UNIVERSITY OF iUlNOlS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIQN '5 HISTOWCAL SVk\^. :;::;:;;:;8ttm;«: mxu«:» ««;nnntmt>mim «n i mtttnnm :tm;*-.:tt;?.. A Century In Carroll County I THRE£ DAY PAGEAr>JT Presenting the History ol Carroll County, Illinois t: u It :: t: :t Carroll County Fair AUGUST 29. 30. 3 1 . 1923 MI. CARROLL IIXINOIS FIRST STATE BANK Mount Carroll, Illinois LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN 791 C21+C I.H.S. •N SAVINGS OFFICERS OF THE PAGKAM General Advisor Author and Executis : Kum li. Laiiu I' r 1)1 HECTORS FIRST DAY Mrs. Thomns Smith. Neighborly Wei faro' "cfu'b. Ml. C. SECOND DAY H , , , s I .■ ,• I , ark THIIU) DAY M, j.,iu, ( ...,.." m' . .oil niUKCTORS OF BAND rIKST DA\ ..->jnaima liand Irvin Benedict, Director SECOND DAY Unark Band Harry Rahn, Director THIRD DAY -..Mill.MU'.vill.. Ra-..? C. A. MiMulenhall, Director PAGEANT COMMI'ITKKS GENERAL COMMITTEE— Mrs. Looincr Downinir Mt. Carroll Mrs. A. S. Habb Shannon Mr.s. JcnniL' Nipe Mt. Carroll Prof. R. T. MiGrath Lanark Mrs. David Court.s " Mrs. Kerd Spaulding ^..Chadwick Roy Fritz Mt. Carroll Mrs. Dr. Runnels Milledgeville J. H. Shirk Mrs. Albtrt Getz _ Mt. Carroll Mrs. Chas. Moore « . ... '• '• Mrs. John Connt-ll . ... .___ PROPmTV COMMITTEE— ordon, Ch. .- Mt. Carroll . u •• Ch«s. Kin^iMy Chadwick PARADK rOMMlTTFF — ...Lanark _ -Ml. Carroll -y Savanna r - - Mt. Carroll i...ii l.tiii.iier — Milledsreville PUBLICITY rO.M.MITTEE— Mrs. I Old Spaulding, Ch. Chadwick r M F c-T -Mt. Carroll I.Anark COSTL -ett, Cb Mt. Carroll [4inark aii.H'.t i.i'i • I » iM! Mt. Carroll I.nnurk 825733 2 ' . ;:i:OLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT Miss Maude Blough Mt. Carroll ^ Moore -._ " Campbell *' " i.e t olt-man " " GROUNDS COMMITTEE— Chas. Ko.ssler. Ch. Mt. Carroll Gaorge Morris Lanark Chas. Moure Mt. Carroll Mrs. Chas. Dtehl Lanark Mrs. David Courts " Chas. Casseiberry Mt. Carroll Sen. J. D. Tumbaugh " Dun Hurley " Thus. Jenlcs Savanna MUSIC COMMITTEE— Mrs. Guy i'uterbaujrh, Ch. Lanark Mrs. Vernon TodJ Milledgeville Rev. Brcmicker Savanna Mrs. Hany Lanark INTERLUDE COMMITTEE— Miss Ruth Senneff, Ch. Chadwick Mrs. Lucy Putcrbaugh Milledgeville Mrs. O.scar Daehler Chadwick Miss Alice Coleman Mt. Carroll POLICING COMMITTEE- Harry Linskill Lanark Albert Dr^sbach Mt. Carroll Henry Fehler Savanna Chas. Dresbach Mt. Carroll Elmer Kinney " Chris Han-lei " Stage Direction and Stage Management Members of Committees from each Center as given in the Cast list for each day. CARROLL COUNTY HISTORY 1778. Tavo years after signing of Declaration of Independ- ence, George Rogers Clark captured Vincennes of the British and the County of Illinois was organized. 1809. Illinois territory was divided into two counties by proclamation of Governor Pope. 1818. Illinois Territory became State of Illinois. 1823 to 1828 United States Government makes treaties with the Indii.ns by which they agreed to give up their hunting grounds to the white men. 1827. The County of Jo Daviess was organized embracing what are now the C'/Ounties of Lee, Ogle, Carroll and Whiteside ■with the county Beat at Galeaa. 1828. First Settlement in Carroll County at Savanna, known as the Counril lilnffs of the Upper Mississippi. It was made by three familiea of George and Vance L. Davidson, Aaron Pierce and Wn>. Uluiidd, from Galena lead mines, who moved to Savanna with ox t«'f«ms. They lived in the Indian Coiuicil House until cabins could be built. 