ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD CONNECTICUT SUPPLEMENT TO 1917 EDITION CONTENTS Page Sec. 56. Relating to bonds of city officers . 3 Sec. 154. Relating to collection and disposal of garbage, ashes refuse, etc., and containers to be maintained therefor.... 3 0 Sec. 653. Relating to Master Plumber reporting completion of work to Plumbing Inspector and issuance by Inspector of certificate of approval thereof . 5 Sec. 707. Relating to operation of motor vehicles, upon any road or driveway in Halloween Park . 6 Sec. 711. Relating to adequate toilet facilities, being provided on premises upon which work is being carried on under permits issued under Section 191 of the City Ordinances.. 6 Sec. 712. (2) Relating to construction or. alteration of stationary steam plant, boiler or furnace and applications and per¬ mits for such construction or alterations. 7 (3) Relating to smoke nuisance from locomotives, smokestacks, chimneys, etc. 7 And orders issued by Building Inspector in re-abating same . 8 (4) Persons issued permit to construct chimneys, etc., not exempt from prosecution on account of smoke nuisance . 9 (5) Temporary permits for emmission of smoke may be granted . 9 (6) Provision does not apply to private residences.... 9 (7) Violation a misdemeanor, punished by fine. 9 Sec. 713. Relating to charges for carrying or transportation of coal . 10 Sec. 714. Relating to overhanging structures over traveled por¬ tion of highway, such as awnings, signs, etc.10 Sec. 715. Relating to the sale of loaves of bread .10 Standard loaf and weight mark specifications for bread... 11 Sec. 716. Relating to operation of internal combustion engines, causing production of noises an annoyance to public....11 Sec. 717. Relating to employment of able-bodied male persons between the ages of 18 and 60 years .12 Sec. 718. Relating to new layouts and removal of buildings, fences and other structures included within the boun¬ daries of such new layouts.13 Sec. 719. City Janitor, under direction of City Clerk.14 Sec. 720. Relating to withdrawal of sinking funds from banks or depositories .. Sec. 721. Relating to city treasurer issuing checks except in pay¬ ment of claims warranted by the Mayor .15 ♦ Sit Z. o'f* 0 1 Y^\ Ca jb <0 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD, THE FOLLOWING OR¬ DINANCE OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD IS HEREBY ENACTED: Section 56 of the Ordinances of the City of Stamford is hereby amended to read as follows: The officials hereinafter named shall each execute a proper bond, with surety satisfactory to the Common Council for the performance of the duties of his office, viz: the City Clerk and Assistant City Clerk shall give bond of Five Hundred Dol¬ lars; the City Treasurer shall give a bond of Fifty Thousand Dollars; the Collector of Taxes shall give a bond for Fifty Thousand Dollars; the City Sheriff shall give a bond for Five Hundred Dollars; the Building Inspector shall give a bond of One Thousand Dollars; the Inspector of Plumbing and Sewers shall give a bond of Five Hundred Dollars, and the City Engi¬ neer shall give a bond of Twenty-five hundred Dollars. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD: Section 154 of the Ordinances of the City of Stamford is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 154. The following regulations shall be observed in relation to garbage, ashes and refuse to be collected by the City of Stamford or by any party working as agent or contrac¬ tor for said city in collecting garbage, ashes and refuse: (a) No person shall mix any ashes, manure, filth, dead •animals, broken glass or crockery, contents of privy or cesspool, bottles, paper, rags, metals, tin cans, any poisonous matter, sub¬ stance or material of any kind, or any sort or kind of rubbish with or in any way defile, the garbage which is to be so col¬ lected, and all garbage shall be kept in a sanitary condition and 3 covered at all times. Shells of bivalves and crustaceans, how¬ ever, shall be included in garbage. Before placing in can, garbage may be wrapped in such paper only as is necessary to keep garbage cans in sanitary condition. (b) All refuse of an inorganic nature, including ashes, pa¬ per, rags, bottles, metals, broken glass and crockery, tin cans and like refuse, which is to be so collected shall be kept in a separate container, and it shall be kept free from garbage or any putrefactive substance. Although not imperative by this ordinance, it is desirable to keep ashes clean, and in a metal container separate from the other refuse described in this subdivision, (b). (c) Any person failing to observe and comply with any of these regulations of this ordinance shall be fined not less than Two ($2) Dollars nor more than Five ($5) Dollars for every such failure. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD: That Section 204 of the Ordinances of said City is hereby amended to read as follows: “Sec. 204. FIRE LIMITS. A certain section of territory lying within the limits of the City of Stamford shall be known as the Fire District and the boundaries thereof shall be known as the Fire Limits and will be cited as such; said certain district being described and bounded as follows, to wit: Commencing at a certain point on the northerly side of the roadbed of the N. Y. N. H. & H. R. R., said point being 10c feet easterly from the easterly side of Canal Street, prolonged and running thence in a northerly direction on a line 100 feet distant from and parallel to the easterly side of Canal Street to a point 100 feet south¬ erly from the southerly side of Brook Street; thence in an easterly direction, on a line 100 feet distant from