LIBRARY CATALOG CLASSIFIED LIST OF BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE INDIANA BOYS SCHOOL 1912 PRINTING DEPARTMENT, INDIANA BOYS SCHOOL PLAINFIELD, INDIANA 0 X~\ .V"| | L \ °\ ' v LIBRARY RULES I. Librarian will explain use of cards and pockets when issueing books. 2 Whispering and disorder forbidden in library. 3. Boys positively forbidden to touch or take books from shelves while in library. 4. Employes must comply with rules governing library. 5. Employes losing books must replace same with a new book of equal value. 6. Company officer must keep readers’ cards. 7. Books must not be taken from Company Cottage by readers. 8. Boys can read books in cottage after performing required Com- pany duties. 9. Company officers will be expected to assist in caring for books while in Cottage and enforce the rules relating to the care and protec- tion of the books. 10. Company officers may grant a portion of every evening or every other evening to reading, at least 40 minutes, at their discretion. II. Books must be kept in the history case on the wall when not in use. 12. Company officers may appoint a reliable boy to act as monitor in collecting and distributing books to readers in cottage. 13. Books must be returned in two weeks from date drawn. 14. A loss of 100 merits in all cases of marking books or vandal- ism on part of readers. 15. Companies One and Two will alternate with companies Seven and Eight in drawing books on Mondays. 16. Companies Three and Four will alternate with companies Nine and Ten in drawing books on Tuesdays. 17. Companies Five and Six will alternate withcompaniesEleven, Twelve and Thirteen in drawing books on Wednesdays. 18. Books marked in the catalogue with an asterisk (*) are in- tended for the exclusive use of the officers and ladies of the Insti- tution and will not be issued to the boys. NON-FICTION GENERAL WORKS Champlin, J Young- folks encyclopaedia common thing-s 031 C 45 R Colby, Ed New international year book 031 C 68 R Gilman, Ed New International courses of reading and study 031 G 48 R “ New International encyclopaedia, 20 vol 031 N 54 R PHILOSOPHY Royce Studies of good and evil (*) 104 R 88 Rogers Students history of philosophy (*) 109 R 72 Strong Why the mind has a body (*) 120 S 92 Syme The soul (*) 128 S 98 Jastrow Fact and fable in psychology .(*) J30 J 39 Bigelow Mystery of sleep (*) 135 B 59 lies, Ed Science: Mind (*) 150 I 27 Swift Mind in the making (*) 150 S 97 Wilson Five gateways of knowledge (*) 150 W 74 Welton Logical bases of education (*) 160 W 46 Beecher Twelve lectures to young men (*) 170 B 41 Bok Successward 170 B 68 7-8 Drummond First, a talk with boys 170 B 79 8 Drysdale Helps for ambitious boys 170 D 81 7-8 Eggleston, G C Plow to make a living 170 E 31 7-8 . Everett Ethics for young neople 170 E 93 7-8 Fowler Starting in life 170 F 78 7-8 Garrison Parables.. 170 G 24 7-8 Gaustafson Foundation of death (*) 170 G 98 Hale What career 170 H 16 8 Hyde Cardinal virtues 170 H 99 7-8 Manson Ready for business 170 M 28 7-8 Marden Choosing a career 170 M 32 7-8 “ Winning out 170 M 32.1 7-8 Matthews Getting on in the world 170 M 42 6-7 Rollins What can a young man do 170 R 75 7-8 Ryland Ethics (*) 170 R 99 Seelye Duty ,..170 S 45 7-8 Speer A young man’s questions 170 S 74 7-8 Taylor Christian Society 170 T 24 7-8 Wagner Youth 170 W 13 7-8 “ Courage 170 W 13.1 7-8 Waterman “Boy wanted” 170 W 32 5-6 Myers Making a life 171 M 99 7-8 Rayne Gems of deportment 177 R 27 7-8 Jutkins Hand book of prohibition 178 J 96 7-8 6 NON-FICTION RELIGION Shaler Interpretation of nature (*) 215 S 39 Fiske Destiny of man (*) 218 F 53 Janes Human immortality (*) 218 J 29 Henry, M Exposition of the Old and New Testa- ments 220 B 85 h 6 vol 7-8 Hitchcock, Ed Complete analysis of the Holy Bible 220 B 58 hi 7-8 Moulton, Ed Select masterpieces of Bible literature ...220 B 58 m 6-7 “ Modern reader’s Bible 220 B 58.1 m 7-8 Hanford Boys of the Bible 220 H 23 6-7 Moody Bible characters 220 M 81 7-8 Moulton, Ed Bible stories 220 M 92 7-8 Smith Children’s Bible stories 220 S 66 7-8 Thayer Soldiers of the Bible 220 T 34 7-8 Whitney Hand book of Bible geography 220 W 61 3-4 Smith Dictionary of the Bible ...220.3 S 66 X Moulton, Ed Introduction to literature of the Bible 220.8 M 92 X Coun Holy land in geography and history ..220.9 C 85 7-8 Kitts History of the Bible 220.9 K 62 X Baldwin Old stories of the East 221 B 18 3-4 Guerber Story of the chosen people 221 G 92 3-4 Steele Sovereigns of the Bible 221 S 81 7-8 Hall, Ed Earthly footprints of our Lord 226 B 58 6-7 Altemus Child’s life of Christ 232 A 79 2-3 Brooks Influence of Jesus 232 B 87 3-4 Dearmer Child’s life of Christ 232 D 23 5-6 Hodges, G When the king came 232 H 68 6-7 Hughes Manliness of Christ 232 H 89 3-4 “ Life of Christ 232 H 72 7-8 Riggle, R M Man.. 232 R 56 6-7 Sheldon In His steps 232 S 54 7-8 Drummond Essays and addresses (*) 240 D 79 Larcum As it is in Heaven 240 L 31 7-8 Mason Spiritual treasury 240 M 41 7-8 Talmage Around the tea table 240 T 12 6-7 Browne Books of saints and friendly beasts 240 B 87 4-5 Penrith He stoops to enter.. 244 P 44 6-7 Sketches from life x.,.244 S 62 6-7 Walton Footprints and way marks 244 W 23 7-8 Beecher Plymouth pulpit sermons 252 B 41 V 1 7-8 “ Plymouth pulpit sermons 252 B 41 Y 2 7-8 “ Plymouth pulpit sermons 252 B 41 Y 3 7-8 “ Plymouth pulpit sermons 252 B 41 Y 4 7-8 Byrum Secret of sal vation 252 B 99 cop 1 7-8 “ Secret of salvation 252 B 99 cop 2 7-8 “ Divine healing of soul and body 252 B 99.1 cop 1 7-8 Divine healing of soul and body 252 B 99.1 cop 2 7-8 NON-FICTION 7 Graff, J F Lay sermons 252 G 73 7-8 Howard, J N Modern spirtualism exposed 252 II 85 7-8 Jones, S Quit your meaness 252 J 79 7-8 Moody, u L Twelve select sermons 252 M 81 7-8 “ To the work 252 M 81.1 7-8 “ Prevailing prayer 252 M 81.2 7-8 “ Way to God 252 M 81.3 -7-8 “ ' Sovereign grace 252 M 81.4 7-8 “ Talks on temperance 252 M 81.5 7-8 Orr, C E The Gospel Lay ...253 O 17 cop 1 7-8 “ The Gospel Lay 252 O 17 cop 2 7-8 Van Dyke, H Sermon to young men ....'. 