1829 Aaron Pierce and son brought the fii"j»t herd uf cattle and horses into the county. 1830. Fimt settlmr-nt made in Cherry Grove by Thomas CARROLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PACEAM 3 Crane on what is known as Laird farm and waw called Cranc-'H Fort. 18.'k2. liltick Ilnwk Wur broke out and HfttU'n« movod tb«ir fan>'i>'— '■r..fii v;:,v i.iMi, to Galcnn for protection '»>•• •»' n boilt a \ point of Muff where the of M. I'li] fort »too<) off uii utturk l;. . uanii m which liwb Upton had u narrow eHcap«-, hidintf in a cave until niirhtfnll when he and other men eKcuptnl in u lK>nt to Galena. 1S33. The (\iuniy ('omniiHHionern of Jo DavieMi County, ordered Levi Wurner to lay out the roud Ix-lween Galenu and Peoria. This route went by way of Crane'ii Fort in Cherry Grove. 18;U. Fir^t permanent Rettlement wuk made by George Knox in Elkhorn Grove. 183o-lHMil. KeK'ulutorK or visrilunts were orRnnized to stop borne thievintj and other luwlessneHH which wun threateninjc the property and lives of settlers. lK;{r». Hon. Norman 1). French filed claim for land in what 18 now York Township. He was eni;aKt'd in the first jfovern- ment survey and helpetl block out Carroll County into jf'vem- ment townships, was tax collectx)r and member of 29th General Assembly of Illinois Legislature. 183G. The first .settlement was made at Preston Prairie by Samuel Preston. 18:Ji». Carroll County was organized out of part of Jo Dav. less by act of Legislature. The first church services were held the same year by a Presbyterian minister by name of Whipple, on Preston Prairie. 1S41. The Mt. Carroll Mill Company was orfrunized by Havid Emniert and Nathaniel Haldermaa ami the first log: house in Mt. Carroll erected on Stajrj; Point and wcupied by David Emmert and family. IhJ'.i. Carroll County settlers leave for California in quest of gold. Many follow later. 1850. The first newspaper in the county, the Mount Car- roll Tribune, was started by Hr. John L. Hostetter. 1852. Mt. Carroll Seminary receive*! Charter and in fol- lowinfT year was opened by Miss F. A. Wood (afterwards Mrs. Shimer) and Miss Gregory. 1853. Agricultural Society organized. Held its first fair in 1854 on the farm now owned by W. D. Golding, one-half mile east of Argo-Ka. 18r,0-V,4. Cam II County raised $250,000 and 1498 men en- listed for the Civil War and not a man was drafted. 18G7. Mt. Carroll received City Charter from Legislature. 1873-'74. The Grange movement swept over the county as a protest by the farmers against the low prices for farm products, corn lieing worth 15c jht bu. at that time and other grains in proportion. 1880. Organization of Nase Post No. 80, G. A. R., and of the Woman's Relief Corps were the first in Carroll County. 1884. The Soldiers and Sailors Reunion .Society of Carroll Co. was organized at I^anark, Illinois. 