MttmtTT V HIM UIMW FEB i Redfield College (Founded May 3, 1887) BULLETIN OF INFORMATION Vo1 - XIV MAY 1915 No. 2 • Redfield Conservatory of Music MATTHEW NATHANAEL LUNDQUIST, A. M„ Mus. Doc. Director PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY REDFIELD COLLEGE, REDFIELD, S. DAK. Entered at Post-Office at Redfield, S. Dak., as Second-Class Matter, under the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894. UNIVERSITY Of ILLINOIS CCV' 1 PRESIDENT'S OFFICE Redlield College will have a Conservatory of Music second to none in the state, beginning with the coming year, two teachers of the first rank have been secured to take charge of the piano, organ and voice departments. We believe there is nothing too good for Redfield and have therefore made a special effort to secure such teachers as can meet the musical needs of college and community. Now let us tell you about these two teachers. Dr. Matthew N. Lundquist, the Director, is a director and musician of great ability. His preparation includes three years of study at Augustana College, two years at Chicago Musical College, two years at Midwestern Conservatory of Music (Des Moines, Iowa), where he received the degree of Bachelor of Music; several years were spent under the best artists of New York City; one year he studied under the noted Constantin von Sternberg, a pupil of Franz Liszt. He en- joys the distinction of being a member of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. The degree of Master of Arts has been conferred upon him by Susquehanna University (Pennsyl- vania). The degree of Doctor of Music was conferred upon Professor Lundquist by Lincoln Musical College in June, 1915. The degree was conferred on strength of thorough knowledge in musical theory and also on strength of an admirable thesis on “The Educational Value of Music” which contains a great deal of philosophical thought and valuable suggestions. This thesis further shows that Prof. Lund- quest is a scholar and a pedagogue of uncommon strength. Among his varied experiences as a director and teacher may be mentioned the following institutions, where he has successfully served : Walden College (Kansas), Upsala College (New Jersey), Brooklyn Conservatory of Music (New York), Northwestern College (Minne- sota), Taylor University (Indiana), Marion Conservatory of Music (Indiana), Susquehanna University (Pennsylvania). Professor Lundquist is a pianist, organist and chorus director of recognized, not to say extraordinary ability. As a teacher he has been remarkably successful, accomplishing splendid results, due to his painstaking and conscientious care, as well as his thorough musician- ship. So that you may judge for yourself that we are not praising him too highly just read these Press Notices. Says a leading Pennsylvania daily: “Pre-eminent among the soloists is Matthew Lundquist, Dean of Susquehanna University Con- servatory of Music. He ranks as one of the most able pianists of Pennsylvania.” From the Selinsgrove Times: “It was Dean Lundquist’s debut as an oratorio conductor in Selinsgrove, but he made his entrance a triumphal success. He proved himself an able interpreter, an apt teacher, and a skilled drillmaster of musicians. Along with his own enviable achievement as the guiding spirit in the oratorio, honors were shared by Mrs. Lundquist, who made her first appearance here as a soprano soloist.” ¥OE¥II©M FEES Voice and Beginners in Piano: Per Semester, one 30-minute lesson a week - $13.00 Per Semester, two 30 minute lessons a week - 24.00 Less than one Semester, 30-minute lesson, each - 1.00 Pipe-Organ and others than absolute Beginners in Piano: Per Semester, one lesson a week ------ $16.00 Per Semester, two lessons a week - 29.00 Per Semester, three lessons a week ------ 38.00 Less than a semester, each lesson - 1.25 Piano rental, per Semester, one hour daily - $2.00 to $ 3.00 Pipe-Organ rental, per Semester, one hour daily - - 18.00 Two hours daily - 36.00 From The Susquehanna: “With all due praise for the participants in former Faculty Recitals, yet it must be said that the one rendered in Seibert Concert Hall on Thursday evening, October 23rd, before a packed house was the best ever given by any musical faculty at Susquehanna. Dean Lundquist was heartily applauded after his ren- dition upon the organ of several numbers, including one of his own composition.” From the review of the Grand May Music Festival, in The Sunbury Daily, May 22nd, 1914: “There never was a more