LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN 3..016. 093 Un3i cop. 3 Rare Book & Special Collections Library INCUNABULA IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN To ROBERT BINGHAM DOWNS Director of the University Library Dean of Library Administration 1943-1971 In appreciation of his interest and perseverance in building the university's collection of incunabula INCUNABULA IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN compiled by Marian Harman Robert B. Downs Publication Fund No. 5 The University of Illinois Library and The Graduate School of Library Science Distributed by the UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PRESS Urbana Chicago London Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Illinois. University at Urbana-Champaign. Library. Incunabula in the University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign. (Robert B. Downs Publication Fund ; no. 5) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Incunabula Bibliography Catalogs. 2. Illinois. University at Urbana-Champaign. Library Catalogs. I. Harman, Marian, 1899- II. Title. III. Series: Robert B. Downs Publication Fund series ; no. 5. Z2 1+0. 135 1979 016.093 79-17355 ISBN 0-252-00789-1 5 uiucr v./ This publication has been made possible through the generosity of the University of Illinois Library Friends at Urbana-Champaign, and in particular, of MRS. WILLIAM E. KAPPAUF >n CONTENTS Introduction iii List of Abbreviations v Symbols v Incunabula in the University of Illinois Library 1 Indexes : 1) Titles 192 2) Printers, Publishers, and Places 205 3) Printing by Country, City, and Printer 211 U) Chronological Index by Printing Date 236 Concordances: 1) Goff 2U2 2) Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke 2hh 3) Hain 2h$ U) Proctor 21*8 5) Copinger 250 6) Reichling 2l INTRODUCTION In 19l*9, the late Christopher U. Faye published a list of the incunabula owned by the Univer- sity of Illinois Library and the Museum, under the title: Fifteenth Century Printed Books at the University of Illinois (Urbana, HI., University of Illinois Press). He listed 131 boolcs- not a large collection, to be sure, but a significant one. Since that time, chiefly as a result of the interest and encouragement of Dr. Robert B. Downs, Dean of the University of Illinois Library and Library School, 191*3-1971, the number of books published before 1501 acquired by this Library has more than doubled. Indeed, in 1961*, according to F. R. Goff 's Incunabula in American Libraries (New York, 1961*, p.xvii), this collection, credited with 890 volumes, was ranked ninth among all American libraries in its holdings of 15th-century books. Since then, 193 volumes have been added, making a total of 1083. It seems appropriate, therefore, to bring Mr. Faye's list up to date and to provide the Rare Book Room of the Library with a complete catalogue, with adequate indexes, of all the incunabula in its possession. In order to avoid any misrepresentation, it must be pointed out that the figure 1083 does not quite accurately represent the extent of the collection. There are forty-two fragmentary copies of only one, or a very few, leaves. These titles are indicated by an asterix (*) preceding the entry. But since a single leaf may sometimes prove helpful in the study of fifteenth-century printing, it seemed advisable to include them, while warning the user of the catalogue of their fragmentary condition. There have been included also 16 titles which are customarily counted as incunabula, but which are now known, or believed to have been printed in the 16th century. These books have been designated by + preceding the entry. An analysis of the collection reveals a fairly large number of titles (103) otherwise unre- corded in North American collections, according to F. R. Goff 'a Third Census (1961*), Supplement (1972) and Annotated Third Census (1973). These titles are indicated by M o" preceding the en- try. Eight of the 103 do not even appear in the catalogues of the chief European collections. These apparently unique items are designated by V" preceding the entry. A few famous names appear in the list of former owners of some of the titles in this catalogue. Among these are: Jacopo Filippo Forest! (ll*3l*-l520), the author of the first universal chron- icle of the Renaissance, whose autograph appears in Koberger's 11*83 edition of Vincent de Beau- vais, Speculum historlale (no.l06l); the Basel printer, Johann Froben (d.l527)> who stamped an impression of his signet ring and signed his name in the copy of Giovanni Tortelli, Ortho- gnathia. Venice, 19 Dec. 11*95 (no. 1021); Paolo Giovio (11*83-1552), Bishop of Nocera and celebrat- ed historian, who annotated the copy of Lactantius, Opera . Venice, 11*90 (no. 577); Philipp Melanch- thon (11*97-1560), scholarly leader of the Reformation, who scribbled interlinear glosses and occasional marginal notes in Plautus, Comoediae . Venice, 11*99 (no. 771*); John Ker, 3d duke of Roxburghe (17UO-180U), during the sale of whose library in 1812 the Roxburghe Club was founded, whose arms are stamped on the covers of Aristophanes, Comoediae . Venice, ll*98 (no.l*l); Harvard professor, Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908), whose bookplate appears in the famous 11*99 Aldine edition of Francesco Colonna, Hypnerotomachia Poliphill (no. 283); the bibliographer, Gilbert R. Redgrave (b. 181*1*), who penned extensive notes in Petrus Comestor, Historla scholastlca . cAugsburgi 1U73 (no. 71*9) and in Jacopo Publicio, Artes orandi. Venice, 11*82 (no. 803); Edward Gordon Duff (1863-1921* ), the authority on English printing, whose autograph ex libris appears in Ausonius, Opera . Parma, ll99 (no. 86) and in Domizio Calderino, Commentarii in Juvenalea . Venice, ca. 11*76-77 (no. 195); and George Sarton (188U-1956), author of the definitive history of science, whose bookplate and autograph are found in a 11*86 Venetian edition of Imltatlo Christ! (no.506). It is amusing to find, in the second volume of the l*-volume Latin Bible print- ed by GrUninger in Nuremberg, 3 Nov.H*92 (no. 11*1) the following note: From the ship's library of the Santa Maria. 11*91. Azores.' The arrangement of this catalogue differs from that of 19U9, which followed the Proctor or- der, providing a sort of history of printing by country, city, and printer. For books not seen by Proctor and for those now assigned to printers other than those chosen by him, Mr. Faye found It necessary to invent new numbers in order to place the books under their proper printers, and to make numerous cross references from the original numbers. Such a system is even more awk- ward today than it was then, because of the fuller knowledge of printing since the publication of Proctor's Index , 1898-1903. That order has, therefore, been rejected in favor of an alpha- betical list by author or other entry word. The Proctor number, when available, has been in- cluded in the list of authorities for each title, but in the absence of such a number, no attempt has been made to invent one. An Index by Country , City , and Printer has been provided, but it also has been arranged alphabetically by country, rather than chronologically by the date of the introduction of printing in each country. The Index of Titles , which has been appended, may appear to be an aberration, but it has been found helpful in identifying fragments and imperfect copies, and in giving a general view of the scope and concentration of the collection. I want to express my sincere gratitude to N. Frederick Nash, Rare Book Room Librarian, and to the other members of the Rare Book Room staff, Mrs. Mary Ceibert and Miss Louise Fitton, for their generous cooperation and assistance in the conduct of this project, and to Mr. Allan Eckel for typing the manuscript. Urbana, Illinois Marian Harman 28 February 1978 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BMC Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum. Lithographic reprint. London, 1962-63. C Copinger, W. A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorlum blbliographlcum , Pt.II. London, 1898 4 1902. Campbell Campbell, M.-F.-A.-G. Annales de la typographic neerlandaise au XV* siecle. La Haye, 187U. CR Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad _ Copingeri Repertorlum bibliographicum . Addi- tiones et emendationes. 6 vols. & index. Munich, 1905-11" (Supplement, MUnster, 19H) Duff Duff, E. Oordon. Fifteenth century English books. (Illustrated monographs issued by the Bibliographical Society, no. XVIII). Oxford, 1917. Goff. Third Goff, Frederick R. Incunabula in American libraries; a third census. New York, 196U. census (Supplement, New York, 1972) GW Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke . Vols. 1-8, pt.l. Leipzig, 1925-1*0. GW(Einbl) Einblattdrucke des XV. Jahrhunderts. Ein bibliographisches Verzeichnis, hrsg. von der Kommission fUr den Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Halle, 191U. (Ins Sammlung bibliothekswissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. H. 35-36) OW(Nachtr) Nachtraige zu Hain's Repertorium blbliographlcum und seinen Fortsetzungen. Als Probe des Oesamtkatalogs der Wiegendrucke, hrsg. von der Kommission ftir den Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Leipzig, 1910. H Hain, Ludwig. Repertorium bibliographicum in quo libri omnes ab arte typographic* inventa usque ad annum MD. typis expressi ordine alphebetico vel simpliciter enume- rantur vel adcuratius recensentur. 2 vols. Stuttgart & Paris, 1826-38. HC Copinger, W. A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorlum bibliographicum , Pt. I. London, 1895. HC(Add) Copinger, W. A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium blbliographlcum , Addenda to Pt.l. (In: Copinger, W. A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium _ Pt.II, v.l. London, 1902, p.235-291) HCR Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorlum bibliographicum _ Emendationes. 6 vols. 4 index. Munich, 1905-11. (Supplement, MUnster, 1911*) HR Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad Hainii _ Repertorium bibliographicum - Emenda- tiones. 6 vols. & index. Munich, 1905-11. Supplement, Munich, 191U. IGI Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d' Italia. Compilato da T. M. Guar- naschelli e E. Valenziani. 5 vols. Rome, 19U3-65. Pell Pellechet, Marie. Catalogue general des incunables des bibliotheques publiques de France. 3 vols. Paris, 1897-1909. Pell MS Pellechet, Marie. Catalogue general _ Reprint of the 3 vols, published 1897-1909; v.U-26: photoreproduction of the manuscript of the later volumes never published, largely in the hand of Louis Polain. 26 vols. Nendeln, Liechtenstein, 1970. Pr Proctor, Robert. An index to the early printed books in the British Museum from the invention of printing to the year MD, with notes of those in the Bodleian Library. London, 1909. (Occasional references to Pt.II, MDI-MDXX , Germany . London, 1903) R Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorium blbliographlcum . Additiones _ 6 vols. & index. Munich, 1905-11. R(Suppl) Reichling, Dietrich. Additiones ad Hainii-Copingeri Reperto rium bibl iographi cum . Additiones et emendationes. Supplement. MUnster, 1911*. Sander Sander, Max. Le livre a figures italien depuis 11*67 jusqu'a 1530. 6 vols. New York, 191U. Voull(B) Voullieme, Ernst. Die Incunabeln der kSniglichen Bibliothek (Preussischen Staats- bibliothek) und der anderen Berliner Sammlungen. Leipzig, 1906. (Supplements, 191U , 1922, 1927) Voull(K) Voullieme, Ernst. Der Buchdruck K81ns bis zum Ende des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts. (Gesellschaft fur Rheinische Geschichtskunde. XXVI). Bonn, 1903. SYMBOLS PRECEDING ENTRIES Indicates an extremely fragmentary copy. Indicates a probable 16th century printing date. o Indicates a title unique in North American collections, as recorded in Goff 's Third census. t Indicates a title apparently unrecorded in any other North American collection or in the chief European collections. # Indicates material added since publication of this Tolume. INCUNABULA IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY ABANO, PIETRO D', 1250-1315. De venenls. cPadua. Hatthaeus Cerdonis, 18 Dec. 1187 31*, till, woodcuts: capitals. U. 20.7cra. Includes De arte cognoscendi venena, by Ar- naldus de Villanova (leaves 20 b -23*) and De epidemia et peste, by Valescus de Taranta (leav- es 23 b -3U a ) H 12*i Pr 6826j Goff. Third census, P-I*l*2. Bookplate: Ex libris Jankok. Purchased from Hertzberger, 6 Nov. 69. x6l5.9/Abl7d/ll*87 ABANO, PIETRO D', 1250-1315, Translator See .FIRMIN DE BEAUVAL, fl.l335-13l*5. Prognosti- con. cbefore I* Nov.>ll*85 ABBAS, SAMUEL ABU NASR IBN See SAMUEL MAROCHI- TANUS, RABBI, 11th cent. 'ABD AL-'AZIZ IBN 'UTHMSN, AL-IJABIsI, fl.980. Libellus isagogicus. Venice, Erhard Ratdolt cbefore I**85. c98j/., leaves c75-78j wanting, woodcuts: illus., capitals. 20cm. Bound with Sacro Bosco, Joannes de. Sphaera mundi. eVenice, before I* Nov. 3 ll*85. Translated by Johannes Hispalensis . "CBmentum Johannis de saxonia super textu Alchabicii," edited by Bartholomaeus de Alten: leaves c36*-98 a 3 H 617#; BMC V 290 (IA 20512); GW 81*1*; Pr 1*1*00; Goff. Third census, A-363. Purchased from Stonehill, 2 Feb.l*9. x523/SalUs/ll 4 85 ABDILAZI See 'ABD AL-'AZIZ IBN 'UTHMAN, AL- KABISI, fl.980 ABIOSO, OIOVAN BATTISTA, 15th cent., Editor See PTOLEMAEUS, CUUDIUS. Epytoma in Alma- gestum. 31 Aug.lli96 ABIOSUS, JOHANNES BAPTISTA See ABIOSO, GIOVAN BATTISTA, 15th cent. ABRAHAM BEN SHEM-TOB, OF TORTOSA^ 110290, Translator See YUHANNA IBN SARABIYUN, THE ELDER, 3th cent. Breviarium medic inae. 16 Dec. 11*97 ABRAHAM JUDAEUS, OF TORTCSA See ABRAHAM BEN SHEM-TOB, OF TORTOSA, fl.1290 ACCIAJUOLI, DONATO, 11*29-11*78, Translator See BRUNI, LEONARDO ARETINO, 1369-11*1*1*. Histo- riae Florentini populi. Italian. 12 Feb. 11*76; also 5 June ll*92 ACCOLTI, FRANCESCO, II4I6 or 17-1U88, Translator See PHALARIS, Supposed author. Epistolae. Latin. 11*75 ACCOLTUS, FRANCISCUS ARETINUS See ACCOLTI, FRANCESCO, Ul6 or 17-ll88 ACCURSIUS, GLOSSATOR, ca. 1182-1260. Qlossa or- dinaria See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. CODEX. Co- dex Justinianus. 16 Sept. 11*95} also 29 July 11.96 See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. INSTITU- TIONS. Institutiones. 31 July 11*78 PARVUM. - See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. VOLUMEN Volumen parvum. 3 Nov. 11*97 3 ACCURSIUS, BONUS, 11*85. Compendium Elegantiarum Laurent ii Vallae. eVenice, Gabriele di Pietro, ca.ll*76> c80il., the last blank and wanting. 1*. 21.6cm. Leaf e2 a 3 : Elegantiae ad Breue Quoddam Ac Perutile Redactae Compendium. H 59*; C 5935; BMC V 203 (IA 19951 ); GW 169; Pr 1*201* j Ooff. Third census, A-27. Capitals added in red or blue. Stamped on first recto: Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono Henr. Howard Norfolclensis. Purchased from Qimbel, 3 July 1*2. xl70/Ac2c/ll*76 ACCURSIUS, BONUS, 11*85, Editor See OVI- DIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Opera. 12 Aug7H*80; also 11*86/87 ACCURSIUS, FRANCISCUS See ACCURSIUS, GLOSSATOR, ca. 1182-1260 ADELARDUS, OF BATH, ca . 1110-111*2 , Translator See EUCLIDES. Elements geometriae. Latin. 25~May 11*82; also 13 May 11*91 ADELHARDUS BATHONIENSIS See ADELARDUS, OF BATH, ca. 1110-111*2 AELIANUS TACTICUS. De instruendis aciebus See FRONTINUS, SEXTUS JULIUS. De re militari. 10 July 1U95-17 Jan. 11*96 AENEAS SYLVIUS PICCOLOMINI See PIUS II, POPE, 11*05-11*61* 1* AESOPUS. AEsopus moralisatus. cCologne, Heinrich Quentella 23 Aug. (in profesto Bartholomei) 11*90. c38,l. 1*. 19.6cm. Leaf el a 3 (t.p.): Esopus moralisatus cO bono commSto. The Latin metrical version of the Anonymus Neveleti, known as Aesopus moralisatus (prob- ably by Walter of England) with Latin commen- tary: Graecla disciplinarum, and interlinear gloss. # ABANO, PIETRO D, 1250-131$. Figure cell See ENGEL, JOHANN, 1U63-1512. Astrola- biuju. 6 Oct.? or 27 Nov.? lUflfi AESOPUS - contlnued HC 306#; BMC I 275 (I* U557); GW 1*08; Pr 1300; Goff. Third census, A-133. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x88l/A3.WlU90 AESOPOS. Aesopus moralisatus See AUCTORES OCTO CUM GLOSSA. 16 Feb. ll*9l*795 AGRAETIUS See AGROKCIUS AGROECIUS. De orthographla, proprietate, at differentia sermonis See DIOMEDES. Ars grammatica. cca.ll*75); also I* June 11*91 o*5 AILLT, PIERRB D', CARDINAL, 1350-11*20? Conceptus et insolubilia. c Lyons? lU9-? cU8il. woodcuts: 7 capitals. 8. LU.Scm. Leaf tl a i (t.p.): Conceptus et insolubilia magistri Petri de alyaco. Signatures: a-f"; 31 lines; gothic type. Undescribed; probably 16th cent. Error in binding: sig. d2 and d7 inter- changed. Purchased from Stonehill, 25 Jan. 65. xl60/Ai5c/U*9- 6 AILLT, PIERRE D' , CARDINAL, 1350-11*20? Concordantia astronomiae cum theologia. Augsburg, Erhard Ratdolt, 2 Jan. (IV Non. Ian.) 11*90. c$6,l. woodcuts: 1 illus., diagrs., cap- itals, device of printer. 1*. 21.5cm. Leaf cl a i (t.p.): CocordStia astronomie cQ theologia. CocordStia astronomie cd hystorica narratione. Kt elucidariQ duoiv precedentium: dni Petri de Aliaco Cardinalis Came race ns is. Edited by Johannes Angelus. Printer's device printed in black and red. H 83U*; BMC II 383 (IA 6695); Pr 1881*; Goff. Third census, A-U71. Purchased from Howell, 20 Aug. 55. x520/Ai5c/lli90 AILLT, PIERRE D', CARDINAL, 1350-11*20? Quae- stiones super Sphaerara mundi See SACRO BOS- CO, JOANNES DE, fl.1230. Sphaera mundi. Feb. 11*98 AILLT, PIERRE D', CARDINAL, 1350-11*20? Sup- posed author. Dialogus de septem sacramentis See GUILELMUS DE BAUFET, BP. OF PARIS, d.l3J9, Supposed author. Dialogus de septem sacra- mentis. ll* Apr. 11*87 AILLT, PIERRB D', CARDINAL, 1350-11*20? Sup- posed author. Sacramentale See GUILELMUS DE BAUFET, BP. OF PARIS, d.1319, Supposed author. Dialogus de septem sacramentis. li* Apr. 11*87 AINGRB, JOANNES DS, Commentator See PRISCIA- NUS, OF CAESAREA. Opera. 21 Feb.U96/97j also 19 Mar.1500 7 ALANUS DB IKSULIS, d.1202 De maximis theologiae. cBasel, Johann Amer- bach, ca.lli92i . 1*. 21.3cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Alanus de maximis theolo- gie. Leaf c2 a >: Incipiunt Regule celestis iuris. Vel maxime theologie _ HC 389*; BMC III 776 (IA 37701) eJacobus Wolff de Pforzheim.; GW 510; Pr 7621*; Goff. Third census, A-181. Initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and under- lines added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x875A*12d ALANUS DB INSULIS, d.1202. Doctrinale altum See AUCTORES OCTO CUM GLOSSA. 16 Feb.H*9U/95 08 ALANUS DE INSULIS, d.1202. Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum. De- venter, Richardus Pafraet, 28 July ll*95. c32>., leaves si, 8, 32 wanting. 1*. 19cm. Leaf d a (t.p.): Doctrinale altfl, seu liber parabolaru- Alani metrice descriptus cum sen- tencijs et metroiy. expositionib" vtilis ad bo- noiy- morum instructionem. HC 381; BMC IX 57 (IA 1*7678); GW 501; Pr 9007A; Goff. Third census, A-173a. Purchased from Salloch, 1961*. x875.l/A.p/ll*95 9 ALANUS DE INSULIS, d.1202. Doctrinale altum seu Liber parabolarum. Leipzig, Melchior Lotter cH*>99. 32.J. 1*. 19.5cm. Leaf cl a i (t.p.): Alanus in puerbiis metrice cBscriptus cfi sententijs exponibilib" vtilis ad bonorfl morum instructiSem. Includes "Prohemium 1 ' and a commentary print- ed between verses of the poem. H 388; GW 505; Goff. Third census, A-177. Bookplate: Aus Emil Jacobsen's Bucherei _ 8.9.81*. Purchased from Stonehill, ca.1951*. x875.l/A*lpAl*99 ALANUS DE INSULIS, d.1202. Liber parabolarum See his Doctrinale altum ALANUS PORRETANUS See ALANUS DE INSULIS, d. 1202 10 ALBERTANO DA BRESCIA, fl. 121*6. De arte loquendi et tacendi. Leipzig cConrad Kachelofen, for. J. N.? 25 May U*90 clO,*. 1*. 20.2cm. GW (Nachtr) 7; GW 550; Goff. Third census, A-203. Manuscript note (16th cent.?) on leaves .1*- 2 a ; in manuscript below colophon: Fr. Marti- nus custos. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xl77.2/A/ld/ll90 ALBERTANUS BRIXIENSIS See ALBERTANO DA BRES- CIA, fl. 121*6 ALBERTANUS CAUSIDICUS See ALBERTANO DA BRES- CIA, fl,12l*6 11 ALBEHTI, LEONE BATTISTA, UQU-lU72'. De re aedificatoria. Florence, Nicolaus Laurentli, 29 Dec (IV Kal. Ian.) LW5. c2QM. t. 27cm. Dedicatory epistle by Angelo Polisiano. "Baptista siculus in auctoris persona Ad lectorem* (in verse): leaf c20li a > HC U19J BMC VI 630 (IB 27125*)} GW 579; Pr 6131 5 Goff. Third census, A-215. Leaves cl97-20u reprinted. Cf. Brit. Mus. Cat. Contemporary manuscript notes. Purchased from Qimbel, 3 July U2. x720/Ald ALBERTIS, LEO BAPTISTA DE See ALBERTI, LEONE BATTISTA, 1U0U-H72 12 ALBERTUS DE SAXONIA, 13l6(ca.)-1390. De proportionibus . Padua, Matthaeus Cer- donis, 31 Mar. (die vltima Marcijl) 11|87. cl2a<. woodcuts: capitals, h . 22cm. C 211; BMC VII 923 (I* 30032); GW 789; Pr 6823; Qoff. Third census, A-3U3. Contemporary marginal annotations. In this copy the lower part of the last seven letters of the next to the last line of the text and the last few letters of the first four lines of the colophon did not print. Initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and un- derlines added in red. Purchased from Harper, 8 June 65. x5lO/A*U*d 13 ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON, 11937-1280. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis. Ulm, Johann Zalner cnot after lU78 3 c261j<., leaves tli and dl5> blank. f. 30.7cm. H U72*; BMC II 528 (IB 9211); GW 775; Pr 2531; Goff. Third census, A-331. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red. Blank leaves sla and cll5 = are pasted to the front and back covers. The Sermones de tempore are bound before the Sermones de Sanctis. In manuscript on leaf c2 a a: Ex bibliotheca Urspringentl. (Museum) q252/A/HisAJ*78 ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON, 11937-1280. Spurious and doubtful works. Ars moriendl See ARS MORIENDI ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON, 11937-1280. Spurious and doubtful works. Compendium theological veritatis See tHUGO ARGENTINENSIS, 1210(ca.)-1270. Compendium theologicae veritatis Ik ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON, 11937-1280. Spurious and doubtful works. De abundant la exemplorum. Ulm, Johann Zainer, not before ll78, not after 20 May lU8l> c66. t. 20.6cm. H U81; BMC II 528 (IB 9203); GW 581; Pr 2527; Goff. Third census, A-217. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Bookplate of George Dunn of Woolley Hall. This copy was used as the original for Woolley Photos no. 79. In manuscript inside front coven George Sloggett, Cardiff & Tudor Close. Padstow, Cornwall; on leaf c2 a >t Pro Conventu Vien- nensi Ord. 1 * Praed. Purchased from Christensen, 1U Oct. 60. xql89.U/Ald ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON, 11937-1280. Spurious and doubtful works. De arte bene moriendi See ARS MORIENDI ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON, 11937-1280. Spurious and doubtful works. De arte vivendi, loquendi, et tacendi See TRAC- TATUS DE ARTE VIVENDI, LOQUENDI, ET TACENDI ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON, 11937-1280. Spurious and doubtful works. De laudibus Maria e See cRICHARDUS A SANCTO LAU- RENTIO. fl. 1239-138. De laudibus Mariae ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON, 11937-1280. Spurious and doubtful works. Mariale See MARIALE. c ca.U465-89> 15 ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON 11937-1280. Spurious and doubtful works. Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtu- tibus. Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, 20 July 1U98. c3U><. woodcuts: capitals. U. 20.1cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): Albert! magni _ tractatus, qui appellatur paradisus anime, tractans de virtutibus anime veris et perfect is. H U82#; BMC I 288 (IA U667); GW 707; Pr 13UU; Goff. Third census, A-29l. Nine capitals, paragraph-marks, and under- lines added in red. Label: Domus 3 ae Prob. Prov. Tolos. S. J. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xl71.l/A/.. the first wanting, woodcuts: capi- tals. 8 6 . 13.5cm. Signatures: A-D, S*. With commentary. Goff. Third census, A-313. Stamp on first recto: Museo Cavaderii Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x6l2.6/A*ls/li<98 017 ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON, 11937-1280. Spurious and doubtful works. Sermones de Euchariatiae sacramento. Ba- sel, Bernhard Richel, ca.llt75> 5U/. f. 26.2cm. H U5l; GW 767; Pr 7527; Goff. Third census, A-323. ALBERTUS MAOMnS-contlnued ALEXANDER GALLUS See ALEXANDRE DE VILLEDIED Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red or blue; initial-strokes in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. $7. x252/A/ll*se ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON, 1193?-1280. Spurious and doubtful works. Trac- tatus de arte vivendi, loquendi, et tacendi See TRACTATUS DE ARTE VIVENDI, LOQUENDI, BT TACENDI ALEXANDER GRAMMATICUS See ALEXANDRE DE VTI.I.E- tOB ALEXANDER, OF APHRODISIAS, Commentator See ARISTOTELES. Opera. Greek. 1 Nov.lltfS^June U,98 ALEXANDER TBS GREAT (ROMANCES, ETC.) See PSEUDO-CALLISTHENES. Historia Alexandri Mag- ni. Latin ALBINUS. De doctrina Platonica. Latin See JAMBLICHUS, OF CHALCIS. De mysteriis Aegyp- tiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. Latin. Sept. 11*97 ALBINUS. Disclplinarum Platonis epitoma. La- tin See APULEIUS MADAURENSIS. Opera. 9 Aug. 11*88 18 eALBRECHT VON SCHARFENBERG, 13th cent. Der JUngere Titurel. cStrassburg, Johann Mentelin* 11*77 e309*<., the last tvo blank. f. 30cm. Wrongly attributed to Wolfram von Eschenbach. HC 6683*; BMC I 59 (IB 558); Pr 217; Goff. Third census, W-70. Capital-spaces, all but two with guide-let- ters; spaces for illustrations. Imperfect: contains only leaves cl-l5l, 3065 strophes (Hahn) Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq83l/AU5/PJ ALBUS, PETRUS See PETRUS CANTIANUS ALCHABITIUS See 'ABD AL-'AZIZ IBN 'UTHMAN, AL- KABISI, flT980 ALCINOUS, PLATONICUS See ALBINUS ALCUIN, 735-801*, Supposed conpiler. Homiliarius doctorum See PAULUS DIACONUS, 720(ca. )-797? Compiler. Homiliarius doctorum. 7 Sept. 11*82 ALES, ALEXANDER DE See ALEXANDER DE HALES, d.l2l*5 ALEXANDER ANGLUS See CARPENTER, ALEXANDER, fl. 11*29 ALEXANDER CARPENTARIUS See CARPENTER, ALEXAN- DER, fl. 11*29 ALEXANDER DE ALES See ALEXANDER DE HALES, d.l2l5 ALEXANDER DE HALES, d.l2l5, Commentator See LYRA, NICOLAUS DE, d.lji*9. Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia quadragesimalia. 25 May ll*9l*; also 13 Dec.U*9l*; 13 Feb. 1500/01 ALEXANDER DE VILLA DEI See ALEXANDRE DE VILLE- DIEU ol9 ALEXANDRE DE VILLEDIEU. Doctrinale puerorum. Venice, Guilelraus Ani- ma Mia, Tridinensis, 3 Feb.ll*88. c98 3 /., the first (blank) and the last two want- ing, woodcuts: border, capital. 1*. 21.3cm. With the commentary of Ludovicus de Guaschis. C 291; GW 1009; Ooff. Third census, A-l*32a. In place of the last two leaves there have been bound the last two leaves of the edition of Boninus de Boninis, Brescia, ll* Feb. 11*88 Bound in old oak boards with leather back; remnants of clasp; traces of red paint on the capital and the foot of the border. Purchased from Davis & Orioli, 25 May 56. xl*75/Ad/ll*88 o*20 ALEXANDRE DE VILLEDIEU. Doctrinale puerorum. Brescia, Boninus de Boninis, de Ragusia, 11* Feb. 11*88. 92*/., the last blank. U . 21.3cm. With commentary of Ludovicus de Guaschis. C 272; GW 1006; Goff. Third census, A-l32. IU copy consists of leaves c90-91a only, bound at the end of the Venice edition of 3 Feb. 11*88. xl*75/A*2d/ll*88 ALEXANDRE DE VILLEDIEU. Doctrinale puerorum See RUDIMENTA GRAMMATICAE. 11*99 21 ALFONSO X, EL SABIO, KING OF CASTILE AND LEON, 1221-1281*. Tabulae astronomicae. Venice, Johannes Ham- man, 31 Oct. (pridie Kal. Nov.) ll*92. clll*i<. woodcuts: borders, capitals. 1*. 20.5cm. Leaf el*> (t.p.): Tabule Astronoraice Alfonsi Regis. Edited by J. L. Santritter. Includes his Ca- nones in Tabulas Alphonsi (leaves cl*-31>); addi- tions by August inus Moravus. H 869*; BMC V 1*21* (IA 23351*); GW 1258; Pr 5188; Goff. Third census, A-535. Purchased from Goldschmidt, 7 July 65. x520/AJ2t/ll*92 ALLBGRACUORI, GALVANO, d.1270. Differentiae legum et canonum See cWERNER VON SCHUSSEN- RIEDu Modus legend! abbreviatures. 9 Aug. 11*90 ALLEGRALCORE, GALVANO See ALLBGRACUORI, GAL- VANO, d.1270 ALLIACO, PETHOS DE, CARDINAL See AH.LT, PIERRE D', CARDINAL, 1350-11*20? ALOISIUS, JOANNES, Editor See DURA OTIS, GUILEL- HUS, BP. OP MENDE, 1237(ca7)-1296. Rationale divinorum officiorum. 19 July 11*93 ALOISIUS TUSCANUS See ALOISIUS, JOANNES ALPHONSUS, KINO OP CASTILE See ALFONSO X, EL SABIO, KING OF CASTILE AND LEON, 1221-1281* ALPHONSUS DIDACUS DB MONTALVO See DlAZ DE MON- TALVO, ALONSO, U*05-ll*99 ALT, GEORG, U*50(ca.)-l5lO, Translator See SCHEDEL, HARTMANN, H*l*0-l5lU. Liber cronica- rum. Oerman. 23 Dec. 11*93 ALTEN A BARTHOLOMAEOS DE, Editor See 'ABD AL- AZIZ IBN 'UTHMAN, AL-KABISI, fl.980. Libellus isagogicus. cbefore 1* Nov.ill85 ALVERNOS, GUILELMUS, BP. OF PARIS See GUILELMUS ARVERNUS, BP. OF PARIS, d.l2l9 AMBROSIUS DE SPIERA See SPIERA, AKBROGIO, d. li5U 2U AMBROSIUS, SAINT, BP. OF MILAN. Hexameron. c Cologne, Johann Quldenschaff , ca.U*80, 72*4., leaves el. (blank), c29>, and c36. wanting. f. 29.Uc. HC 901*; BMC I 255 (IB 1*267)} GW l60l} Pr 1216A} Goff. Third census, A-557. Leaves c5-72> are foliated: 1-68 in a contem- porary hand; the text of leaves <29> and c36> has been supplied in manuscript in a contempor- ary hand. Capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines ad- ded in red. Stamp on leaf t2 a .: Gymnasial-Bibliothek u Koala. Purchased from Olmbel, 3 July 1*2. xq87l/A195he/ll*80 AMMONIUS, GRAMMATICaS ALEXANDRINUS, l*th cent. De differentia dictionum See CRASTONI, GIO- VANNI, fl. 11*83-11*97. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. Dec. 11* 97 ANAXIMENES OF LAMPSACDS. Rhetorics ad Alexan- drian. Latin See FTLKI.FO, FRANCESCO, 1398- ll*8l. Orationes cum quibusdam aliis elusdem operibus. tlU83-81*i; also 18 June 11*88; cnot after 11*98, AMBROSIUS, REQIENSIS. Index See CRASTONI, GIO- VANNI, fl. 11*83-11*97. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. 20 Oct.ll*a99-not before 5 July 1500j 22 AMBROSIUS, SAINT, BP. OF MILAN. De officiis. Milan, Uldericus Scinzenseler, for Philippus de Lavagnia, 17 Jan. 11*88. clkO'l. 1*. 21cm. Leaves cl-92> are reprinted (with Vita in different order) from C. Valdarfer's edition, Milan, ll*7l*. This part and the second part, beginning with De obitu S. Satyri, have inde- pendent colophons. Contents. -Vita S. Ambrosii secundum Paulinum Nolanum.-De officiis. -Vita glorlosae Virginia Agnetis a S. Ambrosio edita.-Passio sanctorum martyrum Vitalis et Agricole.-Passio sanctorum martyrum Protasii et Oervasii.-De inventione corporum sanctorum Protasii et Gervasii.-De obi- tu Satyri sancti.-De bono mortis. -De resurrec- tione et cruce Domini. HC 911 (-908); BMC VI 762 (IA 26705); GW 1612; Pr 6006; Goff. Third census, A-561. Bookplate of Count Antonio Cavagna Sangiuli- ani de Gualdana; purchased in 1921. x87l/A195o/ll*88 23 AMBROSIUS, SAINT, BP. OF MILAN. Hexameron. Augsburg, Johann SchUssler, ca. 5 May (circiter ydus maijas xj) 11*72. c77><., the last blank and wanting. f. 30.6cm. H 903*} BMC II 329 (IB 5630); GW 1603; Pr 1595} Goff. Third census, A-555. Capital -spaces . Purchased from Thorp, ll* Mar. 60. xq87l/A195he/H*72 ANCARANO, JACOPO DI See PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPOLETO, 131*9-11*17 ANDREA, GIOVANNI, BP. OF ALERIA, 11*17-11*75, Editor See APULEIUS MADAUREN3IS. Opera. 9 Aug. 11* SB - See CYPRIANUS, SAINT, BP. OF CARTHAGE, 200(ca.)-25BT Opera. 1* Dsc.ll83 See LACTAKTIUS, LUCIUS CABCILIUS FIRMIANUS. Opera, .not after 30 Aug.iU*70; also 21 Apr. 11*90} 22 Mar.ll*93; h Apr.U*97 See STRABO. 26 Aug.U*80 Geographia. Latin. 25 ANDREAE, ANTONIUS, Cjuaestiones super XII libros Metaphysicae Aristotelis. Vicen z a, Hermannus Liechten- stein, for Nicolaus Petri, 12 May U*77. .116,4. f. 28.5cm. Edited by Thomas Penket. H 975*5 GW 1658; Goff. Third census, A-580. Contents in manuscript on mutilated leaf pre- ceding text; manuscript notes in margins. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x88l/A8k.Ia/U*77 26 ANDREAE, JOANNES, d. 131*8. Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis, et cognationis spiritualis et legalis. cLeip- zig, Martin Landsberg, not before 11*92 a .18.4. woodcuts: 1* diagrs. f. 29.3cm. With the commentary of Henricus Greve. HC 101*2*; BMC III 637 (IB 11879)} GW 1710} Pr 291*5} Goff. Third census, A-620. One capital added in blue; spaces elsewhere; parts of two of the diagrs. are colored red. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq3l*8/An2s/ll*92 ANEREAE, JOANNES, d. 131*8, Commentator See CATH- OLIC CHURCH. POPE, 129U-1303 (BONIFACIUS VIII) Liber sextua Decretalium. 9 Jan. 11*76} also 1, 15 Apr.ll*9U} 5, 10 Sept.1500 ANERSAB, JOANNES, BP. 07 ALERIA See ANDREA, GiovAmn, bp. or aleria, u*i7-II*75 o27 ANDREAS, NICOLAUS, ll*th cent. De officio Missae. cBeromunster, Hellas Hellae, ca. 11*73* c28,l., the first wanting. U. 21cm. H 1081**} BMC ni 800 (IA 38110); GW 1758; Pr 7800; Goff. Third census, A-650. Capital, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Anonymous gift. x26i*.025/An2t ANDREAS DE ESCOBAR See ESCOBAR, ANDREWS DE, BP., d.ll*39? ANDREAS, ANTONIUS See ANDREAS, ANTONIUS, 1320 ANDREAS, JOANNES, BP. OF ALERIA See ANDREA, GIO- VANNI, BP. OF ALERIA, 1U17-UU75 - " 28 ANDRELINOS, FUBLIUS FAUSTUS, d. 15187 ELegiae. Paris, Felix Ballgault cafter 9 Sept.H96?> e50/. woodcuts printer's device. 1*. 21 c. Leaf cl s (t.p.): ELegie Fausti. GW 1866; Goff. Third census, A-693 In the last line of the text, ID copy has ca- rolus; GW has carolu and Pell 727 has caroli, although both GW and Pell are describing the Bibliotheque nationale copy! Purchased from Stonehill, lit Jan.ii9. x875.l/An25e/lU96 ANGELI, JACOPO, DE SCARPERIA See ANGELO, JA- COPO D', 15th cent. ANGELI, JOHANNES See ENGEL, JOHANN, 11*63-1512 ANGELO CARLETTI See ANGELUS CARLETUS DE CLA- VASIO, H017-lC9f ANGELO DA CHIVASSO See ANGELUS CARLETUS DE CLA- VASIO, 11*117-11*95 ANGELO, JACOPO D' , 15th cent., Translator See PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS. Coaaographia. Latin. 13 Sept. 11*75 29 ANGELUS CARLETUS DE CLAVASIO, 11*117-11*95 Stma Angelica de casibus conscientiae. Chivaseo, Jacokinus Suigus, de Suico, 13 May (III Id. Mai) 11*86. c388>*., leaves cl, 377, 378 blank and wanting. 1. 20.2l. at end. HC 5383*} BMC V 335 (IA 220U5); GW 1925; Pr 1*801*} Goff. Third census, A-715. Capitals and some paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately. Purchased from Rosenthal, 18 June 61t. x265.6/AnUs/LU87 31 ANGELUS CARLETUS DS CLAVASIO, 11*117-11*95. Summa Angelica de casibus conscientiae. Spier c Peter Drach, 11*88. c6>, 35U, cl0., the first blank and wanting. f. 30.2cm. "Rubrice Iuris ciuilis - canonici," by Hie- ronymus Tornieli: clOil. at end. HC 5386 5 BMC II U96 (IB 8597)} GW 1926} Pr 2375} Goff. Third census, A-716. The first capital is supplied in red and blue; other capitals and paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately. Bound in blind-stanped leather over wood- en boards; re backed; badly worn. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan.U6. xq265.6/AnUsAli88 32 ANGELUS CARLETUS DE CLAVASIO, 11*117-11*95. Summa Angelica de casibus conscientiae. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 10 Feb. 11*92. 1*. CCCX, cl><., the first and last blank. f. 31.9cm. Bound with Margarita Decretalium. Annota- tions Margarltarum Decretalium. Basel cca. 1U96. H 5395*; BMC II 1*31* (IB 71*17)} GW 1933; Pr 2071; Goff. Third census, A-722. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Purchased from Aedicula, 21* May 1*6. xq3U8/C2 8l2dImAU96 33 ANGELUS CARLETUS DE CLAVASIO, H*ll?-H*95. Summa Angelica de casibus conscientiae. Strassburg, Martin Flach, 26 Mar. 11*95. .16,, CCOXII /. f. 28.3cm. "Rubrice Jur> ciuil' r canSici," by Hiero- nymus Tornieli: leaves c7 -l6 b > HC 5397*} BMC I 153 (IB 2187)} GW 1938} Pr 701} Goff. Third census, A-725. Armorial bookplate: Bx Bibliotheca Eccle- siae collegiatae lateranensis ad S. Nicolaum prope Passavium. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan.i.6. x265.6/AnusAU95 3U ANGELUS CARLETUS DB CLAVASIO, ll*ll?-ll95. Summa Angelica de casibus conscientiae . Venice, Georgius Arrivabenus, 2 May 11*95. 8,, 519, 1 Vti. t leaf jj20, blank, woodcut: printer's derice. 8 . 18. hen. Leaf 1*> (t.p.) Summa Angelica. "BV-ice luris cluills t canonici," by Hlero- nynas Tornieli: leaves 1-12 at end. H 539&; OW 1939; Pr 1*926; Ooff . Third census, A-726. Capitals added in red. Bound in old vellum. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x265.6/Anl*s/ll*95a ANGELUS DE CLAVASIO See ANQELUS CARLETUS DE CLAVASIO, H11?-1]*9T" ANQELUS, DE GAMBILIONIBUS See GAMBILIOMI, ANQELO DEI, d. 11*51 ANQELUS, JACOBUS See ANQELO, JACOPO D', 15th cent. ANQELUS, JOHANNES See ENGEL, JOHANN, 11*63- 1512 ANQLICUS, BARTHOLOMAEUS See BARTHOLOMAEUS , ANQLICUS, fl. 1200-121*0 ANGUILBERTUS, THBOBALDUS, fl.l500, Supposed author. Hensa philosophies See MBNSA PHI- LOSOPHICA 4NNI0 DE VITERBO See NANMI, GIOVANNI, 11*32?- 1502 AMNIUS, JOHAINBS See KANNI, GIOVANNI, 11*32?- 1502 ANONTMUS NBVELETI See AESOPUS. Aesopus mora- lisatus. 23 Aug. 11*90 ANSELM, SAINT, ABP. OF CANTERBURY, 1033-1109. Proslogion See AUGUSTINOS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. MedlUtiones. cca.U* 91/92 * ANSELMUS CANTUARIENSIS See ANSELM, SAINT, ABP. OF CANTERBURT, 1033-1109 ANSELMUS LAUDUNENSIS See ANSELMUS, OF LAON, d.1117 ANSELMUS, OF LAON, d.1117, Glossator See BIBLE. LATIN. NOT AFTER 11*80. VULGATeT Bi- blia Latins, .not after 11*80, See BIBLE. UTIN. 11*98. VULGATS. Bi- blia Latina. 1 Dec. 11*98 ANTENOREUS, CAROLUS See ANTINORI, CARLO, fl. 11*96-1520 ANTINORI, CARLO, fl. 11*96-1520 See THESAURUS. Cornu copiae et horti Adonidis. Greek. Aug. 11.96 ANTONINUS PLCRENTINUS See ANTONINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF FLORENCE, 13TJ5^H5 35 ANTONINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF FLORENCE, 1389-11*59. Confessionale* Defecerunt scrutantes scru- tinio. Venice, Johannes de Colonia and Jo- hannes Manthen, ll*7l*. cl02>., the first and last blank. 1*. 23.5cm. Includes the author's Titulus de restitu- tionlbus (Summa theologica, pt.2, title 2) (leaves 71-97 b ) H 1177*; BMC V 225 (IB 20211*)} OW 2101*} Pr 1*289? Goff. Third census, A-798. Capitals and paragraph-narks added in red. Bound in contemporary blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; two clasps. Armorial bookplate: Ex libris Jacobi P. R. Lyell. In manuscript on leaf c2 a > s Pertinet ad Conventual Annuntiate. Bound with this is the author's De censuris et De sponsalibus et matrimonio. Venice, 23 Sept. ll*7l*. x265.6/An8cL/ll7l* 36 ANTONINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF FLORENCE, 1389-11*59. Ds censuris et De sponsalibus et matrimonio. Venice, Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Man- then, 23 Sept. 11*71*. cl36.*., the first blank. 1*. 23.5cm. Bound w ith the author ' s Confessionale t De- fecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Venice-, 11*71*. Contains also Paulus II. Bulla Cum in om- nibus iudiclis, 11 May 11*65; Plus II. Consti- tutio, 17 Nov. ll*6l ; Paulus II. Bulla Cum de- testabile scelus, 23 Nov. 11*61*; and Bulla Et si dominici, 3 Mar. 11*69 (leaves c85-136.) HC 1268*; BMC V 225 (IB 20227); GW 2070; Pr l*29l*; Goff. Third census, A-776. Capitals and some paragraph-marks added in red; initial-strokes in yellow. Imperfect: contains only the De censuris (leaves d-81*0 x265.6/An8cL/ll7l* ANTONINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF ILORENCE, 1389-11*59. Summa theologica, Part 2, title 2 See his Confessionale. lit 71* 37 ANTONINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF FLORENCE, 1389-11*59. Summa theologica. Part 1*. Venice cLeonardus Wild. 11*81. c358?l., the first blank and wanting. f. 29.5cm. HC (Add) 121*1**; GW 2187; Goff. Third census, A-873(IV) Quires -] are printed in Wild's types 150 and 71* Qi quires t 2 -P are in types 150 and 77 of Novimagio. Capital-spaces; guide-letters in the part printed in Wild's types. Purchased from: Passim, ll* June 65. xq230/An8s/U*80/pt .1* ANTONINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF FLORENCE, 1389-11*59. Titulus de restitutionibus See his Confessio- nale. U7l ANTONIO DA BITONTO, 1385-11*65, Commentator See LYRA, NICOLAUS IB, d.l3l*9. Postilla super Epiatolas et Evangelia quadragesla*- lia. 25 May ll*9U; alao 13 Dec.ll*9l*; 13 Feb. 1500/01 ANTONIUS IK BUTRIO See BUTRIO, ANTOMUS IB, 1338-11*08 APOLLINARIS SIDOMUS, C. SCLLIUS See SIDO- NIUS, C. SOLLIUS MODESTUS APOLLINARIS APOLLONIUS DYSCOLUS. De construe tlone . Greek See GAZA, THEODORUS, 11*00-11*76. Grammatica introductiva. Greek. 25 Dec. 11*95 APOLLONIUS, GABRIEL, Editor See ZACHARIAS, JACOBUS. Inscriptionum libellus. cl501? 3 38 APPIANUS, OF ALEXANDRIA. His tor la Romana. Latin. Venice, Bernhard Haler (Pictor), Erhard Ratdolt, and Peter Loslein, 11*77. 2v. (cl32, 212, I.), the first leaf of each vol. blank and wanting, woodcuts: bor- ders, capitals. I* . 27.7cm. Translated by Pier Candido Oecembrio. Vol.2 contains the De bellis civil ibus. H 1307*; BMC V 21*1* (IB 201*66-87); GW 2290 ; Pr U367, 1*368; Goff . Third census, A-928. Copy in which the borders are printed in black. Bookplate of Foley (v.l)j ownership in- scription of the monastery of St. Emmerau, Regensburg (v.2) Vol.1 bound in blind-stamped brown calf; t.2 bound by Zaehnsdorf in gilt- and blind- stamped brown levant morocco, gilt edges. Vol.1 purchased from Stonehill, 16 May U7; v.2 from Marlborough, 12 June 69. x88l/A6.Ld/ll*77 Another copy of v.2, bound at the end of v.2 of Monumenta Germaniae et Itali- ae typographica. (xf655.133/M76/v.2) 39 APPIANUS, OF ALEXANDRIA. Hist or ia Romana. Latin. Venice, Christo- phorus de Pensis, de Mandello, 20 Nov.l500. cl80s/., the last blank; leaves cl*-5 wanting. f. 32.1cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): Apianus Alexandrinus De bellis Ciuilibus. Translated by Pier Candido Decembrio. HC 1312; BMC V 1*73 (IB 23519); GW 2291; Pr 5253; Goff. Third census, A-929. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. From the Sunderland Library. Bound with this is Polybius. Historiae. Latin. Venice, 11*98. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq88l/A6.Ld/l500 UO APULEIUS MADAURENSIS. Opera. Vicenza, Henricus de Sancto Ursio, Zenus, 9 Aug. 11*88. cl78jt., the first and last blank, wood- cut: Printer's device. f. 33cm. Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bp. of Aleria. Includes Hermes Trismegistus. Asclepius, translated into Latin by Apuleius, and Albi- nus. Disciplinarum Platonis epitoma, trans- lated by Petrus Balbns. HC 1316; BMC VII 10*7 (IB 31851)) GW 2302; Pr 7172) Goff. Third census, A-935. In manuscript on first rectos Ex libris An- tonij Francisci de Nardis Arretini. Stamp on leaf c2: Bibl. Gust. C. Galetti Flor. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58 xq87l/Al*/U*88 AQUILA, PETRUS DE See PIETRO DELL'AQUILA, d.1361 ARATUS SCLENSIS. Phaenomena. Greek and Latin See FIRMICUS MATERNUS, JULIUS. De natiri- tatibus. 11*99 ARATUS SCLENSIS. Phaenomena. Latin See AVI- BNUS, RUFUS FESTUS. Opera. 25 0ct7EC88 ARCHINTO, AMBROGIO, Editor See PIUS II, POPE, 11*05-11*61*. Epistolae familiares. 10 Dec. U* 96 ARETINO, LEONARDO See BRUM, LEONARDO ARE- TINO, 1369-11*1*1* ARETINUS, ANGELUS See GAMBILIOM, ANGELO DBI, d.ll*5l ARETINUS, FRAHJISCUS See ACCOLTI, FRANCESCO, 11*16 or 17-11*88 ARETINUS, LEONARDUS See BRUM, LEONARDO ARE- TINO, 1369-11*1*1* ARETIO, ANGELUS DE See GAKBILIONI, ANGELO DEI, d. 11*51 ARETIO, DOMIMCUS DE See BANDIM, DOHEMCO, 1335(ca.)-lll8 ARETIO, FRANCISCUS DE See ACCOLTI, FRANCESCO, 11*16 or 17-11*88 ARGIROPOULOS, JOANNES, d. 11*86, Translator See AHIsrOTELES. Ethica ad Nicomachum. La- tin. 12 Apr. 11*97 ARISTAEUS' EPISTLE. ITALIAN See BIBLE. ITAL- IAN. ll8l. Biblia. Italian. ll*8l 1*1 ARISTOPHANES. Comoediae novera. Greek. Venice, Aldus Manutius, Romanus, 15 July (Id. Quintilis) 11*98. c3U8>/., leaves c90> and c 31*8= blank, c3l*8> wanting, woodcuts: capitals, headpieces. f. 31cm. Leaf l a . (t.p.)i 'API2T00AN0T2 KfiMfUAIAI ENNEA. ARISTOPHANIS COMOEDIAE NOVEM _ Edited by Marcus Musurus; text surrounded by Greek scholia. ARISTOPHANES - contlnued HC 16565 BMC V 559 (IB 21*1*70); GW 2333; Pr 5566; Goff. Third census, A-958. Title page mounted. Bound in 19th cent, gilt-stamped red moroc- co; arms of the Duke of Roxburgh (17hO-l8oU) stamped on covers. In manuscript on fly-leaf: Glynn Earle Welby from his cos: Sir Montague Chomeley Ba.rt i82lt. Purchased from Maggs, 17 Feb. 56. xq88l/A7/ll<98 1*2 ARISTOTELES. Opera. Greek. Venice, Aldus Manutius, Romanus, 1 Nov.ll95-, 210- 316, cl.l., leaves .91*. and .210. blank. Contains also works of Oalenus and Philo Judaeus (v. 2); Theophrastus (v.2-U), and Alexander, of Aphrodisias (v.h, pt.2) HC 1657*5 BMC V 553 (IB 21*395), 556 (IB 21*1.31), 555 (IB 21*1*25), 556 (IB 21*1*37), 558 (IB 2l*l*6l); GW 233U; Pr 551*7, 5555, 5553, 5556, 5565} Goff. Third census, A-959. Vol.3 contains the extra unfoliated leaf, PP, and the separate slip pasted at the foot of ckkiobi, containing a line of text which had been omitted; v.U, pt.l lacks the 2 leaves signed * at the beginning. Bound by Cope in gold- tooled dark olive morocco, with the Aldine printer's mark on both covers of each volume. Armorial bookplate of Michael Tomkinson of Franche Hall, Worcestershire; v.l and v.U, pt.l have also Ex libris of Albert May Todd. Purchased from Ranschburg, 21 May 1*5. xq88l/A8/lU95 ARISTOTELES. De anima. Latin See TIENE, QAE- TANO, 1387-11*65. Expositio in Aristotelem De anima. De sensu agents. 21 Sept.; 16 Oct. 11*86 U3 ARISTOTELES. De animalibus. Latin. Venice, Bartholo- maeus de Zanis, for Octavianus Scotus, 9 Aug. U*98. c6>, 89, ll., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: capitals, publisher's device. f. 29.7cm. Leaf l a . (t.p.): Arlstotelis De natura animalium: libri nouem. De partibus anima- lium: libri quattuor. De generatione anima- lium: libri Baton . Interprete Theodoro Gaza. HC 1703*; BMC V 1*33 (IB 23728); GW 2353; Pr 531*1; Goff. Third census, A-976. Purchased from Stonehill, 17 Dec. 59. xq88l/A8.X.Lg/ll*98 ARISTOTELES. De generatione et corruptions. Latin See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?- 1271*. Expositio super libros De generatio- ne et corruptione Aristotelis. 22 Dec. 11*96 1*1* ARISTOTELES. Ethica ad Nichomachum. Latin. .Strara- burg, Johann Mentelin, before 10 Apr. 11*69* .200.*., leaves c36, 128, 190, 200. blank; .190 and 200. wanting. f. 30cm. Contains also the Politica (leaves .89 b - 189*.) nd the Oeconomica (leaves .191 b -193 b .)} all three works translated by Leonardus Brunus Aretinus . H 1762*; BMC I 53 (IB 579){ GW 2367; Pr 221*; Goff. Third census, A-983. First capital added in red, blue, and black, others in red or blue; a coat of arms added by the rubricator in lower margin of leaf .1*. Original blind-stamped calf over wooden boards ; new clasps . In linen-covered case w ith tan morocco back. Purchased from Stonehill, 7 Jan.55. xq88l/A8e.Lb/ll*69 1*5 ARISTOTELES. Ethica ad Nicomachum. Latin. .Bologna, Dgo Rugerius? ca.U*75> 90./., the last blank and wanting. 1*. 21.6cm. Translated by Leonardus Brunus Aretinus. HCR 171*2; H 171*1*?; BMC VI 806 (IA 28598) .H. Malplglius?.; GW 2369? Pr 6532} Goff. Third census, A-986. Capital-spaces . Bound by Gruel in dark blue French morocco. In manuscript on leaf .1*.: Theophili Nico- lai usui est; on fly-leaf: - presented to Ed- mund J. James, President of the University of Illinois by Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus, of Chicago, & by him to the Library of the University, May 1,1916. x88l/A8e.Lb 1*6 ARISTOTELES. Ethica ad Nicomachum. Latin. Paris, Jo- hannes Higman and Wolfgang Hopyl, 12 Apr. 11*97. .210.*., leaves .37, 116, 127-172. wanting, woodcuts: title border, diagrs. f. 27.8cm. Leaf .l a . (t.p.): DECEM librorum Moralium Aristotelis, tres conuersiones : Prima Argyro- pili Byzantij , secunda Leonard! Aretini, ter- tia vero Antiqua per Capita et numeros conci- liate: communi, familiariq3 commentario ad Ar- gyropilum adiecto. Includes Aristotelis Magnorum moralium liber primus, Georgio Valla Placentino interprete (leaves .106 s -126 b .) Edited by Jacques d' Staples Le Fevre. HC 1761 (lncl. H 1750); C 631; BMC VIII 138 (IB 1*011*2); GW 2359; Goff. Third census, A-991. The second colophon (leaf .126^.) is in the first setting described in the Gesamtkatalog. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Imperfect: lacks Iacobi Stapulensi3 Intro- ductio in Ethicen Aristotelis and Aristotelis liber ad (fichomachum interprete Leo- nardo Aretino (leaves .127-172.) Bound with this is Le Fevre, J. d'fitaples. Artificialis introductlo per modum epitoma- tis in decern libros Ethicorum Aristotelis. .Parisiis, 1502. Purchased from Shapiro, 1 Feb. 66. x08l/A8e.LaAl*97 xo ARISTOTSLES. Magna moralia. Latin See his Ethica ad Ucomachun. Latin. 12 Apr.lE97 ARISTOTELES. Oeconomica. Latin See his Ethica ad Nicomachum. Latin, cbefore 10 Apr.ll69 ARISTOTELES. Politics. Latin See his Ethica ad Nicomachua. Latin, cbefore 10 Apr.l2<69 3 U7 ARISTOTELES. Spurious and doubtful works. Problenata. (Text beginning: Omnes homines) Latin. Paris, Guy Marchant, for Alexander Alyate, U Apr. 1500. tUkal. woodcut: publisher's device. h. 20ca. Leaf cl*j (t.p.): Probleumata Ar is tot el is deterninantia multas questiones de variis cor- porum humanorum dispositionibus valde audien- tib? suaues. cob eiusdem Aristotele vita et aorte me trice descripta. subiQctis metrorua cua interlineali glosa sententialibus exposi- tion! bus. C 625; GW 2U76; Goff. Third census, A-10W*. Title printed in black and red} publisher's device in red; copy with colophon. In manuscript on leaf c2*> : Fr. Juvenal is Portius Jossan; date, 1550, on t.p. Bound in contemporary blind-3tamped Milanese calf, back and corners restored. Purchased from Kraus, 28 Apr. 65. x88l/A8pr.L/l500 ARMANNI, JACOPO, fl.U*90, Editor See CAMONICA. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Statuta coamunitatis Valliscamonicae. 1 Sept.ll*96 ARNALDO DA VILLANOVA, 1235(ca.)-1311. De arte cognoscendi venena See ABANO, PIETRO D' , 1250-1315. De venenis. 18 Dec.lU87 ARNALDO DA VILLANOVA, 1235(ca.)-13U, Supposed author. Herbarius Latinus See HERBARIUS. Herbarius Latinus. lU Dec.lC99 0U8 ARNOLDI, HEINRICH, 1U05-U87. De septem festivitatibus gloriosissimae Vir- ginia Mariae. Freiburg im Breisgau, Fried- rich Riedrer cca.lU9U> 38a4. woodcuts: illus. 8. 15. lcm. Includes Soliloquiua de beatlssiaa Virgine Maria. R(Suppl.) 22; GW 2509; Goff. Third census, A-1062. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 8 0ct.l8. x26U.02l/Ar658AU9U ARNOLDOS DE VILUNOVA See ARNALDO DA V ILLA- NOVA, 1235(ca.)-1311 ARNOLDUS, HENRICUS See ARNOLDI, HEINRICH, 1U05-1U87 U9 ARS MORIENDI. Ars aoriendi. cStrassburg, Heinrich Egge- stein, ca.lU75 =8>/. f. 27.3ca. Leaf cl a > : Incipit tractatus bonus et vtilis de arte aoriendi. Text begins : Cum de praesentiis exilii miseria mortis transitus. Sometimes ascribed to Matthaeus de Cracovia, Albertus Magnus, or Domenicus Capranica (probab- ly the translator of the Italian version) HC 1086=H U387; BMC I 72 (IB 800); GW 2598; Pr 295; Goff. Third census, A-1091. Capitals, initial-strokes, and underlining added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x875Ar7/lU75 50 ARS MORIENDI. Ars aoriendi. cCologne, Heinrich Quentell, ca.lU95 d6,l. woodcut: illus. U. 20cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): SpeculQ artis bene moriCdi de temptatSnibus. penis lnfernalibus interro- gatOibus agonisantium. et varijs oratSnibus pro illorua salute faciendis. Text begins: Cum de praesentiis exilii mise- ria mortis transitus. Sometimes ascribed to Matthaeus de Cracovia, Albertus Magnus, or Domenicus Capranica (probab- ly the translator of the Italian version) HC 1U911; BMC I 29U (IA U902); GW 2610; Pr 1U25; Goff. Third census, A-IO98. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x875/Ar7/lU95 o5l ARS MORIENDI. Ars aoriendi. Italian. cVicenza, Simon de Gabis, Be vi la qua, ca.lU90i z20,t., the lastvanting. k. 21cm. Leaf il a a (t.p.): Questa operecta tracta dellarte del morire cioe in gratia di dio. Translation, by Doaenico Capranica, of the Ars moriendi with text beginning: Cum de prae- sentiis exilii miseria mortis transitus. C lUlO; BMC VII 1051 (tt 31890); GW 2627 cFlorence?3; Pr 7372; Goff. Third census, A- 1110. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Purchased from Giabel, 3 July U2. x875/Ar7Ic/lU90 ARS MORIENDI. Ars aoriendi. Italian See AU- GUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Soliloquia (Agnoscaa te -) Italian. 12 Sept.Ut92 52 ARS ORATORIA. c Basel, Johann Aaerbach, ca. 12*90, c8*. U. 20cm. Leaf cl*a (t.p.): Tractatus de arte orato- ria. H 1858; BMC III 750 (IA 37U70); GW 2667; Pr 763U; Goff. Third census, A-1137. Margins closely trimmed, with loss of some letters from the marginalia. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x808/Ar712/lU90 11 oj ARS ORATORIA. Lelpsig, Jacobus Thanner, 11*98. c8,l. woodcut: printer's device. h. 21.8cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p. )t Tractatus da arte oratoria. HR i860; GW 2668; Goff. Third census, A-1137a. Capital-spaces, all but the first w ith guide- letters . Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x808/Ar712/lU98 5U ARS PRAEDICANDI; sive Informatio notabilis et praeclara de arte praedicandi. cCologne, Johann Guldenschaff. 22 Apr.clU>79. clh'l., the last blank and wanting. f. 28.7c*. Leaf d*j! Informatio notabilis ".- pclara de Arte predicffdi In theoatibus De tempore Z Sanc- tis artificialiter deducta Incipit. HC 1861; GW 2670; Goff. Third census, A-1139. Capital, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, underlines, and connecting lines added in red. Purchased from Salloch, 20 Sept. 58. x25l/Ar27/lU79 55 ARTE DELL'ABBACO. Treviso cGerardus de Lisa, de Flandria. 10 Dec. 11*78. 62,<. U. 19.9cm. HCR 1863; BMC VI 883 (note); GW 2671* cMichele Manroloa; Goff. Third census, A-1LU1. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. In manuscript inside front cover: Bought from De Marinis 18 XII 20. Stamp of Walter Ash- burner, Firenie, on leaf cl* Purchased from D. B. Browne, 25 Feb.l*8. 3i$ttT?7'Ar75/llj78 X5J3 ARVERNUS, GHUJELMUS, BP. OF PARIS See GUILEL- MUS ARVERNUS, BP. OF PARIS, d.l2l9~ ARZIGNANENSIS, OLIVERIUS See OLIVERIUS ARZIO- NANENSIS, 15 th cent. ASCOLI, GRAZIADIO D' See GRAZIADEI D'ASCOLI, d,13Ul AST, ASTESANOS DE See ASTESANOS DS AST, d.1330 ASTESANO See ASTESANOS DE AST, d.1330 ASTESAMDS IE AST, d.1330. Canones poenitentia- les See NICOLAUS, OF OSIMO, 15th cent. Sup- pi ementum Summae Plsanellae. II* 71*; also lit 76 ASTRUCH DS CORTTELLBS, RAMON, d.H3U or 1*1*, Supposed author. De conceptione B. V. Hariae See LULL, RAMON, d.1315. Spurious and doubt- ful works. De conceptione B. V. Kariae. 12 Mar. 11*91 ATHANASIOS, SAINT, PATRIARCH OF ALEXANDRIA, d. 373 See BIBLE. N. T. EPISTLES OF PAUL. LATIN. Enarrationes Theophylacti in Epistolas Sancti Pauli. 25 Jan.li77 56 ATTAVANTI, PAOLO, H*19-H99. Brevlarium totius juris canonici, slve Dtcre- torum brevlarium. Milan, Leonardus Pachel and Uldericus Scinsenteler, 28 Aug.llt79. 5, II-CXVI, .2,, ii9-i27, !. woodcut: port. f and 1*. 30.5cm. H 7159; BMC VI 71*6 (IB 261*3l*)j Pr 5921*; Goff. Third census, P-178. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Hertaberger, 31 July 67. xq3U8/At8b 57 ATTAVANTI, PAOLO, U19-U99. Brevlarium totius Juris canonici; sire Db- cretorum brevlarium. Memmingen, Albrecht Kun- ne, 11*86. cU>, C.XXIX, d,t., the last blank and want- ing, woodcut: port. f. 26.7cra. H 7l6l#; BMC II 601* (IB 110U2); Pr 2780; Goff. Third census , P-180. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound in full red morocco, by C. C. McLeish. Purchased from Thorp, 5 Apr. 1*5. x3U8/At8b/ll*86 ATTAVANTI, PAOLO, 11*19-11*99. Decretorura brevlarium See his Brevlarium totius Juris canonici . 058 AUCTORES OCTO COM GLOSSA. Lyons, Perrinus Lathoml, Bonifacius Johannis, and Johannes de Villa Veteri, 16 Feb.ll*9U/95. c212 3 /. woodcuts: capitals, printer's de- vice. U. 26cm. Leaf el's (t.p.) i Auctores octo opusculorfl cfl cSmltariJs diligStiasime emgdati. videlicet Cathonis Theodoli Faceti Cartule: alias de contemptu mundi Thobiadis Parabolarum Alani Fabularum Esopi Floreti. The De contemptu mundi and the Floretus are ascribed to Bernard of Clairvaux; the Tobias to Matthaeus Vindocinensis. The Aesopus is the Aesopus moralisatus, by Walter of England. C 721; BMC VIII 319 (IB 1*2036); GW 2791; Pr 861*2; Goff. Third census, A-1183. Bound in contemporary blind-stamped calf over wooden boards. Purchased from Kraus, 1 Nov. 55 x875.8/Au22/ll*95 059 AUCTORITATES ARISTOTELIS, Auctoritates Aristotelis et aliorum philo- sophorum. Lyons, Pierre Mareschal and Bar- nabe Chaussard . ca.U* 96- 99 lix, tlmt., the last blank, woodcuts: cap- itals, printer's device. 8. 11* cm. Leaf cl*> (t.p.); AUctoritates Aristotelis Senece/ boetij/ Platonis/ Apulel/ Affricani/ Empedoclls/ PorphiriJ et Gilbert! porritani. GW 2825; Goff. Third census, A-1191*. Purchased from Christensen, 2 Nov. 1*9. x88l/A8.X.L/U*99 AUERBACH, JOHANNES,*05. Processus iudl- ciarius See .WERNER VON SCHOSSENRIEDd Modus legend! abbreviaturas . 9 Aug. 11*90 AUGUSTINDS DE RATISBONA, Editor See AUGUSTI- NDS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Opus quaestionum. 25 Apr. 11*97 12 AUGUSTINUS MORAVUS See AUGUSTINUS OLOMUCEN- SIS, 1U67-1513 60 AUGUST INUS OLOMUCENSIS, 11*67-1513. Dialogus in defensionem poetices. Venice cPaul Fridenpergers 21* Mar. (DC Kal. Apr.) li93. cl8,^., the last blank. 1*. 18. 7cm. Leaf cl a s (t.p. ): Dialog? in defensionem poetices . HC 11613*5 C 1*361} BMC V 378 (IA 221*30) cBernardinus Benaliusaj GW 3057} Pr 5667} Goff. Third census, A-1371. Imperfect: leaves cl7 and cl8a wanting. Capital on leaf 2 a > added in black ink. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x875Aulid AUGUSTINUS OLOMUCENSIS, U*67-l5l3 See ALFON- SO X, EL SABIO, KING OF CASTILE AND LEON, 1221-1281*. Tabulae astrononicae. 31 Oct. U*92 61 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Conf essiones . cCologne, Bartholomaeus de Unkela 9 Aug. (in nfesto laurStij) 11*82. d78>l., the last blank. h . 22.1*cm. HC 2032*} BMC I 21*1 (IA 39l*0)} GW 2895} Pr 111*1} Goff. Third census, A-1252. One capital added in blue and red, other capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines in red. Bound in blind-stamped calf over wooden boards} rebacked; clasps repaired. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x87l/A59co/U*82 62 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. De animae quantitate. clugsburg, Gunther Zainer, before 5 June ll*73 c29><., leaf c26> wanting. f. 31cm. Leaf cl&a : Aurelij Augustini hiponensis e- piscopi liber de ale quantitate incipit feli- citer. H 8589*(pt.IV, F.5U-82)} C 771} BMC II 318 (IB 55UO)} Pr 1565 (I)} Goff. Third census, A-1225. Between leaves >3* and cl*> is bound a leaf from the pseudo-Augustinian Speculum pecca- toris (Migne. Pat. Lat., v.l*0, col.987-988 (chap. 5, line 3-chap.6, line 1*3)) which is no. VI in the Zainer collection of tracts (H 8589* VI} Goff. Third census A-1337) Capitals and one paragraph-mark added in red. Purchased from Christensen, ll* Oct. 51*. xq87l/A59a/ll*73 63 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. De civitate Dei. Rome, Conradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus Pannartz, ll*68. c27lu<., leaves .1, 16, 273-271*= blank and wanting. f. 39.1*cm. HC 201*7} BMC IV 5 (IC 17107)} GW 2875} Pr 3293} Goff. Third census, A-1231. Large capitals added in gold on colored background, with marginal extensions} smaller capitals and paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately. Imperfect: the four blank leaves and leaves cl7, 267, and 266> wanting} 13 leaves have been mutilated by cutting out the illuminated capitals, with much loss of text} many inner margins repaired. Ex libris Paul Schmidt. Purchased from Chiswick, 15 July 5U. x87l/A59c/l]*68 61* AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. De civitate Dei. Rome, Conradus Sweynheym and Arnoldus Pannartz, 11*70. c29l*><., leaves 1, 16, 293-29l*> blank and wanting. f. 1*0. lcm. HC 201*9} BMC IV 10 (IC 1711*9)} GW 2876} Pr 3310} Goff. Third census, A-1232. ll* illuminated capitals added in gold and colors} first page of text (leaf c17j) in man- uscript facsimile, with elaborate hand-colored border} a few capitals in red or blue. In manuscript on fly-leaf: M. Wodhull Nov. 21, 1795. Edwards's sale} Bibl. Insbruch. No 326b, ex Bibl. Pinelli Ho. 535. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq871/A59cAl*70 65 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. De civitate Dei. Venice, Nicolaus Jenson, 2 Oct. (IV Non. Oct.) 11*75. c306j*., leaves d, 16, 305-306* blank and wanting. f. 21*. 5cm. HC 2051*} BMC V 175 (IB 19686); GW 2879} Pr 1*096} Goff. Third census, A-1235. This copy has variant colophon. Closely trimmed at top with some loss of headings. From the Library of Dr. Ernst Bergmann, Leip- sig. Purchased in 1925. x87l/A59cAl*75 66 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. De civitate Dei. Basel, Johann Ame roach, 13 Feb. (Id. Feb.) 11*90. c268.*. woodcut: illus. f. 32.1cm. Leaf tl a 5 (t.p.): Augustinus de Ciuitate del cum commento. With commentaries of Thomas Waleys and Nicho- las Trivet. HC 2066*} C 761} BMC III 752 (IB 37328)} GW 2888} Pr 7585} Goff. Third census, A-12l*l*. Capital-spaces with guide - le tte rs . In manuscript on t.p.: Property of Robert W. Cushman, the eighth in descent from Robert the Pilgrim. Purchased from Stonehill, 21* May 1*5. xq87l/A59c/U*90 67 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. De civitate Dei. Italian. cVenice? Anto- nio di Bartolommeo Miscomini, not after 11*633 c321*3<., the first and last blank and want- ing. f. 28.6cm, in case 30.6cm. HC 2071**2072?} BMC VII 1136 (IB 20l*57a)} GW 2892} Pr 611,5} Goff. Third census, A-12l*8. Border painted in gold and colors on leaf cll a a} capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately. Error in binding: leaf el2 3 bound at end. 13 At'GUSTINOS , APRELIUS - contlnucd Bound in light brown calf with elaborate floral border in gold on both covers ; full gilt back and edges. In buckram case with morocco back. In manuscript on fly-leaf: Bought at the Marquis of Hastings's sale for i 10. 10. 0. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan.ii9. xq87l/A$9c I/1U83 68 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. De Trinltate. c Freiburg I. B., Kilianus Piscator ( Fischer )* Ut9l*. c80*. f. 29c. Bound with the author's Opus quaestionum. Lyons, 25 Apr.lli97. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Augustinus de Trinltate. HC 20l*0; BMC III 695 (IB 11*207); GW 2929; Pr 3215; Goff. Third census, A-13U6. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately. x87l/A59q.b/Ui97 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Enarrationes in Psalmos See his Explana- tio Psalraorum. ii Aug.lit93 69 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. F.xplanatlo Psalnorum. Venice, Bernardinus Benalius, k Aug.lU93. cllii, CCCLX (i.e. CCCLVIII)*. woodcut: printer's device. f. 33.8cm. Errors in foliation. Commentary surrounds katln text of Psalms. HC 1973*; BMC V 37U (IB 22362); GW 2910; Pr 1*885; Goff. Third census, A-1273. The variant issue, with printer's device at end. Bound in badly rubbed leaf of vellum MS; front cover lined w ith leaf of rubricated vel- lum MS missal. In manuscript on leaf II 1 ': Ad usu' U 1 pla- citi placentini de Castro Sancti Joannis dio- cesis plac, *. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov.UU. xq223.2/AuU5e/lli93 70 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OP HIPPO. Expos itio evangelii secundum Johannem. cBasel, Johann Amerbach, not after 11*91' .206.*., the last blank. f. 29.2cm. Leaf d a . (t.p.): Augustinus super Johan- nem. H 1982*; BMC III 753 (IB 37U61); GW 2912; Pr 7630; Goff. Third census, A-1275. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq226.5/AuUe 71 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Opus quaestionum. Lyons, Johannes Trech- sel, 25 Apr. (VII Kal. Mai) 11*97. c286>l., the last blank, woodcut: print- er's device. f. 29cm. Leaf d*j (t.p.): Opus questlonfl diui Augu- stini. In quo hec omnia continentur. Heptateu- con .1. opus variartl questions super septe" primes libros Blblie: comprehendens totidem ,i. septem libros. Quest! onum noui z veteris testamenti libri .iij. De consensu euangeli- starum libri . iiij. Questionum euangeliorum libri .lij. Questionum octogintatriC liber .i. Questlonfl ,lxv. OrosiJ : eiusdS dyalogus qui est liber vnus Questions octo DulcltiJ libel- lus vnus. Questions laurentij de fide spe z chart tate: enchiridion Inquisitions lanuarlj Z de consuetudinlbus ecclesie libri . ij. Que- stionum honorati de gratia noui testamenti li- ber unus. Questionum qulnfjj hylarii libellus vnus. Questions sex contra paganos ad Deogra- tias libellus vnus. Item omnifl istorum indi- ces Z retractationes in faciebus posite. Ad diui! Aurelium AugustinQ episcopum huius operia T ipsu; lecturoR, cOmendatio. Edited by Jodocus Badius Ascensius and Au- gustinus de Rat is bona. HC 1965*; bmc viii 301 (IB 1*1935); ow 2915; Pr 8613; Goff. Third census, A-1297. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately. Bound in full red morocco by the owner, R. R Deardon, in 1931*. Stamp on t.p.: Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono Henr. Howard Norfolciensis. Bound with this is the author's De Trinlta- te. c Freiburg i. Br. ll*9l*. x87l/A59q.b/ll*97 72 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Opuscula. Strassburg, Martin Flach, 20 Mar. (XIII Kal. Apr.) 1U89. 6, CCLXVII, .la*. f. 30.3cm. Leaf cl*j (t.p.); Aurelii Augustini opuscu- la plurima. HC 19U6V; BMC I 1U9 (IB 2131); GW 2865; Pr 681; Goff. Third census, A-1218. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately; initial-strokes in red. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin; clasps and bosses gone. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq87l/A59.X/ll*89 73 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Opuscula. Parma, Angelus Ugoletus, 31 Mar. (pridie Kal. Apr.) ll91. c306;l., the last blank and wanting, wood- cut: printer's device. f. 30.5cm. Edited by Eusebius Conradus and Thaddaeus Ugoletus, with additions by Severinus Chalcus. Contents: Contra academicos.-De beata vita.- De ordine.-3oliloquia.-De immortal i tate animae. -De grammatica.-Principla rhetortces.-Categort- ae decern. -De moribus ecclesiae catholicae.-De animae quantitate.-De libero arbi trio. -Conra- dus, E. De vita et moribus Sancti Augustini. - De magistro.-De opere monachorum.-De dono per- se verantiae. -De decern chordis . -Sermones de vita clertcoruoi.-Vita Sancti Guarini. HC 1952; BMC VII 91*1* (IB 30336); GW 2867; Pr 686U; Goff. Third census, A-1220. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. In manuscript on leaves cla and c2i t Iste liber est monasterij Scte Marie Uratiarum. Purchased from Shapiro, Apr. 66. xq87l/A59.X/ll*91 1U AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Regula See HUGO OF SAINT VICTOR, 1096 or 7-llia. Regula S. Augustlnl. cca.Uk98 7U AUGOSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Sermones. Basel, Johann Amerbach, LU9U-95. 7v. woodcuts! illus. f. 35cm. Vol.1, leaf el* (t.p.): Plura ac dluersa - Sermonum Opera Vidillcet Ad Fratres in heremo commorantes: Sernones LXXVI. De Verbis dorai- ni: Sernones LXIII. De Verbis Apostoli: Ser- nones XXXV. In Epistoia CanonicS beati Iohan- nis primS : Sernones X. Homelier id est Serno- nes populares: Quinquaginta. De tempore: Ser- nones CCLVI. De Sanctis: Sernones LI. Vol.1: 76*. 5 v.2: 82*. ; v.3: 58*. j t.U: 30*.; v.5i 56*.} v.6: 256*., leaves 228-229 blank; v.7: hkL, the last blank. Vols. 2-7 have special title pages; v.l is undated. Preliminary matter includes verse by Sebasti- an Brant. H 2008; BMC III 756 (IB 37380); GW 2920 (var. ); Pr 7605; Goff. Third census, A-1308. Univ. of Illinois has vol.2 only. First capital added in red and blue; others in red and blue alternately; paragraph-marks in red. Bound in dark brown crushed levant morocco, blind-tooled, inner borders gilt, gilt edges. Signed by The French Binders. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq252/AuUser AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Sernones de vita cleric orum See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. De fuga mulierum. cca.lU70> 75 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Soliloquia. cAugsburg, GUnther Zainer, be- fore 5 June ll73> 2v.(.23.*.) f. 31cm. Leaf cl*j : AureliJ Augustini episcopi ippo- nensis incipit soliloquiC liber p'mus felici- ter. Voluenti mihi multa _ H 8589(pt.V, F 83-105); Pr 1565 (pt.II, describing the first book only); Goff. Third census, A-1333. Two capitals and one paragraph-mark added in red. Purchased from Christensen, lU 0ct.5U. xq87l/A59so*/U73 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. De contemptu nundi See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPP57 Spurious and doubtful works. De fuga mulierum. cCa.lltfOs AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. De continent!* See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. De fuga mulierum. cca.Ui70> 76 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Da fuga mulierum. Cologne, Ulrich Zell, ca.lltfO* c2U>*. h. 22cm. Includes the pseudo-Augustinian De conti- nent ia and De contemptu nundi; Hieronynus' Epistoia ad Paulinum presbyterum; and Augu- stinus ' Sernones de vita clericorun (2 of the 3 sermons; HC 1962; GW 2955; Pr 861; Goff. Third cen- sus, A-1279. Capitals, initial -strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red. Bound in a leaf of an old liturgical MS. Purchased fron Christensen, 28 Apr. 60. X871/A59.X/1U70 77 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Be vanitatibus saeculi. cEssllngen, Conrad Fyner, 1U75? c2Ui*., the last blank and wanting, wood- cuts: 3 capitals. k. 21.5cm. Includes the De vita Christiana, which has been ascribed to Fastidius, but is probably by Pelagius . H 2106; BMC II 515 (IA 8976); GW 3030; Pr 2U78; Goff. Third census, A-13U8. Univ. of Illinois copy contains only the De vita Christiana (leaves c6-2U>); leaves c21-23> have been badly mutilated and repaired, with substantial loss of text. Bound in leaf (Sap. 5:13-21 & 6:1-8) of the Latin Bible with glosses of W. Strabo and An- selmus Laudunensis. cStrassburg, not after lit80a (Goff. Third census, B-607) Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x2U8/Aul*5d/U*75 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Epistoia ad Cyrillun. Italian See HTEROHrMUS, SAINT. LEGEND. Vita et transitus Sancti Hleronyni. Italian. 12 Sept.lU76; also 27 Feb.lU95 78 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OP HIPPO. Spurious and doubt flil works. Epistolae pulcherrimae. Venice, Bernardl- nus Benalius cca.lii0 3 c30>*. U. 22cn. Includes two epistles of Bernard de Clair- vaux (leaves c29 b -3C*.) HR 1968; GW 2951; Goff. Third census, A-1269. Capital -spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x87lA59ep 79 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Manuals. cLouvain, Johann de Paderborn (Westphalia) ca.llj80-8l. c22.*., the last blank. U. 22.3cm. Includes Psalterium beati Augustini (leaves cl6 D -19^>) and Septen psalni ad laudC glorio- se virginis marie (leaves 19-21 b 3), both spurious . 15 AU'iOSTIHUS , AURSLIUS-contlnned HC 2023; GW 296U; Goff. Third census, A-1285. In wrapper, consisting of p. 85-86 of a quar- to ed. of Q. L. L. Buffon's Histoire naturelle des oiseaux. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x87l/A59.X/U*80 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Manual e. Ital- ian See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Solllo- quia (Agnoscam te _) Italian. 12 Sept. 11*92 08O AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Meditationes (Eya tunc homuntio _) Paris a Antoine Caillaut ccall*9l/92j cll*al. woodcut: printer's device. 1*. 20cm. Leaf cl a i (t.p. ): Meditationes beati augu- stini. Contains 39 selections, here wrongly attrib- uted to St. Augustine, from both genuine and spurious works of St. Anselra. Cf. J. P. Migne. Patrologiae cursus completus. Ser. Lat. v.UO (1861) col.9Ul-9l2. The first six chapters are from Amselm's Proslogion. H 195U; GW 2980; Goff. Third census, A-1290a. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in blue, red, or silver. Bound by Loebstein, in dark green morocco. Purchased from Breslauer, 25 Apr. 72. x87l/A59.X/ll91a 81 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Sermones ad heremitas. Venice, Paganinus de Paganinis. 26 May 11*87. djh'l. 8 6 . 15cm. HC 2002*; BMC V 1*5U (Ii 2321*2); GW 3003 j Pr 5l60; Goff. Third census, A-1315. Capitals added in red; initial-strokes in yellow. "Tractatulus de excellentlssimo sacramento corporis Chris ti," an anonymous MS written in a 15th cent, hand on the verso of the last leaf and on an additional leaf tipped in at end. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x252/AuUseM87a 82 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Sermones ad heremitas. cS trass burg, Jo- hann PrUss, not after 11*873 d08.. U. 21.1cm. Leaf d a i (t.p.): Sermones sancti Augustini ad heremitas. Includes Omelia de confessione peccatorS (leaves d06 a -107 D ) and De elemosina (leaves el07 b -108 a , ) HC 1997; BMC I 125 (IA 1705); GW 3002; Pr 71*1; Goff. Third census, A-1311*. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Stamp on verso of t.p.: Schule zu Gottin- gen. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x252/AuUse/U*87 83 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINI", BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Sermones ad heremitas. Venice, Vincentius Benaliua, 26 Jan. 11*92/93. c2,, 122*. woodcut: illus. 8. 15. 9cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Diui Augustini Episcopi Et doctoris ecclesie Sermones ad heremitas T ad alios Feliciter. Incipiunt. HC 200l*; BMC V 525 (I* 23893): GW 3005; Pr 5375} Goff. Third census, A-1317. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x252/AuUse/lU93 81* AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Soliloquia (Agnoscam te _) Italian, c Flo- rence? Epon. Pressa 20 June 11*89. ch6,l. h. 21.Ucm. Leaf .l a >: INCOMING IA IL PROEMIO lil LI SOLILOQVII EH, DIVO PADRE SANCTO AGOSTINO. "Dieci gradl equal! uiene lhuomo aperfec- tlone": leaves cl*7 a -l*8 b j HR 2017; BMC VI 697 (IA 28120); GW 3016; Goff. Third census, A-1328. Capitals added in blue. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x87l/A59so.l/H89 o85 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Soliloquia (Agnoscam te _) Italian. Mi- lan, Leonardus Pachel, 12 Sept. 11*92. cll6a*. 8. 16cm. Leaf cl a i : Incomentiano li solliloqulj del padre nostro Sancto Augustino: Prologo in vol- gare. Includes Italian versions of the pseudo- Augustinian Manuale (leaves c63 a -87 b ) and the Ars moriendi (leaves c87 b -ll6 b ,) HR 2019; GW 3018; Goff. Third census, A-1329a. Bound before the text are 8 leaves, on 1* of which a list of contents is written in an old hand. Purchased from La Bibliofila, 28 June 66. x87l/A59so.I/ll92 AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Speculum pec- catoris See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. De animae quantitate. cbefore 5 June 11*73' AURELIUS VICTOR, SEXTOS See VICTOR, SEXTOS AURELIUS AURIFABER, AEGIDIUS, d. 11*66, Supposed author. Speculum exemplorum See SPECULUM EXEMPLORUM. 2 May U*8l AURISPA, GIOVANNI, 1376(ca. )-ll*59, Transla- tor See HIEROCLES, OF ALEXANDRIA. In aure- os versus Pythagorae opusculum. Latin. 17 Apr.U*7l* AUSMO, NICOLAUS DE See NICOLA US, OF OSIMO, 15 th cent. 16 86 AUSONIDS, DECIMUS MAGNUS. Opera. Parma, Angel us Ugoletus, 10 July 11*99. c8, LXXVIII*. woodcut: printer's device. l*. 20.5cm. Leaf .1*. (t.p.)s Opera Ausonij Nuper Re- perta. Edited by Thaddeus Ugoletus. HC ( Add) 2181; BMC VII 91*6 (IA 30367); GW 3091*; Pr 6873; Goff. Third census, A-ll*al. Leaves LXI-LXIV wanting; leaves LVIIII-LX and LXV-LTVI duplicated; leaf LZXI bound be- tween leaves LXVI and LXVII. Armorial bookplates of Victor Albert George Child Vllliers, Karl of Jersey, Osterley Park, and Boies Penrose II; Ex libris: E. Cordon. Dcuff. Purchased from Barry, 20 Mar.l*7. x87l/A7/D99 AUXIMO, NICOLADS IE See NICOLAUS, OF CSIMO, 15th cent. AVAKIBS, HIEROSTMOS See AVANZI, GIROLAMO, fl.lU93-l53U AVANZI, GIROUMO, fl. 11*93-15 31*, Editor See LUCRETIUS CARDS, TITOS. De rerun natura. Dec. 1500 AVKRROES, 1126-1198. De substantia orbia See TIEHE, GAETANO, 1387-11*65. Expositio in Aristotelem De anina. 21 Sept., 16 Oct. 11*86 87 AVIANOS, FLAVIUS. Fabulae. cCologne, Heinrich Quentell, 10 Sept. (IV Id. Sept.) U*9U. .30.1., leaves .27-28. wanting, woodcut; illua. 1*. 18.6cm. Leaf .1*. (t.p.)< Apologus Auiani ciuls Ro- mani adolescentulis ad mores et latinun ser- nonen capescendos vtilissinus. Text with interlinear glosses, followed by commentary. HC 2191**; BMC I 283 (IA 1*625); CM 3110; Pr 1321*; Goff. Third census, A-ll*ll*. Bound in a fragment of an old vellum litur- gical manuscript. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x87l/A8Al*9U 88 AVIENOS, RUFUS FESTOS. Opera. Venice, Antonius de Strata, de Cre- mona, 25 Oct. (VIII Kal. Nov.) 11*88. .122:,/., leaves 1 , 58, 121-122. (all blank) and .2-3. wanting, woodcuts: illus. 1*. 20.9cm. Edited by Victor Pisanus. Includes Fragments arati phaenomenon per germanicum in latinum conuersi cum cofiento nuper in sicilia repertum (leaves .59 a -98*); M. Tulii Cicercnis Fragmentum Arati Phaeno- menon (leaves c98 b -10l*&. )j and Quinti Sereni Medicinae Liber (leaves .105 a -120 b .) HC 222l* H 2223; BMC V 291* (IA 21262); OW 3131 5 Pr 1*593; Goff. Third census, A-ll*32. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Olschki, 17 Mar. 19. x871/A9/U*88 B BADIDS ASCENSIUS, JODOCUS, 11*62-1535, Commen- tator See BAPTISTA MANTUANUS, 11*1*8-1516. Contra poetas impudice loquentes. 15 Oct. 11*99 See BAPTISTA MANTUANBS, 11*1*8-1516. De suorum temporum calami tatibus . 1* Sept. & 30 Nov.ll*99 See BAPTISTA MANTUANDS, 11*1*8-1516. Par- thenice secunda. .after 5 Aug. 11*99* See JUVENALIS, DECIMDS JUNTOS. Satyrae. I8(i.e.20?) Nov. U*98 See TERESTIUS AFER, PDBLIUS. Comoediae. 1 Nov. 11*96; also 11 Feb.U*99 Editor See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO^ - Opus quaestionum. 25 Apr.U*97 See TERENTHJS AFER, PUBLIUS. Comoediae. 7 MarTll*98 See TORQUEMADA, JOAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388- 11*68. Sunma de ecclesia contra impugna tores potestatis sumni pontificis. 20 Sept. 11*96 RADIUS JODOCUS, ASCENSIUS See RADIUS ASCENSIUS, JODOCUS, 11*62-1535 89 BALBI, GIOVANNI, d.1298. Catholicon. Mainz .Printer of the Catholi- con (Johann Gutenberg?) a 11*60. .373.*. f. UOcm. HC 2251**; BMC I 39 (IC 301); GW 3182; Pr 11*6; Goff. Third census, B-20. One leaf only (containing Propertius-Pro- verbialis) accompanying Stillwell, M. B., Gu- tenberg and the Catholicon of 11*60. N. X. 1936. Capitals added in red. xf655.l/G98st 90 BALBI, GIOVANNI, d.1298. Catholicon. .Strassburg, The R-Printer (Adolf Rusch) ca. 11*70. .372.1., the first and last blank and want- ing. f. 1*5. 6cm. HC 2251*; BMC I 65 (IC 660) f OW 3185; Pr 21*6; Goff. Third census, B-23. Usually dated "about 11*70," but printed with Rusch 's type 100, probably not before 11*75. cf. Brit. Mus. General catalogue of printed books, v.10, col. 1*31. Capitals, paragraph-caries, underlines, and initial-strokes added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 July 56 xfl*75/Bl8c/ll*70 17 091 BALBI, GIOVANNI, d.1298. Catholicon. cStrassburg, Johann Griininger, ca.H*85 c39U>4., the last blank and wanting. f. 38.6cm. Leaf cl* (t.p.)t Summa que Vocatur Catholi- con. GW 3190; Pr 1*32; Goff. Third census, B-27. Copy in which the first line of the title ends: Vo. Some capitals added in red and blue; others In red or blue; some underlining in red; text surrounded by red rules. Bound in brown stamped calf (rubbed) over wooden boards. The Prince Arenberg copy. Stamp: Bibliotheca Such tele n. Purchased from Kraus, 30 July 56. xql*75/Bl8c/ll*85 92 BALBI, GIROLAMO, BP. , ca.llt60-ca.l535. Epigrammata. cLeipzig, Conrad Kachelofen, ca.lU90-95i e28.4. 1. 21.2cra. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): Hieronymi Balbi Poete Epi- grSmata. HC 22U8; BMC III 629 (I* 11593); GW 3177; Pr 2881; Goff. Third census, B-17. Capital-space at beginning of text. Bound in early 19th cent. English calf; gilt- stamped; gilt edges. The Vollbehr copy, from the library of John Francis Neylen, of San Francisco; sold by Soth- eby 28 May 62. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 July 62. x832Bl8/Oell90 BALBI, PIETRO, 1399-11*79, Translator See APU- LEIUS MADAURE16IS. Opera. 9 Aug. 11*55" BALBUS, HIERONTMUS See BALBI, GIROLAMO, BP., ca.U*60-ca.l535 BALBUS, JOHANNES See BALBI, GIOVANNI, d.1298 BALBUS, PETRUS See BALBI, PIETRO, 1399-11*79 BALDINI, BACCIO, ll*36?-H*89? Engraver See DANTB ALIGHIERI, 1265-1321. La Commedia. 30 Aug. 11*81 93 BALDO DEGLI UBALDI, 1327?-ll*00. Super I-IX Codicis. Venice, Baptista de Tortis, 3 June-5 Sept. 11*96. 5v. woodcuts: printer's device. f. l*l*cm. Includes additions by Alexander Tartagnus. HC 2281; Goff. Third census, U-15. Univ. of HI. has only vols.l-5; last leaf in each v. blank and wanting. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Bound in old leather, extensively repaired with brown morocco, over wooden boards. xf3l*9.37U/C8lYb BALDUS DE PERUGIA See BALDO DEGLI UBALDI, 1327?-H*0O BALDUS DE UBALDIS See BALDO DEGLI UBALDI, 13277-11*00 BALMA, HENRICUS See HBNRICUS DE BALMA, d.H*39 91* BALTHASAR DE PORTA, d.l5l5. Expositio canonls Missae. cLeipzig, Grego- rius Bbttiger (Werman), ca.ll*95> c2hil. woodcuts: 2 capitals. 1*. 20.?cm. Leaf d a i (t.p.): Canon sacratissime misse una cd exposicione eiusdem. vbi in prim is p remit- titur pulcra contemplatio ante missam habenda d c risti pulcritudine. Et quomodo ipsa in sua passitSe ab eo olno fuerat ablata. qualiterq) quilibet celebrans debeat esse dispositus. In- cipit foeliciter. GW (Nachtr) 38; GW 3215; Goff. Third census, B-38. Woodcut capitals painted red; two other cap- itals and initial-strokes added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x265.3/B21eAl*95 095 BALTHASAR DE PORTA, d.1515. Expositio mysteriorura Missae. cLeipzig:, Oregorius BSttiger (Werman) .11*j95. c28il. woodcut: capital. 1*. 21.8cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Expositio misteriorfi misse. cristi passione deuotissiroe figurantlfl. me trice atqj prosaice posita. Et verus modus rite ce- lebrandi. cunctis celebrStibus. et missam fruc- tuose audire cupientibus. perqj vtilis _ HC 231*8; GW 3223; Goff. Third census, B-l*3. An adaptation, with additions, of the work with the same title by Guilelmus de Gouda, with the verse derived chiefly from the Jesuida of Hieronymus de Vallibus. cf. BMC III 627. Capital-spaces with guide-letters; woodcut capital on t.p. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x265.3/B21s/ll*95 96 BANDELLO, VINCENZO, U*35-l506. De singular! puritate et praerogativa concep- tions Sal vat oris Nostri Jesu Christi. Bolo- gna, Ugo Rugerius, 12 Feb.U8l. 113 (i.e. 112), c5.4. 1*. 20.5cm. H 2353*; BMC VI 806 (IA 28703); GW 3238; Pr 6552; Goff. Third census, B-l*9. The first capital is supplied in gold; capi- tal-spaces elsewhere. Bound by Trautz-Bauzonnet in gilt-stamped dark blue crushed morocco; gilt edges. Bookplate of George Dunn of Woolley Hall. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x232.92l/B122d/U*8l BANDELLUS DE CASTR0N0V0, VINCENTIUS See BAN- DELLO, VINCENZO, 11*35-1506 BANDELLUS, VINCENTIUS See BANDELLO, VINCENZO, 11*35-1506 BANDINI, DOMENICO, 1335(ca.)-lUl8. Index See BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI, 1313-1375. Genea- logiae deorura. 6 0ct.ll*8l 18 BAPTISTA DE SALE See TROVAMALA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA,* 97 BAPTISTA MANTUANUS, 11*1*8-1516. Adolescentia. Mantua, Vincentiua Berto- chua, 16 Sept. (IVI Kal. Oct.) 11*98. cl*0,<. l*. 21.5cm. HC(* Add) 21*01; BMC VII 93u (IA 30683); GW 321*1*; Pr 6910; Goff. Third census, B-53. In manuscript Inside front cover: Ex Biblioth. Sunderland, and Ex Libris Friderici Sacci Cre- monensis. 1883. Stamp: Ex Bibliotheca Car. I. Tabor is. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x852B22/Oell*98 BAPTISTA MAOTUANUS, 11*1*8-1516. Catharinaria See his Parthenice secunda, sive Cathari- naria. .after 5 Aug. 11*993 98 BAPTISTA MANTUANUS, H*l*8-l5l6. Contra poetas impudice loquentes. c Paris, Georg Wolf andi Thielman Kerver, tor Jean Pe- tit and Johann de Koblenz, 15 Oct. (Id. Oct.) 11*99. XXt. woodcuts: printer's and publisher's de- vices. U. 22cm. Bound with the author's De suorum tempo rum calamitatibus . cParisa 11*99 Leaf el a > (t.p.): F. Baptiste MStuanl Carme- lite Theologi: aureum contra impudice scriben- tes opusculua: familiar! ter explicate. Quod ubi uenundetur finis indicat. With the commentary of Jodocus Badius Ascen- sius. H 2369 (III); GW 3313; Pr 8387; Goff. Third census, B-82. x8$2B22/Ocll99 99 BAPTISTA MANTUANUS, Ill*8-l5l6. De patientia. Brescia, Bernardinus de Mi- sintis, 30 May (III Kal. Iun.) 11*97. cll6.i. 1. 21.5cm. Leaf cl a (t.p.): Reuerendi fratris Bapti- stae mantuani Carmelitae de patientia aurei libri tres. HC (Add) 21*0l***H 21*03; GW 3301* (var.); Pr 701*1; Goff. Third census, B-76. Leaf cl5 a >, line 1 has: his plagis inclu- dunt. Four capitals added in red, blue or black; spaces with guide-letters elsewhere. Bound in 18th cent, brown calf. Purchased from Kraus, 10 Apr. 57. x852B22/0pat 100 BAPTISTA MANTUANUS, H*88-l5l6. Ds patientia. Venice, Jacobus Pentius, de Leuco, 6 Sept. 11*99. cl36^. l*. 19.6cm. Leaf cl* (t.p.)i Reuerendi fratris Bapti- stae mantuani Carmelitae de patientia aurei libri tres. HC 21*08*; BMC V 565 (IA 21*529); GW 3308; Pr 5585; Goff. Third census, B-80. Armorial bookplate: Ex libris Liechtensteini- anis. Bound in a leaf from a vellum manuscript of the Vulgate text of Matt. 27: 1*0-60. Bound with this is cLasicki, Jan De Rvssorvm, Moscovitarvm et Tartarorvm religione. Spirae, 1582. Purchased from Weil, 12 June 51. x852B22/Opatll*99 101 BAPTISTA MANTUANUS, U*l*8-l5l6. De suorum temporua calamitatibus. c Paris > Georg Wolf and Thielman Kerver, for Jean Petit and Johann de Koblenz, 1* Sept. and 30 Nov. 11*99. cits, CLI, cli-t. woodcuts: devices of print- er and publisher. 1*. 22cm. With the commentary of Jodocus Badius Ascen- sius. H 2385; BMC VIII 216 (IA 1*0966); GW 3255; Pr 8386; Goff. Third census, B-95. Old monastic binding, front loose, clasp re- paired. Leaves from Horatius. Odae. c Paris A. Denidel, for D. Gerlier, 1 Dec. 11*98, serve as last fly-leaf (leaf c91>) and as lining of front cover (leaf c92j) and of back cover (leaf c9l* a 3) Bound with this are Dati, Agostino. ELegan- tiolae. Paris cca. 11*99' and the author's Contra poetas impudice loquentes. eParisa 15 Oct. 11*99. Purchased from Glmbel, 3 July 1*2. x852B22/Ocli*99 BAPTISTA MANTUANUS, 11*1*8-1516. Mariana See his Parthenice prima, sive Mariana. 17 Oct. 2158 102 BAPTISTA MANTUANUS, U*l*8-l5l6. Parthenice prima, sive Mariana. Bologna, Franc iscus (Plato) de Benedictis, for Bene- dictus Hectoris, 17 Oct. (IVI Kal. Nov.) 11*88. e70>*. l*. 20.2cm. Edited by Caesar de Nappis. H 2361*; BMC VI 823 (IA 28869); GW 3276 (var.); Pr 6585; Goff. Third census, B-58. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x852B22/Opll*88 103 BAPTISTA MANTUANUS, Il*l*8-l5l6. Parthenice secunda, sive Catharinaria. Paris, Georg Wolf and> Thielman Kerver, for Jean Petit cand Johann de Koblenz, after 5 Aug. ll*99 cai , CV, cl,t. woodcuts: printer's and pub- lisher's devices. 1*. 20.2cm. With the commentary of Jodocus Badius Ascen- sius and additions by Franciscus Ceretua. H 2369(11); C(* Add) 2376; GW 3303; Pr 8385; Goff. Third census, B-72. Copy in which the incorrect signature Nil on leaf c2 a . has not been corrected to a ii. Label: From the library of Janet Ashbee and C. R. Ashbee. Purchased from Roaer, 17 Dec. 1*5. x852B22/0pall*99 BARBA, DAMIANUS CORTCIUS, Editor See CARDULO, FRANCESCO, f 1.11*93. Oratio in funere Cardi- nalis Ardicini de La Porta, .after 1* Mar. 11*93= 19 101* BARBARO, ERHOLAO, H5U-H93 . Castigat tones Plinlanae et Pomponii Kelae. Rome, Eucharius Silber, 21* Nov. (VIII Kal. Dec.) U*92, 13 Feb. (Id. Feb.) 11*93. c3U8,/. f. 31.5cm. HC 21*21*; BMC IV 113 (IB 18955); OW 33UOj Pr 3860; Goff. Third census, B-100. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Interna tionaal Antiquariaat, 20 Nov.6l. xq87l/P6.Tba/ll*92 BARBARUS, HERMOLAUS See BARBARO, EHMOLAO, 11*51*- H93 BARBO, PAOLO, d.ll*9l*, Editor See THOMAS AQUI- NAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Opuscula. 11*88 See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l. Super secundc libro Sententiarun Petri Lom- bardi. 27 May ll*9i* BARBUS, PAULUS See BARBO, PAOLO, d.ll9i* 105 BARTHOLOMAEUS, ANGLICUS, f 1.1200-121*0. De proprietatibus rerum. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 30 May (III Kal. Iun.) ll83. c268<., the first (wanting) and last blank; leaves c 266-267* wanting. f. 27.2cm. Often erroneously ascribed to Bartholomaeus de Glanvilla. H 2505; BMC II 1*25 (IB 7306); GW 3U09; Pr 2036; Goff. Third census, B-137. Capital-spaces; a few capitals added crude- ly in black ink and a few supplied by capitals cut from 19th cent, printed matter and pasted in the spaces. Leaves c266-267j replaced by photostats. Error in binding: leaves c2-6 bound after leaf c267> Armorial bookplate of Raimond van Marie. Purchased from Schuman, 23 Apr. 55. x039/B91dM83 BARTHOLOMAEUS CREMONENSIS, Editor See GREGO- RIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, 5Co(ca.)- 60b. Moral ia, sive Expos itio in Job. ll* June Ut80 BARTHOLOMAEUS DE GLANVILLA, d.1360, Supposed author. De proprietatibus rerum See BARTHO- LOMAEUS, ANGLICUS, fl. 1200-121*0. "Be propri- etatibus rerum. 30 May 11*83 BARTHOLOMAEUS D5 PLATINA See PLATINA, BARTOLO- MEO, 11*21-11*81 BARTHOLOMAEUS DE SANCTO CONCORDIO See BARTO- LOMMEO DE'GRANCHI Di SAN C0NC0RDIS7 PISA NO, 1262-131*7 BARTHOLOMAEUS PISANUS See BARTOLOMMEO DE'GRAN- CHI DA SAN CONCORDI07TISANO, 1262-131*7 106 BARTOLOMMEO DA LI SONETTI, fl. 11*85. Isolario. c Venice, Guilelmus Anima Mia, Tridinensis ? ca. H*85 56l. woodcuts: maps. 1*. 22.7cm. Leaf cl*ji Al Diuo Clnquenoento cinque e diece Tre cinqj a do Mil nulla tre e do vn c8to nulla, questa opra dar piu cha altrl lecce. Al suon de le mie rime lnfime e basse _ A description of the Aegean Sea, in sonnets. The author has sometimes been identified with Bartolomeo Zamberti. HCR 2538 = H 11*890; BMC V UlO (IA 23056); Pr 5107; Goff. Third census, B-183. Copy in the second state, with two stanzas on the verso of leaves cl2> and cl5>, and three stanzas on the verso of leaf c2U=. The woodcuts are colored by hand. Purchased from Stonehill, 8 June 1*8. x852B285/OiU*85 BARTOLOMMEO DA SAN CONCORDIO See BARTOLOM- MEO DE'GRANCHI DA SAN CONCORDIO, PISANO, 1262-13U7 BARTOLOMMEO DE'GRANCHI DA SAN CONCORDIO, PISANO, 1262-131*7. Summa de casibus con- scientiae See NICOLA US, OF OSIMO. Supple- mentum Summae Pisanellae. ll*7U; also 11*76 BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO, 131l*-1357. De tabel- lionibus See cWERNER VON SCHUSSENRIBD, Modus legend! abbreviatures . 9 Aug. 11*90 ol07 BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO, 131U-1357. Super prima parte Digesti novi. Venice, Andreas Torresanus, de Asula, 16 Sept. (XVI Kal. Oat.) 11*88. cll*0>4., the first and last blank, the last wanting. f. 1*1*. 2cm. Includes Repetitio legis: Caesar de publi- canis (leaves d37-139= ) H 2609(1); GW 3551*5 Goff. Third census, B- 219. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xf 31*9. 375/C8ldTb/H*88 BARZIZA, GASPARINO See BARZIZZA, GAS PARI NO, 1360-11*31 108 BARZIZZA, GASPARINO, 1360-11*31. Epistolae. c Basel, Martin Flach, not after H*7l> c51>4., the last blank and wanting. f. 28.2cm. HC 2669* 2672; BMC III 71*0 (IB 37211); GW 3677; Pr 75U3; Goff. Third census, B-262. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x875.6/B28e/U7u ol09 BARZIZZA, GASPARINO, 1360-11*31. Epistolae. Basel, Michael Furter, not af- ter ll*99 c62,/. woodcut: illus. 1*. 18.8cm. Leaf cl a , (t.p. ): Epistole Oasparlni. H 2671*; BMC III 786 (IA 37821*) J GW 3687; Goff. Third census, B-267. Capital-spaces, with guide letters. Bound in a leaf from a vellum manuscript. 20 BARZIZZA , GASPARINO - contlnued Bound with this is Manneken, Carolus. Formu- lae epistolarum. cStrassburg. 11*93. Purchased from Johannes Vahlen, 1913. x875.6/B28e BASILIUS MAGNUS See BASILIUS, SAINT, THE GREAT, ABP. OF CAESAREA, 330 (ca.) -379 oUO BASILIUS, SAINT, THE GREAT, ABP. OF CAESAREA, 330(ca.)-379. De legendis antiquorum libris; sive De 11- beralibus studiis. cLeipzlg, Martin Lands- berg, ca. 11*89-96. c 8.<. 1. 20.9cm. Leaf .1*. (t.p.)s BasiliJ Magni Liber de stu- dio poetai^. f- oratonp quo pacto qualiterue legi debeat. Translated by Leonardus Aretinus Bruni. GW 3709; Goff. Third census, B-275. Two capital-spaces. Manuscript verses to the Virgin Mary on ver- so of leaf .8.. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July U2. x88l/B32j.Lb/U9- # See VEROERIO, PIETRO PAOLO, THE ELIER, 1370-11*1*1*. De ingenuis moribus. ca. 11*71.; also 21 June 11*93 BATHONIENSIS, ADELHARDUS See ADELARDUS, OF BATH, ca. 1110-111*2 BAUFET, GUILLAUME EE See GUILELMUS DE BAU- FET, BP. OF PARIS, d.1319 BEAUVAL, FIRMIN IE See FIRMIN DE BEAUVAL, H.1335-13U5 BEDA, VENERABILIS, 673-735. Historia eccle- siastica gentis Anglorum See EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA. Historia eccle- siastica. Latin. Hi Mar.1500 BEEKE, HERMANN VON DER, d.1520, Commentator See CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. PROSAR. Textus sequentiarum, cum optimo com- mento. ell*99 11*99" See VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Bucolica. See VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Georgica. 11*99 BELLUNENSIS, URBANUS See BOLZANIO, URBANO, 11*1*3 (ca.)-l52l* BENBVENTO, MARCO DA See MARCUS, OF BENEVENTO 111 BENTIVOGLIO, ANTONIO GALEAZZO, fl.ll*80-ll*83. Oratio ad Alexandrum VI nomine Bononiensium habita. cRome, Stephan Plannck, not before Sept. 11*92 . 2.*. U. 19cm. Edited by Ferdinandus de Salazar. # BECCARIA, ANTONIO, l$th cent., Trans- lator See DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES. De situ orbis. Latin. 1U78 BECCHARIA, ANTONIO See BECCARIA, ANTONIO, l$th cent. BECHARIA, ANTONIO See BECCARIA, ANTONIO, 15>th cent. HC 2791; G 3852; Pr 3705; Goff. Third cen- sus, B-330. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x875.5Ml*o/H*92 BENTIVOLUS, ANTONIUS OALEAZIUS See BENTIVO- GLIO, ANTONIO GALEAZZO, fl.U*Bo^H*83 BENVENUTO DA EMOLA See RAMBALDI, BENVENUTO DA IMOLA, d.1387 or 8 BERCHORIUS, PETRUS See BBRSUIRE, PTKTOK, 1290 (ca.)-1362 BBRGAMO, PHILIPPUS DE See PHILIPPUS, DE BERGAMO, d.1380 112 BERGAMO. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Statuta communitatis Bergomi. Brescia, An- gelus and Jacobus Britannicus, 18 Dec. (XV Kal. Ian.) 11*91. .228.1., leaves cl3, 17. (both wanting) and .228. blank. f. 31.5cm. HC 11*996; BMC VII 976 (IB 31139); Pr 6987; Goff. Third census, S-706. Capital-spaces, with guide-letters. Leaves ell*, and .15. (Errores) are bound be- tween leaves c227. and c228. and leaf cl6. (In- trod.) is bound before leaf cl. (Tabula) Manuscript marginal annotations; note at end of text: Data in meo ducali pallatio die iij mensis aprilis in ductione undecima 11*93. Purchased from Count Antonio Cavagna, 1921. xq3l*9.U5/Bl*5s/ll*91 BERGOMAS, JACOBUS PHILIPPUS See FORESTI, JA- COPO FILIPPO, DA BERGAMO, H3l*-l520 BERGOMENSIS, JACOBUS PHILIPPUS See FORESTI, JACOPO FILIPPO, DA BERGAMO, ll*3l7-l520 BERGOMENSIS, PETRUS, See PETRUS BERGOMENSIS, d.H*82 BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, SAINT, 10917-1153. Epi- stolae duae See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. Epistolae pulcherrimae . cca. 11*90. BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, SAINT, 1091?-ll53. Expo- sitio super Salve regina See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Tractatus quinque cum ali- is tractatibus. 1 Kar. 11*88 113 BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, SAINT, 10917-1153. Opuscula. Modena, Dominicus Rocociclus, 8 July 11*91. .106.1., the first blank and wanting, wood- cut i capital. 1*. 20.6cm. H 2921; BMC VII 1062 (IA 32257); GW 3906; Pr 7197; Goff. Third census, B-363. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x208/Bl*5/H*91 21 111* BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, SAINT, 10917-1153. Opuscula. Brescia, Angelus and Jacobus Bri- tannicus, 18*95. .31*8,/. 8. 15.9cm. Leaf cl*> (t.p.): Opuscula Diui Bernardi Abba- tis Clareuallensls. "Philothei nonachl: De uita & norlbus Diui Bernardi _ Carmen encomiasticon" : leaves .2*- 17 a , Edited by Theophilus Brixiensis. CR 99U; BMC VII 977 (IA 3lU*7); GW 3907 ; Pr 6989; Goff. Third census, B-361*. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Qiabel, 3 July 1*2. x208/Bl*5t/ll*95 11$ BERNARD DB CLAIRVAUX, SAINT, 10917-1153. Opuscula. Venice, Simon Bevilaqua, 17 Oct. 11*95. .31*6./. 8. 16cm. Leaf cl*3 (t.p.): Opuscula diui bernardi abbatis clareualensis. "Philothei monachi: De uita & raoribus Diui Bernardi - Carmen encomiasticon": leaves .2*- l5 b > Edited by Theophilus Brixiensis. HC 2922*5 BMC V 520 (IA 23953): GW 3908; Pr 539U; Goff. Third census, B-365. Capital-spaces with guide -letters. T. p. mutilated, with loss of the ends of the two lines; mounted. The first 16 leaves badly stained, with slight loss of text. Two prayers, in manuscript of the 15th or 16 th cent., pasted on leaves c3U5 and .3l*6 b > Stamp: Bibl. Oust. C. Oalletti Flos. Purchased from Shapiro, 20 Sept. 65. x208/Bl5t/U*95a 116 BERNARD DE OAIRVAUX, SAINT, 10917-1153. Sermcnes super Cantica canticorum. Ro- stock, Fratres Domus Horti Viridis Ad S. Mi- chaelem, 28 July ll*8l. x .208,/. f. 25.5cm. HC 2856; GW 393U; Goff. Third census, B-l*27. One leaf only, foliated in pencil: 85; con- taining the end of Sermo xxxij and the begin- ning of Sermo xxxiij. One of the Beilagen bound at the end of v. 2 of Monumenta Germaniae et Italiae typographica . xf655.133/M76/v.2 BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, SAINT, 10917-1153. Spurious and doubtful works. De contemptu mundi See AUCTORES OCTO CUM GLOSSA. 16 Feb. H91j/9^ 117 BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, SAINT, 10917-1153. Spurious and doubtful works. De planctu B. Mariae Virginls. .Cologne, Ulrich Zell, ca. 11*70, .6,/. U. 21.3cm. Bound with Nider, Johannes. Consolatorium timoratae conscientiae. .Cologne, ca. 11*70, Leaf .1*, : Tractat' beati bernhardi de plSc- tu bt8 marie. BMC I 183 (IA 2781*); GW U056} Pr 829; Goff. Third census, B-l*21. Capital, initial-strokes, paragraph marks, and underlining added in red. x2U2/H5i*9c See PASSIO DOMINI JESU CHRISTI SECUNDUM QUATTUOR EVAN3ELIA. .after 1500. Floretus See AUCTORES OCTO CUM GLOSSA. 16 Feb.U9U/95 _ 118 BERNARD DB CLAIRVAUX, SAINT, 10917-1153. Spurious and doubtful works. Modus bene Vivendi. Venice, Bernardinus Benalius, 30 May 1U92- .92=*., the last blank. 8. l6.l*cm. Leaf .1*3 (t.p.): Diui Bernardi abbatis ad sororem: Modus bene uiuendi in christianam religionem. HC 2893*; BMC V 373 (H 22353); GW 1*01*7; Pr 1*881; Goff. Third census, B-l*13. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red or blue. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x271.9/BU5m/U*92 119 BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, SAINT, 10917-1153. Spurious and doubtful works. Modus bene vivendi. Venice, Bernardinus Benalius, 30 May 11* 91*. .1063/. woodcut: printer's device. 8. 15. lcm. HCR 2896; BMC V 375 (la 22371); GW 1*01*8; Pr 1*888; Goff. Third census, B-I*ll*. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 10 Sept. 1*5. x271.9/Bl*5m/U*9l* 120 BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, SAINT, 10917-1153. Spurious and doubtful works. Modus bene vivendi. Italian. Venice, Jaco- bus de Ragazonibus, 21* Mar. 11*97. .!*, lxxxxvi (i.e. cvi) /. l*. 22.3cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Sermon! deuotissimi del deuotissimo Sancto Berardo: Auna sua sorella monacha: necessarii a tutti quelli che uoleno uiuere iu questo seculo in gratia del signore. H 2899; R 1*22; BMC V 573 (IA 21*633); ow 1*05U; Pr 561 7A; Goff. Third census, B-l*19. Capital -spaces w ith guide letters. Errors in foliation: leaves lxxxxix-cvi num- bered lxxxix-lxxxxvl. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x271.9/Bl*5I/ll97 121 BERNARD DE GORDON, Practlca, seu Lilium medicinae. Lyons, An- toine Lambillion and Marinus Saracenus, 2 May 11*91. c206,/., the first and last blank and want- ing. U. 25.6cm. Leaf .2*,: In nomine del misericordis incipit practica excellStissimi medicine monarce domi- ni magistri Bernardi de Gordonio dicta Lilium medicine. Includes De ingeniis curandorum morborum; De regimine acutarum aegritudinum; De prognostic-is. HC 7797; GW 1*082; Goff. Third census, B-l*l*9. 22 BERNARD DE QORDON - continued Capitals, paragraph-narks, initial-strokes added in red. Purchased from Edwards, 10 Feb. 68. x6l6/Bl*5p/ll*91 BERNARD DE PARENTIS See PARENTINIS, BERNAR- DDS DE,,13ii2" BERNARDINDS VERONENSIS See CILLENIO, BERNAR- DINO, 15th cent. BERNARDDS CLARA VALLENS IS See BERNARD DE CLAIR- VAOX, SAINT, 10917-1153 BERNARDDS DE GORDONIO See BERNARD DE GORDON, _l.ca1260-13l8 BERNARDDS DE PARENTINIS See PARENTINIS, BER- NARDDS DE, 131*2 BERNARDDS DE SENIS See GDERRI, BINDDS, d. 1390 BERNARDDS PARMENSIS See BOTTONI, BERNARDO, d.1266 BERNRARD DE PARENTINIS See PARENTINIS, BER- NARDDS DE, 131*2 BEROALDO, FILIPPO, ll*53-l505. Annotationea centum See SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, 11*36-1506. Emendationes, seu Anno- tationes in Plinium. ica.ll*97a ~ Annotationes in Serviura Gramma ticum See SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, 1U36-1506., seu Annotationes in Plinium. cca.U*97 _____ Nonnullae in Plinium emendationes See SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, 1U36-1506. Emendationes, seu Annotationes in Plinium. cca.ll*97 122 BEROALDO, FILIPPO, H*53-l505. Oratio prove rbiorum. Bologna, Benedictus Hectoris, 17 Dec.U*99. c28><., the last blank, woodcut: printer's device. 1*. 21.1* cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): ORATIO Prouerbiorum condita a Philippo Beroaldo/ Qua doctrina Remotior continetur. HC 2966; BMC VI 81*5 (IA 29101): GW 1*11*2; Pr 661*5; Goff. Third census, B-U89. Two capital-spaces with guide-letters. Label inside front cover: Sura Caroli Whibley. In manuscript on fly-leaf: At Wise's sale Oxon. 1831. 0.7.6 Purchased from Craig, 5 Feb. 1*1*. x875/Bi*58or/ll99 123 BEROALDO, FILIPPO, ll*53-l505. Orationes et poemata. Bologna, Franciscus (Plato) de Benedictis, for Benedictus Hectoris, 11*91. .76,/. 1*. 21.5cm. H 291*9*; BMC VI 825 (IA 28897): GW 1*11*1*; Pr 659U; Goff. Third census, B-l*91. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Purchased from Win. H. Schab, 26 Feb.l*7. x875/Bl*58o/ll*91 121* BEROALDO, FILIPPO, ll*53-l505. Orationes et poemata. c Bologna:. Benedictus Hectoris, 1 Nov. (Kal. Nov.) 1500. cl28;l. woodcut: printer's device. 1*. 22cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): Orationes Multifaria* a Philippo Beroaldo Editae recognitaep^ cum Appen- dicula Aliarum quoq-; oratificularum. H 2955*; BMC VI 81*6 (IA 29109); GW 1*U*8; Pr 661*8; Goff. Third census, B-l*95. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. In manuscript on t.p. : Laurentii Fontane oxoniensis(7) Purchased from. Erasmus, 25 Sept. 68. x875/Bl*58oA500 BEROALDO, FILIPPO, 11*53-1505, Commentator See CICERO, MARCDS TDLLIDS. Tusculanae disputa- tiones. 17 July 11*99 See SDETONIDS TRANQDILLDS, C. Vitae XII Caesarum. 5 Apr. 11*93 See TIBDLLDS, ALBIDS. Elegiae. 26 June 11*93 Editor See FRONTINOS, SEXTUS JDLIDS. De re militari. 10 July 11*95-17 Jan. 11*96 See JDSTINDS, MARCDS JONIANDS. Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii historias. be fore 1* Apr. ll9U. See PLINIDS SECDNDDS, C. Historia natu- ralis. 6 June 11*83 BEROALDOS, PHILIPPUS See BEROALDO, FILIPPO, 11*53-1505 125 BERSDIRK, PIERRE, 1290(ca.)-1362. Liber Bibliae moralis. Dim, Johann Zainer, 9 Apr.ll*7l*. c266 3 /. woodcuts: border, capitals. f. l*0.7cm. H 2791**; BMC II 522 (IC 9126); GW 3862; Pr 2502; Goff. Third census, B-336. Imperfect: lacks leaves cl-10. , the last leaf, and 32 other leaves at various places. Purchased from Elizabethan Bookseller, Wauke- gan, 111., 11* Nov.5l. xq220.7/Bl*6*/U*7l* BERTHOLDDS See BERTOLDDS, DOMINICAN, fl.1350 BERTOLDDS, DOMINICAN, f 1.1350. Horologium de- votionis See his Zeitglocklein des Lebens _ Christ!. Latin, cnot after 11*90] 23 11a 126 BERTOLEUS, DOMINICAN, fl.1350. Zeitglb'cklein des Lebens und Leidens Christi. Latin, c Basel, Johann Amerbach, not after 1U90, c66j/. f the Last blank, woodcuts: lllus. 8. l$c. Leaf el's (t.p.): Horologium deuotionls circa vitara Christi. Translated by the author from the original German. H 2990* (I) HC 2993* " H 8928*; BMC III 753 ( 371*73); OW 1*175; Pr 7635; Goff. Third census, B-506. Part of one leaf only, showing woodcut, Christ before Pilate. (Schramm, Albert. Der Bilder- schmuck der Prfihdrucke, XXI, fig. 696) 130 Eeroal lo, Flllppo, 14=3-1505. Carmen Phlllopi liernoaldl de dominice p*sslonls elusdeiq[uc slue, Can ti cum Beate Virginia. [Paris] : M. Antholne Denldel ... 14L-8 1 [ 16 ] p. ; 20 cm. ( 4to ) Caption title. 21 linea per papc. Gothic type. die J Peanes . . , [ ca 6 Cn margins occasional contemporary? s. romanizatlon of "Ingle words. Place of publication from colophon on lne 17. Printer's name frot device at the end. Ye*r of oubllcation given in GW, v. 1 f! r la^v v * P. [17]. I pr Inter's 1 r 4, 01 ounucsunn given p. 23, no. 4l2 5 ,nd 1 , p. 26 , no >3 Murray, Pe trarca * s berf ins on o. Peanes Be [9], line 20, 1 1 e V lrg 1 n i s preceded by~" domino (p. [8], 0, del B e r o a I du s dedicatory letter Jacobo ... ducall secretarlo" line 12) References: ( for Petrarca ): Marvardif La poesia rellgloss Petrarca vol^are p- 49. Book-plate of AF. and of Blbllotheca Broxbour n iana J.P.^.F.., on verso of front, and recto of back covers respectively. x87~5. l/458j/l49 (Museua) q22O.55/Bl*70/ll*8O 129 BIBLE. GERMAN. 1U83. Biblia. German. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 17 Feb. (Montag nach Invocavit) 11*83. la, IV, als, V-CCXCV, 2>, CCXCVI-CCCC- LXXXIII, ala4.| the unnumbered leaves are blank, woodcuts: illua. f. 39.1*cm. The woodcuts are those of the Low German Bible pub. by Quentell in Cologne, ca. 11*78. H 3137*; BMC II 1*21* (IC 7283); 0W U303; Pr 2028; Goff. Third census, B-632. Univ. of HI. has only one complete leaf, viz. leaf CLI, with hand-colored woodcut. (Museum) q220.55/Bl*7G/ll*83 - Parts of 5 other leaves are used in binding other books: 1. Era III:3-Vt3 in No. 222 in this catalog (Goff. Third census, E-ll*0) 2. Job VII:S-VIII:3 and VIII:6-IXj7 in No. 829 in this catalog (Goff. Third census, R- 285) 3. Psalms LXIII:1-LXV:3 in No. 929 in this catalog (Goff. Third census, T-15) 1*. Jeremiah LI:50-LII:10 in No. 91*1* in this catalog (Goff. Third census, T-271*) 5. Zacharias (end) and beginning of Malachi in No. 806 in this catalog (Goff. Third census, P-HOla) BIBLE. ITALIAN. U*8l. Biblia. Italian. Venice, Octavianus Sco- tus, 11*81. el*30><., the first and last blank. f. 31. lea. Translated by Niccolo Malermi. "Aristea de settanta due interpret!. ," trans- lated by Bartoloraeo Pontio: leaves c207 b -2l5*> "Vita del sSctissimo _ Joseph": leaves cl*17"- l*l8 b , HC 3153*; BMC V 276 (IB 21171*); OW 1311; Pr 1*566; Goff. Third census, B-6i*2. Imperfect: leaves .1-52, 183, 222, 360- 361, 1*13, and 1*18-1*30* wanting. Capital-spaces . Bound in heavy wooden boards. Purchased from Olschki, 2l* May 56. xq220.55/Bl*7l/U*8l BIBLE. LATIN. ca.ll*51*-55. MAINZ. GUTENBERG (1*2 LINES). Biblia Latina. cMainz, Printer of the 142- line Bible (Johann Gutenberg) between 11*51* and 11*55, not after ll*56 3 c61*3j., the last two blank. f. l*3cm. h 3031*; bmc I 17 (ic 55); aw U201; Pr 56; Goff. Third census, B-526. IU copy contains Genesis, Chap. 1-1*7; the be- ginning of chap. 1*8 and the end of chap. 50, and Exodus, chap. 1, 2, and the beginning of chap. 3. (leaves c5-27* and c30>) Leaf 5a has 1*0 lines in each column on the recto and 1*1 lines on the verso; the other leaves have 1*2 lines. Chapter heading for Genesis (leaf 5* ) is printed in red. A large capital added in red, blue, and yellow; smaller capitals, chapter numeration, and the letters of the page head- lines in red and blue alternately; column head- ing of Exodus (leaf c30*>) and initial-strokes in red, are all supplied by a contemporary ru- bricator. The inner margins of the first and last leaves and part of the upper and outer margins of the first leaf are restored. Bound in full maroon morocco, gilt-tooled, multiple fillet border on the sides, gilt in- side fillets, doublures and linings of crimson moire; in full morocco folding case. This fragment was taken from the imperfect copy which had been bought in 1920 by Gabriel Wells and divided, individual books and single leaves being bound and sold separately. Gift of R. E. Welch, 1963. xf220.1*7/Bl*7/H*51* 21* BIBLE . LATIN , ca . U*51*-55 - continued . * Another leaf (James, ch.1-2 and be- ginning of 3) ins A noble fragment, being a leaf of the Outenberg Bible, 11*50-11*55, with a bibliographical essay by A. Edward Newton. New Tork, 1921. (Museum) f220.17/Bl*7/ll*51*a 132 BIBLE. LATIN. ll*75. VULGATE. Biblia Latlna. Venice, Franciscus Renner, de Heilbronn and Nicolaus de Frankfordia, ll75. 1*55*., the first blank and wanting. f. 29.2cm. HC 305U*; BMC V 193 (IB 1981*5)$ GW 1*216 5 Pr Ul63j Goff. Third census, B-51*l. Decorative border and illuminated capital on leaf 2 a j; smaller capitals in red, blue or green with decoration in another color; other capitals and paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately; initial-strokes in red. Bound in vellum from a liturgical MS. Stamp: Franziskanerkloster Bozen. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq220.1*7/Bl*7/ll*75 133 BIBLE. LATIN. 11*78. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 10 Nov. (IV Id. Nov.) 11*78. cla, CCCClXJ, c6ol. f. 36cm. A reprint of the same printer's edition of Apr. 11*, 11*78. Cf. Brit. Mus. Cat. (XV cent.) Includes Menardus' Generalis et compendiosa librorum Bibliae notitia. HC 3069*5 BMC II 1*16 (IC 7180); GW 1*231*5 Pr 1989s Goff. Third census, B-559. Imperfect: leaf cxxx lacking 5 replaced by one in manuscript. First capital illuminated in red, blue and golds other capitals in red and blue alternate- ly; initial-strokes in red. In manuscript on leaf el a : Bibl. pub. civ. Trev. Ex dono d ni Josephi Reching. Treveri, 1856; stamp: Aus der Trier. Stadtbibliothek verkauft. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq220.17/Bl*7/H*78 131* BIBLE. LATIN. NOT AFTER ll80. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. cStrassburg? Adolf Rusch? not after ll*80* cl211.*., leaves 138 a and el210-1211, blank. f. 1*8. 7cm. Commonly thought to have been printed by Rusch with types borrowed from Johann Amer- bach. F. Geldner (Die deutschen Inkunabel- drucker, v.l, 1968, p. 63) accepts A. Hartmann's argument that Amerbach printed this edition himself at Basel. With the Glossa ordinaria, ascribed to Strabo Walafridus, and interlinear gloss of Anselmus Laudunensis. HC 3173*5 BMC I 92 (IC 813)5 GW U282 ; Pr 2995 Goff. Third census, B-607. Imperfect: consists of New Testament only (leaves c921-1209) Capitals added in red or blue, some in blue with red scroll-work extending down the margins paragraph-marks in red or blue; initial-strokes in red. Contemporary monastic binding, rebacked. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xf220.1*7/Bl*7/ll*80 Leaf 1113 (I. Cor. 10). One of the Beilagen at end of v. 2 of Monumenta Oeraaniae et Italiae typographica. xf655.133/M76/v.2 135 BIBLE. LATIN. U*8l. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. cBasel, Johann Amerbach:. 11*81. c572il., the first and last blank and want- ing. f. 31cm. HC 308l*-3083; BMC III 71*5 (IB 37261* )s GW U2U65 Pr 7560s Goff. Third census, B-571. Capitals added in red and blue alternately; larger capitals in red and blue with scroll- work extending down the margins paragraph- marks and initial-strokes in red. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin, with ec- clesiastical coat of arms and date, 1736, stamped on fronts two clasps. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq220.1*7/Bl*7/H*8la 136 BIBLE. LATIN. 11*82. VULGATE. Biblia Latina, cBasel, Johann Amerbach = 11*82. c572>., the first and last blank and want- ing. f. 29.2cm. HC 3086*5 BMC III 71*6 (IB 37272)5 GW l*2l*8s Pr 7563s Goff. Third census, B-573. Capitals, crudely done , and initial-strokes added in red. In manuscript inside front cover: A. J. Klingenbiel. Comparavit Bibliothecae Arnsbur- gensi F. Petrus Abbas. A3 I76O5 at foot of leaf c2 a *: Dno Nicolo Solheim Dono dat Nicol. Dahl. - 30 Maij 1761*. Library stamp: Ex Bibli- otheca Solms-Laubacensi. Purchased from Stonehill, 5 Mar. 1*5. xq220.1*7/Bi*7/U*82 137 BIBLE. LATIN. 11*82-83. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. Venice, Franciscus Renner, de Heilbronn, 11*82/83. 3v. (cl36l>/., leaves el, 1211* blank and wanting) f. 31. 8-32. 5cm. Text surrounded by commentary; the Postilla, of Nicolaus de Lyra, and the Expositio in pro- logos S. Hieronymi, of Gullelmus Brito. Includes Nicolaus de Lyra. Contra perSidiam Judaeorum disputatio (leaves cl205 a -1210 a ) HC 3165*5 BMC V 197 (IB 19883) & V 198 (IB 19885)5 GW l*287s Pr 1*180 4 UI8I5 Goff. Third census, B-612. "Addltiones Pauli Burgensis and Replicae Matthiae Doering" (leaves d212-136l 3 ) want- ing 5 leaves cl211*-12l83 supplied by photocopy of the Newberry Library copy. The first page of each volume is illuminated in gold and colors 5 other capitals supplied in red and blue alternatelys initial-strokes and paragraph-marks in red. Error in binding: quires A-K of v. 2 bound at the end of that vol. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq220.1*7/Bl*7/U*82a 25 138 BIBLE. LATIN. U83. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. Venice, Franc iscus Renner, de Heilbronn, 11*83. .1*76,*. I* 6 . 23cm. HC 3089*; BMC V 198 (IA 19888); GW 1*253} Pr 1*182; Goff. Third census, B-578. Capitals added In red; initial-strokes also, in cop. 2. Cop. 2 imperfects lacks leaves d-21ii:> In manuscript inside front cover: Geo. H. Canham. Geo: Alex? Innes. Jesus College, Cam- bridge. Purchased from Brentano, 30 Oct. 1*5 5 Cop. 2 from Mountain Book Shop, 2 Nov.!*?. x220.l*7/Bl*7/U*83 139 BIBLE. LATIN. 11*81*. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. Venice, Johannes Herbort, de Seligenstadt, 30 Apr. (pridle Kal. Mai) U*81. cl|08><., the first wanting. 1*. 21*. 8cm. HC 3091*; BMC V 30b (IA 21573): GW 1*255; Pr U693; Goff. Third census, B-580. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound in old blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; spine repaired. Label: Bibliothecae Novacellensis . Stamp on leaf c2 a i : Oenipontana Bibliotheca. Purchased from Rosenthal, 8 Feb. 61. x220.l*7/Bl*7/ll*8l* #U0 BIBLE. LATIN. 11*91. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. cBasel, Johann Amerbachj 11*91. cl*08,/. f. 31.7cm. Leaf cl a ; (t.p.): Biblia cum Concordantijs Veteris et Noui testament!. HC 3108*; BMC III 69I* (IB 11*202) cFreiburg in Breisgau: Kilianus Piscator (Fischer ):>; GW 1*267; Pr 7590; Goff. Third census, B-590. Leaves c393-i*08a only; substituted for the corresponding leaves in Amerbach's 11*92-91* Bible (Goff. Third census, B-593) xq220.1*7/Bl*7/H*93 11*1 BIBLE. LATIN. 11*92. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. Strassburg c Johann (Rein- hard) Gruningera 3 Nov. (Ill Son. Nov.) 11*92. l*v. woodcuts: illus. f. 32cra. Vol.1, leaf 1*3 (t.p.): Prima pars venera- bilis fratris Nicolai de lyra ordinis seraphi- ci francisci (in testaments vetus) tractSs su- per toto corpore biblie. cum suis additionibus . deqi replicis. et figuris sculptis. Text surrounded by commentary; the Postilla, by Nicolas de Lyra, and the Expositio in pro- logos S. Hieronymi, of Gulielmus Brito. The Replicae are by Matthias Doering. HC 3169*; BMC I 108 (IB U*15); GW 1*292; Pr 1*62; Goff. Third census, B-617. Capital-spaces with guide-letters . Wanting: v. 2, leaf c262* (blank); v.3, t.p.; v.lj, leaves c365-381*3 (Nicolaus de Lyra. Con- tra perfidiara Judaeorum) Manuscript note: From the ship's library of the Santa Maria. 11*92. Azores. Purchased from Kraus, 19 Oct. 57. xq220.l*7/Bl7/H*92 11*2 BIBLE. LATIN. ll*92-9l. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. cBasel, Johann Amerbach, ca. 11*92-91*3 cl*08 3 <., leaves c393-l*08> wanting. f. 31.7cm. Leaf tl a j (t.p.): Biblia cum Concordantija Veteris et Noui testament!. HC 301*7*; BMC III 695 (IB 11*210) cFreiburg in Breisgau, Kilianus Piscator (Fischer)>; GW 1*270; Pr 761*7-761*2; Goff. Third census, B- 593. For leaves c393-l*08 have been substituted the corresponding leaves of Amerbach's 11*91 Bible (Goff. Third census, B-590) Illuminated c apital and marginal decoration in gold and colors on leaf c2*>; capital in red and blue; other capitals in red. In manuscript on t.p. : Monasterij B-V. in Diessen. Bound in blind-tooled calf over wooden boards. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq220.1*7/Bl*7/H*93 11*3 BIBLE. LATIN. U*95. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. Basel, Johann Froben, 27 Oct. (VI Kal. Nov.) 11*95. c5063l., leaf cl*69: blank and wanting, woodcut: port. 8. 15cm. Leaf cl > (t.p.): Biblia Integra: summata: distincta: accuratius reemSdata: vtriusqg te- stament! cScordantiJs illustrata. With the table of Gabriel Brunus (revised) HC 3118*; BMC HI 791 (IA 37886); GW 1*275; Pr 7760; Goff. Third census, B-598. First capital added in red and blue; other capitals, paragraph-marks, and underlines in red. Closely trimmed, with partial or complete loss of some headings and slight loss of marginalia. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x220.1*7/Bl*7/H*95 *U*i* BIBLE. LATIN. 11*97. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. Venice, Hieronymus de Pa- ganinis, 7 Sept. (VII Id. Sept.) ll*97. c5ll*3^., leaf c l*76:i blank, woodcut: print- er's device. 8. 16. 8cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Biblia. Leaf cll a j printed in red and black. Edited by Petrus Angelus de Monte Ulmi. With the table of Gabriel Brunus. HC 3123*; BMC V 1*59 (IA 23290); GW 1*278; Pr 51*68; Goff. Third census, B-601. One leaf only, signed : > V (Museum) f220.1*7/Bl*7/U*97 11*5 BIBLE. LATIN. U*97. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. eLyonsi Francois Fradin and Jean Pivard, 23 Dec. (X Kal. Jan.) 11*97. cl7, III-CCCLXXXIII, Ol**., leaves d7> and cl*32> blank and wanting, woodcuts: 3 capi- tals. f. 25.l*cm. Leaf .l a s (t.p.): Biblia cum summariis con- cordantiis: diuisionibus : quattuor repertoriis Ppositis: numeriqj foliorum dlstinctione: ter- se et fidelit' imf5ssa. 26 BIBLE . LATIN . ll*97-continued With the table of Gabriel Brunus. HC 3121; BMC VIII 333 (IB 1*2162); GW 1*279; Pr 8668; Goff. Third census, B-602. Badly foxed; many wormholes, some causing serious damage to the text; many margins re- paired. Bound in vellum with wide brown leather back- strip; intricate silver clasp. Armorial bookplate of the Duke of Sussex. In manuscript on fly-leaf: Given to the Carme- lites of the old Observance (?) at Malta by Brother Rupert of St. George; on t.p. : Ex libris Josephi _ 1710. Purchased from Stroock, 19 May 70. x220.1*7/Bl*7/ll*97a 11*6 BIBLE. LATIN. 11*98. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. Venice, Simon Bevilaqua, 8 May H98. c5284. woodcuts: capitals, illus., print- er's device. 1*. 20.6cm. Leaf cl a s (t.p.): Biblia cum tabula nuper impressa z cum summariis nouiter editis. With the table of Gabriel Brunus. HC 3121**; BMC V 522 (IA 23978); GW 1*280; Pr 51*06; Goff. Third census, B-603. Imperfect: contains only the Old Testament to the end of the prologues to the books of Solo- mon (leaves .1-25, 27-250*) Closely trimmed at top, with some loss of text; lower margins cut away and repaired. ' Error in binding: quire s bound between quires v and x. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x220.1*7/Bl*7/ll*98a 11*7 BIBLE. LATIN. li*98. VOLOATE. Biblia Latina. Basel, Johann Froben and Johann Petri, 1 Dec. (Kal. Dec.) 11*98. 6v. woodcuts: 1*1* illus. f. 29.5-30.5cm. Vol.6, leaf c279 a *s Opus totius Biblie ctt glosulis tS marginalibus 63 interlinealibus ordinarijs: vna cfl venerSdi patris Nicolai de Lyra postillis: moral itatibus: additionibus ac replicis; necnon libello questional iudaicS pfidiS in catholica fide improbantiura _ ex- plicit. Vol.1: =378^.; v.2i c3l8,/.; v. 3: cl*l*0*<. v.l*: c80j.; v. 5: t2l*l*j<.; v. 6: e280a.; the last leaf blank in v. 1-2, 1*, and 6, all except the last wanting. Edited by Sebastian Brant. Includes Expositio in prologos S. Hieronymi, of Gulielmus Brito. The Replicae are by Matthias Doering. HC 3172*; BMC III 791 (IB 37895); GW 1*281*; Pr 7763; Goff. Third census, B-609. Capitals added in red and blue alternately; the first c apital in the text of each volume is larger and elaborately decorated in red and blue, extending down the margin; initial-strokes in red. Error in binding: sig.s^ of v. 2 is bound in v.l* between Q7 and a. Purchased from Champion, 17 Dec.lii. xq220.1*7/Bl*7/H*98 BIBLE. 0. T. PSALMS. LATIN. 11*93 See AUGUSTI- NUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Bxplana- tio Psalmorum. 1* Aug. 11*93 11*8 BIBLE. 0. T. PSALMS. LATIN. U97. Psalterium. c Nuremberg* Anton Koberger, 11*97. el723*., the last two blank. l*. 21.9cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Psalterium beati Brunonis episcopi herbipolensis. Text surrounded by commentary. HC 1*013*; BMC II 1*1*1* (IA 751*2); Pr 2117; Goff. Third census, P-1057. Capitals supplied in red. Stamp: Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis. In manuscript on t.p.: Ex libris FF. Beghartin- gensium. Bound in old blind-stamped calf over wooden boards . Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x223.2/Bl*7L/U*97 11*9 BIBLE. N. T. APOCHYPHAL BOOKS. GOSPEL OF NICO- DEMUS. LATIN. Nicodemus. Evangelium. cLeipzig, Melchior Lotter, ca. 11*99* cl2*<., the last blank? wanting, woodcut: capital. 1*. 20.9cm. Leaf el 8 * (t.p.): EuangeliQ Nicodemi domini nostri ihesu cristl discipuli. de eiusdS pas- sive. In lege et pphetis fundatu ex antiquis- simis libris extracts bene corrects et nouiter impressum. H 11751; Goff. Third census, N-l*6. The Vollbehr copy, from the library of J. F. Neylan, of San Francisco, sold by Sotheby, 28 May 62. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 July 62. x229.8/N51*L/ll*99 BIBLE. N. T. EPISTLES AND GOSPELS, LITURGI- CAL. LATIN See GUILELMUS PARISIENSIS, A DOMINICAN, PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY. Postil- la super Epistolas et Evangelia. 1* Mar. 11*93 See SERMONES EXQUISITI SUPER EPISTO- LAS PER ANN! CIRCULUM. 31 Mar.ll*89 See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Catena aurea super Evangelia Dominicalia et ferialla. 29 Apr.ll*9l* 150 BIBIE. N. T. EPISTLES OF PAUL. LATIN. Enarrationes Theophylacti in Epistolas Sancti Pauli. Rome, Ulrich Han (Udalricus Gallus), 25 Jan. 11*77. .278**. f. 31.9cra. Cristoforo Persona 's translation of the com- mentary, which has been erroneously ascribed to Athanasiua. H 1902*; BMC IV 25 (IB 1731*3); Pr 337l; Goff. Third census, T-156. Purchased from Stonehill, lit Jan. 1*9. xq227/Bl*7Lt/ll*77 BIBLE. N. T. GOSPELS . Latin See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Catena aurea super quattuor Evangelistas . cU*75?; also 11*76; 1* Sept. 11*82; 17 Apr. 11*86 27 BINDO IB SENIS See GUERRI, BINDOS, d.1390 151 BIONDO, FLAVIO, 1388-11*63. Historiarum ab inclinatione Komanorum Impe- rii decades. Venice, Thomas de Blavls, de Alexandria, 28 June 11*81*. c502,/., the first blank and wanting. f. 31.3cra. "Abbreviatlo Pii Pont. Max. supra decades Blondi": leaves c2?l-502, HC 321*9*; BMC V 317 (IB 2181*5); GW 1*1*20; Pr 1*758; Goff. Third census, B-699. Error in binding: C^ follows Cj^ and t C vl . follows >C vii , The first capital is crudely drawn in black ink with elongations in margin and coat of arms in red flanked by cupids in lower margin; other capitals in red or blue. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq9l*0.l/B52h/ll*81* BIRAOO, LAMPUGNINO, d.ll*72, Translator See DIONTSIUS HALICARNASSENSIS. Antiquitates Romanae. Latin. 12 Nov. 11*98 BIRAGO, LAPO See BIRAGO, LAMPUGNINO, d.U72 BIBAODS, LAFUS, FLORENTINUS See BIRAOO, LAM- PUGNINO, d.ll*72 BITONTO, ANTONIUS DE See ANTONIO DA BITONTO, 1385-11*65 BLESSENSIS, PETRUS See PETER OF BLOIS, 1190 fl. BLONDUS, FLAVIUS See BIONDO, FLAVIO, 1388- 11.63 BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI, 1313-1375. Decamerone. See PETRARCA, FRANCESCO, 130l*-137l. Histo- ria Griseldis. cca.lit69>; also 11*73 BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI, 1313-1375. De montibus, De silvis, De fontibus, De lacubus, De flu- minibus See his Genealogiae deorum. 6 Oct. 11*81; also 23 Feb.ll*9l*/95 152 BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI, 1313-1375. Genealogiae deorum. Reggio Emilia, Bartho- lomaeus and Laurentius de Bruschis, Bottonus, 6 Oct. (pridie lion. Oct.) ll*8l. C356.*., leaf .21*1*, blank. f. 19.3cm. Includes an index by Doroinicus de Aretio (leaves e26l b -297 a ) and Boccaccio's De monti- bus, De silvis, De fontibus, De lacubus, and De fluminibus (leaves 299*-356*>) HC 3319*} BMC VII 1085 (IB 31*006); GW 1*1*76; Pr 7250; Goff. Third census, B-751. Contains the blank leaf c2l*l*> which is want- ing in the Brit. Mus. and Gesamtkat. d. Wiegendr. copies . Leaf d a i , line 5 has boccacium instead of boccacinm, as in Hain. Repertorium 3319*. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Purchased from Harper, 16 June 59. xq85l/B63/0gU*8l 153 BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI, 1313-1375. Genealogiae deorum. Venice, Bonetus Loca- tellus, for Octavianus Scotus, 23 Feb. (VII Kal. Mar.) ll*9l*/95. 1621. woodcuts: 13 diagrs., capitals, print- er's device. f. 30.3cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Genealogiae Ioannis Bocca- tii: cum demons trationibus in forrois arborura designatis. Eiusdem de montibus It syluis. de fontibus: lacubus: & fluminibus. Ac etiam de stagnis & paludibus I necnon & de maribus: seu diuersis maris nominibus. HC 3321*; BMC V 1*1*1* (IB 22901*); GW 1*1*78; Pr 5052; Goff. Third census, B-753. Bookplate of Thomas Hodgkin, Newcastle upon Tyne. Purchased from Blackwell, 15 May 1*3. xq851B63/Ogll*9l* BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI, 1313-1375. Vita di Dante See DANTE ALIGHIERI, 1265-1321. La Commedla. H*77 BODIANUS, FRANCISCUS VITALIS See VITALIS BODIANUS, FRAfCISCUS 151* BOETHIUS, d.52l*. De consolatione philosophiae. Nuremberg, Anton Kobe rger. 12 Nov. (pridie Id. Nov.) 11*76. cll*0><., leaves el, 7, 1*1, 106, 11*0, blank; all wanting except clltOi. f. hi. 3cm. "Sancti thome de aquino sup libris Boecij de consolatione philosophie comentum cum expo- sitione" (leaves el*2 a -139' > > ) is spurious; some- times ascribed to Thomas Wallensis or Thomas Jorz. HC 3370*; BMC II 1*13 (IC 713**); GW 1*526; Pr 1971; Goff. Third census, B-771. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks added in red or blue, two illuminated capitals in four colors and gold. Bookplate: Ex libris Frank P. Hadley; also armorial bookplate: Ha 6n6jiioTeKH cejia DerpoBCKaro PoAa Mhxojikobux'b. In manuscript on fly-leaf: Bjitvimiip-b MitxouxoBb. Purchased from Stonehill, li* Nov. 52. xf87l/B6cAl*76 155 BOETHIUS, d.52l*. De consolatione philosophiae. Louvain, Johann de Paderborn (Westphalia), 11*81*. cl96,., the first and last blank. f. 21*. 2cm. Text surrounded by commentary of Pseudo- Thomas Aquinas, sometimes ascribed to Thomas Wallensis or Thomas Jorz. HC 3377; BMC EC 11*2 (IB 1*9172); OW 1*53**; Pr 923U} Goff. Third census, B-778. The original blank leaves at the beginning and end are wanting, having been replaced by other blank leaves, probably in the 17th cent. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters; an ornamental capital at the beginning of the text has been added in black ink. Ex libris of the library of the Monastery of St. Salvator, Antwerp. Purchased from Goldschmidt, 21 Sept. 68. x87l/B6c/lU81* 28 156 BOETHIUS, d.52U. De consolatione philosophiae. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 23 June (in vigilia sanoti lohannis baptiste) 11(86. c7l*>4.> the first and the last two blank. f. 30.9cm. Text surrounded with commentary of Pseudo- Thomas Aquinas, sometimes ascribed to Thomas Wallensis or Thomas Jorz. HC 3378; BMC II 1*30 (IB 7353); el58a., the first and last wanting, the last blank. 1*. 21*. 3cm. Leaf el a 3 (t.p.): Boetius cum cCmSto sancti Thome. Includes the spurious De disciplina schola- rium. Text of both works surrounded by commentaries ascribed to Thomas Aquinas and edited by Con- radus, a press reader in the Toulouse print- ing office of Johannes Parix, sometimes called Conradus Poseiaen; the De disciplina has been ascribed to him, as well as to Thomas Cantipra- tensis. The commentary on the De consolatione philosophiae is probably by Thomas Wallensis or Thomas Jorz; the author of the commentary on the De disciplina scholarium is unknown. BMC VIII 3U0 (IB 1*2307); GW 1*51*5; Pr 8709A; Goff. Third census, B-787. First capital illuminated in gold and colors, with decorative extensions in the margins; other capitals added in red or blue. In manuscript on leaf c2 a J Fray Jn Ramirez. Stamp on verso of fly-leaf (in Spanish) with dates, 1716 and 1717. Formerly owned by S. Har- rison Thomson, Boulder, Colo. Purchased from Christensen, 28 Apr. 60. x87l/B6c/l490 159 BOETHIUS, d.52U. De consolatione philosophiae. Venice, Bone- tus Locatellus, for Octavianus Scotus, lit June (XVIII Kal. Iul.) 11*98. 