VEHIOUE TAX F="UND M CD W I M C3. AMOUNT, LOCATION AND OOST REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS OUT OR PUIMD VEHICLE LICENSES 1908 VEHICLE TAX FUND. The ordinance passed by the City Council on February 3, 1908, now popularly known as the "Vehicle Tax," became effective on May 1, 1908. From that date to the end of the year 1908 the receipts from the issuance of licenses aggregated $440,057.36. As prescribed by the terms of the ordinance this amount was kept in a separate fund and used only for paying the cost and expense of street or alley improvement and repair. The City Council in the annual appropriation bill for 1908, set aside $50.000 for asphalt street repairs. This amount was added to the receipts from Vehicle licenses, making the amount $490,057.36 available for street repairs and improvement. 264.4 miles of streets were improved at an aggregate expense of $482,611.68. Of this amount $477,021.42 was expended by the Bureau of Streets for superintendence, labor and material, and $5,590.26 was expense incurred incidental to the operation of the ordinance, covering metal tags, etc., etc., leaving an available balance in the fund December 31, 1908, of $7,445.68. The total mileage of 264.4 comprised work on the following classes of pavements : Macadam 91.05 miles. Cedar 72.32 " Asphalt 68.62 " Brick 12.28 " Granite 11.42 " Unimproved 8.71 " 264.4 " Macadam repairs were made by City laborers, using crushed stone purchased from the Bridewell at a figure below the open market. Asphalt repairs were done by a contractor with whom the city has an annual contract for such work. The balance of the repairs was done by city laborers at a conserva- tive cost. Many obstructions which are usual in the early operation of such a law, prevented the collection of all the taxes, regardless of the efforts put forth by the City officials to notify all that the law was in force. The validity of the law has been tested nine times, and by two decis- ions in the Supreme Court, six in the Circuit Courts, and one in the U. S. Circuit Court, has been upheld in each case. Notwithstanding these and other obstructions, much has been accom- plished during the brief time the fund has been available. The area and extent of the work done from funds the Vehicle Tax has provided may be seen by an examination of the following pages on which the names of the streets repaired and improved are given in detail together with the mileage covered by such repairs. Street From To Pavement Lin. Ft. Dearborn Jackson bd Polk Brick 2,000 ft. LaSalle Madison Randolph " 880 Dock st. River st. River Cedar 150 Dearborn Lake S. Water Granite 440 Franklin Van Buren Congress it 660 Washington Market Franklin " 400 Clark Monroe Madison " 440 Harrison State Dearborn " 440 Franklin Adams Quincy it 380 State Congress 12th " 3,010 5th av. Monroe Congress 1,920 Clark Adams Jackson bd. tt 400 Lake Michigan Dearborn 1,320 S. Water Beaubein ct. Market (4 3,265 River st. S. Water Michigan av. 11 1,190 State Lake S. Water " 420 Monroe LaSalle 5th av. M 440 Washington LaSalle Franklin " 860 