378 Zlrr>3^L > ;«&&y •-, *$&»§£ a- |: - .'' •• r -fy . .• : •..• r- I »■ ' .* -- BUREAU OF EDUCATION «i~; __ >■ - : •" •■ • 1 ';•••■ ' . J '?-]'.V •'. *a£V '- 1 •"' ••.•^ • / ' ” 7 nr TT T rTTXT ir»1*7 XT 1 H .3 ■•• U ^ UU111,) ' ' r.y, : \\V t ■•’ •■ ■ -- ■ "< .. • ■ *,'■•■• • V>’.' : &,■'.*:■ ::v -. ; 17 vV’v>' •>a ‘ - if ..; ■ <£, ■ .^,;:- a r'r *i IT^T TT?r I F ->.Y. , ■ SAMUEL PAL SPECIALIST IN HIGH BUREAU OF El A AY A :' f Viv v?, •a..,.: .. iff., $Ric8_ |jC A <*- ? arTv*? S'Vv A . 4 3 . : 'fi-as - - ><"V ■ .' y. 1 • A.VV ■J-'' * ; . . y f i. ”'*J| ’Jfj.' r*' * i-V , w^"*" Jp- Lyf ,■*■ , SAMUEL PAUL CAPEN HIGHER EDUCATION BUREAU OF EDUCATION -' •**'■•■*• ' r -- . Y > Y.YlY a. !. V-.W-'fc'tv . BY W?i' •. - V'-*'. •-/ A.-' > ■ -, - f.v.- . '■•■. -:• .-a- BPWP MM . I I ■•■ ■•■;•"•' ■■■/.- ■ • -. A"'' -: v v •- ••--•'.' • f. . - eh \i.t, * : - -rx [••:••-•• 'A k V.■%' !r y v,. , ■ '; : AY- - .. '•*’■ - .. v-./ ^ <« r.'t; ’•.fjvV-A. 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Note.— With the exceptions indicated, ;the documents named below will be sent free of,-jcharge upon application to the Commissioner of Education, Washington, D. C. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are no longer available for free distribution, but may be had of the Superintendent of Documents, Government lariating Office, Washington, D. C., upon payment of the price stated. Remittances should be made in coin, currency, or money order. Stamps are not accepted. A complete list of available publications will be sent upon application. *No. 1. Monthly record of current educational publications, January, 1917. ./ *••• frets// No. 2. Reorganization of English in secondary schools. J. F. Hosic. No. 3. Pine needle basketry in schools. W. C. A. Bammel. No. 4. Secondary agricultural schools in Russia. W. S. Jesien. No. 5. Report of an inquiry into the administration and support of the Colo- 'Ef^tado school system. Katherine M. Cook and A. C. Monahan. No. 6. Educative and economic possibilities of school-directed home gardening Richmond, Ind. J. L. - Randall. No. 7. Monthly record of current educational publications, February, 1917. No. 8. Current practice in city school administration. W. S. Deffenbaugh. No. 9. Department-store education. Helen K. Norton. No. 10. Development of arithmetic as a school subject. ;W* S. Monroe. No*^.^Higher technical education in foreign countries. A. T. Smith and : ; : r : W. S, Jesien. . No. 12. Monthly record of current educational publications, March, 1917. No. 13. Monthly record of current educational publications, April, 1917. No. 14. A graphic survey of book publication, 1890-1916. F. E. Woodward. -NO. ^ Studies in higher education in Ireland and Wales. Geo. E. MacLean. No. 16. Studies in higher education in England and Scotland. Geo. E. MacLean. No. 17. Accredited higher institutions;^f Si ;P. Capen. No. 18. History of public school education in Delaware. S. B. Weeks. No. 19. Report of a survey of the University of Nevada. No. 20. Work of school children during out-of-school hours. C. D. Jarvis. No. 21. Monthly record of current educational publications, May, 1917. No. 22. Money value of education. A. Caswell Ellis..; No. 23. Three short courses in home making. Carrie A. Lyford. No. 24. Monthly record of current educational publications—Index, February, 1916, to January, 1917. No. 25. Military training of youth of school age in foreign countries. W. S. Jesien. ,/* J# • No. 26. Garden clubs ih s ihe schools of Englewood, N. J. Charles O. Smith. No. 27. Training of teachers of mathematics in secondary schools. R. C. v ; Archibald. i v ,. No. 28 . Monthly record of current educational publications, June, 1917. No. 29. Practice teaching for teachers in secondary schools.-/. No. 30. School extension statistics, 1915-16. “Clarence A. Perry. N^<.31. Rural-teacher preparation in county training schools and. high schools. - - : H,. W..F6giit;>^; ?; ^ ’ No. 32. Work of the Bureau of Education for the natives of Alaska, 1915-16. No. 33. A comparison of the salaries of rural and urban superintendents of /’schools. A. C. Monahan and C. H. Dye. No. 34. Institutions -in fHer;United States giving instruction in agriculture. A. C. Monahan and C. H. Dye. No. 35. The township and community high-school movement in Illinois. H. A. •/Hollister. **.v' No. 36. Demand for vocational education in the countries at war. Anna T. Smith. ' v Not^7. The conference on training for foreign service. Glen L, Swiggett. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1917, No. 17 ACCREDITED HIGHER INSTITUTIONS BY SAMUEL PAUL CAPEN SPECIALIST IN HIGHER EDUCATION BUREAU OF EDUCATION WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 ADDITIONAL COPIES Or THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 10 CENTS PER COPY Uaa ^ OL/ \ v\*l CONTENTS. Page. Letter of transmittal_ 4 Purposes and procedure of accrediting agencies_ 6 Contents of the bulletin- 7 Comment_ 8 Part I.—Institutions accredited by State universities_ 9 Part II.—Institutions accredited by State departments of education_ 25 Part III.—Lists of voluntary organizations_ 61 Association of American Colleges_ 61 Association of American Universities_ 63 Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools of the Southern States. 65 Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching_ 66 North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools_ 68 Part IV.—Junior colleges_ 71 3 o \ r- «s- \ 9