102t. woodcuts: capitals, printer's device. f. 31.5cm. Leaf l a i (t.p.): Boetius de consolatione philosophica Et de disciplina scolarium. Text surrounded by commentaries ascribed to Thomas Aquinas and edited by Conradus, a press reader in the Toulouse printing office of Jo- hannes Parix, sometimes called Conradus Posei- aen; the spurious De disciplina scholarium has been ascribed to him, as well as to Thomas Can- tipratensis. The commentary on the De consola- tione philosophiae is probably by Thomas Wallen- sis or Thomas Jorz; the author of the commentary on the Da disciplina scholarium is unknown. H 3U07*{ BMC V U50 (IB 22981); GW 1*565; Pr 5089; Goff. Third census, B-80I*. Wormholes in leaves 1*5-58, with some loss of text. In manuscript at end: Cammillo Tabarrini scriue questo di 10 Luglio 1672. Purchased from Christensen, 23 Oct. 63. xq87l/B6c/ll*98 BOETHIUS, d.52l*. Spurious and doubtful works. De disciplina scholarium See BOETHIUS, d. 521*. De consolatione philosophiae. 21* Dec. 11*89; also cca. 11*90.; lit June U98 160 BOETHIUS, d.52l*. Spurious and doubtful works. De disciplina scholarium. Cologne, Hein- rich Quentell, 22 Oct.H*93. c68a<., the last blank, woodcut: illus. l*. 18. 7cm. Leaf cl a D (t.p.): Boetius de disciplina scholarium cum notabili commento Colonia. Also attributed to Thomas Cantipratensis. HC 3l*23*; BMC I 278 (IA l*60l); GW 1*600; Pr 1317; Goff. Third census, B-821*. Capital-spaces, a few with guide-letters. The t.p. illus. (accipies) has been washed by hand with yellow paint. Bound in a fragment of a late 15th cent. German missal. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x378.1*i*/B63d/U*93 161 BOETHIUS, d.52l*. Spurious and doubtful works. De disciplina scholarium. Strassburg cGeorg Husner. M.CCCCXV (i.e. 11*95) *l6zl. woodcut: illus. 1. 20.8cm. Leaf d a 3 (t.p.): Boetius de disciplina scolarium cO Come" to notabili. Also attributed to Thomas Cantipratensis. HC 3U21**; BMC I 162 (IA 2363); GW 1*601; Pr 71*3; Goff. Third census, B-825. 29 BOBTHIUS . Spurloua and doubtful works - continued Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters, the first and third with capitals supplied In red; the t.p. illus. (accipies) is crudely painted by hand. Purchased from Seuffer and Willi, 2l Apr.2l. x378.1*l*/B63d/ll*95 BOIARDO, MATTEO MARIA See BOJARDO, MATTEO MARIA, CONTE DI SCANDIANO, 11*1*0 or l*l-ll*9l* 162 BOJARDO, MATTEO MARIA, CONTE DI SCANDIANO, 11*1*0 or ll-H9l. Tlnone. Scandiano, Peregrinus de Pasquali- bus and Gasparo Crivello. 12 Feb. 1500. cU0><. woodcut: printer's device. 1*. 20.3cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p. ) : Timone Comoedla del Magni- fico C8te Matheo Maria Boyardo. HCR 3U3U; BMC VII 1119 (I* 36210); GW 1*612; Pr 7326; Goff. Third census, B-832. Bound in full purple calf, gilt. From the Melzi Collection. Purchased from Harper, 5 Oct. 55 x852B63/Otl500 BOLOGNI, GIROLAMO, Il51*-l5l7, Editor See CAESAR, C. JULIUS. Coranentarii. 13~July ll90 See EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA. De evangelica praeparatione . Latin. 31 May 1U97; also 10 Nov.l500 See TORTELLI, GIOVANNI, 11*00-11*66. Or- thographia. 13 Jan.U79; also 31 0ct.ll*80 163 BOLOGNINI, LUDOVICO, 11*1*7 (ca. )-l508. Syllogianthon. Bologna, Dgo Rugerius, 23 Sept.ll*96. c98>/. woodcut: printer's device. f. 31.5cm. H 3U1*0; BMC VI 810 (IB 29177); GW 1*638; Pr 6656; Goff. Third census, B-8U3. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Autograph of Th. Niemeyer, Halle 1888; Let- ter to Niemeyer from Prof. d'Ablaing, of Lei- den, asking to buy this book from him, 1 May 1888. Stamp: Bibl. Buxheim. With this is bound Vegius, Mapheus. Voca- bula ex iure civili excerpta. Vicenza, 11*77. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq3l*0.8/B63s/LU96 BOLOGNINUS, LUDOVICUS See BOLOGNINI, L0D0VI- CO, U*l*7(ca.)-1508 BOLZANI DA BELLUNO See BOLZANIO, URBANO, 11*1*3 (ca. )-l52U BOLZANI, URBANUS See BOLZANIO, URBANO, H*J*3(ca.)-l52U 16U BOLZANIO, URBANO, 11*1*3 (ca . ) -1521* . Instltutlones Graecae grammatical. Venice, Aldus Manutius, Romanus, Jan. 11*97/98. c21hil. woodcuts: capitals, diagr. U. 21cm. Leaf tl a (t.p.): INSTITVTIONES GRAECAE GRAMKATICES. HC 160982763*; BMC V 558 (IA 21*1*29); Pr 555U; Goff. Third census, U-66. "Castigationes errorum": leaves c 213-211* 3 Capital-spaces, part with guide-letters. Purchased from Belters, U July 55. xl*85/B63i BOLZANIO, URBANO, U*l*3(ca.)-l52l*, Editor See THESAURUS. Cornu copiae et horti Adonidis. Greek. Aug. lit 96 BOLZANIUS, URBANUS See BOLZANIO, URBANO, ll*l*3(ca.)-l52l* BONACCURSIUS See ACCURSIUS, BONUS, 11*85 BONACCURSIUS, DOMINICUS See MONTEMAGNO, BUONACCORSO DA, d.lU29 BONARDI, GIOVANNI, 15th cent., Editor See PERSIUS FLACCUS, AULUS. Satyrae. 1* Nov. U* 99 See PROBUS, MARCUS VALERIUS. De inter- pretandis Romanorum litteris. 20 Apr. 11*99 BONARDO, GIOVANNI See BONARDI, GIOVANNI, 15th cent. BONARDUS, JOANNES See BONARDI, GIOVANNI, 15th cent. 165 BONATTI, GUIDO, 1230-ca.l296. Decern tractatus astronomiae. Augsburg, Er- hard Ratdolt, 26 Mar. (VII Kal. Apr.) 11*91. cl*22jl., the last wanting, woodcuts: capi- tals, diagrs., illus., printer's device. 1*. 20cm. Leaf el*> (1st t.p.): Registrum Guidonis Bonati de fbrliuio; leaf cl5 a > (2d t.p.): Guido bonatus de forliuio. Decern continens tractatus Astronomic. Additions by Jacobus Canter; edited by Jo- hannes Angelus. HC 3l*6l; BMC II 381* (IA 6713); GW 1*61*3; Pr 1891; Goff. Third census, B-81*5. Spaces left for woodcuts on leaves c283 a * andc355 5 >. Stamp: Medical Society of London. Purchased from Chiswick, 3 June 57. x520.l/B61*2d/U91 BONATUS, GUIDO See BONATTI, GUIDO, 1230- ca.1296 166 BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221-1271*. Breviloquium. Venice, Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 11*77. c8h*l., the first blank. 1*. 2l*cm. H 31*73; GW 1*651*; Pr 1*313; Goff. Third cen- sus, B-858. The Biblia Pauperum, of Nicolas de Hannapes (leaves i55-81j) is wanting. 30 BONAVENTURA , SAINT - continued . First capital added in red and blue; others in red and blue alternately. Purchased from Edwards, 23 Apr. 65. x230.2/B61*b/ll77 ol67 BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221-1271*. Breviloquium. c Leipzig, Gregorious Bbttiger (Herman), ca. 11*95 a 90./. woodcut: capital. 1*. 20.8c. Leaf cl* (t.p.): Breuiloquiu sancti bonauen- ture de or dine rainorum. GW 1*655; Goff. Third census, B-859. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x230.2/B61*b/ll*95 168 BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221-1271*. Commentarius in primum librum Sententiarum Petri Lombard!. Brescia, Baptists Farfengus, 20 Oct. 11*90. c20lia/., leaves d* and c8a blank, wood- cut: printer's device. 1*. 22.Ucm. HR 3537 (var.); Pell 2711; GW U657 (var.); Goff. Third census, B-871. Capital-spaces, a few with guide-letters. In the third line of the colophon this copy has correctiufl and emSdaelttt instead of cor- rectu; and emedatu. as shown in GW. Bound in a fragment of a vellum liturgical manuscript. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x230/Pl*l*sTb/ll*90 BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221-1271*. De corpore Christi et de praeparatione ad eius susceptionem See his De praeparatione ad Missam. ll*96 ~ 0I96 BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221-1271*. De praeparatione ad Missam. cLeipzig, Wolfgang Stbckelj ll*96. c8.. 1*. 20.2c. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Bonaventura de corpore Christi. et de preparatione ad eius deuotam susceptionem. ritamq3 celebrationem misterij misse et cetera. H 35U8; BHC III 653 (IA 12178); GW 1*683} Pr 3051; Goff. Third census, B-935. Capital and initial-strokes added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x265.3/B6Ud/U*96 BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221-1271*. Ver- siculi arboris vitae Christi See BONAVENTU- RA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221-127l*7~Spuriou8 and doubtful works. Heditationes vitae Christi. 11* Dec. 11*97 BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221-127U. Spur- ious and doubtful works. Biblia pauperum See NICOLAUS, OF HANNAPES, PATRIARCH OF JE- RUSALEM, 1225(ca.)-129X. Biblia pauperum. Devote meditatione sopra la passione de Nostro Signore See BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CAR- DINAL, 1221-127l*T~Spurious and doubtful works. Heditationes vitae Christi. Italian, lit Feb. 11486 170 BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221-1271*. Spur- ious and doubtful works. Diaeta salutis. Venice, Johannes (Petrus) de Quarengiis, 1 Feb. 11*97/98. 113 (i.e. 115), cl9*. woodcut: capital. 8. 15. 2cm. Leaf d a : (t.p.): Diet* salutis a beato Bonauenture nouiter iapressus ac emendatus. Incipit feliciter. Authorship ascribed to Guilielmus de Lanicia. "Deuota contemplatio seu meditatio - de na~ tiuitate dcmini" (from chap. 6 of the spurious Heditationes vitae Christi): leaf 129>; "De resurrectione a peccato ad gratiS" (extracts from the works of Saint Bonaventura): leaves d29 b -133 b > HC 3531: BMC V 513 (IA 21*167); GW 1*730; Pr 51*80; Goff. Third census, B-879. Leaves 113-115 incorrectly numbered: 115, 111*, 113. Capital-spaces with guide-letters, except for one woodcut capital. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x23U/B6'38dAl98 171 BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221-127U. Spur- ious and doubtful works. Heditationes vitae Christi. Venice, Manfre- dus de Bonellis, de Monteferrato, ll* Dec. 11*97. c3, 90 (i.e. 62), el./., the last blank, woodcuts: 2 illus., capital. 8. 15.5cm. Leaf cl a i (t.p.): Deuotissime. B. Bonauen- ture Cardinalis meditationes. Extracted and adapted from the original Latin text. Includes Versiculi arboris vitae Christi, by Saint Bonaventura (leaves 6l a -90 a (i.e. 62 a )) and Canticum de sanctissimo nomine Jesu Christi, by Johannes de Peckham (leaf 90 (i.e. 62)) HC 3562*; BMC V 505 (IA 23829); GW 1*758; Pr 5369; Goff. Third census, B-899. Bound by Riviere in red morocco, gilt. Purchased from Shapiro, 1 Feb. 66. x232.9/B61*/ll97 172 BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221-1271*. Spur- ious and doubtful works. Meditationes vitae Christi. Italian. Milan, Leonardus Pachel and Uldericus Scinzenzeler, 11* Feb. 11*86. cl*0il. woodcut: capital. 1*. 20.1*ca. Leaf d a : : Incominciano le deuote medita- tione sopra la passione del nostro signore ca- uate z fondate originalmente sopra mesere Bona- uStura cardinals _ sopra Nicolao de lira, etiam dio sopra altri doctori X predicatori approbati. Extracted and adapted from the original Latin text. CR 1186; BMC VI 752 (IA 26531) 5 GW 1*79U; Goff. Third census, B-921. 31 BONAVENTURA, SAINT . Spurious and doubtful works - continued Bound in a vellum leaf from a Breviary (pos- sibly the Breviarium Pragense. Nuremberg, Georg Stuchs, 1502) Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x232.9/B6UmlAU86 173 BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221-1271*. Spur- ious and doubtful works. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis. Reutlin- gen cJohann Otmarn 'Autumni tempore' 11*81*. c286,/. f. 31.6cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Seraphici doctoris sancti bonauenture Sermones d' tempore et Sanctis ell c3muni sanctorum. Sometimes attributed to Hugo de Sancto Charo. H 35l5*-35ll; BMC II 585 (IB 10693); GW 1*813; Pr 2705; Goff. Third census, B-950. Two large capitals added in red and blue; other capitals in red and blue alternately; paragraph-marks in red; rubricator's signature in blue at end of text, in red at end of table. Bound in contemporary German blind-stamped vellum over wooden boards. Penciled inside back cover: Bernard Quaritch - 15/5 A9. Purchased from McLeish, 2 Dec. 1*7 xq252/B639sAU8U *- Another copy of sig.D3 of the ser- mones de Sanctis. (Museum) 171* BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221-1271*. Spur- ious and doubtful works. Stimulus amoris. eCologne, Martin von Wer- den, 1505? c88>*. woodcuts: 2 illus. 8. ll*.5cm. Leaf cl a = (t.p.): Stimulus diuini amoris de- uotoiv cordifl in Christi amorem valde incStiuus. Signatures: A-T**. A compilation based on the work with the same title by Jacobus Mediolanensis. Ascribed by some (according to the explicit) to Henricus de Balma, a Franciscan. HC 3l*77; Brit. Mus. Gen. Cat. v.101, col. 858; GW IV, col. 1*92} Pr 11*87; Goff. Third census, B-968. Purchased from Barry, 20 Jan. 1*6. x2l*2/B61*s/l50- BONFRANCESCHI, AQOSTINO, d. 11*79 See GAMBI- LIONE, ANGELO DEI, d. 11*51. Tractatus de ma- lefic iis. 15 Sept. 11*81* BONFRANCISCUS, AUGUSTINUS See BONFRANCESCHI, AGOSTINO, d. 11*79 BONIFACIUS VIII, POPE, d.1303 See CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 129U-1303 (bonTfacius vin) BONIHOMINIS, ALPHONSUS See BUENHOMBRE, AL- FONSO, BP., d.1353 BONONIUS, HIERONTMUS See BOLOGNI, 0IR0LAMO, 11*51.-1517 BOSCO, PETRUS DE See DUBOIS, PIERRE, fl.1300 BOSSIUS, DONATUS See BOSSO, DONATO, 11*36- ca.1500 175 BOSSO, DONATO, ll*36-ca.l500. Chronica. Milan, Antonius Zarotus, for the author, 1 Mar. (Kal. Mar.) U*92. .168.*. geneal. table. f. 32.5cm. Printed in black and red. "Omnes Episcopi & Archiepiscopi Mediolani": leaves cl65-l68> HC 3667; BMC VI 722 (IB 26067); GW 1*952; Pr 5831; Goff. Third census, B-10l*0. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. From the library of Count Antonio Cavagna, purchased in 1921. xq909/B655c 176 cBOTE, KONRAD, fl.ll*75-l501. Cronecken der Sassen. Low German. Mainz, Peter Schoeffer, 6 Mar.ll92. c281*>l. woodcuts: illus., capitals, print- er's device. f. 31.7cm. Leaf cl a i (t.p.): Cronecken der Sassen. Printed in black and red. HC 1*990*; BMC I 37 (IB 259); GW 1*963; Pr 130; Goff. Third census, C-U88. Lacks leaf cl> (replaced by manuscript copy) and leaf c66>; other missing leaves supplied from another copy. Former owner's name on leaf c2 a >: Ex dona- tlone D. Friderici Gruber. Canon ad S. Crucem J. D. Jacobi; bookplate: Bibliothek zu Noeth- nltz. No. 11*18. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq9l*3.02/B657cM92 BOTHO, CONRAD See BOTE, KONRAD, fl.ll*75-l501 BOTTICELLI, SANDRO, Il*l*7?-l5l0, Illustrator See DANTE ALIGHIERI, 1265-1321. La Comme- dia. 30 Aug. 11*81 177 BOTTONI, BERNARDO, d.1266. Casus long! super quinque libros Decretalium. c Basel, Michael Wenssler, not after 11*79* c30l* 3 <., the first and last blank, the last wanting. f. 31cm. HC 2929*; BMC III 727 (IB 37097); GW 1*093; Pr 71*91; Goff. Third census, B-U55. Capital-spaces; capitals added in red in the first two spaces. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq3l*8/C2 8l2dTb AU7 9 0178 BOTTONI, BERNARDO, d.1266. Casus long! super quinque libros Decretalium. cBasel, Michael Wenssler, ca.ll*80 c202., the first blank. f. 30.8cm. H 2930*; GW 1*091*; Goff. Third census, B-U56. In manuscript on leaf c2 a 3 : Ex Bibliotheca F. F. Min. apud _ 161*6. Capitals and foliation added in red. Bound in blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; remnants of clasps. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq3l*8/C28l2dTb/ll*80 32 179 BOTTOM, BERNARDO, d.1266. Casus longi super qulnque libros Deere talium. Strassburg cPrinter of the 1US3 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner?)^ 7 Sept. (in pro- festo natiultatis gloriosissime virginis Marie) 11*88. c20l*>., the last blank. f. 27.5ca. Leaf d a . (t.p.): Casus longi Bernard! super decre tales . H 2935; BMC I 138 (IB 2003); GW 1*100; Pr 61*6; Goff. Third census, B-i*60. Capitals supplied in red and blue alternate- ly; initial-strokes in red. Purchased from StonehiU, 13 Aug. 57. x3l8/C28l2dIb/ll*88 BOTTOM, BERNARDO, d.1266, Commentator See CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 1227-121*1 (GREGO- RIUS IX). Decretales. 7 Oct. 1500 BRABANT. CHRONICLES See CROMKE VAN BRABANT. #182 BRANT, SEBASTIAN, 11*58-1521. Das Narrenschiff . Latin. Basel, Johann Bergraann, de Olpe, 1 Mar. (Kal. Mar.) 11*98. CXLIIII, cl*>, CXLV-CLEC, d,l. woodcuts: illus., printer's device. 1*. I8.7c. Leaf I (t.p.): Stultifera Nauis. Narrago- nice pfec tionis nunq3 satis laudata Nauis : per SebastianQ Brant: vernaculo vulgariqj sermone & rhythmo _ nup fabricata: Ato3 iampridem per Iacobum Locher/ cognomSto Philomusum _ in lati- ntt traducta eloquid: & per SebastianQ Brant: denuo seduloqj reuisa _ 11*98 _ Io. de Olpe. Some of the woodcuts are attributed to Al- brecht DUrer. H 3751*; GW 5062; Pr 7778; Goff. Third cen- sus, B-1091. IU has only leaf LX. (Museum) 831B73/OnU/ll*98 BRANT, SEBASTIAN, 11*58-1521. Stultifera na- vis See his Das Narrenschiff. Latin BRACCIOLIM, JACOPO P00GI0 See POGGIO-BRAC- CIOLIM, JACOPO, 11*1*2 -ll*7o r BRACCIOLIM, POGGIO See POOGIO-BRACCIOLIM, 1380-U*59 180 BRACK, WENCESLAUS, 15th cent. Vocabularius rerum. cStrassburg, Martin Schottj U*87. c60., leaf cl*> blank. 1*. 21.9cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Vocabularius Rerum. H 3702#; GW 1*987; Goff. Third census, B-106l. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xl*73/B72v/li*87 BRAM, SEBASTIAN, 11*58-1521. Epithalamion See MAINO, GIASONE DAL, 11*35-1519. Oratio in matrimonium Maximiliani et Blancae Ma- riae. cnot before 17 Apr.ll*9l*3 181 BRANT, SEBASTIAN, 11*58-1521. Das Narrenschiff. Latin. Basel, Johann Bergraann, de Olpe, 1 Aug. (Kal. Aug.) 11*97. CLH, clxl., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: illus., printer's device. 1*. 22.1cm. Leaf I a (t.p.): Stultifera Nauis. Narrago- nice pfectionis nunq satis laudata Nauis : per SebastianQ Brant: vernaculo vulgariq? serraone & rhythmo _ nujp fabricata: Atq3 iampridem per Iacobum Locher/ cognomSto Philomusum -. in lati- nfl traducta eloquid: & per SebastianQ Brant: denuo seduloq:, reuisa _ 11*97 - Io. de Olpe. Includes introductory and laudatory verses and additions by Brant, Locher and Thomas Bec- cadelli. Some of th9 woodcuts are attributed to Al- brecht DUrer. HC 3750*; GW 5061; Goff. Third census, B-1090. Leaves EC, LII, LXVI, CXXXI, and CXLV are from another, smaller copy. Manuscript ex libris of the Franciscan Con- vent of Munich. Purchased from Kraus, 16 Apr. 63. x831B73/OnL*/ll*97a BRAM, SEBASTIAN, 11*58-1521, Editor See BIBLE. LATIN. ll*98. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. 1 Dec. 11*98 See CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 1227-121*1 (GRE'SORIUS IX). Decretales. 7 0ct.l500 See HEMMERLI, FELIX, 1388(ca.)-U*58 (ca. ). Opuscula et tractatus. eafter 13 Aug. 11*97 = See IVO, SAIOT, BP. OF CHARTRES, ca. 101*0-1116. Liber decretorum. 6 & 7 Mar. 11*99 See MARGARITA DECRETALIUM. Annotationes Margaritarum Decretalium. cca.ll*96 3 See PETRARCA, FRANCESCO, 130l*-137l*. 0- pera Latina. 11*96 BRESCIA, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO DA See JOANNES FRANC ISCUS BRIXIANUS, f 1.1500 BRICOT, THOMAS, fl.ll*86-l509, Editor See GEORGIUS BRUXELLENSIS, 15th cent. Cursus quaestionum super totam logicam. tea. 11*95 = BRITANNICO, GIOVANM, d. after 1518, Commenta- tor See PERSIUS FLACCUS, AULUS. Satyrae. 17 Feb. 11*86; also 17 Jan.U*92/93; Hi Feb.ll*9U/ 95; k Nov. 11*99 Editor See SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, C. Ope- ra. eca.ll*9H-l500j BRITANNICUS, JOANNES See BRITANMCO, GIOVAN- M, d. after 1518 BRITO, GULIELMUS See GULIELMUS BRITO, fl. 1272-1301* BRIXIANUS, GRATIA MJS See GRATIA NUS BRIXIA- NUS, d.1506 33 BRIXIANOS, JOANNES FRANCISCUS See JOANNES FRANC ISCOS BRHIANUS, f 1.1500 BRIXIANOS, PYLADES See PILAEE, GIOVANNI FRAN- CESCO BOCCARDO, d7I505 BRIXIANUS, THEOPHILUS See THEOPHILUS BRIXI- ENSIS, d.1512 BROGNOLO, BENEDETTO, fl.U*85-l506, Editor See DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Vitae et sententlae phllosophorum. Latin. 18 Dec. 11*90; also 30 Mar.ll*95 BROMIARD, JOHANNES DE See BROMTARDE, JOHN DE, fl.1390 BROMIARD, JOHANNES DE See BROMTARDE, JOHN DE, fl.1390 183 BROMTARDE, JOHN DE, fl.1390. Opus trivium. Cologne, Olrich Zell, not after 11*73* c298>., leaves cl8-19> and c298> blank, leaf cl9> wanting. f. 29.9cm. HC 3996; BMC I 192 (IB 2986); Pr 889; Goff. Third census, J-258. First capital illuminated in gold and colors; others in red and blue, with decorative pen work trailing down margins; smaller capitals and paragraph -marks in red or blue; initial- strokes in red. Stamp: Duplum Bibliothecae R. Monac. Purchased from Stonehill, lU Jan. 1*9. xq25l/B788o/U*73 BRONNERDE, PHILIPPUS DE See BROMTARDE, JOHN DE, fl.1390 BRUGNOLUS, BENEDICTUS See BROGNOLO, BENEDET- TO, fl. 11*85-1506 BRUNDELSHEB4, CONRADDS DE See CONRADUS DE BRONDELSHEIM, d.1321 BRDNETTO LATINI See LATINI, BRUNETTO, 1220- 1295 181* BRUNI, LEONARDO ARETINO, 1369-11*1*1*. Aquila volante. Venice, Peregrinus de Pas- qualibus, Bononiensis, 6 June ll*9l*. c6a, CXVI (i.e. CXXX) I. woodcuts: illus., printer's device. f. 35cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): 0,PA. INTITVLATA LAQILA C0"PO2TA 9 MI2' LEONARB ARETIN. According to Melzi, this work was compiled from two earlier sources: H fiore d' Italia and II tesoro, by Brunetto Latini. HCR 1578; BMC V 393 (IB 22293); GW 5650; Pr 1*861*; Goff. Third census, B-1232. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound by Douglas Cockerell in tan Niger morocco. Bookplate of Roderick Terry. In manuscript on t.p.: CollegiJ Germani Soc. Jesu. Purchased from Christensen, 23 Oct. 63. xq875/B83a/ll*9l* 185 BRUNI, LEONARDO ARETINO, 1369-11*1*1*. Aquila volante. Venice, Theodoras de Raga- sonibus, 28 June 11*97. c6, CXVIIII, d,l., the last blank, wood- cuts: capitals. f. 30.5cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.) AQVILA VOLANTE. According to Melzi, this work was compiled from two earlier sources, H fiore d 1 Italia and 11 tesoro, by Brunetto Latini. HCR 1580; BMC V 1*79 (IB 23568); GW 5652; Pr 5272; Goff. Third census, B-1233a. Some capital-spaces with guide-letters. Stamp on leaf cl a >: Bibl. Gust. C. Galletti Flor. The Vollbehr copy from the library of J. F. Neylen, sold by Sotheby 28 May 62. xq875/B83a/U97 BRUNI, LEONARDO ARETINO, 1369-11*1*1*. Da primo bello Punico. Italian See LIVIUS, TITUS. Historiae Romanae decades. Italian. 13 Aug. 11*85 BRUNI, LEONARDO ARETINO, 1369-11*1*1*. d* Italia See his Aquila volante Fiore 186 BRUNI, LEONARDO ARETINO, 1369-11*1*1*. Historiae Florentini populi. Italian. Ven- ice, Jacobus Rubeus, 12 Feb. 11*76. c2l8>l., the first blank and wanting. f. 31*. 5cm. Translated by Donate. Accialoli. HC 1562*; BMC V 215 (IB 20085); GW 5612; Pr 1*21*2; Goff. Third census, B-12l*7. ll* capitals illuminated in gold and colors; illuminated ornamental flowers in inner margin of first page of text. Bound with this is Poggio-Bracciolini. Hi- storia Florentina. Venice, 11*76. Purchased from Stonehill, 21* Oct. 61. xq9l5.5/B63hIa 187 BRUNI, LEONARDO ARETINO, 1369-U*1*U . Historiae Florentini populi. Italian. Flo- rence, Bartolommeo di Libri, 5 June 11*92. c222=*. f. 33cm. Leaf .l a > (t.p.): LE HISTORIE EIORENTINE csic* Translated by Dona to Accialoli. HC (+ Add) 1563 (I); BMC VI 61*9 (IB 27292); GW 5613 (I); Pr 6197; Goff. Third census, B-12l8. The "Tauola" (leaves c 219-222 >, signature fy) la bound between leaves tli and c2>; leaf cla has been made conjoint with the last leaf of the Tauolo and an extra blank leaf has been inserted and made conjoint with leaf c8>. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound with this is Poggio-Bracciolini. Hi- storia Florentina. Italian. Florence, 3 Sept. 11*92. Purchased from Olschki, 10 June 65. xq9l*5.5/B63hIa/ll*92 BRUNI, LEONARDO ARETINO, 1369-11*1*1*, Translator See ARISTOTELES. Ethica ad Nicomachum. La- tin, cbefore 10 Apr.U*69j; also cca.ll*75; 12 Apr. 11*97 See BASILIUS, SAINT, THE GREAT, ABP. OF CAESAREA, 330(ca. )-379. De legendis antiquo- rum libris. cca. 11*89-96* 3U BRUNI, LEONARDO ARETINO, 1369-ll*U, Translator See POLYBIUS. De primo bello Punico. Latin. 2lTOct. 11*98 See VERGERIO, PIETRO PAOLO, THE ELDER, 1370-11*1*1*. De ingenuis moribus. 21 June 11*93 BRUNO, SAINT, BP. OF WURZBURG, d.lOl*5, Editor See BIBLE. 0. T. PSALMS. LATIN. ll*97. Psal- terium. 11*97 BRUNO, GABRIELLO, d.1508. Tabula alphabetica ex singulis llbris _ totius Bibliae See BI- BLE. LATIN. U*95. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. 27 Oct. 11*95 See BIBLE. LATIN. 11*97. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. 23 Dec. 11*97 See BIBLE. LATIN. 11*98. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. 8 May 11*98 Editor See DURANTE, GULIELHUS, BP. OF MENDE, 1237Tca. )-1296. Rationale divinorum officiorum. 8 Dec. 11*85; also 20 Nov. 11*87 BRUNUS ARETINUS, LEONARDUS See BRUNI, LEO- NARDO ARETINO, 1369-11*1*1* BRUNUS, GABRIEL See BRUNO, GABRIELLO, d.l508 BRUTO, EUGENIO, l5th-l6th cent., Editor See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Exposi- tio super libros De generatione et corrup- tione Aristotelis. 22 Dec. 11*98 BRUTUS, EUGENIUS See BRUTO, EUGENIO, 15th- 16th cent. 4 BUCCARDUS, JOHANNES FRANCISCUS See PILADE, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO BOCCARDO, d.1505 BUDRIO, ANTONIO DA See BUTRIO, ANTONIUS DE, 1338-11*08 BUDWEIS, WENCESLAUS DE See FABRI, WENCESLAUS, OF BUDWEIS, 15th cent. BUENHOMBRE, ALFONSO, BP., d.1353, Translator See SAMUEL MAROCHITANUS, RABBI, 11th cent. Epistola contra Judaeorum errores. cca.ll*80j; also 11*99 (i.e. 11*91?); 13 May 11*96 BUONACCORSO See ACCURSIUS, BONUS, 11*85 BURCHARDUS, BIBERACENSIS See BURCHARDUS, PRO- VOST OF URSPERG, d.1230 BURCHARDUS DE MONTE SION, 13th cent., Supposed au- thor. La mer des histoires See RUDIMENTUM NO- VITIORUM. FRENCH BURCHARDUS DE MONTE SION, 13th cent., Supposed au- thor. Rudimentum novitiorum See RUDIMENTUM NO- VITIORUM # BRUTUS, PETRUS See BRUTO, PIETRO, BP. BURCHARDUS, PROVOST OF URSPERG, d.1230. Chro- nicon Urspergense See his Historia Friderici Imperatoris. c 11*72 188 BURCHARDUS, PROVOST OF URSPERG, d.1230. Historia Friderici Imperatoris. c Augsburg, Monastery of SS. Ulrich and Afra, U*72 = cl*6s/., the first and last blank and want- ing. f. 29.5cm. Leaf c2 a a : Hystoria Friderici imperatoris magni huiu? nomis primi duels sueuorum et pare- tele sue. An extract from the Chronlcon Urspergense, formerly attributed to Conradus a Lichtenau, provost of Ursperg. H 8718*; C 2589; BMC II 31*0 (IB 5756); GW 5737; Pr 1633; Goff. Third census, B-1285. Copy 2 lacks last leaf; leaves e32a and e39 transposed in binding. In copy 1, the first capital is added in blue, other capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph-marks in red; in copy 2, all capitals except the first (for which a space is left), initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines are added in red. Copy 1 has cancelled stamp of British Museum and shelf mark, IB5757; also book-plate of Boies Penrose II, and stamp on fly-leaf: Bib- llotheca Heberiana. Purchased from Barry, 20 Mar. 1*7 arid 30 Jan. 1*6. xq9l*3.02/B892c/U*72 BURCHARDUS, URSPERGENSIS See BURCHARDUS, PRO- VOST OF URSPERG, d.1230 BURGENSIS, PAULUS See PAULUS DE SANCTA MARIA, BP., 1353(ca.)-lC3T BURLAEUS, GUALTHERUS See BURLEY, WALTER, 1275- 13U5? 189 BURLEY, WALTER, 1275-131*5? De vita et moribus phllosophorum. cNurem- berg, Anton Koberger, ca.ll*72a c91*j., the first and last four blank, the last four wanting. f. 32cm. H 1*112*; BMC II 1*11 (IB 71i*0); GW 5785; Pr 1973; Goff. Third census, B-1319. Capital-spaces . Bookplate of Theo. L. De Vinne. Purchased from Christensen, 12 Oct. 59. xql80/B93d/ll*72 190 BURLEY, WALTER, 1275-13U5? De vita et moribus phllosophorum. cNurem- berga Friedrich Creussner, 30 June 11*79. c76j., the first blank. f. 27.5cm. Leaf c7 a s Incipit libell" d'vita et morib^ philosophow- et poetaiv-. HC 1*121**; BMC II 1*51 (IB 7636)5 OW 5787; Pr 211*5; Goff. Third census, B-1321. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial-strokes supplied in red or green; headlines and margin- al annotations in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 21 June 65. xl80/B93d/ll*79 35 191 BURLEY, WALTER, 1275-13U5? Expositio In Aristotelis Ethica Nlcomachaea. Venice, Simon de Luere, for Andreas Torresa- nus. h Sept. 1^00. .28., 170*. woodcuts: diagrs. f. 33cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p. )s Expositio Oualteri Burlel super decern Libros Ethicorum Arlstotelis. HC (Add) 1*11*1**; BMC V 576 (IB 2U667); OW 5779; Pr 5629; Goff. Third census, B-1301. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound in blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; two clasps. Purchased from Passim, 1965. xq88l/A8e.Ib 192 BURLBT, WALTER, 1275-13U5? Expositio in artem veterem Porphyrii et Ai > 1t.n*in. Venice. Chr1st.onhorua Arnol- 187a BRUTO, PIETRO, BP., d. 11*83. Victoria contra Judaeos. Vicenza, Simon de Gabis, Bevilaqua, 3 Oct.Ui89. el30iv', , the first four wanting, woodcuts: 2 capitals. f. 31.3cm, HC U027*; BMC VII icl (IB 31866 )j GW $659; Pr.7180; Qoff. Third census, B-126U. Eight capitals added in red, blue, or red and blue, in spaces with guide -letters. Leaf e39 repaired, with slight loss of a few marginal letters. Bound in modern velin-backed marbled boards. Purchased from William & Victoria Dailey, 9 June 83. , _ . , . mm .-.! ......vww, xp^n cent . BUSCH, JOHANN, 1399-11*80? Speculum exemplo- rum See SPECULUM EXEMPLORUM. 2 May l)*6l BUSSI, GIOVANNI ANDREA See ANDREA, GIOVANNI, BP. OF ALERIA, UilT-lCTT BUTRIO, ANTONIUS DE, 1338-11*08. Super primo libro Decretalium, VII-IJCVIII See NICCOLO DE'TUDESCHI, ABP., 1386-11*1*5. Lectura su- per V libris Decretaliura. 11*87-88 193 BUTRIO, ANTONIUS DE, 1338-11*08, Supposed au- thor. Speculum de confessione. Louvain, Johann de Paderborn (Westphalia) c ca. 11*80, 170.., leaves .1, 108, 15U, 170. blank and wanting. f. 28.9cm. Includes: Jacobus de Gruytrode. Speculum anl- peccatricis (leaves c29 a -Ul* b >); Ars morl- l (leaves cl*5 a -5U b ); Hugo de Sancto Charo. oulum ecclesiae. Speculum sacerdotum (leaves a -62 D j); Sanchez de Arevalo, Rodrlgo. Spe- um vltae humanae (leaves c63 a -l51*); Denis Chartreux. Speculum conversionis peccatorum aves cl55 a -170,) 1397; GW 5829; Pr 9256; Goff. Third census, .31*6. Capitals and paragraph -marks added in red, .tial-strokes in yellow. [mperfect: lacks leaves cl*5-62a, containing i Ars moriendi and Hugo de Sancto Charo 'a iculum ecclesiae et sacerdotum. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x265.6/B98s/U*80 191* CAESAR, C. JULIUS. Commentarii. Venice, Theodorus de Ragazo- nibus, 13 July 11*90. t!3h't., the first blank and wanting. f. 32cm. Edited by Hieronymus Bo nonius. "Index Commentariorum C. Iulii Caesar is , " by Raimundus Marlianus: leaves cll7 -13l* a > HC 1*219*; BMC V 1*77 (IB 2351*8); GW 5870; Pr 5263; Goff. Third census, C-23. Capital-spaces . Owner's signature: A. de Grate Loup; booksel- ler's label: Librairie Felix Seguin, 25 Rue Argenterie, Montpellier. Purchased from Kraus, 3 Dec. 70. xq87l/C2/ll*90 CAKTANUS, DANIEL See GAETANO, DANIELE, d.1528 CAIETANUS, THOMAS, CARDINAL See VIO, TOMMASO DE, CALLED GAETANO, CARDINAL7 11*69-1531* CALCO, SEVERINO, See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Opuscula. 31 Mar.U*91 CALDERINI, DOMIZIO See CALDERINO, DOMIZIO, 11*1*7-11*78 CALDERIJJI, GIOVANNI See CALDSRINUS, JOANNES, d.1365 195 CALDERINO, DOMIZIO, ll*l*7-H*78. Commentarii in Juvenalem. Venice, Epon. Press, ca. 11*76-773 b70j., the first blank and wanting. f. 30.5cm. "Domitii Calderini - Defesio aduersus Bro- thed": leaves c61* b -69 Edited by Giovanni Calfurnio; corrected by Antonius Moretus. HC (+Add) 1*238; BMC VII 111*8 (IB 250l*l); GW 5886 cRorae?*; Pr 71*08; Goff. Third census, C-35. In manuscript inside front cover: Ex libris Ed. Gordon Duff, E. Coll: Wadh: Qxon; also David Augustus Cruse. Univ. Coll. Oxford. July 1888; also a note about the printer signed: C.W.S. Purchased from Edwards, 28 Sept. 1*5. xq87l/J7.Ica/ll*77 CALDERINO, DOMIZIO, 11*1*7-11*78. Defensio ad- versus Brotheum See his Commentarii in Ju- venalem CALDERINO, DOMIZIO, 11*1*7-11*78. Observationes See SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED. 11* 36-1506. Snendationes, seu Annotationes in Flinium. cca.ll*97 CALDERINO, DOMIZIO, 11*1*7-11*78, Commentator See JUVENALIS, DECIMUS JUNIUS. Satyrae. l5""june U*91; also 28 Jan.ll9l*/95; ca. 11*96- 97. ; 6 Dec. 11*97 See MARTIALIS, MARCUS VALERIUS. Epigram- ma taTT2 June 11*82; also 15 July U*82; 29 Mar. 11*91 See OVIDIUS NASO, POBLIUS. Epistolae He- roides. 10 Nov. 11*92 See VERQUIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Opera. 11*92; also 20 Feb. 11*97 CALDERINUS, DOMITIUS See CALDERINO, DOMIZIO, 11*1*7-11*78 196 CALDERINDS, JOANNES, d.1365. Concordantia, sive Arabidexterium. Speier, Peter Drach, 11*81. c78i., the first and last blank, woodcut: printer's device. f. 28cm. Leaf .2 b : Incipit igitur Caldrini Tabula. Leaf c77 (colophon): Biblie auctoritatu t sentSclary Q in dectot- et decretalill opilatC- nibo solSt indue i tabula n IohSnS Caldrini iuriscanonici doctors? famatissimti opilata et j) ThornS Dorniberg de memmingen einsdS faculta- tis doctor? eximifl correcta _ HC l*2l*7; BMC II 1*92 (IB 81*99); GW 5896; Pr 231*1; Goff. Third census, C-l*5. Capitals, initial-strokes and underlining supplied in red. Imperfect: leaves els and c8i wanting. Purchased from L. Rosenthal, 1* Oct. 65. x3l*8/C28cTc CALPORNIO, GIOVANNI, d.l503, Commentator See TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Ccoediae. 18 Sept. 11*77; also 29 Nov.U*91; 1 Dec. 1500 Editor See CALDERINO, DOMIZIO, 11*1*7-11*78. Commentarii in Juvenalem. cca. 11*76-773 See PLUTARCHUS. Quaestiones Romanae. Latin, cca. 11*77 See VERGERIO, PIETRO PAOLO, THE ELDER, 1370^IE1*1. De ingenuia moribus. 21 June U*93 CALLIERGES, ZACHARIAS See KALLIERGES, ZACHARIAS, fl. 11*99-1503 CALLIMACHUS. Hymnus V. Greek and Latin See POLIZIANO, ANGELO, H*5U-U*9l*. Miscellane- orum centuria prima. 19 Sept. 11*89 CALLISTHENES, PSEUDO- See PSEUDO-CALLISTHENES CALPHURNIUS, JOANNES See CALFURNIO, GIOVANNI, d.1503 CAMERARIUS DALBURGIUS, JOANNES See DALBERG, JORANN VON, 11*1*5-1503 CAKERS, GUARINUS See GUARINO, OF FAVERA, BP. OF NOCERA, d.1537 197 CAMONICA. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC, Statuta communitatis Valliscamonicae . Brescia cAngelus and Jacobus Brittanicuss for Petrus Petretus de Grevo, 1 Sept.U*98. cll8,l., leaves el, 12= and dlfi. blank, the last wanting, woodcut: capital. f. 29.5cm. Colophon: Instituta Valliscamonicae nouis- sime maximo cum labore & exquisita industria Iacobi Armani consilio doctissimorum iuris consultorum recognita. Impensa Petri Petreti de Greuo Valliscamonicae diligentissime im- pressa Brixiae primo septembris. M.CCCC.LXXXX- VIII. R 338; Goff. Third census, S-723. Bound at front: Latin alphabetical index to the Statutes (17* . in manuscript) and a decree, in Latin and Italian, respecting the community of Caraonica, issued by Marino Grimani, doge of Venice, in Council, and dated Oct. 27, 1596 (c2 printed pages) From the library of Count Antonio Cavagna, purchased in 1921. xq3l*9.l*5/CH*8 CAMPANO DA NOVARA See CAMPANO NOVARESE, ca. 1260-1292 CAMPANO NOVARESE, ca. 1260-1292, Editor See EUCLIDES. Elementa geometrlae. Latin. 25 May 11*82; also 13 Hay 11*91 CAMPANO, GIOVANNI See CAMPANO NOVARESE, ca. 1260-1292 198 CAMPANO, GIOVANNI ANTONIO, BP. , 11*29-11*77. Opera. Rome, Eucharius Silber, for Michael Fernus, 31 Oct. (pridie Kal. Nov.) 11*95. c30l*<. woodcuts: 2 illus., capitals. f. 33.5cm. Edited by Michael Fernus. HC 1*286=HC (Add) 1*287; BMC IV 117 (IB 19008); GW 5939; Pr 3879; Goff. Third census, C-73. Error in binding: leaves c39-50* (signed in- correctly k-1 instead of f-g) bound after leaf cl22a (sign.cii a 2d group) Purchased from Kraus, 11* July 53. xq875/Cl5 199 CAMPANO, GIOVANNI ANTONIO, BP., 11*29-11*77. Oratio in Conventu Ratisponensi anno 11*71 habita. eRome, Stephan Plannck, ca.ll*88-90a = 12^. 21.3cm. Leaf d a i: Oratio dfii Jo. Ant. Capani efi Aprut. in cSuBtu RatispoH. ad exhort3dos fSnci- pes Germanoztj. \ Turcos:?.de laudib eorfl Lega- to existeB R^-mo dHo Car. Senefi .M.cccc.lxxi. H 1*289*; GW 591*1; Pr 3731; Goff. Third cen- sus, C-76. Imperfect: leaves c3-i* and c9-103 wanting. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x875.5/Cl5o/ll*88 37 CAMPANO, GIOVANNI ANTONIO, BP. , ll*29-U*77, Editor See LIVIUS, TITUS. Historlae Roma- nae decades, c before 3 Aug.ll*70> CAMPANOS, NOVARIENSIS See CAMPANO NOVARESE, ca. 1260-1292 CAMPANDS, JOHANNES See CAMPANO NOVARESE, ca. 1260-1292 CAMPANOS, JOHANNES ANTONIUS See CAMPANO, GIO- VANNI ANTONIO, BP., Ui29-lG77 CAMPECGI, GIOVANNI, 11*38-1511. Casus Montis pietatis magnifice communitatls Padue See PRO MONTE PIETATIS CONSILIA. .after 8 May lii92 CAMPEGIUS, JOANNES See CAMPEGGI, GIOVANNI, 11*38-1511 CAMPIS, LUDDVICUS IE, Editor See DlAZ EE MONTALVO, ALONSO, U*05-ll*99. Repertorium quaestionum super Nicolaum de Tudeschis cll*87-88> CAPITANEI, TOMMASO IE' MAS EZ See CAPITANEIS, THO- See NICCOLO DE'TUDESCHI, ABP., 1386- ll*l*5T Lectura super V libris Decretalium. U*87-88 200 CANALES, JOANNES, d.ll*62. De coelesti vita, c Venice , Matteo Capcasa (di Codeca), for Hieronymus Blondus, 19 Dec. U*9l*. LXXI, al4. woodcuts: capitals, printer's device. f. 32.8cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Liber nouiter editus. De celesti vita. In quo infrascripta continentur. In primis. De natura Anime rationalis. De im- mortalitate Anime. De inferno et cruciatu Ani- me. De paradyso et felicitate Anime. Edited by Antonlus de Cauchorio. HC 6982; BMC V 1*85 (IB 22765); Pr 1*999; Goff. Third census, J-313. T.p., with printer's device, printed in red. This copy has the first three variants noted in the Brit. Mus. Cat. description. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xql28/Cl58d CANIGIANI, BARDUCCIO, fl.1380. Epistola della morte de S. Caterina See CATERINA DA SIENA, SAINT, 131*7-1380. Libro della divina dottri- na. cca.U*75>; also 17 May U*9l* CANTER, JACOBUS, 11*71 (ca. )-l539? See BONATTI, GUIDO, 1230-ca.l296. Decern tractatus astrono- miae. 26 Mar.U*91 CANTIMPRE, THOMAS DE See THOMAS DE CANTIM- PRE, fl. 1200-1270 CAPELLA, MARTIANUS See MAHTIANUS CAPELLA CAPER, FLAVIUS. De orthographia et Latinitate verborum See DIOMEDES. Ars grammatica. .ca. 11*753; also!* June 11*91 201 CAPITANEIS, THOMAS EX. Oratio in die Omnium Sanctorum habita, 11*83. cRome, Stephan Plannck, after 1 Nov.ll*83 c6*. l* b . 21.1cm. H 1*377*; BMC IV 82 (IA 1831*3); GW 6023; Pr 3638; Goff. Third census, C-122. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x875.5/C17o/U*83 CAPRANICA, DOMENICO, CARDINAL, U*O0-ll*58, Sup- pose* author. Ars morlendi See ARS MORIENDI Translator See ARS MORIENDI. Ars mori- endl. Italian. cca.ll*90 3 CAPREOLO, GIOVANNI See CAPRIOLI, JEAN, 1380- 11*1*1* CAPREOLUS, JOHANNES See CAPRIOLI, JEAN, 1380- ll*W* CAPRIOLI, GIOVANNI See CAPRIOLI, JEAN, 1380- 11*1*1* 202 CAPRIOLI, JEAN, 1380-11*1*1*. Quaes tiones in IV libros Sententiarum; seu, Libri IV defensionum theologiae Thomae Aquina- tis. Venice, Octavianus Scotus, 11*83-81*. l*v. woodcuts: printer's device. f. 27. 7-32. 5cm. Edited by Thomas de Sancto Gervasio. HC 1*1*10*; BMC V 278 (IB 21209) (II); GW 6032; Pr 1*580(11); Goff. Third census, C-129. Printer's device printed in red. Univ. of HI. has vols. Ill and IV only; v.3 lacks leaves el-6> (leaf c3a blank); v. 1* lacks leaves cl-5 (leaves da and c5 blank) Capitals in red and blue, others in red or blue, red rules around text in v.3; capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and under- lines in red in v.l*. Vol.1* purchased from Chiswick, 17 Feb. 58. xq230/Pi*l*sYc* CAPUA NO DI MANFREDONIA, FRANCESCO See CAPU- ANO, FRANCESCO, fl. 11*90 CAPUANO, FRANCESCO, fl. 11*90, Editor See SACRO BOSCO, JOANNES DE, fl.1230. Sphaera mundi. 23 Oct. 11*99 CAPUANO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA See CAPUANO, FRAN- CESCO, fl. 11*90 CAPUANUS, FRANCISCUS See CAPUANO, FRANCESCO, fl. 11*90 203 CARACCIOLI, ROBERTO, U*25-U*95. Opera varia. Venice, Georgius Arrivabenus, for Bernardinus Hasina (Rasraa?) and Benedictus Fontana, 16 May 11*96. c2., 60, 190, 150-181, 67, cIj, 81 (i.e. 82), c2j/. woodcut: Fontana 's device. 1*. and 8. 18.8cm. 38 CARACCIOLI , ROBERTO - contlnued Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Sermones declamatorii pre- 8tantissljni uirl Roberti Liciensis : ex Sera- phico Minoru ordine: Sacre Theologie Dfessoris: Pontificis Aquinatis: per aduentO domlni: 4 Sane tarn quadragesiraam: Ite de timore iudlcioR^ del: De Imortalitate animae ratlOalis : De eter- na beatltudine: Et per solSnitates totius anni domlni sabaoth & Sacra tissimae Virginis Matris Dei. Edited by Philippus de Rotingo. H l*l*91*-Ul*90; BMC V 386 (IA 22551*); GW 60l3; Pr 1*929; Goff. Third census, C-135. In the next to the last group of leaves, leaf e68= is blank; in the last group, number 1*2 is repeated. Capital-spaces, most with guide -letters. In manuscript on t.p.: Liber fratrum Monaste- ry S. S. Marini & AnianJ In Rott tin Bavaria* ord. S. Benedict;). Purchased from Meuschel, 7 Dec. 70. x252/C175o/ll96 204 CARACCIOLI, ROBERTO, ll*25-U*95. Sermones de laudibus sanctorum. Speier, Peter Drach, 11*90. cl963. f. 30.l*cm. Leaf el a j (t.p.): Sermones Roberti de Licio de laudibus sanctorum. HC WiSl**; BMC II 1*97 (IB 8607); GW 6051*; Pr 2380; doff. Third census, C-LU6. The first capital of each sermon is added in blue, other capitals, paragraph-marks, and un- derlines in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq252/C175se/ll*90 205 CARACCIOLI, ROBERTO, 11*25-11*95. Sermones quadrageslmales de peccatis. Ven- ice, Andreas Torresanus, de Asula, 27 Sept. (V Kal. Oct.) 11*88. 191, 1*.| the first and last blank. 1*. 21.2ca. Printed in black and red. HC lil*39; BMC V 309 (IA 21658); GW 6080; Pr 1*719; Goff. Third census, C-l60. Some capitals added in red in spaces with guide-letters . In manuscript inside front cover: Comperato dal la Biblioteca di Verona; at end of text: Di Gio: Batta Calsoni. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x252/C175sep 206 CARACCIOLI, ROBERTO, ll25-ll*95. Sermones quadrageslmales de poenitentia. cStrassburg, Printer of Henricus Ariminensis (Georg Reyser), not after 11*73' .1*18^., the last blank. f. 30.5c. HC 1*1*18*; BMC I 76 (IB 829); GW 6066; Pr 303; Goff. Third census, C-170. Capitals, initial-strokes, and underlining supplied in red; foliation and marginal notes in manuscript. Bound in old leather over wooden boards; brass corners; remnants of clasps. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq252/C175s/ll*73 207 CARACCIOLI, ROBERTO, 11*25-11*95. Sermones quadrageslmales de poenitentia. Basel, Bernhard Richel and Michael Wenssler, 11*75. z}6l,l., the last wanting, woodcuts: capi- tals. f. 31.5cm. HC (Add) 1*1*32*; BMC III 736 (IB 37161); GW 6070; Pr 7l*62 & 7525; Goff. Third census, C-17U. Capitals supplied in red, blue, or red and blue; initial-strokes and paragraph-marks in red. Bound in old vellum over wooden boards. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq252/C175s/l!*75 208 CARACCIOLI, ROBERTO, 11*25-11*95. Sermones quadrageslmales de poenitentia. Venice, Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 11*76. c296 a ., leaves tli and c280> blank. 1*. 23.2cm. HC 1*1*33 (incl. H 1*1*23*); BMC V 227 (IA 20280); GW 6072; Pr 1*309; Goff. Third census, C-176. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red or blue; running titles added in red. One leaf at front and two at end are from a vellum MS. on Latin grammar. Bound by Zaehnsdorf in gold-tooled vellum; gilt edges. Bookplates of John Francis Neylan and George Dunn, of Woolley Hall; the Vollbehr copy sold by Sotheby 28 May 62. Purchased from Edwards, 23 Apr. 65. x252/C175s/ll*76 209 CARACCIOLI, ROBERTO, ll*25-li*95. Sermones quadrageslmales de poenitentia. c Basel, Berthold Ruppel and Michael Wenssler, not after ll*79> c2&k^t.. leaves cla (wanting) and cl6a blank. f. 20.1cm. H UU20*; BMC III 716 (IB 37022); GW 6073; Pr 71*51*; Goff. Third census, C-179. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial-strokes added in red on the first 1*1 leaves; capital- spaces elsewhere. Bound in old blind-stamped leather over wood- en boards; metal corners; holes for bosses. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq252/C175s/ll79 CARACCIOLI, ROBERTO, 11*25-11*95, Supposed au- thor. Collecta magistralia See COLLECTA MAGISTRALIA. 11*79 CARACCIOLUS, ROBERTUS See CARACCIOLI, ROBER- TO, U*25-U*95 CARBO, LUDOVICUS See CARBONS, L0D0VIC0, U*36- 11*82 CARBONS, LODOVICO, U*36-U*82, Editor See CI- CERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Oratlones. ll*72; also 10 Mar. 11*80 Corrector See SERVIUS, QRAMMARIAN, fl. ca.UOO. Comnentarii in Vergilii opera. 11*71 39 210 CARDULO, FRANCESCO, fl. 11*93. Oratio in funere Cardinal is Ardioini de La Porta. cRome, Andreas Freitag, after 1* Mar.ll*93> 161I. woodcuts: capitals. U. 20.9cm. Edited by Danianus Corycius Barba. Includes Epistola - Cardinalis Aleriefl ad Innocentitt VIII _ super excusatione sua qu5- do a Rocmaj cucriaa recessit. The last two numerals in the date Mcccclxxxxiii at the end of Porta' s letter have been scored out with a pen, as in other copies also. Since he died Feb. 2, 1U93, his letter's date, June 2, 11*93, is an obvious mistake. HC (Add) 1*511*; BMC IV 135 (U 19336); CM 6ljl*; Pr 3972; Goff. Third census, C-199. Purchased from Stonehill, U* Jan. 1*9. xB/P839c/lli93 CARDULUS, FRANCISCUS See CARDOLO, FRANCESCO, fl.ll*93 CARLETTI, ANGELO See ANGELUS CARLETUS IE CLA- VASIO, 1U11?-1U9T" CARLETUS, ANGELUS See ANGELUS CARLETUS IE CLA- VASIO, Hll?-ll95 CAROLUS MAGNUS. Legende seines Streits vor Regensburg See CHARLEMAQNE. RATISBON LEG- END. GERMAN. Legende von Kaiser Karls Streit vor Regensburg 211 CARPENTER, ALEXANDER, fl. 11*29. Destructorium vitiorum. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 20 Sept. 11*96. 272<. f. 31cm. Leaf el*> (t.p.): Summa que Destructorium viciorura appelat. HC 652*; BMC II 1*1*3 (IB 7527); GW 867; Pr 2111; Goff. Third census, A-393. Capitals added in red. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards; 2 clasps. Library stamp: Bibl. Buxheim. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. xq2l*l/C22d/ll*96 CASSIA, SIMON DE See SIMONE FIDATE, DA CASCIA, d.l3l*8 CASSIANUS, JOANNES, ca.370-ca.l*35. Collationes patrum XXIV See his De institutis coenobio- rum. U91 212 CASSIANUS, JOANNES, ca.370-ca.l*35. Da institutis coenobiorum. Venice cEpon. press (Paganinus de Paganinis ?) 11*91. cl20><., the first blank and wanting. f. 29.2cm. Includes Collationes patrum XXIV (leaves .37 b -120 b .) HC 1*563*; BMC V 586 (IB 25120); GW 6l6l; Pr 5697; Goff. Third census, C-231*. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq27l/C273i/U*91 213 CASSIODORUS, MAGNUS AURELIUS, ca.l*87-ca.580. Expos itio in Psalterium. Basel, Johann Amer- bach, 11*91. c3l*0.*. f. 30cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): Cassiodori clarissimi Sena- toris in PsalteriQ expositio. Includes text of Psalms. HC 1*571**; BMC III 753 (IR 3731*1* ); GW 6163; Pr 7591; Goff. Third census, C-236. One leaf only, with heading: Psalmus CIIII. (Museum) f223.2/C27e 211* CASSIODORUS, MAGNUS AURELIUS, ca.l*87-ca.580. Historia ecclesiastica tripartita. cAugs- burgj Johann SchUssler, ca. 5 Feb. (circiter Non. Feb.) U*72. 195. leaves 1, 19l* and 195* blank and wanting. f. 29.1cm. An epitome of Theodoretus, Sozomenus, and Socrates from the Latin translation of Eptpha- nes. HC 1*573*; BMC II 329 (IB 5627); GW 6161*; Pr 159U; Goff. Third census, C-237. The text of leaf el93 is supplied in manu- script at the bottom of leaf cl90s and on the fly-leaf and paste-down at the end; leaves c96-101> are bound between leaves cl05> and cl06i One capital added in blue with red scroll- work; other capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph-marks and some underlines 'in red. Books tamp: Oenipontana Bibliotheca. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq87l/C3h/ll*72 CASSIODORUS SENATOR, FLAVIUS MAGNUS AURE- LIUS See CASSIODORUS, MAGNUS AURELIUS, ca. l*87-caT5"80 CASSIUS DIO See DIO CASSIUS COCCEIANUS CASSIUS DIO COCCEIANUS See DIO CASSIUS COC- CEIANUS CASTELLANI, LILIO, Translator See LUCIANUS, OF SAMOSATA. Opera selecta. Latin. 25 Aug. H*9U 215 CASUS PAPALES, EPISCOPALES, ET ABBATIALES. Antwerp, Govaert Bac cca.l502i cl*3<. woodcuts: capital, 2 printer's de- vices. 1*. 17.9cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): CAsus papales episcopales et abbatiales. HC 1*672; GW 6209; Pr 9U50; Goff. Third census, C-270. Three capitals supplied in red; woodcut cap- ital hand-colored in red, green, and yellow. Signature inside front cover: C. P. Serrure. Purchased from Inter nationaal Antiquariaat, 13 June 59. X262.1/C279/1500 216 CASUS SUMMARII DECRETALIUM. Casus summarii Deere talium. Strassburg c Printer of the 11*83 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Oeorg Husner?)* 15 June 11*85. cl06.<. f. 29.9ca. 1*0 CASUS SUmARII D ECRETAL IUM - continued Leaf d a i (t.p.): Casus breues DecretaliO Sexti et Clementinarum. The first printed ed. (Cologne, li*76) names Michael von Dalen as the compiler, but his name does not appear either in subsequent editions or in earlier MSS. Cf. Schulte. Qesch. d. Quel- len und Literatur des canonischen Rechts, 2. Bd., p. 1*92. HC 1*660*; BMC I 133 (IB 1831); Pr 595; Goff. Third census, M-533. First six capitals and paragraph-marks sup- plied in red or blue. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan.U6. xq3U8/C279/li*85 CATARINA DE SIENA See CATERINA DA SIENA, SAINT, 131*7-1380 CATERINA DA SIENA, SAINT, 131*7-1360. Dialogo della divina Providenza See her Libro della divina dottrina. cca.ll*75Tf also 17 May lh9h 217 CATERINA DA SIENA, SAINT, 13U7-1380. Libro della divina dottrina. Bologna, Balthasar Azoguidus, ca. 11*75 : cll*7*., the first blank and wanting. t. 30cm. Includes Epistola della morte di S. Caterina by Barduccio Canigiani (leaves el37*-139 b ) HC (+Add) R 1*689; BMC VI 801 (IB 28537); GW 6223; Pr 6521; Goff. Third census, C-282. Imperfect: Leaf dOa wanting; lower margins of 8 leaves renewed, including the lower part of the illuminated border on 2 a a ; leaf c99* torn with slight loss of text. Illuminated capital and border in gold and colors on leaf c2 a a ; capitals added in red or blue. Purchased from Thorp, 27 July 65. xq85lC28/KlU75 218 CATERINA DA SIENA, SAINT, 131*7-1380. Libro della divina dottrina. Venice, Matteo Capcasa, di Codeca, for Lucantonio Giunta, 17 May ll*9l* (misprinted Mcccclxxxiii) cl80il. woodcuts: 3 illus., border, capitals, publisher '8 device. 1*. 20.5cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Dialogo de la seraphica uirgine sancta Catherina da siena dela diuina prouidentia. Includes "Lettera ne laquale se c3te ne el transito se la btS chatarina da siena," by Barduccio Canigiani (leaves cl60 a -l62 a :i); I uitS & canonizationem beatae catherlae se- nenensis epistola," by Pius II (leaves el71 a - 17l* b O; verses in praise of Catherine, by various authors (leaves cl7l* -l80 b O HCR U692; BMC V U85 (IA 22761); GW 6225; Pr 1*998; Goff. Third census, C-281*. Leaf cli has title on recto and woodcut illus. on verso, inlaid. Purchased from Thorp, 27 July 65. x85lC28/KU*9U CATHARINA SENESI5 See CATERINA DA SIENA, SAINT, 131*7-1380 CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. Db de- fectibus occurrentlbus in Missa See DEFEC- TUS IN MISSA OCCURRENTES. cca. 11*92=, 219 CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. BREVIARY. Breviarium Lincopense. Nuremberg, Georg Stuchs, 16 Apr. 11*93. thhkit,, the first and last blank(?) 8. 16. 5cm. Printed in red and black. HC (+Add) 3852; GW 5373; Pr 2271; Goff. Third census, B-1161*. Univ. of Illinois has one leaf only, signed: riij, inserted between p. 20 and 21 in Klemning. Bibliografi: Sveriges aldre liturgiska litera- tur. d879 xq655.13A67b *220 CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. BREVIARY. Breviarium Strengense. Stockholm, Johannes Fabri, 18 July 11*95. c382^., the last blank. 8. 19cm. Printed in red and black. C 1318; GW 51*67; Pr 9829; Goff. Third cen- sus, B-1183. Univ. of Illinois has one leaf only, insert- ed between p. 22 and 23 in Klemming. Biblio- grafi: Sveriges aldre liturgiska literatur. d879^ xq655.13A67b 221 CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. BREVIARY. Breviarium Upsalense. Stockholm, Johannes and, subsequently, Anna Fabri, 30 Sept. (pridie Kal. Oct.) 11*96. cblOsl., leaves c5, lit, and 398s blank. 1*. 17.6cm. Printed in red and black. HC (+Add) 3950; GW 5U99; Pr 9830; Goff. Third census, B-1187. Univ. of Illinois has one leaf only, insert- ed between p. 21* and 25 in Klemming. Biblio- grafi: Sveriges aldre liturgiska literatur. d879 xq655.13/K67b 222 CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. CANON OF THE MASS. Expositio canonis Mlssae. cAugsburg, Jo- hann Schussler, 11*723 124.j the first blank and wanting. f. 27.6ca. Leaf el a * : Incipit notabilis expositio sup canonem misse. Generally dated about 11*70 and assigned to the press of Zainer, but now believed to have been printed by Schussler. Cf. J. Glonar, in Zentralblatt fttr Bibliothekswesen 58(191*1) p. 277. H 6795*; BMC II 315 (IB 51*16); GW 5983; Pr 1521*; Goff. Third census, E-lUO. Bound in boards covered with a leaf from the German Bible printed by Koberger, Nuremberg, 17 Feb. 11*83. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x26U.025/C28ca/ll*72 1*1 223 CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. GRADUAL. Graduale Svecicum. cLtibeck, Steffen Arndes, 11*93= c230^. music. f. Printed in black and red. C 2765a; Pr 261*1*; Goff. Third census, G-333. Univ. of 111 has part of one leaf only, in- serted between p. 16 and 17 in Klemming. Bibll- ografi: Sveriges aldre liturgiska literatur. xq655.13/K67b o+22l* CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. HOURS. Heures de Nostre Dame a lusaige de Rome tout au long sans rien requirer. Paris, Antoine Chappiel, for Germain Hardouin, 5 0ct.cl505?. e92zt. metal cuts: illus., miniatures. U. 22.3cm. in case 26cm. C 3076-3105-3116; Goff. Third census, H- U17. In Latin with some French. Table for Easter covers 1U97-1520. Printed on vellum; has many miniatures within gilt borders, many colored historiat- ed initials, and small colored initials throughout. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. x261.02/C28hoA50- 225 CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. HOURS. Horae Beatae Virginis Mariae: ad usum Roma- num. Paris, Philippe Pigouchet, for Simon Vostre, 20 Mar., 17 Apr. 11*97. c88a. metal cuts: illus., borders, print- er's device. 8. 15. 5cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Ces presentes heures a lu- saige de Romme furent acheuees le .xvii. iour de Auril. Lan. M.CCCC.iiiixx. et xvii. pour Si- mon vostre Libraire demourSt a la rue neuue a lenseigne sainct Iehan leuangeliste. In Latin. HC 8852; C 3lU*; BMC VIII 117 (IA 1*0321); Pr 8189; Goff. Third census, H-382. In this copy the colophon is dated 20 Mar. 11*96; in Copinger (311U) and Proctor (8189) it is apparently dated 20 Mar.lU97. On vellum. Rubricated in gold, red, and blue. On leaves signed d iii" and cd v D > prayers have been inserted in manuscript. Bound in gilt-tooled crushed morocco by San- gorski and Sutcliffe, London; gilt edges. Purchased from Stonehill, Jan. 51*. x26U.02/C28ho/Ht97 226 CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. HOURS. Horae Beatae Virginis Mariae: ad usum Roma- num. Paris, Philippe Pigouchet, for Simon Vostre, 22 Aug.lU98. c72af. metal cuts: illus., borders, print- er's device. 8. 19.8cm. Leaf il a i (t.p.): Les presentes heures a lu- saige de Rome furSt acheuez Lan Mil.CCCC.iiii. xx Z xviii. le xxii. iour de Aoust pour Sym5 vostre Libraire demourSt a Paris a la rue neuue nostre dame a lenseigne sainct Jehan leuange- liste. In Latin. HC 8855; c 3098; BMC viii 119 (IA U03U0); Pr 8196; Goff. Third census, H-39U. On vellum. Rubricated in gold, red, and blue. Bound in blind-stamped calf; gilt edges. In manuscript on fly-leaf: Frank Masters 181*2. Catherine Masters 1862. In remembrance of the above who died Aug. 5th 1859 and of his wife who died Dec. 8th 1861. Purchased from Stroock, 1* June 62. x261*.02/C28ho/ll*98 227 CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. HOURS. DUTCH. Ghetyden van onser liever vrouwen. Delft, Jacob Jacobszoen van der Meer, 19 July 11*81*. cl90,*., leaves d7, 108. and 15U blank, woodcut: printer's device. 1*. 19.9cm. HC 7770*s Goff. Third census, H-l*30. Does not contain "Dat heilighe sacraments getide," leaves d7-6i*. in the copy described by Campbell (833) but listed by Hain (7763) as a separate book. Six illuminated initials with marginal ex- tensions in gold and colors; capitals added in red and blue, initial-strokes and para- graph-marks in red; printer's device colored by hand. Includes 22 leaves of manuscript prayers at the end and another on leaf cli6a Original blind-stamped calf binding over wooden boards; remnants of clasps. Purchased from Harper, 13 Dec. 55. x261< 02/C28hoD/Ut8l* #228 CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. MISSAL. Missale Aboense. LUbeck, Bartholomaeus Ghotan, 17 Aug. 11*88. .267. I. f. 31.5cm. Printed in black and red. HC 11253; BMC II 553 (note); Pr 2623; Goff. Third census, M-61*l*. Univ. of Illinois has one leaf only (on vel- lum) signed: xlij, inserted between p. 12 and 13 in Klemming. Bibliografi: Sveriges aldre liturgiska literatur. tl879 xq655.13A67b #229 CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. MISSAL. Missale Strengense. cStockholms Bartholo- maeus Ghotan, 11*87. e275>*. f. 29.5cm. C U23l; BMC II 553 (note); Pr 2622 cLubeck.; Goff. Third census, M-722. Univ. of Illinois has one leaf only (vellum), signed: kij, inserted between p. 10 and 11 in Klemming. Bibliografi: Sveriges aldre litur- giska literatur. el879 xq655.13/K67b 230 CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. MISSAL. Missale Upsalense. cStockholm, Johann Snel? ca. 11*81*. c2l*5><. t. 30cm. Printed in red and black. C 1*260; Pr 261*7 eLubeck.; Goff. Third census, M-730. Univ. of Illinois has one leaf only (vellum), inserted between p. 2 and 3 in Klemming. Bibli- ografi aldre liturgiska literatur. cl879 xq655.13/K67b 1*2 231 CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. PROSAR. Textus sequentiarum, cud optimc commento. cCologne, Heinrich Quentell, 11*99= cxxxiii. >Ui<, U. 20.1cm. Leaf cl j (t.p.): Textus sequgtian/ cum ex- positione lucida ac facili. sacre scripture auctoritatibus aliorumcg exemplis creberrljiiis roborata. vna cfl vocabulorum explanatione. The commentary is by Hennannus Torrentinus (Hermann von der Beeke) HC li,68U*-H 6793*(H); BMC I 292 (IA U9l*2); Pr 11*38; Goff. Third census, S-l*62. Capital spaces with guide letters, the first capital added in red. In manuscript on t.p. : Ex libris Monasterij B. Purensis. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x261*.02/C28po/ll*99 CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 1198-1216 (INNOCEN- TIUS in) See INNOCENTIUS III, POPE, 1160 or 61-1216 232 CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 1227-121*1 (GREGORIUS IX) Decretales. Basel, Michael Wenssler, H186. cl., 1*17 (i.e. 1*18), cl,l., the first blank. f. 35.9cm. Printed in black and red. Text surrounded by commentary. H 8018; BMC III 730 (IB 37126); Pr 7510; Goff. Third census, G-l*60. Error in foliation: leaves 199-1*18 numbered 198-U17. Capital-spaces with guide-letters at begin- ning of sections; red lombards elsewhere. Stub of a vellum MS with date, May 11*39, at end of quire a; contemporary manuscript index inside front cover. Bound in original blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards; 2 clasps. Purchased about 1951. xq3l*8/C28l2d/U*86 233 CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 1227-121*1 (GREGORIUS H) Decretales. Venice, Andreas Torresanus, de Asula, 1* Mar. li*98. c6., 658 (i.e. 666)/., the 6th blank and wanting. 8. 19.2cm. Leaf d a j (t.p.): Decretales. Text in two columns surrounded by gloss. Printed in red and black. HC 8036*; BMC V 313 (IA 21756); Pr 1*71*1*; Goff. Third census, G-l*77. The second word on leaf c2 a > is spelled, ac- conmodata, as in Polain (B) 1737, instead of accomodate, as in Brit. Mus. Cat. and Kain. Bound in elaborately blind-stamped pigskin. Purchased from Internationaal Antiquariaat. 2 Aug. 63. x3l*8/C28l2d/ll*98 231* CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 1227-121*1 (GREGORIUS EC) Decretales. cBasels Johann Froben and Johann Amerbach, 7 Oct. (Non. Oct.) 1500. c508*. woodcut: 1 lllus. 1*. 23.1*cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Decretalium dfii pape Gregorij noni cSpilatio accurata diligStia eme'data sfl- raoq} studio elaborata et cuj scripturis sacris aptissime ocordata. Printed in black and red. With commentaries of Bernardo Bottoni and Hieronymus Clarius; edited by Sebastian Brant. HC 80l*0; BMC III 793 (IA 37907); Pr 7766; Qoff. Third census, G-U79. One capital and one paragraph-mark added in blue; red lombards elsewhere. Manuscript note on t.p. with date: 1597. Bound in blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; 2 clasps. Purchased fro Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x3l*8/C28l2dA500 CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 121*3-1251* (INNOCEN- TIUS IV) See INNOCENTIUS IV, POPE, d.1251* 235 CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 129U-1303 (BONIFACIUS VIII) Liber sextus Decretalium. Mainz, Peter Schoeffer, 9 Jan.ll*76. .162,/. f. 1*2. 7cm. Text in double columns surrounded by commen- tary of Joannes Andreae. HC (+Add) 3593*; BMC I 32 (IC 205); GW 1*857; Pr 109; Goff. Third census, B-985. Capitals added in red and blue alternately; paragraph-marks and chapter titles on each recto in red. In the last quire, the 2d and 3d leaves are bound in reverse order. First two leaves mutilated and repaired, with slight loss of text. Bound in blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; rebacked; clasps missing. (Museum) f3l*8/C281s/U*76 CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 129U-1303 (BONIFACIUS VIII). Liber sextus Decretalium See CASUS SUMMARII DECRETALIUM. Casus summarii Decre- talium. 15 June 11*85 See MECKENLOCHER, FRIEDRICH. Ca- sus in terminis libri sexti Decretalium. 11*90 o236 CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 129U-1303 (BONIFACIUS VIII) Liber sextus Decretalium. Venice, Baptista de Tortis, 1, 15 Apr.ll*9l*. 10l*, 57, cl*l., the last blank, woodcut: printer's device. f. 1*5. 5cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Sextus et Clementine de tortis . Printed in red and black. With the gloss of Joannes Andreae. Edited with additions by Hieronymus Clarius. Includes Joannes Andreae. Super arboribus consanguinitatis et affinitatis (leaves e2 D -3 b *) HC 3620*; BMC V 327 (IC 211*1*0); GW U889; Pr 1*61*7; Goff. Third census, B-1007. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin; 2 clasps. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xf3l*8/C28ls/ll*9l* 1*3 o237 CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 129U-1303 (BONIFACIUS VIII) Liber sextus Decretalium. Venice, Baptista de Tortis, 5. 10 Sept. 1500. 10U, 57, cli<,, the last blank, woodcut: printer's device. f. l*l*.l*cm. Leaf tl a 5 (t.p.): Sextus et Clementine de tortis . Printed in red and black. With the gloss of Joannes Andreae. Edited with additions by Hieronvmus Clarius. Includes Joannes Andreae. Super arboribus consangulnitatis et affinitatis (leaves 2"-3 ) HC 3629; BMC V 331 (IC 21519); GW 1*903 ; Pr U673; Goff. Third census, B-1013. The beginning of the text and the commentary (leaf l* a ) shows a variant setting of type from that given in the Brit. Mus. Cat. and the Gesamtkat. Capitals added in blue; miniature and illum- inated initial in gold and colors on leaf l* a . Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xf3U8/C28ls/l500 CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 1305-131U (CLEMENS V). Constitutions See CASUS SUMMARII DE- CRETALIUM. Casus summarii Decretalium. 15 June 11*85 See CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 1291*- 1303 (BONIFACIUS VIII). Liber sextus De- cretalium. 1, 15 Apr.ll*9U; also 5> 10 Sept. 1500 0238 CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 11*71-11*81* (SIXTUS IV). ECCLESIARUM FABRICIS (10 May 11*79) Auszug und Inhalt der Ablassbulle "Ecclesi- arum fabricis" vom 10. Mai 11*79. cBasel, Mi- chael Wenssler, after 7 Jan.ll*80:> broadside. 22. 5x33. 3cm. in folder 32. 8x 1*3. 5cm. GW 3097; Goff. Third census, A-ll*06. Line Is Diss ist eln kurtzer gesttmierter vszug vnd innhalt der Bullen des Romischen applas der pfarr / klrchen zu Bern _ xq265 . 66/C286eG/ll*80 CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 11*71-11*81* (SIXTUS IV). BTSI DOMINICI OREOIS (30 Dec.ll79). Bulla See TROVAMALA, GIOVANNI BATTI3TA,*96. Summa casuum conscientiae. cafter 11* Apr. 3 11*88; also 21 Dec. 11*99 0239 CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 11*71-11*81* (SIXTUS IV). PASTORIS BOOT (22 June U*79) Bulla, 22 June 11*79 (Pastoris bonl) cUrach, Conrad Fyner, after 22 Jmne ll*79> broadside. 1*2. 8x27. 7cm. in portfolio 30x 22cm. Line 1: Copia bulls plenariaty- indulge ncia- rum et facultatem ecclesie. C 1762; GW (Einbl) 131*2; Goff. Third census, S-5U7. Signature of the witnessing notary at ends Mathias Horn. In two pieces removed from the binding of a book; lines 1-2, 1*5-52, and some text along the edge wanting. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq265.66/C286b 21*0 CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, ll*81-U*92 (INNOCENTIUS VIII). SACROSANCTAM MATREM ECCLBSIAM (6 Jan. ll*81/85) Bulla canonizationis Sancti Leopold! mar- chionis. c Vienna, Printer of 'Vocabolista' (Stephan Koblinger 7) after 6 Jan.ll*81*/85> el*,*. 1*. 22.1cm. C 3267; BMC III 809 (I* 51508); Pr 9l*71 cJ. Cassis j ; Goff. Third census, 1-102. Copy with initial capital (not a guide let- ter), no signature on leaf el a s, nostri (not nostro) in the last line, and homie (not no- mine) on leaf c2 a > line 2. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9 xBA5873c/U*85 CATO, DIONTSIUS. Disticha Catonis See CATOOTS DISTICHA. Cato: disticha de moribus CATO, DIONTSIUS. Docuraenta moralia See CATO- NIS DISTICHA. Documenta moralia Catonis 21*1 CATONIS DISTICHA. Cato: disticha de moribus. Augsburg c Anton Sorgi 2 Nov. (die crastina festi omnium sancto- rum) 11*75. cl*81*^. f. 30.2cm. Includes commentary by Philippus de Bergamo (also printed w ith title : Speculum regiminis ) and excerpt from a commentary by Robertus Eu- remodio. HC 1*711*; BMC II 3U2 (IB 5789); GW 6277; Pr 161*3; Goff. Third census, C-292. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards; clasps lost; covers lined with a leaf from an early printed book. Purchased from L'Art ancien, 15 Oct. 56. xq871A/C29/U*75 o2l*2 CATONIS DISTICHA. Catos disticha de moribus. c Lyons, Mathias Huss and Johann Schabeler, ca. 11*85 3 c96.., the first blank. 1*. 21.5cm. With commentary beginning Summi deus largi- tor praemii _ C 1521*; GW 6299; Goff. Third census, C-303. Lower part of last leaf cut away and repaired. Bound in a vellum leaf, signed e iij, from a Breviary (possibly the Breviarium Pragense printed by Georg Stuchs, Nuremberg, 1502) Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x871A/C29/H*85 21*3 CATONIS DISTICHA. Cato: disticha de moribus. Basel c Johann Amerbachi 11* June 11*86. cl*8i<., the last blank, woodcuts: illus., capital. 1*. 21.5cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.)s Moralissiraus Cato cfi ele- gantissimo cSmento. Includes commentary by Robertus de Euremodio. HC 1*719*; BMC III 7U8 (IA 37291); GW 6281*; Pr 7568; Goff. Third census, C-297. kk CATONIS DISTICHA - contlnued Woodcut illus. on t.p. and woodcut capital hand colored in brown and red; three capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and under- lines added in red. Bound with this are Dati, Agostino. Elegant i- olae. cHeidelberg, after 21 Aug. ll*86j; Leto, Giulio Pomponio. Grammaticae compendium. Venice, 31 Mar. lli8U ; Manneken, Carolus. For- mulae epistolarum. cStrassburgi 26 June 11*87. Purchased from Stonehill, 25 July 61. x87U/C29/U*86 o2l*l* CATONIS DISTICHA. Cato: disticha de moribus. Basel, Nico- laus Kesler, 25 Aug. 11*86. cl*8.*., the last blank. 1*. 20cm. Leaf ci a > (t.p.): Moralissimus Cato cB ele- gantissimo comento. The commentary is by Robertus de Euremodio. H 1*718*; GW 6285; Goff. Third census, C-298. Two capitals, initial-strokes, underlines and paragraph-marks added in red (cop. 2) Cop. 2 lacks leaves cl*2a and el*7-i*8i Cop. 2, Helanchthon's copy, with marginal annotations in his hand; also has bookplates of George Kloss and Thomas Brackett Reed. Purchased from Christensen, cop.l: 1* Apr. 55; cop. 2: 29 Nov. 59. x871A/C29/U*86a CATONIS DISTICHA. Cato: disticha de moribus See AUCTORES OCTO CUM GLOSSA. 16 Feb.ll*9l*/95 21*5 CATONIS DISTICHA. Cato: disticha de moribus. Cologne, He in- rich Quentell, ll*96. cl*8 a . woodcut: illus. 1*. 20.5cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Chato cfl glosa et morali- satione. With commentary beginning: Surami deus largi- tor premii _ H 1*735*; BMC I 286 (IA 1*657); GW 6311*; Pr 1338; Goff. Third census, C-311. Capital-spaces, one with guide-letter. Bookplate and autograph of Edward Jackson Barron; label: From the library of Gerald P. Mander; in manuscript (Barron's hand ?): From Libri's sale; in manuscript inside back cover: 1561 and March 1861*. Purchased from Comrain, 10 Nov. 55. x871A/C2 9/H*96 CATONIS DISTICHA. Cato: disticha de moribus See DONATUS, AELIUS. Ars minor (Rudimenta grammatices: Donatus melior) 3 Aug. 11*97 Greek See THEOCRITUS. Greek. Feb. 11*95/96" Idyllia. *2l*6 CATONIS DISTICHA. Cato: disticha de moribus. Latin and German. cLeipzig, Conrad Kachelofen, ca. 11*90* cl8>*. woodcut: illus. U. 19.5c. in slip case 20.5cm. Leaf tl a i (t.p.): Cato moralissimus. Includes Medij versus pro iuuenibus confecti (leaves cl7-l8>) GW (Nachtr) 69; GW 6326; Goff. Third census, C-317. One capital, initial-strokes, and underlines added in red; the main lines of the woodcut illus. are traced in red. Bound in gold- tooled red morocco. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x87H/C29/ll*90 CATONIS DISTICHA. Cato moralissimus See CA- TONIS DISTICHA. Cato: disticha de moribus. Latin and German. cca.lU90 3 CATONIS DISTICHA. Chato cum glossa et morali- satione See CATONIS DISTICHA. Cato: disticha de moribus. 11*96 CATONIS DISTICHA. Disticha de moribus See CATONIS DISTICHA. Cato: disticha de moribus 21*7 CATONIS DISTICHA. Documents moralia Catonis. cUlm, Johann Zainer, before 23 Apr.ll*77> c62 3 , cccxix, c1j< m leaves el, 62a and ccccxxj blank, woodcuts: capitals. f. 31.5cm. HC 1*710*; BMC II 525 (IB 9131*); GW 6318; Pr 2505; Goff. Third census, C-320. Some of the woodcut capitals are colored red; initial-strokes in red on many of the first 63 leaves. Bound in red-stained sheepskin over wooden boards; lining papers are leaves of MS writ- ten in narrow columns. In manuscript at head of leaf c2 a j : Mona- ster! j Weingartensls, Anno 16 30. Purchased from Harper, 5 May 58. xq871A/C29/H*77 CATONIS DISTICHA. TONIS DISTICHA. 25 Aug. 11*86 Moralissimus Cato See CA- Cato: disticha de moribus. CATULLUS, C. VALERIUS. Carmina See TIBULLUS, ALBIUS. Elegiae. 26 June 11*93 CAUCHORIO, ANTONIUS DE, Editor See CANALES, JOANNES, d. 11*62. De coelesti vita. 19 Dec. 11*91* 21*8 CAVALCA, DOMENICO, d. 131*2. Pungi lingua. cMilan, Christophorus Val- darfer, for Philippus de Lavagnia, ca. 11*75 = c96*4. f. 27.5cm. Based on the last tractate, De peccato lin- guae, in the Summa de virtutibus et vitiis, of Guilelmus Peraldus. HCR 1*770; BMC VI 705 (IB 26125) cPhilippus de Lavagnia,; GW 61*08; Pr 581*9; Goff. Third census, C-337. First capital added in blue; other capitals and paragraph-marks in red. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x85lC3l/Opll*75 U5 21*9 CAVRETTO, PIETRO, 11*21*. Anterotica, sive De amoris generibus. Treviso, Gerardus de Lisa, de Flandria, 13 0ct.lU92. c6,, XCVII, si.*., the last blank. 1. 21.2cra. Leaf cl a . (t.p. )j DE AMORIS GENERIBVS. HC 831*3*; BMC VI 885 (IA 281*66); Pr 6507; Goff. Third census, H-2. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Bound by McLeish in green crushed morocco. Label: Friedrich Spiegelberg. Purchased from Schuman, 23 Apr. 55. x875/C3lUa CAVRETTO, PIETRO,*2l. De amoris gene- ribus See his Anterotica. 13 Oct. 11*92 CAXTON, WILLIAM, 11*22 (ca. )-ll*91, Editor See HIGDEN, RANULF, d.l361. Polycronicon. "Eng- lish. 13 Apr. 11*95 Translator See IMAGE DO MONDE. Image du monde. English, c 11*903 See ROTE, GUT DE, ABP., 131*5 (ca.)-U*09. Le doctrinal de sapience. English, cafter 7 May 11*89. See VITAE PATROM. Vitae Sanctorum Pa- trumTTingHsh. c be fore 21 Aug.. 11*95 CECCO D'ASCOLI, 1269-1327, Editor See SACRO BOSCO, JOANNES DE, fl.1230. Sphaera mundi. 23 Oct. 11*99 CECHUS ESCULANUS See CECCO D'ASCOLI, 1269- 1327 CELSANO, BARNABA, d. 11*77, Editor See CLAUDI- ANUS, CLAUDIUS. Opera. 27 May HTB2 See OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Opera. ll*80; alsoTT Sept. 11*81*; 11*86/87 CELSANUS, BARNABAS See CELSANO, BARNABA, d. 11*77 250 CELTES, CONRADUS, 11*59-1508. Ars versificandl et carminum. cLeipzig, Conrad Kachelofen, ca. 11*86. c2l*af. woodcuts: diagrs. 1. 20.9cm. Leaf d a j (t.p.): Ars versificandi et car- minum. With additions by Fridianus Pighinucius. C 1551*; GW 61*60; Goff. Third census, C-368. Some capitals added in red and blue; other capitals and paragraph marks in red or blue, initial-strokes in red. Bound in leaves from an early printed book. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xlt76/C33a/ll*86 CELTE3, CONRADUS See CELTES, CONRADUS, ll*59- 1508 CENDRATA, L0D0VIC0, Editor See JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. De bello Judaico. Latin. 25 Dec. 11*80 CEPIO, CORIOLANUS See CIPPICO, CORIOLANO, 11*25 (ca.)-ll*95 CERRINOS, JACOBUS See JACOBUS CERRINUS CHALCOCONDTUS, DEMETRIUS See CHALCONDYLAS, DEMETRIUS, 11*23-1511 CHALCONDYLAS, DEMETRIUS, 11*23-1511, Editor See ISOCRATES. Orationes. Greek. 21* Jan. 1E93 See SUIDAS. Lexicon Graecum. 15 Nov. 11*99" CHALCUS, SEVERINUS See CALCO, SEVERING CHALKOKONDTLES, DEMETRIOS See CHALCONDTLAS, DEMETRIUS, H*23-l5ll 251 CHARLEMAGNE. RATISBON LEGEND. GERMAN. Legende von Kaiser Karls Streit vor Regensburg. c Nuremberg. Friedrich Creuss- ner cca. 11*85. c6./. 1*. I8.2c. For the sources of this prose version see Die Gesta Caroli Magni der Regensburger Schot- tenlegende ed. _ A. DUrrwaechter (1897) p. 131-133. H 1*521**; Goff. Third census, C-202. Bound in a leaf from an illuminated vellum legal MS. Stamp on leaf cl b =: Ex Biblloth. Regia Bero- linensi. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x831C37/Oili*85 CHARLIER, JEAN See GERSON, JOANNES, 1363- U*29 *252 CHAUCER, GEOFFRET, d. 11*00. The Canterbury tales. Westminster, Wynkyn de Worde, 11*98. c 153.1. woodcuts: capitals, illus., printer's (Caxton's) device. f. 28.8cm. Leaf el a . (t.p.): The boke of Chaucer named Caunterbury tales. HC 1*921*; GW 6588; Pr 9710; Goff. Third cen- sus, C-l*3l*. Imperfect: contains 113 leaves: c6-8, 11-16, 18-22, 2l*-25, 27-29, 32-36, 39-Ul, 1*5-50, 52- 57, 59-62, 66, 69-73, 75-89, 91-92, 95-97, 99- 103, 105-111*, 116-119, 121-11*6, 11*8. The mis- sing leaves (including 11* woodcut illus. and the printer's device) and parts of ll* other leaves are supplied by handwritten text and tracings made from the British Museum (Gren- ville) copy. Bound in English roll-stamped calf over oak boards; in half brown morocco case. Contains a receipted bill by D. C. Baxter to Major C. H. Fisher, dated Jan. 27, 1886, for sup- plying the missing text and illus. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 Mar. 56. xq82l/C39c/li*98 CHECCO STABILI D'ASCOLI See CECCO D'ASCOLI, 1269-1327 1*6 CHIARI, GIROLAMO, 15th cent. Summaria See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. CODEX. Codex Justi- nianus. 16 Sept. 11*95; also 29 July U*96 CHIARI, OIROIAMO, 15th cent., Commentator See CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 1227-121*1 (GREGORIUS H). Decretales. 7 Oct.l500 Editor See CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 1291*- 1303 (BONIFaCTUS VIII). Liber sextua Decre- talium. 1, 15 Apr.U*9U; also 5, 10 Sept. 1500 CHICUS ESCULANUS See CECCO D'ASCOLI, 1269- 1327 CHRISTOPHORUS DE FRIOLIS See FRIOLI, CRISTO- FORO DE' 255 CHRYSOSTOMUS, JOANNES, SAINT, PATRIARCH OF CONSTANTINOPLE, d.l*07 Homiliae super Matthaeum. Latin. Cologne, Johann Koelhoff, the Elder, ll87. clO,, CIXU. f. 29.3cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Johannes chrysostomus su- per Matthefl. Translated by Georgius Trapezuntius. H 5035*5 BMC I 228 (IB 3596); Pr 1071; Goff. Third census, J-289. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Bound in modern blind-stamped brown calf. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq226.2/Cl*6h/ll*87 CICCHUS ESCULANUS See CECCO D'ASCOLI, 1269- 1327 CHRONICLES. BRABANT See CRONIKE VAN BRABANT 253 CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND. Chronicles of England. cLondon, William de Machlinia, ca. 11*86=. c238^. f. 22.5cm. A version of the popular English chronicle Brute of England continued to the year ll*6l. Cf. F. W. D. Brie. Gesch. u. Quellen der mit- telengl. Prosachronik The Brute of England oder The Chronicles of England. Marburg, 1905. HC 1*999; GW 6673; Pr 9773; Goff. Third census, C-l*80. Imperfect: leaves cl-12, 17, 1*9, 50, 99, 102, 103, 115, 123, H*7, 162-163, 170-171, 17U-175, 178, 191*, 211, 221-238 3 wanting. Many leaves inlaid or mended. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red on the first nine pages. Bound by F. Bedford in blind-tooled brown mor- occo, gilt edges; in solander case. Bookplates of William Morris and Dyson Per- rins. Purchased from Stonehill, 11* Jan. 1*9. x9l*2/Cl*68/ll*86 CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND. Chronicles of England. Pt.II See cHIGDEN, RANULF, d.1361*. The des- cription of England. 11*98 o25U CHRISOLARAS, MANUEL, d.ll*l5. Erotemata. Greek and Latin. cVicenza? Printer of Chrysoloras 'Erotemata 1 , ca. 11*75= el*l*/., the last two blank. 1*. 21.5cm. Greek and Latin in parallel columns. Abridged by Guarino Veronese. The Lord's Prayer and the Hail Mary added (leaves cl*l b a and cl*2 a *) HCR 5018; C l60l*; BMC VII 1038 (IA 31762); GW 66965 Pr 7399; Goff. Third census, C-l*93. In the first two lines of the text there is no interrogation point after 600 and litterae, and the first word in line 5 on leaf c2 a a is aequisyllabice . With original vellum MS wrapper, bound in old blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; clasp intact; traces of 5 bosses on each cover. Purchased from Stonehill, 7 Jan. 55. xl*85/C)*62e/ll<75 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Cato maior de senec- tute See his De senectute CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De amicitia See his De officiis. 20 Dec.U*87; also cca.LHB8 a j 15 Mar. 11*91; and 23 Jan.ll98/99? 0256 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De amicitia, sive Laelius de amicitia. Modena, Dominicus Rocociolus, 22 Nov. 11*91. c!*8ii. woodcuts: 5 capitals. 1*. 20.2cm. Includes the De senectute (leaves c20 a -38 a 3) and Paradoxa Stoicorum (leaves e38 -1*8 a) R 1178; GW 7000; Goff. Third census, C-560a. Some capital-spaces with guide letters. Error in binding: quire c bound between quires e and f. Purchased from Reichner, 20 Jan. 68. x87l/C7o.X/ll*91 0257 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De amicitia, sive Laelius de amicitia. Leipzig cMartin Landsbergj 11*93. cl8,<. f. 28.5cm. Leaf cl*. (t.p.): Marci Tulii Ciceronis Le- lius siue de amicitia Dialogus candidissimus et omni auro carior ad .T. Pomponium Atticum. H 5300 ('11*91*'); GW (Nachtr) 72; GW 7002; Goff. Third census, C-561. Ex libris Nathan Comfort Stone; small label: Frederick Spiegelberg; stamp: Bundesdenkmlamt, Wien. Letters from Victor Scholderer to "Mr. Starr" dated 3 Nov. and 1 Dec. 1921*. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov. 1*1*. x87l/C7oi/H*93 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De amicitia. English See his De senectute. English. 12 Aug. 11*81 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De flnibus bonorum et malorum See his De natura deorum. 10 Dec. ll*9U 258 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De inventione, sive Rhetorica vetus. Ven- ice, Filippo di Pietro, 11*79. c97.*. f. 29.3cm. Edited by Omnibonus Leonicenus. 1*7 CICERO , MARCUS TULLIUS - continued Contains also the Rhetorica ad Herennium, with colophon date, 28 Feb. 11*79, bound be- fore the De inventione. H 5062#; EMC V 221 (IB 20168); QW 6735; Pr 1*271; Goff. Third census, C-6I46. Capital-spaces with guide letters in the De inventione . Imperfect: lacks the extra leaf, signed bb, inserted after bj_, containing the text omit- ted between lines 20 and 21 on b^ b . Bound with this is Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Topica. cVenice, ca. 11*80:. Ex libris Liechtensteinianis . Purchased from Stonehill, 19 July 51. xq871/C7rd.i/ll<79 259 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De inventione, sive Rhetorica vetus. Ve- nice, Joannes de Gregoriis, de Forlivio and Jacobus Britannicus, 17 July 11*83. el52 3 ., leaves c76, 77, 152> blank and wanting. f. 30.9cm. Commentary by C. Marius Victorinus. Includes Rhetorica ad Herennium with anony- mous commentary. HC 5078*; BMC V 339 (IB 20939); GW 6737; Pr U501; Goff. Third census, C-6U8. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red or blue. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq87l/C7rd.v/ll*83 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De inventione See his Rhetorica ad C. Herennium. 12 Sept. 1500 260 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De natura deorum. Bologna, Benedictus Hectoris, 10 Dec. (IV Id. Dec.) ll*9l*. c100j<., leaves els (blank), clu, and c83-100a wanting, woodcut: printer's device. f. 33.Ucm. Bound with the author's De officiis. cBo- logna, l50Us Includes the author's De finibus bonorum et malorum and De legibus, the latter wanting in this copy. HC 5335*5 BMC VI 81*2 (IB 29057); GW 6906; Pr 6628; Goff. Third census, C-571. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately. Purchased from Sowers, 5 Feb. 60. xq87l/C7o.X/l50l*a 261 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. Venice, Marlnus Saracenus, 20 Dec.lU87. cl58./. f. 30.5c*. Text surrounded by commentary of Petrus Mar- sus. Includes the author's De amicitia, with com- mentary of Qmnibonus Leonicenus (leaves el26 a - 132 b >); De senectute, with commentary of Marti- nus Phileticus (leaves d33 a -l50 b >); and Para- doxa Stoicorum, with commentary for all except the last chapter (leaves cl50 b -l58 a i) HR 5276; GW 6957; Goff. Third census, C-603. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Corners of the first and last leaves torn and repaired, the lost text being restored by hand. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq87l/C7o.X/lU87 262 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. Venice, Bernardinus Benalius cca.ll*88> el80.. woodcuts: 2 capitals. f. 31.7cm. Text surrounded by the commentary of Petrus Marsus . Includes the author's De amicitia, with com- mentary of Omnibonus Leonicenus (leaves cl30 b - ll*8 b D); De senectute, with commentary of Mar- tinus Phileticus (leaves ell*?*-!?! 15 * )j and Paradoxa Stoicorum, with commentary for all except the last chapter (leaves cl71 b -l80 a a) HR 5270; BMC V 372 (IB 22337); GW 6958; Goff. Third census, C-601*. Capital-spaces except for the first two woodcut capitals on leaf e3 a Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq87l/C7o.X/ll*88 263 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. Venice, Jacobus de Paganinis, 15 Mar. 11*91. c176j4., the last blank and wanting. f. 31.8cm. Leaf l a > (t.p.): Tulius de officiis cd c5- mentariis Petri Marsi eiusqj recognitione. Cuius epistolas quaeso plegas & in prlcipio & in calce opis editas. Insunt preterea para- doxa: de amicitia: de senectute. Cum inter- pretibus suis. Printed in black and red. The commentator on the De amicitia is Omni- bonus Leonicenus; on the De senectute, Marti- nus Phileticus. HC 5277*; BMC V 1*56 (IB 23306); GW 696O; Pr 535U; Goff. Third census, C-605. Capital-spaces, five with guide-letters; spac- es for Greek. Stamp: Museo Cavaleri. In manuscript on fly- leaf: D. Morgand, Paris; and H. C. Hoskier Nov. 1902. Purchased from Blackwell, 31 Jan.50. xq87l/C7o.X/ll*91a 261* CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. Venice, Bartholomaeus de Zanis, 23 Jan. 11*98/997 157, dil., the last blank, woodcuts: cap- itals. f. 32.6cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.) Tullius de Officiis cum commentariis Petri Marsi eiusq3 recognitione. Cuius epistolas quaeso perlegas & in principio & in calce operis editas. Insunt praeterea paradoxa: de amicitia: de senectute: cum in- ter Dretibus suis. Text surrounded by commentaries of Petrus Marsus (De officiis), Omnibonus Leonicenus (De amicitia), and Martinus Phileticus (De senectute) H 5283*; GW 6968; Goff. Third census, C-611. Bound in wooden boards with wide, blind- stamped pigskin backstrip; two clasps, part of one missing. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq87l/C7o. 1/11*98 U8 265 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De oratore. cVenice, Vindelinus de Spira, ca. 11*70, cllO><., the first and last blank and want- ing. U. 28.6cm. HR (Suppl) 5096; BMC V 155 (IB 19571); GW 671*5; Pr 1*053; Goff. Third census, C-657. Imperfect: leaves cl-9, 103, and 110, want- ing; leaves c2-3, supplied in pen facsimile. Capital added in red; paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately. Bookplate and autograph of Sir John Kennaway. Purchased from Edwards, 15 Feb. 68. x87l/C7rgAU70 266 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De senectute, sive Cato maior de senectute. English, c Westminster 3 William Caxton, 12 Aug.lUSl. cl20af ., leaves cl, 12, 72, blank and want- ing. f. 28cm. Leaf c71 a , : Explicit: Thus endeth the boke of Tulle on olde age _ Includes the author's De amicitia (leaves c 73-100, ) and Buonaccorso da Montemagno's The declamacyon which laboureth to shewe wherin honoure sholde reste (leaves elOl-120, ) both translated by John Tiptoft, earl of Worcester. The translation of the De senectute, frequent- ly ascribed to John Tiptoft, earl of Worcester, is probably by William Worcester. HC 5311; GW 6992; Pr 96ii0; Goff. Third cen- sus, C-627. Imperfect: leaves cl-7, 9-10, 12 and 72, wanting. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound in old blind-stamped calf, hinges and backstrip renewed; in full red morocco solander case by Riviere. De Ricci. Census of Cartons, 31, 19; Chap- ter Library of York Cathedral; Ex libris: Hannah D. Rabinowitz. Purchased from Stonehill, 7 Aug. 67. x87l/C7ob.Ew CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De senectute See his De amicitia. 22 Nov. 11*91 See his De officiis, 20 Dec. 11*87; also cca.lEBB",; 15 Mar. 11*91; 23 Jan.ll*98/99? 267 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Epistolae ad familiares. c Venice, Nicolaus Jenson, 11*71. c20l*,4., leaves cl* (blank) and c2, wanting. U. 27.9cm. HCR 5168; BMC V 169 (IB 19623a); GW 6806; Pr 1*069; Goff. Third census, C-508. The last line on leaf c6 a , (omitted by the printer ?) has been supplied in manuscript. Error in binding: leaf c9, bound before leaf 3i Capitals supplied in red or blue. Stamp: Ex Bibliotheca Acad. Georgiae Augu- stae. Purchased from L'Art ancien, 26 Nov. 1*5. x87l/C7ef/lli71 268 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Epistolae ad familiares. Venice Printer of the 11*80 Martialis, 1 July QUI. Quintili- bus) 11*80. c296 3 ., the last blank. f. 31.2cm. Text surrounded by commentary of Hubertinus, clericus, Crescent inas. HC 5187*; BMC V 296 (IB 21*866); GW 683I*; Pr 5662; Goff. Third census, C-521. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and book numbers added in red and blue alternately. Stamps: Soc. Reg. Lond. ex dono Henr. Howard Norfolciensis; also: Roy. Soc. Sold. Purchased from Shapiro, 15 Jan. 71. xq87l/C7ef/ll*80 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. See his De amicitia Laelius de amicitia CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. On old age See his De senectute. English 269 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Opera. Milan, Guillermus Le Signerre, for Alexander Minutianus, 23 Nov. (IX Kal. Dec.) ll*98-cafter 15 Oct. (Id. Oct. ) 11*99, l*v. f. 1*2. 5cm. Edited by Alexander Minutianus. The first edition of Cicero's complete works. Vol.1: cl2,, 177, cl,*., the last blank; v.2: 250/.; v.3: 175 (i.e. 176)/., the 1st blank; v.l*: 21*, ll*u*. The first two gatherings of v.l were evi- dently printed last; dedicatory epistle ends with date Id. 0ct.ll*99 whereas colophon in same vol. is dated 11*98. HCR 5056; BMC VI 790 (IC 26891*); GW 6708; Pr 6072; Goff. Third census, C-l*98. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Imperfect: first leaf of v.l, containing the dedicatory epistle, is wanting. On verso of 1st leaf of v.3 is a manuscript index of that vol. In v.l are bookplates of II Cardinale Archivescovi di Siena and Piero Misciattelli; on an armorial bookplate is pen- cilled: Piccolomini. Siena (i.e. Libreria Piccolomini of the duomo in Siena ?) Purchased from Thorp, 22 June 58. xf87l/C7 270 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Orationes. c Venice, Adam de Ambergau, 11*72. c298j/., the first and last blank and want- ing. f. 31.1*cm. Edited by Ludovicus Carbo. HC 5123*; BMC V 189 (IB 19813); GW 6766; Pr 1*150; Goff. Third census, C-5U3. Capital-spaces . Bookplate: The Worcester Society of Antiqui- ty. Library. The gift of Hon. Clark Jillson. 1877. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq87l/C7i/ll*72 U9 271 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Orationes. Venice, Nicolaus Qirardengus, 10 Mar.ll*80. c285><. f. 31.2ora. Edited by Ludovicus Carbo. HC 5121**5 BMC V 272 (IB 20776); GW 6767; Pr 1*1*61*; Goff. Third census, C-5U5. Capital on leaf 3 a > illuminated in gold and colors, decoration extending down margin; wreath in red, green, and gold at foot of page; other capitals added in blue. Purchased from Stonehill, 2 Nov. 1*5. xq87l/C7i/ll*80 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Paradoxa Stoicorum See his De amicitia. 22 Nov. 11*91 - See his De officiis. 20 Dsc.U87; also cca.lHBB\; 15 Mar.U*91; 23 Jan. 11*98-99? CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Rhetorica ad C. He- rennium See hi3 De inventione; sive Rheto- rica vetus. 11*79; * ls0 17 July 11*83 272 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Rhetorica ad C. Herennium. Venice, Phi- lippus Pincius, 12 Sept.1500. c\66,l,, the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: capitals. f. 32.5cm. Leaf tl a > (t.p. ): .M.T.C. Rhetoricorum Libri: cum tribus Comentariis. Videlicet Mario fabio uictorino Fran, maturantio pu- sino Anto. Mancinello. Attributed to Cicero, and in the 15th cent, known as Rhetorica nova. The commentaries to this work are by Franciscus Maturantius and Antonius Mancinellus. Includes also Ci- cero's Rhetorica vetus (De inventione) with commentary by Marlus Fabius Victorinus. H 5085*; GW 6732; Pr 5325; Goff. Third census, C-685. Woodcut capitals are used in the first five quires only; capital-spaces with guide- letters elsewhere. xq87l/ CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Rhetorica nova See his Rhetorica ad C. Herennium CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. his De inventione Rhetorica vetus See 273 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Topica. c Venice, Filippo di Pietro, ca. 11*80, elO.i. f. 29.3cm. Bound with the author's De inventione, sive Rhetorica vetus. Venice, 11*79. GW 6760; Goff. Third census, C-69I*. Capital-spaces. xq87l/C7rd. is correctly printed) uoluptates. Three illuminated and gilt-ornamented cap- itals and two calligraphic capitals in red and blue are added at the beginnings of the five books. Bound in 17th or 18th cent, mottled calf; gilt back. Purchased from Kraus, 12 Oct. 59. x87l/C7ou/ll*72 275 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Tusculanae disputationes. Venice, Joannes and Gregorius de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, 9 Aug. 11*82. *70j., leaves c36-37> wanting. f. 29.5cm. With anonymous commentary. Verses on last verso by Venerius Salius. HC 5317*; BMC V 339 (IB 20937); GW 6895; Pr 1*500; Goff. Third census, C-637. Three capitals added in red and blue, two in blue, one in red; paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately. Signatures c and e have been transposed in binding. Purchased from Barry, 20 Mar. 1*7. xq87l/C7ou/ll*82 276 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Tusculanae disputationes. Venice, Bar- tholomaeus de Zanis, 17 July ll*99. Ill**, woodcuts: capitals. f. 32.2cm. Leaf d a j (t.p.): Commentarii quaestionum tusculanarum editi a Philippo beroaldo. Reprinted from the ed. of Benedictus Hecto- ris, Bologna, 11*96. The folio references in the errata on leaf lll* a are unchanged. H 5321**; BMC V U3l* (IB 23732); GW 6900; Pr 53U3; Goff. Third census, C-61*l. Most of the woodcut capitals are colored. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq87l/C7ou.b/ll*99 CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS, Translator See AVIE- NUS, RUFUS FESTUS. Opera. 25 OctTH*88 CIEI, FRANCESCO, 15th cent., Translator See FORESTI, JACOPO FILIPPO, DA BERGAMO, 1C3I*- 1520. Supplementum chronicarum. Italian. 8 Oct. 11*91 CILLENIO, BERNARDINO, 15th cent., Commentator See TIBULLUS, ALBIUS. Elegiae. 26 June 11*93 CINOZZI, PLACIDO, fl. 11*97, Supposed author. Esposizione sopra il salmo V: Verba mea See SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO, 11*52-11*98. Spurious and doubtful works. Es- posizione sopra il salmo V: Verba mea. cafter 28 May 11*98, CINOZZI, SIMONE, fl.U*98, Supposed author. Esposizione sopra il salmo V: Verba mea See SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO, 11*52-11*98. Spurious and doubtful works. Es- posizione sopra il salmo V: Verba mea. cafter 28 May 11*98 50 277 CIPPICO, CORIOLANO, U*25(ca. )-ll*95. Petri Mocenici imperatoris gesta. Venice, Bernhard Maler, Erhard Ratdolt, and Peter Loslein, 11*77. c5Uil., the first (wanting) and last blank, woodcuts: border, capitals. 1*. 20.5cm. HC U8U9*J BMC V 21*1* (IA 201*88); CfW 61*73; Pr 1*3695 Goff. Third census, C-378. In manuscript on fly-leaf: Joannes Francis- cus a Manerbio Bibliotheca. Purchased from Count Antonio Cavagna, 1921. x9U?.31l/C333m CIRUELO, PEDRO, ll*70(ca. )-l560, Commentator See SACRO BOSCO, JOANNES DE, fl.1230. Sphaera mundi. Feb. 11*98 CIHUELO, PEDRO SANCHEZ See CIRUELO, PEDRO, H*70(ca.)-1560 CIRVELLUS, PETRUS See CIRUELO, PEDRO, ll*70(ca.)- 1560 CLARIUS, HIERONYMUS See CHIARI, GIROLAMO, 15th cent. 278 CLAUDIAHUS, CLAUDIUS. Opera. Vicenza, Jacobus de Dusa, 27 May (VI Kal. Iun.) 11*82. c102j., the first blank and wanting. t. 28.9cm. in case 30.1cm. Edited by Barnaba Celsano. HC 5370; BMC VII 101*8 (IB 31862); G-W 7059; Pr 7175; Goff. Third census, C-701. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound in green morocco, gilt rules and edges; in case with brown morocco back. From the library of Sir George Holford. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. xq87l/c8/U*82 CLAVASIO, ANGELUS DE See ANGEL0S CARLETUS DE CLAVASIO, lUll?-ll*9T~ CLEMENS, LEONARDUS See CURTUS, JOANNES, fl. 11*99-1512. Ciceronis Rhetorica nova figu- ris contracta. cafter 13 Aug.ll*93 279 CLEONIDES. Harmonicum introductorium. Latin. Venice, Simon Bevilaqua, 3 Aug. 11*97. c9l*3<., leaf c&3 blank, woodcuts: capitals, diagrs. f. 28.9cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Hoc in uolumine haec opera continentur. Cleonidae harmonicum introducto- rium interprete Georgio Valla Placentino. L. Vitruuii Pollionis de Architecture libri decern. Sexti Iulii Frontini de Aquaeductibus liber unus. Angeli policiani opusculum quod Panepi- stemon inscribitur. Angeli Policiani in prio- ra analytica praelectio Cui Titulus est Lamia. HC 51*51*5 BMC V 522 (IB 23973); GW 7123s Pr 51*01*; Goff. Third census, C-7U2. The text of b3* 3 and bl* a has changed places by an error of imposition. Imperfect: contains only the Vitruvius and the Frontinus (leaves e9-82i) Bound in 17th cent, calf, gilt-stamped; spine restored. Bookplate of George Aitchison, A. R. A. with date: Ap.l885. Letter from Riviere to him dated 7 July 1887, confirming date of binding. Purchased from Architectural Book Pub. Co. 15 Apr. 21. x720/V83d/ll*97 CLERICI, UBERTINO See HUBERTINUS, CLERICUS, CRESCENTINAS CLERICUS, HUBERTINUS CRESCENTINAS See HUBER- TINUS, CLERICUS, CRESCENTINAS CLICHTOVE, JOSSE, d. 151*3, Commentator See DATI, AGOSTINO, 11*20-11*78. Elegantiolae . cca. 11*99= Editor See LE FEVRE, JACQUES D'ETAPLES, d.1537. Introductions in diversos libros Aristotelis. 12 Oct. 11*97 CLIMACHUS, JOANNES See JOANNES CLIMACUS, SAINT, 6th cent. CLUSA, JACOBUS DE See JACOBUS, OF JUTERBOGK, 1381-11*65 CLIMACHUS, JOANNES See JOANNES CLIMACUS, SAINT, 6th cent. COCCEIANUS, CASSIUS DIO See DIO CASSIUS COC- CEIANUS COCCEIANUS, CHRXSOSTOMUS DIO See DIO CHRT- SOSTOMUS COCCIUS, MARCUS ANTONIUS SABELLICUS See SA- BELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, 11*36-1506 CODEX DE TORTUS See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. CODEX. Codex Justinlanus. 29 July 11*96 o280 COLACCIO, MATTEO, 15th cent. De fine oratoris. cVenice, Jacobus de Fivizzano, ca.ll*77o *26,. 1*. 20.1cm. H 51*78; GW 715U; Goff. Third census, C-7l*9. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. x875/c669f/ll*77 COLATIUS, MATTHAEUS See COLACCIO, MATTEO, 15 th cent. 281 COLLECTA MAGISTRALIA. Nuremberg, Friedrich Creussner, 11*79. e62,., the first blank. f. 31cm. Leaf e2 a j : Collecta magistralia f aduCttl dfli de forma tiSe hols mora lis. Leaf c62 i i Finiti sunt sermones per aduen- tum de formatiOe moralis hominis _ Quare iuste hie appellatur tractat? incarnationis moralis ad del ymaginS. 51 COLLECTA MAOIGTRALIA - contlnued Wrongly attributed to Roberto Caraccioli. HC UU58.HR 1*U59; BMC II 1*50 (IB 761*1*); GW 7159; Pr 211*8; Goff. Third census, C-136. Capital-spaces; initial-strokes, paragraph- marks and underlines added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq252/C685 282 COLLENUCCIO, PANDOLFO, Di)il|-l50tt. Pliniana defensio adversus Nicolai Leoni- ceni accusationem. Ferrara, Andreas Belfor- tis, Gallus clU93> c52,. woodcut: illus. k. 21.3c. Leaf el*a (t.p. ): Pliniana defensio Pan- dulphi CollenuciJ Pisaurensis iurisconsulti aduersus Nicolai Leoniceni accusationem. Leaf cU6 b > : Quot quales re loci sint in Plinianis castigatCibus viri Eruditisslmi Hermolai Barbari: qui ad Pllnianam defensio- nem nostram pertineant. HC 5U8>; BMC VI 605 (IA 2572U); GW 7161*; Pr 5755; Goff. Third census, C-75U. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Salloch, 3 Nov. 65. x87l/P6.Tco COLLENOTIUS, PANDULPHUS See COLLENUCCIO, PANDOLFO, Di)i)l-l50U COLOMBO, CRISTOFORO. De insulis in marl In- dico nuper inventa See VERARDI, CARLO, 11*1*0-1500. Historia Baetica. ll*9l* 283 COLONNA, FRANCESCO, d.l527. Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. Venice, Aldus Manutius, Romanus, Dec.lli99. c23U>l. woodcuts: illus., capitals. f. 30.5cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): HYPNEROTOMACHIA POLIPHILI, VBI HVMANA OMNIA NON NISI SOMNIVM ESSE DOCET _ Woodcuts on leaves 10 and c21 a * signed: b. Name of author given in acrostic formed by the first letters of the chapters. Published at the expense of Leonardus Cras- sus. HC 5501*; BMC V 561 (IB 21*500); GW 7223; Pr 557U; Goff. Third census, C-767. Bookplate and autograph of Charles Eliot Norton, with date, 1873; bookplates also of Giorgio Uzielli and Harvard College Library. Purchased from Kraus, 20 Apr. 59. xq852C7l/0h COLONNA, GUIDO EE See COLONNE, GUIDO rELLE, 13th cent. 28U COLONNE, GUIDO DELLE, 13th cent. Historia destructions Troiae. Strassburg c Printer of the 11*83 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner?)> 'circa' 25 May (circa festO sancti vrbani) 11*89. c88.f. f. 27.5<. Leaf .1*3 (t.p.): Hystoria Troiana Guidonis. H 5510*; GW 7231 ; Pr 620; Goff. Third census, C-77U. In each capital-space has been pasted a label containing a decorative capital printed in red. Purchased from Dobel, 8 June 22. x875/C719h/ll*89 COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER See COLOMBO, CRISTOFORO COLUMNA, FRANCISCUS See COLONNA, FRANCESCO, d.1527 COLUMNA, GUIDO DE See COLONNE, GUIDO DELLE, 13th cent. COMESTOR, PETRUS See PETRUS COMESTOR, 12th cent. COMPENDIUM DE VITA ANTICHRISTI See DIALOGUS INTER CLERICUM ET MILITEM. Dialogus inter clericum et militem. eca.ll*97> 285 COMPENDIUM OCTO PARTIUM ORATIONIS. Basel, Johann Amerbach cca.lU89j c88 3 /. woodcuts: 1 illus., capital. U. 22.3cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Compendifl octo partium orationis. According to BMC, the colophon implies that this work was adapted or excerpted from Loren- zo Valla's Elegantiae or some other of his works. HC 5561**; BMC III 752 (IA 371*53); Pr 7627; Goff. Third census, C-793. Two capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines added in red on the first six leaves only. Bound in wooden boards with wide backstrip of blind-stamped pigskin; one clasp. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xl*75/C738/lU89 286 COMPUTUS NOREMBERGENSIS. Leipzig, Gregorius BSttiger, not after U*9l* = el8a. woodcut: diagr. U. 21.5cm. Leaf =l a i (t.p.): Computus NorSbergensis perutilis clerico cuj figuris textum pulcerri- me declarantibus. H 5597*"5599; GW 7277; Goff. Third census, C-798. Imperfect: leaf cla (t.p. with woodcut) wanting; supplied by photostatic copy (negative) Contemporary marginal and interlinear notes. Purchased from Kraus, ca.1965? x529.3/C739/H*9U CONCILIUM CONSTANTIENSE See CONSTANCE, COUNCIL OF, U*H*-U*18 287 CONCORDANTIAE MINORES BIBLIAE. cHagenau, Heinrich Gran 3 11*90. cl6.*., the last blank. U. 18.3cm. Leaf l a (t.p.): Concordantie minores Bi- blie. Also known under title : Tabula Veteris et Novi Testament!, or, Tabula Novi et Veteris Testaaentl. HC 5613*-H 15211*; BMC III 682 (IA 13709); GW 7288; Pr 3171; Goff. Third census, C-802. 52 C CONCORDANTIAE MINORES BIBLIAE - contlnued In manuscript at head of leaf e2 a j : Biblio- theca S. Georgii. A. v. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. X220.2/C7U92 288 CONCORDANTIAE UTRIUSQUE IURIS. Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, 1* May (IV (ton. Mai.) 11*95. 324., the last blank and wanting, woodcut: illus. 1*. 18. 6cm. Leaf cl a (t.p.): Reportorium aureC mira- bili artificio otextfl otinens titulos quinqj libroi*. decretaliu} et ocordancias materiaru' eisdem in Sexto Clementinis Decreto et toto corpore iuris ciuilis correspondentium. With anonymous commentary. HC ( Add) 13871*; BMC I 281* (IA 1*61*2); GW 7290; Pr 1331; Goff. Third census, R-ll*7. In manuscript on leaf el a *: Sum B. V. Ma- riae Moflrij Rottenbueck. N ov ? eoV <^ $ ? C (Museum) 3l*8/C7l*9/ll*95 CONCORDIO, BARTHOLOMAEUS DE SANCTO- See BAR- TOLOMMEO DE'GRANCHI DA SAN CONCORDIO, PI- SANO, 1262-131*7 0289 CONIURATIO MALIGNORUM SPIRITUUM. Coniuratio malignorum spirituum. cRome, Stephan Plannck, ca.H96-98j clOs/. woodcuts: 1 illus., capital. 8 lli.lcm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): CBiurationes demonum. GW 7389 eConiuratio demonum>; Goff. Third census, C-831. Bound in full blue morocco, gold fillet border. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xl33.U/C76l/H*96 290 CONIURATIO MALIGNORUM SPIRITUUM. Coniuratio malignorum spirituum. cRome, Eucharius Silber, ca.l500s c8il. woodcut: capital. 8. litem. Leaf cl a i: Coniuratio malignonj. spirituum in corporibus hominum existentium prout in sane to Petro. R 131; GW 7U00; Goff. Third census, C-836. Varies from GW 7^00 in the next to the last line on leaf cfi >: proinde intus damnatus per in-/ finita _ and C before the word Finis. Bound with this are cEscobar, Andres dea In- terrogationes et doctrinae. c Rome, ca. 11*90- 95*; Tabula Christianae religionis. cRome, ca. ll*95 ; and Divisiones decern nationum totius Christianitatis. cRome, ca.ll*97-l500, The Vollbehr copy from the library of J. F. Neylan of San Francisco, sold by Sotheby's 28 May 62. Purchased from Traylen, 16 July 65. X133.I4/C761/1500 CONRAD DE MURE See KONRAD VON MURE, 1210- 1281 CONRADUS, fl.lUBO, Editor See BOETHIUS, d.52l*. De consolatione philosophise. 2U Dec. 11*89; also cca.li90; lit June 11*98 COHRADUS, A LICHTENAU, See KONRAD VON LICH- TENAU, PROVOST OF URSPERG, d.l2l*0 CONRADUS, ABBOT OF URSPERG See KONRAD VON LICHTENAU, PROVOST OF URSPERG, d. 121*0 CONRADUS DE BRUNDELSHEIM, d.1321, Supposed author. Sermones de Sanctis See SOCCUS, CISTERCIAN. Sermones de Sanctis, cnot after U*78, CONRADUS DE MURE See KONRAD VON MURE, 1210- 1281 CONRADUS URSPERGENSIS See KONRAD VON LICHTE- NAU, PROVOST OF URSPERG, d.l2l*0 CONRADUS, EUSEBIUS See CORRADO, EUSEBIO, d. ca.l5O0 291 CONSTANCE, COUNCIL OF, ll*ll*-ll*l8 . Acta et decreta. Hagenau, Heinrich Gran for Johann Rynman, 11 Apr. 1500. zll2?l ., the last blank and wanting. 1*. 20.1cm. Leaf el'j (t.p.): Acta Scitu dignissima doc- tep3 cScinnata Constantiensis concilii cele- bratissimi. The work was published at the urging of Kon- rad Summenhart and Jacob Locher; it is based on a MS then in the possession of Hieronyraus de Croaria. HCR 5609; BMC III 687 (IA 13799); GW 7287; Pr 3203; Goff. Third census, C-800. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x270.5/C76a/l500 CONSTANTIUS, ANTONIUS See COSTANZO, ANTONIO, 11*36-11*90 292 CORDIALE QUATTUOR NOVISSIMORUM. Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, U*92. cl*2., the last blank, woodcut: 1 illus. l*. 21.1*cm. Leaf el a a (t.p.): Quattuor nouissima cu3 multis exeplis pulcherrimis q sunt occasio salutis . Sometimes attributed to Heinrich von Lan- genstein, Gerardus de Vliederhoven, Thomas Ebendorfer, or Gerard Groote. HC 5707*; BMC I 277 (IA 1*591); GW 7509; Pr 1313; Goff. Third census, C-897. Capital-spaces . Copy in which an extra leaf (g3,l*) is in- serted in the last quire, cf. BMC. Purchased from Seven Gables, 1 Nov. 62. X236/C812/U*92 CORNUTUS, LUCIUS ANNAEUS, Commentator See PERSIUS FLACCUS, AULUS. Satyrae. I* Nov. 11*99 53 293 CORONA BEATAE MARIAE VIRQINIS. Corona Beatae Kariae Virginis. Strassburg c Printer of the 1U83 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner?)a 17 Aug. (in octaua sancti Laurentij martyris) 11*93. c2>, lxxxiii, b1s4. f. 27.1*cm. Leaf l a j (t.p.): Corona beate Marie uirgi- nis. H 571*8*; BMC I lii3 (IB 1916); GW 757U; Pr 627; Ooff. Third census, C-92U. Capital-spaces, all but one with guide-let- ters. Stamp: Dupl. Bibl. Gott. Vend. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov. 1*4. x230.2/C8l6/ll*93 291* C0R0NATI0 MAXIMILIANI. cMainz, Peter Schoef- fer, after 26 Apr.U*86 3 ell*,*. 1*. 19.8cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p. ) : CoronatB Illustrissimi et serenissimi regis maximiliani archiducis au- strie.K in rege romanoiv- . .celebrata prin- cipes elcBres romani Impij in Aquisgrano. H 10926* (II) (with variant title); BMC I 36 (IA 21*5); Pr 121*; Ooff. Third census, M-381*. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x9i*3.02/Ml*5Wc/ll*86 #295 CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. COtEX. Codex Justinianus. Nuremberg, Johann Sen- senschmidt and Andreas Frisner, 21* June XU75 . chObil., the first blank, woodcuts: illus. f. 1*0. 8cm. Printed in red and black. Includes the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius. Edited by Andreas Rommel. H 9599*5 BMC II 1*06 (IC 781*1*); GW 7723; Pr 2198; Goff. Third census, J -575. Univ. of 111. has one leaf only (numbered in ink, 369) rubricated, with text beginning: De donatSnib?. One of the Beilagen bound at the end of v. 2 of Monumenta Germaniae et Italiae typographica . xf655.133/fi76/v.2 o296 CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. COIEX. Codex Justinianus. Venice, Bernardlnus Stagninus, 16 Sept.U*95. cl, 2-316, z2*t. woodcut: printer's device. f. 1*1*. 5cm. Includes the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius and Summaria of Hieronymus Clarius . Printed in red and black. H 9618; GW 77U3; Goff. Third census, J-585. Two capitals added in red and blue, other capitals in blue; red printed lombards else- where. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards; 2 clasps. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xf3l*9.37l*/C8lco/ll*95 297 CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. CODSX. Codex Justinianus. Venice, Baptista de Tortis, 29 July 11*96. el, 2-316, c2a<. woodcut: printer's de- vice. f. U5.1cm. Leaf cl a i (t.p.)s Codex de tortis. Printed in red and black. Includes the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius and the Summaria of Hieronymus Clarius. H 9619J BMC V 329 (IC 211*66); GW 771*1*; Pr 1*655; Goff. Third census, J-586. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound in wooden boards with wide blind- stamped pigskin backstrip. Purchased from Barry 30 Jan. 1*6. xf3l9.37l*/C8lco/ll*96 *298 CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. DIGKSTA. DIGESTUM VSTUS. Digestum vetus. Venice, Andreas Torresanus, de Asula, 26 Mar. 11*91. CCCLXXVII, c3<., the last blank, woodcut: printer's device. f. l*3om. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Digestum vetus. Printed in red and black. Includes the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius and Summaria of Petrus Fossanus. H 9556*; BMC V 309 (IC 21681); GW 7675; Pr 1*725; Goff. Third census, J-55U. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Univ. of 111. has one leaf only, foliated CCLII. (Museum ) f 31*9 . 375/C8ldf /U*91 299 CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. INSTITUTIONES. Institutiones. Basel, Michael Wenssler, 31 July 11*78. d06>4. woodcut: printer's device. f. 1*2. 6cm. Printed in red and black. Includes the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius. H 9507 (I); BMC III 725 (IC 37087); GW 7597; Pr 71*87; Goff. Third census, J-518. Capitals supplied in red or blue, occasion- ally in red and black; paragraph -marks in red and blue alternately; headings in red. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xf3l*9.37l*/C8li/ll*78 CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. NOVELLAE CONSTITUTIONES See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. VOLUMEN PARVUM. Volume n parvum. 3 Nov. 11*97 300 CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. VOLUMEN PARVUM. Voluraen parvum. Venice, Baptista de Tor- tis, 3 Nov. 11*97. 198, 7, clil. woodcuts: capitals, printer's device. f. 1*1*. 7cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): Volumen de tortis. Printed in black and red. Includes the Glossa ordinaria of Accursius and other glosses. Contents.- Novellae constitutiones.- Extra- vagantes duae Henrici Septimi. H 9635*; BMC V 330 (IC 211*86); GW 7767; Pr 1*661; Goff. Third census, J-599. First capital added in red and blue, others in blue. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6 xf3l*9.37l*/C8lv/ll*97 CORRADO, EUSEBIO,, Editor See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Opuscula. 31 Mar. 11*91 5U CORSINI, FILIPPO, Translator See LEO I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, d.l*6l. Sermones. Ital- ian. 21 May ll85 COSCO, LEANDRO IE, Translator See VERARDI, CARLO, 11*1*0-1500. Historia Baetica. ll*9l* COSTANZO, ANTONIO, 11*36-11*90, Commentator See OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Fasti. 12 June 2*97 CRACOVIA, MATTHAEUS DE See MATTHAEUS DE CRA- COVIA, CARDINAL, d. 11*10 CRASSO, LEONARDO, 15th cent. See COLONNA, FRANCESCO, d.l527. Hypnerotomachia Poli- phili. Dec. 11*99 CRASTON, JOHANNES See CRASTONI, GIOVANNI, fl. 11*83-11*97 CRASTONI, GIOVANNI, fl.U*83-llt97. Dictionarium Graecum See his Lexicon Graeco-Latinum 301 CRASTONI, GIOVANNI, fl. 11*83-11*97. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. cMilans Bonus Ac- cursius enot after IU783 c368,., the first (blank?) wanting. f. 33.8cm. First edition. HC 5812*; BMC VI 75U (IB 26552a); GW 7812; Pr 5962; Goff. Third census, C-958. The text of the first recto is supplied in pen facsimile on a leaf of old paper bound at the end. Errors in binding: quires S-Z are bound be- tween Rf and AA; and quires R).R{,33, &&, and zz are bound between FF and GG. Capital -spaces, most with guide-letters. Bound in English 19th cent, crimson crush- ed morocco, gilt edges. xql*83/C851*< 302 CRASTONI, GIOVANNI, fl.ll*83-U*97. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. Venice, Aldus Manutius, Romanus, Dec. 11*97. c 21*1*3 1., the last blank, woodcut: capital. f. 32.1cm. Leaf el a a (t.p.): Dictionarium graecum copio- sissimum secOdum ordinem alpha beti cum inter- pretatione latina - Includes also Cyrilli opusculura de dictioni- bus quae variato accentu mutant signification, and Ammonius De differentia dictionum per li- te rarum ordinem. HC 6l5l; BMC V 558 (IB 21*1*52); GW 78ll*; Pr 5561; Goff. Third census, C-96O. Bound in English 18th cent, calf; gilt; gilt edges. Armorial bookplate of Sir Thomas Seabright. Purchased from Robinson, ll* Feb. 1*1*. xql*83/c85U/H*97 303 CRASTONI, GIOVANNI, fl.ll*83-H*97. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. Modena, Dionysius Bertochus, 20 Oct.lcl*j99-cnot before 5 July l500 a cl,, CXXVII, cl30,; e36,., the first blank, woodcuts: capital, printer's device. f. 31.8 cm. Includes the Index of Ambrosius Regiensis (0363*. at end) H 58ll*; BMC VII 1067 (IB 32333); GW 7815; Pr 7211*; Goff. Third census, C-961. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. In this copy there have been added in manu- script the dedicatory epistle and additional Latin definitions from the Basel, 1519 ed., edited by Valentinus Curio. Purchased from Barry, 30 June 1*6. xql*83/C851**/H*99 301* CRASTONI, GIOVANNI, fl.H*83-H*97. Lexicon Latino-Graecum. cMilans Bonus Accursius cca.ll*803 cl663*. 8. 18. 5cm. First edition. HC 5816; BMC VI 756 (IA 26562); GW 78l6; Pr 5965; Goff. Third census, C-962. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. In pencil on fly-leaf: Proviene dalla biblio- teca di una congregazione milanese sciolta alia fine del 18 sec. e di cui i libri si trovano in diverse biblioteche pubbliche e private . Purchased from Stonehill, 25 May $8. xl*83/C851**e CRASTONI, GIOVANNI, f 1.11*83-11*97, Transla- tor See LASCARIS, C0N3TANTINUS, ll*3U-l501? Erotemata. Greek and Latin. 28 Feb.ll*9l*/95 CRASTONUS, JOHANNES See CRASTONI, GIOVANNI, fl. 11*83-11*97 CREMONENSIS, GERARDUS See GERARDUS CREMO- NENSIS, 1113 or U*-lTB7 CRESCEHTIIS, PETRUS DE See CRESCENZI, PIETRO DE, 12307-1320? CRESCENTINAS, UBERTINUS See HUBERTINUS, CLE- RICUS, CRESCENTINAS 305 CRESCENZI, PIETRO DE, 12307-1320? Ruralia commoda. Louvain, Johann de Pader- born (Westphalia) 9 Dec.ll*7l(. el983<., the first and last blank. f. 27.7cm. Colophon printed in red. HC 5829*; BMC IX 137 (IB 1*9111); GW 7821; Pr 9208; Goff. Third census, C-966. Some capitals added in red, blue and black; other capitals, paragraph-marks, chapter numb- ers, and some initial-strokes in red; signa- ture of rubricator: Savary, and date: 21 June 11*77, at end. Bound in old green vellum with crest of the De Gondi family in gilt at the four corners of the covers; Wodhull arms stamped in center of front cover. Autograph: M. Wodhull. Mar: 16" 1 1786, Payne's sale, on fly-leaf. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 May 1*7. x875/C863r/U*7U 55 CRESTONI, GIOVANNI See CRASTONI, GIOVANNI, fl.U*83-ll*97 CROARIA, HIERONTMUS DE, d.l527 See CONSTANCE, COUNCIL OF, ll*ll*-lll8. Acta et decreta. 11 Apr. 1500 306 CRONBCE VAN BRABANT. Cronike van Brabant. Antwerp, Rolant van den Dorp, 28 Feb. (opdS laetstS dach van Feb.) 11*97. c2l6 3 l. woodcuts: illus., coats of arms, printer's device. f. 28.2cm. Leaf l a j (t.p.): Die alder excellSste Cro- nyke vl brabSt. HC 500U; GW 6667; Pr 91*59; Goff. Third cen- sus, C-U75. Woodcuts colored by hand; two capitals ad- ded in red and blue; other capitals and ini- tial-strokes in red. Lacks leaves d, 6, 59-68, 80, 182* ; leaves 3i and elliOs mutilated and repaired, with some loss of text. Bound in new wooden boards; wide gilt- and blind-stamped tan morocco backstrip. (Museum) x9l*9.2/C88l o307 CURIA PALATIUM. Latin-German. cAugsburg, Johann Sch'dnsperger, ca.ll*95?a c8>/., the last blank, woodcuts: illus., capital. 1. 18.5cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): Curia palacium. Latin text with interlinear gloss in German. Olmutz. Studienbibliothek. Die Wiegendrucke , 592; Schreiber, W. L. Manuel de l'amateur de la gravure sur bo is, 3796; Goff. Third census, V-325a. Woodcut capital painted blue; initial-strokes added in red. Bound in a printed vellum leaf from a martyr- ology(?) relating to the martyrdom of Hippoly- tus and Concordia under Valerian. In manuscript on t.p. : Mofirij Brigantini. Bound with this is Vocabularius de partibus indeclinabilibus . cSpeler, before 18 Jan. 11*85* and 1* other 16th cent, vocabularies. Purchased from Stonehill, 29 Nov. 51*. xl*73/C925/H*95 CURTIUS, JOANNES, OF EBERSBACH See CURTUS, JOANNES, fl. 11*99-1512 CURTIUS RUFUS, QUINTUS. De rebus gestis Ale- xandri Magni See his Historiae Alexandri Magni 308 CURTIUS RUFUS, QUINTUS. Historiae Alexandri Magni. Venice > Vindelinus de Spira cca.ll*71> cl5M., the last blank. 1*. 17.6cm. HC 5878*; BMC V 163 (IB 19578); QW 7871; Pr l*05l; Goff. Third census, C-998. Copy of the variation without the border and initial on leaf d a j, and with mee instead of meo in the colophon. Capital-spaces and spaces for headings. In manuscript on leaf cl a >: Josephi Merende Foroliuiensij EquiriJ Hierosolijnirani(?) Purchased from Salloch, 11* Sept. 70. x87l/C9/H*71 309 CURTIUS RUFUS, QUINTUS. Historiae Alexandri Magni. Milan, Anto- nius Zarotus, for Johannes de Legnano, 26 Mar. U81. cl26>4., the first and last blank and want- ing. 1*. 26.5w. Leaf 2 a .: Q. CVRTII DE REBVS GESTIS ALEXAN- DRI MAGNI REGIS MACEDONVM LIBER TERTIVS. HCR 5882-H 5881?; BMC VI 717 (IB 26003); GW 7873; Pr 5808; Goff. Third census, C-1000. Capital-spaces . Bookplate: Viscount Mersey, Bignor Park. In manuscript on fly-leaf: Bought from Laclerc Paris 1918; also: Due d'Orleans' library. Bound in light brown tree calf. x87l/C9/li*8l 310 CURTIUS RUFUS, QUINTUS. Historiae Alexandri Magni. Venice, Joannes Tacuinus, de Tridino, 17 July ll*9l*. c68><. woodcut: printer's device. f. 29.5cm. Leaf el a , (t.p.): QVINTVS CVRTIVS. leaf c2* 3 : Q. CVRTII DE REBVS GESTIS ALEXANDRI MAGNI RE- GIS MACEDONVM LIBER TERTIVS. Edited by Bartholomaeus Merula. HC 5885*; BMC V 528 (IB 2lOl*2); GW 7875; Pr 51*33; Goff. Third census, C-1002. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Bookplate of Albert May Todd; label: Fred- erick Spiegelberg. Purchased from Stonehill, 17 July 66. xq87l/C9/H*9l* o3U CURTUS, JOANNES, fl. 11*99-1512. Ciceronis Rhetorica nova figuris contracts. cReutlingen, Johann Otmar, after 13 Aug. 11*93= dO,l. f. 30.5cm. With additions by Leonardus Clemens. H 6525*=5066; GW 7882; Goff. Third census, C-1008. In this copy leaf d a i contains a title print- ed in the 16th cent. : Noua Rethorica Marci Tulli Ciceronis Fons Eloquentie. Wormholes in the last leaf of this book match those in the first leaf of Vegius, Ma- pheus. Vocabula ex lure civili excerpta. Vi- cenza, Albinus, 1 Dec. 11*77. (No. 101*5. xq3l*0.8/ B63s/11*96) showing that the two books had for- merly been bound together. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq87l/C7t.Yc CURTUS, JOANNES, fl . 11*99-1512 , Editor See TEREOTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Comoediae. 11 Feb. 11*99 CYLLENIUS, BERNARDINUS See CILLENIO, BER- NARDINO, 15th cent. 312 CTPRIANUS, SAINT, BP. OF CARTHAGE, 200(ca.)- 258. Opera. Venice, Lucas Dominic i, Venetus, I* Dec. (pridie Non. Dec.) ll*83. cl66a<., the first and last blank and want- ing. f. 30c*. 56 CYPRIANUS , SAINT, BP. OF CARTHAGE-continued Joannes Andreae's ed. but with dedicatory epistle by Cchristophorus= de Pcriolisa and short passages relating to Cyprianus from Hieronymus and L. C. F. Lactantius. Contents.- Epistolae.- Liber adversus Iudeos. - Revelatio capitis Beati Ioannis Baptistae. H 5898*; BMC V 281 (IB 20911*); GW 7885; Pr 1*1*97; Goff. Third census, C-1013. Capital spaces, guide-letters in manuscript. Purchased from Stonehill, 25 July 67. xq87l/C93M83 CYRILLUS DE QUIDENON, 13th cent. Spurious and doubtful works. Speculum sapientiae See SPECULUM SAPIENTIAE CYRILLUS, GLOSSATOR. Opusculum de dictioni- bus quae variato accentu mutant significa- tum See CRASTONI, GIOVANNI, fl. 11*83-11*97. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. Dec. 11*97 CYRILLUS, SAINT, BP. OF JERUSALEM, 3l5(ca.)- 386. Spurious and doubtful works. Epistola ad Augustinum. Italian See HIERONYMUS, SAINT. LEGEND. Vita et transitus Sancti Hieronymi. Italian. 12 Sept.ll*76j also 27 Feb. 11*95 CYRILLUS, SAINT, BP. OF JERUSALEM, 315 (ca.)- 386. Spurious and doubtful works. Speculum sapientiae See SPECULUM SAPIENTAE CYRILLUS, SAINT, OF THBSSALONICA, 827 (ca.)- 869. Spurious and doubtful works. Speculum sapientiae See SPECULUM SAPIENTIAE DACHUS, AUGUSTINUS See DATI, AGOSTINO, 11*20- 11*78 DACTUS, AUGUSTINUS See DATI, AGOSTINO, 11*20- 11*78 DaCUS, AUGUSTINUS See DATI, AGOSTINO, 11*20- 11*78 DAGUI, PETRUS See DEGUI, PEDRO, d.l500 313 DALBERG, JOHANN VON, 11*1*5-1503. Gratulatio Innocentio VIII dicta. cRome, Eucharius Silber, after 6 July ll*85 c6,/. 1*. 21.3cm. H 591C*; BMC IV 106 (IA 1881*2); Pr 3817 j Goff. Third census, D-2. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. xB/l58l8d/li*85 DALBURGIUS, JOANNES See DALBERG, JOHANN VON, 11*1*5-1503 DALEN, MICHAEL VON, Compiler See CASUS SUM- MARII DECRETALIUM. Casus summarii Decre- talium. 15 June 11*85 DANCK, JOANNES See JOHANNES DE SAXONIA, fl. 1323-1355 311* DANDOLO, FANTINO, 1379-11*59. Compendium catholicae fidei. cVenice, Rey- naldus de Novimagio, ca.lli86-883 161. 1*. 20.8cm. H 5920*; BMC V 258 (IA 20692); GW 7903; Pr 1*1*1*9; Goff. Third census, D-l*. Many leaves torn and restored, the first leaf having been incorrectly joined to the 8th so that the recto and the verso are reversed. Some decorative red and blue capitals added, other capitals and paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x282/D197c/ll*86 DANHAUSER, PETRUS See DANNHAUSER, PETRUS DANHAUSSER, PETRUS See DANNHAUSER, PETRUS DANIEL, THE PROPHET, Pseud. Somnia Danielis See SOMNIA DANIELIS DANNHAUSER, PETRUS, Editor See THOMAS A KEM- PIS, 1380-11*71. Opera. 29 Nov.ll9l* 315 DANTE ALIGHIERI, 1265-1321. La Comraedia. cVenicea Vindelinus de Spira, 11*77. c376j., leaves d, 17, 376 3 blank, the first and last wanting. f. 31.3cm. With the commentary of Jacopo della Lana, attributed in the colophon to Benvenuto d'Imola, accompanying each canto. Corrector: Christofal Berardi. Includes Boccaccio's Vita di Dante and, at end, verses by Busone da Gobbio and by Jacopo Alighieri, and the Credo falsely ascribed to Dante. HC (+Add) 591*2; BMC V 21*8 (IB 20577); GW 7961*; Pr 1*1*11*; Goff. Third census, D-27. Capital-spaces and spaces for illustrations; two capitals added in red. Bound in richly blind-stamped brown morocco; gilt dentelles and edges; by Mathias; signed Cape or Cafe inside front cover. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Feb. 53. xq85lD23/Od.*a/ll*77 316 DANTE ALIGHIERI, 1265-1321. La Commedia. Florence, Nicolaus Laurentii, Alamanus, 30 Aug.ll*8l. c372., leaves d, ll*, 15, 169, 371, 372 = blank, the first and last two wanting. 3 en- gravings: illus. f. 1*1. 5cm. Introduction and commentary by Cristoforo Landino. HC 591*6*; BMC VI 628 (IC 27095b); GW 7966; Pr 6120; Goff. Third census, D-29. 57 DANTE ALIGHIERI - contlnued Contains only the first three (the third a duplicate of the second) of the complete set of 19 engravings by Baccio Baldini after de- signs by Sandro Botticelli. This copy, like three of those described in BMC, has 1*7 lines of text on c277 a >, the last line being quite filled, and the signatures Ai and Aii printed as aaa i and aaa ii. Bound in contemporary blind-stamped black calf, metal clasps; an old ecclesiastical MS used as lining papers. Bookplate of Hannah D. Rabinowitz. Purchased from Stonehill, 1965? xf85lD23/Odll*8l 317 DANTE ALIGHIERI, 1265-1321. La Commedia. Brescia, Bonlnus de Boninis, 31 May ll*87. c310>l., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: illus., printer's device. f. 33.6cm. Introduction and commentary by Cristoforo Landino. HCR 591*8; BMC VII 971 (IB 31103); GW 7968; Pr 6973; Goff. Third census, D-31. Capital-spaces with guide-letters; in the space at the beginning of Canto I, a calligraph- ic N has been drawn in black ink. Bound in full brown blind-stamped calf; gilt edges. Bookplate of Leo S. Olschki, Firenze. l*/xi/28. Purchased from Stonehill, 2 Feb. 1*9. xq85lD23/Odlli87 318 DANTE ALIGHIERI, 1265-1321. La Commedia. Venice, Bernardinus Benalius and Matteo Capcasa, 3 Mar. 11*91. cll 3 , II-CCLXXXXI, zl,l. woodcuts: illus., capitals, printer's device. f. 30.5cm. With the commentary and life of Dante by Cristoforo Landino; edited by Pietro da Figino. At the end, the supposititious Credo, Pater Hoster, and Ave Maria of Dante. HCR 591*9 (variation from Hain); BMC V 373 (IB 22339); GW 7969; Pr 1*877; Goff. Third cen- sus, D-32. This copy has the first variant indicated by GW 7969. Imperfect: lacks leaves cl-lOa From leaf CLXXVII to the end, woodcut capi- tals become fewer and capitals are added in red, in spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq85lD23/Odlli91 DANTE ALIGHIERI, 1265-1321. Spurious and doubtful works. Credo. Italian See DANTE ALIGHIERI, 1265-1321. La Commedia. 11*77; also 3 Mar. 11*91 DANUSIUS, PETRUS See DANNHAUSER, PETRUS 319 DARES PHRYQIUS. De excidio Troiae historia. Stephan Plannck, ca.U*88a cU*>*. 1*. 18.9cm. Latin. cRome, Leaf cl D j: Historia de origine Troianonj.: feliciter lege. H 595 9*; GW 7990; Goff. Third census, D-l*2. Three capital-spaces, the third with guide letter. Purchased from L'Art Ancien, 30 Nov.l*5. x87l/Dl/ll*88 DARES PHRYGIUS. De excidio Troiae historia. Latin See DICTYS CRETENSIS. Historia Tro- iana. Latin. 1 Mar.lli99 320 DATI, AGOSTINO, ll*20-U*78. Elegantiolae. c Venice, Printer of Duns Scotus, Quaestiones, ca.l]*7l*> cl*0,*., the first blank. 1*. 19.7cm. C 5969; BMC V 212 (IA 200l*6); GW 801*2; Pr 6787 e Padua, Albertus de Stendal.; Goff. Third census, D-59. One capital, initial-strokes, and under- lines added in red. Label: From the Library of George Dunn of Woolley Hall near Maidenhead. No. 918. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. x808/D2 6^/11*71* 0321 DATI, AGOSTINO, 11*20-11*78. Elegantiolae. cHeidelberg, Printer of Lin- delbach, after 21 Aug. 11*86= c38j*., the last blank. 1*. 21.5cm. Bound with Catonis disticha. Cato: disticha de moribus. Basel, ll* June ll*86. Leaf d a > (t.p.): Augustinus Dacus. Includes Praeceptorum summula (leaves C29 8 - 30 b >) and Modus orandi (leaves c30 b -37 a :>) The Printer of Lindelbach has been tentative- ly identified by the Brit. Mus. Cat. (XV cent.) as Johann and Conrad Hist; according to F. Geldner. Die deutschen Inkunabeldrucker, v.l (1968) p. 266, this printer is undoubtedly Heinrich Knoblochtzer. HR 6000; C 1890; BMC III 667 (IA 12909); GW 8126; Pr 3128; Goff. Third census, D-89. Two capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph- marks, and underlines added in red in the first half of the book. x871A/C2 9/11*86 0322 DATI, AGOSTINO, 11*20-11*78. Elegantiolae. Basel, Johann Amerbach cnot after 11*88=. c2i*,*. 1*. 21.9cm. Leaf cl a n (t.p.): Elegantiae minores Augu- stini Dati. H 5983*; BMC III 750 (IA 371*31*); GW 8080; Goff. Third census, D-73. One capital-space; crude attempt to ink in a capital C. Bound in a leaf from an unidentified MS. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. x808/D26*/ll*88 323 DATI, AGOSTINO, ll*20-U*78. Elegantiolae. Venice, Joannes Rubeus Vercellensis, ca.ll*90-95 cl6 3 l. woodcut: capital. 1* . 21.1cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): ELEGAHTIOLE AVGVSTINI DATTI. R 1*92; GW 8095; Goff. Third census, D-76. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x808/D26*/ll*9- 58 o32l* DATI, AGOSTINO, 11*20-11*78. Elegantiolae. Paris cMichel Tholcze, fora Denis Roce .ca.lU99= c92>l. woodcuts: capitals, publisher's de- vice. U. 22cm. Bound with Baptlsta Mantuanus. De suorum temporum calami ta tibus . c Paris j 11*99. Leaf el 3 * (t.p.): REGVLE ELEGANTIARVM Augu- stini Dati familiari comentario declarate. With the commentary of Jodocus Clichtovius. Includes Franciscus Niger's Regulae elegan- tiarum, with Clichtovius' commentary (leaves c76 a -92 b >) C 1909; OW 8135; Goff. Third census, D-95. x852B22/Ocll*99 DATTUS, AUGUSTINUS See DATI, AGOSTINO, Uj20- 11*78 DATUS, AUGUSTINUS See DATI, AGOSTINO, 11*20- 11*78 +325 DAUPHINE. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Libertates per principes delphinos Vien- nenses. Grenoble, For Francois Pichat and Bartholomaeus Bertolet cl5Kb cl*a, lxxxvii, xxxvil, c2*l. 25cm. Title in red and black; title vignette (arms of Dauphine) C 1922; BMC. Short title catalogue (France) p. 129 cca. 1510s; GW v. 7, col. 327 cafter I* Mar. 1508*; Goff. Third census, D-102. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x3l*9.1*U/D26i DE ACCENTU See REUCHLIN, JOHANN, 11*55-1522 . Vocabularius breviloquus. 11*80 326 DE VIRIS ILL'JSTRIBUS URBIS ROMAE. De viris illustribus urbis Romae. Flor- ence, Apud Sanctum Jacobum de Ripoli, 11*78. c32*/. 1*. 21cm. Leaf d a ,: .C. PLINII.SECVNDI.IVNIORIS LI- BER. ILLVSTRIVM.VIRORV . INCIPIT. In early MSS and editions ascribed suc- cessively to the younger Pliny, Suetonius, Cornelius Nepos, and Sextus Aurelius Victor. HC (+Add) 2137; BMC VI 622 (IA 2701*3); Pr 6101; Goff. Third census, A-1387. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Stamp inside back cover: H. K. H. DUPL. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x871A/Dl*9/ll*78 DECEMBRIO, PIER CANDIDO, 1399-11*77, Translator See APPIANUS, OF ALEXANDRIA. Historia Ro- mana. Latin. 11*77; also 20 Nov.l500 DECEMBRIUS, PETRUS CANDIDUS See DECEMBRIO, PIER CANDIDO, 1399-11*77 327 DEFECTUS IN MISSA OCCURRENTES. .Rome, Stephan Plannck, ca. 11*92 o c6^. U. 21.3cm. C 19i*0; GW 8239; Goff. Third census, D-131. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x261*. 