Dearborn Adams Jackson " 440 12th Wabash Clark " 1,320 Polk Clark LaSalle " 440 Polk Clark Dearborn " 440 Market Madison Congress U 2,420 Adams Market Bridge " 420 5th av. Washington Randolph U 440 Randolph Wabash Franklin 11 2,480 5th av. Van Buren Harrison " 660 Wabash av. Van Buren Harrison il 660 Monroe State Wabash U 440 5th av. Washington Madison (I 440 Harrison Bridge Viaduct (1 150 Washington State Dearborn U 400 Clark Washington Randolph it 400 Monroe Michigan Wabash " 440 Opposite 97 Plymouth Place Granite 25 Opposite 186 Custom House Place " 50 State st. south of 16th 14 50 Street From To Pavement Michigan av. Madison Adams Asphalt Wabash av. 12th 22nd i< Harmon pi. State Michigan av. i Eldridge pi. State Michigan av. i Hubbard ct. State Michigan av. i Michigan av. Monroe Adams (2nd) t Michigan av. Madison Adams t Park Row Michigan East terminus i Prairie av. 31st 32nd Macadam ^ Vernon 31st 33rd " 32nd Michigan S. Park av. Armour 22nd 32nd " 29th pi. Prairie S. Park " > Wentworth 26th 32nd Cedar ) 32nd Clark Wentworth ( r 27th S. Park Cottage Grove " \' S. Park av. 24th 26th Asphalt Cottage Grove 22nd 26th u Cottage Grove 26th 31st H Cottage Grove 31st 33rd It S. Park av. 26th 29th it 37th Vincennes Armour Macadam Vernon 35th 37th n Armour 34th 36th 11 Wentworth 35th - 39th Cedar Wentworth 32nd 33rd u 39th Cottage Grove Forest a Ellis 35th 43rd Asphalt Calumet 35th 37th Cottage 33rd 35th u 39th Cottage Grove Ellis a Cottage Grove 35th 39th ii 33rd Wabash Armour u Wabash 35th 39th 11 Butler 26th Alley north Cedar Elias ct. Archer Lyman a Farrell 29th 31st a Illinois ct. 32nd 33rd st. n Keeley Archer 31st n Lowe av. 26th Archer U Lyman Throop Loomis (( Mospratt 31st 32nd pi. ti Poplar av. Archer av. 300' south it Princeton 22nd st. 26th st. I Stewart 29th 30th 1 Stark Archer av. C. & A. R. R. ( Throop Hillock 31st t Wallace 26th 33rd t Wentworth 22nd 23rd I 3 Lin. Ft. 1,320 5,280 1,320 1,320 1,320 660 1,320 660 10,560 4,287 1,320 2,640 2,640 1,320 1,980 4,166 1,320 1,320 2,640 686 3,168 5,280 1,320 1,320 660 2,640 1,320 2,640 300 900 1,980 660 980 1,320 1,320 1,320 300 2,700 660 300 3,200 1,620 500 Street From To Pavement Lin. Ft. Bonfield Archer C. R. 1. Subway Cedar 500 Canal Archer 29th 1,980 23rd pi. Princeton Stewart 500 24th LaSalle C. R. I. Subway " 300 29th Halsted Stewart u 1,600 31st pi. Morgan Center av. (I 500 32nd St. Morgan Center av. It 2,000 32nd pi. Mospratt Morgan H 330 33rd St. Auburn Morgan 11 1,500 Archer 22nd st. Loomis Asphalt 1,900 Canal Archer River Granite 233 Bonfield st. Lyman 31st Unimproved" 1,320 Halsted C. & A. R. R. River 500 Sullivan ct. Lyman 31st 1,000 Loomis 31st River Macadam Western av. 34th 36th Albany 37th 39th M 36th Hoyne Seeley it Hamilton 37th Archer il ' 10,560 35th California Sacramento (( 36th California Sacramento it Western av. 36th 37th U 39th Halsted Parnell Cedar 35th Archer Western 14 Washtenaw 38th 39th (( Archer Western av. Rockwell U 10,560 38th Rockwell Kedzie n 38th pi. Washtenaw California il Lake av. 47th 51st Macadam 2,640 Lake 40th 43rd 1,980 Madison av. 49th 50th 660 Kenwood 