Urlb University of Cincinnati Studies Series ii 1918 Voi,. X, Part 3 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Source Material in European History SINCE CLASSICAL TIMES COMPILED BY MIRIAM B. URBAN ASSISTANT IN THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI He °%fe SlJ , NOTICE: Return or renew all Library Materials! The Minimum Fee for each Lost Book is $50.00. The person charging this material is responsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for discipli- nary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 3 17 MAK 3 1993 * L161— O-1096 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP Source Material in European History SINCE CLASSICAL TIMES TO BE FOUND IN THE CINCINNATI PUBLIC LIBRARY, LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI, OHIO HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY, LIBRARY OF THE LANE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY m t/Murr r. COMPILED BY f\ r) (J MIRIAM B. " Assistant in the Department of History//- /jfj (fn ^ University of Cincinnati PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI CINCINNATI, OHIO 1918 A m° INDEX Foreword 5 CHAPTER I France 7 CHAPTER II Germany 31 CHAPTER III Great Britain 41 CHAPTER IV Holland 69 CHAPTER V Iberian Countries 70 CHAPTER VI Italy 71 CHAPTER VII Russia 76 CHAPTER VIII Scandinavian Countries 78 CHAPTER IX Travel 79 CHAPTER X Church History 81 CHAPTER XI Church History (General) 91 7 O?""/ f-^-i FOREWORD HIS bibliography represents the effort to list the / I A \ source material available in four of the libraries " ' in Cincinnati on European history since the Classical period. The list is incomplete, in so far as no attempt has been made to classify periodical literature, nor to treat systematically the wealth of material on the early church. Further, this list was made up directly from the stacks of the various libraries, and there is no doubt that much that might properly be included was in circulation at the time. The method of classification is as follows: The material has first been divided and assigned to its respective state. Under each state a careful alphabetical order has been followed according to the author or (if this was not possible) the title of the work. As an aid to further description, a reference has been made to several of the standard bibliographies where the sets may be found fully analyzed: Manuel de Bibliographie historique par Ch. V. Langlois, 2 vol., Paris, 1896-94; Biblio- theca Historica Medii Aevi von August Potthast, 2 vol., Berlin, 1896; Les Sources de V Histoire de France par Alfred Franklin, Paris, 1877; Bibliographie de V Histoire de France par G. Monod, Paris, 1888; Quellenkunde der Deutschen Geschichte von Dahlmann-Waitz, Gottingen, 1894; The Sources and Literature of English History .... by Charles Gross, New York and Bombay, 1900; Reading References for English History, by H. L. Cannon, New York and London, 1910. Where the set is complete, or where the fragment of the set is found in but one library, no attempt has been made to list individual volumes; but if in one library the set is complete, and in 6 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY another a fragment exists, in the latter each volume is given separate mention. For the sake of brevity and simplicity the following abbre- viations have been used: P. for Public Library; U, for University Library; L. for Lane Seminary Library, and H. and P. for Ohio Historical and Philosophical Library. Thanks are due to Mr. N. D. C. Hodges of the Public Library, to the Rev. S. F. Vance of Lane Seminaiy, to Mr. Charles Read of the University Library, and to Miss Belle Hamlin of the Ohio Historical and Philosophical Library, for the privilege of freedom to the stacks; to Miss J. Hirst and Miss S. Collman, fox* their unfailing courtesy and guidance through the mazes of the Public Librax-y; and to Dr. Memck Whit- comb of the History Department of the University of Cin- cinnati, who suggested the project, and who gave much valu- able assistance. Miriam B. Urban Cincinnati, Ohio, 1918 CHAPTER I FRANCE 1. Abelard et Helo'ise: Lettres. In 8°, Paris, 1839. P. 2. Adolphus, John: History of France from the Year 1790 to the Peace Concluded at Amiens in the Year 1802. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1803. P. 3. Album Paleographique. In folio, Paris, 1587. (Bibliotheque de l'^cole des Chartes.) P. 4. d'Alembert: Oeuvres. 5 vol. in 12°, Paris, 1821-22. P. 5. Alexandre le Grand dans la Litterature franqaise clu Moyen Age. Paul Meyer. 2 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1886. (Bibliotheque francaise du Moyen Age, vol. 4 and 5 of set.) P. 6. L'Ancien Moniteur. 32 vol. in 4°, mars, 1789-novembre, 1799, Paris, 1840. U. 7. Anciens Textes francais, Societe des. 42 vol. in 8° Paris, 1875-97. (Bulletin, vol. 1-20, Paris, 1875-94.) Cf. Langlois, 382. U. 8. Anciennes Lois francaises, Recueil general des, MM. Jourdan, Decrusy, et Isembert. 29 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1822-33. Franklin, pp. 543 et seq. U. 9. d'Andigne, General: Memoires. Publies avec introd. et notes par Edouard Bire. 2 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1900-01. P. 10. Andrieux, L.: Souvenirs d'un Pre fetde Police. 2 vol., Paris, 1885. P. 11. L'Annee politique, avec un index raisonne par Andre Daniel. 32 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1874-1905. U. 12. Archives curieuses de V Histoire de France. L. Cimber et F. Danjou. 27 vol. in 8°; 1st ser. 15 vol., 2d ser. 12 vol. Franklin, pp. 362 et seq. U. 13. Archives Diplomatiques . 120 vol. in 94 in 8°; 1st ser. 62 vol., 2d ser. 58 vol. Ed. by Louis Renault. Paris, 1861-99. U. 14. Archives Parlementaires de 1787 a 1860. 1st ser. vol. 1-82, 2d ser. vol. 1-126, in 4°. Ed. by Madival et Laurent, Paris. Cf. Langlois, 379; Monod, 4382. U. 15. d' Arras, Gautier: Oeuvres. Pub. par E. Loseth. 2 vols, in 8°, Paris, 1890. (Bibliotheque francaise du Moyen Age, vol. 6 and 7 of set.) P. 16. Ashton, John: English Caricature and Satire on Napoleon 1. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1884. P. 17. Barbe-Marbois, F., Marquis de: Memoires d'un Deporte non juge, ou deportation en violation des lois decretees, le 18 fructidor an V. 2 vol. in 8°, Brussels, 1835. P. 18. Barere, B.: Memoires. Publies par M. H. Carnot; ed. par David (d' Angers). 4 vol. in 4°, Brussels and Leipzig, 1842-45. P. ; SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 19. Barras, Paul: Memoir es. Ed. by George Duruy; tr. by C. E. Roche. 4 vol. in 8°, New York, 1895. P. 20. Barri, Madame du: Memoirs. Ed. by Lamothe-Langen. (Cour- tiers and Favorites of Royalty.) 4 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1903. (Societe des Bibliophiles.) Langlois, 382. P. 21. Baudouin, F. J.: Anecdotes historiques du Temps de la Restauration. In 12°, Paris, 1853. P. 22. de Beaumarchais, P. A. C. : Oeuvres completes. Precedees d'unc notice sur sa vie et ses ouvrages, par La Harpe. 6 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1826. P. 23. Bibliotheque de I' Ecole des Charles, Publications de. Vol. 1-61 in 8°, 1839-1900; vol. 63 in 8°, 1902, Paris. Langlois, vol. I, p. 166; Franklin, p. 399 et seq. P. 24. The same: 1 vol. in folio. P. 25. Bibliotheque de V Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Publications de. E. Buillon. Vol. 98, 1895; vol. 149, 1904, Paris. Langlois, 383. U. 26. Bibliotheque ftangaise du Moyen Age, Publications de. E. Buillon. Vol. 4-5 in 8°, Paris. Cf. Langlois, 388. U. 27. The same. Ed. by Gaston Paris and Paul Meyer. Vol. 7 in 8°. P. 28. Bibliotheque Litter ature de la Renaissance. Dirigee par Pierre de Nolhac et L. Doreau. Vol. 1, 5, 7, 9, Paris, 1896-1906. Cf. Langlois, 388. U. 29. Bingham, Captain: Journal of the Siege of Paris. In 8°, London, 1871. P. 30. The same: Recollections of Paris 1865-68. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1896. P. 31. Bire, Edmond: Diary of a Citizen of Paris during The Terror. Tr. by John de Villiers. 2 vol. in 8°, London and New York, 1896. P. 32. Blanc, Louis: The History of Ten Years. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1844-45. P. 33. The same: The History of Ten Years. Tr. by W. K. Kelly. 2 vol. in 8°, Phila., 1848. U. 34. The same: Histoire de dix Ans, 1830-40. 5 vol. in 8°, Paris. P. 35. The same: Histoire de la Revolution francaise. 2 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1847. P. 36. The same: Historical Revelations Ascribed to Lord Normanby. London, 1858. P. 37. The same: Organization of Work. Tr. by Marie Paula Dickore. In 8°, Cincinnati, 1911. U. 38. The same: duplicate work. P. 39. Blaze, E. J.: Recollections of an Officer of Napoleon's Army. Tr- by E. J. Meras. In 12°, New York, 1911. P. FRANCE 9 40. de Bode, Baroness: Memoirs and Correspondence. Ed. by Wm. S. Childe-Pemberton. In 8°, London, 1900. P. 41. Bodin, Jean: Les Livres de la Republique. In folio, Paris, 1856. Monod, 3823. P. 42. Boigne, Countess: Memoirs. Ed. by Charles Nicoulland. 3 vol. in 8°, New York, 1907. U. 43. The same: duplicate work. P. 44. Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon: Oeuvres. Publiees par Charles Edouard Tremblaire. 3 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1848. U. 45. The same: Political and Historical Works, with a Memoir of His Life. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1852. U. 46. The same: duplicate work. P. 47. The same: A Reply to Sir Walter Scott's "History of Napoleon." In 8°, Phila., 1829. P. 48. Bonaparte, Lucien: Charlemagne, or The Church Delivered. Tr. by Rev. S. Butler and Francis Hodgson. 2 vol. in 4°, London, 1815. P. 49. The same: Memoires ecrits par lui-meme. In 8°, Brussels, 1836- 45. P. 50. The same: Revolution de Brumaire. In 8°, Brussels, 1845. P. 51. Bonaparte, Madame: Life and Letters. Ed. by Eugene L. Didier. In 12°, New York, 1879. U. 52. The same: duplicate work. P. 53. Bonaparte, Napoleon: Le Concordat de 1801 et le Cardinal Consalvi suivi des Deux Lettres au Pere Thiener sur le Pape Clement XIV. Ed. par J. Cretineau-Joly. In 8°, Paris, 1869. P. 54. The same: Confidential Correspondence with Joseph Bonaparte. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1856. U. 55. The same: duplicate work. P. 56. The same: Correspondence inedite officielle et confidentielle. 7 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1809. P. 57. The same: Table Talk and Opinions. In 8°, London, 1868. U. 58. The same: duplicate work. P. 59. Bonaparte, N. J., called the Prince Napoleon: Napoleon and His Detractors. Tr. and ed. by R. Ledos de Beaufort. In 8°, London, 1888. P. 60. Bonaparte- Patterson Marriage and the Secret Correspondence on the Subject. Collected by R. T. Saffel. Phila., 1873. P. 61. Burgoyne, A. J. B.: Memoires. Compiled by P. Cottin. In 8°, New York, 1899. P. 62. de Bourrienne, L. A. F. Memoirs. Ed. by R. W. Phipps. 4 vol. in 8°, New York, 1836. U. 10 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 63. The same: duplicate work. P. 64. Brasseur de Bourbourge, C. E.: Grammaire. 2 vol. in folio, Paris* 1862. (Collection de Documents inedits. . .) Langlois, 376. U. 65. Brissot, J. P. (de Warville): Memoires. Publies par son fils avec des notes par F. de Montrol. 3 vol. in 8°, Brussels, 1830. P. 66. The same: Considerations on the Relative Situations of France and the United States. London, 1794. P. 67. The same: Memoires sur les Contemporains et la Revolution francaise. 4 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1830-32. P. 68. Broughton, Baron: Letters Written by an Englishman at Paris, during the Last Reign of the Emperor Napoleon, with an appendix of official documents. In 8°, Phila., 1816. P. 69. Bugeaud, Marshal: Memoirs. Ed. by Charlotte M. Younge. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1884. P. 70. Cahiers: Typical Cahiers of 1789. Ed. by Merrick Whitcomb. Vol. IV, No. 5, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publica- tions, Phila., 1898. U. 71. The same: duplicate work. P. 72. Carette, Madame: The Eve of an Empire' s Fall. London. P. 73. The same: Recollections of the Court of the Tuileries. Tr. by Eliza- beth P. Train. In 12°, New York, 1889. P. 74. Cartrie, Count: Memoirs. Intro, by Frederic Masson; notes by Amede Pichot. In 8°, London, 1906. P. 75. de Castelnau, Michel: Memoirs of the Reigns of Francis II and Charles IX. In foiio, London, 1724. P. 76. Caussidiere, Citizen: Memoirs', Secret History of the Revolution of 1848. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1848. P. 77. Ceremonial de V Empire francais. Par L. I. P. (La Librairie Econo- mique.) In 12°, Paris, 1805. P. 78. Charles The Great, Laws of. Ed. by Dana C. Munro. Vol. VI, No. 5, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1900. U. 79. The same: duplicate work. P. 80. Chartularium Universitatis Parisiensis, jusqu'en 1452. Pub. by H. Denifle and E. Chatelain. 4 vol. in 4°, Paris, 1889-97. Langlois, 383. P. 81. Chastellain, G.: Fragment Relatif a la Normandie. Old French text with English tr., in 8°, London, 1850. P. 82. Chateaubriand, Vicomte: Autobiography. 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1849-54. P. 83. The same: Memoires d' Outre Tombe. 2 vol. in 8°, Phila., 1848- 49. P. FRANCE 11 84. The same: Memoirs. Tr. by Alexander Teixeira de Mattos. 6 vol. in 8°, London, 1902. P. 85. The same: Oeuvres Completes. 36 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1836-37. U. 86. The same: Oeuvres Completes. Nouv. ed. precedee d'un etude litteraire sur Chateaubriand par Sainte-Beuve. 12 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1859-61. P. 87. Chaumette, P. G. : Memoir es sur la Revolution du 10 aoHt. Ed. par F. V. A. Aulard. In 8°, Paris, 1893. (Societe de l'Histoire de la Revolution francaise.) U. 88. The same: Papiers. Ed. par F. Braesch. In 8°, Paris, 1903. (Societe de l'Histoire de la Revolution francaise.) U. 89. Chenu, A.: Les Conspirateurs. In 16°, Brussels, 1850. P. 90. Codes, Les Cinq; Napoleon, de Procedure Civile, de Commerce, d' Instruction Criminelle et Penal. Par T. D. Paris, 1811. U. 91. Code de Famille. Ed. by Citoyen Guichard. Paris, 1795. U. 92. Code francais. Ed. par Louis Tripier. 1820. U. 93. Coignet, Captain: The Narrative of Captain Coignet. Ed. by Loredan Larchey; tr. by Mrs. M. Carey. In 8°, New York, 1890. U. 94. The same: duplicate work. P. 95. Collection de Documents inedits sur l'Histoire de France. 8 vol., Paris, 1852-1902. Langlois, 376 and 377; Franklin, p. 107 et seq. U. 96. Commines: Memoirs, with the Scandalous Chronicle. Ed. by A. R. Scoble. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1855-56. (Bohn's Ecclesiastical and Historical Library.) Potthast, XLII. P. 97. Constant, W. L. : Memoirs on the Life of Napoleon and His Family. Tr. by E. G. Martin. 4 vol. in 12°, New York, 1895. P. 98. Constitutions and Documents Illustrative of the History of France, 1789-1907. Ed. by F. M. Anderson. In 12°, 2d ed., Minne- apolis, 1908. U. 99. The same: duplicate work. P. 100. Conventionnels, Les. Listes des deputies et des suppleants a la Convention Nationale. Ed. par Jules Guiffrey. In 8°, Paris, 1889. (Societe de l'Histoire de la Revolution fran- caise.) U. 101. Corkran, J. F.: History of the National Constituent Assembly from May, 1848 New York, 1849. P. 102. Correspondance; Histoire de la Participation de la France & la Liber- ation des Etats- Unis d' Amerique. Ed. par Henri Danoil. 5 vol. in 4°, Paris, 1886-92. Cf. Monod, 4323. P. 12 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 103. Court: Reminiscences of a Canoness. Anecdotes of court life in France, during the reigns of Louis XIV and Louis XV. Selected by Vicomtesse Kerkadec. 2 vol. in 12°, London, 1874. P. 104. Cour des Aides, Protest of, April 10th, 1775. Ed. by J. H. Robinson, with an English version by Grace R. Robinson. Vol. V, No. 2, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1899. U. 105. The same: duplicate work. P. 106. de Curtot, Baroness Cecile: Memoirs. Compiled from correspond- ence by Moritz von Kaisenberg: tr. from the German by Jessie Haynes. In 8°, New York, 1900. P. 107. Danton, G. J.: Discours. E)d. critique par Andre Freibourg. In 8°, Paris, 1910. (Societe de l'Histoire de la Revolution frangaise.) U. 108. David, Abbe: A History of the Campaigns of General Pichegru. In 8°, London, 1796. P. 109. Davila, H. C. : The History of the Civil Wars of France. Tr. by William Aylesbury and Sir Charles Cotterell. 2 vol. in folio, London, 1647. P. 110. The same: History of the Civil Wars in France. 6 vol. in 8°, Milan, 1807. (Societa Tipografica de Classici Italiani, vol. 178- 183 of set.) P. 111. Debates: The French Senator, or an Exact Weekly Journal of the Proceedings and Debates of the National Assembly of France, from the Escape of the King Tr. from the French, in 8°, London, 1791. P. 112. Deffand, Marquise du: Letters to Horace Walpole and to Voltaire. 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1810. P. 113. The same: Lettres a Horace Walpole. 2 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1864. P. 114. Departement de Paris et de la Seine pendant la Revolution, Le. Ed. par Sigismond Lacroix. In 8°, Paris, 1904. (Societe de 1' Histoire de la Revolution francaise.) U. 115. Diderot, D.: Encyclopedic, Dictionnaire Raisonnz des Sciences des Arts et des Metiers. Mis en ordre et publie par D. Diderot. 36 vol. in 8°, and 3 vol. of plates. Geneva, 1777-79. U. 116. The same: Oeuvres completes, avec une £tude sur Diderot par J. Assezat. 20 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1875-77. P. 117. Didier, F. J.: Letters from Paris and Other Cities of France and Holland, written during a Tour . . . in the Years 1816-20, with Remarks on the Conduct of the Ultra- Royalists since the Restoration. In 8°, New York, 1821. P. FRANCE 13 118. Diplomatiques, Nouveaux Traites . . . oil Von expose historiquement des Diplomes donncs en chaque Steele. . . . Par deux religieux Benedictins de la Congregation de St. Maur. 6 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1750. U. 119. Documents Illustrative of Feudalism. Ed. by B. P. Cheyney. Vol. IV, No. 3, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1898. U. 120. The same: duplicate work. P. 121. Documents sur les Evenements de 1870-71. Litterature officielle sous la Commune. In 12°, Paris, 1871. (Librairie des Bibli- ophiles.) Langlois, 382. P. 122. Dreyfus, Captain: Lettres d'un Innocent. Tr. by L. G. Moreau. In 12°, New York, 1899. P. 123. Dumesnil, Abbe: Recollections of the Reign of Terror by a Country Priest. Ed. by Baron Ernouf; tr. by J. C. Brogan. In 12°, Dublin, 1885. P. 124. Dumont, E. : Recollections of Mirabeau and of the First Two Legis- lative Assemblies of France. In 8°, Phila., 1833. U. 125. The same: duplicate work. P. 126. Dumouriez, General: Memoires Merits par Lui-Meme. 2 vol. in 16°, Hambourg, 1794. P. 127. Durand, Mme. Sophie (Cohondet): Napoleon and Marie Louise. In 12°, London, 1886. P. 128. Eclair cissement de la Langue frangaise, suivi de la Grammaire de Giles du Guez. Ed. par John Palsgrave. In folio. (Collection de Documents inedits.) U. 129. Elizabeth, Madame: Correspondance. Pub. par F. Feuillet de Conches. In 8°, Paris, 1868. P. 130. Elliot, Grace Dalrymaple: Journal of My Life during the French Revolution. In 12°, London, 1859. P. 131. Englishman in Paris, Notes and Recollections of an. 3d ed. 2 vol., New York, 1892. P. 132. Enqueles et Documents relatifs ct V Enseignement superieur. Vol. 101, 104, in 8°, Paris, 1911-12. (Collection de Documents ine- dits.) U. 133. d'Epinay, Madame: Memoirs and Correspondence. 3 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1903. (Courtiers and Favorites of Royalty.) P. 134. 1'Estoile: Extraits de son Journal avec une Notice bibliographique. Pub. par Armand Brette. In 12°, Paris, 1906. P. 135. l'£tat de la France en I' an VIII et en Van IX. Documents publies par F. V. A. Aulard. In 8°, Paris, 1897. (Societe de l'His- toire de la Revolution francaise.) U. 136 Fauriel, C: Last Days of the Consulate. In 12°, New York, 1886. P. 137. Favre, Jules: Government of the National Defence, from June 30th. to October 31st, 1870. Tr. by H. J. Clark. London, 1873. P, 14 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 138. Ferme, A.: Les Conspirations sous le 2d Empire; Comptot de l' Hippodrome et de VOpera-Comique. In 12°, Paris, 1869. P. 139. Fetridge, W. P.: The Rise and Fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. New York, 1871. P. 140. de Fezensac, Due: Campagne de Russie en 1812. In 12°, Lon- don, 1886. P. 141. Fournier (dit PHeritier) PAmericain: Memoir es secrets. Pub. par F. V. A. Aulard. In 8°, Paris, 1890. (Societe de PHistoire de la Revolution francaise.) U. 142. Froissart, J.: Chronicles of England, France and Spain and the Adjoin- ing Countries, from the Latter Part of the Reign of Edward II, to the Coronation of Henry IV. Tr. by Thomas Johnes. In 4°, New York, 1844. P. 143. The same: Chronicles. ... 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1868. P. 144. The same: Chroniques. Mises en ordre par Jean Yanoski. In 12°, Paris, 1853. P. 145. The same: Froissart in Britain. Ed. by Henry Newbolt. In 8°, London, 1900. P. 146. Gambetta, Leon: Life and Letters. Ed. by P. B. Ghensi; tr. by Violetta Montagu. In 8°, New York, 1910. U. 147. The same: duplicate work. P. 148. de Gontant, Duchesse: Memoirs. Tr. by Mrs. J. W. Davis. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1894. P. 149. de Grammont, Chevalier: Memoir es, par Anthony, Count Hamilton. Notice sur la vie d'Hamilton par M. Auger. In 12°, Paris, 1851. P. 150. The s?me: Memoirs. Ed. by Allen Fea. In 12°, Paris, 1906. 151. The same: Memoirs. Ed. by Sir Walter Scott. In 12°, London, P. 152. Greene, George: A Relation of Several Circumstances in the Province of Lower Normandy. . . under ^the Government of Robespierre and the Directory. In 8°, London, 1802. P. 153. Gregory, Bishop of Tours: History of the Franks. Tr. by Ernest Brehant. In 8°, New York, 1916. P. 154. Guillon, Abbe: Les Martyrs de la Foi pendant la Revolution f ran- qaise. 4 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1881. P. 155. Guizot, F. P.: Memoir es pour servir & V Histoire de mon Temps. 8 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1858-67. P. 156. The same: Memoirs. 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1858-61. P. 157. Hamy, Ernest T. J.: Recherches historiques et archeologiques. In folio, Paris, 1885. (Collection de Documents inedits.) U. 158. Henriette d' Angle terre, Duchesse d' Orleans: Oraison Funebre. Publiee par A. Rebelliau. In 12°, Paris, 1896. U. 159. d'Herisson, Count Maurice: Journal of a Staff-Officer in Paris during the Events of 1870-71. London, 1885. P. FRANCE 15 160. Hesdin, Raoul: Journal of a Spy in Paris During the Reign of Terror. In 12°, New York, 1896. P. 161. Histoire Contemporaine. Le menage imperial; lui et elle en ap- parence et en realite. (13 pages facsimile letters.) In 8°, Brussels, 1871. P. 162. Histoire de France racontee par les Contemporains. Ed. by Berthold Zeller. 39 vol. in 16°, Paris, 1884-88. P. 163. Histoire Litter aire de la France. Ouvrage commence par des reli- gieux Benedictins de la congregation de Saint Maur, et con- tinue par des membres de l'lnstitut. 32 vol. in 33 in 4°, Paris, 1865-1900. (Academie des Inscriptions et Belles- Let- tres.) P. 164. Hugo, Victor: Oeuvres completes. 3 vol. in 8°, Paris. U. 165. The same: History of a Crime. In 12°, Chicago. P. 166. The same: History of a Crime. Tr. by Huntington Smith. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1888. P. 167. The same: History of a Crime. Tr. by T. H. Joyce and Arthur Locker. 4 vol. in 12°, London, 1877-78. P. 168. The same: Letters to His Family, Sainte-Beuve and Others. Ed. by Paul Maurice. 2 vol. in 8°, Boston, 1896-98. P. 169. The same: Memoirs. Ed. by Paul Maurice; tr. by J. W. Harding. In 8°, New York, 1899. P. 170. The same: Napoleon the Little. In 12°, New York, 1870. U. 171. The same: duplicate work. P. 172. V Illustration. 