°713>.,lC0 Ce LIBRARY Bes ale UMIVERSITY OF ILEINGIS ae URBANA Pe 5 STAT HMuN T )perations of the Land Department. OF MARQUETTE, HOUGHTON, AND ONTONAGON RR. CO. BOM bee YAR 1880, BOSTON: PRESS OF ROCKWELL AND CHURCHILL, No. 39 ARCH STREET. 1881. ioe “F « STA TEM HN FP OF THE OPERATIONS OF THE LAND DEPARTMENT OF MARQUETTE, HOUGHTON, & ONTONAGON R.R. CO., FOR THE YEAR 1880. SALES OF TIMBER, WOOD, AND FARM LANDS, IN DETAIL. Saginaw Mining Co., for cord-wood and farm. W. 4 Sec. 25, T. 47 N.R. 28 W. 820 acres, $3.50. . - 5 : $1,120 00 March 24, 1880.— Minerals 4 right of way reserved. Mitchell Mining Co., for cord-wood and farm. S. 4 of S.E. 4 Sec. 25, T. 47 N.R. 28 W. 80 acres, $3.50 é : : 280 00 March 24, 1880.— Minerals and ta of way eee National Iron Mine, for cord-wood and farm. N. 4 of S.E. 4 Sec. 25, T. 47 N.R..28 W. N.E. 4 66 66 66 240 acres, $3.50 . : : 840 00 March 24, 1880.— Minerals and right of way Rear Tron Cligs Co., for cord-wood and farm. E.4o0fN.E.$ Sec. 19, T. 48 N.R. 31 W. ~ .N.W. tof N.E. $ ‘ $8 es E. 3 66 3, 66 66 Entire aoe Leper $f 2 W. 3 0fS.W.4 Sec. 15, T. 49 N.R. 32 W. S.E. tof S.W.4 « N.E. 4 Pe be N. dof N.W.4 * S.E.f of S.E.f ‘ Entire Ba = ks N.}0f N.W.f “ 27, 2,194.35 acres, $6 April 26, 1880.— Minerals and right of way reserved. $18,166 10 Joseph Mitchell, Republic, Mich., for ide and hay-field. S.W. tof N.W. 4 Sec. 5, T. 38 N.R. 28 W. 40 acres, $5 Sept. 9, 1880.— Minerals and tay of way reserved. A. C. Merryman, Mariette, Wis., for pine timber. N.W. i of N.E. 4 Sec. 4, T. 38 N.R. 28 W. N.E. CS EIN SW fice ase 85. 72 4 acres Sept. 24, 1880. TNT erate and right of way aera! H. Witbeck Co., Chicago, Ill., for pine timber. Sec. 28, T. 40 N.R. S.E. $ of S.W. 4 Lots 1,2, 3,4, 5,6, ° S.d of S.E. 4 30 hots 2 Ode ed sees N.W. tof S.W. 4 Lots 1, 2,4, 5,6, 7, 8° Dew Ol NU Wie N.W.4 S.W.4 W.. frac. aoNe Woe aks Nig OLN Wee: S.W. tof N.W. 4 « 8. Hit ofS 3 Wires st ‘Wego 19, Sy poryN] Weer tine, 1,268.01 acres Sept. 24, 1880. Me inerats atid Hel of way reserved. 66 44 66 EEE 30 200 00 900 00 10,000 00 3 Sturgeon River Lumber Co., Hancock, Mich., for pine timber. Entire, Sec. $, T. 49). W.R. 85 W. S 4 of S.W. 4 Og IS or iT 66 S, E 66 66 66 66 66 868. 62 acres, $17 ; ; : ; $14,766 54 Sept. 29, 1880. — Minerals and toh of way reserved. Matthew Gibson, Republic, Mich., for cord-wood and farm. Lot 1. pec. 19, 1.746; N-Re 29) W. N.W. 4 of N.E. 4 66 A RG ae &< NE to NOW. 4 66 ceunrceame hee Ge W. - 66 N.W. ; 66 66 66 66 66é Wer saiy SoS, Ww. 4 6¢ OS TN AG 66 : 249. 69 acres ; ; 450 00 Oct. 8, 1880. eels aid ent of way Perera Trenus K. Hamilton, Chicago, Ill., for pine timber. S.E.4 of S.E. 4 Sec. gO.) le 45,8 NR o2, © We SALDBe MALS) ile Gat eed “ “ “ W. 4 c¢ SOW. 4 66 66 66 66 N.W. 4° S.E. 4 66 66 73 66 S. W. 4‘ N.E. 4 66 66 66 66 N.W. 16 N.E. 4 66 66 66 66 ‘ W.. 7 66 9, 66 66 W. 4 66 E. 3 66 66 66 66 Wed. “AS.W. fg". > 17, “ re N.E. 4 ‘“ SOW. 4 66 66 66 66 E. 4 ‘ ONE. 4 66 66 66 66 ie a co NW. 4 66 66 66 66 See Ne de 19, “ w W. 4 ‘“$ SW. 4 66 66 66 66 W.d, S NWP 2d, if ee Swi SEZ “ t ‘ t SW 4 66 23, 66 66 eae NS Wd 4 tt fe ity SAO CONS A oes SU : i i N.E. 4 66 25, 66 66 4 of N.W.4+ Sec. 25, T. 45, N.R. 32 W. EK. $ 4 S.W. 4 66 66 3 66 1 De 4 “6 OR, 4 66 66 66 66 S. Wace ONS Waeh nain g.27 “ “ N. 4 66 99 66 66 N.2 cS, a 66 66 66 6 S.wt “ SOW. 4 66 66 66 66 Han NN Bieee CRs “ “ N.E. ao ‘“ SOR, 4 66 66 66 66 Ne NG Where Tee aves “ ve S.W. qi“ N.E. 4 6 66 66 66 S Ww.i4é S.W. i 66 66 73 66 2902.92 acres . : : $24,500 00 Oct. 26, 1880. — Minerals Abe right a way reserved. Hebard & Thurber Lumber Co., L’ Anse, Mich., for pine timber. 4 Sec. 25, T. 50, N.R. 85 W.. ae acres, $20 : : ; $6,400 00 Nov. 8, 1880. — Minerals a right By way reserved. Leon & Joseph Papin, Clarksburgh, Mich., for cord- wood and farm. S. 4 of N.E i Sec. 23, T. 58 NLR. 28 W. 80 ane $7. 50 : ; A ; $600 00 Nov. 26, 1880. — Minerals and ‘ight of yey reserved. Addie Le Bin, Clarksburgh, Mich. W.iof S.W. 7 Sec. 18, 48, 28. 80 acres, $6. 50. : 3 - : ’ $520 00 Noy. 1, 1880. — Bought for oon wood ant farm purposes. Min- erals and right of way reserved. SALES OF MINERAL LANDS IN DETAIL. Morse & Pickands, Marquette, Mich., for iron ore. S.E. 4 of S.W. 4 Sec. 32, T. 48 N.R. 28 W. Lot 2, 66 66 66 76.55 acres. : : . t : ; : $3,000 00 5 This property is known as the Boston Mine; is capitalized at $500,000; 20,000 shares at $25.00 each. First shipment of ore from this mine was made August 25, 1880. Total shipments in 1880, 6,478 gross tons. Estimated product for 1881, 25,000 gross tons (taken by holders under an appraisement clause). Recapitulation. Acres. Total sales in 1880 for — Hard wood and farming lands. ; ; , : * 3,284.04 Total sales for pine lands : : : : A 5,445.27 Total sales for iron ore lands . : ; : : 76.55 Total sales of all lands, 1880 . : : : 8,805.86 Amount received for — Hard wood and farming lands ‘ : ; . $17,176 10 Amount received for iron lands 3 ; : , 3,000 00 Amount received for pine lands : : ; - 96,566 54 $76,742 64 Average per acre, hard wood and farm lands . 