47th 49th (i 1,320 Inter Kimbark 200 ' North 49th it 200 Greenwood 43rd 51st it 5,280 Evans 43rd 49th n 3,960 Langley 40th 45th a 3,300 St. Lawrence 42nd 46th n 2,640 Forrestville 45th 46th a 660 Forrestville 48th 51st Macadam 1,980 40th Grand Langley a 1,750 41st Lake Ellis u 450 42nd Grand Champlain it 1.210 42nd pi. Drexel Lake Macadam 1,160 44th pi. I. C. R. R. Lake 450 44th Lake Ellis it 1,170 44th Cottage Grove St. Lawrence a 1,360 45th Woodlawn Vincennes n 5,000 46th Lake Grand a 5,470 48th Vincennes St. Lawrence n 590 49th Vincennes St. Lawrence a 590 Street From To Pavement Lin. Ft. 49th Washington Madison Macadam 300 50th Grand Prairie u 600 50th Forrestville Vincennes n 300 51st East End Drexel u 5,280 44th Drexel St. Lawrence it 1,890 Alley S. 47th Evans Langley n 660 Crossings 47th Evans State u 1,360 Crossings Lake 42nd pi. 51st tl 1,010 55th pi. Indiana S. Park av. 14 1,320 Michigan 55th 63rd .<( 5,280 Prairie 55th 63rd it 5,280 Indiana 61st 63rd 11 1,320 Washington av. 55th 59th 11 2,640 Ellis av. 57th 59th it 1,320 Madison av. 67th 71st tt 2,640 54th pi. Lake av. . Madison (1 1,320 59th st. Cottage Grove Ellis it 1,320 70th st. Madison I. C. Ry. it 1,320 70th st. S. Park Prairie it 660 60th State S. Park 11 2,640 Calumet 56th 61st 3,300 65th Cottage Grove Drexel (1 660 56th Stony Island The Lake (( 1,320 59th Ellis Washington It 1,320 53rd Woodlawn I. C. R. R. Brick 2,640 Lake av. 55th 57th a 1,320 S. Chicago av. 67th 71st tt 2,640 Vernon 69th 71st a 1,320 Anthony S. Park 70th tt 1,320 Prairie av. 51st 55th Asphalt 2,640 Calumet 51st 55th a 2,640 S. Park av. 63rd 66th it 1,980 Monroe 53rd 55th tt 1,320 Es/ans av. 63rd 67th n 2,640 71st Cottage Grove I. C. R. R. tt 5,280 70th Chauncey I. C. R. R. a 660 69th pi. C hauncey 1. C. R. R. tt 660 Chauncey 69th S. Chicago av. 1,320 Kimbark av. 69th 73rd a 2,640 VV abash av. 66th 71st 11 3,960 Blocks 72nd st. Stony Island av. Jeffrey av. Macadam 8 72nd st. Jeffrey -ay. Yates av. 8 Jeffrey av. 71st st. 73rd st. it 3 Yates av. 72nd st. 75th st. Mine Run Stone 3 83rd st. Muskegon av. Ontario av. Slag 6 Lin. Ft. Liberty Union Jefferson Cedar 88 5 Street From To Pavemen Maxwell May st. 12th st. Paulina st. Blue Island av. 20th st. Ashland av. 16th st. Morgan 22nd st. Hoyne av. Blue Island av. Cedar it Wood st. 16th st. Blue Island av. " 13th st. 16th 23rd Spaulding Turner Albany Albany Kedzie Homan 22nd 22nd 22nd Homan Homan Clifton pk. av. 24th 24th 26th Macadan M Western Washtenaw Kedzie Ogden Ogden 26th 26th 16th 30th Cedar u Leavitt 52nd 12th Spaulding Spaulding 25th 18th Sacramento Albany 12th 24th Trumbull Blue Island St. Louis Sawyer. Ogden 25th Central Pk. av. (I 11 It tt 14th pi. 16th Troy St. Louis Trumbull Spaulding Campbell Francisco Albany Albany 12th Ogden Ogden Madison Madison Van Buren Kedzie Kedzie Douglas bd. 26th 26th Colorado Harrison Harrison Asphalt M It It Cedar u ii Francisco Lake Lexington 40th av. Taylor Hamlin u Van Buren Kedzie av. Central Pk. av " Congress Trumbull Kedzie av. Colorado av. Homan Van Buren ii ii Troy Fillmore 12th st. Sacramento av. Fillmore Kedzie M u