146 vol. in folio, 1843-1916, Paris. P. 173. Institut de France (Academie des Inscriptions): Histoires et Memoires 1701-1879. Vol. 1-50 in 8°; new ser., vol. 1-29. Paris. P. 174. Jacobins, La Societe des. Recueil de Documents pour I' Histoire du Club des Jacobins. Ed. par F. V. A. Aulard. 6 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1889-97. U. 175. de Joinville, Prince: Vieux Souvenirs. Tr. by Lady Mark Lloyd. In 8°, Paris, 1895. P. 176. The same: Vieux Souvenirs. In 12°, Paris, 1894. P. 177. The same: Saint Louis, King of France. Tr. by James Hutton. In 16°, London, 1868. P. 178. The same: Memoirs. Tr. by Thomas Johnes. 2 vol. in 4°, 1807. P. 179. Jomini, General: The Life of Napoleon. Tr. by H. W. Halleck. 4 vol. in 8°, with atlas, New York, 1864. P. 180. The same: The Political and Military History of the Campaign of Waterloo. Tr. by Captain S. V. Benet. In 12°, 2d ed., New York, 1862. P. 16 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 181. Josephine, Empress: Historical and Secret Memoirs. Ed, by M'lle M. A. le Normand; tr. by J. M. Howard. Phila., 1848. P. 182. The same: duplicate work. U. 183. Journal des Assemblies Nationales 1789-1815. 40 vol. in 8°, par MM. Buchez et Roux. Paris, 1834. U. 184. Journal des Debats et Lois du Corps legislatif. In 12°, Paris, 1792- 1800. U. 185. Jumot, Mme., Duchesse d'Abrantes: Memoirs of Napoleon, His Court and Family. 2 vol., New York, 1880. P. 186. The same: Memoir es. 3 vol. in 8°, London and New York, 1900. (Universal Classical Library.) P. 187. de Kersaint, Count: Speech to the French Convention, with the Reso- lutions of that Body Respecting a War with England. In 12°, London, 1793. P. 188. Labaume, Eugene: Narrative of the Campaign in Russia. Tr. from the French. In 8°, Hartford, 1850. P. 189. Lafitte, J.: Souvenirs. 2 vol. in 16°, Brussels, 1844. P. 190. Lally-Tollendal, T. A.: Memoires. In 12°, London, 1766. P. 191. Lally-Tollendal, T. G. Count: Memoir e, ou Seconde Lettre d ses Commettants. In 12°, Paris, 1790. P. 192. de Lamartine, A.: Confidential Disclosures. Tr. by Eugene Plun- kett. In 12°, New York, 1849-57. P. 193. The same: History of the Girondists. Tr. by H. T. Ryde. 3 vol. in 12°, London, 1847-50. P. 194. The same: History of the Girondists. New York, 1854. P. 195. The same: History of the French Revolution of 1848. Tr. by F. A. Durivage and W. S. Chase. 2 vol. in 8°, Boston, 1849. U. 196. The same: History of the Restoration of Monarchy in France. Tr. by Captain Rafter. 4 vol. in 12°, New York, 1854. P. 197. The same: History of the Restoration of Monarchy in France. 4 vol. in 12°, New York, 1853-57. U. 198. The same: Lettres. Pub. par Mile Valentine de Lamartine. In 12°, Paris, 1892. U. 199. The same: Manuscrit de ma Mere. In 8°, Paris, 1871. P. 200. The same: My Mother's Manuscript. Tr. by Marie Louise Helper. In 12°, Phila., 1877. P. 201. The same: Memoires inedits 1790-1815. In 8°, Paris, 1870. P. 202. The same: Memoirs of My Youth. In 8°, New York, P. 203. The same: Additional Memoirs of My Youth. In 8°, New York, 1860. P. 204. The same: Notes, Lettres et Documents inedits, Souvenirs de Famille. Ed. by Chamborant de Perissat. In 8°, Paris, 1891. U. FRANCE 17 205. The same: Three Months in Power. Tr. by H. T. Ryde. In 12°, London, 1848. P. 206. The same: Twenty-five Years of My Life. Paris, 1901. (French Belles-Lettres.) P. 207. de Lamballe, Princess: Journal of Letters and Conversations during Her Confidential Relations with Marie Antoinette. Ed. by Catherine Hyde. In 8°, New York and London, 1901. P. 208. Lamothe-Longon, E. L. : Evenings with Prince Cambaceres. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1837. P. 209. Larpent, Judge- Ad vocate : Private Journal. Ed. by Sir George Larpent. 3d ed. in 8°, London. P. 210. The same: Private Journal. 2d ed. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1853. P. 211. de Las Cases, Count: Journal of the Private Life and Conversations of Napoleon at St. Helena. 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1823. P. 212. The same: Journal. New York, 1842. P. 213. The same: Memorial de St. Helene. 2 vol. in 8°. P. 214. de Lavelette, Count: Memoirs. 2 vol. in 8°, 2d ed., London, 1831. P. 215. Lehody de Saultchevreuil, Etienne: Histoire de la Regence de I'lm- peratrice Marie-Louise et des deux Gouvernements provisoires. Paris, 1814. P. 216. Lejeune, Baron: Memoirs. Tr. and ed.. by Mrs. Arthur Bell (d'An- vers). 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1897. P. 217. Lettres du 18 e Siecle. Ed. par Albert Cahen. In 12°, Paris, 1894. U. 218. The same: duplicate work. P. 219. Linguet, M.: Memoirs of the Bastille. Tr. and ed. by Edmund Goldsmid. 4 vol., Edinburgh, 1884. P. 220. Lissangaray, M.: History of the Commune of 1871. Tr. by Eleanor Marx Aveling. In 8°, London, 1886. P. 221. Litterature Latine et Histoire du Moyen Age. Ed. par Leopold Delisle. In 4°, Paris, 1890. (Collection de Documents ine- dits.) U. 222. Lowe, Sir Hudson: Journal. History of the captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena. Ed. by Wm. Forsythe. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1853. P. 223. Macdonald, Marshal: Recollections. Ed. by Camille Rousset; tr. by Stephen Simeon. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1892. P. 224. de Maintenon, Mme.: Madame de Maintenon d'apres sa Corres- pondance authentiaue. Ed. par A. Geffroy. 2 vol. in 12°, Paris, 1887. Monod, 1001. P. 225. The same: Correspondance Generate. Ed. par Theophile Lavallee. 4 vol. in 12°, Paris, 1865. Monod, 4000. P. 18 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 226. The same: Secret Correspondence of Mme. de Maintenon with the Princess d' Ursins. Tr. from the French. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1892. P. 227. The same: Letters. 2 vol. in 17°, London, 1759. P. 228. Mallet du Pan, J. : The History of the Helvetic Union and Liberty. In 12°, Berne, 1789. P. 229. Marbot, Baron: Memoirs. Tr. by A. J. Butler. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1892. P. 230. Marie- Antoinette et le Proces du Collier. D'apres la procedure instruite devant le Parlement de Paris. Ed. par Emile Cam- perdon. In 8°, Paris, 1863. Monod, 4317. P. 231. Marie-Therese, Imperatrice d' Autriche: Correspondance secrete entre Marie-Therese et le Comte Mercy-Argenteau. Pub. avec introd. par M. A. d'Arneth et M. A. Geffroy. 3 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1874. P. 232. Marmontel, Jean: Memoirs. Tr. by the author of the "Swiss Emigrants." 4 vol. in 8°, Edinburgh, 1808. P. 233. The same: Memoires. Introd. by F. Barriere. Paris, 1857. P. 234. de Maupas, C. E.: Story of the Coup-d' Etat. Tr. with notes by A. D. Vandam. In 8°, New York; 1884. P. 235. Maximillian I: Recollections of My Life. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1868. P. 236. de Milito, Count Miot: Memoirs. Ed. by General Fleishman; tr. by Mrs. Cashel Hoey and Mr. John Lillie. In 8°, New York, 1881. U. 237. The same: duplicate work. P. 238. Memoires: Bibliotheque des Memoires relatifs a V Histoire de France pendant le dix-huitieme Siecle. Avec avant-propos et notices par MM. Barriere et Lescure. 30 vol. in 12°, Paris, 1855-57. Langlois, 388; Franklin, 316 et seq. U. 239. The same: duplicate work. P. 240. Memoires de Clery du Due de Montpensier de Riouffe. Notes par J. Barriere. In 12°, Paris, 1855. P. 24 1 . Memoires : Collection des Memoires de la Revolution franqaise. Notes par MM. Berville et Barriere. 55 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1820-27. Langlois, 388; Franklin, 322 et seq. P. 242. Memoires: Collection des Memoires relatifs & V Histoire de la Bel- gique. 15 vol. in 8°, Brussels, 1858-66. Cf. Langlois, 388; Franklin, 252 et seq. P. 243. Memoires: Collection des Memoires relatifs a V Histoire de France, depuis le Regne de Philippe- Auguste, jusqu'd la Paix de Paris conclue en 1783. Notices par MM. Petitot et Monmerque. 131 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1819-29. Langlois, 388; Franklin, 316 et seq. P. FRANCE 19 244. Memoir es de I' Executeur des Hautes Oeuvres, pour servir ci V Histoire de Paris pendant le Regne de la Terreur. Pub. par M. A. Gregoire. In 16°, Brussels, 1830. P. 245. Memoiies historiques stir Louis XVII, Roi de France et de Navarre. Pub. par M. Eckard. 3d ed., Paris 1818. P. 246. Memoirs of Claude- Francis de Meneval, Illustrating the History of Napoleon I, 1802-15. Ed. by N. J. de Meneval; tr. by R. H. Sherard. 3 vol. in 8°, New York, 1881. Cannon, 1103. U. 247. The same: duplicate work. P. 248. Memoires inedits de Mme. de Genlis, sur le dix-huitieme Siecle et la Revolution francatse. 8 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1825. P. 249. The same: Memoirs. 8 vol. in 8°, London, 1900. P. 250. The same: Memoires. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1826. P. 251. Memoires: Nouvelle Collection des Memoires pour servir & V Histoire de France depuis le XIII e Siecle a la Fin du XVIIP Siecle. Ed. par MM. Michaud et Poujoulet. 34 vol. in 33, in 8°, Paris, 1836. Langlois, 388; Franklin, 303 et seq; Monod, 386. P. 25 2. Memoires pour servir a V Histoire du XVIIP Slide. Ed. par M. de Lamberty. 2d ed. 14 vol. in 4°, Amsterdam, 1735-40. Monod, 4036. P. 253. Memoirs Relative to Egypt. Written by the Learned and Scientific Men, Who Accompanied the French Expedition of General Bonaparte. In 8°, London, 1800. P. 254. Memoires de Saint-Simon. Collectionnes sur le manuscrit original par M. Cheruel, et precedes d'une notice par M. Sainte-Beuve. 20 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1856-58. Franklin, p. 450 et seq. P. 255. The same: Memoires completes. . . 13 vol. in 7°, Paris, 1865. P. 256. The same: Memoires. Ed. par A. de Boislisle. 32 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1879-1909. (Les grands ^crivains de la France.) U. 257. The same: duplicate work. P. 258. The same: Memoirs on the Reign of Louis XIV and the Regency. Tr. by Bayle St. John. 3 vol. in 8°, Phila., 1890. P. 259. de Mezerey, Sieur: Histoire de France depuis Pharamond jusqu'd maintenant. Tr. by John Bulteel. In folio, London, 1836. Cf. Monod, 745. P. 260. Mirabeau, G. R.: Galerie des Etats-Generaux. 2 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1798. U. 261. The same: Lettres a ses Commettants, pendant la Tenue des Etats- Generaux de 1789 et suivantes. In 8°, Paris, 1790. U. 262. The same: La Mission secrete de Mirabeau d, Berlin 1786-87. Introd. et notes Henri Welschinger. In 8°, Paris, 1900. P. 20 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 263. The same: The Secret History of the Court of Berlin. In 8°, Dublin, 1789. P. 264. The same: The Secret History of the Court of Berlin. Intro, by O. H. G. Leigh. In 8°, Washington, 1901. P. 265. Moleville, Bertrand: Private Memoirs Relative to the Last Year - of the Reign of Louis XVI. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1797. P. 266. The same: Annals of the French Revolution. 9 vol. in 8°, London, 1800-02. P. 267. Le Monde Illustre 1874-1916. In folio, Paris. P. 268. de Monstrelet, Enguerrand: Chronicles. Containing an account of the possession of Paris and Normandy by the English, their expulsion thence, 1400-67 . . . continued by oth rs to the year 1516. Tr. by Thomas Johne . 5 vol. in 8°, 1809. P. 269. The same: Chronicles. 2 vol. in 4°, London, 1849. Cannon, 605. P. 270. Montesquieu, C L.: V Esprit des Lois. Notes de l'auteur. Paris, 1856. P. 271. The same: Spirit of the Laws. Tr. by Thomas Nugent. 6th ed. In 8°, London, 1793. P. 272. The same: Spirit of the Laws, with d'Alembert's Analysis of the Work. Revised by J. V. Prichard. 2 vol. in 12°, London, 1878. P. 273. The same: Spirit of the Laws, with d'Alembert's Analysis. 2 vol. in 8°, Cincinnati, 1873. U. 274. The same: Spirit of the Laws. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1897. (Bonn's Standard Library.) P. 275. The same: duplicate work. U. 276. The same: Grandeur et Decadence des Romains; Lettres Persanes. In 12°, Paris, 1857. U. 277. The same: duplicate work. P. 278. Moore, John: Journal during a Residence in France, from the Be- ginning of August to the Middle of December, 1792. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1793. P. 279. Morgan, Lady: France in 1829-30. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1831. P. 280. Morris, Gouverneur: Diary and Letters. Ed. by Anne Cary Morris. 2 vol., in 8°, New York, 1888. P. 281. Napoleon I: Correspondance de Napoleon I. Pub. par ordre de l'Empereur Napoleon III. 32 vol. in 8°. Vol. 29-32, Oeuvres de Ste. Helene. Paris, 1858-79. Dahlmann-Waitz, 5389. U. 282. The same: Confidential Correspondence with the Empress Josephine from Her Marriage to Her Death. Ed. by John S. C. Abbot In 12°, New York, 1856. P. FRANCE 21 283. The same: The Corsican. A diary of Napoleon's life in his own words In 8°, Boston, 1910. U. 284. The same: duplicate work. P. 285. The same: English Caricature on Napoleon I. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1884. P. 286. The same: Letters to Josephine, 1796-1812. Tr. by J. F. Hall. In 8°, London, 1901. U. 287. The same: duplicate work. P. 288. The same: New Letters omitted from the edition published under the auspices of Napoleon III. Ed. by Lady Mary Lloyd. In 8°, New York, 1897. U. 289. The same: duplicate work. P. 290. The same: Memoirs of the History of France during the Reign of Napoleon. Dictated by the Emperor at St. Helena to the generals who shared his captivity. . . 2d ed. 7 vol. in 8°, London, 1823-24. P. 291. The same: Napoleon and Europe. Ed. by James H. Robinson. Vol. II, No. 2, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publica- tions, Phila., 1907. U. 292. The same: duplicate work. P. 293. The same: Pitt and Napoleon. Essays and letters, ed. by J. H. Rose. In 8°, London, 1912. U. 294. The same: duplicate work. P. 295. The same: Recueil par Ordre chronoligique de ses Lettres, Proclama- tions, Bulletins, Discours sur les Matieres civiles et politiques. . . formant une Histoire de son Regne. E^rite par lui-meme et accompagnee de notes historiques par M. Kermoysan. 2 vol. in 12°, Paris, 1853. P. 296. The same: Words of Napoleon. A selection from his addresses and letters. Ed. by Ida M. Tarbell. In 12°, Boston, 1900. P. 297. Napoleon III: Chronicles of the Court of Napoleon III. Compiled by F. Lollee; tr. by Alice M. Irving; with intro. by R. Whiting. In 8°, London, 1907. P. 298. The same: La Politique imperiale exposee par les Discours et les Proclamations de V Empereur, depuis le 10 decembre, 1848 jusqu'en fevrier, 1868. Paris, 1868. P. 299. Necker, J.: A Treatise on the Administration of Finances in France. Tr. from the ed. of 1784 by Thomas Mortimer. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1785. Cf. Monod, 4373. P. 300. The same: Administrations des Finances de la France. 3 vol. in 12°, Paris, 1785. P. 301. Ney, Marshal: Memoirs. Pub. by his family. Phila., 1834. P. 22 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 302. Nodier, Charles: Souvenirs de la Revolution et de I' Empire. 2 vol. in 12°, Paris, 1864. P. 303. Normanby, Marquis of: A Year of Revolution from a Journal kept in Paris, in 1848. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1857. P. 304. Notices. . . . Exposition Universelle, 1867, '73, '76, '78, '89. 5 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1867-89. P. 305. Notices et Extraits des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Nationale et autres Bibliotheques. Pub. par l'lnstitut Nationale de France. 34 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1890. Cf. Langlois, 380, note. U. 306. O'Meara, B. E. : Napoleon dans VExil, ou Une Voix de Ste. Hellne. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1823. U. 307. The same: duplicate work. P. 308. The same: Napoleon dans V Exil. New York, 1853. P. 309. Orators: The Principal Speeches of the Statesmen and Orators of the French Revolution, 1789-95. Ed. by J. Morse-Stephens. 2 vol. in 12°, Oxford, 1892. Cannon, 1092. U. 310. Orateurs: Les Orateurs de la Revolution] la Legislative et la Con- vention. Ed. by F. V. A. Aulard. 2 vol. in 8 °,Paris, 1906-07. U. 311. O'Shea, J. A. : An Iron-bound City, Five Months of Peril and Privation. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1886. P. 312. d'Ossat, Cardinal: Lettres au Roi Henri le Grand, et a M. de Villeroy, depuis I'Annee 1594 jusqu 'en 1604. In folio, London, 1627. P. 313. The same: Addition de quelques Lettres de I'illustrissime Cardinal d'Ossat, par lui dressees sous le Norn de I'illustrissime Cardinal Ioyense, ensemble trois Lettres du Pape Clement VIII. In folio, Paris, 1826. P. 314. Oudinot, Marshal: Memoirs. Compiled by Gaston Stiegler and Alexander Teixeira D. Mattos. In 8°, New York, 1897. P. 315. Paine, T. : Writings. Ed. by Daniel Conway. 4 vol. in 8°, New York, 1894-96. P. 316. Pamphlets: Miscellaneous Pamphlets. 4 vol. in 8°. P. 317. Pancoucke, C. L. et Arnault, A. V.: Life and Campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte, from the Siege of Toulon to the Battle of Waterloo. 2d ed. 2 vol. in 1. P. 318. Papier s et Correspondance de la Famille Imperiale. Ed. collection- nee sur le texte de l'lmprimerie Nationale. Paris, 1871. P. 319. Paradol, Prevost: Quelques Pages d' Histoire Contemporaine. 2d ed. 4 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1871. P. 320. Paris: Events in Paris July 27 '-30th . ... by Several Eyewitnesses. Tr. from the 4th Paris ed. In 16°, Boston, 1830. P. 321. Paris: Histoire Generate de Paris. Collection des documents ed. par M. Haussmann. 18 vol. in folio, Paris, 1868-74. Lang- lois, 379, note 2. P. FRANCE 23 322. Paris: Inside Paris during the Siege, by an Oxford Graduate. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1871. P. 323. Paris: Pictures from Paris in War and Siege, by an American Lady. In 12°, London, 1871. P. 324. Paris, University of: The Medieval Student. Ed. by Dana C. Munro. Vol. II, No. 3, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1897. U. 325. The same: duplicate work. P. 326. Pasquier, Chancellor: A History of My Time. Memoirs, ed. by Due d' Audiffert-Pasquier; tr. by C. B. Roche. 3 vol. in 8°, New York, 1893-94. Cannon, 1107. U. 327. The same: duplicate work. P. 328. Peltier, J. G.: Dernier Tableaux de Paris; ou Recit historique de la Revolution du 10 aout, des Causes qui Vont produite, des Evenements qui Vont precedee, et des Crimes qui Vont suivie. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1792-93. P. 329. de Perefixe, H.: History of King Henry IV. Tr. by F. D. In 8°, London, 1672. P. 330. de Perron, Cardinal: Ambassades, 1590-1618, dans ses Oeuvres. 3 vol. in folio, Paris, 1622. Monod, 3440. P. 331. de Persigny, Due: Doctrines de V Empire. Paris, 1865. P. 332. de Perthes, Boucher: Sous dix Rois; Souvenirs de 1791-1860. 8 vol., Paris, 1863. P. 333. Philosophers: French Philosophers of the Eighteenth Century. Ed. by Merrick Whitcomb. Vol. VI, No. 1, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1900. U. 334. The same: duplicate work. P. 335. Pickering, A. M. W. : Memoirs. Ed. by S. Pickering, together with the journals of J. S. Stanhope. In 8°, London, 1904. P. 336. Pompadour, Mme. la Marquise: Secret Memoirs. Ed., collected, and arranged by Jules Beaujoint. In 8°, London, 1885. P. 337. Porcupine, Peter: Bloody Buoy thrown out as a Warning to the Political Pilots of America . ... on the French Revolution. Ed. by Wm. Cobbett. In 8°, Phila., 1796. P. 338. Ports Maritimes de la France. 6 vcl. in 7 in 4°, Atlas, in folio, Paris, 1874-87. (Collection de Documents inedits.) Langlois, 376; Franklin, 107 et seq. U. 339. Ports de Mer. Ed. par Voisin Bey. In folio, Paris, 1883. (Col- lection de Documents inedits.) Langlois, 376; Franklin, 107 et seq. U. 340. Potocka, Countess: Memoirs. Ed. by Casimir Stryienski; tr. by Lionel Strachy. In 8°, New York, 1900. P. 24 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 341. Pseutier de Metz, Le. Ed. par Francois Bonnardot. In 8°, Paris, 1884. (Bibliotheque francaise du Moyen Age, [vol. 3 of set].) P. 342. Rambaut de Saint Etienne: The History of the Revolution in France. Tr. by James White. 2d ed. In 8°, London, 1793. P. 343. de Rambuteau, Count: Memoirs. Tr. by J. C. Brogan. In 8°, London and New York, 1908. P. 344. Racamier, Mme. et Mme. de Stael: Lettres inSdites et Souvenirs biographiques. Pub. par M. le Baron de Gerando. In 12°, Paris, 1868. P. 345. The same: Memoirs and Correspondence. Tr. by Isaphene M. Luyster. 11th ed. In 12°, Boston, 1890. P. 346. Recit des Seances des Deputes des Communes, depuis le 15 mai 1789 jusqu' au 12 juin suivant. Ed. par F. V. A. Aulard. In 8°, Paris, 1895. (Societe de l'Histoire de la Revolution fran- caise.) U. 347. Recueil d' Arts de seconde Rhetorique. Ed. par Ernest Langlois. In 4°, Paris, 1902. (Collection de Documents inedits.) U. 348. Recueil des Actes du Comite du Salut Public. Ed. par F. V. A. Aulard. 14 vol. in 4°, Paris, 1889-1901. U. 349. Recueil complet des Discours prononces dans les Chambres de 1819-64, par M. Guizot. 5 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1863-64. (Histoire parle- mentaire de France.) P. 35.0. Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France. V. Palme. 22 vol. in folio, Paris, 1840-1904. Vol. 1-19, new ed., pub. by Leopold Delisle, 1869-80; vol. 20-22, pub. 1840-65. Cf. Langlois, 357, note; Franklin, 82 et seq. P. 351. Recueil des Motets francais. Ed. par Gaston Regnaud. 2 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1881-83. (Bibliotheque francaise du Moyen Age.) P. 352. Recueil des Principaux Traites .... depuis 1761, jusqu 'a present, par G. F. Martens. 2d ed. 8 voL in 8°, Gott., 1817-35. Nou- veau Recueil . . . depuis 1808 jusqu 'a present, par G. F. Martens, Charles Samwer, et J. Hopf. 20 vol. in 8°, Gott., 1817-75. Nouveau Supplement, von F. Murhard. 3 vol. in 8°, Gott., 1839-42. Monod, 627; Dahlmann-Waitz, 688. P. 353. Reformation in France, The. Ed. by Merrick Whitcomb. Vol. Ill, No. 3, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1907. U. 354. The same: duplicate work. P. 355. Reign of Terror, The. Collection of authentic narratives of the horrors committed by the Revolutionary Government of France, under Marat and Robespierre. Tr. from the French. 2 vol. in 8, London, 1829. P. 356. de Remusat, Mme.: Memoirs 1802-1808, with preface and notes by her grandson, Paul de Remusat. Tr. by Mrs. Cashel Hoey and Mr. John Lillie. In 12°, New York, 1880. Cannon, 1109. U. FRANCE 25 357. The same: duplicate work. P. 358. The same: A Selection from the Letters of Mme. de Remusat to her Husband and Son. Tr. by Mrs. Cashel Hoey and Mr. John Lffiie. In 12°, New York, 1881. P. 359. de Retz, Cardinal: Memoires. 3 vol. in 8°, Phila., 1817. P. 360. The same: Memoires, adresses d, Mme. de Caumartin, suivis des Instructions inedites de Mazarin. Nouvelle ed. et un index par Aime Champollion-Figeag. 3 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1866. P. 361. The same: Oeuvres, avec des notes par M. A. Feillet. 10 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1870-96. (Les Grands £crivains de la France.) P. 362. The same: Conspiracy of John Lewis Fiesco against Genoa. In 16°, Boston, 1828. P. 363. Revolution: The French Revolution of 1789-91. Ed. by J. H. Robin- son. Vol. I, No. 5, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Pub- lications, Phila., 1897. P. 364. The same: duplicate work. U. 365. The same: The Great French Revolution of 1785-93, Narrated in the Letters of Mme. Jullien. Ed. by M. E. Lockroy; tr. by Miss Martin and an American collaborator. In 12°, London, 1881. P. 366. The same: Les Juges de Paix, elus sous la Revolution. Notes et documents inedits par Victor Jeanvror. In 8°, Paris, 1883. P. 367. The same: Select Documents. Ed. by L. G. W. Legg. 2 vol. in 8°, Oxford, 1905. P. 368. The same: Sketch of the History of France, during the Revolution and the Reign of Napoleon 1792-1815. Appendix of official papers. In 8°, London, 1817. P. 369. de Richelieu, Cardinal: Letters to Louis XVIII of France. Tr. by T. B. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1698. P. 370. de Rimini, Baron: Memoires. In 12°, Brussels. P. 371. The same: Memoirs. In 8°, London, 1888. P. 372. Ritchie, T. E. : Political and Military Memoirs of Europe 1789- 1802. 3 vol. in 8°. P. 373. Rivieres et Canaux. Ed. par H. de Lagrene. In folio, Paris, 1883. (Collection de Documents inedits.) U. 374. Robespierre, Charlotte: Memoires sur ses deux Freres. Ed. par Hector Fleishmann. Paris, 1909. P. 375. Robespierre, Maximilien: Memoires authentiques. 2 vol. in 1, in 8°, Paris, 1830. P. 37 6. Rochejaquelin, Marchoness de la: Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1827. P. 377. The same: Memoires precedes de son Eloge funebre. 11th ed. Paris. 1868. P. 26 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 378. Roland, Mme: An Appeal to Impartial Posterity. A collection of tracts written by her during her confinement in the prison of Saint Pelagie, in Paris. 4 pts. in 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1798. P. 379. The same: Lettres choisies annotees par C. A. Dauban. In 8°, Paris, 1867. P. 380. The same: Memotres et Correspondance. Pub. avec des notes par C. A. Dauban. 2 vol. in 12°, Paris, 1864. Monod, 4211. P. 381. The same: Private Memoirs. Ed. by E. C. Johnson. In 8°, Chicago, 1900. P. 382. The same: Philosophical and Literary Essays, Correspondence and Travels, together with Justicative Documents Relative to her Imprisonment and Condemnation. Ed. by L. A. Champa gneux. London, 1800. P. 383. Rousseau, J. J.: Du Contrat Social. Notes par E. D. Brissac. In 8°, Paris, 1896. U. 384. The same: Social Contract. Ed. by J. Tozer. In 12°, London, 1902. U. 385. The same: A Dissertation on Political Economy, to which is added a Treatise on the Social Compact. In 12°, Albany, 1797. U. 386. The same: A Treatise on the Social Compact. In 12°, London, 1795. P. 387. de Sabran, Comtesse, et Chevalier de Boufflers: Correspondance inedite. Ed. par E. de Magnieu et Henri Prat. In 8°, Paris, 1875. P. 388. Saint- Cloud, Secret History of the Court and Cabinet of, in a series of letters .... written during the months of August, September, and October, 1805. Anon. 4th ed. New York, 1807. P. 389. Saint-Elme, Ida: Memoirs of a Contemporary 1790-1815. Tr. by L. Strachey. In 8°, New York, 1903. P. 390. Salmon, Mgr.: Unpublished Memoirs 1790-1801. Notes by Abbe Bridier. In 12°, Boston, 1896. P. 391. Sand, George: Journal d'un Voyageur pendant la Guerre. 3d ed. In 16°, Paris, 1871. P. 392. Sanson, M.: Sept Generations d' Executeurs. Memoires des Sanson mis en ordre par H. Sanson. 6 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1862-63. P. 393. The same: Memoirs. Tr. into German. 7 vol. in 8°, Berlin. P. 394. Sarcey, Francois: Paris during the Siege. In 8°, London, 1871. P. 395. Sarrans, Bernard: Memoirs of General Lafayette and of the French Revolution of 1830. 2 vol. in 1, Paris, 1832. P. 396. de Segur, Philip: Expedition to Russia by the Emperor Napoleon in the Year 1812. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1825. H. and P. 397. The same: duplicate work. P. FRANCE 27 The same: Expedition to Russia . . . with a biographical sketch of the author. 6th ed. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1825. P. The same: Expedition to Russia in 1812. 7th ed. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1836. P. The same: Expedition to Russia . ... in 1812. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1854. P. The same: Histoire de Napoleon et de la grande Armee pendant I'Annee 1812. 2 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1825. P. The same: duplicate work. P. Sections de Paris pendant la Revolution franqaise. Par Ernest Meliie. In 8°, Paris, 1898. (Societe de l'Histoire de la Revo- lution francaise.) P. Select Dispatches from the British Foreign Office Archives Relative to the Formation of the Third Coalition against France. Ed. by J. H. Rose. 2 vol. in 8°, Lcndon, 1904. (Royal Historical Society.) P. Session: The Royal Session of June 23d, 1789. Ed. by F. M. Fling; tr. by Helen D. Fling. In 12°, Lincoln, 1907. U. de Sivigne, Mme. : Lettres avec les notes de tous les comments teurs. 6 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1856. P. The same: Lettres de sa Famille, et de ses Amis. Recueillies et annotees par M. Monmerque. 14 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1862-68. (Les Grands Ecrivains de la France.) U. The same: duplicate work. P. The same: Lettres inedites d Mme. de Grignan. Intro, par C. Cap- mas. 14 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1876. P. The same: Letters to her Daughter and Friends. Ed. by Mrs. Hale. In 12°, Boston, 1869. P. The same: Lettres precedees d'une notice sur sa vie . . par M. Suard. In 12°, Paris, 1856. P. The same: Selection from the Letters of Mme. de Sevigne and her Con- temporaries. Ed. by Gustav Masson. In 12°, Oxford, 1868. P. The same: Letters to her Daughter. Tr. from the last Paris ed. 10 vol. in 16°, London, 1763-68. P. The same: Memoir es ecrits pendant la Regence et la Fronde, suivis de notes et d'eclaircissements par M. le Baron Walckenaer. 6 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1856-65. P. Sibbett, Robert L. : The Siege of Paris. In 8°, Harrisburg, 1892. P. Sieves, E. : Qu'est-ce-que le Tiers- Elat. Paris, 1888. (Societe de l'Histoire de la Revolution francaise.) U. Societe de I'Ecole des Chartes, Publications de. Paris, 1898. Lang- lois, 382. U. The same: duplicate work. P. 28 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 4 1 9. Sociite de V Histoire de la Revolution francaise, Publications de. 10 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1888-1910. Langlois, 382. U. 420. Societe des Langues Romanes, Publications de. Vol. 21, Paris* 1907. U. 421. Soulevement des Travailleurs d'Angleterre en 1831, par Andre Reville. Paris, 1898. (Societe de 1'lWe des Chartes.) U. 422. Sources de Lecomte de Lisle, Les. Ed. par J. Vianey. In 8°, Mont- pellier, 1907. (Societe des Langues Normanes.) U. 423. de Stael-Holstein, Baronne: Consider ations sur la Revolution fran- caise. 2 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1862. P. 424. The same: Considerations sur la Revolution francaise. 3 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1818. P. 425. The same: Memoires; dix Annees d' Exil. Paris, 1861. P. 426. The same: Oeuvres completes. 3 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1871. P. 427. The same: The Principal Events of the French Revolution. Ed. by the Due de Broglie and the Baron de Stael. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1818. P. 428. Sufferings of the Royal Family during the Revolution in France. From accounts by eye-witnesses. In 8°, London, 1902. P. 429. Sully, Maximilien de Bethume: Memoirs. Tr. from the French of M. de l'Ecluse, to which is added the trial cf Francois Ravaillac for the murder of Henry the Great. 5 vol in 12°, Edinburgh, 1770. P. 430. The same: Memoirs. 4 vol. in 12°, 1856. P. 431. The same: Memoirs. Tr. with historical intro. attributed to Sir Walter Scott. 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1856. (Bonn's French Memoirs.) Potthast, XLIL P. 432. de Talleyrand, Prince: The Correspondence of Talleyrand and Louis XVIII, during the Congress of Vienna. Ed. by M. G. Pallain. London and New York, 1881. Cannon, 1106. U. 433. The same: Memoires de Talleyrand. Pub. par le Due de Broglie. 5 vol., Paris, 1891-92. Dahlmann-Waitz, 5376. P. 434. The same: Memoirs. Tr. by Raphael Ledos de Beaufort; intro. by Whitelaw Reid. 5 vol. in 8°, New York, 1891-92. P. 435. Tenot, P. P. E. : Paris en decembre 1851: Etude historique sur le Coup-d'Etat. 9th ed. In 12°, Paris, 1868. P. 436. Thibaudeau, A. C: Bonaparte and the Consulate. Tr. by G. K. Fortescue. In 8°, New York, 1908. P. 437. Thuani Jaac. Aug.: Historiarum sui Temporis, Libri CXXXIII. 7 vol. in folio, London, 1733. Franklin, p. 434. P. 438. de Tourzel, Duchesse (governess to the children of France, 1789- 90): Memoirs. Pub. by the Due de Cars. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1886. P. FRANCE 29 439. Tribunal Revolutionnaire de Paris. Ouvrage compose d'apres les documents originaux conserves aux archives de l'Empire suivi de la liste complete des personnes qui ont comparu devant le Tribunal. Ed. par Emile Campardon. 2 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1866. P. 440. de Tocqueville, Alexis: Correspondence and Conversations with Wm. Nassau Senior. Ed. by M. C. M. Simpson. 2 vol. in 12°, London, 1872. P. 441. The same: The Old Regime and the Revolution. Tr. by John Bonner. In 12°, New York, 1856. P. 442. Turgot, A. R. J. : Life and Writings. Ed. by W. Walker Stephens. In 8°, London, 1895. U. 443. The same: duplicate work. P. 444. d' Ursins, Princess : Lettres inedites a M. le Marechal de Villeroi, suivies de sa correspondance avec Mme. de Maintenon. In 8°, Paris, 1859. Monod, 4003. P. 445. Vandam, Albert: My Paris Note- Book. In 12°, Phila., 1894. P. 446. The same: Undercurrents of the Second Empire. London, 1897. P. 447. de Valois, Marguerite: Memoirs. Tr. by Violet Fane. London, 1892. P. 448. Vesenier, P: History of the Commune of Paris. Tr. by J. V. Weber. In 12°, London, 1872. P. 449. de Viel-Castel, Count: Memoirs: Chronicles of the Principal Events during the Reign of Napoleon III. Tr. by Charles Bonsfield. 2 vol. in 8°, 1888. P. 450. de Villargennes, A. J.: Reminiscences of Army Life under Napoleon Bonaparte. In 12°, Cincinnati, 1884. U. 451. The same: duplicate work. P. 452. Ville-Hardouin, Joinville, Froissart et Commines: Extraits des Chroniqueurs francais. Pub. par Gaston de Paris et A. Jean- roy. 5th Paris ed., 1902. U. 453. Vizetelly, E. A.: My Adventures in the Commune. In 8°, Paris, 1871. P. 454. Voltaire, F. M. A.: Dictionnaire historique des Evenements remar- quables. Mis en ordre et pub. par C. T. In 12°, Paris, 1824. P. 455. The same: Histoire de Charles XII. Ed. par Georges Bengesco. 2 vol. in 12°, Paris, 1890. U. 456. The same: Histoire de Charles XII, et Histoire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand. In 12°, Paris, 1856. P. 457. The same: History of Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia. Tr- by Smollett. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1847. P. 458. The same: Memoires ecrits par lui-meme. In 12°, Paris, 1886. (Librairie des Bibliophiles.) Langlois, 382. U. 30 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 459. The same: Oeuvres completes . . . nouv. ed. . . conforme pour le texte a l'edition de Beuchot . . precedee de la vie de Vol- taire par Condorcet. 52 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1877-95. U. 460. The same: Oeuvres completes, avec notes par Armand Aubree. 54 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1829-30. P. 461. The same: Philosophical Dictionary. Tr. from the French. 2 vol. in 12°. U. 462. The same: Siecle de Louis XV; Histoire du Parlement de Paris. Paris, 1854. P. 463. The same: Philosophical Dictionary. Ed. by G. Masson and G. W. Prothero. 2 vol. in 16°, Cambridge (Eng.), 1879. P. 464. The same: Works. A contemporary version with notes by Tobias Smollett, rev. and modernized. Tr. by W. T. Fleming; intro. by O. H. G. Leigh; and a critique and biography by John Morley. 42 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1901. U. 465. The same: Works, Critique, and Biography, by John Morley. 42 vol. in 8°, Paris. P. 466. "Walsh, Robert: Letter on the Genius of the French Government . . . including a View of the Taxation of the French Empire. In 8 °, Baltimore, 1810. P. 467. War Correspondence: The Defence of Paris, by Thomas G. Bowles (Morning Post). In 8°, London, 1871. P. 468. The same: The War of 1870, by Count de la Chapelle (The Stand- ard). London, 1870. P. 469. Waterloo Letters. Ed. by Major H. T. Siborne. In 8°, London, 1891. P. 470. Whitehurst, Felix M.: My Private Diary during the Siege of Paris. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1875. P. 471. The same: Court and Social Life in France, under Napoleon HI. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1873. P. 472. Wilson, Sir Robert: Narrative of Events during the Invasion of Russia by Napoleon. Ed. by Rev. Herbert Randolph. In 8°, London, 1860. P. 473. Wolff, Albert: Deux Empereurs. 2d ed. In 12°, Brussels, 1871. P. 474. Young, Arthur: Travels during the Years 1787, '88, '89, undertaken with a View of ascertaining the Cultivation, Wealth . ... of the Kingdom of France. 2 vol. in 12°, Dublin, 1793. P. 475. The same: duplicate work. U. 476. The same: Travels . . . with biographical sketch by Bentham- Edwards. In 12°, London, 1889. P. 477. The same: Travels 3d ed. In 12°, London, 1890. U. CHAPTER II GERMANY 478. Ammianus Marcellenus: Roman History. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. In 12°, London, 1862. (Bohn's Classical Library.) P. 479. The same: Romische Geschichte. Ubersetzt von Dr. Ludwig Tross und Dr. Carl Buchele. 2 vol. in 32°, Stuttgart, 1853-54. P. 480. Anspach, Margravine of: Memoirs written by herself. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1826. P. 481. Arnd, Eduard: Geschichte der Jahre 1867 bis 1871. 2 vol. in 8°, Leipzig, 1872. P. 482. Arndt, Ernst Moritz: Ausgewahtte Werke. Vol. 9- 16 in 12°, Leipzig, 1908-09. U. 483. Aschaffenburg, Lambertus von: Geschichten der Deutschen nebst Bruchstilcken aus andern Chroniken durch F. B. von Bucholz. In 12°, Frankfurt, 1819. P. 484. Austrian Government, Secret History of the Systematic Persecutions of Protestants by the. Compiled from official documents by Alfred Michiels. 485. Beust, Friederich F., Count von: Memoirs written by himself, with introd. by Baron Henry de Worms. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1887. P. 486. Bibliotheca Curiosa. Ed. by E. M. Goldsmid. 10 vol. in 8°, 1884- 87. U. 487. The same: duplicate work. P. 488. Bibliotheca rerum Germanicarum. Ed. by Philippus Jaffe. 6 vol. in 8°, Berlin, 1864-73. Potthast, LXXXV; Langlois, 391. P. 489. Bibliothek der gesammten deutschen National- Liter atur von der altesten bis auf die neueste Zeit. 219 vol. with index in 1 2 °, Stuttgart. Potthast, XL. U. 490. The same. Compiled by Joseph Kurschner. 164 vol. in 151 in 12°. Stuttgart, 1800—. P. 491. Bibliothek des Litter arischen Vereins in Stuttgart. 3 vol. 'n 8°. Potthast, XL; Langlois, 402. P. 492. The same. 2 vol. in 8°. U. 493. Biedermann, K. : Erinnerungen aus der Paulskirche. In 8°, Leipzig, 1849. Dahlmann-Waitz, 6093. P. 494. Bismarck, O. E. L., Furst von: Ausgewahtte Reden, gehalten in den Jahren 1862-76. Ed. by Fr. Kortkampi. In 12°, Berlin, 1877. P. 495. The same: Briefe an seine Gemahlin, seine Schwester und andere. 2d ed. In 12°, Leipzig, 1877. P. 32 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 496. The same: Brief e an seine Braut und Gatiin. Hersg. vom Fiirsten Herbert Bismarck. In 8°, Stuttgart, 1900. P. 497. The same: Brief e an seine Gattin aus dem Kriege 1870-71. In 8°, Stuttgart, 1903. P. 498. The same: Conversations. Collected by Heinrich von Poschinger. Eng. tr. ed. by Sidney Whitman. In 12°, New York and London, 1900. P. 499. The same: Correspondence. Tr. by J. A. Ford. 2 vol., London, 1903. P. 500. The same: Les Discours de M. le Comte de Bismarck. Ed. par Dr. G. Von Muyden. 6 vol. in 8°, Berlin, 1870-76. P. 501. The same: Gedanken und Erinnerungen. 2 vol. in 8°, Stuttgart, 1898. P. 502. The same: Anhang zu den Gedanken und Erinnerungen. 2 vol. in 8°, Stuttgart, 1901. P. 503. The same: Letters to his Wife, Sister and Others. Tr. by Fitzhugh Maxse. In 16°, New York, 1878. P. 504. The same: Letters to His Wife from the Seat of War, 1870-71. Ed. by Armen Harder. In 8°, New York, 1903. P. 505. The same: Love Letters. Tr. by Charlton T. Lewis. In 8°, New York, 1901. P. 506. The same: Reden. Ed. by F. Kortkampf. 2d ed. 3 vol. in 2, in 8°, Berlin, 1870. P. 507. The same: Reflections and Reminiscences of Otto, Prince von Bis- marck. Tr. by A. J. Butler. 2 vol. in 8°, London and New York, 1898. Cannon, 1095, p. 474. U. 508. The same: duplicate work. P. 509. Briefe von Dunkelmdnnern an Magister Ortuin Gratius aus Deventer. Ins Deutsche iibersetzt von Dr. W. Binder. In 16°, Stuttgart, 1876. P. 510. Busch, M. H.: Bismarck in the Franco-German War, 1870-71. Tr. from the German. 2 vol. in 8°, New York. P. 511. The same : Bismarck und sein Werk. Beitrage zur innern Geschichte der letzten Jahre bis 1896, nach Tagebuchblattern. In 8°, Leipzig, 1898. P. 512. The same: Bismarck; Some Secret Pages of His History. A diary kept by M. Busch during 25 years' official and private inter- course. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1898. P. 513. The same: Graf Bismarck und seine Leute wahrend des Krieges mit Frankreich. Ed. 5. 2 vol. in 12°, Leipzig, 1879. P. 514. The same: Neue Tagebuchbldtter. In 12°, Leipzig, 1879. P. 515. The same: Our Chancellor. Tr. by Wm. Beatty-Kingston. 2 vol. in 12°, New York, 1884. P. GERMANY 33 516. Capper, Samuel: Wanderings in War Time . . . in the Autumn of 1870 and the Spring of 1871. In 12°, London, 1871. P. 517. Chroniken der Deutschen Stadte, vom 14ten bis in's 16te Jahrhundert. Hersg. durch die Historische Commission bei der Konigl. Akademie der Wissenschaften. Vol. 1-19 in 8°, Leipzig, 1862-84. Potthast, LI; Langlois, 398. P. 518. Chronik des lPten Jahrhunderts. Hersg. vom G. G. Bredow und C. Venturini. 32 vol. in 12°, 1805-28. Dahlmann-Waitz, 5354. P. 519. Corvin, Otto: In France with the Germans. 2 vol. in 12°, London, 1872. P. 520. Der Deutsch- Franzosische Krieg 1870-71. Redig. von der Kriegs- geschichtlichen Abteilung des Grossen Generalstabes. 5 vol. in 8°, Berlin, 1872-81. Dahlmann-Waitz, 6393. P. 521. Diplomatisches Handbuch. Sammlung der wichtigsten Europaischen Friedensschliisse, Kongressacten and sonstigen Staatsurkunden vom Westphalischen Frieden bis auf die neueste Zeit. Ed. by F. W. Ghillany. 3 vol. in 8°, Nordl., 1855-68. Dahlmann- Waitz, 690. P. 522. Documents Illustrative of Feudalism. Ed. by E. P. Cheyney. Vol. IV, No. 3, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1898. U. 523. The same: duplicate work. P. 524. Elizabeth Charlotte de Bavi ere, Duchesse d'Orleans: Brief e. Hersg. durch Hans F. Helmolt. 2 vol. in 12°, Leipzig, 1908. P. 525. Elsassiche und Straszburgische Chronicke, Die. Hersg. von Jacob von Konigshoven. In 8°, Strassburg, 1698. P. 526. Ernst II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha: Memoirs. 4 vol. in 8° London, 1888. P. 527. Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum. Latin text with an English render- ing, notes and an historical intro. by Francis G. Stokes. In 4°, London, 1909. U. 528. Erasmus, D.: Adagia. In folio, Hanau, 1617. P. 529. The same: Adagia. ... In folio, 1629. U. 530. The same: Ciceronianus; or, a Dialogue on the Best Style of Speak- ing. Tr. by Izora Scott. In 8°, New York, 1908. P. 531. The same: Colloquies. Tr. by N. Bailey. In 8°, London, 1725. P- 532. The same: Colloquies. Tr. by N. Bailey; ed. with notes by Rev. E. Johnson. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1878. P. 533. The same: duplicate work. U. 534. The same: Select Colloquies. Ed. by Merrick Whitcomb. In 12°. U. of Pa. 16th Cent. Classics, Phila., 1902. P. 535. The same: duplicate work. U. 34 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 536. The same: Epistles of Erasmus, from His Earliest Letters to His 57th Year. Tr. by F. M. Nichols. In 8°, London, 1901. P. 537. The same: Life and Letters of Erasmus, by J. A. Froude. In 12°, New York, 1899. Cannon, 1461. U. 538. The same: duplicate work. P. 539. The same: Manual for a Christian Soldier. Tr. into Eng. London, 1687. P. 540. The same: Moriae Encomium. Tr. by John Wilson. In 8°, London, 1668. P. 541. The same: Opus Epistolarum. Ed. by P. S. Allen. 2 vol. in 8°, Oxford, 1906-10. U. 542. The same: The Plea of Reason, Religion and Humanity Against War. In 8°, New York, 1813. P. 543. The same: Praise of Folly. In 8°, London, 1876. U. 544. The same: duplicate work. P. 545. The same: Praise of Folly. In 12°, London, 1900. P. 546. Europdischer Geschichtskalender. Hersg. von H. Schulthess. Vol. 1-54, in 8°, Nordl., 1860-1913. Dahlmann-Waitz, 6109. U. 547. The same: duplicate work. P. 548. Fontes Rerum Austriacarum, Oesterreichische Geschichts-Quellen. Hersg. von der Historischen Commission der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien., Scriptores, vol. I, 3-8, in 8°, 1855-75; Diplomataria et Acta, 1-67, in 8°, 1849-1912. Pott- hast, LXIX; Langlois, 397. P. 549. Forschungen zur Deutschen Geschichte. Hersg. durch die Historische Kommission bei der K. Akad. der Wiss. zu Miinchen. 18 vol. in 8°, Gott., 1862-78. Dahlmann-Waitz, 873. P. 550. Frederick, Emperor of Germany: Life. Ed. from the Ger. of Margaretha von Poschinger intro. by Sidney Whitman. In 8°, New York and London, 1901. P. 551. Frederick The Great: Confessions. Ed. by H. Von Treitschke; tr. by Douglas Sladen. In 12°, New York, 1915. U. 552. Frederick II: Histoire de Mon Temps. Ed. by Max Posner. In 8°, Leipzig, 1879. P. 553. The same: Oeuvres, publiees de Vivant de I'Auteur. 4 vol. in 8°, Berlin, 1879. P. 554. The same: Oeuvres posthumes. 14 vol. in 8°, Berlin, 1789. P. 555. The same: Supplement aux Oeuvres posthumes. 6 vol. in 8 °, Cologne, 1789. P. 556. The same: Posthumous Works of Frederick II. Tr. by Thomas Koloreft. 13 vol. in 8°, London, 1789. P. GERMANY 35 557. Friedrichs des Grossen, Politische Korrespondenz. Red. von R. Koser, A. Naude, K, Treusch. 14 vol. in 8°, Berlin, 1879-95. Dahlmann-Waitz, 4970. P. 558. Frederick III: Diaries during the Campaigns of 1866 and 1870-71. Ed. by Margaretha von Poschinger; tr. by Frances A. Welby. In 8°, London, 1902. P. 559. Frederique Sophie Wilhelmine, Margrave de Bareith: Memoires, depuis I'Annee 1706-42. 2 vol. in 8°, Brunswick, 1845. Dahl- mann-Waitz, 4650. P. 560. The same: Memoirs, with an Essay by Wm. D. Howells. 2 vol. in 12°, Boston, 1877. P. 561. The same: Memoirs. Tr. and ed. by Princess Christian of Schles- wig-Holstein. In 8°, London, 1887. P. 562. German Emperor as Shown in His Public Utterances, The. Ed. by Christian Gauss. In 12°, New York, 1915. U. 563. The same: duplicate work. P. 564. Germans, The Early. Ed. by A. C. Howland. Vol. VI, No. 3, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1900. U. 565. The same: duplicate work. P. 566. Geschichte Deutscher Einheits-bestrebungen bis zu Ihrer Erjiillung 1848-71. Hersg. von R. Klupfel. Berlin, 1872-73. P. 567. Geschichte der Grundung des Deutschen Reiches. Briefe und Ak" tenstiicke von Erich Brandenburg. Leipzig, 1911. U. 568. Geschichtschreiber der deutschen Vorzeit in deutscher Bearbeitung. Hersg. von G. H. Pertz. . . Berlin, 1878 to date. Potthast, LXXIV; Langlois, 391. U. 5 69. Gorgei, Arthur: My Life and Acts in Hungary in the Years 1848-49. In 12°, New York, 1852. P. 570. Hahn, L. : Zwei Jahre preussischer deutscher Politik 1866-67. In 8°, Berlin, 1868. P. 571. Hahn, R. : Die deutsche Nationalversammlung, bis zu den September- ereignissen. Ein Bericht aus der Partei des rechten Centrums. Frankfurt, 1848. P. 572. Hahn, S. F. : Collectio Monumentorum Veterum et Reriorum, Diplo- matum nempe, Chronicorum. . . 3 vol. in 12°, Braun., 1724- 26. P. 573. Hanse: Urkundliche Geschichte des Ursprunges der deutschen Hanse> Hersg. von J. M. Lappenberg. Hamburg, 1830. P. 574. Hansische Chronik aus beglaubten Nachrichten. Zusammenge- tragen von D. J. P. Willebrandt. In folio, Liibeck, 1748. P. 575. Hansische Geschichtsbldtter. Hersg. vom Verein fur Hansische Geschichte. 5 vol. in 8°, Leipzig, 1872-76. P. 36 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 576. Hatzfeldt, Paul: Letters 1870-71. Tr. by J. L. Bashford. London, 1905. P. 577. Heidelberger Passionspiel. Hersg. von Gustav Milchsack. In 8°, Stuttgart, 1880. (Stuttgart Verein, vol. 150 of set.) U. 578. Heinels, Edward: Geschichte Preuszens: Bearbeitet vom Jahre 1867-71. Fortgefuhrt von D. C. F. Landien. 