4 $5 23+ a ae pine lands . ; : : ; 10 38-+- ee Ke iron lands . . ; : F 39 19-+- Acres. Land on hand January 1, 1880 : 5 ‘ . 422,148.63 Sales in 1880 . : ; ; : é 6 : 8,805.86 Acres on hand January 1, 1881 j ; ; ~ 413,342.77 Amounts as below have been received from miscellaneous sources during the year 1880 : — For Pine Timber. F. Carney & Co. . : : : ‘ ‘ : $200 00 For Fallen Wood. Frank Conett . : : ; i $43 50 Shumway, Wicker & Co. . : : 20 50 Columbia Iron Co. ~ Ee : 18 50 Samuel Peck, agent . : : : D 88 88 38 | For Grass. John Moore 4 : : ’ L $3 00 Gill & Parent . : : : ; 20 00 M. Desjardins . . : : . 20 00 M. Thibet . 2 : : 4 ‘ 6 00 Alexander Sheilds . 3 ; ‘ 10 00 ‘i Rent of Charcoal Kilns. Leon & J. Papin Trespass. M. Gibson ' 3 : : é $10 00 F. Carney & Co. . é 5 : 150 00 Freeman Bros. . f Spee Ke : 10 00 J. B. Boulanger Sion ie - : 20, 80 Royalty Morse & Pickands, for royalty on 1,110.8, gross tons iron ore taken from Sec. 9, 49.33, ‘* Taylor Mine,” @ 50c. Green Wood. Antoine Dishno, for wood cut from N. § of N.E. }, Sec. 27, 48.30 This amount paid to S. Schoch, G.M., to apply on earnings of railroad, as being proceeds of lands bought in at sheriff’s sale to cover claim for trans- portation against Morgan Iron Co. Amounts received on account of sales previous to Janu- ary 1, 1880: — F. Branstad : : : ’ : $225 69 Even Stensrud . : - ; : 183 52 E. E. Ayers 4 : ‘ : : 640 00 George McDonald . : : : 940 00 PavDhebary torteiudte eae en la 125 00 $59 00 95 11 190 80 555 14 200.00 2,114 21 a There has been collected and deposited in the State Treasury, during the year 1880, the sum of twenty-eight hundred and one dollars, as below mentioned, for trespass on the lands held in trust by the State and reserved by this company, which sum, less the expenses of collection, will be subject to be drawn from the Treasury under the provisions of Act 127, laws of 1875, where- ever the title to said lands becomes vested in the company : — From Hibard & Thurber Lumber Co., on account of Louis La Chappelle. 5 $2,151 00 From M. M. Moralee, on account of Vandrin & Ricord 650 00 $2,801 00 Less expenses of collection. : : : 2 311 89 $2,489 11 Information has been filed with, and proceedings have been com- menced by, the United States and State authorities in the following cases, for trespass upon the reserved lands : — ‘By the State authorities against Hdward St. Arneaud, L’Anse, Mich. Sec. 7, T. 50 N.R. 2 W. and Sec. 1 T. 50 N.R. 385 W. — 16,532 feet ; actual value, $2 per M. ; : : : $33 06 Louis La Chapelle & James Bendry, L’Anse, Mich. — Cut and re- moved in winter of 1878-9. moeeceol, L.odl NR, 34°.W.. Sec.725 and Some OL NIRS Ws — 223,220 feet; actual value, $2 per M. . ; $446 44 Kelsey & McCauley, Baraga, Mich., and Penberthy & Brennan, L’Anse, Mich. — Cut and removed in winter 1875-6. Secs. 21 and 27, T. 51 N.R. 34 W. — 241,714 feet; actual value, $2 per M. : : ; : : : p $483 43 Penberthy & Brennan, L’Anse, Mich. — Cut and removed in fall 1878. Secs. 21 and 27, T. 51 N.R. 34 W.— 22,851 feet; actual value, $2 per M. : ; : ; : : : $45 70 8 By the United States authorities against Wm. Vaudrin & N. Ricord, L’ Anse, Mich. Secs. 9 and 17, T. 53 N.R. 34 W., within the 20 miles’ limit, 293,- 316 feet; and Sees. 29, T. 53 N.R. 34 W. Sec. 25 T. 52 N.R. 35 W., and Sec. 31 T.. 52 N.R. 34 W., within the 15 miles’ limit, 335,880 feet, making a total of 629, 196 feet; actual value, $2 per M. .. : : L ; . $1,258 39 J. B. Smith, J. B. Boulanger, and P. Sands. Secs. 19 and 29, T. 52 N.R. 34 W., within the 15 miles’ limit, 52,665 feet; actual value, $2 per M. . : : $105 33 Wm. Vaudrin & N. Ricord, L’Anse, Mich., cut and removed in 1877-8 or 1878-9. we Secs. 5 and 7, T. 52 N.R. 34 W. — Within the 15 miles’ limit, 310,337 feet ; actual value, $2 per M. A : $670 71 J. B. Smith, Eugene Parault & Maltete, cutting done and logs re- moved in winter 1878-9. Sec. 29, T. 51 N.R. 384 W. — Within the 15 miles’ limit, 310,-° 337 feet ; actual value, $2 per M. : ‘ : $620 67 Statement showing the issue of options and leases upon the Company’s mineral lands during the year 1880, and up to March 15, 1881. John A. Kruse and C. L. Wendel. S.E. d of S.W. 1. Sec. 33, T. 40 N.Ri 29 W.—40 acres. Terms, 60 cents a ton on minimum of 5,000 tons per year,— lease to run 20 years. ‘This piece is in the Menominee district, one-half - mile from the noted Norway mine (which produced, last year, up- wards of 190,000 tons of ore) and is believed to be valuable min- eral land. G. J. Northrop, yes Mich. S.E. 4 of S.W. 3 andS.W. ji of S.E. 3. Sec. 1, T. 46 N. R. 30 far te 80 acres. “Tents, 50 cents per ton on minimum of 10,000 tons per year. Lease to run 20 years. 9 G. J. Northrop, Marquette, Mich. S.E. 3 of S.W. }. Sec. 1, T. 46 N.R. 30 W.—80 acres. Terms, 50 cents on minimum of 10,000 tons per year, — lease to run 20 years. Mixed ore has been found on both the last-mentioned properties, and they are thought to carry the extension of the Republic vein. The Republic mine shipped last year upwards of 234,000 tons of ore. ; Alfred Kidder, Marquette, Mich. S. L of N.W. dand N. 3 of S.W. 4. Sec. 29, T. 48 N.R. 29 W.