025/D36l/ll*92 DEGUI, PEDRO, d.l500. Distinctiones See LULL, RAMON, d.1315. Janua artis. Hi55 DEGUI, PEDRO, d.l500, Editor See LULL, RAMON, d.1315. Janua artis. 11*85 DENIS LE CHARTREUX, 11*02 or 3-H*71. De cele- bratione et de sacramento See his De sacra- mento altaris et Missae celebratione . cca. U*72> 328 DENIS LE CHARTREUX, 11*02 or 3-11*71. De sacramento altaris et Missae celebra- tione. cCologne, Arnold Ther Hoernen, ca. 11*72= c72=^. l*. I8.1*cm. Leaf c2 a j: Tractatus frls Dyonisij Carthu- sien ordinis. De celebratoe per modum dia- log!. HC 621*9; GW 81*18; Goff. Third census, D- 21*7. Capital on leaf c2 a 3 added in red and black; other capitals, initial-strokes, and para- graph-marks in red. Lettered on leaf cl a a : Sum ex libris fra- tris Henrici Randall (?) de veteri ecclesia Carmelitae Coloniensis. Label inside back cover: Repaired for Paul Hirsch by Douglas Cockerell and Son, Letchworth, 1937. Purchased from Howes, 26 Nov. 53. x265.3/Di*ld/ll*72 DENIS LE CHARTREUX, 11*02 or 3-11*71. Tractatus de celebratione et sacramento See his De sa- cramento altaris et Missae celebratione. .ca. 11*72=, DENIS LE CHARTREUX, 11*02 or 3-11*71, Supposed author. Speculum animae peccatricis See JA- COBUS DE GRUYTRODE, d.ll*75. Speculum animae peccatricis DENIS LE CHARTREUX, 11*02 or 3-11*71, Supposed author. Speculum conversionis peccatorum See BUTRIO, AJITONIUS DE, 1338-11*08, Suppos- ed author. Speculum de confessione. eca. 11*80, DES PREZ, JEAN, CALLED D'OUTREMEUSE See JEAN D'OUTREMEUSE, 1338-11*00 329 DIALOGUS INTER CLERICUM ET MILITEM. Dialogus inter clericum et militem. Co- logne, Heinrich Quentell cca.ll*973 clOji., the last blank. 1*. 20.8cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.)s Dyalogus inter clericum Z militem super dignitate papali et regia. De natiuitate et moribus Antichristi. Sometimes ascribed to William Ockham or Pierre Dubois. HC 6lll*; BMC I 296 (IA 1*966); GW 8272; Pr 11*1*6; Goff. Third census, D-156. Bookplate of G. Helbig. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x261.7/D51*1/H*97 59 ^330 DIALOGUS LINGUAE ET VENTRIS. Dialogus Linguae et Ventris. c Paris, Jean Poitevin, ca.Hi98-l5003 z6,l. h. 19cm. Leaf cl a s: Dyalogus lingue et ventris. Incorrectly ascribed to John of Salisbury. This edition, founded on that of Pynson, retains a few of the English glosses sup- plied by W. H. (i.e. William Horman). Cf. Duff 122. GW 8283; Duff 118; Goff. Third census, D-161*. b Imperfect! on leaf cl* > the impression of the first word of the text and all but the last word of the gloss are lost, apparently because of a loose piece of paper having slipped between the type and the paper. The York Minster copy; the same one des- cribed by Duff and GW, although these two descriptions vary in some details with each other and with the IU copy. Purchased from Rosenbach, 11 July 52. x875/D5Ul/H*98 331 DIAZ DE M0NTALV0, ALONSO, 11*05-11*99. Repertorium quaestionum super Nlcolaum de Tudeschis. cBasel, Johann Amerbach, 11*87- 88, CCVIII (i.e. CCXVIII), c2,*., the first blank. f. 36.8cm. (In Niccolo de" Tudes- chi, Abp. Lectura super V libris Decretalium. Basel, 11*87-88. pt.6) Edited by Ludovicus de Campis. HC 11566=H 11570; BMC III 71*9 (IB 37308); GW 8308; Pr 7628; Goff. Third census, D-176. xq3l*8/C28l2dYn/ll*87 332 DICTTS CRETENSES. Historia Troiana. Latin. Venice, Chri- stophorus de Pensis, de Mandello, 1 Mar. (Kal. Mar.) 11*99. clhil. woodcut: capital. It . 21.2cm. Leaf l a , (t.p.): IESVS MARIA. DICTTS CRE- TENSIS DE HISTORIA BELLI TROIANI ET DARSES PRISCVS EE EADEM TROIANA. Translated from the Greek by Lucius Sep- timius. Edited by Franc iscus Faragonius. HC 6158*; BMC V 1*72 (14 23507); GW 8328; Pr 521*7; Goff. Third census, D-187. Colophon on leaf c56 b a : Finit opus Dictys Cretensia de bello trolano ac de reditu grae- corum Anno.M.cccc.xcix. kal'. Februariis. Colophon on leaf c7l* a *: Finit historia antiquissima Dictys Cretensis atq3 Daretis Phrygii de bello Troianorum . in inclyta ur- be Venetiarum _ lmpressa per Cristoferum mandellum de pensis kalendls Martii.M.CCCC. lxxxzh. Purchased from Glmbel, 3 July 1*2. x871/D15/H*99 DINUS DE ROSSONIBUS, DE MUGELLO, Tractatus praescriptionum See tWERNER VON SCHUSSENRIED, Modus legend! abbrevlaturas. 9 Aug. 11*90 DINUS MUGELLANUS See DINUS DE ROSSONIBUS, DE MUGELLO, DIO CASSIUS COCCEIANUS. Phylisci consolato- ria Marco Ciceroni See PROBUS, MARCUS VA- LERIUS. De interpretandis Romanorum lit- teris. 20 Apr. 11*99 333 DIO CHRYSOSTOMUS. De Troia non capta. Latin. Venice, Ber- nardinus Venetus, de Vitalibus, 18-23 July 11*99. cl*6i., leaves c26 3 and cl*6j blank, cl*6a wanting, woodcuts: capitals. 1*. 21.5cm. Leaf d a j (t.p.): Dion Chrysostomus Pru- sensis phllosophus ad Ilienses: Ilii capti- uitatem non fuisse aperte demonstrat Fran- ciscus Filelfus e graeco traduxit. Petroni- us Arbiter Satyricus. HC (+Add) 6185*; BMC V 5U9 (IA 21*31*6); GW 8372; Pr 5533; Ooff. Third census, D-208. Bound in half tan morocco. Purchased from Shapiro, 25 July 67. x88l/D6t.Lf/li*99 DIO CHRYSOSTOMUS, PRUSENSIS See DIO CHRYSOS- TOMUS DIO COCCEIANUS, CHRYSOSTOMUS, OF PRUSA See DIO CHRYSOSTOMUS 331* DIODORUS SICULUS. Bibliothecae historicae libri VI. Latin. Bologna cBalthasar Azoguidusa 11*72. dOl*^., leaves 1, 3, 96, 103-101** blank, the first and last wanting. f. and 1*. 30.3cm. Leaf c2 a ,: DIODORI SICVLI HISTORIARVM PRI- SCARVM A POGGIO IN LATINVM TRADVCTI LIBER PRIMVS INCIPIT _ "CORNELII TACITI ILLVSTRISSIMI HISTORICI DE SITV MORIBVS ET POPVLIS GERMANIAE LIBEL- LUS AVREVS" : leaves c97 a -102 b , Sheet 1* of sig. eg* is quarto, the rest folio. HCR 6188; BMC VI 799 (IB 28518); GW 8371*; Pr 6516; Goff. Third census, D-210. One large capital and seven smaller ones added in gold and colors; colored decorative border along two margins of leaf cl* a ij mono- gram IHS in gold in lower border. Label: Ex libris Leonis S. Olschki, Bibli- opolae Venetl. Purchased from Stonehill, 2 July 51. xq88l/D7.Lp/U*72 335 DIODORUS SICULUS. Bibliothecae historicae libri VI. Latin. Venice, Thomas de Blavls, de Alexandria, 25 Nov. 11*81. cl22**. f. 30.9cm. Translated by Pogglo-Bracciolini. "CORNELII TACITI ILLVSTRISSIMI HISTORICI DE SITV MORIBVS ET POPVLIS GERMANIAE LIBEL- LVS AVREVS" : leaves Ul* a -121 b > HCR 6190; BMC V 316 (IB 21827); GW 8376; Pr 1*75U; Goff. Third census, D-212. 60 DI0D0RUS SIcnLUS - continued Capital-spaces . Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq88l/D7.Lp/ll*8l 336 DIODOROS SICOLUS. Bibllothecae historicae libri VI. Latin. Venice, Joannes Tacuinus, de Tridino, 20 Sept. (XII Kal. Oct.) 11*96. cli, LXXVI, cl>(. woodcuts: capitals, printer's device. f. 31cm. Leaf cl a , (t.p.): DIODOROS SICULUS. Translated by Poggio-Bracciolini; edited by Bartholomaeus Merula. H 6191; BMC V 530 (IB 21*058); GW 8377 J Pr 51*1*1; Goff. Third census, D-213. Purchased from Rosenthal, 1 Kar.65. xq88l/D7.Lp/Ut96 DIOGENES LAERTIUS. La vita de philosophi See his Vitae et sententiae philosophorum. Italian. 21* Oct.U*89 337 DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Vitae et sententiae philosophorum. Latin. Venice cBonetus Locatellus* for Octavianus Scotus, 18 Dec. (XV Kal. Ian.) 11*90. cll2i<. woodcuts: capitals. l*. 20.5cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): Diogenes laertius De uita & moribus philosophorum. Translated by Ambrosius Traversarius , ed- ited by Benedictus Brognolus. His dedica- tion was written for Nicolaus Jenson's ed. of llt75 and his name has been allowed to stand. HC 6202*; BMC V 1*38 (IA 2281*7); GW 838I; Pr 502U; Goff. Third census, D-222. Some capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Howell, 12 Dec. 55. x38l/D8.Lt/U*90 338 DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Vitae et sententiae philosophorum. Latin. Bologna, Jacobus de Ragazonibu3, 30 Mar. 11*95. CVI (i.e. CXII)*. woodcut: capital. f. 29.5cm. Leaf .1*, (t.p.)s DIOGENE LAERTIO. Translated by Ambrosius Traversarius, ed- ited by Benedictus Brognolus. His dedication was written for Nicolaus Jenson's ed. of 11*75 and his name has been allowed to stand. H 620l**=HC 6211; BMC VI 81*8 (IB 29163); GW 8383; Pr 6651*; Goff. Third census, D-221*. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Error in foliation: leaves CX-CXII number- ed CV, CVI, CVI. The three titles contained in this volume are lettered by hand on a leaf inserted be- fore the t.p. Bound with this are Scriptores historiae Augustae. Venice, 15 July 11*90. cop. 2, and Orosius, Paulus. Historiae adversus paganos. Venice, 30 July 11*83. Purchased from Christensen, 28 Apr. 60. xq88l/D8.Lt/ll*95 339 DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Vitae et sententiae philosophorum. Italian. Florence, Jacopo di Carlo and Petrus de Bo- naccursis, 21* Oct. (IX Kal. Nov.) 11*89. c52>*. 1*. 20.1*c. Leaf cl a i (t.p.): La uita de Philosophi. Abbreviated version of the Latin transla- tion by Ambrosius Traversarius. H 6209; BMC VI 677 (IA 2769O); GW 8390; Goff. Third census, D-232. Lombards; a few capital-spaces with guide- letters. Purchased from Giabel, 3 July 1*2. x88l/D8. 1/11*89 31*0 DIOMEDES. Ars gramma tica. c Venice* Nicolaus Jensen cca.U*75> .=170**. f. 29.3c. Leaf c2 a * : DIOMEDIS DCCTISSIMI AC DHJGEN- TISSIMI LINGVAE LATINAE PERSCRVTATORIS DE ARTE GRAMMATICA OPVS VTILISSIMVM. Contents.- Diomedes. De arte grammatica.- Phocas. De nomine et verbo.- Priscianus. In- stitutio de nomine, pronomine et verbo.- Ca- per. De orthographia et latinitate verborum.- Agraetius. De orthographia, proprietate et differentia sermonis.- Donatus. De octo par- tibus orationis. De barbarismo.- Servii Ho- norati In secundam Donati editionem interpre- tatio.- Sergii In secundam Donati editionem commentarius . HC 6211*; BMC V 182 (IB 19722); GW 8399; Pr 1*118; Goff. Third census, D-231*. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. In manuscript on fly-leaf: H. C. Huskier Oct. 1902; also "of Quaritch." Purchased from Stonehill, 2 July $1. xql*75/D62a/ll*75 31*1 DIOMEDES. Ars gramma tica. Venice, Christophorus de Pensis, de Mandello, 1* June 11*91. c8k,l., the first wanting, woodcuts: 1 illus., border, capital. f. 30.1*cm. Contents.- Diomedes. De arte grammatica . - Phocas. De nomine et verbo.- Priscianus. In- stitutio de nomine, pronomine et verbo.- Ca per. De orthographia et latinitate verborum.- Agraetius. De orthographia, proprietate et differentia sermonis.- Donatus. De octo par- tibus orationis. De barbarismo.- Servii Ho- norati In secundam Donati editionem interpre- tatio.- Sergii In secundam Donati editionem commentarius . HC 6216; BMC V 1*68 (IB 231*56); GW 81*02; Pr 5221*; Goff. Third census, D-236. Leaves c6, dl, el*, and g2-5 have been re- set in type 107R cP5* (instead of the 102R used in the rest of the book) correcting the errors noted by Brit. Mus. and GW. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xql*75/D62a/ll*91 DIONTSIUS AY: : See ,'lONXSIUS PERIEGETES 61 DIONYSIUS CARTUSIANUS See DENIS LE CHARTREUX, 1U02 or 3-11*71 DIONYSIUS DE LEUWIS See DENIS LE CHARTHEUX, lli02 or 3-11*71 31*2 DIONYSIUS HALICARNASSENSIS. Antiquitates Romanae. Latin. Reggio Emi- lia, Franciscus de Mazalibus, 12 Nov. 11*98. ccxxvi I., the first blank and wanting, woodcut: printer's device. f. 30.5cm. Translated by Lapus Biragus. HC (add) 621*0*; BMC VII IO89 (IB 3U0l*0); QW 81*21*; Pr 7256; Goff. Third census, D-251. Capital-spaces, three with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq88l/D9r.Lb/ll*98 DIONYSIUS HALICARNASSENSIS. Praecepta de ora- tione nuptiali. Latin See FORTUNATIANUS, CHIRIUS. Rhetorica. 1C9B-1500 31*3 DIONYSIUS NESTOR. Vocabularius. cVenicea Ouilelmus Anima Mia, Tridinensis, 26 June 11*88. a>, 2-181* (i.e. 185), 14. woodcut: capital. f. 31.1cm. Bound with Tortelli, Qiovanni. Orthogra- phia. Vicenza, 13 Jan.lU79. "Sulpicii de quantitate syllabarum libel- lum": leaves 183-181* (i.e. 181*-185) HC 6253*; BMC V 1*10 (IB 23069); Pr 5110; Ooff. Third census, N-ll*. Errors in foliation, including repetition of 136. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red; woodcut capital colored red, orange, and yellow. xq875/T638c/ll*79 3UU DIONYSIUS NESTOR. Vocabularius. Venice, Philippus Pinclus, ll96. eli, II-CLI, till., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: capitals. f. 31cm. Leaf d a , (t.p.)s NESTOR VOCABVLISTA. "Sulpicii de quantitate syllabarum lxbel- lum": leaves CXL b (i.e. CXLEC)-CLI a HC 6255*; BMC V 1*97 (IB 23672); Pr 531U; 31*5 DIVISIONES DECEM NATIONUM TOTIUS CHRISTIANI- TATIS. cRome, Eucharius Silber, ca. 11*97- 1500. cU><. woodcut: capital. 8. ll*cm. Bound with Coniuratio malignorum spirituum. cRome, ca.l500j GW 8581; Ooff. Third census, D-29I*. xl33.1/C76l/l5O0 DOERING, MATTHIAS, ll*00(ca.)-ll*69. Replicae. See BIBLE. LATIN. 11*92. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. 3 Nov.U*92 See BIBLE. LATIN. Biblia Latina. 1 Dec. 11*98 11*98. VULGATE. #3Uia DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES. De situ orbis* Latin. Venice, Franciecus Renner, de Heilbronn, 1U78. c36a6. woodcuts: capitals. U. 19.6cm. In case. Translated by Antonius Beccaria. Printed in black and red. Reprinted from Maler and Ratdolt's edition of 1U77. H 6227*; BMC V 195 (IA 19865); GW 81*27; Goff. Third census, D*2$U. Bound in blind-stamped tan calf; gilt eagle. In manuscript on leaf cl a j! Prater Sundisaluua de la Pena: nunc librfl emit tr^bus argenteis nu- fllis. Anno dnice natiuitate. n.D.xl. Armorial bookplate of Robert Honeyman IV. Purchased from W. & V. Dailey, 28 July 79. x88l/D92.LbAU78 DOMINICUS DE ARETIO See BANDINI, DOMENICO, 1335(ca.)-ll*l8 31*6 DOMINICUS DE FLANDRIA, U*25?-l5O0. Quaes tiones in comraentaria Thomae de Aqui- no super Metaphysicis Aristotelis. Venice cPetrus de Quarengiis, for^ Alexander Calcedo- nius, 20 Aug. 11*99. c350j/. 2 woodcuts: publisher's device. f. 31cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Questionum super .xii. libros Methaphisice a. R. Magi3tri Dominici de Flandria ordinis predicatorum. Printed in black and red. H 7125*; GW 861*0; Pr 51*86; Goff. Third cen- sus, D-306. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. In manuscript inside front cover: Fray Do- mingo Sedano. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq88l/A8k.Yt.Yd/ll*99 DOMINICUS DE FLANDRIA, 11*257-1500. Quaesti- ones in libros Posteriorum Aristotelis et in Fallacias Sancti Thomae de Aquino See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Exposi- tio in libros Posteriorum et in De inter- pretatione Aristotelis. 28 Sept. 11*96 *3U7 DOMINICUS DE SANCTO GEMINIANO, 15th cent. Super sexto Decretalium. Speier, Peter Drach cnot after 11*79= c556.*., leaves 1, 305, 556* blank. dcut: printer's device. f. 37.2cm. dited by Johannes Stoll and Heinrich Nif- [C 7530*; BMC II 1*90 (IC 8503); GW 861*8; 231*2; Goff. Third census, D-311. Iniv. of Illinois has 1 leaf only, begin- lg (on verso): Rubrica de immucnitates ec- .esiarumi )ne of the Beilagen bound at the end of ! of Monumenta Germaniae et Italiae typo- iphica. xf655.133/M76/v.2 1INICUS DE VICENTIA. Summa qualiter nota- rii - debeant officium exercere See cWER- SER VON SCHUSSENRIED, Modus legendi abbre- viatures. 9 Aug. 11* 90 1inicus de visentina see dominicus de vi- :entu 62 DOMINICUS FLANDREN5IS See DOMINICU3 DE FLANDRIA, 1]*25?-1500 3U8 DONATUS, AELIUS. Ars maior, par3 2 et 3. cVenice, Christo- phorus Valdarfer? after LU71, c2li,*. U. 20.6cb. Contents.- De octo partibus orationis.- De barbarismo.- Servlus, grammarian. De finali- bus. C 2108 4 5U2*6; RMC V 185 (IA 19775); GW 9031; Pr UlljO; Goff. Third census, D-351. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Harper, 7 Apr. 55. xli75/D71am/li71 DONATUS, AELIUS. Ars minor See cGERSON, JO- ANNES, 1363-1U29. Donatus moralisatus. be- fore 5 June LU73' o3U9 DONATUS, AELIUS. Ars minor. cAugsburgi Jeohann, Scchonsper- ger, 1U97. c30,/. woodcuts: 1 illus., 1 capital. U. 20.2cm. Leaf cl a , (t.p.): Donatus cum vulgari ex- Dositione. H 6367*; GW 8982; Pr 1793; Goff. Third cen- sus, D-335. Latin text with interlinear gloss in Ger- man. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Purchased from Rosenthal, 23 Oct. 53. xl75/D71a/lU97a DONATUS, AELIUS . Ars minor See RUDIMENTA GRAMMATICAE. 11*99 l)50 DONATUS, AELIUS. Ars minor (Rudimenta grammatices) eCo- logne, Heinrich Quentell, ca.l2i96?> c20,l. woodcut: illus. 1*. 18. 6cm. 35-36 lines. Leaf tl a i (t.p.): Dominus que pars cO vi- gintiquatuor regulis congruitatum.diuisioni- bus verborum fundamento artis metrificandi. cSpendio cognitionis pedum. Cum quibusdam regulis coperatione nomlnQque iuuenibus sumroe necessaria et vtilia sunt. Signatures: a-b 6 , c 8 . An adaptation of Donatus ' Ars minor combin- ed with parts of Remigius ' Regula : Dominus qui pars. Goff. Third census, D-3UU. Possibly a reprint of H 637U, with the sub- stitution of woodcut A for B. Capital-spaces; some capitals supplied in black ink. Bound in a fragment of a vellum liturgical MS containing the Introit and Communion of the Mass for the Vigil of St. Andrew. Purchased from Girobel, 3 July U2. xli75/D71a/lU96 351 DONATUS, AELIUS. Ars minor. (Rudinenta grammatices: Donatus melior) Venice, Joannes Tacuinus, de Tri- dino, 3 Aug.Ui97. c32>*. woodcuts: capitals. U. 20.8cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Donatus melior. Catonis Carmen de moribus. De Arte Libellus. The De arte libellus is by Antonius Mancl- nellus. Edited by Antonius Mancinellus. HR 10628; GW 9021; Goff. Third census, D- 3U8. Purchased from L'Art Ancien, 26 Nov.U5. xu75/D7U/LU97 352 DONATUS, AELIUS. Coranentura in Terentii Comoedias. cStrass- burg, the R-Printer (Adolf Rusch), after LU71-72. c252i<., the first and last blank and wanting. f. 28.3cm. H 6382; BMC I 61 (IB 63U)j GW 9037; Pr 238; Goff. Third census, D-35U. First capital added in red and blue; other capitals in red or blue; initial-strokes in red. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July U2. x87l/T3.Yd/lU73 DONATUS, AELIUS. De barbarismo See his Ars maior, pars 3. cafter LU71j See DIOMEDES. Ars grammatica. cca.lii75 = ; also U June 1U91 DONATUS, AELIUS. De figuris opusculum See SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15th cent. De arte grammatica. U Apr.lU89 DONATUS, AELIUS. De octo partibus orationis See his Ars maior, pars 2. cafter lu71. See DIOMEDES. Ars gramiratica. ca.ll75; also k June LU91 DONATUS, AELIUS. Donatus melior See his Ars minor (Rudimenta grammatices : Donatus me- lior) 3 Aug.lU97 DONATUS, AELIUS. Rudimenta grammatices See his Ars minor (Rudimenta grammatices) DONATUS, AELIUS. Rudimenta grammatices: Dona- tus melior See his Ars minor (Rudimenta grammatices: Donatus melior) 3<97 DONATUS, AELIUS, Commentator See TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Comoediae. IB~Sept.lli77; also 29 Nov. 11*91; 1 Nov. 11,96; 11 Feb.lU99; 1 Dae. 1500 See VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Opera. 1U92; also 20 Feb. 11,97 DONATUS, AELIUS, Supposed author. Fabularum Ovidii abbreviatio See LACTANTIUS PLACIDUS, Supposed author. Fabularum Ovidii abbrevia- tio. cca. 11*75:" DORINCK, MATHIAS See DOERING, MATTHIAS, lUOO(ca.)-ll,69 63 D0RIN3. MATHIAS See DOERING, MATTHIAS, 11*00 (ca.)-ll*69 DORNIBERG, THOMAS. Tabula generalis See .HUGO ABGENTINENSIS, 1210(ca. )-1270. Com- pendium theologicae veritatis. 11*89 DORNIBERG, THOMAS, Editor See CALDERINUS, JOANNES, d.1365. Concordantia, sive Ambi- dexterium. 11*81 See HIERONYMUS, SAINT. Aureola ex flo- ribus S. Hieronymi contexta. cca.llj70-72a; also cca. 11*81-87 1 DUBOIS, PIERRE, fl.1300, Supposed author. Dialogus inter clericum et railitem See DIALOGUS INTER CLERICUM ET MILITEM. DUNS SCOTUS, JOHANNES See DUNS, JOANNES, SCO- TUS. 1265?-1308? DUNS, JOANNES, SCOTUS, 12657-1308? Quaesti- ones in quattuor libros Sententiarum See PETRUS LOMBARDUS, BP. OF PARIS, 12th cent. Sententiarum libri quattuor. ll90 353 DUNS, JOANNES, SCOTUS, 12657-1308? Quodlibeta. eVenice, Bernardinus Rizus , Novariensis, 11*90j 62*. f. 29.5cm. Leaf el a > (t.p.): Quotlibeta doctoris sub- tilis Scoti. "De primo principio" : leaves 55 b -62 a . H 61*32*; BMC V 1*02 (IB 22638)5 GW 9071; Pr 1*958; Goff. Third census, D-396. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Kraus, 28 Apr. 65. xql89.1*/D92q/lii90 Another copy bound with Petrus Lombardus, Bp. of Paris. Sententiarum libri quattuor. Venice, 11*90. xq230/Pl*l*s/ll*90 DUNS, JOANNES, SCOTUS, 12657-1308? Commenta- tor See PIETRO DELL'AQUILA, d,136l. Quae- stiones super libros Sententiarum. snot af- ter 11*87. DURANTI, GUHXELMUS See DURANTIS, GULIELMUS, BP. OF MENDE, 1237Tca. )-1296 o35U DURANTIS, GULIELMUS, BP. OF MENDE, 1237(ca.)- 1296. Compendium libri Rationalis super reprae- sentatione et significatione Missae. cEr- furt, Printer of Aristeas, ca. 11*83 = cl0>l., the first blank and wanting. ti. 18. 2cm. Sometimes ascribed to Bernardus de Paren- tinis. C 2135a; BMC II 590 (IA 12616); Pr 3103; Goff. Third census, D-l*02. Capital spaces. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. x261*.02/D932rl/U*83 355 DURANTIS, GULIELMUS, BP. OF MENDE, 1237 (ca.)- 1296. Rationale divinorum officiorum. Vicenza, Hermannus Liechtenstein, 11*78. c228,*., the third blank. f. 31cm. Leaf cl* a 3 J Incipit rationale diuinonfoffl- cioiy editum p R^ . in xfo patrS C dominu3dhm Guilielmu duranti _ Edited by Johannes Alois ius. H 61*80*; BMC VII 1037 (IB 31812); GW 9115; Pr 7155; Goff. Third census, D-l*17. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red; foliation and some mar- ginal notes in manuscript. Bound in gilt-stamped tan calf. Bookplate of Viscount Mersey. xq26i*.02/D932r/ll*78 356 DURANTIS, GULIELMUS, BP. OF MENDE, 1237 (ca.)- 1296. Rationale divinorum officiorum. Nurem- berg, Anton Koberger, 6 Nov.ll*8l. els. exevij I. f. 32.9cm. H 61*85*; BMC n 1*21 (IB 7235); GW 9123; Pr 2009; Ooff. Third census, D-i*25. Two capitals supplied in red, blue, pink, and green; other capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph-marks in red. Bookplate: Ex Bibliotheca Mallersdorf Mona- sterii 0. S. B. Bound in wooden boards covered with blind- stamped calf; wide blind-stamped pigskin backstrip. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq26l* . 02/D932 r/ll*81 357 DURANTIS, GULIELMUS, BP. OF MENDE, 1237(ca.)- 1296. Rationale divinorum officiorum. Venice, Erhard Ratdolt, 8 Dec. (VI Id. Dec.) 11*85. d98>4., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: 1 illus., capitals. f. 32.5cn. Edited by Gabriel Bruno. HC 61*90*; BMC V 291 (IB 20550); GW 9130; Pr 1*1*06; Goff. Third census, D-l*29. Bound in contemporary blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; remnants of clasps. Purchased from Thorp, 27 July 65. xq261*.02/D932r/ll*85 358 DURANTIS, GULIELMUS, BP. OF MENDE, 1237(ca,)- 1296. Rationale divinorum officiorum. Strass- burg c Printer of the 11*83 Jordanus de Qued- linburg (Georg Husner?)j 13 July (quinta feria post diem sancti kiliani) 11*66. 3s, CCLX, cl,l., the last blank. f. 30.2cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Rationale diulnorfl. HC 61*92*; BMC I 131* (IB 1852); GW 9132; Pr 603; Goff. Third census, D-l*30. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Purchased from Heffner, 8 Dec. 15. xq261* . 02/D932r/H*86 61* 359 DURANTIS, GULIELMUS, BP. OF MENDE, 1237(ca.)- 1296. Rationale divinorum officiorum. Venice, Guilelmus Anima Mia, Tridensis, 20 Nov. 11*87. cl98><., the last two blank and wanting, woodcuts: 1 illus., capitals. U. 33cm. Edited by Gabriel Brunus. H 61*93*; GW 9133; Goff. Third census, D- 1*32. Some spaces with guide-letters (rubricated in cop. 2) Error in binding: sig. h bound after sig. i. Copy 2, 29.5cm., lacks also leaf ela Source of cop.l unknown; cop. 2 purchased from Book Shop, 3 July 61. xq261*.02/D932r/ll*87 360 DURANTIS, GULIELMUS, BP. OF MENDE, 1237(ca.)- 1296. Rationale divinorum officiorum. Strass- burg c Printer of the 11*83 Jordanus de Quedlin- burg (Georg Husner?)i 19 July (sexta feria ante festu Marie magdalene) 11*93. 3, CCLX, cl*., the last blank. f. 29.2cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Rationale diuinorfl HC 61*96*; BMC I 11*3 (IB 1913); GW 9137; Pr 626; Goff. Third census, D-U36. Capitals added in red or green; initial- strokes in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq261*.02/D932r/ll*93 DURER, ALBRECHT, 11*71-1528, Illustrator See BRANT, SEBASTIAN, 11*58-1521. Das Narren- schiff. Latin. 1 Aug. 11*97; also 1 Mar.ll*98 EBENDORFER, THOMAS, 1387-11*61*, Supposed au- thor. Cordiale quattuor novissimorum See CORDIALE QUATTUOR NOVISSIMORUM o36l EBERHARDUS BETHUNIENSIS, Graecismus. cStrassburg, Johann Priiss, not after 11*89* cl98a/., the last blank, woodcuts: cap- itals. f. 29.5cm. Leaf cl a * (t.p.): Libri Ebrardi Greciste. Includes the commentary of Joannes Vincen- tius Metulinus. HC 6526*; BMC I 121 (IB 1626); GW 9217; Pr 532; Goff. Third census, E-12. Some capital-spaces, one with guide-letter. Bound in contemporary wooden boards, vellum backed; remnants of clasps; hook, for chain, at top of back cover. Purchased from Stonehill, 5 Dec. 50. xl*72.1*/Eb3g/ll*89 EBERHARDUS OF BETHUNE, CALLED GRAECISTA See EBERHARDUS BETHUNIENSIS, EBERSBACH, JOHANNES CURTUS DE See CURTUS, JOANNES, fl. 11*99-1512 EBERSPACHIUS, JOANNES CURTUS See CURTUS, JO- ANNES, fl. 11* 99-1512 0+362 EBRARDI, UDALRICUS, d. 11*87. Modus Latinitatis. cStrassburg, Martin Flach, the Younger, ca. 1501a da, 3l*j cljf., the last blank, woodcut: illus. 1*. 20.1cm. H 6527*; C 1*310; GW VII, col. 796 cl6th cent. i ; Goff. Third census, E-ll. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xl*78.3/Eb7mA501 EBRARDUS BETHUNIENSIS See EBERHARDUS BETHU- NIENSIS, EBRARDUS, ULRICUS See EBRARDI, UDALRICUS, d.ll*87 EICHMANN, JODOCUS, ll*20?-U*91. Vocabularius praedicantium, sive Variloquus See MELBER, JOHANNES, OF GEROLZHOFEN. Vocabularius praedicantium, sive Variloquus. 1 June 11*86; also 20 May 11*89 #362a ELIAS, MONK OF EVESHAM, fl.1198 See VITA ET PROCESSUS S. THOMAE BECKET. 27 Mar. 11*95 ENGEL, JOHANN, 11*63-1512, Editor See AILLT, PIERRE D' , CARDINAL, 1350-11*20? Concordan- tia astronomiae cum theologia. 2 Jan. 11*90 See BONATTI, GUIDO, 1230-ca.l296. De- cern tractatus astronomiae. 26 Mar. 11*91 EPHRAEM SYRUS, SAINT. De compunctione cordis See his Sermones. Latin. Selections, cnot after 11*91' 363 EPHRAEM SYRUS, SAINT. Sermones. Latin. Selections. cRome, Eu- charius Silber, ca.ll*90j c26il, woodcuts: 5 capitals. 1*. 20cm. Five sermons translated by Ambrosius Tra- versarius. HC 6602; BMC IV 120 (IA 19070); GW 9333; Pr 3897; Goff. Third census, E-l*7. Purchased from David, 13 Aug. 35. x252/Ep3s/ll*90 361* EPHRAEM SYRUS, SAINT. Sermones. Latin. Selections. cFreiburg i. B. , Kilian Piscator (Fischer), not after H*9l3 c20^., the last blank. f. 28.3cm. Leaf el a 3 (t.p.): Libri Sancti Effrem De Compunctione cordis Iudicio dei % Resurre. It,, Beatitudine Anime Penitentia Luctamine spiri- tali Die Judicij. 65 o369 EPHRAEM SYRUS, SA I NT - continued 368 Contains six sermons. HC 6597*=H 6598; BMC III 693 (IB Hi201a)j GW 933U; Pr 7711; Goff. Third census, E-lli. Capitals added in red and blue alternately; initial-strokes and paragraph-marks in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov. 1*1*. x252/Ep3c/ll*91 EPHRAIM, THE SYRIAN See EPHRAEM SYRUS, SAINT EPHREM SYRUS See EPHRAEM SYRUS, SAINT EPIPHANIUS SCHOLASTICUS, fl.5lO, Translator See CASSIODORUS, MAGNUS AURELIUS, ca.U87- ca.580. Historia ecclesiastica tripartita. ca.5 Feb. 1U72 365 EPISTOLAE DIVERSORUM PHILOSOPHORUM, ORATORUM, ET RHETORDM. Greek. Venice, Aldus Manutius, Romanus c29Mar.-cnot before 17 Apr.3lU99. 2pt. in lv. (cliOUa/., leaves t86a and 370 cUoiii blank and wanting) U. 21cm. Lea/ cia> (t,p,.)s 'EtuotoXcu diaiopcpv 1 Xo ao<*a>v pryropwv ao .4 i otcLv -npoa Tola eE/coai- jLv to. ovopiara tv rij %r)a eiiprjaeia aeXi6i. Epistolae diversorum phi- losophorum. oratorum. Rhetorum sex & uiginti. Quorum nominainsequenti inuenies Pagina. Edited bv Marcus Musurus. #362a ENGEL, JOHANN, 11*63-1512. Astrolabium. Augsburg, Erhard Ratdolt, 6 Oct.? or 27 Nov.? (XXVII Kal. Nor.) 1U88. el76a., the last two blank and wanting, woodcuts: illus., diagrs., initials. li. 20.Ucm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Astrolabium plantl in tabulis Ascendens cBtinens qualibet hora atcg mlto. Equationes doraong celi. MorS nati in rtero matris CU3 quodS tractatu natiuita- tC Ttili ac ornato. Nee n8 horas inequales $ quo libet climate mundi. "Figure celi ad medium sexti climatis - per duodecim domos verificate. quibus : ima- gines facierum preponuntur: graduumq omni- um signorum imagines: ab excellentissimo Ti- ro - Petro de abano elaboratas" : leaves cUi;^- 92 b =, "Tractatus quidem in natiuitatibus multum vtilis. ex cMatheseosa libris .. Iulij firmi- ci: extractus" : leaves c97-ll*Oa H 1100*; BMC II 382 (IA 6670); GW 1900 (var- iation); Pr 1876; Goff. Third census, A-711. Most of the illus are colored. Leaf q^ torn and repaired. Bookplates of. J. M. Heredia, Richard Ben- ett, and John Pierpont Morgan. Purchased from Nebenzahl, 25 Apr. 79. x522.Ii/En5a cESCOBAR, ANDRES DE, BP. d. 11*39? Interrogationes et doctrinae. Venice, Manfredus de Bonellis, ca. 11*95 3 .8./. 8. U*.l*cm. Leaf cl a (t.p.): Interrogationes I doc- trine quibus qullibet sacerdos debet interro- gare suum confitentem. GW 7329; Goff. Third census, C-816. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. x265.6/Esl8i/ll*95 ESCOBAR, ANDRES DE, BP., d.ll*39? Modus confitendi. .Rome, Eucharius Sil- ber, ca.l500 c12j*. woodcut: 1 illus. 8. 111. 5cm. Leaf .1*3 (t.p.): Modus Confitendi. H 1009*; GW 1808; Goff. Third census, A- 685. Bound in vellum wrapper. Purchased from Bondy, 29 Apr. 58. x265.6/Esl8m/l500 ETYMOLOGICUM MAGNUM. 'EtujioXo7l/c6v /j7a. Greek. Venice, Za- charias Callierge3, for Nlcolaus Blastus and Anna Notaras, 8 July 11*99. c22l|]<. woodcuts: capitals, headpieces, printer's and publisher's devices. f. 1*0.9 cm. Printed in black and red. Edited by Callierges, with the advice of cus Musurus. Cf. D. J. Geanakoplos. Greek olars in Venice (1962) p. 121*. C 6691*5 BMC V 580 (IC 2l*73U); GW 91*26; Pr 1*5 Goff. Third census, E-112. n manuscript on leaf c2 a s: panagir sacer- e Franca to ho scrito con mio proprio mano. I*. Urchased from Commin, 27 Apr. 1*9. xq881A/Et92/U*99 LIDES. lementa geometriae. Latin. Venice, Erhard dolt, 25 May (VIII Kal. Iun. ) 11*82. 138 j^., the last blank and wanting, wood- s: border, diagrs., capitals. f. 31.8cm. ranslated from Arabic by Adelardus, of Bath, ted by Giovanni Campano. While books I-XIII genuine (Cf. Th. Heath. The thirteen books Euclid's Elements. 1956, v. 3, p. 519), k XIV is a work of the 2d cent, by Hypsi- s and book XV, the work of a Roman land- veyor of the 6th cent, rinted in black and red. The diagrams are in a wide margin close to the theorems to ch they relate. C 6693*; BMC V 285 (IB 20513); GW 91*28; Pr 3; Goff. Third census, E-113. he Univ. of 111. copy is issue b, in which first line ends with "Serenissimo." Cf. Stillwell. The awakening interest in science 70) no. 163. x libris: Albert May Todd, urchased from T. A. Hanner ? 16 Feb. 1*2. xq513/Eu2L/ll*82 66 372 EUCLIDES. Elements geometriae. Latin. Vicenza, Leo- nardus (Achates) de Basilea and Gulielmus de Papia, 13 May (XX Kal. Iun.) 11*91. cl38a<., the first and last blank, wood- cuts: border, diagrs., capitals. f. 31.7cm. Translated from Arabic by Adelardus, of Bath, edited by Giovanni Campano. While books I-XIII are genuine (Cf. Th. Heath. The thirteen books of Euclid's Elements. 1956, v. 3, p. 519), book XIV is a work of the 2d cent, by Hypsicles and book XV, the work of a Roman land-surveyor of the 6th cent. Reprinted, mostly with the same page-con- tents, from the ed. of Ratdolt, Venice, llt82, but with the omission of his dedication to Doge Mocenigo. Printed in red and black. The diagrams are set in a wide margin close to the theorems to which they relate. HC 669U*; BMC VII 1033 (IB 31729); GW 9l*29; Pr 7130; Goff. Third census, E-lll*. Purchased from Stonehill, ca.1952. xq5l3/Eu2L/ll*91 EUREMODIO, ROBERTUS DE, fl.ll*80, Commentator See CATONIS DISTICHA. Cato: disticha de moribus. 2 Nov. 11*75; also ll* June 11*86; 25 Aug. Ill 86 EUSEBIUS CAESARIENSIS See EUSEBIUS PAMPHUI, BP. OF CAESAREA EUSEBIUS CREMONENSIS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works. Epistola ad Damasium. Ital- ian See HIERONYMUS, SAINT. LEGEND. Vita et transitus Sancti Hieronymi. Italian. 12 Sept. 11*76; also 27 Feb. 11*95 373 EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA. Chronicon. Latin. cMllana Philippus de Lavagnia cca.ll*7l*-763 .209*/., the last blank. 1*. 27.6cm. Hieronymus ' Latin translation, with the ad- ditions to 1*1*8 by Prosper and 1*1*9-11*1*8 by Matthaeus Palmerius Florentinus; edited by Boninus Mombritius. HCR 6716; BMC VI 703 (IB 26129); GW 91*32; Pr 5851; Goff. Third census, E-116. Initial on leaf c2 a j illuminated in gold and colors; capitals and paragraph-marks ad- ded in red on leaves el -20*3 Presentation inscription to the monastery of Santa Maria Coronata in the diocese of Sant'Angelo de Lombard!, by Bishop Paulus de Sancto Benesio. Purchased from Stonehill, 25 May 58. x88l/E88c.Lh/ll*7l* 371* EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA. Chronicon. Latin. Venice, Erhard Ratdolt, 13 Sept. (Id. Sept.) 11*83. c182j/., leaves 1, 13, 182j blank, wood- cuts: capitals. U. 21*. 5cm. Hieronymus ' translation, with the additions to 1*1*8 by Prosper, 1*1*9-11*1*8 by Matthaeus Pal- merius Florentinus, and 11*1* 9-11+81 by Matthias Palmerius Pisanus; edited by Johannes Lucilius Santritter. Printed in black and red. HC (+Add) 6717; BMC V 287 (IA 20527); GW 91*33; Pr 1*390; Goff. Third census, E-117. In manuscript on leaf c2 a a: Empto a Juhano Ardinghello. Bound in wooden boards with wide leather backstrip tacked on; remnants of clasps. Purchased from Stonehill, 21 Aug. 1*1* x88l/E88c.Lh/ll*83 375 EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA. De evangelica praeparatione. Latin. Ven- ice, Bernardinus Benalius, 31 May (pridie Kal. Iun.) 11*97. cl08i<. woodcut: printer's device. f. 31.9cm. Leaf tl a j (t.p.): Eusebius de euangelica Praeparatione a Georgio Trapezuntio e graeco in latinum traductus: opus cuiq3 fideli non solum utile uerO eti3 iocundum & p necessariO nouissime impressum & exactissime emendatum. Edited by Hieronymus Bononius. HC 6706*; BMC V 376 (IB 22392); GW 9UU1*; Pr 1*893; Goff. Third census, E-122. Capitals added in red or blue (one in red and blue); initial-strokes and paragraph-marks in red. Stamp: Collegium Sapientiae Freiburg i. B. Presentation inscription with date 1899. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq88l/E88p.Lg/U*97 376 EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA. De evangelica praeparatione. Latin. Venice cBartholomaeus de Zanisa 10 Nov.1500. 65, cl>/., the last blank, woodcuts: cap- itals. f. 31.3cm. Leaf tl a j (t.p.): Eusebius de Euangelica praeparatione a Georgio Trapeziltio e graeco in latinum traductus: opus cuiqg fideli non sold utile uerum etiS iocundum & pernecessa- rifl nouissime impressum & exactissime emen- datum. Edited by Hieronymus Bononius. H 6707*; BMC V 1*35 (IB 237U); GW 9llU5j Pr 5102; Goff. Third census, E-123. Assigned by Proctor to Bonetus Locatellus. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq88l/E88p.Lg/l500 377 EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA. Historia ecclesiastica. Latin. Mantua, Johannes Schallus ciiot before l5July LU79. el72>/., the last blank and wanting. f. 29cm. Translated by Rufinus Tyrannius. HC 6711*; BMC VII 933 (IB 3066U); GW 91*37; Pr 6908; Goff. Third census, E-127. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately; initial-strokes in red; signed by lubricator and owner (name illegible); date: MCCCCLXXXII. Label: Ex Bibliotheca Henrici Amadei Mach- nizky, supremae Curiae utriusque Silesiae et Reipublicae Wratisl. Advocati jurati. Purchased from Traylen, 16 July 65. xq88l/fe88h.Lr/U*79 67 378 EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA. Historia ecclesiastica. Latin. Strass- burg cGeorg Husner* lit Mar. 1500. d60**. f. 27.8cm. Leaf cl a * (t.p.)s Ecclesiastica Historia diui Eusebii: et Ecclesiastica historia gentis anglorum venerabilis Bede : cuj vtrarQqj histo- riarO per singulos libros recollecta capitulo- rum annotatione. The Historia ecclesiastica, of Eusebius, was translated by Rufinus Tyrannius. HC 6712*; BMC I 162 (IB 2377); GW 9l*39; Pr 7l7; Goff. Third census, E-129. Capitals supplied in red; an attempt has been made to erase those on the last 21* leaves. Ex libris Liechtensteinianis. Purchased from Kraus, 10 Apr. 57. x88l/E88h.Lr/l500 EVRARD DE BETHUNE See EBERHARDUS BETHUNIEN- SIS, 379 EYB, ALBRECHT VON, 11*20-11*75, Compiler. Margarita poetica. cStrassburg, Georg Husner, not after 11*79* c2l*3>*. f. Ul. lcm. Leaf c8l* is cut at the side and contains only one column. H 6811**; BMC I 85 (IC 1033); GW 9531; Pr 356; Goff. Third census, 1-173. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Bound in heavy wooden boards with wide blind-stamped calf backstrip; 2 clasps. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xf875/Eylm/li*79 380 ETB, ALBRECHT VON, ll*20-li*75, Compiler. Margarita poetica. cVenice, Joannes Rubeus Vercellensis* 1 Jan. (Kal. Ian.) 11*93. cl76*<., the first (blank) and last want- ing. f. 31.7cm. HC 6821**; BMC V 1*17 (IB 23155); GW 9536; Pr 5132; Goff. Third census, E-177. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. xq875/EyWll*93 381 EYB, ALBRECHT VON, 11*20-11*75. Ob einem Mann sei zu nehmen ein ehelich Weib oder nicht. cNurenberg, Anton Koberger, 16 Oct. 11*72* c60*<., the first and last blank; leaves cla and c2i wanting. f. 28.9cm. H 6626*; BMC II 1*11 (IB 7125); GW 9520; Pr 1968; Ooff. Third census, E-179. Capital-spaces; initial-strokes and folia- tion added in red. From the library of Richard Aron, purchased in 1913. xql73.l/Eylo FABER EE BUDWEIS, WENZESLAUS See FABRI, WEN- CESLAUS, OF BUDWEIS, 15th cent. FABER DE WERDEA, JOHANNES See FABRI DE WER- DEA, JOHANNES, H*i*0(ca.)-l505 FABER STAPULENSIS, JACOBUS See LE FEVRE, JACQUES D'ETAPLES, d.l537 FABER, AOIDIUS See AURIFABER, AEOIDIUS, d. 11*66 FABER, JOHANNES, DE WEREEA See FABRI DE WER- DEA, JOHANNES, 11*1*0 (ca.)-1505 FABER, WENZESLAUS See FABRI, WENCESLAUS, OF BUDWEIS, 15th cent. 0382 FABRI DE WERDEA, JOHANNES, ll*l*0(ca. )-l505. Proverbia metrica. Latin and German. cLelpzigi Martin Landsberg cca. 11*93* chOil, woodcut: printer's device. 1*. 21cm. Leaf tl a > (t.p.); Prouerbia metrica Z vulga- riter rytmisata Magistri JohSnis Fabri de wer- dea Utriusqj iuris baccalarii Collegii prlci- pis alme vniuersitatis famosissimi studii Lipczensis collegiati Necnon eiusdem insignis studii secretarii IncipiQt. H 68U8*; BMC III 639 (IA 119U5); GW 9655} Pr 2965; Goff. Third census, F-25. Capital-space on leaf e2 a * Armorial bookplate of William Stirling; his seal stamped on covers. Purchased from Stonehill, 6 Oct. 59. x875.l/F112p/ll93 FABRI, WENCESLAUS, OF BUDWEIS, 15th cent., Supposed author. Vorhersage flir 11*89. Latin See VORHERSAGE fUr 11*89. LATIH. cca. 11*88* FACETUS See AUCTORES OCTO CUM GLOSSA. 16 Feb. ll*9l*/95 FALCONIA, PROBA See PROBA, l*th cent. FARAOONIUS, FRANCISCUS, fl. 11*90, Editor See DICTYS CRETENSIS. Historia Troiana. Latin. 1 Mar. 11*99 FARGET, PIERRE, 15 th cent., Translator See PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPO- LETO, 131*9-11*17. Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial. French. 7 Nov. 11*87 FASTIDIUS, BP. IN BRITAIN, 5th cent., Spuri- ous and doubtful works. De vita Christiana See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. De vanitatibus saeculi. cll*75?* FAVENTINUS, HIERONYMUS, Editor See GUAINERIO, ANTONIO, d. 11*1*0. Opera medica. ll* Feb. 11*97/ 98 68 FERGET, PIERRE See FARGET, PIERRE, 15th cent. 383 FERNANDEZ DE SANTAELLA, RODRIOO, d.1509. Oratio in die Parasceve anno 11*77. cRome, Stephan Plannck, 11*81-87* 8<. 1*. 21cm. HC 13931*5 BMC IV 90 (IA 18651); OW 9789; Pr 37U6; Goff. Third census, S-121*. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x875.5/F39o FERNANDO V, EL CATOLICO, KING OF SPAIN, U52- 1516 See SPAIN. SOVEREIGNS, ETC., 11*79- 1501* TfIRWIIAND V AND ISABELLA I) FERNO, MICHELE, d.l5l3, Editor See CAMPANO, GIOVANNI ANTONIO, BP., ll*29-ll*77. Opera. 31 Oct. 11*95 FERNOS, MICHAEL See FERNO, MICHELE, d.l5l3 FERRARIENSIS, JOHANNES See CABLES, JOANNES, d. 11*62 FERRARIUS, JOHANNES, OF BARCELONA, Editor See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Com- mentum in libros Politicorum Aristotelis. 18 Dec. 11*78 FERRERIUS, VINCENTIUS, SAINT See VINCENTIUS FERRERIUS, SAINT, 1350(ca. )^H*19 381* FESTUS, SEXTUS POMPEIUS. De verborum s ignif icatione . c Venice j Jo- hannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 2li Dec.U*7l*. cIOOj*., leaves d (blank), 33, 36, 9l* (blank), 95-100:. wanting. 1*. 21*. 2cm. H 15858 (II)=HC (Add) 15858; C 21*87; BMC V 230 (IB 20233); Pr 1*295; Goff. Third census, F-1U3. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters; spaces for Greek. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x87l/Fl/ll*7l* See NONIUS MARCELLUS. De pro- prietate Latini sermonis. 2 Sept. 11*83 385 FICINO, MARSILIO, li*33-U*99. De Christiana religione. Venice, Otinus de Luna, Papiensis, 1500. LXXIIII (i.e. LXXXIIII)*. woodcut: capi- tal. 22cm. Leaf d a , (t.p.): MARSILII Ficini Florentini de Christiana religione ad LaurentiQ Medicem opus aureum. HC (Add) 7070*; BMC V 570 (IA 21*607); Pr 5612; Goff. Third census, F-ll*9. Capital-spaces with guide-letters, except for woodcut capital on leaf III a . Stamp on t.p.: Marcos y Francisco Vinals. Madrid. x875/FUWl500 386 FICINO, MARSILIO, 11*33-11*99. De triplici vita. Venice cBartholomaeus Pelusius, Gabriel Bracius, Joannes Bis solus, and Benedictus Mangius* 3JU98. dOO,l., the last blank. 1*. 20.3cm. Leaf d a j (t.p.): Marsilii Ficini Floren- tini de triplici uita libri tres. Primus de uita sana, siue de cura ualitudinis eorum, qui incumbunt studio litterarum. Secundus de uita longa. Tertius de uita coelitus comparan- da. Apologia quaedam, in qua de medicina, As- trologia, uita mundi. Item de Magis, qui Christum statim natum salutauerunt. Quod ne- cessaria sit ad uitam securitas & tranquilli- tas animi. praeclarissimarum sententiarum huius operis breuis Annotatio. H 7066s BMC V 577 (note); Pr 5639; Goff. Third census, F-161. Capital-spaces with guide letters; catch words at ends of quires. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x875/Fi*l*v/U*98 FICINO, MARSILIO, 11*33-11*99. In Theophrastum De sensu, De voluptate See JAMBLICHUS, OF CHALCIS. De nysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldae- orum, Assyriorum. Latin. Sept. 11*97 387 FICINO, MARSILIO, U*33-H*99. Platonica theologia de imraortalitate animo- rum. Florence, Antonio di Bartolommeo Mis- comini, 7 Nov. (VII Id. Nov.) 11*82. c3l8,f., leaf c9> blank. f and 1*. 27.1* cm. HC 7075*; BMC VI 637 (IB 27161*); Pr 6ll*3; Goff. Third census, F-157. Capital-spaces; 2 capitals added in blue and one in red, and paragraph-marks in red or blue on leaves c 10-11 only. Bound in contemporary blind-stamped pig- skin over wooden boards with metal corner and center pieces; clasps missing. In manuscript on fly-leaf: McKay copy; on leaf cl a j : Opp. Christoph Haflsen. Purchased from Kraus, 1951? x88l/P5ph.Tf/H*82 11*91 See PLATO. Opera. Latin. 13 Aug. FICINO, MARSILIO, 11*33-11*99, Translator See HERMES TRISMEGISTUS. Pimander de potesta- te et sapientia Dei. Latin. 31 July 11*91* See JAMBLICHUS, OF CHALCIS. De myste- riis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. Latin. Sept. 11*97 See PLATO. Opera. Latin. cMay 11*81*, be- fore Apr. 11*85=; also 13 Aug.U*91 FICINOS, MARSILIUS See FICINO, MARSILIO, 11*33-11*99 FIDATI DE CASSIA, SIMON See SIMONE FIDATI, DA CASCIA, d. 131*8 69 FIDUTI, SIMON, EE CASSIA See SIMOKE FIDATI, DA CASCIA, d. 131*8 0388 FIESCHI, STEFANO, DA SONCINO. Sententiarum variationes, seu Synonyma. Latin and Italian. cRome, Stephan Plannck, ca.U*80, *7h*l., the first blank. U. 21.5cm. Leaf c2 a >: cSjtephanus Fliscus de Suncio. Juueni peritissimo Johanni Melioratio. orna- tisslmo ciui Uicentino. HR 7lUl; Ooff. Third census, F-20$a. Capital-spaces. Bound in limp vellum, laid in a cover of brown morocco which, in turn, is in a brown morocco case. Stamp: Walter Ashburner Firenze. Purchased from Harper, li* Sept. 67. xl*7U/Ft6s/lU80 0389 FIESCHI, STEFANO, IX SONCINO. Sententiarum variationes, seu Synonyma. Latin and Italian. Milan cPetrus de Cornenoi for Augustinus Maria de Conago, June ll*8l. c6U,/. l. 18. 8cm. C 2530; Ooff. Third census, F-202. Five capital-spaces, three with guide-let- ters. Purchased from Oimbel, 3 July 1*2. xl*7l*/Fi*6s/ll*81 FIOINO, PIETRO DA, fl. 11*99, Editor See DANTE ALIGHIERI, 1265-1321. La Commedia. 3 Mar. 11*91 390 FILELPO, FRANCESCO, 1398-11*81. Epistolae. cDeventer, Richardus Pafraet, ca. 11*88:, c2h2,l., the last blank. U. 21.6cm. Leaf d j (t.p. ): Epistole familiares Fran- cisci Philelfi. CR 1*739; BMC IX 63 (IA U7775); Pr 9037; Goff. Third census, P-589. Sig. Fiii is signed correctly, not Giii, as in BMC. Copy 2 lacks leaves c123-126j (replaced by manuscript copy) and the last leaf, blank. Capital spaces, most with guide letters; capitals supplied in red on the first 17 leav- es, initial-strokes and underlines on the first 39 leaves in copy 3. Armorial bookplate of William Henry Dutton in copy 2. Copy 1 missing; copy 2 purchased from Craig 8 Nov. 1*1; copy 3 purchased from Leamington, 20 Mov.53. x875/Fl*7ep/ll*88 391 FILELFO, FRANCESCO, 1398-11*81. Epistolae breviores elegantiores. cStrass- burg , Friedrich Ruch, de Dumbach, 11*99? c6>, lx I. woodcuts: 2 capitals. U. 19cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Epistole francisci Philel- fi equitis aurati Oratoris atqj Poete laureati breuiores elegStiores et adulescentibus magis conducentes _ Preterea familiares Epistole Angeli Pollciani ad viros illustres conducen- ter prenominatis ad calcem adiecte sunt. H 12951*1 Goff. Third census, Pp600. Signatures: U. unsigned, A 6 , B", C-H 6 ' 1 *, I , K . Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x875/FU7e/ll*99 o398 FILELFO, FRANCESCO, 1398-11*81. Epistolae breviores elegantiores. Deventer, Richardus Pafraet, 30 Jan. 1500. c6>, lxv, als4.| the last blank and want- ing. 1*. 21cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Francisci Philelfi Episto- le breuiores elegantiores. z iuuenib magis vtiles. ex toto epistolary ei volumine labo- riose collecte. Et preposita sunt singulis his epistolis arguraBta vel tituli breuiter decla- rStes ipsarQ materias. Ideo autS egregium opu- scule hoc imprimi curauim'. vt adolescStes et facili' et sepius lectitSt quo quid? nihil ipsis cSducibllius fuerit. Addita est tabula t facile possint inuenire quam quertlt mate- riam. C 1*71*1; Pell MS 9250; Goff. Third census, P-601. Signatures: 6 leaves unsigned, A-H8u, 1, K 1 *, L8. Capital-spaces, most with guide letters. x875/FU7e/l500 393 FILELFO, FRANCESCO, 1398-11*81. Orationes cum quibusdam aliis eiusdem ope- ribus. cMilan, Leonardus Pachel and Ulde- ricus Scinzenzeler, 11*63-81*3 c2?U<., leaves c213-22l*:. wanting. 1*. 21.5cm. Includes Filelfo's Latin translation of Anaximenes. Rhetorica ad Alexandrum (here as- cribed to Aristotle); Plutarchus. Apophtheg- mata ad Trajanum and Apophthegmata Laconica; and Oeorgius Valla's translation of Galenus. Introductorium ad medicinam (this last want- ing in this copy) H 12919*; BMC VI 751 (IA 26527); Pr 5951*; Goff. Third census, P-607. Capital spaces, with guide letters. Leaf c212> mutilated and repaired; the lost text restored in manuscript. From the library of Count Antonio Cavagna, purchased in 1921. x875/FU7o 39U FILELFO, FRANCESCO, 1398-11*81. Orationes cum quibusdam aliis eiusdem ope- ribus. Brescia, Jacobus Britannicus, 16 June 11.88. cl83a^., the last blank, woodcut: print- er's device. li. 22.1cm. Includes Filelfo's Latin translation of Anaximenes. Rhetorica ad Alexandrum (here as- cribed to Aristotle); Plutarchus. Apophtheg- mata ad Trajanum and Apophthegmata Laconica; and Georgius Valla's translation of Galenus. Introductorium ad medicinam. H 12922*; BMC VII 975 (IA 31133); Pr 6985; Goff. Third census, P-608. Capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines added in red. 70 FILELFO , FRAMCESCO - contlnued Bookplates Gottfried Balthasar Scharff; dates, 151*5 and 7 May 1669 in manuscript. Bound in blind-stamped calf, with initials: C L N on front cover. Bound with this is Proba. Carmina, sive Centones Vergilii. c Leipzig, ca. 11*90, From the library of Johannes Vahlen pur- chased in 1913. x875/FU7o/ll*88 395 FILELFO, FRANCESCO, 1398-11*81. Orationes cum quibusdam aliis eiusdem. operi- bus. cBasel, Johann Amerbach, not after 11*98, cl82,*. I* . 20.2cm. Leaf cl a , (t.p.): ORATIONES FRANCISCI PHI- LELFI CVM QVISBVSDAM ALIIS EIVSDEM OPERIBVS. Includes Filelfo's Latin translation of Anaximenes. Rhetorica ad Alexandrum (here as- cribed to Aristotle) and Plutarchus. Apoph- thegmata ad Trajanum and Apophthegmata La- conica. HC (+Add) 12918*; BMC III 757 (IA 37505); Pr 761*5; Ooff. Third census, P-612. Capital spaces with guide letters. Stamp on t.p.: Bibl. Univers. Lips. Duplum. From the library of Johannes Vahlen purchas- ed in 1913. x875/Fi*7o/ll*98 FILELFO, FRANCESCO, 1398-11*81, Commentator See PETRARCA, FRANCESCO, 130l*-137l*. So- netti e canzoni. 30 Mar. 11*78 Translator See DIO CHRYSOSTOMUS. De Troia non capta. Latin. 18-23 July 11*99 See PLUTARCHUS. Apophthegmata. Latin. 11*71 FILETICO, MARTINO, fl. 11*80-11*90, Commentator See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. 20 Dec. 11*87; also cca. 11*88=; 15 Mar. 11*91; 23 Jan.lU98/99? #396 FIRMICUS MATERNUS, JULIUS. De nativitatibus . Venice, Aldus Manutius, Romanus, 11*99. c376,., leaves c231> and e282, blank. woodcuts : illus . , diagrs. 31.5cm. Leaf el > (t.p.): Iulii Firmici Astronomi- corum libri octo integri, & emendati, ex Scythicis oris ad nos nuper allati. Marci Manilii astronomicorum libri qulnque. Arati Phaenomina Germanico Caesare interprete cum commentariis & imaginibus. Arati eiusdem phaenomenon fragmentum Marco. T. C. interpre- te. Arati eiusdem Phaenomena Ruffo Festo Aui- eno paraphraste. Arati eiusdem Phaenomena graece. Theonis commentaria copiossima in Arati Phaenomena graece. Procli Diadochi Sphaera graece. Procli eiusdem Sphaera, Thoma Linacro Britanno interprete. Also cited as Scriptores astronomici vete- res, edited by Franciscus Niger. HC 11*559*; BMC V 560 (IB 21*1*86); Pr 5570; Ooff. Third census, F-191. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Imperfect: consists only of leaves c309- 375>j containing the Greek text of the Phae- nomena of Aratus (with commentary of Theon), the Greek text of the Sphaera ascribed to Proclus Diadochus (actually excerpts from the Elementa astronomica, of Geminus), and its Latin translation by Thomas Linacre. Leaves c369-375= are disbound, in a port- folio (31*. 6cm.) Leaves .309-368, purchased from Wilson, 6 Aug. 28; leaves .369-375 from Maggs, 12 Aug. 1*2. j, xq88l/A62/ll*99 FIRMIN DE BEAUVAL, fl. 1335-131*5. Opusculum repertorii prognosticon in mutationes aeris See his Prognosticon. Opusculum repertorii prognosticon in mutationes aeris. cbefore 1* Nov. j 11*85 397 cFIRMIN DE BEAUVAL, f 1.1335-131*5. Prognosticon. Opusculum repertorii progno- sticon in mutationes aeris. Venice, Erhard Ratdolt cbefore 1* Nov., U85. la, 1*9*. the first blank, woodcuts: capitals. 1*. 21.7cm. "Hyppocratis libellus de medicorfl astrolo- gia _ a Petro de abbano in latinO traductus" : leaves l*5 b -l*9. HCR 13393; BMC V 291 (IA 2051*1*)} Pr 1*1*01; Goff. Third census, P-1006. Capital-spaces and lorabards in addition to woodcut capitals. Bound in 18th cent. Italian marbled calf; gilt. Armorial bookplate: Corn: Henr: A Roy. Medicinae Doctor. Manuscript ex libris of A. Cravenna and C. F. Borgi. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x520.l/F5lp/ll*85 FIRMINUS DE BELLAVALLE See FIRMIN DE BEAU- VAL, fl. 1335-13U5 FLANDRIA, DOMINICUS DE See DOMINICUS DE FLANDRIA, U*25?-l50O FLISCUS, STEPHANUS See FIESCHI, STEFAHO, DA SONCINO FLORENTINUS, PAULUS See ATTAVANTI, PAOLO, 11*19-11*99 0398 FLORES LEGUM. Flores legum. c Paris, Andre Bocard or Felix Baligault, for Enguilbert de Marnef cca. 11*98-1500, .60, i. woodcut: publisher's device. 8. 13.5cm. Leaf el a , (t.p.): Flores legum. C 2537; Goff. Third census, F-2l6a. Armorial bookplate: Ex libris Jos. Neve, with legend: Florescit et lucet. Purchased from Hertzberger, 18 Oct. 65. x3l*0/F663Al98 # FIRMICUS MATERNUS, JULIUS. Ma thesis See ENGEL, JOHANN. Astrolabium. 6 Oct.? or 27 Not.? 1UB8 71 FLORUS, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Epitomae rerura Roma- norum See JUSTINUS, MARCUS JUNIANUS. Epi- tomae in Trogi Pompeii historias. cbefore 4 Apr. 1494. FONCIUS, BARTHOLOMAEUS See FONTE, BARTOLOM- MEO DELLA, 11^5-1513 FOKTE, BARTOLOMMEO DELLA, 1445-1513, Commen- tator See PERSIUS FLACCUS, AULUS. Satyrae. 11* Mar7ll*82; also 10 Sept. 1484; 17 Jan. 11*92/ 93; H* Feb.1494/95; 4 Nov. 11*99 PONTIUS, BARTHOLOMAEUS See FONTE, BARTOLOM- MEO DELLA, 1445-1513 FORESTI, JACOPO FILIPPO, DA BERGAMO, 1434- 1520. Cronicha de tuto el mondo vulgare See his Supplementum chronicarum. Italian. TTOct7T491 399 FORESTI, JACOPO FILIPPO, DA BERGAMO, 1434- 1520. Supplementum chronicarum. Venice, Bernar- dinus Benalius, 23 Aug. 11*83. .10,, 116, 180/. f. 31.8cm. HC 2805*; BMC V 370 (IB 22303); Pr 1*866} Ooff. Third census, J-208. First capital of each book is added in red arid blue with marginal extensions, other cap- itals in red and blue alternately, paragraph marks in red. In manuscript on leaves l a and 2 b : Iste li- ber est monachore(?) congregationis scte Justine de Padua deputatus ad usum eiusdem monasterij signat" nflo 1082. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. xq909/F762s/ll*83 *400 FORESTI, JACOPO FILIPPO, DA BERGAMO, 1434-1520. Supplementum chronicarum. Venice, Bernar- dinus Benalius, 15 Dec. 11*86. cl2>, 31-295*. woodcuts: illus., capitals. f. 31.3cm. HC 2807*; BMC V 371 (IB 22312); Pr 1*868; Goff. Third census, J-210. One leaf only, foliated 156. (Museum) f909/F762s/ll*86 1*01 FORESTI, JACOPO FILIPPO, DA BERGAMO, 1434-1520. Supplementum chronicarum. Venice, Bernar- dinus Risus, Novariensis, 15 Feb. 11*92/93. c2, 256, il2s<. woodcuts: illus., capi- tal, borders, printer's device. f. 33cm. Leaf cl a = (t.p.): Supplementum Chronicarum. HC 2809*; BMC V 1*01* (IB 22654); Pr 4962; Goff. Third census, J-212. Capital-spaces with guide-letters except for woodcut capital on leaf c2 a > In this copy the t.p. is blank, the title apparently never having been printed. Bound in heavy wooden boards with wide leath- er backstrip; spine repaired; two clasps. Purchased from Beres, 23 Oct. 52. xq909/F762sA492 402 FORESTI, JACOPO FILIPPO, DA BERGAMO, 1434-1520. Supplementum chronicarum. Italian. Venice, Bernardinus Rizus, Novariensis, 8 Oct. 1491. elO. , 297, c1j<., leaves 1, 10* , and 8 wanting, woodcuts: illus., printer's device. f. 2V.5cm. Leaf l a , (t.p.): CRONICHA DE TVTO EL MONDO WLGARE. Translated by Francesco Ciei. HCR 2812; BMC V 403 (IB 22651); Goff. Third census, J-213. Capital-spaces, with guide-letters. From the library of Count Antonio Cavagna purchased in 1921. xq909/P762sIc/l491 403 FORTUNATIANUS, CHIRIUS. Rhetorica. cVenice, Christophorus de Pensis, 1494-1500. cbUil., leaves >3i and c64> blank. 4. 20.1cm. Edited by Franciscus Puteolanus. "De officio oratorls" : leaves c46-63= HCR 7306 (var.); Pell 4888; IGI 4047 cMi- lan, Philippus de Mantegatiis, 1490-96.; Pr 5257; Goff. Third census, F-275. Capital-spaces. Error in binding: blank leaf e3> is incor- rectly bound before leaf ila Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 42. x871/F53r/l494 404 FORTUNATIANUS, CHIRIUS. Rhetorica. c Venice, Christophorus de Pen- sis, 1498-1500. .72, I. 4. 23cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Hoc in uolumine aurea haec opuscula continentur. Chirii consult! Fortu- natiani Rhetoricorum libri tres Dialectica Chirii consulti Fortunatiani Computus Fortu- natiani Francisci Puteolani Epistola ad Ia- cobum Antiquarium Dionysll Halycarnasei prae- cepta de oratione nuptlali per Theodorum ga- zen e graeco in latinum traducta Dionysii Ha- lycarnasei praecepta de oratione natalitia per Theodorum gazen e graeco in latinum traducta Dionysii Halycarnasei praecepta de componendis epithalamiis per Theodorum gazen e greco tra- ducta Oratio nuptialis. Chirium Consul turn For tuna tiand: qui tribus uoluminibus - repe- rietis esse collectos. HC 7305*; BMC V 475 (I* 23530); Pr 5256; Goff. Third census, F-273. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Imperfect: lacks the last 12 leaves (sig. A-c4) containing the Dialectica. Bookplate of K T. Butler. Purchased from Christensen, 28 Apr. 60. x87l/F53r/l498 FORTUNATIANUS, CURIUS See FORTUNATIANUS, CHIRIUS FORTUNATUS, LUDOVICUS See SFORTUNATO, L0D0- VICO, 15th cent. 72 FRANCESCO STABH.I See CAPUANO, FRANCESCO, f 1.11*90 FRANCISCI, MICHAEL, DE INSULIS See FRANQOIS, MICHEL, 11*35-1502 FRANCISCUS ARETINUS See ACCOLTI, FRANCESCO, 11*16 or 17-11*88 FRANCISCUS CAPUANUS See CAPUANO, FRANCESCO, fl. 11*90 FRANCISCUS IE INSULIS, MICHAEL See FRAN?OIS, MICHEL, 11*35-1502 FRANCISCUS DE MAYRONIS See MAYRONIS, FRAN- COIS DE, ca.1285-ca.132B FRANCISCUS DE NERITO, Editor See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Summae theo- logicae pars prima. 11*77 FRANCISCUS DE PLATEA See PLATEA, FRANCISCUS DE, d.ll*60 1*05 FRANCISCUS DE RETZA, d. 11*25. Comestorium vitiorum. Nuremberg cJohann Sensenschmidt and Heinrich Refer, 11*j70. c292>*., leaves =98, 150, 192, 233, 291, and 292 a blank; c98, 192, and 233* wanting. f. U2cm. HC 1388U*; BMC II 1*03 (IC 7003); Pr 19l*2; Goff. Third census, R-150. Lower corner of leaf el* cut away and re- paired; text restored neatly in an early hand. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. xf233.2/F85c/ll*70 FRANCISCUS MONELIENSIS, Editor See INNOCEN- TIUS IV, POPE, d.1251*. Apparatus super li- bros Decretalium. 15 June 11*81 FRANCISCUS, NARDUS See FRANCISCUS DE NERITO FRANCISCUS, JOANNES See JOANNES FRANCISCUS VENETUS FRANCISCUS, MICHAEL See FRANgOIS, MICHEL, 11*35-1502 1*06 FRANCOIS, MICHEL, 11*35-1502. Quodlibet de veritate fraternitatis Rosa- rii. cBasel, after 10 Mar. 11*76= dO,l. f. 29.6cm. A pirated edition, cf. BMC III 798 (IB 38002) HC 73U1*; BMC III 798 (IB 38002); Pr 8805 cFrance 3 ; Goff. Third census, F-296. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq261*.02/F81*ld U07 cFRIDOLIN, STEPHAN, ll* 30 (ca. ) -11*98. Schatzbehalter der wahren Reichtiimer des Heils. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 8 Nov. 11*91. c351*'., the first and last blank, wood- cuts: illus. f. 26.8cm. Illus. attributed to Michael Wolgemut. HC ll*507*=H 6236; BMC II 1*31* (IB 71*13); GW VII, col. 1*1*8; Pr 2070; Goff. Third census, S-306. Univ. of 111. Museum has one leaf only, with woodcut (here hand colored) "Die sechsvnd si- bentzigist Figur" (Schramm. Bilderschmuck d. Frtthdr. v. 17 (1931*) illus. 392) (Museum) 2l*8/F91s/ll*91 FRIEDRICH II, EMPEROR OF GERMANY, 119U-1250. See HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. SOVEREIGNS, ETC., 1220-1250 (FREDERICK II) FRIOLI, CRISTOFORO DE', Editor See CYPRIA- NUS, SAINT, BP. OF CARTHAGE, 200(ca.)-258. Opera. 1* Dec. 11*83 FRONTINUS, SEXTUS JULIUS. De aquaeductibus See CLEONIDES. Harmonicum introductorium. Latin. 3 Aug. 11*97 1*08 FRONTINUS, SEXTUS JULIUS. De re militari, sive Strategematicon. Bo- logna, Franciscus (Plato) de Benedictis, 10 July 11*95-17 Jan. (XVI Kal. Feb.) U*96. c9&il. woodcuts: diagr., printer's device. f. 31.5cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Sextus Iulius Frontinus Vir consularis de. re militari . Flauius Vege- tius Vir Illustris de re militari. Aelianus de instruendis aciebus. Modesti libellus de uocabulis rei militaris. A collection known as Scriptores rei mili- taris, or Scriptores veteres de re militari, edited by Philippus Beroaldus. C 5330-259U; BMC VI 828 (IB 28930); Pr 6607; Goff. Third census, S-3U5. Some margins badly stained and repaired; wormhole3 in text; bound in old vellum. In manuscript inside front cover: From the Collection of the Pinelli Library _ 1789; also, Cary W. Bok, May 1928. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq87l/F7s/ll*95 FRONTINUS, SEXTUS JULIUS. Strategematicon See his De re militari, sive Strategemati- con. 10 July 11*95-17 Jan. 11*96 GAETANO, DANIELE, d.1528, Commentator See PRISCIANUS, OF CABSAREA. Opera. 21 Feb. 11*96/97; also 19 Mar. 1500 See SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Tragoediae. 7 Apr. 11*98 GAETANO, TOMMASO DE VIO See VIO, TOMMASO DE, CALLED GAETANO, CARDINAL, U*69-153U GAETANUS, THOMAS DARIUS See VIO, TOMMASO DE, CALLED GAETANO, CARDINAL, 11*69-1531* 73 GALENUS. Opera salacta Sea ARISTOTELES. Opera. Greek. 1 Nov.U*95-June~"!D*98 GALENUS. Introductorium ad medic inam. Latin See FILELFO, FRANCESCO, 1398-11*81. Oratio- nes cum quibusdam aliis eiusdem operibus 18 June 11*88 GALENUS. Spurious and doubtful works. De hi- storia philosophica. Greek See ARISTOTLES. Opera. Greek. 1 Nov. U*95- June 11*98 GALENUS. Spurious and doubtful works. De vir- tute centaureae See YtfHANNA" IBN SARABIYUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. Breviarium medicinae. 16 Dec. 11*97 GALETANUS, DANIEL See GAETANO, DANIELE, d. 1528 GALFRIDUS ANGLICUS, DOMINICAN FRIAR, f 1.11*1*0. Medulla grammatices See his Promptorium parvulorum. 15 May 11*99 1*09 GALFRIDUS ANGLICUS, DOMINICAN FRIAR, fl. 11*1*0. Promptorium parvulorum. London, Richard Pynson, for Frederick Egmondt and Petrus, post Pascha 1 , 15 May 1U99. cll6>., the last blank and wanting, wood- cuts: capitals, printer's device. f. 26. h cm. Also known as Medulla grammatices, Prompto- rius puerorum, Promptorium puerorum, and Promptuarius puerorum. HC 13399; Pr 9793; Goff. Third census, P- 1011. Capital-space with guide-letter; also lom- bards. Bound in I8th-cent. russia, gilt, marbled end-papers. Bookplate of Henry Huth; signature and armor- ial bookplate of John Hussey, 1777; on the first blank page, John Arnold has written a note to John Falke, probably the book's orig- inal owner, whose name also appears on the last page. Purchased from Rosenbach, 15 Nov.5l. xl 1 23/G13p/lU99 GALLENSIS, JOHANNES See JOHN OF WALES, fl. 1260 GALNAKJS DE BONONIA See ALLEGRACUORI, GALVANO, d.1270 GALNANUS, SALVIANUS, DE BONONIA See ALLEGRA- CUORI, GALVANO, d.1270 GALVANO DA BOLOGNA See ALLEGRACUORI, GALVANO, d.1270 GAMBIGLIONE, ANGELO See GAMBILIONI, ANGELO DEI, d.ll*5l GAMBIGLIONI DI AREZZO, ANGELO See GAMBILIONI, ANGELO DEI, d.ll*5l 1*10 GAMBILIONI, ANGELO LEI d.ll*5l. Tractatus de maleficiis. Venice, Andreas Calabrensis (Papiensis) 15 Sept. 11*81*. 120,<. f. l*2cm. With additions by Augustinus de Bonfran- ciscus. HC 1627*; Pell 1152; Goff. Third census, 0-62. Signatures: a8, &L, a 8 , b 1 *, c-d8, dd 8 , e-f 6 , g-m 8 , n 6 . Two capital-spaces, one with guide-letter. Purchased from Edwards, 23 Apr. 65. xf3li3/QU*tAl*8U GAMBILIONIBUS, ANGELUS DE See GAMBILIONI, ANGELO DEI, d.ll*5l GANDAVO, JOANNES DE See JOANNES DE JANDUNO, d.1328 1*11 GARCiA, PEDRO, BP. , fl. 11*88-150$. Determinationes magistrales contra con- clusions Joannis Pici Mirandulae. Rome, Eucharius Silber, 15 Oct. 11*89. cX20il., the first and last blank. f. 29.3cm. An answer to Giovanni Pico della Mirandola's Apologia conclusionum suorum, published in Naples in 11*87. HC 71*92*; BMC IV 110 (IB I8896); Pr 3838; Goff. Third census, G-95 Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Imperfect: leaves cl, 68-73. 120a wanting. From the library of Ernst Bergmann, Leipzig, purchased in 1925. xql95/P58aYg GARLANDE, JOHN DE See JOANNES DE GARLANDIA, ca.1195-oa.1272 GARLANDIA, JOANNES DE See JOANNES DE GARLAN- DIA, ca.1195-ca.1272 GARSIAS, PETRUS, BP. See GARCfA, PEDRO, BP. , fl. 11*88-1505 GASPARINUS BARZIZIUS See BARZIZZA, GASPARINO, 1360-11*31 GASPARINUS PERGAMENSIS See BARZIZZA, GASPARI- NO, 1360-11*31 GAUTHIER DE METZ See GAUTIER, DE METZ, fl. 121*5 GAUTIER, DE METZ, fl. 121*5, Supposed author. Image du monde See IMAGE DU MONDE GAZA, THEODORUS, 11*00-11*76. De mensibus. Greek. See his Gramma tica introductiva. Greek. 25~Dec.U*95 1*12 GAZA, THEODORUS, ll*00-U*76. Grammatica introductiva. Greek. Venice, Aldus Manutius, Romanus, 25 Dec. (VIII Kal. Jan.) 11*95. c196j<. woodcuts: capitals, headpieces. f. 31.1cm. Capitals, at fc t.p.: Ifcte, 1633, i : - r L - . laatoM Tij:_ri; at ftaikswil from askel, 3 -^ely *2. >qlAiaeo/l55 miK B EElia, le2?(ca.)-1502, r || n f: i---T. I i acta La s da rlta : : i . - . _ : : see ?"ETrm?mc5, nffwiw, _-:-i : :: _12 2L1T25, ASS. Barnes A-srii-ar. Pealee, 3lvj loea^el- - Jriaxii- 13 fcr. C^=- *=.) "*2J. acobc-zts: capita"*, rc-Lrser's aerrice. ajjjg vita) saaapslas aestar. Toeabala sals Ircis I ji i i arias ilifcaUM orexsf eallaeata. --, 1506 A (t.?.)- Aali Salii aoetxsa Atti- 7525*; KTaW(Q 22917) J ft- 5057*.; 3o*T. Siri seasas, S-125- *7] Mb* . >. 2XTCUC, JLg--.-Js 3 SlaTTC See IHJUH ICS I svsrr: acne, i=tt e*=i. ;:; ! : , 1395 or 6-ea.l 3SS13 ~::i:l- sr i*.:-r- i Tr= -si .-;m" . i Blase :: :-_-*-- fi-llies 1_ }: -1 ---. If. k. M. [*** S fa ail of tke OUcsma Bapiie (1913) r.i: : -.:. laBarsactlj i5:ri--f: Si r.i_ _-:".:- aej 3ecrgerlc. Of. J. A. B. Palaer, ft-. Oecr- . . =rU (BalXetla of the Joka ayl library, 3a 0551) p-ik-66) s: "Qratio testiaoedaHs, f (leases *35-36*); Opiado , .':=:-!.- r-? aact 37*,); aad "Be dece Cleares c37*-3**) Iditioe sith tan suuiLst peaels with a os -Eke Up. udootae last - -_-* pass .= :- laa -..:. *.~ sae aaaes at sl p us Tarkiak ralers. 3C (Ad d) 15677; SofT. laird oessas, 3-lSk. r297/SB95r/150e > par-i: diss. SUj Jal. Peb.) 1*7*. cStV*., tke last saabis*-. . 7606; KC VT 70s. (O 26108); GofT. Third cesses, S-156. r*s:. Bookplate: Proa tke library at* flerald P. B_ -.--mn Tkrl I aTksTsassTiTl saTatasI Sa^al l*YtfsVVaBBBBTra L V N aTi frca S ttipun , 21 Hay 5k. xfc75/Bfd/U7k r) caulS5* clTCW. f. 30. leaf .1*. (Um.): -^ercss: at -rlas slj . -- j_. -j rj-.r. ~*r.*rz-\ H: S, 1395 or 6-eaJajsV, Tra-sla'iCT See .-,r',->XTJiJ&, 3LasTB l SLUT, ar-Tr-C- OF CflaTSIkariaVU, dL*07. fe:vaeai. Latia. 1*67 3lBsy lt97; also 10 abv.1500 111; zt _-!.:- ->--i;-: X 3969*; SofT. IkUd esasss, S-3M. KXBBES, 1113 o r l*-l lB7, Trans- lator See TDB*aa\ IBM SaRaBITDs, THE SLIER, 9th cent. Breriarina asdic inee. 16 Dec. 11*97 -.?_Dt5 IK HOBfEBESIO, COS, STBPHIKJS, 15th cent. t WtP? mi IK wt mire it See GaBaBDDS OB, fl. 1368-1395" faa>wnnK de zdifbuoa see 1367-1396 GBbUHBS HfcGKS See GBOOTE, GBBUtD, 13*0- 13* 1367-1398 otu , 15th cent. Salntaris poet*. cLeipsig, Conrad lachel- ofen, ca. 1*89-92, clU. *. Zl.lca. LeaT 1* (t.p.): Salntaris poeta. Latin h*<-Imi with German translation. H 76l8; rr 2911; Goff. Third census, G-162. First capital and initial-stroke* added in red. =\ireaaaai frcr :-a -=r, 5 .'-.._:. x398.9/^31s 9, OF 1 HlUlf See (TOsBDTC 1113 or 1*-1187 IC See GZ3L1- CAESaB, 15 B.C. - 19 A.D., Translatcr See AYTEJDS, BD7B5 FESTBS. Opera. 25 Oct. .1: I, JOUaKS, 1363-1*29. Coadnsiones de dirersis aeteriis aorali- bos, sire, He regulis aaadatoram. cEaalin- gen, Conrad Fyner, li71i-75> cl8>., the first blank. f. 31.5cm. B 76U*; BMC II 513 (IB 8*7); Br 2*69; doff. Third census, G-206. Capitals, initial -strokes, and underlines added in red. Purchased from Stooehill, 1 Ang.58. xo2*1/332c/1a7b .19 [, JOaBXS, 1363-1*29. Da cognitions castitatis; Da pollutiocibaa diurnis; Porna absolntionis sarrt tiliHi .Cologne, Olrich Zell, c*.l*67. 17,. k. 21.2ea. Boead with his Da pollotiooe noctarna. .Co- logne, ca.l*67. Leaf .1 , : Incipit tractates TenerebiT agfi Ioh' Gerson. Cancellarij pis leg, de cognic&e castitatis. t pollnc8nib3 dinrnis. H 7690=77Oa(II); Br 807; Goff. Third censes, G-19*. Capitals, oaragraph marks, and underlines added in red. 265.3/&32?/l*67 *20 (ZBSOI, JQaXES, 1363-1*29. De costodia linguae et eorde bene naainanda. .Cologne, Ulrica Zell, 1*707, .6,*. *. 19.2oa. in case, 20.5cm. B 7682*; BMC I 18* (la 2793); Br 833; 3off. Third censoa, 0-218. Two capitals added in red overlaid with silver; two saragrapb-aarks in red. Parchased fro* Stoneaill, 27 Jane 7. x233.2A32e/U7- , JCaBBS, 1363-1*29. De direction* siTe rectitodlsa cordis See his De simpli- fies tioae, staoilitlone, sire aandificati- cne cordis. cca.l*72. , 1363-1*29. De meditatione z*::-.-.z: TK-si::. aattatja Christi. 1*86; also 1*87; 23 Apr.l*93; 3 0ct.l*93 .:: !, 1363-1*29. De aendicitate spiritaali am arationihas et aeditaticsibas diversis. cCologne, Tlrieh Zell, not after 1*72, .63,*. k. 21.8em. 7675*; ac I 187 (la 2859); Br 855; Goff. Third tenses, 0-232. :i;--->=:-spa:e: . s^ne with r.- Z -'_*-. ta rs : the first capital crodely added in black aad red ink. rairhsann from Christaasen, 28 Apr.60. r2*2/332d U22 3E3SOB, JOtmsES, 1363-1*29. De passioaibes irrwae. .Paris, Philippe Plgoochet? ca.l*9J? .2C. 8. 13.3ca. B 7680?; C 2685 cGeorg "ittelhas pro Engel- berto de Harnef, 1*93,; Goff. Third ceases, Capitals aad paragraph-marks added in rec . Bookplate of Dr. 1. J. Miane. from sssenthal, 29 *une 62. xl57/t32d/l*93 23 5, 1363-1*29. De oerfectiooe cordis See his De siapll ficatione, stabili- tione, sire ani first! new ::-_;;. De pollatio ZeU, ca.l*67, noctsraa. .Cologne, dries .16,., tiw first blank, a . 21.2ca. Leaf 2*, : Incinit Tractatalaa Bgfi ZbtP . Oerson caacellarij parlsleB a pollacoe noctarna. an Impedlat eele- - : -="X I : 3-: I IrC IL "-:: : IV r:c; Ooff. Third Limes, G-255. Capitals, paragranb-aarss, and u nd er lines in red. 76 GERSON, JOANNES - continued Bookplates of Qeorgius Kloss, M. D. Franco- furtl ad Moenum and Bibliothek Oberherrlin- gen. 1839. E. M. Bound with this is the author's De cognlti- one castitatis. cCologne, ca. 11*67, Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x26$.3/G32pM67 U2U GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. De pollutione nocturna. cCologne, Ulrioh Zell, ca. 11*70, cl6>/., the last blank and wanting. U. 20.1* cm. Leaf c2 a , : Incipit Tractatulus venerabilis Mgfi Jofi.Gerson cancellarij parisien* tractatans de pollucSne nocturna. an impediat celebrantem vel non. H 7696*; BMC I 181* (IA 2805); Pr 837; Goff. Third census, G-256. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x265.3/G32p/lU7- GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. De pollutionibus diurnis See his De cognitione castitatis; De pollutionibus diurnis. cca. 11*67, GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. De regulis manda- torum See his Conclusiones de diversis ma- teriis moralibus, sive De regulis mandato- rum. cll*7l*-75, 1*25 GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. De remediis contra pusillanimitatem contra deceptorias inimici consolationes eiusque ten- tationes. cCologne, Ulrich Zell, ca. 11*70, cl6,/., the first and last two blank, the la3t wanting. 1*. 22cm. Leaf c2 a , : Incipit Tractatulus de Remedijs otra pusillanimitatem Scrupulositate. c8tra deceptorias inimici cSsolacSnes. z subtiles eius temptacSnes . H 7705*; Pr 838; Goff. Third census, G-265. In the copies described by Voullieme (Der Buchdruck Kolns, U83 ) and Pellechet (Catalogue _ des incunables des bibliotheques -. de France, 5221* ), the m in the word Amen at the end of the text is printed upside down; this is not true of the Univ. of Illinois copy. Bookplate of Beatrice S. Goring; in manu- script on lining paper: achete a Londre, le 19 7 bre 1861. Purchased from Christensen, 12 Oct. 59. x21*l/G32d/li*70 auperstitiosam dierum observationem; Proposi- tiones adversus doctrinam cuiusdam medici in Monte pessulano; Propositiones ad V huius li- bri tractatum. HC 7681*; BMC I 190 (IA 2916); Pr 873; Goff. Third census, G-270. Capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines added in red. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x2l*0/G32s/ll*72 1*27 GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. De spiritualibus nuptiis, sive Opusculum super Cantica canticorum. Nuremberg cJohann Sensenschmidt, 11*3 70. cl*0,/., the last blank and wanting. f. 30.3cm. H 7715*; BMC II 1*03 (IB 7005); Pr 19l*3; Goff. Third census, G-272. Ornamental capitals added in red or blue. Arms of Maximilian Pagl, Abbot of Lambach, 1705-25, stamped in gold on front cover. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq223.9/G32l*d/ll*70 GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. Donatus allegori- cus See his Donatus moralisatus. cbefore 5 June~lH73' GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. Donatus etymolo- gicus See his Donatus moralisatus. cbefore 5 June"H73 1*28 cGERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. Donatus moralisatus. cAugsburg, GUnther Zainer, before 5 June 11*73' c8a4., the last blank. f. 30. 5cm. Leaf cl a , : Donatus arte grammaticus homini in suiipsius ognicoe;; per allegoriam traductus incipit feliciter. Also cited as Donatus allegoricus and Do- natus etymologicus. HC (Add) 7723*; H 8589*(pt.X, F. 207-13); BMC II 318 (IB 55U6); Pr 1569; Goff. Third census, G-221. Outline capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph- marks, and underlines added in red. Stamped on leaf cl a ,: St. Bride Foundation, Passmore Edwards Library. Reed Collection 1900. Purchased from International Antiquariaat, 2 Nov. 56. xq81*2G32/0dll*73 GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. Forma absolutio- ns sacramentalis See his De cognitione cas- titatis : De pollutionibus diurnis ; Forma ab- solutionis. cca. 11*76, 1*26 GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. De simplificatione, stabilitione, sive mun- dificatione cordis. cCologne, Ulrich Zell, ca. 11*72, c70,., the last blank and wanting, 1* . 21.8cm. Includes his De directione sive rectitudine cordis; De perfectione cordis; Trigilogium astrologiae theologisatae ; Opusculum contra 1*29 GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. Opus tripartitum. Latin. cCologne, Ulrich Zell, ca. 11*70, c32,<., the first (wanting) and the last blank. U . 20cm. Leaf c2 a , : Incipit opusculum tripartitum de preceptis decalogi De confessione et de arte moriSdi _ 77 PERSON , JQANNBS - continued Translated from French by the author. C 2671*; BMC I 190 (IA 2923); Pr 875; Goff. Third census, 0-239. Capitals added in red and silver; initial- strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines in red. Stamp of Newberry Library on spine. Purchased from Christensen, 12 Oct. 59. x8i*2G32/0oll*70 GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. Opusculum contra superstitiosam dierum observationem See his De simplificatione, stabilitione, sive mun- dificatione cordis. cca. 11*72. GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. Opusculum super Cantica canticorum See his De spiritualibus nuptiis, sive Opusculum super Cantica can- ticorum. cll*70 GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. Propositiones adversus doctrinam cuiusdam medici in Mon- tepessulano See his De simplificatione, stabilitione, sive mundificatione cordis. tea. 11*72 GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29. Trigilogium astro- logiae theologisatae See his De simplifi- catione, stabilitione, sive mundificatione cordis. cca. 11*72. GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29, Supposed author. Alphabetum divinl amoris See NIDER, JO- HANNES, d.U*38. Alphabetum divini amoris. cnot after 11*73. GERSON, JOANNES, 1363-11*29, Supposed author. Imitatio Christi See IMITATIO CHRISTI 1*30 GESTA ROMAN0R0M. Gesta Romanorum. cAugsburg, Anton Sorg, after 11*87 . c98,. f. 26.5cm. (cop. 2: 27.3cm.) Leaf el a j (t.p.): Gesta romanorum cfl appli- cationibus moralisatis t mysticis. H 7739*; Goff. Third census, G-290. Capital-spaces; capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph-marks added in red. Armorial stamp in gold on cover: Biblio- theque de Mello. Cop.l bound by Hardy in brown crushed le- vant morocco; cop. 2 disbound. Cop.l purchased from Howell, 31 Jan. 55; cop. 2, from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x875.3/G3 3/H*87 GHERARDO DA CREMONA See GERARDUS CREMONEN- SIS, 1113 or H*-lloT GIACOMO, DA TERAMO See PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPOLETO, 131*9-11*17 GIACOMO DI ANCARANO See PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPOLETO, 131*9-11*17 GIAMPIETRO DA LUCCA, d.U*57, Translator See ISOCRATES. Oratio de laudibus Helenae. cca. 11*98-1500. See PLUTARCHUS. Quaestiones Romanae. Latin. .ca. 11*77. GIGLI, ZACCARIA See LILIO, ZACCARIA, BP., GIOVANNI FRANCESCO DA BRESCIA See JOANNES FRANCISCUS BRIXIANUS, fl.l500 GIOVANNI, NAPOLITANO, 15th cent. Epistola ad Siluia uergine See IMITATIO CHRISTI. ITAL- IAN. 23 Dec. 11*91 GIOVANNI PIETRO, DA LUCCA See GIAMPIETRO DA LUCCA, d. 11*57 1*31 GIUSTINIANI, BERNARDO, 11*08-11*89. Historia de origine urbis Venetiarum. Venice, Bernardinus Benalius cnot before 31 Jan. 11*92/93= .120,4., the first blank. f. 31.5cm. HC 9638(I); BMC V 371* (IB 2231*8); Pr 1*879; Goff. Third census, J-605. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Purchased from Relchner, 8 Nov. 61*. xq9U5 . 311/01*1* 9h/ll*92 GJORGJEVIC, BARTHOLOMAEUS See GEORGEVlfi, BARTOLOMEJ, fl. 152 8-151*5 GLANVILLA, BARTHOLOMAEUS DE See BARTHOLOMAE- US, ANGLICUS, fl. 1200-121*0 GLANVILLE, BARTHOLOMEW DE See BARTHOLOMAEUS, AS3LICUS, f 1.1200-121*0 GONTERIUS, GUILLERMUS See GONTIER, GUILLAUME, f 1.11*90-11*97 GONTHIER, GUILUUME See GONTIER, GUILLAUME, fl. 11* 90-11*97 GONTIER, GyiLLAUME, fl. 11*90-11*97, Editor See LE FEVRE, JACQUES D'ETAPLES, d.l537. Introductiones in di versos libros Aristo- telis. 12 Oct. 11*97 GORDON, BERNARD DE See BERNARD DE GORDON, fl. ca. 1260-1318 G0RD0NI0, BERNARDUS DE See BERNARD DE GOR- DON, 1260-1318 GORICHEM, HEMRICUS DE See HEINRICH VON GOR- KUM, 1386(ca.)-U*31 GORKUM, HEINRICH VON See HEINRICH VON GOR- KUM, 1386(ca.)-ll*31 GOSSUIN, DE METZ, Supposed author. Image du monde See IMAGE DU MONDE 78 GOUDA, QUILELMUS DE See GUILELMUS DE GOUDA, l$th cent. fl*32 GRAMMATELLUS PRO JUVENUM ERUDITIONE. cLeip- zig, Conrad Kachelofen, ca.lU90a d2.*., the first wanting, blank? 1* 19.3cm. Leaf e2 a a : Libellus quern gritmatelluz appel- lant sermones facetos complectSs ob scolaricu- lorBqj hebetatez glosa almanica subduct" fe- liciter incipit. Signatures A-B 6 (Al blank? wanting) Stillwell, Incunabula in Amer. libraries, 19U0, G-30U; Sotheby. Catalogue of _ library of _ John Francis Neylan, 28 May 1962, no. 33} Voull. (B) 1257; Goff. Third census, G-33Ua. Capital-space at beginning; initial-strokes added in red. Error in binding: Sig. Bi bound between cBv, and cBvij Purchased from Stonehill, 16 July 62. xl*75/G76l3/U*90 GRATIA DEI, ESCULANUS See ORAZIADEI D'AS- COLI, d,13l*l GRATIA DEI, JOANNES, OF ASCOLI See GRAZIA- DEI D'ASCOLI, d.l3Ul ORATIADEI D'ASCOLI See GRAZIADEI D'ASCOLI, d,13l*l GRATIANUS BRECIANUS, d.1506, Editor See PE- TRUS LOMBARDUS, BP. OF PARIS, 12th cent. Sententiarum libri quattuor. 11*90 GRATIANUS, OF BRESCIA See GRATIANUS BRECIA- NUS, d.l506 #1*33 GRATIANUS, THE CANONIST. Decretum. Mainz, Peter Schoeffer, 13 Aug. (Id. Aug.) U*72. ckllit., the last blank, woodcut: printer's device. f. 50cm. Printed in black and red. With the glossa of Joannes Teutonicus, edit- ed by Bartolomeo da Brescia. H 7885*; BMC I 29 (IC 171); Pr 99; Goff. Third census, G-362. Univ. of 111. has one leaf only, printed on vellum (Pars II. Causa XXVII, Quaes tio 1 (end)-2 (beginning)). Accompanies Two essays on the Decretum of Gratian, by Hellmut Lehmann- Haupt and Charles McCurry. Los Angeles, 1971. xf3l*8/G77dYt GRAZIADEI D'ASCOLI, d. 131*1. Supplementum com- mentariorum in librum secundum Perihermeni- as Aristotelis See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Expositio in libros Posteriorum et in De interpretatione Aristotelis. 18 Sept. 11*95 U3U GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, 51*0(ca.)- 60*. Dialogorum libri quattuor. Basel, Michael Furter, 11*96. *$8,l. 1*. 21.9cm. Bound with, but now separated from, the au- thor's Homiliae super Ezechielem. eBasela ll96. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Libri dialogorum sancti GregoriJ pape. HC 7966*; BMC III 78U (IA 37791); Pr 7732; Goff. Third census, G-U07. Capitals added in red or blue. x22i.U/G86h/U496 GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, 5U0(ca.)- 60U. Expositio in Job See his Moralia, sive Expositio in Job GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, 5U0(ca.)- 60U. Expositio super Ezechielem in omelias See his Homiliae super Ezechielem 1*35 GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, 5U0(ca.)- 60U. Homiliae super Evangeliis. Paris, Georg Wolf, 11*91. d72**. 1*. 25cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Liber Jjdraginta omeliarO btl Gregorii pape de diuersis lectionibus e- uangelii. HC 7950; Goff. Third census, G-l*20. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red or blue. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58.' x226/G86h/U*91 1*36 GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, 5U0(ca.)- 60U. Homiliae super Evangeliis. Venice, Pere- grinus de Pasqualibus, Bononiensis, lit Mar. 11*93. cllOa/.. the last blank. 1*. 20cm. HC (Add) 7951*; BMC V 392 (IA 22287); Pr 1*862; Goff. Third census, G-l*21. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x226/G86h/ll*93 1*37 GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, 5U0(ca.)- 601*. Homiliae super Ezechielem. cBasel, Michael Furter, 11*96. .102,/. l*. 21.9cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Expositio beati Gregorij pape super Ezechielem in omelias. HC 79l*6; BMC III 781* (IA 37793); Pr 7733; Goff. Third census, G-U25. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red or blue. Bound with this, but now separated from it, is the author's Dialogorum libri quattuor. Basel, U*96. In manuscript on fly-leaf: E libris beati Theodori Schmid; in another hand, a biblio- graphical note signed, F. A. K. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x22l*.l*/086h/ll96 1*38 GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, 51*0(ca.)- 601*. Moralia, sive Expositio in Job. Venice, Reynaldus de Novimagio, ll* June 11*80. 79 GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT - continued c3U8., leaves cl6, 17, 3l*8 blank, leaf cl6a wanting. f. 31.5cm. Edited by Bartholomaeus Cremonensis. HC 7930*; BMC V 256 (IB 20657); Pr 1*1*37; Goff. Third census, G-l*30. Capitals, initial-strokes and paragraph- marks added in red. Pencil note inside front cover: Bought at sale of W. Eliot Woodward Apr. 23, 1869. Vide Woodward Catalogus No. Purchased from Argosy, 3 Nov. 58. xq223.l/086m/llt80 U39 GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, 51*0(ca.)- 601*. Moralia, sive Expositio in Job. Basel, Nicolaus Kesler, 11*96 36M., leaves cl8, 19, 3W, blank, cl8> and c3u8> wanting, woodcuts: title, printer's device. f. 30.7cm. Leaf el a . (t.p.): Moralia Sancti Gregorij. HC 793U*; BMC III 772 (IB 37656); Pr 7690; Goff. Third census, 0-1*32. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately; text ruled in red; orna- mental border and capital in gold and colors on leaf c20>. Note by donor, with date, 1615 Januar 21* , on t.p. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq223.l/G86m/llj96a 1*1*0 GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, 51*0(ca.)- 601*. Moralia, sive Expositio in Job. Venice, An- dreas Torresanus, de Asula, 11 Apr. 11*96. cl6i, 327, clil., the last blank and want- ing. f. 30.5cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.) Moralia Sancti Gregorij Pape Super Job. HC 7933*; BMC V 312 (IB 2173U); Pr 1*739; Goff. Third census, G-l*33. Lombards and capital-spaces with guide-let- ters. Manuscript note on t.p. : Coempta fuere Venetiis _ anno 1717. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq223.l/086m/ll t 96 1*1*1 GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, 5U0(ca.)- 601. Pastorale, sive Regula pastoralis. Venice, Hieronymus de Paganinis, 13 Dec. (Id. Dec.) 1U92. c56><., the last blank and wanting. U. 20cm. Leaf cl a (t.p.): Pastoralis sancti Gregorij pape. HC 7986*; BMC V 1*57 (IA 23311); Pr 5U66; Goff. Third census, G-1*1*0. Capital-spaces. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x250/G86p/lli92 1*1,2 GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, $l*0(ca.)- 60b. Pastorale, sive Regula pastoralis. Basel .Michael Furter. 15 Feb. 11*96. cl*2al., the last two blank. 1*. 21.6cm. Leaf tl a i (t.p.): Pastorale beati Gregorij pape. H 7988*; BMC III 783 (IA. 37783); Pr 7729; Goff. Third census, G-l*l*l. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red or blue, initial-strokes and underlines in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x250/G86p/ll96 GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, 51*0(ca.)- 601*. Regula pastoralis See his Pastorale, sive Regula pastoralis. 13 Dec. 11*92; also 15 Feb. 11*96 GREGORIUS DC, POPE, lll*7(ca. ) -121*1 See CATH- OLIC CHURCH. POPE, 1227-121*1 (GRESSRlUS DC) GREGORIUS TIPHERNAS, PUBLIUS See TIFERNAS, GREGORIO, U*13 or H*-ca.U*6lT~ GREVE, HENRICUS, Commentator See ANDREAE, JOANNES, d.l3l*8. Super arboribus consan- guinitatis. cnot before 11*92. GRIFFOLINI, FRANCESCO, Translator See PHALA- RIS, Supposed author. Epistolae. Latin. 11*75 GRIMANI, MARINO, DOGE OF VENICE, d.l605 See CAMONICA. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Statute com- munitatis Valliscamonicae . 1 Sept.U98 GROETE, GERARD See GROOTE, GERARD, 131*0-1381* GROOT, GERARDUS DE See GROOTE, GERARD, 131*0- 1381* GROOTE, GERARD, 131*0-1381*, Supposed author. Cordiale quattuor novissimorum See CORDI- ALE QUATTUOR NOVISSIMORUM ORUYTRODE, JACOBUS DE See JACOBUS DE GRUT- TRODE, d. 11*75 1*1*3 OUAINERIO, ANTONIO, d. 11*1*0. Opera medica. c Venice. Bonetus Locatellus for Octavianus Scotus, 11* Feb. (XVI Kal. Mar.) 11*97/98. ll*8i. woodcuts: publisher's device, capi- tals. f. 29.6cm. Leaf cl a (t.p.)i Practica AntoniJ Guainerij papiensis doctoris preclarissimi. Edited by Hieronymus Faventinus. HC (Add) 8099*; BMC V 1*1*9 (D3 2295U); Pr 5076; Goff. Third census, G-521. Purchased from Hertaberger, 18 Oct. 65. xq6lO/G93/U*97 GUAINERIO, ANTONIO, d.ll*l*0. Practica See his Opera medica. 11* Feb. 11*97/98 80 QUALLBNSIS, JOHANNES See JOHN OF WALES, fl. 1260 GUALTERUS ANGLICUS See WALTER, OF ENGLAND, ABP. OF PALERMO, fl.1177 GUALTERUS BUHLAEUS See BURLEZ, WALTER, 1275- 13U5? GUALTERUS OPHAMILIUS See WALTER, OF ENGLAND, ABP. OF PALERMO, fl.1177 GUALTERUS PANORMITANBS See WALTER, OF ENG- LAND, ABP. OF PALERMO, fl.1177 1*1*1* GUARINI, BATTISTA, 11*53-1505. De ordine docendi ao studendi. eFerrara, Andreas Belfortis, Gallus, ca.ll*85a .18, I. 1*. 20.1cm. HCR 8129=H 8130; BMC VI 603 (IA. 25626); Pr 5732; Goff. Third census, G-529. Capital-3pace with guide-letter. Bound in leaves from a rubricated 15th cent, vellum MS. Purchased from Gilhofer, 26 Apr. 28. x370/G93d GUARINI, BATTISTA, 11*53-1505, Editor See SERVIUS, GRAMMARIAN, Commenta- rii in Vergilii opera. U71 GUARINO, OF FAVERA, BP. OF NOCERA, d.1537 See THESAURUS. Cornu copiae et horti Ado- nidis. Greek. Aug. 11*96 GUARINO, VERONESE, 137l*-ll*60. Ars diphthon- gandi See REUCHLIN, JOHANN, 11*55-1522. Vo- cabularius breviloquus. 11*80 GUARINO, VERONESE, 137l*-U*60, Editor See CHRYSOLORAS, MANUEL, d.ll*l5. Erotemata. Greek and Latin, cca. 11*75 j Translator See PQLYBIUS. De primo bello Punico. Latin. 2l*""0ct. 11*98 See STRABO. Geographia. Latin. 26 Aug. 11*80; also 21* Apr.H*9l* See VERGERIO, PIETRO PAOLO, THE ELDER, 1 370-1 )|)|)|, De ingenuis moribus. 21 June 11*93 GUARINUS FAVORINUS See GUARINO, OF FAVERA, BP. OF NOCERA, d.I537 GUARINUS VERONENSIS See GUARINO, VERONESE, 137U-1U60 GUARINUS, BAPTISTA See GUARINI, BATTISTA, 11.53-1505 GUASCHIS, LUDOVICUS DE, Commentator See ALE- XANDRE DE VILLEDIEU. Doctrinale puerorum. 3 Feb. 11*88 1*1*5 GUERRI, BINDUS, d.1390. Aurea Biblia, sive Repertorium aureura Bibll- orum. Ulm, Johann Zainer, 11*76. cl60><., the first and last blank, the last wanting, woodcuts: capitals. f. 28.9cm. Erroneously ascribed to Antonio Rampegolo, who was the author of the preface only. Cf. V. Scholderer in Gutenberg Jahrbuch, 1939, p. 153-1*. H 13682* ; BMC II 521* (IB 9153); Pr 2512; Goff. Third census, R-ll*. Some of the woodcut capitals are colored red; some initial-strokes and underlines ad- ded in red. In manuscript on leaf c2 a : Ex libris Joan- nis Kagermayr Straubengieri Bay. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x25l/G93a/ll*76 1*1*6 GUERRI, BINDUS, d.1390. Aurea Biblia, sive Repertorium aureum Bibli- orum. cCologne, Ludwig von Renchen, ca. 11*87, el68a<., the last 3 blank and wanting. 1*. 21cm. Leaf cl a , (t.p.): Compendium Biblie quod et aureum alias Biblie Repertorium nuncupatur. Usually ascribed to Antonius de Rampigollis, who was the author of the preface only. Cf. V. Scholderer, in Gutenberg- Jahrbuch, 1939, p. 153-U. HC 13679*; BMC I 268 (IA 1*511); Pr 1281; Goff. Third census, R-18. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x25l/G93a/ll*87 1*1*7 GUERRI, BINDUS, d.1390. Aurea Biblia, sive Repertorium aureum Bibli- orum. cStrassburga Johann (Reinhard) Grii ninger, 6 Aug. (VIII Id. Aug.) 11*95. 126 (i.e. 136), cl*>*. 1*. 20.2cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Biblia Aurea veteris ac noui testamSti vocitatus. Usually ascribed to Antonius de Rampigollis, who was the author of the preface, only. Cf. V. Scholderer, in Gutenberg- Jahrbuch, 1939, P.153-U. HC 13685*; BMC I 109 (IA 11*22); Pr 1*65; Goff. Third census, R-19. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red. Bound with this is Nicolaus , of Hannapes , Patriarch of Jerusalem. Biblia pauperum. cLeipzig, ca.ll*98j cop. 2 Stamp on t.p.: Stift Emaus. In manuscript inside front cover: Petrus Stein Lippensis 1590. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x25l/G93a/U*95 OUERRI, BINDUS, d.1390. Biblia aurea Veteris et Novi Testamenti See his Aurea Biblia, sive Repertorium aureum Bibliorum. 6 Aug. 11*95 81 GUERRI, BINDUS, d.1390. Compendium BibUe See his Aurea Biblia, sive Repertorium au- reum Bibliorum. cca. 11*87 GUERRI, BINDUS, d.1390. Repertorium aureum Bibliorum See his Aurea Biblia, sive Re- pertorium aureum Bibliorum. t ca. 11*87 ; also 6 Aug. 11*95 OUIDO DE COLUMNA See COLONNE, GUIDO DELLE, 13th cent. GUIDO DE MONTE ROCHEN See GUIDO DE MONTE R0- CHERII, fl.1330 1*1*8 GUIDO DE MONTE ROCHERII, fl.1330. Manipulus curatorum. cEsslingen, Conrad Fyner, li*77-79> dJOil., the first blank. 28cm. HC 8158#; BMC II 517 (IB 8983); Pr 21*80; Ooff. Third census, G-573. Some capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red. In manuscript inside back cover: F. F. Alders- pacensium (i.e. Cistercian Abbey at Aldersbach. Its library went to the National Library of Munich in 1803) Bound in blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards; nail for chain at foot of front cover. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x261*.9/09l*m/H*77 1*1*9 GUIDO DE MONTE ROCHERII, fl.1330. Manipulus curatorum. cAugsburga Christ- mann Heyny, anno lxxj (i.e. 11*81). cl20il., the first blank, woodcuts: capi- tals. f. 28.7cm. H 8171*; BMC II 376 (IB 61*63); Pr 1816; Goff. Third census, G-565. One capital hand-colored in blue, green, yellow and brown. In manuscript at head of leaf c2 a : Ex Bi- bliotheca Monaster! j Brigantini Ord: S: Bened: Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x261*.9/09l*m/ll*8la 1*50 GUIDO DE MONTE ROCHERII, fl.1330. Manipulus curatorum. cCologne, Conrad Winters, de Homborch, ca.ll*8l> c\10,l., the first blank. f. 29.9cm. CR 2829; BMC I 251 (IB 1*190); Pr 1199; Ooff. Third census, G-58U. Capitals added in blue or red, initial- strokes and paragraph-marks in red. Bound in wooden boards with blind-stamped wide backstrip of calf; clasp; front cover split. Purchased from Stonehill, ca.l5l. xq261*.9/G9Um/U*8l 1*51 GUIDO DE MONTE ROCHERII, fl.1330. Manipulus curatorum. Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, ll98. c 11*1* zl. woodcuts: capitals. 1*. 20. 9cm. Leaf el a 3 (t.p.): Manipulus curatonf. officia sacerdotO scam ordinem septem sacramentoiy perbreuiter complectens. C 281*8; BMC I 289 (IA 1*682); Pr 1350; Goff. Third census, 0-611. Bound in wooden boards rebacked with vellum; metal clasp. Purchased from Barry, 20 Mar. 1*7. x261*.9/G9l*m/H*98 1*52 OUIDO EE MONTE ROCHERII, fl.1330. Manipulus curatorum. Strassburg cMartin Flach, 11*99. 112i4., the last blank and wanting. 1*. 20.2cm. HR 8212; BMC I 156 (IA 2231); Pr 715; Ooff. Third census, 0-613. Capital-spaces with guide -letters; initial- strokes and underlines added in red on the first five leaves only. Bound in a vellum leaf from a Breviary (pos- sibly the Breviarium Pragense printed by Oeorg Stuchs, Nuremberg, 1502). Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x261*.9/G9l*mM99 GUIDO DELLE COLONNE See COLONNE, GUIDO DEL- LE, 13th cent. GUIDO JUVENALIS See JOUENNEAUX, GUY, d.l507 1*53 GUILELMUS ARVERNUS, BP. OF PARIS, d. 121*9. Rhetorica divina. cFreiburg im Breisgau, Kilianus Piscator (Fischer), not after 11*91= c58>*. f. 30.9cm. Leaf tl a . (t.p.): Rethorica Diuina de Oratio- ne domini Ouilermi Paris iefi. H 8302=HC 830>; C 2873; BMC III 693 (IB 11*201); Pr 7623; Goff. Third census, G-711*. Capitals and initial-strokes added in red. Formerly assigned to the press of Johann Amerbach, Basel. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq261*.l/G9l*r/ll*91 GUILELMUS ARVERNUS, BP. OF PARIS, d.l2l*9, Supposed author. Dialogus de septem sacra- mentis See OUILELMUS DE BAUFET, BP. OF PAR- IS, d.1319, Supposed author. Dialogus de septem sacramentis. ll* Apr. 11*87 GUILELMUS BRITO See GULIELMUS BRITO, fl.1272- 1301* ol*51* GUILELMUS IE BAUFET, BP. OF PARIS, d.1319, Supposed author. Dialogus de septem sacramentis. Louvain, Aegidius van der Heerstraten, ll* Apr. 11*87. c92**., the first and last blank. 1*. 21cm. Leaf c9*> : Incipit libellus SacramStalis domini Petri de alyaco episcopi Z cardinalis Came rac ens is. HC 852; BMC IX 166 (IA 1*931*9); Pr 9307; Goff. Third census, A-l*83a. Attributed also to Guilelmus Parisiensis, a Dominican, Inquisitor, to Petrus de Alli- aco, and to Guilelmus Arvernus. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied in red. 82 GUILELMUS DE BAUFET - contlnued Imperfect: leaves cl-8 3 and c69-92j wanting. Purchased from Albright, 25 June 65. x265/G9U c20il., the last blank. 1*. 18. 7cm. Leaf el a a (t.p.): Expositio mijsterionq misse et verus modus rite celebrandi. H 7819; BMC III 631 (IA U689); Goff. Third census, G-622. Capital-spaces. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x265.3/G9l*e/U*89 1*56 GUILELMUS DE GOUDA, 15 th cent. Expositio mysteriorum Missae. Deventer cRichardus Pafraetj 20 Feb. 11*90. cl8i<. woodcut: 1 ill us. U 20.1cm. HC 7830*; Goff. Third census, G-623. Capital-spaces; outline capitals added in black ink in two spaces. Bound in a rubricated printed leaf from a Dutch Bible. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan.li6. x265.3/G9UeM90 GUILELMUS DE GOUDA, 15 th cent. Expositio ray- steriorum Missae See BALTHASAR DE PORTA, d.l5l5. Expositio mysteriorum Missae. c11*j95 1*57 GUILELMUS DE GOUDA, 15 th cent. Expositio mysteriorum Missae. Cologne, Heinrich Quentell cca. 11*95* cl8,l. h. 20.2cm. Leaf cl 3 (t.p.): Expositio mysteriorum misse et verus modus rite celebrandi. H 7827*; BMC I 295 (IA i*95U); Pr 11*1*2; Goff. Third census, G-628. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x265.3/G9le/Ht95 U56 GUILELMUS DE GOUDA, 15th cent. Expositio raysteriorum Missae. Deventer, Richardus Pafraet, 11*96. cl8<. i*. 20.1*cm. Leaf tl a j (t.p.): Expositio mysteriorQ misse. et ver^ mod rite celebrandi. HC 7833; BMC H 58 (IA 1*7695); Pr 9015; Goff. Third census, G-629. Capitals, paragraph-marks and initial-strokes added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x265.3/09UeAl*96 OUILELMUS PARISIENSIS, A DOMINICAN, INQUISI- TOR,, Supposed author. Dialogus de septem sacramentis See GUILELMUS DE BAU- FET, BP. OF PARIS, d.1319, Supposed author. Dialogus de septem sacramentis. LU Apr.lii87 1*59 GUILELMUS PARISIENSIS, A DOMINICAN, PROFES- SOR OF THEOLOGY. Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia. Strassburg c Printer of the li*83 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner?)^ 1* Mar. (altera die post Reminiscere) 11*93. 122a*., leaves .50* and d22. blank. f. 29.3cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Postilla Guillermi super epistolas et euangelia de tempore et Sanctis et pro defunctis. H 828l; BMC I 1U2 (IB 1953); Pr 635; Goff. Third census, G-69U. Capitals, initial-strokes and paragraph- marks added in red. Bookplate: Pars Biblioth: Civit: Heilbrons. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq261i.026/G9Up/H*93 GUILELMUS PERALDUS, d.1271. Summa de virtu- tibus et vltiis See CAVALCA, DOMENICO, d. 131*2. Pungi lingua, cca. 11*75= 1*60 GUILELMUS PERALDUS, d.1271. Summa de virtutibus et vitiis. Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, 11*79. 2v. f. 29cm. Vol.1: cl*32 3 *., the first and last blank; v.2: 03083/., the first and last blank. HC 12387; BMC I 261 (IB 1*367) I; Pr 1238 & 1239; Goff. Third census, P-81*. Univ. of HI. has v.l only, the last leaf blank, wanting. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial- strokes added in red. Label: Librairie Ancienne et moderne de A. Durand, 7. R. des Cyrgb, Paris. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xql70/G9l*s/ll*79 GUILELMUS SAPH0NEN3IS See GUILLERMUS SAPHO- NENSIS GUILIELMUS DE LANICIA, Supposed author. Di- aeta salutis See BONAVENTURA , SAINT, CAR- DINAL, 1221-1271*. Spurious and doubtful works. Diaeta salutis GUILIELMUS SAPHONENSIS See OUILLERMUS SAPHO- NENSIS GUILLAUME DE LANICIA See GUILIELMUS DE LANI- CIA GUILLELMUS ALVERNUS, BP. OF PARIS See GUILEL- MUS ARVERNUS, BP. OF PARIS, d.l2l*9~ GUILLELMUS BRITTO See GULIELMUS BRITO, fl. 1272-1301* GUILLELMUS DE UNICIA See GUILIELMUS DE LA- NICIA GUILLELMUS DE OCKAM See CCKHAM, WILLIAM, d. ca. 131*9 83 GUILLELMUS PERALDUS See GUILELMUS PERALDUS, d.1271 GUILLERMUS See GUILELMUS PARISIENSIS, A DO- MINICAN, PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY GUILLERMUS BAUFET, BP. OF PARIS See GUILELMUS DE BAUFET, BP. OF PARIS, d.1319 GUILLERMUS PARISIENSIS, BP. OF PARIS See GUI- LELMUS ARVERNUS, BP. OF PARIS, d.UW GUILLERMUS PARISIENSIS, DOMINICAN See GUILEL- MUS PARISIENSIS, A DOMINICAN, INQUISITOR, l6l GUILLERMUS SAPHONENSIS. Modus epistolandi. cParis, Guy Marchant, for Denis Roce, 21* Sept. 11*98. c8j/. woodcut: publisher's device. l*. 20cm. C 2855; Pell MS 5629 (var.); Goff. Third census, 0-725. The device at the end is that of Roce; the copy described by Pellechet has the device of Marchant. Bound by Brugalla in maroon crushed mor- occo, vellum lining papers, gilt edges. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x808.6/Q9l*m/U*98 GULIELMUS ARVERNUS See GUILELMUS ARVERNUS, BP. OF PARIS, d. 121*9 GULIELMUS BRITO, f 1.1272-1301*. Expositlo in prologos S. Hieronymi See BIBLE. LATIN. 11*82-83. VULGATE. Biblla Latina. 11*82/83 See BIBLE. LATIN. 11*92. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. 3 Nov. 11*92 See BIBLE. LATIN. ll98. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. 1 Dec. 11*98 GULIELMUS DE CANITIA See GUILIELMUS DE LA- NIC IA GULIELMUS DE GOUDA See GUILELMUS DE GOUDA, 15th cent. GULIELMUS DE LANICIA See GUILIELMUS DE LANI- CIA GULIELMUS PARISIENSIS See GUILELMUS PARISI- ENSIS, A DOMINICAN, PROFESSOR OF TI.E0L0GY GULIELMUS PERALDUS See GUILELMUS PERALDUS, d.1271 GULIELMUS SAPHONENSIS See GUILLERMUS SAPHO- NENSIS HAKDUS, PETRUS See CAVRETTO, PIETRO, 11*21* HAEMMERLIN. FELIX See HEMMERLI, FELIX, 1388(ca.)-ll*58(ca. HAEMMERLIN, THOMAS, A KEMPIS See THOMAS A KEMPIS, 1380-11*71 HALES, ALEXANDER DE See ALEXANDER DE HALES, d.l2l*5 HANAPUS, NICOLAUS See NICOLAUS, OF HANNAPES, PATRIARCH OF JERUSALEM, 1225 (ca. )-1291 HARENTALS, PETRUS DE See PETRUS, DE HAREN- TALS, 1322-1391 HARTMANNI, ANDREAS, Editor See INNOCENTIUS IV, POPE, d.1251*. Apparatus super libros Decretalium. 11*78 HASELBACH, THOMAS DE See EBENDORFER, THOMAS, 1387-11*61* HASSIA, HENRICUS DE, THE ELDER See HEINRICH VON LANQENSTEIN, 1325 (ca. )-1397 HASSIA, HENRICUS DE, THE YOUNGER See HEIN- RICH VON HESSEN, fl . 1389-11*27 HEES, JOHANNES DE See HESE, JOANNES DE, fl. 1389 HEINRICH VON ALTENDORF See HEINRICH VON HES- SEN, fl. 1389-11*27 HEINRICH VON GORKUM, 1386(ca. )-U*31. Conclu- sions super IV libros Sententiarum See PETRUS LOMBARDUS, BP. OF PARIS, 12th cent. Sententiarum libri quattuor. 22 Sept. 11*88; also 18 Feb. 11*92 ol*62 cHEINRICH VON HESSEN, f 1.1389-11*27. Exhortatio de celebratione Missae. cStrass- burg, Heinrich Knoblochtzer, ll*i82. clOif., the last blank, woodcuts: capi- tals. 1*. 18.8cm. Leaf c9 b a (colophon): Explicit exhortatS de celebratione misse per modura dijalogl in- ter pontifice3 et sacerdotem. Anno LXXXII . HCR 6776; BMC I 89 (IA 1109); GW 9512; Pr 380; Goff. Third census, E-139. From the library of William Blades, with his ex libris and library stamp. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x261*.02/H36e/li*82 HEINRICH VON HESSEN, THE ELDER See HEINRICH VON LANQENSTEIN, 1325(ca. )-1397 HEINRICH VON LAN3ENSTEIN, 1325 (ca. )-1397. Ex- positiones super Orationem Dominicam et Ave Maria See MATTHAEUS DE CRACOVIA, CARDINAL, d. 11*10. Dialogus Rationis et Conscientiae de frequentl usu Communion is. cnot after 11*70, 8b 1*63 HEINRICH VON UNGENSTEIN, 1325(ca. )-1397. Expositiones super Orationem Dominicam, et Ave Maria. cBasel, Michael Wenssler, not after U*7U c20,<. f. 27.1cm. Includes Augustinus. Expositio super Symbo- lum and Sermo super Orationem Dominicam. H 8391** HC 8395* + H 2107; BMC III 719 (IB 37039 + IB 3701*0); Pr 71*58 71*59; Goff. Third census, H-29. Capital-spaces . Imperfect: contains only the Expositio su- per Orationem Dominicam (leaves cl-lOa ) Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x226.9/H36e/lV?U 1*61* HEINRICH VON UNGENSTEIN, 1325(ca.)-1397. Secreta sacerdotum. c Vienna, Johann Win- terburg, ca. 11*97 a dOil. woodcut: capital, it . 19.8cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Secreta sacerdotfl magi- stri heinrici de hassia. que sibi placent vel displicSt in missa tc'. d egregifl sacre theolo- gie f iuriscanonici doctor? magistrfl michaelS lochmayr correcta t in hanc formam redacta. Edited by Michael Lochmaier. HC (+ Add) 8376*; BMC III 812 (IA $1533); Pr 9U79; Goff. Third census, H-30. Initial-strokes and paragraph-marks added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x26U.025/H36s/lli97a U65 HEINRICH VON LANGENSTEIN, 1325(ca. )-1397. Secreta sacerdotum. c Nuremberg, Georg Stuchs, 1500?j ao,/. U. 20.5cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Secreta sacerdotum magi- stri heinrici de hassia. Que sibi placent vel displicent in missa tg. Per egregifl sacre theo- logie 1 iuriscanonici doctorem. Magistrfl mi- chaelem lochmayr correcta x in hanc formam redacta. HC 8377*; BMC II U71 (IA 8100); Pr 2278; Goff. Third census, H-31. Capital-spaces with guide-letters . Purchased from David, 13 Aug. 35. x26U.025/H36s HEINRICH VON LANGENSTEIN, 1325(ca. )-1397. Spe- culum animae See MATTHAEUS DE CRACOVIA, CAR- DINAL, d. 11*10. Dialogus Rationis et Consci- entiae de frequenti usu Communionis. enot after 11*70:. HEINRICH VON UNGENSTEIN, 1325(ca. )-1397, Sup- posed author. Cordiale quattuor novissimo- rum See CORDIALE QUATTUOR NOVBSIMORUM HEINRICH VON UNGENSTEIN, 1325(ca. )-1397, Sup- posed author. De septem horis canonicis le- gendis See HORAE CANONICAE. De septem horis canonicis legendis. eca.ll9U-96 3 HEINRICH VON UNGENSTEIN, 1325(ca. )-1397, Sup- posed author. Horae canonicae See HORAE CA- NONICAE. cca.lU9U-96, 1*66 HEMMERLI, FELIX, 1388(ca. )-ll*58(ca. ) Opuscula et tractatus. cStrassburg, after 13 Aug. 11*97. cl8U*., leaves eU> and c181*j blank, wood- cut: 1 illus. 26.2cm. Leaf cl a , (t.p.): Clarissimi viri Iurifloj doctoris Felicis hemmerlin cantoris quondS Thuricefi. varie oblectationis opuscula et tractat". Edited by Sebastian Brant. HC 81*21**; BMC I 172 (IB 2562); Pr 1*82; Goff. Third census, H-17. Assigned to various printers: Johann Ortl- ninger; Printer of 11*83 Jordanus de Quedlin- burg; and Wilhelm Schaffener, all of Strass- burg; and to Nicolaus Kesler, of Basel. Capital-spaces, most with guide -letters. Imperfect: lacks blank leaves clu and clStu and all of quire q (6 leaves) Purchased from Salloch, 11 Nov. 57. x875/H37o HENRICUS, ABBOT OF CROYUND See HENRY, ABBOT OF CROYUND, 1191-1236 HENRICUS DE BALMA, d. 11*39, Supposed author. Stimulus amoris See BONA VENTURA, SAINT, CAR- DINAL, 1221-1271*. Spurious and doubtful works. Stimulus amoris HENRICUS DE GORICHEN See HEINRICH VON GOR- KUM, 1386(ca.)-U*31 HENRICUS DE HASSIA, JUNIOR See HEINRICH VON HESSEN, f 1.1389-11*27 HENRICUS DE HASSIA, THE ELDER See HEINRICH VON UNGENSTEIN, 1325(ca.)-1397 HENRICUS DE UNGENSTEIN See HEINRICH VON UN- GENSTEIN, 1325 (ca.) -1397 HENRICUS, SUSO, CALLED AMANDUS See SUSO, HEINRICH, 13007-1366 HENRY, ABBOT OF CROYUND, 1191-1236 See VITA ET PROCESSUS S. THOMAE BECKET, 27 Mar. 11*95 HERBARIUS. De virtutibus herbarum See HERBA- RIUS. Herbarius Latinus. 11* Dec.ll*99 1*67 HERBARIUS. Herbarius Utinus. Venice, Simon Bevilaqua, 11* Dec. 11*99. cl*>, CL, (18*4. i the last blank and want- ing, woodcuts: illus., capitals. 1*. 21.1cm. Leaf cl a = (t.p.): Inicipit cski Tractatus de virtutibus herbarum. Leaf c2 a a : ARNOLDI de noua uilla Auicenna. HC 1807*; BMC V 521* (IA 23999); Pr 51*15; Goff. Third census, H-69. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Imperfect: leaves cl-l*> and LXXXII wanting. Purchased from Stonehill, li* Jan. 1*9 x580.2/Ht13/ll*99 85 HEREDIA, PAULUS EE See PAULUS IK HEREDIA, fl.U*05 -11*86 HEREWTALS, PETRUS EG See PETRUS, EE HAREN- TALS, 1322-1391 HERMAN DE VALENCIENNES, 13th cent., Transla- tor See HIGEEN, RANULF, d.1361*. Polycroni- con. "English. 13 Apr. 11*95 HERMES TRISMEGISTUS. Asclepius. Latin See APULEIUS MAEIAURENSIS. Opera. 9 Aug.lE8"B HERMES TRISMEGISTUS. De potestate et sapien- tia Dei. Latin See his Pimander de potes- tate et sapientia Dei. Latin. 31 July ll*9l* 1*68 HERMES TRISMEGISTUS. Pimander de potestate et sapientia Dei. Latin. Paris cJohannes Higman, for or with, Wolfgang Hopyl, 31 July (pridie Kal. Aug.) H9U. c )8,t. I* . 22cm. Bound with Paschasius Radbertus, Saint, Abbot of Corbie. Ex vetvstiss. orthodoxorum patrum. Haganoae, 1528. Leaf d a , (t.p.): Mercurij Trismegisti Li- ber de Potestate et Sapientia Dei: Per Mar- silium Ficinum traductus: ad CosmQ Medic6. Synopsis by Faber Stapulensis : leaves e35 a - 38 b > HC 81*62; BMC VIII 131* (IA U0127); Pr 8133 5 Goff. Third census, H-82. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. In manuscript on t.p. : Oulielmus Trochensis Londenareus me possidet ab anno 1526. Purchased from Goldschmidt, 5 Aug. 1*7. x265.3/P26e 1*69 HERODIANUS. Hlstoria de imperio post Marcum. Latin. Bologna, Franciscus (Plato) de Benedictis, 31 Aug. (pridie Kal. Sept.) 11*93. c6tt,t. woodcut: printer's device. f. 28.Ucm. Translated by Angelo Poliziano. Printed in black and red. HC 81*67*; BMC VI 827 (IB 28909); Pr 6598; Goff. Third census, H-86. Capitals added in gold against colored back- grounds with white arabesques; coat of arms of first owner in gold, red, and green on leaf 3 a . Bound by Riviere in full green levant moroc- co. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 July 56. x88l/H35.Lp/U*93 HERODIANUS, AELIUS. Spurious and doubtful works. De numerls. Greek See GAZA, THE0D0- RUS, 11*00-11*76. Grammatica introductiva. Greek. 25 Dec. 11*95 HERODOTUS. Historiae. Latin See ISOCRATES. Oratio de laudibu3 Helenae. Latin, eca. 11*98-1500, 1*70 HEROLT, JOHANNES, 11*68. Liber Discipuli pseud. de eruditione Christifidelium. cStrassburg, Georg Husner, ca. 11*76* c2l*83*., the first and last blank. f. 29.2cm. H 8517*; BMC I 85 (IB 1036); Pr 357; Goff. Third census, H-91. Capital-spaces . In manuscript on leaf el 8 ,: Cartusiae Ittin- gensis; a note inside front cover with date: 1525. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards; one clasp. Purchased from Oimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq230/Ht*32e/ll*76 1*71 HEROLT, JOHANNES, 11*68. Sermones Discipuli c pseud., de tempore et de Sanctis cum Promptuario exemplorum et de Beata Virgine. Cologne eUlrich Zellj 25 Mar.ll*77. 1* pts. 28.5cm. Voull(K) 561*; Goff. Third census, H-99. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Label: Librairie Fl. Tulkens Bruxelles. Univ. of HI. has pt.II only: Sermones de Sanctis. cl50,. Bound in French 18th cent, calf; gilt. Purchased from Stonehill, 30 Aug. 71. xq252/Hl*32s/ll*77 1*72 HEROLT, JOHANNES, 11*68. Sermones Discipuli c pseud. a de tempore et de Sanctis cum Promptuario exemplorum et de Beata Virgine. cStrassburg, The R- Printer (Adolf Rusch) after 11*78= cl*36a/., leaves el, 23 and cl*36a blank, the last wanting, f . 1*2. 3cm. HC 81*73*; BMC I 65 (IC 669); Pr 21*9; Ooff. Third census, H-101. Capitals supplied in red, initial-strokes in yellow. Errors in binding: the Sermones de Sanctis and the Promptuarium exemplorum et de Beata Virgine (leaves c273-l*36,) are bound before the Sermones de tempore (leaves el-272,) and leaves cl87-196, are bound before leaves el8l-l86, In manuscript on leaf c271* a ,: Iste liber est Mofiij S. Dorothee virg. et Sir. Vienne CanonoiY Regularum. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xf252/Hl* 323/11*78 1*73 HESE, JOANNES DE, f 1.1389. Itinerarius per diversas mundi partes. eCologne, Cornells de Zierikzee, ca.1500, c22.*. 1*. 21cm. Leaf el a , (t.p.): Itinerarius Johannis de Hese presbyteria IherusalS descrlbens disposi- tiones terrarum insularum. montium. 1 aquarum. ac etiS queda3 mirabilia et pericula p diuer- sas Btes mildi ptingentia lucidissime enarrans Tractatus de decern nati3ibu3 Z sectis Christi- anon^ Epistola Johannis soldani ad Pium papam secundO Epistola responsoria eiusdem Pij pape 86 HE3E , J0ANKE3 IE -continued ad soldanum. Joannis presbyter! maxlni Indo- rum et Ethiopuin chri3tianor4- Impatorls X Pa- triarche Epi3tola ad Emanuelem Rhone guberna- torem de ritu z moribus Indorum. deqj eius po- tStia diuitljs et excellent^ Tractatus Pul- cherrimus de situ et dispositione regionura et insularum totius Indie nee non de rerun mira- bilium ac gentium diuersitate. HC 8535*; BMC I 308 (IA 5206); Pr 1497; Goff. Third census, H-ll*5. Bookplates of Georgius Kloss, M. D. , Franco- furti ad Noenum and Boies Penrose. Purchased from Dawson, 7 Nov. 73. x9l5/*5UiA500 HESE, JOHANNES VITTE DE See HESE, JOANNES DE, fl.1389 HESIODUS. Opera et dies. Greek See THEOCRI- TUS. Idyllia. Greek. Feb. 11495795 HESIODUS. Scutum Herculis. Greek See THEO- CRITUS. Idyllia. Greek. Feb. 11*95796 HESIODUS. Theogonia. Greek See THEOCRITUS. Idyllia. Greek. Feb. 11*95 /96~ HESSE, JOHANNES DE See HESE, JOANNES DE, fl. 1389 HEYNLIN, JOHANN, Il*25?-Ui96. De arte punc- tandi See REUCHLIN, JOHANN, 11*55-1522. Vo- cabularius breviloquus. 1U80 1*71* HETNLIN, JOHANN, ll*25?-U*96. Resolutorium dubiorum circa celebrationem Missarum occurrentium. Basel, Johann Fro- ben, 11*92. 06>*. 8. 16cm. Leaf cl a (t.p.): ResolutoriQ dubiorv- circa celebrationem missarS occurrentifl: p venera- bilS patrS dnm Johan? de lapide doctor? The- ologum parisiensem: ordinis Cartusiensis : ex sacrorv canonO pbatoruqj doctoiv senten- tijs diligenter collect!!. Soma dubioiu. in hoc ope resolutonf CLXVI. HC 9905*; BMC III 790 (IA 37876); Pr 7756; Goff. Third census, J-357. Closely trimmed with some loss of letters from the marginalia. Label: John Camp Williams. Purchased from Shapiro, 1 Jan. 65, x261i.025/H5lr/lli o 2 1*75 HETNLIN, JOHANN, H25?-Ui96. Resolutorium dubiorum circa celebrationem Missarum occurrentium. Paris, Pierre Poulhaci for Denis Roce cca.ll*95> ck&il. woodcut: publisher's device. 8. 111. 3cm. C 3U93; Pr 832l; Goff. Third census, J- 365. Purchased from Stonehill, U* Jan. 1*9. x261*.025/H5lr/ll*95 HEYNLIN, JOHANN, li*25?-ll*96, Editor See TRI- THEMIUS, JOHANNES, 11*62-1516. De scripto- ribus ecclesiasticis. cafter 28 Aug.>li*9l* 1*76 HIEROCLES, OF ALEXANDRIA. In aureos versus Pythagorae opusculum. Latin. Padua, Bartholomaeus de Valdezoccho, 17 Apr. (IV Kal. Mai. ) 11*71*. c92><., the last blank and wanting. 1*. l6.5cm. Translated by Joannes Aurispa. HC (+Add) 851*5*; BMC VII 906 (IA 29823b); Pr 6763; Goff. Third census, H-151. Capital-spaces . The signatures, which were printed in the extreme right hand corner of the page, have all been cut away; the signature of the first leaf of each quire has been supplied by pen. Purchased from Hertzberger, 18 Oct. 65. x88l/P9.Th.La HIERONYMUS DE VALLIBUS See VALLI, GIROLAMO DALLE, d.lliU3 1*77 HIERONYMUS DE VILLA VITIS. Orationale. Panis quotidianus. cHagenau, Heinrich Gran, 1509* c326d*., the last blank and wanting. 1*. 21.1*cm. HCR 8658; Pr 1161*1(11); Goff. Third census H-266. Purchased from Stonehill, li* Jan. 1*9. x2l*2/H53oA50- 1*78 HIERONYMUS, SAINT. Aureola ex floribus S. Hieronymi contexta. c Nuremberg, Johann Sensenschmidt, ca. 11*70- 72. chOil., the last two blank and wanting. f. 35cm. Edited by Thomas Dorniberg. H 8585*; BMC II 1*01* (IB 7053); Pr 1956; Goff. Third census, H-15U. Capitals, paragraph -marks, and underlines added in red and blue alternately. Arms of Maximilian Pagl, Abbot of Lambach (1705-25) stamped in gilt on cover. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq87l/HL5.I.d 1*79 HIERONYMUS, SAINT. Aureola ex floribus S. Hieronymi contexta. cRome, Stephan Plannck, ca. 11*81-87 > cl8il., the first and last blank, the first wanting. 1*. 25 leaves clt> and t5 blank; v.2: c210>., leaves c5, 209-210* blank and wanting. Edited by Theodoras Lelius. HC 8556*; BMC V 21*0 (IC 201*1*3); ft- 1*356 j Ooff. Third census, H-166. Quire V is bound at the end of v.l and quire T at the end of v.2. Capital-spaces; first capital added in red and blue, with marginal extensions. Stamp on leaf el : Fiorentina Biblioteca. Purchased from Stonehill, 11* Jan. 1*9. xq87l/m$e., 390 (i.e. 392)/. woodcuts: 2 capi- tals. f. 31.5cm. Leaf el a > (t.p.): Epistolae Sancti Hiero- nymi. Errors in foliation: 323 and 321* repeated. Includes: Vita et transitus Sancti Hierony- mi (leaves 357 b -366 b ); Epistola Augustini de magnificentiis beati Hieronymi (leaves 367*- 376"); Regula monachorum ex variis epistolis Hieronymi excerpta (leaves 377 a -390 a ) HC 8563*; BMC V 1*19 (IB 23178); Pr 5H*1; Ooff. Third census, H-175. First capital added in blue and red; others in black ink. In manuscript inside front cover: Ex libris Ronaldi Asshetonij Croates (bought from Reu- ter. S. Avenue. 1910 - my first 15 th cent, book) Purchased from David, 13 Aug. 35. xq87l/Hl5e/ll*96 1*82 HIERONYMUS, SAINT. Ordo seu Regula vivendi Deo ad Eustochium virginem. Italian. Bologna, Caligula de Ba- zaleriis, 28 Mar.ll*98. C$0,1., the last blank, woodcut: printer's device. 1*. 20.5cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): REGVLA Composta per 11 Be- ato Hieronymo: E data ad Eustochio: Doue se Insiegna el modo e la uia: che tenere debiano le Sore nel suo Viuere. Translated by Antonio Maria Visdomini. HR 8573; Ooff. Third census, H-186. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Stamp Inside front cover: Ex libris R. Lari. Purchased from Olschki, 21 Apr. 65. x871/Hl5oIv/ll98 HIERONYMUS, SAINT. Regula vivendi Deo ad Eu- stochium virginem See his Ordo seu Regula vivendi Deo ad Eustochium virginem. 28 Mar. 11*98 HIERONYMUS, SAINT, Translator See EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA. Chronicon. Latin. cca.ll*7l*-76 a { also 13 Sept.U*83 87 HIERONYMUS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works. De officiis liberorum erga parentes See VERGERIO, PIETRO PAOLO, THE ELDER, 1370-11*1*1*. De ingenuis moribus. 21 June 11*93 HIERONYMUS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works. Vitae Patrum See VITAE PATRUM. VI- tae Sanctorum Patrum HIERONYMUS, SAINT. LEGEND. La vita, el tran- sito, et gli miracoli del beatissimo Hie- ronymo See HIERONYMUS, SAINT. LEGEND. Vita et transitus Sancti Hieronymi. Italian. 12 Sept. 11*76; also 27 Feb.U*95 HIERONYMUS, SAINT. LEGEND. Vita et transi- tus Sancti Hieronymi See HIERONYMUS, SAINT. Epistolae. 7 Jan., 12 July 11*96 1*83 HIERONYMUS, SAINT. LEGEND. Vita et transitus Sancti Hieronymi. Italian. Venice cGabriele di Pietro* 12 Sept.U*76. c82,<. l* c 20.2cm. Leaf tl*i : Comincia la tauola sopra la uitta e transito e gli miracoli del beatissimo hie- ronymo _ Contents.- La uitta de sancto Hieronymo. - Epistola del beato Eusebio _ al beato Dama&io _ de la morte del beatissimo Hieronymo.- Epi- stola del beato Augustino _ al uenerabile Ci- rillo _ de le magnificentie e laude del glori- oso Hieronymo.- Epistola del uenerabile Ciri- lo - di miracoli di sancto Hieronymo.- Certi dicti de sacti e d'doctori. li qli c88da sanc- to HierSimi.- Oratione diuotissla dedicata a sScto hieronymo. HCR 861*0; BMC V 202 (IA 19935); GW 91*58; Pr 1*199; Goff. Third census, H-2l*9. Capitals supplied in red. Imperfect: leaves cl-6 wanting. Purchased from N. C. Brooks estate, 31 May 50. x87l/Hl5.Wv. 1/11*76 ol*81* HIERONYMUS, SAINT. LEGEND. Vita et transitus Sancti Hieronymi. Italian. Milan, Philippus de Mantegatils, Cassanus, 27 Feb. 11*95. c76il. woodcuts: capitals, illus. 1*. 21.2cm. Leaf J b i : Questel transito questa e la uita. Contents.- La vita del Glorioso sancto Hie- ronymo.- Epistola del beato Eusebio _ del transito del Barbato Hieronymo.- Epistola del Aurelio Augustino - de le magnificentie e lau- de del glorioso Hieronymo.- Epistola del ve- nerabile Cirillo _ de miracoli di sc8 Hier8y- mo.- Certi miraculi de sancto Hieronymo.- Cer- ti dicti de sancti 1 de doctor!: li quali co- mendano sancto Hieronymo. r Oratione deuotis- sima dedicata a sancto Hieronymo. HR 8650; BMC VI 786 (IA 2681*0); GW 91*73; Ooff. Third census, H-262. Capital-spaces with guide-letters; also lombards and woodcut capitals. 88 HIBRONTMUS , SAINT - continued Imperfect: leaves >1 (containing the illus.) and e5l-51*> wanting. From the library of Count Antonio Cavagna, bought in 1921. x87l/m5.Wv. 1/11*95 HIERONYMUS, EUSEBIUS See HIERONYMUS, SAINT 1*85 .HIDDEN, RANULF, d.1361*. The description of England. Westminster, Wynkyn de Worde, 11*98. 2b4. woodcut: illus. f. 23.5cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): The descrypcyon of Eng- londe _ The 2d pt. of the 1st book of the author's Polycronicon, translated from Latin by John Trevisa. HC 1*998; GW 667$; Pr 9709; Goff. Third census, C-l*82. Imperfect: leaves cl9-2l*> wanting; supplied by facsimiles from the Library of Congress copy. Bound by Wells & Co. 18 Sherborne Lane, King William Street, City. Bookplates of Frederick Hendricks, F. S. S. of Vasa, 1893, and E. F. Bosquanet; Ex libris Jacob Weinberg. Purchased from Barry, ll* Jan. 1*9. x909/H53pEtAU98 1*86 HIDDEN, RANULF, d.1361*. Polycronicon. English. Westminster, Wynkyn de Worde, 13 Apr. 11*95. c50=, CCCxlvi (i.e. CCCxlvii)/., leaf c50 3 blank and wanting, woodcuts: capitals, 1 illus., music, printer's device. 28.7cm. Leaf cl*j (t.p.): Policronicon. Books 1-7 edited by William Caxton from John Trevisa's translation of Higden's Latin text; book 8, bringing the history to the year li*60, compiled by Caxton. Errors in foliation, including repetition of CCCxxxvi. HC 8660; Pr 9696; Ooff. Third census, H-268. Imperfect: leaves cl-8, $0,, CCCxxxili, CCCxl, and the last leaf wanting. Bound in early l6th cent, black calf over oak boards; end papers are manuscript leaves of lines 1*281-1*356 and 1*1*33-1*508 of Herman de Valencienne's verse translation of the Bible. Bookplate of Gerald P. Mander, Tettenhall Wood, Staffordshire. Letter from J. B. Oldham to Mander regarding the binding of this book. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 Mar. 56. xq909/H53pEt/ll*95 1*87 HILARIUS, LITCld&ICKY, ll*ll?-U*68. Tractatus contra perfidiam aliquorum Bohe- morum. Strassburg c Printer of the 11*83 Jor- danus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner?)> 15 June (in die sancton*> martin^ Viti 1 Modesti) 11*85. c\\2,l. 1*. 21.9cm. Leaf el a a (t.p.): Tractatus contra perfidi- am aliquorQ bohemorO. HC 8663*; BMC I 133 (IA 1831* ); Pr 596; Goff. Third census, H-271. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Stamp: Ex Biblioth. Regia Berolinensi. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x28U.3/H5Ut/ll*85 HIPPOCRATES. Spurious and doubtful works. De medicorum astrologia. Latin See FIRMIN IE BEAOVAL, fl. 1335-131*5. Prognosticon. Opus- culum repertorii prognosticon in mutationes aeris. c be fore 1* Nov. 11*85 HOLGOT, ROPERTOS See HOLKOT, ROBERTUS, d. 13U9 HOLKOT, ROBERTUS, d,13i*9. Super libros Sa- pientiae See his Super Sapientiam Salorao- nis. 11*89 1*88 HOLKOT, ROBERTUS, d.l3l*9. Super Sapientiam Salomonis. Reutlingen, Johann Otmar, 11*89. c290><., the last blank. f. 26cm. Leaf el a a (t.p. ) : Ropertus holgot super li- bros sapientie. HC 8760*; BMC II 587 (IB 10721*); Pr 2716; Goff. Third census, H-292. Capital-spaces, a few with guide -letters. Bound in vellum; lining papers are two leaves from an early 11* th cent, accessus to Ovid's Metamorphoses. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x229.3/H71s/H*89 *l*89 HOLT, JOHN fl. 11*95. Lac puerorum. My Ike for chyldren. Latin- English. Antwerp, Govaert Bac eafter 1500 cl*8s/. woodcuts: 3 capitals, 3 illus., 2 printer's devices. 8. 17.1cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): Lac puerorum .M. holti Anglice Mylke for chyldren. "Thome more epygranana'' : leaves el*7 b -l*8 a a Nijhof f -Kronenberg . Nederlandsche bibli- ographic van l5CO tot 151*0, no. 1*1*1*0 ec. I5ll; Goff. Third census, H-299. Closely trimmed, with some loss of text. Bound in brown crushed morocco; gilt. Manuscript note on t.p. (17th cent.?) about the author and the epigrams of Sir Thomas More. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 July 56. xl*75/H7i*/ HOLT, JOHN, fl. 11*95. Mylke for chyldren. Lat- in-English See his Lac puerorum. Latin- English. cafter"T500 3 HOLTE, JOHN See HOLT, JOHN, fl. 11*95 HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. SOVEREIGNS, ETC., 1220 1250 (Frederick II). Constitutio Friderici Inperatoris See PRIVILEGIA ET IMMUNITATES CLERICORUM. H*98 HOLT ROMAN EMPIRE. SOVEREIGNS, ETC., 1355- 1378 (CHARLES IV) Constitutio Karolina See PRIVILEGIA ET IMMUNITATES CLERICORUM. H*98 89 HOLT ROMAN EMPIRE. SOVEREIGNS, ETC., 11*33- 11*37 (SIOISMUND) Constitutio Sigismundina See PRIVILEGIA KT IMMUNITATES CLERICORUM. H*98 HOLTWOOD, JOHN See SACRO BOSCO, JOANNES DE, fl.1230 1*90 HORAE CANONICAE: De septem horis canonicis legendis aut decantandis. cSpeier, Con- rad Hist, ca.lU9U-96. c6.. U. 20.6cm. Leaf il a > (t.p.): De septem horis Canoni- cis ReuerSter i fructuose in ecclesia legen- dis. aut decantandis. Ascribed by Hain and Bibliotheque natio- nale to Henricus de Hassia (i.e. Heinrich von Langenstein) H 81*07=8825*; BMC II 507 (IA 8827); Pr 21*1*2; Ooff. Third census, H-U35. In manuscript on t.p.: Comparavit P. II- dephonsus' Hesele 1791. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x26l*.02/H78/ll9l* *1*91 HORATIUS FUCCUS, QUINTUS. Odae. tParisa Antoine Denidel, for Du- rand Gerlier, 1 Dec. (Kal. Dec.) 11*98. cl02 3 <. woodcut: printer's device. 1*. 22cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Ode Horatij fideliter emendate breuiusculis argumentis : Et tabula perfacili qua lex carminis cuiuslibet odes- clarissima redditur. Edited by Joannes Chappuis. HC 8903; C 311*6; BMC VIII 201* (IA 1*0779); Pr 8326; Qoff. Third census, H-ii78. Univ. of HI. has only leaves c91, 92 and c9l* a used as lining papers and last fly-leaf in Baptista Mantuanus. De suorum temporum calami tatibus . c Paris a 11*99. x852B22/0cll*99 1*92 HORATIUS FUCCUS, QUINTUS. Opera. Florence, Antonio di Bartolommeo Misccmini, 5 Aug. (Non. Aug.) U*82. c6,, CCLXIIII, *2,l. f. 27.8cm. Text surrounded by commentary of the editor, Cristoforo Landino. HCR 8881; BMC VI 637 (IB 27161); Pr 6ll*2; Goff. Third census, H-l*l*7. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters; some capitals added in blue and red. Imperfect: leaf LXVI wanting; replaced by an exquisitely made pen facsimile. Armorial bookplate: Ex libris Liechtenstei- nianis . Purchased from Kraus, 21 Nov. 53. x871/H5M82 1*93 HORATIUS FUCCUS, QUINTUS. Ooera. Venice, Bernardinus Stagninus, de Tridino, 11*86. CLXXVIIW. f. 30.6cm. Text surrounded by commentary of the edi- tor, Cristoforo Landino. HC 888U*; BMC V 36I1 (IB 22122); Pr U827; Goff. Third census, H-U50. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound in wooden boards, leather backstrip; remnants of 1* clasps. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq871/H5/lU86 1*91* HORATIUS FUCCUS, QUINTUS. Opera. Venice, Qeorgius Arrivabenus, I* Feb. (pridie Non. Feb.) 11*90/91. clii, 253^., the first and last blank, the last wanting. f. 30.7cm. Edited by Jacob Locher, with commentaries of Pomponius Porphyrion, Pseudo-Aero, and Cristoforo Landino. HC ( Add) 8887*; BMC V 38I* (IB 22517); Pr 1*917; Goff. Third census, H-l*51*. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Chiswick, 15 July 52. xq87l/H5/ll*90 1*95 HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Opera. Strassburg, Johann (Reinhard) Gruninger, 12 Mar. (IV Id. Mar.) 11*98. c6,, CCVII, .7.*., leaf cCCVIII, blank, woodcuts: illus., printer's device. f. 30.5cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Horatij flacci Uenuslni. Poete lirici opera cd quibusdam AnnotatSi- b Imaginibusqj pulcherrimis. aptisqj ad Odarfl concStus t SentStias. Edited by Jacob Locher, with an abridged version of the commentaries of Pomponius Porphyrio, Pseudo-Aero, Cristoforo Landino, and Antonio Mancinelli. HC 8898* ; BMC I 112 (IB 11*71); Pr 1*85; Goff. Third census, H-I*6l. The first two woodcut illus. and the print- er's device are colored yellow by hand; some initial-strokes in yellow. Imperfect: blank leaf cCCVIIIj and table of c6*<. at end are wanting. Purchased from Howes, 15 July 63. xq87l/H5/ll*98a 1*96 HORATIUS FUCCUS, QUINTUS. Opera. Venice cPhilippus Pincius?* 13 July 11*98. 2, cclyii (i.e. cclviii), cl* 3 *. wood- cuts: capitals. f. 33cm. Leaf cl S 3 (t.p.): Horatius cum quattuor commentarljs. Text surrounded by commentaries of Pompo- nius Porphyrio, Pseudo-Aero, Cristoforo Lan- dino, and Antonio Mancinelli. r Printed partly with types of Simon Bevi- laqua. C 311*5; BMC V 1*98 (IB 23686); Goff. Third census, H-U59. Imperfect: leaves clxxxxvi and clxxxxvli wanting . Capital-spaces with guide-letters; also woodcut capitals in three sizes. Bound with this is Terentius Afer, Publius. Terentius Comico Carmine. cArgStina, 1503> Purchased from Dawson, 23 July 51*. xq87l/H5Al*98b 90 U97 HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Opera. Venice, Joannes Alvisius, 23 July ll98. c3, II-CCLVII (i.e. CCLVIII), l*,/., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: illus., capital. f. 30.3cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Horatius cum quattuor commentariis. Text surrounded by commentaries of Pompo- nius Porphyrio, Pseudo-Aero, Cristoforo Landino, and Antonio Mancinelli. HCR 8896; BMC V $72 (IB 21*686); Pr 5635; Goff. Third census, H-l*60. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July U2. xq87l/H5/ll*98 HORMAN, WILLIAM, d.l535, Commentator See DIALOGUS LINGUAE ET VENTRIS. Dialogus Lin- guae et Ventris. cca.U*98-l500> HUBERTINUS, CLERICUS, CRESCENTINAS, Commen- tator See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Episto- lae ad familiares. 1 July 11*80 See OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Epistolae Heroides. 10 Nov. 11*92 HUBERTINUS, CRESCENTINIUS See HUBERTINUS, CLERICUS, CRESCENTINAS 1*98 cHUGO ARGENTINEIBIS, 1210(ca. )-1270. Compendium theologicae veritatis. Venice, Christophorus Arnoldus, 5 Apr. 11*76. cl60ai., the first blank and wanting. 1*. 21cm. Erroneously ascribed to Albertus Magnus and others. HC 1*39*; BMC V 205 (IA 19988)j GW 601*; Pr l*2ll*; Goff. Third census, A-232. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x230/H895c/LU76 U99 tHUGO ARGENTINENSIS* 1210(ca. )-1270. Compendium theologicae veritatis. Strass- burg cJohann Pnissa 11*89. c96i^., leaves ell*a and c96a blank. f. 26.2cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Compendium theologice veritatis. Erroneously ascribed to Albertus Magnus and others. "Tabula generalis" (leaves c89-95=) by Thomas Dorniberg. HC U*2*j BMC I 123 (IB 1661); CW 603; Pr 51*1*; Goff. Third census, A-239. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red. In manuscript on t.p. : Ad usum fratris Sebastian! de luell (?); also: Ad usum F. Ja- cob! Solini Maringij Ao. 1628. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x230/H895c/ll89 HUGO DE PRATO FLORIDO See VINAC, HUGO DE, d.1322 HUGO DE SANCTO CHARO, CARDINAL, d.1263, Sup- posed author. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis See BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221-127H7"Spurious and doubtful works. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis. 11*81* HUGO DE SANCTO VICTORE See HUGO OF SAINT VICTOR, 1096 or 7-lLUl HUGO DE VINAC DE PRATO FLORIDO See VINAC, HUGO DE, d.1322 HUGO OF SAINT VICTOR, IO96 or 7-111*1. De stu- dio orandi See THOMAS A KEMPIS, 1360-11*71. Hortulus rosarum. 11*99 HUGO OF SAINT VICTOR, 1096 or 7-111*1. De tri- bus dietis See his De studio orandi. 11*99 500 HUGO OF SAINT VICTOR, IO96 or 7-111*1. Didascalon et alia opuscula. eStrass- burg, Printer of Henricus Ariminensis (Georg Reyser), not after ll*7la e2l*6a/., the last two blank, the first six wanting. f. 29.7cm. Contents.- Didascalon.- De anima Christi.- De laude caritatis.- De contemptu mundi.- Quo studio orandus deus.- De Lya et Rachel. - Sententiae vel assertiones. HC 9022*; BMC I 78 (IB 859); Pr 313; Goff. Third census, H-532. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xql89.1*/H87d/ll*7l* 501 HUGO OF SAINT VICTOR, 1096 or 7-111*1. Regula S. Augustini. Paris, Guy Mar- chant, ca. 11*98 a c56?l. woodcut: illus. 8. ll*cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Regula canonicord regu- larium per hugonem de sancto victore corame - - taria declarata. Includes the text of the Regula and Lu- cius Samosatensis. Dialogus de funerali pom- pa (i.e. Dialogi mortuorum, 10: Charon et Mercurius) translated by Rinucius, Aretinus (leaves =53 b -56 b >) C 3195; Goff. Third census, H-533. Purchased from Tubbs, 7 Feb. 62. x87l/A59re.Xh/ll*98 HUGO VON STRASSBURG See HUGO ARGENTINES IS, 1210(ca.)-1270 HUND, MAGNUS See HUNDT, MAGNUS, 11*1*9-1519 o502 HUNDT, MAGNUS, 11*1*9-1519. Expositio Donati. Leipzig, Melchior Lot- ter, 11*96. thU,l., last leaf blank. 1*. 