7th ed. In 12°, Konigsberg, 1876. P. 579. Historia Diplomatica Frederici Secundi, sive Constitutiones, Privilegia> Mandata, Instrumenta, quae Supersunt Istius Imperatoris et Filiorum Ejus: Accedunt Epistolae Paparum et Documenta Varia. Collegit ad fidem chartarum et codicum recensuit. . . notis illustravit J. L. A. Huillard-Breholles. 6 vol. in 12°, Paris, 1852-61. P. 580. Historische- Volkslieder des Bayerischen Heeres 1620-1870. In 12°, Nordl., 1871. P. 581. Historische Volkslieder der Deutschen vom 13ten bis 16ten Jahrhundert' Hersg. von der Histor. Kommission bei d. K. Akad. d. Wiss.» durch R. v. Liliencron. 4 vol. in 8°, Leipzig, 1865-69. Dahl- mann-Waitz, 748; Langlois, 398. P. 582. Deutsche Volks- und Gesellschaftslieder des 17ten und 18ten Jahrhunderts. Hersg. von F. W. Ditfurth. In 8°, Nordl., 1872. P. 583. Historische Volkslieder vom Ende des Dreissigjdhrigen Krieges bis zum Beginn des Siebenjdhrigen Krieges. Hersg. vom F. W. Ditfurth. In 8°, Berlin, 1871. P. 584. Historische Volks- und Volksthiimliche Lieder des Krieges von 1870-7 1. Hersg. von F. W. Ditfurth. In 12°, Berlin, 1871-72. Dahl- mann-Waitz, 6433. P. 585. Historische Volkslieder des Siebenjdhrigen Krieges. In 12°, Berlin, 1871. P. 586. Hohenlohe-Schillingsfuerst, Prince Chlodwig of: Memoirs. Ed. by F. Curtis. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1906. P. 587. Hohenzollern: Die politischen Testemente der Hohenzollern, nebst ergdnzenden Aktenstucken. Hersg. von George Kuntzel und Martin Hass. 2 vol. in 8°, Berlin and Leipzig, 1911. U. 588. The same: duplicate work. P. 589. Hungary: Scenes of the Civil War in Hungary in 1848-49, with the Personal Adventures of an Austrian Officer. In 12°, Phila., 1850. P. 590. Illustrierte Zeitung. 144 vol. in folio, Leipzig, 1843. P. 591. Joseph II, Leopold II, und Kaunitz; Ihr Brief wechsel. Hersg. von A. Beer. Wien, 1873. Dahlmann-Waitz, 4966. P. 592. Jiirgens, Karl: Zur Geschichte des deutschen Verfassungswerkes, 1848-49. 2d ed. 3 vol. in 8°, Braunschw., 1850-57. Dahl- mann-Waitz, 6067. P. GERMANY 37 593. Keyserling, Archibald: Uber den Rhein und nach Paris', Er inn- ungen. In 12°, Berlin, 1885. P. 594. Klapka, General: Memoirs of the War of Independence in Hungary. Tr. by Otto Wenckerstern. 2 vol. in 12°, London, 1850. P. 595. Kossuth, Louis: Memoirs of My Exile. Tr. by Ferencz Jausz. New York, 1880. Cannon, 1076. P. 596. The same: Gesammelte Werke. Aus dem Ungarischen ubersetzt und hersg. von G. Zerffy. 3 vol. in 8°, 1850-51. P. 597. Kotzebue, A. F. von: Account of My Exile into Siberia. Tr. by R. B. Beresford. 3 vol. in 16°, London, 1802-03. P. 598. The same: Sketch of the Life and Literary Career of Kotzebue, to- gether with the Journal of His Exile to Siberia 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1827. P. 599. Laveleye, Emile: La Prusse et V Aulriche depuis Sadowa. 2 vol. in 16°, Paris, 1870. P. 600. Lecomte, Ferdinand: Guerre de la Prusse et de Vltalie contre V Aut- riche et la Confederation Germanique en 1866. 2 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1868. P. 60 1 . Malet, Sir Alexander : The Overthrow of the Germanic Confederation by Prussia. In 8°, London, 1870. P. 602. Menzel, Wolfgang: Der deutsche Krieg im Jahre 1866, in seinen Ursachen, seinem Verlauf und seinen ndchsten Folgen. 2 vol. in 12°, Stuttgart, 1867. P. 603. The same: Geschichte des Franzosischen Krieges von 1870-7 1. 2 vol- in 12°, Stuttgart, 1871. P. 604. Metternich, Prince: Memoirs. Ed. by Prince Richard Metternich; tr. by Mrs. Alexander Napier and G. W. Smith. 5 vol. in 8°, New York, 1880-82. Cannon, 1104. U. 605. The same: duplicate work. P. 606. Moltke, Count Helmuth von: Essays, Speeches and Memoirs. Tr. by C. F. McClumpa and Major Barter. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1893. P. 607. The same: The Franco-German War. Tr. by Clara Bell and Henry Fisher. In 8°, New York, 1892. P. 608. The same: Gesammelte Schriften und Denkwiirdigkeiten. 8 vol. in 8°, Berlin, 1891-93. P. 609. The same: Letters to His Mother and His Brothers. Tr. by Clara Bell and Henry Fisher. 2 vol., New York, 1892. P. 610. The same: Letters to His Wife and Other Relatives. Tr. by J. R. Mcllraith. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1896. P. 611. The same: Letters from Russia. Tr. by Grace Bigelow. In 24° New York, 1878. P. 38 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 612. Monumenta Boica. Edidit Academia Scientiarum elect. Vol. 1-27, in 4°, Monachii, 1763-1829. Monumentorum Boicorum Col- lect™ Nova. Vol. 28-34, Monachii, 1833-61; vol. 37-44, Monachii, 1864-83. Potthast, CXL; Langlois; 363; Dahl- mann-Waitz, 515. P. 613. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auspiciis Societatis aperiendis Fontibus Germanicarum Medii Aevi. Edidit Georgus Henricus Pertz. Vol. XXVII of set, Carmina. P. 614. The same. Vol. I and XIV of set. Potthast, CXII; Langlois, 391. U. 615. Neue Mitiheilungen aus dem Gebiet Historisch- Antiquarischer Forsch- ungen. Hersg. von dem Thuring. — Sachsischen Verein fur Er- forschung des vaterlandischen Alterthums. 8 vol. in 8°, Halle, 1834-37. Dahlmann-Waitz, 942. P. 616. d'Oxenstirna, Axel: Pensees sur divers Sujets. Nouvelle ed. par D. L. M. 2 vol. in 16°, The Hague, 1742. P. 617. Platter, Thomas: Autobiography. Ed. by Paul Monroe. In 12°, New York, 1904. U. 618. Pollnitz, C. L.: Memoirs. 4 vol. in 4°, London, 1737-40. P. 619. Poschinger, Ritter von: Conversations with Prince Bismarck. Leipzig, 1900. P. 620. Preussisch-Deutscher- Politik, Zwei Jahre. Sammlung amtlicher Kundgebungen und halbamtlicher Aeusserungen von der Schleswig-Holsteinschen Krisis, bis zur Griindung des Zoll-Parla- ments. Hersg. von Dr. L. Hahn. Berlin, 1868. Dahl- mann-Waitz, 1690. P. 621. Pulszky, Theresa: Memoirs. Intro, by F. Pulszky. In 12°, Phila., 1850. P. 622. Quellen und Erbrterungen zur Bayerischen und Deutschen Geschichte. 9 vol. in 8°, Munch., 1856-64. Dahlmann-Waitz, 327. P. 623. Quellen und Forschungen zur Vaterlandischen Geschichte. Ed. by W. Braumiiller. In 4°, Vienna, 1849. P. 624. Quellen zur Geschichte des Bauernkrieges in Oberschwaben. (Vol. 129, Bib. des Litt. Vereins in Stuttgart.) Tubingen, 1876. Potthast, XL. P. 625. Raumer, F. von: Brief e aus Frankfurt und Paris, 1848-49. 2 vol. in 8°, Leipzig, 1848. Dahlmann-Waitz, 6088. P. 626. Recollections of a Royal Governess. In 8°, London, 1916. P. 627. Reformation in Germany, Period of the Early. Ed. by J. H. Robinson and Merrick Whitcomb. Vol. II, No. 1, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1897. U. 628. The same: duplicate work. P. 629. Regesta Chronologico-Diplomatica Karolorium. Ed. by J. F. Bohmer. In 4°, Frankfurt, 1833. P. GERMANY 39 630. Reuoblin J . Brief ivechsel. Gesammelt und hersg. von Ludwig Geiger. In 8°, Tubingen, 1875. (Bib. d. Litt. Ver. in Stutt.) DaHmann-Waitz, 3539; Potthast, XL. P. 63 1 Regesta Chronologico-Diplomatica Friderici III. Ed. by J. L. Chmel. In 4°, Vienna, 1859. P. 632. Revolution: Die deutsche Revolution 1848-49. Eine Jubilaumsgabe fur das deutschen Volk, mit 256 authentischen Faksimilebei- lrgen, Karikaturen, Portrats In 8°, Leipzig, 1898. P. 633. de Saxe, Maurice: Mes Reveries. 2 vol., Leipzig, 1757. P. 634. Schedel, Hartm.: Liber Chronicarum. (Nuremberg Chronicle.) In 8°, Nuremberg, 1493. Potthast, p. 1001, vol. 2. P. 635. Staat^arehiven. Publicationen aus den K. preussischen Staats- archiven. 21 vol. in 8°, Leipzig, 1878-84. Langlois, 394. P. 636. Statistical Documents of the Middle Ages. Ed. by R. P. Falkner. Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1907. U. 637. The same: duplicate work. P. 638. Tacitus, C. C: Germania and Agricola. Tr. by W. Brodribb and A. J. Church. In 12°, London, 1876. P. 639. The same: Agricola and Germania. (Loeb Classical Library.) London, 1914. P. 640. The same: Bibliotheca Classica Latina. Vol. 4, "The Germania." Ed. by J. Naudet, Paris, 1820. P. 641. The same: Germania and Agricola. Oxford tr., revised with notes by E. Brooks, Jr. Phila. U. 642. The c ame: Germania and Agricola. Ed. by W. S. Taylor. New York, 1875. P. 643. The same: The Histories of Tacitus. Notes by A. D. Godley. 2 vol. in 12°, London, 1903. P. 644. Tagebuch vom Franzosischen Kriegsschauplatz 1870-71. Hersg. von Hans Wachenhusen. 2 vol. in 12°, Berlin, 1871. P. 645. Tagebucher von Friederich von Gentz. 4 vol. in 8°, Leipzig, 1861. Dahlmann-Waitz, 5515. P. 646. Tagebuch des Fur sten Johann J. Khevenhuller-Metsch. Hersg. von der Gesellschaft fur neuere Geschichte Osterreichs. 4 vol. in 8°, Wien. 1907-11. P 647 Tagebucher von K. A. Varnhagen von Ense. 14 vol. in 8°, Hamburg, 1861-70. Dablmanr-W: itz, 5816. P. 48 Tanera, Karl: Erinnerungen eines Ordonnanz-Offiziers im Jahre 1870-71. 2 vol. in 12°, Miinchen, 1906-08. P. 6 '9 Thiebault, Dieudonne: Frederic le Grand, sa Famille, sa Cour, son Gouvernement, son Academie, ses licoles et ses Amis . . ou Mes Souvenirs de vingt Ans Sejour d Berlin. Publiee par son ils, It Baron Tbiebault 4th ed. 5 vol. in 12°, Paris, 1827. P. 40 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 650. The same. Tr. from the French. 2 vol. in 8°, Phila., 1806. P. 651. Treitzsaurwein, Max: Der Weiss Kunig. Hersg. aus dem Ms. der Kaiserl. Konigl. Hofbibliothek. Wien, 1775. P. 652. Trench, Baron: My Life and Adventures. Phila., 1886. P. 653. Urkunden zur Geschichte des Schwabischen Bundes 1488-1533. Hersg* von K. Klupfels. 2 vol. in 8°, Stuttgart, 1848-53. (Bib. d. Litt. Ver., vol. XIV, XXXI.) Langlois, 402; Potthast, XL; Dahlmann-Waitz, 3258. P. 654. Urkundenbuch der Stadt Lilbek. 3 vol. in 4°, Liibek, 1843-71. Dahlmann-Waitz, 606. P. 655. Varnhagen von Bnse, K. A.: Blatter aus der Preussischen Geschichte, 5 vol. in 8°, Leipzig, 1868-69. Dahlmann-Waitz, 3258. P. 656. Vollmer, Friedrich: Flavius Merobandis Reliquae, Blosii Aemilii Dracontii, Eu genii totelani Episcopi Carmina et Epistolae. Vol. 14, Monumenta Germaniae Historiae, 1905. U. 657. War Correspondence. Forbes, A.: Memories and Studies of War and Peace. In 8°, New York, 1895. P. 658. The same. Gellenga, A. (correspondent of The Times at the headquarters of the Danish army) : Invasion of Denmark in 1864. 2 vol. in 12°. P. 659. The same. The Franco-German War of 1870-71, by generals and other officers who took part in the campaign. Tr. and ed. by Major General J. F. Maurice. In 8°, London, 1914. P. 660. The same. Hozier, H. M. (Times correspondent): The Seven Weeks War, its Antecedents and its Incidents. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1867. P. 661. The same. (Times correspondent at Berlin): Letters on International Relations, before and during the War of 1870. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1821. P. 662. The same. Winn, C. A.: What I Saw of the War at the Battles of Speichern, Gorge and Gravelotte. In 12°, Edinburgh, 1870. P. 663. Witch Persecutions. Ed. by G. L. Burr. Vol. Ill, No. 4, Trans- lations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1907. U. 664. The same: duplicate work. P. 665. Zeumer, Charles: Leges Nationum Germanicarum. Vol. I, Leges Visigothorum. In folio, Hanover and Leipzig, 1902. (Monu- menta Germaniae Historiae.) U. CHAPTER III GREAT BRITAIN 666. Abbot, Charles, Lord Colchester: Diary and Correspondence, Ed. by Charles, Lord Colchester. 3 vol. in 8 °, London, 1861. P , 667. Acton, Lord: Lord Acton and His Circle. Letters ed. by A. Gas- quet. New York, 1906. U. 668. Acts of the Lords Auditors of Causes and Complaints A. D. 1446-1496. In folio, London, 1839. (Record Commission.) H. and P. 669. Acts of the Lords of Council in Civil Causes 1478-1495. In folio, London, 1839. (Record Commission.) H. and P. 670. Acts of the Parliament of Scotland A. D. 1124-1423. In folio, Lon- don, 1844. (Record Commission.) H. and P. 671. Alfred the Great, Life and Times of. Ed. from the most authentic ancient chroniclers by Rev. J. A. Giles. 2d ed. Oxford, 1854. Cannon, 1228. P. 672. Aelfric's Lives of Saints. A set of sermons on saints days, with a modern English version, ed. by W. W. Skeat. 2 vol. in 4 pts., London, 1881-1900. (E. E. T. Soc.) Gross, 1430. U. 673. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Two of the Saxon Chronicles parallel. Ed. by John Earle. Oxford, 1865. Gross, 1349. P. 674. Annals of British Legislation. A summary of public bills, statutes, accounts and papers, together with accounts of commercial legislation, tariffs and facts relating to foreign countries. Ed. by Leone Levi. 14 vol., old ser., 1856-65; 4 vol., new ser., 1865-68, London. P. 675. Annual Register. A view of the history, politics, and literature for the year 1758. . . . Ed. by Mr. Dodsley. 6th ed. London, 1777; new ser., 1863-1903. General index, 1758-1819, London, 1826. Cannon, 589. P. 676. Antiquarian Repertory. A miscellaneous assemblage of history, biography and customs. Ed. by Francis Grose and Thomas Astle. New ed. 4 vol., London, 1807-1809. P. 677. Antiquities of Shropshire. An old Ms. of Edward Lloyd of Dre- newydd, rev. and enlarged from private and other Mss. In folio, Shrewsbury, 1844. (Record Commission.) H. and P. 678. Anti- Slavery Monthly Reporter, Vol. I, June, 1825-May, 1827. Lon- don, 1827. (London Soc. of Abolition of Slavery.) P. 679. Atterbury, Fiancis: Memoirs and Correspondence. Ed. by Folkestone Williams. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1869. P. 42 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 680. Bacon, Sir Francis: Letters Written during the Reign of James I. In 8°, London, 1702. P. 681. Bassompierre, Francois: Memoirs of an Embassy to the Court of England in 1626. Tr. with notes. In 8°, London, 1819. P. 682. Bede, Venerabilis: Opera quae Supersunt Omnia. Ed. by J. A. Giles. 12 vol., London, 1843-44. Cannon, 1122. P. 683. The same: De Arte Metrica et de Orthographia Libri. In 8°, Leip- zig, 1880. P. 684. The same: Opera Historica Minora. Ed. by J. Stevenson. In 4°, London, 1841. (English Hist. Soc, Vol. 3.) Gross, 1451. P. 685. Bedford, John Duke of: Correspondence. Intro, by Lord John Russell. 3 vol. in 12°, London, 1842-46. P. 686. Bloomfield, B.: Memoir. Ed. by Lady Bloomfield. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1884. P. 687. Bloomfield, Georgiana Baroness of: Reminiscences of Court and Diplomatic Life. 6th ed. 2 vol., London, 1883. P. 688. Bolingbroke, Lord: Letters to Sir Wm. Windham and Mr. Pope. Dublin, 1753. P. 689. The same: Works, with a Sketch of His Life. 4 vol. in 8°, Phila., 1841. P. 690. de Bracton, Henry: De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae. Ed. by George E. Woodbine. New Haven, Yale U. Press, 1915. P. 691. The same: Note- Book; A Collection of Cases Decided in the King's Courts during the Reign of Henry III. 3 vol., London, 1887. P. 692. British Academy, Records of the Social and Economic History of England and Wales. Publications. London, 1914. P. 693. Buckingham and Chandos, Duke of: Memoirs of the Court and Cabinets of George III. 2d ed. 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1853-55. Cannon, 1240. P. 694. The same: Memoirs of the Court of George IV. 2 vol. in 8°, Lon- don, 1859. P. 695. The same: Memoirs of the Court of England during the Regency 1811-1820. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1856. P. 696. The same: Memoirs of the Courts and Cabinets of William IV and Queen Victoria. 2 vol. in 12°, London, 1856-61. P. 697. Buckinghamshire, J. R. 2d. Earl of: Despatches and Correspondence of John, 2d Earl of Buckinghamshire, Ambassador to the Court of Catherine II of Russia. Ed. by A. D. Collyer. London, 1900-1902. P. 698. Bunsen, Baron: A Memoir. Ed. by Frances, Baroness Bunsen. 2 vol., London and Phila., 1868. P. 699. Burges, Sir James Bland; Selections from His Correspondence. Ed. by J. Hutton. In 12°, London, 1855. P GREAT BRITAIN 43 700. Burghersh, lady, Countess of Westmoreland: Letters from Ger- many and France, during the Campaign of 1813-1814. Ed. by Lady Rose Weigall. 2d ed. London, 1893. P. 701. Burghley, Wm. Cecil, Lord: Papers Relating to Affairs in the Reigns of Henry VIII, Edward IV, Mary and Elizabeth, 1542-70. Ed. by Samuel Haynes. London, 1740. P. 702. The same: Papers Relating to Affairs in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth 1571-96. Ed. by Wm. Murdin. London, 1759. P. 703. The same: Queen Elizabeth and Her Times; A Series of Original Letters. Ed. by Thomas Wright. 2 vol. in 12°, London, 1838. Cannon, 1225. P 704. Burke, Edmond: Letters, Speeches and Tracts on Irish Affairs. Ed. by Matthew Arnold. London, 1881. P. 705. The same: Speeches. 2 vol., London, 1884. U. 706. The same: Speeches on the Impeachment of Warren Hastings. 2 vol., London, 1857. (Bohn's British Classics.) P. 707. The same: Works. 8 vol. in 8°, London, 1883-86. (Bohn's Stand- ard Library.) Cannon, 1241. U. 708. The same: duplicate work. P. 709. The same: Works. 12 vol. in 12°, Boston, 1866-67. P. 710. The same: Works. Ed. with intro. by E. J. Payne. 2 vol. in 16°, Oxford, 1874-75. P. 711. Burnet, Bishop: History of My Own Time. A new ed. based on that of M. J. Routh; Pt. 1, The Reign of Charles II, ed. by Osmund Airy. 2 vol., Oxford, 1897-1900. Cannon, 1129. U. 712. The same: duplicate work. P. 713. The samp; Supplement to Burnet's History Ed. by H. C. Fox- croft. Oxford, 1902. Cannon, 1129. U. 714. The same: duplicate work. P. 715. Burton, Thomas: Diary 1656-59. Ed. with notes by J. T. Rutt. 4 vol., London, 1828. Cannon, 1242. P. 716. Bury, Charlotte, Lady: The Diary of a Lady-in- Waiting. (Illus. the times of George IV.) Intro, by A. F. Steuart. 2 vol. in 8°. London, 1908 P. 717. Caesar, C. J.: Invasion of Britain. Ed. by W. Welch and C. G. Duffield. In 12°. New York, 1892. U. 718. Calendar of Documents; The English Factories in India. Ed. by Wm. Foster. 8 vol. in 8°, Oxford, 1906-15. P. 719. Calendar of Letters, Despatches and State-Papers, Relating to the Negotiations between England and Spain, Preserved in the Archives at Simancas and Elsewhere. Henry VII, 1485-1509, 1525. G. A. Bergenroth, ed. 2 vol. and supplement, London, 1862-68. Henry VIII, 1509-25. Ed. by G. A. Bergenroth. Supplemen o vol. I and II. London, 866. Cf. Cannon, 1064; Langlois, 437 P 44 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 720. Calendar of Letters and State Papers Relating to English Affairs, Preserved in the Archives of Simancas. Elizabeth, 1558-79. Martin A. S. Hume, ed. 2 vol., London, 1892-94. Cf. Cannon, 1065; Langlois, 437. P. 721. Calendar of the Proceedings in Chancery, in the Reign of Queen Eliza- beth. In folio, London, 1732. (Record Commission.) Gross, 538. H. and P. 722. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reigns of Edward VI, Mary and Elizabeth, 1547-80. Robert Lemon and Mary Anne Everett Green, eds. 7 vol. (5 vol. with addenda, 1547- 1625, in last vol., and in two additional vols.) 1865-72. James I, 1603-25. Mary A. E. Green, ed. 4 vol., 1857-59. Charles I, 1625-49. John Bruce, Wm. D. Hamilton, eds. 16 vol., London, 1858-80. Cannon, 1135; Langlois, 437. P. 723. Calendar of the Stuart Papers. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1902-04. (Royal Commission on Hist. Mss.) H. and P. 724. Calendar of Treasury Papers, 1566-7, 1728. Prepared by Joseph Redington. 3 vol., London, 1868-74. Cf. Cannon, 629. P. 725. Calendarium Inquisitionum Postmortem', Temp. Reg. Hen. V; VI; Edw. IV and Rich. Ill; cum Appendice de quamplurimus aliis Inquisitionibus a Regno Hen. III. 5 vol. in folio, London, 1828. (Record Commission No. 2155.) Gross, 538. H. and P. 726. Camden Society, Publications. 1st. ser., vols. 1-99, 102-05; 2d. ser., 62 vols.; 3d. ser., 26 vols. London, 1838. (Royal Hist. Soc.) Potthast, p. XLVIII; Gross, 542; Langlois, 441. P. 727. Cambrensis Eversus, or The Refutation of the Authority of Geraldus Cambrensis on the History of Ireland, by Dr. J. Lynch. Ed. by Rev. M. Kelly. 3 vol. in 8°, Dublin, 1848-52. (Celtic Soc. Pub.) Potthast, L. P. 728. Canning, George: Select Speeches. Ed. by Robert Walsh. In 8°, Phila., 1844. P. 729. Canterbury, A Collection of Tracts Relating to. In 8°, London, 1836. P. 730. Capgrave, John: The Book of Illustrious Henries. Tr. by F. C. Hingeston. In 8°, London, 1858. Potthast, vol. I, p. 185. P. 731. Caradoc of Llancarvan: History of Wales. Tr. into Eng. by Dr. Powell. In 8°, London, 1812. P. 732. The same: History of Wales. In 8°, Shrewsbury, 1832. P. 733. Cartularium Saxonicum: A Collection of Charters Relating to Anglo- Saxon History. Ed. by Walter de Gray Birch. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1885-93. P. 734. Castlereagh, Viscount: Memoirs and Correspondence. Ed. by Charles Vane, Marquis of Londonderry. 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1848-49. P. GREAT BRITAIN 45 735. Cavalier- Soldier's Vade-Mecum. In 12°, London, 1900. P. 736. Ceba, Ansaldo: The Citizen of a Republic; What are His Rights, Duties, Privileges. Tr. and ed. by C. E- Lester. In 12°, New York, 1845. P. 737. Challener, M. An Answer to a Speech without Doores or, Animad- versions upon an Unsafe Answer to the Scotch Papers. In 16°, London, 16 — . P. 738. Chamberlin, J.: Speeches. Ed. by C. W. Boyd. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1914. P. 739. Chatam, Burke and Krskine: Speeches. Bd. by a member of the Phila. bar. In 8°, Phila., 1834. P. 740. Chronicle of the Late Intestine War in the Three Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, with Intervening Treaties. . . from the Year 1637 to the Year 1663. Ed. by James Heath. In °4, London, 1663. P. 741. The same: Chronicle of the Late Intestine War. . . Expanded and published in 1676. P. 742. Chronicles of the White Rose of York. A series of historical frag- ments, proclamations, letters and other contemporary docu- ments relating to the reign of King Edward IV. London, 1845. Cannon, 1142. P. 743. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of: Characters and Episodes of the Great Rebellion. Ed. by Rev. G. D. Boyle. Oxford, 1889. Cannon, 1143. U. 744. The same: duplicate work. P. 745. Clarendon, Henry Hyde, 2d Earl of: Correspondence with Lawrence Hyde, Earl of Rochester, and Diary of Lord Rochester 1687-90; together with the Diary of Lord Rochester during his Embassy to Poland, 1676. Ed. by S. W. Singer. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1828. P. 746. Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of: The History of The Civil Wars in England, 1641-1660. 3 vol., Oxford, 1732. P. 747. The same: The History of the Rebellion and of the Civil Wars in England. Printed from the original Ms. preserved in the Bodleian Library, to which are subjoined the notes of Bishop Warburton. 7 vol. in 8°, Oxford, 1849. Cannon, 1143. P. 748. The same: State Papers. Collected by Edward, Earl of Clarendon, commencing with the year 1621, containing the materials from which his History of the Great Rebellion was composed and the authorities on which the truth of his relation is founded. 3 vol. in 8°, Oxford, 1767-86. P. 749. Clarendon, George Villiers, 4th Earl of: Life and Letters. Ed. by Sir Herbert Maxwell. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1913. P. 75 0. The same: Autobiography. Printed from the original Ms. In folio, Oxford, 1759. P. 46 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 751. Clarendon Historical Society, Reprints. 1st series, 18 pts. in 1 vol. in 8°; 2d ser., 12 pts. in 1 vol. in 8°. Bdinburg, 1882-86. P. 752. Cobdon, Richard: Political Writings. In 12°, London, 1886. P. 753. Cockburn, Henry: Memorials of His Time. 3 vol. in 8°, Edin- burgh, 1846. U. 754. The same: Memorials. . . In 8°, New York, 1859. P. 755. Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici. Ed. by J. M. Kemble. 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1845-48. (Eng. Hist. Soc. ) Gross, 1419. H. and P. 756. Collections of State Trials and Proceedings for High Treason and Other Crimes, beginning with the 11th Year of the Reign of Richard II, and ending with the 16th Year of the Reign of George III. Ed. by Francis Hargrave. 