and parallel to the south-, erly side of Brook Street, to a point 100 feet easterly from the easterly side of Grevrock Place prolonged; thence in a northerly direction, on a line 100 feet distant from and parallel to the easterly side of Greyrock Place to a point 100 feet southerly from the south¬ erly side of Main Street; thence in an easterly direction, on a line 4 ioo feet distant from and parallel to the southerly side of Main Street to a point ioo feet easterly from the easterly side of Sur- burban Avenuq prolonged; thence in a northerly direction on a line ioo feet distant from and parallel to the easterly side of Surburban Avenue, to a point 200 feet from the northerly side of Main Street; thence westerly parallel to and 200 feet from the northerly side of Main Street to a point 100 feet easterly from the easterly side of Greyrock Place; thence northerly parallel to and 100 feet from the easterly side of Greyrock Place to a point IOO feet northerly from the northerly side of Broad Street to a point 100 feet westerly from the westerly side of Summer Street; thence in a southerly direction, on a line 100 feet distant from and parallel to the westerly side of Summer Street, to a point 100 feet northerly from the northerly side of Park Place; thence in a westerly direction, on a line 100 feet distant from and parallel to the northerly line of Park Place, to a point in the center of River Street; thence in a southerly direction, to a point on the southerly side of Rippowam Square, 100 feet westerly from the westerly side of South Stareet; thence in a southerly direction on a line 100 feet distant from and parallel to the westerly side of South Street, to a point on the northerly side of the roadbed of the N. Y. N. H. & H. R. R.; thence in an easterly direction along the northerly side of said road¬ bed to the point of beginning. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD: Section 653 of the Ordinances of the City of Stamford is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following paragraph, to wit: Immediately upon the completion of any plumbing or drainage work, for which a permit is required under the Plumbing Code of the City of Stamford, the Master Plumber in,charge of or super¬ vising such work shall report to the Inspector of Plumbing and Sewers that said work is completed, and the Inspector of Plumbing & Sewers shall forthwith inspect the said work and shall issue to said Master Plumber' a certificate of approval of said work, if upon such inspection said inspector shall find that the work has been done in accordance with the City Ordinances. No such work shall be used until such certificate of approval has been issued by the Inspector of Plumbing & Sewers. 5 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD: Section 707 of the Ordinances of the City of Stamford, is hereby amended to read as follows:— “No person shall drive any horse or operate any motor or other vehicle, or permit the same to be driven or operated upon any road or driveway in Halloween Park, in the City of Stamford, at a rate ex¬ ceeding 15 miles per our, nor shall any person drive or operate any delivery wagon, motor or other truck, or permit the same to be driven or operated upon any such road or driveway.” BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD: The following Ordinance of the City of Stamford is hereby enacted: Section 711. The person to whom any permit is issued under Section 191 of the City Ordinances shall provide or cause to be provided on the premises upon which work under said permit is to be carried on adequate toilet facilities for the workingmen em¬ ployed upon said work. Every such toilet shall have a hinged seat which can be raised perpendicularly. Unless such toilet is connected with a cesspool or sewer and can be flushed out with water, the toilet shall be so constructed and arranged that all matter deposited therein shall be received into a water-tight container or receptacle which shall be closed or covered when not being used so that flies shall not have access thereto. In all cases such toilet shall be en¬ closed by partitions or screens so as to afford privacy to the person using it. The seat and all parts of any such toilet outside of the container or receptacle shall be kept clean and free from filth and the container shall always be emptied before it is completely filled. The contents of such container shall be disposed of in accordance with the Ordinances of said City and shall not be allowed to be¬ come a nuisance. Temporary toilet structures for the uses herein specified may be erected without a permit but all toilets so erected without a permit shall be subject to the approval of the Building Inspector who may make orders relating thereto which he may deem necessary for the convenience of the workingmen on the work or for sanitary reasons. In lieu of toilets on the premises as herein required, existing toilets in the vicinity of the premises may be furnished for use of 6 workingmen, provided that the written consent so to do be first obtained from the Building Inspector. Every person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not more than Twenty-five ($25) Dollars for every such violation. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD: Section 712. (1) It shall be the duty of the Building In¬ spector to investigate all violations and complaints of violations of this ordinance; to collect evidence in regard to the same and present such evidence to the Prosecuting Attorney for his action. (2) Before any person, firm or corporation shall construct or alter any stationary steam plant, boiler or furnace within the City limits, he shall make application to the Building Inspector for a permit for that purpose, and shall furnish a written statement with plans and specifications in duplicate, giving the style anl dimensions of such steam plant, boiler or furnace, together with the height and size of stack or chimney and the method or device to be adopted for the prevention of the emission of dense smoke therefrom. The Building Inspector shall submit said application to the Building Commission and if the matters described in said application and statement of plans and specifications be approved by said Building Commission, said Commission shall issue a permit for the construc¬ tion or alteration of such steam plant, boiler or furnace, keeping for the records of the office one set of the application papers. The provisions of this section shall not apply to minor necessary or emer¬ gency alterations or repairs which do not increase the capacity of said plants or involve any substantial alteration in structure or any alteration in the efficiency or method of smoke prevention. (3) The emission of dense smoke within the city from smoke¬ stack of any locomotive for a period of more than 30 seconds in any one period of five minutes, is hereby declared a nuisance, provided however that stacks of locomotives moving trains of six cars or more shall be permitted to emit smoke for one minute in any five minute period, provided that the emission of smoke of such darkness or density for a period not exceeding three minutes from the stack of any locomotive which is unexpectedly stopped by breakdown signal or sudden emergency is permitted, and that stacks of locomotives 7 in and about roundhouses be permitted to emit dense smoke for 30 minutes during the period when the fire is being built or rebuilt after cleaning. The emission of dense smoke upon any water or waterway within the city from the smoke-stack of any steam vessel for a period of more than five minutes in any one hour is hereby declared to be a nuisance. The emission of dense smoke within the city from the smoke-stack of any steam roller, steam derrick, steam pile driver, tar kettle or other similar machine or contrivance, or from the smoke¬ stack or chimney of any building or upon any premises, except for nine minutes in any one hour during which period the fire box is hieing cleaned or a new fire is being built therein is hereby declared a nuisance. The number of minutes or seconds during which smoke may be emitted in any period as provided in this section shall be deemed to mean the aggregate number of minutes or seconds and such minutes or seconds need not be consecutive. The Building Inspector may order any nuisance as above speci¬ fied abated, and shall cause said order before its execution to be served on the owner or person in charge of the property or thing upon or in connection with which such nuisance exists, or such of them as ' are in the city can be found. It shall be the duty of the police of said city to execute the order of the Building Inspector issued here¬ under when so requested by said Inspector. If the party served with an order by the Building Inspector before the execution of said order is begun apply to said Inspector for a modification or stay of such order it shall be the duty of the Inspector to suspend tem¬ porarily or modify it and give the party, as the cause may require, a reasonable and fair opportunity to be heard, and to present proofs and facts against the execution of the order, or in favor of its modi¬ fication. Abatement of any such nuisance may be in addition to the fine hereinafter provided. Any person or corporation owning, operating or in charge or control of any locomotive, steamboat, steam tug, steam roller, steam derrick, steam pile driver, or of any building or premises, who shall cause or permit the emission of dense smoke within the city, in con¬ travention of the provisions of this section, from any smoke-stack, chimney or other contrivance used for the emission of smoke shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance and be punished as hereinafter provided. 8 ) For the purpose of grading the density of smoke the Ringlemann smoke chart, as published and used by the Federal Bureau of Mines, shall be the standard of comparison. Smoke shall be considered “dense” within the meaning of this ordinance when it is of greater density than No. 3 of said chart. (4) The issuance and delivery by the Building Commission of any permit for the construction, reconstruction, alteration or repair of any plant or chimney connected with a plant, shall not exempt any person or corporation from prosecution on account of the emission or issuance of dense smoke caused or permitted by such person or corporation. (5) Temporary permits for the emission of dense smoke, cover¬ ing periods not exceeding six months from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, may be granted by the Building Com¬ mission to any person or corporation applying for the same and satisfying the said Building Commission that he will make changes or improvements to prevent the emission of dense smoke before the expiration of the period for which such temporary permit is granted. But after six months has elapsed from the time when this ordinance takes effect no further temporary permits shall be granted unless the Building Commission is satisfied that public convenience requires it, and permits so granted shall be for a period not exceeding six months. (6) The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to buildings used exclusively for, private residence purposes, in which the number of families occupying apartments shall be less than nine. Nor shall the provisions of this ordinance apply to the City Fire Department. (7) Any violation of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not more than $50 for the first offense and not more than $100 for each succeeding offense. The prosecution or maintenance of any alteration or con¬ struction without a permit, as provided in Subdivision (2) hereof, shall be considered a single and separate offense each day of such prosecution or maintenance, and each day and every violation of this ordinance in any other respect shall constitute a separate offense. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD: Section 713. No person engaged in carrying or transporting commodities for 9 hire, under a license pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 701 of the Ordinances of the City of Stamford, who solicits trade under such license in any public street, square or other public place in said City, shall charge more for the carrying or transportation of coal within any two points within said City, than the rate of One Dollar per ton for quantities not less than one-half ton and no more than seventy-five cents for any quantity less than one-half ton. Every person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be ? fined not more than One Hundred ($100) Dollars for every such violation. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD: That the following Ordinance of the City of Stamford is hereby enacted: Section. 714. No person shall place, maintain or allow to re¬ main on the property belonging to such person or under his control, any overhanging structure within ten (10) feet of a public highway upon that portion of any land in the City of Stamford adjacent to a public highway and having a paved surface adjacent to such high¬ way and having no fence or barrier between such paved surface and such public highway, so that persons using such highway are likely to walk on such pavement and come in contact with such awning, sign or other structure. This ordinance shall not apply to awnings, signs or structures which are not less than seven feet above the paved surface aforesaid. Any person violating this Ordinance shall be fined not more than Twenty-five Dollars for every such violation and every day that any such violation continues after notice from the Building Commission of the City of Stamford to discontinue such violation shall be deemed a separate offense. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD: That the following Ordinance of the City of Stamford is hereby enacted: Section 715. (1) No person shall sell or offer for sale in the City of Stamford any bread in loaves unless every such loaf shall be 10 made to comply with one of the two sets of specifications hereinafter set forth, one set of said specifications being marked with the head¬ ing “Standard Loaf Specifications,” and the other with the heading, “Specifications for Weight Marks.” STANDARD LOAF SPECIFICATIONS Every such loaf shall be in quantity, by avoirdupois weight, either ten ounces, twenty ounces, thirty ounces, forty ounces, or fifty ounces, exclusive of any wrapper or container, provided, that a variation of not over ten per centum above and not over five per centum below the weights hereinbefore specified shall be allowed. SPECIFICATIONS FOR WEIGHT MARKS Every such loaf shall have plainly and conspicuously marked on the outside thereof or on the outside of the wrapper or container in which it is sold or offered for sale, the net quantity, by avoirdupois weight, of said loaf, exclusive of any wrapper or container, provided, that a variation in weight of not over ten per centum above and not over five per centum below the weight so marked on any such loaf shall not constitute a violation of this Ordinance. (2) This Ordinance shall not apply to bread sold or offered for sale in package form with the net quantity of the contents plainly and conspicuously marked on the outside of the package in terms of weight in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 134 of the Public Acts of the State of Connecticut, passed at the January, 1911 session of the General Assembly of said State. (3) Every person who shall violate the provisions of this Ordi¬ nance shall be fined not more than Twenty-five Dollars for every such violation. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD: The following Ordinance of the City of Stamford is hereby enacted: Section 716. No person shall operate, within the City of Stam¬ ford, any internal combustion engine, the operation of which causes the production of noises due to the explosions of operating gases or fluids, unless such engine is equipped with a muffler device sufficient to deaden such noises so that the same shall not cause annoyance to the public or to persons occupying property in the vicinity of such operation. This Ordinance shall not apply to the engines of motor vehicles. Every person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be fined not more than $25.00 for every such violation. 