stop to consider,
my desire being merely to show how different coun-
tries, — with different degrees of political freedom, with
different political constitutions, whose people profess
different religious tenets, where Protestants of different
sects, Roman Catholics, and Jews are mingled up in
every kind of proportion, — have all managed to over-
come difficulties precisely similar to those, which stand
in our way, and have all agreed to labour together to
educate their poor. For it is a great fact, however
much we may be inclined to doubt it, that through-
out Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria, Bohemia, Wirtemburg,
Baden, Hesse Darmstadt, Hesse Cassel, Gotha, Nassau,
Hanover, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway, and the
Austrian Empire, ALL the children are actually, at this
present time, attending school, and are receiving a
careful religious, moral, and intellectual education, from
highly educated and efficient teachers. Over the vast
tract of country, which I have mentioned, as well as in
Holland and the greater part of France, ad/ the children
above six years of age are daily acquiring useful know-
ledge and good habits under the influence of moral,
religious, and learned teachers. ALL the youth of the
greater part of these countries, below the age of twenty-
one years, can read, write and cipher, and know the
Bible History, and the history of their own country.
No children are left idle and dirty in the streets of the
towns — there is no class of children to be compared, in
any respect, to the children who frequent our “ ragged
schools ” —all the children, even of the poorest parents,
are, in a great part of these countries, in dress, appear-
ance, cleanliness, and manners, as polished and civilised
as the children of our middle classes — the children of
the poor in Germany are so civilised that the rich often
send their children to the schools intended for the poor ;
and, lastly, in a great part of Germany and Switzer-
land, the children of the poor are receiving a better
education than that given in England to the children
of the greater part of our middle classes! These facts
deserve to be well considered.
And let it be remembered that these great results
have been attained, notwithstanding obstacles at least as
great, as those which make it so difficult for us to act.
Are they religious differences which hinder us? Look
at Austria, Bavaria, and the Prussian Rhine provinces,
and the Swiss cantons of Lucerne and Soleure. Will
any one say, that the religious difficulties in those coun-
tries are less than those, which exist in our own? Is
Roman Catholicism in these countries free from that
arrogance and haughtiness, which are, at the same time,
the causes and effects of a vain belief in human in-
fallibility, and which stimulate opposition, instead of
conciliating opinion? Is the sectarianism of the Jesuits
of Lucerne, or of the priests of Bavaria, of a more
yielding character towards the Protestant “ heretics,”
than that of one Protestant party in England towards
another? And yet, in each of these countries, the
difficulties arising from religious differences have been
overcome, and ad/ their children are brought under the
influence of a religious education, without any religious
party having been offended. But are they political
causes, which prevent us proceeding in this great work,
in which nearly all Europe has so long preceded us, not-
withstanding that we need it more than all the European
nations put together? Are they political causes, I ask ?
I answer by again referring my readers to the coun-
tries I have enumerated. Under the democratic govern-
ments of the Swiss cantons, where it is the people, who
rule and legislate; under the constitutional govern-
ments of Saxony, Wirtemburg, and Baden, which were
framed more or less upon the English model, and where
B 2
the people have long had a direct influence upon the
government; under the constitutional governments of
France and Holland, and under all the different grades
of absolute rule which existed, but a few months since,
in Prussia, the German dukedoms and the Austrian
states, the difficulties of the question have long been
overcome, and with such entire satisfaction to all
parties, that among the present representatives of the
people, no member has ever been heard to express a
desire for the change of the laws which relate to pri-
mary education.
But once again; perhaps there are some who say —
but there is no country which is troubled, as we are,
by the union of both religious and political difficulties.
I again refer my readers to the cases of Holland and
Switzerland. They will find in these countries the
same strong love of independence of action, which we
boast so proudly and so justly. They will find also, not
only strong religious feuds existing among the Pro-
testants themselves, and pushed to the most shameful
extremities, as in the case of the canton of Vaud, from
which one religious party has lately been driven ag
exiles, but they will find the still more formidable differ-
ences of the Protestants and Catholics arrayed against
each other, and seemingly preventing all union on any
subject whatsoever; and yet, in all these various coun-
tries, differing as they do in the state of their religious
parties, and of their political regulations, in all of them,
I say, have all parties consented to join on this one
great and important question —THE EDUCATION OF
The only reason, why we have not done as much is,
that we have hitherto wanted the deep interest, which
they have now taken, for so long a time, in the pro-
motion of this question, as well as a due appreciation
of the benefits to be derived from the undertaking.
When peace was once again established in Europe in
1815, the governments I have enumerated, began to
feel that the condition-of-the-people question was one
of vital importance, and that there was no time to lose.
Recognising this truth in all its magnitude, they all
resolved to educate the children, knowing that this
must be the commencement of their work, however
much more they might find necessary to its perfection.
“It was this consciousness and this resolution, that car-
ried them triumphantly through all difficulties to the
attainment of their object. And did we only feel half
the interest in this great subject, which we have shown
in the improvement of our internal communication, or
in the extension of our empire in foreign lands, we
should long ere this have outstripped our neighbours.
Once let Englishmen comprehend the importance and
necessity of any undertaking, and nothing can hinder
its accomplishment. In material creations we effect, in
a single month, what would cost our neighbours years
of efforts. But alas! the education of the people is not
one of those labours, in which we can hope, as in mate-
rial enterprises, to speedily correct, by our national
activity, the sad effects of a long-deferred commence-
ment. It is a labour of years, and its effects are future
and not immediate. It is like sowing the acorns from
which the oak forest is to grow. The planter must not
hope to reap the benefits of his labour. That is re-
served for his posterity or successors. A mere atiend-
ance at school is not sufficient for the creation of a
useful citizen, when the scholar’s home is an immoral
one, and exerts an influence for evil, greater and more
powerful, than the good influence of the teacher’s pre-
cepts and example. The homes must be improved,
before the schools will produce any very good results ;
and the reformation of the domestic life of a people is
a work of years. Hence the still greater necessity of
beginning our labours with as little delay as possible.
All this generation can hope to see from extended
education and extended religious influences, is the slow
and gradual improvement of the homes, and the lessen-
tng of the corrupting influences now at work upon the
poor. But, if we could only remove the poor children
of the towns from their present demoralising life in the
streets, and from the daily spectacles of immorality
there exposed continually to view—if we could only
effect this, we should have made a great step towards
reformation. I have always believed that the life of
our town children was an explanation quite sufficient,
independently of all others, to account for the length
of our criminal records, and the character of the poorer
classes in our towns. The difference between an
English and a German town in this respect is most
remarkable; no one can believe it till he has seen it
for himself. In England, my readers know what spec-
tacle presents itself: crowds of little children in a filthy
state, free from superintendence, without occupation,
often actually locked out of home, while the parents are
absent, are left in all the dirt, subject to all the evil
influences, and witnesses of all the demoralising scenes,
which are too generally the necessary appurtenances of
a town street. Let any one spend a day or two of
observation in the back streets of London, or of any of
our great towns, and he may perceive, that the life of
crowds of poor children is passed altogether in the
streetsyentirely free from all surveillance. The com-
panions they find in their earliest years are of the most
degraded character ; their pastimes, even from the age of
seven, are, many of them, of the foulest and lewdest
description; filthy and disgusting practices, and pro-
miscuous intercourse, are common to nearly all of
them: they are never accustomed to cleanliness, they
are seldom washed; they are, from childhood, habitu-
ated to dirt, bestiality, and vice; and, with such a
training as this, the young children in our towns grow
up to manhood, with abominable habits, with no re-
ligious knowledge, with a long-engendered craving for
the stimulants of vice, and with the coarseness of bar-
barians. This is the English picture: now look upon
the German. All children are obliged to be in the
school-room, or school-playground, in company with
their teacher, during six hours of every week-day ; they
are obliged to present themselves in a perfectly clean
state; this prevents them from indulging in the filthy
and degrading amusements, which become the natural
pastimes of a child, who is accustomed to a street life
from its infancy; their parents are subject to punish-
ment, if the children are not sent to the schools in a
decent state; and, as some time is necessarily taken in
B 4
eating their meals, and in preparing for the morning or
afternoon classes, the consequence is, that no children
are to be found playing in the streets, excepting in the
evening hours, and are to be then found amusing them-
selves in a much more innocent, decent, and cleanly
manner than in the back alleys of our own towns. This
alone is sufficient to account for much of that difference,
which exists between the moral and social states-of the
German and the English town labourers, and for the
striking fact, that all the living criminals of Germany
are at this moment lodged in prisons at home, and that
the German governments are able to dispense altogether
with the punishment of transportation. Where, I
would ask, should we find room for all our transported
conyicts were we to bring them back from their distant
lands of exile ?
I can give a traveller, who is desirous of comprehend-
ing at one short view the workings of the German and
Swiss systems of popular education, no better advice,
than to direct him to notice the state of the streets in
any German or Swiss town, which he happens to visit:
no matter where it be, whether on the plains of Prussia
or Bavaria, on the banks of the Rhine, in the small
towns of the Black Forest, or in the mountainous
cantons of Alpine Switzerland —no matter where —let
him only walk through the streets of such a town in
the morning or the afternoon, and count the number of
children to be found there above the age of four or
five—or let him stand in the same streets, when the
children are going to or returning from the schools —
and let him examine their cleanly appearance, the good
eS ee
quality, the excellent condition, and the cleanliness of
their clothing, the condition of the lesson books they
are carrying, the happiness and cheerfulness, and, at
the same time, the politeness and ease of their man-
ners; he will think he sees the children of the rich:
but let him follow them home, and he will find that
many of them are the offspring of the poorest artisans
and labourers of the town. If that one spectacle does
not convince him of the magnitude of the educational
efforts of Germany, and of the happy results which
they are producing —let him go no further, for nothing
he can further see will teach him. Let him then
come home, and rejoice in the condition of our poor;
but, should he start at this extraordinary spectacle,
as I have seen English travellers do, to whom I have
pointed out this sign of advanced and advancing civi-
lisation, let him reflect, that this has been effected, spite
of all the obstacles which impede ourselves. Bigotry
and ignorance have cried their loudest: Romanists
have refused co-operation with Protestants, Protestants
with Romanists, and yet they have co-operated. There
has been the same strong jealousy of all government
interference, the same undefined and ill-digested love
of liberty, there has been the same selfish fear of re-
tarding the developement of physical resources. In
Bavaria, the war has been waged between Romanists
and Protestants; in Argovie, opposition has been raised
by the manufacturers; in Lucerne, by the religious
parties, and by the political opponents of the govern-
ment; and in Baden, the difficulties have been aggra-
vated by the numbers of Jews, whom both Romanists
and Protestants hated to receive into alliance, even
more than they disliked to co-operate among them-
selves. But in all these countries the great principle
has finally triumphed ; and all parties have yielded some
little of their claims, in the full conviction, that a day is
dawning upon Europe, fraught with the most over-
whelming evils for that country which has not prepared
for its approach.
The man must be a wild enthusiast in the cause of
education, who can imagine, that we have done all when
we have built our schools and educated our teachers ;
but what must he be, who can hope that until this be
done, we can effect any thing for the removal of those
evils and dangers with which our social state is threat-
ened? Between the years 1835 and 1846, the country
expended 57,254,541/., besides the immense outlay of
private charity, in the temporary relief of pauperism,
and we are now throwing into the same gradually
widening lagune more than 5,000,000/. per annum,
whilst we do not expend on the improvement of the
notoriously deficient materials for the education of our
poor more than 200,000/. per annum! In Prussia, the
tables are strangely turned. She has within the last
twenty-five years, spent many millions on the perfection
of her schools, and of the materials necessary for the
education of her people; while the funds necessary for
the relief of pauperism have continued so small, as not
to require any additional forced tax like our poor rates.
What she requires for this purpose is obtained by
parochial collections from those who are able to con-
tribute. But here, in manufacturing England, 5,000,0000.
per annum, besides the immense contributions of pri-
vate charity, for the relief of a steadily increasing
pauperism, and 100,000/. per annum and private con-
tributions amounting annually to not more than another
100,000/. for increasing the deficient materials neces-
sary for the education of the people, is the epitome of
the social question; while the accumulation of multi-
tudes of poor is going on each year with increasing
rapidity, and while even now greater masses of intelli-
gent and uneducated operatives are crowded in our
towns, than the world has ever before seen assembled
But there are some, who say, that if our means of
direct education are worse, yet that our means of in-
direct education are better, than those of other coun-
tries, and that if our people have not schools and good
teachers, they have long had a free press, the right of
assembling together for political discussion, plenty of
cheap and very liberal journals, good reports of all the
debates of our Houses of Legislature, and a literature
free in its spirit, suggestive in its writings, and anything
but one-sided in its views of political and social ques-
tions, and that all this serves to stimulate the intel-
lectual energies of the people. As far as regards the
middle classes, this is all very true; but, as regards the
poor, it is ridiculously false. Most of our poor are
either wholly without education, or else possess so little
as to be entirely out of the sphere of such influences,
as those | have enumerated. What good can one of
our boorish peasants gain from cheap literature, free
parliamentary debates, free discussion, and liberal jour-
B 6
nals? What advantage is it to a starving man that
there is bread in the baker’s shop, if he has not where-
with to buy? What good is cheap literature and free
discussion to a poor peasant who can neither read nor
think? He starves in the midst of plenty, and starves
too with a curse upon his lips.
It is utterly false to argue that the peasants would
provide themselves with schools and education, if edu-
cation would improve their condition in society. We
can never hope to see the peasants supply themselves
with schools. They never have done so in any country,
they never will do so in ourown. Such a step implies
in them a great prior development of the intellectual
and moral faculties; a development which can only
be obtained by means of education. The peasants
are neither wise enough, nor rich enough, to erect
or support schools for themselves, and should govern-
ment refuse either to do it for them, or to oblige all
classes to assist the poor to accomplish this great work,
we may rest assured that another century will see no
further advances than we have made at present — our
schools for the most part totally unfitted for their pur-
pose, and our teachers the most ignorant, il-paid, and
least respected set of men in the community. Other
countries have long since recognised these truths, and
acted upon them.
Whilst in England we have been devoting most of
our energies to the increase of our national wealth, the
Germans and Swiss have been engaged in the noble un-
dertaking of attempting to raise the character and social
position of their poorer classes. To effect this, they have
not vainly imagined that schools alone were sufficient,
but to the accomplishment of this great end, every social
institution and every social regulation has been rendered
subservient. They began, it is true, by raising schools,
and educating teachers; but they have continued this
great work by reforming their prisons and criminal
codes ; by facilitating the transfer and division of their
lands; by simplifying their legal processes; by re-
forming their ecclesiastical establishments ; by entirely
changing the medieval and illiberal constitutions of
their universities and public schools; by improving the
facilities of internal communication; and, lastly, by
opening the highest and most honourable offices of the
state to all worthy aspirants, no matter of how low an
Nor have their labours in the cause of social reform
diminished, as there was seemingly less immediate need
for them. On the contrary,.to a traveller in these
countries, who has not acquainted himself with all that
has been going on there for the last thirty years, they
would seem to be only now commencing, so vigorous
and universal are the efforts which are at this moment
being made.
Although IL hope I shall not be understood to main-
tain that school instruction alone, and unaided by any
other reforming principle, is able to raise our peasantry
to that satisfactory condition, which it is confessed they
occupy in Holland, Norway, and in many parts of Ger-
many and Switzerland, yet sure I am, that without
schools, teachers, and an early education, this never
has, and never can be attained.
It is doubtless true, that the social polity of a country
should be so ordered, that the whole life of any of its
members should be a progressive and continued religious,
moral, and intellectual education; but it is no less cer-
tain that this great work, if it is ever to have a com-
mencement, must begin at home, and be continued, in
the case of the peasant, in the village school, under the
superintendence of the religious minister and village
teacher, or it can never be accomplished at all. True
it is, that at first the evil influence of the home will be
stronger than the good one of the teacher and the school.
But still, if he understand the conduct of his important
work, he will know how to awaken those principles
which, it may be, lie dormant, but which nevertheless
exist in every child’s mind, and which, if once aroused,
would be certain in some degree to mitigate the evil
influences of home. Thus might we hope, that the
cottage firesides of the next generation, would prove
less injurious than those of the present, to the children,
who will cluster around them, and that the school
would have an auxiliary, and not an antagonist, in the
powerful, though now, alas! too often misdirected in-
fluences of home. It is only, when we have attained
this happy result, that we can hope to realise the full
benefits, which education is capable of conferring, and
which, in other lands, it is at this day conferring upon
the people.
So long as the early domestic training is in direct op-
position to the education of the schools, so long must the
improvement in education be very slow; but, however
slow, it is the only sure means we have of counteracting
the effects of a vicious domestic training, and of cleansing
the very fount of immorality. The labourer is oc-
cupied from twilight on to twilight, and the religious
ministers have but few opportunities of bringing higher
influences to bear upon him. ‘Those, too, who most
need improvement, are generally the most unwilling to
receive it; and those whose homes act most injuriously
on the younger inmates, are precisely those, who oppose
most strenuously the entry of the religious minister,
and who are most rarely brought under any ennobling
influence whatever. Thus it often happens, that the
only way, by which we can introduce reform into a
home, is through the children ; for, most happily, there
is among the poor such a great idea of the benefits to
be derived from education, that it very rarely happens,
that the parent cannot be persuaded to send his child
to school, when he is enabled to do so.
But there are some who maintain, that eight hours’
association with the good and enlightened teacher on
the Sunday, and in the Sunday school, are quite suf-
ficient to counteract the bad influences of the immoral
home to which the child has, perhaps, been exposed
through the whole week !—that eight hours of religious
exercises on Sunday can obviate the effects of the one
hundred hours of immoral association of the past six
days! This ignorance is even more fatal, than it is
ridiculous; how little would those who profess such
opinions like to submit their own children to such an
ordeal. How contrary is their practice to their pro-
fession! Who would expect to save his child from
vice, if he turned him out into the streets during week-
days, and only gave him instruction and_ religious
education on the Sunday? and yet this pittance of
education is thought more than enough for the poor.
If we would raise the character of our labourers, we
must reverse this order of things.
It is delightful to see how thoroughly this truth has
been recognised in Western Europe. rom the shores
of the Baltic and the North Sea to the foot of the great
Alpine range, and from the Rhine to the Danube, all
the children of both rich and poor are receiving daily
instruction, under the surveillance of their religious
ministers, from long and most carefully educated
teachers. Throughout the plains of Prussia, Bohemia,
and Bavaria, among the hills and woods of Saxony and
central Germany, in the forests and rich undulating
lands of Wirtemburg and Baden, in the deep and
secluded Alpine valleys of Switzerland and the Tyrol,
in most of the provinces of the Austrian empire,
throughout Holland, Denmark, and almost the whole
of France, and even in the plains of Italian Lombardy,
there is scarcely a single parish, which does not possess
its school-house and its one or two teachers. The school-
buildings are often built in really an extravagant
manner; and in Switzerland and South Germany, the
village school is generally the finest erection of the
neighbourhood. In the towns the expenditure on these
monuments of a nation’s progress is still more remark-
able. Here the municipal authorities generally prefer
to unite several schools for the sake of forming one
complete one. This is generally erected on the follow-
ing plan: — A large house is built of three or four
stories in height, with commodious play-yards behind.
The one or two upper stories are used as apartments
for the teachers; the lower rooms are set apart for
the different classes. A town school has generally from
eight to ten, and sometimes twelve or fourteen, of these
class-rooms, each of which is capable of containing
from 80 to 100 children. An educated teacher is ap-
pointed to manage each class, so that there is generally
a staff of at least eight teachers connected with each
town school of Germany, and I have seen schools with
as many as twelve and fourteen teachers. The rooms
are filled with desks, maps, and all the apparatus which
the teachers can require for the purposes of instruction.
I generally noticed, on entering a small German or
Swiss town, that next to the church, the finest building
was the one set apart for the education of the children.
It is impossible to estimate the enormous outlay,
which Germany has devoted to the erection and im-
provement of school-houses alone, during the last fif-
teen years. In the towns, hardly any of the old and
inefficient buildings now remain, except where they
have been ‘improved and enlarged. In Munich, I di-
rected my conductor to lead me to the worst school
buildings in the city, and I found all the class-rooms
measuring fourteen feet high by about twenty-five
square, and ten of such class-rooms in each school-
house, each of which rooms was under the constant
direction of an educated teacher. In whatever town I
happened to be staying, I always sought out the worst,
in preference to the best schools. In Berlin the worst
I could find contained four class-rooms, each eight feet
in height, and about fifteen feet square; and in the
Grand Duchy of Baden I found that the Chambers
had passed a law prohibiting any school-house being
built, the rooms of which were not fourteen feet high.
Throughout Germany no expense seems to have
been spared to improve the materials of popular in-
This could never have been effected had not the ex-
penses of such an immense undertaking been equally
distributed over all the parishes of the different states.
The burden being thus divided amongst all, is not felt
by any; but had the government started in the vain
hope of being able to*bear even a third of the expense,
popular education would have been no further advanced
in Germany than in England. But wiser, or more in-
terested in the real success of the undertaking than
ourselves, the governments of the different states have
obliged each province to provide for the expenses neces-
sary for its own primary education.
It is very strange, however, to hear the unfounded
and untrue aspersions, which are cast upon all these
noble efforts. When one speaks in England of Ger-
man education, one is sure to be assailed by cries of
“‘ Centralisation,” “ Irreligion,” “ No local liberty of ac-
tion,” “ No union between the schools and the churches,”
“* All done by the state,” and so forth. Now I assure
my readers that all these are only so many untruths, or
most unwarrantable exaggerations.
Of all these errors, the greatest perhaps is, the belief
that every thing connected with the education of the
people in Germany is done by the state, and that the
parochial affairs are managed by an exterior and distant
authority. Nothing can be a more utterly unfounded
supposition. It has not been so either in Prussia or in
any other German state, no matter how absolute the
government. The systems, so far from having been
systems of excessive centralisation, leaving no freedom
of action to the parishes, have been always and still are
essentially parochial systems, merely under the surveil-
lance, and subject to the check of the central authority.
It is the parishes and towns, which tax themselves for
educational purposes; it is the parishioners and citizens,
who elect their own teachers; it is the parishioners and
citizens, who pay their own teachers, and provide all the
materials for the education of their own poor; it is the
parishioners and citizens, who determine whether they
will have separate schools for their different religious
sects, or common schools for them all; it is the pa-
rishioners and citizens, who choose the sites of their
school-houses, and the outlay they will make on their
erection; and although they have not the power of dis-
missing a teacher after they have once elected him,
without first showing to government a sufficient ground
for such a step, yet they are afforded every facility of
forwarding any complaints they may have to make of
any teacher they have elected, to the educational au-
thorities appointed to judge such matters, and to protect
the teachers from the effects of mere personal animosities
or ignorance.
I have sometimes been almost inclined to doubt the
possibility of conveying any just idea of the present state
of education in Germany on account of the extraordinary
prejudices which exist in this country against the very
name of a German school. One hears people talking
about it, as if it were the prison of the village, where
the poor children are immured for six hours per diem
against their parents’ inclinations, and where mere in-
struction, entirely divested of all religion, is forced into
the scholars in true military fashion. It is said too,
that the inhabitants of the village have no control over
the school, and that the teacher is a man imposed upon
them by an arbitrary king. The school-house too, ac-
cording to these writers, is built by an architect sent
down from the metropolis, and after plans drawn out
by the minister’s own hand, and is looked upon by the
people as a gaol, where their children are drilled as
soldiers. Even Mr. Laing, liberal-minded and _philo-
sophical as he is, comes home, after inquiries made
in Berlin, tainted with these prejudices, and utters all
the common platitudes against this monstrosity of cen-
tralisation. Now let me ask, what does this centralisa-
tion mean? Let us look this terrible enigma in the
face. If my readers can once be taught, that it is in this
case a mere delusion of their own fancy’s creating, per-
haps I shall not labour against such disheartening odds,
in my efforts to give them an account of what German
education really is.
I ask them, then, to accompany me to a Prussian vil-
lage. It shall be one of those solitary collections of hamlets
found scattered at long intervals over the great central
plains of Prussia, and unconnected with any other vil-
lage or town, except by miles of long and sandy roads.
Imagine a plain stretching in every direction as far
as the eye can reach, as level as the sea in a calm,
without a solitary tree or hedge to break the dishearten-
ing distances —a vast prairie of the flattest and most
unbroken corn land, with four roads crossing it in dif-
ferent directions. Such is a true picture of a great part
of the country on the line of railroad leading from Mag-
deburg to Berlin.
In the middle of this plain is our village, surrounded
by a few trees, and by the kitchen gardens of the vil-
lagers. The houses are built of wood, and of a sort
of composition, which is whitewashed continually, for
stone or brick cannot sometimes be obtained in these
great sandy prairies. We enter into a long straight
street of houses nearly all built as I have described,
and whitewashed over. It is worth our while to look
through the windows and see the beautiful cleanliness
of the interiors. Every room looks as if it had been
whitewashed only yesterday; and the substantial ap-
pearance of the furniture, and, above all, the intel-
ligent and good-natured faces of its inmates, offer us
the best possible proof of the happy, intelligent, and
thriving condition of the Prussian peasantry.
But if we are still disposed to doubt, let us, before
going further, just take one turn into the village
gardens. Remember, these, as well as all the fields and
lands around, in most cases belong to the peasant in-
mates of the villages, round which the plain lies spread
out like a cultivated prairie. The tenants of the
Prussian cottages are generally their owners also.
Look how beautifully these gardens and the fields
around are cultivated. There are no weeds. There is
no rubbish. Every particle of soil is used. The clods
are finely broken, and the prairie seems to have been
all turned up and loosened by the spade. These small
allotments and the fields around them are the garden,
the kitchen garden of the village. If we visit these
allotments in the evening, when the peasants have left
their own corn fields, we shall find the men and women
all out, assisted by the children, and engaged in water-
ing and tending their little kitchen gardens, with all the
interest, with which our landed gentleman watches the
labours of his gardener. This fact of peasant proprietors
is the true secret of peasant nobility, and also of peasant
conservatism. The German peasants, who are also the
German landowners, have had until lately much less
political liberty than the English peasant, but they have
had property and intelligence, and have been conse-
quently much better satisfied with their condition in
life, and consequently truly conservative in their prin-
ciples. Look at the reverse of this in Ireland.
But to return to the village,—we find in one part
the Protestant church; in another, it may be a chapel
of the Romanist, and here the village school. Now we
are far enough from Berlin, and from that centre so
odious to Englishmen; but are we free from its tyranny?
This is the question, and this I shall now attempt to
First then, I own there is a representative of this
odious centre in this quiet village. One of the more
intelligent villagers has been chosen by the magistrates
of the bezirke or county, in which the village is situated,
to direct its civil affairs. He has been appointed by
these county magistrates to superintend the repair of the
roads, the collection of the taxes, and the direction of
the police, and he is empowered to interfere to a certain
extent in the educational affairs of the district. We
shall see presently how far. Suppose, that, at the period
of our visit to this oasis of the Prussian plains, for some
reason or other no school had been established, and that
the government inspector had just paid them a visit in
order to notify to them, that the laws require, that
parish, as every other, to provide itself with sufficient,
school-room for its children.
The inspector makes this notification to the village
magistrate of whom I have just spoken; this officer
immediately informs the villagers of the message he
has received, and requests the householders to elect three
or four from among themselves to attend a meeting or
committee, in which the best course to be taken in re-
spect to these educational matters will be considered.
This is accordingly done, and on the appointed day these
delegates, the religious ministers of the village, and the
village magistrate assemble together. As the law obliges
them to build school-rooms for their children, they have
only to consider how this is to be effected. According
to our English notions, it would be utterly impossible
for them ever to come to a decision, as the inhabitants
of our village consist, as I have said, of Romanists and
Protestants. But although the churches of each sect
are regularly filled with the poor, and although there is
every symptom, which would lead a traveller to say,
that the religion of the Prussian peasantry exercised a
powerful influence upon them, yet the different religious
parties in Prussia do find it possible to co-operate in
their efforts to improve the condition of their poor.
The first point then, which the village committee have to
decide, is, whether they shall have one school for both
religious parties, or a separate school for each. Perfect
liberty of choice on this subject is secured by law to
each different religious sect. All that the government
says, is, “ Vou (the different parishes) MUST provide suf-
ficient school-room for your children, but we leave it en-
tirely to your own choice how you will do this.” It is true
that the government encourages the erection of separate
schools, whenever this is possible, but it never attempts
to interfere, when any religious party of a parish wishes
to have a separate school, if it can only find sufficient
funds for the purpose. And if any one religious sect
should not happen to be represented in the committee,
still this party has the right of dissenting from the re-
solutions of the committee, should they be in favour of
a mixed school, and should the unrepresented sect be
willing to bear the expense of a separate school for
themselves alone. It is important to bear this fact in
mind, viz., that the question of mixed or separate schools
is, in Western Europe, left entirely to the decision of the
parishioners, and local religious ministers, and that it
consequently occasions no difficulty whatsoever. The
governments do not attempt to fetter the people’s right
to decide this point, and therefore no one is jealous of
the result of the parochial deliberations, as every re-
ligious party has the power of acting as it may desire.
When this point is decided, the village committee
chooses a site for a school, and decides on the amount
of the outlay, and on the plan of the school buildings.
The several determinations are then sent up to the
county magistrates for approval, which is given as a
matter of course, unless an unhealthy site or a positively
defective plan has been adopted, in which case, the reso-
lutions are sent down to be reconsidered, with recom-
mendations from the magistrates on the subject.
When these several matters have been arranged, the
village committee elects its own teachers, subject, how-
ever, to this limitation, — that no person can engage in
any branch of instruction, until he has obtained from
learned examiners, appointed by Government, a diploma
certifying, that his religious, moral, and intellectual
qualifications are such, as to render him worthy to
be entrusted with the exercise of a teacher’s duties.
Of the school and teacher, when thus constituted,
the parochial religious ministers of the different sects
educated in the school are ex officio inspectors. They
are required to send periodical reports of the state
and progress of the parochial education to the superior
county authorities. The schools are also inspected two
or three times a year by several government inspectors,
who are sent round on periodical visitations, to see that
all is conducted in an efficient and proper manner.
The village committee continues to meet at regular
intervals; and its members make periodical visits of
inspection to the school, and report to the county
magistrates. It is also the business of the committee
to provide the necessary school apparatus, and the funds
required for the necessary repairs ; and it is its especial
duty to protect and encourage the teacher. In this
manner are the villagers and village ministers imme-
diately connected with, and interested in, the progress
of the education of their own little neighbourhood.
Now, I would ask every candid man, supposing that
I have given you a true idea of the way in which
German parochial education is managed, can you see
any thing so very horrible in it? Is there really in all
this any great excess of contralisation? Is it true, that
the people have nothing to do with the management of
their own education? Is it not rather the people them-
selves who manage the schools ?
And yet, this is the system pursued, not only over
the Prussian plains, but in the forest villages of Cen-
tral Germany, Wirtemburg, and Baden, in the lovely
valleys of the Tyrol and Switzerland, in the Rhine
Provinces, among the hills of Saxony, and in the plains
of Bavaria.
It is this simple, religious, and parochial system which
has been abused and vilified in this country in every
possible manner. It has been called tyrannical, ili-
beral, irreligious, and has been stigmatised by every
opprobrious epithet that ignorance and bigotry could
invent. But truth in the end will conquer, and Ger-
many will one day be lauded by all Europe, as the
inventor of a system securing, in the best possible
manner, guidance by the greatest intelligence of the
country, the cheapest manner of working, the foster-
ing of local activity and of local sympathies, and the
cordial assistance of the religious ministers.
Disputes about separate or mixed schools are un-
heard of in Prussia, because every parish is left to
please itself which kind it will adopt. One of the lead-
ing Roman Catholic Counsellors of the Educational
Bureau in Berlin assured me, that they never expe-
rienced any difficulty on this point. ‘“ We always,” he
said, “ encourage separate schools when possible, as we
think religious instruction can be promoted better in
separate than in mixed schools; but, of course, we all
think it better to have mixed schools, than to have
no schools at all; and when we cannot have separate
schools we are rejoiced to see the religious sects uniting
in the support of a mixed one. When mixed schools
are decided on by the parochial committees, the teacher
is elected by the most numerous of the two sects ; or,
if two teachers are required, one is elected by one sect,
and the other by the other; and in this case each
conducts the religious education of the children of his
own sect. But when only one teacher is elected, the
children of those parents, who differ from him in reli-
gious belief, are permitted to be taken from the school
during the religious lessons, on condition that their pa-
rents make arrangements for their religious instruction
by their own ministers.”
I went to Prussia with the firm expectation, that I
should hear nothing but complaints from the peasants,
and that I should find the school nothing but a worthy
offshoot of an absolute government. To test whether
this really was the case or not, as well as to see some-
thing of the actual working of the system in the country
districts, J travelled alone through different parts of
the Rhine Provinces for four weeks before proceeding to
the capital. During the whole of my solitary rambles,
c 2
T put myself as much as possible into communication
with the peasants and with the teachers, for the purpose
of testing the actual state of feeling on this question.
Judge, then, of my surprise, when I assure my readers
that, although I conversed with many of the very
poorest of the people, and with both Romanists and
Protestants, and although I always endeavoured to
elicit expressions of discontent, I never once heard, in
any part of Prussia, one word spoken by any of the
peasants against the educational regulations. But on
the contrary, 1 every where received daily and hourly
proofs, of the most unequivocal character, of the satis-
faction and real pride with which a Prussian, however
poor he may be, looks upon the schools of his locality. *
Often and often have I been answered by the poor
labourers, when asking them whether they did not dis-
hike being obliged to educate their children, — “ Why
should 1? The schools are excellent; the teachers are
very learned and good men; and then think how much
good our children are gaining: they behave better at
* A remarkable proof of the truth of these remarks is, that since the
commencement of the German revolutions of 1848, the only change in
the educational regulations, which has been demanded by the people, is,
that they should be allowed to send their children to the parochial
schools free of all expense, and that the present small weekly pence re-
quired from the parents for the education of each child should be paid
out of the regular parochial schcol-rates. This has been conceded, and
the peasants themselves will now as rigorously enforce the compulsory
educational regulations, as the Swiss peasants enforce laws ut least as
stringent. In France, the republican party in the first assembly laid
before the assembly, immediately after the Revolution, the scheme of a
law to oblige every parent to send his children to school. The repub-
hicans of France desire such a law.
home, they make our families all the happier, and they
are much better able in after life to earn their own live-
hhood. No, no; we do not dislike the schools. We
know too well how much good our children are gain-
ing from them.” And one very poor man at Cologne
added, “you see, if we are not rich enough to pay the
school fees, or to give our children clothes decent
enough for the school-room, the town does this for us;
so really we have not the least reason to complain.” I
have heard this said over and over again in different
parts of Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria, Wirtemburg, and
Baden; and, indeed, I may add, that throughout Ger-
many, I never heard one single word of discontent
uttered against these truly liberal and Christian esta-
Every one of the richer classes, with whom [I con-
versed, corroborated the truth of all that the peasants
had told me. I particularly remember a very intelli-
gent teacher at Elberfeld saying to me, “I am quite
convinced that, if we had a political revolution to-
morrow, none of the peasants would think of wishing
to have any great alteration made in the laws which
relate to the schools.” Recent facts have proved the
truth of the assertion.
The laws now in force in Switzerland and America
show, that the freer the people are, the more stringent
will be the regulations affecting the education of their
Several travellers have fallen into the strangest
errors in their investigations on this subject, from having
confined their attention to the schools of the capitals, or
of one or two other large towns. Very few have seen
the working of the system in the villages and remote
provinces. But it is there only that a fair idea can be
formed of the effects it is producing, and of the manner
in which it is regarded by the people themselves.
Ir is now many years since the first regulations relating
to the education of the people were issued by the
Prussian government. The earliest extant dates from
1770; but along period elapsed ere these decrees of the
central power were productive of any great results.
Before the beginning of the present century, but little
was attempted, and, during the wars of Napoleon, all
the energies and all the resources of the nation were
devoted to a fierce struggle for existence, and to those
patriotic and really gigantic efforts, which were finally
crowned by his overthrow. It was only after the settle-
ment of Europe, in 1815, that any great progress began
to be made, towards the actual realisation of that end,
which they have now attained. It must not be thought,
however, that the following year saw the country sup-
plied with schools and educated teachers. Such a
result required, and will here in England require, many
years of labour.
Thousands of schools for the children, and many great
colleges for the education of teachers, had to be erected.
Teachers had to be trained; the whole system had to
be set in motion; so that a long time elapsed, ere it
c 4
could be said, as at present, “all the young children
in Prussia, between the ages of six and fourteen, are
actually attending daily schools; all the schools are
supplied with highly educated teachers, and with a
sufficiency of books and apparatus; every parish has its
school; adi the Prussian people below thirty years of
age are taught the great truths and doctrines of their
religion; ail of them can read, write, and sing; all of
them understand arithmetic; and most of them know
the history of their own country, and the geography of
the world.”
In order to understand the working of this system, it
is necessary to understand the political division of the
country. ‘T'o enable my readers to do this, I shall give
to the German divisions the names of such English
territorial divisions, as most nearly correspond to them,
so that it may be easier, hereafter, to recollect this
somewhat complicated subject.
Prussia, then, is divided into eight provinces, viz.,
Prussia, Posen, Pomerania, Brandenburg, Silesia, Saxony,
Westphalia, and Lower Rhine.
Each of these provinces is again subdivided into two
or three Regierungsbezirke or counties.
Each of these counties is again subdivided into Kreis,
or Unions of several parishes, and each of these Unions
(as I shall term them) into Gemeinde, or parishes.
In each of the towns, all the parishes are united to-
vether under a Burgomaster or Mayor, who is elected for
six years by the citizens, and who is assisted by a council
of persons, elected also by the different parishes in the
town. The number of the persons, composing these
councils, depends on the population of the towns over
which they preside. Of these municipal corporations I
shall have to speak more at large hereafter; for the
present it is only necessary to bear in mind, that, while
in the country it often happens, that each parish has a
separate and distinct civil organisation, this is not the
case in all the Prussian towns, for in most of these, all
the parishes are united together under one municipal
corporation elected by the citizens.
Each parish is presided over by a magistrate (Schulze),
who is elected from among the inhabitants of the parish,
and appointed by the county council, of which I shall
speak hereafter. I shall designate this parochial officer
the village magistrate. His duties are to superintend
all the civil concerns of his locality. He is the head of
the parochial police, takes care of the public roads, and
collects the taxes in his little department.
Each union (Kreis) or collection of parishes has also
its civil officer or union overseer (Landrath), who is in
reality the civil inspector of the county government.
He takes care that the subordinate officers perform
their civil functions, and conveys to them all the orders
of the county council.
This county council it is very important that my
readers should clearly understand, as it is through it
that the government acts upon the parochial and muni-
cipal schools.
In each county, then, there is a council of magis-
trates, appointed by the central government, and se-
lected invariably, I believe, from among the ablest men
of the county. They are salaried by the state, and
form the real local government. It is particularly ne-
cessary to take notice, that these representatives of the
central power are chosen from among the inhabitants
of their respective localities, so that they may be able
to understand the actual wants and sympathise with all
the different prejudices of their respective districts.
This county council (or Regierung, as it is termed) is
composed of four sections, one of which presides over
the police, another over the collection of the taxes,
another over the administration of justice, and another
over the primary schools. The council itself is under
the superintendence of one magistrate, who presides
over the four sections; and, in conjunction with these,
over all the municipal corporations and parochial au-
thorities in the county.
The section, whose duty it is to superintend the
county schools, is composed of a president, who is
termed Schulrath, and who is always selected from
among the members of that religious party, which in-
cludes the majority of the inhabitants of the county; of
two inferior counsellors, one acting as representative of
the Roman Catholic, and the other as representative of
the Protestant schools; of the president of the com-
mittee for the administration of justice, and of the pre-
sident of the committee for the collection of taxes, both
of which committees form, as I have before mentioned,
part of the Regierung or county court.
Now, it is by means of this educational committee,
thus composed, that the state directs the parochial and
municipal primary schools of the county.
This committee, formed of men who thoroughly un-
derstand the peculiar wants of their district, and who
are chosen from those inhabitants of the county who
have shown themselves most interested in the education
of the people, and by their intelligence most worthy of
being entrusted with such an office, are instructed to
assist the parochial committees with advice, to act for
them, if they refuse to act for themselves, and to check -
their operations, when these operations are manifestly
tending to unsatisfactory results.
Some such sort of intelligent surveillance and direc-
tion is always necessary, in order to secure the actual
realisation of parochial education.
There are always some districts in every country,
which are too ignorant of the importance of education,
or too careless, or too selfish, to put themselves to the
trouble and expense of supporting a sufficient number of
schools and teachers if they are not compelled to do so;
or which are too ignorant or prejudiced to act rightly,
without the aid and advice of some enlightened, dis-
interested, and impartial advisers. It is to remedy these
necessary and inherent evils of totally unrestrained
liberty of action, that the county councils are appointed.
It is their business to see, that every parish is supplied
with able teachers and good schools. ‘The parish can
act for itself if it will; but if it will not, the county
council is there to take care that the general interests
of the country do not suffer from parochial negligence.
Besides, even when a parish has provided itself with
schools and teachers, it is always necessary to have some
kind of constant intelligent surveillance; or else, owing
to the neglect of the parishioners, who are obliged to
devote most of their time and attention to their own
daily concerns, and who have consequently little time,
even when they have sufficient intelligence, to attend to
the school concerns, —the teacher, if he be not a very
conscientious man, would often become dispirited by
neglect, or careless from want of being inspected, or
would be thwarted in his labours by the ignorance or
unreasonable prejudice of the parishioners who live
around him. Now, the educational section is intended
to remedy both these evils. It watches over the pa-
rochial schools by means of its inspectors, and it me-
diates between the parishioners and teachers, when any
dispute arises between them. Of both these functions
I shall have to speak more hereafter, when I enter upon
the subject of the inspectors and the teachers. Suflice
it then, for the present, to repeat, that while the school
affairs are committed to the immediate management of
the parishioners, the government interferes with the
parochial action, through these educational committees,
to advise, to negative injudicious plans of proceeding,
and to supply the defects of local efforts. It takes care,
that schools are established, that they are established in
an efficient manner, and in healthy sites, and that their
efficiency is not afterwards allowed to lessen, but that it
shall be continually increased. In fine, the Prussian
government is the guardian, but not the sole director,
of the primary schools. ‘The educational section of the
county council, as I have said, has the surveillance of
the primary schools of the county, but not of the higher
schools, normal colleges, or gymnasia ; for these are placed
under the surveillance of the provincial authorities.
The Schulrath, or president of the educational section
in each county, corresponds directly with the Minister of
_ Instruction in Berlin, and with all the county inspectors’
of schools, who are all chosen from among the clergy.
He himself, also, makes his yearly tour of inspection in
his county, enters the schools without giving previous
notice of his visit, assists at the teacher’s lessons, and
makes his own separate report to the Minister of Public
Instruction. He is the representative of this latter high
functionary in the county, and by his immediate super-
vision, and by his direct connection with the central
government, stimulates, in an extraordinary degree, the
efforts of all the different localities and teachers of his
Above all the county courts in each province, is the
provincial president and provincial consistorium. The
president is for the province, what the landrath is for
the union. He is the chief officer of government in
the province, and conveys to the different county courts
the orders and regulations issued by the government
in Berlin. He receives all the reports of the county
courts, and communicates them to the Minister of the
Interior, and he presides over the provincial govern-
ment or consistorium. This consists of three parts. The
first, or Consistorium, properly so called, has the direc-
tion of ecclesiastical affairs. The second, or Schulcol-
legium, has the direction of the superior colleges and
of the Normal colleges. It is also before a committee
of this body, that the teachers are examined for diplo-
mas; it is from this committee that they receive their
diplomas or certificates of capability, without which
they are not allowed to teach in the schools; and it is
the schulcollegium also which must give its sanction
ere any book can be employed in the primary schools.
The members of this body are all laymen, chosen from
among the most learned men of the province by the
Minister of Education. It will be seen hereafter, that
the concurrence of the bishops is necessary to render
several of their acts valid, and especially the one re-
lating to the certificates of the teachers. All the direc-
tions relating to the interior management of the schools
and of the lesson plans, showing between what subjects.
and in what manner all the hours of the week devoted
to education are to be set apart, are also issued by this
The third section of the provincial consistorum, of
which I have not yet spoken, is the medicinal college,
and has the direction of all matters relating to the
public health.
The Minister of Education at Berlin, aided by a
council, superintends all these various local administra-
tions, and watches over the general working of all parts
of this great and admirably organised system of national
It must, however, be most carefully borne in mind,
that the actual administration is parochial and muni-
cipal. ‘The superior authorities only act as a check on,
and as guides to, this parochial action. It is not the
minister or the county councils, who actually manage
the parochial affairs. They only assist the parishes
with their advice, and check them, when about to take
any injudicious step.
The three great results, which the Prussian govern-
ment has laboured to ensure by this system of educa-
tion are —
1. To interest the different parishes and towns in the
progress of the education of the people, by committing
the management of the parochial schools to them, under
certain very simple restrictions;
2. To assist the parochial school-committees in each
county with the advice of the most able inhabitants of
the county; and, —
3. To gain the cordial cooperation of the ministers
of religion.
These results the government has gained, to the entire
and perfect satisfaction of all parties. The provincial
and county councils act as advisers of the parochial
committees. These latter are the actual directors of
parochial education; and the clergy not only occupy
places in these parochial committees, but are also the
ex officio inspectors of all the schools.
The system is liberally devised; and I am persuaded
that it is solely owing to its impartial, popular, and
religious character, that it has enlisted so strongly on
its side the feelings of the Prussian people.
I know there are many in our land who say, “ But
why have any system at all? Is it not better to leave
the education of the people to the exertions of public
charity and private benevolence?” Let the contrast
between the state of the education and social condition
of the poor in England and Germany be the answer.
In England it is well known that not one half of the
country is properly supplied with good schools, and that
many of those, which do exist, are under the direction
of very inefficient and sometimes of actually immoral
teachers. In Germany and Switzerland, every parish
is supplied with its school buildings, and each school
is directed by a teacher of high principles, and superior
education and intelligence. Such a splendid social in-
stitution has not existed without effecting magnificent
results, and the Germans and Swiss may now proudly
point to the character and condition of their peasantry.
So great have been the results of this system, that
it is now a well known fact, that, except in cases of
sickness, every child between the ages of six and ten
in the whole of Prussia, is receiving instruction from
highly educated teachers, under the surveillance of the
parochial ministers. And, if I except the manufactur-
ing districts, I may go still farther, and say, that every
child in Prussia, between the ages of six and fourteen,
is receiving daily instruction in its parochial school.
But even this assertion does not give any adequate idea
of the vastness of the educational machinery, which is
at work; for the Prussian government is encouraging
all the towns throughout the country to establish in-
fant schools for the children of parents who are forced,
from the peculiar nature of their labour, to absent
themselves from home during the greater part of the
day, and who would be otherwise obliged to leave their
infants without proper superintendence ; and, as all the
children in the manufacturing districts, who are engaged
in the weaving-rooms, are also obliged to attend even-
ing classes to the age of fourteen years, I may say,
with great truth, that nearly all the Prussian children
between the ages of four and fourteen are under the in-=
Jluence of a religious education. And let it not be sup-
posed that an arbitrary government has forced this
result from an unwilling people. On the contrary, as
I have said before, the peasants themselves have al-
ways been at least as anxious to obtain this education
for their children, as the government has been desirous
of granting it.
A proof of the satisfaction, with which the Prussian
people regard the educational regulations, is the un-
deniable fact, that all the materials and machinery
for instruction are being so constantly and so rapidly
improved over the whole country, and by the people
themselves. Wherever I travelled, I was astonished to
see the great improvement in all these several matters
that was going on. Every where I found new and
handsome school-houses springing up, old ones being
repaired, a most liberal supply of teachers and of ap-
paratus for the schools provided by the municipal
authorities, the greatest cleanliness, lofty and spacious
school-rooms, and excellent houses for the teachers; all
showing, that the importance of the work is fully appre-
ciated by the people, and that there is every desire on
their part to aid the government in carrying out this
yast undertaking.
THroucHout all Germany and Switzerland, every
parent, no matter what his station in life, whether
nobleman or pauper, is obliged, by law, to provide for
the education of his children, either by educating them
at home, in an efficient manner, or by sending them to
some school which is open to the government inspectors.
He may consult his own taste, whether he will send
them to a private tutor, private school, or public school.
In making this choice, he has entire and uncontrolled
liberty; but educated they must be. No German
or Swiss government will suffer a child to grow up to
manhood, without having passed through a most careful
religious, moral, and intellectual training.
Germany has long perceived this truth, that the
morality and social order of an uneducated people will
always be immeasurably below that of one, which has
been enlightened and civilised by a sound religious and
intellectual training. Hence the same laws on this
point have been for many years in force throughout
Germany, Switzerland, and the Austrian Empire. The
people themselves so perfectly well understand the ne-
cessity of enforcing this duty, that they would as soon
think of dispensing with all laws whatsoever, as of be-
ing freed from these reasonable and moral regulations.
“ Schulpflichtigkeit,” as they call this legal obligation
of educating the children, has, in truth, become an
integral part of their national moral codes; and. it is
very curious to observe, that the freer the people have
been, the more strenuously do they put in force this
law. In Austria it has, until lately, been observed
less than in any other German country; in Prussia,
where the enforcing of it has been entrusted, as I
shall presently show, in great measure to the people, it
has been much more rigorously observed ; in the states
of Wirtemburg and Baden, which have long enjoyed
political liberty, still more so; whilst in the democratic
states of Switzerland and North America, a very much
stricter observance of these laws has been required than
in any other part of the world.
It is very important to clearly understand the mean-
ing of this “ Schulpflichtigkeit,” as some very strange
prejudices have arisen from its being misapprehended.
Many persons imagine, that the German governments
oblige each parent to send his children to school ; that
they define to what school they must be sent; and that
they themselves organise the school, and regulate the
tone and spirit of the instruction given in it. Now
these three suppositions are and have been entirely un-
founded. It is not the government, but the particular
locality, whether it be town or village, which organises
the school and chooses the teacher; and when it is so
organised, and the teacher so selected, the law does not
say to the parent, you must send your child there. Far
otherwise. The German and Swiss governments have
always left to the parent the greatest possible liberty of
choice, as to the manner in which he will educate his
children ; they have only said, “ the happiness and social
prosperity of every country require, that all its members
should be, capable of thinking, intelligent, and, above all,
religious; he who does not educate his children is an
offender against his country, inasmuch as he lessens the
probability of its future prosperity and happiness ; there-
fore, such a person must be punished, that other careless
citizens may be deterred from following his example.”
Induced by such a train of simple reasoning as this, the
Prussian government, as well as all the governments of
Germany, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden, and America,
obliges every parent to educate his children. He may
send them to any school he pleases, in any part of the
country; he may have a private tutor at home if he
pleases; he may educate them himself; or the mother
may perform the office of the teacher. In all this
the government will not interfere. All that is de-
manded is, that as the country is immediately and es-
sentially interested in the right development of the
mind of each one of its citizens, the country should have
satisfactory proof, that the children of every parent are
being properly educated in one way or another. Surely
there is nothing so very unreasonable in all this. We
interfere with the parent’s right, so far as to say, he shall
not teach his children to steal, or to trespass on the
property of others, or to blaspheme. Why, then, should
it be so much worse to require, that he shall not allow
them to grow up in idleness, filth, and immorality, con-
temners of the laws both of God and man, and curses
to themselves and to all their neighbours ?
But we have an idea, that if a government does this,
it necessarily follows, that it must interfere with the
religious education of the children, and that it must de-
fine what religious education is to signify. But is this
so? Look at the governments of Germany, Switzerland,
Denmark, Sweden, and America. The Protestants,
Romanists, and Jews, in these countries, are each of
them satisfied with the guarantees, that the several go-
vernments have given them, that they will not interfere
with their religious education, and that they will leave
the surveillance of this, the most important part of edu-
cation, to the clergy of the different religious parties.
All this shows, that it is not zmposszble for religious
parties to work together on this great question, when
there is only an honest desire to advance the real in-
terests of the poor. If these three sects of Romanists,
Protestants, and Jews can really work together in
Germany, Bohemia, Austria, Switzerland, Holland,
Denmark, and France; is it not disgraceful that we
Protestants, differing from one another as we do merely
on points of so much less significance, than those which
separate Romanists, Protestants, and Jews from one
another, —is it not disgraceful, I repeat, that we should
find it impossible to unite upon this important question,
when, by our disunion, we are ruining the best interests
of our poor fellow citizens? Are we not forced to
the conclusion, that we are much less deeply interested
in the welfare and advancement of the poor, than the
countries I have named ?
M. Cousin has quoted a great deal from a law on
Schulpflichtigkeit, which was only projected, and which
never received the royal sanction. Indeed, the greater
part of his excellent report is a translation of the same
proposed ordinance ; and though this law was not much
more, than a projected codification of the different
scattered regulations then and now in force, yet it did
contain some rather important alterations, which were
never carried out, but which are erroneously represented
by M. Cousin as in force.
The laws, which are in force on this subject, are as
follows : —
“‘ Every parent may educate his children at home.
‘“‘ Those parents, however, who undertake the educa-
tion of their own children, must satisfy the proper autho~
rities, that they are capable of undertaking this duty.
«All parents or guardians, who cannot give proof
that they provide for the education of their children at
home, shall be obliged, by compulsion or punishment,
to send each of their children to school, as soon as it has
completed its fifth year.
“But if a village or hamlet is separated from the
school-house by more than a quarter of an hour’s walk,
the child must commence its attendance after it has
completed its sixth year.
‘Regular attendance at school must be continued,
until the child, in the opinion of its religious minister,
has obtained all the knowledge necessary for an intelli-
gent person in its station of life.
** Admission into the public schools shall be denied to
no child on account of difference of religious belief.
“Those children, who are brought up in a religious
belief different to that taught in the public school, shall
not be obliged to remain in school whilst the religious
education is being given.”
The children generally remain in school, until the
completion of their fourteenth year; and a law has been
issued, for one or two of the provinces, appointing this
as the time, after which the parents may remove their
children. But if the parents are very poor, and their
children have learnt the doctrines of their religion, as
well as to read, write, and cipher, their religious minister
can, in conjunction with the teacher, permit them to
discontinue their attendance at the completion of their
twelfth year.
* No child, without the permission both of the civil
magistrate of the town or village of which its parents
are inhabitants, and also of their religious minister, can
be kept from school beyond the completion of its fifth
year, or afterwards discontinue its attendance on the
school classes for any length of time.”
If a parent neither provides at home for the education
of his children, nor sends them to the school, the teacher
is bound to inform the religious minister of the parent ;
the minister then remonstrates with him; and if he still
neglects to send his children, the minister is bound by
law to report him to the village committee, which has
power to punish him by a fine, of from one halfpenny to
sixpence a day, for neglecting the first and greatest duty
of every parent. If the village committee cannot induce
him to educate his children, he is reported to the union
magistrates, who are empowered to punish him with im-
prisonment. But it is hardly ever necessary to resort
to such harsh measures, for the parents are even more
anxious to send their children to these admirably con-
ducted schools, than the civil magistrate to obtain their
attendance. In order, however, to ensure such a regular
attendance, and as an assistance to the parents them-
selves, each teacher is furnished by the local magistrate,
every year, with a list of all the children of his district,
who have attained the age, at which they ought to attend
his classes. ‘This list is called over every morning and
every afternoon, and all absentees are marked down, so
that the school committees, magistrates, and inspectors
may instantly discover if the attendance of any child
has been irregular. Ifa child requires leave of ab-
sence for more than a week, the parent must apply to
the civil magistrate for it; but the clergyman can
grant it, if it be only for six or seven days, and the
teacher alone can allow it, if for only one or two days.
At the German revolutions of 1848, one of the great
popular cries was for gratuitous education. The go-
vernments of Germany were obliged to yield to this
ery, and to make it the law of nearly the whole of
Germany, that all parents should be able to get their
children educated at the primary schools without having
to pay anything for this education.
There are now, therefore, no school fees in the
greatest part of Germany. Education is perfectly gra~
tuitous. The poorest man can send his child free of
all expense to the best of the public schools of his dis-
trict. And, besides this, the authorities of the parish
or town, in which a parent lives, who is too poor to
clothe his children decently enough for school attend-
ance, are obliged to clothe them for him, and to provide
them with books, pencils, pens, and every thing neces-
sary for school attendance, so that a poor man, instead
of being obliged to pay something out of his small
earnings for the education of his children, is, on the
contrary, actually paid for sending them to school. |
This latter is an old regulation, and is one which has
aided very greatly to make the educational regulations
very popular among the poor of Germany.
I made very careful inquiries about the education
of children in the principal manufacturing district of
Prussia. I remained several days in Elberfeld, their
largest manufacturing town, on purpose to visit the
factory schools. I put myself there, as elsewhere, in
direct communication with the teachers, from whom I
obtained a great deal of information; and I also had —
several interviews on the subject with the educational
councillors at Berlin, who put into my hand the latest
regulations on this subject issued by the government.
The laws relating to the factory children date only
from 1839, so that no notice of them whatever will be
found in M. Cousin’s report. They are as follows: —
* No child may be employed in any manufactory, or
in any mining or building operations, before it has at-
tained the age of nine years. ;
** No child, which has not received three years’ regular
VOL, Il. D
instruction in a school, and has not obtained the certifi-
cate of a school-committee, that it can read its mother
tongue fluently, and also write it tolerably well, may be
employed in any of the above-mentioned ways, before
it has completed its sixteenth year.
« An exception to this latter rule is only allowed in
those cases, where the manufacturers provide for the
education of the factory children, by erecting and main-
taining factory schools.”
If a manufacturer will establish a school in connec-
tion with his manufactory, and engage a properly edu-
cated teacher, he is then allowed to employ any children
of nine years-of age, whether they have obtained a cer-
tificate or not, on condition, however, that these children
attend the school four evenings in every week, as well
as two hours every Sunday morning, until they have
obtained a certificate of proficiency in their studies.
The “ schulrath,” or educational minister in the county
court, decides whether the factory school is so satis-
factorily managed, as to entitle the manufacturer to this
privilege. This minister also regulates the hours which
must be devoted weekly to the instruction of the factory
“Young people, under sixteen years of age, may not
be employed in manufacturing establishments more than
ten hours a day.”
The civil magistrates are, however, empowered, in
some cases, to allow young people to work eleven
hours a day, when an accident has happened, which
obliges the manufacturer to make up for lost time, in
order to accomplish a certain quantity of work before a
given day. But these licenses cannot be granted for
more, at the most, than four weeks at a time.
After the hours of labour have been regulated by the
*‘schulrath” and the manufacturer, the latter is obliged
by law to take care that the factory children have, both
in the mornings and in the afternoons, a quarter of an
hour’s exercise in the open air, and that at noon, they
always have a good hour’s relaxation from labour.
“© No young person, under sixteen years of age, may, in
any case, or in any emergency, work more than eleven
hours a day.” The children of Christian parents, who
have not been confirmed, may not work in the mills
during the hours set apart by the religious minister, for
the religious instruction, which he wishes to give them
preparatory to their confirmation.
The manufacturers, who employ children in the mills,
are obliged to lay before the magistrate a list, containing
the names of all the children they employ, their re-
spective ages, their places of abode, and the names of
their parents. If any inspector or teacher reports to
the civil magistrate, that any child under the legal age
is being employed in the mills instead of being sent to
school, or if the police report the infringement of any
other of the above-mentioned regulations, the magistrate
is empowered and obliged to punish the manufacturer
by fines, which are increased in amount on every repe-
tition of the offence.
I examined the actual state of things in Elberfeld,
one of the most important of the manufacturing dis-
tricts of Prussia, and I found these regulations most
satisfactorily put in force. No children were allowed
to work in the mills, before they had attained the age
of nine years, and after this time, they were required
to attend classes four evenings every week, conducted
by the teachers of the day-schools; or, if their work
was of such a nature as to prevent such attendance,
then they were obliged to attend classes every Sun-
day morning for two hours; and this attendance was
required to be continued, until the children could
obtain a certificate from their teacher and religious
minister, that they could read and write well, that
they were well versed in Scripture history, and that
they knew arithmetic sufficiently well to perform all
the ordinary calculations, which would be required of
them. As acheck upon the parents and manufacturers,
no child was allowed to labour in the mills, without
having obtained a certificate, signed by its religious
minister and its teacher, that it was attending one of
these classes regularly. If the attendance was irre-
gular, this certificate was immediately withdrawn, and
the child was no longer allowed to continue working
in the mills. But, from all I saw of these schools,
and from what the teachers told me, I should say,
they had no difficulty in enforcing attendance; and, so
far from it being evident, that the parents were anxious
to send their children into the mills, as soon as possible,
I was astonished to find even the daily schools filled to
overflowing, and that with children, many of whom
were thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen years of age.
It is very easy for the traveller, who is merely pass-
ing through the manufacturing towns of the Rhine
Provinces, to prove to himself, how anxious both the
people and the government are to carry all these regu-
lations into effect. Let him only take the trouble of
wandering into the streets of such a town, at a quarter
to eight in the morning, or at a quarter to one in the
afternoon, and he will find them alive with children of
remarkably courteous and gentle appearance, all very
neatly and cleanly dressed, each carrying a little bag
containing a slate and school books, and all hurrying
along to school. Let him visit the same streets at any
time during the school hours, and he will find an ab-
sence of young children, which, accustomed as he is
to the alleys of our own towns, swarming with poor
little creatures growing up in filth, and coarseness, and
immorality, will be even more astonishing and de-
Before Prussia began in good earnest to promote
the education of the people, it was thought there, as
it is in England at the present day, that private cha-
rity and voluntary exertions would suffice, to supply
the country with all the materials of education. In
the early part of the eighteenth century the govern-
ment enunciated, in formal edicts, that it was the first
duty of a parish to educate its young. For nearly one
hundred years, it trusted to the voluntary principle,
and left the work in the hands of generous individuals ;
the result was what might have been expected, and
what may be observed in England: the supply of the
materials of education did not keep pace with the
growth of the population. Prussia was little or no
better provided with schools in 1815, than it had been
in 1715; as to the teachers, they were poor, neglected,
ignorant persons. Educated persons would not be-
come teachers of the poor; and the poor were neither
able nor willing to pay for the education of teachers
for their children. A sufficient number of benevolent
individuals could not be found to bear the whole ex-
pense of educating the nation; and even in those
parishes, in which the benevolent part of the richer
classes had managed to collect funds, sufficient for car-
rying on such a work for a year or two, it was found,
that they were unable or unwilling, for any length of
time, to bear alone such a great and ever-increasing
After a long trial of this unfair voluntary system,
which taxed charitable individuals in order to make up
for the default of the selfish or careless, it was found,
in 1815, as in England at the present day, that great
numbers of parishes had no schools at all; that of the
schools which were built, scarcely any were properly
supplied with the necessary books and apparatus; that
there were no good teachers in the country, and no
means of educating any ; and that the science of pe-
dagog'y had been totally neglected, and was universally
If, then, the people were to be educated, —and the
French Revolution of 1789 had taught the Prussian
government the necessity, of enlightening the poor and
of improving their social condition,—it became but
too evident, that the government must act as well as
preach. In a word, the experience of one hundred
years taught the Prussians, that it was necessary to
compel the ignorant, slothful, and selfish members of
ee ee
the political body to assist the benevolent and patriotic,
or that sufficient funds would never be found for edu-
cating the whole of the labouring classes. ‘The following
regulations, therefore, were put into and are still in
force throughout Prussia.
The inhabitants of each parish are obliged, either
alone, or in company with one or more neighbouring
parishes, to provide sufficient school room, a sufficient
number of teachers, and all the necessary school appa-
ratus for the instruction of all their children, who are
between the ages of six and fourteen. I shall show by
what parochial organisation this is effected.
I. Where all the inhabitants of a village are members
of the same religious denomination.
In these cases, whenever more school room, or a
greater number of teachers, or more apparatus, or any
repairs of the existing school-buildings is required, the
village magistrate, having been informed of these de-
ficiencies by the district school-inspector, immediately
summons a committee of the villagers, called the
*¢ Schulvorstand.”
This Schulvorstand consists : —
1. Of the religious minister of the parish. He is the
president of the committee or Schulvorstand. In some
parts of Prussia, however, there are still some few rem-
nants of the old aristocracy, who possess great estates ;
and where the village is situated on one of these estates,
there the landlord is the president of the school-com-
mittee. This, however, is so rare an exception, that it
is not necessary further to notice it.
2. Of the village magistrate, who is selected by the
county magistrates, from the most intelligent men in
the parish.
3. Of from two to four of the heads of families in
the parish. These members of the committee are
elected by the parishioners, and their election is con-
firmed or annulled by the union magistrates. If the
union magistrate annuls the election, because of the
unfitness of the persons chosen, the parish can proceed
to a second election; but, if they again select men, who
are not fit to be entrusted with the duties of the school-
committee, the election is again annulled, and the union
magistrate himself selects two or four of the parishioners,
to act as members of the committee. When the village
is situate on the estate of a great landed proprietor, he
also can annul the choice of the parishioners; but these
cases, as I have before said, are very rare, and are
confined almost entirely to the eastern provinces of
Prussia, where the Polish nobles still retain some of their
former possessions ; for in the other provinces of Prussia,
the land is now almost as much subdivided as in France,
and is generally the property of the peasants.
The members of these committees are chosen for
six years, at the end of which time a new election
takes place.
If several parishes join in supporting one school, each
of them must be represented in the school-committee,
by at least one head of a family. The county court,
however, has the power of preventing this union of
parishes for the support of one joint school, —
1, When the number of children is so great, as to
make it difficult to instruct them all in two classes;
a — Ss
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2. When the parishes are separated too far apart, or
when the roads between them are bad, dangerous, or at
times impassable.
In such cases, there must be separate schools; or else
the great law of the land, that “ all the children must be
educated,” would often be infringed.
II. Where the inhabitants of a village are members of
different religious denominations.
Sometimes it happens, that a parish contains persons
of different religious opinions; and then arises the ques-
tion, which has been a stumbling-block to the progress
of primary education in England, “how shall the rival
claims of these parties be satisfied, so that the great
law of Germany, that ‘all the children must be edu-
cated,’ may be carried into effect ? ”
In these cases, the governments of Germany leave
the parishes at perfect liberty to select their own course
of proceeding, and to establish separate or mixed schools,
according as they judge best for themselves. The
only thing the government requires is, that schools of
one kind or another shall be established.
If the inhabitants of such a parish in Prussia deter-
mine on having separate schools, then separate school-
committees are elected by the different sects. The
committee of each sect consists of, the village magis-
trate, the minister, and two or three heads of families,
of the religious party for which the committee is con-
If the inhabitants, however, decide on having one
mixed school for all the religious parties, the committee
consists of, the village magistrate, the religious ministers
of the different parties, and several of the parishioners,
elected from among the members of the different sects,
for which the school is intended.
In these cases, the teacher is chosen from the most
numerous religious party; or, if the school is large
enough to require two teachers, the head one is elected
from the members of the most numerous party, and the
second from those of the next largest party. If there
is only one teacher, children of those parents, who do
not belong to the same religious sect as the teacher, are
always allowed to absent themselves during the hour,
in which the teacher gives the religious lessons, on
condition, that the children receive religious instruction
from their own religious ministers.
One of the educational councillors at Berlin informed
me, that the government did not encourage the estab-
lishment of mixed schools, as they think, that, in such
cases, the religious education of both parties, or at least
of one of them, often suffers; but, he continued, “ of
course we think a mixed school infinitely better than
none at all; and, when a district is too poor to support
separate schools, we gladly see mixed ones established.”
The gentleman who said this was a Roman Cathoiic.
In the towns, there are not often mixed schools contain-
ing Romanists and Protestants, as there generally are
sufficient numbers of each of these sects in every town,
to enable the citizens to establish separate schools.
The children of Jews, however, are often to be found,
even in the towns, in the schools of the other sects;
but, owing to the entire and uncontrolled liberty of
decision that the people themselves possess on this
point, there seems to be little difficulty in arranging
matters, and no jealousy whatever exists between the
different parties. If a mixed school is established in
any parish, and the teacher is chosen from the most
numerous sect, and if the minor party becomes discon-
tented or suspicious of the education given in* the
school, it is always at liberty to establish another school
for itself; and it is this liberty of action, which pre-
serves the parishes, where the mixed schools exist, from
all intestine troubles and religious quarrels, which are
ever the most ungodly of disputes. In leaving the
settlement of this matter to the parishes, the govern-
ment appears to have acted most wisely; for, in these
religious questions, any interference from without is
sure to create alarm, suspicion, and jealousy, and cause
the different parties to fly asunder, instead of coalescing.
All that the government does, is to say, “ You must
provide sufficient school room, and a sufficient number
of good teachers, but decide yourselves how you will
do this.” The consequence is, that the people say,
“We can try a mixed school first; and, if we see
reason to fear its effects, we will then amicably decide
on erecting another separate one.” So that the great
difficulty arising from religious differences has been
easily overcome.
The duties of the school-committees, when once
formed, are: —
Ist. To take care that the parish is supplied with
sufficient school room for all the children, who are be-
tween the ages of five and fourteen.
2nd. To supply the school-rooms with all the books,
Dp 6
writing materials, slates, black-boards, maps, and appa-
ratus necessary for instruction.
3rd. To provide the teachers with comfortable houses
for themselves and families.
4th. To keep all the school-buildings, and the houses
of the teachers, in good repair, often whitewashed, and
well warmed.
5th. To take care that the salary of the teachers is
paid to them regularly.
6th. To assist those parents, who are too poor to
provide their children with clothes sufficiently decent
for their school attendance.
7th. To assist, protect, and encourage the teachers.
8th. To be present at all the public examinations of
the school; at the induction of the teachers, which is a
public ceremony performed in church before all the
parishioners ; and at all the school féte days.
If the school is not endowed, the committee is em-
powered to impose a tax on the householders for its
support, and for the payment of the schoolmaster; and
it is held responsible by the higher authorities for his
regular payment, according to the agreement, which
was made with him on his introduction. The school-
committee, however, cannot discharge the teacher, it
can only report him to the higher authorities; for in
Prussia none of the local authorities, who are in imme-
diate contact with the teacher, and who might, conse-
quently, imbibe personal prejudices against him, are
allowed to exercise the power of dismissing him. This
is reserved for those, who are never brought into per-
sonal connection with him, and who are not, therefore,
Se a ee a ee ~~
so likely to imbibe such prejudices. Neither can the
committee interfere with the interior discipline of the
school; it can only inspect the condition of the school,
and report to the county authorities. When the com-
mittee has once elected the teacher, he is entirely free
to follow his own plans of instruction, unfettered by
the interference of local authorities, as he is presumed
to understand his own business, better than any of those
about him. If the school-committee neglects its duties,
or refuses to furnish the teacher with the necessary
apparatus, or to keep the school-house in proper repair,
or to pay the teacher regularly, he has always the
power of appealing to the inspectors, or to the county
courts, who instantly compel the local authorities to
perform their appointed duties.
When a new school is required, the school-committee
selects the site and plan of the buildings, and sends
them for confirmation to the county magistrate. If this
magistrate sees any objection to the plans, he’ returns
them to the committee, with his suggestions; the plans
are then reconsidered by the committee, and returned
with the necessary emendations to the magistrate, who
then gives his sanction to them. Before this sanction
has been obtained, the plans cannot be finally adopted
by the committee.
It is already very evident, by what I have said, how
very much liberty of action is left to the people them-
selves. True it is, that in the election of members of
the committees, as well as in the choice of plans and
sites for school-houses, and in the determination of the
amount of the schvol-rate, the county magistrates have
a negative; but this is only a necessary precaution
against the possibility of a really vicious selection of
members, or of unhealthy or otherwise unsuitable sites
for the school-houses, or of a niggardly and insufficient
provision for the support of the school. Such a limited
interference is always necessary, where the interests of
the acting parties might otherwise tempt them to dis-
regard the spirit of the law, and to sacrifice some great
public good to the selfishness or ignorance of private
Every landed proprietor is obliged by law, to provide
for the education of the children of all labourers living
on his estates, who are too poor themselves to do so.
Every such proprietor is also obliged by law, to keep
the schools situated upon his estates in perfect repair,
and in a perfect state of cleanliness; to conform to all
the regulations, of which I shali speak hereafter, and
which relate to the election and support of the teachers ;
and to furnish all the wood necessary for the repairs
and warming of the school-buildings, and all the appa-
ratus, books, &c., necessary for instruction.