4th ed. 11 vol. in folio, London, 1776. H. and P. 757. Constitution in the Making, 1660-1714. Ed. by G. B. Perrett. London, 1912. U. 758. Conyngham, Wm., Lord Plunket: Speeches at the Bar and in the Senate. Ed. by J. C. Hoey. Dublin, 1867. U. 759. Cornwallis, Charles, Marquis of: Correspondence. Ed. by Charles Ross. 2d ed. 3 vol., London, 1859. Cannon, 1251 A. P. 760. Court of England. Domestic Memoirs. 3 vol. in 12°, London, 1860. P. 761. Court and Society from Elizabeth to Anne. From papers at Kim- bolton, ed. by the Duke of Manchester. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1864. P. 762. Cramner, Thomas: Papers. Collected by H. Jenkyns. 4 vol. in 8°, Oxford, 1833. P. 763. Creevey Papers. A selection from the papers of Thomas Creevey, M. P. . Ed. by Sir Herbert Maxwell. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1904. P. 764. Cromwell, Oliver: Letters and Speeches. Ed. by Thomas Carlyle. 2 vol. in 8°, New York. Cannon, 1253. U. 765. The same: Letters and Speeches. Elucidations by Thomas Carlyle. 2 vol. in 8 °, New York. P. 766. The same: Letters and Speeches. Ed. by Thomas Carlyle. 4 vol. in 8°, New York. Cannon, 1253. U. 767. The same: duplicate work. P. 768. The same: Speeches. Ed. by C. L. Stainer. In 12°, London, 1901. P. 769. Cromwell, Thomas: Life and Letters. Ed. by R. B. Merriman. 2 vol. in 8°, Oxford, 1902. Cannon, 1743. U. 770. The same: duplicate work. P. GREAT BRITAIN 47 771. Curran, J. P.: Speeches. Ed. with memoir and hist, notices by Thomas Davis. 3d ed. 2 vol. in 8°, Dublin, 186 — . Cannon, 1255. U. 772. Curzon, Lord: Speeches, Delivered as Viceroy and Governor-Genera'' of India, from September to November, 1905. Ed. by R. P. Karkaria. In 8°, Bombay, 1907. P. 773. The same: Selections from His Speeches and Writings. Ed. by Sir Thomas Raleigh. In 8°, London, 1906. P. 774. Dalrymaple, David: Memorials and Letters Relating to the History of Britain in the Reign of Charles I. Pub. from originals. In 12°, Glasgow, 1766. P. 775. Dalrymaple, John: Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland; from the Dissolution of the Last Parliament until the Sea- Battle off La Hogue. 2d ed. 2 vol. in 4°, London, 1771-73. P. 776. Despatches: Select Despatches from the British Foreign Office Archives Relating to the Formation of the 3d Coalition against France, 1804-05. Ed. by J. H. Rose. In 12°, London, 1904. P. 777. Denzil, Lord: Memoirs, from the Years 1641 to 1648. London, 1699. P. 778. Documents of the Constitution of England and America, from Magna Charta to the Federal Constitution of 1789. Ed. by Francis Bowen. In folio, Cambridge (Mass.), 1854. H. and P. 779. Documents: Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution 1628-60. Ed. by Samuel R. Gardiner. 2d ed. Oxford, 1899. Cannon, 1370. U. 780. Documents Illustrative of Eng. Hist, in the 13th and 14th Centuries. Ed. by Henry Cole. In folio, London, 1844. (Record Com- mission.) Gross, 1930. H. and P. 781. Documents: English Manorial Documents. Ed. by E. P. Cheyney. Vol. Ill, No. 5, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publica- tions, Phila., 1907. U. 782. The same: duplicate work. P. 783. Documents Illustrative of Feudalism. Ed. by E. P. Cheyney. Vol. IV, No. 3, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1898. U. 784. The same: duplicate work. P. 785. Documents and Records Illustrating the History of Scotland, and the Transactions between the Crowns of Scotland and England (21 Henry 11-35 Edward I). Ed. by Francis Palgrave. In 4°, London, 1837. (Record Commission.) Gross, 2132. H. and P. 786. Documents: Select Documents of English Constitutional History. Ed. by H. M. Stephens and G. B. Adams. In 12°, New York 1901. U. 48 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 787. The same: duplicate work. P. 788. Documents: Select Statutes and Other Constitutional Documents Illustrative of the Reigns of Elizabeth and James I. Ed. by G. W. Prothero. 2d ed. Oxford, 1898. Cannon, 676. U. 789. Documents: Source Book of English History. Ed. by Guy C. Lee. New York, 1900. Cannon, 663. P. 790. Dodington, G. B., Baron of Melcombe Regis: Diary, from Mar. 3d, 1749, to Feb. 6th, 1761. Pub. by H. P. Wyndham. 4th ed. In 8°, London, 1809. P. 791. Doonesday Book. 33 vol. in folio, Southampton, 1861-63. U. 792. Domesday Book. Seu Liber Censualis Willelmi I, Regis Angliae, Iubente Rege Georgio III. Vol.1 and II, pub. 1783; vol. Ill and IV, ed. by Henry Ellis, pub. 1816. In folio. Potthast, p. 382, vol. I. P. 793. The same. Vol. 4. H. and P. 794. The same. In folio, London, 181 1. H. and P. 795. Dorset: The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset. Ed. by John Hutchins, 2 vol., London, 1774. 3d ed. by William Shipp and J. W. Hodson, 4 vol., Westminster, 1861-73. Gross, 886. H. and P. 796. Douglas, George, 8th Duke of Argyll: Autobiography and Memoirs. Ed. by the Dowager Duchess of Argyll. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1906. P. 797. Ducatus Lancastriae, Pars Quarta. Calendar to the pleadings from the 14th year to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Vol. 3, in folio, London, 1834. (Record Commission No. 2175.) Gross, 538. H. and P. 798. Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leycester: Correspondence during His Governorship of the Low Countries 1585-86. Ed. by John Bruce. London, 1844. (Camden Society.) Gross, 542. P. 799. Duke, Joshua: Recollections of the Kabul Campaign 1879-80. In 8°, London, 1883. P. 800. Early English Text Society, Publications of. London, 1864. Original ser., vol. 1-149 inclusive; extra ser., vol. 1-113 inclusive. Langlois, 441; Gross, 544. P. 801. Edinburgh Royal Society, Transactions of. Vol. 1-49 inclusive, 1783-1914. Edinburgh, 1788. P. 802. Edward I: Itinerary of King Edward (1272-1307) throughout His Reign. Ed. by Henry Gough. 2 vol. in 4°, Paisley, 1900. P. 803. Edward III: Ancestors of Edward III and Queen Philippa of Hai- nault. London, 1911. P. 804. Edward III and His Wars, 1327-1360. Ed. by W. J. Ashley. Lon- don and New York, 1887. (Eng. Hist, by Contemporary Writers.) Cannon, 1117. P. GREAT BRITAIN 49 805. Elgin, James, 8th Earl of: Letters and Journals. Ed. by Theodore Walrond. London, 1872. P. 806. Elizabeth, Queen of England: History of Elizabeth, Amy Robsart and the Earl of Leycester. A reprint of the Leycester Common- wealth 1641. Ed. by F. J. Burgoyne. London and New York, 1904. P. 807. Elizabeth, Queen of England, and Mary, Queen of Scots', Extracts from the British Museum and State Paper Office. Ed. by F. von Raiimer. In 8°, London, 1836. P. 808. Ellesmere, Francis, Earl of: Personal Reminiscences of the Duke of Wellington. Ed. by Alice, Countess of Stratford. In 8°, London, 1903. P. 809. English Guilds: The Original Ordinances of more than One Hundred English Guilds, together with the Old Usages of the City of Win- chester (14th century), and the Ordinance of Worcester (1467), by J. T. Smith. Ed. by T. Smith. London, 1870. (E. E. T. S.) Gross, 2214. P. 810. English Towns and Guilds. Ed. by E. P. Cheyney. Vol. II, No. 1, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1897. U. 811. The same: duplicate work. P. 812. English History by Contemporary Writers. 6 vol., London, 1887- 92. P. 813. English Historical Society, Publications of . 29 vol., London, 1838-56. Langlois, 441; Gross, 545. P. 814. England, Early Reformation Period in. Ed. by E. P. Cheyney. Vol. I, No. 2, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publica- tions, Phila., 1897. U. 815. The same: duplicate work. P. 816. Essex, Earl of: An Enquiry into and Detection of the Barbarous Murther of the Late Earl of Essex. Anonymous. In folio, London, 1864. P. 817. Evelyn, John: Diary and Correspondence. Also the private cor- respondence between King Charles I and Sir Edward Nicholas, and between Sir Edward Hyde and Sir Richard Browne. Ed. by W. Bray. 4 vol., London, 1859. P. 818. The same: Diary. Pub. 1879. U. 819. The same: Diary. Ed. by W. Bray. Biographical intro. by the editor; special intro. by R. Garnett. 2 vol. in 8°, Washing- ton and London, 1901. P. 820. de Ewes, Sir Simonds: Autobiography and Correspondence during the Reigns of James I, and Charles I. Ed. by J. O. Halliwell. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1845. P. 50 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 821. Exchequer: The Ancient Kalendars and Inventories of the Treasury of His Majesty's Exchequer. . . Ed. by Sir Francis Palgrave. 3 vol. in 4°, London, 1836. Gross, 479. H. and P. 822. The same: Issues of the Exchequer (Extracts, 10 Henry 111-39 Henry VI, with an appendix.) Tr. by F. Devon. In 4°, London, 1837. Gross, 1933. H. and P. 823. The same: Issues of the Exchequer for the Reign of King James I. London, 1836. Gross, 1933. H. and P. 824. Fairfax: Memorials of the Civil War: The Correspondence of the Fairfax Family with the Most Distinguished Personages En- gaged in that Memorable Contest. Ed. by Robert Bell. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1848. P. 825. The same; Correspondence. Memoirs of the reign of Charles I. Ed. by G. W. Johnson. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1848. P. 826. Fines, sivi Pedes Finium 1195-1214. Ed. by Joseph Hunter. 2 vol. in 4°, London, 1835-44. (Record Commission.) Gross, 2035. H. and P. 827. Fishback, W. P.: Recollections of Lord Coleridge. In 12°, Indiana- polis, 1895. P. 828. Foedera, Conventiones, Litterae, et cujuscumque Generis Acta Publica inter Regis Angliae et alios quosvis Imperatores, Regis. . . . Ed. by Thomas Rymer. Vol. 3, in folio, London, 1833. (Record Commission.) Gross, 2097. H. and P. 829. Forbes, W.: Reminiscences of the Great Mutiny, 1857-59. London, 1894. P. 830. Fordun, John of: Chronica Scotorum. Ed. by W. F. Skene. In 8°, Edinburgh, 1871. P. 831. Fox, Charles James: Speeches. Ed. with a biographical memoir by a barrister. 3d ed. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1853. P. 832. The same: Memoirs and Correspondence. Ed. by J. Russel. 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1853-57. P. 833. The same: Speeches. 2 vol. in 12°, Phila., 1853. P. 834. Garner, An English. Publications. 3 vol. in 8°, New York. P. 835. The same: duplicate work. U. 836. George II: History and Proceedings of the House of Commons during the 3d Parliament of King George II, 1742-43. 14 vol. in 8°, London, 1742-44. P. 837. George III: Correspondence with Lord North, 1768-83. Ed. by W. Bodham Donne. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1867. Cannon, 1265. P. 833. The same: History of the Reign of George III, 1760-70. 2d ed. 4 vol. in 12°, London, 1788-96. P. GREAT BRITAIN 51 839. The same: History of the Reign of George III to the Conclusion of the Session of Parliament, May, 1770. In 12°, London, 1770. P. 840. Gesta Stephani Regis Anglorum, 1135-47. Reprinted from Duchesne's Historiae Normanorum Scriptores. Ed. by R. C. Sewell. In 8°, London, 1846. (Eng. Hist. Soc.) Gross, 1781. H. and P. 841. Gloucester, Robert of: Life and Martyrdom of Thomas Beket, Archbishop of Canterbury. Ed. by Wm. H. Black. In 12°, London, 1845. P. 842. Gordon, C. G. : Journals at Kartoum. Ed. with intro. and notes by A. Egmont Hake. London and Boston, 1885. Cannon, 1267. P. 843. The same: Letters from the Crimea, the Danube and Armenia, August 1854- November 1858. Ed. by D. C. Boulger. In 12°, London, 1884. P. 844. The same: Col. Gordon in Central Africa. Ed. by George B. Hill. In 8°, London, 1881. P. 845. Gower, Ronald, Lord: Despatches from Paris, June 17 90- August 1792. The Diary of Viscount P aimer ston in France during July and August 1791. Ed. by Oscar Browning. 4 vol. in 8°, Cambridge, 1885. P. 846. The same: Reminiscences. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1883. P. 847. Grafton, Richard: Chronicle of the Affayers of England up to the First Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, together with a Table of Bailiffs, Sheriffs, and Mayors of London, with a History of that City from 1189 to 1558. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1809. P. 848. Grampian Club: The Charters of the Priory of Beualy. Ed. by E. C. Batten. In 8°, Edinburgh, 1877. P. 849. The same: Chartulary of the Cistercian Priory of Coldstream. Ed. by Rev. Charles Rogers. In 8°, London, 1879. P. 850. The same: Historical Notices of St. Anthony's Monastery. Ed. by Rev. Charles Rogers. In 8°, London, 1877. P. 851. The same: Rental Book of the Cistercian Abbey of Cupar- Angus, with the Breviary of the Register. Ed. by Rev. Charles Rogers. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1879. P. 852. Granville, Mary (Mrs. Delany) : Autobiography and Correspondence. Ed. by Lady Llanover. 3 vol., London, 1861. P. 853. Grattan, Henry: Speeches. 2d ed. Ed. by Daniel Owen Madden. Dublin, 1867. P. 854. The same: Speeches. Prefatory observations on the state of Ire- land. Dublin, 1811. P. 855. Gray, Thomas: Scalacronica, The Reigns of Edward I, Edward II and Edward III. as Recorded by Sir Thomas Gray. Tr. by Sir Herbert Maxwell. In folio, Glasgow, 1907. P. 52 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 856. Great Charter and Charter of the Forest. Ed. by Wm. Blackstone. In folio, Oxford, 1759. Cannon, 621. H. and P. 857. The same: Magna Charta. Great Britain Statutes, 1576. P. 858. Greville, C. C. F.: Memoirs. A journal of the reigns of George IV, and William IV. Ed. by Henry Reeve. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1875. P. 859. The same: A Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria 1837-52. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1885. P. 860. The same: Journal of the Reign of Queen Victoria 1852-60. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1887. P. 861. The same: Memoirs of the Reigns of George IV, William IV, and Queen Victoria. Ed. by Henry Reeve. London, 1905-13. U, 862. The same: Memoirs. Ed. by Henry Reeve. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1875. P. 863. Greville, Henry: Diary. Ed. by Vicountess Enfield. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1883-1904. P. 864. Gronow, Captain: Reminiscences; Anecdotes of Camp, Court and Clubs at the Close of the Last War with France. 6 vol. in 12°, London, 1862-65. P. 865. Hakluyt Society, Publications of. 175 vol. in 8°, London, 1847-1916. Langlois, 441. P. 866. Hamilton, Lady Anne: Secret History of the Court of England, from the Accession of George HI to the Death of George IV. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1832-54. P. 867. Hamilton, Anthony, Count: Memoirs of the Court of Charles II. Ed. by Sir Walter Scott. In 12°, London, 1902. U. 868. Hamilton, Sir Ion: A Staff-Officer's Scrap-book, during the Russio- Japanese War. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1907. P. 869. Hamley, Colonel E. Bruce: The Story of the Campaign of Sebastopol, Written in Camp. In 8°, London, 1855. P. 870. The same: The Story of the War in the Crimea. In 8°, London, 1891. P. 871. Harleian Miscellany. A collection of scarce, curious and enter- taining pamphlets. 12 vol. in 8°, London, 1808-11. (Index in each vol.; complete index in vol. 12.) Langlois, 441; Can- non, 657. P. 872. Hastings, Warren: Memoirs. Compiled by R. C. Gleig. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1841. P. 873. Heminburgh, Walter of: Chronicon, de Gestis Regum Angliae 1048- 1346. Ed. by H. C. Hamilton. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1848-49. (Eng. Hist. Soc.) Gross, 1788. H. and P. 874. Henry III, The Misrule of. Ed. by Rev. W. H. Hutton. London and New York, 1887. (Eng. Hist, by Contemp. Writers.) Cannon, 1173. P. GREAT BRITAIN 53 875. Henry III, Statutes of. Facsimile from the copy printed by Caxton 1498. Ed. by John Rae. London, 1869. P. 876. Henry VIII: The Reign of Henry VIII. Ed. from contemporary sources with intro. by A. F. Pollard. 2 vol. in 8°, London and New York, 1914. P. 877. Henry VIII: Chronicle of Henry VIII of England. A contem- porary record of some of the principal events of the reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI. Tr. by M. A. S. Hume. London, 1889. Cannon, 1139. U. 878. The same: duplicate work. P. 879. Hervey, Lord John: Memoirs of the Reign of George II, from His Accession to the Death of Queen Caroline. Ed. by John W. Croker. 2 vol., Phila., 1848. Cannon, 1272. P. 880. Historical Collections, Containing the Principal Matters which Hap- pened from the Dissolution of the Parliament, Mar. 10, 1628, until the Summoning of another Parliament, A pi. 3d, 1640. Ed. by John Rushworth. 5 vol. in folio, London, 1659-92. P. 881. Historical Collections] An Account of the Proceedings in the Last Four Parliaments of Queen Elizabeth. Ed. by H. Townshend. In folio, London, 1680. P. 882. Holinshed, Raphael: Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. Collected and published by R. Holinshed and continued to the year 1568 by John Hooker, alias Viwell, Gent. 6 vol. in 4°, London, 1807. Cannon, 660. P. 883. The same: History of Scotland from the Origin thereof unto the Year 1571. 1585. U. 884. Hollingworth, R.: Mancuniensis, or a History of the Town of Man- chester. In 12°, London, 1839. P. 885. House of Commons: History and Proceedings of the House of Com- mons, from the Restoration to the Present Time. 14 vol. in 12°, London, 1742-44. P. 886. de Hoveden, Roger: Annals, Comprising the History of England and of Other Countries of Europe from 732 to 1201. Tr. by Henry T. Riley. 2 vol., London, 1853. (Bohn's Antiquarian Library.) U. 887. The same: duplicate work. P. 888. Holland, Elizabeth: Journal. Ed. by the Earl of Ilchester. 2 vol., 1908. P. 889. Huntington, Henry of: The Chronicles of Henry of Huntington. The history of England from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the accession of Henry II; also the acts of Stephen. Tr. by Thomas Forester. London, 1853. (Bohn's Antiquarian Li- brary.) Gross, 1800. P. 890. The same: duplicate work. U. 54 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 891. Illustrated London News. 148 vol. in folio, London, 1842-1916. P. 892. Illustrations of British History in the Reign of Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth and James I. A series of original Mss., ed. by Edmund Lodge. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1791. P. 893. Ingulph's Chronicle of the Abby of Croyland, with the Continuation by Peter of Blois. Tr. by Henry Riley. In 12°, London, 1893. U. 894. The same: duplicate work. P. 895. Ireland; Journal of a Tour in 1804. In 8°, London, 1806. P. 896. Ireland in the Seventeenth Century. The Irish massacres of 1641-42, their causes and results, illustrated by extracts from unpub- lished state papers. Ed. by Mary Hickson. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1884. Cannon, 1671. P. 897. Jacobite Relics of Scotland. Collected and illustrated by James Hogg. 2 vol. in 8°, London and Edinburgh, 1819-21. P. 898. James I: The Court and Times of James I. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1849. Cannon, 1123. P. 899. James IV, The Days of, 1488-1513. Ed. by G. G. Smith. New York, 1899. (Scottish History by Contemporary Writers.) Cannon, 1203. P. 900. Junius-, Including Letters by the Same Writer, Under Other Signatures. Ed. by John Wade. 2 vol., London, 1887-90. Cannon, 1280. U. 901. The same: Letters. 2 vol., London, 1850. P. 902. The same: Letters of Junius, with Facsimiles of Attributed Authors. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1848. P. 903. The same: Letters. 2 vol., London, 1826. P. 904. de Johnstone, Chevalier: Memoirs of the Rebellion in 1745-46. Tr. from the French. 3d ed. London, 1822. P. 905. Keppel, G. T.: Fifty Years of My Life. In 8°, New York, 1871. P. 906. The same: Memoirs of the Marquis of Rockingham and His Con- temporaries. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1852. P. 907. Knight, Richard Baker: A Chronicle of the Kings of England, from the Time of the Roman Government to the Death of King James. 6th ed. London, 1674. P. 908. The same: Chronicle of the Kings of England. London, 1684. U. 909. Kruger, S. J. P.: Memoirs. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1902. P. 910. Lacy, T. A.: A Roman Diary and Other Documents Relating to the Papal Inquiry into English Ordination, 1896. London, 1910. P. 911. Lake, Colonel Atwell: Kars and Our Captivity in Russia. In 12°, London. 1756. P GREAT BRITAIN 55 912. Laws: Ancient Laws of England. Comprising laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon kings from Aethelbert to Cnut .... the laws called Edward the Confessor's .... also Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, from the 7th to the 10th Century. In folio, London, 1840. (Record Comm.) Gross, 538. H. and P. 913. Laws: Ancient Laws and Institutions of Wales. Comprising laws supposed to be enacted by Howell the Good. Tr. from the Welsh text. In folio, London, 1841. (Record Comm.) Gross, 1390. H. and P. 914. Law, Edward, Lord Ellenborough : A Political Diary, 1828-33. Ed. by Lord Colchester. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1881. P. 915. Laws of Howell the Good. Taken from the Harlein Ms. of the i3th century. Tr., intro. and appendix by A. W. Wade-Evans. Oxf« rd, 1909. P. 916. Layard, Sir Henry: Autobiography and Letters. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1903. P. 917. Lennox, Wm. Pitt: Recollections, 1806-73. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1863. P. 918. Letters to Queen Henrietta- Marie. Ed. by John Bruce. In 8°, London, 1856. (Camden Soc, vol. 63.) P. 919. Letters: Court and Times of James I. Ed., with notes by the author of the memoirs of Sophia-Dorothea. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1849. P. 920. Letters Illustrative of the Reign of William III, 1698-1708. Ed. by G. P. R. James. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1841. P. 921. Letters of the Kings of England. Collected and ed. by James O. Halliwell. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1848. Cannon, 656. P. 922. Letters of Mary Queen of Scots. Pub. with intro. by Agnes Strick- land. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1842-43. P. 923. Letters Illustrative of English History. . . . 2d ed. 3 vol., London, 1825; 2d ser., 4 vol., London, 1827; 3d ser., 4 vol., London, 1846. Cannon, 642. P. 924. Letters Written during the Reigns of Henry IV, Edward IV, and Richard III. Ed. by John Fenn. 5 vol. in 8°, London, 1781-1832. Gross, 2531. P. 925. Letters. . . . Ed. by John Fenn. 2 vol. in 4°, London, 1787. U. 926. Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII. Arranged and catalogued by J. S. Brewer. 9 vol. in 8°, London, 1862-76. Franklin, p. 48. P. 927. Letters of Princess Elizabeth of England. Ed. by P. C. Yorke. London, 1898. P. 56 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 928. Letters: The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell and the State of Europe during the Early Part of the Reign of Louis XIV. Illustrated in a Series of Letters retween Dr. John Pell and Sir Samuel Morland. Ed. by Robert Vaughan. 2 vol. in 12°, London, 1838. P. 929. Letters of Queen Victoria. A selection from Her Majesty's corres- pondence between 1837 and 1861. Ed. by Arthur C. Benson, and Viscount Esher. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1907. P. 930. Letters of William III and Louis XIV. Ed. by Paul Grimblot. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1849. Monod, 3997. P. 931. Lewis, John: Life of Wicliffe. Oxford, 1820. Gross, 3169. P. 932. Lockhart Papers. Memoirs and commentaries upon the affairs of Scotland 1702-15, also the secret correspondence with the son of James II . . . the journals and memoirs of the Young Pretender's expedition in 1745. . . 2 vol. in 4°, London, 1817. P. 933. Loftus, Lord Augustus: Diplomatic Reminiscences 1862-72. 2d ed. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1894. P. 934. London: History of the Worshipful Company of the Drapers of London. Ed. by Rev. A. H. Johnson. 