GOD THE LOVING FATHER Covers: 4 cents each. Punched paper to fit these covers: 25 sheets, 10 cents 1 Postpaid 100 sheets, 35 cents J Bind in cards with 1-inch brass fasteners. Metal box of 100 sent postpaid for 25 cents. (If covers get too full , cut apart along the fold.) Charles Scribner’s Sons 697-699 Fifth Avenue, New York THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic I. PROVIDING FOR HIS CHILDREN’S NEEDS Lesson 1. THE HOME Ps. 121: 5 first part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. Write the names of four places that you love. 2. What place do you love best of all? 3. Name four things that are done for you at home. 4. Name four things that you can do to make home happy. 5. Who gave us our homes? NOTE TO PARENTS Help the children to write answers to the above questions. Suggest things that the children can do to help in the home during the week. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Pub¬ lished by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 1. (over) ^47 THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS V- 3 CARD FOR COLORING »»., DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the tree trunks brown, the tops a dark green, and the grass a lighter shade of green. Use any color you like for the letters. 822043 COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic I. PROVIDING FOR HIS CHILDREN’S NEEDS (Continued) Lesson 2. WHAT THE FOREST GIVES US Gen. 2: 9 first part; Ps. 104: 16, 17 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. Draw a tree, or paste a picture ““ of one in this space. 2. Write the names of five things in your home that are made from trees. 1. 2 . 3. A. 5 . 3. Who made the trees? 4. How may we thank Him? MEMORY PRAYER Help us, dear Father, to show our thanks to Thee, by being kind and helpful every day. NOTE TO PARENTS The story for to-day may be found in Mother Stories, by Maud Lindsay. It tells of a happy family who all helped to get a home of their own. Ask the children to tell you the story. Help them to answer the questions. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 2. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING »„. 3 COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic I. PROVIDING FOR HIS CHILDREN’S NEEDS (Continued) Lesson 3. DOWN IN A COAL MINE Ps. 104: 24 last part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. Who provided coal for our use? 2. Where are some of God’s great storehouses? 3. For what do we use coal? 4. Can you think of other things for which coal is used? MEMORY PRAYER We thank Thee, Father in heaven, for all Thy wonderful gifts for our daily use. May we never forget that they have come from Thee. NOTE TO PARENTS The lesson to-day tells how God has provided the coal that is found underneath the ground, and how the miners have prepared it for use in our homes, and in other places, such as mills, engines, steamships, for making gas, etc. With a little assistance the children can write the answers above. Find the Bible verse at the beginning of the lesson and read it to the children. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 3. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING n« * COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic I. PROVIDING FOR HIS CHILDREN’S NEEDS (Continued) Lesson 4. SUMMER CLOTHING Gen. 2:4, 5; Lu. 12:28 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE Paste a small piece of cotton goods in this space. Find Psalm 104: 24. Then fill in the blank spaces below: O L , how manifold are thy ! in hast thou them ; the is of thy MEMORY PRAYER “ For health, and food, and clothes, I thank Thee, Father kind; I cannot count Thy mercies o’er, So many gifts I find.” NOTE TO PARENTS The story for to-day continues the thought of God’s loving care in providing summer clothing for us. Ask the children to tell the story of the cotton plant. It may be found in the Primary Teacher’s Helper. Help them to find Ps. 104: 24, and to fill in the words above. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 4. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING nos DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the picture and the letters any colors you like. eg COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic I. PROVIDING FOR HIS CHILDREN’S NEEDS (Continued) Lesson 5. WINTER CLOTHING Prov. 27:26; Phil. 4: 19 first part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. In our story to-day where did the storekeeper get the cloth? 2. Where did the weaver get the yam? 3. Where did the farmer get the wool? 4. Who made the wool to grow? 5. Who then gives us our clothing? MEMORY PRAYER “ Father of all, in heaven above, We thank Thee for Thy love; Our homes, our food, and all we wear Tell of Thy loving care.” NOTE TO PARENTS Our story to-day tells how God provided for His children by causing the thick wool to grow on the sheep, for the farmer to cut off and make into yam, which the weaver made into cloth and sold to the storekeeper, all ready to be made into warm winter clothing. Find the references and read them to the children. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 5. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING *<,« DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the picture and the letters any colors you like. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic I. PROVIDING FOR HIS CHILDREN’S NEEDS (Continued) Lesson 6. WATER TO DRINK Gen. 21:8-20; Ps. 104:10-13 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE Read Genesis 21:14-20, and fill in the blanks. Abraham rose up in the , and took and a bottle of , and sent H and I away. They wandered in the desert. When the w in the b was gone H went a good way off and p . And opened her eyes, and she saw aw of w ; and she went and f the b with w , and gave the lad a drink. God sends the water to fill the wells. MEMORY VERSES We plow the fields and scatter The good seed on the land; But it is fed and watered By God’s almighty hand. He sends the snow in winter, The warmth to swell the grain; The breezes and the sunshine, And soft, refreshing rain.” NOTE TO PARENTS The story of to-day is found in Gen. 21: 8-20. Help the children to find the passage and to fill in the missing words. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 6. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING no.7 COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic I. PROVIDING FOR HIS CHILDREN’S NEEDS (Continued) Lesson 7. FOOD TO EAT Lu. 1:53 first part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE The world is full of good things which God has given us to eat. Make a list of fruits. Make a list of vegetables. Draw a picture of an apple and color it with red crayon. MEMORY VERSE “ For health and home and food beside, To Him our thanks we’ll give; ’Tis God our Father doth provide These blessings we receive.” NOTE TO PARENTS Ask the children to tell you the story of how wheat is made into bread, and during the week, if possible, let them help prepare some simple food for the table. Help them to make out the lists called for above. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 7. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING n„ * COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic I. PROVIDING FOR HIS CHILDREN’S NEEDS (Continued) Lesson 8. HARVEST TIME Jas. 1:17 first part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE This is the harvest time of the year. People we read about in the Bible used to have Thanksgiving days in the harvest season. Let us find and write some of the verses that they wrote to thank God for His many gifts. Fill in the blank spaces: Psalm 118: 1. O give unto the Lord; for he is good. Psalm 100: 4. Enter into his gates with Ephesians 5: 20. Giving always for all things unto God. MEMORY VERSE “ For the fruit upon the tree, For the birds that sing of Thee, For the earth in beauty dressed, For father, mother, and the rest, Father, we thank Thee.” NOTE TO PARENTS With a little assistance the children can find the Bible verses and fill in the blank spaces. Ask them to tell you the story of the Pilgrims’first Thanksgiving as they heard it in the Sunday-school. If possible, let them help in some way to prepare something for the Thanksgiving dinner. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 8 . (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING *... COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic I. PROVIDING FOR HIS CHILDREN’S NEEDS (Continued) Lesson 9. PLAYTIME Zech. 8:5; Lu. 15: 32 first part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. Name some of the games that you like to play. 2. Can two children play cutting paper dolls, with only one pair of scissors? How? 3. About what little girl was our lesson to-day? 4. Tell something that she did on her play day. 5. How can you have a happy playtime? Ans. Make , and be MEMORY VERSE “ We thank Thee for our work and play That comes to us from day to day; Help us to be both kind and true, In everything we try to do.” NOTE TO PARENTS Ask the children to tell you the story of the little factory girl named Pippa, who spent a happy play day in the woods (adapted from Browning’s Pippa Passes ). Help them to answer the above questions. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 9. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING ko . 10 DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the stars yellow, the window pane pale blue, and the rest of the picture and the Memory Text any colors you like. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic I. PROVIDING FOR HIS CHILDREN’S (Continued) Lesson 10. NIGHTTIME Ps. 19:1, 2; Prov. 3:24 last part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE Find Genesis 1:16, and fill in these blank spaces. And God made two great lights; the greater rule the , and the lesser to rule the he made the also. Draw a star and a half-moon, and color them with a yellow crayon. NOTE TO PARENTS With your help the children may find the verse above and fill in the blanks. Encourage them In seeing the beauties of the night that it may have no terror for them. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, over) NEEDS to No. 10 THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING «<>.« I DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the letters and the picture any colors you like. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic II. PROTECTING HIS CHILDREN Lesson 11. MOTHER’S LOVE Lu. 2: 1-7; 1 Jo. 4:8 1. Name two things that Jesus’ mother did for him. 1 . 2 . 2. Name two things that your mother does for you, 1 . 2 . 3. What can you do for her? MEMORY VERSE “ My dear mamma is good to me, When I am bad as bad can be; I shouldn’t think she’d love me then, Or be so kind to me again. But when I’m good she smiles once more, And loves me better than before; I wonder why she likes to be So very, very good to me! ” MEMORY PRAYER “ Heavenly Father, I would be Like the Child of Galilee.” NOTE TO PARENTS Question the children on the Christmas story, and of Mary’s love and care for the baby Jesus. Read the Bible passages to them, and help them to learn the prayer. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 11. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING *<..« COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic II. PROTECTING HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 12. FATHERS LOVE Mt. 2: 1-15; 1 Pet. 5:7 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE Fill in the blank spaces. Matthew 2: 1, 2. Now when J was bom in Beth¬ lehem of J , in the days of H hold, there came men from the the king, be- to Jerusalem, saying, Where is he that is bom of the J ? Matthew 2:14. Then Joseph took the young and his by , and departed into E MEMORY VERSES “ Happy, happy Christmas! Let our voices chime; Long ago was Jesus bom At this blessed time. “ Happy, happy Christmas! Therefore let us sing, As our little gifts of love To our friends we bring.” NOTE TO PARENTS Help the children to find the Bible verses above, and to fill in the blank spaces. Ask them to tell you the story they heard in Sunday-school. It may be found in Mt. 2:1-15. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 12. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING *•.« DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the rose red, the leaves and stem green, and the letters any color you like. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic II. PROTECTING HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 13. BIG BROTHER AND SISTER 1 Cor. 12: 25 last part; Rom. 15: 1 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. If you have a big brother, write his name. 2. If you have a big sister, write her name. 3. If you have a baby brother or sister, write the name. Brother Sister 4. What can you do for a little brother or sister? MEMORY VERSE “ For mother’s love and father’s care, For brothers strong and sisters fair, For love at home and everywhere, Father, we thank Thee.” NOTE TO PARENTS The stories about the big brother and sister for to-day may be found in the Primary Teacher’s Helper. Suggest ways during the week by which the older children may be helpful to the younger ones. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. No. 13. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING n„ u COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic III. SENDING HELPERS TO HIS CHILDREN Lesson 14. FOOD BRINGERS Ps. 65: 9-13 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. How do the people in the city get their milk? 2. About what little city boy did we hear in our lesson to-day? 3. Who helped to bring him some milk? 4. Who brings us our bread? 5. Where do we get our groceries? MEMORY PRAYER “ We thank Thee, Father, up in heaven, For all the blessings Thou hast given, For home, and friends, and daily food, And everything that is so good.” NOTE TO PARENTS The story for to-day is from Edward Everett Hale’s “ Daily Bread,” in Christmas Stories. It tells how many persons in the country helped on a snowy night to get milk into the city, and how it came just in time to save the life of the little sick baby Jamie. The story teaches that God’s helpers are working to bring us our daily food. Help the children to answer the questions and to learn the Memory Prayer. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 14. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING no 15 COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic III. SENDING HELPERS TO HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 15. HOUSEHOLD HELPERS 2 Ki. 5: 1-15; Gal. 6: 10 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. In what country was the little maid in our story bom? 2. To what country had she been taken? 3. Whose wife did she help?j 4. Who was Naaman? 5. What did the little maid want him to do? 6. Did the prophet help him? NOTE TO PARENTS The story for to-day is found in 2 Ki. 5:1-15. Ask the children to tell the story of Naaman in their own words before they try to answer the questions, then help them to fill in the answers. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 15, (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING no i 6 DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the letter carrier’s clothing a dull blue, the shoes black, the buttons and bag yellow, and the letters any color you like. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic III. SENDING HELPERS TO HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 16. THE LETTER CARRIER Eph. 6:21, 22; 1 Cor. 3: 9 first part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE Find Ephesians 6: 22, and fill in the following blank spaces: “ Whom I have unto you for the same purpose, that he might our affairs, and that he might your hearts.” Write a short letter to your teacher. Write the address of your teacher in this space. NOTE TO PARENTS Help the children to find the verse Eph. 6:22, and fill in the words, and explain to them that this was what Paul wrote and sent by a messenger. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 16 THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING *<,.» COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic III. SENDING HELPERS TO HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 17. THE POLICEMAN Pss. 91: 5, 10; 121: 5-8. HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE Read Psalm 121: 5-8, and fill in the blank spaces. The Lord is thy : the Lord is thy shade upon thy right The Lord shall preserve thee from all : he shall pre¬ serve thy The shall preserve thy out and thy in from this time forth, and even for evermore. Psalm 91: 5, 10. Thou shalt not be . There shall no befall thee. PRAYER Our Father in heaven, we thank Thee for all persons who are helping to take care of us day by day. NOTE TO PARENTS Help the children to find the Bible references. Read over the verses to them several times, and help them when necessary to fill in the spaces. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 17, THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING *..» DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING, Color the border and the letters any colors you like. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic III. SENDING HELPERS TO HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 18. THE DOCTOR Ex. 15: 26 last part; Ps. 103: 3 first part; Mt. 17: 14-21 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE Read Mark 1: 30-34, and fill in the blank spaces. Simon’s wife’s lay of a fever. And Jesus came and took her by the , and her up; and immediately the left her, and she ministered unto them. And at even, when the did set, they brought unto all that were diseased. And he healed that were of divers diseases. NOTE TO PARENTS Read to the children the verses given above, and help them to fill in the blank spaces. Ask them to tell you the story told in Sunday school. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING no 19 COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic IV. TRAINING HIS CHILDREN Lesson 19. LEARNING TO OBEY Ex. 24: 7 last part; 1 Sam. 15: 11-23; 16: 1-13 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. What did David the shepherd boy do each day? 2. How many brothers had he? 3. For what did Samuel choose him? 4. Why did he choose David? MEMORY VERSE “ Help us to do the things we should; To be to others kind and good; In all we do in work or play, To grow more loving every day.” NOTE TO PARENTS Ask the children to tell you the story of Samuel anointing David, which may be found in 1 Sam. 15: 11-23 and see that they answer the questions correctly. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 19. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING M COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic IV. TRAINING HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 20. CONTROLLING ONESELF 1 Sam. 16: 14-23; 18: 10-16; Prov. 16:32 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE Fill in the blank spaces. Proverbs 15: 1. '‘A answer tumeth away wrath: but grievous stir up Psalm 141:3. “ Set a , O Lord, before my ; keep the of my A PRAYER “ Help me to be sweet and true; Show me what I ought to do. When I am tempted to do wrong, Keep me steadfast, brave and strong/’ NOTE TO PARENTS Help the children to find the Bible verses, and read them aloud a few times, after which they ought to be able to fill in the blanks without much help. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 20. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic IV. TRAINING HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 21. LEARNING TO BE CONTENTED Heb. 13:5; 1 Tim. 6:6, 8 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. What was our lesson story about to-day? 2. What did Old Mother West Wind say was the best thing in the world? 3. Do beautiful homes and fine clothing make us contented? 4. What does make us contented? Ans. The feeling in our that knows what is best for us. 5. What did Paul say about contentment? (1 Timothy 6 : 6 , 8 .) MEMORY VERSE “ The world is so full of a number of things, That I’m sure we should all be as happy as kings.” NOTE TO PARENTS The lesson for to-day is about Old Mother West Wind, who said that contentment was the best thing in the world. The story may be found in the Primary Teacher’s Helper. Help the children to answer the questions and to learn the Memory Verse. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. Cover) No. 21. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING,.., COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic IV. TRAINING HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 22. BEING ON TIME Jud. ch. 7; Titus 3: 1 last part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE Fill in the blanks. Gideon chose hundred brave men. They were to what he asked of them. He gave each soldier a , a and a . When Gideon blew his trumpet, what did the soldiers do? MEMORY VERSES “ Twenty times a day, dear; Twenty times a day, Your mother thinks about you At school, or else at play; She’s busy in the kitchen, Or she’s busy up the stair, But like a song her heart within Her love for you is there. “ There’s just a little thing, dear, She wishes you would do; I’ll whisper, ’tis a secret, Now mind, I’ll tell it you. Twenty times a day, dear, And more, I’ve heard you say, ‘ I’m coming in a minute,’ When you should at once obey. “ At once, as soldiers, instant At the motion of command, At once, as sailors seeing The captain’s warning hand, You could make your mother happy By mending in this way, Twenty times a day, dear, Twenty times a day.” NOTE TO PARENTS The lesson for to-day is in Judges ch. 7. Help the children to fill in the blanks and to answer the questions. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 22, (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING n„ COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic IV. TRAINING HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 23. BEING CAREFUL Lu. 16: 10; Titus 3: 8 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. Write three things that you do for mother every day. 2. Is your work always done right? 3. Write our Memory Text for to-day. B_c___ . MEMORY VERSE “ If you want to succeed You must do your work well, For over and over I’ve heard mother tell That the only rule For success and fame, For big folks and little ’Tis just the same, Is to do what you do With all your might; See that your work Is always done right.” NOTE TO PARENTS Ask the children to tell you the story of how the brown colt got away because the little boy was not care¬ ful. Give the children some little duty which they are to do every day, as feeding the kitty, or tha dog, filling the woodbox, etc., and help them to be faithful in the doing of what is entrusted to them. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 23. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic IV. TRAINING HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 24. WILLING TO HELP Is. 41:6; Lu. 2:50, 51; Acts 9: 36 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. What did Jesus do to help in the home? 2. What did He do to help persons outside His home? 3. What did Dorcas do for the poor? 4. What can you do to help father? 5. What can you do to help mother? MEMORY VERSE “ Do all the good you can, To all the people you can, In all the ways you can, And as long as ever you can.” NOTE TO PARENTS If the children cannot remember the answers to the questions, read the above references, and help them to write the answers. Suggest ways by which they may help you, and others. Teach them the Memory Verse. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 24. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING no . 25 DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the crocuses and the child’s hair yellow, the child’s drea and hair ribbon blue, the grass green, and the letters any color you like. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic IV. TRAINING HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 25. BEING GLAD. (The Easter Story) Ps. 92: 4 first part; S. of Sol. 2: 11, 12 HOME WORK Verses to Read “ Little white snowdrop just waking up; Violet, daisy and sweet buttercup, Under the leaves and the ice and the snow, Waiting to grow. “ Think what a host of queer little seeds, Soon to make flowers and mosses and weeds, Under the leaves and the ice and the snow, Waiting to grow. “ Think of the roots getting ready to sprout, Reaching their slender brown fingers about. Under the leaves and the ice and the snow, Waiting to grow. “ Nothing so small or hidden so well That God cannot find it and presently tell His sun where to shine and His rain where to go, Helping them grow.” —From Song Echoes from Childhood. NOTE TO PARENTS Ask the children to read to you the above poem, or read it to them. Encourage them to plant a few seeds, to set them in the sunshine and water them daily. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (ever) No. 25. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING a* 26 wwL color you like. w m -TO ) . JVL m) 1 - >| HHC JvU A yJLK LING. Color the buttercups yellow, the leaves green □ Jo.14:15. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic IV. TRAINING HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 26. STORIES WE HAVE LIKED BEST Review of the First Six Months 1. Name five things that God provides for our needs. 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 2. Name three helpers that come to our homes. 1. 2. 3. 3. What does God want His children to do? Ephesians 6:1. Hebrews 1:5. Luke 10: 40. Isaiah 41:6. NOTE TO PARENTS By consulting the note-books which are brought home to-day, the children can answer the questions. Help them to find the references. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 59.-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1912, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 26. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING *„.» DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the pansies purple and yellow, and the letters any color that harmonizes with them. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic V. SHARING HIS WORK WITH HIS CHILDREN Lesson 27. LOVING ONE ANOTHER 1 Sam. 17:12-58; 18:1-5; 1 Jo. 4:7 first part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE Fill in the missing blanks. Once there was a boy who was a king’s son. The king’s name was . The boy’s name was J He had a dear friend named D . J gave D as , a s and a b He shared his best things with his , because he him. MEMORY PRAYER Help me, dear heavenly Father, to be loving and unselfish. Help me to be willing to share my best things with others. NOTE TO PARENTS The story for to-day is found in 1 Sam. 17:12-58; 18:1-5. Help the children to supply the missing words and to learn the Memory Prayer. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 27. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING no. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic V. SHARING HIS WORK WITH HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 28. BEING A PEACEMAKER 1 Sam. 25:1-35; Mt. 5:9 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. What did David and his men do for Nabal’s shepherds? (1 Sam. 25: 5, 16.) 2. What did David expect Nabal to do? (1 Sam. 25:8.) 3. What did Nabal do? (1 Sam. 25:10, 11.) 4. What did David plan to do? (1 Sam. 25:13.) 5. Who made peace between David and Nabal? (1 Sam. 25:32, 33.) NOTE TO PARENTS Help the children to find the references, and read the verses to them, if necessary, then they can answer the questions for themselves. Suggest ways by which they can be peacemakers during the coming week. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 28. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING »<>.* COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic V. SHARING HIS WORK WITH HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 29. WORKING IN THE HOME Titus 3:1 last part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. Supply the missing words. I have little servants. They are two , two , two , two and two 2. Name two things that Hands can do to help mother. 3. Name two things that Feet can do to help father. 4. What makes a happy home? Ans. Each the others. MEMORY VERSE “ Little deeds are precious If a loving heart Helps the busy fingers, As they do their part.” NOTE TO PARENTS The story for to-day calls the two eyes, two ears, two lips, two feet and two hands ten little servants that belong to every boy and girl. Ask the children to tell you the story of these little servants, and if neces¬ sary, help them to fill in the missing words. Suggest some work that they can do to help in the home. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 29. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING Ko.3. DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the nasturtiums bright yellow, the leaf and stems green, and the vase and letters as you like. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic V. SHARING HIS WORK WITH HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 30. WELCOMING A GUEST Gen. 18:1-8; Prov. 18:24 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE Fill in the missing words. Abraham lived in a , near an oak . He was sitting in the of his tent in the warm part of the , when he saw three coming. He out to meet them, and bowed to the ground. He asked them to under the . Then he asked his wife to some . After that he ran quickly to the fields to fetch a . He did everything he could to make his guests NOTE TO PARENTS Let the children tell the story of Abraham welcoming his guests. Read Gen. 18 :l-8 to them. If possible let them help in some little ways to make the guests of their home happy. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 30. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic V. SHARING HIS WORK WITH HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 31. BEING KIND TO ANIMALS Prov. 12:10 first part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. What was the name of the dog we heard about to-day? 2. Who was unkind to him? 3. Who was kind to him? 4. Name three animals which we like for pets. 5. Name two animals which work for us. 6. What animal gives us milk to drink? 7. What animal gives us wool? 8. How should we treat all animals? NOTE TO PARENTS Let the children repeat the story they heard in the Sunday school about “ Rover and his Friends." It may be found in Eddy’s Friends and Helpers. Encourage the children to care regularly for any pets they may have at home, and teach them always to show kindness to animals. Bible Study Union Lessons CThe Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 31. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING »..« COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic V. SHARING HIS WORK WITH HIS CHILDREN (Continued) Lesson 32. HELPING CARE FOR GOD’S HOUSE Deut. 16:17; 2 Ki. 12:1-15; 2 Chron. 34:1-13 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. Fill in the missing words. Psalm 122:1. I was when they said unto me, Let us go into the of the Deuteronomy 16:17. Every shall as he is able. 2. Name three ways in which you can help care for the house of God. NOTE TO PARENTS With a little help the children can find the references in the Bible, and write in the missing words. Ask them to tell the story they heard in the Sunday school of how the young king Joash raised money for repair¬ ing the temple. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 32. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING .» COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS— FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VI. MAKING FAR-AWAY HOMES Lesson 33. A HOME IN A WIGWAM Eph. 4:6 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE Copy these verses about Hiawatha, the little Indian boy. “ Then the little Hiawatha Learned of every bird its language, Learned their names and all their secrets, How they built their nests in summer, Where they hid themselves in winter, Talked with them whene’er he met them, Called them ‘ Hiawatha’s chickens.’ “ Of all beasts he learned their language, Learned their names and all their secrets, How the beavers built their lodges, Where the squirrels hid their acorns, How the reindeer ran so swiftly, Why the rabbit was so timid, Talked with them whene’er he met them, Called them ‘ Hiawatha’s brothers.’ ” NOTE TO PARENTS Read these verses, which are taken from Longfellow’s Hiawatha, to the children. They may be interested to hear more of the poem. Ask them to tell the story they heard in the Sunday school about the Indian family. It may be found in The Primary Teacher's Helper. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 697-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 33. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING nos4 DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the picture and the letters any colors you like. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VI. MAKING FAR-AWAY HOMES (Continued) Lesson 34. UNDER THE ICE AND SNOW Mai. 2:10 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. What little Esquimau boy did we hear about to-day? 2. Of what is the home of the Esquimau children made? 3. What kind of clothing do they wear? 4. What food do they eat? 5. How do they go riding? 6. Who provides loving care for all His children? NOTE TO PARENTS The lesson to-day was about Kyo, a little Esquimau boy. It tells of the Esquimau huts, built of blocks of ice, of the fur clothing worn by the children, the fat, or blubber, which they eat, and how they ride on sleds drawn by big, shaggy dogs. With a little assistance the children can answer the above questions. Bible Study Union Lessons CThe Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 34. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING Ness COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VI. MAKING FAR-AWAY HOMES (Continued) Lesson 35. THE HOME OF OUR LITTLE BLACK BROTHER AND SISTER Ps. 145:9 first part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. Find the references, and then supply the missing words. Malachi 2:10. Have not one ? Galatians 6:10. As we have therefore , let do unto 2. Tell the story of Manenko to father or mother. 3. Why do we send missionaries to Manenko’s country? NOTE TO PARENTS Help the children to find the references and to supply the missing words. Encourage them to tell you the story of Manenko. It may be found in Seven Little Sisters, by Jane Andrews, or in The Primary Teacher’s Helper. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 35. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING no 36 COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS— FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VI. MAKING FAR-AWAY HOMES (Continued) Lesson 36. IN SUNRISE LAND Ps. 24:1 first part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. What is the name of the country that we sometimes call “ Sunrise Land ”? 2. What are most of the houses made of? 3. What do they use for chairs? 4. What do they use for knives and forks? 5. Who is the Father of all these little children so far away? MEMORY VERSE “ We’ve a story to tell to the nations That shall turn their hearts to the right, A story of truth and mercy, A story of peace and light.” NOTE TO PARENTS The story to-day was about a home in Japan, where the house was made of bamboo, where mats were used instead of chairs, and chopsticks instead of knives and forks. Encourage the children to tell you the whole story. It may be found in The Primary Teacher's Helper. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 36. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING n» COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS— FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VII. MAKING OTHER HOMES Lesson 37. LITTLE HOMES IN THE FIELD Ps. 145:9 last part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. Name some animals that make their homes in the field. 2. Who taught the animals to make their homes? 3. Who takes care of them? Ans. Ps. 145:9. The is to and his tender mercies are over His 4. Write something about any little home in the field that you may have seen. NOTE TO PARENTS Help the children to answer the questions and to learn the reference Ps. 145:9. Ask them to tell you the story about the field mice heard in the Sunday school. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 37. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING Noas COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VII. MAKING OTHER HOMES (Continued) Lesson 38. A NEST HOME Ps. 104:16, 17; Lu.6:36 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. What was our story about to-day? 2. What did they do? 3. Get some pieces of thread, some leaves, straw and sticks, and see if you can make a nest. 4. Who taught the birds to build their nests? 5. What did Jesus say about birds? (Mt. 6:26.) 6. What can we do to help the heavenly Father in caring for the birds? MEMORY VERSE “ Of all the weavers that I know, The oriole is best; High in the branches of the tree, He hangs his cozy nest.” NOTE TO PARENTS The story to-day was about a pair of orioles who built their nest in an elm tree. Help the children to answer the questions. If possible, take them to see a nest home. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 38. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING n». s* COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VII- MAKING OTHER HOMES (Continued) Lesson 39. A HOME IN THE WATER Jo. 1:3 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. What kind of home did we hear about to-day? 2. Where was it? 3. Find the following references and supply the missing words. Psalm 95:5. The is , and he it. Psalm 145:9. The is to all: and his t m are over his MEMORY VERSE “ How strong and sweet our Father’s care That round about us, like the air, Is with us, always, everywhere. He cares for all.” NOTE TO PARENTS To-day’s story is about the beauty and wonder of the fish life. It is taken from “ Mr. Stickleback,” by Emilie Poulsson, in In the Child's World. Let the children see a fish, either in an aquarium, or one from the market. Help them to find the references and fill in the missing words. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 39. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING Nol > DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING, any color you like. Color the hay yellow, the grass green, and the rest of the picture COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VIII. GIVING PLEASURE TO HIS CHILDREN IN THE OUTDOOR WORLD Lesson 40. ON THE FARM Gen. 1:11 first part; Lev. 26:4 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. What are some of the things done on a farm? 2. Name some things that grow on a farm. 3. What makes them grow? 4. Read Lev. 26:4, and fill in the following blanks: “ I will you in due season, and the shall yield her increase, and the trees of the shall yield their MEMORY VERSE “ Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world With the wonderful water around you curled! And the wonderful grass upon your breast! World, you are beautifully dressed!” NOTE TO PARENTS The story to-day was about farm life. If the children live on a farm, or are able to visit one this summer let them learn some little part of the work. Help them to answer the questions and fill in the blanks. B : ble Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 40. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING no « DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the earth brown, the trees green, and the rest of the picture and the letters as you like. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VIII. GIVING PLEASURE TO HIS CHILDREN IN THE OUTDOOR WORLD (Continued) Lesson 41. IN THE GARDEN Gen. 2:8; Amos 9:14 last part HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. Have you ever planted any seeds? 2. How must we care for the little plants? 3. What helps them to grow? 4. Who sends the rain and sunshine to make them grow? MEMORY VERSE 61 It’s everybody’s business In this great world of ours, To pull out all the weeds they find And make room for the flowers, So that every little garden, No matter where it lies Shall be like one that God made And called it Paradise.” NOTE TO PARENTS The story to-day was about a garden. Encourage the children to plant a few flowers and care for them daily. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 41. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING *.«. nr i r ~\ r nn Lnl L J V- Lru m 1"^ LTULE fpnn iLT u -a LIU n v\( 'pnnT ini i _Z3 _ m\ U $ H i) nn Lm C3 Ps. 74:16. DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the sun red, the trees, grass and leaves green, and the center of the daisies yellow, leaving the petals white. Color the rest of the picture as you choose. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VIII. GIVING PLEASURE TO HIS CHILDREN IN THE OUTDOOR WORLD (Continued) Lesson 42. THE MERRY SUNSHINE Ps. 74:16 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. Name two things that the sun gives us. 1. L 2. H 2. Fill in the following blanks: The makes plants g The makes us happy We can be like the for we can make persons MEMORY VERSE “ A smile, and then two merry eyes, To make the pleasantest of skies; A laugh, or many, if you please, To make the sweetest summer breeze. All these, if used well, and aright, Will even make a dark day bright.” NOTE TO PARENTS The story to-day is about a little girl who tried to be like a merry sunbeam. Ask the children to tell you the story. It may be found in the Primary Teacher’s Helper. Help the children to fill in the blanks and to learn the Memory Verse. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 42. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING *..« DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the wheat pale green or yellow, the clouds gray, the sky blue, and the letters as you like. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VIII. GIVING PLEASURE TO HIS CHILDREN IN THE OUTDOOR WORLD (Continued) Lesson 43. THE STORY OF A RAIN CLOUD Ps. 147:7, 8 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. What makes the clouds? 2. How can you tell when it is going to rain? 3. Of what use is the rain? 1 . 2 . 8 . 4. Who gives us the rain? (Ps. 147: 7, 8.) MEMORY VERSE “ How beautiful is the rain! After the dust and heat, In the broad and fiery street, In the narrow lane, How beautiful is the rain!” NOTE TO PARENTS Give the children an opportunity to tell you the story of the rain cloud. Explain to them, if necessary, how the sun warms the water on the ocean until tiny drops rise up into the air as mist, where it forms into clouds, and then falls in raindrops on the earth. Help them to answer all the questions and to find the reference given. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 43. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING n..* COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VIII. GIVING PLEASURE TO HIS CHILDREN IN THE OUTDOOR WORLD (Continued) Lesson 44. THE RAINBOW Gen. 9:12, 13 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. Draw and color a rainbow, placing the colors in the right order, beginning at the top — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, indigo. 2. What makes the rainbow? Ans. The shining on drops of 3. Find and write Genesis 9:13. MEMORY VERSE “ The sun went out to shine one day. Said he, ‘ I’ll drive the rain away.’ The raindrops laughed to see him try To drive them back into the sky. Each raindrop caught a sunbeam bright And split it into rays of light: Red, yellow, blue, three rays in one — And made a rainbow, just for fun.” NOTE TO PARENTS Help the children to find the story of Noah and the ark (Gen. chs. 8, 9), and show them how to draw a rainbow. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 44. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING «<>.« COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VIII. GIVING PLEASURE TO HIS CHILDREN IN THE OUTDOOR WORLD (Continued) Lesson 45. A FRESH AIR STORY Acts 17:25 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE Find the following verses and write them on the blank lines. Genesis 2:7. _ Psalm 150:6. MEMORY VERSE “ The beautiful, bright sunshine, That smiles on all below, The waving trees, the cool, soft breeze, The rippling streams that flow, The shadows on the hillsides, The many tinted flowers, O God, how fair Thy loving care Has made this earth of ours!” NOTE TO PARENTS Help the children to find the references. The lesson story was about fresh air. Ask the children to tell you the story. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 45. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the sweet peas pink and purple, the leaves green, and the rest of the picture as you like. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VIII. GIVING PLEASURE TO HIS CHILDREN IN THE OUTDOOR WORLD (Continued) Lesson 46. THE STORY OF A BLOSSOM Ps. 145:10 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. Fill in the blank spaces with the right words. A little girl lived in a . Her went out to . One day the little girl saw that a was growing in a crack near the w This made her very . She began to get By the time the blossom appeared, she was able to up by the . The happy mother thanked for what He had done. 2. Carry a flower to some sick friend this week, or send some flowers to the hospital. NOTE TO PARENTS The story to-day is condensed from “ Five in a Pea Shell,” by Hans Andersen. It is about a little girl who was sick in a garret, and got well while watching a sweet pea plant grow in the window. Help the children to supply the missing words, and to carry out the suggestion to take flowers to some one who is sick. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. (over) No. 46. THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING no.« COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic VIII. GIVING PLEASURE TO HIS CHILDREN IN THE OUTDOOR WORLD (Continued) Lesson 47. AT THE SEASHORE Ps. 95:5 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE Draw a picture of a boat in this space. MEMORY VERSE “ Not a brooklet floweth Onward to the sea, Not a sunbeam gloweth On its bosom free, Not a seed unfoldeth To the glorious air, But our Father holdeth It within His care.” NOTE TO PARENTS The story to-day is about the seashore. Let the children tell it in their own words. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 47. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING N0 4 8 CT ~3 W DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the letters and the picture any way you like. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic IX. GIVING HAPPY SCHOOL DAYS Lesson 48. HOURS WITH THE TEACHER Is. 1:17 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. About what little girl was our lesson to-day? 2. What did she learn to do? 3. Find the verses and fill in the blank spaces. 1 Corinthians 14:40. “ Let all things be decently and in .” Titus 3:1 first part. “ Be to every good PRAYER “ Lord, we thank Thee for this day, For these hours of work and play, For the shining sun above, For Thy great and tender love. Help us, Lord, Thy will to do; Make us loving, kind and true.” NOTE TO PARENTS ' The story to-day was about a little girl named Betty who learned to listen very carefully to what the teacher said to her. Ask the children to tell you how she learned to do this. Help them to find the references and fill in the blank spaces. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 48. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING no 49 COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic IX. GIVING HAPPY SCHOOL DAYS (Continued) Lesson 49. OUR BOOK FRIENDS Jer. ch. 36; Jo. 5:39; Rev. 1:3 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. Who helped Jeremiah to write a book? 2. What was the shape of the book that was written? 3. Write the name of the best book in the world? 4. Draw a picture of a book, or paste one in this space. - MEMORY VERSES “ In school we should learn to read and write; We must attend with all our might. “ When we ‘ attend ’ we face our teacher straight; For what she has to say we gladly wait. “ We do not turn to laugh and talk, or play; For then we could not hear what she would say.” NOTE TO PARENTS The story to-day is taken from Jer. ch. 36. Let the children tell you the story and describe the ancient books, or rolls. Encourage them to take good care of their books. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 49. Cover) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING n„. so DIRECTIONS FOR COLORING. Color the picture and the Memory Text any way you like. COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic IX. GIVING HAPPY SCHOOL DAYS (Continued) Lesson 50. TRYING AGAIN Gen. 26:1-6; 12-33; Gal. 6:9 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. What was the name of the man in our story? 2. What did he need for his family and flocks? 3. How did they get water to drink in those days? 4. How many wells did he dig? 5. Color the background in the space above, leaving the letters white. NOTE TO PARENTS The lesson to-day is taken from Gen. 26:1-6; 12-33. Ask the children to tell you the story, and help them to answer the questions. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 centd a year; five or more copies to one address. 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 50. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING »„.« COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSON’S — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic IX. GIVING HAPPY SCHOOL DAYS (Continued) Lesson 51. ON THE PLAYGROUND Zech. 8:5 HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. In our story to-day what game were some children playing? 2. Why did they give up that game for something else? 5. Whom did they make very happy. 4. Find the following verses and fill in the blanks: Luke 15:32. “ Make merry and be Matthew 5:9. “ B are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the of God.” MEMORY VERSE Happy hearts and happy faces, Happy play in grassy places— That was how in ancient ages Children grew to kings and sages.” — Stevenson. NOTE TO PARENTS The story to-day was about some children playing tag, who changed to playing store so a little lame boy could have a good time too. Ask the children to tell you the story, and encourage them to be thoughtful for others in the playtime. Bible Study Union Lessons (The Comoletely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 51. (over) THE BIBLE STUDY UNION (BLAKESLEE) GRADED LESSONS CARD FOR COLORING «<>.« COMPLETELY GRADED SERIES — PRIMARY LESSONS — FIRST YEAR GOD THE LOVING FATHER AND HIS CHILDREN Topic IX. GIVING HAPPY SCHOOL DAYS (Continued) Lesson 52. REVIEW 1 Tim. 6:17. HOME WORK FOR CHILDREN WHO CAN WRITE 1. In the first frame write some things that God the loving father has provided for His children. 2. In the second frame write some ways that we can show our love for Him. MEMORY VERSE “ With a childlike heart of love At Thy bidding may I move, Prompt to love and follow Thee, Loving Him who first loved me.” NOTE TO PARENTS The children bring home their notebooks to-day. Look over their work, and commend it where it is possible. Help them to fill in the frames. Suggestions will be found in the lesson titles on the cards for the year. Bible Study Union Lessons ("The Completely Graded Series), Primary Lessons and Cards. Published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, 597-599 Fifth Avenue, New York, at 40 cents a year; five or more copies to one address, 36 cents a year each. Copyright, 1913, by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. No. 52. (over) 3 0112072454959