This is what ought to be done in England. If it is
right, that the law should grant to the proprietors such
full powers over their property even after death, and
should enable them to tie up their land in their own
family for so long a time, and thus prevent the land
dividing and getting into the hands of the poor, as it
does abroad, it is but just, that the landlords should be
compelled by law to do, at least, as much for their
tenants in this country, as they are compelled to do in
countries, where the poor are much more favoured than
a te eis
they are here, and where the interests of landlords are
much less protected by law, than they are with us.
It sometimes happens, that a parish is so poor, as not
to be able to build the new school-house, of which it
stands in need. In these cases, in order that the great
law of the land ‘‘ that every child must be educated” should
be carried into execution, it is necessary, that the poor
parish should receive assistance from without. This is
provided for by a law, which requires that each county
court shall assist, within its district, every parish, which
is not able to provide alone for the expenses of the
education of its children. If a county court should,
from the number of calls upon its treasury, find itself
unable to supply enough to assist all the parishes of
the county which need assistance, the government at
Berlin grants assistance to the county court; for,
whatever else is neglected for want of funds, great care
is taken, that all necessary means for the education of
the people shall be every where provided.
The school organisation of the Prussian towns differs
somewhat from that of the Prussian villages. I have
already mentioned, that the superior village magistrates
are appointed by the state, and that in each village
there is one of these civil magistrates, who is a member
of the village school-committee, and is held responsible,
if sufficient means are not provided for the education
of the people of his district. But, in the towns, the
magistrates are elected by the citizens; and, strange
as it may seem, the municipal corporations have long
been, on the whole, liberally constituted. The pri-
vilege of citizenship in any town is acquired, by good
character and honest repute. The magistrates, who have
been themselves elected by the citizens, can admit such
inhabitants of the town, as they think worthy of the posi-
tion, to the rank of citizens. But all citizens, who pos-
sess any ground of the value, in small towns, of 502, or
in large towns, of about 2502. in Prussian money, and
all citizens who, without possessing any ground, have
incomes of at least 352. per annum, in Prussian money,
are by law entitled to a vote in the election of the
town magistrates. The citizens, who are entitled to a
vote, elect, every three years, a number of representa-
tives, or, as they are called, town councillors. No person
can be elected to the office of town councillor, unless
he possess land of the value, in small towns, of at least
1502, and in large towns of at least 200/., or whose
income does not amount to at least 35/. per annum.
The number of these councillors depends on the size
of the towns; no town can elect fewer than nine, or
more than sixty. The manner, in which they are
elected, differs in different towns, but I believe the
ordinary custom is, for each division of a town to elect
one or more to represent it in the general council.
These councillors, when elected, proceed to the elec-
tion of a certain number of magistrates, whose offices
last from six to twelve years, and these magistrates
appoint from among themselves a mayor, who is chosen
also for twelve years. The county court, under which
the town finds itself ranged, has the power of an-
nulling the election of the mayor, and of any of the
magistrates, whom it may judge unfit for their office ;
and, in such a case, the magistrates or the town coun-
cillors, as the case may be, are obliged to proceed to
another election. Such is a bare outline of the Prus-
sian municipal system. With the various civic and
political duties of the different authorities, I have no
concern here, further than they relate to the education
of the people.
In each town a committee is chosen, which is called
the “ schuldeputation,” or, as I shall translate it, the
school-committee. It consists of from one to three,
but of never more than three, of the town magistrates,
of an equal number of deputies from the town coun-
cillors, an equal number of citizens, having the reputa-
tion of being interested and skilled in school matters,
(these are commonly selected from among the religious
ministers), and also of the several representatives of
those privately endowed schools in the town, which are
not supported by the town, but yet fall under the sur-
veillance and direction of its municipal authorities.
The number of these representatives varies, according to
the size of the town. With the exception of the re-
presentatives of the private schools, the members of this
committee are chosen by the magistrates, who are them-
selves, as I have before said, elected by the citizens;
but the representatives of the private schools, which are
not supported by the town funds, are nominated by the
county courts. To these members, thus elected, is
joined one member from each of the committees, which
are elected from the magistrates and town councillors
for the different municipal affairs, if the former election
should not have admitted any such members into the
school-committee. The first ecclesiastical authority of
the town is also ex officio a member of the committee ;
and if the town contains both Romanists and Protestants,
the committee must be composed of equal proportions
of members of the different parties. The county courts
have the power of annulling the election of any mem-
ber, if they see reason to deem him unfit for the exer-
cise of the duties of his office, and in such a case, the
town authorities are obliged to proceed to make a new
The duties of the town school-committees are to pro-
vide sufficient school room for all the children in the
town; to elect a sufficient number of teachers; to pay
them their salaries regularly; to provide all needful
apparatus for the schools; to keep the class-rooms and
the teachers’ houses in good repair, well whitewashed,
and well warmed; to take care that all the children of
the town attend school regularly ; to inspect the schools
at stated intervals; to provide each school with a play-
ground ; and to take care that the teachers exercise
the children there every morning and afternoon. The
funds, required for the maintenance of the town schools,
are provided from the treasury of the corporation.
The town councillors are responsible to the county
magistrate and to the central government for the due
performance of these several duties. If they neglect
any of them, the teachers and inspectors complain to
the higher authorities, who oblige them to conform im-
mediately to the general law of the land.
Besides these municipal authorities, for the superin-
tendence of the education of the whole town, it often
happens, that each school in the town has its peculiar
schulvorstand, corresponding to the village committees,
which I have already described. These committees,
where they do exist in the towns, elect their own
teachers, and collect, in their several districts, the ne-
cessary school funds from the heads of families dwelling
there; but if any one of the district school-committees
is not able to provide for the expenditure, required to
supply the wants of its district, the town school-com-
mittee is obliged to come forward and assist it, from
the general town funds. ‘The latter committee is the
general superintendent and assistant, but the former
little district societies, where they exist, are the actual
labourers. Difference of religion creates no greater
difficulty in the towns than in the country parishes,
since the Romanists, Protestants, and Jews can, if they
prefer, manage their own schools separately, by means
of the little school societies, and are never forced into
any sort of connection, unless, where it is agreeable to
The Prussian government seems to have considered
the education of the children of the towns, of even higher
importance, than that of the children of the villages ;
and to have required the formation of these superior
committees in the towns, as a sort of additional security,
that all the districts of a town should be amply pro-
vided with every thing necessary for the careful edu-
cation of their children.
These committees assemble every fortnight, and
oftener when necessary, at the town halls; they have
the power of inviting any number of the clergy and
teachers of the towns to assist at their conferences, and
to aid them with their experience and counsels.
In many parts of Prussia these central town com-
mittees are superseding the smaller district school
societies, so that the funds of all the town schools, and
the choice and induction of all the teachers, rest entirely
with the one central town school-committee; and in the
case of towns containing different religious sects, as far
as I could gather from what I heard in Berlin — for on
this point I could find no express regulation, —the
Protestant members of the town committee appoint the
teachers of the Protestant schools, and the Romanist
members the teachers of the Romanist schools.
But in every town every religious party is at liberty,
if it pleases, to separate itself from the central town
committee, and to form its own separate school-com-
mittee, for the management of its own educational
affairs. And wherever the union of the different re-
ligious parties occasions any strife or disputes, the small
district committees are sure to be formed. Where these
smaller committees do exist, they elect the teachers for
the schools under their management.
Great advantages are, however, insured, when the
management of all the schools in any town can be put
under the direction of ONE committee, instead of each
being placed under the direction of its separate com-
mittee; or when all the Romanist schools can be put
under the direction of one committee, and all the Pro-
testant schools under the direction of another. For
in these cases, instead of creating a great number of
small schools in different parts of the town, each con-
taining only one or two classes, in which children of
very different ages and very different degrees of pro-
ficiency must be necessarily mingled and taught together,
to the manifest retarding of the progress of the more
forward as well as of the more backward, several schools
are generally combined, so as to form one large one,
containing five boys’ classes and five girls’ classes. In
these classes, the teachers are able to classify the chil-
dren in such a manner, that one teacher may take the
youngest and most deficient, another the more advanced,
and so on. In this manner, as each teacher has a class
of children, who have made about the same progress in
their studies, he is enabled to concentrate his whole
energies upon the instruction and education of ail his
scholars at the same time, and for the whole time they
are in school, instead of being obliged to neglect one
part of his class whilst he attends to another, which is
necessarily the case, where children of different degrees
of proficiency are assembled in one class-room, and
which is always necessarily the cause of considerable
noise and confusion, tending to distract the attention
of both teachers and children.
But, besides the good classification, a further advan-
tage, which results from this combination of schools, is the
greater economy of the plan. When each school con-
tains only two class-rooms, four times as many schools
are required, as when each school contains eight rooms.
And it is by no means true, that a school-building con-
taining eight class-rooms costs as much as four school-
buildings, each of which contains two class-rooms. Not
only is a great expenditure saved, in the mere erection
of the exterior walls and roofs of the buildings them-
selves, but a still greater saving is effected, in the purchase
of land, as, instead of increasing the area on which the
school is erected, it is always possible to increase its
Nothing can be more liberal, than the manner in
which the Prussian towns have provided for their educa-
tional wants. The buildings are excellent, and are
kept in most admirable order.
The town authorities are held responsible for all this ;
and, wherever I went, I found large, commodious, and
beautifully clean school-rooms, furnished with all that
the teachers could possibly require. Along the length of
the rooms, parallel desks are ranged, facing the teacher’s
desk, which is raised on a small platform, so that he
may see all his scholars. On either side of him are
large black boards, on which he illustrates the subjects
of his lessons. On his right hand, there is generally a
cabinet, for the reception of all the books and objects of
instruction which belong to the school; and all around,
on the walls of the room, hang maps of different coun-
tries, and, generally, several of Germany, delineating, in
a strong and clear manner, all the physical features of
the different provinces and kingdoms which compose
the “ Fatherland.”
The school-rooms are cdntinually whitewashed ; and
should there be any neglect on the part of the town or
village authorities to keep the school-buildings in proper
order, or to provide all the necessary apparatus, the
teachers have always the power of complaining to the
inspectors, or to the county magistrates, who imme-
diately compel the authorities to attend to these im-
portant duties.
Besides the schools, which are managed by school-
committees in the villages and towns, and which might
be denominated public schools, there is another class,
which would fall more properly under the designation
of private schools.
If a private individual is desirous of establishing a
school, as a means of earning his livelihood, or from
a desire to offer to the poor of his neighbourhood a
better education, than they could obtain in the public
schools, he is at liberty to do so, on the following con-
ditions : —
Ist, That the school be opened to public inspection,
on the ground, that, as the nation is directly interested
in the moral education of its citizens, so it ought to be
assured, that none of the children are subjected to im-
moral and corrupting influences, during the time when
their minds are most susceptible of impressions of any
kind and most tenacious of them when received:
2ndly, That no person be employed as teacher in
such school, who has not obtained a teacher’s diploma,
certifying his character and attainments to be such,
as to fit him for the office of teacher.
3rdly, That the school be supplied with a playground,
and that the children be allowed to take exercise there
in the middle of the morning and afternoon school
hours :
4thly, That at least a certain fixed amount of in-
struction in reading, writing, arithmetic, geography,
history, singing, and science be given in the school:
5thly, That a sufficient number of teachers be pro-
vided for the children: and,
6thly, That the rooms are kept clean, well warmed,
lighted, and ventilated.
The profuse expenditure on all the materials of edu-
cation in the Prussian towns astonished me greatly,
accustomed as I had been to the dame schools of Eng-
land, and to the empty and repulsive interiors of many
of our national school rooms, with their bare floors and
uncovered walls.
I took the greatest pains not to be deceived on this
point; and hearing that, owing to some municipal dis-
putes, education had made less progress in Berlin than
elsewhere, I requested Professor- Hintze of Berlin to
direct me to the worst school in the city, and, having
visited several of the more perfect ones, I started one
morning to see what was considered a poor school in
It was managed by a teacher, who had established a
school for the poor at his own expense, as a private
speculation, and unconnected with the town committees.
I found a good house containing four class-rooms,
each of which was fitted up with parallel desks, and
was under the direction of a teacher, who had been
carefully educated, and had obtained his diploma.
I found a good, dry, and roomy playground attached
to the school, a very agreeable and seemingly intelli-
gent head master, who was owner of the school and
manager of one of the classes; and the only causes of
complaint, I could discover, were, that the rooms were
lower than the generality of school-rooms in Prussia,
Ne ae
not measuring more than nine feet in height ; that there
was a paucity of maps, black boards, &c.; that the
desks were placed too closely together; and that the
walls were not so white and clean as in the town schools.
But I could not help thinking, while walking through
the rooms of this building, if these people could only
see some of our dame, and some of our dirty and un-
furnished national schools, what a palace would they
not consider this to be!
The regulations which I have been describing, by
means of which the enormous expenses of such a vast
educational scheme are divided between all the different
districts of the kingdom, and by means of which each
parish is held responsible for the education of its children,
have been followed by this splendid result — that, not-
withstanding that most of their town schools contain
five or six times as many class-rooms as those of our
country, the Prussian people have established 23,646
schools, which in 1844 were attended daily by 2,328,146
children, and were directed by 29,639 highly educated
teachers, of whom nearly 28,000 were young professors,
who had obtained diplomas and certificates of character
at the normal colleges! Now, could this magnificent
result have been attained if the people, the clergy, and
the government had not been at unity on this great
question? Could it have been attained, if there had
been no organisation of the parishes and towns, by
which the duties of the different educational authorities
were clearly and distinctly defined? Could the govern-
ment alone have borne the enormous expenses of esta-
blishing such a system? Could the government have even
afforded to carry it on? And, above all, could private
charity alone have effected so vast and splendid a result ?
These are questions for my readers to answer for them-
The central committees of each town are required
by law to establish, in addition to the primary institu-
tions, which I have described, one or more superior
primary schools, the number of which varies according
to the population of the town. The education given
in them is superior to that given in the primary schools
themselves, but is inferior to that given in the gymnasia.
It is of a more practical character than the latter, and
is quite as good as the education of the children of our
middle classes. These superior primary institutions
are intended for all those children, who have passed
through the primary schools, and whose parents wish
them to receive a better education than that given in
the latter establishments, without their having to go
through the classical course of the gymnasia.
The education given in these superior schools, as in
all the public schools of Prussia, is gratuitous, and
open to all classes of society. All the children of the
small shopkeepers and artizans, many of the boys, who
afterwards enter the teachers’ colleges, as well as many
others, whose parents are to be found in the very
humblest walks of life, and even children of the nobles
and of the richest classes of society, are to be found
pursuing their studies there together, in the same class-
rooms and on the same benches. I have myself seen
sons of counts, physicians, clergymen, merchants, shop-
keepers, and poor labourers working together in one
of these classes in Berlin.
Above these superior schools are the real schools and
gymnasia, or colleges, where a classical and very superior
course of education is pursued, and where the children
of the more wealthy classes are instructed. They are
under an entirely different direction; and all I have
to do with them here, is to mention, that even these
Institutions are open gratuitously to all, who wish to
avail themselves of the education which they offer.
Kiven in these classical colleges children of poor la-
bourers are sometimes to be found studying on the same
benches on which sit the sons of the rich. It is very
instructive to observe, that in Prussia, where one would
imagine, according to the doctrines preached in Eng-
land, that the government should, until the late revolu-
tion, have feared to advance the intelligence of the
people, no one has seemed to have an idea, that too
much instruction could be imparted to the children of
the poor. On the contrary, every one has acted, as if
the public order and public morality depended entirely
upon the people being able to think. A theoretically
arbitrary government has been doing everything in its
power to stimulate and enable the people to educate
their children as highly as possible, and has been for
years telling them, that the prosperity and happiness
of the country depend greatly on the training of the
children; while here, in our free country, we still find
people speaking and acting, as if they feared, that
E 2
education was the inevitable harbinger of immorality
and disaffection.
There are also in Prussia a great number of endowed
schools, which derive their incomes from the rents of
lands, or from the interest of money bequeathed to
them by charitable individuals, or which have been
founded and endowed at different times by the govern-
ment. For each of these cases, there is an exception
made in the operation of the municipal regulations,
which I have described; —neither of these classes of
schools are directed by Schulvorstinde, or by the town
committees. The teachers for the former class are chosen
by the trustees, appointed by the will of the devisor ;
the county courts being enabled to annul the elections,
if a bad selection is made. The trustees, however, are
unable to appoint any person, as teacher, who has not
obtained a diploma * of competency from the provincial
committee, appointed to examine all candidates for the
teachers’ profession. In fact, no person can officiate
as teacher, in any Prussian school, unless he has ob-
tained such a diploma. This is the parents’ guarantee,
that he is a person, to whom they may safely entrust
their children. The teachers of the class of schools,
which have been founded and endowed by government,
are appointed by the county courts. The town-com-
mittees have, however, the surveillance and inspection
of all these schools, and are obliged by law to assist them
from the town funds, if their own do not suffice for their
efficient maintenance. ‘The municipal authorities are
* See next chapter for an account of the diplomas,
a a
also obliged to assist all the parents, who are too poor
to do it themselves, to purchase the books, slates, pen-
cils, &c. required for the class instruction; and they
are also obliged to provide decent clothing for such
children, as are too poor, to obtain a dress sufficiently
respectable for school attendance. And here, I can-
not help remarking, on the general appearance of the
children throughout the provinces of Prussia, which I
have visited. They were generally very clean, well
dressed, polite, and easy in their manners, and very
healthy and active in their appearance. In whatever
town of Prussia the traveller finds himself, he may
always satisfy himself on this point, if he will take the
trouble to walk out into the streets, between twelve
and two o'clock in the morning, 2 e., between the
hours of the morning and afternoon classes. In some
towns, a stranger would imagine, either that the poor
had no children, or that they never let them go out of
doors. All the children he would see in the streets
would appear to him to be those of respectable shop-
keepers. ‘This is a very satisfactory proof of the good
effects of the school system, as cleanliness and neatness
among the poor are invariable symptoms of a satisfactory
moral and physical condition.
Among the defects of the Prussian system, especially
as regards its working in the towns, is the want of
infant-schools. It is impossible to exaggerate the im-
portance of these institutions in towns. The earliest
impressions are always the strongest, whether for bad
er good. Jt is necessarily a rare case, when either of
E 3
the poor parents is able to stay at home and watch
over the house and the children. During their ab-
sence, the child, who is too young to go to school, is
left, as in England, to play in the streets with any
companions he can find; and though there is none of
the loathsome juvenile degradation to be seen in the
back streets of the Prussian towns, which is to be
found, openly displaying its disgusting character, in so
many forms, in the back streets of our own crowded
cities, yet it 1s quite impossible for a child to be left
days together to itself, exposed, necessarily, to many
injurious influences, without gaining considerable harm.
This the Prussian government has felt; and though it
has made no positive regulation on this subject, it has
directed the county courts to encourage the erection
of as many infant-schools as possible; and I am happy
to say, they are now beginning to spring up over the
face of the whole country.
The law requires that every school, both in town and
country, shall have an open space of ground adjacent
to it, where the children may take a little exercise in
the mornings and afternoons. This is a very import-
ant regulation, and is well worthy our imitation. The
children, in Germany, are never detained more than an
hour and a half in the school-room at one time, except
when the weather is too bad, to allow of their taking
exercise in the open air. Every hour and a half,
throughout the day, they are taken into the play-
ground for ten minutes’ exercise by one of the teachers ;
the air of the school-room is then changed, and the
children return refreshed to their work. In the towns
this regulation ensures other and greater advantages,
as it keeps the children out of the filth and immorality
of thestreets. In most cases, our town-schools have no
yard attached to them, so that, if the children do change
the bad and noxious air of the school-room, it is only
for the dirt and depravity of the streets, where they
are brought under evil influences, much more powerful
for injury, than those of the schools are for good.
In some provinces of Prussia, there are still some few
of the old class of great landowners, between whom, in
former days, the whole of Prussia was divided, until
Stein and Hardenburg put the laws in force, which
destroyed the old feudal system, and gave the peasants
an interest in the soil. It is, therefore, an interesting
question to examine, what the law requires these land-
lords to do for the education of the people on their
estates. J have already mentioned, that the selection
of the teacher is left to them, but that the govern-
ment reserves the right of a veto upon their choice, in
all cases where an injudicious election is made. The
landlords are required to keep in good repair the schools
upon their estates, and to pay the school-fees for the
children of all the poor labourers living upon them,
and not able to pay it themselves. They are also
obliged to furnish the materials, required for the erec-
tion or repair of all necessary school-buildings; the
fuel required for the school-rooms and teachers’ houses
through the winter; and, where the school is not en-
dowed, the sum which is necessary for the teachers’
E 4
salaries. The children of the landed proprietors them-
selves, often attend the village schools, and work at the
same desks, with the sons and daughters of the poorest
peasants,—a proof of the excellent character of the
education given in the primary schools, and of the
high estimation, in which the teachers are generally
held by all classes of society. -
DuRING my travels in different provinces of Prussia, I
was in daily communication with the teachers. I had
every opportunity of observing the spirit, which ani-
mated the whole body, and of hearing the opinions of
the poor respecting them. I found a great body of
educated, courteous, refined, moral, and learned pro-
fessors, labouring with real enthusiasm among the
poorest classes of their countrymen. I found them
wholly devoted to their duties, proud of their profes-
sion, united together by a strong feeling of brother-
hood, and holding continual conferences together, for
the purposes of debating all kinds of questions, relating
to the management of their schools, But what gave
me greater pleasure than all else was, to observe in
what esteem and respect they were held by the pea-
sants. If you tempt a Prussian peasant to find fault
with the schools, he will tell you, in answer, how good
the school is, and how learned the teachers are. I often
heard the warmest panegyrics bestowed upon them by
the peasants, showing in the clearest manner how well
their merits and their labours were appreciated.”
TI could not but feel, how grand an institution this
great body of more than 28,000 teachers was, and how
much it was capable of effecting ; and, when I regarded
the happy condition of the Prussian peasantry, I could
not but believe, I saw some of the fruits of the daily
labours of this enlightened, respected, and united
Upon the parochial ministers and parochial teachers
depend, far more than we are willing to allow, the in-
telligence, the morality, and the religion of the people.
The cordial co-operation of these two important and
honourable professions is necessary to the moral pro-
gress of a nation. The religious minister acts upon
the adults, the teacher on the young. The co-operation
of the religious ministers is necessary to secure the
success of the teachers’ efforts; and, on the other hand,
without the earnest aid of the teacher, the fairest hopes
of the religious minister are often blighted in the bud.
* Since these remarks were written, the course of public events in
Prussia has given a very remarkable proof of their correctness. To the
National Assembly, which met in Berlin in May 1848, the people of the
provinces elected no fewer than eight teachers as representatives; giving
this striking proof of the people’s respect for the ability and high cha-
racter of the profession.
We must educate the child, if we would reform the
man. But, alas! this education is a labour, requiring
a long, persevering, careful, intelligent, and most tender
handling. It were much better left alone, than to be at-
tempted, so as to create disgust, or to embitter early as-
sociations, or to render virtuous and ennobling pursuits
disgusting throughout after life. On the teacher depends
the training of the poor man’s child, for poor parents
have, unhappily, too little spare time to allow them to
perform the greatest duty of a parent. And thus, as
the character of every nation mainly depends upon the
training of the children, we may safely affirm, that, such
as our teachers are, such also will be our peasantry.
How essential is it, then, to the moral welfare, and
therefore to the political greatness of a nation, that the
profession of the teachers should be one, ensuring the
perfect satisfaction of its members, and commanding
the respect of the country!
The teacher’s station in society ought to be an honour-
able and a comfortable one, or few learned and able
men will be found willing to remain long in the profes-
sion, even if any such men can be induced to enter it;
and it is much better to be without teachers altogether,
than to leave the training of our children to men of
narrow minds, unrestrained passions, or meagre intel-
ligence. The Prussian government has fully recognised
these truths, and has therefore done all within its power,
to raise the character and social position of the teachers
as much as possible. As these efforts have been heartily
seconded by the provincial governments and the people,
the result has been most remarkable and satisfactory.
E 6
The first exertions of the government were wholly
devoted to the improvement of the intellectual. and
moral character of the profession, and to the increase of
its numbers. They determined to make the name of
*‘ teacher” an honour, and in itself a guarantee to every
parent of the character and attainments of the man who
bore it. To attain this end, they denied all access to
the ranks of the profession to any but those who proved
themselves worthy of admittance. No person can be a
teacher in Prussia, or in any part of Germany, France,
Austria, Switzerland, or Holland, until he has passed a
very severe and searching examination, and until he has
produced testimonials, from those well acquainted with
him, of the irreproachable nature of his moral life and
character. ‘This examination, which includes both in-
tellectual and moral qualifications, is conducted by able
and impartial men, among whom are to be found the can-
didate’s religious minister, the professors of the normal
college at which he was brought up, and at least one
of the educational magistrates of the county of which
he is a native. He who passes the ordeal is allowed to
be a teacher, whether he was educated at a normal col-
lege or not. The ranks of the profession are open to
all educated and moral men, wherever or however they
were educated; but educated and moral they must
prove themselves. It is not, then, to be wondered at,
that the men, who are known to have satisfactorily
passed this scrutiny, are regarded by all their fellow-
countrymen with respect and consideration, and as men
of great learning and of high character.
This once attained, the next great efforts of the
government were directed to the improvement of the
social position of the teachers. The government placed
them under the immediate protection of the county
courts. They also made a law that no teacher, who had
been once elected, whether by a parochial committee,
or by trustees, or by private patrons, should be dis-
missed, except by permission of the county magistrates.
This protected the teachers from the effects of the mere
personal prejudices of those in immediate connection
with them. They then defined the minimum of the
teachers’ salaries, and this mintmum they have ever since
been steadily increasing.
It is absolutely necessary, that my readers should
not connect their preconceived ideas of an English vil-
lage schoolmaster with the learned and refined teacher
of Prussia. They might just as well think of comparing
the position and attainments of the vast majority of our
teachers with those of the scholars of our universities,
as of comparing those of our schoolmasters with those
of the Prussian teachers. I felt, whenever I was in the
company of a Prussian teacher, that I was with a gen-
tleman, whose courteous bearing and intelligent manner
of speaking must exert a most beneficial influence upon
the peasantry, among whom he lived. It was, as if I
saw one of the best of our English cnrates performing
the duties of a schoolmaster. I never saw any vul-
garity or coarseness, and still less any stupidity or in-
capacity for their duties, displayed by any of them.
The Protestant teachers of Germany occupy situations
of importance in connection with the religious ministers
and religious congregations. ‘They fulfil several of the
duties of our curates, clerks, and organists. In both
Romanist and Protestant congregations, they lead the
choir and play the organ. They act, too, as clerk;
and when a Protestant minister is indisposed, and un-
able to conduct public worship, the parochial teacher
officiates in his stead, reads the church service, and
sometimes also preaches. ‘The musical part of public
worship, in both Romanist and Protestant churches and
chapels, is always directed by the parochial teacher.
The small salary, which they receive for the perform-
ance of these duties, serves to increase their incomes ;
but what is of much more importance is, that this
connection of the teachers with the religious congre-
gations and ministers serves to bind the religious
ministers and teachers together, to lessen the labours
of each by mutual assistance, and, above all, to raise
the teacher in the estimation of the poor, by whom
he is surrounded, and thereby materially to increase
the effect of his advice and instructions.
It was very curious, and pleasing, to observe the
effects of the intercourse of this enlightened and ex-
cellent body of men with the peasantry during the
last twenty years. I do not hesitate to say, that, at
the period of my visit to Prussia, I had never before
seen so polite and civilised, and so seemingly intelligent,
a peasantry as that of Prussia. Were a stranger intro-
duced into some of the lowest schools, I am quite con-
vinced he would not believe he saw peasants’ children
before him. ‘They were generally so clean and neatly
dressed, and their manners were always so good, that I
was several times obliged to ask the teachers, if I
really saw the children of the poor before me. The
appearance of the girls was particularly gratifying;
their dress was so respectable, their manners were so
good, their way of dressing their hair showed so much
taste, and their cleanliness was so great, that no one,
who had not been informed before-hand to what class
they belonged, would have believed them to be the
children of the poorest of the people. The lowest orders
of Germany are so much more refined than our poor,
that the children of the rich very often attend the
primary schools, while the children of the tradespeople
and middle classes almost invariably do so. The richer
parents know that their children will not come into con-
tact with any coarseness, and that the teacher is certain
to be an educated and refined gentleman. This mingling
of the children of the higher and lower orders tends to
civilise the peasantry still more, and to produce a kindly
feeling between the different ranks of society. But the
primary cause of the great and ever-increasing civilisa-
tion of the Prussian peasantry is, undeniably, their con-
tact with their refined and intelligent teachers. For,
whilst the clergy are Jabouring among the adults, the
teachers are daily bringing under the influences of their
own high characters and intelligence ALL the younger
portions of the community.
The social position of the teachers in Prussia and in
England are so TOTALLY different, that those who do
not divest themselves of their acquired notions of an
English village schoolmaster, will not be able to un-
derstand the true position or character of a Prussian
teacher. Of course I do not mean here to speak of the
character of some of the educated men who have left
the normal colleges of Battersea and Stanley Grove;
but it is well known what a mournful exception these
are to the general class of village teachers in England.
And even these men have to struggle against all the
obloquy which years of neglect have heaped upon their
profession. No better summary of their position in
England can be given than the words which I once
heard Mr. Coleridge, the excellent principal of Stanley
Grove, use, when speaking of the extreme difficulty he
experienced in instillmg into patrons of schools the
necessity of paying ordinary respect to teachers. He
said — “ I have been obliged several times to make an ex-
press stipulation with the patron, that the teacher, when in
his house, shall not be sent to eat with the menial servants
in the kitchen.” It is, indeed, a very common thing to
see a well educated young teacher, who only requires a
better social position to enable him to exercise the most
important moral influence over the poor in his neigh-
bourhood, treated by his patrons with less respect and
consideration than the house servants! The following is
only a solitary instance of the position and character of a
great number of the English schoolmasters. It occurred
in 1846, in one of the southern counties of England, and
shows, at least, what 1s possible in England.* In a certain
parish in this county, which it is not necessary to name
here, there is a village school endowed with 201. a year.
There is no teacher’s house, no garden for him, and no
perquisites of any kind. The donor, no doubt, expected
* ‘The reports of the Welsh commissioners and of the inspectors, show
that such cases are very numerous.
that the parish would generously make the situation
worth a good teacher’s acceptance. The parish had not,
however, such an appreciation of the value of education,
and thought it did enough, in appointing a recipient of
the donor’s bounty, no matter how unworthy he might
be. They, however, could not but feel that 201 a
year would hardly enable the poor man to keep body
and soul together, without some additions from other
sources; so they put an advertisement into the local
paper, stating, that this excellent situation was open to
competition, that a candidate, who had practised some
trade or calling, would be preferred for the place,
and that they were inclined to favour applications from
young tailors! The teacher, to gain his livelihood,
must mend clothes in the school-room! I might fill my
pages with such instances; but I shall content myself
with saying, that it is utterly impossible for such a public
insult to the teacher’s calling to occur in Prussia. So
totally different is the state of things there, that when
I told the story in society in Berlin, or to the Prussian
teachers, it always excited shouts of laughter, and
more than once, I had auditors, who utterly disbelieved
its truth.
The teachers in Prussia are men respected by the
whole community, men to whom all classes owe the
first rudiments of their education, and men in whose
welfare, good character, and high respectability both
the government and the people feel themselves deeply
interested. In birth, early recollections, and associa-
tions, they are often peasants; but in education and
position they are gentlemen in every sense of that term,
and acknowledged officers of the county governments.
There are more than 28,000 such teachers in Prussia.
This great profession offers, as I shall presently show, a
means, by which an intelligent peasant may hope to
raise himself into the higher ranks of society, as the
expenses of preparing for admission into the profession
are borne by government. But, as the number of can-
didates for admission is consequently always large, the
government takes every possible precaution, that only
such shall be chosen, as are in every respect qualified
to reflect honour upon the profession, and carry out its
objects in the most effective manner. And so well
satisfied are the teachers with their position, that, al-
though their pay is often but poor, yet it rarely
happens that any one quits his profession to seek
another situation. They are contented with their pro-
fession, even when it affords only a bare living, as it
always confers a station of respectability and honour, in
direct communication with the provincial governments.
I made the most careful inquiries upon this subject, and
can speak with great confidence upon it. I was in
daily communication with the teachers from the day I
entered Prussia, and I tested the truth of what they
told me, not only by comparing their statements to-
gether, but also by many inquiries, which I made of
the educational counsellors and government officers in
Berlin. Next to Dr. Bruggeman, one of the head
counsellors of the Minister of Education, the gentlemen
to whom I am most indebted for information on this
subject are Counsellor Stiehl, the Chief Inspector of
Prussia, who is employed by the Minister on particular
missions of inspection in all the provinces of Prussia;
Professor Hintz, one of the young professors in Dr.
Diesterweg’s normal college ; Dr. Hennicke, the director
of the normal college at Weissenfels; Herr Peters, a
teacher at Bonn; one of the teachers at Cologne; several
of the teachers at Berlin; and several of the teachers at
Elberfeld. From these gentlemen, and many others, I
gathered the following information: — When a boy is
intended for the teachers’ profession, he remains in the
primary school, until he has completed the whole course
of primary instruction, @. e. until he has learned to write
and read well, and until he knows the principal rules
of arithmetic, the outlines of the geography and history
of his native country, a little natural history, and the
Scripture history. This knowledge he does not ge-
nerally acquire before he is fifteen years of age. From
the age of fifteen to the age of eighteen, before which
latter age a young man cannot be admitted into any
normal college, the education of young candidates, who
are the sons of townspeople, is different to the educa-
tion of those, who are the sons of country people.
The young candidates for admission into the teachers’
profession, who are the sons of townspeople, enter at
fifteen into the classes of the superior public schools of
the town, in which schools a number of endowed places
are always reserved for poor boys, who have distin-
guished themselves in the primary schools. The edu-
cation given in these schools is of a higher character,
than that given in the primary schools. It compre-
hends mathematics, and the rudiments at least of the
classics, besides lectures in history, physical geography,
and drawing. ‘They remain in these superior public
schools until their eighteenth year, when they can seek
admission into a normal college. The young candi-
dates for admission into the teachers’ profession, who are
the sons of poor country people, do not enjoy all the
advantages which the children of townspeople possess,
as there is seldom a superior primary school. in their,
neighbourhood, in which they can continue their studies,
after leaving the primary school. If the son of a peasant
aspires to enter the teachers’ profession; after leaving
the primary school, he engages the parochial teacher
to give him instruction in the evenings, attends the
teacher’s classes in the mornings and afternoons, and
assists him in the management of the younger children.
He continues to improve himself in this manner, until
he has attained the age, at which he can apply for ad-
mission into a normal college.
There are, however, a great many schools in Prussia,
established for the purpose of preparing the sons of
the peasants for admission into the normal colleges.
These preparatory schools generally belong to private
persons. Every young person admitted into them is
obliged to pay a small fee for his education there.
This fee is generally very trifling, but is still sufficient
to prevent the sons of the poorest peasants entering
them; and, consequently, these latter, if they live ina
country village, are obliged to content themselves with
the evening lessons given by the village teacher, and
with the practical knowledge gained by attending his
classes in the mornings and afternoons. But it is always
possible for the peasants’ children, with industry, to pre-
pare themselves, by the aid of the village teacher, for
admission into a normal college. Of these latter ad-
mirable institutions for the education of teachers I shall
hereafter speak at length; suffice it here to say, that
there are between forty and fifty of them in Prussia,
supported entirely by the state, and under the direction
and surveillance of the provincial committees called
Schulcollegium. There are five or six normal colleges
in each province, some of which are set apart for the
education of the Romanist, and the others for that of
the Protestant teachers. Hach of them is generally
put under the direction of a priest or of a Protestant
minister, according as it is intended for the education
of Romanist or Protestant teachers, and is provided
in the most liberal manner, with every thing necessary
for the education of the young students. The education
given in them is nearly gratuitous; no young man
being called upon to pay for any thing, but his clothes
and his breakfast, whilst, in many cases, even this
trifling charge is paid for the poor student out of the
college funds.
All young men who aspire to the office of teacher in
Prussia, and who aspire to enter a normal college,
when the yearly vacancies take place, are obliged to
submit to an examination, conducted by the professors
of these colleges, in presence of the educational coun-
sellor from the county court. No young man can enter
the examination lists, who has not produced certificates of
health, and freedom from all chronic complaints, or who
has a weak voice or any physical defect or infirmity.
None but picked men are selected as teachers in Prussia.
The examination is very severe and searching. Jor,
as there are always a great number of candidates for
admission into each college, and as the favoured can-
didates are only chosen, on account of their superior
abilities, the competition at the entrance examinations
is very great.
The subjects of this examination are, Reading,
Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, History, Singing,
Chanting, and the Scripture History,
The young man, who has just obtained admission into
a normal college in Prussia, and whose education as a
teacher has only just begun, is much better educated,
even at the commencement of his three years’ education
in the college, than almost any of our teachers are, when
they enter upon the performance of their duties in the
schools, and when their education is considered to be com-
pleted! How much superior, therefore, in intellectual
acquirements, the Prussian teacher is, when he has con-
pleted his collegiate course, I need not observe. When
the examination is concluded, as many of the most pro-
mising of the candidates are selected as there are vacancies
in the college; and, after a strict examination has been
made into their characters and previous life, each suc-
cessful candidate is required to sign an agreement, pro-
mising to officiate as a teacher, after leaving the college,
for a number of years, equal to those during which the
government educates him gratuitously in the college.
They are then admitted, and are only required to pro-
vide themselves with clothes, and to pay about 32. per
annum. All the other expenses of their education,
maintenance, &c. are, as I have said before, borne by
the state. They remain in these colleges two or three
years — never less than two, or more than three. Here
they continue the studies which they had previously
followed in the primary and superior schools. They
perfect themselves in writing, arithmetic, history, geo-
graphy, and Scripture history, and receive a careful
education in the physical sciences, and particularly in
mathematics and botany. In some of the normal col-
leges, the young men also study Latin and the modern
languages. Besides this, they al/ learn the violin, the
organ, and pianoforte. I have seen as many as a
hundred violins, three organs, and three pianofortes in
one normal college. They also continue the practice of
chanting and singing, which they had commenced in
the village schools; and when the college is situated in
the country, and intended for village teachers, the
students learn gardening and agriculture. I became
acquainted in Bonn with the teacher of the poorest
school in the town. He could speak French very
tolerably, as well as a little English ; he was acquainted
with many of our first writers, and knew the rudiments
of the Latin language, in addition to the necessary at-
tainments of a teacher.
But the government and the people are not satisfied
that, because a teacher has passed through one of
these training establishments, he is therefore fit to
undertake the management of a village school. Far
from it. When the normal college course is finished,
the young aspirants are obliged to submit to another
examination, which is conducted by the professors
of the college in the presence of a counsellor from
the provincial schulcollegium, the educational coun-
sellor of the county court, and a delegate from the
Roman Catholic bishop, or Protestant superintendent of
the county, according as the school is for Romanist
or for Protestant students. These different person-
ages ought to be present, but I was assured that, in
general, only the educational counsellor of the county
court assisted at the examination. At its conclusion, if
the directors and professors have been satisfied with the
conduct of the young men, during their residence in the
college, and have no reason to doubt the excellence of
their moral character, and the orthodoxy of their reli-
gious belief, the young candidates receive diplomas
marked according to the manner in which they acquitted
themselves in the examination, “1,” “2,” or 3,”
and signed by the director and professors, and by the
members of the provincial schulcollegium.
Those who obtain the diplomas marked “1,” are
legally authorised to officiate as teachers, without further
scrutiny, but those who only obtain those marked “ 2 ”
or “3,” are only appointed to schools for two or three
years on trial, and, at the end of that time, are obliged
to return to the normal college and undergo another
It is not, however, necessary that a young man
should pass through a normal college, in order to ob-
tain a diploma enabling him to officiate as teacher.
Any person, who has received so good an education as
to enable him to pass the examination at a normal col-
lege, can obtain one, if his character is unimpeachable.
By far the greatest proportion, however, of the teachers
of Prussia are educated in the normal colleges. When
they have obtained these diplomas, the county courts
present them to such school-committees as require
teachers ; and if these parochial committees are satisfied
with them, they are elected. In such a numerous body
as that of the Prussian teachers, there are always nume-
rous vacancies. ‘The number of colleges and students
are so arranged, as to regularly supply that, which is
found to be the average number of yearly vacancies.
The candidates who have only obtained the diplomas
marked “ 2” or “3” hold their offices, as [ have said, only
provisionally ; and, in order to be definitely appointed,
are obliged, at the termination of their specified period of
trial, either to obtain the approval of the local inspector,
or to undergo another examination; and I was assured,
that they are sometimes obliged to return three or four
times to be examined, ere they can obtain a definite ap-
pointment — such care does the country take, that none
but fit persons shall occupy this responsible position.
When he is once appointed, however, the teacher is
thenceforward a county and not a parochial officer. No
person or set of persons in 7mmediate connection with him
can turn him out of his situation, without having first
obtained the sanction of the county magistrates. After
the parochial ministers and householders have once
elected him, they have no power to deprive him of his
salary or his situation. No one but the county magis-
trates or the union inspector, who, by living at a dis-
tance, are not likely to be affected by personal prejudices
or parochial disputes, can interfere directly with the
teacher, and should the latter deem the interference of
even the inspector uncalled for, he can always appeal to
the superior authorities, or even to the Minister of
Education himself. The parochial committees have,
however, the power of complaining of the teacher to the
county magistrates, if they think he is acting unwisely
or immorally ; and such complaints always receive im-
mediate and special attention. When any such com-
plaints are made, the county court despatches an in-
spector to examine into the matter, and empowers him,
if he thinks the teacher worthy of censure, fine, or ex-
pulsion, to act accordingly. If, however, the teacher is
not blameable, the inspector explains the matter to the
parochial authorities, and effects a reconciliation between
the parties, If the inspector should deem the teacher
worthy of punishment, and this latter should be dis-
satisfied with the sentence, he can carry the matter be-
fore a justice of the peace; and if he is not satisfied
with his decision, he can appeal to the provincial schul-
collegium, thence to the Minister of Instruction, and
thence, if he desires, to the King himself — of so much
importance does the Prussian government deem it, to
protect the teachers, and to raise their office in public
opinion. I have mentioned that a Prussian teacher
seldom leaves his profession ; but that many change their
positions. When a good and well paid situation falls
vacant in any parish, an experienced teacher, who al-
ready occupies some worse paid situation in another
parish, and who has obtained credit for his excellent
school-management, is preferred by the school-com-
mittee to the young adepts fresh from the normal col-
Jeges. On this account, the young men generally
commence with an inferior position, and earn better
ones, according as they manage the first they entered.
It is evident, how important a regulation this is, as
the teachers of the poorest schools are saved from be-
coming listless and dispirited, and are rendered earnest
and industrious, in the hopes of bettering their situa-
tion. The country is, however, gradually improving
the salaries of all the teachers. No village or town is
ever allowed to lessen the amount it has once given to
a teacher. What it has once given, it is obliged to con
tinue to give in future. It may increase it as much as
it likes, and the county courts have the power of in-
terfering, and saying, “ You have hitherto paid your
teachers too little; you must augment the teacher’s
salary.” This is only done, however, when it is known,
that the parish or town is capable of increasing the
school salaries and is unwilling to do so,
The importance of enabling the teachers to command
the respect of the people, of rendering them independ-
ent of those in immediate connection with them, and of
protecting them from ignorant interference and mere
personal animosity, is so fully recognised in Prussia,
that even when the school is endowed, and managed by
trustees, these trustees, after having once elected a
teacher, are not permitted to dismiss him, unless they can:
prove to the county court that they have sufficient cause
for complaint. The teacher, elected by trustees, has the:
privilege of appealing to the Minister of Education in
Berlin, against the act of the trustees and county magis-
trates, just as well as all the other teachers of Prussia,
F 2
The reasons, which have induced the Prussian go-
vernment to render the teachers, after their election,
so independent of those in immediate connection with
them, appear to have been : —
Ist. Because the teachers of Prussia are a very
learned body, and, from their long study of pedagogy,
have acquired greater ability than any other persons
in the art of teaching. They are, therefore, better
qualified than any other persons to conduct the instruc-
tion of their children; but, if those persons who have
never studied pedagogy could interfere with them, and
say, “ You shall teach it in this way or in that, or else
leave the parish,” the teachers would often be obliged to
pursue some ridiculous, inefficient method, merely to
please the whims of persons not experienced in school
management, and the enlightenment of the people wou!d
thus be often considerably retarded.
2nd. Because, if the parishioners or the parochial
ministers had a right to turn away a teacher, whenever
he chanced to displease them, the teachers would always
‘be liable to, and would often suffer from, foolish per-
‘sonal dislikes, founded on no good ground. They
would thus lose their independence of character, by
‘being forced to suit their conduct to the whims of those
around them, instead of being able to act faithfully
and conscientiously to all; or by being exposed to the
insults or impertinence of ignorant persons, who did
not understand and appreciate the value and import-
ance of their labours; or by being prevented from
acting faithfully towards the children, from fear of
offending the parents; or by being forced to cringe to
and flatter the ignorance, and even the vices, of those
around them, instead of being able to combat them;
and they would thus generally, by one or other of
these ways, forfeit at least some part of the respect of
the parents of their children, and would, consequently,
find their lessons and advice robbed of one half their
weight, and their labours of a great part of their ef-
For these reasons, the Prussian government endea-
vours to give as much liberty as possible to the teachers,
and to fetter their hands as little as possible. In the
normal colleges they receive instruction in the different
methods of teaching; and, out of these, each teacher is
at liberty to follow whichever seems to him the best
calculated to promote the growth of the intelligence of
his scholars. It is felt, that without this liberty, a
teacher would often work unwillingly, and that a dis-
contented or unwilling teacher is worse than none at
all. In the choice of their books and apparatus, the
teachers are allowed an almost equal freedom. If a
teacher finds a book, which he thinks better calculated
for instruction, than the one he has been in the habit of
using, he sends it through the inspector to the educa-
tional counsellor of the county court, who forwards it
to the schulcollegium for approval; and, as soon as
this is obtained, the teacher can introduce it into his
school. There are, already, a great many books in
each province, which have been thus sanctioned; and,
out of these, every teacher in the province can choose
whichever pleases him most. These school-books are,
generally, written by teachers; and, from what I saw
of them, they seemed to evince a profound knowledge
of the science of pedagogy. Until a book has been thus
sanctioned by the schulcollegium, which has the manage-
ment of the normal colleges and gymnasia of its pro-
vince, it cannot be introduced into a parochial school.
The teachers are not assisted by monitors in Germany,
as in Switzerland, France, and England; and this I
think a very great error. I have often been in schools
in Prussia, where the teacher had about one hundred
children of different degrees of proficiency to instruct
in the same class-room, without any assistance what-
ever; the consequence was, that while he was teaching
one class, the others were in disorder, and making noise
enough to distract the attention of the children, who
were receiving instruction, as well as that of the teacher,
who was giving it; while the teacher, instead of being
able to devote his time to the higher branches of in-
struction, and to the children, who more particularly
needed his care, was obliged to divide it among all, and
to superintend himself the very lowest branches of
instruction; and this, too, at the sacrifice of the order
and quiet of his school. When I represented this to
the teachers, I was always answered, “ Yes, that is true ;
but then we think, that a young monitor is unable to
educate the minds of the children under his care, and is,
consequently, likely to do them much injury.” This
is, no doubt, the result, if the teachers leave the educa-
tion of any of his children entirely to monitors; but he
has no need to do this: he ought to employ his
monitors merely in superintending the more mechanical
parts of instruction, such as writing, and learning the
alphabet, and also in preserving order; he might then
himself conduct the mental education of all the children.
But this they will not do in Prussia; they are so afraid
of injuring the mental culture of the children, that they
positively throw away a very important means for the
attainment of this end. In Switzerland a very different
course is pursued; the teachers are assisted in keeping
order, and in teaching the more mechanical parts of
instruction, by monitors, chosen from among their most
advanced pupils. These monitors remain with the
teacher, until they are of sufficient age to go to a normal
college; they are paid, I believe, by the parishes, and
are instructed by the teachers in the evenings. Irom
among them, the young candidates for the vacant places
in the normal colleges are chosen; so that the Swiss
teachers have often been engaged in schools, and in
school management, from their earliest years. Besides
this advantage, the country is spared a great expense ;
for in Prussia, where they have no monitors, they are
obliged to augment the number of their teachers very
considerably ; and I have found in a small school,
which could have been very easily managed by one
teacher and some well-trained monitors, as many as
three teachers, for each of whom good salaries had to
be provided, as well as houses and gardens. Doubtless,
it is much better to have experienced teachers, than
young monitors ; and hence it is that the town schools in
Prussia are very much better than those of other coun-
tries, as the town committees can afford to engage a
sufficient number of teachers ; but in the poor country
parishes this is not the case, and there it is, where the
¥ 4
want of monitors is most severely felt, as a large school
is often left entirely to the unaided care of a single
teacher. But this very defect in the Prussian system
arises from the great anxiety of the educational autho-
rities, that the religious and moral education of the
young should not suffer, Still I think it is a very
great mistake; and I am sure that many schools I
saw in Prussia suffer grievously from this regulation.
But it will be asked, how are the salaries of the
teachers provided, and what is their amount? The
regulations on this subject are particularly deserving of
attention. ‘The Prussian government clearly saw, that
nothing could tend more stronely to nullify their efforts
to raise the teachers’ profession in the eyes of the
people, than to leave the salaries of the teachers de-
pendent, either on uncertain payments, or on private
benevolence. ‘To have done so would have been to
destroy the independence of the profession.
The Prussian government, therefore, decreed that,
however small and from whatever source the teacher’s
salary should be derived, its amount should always be
fixed before his appointment, and that the payment
should be certain and regular.
As I mentioned before, each succeeding teacher must
be paid, at least, as much as his predecessor received.
The county magistrates have the power of obliging
each town or parish to increase the amount of the sala-
ries of their teachers, whenever they think the town or
parish is paying too little, and can afford to pay more.
These salaries are now wholly paid by the school or
town committees, from the funds raised by local taxa-
tion. Before the late law, which made education ora-
tuitous, they were derived, in part, from the school
fees. But the amount of the salary did not, in any
case, depend on that of the fees, nor was the teacher
ever placed in the invidious position of being obliged
himself to collect these monthly payments. They were
always collected by a tax-gatherer, appointed by the
village or town magistrate; and when they did not
amount to the fixed salary, which the school-committee
had agreed to pay to the teacher, they were increased
by a parochial rate, levied on the householders. In
many cases, however, the schools are endowed, and for
admission into these, no school fees were ever required.
But where fees were required, and where a parent was
too poor to pay them, the parochial or town authorities
were always obliged, by law, to pay them for him. The
fellowing are the regulations, which define the minimum
of the salaries of the Prussians.
Some of the country schools have each as many as
three teachers; but the number of teachers in a coun-
try school in Prussia does not, generally, exceed two ;
and, in many of these schools, there is only one teacher.
Where there are several, one is the head master, and
the others are his assistants. The laws relating to their
payment are as follow : —
‘* The first teacher in a country school, or, if there
be only one, then the single teacher shall receive, as his
yearly salary and the perquisites of his office, at least,—
“Ist. Free lodging.
“2nd. The necessary fuel for the warming of the
school-room, and of his own dwelling-house, and for his
household economy.
‘3rd. A piece of land, as near as possible to the
school, of from one to three Prussian acres large; the
tillage and manuring of which are to be done at the
expence of the parish.
Ath, A kitchen-garden behind his house, of not less
than half a Prussian acre.
_ © 5th. The necessary building for his little farming
“6th. Free summer pasture for at least two cows.
“7th. Twelve bushels of rye meal, two cart-loads of
hay, and two cart-loads of straw.
“8th. 72. 10s. in money.” [It must be remem-
bered that 77. 10s. in Prussia, is worth about as much
as 127. in England, and that this is only the sum
which has been fixed by law as the legal minimum, and
by no means gives an idea of the amount of salaries
paid to the Prussian teachers. |
* Tf the field, garden, or summer pasture for his cows
cannot be provided by the parish, the county court
must determine what equivalent in money must be
given him.
“‘ The second, third, &c., teacher in a country school
must receive —
“1st. Free lodging.
‘2nd. The fuel necessary for warming his house.
“3rd, 9/. in money (or about 15/. in English value).
“‘ The teachers of the towns must receive —
“Ist. Free lodging and fuel.
«2nd. The first teacher should receive at least 407.
per annum, and the other teachers at least 302. per
annum,” in English values.
I found these regulations among some educational
laws issued by the government in 1845 for one of the
provinces ; but Dr. Bruggeman assured me, that similar
laws were in operation for the whole of Prussia. The
above emoluments are the lowest the teachers can re-
ceive according to law. The government is about to
raise this minimum considerably, and to increase the
salaries throughout Prussia. Hitherto many have been
paid but poorly ; very few, however, have deserted their
profession, or engaged in other occupations, as they are
generally proud of their position, and satisfied with it.
Herr Peters, a teacher of a primary school in Bonn,
with whom I spent some time, said to me, one day,
« The Prussian teachers do not receive high salaries ;
but,” he added, with emphasis, “ however little the
salary of a teacher may be above the legal minimum,
it is certain, and collected for him by the parochial
authorities, without his having to trouble himself about
it.” The law, as I have mentioned, is very strict in
requiring the payments of the salaries to be made with
the utmost regularity.
It is easy to see how invaluable, for any country, a
great privileged class, like that of the Prussian teachers,
must be, especially when many of its members are, as
in Prussia, chosen by the state from amongst the most
hiehly gifted of the peasant class, and educated at the
expense of the country. It is, in fact, for modern
Prussia, just what the Roman Catholic Church was, for
Europe in the Middle Ages —it is a ladder, by which
F 6
all the genius of the lowest orders may ascend into a
suitable field of action. A young peasant boy of
promising abilities, pushed on by the restless spirit,
which so often characterises youth of real genius, and
anxious to better his position in the world, or to gain
some sphere of action more congenial to his taste, than
the farm-yard or the workshop, finds, in Prussia, the
teacher’s career open to him. If he can only distinguish
himself in his village school, and pass the entrance ex-
amination of a normal college, he gains a high education
at no expense, and is then sure (if he conducts himself
well, and distinguishes himself in the normal college) to
obtain a teacher’s place, to put himself in immediate
connection with the government, and to gain a very
honourable situation, affording him the amplest field
for the development and exercise of his talents. A clever
peasant in Prussia, instead of becoming a Chartist,
enters a normal college, and becomes a teacher. There
is no need for a young peasant to despond in Prussia,
and say, ‘* Here I am, endowed with talents fitting me
for another sphere, but shut out by doors, which can
only be opened with a golden key.” Far otherwise.
Free places are retained in the gymnasia for poor boys,
who wish to centinue their studies; and from these
colleges they can enter either into the ranks of the
Protestant or Romanist clergy, or into those of the
teachers ; and, in the last case, without having any thing
to pay for their education. It is easy to comprehend,
how this tends to allay political strife and discontent.
In our country, this is often occasioned, or, at least, in-
creased, by some one or two clever individuals, who find
themselves confined within a sphere, too narrow for their
talents and energies, and who, by their own restless
murmurs, arouse the dormant passions of their neigh-
bours. The German governments have been wiser in
their day than our freer countries. They have sepa-
rated the fiery spirits from the easily excited masses,
and converted them into earnest, active, and inde-
fatigable fosterers of the public morality, and into
guardians of the common weal.
In considering the salaries and privileges of the
teachers, it must also be borne in mind, that they are
exempt from taxation, and that they are free from all
obligation to serve in the army, and to attend the yearly
military exercises.
On the installation of a new teacher, the parochial or
school authorities are obliged, either to send conveyances
for the transport of his family and goods, or to pay the
expenses of such transport, for any distance less than
fifty English miles. But, if the teacher leaves his situ-
ation before the expiration of five years, he is obliged
to repay to the local authorities the expenses of this
Whenever a new teacher is introduced into a pa-
rochial school, his installation is a public ceremony, at
which all the parochial authorities assist, in order to
impress the people with a sense of the importance of
his office and his duties, and to encourage among them
a respect for him, without which his hopes of success in
his labours must be necessarily very small.
The ceremony of installation generally takes place in
the parochial church, where the new teacher is presented,
by the religious minister, to the civil authorities, and to
the inhabitants of the parish. The children, whose edu-
cation he has to conduct, are always present at the
The Prussian government feels that, unless it can
render the profession honourable and worthy of men of
high characters and attainments, all its attempts to raise
the religious and moral tone of the education of the
people will be ever unavailing.
I have not hitherto mentioned Prussian school-
mistresses, because there are but few; and because the
regulations, with respect to their education, examin-
ation, and appointment, are precisely similar to those
relating to schoolmasters. Among the Protestants of
Prussia there are scarcely any schoolmistresses; the
greatest part of the Prussian female teachers are Ro-
manists, and for their education there are several nor-
mal colleges established in the Romanist provinces of
Prussia. I inquired of the Romanist counsellor, in the
Bureau of Public Instruction in Berlin, whether it was
not found difficult to retain the female teachers long at
their posts, on account of their making such eligible
wives, even for the farmers. But he assured me, that
this was not the case, as far as their female teachers
were concerned, as they form among themselves a body
like the order of the Sisters of Charity, with this dis-
tinction, that, instead of actually taking a solemn public
vow of celibacy, it 1s generally understood among them,
that they shall not marry, but shall devote themselves,
during the remainder of their lives, to the duties of
school management and instruction. In this respect
the Romanists have a great advantage over the Pro-
testants; for I found, in the Protestant cantons of
Switzerland, just the same objection to the employment
of female teachers, as that which is experienced among
the Protestants of Prussia and of England, viz., that a
young woman, who has been carefully trained in a good
normal college, until she is twenty years of age, makes
so good a wife for men, even in the middle classes of
society, that she always marries, soon after leaving the
college; and, consequently, that a much greater supply
of students and colleges are required, in order to supply
the constant vacancies, which occur in the ranks, and
that the expences of educating a sufficient number
of female teachers are therefore too great in general to
be supported, unless the students pay for their own
education, which very few of the young women, who
are desirous of being teachers, are able to do.
In the Romanist cantons of Switzerland, the Sisters
of Charity conduct the education of the girls; and
their schools are the best and most pleasing female
schools I haye ever seen. Herr Stiehl, one of the
Protestant educational counsellors and chief inspector
of Prussia, confirmed all that the Catholic minister
had told me, and stated that, for the reasons above men-
tioned, the Prussian Protestants found it impossible to
keep the female teachers long in their situations; and
that the expence of constantly educating fresh female
teachers, to supply the places of those who married, was
too great to be borne. The Prussians, however, in ge-
neral, prefer male teachers for the girls, even where they
can obtain female; so that in nearly all the schools I
visited, I found schoolmasters, and not schoolmistresses,
instructing the girls’ classes.
The Prussians would ridicule the idea of confiding
the education of the girls to uneducated mistresses, such
as those in our dame, and in most of our female schools.
They cannot conceive the case of a parent, who would
be willing to commit his child to the care of a person,
who had not been educated, most carefully and re-
ligiously, in that most difficult of all arts, the art of
teaching. They think, that a teacher must either im-
prove and elevate the minds of his children, or else
injure and debase them. ‘They believe, that there is no
such thing as being able to come into daily contact with
a child, without doing him either geod or harm. The
Prussians know, that the minds of the young are never
stationary, but always in progress; and that this pro-
eress is always either a moral or an immoral one, either
forward or backward; and hence the extraordinary ex-
penditure the country is bearing, and the extraordinary
pains it is taking, to support and improve its training
establishments for teachers.
There are at present in Prussia forty-two normal
colleges for the education of the teachers of the people !
These great, admirable, and well-endowed institutions
are supported by the central government. All the
German states, as well as Denmark, Holland, Switzer-
land, France, and Austria, have recognised the absolute
necessity of supporting these teachers’ training esta-
blishments. Holland has two very large ones, Baden
two, Wirtemberg two, Saxony eight, Hanover five,
Bavaria eight, Switzerland thirteen, Austria fourteen,
France ninety-six; and each of the smaller German
States several. But in England we care so little about
the profession of the teacher, that we have not more
than twelve worth mentioning. I shall show here-
after the character of the admirable normal colleges of
In order to increase the feeling of union and brother-
hood, which already exists in a high degree among the
Prussian teachers, and in order to encourage them to
renewed exertions, and to diminish, as much as possible,
the feeling of isolation which must always exist, in
some degree, where an educated man finds himself
placed in a solitary country parish, surrounded by pea-
satry less cultivated than himself, and cut off from the
literary society, to which he had been accustomed at
the normal college, the government promotes the fre-
quent holding of teachers’ conferences, for the purpose
of mutual improvement and encouragement. ‘These
conferences are held very often, over the whole of Ger-
many, Switzerland, France, and Holland, and the bene-
fits resulting from them are very great indeed. In
Prussia, there are three kinds of such conferences, of
which I shall now give a short account. ‘The first is
that of the province. In several of the provinces of
Prussia, all the teachers, both Catholic and Protestant,
assemble once a year, in some town, which has been
agreed upon at their last meeting, and on a predeter-
mined day. The duration of the meeting is different
in different parts; sometimes only for one and some-
times for several days. Their objects, too, are different.
Sometimes it is for mutual instruction, whilst at others
it is for pleasure. But, whatever be the nominal pur-
pose of their assembling, the real end of it is, to produce
the feeling of association and brotherhood, which is
one of the strongest encouragements to isolated and
single efforts.
Besides these yearly provincial assemblies, there is
also another meeting of teachers held monthly in every
kreis or union. ‘The principal ecclesiastical authority
or school-inspector of the union summons and presides
over it. This meeting is more especially intended for
the purposes of instruction, than that of the province.
It lasts only one day; the teachers meet early in the
morning, and disperse again in the evening. They
dine together at noon, and spend the morning and
afternoon in conference and mutual improvement.
They assemble at some town or village in the union on
an appointed day, of which the union inspector gives
them. each notice some weeks beforehand. In the
morning, they all meet in one of the schools, or in some
great room of the town. A class of children, taken
from one of the schools of the town, is assembled there.
One of the teachers, generally one of the younger ones,
is chosen by his companions to give these children a
lesson, on some subject of instruction in the primary
schools. The teacher, who is selected, gives the les-
son before all the others assembled at the conference.
When the lesson is ended, the children are dismissed,
and the remaining teachers then begin to criticise the
manner, in which the instruction was given, and each
shows, how he thinks it might have been improved; and
then a debate ensues on the merits of different methods
of teaching and of different plans of school manage-
This plan of debating at the conferences, on methods
of instruction, makes the teachers think, and stimulates
them to inquire, how they can impart instruction in
the most efficient manner. It makes them also eager
to improve their manner of teaching, as each one fears
to exhibit any ignorance of his profession, or any un-
skilfulness before his professional brethren, and desires
to win their applause by his ability ; and,it makes them
properly attentive to all the minutiz of their profession,
as well as to the more interesting studies connected
with it.
I was present at one of these teachers’ conferences.
It was attended not only by the teachers from the pri-
mary schools, but also by professors from the superior
schools and colleges, and was presided over by the
director of a normal college. I do not think the im-
portance of these meetings can be exaggerated. They
are not only, as I have before said, a great encourage-
ment to the isolated teachers; but they are a continual
source of instruction and improvement to all in their most
important duties. The teachers continue at these meet-
ings the instruction they commenced at the normal col-
leges; they discuss all the new school-books that have
appeared, all the new regulations that have been issued,
all the new plans that have been tried; and they in-
form one another of the progress of their different dis-
tricts. In France and South Germany, they have so
strongly felt the importance of these meetings, that
the expenses of the teachers in travelling to them are
borne by the government; and in Holland and the
Duchy of Baden, the government inspectors assist at
them, and join in the debates. In some parts of Switzer-
land, also, they are very well organised; and in the
canton of Neufchatel, I remember to have read a num-
ber of a very interesting periodical, which was published
after each conference, and which contained several most
instructive and very able papers, which had been read
at the previous meeting of the village school professors.
One cannot help regretting, that here in England, with
our rapid means of transit, something of the sort is not
done in each county. I believe the government would
find it a very easy matter, to prevail upon the different
railway committees to allow each teacher four journeys
a year, so as to enable all the teachers of a county to
assemble in their own county, free of expense, at least
four times a year.
Besides those conferences, which I have already men-
tioned, there is still another kind, which is held in
Prussia. This is when a parish is very large, and con-
tains several schools and many teachers. In such cases,
the chief ecclesiastical authority summons a meeting of
all the parochial teachers once a month, for purposes of
mutual instruction, similar to the meetings in the unions.
Sometimes the clergyman himself gives them a lecture
on religious instruction, and, at other times, they debate
among themselves on questions of pedagogy, or criticise
one another’s methods of teaching; but in all cases the
object of the meetings is the same, viz., mutual en-
couragement andimprovement. As the religious minis-
ters preside at these parochial and union conferences,
they have an opportunity of addressing the teachers on
their religious duties, and of giving them advice and
instruction respecting the true end they ought to keep
in view in their school lessons, and on the care they
ought to take to keep this end constantly in sight.
The ministers also give the teachers advice and counsel
respecting the manner, in which their religious lessons
ought to be given, in order the more strongly to impress
the minds of their scholars with the serious import of
the truths of the Scriptures; and they have the oppor-
tunity of reminding the younger teachers of the par-
ticular parts of the Scripture, which they ought more
particularly to lay before the different classes of their
children, and of the method of religious instruction
which they ought to pursue. But it is impossible to
detail all the great and obvious advantages, which re-
sult from these meetings of the clergy and the school
professors, or to enumerate the different subjects of re-
flection, debate, and conversation, which are started and
discussed at them. They are the supplements, so to
speak, of the normal colleges, and serve, in an admirable
manner, to carry forward the education, which the
young aspirants to the teachers’ profession commenced
at these institutions, and to continually revive through
after life the knowledge imparted in them.
I have now shown how the government provides for
the education, appointment, payment, protection, en-
couragement, and continual improvement of the teachers.
It remains for me to show, how the Prussian govern-
ment secures the teacher from all fear of being disabled,
by sickness or old age, from pursuing his labours or
providing for his family. It would be a great disgrace for
a profession, such as that of the Prussian teachers, were
the fate of a superannuated teacher to be the same as in
our country; where there is in general no other refuge
for such a person, than the workhouse or the hospital.
Doubtless, if Prussia did not feel more interested, than
we do, in the protection of this most important class
of public servants, it would not care what became of
them, when they were too old or too weak to attend
the schools. But Prussia fully appreciates the value
of the labours of her teachers, and has a sincere respect
for them, and a lively concern in their welfare. The
government has felt, that to cast off and forsake all the
old and faithful teachers, when they could work no
longer, would be to disgust the whole body, to break
off the sympathies, which unite them to their profession,
and to shut out of it many noble spirits. It has, there-
fore, most carefully guarded against these results, by the
regulations, which I shall now proceed to describe.
-If a teacher, who has been definitely appointed, be-
comes unable to fulfil the duties of his station, either
through the utter breaking up of his health, or by old
age, the authorities who appointed him, whether they
were the county court, the town school commission, or
the parochial school-committee, are obliged to pension
him for the remainder of his life.
This pension must, according to law, amount to at
least one third of his former income. Whether the com-
mittee settles more than this upon a teacher or not,
depends upon the manner in which he has laboured,
whilst he was yet able to do so, and upon the resources
which the committee finds at its disposal. When, how-
ever, the teacher is not so far incapacitated for exertion
as to be unable to do any thing, but only so far as to
require assistance, the local committee or county court
is not allowed to dismiss him on a pension, but is re-
quired to provide him an assistant, who must be chosen
from among the young men, who have been educated in
the normal colleges, and who have obtained certificates
of qualification for their duties.
If the school, to which a teacher has been appointed,
is supported by or belongs to a landed proprietor, this
latter is obliged to pension the teacher, when inca-
pacitated for his duties by illness or old age; and if
the school is one of royal foundation, the court of the
county, in which it is situated, must pension him. The
Prussian government, although professedly a military
state, has shown itself at least as deeply interested: in the
welfare of its teachers, as in that of its soldiers, whilst
we, who disown the appellation of a military people,
take greater care of our soldiers than of our teachers.
Besides the provisions for the pensioning of the su-
perannuated teachers, there is another law in force in
Prussia, which relates to the future provision of the
widows and orphans of deceased schoolmasters, and
which is deserving of equal praise.
In each union a society is formed, of which the prin-
cipal ecclesiastical authority in the union is the presi-
dent, the object of which is to provide for the support
of the widows and orphans of deceased teachers. The
regulations of these societies differ a little, I believe, in
the different provinces; but it will not be necessary
here to examine them so minutely, as to show what is
peculiar to each. I shall only attempt to give a brief
sketch of them, as I have collected it from the laws,
which have been framed for some of the eastern counties
of Prussia, and which I have now before me.
Every definitely appointed teacher, whether in town
or country, must become a member of the society esta-
blished in his union, for the assistance of the widows
and orphans of deceased teachers.
Kivery teacher must pay a small entrance-fee on his
becoming a member, and afterwards a small yearly sum.
The amounts of these sums are in all cases confined
within certain limits, and can neither fall below nor rise
above them. On the amount of the yearly subscription
paid by the teacher depends the value of the pension,
which his widow or children will be entitled to receive,
after his death, from the director of the union society.
There are generally three different pensions, varying in
value, for either of which the teacher may subscribe at
his own discretion, but for one of which he must pay
his annual subscription. If he pay to the first and best,
his widow or children will receive the greatest pension
given by the society, and this is always very much
more than the interest of his money, calculated on life
averages, would have entitled him to receive, as the
societies are not commercial enterprises, but charitable
institutions. To enable the societies, therefore, to meet
the calls upon their treasuries, it is often necessary, that
they should be assisted in some extraordinary manner,
and this is done by collections made in the union
churches by the ecclesiastical superintendent, and by
assistance granted by the county courts. When a
teacher dies, however soon it may be after his having
commenced his subscription, leaving a wife or children
too young to support themselves, they receive the pen-
sion for which their father had subscribed. The wife
continues to receive it for her life, and the children,
until they are old enough to earn their own subsistence,
or until they attain the age of fourteen years; for be-
fore this time they are not generally able to leave the
parochial schools and commence labour. If he leaves
several children, the pension is paid, until the youngest
attains this age. But if the widow marries again, she
loses her pension, as it is supposed, that her second
husband is able to support her.
By these means, the Prussian teacher is freed from
all anxiety, about the fate of his family after his death,
and is less tempted than he would be, if their after
maintenance depended upon his own small savings, to
divert his mind from his important duties, by the desire
of making a provision, sufficient to support them, if he
were to die before they were able to support them-
selves. Besides these great advantages, the regulations,
which I have described, tend to raise the profession
in the estimation of the poor, who thus see, that the
government considers, not only that the teachers them-
selves, but that their wives and families also, are desery-
ing of its especial protection. ‘They also render the
situation of a teacher more desirable for literary and
clever young men, who find it an honourable station
suited to their tastes, and freed from those anxieties,
against which a literary man is often the least fitted to
There is still another cause, which contributes, in a
very powerful manner, to foster the feeling of brother-
hood between the Prussian teachers. I refer to the
teachers’ journals.
These journals are periodicals, which appear weekly or
monthly, and contain all the latest news and statistics,
of the progress of education in all the countries of
the world; original articles on different questions re-
lating to the general management of schools, and the
different methods of instruction ; accounts of particular
schools distinguished by some particular excellence or
other; biographies of distinguished teachers and profes-
sors; and reviews of all the latest works on pedagogy.