1888. A County Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was organize*! by the farmers to obtain their insurance at reasonable rates. This company toii. Larr-'il Mrs. Paul Daggert *' " First Teacher, Miss Annie Towert -- *' " EPISODE I. 1823-1828 OLD INDIAN TRAILS Scene 1 The Indians are gathering for some of the old tribal ccr*- moniaU. Black Hawk, chief of the Sacs and Keokuk, chief of the Foxes have summoned their people. Smoke is blown to th« 8 CARROLL [STOKICAL PAGEANT MEMBER OK THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM The crab walks backward That's becaiie S? >'as o^«Jit to vf\V^ t'.it w\y. Human be- ings were built to WALv FOX\VARD. Thty v/=re meant to GET AHEAD. How are YOU traveling flncndally? Arc you walking backward or forward? Ask yourself that question. Aniwerit cnrrectJy hy cpenlrg a SAVINGS ACCOUNT IN THIS BA-Ni-C TOr^AY ar.J GO^NCl FULL SPEED AHEAD! 4 Per <^eat on :5avjng,s The Carroll County State Bank " T5»e Sink o? FrloniH/ S^rvic, " CARROLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT 9 four winds and the Ceremonial to the San is bein^ enacted when a yell in the distance tell-^^ • ' •'■ • ■•onung' of anothrr tribi-. An* they friends or I'nemifs? The Winntbugoe«5 and I'-ulvwrit'omie^ cume and are re- v'eived a:* fneiuls. Ihe I e:»ce drince is rmtcted in their honor. All join in the 1 ' when thankK are given to the Groat Spiril !• > .«• sun whirh have made the seed ;:row ar.d wnich have bi ought forth a kob, us the old chief blesses the reeds and Kivts them I' : Came the brave and ■ Men and women, liule children. Built the cabins and the r v ■-; - In this land of ths Jlissi^ Finding* a v ' ' ' . . : j •' ?'i;ve While the j the red men Watched them froia ilie . forest, Saw the land they loveil j i them; One last stand they made to save it, Black Hawk and his warriors crafty, But undaunted was the white man. Brave .- ' Soon t; Then the pipe of peare was lifrhted Trom the embers of the watch fires, And the Indians surrendered To the onward n ' ' i rogress, To the halJK of i 10 CARROLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT HOTEL BREWSTER S. L. FRIEDLY, Prop. FREEPORT. ILL. ! 1 I " REMEMBER " I When in need of Flowers for any occasion such as Weddings, Funerals, Etc., get them from Freeport's Leading Florist, through | our agents, Holman & Myers Fay Christian BAUSCHER BROS. FLORAL MARKET | Long Distance Phone 960 20 S. Chicago Ave. j FREEPORT, ILLINOIS ! i I CARROLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT 11 Built beneath the toweriKT) hilltops Where the banner of our nation Flunff to the breeze its g;lorious colors, Aiul the lii;ht fium llu* stuis v( Ileavrn Shune upon a peaceful pvupie, Pioneers of Carroll County. Many yars njco. Kpix.da II 182*— 18.17 Scene I SKTTLE.MEM AT SAVANNA The first white men and their families Heltle at Savanna. The spiiiniii>j wheel und the loom are put to work. On horsa back and prairie schooners, they come to the new country to make their home. Stmn;; hearted men and women were thesa (iiir fi>i lii;ir-- ;u.r of Our Country MUSIC LIST i:ns(>i)i:s i cVl ii 1. Overture. 2. Bugle Call. .'{. Waltz — Piairies. 4. Waltz— Wild Flowers. 5. Inini'.--s. Only exclusive auto Paint shop in Carroll County j ! i;i!k'?S V; KNEALE & CUF^BOY "■'■..'lW',','.'::''- I EDWARDS & HARTMAN 1 The ilcxall btore j Dealers in Drugs, Medicines and Paints .\;(>1:NT ( AKKoLL. ILLINOIS CARROLL COUNTS' HISTORICAL PAG KANT 15 Nature Groups . . .».—.. Mt, Carroll Mnj. E. N. GuHl •• Mrs. Fnd Ix-i^'h " Kpisode 111 Scene 1 Prologue Reader, E. F. Aumun Carroll Couniy Group, U. P. HonteOar, Walter Watnon First Commissjoncra — Luther H. Bowin, John H. (k)nri« II. Sam- ple M. Juuriuy, Louito biownitiK. c;arnt-r Muffelt, Juhii liny — • Mt. Carroll. Other 0!f;c.!s— Clerk, Wm. B. CrOM, WHiter Wataon; Sheriff, li i». A. Hnwanl; JuHtice John C. •' 11. 