252 V 24 7-8 White, E G Steps to Christ 252 W 58 7-8 Towne Rays of light from many lands (*) 270 T 74 Milner Religious denominations of the world (*) 280 M 65 Mabie Myths every child should know 290 M 11 5-6 Baldwin Story of the golden age.. 292 B 18 5-6 Beckwith Mythland ...v. 292 B 39 V 1 1-2 “ Mythland 292 B 39 V 2 1-2 Bulfinch Age of fable 292 B 93 6-7 Francillon Gods and heroes 292 F 81 5-6 Hawthorne N Tanglewood Tales 292 H 39 cop 1 7-8 “ Tanglewood Tales 292 H 39 cop 2 7-8 “ Wonder book 292 H 39.1 4-5 Hutchinson Golden Porch 292 H 97 7-8 Kingsley Greek Heroes 292 K 55 6-7 Zimmem Old tales from Rome 292 Z 76 6-7 Brown In the days of giants 293 B 87 5-6 Foster Asgard stories ..293 F 75 3-4 Keary Heroes of Asgard 293 K 24 4-5 SOCIOLOGY Dole American citizen 300 D 66 8 Balch Teaching Patriotism 304 B 17 8 Cleveland, G Good Citizenship 304 C 62 7-8 Marriot Uncle Sam’s business 304 M 35 6-7 Washington Future of the American negro (*) 325 W 31.0 u Negro in the south (*) 325 W 31.1 Booth, W In darkest England (*) 331 B 72 Riis Battle with slums (*) 331 R 57 Washington, B T Tuskegee and its people 331 W 31 7-8 Edgar Story of a grain of wheat 338 E 23 8 Henry Voice of the people .* 351 II 52 7-8 Leupp Civil service examinations 351 L 65 8 Bancroft Footprints of time 353 B 21 8 Brook Century book for young Americans 353 B 87 5-6 8 NON-FICTION McClure Our presidents and how we make them (*) 353 C 12 8 Dole Young Citizen 353 D 66 cop. 1 6-7 “ Young Citizen 353 D 66 cop. 2 6-7 Harrison This country of ours 353 H 41 8 Ship of state 353 S 55 8 Beyer American battleship 359 B 57 6-7 Poulsson In the Child’s world 372 P 87 4-5 Hale, E E How to do it, how to live 374 II 16 8 Marden, O S Stepping stones (*) 374 M 32 Smiles Self help 374 S 64 7-8 “ Thift: or how to get on in the world 374 S64.1 8 Our holidays 390 O 93 cop 1 8 Our holidays 390 O 93 cop 2 8 Fairy Tales Anderson, H Fairy Tales 398 A 54 cop 1 4-5 Fairy Tales 398 A 54 cop 2 4-5 Baldwin Story of Roland 398 B 18 cop 1 4-5 “ Story of Roland 398 B 18 cop 2 4-5 “ Story of Siegfried 398 B 18.1 cop 1 4-5 “ Story of Siegfried 398 B 18.1 cop 2 4-5 “ Another Fairy reader 398 B 18.2 2-3 “ Animal fables 398 B 18.3 23 “ Fairy stories and fables 398 B 18.4 3-4 Browne Granny’s wonderful chair 398 B 82 5-6 Brinton Myths from the new world 398 B 85 8 Brooks Story of King Arthur 398 B 87 6-7 Bulfinch Age of chivalry 398 B 93 8 “ Legends of Charlemagne 398 B 93.1 8 Uncle Charlie, Ed. Children’s classics 398 C 53 2-3 Church Sories of Charlemagne 398 C 56 4-5 Deming Children of the wild 398 D 37 1-2 Grimm Household stories 398 G 86 6-7 Harris, J C Uncle Remus 398 H 31 4-5 “ Nights with Uncle Remus 398 H 31.1 4-5 Higginson Tales of the enchanted islands 398 H 63 5-6 Holbrook Book of nature myths 398 H 72 1-2 Jacobs English fairy tales 398 J 17 3-4 Johnson Oak-tree fairy book 398 J 66 3-4 Judd, Comp Wigwam stories 398 J 92 2-3 Lagerof Wonderful adventures of Nils 398 L 17 4-5 Lang, Ed. Jack the Giant killer 398 L 26.1 2-3 “ Little Red Riding Hood 398 L 26.2 2-3 “ Prince Darling 398 L 26.3 2-3 “ Sleeping beauty 398 L 26.4 2-3 “ Whittington 398 L 26.5 2-3 “ Princess on glass hill 398 L 26.6 2-3 NON-FICTION 9 Lang, Ed Crimson fairy book 398 L 26.7 4-5-6 “ Green fairy book 398 L 26.8 4-5-6 *• Grey fairy book 398 L 26.9 4-5-6 “ Blue fairy book 398 L 26.10 4-5-6 “ Violet fairy book 398 L 26.11 4-5-6 “ Yellow fairy book 398 L 26.12 4-5-6 “ Red fairy book 398 L 26.13 4-5-6 ‘‘ Book of romance 398 L 26.14 4-5-6 “ Brown fairy book.. 398 L 26.15 4-5-6 “ Pink fairy book 398 L 26.16 4-5-6 “ Olive fairy book 398 L 26.17 4-5-6 “ Orange fairy book 398 L 26.18 4-5-6 “ Tales of the round table 398 L 26.19 4-5-6 Lansing, Ed Fairy tales 398 L 29 V 1 2-3 “ Fairy tales 398 L 29 V 2 2-3 Mabie Fairy tales every child should know 398 M 11 4-5 “ Legends every child should know 398 M 11.1 4-5 Malory Boy’s King Arthur 398 M 25 6-7 O’Shea, Ed Old world wonder stories 398 O 82 1-2 “ Six nursery classics 398 0 82.1 1-2 “ Tales of Mother Goose 398 O 82.2 1-2 Pyle Story of King Arthur and his knight 398 P 99 6-7 Tappan Golden Goose 398 T 17 1-2 Wade Indian fairy tales 398 W 12 3-4 Welsh, Comp. Book of nursery rhymes 398 W 46 cop 1 1-2 “ Book of nursery rhymes 398 W 46 cop 2 1-2 Williston Japanese fairy book 398 W 73 4-5 Winnington Outlook fairy book 398 W 77 2-3 Zitka-Sa Old Indian legends 398 Z 82 2-4 PHILOLOGY Clodd Story of the alphabet 411 C 64 R Cronson Graded lesson in punctuation 421 C 94 R Phyfe Five thousand words misspelled 421 P 58 R “ Twelve thousand words mispronounced 421 P 58.1 R Webster, N New International dictionary 423 W 38 R Graham English synonymes ." 424 G 73 R Arnold Mother tongue 425 A 75 R Baskerville English Grammar 425 B 31 R Kittredge Mother tongue 425 K 62 cop 1 R “ Mother tongue 425 K 62 cop 2 R Meiklejohn English Grammar 425 M 51 R 10 NON-FICTION NATURAL SCIENCE Arnold Stories Mother Nature told her children 500 A 56 2-4 Burroughs Little nature studies..... 500 B 79 V 1 1 “ Little nature studies 500 B 79 V 2 1 lies Earth (*) 500 I 27 Morley Song of life 500 M 86 6-7 Nichols Fire side science 500 N 61 8 Troeger Harold’s guests. i 500 T 84 6-7 Champlin, J Encyclopaedia, natural history 503 C 45 7-8 Buckley Fairyland of science 504 B 92 7-8 Burroughs Birds, bees and sharp eyes 504 B 97 6-7 Gatty Parables from nature 504 G 26 6-7 Gibson Sharp eyes 504 G 45 5-8 Kingsley Madam How and Lady Why 504 K 55 5-8 Mcllvaine Outdoors, indoors and up the chimney 504 M 15 Thomas Bound year 504 T 45 7-8 Bailey Nature study idea ....507 B 15 7-8 Coulter, J M Practical nature study (*)507 C 85 Story of a mountain 508 S 88 5-6 Angot Aurora Borealis 523 A 59 7-8 Ball Starland 523 B 18 cop 1 7-8 “ Starland 523 B 18 cop 2 7-8 Earth’s beginning .523 B 18.1 7-8 Chambers Stork of the eclipse 523 C 44 8 “ Story of the stars 523 C 44.1 8 Guillemin Wonders of the moon (*) 523 G 95 “ Wonders of the sun (*) 523 G 95.1 Holden Family of the sun 523 H 72 7-8 Milham How to indentify the stars 523 M 64 8 Proctor, M The Moon (*) 523 P 96 “ Other worlds than ours (*) 523 P 96.1 Proctor, M O Giant sun and his family 523 P 966 8 Serviss Astronomy with an opera glass 523 S 49 6-7 Young Text book of general astronomy ,...