2 vol. in 8°, Oxford, 1914-15. P. 935. Lucy, Henry W. : Diary of the Salisbury Parliament 1886-92. In 8°, London, 1892. P. 936. The same: Diary 1892-95. 2 vol. in 12°, London, 1896. P. 937. The same: Memoirs of Eight Parliaments. In 8°, New York, 1908. P. 938. MacGregors, Rev. Alexander: Feuds of the Clans . . . from the Year 1031 to the Year 1619. First pub. in 1764 from a Ms. written in the reign of King James VI. In 12°, Stirling, 1907. P. 939. Malmesbury Correspondence. Diaries and correspondence. 2d ed. 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1845. Cannon, 1289. P. 940. The same: duplicate work. U. 941. Malmesbury, William of: Chronicle of the Kings of England from the Earliest Period to the Reign of King Stephen. Notes and illustrations by J. A. Giles. (Bohn's Antiquarian Library.) London, 1847. Gross, 1815. P. 942. The same: duplicate work. U. 943. Marchmont, Earl of: Papers Illustrative of Events 1685-1750. Selected by Sir G. H. Rose. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1831. P. 944. Marlborough, Duke of: Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough with His Original Correspondence. Ed. by William Cox; rev. by John Wade. 3 vol., London, 1847-48. Canncn, 1769. P. 945. Marlborough, Sarah, Duchess of: Private Correspondence, Illus- trative of the Court and Times of Queen Anne. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1838. P. GREAT BRITAIN 57 946. Mary, Queen of Scotland: Collection of Papers never before Printed. Rev. and pub. by James Anderson. 4 vol. in 8°, Edinburgh, 1727-28. P. 947. The same: Extracts from English, Spanish and ^Venetian State Papers. Arranged and ed. by R. S. Rait. 2d ed. In 16°, New York, 1899. P. 948. Memoirs of a Vanished Generation 1813-55. Ed. by Mrs. Warren Blake; intro. by Lady St. Helier. In 8°, London, 1909. P. 949. Merchant Adventurers of England, their Laws and Ordinances with Other Documents. Ed. by W. E. Lingelbach. Vol. II, 2d ser., Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1902. Cannon, 664. P. 950. Miscellanea Scotia. A collection of tracts relating to the history, antiquities, topography, and literature of Scotland. 4 vol. in 4°, Glasgow, 1818-20. P. 951. Monasticon Anglicanum. Ed. by Sir William Dugdale. 6 vol. in 8°, London, 1846. Langlois, 364; Gross, 613. P. 952. Montrose and the Covenanters, Their Character and Conduct. Ed. by Mark Napier. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1838. Cannon, 1615. P. 953. Monumenta Historica Britannica. Material for the history of Bri- tain, from tne earliest period to the end of the reign of Henry VIII. Vol. I, prepared by Henry Petrie, in folio, London, 1848. Potthast, CXVI; Langlois, 439. P. 954. Morier, Sir Robert: Memoirs and Letters. Ed. by Mrs. Rosslyn Wemyss. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 191 1. P. 955. Murimuth, Adam: Chronicon, sive Historia Sui Temporis, sivi Chronica Sui Temporis ab a 1303-47; ab alio Continual ad a 1380. Ed. by Thomas Hog. In folio, London, 1846. (Eng. Hist. Soc.) Potthast, p. 12, vol. I. H. and P. 956. The same: duplicate work. P. 957. Navy Records Society, Publications of. Vol. 1-49 in 8°, London, 1894-1915. Langlois, 441; Gross, 547. P. 958. Nelson, Lord: Despatches and Letters. Ed. by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicholas. 7 vol. in 8°, London, 1845. P. 959. The same: Letters to Lady Hamilton. 2 vol. in 12°, London, 1814. P. 960. Neville, Lady Dorothy: Leaves from the Notebook of Lady Dorothy Neville. Ed. by Ralph Neville. In 8°, London, 1907. P. 961. The same: Reminiscences. Ed. by Ralph Neville. 6th. ed. In 8°, London, 1907. P. 962. Newberg, William cf: Historia Rerum Anglicarum (1066, with a Continuation to 1298.) Ed. by H. C. Hamilton. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1856. (Eng. Hist. Soc.) Gross, 1823. H. and P. 58 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 963. Nudigate, Sir Richard: Cavalier and Puritan in the Days of the Steuarts. Compiled from private papers, extracts from Mss., newspapers, letters addressed to him between 1675 and 1689. Ed. by Lady Nudigate-Nudigate. In 8°, London, 1901. P. 964. Newspaper Chronicles. Reprints of English newspapers of the time of Charles I, the Commonwealth and Charles II. In 12°, London, 1860. P. 965. Nova Legenda Angliae. Collected by John Tynemouth, John Capgrave and others; ed. by Carl Horstman. 2 vol. in 8°, Oxford, 1901. P. 966. Nugae Antique. A collection of original papers written during the reigns of Henry VIII, . . . James I, by Sir John Harington and others. Selected by Henry Harington; ed. by Thomas Park. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1804. Cannon, 1192. P. 967. O'Connel, Daniel: Select Speeches. Ed. by John O'Connel. 2 vol. in 12°, Dublin, 1867. U. 968. The same: duplicate work. P. 969. The same: Correspondence. Ed. by William Fitzpatrick. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1888. P. 970. Oera Linda Book. The Frisian text accompanied by an English version of Dr. Ottena's Dutch tr. Ed. by William Sandbach. London, 1876. P. 971. Orations: Representative British Orations. Ed. with intro. and explanatory notes by Charles Kendall Adams; supplementary vol. by John Alden. 4 vol. in 12°, London and New York, 1900. Cannon, 616. U. 972. Orations .... pub. 1884. 2 vol. P. 973. Orators: The World's Orators. Ed. by G. C. Lee. Vol. 3-7 in- clusive, London and New York, 1900. P. 974. Ossington, J. E. D. Viscount: Notes from My Journal when Speaker of the House of Commons. In 8°, London, 1900. P. 975. Paget Papers. Diplomatic and Other Correspondence of Sir Arthur Paget 1794-1807. (Two app., 1808, 1821-29.) Ed. by Sir A. B. Paget, with notes by Mrs. J. R. Green. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1896. Cannon, 1300. P. 976. Paget, Lord George: Extracts from His Letters and Journals during the Crimean War. In 12°, London, 1881. P. 977. Pamphlets on Irish Affairs. 3 vol. in 12°, Dublin, 1745. P. 978. Pamphlets Chiefly on English Affairs. 4 vol. in 12°, London. P. 979. Pamphlets, Political. Ed. by A. F. Pollard. London, 1897. Can- non, 675. P. 980. The Pamphleteer. Vol. 1-27, in 12°, London, 1813-26. P. GREAT BRITAIN 59 981. Papendiek, Mrs. C. L. H.: Court and Private Life in the Time of Queen Charlotte. Ed. by Mrs. V. D. Broughton. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1887. P. 982. Paris, Matthew of : English History from the Year 1235 to the Year 1273. Tr. by Dr. Giles. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1889. (Bonn's Antiquarian Library.) Gross, 1830. U. 983. The same: duplicate work. P. 984. Parliament: Collection of Acts and Ordinances of General Use in Parliament. Ed. by Henry Scobel. In folio, London, 1658. H. and P. 985. Parliamentary Debates. 5th ser. Vol. 58-77 in 8°, London, 1914- 16. U. 986. Parliamentary History of England (Proceedings of Parliament). Ed. by William Cobbet. 36 vol., London, 1806-20. P. 987. Parliament of 1640: A Defence of the Parliament of 1640, and the People of England against King Charles I . . . Unjustly Called "The Pious Martyr." In 12°, London, 1698. P. 988. Pepys, Sam'l: Diary. Notes by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. 6 vol. in 8°, London, 1889. Cannon, 1300. U. 989. The same: Diary. 4 vol. in 8°, Phila., 1855. P. 990. The same: Diary. 6 vol. in 8°, London, 1875. P. 991. Percy Society, Publications of. Early English poetry, ballads, and popular literature of the Middle Ages. 30 vol. in 12°, London, 1840-52. P. 992. Piggott, Richard: Personal Recollections of an Irish National Journalist. In 12°, Dublin, 1883. P. 993. Pitt, William: Correspondence. Ed. by W. S. Taylor and J. H. Pringle. 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1838-40. Cannon, 1303. P. 994. The same: Speeches. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1817. P. 995. Placitorum Abbreviato Temporibus Regum Ric. I, Johann, Hen. Ill, Edward I, and Edward II. In folio, London, 1811. (Record Comm. No. 2041.) Gross, 538. H. and P. 996. Plantagenet Roll of the Blood Royal. A complete table of all the descendants of Edward III now living. Ed. by the Marquis of Ruvigny and Raineval. In 8°, London, 1905. P. 997. The same: Anne of Exeter Vol., containing the descendants of Anne, Duchess of Exeter. In 4°, London, 1907. P. 998. The same: Clarence Vol., containing the descendants of George, Duke of Clarence. In 4°, London, 1905. P. 999. The same: Isabel of Essex Vol., containing the descendants of Isabel, Countess of Essex and Eu, with a supplement to the three pre- vious volumes. In 4°, London, 1908. P. 60 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 1000. The same: Mortimer- Percy Vol., containing the descendents of Lady Elizabeth Percy nee Mortimer, with supplements to the Exeter and Essex vols. In 4°, London, 1911. P. 1001. Playfair, Lyonel: Memoirs and Correspondence. Ed. by Sir T. Wemyss Reid. In 12°, New York and London, 1899. P. 1002. Preceptor, The. A general course of education . . . for the in- struction of youth. In 12 pts., 4th ed., London, 1763. P. 1003. Punch. Half a century of English history pictorially presented. London, 1884. P. 1004. Radziwill, Princess Catherine: Memories of Forty Years. In 8°» New York and London, 1915. P. 1005. Raleigh, Sir Walter: History of the World in Five Books. 1614- 17. P. 1006. The same: Life. Based on contemporary accounts. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1868. (Vol. 1, Life; Vol. 2, Letters.) Cannon, 1793. P. 1007. Record Commission, Publications of. London, 1802-69. Langlois, 436; Gross, 538. H. and P. 1008. Records of the Convention of the Royal Burghs of Scotland. 4 vol. in 8°, Edinburgh, 1866-80. P. 1009. Records of the Kandahar Campaign, by Officers Engaged Therein. Ed. by Major Ashe. In 8°, London, 1881. P. 1010. Reform Act: Correspondence of Earl Grey with King William IV, and with Sir Herbert Taylor, November 1830-June 1832. Ed. by Henry, Earl Grey. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1867. P. 1011. Registrum Magni Signilli Regum Scotorum (1306-1424). In folio, London, 1814. (Record Comm.) Gross, 538. H. and P. 1012. Registrum Vulgariter Nuncupatum, The Record of Caernavon. In folio, London, 1838. (Record Comm.) Gross, 2209. H. and P. 1013. Remonstrance: A Collection of all Remonstrances, Declarations .... between the King and the Most High Court of Parliament, Dec, 1641-March, 1643. In 12°, London, 1642. P. 1014. Remonstrance: The Debates on the Grand Remonstrance, November and December, 1641. Ed. by John Forster. London, 1860. Cannon, 936. P. 1015. Remonstrance, A Copy of a. In 8°, London, 1645. P. 1016. Report of Cases in the Court of Kings Bench, from the Fifth Year of King William and Queen Mary, to the Tenth Year of Queen Anne. Ed. by William Salkeld. Vol. 2 in 4°, London, 1718. P. 1017. Reports: A Collection of Cases in the Court of Kings Bench in the Last Years of King Charles II, the Reign of James II and the First Two Years of King William and Queen Mary. Ed. by Danby Pickering. 4th ed. Vol. Ill, London, 1757. P. GREAT BRITAIN 61 1018. Reports from the Commissioners on Public Records 1800-19. In folio, London, 1819. Gross, 489. H. and P. 1019. Reports of the Commissioners Appointed to Take, Examine and State the Public Accounts of the Kingdom. Ed. by John Lane. 3 vol. in folio, London, 1783-87. P. 1020. Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores. Chronicles and memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages. 154 vol. in 157, London, 1881. Langlois, 441; Pott- hast, CXXLII, Appendix C. P. 1021. The same. Vol.11. U. 1022. Rerum Hibernicarum Scriptores. The history of Gaul Sciot-Iber or the Irish People. Tr. by Charles O'Connor. 4 vol. in 4°, London, 1814-26. Potthast, C XVIII. P. 1023. The same. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1822. U. 1024. Rising of 1745, The. Ed. by Charles S. Terry. London, 1900. (Scottish Hist, by Contemporary Writers.) Cannon, 1211. P. 1025. Rockingham, Marquis of: Memoirs, with Original Letters and Documents. Ed. by George Thomas, Earl of Albemarle. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1852. Gross, 1305. P. 1026. Roll: The Great Roll of the Pipe, 1 Rich. I. Ed. by Joseph Hunter. In 4°, London, 1844. (Record Comm.) Gross, 1919. H. and P. 1027. Roll: Issue Roll of Thomas de Brantingham, Treasurer of England, 44 Edward III, A. D. 1370. Tr. by Frederick Devon. In 4°, London, 1835. Gross, 1932. H. and P. 1028. Rose, Hon. George: Diaries and Correspondence. Ed. by Rev. Leveson Vernon Harcourt. 2 vol., London, 1860. Cannon, 1308. P. 1029. Rotuli Chartarum, Vol. I, pars 1 ab Anno 1199 ad Anno 1216. In folio, London, 1837. (Record Comm. No. 2108.) Gross, 538. H. and P. 1030. Rotuli Curiae Regis. Ed. by Francis Palgrave. 2 vol. in 4°, London, 1835. (Record Comm. No. 2044.) Gross, 538. H. and P. 1031. Rotuli de Liberate ac de Misis et Praestitis Regnante Johanne. Ed. by T. D. Hardy. In 4°, London, 1844. (Record Comm.) Gross, 1935. H. and P. 1032. Rotuli Litter arum Clausarum. 2 vol. in folio, London, 1833-44. (Record Comm. No. 2109.) Gross, 538. H. and P. 1033. Rotuli Litterarum Patentium, Vol. I, pt. 1. In folio, London, 1835. (Record Comm. No. 2110.) Gross, 538. H. and P. 1034. Rotuli Normanniae, 1200-05; 1417-18. Ed. by T. D. Hardy. In 4°, London, 1835. (Record Comm.) Gross, 2126. H. and P. 62 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 1035. Rotuli de Oblatis, (1, 2, 3, John) et Finibus, (6, 7, 9, 15, 18, John). Ed. by T. D. Hardy. In 4°, London, 1835. (Record Comm.) Gross, 1990. H. and P. 1036. Rotuli: Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, A. D. 1216-72. Ed. by Charles Roberts. 2 vol. in 4°, London, 1835-36. (Record Comm.) Gross, 1990. H. and P. 1037. Rotulorum Origionalium in Curia Scaccarii Abbreviato. 2 vol. in folio, London, 1804-10. (Record Comm.) Gross, 1992. H. and P. 1038. Royal Historical Society, Transactions of. Vol. 1-10. New ser., vol. 1-17; 19; 20. 3d ser., vol. 1-8, London, 1872-1914. Cf. Langlois, 441; Gross, 110. P. 1039. Royal Comm. on Historical Manuscripts. Reports. London* 1870-99. Cf. Langlois, 441; Gross, 505 and Appendix B. P. 1040. Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom. Vol. 1-3, London, 1827-37. Langlois, 441. P. 1041. Rumbole, Sir Horace: Recollections of a Diplomat. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1903. P. 1042. The same: Further and Final Impressions. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1903. P. 1043. Rush, Richard: Memoranda of a Residence at the Court of London. 2d ed. 2 vol. in 12°, Phila., 1833. P. 1044. Russell, William Howard: A Diary in the East, during a Tour of the Princess and the Prince of Wales. 2 vol. in 8 °, London, 1869. P. 1045. The same: The Prince of Wales 1 Tour; A Diary in India. In 8°, New York, 1877. P. 1046. The same: The Great War with Russia, and the Invasion of the Crimea. 2d ed. In 12°, London, 1895. P. 1047. Russell, Earl: Selections from His Speeches 1817-41, and from His Despatches 1859-65. 2 vol., London, 1870. P. 1048. Russell, John, Duke of Bedford: Correspondence. Intro, by Lord John Russell. 3 vol. in 12°, London, 1842-46. P. 1049. Sadler, Sir Ralph: State Papers and Letters. Ed. by Arthur Clifford. 3 vol. in folio, Edinburgh, 1809. P. 1050. Saint Thomas of Canterbury, An Account of His Life and Fame. Written by W. H. Hutton. London and New York, 1889. (Eng. Hist, by Contemporary Writers.) Cannon, 1233. P. 1051. Sandwith, Humphry: A Narrative of the Siege of Kars. In 12°, London, 1856. P. 1052. The same: A Memoir. Compiled by Thomas H. Ward. In 8°, London, 1884. P. 1053. Scottish History by Contemporary Writers. 3 vol. in 8°, New York and London. P. GREAT BRITAIN 63 1054. Scottish Text Society, Publications of. 1st ser., 64 vol., 1884-1914; new ser., 6 vol., 1911-14. Edinburgh, 1884. Langlois, 441; Cannon, 211. P. . 1055. Scotland: Annals of Scotland from the Accession of Malcolm III to the Accession of the House of Steuart. Ed. by David Dairy- maple. 3 vol. in 12°, Edinburgh, 1797. P. 1056. The same: Scottish Annals from English Chroniclers A. D. 500- 1286. Ed. by Alan O. Anderson. In 8°, London, 1908. P. 1057. The same: Chronicles of Scotland. . . Ed. by AE. J. G. Mackay. 3 vol. in 1 2 °. (Scottish Text Soc.) P. 1058. The same: Chronicles of the Scottish Nation. Tr. by F. J. Skene; ed. by Wm. F. Skene. In 8°, Edinburgh, 1872. P. 1059. The same: Chronicles. Pub. from an old Ms. by Robert Lindsay of Pitscotti. 2 vol. in 12°, Edinburgh, 1814. P. 1060. The same: His Majesty's {Charles I) Declaration Concerning His Proceedings with His Subjects of Scotland, since the Pacification in the Camp near Berwick. In 8°, London, 1640. P. 1061. Seldon, John: Mare Clausum seu de Domino Maris. London, 1635. Gross, 716. H. and P. 1062. Sharp, Granville: Memoirs. Compiled by Prince Hoare. 2d ed. 2 vol., London, 1828. P. 1063. Sheil, Richard Lalor: Speeches. Ed. by Thomas Macnevin. In 8°, Dublin, 1867. U. 1064. Sidney, Henry (Earl of Romney): Diary of the Time of Charles II, Including His Correspondence with the Countess of Sunderland. Ed. by R. W. Blencowe. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1843. P. 1065. Sidney, Sir Philip: Correspondence with Hubert Languit. Tr. with notes by Stewart A. Pears. In 8°, London, 1845. P. 1066. The same: Works in Prose and Verse. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1725. P. 1067. Simon de Montfort and His Cause. Ed. by W. H. Hutton. New York and London, 1888. (Eng. Hist, by Contemporary Writers.) Cannon, 1173. P. 1068. Six Old English Chronicles. Ed. and tr. by J. A. Giles. London, 1900. Potthast, IX; Cannon, 1162. P. 1069. The same: duplicate work. U. 1070. Slave-trade: Abstract of Evidence Delivered before a Select Com- mittee of the House of Commons in the Years 1790-91 on the Petitioners for the Abolition of the Slave-trade. In 8°, London, 1791. H. and P. 1071. Somers Tracts. A Collection of Tracts Relating to the History and Constitution of these Kingdoms. Ed. by Sir Walter Scott. 13 vol. in 8°, London, 1809-15. Cannon, 686. P. 64 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 1072. Sophia Dorothea, Consort of George I: Memoirs. Pub. by R. F. Williams. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1846. P. 1073. The same: Correspondence with Philip Christopher, Count of Konigsmarck. Ed. by H. W. Wilkins. 2 vol. in 8°, Chicago and New York. 1900. P. 1074. Source-book of English History. Ed. by Elizabeth K. Kendall. New York and London, 1900. U. 1075. The same: duplicate work. P. 1076. Spalding Club, Publications of. Vol. 1-38 inclusive; Miscellany of the Spalding Club, vol. 3, 6, 16, 20, 24. Aberdeen and Edinburgh, 1841-90. Cf. Langlois, 441, note. P. 1077. Speeches. A complete journal of the speeches and debates both of the House of Lords and of the House of Commons, throughout the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Collected by Sir Simonds d' Ewes. In folio, London, 1708. P. 1078. Speeches of the Managers and Counsel in the Trial of Warren Hast- ings. Ed. by E. A. Bond. 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1859-61. P. 1879. Speeches of the Lords and Commons. A reprint of speeches and letters by members of both Houses of Parliament, delivered during the recess, with notes and election returns. 4 vol., London, 1867-80. P. 1080. Spencer Society, Publications of. 47 vol. in 45 in folio, Manchester, 1867-88; new ser., 1889-90. P. 1081. Spottiswoode Society, Publications of. 12 vol. in 8°, Edinburgh, 1844. P. 1082. State Papers and Correspondence Illustrative of the Social and Political State of Europe from the Revolution to the A ccession of the House of Hanover. Ed. by John M. Kemble. In 8°, London, 857. P. 1083. Slate Trials. A complete selection of state trials and proceedings for high treason . . . from the earliest period to the year 1763, with notes by T. B. Howell. 3 vol., London, 1816. P. 1084. Statistical Documents of the Middle Ages. Ed. by R. P. Falkner. Vol. Ill, No. 2, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publi- cations, Phila., 1907. U. 1085. The same: duplicate work. P. 1086. Statutes: Collection of Statutes Relating to the Admiralty, Navy, Ships-of-War and Incidental Matters to the 8th Year of King George III. In folio, London, 1 768. (State Dep't of Admiralty.) H. and P. 1087. Stafford, Thomas, Earl of: Trial of Earl of Stafford for an Im- peachment of High Treason. Pub. by John Rushworth. In folio, London, 1680. P. GREAT BRITAIN 65 1088. Strongbow's Conquest of Ireland. Ed. by Francis P. Barnard. London and New York, 1888. (Eng. Hist, by Contemp. Writers.) Cannon, 1119. P. 1089. Surtees Society, Publications of. Vol. 1-127, in 8°, Durham, 1835- 1916. Langlois, 441: Potthast, CXLV; Gross, 551. P. 1090. The same: Miscellanea. 2 vol. in 8°, Durham, 1861-1916. P. 1091. Survey of the Honour of Denbigh. In 8°, London, 1914. (British Academy.) P. 1092. Teck, Princess Mary Adelaide of: Memoir. Ed. by C. K. Cooke. 2 vol. in 8°, New York and London. 1900. P. 1093. Thurloe Papers. A collection of the state papers of John Thurloe, containing authentic memorials of the English affairs from the restoration of King Charles II. Ed. by Thomas Birch. 7 vol., London, 1742. Cannon, 1314. P. 1094. Ticknor, George: Life, Letters and Journal. 2 vol. in 8°, Boston, 1876. P. 1095. Tomkinson, William: The Diary of a Cavalry Officer in the Penin- sular and Waterloo Campaigns. Ed. by James Tomkinson. In 8°, London, 1894. P. 1096. Tracts. A collection of rare and curious tracts .... or, the affairs of Scotland in 1689. In 12°, Edinburgh, 188-. P. 1097. Tracts: Select Tracts, Relating to the Civil War in England in the Reign of Charles I. London, 1815. P. 1098. Tracts: Stuart Tracts, 1603-93. Intro, by C. H. Firth. In 8°, New York, 1903. P. 1099. The same: duplicate work. U. 1100. Tracts: Later Stuart Tracts. Intro, by G. A. Aitken. In 8°, New York. Cannon, 1176. P. 1101. The same: duplicate work. U. 1102. Tracts: Three Tracts Pub. at Amsterdam 1691-92. . . Comparing the Oppressive Government of Charles I with that of James II. Ed. by Edmund Ludlow. In folio, London, 1812. P. 1103. Tracts: Tudor Tracts. Intro, by A. F. Pollard. In 8°, New York, 1903. Cannon, 1216. P. 1104. The same: duplicate work. U. 1105. Treaties: A Collection of all the Treaties of Peace, Alliance and Commerce between Great Britain and Other Powers, from the Treaty of Munster 1648, to the Treaty of Paris, 1783. Ed. by the Hon. Charles Jenkinson. 3 vol. in 12°, London, 1785. P. 1106. Treaties: Hand-book of Treaties between Great Britain and Foreign Powers, Wholly or Partially in Force on July 1, 1907. Ed. by Gaston de Bernhardt. In 8°, London, 1908. P. 66 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 1107. Trevet, Nicholas: Annates Sex Regum Angliae, 1135-1307. Ed. by Thomas Hogg. London, 1845. (Eng. Hist. Soc.) Gross, 1849. H. and P. 1108. The same: duplicate work. P. 1109. Trials of Charles I, and Some of the Regicides. . . In 24°, London, 1802. P. 1110. Tyndall, William: Works, together with those of John Frith, and Dr. Barnes, the Three Martyrs and Principal Teachers of the Church of England. London, 1573. P. 1111. Usk, Adam of: Chronicon, 1377-1404. Ed. with a tr. by E. M. Thompson. London, 1904. (Royal Soc. of Lit.) Gross, 1853. P. 1112. Waldegrave, James, Earl of: Memoirs 1745-58. In 4°, London, 1821. P. 1113. Walpole, Horace: Letters. Ed. by Peter Cunningham. 9 vol. in 8°, London, 1891. Cannon, 1317. U. 1114. The same: Letters. Ed. by Mrs. Paget Toynbee. 16 vol. in 8°, Oxford, 1903-05. P. 1115. The same: Letters to Sir Horace Mann. Ed. by Lord Dover. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1833. P. 1116. The same: Best Letters. Intro, by A. B. McMahan. In 12°, Chicago, 1890. P. 1117. The same: Memoirs of the Reign of George II. Ed. by Lord Hol- land. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1847. P. 1118. The same: Memoirs of the Reign of George III. Ed. by Sir Denis le Marchant. 