They are published for the whole of Germany
and Switzerland; and their articles are contributed by
inspectors, teachers, and professors from all parts of
Germany. The stimulus they give to education is
almost incalculable. By their means, all the most re-
cent improvements in pedagogy are rapidly dissemi-
nated; the efforts of the most able teachers are published ;
the labours, the plans, and the success of particular
teachers are described; the character of all the new
laws and regulations is discussed and explained; the
honours and rewards bestowed on eminent and successful
teachers and friends of education are made known; and
in this way, a feeling of generous emulation is excited
among all the members of this great body, spread as
it is over the Austrian empire, Bavaria, Wirtemberg,
Baden, the German dukedoms, Saxony, Prussia, Hanover,
and the German cantons of Switzerland, which an
Enelishman would find it difficult to conceive. Each
teacher, who takes in one of these journals, is reminded of
the greatness of the brotherhood, of which he is a mem-
ber; he is told by its pages, that over the vast and
well-loved Germany, all the members of this brother-
hood are labouring as himself, each in his respective
locality ; that their efforts are not without success, and
not without the sympathy of their country; that he
himself participates in this sympathy, and is an object
of interest to the whole of Germany ;- and when he lays |
his paper down, after its perusal, it is with a feeling of
pride in his profession, of exultation in the thought of
his labours, and of confidence in his ultimate success.
That the teachers are deeply interested in their pro~
fession, no one can doubt, who has had an opportunity
of observing how the German press is teeming with
works on pedagogy, published by and intended ex-
pressly for the teachers.
I happened to be in Leipsic, during the great fair of
1846, at which time all the new books, which had ap-
peared in Germany within the past year were exhibited ;
and I was very much astonished, at the great number of
works on pedagogy, which had appeared in that year.
There were treatises on different questions relating to
the management of schools and the instruction of the
young; accounts of particular schools in different parts
of Germany ; obituaries of eminent teachers and pro-
fessors, who had ceased their labours in this world;
biographies of others still engaged in their important
ayocations; and all kinds of school-books properly so
qa 2
called. The tables of the publishers were literally
covered with books issued expressly for the schools and
teachers, and generally written by members of the
This shows, also, how much is being done at the pre-
sent time in Germany to improve the science of pe-
Having thus described the character and social
position of the great profession of Prussian teachers,
T shall now show, what education the law requires each
of them to have received, before it allows him to en-
gace in the work of instruction ; for it must be remem-
bered, that no person, whether he be a foreigner or
a native, is allowed to act as a teacher of any public
or private school in the kingdom of Prussia, until he
has passed a very rigid examination in all the subjects
of. school instruction, and has obtained a diploma from
his examiners, stating that he is fit to be a teacher.
A FEW years ago, any one used to be thought clever
enough to be a teacher. Even now, in many parts of
our country, any poor fellow who can read and write
decently, is thought fit to teach in a village school,
so low is the idea of many of the education which
should be given to the children of the poor, and of the
character of the men who ought to train our citizens !
Forty years ago there were not twenty colleges for
the education of teachers in the whole of Kurope; now
there are several hundreds of such institutions! Within
the last forty years, Holland has established two great
normal colleges, expressly intended for the scientific
education of the teachers of the poor; Baden, two;
Wirtemberg, two; Saxony, eight ; Hanover, five; Den-
mark, five; Bavaria, eight; Switzerland, thirteen; the
Austrian Empire, fourteen; Prussia, forty-three; and
France, ninety-six. Besides these, many others have,
I believe, been established in the smaller German
States, as well as in Norway and Sweden. And
what is now the consequence? At this moment, in
almost every village of France, Germany, Austria,
Denmark, Holland, Switzerland, Norway, and Sweden,
a learned and good man, who has _ been highly educated
G 3
at some one or other of these great and well endowed
colleges, and whose character has received the appro-
bation of the religious minister of the village, in which
he grew up to manhood, is now teaching and associating
with the poor. Is it possible that such a moral in-
fluence could exist without result? No; each year has
witnessed, and is still witnessing, a visible and steady
improvement in the character and social habits of the
poor of these countries. There can be no possible doubt
to an unprejudiced traveller, that the physical and moral
condition of the German and French peasants has within
the last twenty years greatly improved. Every one
bears witness to this fact. The villages themselves tell
the same tale.
In proportion, as the tastes of the peasants of these
countries haye been raised, so have their providence, their
morality, and their prosperity been increased. ‘They eat
better food, they wear better garments, they inhabit
better houses, than they used to do only twenty years
ago. Squalid pauperism is rapidly disappearing ; com-
fort, contentment, and industry are taking its place.
it is impossible to shut one’s eyes to these facts. What-
ever be the cause, most certain it is, that the German
peasant is a happier man than the English farm la-
bourer. His cottage is cleaner, more roomy, and more
comfortable; his children look like the children of the
eentry— clean, well-mannered, and intelligent ; his wife
is comfortably clothed; his food is good, and he has
plenty of it; his amusements are healthy, and he has
time for their enjoyment; and his own countenance is
happy and intelligent, and bespeaks contentment. I
was constantly told, as I wandered among the people
**You cannot conceive what a change for the better
has taken place within the last thirty years, and that
change is still going on.” I did not need this testimony.
I saw enough on every side to convince me of the
happy effects arising from the combined influence of
peasant proprietorship and education. I only wish that
every [inglishman was able to travel in these countries,
to learn what has been done for the people, and what it
is possible to do.
In each of the different provinces of Prussia the
government has established five or six great colleges,
intended expressly for the education of the teachers.
There are now forty-three of these magnificent founda-
tions scattered throughout the kingdom. Each county
possesses at least one, nearly all have two of them.
They are all endowed, partly by the state and partly
by private benefactors. The education given in them
is perfectly gratuitous; at least one-half of the cost of
boarding each student is borne by the state, or defrayed
out of the funds of the college, on the most liberal
scale ; and every thing is provided, which can possibly
contribute to the perfection of the training and educa-
tion of the students. |
No attempt has been made to give the education of
the teachers any political bias. ‘The normal colleges
are widely dispersed throughout the country. They
are situated close to the homes of the students, and at
great distances from the centre of government; so that
the patriotic sentiments naturally resulting from the
humble origin of the young teachers are not weakened ;
G 4
nor are their local sympathies ever interrupted by the
young men being removed, during the period of their
education, into a distant and uncongenial political
atmosphere. Neither does the government undertake
the actual direction of these great and important esta-
blishments. Each of them, with only two or three ex-
ceptions, is put under the care of a religious minister
of the sect, for the education of whose teachers it is
In each province, there are, as I have before stated,
five or six of these institutions. In each county, there
are generally two. If the inhabitants of a county are
composed of Romanists and Protestants in pretty equal
proportions, one of these colleges is devoted to the
education of the Romanist teachers, the other to that
of the Protestant. If nearly all the inhabitants of a
county are of one faith, both of the normal colleges
are devoted to the education of the teachers of this
faith ; and the teachers of the minority are educated in
one of the colleges of a neighbouring county. There
are only two normal colleges in Prussia, where Romanist
and Protestant teachers are professedly educated to-
gether. ‘The directors of these great institutions are
chosen from among the clergy. The director of a
Romanist college is chosen by the Romanist bishop of
the province, in which the college is situated; and the
director of a Protestant college is chosen by the eccle-
siastical authorities of the province, in which the college
is situated; subject, however, in both cases, to the
approbation of the Minister of Education in Berlin,
who has the power of objecting, if an unsuitable or
injudicious choice is made.
The normal colleges are thus put under the super-
vision of the religious bodies. The government itself
directs their management. It recognises the import-
ance of these colleges having a decidedly religious cha-
racter; and, at the same time, of the education given
in them being of the most liberal kind. On the one
hand, therefore, it entrusts the direction of them to the
clergy ; and, on the other hand, it reserves the right
of examining them, so as to have the power of inter-
fering, in case the secular education of the students
should be injudiciously curtailed. The director of each
college appoints all the professors and teachers. The
religious ministers have, therefore, a considerable share
of the direction of these institutions. Their character
is decidedly religious, and a union between the clergy
and the teachers is effected, which is productive of the
best possible results.
The students remain in these colleges about three
years. They live in the institution. Almost the whole
of the expenses of their education, and of their board,
are paid out of the funds of the college.
If a young man wishes to enter into one of these
normal colleges, he need not travel far from home.
Within a day’s journey of his own village, is to be found
one of the normal colleges of his country. If he is able to
pass the preparatory examination, and to procure care-
fully attested certificates of character, he is received as
an inmate of the college on a vacancy occurring.
During the time of his sojourn there, and ‘during the
continuance of his arduous studies, he is’ in constant
communication with all his old associates and friends,
Gq 5
and constantly revisits the scenes of his boyhood. His
sympathies with his people are thus preserved intact.
None of his old connections with his village are broken ;
he remains the son, the brother, and the companion of
the peasants. His life in the normal college is very
simple and laborious; the change from its arduous
discipline and duties, to those of a village teacher, is a
change for the better. The teacher is not rendered
discontented with his simple village life, by being pam-
pered in the college; the laborious and self-denying
discipline. of the college teaches him, how to combine
the simplicity of the’ peasant, with the learning of the
scholar. It is the design of these Prussian colleges to
send forth simple-minded, industrious, religious, and
highly educated peasant teachers; and not affected
pedagogues, or mere conceited and discontented gentle-
men. Nobly, most nobly, have they fulfilled their
mission! Prussia may well be proud of her 30,000
Each one in his village, and in his district, is labour-
ing among the poor, not so much to teach them their
A, B, C, and mere school-room learning, as to enable
them to think; to show them the present, as well as
the future advantages of manly virtue, and to explain
to them, how much their own prosperity in life depends
upon their own exertions. This is education.
Oh! if we could once be taught to recognise the
vast benefits, which education must confer upon the
people—if we could once be taught to understand, the
meaning of the term, and the nature of the under-
taking—it would not be long, ere each one of our
counties would possess its two normal colleges, and
each one of our villages its educated teachers and its
school. We have the power, but not the will. We
do not understand the vast importance of education to
the people.
It has been said, by persons desirous of screening
our own shameful neglect of the people’s education, by
the abuse of the great efforts of our neighbours, that
the teachers of Prussia have been, in reality, nothing
more than the paid servants of an absolute power,
intended to prepare the minds of the people to passive
submission to a despotic government. Nothing can
be more shamefully and ignorantly false than this as-
I have a right to speak on this subject, as I have
seen more, perhaps, of the Prussian teachers, than any
of my countrymen; and of this I am certain, that the
sympathies of the Prussian teachers have always been
notoriously with the people, and not with the govern-
ment. The Prussian government has always, in fact,
bitterly complained of the too liberal spirit which ac-
tuates the teacher’s profession, but without effect ; the
body is popular in its origin, its position, its education,
and its sympathies. Many of the warmest friends of
constitutional progress in Prussia have always been
found among the teachers ; and, it is a fact, well worthy
of consideration, that liberal and constitutional ideas
neyer made so rapid a progress in Prussia, at any period
of its history, as they have done since the establish-
ment of the present system of education. I believe,
that the teachers and the schools of Prussia have been
the means of awakening in that country that spirit of
inquiry and that love of freedom, which forced the
government to grant a bond jfide constitution to the
An evidence of the free spirit, which has pervaded
the Prussian teachers, may be derived from the fact,
that the Prussian government found itself compelled,
in 1831, to address a circular order to the teachers, in
which, after reciting that the government had been in-
formed, that some of the teachers had converted their
class-rooms into political lecture rooms, and had selected
the political topics of the day as the subject of remark,
if not of instruction, —it prohibited such subjects being
introduced into the lessons by the teachers, and ordered
the inspectors to prevent the teachers perverting their
schools to such objects as these.
The very fact, that such a prohibition was found ne-
cessary, proves that my own observations were correct.
If further proof were needed, it might be told, that the
people have elected many teachers as their representa-
tives in the different Diets; thus proving their esteem
and respect for the able instructors of their children.
As nearly all the expenses of the young teacher’s
education in the normal colleges, are borne by the
country at large, and not by himself, it has been thought
advisable to require some kind of guarantee, that those,
who are educated in the colleges, will really, when their
education is completed, labour as teachers in the village
schools, and not merely use their college education as a
preparation for other more lucrative situations.
In order, therefore, to secure an adequate return for
the expenditure of the country, it has been decreed by
the government : —
“1st. That every young man, who is received into a
normal college, shall bind himself, by an agreement, to
remain, for three years, after leaving the college, at the
disposition of the government; and during such three
years, to take any situation, which the authorities of the
district, in which the normal college is situated, should
offer him, or to which they should wish to translate
«2nd. That if he does not comply with this condition
as soon as required to do so, he shall repay to the normal
college the cost of the education and maintenance,
which had been gratuitously given to him.”
Every year, at a fixed period, of which public notice
has been previously given in the local papers, the
directors and professors of each of the normal colleges
hold a public meeting, at which the magistrates of the
county and the religious ministers are present, for the
purpose of examining all young men, who are desirous
of obtaining admission into the normal college for the
purpose of being educated as teachers.
These examinations are open to all young men, even
of the poorest classes, many of whom enter the lists, as
almost all the expenses of the collegiate course are, as I
have said, borne by the state, or defrayed out of the
funds of the college.
Every competitor at one of these examinations must
forward to the director of the college, a fortnight
before the examination takes place, —
1. A certificate signed by his religious minister, and
certifying that his character and past life have been
moral and blameless ;
2. A certificate from a physician, certifying his free-
dom from chronic complaints, and the soundness of his
constitution and health;
3. A certificate of his having been vaccinated within
the last two years ;
4. A certificate of his baptism (if a Christian) ;
5. A certificate, signed by two or more teachers, of
his previous industrious and moral habits, and sufficient
abilities for the teachers’ profession.
On the day appointed, all the young candidates, who
have complied with the preceding regulations, and who
have attained the age of seventeen, are examined at the
college, in the presence of the county magistrates, and
of the religious ministers, by the directors and professors
of the college, in all the subjects of instruction given in
the highest classes of the primary schools; 7. e.,
Biblical History,
The History of Christianity,
Luther’s Catechism,
Arithmetic (Mental and Common),
German History,
Natural History,
The first principles of the Physical Sciences,
The Violin.
When the examination is concluded, a list is made
out, in which the names of the young men are inscribed
in order, according to the proficiency and ability they
have displayed in their examination. As many of the
highest in the list are then elected, as students of the
college, as there are vacancies that year, occasioned by
the departure of those who have left the college to take
the charge of village schools.
Those who are elected, as well as their parents or
cuardians, are then required to subscribe the agree-
ments I have before mentioned; and the successful
candidates are then admitted as residents of the college
for two or three years, according to the length of resi-
dence required by the rules of the college.
The time of residence in Prussia is generally three,
and never less than two years. The time of residence
in the normal colleges in the neighbouring kingdom of
Saxony is always FOUR years. When the young men
have been once admitted into the normal college, their
education as teachers commences. It must, however,
be borne in mind, that the Prussian teacher, when he first
enters a normal college, has generally before that period
enjoyed a much better education, and knows much
more then, than an English teacher does when he under-
takes the management of a school. Unless he did, he
would not be able to obtain admission into a normal
college. When he leaves the normal college, he has had
a better general education, than nine out of every ten
men who leave our Universities.
The education of a good teacher is a very difficult
matter, and, principally, for this reason :—Nothing, but
a very high education, can fit an individual for the
proper performance of that most delicate, difficult, and
important duty, the education of a child. Great learn-
ing, even when accompanied with good principles, is
often apt to wnfit its possessor for the humble duties of
a teacher’s life —the mingling, living, and conversing
with, and the advising the peasants ; the laborious and
often unnoticed and unrequited labours of the school-
room; the constant and wearying struggle with sloth,
ignorance, filth, bad habits, and immorality; with the
opposition of the prejudiced, and the ignorance of the
uneducated parents ; with the misrepresentations of his
scholars ; and with the neglect of the community. The
learned teacher has all this, and more than this, to con-
tend with. He finds himselfin such a situation, having
received an education fitting him for a very different
sphere of action, deserving much higher emolument, and
inclining him to seek a very different kind of employ-
ment. Sucha man, if he has received only an intellectual
training, is sure, sooner or later, to fly from his pro-
fession, and seek out an employment more congenial to
his newly-acquired tastes, or, if he remains at his post,
he remains discontented, and, by discontent, totally un-
fitted to perform his duties aright.
Now the Prussian and the German normal colleges
have avoided this difficulty in the following manner : —
They give the teachers a very high intellectual educa-
tion, but they give them something more: they educate
their habits also; they accustom the young men, whilst
they are in the colleges, to the most laborious and most
menial duties ; to combine high intellectual endowments
with the performance of the humblest duties of a pea-
sant’s life; and to acquire high literary attainments
whilst living on a peasant’s diet, wearing a peasant’s
dress, and labouring harder than any peasant is ever
called upon to do. When, therefore, the students leave
the colleges, they find their positions, as village teachers,
situations of less labour, of less real drudgery, and of
more comfort, than those, which they formerly occupied
in the colleges. By ,these means, their sympathies for
the labours and simplicity of the class, from which they
sprung are cherished, whilst the labours of the class-
room are rendered light and easy by comparison with
the labours and daily duties of the normal college.
Thus, the college does not engender discontent, but
braces the young teacher to his work, and prepares him
to encounter it with pleasure.
The education given in the normal colleges of Ger-
many and Switzerland may then be said to consist of
two distinct parts :
Ist. The intellectual training.
2nd. The industrial training.
before said, is of a very high character. I have shown
what knowledge a young man must have acquired,
before he can gain admittance into a normal college.
This is only the groundwork of his education in the
college. During his three years’ residence he continues
his studies in—
Biblical History,
The History of Christianity,
Luther’s Catechism,
Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, — and
He further enters upon a new and regular course of
study in —
Natural History,
The Physical Sciences,
Singing and Chanting,
The Violin, Pianoforte, and Organ.
Besides these subjects of study, the young men generally
learn the Latin and French languages, and very often
the English also, I met several teachers who knew all
three. These latter acquirements are not, however,
required; but without the former, a young man could
not obtain a teacher’s diploma, or officiate in any school
as a teacher, nor would he be accepted by the inhabitants
of a parish.
The first two years of a teacher’s residence in the
normal college are devoted almost exclusively to these
studies; the third year is divided between them and the
daily practice of teaching in the model schools, connected
with the college. Here they first practise as teachers,
under the eye and direction of an experienced professor,
who is able to show them how to impart knowledge in
the best manner, and how to manage and direct all the
minutiz of school discipline. Those who imagine, that
any one is fit for the performance of these duties with-
out any preparation, show themselves as ignorant of the
duties of a teacher, as they are careless about the im-
provement and happiness of the people.
Besides the subjects of instruction I have noticed,
the law requires, that each student. shall be taught
how to distinguish poisonous herbs; what are, and how
to use, the antidotes of different poisons; how to treat
the more common accidents, which labourers are liable
to meet with; and what remedies and treatment to
make use of in cases of scalds, burns, and bites of mad
dogs. The teachers are required to impart this in-
struction to the scholars of the primary schools, so that
every person may be capable of acting for himself and
without delay, in cases ‘of such daily occurrence, and
where a short delay in administering a simple and ne-
cessary remedy often proves fatal.
The teacher is thus qualified in simple cases to act as
the village doctor; and in country villages, where no
surgeon or medical adviser lives within many miles, the
teacher’s medical knowledge proves invaluable, both to
himself and to the people, among whom he dwells. As
the uneducated always esteem a man much more if
he exhibits a knowledge of the practical arts and ap-
pliances of life, the benefit and use of which they can
understand, than for any reputation he may have of
learning, of the use of which they have generally but
a vague idea; so this practical knowlege of the teachers
tends greatly to raise them in the estimation and re-
spect of their poorer neighbours, and by this means to
give greater influence and effect to their advice and
2nd. Tue INpusTRIAL TRAINING. — This consists,
generally, of the performance of all the ordinary house-
hold work, preparing the meals, taking care of the
sleeping apartments, pruning the fruit-trees, and cul-
tivating, in the lands always attached to the colleges,
the vegetables necessary for the use of the household.
The students are required to rise at five o’clock, and
to retire to rest by ten at the latest; and in turn to
wait upon the professors and on one another; to ring
the bell for classes, &c.; to pump the water required
for the daily use of the establishment; to go to the post-
office for letters; and to teach in the class-rooms of the
village school attached to the college.
The whole of every day is occupied by the regular
routine of these duties, and by attendance at the lec-
tures of the principal and the professors. There is no
unoccupied time, and, therefore, no time for the forma-
tion of idle or immoral habits. The college course is a
laborious, severe, but healthy course of life; bracing up
the mind, the body, and the habits, to the exertions of
the future career.
It is a more than Spartan discipline.
Every year, during its continuance, the young men
are rigorously examined, to see whether they are making
such progress in their studies, as to afford satisfactory
reason for hoping that, at the end of their course of
study, they will be able to succeed in gaining a diploma
or certificate of competence. When it is found that a
young man is incapable, or idle, and that his progress
is not such, as to ensure his probable success in the final
examination for diplomas, he is removed from the col-
lege, to make room for some more worthy recipient of
the national bounty, and of some more worthy candidate
for the teachers’ profession.
This training continues, as I have said before, for
three years in most of the Prussian colleges. During
the whole of this time the young men are urged and
stimulated to the greatest exertion, by the knowledge
that, at the end of it, they will have to submit to a
severe and searching public examination, conducted in
the presence of the educational magistrates of the county,
of the religious ministers, and of the professors of the
college; and that on the results of that examination, and
on the manner in which they succeed in it, their admis-
sion into the teachers’ profession, and their future course
of life, entirely depend.
Unless they can pass this final examination credit-
ably, they cannot become teachers; and, even if they
do pass it, the value of the situation, to which they may
be afterwards appointed, depends entirely on the degree
of efficiency and diligence which they display at the ex-
Every year at a certain period, fixed and publicly
announced beforehand, a meeting is held in each
normal college, by the director and professors of the
college, and by the religious ministers and the educa-
tional magistrates of the county, at which all the young
men, who have been three years in the college, are
summoned to attend, for the purpose of being examined
in all the subjects, in which they have received instruc-
tion, during their residence in the college. This exami-
nation generally lasts two days.
The young men who have completed their third
year’s residence in the college are then examined in, —
1. Biblical History ;
. The History of Christianity ;
. Luther’s Catechism ;
. Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic ;
Grammar ;
Geography, Local and Physical ;
History ;
Natural History ;
Botany ;
The Physical Sciences ;
. Pedagogy, and Class Management ;
Singing and Chanting ;
— ee
— je
. Drawing ;
14. The Organ, the Pianoforte, and the Violin.
According to the manner, in which each student
acquits himself in this examination, he receives, as I’
have before shown, a diploma marked “1,” “2,” or
<3,” or else is rejected, ¢. e. refused admittance into the
teachers’ profession on the ground of incompetency.
If a student has succeeded so well in his examination,
as to gain a diploma marked “1,” he is qualified to
take a situation in any school as principal teacher, and
to enter at once into the highest and most lucrative
situations in the country. ‘This diploma is a guarantee
to all to whom he shows it, that he is a young man of
good ability, high character, and great attainments, and
fit to be entrusted with the education of any children
of any class in the community.
If a student obtains a diploma marked “2,” or “ 3,”
he cannot, as I have before shown, for the first two or
three years, take any situation as principal teacher in
a school, but can only officiate as assistant teacher
until, by further study and diligent application, he has
qualified himself to attend another of the general annual
examinations, and has there succeeded in obtaining one
of the first diplomas. Those students who obtain the
diplomas marked “3,” are obliged to return, the fol-
lowing year, to the college examination; and, if they do
not give proofs of having improved themselves, in the
interim, in the branches of education in which they
were deficient, they are, generally, deprived of their
diplomas altogether.
Any person, whether he has been educated at a
normal college or not, may present himself at one of
them, at the time when the great annual examination is
held, and may demand to be examined for a diploma.
If he shows a requisite amount of knowledge, and can
produce all the certificates of character, health, &c.,
which are required of the other students at their en-
trance into the normal college, he may, equally with
the rest, obtain his diploma, and afterwards officiate as
a teacher.
But no person without a diploma, 7. e., without
haying given to the country undeniable proofs of high
character, well regulated temper, high attainments, and
a thorough knowledge of the science of pedagogy, is
permitted to officiate as teacher in Prussia.
The connection of a German teacher with the nor-
mal college does not, however, close when he has ob-
tained a diploma marked “1”, and when he has entered
upon his duties as parochial teacher.
The principal of the normal college is commanded
by the laws, to pay at least one yearly visit of in-
spection to each of the teachers, who have been edu-
cated in his college. The expense of these journeys
of inspection, advice, and encouragement is borne by
the state, or rather, as indeed a great part of the ex-
penses of the normal college itself, by the provincial
If on these tours of inspection, he perceives that
any one or more of the teachers requires some further
instruction or practice in any department of school
instruction —if he perceives, that a teacher has al-
lowed his knowledge of any branch of instruction to
lag behind the progress of the science of pedagogy, or
to grow dull from want of exercise — or if the teacher
should himself require it, — the principal is empowered
to remove the teacher for ‘a few months to the normal
college, and during the interim, to fill up his place with
a young student, or with some young teacher, who has
not yet obtained asituation. All the extra expenses, at-
tendant upon this removal, as, for instance, the payment
of the young substitute, as well as the keep of the teacher
himself during his renewed sojourn in the college, are
defrayed by the provincial government. The teacher’s
salary continues to be paid by the school-committee,
and serves to support his family during his absence.
I need not here remark upon the great munificence
of these arrangements, and upon the sad and disgrace-
ful contrast which our own efforts make when com-
pared to them.
The normal college in Prussia is, so to speak, the
home of all the teachers of the district, in which it is
situated. They know they can always apply there for
advice; that they will always find friends there, ready
to sympathise with them and to render them assistance ;
and that the director and professors understand all their
difficulties, and are always able and willing to aid them
in obtaining a remedy from the superior authorities.
The college is thus the protector and the adviser of the
teachers ; it is their refuge in all troubles; it is the cen-
tral point for their meetings and reunions; and it is the
place, from which they can, at all times, gain every kind
of necessary information, respecting the various objects
connected with their profession. They can see ‘there
all the best and newest works on the different branches
of pedagogy; all the lately improved apparatus and
materials for school instruction; and all the more re-
cently adopted methods of teaching. They can obtain
information there about the general progress of educa-
tion in general, and of the different arts and sciences in
particular; about their old friends and associates; and
about the character and efficiency of particular books,
schools, and methods of instruction.
T cannot speak too highly of these great and liberal
institutions. The spirit in which they have been con-
ceived, is so liberal; the way in which they have been
endowed is so munificent; their tone and teaching are
so truly healthy and patriotic; they are so free from
the ignorant cant of dogmatism and from the narrow-
minded feeling of pedantry; their discipline is so se-
verely moral and so invigorating; their domestic life
is so simple, laborious, and happy in its arrangements ;
and they are so entirely in unison with the religious
institutions of the country, that no one can visit them
without profound satisfaction. It is in these great in-
stitutions that all the guides and teachers of the youth
and children of Prussia are educated for their noble
but most arduous profession. No wonder then, that
the children of the poor of Prussia, who are ALL
brought up from their earliest years, by men educated
as these Prussian teachers are, should be so much in
advance of the children of our poor, in the scale of
In order to give a clearer idea of the real character
of the great normal colleges of Prussia, I shall describe
one of those, which I inspected in 1846, viz., the
normal college of Weissenfels in Prussian Saxony.
After having visited the celebrated normal college, then
conducted by Dr. Diesterweg at Berlin, which has ac-
quired a European reputation, and after having been
conducted over the more extensive institutions at Bruhl,
in the Rhine Province, and at Potsdam, I determined
to proceed to Weissenfels, in Prussian Saxony, as I had
heard from several high authorities, that the Weis-
senfels training establishment for Protestant teachers,
was considered one of the most complete and satis-
factory in Prussia, although not so large as some of the
The Minister of Education at Berlin gave directions,
that I should be furnished with letters of introduction
to the director of this institution, as well as to those of
any others I might desire to visit. I reached Weis-
senfels in the latter end of September, 1846, and was
received there, as well as everywhere else throughout
Prussia, with the greatest politeness. The director,
Dr. Hennicke, put into my hands the fullest accounts
of all the plans he pursued, and enabled me to verify
these statements by personal inspection and examina-
tion. The institution is a very interesting one, and
so much exceeded my expectations, that, even at the
risk of some repetition, I shall venture to describe it
here. |
The buildings, devoted by the provincial govern-
ment of Prussian Saxony to the Weissenfels normal
college, formed at one time a large monastery. They
are situated in a garden of about four or five English
acres in extent, near the small town of Weissenfels,
in the south of the Prussian province of Saxony.
One building is used as the residence of the director
and his family and of the students, who are sixty in
number; the other contains the apartments of the pro-
fessors, the chapel, the class-rooms for the students,
and the class-rooms for the model school, which is at~
tended by about 300 children from the town.
This model school was divided into five classes, each
containing from fifty to eighty children. Each of these
classes occupied a separate class-room, and was in-
structed by an able and experienced teacher, who had
obtained his diploma.
The rooms of this school were lofty, and excellently .
proportioned. They were beautifully clean, very well
ventilated, and all furnished with rows of parallel desks,
with large and excellent maps, large engravings for the
H 2
lectures on botany and natural history, black boards,
slates, and every thing which could assist the professors
and teachers.
In the college itself, there were five distinct lecture-
rooms for the use of the students of the institution ;
five large class-rooms for the model or practising
school, which I have just mentioned; a noble music
and general lecture hall, containing an excellent organ ;
a library for the use of the students; a second music-
room, with another organ; three smaller rooms for the
practice of instrumental music, each containing a piano-
forte; a large dining-room, containing two pianofortes ;.
a washing-room; a bath-room; an infirmary; large
and well-ventilated dormitories; and excellent kitchens,
larders, and offices for the management of the domestic
economy of the household. There were also three or
four other rooms used as a school for deaf and dum)
children; and a third building, outside the garden,
used as another model school. In this and the above-
mentioned model school, as I shall hereafter show, the
students first commence to practise teaching under the
survetllance of the director and professors. There were
also two large exercise-grounds fitted up with gymna-
slums, where the students and the children from the
model schools practised, daily, all kinds of bodily exer-
cises. No expense seemed to have been spared in
making all the arrangements as perfect as possible, and
in keeping the whole premises in a state of the most
excellent order, preservation, and cleanliness. The
gardens were well stocked with trees, and nearly all
the vegetables used by the household, were cultivated
in them by the students themselves, under the super-
intendence of a scientific gardener.
The province of Prussian Saxony contained, in 1840,
a population of 1,637,221 inhabitants. It is divided
into three counties or regierungsbezirke. Each one of
these counties has THREE teachers’ training colleges.
The province, therefore, possesses NINE normal col-
leges, which, in the year 1843, contained 238 young
students preparing to enter the ranks of the teachers;
while Lancashire and Cheshire, with about twice as
many inhabitants, have only one training establishment
for the whole of that populous district.
The Weissenfels institution is under the direction
and surveillance of the provincial school college in Mag-
debourg, the members of which, as I have before said,
are immediately appointed by the government.
The number of the students in the Weissenfels
normal college generally amounts to sixty. They re-
main THREE years in the institution, before they are
examined for diplomas; the first two of these years
being devoted to study, and the latter more particularly
to the practice of teaching. At the time of my visit
the students paid nothing for their lodgings or dinners ;
but they provided their own bread and milk for break-
fasts and suppers, and for dinner, if they wished to eat
bread with their meat. I inquired, if they could have
what they liked for breakfasts and suppers, but the
answer was— “No; we only allow milk and bread,
as we wish to accustom them to the plainest fare, that
they may never find the change from the normal college
to the village school a change for the worse; but always
H 3
one for the better.” The young men furnished them-
selves with all the necessary class-books; but their in-
struction was entirely gratuitous; and, I believe, that
the sum total, which a young student had to pay an-
nually, exclusive of the cost of bread and milk for
breakfasts and suppers, and of his clothes, did not
exceed three pounds, so that there was nothing to
hinder young men, of the humblest ranks of society,
entering the college, and being educated there for the
teachers’ profession. On the contrary, the government,
as my readers will perceive, offered every inducement
and assistance to such candidates.
All candidates for admission present themselves at
the institution, at the annual candidates’ examinations,
which are conducted by the director and professors,
in the presence of the educational magistrate for the
county. The most able and forward of the candidates
are then, after a careful examination, elected and ad-
mitted. There are generally, in each of the Prussian
provinces, some special regulations, limiting this choice
of students for the normal colleges. Thus, the regula-
tions of the province, in which the normal college of
Weissenfels is situated, prescribe, that “no short-
sighted, deaf, or feeble candidates shall be admitted.”
The same regulations also direct the examiners to give
a preference to those candidates, who have a broad chest
and a good voice. They also forbid any young man
being admitted, before he has completed his seventeenth
year, or, “unless he is a young man of a good character,
moral habits, and unimpeachable conduct.”
All candidates for admittance are required to give
satisfactory proof, that they know the Biblical history,
and the outlines of the history of religion; that they
are able to repeat Luther’s catechism, the maxims of
Scripture, and the more beautiful of the Psalms; that
they can write clearly, pronounce their words distinctly,
and read well; that they are conversant with the prin-
cipal rules of the German grammar; that they under-
stand the doctrine of proportions and fractions; that
they can sing simple pieces of music at sight, and play
the violin; and that they have made such a progress
in geography, history, natural history, and physics, as
may be expected from young men, who have completed
their education in a higher municipal school. I have
translated literally, that part of the Weissenfels’ college
prospectus, which mentions, what the provincial com-
mittee of Prussian Saxony has ordered the examiners
of candidates to require, from every applicant for ad-
mission to one of the normal colleges of that province,
before their education as teachers is even commenced.
I believe that there are not 500 village teachers in the
whole of England and Wales, who know so much as the
candidates for admission into the Prussian normal col-
leges are by these laws required to know, before they
can even begin their course of study in these great in-
I have already mentioned, that the young men are
prepared in various manners for admission into the
normal colleges. Many of the young men at Weissen-
fels, at the time of my visit, were teachers’ sons, whom
their fathers had educated. Others were the sons of
peasants or small shopkeepers, and had been either
H 4
educated in the evenings by the village teachers, or
had attended one of the preparatory normal schools,
where they had had to pay something for their board
and instruction. I was informed that these schools were
not generally very good. They are often the enterprizes
of private individuals, who cannot afford to expend the
funds requisite to complete the internal arrangements
in a proper manner. I have already shown that it
would be much better to close these schools, and to
allow each teacher to have at least one monitor, whom
he might train, and employ in assisting to teach the
more mechanical parts of education. From these
trained monitors might be chosen, with great advan-
tage to the general education, the candidates for the
normal colleges. France is pursuing this system, and,
I believe, with great advantage, as the country obtains
much better candidates for admittance into the normal
colleges, and at a much smaller expenditure, whilst the
teachers, by being freed from the more mechanical part
of school teaching, such as writing and the rudiments
of reading, are enabled to devote more of their time,
attention, and energies to the more intellectual parts of
A part of the young students educated in the Weis-
senfels institution are prepared for admission in a
preparatory normal college, situated not far from the
principal establishment. This preparatory institution
contains about sixty boys, most of whom are destined
for reception into the principal college. Some of them,
however, make such satisfactory progress in their studies
during their residence in the preparatory institution, as
to be able to present themselves at the annual examina-
tion for diplomas, without going through the normal
college at all. The course of study at this preparatory
school is of two years’ duration. The boys, who are
destined to be teachers, and whose parents can afford
to pay for their education, enter it about the end of
their fifteenth year, after leaving the primary parochial
schools. There are two classes in this school. The
first class is intended for the boys during their first
year’s residence in the establishment, the second con-
tains all those who have spent more than one year in
the establishment.
The subjects of instruction in the first class of this
preparatory school are ; religious instruction, Scripture
history ; composition ; a clear pronunciation in reading
and speaking; arithmetic, writing, the German lan-
guage; agriculture and farming; drawing; singing, the
violin, and pianoforte.
The subjects of instruction in the second class are}
religious instruction, Scripture history, Scriptural in
terpretation; the German language; writing, arith-
metic, geometry, natural philosophy, geography, history,
drawing; choral singing, the violin, the pianoforte ;
and exercises in teaching.
This institution is, as I have said, close to the normal
college, from whence two of those students who have
spent two years in the college, are sent every day to
conduct the instruction of the youths. Each boy in the
preparatory school pays for his board and education a
sum, which is equal to about 102, or 12/7, per annum, if
the relative value of money in Weissenfels and in
England is considered.
The normal college in Weissenfels has a public exa-
mination every year at Easter, at which the educa-
tional counsellor of the county court assists, when all
‘candidates for admission are examined, in order that
those, who are the best qualified, may be selected to fill
up the year’s vacancies. A public notice of the day, on
which this examination will take place, is given in the
principal ‘provincial newspaper; and each young man,
who wishes to offer himself as a candidate for admission,
is obliged to send the director notice of his intention to
be present, at least a fortnight before the examination
takes place, and to forward to him a certificate of his
baptism; the certificate of a physician of his freedom
from chronic complaints, and from every weakness and
physical imperfection, which would prove an obstacle to
his performance of all the necessary duties of a teacher ;
a certificate of his having been vaccinated within the
last two years; a certificate signed by two or more
teachers of his possessing industrious and moral habits
and sufficient ability for the profession he has chosen.
Such is the care, which is taken to prevent any unfit
person being received into ‘the college and trained for
the important profession of a teacher. It has often
happened, that many young men who had presented
themselves at these entrance examinations have been
rejected, as not having made sufficient progress in their
studies, even when there still remained several unoccu-
pied vacancies in the establishment, which the director
was desirous of filling up. But the maxim in Prussia
is, that it is better to have no teacher, than to have an
incapable or an immoral one.
As soon as a candidate has been admitted into the
Weissenfels College, he is required, with the approbation
of his parent, or guardian, to bind himself by writing: —
Ist. Durmg the first three years after leaving the
normal college, to accept any situation in the county in
which the college is situated, to: which he should be
presented by the county magistrates; and during these
three years, to avoid all engagements which would pre-
vent him fulfilling this condition.
2nd. If he should not, during the first three years,
accept any situation, which the county magistrates offer
him as soon as it is offered, to repay to the college all
the outlay, which was made by the institution while he
remained there, upon his maintenance and education.
The Prussian government has, however, enacted, that
as long as any candidate, who has been educated at one
of the normal colleges of a county, is unprovided with
a situation, neither the county magistrates nor any
parochial committee, nor any patron of a private school,
shall elect any other person as a teacher, even although
such person shall have obtained a diploma certifying his
fitness to be a teacher.
The above-mentioned regulations are intended to pre-
vent unprincipled men making use of the gratuitous edu-
cation of the college, merely for their own advancement
in life, without any intention of ever acting as teachers
in the parochial schools of the county; to prevent the
young men commencing to teach, before they have satis-
fied the magistrates of their fitness and capability ; and
H 6
to oblige the young and unpractised teachers to begin
their labours, in the worse-paid and poorer situations,
from which they are afterwards advanced to the more
important and lucrative posts, if they prove themselves
deserving of such advancement. Were it not for the
former of these two regulations, the poorer situations
would never be filled, while the worse-paid teachers
would seldom have any hopes of any advancement ; and
were it not for the latter, unprincipled men would be
able to avail themselves of the gratuitous education
of the college in order-to prepare for more lucrative
situations than those, which the teachers generally oc-
cupy during the first three years after obtaining their
Desertions from the teachers’ profession are very rare
in Prussia and Saxony. ‘This, as I have said before,
proves how well contented the teachers are with their
position. But what shows this still more clearly is,
that a great proportion of the young students, who are
generally to be found in the normal colleges preparing
for entrance into the teachers’ profession, are the sons
of the parochial teachers, who have educated and partly
trained them in their own schools. This is the case, not
only in Prussia, but in the neighbouring kinedom of
Saxony also, where the teachers have hitherto been
scarcely so well paid as in Prussia.
When the successful candidates have been admitted
into the Weissenfels normal college, the director pre-
sents them to the professors and teachers, and then
addresses them, in the presence of all the members of
the institution, on the duties they will be expected
to perform during their three years’ residence. He
enters minutely into an enumeration of these duties,
and what is thus intended more especially for the in-
struction of those who have just entered, serves also to
call to the remembrance of all the others, the great end
of their studies and labours, and the importance of reli-
gion, morality, order, and industry to enable them to
attain their object.
The staff of professors in the Weissenfels training
college consisted, at the time of my visit, of : —
Ist. The director, Dr. Hennicke, who had been edu-
cated as a Lutheran clergyman, although I believe he
had not actually entered into holy orders. He was the
first professor, and conducted the religious instruction
and the lectures on pedagogy, and he superintended the
whole institution. He had the appointment of all the
professors and teachers of the establishment.
2nd. The second professor, who conducted the musical
instruction of the students, and superintended the lec-
ture-rooms of the normal college.
3rd. The third professor, who gave instruction in the
German language and in the history of Christianity,
and superintended the school life of the students.
Ath. The fourth professor, who gave instruction in
geometry and arithmetic, in physical geography and
natural history, in writing and drawing, and who super-
intended the domestic life of the students.
5th. The teacher of the deaf school, in which there
were between twenty and thirty children. The young
men in the normal college studied under him how to con-
duct this particular kind of instruction.
6th. SEVEN assistant teachers, five of whom directed
the classes in the model school, whilst the other two
assisted the teacher of the deaf school. All these teachers
assisted also in the superintendence of the students in
the normal college. One of them acted as the assistant
of the second professor, in superintending the lecture-
rooms; and a third, as the assistant of the fourth pro-
fessor, in superintending the domestic life of the young
7th. A gardener, who superintended the out-door
labours of the students.
There were also, in addition to this large staff of pro-
fessors and teachers, a housekeeper and a female ser-
vant, who prepared the meals, made the fires, and cleaned
the house. All the other household duties were per-
formed in turn by the young students themselves.
Each young man had his appointed days, when he was
expected to ring the bell for the different lectures and
meals, to bring the letters from the post, to attend the
sick, to carry the director’s dinner to his room, to light
the lamps, &c., &c. By the performance of these humble
duties, and by their labour in the gardens, where they
cultivate the vegetables for the use of the household,
they learn to combine simplicity and humility with high
mental attainments; and are taught to sympathise with
the peasant class, with whom they are afterwards called
upon to mingle, and to whom, it is the principal duty
of their lives, to render themselves good counsellors,
instructors, and friends.
At the commencement of each year, a table is drawn
out, showing the arrangement of the hours of study in
the lecture-rooms, and of those of labour in the open
air. This table is hung up in different parts of the
establishment, so that all may know in the morning, to
what duties each hour of the day is devoted, in order
that all loss of time and all confusion may be avoided.
The director put into my hands the time-division plan
for 1846; and I shall now proceed to show from it,
the ordinary arrangement of the hours of study in the
Weissenfels institution.
The young student who is on duty for the week,
rings the bell at five o’clock in the morning to rouse
the household to its day’s labours. All then rise,
wash, and assemble in their different class-rooms at half-
past five o’clock. Each class sings a hymn, the teacher
reads a prayer, and they then commence work.
At seven o’clock breakfast is served, at eight o’clock
the young men return again to the lecture-rooms,
where they remain until twelve o’clock. At twelve
o’clock dinner is served. At one o’clock they return
again to their classes, where they remain until four.
From four o’clock until half-past six, the young men
are allowed to employ themselves as they please, save
that a certain number must work one hour every even-
ing in the garden. This is performed in rotation, so
that every young man should labour a certain time
every week, in cultivating the vegetables for the use of the
household. At half past six, they take their simple sup-
per, and then resume their studies for about an hour ;
and at a quarter past nine in summer, and at a quarter
to nine in winter, they all assemble together for prayers,
and afterwards, retire to rest. In summer, the first
and second classes of the students, attended each by a
professor, make long walks into the country to botanise,
for botany is studied carefully by all the teachers in
Prussia, as they are required to teach at least the ele-
ments of this science to the children in the country
parishes, in order to give them a greater interest in the
cultivation of plants, and to open their eyes to some of
those wonders of creation, by which they are more im-
mediately surrounded. In winter also, long walks and
excursions in the country are made by all the students,
whenever the director thinks, that their health re-
quires such exercise.
On Sundays, the day is commenced by all the stu-
dents being assembled together for prayer, reading the
Scriptures, and singing. At half-past twelve, one half
of the young men go to church, whilst the others re-
main at home for religious instruction. In the after-
noon, those who remained at home in the morning go to
church, whilst the others receive religious instruction in
the college. :
The education given in this normal college consists
of: —
I. Religious intruction, including lectures on the
Scriptures, Luther’s catechism, and the history of Chris-
II. The German language, including exercises in
composition, writing, grammar, and reading.
If. Mathematics, history, physical geography,
botany, natural history, and gardening.
IV. Drawing, including geometrical. and perspective
V. Music, including lectures on the theory and prac-
tice of music, and constant practice in chanting and
singing, and in playing the organ, pianoforte, and violin.
Every schoolmaster in Germany is required, as I have
said before, to be able to play these instruments.
VI. Pedagogy, or the art of teaching. The young
men are taught the art of teaching in the classes of the
model school, by the: teachers who superintend these
classes. They afterwards practise it alone, or are only
subject to occasional inspection, in the classes of the
smaller model school attached to the college, but stand-
ing outside the college grounds. I was present at a
very interesting lesson in pedagogy, conducted by one of
the superior professors. About fifteen or twenty of the
students were assembled in one of the lecture-rooms,
where a small class of from six to ten children were
brought from the model school. One of the young
men was then desired, to give them a lesson in etymo-
logy, in the presence of all his companions, and under
the criticism of the professor. Whenever he was guilty
of any bad mannerism, of any involved or verbose ex-
planation, or of any neglect of discypline, the professor
called upon the class of students to correct him. Those
of the students, who imagined they detected an error in
any of these respects, then held up their hands; and out
of those who did so, the professor chose one to explain
the fault, of which the student, who was teaching, had
been guilty.
VIL. Arithmetic, including mental arithmetic, cipher-
ing, and mensuration.
VIIL Medicine. — The law, as I have already re-
marked, requires that every student in a Prussian col-
lege should be taught, how to treat cases of suspended
animation, and wounds occasioned by bites of mad dogs,
or by fire, &c., how to distinguish poisonous plants,
and how to employ some of the more ordinarily used
antidotes for poisons. These subjects the young men
are required to teach in their schools afterwards, so as to
enable the people to act for themselves in accidents, &c.
of common occurrence.
A great deal of time is devoted to the musical part
of the education of Prussian teachers, and the pro-
ficiency attained is perfectly astonishing. I was present
at an exercise in musical composition in the Weissenfels
College. It was the second class that was examined, -
so that I did not see what the most proficient stu-
dents were capable of performing. ‘The musical pro-
fessor wrote upon a black board a couplet from an old
German song, which he requested the students to set
to music. In ten minutes this was done, and though
every composition was not equally good, yet, out of a
class of twenty, I have six different pieces of music,
the compositions of six of the students, which deserve
no little praise for their harmony and beauty. The
director afterwards assembled all the professors and
students of the college, in the hall, that I might hear
them sing some of their national songs together. The
performance was most admirable; the expression, time,
and precision, with which they managed the great body
of sound, which they created, was quite wonderful.
My readers must remember, that every German child
commences to learn singing, as soon as it enters a school,
or, in other words, when it is five or six years of age;
that the young students continue the practice of sing-
ing and chanting from six years of age, until the time
when they enter the normal colleges; and that during
their residence there they daily practise the most diffi-
cult musical exercises, besides learning three musical
instruments. It is not, therefore, surprising that they
attain very remarkable proficiency. I have mentioned
several times that every teacher in the normal colleges
in Prussia (and the same is the case throughout Ger-
many) is obliged to learn the violin and the organ. They
are required to know how to play the violin, in order
with it to lead the singing of the children in the paro-
chial schools, as the Germans think, the children can-
not be taught properly how to modulate their voices,
without the aid of a musical instrument. They are re-
quired to learn the organ for a reason which I will now
The German teachers, as I have before shown, have
almost always some duties to perform, in connection with
their respective places of religious worship. If the
teacher is a Romanist, he is expected to attend upon
the priests, to play the organ, and to lead the chanting
and singing, If he is a Protestant, he has to give out
the hymns, to play the organ, to lead the chanting and
singing, and if the clergyman should be prevented offi-
ciating by illness, or any other cause, the teacher is
expected to read the prayers, and in some cases also to
read a sermon. ‘This connection of the teachers and of
the religious ministers is very important, as it raises
the teachers’ profession in the eyes of the poor, and
creates a union and a sympathy between the clergy and
the schoolmasters.
In order, therefore, to fit the teachers for these pa-
rochial duties, it becomes necessary for them to pay a
double attention to their musical education, and par-
ticularly to render themselves proficient upon the organ.
Hence a traveller will find, in each of the German
teachers’ colleges, two or three organs, and three, four,
and sometimes six pianofortes, for they commence with
practising on this latter instrument, and afterwards pro-
ceed to practise on the organ.
They had two organs in the Weissenfels institution ;
one in the great lecture-hall, and another in one of the
largest of their lecture-rooms.
As I have already mentioned, time-tables were hung
up in different parts of the establishment, showing how
the different hours of the day are to be employed. Be~-
fore visiting any of the classes, the director took me
to one of these tables, and said, *“* You will see from
that table, how all the classes are employed at the pre-
sent moment, so you can choose which you will visit.”
In this manner, I chose several classes one after the
other, by referring to the table ; and I invariably found
them pursuing their allotted work with diligence, order,
and quiet.
The education of the young students, during their
three years’ residence in the training college, is, as I have
said, gratuitous. ‘The young men are only required to
pxy part of the expenses of the board. Even this small
expenditure is, in many cases, defrayed for them, so as
to enable the poorest young men to enter the teachers’
profession ; for the Prussians think, that a teacher of
the poor ought to be a man, who can thoroughly sym-
pathise with the peasants, and who can associate with
them as a friend and a brother; and that no one is so
well able to do so as he, who has known what it is to
be a peasant, and who has personally experienced all the
wants, troubles, and difficulties, as well as all the simple
pleasures of a peasant’s life. Jor these reasons, they
have endeavoured in many ways, to facilitate the ad-
mission of peasants into the teachers’ profession. They
have founded, in the superior schools, a great number
of free places, which are reserved expressly for boys
of the poorest classes, who are unable to pay any thing
for continuing their education, beyond the course of the
primary schools. These places are generally awarded
to the most advanced of the poorer scholars, who have
ereditably passed through all the classes of a primary
school, and who are desirous of pursuing their education
still further. This liberal and excellent plan enables a
young man, however poor, to prepare himself for the
admission examinations of the normal colleges.
But even if a young peasant is enabled to enter a
normal college, there is still the expense of maintaining
himself there; and this, unless provided for, would, in
the case of most peasants, be an effectual bar to his
entering the teachers’ profession. To obyiate this diffi-
culty, the Prussians have founded, in each of their
forty-two normal colleges, a certain number of what are
called st?pendia. These stipendia correspond with the
foundations at our public schools. They are endowed
places, intended for poor and deserving young men,
who would not, without them, be able to bear the
small expenses of residence in these institutions. These
foundations or endowments are created, sometimes by
charitable individuals, sometimes by municipal corpo-
rations, and sometimes by the government, but the
object of them is always the same; viz., the assistance
of very poor young men of promising abilities, who are
desirous of entering the teachers’ profession, but who
would not be able to aspire to it without such assist-
ance. ‘There are ten of these foundations in the Weis-
senfels institution, varying in amount, and created,
some by the municipal authorities of Weissenfels and
other towns in the province, and others by private
There are no Romanist students in this institution ;
all the young men are Protestants. There are only two
colleges in Prussia where Romanists and Protestants
are educated together. As each county has two, and
sometimes three, training establishments, it is always
easy to arrange that one or two of them shall be de-
voted to the instruction of Romanist teachers, and the
others to the instruction of Protestant teachers, ac-
cording to the relative proportions of the two religious
bodies in the county. The Prussian government never
encourages simultaneous or mixed teachers’ colleges or
parochial schools, when separate colleges or separate
schools can be provided. With respect to the parochial
schools, government never interferes directly, except
advice is requested; and the parochial committees are
left at perfect liberty to please themselves.
The normal colleges, however, are under the direction
of the Minister of Public Instruction; and the govern-
ment is therefore enabled to carry out the plan, which it
deems to be the best calculated to insure the perfection
of these institutions. When, however, I say that they
are under the direction of the Minister, I do not mean
that they are so immediately, but only through the
medium of the provincial school-committees, which, as
I have before said, consist of the chief president of the
province, and of several other learned men, inhabitants
of the province, and elected by the Minister, as being
qualified to direct the superior educational establish-
ments of their native province ; for all the higher schools,
such as the schools for the richer classes, the gymnasia,
and the normal colleges, are directed by these provincial
school-committees, and not by the parishes.
The young students, during the first two years of
their residence in the Weissenfels normal college, de-
vote nearly the whole of their time to the advancement
of their education in Biblical knowledge, history, geo-
graphy, mathematics, natural philosophy, arithmetic,
music, &c.; and do not receive much instruction in the
science of pedagogy. ‘The principal part of their in-
struction in pedagogy is reserved for their third year’s
residence in the normal college. They then begin to
practise teaching at regular hours. One or two of the
students, who have passed two years in the establish-
ment, are sent daily into each of the five classes of the
model school, each of which classes has a separate class-
room assigned to it, where one of the five trained teachers
of the model school is always engaged in instruction.
Under the superintendance, and subject to the criticism
and advice of these able teachers, the young students
make their first attempts in class-teaching. After they
have attended these classes for some months and have
gained a certain proficiency in class management and
direction, they are allowed by turns to take the direction
of the classes of the other school for children, which is
attached to the institution. Here they are left more at
liberty, and are subjected to no other surveillance than
that of the casual visits of the director, or of one of the
superior professors, who pay occasional visits to the
school, to see how the students manage their classes,
and what progress they make in the art of teaching.
They also attend, during their third year’s residence, re-
cular lectures given by the director on pedagogy ; indeed,
their principal employment during their last year’s resi-
dence in the college is to gain an intimate acquaintance
with both the theory. and practice of this difficult art.
With what success these labours are attended, all will
bear witness who have had the pleasure of hearing the
intelligent and simple manner, in which the Prussian
teachers convey instruction to the children in the
parochial schools. There are none of the loud, and
illogical discourses, or of the unconnected and mean-
ingless questions, which may be heard in many of our
schools; but the teacher's quict and pleasant manner,
the logical sequency of his questions, the clearness and
simplicity with which he expounds difficulties, the
quickness of his eye in detecting a pupil who does not
understand him, or who is inattentive, and the obedience
of the children, never accompanied with any symptom of
fear, show at once, that the Prussian teacher is a man
ee S—“‘itséSéamh——— EE ———————« eee
thoroughly acquainted with his profession, and who
knows how to instruct without creating disgust, and
how to command respect without exciting fear.
There are three vacations every year in the Weissenfels
College: one in August of three weeks, one at Christmas
of two weeks, and one at Easter of three days’ duration.
Previous to each vacation, the young men are called
together, when the director reads aloud a paper, con-
taining the opinions of himself and the professors of the
abilities, industry, and character of each student. Each
young man is then required to write out the judgment,
which has been passed upon himself. These copies are
signed by the director, and are carried home by the
young men to be shown to their relatives. The students
are required to present these copies to their religious
ministers and to their parents, and to obtain their sig-
natures, as a proof that they have seen them. They
are then brought back, at the end of the vacation, to the
normal college, and are delivered up to the director,
that he may be satisfied, by the signatures, that their
friends and religious minister have seen and examined
them. Itis not necessary to show how great a stimulus
to exertion these written characters afford.
The following regulations are a literal translation of
some, which are contained in a published description of
the Weissenfels Institution, which was put into my
hands by the director.
«Since the state considers the education of good
teachers a matter of such great importance, it requires
that all young students shall be removed from the
establishment, concerning whom there is reason to fear
that they will not become efficient schoolmasters. The
following regulations are therefore made on this point : —
“ Tf at the close of the first year’s course of study, it
is the opinion of ail the professors of the normal col-
lege, that any one of the students does not possess sufli-
cient ability, or a proper disposition, for the profession
of a teacher, he must be dismissed from the establish-
ment. But if only three of the professors are of this
opinion, and the fourth differs from them, they must
inform the provisional authorities of their disagreement,
and these higher authorities must decide. Should the
unfitness of any student for the profession of a teacher
be evident, before the end of his first year’s residence in
the normal college, the director must inform the young
man’s friends of this fact, in order that they may be
enabled to remove him at once.
“ If any student leaves the institution without per-
mission before the end of his three years’ course of
study, and yet desires to become a teacher, he cannot
be admitted to the examination for diplomas sooner
than the young men who entered the normal college
when he did.
** In cases of theft, open opposition to the rules and
regulations of the establishment, and, in general, in all
cases of offences which merit expulsion from the college,
the superior authorities, or provincial committee, must
carry such expulsion into execution.” 3
‘When the young men have completed their three
years’ course of study in the Weissenfels College, they
can present themselves for examination for a diploma.
Until a student has gained a diploma, he cannot in-
struct in any school, or in any private family. The
knowledge that he has procured one, serves to assure
every one that he is fitted for the right performance
of his duties. If he can show this certificate, granted
by impartial and learned men, after rigid inquiry
into the merits of the claimant, every one feels that
he is a man to be trusted and to be honoured. It as-
sures them that he entered the Weissenfels College with
a high character, that he maintained it while there, and
that he has attained that amount of knowledge which
is required of all elementary school teachers. These
examinations for certificates are common to Holland,
France, Prussia, Saxony, Nassau, Hesse Darmstadt,
Cassel, Bavaria, Baden, Wirtemberg, and Austria. In
none of these countries, I believe, is a young man al-
lowed to officiate as teacher, until he has proved his
capability for such an employment to a committee of
examiners, chosen by the central power on account of
their learning and of their knowledge of what a teacher
ought himself to be acquainted with in order to be
able to instruct, and until he has obtained from this
committee a diploma stating his capability.
A young man who has not been educated in the
Weissenfels College may obtain a diploma if he can pass.
the examination, and can furnish the county magistrates
with the following certificates : —
Ist. A certificate of a physician that he is in perfect
health, and has a sound constitution.
2nd. An account of his past life composed by him-
3rd. Certificates from the civil magistrate of his
native town or village, and from the religious minister
under whose care he has grown up, of the blame-
less character of his past life, and of his fitness, in a
moral and religious point of view, to take a teacher's
The committee of examiners at the Weissenfels In-
stitution consists of Dr. Zerrener, the educational coun-
cillor (schulrath) of the provincial school-committee
under which the normal college is ranged; of Dr. Weiss,
the educational councillor (schulrath) of the court of the
county in which Weissenfels is situated; and of the
director and professors of the normal college.
The examination is conducted by the professors in
the presence of these two educational councillors; and
when it is over, the young men receive their diplomas,
marked 1,” “ 2,” or “3,” according to their merits.
Only those who obtain the first kind, or those marked
“1,” are capable of being definitely appointed to a
school; those who obtain either of the other kind of
diplomas, can only take a situation on trial for one or
two years; at the end of which time they are obliged
to return again to the normal college, and to be re-
examined, when they again receive diplomas, marked
according to their merits, as before. Until a young
man has obtained a diploma “1,” he cannot obtain an
independent situation, and it sometimes happens that a
young man returns three or four times to the normal
college ere he can obtain a permanent appointment as
a teacher.
The examinations at the Weissenfels College are very
strict, and last for two days. The young men are ex-
amined both vivd voce and also by writing in all the
subjects of instruction in the college and the examina-
tions are rendered all the more imposing by the presence
of the two representatives of the Minister of Public
Instruction. Religious instruction, history (both sacred
and profane), music (both theoretical and practical), geo-
graphy (both topographical and physical), grammar,
arithmetic, mental calculation, mathematics, botany,
natural history, and particularly pedagogy, are the sub-
jects of this searching inyestigation. If the young can-
didate passes it creditably, his diploma is signed by the
two representatives of the Minister, and by the professors
of the establishment; and from that time forward he
is a member of the profession of teachers. His long
course of study is then at an end; the continual ex-
aminations to which he had been previously subjected
are passed. He is, from that moment, the recognised
servant of his country, which protects him and en-
courages his efforts.
But even after a teacher has obtained his diploma
marked “ 1,” and after he has been appointed to a per-
manent situation, the directors and professors of the
college do not lose sight of him.
If they, or the inspectors of the county court, per-
ceive that a teacher, after leaving the college, neglects
to continue his education, or that he has forgotten any
of the knowledge or skill he had acquired when there,
they require him to return to the college for a few
months or weeks, where he is made to attend the lec-
tures and to submit to the discipline intended for the
regular students. The county magistrates are em-
powered to provide for the support of his family, and for
the management of his schools, during the time of his
residence in the college.
The director of the college is directed to make at
least one tour of inspection every year through the
whole of the district, for which his normal college
educates teachers, at the expense of the county magis-
trates, for the purpose of inspecting the progress and
attainments, and of making inquiries about the cha-
aacter of the teachers, who have been educated in his
college. )
It is not necessary for me to point out how these
different regulations tend to raise the character of the
teachers’ profession in Prussia, and to gain for them the
estimation and respect of society. As it is laid down in
one of the circular rescripts of the Prussian govern-
ment, “ the chief end of calling the teachers back to
the normal colleges at intervals, is to increase the ear-
nestness, zeal, and enthusiasm of the teachers in their
duties; to regulate and perfect the character of the
teaching in the village schools; to produce more and
more conformity and agreement in the methods of in-
struction used in the schools; to make the teachers look
upon the normal college as their common home, and the
place to which they may all apply for advice, assistance,
and encouragement; to make the professors of the col-
lege better acquainted with those parts of the education
of teachers which particularly require their attention,
and which are necessary to form efficient village school
teachers ; to inspire the professors of the normal college
with a constant zeal in the improvement of the district
in which their college is situated; and to impress upon
the young students of the normal college, from their
first entrance into it, a full sense of the importance of
the work in which they are about to engage.” Every
one knows that any person, who is officiating as teacher,
must necessarily be a learned and moral man. LHvery
one knows that he has passed through a long course of
education in religious and secular instruction, con-
tinuing from his sixth to his twentieth year; that he
has passed two or three different severe examinations
with honour; that he is well versed in Scripture history,
in the leading doctrines of his religion, in the history of
Germany, in the outlines of universal history, in geo-
graphy, and in arithmetic; that he is a good singer and
chanter; that he can play the organ, pianoforte, and
violin; that he is acquainted with the elements of the
physical sciences, with natural history, and botany; and
that he is profoundly versed in the science which is
more peculiarly his own, viz., that of pedagogy. I
have already said, that it is no uncommon thing for a
Prussian teacher to be acquainted with the Latin lan-
_ guage, that very many speak and read French fluently,
and that not a few can also, at least, read English.
Now, I do not ask whether we have a class of village
teachers who can be compared to these men, for it
would be ridiculous to put such a question; but, I ask,
have we any set of teachers in the country who, in
general attainments, can bear comparison with them ?
Very few of the masters of our private schools are
gentlemen who have been educated at our universities 3
but of even those who have been brought up at our
i 4
great seats of learning, I would ask any university
man, whether one man in ten receives any thing like so
general an education as the Prussian schoolmasters must
have obtained, in order to enable them to pass the ex-
amination for diplomas? Do the students at our univer-
sities generally learn anything of church history, of
music, or of physical geography? Do they learn even
the outlines of universal history ? Are they acquainted
with botany or natural history? Do many study care-
fully the history of their own country or its geography ?
Do any of them know any thing of pedagogy? If not,
where shall we find a class of teachers of even the
children of our gentry nearly so highly educated as the
Prussian parochial schoolmasters ?
Still I am delighted to say, that we have two teachers’
colleges, that may well challenge comparison with any
of the forty-two great Prussian institutions which I
have been describing. The two I refer to are the train-
ing colleges at Battersea and Stanley Grove. From
what I have now seen of the most celebrated of the
training colleges in France, Germany, and Switzerland,
I believe Mr. Coleridge’s Teachers’ College, at Stanley
Grove, to be one of the best in Europe. I believe that
the richer classes of England will soon so fully appre-
clate Mr. Coleridge’s labours, that they will beset him
with petitions to allow them to take his students into
their families as tutors of their children. He is giving
England the most satisfactory proofs of the necessity
and importance of a special and peculiar education for
those who are destined to teach others. No one can
visit either this admirable institution, or the one at
Battersea, without feeling how fatally blind we have
hitherto been to all that relates to the education neces-
sary to make a good teacher. The earnest and unos-
tentatious manner in which Mr. Coleridge is pursuing
his great work, is as instructive as it is delightful. He
is evidently impressed with the full consciousness of how
much remains to be’ effected, ere the people of this
country will properly appreciate or understand the im-
portance of the calling and profession of the teachers.
The college at Battersea, would at least equal that
at Stanley Grove, could the section of the National
Society of which it is the college be only taught the
importance of complying with the wishes of the prin-
cipal to lengthen the time of the students’ residence.
At present, students do not remain in this college more
than fifteen or eighteen months; whereas, the expe-
rience of all the European countries, and our own
common sense, ought to teach us, that a young man
cannot acquire in so short a period, either the habits
or the knowledge necessary to qualify him to become
a teacher of the young. The practical character of the
Battersea College which was impressed upon it, by its
founders, Sir James P. Kay Shuttleworth, and Mr.
Tufnell, is, however, deserving of the highest com-
mendation. Its principal, the Rey. Thomas Jackson, is
fully alive to the importance of developing the peasant,
and not of turning out the gentleman. He labours to
inculcate in the students’ minds sympathy with the pea-
sants, by accustoming the young men to humble manual
toil. He, himself, associates with his students in their
labours, as well as in their studies. He seeks to send
forth, among the peasants, highly educated peasants, —
men who, notwithstanding their education, will be
and not mere learned gentlemen. He
peasants still
labours to form teachers, endued with the spirit of the
early apostles, not too proud to labour with their hands in
the humblest manner, or to associate with the humblest
of our citizens, but learned enough to teach the nation.
Simple diet, hard labour, early hours, and the religious
influences of a religious home, characterise the students’
life at Battersea. If the time of residence were but
prolonged, this college, which was the first institution de-
serving the‘name of a teachers’ college ever established
in England, would realise the views of its founders, as it
did when under their management, and would send forth
religiously educated men to mingle with our labourers,
who would combine high mental acquirements and
ability, with the simplicity and humility of those with
whom they were called upon to associate.
- All persons in Prussia seem to be entirely agreed, that
the shortest period during which a student ought to re-
main in a normal college is three years, and this, be it
remembered, after a previous education from his sixth
to his seventeenth year. In the neighbouring king-
dom of Saxony, the students remain four years in the
normal colleges, after a similar previous training, and
cannot then be definitely admitted into the teachers’
profession, until after two years’ practice as assistants
under other teachers in parochial schools; and until
they have creditably passed through four different ex-
aminations, conducted by three different examining
bodies, two of which examinations last two days each,
from seven in the morning until eight in the even-
ing. It does seem very grievous then, when we have
so Jamentably small a number of these colleges, that
we should injure the efficiency of several of those we
do possess, by limiting the term of residence to the
ridiculously short space of one year. ven our shoe-
makers receive alonger training. There are two schools
in England which profess to prepare teachers in six
months; but I pass them over in silence, merely re-
marking how sad a sign it is of our ignorance of the
meaning of education, that such caricatures of teachers’
colleges should be suffered to exist.
HitHERTO I have only had to speak of the efforts,
which the parishes are making to promote the educa-
tion of the Prussian people. Ihave had hardly any
occasion as yet to mention the part, which the Prussian
government takes in this great work. Indeed, as I
have often assured my readers, the interference of the
state in this national undertaking is so indirect and so
limited in its operations, as to occupy a very subordi-
nate place, in any consideration of this truly popular
system of a people’s education.
It is impossible to conceive a more liberal scheme
than the one adopted in Prussia, and throughout Ger-
It is the people who select and appoint their own
teachers; it is the people who pay, support, and super-
intend them; it is the people who choose the sites and
plans of their school-buildings, and who determine the
numbers of teachers to be employed, and, the amount
of the stipends to be given them; and, lastly, it is the
people who decide, whether they will have separate
schools for the separate sects, or common schools for
several of them.
I had the pleasure of being in company with a cele-
brated German professor, whose name is very well known
to most of my readers, and will be remembered by all,
when I mention Frederic von Raumer. He has tra-
velled both in England and America, and understands
our prejudices almost as well as he recognises our
merits. The conversation turned to the subject of pri-
mary education, when he said, addressing me, ‘* Your
countrymen have some strange ideas about our edu-
cational regulations. They imagine that the govern-
ment in Berlin directs all the parochial schools through-
out Prussia, and that it drives the children to school
by means of the police. If. they would only believe it,
they might be told that it is the people of the parishes
who manage their own educational affairs, and that
there is no need of the police to send the children to
school; for the parent who could be capable of keeping
them at home would be deemed nothing better than a
fool.” This is literally the case; for the parents so
fully appreciate the great importance of education, that
they cannot comprehend a complaint being made against
the educational regulations.
But if the parishes and teachers were left entirely to
themselves, without any central and public supervision,
what would be the result? Here and there a school-
master, who had entered the profession merely for the
sake of its emoluments and privileges, but without any
real interest in his duties, would become careless, idle,
and sometimes immoral.
The careless and idle man, being free from scrutiny,
would neglect his duties, or would perform them inefli-
ciently, or would become irritable, and find a vent for
his unreasonable sensitiveness on the children them-
selves; so that, in many cases, the careless as well as the
immoral teacher, so far from educating his children in
morality, would only injure and demoralise them. But,
say some, this would always be prevented by the pa-
rents themselves. They would be sure to hear of the
unfitness of such a teacher, and would remove their
children to some other school. Let us suppose, how-
ever, as is constantly the case, that there is no other
school within five or six miles, what are the parents to
do in such a case, even supposing them to hear of the
unfitness of the teacher? Should they remove their
children? How would they then be able to educate
them ?—how would they be able to comply with the
law which obliges them to provide for their childrens’
instruction? Should they petition for the teacher’s re-
moval? But whom?—the central government? How
could it pay any attention to the murmers of one or
two individuals, if not supported by the evidence of
some one qualified to form a sound opinion? Why,
every parent would have some complaint to find with
the best teacher. Were the government to listen to
these murmers, they would render the efficient teachers
discontented, and would waste their own time in exa-
mining into innumerable idle tales. Thus the complaints,
even when well founded, would often pass unnoticed,
or be outweighed by the teacher’s assertions, and really
vicious schoolmasters would often be continued at their
posts. But I doubt whether the parents would, in the
majority of cases, ever hear what kind of man the
teacher was, or how he taught. How should they?
They have no time to go in and attend the school-classes,
or, if they had, they are not capable of being judges
of the teacher’s management of his classes; nor could
they put any confidence in the tales of their children,
as to what was going on in school, even if such tales
ought to be encouraged. Nor would the matter be any
better, if the school were under trustees, or a private
patron. JI have heard of several instances of such
schools in England, never having been visited by any
person, clergyman, trustee, or any one else, for months
and years together. And this is quite natural. The
trustees are generally small farmers or shopkeepers, and
have so much to do to provide for their families’ main-
tenance in the world, as not willingly to undertake
other duties, except when absolutely necessary. They
either never go into the school, or, if they do, the day
is arranged between themselves and the teacher, every-
thing is prepared for their reception, the scholars are
clean, the lesson has been got up beforehand, and they
go away perfectly satisfied, saying, *“ What a fine fel-
low our teacher is!” when, if they could have broken
through the crust, and looked beneath —if they could
have put unexpected questions to the children — they
would have found them destitute of the veriest sham of
knowledge; and if they could have made an unexpected
visit to the school, they would most probably have
found it in disorder and confusion, whilst the school-
master was attending to his own concerns; or else they
would have discovered, in maltreated children, the sad
evidence of his ungoverned temper and of the progres-
sive demoralisation of his school. These were some of
the causes, which rendered it necessary to establish a
system of public inspection, by means of which the
schools and teachers should be continually examined,
and by means of which the government and the country
should be always immediately informed, when a teacher
deserved either dismission or promotion.