—160 acres. Terms, 50 cents per ton for specular or magnetic ore, and 35 cents per ton for hard and soft hematite, on a minimum of 10,000 tons per year,— lease to run 20 years; half mineral rights. Ore has been found in quality and quantity on this property to warrant the development of it. A company has been organized — capital stock, $500,000. Transfer of this option has been made to said company —the Dalliba Iron Mining Co. A branch rail- road track is being constructed to the property to furnish shipping facilities. ; Amount of ore in stock ready for shipment, 100 gross tons ; esti- mated product for 1881, 20,000 gross tons. This season will, no doubt, place this property in rank with our producing and paying mines. N. Lonstorf, Negaunee, Mich. S. A of N. 4. S.E. j of S.E. } and N.W. 4 of S. E. 4 and 8.W. 4. Sec. 25, T. 48 N. R. 29 W.— 400 acres. Terms, 60 cents on hard ore and 50 cents on soft ore per ton on minimum of 10,000 tons per year. This property is well situated in the hematite dis- trict of Negaunee, although nothing more than ‘ indications” has as yet been found. George Berringer, Negaunee, Mich. S. d of S. W. i, Sec. 7, T. 46 N.R. 30 W. — 80 acres. Terms, 50 and 85 cents per ton for hard and soft ore, respectively, on a minimum of 5,000 tons per year, — lease to run 15 years. Ore 10 exists on this property, and active work is now going on to demon- strate the value. This parcel is believed to be valuable. Alfred Kidder, Marquette, Mich. N.E. d+ of S.E. 4 and 8.W. 4 of S.E. 4, Sec. 29, T. 48 N.R. 29 W.—80 acres. Potinet 50 aie per ton for specular and magnetic ore, and 35 cents per ton for hard and soft hematite ore on a mini- : mum of 10,000 tons per year, + minerals, — lease to run 20 years. Exploration of this tract is in progress, and as it adjoins the prop- erty upon which was found the extensive ‘‘ Dalliba” vein, it is believed that it will turn out well. James McKercher, Spurr Mt., Mich. S.E. + of N.E. 4 and Lot 3, Sec. 17, T. 48 N. R. 31 W.—77 39, acres. ‘Terms, 50 cents per ton ona minimum of 10,000 tons per year,— lease to run 15 years. One-half interest transferred March 14, 1881, toS. M. Billings, of Marquette, Mich. Active work is going on upon this parcel with very favorable in- dications, and although the parties are somewhat troubled with water, they are very hopeful of developing a mine. C. Y. Osburn; Marquette, Mich. N.E. 3, Sec. 9, T. 47 N.R. 29 W.— 160 acres. Terms, 50 cents and 385 cents for hard and soft ore per ton, respectively, on a mini- mum of 10,000 tons per year, — lease to run 20 years. Only pre- liminary examination of this property previous to work has as yet ‘ been made. It is believed to be valuable as carrying the extension of the new ‘* Humboldt” find. C. Y. Osburn, Marquette, Mich. N.E. fof N.W. } and S. 3 of N.W. 4, T. 47 N.R. 28 W. — 120 acres. Terms, 50 me 35 Late per hard and soft ore, respectively, on a minimum of 10,000 tons per year. Lease to run 20 years. This property is in same condition, as to work and prospective value, as the parcel immediately above. Magnetic attractions are very strong. Work to commence at once. 11 J. M. Wilkinson, Marquette, Mich. E. Sof N.E. 4 and Lot 3, Sec. 21, T. 48 N.R. 31 W.— 102 acres. Terms, 50 and 35 cents per ton for hard and soft ore, respectively, on aminimum of 10,000 tons per year, —lease to run 20 years. This property is on the Michigammic belt, and has an out-crop of ore upon the northern part, within 100 yards of the railroad track. It is very favorably located and the indications are good. Work to commence at-once. . George Berringer, Negaunee, Mich. EK. 4 of N.E. 4, Sec. 1, T. 45 N.R. 82 W.—80 acres. Terms, 50 and 35 cents per ton for hard and soft ore, respectively, on a minimum of 5,000 tons per year, — lease to run 15 years. Work has been in progress upon this land all winter, with the result of the finding of mixed ore, so as to warrant a continuance of exploration. ‘The district in which this property lies is thought to contain large deposits of iron ore, although no systematic ex- ploration has hitherto taken place. C. Y. Osburn, Marquette, Mich. / W. 4 -of N.W. 4, and N.E.4 of N.E. 4, Sec. 7, T. 47 N.R. 29 W.— 120 acres. Terms, 50 and 35 cents per ton for hard and soft ore, respectively, on a minimum of 5,000 tons per year, — jease to run 20 years. This property lies in proximity to the noted Champion Mine; but has been taken by reason of the be- lief that it carries the extension of the new ‘**‘ Humboldt” dis- | covery. Magnetic attractions are good. Work to commence at once. C. H. Wright and others, Marquette, Mich. N.W. 4, Sec. 31, T.48 N.R. 28 W.—160 acres. Terms, 50 and 35 cents per ton for hard and soft ore, respectively, on a minimum of 10,000 tons per year,— lease to run 20 years. The western extension of the Boston and Sterling Mines is be- lieved to be upon this property. Explorations both east and - west have been in progress all winter, and work is now to com- mence upon this parcel. 12 Alfred Kidder, Marquette, Mich. S.4 of N.W. 4, Sec. 26, T. 48 N.R. 29 W.