W. 12th st. California 40th av. u Harrison Washtenaw Sacramento Madison Springfield Van Buren ii ii St. Louis av. Adams Madison Kedzie Colorado Homan Asphalt ii Homan Madison Harrison ii Flournoy Congress Western Kedzie Homan Madison St. Louis Central Pk. Harrison a tt tt Congress Warren av. 40th Western Douglas bd. Sacramento av. 14 tt Springfield Warren Colorado Sacramento Madison Homan It 11 Fulton Homan Franklin It Polk Douglas 40th av. tt 6 Lin. Ft. 1,320 1,320 2,640 2.970 3,440 9,240 1,320 660 660 1,320 1,320 3,960 1,320 2,640 792 792 1,320 2,640 1,320 1,056 950 1,320 7,920 5,280 1,742 2,640 2,640 2,640 1,980 660 2,640 1,320 3,960 2,640 2,640 1,320 1,320 Street From To Pavement Lin. Ft. Jackson Hamlin 40th av. Asphalt 1,320 Lexington Douglas bd. 40th av. (i 1,320 Hamlin Lake Colorado (i 3,960 Madison Homan Hamlin H 2,640 Claremont Grand Ohio Cedar 581 Hartland ct. Grand Ohio u 581 Milwaukee Kinzie Chicago av. Brick j Halsted Erie Phillip " f 4,805 Union Austin Ohio " i Morgan st. Kinzie Milwaukee Asphalt 1,980 Curtis Kinzie Huron (i 1,980 Sangamon Van Buren Lake Cedar 3,200 Carroll St. John Ashland tt 355 Sheldon Madison Washington u 420 Adams Halsted Morgan .11 1,200 School Jefferson Flinton 318 Canal Van Buren Fulton Granite 3,600 Jefferson Madison Kinzie K 2,600 DesPlaines Madison Carroll n 2,300 Union Madison .Kinzie n 2,600 Halsted Van Buren Lake 3,200 Van Buren Canal River 604 Madison Canal West Water II 150 Randolph DesPlaines River <( 1,600 Lake Halsted River it 2.600 Canal Fulton Kinzie Brick 1,200 Milwaukee Lake Jefferson n 1,100 Aberdeen Van Buren Madison a 1,800 Madison Center Ashland Asphalt 2,640 Center av. Madison Adams a 1,320 Elizabeth Madison Lake u 1,320 S. Clinton Van Buren Harrison Brick 900 S. Desplaines Van Buren Harrison (i 900 S. Clinton Van Buren Harrison M 900 S. Clinton W Taylor Harrison ii 3,800 S. Clinton Ewing W. 12th st. u 1,200 W. 12th st. Canal River Bridge Granite 1,236 S. Canal N. & S. sides Harrison ii 600 Harrison West approach Harrison st. bridge " 300 W. Taylor Viaduct River bridge Cedar 700 S. Morgan W. Taylor W. 12th st. Macadam 900 Hoyne av. Van Buren Harrison Macadam t 1 QfiO Paulina Madison Washington ii r jj:7\j\J Hoyne Washington Van Buren Cedar 1,320 Leavitt Washington Madison ii 1,320 Ogden av. 12th Jackson bd Brick 5,280 Wood Congress Harrison Asphalt 660 Madison Center Lincoln u 5,280 Center Madison Adams a 1,320 Street From TO Pavement Congress Loomis Ogden Asphalt Harrison Paulina Western it Western Madison Harrison " Adams Center Robey " Adams Robey Western ii Taylor Paulina Western H Hoyne av. Washington Kinzie It Leavitt Washington Walnut tt Wright ct. Grand Huron 11 Albany Franklin bd. Kinzie Macadam Troy Ohio Kinzie " Paulina Washington Kinzie " Ohio Kedzie Homan " Haddon Western Campbell Cedar Western Chicago North av. " California Chicago North av. tt Robey Chicago North av. tt Campbell Division Thomas " Francisco Division Augusta " Division California Sacramento " Thomas Francisco Sacramento " Augusta California Sacramento it Washtenaw Division Chicago " Chicago Western Kedzie it Thomas Wood Lincoln tt Leavitt Iowa Augusta H Humboldt Cornelia Division Asphalt Evergreen California Rockwell " Cornelia Western Rockwell " Cortez California Western " North av. Ashland av. River Cedar Division Milwaukee River " Clybourne pi. C.