But there is another great evil which arises from a
want of a well organised system of inspection. ‘This is
the feeling of discouragement, which a teacher is sure
to experience, if not supported by the consciousness, that
the public is interested in his success and watches his
progress. A learned man who, from his previous educa-
tion, has imbibed literary tastes, and has experienced
the pleasure and the benefit of literary society, cannot
but feel at times a certain degree of disgust and de-
spondency, when sent out into a distant country parish
to labour among poor and illiterate persons, without any
educated friends, and often without any one companion
with whom he can exchange ideas, or in whose sym-
pathy he can seek for solace or encouragement. The
evils of such a situation are tenfold increased, when the
teacher feels that none of his exertions will be known
or appreciated by his countrymen, and when _ he is
unable to encourage himself by information of the pro-
gress of other members of his profession in other dis-
tricts. To cut off a teacher from society, from the
world, and from his own profession, in this manner, soon
induces disgust or despondency, and either lessens his
efforts and his efficiency, or drives him out of his pro-
fession into a sphere better suited to his tastes and to
his intellects. These reasons, among others, have in-
duced all the European states to pay the greatest at-
tention to the formation of a good working system of
public inspection, and to the maintenance of a sufficient
number of good and able inspectors. These public
officers may be found travelling from school to school
throughout the whole of Germany, Switzerland, France,
and Holland. In each canton of Switzerland there is
a board of public inspectors, who divide between them
the labours of visiting and examining the progress of
all the central schools. In France, in the year 1843,
201 of these officers had been appointed by government
in the different departments, and in that year these
gentlemen had visited and examined 50,996 schools, all
their travelling expenses having been defrayed by the
state in addition to their salaries. In Holland there are
70 such officers, and not only is the number greater in
that country, in proportion to the population, than else-
where, but the whole system is perhaps better organised.
And even the little kingdom of Bavaria has more than
200 of these important public servants. But it is with
Prussia that [am here more particularly concerned ; and
to its system of inspection I beg to call the attention of
my readers, as in this part of the Prussian system they
will perceive the influence which government and the
religious ministers of all the different sects exercise over
the schools of the parishes.
First, then, in every parish the religious ministers
are ex officio inspectors of the schools of their respective
religious sects, as well as presidents of the managing
committees of their respective schools. These com-
mittees have the surveillance of the schools, are always
present at the examinations of the children, and can
visit the schools when they like. Of course it is not
often that they do this, as their time is fully occupied
with other avocations, such as the care of their farms
and shops. But with the religious ministers it 1s
otherwise. They not only have the right to visit the
schools, but they are obliged by law to do so several
times in the year, and to forward a report of. their
progress to the union inspector, of whom I shall pre-
sently speak. If they think the teacher is unfit for his
situation, or if they think that he is pursuing faulty
methods of instruction or correction, they can remon-
strate with him; and if he does not follow their advice,
they can report him to the superior authorities. The
principal duty, however, of the parochial ministers of
the different religious sects is, to watch over the re-
ligious instruction given by the teachers, and to show
them how they may improve it, when they consider it
imperfectly or injudiciously imparted. In this way all
the schools of the country are put under the surveillance
and protection of the religious ministers, so that no ir-
religious or immoral teacher can long remain undetected ;
for the school is, so to speak, an open house, and is sure
to be inspected each year by several officers, and that at
times which the teachers cannot ascertain beforehand ;
so that if a careless or immoral man has managed to
creep into the profession, under a false disguise, he is
under restraint at all hours, and is sure in the end to be
detected. I have laid great stress on the clergy being
obliged to visit the schools, as they are but men, and
among them would be found many who would not be
inclined to give themselves much unnecessary trouble,
were it not a matter of legal obligation.
The next superior inspector is the one I have had
occasion to mention several times already, viz. the
Kreisshul inspector, or union inspector. ‘The unions
almost always contain schools both for Romanists and
for Protestants. In such union there are two union
inspectors. The one for the Protestant schools is the
ecclesiastical superintendent of the union; the one for
the Romanist schools is the dean. So that the second
grade of inspectors is also ecclesiastical equally with the
first. Great care is taken, in the appointment of the
superintendents and deans, to select men, who under-
stand the details of school management, and who have
paid considerable attention to the subject of elementary
instruction. These inspectors are in direct communi-
cation with the county courts, and with the synods and
bishops, so that they can furnish every required in-
formation, both to the ecclesiastical authorities and to
the government.
They are required to visit all the schools of their
respective districts at least once a year; and when there
are two inspectors of different religions in one union,
each must confine his visits to the schools of his own
sect. They also receive regular periodical reports of the
state of the schools from the school-committees and from
the parochial clergy, and are obliged themselves each
year to prepare a report on the state of education in their
respective unions, and to forward the same, when com-
pleted to the county court. All the expenses they incur
in making the necessary journeys are defrayed by the
county courts; but no especial salary is allowed them
for their labours as inspectors. These duties form part
of those appertaining to their office as superintendents
or deans; and the salary they receive for the perform-
ance of them is included in the emoluments of their
The Protestant superintendent is appointed by the
Minister of Public Instruction, on the nomination of
the provincial consistory. ‘The Romanist dean is nomi-
nated by his bishop, and appointed by the Minister of
Public Instruction, who, in Prussia, is also the Minister
or head director of the religious churches of the country,
If the Minister does not approve of the selection that-
has been made, he has the power of withholding his con-
firmation, and in such cases a new nomination must be
Every school in the union, whether it be public or
private, whether it be endowed or the property of the
schoolmaster himself, or whether it be supported by .
some rich landed gentleman—every school, I say, is
open to the visit of the union inspector. It is through
him that all new laws and regulations are conveyed to
the parochial authorities; and it is through him that
the schoolmasters are brought into immediate con-
nection with the government. It is the duty of these
Inspectors to encourage the teachers, to support and
advance the deserving, to admonish the careless, and, if
their admonition is not attended to, to report them to
the higher authorities. It is through the inspectors
that the teachers correspond with the county courts,
when they wish to obtain permission to introduce into
their schools, and to use in their classes, any book which
had not previously received the licence of the pro-
vincial authorities; and to them the teachers always
apply, if the parochial committees do not provide them
with all necessary apparatus, or do not keep their school-
buildings in proper repair, or, in fine, if they have any
reason to complain of the negligence or misconduct of
the proper authorities.
Is is from the yearly reports of these inspectors that
the higher ecclesiastical authorities receive information
of the state of religious education, and of the moral and
‘religious condition of the schools; and it is from them,
too, that the government obtains all its reports of the
actual state of education, of the number of children
attending school, of the conduct of the teachers, and of
the state of the school-buildings; so that, when neces-
sary, it may interfere by means of its regular organs,
the county courts.
t It is these officers, also, who take the first steps to-
wards the formation of new school-committees, when
any new schools are required; and, in fine, it is these
officers, who are at the head of the union education,
and are answerable for its progress.
Thus far, then, by means of this system of inspection,
is the moral and religious education of the children put
under the surveillance of the religious ministers of the
different sects to which their parents belong. The
clergy superintend the schoolmasters; and, although
they cannot interfere to alter the prescribed school
rontine or to diminish the required amount of secular
instruction, yet, by appeals to the county courts, they
can prevent the schoolmasters diminishing the amount
of religious instruction which ought to be given, and
can bring upon them the censure of the higher au-
thorities, if the religious instruction is imparted in a
careless or irreverential manner, or if the moral dis-
cipline of the school is imperfectly maintained.
The Prussian teachers are very anxious that the
kreis or union inspectors should be chosen out of the
ranks of the teachers. They say, with great truth, that
it is ridiculous, that teachers, who have been trained for
many years in the science of pedagogy, and in the
many delicate and difficult duties of a teacher, should be
subject to the criticism and examination of men, who
have never studied pedagogy at all, and who have had
no experience in school management. Many, too, of
the ablest men of Prussia think, that the inspectorships
ought to be given solely to teachers, in order to en-
courage the whole profession to zealous emulation of
one another’s exertion, by holding out to them all, the
prospect of gaining the honourable and more lucrative
position of an inspector.
I entirely concur in these views. I know, as a fact,
that both in Prussia and in England, many of the more
learned teachers are greatly disheartened in their labours,
by being subjected to the inspection of a gentleman of
great talents, 1t may be, but who knows nothing what-
ever of the difficulties, with which the teacher has to
strive, and who is, often, totally unfitted to form any
rational opinion of the merits of the teacher’s manage-
ment and exertions. Several of the ablest teachers in
different parts of England and Germany have expressed
themselves at different times to me, in the following
manner : —
* We earnestly wish, sir, that the government would
consent to select its inspectors from men who have
actually practised teaching; as it is, many of the in-
spectors are quite ignorant of all the details of school-
management. They come into our schools with the
crudest and most ill-digested ideas; each has some pet
plan of his own; many of these plans have never been
tested by their authors; many of them are quite in-
capable of application. But, however that may be,
the inspector judges us and our efforts by comparing
them with his own preconceived and often really irra-
tional ideas. It very often happens that teachers of the
greatest ability, and of the highest merits, but not car-
rying out the fanciful or impossible plans or methods
of the unpractical and inexperienced inspector, are
set down as ignorant or unskilful men. Imagine, sir,
what our feelings must be, when, after having gained
our diplomas at the colleee—after having earned the
praise of our professors—after having earnestly carried
out for years methods, of the excellence of which
there can be no doubt to any one, who has given any
attention to pedagogy —and after having been encou-
raged in our efforts by the directors and professors of
the normal college—imagine, sir, what our feelings
must be when an inspector, who knows nothing about
pedagogy, and who has all sorts of fancies of his own,
quite at variance with the views of all pedagogists,
comes down to our school, and, instead of praising our
efforts and congratulating us on our success in carrying
out the methods taught us at the normal college, finds
fault with us, because we do not carry out his own
fanciful and ill-digested views, and reports us unfayour-
ably to the government, when all those who are qualified
to judge, commend us for what we have done. You
cannot imagine, sir, what a feeling of despair this situa-
tion engenders; and yet this is what constantly hap-
pens, and what must constantly happen, until the
inspectors are selected solely from among men skilled in
But there is another very strong reason why the
inspectors should be chosen from among the teachers.
We all know that, in any profession, a small chance
of winning a high station reconciles many men to work
for many years in an inferior and badly paid one. Thus
in the church, and at the bar, the chance of winning
one of the great prizes, however small the chance may
be, encourages many men to long years of self-denial
and hard labour in the inferior and ill-requited ranks.
So in the profession of the teachers, we could not adopt
a better expedient for stimulating the labours and ex-
ertions of the primary teachers, and of the professors of
the normal colleges, than by filling the ranks of the
inspectors with the most learned and efficient of the
primary school teachers. By adopting this plan, we
should raise the character of the whole profession; we
should stimulate their industry, and we should encou-
rage their efforts more than by any other plan we could
adopt. .
The Prussian government has, within the last two
years, made a law that every young student for holy
orders shall in future produce, at his examination for,
and before his admission into holy orders, a certificate
of his haying attended a normal college for six weeks,
and of his having passed an examination in pedagogy,
conducted by the principal of the college and his pro-
fessors. This is clearly a great step in the right
direction; and it has, [ believe, given ‘general satisfac-
tion to the teachers. But they are not yet contented ;
for they say, and with great reason, “ We spent many
years of severe study in acquiring a knowledge of the
science of pedagogy; and yet we are examined, cri-
ticised, and reported upon by men who have only studied
the science for six weeks! Is it likely that such men
should be able to instruct us how to manage our
classes?” This is doubtless true; and it does seem
desirable, for the reasons that I have mentioned above,
that the government should choose the inspectors from
the teachers’ ranks.
Above the two grades of inspectors of which I have
already spoken, and which, it will be seen, are composed
of the clergy, there are yet two others, of which I shall
now proceed to speak. ‘The first of these are the
county inspectors: I have had occasion often to speak
of the Schulrath, or the member of the county court,
who has the surveillance of all educational affairs in
the county. This magistrate is appointed by the
Minister of Public Instruction at Berlin, and is usually
chosen from among the most learned and able men of
his county; he is assisted generally by two inferior
counsellors, one of whom represents the Romanist and
the other the Protestant schools. He is the represent-
ative of the government in his county. All the reports
of the different union- or kreis-inspectors are forwarded
to him; he arranges them, and communicates them to
the Minister at Berlin: he has a negative upon the
appointment of members of the school committee ; and
can oblige the parishes to proceed to a new election if
he thinks the man whom they first elected, is unfitted
for his duties.
He has also a negative upon the proposed acts of the
parishes, ze. upon their choice of sites, plans of school-
buildings, augmentation of the school-funds, payments of
teachers, &c.; as he is required to take care that no
unwise and really prejudical steps are taken by the in-
ferior authorities. He has power also to dismiss or
reprimand a schoolmaster, if any one has deserved such
punishment, though the teacher can always appeal
from his decisions to the Minister at Berlin. But one of
his most important duties, and that with which we are
here more particularly concerned, is that of school
inspection. Not only is he required to be present at
the examination of young men, who desire to enter the
normal colleges, and also at the still severer examina-
tions of those who, having remained two or three years
in such an establishment, are desirous of obtaining
diplomas, and not only is his concurrence necessary in
granting these diplomas, but he is also obliged to visit
the elementary schools themselves, and to personally
inspect the progress of education in his county. He is
not required to go through every elementary school in
his county every year, (for such a labour his duties as
director of the education of his county does not leave
him sufficient time,) but he is required to visit a part of
these schools every year; and as his visits are, I believe,.
undetermined beforehand, so each parish of the ,county
is uncertain when it may expect this high functionary,
and is consequently always on the alert, that he may not
find the schools in a neglected condition. In some
counties the Schulrath, or the county educational magi-
strate, is also the director of one of the normal colleges ;
and in all cases he is selected as a learned and able man,
who thoroughly understands the affairs over which
he is called upon to preside. There are twenty-five
counties in Prussia, and in each a county a Schulrath ;
so that, besides all the parochial and union inspectors,
there are twenty-five superior inspectors and directors
of the education of the people.
These county inspectors are laymen. The superior
ecclesiastical authorities of the Romanist and Protestant
churches take a part in the educational affairs by means
of the union inspectors and the parochial clergy, but
over the superior educational officers they have no
The religious ministers in Prussia are presidents of
the school committees; they are inspectors of the paro-.
chial schools; they have a vote in the election of the
teachers; and they have the power of reporting them
to the superior authorities, when dissatisfied with their
conduct. It is from the clergy that the union inspec-
tors are chosen, and it is the higher ecclesiastical au-
thorities who have the nomination of these influential
officers. No attempt is made in Prussia to sever the
education of the people from the Churches. The great
ends which the government has attempted to attain are
— first, to foster the morality and religion of the people ;
and, secondly, to increase their intelligence, ‘and by
means of their intelligence, their prudence, foresight,
and happiness, by sound, liberal, and effective instruc-
tion in all useful knowledge. It has effected these.
objects by making the religious ministers the inspectors
of the religious education of the people, by reserving
to itself the inspection of the secular education of the
people, and by making the people themselves the fos-
terers and guardians of their own instruction in both
religion and knowledge.
Last of all in the scale of inspection comes that of
the central government at Berlin. The Minister of
Public Instruction is assisted by a number of council-
lors, to whom various duties are assigned in the bureau
of educational affairs, and of these councillors there
are three, who are sent every year from Berlin by the
Minister, on special missions of inspection into the
different counties, in order to investigate the condition
of the schools in particular districts, where the Minister
has reason to fear that the education of the people is
not making a sufficiently rapid progress, and in order
to obtain information respecting the state of different
parts of the country, where particular circumstances may
require some modifications in existing regulations.
Such is the great system of school inspection in
Prussia, by which the government, the churches, and
the people insure the strictest observance of the edu-
cational regulations; the religious, moral, and intel-
lectual character of the teachers; and the continued
development of the intelligence of the people. If my
readers will compare these really gigantic efforts, made
by a government, whose whole annual revenue does
not amount to 10,000,0002., and for a population of
16,000,000 souls; with those which our rich country
has been making for a population equal in amount, but
amongst whom so much pauperism exists as to require
aid from the nation to the amount of 7,000,0002 per
annum, I think they will be struck by the startling
Ir is generally admitted thoughout Germany, Hol-
land, and France, that no one unaided teacher can
direct the instruction of more than sixty children, in
one school-room, without serious injury to the individual
education of each scholar. Where one hundred are as-
sembled in one room under one teacher, it will almost
always be found, that the whole class makes very un-
satisfactory progress, and that the children who are the
least studious and clever, and who consequently more
particularly require the teacher’s attention, are almost
wholly neglected. Moreover, where great numbers are
left to the unaided efforts of one man, it is always found
that order cannot be properly maintained; and, there-
fore, that the advancement of the whole class is re-
-tarded. These evils are tenfold increased when the
whole of the children do not form one but several classes,
and when the teacher’s eye must be removed from one
part of the scholars, whilst he is instructing the others ;
and even where they do form but one class, a careful
observer may always discover that the education of at
least one half of the children is almost entirely neg-
I have often been present, both m England and in
different parts of Germany and Switzerland, at lessons
given to large classes by teachers noted for their power
of managing a great number; and I have always ob-
served that in the back rows there were a great number
of children, who never answered a single question,
who sat listless and inattentive, or who distracted the
attention of all the others by their disorderly conduct.
In Saxony, where the greatest pains are taken to per-
fect the village schools, a law has been passed by the
Chambers, which forbids any teacher assembling more
than stxty children in the same class; and so much im-
portance is attached to this regulation, that if a parish
cannot afford to support one teacher for every sixty
children, the Chambers have decreed, that the children
must be divided into two classes, one half of which is
required to attend the morning, and the other the
evening school; it being esteemed much better that
each child should have only three or four hours of careful
instruction per day, than that one half should be neg-
lected, in order that the other half should receive the
whole of the teacher’s attention.
About eight or ten years since all the German
schools were conducted on the Bell and Lancasterian
methods, the children being left almost entirely in the
hands of young and half-educated monitors, as in our
own parochial schools at the present day. “The results of
this system were so unsatisfactory that they soon occa=
sioned a powerful re-action in the contrary direction.
x 4
The German governments, perceiving how grievously
the mental education and mental development of the
children were retarded by subjecting them to the
imperfect care of half-educated monitors, prohibited
‘all employment of monitors in the parochial schools.
Hence it became necessary to considerably increase the
staff of teachers, as well as the expenditure required
for their support. In the towns this has been pro-
ductive of beneficial results, as the towns can always
raise sufficient funds for the support of a sufficient
number of teachers. I generally found that each of
these schools throughout Germany had a staff of from
six to twelve teachers attached to it, each of whom had
attained the age of twenty years, had been specially
educated in the classes of the primary, secondary, and
normal schools, from his sixth to his twentieth year,
and had obtained a diploma certifying his fitness for the
profession to which he had devoted himself.
But in the village schools the results of this rejection
of all monitorial assistance has been less satisfactory.
The villages are not generally rich enough to support
more than two teachers, and often not more than one,
and this, too, in many cases, where there are 150
children who attend the school. In these cases, there-
fore, monitors are greatly needed to assist in maintaining
order among one part of the children, while the teacher
is instructing another part, and to relieve the teacher
from the more mechanical part of class instruction, so
that he may apply his undivided attention to those
branches of instruction, in which his superior skill,
knowledge, and experience are most needed.
But the prejudices which the Germans have imbibed
against the monitorial system, are, as yet, too strong to
allow them to perceive the necessity of employing moni-
tors in the village schools. Whenever I addressed a
German teacher on this subject, he immediately an-
swered, * Oh! we have had enough of your Lancas-
terian methods; depend upon it, we shall never try
them again.” It was very surprising to me to see, how
universal and how strong this antipathy to monitors
was throughout Germany; but it served to show me,
how deep an interest all classes took in the prosperity
of the schools, as it was evident that they only rejected
this means of lessening the parochial outlay in the sup-
port of teachers, because they believed it to be es-
sentially injurious to the sound mental progress of the
children. ee |
No doubt that the old monitorial system was de-
serving of all their maledictions; but it would well
become the Prussian educational authorities to consider,
whether the mean between the old system and the
present, such, viz., as the monitorial system pursued in
Holland and France, is not the true state of things
to which they ought to aspire. In these countries, the
teachers train the most. promising of their oldest and
most advanced scholars as monitors. They give them
instruction in the evenings when the day’s work in the
schoolroom is over. These monitors are paid by the
parochial authorities just enough, to make it worth their
while to remain at their posts as assistants to the school-
masters until about seventeen years of age, after which
time they are remoyed to the normal colleges to be
| ah
trained as teachers, whilst other children take their
places in the village schools. To these trained and paid
monitors nothing is intrusted, but the mere mechanical
parts of school teaching, such as the elements of reading,
writing, and arithmetic. All the higher and more in-
tellectual parts of school education, such as religious in-
struction, history, geography, and mental arithmetic,
are conducted by the schoolmaster himself. But the
principal service which the monitors render to the
teachers is, in preserving order and silence in the school,
and in watching over those classes, which are not for
the time being receiving instruction from the school-
master. By this means, one able master, with the aid
of two intelligent monitors, may conduct a school of 100
children; whenever the number however exceeds 100,
there should in all cases be, at the least, two superior
But in Prussia this rule is not observed. They have
resolved, as I have already mentioned, to employ no
monitors in the schools; and as they are conscious, that
without them they require a much greater number of
teachers, they have directed the inspectors to inform the
county magistrates when two or more teachers are re-
quired by a parish, and the magistrates are, in these
cases, authorised to oblige the parochial authorities to
elect and support as many additional teachers as are
necessary. It often happens, however, that a parish,
although very populous, is very poor and unable to do
more than support one teacher, even when the number
of its children of an age to attend school, is 120 or
130. - In these cases, all the children of different ages
and different degrees of proficiency are assembled in one
schoolroom, under the care of only one teacher. Now
it is evident, that no matter how clever such a teacher
may be, it is utterly impossible for him to conduct such
a school properly. Even if the children were all of the
same degree of proficiency, it would be impossible for
one man to promote the individual development and
education of so many scholars; how much more so,
when they are of different ages and of different de-
grees of proficiency? This is the great fault of the
Prussian village schools. They are, at present, actually
retarding the progress of their own education by their
too blind fear of doing so. They fear the evil effects
of our old, absurd monitorial systems so much as to
refuse to reason calmly on the subject of monitorial
assistance. But the evil will soon bring its own cure.
They find that many parishes with more than 100
children cannot afford to support more than one teacher ;
they clearly see that one is not enough for so many ;
and that owing to this paucity of masters, the education
of the less intelligent children is neglected. They are
really anxious to perfect their schools; and where there
is such a will, and such an experience as is possessed by
the educational authorities in Prussia, or, in other
words, by the Prussian people themselves, there the
remedy will soon be applied. They are already, in some
few quarters, beginning to see their error, and not many
years will pass ere a change will be introduced.
As I have already said, the want of monitors is
felt most in the village schools; for the town schools
are conducted in a totally different manner. In a
K 6
town a greater number of children are found assembled
together, and greater funds are always found at the
‘disposal of the school authorities, who, it will be re-
membered, are elected by the people. In each of the
Prussian towns, several great. school-houses are generally
‘built, each containing from four to sixteen class-rooms.
The number does not, I believe, generally exceed
eight in one school-house, and some have not more,
but hardly any fewer than four. In Germany, except
in the poorest villages, different classes are never in-
structed in the same room. Jéven in the villages, there
are generally two or three class-rooms in the village
school-house, for each of which a separate teacher is
maintained. This plan of teaching the different classes
in different rooms, adds incalculably to the efficiency of
the education given. In each room, only one voice is
heard at a time — the voice of the teacher or of one of
the children. The attention of the children is not dis-
turbed or diverted from the teacher by what is going on
in another class. Each room is perfectly quiet. The
teacher can be heard distinctly, and can hear every
noise in his class. Besides all this, for equal numbers
of children four or five times as many teachers are em-
ployed in Germany as in England. Lach child receives,
therefore, four or five times as much assistance and
attention from a learned man as a child does in England.
The individual progress, therefore, of the children in
the German schools (and the same may be said of the
Swiss schools), is very much greater than that of the
English children. Over each school-house one head
teacher is appointed, who is an elderly and experienced
man, and who himself takes the management of the highest
class. Under him are appointed a number of younger
teachers, corresponding to the number of class-rooms in
the school-house. ‘These younger masters board with
the head teacher in his house, which is generally con-
structed large enough to afford lodgings for the staff of
masters required for all the classes. If the class-rooms
do not exceed four, the boys and girls are mixed to-
gether in the different rooms, and are divided into four
classes, according to their proficiency. If, however, the
school contains more than four class-rooms, then the
cirls and boys are separated into two distinct divisions,
each of which is divided into three or four classes
according to the proficiency of the children. In the
town schools, therefore, it is much easier to dispens2
with monitors, as no teacher is perplexed with having
to direct different classes in the same room. Each
teacher has only to instruct a small number of children
of about the same proficiency in the same subject, at one
time and in a separate room. He can, therefore, at all
moments engage all his children in the same occupations,
keep them all under his constant inspection, and direct
their operations much better than where these opera-
tions themselves are necessarily of three or four differ-
ent kinds at the same time. But even in such case,
the teachers require the assistance of monitors, in the
writing, drawing, and ciphering exercises; or else, as
I have often observed, when the teacher’s attention
is withdrawn from the class, or when he is attending
to some individual pupil in one part of the school, the
juvenile spirit is sure to begin to effervesce in another,
and to produce noise, disorder, and interruption. This
want of assistance for the principal teachers was almost
the only fault I could find with the Prussian schools.
The school-buildings were generally excellent, and
often handsome; the class-rooms numerous, lofty, capa-
cious, and always clean; for the inspectors take great
care that the parochial authorities do not neglect the
whitewashing and repairs. The scholars themselves
were always exquisitely clean. ‘The rooms were con-
stantly whitewashed and scoured. The law obliges the
school-committees to do this. If any neglect in these
particulars is evident, the inspectors and county ma-
gistrates are empowered and required to act for the
parochial committee, and to raise the funds necessary for
the purpose by a parochial rate levied upon the house-
holders. But from the beautiful neatness and cleanli-
ness and from the excellent repair of the school-rooms
which I saw in different provinces of Prussia and Ger-
many, it appeared to me, that the people fully under-
stood and appreciated the importance and utility of
these reculations.
The class-rooms were always well fitted up with
parallel desks and forms, and almost always with excel-
lent maps of Germany, on which all the leading physical
characteristics of the country were delineated in a strong
and forcible manner, and on a large scale ; and also with
smaller but excellent maps of other parts of the world.
At one end of each class-room is the teacher’s desk,
raised a little above the others. Behind and on each
side of him hang great black boards, fastened to the
wall by moveable hinges. On these he writes copies of
the writing exercises, and draws all his figures, &c. for
the illustration of his lessons: and on these also each
child is called upon in turn to explain arithmetical
operations, or to fill up or draw the outlines of a map
of some part of Europe, or of one of the principal
countries of the world. The space between the teacher’s
desk and the other end of the room is filled with pa-
rallel rows of desks and forms, at which the children
work; for the Prussians are too anxious to make the
children interested in their school duties, to think of
making education more disagreeable to them than it
necessarily is, by forcing them to stand through nearly
the whole of their lessons, as they do in many of our
National Schools to this day. Each school has also a
yard, where the children take exercise in the middle
of the morning and afternoon school hours, to refresh
themselves, and to awaken their faculties, while the
windows of the class-rooms are thrown open, and the
air of the rooms is thoroughly purified.
Our town schools are often without any yard, so
that the children are either kept for three or four
hours at a time in the close air of the school-room, or
are turned loose into a dirty back street, to mix with
all the frequenters of such a locality, no matter who
they may be.
Some persons seem to imagine that, if a school-room
is built and children attend it, the results must needs
be good; but it behoves them to examine whether they
have left any influence at work upon the children’s
minds, stronger than the influence for good which the
school affords. If it is so, it seems a little sanguine,
to say the least of it, to hope for happy results. The
whole system of things in Germany is so entirely dif-
ferent to that in England, that any one who attempts
to describe it to Englishmen must necessarily appear
to exaggerate. I can only say, let doubters go and
inspect for themselves, and I am convinced they will
own, that I have not said nearly so much as I might
have done, in favour of the wonderful efforts the people
and the governments are making to advance the great
cause of popular instruction.
Each child buys its own books and slate. Those
children, however, who are too poor to pay the small
school-fees, and who are consequently. sent to school at
the expense of the town or parish in which they dwell,
are provided with books, &c. by the town or parochial
authorities. The children generally carry their books
home with them; and every morning at a quarter to
eight o’clock, a traveller may see the streets of a German
town or village filled with boys and girls, neatly dressed
and very clean, hurrying to school; each of the boys
carrying his school-books in a small goat-skin knap-
sack on his back, and each of the girls carrying hers in
a small bag, which she holds in her hand. The clean-
liness and neatness of dress which I generally observed
among the children very much surprised me, and always
served to convince me how the educational regulations
were tending to civilise and elevate the tastes of the
lower classes throughout Germany. At first I was often
disposed to doubt the veracity of my companions, when
they assured me that the children I saw were the sons
and daughters of poor labourers.
The very way in which children of different ranks
of society are to be found mingled in the same school,
serves to show how superior the civilisation of the lower
orders in Germany is to that of the [English peasants.
With us it would be impossible to associate, in the
same school, the children of peasants with those of even
the lowest of our middle classes. But in Germany I
constantly found the children of the highest and of the
lowest ranks sitting at the same desk, and in almost
every school I saw the children of the lowest and of the
middle classes mingled together.
In Berlin, one of the teachers, on my asking him
whose sons the boys at one of his forms were, requested
them to tell me in what occupations their fathers were
engaged. From these boys I learned, that one was the
son of a clergyman, another of a physician; that others
were the sons of small shopkeepers, and others the sons
of errand men and porters. Now, were not the children
of the errand men and porters very much more civilised,
polished, and, if I may use that much abused word, more
gentlemanly than the same class of children in England,
such an association would be totally impossible. And
yet this to us incredible state of things, exists with in-
finitely less discontentment and social disturbance than
we find among our labouring classes in England.
But it must not be imagined that the educational
system is in a stationary state, that the people and
the government are resting upon their oars, or that
they now think that they have done enough, and that
they can let the stream bear them on without further
exertion. Tar, far otherwise: on every hand exten-
sive improvements are going on, as if they had only
commenced last year, to take any interest in the ques-
tion, and as if they were only now beginning the work,
like fresh labourers. Here I found a new and hand-
some school-house just finished; there, another one in
building; and here, again, old houses being altered and
enlarged. In one town I found them preparing a great
building for a normal college; in another, I found them
preparing to remove one of these noble institutions to
a more commodious and larger set of buildings; and
wherever I travelled, I found the authorities labouring
to establish infant schools, as well as to perfect the
educational institutions of their several localities. It
sometimes appeared to me as if all the resources of the
government must be devoted to this object; whereas
my readers must recollect that, except in the cases of
the normal colleges, this great work is effected by the
people themselves; and that the enormous expenditure,
by being divided between all the different towns and
parishes in the kingdom, is scarcely felt. Since 1816,
every year has witnessed a further progress: old schools
have been pulled down, new ones have been erected;
the old and less efficient teachers have gradually died
off, and their places have been supplied by excellently
trained masters who now direct the schools; the young
men who are about to enter holy orders have been obliged
to study pedagogy, in order to fit themselves to be in-
spectors ; the regulations respecting the factory children,
which I have given in an earlier part of this work, have
been put in force; the minimum of the teachers’ salaries
has been considerably raised, and the system of teachers’
conferences has been perfected, and put into operation.
What the full fruits of all this will be, cannot yet be
foretold, as the system has scarcely been long enough
in operation ; but the most casual observer may already
discern the generally prosperous and happy condition
of the lower orders of the people.
I have already cursorily mentioned the regulations
respecting the books used in the village schools; but I
reserved all particulars on this head, until I came to
speak of the interior of the schools themselves. I shall
now show what restrictions exist on the free choice of
books by the teachers. The Prussian government has
here had two evils to guard against: one of these was
the retarding of the gradual reform of school books,
which reform will always take place, when the teachers
themselves are learned men, when they thoroughly un-
derstand the theory and practice of pedagogy, and when
they are not fettered by unwise restrictions; and the
other was, the admission into the practical schools, of
books of anirreligious or immoral tendency. These two
evils are guarded against in the following manner: —
No book can be used in any school in any of the
provinces, until the authorities composing the provincial
Schulcollegium, which has the direction of the higher
schools and gymnasia, as well as of the normal colleges
of the province, have licensed it, or sanctioned its admis-
sion. Any book which has been so sanctioned, can be
employed by any schoolmaster of the province in which
it was licensed. ‘There are, in every province, a great
number of works on religion, history, science, &c.,
which have been thus licensed, and from which the
teachers are at liberty to choose. But, if a school-
master writes a book, which he deems better qualified
for school use than those already published, or if he
desires to employ a work written by some one else and
which is not licensed, he forwards a copy of it, through
the inspector, to the provincial authorities, in order to
obtain their consent, which is only refused, where the
book is positively imperfect or unfit for the young.
In the schools, which I personally inspected, I gene-
rally found the school- books very excellent, and written
either by teachers, or by some person engaged in the
educational profession. Coming as they do from men
of very long experience in the practice of pedagogy,
they are generally well adapted to answer the wants,
which the writers themselves have experienced, in the
exercise of their professional duties. With the above
restrictions, the choice of books is left entirely to the
The character of the instruction given in all the
German schools is suggestive; the teachers labour to
teach the children to educate themselves. There is
hittle or no “cram” about it, if I may use an old uni-
versity phrase. In most of the best primary schools
of England, the teacher still contents himself with the
old cramming system; that is, he tries to crowd the
memories of his scholars with facts, and continually
exercises their memories, without ever attempting to
develope and strengthen any of their other intellectual
faculties. Now, we know but too well, that a man
may have the most retentive memory, and the best-
stored mind, and yet remain as incapable of reasoning, -
as improvident, and as irrational as ever. He may be
full of facts; but may be as unable to make any use of
them, or to turn them to any good account, as one
bereft of the faculties of speech, sight, and hearing.
If a man cannot use his reasoning powers, he is much
better without knowledge; to impart facts to a fool, is
like entrusting fire to a madman. ‘The great deside-
ratum for the poor, as well as for every one else in this
world, is a capability of using the reasoning faculties ;
not that this will always save a man from false ideas
and from irrational conduct, but that a man who pos-
sesses it will be more likely than any other, to take a
right view of his position in life, his duties, and his
advantages, and will be more likely to understand the
best means of improving them. |
Next, then, to implanting good principles in the
child, the first object of every system of instruction
should be, to teach it how to use the high and important
faculties,” which Providence has given it, as the means
by which to insure its temporal happiness and con-
tinued self-improvement. Facts are necessary, but
facts alone are not enough: to cram a child’s mind
with facts, without constantly exercising its reflection
and its reason, is like feeding it with quantities of rich
viands, and denying it all bodily exercise.
The German teachers are, therefore, taught that their
duty is to awaken the intelligence of their children, far
more than to fill their heads with facts, which they
would not know how to use, unless their reasoning
powers had been first cultivated. The schoolmasters
do not therefore hurry over many facts in one lesson ;
but endeavour to make them think and reason about
the subject of instruction.
The method of instruction is left to the unfettered
choice of the teachers, so that it is impossible to speak:
with certainty of the methods pursued in the majority
of the schools; but in all that I visited, I invariably
found the simultaneous method pursued. By this the
scholars are divided into different classes, and each class
is instructed separately. This is not done on the old
shouting plan, where one or two clever boys give the
answer, and all the others follow in the same breath,
and often without having known what the question
was. Not so: the class under instruction first reads a
section or chapter from the school-book, relating to the
subject of instruction; the teacher then endeavours to
illustrate what the children have been reading, to make
them clearly understand it, to assure himself that they
do understand it, and to impress it more clearly and
firmly upon their memories. All this he does by sug-
gestive questions, which he himself does not answer,
until he has first tried, whether any of the children can
answer them for themselves. When a question is put,
all the children, who are prepared to answer it, are
told to hold up their hands, and the teacher then
selects one child, who stands up and gives what he
conceives to be the answer; if he is wrong, another
is selected to correct him, and so on in like manner;
but until the teacher has called upon some one to
answer, not a single word is allowed to be spoken by
any member of the class. If no one can answer the
question, the teacher, before answering it for the chil-
dren, excites their curiosity about it by questions and
hints, and stories illustrating or partially explaining the
subject under discussion ; and when he has succeeded in
interesting the whole class in the answer, he then gives
it, but not before. By these means, the reflective
powers of the children are exercised and trained —they
are taught to think, to inquire and to reason, and their
minds acquire strength and activity. During every lesson
the teacher stands, and the children sit before him at their
desks. The most perfect silence is observed, except
when broken by the answer of the scholar fixed on to
reply, or by a question made by a scholar seeking ex-
planation, or by a laugh at some amusing story or joke
of the teacher. No lesson is continued long. The sub-
jects of instructions are changed about three times in
every two hours; and, at the end of every two hours,
the children of all the different classes meet in the play-
ground, under the charge of one of the teachers, to get
some fresh air and a little exercise.
The great object of all this is to make the lessons as
interesting and attractive as possible to the children, to
keep up their attention, and to gradually develope all
the powers of their minds.
This system enables the German teachers to watch
and tend the progress of each individual child. No
child can screen idleness or ignorance behind the gene-
ral shout of the class. ‘The teacher sees instantly, if a
scholar fails often to hold up his hand; and as he ques-
tions those, who do hold up their hands, by turns, he
soon finds out if a child is really attending or not.
One thing which greatly surprised me in all the German
and Dutch schools was, the great interest the children
evidently took in the subjects of instruction. This is
to be explained entirely by the manner, in which they
are treated and instructed by the teachers. The teachers
address them as intelligent, rational beings, and in a
conversational manner, as if they expected them to
listen and to understand.
The teachers further excite their interest by showing
them, in all their lessons, the practical use of the know-
ledge they are acquiring. Constant references are made
to the different pursuits, in which the children will be
engaged after leaving school; to the commerce of the
country, and the way in which it is supplied with the
various articles of foreign produce which it requires ;
to the duties of citizens; to the history of the country ;
to its produce, its physical characteristics, and its political
relations ; to farming, in its various branches; to the
creat inventions and vast undertakings of the day; to
the wonders of foreign countries ; and, in fact, to all the
newspaper topics of the day.
I have myself been obliged to answer questions in the
German and Dutch schools about the navy of England,
the wealth of England, our metropolis, our colonies,
and the miseries of Ireland. |
Instruction, or amusement which will excite the
scholars to seek instruction, is sought from all the sub-
jects and allusions started by the lesson. The children
are made to see the end of instruction and the object of
schools in every lesson which is given them. The
teachers encourage them by words and looks of ap-
proval, A few words, such as “ that’s right, Charles,”
“that’s a very good answer,” ‘ you have explained it
very well,” ‘ well done indeed, and such like explana-
tions, stimulate the children as if they were at a game.
Added to this, that the teachers are so admirably drilled
in the art of teaching, that they perfectly understand
how to make every thing clear and comprehensible to
the least intelligent scholar of the class, while they are
so well educated, that they are able to illustrate each
lesson by a hundred interesting stories or descriptions. —
It is quite beside the purpose of this work to enter
into any long examination of the methods of teaching
pursued abroad in the different subjects of instruction.
I hope I may be able, some future day, to offer some
few remarks upon this subject; but I cannot deny
myself the pleasure of calling attention to the admirable
account of the manner of teaching in the Prussian
schools as given by Mr. Mann, in his Educational Tour ;
one quotation from which work I shall here subjoin, to
show how geography is taught in the schools through-
out Germany.
Mr. Mann says* : —
“In describing the manner in which geography was
taught, I must use discrimination ; for in some respects
it was taught imperfectly, in others pre-eminently well.
“The practice seemed to be uniform, however, of
beginning with objects perfectly familiar to the child
—the school-house with the grounds around it, the
house with its yards or gardens, and the street leading
from the one to the other. First of all, the children
* Educational Tour, p. 134.
were initiated into the ideas of space, without. which
we can know no more of geography than we can of
history without ideas of times. Mr. Carl Ritter of
Berlin — probably the greatest geographer now living
— expressed a decided opinion to me that this was the
true mode of beginning.
*¢ Children, too, commence this study very early —
soon after entering school; but no notions are given
them which they are not perfectly able to comprehend,
reproduce, and express.
“T found geography taught almost wholly from large
maps suspended against the walls, and by delineations
on the black board. And here the skill of teachers and
pupils in drawing did admirable service. The teacher
traced the outlines of a country on the suspended map,
or drew one upon the black board, accompanying the
exhibition by an oral lecture; and at the next recita-
tion, the pupils were expected to repeat what they had
seen and heard, And in regard to the natural divisions
of the earth, or the pclitical boundaries of countries, a
pupil was not considered as having given any proof
that he had a correct image in his mind, until he could
go to the black board and reproduce it from the ends of
his fingers. I witnessed no lesson unaccompanied by
these tests. | ' 34
“« T will describe, as exactly as -I am able, a lesson,
which I heard given to a class a little advanced beyond
the elements — remarking that, though I heard many
lessons given on the same plan, none of. them were sig-
nalised by the rapidity and effect of the one I am about
to describe.
“ The teacher stood by the black board, with the
chalk in his hand. After casting his eye over the class
to see that all were ready, he struck at the middle of
the board. With a rapidity of hand which my eye
could hardly follow, he made a series of those short
diverging lines, or shadings, employed by map engravers
to represent a chain of mountains. He_ had scarcely:
turned an angle or shot off a spur, when the scholars
began to cry out—‘ Carpathian Mountains, Hungary ;’
‘ Black Forest Mountains, Wirtemburg;’ ‘ Giants’
Mountains (Riesen Gebirge), Silesia ;’ ‘Metallic Moun-
tains’ (Erz Gebirge), ‘Pine Mountains’ (Fichtel Gebirge),.
‘Central Mountains (Mittel Gebirge), Bohemia,’ &c.. &e.
“Tn less than half a minute, the ridge of that. grand
central elevation which separates the waters, that flow.
north west into the German Ocean, from those that:
flow north into the Baltic, and south east into the
Black Sea, was presented to view — executed almost as
beautifully as an engraving. A dozen crinkling strokes,
made in the twinkling of an eye, represented the head-
waters of the great rivers, which flow in different direc-
tions from that mountainous range; while the children,
almost as eager and excited, as though they had actually
seen the torrents dashing down the mountain sides, cried
out ‘ Danube,’ § Elbe,’ ‘ Vistula,’ ‘ Oder,’ &c. - The next
moment I heard a succession of small strokes or taps, so
rapid as to be almost indistinguishable, and hardly had
my eye time to discern a large number of dots made
along the margins of the rivers, when the shouts of
‘ Lintz,’ ‘ Vienna,’ ‘ Prague,’ ‘ Dresden,’ ‘ Berlin;?
&c. struck my ear. At this point in the exercise, the
L 2
spot which had been occupied on the black board was
nearly a circle, of which the starting-point, or place
where the teacher first began, was the centre; but now
a few additional strokes round the circumference of the
incipient continent, extended the mountain ranges out-
ward towards the plains — the children calling out the
names of the countries in which they respectively lay.
With a few more flourishes, the rivers flowed onwards
towards their several terminations; and by another suc-
cession of dots, new cities sprang up along their banks.
By this time the children had become as much excited,
as though they had been present at a world making:
they rose in their seats, they flung out both hands,
their eyes kindled, and their voices became almost
vociferous, as they cried out the names of the different
places, which, under the magic of the teacher’s crayon,
rose into view. Within ten minutes from the com-
mencement of the lesson, there stood upon the black
board a beautiful map of Germany with its mountains,
principal rivers and cities, the coast of the German
Ocean, of the Baltic and the Black Seas, and all so ac-
curately proportioned, that I think only slight errors
would have been found, had it been subjected to the
test of a scale of miles. A part of the teacher’s time
was taken up in correcting a few mistakes of the
pupils; for his mind seemed to be in his ear as well as in
his hand; and notwithstanding the astonishing celerity
of his movements, he detected erroneous answers, and
turned round to correct them. The rest of the recita-
tion consisted in questions and answers respecting pros
ductions, climate, soil, ania &é. &Cawtaune
* Compare the effect of such a lesson as this, both
as to the amount of the knowledge communicated and
the yividness, and of course the permanence, of the
ideas obtained, with a lesson, where the scholars look
out a few names of places on a lifeless atlas, but never
had their imaginations abroad over the earth; and
where the teacher sits listlessly down before them, to
interrogate them from a book, in which all the ques-
tions are printed at full length, to supersede on his part
all necessity of knowledge.”
In the study plans of most of the schools and teachers’-
colleges of North Germany, the following subjects of
lessons are entered : —“ exercises in thinking ;” “ know-
ledge of nature ;” “ knowledge of the world;” * know-
ledge of society.” Speaking of these lessons Mr. Mann
says: — 7
** These lessons consisted of familiar conversations
between teacher and pupils, on subjects adapted to the
age, capacities, and proficiency of the latter: with the
youngest classes, on things immediately around them —
the school-room and the materials of which it had been
built; its different parts, as foundation, floor, walls,
ceiling, roof, windows, doors, fireplace; its furniture
and apparatus; its books, slates, paper; the clothes of
the pupils, and the materials from which they were
made; their food and playthings; the duties of children
to animals, to each other, to their parents, to their
neighbours, to the old, to their Maker — these are spe-
cimens of a vast variety of subjects embraced under
one or another of the above heads. As the children
advanced in age and attainments, and acquired full
L 3
and definite notions of the visible and tangible ex-
istences around them, and also of time and space, so
that they could understand descriptions of the unseen
and remote, the scope of these lessons was enlarged so
as to take in the different kingdoms of nature, the arts,
trades, and occupations of men, and the more compli-
cated affairs of society.
«¢ When visiting the schools in Leipsic, I remarked to
the superintendent, that most distinguished educationist,
Dr. Vogel, that I did not see on the ‘ Study Plan’ of
his schools, the title, § exercises in thinking.’ His re-
ply was ‘ No: for I consider it is a sin in any teacher,
not to lead his pupils to think, in regard to all the sub-
jects he teaches.’ He did not call it an omission, or
even a disqualification, in a teacher, if he did not
awaken thought in the minds of his pupils; but he
peremptorily denounced it as a ‘sin.’ Alas! thought
I, what expiation will be sufficient for many of us
who have had charge of the young?
“It is obvious, from the account I have given of
these primary lessons, that that there is no restriction
as to the choice of subjects, and no limits to the extent
of information that may be engrafted upon them. What
more natural, than that a kind teacher should attempt to
gain the attention and win the goodwill of a brisk eager-
minded boy just entering his school, by speaking to him
about the domestic animals which he plays with or
tends at home — the dog, the cat, the sheep, the horse,
the cow? Yet, without any interruption or overleap-
ing of natural boundaries, this simple lesson may be ex-
panded into a knowledge of all quadrupeds, their cha-
racteristics and habits of life, the uses of their flesh,
skins, fur, bones, horns, or ivory, the parts of the world
where they live, &c. So, if a teacher begins to con-
verse with a boy about domestic fowls, there is no limit,
save in his own knowledge, until he has exhausted the
whole subject of ornitholoey—the varieties of birds,
their plumage, their uses, their migratory habits, &c.
&c. What more natural, than that a benevolent teacher
should ask a blushing little girl about the flowers in
her vases or garden at home? And yet this having
been done, the door is opened that leads to all bota-
nical knowledge —to the flowers of all the seasons and
all the zones, to the trees cultivated by the hand of
man, or the primeval forests that darken the face of
continents. Few children go to school who have not
seen a fish — at least a minnow in a stream. Begin
with this, and nature opposes no barrier until the won-
ders of the deep are exhausted. Let the school-house,
as I said, be the first lesson; and to a mind replenished
with knowledge, not only all the different kinds of
edifices — the dwelling-house, the church, the court-
house, the palace, the temple —are at once associated ;
but all the different kinds of architecture— Corinthian,
Tonic, Doric, Egyptian, Gothic, &c., rise to the view.
How many different materials have been brought together
for the construction of the school-house — stone, wood,
nails, glass, bricks, iron bars, paints, materials used
in glazing, &c. &c; each one of these belongs to a
different department of nature; and when an accom-
plished teacher has once set foot in any one of these
provinces, he sees a thousand interesting objects around
L 4
him, as it were soliciting his attention: then each one
of these materials has its artificer; and thus all the
mechanical trades may be brought under consideration
— the house-builder’s, the mason’s, the plumber’s, the
glazier’s, the locksmith’s, &e. A single article may be
yiewed under different aspects—as, in speaking of a
lock, one may consider the nature and properties of
iron — its cohesiveness, malleability, &c,—its utility, or
the variety of utensils into which it may be wrought:
or the conversation may be turned to the particular ob-
ject and uses of the lock; and upon these a lesson on the
rights of property, the duty of honesty, the guilt of
theft and robbery, &c., be engrafted. So, in speaking
of the beauties and riches and wonders of nature — of
the revolution of the seasons, the glory of spring, the
exuberance of autumn, the grandeur of the mountain, the
magnificence of the firmament—the child’s mind may be
turned to the contemplation of the power and goodness
of God, J found that these religious aspects of nature
were very frequently adverted to, and I was daily de-
lighted with the reverent and loving manner in which the
name of the Deity was always spoken : —*‘ Der liebe
Gott,’ the dear God, was the universal form of expres-
sion; and the name of the Creator of heaven and earth
was hardly ever spoken without this epithet of endear-
“It is easy also to see that a description of the
grounds about the school-house or the paternal mansion,
and of the road leading from one of these places to the
other, is the true starting-point of all geographical
knowledge; and this once begun, there is no terminus
until all modern and ancient geography and all travels
and explorations by sea and land, are exhausted. So
the boy’s nest of marbles may be the nucleus of all
mineralogy: his top, his kite, his little wind-wheel or
water-wheel, the salient points of all mechanics and
technology ; and the stories he has heard of the last
king or the present king, the first chapter in uni-
versal history... ...
‘* The Prussian teacher has no book. He needs none,
He teaches from a full mind. He does not cumber or
darken the subject with any technical phraseology,
He observes what proficiency the child has made, and
then adapts his instructions both in quality and amount
to the necessity of the case. He answers all questions.
He solves all doubts. It is one of his objects, at every
recitation, so to present ideas that they shall start doubts
and provoke questions. He connects each lesson with
all kindred and collateral ones; and shows its relation
to the every-day duties and business of life; and should
the most ignorant man, or the most destitute vagrant in |
society, ask him ‘ of what use can such knowledge be?’
he will prove to him in a word, that some of his own
pleasures or means of subsistence are dependent upon it,
or have been created or improved by it.”
By these means the children are amused and in-
terested in their studies. They go to their school with
the same pleasure as a child to its nurse when expect-
ing to hear a story told. Throughout their after life
the school-days are a happy recollection; and all that
was learned there, is cherished and loved; because it
awakens agreeable, happy, and virtuous associations.
‘The perceptive powers of the children are exercised and
strengthened. They are taught to think and inquire
about all they see around them in life. Their reflecting
and inventive faculties are thus developed, while their
moral sentiments are cultivated. ‘* Instead,” as Mr:
Mann says, “ of any longer regarding the earth as a
huge mass of dead matter, without variety and with-
out life; its beautiful and boundless diversities of sub-
stance, and its latent vitality and energies gradually dawn
forth, until at length they illuminate the whole soul,
challenging its admiration for their utility, and its
homage for the bounty of their Creator.”
The subjects of instruction in the primary schools
vary in the different classes. In those for the younger
children, who have only just entered the school, they
are confined to Scripture history, reading, writing,
arithmetic, and singing; but, in the classes for the
elder children, not only are higher and more advanced
exercises in the above subjects given, but the scholars
learn also German history, geography, drawing, and
mental calculation. In this last subject of instruction,
I sometimes found astonishing progress made. Be-
sides the above lessons which the school-masters are
obliged by law to teach in all schools, the children
learn to recite the most beautiful of the Psalms and the
finest passages of Scripture, as well as the most cele-
-brated national melodies. In the higher elementary
schools, or, as they are called, the higher burgher schools,
which are open to all children who like to enter them
after leaving th~ elementary schools, and which are at-
tended by the sons of small shopkeepers and of labourers
also, the course of education is much higher, embracing
not only a continued exercise in the different subjects of
instruction which I have enumerated, but in addition
to these, geometry, universal history, and the French
language. No child is obliged to attend these schools ;
but all are admitted, who wish to continue their edu-
cation there after leaving the primary schools. These
schools are, as I have before said, only to be found in
towns; but each town is obliged by law to support at
least one of them. They are generally, I believe, very
well attended by the children of small shopkeepers, and
contain also many children from the poorest ranks of
The great intelligence that pervades all ranks of the
people, may be seen from the number and character of
the country newspapers. Every small town which pos-
sesses a press, sends out at least one newspaper, and
cenerally several. These journals appear sometimes
every day, and sometimes only two or three times a
week. To give an idea how cheap some of them are, I
may mention, that I found one lying on the table of a
little village inn in the kingdom of Saxony, which was
of quarto size, contained eight pages of information, and
appeared twice a week. In English value this paper
cost about six shillings per annum. It was printed at
the little town of Pirna, and contained all the latest
news from England, France, Spain, Italy, and the
different German countries. There was an account of
the actual state of the negotiations then pending on
the Spanish marriage question, of the progress of good
government at Rome, and of the | vocession of Mr.
Wyatt’s great horse through the streets of London.
L 6
There was little or no original writing on_ political
questions affecting Germany ; but all the latest news of
Germany, and of all other European countries, were
given init. This used to be the general character of
German newspapers. Now, however, the press is free,
and these papers contain original articles like our own.
The greater the size of the town where they are pub-
lished, the larger is the size of the journal, the more
circumstantial the information given in it, and the more
frequent the appearance of the paper. They are all
remarkably cheap, the daily papers published at Dresden
costing not more in English value than 26s. per annum.
Now, not only do several of these papers lie on the table
of the smallest village inn, for the peasants to read; but
the labourers themselves and the poorest work-people
in the towns take them in. Several families club to-
gether and take in a paper among them, which is passed
from hand to hand. If my readers will consider the
character of these journals giving, as they all do, original
articles on literature and politics, and epitomes of the
news of all foreign countries and of Germany, they
will comprehend what different ideas a German and an
English peasant have of what is going on in the world,
and of political events in general.
I shall now proceed to give the statistics of Prussian
education, as they were published in 1845. The Re-
ports, from which these statistics were extracted, are
forwarded to the government from all the counties
every year, and are published in a collected form once
every three years by the Director of the Statistical
Bureau in Berlin,
In the end of the year 1843, the population of Prussia
amounted to 15,471,765. For this population 23,646
elementary schools had been established. This is a
sreat number; but it will appear all the more extra-
ordinary, if we remember the size of the town-schools,
which seldom contain less than four and often as many
as TEN class-rooms and teachers. Jor the direction of
the instruction given in these schools, the following
number of teachers had been appointed, and was paid
and supported by the different parishes and towns : —
Definitely appointed head teachers - ~ - 25,150
Assistant teachers « - - - - 2,680
Schoolmistresses - - - - - 1,801
Total number of teachers in Prussia, at the end of 1843 29,631
We shall still more fully comprehend the real worth
and meaning of these statistics, if we bear in mind what
the education of these 29,631 home missionaries has
been; how they are protected and encouraged by the
state, and how they are watched over, checked, and
counselled by the inspectors. Could we find 2000
such teachers as these, in the whole of England and
Wales? Each of these 29,631 has received a most
careful preparatory training of FOURTEEN years’ dura-
tion ; each of them has been examined by committees of
public examiners appointed by the state; each of them
is well acquainted with the theory and practice of pe-
dagogy, with the best methods of teaching reading,
writing, and arithmetic; with Scripture and profane
history, geography, drawing, and singing; each of them
can play on the violin, the organ, and pianoforte; while
nearly all of them have studied the elements of physics,
botany, and natural history. Where can we find such
a class of teachers in England ?
‘The number of children who were receiving in-
struction in the 23,646 day-schools of Prussia, in the
year 1843, were —
Boys = - : - - 1,184,864
Girls - - - - - 1,143,282
Total number of children attending the ele-] 398.146
mentary day-schools of Prussia, in 1843 ;
If to these be added-14,795 children, who were at-
tending thé higher class of elementary schools, which
exist in the Prussian towns, and of which there are 100
in the kingdom, we shall arrive at the highly satisfactory
result, that 1 child in every 6°5 of the population was
attending a primary school, in 1843.
For the education of the great army of 29,631
teachers, the Prussian government has founded 43 semi-
naries or normal colleges, which contained, in 1843,
2546 young persons preparing to enter the teacher's
profession, and to fill up the place of the superannuated,
and of those who annually aie at their posts or leave
the profession. |
A comparison of the statistics of Prussian education
with the latest statistics of French and Swiss primary
schools, will furnish us with some very useful and im-
portant conclusions. From the statistics of Prussian
education we find that, in 1843, there was, notwith-
standing the great size of the town-schools —
] primary school in Prussia for every 653 inhabitants.
1 teacher for every 662 9
1 normal college for every 377,300 9
In France, the number of primary schools, in 1843,
was 59,383, the number of normal colleges for the in-
struction of teachers was 96, and the number of teachers
actually engaged in instruction 75,535; and as the
population of France, in 1843, amounted to 34,230,17 8s
it follows, that there was in that year —
1 primary school in France for every 558 inhabitants,
1 teacher for every 446 9
1 normal college for every 356,564 i
In Switzerland, there were, in 1843, 13 normal col-
leges, and the population was 2,300,000; so that there
was, in that country —
1 normal college for every 176,923 inhabitants ;
and in the canton of Bern, and also, I believe, in Lau-
sanne, Zurick, Argovie, and Thurgovie, there was —
1 teacher for every 480 inhabitants,
In the kingdom of Saxony, there was, in the year
1 primary school for every 900 inhabitants.
1 teacher for every 588 +
1 normal college for every 214,975
In the duchy of Baden, in the year 1841, there was—
1 primary school for about every 700 inhabitants.
I normal college for about every 500,000 “
In the kingdom of Bavaria, in the year 1846, there
1 teacher for every 508 inhabitants.
1 primary school for 603 3
1 normal college for every 550,000 99
Now; let me suppose that we area moral people ; that
we require fewer schools, fewer teachers, and fewer
normal colleges, in proportion to our population, than
either France, Prussia, Switzerland, or Bavaria; and
let me suppose that it would suffice to have—
1 primary school for every 700 inhabitants.
1 teacher for every 600 93
1 normal college for every 400,000 a
The proportions in all Germany, in Holland, and in
Denmark, correspond very nearly with those of France
and Prussia, so that when I adopt this low estimate for
England, I am adopting one lower than the proportions
existing in the greater part of Europe. But taking
this estimate, which is the lowest we can possibly
imagine, if we would supply all the people with the
means of education, what result do we arrive at ? WHy,
23,531 scHOOLs,
If we had all these, we should not even then be nearly
so well provided with the materials of education as
Prussia, France, Switzerland, or Bavaria.
The whole number of children in Prussia, in the
year 1843, between the ages of six and fourteen (be-
tween which ages all children are obliged to attend
school), was 2,992,124; it follows, therefore, from the
statement above given of the number of Prussian chil-
dren attending school in 1843, that there were in that
year 663,978 children, who had not attained the age of
fourteen years, and who were not attending school.
Many children, however, between the ages of six and
fourteen were attending the classes of the higher schools
and gymnasia, during the same year, The number of
these was not exactly known, but it was supposed to be
about 93,276; so that according to this calculation,
there remained 570,702 children between the ages of
six and fourteen, who were not attending the elementary
schools, in 1843. But the Director of the Statistical
Bureau, by whom these statistics are collected and
published, goes on in his report to observe—‘ That
it would be utterly false to suppose, that there were
570,702 children in Prussia, in 1843, between the
age of six and fourteen, who received no instruction
whateyer.” According to him, a great number of
girls receive private instruction, and are not reckoned
in the numbers of children attending school, while a
still greater number of very poor children leave school
at the end of their twelfth or thirteenth year, after
having obtained the necessary certificate of being able
to read, write, cipher, and of having acquired a know-
ledge of the outlines of Scripture history. There are,
besides, always a number of children in every part of
the country who are kept at home by sickness, and
others, who are too delicate to begin school attendance
with their sixth year. If these several circumstances
be taken into account, it will be easily seen that the
570,702 children between the ages of six and fourteen,
who were not attending the primary schools in 1843,
are by no means children who have not received, or
will not in future receive, any education; but that
this apparent defalcation from school attendance arises
from the number of girls who are receiving pri-
vate instruction; from the number of poor children
who leave a little earlier than the others, and who
have gained a knowledge of reading, writing, arith-
metic, and Scripture history (for, before they have
gained this knowledge they are never permitted to
leave school); and also from the number of those, who
are absentees from ill-health or weakness of constitu-
tion. Hence it may with perfect truth be said, that,
in 1843, with the exception of those children, who were
suffering from bad health, nearly every child in Prussia
between the ages of'six and fourteen was, either actually
receiving instruction in the parochial schools, or had
already learned reading, writing, arithmetic, and the
outlines of Scripture history. This is a very great re-
sult, and the Prussians may with reason boast, that, in
a few years, when the oldest generation has passed
from the stage, and has gone to rest with its fathers,
there will not be one man in the whole kingdom, who
will not be able to read and think. Already this con-
summation has been nearly attained; for, according to
an investigation, which the government ordered to be
made in 1845, it appeared, that, of the young men who
were between the ages of twenty and twenty-two years,
there were, in the whole of Prussia, only TWO IN EVERY
CIPHER! ‘The appearance of the peasants themselves,
is sufficient to satisfy any unprejudiced observer of the
widely diffused and great intelligence of the people.
The difference, too, in the appearance of the children
of the poor in this country, and in those of Great
Britain and Ireland, is quite extraordinary. Always
clean, and generally very neat and tidily dressed, they
have such intelligent countenances, and from their con-
stant association with the children of the middle classes,
and their having educated and civilised parents at home
to correct them, they have such excellent manners, and
are so free from vulgarity and coarseness, that I was
often wholly unable to make out, whether those I saw
were the children of peasants or of tradespeople; nor
did I ever feel certain, unless when with the teachers,
whom I almost invariably questioned, concerning the
relative occupations and stations of the children’s pa-
rents. The interiors of the cottages of the poor are very
clean and comfortable; their little plots of land, which
are their own property, are beautifully cultivated; the
villages are very neat and orderly; the exteriors of the
houses constantly whitewashed; and the whole appear-
ance of the people in those provinces where the land
is divided, is that of a contented and intelligent, and
thriving peasantry. All this must needs seem great
exaggeration, and I was oftentimes tempted to doubt
the evidence of my own senses. It is true also, that I
did not see the poorest part of the country, viz. the pro-
vince of Posen; but, on the other hand, I did not visit
the most prosperous and best-educated province, viz.
that of Silesia. I have, however, no fear of bearing
public testimony to the truth of all I have said as re-
gards the provinees of Westphalia, the Rhine, Saxony,
and Brandenburg ; and, as I have already said, it is well
known that the state of the great province of Silesia is
still more satisfactory than that of those 1 have men-
tioned, The very fact of the children of such different
classes of society being mingled together in the same
schools, will serve to prove to any unprejudiced mind
the excellence of the. schools themselves, as well as the
civilisation of the poorer classes; for if the schools
were not good enough for the children of the rich and
noble, or if the poor children were as rude and unre-
fined, as the children who frequent our ragged schools
in England, we may rest assured, that the richer pa-
rents would not allow their children to attend the same
classes with them. The same association of children of
different ranks of society takes place, to even a greater
degree, in Switzerland and South Germany than in
I could mention a lady, who moves in the first circles
of London society, and who is rich enough and sufhi-
ciently interested in the improvement of her young
relations to engage private tutors for them, if it were
necessary, whose young grandchildren I found attend-
ing a village school for peasants, situated near the
Lake of Geneva, where her son, who was till lately a
member of the government of the canton, resided. To
prove to me, that it was not carelessness about the
children, that had led the parents to remain satisfied
with the education given in the village school, she gave
me an introduction to the teacher, and begged me to
visit his classes. I accordingly went, and found there,
what you may find in nearly every village in Germany
and Switzerland, an educated and gentlemanly man,
who appeared qualified to act as private tutor in any
eentleman’s family. In Bavaria I found the same
proofs of the excellence of the primary schools. I
remember particularly a visit paid to one school in
Munich, which may be fairly taken as an example of
all; for all the schools in that city are remarkably good.
When I entered, I did not know any thing about the
children, or to what ranks of society they belonged.
The appearance of all was so clean, respectable, and
orderly, that I imagined they were all the children of
tradespeople. I therefore asked the teacher to tell me
what their parents were. He answered: —“ The two
boys you see here are the sons of counts; yonder is
the child of a tradesman; there is the son of a phy-
sician; there, a son of one of the court servants; ”
and so he continued to point out others, who were the
children of professional men, shoemakers, tailors, &c. I
then said—‘‘ Have you any here, whose parents are so
poor, as not to be able to pay any thing for their educa-
tion, and who are consequently dependent on the town
charity for their instruction?” “Oh! yes,” he imme-
diately answered; “ the one you see yonder (pointing to
a very clean and respectable-looking child) is one, and
there is another;” and so he continued to single out
several others, who were paid for, and clothed, at the
expense of the city. Now, I am not arguing’ that this
mixture of children of different classes in society is de-
sirable, though it doubtless tends to render the inter-
course of all classes in Germany more easy, and to
lessen the jealousy with which one class of society
generally regards another, which keeps proudly aloof
from it; all that I wish to infer from it is, that the
primary schools in Germany must be very excellent, that
the instruction given in: them must be of a very high
order, and also that the lower orders of people must be
far advanced in civilisation, or that such an association
between the children of the different classes of society
in Germany and of Switzerland would be no more
possible than it is at present between those of England
or of Ireland. These are facts well worthy of deep
consideration. |
I have said that the number of primary schools in
the Prussian provinces, in 1843, was 23,646; and that
2,328,146 children were attending them. It follows,
therefore, that the average number of children in
each school was 99. But, as I have shown, the
town-schools, and also many of the country-schools,
are. divided into many separate class-rooms, each of
which is presided over by a trained teacher; and, as
the number of these teachers was, in 1843, 29,631, it
follows, that the average number of children under one
teacher was only 73. In the towns the average
number is less, and in the country greater. If the
Prussian government would consent to the training
and employment of paid monitors, it would be very
easy to reduce the average number of children’ under
one teacher from 73 down to 40; and I do not doubt
that many years will not elapse before this will be
effected. In the northern part of Prussian Poland the
average number of children to one teacher is only 61 ;
in the northern part of the province of Pomerania it is
only 48; in another county of the province of Pome-
rania it is only 51; and in Berlin only 41. The highest
average is in the southern and mountainous district of
the province of Silesia, where it is 116.
One strong symptom of the deep interest which the
Germans are taking at present in the question of the
people’s education, is the fact of the astonishing number
of works on pedagogy which are constantly appearing.
The press is literally teeming with such publications.
They treat the subject of pedagogy as a science, while
every question relating to it is debated in these works with
the greatest minuteness and enthusiasm. But. besides
these books and pamphlets, which are daily appearing
on the subject of the people’s schools, there are several
periodicals published, which are very widely disseminated
among all engaged in education, and which are devoted
exclusively to this subject. These periodicals contain
original articles on different questions relating to pe-
dagogy ; biographies of celebrated teachers ; descriptions
of particular schools, which are noted for any particular
excellencies ; and all the news of education, not of Ger-
many only, but of all Europe, and, indeed, of all the
world. I have seen articles in them on the progress
of the people’s education, in all the European countries,
including even Russia and Turkey, in America, and
even in China. All the educational statistics of every
Kuropean country are given, and all the recent regu-
lations issued by any particular government, whether
the French, the English, or a German government, are
criticised in the most unsparing manner. The principal
part of the news, however, relates of course to Germany.
The most minute and circumstantial accounts are given
from time to time of particular institutions in the dif-
ferent states. All the new-works, too, upon the subject
of education are carefully reviewed in these periodicals ;
all the new methods introduced into any particular
school are discussed; and, in this manner, the teachers
throughout Germany are, as it were, bound together;
and the efforts of each one are stimulated, by teaching
him to consider himself a member of a great and widely
spread association, labouring together for the improve-
ment of mankind.
It is very interesting to see, how steadily and rapidly
the means for the instruction of the people in Prussia
have been improving, since 1819. The following sta-
tistics show only a part of the progress, which has been
made, as a vast number of old schools have been pulled
down and rebuilt, and a still greater number thoroughly
remodelled and repaired, neither of which facts is ex-
hibited by them. It appears, then, that —
1. In 1819, the number of schools in Prussia was - 20,085
Tn 1825, ” rt) = 21,625
In 1831, ” 9 - 22,612
In 1843, 9 99 = 23,646
2. In 1819, the number of teachers in Prussia was . 21,895
In 1825, ” 99 = 22,965
Tn 1831, 9 $9 e 27,749
In 1843 i a - 29,631
5 ;
8. In 1825, the number of children between seven ee 1,923,209
fourteen years of age, was « 5
And the number of these who were‘attending cot 1,664,218
schools was « * ai Pe
In 1831, the number of children between seven and 2,043,039
fourteen years of age, was - - -
And the number of these who were attending the 2,021,421
schools was “ ws a
In 1843, the number of children between seven and
fourteen years of age, was’ - ~ =
And the number of these who were attending the
schools was « “ ‘ . } 2,328,146
These statistics will prove better than any thing I
can say, how steadily the primary education of the
people is advancing, and how much the country is doing
to raise the character and condition of the poor. And
it is not only in Prussia, that these extraordinary results
have been attained, by the united efforts of both the
people and the government; but the same is the case.
all over Germany, France, Switzerland, and Holland.
Eyery German state has been doing, in comparison to
its means, as much as Prussia. It is impossible to
estimate the enormous sums, which have been expended —
by the German states, within the last ten years, on the
erection of new buildings alone. In France, the ex-
penditure of the central government, between 1833 and
1843, on school-houses alone, amounted to more than
50,000,000 francs.
Surely these facts ought to stimulate us to some
degree of energy in this great cause of the people’s
improvement. Difference of religion opposes no obstacle
in Germany, for every one is persuaded that the work
must be done; and where there is a will, a way is
always to be found. Thus Bavaria, with a population
three-fourths of which are Romanists, and the re-
mainder Protestants; Wirtemburg, with a population
two-thirds of which are Protestants and one-third
Romanists; and Baden, with a population two-thirds
of which are Romanists and one-third Protestants; are
all as far advanced in the enlightenment of their people
as Prussia: and Baden, it is said, has even outstripped
her in the wide dissemination, and in the high character
of the intelligence of her people. And let it be remem-
VOL. Il. M
bered, the peasants are more contented, more orderly,
and more peaceful in their habits, more moral, and, in
a word, more civilised, than those of any country in the
world. If Englishmen would only candidly consider
these things, we should soon find out a way, in which
we could all consent to labour together for the improve-
ment of our poorer countrymen. And if we only
once commence this great work, we shall soon cover
our land with noble schools conducted by good teachers ;
for what, as a nation, we take in hand, we love to
do liberally, rapidly, and well: but, alas! we always
hesitate to begin, and, in this case, hesitation is likely
to prove fatal to our country.
od Ei Bice a
BEFORE 1820, the education of the people had not
made any very remarkable progress in Saxony. Several
teachers’ colleges had certainly been instituted, and
good schools had, been opened in all the towns. But
the means of education were by no means perfect in
the villages. Many parishes were totally unprovided
for. Some had not sufficient school room, some had no
efficient teachers, whilst others were badly supplied with
school apparatus, books, &c., or had not provided any
adequate and respectable maintenance for the teachers.
After the people had won for themselves a share in the
government, and had forced their former rulers to con-
sent to a constitution, and to a regular periodical as-
sembly of the representatives of the nation, the great
M 2
subject of the people’s education was immediately taken
into consideration, and the admirable system which I
am about to describe, was adopted by the Saxon Cham-
bers and immediately put into force. It is then to be
borne in mind, that the educational laws of Saxony have
originated from the Saxon people, and that the laws re-
quiring the parents to educate their children have been
actually put into force by the people themselves.
For very much of the following account of the Saxon
educational system, I am indebted to the great kindness
of the Minister of the Interior for Saxony, and of Pro-
fessor Dr. Otto*, director of the celebrated normal col-
lege at Dresden, and president of the examinations of
candidates for admission to the teacher’s profession, in
the kingdom of Saxony.
The educational system of Saxony resembles those of
Prussia and the rest of Germany in its leading principles.
The people act, whilst the government inspects and
advises. The state is not allowed to interfere any
further than is absolutely necessary to insure the educa-
tion of the. people.
The Chambers have decreed, that every child must
be educated, in order that the state may be able to
carry out the great end of its own existence, viz. the
promotion of the virtue and happiness of the people.
The law requires that every child shall receive, for
eight years, an uninterrupted and efficient education.