1" r, Musi.n C. THvlor, 11. A. Wi 1- • \orij, Levi Wurinr. b. C ( Groiij.- i>i .-111.(1 , I., w »> fniiii.i 1, . Center Hill Gto. luiruth " " Rtv. Earl Edwards - Mt. Carroll Chas. Goidon. John r. Winscl Mc- Grath, CIimS. iimnotl, uojd . Woodland Hoy Friu, Ch . Freedom Mrs. Frank Vanderhcyden Mrs. Eva Ktyer, Ch.; Harvey liolinfrer, Chan. Rowland, Mrs. Geo. Finifrock. June Miller, SLinley Finifrock, Lillian Garner — Cherry Grove. Scene II The Cii Finifrock . .Lanark First K. ..Cherry Grove -- Center Hill Woodland S;ine lil Chad wick Groups and tiKs • in Scenes r A IT C. M. Kinffcry, Ch.; J 'irt, Rutl, , " a Daehler, Frances Jack. Olivi \ J. O. ^ Dial. The F. " • :■ ■;•■ 1 1 ;iny: Bride, (• J. U. Kerch; Ai<>. li''. , .»i ; . . 1 '. »> . I . .i ^ I » W. Plummer; Friends: Effii* tjpencir, H.. idt, Helen Spinka, li. ck. n:.i c . ..- i.i.nditti: Ur. E. M. h Woodland - - Freedom Woodland . an( derhi >yden Freedom bi* nr I \ On the Way to the Fie'd-: Mr* A! ..I Ottx, Mrs. Albert Pet- ty. Mrs. Chaa. Pelt u 1 raine. . ne V " ■ ' _ Shannon <'ty. and rroupa comlnir to the Fair Ai.v r. ......... .. .. . .. ,. .,,^ Mr*, i V. - . ,...,... . 16 CARROLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT G 'arrcll Cciinly Granite and Marble Co. MONUMENTS T. A. Wachtel & Son PROPRIETOnS Mt. Carroll Illinois r^ Wilbur Lumber ^o. LANARK, ILLINOIS i he Largest Lumber Company in Carroll County The First National Bank OF LANARK Capital and Surplus $100,000.00 OVER 50 YEAPvS AS A NATIONAL CANK CARR OLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT 17 non Osborne; GinRerbread Boy, G«orKe WenU— Shannon. W' h Bab« Pr ad-r, E. F. Auman -- Mt. Carroll l.pisode IV Scene 1 Crowd ■ ■ ' ' •■^^"• Mr .'"• —Lanark. .*»t« III"!'. .\, I'' ';:■■.:■. vi II. ..4Miii.^ — __..LAnarK Abraham Lincojn, Lloyd Weed Stone li Crowd Escort in Wagon. 12 Fanners -.--. " And Lincoln & P < • ' '^ Lloyd Weed and Geo. Moms Scene iii r.-n T., A-i-.>s ^ A:?n B ,. , *< Wcmm oi -fii ij.c'jp -- Messenger „ carrici. fl^ii;. U^n Eckman - Postlud? __ „ , _ , J.! : • V m, Helen Hoy. Esthrr Baker— EnSUl>I2 IIL 1839-1855 Scene I CARROLL COUNTY ORGANIZED The first Ccmmissiuners of < '^- Bo"*"" en, Sarrple M. Journey and Game: ^'ir first mtetinjr and they announce the appointment to the various of- fices < ' ;!isT»» B. Gol ' J...;. ]■ 1 intervals. A short the , of real progress in Carroll County. 18 CARROLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT H" ■■■■■■■■■«« ■■ ■■ ■■ 1» •• «■«• « «■■■«■«■■ M M M I Our showing of ! i SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES I for Fall will be of interest to every man — A. C. EMRICH "Quality" Clothing and Furnishings FREEPORT, ILL. ._. — {. 4.^. j WILLIAM HUNT I Licensed Real Estate Broker INSURANCE Office Phone: Main 2153 14 W. Exchange St., Residence Phone: 1056 or I'/S Freeport, 111. Main + —••—•• •■ •■ ■■ ■■ " " •■ " ■■ •• •■ ■•— M ■ M 11 M ■ H| t ^ . ._.. ^ When in Freeport stop at 216 W. Main St. ! Per anything in the musical line. Adam Schaaf and Gulbransen PIANOS AND PLAYERS E.M-lusive a^rent for '* Tlu' NEW EDISON " Violins, Ukeleles, Saxophones, Sheet music. Etc. PETERS imOS. MUSIC CO. A. J. MERTINS. Mgr. 1 . . + CARROLL C OUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT 1» Seme III Tht> early Postman is a welcome visitor and the mail fur- nishes much rxcitrment in the villagre. A g:roup in seunli of Justice c)f th«' I'cMce BrriveH, aad a wedding lollows. While everyone is enjoyinjf the event, the Banditti muko way wilh the hi.r>«'s and a chase for the bandita follows. .Stene IV A rr«>(-e-«Niun — " C)n the Way !