— 80 acres. Terms, 50 and 85 cents per ton for hard and soft ore, respectively, on a minimum of 10,000 tons per year,— lease to run 20 years. This is good property, as lying in range of and between the Dalliba and Sterling Mines. Alfred Kidder, Marquette, Mich. S.W. 4, Sec. 27, T. 48 N.R. 29 W.— 160 acres. Terms, 50 cents per ton for specular or magnetic ore, and 35 cents for hard and soft hematite ore, on a minimum of 10,000 tons per year,— lease to run 20 years; half minerals. Remarks ,as to the parcel immediately preceding apply to this property. James McKircher, Spurr Mt., Mich. N.4 of S.E. 4, Sec. 17, T. 48 N.R. 31 W.— 80 acres. Terms, 50 cents per ton on a minimum of 10,000 tons per year,— lease to run 15 years. One-half interest transferred March 14, 1881, to S. M. Billings, of Marquette, Mich. This property lies in what is called the Michigamme belt. Explorations are in progress with fair prospects. Joy C. Morse, Marquette, Mich. N.E. 4 of S.W. 4, and 8.4 of S,W. 4, Sec, 3, T. 47 N.R. 29 W.— 120 acres. Terms, 50 and 35 cents per ton for hard and soft ore, respectively, on a minimum of 10,000 tons per year,— ieee to run 20 years. There are strong probabilities that the Humboldt extension crosses this property, and it has been taken upon such belief. Joy C. Morse, Marquette, Mich. S.E. 4, Sec. 3, T. 47 N.R. 29 W.— 160 acres. Terms, 50 and 35 cents per ton for hard and soft ore, respectively, on a minimum of 10,000 per year,— lease to run 20 years. Very favorably lo- cated,— same remarks apply to this piece as to that immediately — preceding. 13 Norman McLeod and V. B. Cochrane, Negaunee, Mich. S. 4 of S.E. 4, Sec. 19, T. 47 N.R. 30 W.— 80 acres. Terms, 50 cents per ton, on a minimum of 10,000 tons per year,— lease to run 20 years. This property contains an out-crop, 15 feet wide, of ore which assays 50 per cent. metallic iron. It is believed that exploration will develop a valuable deposit. Alfred Kidder and others, Marquette, Mich. W.i Sec. 31, T. 47, N.R. 830 W.—160 acres. Terms, 50 and 35 cents per ton for hard and soft ore, respectively, on a mini- mum of 10,000 tons per year, —lease to run 20 years. Ore has been found upon this parcel, —its proximity to an opening called the ‘‘ Berea,” has led to its exploration. C. HE. Wright, Marquette, Mich. Lots 1, 2, and 3, Sec. 21, T. 48, N.R. 30 W.—107 acres. Terms, 50 and 35 cents per ton for hard and soft ore, respectively, onaminimum of 5,000 tons per year, —lease to run 20 years. Mixed ore has been found on this tract, and further explorations are warranted. Some trouble from water is apprehended, but exploration will be prosecuted with vigor. , Alfred Kidder, Marquette, Mich. N.E. }, Sec. 29, T. 48 N.R. 29 W.—170 acres. Terms, 50 cents per ton for specular or magnetic ore, and 35 cents per ton for hard and soft hematite ore, ona minimum of 10,000 tons per year, lease to run 20 years. One-half minerals. This land is in the Boston and Sterling ranges, and between the latter and the new Dalliba mine. It is believed to be good property. David Morgan, Negaunee, Mich. S. 4 of S.E. 2, Sec. 18, T. 46, N.R, 27 W.—80 acres. Terms, 50 and 85 cents per ton, respectively, for hard and soft ore, ona minimum of 10,000 tons per year,—lease to run 15 years. This parcel adjoins a very recent discovery, which is said to be extensive and valuable. Work is to be begun shortly. 14 Joseph Gannon, Negaunee, Mich. S. 4 of S.W. 4, Sec. 18, T. 46, N.R. 27 W.—80 acres. Terms, 50 and 85 cents per ton, for hard and soft ore, respect- ively, on a minimum of 10,000 tons per year, —lease to run 15 years. This parcel is in the same situation and condition as that immediately preceding. James McKircher and S. M. Billings. S. 4 of S.W. 4, Sec. 15, T. 48, N.R. 31 W.—80 acres. Terms, 50 cents per ton on a minimum of 10,000 tons per year, — lease to run 15 years. Recent explorations have led to the belief that a vein of ore crosses this property, and it is proposed to commence work upon it at once. It is on the Michigamme belt, and is probably valuable. J. M. Stiles and L. I. Holcomb, Marquette, Mich. Lots 1 and 2, Sec. 17, T. 48, N.R. 31 W.— 78 589 acres. Terms, 50 cents per ton on a minimum of 10,000 tons per year, — lease to run 15, years. ‘This tract is thought to be the most promising spot in Sec. 17; but as only a little preliminary work has been done, nothing can be said, except that the indications are very favorable. | William Rodda and James Coad, Clarksburgh, Mich. S. 4 of S.W. 4, Sec. 21, T. 48, N.R. 29 W.— 80 acres. Terms, 50 cents per ton ona minimum of 10,000 tons per year, — lease to run 20 years. Indications on this tract are good; but not enough work has been done to demonstrate its value. O. S. Bond, Toledo, Ohio. Lot 7. Sec. 7, T. 46, N.R. 29 W.—26 {9 acres. Terms, 100 50 cents per ton on a minimum of 5,000 tons per year, — lease to run 10 years. Until this winter no exploration has been made of this tract of land, although it adjoins the celebrated Republic mine. It is an attractive parcel for explorers, and will, no doubt, be thoroughly examined. As yet, nothing can be said, except that the Republic vein is believed to cross the property. 