Each parent is obliged to begin to educate his
children at home or to send them to some school at
* Dr, Otto most kindly spent every evening with me for several weeks,
in order to explain to me all that they were doing in Saxony. |
the commencement of their sixth year, unless the
child is sickly and unfit to bear any mental exertion.
After a child has once commenced attending a school,
it must continue such attendance regularly, summer
and winter, for eight years; and even on the attain-
ment of its fourteenth year, it may not discontinue
such attendance, unless it has obtained a certificate,
stating that it can read, write, and cipher, and that it is
well acquainted with the doctrines of its religion and
with the truths of the Scripture history. The examina-
tions for these certificates are conducted by the religious
ministers, in conjunction with the teachers. In some
few cases, however, where the parents are very poor,
the school-committees are empowered to permit the
parents to remove their children from school at the end
of their tenth year, if they can read, write, and cipher,
and know the leading facts and doctrines of the Scrip-
tures. But before they have attained this age, they
cannot be taken from school, except when they are too
sickly or too weak to attend the classes.
No child may be employed in any manufactory, or in
any manual labour, before it has attained the age of
TEN years.
The Saxons consider the education of young children
as a matter of primary importance, to which all else
must be made to give way. The morality and the
liberty, as well as the social and physical condition, of the
people are all considered to be dependent on the early
and full development of their moral and intellectual
faculties. To the attainment of this end, therefore,
every other consideration is made to yield. The Saxons
um 3
are, as is well known, a commercial people. But still
commercial requirements have not outweighed moral
considerations. From the age of six to the age of
fourteen, every child must receive a sound, efficient, and
religious education. Those children, however, who are
wanted to work in the manufactories, and who have at-
tained a tolerable proficiency in Scripture history, read-
ing, writing, and arithmetic, are permitted to discontinue
their attendance on the daily classes, at the age of ten;
but are required to attend afternoon classes, two or
three times a week, during the next four years. Thus,
even the factory children receive regular periodical in-
struction from highly educated teachers, until they at-
tain the age of fourteen.
As nearly all the children are obliged to attend some
school, it became necessary to provide a sufficient
number of schools and teachers. I proceed to show how
this was effected.
The kingdom of Saxony is divided into Regierungs-
bezirke, or counties, and each of these counties into
school-divisions, which correspond generally with the
parishes. Where, however, a parish is very large or
populous, it is generally divided into two or three school-
In each of these school-divisions, all the inhabitants
whose income exceeds a certain fixed sum, have a vote
in the election of a committee for the management of
the school. This committee is composed of at least
three lay-members, and of one of the Protestant clergy
of the parish. Its duties are to provide for the erec-
tion, support, and effective maintenance of the neces-
sary school-building ; for the supply of all the necessary
school-books and apparatus; and for the support, pro-
tection, and encouragement of the teachers.
Difficulties arising from religious differences, do not
operate in Saxony, to any great degree. There are not
more than 30,000 Roman Catholics in the kingdom;
and as these are dispersed, it does not often happen,
that sufficient numbers are to be found in any one
locality, to enable them to support a separate school for
themselves. The law allows them to do this however,
whenever they are desirous to do so; and in such a case,
they elect their own separate school-committee. But
when they are not able to provide a separate school for
themselves, they are obliged to send their children to
the Protestant school to learn reading, writing, spelling,
history, and geography ; and are allowed to remove them
from the school, whilst the religious instruction is being
given; on condition, however, that they furnish the in-
spector with satisfactory proofs, that they are providing
elsewhere for the instruction of their children, in their
own religious doctrines.
In the towns, each religious party elects one corii-
mittee for the management of all its schools, instead of
electing a separate committee for each separate school.
When these committees have been elected, they are
obliged to furnish sufficient school room for all the
children of their respective districts; good and suitable
houses for the teachers; all the necessary books and
apparatus for the schools; and prizes and premiums
for the most industrious and clever of the children.
They are also required to keep the schools constantly
M 4
whitewashed and in good repair; to provide the stipends
of the teachers regularly, and to take care, that the
school buildings are kept well warmed during the
winter months. ‘The funds for these several purposes
are obtained in different ways. Where the school has
been endowed, the annual revenue derived from the
endowment sometimes suffices; but where it does not,
and also where the school is not endowed, the neces-
sary funds are collected by means of collections in
the churches,. by the fines imposed upon offenders
against the laws, and by means of a tax upon the
householders who haye a vote in the election of mem-
bers of the school-committee.
If the parochial committees refuse to collect these
funds, the county magistrates are empowered to act
for them, and to collect them by means of one of their
own officers. By these regulations, the country has
provided against the possibility of any parish or village
in the kingdom, remaining unprovided with as many
schools and as many teachers as it requires for the in-
struction of its children.
Tt will be observed that, although in some cases,
part of the school expenditure is defrayed by the
charitable collections in the churches, yet it is never
left wholly dependent upon the amount of such uncer-
tain and precarious supplies.
The amount of the teacher’s stipend can never be
reduced, in any case, below a certain minimum fixed
by the Saxon Chambers, and is always settled at the
time of his entering upon his situation; and this, as
well as all the other expenses of the school and school-
buildings, must be provided by the school-committee
by means of a school-rate, when the funds obtained
from other sources fall short of the necessary amount.
The school-rate is generally a property-tax. Hach
householder is obliged to contribute in proportion to the
value of his property. If the village is situated upon
the estate of a rich landlord, he is obliged to provide all
the required funds; and if the land around the village
belongs to him, he is required to pay a third of the
required annual amount. ‘Throughout the whole of
Germany, the great proprietors are always obliged by
law to support sufficient schools and teachers for all
the children of all the labourers resident upon their
estates. The German governments never leave the
education of the children upon the great estates de-
pendent upon the chance benevolence of the rich.
If the parochial committee or the great landlord
neglects to provide the necessary funds for the pay-
ment of the teachers or for the purchase of apparatus,
&c., at the regular fixed periods, or to keep the school-
buildings well whitewashed, well warmed, and in good
repair; the teacher can appeal to the county magis-
trates, who are bound immediately to attend to his re-
quest, and are empowered to enforce the punctual per-
formance of the neglected duties.
The most minute and particular regulations are in
force in Saxony respecting the school-buildings. The
law prescribes that they shall be situated as nearly
as possible in the centre of the parish, and that a quiet
and perfectly healthy site shall be selected. To use
mM 5
the words of one of the regulations of the Saxon
Chambers on this subject — “‘ If there is any building
which deserves the careful consideration of the archi-
tect, it is that, which is intended for the village school.”
The government has prepared several plans, with speci-.
fications of the cost, &c., for the guidance of the county
authorities and village committees.
‘To follow the words of the regulations themselves, —
** Every school-room must be
** Sufficiently roomy,
* Lofty,
“ Well lighted,
* Perfectly dry and free from damp,
** Of a convenient and suitable form for the manage-
ment of the school-classes, and
“ In a healthy, open, and quiet situation.”
On each of these several heads, a great number of
minute and most carefully digested regulations have been
made, for the purpose of insuring the attainment. of
these ends. The minimum of the size and of the height
of the school-room has been laid down, and very par-
ticular regulations have been made relative to the warm-
ing, cleansing, and ventilating of the school-rooms; to the
proper draining of the land, upon which the school is to be
built and upon which the play-grounds are to be laid out ;
to the lighting of the class-rooms; to the disposition of
the desks ; and even to the position and construction of
the doors. Nothing which regards the school-rooms or
school apparatus has been deemed too unimportant, to
deserve the most careful consideration, or too insignifi-
cant, to require the most minute and scientific regula-
tions. The school-rooms in Saxony, as indeed through-
out Germany, are well supplied with parallel desks,
forms, maps, illustration boards, and all the apparatus
necessary to enable the teacher to instruct his children
in an effective manner. In the towns the schools gene-
rally contain eight or nine classes. A separate room is
provided for each class. A learned teacher, who has
received fourteen years’ preparatory education, presides
over each separate class. One of these teachers is the
general director and superintendent of the whole school.
Each of the class-rooms contains about sixty children.
The law forbids any teacher to allow more than sixty
to be instructed in the same class-room. Each of these
rooms is fitted up along its length with parallel desks
and forms, facing the teacher’s desk, which is raised on
a platform about a foot high at one end of the room.
They are continually whitewashed and scoured, and
are well ventilated. They are lofty, and always well
lighted. The children are never kept in the rooms
more than about two hours at one time. They are
all taken down into the play-grounds at the end of
every hour and a half, for ten minutes’ exercise, and
during this time, the windows of the class-rooms are all
opened and the air purified.
The law requires every school-committee in Saxony
to furnish their school-rooms with at least the following
apparatus: —
1, A supply of school-books, slates, slate-pencils,
lead-pencils, pens, paper, &c. for the use of those
M 6
scholars, whose parents are too poor to buy these things
for their children.
2. Some black-painted,, smooth, wooden boards on
which the teacher may assist his class-lesgons by deli-
neations or writing.
3. A moveable easel on which to raise the black
4, Some maps, and among these one of the Holy
Land; also some large copies for drawing and writing.
5. A reading-machine, like those now used in some
of the best of our infant schools: —and
6, The school-committees are advised to furnish,
whenever they can afford to do so, a collection of objects
for the illustration of the lessons in natural history and
physical geography.
Besides this apparatus, many village schools are sup-
plied with a library of reading books, from which any
villager can take books home, on payment of about a
halfpenny a week. This is very liberal, when it is
remembered that books are more expensive in Germany
than in England.
Of the education given in the Saxon primary schools,
I shall have to say more hereafter; but to give a general
idea of the subjects of instruction in the schools, where
the children of the people are brought up, I subjoin a
table, which will show what is taught in the primary
schools of the city of Dresden, and how the hours of
the day are apportioned to the various subjects of in-
struction. JI beg my readers to compare it with what
they have each seen of the generality of English
schools. bs
Tive Tasre in the Drespen Protary Scnoors, showing
the Number of Hours devoted each Week to the different
Branches of Instruction.
Class Class Class
E | @e III.
Liesia aie, Hdl peed ORS
Bove cists Boys. Girls.f Boys. Girls.
Subjects of Instruction.
Boys. |Girls.
Religious instruction,
German language, IV.
Mental and vivd voce ex-
Geography, History, and
Natural History.
Instruction in feminine du-
ties — such as sewing,
knitting, &e.
Preparation for the classes
under the superintend-
ence of one of the teachers.
Z Total Number of Hours in
each Week devoted to
To explain this table it is necessary to remark, that
in the town schools, there are generally eight classes
instructed in eight separate class-rooms, four for boys
and four for girls; that the fourth class contains the
least and the first class the most advanced of the chil-
dren; that each class is under the charge of a separate
teacher; and that the girls generally remain in the
afternoons for an hour and a half after the boys have
left, in order to be instructed in sewing, knitting, &c.,
by a woman who is paid to conduct this necessary
branch of feminine instruction.
In the towns, there used to be two descriptions of
elementary schools. Those for children, whose parents
could afford to pay a small weekly fee for their children,
and those for the poor children, or, in other words, for.
the children of parents who could not afford to pay
any thing. There was also in every town an officer,
whose duty it was to examine into all applications for
admission into the poor schools, and to decide, whether
the parents were really too poor, or not, to pay any
thing for the instruction of their children. In the vil-
lages, however, where there were not enough poor
children to require a separate school; the really poor
parents were allowed by the village committees to send
their children into the regular village schools free of all
_ Since the Revolution of 1848, however, the education
in all the primary schools has been made perfectly gra-
tuitous, so that every parent can send his children to
any school free of all expense; except that, which is
incurred by providing them with respectable clothing.
Besides the day-schools, of which I have been speak-
ing, and in which the Saxon people first learn to think,
and from which they first derive their ideas of God, of
liberty, and of national and social virtues, and their
love of honest and industrious independence; there is
still another class of schools, which merits our attention.
These are the Saxon Sunday schools. They are to be
found in all the towns, in the great parishes, and in
the manufacturing districts. They are opened on the
Sunday mornings or Sunday evenings, and are intended
for the instruction of all persons of whatever age they
may be, who desire to continue their education, and
who are prevented, by their week-day duties, from
attending any of the primary or superior schools. They
are frequented principally by adults, or by young people
above the age of fifteen, who have left the primary
schools. These classes are opened every Sunday for
about three or four hours, and are conducted by some’
of the district teachers, who are paid for this extra
labour by the county authorities. The education given
in them is not confined to religious teaching. It com-
prehends besides this, instruction in reading, writing,
arithmetic, history, geography, the physical sciences,
drawing, and the new inventions of the age. These
classes. generally assemble on the Sunday evenings, in
one of the day-schools of the town or district. The
incidental expenses necessary for warming and lighting
the room, and for the purchase of the necessary books
&c., are generally defrayed by the voluntary contribu-
tions of the students, who attend the classes, and by
the benevolence of rich people, who are interested in
promoting these useful institutions. When the funds
derived from these sources do not suffice, the Minister
of Public Instruction is empowered to assist the town
or other locality, in perfecting and supporting these
schools. In many towns and parishes, however, they
are entirely maintained by public subscriptions, and in
these cases the students do not pay any thing for their
So eager are the Saxon people to gain know-
ledge, and so well do they understand its value, that
wherever any of these schools are opened on the
Sundays or other holidays, they are, as in France, im-
mediately filled to overflowing, with people of all ages
from eighteen up to fifty, who are desirous of increasing
their stock of information, and of unfolding the powers
of their minds. ‘The importance of these institutions
cannot be over estimated. By their means, the people
of Saxony are always learning, that they have more to
learn, and are always renewing the instruction given
in the primary schools. The lessons of the pri-
mary schools are here continually enforced; morality
and prudence are inculeated; the union between the
teachers and the people is continually strengthened ;
the value of education_and intelligence is each week
shown in a still clearer light ; the people are continually
brought into a closer connection with persons of a much
higher order of intelligence; the tastes and habits of
the people are raised; and by these means, their inde-
pendence of character, their prudence, their energies,
and all their political as well as social virtues, are pro-
eressively developed.
These schools must not be confounded with our
Sunday schools. The subjects of instruction are more
varied, the character of the instruction is much higher,
and the whole system of teaching in them is much more
scientific, than in the Sunday schools of England. And
then it must also be remembered, that the Saxon Sunday
schools are only supplements of excellent day-schools.
They do not pretend to supply the place of day-schools.
They contain scholars of all ages, young and old, and
their teachers are persons, who have studied pedagogy
as a science, and who are, in every sense of the word,
qualified to teach. The Germans smile at the idea
of a Sunday school, even of such a one as those of
Saxony, swfficing for the purpose of educating a child.
They understand the meaning of education too well to
think, that one day of education is sufficient to counter-
balance six days of neglect and idleness.
But inefficient as the Sunday school is, when em-
ployed as the sole place of instruction, it is nevertheless
a most important engine of moral civilisation, when em-
ployed as the assistant of the day-school. In England,
it is the means of bringing the middle and the lower
classes together, in the most beneficial manner. It is
an education for both. It makes them better acquainted
with one another, more interested in one another, and
more friendly towards one another. It does all this,
and much more than this; but still, when considered
as the only means of educating the poor, as is the case in
very many parts of England, it is miserably and ridicu-
lously inefficient. What would our middle classes think,
of a school for their children, where the teacher pro-
fessed to instruct the boys on the Sunday, and to give
them holidays on all the week days ? And yet such is the
Sunday school, when unassisted by a good day-school.
But to all this we close our eyes in England; because
we do not yet understand, either the real necessity
of educating our poor, or what education really means.
I am far from wishing to speak slightingly of our
English Sunday schools. It is to be hoped, that the
time will come, when there will be a really efficient one,
connected with every place of worship in our country ;
whether that place of worship belong to the Church of
England, or to the Dissenters. There never can be too
many labourers in the great work of the people’s en-
lightenment. But it is also to be hoped that the
Sunday schools will be formed on a more liberal basis
than at present among us; and that, in conjunction
with Bible teaching and religious instruction, we shall
introduce some instruction in the history of the Scrip-
ture times, in the manners and customs of the Jews, and
in the history of Christianity ; and, above all, it is to be
hoped, that these schools will be SUPERINTENDED by
learned teachers worthy of being compared with those
of Germany, Switzerland, France, and Holland, and
capable of directing the efforts of all the benevolent
persons, who attend these schools, in order to take a
share in the instruction of the children, but who have
never themselves studied the science of pedagogy.
When we once begin to comprehend what the education
of the people really means, all this will soon follow.
As an example of what a Sunday school is in Saxony,
I may mention one of those instituted at Dresden for
adults. It is supported partly by charitable subscrip-
tion and partly by the municipal authorities of Dresden.
Five paid teachers conduct the instruction given in
it. Itis open every Sunday morning from 8 o’clock
until 12, during which time the teachers attend and
instruct the different ‘classes. The instruction is per-
fectly. gratuitous, and a great part of the necessary
materials, such as paper, pens, ink, and drawing mate-
vials, are provided for the scholars free of expense.
The object of the institution is to awaken the religious
feelings of the scholars; to strengthen their moral prin-
ciples; and instruct them in reading, writing, the Ger-
man language, geography, history, arithmetic, and
drawing. The way in which the four hours of study
are divided between these different aes ny be
seen from the following table :
Lesson Plan of a Sunday School at Dresden.
8 to 84.
8} to 10
Ist Class. 2nd Class. 3rd Class. 4th Class.
Prayers and Religious Instruction. |
mentary Geome-| Arithmetic; Germany; - Use. of the
try; Extraction of} Fractions, both| Globes and Physical Geo-
Square Root and| common andde-| graphy, especially as re-
the Rules of Pro-}| cimal. gards Germany and Saxony. '
portion, and their
Arithmetic and Ele-|Mental and Slate |Geography and ‘History :
application to me- |
From |Drawing joined with |Drawing; Light |German Lan- | Arithmetic,
10 to 11/ constructive Geo-| and Shadow Ex-| guage; Or-| both Mental
o’clock. | metry and Archi-| ercises in Lead,| thography, | and Slate
tectural Drawing, Chalk, Pen and| Etymology,} Exercises.
Ink, and Colors. | and Dicta-
tion Exer-
From |German Language; |German Language;| Drawing prin-|Writing and
|| 11 to 12) various Exercises} various [Exer-| cipallyfrom| Elocution.
| o’clock. | in Composition. cises in Compo-| Models. .
| sition.
But it matters not how many schools a nation has,
nor how richly it has endowed them, if it has not good.
and efficient teachers, to whom to confide their manage-
ment. All depends upon the teacher. Good schools
and good books are all so much sunk capital, if the
teacher is wanting ; and if the teacher is what he ought
to be, it matters comparatively little what the schools
and books are. The character of the poor, the morality
of the poor, the religion of the poor, the prosperity of
the poor — how often does all this depend, in a great
measure, upon the influence of the teacher on the child.
There is not any more important public servant in a
state than the primary school teacher. In England,
there is no public servant who meets with so little en-
couragement, protection, or reward. A policeman, in
England, is a gentleman compared to many a village
teacher. Who ever heard of a gentleman asking a
teacher to dine with him? how often has not every
one heard of a teacher dining among the servants of
his patron in the servants’ hall? Who ever considered
a teacher to be a gentleman, or his profession to be as
respectable as that of the Bar, or of the medical faculty ?
The answer we must nearly all of us give to these ques-
tions, explains an EEnglishman’s appreciation of a teacher’s
duties, of a teacher’s qualifications, and of a teacher’s
profession. But not soin Saxony. ‘There the greatest
pains have been taken to raise the character and position
of the teachers’ profession, and to secure for the teachers
the respect of the peasants. The people of Saxony feel
that the character of the future citizens of their country
depends mainly on the character and reputation of the
village teachers. ‘The greatest pains have, therefore,
been taken to perfect this important national profes-
sion. Indeed, in no country is so much being done
for the education -of the people’s teachers as in Saxony.
No person may officiate as teacher in any school in
Saxony, until he has obtained from a committee of
learned professors, expressly appointed for the purpose
of examining candidates, a diploma certifying in precise
and definite terms his fitness for admission into the pro-
fession. And, even when a candidate has passed this
examination, he cannot be appointed head teacher of any
school, until he has been tried, for two years, as assistant
teacher in some elementary school, and until he has
after this passed another severe examination.* The
preparation for these examinations continues for many
years. It begins at the elementary schools. If a boy
wishes to enter the teacher’s profession, he must gain a
testimonial from his teacher, stating his diligence and
his success in his studies. After leaving the village
school, he still continues his studies, either in one of
the higher burgher schools, or in one of the real schools
or gymnasia, until he attains the age of fifteen. When
he has attained this age, he lays testimonials of his
character and his acquirements, signed by his teacher
and his religious minister, before the magistrates of his
county. He is then examined before these magistrates,
together with all the other candidates, at the yearly
entrance examinations of the normal colleges of his
* In the literal words of the Jaw —
“ No one can be appointed teacher,
“Ist. Who has not satisfied the examiners appointed by the Minister
of Education, of his fitness to be admitted into the teachers’ profession,
by passing an examination conducted by them.
« 2dly. Who has not, after the above-mentioned examination, practised
fer two years as assistant teacher, or, at least, as private tutor, under
the direction, if possible, of an able teacher; and who has not, during this
time continued his education, and obtained the entire approbation of his
superior teacher,
““3dly. Who has not, after these two years, satisfactorily passed a second
examination conducted by the above-mentioned body of examiners.
“ 4thly, Who has not attained his twenty-first year.”
Das Elementar- Volkshulgesetz
fiir die Sachsischen Lande
yon Dr, Schultze.
county, in all the subjects of instruction in the ele-
mentary schools. The most promising are then chosen
out, and are sent by the magistrates to fill up the
vacancies in the normal colleges, of which there are
always one or two in each county.
There are NINE of these colleges in Saxony, ze. in
a country containing a population less than that of
London, there are nearly as many teachers’ colleges as
in all England and Wales !
These colleges are supported by the government ;
and have, in one or two instances, been richly endowed
by private individuals. All the teachers’ colleges in
Saxony are Protestant ; but the Romanist teachers are
educated in them, being permitted to absent themselves
during the time of the religious lessons.
The young students remain FOUR years in these col-
leges, continually engaged in preparing for their en-
trance into the teachers’ profession. The education
given in these colleges is, however, perfectly gratuitous,
or it is manifest no poor young men would be able to
bear the expenses of such a training. At the end
of this long and careful preparation, they are called
before the board of examiners. If the young man is a
Protestant, his religious examination is conducted by
the board of examiners themselves; but if he is a
Romanist, a priest is joined to the board, and conducts
the religious part of the examination.
The examination lasts three days.
On the first day the subjects are —
From 1 to 10 o’clock, a.m. Scripture history.
1ORo11 2 S;; 3 Pedagogy.
2to 4 4, p,M. Mathematics and the theory of music.
The answers to the Questions of the first day’s exami-
nation are given in writing.
On the second day the subjects are —
Catechising a class of village school
From 7 to 11 o'clock, a. M. children on some subject of elementary
Reading ;
Arithmetic; and
11 to 12 9 99 7 .
An object lesson given to school chil-
A vivd voce examination —
In religion ;
“a Pp. M. The Scriptures ;
lto 2
Luther’s catechism ; and
German language ;
1 tal 52%; » Logic; and
History ;
Geography ;
Natural philosophy ; and
Natural history.
5to 6 ss Ss
On the third day the subjects of examination are —
Organ playing ;
Singing ;
Pianoforte ; and
If the young candidate, who has been educated
for FOUR years in a teachers’ college, cannot pass
this examination so as to satisfy the examiners, he
is obliged to continue his studies until he can do so.
But if he passes the examination in a satisfactory
manner, the examiners grant him a diploma, which is
marked “ excellent,” “good,” or * passable,” according
to the manner in which he acquitted himself in his exa-
If the young candidate does not obtain a certificate
marked “ excellent,” but only one marked “ good” or
* passable,” he cannot officiate as teacher, until he has
spent two years in some school as assistant to an ex-
perienced teacher.
At the end of this time, he is obliged again to pre-
sent himself to the board of examiners, who examine
him again in the most careful and searching manner.
If he passes this examination, he receives another di-
ploma marked “ excellent,” “ good,” or “ passable,” ac-
according to his merit, and if he obtains a diploma
marked ‘ excellent” he is enrolled among the members
of the teachers’ profession, and is allowed to officiate
either as a private tutor or as a village teacher. But
if he cannot obtain this diploma, he is obliged to
continue to act as an assistant teacher until he can do
so. Seminar Director Dr. Otto, the principal of the
first normal college in Saxony, and a member of the
board of examiners, assured me, that it was a common
thing for candidates to be examined four or five times,
before they succeeded in obtaining a teacher’s diploma.
When they have at last succeeded, they, as well as
those, who obtained the diploma marked “ excellent ” in
the first examination, are eligible as teachers.
The school-committee of the different parishes elect
their own teachers. The only condition, to which this
right is subjected, is, that they may not elect any
person, who has not obtained a diploma of competence
from the board of examiners.
When a teacher dies or vacates his situation, the
school-committee is required by law to elect another
within two months to fill his place. All candidates
for the vacant office are examined in the presence of
the school-committee and of those inhabitants of the
parish or town who desire to be present; and after
the examination, the school-committee proceeds to elect
the candidate whom they consider the best qualified to
fill the vacant situation. But even after this examina-
tion before the parochial or municipal school autho-
rities, the successful candidate is generally obliged to
present himself to another committee in Dresden,
called the Landconsistorium, for examination, before
he can finally be inducted into his hard-won office.
Such is the great, the seemingly exaggerated precau-
tions, which are taken by the Saxon people to secure
good and efficient teachers for the schools. If, at any
of these different examinations, anything is discovered
against the moral or religious character of the candi-
date, he is immediately rejected. His moral as well
as his religious character is carefully scrutinised before
his reception into the Training College, and by each of
the different bodies of examiners, before whom he is
obliged afterwards to appear. If his previous life can-
not bear this scrutiny, or if the principal or professors
of his college cannot bear testimony to his morality
and to his religious demeanour during his residence, he
is rejected, and is not permitted to enter the profession.
It is easy to perceive how high a teacher, who has
passed all these examinations and scrutinies, must stand
in the estimation of his country and of those who sur-
VOL, Il. N
round him more intnediately. As Seminar Director
Dr. Otto said to me, “The great number of examin-
ations, that a young man must pass through, before he
can become a teacher, is important, not only in pre-
venting any unworthy person ever being admitted into
the teacher’s profession, but also, and more especially,
in raising the profession in the estimation of the public.
The people have a great respect for men, who have, as
they know, passed so many and such severe examina-
tions. They attend with more attention and respect
to their counsels and instruction.” And certes, until
the teacher is respected by the people, his teaching
will be productive of but little profit. To be a teacher
in Germany is necessarily to be a man of learning and
probity. None but such a person can be a teacher.
Can we say the same in England? How many of our
teachers are only uninstructed women, or poor unedu-
cated: artizans; or rude and unlettered pedagogues ;
or even immoral and low-minded men? How many
have never been educated in anything more than read-
ing, writing, and a little ciphering? How many have
never been into a teacher’s college? How many have
only been instructed in such a college for the ridicu-
lously short period of six months? How many have
never been educated at all? And yet over Germany,
Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Holland, and France,
every teacher has been carefully trained for some twelve
or fourteen years, in preparation for his duties; has
passed at least two, generally three, and often four
years, in a teachers’ college, under the instruction of
learned and high-minded men, conscious of the im-
portance of their work; has passed with credit several
severe examinations, and has only finally been received
into the teachers’ profession, aftex a most careful scrutiny
into his character and accomplishments has given an as-
surance to his country of his fitness for the important
duties of his profession.
But strange and humiliating as is the contrast be-
tween the care, that is taken in Saxony and in Eng-
land to prepare and elect efficient teachers for the
village schools, the contrast between the situations of
the teachers in the two countries, after election, is no
less sad. In Saxony, as indeed throughout Germany,
Switzerland, Holland, Denmark, and France, great
pains are taken to make the teacher’s rank in society,
and his situation, worthy the acceptance of an educated
man. ‘The teacher is never left dependent upon un-
certain charity. If his salary is sometimes small, it
is at least fixed and certain. The minimum is fixed
by government, and no parish or town-committee may
offer less than this salary to its teacher. Moreover,
the teacher is never degraded into being his own tax-
gatherer. The parish or town is obliged to arrange
with the teacher, before his appointment, how much he
shall receive, when he shall receive it, and how he shall
receive it. The committee is obliged to collect the
funds necessary for cleansing, warming, repairing, and
furnishing the school-buildings, and for paying the
teachers. If they neglect to pay the teacher regularly,
he can always appeal to the county magistrates, who
oblige the parochial or town-committee to perform its
u 2
When a teacher has become too old, or too weak to
perform all his accustomed duties in the school-room,
the inspector of the district decides, whether he shall be
dismissed with a pension; or, whether the committee
shall engage an assistant teacher, to aid him in the
school-room. The widows and children of deceased
teachers are pensioned off in Saxony, in the same man-
ner as in Prussia, and the funds for this purpose are
raised by the same means.
Another most important regulation is, that no per-
son or persons in immediate personal connection with a
teacher, shall have the power of dismissing him, after he
is once elected. It must be evident to all, how much this
is tending to lower the independence and respectability
of the teachers of England. A private patron, a clergy-
man, or a committee of parishioners has the power in
almost every case, in our country, of dismissing a teacher.
How often this has been done merely on account of some
personal pique, or because the teacher would not sub-
mit to their crude notions of how a school ought to
be managed ; or from misrepresentation ; or from mere
village squabbles, I have no need to remind any of my
readers. That such a dismissal is possible, every one
will admit. How such a possibility must often damp a
good and earnest teacher’s energy, or undermine his
honesty and destroy his usefulness, or at least lower
his profession in the eyes of the people around hin, is
but. too evident. But in Germany, no person in imme-
diate connection with the teacher can dismiss him on
any pretext whatsoever. His judges are distant, un-
prejudiced, and impartial persons. In Saxony, after
the parish has elected its teacher, it loses all direct
power over him. ‘The parochial minister or com-
mittee can inspect the school, when he or they please.
Indeed, it is their duty to do so at stated times. They
can advise the teacher and counsel him, but they cannot
directly interfere with him. He is supposed to under-
stand, how to manage his school, better than any other
person in his parish. If he did not, his long prepar-
atory training would have been of little avail.
If the clergyman, or any of the parishioners, have
any cause of complaint to find with the teacher, and
desire to haye him either dismissed or reprimanded,
and obiiged to change his plans of proceeding, a com-
plaint must be made to the county educational magi-
strate, and by him, to the minister of education in
Dresden, who, in Saxony, is the only person, who can
dismiss a teacher. The county magistrate, on receiving
the complaint, immediately sends an inspector to the
spot, to inquire into the ground of complaint or dis-
pute; and after having received his report, the com-
plaint of the parish, and the defence of the teacher,
sends them to the minister of educationin Dresden. It
remains with the minister alone to pronounce the final
judgment. This impartial mode of proceeding tends to
raise the teachers’ profession in the eyes of the people.
They see that the teachers are men, who are consi-
dered worthy of the protection and support of the
government. But above all, it enables the teachers to
act honestly and fearlessly, to follow out the plans
they know to be the best, and to devote their whole
N 3
energies and minds to their duties, without any em-
barrassing fears of offending employers or patrons, or
of endangering their continuance in office.
There are 2925 teachers in Saxony, or one teacher
to every 588 inhabitants. For a poor country like
Saxony, this is a very large body of teachers to edu-
cate and support. But still it is not large enough for
the wants of the country. In Saxony, as through-
out Germany, they will not make any use of monitors.
At present Germany is suffering a strong reaction of
feeling against the old monitorial systems. In Saxony
the want of monitors, is making itself felt much more
than in other parts of Germany. The Saxons have
discovered, that one teacher cannot undertake the ma-
nagement of more than fifty children at one time, so
as to promote with any great success their individual
development, and at the same time, they cannot afford
to support a greater staff of teachers. As they will
not avail themselves of the assistance of educated moni-
tors in the more mechanical parts of school teaching,
they have therefore been obliged to adopt the fol-
lowing expedient. ‘The law ordains, that when there
are more than sixty children in any parochial school,
and the parish cannot afford to support more than one
teacher, the children shall be divided into two classes,
when there are not more than 100, and into three
classes, when not more than 150 in number; that when
there are two classes, the teacher shall instruct one
in the morning, and the other in the afternoon; that
when there are three classes, he shall instruct each
class for three hours daily at separate times; and that
all the children not under instruction shall not attend
the school, while either of the other classes is there.
This is doubtless better, than to assemble all the
children at the same time in school; as in such a case,
those who were not under the care of the teacher, would
only interrupt the labours of the others, and the atten-
tion of the teacher to them, without gaining any good
themselves. But if the Saxons were only to make use
of educated monitors, all the children might, in every
‘case, receive their six or eight hours’ daily instruction,
and that without hindering one another, or dividing the
attention of the teacher; as the monitors might direct
the more mechanical parts of the instruction, such as
the writing and reading, and might assist in preserving
order and silence in the school-room. But the Saxons
think that, because a monitor cannot educate the mind
of a child, and cannot awaken either its dormant prin-
ciples or its dormant powers, that therefore it can do
nothing. Here, however, they are clearly wrong, as a
monitor may be of the greatest use, in preserving order,
and in teaching writing, reading, spelling, drawing, and
mere local geography. He may thus spare the teacher
a great deal of mere drudgery; and for these minor
branches of instruction, he is even better fitted than
the teacher himself; as the latter is not always able to
repress his impatience, in being forced to spend his
time in such mere drudgery, or to apply himself to it,
so patiently as the younger monitor, who still remem-
bers his own difficulty in acquiring this elementary
knowledge, and in what that difficulty consisted ; whose
education has not yet given him a distaste for such
nN 4
simple duties, and who is encouraged by a feeling of
satisfaction at their being entrusted to him.
It is only in the poorer village schools, however, that
the need of monitors is felt, as the town school-commit-
tees can generally raise sufficient funds to support several
teachers. Each town has generally one central school-
committee, elected, as I have before said, by the citizens.
These committees generally form one or two large schools
for the whole town, each containing eight or ten class-
rooms, instead of building a greater number of smaller
schools, ‘This arrangement, as I have already shown,
offers great advantages, as it enables them to classify
the children much better, than where the school-house
only contains two or three school-rooms. All the chil-
dren are divided according to their acquirements, into
as many classes as the school contains rooms; one edu-
cated teacher is placed over each class, and by having
only children of the same degree of knowledge under his
care, he is able to give his class-lessons to all his chil-
dren at one time, without being obliged to divide thein,
and his thoughts and attention also. It was very de-
lightful to enter into one of these well classified German
schools, accustomed, as every one is in England, to
the wretched disorder of many of the schools of our
National School Society, and to the jaded and fatigued
looks of the poor little scholars who are forced to stand
and shout in them for so many hours every day. I
remember taking an English clergyman over the noble
school in Leipsic, which contains, I think, fourteen
class-rooms. Each room is about fourteen feet high,
twenty-five feet long, and fifteen broad, and was fitted
up with rows of parallel desks and forms, at which
the children work. In front of them stood a teacher’s
desk, raised on a slightly elevated platform, so as to
enable him to see all his scholars. Behind it, and on
either side, hung swinging black boards, on which he
might illustrate his lessons; and round each room, hung
maps of Germany, and of the different quarters of the
world; those of Germany delineating, in a strong and
forcible manner, all the physical characteristics of the
fatherland. There was about the whole an air of
science, which was irresistibly pleasing. Every thing
showed us, that all the details of instruction had been
thoroughly and carefully considered. The size, careful
ventilation, and cleanliness of the rooms; their ar-
rangement and furniture, and the character of the ap-
paratus, with which they were filled, all told us, that
the Saxon people and the Saxon government under-
stood the importance of the great work of the people’s
education, and knew that its perfection depended, on
a scientific regulation of all the details of school man-
agement. I could not help turning to the English
clergyman and asking, “ Where will you find such
schools in England?” I visited, also, several of the
primary schools in Dresden, in company with one of
the students of Dr. Otto’s normal college, and found
them equally admirable for their classification, for the
number, size, cleanliness, ventilation, and good arrange-
ment of their class-rooms; for the character and num-
bers of the teachers connected with them; for the
scientific character of the instruction given in them;
for the order, quiet, and excellent discipline of the class-
rooms; for the suggestive and awakening nature of the
methods of instruction pursued in the classes; for the
gentlemanly and intelligent bearing of the teachers;
for the cleanly, healthy, and comfortable appearance of
the children, and for the friendly relations of scholars
and teachers.
In a Saxon class-room one finds a learned professor,
who has been educated for many years in preparation
for his duties, standing before his class lecturing his
children, as if they and he were rational beings. The
aim of a German teacher is to awaken the minds of
his scholars; to enable them to think, and to teach
them to instruct themselves. He never tries to cram.
The method which is pursued is the suggestive one.
The teacher selects the subject of the lesson, whether
it be on history, natural history, geography, arithmetic,
or grammar; and after the class has read some few
pages together, the teacher commences his lesson by
questions. When a question has been put by him to
the class, all those children, who think they can answer,
hold up their hands; the teacher calls upon them
by turns to answer his questions, or to correct the
answers of their companions. If the lesson is in history
or geography, the teacher increases the interest of the
children by anecdotes or descriptions, and enlists their
sympathies on the side of virtue, heroism, and patriot-
ism, by pointing out for notice the brilliant deeds of
their country’s heroes, and the exploits of their ancestors
in resisting the foreign invader, or in conquering the
national foes. The teacher addresses his children as
thinking beings; as those, who will one day be men,
and who will one day themselves influence the des-
tinies of their nation. The scholar will one day become
a citizen; that is the truth engraven on the German
teachers’ minds: their duty and their aim is to awaken
and to nurse into maturity the virtues of the people.
How different is the state of things in England! A
short time ago I visited two large schools, situated in
a great and populous parish in the south of England:
one belonging to the National Society, and the other to
the British and Foreign School Society. They had
both been built within the last few years: the one be-
longing to the British and Foreign School Society was
only just finished. The teachers were men, who de-
served no better description, than that of half-educated
peasants: one had enjoyed the advantage of six months’
instruction in the schools at Westminster; the other siz
months’ instruction in the school of the British and
Foreign Society. With this short training, they were
thought perfectly fitted for their duties. When I en-
tered the National School, I found a great, half-empty
room, with two desks at the end, and two maps on
the walls; and all the poor children standing before
the teacher, as if to increase the difficulty of learning
by the fatigue of the position. He told me, that they
stood nearly the whole of every day inthat manner; I
remonstrated, and asked why he did not get desks and
forms, and allow the poor children to sit; and I ven-
tured to suggest that the standing must fatigue them,
and render them listless, inattentive, and discontented ;
but I was immediately answered with the stupid reply,
n 6
«Oh no! it prevents them going to sleep.” I felt in-
clined to ask, ‘* Whose fault would it be, if they fell
asleep over their lesson; would it not show, that you
did not know how to interest them in their studies? ”
But what else could one expect from a half-educated
peasant? He treated his children very much as a
labourer would his cattle; kindly, but irrationally.
On my entering the other school, I found all the poor
children standing, ranged round the walls, although
there were plenty of desks in this school, and delivered
to the charge of poor ignorant little boys of nine or
ten years of age, who knew little more than the children
themselves did. These so-called monitors were pre-
tending to teach geography, while their poor scholars
were leaning against the walls, playing tricks with
one another, talking, and doing anything but learning ;
whilst the noise of all the different classes shouting
at the same time, and in the same room, was so great,
as to render almost inaudible the instruction, which the
teacher himself was conveying. This school had, as I
before mentioned, been just built at great expense, as a
rival to the National School. After glancing my eye
over the mere pretence of instruction, which was being
given, I turned to the teacher, and asked him how he
liked his situation: his answer was, “ Oh, sir, I can
hardly make my livelihood of it; I am married, and
the committee allows me only 30 per annum, my
house, and the pence of the children, which amounts to
very little, as the school is so poorly attended, and as
the children only pay ld. per week each.”
Yet these are by no means unfavourable specimens
Pee ee Cw
of even those of our parochial schools, which are not
mere ‘** dame schools.”
When I contrasted these schools, both modern, both
under inspection, and both built under the auspices of a
clergyman and parishioners, who professed themselves
very zealous in the cause of the people’s education, with
the eight-roomed schools of Germany, with their eight
classes and their eight educated teachers, I could not
help feeling that if this be what we mean by EDv-
CATION, then indeed it is a dream to expect to raise
the character of the people by its means. Such schools
as these are penance chambers. They are only calcu-
lated to create unhappy associations with the name of
the school, the teacher, the studies, and the Scriptures,
which are first taught in such a place. How many
have learned to hate the most beautiful works of the
ancients, from the way in which these books were forced
upon them in their childhood! The thought of un-
happy school-days has often enveloped the pages of the
school-books with miserable associations, and unhappy
feelings. There can be no doubt, that many of our
badly conducted schools are thus doing more to retard
the progress of religion and morality, than any gin-
palace in the land; for the gin-palace is at least free
from the charge of surrounding virtuous maxims and
ennobling pursuits with disgusting associations. It
vould be far, far better for many a parish in England
to have no school at all, than to keep up those they
have at present.
I have already shown, how well ventilated, how clean,
and how well furnished the Saxon school-committees
are required to keep their school-rooms; and how they
are all furnished with desks and forms, at which each
scholar has his appointed seat.
With respect to the education given in the primary
schools, I may mention, that the laws of Saxony require
every teacher to give instruction in the following sub-
jects: —
1. Religion ;
2. Reading and Speaking ;
3. Writing;
4. Mental and Slate Arithmetic ;
5. Singing and Chanting;
6. Elementary Instruction in
Natural History ;
Physical and Local Geography; and
History ; especially the Geography and History
of Germany.
As soon as a teacher has been appointed, he and the
local inspector are required, to prepare a plan of daily
instruction, to apportion the different school hours to
the different studies, and to arrange the order and the
time for holding the different classes. When this so-
called lesson-plan has been once determined, the teacher
is bound by it, and cannot vary the order of his class-
instruction, without again consulting with the inspector.
The school duties are commenced every morning
and closed every afternoon with prayer and singing.
A public examination of all the children is held once
every half year in the school-room, and under the
direction of the localinspector. Notice of the appointed
day is given by the religious ministers from their pulpits ;
es —_
and all the inhabitants of the parish are invited to at-
tend. The school-committee is required by law to be
present at these public examinations. These exam-
inations serve to stimulate the efforts of both teachers
and children, to interest the parents in the schools, and
to encourage a spirit of healthy emulation among the
scholars, At the end of the examination, the inspector
pronounces his opinion on the progress of the children
in the presence of the assembled parish; but all re-
marks upon the teacher himself are given to him in
private, so as not to diminish the respect of the children
for him, by showing them, that he does not fully un-
derstand how to instruct them in the most effective
I have before mentioned that in this little and poor
kingdom of Saxony EIGHT teachers’ colleges have been
established, for the education of the teachers of the
As an example of these admirable institutions, I shall
describe one, that I had the pleasure of visiting several
times. It is one of the two teachers’ colleges, which
have been founded in Dresden, and is under the di-
rection and superintendence of that excellent man Dr.
Otto, to whom the progress of the people’s education
in Saxony is so deeply indebted. During my stay in
Dresden, Dr. Otto volunteered, in the most generous
manner, to spend a portion of every evening with me,
in order to explain to me the working of the admirable
educational system now in force in Saxony.
The teachers’ college, which I am about to describe,
is situated in that part of Dresden called Friedrichstadt.
This college was first founded in 1787. On the
31st October 1835, it celebrated its 50th commemo-
ration day: and at the end of 1842, it had educated and
sent cut above 655 teachers. The great significance of
this last fact will be comprehended, when I have shown
what a liberal course of education is given in this in-
The number of the students, who attend the lectures
and classes of the college, is limited to seventy; of
these, sixty are lodged gratuitously in the institution ;
the remaining ten dwell with their parents or relations
in the town. Twenty of the places in the college have
been endowed by the government, and are therefore
in its gift. The ablest of the candidates for admission
are elected to them.
The examination of candidates for admission to the
college is held every Easter. As the life in the normal
colleze costs little or nothing, the lodging and educa~
tion, if not the whole expenses, being, as I have said,
given gratuitously; and, as a young man who distin-
euishes himself in the college is certain to be chosen
by some school-committee afterwards as teacher, there
are always plenty of candidates for admission from the
middle and lower classes of society. All these are sub-
jected to a rigorous examination; their acquirements,
their character, and their past life, are most carefully
scrutinised; and, from among them all the most pro-
mising are chosen for preparation for the teacher’s
profession. .No candidate can be elected who is not
healthy and strong, who has not a powerful and clear
voice, or who is lame, short-sighted, or deaf. Every
one must be at least sixteen years old, and must present
to the examiners a certificate of a medical man of free-
dom from all organic complaints, and of sound health.
The course of education in this college, as in all the
other colleges in Saxony, is of FOUR years’ duration:
no student can leave before the end of this time, and
even then, he cannot obtain admission into the ranks
of the teachers, unless he can pass the examination for
diplomas, which I have before described. In England,
it will be remembered, that a six months’, and in some
cases even a three months’ training, is thought quite
sufficient for the preparation of a teacher for his duties ;
while the candidate for admission into a Saxon teachers’
college knows much more, generally, than a young man,
at the completion of his course of education does in
several of our colleges. |
The students in the Dresden college are divided into
three classes ; each young man remains, during the first
two years of his residence, in the third and second
classes; but, during his third and fourth years’ resi-
dence, he pursues his studies in the first class. The
staff of professors and teachers in the college consist of, —
Ist. The Director, Dr. Otto ;
2nd. A Vice-Principal ;
3rd. A Professor of Mathematics ;
4th. A Professor of Music ;
5th. Daily Teachers for Writing, Drawing, and Violin
The director gives, every week, fourteen, the vice-
principal sixteen, the third professor seventeen, and the
fourth professor twenty-three hours’ instruction to the
The following table will show, what the subjects of
instruction are in the college, and how the time of resi-
dence is divided between them.
Summer Winter |
Half- Year. Half- Year.
Tae aot Week Hoube oa Week pete F
in Class in Class
I. | Pati Tat elt
2 | a Ee Bs oa alg 1. Religion.
Odie) Oa 1 2. Explanation of the Scriptures.
OT Ft 1 Lda 1 8. Scripture history.
Salil 1 St gO p80 4. Catechism.
t oO 7 20 1 orrO 5. Religious exhortation.
Beer O (120 ay Oe O 6. Pedagogy.
Oe 1) 43 Der 1 ae 7. Special methods of teaching,
8. I. Rhetoric and reading exercises;
27h.) 1 Bola O Bi.O II. and III. Mental calcula-
1 1 1 1 1 1 9. Recitation.
eae ia 0 2 ites Oke 10. Natural philosophy.
OUP 2 Pee Orr Bie 2 11. Natural history.
O 1 1 O 1 1 12. Geography.
eR Gal & Of 005 0 13. Mathematical geography.
1 | 1/ 1 {/ 2] 1] a] 14. Bistory.
1 2 2 1 2 he? 15. German language.
Zere OA) 21 eo P96 16. Latin language.
SAS eZ, 2 GAS? yee 17. Writing.
| ? 2 1 2 | peo 2 18. Arithmetic.
Otte 2 Oo) AO "TO 19. Geometrical drawing.
baad et Osh dS) ee] lea) 20. Geometry.
| 2| 2] 2] 2] 21-2} 91; Drawing.
peOn e504 4] Ae toe ee 22, Singing.
Sx Ea Re 1 ge 23. Choral singing.
| 1 1 O OF PO nse 24. Quartet singing.
Ea a ae 2} 2; 2 25. Concert singing.
| et 3 (9 Pe Pn? Wer ‘id Organ playing; IJ. and III.
Violin playing.
ii oaial ooh .19 Cb hee atc 27. Preparation and exercise hours,
2; 2/} 2)|| 2] 2) 2] 28. Gymnastic exercises.
| 52 | 51-| 50 || 42 | 40 | 40 Total number of hours per week.
It is worth while calmly to consider this time table,
and to remember, that this scheme of education is pur-
sued unceasingly for four years, and that, too, after the
students have already received quite as good an edu-
cation in the primary schools of Saxony, as our teachers
obtain in some of our teachers’ colleges.
The students rise in summer at 5 o'clock, and in
winter at 6 o’clock, in the morning: as soon as they
are dressed, they meet in one of the class-rooms, where
the director reads the morning prayers; their hours of
study are from 7 to 12 A.M., and from 2 to 5 P.M.
Connected with the college is a primary school for
children of that district of the city, in which the college
is situated: this school is under the direction of a regu-
larly appointed and experienced teacher, and is attended
by 105 children, who are divided into three classes,
to each of which is assigned a separate class-room, in
one part of the college buildings. In these classes, a
certain number of students from the college first prac-
tise teaching under the eye, and aided by the advice
of the teacher. I attended two of these classes, and
was much pleased to observe, how scientifically this
branch of the students’ education was conducted. It
is much more difficult to teach in an effective manner,
than to theorise about it, and hence the reason why
the practice of teaching forms so considerable a part of
the instruction, given in the German teachers’ colleges.
The statistics of Saxon education form a strange
contrast when compared with those of our own country.
ALL the children of Saxony between six and fourteen
years of age are at this moment receiving daily instruc-
tion of the best kind in their parochial schools.
In the towns the children, instead of being left dirty
and uncared for to demoralise one another in the
streets, are all attending their respective schools beau-
tifully clean, well dressed, and so civilised and gentle
in their manners, as to be thought fit companions at the
same desks and in the same school-rooms of the children
of the richer classes.
There is in the whole of Saxony no class of chil-
dren, which is worse educated or lower in the scale of
civilisation than the children of our small shopkeepers.
There is not in the whole of this country any class of
children to be found at all similar, in their condition, to
those poor outcasts of society, who attend our “ ragged
schools.” Ina Saxon town, during the regular school
hours, no children are to be seen in the streets — they
are all with their teachers, acquiring the knowledge re-
quisite to fit them for the duties of citizens.
Besides the children, most of the young men of
the poorer classes of Saxony attend the weekly schools,
in order to improve themselves in the higher branches
of instruction, which they commenced at the primary
In the year 1843, there were in the kingdom of
1,719,800 inhabitants ;
and for this population, not so great, be it observed, as
that of London, there were in that year,
1908 Elementary Schools ;
2925 Educated teachers ;
or 1 Klementary School for every 901 inhabitants ;
and 1 Teacher for every 588 ”
There were also in this little country eight teachers’
colleges, z. e., two-thirds as many colleges, as in the whole
of England and Wales put together. And the young
men, who are going to undertake the management of
the village schools of Saxony, receive during their four
years’ residence in these great institutions a much more
liberal and a much better education than nine-tenths
of the under-graduates of either Oxford or Cambridge
ever enjoy.
Dr. Otto furnished me with the results of some in-
quiries, which he had made, in order to find out the
rate, at which the teachers in Saxony are paid. From
them it appears, that, if we take into account the com-
parative value of money in England and Saxony, 2119
of the primary teachers of Saxony receive the follow-
ing salaries, zzdependently of the lodgings, firing, §c.,
which is also, as I have shown, provided for them.
per annum, exclusive of
Teachers all the perquisites of
their office fe ‘6.
607 receive not more than SO 0.0
531 . 5 50m Ome O
543 . 2 70 10 O
806 39 an 20 O O
78 3 $5 957 On. O
2 a ‘ 105 0 O
12 - 4 120 0 O
9 > $9; [SOOO
7 Y FS lero} (0) 6,
1 ” ” 150 O O
Of the salaries which the other teachers of Saxony
receive, I have no return. But the above return will
show that the teachers are paid much better in Saxony
than in England, if we bear in mind, that the teachers
of Saxony, besides the above-mentioned salaries, are
provided by the parishes with comfortable houses, with
all their firing, and generally with land enough for the
cultivation of the vegetables required for their house-
holds, and for the keep of at least one cow.
The government has, lately, I believe, raised the
salaries of all the teachers; as they think, that the
money is not squandered which is expended in making
a good teacher comfortable in his circumstances, and
respectable in the eyes of the poor among whom he
I HAVE given a minute account of what is being done
to raise the intelligence of the people in Prussia and
Saxony. I shall not describe the efforts of the govern-
ments of southern Germany nearly so fully, as, in all
their leading features, the educational systems of south-
ern Germany are precisely similar to those of Prussia
and Saxony. Still I cannot pass over that part of the
legislation of Bavaria, Wirtemberg, Baden, Nassau,
and Austria, which relates to the civilisation of their
poor, in silence, as their efforts have been so great,
liberal, and successful.
In Bavaria, Wirtemberg, the Duchy of Baden, and
Nassau, as much, and in Wirtemberg and Baden per-
haps even more, has been done to promote the intelli-
gence, morality, and civilisation of the lower orders of
society, than in Prussia. In each of these countries,
every village has a good school-house, and at least one
learned and practically efficient teacher, who has been
educated for several years at a college; every town has
several well-organised schools, sufficiently large to re-
ceive all the children of the town, who are between the
ages of six and fourteen; each of these schools contains
from four to ten class-rooms, and each class-room is
under the direction of a highly educated teacher.
In each of these countries, every parent is obliged to
educate his children, either at home or at some school,
the choice of the means being left to himself. In none
of these countries are children left to grow up in vicious
ignorance or with debasing habits.
In none of these countries, is there any class of chil-
dren analogous to that, which swarms in the back
streets, alleys, and gutters of our great cities and towns,
and from which our paupers, our disaffected, and our
criminals grow up, and from which our “ ragged schools ”
are filled. All the children are intelligent, polite, clean,
and neatly dressed, and grow up from their sixth to
their fourteenth year under the teaching and influence
of educated men.
In each of these countries a sufficient number of
normal colleges has been founded, to enable it to
educate a sufficient supply of teachers for the parishes
and towns.
In each of these countries, all the schools of every
sect and party, private as well as public, are open to
public inspection, and are visited several times every
year by learned men, whose business it is to examine
both teachers and scholars, and to give the government,
the chambers, and the country, afull and detailed ac-
count of the state, condition, character, and progress
of every school, so that parents may know, where to
send their children with safety; that good teachers
may be encouraged, rewarded, and promoted; and that
unworthy teachers may not be suffered to continue long
in their situations.
in each of these countries, the laws prohibit any
person being a teacher of any school, until he has
proved his efficiency to the committee of professors,
appointed by the state to examine candidates, and
until he has laid before such committee, testimonials
of character from his religious minister, his neighbours,
and the professors of the college, at which he was
It would take up too much of my space to narrate
all I saw in these countries, and all I heard from the
people themselves about the schools. A few anecdotes
may not, however, be wholly out of place.
When I was in Nuremburg, in the kingdom of
Bavaria, I asked a poor man, whether they obliged
him to send his children to school: he said, “Yes; I
must either send them to school or educate them at
home, or I should be fined very heavily :” I said, “I
suppose you don’t like these rules?” he answered,
Why not, sir? I am avery poor man; I could not
afford the time to teach my children myself, nor the
expense of paying for their education myself; the
municipal authorities pay all the school fees for my
children, and give them good clothes to wear at school ;
both my children and myself are the gainers by such
an arrangement; why should I object to it?”
In Ratisbon, I spent the whole of one day in com-
pany with a poor peasant, who acted as my guide. I
said to him, “Have you any good schools here for
your children?” He answered, with an air of asto-
nishment, “Oh dear yes, sir: all our children go to
school; the law obliges us to send them to school, and
provides very good schools for them.” I said, * But
don’t you dislike being obliged to send your children to
school?” He answered, “ Why should I, sir; the
teachers are good and learned men, and our children
learn from them many things, which enable them after.
wards to get on in the world much better, than they
would be able to do, if they were ignorant and inca-
pable of studying.” I asked again, “ But what sort of
men are the teachers?” He answered, “ Oh, they are
very learned men; they are all educated at the col-
leges.” I said again, “ But are the teachers generally
liked by the poor?” He answered, “Oh, yes, they
are learned men, and teach our children many useful
When I reached Munich, I engaged, according to my
usual custom, a poor man as my guide. I asked him to
take me to see some of the schools, where the children of
poor people were educated, and told him, that I did
not wish to visit the best, but the worst school in the
city. He answered me, “ Sir, we have no bad schools
here; the government has done a great deal for our
schools, and they are all very good.” I said, “ Well, take
me to the worst of those you know:” he answered again,
« I don’t know any poor one, but I will take you to the
one where my own children go. Jam a poor man, and
cannot afford to pay anything for the education of my
children, and many of the children you will see there, are
like my own, sent to the school at the expense of the
Accordingly, after passing several very large and
handsome schools for primary instruction, we proceeded
to the one, which the children of my poor guide at-
tended. It was a lofty and handsome building, four
stories high, and about 60 feet broad. In the two upper
stories, all the teachers, of whom there were ten edu-
cated men attached to the institution, resided. On
the lower floors, there were ten class-rooms, each about
20 feet long, 15 broad, and 14 feet high, and fitted up
with parallel rows of desks, maps, drawing boards, and
school-books. Five of these spacious class-rooms were
for the boys, and five for the girls. The children were
all classified, according to the time of entering the
school. All those who had been less than a year in the
school were put in the first class. These children, after
remaining a year or a year and a half in the first class,
moved on into the second class, and thence into the
higher classes, the same teacher accompanying them
through their five changes, and continuing to instruct
them, until their leaving the school. Each school-room
was filled with parallel rows of desks and forms; the
desk of the teacher stood in front of them all, and the
walls were covered with maps, pictures, and black
The desks, forms, maps, pictures, and apparatus of each
school-room were suited to the age, size, or attainments
of the children for whom the class-room was destined.
The children sat during their first year or year and a
half’s education, in the first class-room, during their
second year and a half’s education in the second class-
room, and go on.
I went first into the second class-room. The children
were so clean and respectably dressed, that I could not
believe they were the children of poor persons. I ex-
pressed my doubt to my guide. His answer was, “ My
children are here, Sir ;” and then turning to the teacher,
he requested him to tell me, who were the parents of the
children present. The teacher made the children stand
up one after another, and tell me, who their parents
were. Krom them [ learned, that two were the sons of
counts, one the son of a physician, one of an officer
of the royal household, one of a porter, and others of
mechanics, artizans, and of labourers, who were too poor
to pay for their children’s education, and whose children
were clothed and educated at the expense of the town.
They all sat at the same desks together. They were all
clothed with equal respectability. In their manners,
dress, cleanliness, and appearance, I could discern no
striking difference. My inference from this interesting
scene was, that the children of the German poor must
be in a very different state to that of the children of our
Kinglish poor, to allow of such an intercourse, and to
enable the richer classes to educate their sons at the
same desks with the children of the peasants.
After spending some time in the different class-rooms,
the quiet and order of which were admirable, I went to
the town-hall to see the chief educational authority for
the city itself’ Outside his door, I found a poor woman
waiting to see him. I asked her what she wanted. She
said, she had a little girl of five years of age, and that she
wanted to persuade the minister to allow her to send her
little daughter to school a year before the legal age for
admission, which in Bavaria, is the completion of the sixth
year. I said to her, “ Why are you so anxious to send
your child to school so early?” She answered, smiling
at my question; ‘ The children learn at school so much,
which is useful to them in after life, that I want her to
begin as soon as possible.” I thought to myself, this
does not look, as if the people dislike being obliged to
educate their children.
I had an interview with the head inspector of Bavaria,
and asked him, whether he was certain, that all the
young men below thirty years. of age could read and
write and understood arithmetic. He said, “I am
certain of more than that; I know, that they all know
their Scripture History, and that they all know some-
thing of geography, and of the elements of Natural
At the time I visited Munich, the Jesuit party was
in power. ‘The ministers, however, showed the greatest
willingness to furnish me with all the information I re-
quired, and supplied me with all Ye statistics and docu-
ments I wished to procure.
I visited a priest, who directed one of the large edu-
cational establishments in the city. He told me, that
they had established eight normal colleges in Bavaria
for the education of teachers, and that two of these had
been specially set apart for the education of Protestant
teachers. He seemed to make very light of all diffi-
0 3
culties arising from religious differences, and spoke of
education as of a national work, which it was neces-
sary to accomplish, by the joint efforts of all religious
It is said, greatly to the honour of the late king, that,
careless as his government was to many of the internal
wants of the kingdom, and profuse and lavish as his
expenditure was upon art, he never neglected the edu-
cation of the people, but that he effected a great advance
in this part of the national administration.
The Minister of the Interior for Bavaria supplied
me with all the laws and statistics relating to the edu-
cational institutions of the country. The laws have
been most carefully compiled and codified; and perhaps
there is no country in Europe, which possesses such an
admirable and minutely considered series of enactments
on the subject of national education.
The statistics, with which the Minister furnished
me show, that, in 1846, there were in the kingdom of
Bavaria, for a population little more than double that
of our own metropolis, a much more effective system of
national education, and much more perfect means for the
education of the people, than we have in England and
In 1846, the population of Bavaria was 4,440,000,
end for this there were —
8 normal colleges for the education of teachers for the
elementary schools ;
696 students in the normal colleges, who were being
educated as teachers ;
7353 schools (many of them containing as many as
ten class-rooms and ten teachers) ;
8978 classes open on Fridays and Sundays, for young
people attending the manufactories, and for men
and women desirous of improving themselves in
any particular branch of instruction ;
556,239 scholars of both sexes attending the schools ;
565,876 persons of both sexes attending the Sunday
and Friday classes ;
8797 teachers, who have the management and direc-
tion of the schools and classes ;
615 industrial schools, where some particular art is
taught :
2517 teachers of the industrial schools;
85,681 persons attending the industrial schools.
These statistics give the following results; that, in
1846, exclusive of the number of persons attending the
Sunday and Friday classes, and the industrial schools,
about 1 person out of every 7 of the population was at-
tending a daily school; that there was 1 normal college
for every 555,000; 1 school for every 603, and 1
teacher for every 508 persons in the kingdom.
In the neigbouring kingdom of Wirtemberg, in
1846, the population was 1,600,000; and of this
population, 1 in every 6 was attending a school con-
ducted by a learned teacher,
Three normal colleges had been founded ; two for the
education of Protestant teachers, and one for the edu-
cation of Romanist teachers. There were in this small
kingdom, not containing so many inhabitants as London,
3201 teachers, or 1 teacher for every 500 inhabitants.
All the parents in the kingdom are obliged to educate
their children either at home, or at some school from
o 4
their sixth to their fourteenth year, and afterwards to
send them to the Sunday schools, until the completion of
their eighteenth year.
I travelled through the kingdom of Wairtemberg
from Ulm to a town in the interior, by night. My
companions in the eilwagen, or diligence, were an
Oxford Fellow, 1 German, and a Frenchman. The
subject of our conversation, during one part of the
night, was, the efforts of the Germany governments
and people to educate the children of their poor. The
Oxford Fellow would not credit the account I gave
him of these efforts, and affected, moreover, to laugh
at them as useless and chimerical. I saw it would be
impossible to make a convert of him by argument, and
so, to save words, I ended the conversation by saying,
« Well, if you are ever in the streets of a German
town between eight and nine o’clock, or between twelve
and one o'clock, in the morning, observe what is then
going on, and remember what I told you.”
The next morning it so happened, that we stopped,
about eight o’clock, to change horses, in a small town,
about half way between Ulm and Stuttgard. It was
just before the primary schools commenced their morn-
ing’s work. All the children were on their way to
their respective classes. I made the “ Fellow” get out
of the diligence, and regard what was going on in the
streets at that early hour.
The street, in which we had drawn up, was full of
clean, neatly-dressed children, each carrying a small
bag of books in his hand, or a little goatskin knapsack
full of books on his back. There were no rags, and no
unseemly patched and darned clothes. The little girls
were neat, their hair was dressed with a great deal of
taste, their frocks were clean and tastefully made.
Their appearance would have led a stranger to imagine,
that they were the children of parents belonging to the
middle classes of society. I said to my companion, —
“ These orderly, clean, and respectable-looking children
are, many of them, the sons and daughters of the
poorest artizans and labourers.” In England they
would have been the “ ragged-school children,” or the
squalid players in the gutters and back alleys. There
there was no perceptible difference between the chil-
dren of the poorest labourer and the children of the
shopkeeper or rich parent. They all looked equally
clean, respectable, polite, and intelligent. I said to
the Fellow, “ Are you convinced now?” He turned
to me and answered, “ Yes, yes; this is, indeed, a
very interesting and very curious sight. I do not
any longer doubt the accuracy of all you told me last
night. It is certainly very remarkable.” That ten
minutes taught my companion more, than he would
have learned by days of argument.
The reflection, to which it leads every beholder, is,
“are all the children of Germany like these? Is there
no class of children in Germany like those, which grow
up in the gutters and alleys of our English towns? No
wonder then, if this be so, that there is so much less
pauperism in Germany than in England, and that the
poor are so much more prosperous, virtuous, and happy
than our own.”
To give an idea of the liberal scale, on which the
teachers’ training colleges in Wirtemberg are regu-
lated, I shall give the list of the professors and teachers
attached to the colleges at Esslingen and Nurtingen ;
and the subjects of education taught in them.
I. The number of professors and teachers at the teach-
ers’ college at Esslingen in Wirtemberg, are—
1 Director, who officiates also as first Professor ;
3 Professors of the Sciences ;
1 Professor of Music ;
2 Teachers ;
1 Assistant for the Musical Professor ;
1 Teacher of the Jewish religion (he conducts the
dogmatical education of the Jewish students) ;
1 Teacher of Music for the model practising school
attached to the College;
1 Treasurer and Accountant for the College ;
1 Physician for the College ;
The number of students at this college was eighty.
II. Number of professors and teachers at the normal
college at Nurtingen, in Wirtemberg : —
1 Director, who acts as first Professor ;
1 Professor of the Sciences ;
2 Head Teachers ;
2 Assistant Teachers;
1 Teacher of Music;
1 Teacher of Music, for the model school attached
to the College ;
1 Treasurer and Accountant ;
1 Physician for the College.
The number of students in this college was eighty.
colleges of Wirtemberg, are as follows : —
Religion ;
Moral Philosophy ;
German Language ;
History — (General, German, and Scriptural) ,
Arithmetic ;
Algebra ;
Plane Geometry ;
Logic ;
The Principles of Natural History ;
Physical Geography ;
The Philosophy of the Human Mind ;
Pedagogy ;
Practice in Teaching ;
Theory of Music ;
The Piano-forte and Organ ;
Chanting and Singing.
I beg my readers to look at these lists, and compare
the efforts made by a small province of Germany not
containing so many inhabitants as London, with those
made by us; when the numbers of our working popu-
lation are, like our commerce, increasing with such an
astonishing rapidity.
The educational laws of Wirtemberg require the
parishes to support, for every 90 children, one teacher ;
for more than 90 children, two teachers; for more than
180 children, three teachers ; for more than 270 children,
four teachers; and so on in like proportion,
If a country parish is very poor it is allowed, on
proof of its inability to find funds for the support of
the required number of teachers, to diminish the num-
ber, on two conditions ; viz.: —
Ist, That very able men are selected; and
2ndly, That one teacher is provided for every 120
From the kingdom of Wirtemberg, I traveiled into
the Grand Duchy of Baden, and as soon as [I arrived
in Carlsruhe, I put myself in communication with the
director and professors of the Protestant teachers’ col-
lege, which had been founded in the town, and through
their kindness, I heard and saw a great deal of the
educational institutions of the kingdom.
A law has been passed and is universally and strin-
cently enforced in this, as in each of the other German
states, regulating all the minutie of a great and per-
fect system of national education.
In every primary school of the country the follow-
ing subjects at least must be taught : —
Religion ;
German Language ;
Writing ;
Arithmetic 3
Singing ;
Drawing wherever practicable ;
The Elements of Natural History ;
Physical Geography, Histery, Geometry, and Gar-
dening, and the art of taking care of the Health.
But besides these primary schools, three admirable kind
of classes are held in the school-houses of this Duchy.
A law was passed some years since, which enacted,
that evening classes should be held twice a week during
the winter, in every village and town; where young
persons, who have completed their fourteenth year, and
have left the primary school, may continue their studies
in different subjects of instruction.
Sunday classes are also held every Sunday morn-
ing, in the class-rooms of the primary schools, which
all young people who have completed the primary school
course, are obliged to attend, in the towns: for two
years, and in the villages for three years, after leaving
the primary schools.
The other kind of class is opened in all the school-
buildings of the Duchy of Baden, both in the towns
and in the country parishes, every afternoon, after the
ordinary afternoon school.
These latter are the so-called ‘ Industrial Classes,”
where the girls are taught to sew and knit. Similar
classes are opened every afternoon in the primary
schools throughout Germany; but as they have been
more fully considered and regulated in the Duchy of
Baden than elsewhere, I shall here give a short account
of them.
Throughout Germany, as a general rule, to which
there are however many exceptions, the girls are taught
by men and not by women; and are often educated in
the same class-rooms with the boys. In the towns,
however, where the command of greater funds enables
the school-committees to support larger school-houses,
with a greater number of separate class-rooms and
teachers; four or five class-rooms are often devoted to
the exclusive use of the girls, and four or five others to
that of the boys; and each of these is put under the
care of a master. J have mentioned above, in my ac-
counts of Prussian education, why masters are generally
preferred to mistresses, even for the girls,
These two customs, however, render it impossible to
teach the girls the useful, and to most of them the abso-
lutely necessary, arts of sewing, knitting, &c. during
the ordinary school-hours. The so-called industrial classes
have, therefore, been instituted to supply this deficiency.
In all cases, where the teachers of the girls are men
and not women, the school-committees are obliged by
law, to engage respectable women to attend the schools
for an hour or an hour and a half every afternoon, after
the boys have left; in order to instruct the girls in all
the mysteries of stitching, hemming, darning, gown
and shirt making, knitting, &c. The inspectors are re-
quired to give a public account of the state and pro-
gress of these, as well as of all the other classes. |
Sometimes the girls bring sewing from home with
them —something which their mothers require for house-
hold use, or some clothes to make up for themselves or
their relations; but when their mothers have nothing to
send with them, the school-committees are required by
law to provide them with materials, &c.
In the Duchy of Baden this industrial teaching is
gratuitous. No school-fees are paid for it by the
children. The whole expenses are defrayed by the
school-committees. All the girls are obliged to attend
these classes daily, from the completion of their eleventh
year. All the girls of Germany are growing up rea-
sonable and intelligent creatures, fit companions for
the men, and instructed in the useful arts, which are
needed to make them economical, tidy, and respectable
housewives. How different this to the condition of the
poor little girls, who are growing in all the immo-
rality and neglect of our crowded streets!
In the words of the law of Baden: “ The object of
the schools for the people is, out of the child to raise up
an intelligent and religious mannered man, and to in-
struct him in all the knowledge, which is useful to, or
necessary for a member of the society of citizens.
*¢ The instruction given in the people’s schools must
be so ordered, that whilst it is always elementary in its
character, it may be at the same time (geistbildend),
such as will tend to develope the powers and moral per-
ceptions of the minds of the children.
‘* The scholar must not be merely mechanically
taught, but he must be awoke to attentive observation,
and to a capability of self-knowledge, self-government,
and continued self-improvement. ‘The memory is not
to be merely mechanically exercised, but to be kept sub-
servient to the intellectual faculties and moral feelings.
‘The knowledge, which is imparted to the scholar,
must not be taught him merely by way of rote, but
the explanation of compound facts must be given him,
wherever it is possible. -
‘The character of the school instruction should be
synthetical. It should begin by teaching the simplest
results of experience, and should proceed afterwards to
the facts and knowledge, based upon a union of these
simple elements.” *
* See Das hohere und niedere Studien Wesen in Grossherzogthume
Baden, p. 20,
Once every half year, in the Duchy of Baden, each
school is publicly examined. At an appointed day, just
before the Midsummer and Christmas holidays, the in-
spector of the district, in which the village or town is
situated, goes down and examines the children in the
presence of the school-committee, and of the people of
the neighbourhood. But in addition to these fixed visits,
each inspector is required to pay at least one visit each
year to every school in his district, without giving the
teacher notice before-hand; and, on his arrival, to hold
another public examination in presence of the school-
committee. The knowledge, that the inspector may
arrive any day, keeps the teachers on the alert, that the
school may be found in order, that the children may be
found clean, and respectably dressed, and that nothing
may betray carelessness or inattention on their parts.