•• the l- ields." Th»- flail, thr cradle, the water yoke, and many tdher piece-* of early t^iuipnicnt make fariniti}; of these days <|uit<- different from today. A {jlimpsc of the past makes us appreciate our sturdy I'lo- neers. We do them honor today and we show our reverence for their strength and spirit. .Si-ene V Note: — The Carroll County Ajfrifultural .Society was organized in ISo.". The Kirst County Kair under this sotiiety was held in October 185-1 on the farm of Monroe Uailey, seven miles south of Mount Carroll. THK I niST COUNTY lAIU "Oh Ye.«: Oh Vis! Oh Yes! The Carroll County Fair is now in Stsvion." People are arriving:, families, youn? people, old pi-ople, everybody. The popcorn boy and the Kinder bread man are there. A program of special attractions is followed by the awarding of premiums. The running race is announced and all hurry to get their places. Announcer:— •* Oh Ves! Oh Yes! Oh Yes! This session of the Carroll County Fair is now adjourned." Prologue " The Gift of Unity " Then far away on the distant horizon, Dark c!oud.s gathered, dire and threatening. From the southland came the murmur, Of a people in rebellion, Statesmen met in great debates, Lincoln-lJouglas, now at P'reeport, All the nation was in turmoil. Waiting, waiting for the morrow, Until when .April's smiles and shadows. Came across the wailing prairie, From ocean to ocean came the mes.sage, Uel>el guns have fired on Sumter, It is war, — war until death or surrender, And over Carroll C<»unty came the sound of drums, Rolling, rolling from morn 'till evening. A call to arms and they never faltered. 20 CARROLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT Artistic and Practical Millinery 1 Our Styles and Mat- 13 W. 6AiXNA^ crials used are always up:lo;dalc and mooVralcly priced. + 4. THE Golden Rule Shoe Store SHOES FOR THE FAMILY . 1720 Main St. FI'-EEPORT, ILL. Pl.dne 7C1 +• — •" — ■ — " — " — " — " — •■ — ' — " — ■• — • • — • • ' • — •• — • — 4. " If you want th^ best there i.s in Business Training, in the shortest possible time, then you want to attend Brown's Business College " The School of Results " j FREEPORT. -:- II LINOIS "l c?, we have everything in the musical hne— Pianos, Players, Victor, Edison Phonographs All the l«te»t Victor Viclrola Record.; Etc. Peters Bros. Music (^o. I. \ \ \ i;i;. I LLi.\< >is CARROLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT 21 From the field and from the village. Father and son, the old and the yuungeiit. Thiowin;? away all for the love of their country. The SlHi> and Slripch had been lorn hy rebel shell They would avenge. The hands of the women, just as braM-. iu"*^*' *^*' o" r«ur Coal B*ro> by inatalling 1 , THE HEAT KING OIL GAS BURNER I in voiufocjk. h^atinjr or lnundr.\ >tovp. H\irn^ any kind of j I oil! no fTPnrratinjr. fiirlii- in'^tanil.v. F-4 rlioapoi' than coiil. j I twioe as quirk. No soot, (.•ailioninf,'-. No holp.'«i or tubes to ) I i-lof,-^ up: fullv frii;tr;mi< < li aN t! - ' ' '- and Douglas Debate. 