21.8cm. Leaf cl a (t.p.): Expositio Donati cfl qui- busdl nouis ac pulcerrimis notatis scdm via3 doctoris SScti perutilis BaccalariSdis . H 9036; BMC III 61*9 (note); Goff. Third census, H-552. The colophon is signed: C. K. (not C. R. as in Hain) for Conrad Kachelofen? Purchased from Stonehill, 5 Dae. 50 xl*75/D71aIhAi*96 91 503 HYGIWS, MYTHOGRAPHER. Poeticon astronomicon. Venice, Erhard Ratdolt, 22 Jan.lU85. c56*l. woodcuts: illus., diagr., capi- tals. k. 21.8cm. Edited by Jacobus Sentinus and J. L. San- tritter. HC 9063; BMC V 289 (IA 2051*0); Pr U398; Qoff. Third census, H-561. The inner sheet of quire f (f3-f6) is 2 cm. shorter than the rest of the book. Purchased from Schab, 11* June UU. x87l/H8a. s/lU85 IAMBLICHUS See JAMBLICHUS, OF CHALCIS IBN SARABI See SERAPION, JOHANNES, THE YOUN- GER, 12th cent. IBN SARABIYUN, YUftANNA See YUHANNA" IBN SARl- BIYtJN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. IBN SERABI See SERAPION, JOHANNES, THE YOUN- GER, 12th cent. IBN SERAPION, JOHANNAN See SERAPION, JOHAN- NES, THE YOUNGER, 12th cent. 50U IMAGE DU MONDE. Image du monde. English. cWestminstera William Caxton U*90* c88i<. woodcuts: illus., diagrs., print- er's device. f. 2U.7cm. Leaf cl a s : Here begynneth y e table of the rubrices of this presente volume named the myrrour of the world or thymage of the same _ Translated by William Caxton from a prose version of the Image du monde (or Livre de clergie) attributed by some authorities to Gossuin, by others to Gautier, of Metz. It is derived from various Latin sources, chief- ly the Imago mundi, probably comp. by Hono- rius Solitarius. cf. George Sarton. Introd. to the hist, of science. Washington, 1931, v.2, p. 591; Image du monde. Caxton's Mir- rour of the world, ed. by 0. H. Prior, Lon- don, 1913. Introd. Formerly also ascribed to Vincent de Beauvais. HC 11657; Ricci. Census of Caxtons, 95,8; Goff. Third census, M-88U. Imperfect: leaves cl, 2, 62 in facsimile and leaves c5-6i partly in facsimile; some margins repaired, with loss of some letters at end of lines on leaf c3 Bound by F. Bedford in blind-tooled brown morocco; in green morocco solander case. Bookplate of Frederick Perkins. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 Mar. 56. x03l*/Irali/lU90 505 IMITATIO CHRISTI. Imitatio Christi. Venice, Peter Loslein, 11*83. 2., $01. U. 21.5cm. Leaf l a : Incipit liber primus Johannis Gerson cancellarij parisiensis. De imitati- one xfi x de contemptu omnia vanitatfl mundi. Attributed variously, but now definitely ascribed to Thomas a Kempis. HC ( Add) 9085; BMC V 379 (I* 221*53); Pr U903; Goff. Third census, 1-5. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Imperfect: Lacks the first two leaves. Purchased from Stonehill, 3 Mar.5U. x2U2/ImUiAU83 506 IMITATIO CHRISTI. Imitatio Christi. Venice cJohannes Leo- viler, de Hallisa for Franciscus Madiis, lli86. c2, 75 (i.e. 65), zl*l., the last blank. 8. 16. 2cm. Attributed variously, but now definitely ascribed to Thomas a Kempis. "Tractat? de meditatioS cordis Jofiis Ger- son": leaves 6l b -75 a (i.e. 65 a ) HC (+ Add) 9090; BMC V Uo6 (IA 22785); Pr 5665; Goff. Third census, 1-11. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in fad- ed red. Margins of the first eight leaves torn and mended. Bookplate and autograph (dated 8 Nov 1919) of George Sarton. Purchased from Salloch, 11 Nov. 57. x2U2/lmUi/lU86 507 IMITATIO CHRISTI. Imitatio Christi. Strassburg, Martin Flach, 11*87. clu, LXXXI, ilat., the last blank and wanting. U. 22.1cm. Leaf el a > (t.p.): Tractatus de imitatCne christi CO tractatulo de meditatione cordis. Attributed variously, but now definitely ascribed to Thomas a Kempis. The author of the De meditatione cordis is Joannes Gerson. HC (+ Add) 9092*; BMC I 11*7 (IA 2109); Pr 673; Goff. Third census, I-lli. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue, alternately; initial-strokes and underlines in red. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x2U2/Iml4iM87 508 IMITATIO CHRISTI. Imitatio Christi. Venice, Petrus de Qua- rengiis, Bergomensis, and Giovanni Maria di Occimiano, 23 Apr.U*93. c88><., the last blank and wanting, woodcut: capital. 8. lU.8cm. Attributed variously, but now definitely ascribed to Thomas a Kempis. Includes Joannes Gerson 's De meditatione cordis (leaves 82 b -87 b >) HR 9107; BMC V 511 (I* 21*151*); Qoff. Third census, 1-28. IMITATIO CHRISTI - contlnued Capital-spaces with guide-letters; one woodcut capital. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan.U6. x21*2/lml*iAi*93a 509 IMITATIO CHRISTI. Imitatio Christi. Rome, Stephan Plannck, 3 0ct.ll*93. cl32a*.. the last blank, woodcuts: cap- itals. 8. Hi. 9cm. Attributed variously, but now definitely ascribed to Thomas a Kempis. Includes Joannes Qerson's De meditatione cordis (leaves 12U b -131 b O HCR 9106; Goff. Third census, 1-30. Imperfect: lacks leaves cl-l*a and the last blank. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x2l*2/lml*i/ll*93 510 IMITATIO CHRISTI. ITALIAN. Imitatio Christi. Italian. Venice, Bar- tholomaeus de Zanis, 23 Dec. 11*91. zlbil. woodcuts: capitals. 1*. 23cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): IOANNES GERSON DE IMMI- TATIONE CHRISTI ET DE CONTEMPTV MVNDI IN WLGAri sermone. Attributed to Thomas a Kempis. The attri- bution to Oerson is incorrect. "Epistola de Ioanni neapolitano ad Siluia uergine honestissima" : leaves c73 a -76 a HC (+ Add) 9129; BMC V 1*31 (IA 23710); Goff. Third census, 1-50. Capital-spaces with guide-letter3; also 5 woodcut capitals. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x2l*2/lml*il/H*91 IMOLA, BENVENUTO RAMRALDI DA See RAMBALDI, BENVENUTO, DA IMOLA, d.1387 or 8 511 INNOCENTIUS III, POPE, 1160 or 61-1216. Liber de contemptu mundi, sive De miseria humanae conditionis. Paris, Pierre Levet, 2 Mar.H*95. c36,*. 8. 11*. 2cm. Leaf cl a = : Liber devilitate cBditOis hu- mane a Lothario dyacono cardial! sctCrfl Ser- gi T Bachi qui postea Innoc. papa appellat" 6. Includes De proprietatibus Romanorum (leaf c36 a O HC 10221; BMC VIII 103 (IA 39927); Pr 8066; Goff. Third census, 1-91. Capital on leaf c3 a = and initial-strokes added in red. Bound in old tan calf; gilt spine. Purchased from Stonehill, 30 Aug. 71. x875/In6m/lU95 #512 INNOCENTIUS IV, POPE, d.l25L. Apparatus super libros Decretalium. Strass- burg cHeinrich Eggestein^ 11*78. cU66j^., leaves tl, 56, U66 3 blank. f. 1*1. 3cm. 92 Leaf cU65 b a (colophon): Explicit solennis apparatus InnocenciJ pape quarti super quinqj libris decretalium elegantissime conposit' _ emSdatus per _ Andrea hartmanni de epplngS _ HC 9191*5 BMC I 69 (IC 731); Pr 267; Goff. Third census, 1-95. Capital-spaces. Imperfect: contains only leaves c 303-1*653 (books 3-5) Bound in old half pigskin over wooden boards. In pencil inside back cover: Charles P. Taft Fund. July 11*. 191*9. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xf3l*8/C28l2dYi/H*78 513 INNOCENTIUS IV, POPE, d.1251*. Apparatus super libros Decretalium. Ven- ice, Johannes Herbort, de Seligenstadt, for Johannes de Colonia, Nicolaus Jenson, et Socii, 15 June H*8l. c 262 i I., the last blank, woodcut: pub- lisher's device. f. 1*1*. lcm. Printed in black and red. Edited by Franciscus Moneliensis. HC 9192*; BMC V 301 (IC 2151*0); Pr 1*678; Goff. Third census, I-96. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Bound in heavy oak boards with blind stamped leather backstrip; remnants of clasps. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xf3l*8/C28l2dYi/H*8l INNOCENTIUS IV, POPE, d.1251*. Tractatus ex- ceptionum See cWERNER VON SCHUSSENRIED, Modus legend! abbreviaturas . 9 Aug. 11*90 INNOCENTIUS VIII, POPE, 11*32-11*92 See CATHO- LIC CHURCH. POPE, H*81*-H*92 (INNOCENTIUS VIII) 511* INSTITORIS, HENRICUS, ll*30(ca. )-l505. Malleus maleficarum. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 17 Jan. 11*96. c6 3 , CLIII, dzl., the last blank and wanting. 1*. 19.5cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Malleus roaleficarfl. By Jacobus Sprenger and Henricus Instito- ris. H 921*6*; BMC II 1*1*1 (IA 7503); Pr 21035 Goff. Third census, 1-168. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Stamp on t.p.: Kuranstalt Schloss Matbach in Baden. Purchased from Hertzberger, 18 Oct. 65. xl33.1*/In7m/H*96 515 INSTITORIS, HENRICUS, 11*30 (ca. )-l505. Tractatus varii cum sermonibus contra er- rores adversus Eucharistiam exortos. Nurem- berg, Anton Koberger, 26 Jan. 11*96. cl3l*^. 1*. 19.1cm. Leaf d a 3 (t.p.): Tractat? varij cfl serm8- ib plurimis cStra quattuor errores nouissi- me exortos aduersus diuinissimC eucharistie sacramStfl: collect! a lectore ecclesie Saltz- burgefi. sacre pagle pfessore: ac heretice prauitatis inquisitore: fratre Heinrico In- stitoris: ordinis pdicatoiu.. 93 I16TIT0RIS , HENRICUS - continued H 9233*; BMC II UU (IA 7506); Pr 210U; Goff. Third census, 1-170. Capital-spaces, all but the first with guide -letters. Closely trimmed, with occasional loss of text. x265.3/In7tM96 INSULIS, ALANUS DE See ALANUS DE INSULIS, d. 1202 INSULIS, FRANCISCI MICHAEL DE See FRANCOIS, MICHEL, 11*35-1502 INSULIS, MICHAEL FRANCISCUS DE See FRAMJOIS, MICHEL, 11*35-1502 INTELLECTUS SUPER ORATIONE DOMINICA See THOM- AS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Spurious and doubtful works. De Eucharista ad modum decern praedicamentorum. 8 Apr. 11*73; also cca.ll*85>; cca. 11*90, ; cca.l500 3 ISABELLA I, LA CATOLICA, QUEEN OF SPAIN, U*5l- 150U See SPAIN. SOVEREIGNS, ETC., 11*79-1501* (FERDINAND V AND ISABELLA I) ISIDORUS HISPALENSIS See ISIDORUS, SAINT, BP. OF SEVILLE, d.636 516 ISIDORUS, SAINT, BP. OF SEVILLE, d.636. De summo bono. Leipzig, Arnoldus de Co- lonia, 1 Oct. (Kal. Oct.) U*93. clo, lxxvi I. 1*. 20cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): De summo bono Libri tres Sancti Isidori hyspalensis Episcopi. H 9288*; BMC III 61*1* (IA 12035); Pr 2996; Goff. Third census, 1-197. Capital-spaces . Stamps on verso of t.p.: Ex Bibliotheca Regia Acad. Georgiae Aug: and, Aus den Bestan- den der Niedersachs. Staats- und Universi- ta*tsbibliothek ausgeschieden. Gottingen den U Jan.l96U. Purchased from Rosenthal, 1* Oct. 65. x87l/l5d/ll*93 ISIDORUS, SAINT, BP. OF SEVILLE, d.636. De temporibus See his Opusculum de temporl- bus. cca.ll(90j 517 ISIDORUS, SAINT, BP. OF SEVILLE, d.636. Etymologiae. cAugsburgj Giinther Zainer, 19 Nov. 11*72. c26I*>. woodcuts: diagrs., map, geneal. tables. f. 33cm. H 9273; BMC II 317 (IB 51*38); Pr 1532; Goff. Third census, 1-181. Capitals added in red or blue, the first two with decorative pen work extending down the margin; initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines in red. Purchased from John Howell, 22 July 55. xq87l/l5e.z 518 ISIDORUS, SAINT, BP. OF SEVILLE, d.636. Opusculum de temporibus. cRome, Stephan Plannck, ca. 11*90: c6*. U. 20.5cm. H 9301**; IGI 5U20; Goff. Third census, I- 190 eabout 11*88-91* Bound in 17th-l8th-cent. brown mottled calf with (Spanish ?) coat of arms in gilt on covers. Purchased from Erasmus, 25 Sept. 68. x871/I5o/1U90 519 ISIDORUS, SAINT, BP. OF SEVILLE, d.636. Synonyma de nomine et ratione, seu Solilo- quia. Paris, Guy Marchant, 16 May 1U9U. c16j. woodcuts: illus., printer's de- vice. 8. 15cm. Leaf cl a (t.p.): Dialogus siue synonima ysidori de homine et ratione. Includes Petrus Blesensis. De beatitudine claustrali (leaves c2 a -3 ) Edited by Jacobus Lupi. HC 9298; BMC VIII 60 (IA 39636) (var.); Pr 7990; Goff. Third census, 1-207. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. The woodcut illus. sometimes found on the verso of the title page is absent in this copy. The Fairfax-Murray copy. Purchased from Stonehill, 19 July 51. x87l/l5s/ll49l 520 ISOCRATES. Orationes. Greek. Milan, Uldericus Scin- zenzeler and Sebastlanus de Ponte Tremulo, 2U Jan.m93. c200af., leaves cl> (wanting), el6>, and c3U= blank, woodcut: printer's device. f. 28cm. Edited by Demetrius Chalcondylas. HC 9312; BMC VI 767 (IB 26857); Pr 6065; Goff. Third census, 1-210. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters; the first capital added in blue. Purchased from Stonehill, U June 70, who bought it at Sotheby's sale, 5 May 70. X881/I8 521 ISOCRATES. Oratio de laudibus Helenae. Latin, c Ven- ice, Christophorus de Pensis, de Mandello, ca.11498-1500, cIOj, CXXXIIIK., leaves 7-8 3 wanting, woodcut: capital. f. 32.1cm. Leaf cl a (t.p.): Hoc Volumen Haec Conti- net. Isocratis Oratio De Laudibus Helenae e graeco In Latinum Traducta Ioanne Petro Lucense Interprete. Tabula Herodoti In Llt- terarum Ordinem Redacta. Herodoti Halicarnas- sei Libri Nouem e Graeco In Latinum Traducti Laurentio Vallense Interprete. Edited by Antonio Mancinelli. HC 93LU; BMC V U75 (IB 23533); Pr 5258; Goff. Third census, 1-212. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Bound in wooden boards with blind-stamped leather backstrip; remnants of four clasps. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq88l/I8*. 1^/11)98 9k 522 IVO, SAINT, BP. OF CHARTRES, ca.lOl*0-lll6. Liber decretorum; sive, Panormia. cBasels Michael Furter, 6 & 7 Mar. 11*99. cl*, CLXXVIILS. woodcuts: capitals. 1 illus., printer's device. U. 22.Uc*. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Liber decretord siue panormia Iuonis ac curato labore sBmoqj stu- dio in vnum redacts continens. Edited by Sebastian Brant. HC 9328*; BMC III 785 (IA 37809); Pr 7739; Goff. Third census, 1-223. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards; clasp intact; last leaf of text pasted to back cover. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan.U6. x3U8/Iv7*. woodcut: illus. 1*. 20cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Aureum speculum anime peccatricis docens pcta vitare ostendSdo viam salutis. HC 11*901*; Pr 11*23; Goff. Third census, S-61*7. A separate publication of book 5 of the Specula omnis status humanae vitae, by Jaco- bus de Gruytrode, sometimes also attributed to Dionysius Cartusianus. Capital-spaces, the first capital supplied in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 25 Oct. 1*3. x2l*3/Jl59s/U*9l* JACOBUS DE JUTERBOG See JACOBUS, OF JUTER- BOQK, 1381-11*65 JACOBUS, DE PARADISO See JACOBUS, OF JUTER- BOGK, 1381-11*65 95 JACOBUS EE THERAMO See PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, EE THERAMO, BP. OF SPOLETO, 131*9-11*17 529 JACOBUS DE VARAGINE, 1230-1298. Leben der Heiligen. Winterteil. Augsburg, Johann Baimler, 26 June 11*80. 1/. woodcut: illus. f . 21.5cm. H 9973*; Goff. Third census, J-l58(II). One leaf only, probably from Ba'mler's 11*80 edition; for the hand-colored woodcut see Schramm, Albert, Der Bilderschmuck der Frtthdrucke, v. 3 (1921) Abb. 283. (Museum) 875/Tl5/G/ll*80 530 JACOBUS DE VARAGINE, 1230-1298. Leben der Heiligen. Winterteil. Augs- burg eJohann Schonspergers 10 Jan. 11*85. CCCCxxxv I. woodcuts: illus. f u 26.9 H 9978; Qoff. Third census, J-l62(II). Univ. of HI. has one leaf only, foliated CCCxxiii, with colored woodcut illus. on verso. (Museum) 875/Jl5>/li*85 *531 JACOBUS DE VARAGINE, 1230-1298. Leben der Heiligen. Winterteil. Augsburg, Johann Schbnsperger, 3 July 11*87. 1/. woodcut: illus. f. 27.1cm. in folder 32.6cm. Ooff. Third census, J-163. One leaf only, apparently from SchSnsper- ger's 11*87 edition; possibly from his 11*89 edition (Ooff. Third census, J-161*). It is foliated cxvi. (Museum) q875/Jl5*G/H*87 532 JACOBUS DE VARAGINE, 1230-1298. Legenda aurea sanctorum; sive Lombardica historia. Venice, Octavianus Scotus, 12 Dec. (pridie Id. Dec.) ll*83. ccxlvi I. 1*. 23.5cm. Printed in black and red. CR 61*33; BMC V 278 (IA 21206) (var.); Pr 1*579; Goff. Third census, J-106. Capitals supplied in black ink. Bound by Riviere in black blind- and gilt- stamped morocco; vellum lining papers. Purchased from Shapiro, 15 Jan. 71 x875/Jl5*AU83a 533 JACOBUS EE VARAGINE, 1230-1298. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. cReutlingen, Michel Greyffj 11*83. .326,/. f. 28cm. CR (Suppl) 61*32; Pr 2720; Goff. Third cen- sus, J-109. Capital-spaces . Imperfect! leaves cl-13> wanting; leaf c325> torn and repaired, with some loss of text; photostat of the recto of c325 laid in. Signatures of the Univ. of 111. copy: 71 unsigned, d-k 8 1-n 6 , o-t 8 , v 10 , x 6 , y-z 8 , A-D, E-T B , .U 8 , Purchased from Sotheran, 11* Dec. 17. x875/J15/11*83 #531* JACOBUS DE VARAGINE, 1230-1298. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombandica historia. German. Nuremberg, Anton Kober- ger, 5 Dec. (Freitag vor Nikolaus) H*88. 2a, ccclxxxv, tlmt,, the last blank, woodcuts: illus. f. 36cm. Leaf ccclxxxv (colophon): _ist gedruckt diss Passional, das ist der Heyligen Leben_ Some of the woodcuts are attributed to Albrecht DUrer. H 998l; BMC II 1*33 (IC 71*00 ); Pr 2065; Goff. Third census, J-168. Univ. of 111. has 2 leaves only, foliated LI and CDC, each containing a hand-colored woodcut. (Museum) q875/Jl5/G/ll*88 JACOBUS DE VARAGINE, 1230-1298. Legenda au- rea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Pars hiemalis. German See his Leben der Heiligen. Winterteil JACOBUS DE VARAGINE, 1230-1298. Lombardica historia See his Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia JACOBUS DE VARAGINE, 1230-1298. Passional, das ist der Heiligen Leben See his Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. German. 5 Dec.ll*88 535 JACOBUS DE VARAGINE, 1230-1298. Sermones de Sanctis, c Cologne, Conrad Winters de Homborch, ca. 11*783 c206,l., the last blank and wanting. f. 38cm. Leaf el a : Tabula sermonfl de sSctis in hoc volumle contenton*-. C 651*8 (b); Pr 1181*; Goff. Third census, J-187. First capital added in four colors, with pen ornamentation down the margin; other capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlining in red. Bound in contemporary blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; back repaired; remnants of clasps. Ex libris of George Dunn of Woolley Hall. Date: Mar. 1895, in manuscript inside front cover. Purchased from Zeitlin, 17 Sept. 65. xq875/H5se/ll*78 536 JACOBUS DE VARAGINE, 1230-1298. Sermones de Sanctis. eUlm, Conrad Dinck- mut?3 3 Nov.ll*81*. el* j, cxxv, els/., the last blank. f. 27.9cm, in case 28.7cm. R (Sup) 219; BMC VI xxxvi (note) eGermany, with type derived from Schreibers; Pr 3261; Goff. Third census, J-190. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph -marks, and underlines added in red. 96 JACOBUS DE VARAGINE - contlnued Original binding of blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards; remnants of clasp. Bound with this is Johannes von Werden. Sermones dominicales. cUlm, ca.ll*80 3 Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. x875/Jl5se/ll*81* 537 JACOBUS DE VARAGINE, 1230-1298. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis. c Basel, Johann Amerbach, lb85= chS^l. 29cm. Leaf cl a (t.p.): Registrum in sermones Jacobi de voragine de tempore. C 651*5; BMC III 7U8 (IB 371*26) (var.); Pr 7619A; Ooff. Third census, J-197. Capital-spaces with guide-letters . Imperfect: contains only the Sermones de tempore (leaves cl-2160 x875/Jl5s/U485 538 JACOBUS DE VARAGINE, 1230-1298. Sermones quadragesimales . Brescia, Ange- lus and Jacobus Britannicus, 20 Aug. '11*83' ci.e. 11493?. c\5h*l., leaves cl-22a and the last (blank) wanting, woodcut: printer's device. 8. l6.Ucm. R 1897; BMC VII liv (note) cprobably ll*93>; Pr 6975; Goff. Third census, J-186. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound in old vellum, wormed. Purchased from Brentano, 19 Aug. 1*8. x252/Jl59s/ll93 JACOBUS DE VORAGINE See JACOBUS DE VARAGINE, 1230-1298 JACOBUS, JUNTERBURGIUS See JACOBUS, OF JU- TERBOGK, 1381-11*65 539 JACOBUS, OF JUTERBOGK, 1381-11*65. De animabus exutis a corporibus, sive, De apparitionlbus et receptaculis animarum. Passau eBenedictus Mayr and Conrad Stahela 11 Sept. 11*82. =22,*. 22cm. HC 935C*; BMC II 611* (IA 11309); Pr 2827; Goff. Third census, J-23. Capitals and initial-strokes added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xl33.1/Jl5d/ll*82 51*0 JACOBUS, OF JUTERBOGK, 1381-11*65. De animabus exutis a corporibus, sive, De apparitionlbus et receptaculis animarum. eSpeier, Conrad Hist, ca.ll*96a el8^. 1*. 19.7cm. Leaf cl 8 3 (t.p.): Tractatus peroptimus de animabus exutis a corporibus. editus a vene- rabili patre Jacobo de paradiso Sacre theo- logie professore ordinis carthusiefi. Ertfor- die. C 3332; Goff. Third census, J-25. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xl33.l/Jl5d/li*96 51*1 JACOBUS, OF JUTERBOGK, 1381-11*65. De animabus exutis a corporibus, sive, De apparitionibus et receptaculis animarum. eNuremberg, Georg Stuchs, ca. 11*97* c18j., the last blank. 1*. 27cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.)s Tractatus poptimus d'a- nimabus exutis a corporibus. editus a vene- rabili patre Jacobo de paradiso Sacre theo- logie pfessore, ordinis carthusieB. Ertfor- die. HC 93U5*; BMC II 1*71 (IA 8103); Pr 2279; Goff. Third census, J-27. Capital-spaces with guide-letters; in the first space a large decorative capital has been added in ink. In manuscript on the last verso: Sum Johan- nis Reichenstorfferi Ottouelusiani Bauari ad S. Bartholomett - Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xl33.1/Jl5d/ll*97 o5l2 JACOBUS, OF JUTERBOGK, 1381-11*65. De arte bene moriendi. Leipzig, Arnol- dus de Colcnia, 11*95. c28=<., the last blank. 1*. 21.1*cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Tractatus Doctoris Ia- cobi ordinis carthusiensis. De arte bene moriendi _ HC 93l*0; BMC III 61*1* (IA 1201*3); Pr 2998; Goff. Third census, J-29. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan.l*9. x236.l/Jl59a/U*95 51*3 JACOBUS, OF JUTERBOGK, 1381-11*65. De valore et utilitate Kissarum pro de- functis celebratarum. cHeidelberg, Hein- rich Knoblochtzera 11*93. c20?t ., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: capitals. 1*. 21cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): De valore et vtilitate missarfl pro defunctis celebratarfl persacre theologie professor?. IacobQ ordinis: car- tusiSsis edita. "Determinatio utrum perfecta Dei opera pos- sint impediri daemonis malicia" Johannis Mechlinia: leaves cl5-19> HC 931*1*; BMC III 671 (IA 12971); Pr 311*1; Goff. Third census, J-1*0. Two small capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph-marks added in red; woodcut capi- tals painted red. Bound in a vellum leaf from a breviary, possibly the Breviarium Pragense printed by Georg Stuchs, Nuremberg, 1502. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x261*.025/Jl5vAl*93 JACOBUS, PETRUS, MONTIFESSULANO See JACOBI, PIERRE, fl. 1311-1321 JACOBUS PHILIPPUS DE BERGAMO See FOREST I, JACOPO FILIPPO, DA BERGAMO, "13r3U-l520 97 JACOPO, COUNT OF PORCIA See PORCIA, JACOPO, CONTE DI, 11*62-1538 JACOPO DI POOGIO See POGGIO-BRACCIOLINI, JA- COPO, 11*1*2-11*78 JACOPO FILIPPO, DA BERGAMO See FORESTI, JA- COPO FILIPPO, DA BERGAMO,""H*"3U-l520 JAHYA" BEN SERAPION See YUHANNA IBN SARABI- YUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. 51*1* JAMBLICHUS, OF CHALCIS. De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, As- syriorum. Latin. Venice, Aldus Manutius, Romanus, Sept. 11*97. cl86><., the last blank and wanting, woodcut: capital. f. 31. Item. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Index eorum, quae hoc in libro habentur. Iamblichus de mysteriis Aegyp- tiorum. Chaldaeorum. Assyriorum. Proclus in Platonicum alcibiadem de anima, atq; daemone. Proclus de sacrificio & magia. Porphyrius de diuinis atq; daemonibus. Synesius Plato- nicus de somniis. Psellus de daemonibus. Expositio Prisciani & Marsilii in Theophra- stO de sensu. phantasia. & intellectu. Al- cinoi Platonici philosophi liber de doctrla Platonis; Speusippi Platonis discipuli li- ber de platonis difinitionibus csic. Pytha- gorae philosophi aurea uerba. Symbola Pitha- gorae philosophi. Xenocratis philosophi platonici liber de morte. Marsilii ficini liber de uoluptate. Translated by Marsilius Ficinus. HC 9358*; BMC V 557 (IB 21*1*1*6); Pr 5559; Goff. Third census, J-216. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Lettered at head of t.p. : M. Hermannus Buschius assignavit hunc librO Bibliothece maloris Ecclie. M8n. In manuscript inside front cover; J: J: Servaise; at head of fly- leaf: Hunc Librum, numeris omnibus absolutis- 8imum ex Hollandia nactus sum, Henric Drury. Prec. 7.12.6. Purchased from Shapiro, 1 Feb. 66. xq88l/J2my.Lf/ll*97 JANDUNO, JOANNES DE See JOANNES DE JANDONO, d.1328 JEAN D'OUTREMEUSE, 1338-II4OO, Supposed author. Itinerarius See MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN. Iti- nerarius. cca.ll*95 JOANNES A CURRIBUS, FERRARIENSIS See CANALES, JOANNES, d. 11*62 JOANNES, ABBOT OP NIVELLE See JOHANNES NIVI- CELLENSIS, ABBOT JOANNES BURSFELDEN3IS, d.1502, Supposed author. De triplici regione claustralium et spirltu- ali exercitio monachorum See TRITHEMIUS, JO- HANNES, 11*62-1516. De triplici regione clau- stralium et spiritual! exercitio monachorum. 6 Aug. U*98 JOANNES CAPREOLUS See CAPRIQLI, JEAN, 1380- 11*1*1* JOANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS See CHRYSOSTOMUS, JOAN- NES, SAINT, PATRIARCH OF CONSTANTINOPLE, d.l*07 51*5 JOANNES CLIMACUS, SAINT, 6th cent. Scala paradisi. cParis, Andre Bocard, for. Denis Roce cafter 12 Oct. 11*99. clviii (i.e. cliv)/. woodcut: publisher's device. 8. I5cn. Bound with Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Spurious and doubtful works. Manuale. c Colonic. 1506. Leaf cl a (t.p.): Doctor spOalis clymacus. C 1678; BMC VIII 229 (IA 1*1281*) (variation); Goff. Third census, J-311. Errors in foliation: nos. xxxii-xxxlii, exxvi, and cliil omitted; other errors also. Armorial bookplate of E. F. Langdale, Hamp- ton Court. Label: W. N. Pitcher & Co. Book- sellers, 1*9 Cross Street, Manchester. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 July 62. x2l*2/Aul*ma/l506 51*6 JOANNES DE GARLANDIA, ca.1195-ca.1272. Verba deponentalia. tReutlingen, Michel Greyff, 11*86-90. =22, <. 1*. 19.8cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Verba deponentalia. In verse, with commentary of Johannes Synthen. H 11*781**; BMC II 580 (IA 10793); Pr 2731*; Goff. Third census, G-88. Stamp: Duplum Bibliothecae Univers. Frei- burg. Brisg. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Mar. 52. x875/J572vAl86 o5i*7 JOANNES DE GARLANDIA, ca. 1195 -ca. 1272. Verba deponentalia. cGermany, after 1500. xx, cl*>*., the last blank. l*. 20cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Verba deponentalia cum commento. Signatures: a-d (last leaf blank) In verse, with commentary of Johannes Syn- then. Goff. Third census, G-9l*. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x875/J572v/l50- JOANNES DE JANDUNO, d.1328. De substantia or- bis Averrois See TIENE, GAETANO, 1387-11*65. Expositio in Aristotelem De anima. De sen- su agente. 21 Sept.; 16 Oct. 11*86 JOANNES DE MONTE REGIO See MUELLER, JOHANNES, REGIOMONTANUS, 11*36-11*75 JOANNES DE REOI0M0NTE See MUELLER, JOHANNES, REGIOMONTANUS, 11*36-13*76 JOANNES DE SACRO BOSCO See SACRO BOSCO, JO- ANNES DE, fl.1230 JOANNES DE SAXONIA See JOHANNES DE SAXONIA, fl.1323-1355 JOANNES DE TAMBACO See JOHANNES DE TAMBACO, 1288-1372 JOANNES DE TURRECREHATA See TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388-lk68 JOANNES, FERRARIEMSIS See CANALES, JOANNES, d.ll62 5U8 JOANNES FRANCISCUS BRIXIANUS, fl.l500, Com- piler. Regulae SS. Benedicti, Basilii, Augustini, Francisci. Venice, Johannes Emericus, de Spira, for Lucantonio Giunta, 13 Apr. (Id. Apr.) 1500. clxxviij, c62a<. woodcuts: illus., bor- der, printer's device. U. 32.2cm. Leaf d a j (t.p.): Habes isto volumine lec- tor cSdidlss. quatuor: primC approbatas reli- giosis abusqj viuendi regulas : Egregiaqj nS- nulla pariter: haud mediocre quidS emolument!! studiosis omnibus ac deuotis : sed Z iucundita- tej n8 modica" allatura. Que vero sint ola se- quent! intus facie (ni graue sit) seriatim specta. Immortalesqj bonorum omnium largitori Deo optimo maximo gratias habe. Printed in red and black. HC 13827*; C 5893; BMC V $U2 (IB 2U2W*); Pr 55QU; Goff. Third census, R-135. Imperfect: leaves cl79-21it 3 and c22 3 wanting. Error in binding : the last quire (leaves c237-2UOa) is bound between quires E and F (leaves c2l5-2l6=) (Museum) 27l/J572r/l500 JOANNES FRANCISCUS, VENETUS, Editor See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Quae- stiones disputatae de veritate. 20 Jan. LU76 See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Summae theologicae pars prima. 1U77 JOAHNES GALLENSIS See JOHN OF WALES, fl.1260 JOANNES HISPALEN3IS See JOHANNES HISPALEN- SIS, fl. 1135-1153 JOANNES, MONACHUS CISTERCIENSIS. Defensori- um juris See cWERNER VON SCHUSSENRIED, Mo- dus legendi abbreviaturas. 9 Aug.lU90 JOANNES NAPOLITANUS See GIOVANNI, NAPOLITA- NO, 15th cent. JOANNES PETRUS, LUCENSIS See GIAMPIETRO DA LUCCA, d.Ht57 JOANNES XXI, POPE, d.1277. Duodecim tracta- tus See his Summulae logicales. 15 Aug. 1500 5U9 JOANNES XXI, POPE, d.1277. Summulae logicales. Tubingen eJohann Ot- mar* 15 Aug. (circa festum Assumptionis glo- riose virginis marie), j005(i.e. 1500) c$6,l., the last blank and wanting, wood- cuts: 3 diagrs. U. 20.5cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Duodecim Tractatus petri hispa. Prim 3 de j)p8ne seu enfltiatone Secfl- dus de ?jnq3 {5dicabilifr> Terci de dec? p"di- camentis Quart" de silogismo simplicie Quint? de locis dyalecticis Sextus de fal- latijs Septi 9 de puis logicalib-) q sb'diui- dit in sex pciales tractatus Primus de sup- position Secundus de relatiuis Tercius de ampliatione Quartus de appellatione Quintus de restrictione Sextus de distribu- tione. Karl Steiff. Der erste Buchdruck in TUbin- gen (1881), no. 11, p.63j Goff. Third cen- sus, J-2U8. Capitals added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 5 Dec.50. xl60/J59s/l500 JOANNES XXI, POPE, d.1277. Tractatus duode- cim See his Summulae logicales. 15 Aug.l500 JOANNES, SOLDANUS BABYLONIORUM, Pseud.? Epi- stola ad Pium Papam Secundum See HESE, JO- ANNES DE, fl.1389. Itinerarius per diversas mundi partes. cca.l500 3 JOANNES VITERBIENSIS See NANNI, GIOVANNI, Il<32?-1502 JOHANNES CHRYSOSTOMUS See CHRYSOSTOMUS, JO- ANNES, SAINT, PATRIARCH OF CONSTANTINOPLE, d.U07 JOHANNES CLIMAX See JOANNES CLIMACUS, SAINT, 6th cent. JOHANNES DALBURGIU3 See DALBERG, JOHANN VON, 11^5-1503 JOHANNES DE BROMYARD See BROMYARDE, JOHN DE, f 1.1390 JOHANNES DE GARLANDIA See JOANNES DE GARLANDIA, ca.1195-ca.1272 JOHANNES DE HESE See HESE, JOANNES DE, fl. 1389 JOHANNES DE JANDUNO See JOANNES DE JANDUNO, d.1328 JOHANNES DE LAPIDE See HEYNLIN, JOHANN, 1U25?- 11*96 JOHANNES, DE MECHLINIA. Determinatio utrum perfecta Dei opera possint impedirl daemo- nis malicia See JACOBUS, OF JUTERBOGK, 1381-1U65. De valore et utilitate Missarum pro defuncti* celebratarum. LU93 JOHANNES DE MONTE REGIO See MUELLER, JOHAN- NES, REGIOMONTANUS, lU3o^lU76 JOHANNES DE PALTZ See PALTZ, JOHANN VON, d. 1511 99 JOHANNES DE SACRO BOSCO See SACRO BOSCO, JO- ANNES DE, fl.1230 JOHANNES DE SACRO BUSTO See SACRO BOSCO, JO- ANNES DE, fl.1230 JOHANNES DE SAXONIA. Coramentum super textu Alchabicii See 'ABD AL-AZlZ IBN 'UTHMAN, AL-ABTsT, fl.980. Libellus isagogicus. cbefore U l(ov.slU8$ JOHANNES DE SAXONIA, fl. 1323-1355. In Alcha- bitiun See 'ABD AL- 'AZIZ IBN 'UTHMA"N, AL- KABTSI, fl.980. Libellus isagogicus. cbe- fore h Nov.lU85. 550 JOHANNES DE TAMBACO, 1288-1372. Consolatio theologiae. cStrassburg, Printer of Henricus Ariminensis (Georg Rey- ser), not after 11^79= =29U^. 29.5cm. Leaf c 7*,: INCIPIT PROLOOVS IN LIBRVM DE CONSOLATIONE THEOLOGIE FRATRIS JOHANNIS DE TAMBACO. HC (+ Add) 15236* cEichstatt* ; BMC II U8U (IB 9U3)cSpeier 3 ; Pr 338; Goff. Third census, J-U36 cGeorgius de Spiraa Capitals added in red, blue or green; para- graph-marks in red. Bound in contemporary blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; unusual design; 2 clasps. Purchased from Sandbergs Bokhandel, 26 Oct. 55. xq230/J59c JOHANNES DE URBACH See AUERBACH, JOHANNES, fl.li405 JOHANNES DE VERDENA See JOHANNES VON WERDEN, d.U*37 JOHANNES, FABER, DE WERDEA See FABRI DE WER- DEA, JOHANNES, lUWKca. )-l505 JOHANNES FERRARIEN3IS See CANALES, JOHANNES, d. 11*62 JOHANNES QALLEffilS See JOHN OF WALES, fl.1260 JOHANNES ODALLENSIS See JOHN OF WALES, fl. 1260 JOHANNES HIS PALENSIS,_fl. 1135-1153, Transla- tor See 'ABD AL-'AZIZ IBN 'UTHMAN, AL-KA- BISI, fl.980. Libellus isagogicus. cbefore k Nov. 11*85 551 JOHANNES NIVICELLENSIS, ABBOT. Concordantiae Bibliae et Canonum. c Basel, Nicolaus Kesler, ca. 11*88:. c50./., the last blank. f. 31.9cm. Bound with Margarita Decretalium. Annota- tiones Margaritarum Decretalium. Basel cca. 11*96, Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Concordantie Biblie T Canonum. HC ( Add) 9U12*; BMC III 773 (IB 37687); Pr 7701; Goff. Third census, J-381. Capital-spaces. xq31*8/C28l2dYm/ll*96 JOHANNES PRESBYTER See JOHN, PRESTER JOHANNES REGIOMONTANUS See MUELLER, JOHANNES, REGIOMONTANUS, H*36-lE75 JOHANNES SARISBERIENSIS See JOHN OF SALIS- BURY, BP. OF CHARTRES, d.ll80 552 JOHANNES VON WERDEN, d. 11*37. Sermones Dominicales cum expositionibus Evangeliorum. cUlm, Johann Zainer, ca. H*80, c136d/., the first and last blank. f. 27.9cm. in case, 28.7cm. Bound with Jacobus de Varagine. Sermones de Sanctis. cUlm> 3 Nov.U*8l*. Attributed also to Richard Maidstone. H 15969*; Goff. Third census, J -1*1*8. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red. x875/Jl5se/ll*81* JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, SAINT See CHRYSOSTOMUS, JO- ANNES, SAINT, PATRIARCH OF CONSTANTINOPLE, d.l*07 JOHN OF GARLAND See JOANNES DE GARLANDIA, ca. 1195-ca.l272 JOHN, OF SALISBURY, BP. OF CHARTRES, d.1180, Supposed author. Dialogus Linguae et Ven- tris See DIALOGUS LINGUAE ET VENTRIS JOHN OF SAXONY See JOHANNES DE SAXONIA, fl. 1323-1355 JOHN OF WALES, fl.1260. Communiloquium See his Summa collationum, sive Communiloquium. cca. 11*70,; also II18I 553 JOHN OF WALES, fl.1260. Summa collationum, sive Communiloquium. c Cologne, Ulrich Zell, ca. 11*70, c262,*. It . 21.6cm. H 71*1*0*; BMC I 191 (IA 2897); Pr 81*1; Goff. Third census, J-328. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Date, 11*73, by rubricator ? at end. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xl70/J572s 551* JOHN OF WALES, fl.1260. Summa collationum, sive Communiloquium. cUlm, Johann Zalner, 1281 (i.e. ll*8l) d88,., leaves d3, and d88, blank. f. 27.6cm. H 71*1*3*; BMC II 527 (IB 9197); Pr 2526; Goff. Third census, J-331. Capitals, initial-strokes and some para- graph-marks added in red. 100 JOHN OF WALES - continued Imperfect: leaf cl and the last blank wanting . Purchased from Landau, 9 Jan. 2 8 xl70/J572s/ll*8l JOHN, PRESTER. De ritu et moribus Indorum See HESE, JOANNES DE, fl.1389. Itlnerarius per diversas mundi partes. cca.l500a JORDAN OF OSNABRUCH See JORDANUS OSNABURGEN- SIS, fl. 1251-1283 555 JORDAN VON QUEDLINBURG, d.1380. Passio Christ! secundum quattuor Evangeli- stas. c Basel, Jacobus Wolff, de Pforzheim, 11*92 o c82?l., the last blank and wanting, woodcut: capital. i*. 19.6cm. Leaf cl a i (t.p.): Textus passionis christi ftn quattuor euagelistas in vnS collectus historiam c3 serm3e dominico. It8 articuli passiBis cii theorematibus et documentis fratris Iordanis ordinis heremitarum sancti Augustini. H 91*1*3*; BMC III 776 (IA 37702); Pr 7625 cAmerbacha; Goff. Third census, J-U76. In the 2d part of the book are capital- spaces, mo3t with guide-letters; some capi- tals and paragraph-marks added in red; the woodcut capital also is partly painted red. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x232.U/J76p/ll*92 JORDANUS, CANONICUS OSNABURGENSIS See JORDA- NUS OSNABURGENSIS, fl. 1251-1283 JORDANUS DE QUEDLINBURG See JORDAN VON QUED- LINBURG, d.1380 556 JORDANUS NEMORARIUS, fl.1230 Arithmetica. Paris, Johannes Higman and Wolfgang Hopyl, 22 July 11*96. d2,l. woodcuts: diagrs. f. 28.1*cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): In hoc opere contenta. Arithmetica decern libris demonstrata Musi- ca libris demonstrata quattuor Epitome I libros arithmeticos diui Seuerini Boetij Rithmimachie ludus q t pugna nfleroit*, appel- lat - Edited with commentary by Jacobus Faber Stapulensis, who is also the author of the other tracts mentioned on the title page. The Rithmimachie ludus has also been attrib- uted to John Shirwood, Bp. of Durham. HC 91*36; BMC VIII 137 (IB 1*0139); Pr 8137; Goff. Third census, J-l*72. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x5ll/J767eAU96 557 JORDANUS OSNABURGENSIS, fl. 1251-1283. De Imperio Romano. cRome, Wolf Han (Lu- pus Gallus), ca. LU763 cl2><. 1*. 23.3cm. HC 91*37*; BMC IV 71* (IB 18217); Pr 3370 cUlrich Haru; Goff. Third census, J-l*73. One capital added in blue, four others in red; initial-strokes in red. Bound in a vellum fragment of a liturgi- cal manuscript. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x322/J76iAl*76 JORDANUS QUEDLINBURGENSIS See JORDAN VON QUEDLINBURG, d.1380 JORDANUS VON OSNABRUCK See JORDANUS OSNABUR- GENSIS, 1251-1283 JORZ, THOMAS, 1230(ca. )-1310, Commentator See BOETHIUS, d.52l*. De consolatio philo- sophiae. 12 Nov. 11*76; also 11*81*; 23 June 1U86; 21* Dec. 11*89; cca.ll*90,; ll* June 11*98 JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. De antiquitate Judaica. Latin See his De bello Judaico. Latin. 25 Dec.lUBo" 558 JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. De bello Judaico. Latin. Verona, Petrus Maufer, 25 Dec. (VIII Kal. Jan.) 11*80. c211*j<., the third blank and wanting. f. 29.9cm. in case 30.7cm. Includes his De antiquitate Judaica; both works translated by Rufinus Aquileiensis and edited by Ludovicus Cendrata. HC 91*52*; BMC VII 951 (IB 30733); Pr 6918; Goff. Third census, J-l*81*. Seven large capitals and initial-strokes are added in red; an escutcheon is painted in blue and gold in the lower margin of leaf cl* a a, with the initials J and C in black ink on either side. Bound in mottled calf with gilt rules, den- telles and edges; front cover loose. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. xq88l/J5b.L/ll*80 559 JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. De bello Judaico. Italian. Florence, Bar- tolommeo di Libri, 6 July 11*93. c208ai., the first blank and wanting, f . 30. 3cm. Leaf c3 a >: INCOMI.MCIA ILPROEMIO DI IOSEPHO EBREO NEL LIBRO DELLA HISTORIA DELLA GVERRA HEBBONO IGIVDEI COROMANI. HCR 91*60; BMC VI 61*9 (IB 27297); Pr 6199; Goff. Third census, J-l*90. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Stamp: Biblioteca Magnani 1816 Citta di Bologna. In manuscript on last verso: Questo Libro e di Ranieri Luti 7 - 171*9. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq88l/J5b. 1/11*93 JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. De bello Judaico. Guerra dei Giudei See his Italian. 6 July 11*93 JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. Historia della Guerra hebbono See his De bello Judaico. Italian. 6 July 1C93 101 560 JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. Opera. Latin. Venice, Joannes Rubeus Ver- cellensis, for Octavianus Scotus, 23 Oct. 11*86. 278>*., leaves cl, 183, 181*, 278= blank. f. 31.5cm. Translated by Rufinus Aqulleiensls, edit- ed by Hieronymus Squaraaf icus . HC 91*51**; BMC V 1*15 (IB 23112); Pr 5118; Ooff. Third census, J-l*86. Capital-spaces. Stamp on t.p. : Abbaye de Sept-Fons. Purchased from Kraus, 19 July 65. xq88l/J5.Lr/ll*86 JOUENNEAUX, 0UY, d.1507, Commentator See TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Comoedlae. 1 Nov. 11*96; also 7 Mar. 11*98; 11 Feb. 11*99 JULIANUS POMERIUS, ABP. OF TOLEDO See POME- RIUS, JULIANUS, fl.U98 JUSTINIANUS I, EMPEROR OF THE EAST, l*83?-565. Codex See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. CODEX JUSTINIANUS ROMANUS, 15th cent., Editor See JUSTINUS, MARCUS JUNIANUS. Epitomae in Tro- gi Pompeii historias. cbefore U Apr. 11*91*3 JUSTINIANUS, BERNARDUS See GIUSTINIANI, BER- NARDO, 11*08-11*89 Ven- 561 JUSTINUS, MARCUS JUNIANUS. Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii historias ice, Nicolaus Jenson, li*70. cll*0>*. 1* . 28.7cm. HR 961*7; BMC V 167 (IB 19615); Pr 1*067; Ooff. Third census, J-613. First capital added in blue with a decor- ative background in red; other capitals in red and blue alternately. Purchased from Stonehill, 2 Feb. 1*9. x87l/J6/ll*70 562 JUSTINUS, MARCUS JUNIANUS. Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii historias. Milan, Christophorus Valdarfer, 1 June (Kal. Iun.) 11*76 cl08**. 29cm. HC 9650; BMC VI 726 (IB 26223); Pr 5879; Ooff. Third census, J-617. Capitals supplied in red and blue alter- nately. Bound in tan calf with gilt rules, dentel- les, and edges, and arms with legend: Pro Christo et Patria. Purchased from Olschki, Apr. 65. xq871/J6/ll*76 563 JUSTINUS, MARCUS JUNIANUS. Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii historias. c Venice, Joannes Rubeus Vercellensis, before 1* Apr. 11(91*:. lvil, tlil., the last wanting. f. 32.6cm. Leaf l a 3 (t.p.): IVSTINI ET .L. FLORI EPITHOME. The recension of Filippo Beroaldo and Ju- stinianus Romanus edited by Marcus Antonius Sabellicus . HC 9651**5 BMC V 1*21 (IB 23172); Pr 5139; Ooff. Third census, J-620. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Thorp, 11* Mar. 39. xq87l/J6/ll*90 561* JUSTINUS, MARCUS JUNIANUS. Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii historias. cParisj Guy Marchant, for Jean Petit cnot before Dec.l507 d8>, CXL (i.e. CXLI), ilal. woodcuts: capitals, illus., printer's devices. U. 20.5cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Iustini Historia ex Tro- go Pompeio quattuor & trlglta epithomatis collecta. Lucii Flori Epithomata quattuor {Jcultissima in decern Titi Liuii decades. Sexti Ruffi c3sularis viri ad Valentiand Augustum de Historia Romana opus dignissimum. HC 9658; Goff. Third census, J-623. Purchased from L'Art Ancien, 3 Mar. 61*. uncataloged JUTERBOGK, JACOBUS DE See JACOBUS, OF JUTER- BOGK, 1381-11*65 565 JUVENALIS, DECIMUS JUNIUS. Satyrae. Venice, Theodorus de Ragazoni- bus, 16 June 11*91. c120j^., the first (wanting) and last blank. f. 31.1*cm. Text surrounded by commentaries of Domitius Calderinus and Georgius Valla. HC 9701**; BMC V 1*77 (IB 23552); Pr 5265; Goff. Third census, J-657. Three capitals added in red or blue on a background of the other color and trailing decoration in the margin; another capital in red; spaces, some with guide-letters elsewhere. Bookplate of Franklin H. Chase. Purchased from Shapiro, 21* Feb. 61*. xq871/J7/ll*91 566 JUVENALIS, DECIMUS JUNIUS. Satyrae. Venice, Joannes Tacuinus, de Tridino, 28 Jan.ll9l*/95. 8a, clxxxlii (i.e. clxxxviii), !*>*. woodcuts: illus., capital, printer's device. f. 31.5cm. Leaf cl a a : Argumenta Satyrarum Iuuenalis per Antonium Mancinellum. Text surrounded by commentaries of Anto- nius Mancinellus, Domitius Calderinus, and Georgius Valla. HC 9710*; BMC V 529 (IB 21*029); Pr 51*27; Goff. Third census, J-663. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters; one woodcut capital. Errors in binding: sig. A3-1* bound between &1* and &5; &6 and &7 transposed. Purchased from Passim, llx June 65. xq87l/J 7/11*91* 102 JUVENALIS , DECIMIS JUNIUS-contlnued Another copy. Quire a is the variant setting-up found in the Bodleian copy and described in the Brit. Mus. Cat. In this copy, all Greek passages are print- ed; in the original setting-up, spaces are left in quire a for two passages. Purchased from Bobenmyer, 17 May 60. xq87l/J7AU9Ua 567 JUVENILIS, DEC MUS JUNIUS. Satyrae. Venice, Simon Bevilaqua cca. 11*96/97. cll6 3 <. woodcuts: capitals. f. 29.3 cm. Leaf tl a i (t.p.): Iuuenalis Cum tribus commentariis uidelicet Domitii Calderini Georgii Merulae necnS Georgii Vallae. HC 97125 BMC V 521 (IB 23986); Pr 5U10; Goff. Third census, J-665. Some capital-spaces, most with guide-let- ters. Ex libris Jacob Weinberg. Purchased from Edwards, 3 Aug.U8. xq87l/J7/li96 568 JUVENALIS, DECIMUS JUNIUS. Satyrae. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 6 Dec.lii97. 8, CXCl. f. 33cm. Bound with Persius Flaccus, Aulus. Casti- gatissimum Persii poema. eVenetiis, I5l6 3 Leaf el a . (t.p.): IVVENALIS Anto. Manci. Domici Geor. Val. Argument* Satyrarum Iu- uenalis per Antonium Mancinellum. Prima do- cet Satyrae causas: (16 hexameters) - VI- tima militiae foelicis praemia narrat. HC 9711; BMC II Wi3 (IB 7538); Pr 2116; Goff. Third census, J-66U. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters; 8 capitals added in yellow, green or red. In manuscript on t.p. of the Persius: Ex libris Monasterij Wiblinsen. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July h2. xq87l/P2/l5l6 569 JUVENALIS, DECIMUS JUNIUS. Satyrae. cLyonsa Nicolaus Wolf, for Ste- phanus Gaynardus, 18 (i.e. 20?) Nov.LU98. c6=, CXCVIILJ. woodcuts: illus., capit- als. l*. 2U.9cm. Leaf cl a i (t.p.); Iuuenalis familiare cC- mentQ Cum Antonij Mancinelli viri eruditis- simi explanatione . Argumenta Satyrarum Iu- uenalis per Antonium Mancinellum. Prima docet Satyre causas: (16 hexameters) _ VI- tima militie felicis premia narrat. Includes commentary of Jodocus Badius As- censius . Printed in black and red. HC 9716; BMC VIII 329 (IB U2183); Pr 867U; Goff. Third census, J-656. The capital at the beginning of the text is supplied in yellow on a shaded blue back- ground. Armorial bookplates of Lord Western and Felix Hall. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July U2. x87l/J7M98 570 JUVENALIS, DECIMUS JUNIUS. Satyrae. Italian. Treviso, Michael Man- zolus cnot before 31 Aug.alU80. c88,<., the first blank. f. 29.5cm. Translated by Georgius Summaripa. HCR 9720; BMC VI 889 (IB 2836U); Pr 6U77; Goff. Third census, J-667. xq87l/J7.Is JUVENALIS, GUIDO See JOUENNEAUX, GUT, d.l507 JUVENCUS, PRESBYTER See JUVENCUS, C. VET- TIUS AQUILINUS o571 JUVENCUS, C. VETTIUS AQUILINUS. Historia evangel ica heroicis versibus con- scripta. cDeventer, Jacobus de Breda, ca. i5oo, c62,l. woodcut: printer's device. k. l8.Ucm. Leaf el a 3 (t.p.): JuuScus presbyter, im- mSsam euSgelice legis maiestate} heroicis versibus concludens. C 3U22; BMC DC 78 (IA 1*7953) J Pr 9116; Goff. Third census, J -676. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Bound in 18th cent, brown mottled calf. Purchased from Shapiro, 29 Oct. 56. x87l/J 8/1500 AL-KABISI See 'ABD AL-'AZIZ IBN 'UTHMAN, AL- KABISI, fl.980 KALLIERGES, ZACHARIAS, fl.lU99-l523, Editor See ETYMOLOGICUM MAGNUM. 8 July 1U99 KARL IV, EMPEROR OF GERMANY, 1316-1378 See HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. SOVEREIGNS, ETC., 135"5- 1378 (CHARLES IV) KONRAD VON BRUNDELSHEIM See CONRADUS DE BRUNDELSHEIM, d.1321 KONRAD VON LICHTENAU, PROVOST OF URSPERG, d.l2U0, Supposed author. Chronicon Urs- pergense See BURCHARDUS, PROVOST OF URS- PERG, d.1230. Historia Friderici Impera- toris. tll472 a 572 KONRAD VON MURE, 1210-1281. Fabularius, seu Repertorium vocabulorum. Basel, Berthold Ruppel cca. 11*703 clh&il., the last blank. 29.7cm. 103 KONRAD VON MURE - continued H 1161*2*; BMC III 715 (IB 37010); GW 71*21*; Pr 71*1*8; Ooff. Third census, C-855. Capital-spaces. Bound in blind-stamped leather over wood- en boards; 2 clasps. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq875/K83f KONRAD VON MURE, 1210-1281. Repertorium vo- cabulorum See his Fabularius, seu Reperto- rium vocabulorum. cca. 11*70* LACISIUS, ANTONIUS PARTHENIUS See PARTENIO, ANTONIO 573 LACTANTIUS, LUCIUS CAECILIUS FIRMIANUS. Opera. Rome, Conradus Sweynheym and Ar- noldus Pannartz cnot after 30 Aug. > 11*70. e22U*., the first and last blank and wanting. 31*. 5cm. Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bishop of Ale- ria. HCR 9808; BMC IV 10 (IB 17157); Pr 3313; Ooff. Third census, L-3. Capital-spaces . Imperfect: leaves c32, 1*1-1*2, $1, 91* and cl02* badly torn and discolored, laminated; leaves c33, 52* and c71-7l** wanting, replac- ed by copies made from the Huntington Lib- rary copy. Bookplate of Frederick J. Lazell. Purchased from Shapiro, 25 July 67. xq87lAl7/H*70 571* LACTANTIUS, LUCIUS CAECILIUS FIRMIANUS. Opera. Venice* Vindelinus de Spira, 11*72. c207*<., leaves 1, 198, 207* blank and wanting. f. 3l*.lcm. HC 9810*; BMC V 160 (IC 1951*5); Pr 1*01*0; Goff. Third census, L-5. Illuminated capitals in gold and colors, the first extremely elegant, with floral marginal elongation; most capitals in pale blue. Lacks leaves cl99-206* containing the Nepithomon. Label: Arma Johannis Baronis Carteret de Hawnes. Ao. Xi. MDCCCXLI. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq871/L17/ll*72 575 LACTANTIUS, LUCIUS CAECILIUS FIRMIANUS. Opera. Rome, Ulrich Han (Udalricus Gal- lus) and Simon Nicolai Chardella, 12 Feb. 11.71*. c260./., leaves .1, 15, 259> blank; el* and c259> wanting. f. 35.3cm. Edited by Angelus Sabinus. HC 9811; BMC IV 21* (IB 17303) J Pr 3360; Goff. Third census, L-6. The first capital has been supplied in blue, 6 others in red; many others in black ink in imitation of printed letters. Error in binding: the order of quires z and 1 has been reversed. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9 xq87l/L17AU7l* 576 LACTANTIUS, LUCIUS CAECILIUS FIRMIANUS. Opera. Venice, Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 27 Aug. 11*78. c228*/., the first blank and wanting. f. 29.9cm. HC 98ll*; BMC V 233 (IB 2031*3); Pr 1*332; Goff. Third census, L-9. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Error in binding: leaf c220* (sig. z g ) bound at end. Bookplate of Bp. Jonathon Shipley (1711*- 1785) Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq87l/L17/ll*78 577 LACTANTIUS, LUCIUS CAECILIUS FIRMIANUS. Opera. Venice, Theodoras de Ragazonibus, 21 Apr.lcl90. cll*8*<., the first blank. f. 31.2cm. Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bp. of Aleria. HC 9815; BMC V 1*77 (IB 235U6); Pr 5262; Goff. Third census, L-10. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Manuscript notes by former owners, Paolo Giovio, Bp. of Nocera (11*83-1552) and Gio- vanni Battista Giovio (17U8-18U*) Purchased from Heller, 30 Nov. 53. xq87lAl7/ll*90 578 LACTANTIUS, LUCIUS CAECILIUS FIRMIANUS. Opera. Venice, Vincentius Benalius, 22 Mar. 11*93. clhOil., the first and last blank and wanting. f. 32cm. Leaf c9*j (t.p.): Lactantii Firmiani De diuinls institutionibus Libri septem: De Ira dei: Et Opificio hols cum Epithomon eiusdS Foeliciter Incipiunt. Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bp. of Aleria. HC 9816*; BMC V 525 (IB 23897); Pr 5376; Goff. Third census, L-ll. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from de Graaf , 30 June 70. xq87lAl7/ll*93 579 LACTANTIUS, LUCIUS CAECILIUS FIRMIANUS. Opera. Venice, Simon Bevilaqua, 1* Apr. 11*97. clUOil., the first and last blank, wood- cuts: capitals. f. 32.5cm. Edited by Joannes Andreae, Bp. of Aleria. HC 98l8; BMC V 522 (IB 23967); Pr 5U01; Goff. Third census, L-13. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Bound in original wooden boards, with backs trip of tan leather; remnants of one clasp. 10U LACTANTIUS , LUCIUS CAECILIUS FIRMIANUS , Supposed author - continued Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq87l/L17/ll*97 LACTANTIUS, LUCIUS CAECILIUS FIRMIANUS, Sup- posed author. Fabularum Ovidii abbreviatio See LACTANTIUS PLACIDUS, Supposed author. Fabularum Ovidii abbreviatio. cca.ll*75 580 LACTANTIUS PLACIDUS, Supposed author. Fabularum Ovidii abbreviatio. *Rome, Bartholomaeus Guldinbeck, ca.ll*75 c)0,l. 1*. 20.8cm. Ascribed also to Lucius Caecilius Firmia- nus Lactantius and to Aelius Donatus. H 6387*; BMC IV 69 (IA 18077); Pr 3568; Qoff. Third census, L-17. Capital-spaces. Stamp: St. Bride Foundation Passmore Ed- wards Library Reed Co. Section 1900. Purchased from Christensen, 12 Oct. 59. x87l/08m.Y*/ll*75 LACTANTIUS PLACIDUS, Supposed author. Narra- tiones fabularum Ovidiarum See LACTANTIUS PLACIDUS, Supposed author. Fabularum Ovi- dii abbreviatio. cca.ll*75> LAELIUS, THEODORUS, BP. OF TREVISO See LELLI, TE0D0R0 DE', BP., 11*27-11*66 LAETUS, JULIUS POMPONIUS See LETO, GIULIO PCMP0M0, 11*25-11*97 LAETUS, POMPONIUS See LETO, GIULIO P0MP0NI0, 11*25-11*97 LANA, JACOPO DELLA, ll*th cent., Commentator See DANTE ALIGHTERI, 1265-1321. La Comme- dia. 1U77 LANDINO, CRIST0FOR0, ll*2l*-l50l*, Commentator See DANTE AilGHIERI, 1265-1321. La Comme- dia. 30 Aug.ll*8l; also 31 May 11*87; 3 Mar. 11*91 See HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Opera. 5 Aug7ll*82; also 1U86; 1* Feb. 11*90/91; 12 Mar. 11*98; 13 July 11*98; 23 July 11*98 See VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Opera. U*92; also 20 Feb. 11*97 LANDINUS See LAUDIVIO, ZACCHIA, DE VEZZANO, fl. 11*73 LANDINUS, CHRISTOPHORUS See UNDINO, CRISTO- FORO, ll*2l*-l50l* LANDULFUS CARTHUSIENSIS See LUDOLPHUS DE SAXONIA, ll*th cent. LANICIA, GUILIELMUS DE See GUILIELMUS DE LA- NIC IA LAPIDE, JOHANNES DE See HEYNLIN, JOHANN, 11*257-11*96 LA PORTA, ARDICINUS DE See PORTA, ARDICINUS DELLA, d. 11*93 581 LASCARIS, C0N3TANTINUS, ll*3l*-l5017 Erotemata. Greek and Latin. Venice, Al- dus Manutius, Romanus, 28 Feb.ll*9l*/95 cnot before 8 Mar. 11*95 > cl66af ., the last two wanting, woodcuts: capitals, borders. 1*. 21.5cm. Leaf tl a i (t.p.): In hoc libro haec Con- tinentur. Constantini Lascaris Erotemata cfi interpretatione latina. De Iris graecis ac diphthSgis et quSadmodQ ad nos ueniSt. Abbreuiationes quibus frequentissime graeci utuntur. Oratio Dominica & duplex salutatio Beatae Virginis. Symbol om Apostolorum. E- uangelium Diui Ioannis Euangelistae. Carmi- na Aurea Pythagorae. Phocilidis uiri sapi- entissimi moralia. Omnia suprascripta habent eregione interpretations latina" deuerbo ad uerbfl. Translated by Joannes Crastonus Placentinus. HC (+ Add) 9921**; BMC V 552 (IA 21*383); Pr 55U6; Goff. Third census, L-68. Purchased from Stonehill, 2 Feb. 1*9. xl*85/L33g/H*95 LATINI, BRUNETTO, 1220-1295. II tesoro See BRUNI, LEONARDO ARETINO, 1369-11*1*1*. Aquila volante LATRO, MARCUS PORCIUS. Declamatio contra L. Catilinam See SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, C. Opera. cca.ll*9l*-l5O0=, 582 cLAUDIVIO, ZACCHIA, DE VEZZANO, fl. 11*73. Epistolae magni Turci. cLeipaig, Conrad Kachelofen, after 23 Feb.ll*88 cl6,. 1*. 20.7cm. Leaf d a * (t.p.): Epistole Magni Turci. Purportedly a translation of letters of Mehmet II, Sultan of Turkey; actually by Laudivio. cf. F. C. H. Babinger. Laudivius Zacchia, Erdichter der Epistolae magni Tur- ci. I960. Edited by Joannes Maius. H 10507; BMC III 623 (IA 11610) ; GW (Nachtr) 21*3; Goff. Third census, M-63. Capital added in blue on leaf c2 >; ini- tial-strokes in red, paragraph-marks in red or blue. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x9l*9.6/L36e/ll*88 LAUDIVIUS VEZZANESE, ZACHARIAS See LAUDIVIO, ZACCHIA, DE VEZZANO. fl.U*73 LAUDIVIUS, ZACHARIAS See LAUDIVIO, ZACCHIA, DE VEZZANO, fl. 11*73 LAUX, DAVID, fl. 11*96-1503, Editor See LE FEVRE, JACQUES D'ETAPLES, d.l537. Intro- ductiones in diversos libros Aristotelis. 12 Oct. 11*97 105 LE FEVRE, JACQUES D'ETAPLES, d.1537. De ludo arithmomachiae, sive Rithmimachiae ludus See JORDANUS NEMORARIUS, fl.1230. Arith- metica. 22 July 11*96 LE FEVRE, JACQUES D'ETAPLES, d.1537. Epi- tome in libros arithmeticos Boetii See JOR- DANUS NEMORARIUS, fl.1230. Arithmetica. 22 July U*96 583 LE FEVRE, JACQUES D'ETAPLES, d.l537 Introductiones in diversos libros Aristo- telis. cParis, Guy Marchant, 12 Oct. 11*97. c30i/. woodcuts: diagrs., printer's de- vice. h. 20cm. Leaf cl a o (t.p.)* In hoc opusculo he con- tinentur introductiones. In suppositions In predicabilia In diuisiones In predica- menta In librum de enunciatione In primum priorum In secundum priorum In libros po- steriorum In locos dialectico3 In fallaci- as In obligationes In insolubilia. Edited by Jodocus Cllchtoveus, Guillermus Qonterius, and David Lauxius. Goff. Third census, F-16. Bound by Brugalla in blue crushed morocco; vellum lining-papers; gilt edges. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Aug. 57. x88l/A8.Y*ef/ll*97 LE FEVRE, JACQUES D'ETAPLES, d.1537. Musica libris demonstrata quattuor See JORDANUS NEMORARIUS, fl.1230. Arithmetica. 22 July 1U96 LE FEVRE, JACQUES D'ETAPLES, d.1537. Rith- mimachiae ludus See JORDANUS NEMORARIUS, fl. 1230. Arithmetica. 22 July 11*96 LE FEVRE, JACQUES D'ETAPLES, d.1537 See HER- MES TRISMEGISTUS. Pimander de potestate et sapientia Dei. Latin. 31 July ll*9l* LE FEVRE, JACQUES D'ETAPLES, d.1537, Editor See ARISTCTELES. Ethica ad Nicomachum. Lat- in. 12 Apr. 11*97 See JORDANUS NEMORARIUS, fl.1230. Arith- metica. 22 July 11*96 See SACRO BOSCO, JOANNES DE, fl.1230. Sphaera mundi. 23 Oct. 11*99 581* LE GRAND, JACQUES, 11*25. Sophologium. cStrassburg, The R- Printer (Adolf Rusch) not after 5 Jan.ll*75> c219'., the last two blank, the last wanting. f. 29cm. HC 101*71*; BMC I 62 (IB 61*0); Pr 21*0; Goff. Third census, M-l*3. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, underlining, and book and tract numbers add- ed in red. Signed at end by rubricator: Wolfgangus Eysengeringer Anno dni 11*76. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq872/L52s/li*75 LELIUS, THEODORUS See LELLI, TEODORO DE', BP., 11*27-11*66 LELLI, TEODORO DE', BP., 11*27-11*66, Editor See HIERONTMUS, SAINT. Epistolae. 22 Jan. 2*76 LELLIS, THEODORUS DE See LELLI, TEODORO DE', BP., 11*27-11*66 LEO, ARCHIPRESBYTER, 10th cent. Historia de preliis See PSEUDO-CALLISTHENES. Historia Alexandrl Magni. Latin 585 LEO I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE, d.l*6l. Sermones. Italian. Florence cAntonio di Bartolommeo Miscominl. 21 May 11*85. cl* 3 , CLXVIII, 2s4., the last blank and wanting. f. 29cm. Translated by Filippo Corsini. HC 10016*; BMC VI 638 (IB 27173); Pr 6U*7; Goff. Third census, L-136. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Armorial bookplate of Luton Library. Purchased from Edwards, 23 Apr. 65. xq252A55lsIc LEONARDUS, ARETINUS See BRUNI, LEONARDO ARETINO, 1369-11*1*1* LEONARDUS BRUNUS ARETINUS See BRUNI, LEONAR- DO ARETINO, 1369-11*1*1* LEONARDUS DE UTINO See LEOWREUS MATTHAEI DE UTINO, 11*70 586 LEONARDUS MATTHAEI DE UTINO, Sermones de Sanctis. Venice, Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 11*75. c311*j., the last blank. l*. 20.5cm. HC 16132; BMC V 226 (IA 2021*9); Pr 1*300; Goff. Third census, L-157. First capital illuminated, with a coat of arms in colors; other capitals added in gilt. From the library of J. W. Kitchell, Pana, HI., 1835-1911*; bequeathed by Mrs. Mary F. Kitchell to the Univ. of Illinois in 1931. x252A55s 587 LEONARDUS MATTHAEI DE UTINO, 11*70. Sermones de Sanctis. cStrassburg, Mar- tin Schott, ca. 11*83* c360*l. f. 31cm. HC I6l26cll*65.; BMC I 93 (IB 1161); Pr 391*; Goff. Third census, L-163. Capital-spaces . Bound in contemporary blind-stamped calf; clasps . Purchased from Traylen, 16 July 65. xq252/L55s/ll*83 588 LEONARDUS MATTHAEI DE UTINO, 11*70. Sermones quadragesimales de legibus dicti. Speier, Peter Drach, 23 June (DC Kal. Jul.) 11*79. c350j., the first and last blank, wood- cut: printer's device. f. 1*0. 3cm. 106 LEONARDOS MATTHAEI DE UTINO - contlnued H 16120* , BMC II 1*90 (IC 8U77); Pr 2333; Goff. Third census, L-ll*7. Capital-spaces . Bound in blind-stamped calf in fleur de- lys pattern over original wooden boards; worn and wormed. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xf252A55se/ll*79 LEONARDUS UTICKNSIS See LEONARDOS MATTHAEI DE UTINO, 11*70 LEONICENO, OGNIBENE See LEONICENUS, OMNIBO- NUS, d. 11*93 589 LEONICENUS, OMNIBONUS, d. 11*93. Conmentum in Ciceronis Oratorem. Vicen- za c Johannes de Reno 1i 22 Dec. (XI Kal. Ian.) 1U76. cl76,. 29.9cm. HC 10030* cLeonardus de Basilea.HR 10030; BMC VII 101*1 (IB 31765); Pr 711*5; Goff. Third census, L-171. Four capital-spaces with guide -letters. In manuscript at head of leaf c2 a j : Mona- sterij Minoraugiensis . This is covered with a printed label: Bonaventura Abbas Minoraug. Bound in vellum leaves from a Breviary, possibly the Breviarium Pragense printed by Georg Stuchs, Nuremberg, 1502. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan.U6. xq871/C7rg.wM76 LEONICENUS, OMNIBONUS, d.ll*93, Commentator See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. 20 Dec.lU87; also cca.ll*88:>; 15 Mar. 11*91; 23 Jan. 11*98/99? See LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS. Pharsalia. 2 May~ll*86; also 31 Jan.U*93M/; 20 Oct. 11*98 See VALERIUS MAXDMUS. Facta et dicta memorabilia. 18 June 11*82 Editor See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De inventione, sive Rhetorica vetus. 11*79 See QUINTILIANUS, MARCUS FABIUS. Insti- tutiones oratoriae. 21 May 11*71; also 18 Aug. 1U9U LEOPOLD VI, DER GLORREICHE, DUKE OF AUSTRIA, 1176-1230, Supposed author. Compilatio de astrorum scientia See LEOPOLD OF AUSTRIA, ASTRONOMER. Compilatio de astrorum scien- tia. 9 Jan.lU89 590 LEOPOLD OF AUSTRIA, ASTRONOMER. Compilatio de astrorum scientia. Augs- burg, Erhard Ratdolt, 9 Jan. (V Id. Ian.) 11*89. dlOil., the last blank, woodcuts: illus., diagrs.(in black and red), capitals. 1*. 22.6cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p. ): Compilatio Leupoldl du- catus Austrie filij de astrorum scientia Decern continens tractatus. Incorrectly ascribed to Leopold VI, der Glorreiche, Duke of Austria. HC 100l*2-; BMC II 382 (IA 6679); Pr 1879; Goff. Third census, L-185. Bound in a vellum leaf from a Breviary, possibly the Breviarium Pragense, printed by Georg Stuchs, Nuremberg, 1502. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x520/L552c/ll*89 LEOPOLDUS DE AUSTRIA See LEOPOLD OF AUSTRU, ASTRONOMER 591 LESCHER, PAUL. Rhetorica pro conficiendis epistolis accom- modata. Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, 8 Feb. (VI Id. Feb.) 11*91. c2lj*., the last blank. 1*. 20.1*cm. Leaf el a 3 (t.p.): Rethorica Lescherii pro cBficiendis epistolis accSmodata. H 10038; BMC I 276 (IA 1*563); Goff. Third census, L-182. Capital-spaces, one with guide-letter. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xl*78.3/L56rAl*91 LESCHERIUS, PAULUS See LESCHER, PAUL 592 LETO, GIULIO PCMPONIO, 11*25-11*97. Grammaticae compendium. Venice, Baptista de Tort is, 31 Mar. 11*81*. =1*0:,*. 1*. 21.5cm. Bound with Catonis disticha. Cato: disticha de moribus. Basel, 11* June 11*86. HCR 9831*; BMC V 323 (IA 2135U ); Pr 1*621*; Goff. Third census, L-23. Some capitals, initial-strokes, and para- graph-marks added in red. Error in binding of quire b: cb^-by^a bound before t>iii-biv x871A/C29/ll*86 593 LETO, GIULIO P0MP0NI0, 11*25-11*97. Romanae historiae compendium. Venice, Bernardinus Venetus, de Vitalibus, 23 Apr. 11*99. c60zl. woodcuts: capitals. 1*. 22.7cm. Leaf el a a (t.p.): ROMANAE HISTORIAE COM- PENDIVM AB INTERITV GORDIANI IVNIORIS VSQVE AD IVSTINVM .III. PER POMPONIVM UETVM. CVM PRIVILEGIO. "Pomponii vita," by M. Antonius Sabelli- cus: leaves c57 a -60 a a HC 983C*; BMC V 5U9 (U 21*31*3); Pr 5532; Goff. Third census, L-21*. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov. 1*1*. x875A56r/ll*99 591* LETO, GIULIO POMPONIO, 11*25-11*97. Romanae historiae compendium. Venice, Bernardinus Venetus, de Vitalibus, 12 Dec. 1500. 107 LETO , GIULIO POMPONIO - continued c&Ozl. woodcuts: capitals; printer's device. 1*. 21.5cm. Leaf cl a , (t.p.): ROMANAE HISTORIAE COM- PENDIVM AB INTERITV QORDIANI IVNIORIS VSQVE AD IVSTINVM .III. PER POMPONIVM LAETVM. CVM PRIVILEGIO. "Pomponii vita," by M. Antonius Sabelli- cus: leaves c57 a -60 a j HC 9831*=H 1*81*8 (II); BMC V 51*9 (IA 21*356); Pr 5537; Ooff. Third census, L-25. In manuscript on t.p. ; Johannes Lucen- borch; on verso of t.p. : Edouard Gamier^ (18U8); other names also, and date MDXI M Martio. x875/L56r/l500 LETO, GIULIO POMPONIO, lli25-ll*97, Commenta- tor See QUINTILIANUS, MARCUS FABIUS. In- stitutiones oratoriae. 18 Aug.ll*9l* Editor See NONIUS MARCELLUS. De pro- prietate Latini sermonis. 2 Sept. 11*83 See SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, C. Opera, cca. l^U^lifoO, See VARRO, MARCUS TERENTIUS. De lin- gua Latina. cca.ll*71-72j; also tea. 11*78* LEUPOLDUS, DUKE 0? AUSTRIA See LEOPOLD OF AUSTRIA, ASTRONOMER LEUTOLPHUS DE SAXONIA See LUDOLPHUS DE SAXONIA, U*th cent. LEUWB, DIONISIUS DE See DENIS LE CHARTREUX, 11*02 or 3-1U71 #595 LEVI BEN QERSON, 1288-131*1*. Perush Iyob. Hebrew. (Commentary on Job). cPerrarai Abraham ben Hayyim, '16' ci.e. 17 May U77. cl2l*>. 1* . 20cm. H 10061; Pr 571*5; Ooff. Third census, Heb-70. Univ. of HI. has one leaf only. Gift of Stonehill, 8 July 53. uncataloged LEVI BEN OERSON, 1288-131*1*. Commentary on Job See his Perush Iyob. 17 May 11*77 LEVI, SOLOMON See PAULUS DE SANCTA MARIA, BP., 1353(ca7PU*35 596 LILIO, ZACCARIA, BP., De origine et laudibus scientiarum. Florence, Francesco Bonaccorsi, for Pietro Pacini, 7 Apr. (VII Id. Apr.) U*96 72*. woodcuts: 2 full-page diagrs., publisher's device. 1*. 22.2cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.) i IN HOC VOLVMINE CONTI- NENTVR HI LIBRI. Primus liber De origine & laudibus scientiarum. Secundus liber. Contra Antipodes Tertius liber De miserla hominis & contemptu mundi. Quartus liber De generi- bus uentorum Quintus liber Vita Carol! Magni. HC 10103; BMC VI 675 (IA 27630); Pr 6316; Qoff. Third census, L-221. Bound in old wooden boards with wide tan calf backstrip; remnants of two clasps. Purchased from Olschkl, 1965. x875A62d/U*96 597 LILIO, ZACCARIA, BP., Orbis breviarium. Naples. Ayolfus de Cantono, 9 Nov. (V Id. Nov.) 11*96. ell2jl. woodcuts: border, diagrs., print- er's device. 1*. 20.5cra. Leaf c3 b (t.p.): ZACHARIAE LILII VINCEN- TINI CANONICI REOVLARIS ORBIS BREVIARIVM FIDE COMPENDIO ORDINEQ. CAPTV AC MEMORATV FACILLIMVM FOELIX ET GRATVS LEGITO. HC 10102* ; BMC VI 871* (IA 29559); Pr 671*1*; Goff. Third census, L-219. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Two ownership stamps with initials: S N. Purchased from Harper, 2 Dec. 61*. X910.3/L62 o/ll*96 LILIUS, ZACHARIAS See LILIO, ZACCARIA, BP., LI NACRE, THOMAS, 11*60-1521*, Translator See FIRMICUS MATERNUS, JULIUS. De nativitatl- bus. 11*99 598 LINDELBACH, MICHAEL, 15th cent. Praecepta Latini tatis. Heidelberg c Print- er of Lindelbach. IS Dec. (XVIII Kal. Ian.) U*86. c72., the last blank. 1*. 20.6cm. Leaf cl a * (t.p.): Precepta latinitatis ex dluersis oratory atqg poetarum codicibus tracta. The Printer of Lindelbach has been tenta- tively identified by Brit. Mus. Cat. (XV cent.) as Johann and Conrad Hist; by Ferdinand Geldner (Die deutschen Inkunabeldrucker, v.l (1968) p. 266) as Heinrich Knoblochtzer. HC 10112; BMC III 667 (IA 12912); Pr 3129; Goff. Third census, L-223. Capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines added in red on leaves c2-9; capital-spaces elsewhere. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xl75A61*lp/U*86 o599 LIRER, THOMAS, 12th? cent. Chronik von alien Kb'nigen und Kaisern. Strassburg cBartholomaeus Kistler, after 22 July U*99 c56><. woodcuts: illus., capitals. 1* . 20.3cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): Cronica v5 alien KUnig vnd Keiseren: von anfang Rom. Auch von vil geschlichten bisz zfi vnsern zeiten die gesche- hen seint. HC (+ Add) 1*993*; BMC I 161* (IA 21*36); Pr 759; Ooff. Third census, L-228. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. x831L67/Os 11*99 108 LIHER, THOMAS, 12th? cent. Cronica von alien Kiinig und Keiseren See his Chronik von al- ien KSnigen und Kaisem. cafter 22 July ll*99> LIVIUS, TITUS. Ab urbe condita See his Hlsto- riae Romanae decades 600 LIVIUS, TITUS. Historiae Romanae decades. cRomej Ulrich Han (Udalricus Gallus) cbefore 3 Aug. 11*70:, cl*52>*. t. 1*1. 7cm. Edited by G. A. Campano. HC 10129; BMC IV 20 (IC 17251* ); Pr 33U5; Goff. Third census, L-237. Capital-spaces . Imperfect: contains only the third decade (leaves cl83-332) Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July U2. xq87lA5/H*70 601 LIVIUS, TITUS. Historiae Romanae decades. Venice, Bar- tholomaeus de Zanis, 20 June 11*98. c20a, 229, elil., the last blank, wood- cuts: capitals, f . 32cm. Leaf cl a , (t.p.): TITI LIVII DECADIS. Edited by M. A. Sabellico. HC (Add) 10Ui2; Pr 531*0; Goff. Third census, L-2l*8. Some capital-spaces with guide-letters in addition to 33 woodcut capitals. Bound with this is Lucanus, M. A. Anneus Lucanus cum duobus comentis. eVenetiis, 1505, Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq871/L5/lU98 602 LIVIUS, TITUS. Historiae Romanae decades. Italian. Ven- ice, Andreas Torresanus, de Asula, et Socii, 13 Aug. 11*85. c372,<., the first and last blank and wanting. f. 3l*.5cra. Includes Leonardus Brunus Aretinus. De primo bello Punico. Italian (leaves c355 a - 371 b =. ) HC (+ Add) 1011j7; BMC V 308 (IB 21630); Pr 1*708; Goff. Third census, L-251*. The Tavola (leaves c2-20, ) is bound at the end. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately; a large coat of arms, with initials: L. C., is painted in colors at the end. xq87l/L5. 1/11*85 603 LOCHER, JAKOB, 11*71-1528. Panegyricus ad Maximilianum. Tragoedia de Turcis et Soldano. Dialogus de neresiar- chis. Strassburg, Johann (Reinhard) Grti- ninger, 11*97. c62,l. woodcuts: 20 illus. 1*. 20.5cm. Leaf el a , (t.p.): Libri philomusi. Pane- gyric! ad Regg Tragedi3 de Thurcis et Sulda- no Dyalog de hesiarchis. Includes also letters and verses by Locher. HC 10153*; BMC I 112 (IA 11*68); Pr 1*83 j Goff. Third census, L-261*. In last line of colophon, Hain and Brit. Mus. have: christo; IU copy: chistro. Purchased from Kraus, 21 Feb. 1*8. x875.1/L78pa/ll*97 LOCHER, JAKOB, 11*71-1528, Editor See HORA- TIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Opera. IT"Feb.ll*90/91; also 12 Mar. 11*98 LOCHER, JAKOB, 11*71-1528, Translator See BRANT, SEBASTIAN, 11*58-1521. Das Narren- schiff . Latin. 1 Aug. 11*97; also 1 Mar.H*98 601* LOCHMAIER, MICHAEL, d. 11*91. Sermones de Sanctis cum vigintitribus Pauli Wann sermonibus. cPassau, Johann Petri, 11*90-913 c1*02j4., leaves cl9> and cl*02> blank and wanting, f^. 28.6cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Celeberrimi sacre the- ologie nee non iurlspontificij doctoris et arcium magistri ac ecclesie PatauieH. cano- nici domini Michaelis lochmair sermones de Sanctis perutiles cum vigintitribus sermoni- bus magistri Pauli wann annexis feliciter incipiunt. HC 10172*; BMC II 617 (IB 11373); Pr 281*5; Goff. Third census, L-270. Capital-spaces; one capital added in red and green, some other capitals, initial- strokes, and paragraph-marks in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq252A789s LOCHMAIER, MICHAEL, d. 11*91, Editor See HEIN- RICH VON LANGENSTEIN, 1325 (ca. )-1397. Se- creta sacerdotum. cca.ll*97a; also cl500?j LODOVICUS DE PRUSSIA See LUDOVICUS DE PRUS- SIA, fl. 11*58-11*98 605 LOLLIO, ANTONIO, d. 11*86. Oratio circumcisionis Dominicae coram In- nocentio VIII habita. cRome, Stephan Plannck, after 1 Jan.ll*85j c6,. 1*. 20.9cm. H 10179*; BMC IV 81* (IA 18393); Pr 3658; Goff. Third census, L-273. Capital-space with guide-letter. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x875.5/L83o 606 LOLLIO, ANTONIO, d. 11*86. Oratio circumcisionis Dominicae coram In- nocentio VIII habita. cRome, Stephan Plannck, 11*88-90:. c6 a l., the last blank and wanting. 1*. 19.2cm. H 10180*; BMC IV 93 (IA 18397); Pr 3659; Goff. Third census, L-275. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x875.5A83o/ll*88 LOMBARD, PETER See PETRUS LOMBARDUS, BP. OF PARIS, 12th cent. 109 LOPEZ REBELLO, GIEGO See LUPI, JACOBUS, d. Ill* 607 LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS. Pharsalia. Brescia, Jacobus Britannicus, 2 May (VI Non. Mai.) 11*86. 176.*., the first blank and wanting, woodcut: printer's device. f. 30.5cm. Text surrounded by commentary of Omnibonus Leonicenus, edited by Joannes Taberius. HC 10237*; BMC VII 975 (IB 31126); Pr 6983; Goff. Third census, L-301. Capital-spaces, most with guide letters. Bound in tan calf, gilt-stamped, with arms of Marzio Pacceco Carafa, 9th duke of Madda- loni on both covers. Purchased from Edwards, 23 Apr. 65. xq87l/L6/H*86 608 LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS. Pharsalia. Venice, Simon Bevilaqua, 31 Jan.lU93/9U .220./. f. 31.7cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p. ): Accipe candldisslme lector Iofinis Sulpitii Verulani in singulos Pharssaliae Lucani libros Argumenta : Nee non eiusdem & Omnibonl Vincentini in totum Volumen cBmentarios. Text surrounded by commentary of 0mnibonu3 Leonicenus and Joannes Sulpitius. HC 102la*; BMC V 517 (IB 23926); Pr 5381; Goff. Third census, L-305. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Error in binding: quires a and b reversed; leaves of quire a are in the following order; a 3-8, 1-2. Armorial bookplate of John William Willis Bund. Purchased from Ford, 13 Oct. 1*2. xq87l/L6AU9U 609 LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS. Pharsalia. Venice, Simon Bevilaqua, 20 0ct.Ui98. 218,*. f. 32.2cm. Leaf il 1 (t.p.): Lucanus Cum Duobus Comment is. Cum Gratia t Preuilegio. Text surrounded by commentaries of Omni- bonus Leonicenus and Joannes Sulpitius. HC 1021*2*; BMC V 523 (IB 2398U); Pr 5U09; Goff. Third census, L-307. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Armorial bookplate: Ex libris Herculis de Silva; his armorial stamp on last verso. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July li2. xq87l/L6AU98 LUCCA, GIAMPIETRO DA. See GIAMPIETRO DA LUC- CA. d.lU57 LUCENSIS, JOANNES PETRUS See GIAMPIETRO DA LUCCA, d. 11*57 LUCEI6I3, PSTRUS See GIAMPIETRO DA LUCCA, d. 11*57 LUCIANUS, OF SAMOSATA. Dialogus de funerali pompa See HUGO OF SAINT VICTOR, IO96 or 7- 111*1. Regula S. Augustini. tea. 11*98. 610 LUCIANUS, OF SAMOSATA. Opera selecta. Latin. Venice, Simon Be- vilaqua, 25 Aug.ll9l*. 112*4. woodcut: border. 1* . 22cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Luciani de ueris narra- tionibus Luciani de asino auro Luciani philosophoR; uite Luciani Scipio Luciani tyrannus Luciani schaphidium Luciani pali- nurus Luciani Charon Luciani Diogenes Lu- ciani Terpsion Luciani hercules. Luciani nirtus tsic. Dea Luciani in amorem Lucia- ni Timon. Contains also his Sermo de calumnia and Laus muscae. The De veris narrationibus was translated by Lilio Castellani. HC 10261*; BMC V 519 (IA 23939); Pr 5387 Goff. Third census, L-329. Capital-spaces, the last eight with guide letters. The woodcut border, on leaf t2 a . has been colored by a later hand. Purchased from Goldschmidt, 13 May 68. x88l/L6.X.L/ll*9l* LUCIANUS SAM0SATEN5IS See LUCIANUS, OF SAMO- SATA 611 LUCRETIUS CARUS, TITUS. De rerum natura. Venice, Aldus Manu- tius, Romanus, Dec.l500. 10836. woodcuts: capitals. 1*. 21cm. Leaf t l a (t.p.): T. LVCRETII CARI, LIBRI SEX NVPER EMENDATI. Edited by Hieronymus Avantius. HC 10285*; BMC V 562 (IA 21*509); Pr 5576; Goff. Third census, L-335. In manuscript on t.p.: lac. Ponetowski. Purchased in 1965. x87l/L9/l500 LUCTATIUS, GRAMMATICUS See LACTANTIUS PLACI- DUS LUCTATIUS PLACIDUS See LACTANTIUS PLACIDUS LUDOLF VON SACHSEN See LUDOLPHUS DE SAXONIA, lltth cent. LUDOLFO CARTUSIANO See LUDOLPHUS DE SAXONIA, 11* th cent. 612 LUDOLPHUS DE SAXONIA, ll*th cent. Vita Christi. Nuremberg, Anton Kober- ger, ll* Aug. (in vigilia Assumpt8nis vginis gloriose) 11*95. 312.*. f. 31.5cm. Leaf cl a s (t.p.): Vita christi siue medi- tationes scef'm seriem euSgelistanp d dfim Leutolphum de saxonia patre deuotum argenti- ne in carthusia pfessum ob laudS dei c8pi- lata. 110 L.UD0LPHUS DE SAXONIA - continued HC 10296*; BMC II 1*1*0 (IB 7U9U ) ; Pr 2100; Qoff. Third census, L-3l*6. Illuminated initial in gold and colors; capitals, paragraph-marks, and underlining in red or blue. Index in manuscript, dated 1515 s cl3*. at end. Bound in light calf by J. P. dray, Cambrid- ge. Bookplates of Gottfried Balthasar Scharff , T. L. Seddon, and Walter Ambrose Harding. Purchased about 1965. xq232.9A96v/lU95 LUDOLPHUS THE CARTHUSIAN See LUDOLPHUS DE SAXONIA, lUth cent. LUDOVICUS A TURHI See TORRE, L0D0VIC0 DELU, d.1502 LUDOVICUS DE LA TURK See TORRI, L0D0VIC0 DELU, d.l502 613 LUDOVICUS DE PRUSSIA, fl. 11*58-11*98. Trilogium animae. Nuremberg, Anton Ko- berger, 6 Mar. 11*98. c35U><., the last blank, woodcuts: ill us. , port., diagrs. 1*. 23.5cm. Leaf d a . (t.p.): Trilogium anime non so- lum religiosis verfietiS secularibus predica- toribus cOfessoribus contemplantibus et stu- dentibus lum5 intellectus et ardorem affec- tus amminis trans. HC 10315*; BMC II 1*1*1* (IB 75U5); Pr 2119; Qoff. Third census, L-379. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters; two illuminated initials. Stamps, on verso of t.p.: Ex Biblioth. Regia Berolinensis and Lubeckische Stadtbi- bliothek. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xl28A96t LUDOVICUS PRUTHENUS See LUDOVICUS DE PRUS- sia, fl. 11*58-11*98 6ll* LULL, RAMON, d,13l5. Ars brevis. cRorae, Eucharius Silbera U* Feb. 11*85. 32*4.. the first blank and wanting, table. 1*. 20. 6cm. R 125U cQeorgius Herolt*; Qoff. Third census, L-386. One table and 3 diagrams, one with movable parts, have been added in manuscript in spaces left for them; another diagram on the last verso. Pour capitals, 2 red and 2 green, have been supplied; capital-spaces elsewhere; ini- tial-strokes and paragraph-marks in red on a few leaves. Bound in a vellum leaf from a Breviary, possibly the Breviarium Pragense, Nuremberg, Q. Stuchs, 1502. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xl89/L96a/li85 o6l5 LULL, RAMON, d.1315. Janua artis. Rome c Eucharius Silberi 11*85. c2iW. h. 20.6cm. Edited by Petrus de Qui. "Distinctions a domlo Petro dagui": leaves .19-21*. R 606 cB. Quldinbeckj; Goff. Third census, Q-5W. Some capitals, initial-strokes, and para- graph-marks added in red. Bound in a vellum leaf from a Breviary, possibly the Breviarium Pragense, Nuremberg, 0. Stuchs, 1502. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xl89A96jAU85 616 LULL, RAMON, d.1315. Spurious and doubtful works. De concept ione B. V. Marlae. Seville, Paulus de Colonia et Socii, for Martinus Al- modovar, 12 Mar.U*91. .28^. 1*. 20.1*cm. Doubtfully attributed to Ramon Astruch de Cortyelles . HR 10326=H 5603; BMC I 33 (I* 52322); Qoff. Third census, L-389. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Qimbel, 3 July 1*2. x232.l/L96c/H*91 LULLE, RAIMOND See LULL, RAMON, d.1315 LULLIUS, ANTONIUS See LOLLIO, ANTONIO, d. 11*86 LULLUS, RATMUNDUS See LULL, RAMON, d.1315 LUPI, JACOBUS, d.U*98, Editor See ISIDORUS, SAINT, BP. OF SEVILLB, d.636. Synonyma de homine et rat ione, seu Soliloquia. 16 May 11*91* LUPI REBELLO, JACOBUS See LUPI, JACOBUS, d. 11*98 LUPUS, JACOBUS See LUPI, JACOBUS, d. 11*98 LUTATIUS PLACIDUS See LACTANTIUS PLACIDUS LIRA, NICOLAUS DE, d. 131*9. Contra perfidiam Judaeomm disputatio See BIBLE. LATIN. 11*82-83. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. 11*82-83 See BIBLE. LATIN. 11*98. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. 1 Dec. 11*98 617 LIRA, NICOLAUS DE, d.l3l*9. Contra perfidiam Judaeorum disputatio. c Paris. Qeorg Mittelhus'OOa .28./. 8. litem. Leaf il a j (t.p.): Disputatio magistri. Nicolay de lyra sacre theologie pfessoris eximii de ordine minora cCtra pfidifl iudeoitf . in qua ostSdit' per scripturas sacras ab ipis iudeis approbatas z receptas dflm nfm iesum xp3 ver; defl 1 verif hoi- fuisse: tSpusq- sue Icarnatlonis pteriisse. argumft^ iudeor, X oppositun factis solutis et confutatis. Ill LIRA , NICOLAUS IE- continued C 3721*; Pr 8120; Ooff. Third census, N-llI*. Two capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound in brown morocco; gilt dentelles. Purchased from Stonehill, 30 Aug. 71. x296/L99cA500 LTRA, NICOLAUS DE, d. 131*9. Da idoneo mini- strante et suscipiente sacramentum See his Dicta de sacramento LIRA, NICOLAUS DE, d. 131*9. Dicta de sacramen- to See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Spurious and doubtful works. De Eucharists ad modum decern praedicamentorum, sive De corpore Christ i. 8 Apr. 11*73; also cca.U*85; cca. 11*90,; cca.l500 618 LYRA, NICOLAUS DE, d. 131*9. Moralia super totaa Bibliam. cStrassburg, Qeorg Husner, ca. 11*79 c226a<.. the first (wanting) and last blank. f 6 . 5lc*. Leaf il* < Incipiunt moralia super totaa bibliam fratris nicolai de lira de ordine fratruj ninorum sacre theologie venerabilis doctoria. H 10372* ; BMC I 86 (IC 1057)} Pr 365 j Ooff. Third census, N-112. Capitals, initial -strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlining added in red; the name of the book of the Bible being discussed added in manuscript at head of each page. Bound in old blind-stamped calf over wood- en boards; leaves from a vellum MS used as paste-downs. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xf220.7A99m/ll*79 619 LIRA, NICOLAUS DE, d. 131*9. Moralia super totam Bibliam. Mantua, Paulus de Butzbach, 29 Apr. (Ill Kal. Mai.) 11.81. c270.l., leaf .258. blank. f. 30.1*cm. Edited with a table by Ludovicus a Turri. HC 10375*; BMC VII 932 (IB 3061*9); Pr 6897; Ooff. Third census, N-113. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Decet, 15 July 69. xq220.7A99mAl8l 620 LTRA, NICOLAUS DK, d. 131*9. Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia quadragesimalia. Venice, Johannes Eraericus, de Spira, for Lucantonio Oiunta, 25 May (VIII Kal. Iun.) 11*91*. cll8<. woodcutsi capitals, printer's and publisher's devices. 1*. 18. Item. Leaf 1* (t.p.): Postilla seu expositlo lfalis 7 moralis Nicolai de Lira or. mi. sup epl'as * eulgelia qdragesimalia cfl qOnb? frls Antonij betontini eiusdS ordinis. Printed in black and red. Text surrounded by commentary and the Quaestiones Antonii Betontini et Alexandri de Ales. Edited by Nicolaus de Mutina. H 10389*; BMC V 539 (I* 21*207); Pr 5U9U; Ooff. Third census, N-118. From the library of Count Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani, purchased in 1921. x225.7/L98p/ll*9Ua 621 LTRA, NICOLAUS DE, d. 131*9. Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia quadragesimalia. Venice, Johannes Hamman, for Octavianus Scotus, 13 Dec. (Id. Dec.) U*9U. U*i*<. woodcuts: capitals; printer's and publisher's devices. 6. 18. 5cm. Leaf el'j (t.p. ) : Postilla seu expositlo lfalis et moralis Nicolai de Lira ordinis minor*, sup epistolas et euangelia quadrage- simalia > cB qSnibus fratris Antonij betonti- ni eiusdl ordinis. Printed in black and red. Text surrounded by commentary; includes Quaestiones Alexandri de Ales. HR 10390; BMC V 1*26 (IA 23371*); Ooff. Third census, N-119. Purchased from Rappaport, 2 July 59. x225.7A98pAU9U 622 LTRA, NICOLAUS DE, d. 131*9. Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia quadragesimalia. Venice, Joannes Tacui- nus, de Tridino, for Bernardinus Stagninus, de Tridino, 13 Feb. (Id. Feb.) 1500/01. ll*l*{. woodcuts* capitals, printer's and publisher's devices. 8 . 16. 3cm. Leaf cl*a (t.p.): Postilla seu expositlo literalis % moralis Nicolai de Lira ordinis minorum super epistolas 1 euangelia quadra- gesimalia: cum qBnibus fratris Antonij be- tontini eiusdem ordinis. Printed in black and red. Text surrounded by commentary; includes Quaestiones of Alexander de Hales. H 10393*; BMC V 53l (IA. 21*100); Ooff. Third census, N-121. Armorial bookplate of Joseph Henry Butter- worth; autograph of Harry Gardner, 1922. Purchased from H. M. Fletcher, 16 Aug. 1*3. x225.7A98pA500 LTRA, NICOLAUS DE, d. 131*9. Postilla super to- tam Bibliam See BIBLE. LATIN. 11*82-83. VUL- GATE. BibliaTatina. 11*82-83 See BIBLE. LATIN. 11*92. VULGATE. Biblia Latlna. 3 Nov. 11*92 See BIBLE. LATIN. 11*98. VULGATE. Biblia Latlna. 1 Dec. 11*98 LTRA, NICOLAUS DK, d. 131*9- Postilla super Vetus et Novum Testamentum See REPERTORI- UM IN POSTILLAM NICOLAI DE LTRA SUPER VE- TUS ET NOVUM TESTAMENTUM. 19 Apr.ll*9U 112 MAGNI, JACOBUS Sm LE GRAND, JACQUES, 1U25 MAHOMET II See MEHMST II. THE GREAT, SULTAN OF THE TORE, ll*30(ca.)-ll*8l MAIDSTONE, RICHARD, d.1396, Supposed author. Sememes Doninicales cum expositionibus Evangeliorum See JOHANNES VON WERDEN, d. 11*37. Sermones doninicales cum expositio- nibus Evangelic-rum. cca.ll*80> o623 MAINO, GIASONE DAL, 11*35-1519. Oratio in matrimonium Maxlailiani et Blan- cae Kariae. cBasel, Johann Bergmann, de Olpe, not before 17 Apr.ll*9l* ll*<. U. 21.5cm. Leaf cl*a (t.p.): Oratio Jasonis nitidis- sima in sanctissimO matrimonium foelicissi- masqj nuptias Maximiliani regis & Blance Ma- rie Regine Romanorum. Earundem Faustarum nuptiarun Epithalamion Sebastiani Brant. H 10972*5 BMC III 79U (la 37911*); Pr 7768; Ooff. Third census, M-U13. The last word in the first line on leaf tl2 ., which was apparently printed in the Brit. Mas. copy, is in manuscript in the Univ. of HI. copy. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x9U3.02/M,5Vm/lU9U MAIORANIS, FRANCISCUS DE See MAYRONIS, FRAN- COIS DE, ca.1285-ca.132B - MAIRONIS, FRANCISCUS DE See MAYRONIS, FRAN- gOIS DE, ca.1285-ca.132T" MAIUS, JOANNES, fl. 11*88-11*98, Editor See cLAUDIVIO, ZACCHIA, DE VEZZANO, fl.H*73. Epistolae magni Turci. cafter 23 Feb.ll*88a 621* MAIUS, JUHIANUS, fl. 11*75 Da priscorum priprietate verborum. Ven- ice, Octavianus Scotus, 3 June (III Non. Iun.) 11*82. c286>., the last blank. f. 31cm. Edited by Bartholomaeus Parthenius. HC 1051*2} BMC V 277 (IB 21182); Pr U570A; Ooff. Third census, H-98. Capital-spaces . Name of former owner in manuscript on fly- leaf and on leaf c285*> : Ludovicus Qalliar- dis. Purchased from Hertsberger, 1* Apr. 66. wjl*73/M28p/ll*82 625 MAIUS, JUNIANUS, fl. 11*75 De priscorum proprietate verborum. cVen- ice Joannes Rubeus Vercellensis, 23 Feb. 11*90. 318><. f. 32.7cm. HC 1051*5*; BMC V 1*16 (IB 23136); Pr 5126; Goff. Third census, M-100. Capital-spaces; the first capital is sup- plied in red. First five leaves torn and repaired; lost text restored. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xql*73/to28p/ll*90 MAJUS, JOANNES See MAIUS, JOANNES, fl. 11*88- 1U98 MAJUS, JUNIANUS See MAIUS, JUNIANUS, fl. 11*75 MALEBMI, NICCOLO, fl. 11*22 -li*8l, Translator See BIBLE. ITALIAN. ll*8l. Biblia. Italian. lCBl MALLEOLUS, FELIX See HEMMERLI, FELIX, 1388 (ca.)-ll*58(ca.) MANCINELLI, ANTONIO See MANCINBLLUS, ANTO- NIUS, 11*52 -ca. 1505 626 MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS, U*52-ca.l505. Carmen de floribus ad Veliternos; de fi- guris; de poetics vlrtute; vitae carmen. Venice, Joannes Tacuinus, de Tridlno, 11 Dae. 11*93. c68>{. woodcuts: capitals, printer's de- vice. 1*. 21.3cm. Leaf cl > (t.p.): ANT. MANCINELLI. Car- men de Floribus. Carmen de Figuris. De Poe- tica Virtute Vitae Carmen. HC 10617*; BMC V 528 (IA 21*027); Pr 5U26; Ooff. Third census, M-108. A few capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July U2. x875.l/M312c/ll93 o627 MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS, ll*52-ca.l505. Carmen de floribus ad Veliternos; de fi- guris; de poetica virtute; vitae carmen. Venice, Joannes Tacuinus, de Tridino, 11 May 11*97. c68a<. woodcuts: capitals, printer's device. 1*. 21.9cm. Leaf cl a * (t.p.): ANT. MANCINELLI. men de Floribus. Carmen de Figuris. Poetica Virtute Vitae Carmen. R 21*5; Goff. Third census, M-109. Some capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound in limp vellum; date: 1571 on front. Quires D and E badly wormed, with some loss of text. Purchased from L'Art Ancien, 26 Nov. 1*5. x875.l/M312c/ll*97 MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS, 11*52 -ca.l505. De arte libellus See DONATUS, AELIUS. Are minor (Rudlmenta grammatices: Donatus melior) 3 Aug. 11*97 MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS, 11*52 -ca. 1505. De varia constructione thesaurus See his Thesaurus. 6 Dec. 11*90 Car- De 628 MANCINKLLUS, ANTONIUS, ll52-ca.l505. Epitoma seu Regulae constructionis. Ven- ice, Joannes Roscius, 20 Nov.lli92. <6U,t. 1*. 19.2cm. Leaf 1*. (t.p.): Ant. Mancinelli Epitoma seu Regulae Constructionis: Tituli. Perso- nalia uerba. ti. i. Impersonal ia. ti. ii. Aduerbia localia. ti. iii. Infinite, ti. iiii. Oerundia. ti. V. Supina. ti. vi. Distributiua. ti. vii. Partitiua. ti. Till. Relatiua ti. tx. Interrogatiua. ti. x. Conparatiua. ti. xi. Superlatiua. ti. xii. Participia. ti. xiii. Figurae. ti. xiiii. Sumraa Decline tionis. Thesaurus de uaria Constructions . H 10605; BMC V 536 (IA 21*193); Pr 51*91 J Ooff. Third census, M-112. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Weiss, 18 Feb. 29. xl*75/M298e MANCINKLLUS, ANTONIUS, lU?2-ca.l50$ . Lauren- tii Vallensis lima quaedam See VALLA, LO- RENZO, U*06-ll*57. Elegant iae linguae Lati- nae. 8 Feb. 11*99 A500; also 1 0ct.l500 629 MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS, 11*52 -ca.1505. Scribendi orandique nodus. Venice, Chrl- stophorus de Pensis, 1* June 1U96. 2l*l. woodcut: capital. Ii. 22cm. Leaf el* (t.p.): Scribendi Orandiq? Mo- dus per Ant. Mancinellum - H 10595; Pr 5236; Ooff. Third census, M- 129. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from L'Art Ancien, 26 Nov. 1*5. xJ78.2/M31s/U*96 o630 MANCINKLLUS, ANTONIUS, D*52-ca.l505. Scribendi orandique modus. Venice, Joan- nes Alvisius cca.lU98> chh*l. 1*. 21.2cm. Lsaf cl'j (t.p.): Scribendi Orandioj Mo- dus per Ant. Mancinellum. HH 10593; Ooff. Third census, M-133. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xU78.2/M31a/ll98 631 MANCINKLLUS, ANTONIUS, ll52-ca.l505. Thesaurus. cRomei Stephan Flannck, 6 Dec.ll*90. 38.<. 1*. 20.3cm. Leaf cU*> (t.p.) Ds Varia Construct.ione Thesaurus: p Ant. Mancinellum Veliternum. H 10612*; BMC IV 92 (IA 181*81*); Ooff. Third census, H-ll*6. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. The Vollbehr copy, purchased from Stone- hill, 16 July 62. xl75/M298t MANCINKLLUS, ANTONIUS, H*52-ca.l505, Commenta- tor See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Rhetoric, ad C. Herennium. 12 Sept. 15 00 113 MAMCINELLUS, ANTONIUS, H*52-ca.l505, Commenta- tor See HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Opera. 12 Mar.lit98j also 13 July Ut98j 23 July 11*98 See JUVENAL IS, DECDWS JUNIUS. Satyrae. 28 Jan.lU9li/95; also 6 Dec.D*97j 18 (i.e. 20?) Nov. 11*98 See VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Opera. 20 Feb.ll97 Editor See DONATUS, AKLIUS. Ars minor (Rudimenta grammatices: Donatus melior) 3 Aug. 11*97 See ISOC RATES. Oratio de laudibus Hele- nae. ca.l]*98-l5O0j See STRABO, Geographia. Latin. 21* Apr. li*9U 632 MANDKVILLE, SIR JOHN. Itineraries. eCologne, Cornells de Zie- rikzee, ca. 11*95) 1*8,. 1* . 19.7cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.)i JOhannis de monte villa Itinerari' in partes Iherosolimitanes . Et in vlteriores transmarinas . >. Original of Mandeville's travels has been ascribed to Jean d'Outremeuse. C 3832=3831?; BMC I 309 (IA 520l)j Pr 11*98; Ooff. Third census, M-162. Brit. Mus. Oen. cat. of printed books assigns printing to P. Friedberg, Mainz. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks and underlines added in red. Bound by R. W. Smith in full red morocco lined with gilt-stamped blue morocco. Bookplate of Boies Penrose. Purchased from Salloch, 6 Mar. 73. X915/M31L/1U95 MANKKEN, CAROLUS See MANNBKBN, CAROLUS, 11*13- 11*93 MANFREDONIA, FRANCISCUS See CAPUA NO, FRAN- CESCO, fl.U*90 MANFREDONIA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA See CAPUANO, FRANCESCO, fl.U90 MANILIO, SEBASTIANO, 15th cent.. Editor See PETRARCA, FRANCESCO, 130U-137I*. Epistolae familiares. 13 Sept. 11*92 Translator See SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Epistolae ad Lucillium. Italian, lit Apr. 11*91* 633 MANNEKEN, CAROLUS, ll*13-U*93. Formulae epistolarura. cStrassburg, Jo- hann (Reinhard) Oriiningerx 11*86. c6>, LXXXU. 1*. 20.1*cm. Leaf !* (t.p.): Epistole karoli. HC 10669; Qoff. Third census, M-179. ill* MANNEKEN , CAROLUS - c ontl nued In manuscript on fly-leaf and Inside back cover: Walter G. Nattress; stamp on fly-leaf: French Bookman, New Tork City, with date 7/26/32. Purchased from Brentano, 22 Sept. 1(8. xl*78.2/M3l6f/U*86 631* MANNEKEN, CAROLUS, 11*13-11*93. Formulae epistolarum. cStrassburg, Martin Schott, 28 June (IV Kal. Iul.) U*87. .6,, LXXXV (i.e. LXXXIII), cl*., the last blank. U. 21.5cm. Bound with Catonis disticha. Cato: disticha de moribus. Basel, 11* June 1U86. H 10670*; BMC I 9k (la 1172); Pr 396; Qoff. Third census, M-182. Many errors in foliation. Capital-space on leaf I*. x87U/C29AU86 635 MANNEKEN, CAROLUS, U*13-H93. Formulae epistolarum. cHeidelberg, Fried- rich Mlsch, 11*88. c6, , LXXXII, it**., the last blank and wanting, woodcut: capital. 1*. 21cm. Leaf l*i (t.p.): Karoli familiarisslai: epistolarum peru tiles formule. H 10672*5 BMC III 668 (IA 1291*9); Pr 3137; Ooff. Third census, M-183. Error in binding: leaves LXXII-LXXIII bound between leaves LVII and LVIII. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xl78.2/M3l6f/ll*88 636 MANNEKEN, CAROLUS, 11*13-11*93. Formulae epistolarum. cStrassburg, Printer of 'Casus Breves Decretalium ' 11*93. c6, , XVf t., the last blank. 1*. 18. 8cm. Bound with Barzissa, ua sparine Epistolae. Basel, not after U*99s Leaf cl a , (t.p.): Formule Epistolarfl doraini karoli. HC 10679* cCologne, Quentell,; BMC I 160 (IA 2332); Pr 735; Goff. Third census, M-185. Two capital-spaces, one with guide-letter. Many contemporary manuscript notes. x875.6/B28e MANNIKEN, KAROLUS See MANNEKEN, CAROLUS, 11*13-11*93 637 MANUALS DIVINUM. Venice, Bernardinus Vene- tus de Vitalibus cafter 1500. 8W. 8. l5.Ucm. Leaf 1* (t.p.): Manuale Diuinfi ex sacra- rO litterarfl viridario de lectum in quo con- tinentur. Supercelestes Diui apostoli Paul! epistole. Canonlce epistole sancton*- aposto- lorif Jacobi. Petri Jolnis % Thadei cC sftma- rijs capitum singuloxt*.. Epistole apl'i Paul! ad Senecl: I eiusdl ad PaulC. Auree quedl omelie sancti Joannia Crisostomi de laudlbus 1 excellent!* diui apostoli Pauli. Sancti Camas i Pape carmina de triflphis eius- di Apostoli. Officiolum quotidianum ipsius sancti Pauli. Tabula repertoria omnium epi- stolary que per anni circuitum in ecclesia leguntur que omnes hie lnserte sunt. R 21*9; Goff. Third census, M-2U*. Purchased from Tubbs, 10 Mar. 62. X2O0/M319 MANUZIO, ALDO PIO, 11*1*9 or 50-l5l5, Editor See THESAURUS. Cornu coplae et horti Ado- nidis. Greek. Aug. U* 96 638 cMARCHESINI, GIOVANNI, Mammotrectus super Bibliam. cCologne, Conrad Winters, de Homborch> 21* Dec. (in vigilia set natalis dnl) 11*76. 206,l., leaves cl, ?6, 206, blank, the first and last wanting. f. 27.5cm. HC 10556; BMC I 21*5 (IB 1*027); Pr 1162; Ooff. Third census, M-235. Running titles and capitals added in ink in a contemporary hand on leaves cl, and c2*, Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x220.3/M332"/ll*76 639 cMARCHESINI, GIOVANNI, Mammotrectus super Bibliam. Venice, Franciscus Renner, de Heilbronn and Nicolaus de Frankfordia, 11*76. c228>*., the first and last blank and wanting. 1*. 20.1*cm. HC ( Add) R 10557; BMC V 191* (IA 19855); Pr 1*168; Ooff. Third census, M-236. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red or blue; initial-strokes in yellow. Leaf c226, mutilated; closely trimmed, with slight loss of the upper part of some headings . Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x220.3/M332m/li*76a 61*0 cMARCHESINI, GIOVANNI, Mammotrectus super Bibliam. Venice, Ni- colaus Jenson, 23 Sept. (II Kal. Oct.) 11*79. c260>l., the first blank. 1*. 17.1*cm. HC 10559*; BMC V 180 (IA 19729); Pr 1*121; Qoff. Third census, M-239. Some capitals added in red and blue; others in red or blue, alternately; paragraph-marks and underlines in red. Error in imposition of quire m. Label: Aus der Bibliothek der Fransiskaner zu Glogan. Stamp: Ex Biblioth. Regia Bero- linensi. Purchased from Oimbel, 3 July 1*2. x220.3/M332m/U*79 61*1 cMARCHESINI, GIOVANNI, Mammotrectus super Bibliam. Venice, Fran- ciscus Renner, de Heilbronn, 11*83. c2l*2><., the first blank. 8. 17.9cm. HC ( Add) 10563*; BMC V 198 (IA 19891); Pr 1*183; Goff. Third census, M-2l*3. Capitals added in red and blue alternate- ly; paragraph-marks and initial-strokes in yellow. Extensive worm damage in the last third of the book. 115 MARCHESINI , GIOVANNI - continued Bound In gilt-stamped brown calf over wooden boards; old vellum guard leaves at front and back. Purchased from P. Berea, 13 Apr.U2. x220.3/M332m/lU83 6U2 cMARCHESINI, GIOVANNI, Maiimotrectus super Bibliam. eStrasaburg, Printer of the Lji8U Paludanus, oa.lU85 17 , CLW. f. 31cm. Leaf tl': (t.p.): Mammotrectus. HC 10553*; BMC III 860 (IB 1332); Ooff. Third census, M-2l*6. Capitals and initial-strokes added in red. Bound in blind-stamped calf over wooden boards, lined with leaves from a 12th cent. MS martyrology; 2 clasps. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq220.3/M332mAU85 MARCHESINUS, JOANNES See MARCHESINI, GIOVAN- NI MARCO DA BENEVENTO See MARCUS, OF BENEVENTO MARCUS BENEVENTANUS See MARCUS, OF BENEVENTO MARCUS, OF BENEVENTO, Editor See THOMAS AQUI- NAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l. Super secundo li- bro Sententiarum Petri Lombardi. 27 May ll9U MARCUS, VENETUS, Editor See SPIBRA, AMBROOIO, d.ll5U. Quadragesimale de floribus sapien- tiae. 2U Mar.ll8l 6U3 MARGARITA DECRETAL HIM. Annotations Margaritarum Decretalium. Basel, Nicolaus Kesler cca.lii96 3 cU2><., the last blank. f. 31.9cm. Leaf el* (t.p.): Annotations slue repor- ts tiBes Margaritarfi onnifl Dacretalium scd'm alphabet! ordinem. Edited by Sebastian Brant. HC (+ Add) 10755*; C 2786; BMC III 773 (IB 3768U); Pr 7700; Goff. Third census, M-263. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound with this are Johannes Nivicellensis , Abbot. Concordantiae Bibliae et Canonua. cBasel, ca.ll)88a and Angelus Carletus, de Clavasio. Sunma Angelica de casibus consci- entiae. Nuremberg, 10 Feb.ll92. Purchased from Aedicula, 2k May U6. xq3l*8/C28l2dT/lU96 6UU MARIALS. cStrassburg, Martin Schott, ca. 1U85-89. c90><., the last blank. f. 30cm. Leaf tl a > (t.p.): Albertus magnus super missus est. subtillter ac elegante r os ten- dens lneffabilas gloriose Virginia Maris laudes . Although generally ascribed to Albertus Magnus, this is a compilation of excerpts from the works of Albertus Magnus, Richard de Saint Laurent, and others, cf. A. Fries. Die unter dem Namen des Albertus Magnus iiber- lieferten mariologischen Schriften (Mtinster, 195U) p. 73. HC U63; BMC I 95 (IB 1192); GW 681; Pr I4OU; Goff. Third census, A-27U. First capital added in red and blue, other capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines in red. An extra blank leaf is bound between leaves sla and c2, Bound with this is Richardua a Sancto Lau- rentlo. De laudibus Beatae Mariae Virginia. S trass burg, lit93. Purchased from Dawson, 25 May 65. xq232.93l/M337/LU85 MARLIANUS, RAIMUNDUS, U420(ca.)-lU75. Index Coramentariorua C. Jul 11 Caesar is See CAE- SAR, C. JULIUS. Connie ntarii. 13 July ll*90 MARMITA, GELLIO BERNARDINO, 15th cent., Com- mentator See SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Tra- goediae. 7 Apr.lU98 MARSO, PAOLO, lU>0-lU8U, Editor and Commenta- tor See OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Fasti. 2l Dec.mB2; also 12 June ll97 MARSO, PIETRO See MARSUS, PETRUS, UU2?-l5l2 MARSUS, PAULUS See MARSO, PAOLO, UjtO-lU81i MARSUS, PETRUS, lliU2?-l$12, Commentator See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De officiis. 20 Dec.lU87; also c ca.lU88>; 15 Mar. 11*91; 23 Jan. 11*98/99? See SILIUS ITALICUS, TIBERIUS CATIUS. Punica. 18 May ll92; also 20 Sept. Lb 93 6U5 MART IA LIS, MARCUS VALERIUS. Epigrammata. Venice, Thomas de Blavis, de Alexandria, 12 June (pridie Id. Iun. ) XU82. c2l8,. f. 30cm. Text surrounded by commentary of Domitius Calderinus . HC 10815*; BMC V 317 (IB 21832); Pr U755; Goff. Third census, M-305. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan.U6. xq87lMAU82a 616 MARTIALIS, MARCUS VALERIUS. Epigrammata. Venice, Baptists de Tortis, 15 July 1U82. .198.*. 1. 30.5cm. Text surrounded by commentary of Domitius Calderinus. HC 10816; BMC V 322 (IB 21332); Pr U612; Ooff. Third census, M-306. Capital-spaces . From the Library of J. V. Kitchell, Pans, Illinois, 1835-191U; bequeathed to Univ. of HI. by Mrs. Mary F. Kitchell in 1931. xq87l/MUAU82 116 61*7 MARTIALIS, MARCUS VALERIUS. Epigrammata. Venice, Philippus Pincius, 29 Mar. 11*91. CLVIII (i.e. CUQ], 3*., the first and last blank. f.*. Text surrounded by commentaries of Donitius Calderinus and Georgius Merula. HC 10821j Pr 5286; Qoff. Third census, M-310. Errors in foliation: no. XXXVI repeated; other errors also. Capital-spaces, a few with guide-letters. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq871/Ml*/H91 6U8 MARTIANUS CAPELLA. De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii. Vi- cenza, Henricus de Sancto Ursio, Zenus, 16 Dec. (XVII Kal. Ian. 11*99) H98. c 12l4 3 1, woodcuts: diagr., printer's de- vice. f. 28.3cm. Leaf el a a (t.p.): Opus Martiani Capelle de Nuptijs Philologie z Mercurij libri duo de gramma tica. de dialectica. de rhetorica. de geoaetri. de arithmetics, de astronomia. de ousica libri septem. Edited by Franciscus Vi talis Bodianus. H U370; BMC VII 101*8 (IB 31860); Pr 7171*5 Qoff. Third census, C-117. First issue of first edition, with geome- tri (instead of gecmetria) in 7th line of title. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Last leaf mutilated and repaired, with slight loss of text in upper corner. Purchased from Christensen, 23 Oct. 63. xq87l/M5 61*9 MARTIANUS CAPELLA. De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii. Mo- dena, Dionysius Bertochus, 15 May 1500. clOOil. woodcuts: diagr., printer's de- vice. f. 31.5cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.)': OPVS. MARTIANI CAPELLAE DE NVPTIIS PHILOLOGIAE ET HERCVRII LIBERI DVO. De Gramatica. Liber. Tertius. De Dia- lectica. Liber. Quartus. De Rhetorica. Li- ber Quintus. De Geometria. Liber. Sextus. De Arithraetica. Liber. Septimus. De Astro- nomia. Liber Octauus. De Musica. Liber. Nonus. H 1*371*5 BMC VII 1068 (IB 32338)? Pr 7215; Goff. Third census, C-118. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq87l/M5A500 MARTINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF BRAGA, d.580. De quattuor virtutibus cardinalibus See his Formula vitae hones tae, sive De quattuor rirtutibus cardinalibus. el50-a 650 cMARTINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF BRAGA, d.580. Formula vitae hones tae, sive De quattuor virtutibus cardinalibus. cAugsburg, Johann Froschauer, l50-> d6,l. woodcut: illus. 1. 19cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): Seneca de Quatuor vir- tutibus Cardinalibus. H 1U617*; Goff. Third census, S-U2U. Presumably based on Seneca's De officiis and frequently attributed to him. Purchased from Stonehill, 25 July 67. x87l/S2f/l50- 651 MARTYRIUM SANCTORUM. cBasel, Jacobus Wolff de Pforzheim, c a. lit 92 j c58j<., the last blank, woodcut: capital. U. 21ca a Leaf cl 3 (t.p.): Tractatus de martyrlo sanctorum. Printing ascribed by Proctor to Amerbach. HC 10861**5 BMC III 776 (IA 37701*); Pr 761*1; Goff. Third census, M-331. Title page wanting; replaced by facsimile. Initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and un- derlines added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. X272/M367 MARULLO TARCANIOTA, MICHELE See MARULLUS, MICHAEL TARCHANIOTA, d.l500 652 MARULLUS, MICHAEL TARCHANIOTA. d.l500. Epigrammata. cRome, Eucharius Silber, ca.lU83-90. c28,/. 1. 21.Ucm. Leaf cl a , (t.p.): EPIGRAMMATON MICHAELIS HARVLLI CONSTANTINOPOLITANI. HC 10877; BMC IV 123 (IA 19210); Pr 39l*6 cGeorg Herolt; Goff. Third census, M-3l*l. Bound in a leaf from a vellum MS of begin- ning of the communion antiphon for the Mass of the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost. Label: Francesco Casella fu G 2 " Napoli, Piazza Municipio, 81. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x875.1/M36e/ll*8- 653 MARULLUS, MICHAEL TARCHANIOTA, d.1500. Epigrammatum libri IV. Hymnorum natura- lium libri IV. Florence, Societas Colu- bris (Compagnia del Drago), 26 Nov.llt97. c96,J. U . 19.7cm. Leaf cl a , (t.p.): HTMNI ET EPIGRAMMATA MARVLLI. HC (+ Add) 10880*; BMC VI 691 (IA 2801*5)5 Pr 6U15; Ooff. Third census, M-3U2. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. In this copy corrections have been made in ink in the text in accordance with the Emendationes listed on the last two leaves. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x875.1/M36e/U97 MARULLUS, MICHAEL TARCHANIOTA, d.l500. Hymni et epigrammata See his Epigrammatum libri IV. Hymnorum naturalium libri IV. 26 Nov. 11*97 MATHEOLUS PERUSINUS See MATTIOLI, MATTIOLO, 11*80 MATTEOLO, DA PERUGIA See MATTIOLI, MATTIOLO, 11*80 117 651* MATTHAEUS, A DOMINICAN. Navicula Sanctae Ursulas. cStrassburg, Johann (Reinhard) Grtininger? for Bartholo- raaeus Kistler, ca.l500> d6,l. woodcut: ill us. h. 20.!*cra. CR (Suppl) 5909; Pr (ft. II) 10337 ca. 1505?; Ooff. Third census, U-76 eabout 11*97. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph - arks supplied in red; the principal lines of the woodcut have been traced in red. Bound in a vellum leaf froa a Breviary, possibly the Breviarium Pragense printed by Oeorg Stuchs, Nuremberg, 1502. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x26l/MU3nA500 o655 MATTHAEUS DE CRACOVIA, CARDINAL, d. 11*10. De modo confitendi et puritate conscien- tiae. cSpeier, Printer of Oesta Christi, ca.H72> c36i. U. 21.5cm. Generally ascribed, incorrectly, to Thomas Aquinas . HC 131*3*; BMC II 1*83 (LA 81*56); Pr 2327; Ooff. Third census, T-301. First capital in text added in red and green; other capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph-marks in red. Bookplate of Alexander Neale. In pencil on fly-leaf: Bought at Puttich & Simpson at the Rhodes sale 15 May (7) 191 Lib 32U. In pencil inside back cover: Perfect. H. B. Quaritch, Ltd. 2l*/6/27 Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov. 1*1*. x230/MU31m/lii72 See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257- 1271*. Spurious and doubtful works. Tracta- tus De modo confitendi. enot before Ili86= o656 MATTHAEUS DE CRACOVIA, CARDINAL, d.U10. De modo confitendi et puritate conscien- tiae. Paris c Printed for. Denis Roce cca. 1500, c28>. woodcuts: capitals, publisher's device. 8. 12.8cm. Leaf el* (t.p.): COfessionale seu libel- 1 poptim" btl Thome de aquino de m8 c8fit8di i de puritate cCsciStie cuilibet confessori et confiteri volenti perutilis et necessarius. Generally ascribed, incorrectly, to Thomas Aquinas . Pell 959; Goff. Third census, T-309. Purchased from Heller, 25 Feb. 58. x230/MU31m/l500 657 MATTHAEUS DE CRACOVIA, CARDINAL, d. 11*10. Dialogus Rationis et Conscientiae de fre- quent! usu Communionis. c Cologne, Ulrich Zell, not after 11*70. c58*. 1* . 21.3cm. Bound with Nider, Johannes. Consolatorium timorantae conscientiae. cCologne, ca. 11*70:. Leaf .l a > (t.p.)i Incipit dialogus racS- nis * cBscientie an expediat vel debeat quis raro vel frequSter celebrae" vel omunicare nuo editus p maglstrfi mathefl de cracouia fa- cere theologie professorem. Includes Henricus de Hassia. Bxpositiones super Orationem Dominic am et Ave Maria, and Speculum animae (leaves 27-58) HC 5805* 8389; BMC I 185 (IA 2817); Pr 81*2; Ooff. Third census, M-368. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. x2U2/N5U9c MATTHAEUS DE CRACOVIA, CARDINAL, d. 11*10, Sup- posed author. Ars morlendi See ARS MORIBNDI MATTHAEUS VINDOCINENSIS, 12th cent. Tobias See AUCTORES OCTO CUM OLOSSA. 16 Feb.U*9l*/95 MATTHIAS DOERINO See DCERING, MATTHIAS, 11*00 (ca.)-ll*69 MATTHIOLIS, MATTHIOLUS DS See MATTICJLI, MAT- TIOLO,*80 o658 MATTIOLI, MATTIOLO,*80. De memoria. cPadua. Petrus Maufer cll*7l* c6i(, J* . 21.6cm. HR 10912; BMC VII 913 (IA 29919); Pr 6793; Osier. Incunabula medica, 69. Capital-space on leaf .l a . Purchased from Hertzberger, 19 Hay 70. xl51*M3Ud/ll*7l MATTIOLIS, MATTIOLUS DE See MATTIOLI, MATTI- OLO,*80 MATURANTIUS, FRANCISCUS See MATURANZIO, FRAN- CESCO, d.i5l8 MATURANZIO, FRANCESCO, d.l5l8, Commentator See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Rhetorica ad C. Herennium. 12 Sept.1500 MAXIMILIAN I, EMPEROR OF GERMAN!, 11*59-1519 See C0R0NATI0 MAXIMILIANI. cafter 26 Apr. iras. MAYDESTONE, RICHARD See MAIDSTONE, RICHARD, d.1396 MAIND, AMBROSIO JASON DE See MAINO, GIASONK DAL, 11*35-1519 MATNO, GIASON DEL See MAINO, GIASONB DAL, 11*35-1519 MATNO, JASON DE See MAINO, OIASONE DAL, 11*35- 1519 MAYRONIS, FRANCISCUS DE See MAYRONIS, FRAN- QOIS DE, ca.1285-ca.1328 - MAYRONIS FRANCOIS DE, ca.1285-ca.1328. Quadra- gesimale See his Sermones ab Adventu cum Quadragesimall. 20 Jan.U*91-92 118 659 MAYRONIS, FRANCOIS IK, ca.1285-ca.1328. Sermones ab Adventu cum Quadragesimali. Venice, Bernardlnus Rizus, Novariensis, 20 Jan.U*91-92 196, cl9.<., leaf 197, blank. 1*. 20.8cm. Leaf el a i (t.p.)i Quadrageslmale doctorla illuminati Franc isci de Mayronis. H 10530*; BMC V U03 (IA 2261*8)} Pr 1*959; Goff. Third census, M-92. Capital-spaces Kith guide-letters. Leaf 187 mutilated, with some loss of text. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x252M55s 660 MATRONIS, FRANCOIS IE, ca.1285-ca.1328. Sermones de Sanctis. Venice, Peregrinus de Pasqualibus, Bononiensis, 11 Feb . 11*93/91* . clO,, 21*1 (i.e. 21*8)*., the last blank and wanting, woodcut: printer's device. 1*. 21.6cm. Printed in black and red. Contents.- Sermones de laudibus sanctorum. - Tractatus super Pater Roster.- De poeniten- tia.- De articulis fidei.- Expos itio super Magnificat.- De corpore Christi.- De donis Spiritus Sancti.- Da ultimo judicio.- Super Missus est. H 10531*; BMC V 392 (IA 22291); Pr 1*863; Goff. Third census, M-93. Many errors in foliation. Note on leaf el*, cut out and mounted. In the colophon the date is printed: dRii.l*93, as in Bain, and varying from other descriptions. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x252/Ml*55se MECHMET II, SULTAN OF THE TURKS See MEHMET II, THE GREAT, SULTAN OF THE TURKS7H*30(ca.)- 11*81 MECHLINIA, JOHANNES EE See JOHANNES, DE HECH- LINIA 661 MECKENLOCHER, FRIEDRICR. Casus in terminis libri sexti Dscretalium. Strassburg, Martin Flach, 11*90. *70*t., the last blank. f. 27.3cm. Leaf el*, (t.p.): Casus in terminis libri sexti decretalium. HC 10983*; BMC I 151 (IB 215D; Pr 689; Goff. Third census, M-1*18. Some capital-spaces, the first with guide letter. Imperfect: title page wanting. Ex llbris Adm. Rev. Ricardi G. S. King M. A., Decani Derensis. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x3l*8/C28lsTm MEDIO, TOMASO See MEZZO, TOMMASO, 15th cent. MEDIUS, THOMAS See MEZZO, TOMMASO, 15th cent. MEHMET II, THE GREAT, SULTAN OF THE TURKS, ll*30(ca. ) -11*61, Supposed author. Epistolae magni Turci See cLAUDIVIO, ZACCHIA, DE VEZ- ZANO, fl. 11*73. Epistolae magni Turci. c af- ter 23 Feb. 11*883 662 MELA, POMPONIUS. Cosmographla, sive De situ orbis. Venice, Erhard Ratdolt, 18 July (XV Kal. Aug.) 11*82. cl*8l. woodcuts: capitals, map. 1* . 20.6cm. Leaf e2*, : PomponiJ Mellae cosmographi Qeo- graphia: Prisciani quocg ex dionysio Thessa- lonicensi de situ orbis interpretatio. Caption title printed in red. HC 11019*; BMC V 286 (IA 20518); Pr 1*385; Ooff. Third census, M-l*52. Purchased about 1965. x871/to6/H*82 663 MELA, POMPONIUS. Cosmographla, sive Ds situ orbis. Sala- manca cPrinter of Nebrissensis, 'dramatics, 17 Apr., 11*98. c70,l., the l*th blank, woodcuts: illus., map, capitals. 1*. 20.5cm. Leaf el*, (t.p.): Cosmographla pomponii cum flguris. Edited by Francisco Nunez de la Terba. HCR 11021; BMC I 51 (la 52835); Pr 1 9569; Goff. Third census, M-U55. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 July 56. x87l/M6/ll*98 MELA, POMPONIUS. De situ orbis See his Cos- mographla, sive De situ orbis. 18 July 11*82; also el7 Apr. ,11*98 MELBER, JOHANNES, OF GEROLZHOFEN. Variloquus See his Vocabularius praedicantium, sive Variloquus. 1 June 11*86; also 20 May 11*89 661* MELBER, JOHANNES, OF GEROLZHOFEN. Vocabularius praedicantium, sive Variloquus. Strassburg cJohann Pruss, 1 June (Kal. Iun.) 11*86. .286,*. 1*. 21.9cm. Leaf cl a , (t.p. ) : Vocabularius predican- tlUM. Melber was assisted by his teacher, Jodo- cus Eichmann, in this compilation. Printed in black and red. H 1101*0*; BMC I 119 (LI 1575); Pr 516; Goff. Third census, M-l*61*. Capital-spaces; the first capital and a few initial-strokes are added in red. Bound in old blind-stamped brown calf over wooden boards; clasps gone. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*8. xU73/W*8v/ll*86 665 MELBER, JOHANNES, OF GEROLZHOFEN. Vocabularius praedicantium, sive Varilo- quus. Augsburg, Anton Sorg, 20 May (in die sancti Bernhardini) 11*89. 119 MELBER , JOHANNES , OF GEROLZHOFBN - contlnued zl96,l., the last blank and wanting. It . 20.5cm. Leaf cl* (t.p.): Vocabularius predican- tium. Helber was assisted by his teacher, Jodo- cus Sichmann, in this compilation. HC 110l*2j BMC II 353 ( 6028); Pr 1710; Ooff. Third census, M-l*67. Capital-space s . Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. $8. xU73/MU8v/ll89 MBLLE, JEAN VINCENT EE, Commentator See EBKRHARDUS BKTHU NBS16 IS , Grae- cismus. cnot after ll89 MENARDOS, MONACHUS. Gene rails et compendl- osa librorun Bibliae notitia See BIBLE. LATIN. Ui78. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. 10 Nor. Iit78 MENKENLOCHER, FRIDERICUS See MECKENLOCHER, FRIEDRICH MENNICKEN, CAROLUS See MANNEKEN, CAROLUS, 1U13-1U93 MENNOCEN, KAROLUS See MANNEKEN, CAROLUS, 11*13- 11*93 666 MENSA PHILOSOPHICA. Mensa philosophica. Cologne, Apud Praedi- ca tores c Cornells de Zierikzee, ca.l500a cl*, U9 (i.e. 1*8)1. woodcuts: 2 orna- ments on t.p. 1*. 20cm. Leaf cl a i (t.p.): In hoc opusculo tracta- tur de his quibus vtlmur in mensa. De natu- ris rerun videlicet cibi et potus. De que- stionibus mensalibus varijs ac iocundis qui- bus in mensa recreamur deq^ conditionibus eorum quibus in mensa conuersamur phyloso- phice hilariterq) procedit. quare merito ap- pellatur. Mensa Philosophica. Attributed to Theobaldus Anguilbertus and to Michael Scott. HC 11077; BMC I 306 (IA 5225); Pr 1501*; Ooff. Third census, M-l*97. Capital-spaces . Error in foliation: folium tertium omit- ted in numbering. Purchased from Chrlstensen, 12 Oct. 59. X613/M528A500 MERULA, BARTHOLOMAEUS , fl.l500, Commentator See OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. De arte amandi et De remedio amoris. blank, the first and last wanting. f. 29.2cm. Includes the author's Adversus Domitii Calderini Commentaries in Martialem (leaves clOO a -126 D >); Annotationes in Orationem Ci- ceronis pro Q. Ligario (leaves cl27*-U2*)j and Argumentum Epistolarum Ciceronis ad Lentulum (leaves cll*3*-U*8*. ) HC 11090; BMC V 202 (IB 199l*2); Pr 1*202; Goff. Third census, M-501. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov. 1*1*. xq87l/J7.Tme/ll*78 MERULA, GIORGIO, 11*30 or 31-lU9U> Commenta- tor See JUVENALIS, DECDTOS JUNIUS. Satyrae. ca.H*96/97:. See MARTIALIS, MARCUS VALERIUS. gramma ta. 29 Mar.ll*91 Epi- Editor See PLAUTOS, TITUS MACCIUS. Co- moediae. 23~TJov.ll*95 MERULLA, GEORGIUS See MERULA, GIORGIO, 11*30 or 31-H9li MSTULINUS, JOANNES VINCENTIUS See MSLLE, JEAN VINCENT DE MEYRONNES, FRANCOIS DE See MAYRONIS, FRAN- gOIS DE, ca.1285-ca.132B" 668 MEZZO, TOMMASO, 15 th cent. Epirota. c Venice ^ Bernardinus Celerius, 11*83. 10<. f. 32cm. Printed in black and red. HC 10997* .Treviao*; BMC V 299 (IB 21318); Pr 1*601*; Goff. Third census, M-l38. Purchased from Harper, 20 Dec. 51*. xq875/*57e 120 MICHAEL IE DALES See DALKN, MICHAEL VON MICHAEL SCOTUS See SCOTT, MICHAEL, 1175?- 123U? 669 MILAN. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Statuta Medlolanl. Milan, Paulus de Suar- dls, 20 Dec.ll*80. c2li0><., leaves d, 32, 33, (all wanting) and .105. blank. f. 29.8cm. Leaf c2 a : Hec sunt statuta criminalia. Printed in black and red. HC (+ Add) 15009 (I); BMC VI 758 (IB 2657U); Pr 5971; Goff. Third census, S-716. First capital supplied in red, blue, and green, with marginal extension; two other capitals in blue and red; paragraph-marks in blue; also capital-spaces, some with guide letters . Cop. 2 lacks leaves cll*l*-ll*5.; without rubrlcation. Bound with this is Milan. Laws, statutes, etc. Tabula Statutorum Mediolani. Milan, 30 Nov.ll*82. From the Library of Conte Antonio Cavagna, purchased by Univ. of 111. in 1921. xq3U9.U5/H59 670 MILAN. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Tabula Statutorum Mediolani. Milan c Joan- nes Antonius de Honate. 30 Nov. 11*82. clU. f. 29.8cm. Bound with Milan. Laws, statutes, etc. Statuta Mediolani. Milan, 20 Dec.l!*80. HC (+ Add) 15009 (II)-HR 15010; BMC VI 71*1 (IB 26351); Pr 5906; Ooff. Third census, S-717. Cop.l lacks leaves cl-3. and .6-8. Outer margins of leaf 1> and corners of other leaves of cop. 2 repaired. xq3U9.U5/M598 MINUTIANUS, ALEXANDER See MINUZIANO, ALES- SANDRO, 1U50-1522 MINUZIANO, ALESSANDRO, 11*50-1522, Editor See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Opera. 23 Nov. 11198-cafter 15 Oct. 11*99. MODESTUS. De vocabulis rei militaris See FRONTINUS, SEXTUS JULIUS. De re militari. 10 July 1U95-17 Jan.U*96 MOMBRITIUS, BONINUS See MOMBRIZIO, BONINO, ll*2l?-ll*82? MOMBRIZIO, BONINO, 11*21*7-11*82? Editor See EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA. Chro- nicon.*7l*-?6:. MONELIA, FRANCISCUS DE See FRANCISCUS, MONE- LIENSIS MONISSART, JEAN, BP., 11*90, Editor See TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388-lltoTT Summa de ecclesia contra impugnatores po- testatls summi pontlficis. 27 Apr. 11*89 MONS PIETATIS See PRO MONTE PIETATIS CONSI- LIA. .after 8~May 11*92. MONTALBO, ALPHONSUS DE See DIAZ DS MONTALVO, ALONSO, 11*05-11*99 MONTALVO, ALONSO DIAZ DE See DIAZ DE MONTAL- VO, ALONSO, 11*05-11*99 671 MONTE, PBTRUS DE, BP., d.ll57. De potestate Romani pontlficis et Genera- lis Cone 11 11. .Rome, Wolf Han (Lupus Gal- lus), ca. 11*78 > cll*>t., the last blank and wanting. 1*. 22.1* cm. R 1000 cUlrich Hani; Ooff. Third census, M-8U1. Capital-space; initial-strokes and some underlining added in red. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x282/ta761*d/U78 MONTE DI PIETA, PADUA See PADUA. MONTE DI PIETA MONTE DI PIETA, PERUGIA See PERUGIA. MONTE DI PIETA MONTEMAGNO, BUONACCORSO DA, d. 11*29. De nobi- litate. English See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De senectute. English. 12 Aug. 11*81 The declamacyon which laboureth to shewe wherein honoure sholde reste See his De nobilitate. English. 12 Aug.ll*8l MONTEREGIO, JOANNES DE See MUELLER, JOHANNES, REGIOMONTANUS MONTEVILLA, JOHANNES IE See MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN MORE, SIR THOMAS, SAINT, 11*78-1535. Epygram- ma See HOLT, JOHN, f 1.11*95. Lac puerorum. Mylke for chyldren. Latin-English, .after 1500. MORETUS, ANTONIUS, Corrector See CALDSRINO, DOMIZIO, 11*1*7-11*78. Commentarii in Juve- nalem. .ca. 11*76-77. 672 MUELLER, JOHANNES, REGIOMONTANUS, 11*36-11*76. Calendarium. Venice, Bernhard Maler (Pic- tor), Erhard Ratdolt, Peter USalein, 11*76. 32*4. woodcuts: border, capitals, dia- grs. (1 movable, 1 with brass pointer) 1*. 28.6cm. Leaf .1*. (t.p.): AVreus hie liber est: non est preciosior ulla G8ma kalendario: quod docet istud opus _ Hoc Ioannes opus regio de monte probatum Composuit: tota no- tus in Italia. Quod ueneta impressum fuit in tellure per illos Inferius quorum nomina picta loco. .11*76. Bernardus pictor de Au- gusta Petrus loslein de Langencen Erhardus ratdolt de Augusta. 121 MUELLER , JOHANNES , REOIOMONTANUS - contlnned Printed In black and red. Leaves 19 and c32>, containing diagrs. of instruments, are each made up of 2 leaves pasted together. HC 13776j BMC V 2l3 (IB 201*81); Pr 1*365; Goff. Third census, R-93. Leaf cl9> bound after leaf c31. Diagrs. of eclipses painted yellow. Bound in half vellum; in brown morocco case. Purchased from Stonehill, 7 Jan. 55. x529.3/M88c/ll76 MUELLER, JOHANNES, REGIOMONTANUS, U*36-ll*76. Disputationes contra Cremonensia delira- raenta See SACRO BOSCO, JOANNES IX, fl. 1230. Sphaera mundi. cbefore U Novi 11(85} also 31 Mar.ll*88; UU Jan. 11*91 MUELLER, JOHANNES, REGIOMONTANUS, 11*36-11*76. Epytoma in Almagestum Ptolemaei See PTOLE- MABDS, CLAUDIUS. Epytoma in Almagestum. 31 Aug. 11*96 MUHAMMAD II See MEHMET II, THE QREAT, SULTAN OF THE TURKST ll*30(ca.)-ll*8l MULLER, JOHANN See MUELLER, JOHANNES, REGIO- MONTANUS, 11*3670*76 MURCHESINUS, JOANNES See MARCHES INI, GIOVAN- NI MURE, CONRADUS DE See KONRAD VON MURE, 1210- 1281 MURE, KONRAD VON See KONRAD VON MURE, 1210- 1281 MUSUHUS, MARCUS, ABP. OP MALVASIA, ll*70(ca.)- 1517, Editor See ARISTOPHANES. Comoediae novem. Greek. "T5 July 11*98 See EPISTOLAE DIVERSORUM PHILOSOPHO- RUM, ORATORUM, ET RHETORUM. Oreek. .29Mar. cnot before 17 Apr. 11*99 See BTTMOLOGICUM MAGNUM. 8 July 11*99 MUTINA, NICOLAUS IB See NICOLAUS DB MUTINA 673 MUTIUS, MACARIUS, H*30(ca.)-l5ll*(ca.) Da triumpho Christi. Venice, Franciscus Lucensis and Antonius Francisci, 29 Mar. 11*99. 2l*,/. li. 20cm. Bound with Piccolomini, Alessandro. Delia, grandezza della terra et dell 'aqua. Venetia, 1558. Leaf cl a (t.p.)i MACARIVS MVTIVS BQVES CAMERS DS TRIVMPHO CHRISTI. HC 11655; BMC V 579 (IA. 21*723); Pr 561*2; Ooff. Third census, M-882. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. From the Library of Count Antonio Cavagna, purchased by Univ. of HI. in 1921. x55l.l*/P58d MUZIO, MACARIO See MUTIUS, MACARIUS, 11*30 (ca.)-l5ll*(ca7T 671* UK, GIOVANNI, H*32?-l502. De futuris Chris tiano rum trinmphis in Sa- racenos. Paris, &tienne Jehannot cca. 11*95 > c58i<., the last blank and wanting, wood- cuts printer's device. 8. 13.1*cm. Leaf cl a i (t.p. ) > Tractatus de futuris christianorum triumphis in saracenos Magi- stri Johannls viterbiensis. H 1125*; BMC VIII 199 (L4 1*0851*); GW 2023; Pr 8353*; Ooff. Third census, A-756. Upper margins closely trimmed, shaving the text on some leaves. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x228/Nl5dAl95 NANNI, GIOVANNI, ll*32?-l502. Quaestiones su- per mutuo Judaico See PRO MONTE PIETATIS CONSILIA. cafter 8 May U*92> NANNIUS, JOANNES VITERBIENSIS See NANNI, 010- VANNI, 11*32?-1502 NAPPI, CESARE DE' , d.l5l8, Editor See BAP- TISTA MANTUANUS, 11*1*8-1516. Parthenice pri- ma, sive Mariana. 17 Oct. 11*88 NAPPIS, CAESAR DE See NAPPI, CESARE DE', d. 1518 +675 NARDI, JACOPO, ll*76-ca.l563. Comedia di Amlcitia. cFlorence, Lorenzo Morglani and Johannes Petri, cl5l07> .20,/. 1*. 19.7cm. Leaf l a > (t.p.):C COMEDIA DI AMICITIA. H 11673? Ooff. Third census, N-l*. Brit. Mus. Gen. Cat. of Printed Books gives imprint: cFlorence? I5l0?. The play was most likely performed 1502-12. Cf. D. Radcliff- Umstead. The birth of modern comedy in Renais- sance Italy. (1969), p. 110. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 July 56. x853Hl6/Oa NECHONIAH BEN HA-KANAH See NEHUNTA BEN HA- KANAH NEGRI, PESCENNIUS FRANCISCUS See NIGER, FRAN- CISCUS, b. 11*50 NEGRO, FRANCESCO, GRAMMARIAN See NIGER, FRAN- CISCUS, b. 11*50 122 fffiHUM BEN HA-KANA See NEHUNTA BEN HA-KANAH NEHUNYA BEN HA-KANAH, Supposed author, Epi- stola de sec ret is See PAULUS IX HEREDIA, fl.U*05-ll86. Epistola de secretls. clU63- 90, NEPOS, CORNELIUS. Spurious and doubtful works. De viris illustribus See DE VIRIS ILLUSTRIBUS URBIS ROMAE NERITO, FRANCISCUS DE See FRANCISCUS DE NE- RITO NESTOR, DIONTSIUS See DIONTSIUS NESTOR NESTOR VOCABULISTA See DIONTSIUS NESTOR NEUMIA BEN HACCANA See NEHUNTA BEN HA-KANAH 0676 NIAVIS, PAULUS, fl.lU75-l$lU. Declamatio de conceptione interne ratae Vir- ginia Kariae. cLeipzig, Conrad Kachelofen, ca. 11*87-95' =6,/. L. 19.2cb. Leaf cl , (t.p.): Declamatio agri Pauli Niauis de cSceptiSe intemerate virginis ma- rie sub genere deraonstratiuo perscripta. H 117U2*; BMC III 630 (IA 11615); Pr 2886; Goff. Third census, N-18. Owner's name ? and date: Anno 1571* die 1* Augusti, on t.p. Purchased from Stonehill, lU Jan.U9 x235/"5ldAU9- NIAVIS, PAULUS, fl.lu75-l5U. Dialogus par- vulis schclaribus ad Latinua idiona peru- See his Latinum idioma pro par- vulis editua. 2lT~Dec.U*99 677 NIAVIS, PAULUS, fl.ll75-l5ll. Epistolae breves, c Nuremberg, Peter Wag- ner, ca. 11*90, c2l.t. woodcut: capital. U. 21cm. Leaf el*s (t.p.): Epistole breues Magi- stri pauli Niauis. HC 11727*; BMC II 1*63 ( 7991); Pr 221*8; Goff. Third census, N-22. One capital-space; one woodcut capital; lombards elsewhere. Purchased from Barry, 20 Mar. 1*7. xU78.3/H5leAU9- 0678 NIAVIS, PAULUS, fl.U75-l5H. Latinua idiona pro parvulis editua. reaberg, Friedrich Creussner, 11*97. dh, I. illus. U. 21cm. Nu- Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Latinum ydeoaa. Magistri Pauli Niavis Pro Paruulis editua. HC II7U4*; BBC II U5U (I* 770$); Pr 2162; Goff. Third census, N-36a. Full-page woodcut (leaf 1*) and 3 small metal cuts (leaf c9 ); capital-spaces. Purchased from Stonehill, 3 Mar.6U. xU78.3/5l (t.p.): Dyalogus magistri Pauli Niauis paruulis scolaribus ad latinua ydioaa perutilissimus. Tractatus venerabilis dfti Albert! Magni De arte viuendi loquendi et tacendl . The ascription of the Tractatus de arte Vivendi, loquendi, et tacendi to Albertus Magnus is incorrect. IGI 6789; Goff. Third census, N-38. Purchased from Stonehill, 2 Feb. 1*9. xl*78.3/N5U/U*99 NICCOLO DA REGGIO, 1280(ca.)-1350, Transla- tor See TUHANNA IBN SARABITUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. Breviarium aedicinae. 16 Dec.U*97 NICCOLO DE DEOPREPIO See NICCOLO DA REGGIO, 1280(ca.)-1350 680 NICCOLO DE'TUDESCHI, ABP., 1386-11*1*5. Lectura super V libris Decretalium. Ba- sel, Johann Amerbach, lii87-88. 6 pts. in 1* v. f. 36.8cm. Part I (dated LU88): e35U*.; part II, 1 (dated 11*87): c26*W.; part II, 2 (dated 11*87): .176,/., the first blank; part II, 3 (dated 11*88): d62,l., the first and last blank; part III (dated li*88): .268**.; part IV (dated 11*88): c52<; part V (dated li*88): c 15 8,4., the last blank; part VI (undated): CCVIII (i.e. CCXX), c2,., the first blank. Includes Antonius de Butrio. Super primo libro Decretalium, VII-IXVIII (pt.I, leaves d53*-228 b = ) Part VI: Alonso Diaz de Montalvo. Reperto- riua quaes tionum super Nicolaua de Tudeschls, edited by Ludovicus de Caapis. HC 12315* 4 11566*; BMC III 7U9 (IB 37302- 37301*, 37307-37308; GW 8308; Pr 7573-7576 tc 7628; Goff. Third census, P-51 4 D-176. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Sig. tt in pt. V has 6 leaves instead of 8. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards; clasps. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq3U8/C28l2dIn/U*87 NICHOLAS DA REGGIO See NICCOLO DA REGGIO, 1280(ca.)-1350 NICOLAS BIARD See NICCLAUS DS BTARD, 13th cent. NICOLAS DS LIRA See LTRA, NICOLAUS DE, d. 13U9 NICOLAS DE REGGIO See NICCOLO DA REGGIO, 1280(ca.)-1350 NICCLAUS DE AUSMO See NICCLAUS, OF OSIMO, 15th cent. 123 NICOUUS DE AUXIMO See NICOUUS, OF OSIMO, 15th cent. 681 NICOUUS DE BYARD, 13th cent. Dictionarius pauperum. Paris, Andre Bo- card, for Durand Qerlier, 13 Nov. (Id. Hot.) 11*98. CXVIII, e6/. woodcuts: printer's and publisher's devices; capital. 8. 18.6cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): Dictionarius paupeiy- omnibus predicatoribus verbi diuini pneces- sariua in quo multfl succincte cCtinltur ma- teria singulis festiuitatlbus totius anni tS de tpe $3 de Sanctis accomodade vt in ta- bula huius operis facile et lucide cognosce- tur. HC 6153; BMC VIII 156 (L\ U0227); Pr 8162; Qoff. Third census, N-93. Bound in a leaf from a vellum MS. of an Antiphonary. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1(2. x25l/N5U3d/H98 NICOLAUS DE HANAPIS See NICOLAUS, OF HANNAPES , PATRIARCH OF JERUSALEM, 1225 (ca. )-1291 NICOUUS DE LYRA See LIRA, NICOUUS DE, d. 13U9 NICOUUS DE MUTINA, Editor See LIRA, NICOU- US DE, d. 131*9. Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia quadragesimal ia. 25 May ll*9l* NICOUUS HANAPUS See NICOUUS, OF HANNAPES, PATRIARCH OF JERUSALEM, 1225(ca.)-12l 682 NICOUUS, OF HANNAPES, PATRIARCH OF JERUSA- LEM, 1225(ca.)-1291 Biblia pauperun. c Leipzig, Qregorius Bb't- tiger, ca. 11*98 > xxxxvj *. 1*. 21.3cm. Leaf cl*> (t.p.): biblia pauperfl a domino Bonauentura edita omnib? predicatoribus peru- tilia. Erroneously ascribed to Saint Bonaventura. OW v.l*, col. 388; GW (Nachtr) 51; Qoff. Third census, B-851*. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 5 Mar. 1*5. x25l/H5Ub/ll*98 Another copy bound with Ouerri, Bindus. Au- rea Biblia. cStrassburgx 6 Aug.ll*95. Imperfect: t.p. wanting; capitals added in red. x25l/093a/ll*95 683 NICOUUS, OF OSIMO, 15 th cent. Supplemental Summae Pisanellae. Venice, Franciscus Renner, de Heilbronn and Nicolaus de Frank f or dia, li*7l*. >336><., the first and last blank and wanting. f. 21cm. Supplements the Summa de casibus conscien- tiae of Bartholomaeus de Sane to Concordio. "Canones pnXales extracti de vbo ad verbfl d' sflma fratris Astensis ordinis minoru. li 5. titulo. 32": leaves 331 b -335* HC 2153*; BMC V 192 (IB 1981*2); Pr 1*161; Qoff. Third census, N-60. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately; initial-strokes in red. Bound in a leaf from a 15th cent, vellum manuscript service book. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xl71.6/B28s/sup. 681* NICOUUS, OF OSIMO, 15th cent. Supplementum Summae Pisanellae. Venice, Franciscus Renner, de Heilbronn and Nicolaus de Frank fordia, 11*76. c356*{., the first blank and wanting. f. 28.5cm. Supplements the Summa ds casibus conscien- tiae of Bartholomaeus de Sancto Concordio. "Canones pnlales extracti de verbo ad ver- ba de sflma fratris Astensis ordinis mlnorfi. li 5. titulo. 32": leaves c331 b -33l* b ;> "PrimA consiliO dfli Alexandri de Neuo Vin- centini, iuris vtriusqj doctoris. cOtra lu- deos fenerantes": leaves c335*-356 a > HC 2155*; BMC V 193 (IB 19853); Pr 1*167} Qoff. Third census, N-67. Large illuminated capital and border on leaf c2*> painted in blue, red, purple, and gold; other capitals and paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately. Imperfect: leaves c 335-356* wanting. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xql71 . 6/B28s/sup/U*76 NICOUUS, RHEOINUS See NICCOLO DA REOOIO, 1280 (ca.) -1350 685 NICOLBTTI, PAOLO, 1369?-ll*29. Logica. c Venice, Filippo di Pietro, ca. 1U75. 78*e., the first blank. 1*. 20cm. H 121*97*; IQI 7350 cChristophorus Arnoldus, ca.H*76>; Qoff. Third census, P-221. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound in leaves from a vellum manuscript, the whole rebound in old wooden boards with wide, blind-stamped leather backstrip; clasp restored. Purchased from Qimbel, 3 July 1*2. xl60/N51/ll*75 686 NICOLETTI, PAOLO, 1369?-ll*29. Logica. Venice, Petrus de Quarengiis, Bergomensis, 23 June 11*98. 1*8j<. woodcuts: capital, diagr. 1*. 21.9cm. Bound with Paulus Pergulensis. Compendium logicae. Venice, 25 July 11*98. Leaf el* (t.p.)* Tractatulus summularuj, logice Pauli Veneti. C 1*1*10; CR 1*652; BMC V 513 (LI 21*173); Pr 51*83; Qoff. Third census, P-231. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. xl60/P286cAl*98 NICOLETTUS, PAULUS See NICOLETTI, PAOLO, 13697-H29 121* NICOLfi DA OSIMO See MICOLAUS, OF OSIMO, 15th cent. NICOLO DE REGGIO See NICCOLO DA RKGGIO, 1280(ca.)-1350 687 .NICER, JOHANNES, d. 11*38. Alphabetum divini amoris. .Strassburg, Printer of Henricus Ariminensis (Qeorg Rey- ser), not after ll*73 .20.