(*) 523 Y 69 Ball Time and tide 525 B 18 7-8 Darwin The tides (*) 525 D 22 Hopkins Experimental science 530 H 79 Y 1 7-8 “ Experimental science 530 H 79 Y 2 7-8 Santos-Dumont My air ships 533 S 23 6-7 Adams Harper’s electricity book for boys 537 A 21 cops 1 & 2 5-8 Child How and why of electricity 537 C 53 8 Gibson Romance of modern electricity 537 G 44 7-8 Hibbert, W Popular electricity 537 H 62 7-8 Meadowcraft A. B. C. of electricity 537 M 48 6-8 Munro Story of electricity 537 M 96 7-8 Onken, W H How to uuderstand electricial work 537 O 58 7-8 NON-FICTION 11 St. John How two boys made their own electrical appara- tus 537 S 14 cop 1 6-7 “ How two boys make their own electrical appara- tus 537 S 14 cop 2 6-7 “ Real electrical toy making- 537 S 14.1 8 “ Thing’s a boy should know about electricity 537 S 14.2 8 Sloane Electric toy making 537 S 63 7-8 Trowbridge What is electricity (*) 537 T 86 Tyndall Lessons in electricity 537 T 98 6-7 Bingham Geology 550 B 85 7-8 Shaler First book in geology 550 S 52 7-8 Archibald Story of the earth’s atmosphere 551 A 63 8 Bonney Volcanoes (*) 551 B 71 Dana Corals and coral islands 551 D 16 6-8 Frye Brooks and brook basins 551 F 94 2-3 Giberne Romance of the mighty deep 551 G 44 5-7 Harrington About the weather 551 H 31 6-7 Houston Wonder-book: volcanoes and earthquakes 551 H 84 7-8 Milne Earthquakes and other earth movements (*) 551 M 65 Thompson Water wonders 551 T 47 4-8 Zurcher Meteors, wonders of (*) 551 Z 96 Martin Story of a piece of coal 553 M 37 6-7 lies, Ed Naturalists 575 I 27 6-7 Aitken Botany 580 A 37 8 Bailey Talks afield 580 B 15 7-8 Bergen Glimpses of the plant world 580 B 49 7-8 Bailey Lessons with plants 581 B 15 6-7 Keeler Our native trees 581 K 26 4-5 Morley Seed babies 581 M 86 2-3 “ Little wanders 581 M 86.1 3-4 Weed Ten New England blossoms 581.9 W 39 4-5 Going Field, forest and wayside flowers.., 582 G 61 4-5 Mathews Familiar trees 582 M 43 6-7 Parsons According to seasons 582 P 26 6-7 “ Howto know wild flowers 582 P 26.1 6-7 Sargent Corn plants 584 S 24 7-8 Marshall Mushroom book .589 M 36 7-8 Bamford Look about club 590 B 19 2-3 Beard Curious homes and their tenants 590 B 36 6-7 Burroughs Squirrels and other fur bearers 590 B 97 4-5 DuChaillu, P World of the great forest 590 D82 6-7 Fox Mother nature’s little ones 590 F 79 2-3 Hammerston Chapters on animals 590 II 21 6-7 Holder Half hours with fishes, reptiles and birds 590 II 72 4-5 Johonnot Friends in feather and fur 590 J 735 6-7 Jordan True tales of birds and beasts 590 J 82 cop 1 5-6 “ True tales of birds and beasts 590 J 82 cop 2 5-6 12 NON-FICTION Long Fowls of the air 590 L 84 6-7 “ Beasts of the field 590 L 84.1 6-7 *‘ School^ of the woods 590 L 84.2 6-7 “ Brier patch philosophy 590 L 84.3 8 “ Whose home is the wilderness 590 L 84.4 6-7 “ Following the deer ... 590 L 84.5 6-7 “ Ways of the wood folk 590 L 84.6 6-7 “ Wilderness ways 590 L 84.7 6-7 “ Secrets of the woods '. 590 L 84.8 6-7 “ Wood- folk at school 590 L 84.9 6-7 “ Little brother to the bear 590 L 84.10 cop 1 6-7 “ Little -brother to the bear 590 L 84.10 cop 2 6-7 “ Northern trails complete 590 L 84.11 6-7 “ Northern trails 590 L 94.12 vol 1 6-7 “ Northern trails 590 L 84.12 vol 2 cop 1 6-7 “ Northern trails 590 L 84.12 vol 2 cop 2 6-7 “ Wayeeses, the white wolf 590 L 84.13 cop 1 6-7 Wayeeses, the white wolf 590 L 84.13 cop 2 6-7 Musgrave Birds and butterflies 590 M 98 7-8 Selous Tommy Smith’s animals 590 S 46 3-4 “ Tommy Smith’s other animals 590 S 46.1 3-4 Wood Natural history 590 W 87 5-6 Bostock Training of wild animals 591 B 74 cop 1 4-5 “ Training of wild animals 591 B 74 cop 2 4-5 Kirby Sea and its wonders 591 K 5 5-6 Romanes Jell fish, star fish and sea-urchins 593 R 75 7-8 Alden World of little people 595 A 35 4-5 Ballard Moths and butterflies 595 B 18 6-8 Holland Butterfly book 595 H 73 6-7 “ Moth book 595 H 73.1 7-8 McCook Tenants of an old farm. 595 M 12 4-5 Murtfeldt Stories of insect life 595 M 97 7-8 Rich Our near neighbor, the mosquito 595 R 49 7-8 Scudder Everyday butterflies 595 S 43 7-8 Selous Romance of insect life 595 S 46 7-8 Weed Stories of insect life 595 W 39 4-5 “ Insect world 595 W 39.1 6-7 Baskett Story of the fishes 597 B 31 7-8 Abbot Bird-land echoes 598 A 13 6-7 Baily Our own birds 598 B 16 6-7 Baskett Story of the birds 598 B 31 6-7 Burroughs Wake robin 598 B 97 7-8 Doubleday How to attract the birds 598 D 72 6-7 “ Bird neighbors 598 D 72.1 0-7 “ Birds every child should should know 598 D 72.2 6-7 “ Birds that hunt and are hunted 598 D 72.3 6-7 Dugmore Bird homes 598 D 98 5-6 NON-FICTION 13 Eckstorm Bird book 598 E 19 6-7 “ Woodpeckers 598 E 19.1 6-7 Keyset In bird-land 598 K 44 5-6 Merriam Birds through an opera-glass 598 M 56 5-6 “ Birds of village and field 598 M 56.1 5-6 Miller First book of birds 598 M 64 4-5 “ Second book of birds 598 M 64.1 4-5 Stickney Bird world 598 S 85 2-3 Torrey Every day birds 598 T 68 6-7 Wright M O Gray lady and the birds 598 W 75 4-5 Carter, Ed. Lion and tiger stories 599 C 32 3-4 “ Bear stories 599 C 32. 1 3-4 “ Panther stories 599 C 32. 2 3-4 “ Stories of brave dogs 599 C 32. 3 3-4 Holder The ivory King 599 H 72 6-8 Ingersoll Wild neighbors 599 1 47 4-5 Knox Horse stories 599 K 74 4-5 Lane All about dogs 599 L 26 4-6 Miller Four handed folk 599 M 64 7-8 Porter Wild beast 599 P 84 4-5 Roberts, C G House in the waters 599 R 64 5-6 “ Watchers of the trail 599 R 64.1 5-6 “ Kings in exile 599 R 64.2 5-6 Schwartz Wilderness babies 599 S 39 6-7 Seton Lives of the hunted 599 S 49 6-7 “ Wild animals I have known 599 S 49.1 6-7 Wise Diomed 599 W 81 5-6 Yerkes Dancing mouce * 599 Y 47 7-8 USEFUL ARTS Hopkins, Ed Scientific American cyclopaedia (*) 603 H 79 Cochrane Romance of industry (*) 604 C 66 Moffet Careers of danger and daring .-..604 M 69 7-8 Baker Boys book of inventions 608 B 16 cop 1 6-7-8 “ Boys book of inventions 608 B 16 cop 2 6-7-8 “ Boys second book of inventions 608 B 16.1 6-7-8 Hale Stories of inventions 608 H 166 7-8 lies, Ed. Inventions (*) 608 1 72 Williams Romance of modern invention 608 W 72 7-8 Blaisdell Our bodies and how we live (*) 612 B 63 Brands Academic physiology (*) 612 B 81 “ Health lessons 612 B 81.1 6-7 Conn Story of the living machine 612 C 75 7-8 Farnsworth House we live in 612 F 23 4-5 LePileur Wonders of the human body (*) 612 L 59 Blaisdell How to keep well 613 B 63 7-8 Nutt Health and hygiene 613 N 97 7-8 14 NON-FICTLON Bancroft School gymnastics, free-hand 613.7 B 81 8 “ School gymnastics, light apparatus 613.7 B 81.1 8 lies, Ed. Health (*) 614 I 27 Dalles Accidents and emergencies 614.8 D 88 8 Hill Fighting a fire (*) 614 H 54 Page Natural cure of consumption (*) 616 P 13 Cochrane Wonders of modern mechanism 620 C 66 7-8 Lane Triumphs of science 620 L 26 5-6 Adams, J H Machinery book 621 A 21 7-8 Howden Boys book of locomotives 621 H 85 5-6 Williams How it works 621 W 72 7-8 Franklin Dynamos and motors 621.3 F 83 7-8 Sloane How to become an electrician 621.3 S 63 6-7 Williams Romance of mining 622 W 72 6-7 Fyfe Submarine warfare 623.9 F 99 7-8 Bailey Horticulturists year book 630 B 15 8 “ Principles of agriculture 630 B 15.1 8 “ Horticulturists rule book 630 B 15.2 8 Burkett Agriculture for beginners 630 B 95 8 Hall Three acres and liberty (*) 630 H 17 Roe Home acre (*) 630 R 69 Bailey Evolution of our native fruits 634 B 15 8 “ Nursery book 634 B 15.1 ’8 “ Pruning book 634 B 15.2 8 Barry Fruit garden 634 B 28 x Brisbin Trees and tree planting 634 B 85 x Eggleston Hand book of tree planting 634 E 31 x Roe Success with small fruits (*) 634 R 69 Thomas