The German teacher never knows when his school
may be visited by one of the numerous inspectors. The
religious ministers visit it almost daily; the union in-
spectors two or three times a year; the county magis-
trates once or twice a year; and the special messenger
of the Minister of Education once in every one or two
Of most of these visits, no previous notice is given; so
that the teacher never knows from hour to hour, when
he shall be visited, or when his proceedings will be
examined into and criticised. He, consequently, keeps
his class-room and his class always in just a condition,
as he knows would meet with the approbation of his
superiors. Even if he be a naturally indolent or careless
man, he is effectually prevented by these means from
giving way to either indolence or carelessness; while the
hope of pleasing those, who have the power of advancing
him in his profession, stimulates him constantly to ex-
traordinary efforts.
By the law of the Duchy of Baden, if the number of
children in a village school exceed 120, there must
be two teachers; if it exceed 240, there must be three
teachers; and if it exceed 390, there must be at least,
four teachers appointed.
Each teacher must be provided with a separate class-
room, and no teacher may instruct more than seventy
children in the same class.
Several very important regulations have been put in
force by the Baden Chambers, relative to children whose
parents wish to employ them in factories. They are as
follows : — |
No child may be employed in any manual occupa-
tion, until it has completed its ELEVENTH year; nor
may any child, even at the completion of its eleventh
year, be employed in a factory, or in an industrial oc-
cupation, unless it then attends the so-called “ Factory
These schools correspond with those of Prussia, which
I have described above, as far as their general constitu-
tion is concerned; so that I shall not do more than men-
tion ‘here a few special regulations affecting the Baden
* Factory Schools.”
The laws of the Duchy of Baden prescribe, that in the
* Factory Schools ” —
‘*No greater number of children than seventy may
ever be educated together at the same time.
“The secular education given in them, must corre
spond to that prescribed by law, for the primary schools
in general.
“‘ No person may be selected, as a. teacher of one of
these schools, who has not obtained a diploma from the
committee of public examiners for the Duchy.
« Hach child attending a factory must receive, at
least, two hours’ instruction in the factory school.
«The hours of instruction should precede the morn-
ing and afternoon’s working hours; but where this is
impossible, an hour’s relaxation must intervene between
the hours of labour and the commencement of the hours
of study.
“In the middle of the above-mentioned morning and
afternoon working hours, the children must be allowed
to take a quarter of an hour’s exercise outside the mill,
and in the middle of the day, there must be an interval
of a full hour, between the morning and the afternoon
working hours.
‘Young people under the age of fifteen, are not to
be employed more than twelve hours a day in the factory,
and factory school together.
*¢ Such young people are not to be employed in labour,
before five o’clock in the morning, nor after five in the
evening, nor on Sundays or holidays.
«‘ All masters of factories, who employ young people
under the age of fifteen, must render periodical lists of
the children employed by them; giving the names, ages,
places of residence, and names of the parents of such
« Any infringement of any of the above regulations
will render the manufacturer offending liable to fines,
the amount of which is fixed by law.
“The county magistrates are charged with the
strenuous enforcement of these regulations.
«* All the expenses of the education of the children
attending a factory before the completion of their
fourteenth year, must be borne by the owner of the
factory which they attend.”
Since 1830, the school-buildings and apparatus of
the Duchy of Baden have been very much improved.
At present: there is, perhaps, no country in Germany
where the material of education is so perfect.
Herr Lohrer, one of the professors in the normal
college at Carlsruhe, assured me, that the finest buildings,
in the villages and small towns of the Duchy of Baden,
were almost universally the school-houses.
No school-room may now be built less than ten feet
in height, or allowing less than six square feet to each
I requested Herr Lohrer to show me the worst school-
building in Carlsruhe. He took me to see one, which
was built before the new regulations were put into force,
and which he assured me was the poorest in the city.
It contained four large class-rooms, each ten feet
high, by about twenty feet square, and well fitted up
with rows of parallel desks and forms, black boards,
maps, &c.
I afterwards visited one of the best. It also contained
four class-rooms. They were loftier, more spacious and
better lighted, than those in the former school. In this
latter building, the class-rooms occupied the ground and
first floors, while above them, were the apartments of
the teachers. The class-rooms were very light, clean,
and well-furnished with parallel desks and forms, maps,
books, diagrams, black boards, &c. |
I asked Herr Lohrer, whether any difficulty was ex-
perienced, in making the parents send their children to
school regularly every day. His answer, which I took
down directly afterwards, was in these words : —
“‘ If a peasantry, totally unenlightened, and, there-
fore, destitute of all real appreciation of the benefits to
be derived from education, are compelled by law to send
their children to school every day, it is reasonable to
suppose that they will kick against such regulations ;
but if the parents themselves, as with us, have been
educated, and have experienced the benefits of in-
struction, you may rest assured, that they will be only
too glad to second the efforts of the government to
enforce such regulations. With us, the parents them-
selves have been educated and are only too glad to
send their children to school. It is only now and then
in the summer months, when there is a good deal of
field labour, that the parents show any disposition to
keep their children at home.”
There are THREE large normal colleges for the edu-
cation of teachers, in the Duchy of Baden. One of
them is for the education of the teachers of the Pro-
testant schools, and contains seventy-six students, six
of whom are Jews; and the other two are for the edu-
cation of Romanist teachers, and contain respectively
eighty-five and eighty students.
These institutions are, like those of the rest of Ger-
many, liberal alike in their endowment and in the edu-
cation given in them. The teachers, who leave their
walls after three years’ residence there, to take the
management of the peasant schools, are fit, from their
character and acquirements, to educate the richer classes
of any country.
I visited one of these colleges at Carlsruhe, and
spent several days most profitably in the lecture-rooms
and in the company of its professors; but as it corre-
sponds in all its leading features with those I have de-
scribed before, I shall not here say more of it.
The population of the Grand Duchy of Baden
amounted in 1843 to 1,335,200, of whom about 900,000
were Roman Catholics and 23,000 Jews.
In 1843, there were in the Duchy, —
582 Primary schools taught by Protestant teachers.
1349 Primary schools taught by Romanist teachers.
40 Primary schools taught by Jewish teachers. -
Total 1971 Primary schools.
In 1843, there was, in the Duchy of Baden, about
one primary school to every 677 inhabitants, of which
schools, it is to be remembered, that those situated in
the town contain, from four to six classes, each pre-
sided over by a learned professor.
In 1841, the population of the Duchy was 1,300,000,
that is, about one-third less than the population of
London; and in that year, the duchy contained the
following educational institutions : —
Protestant - - - 586
Primary schools - -} Romanist - - - 1330
Jewish - ~ - 40
Total - - 1956
Schools designed for girls exclusively - - he ge
Normal Colleges for the education of teachers fe fo aie <2
Latin schools, or schools expressly designed for giving a clas-
sical education - - - - - - 12
Superior primary schools, where the children of shopkeepers
and of the poorer part of the middle classes and the most
promising of the children of the peasantry continue their
education, after leaving the primary schools, and where they
study the elements of the sciences and the rudiments of the
classics ~ - ~ - - - - 12
Schools, where poor boys who wish to become teachers and to
enter the Normal Colleges, are educated - “ i af
Gymnasia, or schools for the richer classes, where the children
of the gentry are educated in Hebrew, the classics, the
modern languages, science, mathematics, history, geography,
rhetoric, drawing, singing, and religion = = - - 10
School for the blind - - - - - =e ey
School for the deaf - ~ - - - asl
School of practical science - - - - - 1
Universities - = . s s S waite
Military school - - - - ~ aed
Veterinary school - - - - - - 1
Seminary for the education of Roman Catholic priests ot id
Several industrial schools.
There is one part of the educational regulations of the
Duchy of Baden, which deserves particular notice. It
is that, which relates to the periodical meetings of all the
teachers of a union.
In describing the educational regulations of Prussia,
I showed the object and usefulness of periodical as-
semblies of great bodies of teachers in one place. I
shall now show, how the teachers’ conferences are reou-
lated in the Duchy of Baden.
In each union (using the word “ union” here, as I
have hitherto employed it, viz., to designate the German
Kreis), the union inspector is obliged, every September,
i. e., during the holidays, to send notices to every
teacher in his district, to assemble at a place and time
specified in the notice.
Every teacher, who receives the notice, is required by
law to assemble at the place and time therein mentioned.
Notices are sent also to each of the religious ministers
of the union, that those, who are able, may meet the
teachers. ‘The educational magistrate of the county,
or some one representing him, is also always at the
The notices are sent round as early as the month of
May, preceding the meeting. The inspector, when he
issues them, sends at the same time to each teacher in
his district, one or two questions on some point, con-
nected either with the practice, or the methods of teach-
ing, or with some of the various subjects of instruction,
and upon which there has been some difference of opinion
or practice.
Each teacher is required to send to the inspector an
answer to these questions by the month of August.
When the inspector has received these answers, he
reads them carefully through, and writes a short and
concise criticism of each answer, and reads it to the
teachers when assembled at the conference.
After the inspector has read the answers and criticisms
to the meeting, the teachers proceed to debate the
subject among themselves, rising one after another and
addressing the meeting upon it, by turn.
When this debate is concluded, three teachers, who
had been chosen by the previous meeting, are then called
upon to instruct a class of children before the rest of the
assembly, in different branches of instruction. Their
performances are then criticised and discussed by the
others, who had been looking on as spectators.
This plan serves two important ends: —
Ist. It stimulates each of the teachers to aim at
continual self-improvement; in order that he may excel
his competitors at the yearly meetings, and prove him-
self worthy of recommendation by the inspector to the
more lucrative situations, as they fall vacant, and also
that he may win the respect and approval of his pro-
fessional brethren.
2ndly. It obliges the teachers to think over the
various methods of instruction; to consider how they
may teach in the most effective manner; to avoid bad
and slothful habits with their scholars, and to observe
how best to catch and retain the attention of their
scholars, and how most effectually to interest them in
the subjects of instruction.
At these meetings, also, the teachers arrange the
affairs of their book-clubs. Every teacher in each
union is a member of the teachers’ union book-club.
They each pay a small sum monthly, and with the
sum thus collected, a few books are purchased and
sent round from one to another. At the September
meetings, they choose the treasurer of their book-
club, and determine what books are to be purchased.
Before the meeting is dissolved, a short account of
all the proceedings is drawn up; and is then signed by
the inspector, the magistrate present at the meeting,
and all the teachers, and forwarded to the chief magis-
trate of the county, in which the union is situated.
The expenses of each teacher, incurred by attending
these yearly conferences, are defrayed by the state.
VOL. II. -
Ir is very remarkable to observe, what gigantic efforts
the late despotic government of Austria made to edu-
cate the poorest classes of its citizens. True it is, that
neither the educational system nor the character of the
education given in the schools was nearly so liberal, as
those of Germany ; but still, as compared with our own
efforts, those of Austria deserve great commendation.
In that great empire, where, until only a few months
since, there was literally no such thing as _ political
liberty known; where the press could not publish any
political article whatever; and where its voice, in al-
most every other matter, was literally stopped; where
people could not move from one town to another with-
out obtaining a special passport; where the people had
no representation, no share in the government of the
empire, and no interest in the soil; where some of the
worst features of the feudal system still survived; where
there was no jury, no open courts of justice, and no
greater security for property, personal freedom, or life,
than the will of the minister or his subordinates;
where offenders against the tyranny often disappeared,
and were cut off from all their friends, without a
trace of their place of imprisonment being left behind ;
where all thoughts of gaining liberty had long been
suppressed by the presence of an army of 400,000
soldiérs; and where the secrets of every family were
violated by a hideous system of espionage, rivalling in
its villany that of Fouché under Napoleon; in this
empire, a system of education has been for many years
in operation, which, in its vastness and in its effects, far
exceeds the efforts made in our country. |
It is a fact, of which the old government of Austria
may well be proud, that throughout the vast territorial
extent of that part of this immense empire, which is
composed of the regal province of Bohemia, a part of
Poland, the great province of Moravia, the ancient ter-
ritories of Styria and Illyria, the provinces of Dalmatia,
Carynthia, and Carniola, the Duchies of Upper and
Lower Austria, and the Tyrol; varying as the people
of these provinces do, in character, habits, and religion,
composed as they are of Romanists and Lutherans,
Moravians, Greeks, Jews, and Unitarians; every child
between the ages of six and ten, and almost eyery child
between the ages of six and thirteen, is receiving daily
instruction in the truths of Revelation and science, and
in the duties of a citizen anda man. I shall show very
briefly, how this great result has been obtained.
Every parent then, in the Austrian Empire, is obliged
by law, to satisfactorily prove to the inspector of. the
district, in which he resides, that he is either educating
his children, who are between the ages of six and
twelve, at home, in an efficient manner, or that’ he sends
them to some school. 7
The law requires, that every child throughout the
empire, except in the manufacturing districts, shall be
PF 2 ;
educated, either in a school or at home, from the com-
pletion of its fifth to the completion of its twelfth years.
The parent may educate it as much longer as he pleases,
but he is obliged to educate it to the completion of its
twelfth year, whether he pleases or not.
In the manufacturing districts, the law prevents any
child being taken from school and sent into a manu-
factory, before the completion of its ninth year. At
this age, it may enter a manufactory, but from that
time, until the completion of its twelfth year, it is
obliged, by law, to attend the classes opened in all
schools in the manufacturing districts, on Friday even-
ings and on Sunday mornings.
Accurate registers of all the children, between the
ages of six and twelve, are kept in each parish, anda
copy is furnished to each teacher, giving him the name,
address, and age of every child, who ought to be re-
gularly attending his classes. The teachers note down
daily, in these lists, the attendance or non-attendance
of each child who ought to be present. These lists,
thus entered up, are forwarded once every year to the
magistrate of the parish, with a table annexed, showing
the number of times each child has been absent during
the year. If the attendance of any child has been
very irregular, and the parent cannot satisfactorily ex-
plain such irregularity, the latter is fined by the
Even after the completion of the twelfth year, young
people are not exempted in the Austrian Empire from
school attendance. From that time, until the com-
pletion of their fifteenth year, they are still obliged to
attend the classes, which are opened in every school, on
the Friday evenings and on the Sunday mornings. So
that it may be said, that nearly all the young people of
Austria between the ages of six and fifteen, are re-
ceiving education in the parochial or town schools of the
Empire. The only children exempted from the opera-
tion of the above law, are children, who regularly attend
the higher schools, or are educated at home until the
end of their fifteenth year.
Heavy fines are by law imposed on parents, who
omit, either to send their children to one of the higher
schools, or to the evening classes, or to educate them
at home, until the completion of their fifteenth year.
The children are not instructed as many hours a
day in Austria, as in Germany. In the town schools,
in each of which there are several distinct class-rooms
and teachers, the children are instructed four hours
a day; but in those villages, where there is only one
teacher and one class-room, the whole of the children
are divided into two sections, — one of which attends
the school three hours every morning, whilst the other,
which generally contains the younger part of the vil-
lage children, attends the school two hours every after-
They understand education too well in Austria to
attempt to educate two classes in the same room and at
the same time, as we do in England, and the consequence
is, that the children often learn much more in Austria in
three hours, than they do here in the whole day. I often
used to think, how a German teacher would laugh, if
he could look into one of our crowded school-rooms,
where four or five classes, and sometimes between 200
and 300 children are pretending to learn, and are
shouting together, confusing and confused.
The great task of supplying all the parishes and towns
of Austria with school-buildings, books, and apparatus,
has been accomplished, despite all the difficulties arising
from the great number of their religious parties and
from the ascendency and multitude of the Romanist
I shall show how it has been effected.
The political division of the country 1s exactly similar
to that of Prussia; save, that there is an additional divi-
sion called the school district, of which I shall speak
immediately, and that, until the late revolution, the
county magistrates were much less independent than
those of Prussia, and were much more the creatures of
the central power.
In each parish of the Austrian Empire, whose popu-
lation is WHOLLY Romanist, the superintendence and
direction of the parochial schools are committed to one
of the priests, who is chosen and appointed by the
parochial magistrates, in conjunction with the district
overseer, of whom I shall speak presently. This reli-
gious minister is, in these cases, empowered and required
by law to superintend and direct the religious and the
secular instruction given in the schools; to take care
that no person is appointed teacher, who is not a man
of religious principles and of correct habits; to en-
force the regular attendance of all the children of his
parish ; to stimulate their industry, and to report on the
progress of the schools, teachers, and scholars to the
overseers of the school district, in which the parish is
Austria is divided into what are called SCHOOL-DIS-
rricts. These divisions are less than the unions or
kreis; but greater than the parishes. Each union con-
tains several school-districts, and each school-district
several parishes.
In each district, in which there are any Romanists,
one of the priests is selected by the county magis-
trates as ** school overseer,” and to him is entrusted, the
inspection, direction, and superintendence of the educa-
tion of all the children of the Romanist parents re-
siding in his district.
I shall show hereafter, to whom the linetéfog of the
education of children of Protestants is entrusted.
The law requires every ‘school overseer,” after his
appointment, to take care: —
Ist. That his district is supplied with a aahictent
number of school-buildings ; and for this end, he is em-
powered, in conjunction with the village or town magis~-
trates, to levy a school-rate upon the householders of
his district.
2dly. That all the new school-buildings, which are
erected from time to time in his district, are built in
healthy situations, not near any noisy workshops, or
any swamp ,or bad smells; that the class-rooms are
built according to the plans, which have been prescribed
by Government ; that the class-rooms are well provided
with desks, forms, writing-boards, maps, and all neces-
sary school apparatus.
3dly. That the school-buildings are kept in ood
repair, well and frequently whitewashed, and well
warmed and lighted.
A4thly. That a good and suitable house is provided
for the teachers and their families, and that it is kept in
a good condition and fit for their use.
Sthly. That the curé of each parish regularly
inspects his school; that he watches the conduct and
character of the teacher; that he examines the scholars
frequently ; and that he aids the teacher by his counsel,
advice, and assistance.
6thly. That the parishioners send all their children,
who are between the ages of six and twelve, to school
regularly, and that they pay the weekly school-fees in
a regular manner.
7thly. That each parochial” magistrate is zealous, in
enforcing a regular school attendance, in supporting
the teachers, and in protecting them from the least dis-
respectful treatment.
8thly. That regular periodical reports of the state
and progress of the schools in his district are forwarded
to the county educational magistrates; who, in their
turn, are required to forward a general report of the
progress of education in the whole county to the
Minister of Education in Vienna.
By these means the government in Vienna is in-
formed every year of the actual state and progress of
education, throughout every parish of their great em-
pire; of the wants and difficulties of those districts
which require assistance; of the results of particular
experiments in particular schools, in the remotest pro-
vinees; and of the actual number of children in each
county, who have not attended the classes with suffi-
cient regularity.
From this brief abstract, it will be seen, that the
clergy have a much greater share in the direction of
primary education in Austria than in the rest of Ger-
many. Yet, although the clergy do really direct the
educational affairs of the different school districts
throughout the empire, they are by no means left at
liberty to direct that education exactly as they please.
The clergy are not empowered to prescribe how much,
or how little, secular instruction shall be imparted in
the schools; or how the schools shall be built and
furnished ; or what books shall be used in them. All
these matters are regulated by minutely considered
The clerical overseers are not the managers of the
schools; they are only the superintendents commis-
sioned and obliged to execute the mandates of the cen-
tral government, and to foster and watch over the
religious character of the school instruction.
Still the Austrian system, although so much better
than doing nothing, is very unsatisfactory. It deprives
the people of any real share in the management of
the schools, and therefore of much of that interest,
which they would otherwise feel in their prosperity.
It confides the superintendence of the secular education
of Romanists to a set of men, who are by no means
necessarily interested in promoting it, and it renders it
but too likely, that the schools are often employed as
instruments of superstition and tyranny.
~ The most interesting and satisfactory feature of the
Austrian system is, the great liberality, with which
the government, although so stanch an adherent and
supporter of the Romanist priesthood, has treated the
religious parties, who differ from itself in their reli-
gious dogmas. It has been entirely owing to this
liberality, that neither the great number of the sects
in Austria, nor the great difference of their religious
tenets, have hindered the work of the education of the
poor throughout the empire. Here, as elsewhere, it _
has been demonstrated, that such difficulties may easily
be overcome, when a government understands, how to
raise the nation in civilisation, and wishes earnestly
to do so.
In those parishes of the Austrian empire, where there
are any dissenters from the Romanist Church, the
education of their children is not directed by the
priests, but is committed to the care of the dissenting
ministers. These latter are empowered and required by
government, to provide for, to watch over, and to pro-
mote the education of the children of their own sects,
in the same manner, as the priests are required to do
for the education of their children.
In each county, a dissenting minister is chosen by
the magistrates, as the general superintendent and in-
spector of the education of all the dissenters of his
county. This minister, accompanied by one of the
county magistrates, is required to visit and inspect all
the dissenting schools in his county, at least once in every
year, and to report thereon to the county magistrates.
He is also required and empowered to enforce the building
of schools in districts inhabited by dissenters alone,
but unsupplied with schools; to oblige all the dissen-
ters of his county, either to send their children to
some school, or to educate them efficiently at home;
to punish them, when they neglect to conform to the
educational regulations; to take care that the children
of dissenters, who attend Romanist schools, receive
regular religious instruction from some minister of their
own sect; and to oblige the dissenting ministers to
give religious education to the children of their own
In those parishes, where dissenters reside, but where
there is only a Romanist school, the dissenters are
obliged, either to educate their children at home, or
to send them to the school; and the committee and
managers of the school are obliged to receive them
into the classes of the school, to give them education
in all the subjects of secular instruction, and to allow
them to leave the school during the hours, when re-
ligious instruction is given to the Romanist children.
To facilitate the carrying out of these liberal and ex-
cellent regulations, a law has been made, that, in schools
containing members of different religious sects, the re-
ligious instruction must be always given either in the
first or last of the daily school hours; in order, that the
children of parents, who profess religious dogmas dif-
ferent to those of the teacher, may easily, and without
disturbing any class of secular instruction, or running
any risk of missing any part of such instruction, absent
themselves from the school.
P 6
In those districts, where there is no Romanist school,
but only a Protestant one, arrangements such as those
I have mentioned, as framed for the benefit of dissen-
ters, are put into force for the benefit of the Romanists.
But in each case, the law is very strict, in requiring
the inspectors of the minority to see, that the children
who thus absent themselves from the religious lessons
given in the schools, receive a sound religious educa-
tion from their own religious ministers.
Whenever the minority of any parish, whether
Romanists, Protestants, or Jews, desire to establish
a. separate school for their children, and to support a
teacher of their own denomination, they are at liberty
to separate from the majority, and to provide alone for
the education of their children; but, by one means or
another, each parish is obliged to provide for the educa-
tion of allits children, and each householder to contribute
his share of the funds necessary for this purpose; and,
whether separate or mixed schools are established, all
are made subject to public inspection, so that the public
may know the real character of each establishment ;
that no demoralising school, or inefficient or immoral
teacher, may be allowed to exercise a baneful influ-
ence upon the youth of the empire; and that the in-
struction in useful and civilising knowledge may not be
sacrificed in any degree to the dogmatical teaching of
the different sects.
In each of the town primary schools of Austria, there
are generally several class-rooms, and an equal number
of teachers; in the villages, it is not often, that the
school-committees can afford to bear the expense of
more than one teacher.
The law requires the head teacher of each school, in
conjunction with the religious minister of the majority
of the scholars, who frequent the school, to hold, at
stated periods, a public examination of the school, to
which the school-committee and the parents of the
scholars are invited. The scholars are then examined
in all the subjects of instruction, and the parents are
enabled to judge for themselves, what progress the
scholars have made since the last examination, and
whether the teacher has instructed them efficiently ;
the teacher is stimulated to exert himself, in order that
the school authorities may not be dissatisfied with the
progress of the children; and the scholars themselves
to work industriously, in order to avoid being disgraced
in the eyes of their acquaintances and neighbours.
When the examinations are over, prizes are publicly
distributed to those who have the most distinguished
Several very interesting and instructive laws have
been made concerning the school-buildings, among which
are the following : —
‘«* Wherever, on account of the numbers of the
children, several teachers are required, a separate class-
room must be provided in the school-building for each
«“ As it is important, that the scholars should not
be disturbed in their studies, by the domestic employ-
ments of the wife, children, or servants of the teacher,
and that the class-rooms should never be used for any
other purpose than teaching, the house of the teacher
must always be separated from the school-house.
*« The class-rooms must be kept well warmed and
lighted, and must be provided with double windows, so
as to render them sufficiently warm in winter.
** The class-rooms must be furnished with desks and
forms. These latter must not be too narrow or too
high, to allow of the scholars sitting comfortably upon
them ; and the former must be furnished with places,
in which the scholars can put their slates, books, &c.
*‘ The desks and forms must allow, in length, 5 feet
2 inches for three scholars, 7 feet for four scholars, 8 feet
9 inches for five scholars, and 10 feet 6 inches for six
scholars ; and in breadth, 2 feet 2 inches for each scholar.
The space between two rows of desks must be 2 feet
6 inches.
* A great black-painted board for copies and dicta-
tion exercises, and for arithmetical exercise and remarks,
must be put up in a light part of the class-room op-
posite the scholars’ desks. At one side of this board
the teacher’s desk and seat must be placed, raised a little
above the floor of the class-room, so that he may be
able to see all his scholars easily.
“The plan of the daily studies and a copy of the
school regulations must, where possible, be framed and
hung up in a convenient place, on the walls of the class-
« A chest must be provided to contain the books,
&c, of the poor children, to whom these things are given
gratuitously, and two chairs must be kept in each class-
room for the use of the inspector, clergyman, and civil
magistrates, on their visits to the school.
* The class-room must not be used for any other pur-
pose than instruction.
«The committee must provide for the teacher and
his family a separate, warm, and convenient parlour,
a room for his children, a kitchen with an oven for
cooking, a bed-room, and a place for his fuel.
** An additional chamber must be provided for each
of the assistant teachers.
“If any of these regulations are not observed, the
overseer of the district must communicate with the
county magistrates, and take all necessary measures for
supplying the deficiency, in as cheap a manner as pos-
«‘ Where new school-buildings are required, the local
authorities must take care, that a good site is selected,
on a dry ground and in a dry place, not near water,
nor in a dark place, nor in the neighbourhood of any
noisy business; but in a healthy, pleasant, and quiet
situation, and as near as possible to the centre of the
district, for which the school is intended.
« The plans of every school-house must be laid be-
fore the county magistrates, and their sanction must be
obtained, before the building may be commenced. |
‘¢ Each class-room, for between 40 and 50 scholars,
must be 21 feet long, and 18 feet broad; and for between
50 and 60 scholars, 23 feet long, 18 feet broad, and
at least 10 feet high. . The ground-floor rooms must be
raised a little height above the ground, that the floors
may be dry; the windows must be raised so high above
the floor, that the scholars may not be able to see
through them and be disturbed by what passes outside.
The teacher’s desk must face the children, and be placed,
so that the light may fall on his left side.
** In every new school-house, which is built after the
issuing of these laws, and which is to contain only one
class-room, a second small room must be built, in which
instruction in sewing and in spinning may be given,
and in which accidental business, which would distract
the attention of the scholars, if transacted in the class-
room, may be attended to.”
Several very important regulations have also been
made, relating to the part, which the great landed pro-
prietors are required. to take in the erection and
furnishing of the school-buildings, and in the payment
of the teachers for the poor on their estates. It would
occupy too much space to enumerate them all; but
some of them are too important and too instructive to
be altogether omitted.
In Austria, as in England, great tracts of land be-
long to individuals, and many villages and small towns
belong exclusively to one or two proprietors. Jn these
cases, the whole expense of educating the children of the
peasants residing as labourers on these estates 1s imposed
by law upon the landlords themselves.
This is the very least that a country ought to do for
the peasants, where the laws are so framed, as to en-
courage the accumulation of all the land in a few hands,
and to prevent the peasants from becoming independent
proprietors themselves. Throughout nearly the whole
of western Europe, as I have already shown in the first
chapter of this work, the majority of the peasants are
themselves proprietors, and are generally very much
better off, than the peasants of Austria and England,
who are nothing but labourers on the soil of others.
In the former countries, therefore, they have always,
until the last year, paid for the education of their own
children. But as the Austrian government has per-
ceived, that a system like that of England and Austria,
necessarily renders many of the peasants much poorer
and much more unable to help themselves, than those
of countries, where the opposite system prevails, they
have, as a certain kind of recompense to the peasants
living on the great territories of the feudal lords, made
these latter provide almost all, and in certain cases, all
the funds necessary for the education of the children of
the peasants living on their lands.
The landlords are obliged, in these cases, to furnish
all the materials necessary for the erection of the school-
buildings; to give the land on which the buildings are
to be erected; to provide, in most cases, all the interior
furniture of the buildings and class-rooms; to pay a
great proportion of the funds required to build the
school, &c., and to regularly provide the fuel for warming
the class-rooms and teachers’ dwellings.
The regulations respecting the education of the
teachers are not nearly so satisfactory, as those of
Prussia and the other German states; but, as they are
far in advance of what we have done, it will be in-
structive to mention them.
No person can officiate, even as an assistant teacher
in Austria, until he has obtained a certificate of com-
petency, and no one can officiate as a head teacher, until
he has obtained a diploma.
To obtain a certificate, it is necessary for the can-
didate to pass an examination, conducted by the teachers
of one of the superior schools. One of these examin-
ations is held once a year, in one of the superior schools
of each union, for the purpose of testing the capabilities
of all candidates for the teachers’ profession. Ifa young
man is sufficiently well educated to pass the examination
creditably, he receives a certificate, sealed with the seal
of the school, where the examination is held, stamped
with a legal stamp, and engrossed with the words —
«‘ Fit to be an assistant teacher.”
A young man who has gained such a certificate may
then take a situation in a school as assistant teacher;
but he cannot take a situation as principal teacher, until
he has gained a diploma, of which I shall speak presently.
Until a candidate has passed one of the above-men-
tioned examinations in a creditable manner, he is shut
out altogether from the teachers’ profession.
When a young man has obtained the above-mentioned
certificate, and when he has officiated as assistant teacher
for at least a year, and has completed the twentieth year
of his age, he may then, but not before, apply for a
teacher’s diploma.
In order to ‘obtain this diploma, the young man is
obliged to obtain from the overseer, and from the civil
authorities of the parish, and from the principal teacher
of the school, in which he has officiated as assistant
teacher, certificates of his efficiency in the management
of a class of children, and in the art of instructing chil-
dren; of his character; of his temper, and of his fitness
to be a teacher. These certificates he is obliged to lay
before the principal educational authorities of the. pro-
vince, in which he has been officiating as assistant
teacher. After this is done, the educational authorities
appoint a day for an examination of candidates, to
which he is invited. This examination is a very search-
ing one, and comprises all the subjects of elementary
instruction. Unless the young man passes it, he
cannot obtain a teacher’s diploma. If he passes this
second severe examination, he receives a formal stamped
diploma, bearing the words —
** Worthy to be appointed teacher.”
This diploma, thus obtained and endorsed, is a proof to
all the world, that the owner is an able and an educated
man, fit to be entrusted with the management of a
The examiners are obliged by law to be very strict
in granting diplomas to none, but the ablest of the
The law also prescribes certain penalties for any in-
dividual, who ventures to officiate as teacher in Austria,
without haying obtained a diploma.
Many teachers in Austria belong to the clerical body.
These are also, however, obliged to undergo similar ex-
aminations, and to obtain certificates of competence, be-
fore they may officiate as teachers in any school,
The following miscellaneous regulations of the
Austrian government, with respect to the teachers and
to the instruction to be given in the schools, are very
admirable, and serve to show, how much attention they
have paid to the subject of national education, and to
even the minutiez of the system.
The law prescribes, that
‘“* The teacher of a primary school must be a person
of good sense, having a good, clear pronunciation, good
health, and a sound constitution.
«The teacher must not merely understand the science
of pedagogy, but he must be able to practise it. In
order that he may do this, he must not be satisfied with
merely having obtained his diploma; he must afterwards
seek to perfect his knowledge by the study of able and
scientific works upon this. science; he must make and
note down observations on the results of different
methods; he must not feel ashamed to learn from other
teachers, or even from his own assistants; and he must
attend to the remarks and advice of the inspectors.
** He must be careful to speak clearly and loud enough
to be heard by all his class, when giving instruction.
*«* He must be careful not to neglect any of his scholars,
by attending too exclusively to the more clever children.
“‘ He must be particularly careful to make his scholars
obedient, orderly, and quiet in their classes, industrious,
modest, clean, and polite.
«‘ He must never endure a lie, and must prevent tale-
telling, teazing, and vexing of one scholar by another,
buying, selling, and exchanging in school, eating during
the hours of instruction, frequent going out of the class-
room, careless sitting postures, and concealment of the
“ He must be most careful to prevent any un-
necessary loitering in coming to school, or in returning
home, all rough handling of the school-books, loud and
unseemly shouting and screaming, and mingling of the
boys and girls, &e.
“ He must take care, that the children are clean;
that they come to school with clean hands and faces,
with cut nails, with combed hair, and with tidy clothes.
“ He must warn the children not to drink, or to
lie down upon the cold ground, when they are hot.
“He must warn the children against eating roots
or berries, whose properties they do not know, and
against playing near deep water, or in public streets.
“In winter he must take care, that the children
shake the snow from their clothes and shoes outside
the school door.
‘He must send unhealthy children home again, and
prevent them mingling with the others.
‘* He must take care, that the school-room is kept
sufficiently warm; that it is well aired when the chil-
dren are out, and that it is well cleaned every second
“Tn order to make the scholars industrious and
obedient, the teacher must win the respect of his
scholars: he cannot do this by a sullen, angry coun-
tenance, or by using the ruler, or by making a noise;
but by evincing knowledge of his business, by com-
mand over himself, and by a manly, sensible, and
unchangeable behaviour. |
“Tf the teacher leaves his class-room often in the
day, or is inattentive or careless in his manner of im-
parting instruction, or is lazy, impatient, or irritable,
the consequence will be, that his scholars will be dis-
orderly, and will gain little or no good from their school
“The teacher must guard against the extremes of
both kindness and harshness; he must act like an
affectionate, but sensible father; he must make a great
distinction between his manner of reproving acts of
mere childish carelessness, and actual sins; he must
never employ severe punishments, as long as he can
hope to succeed by milder means; and he must avoid
anything like unfairness in his praises and punishments.
“‘ The teacher must carefully avoid hastily resorting
to the rod; he must never box a child’s ears; or pull
or pinch them; or pull its hair; or hit him on the head,
or any tender part; or use any other instrument of
punishment, than a rod or stick; and that only in cases
of great faults. ven in these cases, this kind of
punishment may only be administered after having ob-
tained the consent of the overseer, and of the parents
of the child, and in their presence.
“The teacher must take care to be polite and
friendly to the parents of his scholars; if he is obliged
to complain to any of them of their children, he must.
do it, without showing anything like personal irritation ;
he must never send his complaints to them by any of
his scholars, or by third persons; for, by such means
mistakes are easily made, and unkind feelings are often
“If the teacher is obliged to speak severely to any
one, he must be careful not to do so in the pegeenge
of his children.
““The teacher must not engage in any trade or
or business; he must not keep a shop, he must not
play music at public festivities, and he must avoid all
companies and places, which would be likely to throw
any suspicion on his character, or to injure his repu-
In order to protect and defend the teachers from ill-
judged interference, and from the effects of personal
prejudices, to encourage worthy and to check careless
teachers, to stimulate the efforts of both teachers and
scholars, and to foster and promote the improvement of
all the materials of national education, a great system
of public inspection has been established in Austria.
I mentioned, in the commencement of this chapter,
how the school overseers are appointed, and what some
of their duties are. |
Each of these school overseers, throughout the whole
empire, is obliged by law to visit all the primary
schools in his district once every year. Each of them
is required to divide all the schools in his district into
two parts, and to visit one of these in the latter part
of one year, and in the early part of the succeeding
year, so as to see each school in spring and winter
The overseer is required to give public notice some
time previously of his intention to visit any school,
and of the day upon which he will publicly examine it.
The law requires the parochial magistrates, the re-
ligious minister, to whose sect the school belongs, and
a committee of the householders of the parish, to be
present at the examination, and imposes a penalty on
any of these persons, who absents himself without satis-
factory excuse. The overseer is required to write
down the names of the absentees, in order that the
magistrates may be informed, and may impose the
legal fine to which their absence renders them liable.
The teacher is required by law to give all his chil-
dren notice of the day, on which the examination will
take place, and to order them all to attend at a certain
hour. He is also required to bring the book, in which
the daily absentees are marked down, the copy-books
and exercises of the scholars, the monthly register of
the way, in which each child has attended to his work,
an account of the progress the classes have made in
the several subjects of instruction, and any notes or
observations he may have made in his note-book for the
inspector. These several documents are laid before
the overseer at the public examination, and are ex-
amined by him. The knowledge that this will be done
stimulates both scholars and teachers, as each is as
unwilling to be reproved for carelessness or incom-
petence, as he is anxious to be praised for industry and
The law next directs each overseer —
1. To examine what character the teacher has borne
in his neighbourhood ; how he acts towards his scholars,
and towards those who live about him; whether he
teaches skilfully or not; what methods of teaching he
pursues; whether he is industrious and zealous in his
work, and whether he continues to aim at self-improve-
2. ‘To examine the registers of the school, and to
observe, how often each child has been absent from the
classes; to observe the manners of the children in the
classes and in the playground, the manner in which
they answer the questions put to them, their demeanour
to one another and to their teachers, their appearance,
cleanliness, and the state of their health.
3. To observe what interest the parishioners and
parents take in the state of the school, and in the edu-
cation of their children; how far they assist the teacher
to secure a regular attendance; what excuses they ge-
nerally make for the occasional absences of their children;
with what degree of respect they treat the teachers; and
whether they pay the weekly school-pence regularly.
4. To observe the state of the school-buildings, whe-
ther they are built in a healthy locality, and after a
good and reasonable plan; whether the class-rooms are
dry and light; whether they are furnished with suffi-
cient school-apparatus; and whether they are supplied
with sufficient quantities of fuel for the daily consump-
tion during winter.
5. Whether the religious ministers of the sect, to
which the majority of the scholars belongs, visits and
inspects the school-classes often; whether he treats the
teachers in a wise and judicious manner; whether he
uses his influence among the parents to secure a re-
gular attendance at school; and whether he attempts
to diminish any little misunderstandings between the
teachers and parishioners, when any such arise.
6. Whether the civil magistrates are strict in punish-
ing any infraction of the school regulations.
The law then proceeds to require, that as soon as the
VOL. Il. Q
overseer has examined the lists, &c. laid before him, he
shall commence the examination. It is formally opened
by a short prayer and a speech. After this the overseer
examines the children, class after class, beginning with
the first.
He first requires the children to read aloud some-
thing selected from their school-books, and then ques-
tions them about the subject matter of the exercise. _
He selects some particular child to answer each
question he asks, and does not allow the whole class to
shout an answer to it simultaneously, so as to conceal
the idleness and ignorance of some by the knowledge
and ability of others.
The overseer then dictates spmedenee to the school,
and requires them to write from his dictation. The
scholars are then made to write a copy, and are after-
wards examined in arithmetic and mental calculation.
The overseer is particularly. required to observe,
during the course of the examination, whether there
are any scholars, who appear to have been neglected by
the teachers, or whether the instruction has been be-
stowed equally upon all. | :
The law requires the overseer at the end of the
examination, to read aloud to the whole meeting, the
names of the twelve scholars, who in his opinion have
made the greatest progress in their studies, or who
have evidently been the most industrious; to praise
them publicly for their industry and ability, and to en-
courage them and all the rest of the scholars to renewed
The overseer is next required to publicly reprove
any scholar, who has been very idle or negligent in his
studies, or in his attendance, and then to urge the
children to make fresh exertion to prepare for the next
public examination.
After the examination is concluded, the overseer
orders whatever repairs the school-buildings stand in
need of, and whatever books and apparatus are required
for the class-rooms. He then asks the parochial ma-
gistrates and clergy privately, if they have any fault to
find with the teachers, and if they have, he examines
into the cause of complaint, and acts between the parties
as Impartial judge. On the other hand, if the teachers
have any cause of complaint against the parochial au-
thorities, they state it to the overseer, and he, after
examining into the matter, decides upon it as an arbi-
trator, and as a protector of the teachers.
I have no need to point out how these visits of the
representative of the central governments stimulate
all the teachers, children, and parishioners. Each is
afraid to be found behindhand in the performance of his
duties; and each is desirous to merit public praise for
his efforts and success. ‘The teacher is protected from
neglect, insult, or injudicious interference, while he
is at the same time kept under a wholesome check.
His close connection with the emissary of the govern-
ment of the empire, gives him a standing among his
neighbours, and covers himself and his office with the
respect of the people.
The Austrian government has indeed so strongly felt
the importance of making the teachers respected, that
one of the laws expressly requires the overseer to ad-
dress the teacher at the public examinations, with the
title of Mr. and Sir, and forbids the overseer to allow
himself to treat the teacher with any undue familiarity
or carelessness before his pupils.
Besides these wise enactments, a series of laws has
been framed, by which a pension and livelihood is
secured to every superannuated teacher, and to the
orphans and widow of every deserving teacher, who dies
in the public service. These enactments are for the
most part similar to those, which I have already de-
scribed as in force in Prussia.
By these means, the teachers are released from all
anxiety about providing for the support of themselves
in old age, or of their families in case of their own de-
cease, and are, consequently, freed from any temptation
to divert any of their thoughts from their school duties
to mercantile, or money-making pursuits, and are en-
abled to devote the whole of their faculties, thoughts,
and energies to the duties of their profession.
Besides these advantages, the people are by these
different regulations impressed with a high considera-
tion and respect for the profession, as they see it an ob-
ject of the anxious solicitude of the government. They
know, that the teachers must be learned men, or they
could not have gained their situations, and that they
must be men of high character, or they would not be al-
lowed to hold their offices. They see the teachers in
continual correspondence with the agents of the imperial
government. ‘They see how respectfully the teachers are
treated by the overseers and civil magistrates. They
perceive how careful the government is of the teachers
when aged or infirm, and of their orphans and widows
after their decease; and, influenced by these observations,
the people have acquired a deep respect for these in-
structors and guardians of their children.
This respect reacts upon the children in the most
beneficial manner. They see the teachers welcomed
at home, honoured by the agents of the imperial go-
vernment, cared for by the government in sickness
and old age, comfortably lodged, and treated by every
one with respect. This begets in the minds of the
scholars a respect for their instructors, makes them pay
attention to their advice and instruction, makes them
anxious to win their good opinion, and thus gives a
double weight to all the counsels, advice, and admonitions
of these excellent monitors.
It is impossible to exaggerate the value of the labours
and of the influence of such a body of men working
among the poor.
The statistics of the Austrian empire prove, that the
liberality of the laws, which I have been describing,
have enabled the Austrian government to triumph over
all the difficulties arising from the ignorant hostility of
religious dogmatism and sectarianism. ‘The great work
of national education was commenced in several pro-
vinces of the Austrian empire as early as the year 1806,
under the laws and regulation of the Emperor, Francis I.,
but in a great part of the empire, little was done until
the year 1820. In that year, however, the govern-
Q 3
ment began to devote its energies and its funds to the
great enterprise, and the results have been most magni-
ficent. |
In 1842, the population of the Austrian empire,
including Lombardy, but excluding Hungary, was;
25,304,152. For this population, 20,293 primary day-
schools had been founded, that is, 1 primary day-school
for every 1247 inhabitants, besides 11,140 repetition or
evening class schools !
For these 20,293 primary schools, 41,809 teachers
had been appointed and salaried, each of these teachers
haying obtained a certificate of competence, before being
allowed to officiate as an instructor of youth. There
were, therefore, in 1842, about one teacher for every
600 inhabitants in the whole empire of Austria, ex-
cluding Hungary, and rather more than two teachers
on the average to every primary school !
The subjoined table will show how many children are
actually attending school, how many are of a proper
age to attend schools, how many persons are attending
the repetition schools open on the Fridays and Sundays,
and how many persons are actually attending the
primary schools in each province of. the Austrian em-
pire. It is well worthy consideration, as it will show
how very universal the diffusion of knowledge and in-
telligence must be among the youth of the empire, and
how very few persons are now left to grow up in igno-
rance and brutality. It will also give a still clearer idea
of the vast character of the efforts made to educate the
labouring classes of this great empire.
.. | Number of Chil-) Number of | Total Number
ners of eet aa actually at-| Persons at- | of Persons at-
Provinces. dren who cde ‘ tending the Pri- |} tending the | tending the Pri-
to be attending | “yyary Schools | Repetition mary School
Primary Schools.| “every Day. Schools. _ Classes. -
Austria - 249,326 244,032 108,398 $42,430
Styria ee 107,556 | 81,491 36,308 117,799
Carinthia and 85,245 28,256 16,489 44,745
Carniola - - |
Kustenland - 62,462 12,707 3,934 16,641
The Tyrol - | 102,731 104,763 50,181. 154,944
Bohemia - | 542,143 511,444 226,539 737,988
| Moravia -| 290,033 | 277,481 174,852 452,333
Galicia - 536,125 | 81,584 36,061 eee
Dalmatia - 13,254 . 3,708 148 3,856
Lombardy - 346,476 193,654 7,623 201,277
Venice - 260,212 ° | 82,949 851 83,800
Siebenburgen| » 99,918 | 60,897 - - 60,897
Militirgranze 127,083 | 71,317 22,190 93,507
Total - |- 2,822,564 | 1,754,283 673,574 2,427,857
From the latter table, it will be seen that in 1842, if
we take into consideration, the number of children al-
ways detained from school by sickness and accidents,
as well as the number, who are educated either at home
or in the higher schools, and those who, in the manu-
facturing districts, leave the morning and afternoon
primary schools, at a somewhat earlier age, all the chil-
dren in a condition to attend the day schools throughout
Austria Proper, Styria, the Tyrol, Bohemia, and Mo-
ravia, were attending the daily classes of the primary
schools, and receiving a careful education from men
of high character, But
oreat number of young people re-
and respectable attainments.
in addition to the
ceiving instruction in the primary schools, there were
also great numbers attending the special and higher
Q 4
In 1842, there were in the Austria empire, not in-
cluding Hungary : —
8 Universities ;
29 Academies;
12 Lyceums;
49 Theological Colleges ;
53 Philosophical Colleges ;
188 Gymnasia or Public Schools;
126 Special Schools ;
1252 Private and non-described schools.
These institutions were attended regularly by 155,746
young people. Adding these to the number of persons
attending the primary school classes, viz. 2,427,857, we
obtain this result, that in 1842, there were in the
Austrian empire, not including Hungary, 2,583,603
persons; z.e. more than ONE TENTH of the whole popu-
lation, receiving regular instruction from teachers care-
fully selected for their character and ability.
I VISITED Switzerland in 1844, and examined the pro-
egress of primary education, and the state of the people
in the cantons of Neuchatel, Geneva, Vaud, the Vallais,
Tessin, Berne, Fribourg, Lucerne, Uri, Schweitz, Un-
terwalden, Zug, St. Gall, Thurgoyie, Zurick, Schaff-
house, and Argovie. I visited all these cantons, and
put myself in communication, with the governments,
professors, teachers, and people; and I think I may
safely express a confident opinion upon the progress
and character of the people’s education.
a 5
Perhaps, of all countries, Switzerland offers the most
instructive lesson to any one desirous of investigating
the comparative merits and effects of different systems
of national education. © Switzerland is divided into
twenty-two cantons; each of which has an executive
and representative assembly, for the special direction of
its own internal affairs. Owing to the existence and
power of these local executives, which were then much
more independent of the central Diet of Switzerland
than they are now, the educational systems of the dif-
ferent cantons differ from each other very materially
in many respects. For this reason, and because the
members of each canton are accustomed to observe and
examine the peculiar merits of the different systems, the
traveller is enabled to compare the various results, and
to avail himself of the experience of educational autho-
rities, whose opinions have been matured by great op-
portunities of observation.
The advantages accruing from these causes are still
further increased by the great difference of the religious
beliefs of the cantons. Thus, the population of the
‘canton of Vaud, for example, is decidedly Presbyterian ;
that of Lucerne is almost exclusively Romanist; whilst
those of Argovie and Berne, are partly Romanist and
‘partly Protestant. The traveller may therefore observe
the manner, in which the people of the several cantons
have overcome the difficulties arising from the existence
of several religious sects under one government.
The great development of public education in Switzer-
‘land dates from 1832, after the overthrow of the old
oligarchical forms of cantonal government, and the
establishment of the present democratic forms. As soon
as the people got the reins of government into their own
hands completely, they issued a series of the most
stringent regulations respecting national education, and
put them at once in force. From that time to the
present, each year has witnessed continued improve-
ments in the schools, apparatus, methods, education of
the teachers, and the condition of the youth in Switzer-
land, and, at this time, the educational operations of the
cantonal governments form their most weighty and im-
portant duty.
Throughout all the cantons, with the exception of
Geneva, Vallais, and the three small mountainous can-
tons situated on the Lake of Lucerne, viz., — Uri,
Schweitz, and Unterwalden, where the population is too
scanty, too much scattered, and too poor to allow of the
erection of many schools, education is compulsory,—that
is, all parents are obliged to educate their children,
either at home or at a school, from the completion of
their fifth to the completion of their fourteenth, and,
in some cantons, to the completion of their sixteenth
year. In some of the manufacturing districts, the
children are permitted to leave school and enter the
mills at the age of eleven years, on condition that they
first obtain from the inspectors, a certificate of being
able to read and write, and that they afterwards attend
school a certain number of hours periodically, until
they attain the age of fourteen or fifteen. In the canton
of Argovie, however, which is one of the manufacturing
districts of Switzerland, the children are not allowed to
enter the mills, until they attain the age of thirteen.
Q 6
In the cantons of Berne, Vaud, Argovie, Zurick,
Thurgovie, Lucerne, and Schaffhouse, where the edu-
cation of the poor has made the greatest progress, all
the children between the ages of six and fifteen are
receiving daily instruction in the Scriptures, and in
reading, writing, arithmetic, history, geography, sing-
ing, and drawing.
The children in Switzerland are as regularly engaged
in their school duties and exercises, as their parents in
their daily occupations, so that none of the young are
neglected and left to grow up in a state of filth and de-
gradation; but all are tended, watched over, trained
and instructed, with as much care as the children of our
gentry. The health, the bodily strength and activity,
the habits, manners, personal cleanliness and neatness
of the scholars are all taken care of in the schools of
Switzerland. It is thought, that the duty of the
teachers is not merely to cram the children’s heads with
a few facts, but rather to rear up prudent, strong, active,
polite, moral, and intelligent citizens, capable of under-
standing, that the interests of one class in the com-
munity are inseparably connected with the interests of
all the others, and capable of assisting to advance the
general prosperity of the whole nation. These are the
real objects of national schools.
In the towns of the Protestant cantons, there is no
class of children similar to the class of our “ ragged
children.” No children are to be seen during the
greater part of the day in the streets, or in such a
degraded condition as the poor, half-clothed, dirty, and
ill-mannered little wretches, which crowd the back
alleys of all our towns. All the poor children of the
towns are in as good and happy a condition as those
of our better shopkeepers. Instead, therefore, of the
Swiss towns being, like all our English ones, nurseries
of juvenile degradation, and, consequently, of adult
vice, they afford only still better opportunities than the
rural districts, of rearing up a fine race of children and
This one fact alone is sufficient of itself to explain
the great difference between the condition of the Swiss
and of the English peasantry.
Each town and village in Switzerland_is obliged by
law, to provide sufficient school-room for all its children,
and to engage and find salaries for a sufficient number
of teachers. This is managed nearly in the same way
as in Prussia. In the town, the handsomest building
is generally the primary school, intended for the educa-
tion of the children of all people both rich and_ poor.
It often contains five or six class-rooms, each of which
is managed by a teacher educated in one of the col-
leges. ‘The rooms are large, well lighted, ventilated,
and coloured, and full of rows of desks and forms, and
of all the apparatus necessary for instruction.
This small country beautified, but impoverished by
its Alpine ranges, and containing a population less than
that of Middlesex, and not one half of its capital, sup-
ports and carries on an educational system, greater
and much more complete, than that which is maintained
here for the whole of England !
Knowing that it is hopeless to attempt to improve
the education or the condition of the poor, without first
improving the character and position of the teachers,
Switzerland has established, and, at present, supports
thirteen normal colleges for the education of the teachers,
whilst in England and Wales, we have not more than
ten worthy of notice.
Eleven of these colleges are permanent, and are open
during the whole of the year; the remaining two are
only open for about three months in the year, for the
purpose of examining monitors recommended by the
teachers of the primary schools, and desirous of obtain-
ing diplomas, to enable them to officiate as teachers.
Four of these colleges contain each from eighty-five to
one hundred, and each of the others from forty to eighty
students, preparing to be teachers of the poor.
In the majority of these colleges, members of the
different religious sects are educated together, and
receive their religious instruction in separate rooms,
from the religious ministers of their respective creeds.
This liberal regulation does not proceed from any care-
lessness about the religious education of the teachers ;
for one of the fundamental laws of almost every canton
of Switzerland is, that no person shall officiate as teacher,
until he has obtained a diploma of fitness from the
government of his own canton, and that no such diploma
shall be granted, until the applicant has presented a
certificate from his religious minister, stating the excel-
lence of his character, and his fitness to be entrusted
with the religious education of the young, and also cer-
tificates from the professors of his normal college, stating
chis fitness to be entrusted with the secular instruction
of youth, his industry, and the excellence of his at-
M. Gauthey, a Presbyterian clergyman and the Di-
rector of the Normal College at Lausanne; M. Vehrli,
Director of the Normal College near Constance; the
Professors of the Normal College in Argau; M. Schneider
von Langnau, the Minister of Public Instruction in
the canton of Berne; M. Fellenberg, of Hofwyl; the
Pére Girard, the celebrated monk of Fribourg, and
many others, all assured me, that no inconvenience was
found to result from the instruction of children of
different sects in the same school. Those children, who
differ in faith from the teacher, are always, throughout
Switzerland, allowed to absent themselves from the
classes, whilst the religious lessons are being given, and
are, in such cases, required by law to attend one of
their own clergy, in order to receive doctrinal instruc-
tion from him.
Even in Fribourg, a canton which was at the time of
my visit governed by priests, who were under the in-
fluence of the Jesuits, the children of Protestants were
instructed in the same schools and in the same classes
with the children of the Romanists, and were allowed to
absent themselves during the religious lessons; and, in
Argovie, a canton which distinguished itself by its op-
position to the Jesuits of Lucerne, I found that several
of the scientific professors in the normal college in-
tended for the Protestant teachers were Romanists, and
that the utmost tolerance was manifested to all the
Romanists who attended the cantonal schools.
The Swiss soon discovered, what every other Euro-
pean nation but England has long found out, that with-
out the direct interference of the state, it is impossible
to find sufficient funds to educate a people, and that the
state cannot interfere at all, unless it aids one religious
party just as much as another,— unless it leaves religious
education entirely and exclusively in the hands of the
people, —and unless it confines its own efforts solely and
exclusively to the secular education of the children,
only taking care that the religious ministers do bond
Jide and earnestly foster the religious education of the
young of the respective sects.
In the canton of Neuchatel, at the time of my visit,
there was no normal college. The teachers were selected
from among the most efficient monitors in the primary
schools. Notwithstanding their greatest exertions, how-
ever, to improve the class of the monitors, and to choose
the most promising of them, I was assured by a very
intelligent teacher in Neuchatel, that this system was
found wholly insufficient; that they could not obtain
good teachers, unless they founded a college for them
and educated them for two or three years expressly
for their work; and that they felt, that they should be
obliged to found a normal college.
In the cantons of Fribourg and Schaffhouse, the
normal colleges were only open for three months in the
year; in order to give a course of lectures to those, who
were preparing to be examined for diplomas, and to
examine the candidates at the end of the course. But
so totally inadequate had they found this system to
provide them with good teachers, that the priests at
Fribourg informed me, that their government was going
to found a permanent college; while in Schafthouse,
one of the directors of the public education assured
me that, it had only been the want of funds which
had prevented the government of Schaffhouse founding
one also.
The priests of the one canton and the Protestant
clergy of the other, both said, that it was impossible
to obtain efficient and good teachers, unless young men
were trained expressly for the work.
Switzerland would not require quite so many normal
colleges, if the teachers were paid better than at pre-
sent. The cantons are not rich, and do not pay the
teachers large salaries, and the consequence is, that
many, after spending four or five years in the profes-
sion, desert it and seek some more lucrative occupation.
Wherever I went, the educational authorities said to
me, -——“ If you educate your teachers well, you must
pay them well. You cannot expect highly educated
men to remain long satisfied with a very poor salary,
when they are qualified to seek situations where they
would receive much larger salaries) We pay our
teachers but poorly, and educate them (very well, and-
the consequence is, that many of them, when the time
of their engagement to government, in return for their
gratuitous education, is over, leave the profession for
more lucrative situations, and oblige us to send to the
college for others to supply their places. The number
of new teachers required from the colleges is, therefore,
much greater than it would be, if none but vacancies
occasioned by deaths had to be supplied; and we are,
therefore, obliged to found larger colleges, and more of
them, than we should otherwise require, in order to ac-
commodate the number of students who are required
to fill the vacancies occasioned by those who leave the
profession.” 3
I visited and examined very carefully the normal
colleges of Lausanne, Argau, Constance, St. Gall, Zu-
rich, Solleure, and Berne. Most of them are insti-
tutions deserving the highest praise. The education
given in them to the young students who are preparing
therein for the teacher’s profession, is at once practical,
scientific, and religious.
The students are educated, in most of the Swiss col-
leges, at the expense of the cantonal governments. They
are chosen from among the most able of the monitors
in the village schools, and receive a very excellent edu-
o, arith-
metic, geography, history, and the Scriptures, before
they are eyen received into the colleges. They remain
in these colleges from two to three years, and are edu-
cated there very highly, while at the same time they
are accustomed to the most humble duties, and are
made to labour harder than the poorest peasant. The
students, whilst studying history, geography, mathe-
matics, music and drawing, are obliged to take care of
their own beds, to serve one another at meals, to peel
the potatoes for their dinners, to cultivate all the vege-
tables necessary for the supply of the college dining-
table, to wait upon the directors and professors, and to
take care of a farm attached to the institution.
All the educational authorities of Switzerland were
unanimous on three points: viz.—
cation both in pedagogy and in reading, writin
Ist. That, in order to raise the people by education
to a higher state of civilisation and morality, it is ne-
cessary to educate a class of teachers specially for the
work of instruction in the village and town schools, as
the effect of the instruction and example given by a
narrow-minded, ill-tempered, or uninstructed man is
much more to be dreaded than utter ignorance.
2ndly. That a teacher cannot be properly trained
for his duties in less than three years, even if he were
well educated, when he entered the college; as the habits
and manners form so important a part of a teacher's
character, and cannot be formed or developed in less
than three years of unremitted attention.
3rdly. That manual labour ought to form a pro-
minent feature of the education given in every teachers’
_ In the Bernese normal college, situated near Hofwyl;
in the normal college of Kreuitzlingen, on the Lake of
Constance, which is conducted by Vehrli, the philan-
thropic successor of Pestalozzi and de Fellenberg; and
in the normal colleges of the cantons of Lucerne and
Solleure, the young students are obliged to labour in
the farms attached to these institutions, a certain
number of hours every day.
Each of these colleges is surrounded by a large piece
of land, which is cultivated and managed by the students,
in the hours set apart for the out-of-door exercise.
The farms attached to five of the Swiss colleges, are
sufficiently large to employ the students two hours
per diem in their cultivation. I have seen the young
men who had only just left classes, where thev had
been studying mathematics, pedagogy, history, and
music, cultivating these farms, clothed in coarse frocks,
such as those worn by the peasants, with thick wooden
shoes on their feet; toiling in the company of the
directors and professors, in cultivating the vegetables
necessary for the use of the household during the winter
months, as well as some for the neighbouring markets ;
and looking just like a set of young peasants at their
daily labour, working for their bread. [Besides this
out-door labour, the young student in a Swiss college
is also obliged, as I have before mentioned, to attend
to all his household duties; so that his life, whilst he
remains in the college, is one of real humility and
hardship: he is never allowed to lose sight of the
class from which he sprung, and with which he will
afterwards have to labour and associate. He is never
allowed to forget his sympathies with the peasants, or
with their habits, hardships, or necessities. He is ac-
customed to these laborious duties, in order to make
his after life appear easy, and pleasant to him, when
compared to his college career, and to prevent him
imbibing any disgust for the patience-trying duties
of his profession, by accustoming him to duties still
more arduous, and still more harassing during the period
of his education.
By these means the cantonal governments avoid the
danger, which always attends the education of a pea-
sant, when that education is confined to a mere intel-
lectual training, viz. of rendering him dissatisfied with
a peasant’s life, and with a peasant’s hardships, and
disgusted with the humble companions and laborious
duties of his after life. The peasant who enters a Swiss
normal college to be trained for admission into the
teacher’s profession, retains all his peasant’s habits, is
kept accustomed to hard and humble toil, and finds his
sympathies with his class increased, rather than weak-
ened, by his residence and education there. When he
enters upon his duties in some distant and secluded
village, he finds himself, consequently, in his proper
sphere; that in which he was born, and in which he has
always lived. Instead of feeling dissatisfied, and sigh-
ing for a town life, and for literary society, he finds
his situation much easier, and much less laborious than
anything to which he had formerly been accustomed.
He settles down, therefore, contented, and perfectly
satisfied with his condition, duties, and associates ; and,
by his very satisfaction and contentment, he makes the
peasants respect and love him more, and renders his
advice and his example much more influential than
they otherwise would have been.
Owing to this system, the Swiss teachers live in
their respective villages as the coadjutors of the clergy,
associating with the labourers in their homes, and at
their firesides, aiding them with advice, sympathising
with them in their troubles, and at the same time
exhibiting the highly beneficial example of Christian-
minded and learned men, professors in science and pea-
sants in habits, living proofs of the benefits to be
derived from education, and examples to the peasants
of the nobility of their own class, whenever that nobility
is sought by proper means.
In speaking of the Swiss system of educating teachers,
Vehrli said to me,—‘ Your object in educating a
schoolmaster ought to be to prepare a teacher of the
people, who, whilst he is considerably elevated in
mental acquirements above those, amongst whom he
will be obliged to live, shall thoroughly sympathise
with them, by having been himself accustomed to hard
manual labour. If you take pupil-teachers into your
normal colleges, and content yourselves, with merely
cultivating their mental powers, you will find that,
however carefully you tend their religious instruction,
you have educated men who will soon, despite them-
selves, feel a disgust for the population with whom
they will be called upon to associate, and for the labo-
rious duties which they will have to perform; but if,
during the whole of their residence at the normal col-
lege, you accustom them to hard and humble labour,
when they leave, they will find themselves in higher,
easier, and more comfortable situations than those of
their school and college days: they will, from early
habits and education, sympathise with their poor asso-
ciates; they will feel contented and satisfied with their
situation ; and, feeling satisfied and happy, they will
work with more energy and success, and exercise a
better and a happier influence over the poor around
The truth of Vehrli’s teaching is felt throughout
Switzerland ; the college directors and the cantonal
governments are gradually adopting his views and
plans, and regulating their colleges on the model of the
admirable one, over which Vehrli himself presides. In
Argovie they have resolved to adopt Vehrli’s sugges-
tions, and to add a farm to their college, which, until
lately, has been a school of learning, rather than of
habits. In the canton of Vaud, where, up to the time
of my visit, the students of the normal college had not
been obliged to submit to any manual labour during
their residence, I was assured, that the teachers con-
stantly became dissatisfied with their humble duties
and associates, after leaving the literary society of the
college, and settling down to their humble duties in
some country village.
The best and most practically efficient colleges, that
I saw in Switzerland, were, the one conducted by
Vehrli at Kreuitzlingen on the borders of the lake of
Constance, and about a mile from the gate of the city
of Constance, and the college of the canton of Berne,
situated close to Hofwyl.
To this latter one I paid a visit im company with
M. de Fellenberg, the son of the celebrated educa-
tionalist. It is a large roomy building, with a good
farm attached to it, and is situated in a beautiful, un-
dulating part of the country, which is here covered
with vast pine forests, and bounded by the magnificent
and lofty chain of the Bernese Alps, conspicuous
among which rises the snowy mass of the majestic
Jungfrau. In the midst of this splendid scenery,
the young candidates for the teachers’ profession, se-
lected from among the monitors of the schools of
the Bernese towns and villages, are educated for
three years, ina manner, which in England would fit
them to be tutors to the children of our nobility, but
which, in Switzerland, combined with the healthy
discipline under which they live while in the college,
prepares them to act, as the teachers of the children of
the poorest, as well as of the richest citizens. When I
visited the college with M. de Fellenberg, the young
men, 100 in number, were in their class-rooms, listening
to the lectures of the professors. As I entered the
college, the first thing which met my eye, was the col-
lection of spades, hoes, &c. belonging to the students.
Each student had his own field tools, and his own peg
on which to hang them; while near them were placed
the thick wooden clogs used in the fields, but left with
the tools, when the young men entered the lecture
rooms. Every thing in the college was plain, simple,
and perfectly unostentatious, but clean and substantial.
The education given in the class-rooms was of the
most liberal and efficient character. There is no attempt
in Switzerland to disguise the feeling, which is im-
pressed on the minds of all, that they are a Republic, —
that the people are the electors of the rulers, — that the
electors must be enlightened, in order that they may be
able to “exercise their liberties aright, and to make the
best use of their resources, —and that the teachers
to whom the great duty of educating the citizens is
entrusted, must be thoroughly efficient, strong-minded
and learned men; capable of unfolding the principles
of others, and of teaching sound and true maxims of
self-government and of political economy. An En-
clishman, accustomed to his country’s ideas of the
teachers’ profession, would indeed be astonished, could
he observe what an education the teachers receive in
Switzerland, Germany, and Holland. The student
comes to the normal college much better educated than
the vast majority of our teachers are, when they com-
mence the management of schools. During the three
years the Swiss teachers remain in the college, they re-
ceive daily instruction from learned men in history,
physical and local geography, mathematics, practical
science, music, drawing, pedagogy, and agriculture.
How much superior such men are, when they leave
the college, to the majority of our teachers, I leave my
readers to imagine.
There are 100 students in this normal college ; about
33 leave it every year to take the charge of primary
schools in the canton. But this number does not suffice
to supply the number of annual vacancies in teachers’
situations in the canton. The government has, therefore,
established two other normal colleges, one for the edu-
cation of school-masters, and the other for the educa-
tion of school-mistresses. In all three of these colleges,
Romanist and Protestant students are educated together,
although the directors are Presbyterian ministers. The
Romanist students are allowed to absent themselves
during the religious lectures, and receive religious in-
struction from one of their own priests.
The population of the canton of Berne in 1843 was
407,913, and there were more normal colleges pro-
vided for this small population than for that of London,
which is nearly five times as numerous!
I went through the lecture-rooms of the Berne col-
lege in company with the director and M. de Fellen-
berg. I found the different classes of the students
sitting in their separate lecture-rooms at their desks,
receiving a much more liberal and efficient education
from the professors of the college, than the majority of
the sons of our gentry ever enjoy.
The students were very plainly but neatly dressed.
They had exchanged the clogs which they used in the
fields for light shoes. They had left their field dresses
with their tools in the places set apart for them. They
had washed and cleaned themselves after their out-door
as fine, healthy, and in-
labour, and set at their work,
telligent looking a set of young men as any one could
have wished to see; attentive and respectful to their
tutors, but inspired with that feeling of self-confidence,
which the union of intelligence, health, and_ political
freedom invariably bestows. In looking at them, one
felt that the teaching of such men must lay a sound
foundation whereon to build the prosperity, manly
virtue, and happiness of a nation. Men trained in such
a manner as this feel a real pleasure in labour, under-
stand the habits and feelings of peasants, sympathise
with them, associate with them without restraint and
embarrassment, and, without lowering themselves, make.
the peasants feel that their own class is capable of being
as refined as the richest classes in the community, and
of joining to that refinement a masculine simplicity
and energy of character, which their own particular
sphere of life is better qualified than any other to foster
and develope. |
But the most interesting of all the Swiss teachers’
colleges is that directed by Vehrli. About a mile
from the gates of the old city of Constance, close to
the shore of the vast and beautiful lake of the same
name, and upon a rising ground which slants gradually
upwards from the water, stands an old-fashioned look-
ing building, in the style which the nobles of Germany
were so fond of about three hundred years ago. This
ancient, turreted house was formerly the palace of the
abbot of the vast convent situated about half-a-mile
distant, and still occupied by monks. On all sides
it commands magnificent views. Close below it, and
spread out seventy miles in length, and twenty miles
in breadth, lies the beautiful lake of Constance. To
the left, at about a mile distant, rise the ancient,
time-honoured towers of the council and martyr famed
city, stretching out the white stone pier of its harbour
into the blue waters of this inland sea. Far to the
right, are seen above the sea the lofty, snow-clad peaks
of the mountains of Appenzell. In front, appear just
above the horizon, the forest-covered hills of the king-
dom of Wirtemberg. Behind, rises the great mass of the
convent, and round the palace, lies its weli-cultivated and
fertile farm. ‘This commodious and beautifully situated
building has been set apart by the republican govern-
ment of the canton of Thurgovie for the teachers’ col-
lege, and to become its director, Vehrli was tempted to
leave De Fellenberg, whose comrade and assistant he
had to that time been.
I visited Vehrli several times. The first time I walked
to the college, Vehrli was on his fields superintending
some field labour. One of the students, however, was
in the hal], and promised to go and tell the director I
wished to see him, begging me to enter and look at
R 2
anything I wished to see while he was absent. I
accepted the invitation and walked through the bed-
rooms and class-rooms. Every part of the furniture of
the college was of the plainest and most unostenta-
tious kind. The bed-linen was coarse, the chairs and
tables simple deal; but the books in the class-rooms,
the diagrams of the last mathematical lessons chalked
upon the blackboards, the drawings of the students, and
the music books, served to show the visitor, that he was
in a college, where the instruction given to the students,
formed a strange contrast to the simplicity of their
domestic life.
In a short time, Vehrli made his appearance. He
was dressed in a coarse tweed coat, an old weather-worn
hat, and thick farming shoes; his hands and face were
brown like those of a peasant; but his bright eye and
strong marked features told me, that he was a man of
practical ability and of action, and no mere theoriser on
the improvement of mankind.
When I next visited him he was busily engaged
with the students in repairing the wooden furniture of
the college, and the handles, &c. of his farming tools.
Almost his first words to me were*, “ You must not
expect to find any grandeur in my house; my boys are
all to be engaged among peasants, to live among them,
to associate with them, to advise them, and to be their
friends and the instructors of their children. It is a
* T took down this conversation immediately after leaving Vehrli, and
I think that some of my readers will not think the experience of this
good and able man, who has devoted his whole life to the education of
the poor, devoid of interest or undeserving consideration.
difficult thing for an educated man to do this, unless his
habits are properly disciplined during the period of his
education; and the object of my labours is, so to disci-
pline my students, that they may be able to do all this,
when they are learned men.
Tt is necessary, that teachers of the poor should
learn and should be accustomed to labour; for labour
gives humility, and teaches how to respect the labourer.
« After a long experience in teaching both the children
of rich and poor, it is my firm opinion, that all children
should be accustomed, while they are young, to labour
with their own hands for a certain time every day.
No school ought ever to be situated inatown. All
ought to be situated in the country; and every boy, no
matter who his parents are, ought to be obliged to
labour upon the soil. Labour makes the children
healthy, capable of bearing fatigue and robust, and it
teaches the children of the rich to get rid of all those
notions which riches are too apt to stimulate; to under-
stand the feelings of the poor better; to treat them
better, and to associate with them better; it thus
diminishes the artificial distance between classes, and,
with the distinction of this artificial distance, it diminishes
also the jealous feelings, which false mannerism on the
part of the rich too often engenders.
«* But important as labour is in my own opinion, as a
part of the training of all youth, it is absolutely neces-
sary in the education of teachers of the poor.
«The object of a normal college is to train men, who
will be capable of educating the poor, 7. e. of teaching
R 3
them the doctrines of religion, the laws of morality, a
knowledge of letters, the principles of the sciences, how
to make the most of their opportunities, what 1s expe-
dient in their different careers of life, the great impor-
tance of prudence and foresight, if they would improve
their positions in the world and attain independence,
and the intimate dependence of all classes of society
upon each other. ‘To enable us to give such an edu-
cation as this to the poor, we must rear a class of
teachers, who will be at once the instructors, the friends,
and the associates of the poor. How can we attain this
«* Will it be sufficient to give a good education to the
young men, to educate them in a gentlemanly and luxu-
rious manner, and surrounded by many of the elegancies
and comforts by which the middle classes are surrounded?