&N.W.R. R. River it Elston av. Division Fullerton " Winchester av. North av. Armitage av. " Ellen Lincoln Wood (i Milwaukee av. Ashland av. Robey st. Asphalt Grand av. Halsted Noble Cedar \ Chicago av. Milwaukee Ashland 11 Cornelia Milwaukee 200' W. of Noble " > Augusta Milwaukee Elston " Lessing Chicago Front " ; Madison Lincoln Western Asphalt Warren Western Ogden a Chestnut Lincoln Pk. bd. 200' east Macadam Elm N. State st. Lake Shore dr. Banks N. State st. Lake Shore dr. Schiller N. State st. Lake Shore dr. " Indiana Seneca 350 ft. east Cedar Lin. Ft. 3,300 5,280 2,640 5,280 2,640 5,280 1,954 898 4,066 528 1,003 1,954 1,320 660 5,280 5.280 5,280 660 1,320 1,320 660 1,320 2,640 5,280 660 660 1,980 1,320 1,320 2,640 2,930 2,640 1,320 8,100 2,640 660 3,960 9,926 3,300 5,940 158 898 528 581 317 Street From To Pavement Lin. Ft. Whiting , Wells 218 ft. east Cedar 211 Dearborn av. Michigan st. Ohio Brick 792 Numerous small repairs on granite streets " 106 Dearborn av. Chicago Burton pi. Asphalt 5,280 State Division Burton pi. a 2,640 Scott State Stone <4 660 Division Clark Lake Shore dr. (4 3,300 Ohio Rush St. Clair ' 1,320 Ontario State St. Clair 44 1,320 N. Clark Ohio Division 5,280 Wells Chicago Division (( 2,640 Ontario State Clark (4 1,320 Stone Division Scott ' " 660 Illinois Rush Well? 3,300 N. Clark Kinzie Ohio (4 1,320 Walton pi. State Dearborn " 660 Wells Chicago av. Division Asphalt 2,640 Rees Larrabee Halsted (i 1,320 Illinois Wells Orleans it 1,320 Franklin Chicago Division " 2,640 N. Branch Halsted. Haines Granite 899 Halsted North av. Center Asphalt 2,640 North Park av. Me nominee N. Clark ' 1,320 Sheffield- Willow North av. Macadam 880 Fletcher Racine Southport Cedar 1,320 Ward 330' S. of Webster Belden ' 990 Wellington South port Ashland 44 1.320 Barry av. Ashland E. Ravenswood pk. " 1,400 Western Nelson North 130 Wrightwood W.ofMarshfield 150' W.of Southport " 1,400 Barry av. Lincoln W. Ravenswood pk. Macadam 400 Nelson Lincoln W. Ravenswood pk. 400 Wellington Lincoln W. Ravenswood pk. 44 400 Halsted Center Fullerton Asphalt 2,640 Sheridan rd. Foster Hayes av. Macadam 13,200 Wilson av. Evanston Sheridan rd. u 1,320 Kenmore av. Graceland Montrose av. 44 2,640 Rokeby ct. Graceland Cornelia it 2,640 Wilton av. Sheridan rd. Cornelia (4 2,640 Reta ct. Addison Cornelia u 660 Waveland av. Clark Pine Grove u 2,640 Grace st. Sheffield av. Lake II 2,640 Cornelia Halsted Pine Grove 44 1,320 Elaine pi. Cornelia Roscoe '' 660 Windsor Sheridan rd. Lake (4 660 Eastwood av. Sheridan rd. Lake it 660 Dakin Rokeby Evanston av. (1 660 Addison Clark Evanston av. U 2,640 Street From To Pavement Lin. Ft. Pine Grove Cornelia Graceland Macadam 2,640 Winthrop Lawrence av. Foster tt 2,640 Kenmore Lawrence av. Foster it 2,640 Ridge Evanston Clark tt 4,620 Evanston Foster Thorndale tt 5,280 Evanston av. Montrose