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1845. P. 1119. Walpole, Sir Spencer: The History of Twenty-five Years. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1904. P. 1120. The same: duplicate work. U. 1121. War Correspondence. Robinson, G. T. (Manchester Guardian): The Fall of Metz. In 8°, London, 1871. P. 1122. The same. (Daily News): Correspondence of the War between Ger- many and France. London, 1871. P. 1123. The same. Forbes, A. (Daily News): My Experiences in the War between France and Germany, 1870-71. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1871. P. 1124. The same. (Daily News): Correspondence, Continued from the Fall of Kars to the Signature of the Preliminaries of Peace 1877-78. London, 1878. P. 1125. The same. (Daily News): Correspondence, from the Recapture of Orleans by the Germans to the Final Peace. In 8 °, London and New York, 1871. P. GREAT BRITAIN 67 1126. The same. Russell, William (The Times): The War from the Landing at Galipolli to the Death of Lord Raglan. In 12°, London, 1856. P. 1127. The same. (The Times) : Campaigns of 1870-71. London, 1871. P. 1128. The same. (The Times): Letters from Ireland 1866. In 12°, London, 1887. P. 1129. The same. Norman, C. B. (The Times): Armenia and the Cam- paign of 1877. London, P. 1130. The same. Knight, B. F. (The Times): Letters from the Soudan. In 8°, London, 1897. P. 1131. The same. (The Times): War in the Far East. In 8°, London. P. 1132. Wars of Lancaster and York, 1450-85. Ed. by Edith Thompson. New York and London, 1892. (Eng. Hist, by Contemp. Writers.) Cannon, 1212. P. 1133. Warwick, Sir Philip: Memoirs of the Reign of Charles I. In 8°, London, 1702. P. 1134. The same: Memoirs. Edinburgh, 1813. P. 1135. Warwick, Mary Rich, Countess of: Autobiography. Ed. by T. C. Croker. In 12°, London, 1848. (Percy Soc.) P. 1136. Wellesley, F. A.: With the Russians in Peace and War. Recollec- tions of a military attache. In 8°, London, 1905. P. 1137. Wellesley, Richard, Marquis of: Memoirs and Correspondence. Ed. by Robert R. Pearce. 3 vet., London, 1814. P. 1138. Wellington, Field-Marshall, Duke of: Despatches and Correspond- ence. Ed. by Duke of Wellington. 8 vol. in 8°, London, 1867-90. P. 1139. The same: Military Memoirs. Ed. by Captain Moyle Sherer. 2 vol., London, 1830-32. P. 1140. The same: Military Memoirs. In 12°, London, 1842. P. 1141. Wendover, Roger of: Flores Historiarum, (from the Creation to 1235). Ed. by H. O. Coxe. 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1841-44. (Eng. Hist. Soc.) Gross, 1864. H. and P. 1142. Westminster, Matthew of: The Flowers of History. Tr. by C. D. Yonge. 2 vol., London, 1853. (Bonn's Antiquarian Library.) Cannon, 613. P. 1143. Whitworth, Lord: England and Napoleon in 1803; the Despatches of Lord Whitworth and Others. Ed. by Oscar Browning. Lon- don, 1887. Cannon, 1128. P. 1144. Wilkes, John: Correspondence. Ed. by John Almon. 5 vol. in 12°, London, 1805. P. 1145. The same: The Controversial Letters of John Wilkes and Rev. John Home. In 12°, London, 1771. P. 68 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 1146. Wilkinson, Rev. Allix: Reminiscences of the Court of King Ernest of Hanover. 2 vol. in 12°, London, 1886. P. 1147. Willoughby, Henry: His Avisa, with Interpretative Essay by Charles Hughes. In 8°, 1904. P. 1148. Willoughby, Lady: So Much of Her Diary as Relates to the Reign of Charles I. In 8°, New York, 1845. P. 1149. Wolf f, Sir Henry Drummond : Rambling Recollections. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1908. P. 1150. Wolsely, Field-Marshall: The Story of a Soldier's Life. 2d ed. 2 vol., New York, 1903. Cannon, 1324. P. 1151. Worcester, Florence of: Chronicle, with two Continuations, Com- prising Annals of English History from the Departure of the Romans to the Reign of Edward I. Tr. by Thomas Forester. London, 1854. (Bonn's Antiquarian Library.) Cannon, 695. U. 1152. The same: duplicate work. P. 1153. Wraxall, Sir Thomas: Posthumous Memoirs, 1772-84. In 8°, Phila., 1836. P. 1154. The same: Historical Memoirs of His Own Time. London, 1837. P. 1155. The same: Historical Memoirs. . . 4 vol. in 8°, London, 1904. P. 1156. Young, Arthur: Six Months' Tour through the North of England. 3 vol. in 8°, Dublin, 1770. U. 1157. Wycliffe, England in the Time of. Ed. by E. P. Cheyney. Vol. II, No. 5, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1897. P. 1158. The same: duplicate work. U. 1159. Wyntoun, Andrew of: Orygynal Cronykil of Scotland. Ed. by David Laing. 3 vol. in 8°, Edinburgh, 1872-79. P. CHAPTER IV HOLLAND 1160. de Enzinas, F.: Memoires. Ed. by C. A. Campan. In 12°, Brussels, 1862-63. P. 1161. Gelder, General A. B.: Memoires, 1774-1825. In 12°, Paris, 1900. P. 1162. Gemelli, Carlo: Storia delta Revoluzione Belgica dell' Anno 1830. 2d ed. In 12°, Bologna, 1867. P. 1163. Grotius, H.: Le Droit de la Guerre el de la Paix. Tr. par Jean Barbeyrac. 2 vol. in 1, in 4°, Basel, 1746. P. 1164. The same: Drei Biicher uber das Recht des Krieges und Friedens. Aus dem Lateinischen des Urtextes iibersetzt von J. H. von Kirchmann. 3 vol. in 2. in 12°, Berlin, 1869. P. 1165. The same: Jure Belli ac Pads, Libri Tres. In 8°, Amsterdam, 1712. P. 1166. The same: Jure Belli ac Pads. Hague, 1670. H. and P. 1167. The same: Jure Belli ac Pads. Abridged tr. by Wm. Whewell. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1853. P. 1168. The same: De Juri Belli ac Pads. In 4°, Washington, D. C, 1913. U. 1169. The Rights of War and Peace. Tr. with notes by A. C. Campbell. In 8°, Washington and London, 1901. P. 1170. The same: The Freedom of the Seas, or the Right which Belonged to the Dutch to take part in the East India Trade. Tr. by R. van Deman Magoffin. In 8°, New York, 1916. P. 1171. Labeau, Joseph: Memoirs. Ed. by Theodore Juste. In 8°, Brussels, 1865. P. 1172. Southey, Robert: Journal of a Tour in the Netherlands in the Autumn of 1815. In 8°, Boston and New York, 1902. P. 1 173. de Wrsgny, M.: Esquisses historiques de la Revolution de la Belgique en 1830. In 8°, Brussels, 1830. P. 1174. The same: Supplement des Esquisses. Pub. in 1831. Brussels. P. CHAPTER V IBERIAN COUNTRIES 1175. de la Barca, Calderon: Sketches of the Court of Isabella II. In 8°, New York, 1856. P. 1176. Charles V, Abdication of. Ed. by Merrick Whitcomb. Vol. Ill, No. 3, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1907. U. 1177. The same: duplicate work. P. 1178. The same: Correspondence of the Emperor Charles V and His Ambassadors at the Courts of England and France. From the original letters in the imperial family archives at Vienna . . . with the Emperor's itinerary 1519-51. In 8°, London, 1850. Dahlmann-Waitz, 3933. P. 1179. The same: The New Laws of the Indies for the Good Treatment and Preservation of the Indians, Promulgated by the Emperor, Charles V, 1542-43. (A facsimile reprint of the original Spanish ed.) Tr. with notes by Henry Stevens and F. Lucas. In 8°, London, 1893. P. 1180. Code Civil Portugais. Tr., annote, et precede d'une intro. par F. Lepelletier. In 8°, Paris, 1894. U. 1181. Code: The Visigothic Code (Forum Judicum). Tr. from the Latin and ed. by S. P. Scott. In 8°, Boston, 1910. P. 1182. Documentos: Coleccion de Documentos ineditos para la Historia de Espana. Par D. Martin. Vol. 5 and 11, bound together, in 8°, Madrid, 1844. U. 1183. Froissart, Sir John: Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the Adjoining Countries, from the Latter Part of the Reign of Edward II to the Coronation of Henry IV. . . . Tr. by Thomas Johnes. 2 vol. in 4°, London, 1874. Cannon, 1070; Gross, 1777. P. 1184. Gallenga, A. C: Iberian Reminiscences. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1883. P. 1185. Henningsen, C. F.: The Most Striking Events of a Twelve Months' Campaign, with Zumalacarregiu in the Basque Provinces. 2 vol. in 16°, London, 1836. P. 1 186. Napier, Sir Wm. F. : History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France 1807-14. 5 vol. in 8°, London and New York, 1856. P. 1187. de Salvandy, N. A.: Don Alonso ou V Espagne; Histoire Con- temporaine. 7th ed. 2 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1858. P. 1188. Seville, History of . Spanish Ms. dated December 14th, 1588. P. 1 189. War of Succession, The. The English in Spain, the story of the war of succession 1834-40, compiled from the journals and reports of General W. Wylde, Sir Collingwood Dickinson and others, by Major F. Duncan. In 8°, London, 1877. P. CHAPTER VI ITALY 1 190. Andryanc, Alexander: Memoirs of a Prisoner of State in the Fortress of Spielberg. Tr. by Fortunato Pradi. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1840. P. 1191. Beccaria, Cesare: Opera. 2 vol. in 8°, Milan, 1821-22. P. 1192. Bentivoglio, Cardinal: Delia Guerra di Fiandra, Descritta dal Cardinal Bentivoglio. 3 vol. in 8°, Milan, 1906. (Societa Tipografica de' Classici Italiani, vol. 185-87.) P. 1193. The same: Relazioni. In 8°, Milan, 1806. (Societa Tipografica de' Classici Italiani, vol. 184.) P. 1194. The same: Memoir e. In 8°, Milan, 1807. (Societa Tipografica de' Classici Italiani, vol. 188.) P. 1195. Bembo, Pietro: Bella Istoria Viniziana. 2 vol. in 4°, Vinegia, 1790. Potthast, 142. P. 1196. The same: Delia Istoria Viniziana. 2 vol. in 8°, Milan, 1809. (Societa Tipografica de' Classici Italiani.) P. 1197. Thesame: Opera. 12 vol. in 8°, Milan, 1808-10. P. 1198. Boccaccio, Giovanni: Lettere edite e inedite. Firenze, 1877. U. 1199. Boethius: King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of the Consolations of Philosophy. Also a literal tr. by S. Fox. In 8°, London, 1864. (Bohn's Antiquarian Library.) Potthast, XLIL P. 1200. Thesame: King Alfred's Version of the Consolations of Philosophy. Ed. with intro. and notes by W. J. Sedgefield. In 12°, Oxford, 1899. U. 1201. The same: duplicate work. P. 1202. The same: Philosophiae Consolationis. Recensuit R. Piper. In 16°, Leipzig, 1871. Potthast, 161. U. 1203. The same: De Consolatione Philosophiae Libri Quinqui. In 8°, London, 1823. (Delphic Classics, vol. 54.) P. 1204. Buonamici, Castruccio: Commentaries on the Late War in Italy. Tr. from the Latin, with intro. by A. Wishart. In 8°, London, 1753. P. 1205. Castiglione, Baldessare: Opera Volgari e Latina. Nouvellamente raccolte da Gio. Antonio a Gaetano Volpi. In 8°, Padova, 1733. U. 1206. The same: The Perfect Courtier, His Life and Letters. Tr. by Julia Cartwright (Addy). 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1908. U. 1207. Thesame: duplicate work. P. 72 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 1208. The same: The Book of the Courtier. Tr. by Thomas Hovy. In 8°, New York, 1907. P 1209. The same: The Book of the Courtier. Tr. by L. E. Opdycke. In 8°, New York, 1901-03. P. 1210. Cellini, Benvenuto: Memoirs. Tr. by Anne MacDonall; ed. by Ernest Rhys. New York, 1913. (Everyman's Library.) U. 1211. The same: duplicate work. P. 1212. The same: Life, Written by Himself. Ed. and tr. by J. A. Symonds. 2 vol. in 8°, New York, 1906. P. 1213. The same: Life. . . . Tr. into Eng. by J. A. Symonds. 2d ed. 2 vol. in 12°, New York, 1888. P. 1214. The same: Memoirs. Notes by G. P. Carpani. Tr. by Thomas Roscoe. 2 vol. in 12°, New York, 1851. P. 1215. The same: Memoirs. Tr. by Thomas Roscoe. In 8°, New York, 1906. P. 1216. Conti, Sigismondo: Storie de' Sui Tempi, dal 1475 al 1510. Ora la prima volta pubblicate nel testo Latino. 2 vol. in 4°, Rome, 1883. P. 1217. Crispi, Francesco: Memoirs. Tr. by Mary Prichard-Agnetti, from documents collected by T. Palamenghi-Crispi. 3 vol. in 8°, New York and London, 1912-14. P. 1218. The same: duplicate work. U. 1219. Dumas, Alexandre: Les Garibaldiens, Revolution de Sidle et de Naples. In 8°, Paris, 1868. P. 1220. Fonti per la Storia d'ltaliano. Pubblicate dall' Instituto Storico Italia no. Rome, 1887. Langlois, 453; Potthast, LXX. P. 1221. Gallenga, A.: Italy Past and Present. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1849. P. 1222. The same: Italy in 1848. In 12°, London, 1851. P. 1223. The same: Italy Revisited. 2d ed. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1876. P. 1224. Garibaldi, Joseph: Memoirs. Tr. par A. Dumas. 3d ed. 2 vol. in 16°, Paris, 1866. P. 1225. The same: Life of General Garibaldi (autobiography). Tr. by Theodore Dwight. New York, 1859. P. 1226. Gemelli, Carlo: Storia delta Siciliana Rivoluzione del 1848-49. 2 vol. in 12°, Bologna, 1867-68. P. 1227. Gesta Berengarii Imperatoris. Beitrage zur Geschichtes Italiens im Anfange des 10 Jahr . Hersg. von Ernest Dummler. In 8°, Halle, 1871. Potthast, 512. P. 1228. Giannone, Pietro* Storia Civile del Regno di Napoli. 14 vol. in 16°, Capolago, 1840-41. P. ITALY 73 1229. Gregorovius, Ferdinand: Roman Journals. Ed. by Fredrich Althaus. Tr. from the 2d ed. by Mrs. G. W. Hamilton. In 8 °, London, 1907. P. 1230. Guicciardini, F.: Storia d' Italia. Tr. by M. Goddard. 10 vol. in 16°, London, 1853-59. P. 1231. The same: Storia d' Italia. 5 vol. in 16°, Turin, 1853. P. 1232. Laveleye, Emile: Letters from Italy. Tr. by Mrs. Thorpe. In 12°, London, 1886. P. 1233. Machiavelli, N.: The Florentine Histories. Tr. by C. E. Lester. 2 vol. in 12°, N.-w York, 1 848. P. 1234. Tre same: Florentine History. Tr. by N. H. Thomson. 2 vol. in 12°, London, 1906. P. 1235. The same: History o x ' Flore >ie from the Earliest T~.mes to the Death of Lore wo the Magnificent, Together with the Prince In 12°, London. 1854. P. 1236. The same' History of Florence. . . Intro, oy H. A. Renner. In 8°, London, 1901. P. 1237. The same: History of Florence; with an Account of the Affairs of Italy. In ! 'olio, London 1680. P. 1238. The same' Historical, Political and Diplomatic Writings. Tr. by C. E. Detnold. 4 vol. in 8°, Boston, 1882. P. 1239. The same* Historical, Political and Diplomatic Writings. Boston, 1891. P. 1240. The same: Delle Istorie Fiorentine. 2 vol. in 8°, Pad vs, 1832. Potthast, 754. U. 1241. The same* II Principe e Discorsi scp*a la prima dega. Fierenze, 1848. U. 1242. The same: II Principe. Ed. by L. A. Burd; i ltro. oy Lord Acton. Iv 8°, Oxford, 1891. U. 1243. The same: Opera. 10 vol. in 8°, Milan, 1804-05. (Societa Tipografica de' Classici Italiani.) P. 1244. The same: The Prince. Intro, oy H. Morley. 4th ed. In 8°, London, 1893. (Morley's Universal Library.) P. 1245. The same: The Prince. Intro, by H. Morley. 2d ed. London, 1886. (Morley's Unive-sal Library.; Cannon, 1101. U. 1246. The same* The Prince. Tr. by W. K. Mariott. London. (Every- man's Library.) P. 1247. The same - Works. Tr. by Ellis Farnesworth. 2 vol , London, 1876. P. 1248. The same, duplicate worK. H. and P. 1249. Mann, Horace: Mann and Manners at the Court of Florence 1740-86. Founded on the letters o' Horace Mann to Horace Walpole. Ed. by Dr. Doran. 2 vol. in 8", London, 1876. P. 74 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 1250. Marie Carolina, Reine de Naples: Memoire. Publie avez introd. par R. M. Johnson. In 8°, Cambridge, 1912. (Harvard Historical Studies.) U. 1251. The same: duplicate work. P. 1252. Mazzini, G.: Life, Writings and Political Principles. Intro, by Wm. Loyd Garrison. In 12°, New York. 1872. P. 1253. The same: Life and Writings; Autobiographical and Political. 6 vol. in 12°, London, 1890-91. P. 1254. The same: Essays', Literary, Political and Religious. Ed. with intro. by Wm. Clark. In 16°, London, 1887. (Camelot Series.) P. 1255. The same: Essays. Tr. by Thomas Oke}' and Bolton King. In 8°, London, 1894. P. 1256. The same: duplicate work. U. 1257. Medici Family: Lives of the Early Medici as told in their Cor- respondence. Tr. and ed. by Janet Ross. In 8°, Boston, 1911. U. 1258. The same: duplicate work. P. 1259. Monumenta Historiae Patriae. Bdita jussu Regis Caroli Alberti. 22 vol. in folio, Augustae Taurin, 1835 1901. Potthast, CXV. P. 1260. Muratort, L. A.: Rerum Italicarum Scriptores. Raccolta degli Stoiici Italiani dal cinquecinto ad millicinquecento nnovo edizione riveduta, empliata e corrette con la direzione di Giosue Carducci e Vittorio Fiorini. Fasc. 1-143, archivo 1-16 in- clusive, Citta di Castella, 1902-13. Potthast, CXVII; Lang- lois, 457. U. 1261. The same. Fasc. 1-135 inclusive. P. 1262. Paolo, Padre (Sarpi): Opera. 5 vol. in 4°, Venetia, 1683-87. P. 1263. Petrarca, Francesco: Lettere. Ora la prima volta raccolte vol- garize e dichiarate com note da Gius. Fracassetti. 5 vol. in 8°, Fierenze, 1863-67. Potthast, 909, vol. II. P. 1264. The same: duplicate work. U. 1265. Pius II: Opera quae Extant Omnia. In folio, Basel, 1551. Pott- hast, 20. U. 1266. The same: Familiar Epistles. Nuremberg, 1496. P. 1267. Pellico, Silvio: Le Mie Prigione. In 12°, Firenze, 1858. P. 1268. The same: Mes Prisons et des Devoirs. Tr. par P. L. Lezaud, avec des notes par M. de Maroncelli, la vie de Silvio Pellico par lui-meme. In 12°, Paris, 1852. P. 1269. The same: Memoirs of Silvio Pellico da Saluzzo. Tr. by Thomas Roscoe. In 12°, New York, 1883. P. 1270. The same: Meine Gefangnisse; Denkwiirdigkeiten von Silvio Pellico. Deutsch von F. Zschech. In 16°, Leipzig. P. 1271. The same: My Prisons; Memoirs. In 12°, Boston, 1868. P. ITALY 75 1272. Relazioni degli Ambasciatori Veneto al Senato. Raccolte e edite da Eugenio Alberi. 15 vol. in 8°, Florence, 1839-63. Monod, 634. U. 1273. Relazionen: Die Venezianischen Relazionen und Ihr Verhaltnis zur Kultur der Renaissance. Hersg. von Willy Andreas. In 8°, Leipzig, 1908. U. 1274. Sarpi, Paolo: Maxims of the Government of Venice. In 16°, London, 1707. P. 1275. Sigismundo dei Conti da Foligno: Le Storie de' Sui Tempi, dal 1475 al 1510. 2 vol. in 8°, Rome, 1883. Potthast, 1010, vol. II. P. 1276. Source-book of the Renaissance, Literary. Ed. by Merrick Whit- comb. In 12°, Phila., 1903. U. 1277. The same: Source-book .... 2 vol. in 1, in 12°, Phila., 1899- 1900. P. 1278. Tittoni, Tommaso: Italy's Foreign and Colonial Policy. A selec- tion from the speeches delivered in the Italian Parliament, by the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs. Eng. tr. by Baron Bernardo. In 8°, London, 1914. U. 1279. Venice, Resources of in 1421. Ed. by R. P. Falkner. Vol. Ill, No. 2, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila.. 1907. U. 1280. The same: duplicate work. P. CHAPTER VII RUSSIA 1281. Catherine II, Empress of Russia: Memoirs, Written by Herself. In 8°, New York, 1859. P. 1282. Czartoryski, Prince Adam: Memoirs and Correspondence with Alexander I. Ed. by Adam Gielgud. 2d ed. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1888. P. 1283. Dmitriyevich, Prince Serge: Memoirs of a Russian Governor. Tr. and ed. by Herman Rosenthal. In 8°, London and New York, 1908. P. 1284. Documents: Russia Self- Condemned. Secret documents connected with Russian history and diplomacy. Tr. and ed. by John Morell. In 8°, London, 1854. P. 1285. Gallenga, A. C. N.: Summer Tour in Russia. In 8°, London, 1882, P. 1286. Herbert, Wm. V. : Defence of Plevna 1877. In 8°, London, 1895. P. 1287. Hordynski, Joseph: History of the Late Polish Revolution and the Events of the Campaign. In 8°, Boston, 1832. P. 1288. Klado, Nicholas: The Battle of the Sea of Japan. Tr. from the Russian by J. H. Dickinson and F. P. Marchant. In 8°, London, 1906. P. 1289. Krasinska, Francis: Journal. Tr. from the Polish by K. Dzia- konska. Chicago, 1895. P. 1290. Kropotkin, P.: Memoirs of a Revolutionist. In 8°, New York, 1899. P. 1291. Manstein, General: Memoirs of Russia, Historical, Political, and Military, 1727-54. Tr. from the original Ms. In 8°, London, 1770. U. 1292. Novgorod Chronicle 1016-1471. Tr. from the Russian by Robert Michell and Nevill Forbes. In 8°, London, 1914. P. 1293. Present State of Russia . . . from the Year 1714 to the Year 1720. Being the Journal of a Foreign Minister, who Resided in Russia at the Time. Tr. from the High Dutch. 2 vol. in 12°, London, 1722-23. U. 1294. Turgenieff, M.: La Russie et Les Russes; Memoires d'un Proscrit. 3 vol. in 8°, Brussels, 1847. P. 1295. War Correspondence. (Daily News): War Correspondence 1877, Forming a Continuous Narrative of the Russio- Turkish War. In 8°, London, 1878. P. RUSSIA 11 1296. The same. Forbes, A.: Czar and Sultan. Adventures of a British lad in the Russio- Turkish War of 1877-78. In 8°, London, 1894. P. 1297. The same. MacGahn, J. A.: Turkish Atrocities in Bulgaria. In 12°, London, 1873. P. 1298. The same. Southerland, Edward (special correspondent of The Times): The Private History o} a Polish Insurrection. From official and unofficial sources. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1865. P. CHAPTER VIII SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES 1299. Beowulf. Tr. by J. M. Garnett. 4th ed. In 12°, Boston and New York, 1906. U. 1300. Beowulf. 3d ed. In 12°, Boston, 1895. U. 1301. Beowulf. In 12°, New York, 1900. P. 1302. Beowulf. Tr. from the Heyne-Socin text by J. L. Hall. In 8°, Boston, 1901. P. 1303. Beowulf. Tr. from the Old English by C. G. Child. Boston, 1904. P. 1304. Beowulf. Tr. by J. M. Garnett. In 8°, Boston, 1885. P. 1305. Beowulf. Tr. with notes by R. B. Anderson. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1906. P. 1306. Burnt Njal, The Story of; Life in Iceland at the End of the 10th Century. Tr. from the Icelandic of Njals Saga, by G. W Dasent. 2 vol. in 8°, Edinburgh, 1861. Gross, 1388. P. 1307. Corpus Poeticum Boreale; The Poetry of the Old Northern Tongue from the Earliest Times to the 13th Century. Ed., classified and tr. with intro., excursus and notes by Gudbrand Vigfusson and F. York-Powell. 2 vol. in 8°, Oxford, 1883. Langlois, 442; Cannon, 332; Gross, 1477. P. 1308. Heimskringla, or the Sagas of the Norse Kings. Tr. from the Icelandic of Snorri Sturluson by Samuel Laing. 3 vol. in 8°, London, 1844. Cf. Cannon, 599; Gross, 1384. P. 1309. Law of the West-Goths, According to the Ms. of Aeskil, Law-man of Vaster gotland, Sweden, 1200 A. D. Tr. into English by A. Bergin. Rock Island, 1906. P. 1310. Northern Antiquities: A Description of the Manners, Customs, . . .of the Ancient Danes, with a tr. of the Edda and Other Pieces from the Ancient Icelandic Tongue. Tr. from Mallet's "His- toire de Dannemarc." 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1770. P. 1311. The same. Tr. from M. Mallet by Bishop Percy; new ed. with notes by I. A. Blackwell, to which is added an abstract of the Eyrbyggja saga by Sir Walter Scott. In 12°, London, 1847. (Bonn's Antiquarian Library.) P. 1312. Origines Iclandicae. A collection of the more important sagas . . . relating to the settlement and early history of Iceland. Ed. by Gudbrand Vigfusson and F. York- Powell. 2 vol. in 8°, Oxford, 1905. P. 1313. The Saga Library. Tr. by Wm. Morris and Eirkir Magmusson. 6 vol. in 8°, London, 1891-1905. Gross, 1384. P. 1314. Saxe-Grammaticus. The Nine Books of the Danish History of Saxe-Grammaticus. Tr. by Oliver Elton. 2 vol. in 8 °, London, and New York, 1905. P CHAPTER IX TRAVEL 1316. Abrege de I' Histoire des Voyages. Ed. by M. la Harpe. 22 vol. in 12°. P. 1317. Collection de los Viajes y Descubrimientos, que Rider on por Mar los Espanoles; des-de finis del siglo XV con varios documentos inedites concernientes a 1? historia de la Marina Castellana y de lcs establiecimientos Espanoles en Indias. Coordinada e ilustrada por Don M. F. de Navarrete. 2d ed. 5 vcl., Madrid, 1837-58. P. 1318. Collection of Voyages and Travels. Ed. by J. and A. Churchill. 6 vol. in folio, London, 1744-46. P. 1319. General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels. Ed. by Robert Kerr. 18 vol., Edinburgh, 1811-24. P. 1320. Cosmographei. Pub. by Sebastian Munster. 