LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 510.84 eoi Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS GRADUATE COLLEGE DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY INTERNAL REPORT NO. 59 A BOUND ON THE ERROR IN A GENERAL QUADRATURE FORMULA WITH EQUIDISTANT ORDINATES Robert T. Gregory October 20, 195^ This work has been supported in part by the Office of Naval Research under Contract NR 0^ 001 A BOUND ON THE ERROR IN A GENERAL QUADRATURE FORMULA WITH EQUIDISTANT ORDINATES Consider the equation f* n f(x)dx = g V f + 6, (1) x i=l where the summation on the right represents an approximation to the integral and € is the error in this approximation. Here f . = f (x. ) and x. n - x. = h for i = l,2,...,n-l. We will find a bound on € for an l+l l arbitrary quadrature formula, i.e., a bound in terms of the w. which specify the particular formula under consideration. Equation (l) is a generalization of the well known Euler-Maclaurin formula since that formula is merely (l) with the w. chosen for the trapezoidal rule. Let us introduce the step function 0(x) = X ± X. < X < X. , 1 — 1+1 = x , n-1 X = X n and then define g(x) = x - 1 we have X»" (1+t) 5* 2 /6- d5) Hence with this restriction on t the term is hounded by (1/3) (n-1) h t+ V-V (t+l) (16) The other infinite series in (12 ) is absolutely convergent and so it en as the sum of series . , t , . r . can be written as the sum of series . To do this we write CD _, t Z. (-l) m+1 .E, 2A.(h/27tm) 1+1 -(f 1 S.(x ) - fis.(xj) i=l v ' 1=1 i v/ I n i v n 1 i v 1 j = J^ (-l) m+1 [-(h 2 /2n 2 m 2 ) j r Cos(2n-3)rtm - f* Cos jtm} + (h 5 /4it 5 m 5 )/f^ Sin(2n-3)jtm + f" Sin *ml + (h /8it'm J-ff 5 Cos (2n-3)itm - f\ Cos jtm) + ... ♦ 2A t . 1 (h/ 2 , m ) t {f*- 1 ! w (« n ) - f*" 1 ^l} + 2A t (h/2ra ) t+ * |f *S t (x n ) - f *S t (x x ) ] ] . ( 17 ) From the definitions of S.(x) it follows that one of the last two terms i will vanish since for either i = t or i = t-lj i is even and S. (x ) = Sin (2n-3)«m = r n x ' S. (x, ) = Sin nm = 0. i 1 We denote by T the odd integer (t or t-l) which gives S T (x n ) = Cos(2n-3)«m = (-l) m ( 2n - 5) (18) S T (x 1 ) = Cos %m = (-l) m (19) k - Then the right side of (17) becomes - (h 2 /* 2 ) [r £ m " 2 (-i) 2 "^ + ,. £ ^(-i) 2 - 1 ] ♦ (hVa.S [f 5 £ -** (-D 2 "^- 1 ^ 1 - f? E. m - u (-D 2m+1 1 v ' n m=l 1 m=l . (h 2 / 2 n 2 ) (r - f.) m | m " 2 - (hVa/) (f' - fj) J, m"* + ... -2A T (h/2«) T+1 (f* - i\) X m " (T+l) • (20) J, 00 Since Z. m~ 2p = (-l) P_1 B (2* ) p /2(2p)i for fixed integers p (here ID— J- dp ao q p B p are Bernoulli's numbers), we have IL El = it /6, !_ ^ - «*/*>. and ^ m"( T+1 ) . (-l)^" 1 ^ b t+1 (2* ) T+1 /2 (Tfl ) I Thus the right side of (20) becomes - (h 2 /!2) (f« - f« ) - (hV720) (f 5 - fh + ... + (-i)< T+1 ) / 2+T (h T+ \ +1 /(T + l)L ) (f T n - f\). (21) Using (21), and (12) in (l) we get /x n n-1 n f(x)dx - JL w.f. - [(w -h/2) f. i (w - h/2) f + .Z (w. - h) f. i=l li 1 ' 1 n ' n i=2 i i x l (h 2 /l2)(f; - f£) - (hV720)(rJ - f^) + ... (-l) (T " l)2/2+T (h T+1 B T|1 /(T + l)0(f^-f^ 2 m | x (-if A t (h/2«m) t+1 f* n f t+1 S t (x) dx ] (22) ~1 2 which demonstrates the relation with the Euler-Maclaurin formula. - 5 If we use (2l) and (l6) with (12) we see that, under the assumptions we have made, n-1 |c| < |(w 1 - h/2) f x + (w n - h/2) f n +.^ (w. - h) f. + (h 2 /l2) (r - fj!) - (h\/720) (f^ - f3) + ... + ( _ l)( T + l) 2 /2 + T (h T + l BT+i/(T+l)i) (f T. f T } ! + (K/3) (n-1) h^^^-Ct+l) (23) Acknowledgement The writer wishes to thank Dr. D. E. Muller and Mrs. Lily Seshu for their helpful suggestions in the preparation of this report. REFERENCES 1. E. Whittaker and G. Robinson, "The Calculus of Observations," Blackie and Son Ltd., p. 135* 2. J. B. Scarborough, "Numerical Mathematical Analysis," Johns Hopkins Press, Second Edition, p.. 157* 3. E. C. Titchmarsh, "The Theory of Functions," Oxford University Press, Second Edition, p. ^21. h. K. Khopp, "Theory and Application of Infinite Series," Blackie and Son Ltd., p. 237- RTG/hc - 6 - »OUNO^