av. Lawrence Brick 5,280 Wabansia av. Kedzie av. Central Pk. av. Cedar 2 ,640 Perry Montrose Sunnyside Macadam Wilson Clark Robey tt W. Ravenswood Pk: Montrose Lawrence tt Ashland tt Sunnyside tt Winchester a Lawrence tt Lincoln tt Lawrence tt 26,070 E. Ravenswood Pk. 125' S. of Cemetery nr. Peterson av. Peterson E. line of E. Ravenswood 125' W. of W. Ravenswood Ashland av. Edgewater av Bryn Mawr av Macadam Edgewater Clark Ashland it Touhey Western Kedzie tt Bradley Robey Hoyne tt Lunt av, Sheridan rd. Lake Cedar 1,320 E. Ravenswood Greenleaf av. Estes av. tt 1,320 Paulina st. Berteau Addison av. Brick ) Hermitage av. Wilson Irving Pk. bd. Leavitt Addison Robey : 8,580 Marshfield Addison Cornelia av. ' ) Eastwood Robey Leavitt Cedar ; Leland Robey Leavitt ' - 3,960 Giddings Robey Leavitt ' i North av. Kedzie av. 44th av. tt 8,920 Armitage av. Kedzie av. 51st av. tt 13,200 Kimbail av. Armitage av. Bloomingdale bd. 2,640 Elston av. Diversey Montrose av. " 15,840 Belmont av. California Kedzie av. tt 2,640 Milwaukee av. Kedzie Belmont av. tt 7,040 California av. Diversey Belmont av. tt 2,640 Diversey av. Fairfield av. Milwaukee av tt 4,600 Corner Montrose 42nd ct, tt Milwaukee av. C. & N. W. R. R. City Limits Macadam 10,560 N. 72nd av. Ceylon av. Higgins rd. " 2,100 IS. 40th av. Bryn Mawr av. Peterson av. tt 5,280 Foster av. Albany av. Springfield av. Dirt 5,260 Foster av. Albany av. Springfield av 5,280 W. S. 42nd av. 125 ' south of Bloomingdale rd. E. S. 41st av. 200 ' south of Armitage av. Norwood Pk. av. Milwaukee av. 64th av. tt 7,000 Caldwell rd. 48th av. 56th av. tt 7,040 Eddy st. Harding av. 40th av. ) Harding av. Addison Avondale av. L " 8,800 Cornelia av. Harding av. 40th av. I Alley W. Kedzie Belden Fullerton Cinder 600 10 Street From To Pavement Lin. Ft. Grace st. 42nd ct. 43rd av. Cinder Tripp av. North av. Humboldt Asphalt Sawyer av. Armitage av. Fullerton av. " Kimball av. McLean Fullerton >> Humboldt av. Kedzie Kimball tt McLean av. Kedzie Sawyer a Spaulding Armitage Fullerton n Dickens Kimball Kedzie tt Maplewood av. Milwaukee Diversey av. Cedar Palmer av. California av. Humboldt bd U Powell Milwaukee Powell Pk. Prindiville Milwaukee Stave st. U Rockwell Milwaukee av. Diversey av. U Shakespeare av. California Humboldt bd. U Talman av. Fullerton Berlin st. U Wabansia av. Robey st. Milwaukee av. U Wabansia av. Western California av. (( Bingham Armitage av. Cornelia ct. Cedar Cornelia ct. Milwaukee av. Point " Cromwell st. Milwaukee Fullerton U Berlin Cromwell Talman (I Humboldt st. McLean Shakespeare U Wabansia Mozart Francisco U Francisco Fullerton av. Humboldt bd. Macadam Mozart Fullerton av. Humboldt bd. it Troy Diversey av. Humboldt bd. ti Humboldt st. Diversey av. Milwaukee av. it Sacramento av. Diversey av. Palmer Sq. t( 54th st. Halsted Center Cedar 53rd pi. Halsted Morgan U 47th st. Paulina Wood tl Lincoln st. 50th Intersection 1.1 Carpenter st. 52nd 53rd " Lincoln 51st 52nd U Justine 51st 52nd It Laflin 50th 51st tt Wood 48th North and South " 54th pi. Halsted Morgan Macadam Morgan 55th 54th st. U Loomis 55th 47th st. U 48th st. Center