*. f. 28.9cm. Leaf 120*1 : Explicit Alphaphetfl diuini amo- ris. de eleuatiSe mentis in deua. venerabi- lis magistri J oh. Qerson Cancellary parisi- ensis. The attribution to Qerson is incorrect. H 7632*; BMC I 78 (IB 838)5 GW 1555 5 Pr 3065 Qoff. Third census, A-525. Capital-spaces . Bound in a leaf from an old vellum litur- gical manuscript. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 Aug. 1*8. x23U.8/N51*aAl*73 NICER, JOHANNES, d. 11*38. Ars moriendi (text beginning: Cum circa propriam vitam) See his Dispositorium moriendi. cbefore 5 June 11*73* 688 NICER, JOHANNES, d.ll*38. Consolatorium timoratae conscientiae. c Cologne, Ulrich Zell, not after U*70. .108.4. I* . 21.3cm. Leaf l a . s Consolatorium timorate consci- Stie Venerabilis fratris JohSnis Nyder. sa- cre theologie pfessoris eximij de ordle pre- dicatorB. HC U8065 BMC I 185 (IA 2820)5 Pr 81*3 5 Ooff. Third census, N-161*. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph -marks and underlines added in red. Bound with this are : Bernard de Clairvaux, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works. De plane tu B. Mariae Virginia, .Cologne, ca. lit 70> and Matthaeus de Cracovia, Cardinal. Dialogus Rationis et Conscientiae. c Cologne, not after 11*70= Armorial bookplate of Rev. Morgan Dix, S. T. D. Col. Coll. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x2l*2/N51*9c 689 NICER, JOHANNES, d. 11*38. De moral! lepra. (Cologne, Ulrich Zell, not after 11*70, .101*. ., the last two blank and wanting. U. 22.2cm. HC 11811*5 BMC I 185 (IA 2826)5 Pr 81*55 Ooff. Third census, N-188. First capital added in red, blue and sil- vers other capitals and paragraph-marks in red or blues underlines and foliation in red. In manuscript on leaf cl a j : Ce livre est de la Bibliotheque des f re res Mineurs, de la re'guliere observance de s Krangois, dits Cordeliers, du Couvent de Chalon 1733. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. x233.2/N51*9mAl70 690 .NICER, JOHANNES, d. 11*38. Dispositorium moriendi. c Augsburg, GUn- ther Zainer, before 5 June 11*73= 21<. f 6 . 32c*. Leaf .1*, t Tabula dispositorij artis mori- endi. Text begins: Cum circa propriam vitam. For ascription of this text to Nider cf . O'Connor, M. C. The art of dying well (191*2) P.173. H 8589* (pt.II, F.211*-23U)s BMC II 319 (IB 55U7)5 Pr 15705 Qoff. Third census, A.-, 1089. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-mark*, underlines, and marginal notes added in red. Purchased from Qimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq875/N53dAl*73 691 NICER, JOHANNES, d. 11*38. Formicarius. c Cologne, Johann Qulden- schaff, ca. 11*80, .126.*., the last blank. f. 29.2cm. Bound with Thomas de Cantimpre. Bonum uni- versale de proprietatibus apum. .Cologne, 11*78-807. HC 11830*; BMC I 256 (IB 1*288)5 Pr 1223s Qoff. Third census, N-175. Capitals added in blue or reds paragraph- marks and initial-strokes in red. xq875/T36b/ll*78 692 NIDER, JOHANNES, d.ll*38. Formicarius. Augsburg, Anton Sorg cca. 11*81*, .192.1., the first and last blank. f. 28.3cm. HC 11832*5 BMC II 351 (IB 5978)5 Pr 16965 Qoff. Third census, N-176. Capital-spaces with guide-letters; first 66 leaves rubricated with capitals in red or blue; initial-strokes and paragraph-marks in red. In manuscript: Ex libris Arthur ii de la Borderij. AHo Dnl .M.DCCC.XC. HBrij Aspa- censis. Purchased from Christensen, 23 Oct. 63. x875/N538f/ll*81* 693 NIDER, JOHANNES, d.ll*38. Manuale confessorum. cNuremberg, Anton Koberger, ca. 11*71, .58./. f. 27.5cm. H 1183U*; BMC II 1*11 (IB 7103)5 Pr 1961s Qoff. Third census, N-178. Capitals, initial-strokes, underlines and part numbers at head of pages added in reds marginal notes in a contemporary hand. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x265.62/l*3'Wll*71 69I*. NICER, JOHANNES, d. 11*38. Manuale confessorum. .Basel, Michael Wenssler, ca. 11*75' .52. t. f. 30.5cm. H 11838*5 BMC III 722 (IB 37051)5 Pr 7U72 j Goff. Third census, N-180. 125 OTHER , JOHANNES - contlnued Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red] initial-strokes in yellow; traces of quire numbers in red. In pencil inside back cover: Collated com- plete H. B. Quaritch libr. Purchased from Dawson, 17 June 65. xq265.62/H5Wli*75 695 NITER, JOHANNES, d. 11(38. Manuale confessoroa. (Cologne, Conrad Winters, de Homborch, ca. 11*79-82. 76><., the first blank. U. 19.8cm. R 1006; BMC I 250 (IA 1*176); Pr 1196} Ooff. Third census, N-I83. Capitals, initial -strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red on the first 20 leaves; from leaf c21i on, outlines for the capitals have been drawn in for the rubricator. Purchased fron Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x265.62?H5Um/ll79 696 NIDER, JOHANNES, d. 11*38. Praeceptorium divinae legis, sive Exposi- tio Decalogi. Augsburg, Anton Sorg, 'cir- citer' 21* May (H Kal. Iun.) li*75. c305l., the first blank and wanting. f. 27.5cm. H 11789*; BMC II 3U2 (IB 5786); Pr 161*2; Goff. Third census, N-199. The first capital of the text (leaf *30) is inexpertly illuminated; decorative bord- ers in green added on leaf c2. and in four colors on leaf c30 3 ; capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph-marks added in blue or red. Leaf c296, is a cancel. Error in binding: leaves c2-29> bound at end of text. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x222.l6/N51*pAl75 697 NIDER, JOHANNES, d. 11*38. Praeceptorium divinae legis, sive, Expos i- tio Decalogi. cReutlingen, Michel Oreyff, not after ll*79 c262>{., the first and last blank and wanting. f. 30.2cm. HC 11783*; BMC II 576 (IB 10651*); Pr 2692; Ooff. Third census, N-201*. Printing attributed by Proctor to Johann Otaar. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, underlines, and a few chapter headings added in red; note at end by rubricator: Presenti- 81s Marie. 11*79. Stamp: Ex Biblioth. Regia Berolinensi. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq222.l6/N5UpAl*79 698 NIDER, JOHANNES, d. 11*38. Praeceptoriun divinae legis, sive Expos 1- tio Decalogi. cMilan, Joannes Antonius de Honate, not after ll*87 330l., the last blank and wanting. 1*. 22cm. CR 1*1*12; BMC VI 7U3 (IA 26376); Pr 5911; Goff. Third census, N-213. Bound in old blind-stamped leather over wooden boards; holes for 1* clasps. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x222.l6/N51*p/ll87 699 NIDER, JOHANNES, d.ll*38. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis cum quad- ragesimali. wanting. f. 30.2cm. H 11799*; BMC II 517 (IB 8985); Pr 2l8l; Ooff. Third census, N-215. In this copy the Tabula super Sermones de tempore is bound after quire s, instead of before the Tabula super Sermones de Sanctis. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Bound in blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; 2 clasps; metal protectors nailed to bottom of each cover. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq252/5U9sAU77 700 NIDER, JOHANNES, d.ll*38. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis cum quadragesimal! . cStrassburg, Printer of the ll*83 Jordanus de Quedlintjurg (Qeorg Rus- tier?) not after 11*83. c256>{., the first blank and wanting. f. 30.2cm. H 11797*; BMC I 131 (IB 1812); Pr 588; Ooff. Third census, N-221. Capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines added in red. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin; remnants of clasps. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq252/N51*9sM83 701 NIGER, FRANCISCUS, b.ll50. Modus epistolandi. Modena, Dominicus Ro- cociolus, 21* May 11*90. cl*2.<., the last wanting, woodcuts: cap- itals. 1*. 19.1cm. H 11865*; BMC VII 1062 (IA 32252); Pr 7195A; Ooff. Third census, N-231*. Defective: the lower two-thirds of leaf clOa has been cut out. Purchased from L'Art Ancien, 26 Nov .1*5. x808.6/N56m/U*0 702 NIQER, FRANCISCUS, b.ll*50. Modus epistolandi. Venice, Jacobus de Ragazonibus, 10 Apr. (IV Id. Apr.) ll*9l*. c32. woodcuts: capitals. 1*. 22.2cm. Leaf sl*a (t.p.): FRANCISCVS NIGER DE MODO EPISTOLANDI. HC ( Add) 11871*; BMC V 51*3 (I* 21*305) e colophon varies.; Pr 5521; Ooff. Third cen- sus, N-2I1O. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x808.6/N56mAU9U NIGER, FRANCISCUS, b.ll*50. Regulae elegantia- rum See DATI, A0OSTIN0, 11*20-11*78. Elegan- tiolae. cc a. 11*99 ' NIGER, FRANCISCUS, b.ll50 See PORCIA, JACO- PO, CONTE DI, li62-l538. De generosa edu- cation? liberorura. 11 Sept.lU92 NIGER, FRANCISCUS, b.lU50, Editor See FIRMI- CUS MATER NUS, JULIUS. De nativitatibus . ll99 NIGER, PESCENNIUS FRANCISCUS See NIGER, FRAN- CISCUS, b.ll50 703 NONIUS MARCELLUS. De proprietate Latini semonls. Venice, 0ctavlanu8 Scotus, 2 Sept. (IV Hon. Sept.) 1U83. <8>, ZCIIII, XLII, , II-XXXIII/., the first blank. f. 29.7cm. Includes Sextus Pompeius Festus. De verbo- rum significatione, and M. Terentius Varro. De lingua Latlna, the latter edited by Pom- ponius Laetus and Franciscus Rolandellus. HC 1190lj BMC V 278 (IB 21198); Pr U577; Goff. Third census, N-269. Capital-spaces. Bookplate with legend: Vernon semper viret. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Mar. 52. xq87l/H8AU83 NOVARIENSIS, CAHPANUS See CAMPAND NOVARESE, ca. 1260-1292 126 NUREZ DE LA TERRA, FRANCISCO, Editor See MELA, POMPONIUS. Cosmographia, siveTBe situ orb is. .17 Apr. 1 11*98 70b NUREMBERG. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Reformation der Stadt Nurnberg. Nurem- berg, Anton Koberger, 5 June (Pfingstabend) 1U8U. c2llii., the last blank, woodcut: illus. f. 30.7cm. Leaf c2 a > (t.p. ) In dieser nachuolgenden Tafel oder Register. werdS begriffR. die Titel vnd vberschrift. der gesetze. der NewS Reformacion der Stat Nurfberg Nach crist ge- purt Tausent vierhundert Und in dl newnund- sibentsigstS Jare furgenomS. HC 13716*; BMC II U26 (IB 7315); Pr 2039; Goff. Third census, R-37. Illuminated capital (leaf c26>) in three colors and gold; other capitals, initial- strokes, and paragraph-marks added in red or blue; leaves .28-2133 numbered in red: I-CLXIXVI. Imperfect: leaves da (with woodcut on verso), .8, U8-U9, 63, 209-210, and 2lU> wanting . xq3lt9.U33/M93rAU81t OBSRMATR DE WERDEA, JOHANNES See FABRI DE WBRDEA, JOHANNES, lUUo(ca.)d5"05 OCKAM, OULIELMUS DE See OCKHAM, WILLIAM, d. ca,13U9 OCKHAM, WILLIAM, 131*9, Supposed author. Dialogus inter clericum et mllitem See DIA- LOGUS INTER CLERICUM BT MILITEM ODASSI, LUDOVICO, d.l$10, Editor See PBROTTI, NICCOLO, ABP. OF SIPONTO, lU30-d8b. Cor- nucopiae linguae Latinae. lit May IU89 ODAXIUS, LUDOVICUS See ODASSI, LUDOVICO, d. 1510 OLrvERIO D'ARZIQNANO See OLIVERIUS ARZIGNA- NENSIS, 15 th cent. OLIVERIUS ARZIGNANENSIS, 15th cent., Comaen- tator See VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Facta et dicta memorabilia. 12 Aug.ll91} also 30 Apr.lli93 OLOMUCBNSIS, AUGUSTINUS See AUGUSTIMUS 0L0- MUCE1BIS, Hi67-I5l3 'OMmTBONUS IEONICENUS See LEONICENUS, OMNIBONUS, d.ll t 93 705 ORIGBNES. Contra Celsum et in fidei Christianae de- fens ionem libri. Latin. Rome, Qeorgius He- rolt, Jan. 11*81 . .26U>*. f and U. 29.5cm. Leaf .263 (colophon): Origenis contra Celsum finis: quern Christophorus persona Romanus: prior sanctae Balbinae de urbe: la- time graececg peritisslmus: cfi fide e graeco traduxit & emendauit _ HC (+ Add) 12078* j BMC IV 126 (IB 19156); Pr 3921 ; Goff. Third census, 0-95. Capital spaces at the beginnings of books. Foliation and signatures added in manuscript; many marginal notes in the same hand as a note at the end dated: 15UU. Bound in wooden boards with wide blind- stamped leather back; U clasps (one lost) x88l/085c.Lp 706 OROSIUS, PAULUS. Historiae adversus paganos. cVicensa> Hermannua Liechtenstein (Levilapis) cca. Ht75. .100.*. t. 26.5cm. Edited by Aeneas Vulpes. H 12099*; BMC TII 1035 (IB 31758a); Pr 71iil; Ooff. Third census, 0-97. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 27 Apr. 65. x87l/072/H75 707 OROSIUS, PAULUS. Historiae adversus paganos. Venice. Octa- vianus Scotus, 30 July (III Kal. Iul.) 1U83. 78.., the first blank. f. 29.5cm. 127 OROSIUS , PAULUS - contlnued Bound with Diogenes Laertlua. Vitae et sen- tentiae philosophorum. Bologna, 30 Mar.lli95. Edited by Aeneas Vulpea. HC 12102*; BMC V 278 (IB 21196); Pr 1*576; Ooff. Third census, 0-98. Capital-spaces . xq88l/D8.Lt/U*95 OSMA, PETRUS DE See PETRUS DE OSMA, OSOMA, PETRUS DE See PETRUS DE OSMA, 1U80 708 OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLITJS. De arte amandi et Da remedio amoris. Venice, Joannes Tacuinus, de Trldino, '5 July 1k9k' ci.e. after 15007, LI (i.e. 1X1)1. woodcuts: capitals, printer's device. f. 30.l*cm. Leaf el*> (t.p. )> Ouidius de arte amSdi t De remedio amoris cum conento. Text surrounded by commentary of Bartholo- maeus Merula. BMC V 535 (IB 21*01*0)) Pr 51*32) Ooff. Third census, 0-11*5. Errors in foliation. Armorial bookplate of Alexander I. Beres- ford Rope. Bound with this is the author's Tristia. Venice, 26 Mar. 11*99. Purchased from Stonehill, 12 Sept. 1*1*. xq87l/08bA50- OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. De remedio amoris See his De arte amandi et De remedio amo- ris.T~July U*9U d.e. after 1500T, 709 OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Epistolae Heroides. Venice, Bartholomaeus de Ragasonibus, 10 Nov. 11*92. cl02{., the last blank and wanting. f. 32cm. Leaf al*. (t.p.)i EPISTOLAE OVIDII CVM DVOBVS COMKEWra. Text surrounded by commentaries of Antonius Volscus and Ubertinus Clericus. Includes his Sappho (leaves c83*-88) and Ibis (leaves 89*-101*), with commentary of Domitlus Calderinus. HC ( Add) 12205; BMC V 535 (note)j Ooff. Third census, 0-161. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Purchased from Qrafton, 5 Aug. 1*2. xq87l/08h/ll*92 710 OVIDIUS MASO, PUBLIUS. Fasti. Venice, Baptist* de Tortis, 21* Dec. (IX Kal Ian.) 11*82. 192.. f . 29.5cm. Text surrounded by commentary of Paulus Marsus. HC 12238; BMC V 322 (IB 21328); Pr 1*610; Ooff. Third census, 0-170. Capital-spaces . Signature at end: DI FRANCESCO CIGOGNi. Purchased from Stonehill, 25 Mar. 66. xq87l/08f .me /ll* 82 711 OVIDIUS HASO, PUBLIUS. Fasti. Venice, Joannes Tacuinus, de Tri- dino, 12 June (pridie Id. Iun. ) 11*97. CCXZVII, 1<., the last blank and want- ing, woodcuts: capitals, illus., printer's device. f. 31cm. Leaf I* (t.p.)s Ouidius de Fastis cum duobus commentariis. Text surrounded by commentaries of Anto- nius Constantius and Paulus Marsus; edited by Bartholomaeus Merula. HC ( Add) 1221*7*} BMC V 531 (IB 21*072); Pr 51*1*7; Qoff. Third census, O-176. Purchased from Shapiro, 1 Feb. 70. xq87l/*97 OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Ibis See his Episto- lae Heroides. 10 Nov. 11*92 712 OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Metamorphoses. Venice Bartholomaeus de Zanis?> for Octavianus Scotus, 28 Feb. (Ill Kal. Mar.) lit 92. cllihil., the last blank and wanting. woodcuts: capitals, publisher's device, f . 30.8cm. Text surrounded by commentary of Raphael Regius. H 12169*; Brit. Mus. General catalogue, T.177, col. 1*31 (IB 23705); IQI 7119 (Bo- netus Locatellus); Ooff. Third census, 0- 187. Purchased from Howes, 6 Oct. 1*9. xq87l/08m/li*92 713 OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Metamorphoses. Venice, Bernardinus Bena- lius cafter 5 Sept. 11*93' l68i{., the last blank, woodcut: diagr. f. 31.5cm. Leaf d* (t.p. ) t P. Ouidii Metamorphosis cum lntegrls ac emendatissimis Raphaelis Regii enarrationibus & repraehensione illarQ inept iarC: quibus ultlmus Quaternio primae editionis fuit inquinatus. H 12170=12155; Goff. Third census, O-I89. Capital-spaces with guide -letters. In manuscript on last verso: - Giov: Bat- tista Carbonesi figliuolo- Bonifacio Carbo- nesi. Purchased from Howell, 28 Feb. 56. xq87l/*93 711* OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Metamorphoses. Venice, Simon Bevilaqua, 8 July (VIII Id. 1*1.) 11*97. c166jI. woodcuts: diagr., printer's de- vice. f. 31. lea. Leaf 1*. (t.p.): P Ouidii Metamorphosis cum integris ac emendatissimis Raphaelis Regii enarrationibus & repraehensione illarfl ineptiarum: quibus ultlmus Quaternio primae editionis fuit inquinatus. HC ( Add) 12176*} BMC V 522 (IB 23971a)} Pr 51(03) Ooff. Third census, 0-193. Bookplate: Caroli ac Mariae Lacaitae Fili- orvmqve Selham, Sussex. Purchased from Maggs, 6 Aug. 1*2 xq87l/08m/l]97 128 OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Metamorphoses. Para- phrases. Latin See LACTANTIUS PLACIIXJS, Supposed author. Fabularum Ovidii abbrevia- tio. ca.ll*75> 715 OVIDIHS NASO, POBLIUS. Opera. Vicenza, Hemannus Liechtenstein (LeTilapis), 10 May (VI Id. Mai. ), 12 Aug. (pridie Id. Aug.) 11*80. 2 pts.(c20>4., the first and last blank; 168., the first and last blank) f. 29.9c. Edited by Barnaba Celsano; pt.II (Metamor- phoses) by Bonus Accursius. HC ( Add) 1211*1*} BMC VII 1037 (IB 31816); Pr 7157} Qott. Third census, 0-131. Capital-spaces . Univ. of 111. has pt.II only; first leaf (blank) wanting. Armorial bookplate: Boies Penrose II; in manuscript on fly-leaf: R. Curzon, Dec. 9, 181*7. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 May U7. xq87l/08AU80 716 OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Opera. Venice, Hermannus Liechtenstein (Levilapis), 21 Sept. (II Kal. Oct.) 11*81*. c250><., the first and last blank, the last wanting. f. 29.9cm. Does not contain the Metamorphoses. Edited by Barnaba Celsano. H 1211*9*} BMC V 357 (IB 21975); Pr 1*786; Qoff. Third census, 0-133. Capital-spaces . Armorial bookplate of Boies Penrose II; in manuscript on fly-leaf: R. Curzon, Dee. 9, 181*7. London. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 May 1*7. xq87l/08/U*81* 717 OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Opera. Venice, Bernardinus Rizus, Nova- rinsis, 11*86/87 37l*.*., leares 1, 67, 37l*> blank. f. 33.5cm. Edited by Barnaba Celsano; Metamorphoses by Bonus Accursius. HC ( Add) 1211*3*; BMC V 1*00 (IB 22617, 22620); Pr U9U*, 1*91*5 } Goff. Third census, 0-13U. In this copy the Metamorphoses, with colo- phon date: 13 Jan. 11*86/87, is bound before the other works, with colophon date: 27 Not. 11*86. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately. Manuscript notes of purchase in Apr.l660, and presentation to J. Caspar Doetschmann in 1800. Purchased from Quaritch, 5 June 1*2. xq87l/08/H*66 718 OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Tristia. Venice, Joannes Taculnus, de Tridino, 26 Mar.U*99. LXVIIII, .1.*., the last blank and want- ing, woodcuts: capitals, printer's device. f. 30.1*cm. Bound with the author's De arte amandi et De remedio amor is. Venice c after 1500? 3 Leaf l a (t.p.): OVIDIVS DE TRISTIBVS CVM COMMENTO. Text surrounded by commentary of Bartholo- maeus Merula. HC 1221*9* J BMC V 53U (IB 21*093) (Tar.); Pr 51*57} Ooff. Third census, 0-201. xq871/08bA50- PABLO DE BURGOS See PAULUS DE SANCTA MARIA, BP., 1353(ca.)IiU35 PABLO DE SANTA MARIA, BP. See PAULUS DE SANC- TA MARIA, BP., 1353(ca.pHJ35 PADUA. MONTE DI PIETA See PRO MONTE PIETATIS CONS ILIA, .after 8 May 11*92 PALLADINC, 0IAC0M0 DE THERAMO, KNOWN AS OIA- COMO DI ANCARANO See PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OFSPOLETO, 13l9-ll*17 PALLADINO, JACOPO See PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OP SPOLETO, 13l9-H*17 PALUDINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPO- LETO, 131*9-11*17. Belial See his Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial. French. 7 Nor. 11*87 PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPO- LETO, 131*9-11*17. Consolacion des poures pe- cheurs See his Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial. French. 7 Nor. 11*87 o719 PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPO- LETO, 131*9-11*17. Consolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Belial. French. Lyons, Mathias Huss, 7 Not. 11*87. cl52>/. woodcuts: illus. f. 21*. lies. Leaf l a . (t.p.)s Belial. Leaf d52*j (colophon): Cy finist le liure nSmela cSsolacion des poures pecheurs - Translated into French by Pierre Farget. Signatures: a-t". C 5800; Qoff. Third census, J-73. Capital -spaces with guide-letters. Imperfect: lacks leaves cl, 62, 152 a and parts of leaves c2> and c3, all replaced by photographic facsimiles from the Trinity College, Cambridge, Library copy. Bound in old calf with the arms of Charles Saint Albin, the "Bastard of Orleans" stamped in gilt on both covers. Purchased from Robinson, 11 May 1*3. x235/Pllc/ll*87 129 PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPO- LETO, 131*9-11*17. Processus Belial See his Conaolatio peccatorum, seu Processus Beli- al. French. 7 Nov.U87 PALMERIUS, MATTHAEUS, FLOREHTINUS See PALMI- ERI, MATTEO, U*05-U*75 PALMERIUS, HATTHIAS, PISANUS See PALMIERI, MATTIA, H23-lU83 PALMIERI, MATTEO, U*05-ll*7$ See EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CASSAREA. Chronicon. Latin. cca.ll*7l*-76,; also 13 Sept.U*83 PALMIERI, MATTIA, ll*23-U*83 See EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESARBA. Chronicon. Latin. 13 Sept. 11*83 o720 PALTZ, JOHANN VON, d.1511. Septem fores, seu Festa Beatae Virginia Mariae. c Leipzig:. Martin Landsberg cca. U*91-92 d8{. woodcut: printer's device. U. 20.3cm. Leaf d , (t.p.)t Iste libellus intitula- tur de septem forlbus seu festis beate vir- gls qualiter in quolibet sit honoranda. C 1*581; Ooff. Third census, J-389. Capitals, some initial-strokes, and para- graph-marks added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, lit Jan. 1*9. x26i.02l/Pl8s/ll*91 PALUDANUS, P1TRUS See PETRUS DE PALUDB, PA- TRIARCH OF JERUSALEM, d.l3U2 PALUDE, PETRUS IK See PETRUS DE PALUDE, PA- TRIARCH OF JERUSALEM, d,13U2 PANORMITAMUS DE TUDESCHIS, NICOLAUS See NIC- COLO DE'TUDESCHI, ABP., 1386-11*1*5 PANORMITANUS, NICOLAUS DE TUDESCHIS See NIC- COLO DE'TUDESCHI, ABP., 1386-1UU5 PARADISO, JACOBUS DE See JACOBUS, OF JUTER- BOQK, 1381-11*65 PARALDUS, OUILIELMUS See OUILELMUS PERALDUS, d.1271 PARENTINIS, BERNARDUS DE, 131*2, Suppos- ed author. Compendium libri Rationalis su- per repraesentatione et significatione Mie- sae See DURANTIS, GULIELMUS, BP. OF MENDS, 1237Tca. )-1296. Compendium libri Rationalis super repraesentatione et significatione Missae. cca.lU83> PARENTIS, BERNARDUS DE See PARENTINIS, BER- NARDUS DE, 131*2 721 PARKER, HENRI, d.U*70. Dives and Pauper. London, Richard Pynson, 5 July 11*93. 2l*l*.*., the first and 13th blank and wanting, woodcuts 1 capitals, printer's de- vice. f. 27.2cm. HC 6109; Pr 9782} Qoff. Third census, P- 117. Imperfect: lacks 81 leaves, including the two blank leaves and the last leaf with print- er's device; the text of 9 of the lost leav- es is supplied in manuscript. Bookplate of George Dunn of Woolley Hall. Purchased from McLeiah, 6 Nov. 1*8. x222.l6/P22d/ll*93 PARTENIO, ANTONIO, Commentator See TIBULLUS, ALBIUS. Elegiae, sive Carmina. 26 June 1U93 PARTENIO, BARTOLOMKO See PARTHENIUS, BAR- THOLOMASUS PARTHENIUS, ANTONIUS See PARTENIO, ANTONIO PARTHENIUS, BARTHOLOMAEUS , Editor See MAIUS, JUNIANUS, fl.ll75. Ds priscorum proprieta- te verborum. 3 June 11*82 See THUCTDIDES. Historia belli Pelopon- nesiaci. Latin. 11*83? 722 PASSIO DOMINI JESU CHBJSTI SECUNDUM QUATTUOR EVANOELIA. c Basel, Michael Furter, after 1500, clbil. woodcuts: capital, illus. h 21.2cm. Leaf cl (t.p.): PAssio domini nostri iesu christi. "Tractatus beatl Bernhardi de Planctu beate Marie Virginia": leaves ill* -16** H 121*38*; BMC III p.xxxviil; Pr 771*9; Ooff. Third census, P-132. Purchased from Stonehill, Ik Jan. 1*9. x232.1*/P267/l50- PATRITIUS, FRANC ISCUS See PATRIZI, FRANCES- CO, BP., 1413-11*91* 723 PATRIZI, FRANCESCO, BP., U*13-H*9i*. Oratio ad Innocentium VIII. cRome, Bar- tholomaeus Guldinbeck, after 29 Dec.lUSU-. >1*.. lt. 21.2cm. HC 12l*68; BMC IV 71 (IA 18173); Pr 3598; Ooff. Third census, P-152. Purchased from Qlmbel, 3 July 1*2. xB/l58l8p/U*81* PAUL DE SAINTE MARIE, SALOMON LEVITA, CALLED See PAULUS DE SANCTA MARIA, BP., 1353 (ca. )- H*35 PAULINUS, SAINT, BP. OF NCLA, 353-1*31, Sup- posed author. Vita Sancti Ambrosii See AMBROSIUS, SAINT, BP. OF MILAN. De offi- ciis. 17 Jan. 11*88 PAULINUS MEDIOLANENSIS. ViU Sancti Ambrosii See AMBROSIUS, SAINT, BP. OF MILAN. Ds of- ficiis. 17 Jan. 11*88 130 PAULUS BURGEN3L5 See PAULUS 1% SANCTA MARIA, BP., 1353(ca.)-ll*35 721* PAULUS IS HEREDIA, 11.11*05-11*86. Bpistola de secret is. Kpistola ad cogniti- ons* generationis Chris ti. .Rome, Euchari- us Silber, 11*83-90. ckOil., the first blank and wanting, h . 18. 5cm. Asserted by the author to be his transla- tion of Hebrew originals by Nehunya ben ha- Kanah and his son. HCB 11695 { C U398; BMC IV 121* (IA 19213); Pr 39U7; Goff. Third census, P-183. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Imperfect: in the 2d quire, duplicates of leaves cl-2> and 7-8 are substituted for leaves 3-6> Bound in a leaf from an early printed Ger- man Bible. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x296/P286e PAULUS DE SANCTA MARIA, BP., 1353(ca.)-U35. Additlones ad Postlllam Nicolai de Lyra See BIBLE. LATIN. 11*92. VULGATE. Biblia La- tina. 3 Nov.ll92 See BIBLE. LATIN. ll98. Biblia Latina. 1 Dec. 1^98 VULGATE. 725 PAULUS, DIACONDS, 720(ca.)-797? Compiler. Homiliarius doctorua a Paulo Diacono col- lectus. Speier, Peter Drach, 7 Sept. (In vigilia natiultatis - narie Virginia ) LU82. c396^., the last blank and wanting, woodcut: printer's device. 1r. 29cm. A collection of sermons; also ascribed to Alcuin. HC 8790; BMC II 1*92 (IB 853li); Pr 2351; Ooff. Third census, H-316. Capital-spaces . Several I6th-cent. inscriptions of owner- ship, with dates: 1$00, 1550, and 1561*. Purchased frost Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq261.6/P28h/ll*82 PAULUS FLORENTINUS See ATTAVANTI, PAOLO, 1U9-1U99 726 PAULUS PBBGULE1BIS, d.ll*5l. Compendium logicae. Venice, Petrus de Quarengiia, Berg omens is, 25 July (VIII Kal. Aug.) 11*98. el*l*./. woodcuts: capitals, diagrs. 1*. 21.9cm. Leaf 1 1 (t.p.): Logica magistri Paull pergulensis. "Tractatus de modis composito et diuiso": leaves el*3 a -W*. HC 12627} BMC V 513 (IA 21*175)} Pr 5U81*; Goff. Third census, P-I96. Bound with this are Rlcciua, Jacobus, de Aretio. Oblectiones 1 annotations super Lo- gica Paull Veneti. cUenitiis, 1502, and Nico- letti, Paolo. Logica. Venice, 23 June 11*98. Purchased frost Glabel, 3 July 1*2. xl60/P286c/Lu98 PAULUS VENBTUS See NICOLBTTI, PAOLO, 1369?- U*29 PECKHAM, JOHN, ABP. OF CAHTERBUET, b.1292. Canticua de sanctissimo nomine Jesu Christi See BONA VENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL, 1221- 127U. Spurious and doubtful works. Medita- tlones vitae Christi. lit Dec.ll*97 PEDRO DE OSMA See PETRUS DE OSMA,*80 PBLAGIUS, d.l*207 De vita Christiana See AU- GUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works. De vanitatibus saeculi. .11*757. PENKBT, THOMAS, d. 11*87, Editor See ANDREAS, ANTONIUS, Quaestiones super III libros Metaphysicae Aristotells. 12 May 11*77 PERALDUS, OUILELMUS See GUILELMUS PERALDUS, d.1271 PERBGRINUS DE BONONIA See PEREORINUS 0PPOLI- ENSIS, fl. 1260-1335 PKREGRINUS, DOMINICAN See PSREGRINUS 0PP0LI- ENSIS, fl. 1260-1335 727 PBREGRINOS OPPOLIENSIS, fl. 1260-1335. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis, c Co- logne, Heinrich Quentell, 21 Oct. (XII Kal. Nov.) 11*81. cl61t/., the last blank and wanting. 1*. 29.5cm. HC 12583*; BMC I 261* (IB 1*397); Pr 121*9; Goff. Third census, P-261*. Capitals added in red in the first three spaces; in the rest of the book most capi- tals are sketched in in black ink. Label with arms of Juan Gomez. Bound in purple calf; gilt dentelles and arms of Juan Gomes stamped on covers. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq252/Pl*13s/ll8l PEREGRINOS RATIBORIENSIS See PEREORINUS OP- POLIENSIS, fl. 126O-I335 PERGER, BERNHARD,$02. Oraamatica nova See PEROTTI, NICCOLO, ABP. OF SIPONTO, 11*30-11*80. Rudlmenta gramnatices. 11*86; also cca. 11*90. o728 PERGER, BERNHARD, Oratio in funere Friderici III Imperatorls Viennae habita. Vienna cJohann Vinterburg, after 8 Dec. 11*93* chit, woodcuts: capital, shield. 1* . 20cm. Leaf cl > (t.p.): Oratio wlenns habita in funere Imperatorls. tB. HC 12621; BMC IU 810 (IA 51513); Pr 9u73; Goff. Third census, P-281*. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. xB/F9UpAU93 131 PERGULENSIS, PAULUS See PAULUS PERGULENSIS, d.U5l 729 PEROTTI, NICCOLO, ABP. OF SIPONTO, 11*30-11*80. Cornucopiae linguae Latinae. Venice, Pa- ganinus de Paganinis, Lit May (prldie Id. Hal.) U89. clSa, 355, clal., the last blank, wood- cut: capital. f. 31.5cm. Printed In black and red. The Cornucopiae is a commentary, mainly lexicographical, on the Liber spectaculorun and the first book of epigrams of Martial. Edited by Pyrrus Perottus and revised by Ludovicus Odaxius. H 12697*; BMC V U55 (IB 23255)} Pr 5162} Goff. Third census, P-288. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Stamp, with arms of Grof Zichy Odb'n. Purchased from Shapiro, 1 Dec. 60. xq871/MU.IperAU89 PEROTTI, MICCOLd. ABP. OF SIPONTO, 11*30-11*80. Regulae Syppontinae See his Rudimenta gran- mat ices, h Nov.U*95 " o730 PEROTTI, NICCOLO, ABP. OF SIPONTO, ll*30-U*80. Rudimenta grammatices. Paris, Ulrich Oe- ring, LU79. cILUj/., the last blank and wanting, ex- cept for a stub, h . 28.1*cm. Signatures: a-b^ , c-m , ir-, h leaves un- signed, the last blank. C 1*682 (var.)} Pell MS 9206j Pr 7862; Ooff. Third census, P-315. The first capital in the text is added in gold, blue, and lavender; other capitals and paragraph-marks In red and blue alternately. Error in binding: leaves c Ill-Ill* a bound between leaves c76> and c77 Purchased from Stonehill, 6 Oct. 59. xl*75/Pl*2r/U*79 ^731 PEROTTI, NICCOLO, ABP. OF SIPONTO, U*30-ll80. Rudimenta grammatices. Venice, 8 Sept. 11*80. .110a*., the first blank. 1*, 22.2cm. Signatures: a-nP(a- blank), o. Ooff. Third census, P-317. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Signature on leaf 1 " : Sllenbog (i.e. Nic- olaus Ellenbog, 11*81-151*3) ll*96. Bound with this is Sulpitius, Joannes Veru- lanus. De arte grammatics. c Basel, ca.ll*80 Purchased from Stonehill, 19 July 55. xl75/Pu2rAU80 o732 PKROTTI, NICCOLd, ABP. OF SIPONTO, ll*30-ll80. Rudimenta grammatices. cStrassburg, Jo- hann (Reinhard) OrUningera 11*86. LXVII, 1,#. k. 21.8cm. Bound with Sulpitius, Joannes Verulanus. De arte grammatics, sive De octo partibus orationls. cStrassburg > 11*86. Leaf cl'i (t.p.): dramatics noua. Adapted for German schools by Bernhard Perger. H 12613*=7857} BMC I 10t (IA 1380)j Pr 1*1*6; Ooff. Third census, P-279*. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. xl75/Su5g/lii86 o733 PEROTTI, NICCOLd, ABP. OF SIPONTO, 11*30-11*80. Rudimenta grammatices. cStrassburg, Jo- hann (Reinhard) Orttnlnger, ca.ll*90a LZZI, cl>{., the last blank and wanting. U. 21.7cm. Leaf cl*a (t.p.)s Oramatlca noua. Adapted for German schools by Bernhard Per- ger. R (Suppl) 152} Ooff. Third census, P-280. Capital-spaces, some with guide -letters. Error in binding: sig. b bound in the fol- lowing order: 3,U,l,2,*7,<8>,x5>,6. Bookplate of Franklin H. Chase. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xl*75/Pl*2r/ll*90 73U PEROTTI, NICCOLfi, ABP. OF SIPONTO, ll30-ll*80. Rudimenta grammatices. Venice, Christo- phorus de Pensls, de Mandello, U Nov. 11*95. c82a<. woodcuts: capitals, 1 illus. 1*. 21.7cm. Leaf cl*a (t.p.): Regulae Syppontinae. HC 12688*} BMC V 1*69 (IA 231*79)) Pr 523U; Ooff. Third census, P-329. Signature on leaf cl'a : Francisci Marie Borghesi 1 . With this is bound Sulpitius, Joannes Ve- rulanus. De versuum scansions, c Venice, ca. Un- purchased from Qimbel, 3 July 1*2. xl*75/PU2r/ll*95 PEROTTI, NICCOLO, ABP. OF SIPONTO, ll*30-U*80, Translator See POLYBIUS. Historiae. Latin. 11*98 PEROTTI, PIRRO, l5th cent., Editor See PE- ROTTI, NICCOLO, ABP. OF SIPONTO, lE30-ll*80. Cornucopiae linguae Latinae. ll* May 11*89 PEROTTO, PIRRO See PEROTTI, PIRRO, 15th cent. PEROTTUS, NICOLAUS See PEROTTI, NICCOLd, ABP. OF SIPONTO, IhyO-WSo PEROTTUS, PTRRHUS See PEROTTI, PIRRO, 15th cent. 735 PERSIUS FLACCUS, AULUS. Satyrae. Venice, Baptists de Tortis, ll* Mar. 11*82. .28.*. f. 30.3cm. Text surrounded by commentary of Bartholo- maeus Pontius. CR 1*702} BMC V 322 (IB 21330)} Pr 1*611} Ooff. Third census, P-3U3. Capital-spaces . Bound in tan calf; gilt rules, corner or- naments, and spine; back cover loose. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov.ld* xq87l/P2/ll*82 132 736 PKRSIUS FLACCUS, AULUS. Satyrae. Venice, Peregrinus de Pasquali- bus and Dionysius Bertochus, 10 Sept. 11*81*. c28o<. woodcut: printer's device. 1r. 30.l*cm. Text surrounded by commentary of Bartholo- maeus Pontius. HCK 1272U; BMC VII 1139 (IB 22227); Pr 1*81*5; Goff. Third census, P-3U6. Capital-spaces. Label: Stanley C. Bagg, F. N. S., Member of the Numismatic Society of London _ Signa- ture inside back covert S. C. Bagg, Montreal. Small label: Bought at the Tower of Babel _ Arcade - Luther Appley. Purchased from Zeltlin & Van Brugge, 16 Nov. 62. xq87l/P2/ll*81* 737 PKRSIUS FLACCUS, AULUS. Satyrae. Brescia, Jacobus Britannicus, 17 Feb.ll*86. c36><., the last blank, woodcut: print- er's device. f. 30.9cm. Text surrounded by commentary of Johannes Britannicus . HC 12730 j BMC VII 975 (IB 31125)} Pr 6982; Ooff. Third census, P-350. In manuscript inside front cover: Propri- ety di Damiano Muoni - 1851; on leaf el** : Hieronyai oddi panne nais. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq87l/P2/Hi86 738 PKRSIUS FLACCUS, AULUS. Satyrae. Venice, Bartholoaaeus de Ragazo- nibus, 17 Jan.U*92/93. cl*8.. f. 32.1*0. Text surrounded by commentaries of Johan- nes Britannicus and Bartholoaaeus Fontius. HC 12737*; BMC V 536 (IB 2388U); Pr 537U; Ooff. Third census, P-35U. Capital-spaces, a few with guide-letters. Purchased from Giabel, 3 July 1*2. xq87l/P2AU93 739 PERSIUS FLACCUS, AULUS. Satyrae. Venice, Joannes Tacuinus, de Tridino, U* Feb.U*9l/95. c50><., the last blank, woodcuts: 1 illus., capitals, printer's device. f. 3lcm. Bound with Juvenalis, D. J. duuenalis opus cum quattuor commentariis. Venetiis, l501 a cop. 2 Leaf cl* (t.p.): Pauli Flacci Persii po- etae Satyrarum opus. Ionnis BritSnici Bri- xiani conmentarii. in Persium ad Senator po- pulumque Brixianun. Bartolomeii Foncii in persio commentarii. Edited by Bartholomaeus Merula. HC 12738; BMC V 529 (IB 21*033); Pr 5U29; Ooff. Third census, P-356. Leaf c37> torn, with slight loss of text. Purchased from Traylen, 16 July 65. xq871/J7/150l/cop.2 7U0 PKRSIUS FLACCUS, AULUS. Satyrae. Venice, Joannes Tacuinus, de Tri- dino, 1* Nov.lU99. LZIII, *l*t., the last blank, woodcuts: illus., capitals, printer's device. f. 33.5cm. Bound with Dionysius He s tor. Vocabula suis locis T secundum alphabet! ordinS collata. Venetiis, 1506* Leaf 1*> (t.p.): Persius cum tribus comen- tariis. Cornuti phylosophi eius preceptoria comStarii. Ioannis Britannici Brixiani coften- tarii. Bartolomei Foncii colentarii. Kdited by Joannes Bonardua. HC 127l*U*; Pr 5U60; Ooff. Third census, P- 362. Brit. Mus. General Catalogue, v. 187, col. 3U8, and Brit. Mus. Cat. (IV cent.) V, xlix and VII, 1209, describe a copy dated h Nov. Hi99, but which is actually a 1507 reprint, as indicated by a prefatory letter on the verso of the t.p. This letter is lacking in the IU copy. xqU73/D62v/l506 PERSONA, CRISTOFORO, ca.ll*l6-ca. 11*85, Trans- lator See BIBLK. N. T. KPISTLKS OF PAUL. LATIN, fnarrationes Theophylacti in Epiato- las Sancti Pauli. 25 Jan.ll*77 See ORIGBNES. Contra Celsum et in fidei Christianae defensionem libri. Latin. Jan. 11*81 PERUGIA. MONTE DI PIETA See PRO MONTE PIKTA- TIS CONSILIA. .after 8~May ll92* PESCENNIUS, FRANCISCUS NIGER See NIGER, FRANCISCUS, b. 11*50 PETER OF BLOIS, fl.1190. De beatitudine clau- strali See ISIDORUS, SAINT, BP. OF SEVILLE, d.636. Synonyma de homine et ratione, seu Soliloqula. 16 May ll*9l* 7U. PETRARCA, FRANCESCO, 130l*-137ll. De remediis utriusque fortunae. cStrass- burg, Heinrich Eggestein? ll*73 el9l3*., leaves c79, 130, 190, 191 blank. f. 28.2cm. Assigned by Scholderer (Gutenberg- Jahr- buch 1950, p. 168) to an unidentified print- er at Strassburg; Identified by Only (Guten- berg-Jahrbuch 1962, p. 127) as Eggestein. HC 12790*; BMC II 5U* (IB 8963); Pr 21*75; Goff. Third census, P-l*07 cEsslingen, Fyner, 11*75?. Capitals, initial-strokes, chapter titles, and headings added in red. In this copy, the table (leaves =168-189=) with the two blank leaves following, is bound before the text. Armorial bookplates: Cornelius Paine; Ogden Goelet. Purchased from Kraus, li* July 53. x85lPWj/0de/ll*73 133 7U2 PETRARCA, FRANCESCO, 130l*-137l* Db vita aolitaria. cStrassburg, The R- Printr (Adolf Rusch), not after lli73> 89. t. 29.5cm. Leaf *1 at Capitula in librum Francisci petrarche de vita solitarla Incipiunt. HC (+ Add) 12796; BMC I 61 (IB 607) j Pr 232 Qoff. Third census, P-l*17. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial- strokes added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq85lPi*l*/0vll*73 71*3 PETRARCA, FRANCESCO, 130l*-137l*. Epistolae familiares. Venice, Joannes and Gregorius de Qregoriia, de Forlivio, 13 Sept. (Id. Sept.) ll92. c7, 2-117, cl*. woodcut: printer's device. k. 21.1* cm. Leaf cl' (t.p.) FRANCISCI PET. EPISTOLE FAMILIARES. Edited by Sebastianus Manilius. HC 128ll*j BMC V 3l2 (IA 21036); Pr U526; Goff. Third census, P-399. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound in brown morocco by Hardy Filon; signed: The French Binders, Oarden City, N. I. With copy 2 are bound Sabellico, Marco Antonio Coccio, called. De vetustate Aquilei- ensis patriae. Padua, between ll8l and Ili83> and Sabellico, Marco Antonio Coccio, called. De situ urbis Venetae. c Venice, ca.ll*9l*' Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov. 1*1*; cop. 2 from Shapiro, 1 Feb. 70. x85lPl*l/CU92 71*1* PETRARCA, FRANCESCO, 13C*-137l. His tor ia Oriseldis. Cologne, Ulrich Zel, ca.U*69> cl2,/., the last blank. U. 19.8cm. Leaf cl a >: Epistola dfli FranscI Petrarche. Laureati poete. ad DBm IohSm.Florentinfl poe- tam. de Historia. Oriseldis .mulieris maxime cOstantie et patiStie.In preconium omniu laudabilium mulierum. A free Latin translation of the tale in Boccaccio's Decameron. HC 12813*; BMC I 186 (IA 2832); Pr 876; Goff. Third census, P-UOO. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines added in red. On leaf c2 a line 19, the word ytalicos has been changed by hand to ItalicB. Purchased from Stonehill, 11 July 63. x85lPl*l*/Odll*69 71*5 PETRARCA, FRANCESCO, 130l*-137l*. Historia Oriseldis. Ulm, Johann Zainer, 11*73. clOsi. woodcuts: border, capital. f. 25.6cm. Leaf cl*,: eliNCIPIT EPISTOLA _ DE IHSIGNI OBEDIENTU ST FIDE VXORIA ORISELDIS IN WAL- THERVM. A free Latin translation of the tale in Boccaccio's Decameron. HC 128U**; BMC II 522 (IB 9117); Pr 21*995 Ooff. Third census, P-l*02. Rubricated. (Museum) 85lPi*l*/Odll*73 71*6 PETRARCA, FRANCESCO, 130l*-137U. Opera Latina. Basel, Johann Amerbaoh, 11*96. 089*<., the last blank and wanting. f. 27.7cm. Leaf cl a , (t.p.)t Librorum Francisci Pe- trarchae Basileae Impressorum Annotatio. Bucollcum Carmen per duodecim Aeglogas di- stinctS. De Vita solitarla: Libri.II. De Re- medijs utrlusq) Fortunae: Libri.II. Librj quern Secretum: slue de Conflictu curarum su- arum inscripsit: Colloquium trium dierum. De Vera sapientia: Dialogi.II. De Rebus me- morandis: Libri.IIII. Contra medicum obiur- gantem: InuectiuarB librl.IIII. Epistolarum de Rebus familiaribus: Libri.VIII. Epistola- rum sine Titulo: Liber. I. Ad Charolum quar- tum RomanoR/. Regem: Epistola. I. De Studiorum suorfi successibus ad PosteritatS: Epl'a.I. Septem Psalai poenitentiales . Bpitoma Illu- strifi uirorum ad Franc iscfi de Carrharia. Eius- dem Epitomatis: post obitfi Francisci Petrar- chae : Lorbardi de Siricho supplementum. Be- neuenuti de Rombaldis Libellus qui Augusta- lis dicit. Possibly edited by Sebastian Brant. HC 1271*9; BMC III 757 (IB 37389); Pr 7608; Qoff. Third census, P-365. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately; initial-strokes in red. Duke of Grafton's copy with his signature and date, 1778. Purchased from Kraus, 3 Dec. 70. g_ x875/Pi*l*6 71*7 PETRARCA, FRANCESCO, 130l*-137l*. Sonetti e canzonl. Venice, Theodorus de Reynsburch and Reynaldus de Novimagio, 30 Mar.U*78. 90. f. 27.3cm. Text surrounded by commentary of Francis- cus Philelphus. HCR 12767 (II); BMC V 251* (IB 20637); Pr 1*1*30; Ooff. Third census, P-381 (II). Three capital-spaces with guide-letters. x85lPl*l*/KPU7Al*78 PETRONIUS ARBITER. Satyricon. Latin See DIO CHRYS0STOM0S. De Troia non capta. Latin. 18-23 July 11*99 PETRUS BERCHORIUS See BERSUIRE, PIERRE, 1290(ca.)-1362 71*8 PETRUS BERGOMENSIS, d. 11*82 Tabula ope rum Thomae Aquinatis. Bologna, Balthasar Azoguidus, 11 Mar.ll*73. c268j., the first (blank) and last want- ing. f. 29.1*a. HC (Add) 2816*; BMC VI 799 (IB 28522); Pr 65185 Goff. Third census, P-l*50. , PETRARCA, FRANCESCO, 130U-137U. Paeenes 3eata- Virginis See B5RDALD0, FILIPPO. Carmen de die dorainicae pasionis. 13b PETRUS BBRQOMENSIS - contlnued Two capital -spaces. Stamp on leaf c2 a * : Ex libris Conv. F F. Praed. Olomuc. Purchased from Stonehill, 30 Jan. 1*5. xql89.1*/T36Zp/ll*73 PETRUS BSRGOMBNSIS, d. U*82, Editor See THO- MAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Commenta- rla in omnes Spistolas Sancti Pauli. ll*8l; also 16 Oct. 11*9$ PETRUS BLESENSIS See PETER OF BLOIS, fl.1190 PETRUS CANTIANUS, Editor See THOHAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Summa contra gentiles, sire De veritate Catholicae fidei. 13 June 11*80 See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l. Suamae theologicae pars prima. 1U77 71*9 PETRUS C0ME3T0R, 12th cent. Historia scholastics, c Augsburg 3 OUnther Zainer, 11*73. e6>, CCXIIII, <2a<., the last two blank, woodcuts: capitals, f . hi. 6cm. H 5531*i BMC II 319 (IC 5U60); Pr 1539; Qoff. Third census, P-l58. The first two capitals are hand colored in red, yellow, green, and purple; the other capitals and initial-strokes are colored red. Bookplate and autograph of Gilbert R. Red- grave; dated, 1886. Purchased from Duschnes, 18 Nov. 58. xf220/Pi*l*h/ll*73 750 PETRUS COMESTOR, 12th cent. Historia scholastics. Strassburg, Johann (Reinhard) QrUninger and Henricua de Ingui- ler, 28 Aug. 11*83. 251*>4., leaves ala and cl86. blank. f. 30.1*cm. HC ( Add) 5532*; BMC I 102 (IB 1352); Pr 1*36; Ooff. Third census, P-l*62. Copy with the name of Henricus Inguiler in the colophon. Capitals and a few initial-strokes added in red in the first two- thirds of the book. Imperfect) leaves cl60> and cl65a wanting. Bookplate of Benedictine Monastery of St. Peter in Salzburg, with date, 1767. Purchased from Qimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq220/Pl*l*h/ll*83 PETRUS IE ABANO See ABANO, PIETRO D', 1250- 1315 PETRUS DE ALLIACO See AILLT, PIERRE D' , CAR- DINAL, 1350-1U20T - PETRUS IX AQUILA See PIETRO DELL 'AQUILA, d. 1361 PETRUS DE BERGAMO See PETRUS BEROOMBNSIS, d. 11*82 PETRUS DE BOSCO See DUBOIS, PIERRE, fl.1300 PETRUS DE QUI See DEOUI, PEDRO, d.l500 751 PETRUS, DE HARENTALS, 1322-1391. Collectarius super librum Psalmorum. Reutlingen cJohann Otmars 11*88. 210,.. the last blank. f. 30.5cm. Leaf d i (t.p. ): Glosa cBtinua collecto- ris super librum psalmoru HC 8367*; BMC II 586 (IB 10718); Pr 2713$ Qoff. Third census, P-l7l. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq223.2/Pl*l9c/ll*88 PETRUS DE MONTE See MONTE, PETRUS DE, BP. , d.ll*57 752 PETRUS DE OSMA,*80. Comments ria in symbolum Quicunque vult. Paris, Pierre Levet cca.ll*90i clBil. woodcut: printer's device. 1*. 21cm. Leaf 1*j (t.p.): Expositio super Quicttq) vult saluus esse. HC 12120; BMC VIII 106 (IA 39961*)} Pr 8077A; Qoff. Third census, 0-116. Two capitals added, one in red and one in blue; paragraph-marks and initial-strokes in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 25 July 67. x238.1*l/Pt*l*c/ll*90 PETRUS DE OSMA, 11*80. Expositio super Quicunque vult salvus esse See his Commen- taria in Symbolum Quicunque vult. cca.ll*90i PETRUS DE PALUDE, PATRIARCH OF JERUSALEM, d. 131*2, Supposed author. Sermonea quadragesi- males thesauri novi See SKRMOKBS QUADRAGBSI- MALES THESAURI NOVI PETRUS DE PALUDE, PATRIARCH OF JERUSALEM, d. 131*2, Supposed author. Sermonea thesauri novi de Sanctis See SERMONES THESAURI NOVI DE SANCTIS PETRUS EE VICENTIA See PIETRO DA VICENZA, d. U*9l* PETRUS HISPANUS See JOANNES XXI, POPE, d. 1277 753 PETRUS LOMBARDUS, BP. OF PARIS, 12th cent. Senterrtiarum libri quattuor. cStrassburg, Printer of Henricus Ariminensis (Qeorg Rey- ser) not after 11*68=. 2l*8./., the last blank and wanting. f. 1*2 cm. H 10181**; BMC I 76 (IC 81*8); Pr 309; Qoff. Third census, P-l*78. Two capitals supplied in red and blue; other capitals, initial-strokes, and under- lines in red. Bound in contemporary blind-stamped pig- skin over wooden boards. Purchased from Christensen, 28 Apr. 60. xf230/Plil*sAi68 135 751* PETRUS LOMBARDUS, EP. OF PARIS, 12th cent. Sententiarum libri quattuor. Basel. Nico- laus Kesler, 28 Feb. 7 (VIII Bon. Mar.) ll*86. 232i/., leaves .118, 158, 232 blank. woodcuts: printer's device, title. f. 30.8cm. Leaf cl*> (t.p.)t Textus Sentential HC 10190*} BMC III 763 (IB 37$73)2 Mar. lU86>j Pr 7651*} Ooff. Third census, P-l8l*. Capitals added In red or blue, two In red and blue; initial-strokes and underlines in red. Bound in contemporary wooden boards with wide blind-stamped pigskin backstrip; many contemporary annotations. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq230/Fi*l*s/U*86a 755 PBTHUS L0MBARD03, BP. OF PARIS, 12th cent. Sententiarum librl quattuor. Venice, Hannibal Foxius et Socll, for Franciscus de Madiis, 22 Mar. 11*86. zlih'l., the first and last blank, the last wanting, woodcut: publisher's device. f. 30.5cm. HCR 10191} BMC V U07 (IB 22800)} Pr 5010} Qoff. Third census, P-U85. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Polifilo, 5 Feb. 1*8. xq230/M*l*s/ll*86 PETRUS LOMBARDUS, BP. OF PARIS, 12th cent. Sententiarum. libri quattuor See THOMAS A- QUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Super primo 11- bro Sententiarum Petri Lombard! . 21 June 11*86 756 PETRUS LOMBARDUS, BP. OF PARIS, 12th cent. Sententiarum libri quattuor. Basel, Ni- colaus Kesler, 22 Sept. (X Kal. Oct.) 11*88. c28l>/., leaves 132 and c28l blank and wanting, woodcuts : 1st capital, printer's device. f. 31.2cm. Leaf 1* (t.p.)i Textus Sentenciaruj cum conclusionibus ac titulis questionum .a. Thome Articullscg Parisien. et in quibus maglster communiter non tenetur. The Conclusiones super quattuor libros Sententiarum are by Henricua de Oorichen. HC 10195*} BMC III 766 (IB 37609)} Pr 7670} Qoff. Third census, P-l*91. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Leaf cl32> (blank) has been cut away, leav- ing only a stub. In manuscript on t.p.: Monaaterij Oengen- bachensis 1622} and notes of two other own- ers dated, 1561 and 1573. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq230/PUUsAi*88 PETRUS LOMBARDUS, BP. OP PARIS, 12th cent. Sententiarum libri quattuor See THOMAS A- QUIM1S, SAINT, 12257-127U. Super tertlo libro Sententiarum Petri Lombardi. 26 Apr. 11*90 757 PETRUS LOMBARDUS, BP. OF PARIS, 12th cent. Sententiarum libri quattuor. Venice, Bernard! nus Rizus, li90. 5 pts. in 2 v. woodcuts: diagra. f. 31*. 3cm. Parts 1-1* have title: Primus c-Quartua> sententiarum doctoris subtilis scoti} pt.5: Tabula Scoti. Part 1 (printed July 17, 11*90): ila, 2- 181* (i.e. 185), tl.{., the last blank; pt.2 (Mar.3, U*90) ela, 2-136/.} pt.3 (Apr.21, 11*90): ala, 2-102/., the first wanting} pt.l* (Nov. 3, 11*90): 1., 2-208/.) pt.5 (undated): .28./. With the commentary of Duns Scotus} edited by Oratianus Brlxianus. HCR 61*19*} H 61*57* (V)) BMC V 1*01 (IB 22635 IB 22636) (I, II, V) } OW 9076} Pr 1*955 & 1*953 (I, II)} Ooff. Third census, D-382. In this copy pt.5 la bound before pt.l. Bound in old wooden boards backed with blind-stamped leather} clasps missing. Formerly belonged to the Dominican con- vent at Rottweill on the river Nekar in Wurtemberg; bookplate of S. Edmund's Col- lege, Old Hall. Bound with this Is Duns, Joannes, Scotus. Quodlibeta. c Venice, li*90> cop. 2. Purchased from Clifford E. King, 28 June 72. xq230/Pl*l*a/U*90 758 PETRUS LOMBARDUS, BP. OF PARIS, 12th cent. Sententiarum libri quattuor. Basel. Ni- colaus Kesler, 18 Feb. (XII Kal. Mar.) 11*92. <252*/., leaves d26 and 252 blank, woodcuts: 1st capital, printer's device. f. 31cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Textus Sententiarfl cum conclusionib Heinrici gorichem. necnS scrip- tls sctl Thome de Aquino ad Hanibaldum epi- scopum. Does not contain the Super IV libros Sen- tentiarum ad Annibaldum (here ascribed to Thomas Aquinas, but actually by Cardinal Hannlbaldus de Hannibaldis (d.1272)) H 10197*} BMC III 770 (IB 37633) (var.)} Ooff. Third census, P-l*95. Capitals added in red. Signatures r and 1 are transposed in this copy. Purchased from Pearson, 5 Jan. 1*8. xq230/Pl*Us/ll92 PETRUS LOMBARDUS, BP. OF PARIS, 12th cent. Sententiarum librl quattuor See THOMAS A- QUIRAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Super secundo libro Sentential-urn Petri Lombardi. 27 May U*9U PETRUS LOMBARDUS, BP. OF PARIS, 12th cent. Sententiarum libri quattuor See THOMAS A- QUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Super quarto li- bro Sententiarum Petri Lombardi. 23 May 11*97 PETRUS MONTAIUS See MONTB, PETRUS DK, BP. , d.ll*57 136 PEURBACH, OKMJ VON, ll*23-U*6l. Bpytoma in Almagestum Ptoleraaei See PTOLEMAEUS, CLAU- DIUS. Kpytoma in Almagestum. 31 Aug. 11*96 PEURBACH, GEORG VON, 11*23-11*61. Theoricae novae planetarum See SACRO BOSCO, JOANNES DE, fl.1230. Sphaera mundi. cbefore it Nov. a 11*85} also 31 Mar. 11*88, lU Jan. 11*91} 23 Oct. 11*99 759 PHALARE, Supposed author. Epistolae. Latin. cRome, Johannes Rein- hardi, 11*75. c$6, I ., leaves tla (blank) and cl2. want- ing. 8. 20.6cm. Translated by Francesco Accolti d'Arezzo (probably Francesco Griffolini) HC (Add) 12893*} BMC IV 53 (I* 17718); Pr 3U7l*5 Ooff. Third census, P-55U. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x88l/P23.L/U*75 760 PHARETBA DOCTORUM ET PHILOSOPHORUH. .Strass- burg, Johann Mentelin, not after ll72 clSkil., leaves >1, 8, 361*. blank and wanting, f . 1*1. 8cm. HC 12908} BMC I 56 (IC 582)} Pr 225; Ooff. Third census, P-571. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph- marks, and some underlining supplied in red; signed at end with rubricator's name, Johan- de Hercr.ecn.becr.g, and date, lii7U . Purchased from Christensen, 28 Apr. 60. xf039/*9U PHILELPHUS, FRANCISCUS See FILELFO, FRANCES- CO, 1398-1U81 PHILETICUS, HARTINOS See FILETICO, MARTINO, fl. 11*80-11*90 PHILIPPI, JACOBUS, fl. 11*95, Supposed author. Praecordiale devotorum See PRAECORDIALE DEVOTORUM. ll*89 PHILIPPINOS DE BERGAMO See PHILIPPUS, DE BER- GAMO, d.1380 PHILIPPUS BERGCMENSIS See PHttlPPUS, DE BER- GAMO, d.1380 PHILIPPUS, DE BERGAMO, d.1380, Commentator See CATONIS DISTICHA. Cato: dlsticha de moribus. 2 Nov. 11*75 PHILIPPUS D? BRONNERDE See BROMTARDE, JOHN DE, fl.1390 PHILO JUDAEUS. De mundo. Greek See ARISTOTE- LES. Opera. Greek. 1 Nov.ll*95-June U*98 PHILOMUSUS, JOANNES FRANCISCUS See LOCHER, JACOB, 11*71-1528 PHUOTHBUS BRUIENSIS See THEOPHILUS BRECIEN- SIS, d.1512 PHOCAS. De nomine et verbo See DIOKEDES. Are grammatica. cca.ll*75>} also 1* June 11*91 PHOCTLIDES. Poena admonitorium. Greek See THEOCRITUS. Idyll la. Greek. Feb. 11*95796" PIAZZA, FRANCESCO See PLATEA, FRANCISCUS DE, d. 11*60 PICARDUS, BARNABAS, Editor See PTOLEMABUS, CLAUDIUS. Cosmographia. Latin. 13 Sept.ll*75 PICCOLOMINI, AENEAS STLVIUS See PIUS II, POPE, 11*05-11*61* PICO DELLA MIRANDOLA, GIOVANNI, ll*63-U*?i* Apologia conclusion!** suorum See GARCIA, PEDRO, BP., fl. 11*88-1505. Determinationes magistrales contra coneluaiones Joannis Pici Mirandulae. 15 Oct.ll*89 761 PICO DELLA MIRANDOLA, GIOVANNI, 11*63 -ll*9l* . Opera. Bologna, Benedictus Hectoris, 20 Mar. 11*96-16 July 11*95 i.a. 11*96. 2v. in 1. (cl76><., the last blank, cll*l*./., leaf cll*2> blank) woodcuts: diagr. , printer's device, f . 29.1*cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p. ): Comentationes Ioannis Pici Mirandulae in hoc uolumine cStentae: quibus anteponitur uita d Ioann8 frlciscQ illustris principis Galeotti Pici filifl c8- scripta. Heptaplus de opere Sex dierum gene- seos - Exibunt prope dies disputationes ad- uersus astrologos aliaqj cSplura turn ad sa- cra aeloquia turn ad philosophiam pertinentia. HC (Add) 12992*} BMC VI 81*3 (IB 29063); Pr 6630-31; Ooff. Third census, P-632. Imperfect: t.p. and leaves c65-98> of v.l wanting. xql95/P58Al96 PICO DELIA MIRANDOLA, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO, U*70-l533. Vita Johannis Pici Mirandulae See PICO DELLA MIRANDOLA, GIOVANNI, 11*63- U*9l*. Opera. 20 Mar. 11*96-16 July 11*95 i. e. 11*96. PICO DELLA MIRANDOU, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO, 11*70-1533, Editor See PICO DELLA MIRANDO- LA, GIOVANNI, 11*63^1*91*. Opera. 20 Mar. 11*96-16 July 11*95 i.e. 11*96. PICUS DE MIRANDULA, JOHANNES See PICO DELIA MIRANDOLA, GIOVANNI, ll*63-ll*9l* PICUS, JOANNES, MIRANDULANUS See PICO DELIA MIRANDOA, GIOVANNI, H*63-ll*9H PIERRE D'AILLT See AILLT, PIERRE D', CAR- DINAL, 1350-11*20? PIETRO D'ABANO See ABANO, PIETRO D' , 1250- 1315 PIETRO DA BERGAMO See PKTRUS BERGOMENSIS, d. 11*82 137 PTETRO DA VICENZA, d.lu9l. De Beatae Virgi- nia conceptione ducentorun et sexdecim Sanc- tae Matris ecclesiae doctorun See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225T-127U. Catena aurea super Evangelia Dominicalia et ferialia. 2l Apr.lli9U PIETRO DA VICENZA, d.lii9U, Editor See THO- MAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Catena au- rea super Evangelia Dominicalia et fera- lia. 29 Apr.lU9U 762 PIETRO DELL'AQUILA, d.l36l. Quaes tiones super libros Sententiarum. Speieri Peter Drach cnot after lU87a c326>/., the first and last blank. h . 23.7cm. Commentary (based on Duns Scotus) on the Sententiae of Petrus Lombardus. HC 132U; BMC II U9U (IB 8560)} Pr 2359; Ooff. Third census, P-U*7. Capitals and some paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately. Purchased from Christensen, lit Oct. 60. x230/PU*sIp/lli65 PIOHINUCIUS, FRIDIANUS, fl.lli86-lU88 See CELTES, CONRADUS, LU59-1508. Ars versifi- candl et caminum. cca.lh86^ PILADE, OIOVANNI FRANCESCO BOCCARDO, d.1505, Editor See PLUTARCHUS. Vitae illustrium virorum. Latin, cnot before 13 Aug.>lli99 PILATE, PONTIUS, PSEUD0-. Epistola Tiberio missa See SAMUEL MAROCHITANUS, RABBI, 11th cent. Epistola contra Judaeorum erro- res. cca.l)t80> PINCIUS, PTRRHUS See PINZI, PTRRHUS PINZI, PTRRHUS, Editor See TORTELLI, OIOVAN- NI, 1U00-H66. Orthographia. 19 Dec.ll95 PIO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, d.l5U0, Editor 4 Com- mentator See SIDONIUS, C. SOLLIUS MODESTUS APOLLINARTST Epistolae et carmlna. U May 11x98 PISANUS, VICTOR, d.l5l9, Editor See AVIENUS, RUFUS FESTUS. Opera. 25 Oct.lIifflJ PISIS, RAINERUS DE See RAINERUS DE PISIS, d. ca.1351 PISIS, RETNERUS DE See RAINERUS DE PISIS, d. ca.1351 PIUS II, POPE, lli05-lli6U. Abbreviatio supra Decades Blondi See BIONDO, FLAVIO, 1388- 1U63. Historlarum ab inclinatione Romano- rum Imperii decades. 28 June LU8U 763 PIUS II, POPE, iUo5-m6l. Da curialium miseria. cRome, Stephan Plannck, LU88-90, cl6.*. U. 20.9cm. HCR 197 J BMC IV 9U (IA I869U)} Pr 3763} Ooff. Third census, P-66U Capital-spaces, one with guide-letter. Bookplate of the Blbliotheca Richteriana. Purchased from Qlmbel, 3 July U2. x875/P688c/li88 761 PIUS II, POPE, m05-Hi61. De duobus amantibus Euryalo et Lucretia. cBasel, Jobann Solldi, ll73-7U? c22,<. f. 29.6cm. Includes his De remedio amoris (leaves 19 b -22*,) HC 217; BMC I 236 (IB 3859) cCologne, Print- er of Albertus Magnus 'De virtutibus ' a } Ooff. Third census, P-673. Capital-spaces . Bound in a leaf from a vellum liturgical manuscript. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan.U6. xq875/P688d/ll*7lt PIUS II, POPE, lU05-lU61i. De remedio amoris See his De duobus amantibus Euryalo et Lu- cretia. .1U73-7U? 765 PIUS II, POPE, LU05-Uj6U. Epistola ad Procopium de fortune. cRome, Stephan Plannck, ca.U*8l-86 .6>*. U. 20.8cm. H 189*5 Ooff. Third census, P-709. Purchased from Stonehill, lit Jan.U9. x875/P688epf/m8l PIUS II, POPE, Ih05-lii6li. Epistola responso- ria ad Soldanum See HESE, JOANNES IS, fl. 1389. Itinerarius per diversas raundi par- tes. cca.l500> 766 PIUS II, POPE, 1U05-1U6U. Epistolae familiares. Milan, Uldericus Scinzenzeler, 10 Dec.lii96. cl88a^. woodcuts: capitals, printer's device. f. 30cm. Leaf cl a (t.p.)t Epistole % uarii tracta- tus pij pCt. max. dum esset in miorib". Edited by Ambrosius Archintus and Joannes Vinzalius. HC 157} BMC VI 770 (IB 26762); Pr 6032} Ooff. Third census, P-721. Capital-spaces except for 2 woodcut capi- tals on leaf e7* Purchased from Hertzberger, 18 Oct. 65. xq875/P688ep/ll96 767 PIUS II, POPE, m05-lli6u. Historia Bohemica. Basel, Michael Fur- ter, ca.LU89> c60,f ., the last blank. U. 21.5cm. Leaf cl*> (t.p.): Enee SiluiJ. Seneli. Car- dinal is SctS Sabine. Historia bohemica. No- tabilis 1 Ioc&da. A principio gStis. usq} ad Qeorgifi poggiebratiQ. Ladislai Regis successor!!, porrecta. Ad Illustrissimu' dflm Alfonsum Regem AragonO cBscripta. HC (Add) 25U; BMC III 789 (IA 3781i9); Pr 7626 cAmerbach.; Ooff. Third census, P-729. 138 PIUS II, POPE -contlnued Capitals, paragraph-marks and initial- strokes added in red. Stamp: Grossheraoglich Hessiache Biblio- thek. Purchased from Stonehill, 27 Apr. 65. x9l3.7/P68h/ll89 PIUS, JOANNES BAPTISTA See PIO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, d. 151*0 PIZAMANUS, ANTONIUS See PIZZAMANO, ANTONIO, H52-1512 PIZZAMANO, ANTONIO, 11*52-1512, Editor See THOMAS AQ0INAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Opus- cula. 7 Sept. 11*90; also 31 Dec. 11*98 PLACENTINUS, JOANNES See CRASTONI, GIOVANNI, fl. 11*83-11*97 768 PLATEA, FRANCISCUS DE, d.ll*60. Opus restitutionum, usurarum, excommunica- tionun. eltaly, Printer of Platea, 'Opus restitutionum', not after 11*72* cl36s/., the last two blank. 1. 31.2 cm. H 1303l*| BMC VII 1121* (IA 36851) J Pr 7391* 5 Ooff. Third census, P-751. Capitals added in red and blue alternate- ly; initial-strokes and paragraph-marks in red. Stamp on leaf cl > Bibliotheca Mon: Ad S. Crucem. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq3l*8/P69oAi*72 PLATEARIUS, JOANNES, THE YOUNGER, 11th cent. Practica brevis See TtJHANNA IBN SARABrrUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. Breviarium medicinae. 16 Dec. 11*97 PLATBARIUS, MATTHAEUS, d.U6l._ De simplici raedicina See TUHANNA IBN SARABIYUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. Breviarium medicinae. 16 Dec. 11*97 769 PLATINA, BARTGLOMBO, ll*21-ll*8l. Vitae pontificum. Nuremberg, Anton Ko- berger, 11 Aug. (Ill Id. Aug.) ll*8l. cl28i<. f. 32.6cm. Bound with Scrlptores historiae Augustae. Scriptores historiae Augustae. Venice, 15 July 11*90. HC 1301*7*; BMC II 1*20 (IB 7221*); Pr 2005; Ooff. Third census, P-769. Capitals added in red and blue alternately; initial-strokes in red. xq872/Scr3/ll*90 770 PLATINA , BARTQLOMBO, ll*21-ll*8l. Vitae pontificum. cTrevisos Joannes Ru- beus, Vercellensis, 10 Feb.ll*85. 136j{., the last blank and wanting. f. 29.8cm. Leaf cl b > i PROEMIVM PLATTNAE IN VITAS PON- TIFICVM AD SIITVM .1111. PONTIFICEM HAIIMVM. HC 1301*8*; BMC VI 897 (IB 281*35); Pr 61*98; Ooff. Third census, P-770. Capital-spaces . Pasted on the fly-leaf at the end is a woodcut of the author presenting his book to Pope Sixtus IV, apparently cut from a copy of the edition printed at Venice by G. de Fontaneto, 15 Dec.l5ll. In manuscript at the end: Mon. ri J sancti Thome de Torcello: or.* 8 Cisterclensis; pen- cilled inside front cover: W. A. Cadell 1835. xq922.2l/P69/H*85 PLATINA, BATTISTA See PLATINA, BARTOLOMEO, 11*21-11*81 FLATINE, JEHAN See PLATINA, BARTOLOMEO, 11*21-11*81 771 PLATO. Opera. Latin. Florence, Laurentius (Fran- cisci) de Alopa, Venetus cMay 11*81*; before Apr.ll*85> c562.*., leaves 8, 9, 212, 386. blank. f. 30.1cm.; copy 2: 28.7cm. Translated by Marsilius Ficinus. HC 13062*=H 13068 7; BMC VI 666 (IB 27995)} Pr 61*05; Ooff. Third census, P-771. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in both copies in red and blue alternately; some of the larger capitals in copy 2 are in red and blue. Copy 1 lacks leaves c8, 9, 303-562 j; copy 2 lacks the four blank leaves. In copy 1, leaves cl-7> are bound at the end and the leaves of quire 1 are misbound; copy 2 is bound in 2 vols; the leaves of quire %, are misbound. Copy 2 has armorial bookplate of Thomas Gaisford. Copy 1 purchased from the library of Dr. Ernst Bergmann, Leipzig, 1925; copy 2 from Thorp, 10 July 1*8. xq88l/P5.LfAl*81* 772 PLATO. Opera. Latin. Venice, Bernardinus de Choris, de Cremona, and Simon de Luere, for Andreas Torresanus, 13 Aug. 11*91. cl*, 1*1*1*4. f. 31.7cm. Leaf el*, (t.p.): NALDVS NANDIVS FLOREN- TINVS/ IN HVIVS OPERIS LAVDEM _ Diuus Plato. Translated by Marsilius Ficinus. "Theologia Platonica de Immortal itate ani- morum, Marsilii Ficini": leaves 338*-l*i*l* a . HC 13063*; BMC V 1*65 (IB 231*32); Pr 5216; Ooff. Third census, P-772. Hand-colored coat of arms of Dominic de Casales; a capital illuminated in gold and colors and a capital in red on leaf el*j From the Heber and Kennedy libraries. Purchased from G label, 3 July 1*2. xq88l/P5.Lf/LUl 139 773 PLAUTUS, TITOS MACCIHS. Comoediae. Venice cMatteo Capcasa (di Codec*). 23 Nov. 11*95. c2$0il., the last blank and wanting. 1* . 21.3c. Leaf sl*i (t.p.): Plautu3. Edited by Giorgio Herula; revised by Euse- bio Scutario. HCR 13078j BHC V U86 (IA 22775 )j Pr 5003; Goff. Third census, P-782. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Leaf c230> mutilated: lines 5-8 cut out. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x87l/P5/H95 77l PUUTUS, TITUS HACCrUS. Comoediae. Venice. Simon Bevilaqua, 17 Sept. (IV Kal. Oct.) 11*99. c3U8><. woodcut: printer's device. f. 31.5cm. Leaf cl . (t.p.)t Plautinae uiginti come- diae emendatissimae cum accuratissima ac lu- culentissiaa interpraetatione doctissimo- run uirorum Petri Vallae placentlni ac & Bernard! saraceni Veneti. HC 13082#; BMC V 523 (IB 23992); Pr 5U12; Ooff. Third censu, P-781*. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. The first 8 plays have interlinear gloss and some notes in the hand of Helanchthon. (cf. Sotheby. Observations on the handwrit- ing of Helanchthon, plate IV) Bookplate of George Kloss, M. D. Frankfurt a. M. ; stamp: The Diocesan Library, The Wa. Arderne Shoults D. D. Collection. McLeish 11 Oct. 38 (Bequest in memory of Charles A. and Charles N. Denison) xq87l/P5/ll*99 PLETDENWURFF, WILHELH, d.ll9l, Illustrator See SCHEDEL, HARTHANN, U*lC-l5ll*. Liber cronicarum 775 PLINIUS CAECILIUS SECUNDUS, C. Epis tolas. Treviso, Joannes (Rubeus) Vercellensis, lii83. c92><., the first blank and wanting. 1*. 19.5cm. Leaf 2*. : CAII PLINII SECVNDI N0V0COMEN- SIS ORATORIS FACVNDISSIMI BPISTOLARVH LIBER PRIHVS INCIPIT _ HC 13113*; BHC VI 896 (IA 28U33); Pr 61*97; Goff. Third census, P-808. Capital-spaces, a few with guide-letters; spaces for Greek. Error in binding: leaf c8> bound between leaves cl2. and cl3* x87l/P7/U*83 PLINIUS CAECILIUS SECUNDUS, C. Spurious and doubtful works. De virls illustribus See D5 VIRIS ILLUSTRIBUS URBIS ROMAE 776 PLINIUS SECUNDUS, C. Historia natural is. Venice, Reynaldus de Novimagio, 6 June 11*83. 35>4., the first blank and wanting. f. 30.5cm. Edited by Philippus Beroaldus. HC 13095; BHC V 257 (IB 20678); Pr 1*1*1*5; Goff. Third census, P-79U. Capital-spaces most with guide-letters. Purchased from Goldschmidt, 7 July 65. xq87l/P6/ll83 PLINIUS SECUNDUS, C. CAECILIUS See PLINIUS CAECILIUS SECUNDUS, C. 777 PLUTARCHUS. Apophthegms ta. Latin. cVenice. Vindeli- nus de Spira, lit 71. c794., the last two blank and wanting. 1. 28.2cm. Translated by Franciscus Phllelphus. HC 13H0; BHC V 157 (IB 19533); Pr 1*033; Goff. Third census, P-816. Many capitals supplied in red and blue al- ternately; spaces left for Greek and for headings. Crest of Charles Thorp (1783-1862) arch- deacon of Durham stamped in gilt on cover; his signature and date, 1826 on fly-leaf. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 July 56. x88l/P6raap.Lf PLUTARCHUS. Apophthegmata ad Trajanum. Latin See FILELFO, FRANCESCO, 1398-11*81. Oratio- nes cum quibusdam aliis eiusdem operibus. 11*63-81*; also 18 June 11*88; cnot after 11*98, PLUTARCHUS. Apophthegmata Laconica. Latin See FILELFO, FRANCESCO, 1398-11*81. Oratlo- nes cum quibusdam aliis eiusdem operibus. 11*83-81*; also 18 June 11*88; cnot after 11*98, PLUTARCHUS. De liberie educandis. Latin See VERGBRIO, PIETRO PAOLO, THE ELDER, 1370- 11*1*1*. De ingenuis moribus. 21 June 11*93 PLUTARCHUS. Problemata. Latin See his Quae- stiones Romanae. Latin, cca. 11*77. PLUTARCHUS. Quaestiones Graecae. Latin See his Quaestiones Romanae. Latin, cca. 11*77. 778 PLUTARCHUS. Quaestiones Romanae. Latin, c Venice. Doainicus de Siliprandis ca. 11*77. c66,f. l*. 20.2cm. Leaf c2*.t _ Problemata Emendatissima. Under the title Problemata, Plutarch's Quaestiones Romanae and Quaestiones Graecae are printed as if a single work. Translated by Giampietro da Lucca. Edited by Giovanni Calfurnio. HC 13137; BMC V 263 (IA 20735); Pr W*5U; Goff. Third census, P-828. Imperfect: first leaf wanting; damage to the 2d leaf has obliterated a large part of the last four lines. Purchased from Stonehill, 21* Hay 58. x88l/P6mg.LJ 779 PLUTARCHUS. Vitae illustrium virorum. Latin. Venice, Giovanni Ragazzo, for Lucantonio Giunta, 7 Dec. 11*91. la, CXLV, CXLVIIIL*. woodcuts: ill us., borders, capitals, printer's device. f. 33.5cm. . Leaf cl (t.p.)j PLVTARCHI VITAE. Translated by various hands. HCR 13129; BMC V 501 (IB 23756); Pr 5350A; Ooff. Third census, P-833. Imperfect: t.p. wanting; replaced by t.p. in manuscript. Label on leaf 1*| Dell 'Abate Carlo Ta- lent! . Purchased from Export, 10 Aug.5l. xq88l/P6*.L/ll*91 PLUTARCHUS. ViUe illustrium virorum. Latin See POLTBIUS. Ik primo bello Punico. 21* Oct. 11*98 780 PLUTARCHDS. Vitae illustrium virorum. Latin. Brescia, Jacobus Britannicus, '9 Aug.' cnot before 13 Aug.. 11*99. U*,, CCCIIII (i.e. CCCIII), >1>4. wood- cuts: capitals. f. 1*2. lcm. Translated by various hands; edited by Pylades Brixianus. HC (Add) 13131*} BMC VII 983 (IC 31193)} Pr 7009; Goff. Third census, P-835. Some capital-spaces with guide -letters. Errors in foliation: leaves 189-303 num- bered CXC-CCCIIII. In manuscript on fly-leaf: Payne's sale; and signature: MT. Wodhull. Jan. 27 th 1781*. Purchased from Qimbel, 3 July 1*2. xf88l/P6/.L/ll*99 POGGIO, JACOPO DI See POGGIO-BRACCIOLINI, JACOPO, LUU2-UJ7B - 781 POGGIO-BRACCIOLINI, 1380-11*59. Historia Florentina. Italian. Venice, Ja- cobus Rubeus, 8 Mar. 11*76. cll6>l., the last blank and wanting. f. 31*. 5cm. Bound with Bruni, Leonardo Aretino. Historiae Florentini populi. Italian. Venice, 12 Feb. li76. Leaf .3*3: HISTORIA DIMESSER POGGIO. TRADOC- TA DILATINO. IN NOSTRA LINGVA. DA IACOPO SVO FIGLIVOLO. HC (+ Add) 13172*; BMC V 215 (IB 20089)) Pr 1*21*3; Goff. Third census, P-873. 9 illuminated capitals in gold and colors. xq9l*5.5/B63hIa 782 POGGIO-BRACCIOLINI, 1380-11*59. Historia Florentina. Italian. Florence, Bartolommeo di Llbri, 3 Sept. 11*92. 116,<. f. 33cm. Bound with Bruni, Leonardo Aretino. Hi- storiae Florentini populi. Italian. Florence, 5 June 11*92. Leaf .5*. 1 HISTORIA DIMESSER P0G0I0 TRA. DOCTA DILATING IN NOSTRA LINGVA DA IACOPO SVO FI0LV0L0. Hand-stamped ornament beneath colophon. HC 13173**HC ( Add) 1563 (II); BMC VI 61*9 (IB 27293); OW 5613 (II); Pr 6198; Ooff. Third census, P-87U. Purchased from Olschki, 10 June 65. xq9U5.5/B63hlaAl*92 P00GIO-BRACCI0LINI, 1380-11*59, Translator See DIODORUS SICULUS. Bibliothecae histo- recae libri VI. Latin. 11*72} also 25 Nov. 11*81} 20 Sept. 11*96 POGGIO-BRACCIOLINI, JACOPO, 11*1*2-11*75, Trans- lator See POGGIO-BRACCIOLINI, 1380-11*59. Historia Florentina. Italian. 8 Mar. 11*76) also 3 Sept. 11*92 POGGIUS BRACCIOLINUS, JOANNES FRANCISCUS See POGGIO-BRACCIOLINI, 1380-11*59 POGGIUS FLORENTINUS See POGGIO-BRACCIOLINI, 1380-11*59 POGGIUS, JOANNES FRANCISCUS See POGGIO-BRAC- CIOLINI, 1380-11*59 POLICIANO, ANGELO See POLIZIANO, ANGELO, H51*-H*9l* P0LHOR0 VIRGILIO See VERGILIUS, POLTDORUS, d.1555 POLITUNUS, ANGELUS See POLIZUNO, ANGELO, U*51*-Ht9l* POLITUNUS, JOANNES MARIA See POLUCCI, GIO- VANNI MARIA, 783 POLIZUNO, ANGELO, H51*-H*9l*. Miscellaneorum centuria prima. Florence, Antonio di Bartolommeo Mlscomlni, 19 Sept. (XIII Kal. Oct.) 11*89. c9l*><., the last two wanting, woodcut: printer's device. f. 27.7cm. The Greek text of the 5th Hymn of Callima- chus (leaves c71 -73 ) Is here printed for the first time; it is followed by Politlan's Latin translation (leaves c73 b -76*.) HC ( Add) 13221*) BMC VI 638 (IB 27177); Pr 611*9) Ooff. Third census, P-89O. Capital-spaces, all but the first with guide-letters; old marginal and some inter- linear notations have been almost completely washed out. Lacks the last two leaves of Emendationes described by Hain. Purchased from Christensen, 28 Sept. 53. x875/P759m POLIZUNO, ANGELO, ll*51*-H*9l* . Miscellaneo- rum centuria prima See SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, 11*36-1506. Emen- dationes, seu Annotationes In Plinium. cca.ll*97> UtO 1U1 781* POLIZIANO, ANGELO, ll*5U-U9U. Opera. Venice, Aldus Manutlus, Roraanus, July 11*98. cU52>., leaf c232> blank and wanting. f. 30cm. Leaf l a > (t.p.): OMNIA OPERA ANQELI Po- litiani, et alia quaedam lectu digna, quorun nonlna In sequent! Indlce uidere licet. Edited by Alexander Sartius. HC 13218* ; BMC V 559 (IA 21*1*75); Pr 5567; Ooff. Third census, P-886. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Upper margin of leaf c8> torn and repaired; headline on recto supplied in ink. Armorial bookplate and autograph of Walter Wilson Greg, Park Lodge, with date, 1913. Purchased from McLeish, Nov. 1*2. xq875/P759/U*98 785 POLIZIANO, ANGELO, ll51*-ll*9l . Panepistemon. Florence, Antonio di Bar- tolomaeo Miscominl, 20 Feb. (X Kal. Mar.) 11*91. c\6*l. woodcut: printer's device. I*. 21cm. Leaf 1*j i Angeli Politiani prelectio: Cui titulus Panepistemon. HR 13225; Ooff. Third census, P-89U. Space with guide-letter for first capital. Purchased from Stonehill, 25 Jan. 65. x875/P759pa POLIZIANO, ANGELO, U*51*-U9U. Praelectio cui titulus Panepistemon See his Panepistemon. 20 Feb.U*91 POLIZIANO, ANGELO, U*51*-ll9l*, Editor See ALBERTI, LEONE BATTISTA, ll*Ol*-U*72 . Be re aedificatoria. 29 Dec. 11*85 POLIZUNO, ANGELO, ll*51*-H*9l*, Translator See HERODIANUS. Hlstoria de imperio post Ma re urn. Latin. 31 Aug. 11*93 786 POLOCCI, GIOVANNI MARIA, Vita 3. Albert! de Drepano. c Venice, ca. 11*99. <20>l. woodcuts: illus., capitals. 8 . 16. Item. C 1*809; R 181*6 cJoannes Tacuinus, ca.l500; BMC V 591 (IA 25188); Ooff. Third census, P-906. Leaf 1 . (t.p.): Vita sancti alberti de abbatibus de drepano sicculo sacrae religio- nis beate marie de monte carmello: & aliqua eius miracula : & $. pauclssima de multis : ta- rJ in uariis locis exerpta: partlm dum ui- tl in hoc laqueoso seculo ardua penitentia ageret: & partim post eius recessum ab hoc mundo miserablli It caliginoso compendiose ordinata & em* data per ue: bacha: fratrS io- ann8 mariam de polucils de noualaria. 6 leaves tipped in at end containing, in manuscript, "Regulae Ordinis fratrum glorio- sissimi del genitoris - Marie de Monte Car- meli _ anno 1538." Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. xB/A33l*5pM99 POLUCIIS, JOANNES MARIA IX See POLUCCI, GIO- VANNI MARIA, 787 POLTBIUS. De primo bello Punico. Latin. Brescia, Ja- cobus Britannicus, 21* Oct. 11*98. 32*t. woodcuts: capitals. f. 30.5ca. Leaf .1*. (t.p.)t POLTBIVS HI3T0RICVS IE PRIMO BKLLO PVNICO ET PLVTABCHI PARALELIA. The Polybius is a Latin adaptation by Leo- nardus Aretinus Brunus; the extracts from Plutarchus are translated by Ouarinus Vero- nensis. HC 13250*; BMC VII 982 (IB 31186); OW 5603; Pr 7006; Ooff. Third census, B-125U. Stamps on t.p.i Ex Biblioth. Regia Beroli- nensis, and Abgegeben Pr. St. Bibliothek Ber- lin. Purchased from Stonehill, U* Jan. 1*9. xq88l/P7.Lb/lU98 788 POLTBIUS. Historiae. Latin. Venice, Bernardinus Ve- netus de Vita 11 bus, 11*98. il02,l. woodcuts: capitals. f. 32.1cm. Bound with Appianus, of Alexandria. Hlsto- ria Romana. Latin. Venice, 20 Nov. 1500. Leaf 1*, (t.p.)i _ Polybii Historian li- bri Quinqj Nicolaus Perottus Pont. Syponti- nus e graeco traduxit. HC 132l*8; BMC V 5U8 (IB 21*333); Pr 5528; Ooff. Third census, P-908. From the Sunderland Library. Purchased from Oimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq88l/X6.LdA500 789 .POMERIUS, JULIANUS, fl.l*98. De vita contemplative. eSpeier, Peter Drach, 11*86. c50sl., the last blank and wanting. 1*. 21.2cm. Leaf cl*j (t.p.): Prosper de uita cBtftpla- tiua de uita actuali deqg uitiis Inexis uir- tutibus . HC 131*17*; BMC II 1*95 (LA 8579); Pr 2365; Ooff. Third census, P-1022. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x2l*2/P77d POMPONIO LETO, GIULIO See LETO, GIULIO POM- PONIO, 11*25-11*97 POMPONIUS LETUS See LETO, GIULIO POMPONIO, 11*25-11*97 POMPONIUS MELA See MELA, POMPONIUS PONTIO, BARTOLOMEO, Translator See BIBLE. ITALIAN. 11*61. Biblia. Italian. ll*8l 790 PORCIA, JACOPO, CONTB DI, 11*62-1538. De generosa educatione liberorum. Trevi- so, Gerardus de Lisa, de Flandria, 11 Sept. 1U92. XVIII*. 20.5cm. 11*2 PORCIA, JACOPO , CONTB Dl- contlnue d Leaf .1*. (t.p.): IK LIBERORVM EDUCATIONE. "Franciscus Niger Venetus _ Iacobo _ Pur- liliarum comiti _ foelicltatem" leaves XVII*- XVIII 6 . H 13608; BMC VI 885 (U 281*63); Pr 6506; Ooff. Third census, P-1139. Two capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bookplate of Oerald P. Mander, Tettenhall Wood, Staffordshire. Label: Breslauer & Mey- er, Buchhandler & Antiquare, Berlin. Purchased from Stonehill, 21 May 5U. x370/P823d PORCU, JACOPO, CONTE DI, 11*62-1538. De li- berorum educations See his De generosa e- ducatione liberorum. 11 Sept.lU92 PORPHYRIO, POMP01JIUS, 3d cent., Commentator See HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Opera. 1* Feb.ll90/91; also 12 Mar. 11*98; 13 July U*98 PORPHYRIUS. De divinis atque daemonibus See JAMBLICHUS, OF CHALCIS. De mysteriis Ae- gyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. Latin. Sept.ll*97 PORSENA, CHRISTOPHORUS See PERSONA, CRISTO- FORO, ca.ll*l6-ca.U85 PORTA, ARDICINUS DELU, d. 11*93. Epistola _ ad Innocentium VIII See CARDOLO, FRANCESCO, fl.U93. Oratio in funere Cardinalis Ardi- cini de La Porta, .after 1* Mar.ll*93 PORTEOLANUS, FRANCISCUS See PUTEOLANO, FRAN- CESCO, d. 11*90 POZZO, FRANCESCO DAL See PUTEOLANO, FRANCES- CO, d. 11*90 791 PRAECORDULE DEVOTORUM. Strassburg cJohann Prussj 11*89. >l61*s/. woodcut: illus. 8. 15cm. Leaf cl*. (t.p.): Praecordiale deuotorum. Attributed to Jacobus Philippi. Cf. J8cher. Allgemeines Gelehrtenlexicon. Some editions have title: Praecordiale sa- cerdotum. H 13318*; BMC I 123 (IA 1665); Pr 51*6; Goff. Third census, P-952. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red; the illus. is colored by hand. Stamp: Ex Bibl. Regia Berolinensia. Purchased from Stonehill, 11* Jan. 1*9. x2l*2/P883/ll*89 PRESTER JOHN See JOHN, PRESTER PRIOLIS, CHRISTOPHORUS DE See FRIOLI, CRI- STOFORO nr< PRISCUNUS, OF CAESAREA. De octo partibua orationis See GEORGIUS TRAPEZUNTIUS , 1395 or 6-ca. 11*81*. De partibua orationis ex Pris- ciano compendium. 1 Feb.ll*7l* PRISCUNUS, OF CAESAREA. In Theophrastum De sensu, phantasia, et intellectu See JAM- BLICHUS, OF CHALCIS. De mysteriis Aegyptio- run, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. Latin. Sept. 11*97 PRISCUNUS, OF CAESAREA. Institutio de nomine, pronomine, et verbo See DIOMEDES. Ars gram- ma tica. c ca. 11*75 ; also 1* June 11*91 792 PRISCUNUS, OF CAESAREA. Opora. Venice, For Michael Manzolus, 15 Dec. 11*81. c326>/., the first blank and wanting. f. 31cm. " Prise iani interpretatio ex dionysio: De orbis situ": leaves 31l'-325 b HC 13359; BMC V 315 (IB 21817); Pr 1*752; Ooff. Third census, P-966. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Stamped in gilt inside front cover: Biblio- theca Conoviana; stamp on leaf c2* : Biblio- theca Dubllni. SS mi Sal is Ord: Praed. Purchased from Thorp, 8 May 51. xq87l/P77/li*8l 793 PRISCUNUS, OF CAESAREA. Opera. Venice, Bonetus Locatellus, for Octavianus Scotus, 21 Feb. (DC Kal. Mar.) 11*96/97 la, 2-283, la*., the last blank, wood- cuts: capitals, printer's device. f. 33cm. Leaf tl a . (t.p.): Habes candide lector in hoc opere Priaciani uoluml maius cum ex- positione elegantissima clarissimi philoso- phi Ioannis de Aingre. Habes insuper eius- dem uolumS minus: it de duodecim carminibus: ac etiam de accStibus cfl expositions Viri eloquStissimi Danielis Caietani nCtc primfl edita. Habes praeterea de numeris. ponderi- bus. & mfsuris. de praeexercitamentis rheto- ricae. De uersibus comic is. de declinationi- bua. necnS de situ orbis. Ola qppe accuratis- sime emSdata. HC 13361**; BMC V 1*1*7 (IB 22938); Pr 5068 Ooff. Third census, P-971. Owner's autograph on t.p.: Roger Twysden, 1633. Purchased from McLeish, Nov. 1*2. xq87l/P77/ll*97 791* PRISCUNUS, OF CAESAREA. Opera. Venice, Philippus Pincius, 19 Mar. 1500. eclxxxiii, clil., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: capitals. f. 31.5cm. Leaf el'j (t.p.): Habes candide lector in hoc opere Prise iani uolumC maius: cum ex- poaitione elegantissima clarissimi philoso- phi Ioannis Aingre. Habes insuper eiusdem uolumS minus: & de duodecim carminibus: ac etiam de accStibus: cQ expoaitione Viri elo- que'tissimi Danielia Caietani: nflc primC edita. Habes praeterea de numeris. ponderibus. 4 mCsuris. de praeexercitamltia rhetorice. Da uersibus comic is. de declinatiSibus. necnO de situ orbis. Ola qppe accuratissime em? da- to. w XU3 U. PRISCIANUS , OF CAESARBA - contlnuad HC 13365*; BMC V U99 (IB 23693); Pr 5323; Ooff. Third census, P-972. Bookplate of Samuel Parr. Purchased from Grant, 16 Mar. 37. xq87l/P77A500 PRISCIANUS, OF CAKSAREA, Translator See MELA, POMPONIUS. Cosmographia, sive De situ or- bis. 18 July 1U82 795 PRIVILEGIA ET IMMUNITATES CLKRICORUM. Augs- burg, Johann Proschauer, 1U98. ^.16W., the last blank, woodcut: capital. 20cm. Leaf cl*> (t.p.)i Priuilegia clericoxa. quedf alia vtilia hie continentur. Constitu- tio Friderici Imperatoris. Constitutio Karo- li quarti Imperatoris que nominatur Karolina. Constitutio Sigismundi Imperatoris que no- minatur Sigismundina continentes in se pri- uilegia t immunltates clericorum. BonifaciJ pape constitutio p qui cSfirmat supradicta priuilegia. a tribus Imperatoribus clericis cCcessa. Item Honorlus papa constitution! Friderici Imperatoris approbauit t confirms - ult. Johannes papa, xxiij. eadem priuilegia cCfirmauit. ConsiliC Lateranenee * Basilien- se eadem priuilegia clericorC 1 constitutio- nis Imperatorfl approbarflt 7 confirmarunt. Vtrum clerici teneantur de fundibus suis. do- mibus. agris 1 similibus tributa 1 exact! ones dare. Et an teneant ad onera personalia. HC 7381; BMC II 397 (IA 6515); Pr 1829; Ooff. Third census, F-318. Woodcut capital on leaf cl.; two capital- spaces with guide-letters; initial-strokes added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. X3U0.3/P939 796 PRO MONTE PIETATIS CONS ILIA. .Venice, Jo- annes Taculnus, de Tridino, after 8 May Lu92. cU6><. woodcuts: capitals. U. 21.5 cm. Leaf 1* (t.p.): Pro Monte Pietatis. Cons ilia sacrorum Theologorum : ac colle- giorum Patauii & Perusii. Clarissiaorfic3 doctoRj.. dd. Ioanisbaptistae rozelli & Iol- nis campegii. Cum bulla ac breui dato fratri Bernardino Feltrlsi. SSctissimi Pape Inno- centii Octaui. "Magister Joannis nannis uiterbieH. _ Que- st iones _ super rautuo iudaico & ciulli It di- uino": leaves: c2*-l5* HC 1131*; BMC V 532 (LI 2U080); Pr 5U5l; Ooff. Third census, M-852. Purchased from Stonehill, 22 Oct. 69. X332.3U/P9U1 797 PROBA, Uth cent. Carmina; sive, Centones Vergilii. .Leipzig, Printer of Capotlus (Martin Landsberg?) ca. 1U90, .20./., the last wanting, U . 22.1cm. Bound with Fllelfo, Francesco. Orationes cum quibusdam aliis operibus. Brescia, 18 June 11*68. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Virgiliocentones veteris et noul testamenti. CR 2U22; OW (Nachtr) 123; Ooff. Third census, P-985. Capitals added in red. x875/PU7o/lU88 PROBA, Uth cent. Centones Vergilii See her Carmina; sive Centones Vergilii. cca.lU90> PROBA, Uth cent. Virgiliocentones Veteris et Novi Testamenti See her Carmina; sive Cen- tones Vergilii. .ca.TU~9~0> PROBA, ANICIA FALTONIA See PROBA, Uth cent. PROBA FALCONIA See PROBA, Uth cent. 798 PROBUS, MARCUS VALERIUS. De interpretandis Romanorum litteris. Venice, Joannes Taculnus, de Tridino, 20 Apr. 1U99. 20><. woodcuts: illus., capitals. U . 21.6cm. Leaf 1 i (t.p.): Valerii probi grlmatici de interpretandis romanorum litteris opuscu- lum feliciter incipit. Romanorfl ciuifi nota: pnomla ac cognomina. eorumeg magistratuum. Alie abreulature ex Valerio probo except*. Littere singulares in lure ciuili de legi- bus & plebiscitis. In legibus actionibus hec. In editis perpetuis. De ponderibus: De nurae- ris. Lex ex tabellis diuum de refutuaria. Sacra lex. Vt quemadmodum sibilla. Inarcu Rome sculpi fecit uiglti litteras quae per bedam declarate fuerflt. Epitaphium situ po- lensis parasiti. SImonici Sereni. ex. quinto libro rerfl recOditaR^ Phyliscl cCsolatoria marco ciceroni colloquenti prestita dum in macedonia exularet per Ioannem aurispamae greco in latinum traducta. Edited by Giovanni Bonardi. HCR 13378; BMC V 53U (U 2U095); Pr 5U58} Ooff. Third census, P-996. Bound in an old vellum manuscript con- taining the Vulgate text of Ps.77:38-U7. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug.58. x67l/P79dAU99 PROBUS VALERIUS See PROBUS, MARCUS VALERIUS PROCLUS, DIADOCHUS. De sacrificio et magia See JAMBLICHUS, OF CHALCLS. De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. Lat- in. Sept.lU97 PROCLUS, DIADOCHUS. In Platonicvn Alcibiadem See JAMBLICHUS, OF CHALCIS. De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. Lat- in. Sept.lU97 PROCLUS, DIADOCHUS. Sphaera. Greek and Latin See FIRMICUS MATERNUS, JULIUS. De na ti vi- ta tibus. 1U99 U*U PROPKRTIUS, SEXTUS AURELIUS. Elegiae Sm TI- BULLUS, ALBIUS. Elegiae, sive Carolina. 26 June 11*93 PROSPER AQOITANUS See PROSPER, TIRO, AQUITA- NUS, SAINT PROSPER, TIRO, AQUITANUS, SAINT See EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA. Chronicon. Lat- in. ca.lU7U-76 J } also 13 Sept. 11*83 PROSPER, TIRO, AQUITANUS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works. De vita contemplativa See .POMERIUS, JULIANUS, fl.l*98. De vita contemplativa. 11*86 PRUTHENUS, LUDOVICUS See LUDOVICUS IE PRUS- SIA, fl. 11*58-11*98 PSALTEEHJM See BIBLE. O.T. PSALMS. LATIN PSELLUS, MICHAEL. De daemonibus See JAMBLI- CHUS, OF CHALCIS. De raysteriis Aegyptiorura, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. Latin. Sept. 11*97 PSEUDO-ACRO, Commentator See HORATIUS FLAC- CUS, QUINTUS. Opera. 1* Feb.ll*90/91; also 12 Mar. 11*98} 13 July 11*98 799 PSEUDO-CALLISTHENES. Historia Alexandri Magni. Latin. S trass - burg c Printer of the 11*83 Jordanus de Qued- linburg (Qeorg Husner?) a ll* Oct. (in die san- cti Calixti) 11*86. 38>l., the last blank and wanting. f. 27.3cm. Leaf cl'i (t.p.): Historia Alexandri magni regis macedonie de prelijs. The 3d interpolated version of Leo's Ale- xander romance. Cf. D. J. A. Ross. Alexander historiatus, 1963, p. 61, note 301*. H 779*5 BMC I 135 (IB 1861) j GW 876; Pr 606; Goff. Third census, A-397. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Schab, 7 Mar. 60. X881/P85.UAU86 800 PSEUDO-CALL ISTHENES. Historia Alexandri Magni. Latin. S trass - burg c Printer of the 11*83 Jordanus de Qued- llnburg (Qeorg Husner?)* 26 May (altera die Urban!) ll*9l. c38>/., the last blank and wanting. f. 28.5cm. Leaf cl*j (t.p.) 8 Historia Alexldri magni regis macedonie de prelijs. The 3d interpolated version of Leo's Ale- xander romance. Cf. D. J. A. Ross. Alexander historiatus, 1963, p. 61, note 301*. H 783*5 BMC I 11*1* (IB 1920); GW 8795 Pr 6285 Ooff. Third census, A-1*00. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red. Imperfect: leaf cll*> wanting; replaced by facsimile. Purchased from Erasmus, 25 Sept. 68. x88l/P85.UAlt9l* PSEUDO-PILATE, PONTIUS See PIUTE, PONTIUS, PSEUDO- 801 PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS. Cosmographia. Latin. Vicenza, Heroiannus Liechtenstein, 13 Sept. (Id. Sept.) 11*75. cll*3>4., the first blank, woodcuts: 3 diagrs. f. 31cm. Translated by Jacobus Angeluss edited by Angelus Vadius and Barnabas Picardus. HC 13536*5 BMC VII 1035 (IB 31752); Pr 71395 Ooff. Third census, P-1081. Capital-spaces with guide-letters except in the first two quires and at end. Greek equivalents of geographical names have been added in manuscript in the margins of leaves c 18 -5 83 Purchased from Harper, 29 July 51*. xq88l/P87g.La 802 PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS. Epytoma in Almagestum. Venice, Johannes Hamman, 31 Aug. (pridie Kal. Sept.) 11*96. IIOjI., the last blank, woodcuts: illus., diagrs., capitals. f. 31.8cm. Leaf cl 3 (woodcut title ) : Epytoma IoSnis De mSte regio In almagestfl ptolomei. The Epytoma was begun by Qeorg von Peur- bach; edited by Giovanni Abioal. HC 13806*5 BMC V 1*27 (IB 23380)5 Pr 51975 Ooff. Third census, R-lll. Imperfect: lacks the letter of Abiosi which was printed on a separate sheet and inserted between sig. a^ and Purchased from Be res, 10 July 53. xq520/P95a/ll*96 803 PUBLIC 10, JACOPO. Artes orandi, epistolandi, memorandi. Ven- ice, Erhard Ratdolt, 30 Nov. (pridie Kal. Dec.) 11*82. c68>l., the first and last blank, wood- cuts: illus., diagrs. (1 movable), capitals. 1*. 20.7cm. Leaf c2*3 : Oratoriae artis Epitomata: Siue Quae ad consumatu" spectant Oratorem: ex an- tiquo Rhetont gymnasio dicendi : scribendiqj breues rationes : Nee n5 t aptus optimo cuiqj viro titulus : Ins up 1 pqj facilis memorie artis mod" Jacob! 'PubliciJ Florentini lucu- bratione - Printed in black and red. HC 1351*5*5 BMC V 287 (IA 20522)5 Pr 1*388 5 Goff. Third census, P-1096. The movable part of the diagr. is wanting. Bound in blue crushed moroccos dentelles; crimson doublures; gilt edges. Bookplate, manuscript notes, and autograph (dated, Oct. 21st 1918) of Gilbert R. Red- grave; bookplate of George Dunn of Woolley Hall. Purchased from Stonehill, 15 Sept. 1*7. xl*78.2/P96aAU82 801* PUBLICIO, JACOPO. Artes orandi, epistolandi, memorandi. Venice, Erhard Ratdolt, 31 Jan. (pridie Kal. Feb.) 11*85. 1U5 PUBLICIO , JACOPO - contlnued c66.f., the first blank and wanting. woodcuts: lllus., dlagrs. (1 movable), capi- tals. 1*. 21.6cm. Leaf .2*: ORATORIAE ARTIS KPITOMA: VEL QVAE BREVIBVS AD CONSVMATVM SPECTANT ORATO- REM: EX AYTIQVO RHETORVM GYMNASIO: DICENDI SCRIBENDIQVE BREVES RATIONES: NECNON ET AP- TVS OPTIMO CVIQVB VIRO TITVLVS: INSVPER ET PERQVAM FACILIS MEMORIAE ARTIS MODVS IACOBI PVBLICII FLORENTINI . LVCVBRATIONE _ HC 135U6*; BMC V 289 (IA 2051*1); Pr 1*3995 Goff. Third census, P-1097. Diagram on leaf c61** 3 and lllus. on leaves c60 -63 are painted yellow; diagr. on leaf *55*> yellow and brown. Imperfect: lacks the movable part of the diagr. on leaf e 61**3 Purchased from Blackwell, 27 Sept. 52. xl*78.2/P96a/ll*85 PUBLICIO, JACOPO. Oratoriae art is epitomata See his Artes orandi, apistolandi, memo- rand i PUBLICIUS, JACOBUS See PUBLICIO, JACOPO o805 PUBLILIUS SYRUS. Sententiae. Deventer iRichardus Pafraeta 30 Dec. (penultima Decembrls) 11*95. 6.. U. 20.5cm. Includes Lucius Annaeus Seneca's Proverbia, a collection of apophthegms chiefly derived from his De morlbus (leaves cl**-6 a > ) HC 11*61*8; Ooff. Third census, S-I*02a. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Hertzberger, 19 May 70. X871/P95/1U95 e'SOo' PUERILIA SUPER DONATUM. cLeipsig, Printer of Capotius (Martin Landsberg?) ca. 11*87* c6,. U. 19.6cm. Leaf cl a : PRima declinatio quot litteras terminales hab3 duas. Goff. Third census, P-llOla. Capitals, initial-strokes, underlines, and contemporary manuscript notes added in red. Bound la a leaf from the German Bible print- ed at Nuremberg by Anton Koberger, 17 Feb. 11*83, showing the end of Zachariah and the beginning of Malachi. The Vollbehr copy} purchased from Stonehlll, 16 July 62. xU75/D71aIp/U*87 PURBACHIUS, GEORGIUS See PEURBACH, GEORG VON, 1U23-1U61 PURLILIARUM, JACOBUS COMES See PORCIA, JACO- PO, CONTE DI, 11*62-1538 PUTEOLANO, FRANCESCO, d. 11*90, Editor See FOR- TUNATIANUS, CHIRIUS. Rhetorica. dlsH-lSOO*; also c 11*98-1500, See TACITUS, CORNELIUS. Opera. 22 Mar. 11*97" PILADES BRIXIANUS See PILADE, GIOVANNI FRAN- CESCO BOCCARDO, d.1505 PYLADES, JOHANNES FRANC ISCUS BUCCARDUS See PILADE, GIOVAMNI FRANCESCO BOCCARDO, d. 1505 PYTHAGORAS, Supposed author. Aurea carmlna. Greek See THEOCRITUS. Idyllia. Greek. Feb. 11*95/95"" PYTHAGORAS, Supposed author. Aurea carmlna. Latin See JAMBLICHUS, OF CHALCIS. De my- steriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyri- orum. Latin. Sept. 11*97 PYTHAGORAS, Supposed author. Symbola. Latin See JAMBLICHUS, OF CHALCIS. De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. Lat- in. Sept.U*97 al-QABISI, ABB AL-SAQR 'ABDAL-'AZIZ IBN 'UTH- MAN See *., the first blank. f. 30.5cm. HC(I)R 13661 ; BMC VI 899 (IB 281*51*); Pr 6505; Goff. Third census, Q.-21. Capital-spaces . Bound in old vellum; traces of writing sug- gest that it was originally a leaf from a MS. Purchased from Gonnelli, 1* Apr. 51. xq87l/Q5d/ll*82 809 QUINTILIANUS, MARCUS FABIUS. Declamationes. Parma, Angelus Ugoletus, 3 July (V Non. Iul.) U*9U. c2., LXXXXVI*. woodcut: printer's device. f. 31.5cm. ll*6 QUIOTILIANUS , MARCUS FABIUS - contlnued Leaf d* (t.p.): M. FABI QVINTILIANI EE- CLAMATIONES C. XXXVI. Edited by Thaddaeus Ugoletus . HC 13659*; BMC VII 9l*6 (IB 30358); Pr 6871; Qoff. Third census, Q-22. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Leaf XLVIII in facsimile. Stamp: Tale U. L. Purchased from Stonehill, 17 Dec. 59. xq87l/Q5d.u 810 QUINTILIANUS, MARCUS FABIUS. Institutiones oratoriae. e Venice a Nico- laus Jenson, 21 May 11*71. c212sl., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: border and ll* capitals, tr . 3U. 7 cm. Edited by Omnibonus Leonicenus. HC 1361*7*; BMC V 168 (IB 19630); Pr U073; Goff. Third census, Q-26. The woodcut border and 11* capitals were added and painted in gold, silver, and col- ors by the rubricator, not the printer; smal- ler capitals added in red and blue alternate- ly. Error in binding: leaf c3 bound before leaf sli. Bound in 18th cent. English red morocco, gilt-stamped; in l/l* red morocco case. Armorial bookplate : From the Sunderland Library, Blenheim Palace. Purchased July 1882. By Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London. Purchased from Stonehill, 21* May 58. xq87l/Q5i./e 811 QUINTILIAJIUS, MARCUS FABIUS. Institutiones oratoriae. Venice, Pere- grinus de Pasqualibus, Bononiensis, 18 Aug XU9U. c2U8>l., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: diagrs., printer's device. f. 32.1*cm. Leaf clS (t.p.): Quintiliani institutio- nes cum commento Laurentii Vallensis: Poir.po- nii ac Sulpltii. Edited by Omnibonus Leonicenus. HCR 13651*; BMC V 393 (IB 22295); Pr U865; Goff. Third census, Q-30. xq87l/Q5i.v RAIMUNDUS DE SABUNDE See RAYMUNDUS DE SABUN- DE, 15th cent. RAINERIUS DE PISIS See RAINERUS DE PISIS, d. ca.1351 812 RAINERUS DE PISIS, Pantheologia, sive Surama universae theolo- giae. c Augsburg, Gunther Zainer> ll*7l*. 2v. f. 39.2cm. Vol.1: c509>*. (c37-38, blank); v. 2: cl*81*,4. (1st and last blank) H 13016* ; BMC II 321 (IC 51*73); Pr 151*3; Qoff. Third census, R-6. One leaf only; one of the Beilagen at end of v. 2 of Monuaenta Germaniae et Italiae typographica . xf655.133/M76/v.2 *813 RAINERUS DE PISIS, Pantheologia, sive Summa universae theolo- giae. c Nuremberg! Anton Koberger, 3 Aug. (Ill Non. Aug.) ll*7l*. .865=.*., leaves .1, 32-33, 102, 190, W*l, 863-865= blank. f. 1*7. 9cm. HC 13017*; BMC II 1*12 (IC 7122); Pr 1967; Goff. Third census R-7. One leaf only; one of the Beilagen bound at end of v. 2 of Monuments Germaniae et Ita- liae typographica. xf655.133/M76/v.2 811* RAINERUS IK PISIS, Pantheologia, sive Summa universae theo- logiae. Venice, Hermannus Liechtenstein, 12 Sept. (pridie Id. Sept.) 11*86. 2v. f. 33.3cm. Vol.1: d7a, 2-291, tl a /., the last blank and wanting; v. 2: c23, 300/. HC 13019*; BMC V 357 (IB 21979); Pr 1*788; Goff. Third census, R-10. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Univ. of 111. Library has v.l only. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq230/R13p/H*86 RAINUCIUS See RINUCCIO, OF AREZZO, 15th cent. HAINUTIUS, FLORENTINUS See RINUCCIO, OF AREZ- ZO, 15th cent. RAMBALDI, BENVENUTO, DA IMOLA, d.1387 or 8, Commentator See DANTE ALIGHIERI, 1265- 1321. La Commedla. 11*77 RAMPEGOLLIS, ANTONIUS DE See RAMPEGOLO, A3- TONIO, fl.H*ll* 815 RAMPEGOLO, ANTONIO, fl.ll*ll*. Figurae Bibliae. Venice, Georgius Arri- vabenus, 31 Dec. 1500. cl2>, 182, c2>/., the last two blank and wanting, woodcut: printer's device. 8. 16cm. Leaf cl a i (t.p.) Figure biblie clarassi- mi csics uiri fratris Antonii de rSpengolis ordinis hcremitarQ csic. sancti Augustini. Edited by Antonius Zerra. HC 13689; BMC V 388 (IA 22580); Pr 1*9361; Goff. Third census, R-26. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. T.p. mutilated, with some loss of text. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x25l/Rll*fA5O0 11*7 RAMPEGOLO, ANTONIO, fl.lljll*, Supposed author. Aurea Biblia See GUERRI, BINDUS, d.1390. Aurea Biblia, sive Repertorium aureum Bibli- orura RAMPELOOO, ANTONIO See RAMPEGOLO, ANTONIO, fl.lUll* RAMPIQOLLIS, ANTONIUS DE See RAMPEGOLO, AN- TONIO, fl.ll*ll* RATISBONA, AOGUSTINUS DE See AUGUSTINUS DE RATISBONA 816 RAYMUNDUS DE SABUNDE, 15th cent. Theologia naturalis, sive Liber creatura- rum. Deventer, Richardus Pafraet cnot after 11*85= c2$6*l., the first blank and wanting. f. 28cm. Leaf c9*j: Incipit Theologia naturalis siue liber creaturan, . HC 11*067*; BMC EC 1*5 (IB 1*755U); Pr 8968; Goff. Third census, R-32. Stamped with type at end of text: circ. 11.8 1.. The original leaf c9j and most of leaf cIOj have been removed and the lost text supplied in manuscript. Capitals supplied in red or blue, some washed with silver; paragraph-marks and ini- tial-strokes in red or silver. Label on fly-leaf: The Right Hon. Lord Ver- non. Sudbury Hall, Derby. Bookdealer's label inside back cover: Downing. Chaucer's Head, Birmingham. Stamps: Bibliotheca Heberiana and F. Tolmie. Purchased from R. Atkinson, 3 Nov. 25. x210/R21t/U*85 RAINERUS DE PISIS See RAINERUS DE PISIS, d. ca.1351 REBELL0, JACOBUS LUPI See LUPI, JACOBUS, d. 11,98 REGGIO, NICCOLO DA See NICCOLO DA REOGIO, 12 80 (ca.) -1350 817 REGINALDETUS, PETRUS. Speculum finalis retributionis. Lyons, Johann Trechsel, 3 Aug. 11*92. .66*1., the last blank, woodcut: print- er's device. U. 22cm. Leaf cl (t.p.): Speculu finalis retri- butionis . Edited by Guillelmus Totani. HC 13767*; BMC VIII 293 (IA 1*1896); Pr 8$99; Ooff. Third census, R-83. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 27 Apr. 65. x237.5/R26s 818 REGINALDETUS, PETRUS. Speculum finalis retributionis. Basel, Jacobus Wolff, de Pforzheim, 11.99. 80>. woodcut: printer's device. h . 22cm. Leaf cl** (t.p.): Speculu finalis retri- butiSis tarn bonorjt operO q} malonf: egregij sacre theologie doctoris : fratris Petri Re- ginaldeti: de ordine fratrfl minor^ : In quo speculo diffuse elucidat' cStemplatlo penanj, et gaudiortjeternalium. Edited by Guillelmus Totani. H 1377U; BMC III 778 (IA 37721); Pr 7709; Goff. Third census, R-91. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x237.5/R26s/U*99 REGIO, RAFAELLO, d.l520, Commentator See OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Metamorphoses. 28 Feb.U*92; *lso cafter 5 Sept.ll*93>; 8 July U.97 Editor See VALERIUS MAXIMUS. dicta memorabilia. 18 June 11.82 Facta et REGIOMONTANUS, JOHANNES See MUELLER, JOHAN- NES, REGIOMONTANUS, 11*36^11.76 o8l9 REGULAE GRAMMATICALES. Reutlingen, Michel Greyff cca. 11*97 c20><. woodcuts: illus., 1* capitals. 1. 19.8cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Regule gramma ticales . antiquorum cum earundem declarationibus Z mult is argument is positis circa vnaraquJUg regulam in speciall. H 1381.3* (var. ); Pell MS 981*6; Goff. Third census, R-130. Bound in a leaf from a vellum MS. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. xl*75/R265/ll*97 REMIGIUS, GRAMMARIAN See REMIGIUS, OF AUXERRE, 9th cent. REMIGIUS, OF AUXERRE, 9th cent. Regula: Domi- nus que pars See DONATUS, ABLIUS. Ars minor (Rudiments grammatices ) eca. 11*96? See RUDEMENTA GRAMMATICAE. 11*99 820 REPERTORIUM IN POSTILLAM NICOLAI DE LYRA SUPER VETUS ET NOVUM TESTAMENTUM. Nurem- berg, Anton Koberger, 19 Apr.ll*9l*. tl$6,l.. the last blank. 1*. 23.2cm. Leaf cl 1 (t.p.): Repertorium in postillaj famosi et egregij doctoris fratris Nicolai de lyra super ve. X no. testa. HC 10399*; BMC II 1*38 (IA 71*70); Pr 2091; Goff. Third census, N-150. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x220.7A99p/index RETZA, FRANCISCUS DE See FRANCISCUS DE RET- ZA, d.ll*25 821 REUCHLIN, JOHANN, 11*55-1522. Vocabularius breviloquus. Basel Johann Amerbach. U*80. c330>/., the last blank. f. 31.Uca. LUS RE UCHLIN , JOHANN - continued Preceded by Quarinus Veronensis. Ars dlph- thongandi (leaves c2*-3 D ); Johannes de Lapi- de. De arte punctandi (leaf .3 >); and De ac- centu (leaves e3 b -6 b ) C 6286; Pr 7558; Goff. Third census, R-157. Capital-spaces with guide-letters, except for one large capital and U smaller ones added in red on leaves c2, 7, and 36. j ini- tial-strokes on leaves el-37; paragraph- marks on leaves cl-6a Bound in contemporary blind-stamped pig- skin over wooden boards; remnants of two clasps . Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xqU73/R31v/lU80 REYNERUS DE PISIS See RAINERUS DE PISIS, d. ca.1351 RHEGINOS, NICOLAUS See NICCOLO DA REGGIO, 1280(ca.)-1350 RHOLANDELLUS, FRANCISCUS See ROLANDELLO, FRANCESCO, 1U27-1U90 RICARDUS, DE MAIDSTONE See MAIDSTONE, RICH- ARD, d.1396 RICHARD DE SA INT LAURENT See RICHARDUS A SANCTO LAURENTIO, fl. 1239-121*5 822 cRICHARDUS A SANCTO LAnREOTIO, fl. 1239-121*5. De laudibus Mariae. Strassburg, Martin Flach, ll*93. clU, cclxxxv, il>4., leaf clti= and the last leaf blank. f. 30cm. Bound with Mariale. cStrassburg, ll*85-89> Leaf el* a (t.p.): Opus insigne de laudi- bus beate marie virginis, alias Mariale ap- pellate. Falsely attributed to Albertus Magnus. HC (Add) 10767=H 10768*; BMC I 152 (IB 2175); GW 616A0; Pr 697; Ooff. Third cen- sus, A-2l*8. Four capitals added in blue, other capitals and initial-strokes in red, paragraph-marks in red or blue. xq232.931/fa337M85 823 RIEDERER, FRIEDRICH, fl. 11*93-11*99. Spiegel der wahren Rhetorik. Freiburg im Breisgau, Friedrich Riederer, 11 Dec. U*93. el., II-CLXXX, cQ,t. woodcuts: illus., cap- ital, printer's device, title. f. 31.9cm. Leaf cl*a (woodcut t.p.): Spiegel der wa- ren Rhetoric. V$. M. Tulio. C. vnd andern getutscht: Mit Irn glidern cluger reden Sand- briefen/ vnd formen. Menicher contract/ selt- sam. Regulierts Tutschs vnd nutzbar exempliert/ mit fugen Vff gBttlich vnd keiserlich schrift vnd rechte gegrundt: nuwlich (vnd vormaln In gemein njre gesehen) yets loblich v^gangen. HC 13911* j BMC III 696 (IB 11*213); Pr 3216; Goff. Third census, R-197. Armorial bookplate of Emperor Charles VI, dated: XI Mens April M.D.CCXH; also armor- ial bookplate : Comes de Solms . Purchased from Ranschburg, 11 Feb. 1*3. xq87l/C7r.Tr/ll*93 RIEDRIR, FRIEDRICH See RIEDERER, FRIEDRICH, fl. 11*93-11*99 RINUCCIO, OF AREZZO, 15th cent., Translator See HUGO OF SAINT VICTOR, IO96 or 7-111*1. Regula S. Augustini. cca. 11*98} RINUCIUS, ARETINUS See RINUCCIO, OF AREZZO, 15 th cent. RIPELIN, HUGO See HUGO ARGENTINES IS, 1210 (ca.)-1270 ROBERT D'ENVERMEUIL See EUREMODIO, ROBERTUS DE, fl. 11*80 ROBERTUS DE EUREMODIO See EUREMODIO, ROBER- TUS DE, fl.ll80 RODERICUS DE SANCTA ELLA See FERNANDEZ DE SANTAELLA, RODRIGO, d.1509 RODERICUS SANCTIUS See SANCHEZ DE AREVALO, RODRIGO, BP., ll*0l*^ll*70 RODERICUS ZAMORENSIS See SANCHEZ DE AREVALO, RODRIGO, BP., H0l*-llT70 ROLANDELLO, FRANCESCO, 11*27-11*90, Editor See NONIUS MARCELLUS. De proprietate Lati- ni sermonis. 2 Sept. 11*83 See VARRO, MARCUS TERENTIUS. De lingua Latina. cca.ll*78j 821* cROLEVINCK, WERNER, 11*25-1502. Fasciculus temporum. Venice, Georgius Walch, 11*79. c8, 29 (i.e. 61*)*. , the first blank and wanting, woodcuts: illus., capitals, diagrs. f. 30.3cm. HC 6921**; BMC V 271* (IB 20883); Pr 1*1*86; Goff. Third census, R-260. The illustrations have been colored by hand. In manuscript on leaf c2 a >: Sum ex Biblio- theca Monaster! j S. Petrj Salisburgj ord. S. Benedict j. (Museum) q902/R61*f/ll*79 825 ROLEVINCK, WERNER, 11*25-1502. Fasciculus temporum. Memmingen, Albrecht Kunne, 11*82. c72/., the first blank and wanting, woodcuts : illus . , diagrs . , printer ' s device . f. 29.5cm. In case. HC 6931*; BMC II 602 (IB 11017); Pr 2772; Ooff. Third census, R-268. Stamp: Bibl. Buxheim. Purchased from Stonehill, li* Jan. 1*9. xq902/R61*f/ll*82 1U9 826 ROLEVINCK, WERNER, 11*25-1502. Fasciculus temporum. Venice, Erhard Rat- dolt, 28 May (V Kal. Iun. ) 1U8U. c8>, 661. woodcuts: illus., diagrs., capitals. f. 33cm. In clear plastic case. H 693U*; BMC V 288 (IB 20536); Pr 1*396; Goff. Third census, R-270. Bound in wooden boards backed with tan leather; 3 clasps, one broken; foreedge painting of Adam and three richly dressed men. Bookplates of Thomas Brooke, F. S. A., Ar- mitage Bridge, and Bibliotheque Pillone: Pierre Beres. Purchased from Zeitlin, 29 July 66. xq902/R61*fAU81* 827 ROLEVINCK, WERNER, 11*25-1502. Fasciculus temporum. Strassburg, Johann PrUss, 11*88. c6>, XC, c2,l., the last two blank, wood- cut*: illus., diagrs. f. 26.3c. Leaf el a . (t.p.): Fasciculus tempoiy. om- nes antiquorum cronicas complectens. HC (Add) 6937*; BMC I 121 (IB 1630); Pr 533; Goff. Third census, R-271*. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red; contemporary manuscript notes on t.p. and last two blank leaves. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x902/R61*f/ll*88 828 ROLEVINCK, WERNER, 11*25-1502. Fasciculus temporum. cStrassburg, Johann Pruss, not before 11*90. e6j, XC, c2,l., the last two blank, of which the first is wanting, woodcuts: illus., diagrs. f. 29cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Fasciculis tSponf. omnes antiquorum cronicas complectSs. HC 6916*; Pr 563; Goff. Third census, R- 276. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red; contemporary manuscript notes on t.p. Leaves c22. and c25. bound between leaves cUli and cU2 Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq902/R6Uf/Hj90 829 ROLEVINCK, WERNER, 11*25-1502. Formula vivendi canonicorum. cCologne, Heinrich Quentell, ca. 11*88-89. el6.*., the last blank, 1* . 20.3cm. Leaf el a . (t.p.): Incipit formula viuSdi canonicorum siue vicariorum secularium. aut. e tiara aliorum deuotorum presbyterorum. H 725U*; BMC I 271* (IA 1*782); Pr 1383; Goff. Third census, R-285. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red; marginal notes in red in a con- temporary hand. Bound in a leaf (Job 7*5-8:3 and 8:6-9:7) from Koberger's German Bible printed at Nu- remberg, 17 Feb. U*83. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x27l/R61f/li88 ROLEWINCK, WERNER See ROLEVINCK, WERNER, 11*25-1502 KOSSONIBUS, DINUS IE See DINUS DE ROSSONIBUS, DE MUGELLO,* R0TIN00, PHILIPPUS DE, Editor See CARACCIO- LI, ROBERTO, 11*25-11*95. Opera varia. 16 May 11*96 830 ROYE, GUT DE, ABP., 131*5 (ca.)-ll09. Le doctrinal de sapience. English. West- minster, William Caxton cafter 7 May 11*89. c92il. woodcuts: illus., capitals. f. 29.8cm. Translated by William Caxton. HC 11*017; OW 8625; Pr 9676; Goff. Third census, D-302. Imperfect: contains only 55 leaves, the first and the last three of which are in facsimile; many margins restored. De Ricci, Census of Caxtons, 1*0, 12. The John W. Robertson (Livermore, Calif.) copy, bought from Quaritch ca.1915. Bound by Riviere in blind-stamped white morocco. Purchased from Stonehill, 7 Jan. 55. xq230/R8U*d/ll*89 ROZELLI, JOANNES BAPTISTA. Casus Montis pie- tatis magnifice communitatis Padue See PRO MONTE PIETATIS CONSILIA. cafterTTMay 11*92. 0831 RUDIMENTA GRAMMATICAE. cAugsburg, Johann Schonsperger. ll*99. c28.i., the last blank, woodcut: illus. 1*. 19.8cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Rudimenta grSmatice ad pueros. De Remi. Do. AllexSdroqi studiosis- sime ICa. H 11*025; BMC II 371* (IA 61*10); Goff. Third census, R-3UU. Capital-spaces, two with guide-letters. Bound in a leaf from a 15th cent. German MS containing portions of hymns for All Saints and for St. Catherine. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xl*75/R8328/ll*99 #832 RUDIKENTUM NOVITIORUM. Rudiment urn novitiorum. LUbeck, Lucas Brandis, 5 Aug. (S. Osvaldus) K*75. cl*75>'. leaves cl2, 1*75, U76. blank, woodcuts: illus., borders, geneal. tables, capitals, 2 maps, ports, f . l*lcm. An epitome of history erroneously ascribed to Giovanni da Colonna, and to Burchardus de Monte Sion, whose Descriptio Terrae Sanc- tae is included (leaves d75 a -201 a . ). At the end (leaves cl*21 a -l*l*7 a ) is added the martyr- ology of Usuard. H 1*996*; BMC II 550 (IC 9810); Pr 2610; Goff. Third census, R-3U5. Univ. of 111. Museum has only a fragment of leaf c336. (l*.6cra., mounted on card, 16. 3cm.) (Museum) 909/R833AU75 150 *833 RUDMENTUM N0VITI0RUM. FRENCH. La mer des histoires. Paris, Pierre Le Rouge, July ll*88-Feb. 11*88/89. 2v. woodcuts: illus., borders, geneal. tables, capitals, 2 maps, ports. f. 1*0.7 cm. Vol.1: cl2., iilvii, d,., the first and last blank; v. 2: ii c lxxi (i.e. ii c lxxiii), c37>., the first unnumbered leaf blank. 6 extra leaves at end of v. 2 duplicate the index (leaves c5-12j) at front of v.l. Vol.2 printed for Vincent Commin. An epitome of history erroneously ascrib- ed to Giovanni da Colonna and to Burchardus de Monte Sicn, a translation of whose Descrip- tio Sanctae Terrae is in v.l, leaves cviii^xviii.-i^iii*. The martyrology of Usuard (c27a leaves at end of v. 2) is added. C 3991; BMC VIII 109 (IC 1*0017); Pr 8092; Ooff. Third census, R-3U6. Univ. of 111. Museum has one leaf only, v.2, leaf xxiiii. (Museum) q909/R833F/ll*88 83U RUDIMENTUM N0VITI0RUM. FRENCH. La mer des histoires. Lyons, Jean Du Pre, 20-23 Aug.ll*91. 2v. (clOa, cciiii, c6 3 ; ccxxi, c3},l.) cuts: illus. (part metal cuts.), borders, geneal. tables, capitals, 2 maps, ports., printer's device, f ft 32.7Gra. z Signatures: v.l: a , a-aa, bb-cc , 6 leaves; v.2: A-V, AA-GG 8 , HH^dast leaf blank), II-LL 8 (last leaf blank), ss 8 (last leaf blank) Erroneously ascribed to Giovanni da Co- lonna and to Burchardus de Monte Sion, a translation of whose Descriptio Sanctae Ter- rae is in v.l, leaves cvii^^-viii 3 !*. Translation of the Latin original (LUbeck 11*75). Includes martyrology of Usuard (v.2, leaves c223-253a ) and additional matter on the kings of France and continues to 11*83. C 3990-3992; Pell MS 781*1; Ooff. Third census, R-3U7. Capitals and paragraph -marks added in red or blue. Univ. of HI. Library has v.2 only, leaves cla (t.p.) and the three blank leaves (c222, 21*6, 25U) wanting. Purchased from Harper, 28 June 56. xq909/R833F/lii91 RUFINUS, TYRANNIUS, AQUILEIENSIS, 3l*5(ca.)- UlO, Translator See EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA. Historia ecclesiastica. Lat- in, cnot before l5=July 11*79} also ll* Mar. 1500 See JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. De bello Judai- co. Latin. 25 Dec.ll*80 See JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. 25 Oct. 11*86 Opera. Latin. 835 RUPERT OF DEUTZ, 1070 (ca. ) -1135. De victoria Verbi Dei. cAugsburg* Anton Sorg, 11*87. c8j, cv, c\*l,, the last blank. f. 28.6cra. Leaf cl i (t.p.): Opus originale Ruperti abbatis Tuiciensis de victoria verbi dei in tredecim libros diuisura. H ll*0l*6; BMC II 353 (IB 6010); Pr 1701*; Goff. Third census, R-365. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. In manuscript inside back cover: Dupl. - Juli 1923 Stadtbibliothek Worms. Purchased from Stonehill, Apr. 1*5. x232/R87v/ll*87 RUPERTUS, ABBAS TUICIENSIS See RUPERT OF DEUTZ, 1070(ca.)-1135 RUSIO, LORENZO See RUSIUS, LAURENTIUS, 1288- 13U7 836 RUSIUS, LAURENTIUS, 1288-131*7. Liber marescalciae equorum. cSpeier, Jo- hann and Conrad Hist, not after 11*893 cIij, XCIX, clil.,. the last blank and want- ing, woodcut: illus. h . 20cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Incipit Tabula omnium Capituloiv libri presentis de natura. elec- tione, educatione. gubernatOne. ac omnium morborum. equi. cognitione Z curatCne. Lau- rencij Ruzonis ml'ta experiStia ^ solicitu- dine edocti. Insup magna diligentia examina- ti de libro Alberti magni de animalibus l ceteris plurib? de natura equorum scribenti- bus in vnum fasciculQ collecti feliciter. HC ll*0l*7* c Peter Drach, 0.11*86.; BMC II 501* (IA 12918); Pr 2Uli6; Goff. Third census, R-366. Capital-spaces . Bookplate: Georgius Kloss, M, D. , Franco- furti ad Moenum. Purchased from Stonehill, 29 Oct. 70. x636.1089/R89* RUZO, LAURENCIUS See RUSIUS, LAURENTIUS, 1288-13U7 SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, 11*36-1506. De praetoris officio See his De situ urbis Venetae. cca.ll*9l* 837 SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, 11*36-1506. De situ urbis Venetae. De praetoris offi- cio. De viris illustribus. cVenice, Dami- anus de Mediolano, de Gorgonzola, ca.ll*9l*> *58./. 1*. 21.1*cm. 151 SABELLICO , MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO , CALLED - contlnued Bound with Petrarca, Francesco. Eplstolae familiares, Venice, ll*92. cop. 2. Leaf c?8 3 (t.p.): Hoc in uolumine haec continentur. .M. Ant. Sabellici de situ ur- bis uenetae ad Hieronymum donatum libri tres. .M. Ant. Sabellici de praetoris officio ad antonium cornarium philosophum liber, unus. .M. Ant. Sabellici de latine linguae repara- tione : seu de uiris illustribus. Ad .M. An- tonium maurocenum equltem liber unus. HC ll*056#; BMC V 5U1* (IA 21*295); Pr 5519; Goff. Third census, S-8. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. x85lPl*l/Cll*92/cop.2 838 SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, 11*36-1506. De Tetustate Aquileiensis patriae, c Padua , Antcnius de Avinione cbetween ll*8l and ll*83> d08^., leayes e50, 92, 108, blank. 1. 21.iicm. Bound with Petrarca, Francesco. Epistolae familiares. Venice, 11*92. cop. 2. HC U058*; BMC VII 1138 (IA 22607); Pr 7336; Goff. Third census, S-10. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. > Imperfect: contains only leaves cl-50*. x85lPl*l*/Cll*92/cop.2 - SABELLICO,' MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, 11*36-1506. De viris illustribus See his De situ urbis Venetae. cca.ll*9l*> 839 SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, 11*36-1506. Emendationes, seu Annotationes in Pliniun. cVenice, ca. 11*97* 62/. 30.5cm. Contents.- M. Antonii Sabellici Emendati- ones, seu Annotationes in Plinlum: et in alios linguae Latinae auctores celeberrimos.- Phi- lippi Beroaldi Annotationes centum; Annota- tiones in Servium Gramma ticum; Nonnullae in Plinium emendationes.- Angeli Politiani Mis- cellaneorum centuria prima.- Domitii Calde- rini Observations*. H ll059; Goff. Third census, S-6. Capitals added in red. Bound in a leaf from a large liturgical MS. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. xq871/P6.IsAU97 81*0 SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, 11*36-1506. Enneades ab orbe condito. Venice, Ber- nardinus Venetus, de Vitalibus, and Matthae- us Venetus, 31 Mar. (pridie Kal. Apr.) 11*98. cll*, CCCCLXII, c2j/., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: capitals, printer's and unidentified publisher's devices. f. 1*1. 5cm. Leaf el*, (t.p.): Enneades Marci AntoniJ Sabellici Ab orbe condito Ad inclinationem Romani ImperiJ . Printed in red and black. HC U*055; BMC V 51*7 (IC 21*321); Pr 552U; Ooff. Third census, S-7. Seal of the Society of the Writers to the Signet stamped on both covers. Purchased from Nebenzahl, 7 Mar. 61. xf909/Sal3e/ll*98 o+8Ul SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, 11*36-1506. Epistolarum libri XII. c Paris* Jean Pe- tit cca.1510?, XCIIH. woodcuts: capitals, printer's device . 20.8cm. Leaf cl* 3 (t.p.): M. Antonii Sabellici Epistolarum Libri duodecim Summa cum dili- gent ia impressi. C 5195; Goff. Third census, S-7a. The state of the printer's device indicates a 16th cent, printing date rather than 11*98 as given in Stillwell S-8. The Vollbehr copy, purchased from Stonehill, 16 July 62. x875.6/Sal3e SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, 11*36-1506. Pomponii vita See LETO, GIULIO POMP0NI0, 11*25-11*97. Romanae historiae com- pendium. 23 Apr. 11*99; also 12 Dec. 1500 SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, 11*36-1506, Commentator See SUETONIUS TRAN- QUILLUS, C. Vitae XII Caesarum. 19 Nov. 11*91 Editor See JUSTINUS, MARCUS JUNIANUS. Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii historias. c be- fore 1* Apr.ll*9l*j See LIVIUS, TITUS. Historiae Romanae decades. 20 June 11*98 SABELLICUS, MARCUS ANTONIUS See SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED, ll*36-l506 SABINUS, ANGELUS, fl. 11*68-11*76, Editor See LACTAOTIUS, LUCIUS CAECILIUS FIHMIANUS. 0- pera. 12*7l* SABINUS, AULUS See SABINUS, ANGELUS, fl. 11*68- 11*76 SABUNDE, RAIMUNDO DE See RAYMUNDUS DE SABUN- DE, 15th cent. 81*2 SACERDOTIUM JESU CHRISTI. De sacerdotio Jesu Christi. Augsburg, Johann Froschauer, 11*99. c84. woodcuts: illus., capital. 1*. I8.8em. Leaf 1* (t.p.): Hie libellus duos in se continet libellulos Titulus primi libelli De sacerdotio dfli nostri Iesu christi secre- tory, secretissumfl cristicolis diutine occul- tatum. Sed a quodS iudeo reseratfl. t nostris temporibus publicatfl. T lectu t auditu nee non scitu permirabile. Titulus secundi libelli. De oratione libellulus X egregi' nobilisqj z electissimus de lectu vel auditu perutilis. H 11*073*; BMC II 398 (IA 6525); Pr 1832; Ooff. Third census, S-ll*. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov. 1*1*. x232.1*/Sall*/lU99 152 81*3 SACRO BOSCO, JOANNES DE, fl.1230. Sphaera mundi. Venice a Erhard Ratdolt c before U Nov.ill*85. c58a<. woodcuts: illus., initials. 1*. 20cm. Seven diagrs. printed partly in colors. Contents: Ioannis de Sacro Busto Sephfri- cum opusculum.- Georgii Purbachii Theoricae novae plane tarum.- Ioannis de Monteregio Dls- putationes contra Cremonensia in planetarum theoricas deliramenta. HC 11*111*; BMC V 290 (IA 2051*6); Pr 1*1*02; Qoff. Third census, J-I*06. _Bound with this is 'Abd al-'AzTz ibn 'Uth- mah, al-KablsT. Libellus isagogicus. Venice before 1* Nov.>ll*85. Stamp on leaf c 2 a = i Bibl. Oust. C. Oalletti, Flor. Purchased from Stonehill, 2 Feb. 1*9. x523/Sall*s/U*85 8UU SACRO BOSCO, JOANNES DE, fl.1230. Sphaera mundi. Venice, Johannes Lucilius Santritter and Hieronymus de Sanctis, 31 Mar. (pridie Kal. Apr.) ll*88. c69'l. woodcuts: illus., diagrs. (part col.), printer's device, capitals, 1* . 21.5cm. The 7-line incipit (leaf c2 a 3 ) printed in red; eight diagrs. printed partly in colors. Contents.- Ioannis de Sacro Busto Sphaeri- cum opusculum.- Ioannis de Monte Regio Dis- putationes contra Cremonensia deliramenta. - Georgii Purbachii Theoricae novae planetarum. HC 11*112*; BMC V 1*62 (IA 23331); Pr 5183; Goff. Third census, J-l*07. Bound in brown crushed morocco by L. Brocaj gilt dentelles and edges. Bookplate of Dyson Perrins; armorial book- plate of William Mitchell. Purchased from Maggs, 20 Oct. 60. x523/SalWlW8 81*5 SACRO BOSCO, JOANNES DE, fl.1230. Sphaera mundi. Venice, Guilelmus Anima Mia, Tridinensis, ll* Jan.ll*91. cl*8a. woodcuts: illus., diagrs. (part col.), capitals. I* . 19.6cm. Leaf d* (t.p.): SPHAERA MVNDI. Contents.- Ioannis Sacro Busto Sphaericum opusculum.- Ioannis de Monte Regio Disputa- tiones contra Cremonensia deliramenta.- Geor- gii Purbachii Theoricae novae planetarum. HC li*lll**; BMC V lil2 (IA 23085); Pr 51135 Goff. Third census, J-iilO. Imperfect: leaf cla, containing title and the full-page illus., is in facsimile. In pencil inside front cover: S. S. Dunham 200 W. 86 St. Oct. 29, 191*1 (Gimbel) Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July U2. x523/SalUs/lU91 81*6 SACRO BOSCO, JOANNES DE, fl.1230. Sphaera mundi. Paris, Guy Marchant, for Jean Petit, Feb.ll*98. clOOai. woodcuts: 3 illus., borders, diagrs., publisher's device. 27cm. Leaf d*j (t.p.): Vberrimum sphere mundi comStfi intersertis etiX questionibus dni Petri de aliaco. The commentary is by Petrus Cirvellus. HCR 11*120-5363 5 BMC v m ft f 18 39702) (var.); Pr 8015; Goff. Third census, J-U18. In the first two chapters, the first cap- ital, initial-strokes, and paragraph-marks are added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 7 Nov. 68. x523/Sall*s/ll*98 81*7 SACRO BOSCO, JOANNES DE, fl.1230. Sphaera mundi. Venice, Simon Bevilaqua, 23 Oct. (X Kal. Nov.) U*99. cl50>4. woodcuts: diagrs., capitals. f. 27.8c. Leaf c1*d (t.p.): Sphera Mundi cfl tribus Commentis nuper edltis vz. Cicchi Esculani Francisci Capuani de Manfredonia Jacob! Fabri Stapulensis. Regiomontanus ' Disputationes contra Cremo- nensia deliramenta, which, according to the incipit on leaf c3 i should be included, is not found. "Theorice noue planetarum cGeorgii Purba- chiis cum commento cFrancisci Capuania" (leaves c87-l50a) has special t.p. printed on verso of last leaf. H ll*125 (var.); C H*125 (var.); BMC V 521* (IB 23997); Pr 5UU*5 Goff. Third census, J-l*19. Closely trimmed with some loss of text; leaf e6a torn and repaired. Purchased from Lier, 19 Dec. 28. x523/Salls/U*99 SACRO BUSTO, JOHANNES DE See SACRO BOSCO, JOANNES DE, fl.1230 SAINT-LAURENT, RICHARD DE See RICHARDUS A SANCTO LAURENTIO, fl. 1239-121*5 SALAZAR, FERNANDO DE, Editor See BENTIVOGLIO, ANTONIO GALEAZZO, fl.ll*80-ll*B3. Oratio ad Alexandrum VI nomine Bononiensium habita. cnot before Sept. lit 92 3 SALICETO, NICOLAUS DE See SALICETUS, NICOLA- US, 11*93 81*8 SALICETUS, NICOLAUS, 11*93. Antidotarius animae. Strassburg, Johann (Reinhard) Griininger, 1* Mar. (IV Non. Mar.) ll*9U. CXXX (i.e. CXXXVI), d,l., the last blank and wanting. 8. ll*cm. Leaf tl a > (t.p.): Liber meditationuj ae orationu3 deuotarum Qui Anthidotari anime dicitur Cfl tabula insertus. The first two lines of the title are print- ed in white on black ground. HC (+ Add) 11*161** cll*93; Goff. Third cen- sus, S-l*l. Capital-spaces, a few with guide-letters. Errors in foliation: nos.LXXXV-LXXXVIII and CVIII-CIX repeated. Imperfect: leaves XIV-XVIIJ wanting; some letters on t.p. rubbed; closely trimmed, with loss of foliation at top of some leaves. 153 SALICETUS , NICOLAUS - continued Purchased from Edwards, 23 Apr. 65. x2l*2/Sa3a/ll*9l SALIS, BAPTISTA DE See TROVAMALA, OIOVANNI BATTISTA,*96~ 81*9 SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, C. Opera. cVenice, Christophorus de Pensia, de Mandello, ca.ll*9U-l500. cll0><. woodcuts: 1 illus., 1 capital. f. 30.Ucn. Leaf cl*> (t.p. ): Hoc in uolumine haec continentur. Pomponii Epistola ad Augustinum Mapheum. C. Crispi Salustii bellura catilina- rium cum commento Laurentii uallensis. Por- tii Latronis Declamatio contra. L. Catilinam. C. Crispi Salustii bellum Iugurtinura cum com- mentariis preclarissimi fratris IoSnis chry- sostomi Soldi Brixiani. C. Crispi Salustii uariae rationes ex libris eiusdem hlstoria- rum exceptae C. Crispi Salustii uita. Romae per Pomponium emendata: Brixiaeqj per Ioan- nem Britannicura diligentissime reuisa. Text surrounded by commentary. Edited by Pomponius Laetus and Joannes Bri- tannicus . HC 11*229*; BMC V 1*71* (IB 23526a) j Goff. Third census, S-81. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Johannes Vahlen, 1913. xq87l/S/lU9li SAMMONTCUS, QUINTUS SERENUS See SERENUS SAM- MONICUS, QUINTUS SAMONICUS, QUINTUS SERENUS See SERENUS SAM- MONICUS, QUINTUS SAMUEL ISRAELITA See SAMUEL MAROCHITANUS , RABBI, 11th cent. 850 SAMUEL MAROCHITANUS, RABBI, 11th cent.' Epistola contra Judaeorum errores. cRome, Eucharius Silber, ca. 11*80* t22t., the first and last blank, the last wanting. 1*. 21cm. Purports to be a translation from Arabic by Alphonsus Bonihominis. "Epistola quam misit Pontius Pilatus Tybe- rio Imperatori Romano" : leaf c21 a R 722; Ooff. Third census, S-106. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bookplate : Bibliotheca Richteriana . Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. x296/Sal*9e/ll*80 851 SAMUEL MAROCHITANUS, RABBI, 11 th cent. Epistola contra Judaeorum errores. Col- ogne Heinrich Quentell 11*99 (i.e. 11*91?) 2l*>*. 1*. 19.6cm. Leaf el a = (t.p.): Rationes breues magni rabi Samuelis iudei nati. sed de iudaismo ad fidem catholicam conuersi. q"bus quiuis verus christicola. saltej modlce sapiens po- test iudeorum errores valide z aperte repro- bare ? cSdSnare. x eos tarn ex nostr c3 ex suis ppriis pphetis efficacissime conuincere. Purports to be a translation from Arabic by Alphonsus Bonihominis. According to Voullieme (in Zentralblatt fUr Blbliothekswesen, 36 (1919) p. 212) the date 11*99 is a misprint for li*91. HC 11*271*; BMC I 291 (IA 1*713); Pr 1361; Goff. Third census, S-lll*. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x296/Sal*9e/ll*91 852 SAMUEL MAROCHITANUS, RABBI, 11th cent. Epistola contra Judaeorum errores Bo- logna, Ugo Rugerius, 13 May U96. c28>. woodcut: printer's device. l*. 20cm. Purports to be a translation from Arabic by Alphonsus Bonihominis. HC U*269; BMC VI 809 (IA 29171*); Pr 6655; Goff. Third census, S-112. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x296/Salt9e/ll(96 SAMUEL MAROCHITANUS, RABBI, 11th cent. Ratio- nes breves See his Epistola contra Judae- orum errores. ll99 (i.e. 11*917) SAMUEL, OF FEZ See SAMUEL MAROCHITANUS, RAB- BI, 11th cent. SAMUEL, RABBI See SAMUEL MAROCHITANUS, RAB- BI, 11th cent. SANCHEZ, CIRUELO PEDRO See CIRUELO, PEDRO, 11*70 (ca.)-l560 SANCHEZ DE AREVALO, RODRIGO, BP., ll*0l*-ll*70. Speculum vitae humanae See BUTRIO, ANTONI- US DE, 1338-11*08, Supposed author. Specu- lum de confessione. eca.ll*80a SANCTA ELLA, RODERICUS DE See FERNANDEZ DE SANTAELLA, RODRIGO, d.l509 SANCTA MARIA, PAULUS DE See PAULUS DE SANCTA MARIA, BP., 1353(ca.)-H*35 SANCTO CHARO, HUGO DE See HUGO DE SA1CT0 CHA- RO, CARDINAL, d.1263 SANCTO GERMANO, THOMAS DE See THOMAS DE SANC- TO GERVASIO SANCTO GERVASIO, THOMAS DE See THOMAS DE SANCTO GERVASIO SANCTO LAUREHTIO, RICKARDUS A See RICHARDUS A SANCTO LAURENTIO, fl. 1239-121*5 SANTAELLA, RODRIGO FERNANDEZ DE See FERNAN- DEZ DE SANTAELLA, RODRIGO, d.l509 ia SANTRITTER, JOANNES LUCILIUS, fl .11*80-11*98. Canones in Tabulas Alphonsi See ALFONSO X, EL SABIO, KING OF CASTILE ANFlEON, 1221- 1281*. Tabulae astronomicae . 31 Oct. 11*92 SANTRITTER, JOANNES LUCILIUS, fl.ll*80-ll*98, Editor See EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAE- SAREA. Chronicon. Latin. 13 Sept. 11*83 See HYGINUS, MYTHOGRAPHER. Poeticon a- stronomicon. 22 Jan. 11*85 SARACENUS, BERNARDUS, fl.l500, Commentator See PLAUTUS, TITUS MACCIUS. Comoediae. 17 Sept. 11*99 SARAFYUN, YAHYA IBN See YUHANNA IBN SARABI- YUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. SARAPION, THE YOUNGER See SERAPION, JOHAN- NES, THE YOUNGER, 12th cent. SARAPION, YUHANNA IBN See YUHANNA IBN SARABI- YUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. SARTIUS, ALEXANDER See SARZIO, ALESSANDRO SARZIO, ALESSANDRO, Editor See POLIZIANO, ANGKLO, H*51*-H*9l*. Opera. July ll*98 853 SAVONAROLA, GIOVANNI MICHELE, 1381*7-11*61*7 De pulsibus, urinis, et egestionibus . Venice, Christophorus de Pensis, de Mandello, 10 Feb. 11*97. el*l*^. f . 29.1*cm. Leaf =1*. (t.p.): SAVONAROLA DE PVLSIBVS VRINIS: ET EGESTIONIBVS. HC ll*l*91; BMC V 1*70 (IB 23l9l); Pr 521*0; Goff. Third census, S-300. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. First 11 leaves repaired, with some loss of text on verso of t.p. Label: Henry Sotheran Ltd. Booksellers, 2 to 5 Sackville St. London. W 1. Purchased from Edwards, 15 Feb. 68. x6l2.H*/Sa95d/ll*97 851* SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO, 11*52-11*98. Compendium revelationum. Florence, Fran- cesco Bonaccorsi, 3 Oct. (V Non. Oct.) 11*95. c50.<. 1*. 28cm. Savonarola's Latin version of his original Italian work. HC 11*332; BMC VI 675 (I* 27627); Pr 6315 5 Ooff. Third census, S-177. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x852S26/OcLs 855 SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO, 11*52-11*98. Epistola alle suore'del Terzo Ordine di San Domenico. Florence, Bartolommeo di Libri, after 17 Oct. 11*97, cl*<. woodcut: capital. 1*. 21.2cm. HC 11*1*68; BMC VI 652 (IA 2731*9)} Pr 6220; Ooff. Third census, S-191*. Bookplate: Vollbehr Inkunabel-Sammlung. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x852S26/0e SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO, 11*52-11*98. Epistola della Communione See his Expos itio Orationis Dominicae. Ital- ian. cca.lli90= 856 SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO, 11*52-11*98. Expositio Orationis Dominicae. Italian. cFlorence, Bartolommeo di Libri, ca. 11*903 c2*W. woodcut: illus. 1*. 20.5cm. Leaf d*a (t.p.): La expositione del pa- ter noster Composta per frate Girolamo da f errara . "Epistola di frate Hieronymo a una deuota donna Bolcgnese sopra lacomunione" : leaves c23-2l* HCR 11*1*1*5; BMC VI 659 (IA 27555); Pr 6290; Ooff. Third census, S-199. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x226.9/Sa9eI/ll*90 857 SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO, 11*52-11*98. Expositio super Psalmo L: Miserere mei Deus. Italian. cFlorence, ca.l500? clliif., the last blank and wanting, wood- cut: capital. I* . 20.3cm. Leaf cl*, : EXPOSITIONE _ sopra el Psalmo L. Miserere mei Deus: quando era in prigi- one del mese di Maggio M.CCCC.LXXXXVIII. Tra- docta di latino in uulgare _ HR ll*l*28=HC U*l*29?; R 1386; C 5295; BMC VI 695 (IA 28128); Pr 6305 B. di Libri.; Ooff. Third census, S-216. Stamp: Florentinae Bibliothecae. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x223.2/Sa9eI/l500 SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO, 11*52-11*98. La expositione del Pater Noster See his Expositio Orationis Dominicae. Italian. cca. 11*90, SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO, 11*52-11*98. Expositione sopra el psalmo Verba mea See SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO, U*52 -11*98. Spurious and doubtful works. Esposizione sopra il sal- mo V: Verba mea. cafter 28 May ll*98> 858 SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO, 11*52-11*98. Spurious and doubtful works. Esposizione sopra il salmo V: Verba mea. cFlorence, after 28 May ll98, = 8,/. k. 20.5c. Leaf il j : Expositione sopra elpsalmo Verba mea. HCR 11*1*10; BMC VII 1209 cl6th cent.,; Pr 61*53; Ooff. Third census, S-203. Usually attributed to Savonarola by biblio- graphers, but from the contents it is appar- ent that the work was written after his death. 155 S AVONAROLA , OIROLAHO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO . Spurious and doubtful works - continued The Dominicans Siraone Cinozzi or Placido Ci- nozzi are mentioned as authors in contempor- ary sources, cf. Bibliofila 23 (1921) p. 163- 165, col.U, and 0. Martini. Cat. della 11- breria, pt.I, no. 133. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x223.2/Sa9exI/lU98 SAVONAROLA, HLEHONTMUS See SAVONAROLA, GIR0- LAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO, 11*52-11*98 SAVONAROLA, JOANNES MICHAEL See SAVONAROLA, GIOVANNI MICHELE , 1381*?-U*5lt7 SAVONAROLA, MICHAEL See SAVONAROLA, GIOVAN- NI MICHELE, 1381i?-iI5U? SAXONIA, ALBERTUS DE See ALBERTUS DE SAXONIA, 13l6(ca.)-1390 SAXONIA, JOHANNES DE See JOHANNES DE SAXO- NIA, fl. 1323-1355 SCANDIANO, MATTEO MARIA BOJARDO, CONTE DI See BOJARDO, MATTEO MARIA, CONTE DI SCAN- DIANO, 11*1*0 or l*l-H*9l SCHARFENBERG, ALBRECHT VON See ALBRECHT VON SCHARFENBERG, 13th cent. SCHEDEL, HARTMANN, ll*l*0-l5U* . Das Buch der Croniken und Geschichten See hli Liber cronicarum. German. 23 Dec. 11*93 859 SCHEDEL, HARTMANN, ll*l*0-l5ll. Liber cronicarum. Nuremberg, Anton Kober- ger, 12 July 11*93. c20>, CCXCIX, c9>l., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: illus., maps, ports. f. U3.3cn. Leaf c1*d (woodcut t.p.): REgistrum huius operis libri cronicarum cfl figuris et ymagl- bus ab inicio mfldi. Woodcuts by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. "De Sarmacle regione Europe": leaves c303 a - 308 B , Generally known as the Nuremberg chronicle. HC ll*508; BMC II U37 (IC 7U5D; Pr 2081*; Goff. Third census, S-307. Some capital-spaces; a few of the woodcuts are hand-colored. Imperfect: t.p. wanting; supplied by fac- simile made on old paper. Bound in black blind- and gilt-stamped morocco. Bookplate of Theo. L. De Vinne. (Museum) xf909/Sch2* 860 SCHEDEL, HARTMANN, U*l*0-l5ll* . Liber cronicarum. German. Nuremberg, An- ton Koberger, 23 Dec. 11*93. .10., CCLXXXVI, mimt., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: illus., maps, capitals. f. 1*3. 5cm. Leaf tl*i (woodcut title): Register des Buchs der Croniken vnd geschichten mit fi- gure 1 vnd pildnussen von anbegifl der welt bis auf dise vfisere Zeit. Illus. by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pley- denwurff. Translated from the Latin by Georg Alt. H 1U51C*; BMC II 1*37 (IC 71*58); Pr 2086; Goff. Third census, S-309. Title page mounted; bound in a leaf from a vellum manuscript service book. Gift of Mrs. Mary F. Kitchell, 1931 (cop. 2 (leaves VII, LVII-LVIII, LXIII-LXIIII, XC-XCI) in Museum) xf909/Sch2*G SCHEDEL, HARTMANN, 11*1*0-1511*. Nuremberg chronicle See his Liber cronicarum 861 SCHOTT, PETER, 11*587-11*90. Lucubratiunculae. Strassburg, Martin Schott, 2 Oct. (VI Non. Oct.) 11*98. .1, , CLXXXVII, >34., the last blank, woodcut: printer's device. 1*. 22.3cm. Leaf el > (t.p.): Petri Schotti Argen- tiH. Patricii: Iuris utriusqj Doctoris con- sultissimi: Oratoris & Poetae elegantissimi: graeceqj linguae probe aeruditi: Lucubraciun- culae ornatissimae. Edited by Jakob Wlmpheling. HC ( Add) 1U52U; BMC I 96 (IA 1211*) Pr 1*09; Goff. Third census, S-321. Stamp on t.p.: Bibl. Publ. Basilensis. Purchased from Rosenthal, 18 Feb. 69. x875/Sch67* SCHUSSENHIED, WERNER VON See WERNER VON SCHUSSENRIED SCOPTIUS, HENRICUS See SCOPTIUS, HIEROJff- MUS, BP. OF SOVANA 862 SCOPTIUS, HIERONYMUS, BP. OF SOVANA. Oratio in Festo Omnium Sanctorum. cRorae, Eucharius Silber, after 1 Nov. 11*89* tlO,*. U. 21.1*cm. HCR 11*51*1; BMC IV 110 (IA 18836); Pr 361$; Goff. Third census, S-337. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. x252/Sco67oAl*89 SCOTT, MICHAEL, 11757-123U? Supposed author. Mensa philosophica See MENSA PHILOSOPHICA SCOTTO, JEROME See SCOPTIUS, HIERONTMUS, BP. OF SOVANA 863 SCRIPTORES HISTORIAE AUGUSTAE. Scriptores historiae Augustae. Venice, Joannes Rubeus Vercellensis, 15 July 11*90. .172.