American fruit culturists (*) 634 T 45 Thoreau Succession of forest trees 634 T 48 x Bailey Plant breeding 635 B 15 x “ Principles of vegetable gardening 635 B 15.1 x “ Forcing book 635 B 15.2 x Miller Our home pets 636 M 64 5-6 Shaler Domesticated animals 636 S 52 5-6 Bright Story of.Atlan tic cable 654 B 85 6-7 Brook, E S American sailor 656 B 87 5-6 Sauzay Glass making s 666 S 36 7-8 Chase Stories of industry 670 C 48 Y 1 4-5 “ Stories of industry 670 C 48 V 2 4-5 Barrows Practical pattern making ...671 B 27 6-7 Story of paper making 676 S 88 6-7 Tops: American industry 677 T 62 6-7 Wilkinson Story of the cotton plant 676 W 68 6-7 Barnard Tools and Machines 680 B 25 7-8 Lukin Amongst machines 680 L 95 6-7 “ Boy engineers 680 L 95.1 5-6 NON-FICTION 15 Lukin Young- mechanic 680 L 95.2 7-8 Denning Cabinet making- (*) 684 D 39 White How to make baskets 689 W 58 R “ How to make more baskets 689 W 58.1 R FINE ARTS Whitcomb Young people’s story of art 709 W 53 7-8 Bailey Garden making 710 B 15 R Cecil Children’s gardens 710 C 38 R How to make a flower garden (*) 710 H 84 Miller Children’s gardens 710 M 64 x Paine Little garden calendar 710 P 14 5-6 Wright, M O "The garden, you and I (*) 710 W 95 Sculptures and sculptors 730 S 43 7-8 Caffin Child’s guide to pictures 750 C 12 5-6 Hoyt World’s painters and pictures (*) 750 H 86 Adams Amateur photography 770 A 21 7-8 Daldwin Picture making (*) 770 B 18 Story Story of photography 770 S 88 x Taylor Why my photographs are bad 770 T 23 7-8 Black Photography indoors and out (*) 770 B 62 Ward Finishing the negative (*) 770 W 25 Crowest Story of the art of music (*) 780 C 95 Lillie Music and musicians 780 L 72 7-8 Frost Wagner story book 782 F 93 7-8 Beard American boys handy book 790 B 36 cop 1 5-8 “ American boys handy book 790 B 36 cop 2 5-8 “ Outdoor handy book 790 B 36.1 5-8 “ Jack of all trades 790 B 36.2 cop 1 5-8 “ Jack of all trades 790 B 36.2 cop 2 5-8 “ Field and forest hand book 790 B 36.3 cop 1 5-8 “ Field and forest hand book 790 B 36.3 cop 2 5-8 Campbell American girls handy book 790 C 18 5-8 Champlin, J Cyclopaedia: games and sports 790 C 45 R Hall, A N Boy craft man 790 H 17 cop 1 6-7 “ Boy craftman 790 H 17 cop 2 6-7 Nugent New games and amusements 790 N 96 4-5 Good Magical experiments 791 G 64 6-7 Hoffman Modern magic 791 H 59 7-8 Adams, J H Indoor book 793 A 21 6-7 Hale, E E Fagots for the fireside 793 H 16 6-7 Hoffman Games for everybody 793 H 69 5-6 Mott, Ed. Home games and parties 793 M 92 6-7 Neil Modern conjurers 793 N 39 6-7 White Rainy day book 93 W 58 6-7 “ Book of games 793 W 58.1 6-7 16 NON-FICTION Adams, J H Outdoor book 796 A 21 6-7 Kephhart Book of camping and woodcraft 796 K 38 5-6 Camp American football v 797 C 18 7-8 Keene Boy’s own guide to fishing 799 K 26 5-6 Roosevelt T Wilderness hunters 799 R 78 7-8 Sandys Sport man Joe 799 S 22 5-6 “ Trapper Jim 799 S 22.1 5-6 Thompson Boys book of sports 799 T 66 5-6 LITERATURE Champlin, J Cyclopaedia, literature and art 803 C 45 7-8 Alden Art of debate (*) 808 A 35 Balch Ed Perfect Jewels 808 B 17 Bartlett Familiar quotations (*) 808 B 28 Bates Talks on writing English (*) 808 B 32 V 1 “ Talks on writing English (*) 808 B 32 Y 2 Brown American star speaker (*) 808 B 87 Burt Prose every child should know 7 808 B 97 5-6 Frink New century speaker 808 F 87 7-8 Fulton Choice readers 808 F 97 7-8 Grancell Speakers complete program 808 G 74 7-8 Haaren Rhymes and fables 808 H 11 1-2 Lodge World’s best classics 808 L 82 Y 1 7-8 “ World’s best classics ....808 L 82 Y 2 7-8 World’s best classics 808 L 82 Y 3 7-8 “ World’s best classics 808 L 82 Y 4 7-8 “ World’s best classics 808 L 82 Y 5 7-8 “ World’s best classics 808 L 82 V 6 7-8 “ World’s best classics 808 L 82 Y 7 7-8 “ World’s best classics 808 L 82 Y 8 7-8 “ World’s best classics 808 L 82 Y 9 7-8 “ World’s best classics.... 808 L 82 Y 10 7-8 Mieklejohn Art of writing English (*) 808 M 51 Parlor annual 808 P 25 7-8 Rolfe Tales from Scottish history 808 R 74 7-8 “ Tales from English history 808 R 74.1 7-8 Westlake How to write letters (*) 808 W 52 Wood, comp. Quotations for occasions (*) 808 W 97 Aldrich Poems (*) 811 A 36 Bryant Poems (*) 811 B 91. Carleton City ballads 811 C 28 7-8 “ City legends 811 C 28.1 7-8 “ City festivals 811 C 28.2 7-8- “ Farm ballads 811 C 28.3 7-8 “ Farm legends 811 C 28.4 7-8 “ Farm festivals 811 C 28.5 7-8 NON-FICTION 17 Cary, P Poems 811 C 33 7-8 Dodge, M M Rhymes and jingles 811 D 64 2-3 Dunbar, P L Lyrics of lowly life 811 D 89 7-8 Eggleston, G C American war ballads 811 E 29 V 1 7-8 “ American war ballads 811 E 29 Y 2 7-8 Field, E With trumpet and drum 811 F 64 7-8 Harte Poems (*) 811 II 32 Holland Poems (*) 811 H 73 Holmes Poems (*) 811 H 75 Larcum Poems (*) 811 L 31 Longfellow Poems : (*) 811 L 85 Lowell Poems (*) 811 L 91 Poe Poems (*) 811 P 74 Riley Armazinda v 811 R 57 7-8 “ Afterwhiles 811 R 57.1 7-8 “ Child-world 811 R 57.2 7-8 “ Green fields and running brooks 811 R 57.3 7-8 “ Flying islands of the night 811 R 57.4 7-8 “ His Pa’s romance 811 R 57.5 7-8 “ Home folks 811 R 57.6 7-8 “ Rhymes of childhood 811 R 57.7 7-8 “ Morning 811 R 57.8 7-8 “ Neighborly poems 811 R 57.9 7-8 “ Pipes O’pan at Zekesbury 811 R 57.10 7-8 Whittier Complete works (*) 811 W 26 Chapman Sausage from Bologna (*) 812 C 46 Brooks Essays and addresses (*) 814 B 87 Holland Plain talk (*) 814 H 73 “ Lessons in life 814 H 73.1 “ Every day topics 814 H 73.2 V 1 “ Every day topics 814 H 73.2 Y 2 Holmes Pages from an old book of life (*)814 H 75 Musings and memories 814 M 98 7-8 VanDyke Little rivers (*) 814 V 24 “ Days off (*) 814 Y 24.1 Warner Back log studies 814 W 27 8 Cumback Society and life (*) 815 C 96 V 1 “ Society and life (*) 815 C 96 V 2 “ Society and life ; (*) 815 C 96 V 3 “ Society and life (*) 815 C 96 V 4 “ Society and life (*) 815 C 96 V 5 “ Society and life (*) 815 C 96 V 6 Webster Bunker Hill monument 815 W 37 7-8 “ Representative speeches 815 W 37.1 8 Irving, W Rip Yan Winkle 817 I 72 7-8 “ Sketch book 817 I 72.1 7-8 “ Tales of a traveler 817 I 72.2 7-8 18 NON-FICTION Mason, Ed. Humerous master pieces 817 M 39 7-8 Peck, G W American wit and humor 817 P 36 6-7 Jackson Bites of talk 820 J 12 6-7 LeRoy Pieces for every occasion 820 L 61 5-8 Bellamy Open sesame 821 B 43 Y 1 7-8 “ Open sesame 821 B 43 Y 2 7-8 “ Open sesame 821 B 43 Y 3 7-8 Bruce From the Hudson to Yosemite 821 B 88 7-8 Browning Boys Browning 821 B 886 7-8 Burns Poems (*) 821 B 96 Byron Poems : (*) 821 B 99 Campbell Poems (*) 821 C 17 Coleridge Poems (*) 821 C 69 Cowper Poems..., 821 C 87 7-8 •Doubleday At the temple gates 821 D 72 7-8 Dunroy Corn tassels (*) 821 D 92 Goldsmith Poems, plays and essays (*) 821 G 62 Grey Poems 821 G 78 7-8 Hermans Songs of the affections 821 H 43 7-8 Hood Poems 821 H 77 V 1 7-8 “ Poems 821 H 77 Y 2 7-8 Ingelow Poems (two volumes in one) 821 I 52 7-8 Johnston Songs Ysame 821 J 72 7-8 Keats Poems (*) 821 K 25 Kipling Collected verse 821 K 57 8 Macaulay Lays of ancient Rome 821 M 11 7-8 Milton Poems (*) 821 M 66 Moore Poems (*) 821 M 82 Norton, Ed. Heart of oak books 821 N 88 Y 1 cop 1 1-8 “ Heart of oak books 821 N 88 V 1 cop 2 1-8 “ Heart of oak books 821 N 88 Y 2 cop 1 1-8 “ Heart of oak books 821 N 88 Y 2 cop 2 1-8 “ Heart of oak books 821 N 88 V 3 cop 1 1-8 “ Heart of oak books 821 N 88 Y 3 cop 2 1-8 “ Heart of oak books 821 N 88 V 4 cop 1 1-8 “ Heart of oak books 821 N 88 Y 4 cop 2 1-8 “ Heart of oak books 821 N 88 Y 5 cop 1 1-8 “ Heart of oak books ..821 N 88 V 5 cop 2 1-8 “ Heart of oak books 821 N 88 Y 6 1-8 “ Heart of oak books 821 N 88 V 7 1-8 Palgrave, R L Golden Treasury 821 P 16 7-8 Percy, Comp. Boy’s Percy 821 P 42 7-8 Pope Poems 821 P 82 7-8 Reed Winnow grasses (*) 821 R 32 Repplier Book of famous verse 821 R 42 7-8 Scott, Sir W Marmion 821 S 43 7-8 NON-FICTION 19 Scott, Sir W Poems 821 S 43.1 8 “ Lady of the lake 821 S 43.2 8 Shelley Poems 821 S 54 7-8 Shute, Comp. Land of song 821 S 56 V 1 2-8 “ Land of song 821 S 56 V 2 2-8 Land of song 821 S 56 Y 3 2-8 Southey Poems (*) 821 S 72 Spenser Spenser for children 621 S 76 4-5 Stevenson, R L Child’s Garden of verses 821 S 848 2-3 “ Reader 821 S 848.1 2-3 Tennyson, A Poems and plays 821 T 31 7-8 Watson Selected poems 821 W 34 7-8 Whittier, Comp. Child-life 821 W 62 6-7 Wordsworth Poems (*) 821 W 92 Shakespeare, W Comedy of errors 822 S 52 7-8 “ Midsummer nights dream 822 S 52.1 7-8 “ Tempest 822 S 52.2 7-8 “ Winter’s tales : 822 S 52.3 7-8 “ Poems and Plays (*) 822 S 52.4 “ Lamb’s tales 822 S 52.5 cop 1 7-8 “ Lamb’s tales 822 S 52.5 cop 2 7-8 “ Story book 822 S 52.6 m 5.6 Stevenson, R L Across the plains 824 S 84 8 Colson Children’s letters 826 C 72 Holdbrook Northland heroes 839 H 72 4-5 Homer Boy’s Iliad 883 H 76 6-7 “ Odyssey 883 H 76.1 6-7 “ Stories 883 H 76.2 6-7 Aesop’s Fables 888 A 25 4-5 “ Baby’s own Aesop 888 A 25 c 2 Plutarch Plutarch for boys 888 P 73 4-5 Arabian nights 892 A 65 cop 1 4-5 Arabnia nights 892 A 65 cop 2 4-5 HISTORY Ploetz Epitome of ancient to modern history 902 P 75 7 Brewer Historic note book 903 B 84 7 Lamed History for ready reference 903 L 32 Y 1 R “ History for ready reference 903 L 32 Y 2 R “ History for ready reference 903 L 32 Y 3 R “ History for ready reference 903 L 32 V, 4 R “ History for ready reference 903 L 32 Y 5 R “ History for ready reference 903 L 32 V 6 R Baldwin, J Fifty famous stories retold 904 B 18 cop 1 4-5 “ Fifty famous stories retold 904 B 18 cop 2 4-5 20 N ON -FICTION Creasy Decisive battles of the world (*) 904 C 91 Johonnot, Comp. Grandfathers stories 904 J 73 4-5 “ Stories of heroic deeds 904 J 73.1 4-5 “ Stories of olden times 904 J 73.2 6-7 “ Ten great events in history 904 J 73.3 6-7 Lang, A True story book 904 L 26 8 “ Red true story book 904 L 26.1 8 Rawson Twenty famous naval battles 904 R 26 8 Travel Brassey Voyage in the sunbeam 910 B 82 7-8 Bullen Cruise of the Cachalot 910 B 93 7-8 Byrum Travels and experience 910 B 99 6-7 Carlisle Around the world in a year 910 C 28 7-8 Darwin What Darwin saw 910 D 22 7-8 Hartwig Polar and tropical worlds 910 H 33 7-8 Abbot Captain Kidd 910 A 52 5-6 lies Explorers 910 1 27 cop. 1. 7-8 “ Explorers 910 I 27 cop. 2 7-8 Jenks Boys’ book of exploration 910 J 53 6-7 Knox Boy travelers in Egypt 910 K 74 5-6 Lane Strangeland near home 910 L 26 4-5 Shaw Discoverers and explorers 910 S 53 5-6 Slocum Sailing alone around the world (*) 910 S 63 “ Around the world in sloop Spray 910 S 63.1 8 Stockton Buccaneer and pirates 910 S 86 7-8 Mill, Ed International geography 911 M 64 R Rand-McNally New Imperial atlas 912 R 18 R Hall Viking tales 913.4 H 17 4 Lonoye, De Egypt 3300 years ago (*) 913.32 L 29 Monnier Wonders of Pompeii (*) 913.37 M 7-8 Carpenter Europe 914 C 29 6-7 DuChaillu Land of the long night 914 D 81 6-7 Knox Boy travelers in north Europe 914 K 74 6-7 Lucas Wanderer in London 814 L 93 4 Wade Little Norwegian cousin 914 W 12 4-5 “ Little Swiss cousin 914 W 12.1 4-5 “ Little Italian cousin 914 W 12.2 4-5 “ Little Russian cousin 914 W 12.3 4-5 “ Little German cousin 914 W 12.4 4-5 “ Little Irish cousin 914 vV 12.5 4-5 “ Little Turkish cousin 914 W 12.6 4-5 Greirson Scotland 914.1 G 84 6-7 Tynam Ireland 914.15 T 98 6.7 Finnemore England 914.2 F 51 6-7 Short, J Oberammergau 914.3 S 55 8 NON-FICTION 21 Seigwick Germany 914.3 S 56 6-7 “ Home-life in Germany 914.3 S 56.1 6-7 Finnemore France 914.4 F 51 6-7 Young Corsica 914.4 Y 71 6-7 Finnemore Italy 914.5 F 51 6-7 Warner Our Italy 914.5 W 28 6-7 Irving Alhambra. (*) 914.6 I 72 Goodall Portugal 914.69 G 64 6-7 Knox Boy travellers; Russian Empire 914.7 K 74 6-7 Thompson Finland 914.8 T 48 6-7 Ferryman Norway 914.9 F 39 6-7 Leith Iceland 914.91 L 53 6-7 Dodge, M M Land of pluck 914.92 D 64 7-8 Jungman Holland 914.92 J 95 6-7 Meldrum Holland and Hollanders 914.92 M 51 7-8 Omond Belgium 914.93 0 56 6-7 Finnemore Switzerland 914.94 F 51 6-7 Whymper Scrambles among the Alps 1860-1869 914.94 W 62 8 Brown Greece .....914.95 B 88 5-6 Brook Marco Polo 915 B 87 6-7 Carpenter Asia 915 C 29 6 Headland Little Chinese cousin 915 H 43 4-5 Knox Boy travelers in Japan and China 915 K 74 7-8 Lee When I was a boy in China 915 L 48 6-7 Wade Little Japanese cousin 915 W 12 4-5 “ Little Jewish cousin 915 W 12.1 4-5 “ Little Siamese cousin 915 W 12.2 4-5 Johnston China 915.1 J 72 6-7 Ayrton Child life in Japan 915.1 A 98 cop 1 3-4 “ Child life in Japan 915.1 A 98 cop 2 3-4 Finnemore Japan 915.2 F 51 6-7 “ India 915.4 F 51 6-7 “ Holy land 915.6 F 51 6-7 “ Burma 915.9 F 51 6-7 Young Siam 915.9 Y 71 6-7 Carpenter Africa 916 C 29 6 Knox Boy travelers on the Congo 916 K 74 7-8 Wade Little African cousin 916 W 12 4-5 Kelly Egypt 916.2 K 47 6-7 Finnemore Morroco 916.4 F 51 6-7 DuChaillu My Apingi kingdom 916.6 D 82 7-8 “ Stories of gorilla country 916.7 D 82 7-8 “ Wild life under equator 916.7 D 82.1 7-8 “ Lost in the jungles 916.7 D 82.2 7-8 “ Country of the dwarfs 916.7 D 82.3 7-8 Patterson Man-eaters of Tsavo 916.7 P 31 7-8 22 NON-FICTION Stanley How I found Livingstone 910.7 S 78 8 “ Through dark continent 916.7 S 78.1 V 1 8 Through dark continent 916.7 S 78.1 Y 2 8 Kidd South Africa 916.8 K 46 6-7 Barbour Florida for tourists 917 B 23 8 Beadley Western wilds 917 B 36 8 Carpenter North America 917 C 29 6-7 Coe Our America neighbors 917 C 