6 bks. in 1, in folio, Basel, 1598. P. 1321. Gregorovius, Ferdinand: Corsica; the Record of a Tour in the Summer of 1852. Tr. by Russell Martineau. In 8°, London, 1855. P. 1322. Hakluyt, Richard: The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traf- fiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, made by Sea or over Land to the Remote and Furthest Distant Quarters of the Earth .... within these 1600 Years. Reprint of the 2d ed., 1598-1600. Extra ser., vol. 1-12 in 8°, Glasgow, 1903-05. Cf. Langlois, 441. P. 1323. The same: The Texts and Versions of John de Piano- Car pini and Wm. Rubruquis. Printed for the first time by Hakluyt in 1598. Ed. by C. R. Beazley. In 8°, London, 1903. P. 1324. The same: Three Narratives Illustrative of Mandeville; the Voyage of John de Piano- Car pini; Journal of Friar Wm. de Rubruquis; Journal of Friar Odoric. Ed. by Alfred Pollard in Sir John Mandeville's Travels. In 8°, London and New York, 1900. (Taken from the 1598-1600 ed. of Hakluyt's Voyages.) P. 1325. The same: Voyages. Ed. by Edmund Goldsmid. Edinburgh, 1885-90. U. 1326. Histoire Generate des Voyages. Nouvelle collection de toutes les relations des voyages par mer et par terre. Ed. par Antoine Francois, Prevost d'Exiles. 25 vol. in 12°, Paris, 1747-80. U. 1327. Marco Polo: Travels. Ed. by M. Marsden; rev. by T. Wright. In 12°, London, 1854. U. 80 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 1328. Relation des Voyages Entrepris par Ordre de sa Majeste Britain- nique. Tr. de l'anglais de John Hawkesworth. 8 vol., Paris, 1798. P. 1329. Voyages Round the World in the Years 1740-44 Inclusive. Com- piled from papers and other material and pub. under the direc- tion of George Anson, commander-in-chief of His Majesty's ships, by Richard Walters. In 4°, London, 1748. P. 1330. Voyages of the Slavers St. ^ohn and Arms of Amsterdim 1659-63, Together with Additional Papers Illustrative of the Slave- Trade under the Dutch. Tr. with intro. by E. B. O'Callaghan. In 8°, Albany, 1867. P. 1331. Voyages Undertaken by Order of his Present Majesty for Making Discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere. Compiled from jour- nals kept by the several commanders. Ed. by John Hawkes- worth. 3 vol., Dublin, 1773. P. 1332. Voyages, Discoveries and Travels. New ed. collected by John Knox. 7 vol. in 12°, London, 1767. P. CHAPTER X CHURCH HISTORY 1333. Acta Pontificum Romanorum inedita. . . . (Urkunden des Papste vom Jahre 748 bis zum Jahre 1198. (Hersg. von J. von Pflugk- Harttung. 3 vol. in 8°. Vol. I, Tubingen, 1881; vol. II and III, Stuttgart, 1884-88. Dahlman-Waitz, 657. P. 1334. Acta du Synodi Nationalis D. D. Ordinum Foederati Belgii Pro- vinciarum. In folio, Dordrecht, 1620. L. 1335. Actes du Synode National tenu a Dordrecht V An 1618-19. Mis en francais par R. Jean de Neree. In folio, Leyden, 1620. P. 1336. Alciati, Andrea: Tractatus Contra Vitam Monasticam. Notis, Antonius Matthaeus. In 4°, The Hague, 1740. P. 133 7. Anti- Nicine Christian Library. Ed. by Rev. Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson. 24 vol. in 8 \ Edinburgh, 1868. P. 1338. The same: duplicate work. L. 1339. The same: duplicate work. U. 1340. The same: American reprint of '.he Edinburgh ed., revised with notes by A. C. Coxe. Vol. 1-8 in 8°, Buffalo, 1885-87. P. 1341. Aquinas, Thomas: Summa Theologia. 4 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1864. P. 1342. d'Assisi, Francesco: Legende Fioretti. . Commento per cura de' Arnaldo della Torre. In 12°, Turin, 1909. P. 1343. The same: Legend, Fioretti. Met eene voorrede van Mgr. Man- ning. In 12°, S'Gravenhage, 1866. P. 1344. The same: The Little Flowers of St. Francis. Tr. by T. W. Arnold; ed. by Israel Gollanez. In 12°, London, 1899. (Temple Classics.) P. 1345. The same: The Little Flowers. In 12 °, London, 1912. (Every- man's Library.) U. 1346. The same: The Mirror oj Perfection. Tr. by Countess d^lla Warr, with intro. by Father Cuthbert. In 12 3 , London, 1902. P. 1347. The same: Writings. Tr. by Father Paschal Robinson. In 12°, Lonuon, 1906. P. 1343. Augustine, St. Arelius: Les Confessions. Ed. par Aemar Hen- nequin. In 16°, Paris, 1582. P. 1349. The same: Confessions. Tr. by Win. Watts. 2 vol. in 8°, London and New York, 1912. U. 1350. The same: Confessions. Intro, by W. G. T. Shedd. In 12°, Andover, 1864. P. 1351. The same: The Confessions. Tr. into Eng. London, 1679. P. 1352. The same: Works. Tr. by Rev. Marcus Dodds. 15 vol. in 8°, Edinburgh, 1871-76. P. 82 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 1353. The same: duplicate work. L. 1354. Bedae, Venerabilis: Historia Ecclesiastico Gentis Anglorum Libri V. In folio, Coloniie Agrippinae. Potthast, 139. P 1355. The same: Historia Ecclesiastica. Ed. Alfred Holder. Tu- bingen, 188?. Potthast, 138; Gross, 1355. IT. 1356. The same: Ecclesiastical Histoty of England. Ed. by J. A. Giles. 2d ed. In 12°, London, 1849. (Bonn's Antiquarian Library.) Cannon, 653; Potthast, XLI. P. 1357. The same: Historia Ecclesiastica. In 8°, London, 1838. P. 1358. The same: Ristoriae Ecclesiasticae Gentis Anglorum. Commen tario tarn critico quam historico, instruxit Car' lus Plummer. 2 vol. in 12°, Oxford, 1896. Gross, 1355. P. 1359. The same: Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Ed. in 2 pts. by Thomas Miller. London, 1892. Gross, 1355. U. 1360. The same: Ecclesiastical History of the English People. Ed. by Thomas Miller. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1897-98. P. 1361. The same: Opera Omnia. 6 vol. in 5, in folio, Cologne, 1612. Potthast, 139. L. 1362. The same: Historica Minora. 2 vol. in 8°, London, 1841. P. 1363. Benedictus, Sanctus Petrus: Regula. A. E. Schmidt. In 32°, Ratisbon, 1911. U. 1364. Bibliotheca Magna Vett. Patrum et Antiquorum Scriptorum Ec- clesiae Primo quidem a Margarino de la Bigne com- posita postea studio Colon. Theologorum aucta. ... 17 vol. in folio, Paris, 1654. Potthast, XXXIX. P. 1365. The same: duplicate work. L. 1366. Bibliotheca Wiffeniana; Spanish Reformers of Two Centuries. Ed. by E. Bohmer. 3 vol., Strassburg, 1874-1904. P. 1367. Book of Popes (Liber Pontificalis). Tr. with intro. by Louise R. Loomis. In 8°, New York, 1916. (Columbia U. Series.) P. 1368. Burchard, John, Capelle Pontificie Sacrorum Rituum Magistri: Diarum. Texte latin, publie integralement pour la prem. fois d'apres les Mss. de Paris, de Rome et de Florence, avec introd. par L. Thusane. Vol. 1-3 in 8°, Paris, 1883-85. Potthast, 177, Vol. I. P. 1369. Calvin, John: Institutes of the Christian Religion. Tr. by John Allen. 6th ed. 2 vol. in 8°, Phila., 18—. U. 1370. The same: duplicate work. P. 1371. The same: duplicate work. L. 1373. The same: Institutes of the Christian Religion. Tr. by Henry Beveridge. 3 vol. in 8°, Edinburgh, 1845-46. L. 1374. The same: Institutio Christianae Religionis. In folio, Geneva, 1568. P. CHURCH HISTORY 83 1375. The same: Institutio Christianae Religionis. A. Tholuck. 2 vol. in 8°, Berlin, 1835. L. 1376. The same: Letters. Ed. by Jules Bonnet; tr. by D. Constable. 2 vol. in 8°, Edinburgh, 1855-57. P. 1377. The same: Letters. Compiled by Jules Bonnet; tr. by M. R. Gilchrist. 4 vol. in 4°, Phila., 1857. P. 1378. The same: Opera Omnia. 9 vol. in folio, Amsterdam, 1671. L. 1379. The same: Tracts. 3 vol. in 8°, Edinburgh, 1844-51. P. 1380. Canonici Justi Henningii Boehmeri . . Jus Ecclesiasticum Pro- testantium Vsum Hodiernum Juris Canonici, Juxta Seriem Decretalium Ostendens et Ipsius Rerum Argumentes Illustrans. 6 vol. in 4°, Magdeburg, 1756-89. P. 1381. Canons and Creeds of the First Four Councils. Ed. by E. K. Mitche.l. Vol. IV, No. 2, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1898. U. 1382. The same: duplicate work. P. 1383. Catina Graecorum Patrum in Beatum Job, Collectore Niceta. London, 1637. P. 1384. Christian Persecutions, Early. Ed. by Dana C. Munro and Edith Bramhall. Vol. IV, No. 1, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1898. U. 1385. The same: duplicate work. P. 1386. Chrysostome, Saint Jean: Ouevres completes. Ed. par M. l'Abbe J. Bareille. 20 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1864-73. P. 1387. Codex Canonum Ecclesiae Universae. Ed. by Rev. Wm, Lambert. In 8°, London, 1868. P. 1388. Columban Saint, Life of. Ed. by Dana C. Munro. Vol. II, No. 7, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1897. P. 1389. The same: duplicate work. U. 1390. Constitutiones Societatis Jesu, 1558. In 8°, London, 1838. P. 1391. Conradi a Liechtenaw: Chronicon. In folio, Strasburg, 1609. P. 1392. The same: duplicate work. Cf. Potthast, p. 400. U. 1393. Corpus Reformatorum. Vol. 1-76, Ph. Melanthonis. opera ed. C. G. Bretschneider, H. E. Bindseil. 28 vol., Hal. Brunsv., 1834-60. (Vol. 20, the life of Luther with the life of Melanchton : ed. by J. C. W. Augustus, Bresl., 1819, the latter with notes by G. T. Strobelius. Hal. 1777 in 8° supplement.) Epistolae judicia . . . ed. by H. E. Bindseil. Halle, 1874. J. Calvini, Opera: ed. G. Baum, E. Cunitz and E. Reuss. Vol. 1-49, in 4°, Brunsv., 1863. Dablmann-Waitz, 3647. P. 84 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 1394. Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiaslicorum Latinorum. Bditum consilio et impensis Academiae Litterarum Caesereae Vindobonensis. Vol. 1-18 in 8°, Vienna and Prague, 1866-89. Potthast, LVIII. L. 1395. Crusades, Chronicles of. Written by Richard of Devizes and Geoffrey de Vinsauf In 12°, London, 1870. (Bohn's Anti- quarian Library.) P. 1396. Crusade, The Fourth. Ed. by Dana C. Munro. Vol. Ill, No. 1, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1907. P. 1397. The same: duplicate work. U. 1398. Documentary Annals of the Reformed Church of England. Notes by E. Cardwell. 2 vol. in 8°, Oxford, 1850. P. 1399. Documents: Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents, Relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Ed. by Arthur Haddan. 3 vol., Oxford, 1869-71. Cannon, 654 A. P. 1400. Documents Illustrative of the Continental Reformation. Ed. by Rev. B. S. Kidd. In 8°, Oxford, 1911. P. 1401. Documents Illustrative of English Church History. Compiled by Henry Gee and Wm. J. Hardy. London, 1896. Cannon, 652. P. 1402. Documenta ad Illustrandum Concilium Vaticanum Anni 1870. Hersg. von Dr. J. Friedrich. In 8°, Nordlingen, 1871. P. 1403. Early Christianity, A Literary History of. 2 vol., London, 1893. P. 1404. Epistolae Praepositorum Generalium ad Patres et Fralres Societatis Jesu, Abbas Monasterii Saint Viti. Ed. Bernardus de Angelis. In 8°, Antwerp, 1635. P. 1405. The same: duplicate work. L. 1406. Eusebius: Church History. Tr. by Rev. A. McGiffert. New York, 1 890. (Vol. I of Schaff and Wace, select lib.) U. 1407. The same: duplicate work. P. 1408. The same: Ecclesiastical History. Tr. by Rev. C. F. Cruse. In 8°, London, 1851. P. 1409. The same: Ecclesiastical History. Ed. by J. A. March. In 12°, New York, 1871. P. 1410. The same: Ecclesiastical History. Tr. into Eng. In 4°, London, 1607. P. 1411. The same: Historia Ecclesiastica LibriX. Ed by A. Schwegler. In 8°, Tubingen, 1852. Potthast, vol. I, p. 435. P. 1412. The same: Life of Emperor Constantine. In 8°, London, 1865. U. 1413. The same: Opera. Ed. by G. Dindorfius. 4 vol. in 16°, Leip- zig, 1867-71. U. CHURCH HISTORY 85 1414. Evagrius Scholasticus: Ecclesiastical History with the Scholia. Ed. with notes and intro. by J. Bidez and L. Parmentier. In 8°, London, 1854. P. 1415. Fox, John: English Martyr ology. 2 vol. in 12°, Phila. P. 1416. Gesta Pontificum Tungrensium, Traiectensium et Leodiensium, . . . Accesit Johann Chapeauville. 3 vol. in 8°, 1612-16. Cf. Potthast, vol. I, p. 521. P. 1417. The same: duplicate work. L. 1418. Gregorii Turonensis: Histoire ecclesiastique des Francs. Gaudet et Taranne (avec trad.) Paris, 1836-37. Monod, 1772. P. 1419. Hadrianus VI, sive Analecta Historica de Hadriano Sexto Tra- jectino Papa Romano. Collegit, edidit et notas adjecit Cas- parus Burmanus. In 4°, 1727. P. 1420. Hardt, H. von dem: Magnum Oecumenicum Constantiense Con- editum Caesaris Baroyii Sorani. Antwerp, 1613. Potthast, 775. P. 1421. Hilarii, Sancti Pictaviensis Episcopi: Opera, Libri duo. Paris, 1693. Potthast, 1372. L. 1422. Huss, John: Actiones et Monumenta Martyrum eorum quia Wicleffo et Huss ad nostram hanc A etatem in Germania veritatem evangelicam sanguine sue constanter obsignaverunt ad Jeannes Crispinus. In folio, Geneva, 1560. L. 1423. The same: De Ecclesia. Tr. with notes by D. S. Schaff. In 8°, New York, 1915. P. 1424. The same: Letters with Martin Luther's Preface. Tr. by Camp- bell Mackenzie; ed. by Emile de Bonnechose. In 8°, Edin- burgh, 1846. P. 1425. Index der Verbotenen Biicher. Hersg. von Dr. F. H. Reusch. In 8°, Bonn, 1833. L. 1426. Index Librorum Prohibitorum. . . Pii IX, Pont. Max. jussu editus. In 8°, Rome, 1877. P. 1427. Index Prohibitorum. . . . Rome, 1841. L. 1428. Index Librorum Prohibitorum. . . In 4°, Rome, 1901. P. 1429. Iuliani Imperatori: Opera. Et St. Cyrilli Alexandrinae: Contra " Impium I ulianum, Libri Decern. Leipzig, 1694-96. L. 1430. The same: duplicate work. P. 1431. Jesuits: Recueil des Articles qui sont proposet par Theophile Eugene au Roy Tres Chrestien pour la Reformation des Jesuites en France. In 16°, 1615. P. 1432. The same: Secret Instructions of the Jesuits. In 8°, Princeton, 1831. P. 1433. Justini, Sancti: Opera. In folio, Cologne, 1636. L. 1434. The same: Opera, tome III, pars 2. In 8°, Jena, 1881. P. 86 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 1435. The same: Opera. In folio, Paris, 1742. P. 1436. The Koran. Tr. by G. Sale. 5th ed. In 8°, Phila., 1855. P. 1437. The Koran. Tr. by G. Sale. In 8°, London, 1844-57. P. 1438. The Koran. Tr. by F. M. Cooper. In 12°, New York. P. 1439. L'Enfant Jacques: Histoire du Concile de Pise. In 4°, Utrecht, 1731. Potthast, 336. P. 1440. Leger, Jean: Histoire Generate des Eglises Evangeliques des Vallees du Piemont. In folio, Leyde, 1669. Monod, 4049. P. 1441. Letters of the Crusaders. Ed. by Dana C. Munro. Vol. I, No. 1, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1897. U. 1442. The same: duplicate work. P. 1443. Letters from Rome on the Council of 1870, by Quirinus. (Reprint from the Allgemeine Zeitung.) In 8°, London, 1870. P. 1444. Lettres inter essantes du Papa Clement XIV. Tr. de l'ltalien et du Latin. 4th ed. 2 vol., Paris, 1776. P. 1445. Luther, M.: Auswahl aus Luther's deutschen Schriften. Ed. by W. H. Carruth. In 12°, 1899. U. 1446. The same: Brief e an Albrecht, Herzog von Preuszen. Hersg. von K. Faber. In 12°, Konigsberg, 1811. P. 1447. The same: Brief e-Sendschreiben und Gedenken. Hersg. von W. L. De Wette. 5 vol. in 4°, Berlin, 1825-28. L. 1448. The same: Correspondence. Tr. and ed. by Preserved Smith. In 8°, Phila., 1913. U. 1449. The same: Liber Vagatorum. Tr. by J. C. Hotten. In 12°, London, 1860. P. 1450. The same: Life and Letters. Ed. by Preserved Smith. In 8°, Boston, 1911. U. 1451. The same: Letters to Women. Collected by Dr. K. Zimmerman; tr. by Mrs. Malcolm. In 12°, London, 1865. P. 1452. The same: Omnia Opera. 4 vol. in folio, Jenae, 1612. L. 1453. The same: Sammtliche Werke. 67 vol. in 12°, Erlangen, 1826- 57. P. 1454. The same: Sammtliche Theils von ihm selbst Deutsch verfertigte. Theils aus dessen Lateinischen ins Deutsche iibersetzt. 10 vol. in folio, Leipzig, 1729. L. 1455. The same: Werke. Sammtliche Schriften sowohl in Deutscher als Lateinischer Sprache vollstandiger und bequemerer Ordnung auch mit Historischen Vorreden und Einleitungen. Hersg. von J. G. Walch. 24 vol. in 4°, Halle, 1740-53. Dahlmann- Waitz, 3640. P. CHURCH HISTORY 87 1456. The same: Table-talk. Ed. by A. Chalmers. In 12°, London, 1902. (Bohn's Standard Library.) P. 1457. The same: Kritische Gesammt-Ausgabe. Bearb. von J. K. F. Knaaka. 51 vol. in 8°, Weimar, 1883-1915. L. 1458. Macarius: Travels. Tr. by F. C. Belfour. 2 vol. in folio, London* 1829-34. P. 1459. Magnus, Albertus: Omnia Opera. Revisa Augusti Borgnet. 38 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1890. L. 1460. Martyrs, Book of. L. van der Roer. In folio, Amsterdam. P. 1461. Martyr ologium Romanum ad novam Kalendarii rationem restitutum et Historiae ecclesiasticae veritatem Gregorii XIII, P. M. iussu editum Caesaris Baronii Sorani. Antwerp, 1613. Potthast, 775. P. 1462. Monastic Tales of the 13th Century. Ed. by Dana C. Munro. Vol. II, No. 4, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publica- tions, Phila., 1897. U. 1463. The same: duplicate work. P. 1464. Nicene and Post- Nicene Fathers, Library of. Tr. and ed. by Philip Schaff and Henry Wace. 2d ser., 14 vol. in 4°, New York, 1890-1900. P. 1465. The same: duplicate work. L. 1466. The same. 1 vol. in 8°. U. 1467. Nicephcrus Callistus Xanthopulus: Historiae Ecclesiasticae Libri ?LVIII, a Christo nato ad a 610. 2 vol. in folio, Paris, 1630. Potthast, 846. L. 1468. Orateurs: Collection integrate et universelle des Orateurs sacres. . . . Ed. par Jacques Migne. Vol. 14-16; 42-43. In 8°, Paris, 1845-62. P. 1469. Optatus Afer., Milevitanus Episcopus: De Schismate Donatistarum adversus Parmenianum, libri 7. Recens. et comment, criticio instruxit Carolus Ziwsa. Vol. II, in folio, Paris, 1893. Pott- hast, 878, vol. II. L. 1470. Ordeals, Compurgation, Excommunication and Interdict. Ed. by E. C. Howland. Vol. IV, No. 4, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1898. U. 1471. The same: duplicate work. P. 1472. Ordres Religieux: Courte et solide Histoire de la Foundation des Ordres religieux, avzc les Figures et leur Habits, par Adrien Schoonebeek. In 16°, Amsterdam, 1688. P. 1473. Pallavicini, P.: Histoire du Concile de Trente. Publiee par M. l'Abbe Migne. 3 vol. in 4°, Montrouge, 1844-45. P. 1474. The same: Istoria de V Concilio di Trenlo ora illustrata con annotazioni da Francisco Antonio Zazzaria. 4 vol. in folio, Rome, 1833. P. 88 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 1475. Patrologiae Cursus Computus. Accur. J. P. Migne. Patrologiae Latinae, T. 1-221, in 8°, Paris, 1844-64; Patrologiae Graecae, T. 1-161, in 8°, Paris, 1857-86; Patrologiae Graecae- Latinae tantum editae, T. 1-81, in 85, in 8°. Potthast, XCIII; Dahl- mann-Waitz, 320. P. 1476. Patrologiae Latinae. . . . 19 vol. in 8°. L. 1477. Patrologiae Orientalis. Accur. R. Graf fin, F. Nau. 9 vol. in 8°, Paris, 1907-14. P. 1478. Pre- Reformation Period. Ed. by J. H. Robinson. Vol. Ill, No. 6, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1907. U. 1479. The same: duplicate work. P. 1480. Plinius, C. S. G. : Epistularium, Libri IX . Ed. byH. Keil. In 16°, Leipzig, 1865-96. U. 1481. The same: duplicate work. P. 1482. Real, Abbe: Conspiracy of the Spaniards against Venice. In 12°, Boston, 1828. P. 1483. Recueil des Historiens des Croisades. Publie par les soins de l'Aeademie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Historiens occi- dentaux, 5 vol. in folio; Historiens orientaux, 3 vol. in folio, Paris. Potthast, CXXVI. L. 1484. Regesta Pontificum Romanorum ab condita Ecclesia ad a post Christum nat. 1198. Ed. Phil. Jaffe. In 4°, Berlin, 1851. Potthast, VI. P. 1485. Regesta Pontificum Romanorum inde ab a Christo n. 1198, ad a 1304. Hersg. von Aug. Potthast. 2 vol. in 4°, Berlin, 1874-75. Pott- hast, VI. P. 1486. Sarpi, Paolo: Auszfuhrliche Historie und Beschreibung des Con- ciliizu Trient. In 8°, Frankfort, 1621. P. 1487. The same: Council of Trent. Tr. by N. Brent. In folio, London, 1620. P. 1488. The same: Historia del Concilio Tridentino nella quale si scoprono tutti gV Artifici della Corte di Roma, per impedire che ne la veritd di Dogmi si patefasse ne la Riforma del Papato e della Chiesa si Trattassa. In folio, London, 1619-40. Dahlmarm-Waitz, 4138. P. 1489. The same: Letters of Father Paul, Counsellor of the State of Venice, Written to M. del Isle Greflot, a Protestant of France. In 12°, London, 1693. P. 1490. Seckendorf, L.: Commentarius Historicus et Apologeticus de Luther- anismo, sive de Reformatione Religionis ductu D. Martini Lutheri . . . stabilita, in quo ex L. Mainburgii Jesuitae Historia Luther- anismi. . . Libri 3, ab a 1517 ad a 1546, in folio, Leipzig, 1692. Dahlmann-Waitz, 3740. L. 1491. The same: duplicate work. P. CHURCH HISTORY 89 1492. Socratis Scholastici, et Hermiae Sozomeni: Historia Ecclesiastica. In folio, Paris, 1677. Potthast, 409. L. 1493. Theodoreti, Beati Episc. Cyrenensis: Operum, Libri quinque. In folio, Paris, 1544. Potthast, 435. L. 1494. Vitalis, Ordericus tr. by Thomas Forester as, The Ecclesiastica History of England and Normandy. 4 vol., London, 1853-56 (Bohn's Antiquarian Library.) Cannon, 612. P. 1495. The same: duplicate work. U. 1496. Taxes of The Kingdom of Jerusalem. Ed. by R. P. Falkner. Vol. Ill, No. 2, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1907. P. 1497. The same: duplicate work. U. 1498. Trent: Acta Concilii Tridentini Paulo III, Iulio III, et Pio IV, P. M. 4th ed. Leipzig, 1839. P. 1499. The same: Canones und Beschlusse. Hersg. von W. Smets. In 8°, Bielefeld, 1858. P. 1500. The same: Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent. Ed. by T. A. Buckley. In 8°, London, 1851. P. 1501. Ulfilas: Veteris et Novi Testamenti Versionis Gothecae. . . Critica instructa H. C. de Gabelenz et Dr. J. Loebe. 3 vol. in 4°, Leipzig, 1843-46. U. 1502. Urban and The Crusades. Ed. by Dana C. Munro. Vol. I, No. 2, Translations and Reprints, U. of Pa. Publications, Phila., 1897. P. 1503. The same: duplicate work. U. 1504. Valignano, Alessandro: Lettera del P. A. Valignano, Visitatore delta Compagnia de Jiesu nel Guappone e nella Cena del 1559 con un Supplimento del P. V. Caruaglio dell' Anno 1601. In 16°, Venetia, 1603. P. 1505. Vertot, Abbe: Histoire des Chevaliers hospitaliers de Saint- Jean de Jerusalem. 4 vol. in 4°, Paris, 1726. Monod, 2249. P. 1506. Vervattende, Vrankryk: Histoire der Gereformeerder Kerken. . . Edict van Nantes. . . Notes Elias Benoit. 2 vol., Amster- dam, 1694. P. 1507. Vetera Monumenta Hibernorum. A. Theiner. In foiio, Rome, 1864. P. 1508. de Ville-Hardouin, Geoffroi: Histoire de la Conquete de Con- stantinople avec la Continuation de Henri de Valenciennes. Texte rapproche du francais moderne, par M. Natalis de Wailly. In 12°, Paris, 1887. P. 1509. Vincent de Beauvais: Speculum Naturale. 2 vol. in folio, Nurem- burg, 1469-73. P. 90 SOURCE MATERIAL IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 1510. Wyclif, Iohannes: Tractatus de Simonia. Ed. by Dr. S. Herzberg. In 8°, London, 1898. P. 1511. Zwingli, Uldreich: Opera. Completa editio prima cur M. Schulero et J. Schulthessio. 8 vol. in 8° (vol. 1-2, Deutsche Schriften; 3-6, Opera Latina; 7-8, Epistolae) Tur., 1828-42. Dahlmann-Waitz, 3652. L. 1512. The same: Selected Works. Ger. tr. by L. A. MacLouth; Latni works tr. by G. W. Gilmore and H. Preble; ed. by S. M. Jack- son. Phila., 1901. U. CHAPTER XI CHURCH HISTORY GENERAL 1513. Acta Sanctorum Belgii selecta ab exordio ecclesiae ad annum 1700, Jos. Chesquiere. 6 vol. in 4°, Brussels, 1783-94. Potthast, LXXVIII. P. 1514. Acta Sanctorum quotquot toto urbe coluntur vel a Catholicis Scriptoribus celebrantur, quae ex Latinis et Graecis aliarum- que gentium antiquis monumentis collegit . . . notis illustravit Joh. Bollandis; operum et stud, contulit Godefr. Henschenius. 61 vol. in folio, Paris, 1867-94. Potthast, XXXII. P. 1515. Batavia Sacra, sive Res Gestae Aposiolicorum Virorum, qui Fidem Bataviae primi intulerunt. 2 vol. in folio, Brussels, 1714. Potthast, XXXVIII. P. 1516. Bullarium Benedicti Papae XV. 13 vol. in 8°, Mechlin, 1826. P. 1517. Codex Diplomaticus Dominii Temporalis. A. Theiner. 3 vol. in folio, Rome, 1861-63. P. 1518. Conciliorum Omnium Generalium et Provincialium. Collectio Regia. 38 vol. in folio, Paris, 1744. (Louvre Ed.) Lang- lois, 356. P. 1519. Gallia Christiana . . . Opera et studio Domni Dionysii Smmarthani, Presbyteri et Monachi Ordinis Sancti Benedicti e Congrega- tione Sancti Mauri. Vol. 1-5, 11, 13; in folio, Paris, 1870- 77. Franklin, p. 30 et seq. P. 1520. Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, in qua praeterea, quae Phil. Labbeus et Gabr. Cossartius, et novissime Nicolas Coleti in lucem edidere, ea omnia insuper in suis locis optime disposita exhibentur quae J. D. Mansi evulgavit. 52 vol. in folio, Leipzig and Paris, 1903. Potthast, XCI. L. 1521. Sacrosancta Concilia. Edita studio Phil. Labbe et Gabrielis Cros- sart. 17 vol. in folio, Paris, 1672. Potthast, LXXXVIII. L. Iffi LJBWJt « - •1930 UNIVERSITY OF H.Uh Lithomount Pamphlet Binders Gaylord Bros. Inc. Makers Syracuse, N. Y.