*., leaf .66. blank, f . 32.6cm. Includes C. Suetonius Tranqu illus. Vitae XII Caesarum (leaves cl-66>) HC U*563; BMC V 1*17 (IB 23139); Pr 5127; Goff. Third census, S-3l*2. Capitals added in red and blue alternately; initial-strokes in red. 156 SCRIPTORES HISTORIAE AUOUSTAE - contlnued In pencil on fly-leaf: Henry Broadley Min. Coll. Cant. Bound with this ia Platina, Bartolomeo. Vitae pontificum. Nuremberg, 11 Aug. 11*81. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq872/Scr3/lU90 ~ Another copy. Bound with Diogenes Laertius. Vitae et sententiae philosophorum. Latin. Bologna, 30 Mar. 11*95. Capital-spaces . Imperfect: contains only C. Suetonius Tranquillus. Vitae XII Caesarum (leaves el- 66,) xq88l/D8.Lt/ll*95 SCUTARIO, EUSEBIO, 15th cent., Reviser See PLAUTUS, TITUS MACCIUS. Comoediae. 23 Nov. 11*95 SEBON, RAYMOND See RAYMUNDUS DE SABUNDE, 15th cent. SEBONDE, RAIMONDO DE See RAYMUNDUS DE SABUN- DE, 15th cent. 86U SEELENWURZGARTEN. Ulm, Conrad Dinckmut, 26 July (Samstag nach Jacobi) 11*83. 2l*2./. woodcuts: illus. f . 25.5cm. in folder 32. Ucm. Leaf tl i : Register. Hie volget nach ein lieplich vnd niitzliche materi. vnd wirt ge- nant der selen wurcxgart -. C 531*5; BMC II 533 (IB 9335); Pr 2561; Goff. Third census, S-361*. Univ. of HI. Museum has one leaf only, probably from the edition of 26 July 11*83, with the beginning of "cDer ander, Taijl. Das ander capittel. Sin Exempel" and with the woodcut (Purgatory) reproduced in Schramm, Albert. Der Bilderschmuck der FruTidrucke, v.6, 1923, Abb. 96. (Museum) q296/Se33/H*83 SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. De moribus See PUB- LILIUS SYRUS. Sententiae. 30 Dec.U*95 SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. De officiis See cMAR- TINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF BRAGA, d.580. Formula vitae honestae, sive De quattuor virtuti- bus cardinalibus. cl50-, 865 SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. De remediis fortultorum. cRome, Stephan Plannck, ca.ll*85 c6,/. 1*. 19.8cm. HCR 11*657; BMC IV 95 (IA 18755); Pr 3786; Goff. Third census, S-l*32. Purchased from Hertzberger, 30 Sept. 70. x87l/S2rAU85 866 SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Epistolae ad Lucillium. Italian. Venice, Sebastiano Manilio and Stefano and Bernardino di Nalli, U* Apr.ll*9l. c6,, 170*. f. 29.6cm. Leaf cl*, (t.p.)t PISTOLE DEL MORALISSIMO SENECA NVOVAMENTE FATTE VOLGARE. Translated by Sebastiano Manilio. HC 11*606; BMC V 51*5 (IB 21*368); Pr 1*887 cBernardinus Benalius for S. and B. di Nalli,; Goff. Third census, S-382. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Shapiro, 15 Jan. 71. xq87l/S2e.Iin 867 SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Opera philosophies. Epistolae. Treviso, Bernardus de Colonia, 11*78. c21kil., the first and last blank and want- ing. f. 36cm. HC ll*591; BMC VI 892 (IB 28396); Pr 61*81*; Goff. Third census, S-369. Capital-spaces . Stamp of the Society of Writers to the Sig- net on cover. Purchased from Traylen, 16 July 65. xq87l/S2AU78 868 SENEa, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Opera philosophica. Epistolae. Venice, Bernardinus de Choris, de Cremona, and Simon de Luere, 5 Oct. 11*90. c3, cxlvii, LXV, cl,/., the last blank. f. 30.9cm. Leaf clS (t.p.): SENECA MORALIS. Includes the Suasoriae (leaves cxi'-exvi* 5 ) and Controversiae (leaves cxvi b -cxlvii D ) of Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Rhetor. HC ll*59>; BMC V 1*61* (IB 231*25); Pr 5213; Goff. Third census, S-370. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bookplate of Aristide Ferrerio. Purchased from Olschki, 17 Oct. 58. xq87l/S2/ll*90 SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Proverbia See PUBLI- LIUS SYRUS. Sententiae. 30 Dec.ll*95" 869 SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Tragoediae. Venice, Joannes Tacuinus, de Tridino, 7 Apr. 11*98. el*, ll*6f. woodcuts: capitals, printer's device. f. 30.5cra. Leaf cl a > (t.p.): Tragoediae Senecae cum duobus commentariis : uidelicet Bernardini Marmitae & Danielis Galetani poe. cla. HC 11*670*; BMC V 533 (IB 21*083); Pr 51*52; Goff. Third census, S-U38. In the Univ. of HI. copy, the colophon is set up in two lines instead of three, as it is in the Brit. Mus. copy. Bookplate of Thomas Ashley Jun r . Purchased from Brown, 25 Nov. 1*8. xq87l/S2tAl*98 SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Spurious and doubtful works. De quattuor virtutibus cardinalibus, sive De formula honestae vitae See cMARTINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF BRAGA, d.580. Formula vitae honestae, sive De quattuor virtutibus cardi- nalibus. cl50-, 157 SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS, RHETOR. Suasoriae et Controversiae See SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Opera philosophica. Epistolae. 5 0ct.U*90 SENIS, BERNARDUS IE See OUERRI, BINDUS, d. 1390 SENIS, BINDUS See OUERRI, BINDUS, d.1390 SENIS, BYDO DE See OUERRI, BINDUS, d.1390 SENTINUS, JACOBUS, 15th cent., Editor See HYOINUS, MYTHOGRAPHER. Poeticon astronomi- con. 22 Jan. 11*85 SEPTIMUS, LUCIUS, l*th cent., Translator See DICTYS CRETENSIS. Historia Troiana. Latin. 1 Mar. 11*99 SERAPION, THE ELDER See YUHANNA IBN SARABI- YUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. SERAPION, THE YOUNGER See SERAPION, JOHAN- NES, THE Y0UN3ER, 12th cent. SBRAPION,_JOHANNES, THE ELDER See YUHANNA IBN SARABIYUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. SERAPION, JOHANNES, THE YOUNGER, 12th cent. Liber_aggregatus in_medicinis simpliclbus See YUHANNA IBN SARABIYUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. Breviarium medicinae. 16 Dec.ll*97 SERAPION, YUHANNA IBN See YUHANNA IBN SARA- BIYUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. SERENUS SAMMONICUS, QUINTUS. Liber raedicinalls See AVIENUS, RUFUS FESTUS. Opera. 25 Oct. HTB8 SERGIUS See SERVIUS, GRAMMARIAN,*00 870 SERMONES EXQUISITI SUPER EPISTOLAS PER ANNI CIRCULUM. Strassburg, Johann (Reinhard) GrUninger. 31 Mar. (pridie Kal. Apr.) U*89. .90. <. f . 28.2cm. Bound with Sermones quadragesimales the- sauri novi. Strassburg, ll*88. Leaf cl > (t.p.): Sermones exquisiti super epistolis per anni circuit!. Printed in black and red. Includes the text of the Epistles. C 51*02; BMC I 105 (IB 1395); Pr 1*53; Goff. Third census, S-l*72. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x252/Se61*8/U*88 871 SERMONES QUADRAGESIMALES THESAURI NOVI. Strassburg cMartln Flachj 11*88. dj6,l. f. 28.2cm. Leaf tl*i (t.p.): Sermones quadragesimales Thesauri noui. Often incorrectly ascribed to Petrus de Palude. C 51*3lS BMC I U*9 (IB 2127); Goff. Third census, P-501*. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlining added in red. Bound with this is Sermones exquisiti super Epistolas per anni circulum. Strassburg, 31 Mar. 11*89. Bookplate of Franklin H. Chase. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x252/Se61*8Al*88 872 SERMONES QUADRAGESIMALES THESAURI NOVI. Strassburg cMartin Flach* ll*9l*. .136.*. f. 28.7cm. Leaf cl (t.p.): Sermones quadragesima- les Thesauri noui. Often incorrectly ascribed to Petrus de Palude . C 5U36; Ooff. Third census, P-506. Capitals added in red. Bound in blind-stamped brown leather over wooden boards; clasps missing. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq252/Se61*8/ll*9U 873 SERMONES THESAURI NOVI DE SANCTIS. Basel c Johann Amerbachj 11*85. c276>.. the last blank, f . 30.8cm. Leaf el > (t.p.): SermOes Thesauri noui de santcis csic Signatures: a-f8 g 10 h . 8 ) 10 q . t 8 > -* y 8 , * A -B B , C-D 10 , F-L 8 , Ml. Often incorrectly ascribed to Petrus de Palude. CR 51*23; IGI 7160 eBerthold Ruppel,} Goff. Third census, P-511. Capitals, paragraph-marks, initial-strokes, and underlines added in red. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards . Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq252/Se61*9/H*85 871* SERMONES THESAURI NOVI DE SANCTIS. Strass- burg c Printer of the 11*81* Paludanus. 11*86. c296*<. f. 29.7cm. Leaf cl (t.p.): Sermones Thesauri noui de Sanctis. Often incorrectly ascribed to Petrus de Palude. C 51*21* cJ. Prttss?.; Goff. Third census, P- 512 c Printer of the 11*83 Vitas patrum, Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red. The leaves of gathering E are bound in in- correct sequence. In manuscript on t.p. : Iste liber attinet prl johanni harthlieb puisori; on leaf c2*i : MKrij Thierhauptoni. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq252/Se61*9/H*86 875 SERMONES THESAURI NOVI DE SANCTIS. Strass- burg, Martin Flach, 11*93. c256sl., leaves cl2> and e256 blank, the last wanting. 28.5cm. Leaf cl (t.p.): Sermones Thesauri noui de Sanctis. Often incorrectly ascribed to Petrus de Palude . 158 SggjOjgS THESAURI NOV I DE SANCTIS - contlnued C 51*28; Goff. Third census, P-516. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x252/Se61*9/H*93 876 SERVIUS, GRAMMARIAN,*00. Commentarii in Vergilii opera. cVenicea Christophorus Valdarfer, 11*71. dhS't., the first blank and wanting. f. 32.5cm. Edited by Baptista Quarinus and corrected by Ludovicus Carbo. HCR 11*705; BMC V 18U (IB 19761 or 19762); Pr 1*135; Goff. Third census, S-U79. Capital-spaces and spaces left for Greek. Superfluous blank leaves in quires era, eXa, and cEd have not been cut away. Imperfect: last leaf wanting; leaves Oll- 3l*l* damaged and repaired; negative photocop- ies of the last five leaves of the Brit. Kus. copy IB 19762 (with variant colophon begin- ning: In commune bonum) laid in. Stamped on spine: Biblioteca Raffaelliana. Purchased from Olschki, 10 May 6l. xq87lA9.Tse/lU71 SERVIUS, GRAMMARIAN,*00. De finalibus See DONATUS, AELIUS. Ars maior, pars 2 et 3. cafter 11*71* SERVIUS, GRAMMARIAN, In secundam Donati editionem interpretatio See DIOME- DES. Ars grammatica. cca. 11175=; also h June 11*91 SERVIUS, GRAMMARIAN,*00, Commentator See VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Opera. U*92; also 20 Feb. 11*97 SERVIUS MAURUS, HONORATUS See SERVIUS, GRAM- MARIAN, SERVIUS HONORATUS, MAURUS See SERVIUS, GRAM- MARIAN, o877 SFORTUNATO, L0D0VIC0, 15th cent. Rime. Venice, Andreas Calabrensis (Papi- ensis), 13 Dec. (Id. Dec.) 11*89. cl6^. 1*. 20cm. C 51*1*8=2563; BMC V 396 (IA 22697); Pr 1*978; Goff. Third census, S-i*87. Capital-space with guide-letter. Purchased from Stonehill, 6 Oct. 59. x852S52/Or SHERWOOD, JOHN See SHIRWOOD, JOHN, BP. OF DURHAM, a.lk9lT~ SHIRWOOD, JOHN, BP. OF DURHAM, d.ll*9l, Sup- posed author. De ludo arithmemachiae See JORDANUS NEMORARIUS, fl.1230. Arithmetica. 22 July 11*96 SHIRWOOD, JOHN, BP. OF DURHAM, d.ll*9l*, Sup- posed author. Rithmimachiae ludus See JORDANUS NEMORARIUS, fl.1230. Arithmetica. 22 July 11*96 SIDONIUS, APOLLINARIS See SIDONIUS, C. SOL- LIUS MODESTUS APOLLINARIS 878 SIDONIUS, C. S0LLIU3 MODESTUS APOLLINARIS. Epistolae et carmina. Milan, Uldericus Scinzenzeler, for Hieronymus de Asula and Johannes de Abbatibus, 1* May (IV Non. Mai.) 11*98. tlhhil. woodcuts: capitals. f. 30.7 cm. Leaf cl a > (t.p.)* Sidonii apollinaris po- ema Aureum eiusdemqj epistole. Edited, with commentary by Joannes Baptista Pius. HC 1287*; BMC VI 773 (IB 26778a); Pr 6038; Goff. Third census, S-l*9l*. Purchased about 1951. xq87l/S55/H98 SIGISMUND, EMPEROR OF GERMANY, 1368-11*37 See HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. SOVEREIGNS, ETC., 11*33- 11*37 (SIGISMUND) 879 SILIUS ITALICUS, TIBERIUS CATIUS. Punica. Venice, Bonetus Locatellus, for Octavianus Scotus, 18 May (XV Kal. Iun. ) 11*92. cl56<. woodcuts: capitals, publisher's device. f. 31.8cm. Leaf d a . (t.p.): Syllius Italicus. Cum commentariis Petri Marsii. HC ll*7l*0; BMC V 1*39 (IB 22868); Pr 503U; Goff. Third census, S-508. Purchased from L'Art Ancien, 26 Mov.l*5. xq87l/S6/ll*92 880 SILIUS ITALICUS, TIBERIUS CATIUS. Punica. Venice c Joannes Tacuinus, de Tri- dino> 20 Sept. (XII Kal. Oct.) 11*93. cl56a/. woodcuts: capitals, printer's de- vice, h . 30.5cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): SYLLIVS ITALICVS CVM CCMMENTARIIS PETRI MARSI. HCR 11*71*1; Pell MS 1053U; Pr 51*25; Goff. Third census, S-509. Imperfect: last leaf, with printer's de- vice, wanting. Purchased from Wilson, 6 Aug. 28. xq87l/S6/ll*93 SIMON, ALEZANDRINUS, Editor See BURLEY, WAL- TER, 1275-131*57 ExpositioTn artem veterem Porphyrii et Aristotelia. cca.U*76-78 3 SIMON DE CASSIA See SIMONE FIDATI, DA CASCIA, d.l3l*8 SIMON GENUENSIS^ d.1330, Translator See Yfl- HANNA I3N SARABIYUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. Breviarium medic inae. 16 Dec. 11*97 159 882 SIMONETTA, GIOVANNI, d. 08.11*91. Commentarii rerum gestarum Francisci Sfor- tlae. Milan, Antonius Zarotus, 23 Sept. (IX Kal. Oct.) U*86. .188,*. f. 31cm. HC 11*755*; BMC VI 719 (IB 26039); Pr 5821} Goff. Third census, S-533. Capitals supplied in red at beginning of each book except the last. Wormholes throughout the entire book, with some loss of text. Bound in 18th cent, half calf. Purchased from Shapiro, Aug. 72. xqB/F8l52s/ll*86 SUTUS IV, POPE, lUHi-UU8U See CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 11*71-11481* (SECTUS IV) 883 SOCCUS, CISTERCIAN. Sermones de Sanctis. cReutlingen, Mi- chel Greyff , not after ll*78 3 2U8.. f. 30cm. Often ascribed to Conradus de Brundelsheim. H U*829=lU830; BMC II 571* (IB 10619); GW 71*12; Pr 2683; Qoff. Third census, S-585. Capital-spaces; capitals added in red on leaves c2 a a and cl6 D > Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq252/Sol3s/ll*78 SOCRATES SCHOLASTICUS, ca.379-ca. 1*1*0 See CASSIODORUS, MAGNUS AURELIUS, ca.l*87-ca. 580. Historia ecclesiastica tripartita. 5 Feb. 11*72 SOLDI, GIOVANNI CRIS0ST0M0, 15th cent., Com- mentator See SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, C. Opera. ca.ll*9U-l500 a SOLINUS, C. JULIUS. De mirabilibus mundi See his Polyhistor, sive De mirabilibus mundi /" C. JULIUS. tor, sive De mirabilibus mundi. .o, i.xcolaus Jenson, 11*73. 1,1., leaves cl, 1*, 68> blank and want- 1*. 25.5cm. 11*877; BMC V 173 (IB 19670); Pr 1*089; . Third census, S-6l5. pital-spaces with guide-letters. morial bookplates of J. Eliot Hodgkin the Earl of Cromer, mnd in early 19th cent, maroon calf, ) gilt borders, gilt back and edges, irehased from Chiswick, 15 July 5U. x87l/S65AU73 INUS, C. JULIUS. olyhistor, sive De mirabilibus mundi. ice cGuilelmus Anima Mia, Tridinenslss Jan.U*93. 1*6.. 1*. 19.8c. ji case. /eaf cl (t.p.): SOLINVS DE MEMORALIBVS Lc, MVNDI. JC ll*88l; BMC V 1*12 (IA 23091*); Pr 5116; Goff. Third census, S-621 Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x87l/S65/li*93 886 SOLINUS, C. JULIUS. Polyhistor, sive De mirabilibus mundi. Venice cJoannes Rubeus Vercellensis. 10 Mar. 11*98. cl*6,. 1* . 21.1cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Solinus De Memoralibus csica Mundi. HC 11*885*; BMC V 1*20 (IA 23190); Pr 5H*6; Goff. Third census, S-622. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from L'Art Ancien, 26 Nov. 1*5. x871/S65Al*98 SOMMARIVA, GIORGIO, d. 11*97, Translator See JUVENALIS, DECIMUS JUNIUS. Satyrae. Ital- ian. 31 Aug. 11*80 887 SOMNIA DANIELI5. Somnia Daniel is. cMemmingen, Albrecht Kunne, ca. 11*90 3 c8*. I* . 19.9cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Danielis Somnioity. expo- sitoris veridici. H 5927*; GW 7912; Ooff. Third census, D-9. Armorial bookplate of Ian Malcolm. Purchased from Grant, 3 July 61. xl35/So55M90 SONCINAS, PAULUS See BARBO, PAULO, d.H*9l* SOZOMENUS, HERMIAS, 5th cent. See CASSIODO- RUS, MAGNUS AURELIUS, ca.l*87-ca.580. Hi- storia ecclesiastica tripartita, ca.5 Feb. LU72 888 SPAIN. SOVEREIGNS, ETC., 11*79-1501* (FERDI- NAND V AND ISABELLA I) Ferdinandus .ij. Rex. Hoc est trans lattt fideliter sumptQ. Barchinone. Tc. .Barcelo- na, Carles Ajnor6a? 15 #B61ia SOLIHBS, C. *, Bi b Ulbs ndi. *' * >.. .27. * jg^wd brown *U. Bound in f , ?.nroe. ?35 &TS . MDeC -"- X6U/S65AU 159 SIMON, JANUEN3IS See SIMON GENUENSIS, d.1330 SIMON OF GENOA See SIMON GENUENSIS, d.1330 SDXONE IK CORDO See SIMON GENUENSIS, d.1330 881 SIMONE FIDATI, I* CASCIA, d.l3U8. Expositio super totum corpus Evangeliorum. cStrassburg, Johann Pruss? ca.LU8U-87> c386,/., the first blank. f. UOcm. HC 1*557*; BMC I 120 (IC 1612); Pr 528; Goff. Third census, S-522. Possibly printed by Peter Drach, according to Brit. Mus. Cat. Capitals added in red or blue, initial- strokes and paragraph-marks in red. Bookplate: Bibliothek Oberherrlingen. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq226/Si56e SIMONETA, JOHANNES See SIMONETTA, GIOVANNI, 11*91 882 SIMONETTA, GIOVANNI, 11*91. Comraentarii rerum gestarum Francisci Sfor- tiae. Milan, Antonius Zarotus, 23 Sept. (IX Kal. Oct.) 11*86. el88,*. f. 31cm. HC 11*755*; BMC VI 719 (IB 26039)} Pr 5821; Goff. Third census, S-533. Capitals supplied in red at beginning of each book except the last. Wormholes throughout the entire book, with some loss of text. Bound in 18th cent, half calf. Purchased from Shapiro, Aug. 72. xqB/F8l52sAi*86 SIXTUS IV, POPE, ll*U*-ll*8l* See CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, ll*71-U*6i* (SIXTUS IV) 883 SOCCUS, CISTERCIAN. Sermones de Sanctis. cReutlingen, Mi- chel Greyff , not after 11*78:. .2l*8,. f. 30cm. Often ascribed to Conradus de Brundelsheim. H 1U829*=1U830; BMC II 571* (IB 10619); GW 71*12; Pr 2683; Ooff. Third census, S-585. Capital-spaces; capitals added in red on leaves c2 a a and cl6" Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq252/Sol3s/ll478 SOCRATES SCHOLASTICUS, ca.379-ca. 1*1*0 See CASSIODORUS, MAGNUS AURELIUS, ca.l*87-ca. 580. Historia ecclesiastica tripartita. 5 Feb.lli72 SOLDI, GIOVANNI CRIS0ST0M0, l5th cent., Com- mentator See SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, C. Opera. ca.LU9U-150O a SOLINUS, C. JULIUS. De mirabilibus mundi See his Polyhistor, sive De mirabilibus mundi 881* SOLINUS, C. JULIUS. Polyhistor, sive De mirabilibus mundi. Venice, Nicolaus Jenson, 11*73. c68,l,, leaves cl, 1*, 68> blank and want- ing. U. 25.5cm. HC 11*877; BMC V 173 (IB 19670); Pr 1*089; Goff. Third census, S-615. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Armorial bookplates of J. Eliot Hodgkin and the Earl of Cromer. Bound in early 19th cent, maroon calf, wide gilt borders, gilt back and edges. Purchased from Chiswick, 15 July 5U. x87l/S65Al*73 885 SOLINUS, C. JULIUS. Polyhistor, sive De mirabilibus mundi. Venice cGuilelmus Anima Mia, Tridinensis? 13 Jan.ll*93. .1*6>*. k . 19.8cm. In case. Leaf .lS (t.p.): SOLINVS DE MEMORALIBVS esic, MVNDI. HC ll*88l; BMC V 1*12 (IA 23091*); Pr 5116; Goff. Third census, S-621 Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July U2. x87l/S65/lli93 886 SOLINUS, C. JULIUS. Polyhistor, sive De mirabilibus mundi. Venice cJoannes Rubeus Vercellensis> 10 Mar. 11*98. ch6,l. 1*. 21.1cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Solinus De Memoralibus csic= Mundi. HC 11*885*; BMC V 1*20 (IA 23190); Pr 5H*6; Goff. Third census, S-622. Capital-spaces with guide -letters. Purchased from L'Art Ancien, 26 Nov.U5. x87l/S65AU98 SOMMARIVA, GIORGIO, d.LU97, Translator See JUVENALIS, DECIMUS JUNIUS. Satyrae. Ital- ian. 31 Aug.ll*80 887 SOMNIA DANIELIS. Somnia Danielis. Kunne, ca.lU90 3 cMemmingen, Albrecht -.8,1. 19.9cm. Leaf cl a i (t.p.): Danielis Somnioi^. expo- sitors veridici. H 5927*; OW 7912; Qoff. Third census, D-9. Armorial bookplate of Ian Malcolm. Purchased from Grant, 3 July 61. xl35/So55/H*90 SONCINAS, PAULUS See BARBO, PAULO, d.ll*9l* SOZOMEJJUS, HERMIAS, 5th cent. See CASSIODO- RUS, MAGNUS AURELIUS, ca.l*87-ca.580. Hi- storia ecclesiastica tripartita, ca.5 Feb. LU72 888 SPAIN. SOVEREIGNS, ETC., ll*79-l50U (FKRDI- NAND V AND ISABELLA I) Ferdinandus .ij. Rex. Hoc est trans latfl fideliter sumptS. Barchinone. Zc. * Barcelo- na, Carles Amoros? l5-- 160 SPAIN . SOVEREIGNS, ETC., Il*79-l50l ( FERDINAND V AND ISABELLA I)- contlnued cli.p. 29cm. Caption title: _ CScordia de la Reyna dona Elianor ab lo cardenal de CSmSge. A copy issued for Barcelona, of a Tortosa decree dated, Almanaa 23 April 11*96, dealing with relations of church and state in Catalo- nia. Printing assigned by Goff (Third census, F-72) and others to Johann Rosembach, after 23 April U*96, but according to Palau y Dul- cet. Manual del librero hispano-americano, 2d ed. , no. 58918, probably printed by Amoros at the beginning of the l6th cent. Purchased from Shapiro, 17 July 72. xq9l6.7/Spl5fA5~ 889 SPECULUM CHRISTIANS Speculum Christian!. London, William de Machlinia, for Henry Frankenberg eca. 11*86: cll8>4., the first and last (both blank) wanting, 1* . 22cm. In Latin, with English verse and prose in- terspersed. Sometimes attributed to John Watton. HC 11*911*; Pr 9777; Goff. Third census, W-9. Each leaf trimmed and mounted; two lines of text lost and restored in pen and ink fac- simile on leaf c5l > Bound in black morocco, gilt borders and edges; in black morocco slipcase. Bookplate of Lutton Library. Purchased from Stonehill, 21* May 58. x2l*8/Sp3l/U*86 690 SPECULUM CHRISTIAN!. Speculum Christian!, c Paris, Pierre Le Dm, ca. 11*95-1500* lviii l k 8. 13.9cm. Leaf cl (t.p. ) : Speculum xp'ianortf: multa bona continens. Primo De preceptis dei. De .vii. viciis capitalibus. De .vii. virtutibus his contrariis. De octo tabulis: cfl quibusdS orCibus deuotissimis. De modo se preparSdi ad sacrarae'tum eucharistie. De effectu sacra- menti. De antichristo. Expositio orSis dRice: cum quodam bono notabili. De Ramis .vii. vi- ciorum capitaliU: T eoixj. remediis. De conten- tu mundi: cfl aliis notabilibus. Sometimes attributed to John Watton. C 5571*5 Pell MS 10.638; Ooff. Third census, W-10. Purchased from King, 5 July 51. x2l*8/S P 3l/U*9- 891 SPECULUM EXEMPLCRUM. Deventer, Richardus Pafraet, 2 May 11*81. e50l*i*., the first blank and wanting. f. 29.Ucm. Sometimes ascribed to Aegidius Aurifaber; probably by Johannes Busch. HC 11*915; BMC EC 1*3 (IB 1*7508); Pr 891*8; Goff. Third census, S-651. Capital-spaces . Autographs of Daniel, George, and Thomas Smythson, with dates, l60l* and 1610. Purchased from Kraus, 12 Mar. 1*5. xq25l/Sp3l/ll*Sl 892 SPECULUM SAPIENT IAE. Speculum sapientiae. Basel, Michael Wens 3- ler, ca. 11*75 > e6l,<. f. 27.8cm. Attributed in this ed. (as in all MSS and early printed books) to a Cyrillus episcopus, variously identified with Saint Cyrillus, Bp. of Jerusalem, Saint Cyrillus of Thessalonica or Cyrillus de Quidenon. Cf. J. G. T. Gra*sse. Die beiden altesten latein. Fabeldich. d. Mit- telalters. 1880, p. 285-290; Gesamtkat. d. Wiegendr., v.7, col. 232. H 5903*; BMC III 721 (IB 37057); OW 7890; Pr 71*68; Goff. Third census, C-1017. Capital-spaces . Bound in 2 vellum leaves from a Breviary (possibly the Breviarium Pragense printed by Georg Stuchs, 1502) Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x875/Sp3l/H75 SPEUSIPPUS. De Platonis definitionibus See JAMBLICHUS, OF CHALCIS. De mysteriis Ae- gyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. Latin. Sept. 11*97 893 SPIERA, AMBROGIO, d. 11*51*. Quadragesimale de floribus sapientiae. Venice, Antonius de Stanchis (de Valentia), Jacobus Britannicus et Socii, 21* Mar.ll*8l. e3l*l*3*., leaf c13j blank and wanting. f. 30cm. Edited by Marcus Venetus. HC (+ Add) 920*; C 1*08; BMC V 311* (IB 21801*); Pr 1*71*9; Goff. Third census, S-679. The Incipit (leaf cll* a = ) is printed in black instead of red. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Salloch, 29 Sept. 65. xq230/Spl*l*qAl*8l SPIRA, AMBROSIUS DE See SPIERA, AMBROGIO, d. 11*51* SPRENGER, JAKOB, 11*36 or 8-11*95. Malleus ma- leficarum See INSTITORIS, HENRICUS, 11*30 (ca.)-1505. Malleus maleflcarum. 17 Jan. 11*96 SQUARCIAFICO, GIROIAMO, fl. 11*81*, Editor See JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS. Opera. Latin. 23 Oct.U*86 SQUARZAFICUS, HIERONYMUS See SQUARCIAFICO, GIROLAMO, fl. 11*81* STEIN, JOHANN VON See HEYNLIN, JOHANN, ll*25?- 11*96 89I* STELLA CLERICORUM. .Cologne, Heinrich Quen- tell, ca. 11*89= clO,/. 1*. 19.5cm. Leaf .l a = (t.p.): Stella clericon/. cuill- bet clerico summe necessaria. 161 STELLA CLERICORUM - contlnued HC 15063*; Pr 1398; Ooff. Third census, S- 770. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x262.l/St39AU89 895 STELLA CLERICORUM. Deventer, Jacobus de Breda, 1U Apr.ll*91. .11*./., the last blank and wanting. 1*. 19.3cm. Leaf .l a . (t.p. ) Stella Clericorum. C 5658; Goff. Third census, S-773. Capital-spaces, one with guide-letter. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x262 .1/St39/H91 896 STELLA CLERICORUM. .Cologne, Heinrich Quen- tell, after 16 May 11*91*:, .12. /. woodcut: illus. 1*. 20cm. Leaf .1 . (t.p.): STella clericorum acti- ones recte vite vtilissimis sentStijs illu- minans. H 15071**; Pr 11*35; Ooff. Third census, S- 777. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x262.l/St39/ll*9U STEPHANUS GERARDDS, REGIOMONTANUS See GERAR- DUS, STEPHANUS, 15th cent. STRABO. De situ orbis. Latin See his Geogra- phia. Latin. 21* Apr.ll*9l* 897 STRABO. Oeographia. Latin. .Trevisoj Joannes (Ru- beus) Vercellensis, 26 Aug. (VII Kal. Sept.) 11*80. .320.1., the first and last blank, the last wanting. f. 31.2cm. First 10 books translated by Guarinus Vero- nensis, the remainder by Gregorius Tiphernas; edited by Joannes Andreae, Bp. of Aleria. HC 15089*; BMC VI 896 (IB 281*22); Pr 61*93; Goff. Third census, S-796. Capital-spaces, a few with guide-letters. Quire f repeated. Purchased from Shapiro, 1 Feb. 70. xq88l/S7.Lg/ll*80 898 STRABO. Geographia. Latin. .Venice. Joannes (Ru- beus) Vercellensis, 21* Apr.ll*9l*. .16. , cl /. woodcut: capital, f . 32.1 cm. Leaf .1*. (t.p.): STRABO DE SITV ORBIS. First 10 books translated by Guarinus Vero- nensis, the remainder by Oregorius Tiphernas; edited by Antonius Mancinellus. HC 15090* ; BMC V 1*18 (IB 23162); Pr 5135; Goff. Third census, S-797. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq88l/S7.Lg/ll*9U STRABO, WALAFRIDUS See WALAHFRID STRABO, 8077-81*9 899 SUETONIUS TRANQU ILLUS, C. De grammatlcis et rhetoribus. Florence, Apud Sanctum Jacobum de Ripoli, 11*78. .11*.*. 1*. 20.9cm. C 5672; BMC VI 622 (IA 2705D; Pr 6101*; Goff. Third census, S-8ll*. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x87l/S8v/H*78 900 SUETONIUS TRANQU ILLUS, C. Vitae XII Caesarum. .Venice, Printer of the 11*80 Valla. 11*80. .110./., the first blank, f . 29.2cm. HC 15119*; BMC VII 1137 (IB 21286a) & VI 1; Pr 61*91* .Treviso, Johannes Rubeus.; Goff. Third census, S-820. Capital-spaces with guide -letters. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq871/S8/ll*80 SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, C. Vitae XII Caesa- rum See SCRIPTORES HISTORIAE AUGUSTAE. Scriptores historiae Augustae. 15 July 11*90 901 SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, C. Vitae XII Caesarum. Milan, Uldericus Scin- zenzeler, 19 Nov. 11*91. .2., iii-cxxxrii, .1./., the first and last blank, woodcuts: capitals, printer's device. f. 29.9cm. Text surrounded by commentary of Antonius Sabellicus . HC 15123; BMC VI 766 (IB 26736); Pr 6021; Goff. Third census, S-823. Bookplate and autograph of George Sarton, with date: Firenze 8 Nov. 1919. Purchased from Salloch, 7 Oct. 57. xq87l/S8c.s/H*91 902 SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, C. Vitae XII Caesarum. Bologna, Benedlctus Hectoris, 5 Apr. (Non. Apr.) 11*93. .6., 326, .2./., the last two wanting, the last blank, woodcut: printer's device. f. 30cm. Leaf .1 . (t.p.): COMMENTATIONES CONDITAE A PHILIPPO BEROALDO IN SVETONIVM TRANQuILLVM DEDICATAE INCLITO ANNIBALI BENTIVOLO. Text surrounded by commentary of Philippus Beroaldus . HC 15126*; BMC VI 81*0 (IB 2901*5); Pr 6623; Goff. Third census, S-825. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Manuscript index (.11./.) inserted before t.p. In manuscript on t.p. : Carmelo Leontino ac- cessit ag752"; on fly-leaf: H. C. Hoskier. Purchased from Pearson, 16 May 55. xq87l/ SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, C. Spurious and doubtful works. De viris illustribus See DE VIRIS ILLUSTRIBUS URBIS ROMAE 162 903 SUIDAS. Lexicon Graecum. Milan, Joannes Bissolus and Benedictus Mangius, for Demetrius Chal- condylas, 15 Nov. 11*99. c5l6il. woodcut: printer's device. f. 35.9cm. Edited by Demetrius Chalcondylas. HC 15135*5 BMC VI 792 (IC 26913)} Pr 6077 J Goff. Third census, S-829. Capital-spaces, a few with guide-letters. Copy in which the four misprints on leaf c5l6 a have been corrected. Purchased from Oimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq88l/S8/ll*99 o90U SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15th cent. De arte grammatica, sive De octo partibus orationis. cBasel, Johann Amerbach, ca. 11*80, c86^. 1*. 22.2cm. Bound with Perotti, Niccolo, Abp. of Si- ponto. Rudimenta grammatices. Venice, 8 Sept.ll*80. "De versuum scansione": leaves c55-86a H 1511*2*5 Goff. Third census, S-833. Capital-spaces . Signature on leaf cl a , : Ellenbog (i.e. Nic- olaus Ellenbog, ll*8l -151*3) xl*75/H*2r/U*80 0905 SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15th cent. De arte grammatica, sive De octo partibus orationis. Paris, ll*85?> c78^. U. 20.8cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Grammatica Sulpicii. Pell MS 10.8275 Goff. Third census, S-835. Printer unknown; some of the capitals are identical with those used by Pierre Le Rouge. Capitals and some paragraph-marks added in red or blue. Purchased from L'Art Ancien, 26 Nov.U5. xl*75/Su5g/H*85 0906 SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15th cent. De arte grammatica, sive De octo partibus orationis. cStrassburg, Johann (Reinhard) GrHninger 3 11*86. XCV (i.e. XCVI)e. l*. 21.8cm. Leaf d a (t.p.): Gr&matica Sulpicij ve- rulani cH Vocabulario suo. H 15151*; Goff. Third census, S-835*. Errors in foliation: leaves V and IX numb- ered IX and XI respectively; VIII repeated. Capital-spaces, most with guide -letters. Bound with this is Perotti, Niccolo. Rudi- menta grammatices. cStrassburgs 11*86. Bound in wooden boards with wide blind- stamped pigskin backstrip; remnants of clasp. Purchased from Shapiro, 1 Feb. 66. xli75/Su5gM86 907 SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15th cent. De arte grammatica, sive De octo partibus orationis. Venice, Christophorus de Pensis, de Mandello, 1* Apr. 11*89. c86it., the last blank and wanting. 1* . 21.9cm. Includes Donatus. De figuris opusculum (leaves c5l a -55 a =) HC 151535 Goff. Third census, S-836. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xl*75/Su5g/H*89 908 SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15th cent. De arte grammatica, sive De octo partibus orationis. cVenice, Philippus Pincius? ca. 11*95 c6l*a<. woodcuts: capitals, 1 illus. 1* . 21.9cm. Leaf cl a j (woodblock t.p. ) : *Regulae Sulpitlj . R 71*5 eJoannes Tacuinus, de Tridino>; San- der 7113 cChrist. de Pensisj; Goff. Third census, S-81*2. The woodcut illus. and the first capital have been colored by hand. Imperfect: lower half of leaf clj and lower margin of leaf c2a cut away and repaired, with loss of the last three lines on the ver- so of leaf els Bound with this is the author's De versuum scansione. cVenice, ca. 11*95 = Purchased from Olschki, 10 May 61. xl*75/Su5gAl*95 909 SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15th cent. De moribus puerorum carmen juvenile. cDe- venter, Jacobus de Breda, ca.l500j c6af. woodcut: printer's device. 1*. 19cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Ioannes Sulpicii veru- lani de moribus puerorum. Carmen Iuuenile. C 5681; Goff. Third census, S-852. Imperfect: lacks t.p., with printer's de- vice. Purchased from Holliday, 30 Dec. 35. x875.l/Su5d SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15th cent. De octo partibus orationis See his De arte grammatica, sive De octo partibus oratio- nis SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15th cent. De quantitate syllabarum See DIONYSIUS NESTOR. Vocabularius . 26 June 11*88; also 11*96 SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15th cent. De versuum scansione See his De arte grammati- ca. cca.ll*80> 910 SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15th cent. De versuum scansione. cVenice, Philippus Pincius?*95 32./. woodcuts: capitals. 1* . 21.9cm. Bound with the author's De arte grammatica, sive De octo partibus orationis. cVenice,*95> h Leaf c32 . (t.p.): Scansione Sulpitij. R 71*8 c Joannes Tacuinus, de Tridino; Goff. Third census, S-858. Some capital-spaces. xl*75/Su5g/ll*95 163 SULPITIUS , JOANNES VERULANUS - contlnued Another copy. Bound with Perotti, Niccolo, Abp. of Si- ponto. Rudimenta grammatices. Venice, 1* Nov. 11*95. xl*75/Pl*2r/lU95 SUXPITIU5, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15th cent. Grammatica See his De arte grammatica SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15th cent., Commentator See LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS. Pharsalia. 31 Jan. 11*93/91*; aleo 20 Oct. 11*98 See QUINTILIANUS, MARCUS FABIUS. Insti- tutiones oratoriae. 18 Aug.ll*9l* SULPITIUS VERULANUS, JOHANNES See SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15 th cent. SULPIZIO, GIOVANNI, DA VEROLI See SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS, 15 th cent. 911 SUMMA RUDIUM. Reutlingen, Johann Otmar, 11*87. c72j<., leaves c9* and c72d blank. f. 28.6cm. Leaf d a 3 (t.p.): Suma Rudium. HC 151715 BMC II 586 (IB 10712); Pr 2711; Ooff. Third census, S-861. The beginning of the 2d line of the colo- phon has caimpressa, as in the Brit. Mus. copy. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and some initial- strokes and underlines added in red. Imperfect: lacks t.p. and last leaf. Bound in original wooden boards, with wide pigskin backstrip; clasp repaired; the front lining-paper is a leaf from Johannes von Werden. Sermones dominicales. Augsburg, Her- mann Ka'stlin, 11*85 (Ooff. Third census, J-U56) Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq282/Su63 SUMMARIPA, GEORGIUS See SOMMARIVA, GIORGIO, d. 11*97 912 SUMMENHART, KONRAD, d.1502. Tractatulus super decern defectibus virorum monastic orum. cTUbingen, Johann Otmar, not before 11*98:. c20,l. 1*. 20.2cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Tractatulus exhortato- rius ad attendendd sup decS defectib'* viroiu. monasticonf-: n Magistrfl Conradum Summenhart de Calw: sacre theologie pfessorem: Anno dBi .M.cccc.xcij. in studio Tuwingensi: ad cuius- d3 abbatis petition? editus . 1 ad monasterifl hirsaugiense : tpe nuintialls capituli: qd' Ibidem eodem anno instabat celebrandfl: vtp lector6 mense jjnuntiare? : pdicti patris man- dato destinatus. HC 15180*; BMC III 701 (IA 11*810); Pr 3229; Goff. Third census, S-866. Capitals added in black ink. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x27l/Su63t 913 SUSO, HEINRICH, 13007-1366 Horologium aeternae sapientiae. Venice, Petrus de Quarengiis, 21* Jan. 11*92/93. c61*,<. 1*. 22cm. Leaf cl", (t.p.): H0R0L0GIVM SAPIENTIE. Includes the author's Offlcium aeternae sa- pientiae and Centum meditationes, and a pray- er beginning: Sacerdos dei sanctissime, by Jordanus de Saxonia, printed in red and black (leaves 57 a -61* a ,) CR 3170; BMC V 510 (IA 21*11*8); Pr 51*71* ; Goff. Third census, S-875. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bookplate of the Monastery at Palling, Ba- varia; the Vollbehr copy. Purchased from Salloch, 29 Sept. 65. x831S96/0hL/ll*92 SUSONE, ERRICO See SUSO, HEINRICH, 13007- 1366 SUSONNE, HENRY See SUSO, HEINRICH, 13007- 1366 SYMON, ALEXANDRINUS See SIMON, ALEXANDRINUS SYMON DE CASSIA See SIMONE FIDATI, DA CASCIA, d. 131*8 SYNESIUS, CYRENAEUS. De somniis See JAMBLI- CHUS, OF CHALCIS. De mysteriis Aegyptio- rum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum. Latin. Sept. 11*97 SYNTHEN, JOHANNES, d.l533, Commentator See JOANNES DE GARLANDIA, ca. 1195-1272. Verba deponentalia. ll*86-90.; also cafter 1500. TABERIO, GIOVANNI, Editor See LUCANUS, MAR- CUS ANNAEUS. Pharsalia. 2 May 11*86 911* TABULA CHRISTIANAE RELIGIONIS. cRome, Kucharius Silber? ca.U*95> cl6j/., the last blank, woodcut: capital. 8. U*cm. Bound with Coniuratio malignorum spirituum. cRome, ca.l5CO Leaf el*3 : Tabula Chriatiane religiSis val- de vtilis 1 necessaria cuilibet xfiiano qui omnes scire tenentur. R 3U0; IGI, v.5, p. 131 .Marcello Silber, not before I5l0>; Ooff. Third census, T-3. xl33.1*/C76l/l500 TACITUS, CORNELIUS. Oermania See DIORDORUS SICULUS. Bibliothecae historicae libri VI. Latin. 11*72; also 25 Nov.U*8l 16U 915 TACITUS, CORNELIUS. Opera. cVenice* Vindelinus de Spira eca. 11*73= cl78*., leaves .1, 162, 178* blank and wanting. f. 28.8cm., Inbox 31.1*cm. HC 15218*; BMC V 165 (IB 19593); Pr 1*061; Goff. Third census, T-6. Capital-spaces with guide -letters; first capital added in gilt on red ground; wide border around first page of text, with dark blue ground ornamented with cupld, animals, floral scrolls, masks, etc. Armorial bookplate of Mark Masterman Sykes; in pencil on fly-leaf: Sykes Lib 182U. Purchased from Stonehill, 2 Feb. 1*9. xq871/T/ll*73 916 TACITUS, CORNELIUS. Opera. Venice, Philippus Pincius, for Benedictus Fontana, 22 Mar. 11*97. cllUal. woodcut: publisher's device. f. 31.6cm. Leaf l a , (t.p.): Cornelij Taciti Histo- riae Augustae. Edited by Franciscus Puteolanus. HC 15222*; BMC V 1*97 (IB 2367ii); Pr 5315; Goff. Third census, T-8. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Shapiro, 1 Feb. 70. xq87l/T/ll*97 TAMBACO, JOHANNES DE See JOHANNES DE TAMBA- CO, 1288-1372 TARANTA, VALESCUS DE, b.1382. De epidemia et peste See ABA NO, PIETRO D', 1250-1315. De venenis. 18 Dec.ll*87 TARENTA, VALASTUS DE See TARANTA, VALESCUS DE, b.1382 TARTAGNI, ALESSANDRO, ll*2l*-U*77 See BALDO DE- GLI UBALDI, 13277-HiOO. Super I-DC Codicis. 3 June-5 Sept. 11*96 TARTAGNUS, ALEXANDER See TARTAGNI, ALESSAN- DRO, ll*2i*-ll*77 917 TARTARETUS, PETRUS, fl. 11*90. Expositio super textu logices Aristotelis. cLyonsj Nicolaus Wolf, 10 Dec. 1500. 2v. woodcuts: diagrs. l*. 2l*.l*cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Expositio magistri Petri tatareti super textu logices Aristotelis. Vol.1: =1,, CXXVII (i.e. CXXVI), c},l.; v. 2: cl=, CXLVI, c3>*. Commentary on Porphyrius. Liber primus predicabilium: v.l, leaves VII a -XLII a . HC 153U2=153U5 (incl. HC 15339*); BMC VIII 331 (IB 1*2199, 1*2200); Pr 8680, 8682; Goff. Third census, T-l*2. Capital-spaces, many with guide-letters. Error in foliation: LXXI omitted in number- ing of v.l. Imperfect: v. 2 (Expositio totius philoso- phiae necnon metaphysicae Aristotelis) want- ing. #Tardif, Guillauae, ed. See Solinus. C. Julius. Polyhistor. ePariS| about lU75> In manuscript on last verso: Ex libris Do- minic! Venetian! Genuensis anno 1592 IIII Calendas Julias. Romae. Purchased from Rubinstein, 5 July 61*. x88l/A8o.Yta/l500 TEDESCHI, NICCOLO See NICCOLO* DE'TUDESCHI, ABP., 1386-11*1*5 918 TEGLIATIUS, STEPHANUS, ABP. Oratio coram Innocentio VIII pro die Pente- costes habita. cRome, Stephan Plannck, after 3 June 11*87 > c6/. ji . 20.5cm. Leaf il i Sthephani Tegliatij Veneti Archi- episcopi Patracensis et EJSi Torcellani. Coram Innocent .viii. Pont. Max. in ede diui Petri Pro die Penthecostes Oratio habita. H 151*56*; BMC IV 87 (IA 181*50); Pr 3676; Goff. Third census, T-123. Capital-space. Purchased from Stonehill, 25 Jan. 65. x231.3/T23o TERAMO, JACOPO PALLADINO See PALLADINUS, JA- COBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPOLKTO, 131*9- 11*17 TERASSE, PETRUS See TERRASSA, PEDRO, d.l5ll 919 TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Comoediae. Treviso, Hermannus Liechten- stein (Levilapis), 18 Sept. (XIV Kal. Oct.) 11*77. c180j<., the first and last (both wanting) and the 92d blank. f. 30.2cm. Text surrounded by commentaries by Aelius Donatus and Johannes Calphurnius. HC 151*08*; Pr 61*81; Goff. Third census, T-75. Capitals added in red or blue; one in red and blue, and one large one with grotesque faces; paragraph -marks in red. Bound in wooden boards with blind-stamped pigskin back; remnants of two clasps. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq87l/T3/ll*77 920 TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Comoediae. Venice, Bernardinus de Choris, de Cremona, and Simon de Luere, 29 Nov. 11*91. cl30a., the last blank and wanting. f. 30.1* cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): TERENTIVS CVM DONATO. Text surrounded by commentaries of Aelius Donatus and Johannes Calphurnius. HC 151*18; BMC V 1*66 (IB 2&3U); Pr 5217; Goff. Third census, T-88. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Armorial bookplate of John Hannah. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq87l/T3/ll*91 921 TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Comoediae. Strassburg, Johann (Reinhard) Gru'ninger, 1 Nov. (Kal. Nov.) U*96. 165 TERENTIUS A PER , PUBLIUS - contlnued 6,, CLXXVI (i.e. CLXXIII), 1.*., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: lllus., capital. f. 29.Ucm. Leaf cl a * (t.p.): Terenti 9 ctl Directorio Vocabulorfl Sententiarfl artis Cornice Glosa Iter- lineali ComStarijs Dona to Gvidone Ascenslo. Most of the illus. are composed of small blocks used in different combinations; these combinations differ slightly in the various copies of this edition. HC 151*31*; BMC I 110(IB 11*37) (variation); Pr 1*73; Goff. Third census, T-9l*. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Bound by Chatelin in brown blind- and gilt-stamped levant morocco. Purchased from Weil, 21* Mar. 1*8. xq87l/T3/lU96 o922 TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Comoediae. Lyons, Jean Pivard, 7 Mar. 11*98. c2l6i<., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: capitals. It . 23cm. Leaf el i (t.p.): Guidonis Juuenalis nati- one Cenomani in Terentium familiarissima in- terpretatio. cum additionibus. Edited by Jodocus Badius Ascensius. C 571*9; Pell MS 11.023; Goff. Third cen- sus, T-99. Imperfect: leaves c209, 215, and 216. want- ing. Purchased from Blackwell, 27 Apr. 35. x87l/T3/ll*98 923 TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Comoediae. Strassburg, Johann (Reinhard) GrUninger, 11 Feb. (Ill Id. Feb.) 11*99. .6,, CLXXXI (i.e. CLXXII)*. woodcuts: illus. f. 29.9cm. Leaf el a = (t.p.): Terenti 9 cd Directorio Vocabulorfl Sententiarfl artis Cornice Glosa Iterlineali Come'tarijs Donato Guidone Ascen- sio. Edited by Joannes Curtus. HC 15U32*; BMC I 113 (IB 11*80); Pr 1*88; Goff. Third census, T-101. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Many errors in foliation. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq87l/T3/U*99 o92U TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Comoediae. Venice, Albertinus Vercellen- sis, 1 Dec. 1500. cxix, tlil., the last blank, woodcuts: illus., capitals. f. 32cm. Leaf l a (t.p.): Terentius Cum Duobus Comment is. Text surrounded by commentary of Aelius Donatus and Joannes Calphurnlus. H 15U21; Ooff. Third census, T-105. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Bound with this is Valla, Lorenzo. Elegan- tiae linguae Latinae. Venice, 1 Oct. 1500. Purchased from Stonehill, 12 Sept. 1*1*. xq87l/T3/l500 0925 TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS. Vulgar ia Terentii. Dutch and Latin. De- venter cRichardus Pafraeti 3 Sept.li95. c18j/. woodcut: illus. l*. 18. 6cm. Leaf l*i (t.p.): Vulgaria TherStii I theutonicam llguam traducta. Latin text with interlinear translation in Dutch. CR 5762; Goff. Third census, T-110. Bound in a leaf from an old vellum manu- script antiphonary. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x87l/T3.X/ll*95 926 TERRASSA, PEDRO, d.l5U. Oratio de divina providentia. cRome, Stephan Plannck, after 9 Mar. 11*83= <6l., the last blank and wanting. 1*. 19cm. HC 1536S*; BMC IV 82 (U 18337); Pr 3636; Goff. Third census, T-62. Capital-space. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x875.5/T27o THANHAUSER, PETRUS See DANNHAUSER, PETRUS THARANTA, VALESCUS DE See TARANTA, VALESCUS DE, b.1382 THEGLIATIUS, STEPHANUS See TEGLIATIUS, STE- PHANUS, ABP. THEOBALDUS ANGUILBERTUS HYBERNENSIS See ANGUILBERTUS, THEOBALDUS, fl.l500 THEOBALDUS DE SAXONIA See THEOBALDUS, SUB- PRIOR 927 THEOBALDUS, EPISCOPUS. Physiologus de naturis duodecim animalium. cCologne, Heinrich Quentell, ca. 11*95* cll*/. 1*. 20.3cm. Leaf cl* 3 (t.p.): Phisiologus Theobaldi episcopi de naturis duodecim animalium. Includes an anonymous commentary. HC 151*68; BMC I 295 (IA 1*928); Pr 11*33 J Goff. Third census, T-ll*0. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Reichner, 16 June 52. x398/T3l*3p/ll*95 928 cTHEOBALDUS, SUBPRIOR^ Objectiones in dicta Talmud. cNuremberg, Friedrich Creussner, ca.ll*97 c&il. metal cuts: 1* ports. l*. 21.2cm. Leaf cl 3 (t.p.): Thalmut Obiectiones in dicta Thalmut seductoris Iudeonrum. Second part of the author's Pharetra fidei contra Judaeos. H 15230*; C 5700; BMC II 1*55 (IA 7821*); Pr 2192; Goff. Third census, T-lli. Capital-spaces . Bound in a vellum leaf from a Breviary (possibly the Breviarium Pragense, printed by Georg Stuchs, Nuremberg, 1502) Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x296.02/Tll**th/ll*97 166 929 cTHEOBALDUS, SUBPRIOR, Objectiones in dicta Talmud, c Vienna, Johann Winterburg, ca. 1500s c8,/. h . 20.5cm. Leaf el a (t.p.): Thalmut. Obiectiones in dicta Talmut seductoris iudeorum. Second part of the author's Pharetra fidei contra Judaeos. HC 15229*5 BMC III 813 (I* 51565); Pr 91*87; Goff. Third census, T-15. Bound in boards covered with a leaf from the German Bible printed by Koberger, Nurem- berg, 17 Feb. 11*83. Purchased from Stonehill, li* Jan. 1*9. x296. 02/Tll*Yth/l5OO 930 THEOCRITUS. Idyllia. Greek. Venice, Aldus Manutius, Romanus, Feb. 11*95/96. zlhOzl. woodcuts: borders, capitals. f. 30cm. Leaf l a , (t.p.): TA 'AE ",ENEZTI *,EN THiAE THiBfBAfU. 6eo/cpLTOo e looXXia. tox>t orl niicpa. TTonifiaTa rp laicovra ... Haec insunt in hoc libro. Theocriti Eclo- gae triginta. Genus Theocriti & de inuen- tione bucolicorum. Catonis Romani senten- tiae paraeneticae distichi. Sententiae septem sapientum. De Inuidia. Theognidis mega- rensis siculi sententiae elegiacae. Sententi- ae monostichi per Capita ex uariis poetis. Aurea Carmina Pythagoroe. Phocylidae Poema admonitorium. Carmina Sibyllae erythrceae de Christo Iesu domino nro. Differetia uocis. Hesiodi Theogonia. Eiusdem scutum Herculis. Eiusdem georgicon libri duo. HC 151*77*; BMC V 55U (IB 2l*l0l*); Pr 551*9; Goff. Third census, T-ll*l*. First issue, with sig. 8Gviii blank. Bound in dark blue morocco, gilt-stamped covers, including Aldine device, gilt edges. Bookplate: Ex llbris Stephani D. Winkworthii. Purchased from Shapiro, 25 July 67. xq88l/T3/lU95 THEODORETUS, BP. OF CYRRHUS See CASSIODORUS, MAGNUS AURELIUS, ca.l*87-caT?80. Historia ecclesiastica tripartita, ca.5 Feb. 11(72. THEODULUS, 9th cent. Ecloga See AUCTORES 0C- TO CUM GLOSSA. 16 Feb.ll*9l*/9T~ THEOGNIS. Sententiae elegiacae. Greek See THEOCRITUS. Idyllia. Greek. Feb. 11*95796" THEON, OF ALEXANDRIA, Commentator See FIRMI- CUS MATERMJS, JULIUS. De nativitatibua. 11*99 THEOPHILUS BRIXIENSIS, d.1512, Editor See BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, SAINT, 10917-1153. Opuscula. 18 Mar. 11*95; also 17 Oct.U*95 THEOPHRASTUS. Opera. Greek See ARISTOTELES. Opera. Greek. 1 Nov.ll95-June 11*98 THEOPHYLACrUS, BP. OF ACHRIDA, d.1107 See BIBLE. N. T. EPISTLES OF PAUL. LATIN. Enar- rationes Theophylacti in Bpistolas Sancti Pauli THERAMO, JACOBUS DE See PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPOLETO, 131*9-11*17 THERAMO, JACOPO DI See PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPOLETO, 131*9-11*17 THEREBALDUS DE SAXONIA See THEOBALDUS, SUB- PRIOR 931 THESAURUS. Cornu copiae et horti Adonldis. Greek. Venice, Aldus Manutius, Romanus, Aug. 11*96. clO,, 270*. f. 31.7cm. Leaf d a , (t.p.): 6HATP02. Kepaa di*aX- BeCac,, (cat /cfj-rroi 'hb(Lv i6oq. THESAVRVS. Cor- nucopiae. & Horti Adonldis. Begun by Guarino of Favera and Carlo Anti- nori, assisted by Angelo Poliziano; edited by Aldo Manuzio and Urbano Valeriano Bolza- nio. HC 151*93*; BMC V 555 (IB 21*1*17); GW 7571; Pr 5551; Goff. Third census, T-158. , Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. In manuscript on fly-leaf: L. Kulenkamp 1773. Bound by F. Bedford in gilt-stamped olive morocco, gilt edges. Purchased from Brentano, 11 Oct. 52. xql*85/T3l*3 THIENIS, CAIETANUS DE See TIENE, GAETANO, 1387-11*65 THOMAS A BECKET, SAINT, ABP. OF CANTERBURY, 11187-1170 See VITA ET PROCESSUS S. THO- MAS BECKET 932 THOMAS A KEMPIS, 1380-11*71. Hortulus rosarum. Basel, Johann Bergmann, de Olpe, 11*99. cl20,., the last two blank. 8. ll*.6 cm. Leaf el a a (t.p. ) : Hortulus rosarfi de ualle lachrymarum continens egregias & deuotas sen- tfcias. 11*99. Nihil sine causa. OLPE. Ode ,S. Braut. In comendationS Hortuli RosarQ _ Qu8 modo cernit. Includes the De studio orandi and De tribus dietis, by Hugo de Sancto Victore (leaves i*i a -n5 a >) HCR 8939; BMC III 797 (IA 37965); Pr 7786; Goff. Third census, T-356. Some capital-spaces with guide-letters at the beginning; lombard capitals elsewhere. Book-stamp on t.p. : Ministerial Biblio- thek Uelzen. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x2l*2/T36lh/ll*99 THOMAS i KEMPIS, 1380-11*71. sti See IMITATIO CHRISTI Imitatio Chri- 167 933 THOMAS A" KEMPIS, 1380-11*71. Opera. Nuremberg, Caspar Hochfeder, 29 Nov. (in vigilia Andree apl'i) ll*9l*. cl*>, CLXXVIII (i.e. CLXXX)*. f. 31cm. Leaf cl* 3 (t.p.): Opera et libri vite fra- tris Thome de Kempis ordinis canonicorum re- gularium quorQ titulos vide in prmo folio. Edited by Petrus Dannhauser. HC (+ Add) 9769*; BMC II 1*75 (IB 8171*) 5 Pr 2291} Goff. Third census, T-352. Errors in foliation: three leaves numbered XXX EC. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red or blue; first large capital in red and blue with marginal extensions. Error in binding: leaves numbered XLVI and XLVII bound after leaves LI and LV, respect- ively. In manuscript on t.p. : Bibliothecae Deca- natus Claustroneoburgensis i77l. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July U2. xq208/T36o/ll*9U Another copy of leaf numbered LX. (Museum ) 93U THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Catena aurea super Evangelia Dominicalia et ferialia. Venice, Joannes Rubeus Vercel- lensis, 29 Apr.ll*9l*. c3l*2, 16,1., leaves c5 and cl8Ua blank, woodcuts: capitals. I* . 21.5cm. Leaf cl*3 (t.p.): Cathena aurea angelicl. diuinicg doctoris. Sancti Thome de aquino Sacri ordinis predicatorfl nuper redacta super ola euangelia dominicalia t ferialia: necnon super quedS de Sanctis. Per religiosum PatrS fratre" Petrum de Vincentia Sacri eiusde^ or- dinis. in alma venetiarum ciuitate. Innocen- tlus Papa. In sermone: Ecce plus> SalomB hie. De sancto doctore Thoma de aquino. Sic dicit. Huius Doctoris sapiStia Pre ceteris. Except* canonica. Habet proprietatem verborvg. Modum dicendoru3. Veritate3 SentStiartl. Ita vt nunJp qui eum tenuit lueniatur Atramite Veritatis Deuiasse: Et qui efl impugnauit. Semper fuit. De veritate. Suspectus. Arranged by Petrus de Vincentia. HC 1337*; BMC V 1*18 (IA 2316U); Pr 5136; Ooff. Third census, T-221*. "De Beate virginis conceptione Ducentorum. sexdeci^ Sancte Matris ecclesie Doctorum. Vera. Tuta: Et tenenda sententia" cby Petrus de.Vicentiaa : cl6a<., with signatures: AA- BB , appended. Engraved label: Conte Paolo Vimercati-Sozzi. Purchased from Stonehill, 31 Jan.50. x226/T36c/LU9U 935 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Catena aurea super quattuor Evangel is tas. eEsslingen, Conrad Fyner, ll*75? cUl7a*. woodcuts: capitals. f. 1*1. 9cm. HC 1329*5 BMC II 515 (IC 8972 ) } Pr 2l77j Ooff. Third census, T-228. Signatures cEla, eeel*i, and cee8a are can- celed, leaving stubs. At the foot of cee5 r > an emitted line of text has been supplied in Manuscript. Woodcut capitals colored red, green, and blue; initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in reds signed by rubrica- tor at end: finis U*78 mostaria S. JBhis Bap- tiste. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards 5 metal clasps and center and corner ornaments . In manuscript at head of leaf cl a : Fran- ciscan Monastery of Ingolstadts bookplate of Harrison Gray Otis 3 d . 1*1 Mt. Vernon Street Boston (Massachusetts), with date, Sept. 20/ 75. Purchased from Christensen, 19 Mar. 51. xf226/T36c/]Qi75 936 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Catena aurea super quattuor Evangelistas. cBasel, Michael Wensslera 11*76. ch}d,l., the first and last blank and want- ing. f. 36.3cm. Text in double columns surrounded on three sides by commentary. H 1332*; BMC III 723 (IC 37076) } Pr 7l*8l; Goff. Third census, T-229. Large capitals at beginning of each section supplied in red, blue, green, and yellow, with marginal extensions 5 other capitals and paragraph-marks in red or blue; initial- strokes in red. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards 5 two clasps. In manuscript on leaf c2 a a : F. Georgius ConradJ Praepositus Hbenstadis. Anno salutis I6125 Bibliotheca Monasterij Ilbenstadiensis in Wetteravia. Purchased from Stonehill, 5 May 51*. xq226/T36c/LU76 937 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Catena aurea super quattuor Evangelistas. Venice, Hermannus Liechtenstein and Johannes Hamman, h Sept. 11*82. c392/., the first blank. f. 30. 5cm. HC (Add) 133U*=H 1333 ? 5 BMC V 356 (IB 21962); Pr 1*781*; Goff. Third census, T-230. First capital in each Gospel illuminated in gold and colors, with marginal extensions, the first one with complete border; other capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately. Error in binding: quires d and e inter- changed. Purchased from Heller, 17 Feb. 58. xq226/T36c/m82 938 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271* Catena aurea super quattuor Evangelistas. Venice, Andreas Torresanus, de Asula, and Thomas de Blavis, de Alexandria, 17 Apr. (XV Kal. Mai.) 11*86. c311*a*., the first blank and wanting. f. 3l*.8cm. HC 13355 BMC V 308 (IB 21633); Pr 1*709$ Ooff. Third census, T-231. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Stonehill, 26 Oct.50. xq226/T36c/U*86 168 939 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Commentaria in cmnes Epistolas Sancti Pauli. Bologna c Johannes Schriber, de Annunciata. 11*81. .3&W. f. 30.Ucm. Edited by Petrus Bergomensis. HCR 1338j BMC VI 818 (IB 28676); Pr 65U9s Goff. Third census, T-233. Capital-spaces, those in quires a-f mostly with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov.UU. xq227/T36c/lU8l 9U0 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Commentaria in omnes Ep is tolas Sancti Pauli. Basel, Michael Furter, for Wolfgang Lachner, 16 0ct.lU95. c29U>/., leaves c280> and c 29h= blank. f. 32cm. Leaf cl a (t.p.): Diui Thome de Aquino or- dinis predicatorum cCmentaria in omnes episto- las beati Pauli apostoli: gloriosissimi gen- tium doctoris. profundiora theologie accura- te dilucidantia. Edited by Petrus Bergomensis. HC 1339; BMC III 783 (IB 37779); Pr 7727; Goff. Third census, T-23U. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Purchased from Barry, 30 June U6. xq227/T36c/lU95 9Ul THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Commentaria in omnes Epistolas Sancti Pauli. Venice, Bonetus Locate llus, for Octavlanus Scotus, 22 Dec.lU98. cl2a, 260, c2zl., the last blank and want- ing, woodcuts: capitals, printer's device. f. 31.5cm. Leaf d*, (t.p. ) : Sancti Thome de Aquino super epistolas Sancti Pauli CSmentaria pre- clarissima. Cum tabula ordinatissima. HCR 13U1; Goff. Third census, T-235. In manuscript on leaf el*a : Comprato da mi A. M. per commissione di D. Franco Melzi. Purchased from Stonehill, 26 Oct.50. xq227/T36c/LU98 o9U2 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U Commentum in libros Politicorum Aristotelis. J) , Barcelona, Peter Brun and Nicolaus Spindeler, * W, H. 18 Dec.LU78. 208^., the first and last blank. f. b 9 31.5ca. Edited by Johannes Ferrarius. |. <4 yU H l5ll*b;" Goff . Third census, T-250. ' j Capital-spaces. i-ty\ kl^j **'' Bound in old wooden boards with wide leather back; remnants of two clasps. ,f*r~rk Purchased from Heller, 22 Jan. 58. |q( \ xq88l/A8pq.It ^ / 9U3 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Commentum in octo libros Physicorum Aristo- nx+r QOOZ telig> c venice, 11*80. cll*2j<., the first (blank) and the last wanting. f. 29. Item. Leaf e2 a . : COmStfl Angelici ac subtilissimi doctoris sancti Thome de aqno alml pdicaton^, ordls in libros phlconf AR^.. Printed in black and red. HC 1527*; BMC V 581* (IB 25057); Pr U128; Goff. Third census, T-2U8. Assigned by Proctor to the printer Nicolas Jenson, but considered by Brit. Mus. Cat. as the product of an unknown printer using Jen- son type. Capital-spaces . Bound in a leaf from a vellum liturgical manuscript; fly-leaves are from a lUth cent. Latin manuscript in an Italian hand. Purchased from Hertzberger, 18 Oct. 65. xq88l/A8ph . Yt/lU80 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Contra gentiles See his Summa contra gentiles THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. See his Quaestiones de anima De anima 9UU THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. De articulis fidei et ecclesiae sacramen- tis. cCologne, Ulrich Zel, ca.lU70* dk,t ., the last blank and wanting. It . 20. 9cm. HC 1U2U*; BMC III 860 (IA 2835); Pr 81*8; Goff. Third census, T-27U. Capitals added in red and blue alternately. Bound in a leaf from the German Bible of Anton Koberger, Nuremberg, 17 Feb. 11*83. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov.UU. x230/T36a/lU70 9U5 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. De articuli3 fidei et ecclesiae sacramen- tls. cRome> Bartholoraaeus Guldinbeck, 8 Feb.lU76. clU*. U. 20cm. H 1U32*; BMC VII 1129 (IA 18037); Goff. Third census, T-275. Capital-spaces, the first with guide-letter. Bound by J. Vollherbst in full red morocco, gilt. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov.UU. x230/T36a/H*76 9U6 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. De articulis fidei et ecclesiae sacramen- tis et De periculis contingentibus ; De regl- mine Judaeorum. Basel, Michael Wenssler, ca.lU7U=> c20./., the last blank. f. 26.9cm. The De periculis contingentibus is spurious. HC 1U29*; BMC III 720 (IB 370U5); Pr 7U73; Goff. Third census, T-282. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Library stamp: Bibliotheca Regia Monacensis. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov.UU. x230/T36a/lU7U 169 91*7 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAIOT, 1225?-127l*. De articulis fidei et ecclesiae sacramen- tis et De periculis contingentibus; De regi- mine Judaeorum. cBasel, Martin Flach, ca. li*7l> cl8,/. f. 28.9cm. The De periculis contingentibus is spurious. H 11*30*; BMC III 71*1 (IB 37227)} Pr 7550; Goff. Third census, T-283. Capitals, paragraph-marks, and running ti- tles added in red. Bound in vellum by 0. Ebert, Munich. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Not. Mi. x230A36a/ll7Ua THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. De poten- tia Dei See his Quaestiones de potentia Dei THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. De regl- mine Judaeorum See his De articulis fidei et ecclesiae sacranentis et De periculis contingentibus; De regimine Judaeorum 9U8 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. De regimine principum. cCologne, Arnold Ther Hoernen, ca. 11*75 : c3U.<., the last blank. I* . 20.2cm. Printed in black and red. H ll*87; Pr 951; Goff. Third census, T-327. Capitals and paragraph-marks supplied al- ternately in red and blue; initial-strokes in red. Bound in full black morocco, gilt; red edges. Purchased from L'Art Ancien, 26 Nov. 1*5. x320/T36d/H*75 91*9 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. De regimine principum. cCologne, Arnold Ther Hoernen, ca. 11*82* c2t*>*. 1* . 20cm. Leaf c2*3 : Incipit Tractatus sancti thome de aquino de regimine principum. H ll*86; BMC I 210 (IA 3276); Pr 975A; Goff. Third census, T-328. Capital-spaces. Stamp: Typographical Library S fc Bride Foundation. Purchased from Stonehill, 5 May 51*. x320/T36d/ll*82 950 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. De unitate intellectus contra Averroem. Treviso, Johannes de Hassia, 21 Aug. 11*76. dhil., the last blank. 1 and 8. 28cm. cm. C 571; BMC VI 891 (IB 28373); Goff. Third census, T-335. Capitals added in red and blue alternately; paragraph -marks in red. Bound in tan blind- and gilt-stamped calf. Purchased from Stonehill, 7 Feb. 52. xql28/T36d THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. De veri- tate See his Quaestiones disputatae de ve- ritate THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. De veri- tate Catholicae fidei See his Summa contra gentiles, sive De veritate Catholicae fi- dei THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Expositio in Job See his Postilla in Job 951 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAIOT, 12257-127U. Expositio in libros Posteriorum et in De interpretatione Aristotelis. Venice, Bone- tus Locatellus, for Octavianua Scotus, 18 Sept. (XIV Kal. Oct.) 11*95. 73, cl><., the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: capitals, diagrs., printer's device. f. 30.2cm. Leaf 1* (t.p.): Expositio diui Thome in libros posteriory et perlhermenias Aristote- lis cum fallacijs eiusdem. Includes the supplement of Oratia Dei Ascu- lanus to the De interpretatione. HC 11*91*; BMC V 1*1*5 (IB 22927); Goff. Third census, T-255. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 July 56. xq88l/A8or.It/ll*95 952 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAIOT, 12257-1271*. Expositio in libros Posteriorum et in De interpretatione aristotelis. Venice, Oti- nus de Luna, Papiensis, for Alexander Calce- donius, 28 Sept. 11*96. rl51*><., the last blank, woodcuts: illus., diagrs., printer's device. f. 33cm. Leaf 1 j (t.p.): CSmBtaria diui Thome Aquinatis. ordinis predicatoni. I libros perl- hermenias et posteriorum Aristotelis et eius- de* fallaciaity. opus. Q8nes magistri dominici de flSdria eiusdS ordinis in libros posteri- orum Aristotelis. et in fallacias sancti Tho- me de Aquino. The commentary on the De interpretatione was completed by Thomas Caietanus. HC (+ Add) 11*95; BMC V 567 (IB 21*582); Pr 5599A; Goff. Third census, T-256. The woodcut illus. is crudely colored by hand; in some of the capital-spaces, capi- tals have been added in red, blue, and yellow; in others small decorative capitals have been drawn in ink, in imitation of woodcut capitals. In manuscript on t.p.: Codex hie olim fuit bone raemorie. fratris Vincentij Ser Angeli: Bacchalarij perusini ord* s pred 01 ^ sXi Dnicl de pusfb. Cuius nOc anima iuxta opera qug gesslt in corpore: in pace Requiescit; also: Librerie S. Amici de Perusia. Purchased from Hertzberger, 22 May 67. xq88l/A8or.Yt/ll*96 953 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Expositio super libros De generatione et corruptione Aristotelis. Venice, Bonetus Locatellus, for Octavianus Scotus, 22 Dec. (XI Kal. Ian.) 11*98. 170 THOMAS AQUINAS , SA I NT - continued 33, tlal., the last blank, woodcuts: cap- itals, printer's device. f. 32.1*cm. Leaf cl a i (t.p. ): Sanctus Thomas super llbros de genera tione et corruptione. Aristo- telis cum textu. Edited by Eugenius Brutus Venetus. HR 1535; Qoff. Third census, T-2l*l*. Bound with this is the author's In octo Politicorum Aristotelis libros. eVenetiis, In manuscript on leaf 2 : Est MonasteriJ .S**. Marig Montisbellij Diocesis Bononien. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq88l/A8fg.Yt THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Liber contra gentiles See his Summa contra gen- tiles 951* THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Opuscula. Milan, Beninus and Joannes An- tonius de Honate, XU88. c3H*>/., the first blank. f. 28.6cm. Contains 51 works, edited by Paulus Sonci- nas. HC (+ Add) 151*0; BMC VI 7l*2 (IB 26365); Pr 5908; Goff. Third census, T-259. In the colophon, a C has not been omitted in the date. Two illuminated capitals in gold and colors, the second with elaborate border around the text. Purchased from Kraus, 19 Oct. 1*1*. x230/T36oM88 955 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Opuscula. Venice, Hermannus Liechten- stein (Levilapis), 7 Sept. (Id. Sept.) 11*90. U36i*. 1*. 26.3cm. Contains 71 works; edited, with a life of St. Thomas, by Antonius Pizamanus. HC 151*1*; BMC V 358 (IB 22002); Pr 1*793; Qoff. Third census, T-258. Illuminated initial in gold and colors; capitals added in red and blue alternately. Imperfect: upper part of leaf clj sheared off, with loss of heading on verso. Stamp: Gymnaslal Bibliothek zu Koeln. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x230/T36o/ll*90 956 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l. Opuscula. Venice, Bonetus Locate llus, for Octavianns Scotus, 31 Dec. (II Kal. Jan.) 11*98. 31*1, al4.| the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: capitals, diagrs., printer's device. f. 29.1*cm. Leaf 1*3 (t.p.): Opuscula Sancti Thome: quibus alias impressis nuper hec addidimus. vz. Summa totius logice. Tractatum celeberri- mum de vsuris nusqj alias impressum. Contains 73 works; edited, with a life of St. Thomas, by Antonius Pizamanus. H 151*2*; BMC V 1*52 (IB 22997); Pr 5097; Goff. Third census, T-257. Purchased from Heller, 25 July 58. xq230/T36oAl*98 957 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Postilla in Job. eEsslingen* Conrad Fy- ner, ll*7l*. d07=*. f . 30.1*cm. H 1397*; BMC II 513 (IB 8919); Pr 21*61; Goff. Third census, T-236. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 18 Jan. 1*5. xq223.l/T36p/ll*7l* 958 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Quaestiones circa confessionem; seu, Sac- ramentum poenitentiae. cRome, Stephan Plannck, ca. 11*95= c8j/., the last blank and wanting, wood- cut: capital. 1*. 19.7cm. H 11*11; GW 7351; Pr 3785; Goff. Third cen- sus, T-326. Consists chiefly of selections from the 3d part of the Summa theologica. Purchased from Heller, 20 Jan. 60. x265.62/T36q/ll*95 959 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Quaestiones de anima. cVenice, Franciscus Renner, de Heilbronn* U*72. .62,*. f. 29cm. H 1522*; BMC V 191 (IB 19830); Pr 1*156; Goff. Third census, T-173. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov. 1*1*. xq230/T36qda/H*72 960 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Quaestiones de duodecim quodlibet. cRome, Georgius Lauer,*70:i c218j/., the first blank. f. 3l*.8cm. HC 11*00; BMC IV 36 (IB 171*1*9); Pr 31*05; Goff. Third census, T-182. A sentence omitted on leaf cl59 is print- ed in two short lines in the lower margin. Large floriated capitals added in red and blue or red and black; one with elaborate mar- ginal elongations; smaller capitals in red and blue alternately; initial-strokes, para- graph-marks, chapter headings, and underlines in red. Bound in white calf (badly worn) over worm- eaten wooden boards; evidence of two clasps and a chain. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq230/T36q/U*70 961 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Quaestiones de duodecim quodlibet. Col- ogne, Arnold Ther Hoernen, 11*71. cl56a ., the last blank, metalcut: print- er's device. f. 35cm. Printed in black and red. 171 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT - contlnued HC lltOl*; BMC I 203 (IB 3112); Pr 928; Goff. Third census, T-183. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Stamp of Bibliotheque L-nperiale. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 July 53. xq230/T36qAl*71 962 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Quaestiones de duodecim quodlibet. Ulm, Johann Zainer, U75. 2J2s4.| the first blank and wanting, woodcuts: capitals. f. 25.9cm. HC ll*0>; BMC II 521* (IB 911*8); Pr 2510; Ooff. Third census, T-185. Twelve large woodcut capitals variously colored in red, yellow, and green; smaller capitals, initial-strokes, and underlines in red. In manuscript on fly-leaf: Dr. M. Huttler compar. h. 1. 21* Sept. 1881* - 18 M; at head of leaf c2 a *: MonasteriJ Campililiorum I67I*. Bound in a leaf from an early vellum MS of a Gospel, with blind-stamped pigskin back and C. S. A. C. 16U5 stamped on front cover. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov. 1*1*. x230/T36q/H*75 963 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l. Quaestiones de duodecim quodlibet. Venice, Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 11*76. .152. 1. 1*. 21*. 3cm. HC 11*01**; BMC V 226 (IB 20261*); Pr l*30l; Ooff. Third census, T-186. First capital added in red and blue; other capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks in red. Imperfect: first leaf mutilated, with loss of caption and the first five lines of the Regis trum on the verso. In manuscript on leaf c7* Iste liber est otus Scti*" 1 dominici c226>., leaves d, 93, 91*, 226, blank. f. 27.7cm. HC ll*ll*#; BMC I 219 (IB 31*82); Pr 1028; Ooff. Third census, T-175- An omitted line of text on leaf cl60> has been supplied in manuscript, and the four re- peated lines at the beginning of leaf cl99> have been lined out. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov. 1*1*. x230/T36qdp/ll*76 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Quaesti- ones de veritate See his Quaestiones dis- putatae de veritate 966 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Quaestiones disputatae. Strassburg, Mar- tin Flach, 23 Feb. (VII Kal. Mar.) 1500. c26., CCCXXXI, ,1,$. t. 26.9cm. Leaf cl 9 (t.p. ): Questiones di sputa te sancti Thome de aquino ordinis predicaton*. Ds Potentia del. De Unione verbi. De SpQali- bus creaturis. De Anima. De Virtutibus. De Malo. Edited by Johannes Winckel. H U*17*; BMC I 156 (IB 2237); Pr 717; Ooff. Third census, T-177. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red on leaves cl-26; capital- spaces with guide-letters elsewhere. Errors in binding: leaves CXXVII and CXXVIII bound after CXXXIX (2 blank leaves and photo- stats of the Huntington Library copy of these leaves are bound in the proper place) and leaf CCCXXVII after CCCXXXI. Label: Bib. SS. Andreae & Magni sub Praepo- sito. Stadt am Hof. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x23O/T36qdA50O THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Quaesti- ones disputatae de anima See his Quaesti- ones de anima THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Quaestio- nes disputatae de potentia Dei See his Quaestiones de potentia Dei 967 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Quaestiones disputatae de veritate. Rome, Arnoldus Pannartz, 20 Jan. 11*76. c3l*l*j. f and 1*. 35.9cra. Edited by Joannes Franclscus Venetus. H Hj20; BMC IV 62 (IB 17927); Pr 3533; Ooff. Third census, T-180. Capital-spaces . Stamp: Museo Cavaleri. Imperfect: first leaf wanting; replaced by facsimile. Purchased from Heller, 11* Aug. 62. xql89.1*/T36q/ll*76 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Quodlibe- ta See his Quaestiones de duodecim quodlibet 172 968 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Summa contra gentiles; aire, De veritate Catholicae fidei. cStrassburg, Printer of Henricus Ariminensis (Qeorg Reyser), not after ll*7U, c2l*8,.. the last blank, f . U2.6cm. Leaf 2 , : Incipit liber primus de vitate catholice fidei. otra errores infidelifl. Edl- tus a fre Thoma de Aquino/ ordinis fratrum pdicatoitf. H 1385; BMC I 77 (IC 888); Pr 322; Goff. Third census, T-190. Large capitals supplied in red and blue; smaller capitals in red and blue alternately; initial-strokes and paragraph-marks and under- lines in red. Imperfect: leaves at end badly molded and water-stained, with some loss of text on leaf 2l*7> Bound in old blind-stamped calf over wood- en boards, badly wormed; remnants of clasps on front cover. Purchased from Stonehill, 19 May 52. xfl89.1*/T36sc 969 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Summa contra gentiles, sive De veritate Catholicae fidei. Venice, Franciscus Ren- ner, de Hellbronn and Nicolaus de Frankfor- dia cll*76, c286,., the last blank. f and l*. 21*. 5cm. H 1386*; BMC V 193 (la 19838)5 Pr 1*159} Goff. Third census, T-192. First capital in each book supplied in gold and blue with tracery in red and blue; other capitals in red and blue alternately; paragraph-marks in red; initial-strokes in yellow. Purchased from Heller, 30 Mar. 59. xl89.U/T36sc/lli76 970 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Summa contra gentiles, sive De veritate Catholicae fidei. Venice, Nicolaus Jen- son, 13 June (Id. Iun.) II48O. cl9liJ*. f. 30.1cm. Edited by Petrus Cantianus. HC 1389*; BMC V 181 (IB 19738); Pr 1*125; Goff. Third census, T-193. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red. In manuscript at foot of leaf c5 a , s p f Jofiem Lenglin Compfl argSti8 anno 11*81* - Con- uento Frankforde orde pdicaton*,. Purchased from Stonehill, 31 Jan. 50. xql89.1*/T36sc/ll*80 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Summa de articulis fidei See his De articulis fidei et ecclesiae sacramentls THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Summa de veritate Catholicae fidei See his Summa contra gentiles, sive De veritate Catholi- cae fidei 971 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Summa theologica. Basel, Michael Wenssler, XU85. 3 pts. in U. ( = 176,, el61*,, c2l*2,, d60,O f. Ul.Ucm. Pt.l is dated 11*85; pt.2 1 , 20 Aug. 11*85} pt.2 , 16 Aug.U*85; pt.3 is undated. HC ll*3U; BMC III 729 (IC 37121); Pr 7506- 08; Goff. Third census, T-19U. Capitals added in red (one in red and blue); initial-strokes and paragraph -marks in red. Imperfect: lacks pts. 2 and 3; also the first leaf of pt.l and the last leaf of pt.2 1 , both blank. Purchased from Stonehill, 11 May 53. 972 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Summae theologicae pars prima. Venice c Nicolaus Jenson, 11*77. c310><., leaves *1, 8, 310, blank and wanting. f. 28cm. Edited by Franciscus de Nerito, Petrus Can- tianus, and Joannes Franciscus. HC 11*1*2*; BMC V 177 (IB 19700); Pr 1*103; Goff. Third census, T-198. Capital-spaces, a few with guide-letters. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x230/T36sp/lU77 973 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l. Summae theologicae pars prima. Venice, Antonius de Strata, de Cremona, 1* Dec. (X Id. Dec.) 11*81*. c2l6,l., the first and last blank and wanting. f. 29cm. Printed in black and red. HC 11*1*1**; BMC V 293 (IB 2121*6); Pr 1*585; Goff. Third census, T-200. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately; initial-strokes in red. Bound by Taffin in blind-stamped and panel- led red morocco; inner dentelles; gilt edges. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Jan. 1*5. xq230/T36sp/ll*81* 971* THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Summae theologicae secundae partis pars prima. Mainz, Peter Schoeffer, 8 Nov. 11*71. el75a'. woodcut: printer's device. f. 1*1. 5cm. Printed in black and red. H 11*1*7*; BMC I 28 (IC 165); Pr 97; Goff. Third census, T-203 Signatures: c a-b 10 , c 12 , d-g 10 , h 10+1 , i-llO, m!2, n-rlO, One large illuminated initial in gold, red, and green, with decorative marginal border; other capitals, initial-strokes, and para- graph-marks added in red or blue. Bookplate: Donald & Norah van den Bergh. In manuscript: Monast. Monacen. Ord. Erem. S. P. Aug. 1606. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 Oct.50. xf230/T36ssp/ll*71 173 975 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Summae theologicae secundae partis pars se- cunda. eStrassburg, Johann Mentelin, not after 11*63j c2l*8., leaves cl8l, 21*0, 2l*7-8> blank. f. l*2.1*cm. HC 11*51**; BMC I 51 (IC 508); Pr 199; Qoff. Third census, T-208. Capitals, initial-strokes, and marginal decorations added in red, green or blue; cap- tion on leaf cl a 3 and note at end (Actfl lxvj ) added by rubricator; contemporary manuscript index on leaves c2l*6 and c2l*7> Imperfect: leaves cl8l, 21*0, 21*8j wanting. In manuscript on leaf tl* 5 : Iste liber est mdsterij S. Magni In faucibus Alpifl. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Jan. 50. xf230/T36sss 976 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Summae theologicae secundae partis pars se- cunda. eStrassburg, Printer of Henricus Ariminensis (Georg Reyser) ca.ll*7l*> 322 3 /., the first (wanting) and last blank. t. 1*1. 8cm. HC XU55* .Eggestein, U*80.; BMC I 79 (IC 891) .Michel Greyff ?; Pr 323; Goff. Third census, T-211. Bound in blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; front cover split; spine mended with pigskin; remnants of clasps. Purchased from Stonehill, 21 Oct. 53. xf230/T36sss/lU7U 977 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Summae theologicae secundae partis pars secunda. cBasel, Berthold Ruppel, not after U*7l*> 331*. t. 1*6. 5cm. H li*56*; BMC III 715 (IC 37015); Pr 71*50; Goff. Third census, T-211*. Larger capitals added in colors, some with gold; smaller capitals in red and green al- ternately; initial-strokes in yellow; para- graph-marks in red. Armorial bookplate of Ignaz Dominik Chorin- ski, Freiherr von Ledske (d.1792) Purchased from Stonehill, 19 July 51. xf230/T36sss/ll*7Ua 978 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Summae theologicae secundae partis pars se- cunda. Venice, Franciscus Renner, de Heil- bronn, and Nicolaus de Frankfordia, 11*75. .332.*., the last blank. f. 29.1cm. HC 11*62*; Pr 1*161*; Goff. Third census, T- 212. Large illuminated initial and full-page border painted in gold and colors on leaf e9 a ; capitals added in red and blue alter- nately; paragraph-marks in red or blue. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov. 1*1*. xq230/T36sss/lU75 979 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Summae theologicae secundae partis pars se- cunda. Venice cLeonardus Wilds 11*79. c332>l., the last blank. t. 30.8cm. HC 11*63*; BMC V 261* (IB 2071*7); Pr 5678; Goff. Third census, T-215. One large decorative capital with trailing marginal extension added in red and blue on leaf <9 a >; other capitals in red or red and blue, paragraph-marks, and initial-strokes in red on the first 16 leaves; capital-spaces elsewhere. Purchased from Stonehill, 26 Oct.50. xq230/T36sss/ll*79 980 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Summae theologicae secundae partis pars secunda. Venice, Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 20 July (XIII Kal. Aug.) 11*80. c286,., the first blank. f. 30.8cm. H U*61*#; BMC V 237 (IB 20381); Pr l*3l*6; Goff. Third census, T-216. Capital-spaces . In this copy the entire quire v is repeated; the last leaf is pasted to the back cover. Purchased from Stonehill, 26 Oct. 50. xq230/T36sss/ll*80 981 THOMAS AQUimS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Summae theologicae tertia pars, c Basel, Michael Wenssler, ca.U7l*7 .270,/. f. 39.2cm. H 11*68* ; BMC III 720 (IC 3701*6); Pr 71*71*; Goff. Third census, T-219. This copy is variant II described by F. Juntke in Beitr. z. Inkunabelkunde, 3.Folge (1969) p. 161-2. Crudely rubricated: large capitals in red and green or red, green, and yellow; initial- strokes in red; paragraph-marks in red or green. Label: Ex libris E. PH. G. Purchased from Stonehill, 31 Jan.50. xql89.1*/T36s/ll*7l* 982 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Summae theologicae tertia pars. Venice, Bernardinus Stagninus, de Tridino, 10 Apr. 11*86. c230>l., the first blank and wanting. f. 32 cm. "Additiones" : leaves cl33 a -230 b = HC 11*70*; BMC V 361* (IB 22121); Pr 1*826; Goff. Third census, T-222. Some capitals, paragraph-marks, and initial- strokes are crudely added in red or blue; capital-spaces with guide-letters elsewhere. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards; two clasps. In manuscript on leaf .2 a 3 : Conventij Ban- be rge ord: Pred _ xql89.U/T36s/ll*86 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Super 11- broa quattuor Sententiarum See PETRUS LOM- BARDUS, BP. OF PARIS, 12th cent. Sententi- arum libri quattuor. 22 Sept. 11*88 171* THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Super po- testate et auctoritate papali See TORQUE- MADA, JUAN IE, CARDINAL, 1388-11158. Summa de ecclesia contra impugnatores potestatis aumrai pontificia. 20 Sept. 11*96 983 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Super primo llbro Sententiarum Petri Lom- bard!. Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, 10 July (VI Id. Iul.) 11*80. c326i<., the first blank and wanting. f. 31.2cra. HC 1U73J BMC I 262 (IB I438I); Pr 121*3; Goff. Third census, T-160. Capitals and paragraph-marks added In red and blue alternately; initial-strokes in red. In manuscript on fly-leaf: Blbllothecae Augustinianae mojae Trajectensis; also some ex libris, with date, 1669. Bound in old blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; rebacked; remnants of clasps; hole for chain on back cover. Purchased from Heller, 21 Apr. 58. xq2 30/Pl*l*sTtho/li*80a 981* THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Super primo llbro Sententiarum Petri Lom- bard!. Venice, Antonius de Strata, de Cre- mona, 21 June 11*86. cl50i., the first blank and wanting. f. 32.Ucm. Includes the text of the Sententiae. HC U*7l**; BMC V 29U (IB 21251*); Pr 1*589; Goff. Third census, T-161. Capitals added in red; a few in blue at the beginning. Bound in blind-stamped pigskin (stained black) in imitation of brocade; titles of the two works contained are stamped on the cover; two clasps intact. Bound with this is the author's Super se- cundo llbro Sententiarum Petri Lombard!. Bologna, 27 May ll*9l*. Purchased from Stonehill, 19 July 51. xq230/Pl*l*sYtho/ll*86 985 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Super secundo libro Sententiarum Petri Lombardi. Bologna, Benedictus Hectoris. 27 May ll*9l*. cl82>l. woodcut: printer's device. f. 32.1*cm. Bound with the author's Super primo libro Sententiarum Petri Lombardi. Venice, 21 June 11*86. Leaf cl** (t.p.): Secfld^ snlarfl sScti thome aqnatis ordinis pdicatorfl. Edited by Paulus Soncinas and Marcus de Benevento. Includes the text of the Sententiae. HC ll*77; BMC VI 81*1 (IB 2905D (var.)- (IB 29052); Pr 6625; Goff. Third census, T- 161*. Capitals added in red; a few in blue at the beginning. In manuscript following the Explicit: Emp- to _ in studio (?) Heidelbergensi anno 11*99. xq2 30/Pl*l*aTtho/ll*86 986 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Super tertio libro Sententiarum Petri Lom- bardi. Venice, Hermannus Liechtenstein (Levllapis), 26 Apr. 11*90. cl50,. f. 33.1*cra. Includes the text of the Sententiae. HC 11*60*; BMC V 358 (IB 21999); Pr U792} Goff. Third census, T-167. Capitals added in red., causing slight loss of text on the last six leaves. Purchased from Heller, 29 Jan. 59. xq2 30/Pl*l*s Ytho/U*90 987 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Super quarto libro Sententiarum Petri Lom- bardi. Mainz, Peter Schoeffer, 13 June 11*69. e27l*ai. woodcut: printer's device. f. 38.8cm. Printed in black and red. H ll*8l*; BMC I 25 (IC 135); Pr 87; Goff. Third census, T-168. This copy has gratuitu in the l*th line of the colophon; in other copies the word has been corrected to gratuito. First capital added in red and blue with marginal extensions; other capitals, initial- strokes, and paragraph-marks in red or blue. Illegible name and date, 1631, in manu- script on leaf el a a Purchased from Harper, 28 June 56. xq2 30/Pliljs Ytho/LU69 988 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Super quarto libro Sententiarum Petri Lom- bardi. Venice, Leonardus Wild, 18 Mar. 11*78. c386*., the first (blank) and last want- ing. f. 31.5cm. HC 11*82*; BMC V 261* (IB 2071*3) 5 Pr 1*1*55; Goff. Third census, T-169. Elaborately decorated capital in gold and colors with marginal extension on first leaf of text; also an eagle surrounded by a wreath, flanked by two cupids at foot of the page; other decorative capitals and paragraph-marks in red and blue alternately. Purchased from Christensen, ll* Oct. 51*. xq230/Pl*l*sItho/ll*78 989 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Super quarto libro Sententiarum Petri Lom- bard!. Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, 2 Feb. (nij (i.e. vij) Non. Feb.) 11*80. cl89il., the first and last blank and wanting, woodcut: border. f. 39.5cm. HC H*83*; BMC I 262 (IC 1*375); Pr 121*1} Goff. Third census, T-170. Large capital added in red, blue, and green on first page of text; other capitals and paragraph-marks In red or blue; initial- strokes in red. Stamp: Ex Bibl. Paulina monast. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov. 1*1*. xq2 30/Pl*l*sttho/ll*80 175 990 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Super quarto libro Sententiarum Petri Lom- bard! . Venice c Johannes Herbort, de Seli- genstadtj for Johannes de Colonia, Nicolaus Jenson et Socii, 21* June (VIII Kal. Iul.) U*8l. c 310,1., the first blank and wanting, woodcut: printer's device. f. 31.7cm. HC 11*81**; BMC V 301 (IB 2151*1); Pr 1*680; Goff. Third census, T-171. Capitals added in red or blue; initial- strokes and paragraph-marks in red. In manuscript inside front cover: Ioannes Coriarius perchingensis . Purchased from Stonehill, 31 Jan. 50. xq230/Pi*lsrtho/ll8l 991 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Super quarto libro Sententiarum Petri Lom- bardi. Venice, Bonetus Locatellus, for Octavianus Scotus, 23 May (X Kal. Iun. ) 11*97. 261*4. woodcuts: capitals, printer's de- vice. f. 31. Item. Leaf cl a j (t.p.): Sanctus Thomas de Aqui- no super quartum librfl magistri sentential^ . Includes the text of the Sententiae. HC 11*85*; BMC V 1*1*7 (IB 22960); Goff. Third census, T-172. Stamps on t.p.: CARM.DISCAL.S.PAVLI.FLOR; and PANDVLPHI.DE. RICASOLIS.BARONIBVS.CANO. FLOR. With this is bound the author's Quodlibe- tales questiones. Venice, 1501. Purchased from Stonehill, 26 Oct.50. xq230/Pl*l*sYtho/ll*97 992 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Tractatus quinque cum allis tractatibus. Milan, Christophorus Valdarfer, 1 Mar. 11*88. c66 3 /., the last blank. l*. 20.2cm. Contents.- Secundum Sanctum Thomam de Aqui- no: Expositio orationis dominice.s. Pater no- Expositio Salutationis angelice.s. Aue Maria. jS. Expositio Symboli.s. Credo in vnum deum. Tractatus de rationibus fidei. Tractatus de duobus preceptis caritatis ? Ex- positio dece3 preceptor*.. Tractatus de tribus votis Z statu religioson*. editus a quibusdam preclarls sacre theologie professoribus or- dinis predicatorv-.- Secundum sanctum Bernar- dum abba tern Clare uallensem: Expositio super Antiphonam Salue regina.tK. Expositio super illud eufgellj. Simile est regnfl celon*. ho- mini querenti bonas margaritas. HC 15U35 BMC VI 728 (IA 26620); Pr 5977B; Goff. Third census, T-262. Capital-spaces, a few with guide-letters. In manuscript on fly-leaf: Frater Dominicus Carballo. Purchased from Barry , 30 Jan. 2*6. x230/T36t/U*88 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Spurious and doubtful works. Confessionale See MAT- THAEUS DE CRACOVIA, CARDINAL, d.U*10. De modo confitendi et puritate conscientiae . eca. 11*72. ; also cca.1500, 993 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Spurious and doubtful works. De arte praedicandi. Nuremberg, Fried- rich Creussner^ 11*77. clO./. f. 30.1*cm. Leaf 1*3 : Tractatulus sollennis de arte 4 vero modo predicandi ex diuersis sacrorum doctorum scripturis & principalis Sacratissi- mi cristiane ecclesie doctoris Thome de aqui- no ex paruo suo quodS tractatulo recollectus vbi scdrn modum & formam materie presentis procedit. H 13581359; Pr 2139; Ooff. Third census, T-263. Capital-spaces . Bound in vellum by K. Ebert, Munich. Purchased from Stonehill, 13 July 53. xq25l/T36ld/ll*77 99U THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Spurious and doubtful works. De arte praedicandi. Memmingen, Albrecht Kunne, 11*83. 12;i*., the first blank. l*. 21.1*cm. Leaf c2 a a : Tractatus sollennis de arte vero modo predicandi ex diuersis sacron*- doc- tors scripturis % p"hcipaliter sacratissimi xfiiane ecclle doctoris Thome de Aquino ex paruo suo quodS tractatulo recollectus vbi scdm modum t formam materie presentis proce- dit. HC 1362*; BMC II 603 (IA 11021*); Pr 2771*; Goff. Third census, T-268. Purchased from Stonehill, 15 0ct.5U. x25l/T36ld/ll*83 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Spuriou* and doubtful works. De corpore Christi See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Spuri- ous and doubtful works. De Eucharista ad modum decern praedicamentorum, sive De cor- pore Christi 995 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Spurious and doubtful works. De Eucharista ad modum decern praedicamen- torum, sive De corpore Christi. cCologne. Printer of Augustinus 'De fide'j 8 Apr. (quinta feria ante palmarum raensis aprilis) 11*73. .36,/. l*. 20.5cm. Leaf *1 a : Incipit tractat sancti thome de aquino ordinis fratn* fSdicaton*. de corpo- re Cristi. Includes : Dicta de sacramento magistri nico- lai de lira (leaves .22 a -28.) and Intellec- tus super oracione dominica (leaves c29*- 36*0 HC 137U; BMC I 232 (IA 3702); Pr 1092; Goff. Third census, T-291. Capital-spaces . The printer has been tentatively identi- fied by Brit. Mus. Cat. and Pellechet (Cat. gen. 983) as Goiswln Oops; by S. Corsten (Die Anfange des Kolner Buchdrucks, p. 1*5- 1*6) as Johannes Solidi. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 July 56. x265.3/T36e 176 996 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Spurious and doubtful works. De Eucharists ad modum decern praedicamento- rum, sive De corpore Christi. Cologne, Apud Lyskirchen cUlrich Zell, ca.Ui85= c 22,l. 19.9cm. Leaf d a i (t.p.): In hoc paruo libello c8tinen v tres tractatuli. Primus est scl Thome acjnatis de mirabili quidditate Z effi- cacia venerabilis sacramSti eucharistie Se- cfldus est magistri Nycolai de lira de idoneo ministrSte t suscipiente id8 sacramStfl Ter- cius est alicui' docti collectoris de exposi- MSne dRice orBnis scilz Pater noster. Zi: _ C Shh; Ooff. Third census, T-29U. Capital-spaces; capital and some underlines added in red on leaves el7 and cl8 a a. Bound in vellum by K. Ebert, Munich. Purchased from Stonehill, 26 Oct.50. x265.3/T36eM85 0997 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Spurious and doubtful works. De Eucharista ad modum decern praedicamento- rura, sive De corpore Christi. cCologne, Heinrich Quentell, ca.ll*90 a c22,*. I* . 19.6cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): In hoc libello continent tres tractatuli Primus est sancti Thome Aquinatis de mirabili quidditate X efficacia venerabilis sacramenti eucharistie Sects est magistri Nycolai de lyra de idoneo ninistrS- te t suscipiSte idS sacramStum Tercius est alicuius docti collectoris de expositlone do- minice orationis scilicet Pater noster _ H 1369; Pr 135 3A; Ooff. Third census, T- 295. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Stonehill, 13 July 53. x265.3/T36eM90 998 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Spurious and doubtful works. De Eucharista ad modum decern praedicamento- rum, sive De corpore Christi. cCologne, Heinrich Quentell, ca.l5O0 3 c22*. h. 19.1*cra. Leaf cl a 5 (t.p.): In hoc libello continen- tur tres tractatuli. Primus est sancti Thome Aquinatis de mirabili quidditate t efficacia venerabilis sacramenti eucharistie: Secundus est magistri Nicolai de Lyra de idoneo mini- strante * suscipiente idem sacramentum. Ter- cius est cuiusda3 docti collectoris de expo- sitione dominice orationis. scj Pater noster _ HC 1370*; BMC I 296 (IA h963); Pr U*U5; Ooff. Third census, T-297. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Stonehill, 31 Jan.50. x265.3/T36e/l500 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Spurious and doubtful works. De modo confitendi et puritate conscientiae See MATTHAEUS DE CRA- COVIA, CARDINAL, d.UjlO. De modo confitendi et puritate conscientiae. cca.lii72aj also cca.15003 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Spurious and doubtful works. De perlculis contingen- tibus circa sacramentum Eucharistiae See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. De arti- culis fidei et ecclesiae sacramentis et De periculis contingentibus. cca.LU7Ua 999 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127k. Spurious and doubtful works. De periculis contingentibus circa sacra- mentum Eucharistiae. cPassau, Johann Pe- tri, ca.lU91, ch,l. k. 22.2cm. H 1379*; BMC II 618 (IA 11389) 5 Pr 28505 Goff. Third census, T-321. Capital-spaces. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov.U*. X230/T36PM91 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127li. Spurious and doubtful works. De quidditate et effi- cacia Eucharistiae See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Spurious and doubtful works. De Eucharista ad modum decern praedi- camentorum THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Spurious and doubtful works. De sacramento Euchari- stiae secundum decern praedicamenta See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127k. Spuri- ous and doubtful works. De Eucharista ad modum decern praedicamentorum 1000 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l. Spurious and doubtful works. De venerabili sacramento sermones XXXII. cCologne, Arnold Ther Hoernen, ca.lit75' zh6,l. f. 29.3cm. Leaf cl a * : Incipit modus ^cedendi in ser- mones de sacramento venerabilis eukaristie quos conposuit sanctus Thomas de aquino or- dinis fratrfl predicatorum. H 1396*5 BMC I 205 (IB 3198)5 Pr 9565 Goff. Third census, T-337. Printed in black and red. First capital added in blue with red scroll- works other capitals, initial-strokes, para- graph-marks, and underlines in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 12 Dec. 52. xq265.3/T36d/li i 75 1001 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-127U. Spurious and doubtful works. De vitiis et virtutibus numero quaternario procedens, sive Quaternarius. cAntwerp, Mathias van der Goes, ca.lii86a c\2?i. woodcut: capital, h 20.1jcm. Leaf cl 9 (t.p.): Thomas de aquino de vi- ciis et virtutibus numero cjternario ^cedeS. HC 139U5 BMC EC 183 (IA U9915); Pr 9U26A5 Goff. Third census, T-338. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in reds woodcut capital also colored red. Purchased from Heller, 7 Feb. 58. x2la/T36d/lU86 177 1002 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Spurious and doubtful works. De Titils et virtutibus numero quaternarlo procedens, sive Quaternarius. cLeipzig, Martin Landsberg, ca.ll*95, d2,4., the last blank, a 20.3cm. Leaf d , (t.p.): Libellus sancti Thome de Aquino de Vicijs et Virtutibus numero Quaternario procedens. HC 1393*; BMC III 61*0 (IA 11981)} Pr 2975; Qoff. Third census, T-3l*la. Capital-spaces . In manuscript on t.p. : Ex Bibliotheca Mo- nasterij Brigantini. Purchased from Heller, 25 Feb. 58. ,x2Ul/T36d/lU95 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Spurious and doubtful works. Quaternarius See THO- MAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Spurious and doubtful works. De vitiis et virtuti- bus numero quaternario procedens, sive Quaternarius THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Spurious and doubtful works. Tractatus de corpore Christi See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?- 1271*. Spurious and doubtful works. De Eu- charista ad modum decern praedicamentorum, sive De corpore Christi 1003 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127l*. Spurious and doubtful works. Tractatus De modo confitendi et puritate conscientiae, De officio sacerdotis, Expo- sitio Missae, De vitiis et virtutibus. cAnt- werp, Mathias van der Goes, not before 11*86, cShil. woodcuts: capitals. 1*. 18. 9cm. Leaf cl a , (t.p.): Tractatus sancti Thome de aquino De m8 c8fitendi et puritate cBsci- Stie De offitio sacerdotis De offitio misse De vicijs et virtutibus numero quaternario Dcedens . The De modo confitendi is by Matthaeus de Cracovia. H enot HC, 131*9 + 1366*; C 51*0; BMC IX 183 (IA 1*9911*); Pr 91*26; Goff. Third census, T- 311. Capitals and initial-strokes added in red on leaves c2-l*,; capital-spaces elsewhere, except for woodcut capitals at beginnings of books . Imperfect: Expositio Missae, by Richard, Canon of Wedinghausen (leaves e39 a -l*l* >) wanting . Purchased from Heller, 25 Feb. 58. x230/T36tr/ll*86 THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Spurious and doubtful works. Tractatus de periculis contingentibus circa sacramentum Euchari- stiae See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?- 1271*. Spurious and doubtful works. De pe- riculis contingentibus circa aacramentum Eucharistiae THOMAS AQUINAS, PSEUDO, Commentator See BOETHIUS, d.52l*. De consolatione philoso- phiae. 12 Nov.ll*76; also ll*81*j 23 June ll*86; 21* Dec. 11*89; ca. 11*90,; ll* June U*98 THOMAS CANTIPRATENSIS See THOMAS DE CANTIM- PPi, fl. 1200-1270 1001* THOMAS DE CANTIMPrS, f 1.1200-1270. Bonum universale de proprietatibus apum. eCologne, Johann Koelhoff, the Elder, 11*78- 807, .131***. , the first blank. f. 29.2cm. Leaf c2 , : Incipit liber qui dicitur bonum vniuersale de mjrietatlbus apum. HC 361*1**; BMC I 223 (IB 3523); Pr 101*2; Goff. Third census, T-jl*7. Capitals added in red or blue; initial- strokes, paragraph-marks, underlines in red. In manuscript on vellum fly-leaf i ,Ptinet ad librarifl dom? fratrfl scl gregorij in em- brica ci.e. Emmerich,; also: Anno 181*1* hie liber bibliothecae Barnhemicae adscriptus est Intherburgi. Bound with this is Nider, Johannes. For- micarius. c Cologne, ca.ll*80, Purchased from Christensen, 28 Apr. 60. xq875/T36b/ll*78 THOMAS DE CAOTIMPRE, fl. 1200-1270, Supposed author. De disciplina scholarium See BOE- THIUS, d.52l*. Spurious and doubtful works. De disciplina scholarium THOMAS DE CAPITANEIS See CAPITA NEIS, THOMAS EX THOMAS DE HASELBACH See EBENDORFER, THOMAS, 1387-11*61* THOMAS DE SANCTO GERMANO See THOMAS DE SANCTO GERVASIO THOMAS DE SANCTO GERVASIC, Editor See CA- PRIOLI, JEAN, 1380-11*1*1*. Quaestiones in IV libros Sententiarum. 11*83-81* THOMAS WALLENSIS, d. 13507 Commentator See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIP- PO. De civitate Dei. 13 Feb. 11*90 See BOETHIUS, d.52l*. De consolatione philosophiae. 12 Nov. 11*76; also 11*81*; 23 June 11*86; 21* Dec. 11*89; cca. 11*90,; ll* June 11*98 1005 THUCYDIDES. Historia belli Peloponnesiaci. Latin. cTreviso, Johannes (Rubeus) Vercellensis, 11*83?= cl36,., the first and last blank and wanting. f. 28.1*cm. Latin translation of Laurentius Valla; ed- ited by Bartholomaeus Parthenius. HC 15511*; BMC VI 896 (IB 281*39); Pr 6500; Goff. Third census, T-359. Purchased from McLeish, Nov. 1*2. xq88l/T6.Lv/H*83 178 1006 TIBULLUS, ALBIUS. Elegiae, sive Carmina. Venice, Simon Be- vilaqua, 26 June U*93. cl58.*., the last blank and wanting. f. 32.3cm. Leaf tl a > (t.p.): Tibullus Catullus & Pro- ptius cO comento. Text surrounded by commentary, that on Ti- bullus by Bernardinus Veronensis, on Catullus by Antonius Parthenius, and on Propertius by Philippus Beroaldus. HC U76U; BMC V 517 (IB 23928); Pr 5382; Qoff. Third census, T-373. On the t.p., the two lines of the title have been reversed in printing. Capital-spaces, with guide-letters. xq87l/T5/li*93 1007 TIENE, GAETAJD, 1387-11*65. Expositio in Aristotelem De anima. De sen- su agente. Vicenza, Henricus de Sancto Ur- sio, Zenus, 21 Sept. (XI Kal. Oct.); 16 Oct. (XVII Kal. Nov.) 11*86. cl25*4., the last two blank and wanting, woodcut: printer's device. f. 29cm. Includes Joannes de Janduno. De substantia orbis Averrois (leaves c92 a -123 a O Includes the text of Aristotle and Averro- es. C 617=5821* + 5825; .CR 617 (var.); BMC VII 101*6 (IB 3181*6); Pr 7168; Goff. Third census, 0-26. Capital-spaces . The setting of the incipit is that describ- ed by Reichling', but the foliation is that of the Brit. Mus. copy. Leaves c20, 38-39, 61-62, slightly mutilat- ed and repaired, with some loss of text. Purchased about 1965; source unknown. x88l/A8a.Yti 1008 TIENE, OAETANO, 1387-11*65. Recollectae super Physica Aristotelis. Vicenza, Henricus de Sancto Ursio, Zenus, 23 Apr. 11*87. cll8i., the first and last blank and want- ing, woodcut: printer's device. f. 32.5 cm. HC 151*97*; BMC VII 101*6 (IB 3181*7); Pr 7169; Goff. Third census, G-3l*. Capital-spaces, a few with guide-letters. Bound in old vellum. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq88l/A8ph.Tti TIFERNAS, GREGORIO, 11*13 or ll*-ca. 11*61*, Trans- lator See STRABO. Geographia. Latin. 26 Aug. 11*80; also 21* Apr.ll*9l* TIPHERNAS, GREGORIUS See TIKERNAS, GREGORIO, li*13 or ll*-ca.U*61* TNUDGAL See TUNDAL'S VISION TONDALUS See TUNDAL'S VISION TORNIKLI, HIERONYMUS See TORNIELLI, QIROLA- MO, d.1508 TORNIELLI, GIROLAMO, d.1508. Rubricae iuris civilis et canonici See ANSELUS CARLETUS DE CLAVASIO, ll*ll?-ll95. Summa Angelica de caslbus conscientiae. 13 May 11*86; also 30 Oct. 11*87; 11*88; 26 Mar. 11*95; 2 May 11*95 1009 TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388-11*68. De efficacia aquae benedictae. cAugsburg, Anton Sorg, ca.ll*753 c8*. f 6 . 29.2cm. H 15739*; BMC II 31*2 (IB 5863); Pr 1661*; Goff. Third census, T-508. Capitals, a few initial-strokes, and one paragraph-mark added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq261*.9/T63d/ll*75 1010 TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388-11*68. De efficacia aquae benedictae. cAugsburg, Anton Sorg, ca.U*76? 3 c8*l. woodcuts: capitals. f. 29.1*cm. HC 15738*; BMC II 3U* (IB 5861); Pr 1663; Goff. Third census, T-509. Woodcut capitals painted red; initial- strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines ad- ded in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq261*.9/T63d/li76 TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388-11*68. De potestate Papae et Concilii Generalis See his Summa de ecclesia contra impugna- tores potestatis summi pontificis 1011 TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388-11*68. Expositio super toto Psalterio. Strass- burg ePrinter of the ll*8l 'Legenda aurea'a 23 Apr. (IX Kal. Mai.) 11*82. cl26zt., the first and last blank and wanting. f. 30.6cm. H 15703*; BMC I 97 (IB 1259); Pr 1*11*; Goff. Third census, T-527. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Bookplate of James Elwin Millard, D. D. Bound in old wooden boards with wide blind- stamped leather backs trip; two clasps missing. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq223.6/T63e/ll*82 1012 TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388-11*68. Expositio super toto Psalterio. cZarago- za, Paul Hurus and Juan Blanco, ca. 11*62 3 cl78><., the first and last blank, wood- cut: border. f. 30.6cm. Haebler. Bibl. Iberica, 651 (var.); Goff. Third census, T-529. Capital-spaces, mostly with guide-letters, the first a capital, the others lower case. The woodcut border and initial-strokes on leaf c2 a > are colored yellow. Bookplate: Mompie de Ontagudo; Ex libris: LI vis Escobet. Bound in old wooden boards, with wide back- strip of brown morocco; remnants of two clasps . Purchased from Stonehill, 27 July 62. xq223.6/T63e/ll*82a TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388-11*68. Flos theologiae See his Quaestiones Evan- geliorum de tempore et de Sanctis, cnot after ll*81*:> 1013 TCRQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388-ll68. Meditationes, seu Conteraplationes devotis- simae. cBasel, Johann Solidi, ca.lU7U:> zl6ol., the first blank and wanting. f. 29.2cm. HC 15721*; BMC I 237 (IB 3869) and note; Pr 1131 ; Ooff. Third census, T-537 cCologne, Printer of Albertus Magnus, 'De Virtutibus' (Johannes Solidi) j Capitals and initial-strokes added in red. Armorial bookplate : Victor von Klemperer. BUcherei Nr.2300. Purchased from Stonehill, lit Jan.U9. xq232.9/T63t*m/H*7l* 1011* TORQOEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388-11*68. Quaestiones Evangeliorum de tempore et de Sanctis, c Basel, Johann Amerbach, not after 11*81*, c350 3 <., leaves >li and el9l*, blank. f. 30cm. "Flos theologiae": leaves c181*-350j HC 15711**; BMC III 71*7 (IB 37283) cwithout the Flos theologiae,; Pr 7566; Goff. Third census, T-553. Capital-spaces . Bound in blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards; holes for 2 clasps and 5 bosses on each cover. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq226/T63l*q/H*81* 1015 TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388-11*68. Quaestiones Evangeliorum de tempore et de Sanctis. cStrassburg, Printer of the U183 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner?), ca.ll*85 .295,*.* the last blank. f. 30.3cm. Leaf cl (t.p.): Questiones euangeliorum tam de tempore qu3 de Sanctis JohSnis de turrecremata cardinalis. HC 15713; BMC I 136 (IB 19l*l); Pr 63U; Ooff. Third census, T-55U. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Stamp on t.p.: Ministerial Bibliothek Uel- zen. Bound in red sheepskin over wooden boards; 2 clasps; title written in 15 th cent, book hand on vellum slip pasted on front cover; paste-downs are portions of a vellum MS. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq226/T63Uq/ll*85 1016 TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388-11*68. Summa de ecclesia contra impugnatores po- testatis summi pontificis. Rome, Eucharius Silber, 27 Apr. U*89. .218,/. f . l*l*cm. Edited by Johannes Monissart. HC 15730; BMC IV 109 (IC I889I*); Goff. Third census, T-555. 179 Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 11* Jan. 1*9. xf262.13/T63s/U*89 #1017 TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388-11*68. Summa de ecclesia contra impugnatores po- testatis summi pontificis. Lyons, Johannes Trechsel, 20 Sept. 11*96. c270,*., leaf c262, blank. f. 27.7cm. Includes LXXIII quaestiones super potesta- te et auctoritate papali ex sententiis Sanc- ti Thomae (leaves c263-270) Edited by Jodocus Badius Ascensius. HC 15732* (incl. H 11*22*); BMC VIII 299 (IB 1*1922); Pr 8608; Goff. Third census, T- 556. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Imperfect: contains only leaves c263-270, (H 11*22* ) Purchased from Symmachus, 29 Nov. 1*5. x262.13/T63s/ll*96 TORRE, L0D0VIC0 DELLA, d.1502, Editor See LYRA, NICCLAUS DE, d. 131*9. Moralia super totam Bibliam. 29 Apr.ll*8l TORRENTINUS, HERMANNUS See BEEKE, HERMANN VON DER, d.1520 1018 TORTELLI, GIOVANNI, 11*00-11*66. Orthographia. Venice, Nicolaus Jenson, 11*71. c298 3 *., the first and last blank and wanting. f. l*lcm. Leaf .2 a , : IOANNIS TORTELLII ARRETINI COM- MENTARIORVM GRAMMATICORVM DE ORTHOGRAPHIA DICTIONVM E GRAECIS TRACTARVM PROOEMIVM IN- CIPIT _ HC 15561**-15568; BMC V 170 (IC 1961*7); Pr 1*081; Goff. Third census, T-395. Larger capitals illuminated in miniature style with cherubs, landscapes, ornamental and architectural designs; other capitals added in red, blue, or green. Bound in old blind-stamped calf over wood- en boards; re backed; remnants of clasps. Purchased from Biblion, 10 May 68. xq875/T638cAU71 100.9 TORTELLI, GIOVANNI, 11*00-11*66. Orthographia. Vicenza, Stephan Koblin- ger, 13 Jan. (Id. Ian.) 11*79. c3U5'.i the first and last blank. f. 31.Ucm. Leaf c2 a , : IOANNIS TORTELLII ARRETINI COM- MENTARIORVM GRAMMATICORVM DE ORTHOGRAPHIA DICTIONVM E GRAECIS TRACTARVM PROOEMIVM IN- CIPIT _ Edited by Hieronymus Bo nonius. HC 15566*; BMC VII 101*3 (IB 31823); Pr 7160; Goff. Third census, T-397. First capital added in red, blue, and green; two others in red and blue; smaller ones in red; initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines in red. Bound with this is Dionysius Nestor. Vo- cabularius. cVenice> 26 June 11*86. Purchased from Johannes Vahlen, 1913. xq875/T638c/U*79 180 1020 TORTELLI, GIOVANNI, 11*00-11*66. Orthographia . Vicenza, Hermannus Liech- tenstein (Levilapis), 31 0ct.ll*80. c3l8*<., the first and last blank and wanting. f. 30.2cm. Leaf c2 a .: IOANNIS TORTELLII ARRETINI COM- MENTARIORVM GRAMMATICORVM DE ORTHOGRAPHIA DICTIONVM K ORAECIS TRACTARVM PROOEMIVM IN- CIPIT _ Edited by Hieronymus Bononius. HC 15567*; BMC VII 1037 (IB 31818); Pr 7158; doff. Third census, T-398. , Larger capitals added in red and blue or green; smaller capitals in red or blue. Purchased from L'Art Ancien, 10 Jan. 1*6. xq875/T638c/ll*80 1021 TORTELLI, GIOVANNI, 11*00-11*66. Orthographia. Venice, Joannes Tacuinus, de Tridino, 19 Dec. 11*95. cl88*l., the last blank, woodcut: print- er's device. f. 33.2cm. Leaf el a * (t.p. ) : Ioannis Tortelii Aretini orthographia. Ioannis Tortelii Lima quaedam per Georgium Vallam tractatum de orthographia. Edited by Pyrrhus Pincius. HC 15571**; BMC V 530 (IB 21*052); Pr 51*38; Goff. Third census, T-l*02. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Johann Froben's copy, with his autograph inside front cover and an ink impression of his signet ring on the t.p. Also on the t.p. is a stamp: Museum Rem. Faesch Basil. Bound in oak boards with wide blind-stamp- ed pigskin backstrip; two clasps. Purchased from Goldschmidt, 26 Oct. 1*9. xq875/T638c/lli95 TORTELLIUS, JOHANNES See TORTELLI, GIOVAN- NI, 11*00-11*66 TOTANI, GTJILLELMUS, Editor See REGINALDETUS, PETRUS. Speculum finalis retributionis. 3 Aug. 11*92; also U99 TRACTATUS DE ARTE VIVENDI, LOQUENDI, ET TACENDI See NIAVIS, PAULUS, fl.ll*75-l5ll*. Latinum idioma pro parvulis editum. 21* Dec. 11*99 1022 TRACTATUS DE FRATERNITATIBUS. Albrecht Kunne. 1500. cl0,. 1* cMemmingen, . 20cm. Leaf cl a 3 (t.p.): Tractatus de fraterni- catibus in generali. H 7357*; BMC II 607 (IA 11116); Goff. Third census, F-307. Capital- spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. X271/T673 TRACTATUS NOTARIATUS See cWERNER VON SCHUS- SENRIED* Modus legendi abbreviaturas . 9 Aug. 11*90 TRACTATUS PRAESUMPTIONUM See cWERNER VON SCHUS- SENRIED, Modus legendi abbreviaturas. 9 Aug. 11*90 1023 TRACTATUS SOLEMNIS MULTUM PRAEDICABILIS, SIVE DE QUOLIBET SANCTO. .Augsburg, Jo- hann Froschauer, 11*98* =18**. 19cm. Leaf cl** (t.p.): Tractattus solennis multfl predicabilis . In quo materia de quo- libet sancto ex figura. natura. % example elegantissime probatur. HC l5589cUlm, 11*93= ; BMC II 397 (IA 6575); Pr 181*7; Goff. Third census, T-l*20. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Salloch, 8 Oct. 62. X251/T673AU98 TRAVERSARIUS, AMBROSIUS, CAMALDULENSIS , 1386- 11*39, Translator See DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Vi- tae et sententiae philosophorum. Latin. 18 Dec. 11*90; also 30 Mar. 11*95 See DIOGENES LAERTIUS. Vitae et senten- tiae philosophorum. Italian. 21* Oct. 11*89 See EPHRAEM SYRUS, SAINT. Latin. Selections, cca. 11*90* Sermones . TREVISA, JOHN, d. 11*02, Translator See HIG- DEN, RANULF, d.1361*. The description of England. 11*98 See HIGDEN, RANULF, d.1361*. Polycroni- con. English. 13 Apr.lU95 TRITHEIM, JOHANN See TRITHEMIUS, JOHANNES, 11*62-1516 1021* TRITHEMIUS, JOHANNES, U*62-l5l6. Collatio de republica ecclesiae. cMainz, Peter von Friedberg, after 1 Sept. 11*93 * clO>*. 1*. 20.7cm. Leaf cl * (t.p.): Collatio de republica ecclesie et monachorfl ordinis diui patris benedicti: habita Colonie in capl'o annali. D re. patrS dftm Johannem abbatS spanhemefi. prima die Mensis septembris. Anno dfii Mille- simo. quadringentesimo. nonagesimo tercio. HC 15630*; BMC I 1*6 (IA 372); Pr 172; Goff. Third census, T-l*35. Leaves c2 a , 3, 1*, 6 b * have 35 lines, c2 b , 5, 6 a , 7-9* have 36 lines. Capital, initial-strokes, and some under- lines added in red. In manuscript on t.p.: Mofirij Schyrensis. ord: S: P: Benedicti. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x271.l/T73c/ll*93 1025 TRITHEMIUS, JOHANNES, Il*62-l5l6. De laudibus sanctissimae Annae. Leipzig, Melchior Lotter cafter 1500* c2l**. 1*. 21.5cm. Leaf cl a * (t.p.): De laudibus sanctissl- me matris Anne tractatus pq^ vtilis doml Jo- Snis Tritthemij abbatis spanhemflsis ordinis diui patris benedicti _ 181 TRITHEMIUS , JOHANNES- continued C 5881 cllt^.j BMC III 862 d6th cent..; Pr 301*9; Ooff. Third census, T-l*l*7. Contemporary manuscript notes; in another hand on verso of t.p. is a note with date, 16U*, 12 Sept. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x225.92/T73d/l500a 1026 TRITHEMIUS, JOHANNES, U*62-l5l6. De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis. Basel, Johann Amerbach cafter 28 Aug.ll*9l*. c6i, liiO, c2il., the last blank and want- ing. f. 29.Ucm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Liber de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis. Edited by Johann Heynlin. HC 15613*; BMC III 755 (IB 37368); Pr 7601; Ooff. Third census, T-U52. Capitals and initial-strokes added in red. Bound in old blind-stamped calf; title in gilt on spine. Purchased from Reichner, 19 Nov. 53- xq922/T73c 1027 TRITHEMIUS, JOHANNES, 11*62 -1516. De triplici regione claustralium et spiri- tual! exercitio monachorum. Mainz, Peter von Friedberg, 6 Aug. (VIII Id. Aug.) 11*98. c98.*., the last blank. l*. 18. 7cm. Leaf d a . (t.p.): Liber de triplici regi- one claustralium et spirituali exercicio mo- nachorum: omnibus religiosis non minus vtl- lis c necessarius. Jo. tritemio abbate spanhemense emendante opusculum. Printed in black and red. Also ascribed to Joannes Bursfeldensis, with emendations by Trithemius. HC 15618*; BMC I 1*9 (I* 1*16); Pr 188; Goff. Third census, T-l*56. Capital-spaces; two capitals added in black ink. Purchased from Hertzberger, 18 Oct. 65. x27l/T73d 1028 TRITHEMIUS, JOHANNES, 11*62-1516. Institutio vitae sacerdotalis. eAugsburg, Johann Froschauer, after 22 0ct.ll*9l*. cl6.4. l*. 19.3cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Institutio vite sacer- dotalis dfii Johannis tritemij abbatis Spanhe- mensis ordinis diui patris benedicti Magunti- nensis diocesis. Ad Nicolaum presbyterfl Mer- nicensem Treuerensis diocesis. HC (+ Add) 15623; BMC II 395 (IA 6U83); Pr 1820; Goff. Third census, T-l*l*l. Initial-strokes and paragraph-marks added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x253/T73iAl*9l* TRITTENHEIM, JOHANNES See TRITHEMIUS, JOHAN- NES, 11*62-1516 TRIVET, NICHOLAS, 12587-1328, Commentator See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. De civitate Dei. 13 Feb.U*90 TROGUS POMPEIUS. Hlstorlae See JUSTINUS, MARCUS JUNIANUS. Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii Historias. 11*70; also 1 June 11*76; c before I* Apr.U*9l*.; *not before Dec.l507> 1029 TROVAMALA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, 11*96. Summa casuum conscientiae. cSpeier, Pe- ter Drach, after ll* Apr.. 11*88. c32l*.<.. leaf Oil*, blank. f. 28.6cm. Leaf cl . (t.p.): Summa Baptistiniana. Includes the bull "Etsi dominici gregis," of Pope Sixtus IV (leaf c313>) HC 11*180*; BMC II 1*96 (IB 8591* ); GW 3323; Pr 2371*; Goff. Third census, S-l*7. Capitals added in red. Stamps on t.p.: a monogram with the let- ters W; and Mr. W. M. D'Ablaine. In manu- script: Sum P. Ettonis. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x265.6/T75s/ll*88 1030 TROVAMALA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA,*96. Summa casuum conscientiae. Venice, Paga- ninus de Paganinis, 21 Dec. 11*99. ell*,, 1*79 (i.e. 1*76)/. 8. 17cm. Includes the bull "Etsi dominici gregis," of Pope Sixtus IV (leaf cl*. ) HC 11*186*; BMC V 1*60 (IA 23303); GW 3326; Pr 5178; Goff. Third census, S-50. Errors in foliation: numbers 396-398 omit- ted. Error in binding: leaves 293-300 bound: 293, 296, 295, 298, 300, 299. Purchased from Stonehill, 20 Nov. 1*1*. x265.6/T75s/ll*99 1031 TUCHER, HANS, 11*28-11*91. Reise in das gelobte Land. Augsburg, An- ton Sorg, 11*86. c56.., the first blank and wanting, woodcuts: capitals. f. 25.9cm. HC 15667*; BMC II 352 (IB 6000); Pr 1701; Goff. Third census, T-l*9l*. The first of the two woodcut capital N's is colored red; initial-strokes in red. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x9l5.69/T79r/ll*86 TUDESCHIS, NICOLAUS DE, PANORMITANUS See NICCOLO DE'TUDESCHI, ABP. , 1386-11*1*5"^ 1032 TUNDAL'S VISION. LATIN. Tundalus. De eius visione, sive De raptu animae. cSpeier, Johann and Conrad Hist, 11*83. c30>l., the first and last blank, wood- cuts: illus., capital. 1*. 19.2cm. Leaf c2 a . : Incipit libellus de raptu anime TOdali et eius visione Tractans de penis in- ferni et gaudijs paradisi. HC 1551*1*; BMC II 502 (IA 8715); Pr 21*11; Goff. Third census, T-l*97. Woodcuts partially colored red; capitals and initial-strokes added in red. Bound by F. Bedford, in red morocco, gilt. Contemporary manuscript ex libris of a Fran- ciscan monastery (partially trimmed off in binding); armorial bookplate of Lord Amherst. Purchased from Kraus, 11 Apr. 60. x875/T83d/ll83 182 TURRECREMATA, JOHANNES IE See TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL, 1388-IE58 TURRI, LUDOVICUS A See TORRE, LODOVICO DEL- LA, d.1502 UBALDIS, BALDUS DE See BALDO DEGLI UBALDI, 1327?-H*00 UBERTINO DA CRESCENTINO See HUBERTINUS, CLE- RICUS, CRESCENTINAS UBERTINUS, CLERICUS, CRESCENTINAS See HUBER- TINUS, CLERICUS, CRESCENTINAS UGOLETO, TADDEO,*, Editor See AUGU- STINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. 0- puscula. 31 Mar. 11*91 See AUSONIUS, DECIMUS MAGNUS. 10 July 11*99 See QUINTILIANUS, MARCUS FABIUS mationes. 3 July ll*9l Opera. Decla- UGOLETUS, THADAEUS See UGOLETO, TADDEO, d. ca.l5ll URBAHUS BELLUNEN3IS See BOLZANIO, URBANO, 114*3 (ca.) -1521* URSULA, SAINT. LEGEND See MATTHAEUS, A DO- MINICAN. Navicula Sanctae Ursulae. *ca. 1500= USUARD, Marty rologium. French See RUDIMENTUM NOVITIORUM. FRENCH. La mer dee histoires. 20-23 Aug. 11*91 UTINO, LEONARDUS DE See LEONARDUS MATTHAEI DE UTINO, 11*70 VADIUS, AN3ELUS, Editor See PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS. Cosmographia. Latin. 13 Sept. 11*75 VAL CAMONICA See CAMONICA. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Statuta communitatis Valliscamonicae. 1 Sept. 11*98 VALASCUS DE TARENTA See TARAWA, VALESCUS DE, b.1382 1033 VALERA, DIEGO DE, 11*12-11*87. Cronica de Espafia. Seville, Alonso del Puerto, for Michael Dachauer and Garcia del Castillo, 11*82. d87=*., leaves dl, and cl86-l87= blank and wanting. f. 25.1*cm. Printed in black and red. HC 15766; BMC X 32 (IB 52308); Pr 9519A; Goff. Third census, V-13. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red; initial-strokes in yellow. Original leaves trimmed on three sides and 1-inch margins added. Purchased from Harper, 3 Mar. 55. x9U6A23c VALERIANA, URBANO See BOLZANIO, URBANO, U*l*3(ca.)-l52U VALERIANUS. URBANUS, See BOLZANIO, URBANO, ll*l*3(ca.)-l52U 103U VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Facta et dicta memorabilia. cVenice 9 Jo- annes de Gregoriis, de Forlivio, et Socii, 18 June 11*82. c228,^., the first blank. f. 32cm. Printed in black and red. Text surrounded by commentary of Omnibonus Leonicenus; edited by Raphael Regius. HC 15786; BMC V 339 (IB 20935) ; Pr 1*1*99; Goff. Third census, V-33. In this copy, the four unsigned leaves con- taining the table, register, and letter of Regius, are bound at the beginning instead of at the end. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red or blue; the first capital in blue on a pen- drawn red background. In manuscript at head of leaf c2 a > t Ex Bi- bliotheca FF. Min apud Clarrissas. Brixinae, 161*6 (?) Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xq871/Vl*M82 1035 VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Facta et dicta memorabilia. Venice, Gui- lelmus Anima Mia, Tridinensis, 12 Aug. 11*91. cl*j, CCXL4. woodcuts: capitals. f. 31.5cm. Leaf cl*> (t.p.)* Valerio Maximo. Text surrounded by commentary of Oliverius Arzignanensis . HC 15791J BMC V 1*12 (IB 23088); Pr 5lU*} Goff. Third census, V-39. Some capital-spaces with guide-letters, especially in the latter part of the book. Purchased from Casella, 1 June 65. xq87l/VU/U*91 1036 VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Facta et dicta memorabilia-. Venice, Bone- tus Locatellus, for Cctavianus Scotus, 30 Apr. (pridie Kal. Mai.) 11*93. 183 VALERIUS MAXIMUS - continued c3., ccvil (i.e. ccvi), cl>*., the last blank, woodcuts: capitals, printer's device. f. 33cm. Leaf cl a . (t.p. ): Valerius Maximus cum commento Oliuerii Arzignanensis Vicentini. HC 15792*; BMC V 1*1*1 (IB 22881*); Pr 501*2 j Goff. Third census, V-10. Errors in foliation: ccii omitted in numb- ering. Capital-spaces with guide-letters; a few woodcut capitals. _^ In manuscript on t.p.: Monfij S: Martini et S: Crucis in Wiblingen. Purchased from Oimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq87lAliAU93 VALESCUS DE TARANTA See TARANTA, VALESCUS IE, b.1382 VALU, GIORGIO, 11*1*7-1500. De orthographia See TOHTELLI, GIOVANNI, 11*00-11*66. Ortho- graphia. 19 Dec. 11*95 VALLA, GIORGIO, 11*1*7-1500. Tractatus de or- thographia See TORTELLI, GIOVANNI, 11*00- 11*66. Orthographia. 19 Dec. 11*95 VALU, GIORGIO, 11*1*7-1500, Commentator See JUVENILIS, DECIMUS JUNIUS. Satyrae. IS~June 11*91; also 28 Jan.ll*9U/95; cca. 11*96-97=; 6 Dec. 11*97 Translator See ARISTOTELES. Ethica ad Nicomachum. Latin. ]2 Apr. 11*97 See FILELFO, FRANCESCO, 1398-11*81. 0- rationes cum quibusdam aliis eiusdem ope- ribus. 18 June 11*88 VALU, GIOVANNI PIETRO, fl.1500, Commentator See PUUTUS, TITUS MACCIUS. Comoediae. 17 Sept. 11*99 VALU, JOANNES PETRUS See VALU, GIOVANNI PIETRO, fl.1500 VALU, UURENTIUS See VALU, LORENZO, U*06- 11*57 VALU, LORENZO, 11*06-11*57. De pronomine sui See his Elegantiae linguae Latinae. li*80; also~o~Feb.ll*99A500; 1 Oct. 1500 VALU, LORENZO, 11*06-11*57. Elegantiae lin- guae Latinae See ACCURSIUS, BONUS, 11*85. Compendium ELegantiarum Laurentii Vallae. cca. 11*76. 1037 VALU, LORENZO, 11*06-11*57. Elegantiae linguae Latinae. Venice c Print- er of the 11*80 Valla. 11*80. cl90il., the last blank and wanting. f. 30.8cm. Includes the author's De pronomine sui (leaves d79 a -l89 a >) HC 15809*; BMC V 298 (IB 21290); Pr 5679; Goff. Third census, V-58. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Imperfect: a few leaves at the beginning worm-holed, with some loss of text. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xql*70/V2Ue/ll*80 1038 VALU, LORENZO, 11*06-11*57. Elegantiae linguae Latinae. Venice, Bap- tlsta de Tortis, 28 Aug. 11*86. till*.*, f . 32cm. H 158H**; Goff. Third census, V-61. Capital-spaces, most with guide-letters. Imperfect: contains only 98*., lacking quire k and probably 91. at the beginning. Purchased from Atkinson, 1 Dec .15. xql*70/V2l*e/ll*86 VALU, LORENZO, 11*06-11*57. Elegantiae lin- guae Utinae See COMPENDIUM OCTO PARTIUM ORATIONIS. cca7ll*89. 1039 VALU, LORENZO, 11*06-11*57. Elegantiae linguae Utinae. Venice, Joan- nes Baptista Sessa, 8 Feb.ll*99/l500. c86.l., the last blank and wanting, wood- cuts: capitals, printer's devices. f. 32 cm. Bound with Perotti, Niccolo, Abp. of Si- ponto, 11*30-11*80. Cornucopiae. cl501. Leaf cl a . (t.p.): Hoc in Volumine hec Continentur. Laurentii Vallensis Elegantie de lingua latina. Laurentii Vallensis de Pronomine Sui Ad Joannem Tortellum. Uurentii Vallensis lima quedam per Antonifi Mancinel- lum. HC (+ Add) 15822; BMC V 1*81 (IB 21*559); Pr 559U; Goff. Third census, V-67. Initial-strokes, underlines, and a few cap- itals added in red. xq87l/Ml*.?perA501 101*0 VALU, LORENZO, 11*06-11*57. Elegantiae linguae Utinae. Venice, Man- fredus de Bonellis, de Monteferrato, and Georgius de Rusconibus, 1 Oct. 1500 c86.4., the last blank, woodcuts: capitals. f. 32cm. Bound with Terentius Afer, Publius. Comoe- diae. Venice, 1 Dec. 1500. Leaf tl a . (t.p.): Hoc in uolumine haec con- tinentur. Laurentii Vallensis Elegantiae de lingua latina. Uurentii Vallensis de Prono- mine Sui ad Ioannem Tortellum. Uurentii Val- lensis Lima quaedam per Antonium Mancinellum. HC 15823; BMC V 506 (IB 23837); Goff. Third census, V-68. xq87l/T3A500 VALU, LORENZO, ll*06-ll*57, Commentator See QUINTILIANUS, MARCUS FABIUS. Instltutiones oratoriae. 18 Aug.ll*9U See SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, C. U9l : Boo, Opera. c ca. 181* VALLA, LORENZO, ll*06-ll*57, Translator See IS OC RATES. Oratio de laudibus Helenae. Latin. ca.U*98-l500, See THUCYDIDES. Historia belli Pelopon- nesiaci. Latin. clU83? VALLI, GIROLAMO DALLE, d. 11*1*3. Jesuida See BALTHASAR IE PORTA, d.l5l5. Expositio myste- riorum Missae. cll*a95 VALLIBUS, HIERONYMUS DE See VALLI, GIROLAMO DALLE, d. 11*1*3 VALLIS, HIERONYMUS See VALLI, GIROLAMO DALLE, d.muj VALLISCAMONICA See CAMONICA. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Statuta communitatis Valliscamonicae. 1 Sept.U*98 VARAGINE, JACOBUS DE See JACOBUS DE VARAGI- NE, 1230-1298 VARINUS CAMERS See GUARINO, OF FAVERA, BP. OF NOCERA, d.1537 101*1 VARRO, MARCUS TERENTIUS. De lingua Latina. cVenice, Printer of Basilius,\De vita solitaria, ca.ll*71-72a c20 3 , xi-xxxxii, c30=^., the first (blank) and the 11th Wanting. 1*. 26cm. Edited by Pomponius Laetus. H 15857?; C 5951* cRome, 11*72=.; BMC V 187 (IB 214828); Pr 5657; Goff. Third census, V-95. First two capitals added in gilt on colored background; other capitals in red or blue; leaf ell* is a manuscript facsim. of a lost original, with elaborate border in blue, gilt, red and shaded grey Florentine decoration; each page of text is outlined in double red rules. Stamp on leaf c2 a =. : F. Liechtenstein Bibli- othek . Purchased from Dawson, 25 May 65. x87l/V5/.< 101*2 VARRO, MARCUS TERENTIUS. De lingua Latina. cVenice, Printer of Pomponius Mela, ca.ll*78:> c6=, XLVtt. f. 30.5cm. Edited by Pomponius Laetus and Franclscus Rholandellus . HC 15851**; BMC V 262 (IB 21*81*8); Pr 71*12; Goff. Third census, V-97. Capitals supplied crudely in red and colors. Purchased from Quaritch, 15 Feb. 51*. xq87l/V5*.*/llj78 VARRO, MARCUS TERENTIUS. De lingua Latina See NONIUS MARCELLUS. De proprietate Lati- ni sermonis. 2 Sept. 11*83 *10l*3 vXterbuch. Leben der Heiligen Altvater. Johann Schbnsperger, ca.LLt85?a c Augsburg, CI882I., the first and last blank, wood- cuts: illus. f. 29.6cm. C 2966; Goff. Third census, H-218. Univ. of 111. Museum has only one leaf; text on verso, below woodcut begins: Der selb abbt Macharius. (Museum) q922/Vl*53/U*85 VEGETIUS RENATUS, FLAVIUS. De re militari See FRONTINUS, SEXTUS JULIUS. De re milita- HT 10 July 11*95-17 Jan. 11*96 VEGIO, MAFFEO See VEGIUS, MAPHEUS, d.U*58 VEGIUS, MAPHEUS, d.ll*58. Liber additus duo- decim Aeneidos libris See VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Opera. U*92; also 20 Feb.ll*97 101*1* VEGIUS, MAPHEUS, d. 11*58. Philalethes. cStrassburg, Heinrich Kno- blochtzer, ca.ll*80> dhit., the first blank and wanting, woodcuts: capitals, illus. 1*. 19.5cm. HC 15926*; BMC I 88 (IA 1079); Pr 368; Goff. Third census, V-115. Purchased from Shapiro, 1 Feb. 66. x875A52p/ll*80 101*5 VEGIUS, MAPHEUS, d. 11*58. Philalethes. Brescia, Bernardinus de Mi- sintis, 12 May 11*96. c6a/. woodcut: capital. 1*. 20.5cm. HCR 15930; BMC VII 990 (IA 3121*6); Pr 7035; Goff. Third census, V-118. Purchased from Hertzberger, 18 Oct. 65. x875A52p/H*96 101*6 VEGIUS, MAPHEUS, d.U*58. Vocabula ex jure civili excerpta. Vicenza, Philippus Albinus, 1 Dec. (Kal. Dec.) 11*77. c52a., the first and last blank, the last six wanting. f. 31.5cm. Bound with Bolognini, Ludovico. Syllogian- thon. Bologna, 11*96. HC 15919; BMC VII 101*2 (IB 31803); Pr 715U; Goff. Third census, V-122. Two capitals carelessly added in red. Wormholes in the first leaf of this book match those in the last leaf of Curtus, Joan- nes. Ciceronis rhetorica nova figuris contracta. cReutlingen, Otmar, after 13 Aug.ll*93 ( N . 311. xq87l/C7t.Yc) showing that the two books had formerly been bound together. xq3l*0.8/B63s/ll*96 VENETUS, JOANNES FRANCISCUS See JOANNES FRANC ISCUS, VENETUS VENETUS, MARCUS See MARCUS, VENETUS 101*7 VENTURINI, FRANCESCO, fl. 11*82. Rudimenta grammatices. Florence, Antonio de Bartolommeo Miscomini, 15 May (Id. Mai. ) 11*82. cl90=. f. 30cm. HCR 15938; BMC VI 637 (IB 27159); Pr 6U*1; Goff. Third census, V-123. 185 VmrURINI , FRANCESCO - contlnued Two capital-spaces, one with guide-letter. Bound in old oak boards with brown roan backs trip (mutilated) Bookplate of Robert Walsingham Martin. Purchased from Stonehill, 1965? xqU75A56r 101*8 VERARDI, CARLO, 11*1*0-1500. Historia Baetica. c Basel 3 Icoharuia Beerg- mann, de 01pe 3 ll*9l*. c3b^l. woodcuts: illus., map. h . 21.3 cm. Leaf el a s (t.p.): In laudem Serenissimi Ferdinand! HispaniaRf regis, Bethicae & regni Oranatae, obsidio, victoria, & triCphus. St De Insulis in mari Indico nuper inuentis. "De Insulis nuper in mari Indico repertis cEpistola Christoferi Colom (cui etas nostra multum debet: de Insulis in mari Indico nuper inuentis : ad quas perquirendas octauo antea mense: auspiciis & ere inuictissimi Fernandi Hispaniarfl Regis missus fuerat) ad _ Raphae- lem Sanxis : eiusdem serenissimi Regis Thesau- rarium missa: quam _ Aliander de Cosco: ab Hispano ideomate: in latinum conuertiWs leaves c29 b -36 a > HC 159U2*; BMC III 791* (IA 37918); Pr 7770; Goff. Third census, V-125. Five capitals added in red; lombards else- where; paragraph-marks in red or blue. Bound in blue crushed levant morocco; den- telles; covers lined with crimson morocco; crimson moire silk end papers; gilt edges; signed: Lortic Freres. Purchased from Stonehill, 2 July 51. x973.l5/C71eL/li*9U VERDENA, JOHANNES DE See JOHANNES VON WER- DEN, d. 11*37 101*9 VERGERIO, PIETRO PAOLO, THE ELDER, 1370-11*1*1*. De ingenuis moribus. cVenice^ Adam de Am- bergau cca.ll*71:i c6$,l. l*. 20.5cm. Includes Basilius Magnus. De legendis anti- quorum libris, and Xenophon. De tyrannide, both translated by Leonardus Brunus Aretinus. H 15986; C 5983; Pr 1*11*7 (pts.II & III); Qoff . Third census, V-128. Imperfect: contains only the Vergerius (leaves cl-33>) Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. x370.1/V58i/ll*71 1050 VERGERIO, PIETRO PAOLO, THE ELDER, 1370-11*1*1*. De ingenuis moribus. Venice, Damianus de Mediolano, de Gorgonzola, 21 June 11*93. cihil. woodcut: capital. 1* . 21.7cm. Leaf cl a , (t.p.): Petri pauli Vergerii De ingenuis moribus Traductlo de tirannide ex xenophonte Guarini ueronensis in plutarchls prefatio. Includes also: Basilius Magnus. De legen- dis antiquorum libris (Leonardus Brunus Are- tinus, translator); Plutarchus. De llberis educandis (Guarinus Veronensis, translator) and Hieronymus Presbyter. De officiis libero- rura erga parentes admonitio. Edited by Joannes Calphurnius. HC (Add) 1599U ; BMC V 5U1* (IA 21*288); Pr 5515; Goff. Third census, V-137. The woodcut capital is partially colored yellow; other capitals are added in red or blue. Bound in a leaf from an Old French vellum MS. Purchased from Hertzberger, 21 May 68. x370.l/V58i/ll*93 VERGERIUS, PETRUS PAULUS See VERGERIO, PIE- TRO PAOLO, THE ELDER, 1370-11*1*1* 1051 VERGILIUS, POLYDORUS, d.l555. Proverbiorum libellus. Venice, Christo- phorus de Pensis, de Mandello, 6 Nov. 1500. c68 3 ^. woodcuts: 2 capitals. 1* . 