67 7 Holley Niagara 917 H 73 8 MacDonald Little Canadian cousin 917 M 13 4-5 Peck Seven wonders of the new world 917 P 36 8 Wade Little Cuban cousin 917 W 12 4-5 “ Little Porto Rican cousin 917 W 12.1 4-5 “ Little Indian cousin 917 W 12.2 4-5 . “ Little Hawaiian cousin 917 W 12.3 4-5 “ Little Philippine cousin 917 W 12.4 4-5 Bealby Canada 917.1 B 36 6-7 Knox Boy travelers in Mexico 917.2 K 74 8-7 Henderson Jamacia 917.29 H 49 6-7 Hill Cuba and Porto Rica 917.29 H 64 8 Earle Sabbath in Puritan New England 917.4 E 12 6-7 Toomey Massachusetts 917.44 T 67 6-7 Fairmont Park 917.48 F 17 6-7 Kingsley Four American explorers 917.8 K 55 7.8 “■ Story of Lewis and Clark 917.8 K 55.1 7-8 Lummis New Mexico David 917.8 L 85 7-8 Muir Our National parks 917.8 M 95 7-8 Chittenden Yellowstone national park 917.87 C 54 7-8 Lummis Some strange corners 917.9 L 95 7-8 Thompson Gold seeking on Dalton trail 917.9 T 46 7-8 Pepper Panama to Patagonia 918 P 52 8 Carpenter Australia 919 C 29 6-7 Cook Through the first antarctic night 919 C 77 7-8 Knapp Story of the Philippines 919 K 67 7 Knox Boy travelers in Siam and Java 919 K 74 7-8 McGovney Story of long ago in the Philippines 919 M 14 4-5 Peary Snow-baby 919 P 36 1-2 Schwatka Children of the cold 919 S 41 1-2 Smith Eskimo stories 919 S 65 3 Wade Little brown cousin 919 W 12 4-5 “ Little Eskimo cousin 919 W 12.1 4-5 Young Battle of the bears (*) 919 Y 71 Vaile New Zealand 919.4 V 12 6-7 Abbott South seas 919.6 A 15 6*7 NON-FICTION 23 Collective Biography Baldwin Four great Americans 920 B 18 6 “ American book of golden deeds 920 B 18.1 7 Bolton Famous givers and their gifts 920 B 69 7 “ Famous leaders among men 920 B 69.1 7-8 “ Poor boys who became famous 920 B 69.2 7-8 “ Book of worthies 920 B 72 8 Eggleston Stories of great Americans 920 E 31 8 Faris Winning their way 920 F 82 8 Haaren Famous men of middle ages 920 H 11 6 “ Famous men of Greece 920 H 11.1 7 Hanaford Daughters of America 920 H 23 7 Hodges Apprenticeship of Washington 920 H 68 cop 1 7-8 “ Apprenticeship of Washington 920 II 68 cop 2 7-8 Johonnot, comp. Stories of other lands 920 J 73 7-8 Mabie Heroes every child should know ,..920 M 11 5-6 Phillips Laureled leaders 920 P 56 7-8 Woolen Sketches of early Indiana 920 W 91 5-6 Yonge, C Book of golden deeds 920 Y 55 8 Evans Pioneer preachers 922 E 92 8 Baldwin Four great Americans 923 B 18 8 Beebe Four American naval heroes 923 B 41 6 Bolton Famous American statesman 923 B 69 5-6 “ Famous English statesman 923 B 69.1 7-8 “ Famous Voyagers 923 B 69.2 7-8 Brooks Great men’s sons 9.23 B 87 7-8 “ Historic boys 923 B 87.1 7-8 ft Historic girls 923 B 87.2 7-8 Burton Four American patriots 923 B 97 6-7 Lossing Two spies 923 L 88 6-7 Perry Four American pioneers 923 P 46 6-7 Wallace Life of Harrison 923 W 19 5-6 Winship Great American educators 923 W 77 8 Bolton Famous men of science 925 B 69 7-8 Perry Four American inventors 926 P 46 8 Harne Stories of great artists 927 H 81 6-7 Scobey Stories of great musicians 927 S 42 6-7 Bolton Famous American authors 928 B 69 cop 1 7-8 “ Famous American authors 928 B 69 cop 2 7-8 “ Famous English authors 928 B 69.1 7-8 Cody Four American poets 928 C 67 8 “ Four American writers 928 C 67.1 7-8 Harris American authors for young folks 928 H 31 7-8 Rittenhouse Younger American poets 928 R 61 7-8 Holden Our country's flag 929 H 72 6-7 24 NON-FICTION Individual Biography Williams, J Alexander the great B A 37 7-8 Abbott Alexander the great B A 39 cop 1 7-8 “ Alexander the great B A 39 cop 2 7-8 “ Alexander the great B A 39 cop 3 7-8 Besant Alexander the great B A 39 b 7-8 Hughes Alexander the great B A 39 h 7-8 Audaban, M His journals B A 91 Y 1 7-8 “ His journals B A 91 V 2 7-8 Barnes Commodore Brainbridge B B 16 6-7 Abbott, J Daniel Boone B B 72 7-8 Bruce Daniel Boone B B 72 7-8 Brown B B 88 Lewis Aaron Burr B B 96 7-8 Ober Sebastian Cabot B C 11 7-8 Abbott, J Ceasar B C 12 a 7-8 Clarke Ceasar. B C 12 c 5-6 Froude Ceasar B C 12 f 7-8 Abbott, J Kit Carson B C 32 6-7 Cartwright. Backwoods preacher B C 326 7-8 Carwosso, W Wise, D B C 35 7-8 Abbott, J Charles 2nd B C 47 7-8 Chidlaw Story of my life B C 53 7-8 Abbott, J Cleopatra B C 62 7-8 Irving, W Christopher Columbus B C 72 i 7-8 Seelye, E E Christopher Columbus B C 72 s 5-6 Cook, J Voyages B C 77 6-7 Abbott, J Cortez B C 82 7-8 “ Crockett B C 93 7-8 Hood, E P Cromwell B C 94 7-8 Custer, E B Custer G. A B C 98 6-7 “ Tenting on the plains B C 98.1 6-7 Abbott, J Cyrus the great B C 99 cop 1 7-8 “ Cyrus the great B C 99 cop 2 7-8 “ Darius the great B D 21 cop 1 7-8 “ Darius the great B D 21 cop 2 7-8 Bariett, J Dewey B D 51 7-8 Abbott, J Elizabeth B E 43 7-8 Franklin, B Autobiography B F 83 7-8 Abbott, J Genghis Khan B G 32 cop 1 7-8 “ Genghis Khan B G 32 cop 2 7-8 Burton U. S. Grant B G 76 b cop 1 7-8 “ U. S. Grant ...B G 76 b cop 2 f-8 Nicholay U. S. Grant B G 76 n 7-8 Holloway, C Hale B H 16 7-8 NON-FICTION 25 Abbott, J Hannibal “ Hannibal Arnold, T Hannibal “ Hannibal Wirt, W Patrick Henry Abbott J Henry IV “ Hortense Schmucker Thomas Jefferson Michelet, M Joan of Arc Abbott, J Josephine “ Joseph Bonaparte Keller, H Story of my life Burton Lafayette Wallace, L An autobiography “ An autobiography Andrews, J Perfect tribute Baldwin, J Lincoln McClure, A Abe Lincoln’s yarns and stories Morgan Abe Lincoln Nicholay Boys life of Abraham Lincoln Stoddard, J Boy Lincoln Hughes, T Livingstone Abbott, J Louis XIV ‘ Louis Philippi “ Margaret of Anjou “ Maria Antoinette Hartzler, H B Moody in Chicago Abbott Napoleon Bonaparte Southey, R Admiral Nelson Abbott, J Nero Dixon, N Penn Abbott, J Philip “ Pyrrhus “ Richard I “ Richard II “ Richard III Riis Making of an American Abbott, J Madam Roland “ Madam Roland “ Romulus Morgan Roosevelt Barnes Scott Rolfe Shakespeare Bourne Philip Sidney Simms, W Captain John Smith Abbott, J DeSoto “ Miles Standish ..B H 24 a cop 1 7-8 ..B H 24 a cop 2 7-8 B H 24 ar cop 1 7-8 B H 24 ar cop 2 7-8 B H 52 7-8 B II 526 8 B H 82 8 B J 45 7-8 B J 62 8 B J 83 8 B J 836 8 B K 92 7-8 B L 16 5-6 B L 19 V 1 8 B L 19 V 2 8 B L 73 a 7-8 B L 73 b 5-6 B L 73 m 6-7 B L 73 mo 8 B L 73 n 4-5 B L 73 s 4-5 B L 78 8 B L 88 8 B L 886 8 B M 32 8 B M 33 8 B M 81 8 B N 21 8 B N 42 8 B N 44 8 B P 41 8 BP 54 8 B P 99 8 B R 51 r 1 8 B R 51 r 2 8 B R 51 r 3 8 B R 57 8 B R 74 cop 1 7-8 B R 74 cop 2 7-8 B R 76 7-8 B R 78 7-8 B S 43 78 * B S 52 8 B S 56 8 B S 65 5-6 B S 71 7-8 B S 78 7-8 26 NON-FICTION Upton Tell B T 27 7-8 Ober Amerigo Vespucci B V 53 8 Washington, B Up from slavery B W 31 cop 1 7-8 “ Up from slavery B W 31 cop 2 7-8 Abbott, J William the conqueror B W 71 7-8 Scudder George