Should we train them for years together in large and
comfortable colleges, with great rooms, and in good
‘clothes, as the children of the rich are educated? Is
there anything in the life of a teacher in a poor, remote
village, separated from all literary society, which is at all
similar to the life of such a student, or which would en-
able the teacher of the village to gratify the tastes ac-
quired insuch a college? If there is not, ought we to be
astonished, if a young man, who has left such a college
and entered into the village school and upon his ardu-
ous school duties, should be dissatisfied with the change,
and should begin first to wish and then to strive to get
another situation, more suitable to the habits he had
acquired in the college? This is the reasonable, the
almost inevitable result of such an education. The
money which any government spends in educating the
teachers of the poor in such a manner, will be gene-
rally found in the end to have been expended in edu-
cating a good clerk of some merchant’s house, while the
schools will be deserted and will want teachers,
* You must, if you wish to avoid these consequences,
make the student’s college life as simple, and even more
humble and laborious, than the teacher’s village life.
You must accustom the teacher to a peasant’s life and
to a peasant’s hardships. You must make his college
life a life of greater drudgery than his village life, and
then, however highly you instruct him, however learned
you make him, he will, when he settles down in his
village, find his life one of less toil, of greater ease, and
of more enjoyment, than that to which he had been for
three years accustomed in his college.
“J think that every normal college ought to be
situated in the country, and that it ought to havea
piece of land attached to it, of sufficient size to employ
the young men four hours every day in cultivating it.
The farm attached to my college is large enough to do
this, and I find, that by cultivating the vegetables neces-
sary for our household, and by selling all, that we do not
require for our own use, I can diminish what would
otherwise be the annual expense of our household, by
one-fifth ; so that the out-door labour, besides rendering
the education ef the college more efficient in a moral
point of view, saves the government of our canton a
considerable annual expenditure in the sustenance of the
college itself; and by making the teachers satisfied with
their situations in the villages, lessens the number of
R 4
annual vacancies in the teachers’ situations, occasioned
in other cantons by the teachers’ dissatisfaction with
their duties, and, consequently, lessens materially, the
number of new teachers, and, therefore, the number of
students, who would otherwise be annually educated in
the colleges to supply those vacancies.
‘“* The chambers, the repasts, all the comforts and the
manners of life in the college ought to be inferior, and
not superior, to those which the teacher will enjoy after-
wards in his village life.
“In our college, our students do every thing for
themselves. They clean their own chambers, brush
their own boots, clean the knives and forks, cultivate all
the vegetables, prepare them to be cooked, and set out
the meals. But notwithstanding all this, they work in
their class-rooms eight hours every day, and study the
Scriptures, history, geography, arithmetic, mathematics,
the elements of the sciences, music, and drawing.”
The students, before they enter this admirable col-
lege, have received an excellent education in the primary
and secondary schools of the canton. They remain two
years, however, in the college, before they are entrusted
with the management of any school.
Vehrili said, “ The students ought to remain four, or
at least three years in the college; it is impossible to
form good habits in a shorter period. But our govern-
ment has not thought it necessary to allow me to keep
my students more than two years.”
“IT have heard that in England you do not give
the greater part of your teachers any special education
whatever; but that you advertise for a teacher, and
choose the best of all the candidates who apply. Your
countrymen will act very differently in a few years.
It is strange, that so great a people as the English,
should have done so little for the education of their
poor, especially considering how much poverty there
is in England; but I suppose it is the jealousy of
your religious parties, which has hindered you thus far.
Here, in Switzerland and Germany, we are firmly per-
suaded, after much experience, that no one can officiate
well as teacher, unless he has been educated specially
and for a long time in the particular knowledge, habits,
and manners, which a teacher must possess, in order to
fit him for the proper performance of his duties. The
education of the young is a very delicate and difficult
work. It is a fatal error to imagine, that any one is
fit for it, without preparation.”
I walked over the farm with Vebrli, saw his young
men at work in the fields, and spent a considerable
time with the students, while- Vehrli himself was en-
gaged with other people. I was very much pleased
with the manners of the young men. They were
gentlemanly, but quite unaffected in their way of ad-
dressing any one. ‘They spoke with pleasure of their
work, with affection of the director, and with a tone
of healthy feeling about every thing, which showed
me, that the wholesome discipline of the college was
producing its proper effect upon them. ‘They were
fine, healthy, active-looking fellows, capable of bearing
fatigue, and accustomed to simple and self-denying
Vehrli said to me, ‘‘ Go amongst my boys alone, and
talk to them, and ask them whatever you please. See
every thing for yourself.” I did so, and the more I
saw, the more I was convinced that the college was no
mere show-place, but that it had been established for
an end, which it was carrying out.
The second time I visited the college, the students
were preparing to give Vehrli a féte on his birthday.
They had decked their dining-room with flowers, and
ornamented the director’s part of the room and his great
arm-chair with wreaths and devices formed of flowers.
On the walls, flowers were arranged so as to form the
words— © Vehrli, our father, God bless him.”
I dined one day with Vehrli and his wife. The din-
ner was one of the simplest description. The table was
spread in their bed-room, which, as is often the case
in Germany and Switzerland, served the purposes of
library, sitting-room, and bed-room. Vehrli said to me,
“TT hope you will excuse my humble fare. Remember
you are visiting people, who in their manner of life are
simple peasants. We have made no difference for you,
for you did not give us any notice of your visit.”
I went to see his model school. It was a large vil-
lage school, situated close to the college. The children
of the neighbourhood attended every morning and after-
noon, and were educated by an able teacher. A party
of the students, who take this duty by turns, was sent
to this school from the college every morning and
afternoon, to practise teaching under the direction and
advice of the head teacher. In this school the students
of the college first begin to learn the art of teaching.
We afterwards walked into the country to see two
agricultural schools, one of which was then in the course
of erection. These agricultural schools are institutions
intended for the completion of the education of the sons
of farmers, after they have left the primary schools. The
scholars receive an excellent education in the science of
agriculture, as well as in chemistry, mathematics, history,
geography, and the languages. A large farm is at-
tached to each of these institutions, well stocked with
cattle, farming implements, &c., where the boys learn
farming for five or six hours every day, under the
direction of an experienced farmer. The produce of
these farms enables the institutions, I believe, to sup-
port themselves without assistance, and to afford the
board and education at so low a rate, as to bring it
within the reach of the poorest farmers. A great many
of these institutions have been established throughout
Switzerland. ‘They are improving the system of farming
more than any thing else that could have been devised ;
~and for a country of small farms like Switzerland, they
are of inestimable importance. I found that nearly
all the cantons, either had established, or were thinking
of establishing such schools. In these institutions, the
farmers get a very cheap and scientific education for
their children, while by their means the country gets
better farmers, and much more scientific and eco-
nomical farming. If we except Saxony, there is no
country in Europe, where the farming is so good;
and where all the means of cultivation are so carefully
made use of, as in the Protestant cantons of Switzerland.
This is entirely owing to two causes, — the subdivision
of the land among the peasants themselves, and the
excellent education which the farmers receive.
R 6
Vehrli spoke very highly of these agricultural schools,
and of their results. He seemed very anxious to in-
crease their numbers, and told me, that they were about
to found a very large one, as a model for all the others,
and as a monument in honour of the first great teacher
of Switzerland — Pestalozzi.
M. de Fellenberg also took me to see an agricultural
school, he had founded near his great institution, and
assured me, that the importance and usefulness of
these schools for farmers could not be over-estimated.
The young students learn, chemistry and agricultural
chemistry — how to treat different kinds of soils — how
to make good manures — how to collect and employ all
the waste of the farms in the making of manure — how
to drain the farm-yards — how to manage sickly cattle
—how to drain the fields, and how to avoid waste in
every part of the farming operations.
The consequence is, as I have before said, that the
farming operations in Switzerland give a greater return
in proportion to the outlay, than those of almost any other
country in Europe. On a Swiss farm nothing is wasted.
Every thing that can be converted into manure, such
as the drainings of the yards, stables, cow-houses,
kitchens, offices, &c. is collected and spread over the
fields, after having been prepared in such a manner, as to
suit the particular character of the soil of each farm. No
room is lost in the arrangements of the fields and plots
of land. No stones or rubbish is left upon the land to
injure the crops. The soil is cleaned as well as if it
were garden land. It is always well drained, and is
never injured by a too frequent repetition of the same
kind of crops.
The cattle too are well tended. Their ailments are
understood, and the kind of treatment proper for their
cure. a nes
Education is also very satisfactorily advanced in the
cantons of Zug*, Basle, and Appenzell. But I am not
so well acquainted with the exact progress it has made
* T was assured by the Minister of Education in this canton, that all
the children of the canton were receiving education in the primary
in them, as in the above-mentioned cantons. Com-
paring, however, the actual results of the measures pur-
sued by the other cantons, of which I possess certain
and credible statistics, with the probable results of the
efforts, now made by these cantons, I should say, that
about one in every seven of their population is at
The cantons, where the education of the poor is least
advanced, are Vallais, Tessin, Grisons, Glarus, and the
three small mountainous cantons on the lake of Lucerne;
but still it is far from being wholly neglected even in
these; for in several* of them, there are regulations,
which oblige all the children to learn at least to read
and write, although, beyond that, little instruction is
given. The proportion of children, who receive this
amount of instruction, as compared to their whole popu-
lation, is about one in ten; but this is only a rough
guess, based on nothing but the information received
from individuals. Generally speaking, the instruction
given in the Romanist cantons of Switzerland, is very
much below the standard of that given in the Pro-
testant cantons, being confined almost always to read-
ing, writing, arithmetic, and religious instruction. This
education, however, meagre as it is, is very widely dif-
fused among the people, so that at the present time it
may be truly said, that in nearly the whole of Switzer-
land every boy and girl below the age of seventeen
years can read and write. The education of the girls is,
perhaps, in a more satisfactory condition in the Romanist
cantons than in the Protestant. It is confided to the
* Tessin, Grisons, Schweitz, and, I believe, Unterwalden.
special care of the nuns; and I can bear testimony to
the gentle, patient, and religious spirit, in which these
excellent women affectionately tend the progress of the
young girls. The self-denying life, which the Romanist
nuns lead, and the excellent education they receive in
the nunneries, admirably suit them for the important
duties confided to their charge in these cantons. _ After
having examined the schools conducted by some of the
nuns in Fribourg, the abbess of one of the convents
allowed me to visit her house, in company with a very
intelligent priest, with whom I had been spending some
days. We went over it in company with one of the
sisters. We were ushered first into the entrance hall,
where we found about twenty of the nuns, under the
direction of a venerable old abbess of about eighty
years of age, seated at a long table, engaged in making
clothes and household linen for the poor.
After we had conversed for some time with the
abbess, two of the nuns took us over the convent, and
showed all the interior arrangements.
The apartments of the sisters were of the plainest
possible description. They were in beautiful order, and
exquisitely clean; but furnished very meagrely, and
literally destitute of everything that was not absolutely
necessary. The sisters had no servants and no assist-
ants. In turn they prepared their own food, cleaned
their own chambers, took charge of the dining-room,
hall, and chaniber of the abbess, and performed all the
humblest duties of domestic servants. They also gave
a very excellent education to the young persons destined
to take the veil, comprising reading, writing, arith-
metic, history, geography, grammar, and singing. The
noviciates are therefore, in every way, admirably pre-
pared for teaching in the primary schools. This they
undertake in the female schools, after having taken the
veil. The humble life, to which they are accustomed
during the years of their noviciate, and during the
rest of their lives, makes them admirably well qualified
for intercourse with the poor, and renders them patient,
gentle, and persevering in their efforts in the schools.
They certainly are living examples of the class of
teachers a good training is capable of producing.
To give an idea of the way in which education is
diffused among the people of Switzerland, I beg to call
the reader’s attention to the following remarkable
statistics of the canton of Vaud: —
State of Education in the Canton of Vaud in the
Month of April, 1841.
Number of children between the ages of 6 and 16, during which
time they are obliged by law to attend the schools - - 32,484
Number of children actually attending schools - - - 30,525
Scriptures. Number of children who understand what is read
to them out of the Bible - - - - - 7,370
Catechism. Know it well - - - - - 9,234
Reading. Can read fluently - . - - - 10,826
Writing. Can write well - - - . = 17,456
Can write accurately - - - - 4,577
Grammar. Know the principal rules - - - - 6,575
Exercises. Can write a letter, a tale, or an exercise - - $3,645
Arithmetic. Understand the rule of three and its applications - 5,357
Understand only the four simple rules, with whole
and fractional numbers - - - - 3,570
Understand only the four simple rules - - 4,413
Mental arithmetic. In the four simple rules - - - 6,132
Book-keeping. Understand this art - - . - 5,196
Singing. Can sing the Psalms - - - - 14,055
: Can sing difficult pieces of music —- - - 9,845
Physical geography. Know the principles of = - - - 5,436
——__——_ Know the principles of that of Switzerland 5,951
Mathematical geography. Know its principles - - 3,300
History of Switzerland, Know it - - - - 4,503
The principles of the laws
EP aiceta st, 3 oat Know them - - - 3,504
Natural history. Know something of it - - - 4,009
Linear drawing. Know its principles - - - - 6,072
Geometry. Know its principles - - - - 2,633
Mensuration. Know something of it - - - - 2,544
Housewifery. Girls who are educated therein - - - 2,269
Vast as the efforts are which the German and Swiss
states are making to educate their people, the great and
minutely considered system of public education, which
is now in operation throughout every commune in
France, rivals them in its comprehensiveness, efficiency,
and liberality, and in the completeness and well con-
sidered nature of its details.
The master mind of Napoleon perceived the im-
portance and necessity of educating the people, and in
the short intervals of peace, which varied his stormy
career, he made and put in force many laws calculated
to promote the enlightenment of the lower orders.
The continued wars, however, in which he was en-
gaged, prevented the full realisation of his great plans
for the attainment of this object, and after his over-
throw the government ceased to take any interest in
the question, until the Revolution of July obliged and
enabled French statesmen once again to devote their
minds to the development of the means requisite for
raising the condition and the character of the people.
In 1833, M. Guizot, then Minister of Public Instruc-
tion, laid before the Chambers a great and comprehen-
sive scheme of national education, which received their
assent, and was immediately put into operation through-
out the whole of France.
It was long a question of great doubt among French
legislators, in what manner the difficulties arising from
religious differences, could be overcome. The different
religious parties in France were as earnest in their de-
mands, as the church and dissenting parties in England
at the present day.
The Chambers were called upon to decide ;
Whether they would establish separate schools for all
the different sects; or,
Whether they would establish mixed schools, where
no religious education should be given, and where the
children of all sects should be instructed together ; or,
Whether they would allow the parishes to found their
own schools, and elect teachers educated in the reli-
cious belief of the majority of the parishioners; merely
requiring, as an indispensable preliminary, that the
children of the minority should be allowed to avail
themselves of the secular instruction given in the
schools, and to leave the class-rooms when the religious
instruction was given there; on condition, however,
that their parents provided in some other manner for
the efficient education of their children in their own
religious belief.
The Chambers felt, that to adopt the first course,
would be to leave the education of many children totally
unprovided for, in the cases of those communes, where
there was not a sufficient number of some one sect ina
commune to enable the government to establish a
separate school for them; that, to adopt the second
alternative, would be to leave the most deeply important
part of education either wholly neglected, or at least most
indifferently provided for ; and that to deny the master
the liberty of giving practical religious education in
the school, was to deprive him of the most powerful
means of improving the character of his children.
They, therefore, adopted the third alternative, and re-
solved to place each of the normal colleges of the dif-
ferent departments, and each of the primary schools of
the different communes, under the management of a
professor or teacher, selected from the most numerous
Christian sect of the department or commune, in which
the college or school was situated. They further deter-
mined, that the parents, who differed in their religious
belief from the director of the college, or from the
teacher of the school, should have the power of requir-
ing their children to absent themselves during the
periods of religious instruction; on condition, however,
that such parents provided elsewhere for the religious
education of their children.
This liberal and excellent scheme has been unde-
servedly taunted with irreligion. The cries of the
French Jesuits, raised from purely interested motives,
have found an echo in the mouths of English Pro-
testants, and this belief, strengthened by our laudable
fear of excessive centralisation, and by our national
prejudices against the French, have prevented us doing
justice to the magnificent efforts, which they are making
to educate their people, and by that means to raise
their virtue and their happiness.
The importance of the religious element in the edu-
cation of the children, is put forward in great pro-
minence by the French statutes and regulations upon
the subject. In the words of the Statute of April
25th, 1834, upon the elementary schools: —
‘Tn all the divisions (of each school), the moral and
religious instructions shall rank jirst. Prayers shall
commence and close all the classes. Some verses of the
Holy Scriptures shall be learned every day. Every
Saturday, the Gospel of the following Sunday shall be
recited. On the Sundays and Fast-days the scholars
shall be conducted to Divine Service. The reading-
books, the writing copies, the discourses and exhort-
ations of the teacher shall tend continually to penetrate
the soul of the scholars, with the feelings and principles,
which are the safeguards of morality, and which are
proper to inspire the fear and love of God.”
And M. Guizot in the letters, which he addressed,
while Minister of Public Instruction to each of the
teachers of France, says —
«“ Among the objects of instruction, there is one
which demands of me particular notice; or, rather, it
is the law itself, which, by placing it at the head of all
the others, has committed it more especially to our zeal ;
I refer to moral and religious instruction. Your la-
bours, in this respect, ought to be both direct and
sometimes indirect.
“Tf by your character and by your example, you
have succeeded in obtaining in your school all the autho-
rity, with which I desire to see you clothed; the moral
lessons, which you will give, will be received with defer-
ence; they will be something more than an instruction
for the mind of the pupils; they will supply the in-
sufficiency of the primary education so incomplete, and
often so vicious in the present state of our morals and
of our intelligence. ;
“ Do not neglect any means of exercising this salu-
tary influence; increase it by means of conversation
with individual scholars, as well as by means of general
lessons ; let it be your constant thought and your con-
stant duty.
“Tt is absolutely necessary, that popular instruction
should not be confined to the development of the in-
telligence ; it should embrace the whole soul; it should
awaken the conscience, which ought to be elevated and
strengthened according as the intelligence is developed.
It suffices to tell you, sir, what importance the religious
instruction ought to have in your eyes. The teachers,
who will be called upon to give this instruction in the
elementary schools, ought to have been well prepared
for this duty, by having themselves received a sound
and religious education in the normal colleges. Do not,
however, satisfy yourself with the regularity of forms
and appearances; it is not sufficient, that certain ob-
servances should be maintained, that certain hours
should be consecrated to religious instruction; it is
necessary to be able to assure ourselves of its reality
and efficiency. I invite you to make known to me
the exact state of religious education in your own
school. In concert with the bishops and _ religious
ministers, I will neglect nothing in order to attain this
end. You will yourself contribute very materially to
it, by taking a constant care that none of the diffi-
culties, unfortunately still too common, should be raised
between you and those, who are more especially charged
with the administration of the sacred functions; that
neither your conduct, nor your language should, in this
respect, furnish any pretext either for prejudice or
jealousy. You will thus secure to our establishments,
that good feeling of the families, which is so important
for us; and you will inspire a great number of worthy
persons, with that feeling of security in our future
morality, which events have sometimes shaken, even in
the case of the most enlightened men.”
Hitherto, the parents of France have not, as in the
German counties, and in Italy and Sweden, been obliged
by law to educate their children.
In France, as in England, a parent is left by the
laws, at perfect liberty to train up his children in vice,
or in virtue, just as it pleases him. The state does not
interfere to prevent crime, but only to punish it. > 9
ras the Sa ta Bene. Boys 17,098 eae 56,812
7 Schools. | Girls 8,847 ;
Public Boys 702 61
Primary Schools set apart } Schools. Girls 59 1,080
for the Protestants - Private Boys 163} 39 :
Schools, (Girls 156 f
‘Public ff Boys 331 ray
Primary Schools specially | Schools, | Girls 4 J wv 115"
set apart for the Jews Private f{ Boys 74 78 7.
Schools. | Girls 4 ae
Pubtic Boys 948 4055
Mixed Schools open for all } Schools. | Girls 107 rs aes
three Sects - - Private Boys 326 776 ‘
Schools. Girls 450 :
Total Number of Primary Schools in France in 1843 - 59,838!
I shall now give a very brief sketch of the admirable
educational system of HOLLAND.
In England not one in every 12 of the population
is recelving primary instruction; in the Dutch pro-
vinces of Drenthe and Over Yesel, in 1835, the pro-
portion was about one in six, and throughout Holland
generally it was one in eight. There is scarcely a
child of ten years of age, and of sound intellect in
Holland, who cannot both read and write; almost every
every one receives instruction at some period, the ex-
pense of which is for the most part, and in some in-
stances entirely, defrayed by the state, without the
inculcation of any particular creed; the interference of
government being exerted only to exclude improper
u 4
and incompetent teachers, and to regulate the mode of
instruction by a system of inspection.
Mr. Nicholls, in his interesting Report on the Con-
dition of the Labouring Poor in Belgium and Holland,
published in 1838, from which I quote by his permis-
sion, says —
** Nothing can exceed the cleanliness, the personal
propriety, and the apparent comfort of the people of
Holland. I did not see a house or fence out of repair,
or a garden that was not carefully cultivated. We met
no ragged or dirty persons, nor any drunken men;
neither did I see any indication that drunkenness is the
vice of any portion of the people. I was assured, that
bastardy was almost unknown; and, although we were,
during all hours of the day, much in the public thorough-
fares, we saw only two beggars, and they in manners
and appearance scarcely came within the designation.
“ The Dutch people appear to be strongly attached
to their government, and few countries possess a popula-
tion, in which the domestic and social duties are dis-
charged with such constancy. A scrupulous economy
and cautious foresicht seem to be the characteristic
virtues of every class. ‘To spend their full annual
income is accounted a species of crime. The same
systematic prudence pervades every part of the com-
munity, agricultural and commercial, and thus the
Dutch people are enabled to bear up against the most
formidable physical difficulties, and to secure a larger
amount of individual comfort than probably exists in
any other country.”
But what has led to this happy social state? How
has Holland improved the social condition of her people ?
I answer, by providing for their education, and by
teaching them to think and to care for themselves.
Holland has the honour of haying been one of the first
among the European nations which recognised the truth,
that an unciyilised and degraded peasantry are always
more immoral and wretched, than one whose minds have
been disenthralled, and whose tastes have been raised
by a religious, moral, and intellectual education; and
she has the still greater honour of having been one
of the first to throw off the shackles of uncharitable
and unchristian sectarianism, and to assert and to act
on the assertion, that the doctrines in which all Christian
sects agree, are immeasurably more important, than the
dcetrines in which they differ.
I shall give a very brief sketch of the organisation
and present condition of primary education in Holland.
The department of Public Instruction is directed by
the Minister of the Interior, aided by the “ Inspector
General of Public Instruction.” This latter person is, in
reality, the Minister of Education. There is no further
ceentralisation than this. ‘There is neither a council nor
any other central inspectors than the Inspector General.
It is only since 1800, that primary education has re
ceived the serious attention of the Dutch government.
M. Van der Palm, in that year, introduced into the
Chamber of the Representatives of the Batavian Re-
public, a great scheme of national education, which
was modified and altered by M. Van den Ende, and
finally adopted in February 1806.
This code of instruction is so well suited to the
vu 5
spirit and genius of the country, that it has survived
three great revolutions without receiving any great
In each province, there is a commission of primary
instruction. This commission is composed of all the
inspectors of the different school districts into which
the province is divided. In each of these school dis-
tricts, there resides an inspector of the schools, who is
required to visit and inspect each school in his district,
at least twice a year. Hach inspector is the director of
the primary education of his district. Before he has
examined and approved a candidate, no one can exercise
the office of either public or private instructor, nor can
any teacher obtain advancement, without his permission.
The parochial school societies have no power to do any-
thing without his assent, and he is either president or
influential member of all in his district.
Three times a year, all the inspectors of each province
assemble at its chief town, where the governor of the
province presides over their meetings. Each of these
conferences lasts two or three weeks, during which time
each inspector reads aloud his report of the progress and
state of education in his district, and refers to the meet-
ing any questions on which he may desire to have their
Each province has its own special regulations on
primary education, founded on the general law of the
country. The meeting of the inspectors examines
whether the acts of the inspectors have conformed with
these regulations, and prepares a general report on the
state and progress of education in the province, which
is forwarded to the Inspector-General, together with
such proposals for changes or modifications in the pro-
vincial regulations as may seem advisable to the
Thus each inspector is responsible to the provincial
board for the progress of education within his district,
whilst the provincial boards are themselves responsible
to the government.
Before a candidate can become a teacher, he must
obtain, besides a certificate of moral character, brevets
of —
1. General Admission ;
2, Special Admission.
He must obtain a brevet of general admission to the
profession of teacher, by passing an examination before
the provincial commission composed of the inspectors of
the districts of the province. When he has obtained this
general admission, he becomes an authorised candidate ;
but he is not yet at liberty to exercise the functions of
either public or private teacher. If the candidate
wishes to be a private teacher, it is necessary for him to
obtain the authorisation of the municipal authorities,
which cannot be granted without the consent of the in-
spector, If the candidate wishes to be a teacher ina
public school, he is obliged to pass another examina-
tion before a local committee, where the inspector sits
as one of the judges; and should the inspector think
the decision of the commission unwise, and that the
candidate is not worthy to be entrusted with the care
of a school, the inspector has a right to appeal against
the decision of this commission to the minister. Even
u 6
when elected by the commission, the candidate is
obliged to visit the inspector, and obtain his sanction.
Such are the great precautions, which Holland takes in
the election of her teachers; whilst with us, in the
great majority of cases, any one is considered suffici-
ently qualified to fill this important office. I myself
have seen men entrusted with the care of schools, whose
immorality and lowness was so marked with indelible
lines upon their countenances, that I would on no ac-
count have entrusted them with the duties of the hum-
blest menial.
The suspension or dismissal of the teachers is pro-
nounced, when it is necessary, by the municipal or
provincial authorities, but only on the proposition of
the inspectors.
The inspectors themselves are appointed and paid by
the state.
The inspectors are charged to take care that no
books are employed in the primary schools, but such
as are authorised by government.
The law of 1801 proclaims, as the great end of all
instruction, the exercise of the social and Christian
virtues. In this respect it agrees with the law of
Prussia and France; but it differs from the law of
these countries in the way by which it attempts to
attain this end. In France, and all the German
countries, the schools are the auxiliaries, so to speak,
of the churches; for, whilst the schools are open to
all sects, yet the teacher is a man trained up in the
particular doctrines of the majority of his pupils, and
required to teach those doctrines during certain hours,
the children who differ from him in religious belief,
being permitted to absent themselves from the religious
lessons, on condition that their parents provided else-
where for their religious instruction, But, in Holland,
the teachers are required to give religious instruction
to all the children, and to avoid most carefully touching
on any of the grounds of controversy between the dif-
ferent sects.
Mr. Nicholls says: “ As respects religion, the popu-
lation of Holland is divided, in about equal proportions,
into Catholic, Lutheran, and Protestants of the reformed
Calvinistic church ; and the ministers of each are sup-
ported by the state. The schools contain, without dis-
tinction, the children of every sect of Christians. The
religious and moral instruction afforded to the children
is taken from the pages of Holy Writ, and the whole
course of education is mingled with a frequent refer-
ence to the great general evidences of revelation. Bib-
lical history is taught, not as a dry narration of facts,
but as a store-house of truths, calculated to influence
the affections, to correct and elevate the manners, and
to inspire sentiments of devotion and virtue. The
great principles and truths of Christianity, in which
all are agreed, are likewise carefully inculcated; but
those points, which are the subjects of difference and
religious controversy, form no part of the instructions
of the schools. This department of religious teaching
is confided to the ministers of each persuasion, who dis-
charge this portion of their duties out of school; but
within the schools the common ground of instruction is
faithfully preserved, and they are, consequently, alto-
gether free from the spirit of jealousy or proselytism.
We witnessed the exercise of a class of the children of
notables of Haarlem (according to the simultaneous
method), respecting the death and resurrection of our
Saviour, by a minister of the Lutheran church. The
class contained children of Catholics, Calvinists, and
other denominations of Christians, as well as Luther-
ans, and all disputable doctrinal points were carefully
avoided. The Lutherans are the smallest in number,
the Calvinists the largest, and the Catholics about mid-
way between the two; but all appear to live together
in perfect amity, without the slightest distinction in the
common intercourse of life; and this circumstance, so
extremely interesting in itself, no doubt facilitated the
establishment of the general system of education here
described, the effects of which are so apparent in the
highly moral and intellectual condition of the Dutch
Education is not compulsory in Holland, as it is in
Switzerland and in all the German countries; but the
inspectors throughout the country, whose number is
about eighty, have so excited the zeal of the depart-
mental and communal committees, and have been so
well seconded in their efforts by the ministers of re-
ligion in their parochial visitations, in their sermons,
and in their lectures, and by the excellent administra-
tion of public relief, which ts invariably refused, unless
the children of the parents applying for relief are sent
to school; that the necessity of compulsory regula-
tions has not been felt; and we find, that in several
parts of the kingdom, the proportion of children at-
tending school, to the whole population, is as great as
one in every six; whilst the proportion generally of the
children receiving instruction to the whole population,
ts one in every eight.
These admirable results have been obtained slowly.
The causes which have most contributed to them, are
the excellence of the schools, the talent of the teachers,
and, above all, the respect and honour the teachers have
gradually attained by the honourable and independent
situation, in which they have been placed by the
Nothing can be a more fatal delusion, than to sup-
pose that the poor are indifferent to the character and
acquirements of the teacher. I have seen the most
remarkable instances to the contrary, and I could men-
tion more than fifty instances, which have come under
my own knowledge, where the schools conducted by
able and high-minded teachers have been filled to over-
flowing, where, previously, the schools being conducted
by inefficient and low-minded men, hardly contained
sufficient numbers for one small class. It is shameful to
suppose, that the poor, even where they themselves have
‘never enjoyed any education, are indifferent to these
matters. Natural love and affection are not the results
of education, but, on the contrary, are found generally
much stronger in the cottage than in the palace; and
they teach the parents, no matter how ignorant, to keep
their children under their own eye at home, rather than
to expose them to the misery and moral degradation of
the instruction of a narrow-minded and ignorant man.
As long as we are content to fill any of the teachers’
situations with wholly unfit persons, and as long as we
are content to leave the teachers to work in the schools
without any constant inspection by the central autho-
rity, so long shall we continue in many instances to do
positive injury to the poor, instead of conferring benefit
upon them. We are creating miserable and demoralis-
ing associations in connection with all the humanising
influences of a good education. The Bible, and the
books used in the classes, remind of the hated classes,
where the child was miserable under the caprice of an
ignorant and low-minded teacher, and they are laid
aside as producing disagreeable sensations, reminiscences
of the school-days.
The Dutch government has not defined the mininum
of the teachers’ salaries, as the French, Swiss, and
German governments have done, but it has enjoined
(réglement A, art. 30.) upon the parochial committees
to take care, that they pay their teachers well, and it
has promised its assistance to any parish, which is too
poor to raise the necessary funds. The inspectors have,
as I have shown, sufficient power to enforce the actual
observance of this injunction; and it appears that the
teachers throughout the country are satisfied with their
situations. *
Mr. Nicholls says, “* The schoolmasters of the primary
schools in Holland are supported in respectability and
comfort. Their functions are held in high estimation,
and we were assured, that they were generally content
with their lot; but there is no positive provision fixing
their salaries. ‘The law only enacts, generally, that the
municipal and departmental authorities shall secure a
sufficient income to the teachers, and that they shall not
be left dependent upon payments from the parents of their
This last regulation is very wise, as it is highly im-
portant that the teachers’ incomes should be certain as
well as sufficient to secure them a respectable main-
tenance. The Dutch think it advisable to oblige all the
parents, who send their children to school, and who can
afford it, to pay some small weekly sum for the educa-
tion of their children. They think that by doing this,
the parents become more interested in the progress of
their children, and that, on the other hand, the teacher
is interested in pleasing the parents, and in the improve-
ment of the children, as the greater the progress they
make, the greater will generally be the numbers of his
school, and the greater will be his weekly gains.
In the great part of Germany, however, primary
education has been made entirely gratuitous since the
revolutions of 1848.
I again quote Mr. Nicholls, who says: ‘To the
schools thus provided, the people, without any excep-
tion or distinction, are entitled to send their children on
payment of certain fixed sums monthly, or at shorter
periods. These payments are regulated with reference
to the nature of the education to be afforded; but the
whole charge, even for the highest class, is of small
amount. Jn the case of parents so poor, or so burdened
with large families as to be actually unable to pay, the
local authorities are empowered to remit the charge;
and thus the means of education are secured to the
lowest, as well as to the highest. We were assured
that no abuse of the power of exemption had ever
occurred, and that no charge of partiality had ever
been made. The people acquiesced cheerfully and
contentedly in every arrangement, and were as desirous
of sending their children to be educated, as the govern-
ment and local authorities were to impart the benefits
of education. In Haarlem, with a population of 21,000,
we were informed there was not a child of ten years of
age, and of sound intellect, who could not both read and
write, and throughout Holland it is the same.”
There are two normal colleges in Holland for the
instruction of teachers; one at Groningen, for the pro-
vince of Friesland, Drenthe, and Overyssel, and the
other at Haarlem, for the rest of Holland.
It was in 1816 that the Dutch government first esta-
blished normal colleges, after having in vain tried all
other methods for obtaining a sufficient supply of effi-
cient teachers.
I visited the college at Haarlem in 1848: it was
under the direction of the celebrated educationist Herr
Princen; it was one of the first normal colleges ever
established in Europe.
There were forty students in the college; the stu-
dents remain in the college FOUR years, before they
leave to undertake the management of the elementary
The subjects of instruction in the college are —
The Scriptures ;
Arithmetic ;
Writing ;
History of Holland;
General History ;
Geography ;
Mathematics ;
Natural History ;
Botany ;
Singing ;
The Art of Teaching.
The education given in the college IS PERFECTLY
GRATUITOUS: all the expenses of the college are borne
by the States. Before a candidate can be admitted into
the college definitely, he is obliged to pass through a
trial of three months; if nothing is discovered during
this trial, which proves him to be unfitted to be a
teacher, a report is made to the minister on his cha-
racter, conduct, and general fitness for a teacher’s
duties ; and, if this report is satisfactory, the candidate
is admitted into the college.
I have mentioned, before, the two kinds of examina-
tions which each candidate is required to pass before
he can obtain permission to conduct a primary school.
By far the most important of these is the examination
of general admission; this examination is perfectly or-
ganised in Holland.
The brevets granted to those who pass an examina-
tion are of four kinds; varying according to the merits
of the teachers: they consequently constitute four ranks
among the teachers. The towns never admit any
teachers but of the first and second rank; a brevet of
the first rank cannot be obtained, until the candidate
has attained the age of twenty-five years. The brevet
of the third rank only confers the right of conducting a
village school, and the brevet of the fourth rank only
confers the right of acting as assistant teacher in some
town or village school, or of conducting a village school
where the pay is very poor, if such a school can be
The examinations embrace the scientific attainments
of the candidates, their methods of instruction, their
power of disciplining and governing a school, and a
strict inquiry into their character and religious educa-
tion. After the examinations are concluded, the brevets
are delivered with the ranks of their respective candi-
dates inscribed upon them, as well as a short résumé
of their characters and attainments. ‘The names and
ranks of the different candidates are then published in
the official Journal of Public Instruction.
It is not necessary for me to point out what emula-
tion this plan begets among the pupil teachers in the
normal colleges, and among the teachers in the lower
classes of the primary schools: they know that by im-
proving themselves, they may raise themselves to the
highest ranks of their profession.
But as M. Cousin justly remarks, however well
organized the examinations themselves may be, their
real efficiency must entirely depend on the persons
who are selected to form the commissions of examina-
tions. If men, who have never given their thoughts to
education, were chosen, the examinations would de-
generate into a mere empty farce, as ridiculous as they
would be injurious tothe community. But here again,
the Dutch have made some very wise and important
regulations. The commissioners, who conduct these
cxaminations, are the inspectors themselves, assembled
in the provincial meetings; men who haye spent years
in studying the best way of promoting the education
of the poor; men who thoroughly understand what
ought to be required of a man, wishing to enter into
the honourable profession of the teachers; and men,
also, who are personally interested in obtaining good
and able men for their several districts.
Every district inspector is required by law to con-
vene, either at his own house in the district, or at
some other place, as shall appear most convenient to
himself, at certain fixed periods, an educational con-
ference, to which he is required to inyite all the
teachers of his district. At these conferences the
general ‘progress of education in the district, and the
best means of promoting and furthering its further de-
velopments are discussed, and the teachers are reminded
that they are not struggling singly and unaided, but that
each one is a member of a well-disciplined army, all
engaged in the same great enterprise, the moral reform-
ation of their country.
As regards the proportional number of teachers
and scholars, it is ordained; that if the number of
scholars attending a primary school is under seventy,
one teacher only need be provided; but that if it ex-
ceeds seventy, the commune must either alone, or with
the assistance of government, support two teachers.
Whena scholar leaves the primary school in which he
has been educated, he receives, if he has conducted him-
self well and made a satisfactory progress in his studies,
an honorary certificate, which of course is of great assist-
ance to him afterwards when seeking a situation.
As I mentioned before, the same plan is adopted in
Prussia, and with the most admirable results, as it
stimulates the scholars to distinguish themselves by
their attention to their studies, and to gain the appro-
bation of their teachers by their orderly deportment in
the school. But it is highly important that the power of
granting these certificates should not be left to the
teachers alone, as it enables a tyrannical and capricious
man to blast the future prospects of a poor child,
merely perhaps to gratify some unreasonable prejudice
or dislike, arising from an unintentional or slight per-
sonal affront offered him by the scholar.
M. Cousin thinks, that Holland ought to have five
instead of two normal colleges; and certainly, when
we consider the numbers which are found necessary
in France, Prussia, Saxony, Austria, Switzerland,
Hanover, and Bavaria, it would seem that two are
not a sufficient number for 2,600,000 inhabitants.
The reason why Holland does not require so many as
other countries is, that she seems to have provided a
more comfortable livelihood for the primary teachers
than the other European nations have done. I have
mentioned several times before, that it is found to
be very bad economy to stint the pay of the teachers.
The worse they are paid, the shorter time they will
stay at their posts; for it cannot be expected, that the
majority of the teachers will be so philanthropic as to
forego the good pay, which their education will enable
them to obtain in other situations, for poor pay and
hard work as a village teacher.
The school-buildings in Holland are very good. L
inspected several of them in different parts of the
country. Each school-house contains from one to six
class-rooms. The children are divided into classes, ac-
cording to their proficiency in their studies, and are
separated in the different class-rooms. One or two
teachers direct the studies of the children in each room.
There are, however, generally two or three times as
many children in one class-room in Holland, as in
The class rooms in Holland, as in the rest of Europe,
are each fitted up with parallel rows of desks and forms
where the children sit. They are kept beautifully clean,
are constantly whitewashed, and are very well venti-
lated. All necessary apparatus is also provided. The
excellent condition and character of the school-buildings
prove how warmly interested the people themselves feel
in the education of the young.
The appearance of the children is as beautiful as in
I, and a friend with whom I was travelling in Hol-
land, used to go out into the streets in the middle of
the day to see the children come out from the schools,
and walk home. It was a beautiful sight. The little
girls, with their clean and well-made frocks, with their
well-arranged hair, and with their clean hands and
faces; and the boys, with their neat clothes, free from
unseemly patches, with their well-brushed hair, and
with their well-washed hands and faces, form a strange
and almost incredible contrast with the children to be
seen in the streets of our towns.
The children in Holland do not, as in Germany,
carry their books home with them. In Germany, each
child carries a bag or a knapsack, and whenever they
go home they carry their school-books with them. The
Dutch children leave their books, &e. at school. I think °
the German plan is the better of the two. It interests
the children more in the books themselves, and in their
preservation, and it impresses them with the feeling,
that the books are their own property. It enables them
to show their parents what they have been learning or
reading. It gives them an opportunity of working at
home, and of preparing for their class duties. It makes
the children feel that they are trusted, and it connects
the school in some degree with the home.
Such is the system of national education in Holland.
In Hanover, as, indeed, throughout all the German
kingdoms, the education of the people has made very
satisfactory progress, despite all the difficulties arising
from religious differences. In fact, it is always easy
enough to overcome these difficulties, wherever the
higher classes are really interested in the people’s
progress. .
The population of Hanover is divided into different
religious sects in the following proportions : —
Lutherans - - - 1,356,000
Calvinists - ~ - 102,850
Roman Catholics ~ e' ,212;300
Jews - - - 11,000
Memnonites « 3 1,30
Six normal colleges have been established in the
principalities of Hanover, Hildesheim, Stade, and Os-
nabruck; in which the teachers are educated and
trained for their duties. The proportion of the children
attending school, as compared with the whole popula-
tion, is about 1 in every 7.
Edueation in Denmark is very widely diffused, there
being very few persons, even among the lowest classes,
who are unable to read and write. In Denmark, a
general code of regulations for schools has existed since
1817. The condition of primary education has, since
that period, made a continuous and very satisfactory
progress. Primary schools are established in all the
parishes; and here, as in Prussia, attendance at school
is not optional; for, by a late law, all children between
the ages of seven and fourteen years are obliged to at-
tend some public school. The children, whose parents
are unable to pay the usual school-fees, are educated at
the public expense. The instruction given in the pri-
mary schools, besides reading, writing, arithmetic, and
history, includes geography, and natural history.
The elementary schools of Denmark, amounted, in
1838, to 4600, and contained 278,500 scholars. The
population in 1835 was 2,033,865, and the number of
children of an age to go to school was 300,000; so that
the whole of the juvenile population of Denmark may
be said to have been receiving instruction.
In Sweden and Norway the education of the people
is quite as satisfactorily advanced, and in the former
country it is said, that there is not more than one per-
son in every thousand who cannot read and write!
VOL, II. x
“It was from the German states that the influence of
advancing civilisation spread into Switzerland, Sweden,
Denmark, and Holland. The wars which succeeded the
French revolution, kept back for a time the educational
institutions of these states; yet even under a foreign
yoke, and in the confusion consequent on rapid political
changes, a gradual progress was made: every interval
of quiet was in Germany and Prussia applied to the
reparation of the consequences of foreign invasion; and
the peace was no sooner proclaimed, than the govern-
ment of every Protestant state on the continent sought
to rescue the people from the demoralisation consequent
on a disorganising war, and to prepare the means of
future defence in the developement of the moral force
of her people. England alone appears in this respect to
have misunderstood the genius of Protestantism. With
the wealthiest and the most enlightened aristocracy, the
richest and most influential church, and the most enter-
prising middle class, her lower orders are, as a mass,
more ignorant and less civilised than those of any other
large Protestant country in Europe.” * |
* Recent Measures for the Promotion of Education in England,
SINCE the year 1801, the population of England and
Wales has nearly pouBLED. In 1801, the population,
inclusive of the army and navy, amounted to only
8,872,980, while at the present time it amounts to
nearly 17,000,000, exclusive of the same forces. In
1831, the population, exclusive of the army and navy,
amounted to only 13,897,187; so that, in the short
space of EIGHTEEN years, it has increased by more than
3,000,000 souls!
We have, within the last four years, freed our trade
and commerce from nearly every impediment to their
fullest developement.
We have repealed the duties on corn, which tended
formerly to prevent corn-growing countries from bring-
ing their corn to our markets, in order to exchange it
for our manufactured products; we have opened our
ports to the ships of all nations, and have invited them
all to come and take away our goods; we are rapidly
destroying the system of piracy, which has _ hitherto
infested the seas of China and the Eastern Archipelago,
and greatly hindered the progress of our commerce in
those regions; we are about to open the vast and al-
most unexplored markets of India by railways, and by
the flat-bottomed steam-boats on the great rivers; our
people are spreading themselves over all the colonies
faster and faster, carrying with them a taste for, and
thus forming vast markets for the sale of, English
manufactures ; the American people are increasing pro-
digiously in numbers, and the more they increase, so
much the more of our products are they demanding ;
the American corn and cotton growers are beginning
to cry out for free trade, in order that they may be
able to sell us more of their corn and cotton in ex-
change for more of our productions; and, lastly, our
own people are increasing rapidly in numbers; and as
they do so, they also require more and still more from
our manufacturing districts. All this must of necessity
rapidly and prodigiously develope our commercial and
our manufacturing system. It will augment the num-
bers of our operative population faster and faster, and
will enormously swell the size of our manufacturing
towns, and the crowd of labourers in the sea-port towns
and in the manufacturing and mining districts.
To those who know, from personal experience, what
the present state of those districts is, their further
growth in their present condition is a terrible alterna-
tive. Upon the way in which we legislate for them
during the next twenty years, depends the fate of the
British Empire.
Times of terrible distress must necessarily recur at
regular intervals, owing, partly, to the gluts of foreign
and of home markets, produced by the ever-increasing
rapidity of production by machines, and partly, also, to
the disturbance of the markets by bad harvests, by
wars, and by periodical speculations.
But if the population should increase in those dis-
tricts during the next twenty years, as it inevitably will
do, and if no vast plan is carried into operation, whereby
to raise the moral and religious tone of those districts,
it is frightful to contemplate what may be the result in
some season of distress of concentrating such a mass
of such a people as the present operatives upon so small
an area.
I have already shown the condition of the labourers
of this country, and the neglected state of the juvenile
population of the towns.
What are we doing to remedy this state of things,
and to prepare for the future ?
I will give a short summary of the present state of
primary education in England and Wales, as collected
from the reports, of Her Majesty’s Inspectors, of the
Commissioners of Inquiry in Wales, of the National
Society, of the Statistical Society, and of the city mis-
sion; from Mr. Redgrave’s reports from some very able
articles in the North British Review and from numerous
personal inquiries in various parts of England and Wales.
1. It has been calculated that there are at the present
day, in England and Wales, nearly 8,000,000 persons
who cannot read and write.
2. Of all the children in England and Wales, be-
tween the ages of five and fourteen, more than the half*
are not attending any school.
* The following table was put into my hands in the autumn of 1849,
by the Rev. Charles Richson, clerk in orders of the Cathedral of Man-
_ 8. Even of the class of the farmers, there are great
numbers who cannot read and write.
4. Even of those children of the poor, who have re-
ceived some instruction, very few know anything of
geography, history, science, music, or drawing. Their
instruction in the village schools has hitherto generally
consisted of nothing more than a little practice in
reading, writing, and Scripture history.
5. Of the teachers, who are officiating in many of
the village schools, there are many who cannot read and
write correctly, and who know very little of the Bible,
which they profess to explain to their scholars.
6. A very great part of our present village and town-
schools are managed by poor and miserably instructed
dames, who thus seek to make a livelihood, and who
literally do no good to the children, except it be keeping
chester, as representing the state of the education of the poor in Man-
chester in that year. If such is the state of the education of the poor
in this town, where so much has been done of late years, it may be com-
prehended what its state is, in the poorer and less intelligent districts of
this country.
Return of the Children of the Poor, between the Ages of Three and Fifteen, in the
District between Long Millgate and Shudehill, attending Day School or otherwise.
y : No. of No. of Children at Home] No. of Children
No. of po: of Children | Children | No. of who have never
Families | attending | Children | from various | from been at Day
visited. :between|betweenj some Day) at work. ,excuses except) alleged School, out of
3& 10 | 10 & 154 School. } poverty. A aa Bj} Tables A and B.
| 917 1693 518 754 392 i 625 440 * 407
q miei ce 1065 i
| Total. | £62218 ow woh oe SYR ya, | eet * Between 3 & 15
. § Many of these go to Sunday School.
them for a certain number of hours in the day out of
the dirt and out of worse society.
7. Many of these dame schools are so wretchedly
managed, as to do the children a very great deal more
harm than good, — by uniting miserable associations
with the sacred writings, and with the subjects of the
wretched instruction given in these schools.
8. Very many of our town-schools are held in small
and unventilated cellars or garrets, where the health
of the children is seriously impaired.
9. If we except only the worst part of the dame-
schools, we have not even then one-half as many
school-buildings as we require, for the present numbers
of our population.
10. By far the greatest part of our school-buildings
have only one room, in which all the classes are in-
structed together, in the midst of noise and foul air.
11. Many of our present school-rooms have no
forms and no parallel desks, — both of which are to be
found in every school-room throughout Western Europe,
—and in all such schools the children are kept stand-
ing the whole day.
12. Very few of our school-rooms are properly sup-
pled with maps, books, or school apparatus.
13. The majority of our town-schools have no play-
grounds; and in all these cases the children are turned
out into the streets during the hours of recreation.
14, Scarcely any schools throughout the country
have more than two class-rooms; the classification of
the children is therefore very deficient, and the in-
struction is thereby much impaired.
x 4
15. Very few schools have more than one teacher.
16. Great numbers of parishes and districts through-
out England and Wales have no schocl-room at all,
and no place, in which their children can be instructed.
17. Of these latter districts, many are too poor or
too careless to raise anything towards the erection of
school-buildings, and in none of these cases does the
Committee of Council give any assistance.
18. In many other districts, the inhabitants are so
divided in religious opinions, that they find it impos-
sible to act in concert, in providing for the education
of their children, and in these cases the Committee of
Council renders no assistance.
19. In most of our schools, it is necessary in order
to provide salaries for the teacher, and funds for the
support of the school, to charge from 2d. to 4d. a week
per head for the instruction of scholars. This abso-
lutely excludes the children of all paupers, and of all
poor persons, who cannot afford to pay so much out of
their small earnings, whilst throughout the greatest part
of Western Europe, the education afforded in the pri-
mary schools is quite gratuitous.
20. There is no public provision for the proper pay-
ment and maintenance of our teachers, and these latter
are therefore generally placed in so very humiliating
and dependent a position, as in many cases virtually to
prevent any man of ability and education from accept-
ing such an office.
21. A great part of our village teachers are only
poor uneducated women, or poor men who are not fit
for any other office or employment, and who are them-
selves miserably educated.*
* To give an idea of the character of the teachers’ profession in our
country, IJ append here a remarkable and curious statement taken from
Mr. Lingen’s very able report on the state of education in South Wales.
“The present average age of teachers is upwards of 40 years; that at
which they commenced their vocation upwards of $0; the number
trained is 12-5 per cent. of the whole ascertained number; the average
period of training is 7°30 months; the average income is 22/, 10s, 9d.
per annum; besides which, 16°1 per cent. have a house rent-free. Be-
fore adopting their present profession, 6 had been assistants in school},
3 attorneys’ clerks, 1 attorney’s clerk and sheriff’s officer, 1 apprentice
to an ironmonger, 1 assistant to a draper, 1 agent, 1 artilleryman, 1
articled clerk, 2 accountants, 1 auctioneer’s clerk, 1 actuary in a savings-
bank, 3 bookbinders, 1 butler, 1 barber, 1 blacksmith, 4 bonnet-makers,
2 booksellers, 1 bookkeeper, 15 commercial clerks, 3 colliers, 1 cord-
wainer, 7 carpenters, 1 compositor, 1 copyist, 3 cabinetmakers, 3 cooks,
1 corndealer, 3 druggists, 42 milliners, 20 domestic servants, 10 drapers,
4 excisemen, 61 farmers, 25 farm-servants, 1 farm-bailiff, 1 fisherman,
2 governesses, 7 grocers, 1 glover, 1 gardener, 177 at home or in schoo’,
1 herald-chaser, 4 housekeepers, 2 hatters, 1 helper in a stable, 8
hucksters or shopkeepers, 1 ironroller, 6 joiners, 1 knitter, 13 labourers,
4 laundresses, 1 limeburner, 1 lay-vicar, 5 ladies’ maids, 1 lieutenaat
R. N., 2 land-surveyors, 22 mariners, 1 millwright, 108 married womea,
7 ministers, 1 mechanic, 1 miner, 2 mineral agents, 5 masons, 1 mate,
1 malster, 1 militia-man, 1 musician, 1 musical-wiredrawer, 2 nursery~-
maids, 1 night-schoolmaster, 1 publican’s wife (separated from ‘her
husband), 2 preparing for the church, 1 policeman, 1 pedlar, 1 publican,
1 potter, 1 purser’s steward, 1 planter, 2 private tutors, 1 quarrymaa,
1 reed-thatcher, 28 sempstresses, 1 second master R.N., 4 soldiers,
14 shoemakers, 2 machine-weighers, 1 stonecutter, 1 sergeant of marines,
1 sawyer, 1 surgeon, 1 ship’s cook, 7 tailors, 1 tailor and marine, 1 tiler,
17 widows, 4 weavers, and 60 unascertained, or having had no previous
«© In connection with the vocation of teacher, 2 follow that of assistan‘-
overseer of roads, 6 are assistant-overseers of the poor, 1 accountant,
1 assistant parish-clerk, 1 bookbinder, 1 broom and clog-maker, 4 bonnet
makers, 1 sells Berlin wool, 2 are cow-keepers, 3 collectors of taxes,
1 drover (in summer), 12 dress-makers, 1 druggist, 1 farmer, 4 grocers,
3 hucksters or shopkeepers, 1 inspector of weights and measures, 1
x 3
22. In proportion to our population, we have scarcely
one-fourth part as many colleges for the instruction of
teachers, as any of the countries of Western Europe;
and not one-fourth part as many are necessary for the
education of a sufficient number of teachers for our
23. In nearly all the few colleges we have esta-
blished for the instruction of teachers, the education is
very limited and meagre in its character; as these col-
leges depend upon voluntary aid, and cannot afford
to give the students more than a year’s or eighteen
months’ training; while throughout Western Europe the
teachers receive three years’ training in the teachers’
colleges at the expense of the government.
24. The colleges we have established are so poor,
that they cannot afford to support nearly so large and
complete a staff of teachers and professors as are to
be found in almost all the teachers’ colleges throughout
Western Europe.
25. A great part of our schools and teachers are
never visited by any public inspector, or by any private
person, or committee of persons from the year’s be-
ginning to the year’s end. In many of these cases,
knitter, 2 land-surveyors (one of them is also a stone-cutter), 2 lodging-
house keepers, 1 librarian to a mechanics’ institute, 16 ministers, 1 master
of a workhouse, 1 matron of a lying-in hospital, 3 mat-makers, 13
preachers, 18 parish or vestry-clerks (uniting in some instances the office
of sexton), 1 printer and engraver, 1 porter, barber, and layer-out of the
dead in a workhouse, 4 publicans, 1 registrar of marriages, 11 semp-
stresses, 1 shopman (on Saturdays), 8 secretaries to benefit-societies,
1 sexton, 2 shoemakers, 1 tailor, 1 teacher of modern languages, 1 turn-
pike-man, 1 tobacconist, 1 writing-master in a grammar-school, and 9
are in receipt of parochial relief.”
bad teachers are left to do great injury to their scholars
unchecked and unheard of, and in many other cases,
good and able teachers are left without encourage-
ment or advice, to labour on unknown, disheartened
and alone.
26. In most of our schools, owing to the teacher
either not having been trained at all, or not having
been educated for a long enough time in a college, the
methods of teaching are miserable and ridiculous. The
noise in the school-rooms is often so great, that it is-
with difficulty that any individual can make himself
heard. The children are often kept standing the
greater part of the day, and are wearied beyond en-
durance, so that the lessons, and all the associations
connected with the subjects of instruction are ren-
dered hateful ever afterwards. The highest religious
subjects are thus often made odious to the children,
who during their after life avoid as much as possible
recurring to what awakens so many disagreeable recol-
lections. In most of our schools, there is little or no
attempt to interest the children in their studies, or to
teach them to think or reason. ‘The instruction is
mere parrot work. They are taught by rote, and forget
again almost as soon as they have left the school.
27. Great numbers of the school-buildings in the
more remote country districts are of the most wretched
and miserable character.
An idea of some of these may be formed from the
following descriptions, selected from the able report of
Mr. Lingen on the state of education in South Wales,
x 6
published in 1848. These are fair specimens of schools,
which may be found throughout England and Wales.
Mr. Lingen says: ‘ There was no room for making
furniture and apparatus separate considerations in most
of the schools throughout the remoter districts, exhibit-
ing, as they did, every form of squalid destitution. I
subjoin a few instances out of many others perhaps more
Of one school, he says: —
s The furniture consisted of one desk for the master,
two longer ones for the pupils, and a few benches, all
in a wretched state of repair. The room was not ceiled.
In one corner was a heap of spars, the property of the
master, for the purpose of thatching his house. In an-
other place was a heap of culm, emptied out on the
floor. The floor was boarded, but all the middle of it
was in holes.” |
Of another, he says : —
«The school was held in a miserable room over the
stable; it was lighted by two small glazed windows,
and was very low; in one corner were a broken bench,
some sacks, and a worn-out basket; another corner was
boarded off for storing tiles and mortar belonging to the
chapel. The furniture consisted of three small square
tables, one for the master, two larger ones for the chil-
dren, and a few benches, all in a wretched state of repair.
There were several panes of glass broken in the win-
dows; in one place paper served the place of glass, and
in another a slate, to keep out wind and rain; the door
was also in a very dilapidated condition. On the beams
which crossed the room were a ladder and two large
Of another, he says : —
* The school was held in a room built in a corner
of the churchyard; it was an open-roofed room; the
floor was of the bare earth, and very uneven; the room
was lighted by twosmall glazed windows, one third of each
of which was patched up with boards, The furniture con-
sisted of a small square table for the master, one square
table for the pupils, and seven or eight benches, some
of which were in good repair, and others very bad. Tle
biers belonging to the church were placed on the beams
which ran across the room. At one end of the room
was a heap of coal and some rubbish and a worn-out
basket, and on one side was a new door leaning against
the wall, and intended for the stable belonging to the
church. The door of the school-room was in a very bad
condition, there being large holes in it, through which
cold currents of air were continually flowing.”
Of another, he says : —
‘¢'This school is held in a dark miserable den under
the town-hall; the furniture comprised only a few old
benches and tables; in the corner was a litter of
broken cups and-a bottle; there was a starling of the
master’s loose in the room, which, by flying about,
greatly disturbed the children during my visit.”
Of another, he says : —
“In one corner was a heap of culm, in another a
bench or two, piled against the wall, and various litter ;
at the bottom of the room lay a gravestone, on which
the master had been chalking the letters which the vil-
lage mason was to cut as an inscription: on the table
lay a jug and pipe.”
I might quote endless instances to prove the miserable
character and ill effects of the present school-buildings
in Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire. Indeed, Re-
port after Report is too often only a wearisome repeti-
tion of such particulars. It will suffice for me to subjoin
a few instances, by way of illustration, taking them
almost at hazard.
Of another school, he says: —
‘The school was held in a room, part of a dwellinc-
house; the room was so small that a great many of the
scholars were obliged to go into the room above, which
they reached by means of a ladder, through a hole in
the loft; the room was lighted by one small glazed win-
dow, half of which was patched up with boards; it was
altogether a wretched place; the furniture consisted of
one table, in a miserable condition, and a few broken
benches; the floor was in a very bad state, there being
several large holes in it, some of them nearly half a
foot deep; the room was so dark that the few children
whom I heard read were obliged to go to the door, and
open it, to have sufficient light.”
Of another, he says: —
‘This school is held in the mistress’s house. I never
shall forget the hot, sickening smell, which struck me
on opening the door of that low dark room, in which
thirty girls and twenty boys were huddled together. It
more nearly resembled the smell of the engine on board
a steamer, such as it is felt by a sea-sick voyager on
passing near the funnel. Exaggerated as this may ap-
pear, I am writing on the evening of the same day on
which I visited the school, and I will vouch for the
accuracy of what I state. Every thing in the room
(7. e. a few benches of various heights and sizes, and a
couple of tables) was hidden under and overlaid with
children.” |
Of another, he says : —
‘This school is held in a ruinous hovel of the most
squalid and miserable character; the floor is of bare
earth, full of deep holes; the windows are all broken; a
tattered partition of lath and plaster divides it into two
unequal portions; in the larger were a few wretched
benches, and a small desk for the master in one corner;
in the lesser was an old door, with the hasp still upon
it, laid crossways upon two benches, about half a yard
high, to serve for a writing-desk! Such of the scholars
as’ write retire in pairs to this part of the room, and
kneel on the ground while they write. On the floor
was a heap of loose coal, and a litter of straw, paper,
and all kinds of rubbish. The vicar’s son informed me
that he had seen eighty children in this hut. In sum-
mer the heat of it is said to be suffocating; and no
Of another, he says : —
“In the school-room, which, at six square feet per
child, is calculated to hold 28 scholars, I found 59
present, and 74 on the books: some of the children are
drafted off into the master’s dwelling-house.”
Of another, he says : —
‘The school is held in a room over the stable, which
isa very small one. The children were much crowded.
There was a very comfortable fire in the room on the
day of my visit. Some 10 or 12 of the senior boys
were obliged to sit in the adjoining chapel, on account
of the smallness of the room. The chapel had no fire
in it, and was very cold and uncomfortable.”
Of another, he says: —
“ The school-room is part of a dwelling-house, on
the ground-floor, and the smell arising from so many
children being crammed in such a small room was quite
overpowering. There was a large fire in the grate at
the time. The window was a small one, and was kept
closed. The floor, walls, and the room altogether were
in bad repair. I observed, after the scholars went out
at noon (for there was no seeing anything but children
while they were in the room), 1 square table for the
master, 2 long tables for the writers and cipherers, 5
benches, and 1 chair.”
Of another, he says: —
* This school is kept upstairs in two rooms of the
master’s house. There is a door to each room from the
landing at the top of the stairs, but the master cannot
see all the scholars from one room while they are in the
other. He generally sits with the elementary classes.”
Of another, he says : —
«The floor was of the bare earth, very uneven and
rather damp. There was a fire in an iron stove placed
in the middle of the room. The steam which arose
from it was quite insufferable, so much so that I was
obliged to keep both door and window open to enable
me to breathe. The master remarked that it was ‘ bad
"toa stranger, but nothing to those who were used to it.’”
Of another, he says: —
“This school is held in the church. I found the
master and four little children ensconced in the chancel,
amidst a lumber of old tables, benches, and desks, round
a three-legged grate full of burning sticks, with no sort
of funnel or chimney for the smoke to escape. It made
my eyes smart till I was nearly blinded, and kept
covering with ashes the paper on which I was writing.
How the master and children bore it with so little
apparent inconvenience I cannot tell.”
Of another, he says: —
** The day-school (which used to be held in private
houses) is now held in an old Independent chapel, no
longer used for religious purposes, and rented by the
master. ‘There was a raised hearth of brick in the
room, with a grate on the top, but no chimney. There
was a fire of culm burning on it; the heat and vapour
made the room almost insufferable to one coming from
the fresh air.”
Of another, he says : —
«The floor of the chapel was of earth and lime, very
uneyen and broken: it contained a few pews, a pulpit,
a table, and a couple of desks, with a few benches in
use, others being heaped together at one end of the
chapel; there was a grate full of culm* in the middle
of the chapel, but no chimney.”
Of another, he says: —
«The room in which this school is held is a most
* This is the name of the common fuel in Wales, which is anthracite
coal made up into balls with clay. It burns without smoke, but with a
glowing vapour like charcoal.
miserable hut, not fit to shelter cattle in, as the thatched
roof would be anything but proof against bad weather.
The master said that he often suffered from the rain ;
and there were large quantities of straw inside the roof
to shelter in some degree himself and pupils.”
Of another, he says : —
«‘ The boys’ free school was held in a most miserable
hovel, lighted by four small windows. The floor was
of the bare earth and excessively damp. The door was
in a very dilapidated state, and the rain was coming
through the thatch when I was in the school-room.”
Of others, he says : —
“T am about to enter on one of the most painful
subjects of my inquiry. It is a disgusting fact that,
out of 692 schools, I found 364, or 52°6 per cent.,
utterly unprovided with privies.”
These are not isolated instances. I could quote
hundreds of such descriptions of schools situated in all
parts of England and Wales. I have myself seen many
which are held in cellars, garrets, chapels, and kitchens,
badly warmed, wretchedly ventilated, dirty, unfurnished,
dark, damp, and unhealthy Are the miserable hours
spent in these miserable places likety to leave good im-
pressions afterwards? Are they likely to create happy,
moral, and healthy ideas and associations in the minds
of the children? Are they likely to make the children
love what they learned in such scenes and places, and
remember it with reverence and with a desire to-act
upon it afterwards? Are they not much rather likely
to make the children hate and shun everything which
would remind them of the school and the miserable
school-day ?
28. By far the greatest majority of the criminals
who are convicted every year in England and Wales, are
persons who have never been educated at all. Very few
persons, who have received even a tolerable education,
are found among the great numbers annually com-
29. Whilst throughout the agricultural districts of
Western Europe, the children remain in school until
they have completed their fourteenth year, and very
often until they have completed their sixteenth year,
very few even of those children who go to school at all
in our agricultural districts continue to attend school
beyond their ninth year; whilst very many do not
continue to attend them beyond their eighth year. So
that of the children of the poor, who do go to school
in England and Wales, the greatest number discon-
tinue their attendance long before they have received
anything worthy the name of education.
30. The present system is bearing very unfairly, and
very oppressively upon many conscientious and bene-
volent clergymen in the remote rural districts.
The nation is entirely ignorant of the almost mar-
vellous efforts which some of the clergy are making in
the remote rural districts, to provide schools for the
Many poor clergymen, with not 150/. of annual in-
come, are out of that small stipend supporting their
schools and teachers themselves, wholly unaided either
by the public or by their neighbours. How they can
do it God only knows, but that many of them, in all
parts of the country, do effect this prodigy of self-denial,
all the inspectors unanimously attest. These good
men receive and expect no public praise as their re-
ward. They are labouring unheard of, and unknown
by their fellows, and are looking for their reward to
Heaven alone.
But what a disgrace it is to us, as a nation, to impose
such a burden upon any of our clergy! What a
shame it is, that the small stipend of a religious and
benevolent man should be made still smaller, by forcing
him to pay, what ought to be borne by the nation
at large! And what a precarious means of support for
these schools! It is not reasonable to expect, that each
succeeding incumbent can or will be equally self-deny-
ing; and when one fails to give the accustomed sup-
port, such a school must necessarily be closed.
Such is a short summary of the state of education
of the poor in England and Wales, as attested by the
inspectors of schools, by the government and by the
clergy. Whilst foreign countries, by the aid of the
central authority, have established such perfect systems,
and have accomplished such magnificent results, the
system of leaving the education of a nation dependent
upon the efforts of charitable individuals finds us, in
1849, in the situation which I have described.
LT have shown in Chap. LX. of this work, that, not-
withstanding the very large size of the primary schools
in the towns of Germany and Switzerland (many of
them containing as many.as ¢en class-rooms and fen
teachers, and scarcely any containing fewer than four
class-rooms), there were: —
In Prussia
1 primary school for every 653 inhabitants.
1 teacher for every 522 on
1 normal college for every 377,360 ae
In Saxon YW]
1 primary school for every 900 inkabitants,
1 teacher for every 588 <
1 normal college for every 214,975 -
In Bavaria
1 primary school for 508 inhabitants.
1 teacher for every 603 n
1 normal college for every 550,000 %
In the Duchy of Baden
1 primary school for every 700 inhabitants.
1 normal college for every 500,000 9
In Switzerland
1 teacher for every 480 inhabitants.
1 normal college for every 176,923 9
In France
1 primary school for every 56% inhabitants.
1 teacher for every 446 9
1 normal college for every 356,5€4 »
and that supposing we required fewer schools, fewer
teachers, and fewer normal colleges than any other
country, and that we should be sufficiently provided if
we had
1 primary school for every 700 inhabitants.
1 teacher for every 600 9
1 normal college for every 400,000 ps
we should then require, for our population,
23,581 large schools,
26,500 teachers, and
41 normal colleges.
There are four principal defects in our present edu-
cational system, which I would here more particularly
When all the normal colleges in course of erection
are completed, there will then be only sixteen in the
whole of England and Wales. There are only twelve
colleges finished, while at the very lowest computation
we require forty-one, —each capable of accommodating
one hundred students and six professors,—if we are to
have a sufficient supply of educated teachers. We should
not even then have so many colleges in proportion to
the numbers of our population, as the greater part of
Western Europe.
Most of the counties and several of the most populous
dioceses of this country have no normal college at all,
and are obliged to content themselves with teachers,
who have never received anything worthy the name of
education, and who are as fit to manage a school and
teach children, as they are to drill and command a
regiment. Nearly all these men do their scholars much
more harm than good.
The smallness of the numbers of our normal col-
leges is felt all the more, in consequence of the small
number of efficient teachers at present in the pri-
mary schools, and of the constant change going on in
their ranks, owing to the smallness of their pay, and
the abject dependence of their situations.
The great demand for teachers, and the imperfect ideas
at present afloat of the character of the education required
to make an efficient schoolmaster, are rendering several
of the few colleges, which have been founded in this
country, quite worthless: for the directors of some of
these establishments, imagining that it is better to
supply a great number of inefficient teachers than a
smaller number of efficient and well-educated instructors,
or perhaps ignorant of what ought to be expected from
a teacher, permit the young students to leave and un-
dertake the charge of primary schools after a year’s,
and in some cases after six ‘months’ residence! Mr.
Coleridge, on the contrary, justly considers that the
most important duty of the principal of a normal col-
lege is, to form the habits and disposition of his students,
and he is well convinced of the soundness of the con-
clusion, to which all foreign countries have come, viz.
that it is ridiculous to hope to remodel the habits of a
young man; to inspire him with high and religious
aims, and to instruct him sufficiently for the important
post of a teacher in the short space of twelve months.
The greater part of the first year’s residence at the
normal college is always required, for the preparation
of the student’s mind, for what is afterwards to be in-
stilled. It is the second, and still more the third year,
which is the most valuable period for the development
of his character, and for the education of his mind. If
we could have more than this, it would be really ad-
visable, but certainly we ought not to have less.
A long training in the normal college not only
makes the future teacher much more efficient, but it
ensures his remaining longer at his post; for the more
thoroughly the habits of his mind are moulded to
his future occupations, and the more thoroughly we
habituate him to the peculiar life that is marked out
for him, the less capable will he be afterwards of
changing his career. ‘To imagine, that we can in twelve
months not only sufficiently instruct, but also religiously
and morally educate a young man,—that in twelve
months, we can change or remodel the habits of his
mind, or instil into him so strong an enthusiasm for
his profession, as to make him proof against the tempta-
tions to forsake it that will present themselves, —is per-
fectly absurd. Vehrli of Kreuitzlingen, the Fréres
Chrétiens of Paris, and those master trainers, the
Jesuits, all tell us a very different tale.
It would be much better to turn out fewer and more
efficient teachers, — men who would be unwilling after-
wards to forsake their posts, — than to send out a set of
pedantic young men, who have gained a little know-
ledge and no new habits in the normal schools, and who
will be ready to forsake their profession whenever they
can do so with advantage to themselves.