15 E.G. & J. O. St. Clair, Ishpeming, Mich. S.W.4o0f N.W. f and W. 4 of S.W. 4, Sec. 27, T. 47, N.R. 27 W.—120 acres. Terms, 50 cents per ton on a minimum of 10,000 tons per year, — lease torun 20 years. This property is in the Ishpeming district, close to the Saginaw and Winthrop mines. Exploration is progressing with fair prospects. Thomas Buckley, Negaunee, Mich. S. 4 of N.W. 4, Sec. 25, T. 48, N.R. 27 W.—80 acres. For argentiferous galena— terms, 20 per centum of gross proceeds, — lease to run 10 years. ‘This tract is some five miles south of any previous discovery of this mineral upon the company’s lands. An - assay of specimens taken from a vein upon the Company’s lands in T. 49, N.R. 27 W., gave as a result 19585, ounces silver and 54 per centum lead; but upon this tract the exploration is not in so forward a state as to enable one to give an intelligent opinion. Lands of this character have been much neglected by explorers. Numerous applications are now under consideration, of which the below-mentioned will be executed as soon as the papers can be made out. | Geo. P. Cummings, Marquette, Mich. Lot 7, Sec. 21, T. 48, N.R. 30 W. — 14 acres. E. A. Wetmore and G. J. Northrop, Marquette, Mich. Frac. Sec 35, T. 48, N.R. 80 W.— 200 acres. _ Byron M. Colwell, Ishpeming, Mich. N.W. 4 of N.E. f and N. 4 of N.W. 4, Sec. 15, T. 47, N.R. 29 W.—120 acres. Ferdinand Bending, Marquette, Mich. Lots 4 and 5, Sec. 21, T. 48, N.R. 30 W. 624% acres. Jacob Schneider, Negaunee, Mich. N.E. 4 of S.E. 4, Sec. 32, T. 48, N.R. 26 W.-— 40 acres. Samuel E. Byrne, Marquette, Mich. N. dof N.E. 4, Sec. 21, T. 47, N.R. 28 W. — 80 acres. S. P. Hly, Cleveland, Ohio. 16 N.E. } of S.E. }and S. 4 of S.E. }, Sec. 15, T. 47, N.R. 32 W.—120 acres. Same. N.4 of N.E. 4, Sec. 23, T. 47, N.R. 32 W.—80 acres. Same. N.E. } of N.W. 4 and 8.4 o0f N.W. 4, Sec. 23, T. 47, N.R. 32 W.— 120 acres. Same. S.W. 4, Sec. 23, T. 47, N.R. 32 W.— 160 acres. Same. S.E. 3, Sec. 28, T. 47, N.R. 32 W. — 160 acres. J. S. Beatly, Appleton, Wis. N. d of S.W. }, Sec. 7, T. 46, N.R. 30 W. — 80 acres. ALLOTMENTS TO INTENDING PURCHASERS. Statement showing acreage and estimated value of allotments of land to intending purchasers for examination for wood, farm, and lumbering purposes. Acres. T. 45 N.R. 29 W. 5,072.52 T. 44 N.R. 30 W. 3,511.81 T. 44 N.R. 31 W. 3,474.02 T. 44 N.R. 29 W. 1,350 T. 48 N.R. 27 W. ) T. 49. N.R. 27 W. | T. 48 N.R. 28 W. | T. 49 N.R. 28 W. | T. 48 N.R. 29 W. ruin T. 49 N.R. 29 W. | T. 50 N.R. 28 W. | T. 50 N.R. 29 W. J | T. 45 N.R. 80 W. 8,576.14 Estimated Value. $64,740 00 24,084 00 10,074 00 8,000 00 65,538 76 20,900 00 os eee . 46 N.R. 32 W. . 46 N.R. 33 W. . 48 N.R. 34 W. . 48 N.R. 34 W. 47 NR. 27 W. . 48 N.R. 26 W. 17 5,040.82 7,653.21 626.80 624.80 40 54,815.48 NEW DISCOVERIES. $32,391 00 24,873 93 6,268 00 12,496 00 500 00 480 00 $270,345 69 New discoveries on and adjoining lands of M.H. & O. R.R. Co. which have been capitalized. _ Boston Mine, on Sec. 32, T. 48, N.R. 28 W. 20,000 shares at $25 each, $500,000. First shipment of ore, Aug. 25, 1880. Total shipments for year 1880, 6,478 tons. In stock this date, 6,000 tons. Estimated product for year 1881, 25,000 tons. This property was sold to present owners by M.H. & O. Reh. Co: Sterling Mine, on Sec. 82, T. 48, N.R. 28 W. 20,000 shares at $25 each, $500,000. First shipment of ore, Oct. 19, 1880. Total shipments for year 1880, 1,197 tons. In stock at this date, 2,000 tons. Estimated product for year 1881, 10,000 tons. This property is the western extension of the Boston mine, and is adjacent to M.H. & O. R.R. lands. Northampton Mine, on Sec. 30, T. 48, N.R. 29 W. A new discovery on Champion Iron Company’s property. In stock at this date, 2,500 tons. Estimated product for 1881, 15,000 tons. Adjacent to M.H. & O. R.R. lands. 18 Conrad Mine, on Secs. 7 and 18, T. 47, N.R. 28 W. ' Twenty thousand shares at $25 each, $500,000. Ore in stock at this date, 100 tons. Estimated product for 1881, 20,000 tons. Adjacent to M.H. & O. R.R. lands. Dalliba Mine, on Sec. 29, T. 48, N.R. 29 W. Twenty thousand shares at $25 each, $500,000. Ore in stock at this date, 100 tons. Estimated product for 1881, 20,000 tons. The income by royalty to M.H. & O. R.R. Co. will probably reach $5,000 to $6,000 the coming season. West Republic Mine, on Sec. 7, T. 46, N.R. 29 W. Twenty thousand shares at $25 each, $500,000. Ore in stock at this date, 1,000 tons. Estimated product for 1881, 10,000 tons. Adjoins M.H. & O. R.R. lands. Taylor Mine, on Sec. 9, T. 49, N.R. 33 W. Twenty thousand shares at $25 each, $500,000. First shipment of ore, September 29, 1880. Total product in 1880, 1,110 tons. Ore in stock at this date, 5,000 tons. Estimated product for 1881, 20,000 tons. Royalty received by M.H. & O. R.R. Co., for 1880, 1,110 tons, $555. Estimated income from royalty in 1881, $10,000. Whilst it will be noted that the development of the land grant for the period covered by the report has not been large, it should be remembered that no previous attempt has been