22cm. Leaf l a =. (t.p.) I PROVKRBIORVM LIBELLVS. HC 16011; BMC V 1*73 (I* 23518); Goff. Third census, V-ll*8. Capital-spaces with guide-letters: the first capital on leaves c2 a > and cl* a a is a woodcut . Stamp on fly-leaf: Bibliotheca Heberiana. Purchased from Stonehill, 6 July 67. x8O8.8/V58p/l500 1052 VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Bucolica. Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, 11*99 (a?i iubileu) c52 3 <. woodcut: illus. 1* . 21.7cm. Leaf el a . (t.p.): Bucoliconj. . P. Virgilij Maronis luculentissima ac familiaris explana- tio _ The commentary is by Hermannus Torrentinus (Hermann von der Beeke) C 6135; Goff. Third census, V-215. Capital-spaces, some with guide -letters; first capital supplied in black ink. Error in binding: leaf c8a bound after leaf cl, Bound with this are the author's Georgica. Cologne, 11*99, and Aeneid. Strassburg, 1509. In manuscript on t.p.: Monrij S\ Viti. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. x871/V9b.t/ll*99 1053 VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Georgica. Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, 11*99 (anno _ proximo ante iubiletl centenarifl) LXXXI, c),t. woodcut: illus. 1*. 21.7 cm. Bound with the author's Bucolica. Cologne, 11*99. Leaf .l a , (t.p.); OeorgicoR*-. P. Virgilij Maronis liber cfl nouo commentario Hermanni Torrentini. C 6150; Pr 1362; Goff. Third census, V-230. Capital-spaces, one with guide-letter. x87lA9b.t/H*99 186 105U VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIOS. Opera. Milan. Antonius Zarotus, 25 July (VIII Kal. Aug.) ll*75. cl8l,*. f. 32.6cm. C 6017; Ooff. Third census, V-159. Capitals, some with penwork decoration, ad- ded in red and blue alternately; some para- graph-marks in red or blue. Imperfect: contains only 1734. , the first and last mutilated and repaired, with loss of text. Bound by Giulio Scura, Rome, in modern brown morocco, tooled in antique style. Purchased from Stroock, 19 May 70. xq87lA9/H*75 1055 VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Opera. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 11*92. .8 3 , CCCXLV, d,t., the first and last blank and wanting. f. 29.9cm. Text surrounded by commentaries of Servius, Donatus, Landinus, and Calderinus. Includes the 13th book of the Aeneid, com- posed by Mapheus Vegius. C 6070; BMC II 1*36 (IB 71*1*1); Pr 2081; Goff. Third census, V-188. From the library of Count Jan Pieter van Suchtelen (1751-1836) with his armorial book- plate. Bound, about 1800, in red morocco, gilt rules, dentelles, back, and edges. Purchased from Kraus, 30 Mar. 56. xq87l/V9M92 1056 VERQILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS. Opera. Venice, Simon Bevllaqua, 20 Feb. 11*97. c 366a I., the last wanting, woodcuts: cap- itals. f. 33cm. Leaf cl a * (t.p.): Vergillus cum commenta- riis quinQ3 uidelicet Seruii Landini Ant. Mancinelli Donati Domitii. Includes the 13th book of the Aeneid, com- posed by Mapheus Vegius. Signatures: a 6 , b-z, & B , ?, R, A-V(last leaf wanting) C 6077; Ooff. Third census, V-192. Woodcut capitals at beginning of some books; capital-spaces, mostly with guide-letters, elsewhere . Bound in wooden boards with wide, blind- stamped calf backstrip; remnants of 2 clasps. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq87lA9Al<97 VERONESE, GUARINO See GUARINO, VERONESE, 137l*-H*60 01057 VERSOR, JOHANNES, 11*85. Super Donate Strassburg, 11*91. c50 3 <., the last blank, woodcuts: 3 cap- itals. 20.3cm. Leaf cl (t.p.): CSmentum valde perutile maglstri Johannis versoris super donatum ml- norem cu pulchris notabilibus atqj argumentis summe bonis, per quorum cognitionem iuuenes scholares in optimum argumentandi 1 respCden- di modum deuenire possunt facilime. HC I606I*; Goff. Third census, V-21*3. Capital-spaces; woodcut capitals in the last three quires. Printing tentatively assigned to Johann Prtiss by the Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d' Italia, 10250. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xl*75/D71aYv/H*91 VERT, GUILIELMUS See ZENDERS DE WERDT, GUI- LELMUS VICTOR, SEXTUS AURELIUS. Spurious and doubt- ful works. De viris illustribus urbis Ro- mae See DE VIRIS ILLUSTRIBUS URBIS ROMAE VICTORINUS, C. MARIUS, Commentator See CICE- RO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De inventione, sive Rhetorica vetus. 17 July 11*83 See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. Rhetorica ad C. Herennium. 12 Sept. 1500 VILLA DEI, ALEXANDER DE See ALEXANDRE DE VH- LEDIEU VILLA VITIS, HIERONYMUS DE See HIERONYMUS DE VILLA VITIS VILLANOVA, ARNALDUS DE See ARNALDO DA VILLA- NOVA, 1235 (ca.) -1311 VILLEDIEU, ALEXANDRE DE See ALEXANDRE DE VILLEDIEU 1058 VINAC, HUGO DE, d.1322. Sermones Dominacales super EVangelia et Epistolas. Strassburg, Georg Husner, 11 June (III Id. Iun. ) 11*76. c2l*l*a., the first blank and wanting. f. 50cm. H 9005*; BMC I 81* (IC 1008); Pr 31*8; Goff. Third census, H-501*. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, explicit, and underlines added in red. Stamp on leaf el a a : Aus der Trier. Stadt- bibliothek. Purchased from Stonehill, 1 Aug. 58. xf252A73s/li*76 1059 VINAC, HUGO DE, d.1322. Sermones Dominicales super Evangelia et Epistolas. c Basel, Michael Wenssler, ca. ll*85> c322s*., leaves c9 3 and c322 blank. f. 32cm. Leaf cl a s (t.p.): Sermones hugonis de pra- to de tempore. H 9002*; Goff. Third census, H-511. Capitals added in red or blue; initial- strokes and paragraph-marks in red. Imperfect: leaf elO* torn, with loss of most of the first lit lines of text. In manuscript on t.p. : Pro loco Veltzper- gen* (i.e. Feldsberg, Austria) Bound in original blind-stamped calf over wooden boards, brass bosses, remnants of clasps; back almost all gone. Purchased from Rosenthal, 1* Oct. 65. xq252A73a/ll*85 187 1060 VINCENT DE BEAUVAIS, d.l26U. Opuscula. Basel, Johann Anerbach, 13 Dec. (W. Dec.) 1481. 338**. f. 29.8cm. Contents.- Liber gratiae.- Laudes Virginia Marlae.- De Sancto Johanne Evangelista.- De eruditione filiorum regalium.- Consolatio pro morte amici. C 6259; BMC III 7U6 (IB 37269); Pr 7562; Qoff. Third census, V-277. Capitals, initial-strokes, paragraph-marks, and underlines added in red. Purchased from Qoldschmidt, 7 Aug.3U. xq875/V7Uo 1061 VINCENT DE BEAUVAIS, d,126U. Speculum historiale. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 2U July (in vigilia sancti Iacobi) 1U83. 2v. (cU62><., the first blank and want- ing) f. U8.5cm. Leaf ch a 3 : Speculum hystorlale fratris VincentiJ beluacensis ordinis sancti domini- oi incipit. CR 62l8; Goff. Third census, V-285. Capital-spaces . Imperfect: leaves e237-238a wanting; sup- plied by Xerox copies made from Harvard Medi- cal Library copy. Autograph of Jacopo Filippo Foresti da Bergamo (11*1*3-1520) on leaves c2 a . and c239* Purchased from Christensen, U* Oct. 60. xf875A7l*sh/li*83 1062 VINCENT DE BEAUVAIS, d.1261*. Speculum naturale. cStrassburg, Printer of the lii8l Legenda aurea, ca.lU83?> 2v. (e602 a *., the first, 20th, and the last blank, the last wanting) f. 5lcm. C 6257; BMC II. p.x cBasel, Amerbach?= and III 860 (IC 1252); Pr 2056; Ooff. Third cen- sus, V-293. Possibly commissioned at Strassburg about 11*83 by Koberger. cf. V. Scholderer. Hand- list of incunabula in the National Library of Wales, no. 8. Capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph- marks added in red. Bound in original blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards; large metal clasps. Purchased from Christensen, 1U Oct. 60. xf875A7l*sn/LU83 VINCENT DE BEAUVAIS, d.1261*, Supposed auth- or. Image du monde See IMAGE DU MONDE VINCENTIUS BELLOVACENSB See VINCENT DE BEAU- VAIS, d.1261* 1063 VINCENTIUS FERRERIUS, SAINT, 1350(ca.)-ll*19. De fine mundi. c Augsburg, Johann Froschau- er, 15057. c\6,l. 1* . 19.2cm. Leaf l a > (t.p.): Mirabile Opusculfi sancti Vincentii ordinis predicatorfl. de fine mundi . last leaf wanting, er's device. l* Printed in Proctor's type 6, which was not used by Froschauer before 1503. cf . Proctor, R. An index of German books, 1501-1520 (2d ed. 1951*) P.73. HC 7017; BMC II 39U (note); Pr 1853; Goff. Third census, F-121*. Purchased from Stonehlll, 1 Aug. 58. X236/V7W1505 1061* VINCENTIUS FERRERIUS, SAINT, 1350(ca. )-ll*19. Sermones de Sanctis. Venice, Jacobus Pentius, de Leuco, for Lazarus de Soardis, 12 Nov. 11*96. e8>, 125, d**., leaf 120 and the blank woodcuts : illus . , print- 19cm. Leaf el*3 (t.p.): Sanctus Vincentlus de valentia sacri ordinis predlcatorum. Sermo- nes sancti VincStiJ fratris ordinis predica- torum De Sanctis. Signatures:^ 8 , AAA-PPP 8 , QQQ 6 (PPPq want- ing, QQQx blank and wanting) HC 7OIOV; GW 98U3; Ooff. Third census, F-137. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Passim, 11* June 66. x252/V7U5ses/lU96 1065 VINCENTIUS FERRERIUS, SAINT, 1350(ca. )-ll*19. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis. Strass- burg c Printer of the 11*83 Jordanus de Qued- linburg (Georg Husner?)* 11*93-91*. 3v. in 2. f. 29cm. Vol.1, leaf cll a 5 (t.p.): Sermones sancti Vincencij fratris ordinis predicatorum de tempore Pars hiemalis; v. 2, leaf cl a . (t.p.): Sermones sancti Vincentij fratris ordinis pre- dicatorfl, de tempore Pars estiualis; v. 3, leaf cl a s (t.p.): Sermones sancti Vincentij fratris ordinis predicatorfl. De Sanctis. Vol.1 is dated 11*93; v. 2, 20 Dec. 11*93 (in vigilia sancti Thome apostoli); v. 3, 31 Jan. (feria sexta ante festfl Purificationis sanctae Marie virginis) U*9l*. Collation: v.l: c2\0,l., the first and last blank; v. 2: c256>*., the last blank and wanting; v. 3: cl36il., the last blank and wanting. H 7009*; BMC I 11*3 (IB 2065) (II); GW 981*1; Goff. Third census, F-I36. First capital of the text of each v. added in red and blue (that of v. 2 painted on a slip and pasted in); other capitals and (in v.2) paragraph -marks and initial-strokes in red. In v.l, leaves cl-lO? are bound at the end; the t.p. is pasted to the inside of the front cover; v.l and 3 are bound together in con- temporary calf; v.2 bound in blind-stamped pigskin. Stamp: Bibl. Buxheim. Purchased from Stonehlll, 27 Apr. 65. xq252/V7U5se/ll 4 93 VINZALIUS, JOANNES, Editor See PIUS II, POPE, 11*05-11*61*. Epistolae familiares. Dec. 11*96 10 188 VIO, TOMMASO DE, CALLED GAETANO, CARDINAL, 1U69-153U, Commentator See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT, 1225?-127U. Expositio In libros Po- steriori et In De interpretations Aristo- telis. 28 Sept. 11*96 VIROILIUS, POLYDORUS See VERGILIUS, POLYDO- RUS, d.l555 VIRGILIUS MAHO, PUHLIUS See VERQILIOS MARO, PUBLIUS VKOLUS, CAROLOS See MANNEKEN, CAROLUS, 11*13-11*93 VISDOMINI, ANTONIO MARIA, Translator See HIERONYMUS, SAINT. Ordo seu Regula Viven- di Deo ad Eustochium virginem. Italian. 28 Mar. 11*98 1066 VITA ET PROCESSUS S. THOMAE BECKET, archiepi- acopi cantuariensis, super libertate eccle- siastioa. Paris, Johann Philippi, 27 Mar. 11*95. c98,i. l*. 2l*cm. The Later quadrilogus, based upon the Ear- lier quadrilogus , edited by Elias, Monk of Evesham, with the assistance of Henry, Abbot of Croyland; a harmony of four lives of Thomas a Becket, with the addition of Benedict of Pet- erborough's Passio, and containing also passages from Edward Grim and William Fitzstephen. cf . Brown, P. A. The development of the legend of Thomas Becket (1930) p. 11. HC 15510; BMC VIII 11*8 (IB l*Ol*76a); Pr 8238; Goff. Third census, T-159. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Bound with this, as issued: Bertrand, Pierre, Cardinal. Libellus de iurisdictione ecclesia- stica contra Petrum Cugneries. Paris, 2 Apr. 11*95. Purchased from Stonehill, 30 June 1*5. xB/Tl*51*3v/ll*95 VITAE PATRUM. The lyff of the Faders See VITAE PATRUM. Vitae Sanctorum Patrum. Eng- lish, cbefore 21 Aug. ,11*95 1067 VITAE PATRUM. Vitae Sanctorum Patrum. Ulm, Johann Zainer cca. 11*78-80, clO>, CCCLxxv, cl**., the last blank and most of it torn out. f. 31.9cm. H 8591**; BMC II 528 (IB 9229); Pr 2536; Goff. Third census, H-200. Capital-spaces . Leaves lxvi and lxxi wanting; replaced by leaves from another copy. In manuscript inside back cover: Monaste- rium Weyar (i.e. Weymar) Bound in blind-stamped calf over wooden boards; clasps gone. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. xq922A83/U*78 1068 VITAE PATRUM. Vitae Sanctorum Patrum. Venice, Octavia- nus Scotus, U* Feb. (XVI Kal. Mar.) 11*83-81*. c8 3 , ccxliii, cl,4., the first blank and wanting. f. 21*. Item. "De laude et effectu virtutum" : leaves ccxxxiiii-ccxliii. HC 8599; BMC V 279 (IB 21190); Pr 1*573} Goff. Third census, H-206. Capital-spaces . Purchased from Olschki, 17 Oct.58. x922/V83/H*83 1069 VITAE PATRUM. Vitae Sanctorum Patrum. cStrassburg, Printer of the 11*81* Paludanus, 7 July (Non. Iul.) 11*85. 10a, CCXXEC, el=<- the first and last blank and wanting, f 6 . 29.5cm. HC 8600*; BMC I 98 (IB 1311); Pr 1*22; Goff. Third census, H-207. Usually assigned to the Printer of the 11*83 Vitas Patrum. Two large capitals added in red and blue; other capitals in red and blue alternately; paragraph-marks in red. Purchased from Gilhofer and Ranschburg, 22 Oct. 29. xq922A83/H*85 1070 VITAE PATRUM. Vitae Sanctorum Patrum. English. Westmin- ster, Wynkyn de Worde cbefore 21 Aug. ,11*95. 8,, CCCxlvil (i.e. CCCxlviii)*., the first and the last 20 wanting, woodcuts: capitals, illus., printer's device. f. 30.7cm. Leaf cl a , (t.p.): Vitas patrum. Leaf c2 a 3 : Here foloweth the right deuoute/ moche lowable/Q recBmendable lyff of the olde Auncyent holy faders hermytes _ Translated by William Caxton. C 2961; Pr 9697; Goff. Third census, H-213. Error in foliation: lxxxxiii repeated in numbering. Original t.p. wanting; replaced by facsi- mile. Bookplates of Wm. Lawrence and Sir John Trollope; in manuscript on fly-leaf: T. Trol- lope, the gift of Wm. Lawrence Esq 1 *. June 1783. Purchased from Seven Gables, 1* Dec. 56. xq922/V83Ec VITAE PATRUM. Vitae Sanctorum Patrum. Ger- man See VATERBUCH. Leben der Heiligen Alt- va'ter. cca. 11*85?, VITALIS BODIANUS, FRANCISCUS, Editor See MARTIANUS CAP ELLA. De nuptils Philologiae et Mercurii. 16 Dec. 11*98 VITERBIENSIS, JOANNES See NANNI, GIOVANNI, H*32?-1502 VITRUVIUS POLLIO. De architectura See CLEO- NIDES. Harmonicum introductorium. Latin. 3 Aug. 11*97 189 VLIBDEHHOVEN, QERARDUS DE, fl. 1368-1396, Sup- posed author. Cordiale quattuor novissimo- rum See CORDIALE QUATTUOR NOVISSIMORUM VLYDERHOVEN, GERARD VAN DER See VLIEDERHO- VEN, GERARDUS DE, fl. 1368-1396 VOCABULARIUS: CURIA RALATIUM See CURIA PA- LATUM. Latin-German. eca.ll957> O1071 VOCABULARIUS DE PARTIBUS INDECLINABILIBUS. cSpeler, Johann and Conrad Hist, before 18 Jan. 11*85= c86i<., the last blank, woodcut: title. 1*. 18.5cm. Bound with Curia palatium. Latin-Oerman. cAugsburg. ca. 11*95? = Leaf cl *i (t.p. ) : Vocabularius de partibus indeclinabilibus . C 6378} BMC II 505 (a 8721) (variations); OW (Nachtr) 386 (variations); Pr 2U13; Goff. Third census, V-359. Capitals and paragraph-marks added in red and blue alternately; initial-strokes and un- derlines in red. In manuscript at end: Emi Argentine 18 die Januarij 11*89. H. Hug _ Bartholomaeus Hug est possessor huius libri. xli73/C925/lU95 1072 VOCABULARIUS UTRIUSQUE JURIS. Nuremberg, Anton Koberger, 1* Sept. (pridie Non. Sept.) 11*81. 122*4. | the first and last blank and wanting. f. 29.5cm. C 6361; BMC II 1*20 (IB 7227); Pr 2006; Goff. Third census, V-3I4O. The issue without the 5-line "Protestatur" following the colophon. Capitals and initial-strokes added in red. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq3U9.3703A85l/U*8l 1073 VOCABULARIUS UTRIUSQUE JURIS. Basel cMi- chael Wenssler= 20 Aug. 11*83. el52^., the first blank. f. 27.9cm. CR (Suppl) 6363; Pr 71*98; OlmuU. Studien- bibliothek. Die Wiegendrucke , 1635; Goff. Third census, V-3l2. First capital added in blue; others in red. In manuscript inside front cover: Ad ceno- bifl sancte elisabeth _ (illegible) spectat liber iste ex bBficio dfii IShis obersdorffe. Bound in old blind-stamped calf over wood- en boards; back restored; remnants of clasps. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. X3U9.3703A851/LU83 107U VOCABULARIUS UTRIUSQUE JURIS. Strassburg cPrinter of the 11*83 Jordanus de Quedlin- burg (Georg Husner?). 28 Sept. (in profe- sto sancti Michaelis) 11*90. cl30 3 l., the last blank and wanting. f. 29.3cm. Leaf cl a a (t.p.): Vocabularius utriuqsj tsici iuris. CR 6369; BMC I lljO (IB 2033); Pr 656; Goff. Third census, V-3U8. First capital added in red and blue; others in red and blue alternately; paragraph-marks and some initial-strokes in red. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan. 1*6. xq3U9.3703A85l/li90 VOLSCO, ANTONIO, Commentator See OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS. Epistolae Heroides. 10 Nov. H92 VOLSCUS, ANTONIUS See VOLSCO, ANTONIO VOLUMEN DE TORTIS See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. VOLUMEN PARVUM VOLUMEN PARVUM See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. VO- LUMEN PARVUM VORAGINE, JACOBUS DE See JACOBUS DE VARAGINE, 1230-1298 ol075 VORHERSAGE FOR 11*89. Latin. cPassau, Johann Petri, ca. 11*88= 2,<. 1*. 23.1*cm. Leaf tl a 3 : Tercifl vbfl de mBsibo I general! ac ecil I specaili resolucS Noua luna Embo- lissmi. Ludwig Rosenthal, Katalog 168 (1927) 83U; Ernst Zinner. Gesch. u. Bibliographic der astronomischen Lit. 382; Goff. Third census, D-191. Label on cover: EMBOLISMUS (PADUA 11*90); listed by Goff as: Dies Embolismales. 35 lines; type 92G. According to the Rosenthal Katalog, the author may have been Wenzel Faber von Bud- weis. In manuscript in margins of leaf el a = t Anno Nonagesimosecundo. Registrum ecclesie Sancti m Newburgasetan. Purchased from Stonehill, ll* Jan. 1*9. x529.5A9lVH*88 VULPES, AENEAS, Editor See OROSIUS, PAULUS. Historiae adversus paganos. cca. 11*75=; also 30 July 11*93 W. H. See HORMAN, WILLIAM, d.l535 WALAHFRID, STRABO, 8077-81*9, Supposed author. Glossa ordinaria See BIBLE. UTIN. NOT AF- TER 11*80. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. cnot af- ter 11*80= See BIBLE. LATIN. U*98. VULGATE. Biblia Latina. 1 Dec. 11*98 WALEYS, THOMAS See THOMAS WALLENSIS, d. 13507 190 WALFREDO, STRABONE See WALAHFRID, STRABO, 8077-81*9 WALTER OF ENGLAND, ABP. OF PALERMO, fl.H77. Aesopus moralisatus See AESOPUS. Aesopus orelisatus WANN, PAUL, 11*2 0(ca.) -11*89. Sermones XXIII See LOCHMAIER, MICHAEL, d.LU91. Semones de Sanctis cum vlgintitribus Pauli Warm sermo- nibus. c 11*90-91 WATTON, JOHN, Supposed author. Speculum Christiani See SPECULUM CHRISTIANI WERDEA, JOHANNES FABEfi E See FABRI EB WER- EBA, JOHANNES, lll*0(ca.)^T505 WERDEN, JOHANNES VON See JOHANNES VON WER- EEN, d. 11*37 WERDT, QUILELMUS See ZENDERS DE WERDT, GUI- LELMUS 1076 cWERNER VON SCHUSSENRIED, Modus legend! abbreviatures. Strassburg c Printer of the 11*83 Jordanus de Quedlin- burg (Georg Husner?), 9 Aug. (in vigilia Lau- rentij) LU90. d26,*.. the last blank. f. 28.5cm. Leaf cl , (t.p.): Modus legendi abbreuia- turas in utroqi iure siue processus iuris. Contents.- Modus legendi abbreviatures. - Processus iudiciarius Iohannis de Vrbach.- Tractatus praesumptionum.- Summa Dorainici de Visentina qualiter notarii _ debeant off icium exercere.- Tractatus notariatus.- Defensoriun iuris c Iohannis Monachi,- Tractatus exceptio- nun Innocentij IV.- Tractatus praescriptionum Digni de Mugilo.- Tractatus de arbitris et arbitratoribus Petri Iacobi Monte pessulano.- Differentiae legura et canonum Galnani de Bo- nonia.- Tractatus de tabellionibus Bartoli de Saxoferrato. HC 111*85; BMC I 11*0 (IB 2030); Pr 655; Ooff. Third census, M-757. Capital-spaces, some with guide-letters. Ex libris Fernand Heitz; in manuscript at end: Mon 1 " 1 ^ S* 1 Thome de Torcello. 1561; lab- el: Libra irie F. Qangloff - Mulhouse. Purchased from L. Rosenthal, h Oct. 65. x3U0M9Ali90 1077 cWERNER VON SCHUSSENRIED, Modus legendi abbreviatures . Nuremberg, Friedrich Creussner, 10 Mar. 11*92. ckOil. woodcuts: capitals. f. 30.5cm. Leaf el a , (t.p.): ISte libellus docet mo- du studSdi & legendi stenta ac abbreuiata utriusq; inris tarn canonicl (J; ciuilis _ HC 111*71*; BMC II 1*5U (IB 7687); Pr 2158; Goff. Third census, M-749. Large marginal woodcut capital on t.p. outlined in red; capitals, initial-strokes, and paragraph-marks added in red. Bookplate: Qeorgius Kloss, M. D. Frenco- furth ad Moenum. Purchased from Shapiro, 5 July 66. xq3l*0/W*9m/ll*92 WERMERUS, OF SCHUSSENRIED See WERNER VON SCHUSSENRIED WERT, WILHELMUS See ZENDERS DE WERDT, GUI- LELMUS 1078 .WIMPHELINO, JAKOB, 11*50-1528. Oratio quaerulosa contra invasores sacerdc turn. cAugsburg, Johann Froschauer, ca. 1U96-1500, e8,/. woodcut: capital. U. 19.9cm. Leaf cl , (t.p.): Oratio querulosa contra Inuasores Sacerdotum. H I6l9lt=12027; BMC II UOO (IA 6578); Pr 1848; Ooff. Third census, W-U5. The woodcut capital is outlined in red; in- itial-strokes and paragraph-marks added in red. Purchased from Gimbel, 3 July 1*2. x262.13/W71oAU96 WJKPHELINO, JAKOB, 11*50-1528, Editor See SCHOTT, PETER, 11*587-11*90. Lucubratiuncu- lae. 2 Oct.U*98 ol079 WIMPINA, KONRAD, ll*60-l531. Palillogia de theologico fastigio. cLeip- aig, Martin Landsberg, ca. 11*97, c3U,<. woodcut: printer's device. 1*. 20.5cm. Leaf d a , (t.p.): Palillogia de Theologico fastigio Ex nobilitate obiecti eius Christi reparatoris et glorificatoris nostri sumpta. In qua tribus codicillis nobilitas Christi ostenditur _ HC 16198; BMC III 61*3 (IA 12015); Pr 2985; Goff. Third census, W-58. Capital-spaces . Stamp: Bundesdenkmalamt. Purchased from Stonehill, 25 June 65. x230/W71p WINCKEL, JOHANNES, Editor See THOMAS AQUI- NAS, SAINT, 12257-1271*. Quaestiones dis- putatae. 23 Feb. 1500 WOHLGEMUTH, MICHAEL See WOLGEMUT, MICHAEL, 11*34-1519 WOLFRAM VON ESCHENBACH, 12th cent., Supposed author. Der jungere Titurel See cALBRECHT VON SCHARFENBERG, 13th cent. Der jungere Titurel WOLOEMUT, MICHAEL, U*3U-1519, Illustrator See SCHEDEL, HARTMANN, 11*1*0-1511*. Liber cronicarum See SCHEDEL, HARTMANN, ll*l*0-l5lll. ber cronicarum. German Li- 191 WORCESTER, JOHN TIPTOFT, EARL OF, 11*27?- ll70, Translator See CICERO, MARCUS TUL- LIUS. De senectute. English. 12 Aug. 11*81 WORCESTER, WILLIAM, ll*l5-H*28? Translator See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS. De senectute. English. 12 Aug.ll*8l WOTTON, JOHANNES See WATTON, JOHN XENOCRATES. De morte. Latin See JAMBLICHUS, OF CHALCIS. De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chal- daeorum, Assyriorum. Latin. Sept. 11*97 XENOPHON. De tyrannide. Latin See VEROERIO, PIETRO PAOLO, THE ELDER, IJlCpfihk. De in- genuis moribus. 21 June 11*93 YAHYA IBN SARAFYUN See YUHANNA IBN SARABI- TUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. 1080 YUHANNA IBN SARABIYUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. Breviarium medic inae. Venice, Bonetus Lo- catellus, for Octavianus Scotus, 16 Dec. (XVII Kal. Ian.) 11*97. 211, ilaf.i the last blank and wanting, woodcuts: capitals, printer's device. f. 32.8cm. Leaf el a j (t.p.): Practica Jo. Serapionis dicta breviarium. Liber Serapionis de slmpll- ci medicina. Liber de simplici medicina. dlc- tus circa instans. Practica platearij . The Breviarium was translated by Gerardus Cremonensis; the Liber de simplici medicina (of Serapion, the Younger) by Simon Januensis, with the help of Abraham Judaeus, of Tortosa. Includes the spurious Liber de virtute cen- taureae, of Oalen, translated by Nicolaus Rhe- ginus (leaf 168) HC 11*695*; BMC V 1*1*8 (IB 22971); Pr 5081*; Goff. Third census, S-l*66. Purchased from Barry, 30 Jan.l*6. xq6lO/Y9kLg/ll*97 YtJftANNA IBN SARABIYUN, THE ELDER, 9th cent. Practica Jo. Serapionis dicta breviarium See his Breviarium medic inae. 16 Dec. 11*97 YUHANNA IBN SARABIYUN, THE YOUNGER See SERA- PION, JOHANNES, THE YOUNGER, 12th cent. ZACCARIAS, JACOBUS See ZACHARIAS, JACOBUS ZACCHARIAS, JACOBUS See ZACHARIAS, JACOBUS 0+1081 ZACHARIAS, JACOBUS. Inscriptionum libellus. Rome, Johann Be- icken cl501? c28i/., the first blank and wanting, wood- cut: capital. 1*. 20.6cm. Edited by Gabriel Apollonius. HC 16266; Brit. Mus. General catalogue, v.262, col. 822 (1085.m.l); Pr 3993. Error in binding: quires b and c interchang- ed. Purchased from Stonehill, 16 July 62. x875/Zlli/l501 ZAMBERTI, BARTOLOMEO, b. 11*72, Supposed author. Isolario See BARTOLOMMEO DA LI SONETTI, fl. 11*85. Isolario. ca.ll*85> 1082 ZENDERS DE WERDT, GUILELMUS. Lilium gramma ticae. Cologne, Heinrich Quentell*90> =16,/. 20.5cm. Leaf il a ) (t.p.): Lilium graftatice magi- stri wilhelmi wert. nBmodo discipulis. Imo magistris etiam prouectis necessarlum. C 6189; BMC I 280 (IB 1*827); Pr 11*00; Goff. Third census, V-263. Capitals and initial-strokes added in red. Purchased from Stonehill, 6 Dec. 50. xl*75/Zl*2//H*90 1083 ZERBOLT, GERARD, 1367-1398. De reformatione virium animae. e Paris, Georg Mittelhus 3 U*93. c60j/., the first wanting. 8. 13cm. Leaf cl a j (t.p.)t De reformatione virium anime. HC 16292H 16293; BMC VIII 126 (IA 1*0067) 5 Pr 8111; Goff. Third census, G-172. Capital-spaces with guide-letters. Purchased from Howes, 26 Nov. 53. xll*9.3/Z5dM93 ZERRA, ANTONIUS, Editor See RAMPEGOLO, ANTO- NIO, fl.lUU*. Figurae Bibliae. 31 Dec.l500 ZUTPHANIA, GERARDUS DE See ZERBOLT, GERARD, 1367-1398 INDEX OF TITLES (Including alternative and analytical titles and anonymous works entered under title. Titles ascribed to more than one author are followed by the name of the known or preferred author; names of other supposed authors are added in parentheses ) Ab urbe condita See LIVIOS, TITUS Abbreviatio super Decades Blondi See PIUS II, POPE Acta et decreta See CONSTANCE, COUNCIL OF Additiones ad Postlllam Nicolai de Lyra See PAULUS DE SANCTA MARIA, BP. Adolescentia See BAFTISTA MANTUANUS Adversus Domitii Calderini Commentaries in Martialem See MERULA, GIORGIO Aesopus moralisatus See AESOPUS (by WALTER OF ENGLAND, ABP. OF PALERMO) Alphabetum divini amoris See NIDER, JOHANNES (GERSON, JOANNES, Supposed author) Annotations centum See BEROALDO, FILIPPO Annotationes in orationem Ciceronis Pro Q. Ligario See MERULA, GI0ROI0 Annotationes in Servium Grammaticum See BEROALDO, FILIPPO Annotationes Margaritarum Decretalium See MARGARITA DECRETALIUM Anterotica, sive De amoris generibus See CAVRETTO, PIETRO Antidotarius animae See SALICETUS, NICOLAUS Antiquitates Romanae See DIONYSIUS HALICARNASSENSIS Apologia conclusionum suorum See PICO DELLA MIRAN- DOLA, GIOVANNI Apophthegmata See PLUTARCHUS Apophthegmata ad Trajanum See PLUTARCHUS Apophthegmata Laconica See PLUTARCHUS Apparatus super libros Decretalium See INNOCENTIUS 17, POPE Aquila volante See BRUNI, LEONARDO ARETINO Argumentum Epistolarum Ciceronis ad Lentulun See MERULA, GIORGIO Arithmetica See JORDANUS NEMORARIUS Ars bene moriendi See ARS MORIENDI Ars bene vivendi See ARS, MORIENDI Ars brevis See LULL, RAMON Ars diphthongandi See GUARINO, VERONESE Ars grammatica See DIOMEDES Ars raaior See DONATUS, AELIUS Ars minor See DONATUS, AELIUS Ars minor TRudimenta grammatices) See DONATUS, AELIUS Ars minor (Rudimenta grammatices : Donatus melior) See DONATUS, AELIUS AR3~M0RIENDI (ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON. Spurious and doubtful works; CAPRANICA, DOMENICO, CARDINAL, Supposed author; MATTHAEUS DE CRACOVIA, CARDINAL, Supposed author) Ars moriendi (text beginning: Cum circa propriam vitam) See NIDER, JOHANNES ARS ORATORIA ARS PRAEDICANDI Ars versificandi et carminum See CELTES, CONRADUS ARTE DELL'ABBACO Arte di ben morire See ARS MORIENDI. ITALIAN Artes orandi, epistolandi, memorandi See PUBLICIO, JACOPO AAsclepius See HERMES TRISMEGISTUS AUCTORES OCTO CUM GLOSSA # Astrolabium See ENGEL, JOHANN AUCTORITATES ARISTOTELIS Aurea Biblia See GUERRI, BINDUS (RAMPEGOLO, ANTONIO, Supposed author) Aurea carmina See PTTHAGORAS, Supposed author Aureola ex floribus S. Hieronyml contexta See HD5- RONYMUS, SAINT Aureum speculum animae peccatricis See JACOBUS DE GRUYTRODE Auszug und Inhalt der Ablassbulle "Ecclesiarum fa- bricis" See CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, Ut71-lM& (SECTUS TvJ ECCLESIARUM FABRICIS (10 MAI 1U79) Belial See PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPOLETO Biblia See BIBLE Biblia aurea Veteris et Novi Testamenti See GUERRI, BINDUS Biblia pauperum See NICOLAUS, OF HANNAPES, PATRIARCH OF JERUSALEM (BO NA VENTURA , SAINT, CARDINAL. Spur- ious and doubtful works) Bibliothecae historiae libri VI See DIODORUS SICULUS Bonum universale de proprietatibus apum See THOMAS DE CANTIMPRE Breviarium Lincopense See CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. BREVIARY Breviarium medic inae See YUHANNA IBN SARABIYUN, THE ELDER Breviarium Strengense See CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. BREVIARY Breviarium totius juris canonici, sive Decretorum breviarium See ATTAVANTI, PAOLO Breviarium Upsalense See CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. BREVIARY Breviloquium See BONA VENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL Brute chronicle See CHRONICLES OF ENGLAND Das Buch der Croniken und Geschichten See SCHEDEL, HARTMANN Bucolica See VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS Bulla, 22 June 11*79 (Pastoris bonl) See CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, LU71-lli8U (SIXTUS IVTTPASTORIS BONI (22 JUNE lli79) Bulla canonizationis Sancti Leopold! marchionis See CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, lU8U-lu92 (INNOCENTIUS vTTl). SACROSANCTAM MATREM ECCLESIAM (6 JAN.l u 81i/85) Calendarium See MUELLER, JOHANNES, REGIOMONTANUS Canone8 in Tabulas Alphonsi See SANTRITTER, JOANNES LUCILIUS Canones poenitentiales See ASTESANUS DE AST The Canterbury tales See CHAUCER, GEOFFREY Canticum de sanctissimo nomine Jesu Christi See j. PECKHAM, JOHN, ABP. OF CANTERBURY 'Carmen de floribus ad Veliternos; de figuris; de poe- tica virtute; vitae carmen See MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS Carmina See CATULLUS, C. VALERIUS Carmina; sive Cantones Vergilii See PROBA Castigationes Plinianae et Pomponii Melae See BARBARO, ERMOLAO ^Carmen de die dominlcae pa < "lords *?ee BEBOALDO, FILIPPO 193 Casus breves Decretalium Sexti et Clementinarum See CASUS SUMMARII DECRETALIUM Casus in terninis libri Sexti Decretalium See MECKEN- LOCHER, FRIEDRICH Casus longi super quinque libros Decretalium See BOT- TOKI, BERNARDO Casus Montis pietatis magnifice communitatls Padue See ROZELLI, JOANNES BATTISTA and CAMPEGGI, GIOVANNI Casus papales confessorum See ESCOBAR, ANDRES DE, BP. CASUS PAPALES, EPISCOPALES, ET ABBATIALES CASUS SUMMARII DECRETALIUM (DALEN, MICHAEL VON, Compiler) Catena aurea super Evangelia Domlnicalia et ferialia See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Catena aurea super quattuor Evangelistas See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Catharinaria See BAPTISTA MANTUANUS Catholicon See BALBI, OIOVANNI Cato: disticha de moribus See CATONIS DISTICHA Cato maior de Senectute See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS Cato moralissimus See CATONIS DISTICHA Centones Vergilii See PROBA Chato cum glosa et moralisatione See CATONIS DISTICHA Chronica See BOSSO, DONATO CHRONICLES~~0"F ENGLAND Chronicon See EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA Chronicon Urspergense See BURCHARDUS, PROVOST OF URS- PERG (KONRAD VON LICHTE" NAU. PROVOST OF URSPERG, Sup- posed author) Chronik von alien Konigen und Kaisern See LIRER, THOMAS Ciceronis Rhetorica nova figuria contracta See CURTUS, JOANNES Codex Justinianus See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. CODEX Collatio de republica eccleslae See TRITHEMIUS, JOHANNES Collationes patrum XXIV See CASSIANUS, JOANNES COLLECTA MAGISTRALIA (CARACCIOLI, ROBERTO, Supposed author) Collectarius super librum Psalmorum See PETRUS DE HA RENTALS Comedia di Amicitia See NARDI, JACOPO Comestorium vltlorum See FRAfCISCUS DE RETZA La Commedia See DANTE ALIOHIERI Commentaria in omnes Epistolas Sancti Pauli See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Commentaria in symbolum Quicunque vult See PETRUS DE OSMA Commentarii See CAESAR, C. JULIUS Commentarii in Juvenalem See CALDERINO, DOMIZIO Commentarii in Vergilii opera See SERVIUS, GRAMMARIAN Commentarii rerum gestarum Francisci Sfortiae See SIMONETTA, GIOVANNI Commentarius in primuni librum Sententiarum Petri Lom- bard! See BONA VENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL Commentary on Job See LEVI BEN GERSON Commentum in Ciceronis Oratorem See LEONICENUS, OMNI- BONUS Commentum in libros Politicorum Aristotelis See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Commentum in octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Commentum in Terentil Comoedias See DONATUS, AELIUS Commentum super textu Alchablcll See JOHANNES DE SAXONIA Communiloquium See JOHN OF WALES Comoediae See PLAUTUS, TITUS MACCIUS; also TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS Comoediae novem See ARISTOPHANES Compendium Blblie See GUERRI, BINDUS Compendium catholicae fidei See DANDOLO, FANTINO Compendium Elegantiarum Laurentii Vallae See ACCUR- SIUS, BONUS Compendium libri Ratlonalis super repraesentatione et significations Missae See DURANTIS, GULIELMUS, BP. OF MENDE (PARENTINIS, BERNARDUS DE, Supposed author) Compendium logicae See PAULUS FERGULENSIS COMPENDIUM OCTO PARTIUM ORATIONIS Compendium revelationum See SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO Compendium theologicae veritatis See HUGO ARGENTI- NENSIS (ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON. Spurious and doubtful works) Compilatio de astrorum scientia Sea LEOPOLD, OF AUSTRIA, ASTRONOMER (LEOPOLD VT7"DER GLORREICHE, DUKE OF AUSTRIA, Supposed author) COMPUTUS NOREMBERGENSIS Conceptus et insolubilia See AILLT, PIERRE D', CARDINAL Conclusiones de dlversis materiis raoralibus, sive De regulis mandatorum See GERSON, JOANNES Conclusiones super IV libros Sententiarum See HEIN- RICH VON GORKUM Concordantia, sive Ambidexterium See CALDERINUS, JOANNES Concordantia astronomiae cum theologia See AILLY, PIERRE D, CARDINAL Concordantiae Bibliae et Canonum See JOHANNES NTVI- CELLENSIS, ABBOT CONCORDANTIAE MINORES BIBLIAE CONCORDANTIAE UTRIUSQUE IURIS Confessionale See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio See ANTONINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF FLORENCE Confessiones See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO Coniuratio daemonum See CONIURATIO MALIGNORUM SPI- RITUUM CONIURATIO MALIGNORUM SPIRITUUM Consolacion des poures pecheurs See PALLADINUS, JA- COBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPOLETO Consolatio peccatorum See PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPOLET5 Consolatio theologiae See JOHANNES DE TAMBACO Consolatorium timoratae conscientiae See NIDER, JOHANNES Constitutio continens privilegia et immunitates cle- ricorum See HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. SOVEREIGNS, ETC., 1220-1250~TFREDERICK II) Constitutio Friderici Imperatoris See HOLY ROMAN EM- PIRE. SOVEREIGNS, ETC., 1220-1250~TfREDERICK II) Constitutio (Carolina See HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. SOVER- EIGNS, ETC., 1355-137B (CHARLES IV) Constitutio Sigismundina See HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. SOV- EREIGNS, ETC., lU33-H*37"TSiaiSMUND) Constitutiones See CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 1305-13LU (CLEMENS V) Contra Celsum et in fidei Christianae defensionem libri See ORIGENES Contra gentiles See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Contra perfidiam Judaeorum disputatio See LYRA, NICOLAUS DE Contra poetas impudice loquentes See BAPTISTA MAN- TUANUS CORDIALE QUATTUOR NOVISSIMORUM (EBENDORFER, THOMAS, Supposed author; GROOTE, GERARD, Supposed author; HEINRICH VON LANGEN5TEIN, Supposed author; VLIB- DERHOVEN, GERARDUS DE, Supposed author) Cornu copiae See THESAURUS. CORNU COPIAE ET HORTI ADONIS 1?U Cornucopiae linguae Latinae See PEROTTI, NICCOLd, ABP. OF SIPONTO CORONA BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINIS CORONATIO MAXIMILIANI Cosmographia See PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS Cosmographia, sive De situ orbis See MELA, POMPONIUS Credo. Italian See DANTE ALIGHIERI. Spurious and doubt- ful works Cronecken der Sassen See BOTE, KONRAD Cronica de Espagna See VALERA, DIEGO DE Cronioa von alien KUnig und Keiseren See LIRER, THOMAS Cronicha de tuto el mondo vulgare See FORESTI, JACOPO FILIPPO, DA BERGAMO CRONIKE VAN BRABANT CURIA PALATIUM Cursus quaestionum super totam logicam See GEORGIUS BRUXELLENSIS De abundantia exemplorum See ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON. Spurious and doubtful works DE ACCENTU De amicitia, sive Laelius de amicitia See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS De amoris generibus See CAVRETTO, PIETRO De anima See ARISTOTlTES; also THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT De animabus exutis a corporibus, sive De apparitionibus et receptaculis animarum See JACOBUS, OF JUTERBOGK De animae quantitate See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO De animalibus See ARISTOTELES De antiquitate Judaica See JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS De aquaeductibus See FRONTINUS, SEXTUS JULIUS De arbitris et arbitratoribus See JACOBI, PIERRE De architectura See VITRUVIUS POLLIO De arte amandi See OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS De arte bene raoriendi See JACOBUS, OF JUTERBOGK De arte cognosoendi venena See ARNALDO DA VILLANOVA De arte grammatica, sive De octo partibus orationis See SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS De arte libellus See MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS De arte loquendi et tacendi See ALBERTANO DA BRESCIA De arte moriendi See ARS MORIETJDI De arte praedicandi See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT. Spuri- ous and doubtful works De arte punctandi See HEYNLIN, JOHANN De arte vivendi, loquendi, et tacendi See TRACTATUS DE ARTE VIVENDI, LOQUENDI, ET TACENDI De articulis fidei et ecclesiae sacramentis See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT De barbarismo See DONATUS, AELIUS De Beatae Virginis conceptione ducentorum et sexdecim Sanctae Matris ecclesiae doctorum See PIETRO LA VICENZA De beatitudine claustrali See PETER OF BLOIS De bellis civilibus See APPIANUS, OF ALEXANDRIA De bello Judaico See JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS De celebratione et de sacramento See DENIS LE CHARTREUX De censuris See ANTONINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF FLORENCE De Christiana religlone See FICINO, MARSILIO De civitate Dei See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO De coelesti vita See CANALES, JOANNES De cognitione castitatis See GERSON, JOANNES De compunctione cordis SetTEPHRAEM SYRUS, SAINT De conceptione B. V. Mariae See LULL, RAMON. Spur- ious and doubtful works (ASTRUCH DE CORTYELLES, RAMON, Supposed author) De consolatione philosophiae See BOETHIUS De constructione See APOLLONIUS DYSCOLUS De contemptu mundi See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works; also BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works De continentia See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works De corpore Christi See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works De corpore Christi et de praeparatione ad eius sus- ceptionem See BONA VENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL De curialium miseria See PIUS II, POPE De custodia linguae et corde bene ruminanda See GER- SON, JOANNES De daemonibus See PSELLUS, MICHAEL De defectibus occurrentibus in Missa See DEFECTUS IN MISSA OCCURRENTES De differentia dlctionum See AMMONIUS, GRAMMATICUS ALEXANDRINUS De directione sive rectltudine cordis See GERSON, JOANNES De disciplina scholar ium See BOETHIUS. Spurious and doubtful works (THOMAS DE CANTIMPr, Supposed author) De divinis atque daemonibus See PORPHYRIUS De doctrina Platonica See ALBINUS De duobus amantibus Euryalo et Lucretia See PIUS II, POPE De efficacia aquae benedictae See TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL De epidemia et peste See TARANTA, VALESCUS DE De Eucharista ad modum decern praedicamentorum, sive De corpore Christi See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT. Spur- ious and doubtful works De evangelica praeparatione See EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA De excidio Troiae hlstoria See DARES PHRYGIUS De expositione Dominicae Orationis See INTELLECTUS SUPER ORATIONE DOMINICA De figuris opusculum See DONATUS, AELIUS De finalibus See SERVIUS, GRAMMARIAN De fine mundl~S"ee VINCENTIUS FERRBRIUS, SAINT De fine oratoris See COLACCIO, MATTEO De finibus bonorum et malorum See CICERO, MARCUS TUL- LIUS De fuga raulierum See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works De futuris Christianorum triumphis in Saracenos See NANNI, GIOVANNI De generatione et corruptione See ARISTOTELES De generosa educatione liberorum See PORCIA, JACOPO, CONTE DI De grammaticis et rhetoribus See SUETONIUS TRANQUIL- LUS, C. De historia philosophica See GALENUS. Spurious and doubtful works De idoneo ministrante et suscipiente sacramentum See LYRA, NICOLAUS DE De Imperio Romano See JORDANUS OSNABURGENSIS De ingenuis moribus See VERGERIO, PIETRO PAOLO, THE ELDER De institutis coenobiorum See CASSIANUS, JOANNES De instruendis aciebus See AELIAN3S TACTICUS De insulis in marl Indico nuper inventis See COLOMBO, CRISTOFORO De interpretandis Romanorum litteris See PROBUS, MARCUS VALERIUS De inventione, sive Rhetoric* vetus See CICERO, MAR- CUS TULLIUS De laudibus Mariae See RICHARDUS A SANCTO LAURENTIO (ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON, Spurious and doubtful works) 195 De laudlbus sanctissimae Annae See TRITHEMIUS, JOHANNES De legendis antiquorum libris; sive De liberalibus stu- dlis See BASILIUS, SAINT, THE GREAT, ABP. OF CAESAREA De liberis educandis See PLUTARCHUS De liberorum educatione See PORCIA, JACOPO, CONTE DI De lingua Latlna See VARRO, MARCUS TERENTIUS De ludo arithmoraachiae, sive Rithmimachiae ludus See LE FEVRE, JACQUES D STAPLES (SHIRWOOD, JOHN, BP. OF DURHAM, Supposed author) De martyrio sanctorum See MARTYRIUM SANCTORUM De maximis theologiae See AIANUS DE INSULXS De medicorum astrologia See HIPPOCRATES. Spurious and doubtful works De meditatione cordis See GERSON, JOANNES De memoria See MATTIOLI, MATTIOLO De mendicitate spiritual! See GERSON, JOANNES De mensibus See GAZA, THEODORUS De mirabilibus mundi See SOLINUS, C. JULIUS De modo confitendi et puritate conscientiae See MAT- THAEUS DE CRACOVIA, CARDINAL (THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works) De montibus, De silvis, De fontibus, De lacubus, De fulminibus See BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI De morali lepra See NIDER, JOHANNES De morlbus See SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS De moribus puerorum carmen juvenile See SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS De morte See XENOCRATES De mundo See PHILO JUDAEUS De mysteriis Aegyptiorum, Chaldaeorum, Assyriorum See JAMBLICHUS, OF CHALCIS De nativitatibus See FIRMICUS MATERNUS, JULIUS De natura deorura See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS De nobilitate See MONTEMAGNO, BUONACCORSO DA De nomine et verbo See PHOCAS De numeris See HERODIANUS, AELIUS. Spurious and doubt- ful works De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii See MARTIANUS CAFELLA De octo partibus orationis See DONATUS, AELIUS; also PRISCIANUS, OF CAESAREA; SULPITIUS, JOANNES VEHULANUS De officiis See AMBROSIUS, SAINT, BP. OF MILAN; also CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS; SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS De officiis liberorum erga parentes See HIERONYMUS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works De officio Missae See ANDREAE, NICOLAUS De oratione libellus See SACERDOTUM JESU CHRISTI De oratore See CICER07"KARCUS TULLIUS De ordine docendi ac. studendi See GUARINI, BATTISTA De origine et laudibus scientiarum See LILIO, ZACCARIA, BP. De orthographia See VALLA, GIORGIO De orthographia et Latinitate verborum See CAPER, FLAVIUS De orthographia, proprietate, et differentia sermonis See AGROECIUS De partibus orationis ex Prlsciano compendium See GEORGIUS TRAPEZUNTIUS De passionibus animae See GERSON, JOANNES De patientia See BAPTIStI MANTUANUS De perfectione cordis See GERSON, JOANNES De periculis contingentibus circa sacramentum Euchari- stiae See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT. Spurious and doubt- ful works De planctu B. Mariae Virginls See BERNARD DE CLAIR- VAUX, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works De Platonis definitionibus See SPEUSIPPUS De pollutione nocturna See SER90N, JOANNES De pollutionibus diurnis See GERSON, JOANNES De potentla Dei See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT De potestate et sapientia Dei See HERMES TRISMEGISTUS De potestate Romani pontificis et Generalis Concilii See MONTE, PETRUS DE, BP. De praeparatione ad Missam See BONA VENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL De praetoris officio See SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED De primo bello Punico See POLYBIUS; also BRUNI, LEO- NARDO ARBTINO De priscorum proprietate verborum See MAIUS, JUNIANUS De pronomine sui See VALLA, LORENZO De proportionibus See ALBERTUS DE SAXONIA De proprietate Latini sermonis See NONIUS MARCELLUS De proprietatibus rerum See BARTHOLOMAEUS , ANGLICUS (BARTHOLOMAEUS DE GLANVTLLA, Supposed author) De pulsibus, urinis, et egestionibus See SAVONAROLA, GIOVANNI MICHELE De quantitate syllabarum See SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERUUNUS De quattuor virtutibus cardinalibus See MARTINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF BRAGA (SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS. Spur- ious and doubtful works) De quidditate et efficacia Eucharistiae See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works De re aedificatoria See ALBERTI, LEONE BATTISTA De re militari See FRONTINUS, SEXTUS JULIUS; also VEGETIUS RENATUS, FLAVIUS De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni See CURTIUS RUFUS, QUINTUS De reformatlone virium animae See ZERBOLT, GERARD De reglmine Judaeorum See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT De regimine principum See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT De regulis mandatorum See GERSON, JOANNES De remedlis contra pusillanimitatem contra deceptorias inimici consolationes eiusque tentationes See GERSON, JOANNES De remedlis fortuitorum See SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS De remediis utriusque fortunae See PETRARCA, FRANCESCO De remedio amoris See OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS; also PIUS II, POPE De rerum natura See LUCRETIUS CARUS, TITUS De ritu et moribus Indorum See JOHN, PRESTER De ritu et moribus Turcorum See GEORGIUS DE HUNGARIA, Supposed author De sacerdotio Jesu Christi See SACERDOTUM JESU CHRISTI De sacramento altaris et Missae celebratione See DENIS LE CHARTREUX De sacramento Eucharistiae secundum decern praedica- menta See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT. Spurious and doubt- ful works De sacrificio et magia See PROCLUS, DIADOCHUS De scansione et syllabarum quantitate See JACOBUS CERRINUS De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis See TRITHEMIUS, JOHANNES De senectute See CICERO, MARCUSTULLIUS De septem festivitatibus gloriosissimae Virginis Mariae See ARNOLDI, HEINRICH De septem horis canonicis legendis See HORAE CANONICAE De simplici medicina See PLATEARIUS7~MATTHAEUS De simplificatione, stabilitione, sive mundificatione cordis See GERSON, JOANNES De singular! puritate et praerogativa conceptionis Salvatoris Nostri Jesu Christi See BANDELLO, VIN- CENZO De situ orbis See DIONYSIUS PERIEGBTKS; also MELA, POMPONIUS; STRABO De situ urbis Venetae See SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO, COCCIO, CALLED De somnlis See SYNESIUS, CYRENAEUS 196 De splritualibus nuptiis, sive Opusculum super Cantica canticum See GERSON, JOANNES De sponsalibua et matrimonio See ANTONINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF FLORENCE. De censuris De studio orandi See HUGO OF SAINT VICTOR De substantia orbis See AVERROES De sunstantia orbis Averrois See JOANNES DE JANDUNO De summo bono See ISIDORUS, SAINT, BP. OF SEVILLE De suorum temporum calamitatibus See BAPTISTA MAN- TUA NUS De tabellionibus See BARTOLUS DE SAXOFERRATO De temporibus See~"I5~IDORUS , SAINT, BP. OF SEVILLE De tribus diet is See HUGO OF SAINT VICTOR De Trinitate See AUGUST I NUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO De triplici regione claustraliura et spirituali exer- citio monachorum See TRITHEMIUS, JOHANNES (JOANNES BURSFELDENSIS, Supposed author) De triplici vita See FICINO, MARSILIO De triumpho Christi See MUTIUS, MACARIUS De Troia non capta See DIO CHRYSOSTOMUS De tyrannide See XENOPHON De unitate intellectus contra Averroem See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT De valore et utilitate Missarutn pro defunctis celeb ra- tarum See JACOBUS OF JtlTERBOGK De varia constructione thesaurus See MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS De venenis See ABANO, PIETRO D' De venerabili sacramento sermones XXXII See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works De verborum significatione See FESTUS, SEXTUS POMPEIUS De veritate See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT De veritate catholicae fidei See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT De versuum scansione See SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS De vetustate Aquileiensis patriae See SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED De victoria Verbi Dei See RUPERT OF DEUTZ De viris illustribus See SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED DE VIRIS ILLUSTRIBUS URBIS ROMAE (NEPCS, CORNELIUS. Spurious and doubtful works; PLINIUS CAECILIUS SE- CUNDUS, C. Spurious and doubtful works; SU3T0NIUS TRANQUILLUS, C. Spurious and doubtful works; VICTOR, SEXTUS AURELIUS. Spurious and doubtful works) De virtute centaurea See GALENUS. Spurious and doubt- ful works De virtutibus herbarura See HERBARIUS De vita Christiana See PELAGIUS (FASTIDIUS, BP. IN BRITAIN. Spurious and doubtful works) De vita contemplativa See POMERIUS, JULIANUS (PROSPER. TIRO, AQUITANI1S, SAlWT Spurious and doubtful works) De vita et moribus philosophorum See BURLEY, WALTER De vita solitaria See PETRARCA, FRANCESCO De vitiis et virtutibus numero quaternario procedens, sive Quaternarius See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works De vocabulis rei militaris See MODESTUS Decamercne See BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI Decern tractatus astronomiae See BONATTI, GUIDO The Declamacyon which laboureth to shewe wherein honoure sholde reste See MONTEMAGNO, BUONACC0RS0 DA Declaraatio contro L. Catilinam See LATRO, MARCUS PORCIUS Declamatio de conceptione interaeratae Virginis Mariae See NIAVIS, PAULUS Declamationes See QUINTILIANUS, MARCUS FABIUS Decretales See CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 1227-12U1 (GREGORTUS n) Decretorum breviarum See ATTAVANTI, PAOLO Decretum See GRATIANUS, THE CANONIST DEFECTUS IN MISSA OCCURRENTES Defensio adversus Brotheum See CALDERINO, DOMIZIO Defensorium juris See JOANNES, MONACHUS CISTERCIENSIS The Description of England See HIGDEN, RANULF Destructorium vitiorum See CARPENTER, ALEXANDER Determinatio utrum perfecta Dei opera possint impe- diri daemonis malicia See JOHANNES, DE MECHLINIA Determinationes magistrales contra conclusiones Jo- annis Pici Mirandulae See GARcfA, PEDRO, BP. Devoto meditatione sopra la passione del Nostro Signore See BONA VENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL. Spurious and doubtful works Diaeta salutis See BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL. Spurious and doubtful works (GUILIELMUS DE LANICIA, Supposed author) Dialogo della divina Providenza See CATERINA DA SIENA, SAINT Dialogorum libri quattuor See GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE Dialogus de funerali pompa See LUCIANUS, OF SAMOSATA Dialogus de septem sacramentis See GUILELMUS DE BAUFET, BP. OF PARIS, Supposed author (AILLY, PIERRE D 1 , CARDINAL, Supposed author; GUILELMUS ARVERNUS, BP. OF PARIS, Supposed author; GUILEL- MUS PARISIENSIS, A DOMINICAN, INQUISITOR, Supposed author) Dialogus in defensionem poetices See AUGUSTINUS OLOMUCENSIS DIALOGUS INTER CLERICUM ET MILITEM (DUBOIS, PIERRE, Supposed author; OCKHAM, WILLIAM, Supposed author) DIALOGUS LINGUAE ET VENTRIS (JOHN OF SALISBURY, BP. OF CHARTRES, Supposed author) Dialogus parvulis scholaribus ad Latinum idioma per- utilissimus See NIAVIS, PAULUS Dialogus Rationis et Conscientiae de frequenti usu Communionis See MATTHAEUS DE CRACOVIA, CARDINAL Dicta de sacramento See LYRA, NICOLAUS DE Dictionarium Graecum See CRASTONI, GIOVANNI Dictionarius pauperum See NICOLAUS DE BYARD Didascalon See HUGO OF SAINT VICTOR Dies embolismales See VORHERSAGE FUR 1U89 Differentiae legum See ALLEGRACUORI, GALVANO Digestum vetus See CORPUS JURE CIVILIS. DIG3STA. DISSSTUM VETUS" Disciplinarum Platonis epitoma See ALBINUS Dispositorium raoriendi See NIDER, JOHANNES Disputatio inter clericum et militem See DIALOGUS INTER CLERICUM ET MILITEM Disputationes contra Cremonensia deliramenta See MUELLER, JOHANNES, REGIOMONTANUS Disticha Catonis See CATONIS DISTICHA Disticha de moribus See CATONIS DISTICHA Distinctiones See DEGUI, PEDRO Dives and Pauper See PARKER, HENRY DIVISIONES CECEM NATIONUM TCTIUS CH3ISTIANITATIS Le Doctrinal de sapience See ROYE, GUY DE, ABP. Doctrinale altum See ALANUS EE INSULIS Doctrinale puerorum See ALEXANDRE DE VILLEDIEU Documenta moralia Catonis See CATONIS DISTICHA Donatus allegoricus See GERSON, JOANNES Donatus etymologicus See GERSON, JOANNES Donatus melior See DONATUS, AELIUS Donatus moralisatus See GERSON, JOANNES Duodecim tractatus See JOANNES XXI, POPE Dyalogus Linguae et Ventris See DIALOGUS LINGUAE ET VENTRIS 197 Ecloga See THEODULUS Elegantiae linguae Latinae See VALLA, LORENZO Elegantiolae See DATI, AGOSTINO Elegiae See ANDRELINUS, PUBLIUS FAUSTOS; also PROPER- TIUS, SEXTUS AURELIUS; TIBULLUS, ALBIUS Eleraenta geometriae See EUCLIDES Embolismus See VORHERSaGE FUR 11*89 Emendationes seu Annotationes in Plinium See SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO CCCCIO, CALLED Enarrationes in Psalnos See AOGUSTINOS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO Enarrationes Satyrorum Juvenalis See MERULA, GIORGIO Enarrationes Theophylacti in Epistolaa Sancti Paull See BIBLE. N. T. EPISTLES OF PAUL. LATIN Enneades ab orbe condito See SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED Epigrammata See BALBI, GIROLAMO, BP. ; also MARTIALIS, MARCUS VALERIUS; MARULLUS, MICHAEL TARCHANIOTA Epirota See MEZZO, TOMMASO Epistola ad Augustinum See CYRILLUS, SAINT, BP. OF JERUSALEM. Spurious and doubtful works Epistola ad Cyr ilium See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works Epistola ad Damasiura See EUSEBIUS CREM0NENST3, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works Epistola _ ad Innocentium VIII See PORTA, ARDICINUS DKLLA Epistola ad Paulinum presbyterum See HIERONYMUS, SAINT Epistola ad Pium Papain Secundum See JOANNES, SOLDANUS BABYLONIORUM Epistola ad Procopium de fortuna See PIUS II, POPE Epistola ad Silvia vergine See GIOVANNI, NAPOLTTANO Epistola alle suore del Terro Ordine di San Domenico See SAVONAROLA, GIOVANNI MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO Epistola contra Judaeorum errores See SAMUEL MARO- CHITANUS, RABBI Epistola de secretis. Epistola ad cognitionem genera - tionis Christi See PAULUS DE HEREDIA (NEHUNYA BEN HA-KANAH, Supposed author) Epistola della Communione See SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO Epistola della morte di S. Caterina See CANIGIANI, BARDUCCIO Epistola responsoria ad Soldanum See PIUS II, POPE Epistola Tiberio missa See PILATE7~P"0NTIUS, PSEUDO- Epistolae See BARZIZZA, GASPARINO; also FILELFO, FRAN- CESCO; HIERONYMUS, SAINT; PHALARIS, Supposed author; PLINIUS CAECILIUS SECUNDUS, C. ) Epistolae ad familiares See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS Epistolae ad Lucillium See SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS Epistolae breves See NIAVIS, PAULUS Epistolae breviores elegantiores See FILELFO, FRANCESCO EPISTOLAE DIVERSORUM PHILOSOPKORUM, ORATORUM, ET RHETORUM Epistolae duae See BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, SAINT Epistolae et carmina See SIDONIUS, C. SOLLIUS MODESTUS APOLLINARIS Epistolae familiares See PETRARCA, FRANCESCO; also PIUS II, POPE Epistolae Graecae variorum auctorum See EPISTOLAE DIVERSORUM PHILOSOPHORUM, 0RAT0RUM7"ET RHETORUM Epistolae Heroides See OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS Epistolae magni Turci See LAUDIVIO, ZACCHIA, DE VEZZANO (MEHMET II, THE GREAT, SULTAN OF THE TURKS, Supposed author) Epistolae pulcherrimae See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works Epistolarum libri XII See SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED Epithalamion See BRANT, SEBASTIAN Epitoma seu Regulae constructionis See MAMCINELLUS, ANTONIUS Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii historias See JUSTINUS, MARCUS JUNIANUS Epitomae rerum Romanorum See FLORUS, LUCIUS ANNAEUS Epitome in libros arithmeticos Boetii See LE FEVRE, JACQUES D< STAPLES Epygramma See MORE, SIR THOMAS, SAINT Epytoma in Almagestum See PTOLEMAEUS, CLAUDIUS (begun by PEURBACH, GEORO VON; completed by MUELLER, JO- ANNES, REGIOMONTANUS) Erotemata See CHRYSOLORAS, MANUEL; also LASCARIS, CON- STANTINUS Esposizione sopra 11 salmo V: Verba mea See SAVONA- ROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO."purious and doubtful works (CINOZZI, PLACIDO, Supposed au- thor; CINOZZI, SMONE, Supposed author) Ethica ad Nicomachum See ARISTOTELES Etymologiae See ISIDORES, SAINT, BP. OF SEVILLE ETYMOLOGICUM MAGNUM Exhortatlo de celebratione Missae See HEINRICH VON HESSEN Explanatio Psalmorum See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO Expositio canonis Missae See BALTHASAR DE PORTA; also CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. CANON OF THE" MASS Expositio Dominicae Orationis See INTELLECTUS SUPER ORATIONE DOMINICA Expositio Donati See HUNDT, MAGNUS Expositio evangelii secundum Johannem See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO Expositio in Aristotelem De anima. Db sensu agente See TIENE, GAETANO Expositio in Aristotelis Ethica Nicomachaea See BUR- LEY, WALTER Expositio in artem veterem Porphyrii et Aristotelis See BURLEY, WALTER Expositio in Job See GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE; also THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Expositio in libros Posteriorum et in De interpretati- one Aristotelis See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Expositio in prologos S. Hieronymi See GULIELMUS BRITO Expositio in Psalterium See CASSIODORUS, MAGNUS AU- RELIUS Expositio mysteriorum Missae See BALTHASAR DE PORTA; also GUILELMUS DE GOUDA Expositio Orationis Dominicae See INTELLECTUS SUPER ORATIONE DOMINICA; also SAVONAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO Expositio super canonem Missae See CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. CANON OF THE MASS Expositio super Ezechielem in omellas See GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE Expositio super libros De generatione et corruptione Aristotelis See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Expositio super Psalmo L: Miserere raei Deus See SAVO- NAROLA, GIROLAMO MARIA FRANCESCO MATTEO Expositio super Quicunque vult salvus esse See PETRUS DE OSMA Expositio super Salve Regina See BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX SAINT Expositio super textu logices Aristotelis See TAR- TARETUS, PETRUS Expositio super to to Psalterio See TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL Expositio super totum corpus Evangeliorum See SDMONE FIDATI, DA CASCIA La Expositione del Pater Noster See SAVONAROLA, GI- ROLAMO FRANCESCO MATTEO 198 Expositiones super Orationem Dominicam et Ave Maria See HEINRICH VON LANGEHSTEIN Extravagantes duae Henrici Septimi See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. VOLUMEN PARVUM Fabulae See AVIANUS, FLAVIUS Fabularius, seu Repertoriura vocabulorura See KONRAD VON MURE Fabularum Ovidii abbreviatio See LACTANTIU3 PLACIDUS, Supposed author (DONATUS, AELIUS, Supposed author; LACTANTIUS, LUCIUS CAECILIUS FIRMIANUS, Supposed author) FACETUS Facta et dicta memorabilia See VALERIUS MAXIMUS Fasciculus temporum See ROLEvTNCK, WERNER Fasti See OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS Ferdlnandus .ij. Rex See SPAIN. SOVEREIGNS, ETC., 1U79- 150U (FERDINAND V AND ISABELLA I) Figurae Bibliae See RAMPEGOLO, ANTONIO Fiore d' Italia See BRUNI, LEONARDO ARETINO FLORES LEGUM Floretus See BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works Flos theologiae See TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL Forma absolutionis sacramentalis See GERSON, JOANNES Formicarius See NIDER, JOHANNES Formula vitae honestae, sive De quattuor virtutibus See MARTINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF BRAGA Formula vivendi canonicorum See ROLEVINCK, WERNER Formulae epistolarum See MANlEKEN, CAROLUS Fraternitates See TRACTATUS DE FRATERNITATIBUS Genealogiae deorum See BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI Generalis et compendiosa librorum Bibliae notitia See MENARDUS, MONACHUS Geographia See STRABO Georgica See VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS Germania See TACITUS, CORNELIUS GESTA ROMANORUM Ghetyden van onser liever vrouwen See CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. HOURS. DUTCH Glossa ordinaria See ACCURSIUS, GLOSSATOR; also WALAH- FRID, STRABO, Supposed author Graduale Svecicum See CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. GRADUAL Graecismus See EBERHARDUS BETHUNIENSIS GRAMHATELLUS PRO JUVENUM ERUDITIONE Grammatica See SULPITIUS, JOANNES VERULANUS Grammatica introductiva See GAZA, THEODORUS Grammatica nova See PERGER, BERNHARD Grammaticae compendium See LETO, GIULIO POMPONIO Gratulatio Innocentio VIII dicta See DALBERG, JOHANN VON Guerra del Giudei See JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS H Harmonicum introductorium See CLEONIDES Herbarius Latinus See HERfiJtRlUS Heures de Nostre Dame a lusaige de Rome See CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. HOURS Hexameron See AMBROSIUS, SAINT, BP. OF MILAN Historia Alexandri Magni See PSEUDO-CALLISTHENES Historia Baetica See VERARDI, CARLO Historia belli Peloponnesiaci See THUCYDIDES Historia Bohemica See PIUS II, POPE Historia de imperlo post Marcura See HERODIANUS Historia de origine Troianorum See DARES PHRYGIUS Historia de origine urbis Venetiarum See GIUSTINIANI, BERNARDO Historia de preliis See LEO, ARCH I PRESBYTER Historia della Guerra hebbono See JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS Historia destructions Troiae See COLONNE, GUIDO DELLE Historia ecclesiastica See EUSEBIUS PAMPHILI, BP. OF CAESAREA Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum See BSDA VENERABILIS Historia ecclesiastica tripartita See CASSIODORUS, MAGNUS AURELIUS Historia evangelica heroicis versibus conscripta See JUVENCUS, C. VETTIUS AQUILINUS Historia Florentina See POGGIO-BRACCIOLINI Historia Friderici Imperatoris See BURCHARDUS, PRO- VOST OF URSPERG Historia Griseldis See PETRARCA, FRANCESCO Historia naturalls See PLINIUS SECUNDUS, C. Historia Romana See APPIANUS, OF ALEXANDRIA Historia scholastica See PETRUS COMESTOR Historia Troiana See TJTCTYS CRETENSIS Historiae See HERODOTUS; also POLYBIUS; TROGUS POM- PEIUS Historiae adversus paganos See OROSIUS, PAULUS Historiae Alexandri Magni See CURTIUS RUFUS, QUINTUS Historiae Florentini populi See BRUNI, LEONARDO ARETINO Historiae Romanae decades See LIVIUS, TITUS Historiarum ab inclinatione Romanorum Imperii decades See BIONDO, FLAVIO Homiliae super Evangeliis See GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE Homiliae super Ezechielem See GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE Homiliae super Matthaeum See CHRYSOSTOMUS , JOANNES, SAINT, PATRIARCH OF CONSTANTINOPLE Homiliarius doctorum See PAULUS, DIACONUS (ALCUIN, Supposed author) Horae Beatae Virginis Mariae See CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. HOURS HORAE CANONICAE (HEINRICH VON LANGENSTEIN, Supposed author) Horologlum aeternae sapientiae See SUSO, HEINRICH Horologium devotionis See BERTOLDUS, DOMINICAN Hortulus rosarum See THOMAS A KEMPIS Hymni et epigrammata See MARULLUS, MICHAEL TARCHA- NIOTA Hymnus V See CALLIMACHUS Hypnerotomachia Poliphili See COLONNA, FRANCESCO Hystoria Troiana See COLONNE, GUIDO DELLE Ibis See OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS Idyllia See THEOCRITUS IMAGE DU~MONDE (GAOTIER, DE METZ, Supposed author; GOSSUIN, DE METZ, Supposed author; VINCENT DE BEAUVAIS, Supposed author) IMITATIO CHRISTI (by THOMAS KEMPIS; GERSON, JOAN- NES, Supposed author) In Alchabitium See JOHANNES DE SAXONIA In aureos versus l-ythagorae opusculum See HIEROCLES OF ALEXANDRIA In Platonicum Alcibiadem See PROCLUS, DIADOCHUS In secundxii Donati editionem interpretatio See SERVIUS, GRAMMARIAN 199 In Theophrastum De sensu, phantasia et intellectu See PRISCIANUS, OF CAESAREA Index (to Boccaccio's Genealogiae deorum) See BANDINI, DOMENICO Index (to Crastoni. Lexicon Oraeco-Latinum) See AMBRO- SIUS, REOIENSIS Index Commentariorum C. Julii Caesaris See MARLIANUS, RAIMUMDUS Informatio notabilis et praeclara de arte praedicandi See ARS PRAEDICANDI Inscriptionum libellus See ZACHARIAS, JACOBUS Institutio de nomine, pronoraine, et verbo See PRISCIA- NUS, OF CAESAREA Institutio vitae sacerdotalis See TRITHEMIUS, JOHANNES Institutiones See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. INSTITUTIONES Institutions Graecae grammaticae See BOLZANIO, URBANO Institutiones oratoriae See QUINTILIANUS, MARCUS FABIUS INTELLECTUS SUPER ORATIONE DOMINICA Interrogationes et doctrinae See ESCOBAR, ANDR& DE, BP. Introductlones in diversos libros Arlstotelis See LE FEVRE, JACQUES D'ETAPLES Introductorium ad medicinam See GALENUS Isolario See BARTOLOMMEO DA LI SONETTI (ZAMBERTI, BAR- TOLOMEO, Supposed author) Itinerarius See MANDEVILLE, SIR JOHN (JEAN D'OUTREMEUSE, Supposed author) Itinerarius per diversas raundi partes See HESE, JOANNES Janua artis See LULL, RAM6N Jesuida See VALLI, GIROLAMO DALLE Der JUngere Titurel See ALBRECHT VON SCHARFENBERG (WOL- FRAM VON ESCHENBACH, Supposed author) Lac puerorum See HOLT, JOHN Laelius de amicitia See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS Latinum idioma pro parvulis editum See NIAVIS, PAULUS Laurentii Vallensis lima quaedam See MANCINELLUS, AN- TONIUS Lavacrum conscientiae See JACOBUS DE GRUYTRODE Leben der Heiligen. Winterteil See JACOBUS DE VARAGINE Leben der Heiligen AltfSter See~vXTERBUCH Lectura super V libris Decretalium See NICCOLd DE 1 TUDESCHI, ABP. Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica Historia See JACOBUS DE VARAGINE Legende von Kaiser Karls Streit vor Regensburg See CHARLEMAGNE. RATISBON LEGEND. GERMAN Lexicon Qraeco-Latinum See CRASTONI, GIOVANNI Lexicon Graecum See SUIDAS Lexicon Latino-Graecum See CRASTONI, GIOVANNI Libellus de iurisdictione ecclesiastica contra Petrum de Cugneriis See BERTRAND, PIERRE, CARDINAL Libellus_isagogicus See 'ABDAL-'AZIZ IBN 'UTHMAN, AL-KABISI Liber additus duodecim Aeneidos libris See VEGIUS, MAPHIUS Liber aggregatus in medicinis simplicibus See SERAPION, JOHANNES, THE YOUNGER Liber Bibliae moralis See BERSUIRE, PIERRE Liber contra gentiles See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Liber cronicarum See SCHKDEL, HARTMANN Liber de contemptu mundi See INNOCENTIUS III, POPE Liber decretorum, sive Panormia See IVO, SAINT, BP. OF CHARTRES Liber Discipuli de eruditione Christifidelium See HEROLT, JOHANNES Liber marescalciae aquorum See RUSIUS, LAURENTIUS Liber medicinalis See SERENUS SAMMONICUS, QUINTUS Liber parabolarum See ALANUS DE INSULIS Liber sextus Decretalium See CATHOLIC CHURCH. POPE, 129U-1303 (BONIFACIUS VIII) Libertates per principes delphinos Viennenses See DAUPHINft. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Libro della divina dottrina See CATERINA DA SIENA, SAINT Lllium grammaticae See ZENDERS DE WERDT, GUILELMUS Lilium medic inae See BERNARD DE GORDON Logica See NICOLETTI, PAOLO Lombardica historia See JACOBUS DE VARAGINE Lucubratiunculae See SCHOTT, PETER The Lyff of the Faders See VITAE PATRUM Magna moralia See ARISTOTELES Malleus maleficarum See INSTITORIS, HENRICUS Mammotrectus super BlBTiam See MARCHESINI, GIOVANNI Manlpulus curatorum See GUIDO DE MONTE ROCHERII Manuale See AUGUSTINUS. AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works Manuale confessorum See NIDER, JOHANNES MANUALE DIVINUM Margarita poetica See EYB, ALBRECHT VON, Compiler MARIALE (ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON. Spurious and doubtful works) Mariana See BAPTISTA MANTUANUS MARTYRIUM SANCTORUM Martyrologium See USUARD Meditationes (Eya tunc homuntio _) See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubt- ful works Meditationes, seu Contemplationes devotissimae See TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL Meditationes vitae Christi See BONA VENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL. Spurious and doubtful works Medulla grammatices See GALFRIDUS AN3LICUS, DOMI- NICAN FRIAR MENSA PHILOSOPHICA (ANGUILBERTUS, THEOBALDUS, Sup- posed author; SCOTT, MICHAEL, Supposed author) La Mer des histolres See RUDIMENTUM NOVITIORUM. FRENCH Metamorphoses See OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS Mirrour of the world See IMAGE DU MONDE Miscellaneorum centuria prima See POLIZIANO, ANGELO Missale Aboense See CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. MISSAL Missale Strengense See CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. MISSAL Missale Upsalense See CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. MISSAL Modus bene Vivendi See BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works Modus confitendi See ESCOBAR, ANDRES DE, BP. Modus epistolandi See GUILLERMUS SAPHONENSIS; also NIGER, FRANC ISCUS Modus Latinltatis See EBRARDI, UDALRICUS Modus legendi abbreviaturas See WERNER VON SCHUS- SENRIED Moralia, sive Expositio in Job See GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE Moralia super to tarn Bibliam See LYRA, NICOLAUS DE Moralissimus Cato See CATONIS DISTICHA Musica libris demonstrata quattuor See LE FEVRE, Jacques d Staples 200 Mylke for chyldren See HOLT, JOHN Myrrour of the worlde See IMAGE DU MONDE N Narrationes fabularum Ovidianarum See LACTANTIUS PLACI- DUS, Supposed author Des Narrenschiff See BRANT, SEBASTIAN Navicula Sanctae Ursulae See MATTHAEUS, A DOMINICAN Nicodemus See BIBLE. N. T. APOCRYPHAL BOOKS, GOSPEL OF NICODEMUS Noctes Atticae See GELLIUS, AULUS Nonnullae in Plinium emendationes See BEROALDO, FILIPPO Novellae constitutions See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. NO- VELLAS CONSTITUTIONES Nuremberg chronicle See SCHEDEL, HARTMANN Ob einem Mann sei zu nehmen ein ehelich Weib oder nicht See ETB, ALBRECHT VON Objectiones in dicta Talmud See THEOBALDUS, SUBPRIOR Observations See CALDERINO, DCMIZIO Odae See H0RATTTJ3 FLACCUS, QUINTUS Oeconomica See ARISTOTELES On old age See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS Opera See APULEIUS MADAURENSIS; also AUSONIUS, DECIMUS MAGNUS; AVIENUS, RUFUS FESTUS;~CARPANO, GIOVANNI AN- TONIO, BP.; CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS; CLAUDIANUS, CLAU- DIUS; CYPRIANUS, SAINT, BP. OF CARTHAGE; HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS; LACTANTIUS, LUCIUS CAECILIUS FIR- MIANUS; OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS; PICO DELLA MIRANDOLA, GIOVANNI; POLIZIANO, ANGELO; PRISCIANUS, OF CAESAREA; SALLUSTIUS CRISPUS, C. ; TACITUS, CORNELIUS; THOMAS A* KEMPIS; VERGILIUS MARO, PUBLIUS Opera. Greek See ARISTOTELES; also THEOPHRASTUS Opera. Latin See JOSKPHUS, FLAVIUS; also PLATO Opera Latina See PETRARCA, FRANCESCO Opera et dies See HESIODUS Opera medica See GUAINERIO, ANTONIO Opera philosophica. Epistolae See SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS Opera selecta See GALENUS; also LUCIANUS, OF SAMOSATA Opera varia See CARACCIOLI, ROBERTO Opus quaestionum See AUGUSTINUS, AURBLIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO Opus restitutionum, usurarura, excornunicationum See PLATEA, FRANC ISCUS DE Opus tripartitum See GERSON, JOANNES Opus trivium See BROMYARDE, JOHN DE Opuscula See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO; also BERlffRD DE CLAIRVAUX, SAINT; THOMAS AQUTJAS, SAINT; VINCENT DE BEAUVAIS Opuscula et tractatus See HEMMERLI, FELIX Opusculum contra superstitiosam dierum observationem See GERSON, JOANNES Opusculum de dictionibus quae varia to accentu mutant sig- nificatum See CTRILLUS, GLOSSATOR Opusculum de temporibus See ISIDORUS, SAINT, BP. OF SEVILLE Opusculum repertorii prognosticon in mutationes aeris See FIRMIN DE BEAUVAL Opusculum super Cantica canticorura See GERSON, JOANNES Oratio ad Alexandria VI nomine Bononien3ium habita See BENTIVOGLIO, ANTONIO GALEAZZO Oratio ad Innocentium VIII See PATRIZI, FRANCESCO, BP. Oratio circumcisionis Dominicae coram Innocentio VIII habita See LOLLIO, ANTONIO Oratio coram Innocentio VIII pro die Pentecostes habita See TEGLIATIDS, STEPHANUS, ABP. Oratio de Divina Providentia See TERRASSA, PEDRO Oratio de laudibus Helenae See ISOCRATES Oratio in Conventu Ratisponensi anno lii71 habita See CAMPANO, GIOVANNI ANTONIO, BP. Oratio in die Omnium Sanctorum habita, 11(83 See CAPITANEIS, THOMAS EI Oratio in die Parasceve anno 11*77 See FERNA*NDEZ DE SANTAELLA, RODRIGO Oratio in festo Omnium Sanctorum See SCOPTIUS, HIERONTMUS, BP. OF SOVANA Oratio in funere Cardinal is Ardicini de La Porta See CARDULO, FRANCESCO Oratio in funere Friderici III Imperatoris Viennae habita See PERGER, BERNHARD Oratio in matrimonium Maximilian! et Blancae Mariae See MAINO, GIASONE DAL Oratio proverbiorum See BEROALDO, FILIPPO Oratio quaerulosa contra invasores sacerdotum See WIMPHELINO, JAKOB Orationale. Panis quodianus See HIERONTMUS DE VILLA vrris Orationes See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS Orationes. "Greek See ISOCRATES Orationes cum quibusdam aliis eiusdem operibus See FILELFO, FRANCESCO Orationes et poemata See BEROALDO, FILIPPO Oratoriae artis epitomata See PUBLICIO, JACOPO Orbis breviarium See LILIO, ZACCARIA, BP. Ordo seu Regula vivendi Deo ad Eustochium virginem See HIERONTMUS, SAINT Orthographia See TORTELLI, GIOVANNI Palillogia de theologico fastigio See WIMPINA, KONRAD Panegyricus ad Maximilianum. Tragoedia de Turcis et Soldano. Dialogus de heresiarchis See LOCHER, JAKOB Panepistemon See POLIZIANO, ANGELO Pantheologia, sive Sirnma universas theologiae See RAINERUS DE PISIS Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtutibus See ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON. Spurious and doubtful works Paradoxa Stoicorum See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS Parthenice prima, sive Mariana See BAPTISTA MANTU- ANUS Parthenice secunda, sive Catharinaria See BAPTISTA MANTUA-NUB Passio Christi secundum quattuor Evangelistas See JORDAN VON QUEDLINBURG PASSIO DOMINI JESU CHRISTI SECUNDUM QUITTUOR EVAN- GEL IA Passional, das ist der Heiligen Leben See JACOBUS DE VARAGINE Pastorale, sive Regula pastoralis See GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE Perush Iyob (Commentary on Job) See LEVI BEN GERSON Petri Mocenici imperatoris gesta See CIPPICO, CO- RIOUNO Phaenomena See ARATUS SOLE N3 IS PHARETRA DOCTORUM ET PHILOSOPHORUM Pharsalia See LUCANUS, MARCUS ANNAEUS Philalethes See VEGIUS, MAPHEUS Phylisci consolatoria Marco Ciceroni See DIO CASSIUS COCCEIANUS Physiologus de naturis duodecim animalium See THEO- BALDUS, EPISCOPUS Pimander de potestate et sapientia Dei See HERMES TRISMEGISTUS ?Paeane Baatae Virginia See PETRARCA, FRANCESCO. 201 Platonica theologia de immortal itate aniraorum See FICINO, MARSILIO Pllniana defensio adversus Nicolai Leoniceni accursatio- nem See COLLENUCCIO, PAMDOLFO Poema admonitorium See PHOCYLIDES Poeticon astronomicon See HYOINUS, MYTHOGRAPHER Politica See ARISTOTELES Polycronicon See HIGDEN, RANULF Polyhistor, sive De mirabilibus mundi See SGLINUS, C. JULIUS Pomponii vita See SABELLICO, MARCO ANTONIO COCCIO, CALLED Postilla in JotTSee THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia See GUILELMUS PA- RIS IENSIS, A DOMINICAN, PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia quadragesimalia See LYRA, NICQLAUS DE Postilla super totam Bibliam See LYRA, NICOLA US DE Postilla super Vetus et Novum Testamentum See LYRA, NICQLAUS DE Practica See GUAINERIO, ANTONIO Practica, seu Lilium medicinae See BERNARD DE GORDON Practica brevis See PLATEARIUS, JOANNES, THE YOUNGER Practica Jo. Serapionis dicta breviarium See YUHANNA IBN SARABIYUN, THE ELDER Praecepta de oratione nuptiali See DIONYSIUS HALICAR- NASSENSIS Praecepta Latinitatis See LINDELBACH, MICHAEL Praeceptorium divinae legis, sive Expositio Decalogi See NIDER, JOHANNES PRAECORDIALE DEVOTORUM (PHILIPPI, JACOBUS, Supposed author) Praecordiale sacerdotum See PRAECORDIALE DEVOTORUM Praelectio cui titulus Panepistemon See POLIZIANO, ANGELO PRIVILEOIA ET IMMUNTTATES CLERICORUM PRO MONTE PIETATIS CCNSILIA Probleraata See ARISTOTELES. Spurious and doubtful works; also PLUTARCHUS Processus Belial See PALLADINUS, JACOBUS, DE THERAMO, BP. OF SPOLETO Processus iudiciarius See AUERBACH, JOHANNES Prognosticon See FIRMlOE BEAUVAL Pronptoriuin parvulorum See GALFRIDUS AN3LICUS, DOMI- NICAN FRIAR Promptuarius puerorum See GALFRIDUS AN3LICUS, DOMINI- CAN FRIAR Propositiones adversus doctrinam cuiusdam mecidi in Montepessulano See GERSON, JOANNES Proslogion See ANSELM, SAINT, ABP. OF CANTERBURY Proverbia See SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS Proverbia metrica See FABRI DE WERDEA, JOHANNES Proverbiorum libellus See VERGILIUS, POLIDORUS Psalterium See BIBLE. 0. T. PSALMS PUERILIA SUPER DONATUM Pungi lingua See CAVALCA, DOMENICO Punica See SILIUS ITALICUS, TIBERIUS CATIUS Quadragesimale See MAYRONIS, FRANCOIS DE Quadragesimale de floribus sapientiae See SPIERA, AM- BROGIO Quaestiones circa confesslonem, seu Sacramentum poeni- tentiae See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Quaestiones de anima See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Quaestiones de duodecira quodlibet See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Quaestiones de potentia Dei See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Quaestiones de veritate See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Quaestiones disputatae See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Quaestiones disputatae de anima See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Quaestiones disputatae de potentia Dei See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Quaestiones disputatae de veritate See THOMAS AQUI- NAS, SAINT Quaestiones Evangeliorum de tempore et de Sanctis See TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL Quaestiones Graecae See PLUTARCHUS Quaestiones in commentaria Thomae de Aquino super Metaphysicia Arlstotells See DOMINICUS DE FLAN- DRIA Quaestiones in libros Posteriorum Aristotelis et in Fallacias Sancti Thomae de Aquino See DOMINICUS DE FLANDRIA Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum See CAPRIOLI, JEAN; als o DUHS, JOANNES, SCOTUS Quaestiones Romani See PLUTARCHUS QUAESTIONES SUPER DOSTUM MINOREM Quaestiones super XII libros Metaphysicae Aristo- telis See ANDREAE, ANTONIUS Quaestiones super libros Sententiarum See PIETRO DELL'AQUILA Quaestiones super mutuo Judaico See NANNI, GIOVANNI Quaestiones super Sphaeram mundi See AILLY, PIERRE D', CARDINAL Quaternarius See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works Quodlibet de veritate fraternitatis Rosaril See FRANCOIS, MICHEL Quodlibeta See DUNS, JOANNES, SCOTUS; also THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT R Rationale divinorum officiorum See DURANTIS, GU- LIELMUS, BP. OF MENDE Rationes breves See SAMUEL MAROCHITANUS, RABBI Recollectae super Physica Aristotelis See TIENE, GAETANO Reformation der Stadt Nurnberg See NUREMBERG. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Regula: Dominus que pars See REMIGIUS, OF AUXERRE Regula pastoralis See GREGORIUS I, THE GREAT, SAINT POPE Regula S. Augustini See HUGO OF SAINT VICTOR Regula vivendi Deo ad Eustochium virginem See HIE- RONYMUS, SAINT Regulae elegantiarum See NIGER, FRANCISCUS REGULAE GRAMMATICALES Regulae SS. Benedict!, Basilii, Augustini, Francisci See JOANNES FRANCISCUS BRIXIANUS, Compiler Regulae Syppontinae See PEROTTI, NICCOLO, ABP. OF SIPONTO Reise in das gelobte Land See TUCHER, HANS Repertorium aureum Bibliorum See GUERRI, BINDUS Repertorium aureum continens titulos quinque libro- rum decretalium See CONCORDANTIAE UTRIUSQUE IURIS REPERTORIUM IN POSTILLAM NICOUI DE LYRA SUPER VE- TUS ET NOVUM TESTAMENTUM Repertorium quaestionum super Nicolaura de Tudeschis See DlAZ DE MONTALVO, ALONSO Repertorium vocabulorum See KONRAD VON MURE Replicae See DOERING, MATTHIAS Resolutorium dubiorum circa celebrationem Missarum occurrentium See HEYNLIN, JOHANN Rhetorica See FORTUNATIANUS, CHIRIUS Rhetorica ad Alexandrum See ANAXIMENES OF LAMPSACUS 202 Rhetoric* ad C. Herenniua See CICERO, MARCUS TOLLIUS Rhetorics divina See GOILELMUS ARVERNUS, BP. OF PARIS Rhetorica nova See CICERO, MARCOS TULLIUS Rhetorica pro conficiendis epistolis accomnodata See LESCHER, PAUL Rhetorica vetus See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS Riae See SFORTUNATO, L0D0VIC0 Rithaiaachiae ludus See LE FEVRE, JACQUES D" STAPLES (SHIRWOOD, JOHN, BP7~0F DURHAM, Supposed author) Roaanae historiae compendium See LETO, GIULIO POMPOHIO Rubricae iuris civilis et canonici See TORNIBLLI, 0IROLAM0 RUDIMBNTA GRAMMATICAE Rudimenta granaatices See DOKATUS, AKLIUS; also PBROTTI, NICCOLfi, ABP. OF SIPONTO; VENTURIM, FRANCESCO RUDIMBNTUM NOVITIORUM (BURCHARDUS DE MONTE SION, Sup- posed author) Ruralia comaoda See CRESCENZI, PIETRO DE Sacramentale See A ILLY, PIERRE D', CARDINAL, Supposed author Salutaris poeta See OERARDUS, STEPHANUS Satyrae See JUVEflATlS, DECD4US JUNIUS; also PKRSIUS fuccusT"aulus Satyricon See PETRONIUS ARBITER Scala paradisi See JOANNES CLDUCUS, SAINT Schatsbehalter der wahren Reich turner des Heils See FRIDOLIN, STEPHAN Scribendi orandique modus See MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS Scriptores astronomic i veteres See FIRHICUS MATERNUS, JULIUS. De nativitatibus SCRIPTORES HISTORIAE AUGUSTAS Scriptores rei ailitaris See FRONTINOS, SKITUS JUL IUS Scriptores veteres de re nilitari See FRONTINUS, SEXTUS JULIUS. De re nilitari Scutum Herculis See HESIODUS Secreta aulienn et virorua See ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON. Spurious and doubtful works Secreta sacerdotum See HEINRICH VON LANGKKSTBIN SEELENWURZGARTBN Sententiae See PUBLILIUS STRUS Sententiae elegiacae See THEOGNIS Sententiarua libri quattuor See PETRUS LOMBARDUS, BP. OF PARIS Sententiarua variationes, seu Synonyms See FIESCHI, STSFANO, DA SONCINO Septea fores, seu Festa Beatae Virginia Mariae See PALTZ, JOHANN VON Seraones See AUGUST INUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO; also RPHRAEM STRUS, SAINT; LEO I, THE GREAT, SAINT, POPE Seraones ab Adventu cua Quadrageslaali See MAYRONIS, FRANCOIS DE Seraones ad hereaitas See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works Seraones de Eucharistiae sacraaento See ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON. Spurious and doubtful works Seraones de laudibue sanctorum See CARACCIOLI, ROBERTO Seraones de Sanctis See JACOBUS'S VARAOINK; also LEO- NARDOS MATTHAEI DE""UT*INO; MATRONIS, FRANCOlSTE; SOC- CUS, CISTERCIAN (CONRADUS DE BUNDBLSHEIM, Supposed author); VINCENTIOS FERRERIUS, SAINT Seraones de Sanctis cua vigintitribus Paull Harm ser- aonibus See LOCHMAIER, MICHAEL Seraones de tempore et de Sanctis See ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT, BP. OF RATISBON; also BONA VENTURA, SAINT, CAR- DINAL. Spurious and doubtful works (HUGO DE SANCTO CHARO, CARDINAL, Supposed author); JACOBUS DE VARAGINE; PEREGRINUS OPPOLIENSB; VINCENTIOS FERRERIOS, SAINT Seraones de tempore et de Sanctis cum Quadragesiraali See NIDER, JOHANNES Seraones de vita cleric orurr. See AOGOSTINUS, AURE- LIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO Seraones Discipuli de tempore et de Sanctis cua Proaptuario exeaplorua et de Beats Virgine See HEROLT, JOHANNES Seraones Dominicales cua expositionibus Evangeli- orua See JOHANNES VON WERDEN Seraones Dominicales super Evangelia et Epistolas See VINAC, HUGO DE 3ERM0NES EXQUISITI SUPER EPISTOLAS PER ANNI CIR- CULUM Seraones quadragesimales See JACOBUS DB VARAGINE Seraones quadragesiaales de legibus dicti See LEONARDOS MATTHAEI DE UTINO Seraones quadragesimales de peccatis See CARACCIOLI, ROBERTO Seraones quadragesimales de poenitentia See CARAC- CIOLI, ROBERTO SERMONES QUADRAGESIMALES THESAURI NOVI (PETRI'S DB PALODE, PATRIARCH OF JERUSALEM, Supposed author) Seraones super Cantica canticorun See BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUZ, SAINT SERMONES THESAURI NOVI DE SANCTIS (PETROS DE PALUDE, PATRIARCH OF JERUSALEM, Supposed author) Seraones vigintitres See WANN, PAUL Soliloquia See AUGOSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO Soliloquia (Agnoscaa te -) See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works Sollloquiua de beatissiaa Virgine Maria See ARNOLD!, HEINRICH SOMNIA DANIELIS Sonetti e cansoni See PETRARCA, FRANCESCO Sophologiua See LB GRAND, JACQUES Speculum aniaae See HEINRICH VON LANGENSTBIN Speculum aniaae peccatricis See JACOBUS DE GRUT- TRODE (DENIS LB CHARTREUI, Supposed author) Speculua artis bene aoriendi See ARS MORIBNDI SPECULUM CHRISTIANI (WATTON, JOHN, Supposed author) Speculua conversionis peccatorua See DBNIS 12 CHAR- TREUI, Supposed author Speculua de confessions See BUTRIO, ANTONIUS DB, Supposed author SPECULOM EXEMPLOROM (probably by BUSCH, JOHANN; AURIFABER, AEGIDIUS, Supposed author) Speculua finalis retributionis See REGINALDBTUS , PETRUS Speculua historiale See VINCENT DB BBAUVAIS Speculua naturale See VINCENT DB BBAUVAIS Speculua peccatorls See AUGUSTINUS, AURELIUS, SAINT, BP. OF HIPPO. Spurious and doubtful works SPECULUM SAPIENTIAB (CTRILLUS DB QUIDENON. Spurious and doubtful works; CTRILLUS, SAINT, BP. OF JERUSALEM. Spurious and doubtful works; CTRILLUS, SAINT. OF THESSALCNICA. Spurious and doubtful works) Speculun vitae hunanae See SANCHEZ DE AREVALO, RODRIGO, BP. Sphaera See PROCLUS DIADOCHUS Sphaera mundi See SACRO BOSCO, JOANNES DB 203 Spiegel der wahren Hhetorik See RIEDERER, FRIEDRICH Statuta communitatis BergomilJee BERGAMO. LAWS, STAT- UTES, ETC. Statuta communitatis Valliscamonicae See CAMONICA. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Statuta Mediolani See MILAN. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. STELLA CLERICORUM Stimulus amoris See BONAVENTURA, SAINT, CARDINAL. Spur- ious and doubtful works (HENRICUS DE BALMA, Supposed author) Strategematicon See FRONTINUS, SEXTUS JULIUS Stultifera navis See BRANT, SEBASTIAN Suasoriae et controversiae See SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS, RHETOR Summa Angelica de casibus conscientiae See ANGELUS CAR- LETUS DE CLAVA5I0 Surama casuum conscientiae See TROVAMALA, GIOVANNI BAT- TISTA Sumraa collationura See JOHN OF WALES Summa contra gentiles j sive De veritate catholicae fidei See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Summa de articulis fidei See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Summa de casibus conscientiae See BARTOLOMMEO DE' GRANCHI DA SAN CONCORDIO, PISANO Summa de ecclesia contra impugnatores potestatis summi pontificis See TORQUEMADA, JUAN DE, CARDINAL Summa de veritate catholicae fidei See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Summa de virtutibus et vitiis See GUILELMUS PERALDUS Summa qualiter notarii -. debeant officium exercere See DOMINICUS DE VICENTIA SUMMA RUDIUM Summa theologica See ANTONINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF FLOR- ENCE; also THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Summaria"7Eodici Justiniani. See CHIARI, GIROLAMO Summulae logicales See JOANNES XXI, POPE Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis, et cognationis spiritualis et legalis See ANDREAE, JOANNES Super Donato See VERSOR, JOHANNES Super libros quattuor Sententiarum See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Super libros Sapientiae See HOLKOT, ROBERTUS Super potestate et auctoritate papali See THOMAS AQUI- NAS, SAINT Super prima parte Digest! novi See BARTOLUS DE SAXO- FERRATO Super I- EC Codicis See BALDO DEGLI UBALDI Super primo libro Decretalium, VII-XXVIII See BUTRIO, ANTONIUS DE Super primo c -quarto* libro Sententiarum Petri Lombardi See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Super Sapientiam Salomonis See HOLKOT, ROBERTUS Super sexto Decretalium SeelXJMINICUS DE SANCTO GEMI- NIANO Supplementum chronicarum See FORESTI, JACOPO FILIPPO, DA BERGAMO Supplementum commentariorum in librum secundum Peri- hermenias Aristotelis See GRAZIADEI D'ASCOLI Supplementum Summae Pisanellae See NICOLAUS, OF OS IMA Sylloglanthon See BOLOGNINI, LUESviCO Symbola See PYTHAGORAS, Supposed author Synonyma de homine et ratione, seu Soliloquia See ISI- DORUS, SAINT, BP. OF SEVILLE Tabula alphabetlca ex singulis libris _ totius Bibliae See BRUNO, GABRIELLO TABULA CHRISTIANAE RELIGIONIS Tabula generalis cCompendii theologicae veritatis^ See DORNIBERG, THOMAS Tabula Novi et Veterls Testament! See CONCORDAN- TIAE MINORES BIBLIAE Tabula operum Thomae Aquinatis See PETRUS BERGO- MEKSIS Tabula statutorum Mediolani See MILAN. LAWS, STATUTES, ETC. Tabula Veteris et Novi Testament! See CONCORDAN- TIAE MINORES BIBLIAE Tabulae astronomicae See ALFONSO X, EL SABIO, KING OF CASTILE AND LEON H Tesoro See LATINI, BRUNETTO Textus Sequentiarum See CATHOLIC CHURCH. LITURGY AND RITUAL. PROSAR Thalmut. Objectiones in dicta Talmud See THEOBAL- DUS, SUBPRIOR Theogonia See HESIODUS Theologia naturalis, sive Liber creaturarum See RAYMUNDUS DE SABUNDE Theoricae novae planetarum See PEURBACH, GEORG VON Thesaurus See MANCINELLUS, ANTONIUS THESAURUS. Cornu copiae et horti Adonidis Timone See BOJARDO, MATTEO MARIA, CONTE DE SCAN- DIANO Titulus de restitutionibus See ANTONINUS, SAINT, ABP. OF FLORENCE Tobias See MATTHAEUS VINDOCINENSIS Topica See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS Tractatulus super decern defectibus virorum mona- sticorum See SUMMENHART, KONRAD Tractatus contra perfidiam aliquorura Bohemorum See HILARIUS, LITOMERICKY TRACTATUS DE ARTE VIVENDI, LOQUENDI, ET TACENDI (ALBERTUS MAGNUS, SAINT. BP. OF RATISBON. Spur- ious and doubtful works) Tractatus de celebratione et Sacramento See DENIS LE CHARTREUX Tractatus de corpore Christi See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works TRACTATUS DE FRATERNITATIBUS Tractatus de male fie iis See GAMBILIONI, ANGELO Tractatus de martyrio sanctorum See MARTYRIUM SANCTORUM Tractatus de modo confitendi et puritate conscien- tiae, De officio sacerdotis, Expositio Missae, De vitiis et virtutibus See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works Tractatus de orthographia See VALLA, GIORGIO Tractatus de periculis contingentibus circa sacra- mentum Eucharistiae See THOMAS AQUINAS, SAINT Spurious and doubtful works Tractatus de ritu moribus, nequitia et multipli- catione Turcorum See GEORGIUS DE HUNGARIA, Sup- posed author (GEORGEVIC", BARTOLOMEJ, Supposed author) Tractatus duodecim See JOANNES XXI, POPE Tractatus exceptionum See INNOCENTIUS IV, POPE TRACTATUS NOTARIATUS TRACTATUS PRAESUMPTIONUM Tractatus quinque cum aliis tractatibus See THO- MAS AQUINAS, SAINT TRACTATUS SOLEMNIS MULTUM PRAEDICABILIS SIVE DE QUOLIBET SANCTO Tractatus varii cum sermonibus contra errores ad- versus Eucharistiam exortos See INSTITORIS, HENRICUS Tragoediae See SENECA, LUCIUS ANNAEUS Trigilogium astrologiae theologisatae See GERSON, JOANNES Trilogium animae See LUDOVICUS DE PRUSSIA 20U Tristia See OVIDIUS NASO, PUBLIUS Tundalus See TUNDAL'S VISION. LATIN Tusculanae disputationes See CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS Variloquus See MELBER, JOHANNES, OF GEROLZHOFEN Verba deponentalia See JOANNES IE GARLANDIA Versiculi arboris vitae Christi See BONA VENTURA , SAINT, CARDINAL Virgiliocentones Veteris et Novi Testamenti See PROBA Vita Christi See LUDOLFHUS DE SAIONIA La Vita de philosophi See DIOGENES LAERTHJS Vita di Dante See BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI La Vita, el transito, et gli miracoli del beatissiao Hieronymo See HIERONXMUS, SAINT. LEGEND VITA ET PROCESSUS S. THCMAE BECKET (ELIAS, MO* OF - EVESHAM ?) Vita et transitus Sancti Hieronymi See HIERONXMUS, SAINT. LEGEND Vita Johannis Pici Mirandulae See PICO DELLA MIRANDOLA, GIOVANNI FRANCESCO Vita S. Albert! de Drepano See POLUCCI, GIOVANNI MARIA Vita Sancti Ambrosii See PAULINUS MEDIOLANENSIS (PAU- LINUS, SAINT, BP. OF NOLA, Supposed author) Vitae XII Caesarura See SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS, C. Vitae et sententiae philosophorum See DIOGENES LAERTIUS # Victoria contra Judaeoa See BRUTO, PIETRO, BP. Vitae illustrium vlrorum See PLUTARCHUS Vitae pontificum See PLATINA, BARTOLOMEO Vitae Sanctorum Patrum See VITAE PATRUM (HIERONYMUS, SAINT. Spurious and doubtful works) Vocabula ex jure civili excerpta See VEGIUS, MA- PHEUS Vocabularius See DIONYSIUS NESTOR Vocabularius breviloquus See REUCHLIN, JOHANN Vocabularius: Curia palatium See CURIA PALATIUM VOCABULARIUS DE PARTIBUS INDECLINABILIBUS Vocabularius juris utriusque See VOCABULARIUS UTRI- USQUE JURIS Vocabularius praedicantium, sive Variloquus See MELBER, JOANNES, OF GEROLZHOFEN Vocabularius rerum See BRACK, WENCESLAUS VOCABULARIUS UTRIUSQUE JURIS Voluraen de tortis See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. VO- LUMEN PARVUM Volumen parvum See CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS. VOLU- MEN PARVUM VORHERSAGE FUR 11*89. UTIN (FABRI, WENCESUUS, OF BUDWEIS, Supposed author) Vulgaria Terentii See TERENTIUS AFER, PUBLIUS Zeitglocklein des Lebens und Leidens Christi See BERTOLDUS, DOMINICAN 205 INDEX OF PRINTERS, PUBLISHERS, AND PUCES Note: Names of publishers are underlined ; place names are in CAPITALS ? preceding a reference indicates that the printer assignment is doubtful c indicates that the reference to the printer is to be found in the body of the entry rather than in the imprint Abbatlbus , Johannes de (fl. U*98) Milan: 878 Abraham ben Hayyim (fl. 11*77-82) Ferrara: #595 Accursius, Bonus (*85) Milan: 301; 301* Achates, Leonardo (fl. 11*72-97) Vicenaa: 372; c589> Albinus, Philippus (fl.lli77) Vicenza: 101*6 Aliate, Alexandre (fl.U*97-l505) Paris: 1*7 Almodovar , Martinus (fl. 11*91 ) Seville: 6l6 Alopa, Lorenzo (fl. 11*78-1500) Florence: 771 Alvise, Oiovanni (fl. 11*97-1501) Venice: 1*97; 630 Alvisius, Joannes See Alvise, Giovanni Alyate, Alexander See Aliate, Alexandre Ambergau, Adam de TfT. 11*71-72) Venice: 270; 101*9 Amerbach, Johann (d.1513) Basel: 7; 52; 66; 70; 7U; 126; .131*3; 135; 136; #11*0; 11*2; #213; 23U; 21*3; 285; 322; 331; 395; cl*53=; 537; 555>; c65l=,; 680; 71*6; c767>; 821; 873; 901*; 1011*; 1026; 1060; 1062? Amoros, Carles (fl. 1507 -1*9) Barcelona: +888? Anima Mia, Guglielmo, de Cereto, known as (fl. 11*85- 99) Venice: 19; 106?; 3l3; 359; 81*5; 885; 1035 ANTWERP p. 211 Apud Lyskirchen See Zell, Ulrich Apud Praedicatores See Zierikzee, Cornelis van Apud Sanctum Jacobum de Ripoli See San Jacopo de Ripoli (Monastery) Arndes, Steffen (fl.ll*85-l5l5) Ltibeck: #223 Arnold, Christoph (fl. 11*72-79) Venice: 192; 1*98; c685> Arrivabenus, Georgius (fl.ll*83-l5l5) Venice: 3l*; 203; 1*91*; 8l5 Asola, Girolamo da See Asula, Hieronymus de Asula, Hieronymus de~7f .1^98) Milan: 878 PJUGSBURG p. 213-211* AUSTRIA p. 211 Avinione, Antonius de (fl. 11*75-83) Padua: 838 Azzoguidi, Baldassare (fl.ll*71-80) Bologna: 217; 33U; Au Soufflet Vert (Hi75-8U) Paris. 88Ua Bac, Govaert (d.1517) Antwerp: +215; 1*89 Baligault, Felix (fl.ll*92-l506) Paris: 28; 398? Ba'mler, Johann (fl.ll*50-l507) Augsburg: #529 BARCELONA p. 233 Bartholomaeus, of Unkel (fl. 11*75-81*) Cologne: 61 Bartolommeo da Bologna (Miscomini) Antonio de See Miscomini, Antonio BASEL p. 233-235 Basilea, Leonardus (Achates) de See Achates, Leonardo Bazaleriis, Caligula de (11*76-1512?) Bologna: 1*82 Belfortis, Andreas (fl. 11*71-93) Ferrara: 282; 1*1*1* BELGIUM p. 211 Benagli, Vincenzo (fl. 11*92 -9l*) Venice: 83; 578 Benalius, Bernardinus (fl. 11*83-1537) Venice: c60>; 69; 78; 118; 119; 262; 318; 375; 399; *1*00; 1*31; 713; c866, Benalius, Vincentius See Benagli, Vincenzo Benedetti, Francesco Platone de (d. 11*96) Bologna: 102; 123; 1*08; 1*69 Benedictis, Franciscus (Plato) de See Benedetti, Francesco Platone de Bergmann von Olpe, Johann (*) Basel: 181; #182; 623; 932; 101*8 BEROMUNSTER p. 235 Bertocchi, Dionigi (fl.ll*7l*-l502) Modena: 303; 61*9; Treviso: 808; Venice: 736 Bertochus, Dionysius See Bertocchi, Dionigi Bertochus, Vincentius - Tfl. 11*98) Mantua: 97 Bertolet , Bartholomaeus (fl. 1508-10) Grenoble: +325 Besicken, Johann (fl. 11*78-1507) Rome: +1081 Bevilaqua, Simon (fl.U*87-l5l8) Venice: 115; ll*6; 279; 1*67; 567; 579; 608; 609; 610; 711*; 77U; 81*7; 1006; 1056; Vicenza: 51 Biondo, Girolamo (fl.li9l-98) Venice: 200 Bissoll, Giovanni (d. 151*2) Milan: 903; Venice: 386 Blanco, Juan (fl. 11*73-81* ) Zaragoza: 1012 Blastos , Nikola os (fl. 11* 99-1500) Venice: 370 Blavis, Thomas de (fl. 11*76-93) Venice: 151; 335; 61*5; 938 Blondus, Hieronymus See Biondo, Girolamo Bocard, Andre (fl. 11*91-1531) Paris: 398?; 5U5; 681 Boettiger, Gregor (fl. 11*92-97) Leipzig: 91*; 95; 167; 286; 682 BOLOGNA p. 221 Bonaccorsi, Francesco See Buonaccorsi, Francesco Bonaccursius, Franciscus See Buonaccorsi, Francesco Bonaccursius, Petrus (Onofrio) de See Buonaccorsi, Pietro di Onofrio de 1 Bonello, Manfredo de (fl. 11*91 -1516) Venice: 171; 368; 101*0 Boninis, Bonino de (fl. 11*79-91) Brescia: #20; 317 Bonus Accursius See Accursius, Bonus Bottiger, Gregorius See Boettiger, Gregor Bot tonus, Bartholomaeus See Bruschis, Bartholomaeus de Bottonus, Laurentius See Bruschis, Laurentius de Bracci, Gabrlele (fl.lC98-99) Venice: 386 Brandis, Lucas (fl.ll*73-l500) Ltfbeck: #832 Breda, Jacobus de (fl.ll*85-l5l8) Deventer: 571; 895; 909 BRESCIA p. 221 Britannici, Angelo (fl.ll*85-l5ll) Brescia: 112; 111*; 197; 538 Britannici, Giacomo (d.1506) Brescia: 112; 111*; 197; 391*; 538; 607; 737; 780; 787; Venice: 259; 893 Brun, Pedro (fl. 11*77-1506) Barcelona: 9l*2 Bruschis, Bartholomaeus de (fl. 11*80-82) Reggio Emi- lia: 152 Bruschis, Laurentius de (d.ll*8l) Reggio Emilia: 152 Buonaccorsi, Francesco (fl. 11*85-96) Florence: 596; 851* Buonaccorsi, Pietro di Onofrio de 1 (fl. 11*89) Flor- ence: 339 Buonaccorso da Pisa See Accursius, Bonus Butzbach, Paul von (fl. 11*72-91) Mantua: 619 Caillaut, Antoine (fl. 11*83-1510?) Paris: 80 Calabrensis, Andreas (fl. 11* 81*- 92) Venice: 1*10; 877 Calcedonius, Alexander (fl. 11*92-1500) Venice: 31*6; ~9& 206 Callierges, Zacharlas See KalliergSs, Zacharias Cantono, Ayolfus de (fl7Tl*91-96) Naples: 597 Capcasa, Matteo (fl. 11*85-95) Venice: 200; 218; 318; 773 Carlo, Jacopo dl (fl.U*89-9l*) Florence: 339 Castillo , Garcia del (fl. 11*82) Seville: 1033 Caxton, William (ll*22(ca. )-9l) Westminster: 266; 501*; 830 Celerius, Bernardinus (fl. 11*78-86) Venice: 668 Cerdonis, Matthaeus (f 1.11*81-87) Padua: 1; 12 Cereto, Guglielmo de See Anima Mia, Guglielmo, de Cereto, known as Chalcondylas , Demetrius (ll*2l*-l5ll ) Milan: 903 Chappiel, Antoine (fl. 1500-05) Paris: +221* Chardella, Simone Niccolo (fl. 11*71-77) Rome: 575 Chaussard, Barnabe (fl.lli92-l527) Lyons: 59 CHIVASS0 p. 221 Choris, Bernardinus de See Cuori, Bernardino di Coblenz, Johannes de See Koblenz, Johann von COLOGNE p.2U*-2l5 Colonla, Arnoldus de ( 11*96) Leipzig: 5l6; 51*2 Colonia, Bernardus de (fl. 11*77-78) Treviso: 867 Colonia, Johannes de (*80) Venice: 35; 36; 166; 208; 381*; 576; 586; 963; 980 Colonia Johannes de ( Venice: 513; 990 Colonia, Paulus de (fl. 11*90-92) Seville: 6l6 Commin, Vincent (fl. 11*86-91) Paris: c 853= Compagnla del Drago See Societas Colubris (Compagnia del Drago) Conago, Agostino Maria de (fl. 11*80-82) Milan: 389 Consortibus, Franciscus Lucensis de See Lucensis, Franciscus Corneno, Petrus de (fl. 11*80-82) Milan: 389 Creussner, Friedrich (fl. 11*70-99) Nuremberg: 190; 251; 281; 678; 928; 993; 1077 Crivello, Gasparo (fl.l500) Scandiano: 162 Cuori, Bernardino di (fl. 11*88-92) Venice: 772; 868; 920 Dachauer , Michael (fl. 11*80-82) Seville: 1033 DELFT p. 220 Denidel, Antoine (fl.U* 95-1501) Paris: #1*91 Deschauer, Miguel See Dachauer, Michael DEVENTER p. 221 Dinalli, Bernardino See Nalli, Bernardino di Dinalli, Stefano See Nalli, Stefano di Dinckmut, Konrad (fl. 11*76-96) Ulm: ?536; *861* Dominici, Lucas (fl. 11*80-83) Venice: 312 Dorp, Rolant van den ( Antwerp: 306 Drach, Peter (fl.ll*75-l5Ql*) Speier: 31j 196; 20l*; *3U7; 588; 725; 762; 789; c88l,; 1029 Du Pre, Jean (fl.ll*8l-l50l*) Lyons: 83I* Dumbach, Frederic See Ruch, Friedrich, of Dumbach Dusa, Jacobus de (f 1.11*92) Vicenza: 278 Eggestein, Heinrich (fl.ll*61*-88) Strassburg: l*9j 512; 71*1? } c976, Egmondt, Frederick (fl. 11*93-1527) London: 1*09 Emericus de Spira, Johannes (fl.Lj*87-l506) Venice: 51*8; 620 ENGLAND p. 211 ERFURT p. 215 ESSLINGEN p. 215 Ettore, Benedetto d' (d.1523) Bologna: 122; 121*; 260; 761; 902; 985 Ettore, Benedetto d" (d.1523) Bologna: 102; 123 Fabri, Anna (fl. 11*86) Stockholm: 221 Fabri, Johannes (d.ll*95) Stockholm: 220; *221 Faelli, Benedictus Hectoris See Ettore, Benedetto d' Farfengus, Baptista (fl. 11*89^1500) Brescia: 168 Ferno, Mlchele (d.1513) Rome: 198 FERRARA p. 222 Fischer, Kilian (fl. 11*92-99) Freiburg im Breisgau: 68; cli*0,; ll|2.j 361*; 1*11*; 1*53 Fivizzano, Giacomo da (fl. 11*72-77) Venice: 280 Flach, Martin (fl.U*72-l5ll*) Basel: 108; 9l*7 Flach, Martin (d.1500) Strassburg: 33; 72; 1*52; 507; 661; 822; 871; 872; 875; 966 Flach, Martin, the Younger (d.1539) Strassburg: +362 FLORENCE p. 222 Florence. San Jacopo de Ripoli (Monastery) See San Jacopo de Ripoli (Monastery) Fontana , Benedetto (f3-.ll*96-l505) Venice: 203; 916 Foxius, Hannibal (fl. 11*83-88) Venice: 755; 961* Fradin, Francois (U*70(ca.)-l537) Lyons: 11*5 FRANCE p. 211-213 Francisci, Antonius (fl. 11*87-99) Venice: 673 Frankenberg , Henry (fl. 11*82-86) London: 889 Frankfordia, Nicolaus de See Frankfurt, Nikolaus von Frankfurt, Nikolaus von (fl. 11*73-1516) Venice: 30; 132; 639; 683; 681*; 969; 978 Fratres Communis Vitae ad Sanctum Michaelem See Fra- tres Domus Horti Viridis ad S. Michaelem Fratres Domus Horti Viridis ad S. Michaelem (ll*76- 1529) Rostock: 116 FREIBURG IM BREISGAU p. 215 Freitag, Andreas (11*87-96) Rome: 210 Fridenperger, Paulus See Friedenperger, Paul Friedberg, Peter von TfT. 11*73-1500) Mainz: c632,j 1021*; 1027 Friedenperger, Paul (fl. 11*86- 9l*) Venice: 60 Frisner, Andreas (fl. 11*65-91) Nuremberg: *295 Fritag, Andreas See Freitag, Andreas Froben, Johann (dTT527) Basel: 11*3; U*7; 231*; 1*71* Froschauer, Johann (*9l*-l500) Augsburg: 521*; +650; 795; 81*2; 1023; 1028; +1063; 1078 Furter, Michael (d.1517) Basel: 109; 1*31*; 1*37; 1*1*2; 522; 722; 767; 9l*0 Fyner, Konrad ( 11*85) Esslingen: 77; 1*18; 1*1*8; 699; c7Ul; 935; 957; Urach: 239 Gabis, Simon de, Bevilaqua See Bevilaqua, Simon Gallus, Lupus See Han, Wolf Gallus, Udalricus See Han, Ulrich Gaynardus, Stephanus See Gueynard, Etienne Gering, Ulrich (d.l5l0T"Paris: 526; 730 Gerlier, Durand (f 1.11*89-152 9) Paris: *l*91; 681 GERMANY p. 213-220 Ghotan, Bartholomaeus (fl. 11*79-96) Lubeck: *228; Stockholm: *229 Girardengus, Nicolaus (11*79-1512) Venice: 271 Giunta, Lucantonio (11*57-1538) Venice: 218; 51*8; 620; 779 Goes, Mathias van der (d.ll*92) Antwerp: 1001; 1003 Gops, Goiswin (f 1.11*73-75) Cologne j 995 Gran, Heinrich ( 1527) Hagenau: 287; 291; +1*77 Gregori, Giovanni de' (*80-l5l6) Venice: 259; 275; 71*3; 1031* Gregori, Gregorio de' (fl. 11*80-1528) Venice: 275; 71*3 Gregoriis, Gregorius de See Gregori, Gregorio de' Gregoriis, Joannes de See Gregori, Giovanni de 1 GRENOBLE p. 211 Grevo , Petrus Petretus de (fl. 11*98) Brescia: 197 Greyff, Michel (fl.ll*78-151i*) Reutlingen: 533 51*6; 697; 819; 883; =976?, Griininger, Johann (fl. 11*82-1531) Strassburg: 91; 207 11*1; hlil; .1*66,; 1*95; 603; 633; *65l*?; 732; 733; 750; 81*8: 870; 906; 921; 923 Gueynard , Etlenne (ll*60(ca. )-l530) Lyons: 569 Guglielmo da Pavia (fl.lU91) Vicenza: 372 Gugllelmo da Treno See Anima Hia, Guglielmo, de Cereto, known as Gullielraus de Rapia See Gugllelmo da Pavia Guldenschaff, Johann~7fl. 11*72-91*) Cologne: 21*; 5U; 691 Guldinbeck, Bartholomaeus (fl. 11*75-87) Rome: 580; .6l5; 723; 9l*5 Gutenberg, Johann (13977-11*88) Mainz: 89; *131 HAGENAU p. 216 Ha His, Johann de See Leoviler, Johannes Hamman, Johannes (fl. 11*82 -1509) Venice: 21; 621; 802; 937 Han, Ulrich (fl. 11*1*3-78) Rome: 150; 575; 600; c671i Han, Wolf (fl.llj 75-78) Rome: 557; 671 Hans de Coblenz See Koblenz, Johann von Hardouyn , Qermalrr 7d.l51*l? ) Paris: +221* Hassia, Johannes de (fl. 11*76) Treviso: 950 Hectoris, Benedictus See Ettore, Benedetto d 1 Heerstraten, Aegidius van der (fl. 11*85-88) Louvain: U5U HEIDELBERG p. 216 Heilbronn, Franciscus de See Renner, Franz Heliae, Helias (d.llj75) BeromUnster: 27 Herbort, Johann (d.ll*81*) Venice: 139; 513; 990 Herolt, Oeorg (fl.ll*8l) Rome: c6ll* 3 ; c652,; 705 Heyny, Christmann (fl. 11*81-82) Augsburg: 1*1*9 Higman, Johann (d.1500) Paris: 1*6; 1*68; 556 Hist, Conrad See Hist, Konrad Hist, Johann Tfl. 11*72 -90) Heidelberg: c321>; c598=; Speier: 836; 1032; 1071 Hist, Konrad (d.1531) Heidelberg: 321=J c598,j Speier: 1*90; 51*0; 836; 1032; 1071 Hochfeder, Kaspar (fl. 11* 91-1517) Nuremberg: 933 HOLLAND p. 220-221 Honate, Benigno de (fl. 11*77-88) Milan: 951* Honate, Giovanni Antonio de (fl. 11*77-95) Milan: 670; 698; 951* Hopyl, Wolfgang (d.l522) Paris: 1*6; 1*68; 556 Horn, Arnold See Ther Hoernen, Arnold Hurus, Paul (37ca.l5l0) Zaragoza: 1012 Husner, Georg (d.1506) Strassburg: 161; 378; 379; 1*70; 618; 1058 ( See also Printer of 'Casus breves Decre- talium 1 and Printer of the 11*83 Jordanus de Qued- linburg) Huss, Mathias (fl. 11*82-1507) Lyons: 21*2 5 719 Inguiler, Henricus de (fl. 11*83) Strassburg: 750 ITALY p. 221-232 J. N. 7 (fl. 11*90) Leipzig: 10 Jehannot, Etienne (fl. 11*95-99) Paris: 67I* Jenson, Nicolas (d.ll*80) Venice: 65; 267; 271*; 31*0; 561; 61*0; 810; 881*; c9l*3*; 970; 972; 1018 Jenson , Nicolas (d.ll80) Venice: 513; 990 Johann von Westphalen (d.l501 or 2) Louvain: 79; 155; 193; 305 Johannis, Bonifacius (fl. 11*79-96) Lyons: 58 Junta, Lucas Antonius See Giunta, Lucantonio Kachelofen, Konrad (d.l528 or 9) Leipzig: 10; 92; 21*6; 250; 1*17; 1*32; 1*55; 502>; 582; 676 Kalllerges, Zacharias (fl. 11*99-1525) Venice: 370 Kefer, Helnrlch (fl.U*55-73) Nuremberg: 1*05 Kerver, Thielman (d.l522) Paris: 98; 101} 103 Kesler, Nicolaus (fl. 11*71-1519) Basel: 21*1*; 1*39; .1*66,; 551; 61*3; 751*; 756; 758 Kistler, Bartholomaeus ( Strassburg: 599 Klstler . Bart holomaeus ( Strassburg: *651? Knoblochtzer, Heinrich (fl.U*76-95) Heidelberg: c321,; 51*3; c598=; Strassburg: 1*62; 101*1* Koberger, Anton (d.1513) Nuremberg: 32; 105; *129; 133; 11*8; 151*; 156; 189; 211; 356; 381; 1*07; 5H*; 515; *53l; 568; 612; 613; 693; 701*; 769; #813 820; 859; 860; 1055; 1061; 1072 Koberger . Anton (d.1513) Nuremberg: c 1062?j Koblenz , Johann von (fl. 11*95-1522) Paris: 98; 101; 103 Koblinger, Stephan (f 1.11*79-86) Vlncenza: 1019; Vien- na: 21*0? Koelhoff, Johann (d. 11*93) Cologne: 255; 965; 1001* Kunne, Albrecht (fl. 11*75-1519) Memmingen: 57; 527; 825; 887; 99U; 1022 Lachner , Wolfgang (d.1517) Basel: 91*0 Lamb ill ion, Antoine (fl. 11*91-1500) Lyons: 121 Landsberg, Martin (d.1523) Leipzig: 26; 110; 257; 382; 720; 797?; 806? { 1002; 1079 Lathoml, Perrinus (f 1.11*79-96) Lyons: 58 Lauer, Georg (f 1.11*70-81) Rome: 96O Laurentii, Nicolaus (fl. 11*77-86) Florence: 11; 316 Lavagnia, Philippus de (fl. 11*71-99) Milan: .21*8.; 373; 1*16 Lavagnia , Philippus de (fl. 11*71-99) Milan: 22; 21*8 Le Dru, Pierre (fl.ll*58-l5l5) Paris: 890 Legnano , Johannes de (fl. 11*80-1522) Milan: 309 LEIPZIG pT2l5 Le Masson, Perrin See Lathomi, Perrinus Leoviler, Johannes~Tfl. 11*85-88) Venice: 506 Le Rouge, Jacques (d. 11*90) Venice: 186; 781 Le Rouge, Pierre (d. 11*93) Paris: *833 Le Signerre, Guillermus (U*53(ca. )-l523) Milan: 269 Levet, Pierre (f 1.11*85-1503) Paris: 511; 752 Levilapis, Hermannus See Liechtenstein, Hermann Libri, Bartolommeo di"~(fl.ll*82-l5ll) Florence: 187; 559; 782; 855; 856; c857, Liechtenstein, Hermann (d.ll9l*) Treviso: 919; Venice: 716; 811*; 937; 955; 986; Vicenza: 25; 355; 706; 715; 801; 1020 Lisa, Gerardus de (d.ll*99) Treviso: 55; 21*9; 790 Locatelli, Boneto (fl. 11*87-1509) Venice: 153 j 157; 159; 337; 1*13; 1*1*3; c712=; 793; 879; 9l*l; 951; 953; 956; 991; 1036; 1080 LONDON p. 211 Lbslein, Peter (fl. 11*76-83) Venice: 38; 277; 505; 672 Lotter, Melchior ( 11*70 (ca. ) -151*9) Leipzig: 9; 11*9; 502; +1025 LOUVAIN p. 211 LlJBECK p. 216 Lucensis, Franciscus (fl. 11*99-1518) Venice: 673 Luere, Simon de (fl.U*89-l5l9) Venice: 191; 772; 868; 920 Luna, Otinus de (fl.U*96-l507) Venice: 385; 952 LYONS p. 211-212 Machllnia, William de (fl.U*82-90) London: 253; 889 Madiis , Franciscus de (fl.ll*81*-90) Venice: 506; 755} 961* MAINZ p. 216-217 Maler, Bernhard (fl. 11*76-83) Venice: 38; 277; 672 Malpiglius, Hannibal (d.ll8U) Bologna: el5?. Mangio, Benedetto (d.1512) Milan: 903; Venice: 386 Manilio, Sebastiano (fl.H*92-9U) Venice: 866 Mantegatiis, Philippus de (a. 11*90-97) Milan: cl*03>; U81* Manthen, Johannes (fl.ll*7l*-80) Venice: 35; 36; 166; 208; 381*; 576; 586; 963; 980 208 MANTUA p. 222 Manuzio, Aldo Pio (U*l*9 or 50-1515) Venice: 1*1; 1*2; 161*; 283; 302; 365; *396; Ul2; 51*1*; 581; 611; 78U; 930; 931 Manzolo, Hichele (fl. 11*76-82) Treviso: c55,; 570 Manzolo, Michele (fl.U*76-82) Venice: 792 Marchant, Quy (fl.ll*83-l506) Paris: U7; 1*61; 501; 519; +561*; 583; 679; 81*6 Marechal, Pierre (fl. 11*92 -152 9) Lyons: 59 Marnef , Engullbert de (fl. 11*91-1533) Paris: 398; cl*22, Maufer, Pierre (fl.L1*7l-9l) Padua: 658; Verona: 558 Maynyal, Guillaume (fl. 11*80-90) Paris: 526 Mayr, Benedikt (fl. 11*80-82) Passau: 539 Mazalibus, Franciscus de (fl.ll*9l*-l505) Reggio Emilia: 31*2 Mediolano, Damianus de (fl. 11*93-1500 ) Venice: 837; 1050 Meer, Jacob Jacobszoen van der (fl. 11*77-87) Delft: 227 MEMMINGEN p. 217 Mentelin, Johann (ll*10(ca. )-78) Strassburg: 18; 1*1*; 760; 975 Mercator, Guide- See Marchant, Guy MILAN p. 222-223 Minuziano , Alessandro (11*50-1525) Milan: 269 Misch, Friedrich (fl. 11*83-90) Heidelberg: 635 Miscominl, Antonio (fl. 11*76-95) Florence: 387; 1*92; 585; 783; 785; 101*7; Venice: 67; 1*80 Misintis, Bernardinus de (fl. 11* 92-1501*) Brescia: 99; 101*5 Mittelhus, Georg (fl. 11*88 -1503) Paris: cl*22*; 617; 1083 MODENA p. 223 Monastery of SS. Ulrich and Afra See Ulrich and Afra, SS . , Monastery of Morgiani, Lorenzo (fl. 11* 90-1510?) Florence: +675 Nalli, Bernardino di (fl. 11*93-97) Venice: 866 Nalli, Stefano di (fl. 11*93-97) Venice: 866 NAPLES p. 223 NETHERLANDS See BELGIUM p. 211 and HOLLAND p. 220-221 Notaras, Anna Tfl.ll*99) Venice: 370 Novimagio, Reynaldus de (fl. 11*77-96) Venice: 311*; 1*38; 71*7; 776 NUREMBERG p. 217-218 Occimiano, Giovanni Maria di (fl. 11*91-91* ) Venice: .508 Otmar, Johann (fl.U*82-l5U*) Reutlingen: 173; 311; 1*88; c697>; 751; 911; Tubingen: 51*9; 912 Pachel, Leonardus (d.l5ll) Milan: 56; 85; 172; 393 Pacini . Piero (fl.ll*96-l5ll*) Florence: 596 Paderborn, Johannes de See Johann von Westphalen PADUA p. 223 Pafraet, Richardus (fl. 11*77-1511) Deventer: 8; 390; 392; 1*56; 1*58; 805; 8l6; 891; 925 Paganinis, Hieronyraus de (fl.lii92-97) Venice: *ll*l*; 1*U1 Paganinis, Jacobus de (fl. 11*90-91) Venice: 263 Paganinis, Paganinus de (fl. 11*83-152 3) Venice: 81; 212?; 729; 1030 Pannartz, Arnold (fl .11*65-76) Rome: 63; 61*; 573; 967 Papia, Guilielmus de See Guglielmo da Pavia Papiensis, Andreas See Calabrensis, Andreas PARIS p. 2 12 -213 PARMA p. 223 Parvus, Joannes See Petit, Jean Pasquale, Peregrino See Pasquali, Pellegrino dei Pasquali, Pellegrino dei (fl. 11*82-1500 ) Scandiano: 162; Treviso: 808; Venice: 181*; 1*36; 660; 736; 811 Petri, Petri , Petrus Pasqualibus, Peregrinus de See Pasquali, Pellegrino dei PASSAU p. 218 Pavia, Guglielmo da See Guglielmo da Pavia Pelusius, Bartholomaeus (fl. 11*98) Venice: 386 Pensis, Christophorus de (fl.ll88-l506) Venice: 39; 332; 31*1; 1*03; 1*01*; 521; 629; 73l*; 81*9; 853; 907; 1051 Pentius, Jacobus (fl. 11*95-1527) Venice: 100; 1061* Petit , Jean (fl. 11*92-15 30) Paris: 98; 101; 103; +561*; 81*1; 8!*~6~ Petri, Johann (H*l*l?-l5ll) Basel: U*7 Petri, Johann (fl. 11*85-98) Passau: 601*; 999; 1075 Johannes (fl. lit 72-1510?) Florence: +675 Nlcolaus (fl. 11*76-77) Vicenza: 25 'post Pascha ' (fl. 11*99) London: 1*09 Pforzheim, Jakob von See Wolff, Jakob Philippe, Jean See Philippi, Johann Philippi, JohannTd.1519) Paris: 127; 1066 Pichat, Francois (fl. 1508-10 ) Grenoble: +325 Pietro, Filippo di (fl. 11*72-82) Venice: 258; 273; 685 Pietro, Gabriele di (fl. 11*72-81) Venice: 3; 1*83; 667 Pietro, Niccolo See Petri, Nicolaus Pigouchet, Philippe (fl.ll*83-l5l5) Paris: 225; 226; 1*22? Pincius, Philippus (fl.U*9O-l530) Venice: 272; 3l*l*j 1*96?; 61*7; 791*; 908?; 910?; 916 Piscator, Kilian See Fischer, Kilian Pivard, Jean (fl.H*?7-l5l9) Lyons: 11*5; 922 Planck, Johann See Blanco, Juan Plannck, Stephan~7fl.ll*79-1500) Rome: 111; 199; 201; 289; 319; 327; 383; 388; 1*79; 509; 518; 605; 606; 631; 763; 765; 865; 918; 926; 958 Poitevin, Jean (fl. 11*98-1518) Paris: 330 Ponte Tremulo, Sebastianus de See Pontremoli, Seba- stiano de Pontremoli, Sebastiano de (fl. 11*93) Milan: 520 Poulhac, Pierre (fl. 11*95-1500) Paris: 1*75 Printer of Albertus Magnus 'De virtutibus' See Soli- di, Johann Printer of Aristeas (11*83) Erfurt: 351* Printer of Augustinus 'De fide' (Johann Solidi or Goiswin Gops) (11*73) Cologne* 995 Printer of Augustinus 'Soliloquia' (11*89) Florence ?: 81* Printer of Basilius 'De vita solitaria' (11*71-72) Venice: 101*1 Printer of Capotius (Martin Landsberg ?) (ll*86-90) Leipzig: 797; 806 Printer of Cassianus 'De institutis coenobiorum' (Paganinus de Paganinis ?) (ll*9l) Venice: 212 Printer of 'Casus breves Decretalium' (Georg Husner ?) (11*93-95) Strassburg: 636 Printer of Chrysoloras 'Erotemata' (ca. 11*75) Vicenza: 251* Printer of Domitlus Calderinus (ca. 11*76-77) Venice: 195 Printer of Duns Scotus 'Quaestiones' (ll*72-7l*) Ven- ice: 320 Printer of 'Gesta Christi' (11*71-72) Speier: 655 Printer of Guido 'Casus longi' (11*87-90) Lyons: 158 Printer of Henricus Ariminensis (Georg Reyser) (ll*68- 79) Strassburg: 206; 500; 550; 687; 753; 968; 976 Printer of Lindelbach (Heinrich Knoblochtzer or Jo- hannes and Konrad Hist ?) (11*85-90) Heidelberg: 321; 598 Printer of Nebrissensis 'Gramatica' (11*92-1500) Sala- manca : 663 Printer of Platea 'Opus restitutionum' (11*72) Italy: 768 209 Printer of Pomponius Mela (U77-78) Venice: 10U2 Printer of the 'Catholicon' 11*60 (Johann Gutenberg ?) (ll*60) Mainz: *89 Printer of the l*2-line Bible (Johann Gutenberg (U*51*- 57) Mainz: *131 Printer of the 11*80 Martialis (ll*80) Venice: 268 Printer of the 11*80 Valla (U*80) Venice: 900; 1037 Printer of the ll*8l 'Legenda aurea' (11*81-83) Strass- burg: 1011; 1062 Printer of the llj83 Jordanus de Quedlinburg (Georg Husner 7) (11*817-99) Strassburg: 179; 216; 281*; 293; 358; 360; 1*59; d*66,; 1*87; 700; 799; 800; 1015; 1065; 1071*; 1076 Printer of the ll*83 'Vitas Patrum' See Printer of the 11*81* Paludanus Printer of the ll*81* Paludanus (ll*81*-87) Strassburg: 61*2; 871*; 1069 Printer of 'Vocabolista' (Stephan Koblinger ?) (ll*82- 85) Vienna: 21*0 Priiss, Johann (fl. 11*1* 7-1510) Strassburg: 82; 361; 1*99; 661*; 791; 827; 828; c87l*=.; 8817; d057= Puerto, Alfonso del (fl. 11*77-1502) Seville: 1033 Pusillus, Joannes See Kerver, Thielman Pynson, Richard (d7T5"30) London: 1*09; 721 Quarengiis, Petrus de (fl. 11*92 -1517) Venice: 170; 3U6; 508; 686; 726; 913 Quentell, Heinrich (d.1501) Cologne: 1*; 15; 50; 87; 160; 231; 21*5; 288; 292; 329; 350; 1*51; 1*57; 1*60; 525; 528; 591; c636,; 727; 807; 829; 851; 89l*; 896; 927; 983; 989; 997; 998; 1052; 1053; 1082 The R- Printer See Rusch, Adolf Ragazone, Giacomo de (fl. 11*93-97) Bologna: 338; Ven- ice: 120; 702 Ragazonibus, Bartholomaeus de (fl. 11*92-93) Venice: 709; 738 Ragazonibus, Jacobus See Ragazone, Giacomo de Ragazonibus, Theodorus de (fl. 11*88-1500) Venice: 185 191*; 565; 577 Ragazzo, Giovanni (fl.ll*90-l503) Venice: 779 Rasina, Bernardinus (fl. 11*96) Venice: 203 Rasma, Bernardino See Rasina, Bernardinus Ratdolt, Erhard (1E777-1527 or 8) Augsburg: 6; 165;362J 590; Venice: 2; 38; 277; 357; 371; 371*; 397; 503; 662; 672; 803; 801*; 826; 81*3 REGGIO EMILIA p.22l* Reinhard, Johann Gruninger See Griininger, Johann Reinhardi, Johannes (fl. 11*70-76) Rome: 759 ,1 1 Renchen, Ludwig von ( fl . 11*83-1505 ) Cologne: 1*1*6 3UU* Renner, Franz (fl. 11*71-83) Venice: 132; 137; 138;/639; 61*1; 683; 681*; 959; 969; 978 Reno, Giovanni del (fl. 11*73-82) Vicenza: 5897 REUTLINGEN p. 218 Reynsburch, Theodorus de (fl. 11*77-78) Venice: 71*7 Reyser, Georg (d.l50l*) See Printer of Henricus Arimi- nensis Richel, Bernhard (d. 11*82) Basel: 17; 207 Richizola, Dominicus See Rocociolus, Dominicus Riederer, Friedrich (fl. 11*93-99) Freiburg im Breisgau: 1*8; 823 Rizzo, Bernardino (fl.ll*81*-92) Venice: 353; 1*01; 1*02; 659; 717; 757 Roce , Denys (fl. 11*90-1517) Paris: 321*; 1*61; 1*75; 5U5; Rocociolus, Dominicus (fl.ll*8l-l506) Modena: 113; 256; 701 ROME p.22l*-225 Roscius, Johannes (fl. 11*92) Venice: 628 Roserabach, Johann (fl. 11*92 -1530) Barcelona: *888. Rosse, Denys See Roce, Denys Rossi, Jacopo de See Le Rouge, Jacques ROSTOCK p. 218 Rubeus, Jacobus See Le Rouge, Jacques Rubeus Vercellensis, Joannes See Vercellensis , Joan- nes Rubeus Ruch, Friedrich, of Dumbach (fl. 11*82-99) Strassburg: 391 Rugerius, Ugo (fl.ll*7l*-l501) Bologna: 1*5?; 96; 163; 852 Ruppel, Berthold (d.U*9l* or 5) Basel: 209; 572; c873>; 977 Rusch, Adolf (d. U*89) Strassburg: 90; 131*7; 352; 1*72; 581*; 71*2 Rusconi, Giorgio (fl. 1500-21) Venice: 101*0 Rynman , Johann (f 1.11*97 -1522) Hagenau: 291 SALAMANCA p. 233 San Jacopo de Ripoll (Monastery) (ll*76-81*) Florence: 326; 899 Sanctis, Hieronymus de (fl. 11*87-91* ) Venice: 81*1* Sancto Ursio, Henricus de (fl. 11*80-1509) Vicenza: 1*0; 61*8; 1007; 1008 Santritter, Johannes Lucilius (fl.U*80-98) Venice: 81*1. Saracenus, Marinus (fl. 11*85-1500) Lyons: 121; Venice: 261; 96I* SARAGOSA See ZARAGOZA Sarrazin, Marin See Saracenus, Marinus SCANDIANO p. 225 Schabeler, Johann (fl. 11*73-1525) Lyons: 21*2 Schaffener, Wilhelm (fl.ll*96-l5l5) Strassburg: cl*66= Schall, Johann (fl. 11*75-79) Mantua: 377 Schilling, Johann See Solidi, Johann Schoffer, Peter (caTH*25-ca.l502) Mainz: 176; 235; 291*; *1*33; 97U; 987 Schb'nsperger, Johann (fl. 11*81-1520) Augsburg: 307; 31*9; *530; 531; 831; *10l*3 Schott, Martin (d. 11*99) Strassburg: 180; 587; 63U; 61*1*; 861 Schreiber, Johann See Schriber, Johannes Schriber, J ohannes~(fl. 11*78-83) Bologna: 939 SchUssler, Johann (fl.ll*61*-73) Augsburg: 23; 211*; 222 Scinzenzeler, Uldericus (fl.ll*77-l5O0) Milan: 22; 56; 172; 393; 520; 766; 878; 901 Scoto, Ottaviano (d. 11*98) Venice: 130; 202; 532; 621*; 703; 707; 1068 Scoto , Ottaviano (d.ll*80) Venice: 1*3; 153; 157; 159; 337; 1*13; W*3; 560; 621; 712; 793; 879; 9l*l; 951; 953; 956; 991; IO36; 1080 Scotus, Octavianus See Scoto, Ottaviano Sensenschmidt, Johann (d. 11*91) Nuremberg: *295; 1*05; 1*27; 1*78 Sessa, Joannes Baptista (fl.ll*89-l506) Venice: 1039 SEVILLE p. 233 Silber, Eucharius (fl. 11*80-1510) Rome: 101*; 198; 290; 313; 31*5; 363; 367; 369; 1*11; 523; 6ll* 5 6l5; 652; 721* ; 850; 862; 911*7) 1016 Silber, Marcello (fl. 1511-27) Rome: c9U,, Siliprandis, Dominicus de (fl.ll*77) Venice: 778 Snel, Johann (f 1.11*75-1519) Stockholm: 230? Soardis, Lazarus de (fl. 11*90-1517) Venice: 1061* Societas Colubris'TCompagnia del Drago) (11*97-1500) Florence : 653 Solidi, Johann (fl.ll*60-78) Basel: 761*; 1013; Cologne: c995=; d013. Sorg, Anton (fl. 11*76-83) Augsburg: *128; 21*1; 1*30; 665; 692; 696; 835; 1009; 1010; 1031 Soufflet Vert See Au Soufflet Vert 210 SPAIN p. 233 SPEIER p. 218 Spindeler, Nicolaus (d.1507) Barcelona: 9U2 Spira, Georgius de See Printer of Henricus Arlminensis (Georg Reyser) Spira, Joannes Emericus de See Enericus de Spira, Jo- Spira, Vindelinus de (fl. 11*70-77) Venice; 265 j 308; 315; 57l*; 777; 915 Stagninus, Bernardinus (fl.U*78-l537) Venice: 296; U93; 982 Stagninus , Bernardinus (f 1.11*78-1537) Venice: +622 Stahel, Konrad (fl. 11*73-86) Passau: 539 Stanchis, Antonius de (fl. 11*81-86) Venice: 893 Stockel, Wolfgang (11*73 (ca.)-l5ll(ca. )) Leipzig: 169 STOCKHOLM p. 2 33 STRASSBURG p. 218-220 Strata, Antonius de (fl.U*80-92) Venice: 88; 973; 981* Stuchs, Georg (d.1520) Nuremberg: 219; 1*65; 51*1 Suardis, Paulus de (fl.ll*79-8l) Milan: 669 Suigus, Jacobinus (fl. 11*81-1510) Chivasso: 29 SWEDEN p. 233 Svreynheym, Konrad (d. 11*77) Rome: 63; 61*; 573 SWITZERLAND p. 233-2 35 Tacuino, Giovanni (*92-l5Ul) Venice: 310; 336; 351; 566; +622; 626; 627; 708; 711; 718; 739; 71*0; c786 3 ; 796; 798; 869; 880; c908=; c910=; 1021 Tacuinus, Joannes See Tacuino, Giovanni Thanner, Jakob (flTHi8l-l538) Leipzig: 53 Ther Hoernen, Arnold (fl. 11*68-82) Cologne: 328; 9l*8; 91*9; 961 ; 1000 Tholoze, Michel (fl.ll*82-l503) Paris: 32l* Torresanus, Andreas (11*51-1529) Venice: 107; 205; 233; *298; 1*1*0; 602; 938 Torresanus , Andreas (11*51-1529) Venice: 191; 772 Tortis, Baptista de (fl. 11*81-1529) Venice: 93; 236; 237; 297; 300; 592; 61*6; 710; 735; 1038 Toulouse, Michel See Tholoze, Michel Trechsel, Johann Td7lU98) Lyons: 71; 817; *1017 TREVIS0 p. 225 Tridino, Guglielmo de See Anima Mia, Guglielmo, de Cereto, known as TUBINGEN p. 220 Ugoletus, Angelus (fl.ll*86-l501) Parma: 73; 86; 809 ULM p. 220 Ulrich and Afra, SS., Monastery of (11*72-76) Augs- burg: 188 Unkel, Bartholomaeus de See Bartholomaeus , of Unkel URACH p. 220 Valdarfer, Christoph (fl. 11*70-88) Milan: 21*8; 562; 992; Venice: 3U87j 876 Valdezoccho, Bartholomaeus de (fl. 11*72-76) Padua: 1*76 Varisio, Joannes Alvislus de See Alvise, Giovanni Venetus, Lucas See Dominici, Lucas Venetus de Vltalibus, Bernardinus (fl.ll*9l*-l539) Ven- ice: 333; 593; 59U; 637; 788; 81*0 Venetus de Vitalibus, Matthaeus (fl.U*98-l529) Ven- ice: 81*0 VENICE p. 225-2 32 Vercellensis, Albertinus (fl.ll* 99-1506) Venice: 921* Vercellensis, Joannes Rubeus (fl.ll*80-l5l9) Treviso: 770; 775; 897; c900=.; 1005; Venice: 323; 380; 1*81; 560; 563; 625; 863; 886; 898; 93l* VERONA p. 232 VICENZA p. 232-233 VIENNA p. 211 Villa Veteri, Johannes de (fl.U*79-96) Lyons: 58 Vitalibus, Bernardinus Venetus de See Venetus de Vitalibus, Bernardinus Vitalibus, Matthaeus Venetus de See Venetus de Vi- talibus, Matthaeus Vlastos, Nikolaos See Blastos, Nikolaos Vostre , Simon (fl.IU56-l52l) Paris: 225; 226 Wagner, Peter (fl. 11*83-1500 ) Nuremberg: 677 Walch, Georg (fl. 11*79-82) Venice: 821* Wendelinus de Spira See Spira, Vindelinus de Wenssler, Michael (fl7H*62-99) Basel: 177; 178; 207; 209; 232; 238; 299; 1*63; 69U; 892; 936; 9l*6; 971; 981; 1059; 1073 Werden, Martin von (fl.l50l*-l6) Cologne: +171* Werman, Gregorius See Boettiger, Gregor WESTMINSTER p. 211 Westphalia, Johannes de See Johann von Westphalen Wild, Leonardus (fl. 11*78-92) Venice: 37; 979; 988 Winterburg, Johann (d.1519) Vienna: 1*61*; 728; 929 Winters, Konrad (fl. 11*72-82) Cologne: 1*50; 535; 638; 695 Wolf, Georg (f 1.11*89-1503) Paris: 98; 101; 103; 1*35 Wolf, Nicolaus (fl. 11*98-1575) Lyons: 569; 917 Wolff, Jakob (d.1519) Basel: c7=.; 555; 651; 818 Worde, Wynkyn de (d.l53l*?) Westminster: #252; 1*85; 1*86; 1070 Zainer, GUnther (d. 11*78) Augsburg: 62; 75; c222=; 1*28; 517; 69O; 71*9; *812 Zainer, Johann (fl. 11*73-1527) Ulm: 13; ll*; 125; 2i*7; 366; 1*1*5; 552; 55U; 71*5; 962; 1067 Zanis, Bartholomaeus de (fl.ll*86-l5l3) Venice: 1*3; 261*; 276; 376; 510; 601 j 712? ZARAGOZA p. 2 33 Zaroto, Antonio (d.1510) Milan: 175; 309; 882; 1051* Zell, Ulrich (fl. 11*53-1507) Cologne: 76; 117; 183; 1*19; U20; 1*21; 1*23; U2Uj 1*25; 1*26; 1*29; 1*71; 553; 657; 688; 689; 71*1*; 9U1*; 996 Zierikzee, Cornells van (d.l5l6) Cologne: +1*15; 1*73; 632; 666 Unidentified Printers. Basel: 1*06; Florence: 857; 858; cFrance ?* : el*06 s ; Germany: +51*7} Grenoble: +325; Lyons ?: +5; 16; Paris: 656 905; Strassburg: 1*66; 1057; Venice: 731; 786; 792; 839; 9i*3 Unidentified Publisher. Venice: 81*0 211 INCUNABULA IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY By Country, City, and Printer (Note: ? preceding an entry indicates that the printer assignment is doubtful) AUSTRIA VIENNA Printer of ' Vocabollsta ' ( Stephan Koblinger ?) cafter 6 Jan. Catholic Church. Pope, ll*81*-ll*92 (In- llt8U/85a nocentius VIII). Sacrosanctam matrera ecclesiam (6 Jan.ll*8l*/85). Bulla canonizationis Sancti Leopoldi mar- chionis 21*0 Johann Winterburg cafter 8 Dec. Perger, Bernhard. Oratio in funere 11*93:. Friderici III Imperatoris 728*97i Heinrich von Langenstein. Secreta sacerdotum 1*61* cca.l500 a cTheobaldus, Subpriori Objectiones in dicta Talmud 929 BELQIUM ANTWERP Oovaert Bac cafter 1$00j Holt, John. Lac puerorum 1*89 cca.l502a Casus papales, episcopales, et abba- tiales +215 Rolant van den Dorp 28 Feb.U*97 Cronike van Brabant 306 Mathlas van der Goes cnot before Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Spurious and 11*86= doubtful works. Tractatus De modo confitendi 1003 cca. 11*86= Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works. De vitiis et vir- tutibus 1003 LOUVAIN Aegidlus van der Heerstraten ll* Apr.ll*87 Guilelmus de Baufet, Bp. of Paris, Supposed author. Dialogus de sep- tem sacrament is 1*51* Johann von Westphalen 9 Dec.ll*7l* Crescenzi, Pietro de. Ruralia com- moda 305 cca. 11*80= Butrio, Antonius de, Supposed author. Speculum de confessione 193 cca. 11*80-81= Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Spurious and doubtful works. Manuale 79 lliSU Boethius. De consolations philoso- phiae 155 ENGLAND LONDON William de Machlinia cca. 11*86= Chronicles of England 253 cca. 11*86= Speculum Christiani. (For Henry Frankenberg ) 889 Richard Pynson 5 July ll*93 Parker, Henry. Dives and Pauper 721 15 May li99 Galfridus Anglicus, Dominican friar. Promptorium parvulorum. (For Fred - erick Egmondt & Petrus , ' post Pascha') T 1*09 WESTMINSTER William Caxton 12 Aug.ll*8l Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De senec- tute. English 266 cafter 7 May Roye, Guy de, Abp. Le doctrinal de 11*89= sapience. English 83O cll*90= Image du monde. English 501* Wynkyn de Worde 13 Apr. 11*95 Higden, Ranulf . Polycronicon. Eng- lish 1*86 cbefore 21 Vitae Patrum. Vitae Sanctorum Pa- Aug. =11*95 trum. English 1070 11*98 Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Canterbury tales *252 U*98 cHigden, Ranulf* The description of England 1*85 FRANCE GRENOBLE Unidentified Printer cl5l0i Dauphine. Laws, statutes, etc. Liber- tates per principes delphinos Vien- nenses. (For Francois Pichat & Bar - tholomaeus Bertolet ) *J2$ LYONS Jean Du Pr^ 20-23 Aug. Rudimentum novitiorum. French. La 11*91 mer des histoires 83I* Frangols Fradin & Jean Plvard 23 Dec. 11*97 Bible. Latin. 11*97. Vulgats. Biblia Latina 11*5 212 FRANCE - Lyons , continued . Mathias Huss 7 Nov. 11*87 Palladinus, Jacobus, de Theraroo, Bp. of Spoleto. Consolatio peccato- rum 719 Mathias Huss & Johann Schabeler cca. 11*85, Catonis disticha. Cato: disticha de moribus 21*2 Antoine Lamblllion & Marinus Saracenus 2 May 11*91 Bernard de Gordon. Practica, seu Lilium medicinae 121 Perrlnus Lathomi , Bonlfaclus Johannls , 4 Johannes de Villa Veterl 16 Feb.ll*9l*/95 Auctores octo cum glossa 58 Pierre Mare chal & Barnabe Chaussard cca. 11*96-99, Auctoritates Aristotelis 59 Jean Pivard 7 Mar. 11*98 Terentius Afer, Publius. Coraoe- diae 922 Printer of Guido ' Casus longl ' cca. 11*90, Boethius. De consolatione philoso- phlae 158 Johann Trechsel 3 Aug. 11*92 Reginaldetus, Petrus. Speculum fi- nalls retributionis 817 20 Sept. 11*96 Torquemada, Juan de, Cardinal. Summa de ecclesia *1017 25 Apr. 11*97 Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Opus quaestionum 71 Nicolaus Wolf 18 Nov. 11*98 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius. Satyrae. (For tienne Gueynard ) 569 10 Dec. 1500 Tartaretus, Petrus. Expositio super textu logices Aristotelis 917 Lyon3 ? Unidentified Printer cll*98?, Albertus Magnus, Saint, Bp. of Ratis- bon. Spurious and doubtful works. Secreta mulierum et virorum 16 cll*9-?, A iHy> Pierre d', Cardinal. Conceptus et insolubilla *5 PARIS W Felix Baligault cafter 9 Sept. Andrelinus, Publius Faustus. Ele- 11*96?, giae 28 cca. 11*98- ?Flores legum. (For Knguilbe rt de Mar - 1500, nef ) 398 #Au Souffltt Ve r t eca.H*75>3 Solinus, C. Julius . Poly- histor #881*a Andre Bocard 13 Nov. 11*98 Nicolaus de Byard. Dictionarius pauperum. (For Durand Oerlier ) 681 eca. 11*98- ?Flores legum. (For Enguilbert de 1500, Marnef ) 398 cafter 12 Oct. Joannes Climacus, Saint. Scala para- 11*99, disi. (For Denys Roce ) 51*5 Antoine Caillaut cca. 11*91/92, Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Spurious and doubtful works. Meditationes 80 Antoine Chappiel 5 Oct.cl505?> Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Hours. Heures de Nostre Dame. (For Germain Hardouyn ) +221* Antoine Denidel 1 Dec. 11*98 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Odae. (For Durand Gerlier ) 1*91 fr- Plrich Gering 11*79 Perotti, Niccolo, Abp. of Siponto. Rudimenta grammatices 730 Dlrich Gering & Guillaume Maynyal 29 Apr. 11*80 Jacobus de Gruytrode. Speculum animae peccatricis 526 Johann Hlgman & Wolfgang Hopyl 31 July ll*9l* Hermes Trismegistus . Pimander 1*68 22 July 11*96 Jordanus Nemorarius. Arithmetica. . . .556 12 Apr. 11*97 Aristoteles. Ethica ad Nicomachum. Latin 1*6 Etienne Jehannot cca. 11*95, Nanni, Giovanni. De futuris Christi- anorum triumphis 671* Pierre Le Dru cca. 11*95- Speculum Christian! 890 1500, Pierre Le Rouge July ll*88- Rudimentum novitiorum. French. La mer Feb. 11*88/89 des histoires. (v. 2: For Vincent Commln ) 833 Pierre Levet cca. 11*90, Petrus de Osma. Commentaria in symbo- lum Quicunque vult 752 2 Mar. 11*95 Innocentius III, Pope. Liber de contemptu mundi 511 Guy Marchant 16 May ll*9l* Isidorus, Saint, Bp. of Seville. Syno- nyma de homine et ratione 519 c.1U983 3eroaldo, Fllippo. Caraen de die dominicae pasioni.