magnificent offering of musical talent in Sunbury ’s history. Not only were the visiting- soloists fine attractions, but the home singers proved to be at their best. Dean Matthew Lundquist, who is probably the most active and the most clever musical director Susquehanna University has ever had, had perfect control over hi’s host of vocalists. He is keenly alive to the possibilities of talented singers and brings out the best there is in them.” Says one of the most prominent artists of today, Doctor Heinrich Pfitzner: “Concerning his qualities as a musician and teacher, I have to say that Mr. Lundquist has proven his high capacity by taking two musical degrees at a comparatively early age, and subsequently by advancing rapidly in his professional career I wish to close with the statement that any school which secures Mr. Lundquist’s services is, to my mind, to be congratulated.” “Messiah” Concert, given last night was the best ever. Under the direction of Prof. M. N. Lundquist. The finish with which the chorus sang “Surely He Hath Born Our Griefs” adds admirably to the credit of Prof. Lundquist’s careful study and training. The magnificent performance of Handel’s immortal “Messiah” re- vealed to the audience present at the concert on last Wednesday even- ing the wonderful human qualities in this music, which though frankly and dramatically emotional is none the less reverent and devout in the highest degree. Professor Lundquist conducted it with a rare authority that shall not be forgotten. — Wahoo, (Neb.) Democrat, May 21, 1915. Prof. Lundquist will give instruction in piano, pipe organ and theory. The fine new pipe organ of the Congregational church has been secured for instruction and practice. This is the first opportunity for pipe organ work ever offered in Redfield. Mrs. Laura Potter Lundquist , the Instructor in Voice is not only a skilled teacher of experience but is also as well known as a soloist. She studied under Prof. Mansfield of Boston and other well-known teacher's such as Mrs. Frederick Snyder of St. Paul and Mrs. Carl Ruggles of Boston. 3 0112 105929860 Mrs. Lundquist has had charge of the Voice department of North- western College; has taught Voice in Susquahanna University in Pennsylvania, and has also devoted some time to private instruction. She has appeared as soloist in many recitals, concerts and choral organizations. A GREAT ORATORIO SOCIETY. It is Dr. Lundquist’s plan to organize a strong Oratorio Society at Redfield at the opening of the year 1915-1916. Dr. Lundquist has achieved great success as Conductor of several large Oratorio organ- izations and many of the world’s most noted singers have appeared as soloist under his baton. We hope to organize and establish a Redfield Oratorio Society of at least one hundred and twenty-five voices composed of local residents and students of the College who can qualify for membership. Much effort and enthusiasm will be evidenced in this great undertaking. Its purpose will be to give great choral works iij^the best possible manner, and to create an enviable list of achievements of this character. Its concerts are to be events of the greatest importance for Redfiled. The conditions of membership are a voice of fair effectiveness, a good ear, some knowledge of musical notation, and regularity in at- tendance. Two concerts will be given each season, one at Christmas at which time Handel’s immortal work “Messiah” will be given an- nually, and one at the time of the College Commencement. In this connection we hope to establish a great Redfield Annual Festival of Music. GLEE CLUB. For many years a glee club has been giving pleasure and training to the young men of the college. This will be continued under the direction of Prof. Lundquist, who has had much experience in this line. For the coming year instruction will be given in piano, Pipe Organ, Voice and Harmony. This, the 29th year of the college will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 1915. DEPARTMENTS OF INSTRUCTION. General information about the various courses, faculty, equipment, expenses, and so on, may be found in the catalog-bulletin of the College which will be sent on application. Special information may be obtained by addressing, DR. EDWARD ARTHUR FATH, President Redfield College, Redfield, South Dakota. Any information concerning Redfield College Conservatory of Music may be obtained by addressing or calling upon, DR. MATTHEW LUNDQUIST, Director Redfield Conservatory, Redfield, South Dakota.