17. The Girl I I le— Exit of Troops. 18. Tenting Toi-.^; ...cii Scenes. 19. Battle Cry of Freedom. (Play through Exit.) [PROGRAM Friday, August 31, 1923 2:00 P. .M. •* PROGRESS and PATRIOTISM " Music Milledgeville Band Prologue.s written by ... - - Harriet M. Connell Prologue Reader Rev. E. Y. Knapp 24 CARROLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT -— ■■> M t- — l— — — — — «■ • Manufacturers of Small Hardware COFFEE MILLS. Mop Slicks, Toys. Be a joy bringcr for the youngsters with these popular novelties i i Arcade Manufacturing Company FREEPORT. iLLi::ois + _ .— .^. DRY ( 300DS READY-TO-WEAR 0. H. Mar tin D. G. Company The New est Merchandise at Lowest Prices MT CARROLL, ILL. SHOES NOVELTIES J 4, . .. " 4. KRAFT. KESSLER Co Clctp.;n:z - S!iO?s Tr.(^ Stoi'O tlirvt AiM'itf':''' ^ Your ratrun:i;^o MT. CARROLL, ILL. CARROLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT 25 Overture Bugle Call I'reludo A Story of ihe Spring by groups of Children »nd Younjr women. ProloKiu' PROGRESS AND PATRIOTISM " So the chjldrvii grew to manhood, and the Boldicrs of the 60*8 Now are slowly pnsKirijr. moving on with weary footiitepii, In the marches of the agres, And the children of their children, Sh«»ut and play along the rivers, in the woods and on the meadows, IMay in peace, while beyond the ocean, There is war and death anti torture. Helpless people flee in terror. Even birds forsake their shelter in the, The white lilies of France turn scarlet, Hate and horror, lust and evil. A world K*^yiw mad; we Ruze in wonder. Till the call — Apain the drums are rollinp. In a call heard o'er the nation, And th^y come from every corner of the land, a wondrous army. The flower of our younp manhood; Gone the blue and gray forever, Brothers all beneath one banner. We all know the story of their sacrifice and courage. Of the poppy fields all gleaming, with tlu- row on row of crosses, Wlure they died, our boys, our heroe.^, lU- ih^ir sacrifice and courage, (roe we stand, triumphant, Brinfring peace to war-wrecked nations. BrinKing piace to our own firesides. Back again to fields and forest. And the children raise their voices, Thanking God for all our blessings, .»«- Iving, i OK i ■ PS :,! •!• of '1 '«^rs Prelude — Chadwick Ruth Senneff ** Mr.>. I'oiu i>aehler ' Episode V Scene 1 26 CARROLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT PHONE MAINU4;« M. J. O'CONNELL FURNITURE AND AUTO TOP EXPERT UPHOLSTERING 1 30 Main Street Freeporl, Illinois OVERSTUFFED FURNITURE "FROM FACTORY TO HOME" YOU'RE INVITED to pay us a visit and look over our New Store, it will be completed about Nov. 1 JOHNvHIPEI FREEPORT, ILLINOIS SAVE IN FREEPORT AT SPURGEON'S Popular Priced Stores \ CARROLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT 27 Girl Scout.<, Mrs. iJora Uaehler - — " Children in Singing Game -. — . ........... " Folk Dance Gruup ............. — . — .............. ** buys in Games .. ......... — ..... " Kuth Senneff - " Campfire Girls, Mrs. llary Lowman Lanark The l^iK Club .-. " Harold Smith - Chadwick C^rl Haag .. ** Chas. Schreiner ........ ** Scene II American Legion J. R. Mercer and Dan Kckman - Milkdi^eville & Lanark Kurl iiaum, Dr. Calkins, C. E. llurlinan Sharinun, Ciunlwick & Ml. Carroll Scene Hi First Farm Bureau Member First Executive Committee Meeting Carroll County The Projects Parade of Improvt-d Live.stock Farm bureau of Today — Albert Gelz, Ch.; J. W. Duncan, Looni- er Downin;^, Adam Heinze, George Lamp, D. R. Lower, C. T. Croflon. Scene IV Religious Processional, Mrs. Jennie Nipe — Mt. Carroll School Episode VI .Scene 1 Transportation imm uxcart to AutomoiMio, Sequoia Club Mt. Carroll S. J. Campbell. Blaine Peck, A. D. Poole, G. R. Bliss " Scene II Communication, Signal Fires to Radio, Savanna Boy — Scouts - Savanna N. Fitzgerald Scene III Woman and her Work, Mt. Carroll Groups Mt. Carroll Mrs. Chas. Moore, Ch.; Ida Hartman, Mrs. Jennie Nipe, Grace Coleman, Zella Corbett, Mrs. John Connell Scene IV Town and Country Milledgeville J. H. Shirk, Rev. E. Y. Knapp _ Mrs. Dr. Runnels, Mrs. ILirry Puterbaugh-_ Mrs. Frank Livengood America _.. ,-. Democracy Town Life Country Life " Scene \' (irand Finule Thf Cast of the Three Dunn in a (irand I'roceNHional KI'lStiDE \. IS13-iyL'J Scene I The Kuth is 28 CARROLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT '' The Sign of Protection " This red-white-and-blue sign on the radiator in- dicates the car owner has protection against the hazards of automobile ownership. There is constant danger of loss from Fire, Theft, Wind, Collision, Property Damage and Per- sonal Injury or Death. For a few cents per week you can get protection in a Company that adjusts losses fairly and pays promptly . Samson policies are protected by the reserve funds required by law and 50 per cent in excess, making assurance doubly sure. If you are interested in auto insurance that really does protect, it will pay you to see me. FRED C. LEIGH SAMSON AGENT MOl \r CAUItOl-I.. II.MNOIS. CARROLL COUNTY HIS TORICAL PAGEANT 29 brought out in this scene, through the tritme, the Folk Dunce, the Drill and the work of the Girl Scouts aiit member of the Farm Bureau in Mount Carroll is i.jf his ni '. The first Executive Committee meet- .-^ held. 1 i'rcjtcts are planned. The steady pro- gress is shown ihrouffh better crops, improved livestock and bet- ter home and farm conditions. The closing scenes shows the Farm Bureau today in its look to the Future. " Forward Farm Bureau." Scene IV KELI(;i()LS EDL'CATIO.N In this procesjional of Kioups interested in Relif^ious Edu- cation, we see the nuuch of progress beginning with The Littlest Ones. Prologue "A CYCLE OF GROWTH" Faster and faster turn the wheels of Time and PmiMt-s, More wonderful things each day brings forth, Wonders our fathers could never dream of. Those who came with ponderous oxen, Could they see the shining autos; Fiom the signals in the hilltop, To the Radio broadcasting. Is the far cry of Progress, From the Trails cut throu;rh the prairie. To the broad hi^rhways «.f u^^phalt, Going onward, ever onward, building, building, farms and village, Schools and churches, fields and vineyards. Let oiir heritage be guurded, from who would despoil it, Ix»t us plant, and till and harvest. Let us be our Stale's fair garden, Let the name of Can./I (\yiMUy. be a name of pride and honor. As it echoes down tii- .:,-■ h, One Hundred Years from Now. EPLSODE VI. 1821-1923 Scene I TK ANSPORTATION FROM OXCART TO AITO.MOBILE .JO CARROLL COUNTY HLSTORICAL PAGEANT Martin Morris & Company CLINTON. IOWA ' THE CASH STORE ' Home of HART SCHAFFNER and MARX Clothes STETSON Hats - MANHATTAN Shirts j The Community Store I Wm, Brockhill, Prop. Dry Goods, Shoes, Men's Furnishings Ladies' and Children's Ready-to-Wear THOMSON, ILLINOIS ri,r JOSEPHINE KERSEY Shop CLINTON, IOWA Millinery, Blouses SWEATER S ((II ,.,. . .,., • i .. Prelude. 