1 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD: Section 717. (1) It is hereby declared to be the duty of every able-bodied resident of the City of Stamford, between the ages of 18 and 60 years inclusive, to be habitually and regularly engaged in some useful work, business, profession, occupation, trade or employment. Whenever the Mayor of said City shall issue a proclamation deter¬ mining such employment to be necessary and essential for the pro¬ tection and welfare of said City and to aid in the prosecution of the War in which the United States of America is now engaged, it shall thereupon become the duty of every able-bodied male, resi¬ dent of said City, between the ages aforesaid, to offer himself for and to accept useful employment in which his labor or services may be made available, and every able-bodied male resident in said City who shall fail or refuse to be employed, for at least Forty (40) hours per week, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic¬ tion thereof, shall pay a fine of not less than One Hundred ($100) Dollars. (2) In no case shall the possession, by any person accused of the violation of this Ordinance, of property or income sufficient to support himself and those regularly dependent upon him for sup¬ port, be a defense to any prosecution under this Ordinance. (3) Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to require any person to work without compensation, or for a greater period than eight (8) hours per day in each working day. 12 (4) This Ordinance shall not apply to any person who is mentally or physically incapable of performing any valuable labor or rendering any useful services, nor to any person who is regularly enrolled as a member of any college, university, school or academy, requiring attendance for the purpose of education or instruction, which would interfere with such person’s employment as herein specified in rendering labor or services. (5) Whenever the Mayor shall issue such proclamation as aforesaid, he shall submit such proclamation to the City Clerk of said City and said City Clerk shall cause the same to be published in at least three (3) issues of the Stamford Daily Advocate, and shall cause copies of said proclamation to be posted upon the Public Sign Post in the Town of Stamford, and in such other public and conspicuous places throughout the City as said Clerk shall deem proper and advisable. (6) This Ordinance shall take effect from its passage and after publication as required by the Charter of said City. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD, THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD IS . HEREBY ENACTED: Section 718. Whenever the Common Council of the City of Stamford shall lay out any new highway in said City, or shall alter the boundary lines of any existing highway, so as to include within the boundaries of said highway so laid out any building, part of bulding, fence or other structure which was not, previous tosuch action of the Common Council, within the boundaries of said highway the Common Council may declare said building, part of building, fence or other structure to be an enchoachment upon said highway, and may order the owner or ojvners of said building, part of building, fence or other structure to remove the same within twenty (20) days from the date of said order, and, if the same shall not be removed by said owner or owners pursuant to said order within the time fixed there¬ for in said order, the City Engineer may cause such encroachment to be removed and the expense of removal shall be collected from such owner or owners, as provided in Section 166 of the Charter of the City of Stamford. 13 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD, THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD IS HEREBY ENACTED: Section 719. The City Janitor shall be appointed by the Com¬ mon Council to serve during the pleasure of the Common Council. He shall perform such duties as said Common Council may from time to time, specify either by Ordinance, by resolution or by vote, and shall be under the direction of the City Clerk in the performance of his duties. Said City Clerk shall have authority to direct the , work and specify the duties of said Janitor in all matters not covered by vote or resolution of the Common Council as aforesaid. 3 ■ ■ m n BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE IS HEREBY ENACTED: Section 720. It shall be unlawful for the City Treasurer to withdraw any part, or the whole, of any sinking fund established under Section 276 of the City Charter or any part, or the whole of , any other sinking fund established for the redemption of City Bonds * at their maturity from any bank or other depository in which any such sinking funds are kept or deposited, unless every such with¬ drawal shall be first authorized by vote to that effect of the Common Council of said City. On the adoption of this Ordinance it shall be the duty of the Treasurer of said City to give notice of the provisions hereof to all banks or other depositories who hold any portion or the whole of any such sinking fund. The City Treasurer shall, upon depositing any part or the whole, of any such sinking fund in a bank or de¬ pository not holding any such funds at the date of the adoption of this Ordinance, give notice to such bank or depository of the pro¬ visions hereof. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF STAMFORD IS HEREBY ENACTED: Section 721. Section 42 of the Ordinances of the City of 14 Stamford is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the follow¬ ing, to wit: It shall be unlawful for the City Treasurer to draw or issue any check against funds of the City of Stamford, except in payment of claims which have been warranted by the Mayor as hereinbefore specified. It shall be the duty of said Treasurer to notify every de¬ pository where said funds, subject to withdrawal by check, are kept or deposited of the provision's hereof. • •../ hereby Certify, that the within and foregoing Ordinances of the City of Stamford, were duly adopted by the Common Council of said City and are in full force and effect this 25th day of July, 1919. Attest:— Joseph H. Provost, City Clerk. 15 i MeRfl UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA V 3 0112 103565328 ■ ' { • ' ■ - : \ ’ • f. . s * 1 1 mtmm or mm ■ , ' '' ; ?! '