made by the company, either to put its lands in market or to encourage explora- tion of them for minerals; that only now the lumbermen of the lower peninsula are beginning to look to this north-western country for new operations, and that the settlers are just beginning to push northward of Wisconsin in quest of farms. Previous to 1880 ex- 19 ploration for iron ore in this section had been but desultory and inconstant, but with the gratifying result of last season’s work, in new discoveries of iron deposits, the volume of exploration may be confidently expected to largely increase. The want of adequate means of transportation has had much to do with the backward condition of this region; but in view of the prosperous state of the country, and the numerous schemes for new means of intercommunication, a rapid development of its resources may be reasonably expected. JOHN HORNLY, Land Commissioner. os N 000'¢¢1°8z9°T 000‘000‘°E2T 000‘000‘9F 000‘000°FT 000°002'F 000‘000°9 000‘0E1‘s 000‘098'F edb D80%S 000'910°S 009‘00¢‘¢ 000‘000°S 000°002z‘TS 000°000‘08 000‘008‘¢ 000‘0¢¢‘s 000‘SLF FL 000°61Z°6S ¢ ad 000°E82‘E3L 000‘000‘S 000‘Z00‘8L 000502‘ LL 000'00¢‘8T 000‘°6L4'S6 0005 LLP. 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By Cuas. E. Wricut, M.E., Commisssioner of Mineral Statistics. 4 Years Names of Mines. Unknown. | 1854: | 1855. | 1856. | 1857. | 1858. | 1859. | 1860. | 1861. | 1862. | 1863. | 1864. | 1865. | 1866. | 1867. | 1868. | 1869. | 1870. | 1871. | 1872. | 1873. | 1874. | 1875. | L876. | 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. Totals. Names of Mines. Mevelandstox's )sjeiei| sleje.nieis/eieie\eilsisie sles eizieis |aisieinisieisisieie less eleieisisine | tinnine seiece 15,150 25,440 35,757 58,462 79.762 48,725 38,841 3N,014 27,890 9,642 3,333 16,545 23,921 18,204 14,727 459,195 | Humboldt (Washington). Lake AAR a Seopeaa ease saba'ss 33,761 43,302 45,665 71,456 94,809 76,381 68,950 70,832 T7,O1LT 70,103 58,863 55,581 21,903 57,367 51,331 917,585 | New York. Neon Mountains otc. connec ncne Nasu en ade. 24,073 46,607 26,651 39,694 53,467 33,645 35,221 43,933 30,499 30,282 22,539 19,113 28,161 25,420 14,029 512,984 | Lake Angeline. Rebecca Be snerts secre Be eaes qadao islet lleletacsfoioislascls'llereicicts\acteraysi|(e rele eiet{ ator Siero) eC ots | farayavwa/eojevere b 8 5 5 Nl Motelptere olstatel| svoteleiere Ne eiellte ciaieetonta cienlictmoreerd reine UZ rarctoevaranetere T3635)" eters sa eretal [elerereteraterterers sislaie eitie late Setcloinieinrciatem |tevster= pes thot 18,341 | Iron Mountain. ESS PAS aaa eee Sgn ee cose A Ee Deer eer nade eee aliernl| stage sa 2,84 2 6 21, 24,236 5,437 | 26,026 39,281 2,849 | 12,804 | 19,420 10,591 10,353 Bibb a es eer tee 224,029 | Edwards. genera ener aene | ae Opens et insn 7 ence cet een setr/ecernceces|Assemnrece|eere cic ea|acceseesele. seeenses[secesseent lessee sons 2 17,465 TBST lsc areick ll naainetee Laleeiene siete ailtatsje BROS SOOE eelaeataete cre mio) eeteumeretee cia 18,881 124,387 | New England (Lewthian). eae aa ae Sl peneneetasarash ee uuesr sc cca batt ast] ane eee lament aelnesenernen|o oe ecaras|tearmerteefersnecsces|neseccencslorasrecvealersccrrnss|occsracneel|osrsceremaleesarsscre|essorennss 68,404 72,782 47.097 56,877 66,002 70,883 73,464 93,203 112,401 824,652 | Champion. Rosen eee fences Se ei ek parcial wi tapreeselareecseves|eceareersr|oncorseseslieesececselerreressealecceeserselencsassees ieee stead sane teat ens 479! 5 38,381 44,388 | 40,256 |» 40,914 | 87,750 38,541 26,680 24,911 24,522 458,761 | Barnum. Me ee ; Sale eeeieiie|igieieinnilahsvnl|-aininisciste|eWiciwemeaire| sot serenee|eariseeeces|ateesnecet|Seouesiecciecsateenss|oerentcrselevecesigges 5 3,53: 18,684 18,107 4,719 847 Nal RAs A lage doer prbece 4,804 1,112 165,928 | Foster. Toei MAA TUG eee an [eee nee ne ler enane es |oneeneenna [esos sees |sennneesne|esesovone|essernenee|ereseensae[teaserees[ennrancens|scocossereleonessence|erssencors[eneone ool One Sonat lemsee sce: 5 5,945 25,030 Fraime | seas eee 10,601 30,180 3,062 sae 224,400) | MeComiber- Stal feteieietesaedeloJ=t=ilioinis!snia/ar=y|lle\= sietaielale=toll si=ia10(a\e\A(oi~/|(als)s/='=|siste(~ie!||»/s/vinto/e'a\elnie||\x(> l= =\p]+1=10191~||[n\010) e010) \6\e|||<(<'v/e|o/x\o/s\0\||a:e)s1n,0\ sie «|| ein1sin}e/e\0 = 10/s)|le)015's1e19ie s/e | eialpieie (sie e cie|| #'s\e'sieie.s 0101 el|' dein « o'einja'els|||eeleejes's 9 6)#\|lsislee sie sislel||siaieeerin's os 236 6,772 3,112 4,7 33,638 50,997 38,90 30,773 : 5,172 214, olling Mill. eS Hematite (Grand Central) os CORB SSAGS BE ceo heaal ae eine gid | > ea nes Riera Ee ame see et ol een ca 1808 9,925 tg Pee 750 456 3,307 4,674 2.737 2,192 35,400 | New York Hematite (Grand Central.) Winthrop..... ° eS ae SOOSOOOGon a sleee . 