4. I.i (iirl Scouts. 5. M... - " '^ame. 6. Music for e. < . Music for Drill. 8. March — Gi time Group. Rvrr^r- ■ fPl 1 —Campfirc Girls. R. Pig Club. 9. Patri. -World War. 10. .\; lU, 11. »( 11 T«Klfty 12. 0. i:tligious i'rocession. IX 1 ies. 14. y "M. 15. w to Radio. 16. V' Woman and her Work. 17. I ■ wn and Country. 18. Su. .,.- 1, •• ■■ i »r. 19. Patrioitr ! March— Grand Finale. 32 CAP.KOLL COUNTY HISTORICAL PAGEANT WHEN IN F R E E P O R T DO NOT FAIL TO CALL AT M. A. STRAUB •3 MILLINERY Fall and Winter Hats Now on Display ART DEPARTMENT---KOLE PROOF HOSIERY FULL LINE, OUT SIZES 1 Cylinder Grinding, Scored Cylinder Repairing. Crankshaft Grinding, I*iston Pins, Piston Rings, Welding Best Equipped Machine Shop in Northern Illinois REPAIRLNG OF ALL KINDS DIE MAKING & TOOL WORK FREEPORT MACHINE WORKS 120-122 East Galena St.. Freeport, Illinois J. D. WHEAT & SONS 1 WEST MAIN ST., AT CHICAGO AVE., FREEPORT, ILL. Opposite Lind Theatre CASH AND ONE PRICE AND THAT THE LOW- EST IN THE CITY. PRY GOODS, READY-TO- WEAR. CLOAKS, OPES, DRESSES, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, WASH GOODS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR. BLANKETS, COMFORTS, OUT- ING FLANNEL, ETC. It will pay you big to come ir.Hes and take advant- r.fTQ of our low cash pri.'"e'=. Special sales in some department every day. You will find all new, up- to-date city styles in our Ready-to-Wear Depart- ment at a bi.c: saving in price, as our Eastern buy- er is at the factri Jes every day and as fast as new styles come out, (the price must be right, buying for cash for 60 stores), our shares are sent by ex- press, and on sale in less than two d;innB^--|{k)Mi,cj^rL reiidlly see where the savings come in. iu Your Responsibility The man who operates an automobile ufiHumes a trenu'n«lous ~ > .^il)ili(y. The I; ' " 'I\ careful drivt'r ; • and often is in m an accident where he is in no way to blame and yet unless he is fc»rlunate in having reputaM witnesses he ciin be made to pay. THE ONLY SURE PROTECTION IS INSURANCE For nin*» y»»nr!» th*' F^onomy Auto InxTirHnrs Ass'n. in nil- . ■ Prop- erty Damsi^e. Today we number among our Poli holders hundreds of the most successful Farmers a Busiii ss men in Carroll, Jo Davivss, Ogle and Stephi lion counties. For an Economy Policy 5ee one of our regular agenci' H. R. ruTFMAN' Milledgevill.' W. J. : Chad w I YORDY. Shannon li. S. ! :. Kent I F. F, 1 '.!., Woodbine | RAY M. SCOTCHBROOK. Warren j RALPH SNYDER, Nora j J. K. LORENZEN, Fulton j J. A. MAYBORN. Polo I The v-...»,..r«,- t.jints agents in unoc*.^, For Particulars writ* The Economy Auto Insurance Association FREEPORT. ILXINOIS 1 1 THE STORE ' WITH AN IDEAL 32 Modern Departments Each One A Specialty Shop Catering to Your Every Need In Coats, Suits, Dresses, Undert?ii7igif, Corsets, Dress Goods, and ^Accessories, Gloves, Blouses. Alillinery, Kugs, Linoleums, Curtains, Draperies, Furs, Children ^ Difanfs Section OUR REPUTATION IS BUILT ON Distinctije Service Reasonable Prices Qu ality Merch a ndist Stukenberg & Borchers DRY GOODS. COATS, SUITS MUXINLRY A RUGS 21-13 W. MAIN IT. FREEPORT, ILL. Freeport's Metropolitan Store