-. Itla 213 FRANCE - Paris - Marchant , continued 12 Oct.lli97 Le Fevre, Jacques d' Staples. Intro- ductiones in diversos libros Ari- stotelis 583 Feb. 11*98 Sacro Bosco, Joannes de. Sphaera mundi. (For Jean Petit ) 81*6 21* Sept. 11*98 Guillermus Saphonensis. Modus epi- stolandi. (For Denys Roce ) l*6l cca.ll*98> Hugo of Saint Victor. Regula S. Au- gustini 501 21* Niavis, Paulus. Latinum idioma pro parvulis editum 679 1* Apr. 1500 Aristoteles. Spurious and doubtful works. Problemata. (For Alexan - dre Aliate) 1*7 cnot before Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Epitomae Dec. 1507 j in Trogi Pompeii historias. (For Jean Petit ) +561 Georg Mittelhus ll*93 Zerbolt, Gerard. Db reformatione virium animae 1083 cca.l500a Lyra, Nicolaus de. Contra perfidiam Judaeorum disputatio 617 Jean Petit cca.l5l0? Sabellico, Marco Antonio Coccio, called. Epistolarum libri XII.... +81*1 Johann Philippl 27 Mar. 11*95 Vita et processus S. Thomae Becket 1066 2 Apr. 11*95 Bertrand, Pierre, Cardinal. Libel- lus de iurisdictione ecclesiasti- ca 127 Philippe Pigouchet eca. 11*93? > ?Gerson, Joannes. De passionibus animae 1*22 20 Mar. ,17 Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Apr. 11*97 Hours. Horae Beatae Virginis Ma- riae. (For Simon Vostre) 225 22 Aug.lii98 Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Hours. Horae Beatae Virginis Ma- riae. (For Simon Vostre ) 226 Jean Poitevin cca.Hi98- Dialogus Linguae et Ventris 330 1500, Pierre Poulhac cca.lii95> Heynlin, Johann. Resolutorium dubl- orum circa celebrationem Missarum occurrentium. (For Danys Roce ) U75 Michel Tholoze cca. 11*99. Dati, Agostino. Elegantiolae. (For Denys Roce ) 32U Georg Wolf ll*91 Oregorius I, the Great, Saint, Pope. Homiliae super Evangeliis 1*35 # Georg Wolf & Thlelman Kerver (For Jean Petit & Johann von Koblenz ) cafter 5 Aug. Baptista Mantuanus. Parthenice se- ll^, cunda 103 U Sept.& 30 Baptista Mantuanus. De suorum tempo- Nov.lli99 rum calamitatlbus 101 15 0ct.lU99 Baptista Mantuanus. Contra poetas impudice loquentes 98 Paris . Unidentified Printer c 11*85? j Sulpitius, Joannes Verulanus. De arte grammatica 905 cca.l500i Matthaeus de Cracovia, Cardinal. De modo confitendi. (For Denys Roce ). 656 26 June 1U80 cafter 22 Oct. LU9U, Hi96? cca.LU96- 1500, 11*98 elU98. 11*99 c 1505? 3 cl50- 11*81 I 9 Jan. 11*89 2 Jan. 11*90 26 Mar. 11*91 10 Jan. 11*85 ca.ll*85?> 3 July 11*87 6 Oct.? or 27 Not.? 1U88 GERMANY AUGSBURG Johann Ba'mler Jacobus de Varagine. Leben der Hei- ligen. Winterteil 529 Johann Froschauer Trithemius, Johannes. Institutio vi- tae sacerdotalis 1028 Jacobus de Gruytrode. Lavacrum con- scientiae 521* cWimpheling, Jakoba Oratio quaerulosa contra invasores sacerdotum 1078 Privilegia et immunitates clerico- rum 795 Tractatus solemnis multum praedica- bilis 1023 Sacerdotium Jesu Christi. De sacer- dotio Jesu Christi 81*2 Vincentius Ferrerius, Saint. De fine mundi *1063 cMartinus, Saint, Abp. of Bragaa For- mula vitae honestae +650 Chris tmann Heyny Guido de Monte Rocherii. Manipulus curatorum 1*1*9 Erhard Ratdolt Leopold of Austria, Astronomer. Com- pilatlo de astrorum scientia 590 Ailly, Pierre d', Cardinal. Concor- dantia astronomiae cum theologia. . . .6 Bonatti, Guido. Decern tractatus astronomiae 165 Johann Schonsperger Jacobus de Varagine. Leben der Hei- ligen. Winterteil #?30 Vaterbuch. Leben der Heiligen Alt- va'ter *10l*3 Jacobus de Varagine. Leben der Hei- ligen. Winterteil *531 Engel, Johann. Astrolabium. 362a 2UU GSRMA NY - Augsburg - SchSnsperger , continued . cca.ll*95?= Curia palatium. Latin-German 307 11(97 Donatus, Aelius. Ars minor 3h9 11x99 Rudimenta grammaticae 831 Johann Schiissler cll*72 = Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Canon of the Mass. Expositio ca- nonis Hissae 222 eca.5 Feb. Cassiodorus, Magnus Aurelius. Histo- 11*72 = ria ecclesiastica tripartita 21JU cca.5 May Ambrosius, Saint, Bp. of Milan. 11*72 = Hexameron 23 Anton Sorg 2U May 11*75 Nider, Johannes. Praeceptorium di- vinae legis 696 2 Nov.U*75 Catonis disticha. Cato: disticha de moribus 2U1 cca. 11*75 = Torquemada, Juan de, Cardinal. De efficacia aquae benedictae 1C09 cca.ll*76?= Torquemada, Juan de, Cardinal. De efficacia aquae benedictae 1010 3 Jan.LU80 Bible. German. 11*80. Biblia. German *128 cca. 11*81*3 Nider, Johannes. Formicarius 692 11*86 Tucher, Hans. Reise in das gelobte Land 1031 11*87 Rupert of Deutz. De victoria Ver- bi Dei 835 cafter 11*87 = Gesta Romanorum 1*30 20 May 11*89 Melber, Johannes, of Gerolzhofen. Vocabularius praedicantium 665 Ulrich and Afra , SS., Monastery of ell*72= Burchardus, Provost of Ursperg. Historia Friderici Imperatoris. . . .188 Gu'nthe r Zainer 19 Nov. 11*72 Isidorus, Saint, Bp. of Seville. Etymologiae 517 11*73 Petrus Comestor. Historia scho- lastica 71*9 cbefore 5 June Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. 11*73= of Hippo. De animae quantitate. . ..62 cbefore 5 June Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. 11*73= of Hippo. Soliloquia 75 cbefore 5 June cGerson, Joannes= Donatus morali- 11*73= satus 1*28 cbefore 5 June c Nider, Johannes^ Dispositorium 11*73= moriendi 69O 11*71* Rainerus de Pisis. Pantheologia. . .*812 COLOGNE Bartholomaeus , of Unkel 9 Aug. 11*82 Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Confessiones 61 Johann Guldenschaff 22 Apr.cll*>79 Ars praedicandi 51* cca. 11*80= Ambrosius, Saint, Bp. of Milan. Hexameron 21* cca. 11*803 Nider, Johannes. Formicarius 691 Johann Koelhoff cca. 11*76= Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Quaestiones de potent ia Dei 965 ell*78-80?a Thomas de Cantimpre. Bonum universa- le de proprietatibus apum 1001* 11*87 Chrysostomus, Joannes, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople. Homiliae super Matthaeum. Latin 255 Printer of Augustinu s 'De fide' ( Johann Solidi or Goiawin Oops ) 8 Apr. 11*73 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works. De Eucharista. . . .995 Heinrich Quentell 11*79 Guilelmus Peraldus. Summa de virtu - tibus et vitiis 1*60 2 Feb.ll*80 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Super quarto libro Sententiarum 989 10 July 11*80 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Super primo libro Sententiarum 983 21 Oct. 11*81 Peregrlnus Oppoliensis. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis 727 cca. 11*88-89= Rolevinck, Werner. Formula vivendi canonicorum 829 cca. 11*89= Stella clericorum 89U 23 Aug. 11*90 Aesopus. Aesopus moralisatus 1* cca. 11*90= Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works. De Eucharista.... 997 cca. 11*90= Zenders de Werdt, Guilelmus. Lilium grammaticae 1082 8 Feb. 11*91 Lescher, Paul. Rhetorica pro confi- ciendis epistolis accommodata 591 11*92 Cordiale quattuor novissimorum 292 22 Oct. 11*93 Boethius. Spurious and doubtful works. De disciplina scholarium l60 cafter 16 May Stella clericorum 896 ll*9U= 10 Sept.ll*9U Avianus , Flavius. Fabulae 87 cca.ll*9U= Jacobus de Gruytrode. Speculum ani- mae peccatricis 528 1* May 11*95 Concordantiae utriusque iuris 288 cca.ll*95> Ars moriendi 50 cca. 11*95= Guilelmus de Gouda. Expositio my- steriorum Missae 1*57 cca. 11*95= Quaestiones super Donatum minorem. . .807 cca. 11*95= Theobaldus, Episcopus. Physiolo- gus 927 11*96 Catonis disticha. Cato: disticha de moribus 21*5 cca. ll*96?= Donatus, Aelius. Ars minor (Rudi- menta grammatices ) 350 cca. 11*97= Dialogus inter clericum et militem..329 20 July 11*98 Albertus Magnus, Saint, Bp. of Ratis- bon. Spurious and doubtful works. Paradisus animae 15 11*98 Guido de Monte Roche rii. Manipulus curatorum 1*51 28 June 11*99 Jacobus de Gruytrode. Lavacrum con- scientiae 525 ll*99(i.e. Samuel Marochitanus, Rabbi. Epistola 11*91?) contra Judaeorum errores 851 11*99 Vergilius Maro, Publius. Buco- lica 1052 11*99 Vergilius Maro, Publius. Geor- gica 1053 215 QERMANY - Cologne - Quentell , continued . cll*99 Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Prosar. Textus seque ntiarum 231 cca.lSOOi Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works. Be Eucharista 996 Ludwlg Ton Renchen cca.ll*87. Querri, Hindus. Aurea Biblia 1*1*6 Arnold Ther Hoernen 11*71 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Quaes tiones de duodecim quodlibet 961 cca. 11*72. Denis Le Chartreux. De sacramento al- taris 328 cca. 11*75. Thomas Aquinas, Saint. De regimine principum 9U8 cca. 11*75. Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works. De venerabili sa- cramento 1000 cca. 11*82. Thomas Aquinas, Saint. De regimine principum 9li9 Martin von Werden cl505? 3 Bonaventura, Saint, Cardinal. Spurious and doubtful works. Stimulus amo- rls 171* Konrad Winters 2U Dec. 11(76 cMarchesini, Giovannis Mammot rectus super Biblian 636 cca.lli78:> Jacobus de Varagine. Sermones de Sanctis 535 cca. 11*79- Nider, Johannes. Manuals confesso- 82j rum 695 cca.U*8l. Guido de Monte Rocherii. Manipulus curatorum 1*50 Ulrich Zell cca. 11*67. Qerson, Joannes. De cognitione castl- tatia 1*19 cca.ll*67. Oerson, Joannes. De pollutione noc- tur na 1*23 cca. 11*69 . Petrarca, Francesco. Historia Orisel- dia 7UU c 11*70? Qerson, Joannes. De custodia lin- guae 1*20 cca. 11*70. Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Spurious and doubtful works. De fuga mulierum 76 cea. 11*70. Bernard de Clairvaux, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works. De planctu B. Marlae Virginia 117 cca.lii70 3 Orson, Joannes. De pollutione noc- turna U2l cca. 11*70. Gerson, Joannes. Da remediis contra pusillanlmitatea 1*25 cca. 11*70. Oerson, Joannes. Opus tripartitum. Latin U29 cca. 11*70. John of Wales. Sunna collationum. . ..553 cca. 11*70. Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Da articulis fidel 9UU cnot after Matthaeus de Cracovia, Cardinal. Dia- 11*70. logus Rationls et Conscientiae 657 cnot after U*70. cnot after 11*70* cca. 11*72. cnot after 11*72. cnot after 11*733 25 Mar. 11*77 cca. 11*85. cca.U*95i cca.1500. cca.l500. .1508. cca.ll*83> ll*7l* .U*7l*-75> U*75? cll*75? cll77-79> cll*77-79. cnot after 11*91. cnot after U*91. 11*91* ca. ll95> 11 Dae. 11*93 cca.ll*9l* Nider, Johannes. Consolatorium timo- ratae conscientiae 688 Nider, Johannes. De morali lepra.... 689 Qerson, Joannes. De simplifications, stabilltione _ cordis 1*26 Qerson, Joannes. De mendicitate spiri- tual! 1*21 Bromyarde, John de. Opus trivium. . . .183 Herolt, Johannes. Sermones Discipuli de tempore et de Sanctis 1*71 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works . De Eucharista 996 Cornells van Zlerlkzee Mandevllle, Sir John. Itinerarlus...632 Hese, Joannes de. Itinerarius per dl- versas mundi partes 1*73 Mensa philosophica 666 Georgius de Hungaria, Supposed author. Tractatus de ritu _ Turcorum +1*15 ERFURT Printer of Arlsteas Durantis, Gulielmus, Bp. of Mende. Compendium libri Rationalis 351* ESSLINQEN Konrad Fyner Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Post ilia in Job 957 Oerson, Joannes. Conclusiones de di- ve rsis materiis moralibus 1*18 Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Spurious and doubtful works. De vanitatibus saeculi 77 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Catena aurea super quattuor Evangeliatas 935 Ouido de Monte Rocherii. Manipulus curatorum 1*1*8 Nider, Johannes. Sermones de tempore et de sanctia 699 FREIBURG IM BREISGAU Klllan Fischer Ephraem Syrue, Saint. Sermones. Latin. Selections 361* Guilelmus Arvernus, Bp. of Paris. Rhetorica divina 1*53 Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. De Trinltate 68 Georgius Bruxellenois . Cursus quae- stionum super totam logican 1*11* Frledrlch Rlederer Rlederer, Frledrlch. Spiegel der wahren Rhetorik 823 Arnoldi, Heinrich. De septem festivi- tatibus gloriosissimae Vlrglnis 1*8 216 GERMANY , continued . HAGENAU Helnrlch Gran 12*90 Concordantiae rainores Bibliae 287 11 Apr. 1$00 Constance, Council of. Acta et de- creta. (For Johann Rynman) 291 =1509= Hieronymus de Villa Vitis. Orati- onale 1*77 HEIDELBERG Helnrich Knoblochtzer (See also Printer of Lindelbach ) ll*93 Jacobus, of Jiiterbogk. De valore et utilitate Missarura 5U3 Friedrich Misch li*88 Manneken, Carolus. Formulae episto- larura 635 Printer of Lindelbach (Heinrich Knoblochtzer or Johann & Konrad Hist ) cafter 21 Aug. Dati, Agostino. Elegantiolae 321 11*86, 15 Dec.ll*86 Lindelbach, Michael. Praecepta Lati- nitatis 598 LEIPZIG Gregor Boettiger cnot after Computus Norembergensis 286 H9U> dl*=95 Balthasar de Porta. Expositio myste- riorum Missae 95 cca. 11*95= Balthasar de Porta. Expositio canonis Missae 9k cca. 11*95 = Bonaventura, Saint, Cardinal. Brevi- loquium 167 cca. 11*98= Nicolaus, of Hannapes, Patriarch of Jerusalem. Biblia pauperum 682 Arnoldus de Colonia 1 Oct. 11*93 Isidorus, Saint, Bp. of Seville. De summo bono 5l6 ll*95 Jacobus, of Jtiterbogk. De arte bene moriendi 5U2 Konrad Kachelofen cca. 11*86= Celtes, Conradus. Ars verslficandi et carminum 250 cca. 1U87- Niavis, Paulus. Declamatio de concep- 95* tione intemeratae Virginis Mariae..676 cafter 23 Feb. cLaudivio, Zacchia, de Vezzano= Epi- 11*88= stolae magni Turci 582 = ca. 11*89-92 = Gerardus, Stephanus. Salutaris poeta 1*17 cll89-95 = Guilelmus de Gouda. Expositio myste- riorum Missae .1*55 25 May 11*90 Albertano da Brescia. De arte loquen- di et tacendi. (For J. N. ?) 10 eca. 11*90= Catonis disticha. Cato: disticha de moribus. Latin and German 21*6 cca. 11*90= Grammatellus pro juvenum eruditione. .1*32 cca. 11*90-95 = Balbi, Girolamo, Bp. Epigrammata 92 Martin Lands berg (See also Printer of Capotius ) cca. 11*89-96= Basilius, Saint, the Great, Abp. of Caesarea. De legendis antiquorum libris 110 cca. 11*91-92= Paltz, Johann von. Septem fores 720 cnot before Andreae, Joannes. Super arboribus 11*92= consanguinitatis 26 ll*93 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De amicitia.257 cca. 11*93= Fabri de Werdea, Johannes. Proverbia metrica. Latin and German 382 cca. 11*95= Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works. De vitiis et vir- tutibus 1002 cca. 11*97= Wimpina, Konrad. Palillogia de theo- logico fastigio 1079 Melchior Lotter 11*96 Hundt, Magnus. Expositio Donati 502 cll*=99 Alanus de Insulis. Doctrinale altum...9 cca. 11*99= Bible. N. T. Apocryphal books. Gospel of Nicodemus. Latin. Nicodemus. . . .11*9 cafter 1500= Trithemius, Joannes. De laudibus sanctissimae Annae 1025 Printer of Capotius (M artin Lands berg 7) cca. 11*87= Peurilia super Donatum 806 cca. 11*90= Proba. Carmina 797 Wolfgang Stockel ll*96 Bonaventura, Saint, Cardinal. De prae- paratione ad Missam 169 Jakob Thanner 11*98 Ars oratoria 53 LUBECK Steffen Arndes = 11*93= #Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Gradual. Graduale Svecicum 223 Lucas Brandis 5 Aug. 11*75 #Rudimentum novitiorum 832 Bartholomaeus Ghotan 17 Aug. 11*88 Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Missal. Missale Aboense 228 MAINZ Peter von Friedberg cafter 1 Trithemius, Johannes. Collatio de re- Sept. 11*93= publica ecclesiae 1021* 6 Aug. ll98 Trithemius, Johannes. De triplici regione claustralium 1027 Johann Gutenberg (See Printer of the ' Catholicon ' 11*60 and Printer of the l*2-line Bible) 217 GRRMANY - Hainz , continued . Printer of the ' Cathollcon ' 11*60 [ johann Gutenberg 7) 11*60 *Balbi, Giovanni. Cathollcon 89 Printer of the l*2-line Bible fjohann Gutenberg! cbetween XU5U *Bible. Latin. ca.ll*51l-55. Mainz. Guten- & 11*55; not berg (1*2 lines) Biblia Latina 131 after LU56j Peter Schoffer 13 June 11*69 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Super quarto libro Sententiarum 987 8 Nov. 11*71 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summae theolo- gicae secundae partis pars prima... 97U 13 Aug.ll*72 *Gratianus, the Canonist. Decretum. . .1*33 9 Jan.ll*76 Catholic Church. Pope, 129U-1303 (Boni- facius VIII). Liber sextus Decre- talium 235 cafter 26 Coronatio Maximilian! 29U Apr. 11*86* 6 Mar. 11*92 cBote, Konrada Cronecken der Sassen. Low German 176 MEMMINGEN Albrecht Kunne lii82 Rolevinck, Werner. Fasciculus tempo- rum 825 11*83 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works. De arte praedi- candi 99U 11*86 Attavanti, Paolo. Breviarium totius juris canonici 57 cca.LU90a Jacobus de Gruytrode. Speculum animae peccatricis 527 eca. 11*90* Somnia Danielis 887 l5CO Tractatus de fraternitatibus 1022 NUREMBERG Frledrich Creussner 11*77 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works. De arte praedi- candi 993 30 June 11*79 Bur ley, Walter. De vita et moribus phllosophorum 190 11*79 Collecta magistralia 281 cca.lii85> Charlemagne. Ratisbon legend. German. Legende von Kaiser Karls Streit vor Regensburg 251 10 Mar. 11*92 cWerner von Schussenried* Modus le- gendi abbreviaturas 1077 11*97 Niavis, Paulus. Latinum idioma pro parvulis editum 678 cca. 11*973 cTheobaldus, Subprior> Objectiones in dicta Talmud 928 Kaspar Hochfede r 29 Nov.ll*9l* Thomas a Kempis. Opera 933 Anton Koberger cca. 11*713 Nider, Johannes. Manuale confesso- rum 693 16 Oct. 11*72 Eyb, Albrecht von. Ob elnem Mann sei zu nehmen ein ehelich Weib 38I eca. 11*72* Bur ley, Walter. De vita et moribus philosophorum 189 3*7l* *Rainerus de Pisis. Pantheologia 813 12 Nov. 11*76 Boethius. De consolatione philoso- phiae 151* 10 Nov. 11*78 Bible. Latin. li*78. Vulgate. Biblia Latina 133 11 Aug. ll*8l Platlna, Bartolomeo. Vitae pontifi- cum 769 1* Sept. ll*8l Vocabularius utriusque juris 1072 6 Nov. ll*8l Durantis, Gulielmus, Bp. of Mende. Rationale divinorum officiorum 356 17 Feb. 11*83 *Blble. German. 11*83. Biblia. German.. 129 30 May 11*83 Bartholomaeus, Anglicus. De proprie- tatibus rerum 105 21* July 11*83 Vincent de Beauvais. Speculum histo- riale 1061 5 June ll*81* Nuremberg. Laws, statutes, etc. Re- formation der Stadt Nurnberg 70l* 23 June 11*86 Boethius. De consolatione philoso- phiae 156 5 Dec. 11*88 *Jacobus de Varagine. Legenda aurea...53U 8 Nov. 11*91 cFridolin, Stephan 3 Schatzbehalter der wahren ReichtUmer des Hells 1*07 10 Feb. 11*92 Angelus Carletus de Clavasio. Summa Angelica de casibus conscientiae 32 11*92 Vergilius Maro, Publius. Opera 1055 12 July ll*93 Schedel, Hartmann. Liber cronicarum.,859 23 Dec. 11*93 Schedel, Hartmann. Liber cronicarum. German 860 19 Apr.ll*9li Repertorium in Postillam Nicolai de Lyra super Vetus et Novum Testamentum. . . .820 ll* Aug. 11*95 Ludolphus de Saxonia. Vita Christ! . . .612 17 Jan. 11*96 Institoris, Henricus. Malleus malefi- carum 5ll* 26 Jan. 11*96 Institoris, Henricus. Tractatus va- rii 515 20 Sept. 11*96 Carpenter, Alexander. Destructorium vitiorum 211 6 Dec. 11*97 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius. Satyrae...568 11*97 Bible. 0. T. Psalms. Latin. li*97. Psalterium 11*8 6 Mar. 11*98 Ludovicus de Prussia. Trilogium ani- mae 613 Johann Sensenschmidt cll*70 Gerson, Joannes. De spiritualibus nuptiis 1*27 cca. 11*70-723 Hieronymus, Saint. Aureola ex floribus S. Hieronymi contexta 1*78 Johann Sensenschmidt & Andreas Frisner 21* June 11*75 *Corpus juris civills. Codex. Codex Justinianus 295 Johann Sensenschmidt & Helnrlch Kefer cll*a70 Franciscus de Retza. Comestorium vi- tiorum 1*05 218 GERMAN Y- N uremberg , cont inued. Georg Stuchs 16 Apr. 11*93 #Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Breviary. Breviarium Lincopense. . .219 cca.lti97a Jacobus, of Jiiterbogk. De animabus exutis a corporibus 5Ul el50O?i Heinrich von Langenstein. Secreta sacerdotum 1*65 Peter Wagner cca.ll*90a Niavis, Paulus. Epistolae breves. .. .677 PASSAU Benedlkt Hayr & Konrad Stahel 11 Sept. 11(82 Jacobus, of JUterbogk. De animabus exutis a corporibus 539 Johann Petri coa.lU88, Vorhersage fiir 1U89. Latin 1075 cll*90-91a Lochmaier, Michael. Sermones de Sanctis 601* cca.lU9l3 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works. De periculis contin- gentibus circa sacramentum Euchari- stiae 999 REUTLINGEN Michel Greyff cnot after Soccus, Cistercian. Sermones de 11*78=, Sanctis 883 cnot after Nider, Johannes. Praeceptorium divi- ll*79:> nae legis 697 1U83 Jacobus de Varagine. Legenda aurea.,533 ellt86-90 3 Joannes de Garlandia. Verba deponen- talia 5U6 cca. 11*97 * Regulae grammaticales 819 Johann Otmar 11*81* Bonaventura, Saint, Cardinal. Spurious and doubtful works. Sermones de tem- pore et de Sanctis 173 11*87 Summa rudium 911 11*88 Petrus, de Harentals. Collectarius super librum Psalmorum 751 1U89 Holkot, Robertus. Super Sapientiam Salomonis 1*88 cafter 13 Curtus, Joannes. Ciceronis Rhetorica Aug.lli93= nova figuris contracts 311 ROSTOCK Fratres Domus Horti Viridis ad S . Michaelem 28 July ll*8l #Bernard de Clairvaux, Saint. Sermones super Cantica canticorum 116 SPEIER Peter Drach 23 June 11*79 Leonardus Matthaei de Utino. Sermones quadragesimales de legibus dicti...588 cnot after *Dominicus de Sancto Geminiano. Super LU79a sexto Decretalium 3U7 ll*8l Calderinus, Joannes. Concordantia. .196 7 Sept. 11*82 Paulus, Diaconus, Compiler. Horaila- rius doctorum 725 11*86 cPomerius, Julianusa De vita contem- plativa 789 cnot after Pietro dell'Aquila. Quaestiones super 11*87:. libros Sententiarum 762 11*88 Angelus Carletus de Clavasio. Summa Angelica de casibus conscientiae. ..31 cafter ll* Trovamala, Giovanni Battlsta. Summa Apr.alU88 casuum conscientiae 1029 11*90 Caraccioli, Roberto. Sermones de lau- dibus sanctorum 201* Johann & Konrad Hist cll*83=" Tundal's vision. Latin. Tundalus. .1032 cbefore 18 Vocabularius de partibus indeclina- Jan.ll*85= bilibus 1071 cnot after Rusius, Laurentius. Liber marescal- 11*89* clae equorum 836 Konrad Hist cca.ll*9U-963 Horae canonicae .' 1*90 cca. 11*963 Jacobus, of Juterbogk. De animabus exutis a corporibus 51*0 Printer of ' Gesta Christl ' cca.ll*72 3 Matthaeus de Cracovia, Cardinal. De modo conf itendi 655 STRASSBURG Heinrich Eggestein cll*73' ?Petrarca, Francesco. De remediis utriusque f ortunae 71*1 cca.ll*75> Ars moriendi 1*9 11*78 Innocentius 17, Pope. Apparatus su- per libros Decretalium 512 Martin Flach 11*87 Imitatlo Christi 507 11*88 Sermones quadragesimales thesauri novi 871 20 Mar. 11*89 Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Opuscula 72 11*90 Meckenlocher, Friedrich. Casus in ter- minis libri sexti Decretalium 661 11*93 Richardus a Sancto Laurentio. De laudibus Mariae 822 11*93 Sermones thesauri novi de Sanctis. . .875 ll*9l* Sermones quadragesimales thesauri novi 872 26 Mar. 11*95 Angelus Carletus de Clavasio. Summa Angelica de casibus conscientiae. . .33 11*99 Guido de Monte Rocherii. Manipulus curatorum 1*52 23 Feb. 1500 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Quaestiones disputatae 966 Martin Flach , the Younger cca.l501 3 Ebrardi, Udalricus. Modus Latinita- tis +362 219 GERMA NY - Strassburg , cont inued . Johann GrUnlnger cca.llt85 Balbi, Giovanni. Catholicon 91 11(86 Manneken, Carolus. Formulae episto- larum 633 11*86 Perotti, Niccolo, Abp. of Siponto. Rudimenta grammatices 732 11*86 Sulpltlus, Joannes Verulanus. De arte grammatica 906 31 Mar.lli89 Sermones exquisiti super Epistolas. .870 cca. 11*90? Perotti, Niccolo, Abp. of Siponto. Rudimenta grammatices 733 3 Nov. 1U92 Bible. Latin. li(92. Vulgate. Biblia Latina 11*1 1* Mar.ll*9l* Salicetus, Nicolaus. Antidotarius animae 81*8 6 Aug. 11*95 Ouerri, Bindus. Aurea Biblia 1*1*7 1 Nov. 11(96 Terentius Afer, Publius. Comoe- diae 921 11(97 Locher, Jakob. Panegyricus ad Maxi- milianum 60 3 12 Mar. 11*98 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Opera... 1*95 11 Feb. 11*99 Terentius Afer, Publius. Comoe- diae 92 3 cca.l500a ?Matthaeus, a Dominican. Navicula Sanctae Ursulae. (For Bartholo - maeus Kis_tler) 651* Johann Griinlnger & Henricus de Inguller 28 Aug. 11(83 Petrus Coraestor. Historia scho- lastica 750 Georg Hu3ner (See also Printer of ' Casus breves Deere talium ' Printer of the 1IIH3 Jordanus de Quedlinburg ) 11 June 11(76 Vinac, Hugo de. Sermones Dominica- les 1058 cca.ll(76j Herolt, Johannes. Liber Discipuli de eruditione Christif idelium 1*70 cca.ll*79> Lyra, Nicolaus de. Moralia super totam Bibliam 618 cnot after Eyb, Albrecht von, Compiler. Mar- 11*793 garita poetica 379 11(95 Boethius. Spurious and doubtful works. De disciplina scholarium. .161 ll Mar. 1500 Eusebius Pamphili, Bp. of Caesarea. Historia ecclesiastica. Latin 378 Bartholomaeus Klstler eafter 22 Lirer, Thomas. Chronik von alien July 11*993 Kb'nigen 599 Helnrlch Knoblochtzer cca.lUSOi Vegius, Mapheus. Philalethes 101*1* cLUj82 cHeinrich von Hessen Exhortatio de celebratione Missae 1(62 Johann Mentelln not after Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summae theo- 11(63= logicae secundae partis pars se- cunda 975 c be fore 10 Arlstoteles. Ethica ad Nicomachum. Apr.U*69, Latin 1*1* cnot after Pharetra doctorum 760 11*72 > 11*77 cAlbrecht von Scharfenberga Der Jungere Titurel 18 Printer of ' Casus breves Deere talium ' ( Georg Husner TJ 11(93 Manneken, Carolus. Formulae episto- larum 636 Printer of Henricus Ariminensls T Georg Reyser) cnot after Petrus Lombardus, Bp. of Paris. Sen- 11(683 tentiarum libri quattuor 753 cnot after Caraccioli, Roberto. Sermones quad- 11*73= ragesimales de poenitentia 206 cnot after cNider, Johannes a Alphabetum divini 11*73= amoris 687 cca.ll*7Ua Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summae theo- logicae secundae partis pars secun- da 976 cnot after Hugo of Saint Victor. Didascalon. . ..500 11*71*3 cnot after Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summa contra ll*7l*3 gentiles 968 cnot after Johannes de Tambaco. Consolatio 11*793 theologiae 550 Printer of the ll*8l ' Legenda aurea ' 23 Apr. 11*82 Torquemada, Juan de, Cardinal. Ex- positio super toto Psalterio 1011 cca. 11*8373 Vincent de Beauvais. Speculum na- turale 1062 Printer of the 11*83 Jordanus de Quedlinburg ( Georg Husner TJ cnot after Nider, Johannes. Sermones de tem- 11*833 pore et de Sanctis 700 15 June 11*85 Casus summarii Decretalium 216 15 June 11*85 Hilarius, Litomericky. Tractatus contra perfidiam aliquorum Bohemo- rum 1*87 eca.ll*85> Torquemada, Juan de, Cardinal. Quae- stiones Evangeliorum 1015 13 July 11*86 Durantis, Gulielmus, Bp. of Mende. Rationale divinorum officiorum 358 ll* Oct. 11*86 Pseudo-Callisthenes. Historia Ale- xandri Magni. Latin 799 7 Sept. 11*88 Bottoni, Bernardo. Casus longi super quinque libros Decretalium 179 'circa' 25 Colonne, Guido delle. Historia de- May 11*89 structlonis Troiae 281* 9 Aug. 11*90 cWerner von Schussenriedj Modus le- gendi abbreviaturas 1076 28 Sept. 11*90 Vocabularius utriusque juris 1071* 1* Mar. 11*93 Guilelmus Parisiensis, a Dominican, Professor of theology. Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia 1*59 19 July 11*93 Durantis, Gulielmus, Bp. of Monde. Rationale divinorum officiorum 360 17 Aug. 11*93 Corona Beatae Mariae Virginia 293 ll*93-9U Vincentius Ferrerius, Saint. Sermo- nes de tempore et de Sanctis 1065 26 May ll*9l* Pseudo-Callisthenes. Historia Ale- xandri Magni. Latin 800 220 QERMA NY - Strassburg , continued . Printer of the 11*81* Paludanus 7 July ll*85 Vitae Patrum. Vitae Sanctorum Pa- trum 1069 cca.ll*85 cMarchesini, Giovannis Mammotrectua super Bibliaa 61*2 1U86 Sermones thesauri novi de Sanctis. . ..871* Johann Pruss ?Siaone Fidati, da Cascia. Expositio super totum corpus Evangeliorum. . . .881 1 June ll*86 Melber, Johannes, of Oerolzhofen. Vo- cabulariua praedicantiua 661* cnot after Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of 11*87 > Hippo. Spurious and doubtful works. Sermones ad herenitas 62 lU 8 8 Rolevinck, Werner. Fasciculus tempo- run 827 H189 cHugo Argentinensisa Compendium theo- logicae veritatis 1*99 11*89 Praecordiale de votorom 791 1 not after Eberhardus Bethuniensis. Graecis- 1U89 us 361 cnot before Rolevinck, Werner. Fasciculus tempo- U*90 ru 828 The R- Printer (See Adolf Rusch) Georg Reyser (See Printer of Henricus Arimlnensia ) Friedrlch Ruch , of Dumbach cll*99? a Filelfo, Francesco. Epistolae brevi- ores elegantiores 391 Adolf Rusch cca.H*70> Balbi, Giovanni. Catholicon 90 cafter 11*71- Donatus, Aelius. Commentum in Te- 72 rentii Comoedias 352 cnot after Petrarca, Francesco. De vita soli- 11*73* taria 7l*2 cnot after 5 I>e Grand, Jacques. Sophologium 58U Jan.ll*75> cafter 11*78j Herolt, Johannes. Sermones Discipuli de tempore et de Sanctis U72 cnot after ?Bible. Latin. Not after 11*80. Vulgate. U*80 Biblia Latina 13U Martin Schott cca.ll*83> Leonardus Matthaei de Utlno. Sermo- nes de Sanctis 587 cca.U*85-89> Mariale 61*1* 28 June 11*87 Manneken, Carolus. Formulae episto- larum 63I1 1U87 Brack, Wenceslaus. Vocabularius re rum 180 2 Oct. 11*98 Schott, Peter. Lucubratiunculae 861 Strassburg . Unidentified Printer 11*91 Versor, Johannes. Super Donato 1057 cafter 13 Hemmerli, Felix. Opuscula 1*66 Aug.ll*97 TUBINGEN Johann Otmar not before Summenhart, Konrad. Tractatulus su- 11*98 = per decern defectibus virorum mona- sticoru* 912 15 Aug. 1500 Joannes XXI, Pope. Summulae logica- les 51i9 DIM Konrad Dinckmut 26 July 11*83 Seelenvurzgarten 861* 3 Nov.ll*81* 7 Jacobus de Varagine. Sermones de Sanctis 536 Johann Zainer ll*73 Petrarca, Francesco. Historia Gri- seldis 7U5 9 Apr.ll*7U Bersuire, Pierre. Liber Bibliae mo- ralis 125 11*75 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Quaestiones de duodecim quodlibet 962 1U76 Guerri, Bindus. Aurea Biblia 1*1*5 c be fore 23 Catonis disticha. Documenta moral ia Apr.ll*77 Catonis 21*7 cnot after Albertus Magnus, Saint, Bp. of Ratis- lU78i bon. Sermones de tempore et de Sanctis 13 cca. 11*78-80 Vitae Patrum. Vitae Sanctorum Pa- trum 1067 cnot before Albertus Magnus, Saint, Bp. of Ratis- 11*78, not bon. Spurious and doubtful works, after 20 May De abundantia exemplorum II* 11*81:. cca. 11*80) Johannes von Werden. Sermones Domini- cales 552 ll*8l John of Wales. Summa collationum. ...551* cca.ll*90i c Escobar, Andres de, 3p. 3 Interroga- tiones et doctrinae 366 URACH Konrad Fyner cafter 22 Catholic Church. Pope, U*71-ll*81* (Six- June ll*79 tus IV). Pastoris boni (22 June 11*79 ) Bulla 239 Germany . Unidentified Printer cafter 1500= Joannes de Garlandia. Verba deponen- talia 51*7 HOLLAND DELFT Jacob Jacobszoen van der Meer 19 July 11*81* Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Hours. Dutch. Ghetyden van onser liever vrouwen 227 HOLLAND , continued . DEVEOTER Jacobus de Brad* ll* Apr.ll*91 Stella clerlcorun 895 cca.l500 Juvencus, C. Vettius Aquillnus. Hi- torla evengellca 571 cca.l500i Sulpitius, Joannes Verulanus. De mo- ribus puerorum 909 Rlchardua Pafraet 2 Hay 11*81 Speculum exemplorum 891 cnot after Raymundus de Sabunde. Theologia 11*85. naturalii 816 cca. 11*88, Filelfo, Francesco. Spistolae 390 20 Feb. 11*90 Guilelmus de Gouda. Expos itio myste- riorum Mlssae 1*56 28 July 11*95 Alanus de Insulls. Doctrlnale altum...8 3 Sept. 11*95 Terentlus Afer, Publlus. Vulgarla Terentll. Dutch and Latin 925 30 Dec.U*95 Publilius Syrus. Sententiae 805 11*96 Qullelmus de Oouda. Expos itio myste- r iorum Mlssae 1*58 30 Jan. 1500 Filelfo, Francesco. Bplstolae brevi- ores elegantiores 392 11*72 11 Mar. 11*73 cca.U*75> 28 Mar. 11*98 17 Oct. 11*88 11*91 31 Aug. 11*93 10 July 11*95- 17 Jan. 11*96 5 Apr.ll*93 27 May ll*9l* 10 Dec. 11*91* 20 Mar. -16 July 11*96 17 Dec. 11*99 1 NoT.1500 ITALY BOLOGNA Baldassare Azzoguldi Dlodorus Siculus. Bibllothecae histo- ricae llbrl VI. Latin 331* Petrus Bergomensis. Tabula ope rum Thomae Aqulnatla 71*8 Caterlna da Siena, Saint. Libro della divina dottrina 217 Caligula de Bazalerlla Hleronymus, Saint. Ordo sou Regula ivendi Deo. Italian 1*82 Francesco Platone de Benedettl Baptista Mantuanus. Parthenice prima. (For Benedetto d'Ettore ) 102 Beroaldo, Filippo. Orationes et poe- mata. (For Benedetto d'Ettore ) 123 Herodianus. Historia de imperio post Marcum. Latin 1*69 Frontinus, Sextus Julius. Ee re mili- tari 1*08 Benedetto d'Ettore Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Vitae XII Caesarum 902 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Super secundo libro Sententiarun 985 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De natura deorum 260 Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni. Opera 761 Beroaldo, Filippo. Oratio proverbi- oru* 122 Beroaldo, Filippo. Orationes et poe- mata 121* 221 Glacomo de Ragazone 30 Mar. 11*95 Diogenes Laertiua. Vitas et senten- tiae philosophorum. Latin 338 Ugo Rugerlua cca.ll*75> 7Aristoteles. Ethica ad Nicomachura. Latin U5 12 Feb.ll*8l Bandello, Vincenzo. De singulari puritate et praerogativa concep- tionls Salvatoria 96 13 May 11*96 Samuel Marochitanus, Rabbi. Epis to- la contra Judaeorum errores 852 23 Sept. U*96 Bolognini, Ludovico. Syllogianthon.l63 Johannes Schriber ll*6l Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Commentaria in omnes Epistolas Sanctl Paull...939 BRESCIA Bonlno de Bonlnii 31 May 11*87 Dante Alighieri. La Commedia 317 U* Feb. 11*88 Alexandre de Villedieu. Doctrlnale puerorum *20 Angelo & Glacomo Britannic! 18 Dec.U*91 Bergamo. Laws, statutes, etc. Statuta communitatls Bergomi 112 20 Aug. 11*83 Jacobus de Varaglne. Sermones quadra - ci.e.H93?> geslaales 538 18 Mar. 11*95 Bernard de Clairvaux, Saint. Opua- cula Ill* 1 Sept. 11*98 Camonica. Laws, statutes, etc. Sta- tuta communitatls Valliscamonicae . (For Petrus Petretus de Grevo ) . . . . 197 Glacomo Britannic! 17 Feb.ll*86 Persius Flaccus, Aulus. Satyrae. ...737 2 May 11*86 Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. Pharsalia.607 18 June 11*88 Filelfo, Francesco. Orationes 39I* 21* Oct. 11*98 Polybius. Da prlmo bello Punico. Latin 787 enot before 13 Plutarchus. Vitae illustrium viro- Aug..ll*99 rum. Latin 780 Baptista Farfengua 20 Oct. 11*90 Bonaventura, Saint, Cardinal. Com- mentariua in prlmum librum Senten- tiarun 168 Bernardlnus de Mislntia 12 May 11*96 Vegius, Mapheus. Philalethes 101*5 30 May 11*97 Baptista Mantuanus. De patientia....99 CHIVASSO Jacoblnus Suigus 13 May 11*86 Angelus Carletus de Clavasio. Summa Angelica de casibus conscientiae. ..29 ITALY , continued . FERRARA Abraham b en Hayylm 17 May 11*77 Levi ben Qerson. Perush Iyob. Hebrew 595 Andreas Belfortls cca. 11*85 Guarini, Battista. De ordine docendl ac studendl Mill cli93 Collenuccio, Pandolfo. Pllniana de- fenslo 282 FLORENCE Lorenzo Alopa .May 1U8U; Plato. Opera. Latin 771 before Apr. ll85 Francesco Buonaccorsi 3 Oct. 11*95 Savonarola, Girolamo Maria Francesco Matteo. Compendium revelationum. . .851* 7 Apr. 11*96 Lilio, Zaccaria, Bp. De origine et laudibus scientiarum. (For Piero Pacini ) 596 Jacopo di Carlo & Pietro di Onofrlo de 'Buonaccorsi 2ti Oct. 11(89 Diogenes Laertius. Vitae et senten- tiae philosophorum. Italian 339 Nicola us Laurent 11 30 Aug.ll*8l Dante Alighieri. La Commedia 316 29 Dec. 11*85 Albert!, Leone Battista. Da re aedif icatoria 11 Bartolommeo di Librl cca.ll*90> Savonarola, Girolamo Maria Francesco Matteo. Expositio Orationis Do- minicae . Italian 856 5 June 11*92 Bruni, Leonardo Are tine. Historiae Flore ntini populi. Italian 187 3 Sept. lU 92 Poggio-Bracciolinl. Historia Flo- rentina. Italian 782 6 July 11*93 Josephus, Flavius. Db bello Judaico. Italian 559 cafter 17 Savonarola, Girolamo Maria Francesco Oct. Hi 97. Matteo. Epistola alle suore del Terzo Ordine di San Domenico 855 Antonio Mlscomini 15 May 11*82 Venturini, Francesco. Rudimenta grammatices 101x7 5 Aug. 11*82 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Opera 1*92 7 Bov. 11*82 Ficino, Marsilio. Platonica theolo- gi* 387 21 May 11*85 Leo I, the Great, Saint, Pope. Ser- mones. Italian 585 19 Sept.lli89 Poliziano, Angelo. Miscellaneorun centuria prima 783 20 Feb. 11*91 Poliziano, Angelo. Panepistemon 785 222 Lorenzo Morgiani & Johannes Petri cl5l0?> Nardi, Jacopo. Comedia di Araicitia.+675 Printer of Augustlnus ' Soliloquia ' 20 June 11*89 Augustlnus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Spurious and doubtful works. Soliloquia. Italian 81* San Jacopo de Ripoll ( Monastery ) 11*78 De viris illustribus urbis Romae 326 11*78 Suetonius Tranquillus, C. De gram- maticls 899 Societas Colubris ( Compagnia del Drago ) 26 Nov. 11*97 Marullus, Michael Tarchaniota. Epl- grammatura librl IV 653 Florence . Unidentified Printer cafter 28 Savonarola, Girolamo Maria Francesco May IU983 Matteo. Spurious and doubtful works. Esposizione sopra il salmo V 858 cca.l5007j Savonarola, Girolamo Maria Francesco Matteo. Expositio super Psalmo L * Italian .' 857 MAfmiA Vlncentius Bertochus 16 Sept. 11*98 Baptlsta Mantuanus. Adolescentla 97 Paul von Butzbach 29 Apr. 11*81 Lyra, Nicolaus de. Moral ia super to- tam Bibliam 619 Johann Schall cnot before Eusebius Pamphili, Bp. of Caesarea. 15 July 11*79 Historia ecclesiastica. Utin 377 MILAN Bonus Accurslus cnot after Crastoni, Giovanni. Lexicon Graeco- LU78S Latinum 301 cca.ll*80a Crastoni, Giovanni. Lexicon Latino- Graecum 301* Giovanni Bissoli 4 Benedetto Mangio 15 Nov. 11*99 Suidas. Lexicon Graecum. (For Deme - trius Chalcondylaa ) 903 Petrus de Come no June ll*8l Fieschi, Stefano, da Soncino. Senten- tiarum variationes. Latin and Italian. (For Agoatino Maria de Conago 389 Be nig no & Olovannl Antonio de Honate 11*86 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Opuscula 951* ITALY - Milan , continued . Giovanni Antonio de Honate 30 Nov. 11*82 Milan. Laws, statutes, etc. Tabula Statutorum Mediolani 670 cnot after Nlder, Johannes. Praeceptoriura di- ll*87 vinae legla 698 Phlllppus de Lavagnla 1 Feb. 11*71* Qeorglus Trapesuntlus . De partibus orationis 1*16 ca.ll*7l*-76 Eusebius Paraphili, Bp. of Caesarea. Chronlcon. Latin 373 Oulllermus Le_ Slgnerre 23 Nov.ll98- Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Opera. (For cafter 15 Oct. Alessandro Mlnuziano ) 269 1U99 Phlllppus de Mantegatlls 27 Feb. 11*95 Hleronymus, Saint. Legend. Vita et transitus Sancti Hieronymi. Italian 1*81* Leonardus Pachel 12 Sept.lii92 Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Spurious and doubtful works. Soliloquia. Italian 85 Leonardus Pachel & Dldericus Scinzenzeler 28 Aug. 11(79 Attavantl, Paolo. Breviarium totius juris canonic! 56 H*83-81*j Filelfo, Francesco. Orationes 393 ll*86 Bonaventura, Saint, Cardinal. Spurious and doubtful works. Meditationes vitae Christ!. Italian 172 Ulderlcus Scinzenzeler 17 Jan.Ui88 Ambrosius, Saint, Bp. of Milan. De officiis. (For Phlllppus de Lava - gnla ) 22 19 Nor. 11*91 Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Vitae III Caesarum 901 10 Dec. LU96 Pius II, Pope. Epistolae familia- res 766 1* May 11*98 Sidonius, C. Sollius Modestus Apolli- naris. Epistolae et carmina. (For Hleronymus de Asula & Joannes de Abbatlbus j 7 878 Ulderlcus Scinzenzeler & Sebastlano de Pontremoll 2U Jan. 11*93 Isocrates. Orationes. Greek 520 Paulus de Suardla 20 Dec. 11*80 Milan. Laws, statutes, etc. Statuta Mediolani 669 Chris toph Valdarfer cca.ll*75 Cavaloa, Donenico. Pungl lingua. (For Phlllppus de Lavagnla ) 21*8 1 June 11*76 Justlnus, Marcus Junlanus. Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii historias 562 1 Mar. 11*88 25 July 11*75 26 Mar. 11*81 23 Sept. 11*86 1 Mar.U*92 20 Oct. 11*99- cnot before 5 July 1500. 15 May 1500 21* May ll*90 8 July 11*91 22 Nov. 11*91 9 Nov. 11*96 c between ll*8l & 83> 31 Mar. 11*87 18 Dec. 11*87 H*7l*. 17 Apr.ll*7li 31 Mar. 11*91 3 July U*9U 10 July 11*99 223 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Tractatus quinque 992 Antonio Zaroto Vergilius Maro, Publius. Opera 105U Curtius Rufus, Qulntus. Historiae Alexandri Magni. (For Johannes de Legnano ) 309 Siraonetta, Qiovanni. Commentarii re- rum gestarum Francisci Sfortiae. .. .882 Bosso, Donate Chronica. (For the author ) 175 MODENt Dlonlgl Bertocchl Crastoni, Giovanni. Lexicon Oraeco- Latlnua 303 Martianus Cape 11a. De nuptiis Philo- logiae et Mercurii 61*9 Domlnlcus Rococlolus Niger, Franciscus. Modus episto- landl 701 Bernard de Clairvaux, Saint. Opus- cula 113 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De amicitia.256 Naples Ayolfus de Cantono Lilio, Zaccaria, Bp. Orbis brevia- rium 597 PADUA Antonlus de Avinlone Sabellico, Marco Antonio Coccio, called. De vetustate Aquileiensis patriae.. 838 Matthaeus Cerdonls Albertus de Saxonia. De proportioni- bus 12 Abano, Pietro d'. De venenis 1 Pierre Maufer Mattioli, Mattiolo. De memoria 658 Bartholomaeus de Valdezoccho Hierocles, of Alexandria. In aureos versus Pythagorae. Latin 1*76 PARMA Angelus Ugoletua Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Opuscula 73 Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius. Decla- mationea 809 Ausonius, Decimus Magnus. Opera 86 ITALY , continued . REOGIO EMILIA Bartholomaeus & Laurentius de Bruachis 6 0ct.ll*8l Boccaccio, Giovanni. Genealogiae de- orum 1?2 Franc iscus de Mazallbua 12 Nov.ll*98 Dlonysiu8 Halicarnasaenaia. Antiquita- tes Romanae . Latin 3U2 ROME Johann Besicken .15017. Zacharias, Jacobus. Inscriptionum 11- bellua +1081 Andreas Freitag .after 1* Cardulo, Francesco. Oratlo in funere Mar.ll*93 Cardlnalis Ardicini de La Porta.... 210 Bartholomaeus Guldinbeck .ca.ll*75. Lactantiua Placidus, Supposed author. Fabularum Ovidii abbreviatlo 580 8 Feb. 11*76 Thomaa Aquinas, Saint. De articulia fidei 91*5 after 29 Patrizi, Franceaco, Bp. Oratio ad*8l*. Innocentium VIII 723 Ulrich Han .before 3 Liviua, Titus. Historiae Romanae Aug. 11*70. decades 600 25 Jan. 11*77 Bible. N. T. Epistles of Paul. Latin. Enarrationes Theophylacti in Epi- stolas Sancti Pauli 150 Ulrich Han & Slmone Niccolo Chardella 12 Feb.ll*7l* Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmia- nus. Opera 575 Wolf Han cca. LU763 Jordanus Osnaburgensis. De Imperio Romano 557 ca. 11*78. Monte, Petrus de, Bp. De potestate Romani pontificis 671 Oeorg Herolt Jan. 11*81 Origenes. Contra Celsura. Latin 705 Georg Lauer cca.lU70s Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Quaestiones de duodecim quodlibet 960 Arnold Pannartz 20 Jan. 11*76 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Quaestiones diaputatae de veritate 967 ca.ll*80. .ca. 11*81-86. .11*81-87. .ca. 11*81-87. .after 9 Mar. 11*83. .after 1 Nov. 11*83. .after 1 Jan. 11*85. .ca. 11*85. .after 3 June 11*87. .ca. 11*88. .11*88-90. .11*88-90. .11*88-90. 6 Dec. 11*90 .ca. 11*90. .not before Sept. 11*92. .ca. 11*92. 3 0ct.ll*93 .ca. 11*95. .ca. 11*96-98. 11*75 .ca. 11*80. .ca. 11*83-90. .11*83-90. U* Feb. 11*85 11*85 .after 6 July 11*85. 27 Apr. 11*89 15 Oct. 11*89 .after 1 Nov. 11*89. .ca. ll*90. .ca. 11* 90-95. 221* Stephan Plannck Fieschi, Stefano, da Soncino. Senten- tiarum variationea. Latin and Ital- ian 388 Piua II, Pope. Epi8tola ad Procopium de fortuna 765 Fernandez de Santaella, Rodrigo. Ora- tio in die Parasceve anno 11*77 383 Hieronymus, Saint. Aureola 1*79 Terrassa, Pedro. Oratio de divina provide ntia 926 Capitaneia, Thomaa ex. Oratio in die Omnium Sanctorum 201 Lollio, Antonio. Oratio circumcisio- nis Dominicae . 605 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. De remediis fortuitorum 865 Tegliatius, Stephanus, Abp. Oratio coram Innocentio VIII pro die Pen- tecostes habita 918 Dares Phrygiua. De excidio Troiae historia. Latin 319 Campano, Giovanni Antonio, Bp. Oratio in Conventu Ratisponensi 199 Lollio, Antonio. Oratio circumcisio- nis Dominicae 606 Pius II, Pope. De curialium miseria.763 Mancinellus, Antonius. Thesaurus. .. .631 Isidorus, Saint, Bp. of Seville. Opuaculum de temporibus 518 Bentivoglio, Antonio Galeazzo. Oratio ad Alexandrum VI nomine Ill Defectus in Missa occurrentes 327 Imitatio Christi 509 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Quaestiones circa confessiontm 958 Coniuratlo malignorum spirituum 289 Johannes Reinhardi Phalaris, Supposed author. Epistolae. Latin 759 Eucharius Silber Samuel Marochitanus, Rabbi. Epistola contra Judaeorum errores 850 Marullua, Michael Tarchaniota. Epi- grammata 652 Paulua de Heredia. Epistola de se- cretis 721* Lull, Ramon. Ars brevis 6ll* Lull , Ramon. Janua art is 615 Dalberg, Johann von. Gratulatio Inno- centio VIII dicta 313 Torquemada, Juan de, Cardinal. Summa de ecclesia 1016 Garcia. Pedro, Bp. Determinationea magiatralea 1*11 Scoptius, Hieronymus, Bp. of Sovana. Oratio in Festo Omnium Sanctorum. . .862 Ephraem Syrua, Saint. Sermones. Latin 363 .Escobar, Andres de, Bp.. Interroga- tlones et doctrinae 367 ITALY - Rome - S liber , continued. 21* Nov. 11*92, Barbaro, Ermolao. Castigationes Pli- 13 Feb. 11*93 nianae 101* 31 Oct.lii95 Campano, Giovanni Antonio, Bp. Opera. (For Mlchele Ferno ) 196 cca. 11*95. Jacobus CerrinusT Be scansione 523 cca.ll*95> ? Tabula Christianae religionis 91ii cca. 11*97- Divisiones decern nationum totius 1500. Christianitatis 31*5 cca.1500. Coniuratio malignorum spirituum 290 cca.lSOO^ Escobar, Andres de, Bp. Modus confl- tendl 369 Konrad Sweynheyin & Arnold Panmrtt lil68 Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. De civitate Dei 63 11*70 Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. De civitate Dei 6U mot after Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firnianus. 30 Aug.. Opera 573 ll70 SCANDIANO Pellegrlno del Pasquall 4 Oasparo Crivello 12 Feb. 1500 Bojardo, Matteo Maria, conte di Scan- diano. Timone 162 TREVISO Dionigi Bertocchl & Pellegrlno del Pasquall ell* 82, Quintilianus, Marcus Fabius. Decla- mationes 808 Bernardus de Colonla 11*78 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Opera philo- sophica 867 Johannes de Hassla 21 Aug.lU76 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. De unitate intellectus 950 Hermann Liechtenstein 18 Sept. 11*77 Terentius Afer, Publius. Comoediae. . .919 Oerardus de Lisa 10 Dec. 11*78 Arte dell'abbaco 55 11 Sept. 11*92 Porcia, Jacopo, conte di. De genero- sa educatione liberorum 790 13 Oct. 11*92 Cavretto, Pietro. Anterotica 21*9 Mlchele Manzolo cnot before Juvenalis, Decimus Junius. Satyrae. 31 Aug.. Italian 570 11*80 Johannes Rubeus Vercellensls 26 Aug. 11*80 Strabo. Qeographia. Latin 897 11*83 Plinius Caecilius Secundus, C. Epl- stolae 775 cll83? Thucydides. Historia belli Pelopon- nesiacl. Latin 1005 225 10 Feb. 11*85 Platina, Bartoloneo. Vitae pontifi- cub 770 VENICE Giovanni Alviae 23 July 11*98 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Opera 1*97 cca. 11*98. Mancinellus, Antonlus. Scribendi orandique modus 630 Adam de Ambergau cca.U*71. Vergerio, Pietro Paolo, the Elder. De ingenuls moribus 101*9 11*72 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Orati ones. ...270 Qugllelmo , de Cereto, known as Anima Mia cca. 11*85. ?Bartolommeo da 11 Sonetti. Isolario. .106 20 Nov. 11*87 Durantis, Qulielmus, Bp. of Mende. Ra- tionale divinorum officiorum 359 3 Feb. 11*88 Alexandre de Villedieu. Doctrinale puerorum 19 26 June 11*88 Dionysius Nestor. Vocabularius 31*3 ll* Jan. 11*91 Sacro Bosco, Joannes de. Sphaera mundi 81*5 12 Aug. 11*91 Valerius Maximus. Facta et dicta memorabilia 1035 13 Jan. 11*93 Solinus, C. Julius. Polyhistor 885 Christoph Arnold 5 Apr. 11*76 cHugo Argentinensis. Compendium theo- logicae veritatis 1*98 tea. 11*76-78. Burley, Walter. Expositio in artem ve- terem Porphyrii et Aristotelis 192 Georgius Arrivabenus I* Feb. 11*90/91 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Opera l*9l* 2 May 11*95 Angelus Carletus de Clavasio. Summa Angelica de casibus conscientiae 3U 16 May 11*96 Caraccioli, Roberto. Opera. (For Bernar - dinus Raslna & Benedetto Fontana ). ..203 31 Dec. 1500 Rampegolo, Antonio. Figurae Bibliae..8l5 Vlncenzo Benagll 26 Jan. 11*92/ Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of 93 Hippo. Spurious and doubtful works. Sermones ad he rem i tas 83 22 Mar. 11*93 Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus. Opera 578 Bernardinus Benalius 23 Aug. 11*83 Foresti, Jacopo Filippo, da Bergamo. Supplement chronicarum 399 15 Dec. 11*86 Foresti, Jacopo Filippo, da Bergamo. Supplementing chronicarum *J*00 .ca. 11*88. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De officiis..262 cca. 11*90. Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Spurious and doubtful works. Eplstolae pulcherrimae 78 30 May 11*92 Bernard de Clairvaux, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works. Modo bene Vi- vendi 118 cnot before Oiustiniani, Bernardo. Historia de 31 Jan. origine urbis Venetiarum 1*31 11*92/93. 226 ITALY - Venice - Benalius , continued . 1* Aug. 11*93 Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Explanatio Psalmorum 69 cafter 5 Ovidius Naso, Publius. Metamorpho- Sept.ll*93 ses 713 30 May ll9l* Bernard de Clairvaux, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works. Modo bene Vi- vendi 119 31 May 11*97 Eusebius Pamphili, Bp. of Caesarea. De evangelica praeparatione. Latin. 375 Bernardinus Benalius & Matteo Capcasa 3 Mar . 1U91 Dante Alighieri . La Commedla 318 Simon Bevilaqua 26 June 1U93 Tibullus , Albius . Elegiae 1006 31 Jan.ll*93/9l Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. Pharsalia. . 608 25*9U Lucianus, of Saraosata. Opera se- lecta. Latin 610 17 Oct. 11*95 Bernard de Clairvaux, Saint. Opus- cula 115 eca.lli96/97> Juvenalis, Decimus Junius. Satyrae.,567 20 Feb. 11*97 Vergilius Maro, Publius. Opera 1056 1* Apr. 11*97 Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus. Opera 579 8 July 11*97 Cvidius Naso, Publius. Metamorpho- ses 711* 3 Aug.lU97 Cleonides. Harmonicum introducto- rium. Latin 279 8 May U*98 Bible. Latin. 11*98. Vulgate. Biblia Latina U*6 20 Oct.lU98 Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus. Pharsalia. .609 17 Sept.lU99 Plautus, Titus Maccius. Comoediae. ..771* 23 Oct. 11*99 Sacro Bosco, Joannes de. Sphaera mundi 81*7 lU Dec. 11*99 Herbarius. Herbarius Latinus 1*67 Thomas de Blavis 25 N0V.U48I Diodorus Siculus. Bibliothecae histo- ricae libri VI. Latin 335 12 June 11*82 Martialis, Marcus Valerius. Epi- grammata 61*5 28 June 11*81* Biondo, Flavio. Historiarum ab incli- natione Romanorum Imperii decades.. 151 Ma nf re do de Bonello cca. 11*95* cEscobar, Andres de, Bp.a Interro- gationes et doctrinae 368 li Dec. 11*97 Bonaventura, Saint, Cardinal. Spuri- ous and doubtful works. Meditatio- nes vitae Christi 171 Manfredo Bonello & Georgio Rusconi 1 Oct. 1500 Valla, Lorenzo. Elegantiae linguae Latinae 101*0 Andreas Calabrensis 15 Sept. 11*81* Qambilioni, Angelo dei. Tractatus de maleficiis 1*10 13 Dec. 11*89 Sfortunato, Lodovico. Rime 877 Matteo Capcasa 17 May 11* 91* Caterina da Siena, Saint. Libro della divina dottrina. (For Lucantonio Giunta) 218 19 Dec.ll*9l* Canales, Joannes. De coelesti vita. (For Olrolamo Biondo ) 200 23 Nov. 11*95 Plautus, Titus Maccius. Comoediae. .. .773 Bernardinus Celerius ll*83 Mezzo, Tommaso. Epirota 668 Johannes de Colonia & Johannes Manthen 23 Sept.ll*7l* Antoninus, Saint, Abp. of Florence. De censuris 36 21* Dec.ll*7l* Festus, Sextus Pompeius. De verborum signif icatione 381* ll*7l* Antonius, Saint, Abp. of Florence. Confessionale 35 11*75 Leonardus Matthaei de Utino. Sermones de Sanctis 586 11*76 Caraccioli, Roberto. Sermones quadra- gesimales de poenitentia 206 11*76 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Quaestiones de duodecira quodlibet 963 11*77 Bonaventura, Saint, Cardinal. Brevi- loquim 166 27 Aug.ll*78 Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus. Opera 576 20 July 11*80 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summae theo- logicae secundae partis pars se- cunda 98O Bernardino di Cuori & Simon de Luere 5 Oct. 11*90 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Opera philo- sophioa 868 13 Aug. 11*91 Plato. Opera. Latin. (For Andreas Torre sanus ) 772 29 Nov. 11*91 Terentius Afer, Publius. Comoediae. . .920 Lucas Domlnici 1* Dec. U*83 Cyprianus, Saint, Bp. of Carthage. Opera 312 Johannes Emericus de Spira (For Lucantonio Giunta ) 25 May ll*9l* Lyra, Nicolaus de. Postilla super Epistolas 620 13 Apr. 1500 Joannes Franciscus Brixianus, Compiler. Regulae SS. Benedict!, Basilii, Au- gustini, Francisci 5U8 Giacomo da Fivizzano cca.ll*77 Colaccio, Matteo. De fine oratoris. ..280 Hannibal Foxius et Socll 22 Mar. 11*86 Petrus Lombardus, Bp. of Paris. Sen- tentiarum libri IV. (For Franciscus de Madils) 755 227 ITALY - Venlce , continued . Hannibal Foxlus & Marlnus Saracenua 31 May 1U86 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Quaestlones de duodecim quodlibet. (For Franclscua de Madlis ) 961* Nlkolaus von Frankfurt 30*87 Angelus Carletus de Clavasio. Summa Angelica de casibus conscientiae. . . .30 Paul Frledenperger 21* Mar. 11*93 Augustinus Oloraucensls. Dlalogus in defensionem poetices 60 Nicolaus Glrardengus 10 Mar.ll*80 Cicero, Harcus Tullius. Orationes. . .271 Giovanni de ' Gregorl et Socii 18 June 11(82 Valerius Maximus. Facta et dicta me- morabilia 103U Giovanni & Oregorlo de ' Qregori 9 Aug. 11*82 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Tusculanae disputationes 275 13 Sept. 11*92 Petrarca, Francesco. Eplstolae fami- liares 7U3 Qlovanni de ' Qregori 4 Giacomo Brltannlcl 17 July 11*83 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De inven- tione 259 Johannes Hamman 31 Oct. 11*92 Alfonso X, el Sabio, King of Castile and Leon. Tabulae astronomicae 21 13 Dec.ll*9l* Lyra, Nicolaus de. Postilla super Epistolas. (For Ottaviano Scoto )...621 31 Aug. lh 96 Ptolemaeus, Claudius^ Epytoma in Almagestum 802 Johann Herbort 15 June ll*8l Innocentius IV, Pope. Apparatus super llbros Decretalium. (For Johannes de Colonla , Nicolas Jenson, et Soci 1 )75*13 2U June ll*8l Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Super quarto libro Sententiarum. (For Johannes de Colonla , Nicolas Jenson , et So- cii)...... 990 30 Apr.U*81* Bible. Latin. 11*81*. Vulgate. Biblia Utina 139 Nicolas Jenson 11*70 Justinus, Marcus Junlanus. Epitomae in Trogi Pompeii historias 56l 21 May 11*71 Qulntilianus, Marcus Fabius. Insti- tutiones oratoriae 810 11*71 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Eplstolae ad familiares 267 11*71 Tortelli, Giovanni. Orthographia. . .1018 11*72 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Tusculanae disputationes 271* 11*73 Sollnus, C. Julius. Polyhlstor 881* 2 Oct. 11*75 Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. De civitate Dei 65 cca.ll*75> Diomedes. Ars grammatics 3U0 11*77 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summae theolo- gicae pars prima 972 23 Sept. 11*79 cMarchesini, Giovanni* Mammotrectus super Bibliam 61*0 13 June 11*80 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summa contra gentiles 970 Zacharlas KalllergSs 8 July 11*99 Etymologicum magnum. For Nikolaos Blastos & Anna Notaras ) 370 Johannes Leovller 11*86 Imitatio Chrlsti. (For Franclscus de Madlia ) 506 Jacques Le Rouge 12 Feb. 11*76 Bruni, Leonardo Aretlno. Historiae Florentini populi. Italian 186 8 Mar.ll*76 Pogglo-Bracciolini. Hlstoria Floren- tina. Italian 781 Hermann Liechtenstein 21 Sept.U*81* Ovidius Naso, Publius. Opera 716 12 Sept. 11*86 Rainerus de Plsis. Pantheologia 8ll* 26 Apr. 11*90 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Super tertio libro Sententiarum 986 7 Sept. 11*90 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Opuscula 955 Hermann Liechtenstein & Johannes Hamman 1* Sept. 11*82 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Catena aurea super quattuor Evangelistas 937 Boneto Locate 111 (For Ottaviano Scoto ) 21* Dec. 11*89 Boethius. De consolatione phlloso- phiae 157 18 Dec. 11*90 Diogenes Laertius. Vitae et sententiae philosophorum. Latin 337 18 May 11*92 Silius Italicus, Tiberius Catius. Pu- nica 879 30 Apr. 11*93 Valerius Maximus. Facta et dicta me- morabilia 1036 13 Nov. 11*91* Gellius, Aulus. Noctes Atticae 1*13 23 Feb. Boccaccio, Giovanni. Genealogiae de- H*9l*/95 orum 153 18 Sept. 11*95 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Expositio In llbros Posterlorum 951 21 Feb. Priscianus, of Caesarea. Opera 793 11*96/97 23 May 11*97 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Super quarto libro Sententiarum 991 16 Dec. 11*97 YunannS ibn Sarbiyun, the Elder. Bre- viariun medicinae 1080 228 ITALY- Venice - Locatelll , continued . ll* Feb. Guainerio, Antonio. Opera medica. . ..1*1*3 11*97/98 ll* June ll*98 Boethius. De consolatione philoso- phiae 159 22 Dec. 11*98 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Commentaria in omnes Epis tolas Sancti Pauli 9U1 22 Dec. 11*98 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Expositio super libros De generatione _ Aristotelis 953 31 Dec. 11*98 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Opuscula 956 Peter LcSsleln 11*83 Imitatio Christi 505 Franclscus Lucensls & Antonius Franclsci 29 Mar. 11*99 Mutius, Macarius. De triumpho Christi 673 Simon de Luere I* Sept. 1500 Bur ley, Walter. Expositio in Aristo- telis Ethica Nicomachaea. (For Andreas Torresanus) 191 Otlnus de Luna 28 Sept. 11*96 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Expositio in libros Posteriorum Aristotelis. (For Alexander Calcedonius ) 952 1500 Ficino, Marsilio. De Christiana re- ligione 385 Bernhard Maler , Erhard Ratdolt & Peter Loslein lii?6 Mueller, Johannes, Regioraontanus. Ca- lendarium 672 1U77 Appianus, of Alexandria. Historia Romana . Latin 38 11*77 Cippico, Coriolano. Petri Mocenici imperatoris gesta 277 Sebastiano Manillo & Stefano & Bernardino di Nalli lli Apr.ll*9l* Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Epistolae ad Lucillium. Italian 866 Aldo Pio Manuzio 28 Feb. Lascaris, Constantinus . Erotemata. ll*9l*/95 Greek and Latin 581 cnot before 8 Mar. 11*95, 25 Dec. 11*95 Gaza, Theodorus. Grammatica intro- ductiva. Greek 1*12 Feb. 11*95/96 Theocritus. Idyllia. Greek 930 1 Nov.ll*95- Aristoteles. Opera. Greek 1*2 June 1U98 Aug.ll*96 Thesaurus. Cornu copiae et horti Adonidis . Greek 931 Sept. 11*97 Jamblichus, of Chalcis. De mysteriis Aegyptiorum. Latin 5UU Dec. 11*97 Crastoni, Giovanni. Lexicon Graeco- Latinum 302 Jan. 11*97/98 Bolzanio, Urbano. Institutiones Graecae grammat icae 16U 15 July lii98 Aristophanes. Comoediae novem. Greek Ul July 11*98 Poliziano, Angelo. Opera 781* c29, Mar. -cnot Epistolae diversorum philosophorum, before 17 oratorum, et rhetorum. Greek 365 Apr., 11*99 Dec. 11*99 Colonna, Francesco. Hypnerotomachia Poliphili 283 11*99 Firmicus Maternus, Julius. De nati- vitatibus #396 Dec. 1500 Lucretius Cams, Titus. De rerum natura 6ll Damlanus de Medlolano 21 June U*93 Vergerio, Pietro Paolo, the Elder. De ingenuis mor ibus 1050 cca.ll*9l*> Sabellico, Marco Antonio Cocclo, called. De situ urbis Venetae 837 Antonio Miscominl 22 Jan. 11*76 Hieronymus, Saint. Epistolae 1*80 cnot after Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of 11*83. Hippo. De civitate Dei. Italian.... 67 Reynaldus de Movimagio ll* June 11*80 Gregorius I, the Great, Saint, Pope. Moralia 1*38 6 June 11*83 Plinius Secundus, C. Historia natu- ralis 776 cca. 11*86-883 Dandolo, Fantino. Compendium catho- licae fidei 3U* Hieronymus de Paganinis 13 Dec. 11*92 Gregorius I, the Great, Saint, Pope. Pastorale 1*1*1 7 Sept. 11*97 Bible. Latin. 11*97. Vulgate. Biblia Latina #11*1* Jacobus de Paganinis 15 Mar. 11*91 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De officiis.263 Paganlnus de Paganinis (See also Printer of Cassianua ' De instltutls coenobiorum ' ) 26 May 11*87 Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Spurious and doubtful works. Sermones ad heremitas 81 ll* May 11*89 Perotti, Niccolo, Abp. of Siponto. Cornucoplae linguae Latinae 729 21 Dec. 11*99 Trovamala, Qiovanni Battista. Summa casuum conscientiae 1030 Pellegrlno dei Pa squall ll* Mar. 11*93 Gregorius I, the Great, Saint, Pope. Homiliae super Evangeliis 1*36 11 Feb. 11*93/ Mayronis, Franjois de. Sermones de 9l* Sanctis 660 ITALY - Venice - Pasquall , continued . 6 June lii9U Bruni, Leonardo Aretino. Aquila Tolante 181* 18 Aug.lli9U Qulntillanus, Marcus Fablus. Insti- tutiones oratoriae 811 Pellegrlno del Pasquall 4 Dlonlgl Bertocchl 10 Sept. 11*81* Persius Flaccus, Aulus. Satyrae 736 Bartholomaeus Peluslus , Gabrlele Braccl, Giovanni Blssoli 4 Benedetto Manglo U*98 Ficino, Harsilio. De triplici vita.. 386 Chris tophorus de Pe rials 1* Apr. 11*89 Sulpitius, Joannes Verulanus. De arte grammatica 907 1* June LU91 Diomedes . Ars grammatica 3Ul eU*9U-l500a Fortunatianus, Chirius. Rhetorica .. .1*03 elU9U-l?00 3 Sallustlus Crispus, C. Opera 81*9 1* Nov. 11*95 Perotti, Niccolo, Abp. of Siponto. Rudimenta grammatlces 73U 1* June 11*96 Mancinellus, Antonius. Scribendi orandlque modus 629 10 Feb.U*97 Savonarola, Giovanni Michele. De pulslbus 853 ell*98-l500> Fortunatianus, Chirius. Rhetorica. ..1*01* cll)98-l500> Isocrates. Oratio de laudibus Helenae. Latin 521 1 Mar.U499 Dictys Cretensis. Historia Trolana. Latin 332 6 Not. 1500 Vergilius, Polydorus. Proverblorum libellus 1051 20 Nov. 1500 Appianus, of Alexandria. Historia Roraana. Latin 39 Jacobus Pentius 12 Nov. 11*96 Vincentius Ferrerius, Saint. Sermones de Sanctis. (For Lazarus de Soar - dis) 1061* 6 Sept.ll*99 Baptista Mantuanus. De patientia 100 Filippo di Pietro rca.U*75 Nicoletti, Paolo. Logica 685 11*79 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De inven- tion 258 cca.ll*80> Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Topica 273 Gabrlele di Pietro 12 Sept.lli76 Hieronymus, Saint. Legend. Vita et transitus Sancti Hleronymi. Ital- ian 1*83 cca.lU76> Accursius, Bonus. Compendium Ele- gantiarum Laurentli Vallae 3 cbetween 15 Morula, Oiorgio. Enarrationes Saty- Mar. & 6 rarum Juvenalis 667 May,Uj78 Phllippu s Plncius 29 Mar.lU91 Martlalis, Marcus Valerius. Epigram- ma ta 61*7 229 cca.lU95> ?Sulpitius, Joannes Verulanus. Da arte grammatica 908 cca.ll(95> ?Sulpitius, Joannes Verulanus. De verauum scansions 910 11*96 Dionysius Nestor. Vocabularius 3UU 22 Mar. 11*97 Tacitus, Cornelius. Opera. (For Benedetto Fontana ) 916 13 July U*98 7Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Opera. .. .U96 19 Mar. 1500 Prise ianus, of Caesarea. Opera 79I* 12 Sept. 1500 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Rhetorica ad C. Herenniua 272 Printer of Basllius 'De Vita solitaria* cca. 11*71-72 j Varro, Marcus Terentius. De lingua Latin* 101*1 Printer of Casslanus ' De lnstitutis coenoblorum ' ( Paganinus de Paganlnls 7") 11*91 Cassianus, Joannes. De lnstitutis coenoblorum 212 Printer of Domltius Calderlnua cca.ll*76-77> Calderino, Domizio. Commentarii in Juvenalem 195 Printer of Duns Scotus ' Quaestlones , ' 11*72 cca.ll*7l*j Dati, Agostino. Elegantlolae 320 Printer of Pomponius Mela cca.ll*78 Varro, Marcus Terentius. De lingua Latina 101*2 Printer of the 11*80 Martlalis 1 July 11*80 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Epistolae ad faniliares 268 Printer of the 11*80 Valla 11*80 Suetonius Tranquillus, C. Vitae XII Caesarum 900 11*80 Valla, Lorenzo. Elegantiae linguae Latinae 1037 Petrus de Qua re ng lis 21* Jan. 11*92/ Suso, Heinrich. Horologium aeternae 93 sapientiae 913 1 Feb. 11*97/ Bonaventura, Saint, Cardinal. Spurious 98 and doubtful works. Dlaeta salu- tis 170 23 June 11*98 Nicoletti, Paolo. Logica 686 25 July 11*98 Paulus Pergulensis. Compendium lo- gicae 726 20 Aug. 11*99 Dominicus de Flandria. Quaestlones in commentaria Thomae de Aquino super Metaphysicis Aristotelis. (For Ale - xander Calcedonlus ) 31*6 Petrus de Quarengila 4 Giovanni Maria di Occlmlano 23 Apr. 11*93 Imltatio Christ! 508 230 ITALY - Venice , continued . Glacomo de Ragazone 10 Apr.ll*9l Niger, Franciscus. Modus episto- landi 702 21* Mar.ll97 Bernard de Clairvaux, Saint. Spurious and doubtful works. Modus bene Vi- vendi. Italian 120 Bartholomaeus de Ragazonibus 10 Nov. 11*92 Ovidius Naso, Publius. Epistolae Heroides 709 17 Jan. 11*92/ Persius Flaccus, Aulus. Satyrae 738 93 Theodorus de Ragazonibus 21 Apr.lcU=90 Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus. Opera 577 13 July 11*90 Caesar, C. Julius. Coramentarii 191* 16 June 11*91 Juvenalis, Decimus Junius. Satyrae.. $65 28 June ll*97 Bruni, Leonardo Aretino. Aquila volante 185 Giovanni Ragazzo 7 Dec. 11*91 Plutarchus. Vitae illustrium virorum. Latin. (For Lucantonlo Giunta) 779 Erhard Ratdolt 25 May 11*82 Euclides. Elementa geometriae. Latin 371 18 July LU82 Mela, Pomponius. Cosmographia 662 30 Nov. 11*82 Publicio, Jacopo. Artes orandi 803 13 Sept.U*83 Eusebius Pamphili, Bp. of Caesarea. Chronicon. Latin 371* 28 May 11*81* Rolevinck, Werner. Fasciculus tem- porum 826 22 Jan.ll*85 Hyginus, Mythographer. Poeticon astronomicon 503 31 Jan. 11*85 Publicio, Jacopo. Artes orandi 801* cbefore U 'Abd al-'AzIz ibn 'Uthraan, al-KablsI. Nov. >ll*85 Libellus isagogicus 2 cbefore 1* cFirmin de Beauval* Prognosticon. . . .397 Nov..lU85 cbefore It Sacro Bosco, Joannes de. Sphaera Nov.3lU85 mundi 81*3 8 Dec. 11*85 Durantis, Gulielmus, Bp. of Mende. Rationale divinorum officiorum 357 Franz Renner 11*72 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Quaestiones # de anima 959 11*82/83 Bible. Latin. 11*82-83. Vulgate. Biblla Latina 137 11*83 Bible. Latin. 11*83. Vulgate. Biblia Latina 138 " '*83 cMarchesinl, Giovannii Mamraotrectus super Bibliam 61*1 Franz Renner & Nicolaus von Frankfurt 11* 71* Nicolaus, of Osimo. Supplementum Surnmae Pisanellae 683 #lU78 Dionysius Perie{etes. De situ orbis 3hk* 11*75 Bible. Latin. 11*75. Vulgate. Biblia Latina 132 11*75 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summae theo- logicae secundae partis pars se- cunda 978 11*76 cMarchesini, Giovanni> Mammotrectus super Bibliam 639 11*76 Nicolaus, of Osimo. Supplementum Summae Pisanellae 681* cll*763 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summa contra gentiles 969 Theodorus de Reynsburch & Reynaldus de Novimaglo 30 Mar. 11*78 Petrarca, Francesco. Sonetti e can- zoni 71*7 Bernardino Rizzo 11*86/87 Ovidius Naso, Publius. Opera 717 li*90 Petrus Lombardus, Bp. of Paris. Sen- tentiarum librl quattuor 757 c 11*90* Duns, Joannes, Scotus. Quodlibeta. ..353 8 Oct. ll*91 Foresti, Jacopo Filippo, da Bergamo. Supplementum chronicarum. Italian. 1*02 20 Jan. 11*91/ Mayronis, Fran5ois de. Sermones ab 92 Adventu 659 15 Feb. 11*92/ Foresti, Jacopo Filippo, da Bergamo. 93 Supplementum chronicarum 1*01 Johannes Roscius 20 Nov. 11*92 Mancinellus, Antonius. Epitoma seu Regulae cons true tionis 628 Johannes Lucilius Santritter & Hieronymus de Sanctis 31 Mar. 11*88 Sacro Bosco, Joannes de. Sphaera mundi 81*1* Marinus Saracenus 20 Dec. 11*87 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De officiis.26l Ottaviano Scoto 11*81 Bible. Italian. 11*81. Biblia. Ital- ian 130 3 June 11*82 Maius, Junianus. De priscorum pro- prietate verborum 621* 30 July 11*83 Orosius, Paulus. Historiae adversus paganos 707 2 Sept. 11*83 Nonius Marcellus. De proprietate Latini sermonis 703 12 Dec. 11*83 Jacobus de Varagine. Legenda aurea.,532 ll* Feb. 11*83- Vitae Patrum. Vitae Sanctorum Pa- 81* trum 1068 11*83/81* Caprioli, Jean. Quaestiones in IV libros Sententiarum 202 Joannes Baptlsta Sessa 8 Feb. 11*99/ Valla, Lorenzo. Elegantiae linguae 1500 Latinae 1039 231 ITALY - Venlce , continued . Domlnlcus de Siliprandis cca. 11*77. Plutarchus. Quaestiones Romanae. Latin 778 Vindelinus de Splra cca. 11*70. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De oratore..265 11*71 Plutarchus. Apophthegmata. Latin 777 cca.]ii71> Curtius Rufus, Quintus. Historiae Alexandri Magni 308 11*72 Lactantius, Lucius Caecilius Firmianus. Opera 57U Tacitus, Cornelius. Opera 915 11*77 Dante Alighieri. La Commedia 315 Bernardinus Stagnlnus 10 Apr. 11*86 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summae theo- logicae tertia pars 982 lli 86 Horatius Flaccus, Quintus. Opera.... 1*93 16 Sept. 11*95 Corpus juris civilis. Codex. Codex Justinianus 296 Antonius de Stanchis , Olacomo Britannicl , et Socll 21* Mar.ll*8l Spiera, Ambrogio. Quadragesimale de floribus sapient iae 893 Antonius de Strata 1* Dec. 11*81* Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summae theo- logicae pars prima 973 21 June 11*86 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Super primo libro Sententiarum 981* 25 Oct. 11*88 Avienus, Rufus Festus. Opera 88 Giovanni Tacuino cafter 8 May Pro Monte pietatis consilia 796 H*92 20 Sept. 11*93 Silius Itallcus, Tiberius Catius. Punica 880 11 Dec. 11*93 Mancinellus, Antonius. Carmen de floribus 626 17 July ll*9l* Curtius Rufus, Quintus. Historiae Alexandri Magni 310 28 Jan.ll*9l*/ Juvenalis, Decimus Junius. Satyrae..566 95 ll* Feb.ll*9l*/ Persius Flaccus, Aulus. Satyrae 739 95 19 Dec. 11*95 Tortelli, Giovanni. Orthographia. . .1021 20 Sept. 11*96 Diodorus Siculus. Bibliothecae hi- storical libri VI. Latin 336 11 May ll*97 Mancinellus, Antonius. Carmen de floribus 627 12 June 11*97 Ovidius Naso, Publius. Fasti 711 3 Aug. 11*97 Donatus, Aelius. Ars minor. (Rudi- menta grammatices: Donatus melior) . 351 7 Apr. 11*98 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Tragoediae. .869 26 Mar. 11*99 Ovidius Naso, Publius. Tristia 718 20 Apr. 11*99 Probus, Marcus Valerius. De inter- pretandis Romanorum litteris 798 1* Nov. 11*99 Persius Flaccus, Aulus. Satyrae 7l0 13 Feb. 1500/ Lyra, Nlcolaus de. Postilla super 01 Epistolas. (For Bernard inus Stag - nlnus ) +622 cafter 15007. Ovidius Naso, Publius. De arte amandi 708 Andreas Torresanua 16 Sept. 11*88 Bartolus de Saxoferrato. Super prima parte Digesti novi 107 27 Sept. 11*88 Caraccioli, Roberto. Sermones quad- ragesimales de peccatis 205 26 Mar. 11*91 Corpus juris civilis. Digesta. Di- gestum vetus. Digestum vetus *298 11 Apr. 11*96 Gregorius I, the Great, Saint, Pope. Moralia 1*1*0 1* Mar. 11*98 Catholic Church. Pope, 1227-121*1 (Gregorius EC). Decretales 233 Andreas Torresanus et Socll 13 Aug. 11*85 Livius, Titus. Historiae Romanae decades. Italian 602 Andreas Torresanus & Thomas de Blavls 17 Apr. 11*86 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Catena aurea super quattuor Evangelistas 938 Baptlsta de Tortla U* Mar.U*82 Persius Flaccus, Aulus. Satyrae 735 15 July 11*82 Martialis, Marcus Valerius. Epi- grammata 61*6 21* Dec. 11*82 Ovidius Naso, Publius. Fasti 710 31 Mar. 11*81* Leto, Giulio Pomponio. Grammatlcae compendium 592 28 Aug. 11*86 Valla, Lorenzo. Elegantiae linguae Latinae 1038 1, 15 Apr. Catholic Church. Pope, 129U-1303 (Boni- ll*9U facius VIII). Liber sextus Decre- tal! 236 3 June-5 Baldo degli Ubaldi. Super I-EC Co- Sept. 11*96 dicis 93 29 July 11*96 Corpus juris civilis. Codex. Codex Justinianus 297 3 Nov. 11*97 Corpus juris civilis. Volumen parvum. Volumen parvum 300 5, 10 Sept. Catholic Church. Pope, 129U-1303 (Boni- 1500 facius VIII). Liber sextus Decre- taliun 237 Chrlstoph Valdarfer 11*71 Servlus, Grammarian. Commentarii in Vergilii opera 876 cafter 11*71. 7Donatus, Aelius. Ars minor, pars 2 et 3 31*8 Bernardinus Venetua de Vltalibus 11*98 Polybius. Historiae. Latin 788 23 Apr. 11*99 Leto, Giulio Pomponio. Romanae histo- riae compendium 593 18-23 July Dio Chrysostomus. De Troia non 11*99 capta. Latin 333 232 ITALY- Venice -B. Venetus de Vital ibus , continued . 12 Dec. 1500 Leto, Oiulio Pomponio. Romanae histo- rlae compendium 59U cafter 1500j Kanuale divinura 637 Bernardlnus & Matthaeus Venetus de Vltalibus 31 Mar. 11*98 Sabellico, Marco Antonio Coccio, called. Enneades ab orbe condito 81*0 Albertinus Vercelle naia 1 Dec. 1500 Terentius Afer, Publius. Comoediae . . 92U Joannes Rube us Vercellensis 23 Oct. 11*86 Josephus, Flavius. Opera. Latin. (For Ottaviano Scoto ) 560 23 Feb. 11*90 Maius, Junianus. De priscorum proprie- tate verborum 625 15 July 11*90 Scriptores historiae Augustae 863 cca. 11*90-95= Dati, Agostino. Elegantiolae 323 1 Jan. 11*93 Eyb, Albrecht von, Compiler. Margarita poetica 360 cbefore 1* Justinus, Marcus Junianus. Epitomae Apr.ll*9U in Trogi Ponpeii historias 563 21* Apr.ll*9U Strabo. Geographia. Latin 898 29 Apr.U*9l* Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Catena aurea super Evangelia 93U 7 Jan., 12 Hleronymus, Saint. Epistolae 1*81 July 11*96 10 Mar. 11*98 Solinus, C. Julius. Polyhistor 886 Georg Walch 11*79 cRolevinck, Werners Fasciculus tem- porum 821* Leonardu3 Wild 18 Mar. 11*78 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Super quarto libro Sententiarum 988 11*79 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summae theolo- gicae secundae partis pars secunda.979 ll*8l Antoninus, Saint, Abp. of Florence. Summa theologica. Part 1* 37 Bartholomaeus de Zanls 23 Dec. U* 91 Imitatio Christi. Italian 510 28 Feb. 11*92 TOvidlus Naso, Publius. Metamorphoses. (For Ottaviano Scoto ) 712 20 June 11*98 Livius, Titus. Historiae Romanae decades 601 9 Aug. 11*98 Aristoteles. De animalibus. Latin. (For Ottaviano Scoto ) 1*3 23 Jan. 11*98/ Cicero, Marcus Tullius. De officiis.261* 99? 17 July 11*99 Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Tusculanae disputationes 276 10 Nov. 1500 Eusebius Pamphili, Bp. of Caesarea. De evangelica praeparatione . Latin.... 376 Venice . Unidentified Printer 8 Sept. 11*80 Perottl, Niccolo, Abp. of Siponto. Rudimenta grammatices 731 # 3 11*80 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Commentum in octo libros Physicorum Aristotelis.9l*3 15 Dec. 11*81 Priscianus, of Caesarea. Opera. (For Michele Manzolo ) 792 ca.ll*97> Sabellico, Marco Antonio Coccio, cal- led. Entendationes, seu Annotationes in Plinium 839 ca.U*99 Polucci, Giovanni Maria. Vita S. Albert! de Drepano 786 VERONA Pierre Maufer 25 Dec. 11*80 Josephus, Flavius. De bello Judaico Latin 558 VICENZA Leonardo Achates & Guglielmo da Pavia 13 May 11*91 Euclides. Elementa geometriae. Latin 372 Phlllppus Albinus 1 Dec. 11*77 Vegius, Mapheus. Vocabula ex jure civili excerpta 101*6 Simon Bevilaqua cca.ll*90j Ars moriendi. Ars moriendi. Italian. .51 Jacobus de Dusa 27 May 11*82 Claudianus, Claudius. Opera 278 Stephan Koblinger 13 Jan. 11*79 Tortelli, Giovanni. Orthographia. . .1019 Hermann Liechtenstein 13 Sept. 11*75 Ptolemaeus, Claudius. Cosmographia. Latin 801 cca.ll*75 Orosius, Paulus. Historiae adversus paganos 706 12 May 11*77 Andreae, Antonius. Quaestiones super XII libros Metaphysicae Aristotelis. (For Nicolaus Petri ) 25 11*78 Durantis, Gulielmus, Bp. of Mende. Ra- tionale divinorum officiorum 355 10 May, 12 Ovidius Naso, Publius. Opera 715 Aug. 11*80 31 Oct. 11*80 Tortelli, Giovanni. Orthographia. . .1020 Printer of Chrysoloras ' Erotemata ' cca.ll*75 Chrysoloras, Manuel. Erotemata. Greek and Latin 251* Giovanni del Reno 22 Dec. 11*76 ?Leonicenus, Omnibonus. Commentum in Ciceronis Oratorem 589 Oct.Ui89 Bruto, Pietro, Bp. Victoria con- tra Judaeos 187a 233 ITALY- Vicenza, continued . Henricus de Sane to Urslo 21 Sept., 16 Tiene, Gaetano. Expositio in Aristo- 0ct.LU86 telem Ob anima 1007 23 Apr.ll*87 Tiene, Gaetano. Recollectae super Physica Aristotelis 1006 9 Aug. lii 88 Apuleius Madaurensis. Opera 1*0 16 Dec.U*98 Martianus Capella. De nuptiis Phi- lologiae et Mercurii 6U8 ITALY. UNIDENT IKIED CITY Printer of Platea ' Opus restitutionum ' cnot after Platea, Franciscus de. Opus resti- 11*72. tutionum 768 SWEDEN NETHERLANDS See BELGIUM; HOLLAND SPAIN BARCELONA Carles Amoros cl5~> ?Spain. Sovereigns, etc., Il*79-l50l (Ferdinand V and Isabella I). Fer- dinandus .ij. Rex +888 Pedro Brun & Nlcolaus Spindeler 18 Dec. 11*78 Thomas Aquinas. Saint. Commentum in libros Politicorum Aristotelis 91*2 SALAMANCA Printer of Nebris3ensls ' Gramatlca ' .17 Apr.. 11*98 Mela, Pomponius. Cosmographia 663 SEVILLE Paulus de Colonia et Socii 12 Mar. 11*91 Lull, Ramon. Spurious and doubtful works. De conceptione B. V. Mariae. (For Martlnus Almodovar ) 6l6 Alfonso del Puerto 111 82 Valera, Diego de. Cronica de EspaBa. (For Michael Dachauer & Garcia del Castillo )... 1033 ZARAGOZA Paul Hurus & Juan Blanco tea. 11*82. Torquemada, Juan de, Cardinal. Expo- sitio super toto Psalterio 1012 STOCKHOLM Johannes Fabrl 18 July Hi95 Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Breviary. Breviarium Strengense..*220 Johannes & Anna Fabrl 30 Sept. 11*96 Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Breviary. Breviarium Upsalense. . .*221 Bartholomaeus Ohotan 11*87 Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Missal. Missale Strengense *229 Johann Snel ca. 11*81*. 7Catholic Church. Liturgy and ritual. Missal. Missale Upsalense *230 11*80 .ca.ll*80. 13 Dec. 11*81 11*81 11*82 cnot after 11*81*= 11*85 .11*85. 11* June 11*86 .11*87-88, 11*87-88 .not after 11*88, ca. 11*89. 13 Feb. 11* 90 cca.U*90. .not after 11*90, 11*91 11*91 SWITZERLAND BASEL Johann Amerbach Reuchlin, Johann. Vocabularius bre- viloquus 821 Sulpitius, Joannes Verulanus. De arte grammatica 901* Vincent de Beauvais. Opuscula 1060 Bible. Latin. ll*8l. Vulgate. Biblia Latina 135 Bible. Latin. ll*82. Vulgate. Biblia Utina 136 Torquemada, Juan de, Cardinal. Quae- stiones Evangeliorum 1011* Sermones thesauri novi de Sanctis. .. .873 Jacobus de Varagine. Sermones de tem- pore et de Sanctis 537 Catonis disticha. Cato: disticha de moribus 21*3 Diaz de Montalvo, Alonso. Reperto- rium quaestionum super Nicolaum de Tudeschis 331 Niccolo de'Tudeschi, Abp. Lectura super V llbris Decretalium 680 Dati, Agostino. Elegantiolae 322 Compendium octo partlum orationis. . . .285 Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. De civitate Dei 66 Ars oratoria 52 Bertoldus, Dominican. ZeitglcSckleln des Lebens und Leidens Christi. Latin 126 Bible. Latin. 11*91. Vulgate. Biblia Latina ll*0 Cassiodorus, Magnus Aurelius. Expo- sitio in Psalterium *213 231* SWITZERLAND - Basel - Amerbach , continued . not after Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of U*9l3 Hippo. Expositio evangelli secun- dum Johannem 70 cca.llt92j Alanus de Insulis. De maximis theo- logiae 7 ca.U*92-9l*3 Bible. Latin. 11*92-91*. Vulgate. Bi- blia Latina U*2 c after 28 Trithenius, Johannes. De scriptori- Aug.>lU9u bus ecclesiasticis 1026 ll*9l*-95 Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, Bp. of Hippo. Sermones 7U lli96 Petrarca, Francesco. Opera Latina... 7l*6 cnot after Fllelfo, Francesco. Orationes 395 H98, Johann Bergmann von Pipe 1U9U Verardi, Carlo. Historia Baetlca. ..101*8 not before Maino, Giasone dal. Oratio in matrl- 17 Apr.lJ*9U monium Maximilian! et Blancae Mariae 623 1 Aug. 11*97 Brant, Sebastian. Das Narrenschiff. Latin 181 1 Mar.lli98 Brant, Sebastian. Das Narrenschiff. Latin. *182 11*99 Thomas a Kempis. Hortulus rosarum. . .932 Martin Flach cca.lii7li3 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. De articulis fidei 9U7 cnot after Barzizza, Gasparino. Epistolae 108 U*7l*3 Johann Fro ben 11*92 Heynlin, Johann. Resolutorium dubio- rum circa celebrationem Missarum oc- currentium 1*71* 27 Oct. 11*95 Bible. Latin. ll95. Vulgate. Biblia Latina 11*3 Johann Froben & Johann Amerbach 7 Oct. 1500 Catholic Church. Pope, 1227-12U1 (Gre- gorius EC). Decretales 231* Johann Froben & Johann Petri 1 Dec.U*98 Bible. Latin. 11*98. Vulgate. Biblia Latina 11*7 Michael Furter ca. 11*89 3 Pius II, Pope. Historia Boheraica 767 16 Oct.lii95 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Commentaria in omnes Epistolas Sancti Pauli. (For Wolfgang Lachner ) 9l*0 15 Feb. 11*96 Gregorius I, the Great, Saint, Pope. Pastorale 1*1*2 11*96 Gregorius I, the Great, Saint, Pope. Dialogorua libri quattuor 13U 11*96 Gregorius I, the Great, Saint, Pope. Homiliae super Ezechielea 1*37 6 & 7 Mar. Ivo, Saint, Bp. of Chartres. Liber 11*99 decretorum 522 not after Barzizza, Gasparino. Epistolae 109 11*99* after 1500 Passio Domini Jesu Christi secundum quattuor Evangelia 722 Nlcolaus Kesler 28 Feb.? Petrus Lombardus, Bp. of Paris. Sen- 11*86 tentiarum libri quattuor 75U 25 Aug. 11*86 Catonis disticha. Cato: disticha de moribus 21*1* 22 Sept. 11*88 Petrus Lombardus, Bp. of Paris. Sen- tentiarum libri quattuor 756 cca. 11*883 Johannes Nivicellensis , Abbot. Concor- dantiae Bibliae et Canonum 551 18 Feb. 11*92 Petrus Lombardus, Bp. of Paris. Sen- tentiarum libri quattuor 758 11*96 Gregorius I, the Great, Saint, Pope. Moralia 1*39 cca.ll*96j Margarita Decretalium. Annotationes.61*3 Bernhard Rlchel cca.lii75= Albertus Magnus, Saint, Bp. of Ratisbon. Spurious and doubtful works. Sermo- nes de Eucharistiae sacramento 17 Bernhard Rlchel & Michael Wenssler 11*75 Caraccioli, Roberto. Sermones quadra- gesimales de poenitentia 207 Berthold Ruppel cca.ll*703 Konrad Ton Mure. Fabularius 572 not after Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summae theo- 11*71*3 logicae secundae partis pars se- cunda 977 Berthold Ruppel & Michael Wenssler cnot after Caraccioli, Roberto. Sermones quad- 11*793 ragesimales de poenitentia 209 Johann Solid! c 11*73-71*73 Pius II, Pope. Da duobus amantibus Euryalo et Lucretia 761* cca. 11*71*3 Torquemada, Juan de, Cardinal. Me- dltationes 1013 Michael Wenssler ca.ll*7l*3 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. De articulis fidei 9U6 cca.ll*7U?3 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summae thee logicae tertia pars 961 not after Heinrich von Langenstein. Expos it ic- 11*71*3 nes super Orationem Dominicam 1*63 ca. 11*753 Nider, Johannes. Manuale confesso- rum 69U ca. 11*753 Speculum sapientiae 692 235 SWITZERLAND - Basel - Wenssler , continued . Iii76 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Catena aurea super quattuor Evangelistas 936 31 July 11*78 Corpus juris civilis. Institutiones . Institutiones 299 enot after Bottoni, Bernardo. Casus long! super ll*79> quinque libros Decretaliura 177 t after 7 Jan. Catholic Church. Pope, 11*71-11*81*. (Six- U*80 tus IV). Ecclesiarum fabricis (10 May 11*79) Auszug und Inhalt der Ab- lassbulle "Ecclesiaruin fabricis". . .238 cca.lli80= Bottoni, Bernardo. Casus longi super quinque libros Decretalium 178 20 Aug. 11*83 Vocabularius utriusque Juris 1073 11*85 Thomas Aquinas, Saint. Summa theo- logica 971 cca.ll*85 Vinac, Hugo de. Sermones Dominica- les 1059 11*86 Catholic Church. Pope, 1227-121*1 (Qre- gorius DC). Decretales 232 Jakob Wolff c 11*92 a Jordan von Quedlinburg. Passio Christi 555 tea. 11*92* Martyrium Sanctorum 651 11*99 Reginaldetus, Petrus. Speculum fi- nalis retributionis 818 BASEL . Unidentified Printer cafter 10 Francois, Michel. Quodlibet de veri- Mar.ll*76 tate fraternitatls Rosarii 1*06 BEROMUNSTKR Hellas Hellae cca.ll*73 Andreae, Nicolaus. De officio Mis- sae 27 Chronological Index by Printing Date 236 1U5U-55 11*60 1U63 11*67 U*68 U*69 11*70 11*70-72 11*71 11*71-72 11*72 11*73 11*73-71*? 11*71* 1U7U-75 H7l*-76 11*75 1*1* 561 131 #89 (not after) 975 (ca. ) 1*19, 1*23 6T (not after) 753 (before 10 Apr.) (13 June) 987 (oa.) 71*1* 6117 U05, U207, 1*27, (before 3 Aug.) 600 (not after 30 Aug.) 573 (ca.) 76, 90, 117, 265, 1*21*. 1*25, 1*29 553, 572, 9l*U, 960 (not after) 657, 688, 689 1*78 267, 777, 876, 961, 1018 (21 May) 810 (8 Not.) 97l* (ca.) 308, 693, 101*9 (after) 3l8 (ca.) 101*1 (after) 352 188, 222, 270, 271*, 33U, 57l, 959 (ca.5 Feb.) 211* (ca.5 May) 23 (13 Aug.) #1*33 (16 Oct.) 381 (19 Not.) 517 (ca.) 189, 328, 1*26, 655 (not after) 1*21, 760, 768 71*1, 71*5, 71*9, 881* (11 Mar.) 71*8 (8 Apr. ) 995 (before 5 June) 62, 75, 1*28, 690 (ca.) 27, 915 (not after) 183, 206, 687, 71*2 761* 35, 658. 683, #812, 957 (1 Feb.) 1*16 (12 Feb.) 575 (9 Apr. ) 125 (17 Apr. ) 1*76 (3 Aug. ) #813 (23 Sept.) 36 (9 Dec.) 305 (21* Dec.) 381* (ca.) 320, 9U6, 91*7, 976, 981?, 1013 (not after) 108, 1*63, 500, 968, 977 1*18 373 77?, 132, 207, 586, 759, 935?, 978 (not after 5 Jan. ) 581* (ca.2l* May) 696 (2C June) #295 (25 July) 105I* (5 Aug.) #832 (13 Sept.) 801 (2 Oct.) 65 (2 Mot.) 21*1 (ca.) 17, 1*5, 1*9, 217, 21*8, 25U, 31*0, 5B0, 685, 691*. 706, /892, 91*8, 1000, 1009 11*76 208, 1*1*5, 639, 672,7681*, 936, 963, 969 88Ua 11*76 11*76-77 11*76-78 11*77 11*77-79 11*78 11*78-80 11*78-81 11*79-82 11*80 9 Jan.) 235 20 Jan. ) 967 22 Jan.) 1*80 8 Feb.) 91*5 12 Feb.) 186 8 Mar. ) 781 after 10 Mar. ) 1*06 5 Apr. ) 1*98 I June) 562 II June) 1058 21 Aug.) 950 12 Sept.) 1*83 12 Not.) 151* 22 Dec.) 589 21* Dec.) 638 ca.) 3, 1*70, 557, 965, 10107 195 192 18, 38, 166, 277, 315, 972, 993 (25 Jan.) 150 (25 Mar. ) 1*71 (before 23 Apr. ) 21*7 (12 May) 25 (16 1 i.e. 17 May) #595 (18 Sept.) 919 (1 Dec.) 101*6 (ca.) 280, 778 liEB. 699 326, 3UUa, 355, *512, 867, 899 ^oetween lb Mar. 4 6 May) 667 (18 Mar. ) 988 (30 Mar.) 71*7 (31 July) 299 (27 Aug. ) 576 (10 Not.) 133 (10 Dec.) 55 (18 Dec.) 91*2 (ca.) 535, 671, (not after) 13, (after) 1*72 1001*7, 1067 (not before 11*78} not after 20 May U*8l) H* 1*60, 730, 821*, 979 101*2 301, 883 11*79 258, 281 (13 Jan .) 1019 (22 Apr. ) 51* (after 22 June) 239 (23 June) 588 (30 June) 190 (not before 15 July) 377 (28 Aug.) 56 (23 Sept.) 61*0 (ca.) 618 (n^t after) 177, 209, 3l*7, 379, 550, 697 695 821, 900, 91*3, 1037 (3 Jan.) #128 (after 7 Jan.) 238 (2 Feb.) 989 (10 Mar. ) 271 (29 Apr. ) 526 (10 May; 12 Aug.) 715 (13 June) 970 237 11*80 (H, June) 1*38 (26 June) #529 (1 July) 268 (10 July) 983 (20 July) 980 (26 Aug.) 897 (not before 31 Aug.) 570 (8 Sept.) 731 (31 Oct.) 1020 (20 Dec.) 669 (25 Dec.) 558 (ca.) 2U, 178, 193, 273, 30t*, 388, 55?, 691, 850, 90U, 101*1* (not after) 13l* 11*80-81 79 11*81 37, 130, 135, 196, 1*1*9, 55U, 939 (Jan.) 705 (12 Feb.) 96 (21* Har.) 893 (26 Mar. ) 309 (29 Apr. ) 619 (2 Hay) 891 (June) 389 (15 June) 513 (21* June) 990 (28 July) *U6 (11 Aug.) 769 (12 Aug.) 266 (30 Aug.) 316 (1* Sept.) 1072 (6 Oct.) 152 (21 Oct.) 727 (6 Nov.) 356 (25 Not.) 335 (13 Dec.) 1060 (15 Dec.) 792 (ca.) 1*50 11*81-83 835 11*81-86 765 11*81-87 383, 1*79 11*82 136, 1*62, 808, 825, 1033 (11* Mar.) 735 (23 Apr. ) 1011 (15 May) 101*7 (25 May) 371 (27 May) 278 (3 June) 621* (12 June) 61*5 (18 June) 1031* (15 July) 61*6 (18 July) 662 (5 Aug.) 1*92 (9 Aug.) 61, 275 (1* Sept. ) 937 (7 Sept.) 725 (11 Sept.) 539 (7 Nor.) 387 (30 Nov.) 670, 803 (21* Dec.) 710 (ca.) 91*9, 1012 11*82-83 137 11*83 138, 505, 533, 61*1, 668, 775, 99U, 10057, 1032 (17 Feb. ) 129 (after 9 Mar.) 926 (30 May) 105 (6 June) 776 (17 July) 259 11*83 (21* July) 1061 (26 July) *861* (30 July) 707 (20 Aug.) 538('H*83' I.e. 11*93), 1073 (23 Aug.) 399 (28 Aug.) 750 (2 Sept. ) 703 (13 Sept.) 371* (after 1 Nor.) 201 (1* Dec) 312 (12 Dae.) 532 (ca.) 351*, 587, 10627 (not after) 67, 700 ll*83-81 202, 393 11*83-90 652, 721* 11*81* 155, 173 (11* Feb. 11*83 A) 1068 (31 Mar. ) 592 (30 Apr. ) 139 (May; before Apr. 11*85) 771 (28 May) 826 (5 June) 701. (28 June) 151 (19 July) 227 (10 Sept.) 736 (15 Sept.) 1*10 (21 Sept.) 716 (3 Nov.) 536 (1* Dec.) 973 (after 29 Dec.) 723 (ca.) 230. 692 (not after) 1011* 1U8U-87 881 11*85 537, 615, 873, 9057, 971 (after 1 Jan.) 605 (after 6 Jan.ll*81*/5) 21*0 (10 Jan. ) *530 (before 18 Jan.) 1071 (22 Jan.) 503 (31 J*n. ) 801* (10 Feb.) 770 (U* Feb.) 6ll* (21 May) 585 (15 June) 216. 1*87 (after 6 July) 313 (7 July) 1069 (13 Aug.) 602 (before I* Not. ) 2, 397, 81*3 (8 Dec.) 357 (29 Dec.) 11 (ca.) 91, 106, 21*2, 251, l*Ui, 61*2, 865, 995, 1015, *10l*37, 1059 (not after) 8l6 11*85-89 61*1* 11*86 57, 232, 1*93, 506, 633, 732, 789, 871*, 906, 1031 (11* Feb.) 172 (17 Feb.) 737 (28 Feb.?) 75U (22 Mar.) 755 (10 Apr. ) 982 (17 Apr. ) 938 (after 26 Apr. ) 291* (2 May) 607 (13 May) 29 (31 May) 961* (1 June) 661* (ll* June) 21*3 238 11*86 (21 June) 98U (23 June) 156 (13 July) 358 (after 21 Aug.) 321 (25 Aug.) 21*1* (28 Aug.) 1038 (12 Sept. ) 8ll* (21 Sept., 16 Oct.) 1007 (23 Sept.) 882 (11* Oct.) 799 (23 Oct.) 560 (15 Dec) 1*00, 598 (ca.) 250, 253, 889, 1001 (not before) 1003 11*86/87 717 11*86-88 311* 11*86-90 51*6 11*87 180, 229, 255, 507, 835, 911 '31 Mar.) 12 ;U* Apr. ) 1*5U 23 Apr. ) 1008 !26 May) 81 31 May) 317 after 3 June) 918 28 June) 63I* 3 July) #531 30 Oct.) 30 7 Nov.) 719 20 Nov.) 359 18 Dec.) 1 [20 Dec.) 261 ca.) 1*1*6, 806 not after) 82, 698, 762 Rafter) 1*30 11*87-88 331, 680 11*87-95 676 11*88 31, 635, 751, 827, 871, 951* ;i7 Jan.) 22 . Feb.) 19 [ll* Feb.) *20 after 23 Feb. ) 582 1 Mar. ) 992 31 Mar.) 81*1* [after ll* Apr. ) 1029 18 June) 391* 26 June) 31*3 [July - Feb. 11*88/9) *833 .9 Aug.) 1*0 >7 Aug.) 228 .7 Sept.) 179 16 Sept.) 107 22 Sept.) 756 27 Sept.) 205 17 Oct.) 102 [25 Oct.) 88 5 Dec.) *53U [ca.) 262, 319, 390, 551, 1075 [not after) 322 11*88-89 829 11*88-90 199, 606, 763 11*89 1*88, 1*99, 791 (9 Jan.) 590 (20 Mar. ) 72 (31 Mar. ) 870 (I* Apr. ) 907 (27 Apr.) 1016 U*89 11*89-92 11*89-95 11*89-96 11*90 I 11*90-91 11*90-95 11*91 &ct.) 187i (after 7 May) 830 (ll* May) 729 (20 May) 665 (25 May) 281* (20 June) 81* (l9 Sept.) 783 _ , OTOct.) 1*11 (3 (21* Oct.) 339 (after 1 Nov.) 862 (13 Dec.) 877 (21* Dec.) 157 (ca.) 285, 767, 891* (not after) 361, 836 1*17 1*55 110 201* , 287, 353, 501*, 661, 757 2 Jan.) 6 13 Feb.) 66 20 Feb.) 1*56 23 Feb.) 625 21 Apr.) 577 26 Apr.) 986 21* May) 701 25 May) 10 13 July) 191* 15 July) 863 9 Aug.) 1076 23 Aug.) I* 7 Sept.) 955 28 Sept.) 1071* 5 Oct.) 868 20 Oct.) 168 6 Dec.) 631 18 Dec.) 337 ca.) 51, 52, 78, 158, 21*6, 363, 366, 1*32, 518, 527, 677, 733, 752, 797, 856, 887, 997, 1082 not after) 126 not before) 828 601* 92, 323, 367 23, *ll0, 212, #213, 1*35, 851 (11*99, .e. 11*91?), 1057 ll* Jan.) 81*5 1* Feb. ll*90/l) 1*91* 8 Feb.) 591 20 Feb.) 785 3 Mar.) 318 12 Mar.) 6l6 15 Mar.) 263 26 Mar.) 165, *298 29 Mar.) 61*7 31 Mar.) 73 ll* Apr.) 895 May) 121 13 May) 372 [I* June) 31*1 16 June) 565 8 July) 113 12 Aug.) 1035 13 Aug.) 772 20-23 Aug.) 831* 8 Oct.) 1*02 8 Nov. ) 1*07 19 Nov.) 901 #(6 Oct.? or 27 Not.?) 362a 239 U*91 (22 Nov.) 256 11*93 (after 5 Sept.) 713 (29 Nov.) 920 (20 Sept. ) 880 (7 Dec.) 779 (1 Oct.) 516 (l8 Deo.) 112 (3 Oct.) 509 (23 Dec.) 510 (22 Oct.) 160 (ca.) 999 (after 8 Dec.) 728 (not after) 70, 361*, 1*53 (11 Dec.) 626, 823 11*91-92 80, 720 (23 Dec.) 860 11*92 292, 1*71*, 555, 1055 (ca.) 382, 1*22? (20 Jan. 11*91/2) 659 11*93-91* l6S5 (10 Feb. ) 32 U*9l* 68, 872, 101*8 (18 Feb.) 758 (31 Jan.U*93A) 608 (28 Feb.) 712 (11 Feb.ll*93A) 660 (1 Mar.) 175 (1* Mar. ) 81*8 (6 Har. ) 176 (1, 15 Apr.) 236 (10 Mar.) 1077 (before It Apr.) 563 (after 8 May) 796 (10 Apr.) 702 (18 May) 879 (11* Apr. ) 866 (30 May) 118 (not before 17 Apr.) 623 (5 June) 187 (19 Apr.) 820 (3 Aug.) 817 (21* Apr.) 898 (not before Sept.) Ill (29 Apr.) 931* (3 Sept.) 782 (16 May) 519 (11 Sept.) 790 (after 16 May) 896 (12 Sept.) 85 (17 May) 218 (13 Sept.) 7U3 (25 May) 620 (13 Oct.) 21*9 (26 May) 800 (31 Oct.) 21 (27 May) 985 (3 Nov.) lUl (30 May) 119 (10 Nov.) 709 (6 June) 181* (20 Nov.) 628 (3 July) 809 (2U Nov.. 13 Feb. 11*93) 10U (5 July, I.e. after 1500?) 708 (13 Dec.) 1*1*1 (17 July) 310 (ca.) 7, 327, 651 (31 July) 1*68 (not before) 26 (18 Aug.) 811 1U92-9U 11*2 (25 Aug.) 610 11*93 223, 257, 282, 51*3, 636, 822, 875, (after 28 Aug.) 1026 1083 (10 Sept. ) 87 (1 Jan. ) 380 (after 22 Oct. ) 1028 (13 Jan.) 885 (13 Nov.) 1*13 (17 Jan.ll92/3) 738 (29 Nov.) 933 (21* Jan.ll*92/3) 913 (10 Dec.) 260 (21* Jan.) 520 (13 Dec.) 621 (26 Jan.llj92/3) 83 (19 Dec.) 200 (not before 31 Jan.lU92/3) U31 (ca.) 1*8, 528, 837 (15 Feb. 11*92/3) UOl (not after) 286 (U Mar.) 1*59 H*9l-95 71* (after 1* Mar.) 210 ll*9U-96 1*90 (11* Mar.) U36 H*9U-1500 1*03, 81*9 (22 Mar.) 578 11*95 95, 161, 5U2 (21* Mar. ) 60 (28 Jan.ll*9l*/5) 566 (5 Apr.) 902 (11* Feb.ll*9l*/5) 739 (16 Apr.) #219 (16 Feb.ll*9U/5) 58 (23 Apr. ) 508 (23 Feb.ll*9l*/5) 153 (30 Apr. ) 1036 (27 Feb.) 1*81* (21 June) 1050 (28 Feb.ll*9U/5, not before 8 Mar (26 June) 1006 581 (5 July) 721 (2 Mar.) 511 (6 July) 559 (18 Mar. ) 111* (12 July) 859 (26 Mar. ) 33 (19 July) 360 (U Aug.) 69 (27 Mar.) 1066 (30 Mar. ) 338 (after 13 Aug.) 311 (2 Apr.) 127 (17 Aug.) 293 (13 Apr. ) 1*86 (20 Aug. '11*83', 1.6.11*93?) 538 (2 May) 3l* (31 Aug.) U69 (1* May) 288 (after 1 Sept.) 1021* ('5 July', i.e. after 1500?) 708 21*0 11*95 11*95-96 11*95-98 11*95-1500 U*96 11*96-97 11*96-98 11*96-99 11*96-1500 11*97 (18 July) *220 (28 July) 8 (6 Aug. ) 1*1*7 (11* Aug.) 612 (before 21 Aug.) 1070 (3 Sept.) 925 (l6 Sept.) 296 (18 Sept.) 951 (3 Oct.) 851* (16 Oct.) 9l*0 (17 Oct.) 115 (27 Oct.) 11*3 (31 Oct.) 198 (I* Nov.) 731* (23 Nov.) 773 (19 Dec) 1021 (25 Dec.) 1*12 (30 Dec.) 805 (ca.) 50, 91*. 167, 307?, 368, 1*11* 1*57, 1*75, 523, 632, 671*, 807, 908, 910, 911*. 927, 958, 1002 (10 July 11*95-17 Jan. 11*96) 1*08 (1 Nov.Hi95-June 11*98) 1*2 890 169, 21*5, 31*1*, l*3l*, 1*37, 1*39, 1*58, 502, 521*?, 71*6 [7 Jan., 12 July) 1*81 17 Jan.) 5U* |26 Jan. ) 5l5 Feb. 11*95/6) 930 15 Feb.) 1*1*2 20 Mar.-16 July) 761 Apr.) 596 ill Apr.) 1*1*0 >2 May) 101*5 13 May) 852 16 May) 203 3 June-5 Sept.) 93 1* June) 629 22 July) 556 !29 July) 297 iAug.) 931 !31 Aug.) 802 after 9 Sept.?) 28 20 Sept.) 211, 336, *1017 23 Sept. ) 163 28 Sept.) 952 30 Sept.) 221 1 Nov.) 921 9 Nov.) 597 ]12 Nov.) 1061* 10 Dec.) 766 ,'ca.) 350, 51*0, 61*3 557 289 59 1078 11*8, 31*9, 603, 678 (10 Feb.) 853 (20 Feb.) 1056 (21 Feb. 11*96/7) 793 (28 Feb.) 306 (20 Mar.. 17 Apr.) 225 (22 Mar.) 916 (21* Mar.) 120 (I* Apr.) 579 11*97 (12 Apr. ) 1*6 (25 Apr. ) 71 (11 May) 627 (23 May) 991 (30 May) 99 (31 May) 375 (12 June) 711 (28 June) 185 (8 July) 711* (1 Aug.) 181 (3 Aug.) 279, 351 (after 13 Aug.) 1*66 (Sept.) 5U* (7 Sept.) *ll*l* (12 Oct.) 583 (after 17 Oct.) 855 (3 Nov.) 300 (26 Nov.) 653 (Dec.) 302 (6 Dec.) 568 (11* Dec.) 171 (16 Dec . ) 1080 (23 Dec.) 11*5 (ca.) 329, 1*61*, 51*1, 819, 839, 928, 1079 11*97-1500 31*5 11*98 167, 53, *252, 386, U5l, 1*85, 788, 795, 1023 (Jan. 11*97/8) 161* (Feb.) 81*6 (1 Feb. 11*97/8) 170 (11* Feb. 11*97/8) 1*1*3 (1 Mar.) *182 (1* Mar.) 233 (6 Mar.) 613 (7 Mar.) 922 (10 Mar. ) 886 (12 Mar.) 1*95 (28 Mar. ) 1*82 (31 Mar.) 81*0 (7 Apr. ) 869 (17 Apr.) 663 (1* May) 878 (8 May) 11*6 (after 28 May) 858 (11* June) 159 (20 June) 601 (23 June) 686 (July) 781* (13 July) 1*96 (15 July) 1*1 (20 July) 15 (23 July) 1*97 (25 July) 726 (6 Aug.) 1027 (9 Aug.) 1*3 (22 Aug.) 226 (1 Sept. ) 197 (16 Sept. ) 97 (21* Sept.) 1*61 (2 Oct.) 861 (20 Oct.) 609 (21* Oct.) 787 (12 Nov.) 31*2 (13 Nov.) 681 (18, i.e. 20? Nov.) 569 11*98 (1 Dec.) U*7, 1*91 (16 Dec.) 6U8 (22 Dec.) 9l*l, 953 (31 Dec.) 956 (ca.) 501, 630, 682 121 3^1 (not after) 395 (not before) 912 11*98-99 (23 Nov.U98-after 15 Oct.ll*99) 269 1U98-1500 330, 398, 1*01*, 521 1U99 9, 231, 391?, #396, 1*52, 818, 831, 812, 851(11*99, i.e. 11*917), 932, 1052, 1053 [23 Jan. 11*98/9?) 261* 21 Feb.) 923 ;i Mar.) 332 6 & 7 Mar.) 522 [26 Mar.) 718 [29 Mar. ) 673 '29 Mar. -not before 17 Apr.) 365 ;20 Apr. ) 798 !23 Apr.) 593 !15 May) 1*09 .'28 June) 525 [8 July) 370 [10 July) 86 [17 July) 276 18-23 July) 333 [after 22 July) 599 [after 5 Aug.) 103 '9 Aug.', not before 13 Aug.) 780 20 Aug.) 3U6 [I* Sept. 4 30 Nov.) 101 6 Sept.) 100 >7 Sept.) 771* [after 12 Oct.) 51*5 15 Oct.) 98 20 Oct. -not before 5 July 1500) 303 23 Oct.) 81*7 Nov.) 71*0 [15 Nov.) 903 .'Dec.) 283 [11* Dec.) 1*67 [17 Dec.) 122 21 Dec.) 1030 21* Dec.) 679 [ca.) 11*9, 321* , 786 21*1 11*99 U*9-T 1500 1501 1502 1505 1507 1508 1509 150- 1510 15-- (not after) 109 5 385, 1*657, 1022 (30 Jan. ) 392 (8 Feb. 11*99 A5O0) 1039 (12 Feb.) 162 (23 Feb.) 966 (11* Mar.) 378 (19 Mar. ) 79U (I* Apr.) 1*7 (11 Apr. ) 291 (13 Apr. ) 5U8 (15 May) 61*9 (15 Aug.) 51*9 (1* Sept.) 191 (5, 10 Sept.) 237 (12 Sept.) 272 (1 Oct.) 101*0 (7 Oct.) 231* (l Nov.) 121* (6 Nov.) 1051 (10 Nov.) 376 (20 Nov.) 39 (Dec.) 611 (1 Dec.) 921* (10 Dec . ) 917 (12 Dec.) 591* (31 Dec.) 815 (ca.) 290, 369, 1*73, 571, 617, 651*. 653, 666, 857, 909, 929, 998 (after) 1*89, 5U7, 637, 70805 July ll*9l*', i.e. after 15007), 722, 1025 +1081? (13 Feb. 1500/01) +622 (ca.) +362 (ca. ) +215 +17l*?, +1063? (5 Oct.) +221*? (not before Dec.) +561* +1*15 +1*77 +650 +325, +675? (ca.) 81*1? +HB"8 21*2 CONCORDANCES I) Goff 's Third census. II) Gesamtkatalog der Wlegendrucke . Ill) Hain's Repertorlum blbliographlcum . IV) Proctor's Index . V) Coplnger's Supplement . VI) Reichling's Appendices . Goff 27 133 173* 177 181 203 215 217 232 239 21*8 271* 29U 313 323 331 -3U3 363 393 397 1*00 1*32 20 l*32a 19 1*71 6 U83a 1*51* 711 362a.^ 525 535 555 557 561 580 620 650 685 ffl- 715 716 722 725 726 756 776 798 urn. 3 I* 8 9 7 10 11 11* 1*98 1*99 822 61*1* 15 16 17 13 12 2 211 799 800 687 21 23 21* 22 25 26 27 369 28 T9 30 31 32 33 31* 671* 36 35 873(IV)37 928 38 929 935 958 959 976 983 986 991 39 1*0 111 1*2 1*3 1*1* 1*5 1*6 101*1* 1*7 1062 1*8 1089 690 1091 1*9 -1098 50 Goff A-1110 A-1137 A-1137* A-1139 A-lll*l A-1183 A-1191* A-1218 A-1220 A-1225 A-1231 A-1232 A-1235 A-12U1* A-12U8 A-1252 A-1269 A-1273 A-1275 A-1279 A-1285 A-1290a A-1297 A-1308 (ID A-1311* A-1315 A-1317 A-1328 A-1329a A-1333 A-1337 *62* DEI 51 52 53 51* 55 58 59 72 73 62 63 61* 65 66 67 61 78 69 70 76 79 80 71 71* 82 81 83 81* 85 75 A-13U6 A-13l*8 A-1371 A-1387 A-ll*0l* A-ll*06 A-lUU* A-ll*32 B-17 B-20 B-23 B-27 B-38 B-l*3 B-l*9 B-53 B-58 B-72 B-76 B-80 B-82 B-95 B-100 B-137 B-183 B-219 B-262 68 77 60 326 86 238 87 88 92 *89 90 91 91* 95 96 97 102 103 99 100 98 101 101* 105 106 107 108 Goff B-267 B-275 B-330 B-336 B-363 B-361* B-365 B-U13 B-UUU B-U19 B-U21 B-U27 B-l*l*9 B-l*55 B-U56 B-l*60 B-U89 B-l*91 B-U95 B-506 B-516 B-526 B-5U1 B-559 B-571 B-573 B-578 B-580 B-590 B-593 B-598 B-601 B-602 B-603 B-607 B-609 B-612 B-617 B-631 B-632 B-61*2 B-699 B-751 B-753 B-771 B-778 B-781 B-786 B-787 B-801* B-821* B-825 B-832 B-8U3 B-8U5 B-85U B-858 B-859 B-871 UI11 109 110 111 125 113 111* 115 118 119 120 117 *116 121 177 178 179 122 123 121* 126 127 131 132 133 135 136 138 139 11*0 11*2 11*3 *H*1* 11*5 11*6 131* 11*7 137 11*1 128 129 130 151 152 153 151* 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 165 682 166 167 168 Goff B-879 B-899 B-921 B-935 B-950 B-968 B-985 B-1007 B-1013 B-10l*0 B-1061 B-1090 B-1091 B-1161* B-1183 B-1187 B-1232 B-1233a B-12l*7 B-12U8 B-1251* B-1285 B-1301 B-1306 B-1319 B-1321 B-13U6 C-23 C-35 C-U5 C-73 C-76 C-117 C-118 C-122 C-129(III, IV) 202 um 170 171 172 169 173 +171* 235 236 237 175 180 181 182 219 *220 *221 181* 185 186 187 787 188 191 192 189 190 193 191* 195 196 198 199 61*8 61*9 201 C-135 C-136 C-ll*6 C-160 C-170 C-171* C-176 C-179 C-199 C-202 C-231* C-236 C-237 C-270 C-282 C-281* C-292 C-297 C-298 C-303 C-311 C-317 203 281 201* 205 206 207 208 209 210 251 212 213 211* +215 217 218 21*1 21*3 21*1* 21*2 21*5 21*6 Goff UI11 C-320 C-337 C-368 C-378 C-l*06 C-l*3l* C-U75 C-l*80 C-U82 C-l*88 C-U93 C-U98 C-508 C-521 C-5U3 C-5U5 C-560a C-561 C-571 C-603 C-601* C-605 c-611 C-627 C-631 C-637 C-61*l C-6U6 C-61*8 C-657 C-685 C-69I* C-701 C-7l*2(II, rv) 279 21*7 21*8 250 277 523 252 306 253 1*85 176 251* 269 267 268 270 271 256 257 260 261 262 263 261* 266 271* 275 276 258 259 265 272 273 278 C-7l*9 C-751* C-767 C-771* C-793 C-798 C-800 C-802 C-810 C-811 C-816 C-831 C-836 C-855 C-897 C-921* C-958 C-960 C-961 C-962 C-966 c-998 C-1000 C-1002 280 282 283 281* 285 286 291 287 366 367 368 289 290 572 292 293 301 302 303 301* 305 308 309 310 Goff um c-1008 c-1013 c-1017 D-2 D-l* D-9 D-2 7 D-29 D-31 D-32 D-l*2 D-59 D-73 D-76 D-89 D-95 D-102 D-131 D-156 D-161* D-176 D-176 D-187 D-191 D-208 D-210 D-212 D-213 D-222 D-221* D-2 32 D-231* D-2 36 D-2U7 D-251 D-291* D-302 D-306 D-311 D-335 D-3U1* D-3U8 D-351 D-35U D-382 D-396 D-l*02 D-U17 D-l*25 D-l*29 D-U30 D-l*32 0-1*36 E-ll E-12 K-U* E-l*7 B-61* E-112 311 312 892 313 311* 887 315 316 317 318 319 320 322 323 321 321* +325 327 329 330 331 680 332 1075 333 331* 335 336 337 338 339 31*0 31*1 328 3T5 830 3U6 31*7 31*9 350 351 31*8 352 757 353 35U 355 356 357 358 359 360 362 361 361* 363 365 370 M #B-126U 187a 2U3 doff E-113 K-1LU E-H6 E-117 E-122 E-123 E-127 E-129 E-139 K-ll*0 E-173 E-177 E-179 F-16 F-25 F-72 F-121* F-136 F-137 F-ll*3 F-ll*9 F-157 F-161 F-191 F-202 F-205 F-2l6a F-273 F-275 F-296 F-307 F-318 Q-26 0-3l* Q-62 G-88 Q-9U 0-95 G-110 Q-125 0-11,8 0-151* 0-156 G-162 0-172 G-191* 0-206 0-218 0-221 O-232 0-239 0-21*9 0-255 0-256 0-265 0-270 0-272 0-290 0-333 0-33U 0-362 0-1,07 0-1*20 0-1*21 0-1*25 G-i30 cm 371 372 373 37l* 375 376 377 378 U62 222 379 380 381 583 382 888 1063 1065 1061* 381* 385 387 386 396 389 388 398 1*01* 1*03 1*06 1022 795 1007 1008 1*10 51*6 51*7 Ull 1*12 1*13 l*ll* U15 Ul6 U17 1083 U19 148 U20 U28 1*21 1*29 1*22 1*23 l*2l* 1*25 U26 U27 1*30 223 U32 1*33 U3U 1*35 1*36 1.37 U38 Goff G-ii32 0-1*33 G-UUO 0-1*1*1 0-U60 0-1*77 0-U79 0-521 G-529 0-51*6 G-565 0-573 0-581. G-611 0-613 0-622 0-623 0-628 0-629 G-69I4 0-711* 0-725 H-2 H-17 H-29 H-30 H-31 H-69 H-82 H-86 H-91 H-99B H-101 H-1U5 H-151 H-15U H-158 H-166 H-175 H-186 H-200 H-206 H-207 H-213 H-218 H-2U9 H-262 H-266 H-268 H-271 H-292 H-299 H-316 H-382 H-39U H-U17 H-U30 H-li35 H-W.7 H-U50 H-U5U H-U59 H-U60 H-U61 H-U78 H-50U 0111 1*39 U1*0 1*1*1 1*1*2 232 233 231* 1*1*3 1*1*1* 615 1*1*9 UU8 1*50 1*51 U52 1*55 1*56 1*57 1*58 1*59 1*53 1*61 21*9 1*66 1*63 1*61, 1*65 1*67 1*68 1*69 1*70 1.71 1*72 1*73 1*76 1*78 1*79 1*60 1*81 1*82 1067 1068 1069 1070 101,3 1*83 1*81, 1*77 1*86 1*87 1*88 1*89 725 225 226 +221* 227 1*90 1*92 1*93 1*91* 1*96 1*97 1*95 1*91 1058 Goff um H-511 H-532 H-533 H-552 H-561 Heb-70 1-5 1-11 I-ll* 1-28 1-30 1-50 1-91 1-95 1-96 1-102 1-168 1-170 1-181 1-190 1-197 1-207 1-210 1-212 1-223 J-23 J-25 J-27 J-29 J-UO J-73 J-106 J-109 J-158(II) 529 J-162(II) #530 1059 500 501 502 503 595 505 506 507 508 509 5io 5ii 512 513 21,0 511* 515 517 518 516 519 520 521 522 539 5U0 51*1 51*2 51*3 719 532 533 J-I63 J-168 J-186 J-187 J-190 531 53l 538 535 536 J-197(D 537 399 1,00 1*01 1,02 51*1* 5U9 183 255 51*5 200 553 551* 1*71* 1*75 551 720 81*3 81*1* 81*5 81*6 81*7 550 552 J -208 J-210 J-212 J-213 J-216 J-2l*8 J-258 J-289 J-311 J-313 J-328 J-331 J-357 J-365 J-381 J-389 J-1,06 J-U07 J-l*10 J-U18 J-U19 J-l*36 J-l*l*8 Goff J-U72 J-U73 J-U76 J-U8U J-l*86 J-U90 J-518 J-55U J-575 J-585 J-586 J-599 J-605 J-613 J-617 J-620 J-623 J-656 J-657 J-663 J-661* J-665 J-667 J-676 L-3 L-5 L-6 L-9 L-10 L-ll L-13 L-17 L-23 L-2U L-25 L-68 L-103 L-lOl* L-136 L-1U7 L-157 L-I63 L-171 L-182 U185 L-219 L-221 L-223 L-228 L-237 L-21,8 L-25U L-26U L-270 L-273 L-275 L-301 L-305 L-307 L-329 L-335 *V3U6 L-379 L-386 L-389 M-l*3 um 556 557 555 558 560 559 299 298 295 296 297 300 1*31 561 562 563 561* 569 565 566 568 567 570 571 573 571* 575 576 577 578 579 580 592 593 591* 581 521* 525 585 588 586 587 589 591 590 597 596 598 599 600 601 602 603 601, 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 611* 616 581* Goff M-63 M-92 M-93 M-98 M-100 M-108 M-109 M-112 M-129 M-133 M-1U6 M-162 M-179 M-182 M-183 M-185 M-2U, M-235 M-236 M-239 M-2U3 M-2U6 M-263 M-305 M-306 M-310 M-331 M-3U1 M-3U2 M-368 M-381* M-1,13 M-U18 M-U38 M-U52 M-U55 M-U6U M-U67 M-l*97 M-501 M-533 M-61*l* M-722 M-730 M-7U9 M-757 M-81*l M-852 M-882 M-881* N-U N-ll* N-15 N-18 N-22 N-36a N-38 N-U6 M-60 N-67 -93 N-112 N-113 M-lll* M-118 K-U9 um 582 659 660 621* 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 631* 635 636 637 638 639 61*0 61a 61,2 61*3 61,5 61,6 6U7 651 652 653 657 291* 623 661 668 662 663 661* 665 666 667 216 228 229 230 1077 1076 671 796 673 501* 675 31*3 31*1* 676 677 678 679 11*9 683 681* 681 618 619 617 620 621 Goff Dill N-121 622 N-150 820 N-16U 688 N-175 691 N-176 692 N-178 693 N-180 691* N-183 695 N-188 689 N-199 696 N-20U 697 N-213 698 N-215 699 M-221 700 H-231* 701 N-2U0 702 N-269 703 0-95 705 0-97 706 O-98 707 0-U6 752 0-131 715 0-133 716 0-131* 717 0-11*5 708 0-161 709 0-170 710 0-176 711 0-187 712 0-189 713 0-193 711* 0-201 718 P-51 680 P-Mi(I) 1*60 P-117 721 P-132 722 P-152 723 P-178 56 P-180 57 P-183 721* P-196 726 P-221 685 P-231 686 P-261* 727 P-279 732 P-280 733 P-281* 728 P-288 729 P-315 730 P-317 731 P-329 731* P-3U3 735 P-3l6 736 P-350 737 P-35U 738 P-356 739 P-362 71*0 P-365 71*6 P-381 (11)71*7 P-399 71*3 p-Uoo 71*1* P-U02 71*5 P-l*07 71*1 P-**17 71*2 P-U*2 1 P-l*l*7 762 2kh Goff um P-U50 71*8 P-U58 71*9 P-U62 750 P-l*7l 751 P-U78 753 P-l*81* 75U P-U85 755 P-U91 756 P-l*95 758 P-50U 871 P-506 872 P-511 873 P-512 87U P-516 875 P-55U 759 P-571 760 P-589 390 P-600 391 P-601 392 P-607 393 P-608 391* P-612 395 P-632 761 P-66U 763 P-673 761* P-709 765 P-721 766 P-729 767 P-751 768 P-769 769 P-770 770 P-771 771 P-772 772 P-782 773 P-781* 771* P-79U 776 P-808 775 P-816 777 P-828 778 P-833 779 P-835 780 P-873 781 P-87U 782 P-886 781* P-890 783 P-89U 785 P-906 786 P-908 788 P-952 791 P-966 792 P-971 793 P-972 79l P-985 797 P-996 798 P-1006 397 P-1011 1*09 P-1022 789 Ooff um Goff P-1057 U*8 S-177 P-1081 801 S-19U P-IO96 803 S-199 P-1097 801* S-203 P-llOla 806 3-216 P-1139 790 S-300 Q-8 807 S-306 Q-21 808 S-307 Q-22 809 S-309 Q-26 810 S-321 Q-30 811 S-337 R-6 *812 S-3U2 R-7 813 S-3U5 R-10 811* S-361* R-ll* 1*1*5 S-369 R-18 1*1*6 S-370 R-19 1*1*7 S-382 R-26 815 S-l*02a R-32 816 S-l*2l* R-37 701* S-l*32 R-83 817 S-U38 R-91 818 S-l*62 R-93 672 S-U66 R-lll 802 S-l*72 R-130 819 S-l*79 R-135 51*8 S-U87 R-ll*7 288 S-l*9l* R-150 1*05 S-508 R-157 821 S-509 R-197 823 S-522 R-260 821* S-533 R-268 825 S-5l*7 R-270 826 S-585 R-271* 827 ^-5^615 R-276 828 S-621 R-285 829 S-622 R-3U1* 831 S-610 R-3U5 832 S-6U* R-3l*6 #833 S-6l*7 R-3l*7 (11)831* S-651 R-365 835 S-679 R-366 836 S-706 S-6 839 S-716 S-7 81*0 S-717 S-7a +81*1 S-723 S-8 837 S-770 S-10 838 S-773 s-m 81*2 S-777 S-Ul 81*8 S-796 S-l*7 1029 S-797 S-50 1030 S-8U* S-81 81*9 S-820 S-106 850 S-823 S-112 852 S-825 S-lll* 851 S-829 S-121* 383 S-833 #S-6l7 GW 169 1*08 501 505 510 550 um 3 1* 8 9 7 10 GW um 579 581 603 601* 616/10 822 681 6I4I* 11 11* 1*99 1*98 GW 707 767 775 789 8U* 867 um 851* 855 856 858 857 853 1*07 859 860 861 862 863 1*08 861* 867 868 866 805 +650 865 869 231 1080 870 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 239 883 881* 885 886 526 527 528 891 893 112 669 670 197 891* 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 901* 88U um 15 17 13 12 2 211 Goff S-835 S-835a S-836 S-81*2 S-852 S-858 S-861 S-866 S-875 T-3 T-6 T-8 T-ll* T-15 T-U2 T-62 T-75 T-88 T-91* T-99 T-101 T-105 T-110 T-123 T-lljO T-ll*l* T-156 T-158 T-159' T-160 T-161 T-161* T-167 T-168 T-169 T-170 T-171 T-172 T-173 T-175 T-177 T-180 T-182 T-183 T-185 T-186 T-188 T-190 T-192 T-193 T-191* T-198 T-200 T-203 T-208 T-211 GW 876 879 1006 1009 1258 1555 um 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 911* 915 916 928 929 917 926 919 920 921 922 923 921* 925 918 927 930 150 931 1066 983 981* 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 959 965 966 967 960 961 962 963 961, 968 969 970 971 972 973 971* 975 976 um 799 800 20 19 21 687 Goff T-212 T-211* T-215 T-216 T-219 T-222 T-221* T-228 T-229 T-230 T-231 T-233 T-231* T-235 T-236 T-2U1* T-2l*8 T-250 T-255 T-256 T-257 T-258 T-259 T-262 T-263 T-268 T-271* T-275 T-282 T-283 T-291 T-291* T-295 T-297 T-301 T-309 T-311 T-321 T-326 T-327 T-328 T-335 T-337 T-338 T-3l*la T-3l*7 T-352 T-356 T-359 T-373 T-395 T-397 T-398 T-U02 T-l*20 T-l*35 GW 1603 1601* 1612 1658 1710 1758 um 978 977 979 980 981 982 931* 935 936 937 938 939 91*0 91*1 957 953 91*3 91*2 951 952 956 955 951* 992 993 991* 91*1* 91*5 91*6 91*7 995 996 997 998 655 656 1003 999 958 91*8 91*9 950 1000 1001 1002 1001* 933 932 1005 1006 1018 1019 1020 1021 1023 1021* um 23 21* 22 25 26 27 Goff T-l*l*l T-l*l*7 1-1*52 T-U56 T-l*9l* T-l*97 T-508 T-509 T-527 T-529 T-537 T-553 T-551* T-555 T-556 U-15 U-66 U-76 V-13 V-33 V-39 v-ko V-58 V-61 V-67 V-68 V-95 V-97 V-115 V-118 V-122 V-123 V-125 V-128 V-137 V-ll*8 V-159 V-188 V-192 V-215 V-23O V-2l*3 V-263 V-277 V-285 V-293 V-325a V-3l*0 V-3l*2 V-3l*8 V-359 W-9 W-10 w-U5 W-58 W-70 GW 1808 1866 um 1028 1025 1026 1027 1031 1032 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1011* 1015 1016 *1017 93 161* 651* 1033 1031* 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 101*0 101*1 101*2 101*1* 101*5 101*6 101*7 101*8 101*9 1050 1051 1051* 1055 1056 1052 1053 1057 1082 1060 1061 1062 307 1072 1073 1071* 1071 889 890 1078 1079 18 um 1923 1925 1926 1933 369 -f 1900 362i 30 31 32 21*5 ON um aw um 1938 33 3177 92 1939 3U 3182 89 2023 67U 3185 90 2070 36 3190 91 2101 35 3215 9U 2187 37 3223 95 2290 38 3238 96 2291 39 321*1* 97 2302 l*o 3255 101 2333 Ui 3276 102 233U 1*2 3303 103 2353 ig 3301* 99 2359 U6 3308 100 2367 W* 3313 98 2369 1*5 3323 1029 2U76 1*7 3326 1030 2509 1*8 331*0 101. 2598 U9 31*09 105 2610 50 355U 107 2627 51 3677 108 2667 52 3687 109 2668 53 3709 110 2670 51* 3852 111 267U 55 3862 125 2791 58 3906 113 2825 59 3907 111. 2865 72 3908 115 2867 73 393U *116 2875 63 1*0*7 118 2876 61* 1*01*8 119 2879 65 U05U 120 2888 66 1*056 117 2892 67 1*082 121 2895 61 1*093 177 2910 69 1*091* 178 ... 2912 70 1*100 179 23 111a 2915 71 l*U*2 122 2920 71* law. 123 2929 68 1.11*8 12l* 2951 78 1*175 #126 2955 76 1.179 127 296U 79 1.201 131 2980 80 1*216 132 3002 82 1.231* 133 3003 81 1*21*6 135 3005 83 1*21*8 136 3016 81* 1*253 138 3018 85 1*255 139 3030 77 1*267 #11.0 3057 60 1*270 U.2 309U 86 1*275 11.3 3097 238 1*278 11*1* 3110 87 1*279 UU5 3131 88 1*280 11*6 aw um 1*282 13U 1*281* 11*7 1*287 137 U292 11*1 1.302 128 1*303 129 l*3H* 130 1*1*20 151 1*1*76 152 1*1*78 153 1.526 151* 1*531* 155 1*537 156 l*5W* 157 U5U5 158 1*565 159 1*600 160 1*601 161 1*612 162 1*638 163 1*61*3 165 1.651* 166 1.655 167 1.657 168 1.683 169 1*730 170 1*758 171 1*791* 172 1.813 173 U857 235 1.889 236 1*903 237 1*952 175 1*963 176 1*987 180 5061 181 5062 #182 5373 #219 51*67 #220 51*99 #221 5603 787 5612 186 5613(D 187 5613(11) 782 5650 181. ^5652 185 ^5737 188 5765 192 5779 191 5785 189 5787 190 5829 193 5870 191. 5886 195 aw 5896 5939 591*1 5983 6023 6032 601*3 6051. 6066 6070 6072 6073 6080 613U 6161 6163 6161* 6209 6223 6225 6277 6281* 6285 6299 6311* 6318 6326 61*08 61*60 61.73 6588 6667 6673 6675 6696 6708 6732 6735 6737 671.5 6760 6766 6767 6806 683U 6890 6895 6900 6906 6957 6958 696O 6968 6992 um 196 198 199 222 201 202 203 201. 206 207 208 209 205 210 212 213 211. 215 217 218 21*1 21*3 2U. 21*2 21*5 21*7 21*6 21*8 250 277 #252 306 253 1*85 251* 269 272 258 259 265 273 270 271 267 268 271* 275 276 260 261 262 263 261. 266 OW 7000 7002 7059 7123 715U 7159 7161, 7223 7231 7277 7287 7288 7290 7310 7313 7329 7351 7389 71.00 71*12 7l*2U 7509 7571 7571* 7597 7675 7723 771.3 771*1. 7767 7812 7811* 7815 7816 7821 7871 7873 7875 7882 7885 7890 7903 7912 7961* 7966 7968 7969 7990 801*2 8080 8095 8126 8135 8239 UH1 256 257 278 279 280 281 282 283 281* 286 291 287 288 366 367 368 958 289 290 883 572 292 931 293 299 #298 #295 296 297 300 301 302 303 301* 305 308 309 310 311 312 892 311* 887 315 316 317 318 319 320 322 323 321 321* 327 aw 8272 8283 8308 8308 8328 8372 8371* 8376 8377 8381 8383 8390 8399 81*02 61*18 Wl. 8581 8625 861*0 861*8 8982 9021 9031 9037 9071 9076 9115 9123 9130 9132 9133 9137 9217 9333 9331* 9367 91*26 91*28 91*29 91*32 91*33 91*37 91*39 9hhk 91*1*5 91*58 91*73 9512 9520 9531 9536 9655 9789 um 329 330 331 680 332 333 33U 335 336 337 338 339 31*0 31*1 328 ^ffiU27 3hhi 830 31*6 #31*7 31*9 351 31*8 352 353 757 355 356 357 358 359 36O 361 363 36U 365 370 371 372 373 37U 377 378 375 376 U83 1*81* 1*62 381 379 380 382 383 Haln 12 59 157 189 197 217 25U 306 381 um 1 3 766 765 763 761* 767 ll 8 Ha in 388 389 1*19 1*39 1*1*2 1*51 1*63 1*72 1*82 UI11 9 7 11 1*98 1*99 17 6U, 13 15 Haln 1*81* 617 652 779 783 83U 852 869 901 um lb 2 211 799 800 6 U5U 21 2U UI11 #5*>$9 187a Hain 903 908 911 920 975 1009 101*2 ^1081* *1125 #1100 362a Hain 23 1131 22 1177 22 121*1* 893 1268 25 1287 369 1307 26 1312 27 1316 67U 1321* um 796 35 37 36 878 38 39 Uo 762 Hain 1329 1332 1333? 1331* 1335 1337 1338 1339 13U1 um 935 936 937 937 938 931* 939 91*0 9U1 2l*6 Hain 13U3 131*9 1358 1359 1362 1366 1369 1370 137U 1379 1385 1386 1389 1393 1391* 1396 1397 U*00 11*01 11*03 U*Ol* 11*06 11*11 11*11* 11*17 U*20 11*22 U*2l* 11*29 11*30 11*32 11*31* 11*42 11*1*1* 11*1*7 11*51* 11*55 11*56 11*62 11*63 11*61* 11*68 11*70 11*73 11*71* 11*77 11*80 11*81 11*82 11*83 11*81* 11*85 11*86 11*87 11*91* 11*95 l5H*b 1522 1527 1535 151*0 151*1 151*2 151*3 1562 am 655 1003 993 993 991* 1003 997 998 995 999 968 969 970 1002 1001 1000 957 960 961 962 963 961* 958 965 966 967 1017 9U* 91*6 91*7 91*5 971 972 973 971* 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 981* 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 91*9 91*8 951 952 91*2 959 91*3 953 951* 955 956 992 186 1563(1) 187 Hain UI11 1563(H) 782 1578 181* 1580 1627 1656 1657 1703 171*2 1750 1761 1762 1807 1858 i860 1861 1863 1902 191*8 1952 195U 1962 1965 1968 1973 1982 1997 2002 2001* 2008 2017 2019 2023 2032 201*0 201*7 201*9 2051 2066 2071 2072? 2106 2107 2137 2153 2155 2181 2191* 2223 222U 221*8 2251 2251* 2281 23U8 2353 2361* 185 1*10 1*1 U2 1*3 1*5 1*6 1*6 1*1* 1*67 52 53 51* 55 150 72 73 80 76 71 78 69 70 82 81 83 71* 81* 85 79 61 68 63 6U 65 66 67 67 77 1*63 326 683 681* 86 87 88 88 92 90 89 93 95 96 102 2369(11) 103 2369(111)98 2385 101 21*01 21*03 21*01* 21*08 21*21 2505 2538 97 99 99 100 101* 105 106 Hain UI11 2609(1) 107 2669 108 2671 2672 2763 2791 2791* 2805 2807 2809 2812 2816 2856 2893 2896 2899 2921 2922 2929 2930 2935 291*9 2955 2966 109 108 161* 111 125 399 #1*00 1*01 1*02 71*8 116 118 119 120 113 115 177 178 179 123 121* 122 2990(1) *126 2993 *126 3002 3031 301*7 3051* 3069 3081 3083 3086 3089 3091 3108 3118 3121 3123 3121* 3136 3137 3153 3165 3169 3172 3173 321*9 3319 3321 3370 3377 3378 31*01* 31*07 31*23 31*21* 31*31* 31*1*0 31*61 31*73 31*77 35H* 3515 3531 127 #131 11*2 132 133 135 135 136 138 139 *ll*0 11*3 11*5 H*1* 11*6 *128 *129 130 137 11*1 11*7 131* 151 152 153 151* 155 156 157 159 160 161 162 163 165 166 +171* 173 173 170 Hain 3537 351*8 3562 3593 3620 3629 361*1* 3667 3702 3750 3751 3852 3950 3969 3996 ^1*112 1*121* 1*127 1*11*1* 1*219 1*238 1*21*7 1*286 U287 1*289 1*370 1*371 U377 1*386 1*387 1*1*10 1*1*18 1*1*20 1*1*23 1*1*32 1*1*33 1*1*39 1*1*58 1*1*59 1*1*81* 1*1*90 1*1*91 1*511 1*521* 1*557 1*563 1*573 1*571* 1*660 1*672 1*671* 1*689 1*692 1*710 1*711 1*718 1*719 1*735 1*761* 1*770 UI11 168 I69 171 235 236 237 100U 175 180 181 #182 219 221 UU* 183 11*8 189 190 192 191 191* 195 196 198 198 199 6U8 61*9 201 1*9 1*9 202 206 209 208 207 208 205 281 281 20U 203 203 210 251 881 212 211* 213 216 +215 366 217 218 21*7 21*1 21*1* 21*3 21*5 1006 21*8 U8l*8(II) 591* 1*81*9 277 1*921* #252 1*990 176 1*993 599 Hain 1*996 1*998 1*999 5001* 5018 5035 5056 5062 5066 5078 5085 5096 5123 5121* 5168 5187 5270 5276 5277 5283 5300 5311 5313 5317 5321* 5335 5363 5370 5382 5383 5386 5395 5397 5398 51*51 51*78 51*83 5501 5510 5531 5532 5561* 5597 5599 5603 5609 5613 5707 571*8 5805 5812 5811* 5816 582? 5878 5881? 5882 5885 5898 5903 5910 5920 5927 59U2 591*6 591*8 UIll #832 1*85 253 306 251* 255 269 258 311 259 272 265 270 271 267 268 262 261 263 261* 257 266 271* 275 276 260 81*6 278 29 30 31 32 33 3k 279 280 282 283 281* 71*9 750 285 286 286 616 291 287 292 293 657 301 303 301* 305 308 309 309 310 312 892 313 311* 887 315 316 317 Hain UIll 591*9 318 5959 319 5983 322 6000 321 6109 721 6lll* 329 6151 302 6153 681 6158 332 6185 333 6188 331* 6190 335 6191 336 6202 337 6201* 338 6209 339 6211 338 6211* 31*0 63S #W 622 ? 3W*a 621*0 31*2 621*9 328 6253 31*3 6255 3U* 6367 31*9 6382 352 6387 580 61*19 757 61*32 353 61*57 (V) 757 61*80 355 61*85 61*90 61*92 61*93 61*96 6525 6526 6527 6597 6598 6602 6659 6683 6691 6693 6691* 6706 6707 6711 67H* 6716 6717 6776 356 357 358 359 360 311 361 +362 361* 361* 363 365 18 370 371 372 375 376 377 378 373 371* 1*62 6793(H) 231 6795 222 6811* 6821* 6826 681*8 6916 6921* 6931 6931* 6937 6982 379 380 381 382 828 821* 825 826 827 200 #U027 187* 21*7 Hain UI11 Hain om Hain om Hain UIll Hain UIll Hain Oil] 7009 1065 8302 1*53 9288 516 10179 605 11566 331 12908 760 7010 106U 8303 1*53 9298 519 10180 606 11566 680 12918 395 7017 +1063 831*3 21*9 9301* 518 10181* 753 11570 331 12919 393 7066 386 8367 751 9312 520 10190 751* 11613 60 12922 391* 7070 385 8376 1*61* 9311* 521 10191 755 1161*2 572 12951 391 7075 387 8377 1*65 9328 522 10195 756 11655 673 12992 761 7125 316 8389 657 93UO 51*2 10197 758 11657 50U 13016 #812 711*1 388 8391* 1*63 931*1 51*3 10221 511 11673 675 13017 #813 7159 56 8395 1*63 931*5 51*1 10237 607 11695 721* 13019 811* 7161 57 81*07 1*90 9350 539 1021*1 608 11711* 678 1303U 768 725U 829 81*21* 1*66 9358 5U1* 1021*2 609 11727 677 1301*7 769 7305 1*01* 81*62 1*68 91*12 551 10261 610 1171*2 676 1301*8 770 7306 U03 81*67 1*69 91*36 556 10285 611 11751 11*9 13062 771 731*1 1*06 81*73 1*72 91*37 557 10296 612 11783 697 13063 772 7357 1022 8517 1*70 91*1*3 555 10315 613 11789 696 13068? 771 7381 795 8535 1*73 91*52 558 10326 616 11797 700 13078 773 71*1*0 553 851*5 1*76 91*51* 560 10372 618 11799 699 13082 771* 71*1*3 551* 8556 1*80 91*60 559 10375 619 11806 688 13095 776 71*92 Ull 8563 1*81 9507(1) 299 10389 620 118H* 689 13113 775 7500 1*12 8573 1*82 9556 298 10390 621 11830 691 13129 779 7525 U13 8585 1*78 9599 #295 10393 622 11832 692 13131 780 7530 *3U7 8587 1*79 9618 296 10399 820 11831* 693 13137 778 7606 1*16 8589(IV) 62 9619 297 101*71 581* 11838 691* 1311*0 777 7618 1*17 8589(7) 75 9635 300 10507 582 11865 701 13172 781 7632 687 8589 (VI) 9638(1) 1*31 10530 659 11871 702 13173 782 761*1 1*18 1 :*62, 961*7 561 10531 660 11901* 703 13218 78U 7675 1*21 8589(D 1*28 9650 562 1051*2 621* 12027 1078 13221 783 7680? 1*22 8589 (XI) 690 965U 563 10SU5 625 12078 705 13225 785 7681 1*26 8591* 1067 9658 561* 10553 61*2 12099 706 132U8 788 7682 1*20 8599 1068 9701* 565 10556 638 12102 707 13250 787 7690 1*19 8600 1069 9710 566 10557 639 12120 752 13318 791 7696 1*21* 861*0 1*83 9711 568 10559 61*0 1211*1 715 13359 792 7697 1*23 8650 1*81* 9712 567 10563 61*1 1211*3 717 13361* 793 770U(I) U23 8658 1*77 9716 569 10593 630 1211*9 716 13365 791* 770l(II) 1*19 8660 1*86 9720 570 10595 629 12155 713 13378 798 7705 1*25 8663 1*87 9769 933 10605 628 12169 712 13393 397 7715 1*27 8718 188 9808 573 10612 631 12170 713 13399 1*09 7723 U28 8760 1*88 9810 571* 10617 626 12176 711* 131*17 789 7739 U30 8790 725 9811 575 10628 351 12205 709 13536 801 7770 227 8825 1*90 9811* 576 IO669 633 12238 710 135U5 803 7797 121 8852 225 9815 577 10670 631. 1221*7 711 1351*6 801* 7819 U55 8855 226 9816 578 10672 635 122i*9 718 13608 790 7827 1*57 8881 1*92 9818 579 10679 636 12315 680 1361*7 810 7830 1*56 8881* 1*93 9830 593 10755 61*3 12387 1*60 13651. 811 7833 U58 8887 l*9l* 9831 591* 10767 822 121*38 722 13659 809 7857 732 8896 1*97 9831* 592 10768 822 121*68 723 13661(1) 808 7885 *1*33 8898 1.95 9905 1*71* 10815 61*5 121*97 685 13679 1*1*6 7930 1*38 8903 1*91 9921* 581 10816 61*6 12583 727 13682 1*1*5 7933 1*1*0 8928 #126 9955 521* 10821 61*7 12613 732 13685 1*1*7 793U 1*39 8939 932 9962 525 10861* 651 12621 728 13689 815 791*6 1*37 9002 1059 9973 529 10877 652 12627 726 13716 701* 7950 1*35 9005 1058 9978 530 10880 653 12688 731. 13767 817 7951 1*36 9022 500 9981 53U 10912 658 12697 729 13771* 818 7966 1*3U 9036 502 10016 585 10926(11)291* 12721* 736 13776 672 7986 1*1*1 9063 503 10030 589 10972 623 12730 737 13806 802 7988 1*1*2 9085 505 10038 591 10983 661 12737 738 13827 5U8 8018 232 9090 506 1001*2 590 10997 668 12738 739 1381*3 819 8036 233 9092 507 10061 595 11019 662 1271*1* 71*0 13871* 288 801*0 23U 9106 509 10102 597 11021 663 1271*9 71*6 13881* 1*05 8099 UU3 9107 508 10103 596 1101*0 661* 12767(11)71*7 13911* 823 8129 1*1*1* 9129 510 10112 598 1101*2 665 12790 71.1 13931 383 8130 1*1*1* 9191 #512 10129 600 11077 666 12796 71*2 11*017 830 8158 1*1*8 9192 513 1011*2 601 11090 667 12811 7U3 11*025 831 8171 1*1*9 9233 515 1011*7 602 11253 #228 12813 71*1* 11*01*6 835 8212 1*52 921*6 5H* 10153 603 111*71 1077 12811. 71*5 11*01*7 836 8281 1*59 9273 517 10172 601* 111*85 1076 12893 759 11*055 81*0 21*8 Hain 11*056 11*056 11*059 11*067 11*073 11*111 11*112 11*111* 11*120 11*125 11*161* 11*180 11*186 11*229 11*269 11*271 11*332 11*1*10 11*1*28 11*1*29? 11*1*1*5 11*1*68 11*1*91 11*507 11*508 uni 837 838 839 816 81*2 81*3 81*1* 81*5 81*6 81*7 81*8 1029 1030 81*9 852 851 85U 858 857 857 856 855 853 1*07 859 Proctor UI11 56 87 97 99 109 121* 130 11*6 172 188 199 217 221* 225 232 238 21*0 21*6 21*9 267 295 299 303 306 309 313 322 323 338 31*8 356 357 365 368 380 391* 396 1*01* 131 987 971* 1*33 235 291* 176 89 1021* 1027 975 18 1*1* 760 71*2 352 581* 90 1*72 512 1*9 131* 206 687 753 5oo 968 976 550 1058 379 1*70 618 101*1* 1*62 587 63l* 61*1* Hain uni U*5io 860 11*521* 861 H*5U1 862 11*559 396 11*563 863 11*591 867 11*593 868 U*606 866 11*617 +650 11*61*8 805 11*657 865 11*670 869 11*681* 231 11*695 1080 11*705 876 11*71*0 879 11*71*1 880 11*755 882 11*781* 5U6 11*829 883 OLU83P 883 pE*B77 881* U88l 885 i 11*885 886 ! ik890 106 #12,876 88U Proctor UIll 1*09 1*11* 1*22 1*32 1*36 1*1*6 1*53 1*62 1*65 1*73 1*82 1*83 1*85 1*88 516 528 532 533 51*1* 51*6 563 588 595 596 603 606 620 626 627 628 631* 635 61*6 655 656 673 681 689 861 1011 1069 91 750 732 870 11*1 1*1*7 921 1*66 603 1*95 923 661* 881 361 827 1*99 791 828 700 216 1*87 358 799 281* 360 293 800 1015 1*59 179 1076 1071* 507 72 661 Hain 11*899 11*901 11*905 11*911 H*9ll* 11*915 11*996 UI11 527 528 526 50 889 891 112 15009(1) 669 15009(11)670 15010 670 15063 15071* 15089 15090 15119 15123 15126 15135 15H.2 15151 15153 15171 15180 15211 891* 896 897 898 900 901 902 903 901* 906 907 911 912 287 Proctor UI11 697 701 715 717 735 71*1 71*3 71*7 759 806 807 829 833 837 838 81*1 81*2 81*3 81*5 81*8 855 861 873 875 876 889 928 951 956 975A 1028 101*2 1071 1092 1131 111*1 1162 1181* 822 33 1*52 966 636 82 161 378 599 1*23 1*19 117 1*20 1*21* 1*25 553 657 688 689 91*1* U21 76 1*26 1*29 71*1* 183 961 91*8 1000 91*9 965 1001* 255 995 1013 61 638 535 Hain 15218 15222 15229 15230 15236 15339 1531*2 153US 15369 151*08 151*18 15U21 151*31 151*32 151*56 151*68 151*77 151*93 151*97 15510 15511 1551a 15561* 15566 uni 915 916 929 928 550 917 917 917 926 919 920 921* 921 923 918 927 930 931 1008 1066 1005 1032 1018 1019 Proctor UI11 1196 1199 1216A 1223 1238 1239 121*1 121*3 121*9 1281 1300 1313 1317 1321* 1331 1338 131*1* 1350 1353A 1357 1361 1362 1383 1398 11*00 11*23 11*25 11*33 11*35 11*38 11*1*2 11*1*5 11*1*6 11*87 11*97 11*98 1501* 152b 695 1*50 21* 691 1*60 1*60 989 983 727 1.1*6 I* 292 160 87 288 21*5 15 1*51 997 525 851 1053 829 891* 1082 528 50 927 896 231 1.57 998 329 +171. 1.73 632 666 222 Hain 15567 15568 15571* 15589 15613 15618 15623 15630 15667 15677 15703 15713 15711* 15721 15730 15732 15738 15739 15766 15786 15791 15792 15809 15811* UIll 1020 1018 1021 1023 1026 1027 1028 1021* 1031 +1*15 1011 1015 1011* 1013 1016 +1017 1010 1009 1033 1031* 1035 1036 1037 1038 Hain UIll Proctor UIll 1532 517 1539 71*9 151*3 ^812 1565(1) 62 1565(11) 75 1569 1*28 1570 1591. 1595 1633 161*2 161*3 1663 1661* 1670 I696 1701 1701* 1710 1793 1816 1820 1829 1832 181*5 181*7 181*8 h1853 "1879 1881* 1891 191.2 191*3 1956 1961 1967 1968 1971 690 211* 23 188 696 2la 1010 1009 128 692 1031 835 665 31.9 1*1*9 1028 795 81*2 521* 1023 1078 +1063 590 6 165 1*05 1*27 1*78 693 813 381 151* 15822 1039 15823 101*0 15851* 101*2 15857? 101*1 15858(11)381* 15919 101*6 15926 15930 15938 1591*2 15969 15986 15991* 16011 16061 16098 16120 16126 16132 16191* I6198 101*1* 101*5 101*7 101*8 552 101*9 1050 1051 1057 161* 588 587 586 1078 1079 16266 +1081 16292 1083 16293 1083 Proctor UIll 1973 1989 2005 2006 2009 2028 2036 2039 2050 2056 2065 2070 2071 2081 2081* 2086 2091 2100 2103 2101* 2111 2116 2117 2119 2139 211.5 211*8 2158 2162 2192 2198 221*8 2271 2278 2279 2291 2327 2333 189 133 769 1072 356 129 105 701* 156 1062 531* 1*07 32 1055 859 860 820 612 511* 515 211 568 11*8 613 993 190 281 1077 678 928 295 677 219 1*65 51*1 933 655 588 #1876 362a 21*9 Proctoi uni Proctor um Proctor um Proctor oni Proctor um Proctor um 23U1 196 3203 291 1*161* 978 1*611 735 5052 153 51*09 609 231*2 *3l*7 3215 68 1*167 681* 1*612 61*6 5057A 1*13 5U10 567 2351 725 3216 823 1*168 639 1*62* 592 5068 793 5U12 771* 2359 762 3229 912 1*180 137 1*61*7 236 5076 1*1*3 5UU* 81*7 2365 789 3261 536 1*181 137 1*655 297 5081* 1080 51*15 1*67 2371* 1029 3293 63 1*182 138 1*661 300 5089 159 51*25 880 2375 31 3310 61* 1*183 61*1 1*673 237 5097 956 5U26 626 2380 201* 3313 573 1*199 1*83 1*678 513 5102 376 51*27 566 21*11 1032 331*5 600 1*202 667 1*680 990 5107 106 51*29 739 21*13 1071 3360 575 1*201, 3 1*693 139 5110 3U3 51*32 708 21*1*2 1*90 3370 557 1*211* 1*98 1*708 602 5U3 81*5 51*33 310 2l*i*6 836 3371* 150 1*218 192 1*709 938 5111* 1035 51*38 1021 2l*6l 957 31*05 960 1*21*2 186 1*719 205 5116 885 51*1*1 336 21*69 1*18 31*71* 759 1*21*3 781 1*725 *298 5118 560 51*1*7 711 21*75 71*1 3533 967 1*271 258 1*739 1*1*0 5126 625 51.51 796 21*77 935 3568 580 1*289 35 1*71*1* 233 5127 863 51*52 869 2U78 77 3598 723 1*291* 36 1*71*9 893 5132 380 51*57 718 21*80 1*1*8 3636 926 1*295 381* 1.752 792 5135 898 51*58 798 21*81 699 3638 201 1*300 586 1*751* 335 5136 931* 51*60 71*0 21*99 71*5 3658 605 1*301* 963 1*755 61*5 5139 563 51*66 1*1*1 2502 125 3659 606 1*309 208 1*758 151 511*1 1*81 51*68 11*1* 2505 21*7 3676 918 1*313 166 1*781* 937 511*6 886 51*71* 913 2510 962 3705 111 1*332 576 1*786 716 5160 81 51*80 170 2512 1*1*5 3731 199 1*31*6 980 1*788 811* 5162 729 51*83 686 2526 551* 371*6 383 1*356 1*80 1*792 986 5178 1030 5U81* 726 2527 11* 3763 763 1*365 672 1*793 955 5183 81*1* 51*86 31*6 2531 13 3775* 1*79 1*367 38 1*801* 30 5188 21 51*91 628 2536 1067 3785 958 1*368 38 1*826 982 5197 802 51*91* 620 2561 861* 3786 865 1*369 277 1*827 1*93 5213 868 5501* 5U8 2610 #832 3815 862 1*383 371 1*81*5 736 5216 772 5515 1050 2622 #229 3817 313 1*385 662 1*862 1*36 5217 920 5519 837 2623 228 3838 1*11 1*388 803 1*863 660 5221* 31*1 5521 702 261*1, 223 3860 101* 1*390 371* 1*861* 181* 5231* 731* 5521* 81*0 261*7 230 3879 198 1*396 826 1*865 811 5236 629 5528 788 2683 883 3897 363 1*398 503 1*866 399 521*0 853 5532 593 2692 697 3921 705 1*399 801* 1*868 *l*00 521*7 332 5533 333 2705 173 391*6 652 1*1*00 2 1*877 318 5253 39 5537 591* 2711 911 391*7 721* 1*1*01 397 1*879 1*31 5256 l*oU 551*6 581 2713 751 3972 210 1*1*02 81*3 1*881 118 5257 1*03 55U7 1*2 2716 1*88 3993 +1081 1*1*06 357 1*885 69 5258 521 551*8 1*12 2720 533 1*033 777 1*1*11* 315 1*887 866 5262 577 551*9 930 2731* 52*6 1*01*0 571* 1*1*30 71*7 1*888 119 5263 191* 5551 931 2772 825 1*053 265 1*1*37 1*38 1*893 375 5265 565 5553 1*2 2771* 991* 1*051* 308 1*1*1*5 776 1*903 505 5272 185 555U 161* 2780 57 1*061 915 1*1*1*9 311* 1*917 1*91* 5286 61*7 5555 1*2 2801* 527 1*067 561 U*5U 778 1*926 31* 5311* 31*1* 5556 1*2 2827 539 1*069 267 l*U55 988 1*929 203 5315 916 5559 51*1* 281*5 601* 1*073 810 1*1*61, 271 1*936A 815 5323 791* 5561 302 2850 999 1*081 1018 1*1*86 821* 1*91*1* 717 5325 272 5565 1*2 2881 92 1*088 271* 1*1*97 312 1*91*5 717 531*0 601 5566 1*1 2886 676 1*089 881* 1*1*99 1031* 1*953(1, 531*1 1*3 5567 781* 2911 1*17 1*096 65 1*500 275 II) 757 53U3 276 5569 365 291*5 26 1*103 972 1*501 259 1*955 757 5350A 779 5570 396 2965 382 1*118 31*0 1*526 71*3 1*958 353 5351* 263 5571* 283 2975 1002 1*121 61*0 1*568 130 1*959 659 5369 171 5576 611 2985 1079 1*125 970 1*570A 621* 1*962 1*01 5371* 738 5585 100 2996 516 1*128 91*3 1*573 1068 1*978 877 5375 83 559U 1039 2998 51*2 1*135 876 1*576 707 1*998 218 5376 578 5599A 952 301*9 1025 1*11*0 31*8 1*577 703 1*999 200 5381 608 5612 385 3051 169 1*11*7(11 1*579 532 5003 773 5382 1006 5617A 120 3103 351* (III) 101*9 1*580(11) 202 5010 755 5387 610 5629 191 3128 321 1*150 270 1*585 973 5011 961* 5391* 115 5635 1*97 3129 598 1*156 959 1*589 981* 5020 157 51*01 579 5639 386 3137 635 1*159 969 1*593 88 5021* 337 51*03 711* 561*2 673 3H*1 51*3 1*161 683 1,601, 668 5031* 879 51*01* 279 561*1* 370 3171 287 1*163 132 1,610 710 501*2 1036 5U06 11*6 5657 101*1 250 Proctor UI11 Proctor um Proctor um Proctor om Proctor um Proctor UH1 5662 268 6305 857 6897 619 71*58 1*63 761*1 651 8385 103 5665 506 6315 851* 6908 377 71*59 1.63 761*2 11*2 8386 101 5667 60 6316 596 6910 97 7U62 207 761*5 395 8387 98 5678 979 61*05 771 6918 558 71*68 892 761*7 11*2 8599 817 5679 1037 61*15 653 6973 317 71*72 691* 765U 751* 8608 1017 5697 212 61*53 858 6975 538 71*73 9U6 7670 756 8613 71 5732 U*U 61*77 570 6982 737 71*71* 981 7690 1*39 861*2 58 57U5 595 61*81 919 6983 607 71*81 936 7700 61*3 8668 11*5 5755 282 61*81* 867 6985 39U 71*87 299 7701 551 8671* 569 5808 309 61*93 897 6987 112 71*91 177 7709 818 8680 917 5821 882 61.91* 900 6989 111* 71*98 1073 7711 361. 8682 917 5831 175 61*97 775 7006 787 7506 971 7727 91*0 8709A 158 581*9 21*8 61*98 770 7009 780 7507 971 7729 1*1*2 8805 1*06 5851 373 6500 1005 7035 101*5 7508 971 7732 U3U 891*8 891 5879 562 6505 808 701*1 99 7510 232 7733 1*37 8968 816 5906 670 6506 790 7130 372 7525 207 7739 522 9007A 8 5908 951* 6507 21*9 7139 801 7527 17 771*9 722 9015 1*58 5911 698 6516 33U 711*1* 706 75U3 108 7756 1*71* 9037 390 5921* 56 6518 71*8 711*5 589 7550 91*7 7760 11*3 9116 571 595U 393 6521 217 7151* 101*6 7558 821 7763 11*7 9208 305 5962 301 6532 U5 7155 355 7560 135 7766 231* 923U 155 5965 301* 651*9 939 7157 715 7562 1060 7768 623 9256 193 5971 669 6552 96 7158 1020 7563 136 7770 101*8 9307 1*51* 5977B 992 6585 102 7160 1019 7566 1011* 7778 182 91*26 1003 6006 22 659U 123 7168 1007 7568 21*3 7786 932 9l*26A 1001 6021 901 6598 1*69 7169 1008 7573 680 7800 27 9U50 215 6032 766 6607 1*08 7172 1*0 7571* 680 7862 730 91*59 306 6038 878 6623 902 7171* 61*8 7575 680 J86I* 526 9U71 21*0 6065 520 6625 985 a7175 278 7576 680 7990 519 91*73 728 6072 269 6628 260 #71954 701 7585 66 8015 81*6 91*79 1*61* 6077 903 6630 761 7197 113 7590 11*0 8066 511 91*87 929 6101 326 6631 761 7211* 303 7591 213 8077A 752 9519A 1033 6101* 899 661*5 122 7215 61*9 7601 1026 8092 833 9569 663 6120 316 661,8 121* 7250 152 7605 7U 8111 1083 961*0 266 6131 11 6651* 338 7256 31*2 7608 71.6 8120 617 9676 830 61U1 101*7 6655 852 7323 29 7619A 537 8133 1*68 9696 1*86 611*2 1*92 6656 163 7326 162 7623 1*53 8137 556 9697 1070 611*3 387 67l*U 597 7338 838 7621* 7 8162 681 9709 1.85 611*5 67 6763 1*76 7372 51 7625 555 8189 225 9710 252 611*7 585 6787 320 7391* 768 7626 767 8196 226 9773 253 611*9 783 6793 658 7399 251* 7627 285 8238 1066 9777 889 6197 187 6823 12 71*08 195 7628 331 8239 127 9782 721 6198 782 6826 1 71*12 101*2 7628 680 8321* 1*75 9793 1.09 6199 559 6861* 73 71*1*8 572 7630 70 ! 8326 1*91 9829 220 6220 855 6871 809 71*50 977 763U 52 1 8353* 67U 9830 221 6290 856 6873 86 7l*51i #7180 209 I8?a 7635 126 #7897 88U Coplnger UI11 Copinger UI11 Uopinge r Uijj. Copinger UI11 Copinger UI11 Copinge r um 211 12 1521* 21*2 2589 188 31U5 1*96 1*361 60 51*21* 871* 272 #20 1551* 250 2591* 1*08 3U*6 1*91 1*398 721* 51*28 875 291 19 1601* 251* 2671* 1*29 3170 913 1*1*10 686 51*31. 871 1*08 893 1678 5U5 2685 1*22 3195 501 1*1*12 698 5U36 872 51*0 1003 1762 239 2765a 223 3267 21*0 1*581 720 5U1.6 3U8 5U* 996 1890 321 2786 61*3 3332 51.0 1*652 686 51*1*8 877 571 950 1909 321* 2829 1*50 31*22 571 1*682 730 5571* 890 617 1007 1922 325 281*8 1*51 31*93 1*75 1*702 735 5658 895 625 1*7 191*0 327 2855 1*61 3721* 617 1*739 390 5672 899 631 1*6 2108 31*8 2873 U53 3831? 632 1*71*1 392 5681 909 721 58 2135a 351* 2961 1070 3832 632 1*809 786 5700 928 771 , 62 2376 103 2966 101*3 3990 831* 5195 +81*1 571*9 922 99U 111* 21*22 797 3076 +221* 3991 833 5295 857 5762 925 1186 172 21*87 381* 3098 226 3992 831* 5330 1*08 5800 719 1318 *220 2530 389 3105 +221* 1*231* 229 53U5 861* 5821* 1007 1397 193 2537 398 311i* 225 1*260 230 51*02 870 5825 1007 11*1*3 51 2563 877 3116 +221* 1*310 362 51*23 873 5881 1025 251 Copinger UI11 Copinger UH1 5893 5U8 62U8 1061 5909 65U 6257 1062 5935 3 6259 1060 595U 10U1 6286 821 5969 320 6361 1072 5983 10U9 6363 1073 6017 105U 6369 107U 6070 1055 6378 1071 6077 1056 6U32 533 6135 1052 6U33 532 6150 1053 65h5 537 6189 1082 65U8(b) 535 Relchling um Relchling UI11 Relchling UI11 (Sup) 131 290 7U5 908 2U5 627 7U8 910 22 U8 2U9 637 1000 671 152 733 338 197 1006 695 219 536 3140 91U 1178 256 U22 120 125U 6lii U92 323 1386 857 606 615 18U6 786 722 850 1897 538