Mr. Coleridge, in an interesting report on the normal
school at Stanley Grove, speaking of the plan of train-
ing teachers, says, that it “proposes to form the cha-
racter, both generally and with especial reference to the
scholastic office. Thus principally, yet at the same
time to give them every appropriate acquirement, —
in fact, a very much larger amount of acquirements
(though this be a subordinate end) than could be other-
wise commanded. Agreeably to this idea, youths only
are admitted and are kept in training for a period of
time measured by years, not months. The force of
habit and association—early and long-continued im-
pressions —fayourable’ influences of many kinds—the
daily sight and sound of good—the means and oppor-
tunity of discipline, moral, physical, and intellectual —
such are the advantages, which in this way it is in-
tended to secure; and to these are added every facility
for special instruction. Yet must this statement be
received with limitation. ‘The object is indeed to form
the character; yet, as the institution cannot be open to
children or very young boys, a groundwork of good
must have been laid beforehand. There must be evi-
dent signs of towardness in the youth at his admission ;
for though much may be done for him afterwards,
much cannot be undone. It is not a school of correc-
tion. The principle of selection, therefore, cannot be
dispensed with—it rather stands out with increased
It will not be necessary for me to speak of the pre-
tended system of training for six months. The utter
fallacy of the idea is self-apparent, and still more when
instruction only, without any good domestic training,
is given, as in some of our so-called training establish-
But can we do without normal colleges ?—I might
just as well ask, can we do without teachers? I see
no difference whatsoever between the questions. We
can do without them certainly, if we are resolved not
to educate the people. We may as well hope to edu-
cate the people by means of teachers, who have never
been trained, as to educate them without schools. Or,
if education consists in merely teaching to read and
write, and forcing instruction into the child by means
of the ruler and the cane, then we may do without
VOL. Il. x |
normal colleges. Or, if the profession of a teacher is
one, for which any one is fitted, and to which any one
may turn as his last shift in the world for obtaining a
decent maintenance, then we may do without normal
colleges: or, if it is impossible for a badly organised
school to do harm, and most grievous harm, and to
demoralise, instead of improving youth, then we may
do without normal colleges. In short, if the education
of the people is a visionary scheme, on which none but
enthusiasts speculate, or, if it is doubtful, whether it
will advance the cause of religion, morality, prudence,
foresight, and order; or, if it is merely a plaything,
wherewith to soothe and gratify the people, then as-
suredly we have no need of normal colleges. But I
think very differently of education combined with good
government. I look to Kurope, and regard the mighty
change, which has, since 1800, been wrought in the
character of the Swiss, German, and Dutch people,
and the great difference between them and the Italians,
and I feel confident, it is no dream to hope and believe,
that we might effect the same in our own land, if we
adopted similar means. But, so long as we commit
the education of the poor to a set of men, as ignorant
and low-minded as the majority of our present primary
teachers are, so long, instead of advancing, we shall
positively retard the moral progress of the people.
Mere instruction, unaccompanied with the true develop-
ment of the mind,—the moral and religious education of
the man,—is a positive harm. It awakens his intellect
sufficiently to render it a powerful and dangerous auxi-
liary to his unbridled and to his unruly passions ; whilst
the religious and humanising influences of his soul re-
maining dormant, leave him like a vessel with its canvas
spread, but without a rudder, on a dark and stormy
sea. He is then no longer dull, stupid, and totally
without capabilities of reasoning, as the labourers in
our agricultural districts, but sufficiently enlightened to
indulge, not only the mere sensual appetites and de-
mands of his ill-governed body, but the restless, wild,
and rebellious promptings of his scarce-awakened and
unreflecting mind. |
The establishment of normal colleges is of such great
importance, that the efficiency of the education of our
poor may be considered wholly ruined, so long as we
are unsupplied with them; and the efficiency of the
normal colleges themselves is destroyed, so long as we
continue to send out teachers from them after a twelve-
months’ training.
Let me ask, is there any thing, if we consider the ma-
jority of the existing Iunglish schools, without choosing
out certain honourable exceptions, — is there any thing
in the present situation of a village schoolmaster in this
country, to tempt a well educated man to engage in
such a despised and laborious profession, as long as any
hope remains of his earning an independent livelihood
by any honest, however humble trade ?
Is the pay in the majority of the schools good enough ?
—Is the support and encouragement the teacher re-
ceives from the rich and powerful sufficient to compen-
sate for the want of good pay ?—Is the honour paid
to the profession of a teacher in England great enough
to make up for all or any of the other disadvantages ?
—Is the want of education so fully undertood by the
poor themselves, as to insure the teacher their grati-
tude at least, for his exertions? Is not the contrary of
all these suppositions too true ?
The salaries in most cases are miserable, and in very
many cases so poor, as to oblige the teacher to follow
other occupations in connection with his office, in order
to gain a livelihood. The teachers in the schools have
therefore in most cases hitherto been men or women of
such very miserable education, and so utterly ignorant
of the nature of their duties, that the name of “ school-
master” has almost become a byword and reproach;
whilst the importance of their work has been so little
understood by either the gentry or the poor, that in
many cases, they have received no encouragement from
the former, while by the latter they have been almost
wholly neglected. I know that of late years a great
change has been effected, but still it is to be remem-
bered, as I have before said, that hardly one half of the
country is properly supplied with schools, and that of
this half, there are many schools directed by dames or
half-educated men, or which are the private enterprises
of vulgar and low-minded men, who having failed in
every other attempt to gain an honest livelihood, have
turned to school-keeping as to their last resource.
In very many cases, I might perhaps say with truth,
in nearly one-half of the schools now in existence, the
incomes are too poor to induce any man to accept the
place of teacher, so that the wives of peasants or common
mechanics manage them, — women, who have not had
the least previous training, and who haye all their do-
mestic concerns to attend to while they conduct the im-
perfect instruction of their classes, What is the cha-
racter of the education given in these schools ? Reading,
the poorest and most meagre description of writing, a
little arithmetic and the most injudicious and injurious
description of religious instruction. Whether I am
right or not in setting down this class of schools, as
answering the description of half our present supply of
primary schools, I will not say ; but it is notable, that
the majority of those established in the agricultural dis-
tricts are only “ dame” schools.
Then how are the salaries of the teachers obtained ?
Generally, either entirely from the precarious and un-
certain pay of the scholars, or partly from this source,
and partly from a small yearly sum preceeding, either
from the school endowments, or from the voluntary sub-
scriptions of inhabitants of the locality, or from the
liberality and exertions of the clergyman.
What is the consequence? Even supposing that the
teacher is a well-educated man, which is very rarely
the case, he is entirely and wholly dependent on the
caprices, either of the clergyman of the parish, or of
the local subscriber or subscribers to the school, or of
the parents of his scholars. Now, although it is most
important that the religious ministers should be ez officio
inspectors of their schools and of the religious instruc-
tion given there, still it does seem to me, that it is
putting the teacher into a most invidious position, to
y 3
subject him to the uncontrolled caprice of any indi-
viduals of his locality. What is and what must often
be the consequence of such a position? It very often
happens, that the teacher of a school, from his pre-
vious training, supposing him to have had any, knows
very much more about the minor details of school ma
nagement, than either the clergyman or the inhabitants
of the locality. In such cases he very naturally wishes
to follow out the directions, which have been given
him, by the learned professors of the normal college
where he was educated. If the clergyman who has not
been educated in pedagogy, should think differently, a
dispute often ensues on some point of school manage-
ment, and either the parish dismisses an able teacher,
or the teacher is rendered discontented, and is hindered
in the improvement and instruction of his children.
As long as his position is one of such dependence on
the whims of those about-him, his usefulness and con-
tentment must both be lessened. There ought always
to be an impartial arbitrator between the teacher and
those who object to his method of instruction, &c. ; and
that arbitrator ought to be well educated in pedagogy,
and removed above the influence of personal enmities
and personal yvexation. Whether this arbitration be
vested in the government, or in the school societies
in London, it matters little; but it certainly ought to be
vested in some person or persons at a distance, who
might defend the teachers against unreasonable caprices,
and at the same time take care that they performed their
duty, and that all sound objections to them were imme-
diately attended to. To leave them in their present post-
tion is to cripple their powers of doing good, and to
make the profession contemptible in the eyes of every
honest, independent, and intelligent man.
In all foreign countries this evil is most carefully
guarded against. The teachers cannot be discharged
from their situations, unless the central power concurs
with the local authorities; but every complaint of the
local committees, or of the local clergy, is immediately
attended to; their causes are investigated by the inspec-
tors, and full redress is afforded for every real grievance.
In Germany, as I have shown, the parochial clergy are
ex officio inspectors of their several schools; and if the
teacher neglects his duty, or is guilty of any unbecoming
conduct, they have first the right of reprimanding him;
and if that reprimand fails in convincing him of the 1m-
propriety of his conduct, they can report him to the in-
spector of the district, who immediately examines into
the complaints, and then, if he finds those complaints well
founded, he reports to the provincial consistory, which at
once dismisses the teacher. In this way, the clergy are
insured good teachers, and these latter are defended
against the whims and caprices of peevish or ignorant
elergy. In France, Holland, Denmark, and Switzerland,
the teachers are also most carefully protected from sub-
jection to local influence; whilst in all these countries
local influence and local superintendence are considered
most necessary adjuncts to the moderating influence of
the central power.
If a teacher feels, that his continuance in office de-
pends entirely on the pleasure of people, who are living
near him, his independence and honesty are generally
diminished; his power of doing good is curtailed; his
satisfaction with his work and with his situation is les-
sened; his own education in a college is in a great
measure thrown away, by making others, who have not
been so educated, the directors of the instruction given
in his schools. It degrades and enervates the teacher
to subject him so entirely, as we now do, to the influ-
ence of any local authority, which is much oftener ex-
ercised in a manner biased by personal feelings, than that
of some person living at a distance. Of course, if we
are to employ teachers as uneducated and low-minded
as the majority of those employed at the present day,
it makes little matter by whom the control of them is
exercised; but z7f we are desirous to make the office
such, that men, like those educated by Sir James P.
Kay Shuttleworth at Battersea, or by Mr. Coleridge at
Stanley Grove, shall be willing to accept it; and if we
are desirous of increasing the efficiency of such men,
when they have accepted situations, we must alter this
state of things.
Besides this, good salaries ought to be provided for the
teachers, independent of the school-pence, or schulgeld,
as the Germans call it; and the amount of these pay-
ments ought to be defined by other authorities than the
school-masters, whilst these latter should be interested
in the increase of the numbers of their scholars, by
being permitted to receive, as additions to their fixed
incomes, the school-pence of all their children. At the
same time it ought to be provided here, as in France,
and Germany, and Holland, that when the parents are
really too poor to pay these small sums, their children
should be allowed to attend the school free of expense.
But what will be the consequence of our pursuing
our present course, of leaving the payment of the
teachers entirely dependent on the precarious payments
of individuals? Why, so long as we do this, the educated
men, who leave our normal colleges, will find scarcely
any situations worth their taking; and if they do ac-
cept some of the present miserable places, it will be
with discontented, and justly discontented minds, and
with a resolution to leave as soon as the term of their
apprenticeship is ended. For we need not think, that
good situations will be wanting to them. There are
plenty of warehouses in Lancashire where, with their
education, they would be received with joy, and where
they would obtain 507, 807, or 1002 per annum, for
work not one-half so laborious as the management of a
village school. The difficulty of applying for and ob-
taining such places exists no longer. The letter of
application for a place in Manchester, sent by a school-
master of the south, formerly cost 14d. or 15d., or even
18d.; now that letter may be sent for 1d.; and the
journey, which a few years back, from its expensiveness
and tediousness, was a positive check on emigration to
those great and ever-increasing fields of labour, may
now be accomplished, even from the shores of Sussex in
half a day and for a few shillings.
The Committee of Council has attempted to do
something to remedy this state of things; but what can
it effect with only 125,0002 per annum in its hands, out
of which it has to support its system of inspection, to
assist in building schools and colleges, and to aid the
teachers of the whole of Great Britain?
We may, however, rest assured that, until we provide
a better situation for our teachers, we shall never be able
to improve the profession, or to renovate the schools.
An income of at least 502 per annnm, the school-
pence, a comfortable house, a garden, and a field for a
cow, ought to be secured to every teacher; and until
these are secured to them, we shall never be able to
obtain educated men for the village schools. I know
that several of the nobility are paying more than this.
There are several instances, which haye come under
my own observation, where they are paying more than
double this sum: but then, in these instances, grati-
fying as they are, there is no security for the con-
tinuance of this payment; and even if it were certain
that each successive head of the house would take an
equal interest in the school; yet still the position of
the teacher is one of the most distressing dependence,
where he is afraid, at each step, of the parents of his
scholars misrepresenting him to his patron; where he
is fearful at each word of giving offence; and where,
consequently, his position is in the highest degree ener-
vating and injurious to his moral character, which ought
to be at least as fully developed in him as in any other
citizen of the state.
But until the state will come forward and assist the
Church and the dissenters, as is done in France, Hol-
land, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, in providing
for the maintenance of the schoolmasters and school-
mistresses, things must go on as at present.
Before I venture to offer any remarks on the neces-
sity of inspection, let me remind my readers of the state
of inspection in several of the European nations. In
Holland, there are EIGHTY inspectors appointed and paid
by government, who have, in reality, the management
of the education of the country. In France, besides
the local committees of inspection, there is one head
inspector in each department; and where the number
of schools is too great for one inspector to examine
them sufficiently often in the year, one or two assistants
are joined to him, according to the size of his depart-
ment. At present, there are altogether in France 200
inspectors appointed and paid by government; and I
find that the number of schools inspected and reported
on by them in 1843 was 50,986. In Switzerland, there
is in each canton at the seat of government a central
board of inspectors, numbering generally about four or
five, who have the inspection of all the primary and
normal schools of the canton: and in each parish of the
canton there is a school society, formed of the parish
clergy or priests and several heads of families, who
inspect the progress of each individual child in the
commune and report to the central board, who in
their turn report to the government. In Prussia, the
clergy or priests are ex-officio inspectors of their re-
spective parish schools, whilst there is also in each
union a regular inspector, appointed by government,
whose duty it is to visit all the primary schools of his
canton several times in the year, and to report on them
to a magistrate of the department within which his can-
ton lies. ‘This magistrate is also the general inspector
of the department; he can, if he thinks it necessary,
visit any of the schools or normal colleges in his de-
partment; he corresponds with the inspectors of the
cantons in his department and with the parochial clergy,
receives their reports, and reports himself to govern-
ment on the state of education in his department. The
same plan is also followed out in all the other German
states; and in Bavaria, with only 4,000,000 of inhabit-
ants, there are 286 inspectors.
Now, the very fact of this general adoption in foreign
countries of the plan of a central and local inspection,
is an @ priort argument in its favour; and whoever
reads the reports of the few inspectors we have yet
appointed in England and Wales, will clearly under-
stand, much better than from any thing I can say, the
necessity of this encouragement and assistance to the
clergy and teachers of this country. Where the re-
ligious minister is a good and zealous man, the school
is certain to receive some part of his attention; but in
very many cases it is not possible for him to visit it
often; whilst from the trustees of the school, gentlemen
engaged sometimes in the pursuit of pleasure, and some-
times in business or in the management of estates, there
is often still less chance of the teacher receiving any
notice, advice, or encouragement. If the teacher is a
really honest man, and sincerely desirous of promoting
the good of the school, he may perhaps go on tolerably
well without any supervision ; but how much more en-
couraged would even such an one feel, if he knew that
there was some one to whom he could always apply for
advice, and if he felt that his country was watching his
exertions, and that his succsss was certain of meeting
with reward and encouragement! France has fully
comprehended this; and her government stimulates the
exertions of all the teachers by the distribution, annu-
ally, of a number of silver and bronze medals to those
who are the most praised by the inspectors for the
management of their school classes, and for the progress
of their children.
But if inspection is an encouragement and a stimulus
to ‘good and honest teachers, still more truly is it a
check and restraint upon the undeserving. It may be
said there is that restraint at present—that there
are the religious ministers. This, in some cases, is no
doubt true; but will any one deny that there are many
cases where the religious ministers are forced, — by
their having already far more to attend to than they
have time or strength for,—wholly to neglect this
additional demand upon their exertions? Will any one
deny, also, that where there are lay trustees to a school,
who ought to watch the progress of the schoolmaster,
the duty of inspecting the school is still more frequently
neglected, and that there exist at the present time nu-
merous examples of schools possessing ample funds for
the payment of the teacher and the support of the
school, which, from the want of some person, whose
business it is to visit and inspect them from time to
time, and to inquire into the character and conduct of
the teachers, —have degenerated in the most distressing
manner; the teachers sometimes becoming careless, or
immoral, sometimes neglecting the school altogether,
or leaving it in the care of half-instructed monitors,
whilst they themselves attend to other concerns; and
sometimes venting their evil passions on the children, —
thus diminishing the numbers of the school, and posi-
tively rendering it to the few, who remain, a miserable
recollection, which they associate with the highest and
most humanising principles of a Christian education.
In this way many schools throughout the country have
become hot-beds of immorality, rebellion, and infidelity,
and, instead of promoting the progress of religion and
civilisation, have been the most fruitful source of the
corrupting principles now at work among the poor.
But what is the state of things in England in the
great majority of the schools throughout the country,
with the exception of the 3226 schools now open to the
inspection of the Committee of Council? They receive
no public inspection, and very often no local inspection
whatever. To conduct the inspection of all the schools
necessary for this country in a tolerably efficient man-
ner— I mean in any manner that could be compared
to the inspection the Swiss, French, German, Danish,
and more particularly the Dutch schools receive — would
require a force of at least 150 inspectors for England
and Wales, and this force would even then be little
more than one half as great, as the number of inspectors
now employed by the Bavarian government. How
wholly inefficient our present system of inspection is,
will appear therefore, when I mention, that there are
only 19 inspectors for the whole of England and
There is still another reason why an official force of
inspectors ought to be supported, either by the school
societies themselves, or by government, viz. the unfitness
of many of the clergy to act as sole inspectors of the
schools. I will explain myself. Isa gentleman, who
has never given his attention to the practical details of
school management, who has never studied the respec-
tive merits of different methods of teaching, who has
never paid any attention to many of what ought to be
the subjects of instruction in every school or to the
minutiz of class direction, school order, manners of
master, manners of children, and all the numerous de-
tails so important to the sound progress of a school, and
upon all of which the teacher has been carefully lec-
tured in the normal colleges by able professors, who
have themselves given a serious and deep attention to
these matters—is, I repeat, a gentleman who has never
in his life given any attention to these matters, and
who may actually have a fancy for methods and plans
of instruction, totally at variance with all that the
teacher has been taught, and who at any rate cannot
possibly have any good standard of perfection whereby
to measure the progress of his school, or the excellence
or faultiness of the methods pursued by the teacher—
is such a gentleman the best qualified, is he at all quali-
fied to be the sole inspector of a school? I say sole,
because I willingly allow, that although other inspectors
are necessary, the clergy and dissenting ministers ought
undoubtedly to be ex-officio local inspectors of their
schools; for they and they alone are the proper
guardians, fosterers, and inspectors of the religious part
of national education. On this ground, in Austria,
Germany, France, and Switzerland, the parochial clergy
and priests are always the ex-officio guardians and in-
spectors of their parochial schools.
What I wish to say is, that this inspection, wholly
indispensable as it is, is not sufficient. We require, in
addition, a body of men who, by constant attention to
all the subjects of instruction and to all the minutiz of
school management, and by constant attendance at, and
examination of the best normal, model, and parochial
schools, should be well-versed in all that is necessary
to the perfection of a school, and should thus be able
—in conjunction with the clergy and ministers of their
different districts, —to advise and counsel the teachers ;
encourage them to persevere when in a right course,
and to check them when pursuing a wrong one; to
prevent a school being ruined from want of superin-
tendence and surveillance ; to stimulate the teachers to
renewed exertions by reporting all those who deserved
honourable mention, and by thus drawing the attention
of the public upon them; to acquaint government of
those poor districts, wholly without schools and destitute
of local funds, which require its assistance, and in these
different ways to guard against the possibility of any
district being left to Jancuish without the means of
obtaining a sound and Christian education.
@ he duty of such inspectors would be to advise the
teachers and religious ministers; to receive the reports
of the latter on the religious and moral conduct of the
schools; to act as arbitrators between the teachers and
the school committees; to examine the schools, and
to report to the nation on the progress of national
This would encourage both teachers and clergy, some
of whom in distant parts of the country, unnoticed and
forgotten, are making efforts so laudable, so truly noble
and so Christian, as to demand the nation’s gratitude, of
whom we now know little or nothing ; but who ought
to be held up as bright examples to stimulate others
to do likewise. It is to be hoped, that if we ever do
arrive at that happy time when the government, the
clergy, and the dissenting ministers will aid one another
in carrying out this great work, that we shall then
adopt that plan, which is pursued with so much advan-
tage in France at the present moment —I mean the
awarding of medals signifying the approbation of the
sovereign, and through the sovercign, of the people, to
those teachers, who labour most successfully in the
cause of the education of the people. Our Committee
of Council might do it now in the few schools, which
are open to them, and conjointly with that, they might
publish a short monthly or quarterly official gazette of
education, mentioning those, who have gained this re-
cognition of a nation’s gratitude, and giving the results
of the examinations in the normal colleges for brevets
of admission to the profession of schoolmasters, as well
as all other interesting intelligence connected with the
progress of education during the past month or quarter.
Each inspector should be invited to send a short account
of the school which he considered most deserving notice
in his district, or of some one, in which some ingenious
and excellent method of teaching was employed, or a
short treatise on some subject connected with school
management. By these means, and especially by en-
couraging teachers’ conferences, of which I have spoken
before, the feeling of a great and united body would
be encouraged among the teachers ; no one would fancy
he was forgotten, but each would feel that the country
was interested in his individual success.
Nor is this any ideal picture of what national edu-
cation in England might be, would all but unite in
furthering it; for all this, and much more than this, is
actually effected abroad, and with the greatest success
and happiest results.
I am not aware of any foreign country which has
seriously undertaken the education of its people, that
has not recognised the absolute necessity of maintaining
a large body of efficiont and well-trained inspectors,
who should act in concert with the local clergy and
local authorities, and who should be at the same time a
check upon, and an encouragment to the schoolmasters.
Far from wishing these inspectors to be in the stead of
local influence, I am only desirous of seeing them acting
in unison with the clergy and dissenting ministers, aid-
ing them to foster and promote the moral and religious
progress of their several localities. The only reasons
we have not long since had an effective body of these
inspectors, are, that the state has not sufficiently ex-
plained what would be the special duties of those offi-
cers; that the clergy have consequently feared that
the surveillance of their parochial education, which is
one of their principal duties, would be taken out of
their hands, instead of the inspectors for the Church
being chosen from the clergy themselves, and being
directed to act in unison with them; and that the whole
country has had far too low an idea of what the educa-
tion of the people ought to be, so that we have ima-
gined any one fit to be a schoolmaster; that it did not
matter what the teacher did, after he was put at the
head of the school, and therefore, that he required
neither checking nor encouraging in any way or by any
I have thus briefly sketched the present state of the
means of educating the people of England.
What is the Committee of Council on Education
doing to improve this state of things?
When we have scarcely one half as many schools, as
we require, not one third as many teachers’ colleges as
are necessary, and not one third as many inspectors as
we require; when many populous districts have no
school, and cannot raise any thing towards building
one; when most of our teachers are ignorant men or
women, and are so poorly paid, that it is hopeless to
persuade any well-educated man to take their places;
when most of the normal colleges we do possess, are so
poor, that they cannot afford to support a sufficient
number of professors, or to keep the students long
enough to give them an education nearly adequate to
fit them for their work; when most of our schools
and colleges are wretchedly provided with books, fur-
niture, and apparatus; and when nearly half of our
present school-buildings are disgracefully wretched and
inefficient; all that our government is doing, is to
dole out 125,000. per annum to remedy the nume-
rous and great deficiencies I have mentioned! When
one considers the enormous sums, which are being ex-
pended annually, both by the governments and parishes
of Western Europe, in promoting the education of the
poor, and when one regards the present state of educa-
tion in England, it is hardly possible to believe, that
in the nineteenth century the efforts of the English
government in this great work should be so miserably
and absurdly inefficient. If the Committee of Council
is really to remedy the consequences of our past neglect,
and to supply us with even a moderately efficient system
of public education, it will require funds to the amount
of at least 3,000,0002 per annum. If it had even this
amount of funds at its disposal, it could not even then,
under the present system, unless local activity were very
much increased, supply us with the means of public
education so well, as the educational systems of the
countries of Western Europe, combining as they do local
and central activity, have supplied those countries,
I would not be understood to disparage in the least
the very great and admirable labours of the Committee
of Council. Nearly all the advancement which na-
tional education has made during the last ten years in
this country, may be said to be owing to the labours of
men connected with that Committee. Fifteen years
ago, before the Committee of Council began to show
what national education really meant, and how it was
to be effected, there was not a single teachers’ college
in England or Wales; there were scarcely fifty teachers
in either country, who were even decently acquainted
with the subjects or methods of instruction; the schools
were wretchedly arranged; most of them were wholly
unfurnished, and without even a desk or form, unven-
tilated, badly situated, and wretchedly built ; inspection
of schools was not thought of; no one knew its use or
its necessity; there was not one inspector in England
or Wales; any one was thought good enough to be a
teacher; the idea of a previous training being necessary
was ridiculed; the subjects of instruction were confined
almost always to reading, writing, arithmetic, and the
most meagre and injudicious Bible instruction, and the
books used in the schools were ridiculously poor.
About ten years ago, my brother, Sir James P. Kay
Shuttleworth, reformed the industrial school at Nor-
wood, and accepted the situation of Secretary to the
Privy Council on Education, and shortly afterwards he
and Mr. Tufnell founded the first English normal col-
lege at Battersea. Since that time twelve normal col-
leges have been built—four others are in the course of
completion—nineteen inspectors have been appointed
— 3226 schools have been opened to public inspection,
—several thousand monitors have been trained —many
schools have been furnished with parallel desks, rising
one above another—many school-rooms have been well
furnished with maps, books, and apparatus —many ex-
cellent school-books have been published — the subjects
of instruction have been extended — many excellent
school-buildings have been raised—people have begun
to be ashamed of the “dame schools” —and as far as
the amount of funds raised by voluntary efforts will
allow, the country has, under the teaching and example
of the Committee of Council, improved the means for
the education of the people.
All this has been effected, be it remmenibert not-
withstanding the opposition of some, the lukewarmness
of others, the taunts of those who sneer at education,
the fears and outcries of the religious parties, and the
slanders of those who wished to make the education of
the people a means of increasing their own influence
and power. Nothing but an enthusiastic earnestness of
purpose, and inflexible impartiality, has enabled the
committee to succeed thus far.
But to enable us to advance any further, we must
have improved and very greatly enlarged means. We
want, in short, much more money. The ridiculous in-
sufficiency of the funds at the command of the Com-
mittee of Council is apparent, when we consider what
we have to do. The normal colleges, the schools, and,
in fact, all parts of the organisation, by which we are to
effect the education of the people, are languishing, and
losing the greater part of their efficiency from want of
funds. The annual funds of the Committee of Council
would not suffice for the education of Cheshire, but
they have to be sprinkled over the whole of England,
Wales, and Scotland.
Moreover, the Committee of Council does not assist
those districts which most need assistance; viz.
1. Those, which have either no school or not suffi-
cient school room, and which are too poor to raise any
parts of the necessary funds themselves.
2. Those, which are too ignorant or too careless to
make any effort themselves.
3. Those, which are so divided between different reli-
gious parties as to be unable to make combined effort,
however, small.
Now there are vast numbers of each of these three
classes of cases, and none of these are assisted at all by
the Committee of Council, and yet these are the very
cases which more than any others stand in need of
And even in those cases, in which the Committee
might, in accordance with its constitution and regula-
tions, render assistance, its capability of doing so is con-
fined within very narrow limits, owing to the absurdly
smali funds put at its disposition, amounting as they
do to only 125,0002. per annum.
We want a system, which would create us at least
twice as many schools, as we have at present; which
would enable the towns to establish large schools con-
taining each of them ten to fourteen teachers and
class-rooms, where the children might be well classified,
and assist instead of hindering one another’s improve-
ment; we want a system, which would enable us to
pay our teachers so well, that we might hope to see
men of ability entering the profession; which would
enable us to support our normal colleges efficiently, to
supply each of them with a sufficient number of pro-
fessors, and to keep the students in them at least THREE
years; which would enable us to inspect each school
in the country several times a year, and to publish a
public report once every year, on the progress of each
teacher and school in every part of the country ; which
would enable us to distribute copies of the report on each
county among all the religious ministers, teachers, and
magistrates of the county, in order to interest them all in
the progress of the schools around them; which would
enable us to furnish every school throughout the country
with desks, forms, maps, books, all necessary apparatus,
and with a good play-ground and garden; and though
last, not least, which would enable us to educate GRATU-
ITOUSLY the children of all those poor, who cannot afford
to pay any thing for the instruction of their offspring.
The educational systems of the nations of Western
Europe have enabled those countries to realise all these
great objects. We, however, are still far removed from
the attainment of this end. Surely it is not impossible
for us to accomplish, what nations less rich and less ac:
tive than ourselves have succeeded in effecting.
The possibility no one doubts. The only question
to be solved is, by what means is this great end to be
attained ?
But difficult as the solution of the question, “* How
shall we effect the education of the people?” undoubt-
edly is, if would be the extreme of folly to imagine,
that there is no solution of it, but a revolution; and
that what Germany, Holland, Norway, Sweden, Den-
mark, and Austria have accomplished in times of
social tranquillity, cannot. be undertaken here, until, as
in France and Switzerland, a social earthquake has
levelled the obstructions to the ‘settlement of this
question. Still, though I believe that we want in
England nothing but the will, and though I am con-
vinced that it would be easy to carry out this great
work of social reformation did that will exist, I freely
confess that I see no prospect of its being done, until
the people accomplish it for themselvés; as I see it op-
posed by the bigoted sectarianism of one party, by the
ignorant hostility of a second, by the selfish ambition of
a third, by the blind indifference of a fourth, and by
the luke-warmness of even its real friends.
Let it not be thought, that I am at all desirous of
superseding local efforts, or of taking the direction of
the parochial schools out of the hand of local authori-
ties; far otherwise: I only wish to see the local efforts
aided, where without aid they are confessedly impotent,
and a security given to the country, that some one shall
provide for the wants of those localities, which cannot
do anything for themselves.
Nor do I wish to interfere with the educational
societies further than we now do, that is, by assisting
them in every possible manner ; by assisting the diocesan
boards to realise their present desire to establish and
support normal colleges, and by assisting the Church
and the Dissenters to educate efficient teachers for their
schools, and to provide an efficient system of inspection
for them all. Government ought to give every possible
guarantee to the different religious bodies, that it will
not attempt in any way ‘to undermine the influence,
which they legitimately claim to exercise over the re-
ligious education of the people, whilst at the same
time it should require sufficient guarantees, that the
secular education of the people shall be properly at-
tended to.
But whilst the church and the dissenting bodies both
continue so suspicious of all government interference
VOL. Il. Z
whatever, what can we hope todo? Without the aid of
Government, I have shown that the efforts to raise suffi-
cient funds for the education of the people have always
failed and must always fail, and that on the other hand,
the government will always be crippled in its efforts to
promote national education, if it does not act cordially
with the religious bodies, and if it attempts to carry on
the work alone. I sincerely hope, then, that it will not
be thought by any, that I am desirous of undermining
the influence of our clergy, or that I think the education
of the country can be carried on without their most
cordial co-operation. I fully agree with them, that the
great end of all human education is to develop the re-
ligious character of mankind, and I cannot wonder, that
they are suspicious of every public interference, which
appears to overlook this great truth. But let them take
great heed, that this suspicion is not carried too far, and
that it is not expressed, when no cause for it exists; let
them avoid exciting a belief, that their opposition does
not proceed from this holy feeling, but that it is stimu-
lated by the desire of raising their order, and increasing
their political influence. If such a suspicion ever at-
taches itself to them, from that day the fall of the church
will be sealed.
We stand on dangerous ground. We know not now
how far the mine has been excavated. We know not
how strong the enemy is; but certain it is that a spirit
omnipotent for evil, a spirit of revolution, irreverence,
irreligion, and recklessness, and, more dangerous than
all, a spirit of unchecked, unguided, and licentious in-
telligence is abroad, which will be the most dangerous
enemy, with which Christianity has hitherto had to cope.
Remember, that it is utterly impossible in these days to
stop the rapidly unfolding intellect of the people, even
if it were desirable, and that wneducated intellect is the
worst enemy to the best interests of mankind. Cheap
literature, which may be had for the asking, cheap
postage, cheap and rapid communication between dif-
ferent districts, the continually increasing interest, which
the people take in political transactions; the lessons,
the practical lessons, they are daily receiving on the
effects of combination, and the wholly unfettered exer-
cise of thought and speech in this country, have utterly
precluded the possibility of their remaining stupefied,
and have ensured their intellectual advancement beyond
a doubt. Cannot we, then, see the consequence of all
this? If religious teachers are not found, and that
soon, for this people, where will the church be fifty
years hence? Where the French church was in 1796
— overthrown by an infidel multitude. Can any one
think our social condition to be compared to that of
Holland? Can any one look on, for the next half cen-
tury without dismay? Are not the cause of religion,
the cause of morality, the cause of social order, and the
future prosperity of this country, all compromised,
deeply compromised, by our present inaction?
And yet what are we doing? Behold us, in 1850,
with one of the most pauperised, demoralised, and worst
educated people in Europe ; with the greatest accumu-
lated masses in the world; with one of the most rapidly-
increasing populations in the world; behold us,-in 1850,
developing our productive powers, giving the most tre-
mendous stimulus to our manufactures and our popula-
tion — resolved to turn the North into one vast city
to collect there the labourers of the world, and to
leave them without a religion! Not only are we fear-
fully careless of the best interest of our brethren, not
only are we acting, as if we were ourselves convinced
that our religion was a lie; but we are blind to the
absolute necessities of the commonwealth. The very
heathens would have laughed our policy to scorn.
They all saw, that even if there were no God, it was
necessary to invent one for the peace of mankind; they
bound their people by religious formulas, wanting al-
though these were of all true vitality ; whilst we, in an
age of the world when the intelligence of the multitude
is advancing with giant strides, we stand still, saying to
-one another, it is impossible to do anything with our
neighbours, for this party differs from one religious
dogma we have started, and that party differs from
another: each thus assuming for himself that perfection
and that infallibility, which he scorns his neighbour for
pretending to; whilst, alas! all are too ready to omit
the inculeation of the weightier matters of the law —
judgment, and justice, and mercy.
Moreover, the very genius of the Protestant religion
requires, more than any other ever did, that its members
should be educated, in order that they should be in-
fluenced by it. The different religions of the old world
and the Roman Catholic religion have retained their
hold upon the mind of the multitude by striking and.
affecting ceremonies, and by means of the senses have
established their empire over the spirit of mankind.
But Protestantism has thrown aside almost all, and
many forms of Protestantism have thrown aside all the
ceremonies, which so strongly affected the mind of the
unthinking people, and which so powerfully contributed,
and in many countries at the present day still so very
powerfully contribute, to excite a reverential and reli-
gious feeling among the ignorant; and we boast, that
ours is not a religion merely of the feelings, but pecu-
liarly one of the understanding. But do not Protestants
perceive, that in order that an intellectual religion
should affect the people, it 1s absolutely necessary, that
their intellects should be fitted for the exercise, or that
the religion will lose its hold upon them and be entirely
neglected? What has contributed to the spread of
many of the lowest kinds of dissent in this country ?
Simply because they have appealed to the feelings of
the people. And so it will be, as long as we offer an
intellectual and spiritual religion to a people incapable
of reflection or of thought, and who cannot take any
pleasure in a service, which to them appears cold,
meaningless, and formal. In this way does the English
Church contribute to the increase of the Ranters, the
Mormonites, and all the wild and visionary enthusiasts,
who have so great a hold upon the minds of the people
in North Wales and in our manufacturing and mining
districts, and who know right well, that a religion, which
appeals to the feelings and passions is the only one
which can have any influence over an ignorant multi-
tude. It is impossible for the intellectual and un-
imaginative Protestantism of the English Church ever
to affect the masses, until the masses are sufficiently
yA re
educated to dispense with all need of mental excite-
ment, which they never will be able to do, until they
can think. If, then, the Protestants of England are not
willing to prepare the people for the reception of our
pure and spiritual religion, and as there can be no doubt
that some form of religion, even although erroneous, is
better for mankind than the absence of all religion
whatsoever, it surely would be better for us, if we had
the ceremonial religion of the Romanists, with all its
faults, capable, as it would be, of affecting and in-
fluencing an unthinking multitude, than the spiritual
religion of the Protestants, requiring an educated mind
for its reception, when the English Protestants have
seemingly resolved they will not educate the people.
Much better to have a faith for the people, although it
be erroneous, than to have no faith at all.
Why is it, that in Protestant countries like England
and America, where nearly all the poor above thirty
years of age are wholly uneducated, we find so many of
the very lowest forms of the expression of religious be-
lief, as the Mormonites, the Ranters, &c., whilst in
countries like Holland, Wirtemberg, and Baden, where
the people have been fitted for the reception of a higher
species of Protestantism, there is hardly anything analo-
gous to these religious extravangancies? Why is it,
too, that in Romanist countries, where an objective reli-
gion is given to the people —where the uneducated
are not required to accept a religion requiring an
educated mind, —why is it, that in these countries
there is nothing like the extravagant religious enthu-
siasm, or the still more lamentable atheism, which is
found existing among our poor ?
The reason is, that in each case the governments
have wisely judged, that it was of primary importance
to the people and to the state, that the people should
have a faith, and where that faith has not been one, like
Romanism, suited to captivate the ignorant, but one,
like Protestantism, fitted only for the educated, they
have wisely educated their people, so as to fit them for
its reception, not in a low and degraded form, but
in its highest and purest spiritual development.
I repeat that the great majority of the people in the
great towns of this kingdom have no religion. They
are not fitted for the reception of Protestantism, or if
they are so in a few cases, it is only for the reception
of a corrupted and corrupting phase of it; and we have
taken from them the only religion capable of influencing
them in their present state.
How deeply, then, does it behove us, as true Pro-
testants, and especially as members of a church boasting,
and boasting truly, to offer to the people the purest and
most beautiful form of Protestantism ! but a form, whose
very purity and freedom from the captivating errors,
which have rendered other religions more influential on
the ignorant poor, more urgently requires, that the
people should be educated to accept it ;— how deeply
does it behove us, to be tenfold more diligent than
Romanist countries, to prepare the people, by means of
education, for the reception of its tenets. And yet,
alas! Romanist countries have far outstripped us in the
eagerness with which they are promoting the education
of their people. They understand the signs of the
times, but we have yet to learn them. ‘Then, and not
till then, shall we understand the real necessities of the
I cannot imagine anything more injurious to the
clergy, more hostile to the influence they ought to pos-
sess over the people; I cannot imagine anything more
certain to separate the people from them, than that
it should be fancied for one moment, that they oppose
government interference (after sufficient guarantees
have been offered them that it is not intended to take
the direction and surveillance of the moral and religious
education of the people out of their hands,) merely from
a vain desire to manage and direct the education of the
people themselves, especially after they have given such
proofs of their utter inability to raise a tithe of the funds
necessary for such a purpose. They are doubtless the fit
and proper guardians of the religion and the morality of
the country, and they are only performing their high
duty, when they oppose any measure, which may seem
likely to undermine the religious and moral influence
they ought to have; but let them be most careful they
do not demand more. Let them take care that they do .
not reject the assistance of government, after having
shown the country that they cannot raise one paltry
half-million for the primary education of a nation of
16,000,000 souls. Far from thwarting government, it
behoves them, 7f they can discern the signs of the times,
to be the first to demand the co-operation of the state,
and to confess their inability to carry on the education
of the people without it, instead of appearing for one
moment satisfied with, and still less venturing for one
instant to vaunt, the miserably small progress that edu-
cation has yet made.
First, then, let me again briefly state what we have
to do, referring as proof of what I lay down here to the
deeply interesting reports of her Majesty’s inspectors.
I. We require twice as many schools as we at pre-
sent possess; nor is this want confined to cither towns
or country, but is equally felt in each.
II. We require an annual provision for the payment
not only of nearly all the teachers we at present have,
but for all that we shall find it necessary to appoint for
the education of our numerous and increasing popu-
III. We require, as I have before shown, annual
funds for the efficient support of at least forty-one nor-
mal colleges, for the education of teachers.
IV. We require, also, an annual outlay of 70,0002.
on the support of an efficient body of inspectors; those
for the church-schools being chosen from the ranks of
the clergy, with the sanction of the ecclesiastical au-
thorities, and those for the schools of the Dissenters
being chosen from among them, sufficient guarantees
being at the same time given them, that no one shall
be chosen, to whom they can honestly object.
First, then, how can we provide sufficient school-
rooms for the population ?
The present plan both of the government and the
educational societies is, to wait until some locality pro-
vides about two-thirds of the necessary funds and ap-
plies for aid, and then to furnish the other third, re-
quiring guarantees for the proper outlay of the money,
as well as the right of inspecting the progress of the
school. What is the consequence? There are many
districts, as the reports of the inspectors only too
plainly show, where no one takes the least interest in
the education of the young; so that no voluntary local
efforts are ever likely to be made, and where, conse-
quently, no assistance is ever likely to be given, and
which remain at the present day wholly without schools
or teachers ;~—there are many other districts where there
is literally no one, who knows how to make an applica-
tion, even if sufficient local funds could be raised, the
population being wholly composed of small farmers and
labourers, or of manufacturing operatives or miners;
—and there are many other districts, where, although
the clergy or ministers have succeeded in raising two-
thirds of the funds necessary for one or two schools,
they are utterly unable to raise more, and where several
more schools are imperatively required ; under this class
will fall nearly all the larger towns of the kingdom,
where, from the vast numbers of the poor, a great num-
ber of schools are required, and where it is utterly
hopeless to raise sufficient funds from the few inhabit-
ants of the district, who happen to understand the ne-
cessity of education. And though it may be answered,
that the National Society has assisted several of these
districts, even when local funds could not be raised, yet
it requires no demonstration to show, how utterly in-
capable that society is to meet the disheartening defi-
ciency in the manufacturing districts, with the ridicu-
lously small funds at its disposal. Why, it would re-
quire at least a million of money to provide schools
for the districts in the north, which are now unable or
unwilling to do any thing for themselves, and are wholly
<<” aie — ee ee
without, or very deficiently provided with, school-room,
for the population.
Whenever we do resolve to undertake the education
of the country, it will be necessary for government so
to increase its force of inspectors, as to obtain inform-
ation of the exact condition of the means for education
in every parish throughout the kingdom. The state of
the different parishes should, then, be ranged under the
following heads : —
1. Parishes, which are already supplied with sufficient
2. Parishes, which have some school-room, but require
more, and are able to provide what is wanted.
3. Parishes, which have some school-room, but re-
quire more, and are unable to provide what is
4. Parishes which have no school-room, but which
are able to provide sufficient.
5. Parishes which have no school-room, and are not
able to provide any.
Now, as I have already shown, and as the reports of
the inspectors still more clearly show, there is no hope
of anything being done in very many parishes capable
of great local efforts, unless government requires it of
them. As several of the inspectors show, over great
tracts of country, there does not at present exist a single
school. It is evident, therefore, that the present volun-
tary system cannot, with all our efforts, provide the
country with schools, and that if we are to have them,
government must interfere and oblige each parish, as far
z 6
as it is able, and assist it when unable to provide itself
with sufficient school-room for its population.
In each parish, all tenants of houses, whose rent
amounts, say to at least 107. per annum, might be made
liable to a certain rate, to be apportioned according to
the wants of the parish and the number of the house-
holders who are liable to the rate. Each of these
householders might have a vote in the election of a com-
mittee of eight or ten members, for the administration of
the educational expenditure of the parish. Of this
committee, the clergy and the dissenting ministers ought
to be, as in all European countries, the ex-officio mem-
Before this committee, when elected, the inspector for
the district should lay an account of the exact state of
education in the parish, showing the quantity of school-
room required for the population; where the required
school or schools should be situated, so as best to suit
the convenience of the poor of the parish, and also how
many houses for teachers should be provided. The
committee might then deliberate, whether it would
supply the wants of the parish by mixed schools for the
different religious sects, or by separate schools for each
sect, and whether it would at once provide for all the
schools required, or by the imposition of separate rates
in separate years. At these deliberations the clergy,
the dissenting ministers, and the inspectors should be
entitled to assist, the latter, by affording all necessary
information as to the exact wants of the district.
I am firmly of opinion, that were the government to
OBLIGE each parish to provide itself with sufficient school-
room, and to leave it to the option of the several parishes,
whether they would support separate or mixed schools,
that there would be little difficulty. Wherever any one
party was decidedly too small to establish a school for
itself, it would concur in the arrangement for a mixed
school. It is when government endeavours itself to
decide upon it, that all parties are alarmed, and begin to
suspect ulterior designs, and to fear the effects of a
scheme, over which they have had no control. All that
government should do, zs to oblige each parish, as far as
it ts able, to supply itself with sufficient school-room,
and to leave to its own decision the manner, in which
this should be done. I am confirmed in my opinion
that mixed schools would not be objected to, if the es-
tablishing of them were left to the inhabitants of the
different parishes, by the experience I have had in the
North, where I have frequently found schools expressly
intended for the church, filled partly with the children
of dissenters, who did not object in the least to their
children remaining, even during the religious lessons
given in the school. But whenever a power from with-
‘out endeavours to force mixed schools upon a locality,
then the clergy and the dissenting ministers, and many
of the parents, begin to bealarmed. Of course goyern-
‘ment ought to require, when a school was established
for two sects, and the schoolmaster was chosen from the
most numerous sect, that the children should either
attend the religious lessons given in the school, or should
receive daily religious instruction from one of the
ministers of their own sect.
In those cases where the committee could not agree
to provide a mixed school, and where the minority was
too small to support a school for themselves, the majority
should be obliged and empowered to levy the rate and
build the school, on condition that the minority should
be allowed to send their children to the secular instruc-
tion, and remove them during the religious instruction
given in the school. We should soon find, that the
minority would not object to their children attending
the secular instruction given at the school, and receiving
their religious instruction from their own minister.
Many parishes, moreover, would require several schools,
and in these cases the committee could easily arrange, if
desired, that the schools should be appropriated to the
different sects, according to their respective numbers.
Where a parish was not capable of doing more than
it had already done, or of making any but very ineffi-
cient efforts, government ought to be prepared to give
the necessary assistance, instead of confining its grants,
as at present, to those parishes alone, which are able to
raise a considerable part of the necessary funds. But
in the poorest parishes, where several schools were re-
quired, the householders ought to be consulted, whether
they wish to have separate or mixed schools.
These parish committees might be called on to meet
at certain periods, to examine the state of the school-
buildings, and to provide, by the levying of a small rate
on the householders, for all the repairs required for all
the schools and schoolmasters’ houses in the parish ; and
when the population was increased so much, as to re-
quire another school, for the building of another school
in the parish. The inspectors of the district would in-
form them of the exact wants of the parish. J¢ would
be also wise to give these parish committees the power
of requiring the attendance of all the children at school
between certain ages, and of enforcing that attendance,
whenever they saw fit to do so. In many districts, the
parochial authorities would not object to put this regu-
lation into force, while government will be wholly un-
able for some time to enforce a general regulation of
this kind. The people would not object to it, if it
issued from themselves, although they would call it un-
warrantable interference on the part of government.
And although, doubtless, very many districts would not
consent to enforce such a regulation for some years to
come, yet it would be a great gain to the country, if the
inspectors could induce any of the towns or parishes to
make such a regulation. But, whether they would do so
or not, yet a general encouragement would be given to
parents to send their children, if the inspectors reported
yearly to the committees the names of those parents
who neglected this duty, and urged the members of the
committees to use their influence with them in inducing
them to allow their children to be educated.
The mere fact of the attention of their parish being
directed to their negligence would induce many parents,
who are now wholly careless about it, to promote the
education of their children, by sending them to the
parochial schools.
Another thing which might, with great advantage,
be left to the decision of these parochial committees,
would be the fixing of the amount of the weekly school
fees. They would be better acquainted, than any other
persons, with the exact condition of the inhabitants of
the parish, and with the sums they would be able to
pay. A power ought, however, in all cases to be given
to the clergy or dissenting ministers, in conjunction with
the schoolmasters, to allow those children to attend the
schools, whose parents were notably too poor to pay any
part of the settled weekly fees, and in these cases, the
parish committees should be required to pay the fees to
the teacher out of the parochial school funds.
Tn all those cases where there was in a parish a na-
tional school, or a school belonging to some sect of the
dissenters, and the numbers of the other sects in the
parish were very small, the committee would inquire of
the minister of the sect, to which the school belonged,
whether he would allow the children of other religious
denominations to attend the secular instruction given in
the school. In very many cases, this would be done
willingly, but where it was refused, the committee should,
unless the numbers of the other sects were too small,
be required to establish another school in the parish.
Where such permission was granted, then the paro-
chial committee should be required to support such
schools, and provide all the funds necessary for its repair,
for the salaries of the teachers and for the necessary
apparatus, &c.
But how should the teachers for these schools, and
for all the schools in the country, henceforward be
chosen? In the case of all schools at present established,
directed by trustees, school societies, religious congre-
gations, or private individuals, I would, of course, leave
the selection of the teachers in the hands of the persons
in whom it is now vested, reserving for government,
however, the right of examining by means of its inspec-
tors the persons chosen, and the power of annulling the
election, if the candidate was found upon examination to
be unfitted for the exercise of his important duties. In
the case of schools erected by the parochial authorities,
the teachers should be always chosen, if the school
was intended for only one sect, from that sect, by its
school committee, and if for several sects, by the mi-
nister and members of the school committee, who be-
longed to the most numerous sect in the parish, sub/ect,
however, in every case to the approval. of government.
When we have a sufficient number of normal colleges,
of course no person should be permitted to be a candi-
date for the situation of teacher, but one, who had been
educated in such a college, and who had obtained a
certificate from its director and professors of high moral
character, and of satisfactory intellectual attainments.
It is very important that government should have
the right of examining every candidate for the situation
of a schoolmaster, and the power of rejecting him, if
found upon examination unworthy of the situation.
Until government is entrusted with this privilege, we
shall always be liable, in the event of the trustees or
managers of a school being careless, (which does and
will constantly happen) to have men chosen, who not
only are wholly unfitted by their want of any previous
education, but who are capable of doing the greatest
possible mischief to the children committed to their
care, by their exceeding low moral character. I have
seen men occupying the post of schoolmasters, who
had been elected by the managers or trustees of the
schools, and who were positively doing a great moral
injury to the children in their schools, and who were
unfitted in every respect for their situations.
It is monstrous, that this should be even possible,
much more that it should be of constant occurrence.
But it is the necessary consequence of leaving the selec-
tion of the teachers to men burdened with other affairs,
who have not sufficient time for a truly laborious and
difficult duty, and who, in the generality of cases, are
wholly unfit to be judges of the capability of any one
for such a post. Imagine one of our country farmers
choosing a schoolmaster! The very idea is absurd.
And yet, I have seen farmers performing this respon-
sible duty in their capacity of managers of country
schools, attended by nearly one hundred children, and
choosing men who were unworthy to be even the
monitors in the lowest classes. Government need not
interfere with the rights of trustees and managers, fur-
ther than to require to be satisfied of the capability of
the candidates, but so far it undoubtedly ought to inter-
fere, making it the law of the land here, as it is in
Holland, Prussia, Saxony, France, Hanover, Baden,
Wirtemburg, Bavaria, Switzerland, and Austria, that
no one should be allowed to be henceforward chosen, as
teacher of a school for the poor, until the country had
been satisfied of his capability of conducting the reli-
gious and secular instruction of a school. Every teacher
should be required to obtain a certificate of high moral
character from the director of the normal college at
which he was educated; a certificate of capability to
i tr i a
conduct religious instruction of children from the clergy-
man or dissenting minister who directed the religious
superintendence of the college, and a certificate of ca-
pability to conduct the secular instruction of children
from the inspector of the district, in which he desired
to be a teacher. By this means, followed universally
abroad, we should raise the profession of teachers in the
public estimation, we should secure a set of men of high
character and qualifications for these important posts,
and we should raise the standard of religious, moral, and
secular education throughout the country.
II. We require an annual provision for the payment,
not only of all the teachers we at present possess, but
of all those we shall be obliged hereafter to appoint.
Each teacher ought to have a certain salary of at
least 50/7. per annum provided him, as well as a house
and garden and the school-fees, which, however, as I
have before mentioned, should be so limited by the
parish authorities as not to prevent, any, but the very
poorest parents, who were unable to pay anything,
sending their children to school; and in the case of
these parents, the clergy or dissenting ministers should
have the power of admitting their children into the
schools free of all expense, on ascertaining that their
plea of poverty was a true one.
We must provide good situations for the teachers, or
we shall never obtain well-educated teachers for the
We should therefore be prepared to provide a salary
of at least 507. per annum for every teacher at present
appointed to a school, on his presenting one certificate
from the clergyman or dissenting minister, who directs
his school, of his religious and moral character, and of
his capability of directing the religious education of his
school; and another from the inspector of his district
of his capability to conduct the secular instruction of
his school. But no salary should be paid, unless these
certificates were first obtained ; and in the case of any
teacher appointed in future, a third certificate of cha-
racter should be required to be obtained from the
director of the normal college, in which the candidate
was educated. Where any school is endowed, the
annual income settled on the teacher should be raised,
where deficient, to 502. per annum, on condition that he
presented the above-mentioned certificates. But even
where any school is so endowed, that the income se-
cured to the teacher amounts to at least 50/. per annum,
the government should demand the right of inspecting
the school, and of having a veto on the appointment of
any teacher in future.
The reports of the inspectors prove only too
plainly, that the country can have no security against
the negligence or ignorance of local authorities, until
government has the swrveillance—I do not say the
direction, but the mere surveillance —of all the primary
schools in the country, and a veto on the appointment
and dismissal of all the teachers in the country. It is
what all foreign countries, where education has made
any progress, have granted their government, and it is
what our government must have sooner or later. Until
government has this direct influence on the choice and
dismissal of the teachers, the education of the country,
=e rere
. _=_—
left in the hands of careless local authorities, all engaged
in other affairs, and having little time to look after the
schools, will remain what it is at present— defective,
unproductive of any satisfactory results, and in many
cases positively hurtful and demoralising.
Of course out of our present schools there would be
but few teachers, who would be able to obtain the
necessary certificates of character and competence ;
and of the few respectable teachers we have, most of
them are at least temporarily provided with sufficient
salaries ; so that the ¢mmediate provision required for
this purpose would be comparatively very trifling.
Now there are several ways in which this annual out-
lay might be provided, did we but take any real inter-
est in the education of the people. But I confess that,
as far as I am able to judge, one method appears to me
to offer many advantages that no other does. I have in
the course of the observations I have ventured to make
on the state of the English poor pointed to the way
in which the out-door expenditure cf the Poor-Law
Unions of England and Wales has been steadily and
rapidly increasing. It is needless for me to remark how
very much better it would be for the poor themselves,
if this relief could be gradually withdrawn. The evil
effects of a public charity of this kind, in the stimulus it
gives to improvidence and carelessness among the poor,
is now too generally admitted to need any notice from
me. It is however impossible, as I have before ob-
served, to withdraw this relief suddenly. We have, by
our own neglect of the poor, fostered the growth of our
present pauperism; cruel therefore, in the extreme,
would it be to suddenly withdraw the stimulant, which
we have made necessary to the people. We have pau-
perised the people by our own ignorant sectarianism,
so that we could not, in common justice, or in common
humanity, deny them that relief, which we ourselves
have rendered necessary.
But we can provide for the education of their children
in habits of temperance and prudence, and having done
this, we might then withdraw that relief, of which they
would no longer stand in need. As I have before
shown, the payment of the teachers at first would amount
to a comparatively small sum. This sum I think the
unions should be required to provide from the poor-
rates. Each union should be required to check the
increase of its expenditure in out-door relief, and to
provide for the payment of such of its teachers as ob-
tained the certificates mentioned above. The sums
required for this purpose at first would be very small,
and as they increased, the out-door relief might be
slowly and gradually withdrawn in the same propor-
tion; so that in fifteen years from this time, we might
hope to have substituted the expenses required for the
support of the teachers in places of honourable indepen-
dence for a part of the present enormous expenditure on
out-door relief. An auditor might be attached to each
board of guardians for the purpose of managing the
educational expenses of the union; and to this officer
the inspector of the district might send information of
the teachers whom he, in conjunction with the clergy
and dissenting ministers, had deemed worthy of receiy-
ing their salaries from the union. Moreover, the unions
might be required to supply the school apparatus neces-
sary for those schools, whose teachers had obtained the
necessary certificates. Of the apparatus necessary for
the use of the school, the clergyman or dissenting mi-
nister, who had the direction of the school, in conjunc-
tion with the schoolmaster and inspector, might decide ;
and on an application forwarded by them jointly, the
union might be required to furnish the necessary out-
This plan would not interfere with private muni-
ficence or local benevolence, but it would always pro-
vide for the failure of those supplies, and it would
secure to a good schoolmaster a sufficient and inde-
pendent livelihood, so that he would be satisfied with
his situation and would be able to devote his undivided
attention to his duties.
Of course, as I have said before, government should,
through its inspectors, require to have a veto on the dis-
missal as well as on the appointment of every teacher,
so as to secure a worthy teacher from all risk of losing
his situation through any mere caprice on the part of
the local authorities who elected him. The annual ex-
penditure in out-door relief is now about 3,000,000.
per annum, and the annual expenditure of the unions
in the national education, supposing they supported the
normal colleges, provided the incomes of the teachers
and the apparatus for the schools, would not for many
years amount to more than 2,000,000Z per annum, and
would not amount to even that sum, until many of the
present race of uneducated and low-minded teachers
had become superannuated or had died at their posts.
If then, government were to limit the annual expendi-
ture of the unions on out-door relief and on education
to 3,500,0002, never allowing them to exceed that ex-
penditure, it is manifest, that the retrenchment of the
out-door relief would be so very gradual, as scarcely to
be felt, whilst it would not be superseded by the educa-
tional expenditure for many years, as population must
have considerably increased ere, we should require
3,500,0002. per annum for the school apparatus and
for the education and support of the teachers of this
country, in addition to the present endowments and to.
the efforts of private benevolence.
There are two reasons, which point to the adoption of
a plan such as the one I have very briefly and imper-.
fectly sketched; one is, that we have the organisation
necessary to obtain the local funds already provided —
an organisation, moreover, admirably suited for the pur-
pose, since it would interest the local authorities in the
progress of the education of their localities, as they
would not like to feel, that they were bearing such
expenses and reaping no returns; another is, that it
would not only tend to check the rapidly spreading
pauperism of the country —- by applying a remedy to
the root of the evil; but it would also enforce the very
gradual withdrawal of that out-door relief, which very
greatly contributes to the spread of that disease which
is threatening the very vitals of our commonwealth. I
look on the withdrawal of this demoralizing expendi-
ture as only second in importance to the education of
the people. I believe this expenditure is demoralizing
the poor. I am certain, from its effects on districts,
which have fallen under my own observation, that it
is contributing very greatly to the pauperism, im-
morality, and degradation of our poor. I have seen
it bestowed in the most careless and indiscriminate
manner, as if it were intended to encourage to the
utmost the spirit of improvidence, now, alas, so generally
existing among the poor. I have known poor families
(who, if they had not had this injurious benevolence to
depend upon, would have provided in their prosperous
days against the return of slack times, ) living in a care-
less and profuse manner, whilst their prosperity lasted,
without the least idea of providing against a return of
adverse seasons, spending all their earnings in drink
and good living, with no idea of providence or foresight,
knowing that, however careless they were, it mattered
little, as they could easily persuade the Union to assist
them, if they should be overtaken by adversity. What
can be worse than such a system? Can it be too strongly
reprobated? Is it not offering a premium to impro-
vidence, and a stimulant to pauperism? I can imagine
no better plan of demoralising the country, than by con-
tinuing to dispense this false, injurious, and absurd
charity in our present injudicious manner, and by con-
fining our efforts to our present contemptible sham of
national education.
III. We require, as I have before shown, annual
funds for the efficient support of at least forty-one
Normal Colleges for the education of teachers.
As I have mentioned in the last chapter, in several
of the dioceses, attempts have been made to establish
normal colleges, which have in great measure failed from
the want of sufficient funds. Until government comes
forward, and assists the bishops and the Dissenters
to carry out these laudable efforts, we shall continue
without any sufficient supply of teachers fitted to
carry out the education of the country. However great
the deficiency of these training establishments for the
Church, the Dissenters are still worse provided for in
this respect. As I have shown, a public provision is
set apart for the support of the normal establishments
in each of the European countries, of which I have so
often spoken, and the benevolence of private individuals
is exercised in creating endowments for the education of
poor but worthy aspirants to the teacher’s ranks. This
is a way in which private benevolence may be very
beneficially encouraged; but certainly it is not right,
that institutions of such great public importance as
training establishments for teachers should be left de-
pendent on such benevolence. Government should
therefore be prepared to enable each diocese to support
at least one good and efficient normal college for teachers
for the schools of the Church, where the pupil-teachers
should receive at least a three years’ training, before they
were permitted to undertake the management of a
village or town school. But in addition to these, go-
vernment should be prepared to provide for the support
of a second normal college in the diocese of Bangor for
the teachers of the schools of the Methodists in North
Wales; of two others in the populous diocese of Man-
chester, one for the teachers of the Methodists and the
other for the teachers of the Baptists and Independents ;
of another also in the dioceses of Lichfield and Coventry,
St. David and Durham, for the education of the
teachers of the schools of the Dissenters in these po-
pulous districts; of two others in the populous diocese
of York, one for the Methodists, and another for the
Baptists and Independents; of four in the diocese of
London, two for the Church and two for the Dissenters ;
of two in the diocese of Exeter, one for the Church and
one for the Dissenters of Devonshire and Cornwall ;
and of two others in the diocese of Norwich, one for
the Baptists and Independents, and another for the
All the government normal colleges should be open
to members of any religious sect, who would consent to
observe the rules and regulations of the institution ;
and if any such entered a college set apart for a religious
sect different to their own, they should be permitted to
be absent from the religious lessons and exercises, on con-
dition that they received regular religious instruction
from some religious minister of their own sect.
The whole number of normal colleges required for
the different dioceses would then be as follows: — (See
next page.)
I will suppose that forty-one colleges for teachers
would suffice for 17,000,000 inhabitants. The question
then arises, how shall we provide for their support ?
Now the expenses of the normal colleges and of the
annual payment of the teachers, together with the pro-
vision of the necessary school apparatus, would not
amount, probably, to more than 2,000,000/. per annum
for our present population. I should be prepared to
throw the whole of this expenditure, together with that
Number of Normal Colleges for the Education of Teachers,
which ought to be provided for England and Wales. .
No. of
Diocese. Normal For what Sect intended.
Colleges, 4
St. Asaph - - 1 Church.
1 Church.
Bangor - 4 iy 2 i Methodists,
Bath and Wells - 1 Church.
Bristol - - - 1 rp
Canterbury = - - 1 —
Carlisle - = - 1 —_
Chester - - - 1 Church.
Chichester - - 1 Church.
: 1 Church.
St. David 5 5 2 {cH Congregationalists.
1 Church.
Dermat " : 1 Congregationalists.
Ely - ~ - 1 Church.
‘1 Church.
Exeter je i ui % He Dissenters.
Gloucester i - 1 Church.
Hereford - - 1 —
Landaff - ~ - 1 ae
Litchfield and Coven- 9 1 Church.
Coventry - - 1 Dissenters.
Lincoln - 4 + 1 Church.
2 Church.
London - - - 4 . Methodists.
1 Congregationalists.
1 Church.
Manchester - - 3 . Methodists.
1 Congregationalists.
1 Church.
Norwich - - - 3 1 Methodists.
1 Congregationalists.
Oxford - - - 1 Church.
Peterborough - - 1 =—
Rochester - - 1 at
Salisbury ' - 1 ss
Winchester - - 1 we
Worcester - - i} oe
1 Church.
York ~ - - 3 1 Methodists.
1 Congregationalists.
Total - 41 28 for the Church.
13 for the Dissenters.
required for the support of the teachers, upon the unions,
substituting it gradually for the greater part of the
present expenditure of out-door relief, now given in the
encouragement of pauperism. I would require all the
Poor Law Unions, within the different dioceses, to pro-
vide the necessary sums for the building and support of
the diocesan normal colleges. I would leave the normal
colleges of the Church in the hands of the bishops,
giving to them the appointment of the principals and
professors, and only requiring for government the in-
spection of the colleges, and a veto on the appointment
of the principals. So in like manner with the normal
colleges for the Dissenters. Government should select
the principals, in the case of the colleges for the Me-
thodists, from the Methodists, and, in the case of the
schools for the Congregationalists, from the most numer-
ous of their sects in the diocese; and a requisition signed
by a certain number of the ministers of the Methodists
or of the Congregationalists should be able to annul the
selection, which had been made by the government. In
these cases also, government should, of course, require
the right of inspection. I have not mentioned the
normal colleges for female teachers, because I am
willing to own that I see great difficulties in the way
of the education of the schoolmistresses. But I think,
supposing it is possible to educate efficient school-
mistresses in the same manner as we have commenced
to educate the schoolmasters; I mean by selecting young
girls of a religious character, and by placing them for
three years in a training establishment, that a normal
school for mistresses might be established in every two
AA 3
or three dioceses, and the support of it be thrown upon
all the unions in those dioceses.
I offer these suggestions with diffidence, knowing the
extreme difficulty of the subject, of which I have ven-
tured to treat, but feeling the deep importance of doing
something, instead of leaving every thing to work its
own way unchecked and unguided. It is impossible to
educate the people without good teachers; it is impos-
sible to obtain these, unless we have a sufficiency of
training establishments; and it is impossible for us to
retain them at their posts, when we have obtained them,
unless we provide certain and sufficient salaries for
them. Why then do we leave all these things undone ?
Is it that the country is not so able to bear the ex-
_ penses of an educational system as Holland or Switzer-
land? Is it that an educational system is not so neces-
sary for a country like ours, where the masses of poor
are so great and so rapidly increasing, as for one, where
their numbers are much smaller, and the rate of their
increase much slower ? or is it, that we do not care for
the happiness or improvement of the people, and that
we cannot see the evident tendency of events, with our
present demoralised masses ?
IV. We require a much greater number of inspectors.
I have already said so much on this head, that little
more remains to be noticed. I have already shown, that
we require at least 150 inspectors; and I have also
shown, that it is impossible to do anything, until we
have ascertained, by their agency, the actual state of
education throughout the country. On this point we
are at present in the profoundest ignorance. We only
know that we have not more than one-half the schools we
require for our population; but as to the exact wants of
the different parishes throughout the kingdom, we know
nothing. It behoves government, therefore, to examine
this matter, and to increase its staff of inspectors in
such a manner, as to enable it to obtain exact statistics
of the state of education throughout the kingdom.
The State has given the Church a veto on the appoint-
ment of the inspectors for the Church schools; it has
also given the same security to the Dissenters, that no
inspector shall be chosen to visit their schools, to whom
they can object.
Let government only come forward and assist the
ministers of religion, and let it continue to avoid any
attempt to undermine their influence, or to take the
entire direction of education into’ its own hands, and
it will meet with no opposition; but, on the contrary,
it will find among them the fullest appreciation of the
necessity of education, and of the importance of the
State’s assisting the religious teachers in giving it
to the nation. But as long as the State and the re-
ligious ministers exhibit so much distrust, the one of
the other, nothing can be done; but that day will be
advanced, when, after the turmoil of a fierce political
strife, the people will create an educational system for
themselves, and will reject the interference of the clergy
altogether, having learned to associate their names with
the idea of an unwillingness to advance their improve-
ment; and the consequence will be, that an educational
system will be established void of all religion, thoroughly
atheistical and revolutionary in its tendency, and which
AA 4
will completely overthrow all that influence, which it
is most important, for the best interests of the people,
that the clergy should have on the education of the
nation. |
Before I conclude, there is one other point, which I
would shortly advert to, and that is the need of assistants
for the masters. KEvery schoolmaster, having the care of
more than fifty scholars, ought to have the assistance of
well-trained monitors, capable of conducting the in-
struction of the younger children. The reports of Her
Majesty’s Inspectors will show this much better than
anything I can say. Now we can never obtain the
services of efficient monitors unless we pay them; for
if they are not paid, they will always leave the school
before they are old enough to be entrusted with the
care of the junior classes. Very few children remain at
school after attaining the age of twelve, and it 1s mani-
fest that a child of twelve years old is not capable of
being of much assistance to a schoolmaster. But if we
paid the monitors of the village schools about as much
as they could earn, if they went to work, we should be
enabled to keep them much longer, and should provide
useful assistants for the schoolmasters. Here would be
an ample field for the exercise of private benevolence.
Private individuals should be encouraged to provide
small salaries for monitors in all schools, where the
number of the children exceeded thirty. Moreover,
_ another good result would ensue from this plan. We
should in this way educate a number of candidates for
the normal colleges, who would be admirably fitted to
be trained as teachers, as their education would have all
along prepared them for this life, would have accustomed
—_ —
mA aff! Slain
ee eed
them to its arduous duties, and would thus have en-
sured their perseverance afterwards in the exercise of
the toilsome duties of a profession, to which they had
been accustomed from their earliest years. So let it
not be said, that in throwing the maintenance of the
schoolmasters upon the country, we should take away
the means for the exercise of private charity, (I have
heard this absurd argument used,) for we should then
leave a field open for the exercise of that charity, so
vast that all the efforts of the educational societies, and
of all the benevolent individuals in the country, would
not suffice to supply it.
The committee of council has attempted to enable
the parochial schools to educate monitors ; but its efforts
in this respect, as in every other, are thwarted by the
small amount of funds at its disposal.
With these few and imperfect suggestions I take my
leave, for the present, of a subject on which I may not,
perhaps, have offered valuable counsel, but in which I
have long taken the profoundest interest. I hope, how-
ever valueless the observations I have made may be,
that they will at least lead some to reflect on the rapidly
unfolding of the democratic tendency of the times, and
of the imperative necessity of providing beforehand for
it. I would ask them to regard Europe, where nothing
at all similar to our social condition exists, and to ask
themselves, why it is that Prussia, Germany, France,
Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, and
even Austria, have judged it absolutely necessary to
consider this great question so seriously; and then I
would beg them to turn their gaze on our own land, and
to ask themselves, whether it can be really true, that
with our social symptoms we are really so miserably
provided with educational means as the reports of go-
vernment would have us believe? Alas! it is only too
true. Here, with our vast accumulated masses; with
a population increasing by 1000 per diem; with an ex-
penditure on abject pauperism, which in these days of
our prosperity amounts to 5,000,000/. per annum; with
a terrible deficiency in the numbers of our churches and
of our clergy; with the most demoralising publications
spread through the cottages of our operatives; with de-
mocratic ideas of the wildest kinds, and a knowledge of
the power of union daily gaining ground among them;
—here, too, where the poor have no stake whatever in
the country; where there are no small properties;
where the most frightful discrepancy exists between the
richer and the poorer classes; where the poor fancy
they have nothing to lose and every thing to gain from
a revolution; here, too, where we are stimulating the
rapid increase of our population by extending and
steadying the base of our commercial greatness; where
the majority of the operatives have no religion; where
the national religion is one utterly unfitted to attract
an uneducated people; where our very freedom is a
danger, unless the people are taught to use and not to_
abuse it; and here, too, where the aristocracy is richer
and more powerful than that of any other country in
the world, the poor are more depressed, more pauperised,
more numerous in comparison to the other classes, more
erreligious, and very much worse educated than the poor
of any other European nation, solely excepting Russia,
Turkey, South Italy, Portugal, and Spain.
Such a state of things cannot long continue.
Showing the Proportion of Scholars in Elementary Schools, to the whole
Population in different European Countries.
Scholars. Inhabitants.
Berne, Canton of Switzerland - 1843 1 imevery 43
Thurgovie x ps et kee tek “ 4°8
Vaud - ee = 1844 J + 5
St. Gall 2 i, Soak WS! a 5°5
Argovie be A ae LOSS. mi} a 5°5
Neuchatel - + - 1838 1 by: 6
Lucerne 3 Hs - 1844 1 BA 6
Schaffhouse ,, Me - 1844 1 He 6
Geneva o£ 5 - 1844 ] A 6
Zurich 3 = - 1838 1 A 6°3
Fribourg 8 - - 1839 1 A 6°5
Solothurn -- Pe - 1844 1 ‘s vi
Saxony - - - - 1841 1 - 5
Six departments of France (each) 1843 1 99 6
Wirtemberg - - - 1838 1 a 6
Prussia - - - - 1838 1 RS 6
Baden (Duchy) - - - 3838). I 3 6
Overyssel (Province of Holland) - 1838 1 A 6
Drenthe . + 1 BVSGS" hal * 6
Friesland > A a LeBG. wl + 6:8
Tyrol - - - - 1843 1 » U5
Norway - - = meso 1 3 7
Denmark - - - 1834 ] py 7
Holland (generally) - - 1838 1 F 8
Bavaria - - - - 1831 1 * 8
Scotland - - - a” is4ger) + 8
Bohemia - - - =« 1849 1 F 8°5
Austria Proper - - 4% ~1B4G: = <} x 9
France (generally) - we Lodau Pal 99 10°5
Belgium - - - =) 2836) mrt i 10°7
ENGLAND ! - - - 1850 1 ~ 14
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