5. : 11,924 PS eno Sopocac SDSS imeremertateerets 1,659 4,596 W019 |\eceeccccsone 115,164 | Marquette. Stier (Gasedey eer. ieee nigh ainaeilnste intalnij\ata/athn.ble/s\s alll ei#/aiwia/aiuiple}=ifiuialwiaisinixininfalllespislaieisicis‘ei vaiataterareteio\a\el||(Byia/=\sisi>)eie\eil(e eisiele\a\ejelvie||/s)mss/sininieisiai|(arwiaratetanstait 14,239 31,150 8,248 8,622 27,236 12,549 28,740 27,050 45,247 208,869 | Winthrop. x 5 seeaeetiall’ meek eer O eereeters a etetlisietere ste eta cee I ereteneeteccieicle uc erchcre emia rel ec coreserer chal @osteteseterais eel ra cre ein etelacte ll craves ee eer lelevon eater ooall tay Pr 7 39,45 41,204 38,596 208,025 | Palmer (Cascade). Giajelefets}eioteyel|'elale:vistelerevs/s|iateieletaceusien:||isieiuie/olelereie(ci |(ote{arataiaratavatal|intetat ers tateteetet|itiaceta acetone 545 11,023 21,457 194,629 | Salisbury. ; a DN ette ee ies [re et cence ce [eat aaeneee | reset rece |enensesnrnlacceceseve|scnmceenrdlanen saces|oancercesslorscrsocsel|aeccoessaslenrensencalecercoerrs|ecscecses|seraserceslecscsoscesleeeeacorselsoeenecses|eceeeerers T55 |eeeeeeeerees ; D8 |eeseeee esse 15,844 | Excelsior. WRG wWes barcode Sar eciswse esis ce cei cers ACCS OO eT : 9,329 23 13,202 79,577 | Cheshire (Smith). Bepublidton ts. «cca. : 21,498 285 26,021 | Howe (P. & L.8.). Mitchell (Shenango)....... agacecsas SRO AICIIENSCaae : on : ie 235,887 | 1,101,783 | Republic. INEGI RPT ATTT Oye ee oes Ge SE a 2 se cecesersloees 3S + 8,552 13,297 54,947 | Mitchell (Shenango). Rowland...... 306 elllatete 55 3p saén0oddallaonaooases 28,966 52,766 585,716 | Michigamme. 2,003;|- 879. ||. = 368. |) ~~ = BD SOG elise ctcevactenrell este ncice oe tel tmvarctarcteterstetevete 2,998 | Rowland. Se aa oe ce OER | meee Lea ui crt dls ance |b ge wea [ya Toombs en [orem ss aire eee gece ie oss. | Sine sicicis SA sieinisieisie e(e'ci| cle sisicie vieie ef ecetissiviele 8) |e'sic-cisis sisisie [visieis cise viele |sinisioinipisisieit)| nsic/siaisieie 2 S\liniesieisisisiaisie| |e eicieieleiielsie | SgQ EA) | SUAS ||eir'e einen cisie|lieisisleraieicicie’e||oeteie.sisieisielolerel|lelelnieecomecei oe | Mae ise seis | ae 4,706 | Miller. Teal Lake...... In NUE He GAC Cc ge cai ans as) Gia oa a since em eve lena npciesrlesiers Sie citic= cielo visti} nie ejcicioleleisie |iejeieieseje\sie.0's\|/#\r\s/s)n/e\e\eieie)})0i0\e\cieie eisieei}e. win.cielsiajsje|eicicie sieisje\e|ieisieicsivicie'e|e 6 cisco sisin|isie a wsieie sininilioiapiasieciee||sisciveieccas|voeesiocailesionecces|) Ly 200515 9 OGG} 5.6510 oicisieieinil(siniei> = miniainim!|olniaieis(amialaiaiein||(efpjereisis/alielataie!| se)slels\elelsie]s(0)9)| einieiaiataai-y a Ac 2,206 | Howell-Hoppock. ere an Na icin | Sm alee nao) ohana) a | mae o selec alhole)| Phe oh elesnie)=|iieieteinsniei ele) icfele clelcteieieis |icieicieioie icc): lie/eieje/eieiojeie\e\t'-\e/e(eiele eie/vie;||sje\nieielelcieicis | wieisis.ejeisie/aie|/2\n\e\sicicisie\s e)||e/eia sin sieisie\|e.e.eieicisie/e vis|leipie \sleie/e/e/e |/0.010\s.010\e 0/0: s)v.cisigieeisiele lain sveisieleieiar|iersieisinmrerele dell, | 25010! |i5)eiersio1e\e)e/e'e]|ie\010~\01e\elo[nie]lle/slein(mleim/nin/a/siell\elsluluietelatal=)~i=l=il(e eee timaiainiala=}atcl=le(elelmtaMle ier 2,610 | Teal Lake. Te emia eres en ne res Jimena cine a Lincs 6 Bind o ole oles ofcicieie) i= aicie icles Sein o/cvelcisieicie)ifelticleleic.nieie'0)| #ic/eieieie/eloieie)} sieicieie eirieeis)| s\sieieie/eisiaieie |/sie/e)o\e\0)e)e,0}['*\e'e 0.9.0/0)/e\r\| s\n eiseieiciejain,|ieinisieie'e sisisie|ipieieisielvievciaie | o\biaieivies sieiel|vicie» viejssseiniliaieineesieeisie|| © | AyZS25| | a OAB! |/s/Jora).\eisiejoiellloieierosejeroie1ei|(elsielslolslareleselela]|oistataloieiala(etolate (stelalaialaleleie\atetai| lalate eleinleisteletele 2,380 | Carr. FSCO TIMED taccc ac cancrd tcc a re cre te R EEL OAMOSEE. Se con mmpmrne| A olcirvlarsc be ial by cerrade alten [VENT BUDS) VES ois] (ie) | em Ve nn [aa ING (SUE | RGR ee (ean (O(a ROR) Ua] (aR 20 | a oer ened] ee A ene tod wr o ln eteme ICOO) EOOU OO DUOC POUCA OC ING AOA Bol) |e eC OIRSOe 4,592 | Albion & Gilmore. Himrod (Orion). Sree SEHAECEIDSODEI BO BOOS OSSD OO| SAAN anon 11,181 31,247 | Goodrich. Keystone......... Bee einer e tela ace icine wares nok alpoae wee ei een mn mnaeY | UE TNS cree Rats ites I Pri ele ete fe fe eat PETERS Be eloisirieiein sf egies aie aioe ee eee OS HRS eee ne Lem eae peng Sees vice tee seiaise:sie si lines isis e/etelsl nic sieleseieieeis (Me ae os | cizieamtntbasitin, | lelaloieleiole(ela iG eissereieie. e277 (© micaeseve unl A15/ oye) elacataloaslelere toad hake ame SNR ali eS ea 2,069 | Himrod (Orion). Bip M ect emicinis ee ciieras oe twlew ne c's Bockacsars eae lane < eter 10,217 62,787 | Keystone. ANGIE +> pa nsqugcode so aGneOOOAOGS SOR EMEC, rire cn cies nelle cheese han tlosserasdbes oc lEacecscaieesole ee ens trie |e su ne ti | ect rae eed ehh ang a aR aR el aa aa aka eC Wehr Sees cae I SU AN eR 6 eB EU | camosorS one 148,504 | Spurr. eee een OTe (oni eee eed eee ennaC ee MNL ene CLGU eM CG ol comic toa[ io goes Ts tine mene ees oe eceine fee eetin eee prises sense melt ee ee pees ce secs feesinup erie gimesieecie see |ssigee sess e|sivcewieweisel = | Cyl b Mell eye cell net ypu On. | liscwteteselele/e7srai li selaesniaysinisie) || aleiehe lei oetorere lace aaiaseta svacelas he ateisiessirvaiets)ehalljelelsasze eeieh Cres 9,347 | Allen, CUE CHER AV EAE ene ee ne 35,059 386,693 | Saginaw (includes Menominee Co.). Kloman (Columbia) aBHae 1,829 14,477 | Green Bay. IMAGHICAT.. cose. .eceeeses 6,633 70,311 | Kloman (Columbia). ane aS cera Ce een I my rc mee nee cin | etn |e | Wien opal (ene ea ime Mellen etic Al eee eta tis ce urur | ehenmme rye (tees naan iarng oles tess. sce) scr tence stsecsicisisiss sepinesisieleticcsinsisins tases cseces tecelesccices ft 7byAOl | = 5 Oy Zh. | saieic seteia/ale|wia'eteiareis(sjesal| nieve elneiecrara is sloscieretel-teceteral (ote ecist= sete cere ae 4,439 | Michigan. Cleveland Hematite ...... SAAT OS OAD CO DOO OLED EAR peeps SL |S een Oi RG HAS a Sia Tok LN Tee A acl ok Sr eee ei oi) (a OR Se 1 ener ARO Tg Rd ec DS a A eM a | ei Ue || mien (coe edn | | (a ae aaa i bea) Cn Aas tater OLIN OUVO OLN CIOC ACOtT TGC EN EATERS Pomona os 26,913 | Manganese (Negaunee). in gertord: 65 Hurlows- cc cvs cece vcocsccccccccsace 83 7,454 87,687 | Cleveland Hematite. PICO WEED os as one scenes mint 4c FERC ASE ASCE EOP EPSOM nee #ig'o,0:8)8 10 aellfeiaiatalb/sisieishe ere 139 | Hungerford & Harlow. TI fn Sd Se ties SINS J rl || nny Soe | ee ah eM Bi aigs ten | peels |) Limit eiec|Mambree |b ire nina ciety editor Ame [io ms ahs apie tn SNPs eie'S [ae sieusicisls Sey Seis Sit ee Pie Sie eeieiele fclnisie\e/e es se] tien seieisieveia}s seis sieigieiste sie |i¢ 1” IUD. e'e ie eiessinie7e-si['e,eicle/erelacel'e:|l ais im geen. i aA YO Colege oles ore eed aaa 2,987 | Steward. @ambria--seacee+ ce Ste See ee Ree Sega CON Soc aeeinc. 18,347 65,606 | Bessemer. “*e 2 Erie & pioenctte een sinclar 6,958 333983 | Cambria. rere en TONG ag | le NCRCSNCNCDNE ONil| elton ci || ar cane aes ||| 0 i alli eet cme membre oe Se ah cis aS esses Sis sp eeisiei sie sities Stites TT Meee ee eles esecie sg e/eisilisicicieie s eieiels cle.sieielsiesiel eisisiersisieis ¢.0i/sideic's eeisie si):sie's eves tee lege sas seca seseseesicid! ay MEUO? | eriseiesisiese|ieinty oisiee cece!) el 008) ieieisistere rinse re ote) llntelalateisiele creintalllniatatentateetelninfallletatmeiniate lone 1,186 | Erie & Magnetic. Vulcan.. 5,859 17,440 I Breen. Quinnesec. 73,270 174,348 | Vulean. 52,706 121,300 | Quinnesec. 31,358 66,225 | Emmet. Cyclops 197,295 281,418 | Norway. i 14,077 96,824 | Cyclops. 3,959 7,344 | Pendill. 7 aan 29,351 67,311 | National. Saginaw (Menominee Range) . 21,741 34,751 | Curry. Tere | | | cr | ea eee eee eee PEL eo RD ES ESS Seine rien ecg tris ae [rise giitie sain Heise niseieieisiail ceteis nits elciriale line ereialeleicinjeilie’sinin\riaieio-n «|| (einiainzeseio afece[eininiels\eleictscetals | o.siolel=ieisi®) loins] MMR 0 2a | ele ehereicteteieratare 13,492 ' Saginaw (Menominee Co.), see above. Home...... Re eee ene Meteo Sarat 23,089 23,887 | Stephenson. BSED eter teeite viecnecs vi) a\aica cielersloisiste sinc laiecets'< eisieie sp + | 4,080 | Home. MO VICALO eletancsciewse'd.s' soo cise seine 3,599 | Gribben. SUIRES I Retttotein eis taie/e' este aie aceleleieioleteis'aiacs ARCA ae eee ete See eae me Pepe acevo real sivas etarele statay Steet teceraiate rail eieicveiesciercicll eras avayave-apatai| osniexere sieteiorll sie .eceltisierece-e||le sis eigiete:n(a:s|le'e enka eevee 3,364 | Chicago. Section 12 (Iron Cliff Sempeny) Reet eiinieseacers ee ee aera etter ekete ersten |te cee etato pat atellte pesotere rev otarerel|(etatatete eteiofeiaAle(eiersicrsielere\slliatetets ccs are: o’ll(o/aieleisis.n's-svall ete ‘eres eee (ever ll sleteinie inte ciaws|io 8 seisiale.ece 501 | Orion. * MINI ETUIGEG secisivisio's \cin.e's« o'rlsrcsee ee Seeley orattie! lvoe! sieiigieisiclf'victh pails are =| staid ta wiaie ecto linicia civimiete.e-v)| elereldfeleie aa aiciaersiaad s'il] a aelceiesieclell oeeceleeedelsicises eesicieleacaceteee 5,356 | Section 12. Popes iene Marines | ramnmec role ee wines ert Mr re ck 18,142 14,0838 | Milwaukee. aaleets 1,110 1,110 | Taylor. 1,197 1,197 | Sterling. 6,478 6,478 | Boston. 799 799 | New Burt. Edward Breitung .......... 684 684 Indiana. Rainer eee sss. 6 669 669 | Edward Breitung. Commonwealth ...... 33,826 33,826 | Chapin. COmMelleeee esses. <0 ; 9,643 9,643 | Commonwealth. Elmore. <3. 20020. 4a 30,741 30,741 | Cornell. ; Florence .......- 518 518 | Elmore. Howe ..<.2. 4 13,936 18,936 | Florence. Keel Ridge.. 285 285 | Howe. Lowell .-....0 cecccccvecce 11,496 11,496 | Keel Ridge. Ludington .....++.+++..... BCCHARTTIAOA DG jac oS ORSO5 | PORN ee ae an 14,467 14,467 | Lowell. Perkinsiscscccaa Emon Oe SAAS RAR ABE DT HOES) HOPAA eee 8,816 8,816 | Ludington. TRIG ATS Saan ack ocieos bios o0 nA DS SAR ECAC TEER OOE] See ieea sam 49,196 49,196 | Perkins. Wheaten anaemic roc ener ores SCOn CaS NORASACaaRC , 8,104 3,104 | Watson. | | 3,82. 3,323 | Wheat. Opal OUOSH TOUS oicieis siepisisisielesie fins sie\elsicie ees ae 083 000 44 0) 646 22,876 68,832 114,401 49,909 124,169 203,055 247,059 193,7 712 [ Y 5 ¢ g 15, 8) 1,449 6,79 2, 4 i ; : ‘ 7 3,758 296,713 465,504 510,522 639,097 859,507 813,984 948,553 1,195,284 899,934 881,166 993,311 1,025,129 1,127,583 1,420,745 1,920,180 15,163,199 CA 3 0112 043226858