Loomis U Bishop 47th 49th It 39th Halsted State Cedar 5th av. 39th Root " Wallace 47th 49th U 47th pi. Halsted Wallace ft 48th st. Halsted Wallace tt 48th pi. Halsted Wallace U 11 600 3,960 2,-640 2,640 1,320 660 2,640 1,320 4,858 1,162 317 422 4,699 1,162 317 739 2,640 1,126 845 950 422 739 317 1,320 1,320 1,156 2,482 3,696 2,640 1,320 660 330 660 660 660 660 330 1,320 660 5,280 1,320 1,320 5,280 1,760 1,320 1,320 1,320 1,320 Street From To Pavement Lin. Ft. Emerald av. 51st 53rd Cedar 1,320 5th av. 47th 51st u 2,640 54th Halsted Union Macadam 660 54th pi. Halsted Union u 660 Shields av. 53rd 55th " 1,320 61st pi. Halsted Union Macadam 660 60th pi. Princeton ' Wallace " 1,980 61st st. Normal Wallace 660 60th pi. Normal Stewart a 660 6.0th pi. Wentworth Princeton it 660 60th pi. Stewart Wallace It 1,980 60th pi. 61st Halsted ) f:f.i) 61st st. Union Halsted . f OuU Emerald 55th 57th It 1,320 58th Halsted Union u 660 Green 59th 60th It 2,640 Princeton 61st 63rd u 3,960 Princeton 55th 59th / f\f*i\ 61st Wentworth LaSalle f oou Princeton Princeton 59th 59th (Int.) 61st 61st " \ 3,960 .Princeton 57th " 59th I 62nd Wentworth Princeton " [ 660 Peofia &6th 57th (1 660 60th pi. . Stewart Normal it Peoria 56th 57th " 660 Green 62nd 63rd M 660 Princeton 60th 63rd U 1,980 Green 62nd 63rd 1,320 Peoria 62nd 63rd tt 1,320 LaSalle 60th 61st tc 660 Englewood av. Halsted Wallace tt 660 Princeton 55th 57th 11 1,320 Englewood Halsted Normal It 1,980 Peoria 56th . 57th It 660 Princeton 55th 56th It 660 Princeton 62nd Englewood It 660 Englewood Halsted Wallace / Green 62nd 63rd tt 2,640 Peoria 62nd 63rd ) Princeton 57th 59th ({ Englewood Halsted Wallace u 2,640 58th Halsted Morgan tt 1,320 Aberdeen 60th 61st tt 660 Emerald 55th 56th It Englewood Halsted Wallace u 1,980 Carpenter 55th 57th Cedar 1,320 64th st. Normal Wentwo'rth Macadam 2,200 65th st. ' Normal Parnell 400 12 Street From To Pavement 65th pi. Stewart Parnell Macadam 66th St. Stewart State it 70th St. Perry C.R.I. &P.R.R. 71st St. Vincennes rd. Wallace 72nd st. Wentworth Stewart 74th st. Vincennes rd. Stewart u 78th st. Halsted Emerald u Yale av. 63rd 72nd u Harvard 63rd 67th it Perry 69th 72nd u Eggleston 69th 72nd u Normal 74th 77th 11 Union 67th 69th u Union 78th 79th 11 Emerald 67th 69th Lowe 75th 78th Wallace 76th 77th M Green 78th 79th . tt Halsted 83rd 103rd 11 Went worth av. 67th 69th 11 Vincennes rd. 99th 103rd (I 95th st. Hoyne Western (I Green 67th 69th Cedar Peoria 66th 67th el State 93rd 64th Brick Western 91st 95th Macadam 91st Hoyne Western tt Wallace 103rd lllth Macadam Went worth 108th 119th ii State lllth 119th u lllth st. Michigan Stewart it 103rd Michigan Stewart tl 75th Cottage Grove Stony Island (I 115th pi. Morse Stephensen 11 115th st. Cottage Grove Watt av. It 113th st. Morse av. Cottage Grove tl Perry av. 116th 119th (i Union av. 119th 121st It 120th st. Yale Harvard It 120th st. Morgan Center It Cottage Grove av. 72nd 75th It Morse av. 112th 113th It Watt av. lllth 113th It Peoria 119th 121st It Halsted 121st 123rd tl Emerald av. 119th 120th It Butler st. 120th 121st tt Yale av 119th 121st tl 13 Lin. Ft. 1,320 2,640 1,320 3,520 1,760 1,320 440 5,940 2,640 1,980 1,980 1,980 1,320 660 1,320 1,980 660 660 13,200 1,320 '2,640 880 1,320 1,320 660 2,640 2,640 5,280 1,980 5.280 3,300 3,960 5,280 660 1,320 660 1,980 1,320 660 1,320 1,980 660 1,320 1,320 1,320 660 660 1,320 Street From To Pavement 71st st. Cottage Grove Illinois Central Asphalt 71st pi. Chauncey I. C. R. R. it 72nd S. Chicago I. C. R. R. tt 73rd S. Chicago I. C. R. R. tt Lexington av. 71st S. Chicago av. it Woodlawn 71st S. Chicago it Chauncey 69th S. Chicago tt Kimbark 69th 73rd " Drexel av. 71st S. Chicago av. " Greenwood av. 71st S. Chicago " Dobson 71st S. Chicago " Ingleside 71st S. Chicago " Ellis av. 71st S. Chicago tt Adams av. 70th 71st tt S. Park 66th 69th " Michigan av. 109th 115th Brick 115th Michigan Front st. " Kensington Michigan Front " 134th Indiana C. & E. I. R. R . Unimproved 119th Wentworth Halsted " 42nd av. 12th st. Fillmore st. Cedar 42nd av. 13th st. 12th M Madison 45th av. 46th av. tt Front 2059 Madison " 12th st. Douglas bd. 40th av. 11 43rd ct. 12th 13th st. " 41st. av. 12th st. C. T. T. R. R. Co. " 41st av. 16th 14th " 12th 40th av. 46th av. " 26th Hamlin av. 41st av. H 40th av. Madison st. Washington bd " 41st av. Madison Monroe H Homan av. 15th 16th It 16th st. Homan 40th av. Macadam Springfield av. 12th 14th St. tt 40th ct. 12th 16th st. " 40th av. 12th Fillmore " Lake st. 42nd av. 44th av. H Avers av. 12th 14th st. ft Grenshaw 40th av. 41st av. It 40th av. 12th st. 16th st. 'It Front 2128 16th st. It Harding av. 12th st. 14th st. tt Congress Douglas Springfield Asphalt Lawndale 16th Ogden " St. Louis 12th Ogden tt Clifton Pk. av. Ogden 16th it Clifton Pk. av. Douglas 16th " 14 Lin. Ft. 5,280 660 3,960 3,960 3,960 3,960 1,320 2,640 1,320 2,640 2,640 1,320 2,640 660 1,980 3,960 2,640 2,640 5,940 4,620 792 660 528 40 1,320 660- 792 1,320 3,828 1,716 396 330 660 3,960 1,320 2,640 800 1,320 1,320 660 2,640 50 1,056 660 2,640 3,960 1,320 1,320 Street From To Pavement Lin. Ft. Lawndale av. Douglas 16th Asphalt 2,640 Central Pk. av. 12th Douglas " 1,320 Lawndale av. 12th Douglas " 1,320 Millard av. 14th 12th u 1,320 Jackson st. 40th 45th av. 3,300 Park av. 40th 46th " 3,960 Carroll av. 40th 43rd av. " 1,980 Austin av. 46th av. 48th av. Macadam 47th av. Chicago Indiana Hamlin North Chicago Indiana 48th av. 52nd av. Lake 47th av. 48th av. Monticello North LeMoyne 26,400 Park av. Lake Madison Pine av. Lake Madison South bd. Austin Pine Willow av. Lake Madison N. Waller Lake Chicago Chicago av. Austin 48th Cedar Chicago av. 40th av. Kedzie " 48th av. 52nd av. Kinzie Lake Chicago Madison 22,440 Kedzie av. Chicago Grand North av. Kedzie Monticello " Central av. [S.] Madison Adams Country road 660 Indiana st. 52nd Pine av Asphalt. 2,640 N. Pine av. Lake Chicago av. " 2,640 Central av. Madison Chicago 5,280 Midway Pk. Waller Austin " 2,640 Springfield Chicago Kinzie 2,640 Harding Indiana Chicago " 1,980 Street From To Pavement Lin. Ft. Alleys in block Lake ) Randolph f Dearborn } Granite 440 >< a u Clark ) Van Buren | Custom House pi. \ Harrison