Washington B W 318 7-8 Brooks George Washington B W 318 b 4-5 Abbott, J Xerxes, King of Persia B X 4 cop 1 7-8 “ Xerxes, King of Persia B X 4 cop 2 7-8 Ancient History Arnold Stories of ancient peoples 930 A 75 5-6 Stories of ancient world 930 S 88 5-6 Guerber Story of the romans 937 G 92 4-5 Harding City of the seven hills 937 H 26 6-7 Church Greek life and story 938 C 56 7-8 Guerber Story of the Greeks 938 G 92 4.5 Hall Men of old Greece 938 H 17 4-5 Europe Froissart Stories from Froissart -.940 F 92 n 8 Green With spurs of gold 949 G 79 5-6 Stories of middle ages 940 S 88 4-5 Tappan, E M European hero stories 940 T 17 7-8 Marshall Scotland’s stories 941 M 36 6-7 Scott Tales of a Grandfather ...941 S 43 7-8 Church Stories from English history 942 C 55 8 Dickens, C Childs history of England 942 D 54 8 Freeman Old English history 942 F 85 8 Green England 942 G 79 V 1 8 “ England 942 G 79 V 2 8 “ England 942 G 79 V 3 8 “ England 942 G 79 V 4 8 Guerber Story of the English 942 G 92 cop 1 6-7 “ Story of the English 942 G 92 cop 2 6-7 Marshall Island story 942 M 36 6-7 Tappan England’s story 942 T 17 8 “ In the days of Queen Victoria 942 T 17.1 5-6 “ In the days of Alfred the great 942 T 17.2 5-6 “ In the days of Queen Elizabeth 942 T 17.3 5-6 “ In the days of William the conqueror 942 T 17.4 5-6 Abbott Austria 943 A 13 8 Menzel Germany 943 M 55 V 1 8 “ Germany 943 M 55 V 2 8 “ Germany 943 M 55 V 3 8 “ Germany 943 M 55 V 4 8 NON-FICTION 27 Dutton Little stories of France 944 D 98 8 Quixot France 944 G 96 Y 1 8 “ France 944 G 96 Y 2 8 “ France 944 G 96 V 3 8 “ France 944 G 96 V 4 8 “ France 944 G 96 V 5 8 “ France 944 G 96 Y 6 8 “ France 944 G 96 Y 7 8 “ France.. 944 G 96 Y 8 8 Prescott History of reign of Ferdinand and Isabell .....(*) 946 P 93 Wilberforce Spain 946 W 66 8 Rambaud Russia 947 R 16 V 1 8 “ Russia 947 R 16 Y 2 8 Vanbergen Story of Russia 947 Y 28 8 Motley Seige of Leyden 949 M 91 8 Clark Turkey 949 C 59 8 True Heroes of Holland 949 T 866 7-8 Asia Lane Toward the rising sun 950 L 26 6-7 Miller Little people of Asia 950 M 64 5-6 Boulger China 951 B 76 8 Vanbergen Story of China........ 951 Y 28 7 “ Story of Japan 952 Y 28 7-8 Africa McCoan Egypt.... 962 M 12 7-8 North America Drake Indian history 970 D 76 6-8 Husted Indian chiefton stories 970 H 97 3-4 “ Indian children stories 970 H 97.1 3-4 Brooks Story of American Indian 970.1 B 87 6-8 Dunn True Indian stories 970.1 D 92 5-8 Wade Ten Indian hunters 970.1 W 12 5-6 McDavid Princess Pocahontas 970.2 M 13 3-6 Whitney Four American Indians 970.2 W 61 5-8 James Indians of painted desert 970.3 J 28 7-8 Prescott Conquest of Mexico.. 972 P 93 V I cop 1 8 “ Conquest of Mexico 972 P 93 V 1 cop 2 8 “ Conquest of Mexico 972 P 93 V 2 cop 1 8 Prescott Conquest of Mexico. 972 P 93 V 2 cop 2 8 “ Conquest of Mexico 972 P 93 V 3 cop 1 8 “ Conquest of Mexico 972 P 93 Y 3 cop 2 8 Quesada Cuba’s great struggle 972.9 Q 5 6-7 28 NON-FICTION United States History Abbott Naval History 973 A 12 7-8 Brady Colonial lights and fighters 973 B 81 cop 1 7-8 “ Colonial fights and fighters 973 B 81 cop 2 7-8 “ Border fights and fighters 973 B 81.1 7-8 “ Revolutionary fights and fighters 973 B 81.2 7-8 “ Northwestern fights and fighters 973 B 81.3 7-8 “ Indian fights and fighters 973 B 81.4 7-8 Baker Daring exploits of scouts and spies 973 B 16 6-7 Bass Stories of pioneer life 973 B 31 3-4 Brooks American soldiers 973 B 87 6-7 “ Civil war stories 973 C 58 6-7 Coffin Boys of ’76 973 C 67 7-8 “ Building the nation : 973 C 67.1 7-8 “ Old times in the colonies 973 C 67.2 7-8 “ Colonial stories 973 C 71 7-8 Cook Stories of the old dominion 973 C 77 7-8 Eggleston American life and adventure 973 E 31 cop 1 4-5 “ American life and adventure 973 E 31 cop 2 4-5 Elson History of United States 973 E 49 V 1 7-8 “ History of United States 973 E 49 Y 2 7-8 “ History of United States 973 E 49 Y 3 7-8 “ History of United States 973 E 49 Y 4 7-8 “ History of United States 973 E 49 Y 5 7-8 Gordy American leaders and heroes 973 G 66 7-8 Graham Schley and Santiago 973 G 73 7-8 Griffis Romance of discovery 973 G 85 6-7 Guerber Story of the great republic 973 G 92 7-8 Hart Colonial children 973 H 32 5-6 “ Romance of civil war 973 H 32.1 7-8 “ Formation of the union 973 H 32.2 8 Hawthorne United States 973 H 39 Y 3 8 Hitchcock, R Decisive battles of America 973 H 64 8 Jenks When A merica won liberty 973 J 53 6-7 Johonnot Stories of our country 973 J 73 4 Lane American history in literature 973 L 26 7-8 Lodge Hero tales 973 L 82 cop 1 7-8 “ Hero tales 973 L 82 cop 2 7-8 Miles Personal recollections .*. 973 M 64 6-7 Revolutionary stories 973 R 45 cop 1 5-6 Revolutionary stories 973 R 45 cop 2 5-6 Roosevelt Rough riders 973 R 78 7-8 Royse 115th Illinois regiment 973 R 89 8 Stone Days and deeds a hundred years ago 973 S 87 8 NON-FICTION 29 Tappan American heroes stories 973 T 17 cop 1 7*8 “ American heroes stories stories 973 T 17 cop 2 7-8 Wright Children’s stories 973 W 95 5-6 Fiske Discovery of America 973.1 F 54 8 Baldwin, J Discovery of Old Northwest 973.2 B 18 7-8 Guerber Story of the thirteen colonies 973.2 G 92 7-8 Higginson Young folks book of American explorers 973.2 H 63 7-8 Fiske American revolution 973.3 F54 Y 1 7-8 “ American revolution 973.3 F 54 V 2 7-8 Soley Boys of 1812 973 5 S 68 7-8 Champlin, J Young folks history of civil war 973.7 C 45 7-8 Coffin, O C Following the flag 973.7 C 67 7-8 “ Drum beat of the nation 973.7 C 67.1 cop 1 7-8 “ Drum beat of the nation 973.7 C 67.1 cop 2 7-8 “ Marching to victory 973.7 C 67.2 7-8 “ Redeeming the republic 973.7 C 67.3 cop 1 7-8 “ Redeeming the republic 973.7 C 67.3 cop 2 7-8 “ Freedom triumphant 973.7 C 67.4 7-8 Eggleston Story of Confederate war 973.7 E 31 Y 1 7-8 “ Story of Confederate war 973.7 E 31 V 2 7-8 Famous adventures and prison escapes of the civil war 973.7 F 19 7-8 Stephens History of war for the union 973.7 S 83 7-8 Brooks Story of our war with Spain 973.8 B 87 7-8 Everett Experiences in our war with Spain 973.8 E 93 7-8 Brooks Story of old Bay State 974.4 B 87 6-7 Drake On Plymouth rock 974.4 D 76 5-6 Griffis Pilgrims in their homes 974.4 G 85 7-8 Rhoades Story of Philadelphia 974.8 R 47 7-8 Walton Story of Pennsylvania 974.8 W 23 6-7 Stockton Story of New Jersey 974.9 S 86 6-7 Harris Story of Georgia 975.8 H 31 6-7 Baldwin, J Conquest of old northwest 977 B 18 6-7 Howells Stories of Ohio 977.1 H 85 8 Dunn Indiana 977.2 D 92 8 Levering Historic Indiana 977.2 L 66 7-8 Thompson, M Stories of Indiana 977.2 T 47 7-8 Thwaites Stories of Badger state 977.5 T 54 5-8 Musick Stories of Missouri 977.8 M 98 5-8 Higginson Alaska •••(*) 979.8 H 63 South America Prescott Conquest of Peru 985 P 93 V 1 8 “ Conquest of Peru 985 P 93 V 2 8 “ Conquest of Peru 985 P 93 V 3 8 Stevenson Eight years of trouble in Somoa 991 S 84 8 FICTION Abbott, J Rollo at play A 13 3-6 “ Rollo learning to read A 13.1 3-6 “ Rollo learning to talk A 13.2 3-6 “ Rollo’s correspondence A 13.3 3-6 “ Rollo’s experiment A 13.4 3-6 “ Rollo’s museum A 13.5 3-6 “ Rollo’s philosophy (air) A 13.6 3-6 “ Rollo’s philosophy (fire) A 13.7 3-6 “ Rollo’s philosophy (sky) A 13.8 3-6 “ Rollo’s philosophy (water) A 13.9 3-6 “ Rollo’s travels A 13.10 3-6 “ Rollo’s vacation A13.ll 3-6 “ Rollo at school A 13.12 3-6 Ade, G Artie (*) A 22 “ Doc’ Horne (*) A 22.1 Adelborg, A Clean Peter.... A 266 1 Aitken Eyes and no eyes A 29 4 Alcott, L M Little men A 35 6-7 “ Little women A 35.1 6-7 Alden, W L Cruise of the Canoe Club A 359 3-4 “ Moral pirates A 359.1 3-4 “ Cruise of the “Ghost” A 359.2 cop 1 3-4 “ Cruise of the “Ghost” A 359.2 cop 2 3-4 “ Adventures of Jimmy Brown A 359.3 3-4 “ New Robinson Crusoe A 359.4 3-4 Aldrich, T B Marjorie Daw A 36 5-6 “ Story of a bad boy A 36.1 5-6 Alger, H Jr Adrift in New York A 39 4-8 “ Andy Gordon A 39.1 4-8 “ Andy Grant’s Pluck A 39.2 4-8 “ Brave and Bold A 39.3 4-8 “ Cash Boy A 39.4 4-8 “ Chester Rand A 39.5 4-8 “ Dean Dunham A 39.6 4-8 “ Do and Dare A 39.7 4-8 “ Driven from home A 39.8 4-8 “ Erie train boy A 39.9 4-8 “ Facing the world A 39.10 4-8 “ Hector’s inheritance A 39.11 4-8 “ Helping himself A 39.12 4-8 “ Herbert Carter’s legacy A 39.13 4-8 “ In a new world A39.14 4-8 FICTION 31 Alger, H Jr Jack’s ward A 39.15 4-8 u Jed the poorhouse boy % A 39.16 4-8 “ Julius the street boy A 39.17 4-8 “ Luke Walton A 39.18 4-8 “ Making his way A 39.19 4-8 Only an Irish boy A 39 20 4-8 “ Paul the peddler A 39.21 4-8 “ Phil the fiddler A 39.22 4-8 “ Ralph Raymond’s heir A 39.23 4-8 “ Risen from the ranks A 39.24 4-8 “ Sam’s chance A 39.25 cop 1 4-8 “ Sam’s chance A 39.25 cop 2 4-8 “ Shifting for himself A 39.26 4-8 “ Slow and sure A 39.27 4-8 “ Store boy A 39.28 4-8 “ Strive and succeed A 39.29 4-8 “ Strong and steady A 39.30 4-8 “ Tom the bootblack ..A 39.31 4-8 “ Try and trust A 39.32 4-8 “ Young acrobat A 39.33 4-8 “ Young outlaw A 39.34 4-8 “ Young salesman A 39.35 4-8 “ Young musicans A 39.36 4-8 Allen, J L Choir invisible (*) A 42.1 “ Bride of the mistletoe (*) A 42.2 “ Kentucky cardinal (*) A 42.3 Allen Son of Liberty A 43 3-5 “ Called to the front A 43.1 3-6 Altsheler Young trailers A 46 3-6 Amicis, E de Cuore A 51 6-8 Andrews, J Each and all A 56 3-4 “ Ten boys A 56.1 4-5 Ashley Gilbert, the trapper A 82 6-8 Atherton Tower of ivory (*) A 86 Austin, J Standish of Standish (*) A 93 Austin, O P Uncle Sam’s secrets A 936 Bacheller, I Darrel of the blessed Isles (*) B 12 “ Eben Holden (*) B 12.2 Bacon An idyll of all fool’s day.. (*) B 12.6 Baldwin, J Horse fair B 18 7-8 Bangs, J K House boat on the Styx (*) B 21 “ Andirons tales B 21.1 1-2 Bannerman Story of the black Mingo B 216 1-2 “ Story of little black Sambo B 216.1 1-2 “ Story of the teasing monkey ,.,,,,,...,31 216,2 1--? 32 FICTION Barbour, R H For the honor of the school B 23 5-8 “ Four in Camp B 23.1 cop 1 5-8 “ Four in camp B 23.2 cop 2 5-8 “ Arrival of Jimpson B 23.3 5-8 “ Behind the line B 23.4 5-8 “ Captain of the crew B 23.5 5-8 “ Crimsom sweater B 23.6 5-8 ** Double play B 23.7 5-8 “ Four afloat B 23.8 5-8 “ Four afoot B 23.9 5-8 “ On your mark B 23.10 5-8 “ Spirit of the school B 23.11 cop 1 5-8 “ Spirit of the school B 23.11 cop 2 5-8 “ Tom, Dick and Harriet ..B 23.12 5-8 “ Weatherby’s inning B 23.13 5-8 Barnett, E S Jerry’s reward B 26 2-3 Barnes, J With the flag in the channel B 266 7-8 “ For king or country B 266.1 7-8 “ A loyal traitor B 266.2 8 “ Midshipman Farragut B 266.3 6-7 “ Hero of Erie B 266.4 7-8 “ Son of “Light-horse” Harry B 266.5 7-8 Barton Prairie schooner B 29 6-7 “ When Boston braved the king B 29.1 6 -l Baum, L F John Dough and the Cherub B 34 4-5 Bayloi, F C Juan and Juanita B 35 5-6 “ Ladder of fortune (*) B 35.1 Benedict Gregory guards B 46 7-8 Bennett Barnaby Lee B 47 7-8 “ Master Skylark B 47.1 7-8 “ Treasure of Pyre Gaillard B 47.2 7-8 Bingham, M Blackie B 59 Blackmore Lorna Doone (*) B 62 “ Alice Lorraine (*) B 62.1 Black Judith Shakespeare (*) B 626 Blackwood Jimbo (*) B 63 Bond, A R Scientific American boy B 71 7-8 “ Book of trains B 71.1 i “ Book of ships - B 71.2 1 “ Book of soldiers B 71.3 1 “ Book of the zoo B 71.4 1 Boyle Calendar stories B 79 3 Brady, E T Patriots B 81 7-8 “ Rueben James B 81.1 7-8 “ Ring and the man B 81.2 7-8 FICTION 33 Bridgman, C Book of shops B 85 1 Bridman, L J Santa Claus club B 856 Brooks, E S Under the tamaracks B 87 7-8 “ Master of strong hearts B 87.1 cop 1 8 “ Master of strong hearts B 87.1 cop 2 8 “ Boy of the first empire B 87.2 7 Brooks, N Boy emigrants B 873 7-8 “ Boy settlers B 873.1 7-8 “ Boys of Fairfort B 873.2 7-8 Brown, A F Curious book of birds B 8772 4-5 “ Star jewels B 8772.1 3-5 “ John of the woods B 8772.2 4-5 Brown, C Bold Robin and his rangers B 8774 4-5 Brown, J Rab and his friends B 8782 cop 1 6-7 “ Rab and his friends B 8782 cop 2 6-7 Brown, K L Alice and Tom B 8783 2-8 Browne, F Granny’s wonderful chair B 88 cop 1 5 6 “ Granny’s wonderful chair B 88 cop 2 5-6 Bruce School days B 886 Bullen, F T Walerman’s wife (*) B 93 Bunyan, J Pilgrim’s progress B 94 cop 1 7-8 “ Pilgrim’s progress B 94 cop 2 7-8 “ Pilgrim’s progress B 94 cop 3 7-8 “ Pilgrim’s progress B 94 cop 4 7-8 “ Pilgrim’s progress B 94 cop 5 7-8 Burgess, G Goops and how to grow them B 95 1 Burdette Chimes from a jester’s bells (*) b 956 Burnett Little Lord Fauntleroy B 96 4-5 “ Racketty-packetty house B 96.1 1-2 “ The shuttle (*) b 96.2 “ Through one administration (*) b 96.3 Butterworth, H Heroine of the wilderness B 98 6-7 “ In the boyhood of Lincoln B 98.1 6-7 “ The treasure ship B 98.2 6-7 “ The wampum belt B 98.3 6-7 “ Young McKinley B 98.4 6-7 Bynner, E L Begum’s daughter (*) B 99 “ Zachary Phips (*) b 99.1 Byrum Our darling’s ABC book B 996 1-2 “ How John became a man B 996.1 2-3 Caldecott, R Hey-diddle-diddle picture book C 14 1-2 “ Picture book No. 2 : C 14.1 1-2 lt Picture book C 14.2 1-2 “ Panjandrum picture book C 14-3 1 Calhoun Miss Minerva and William Green Hill (*)C 15 Canavan Ben Comee C 21 3-6 34 FICTION Canfield Boys of the Rincon ranch C 22 3-5 Carrol, L Alice’s adventures C31 4 “ Through the looking glass C31.1 4 Catherwood, M Lazarre (*) C 36 “ Story of Tonty (*) C 36.1 Cervantes, M de Don Quixote C 41 7-8 “ Don Quixote C 41 p 7-8 Chambers, R W Chambric mask (*) C 44 Champney Paddy O’Leary and his learned pig C 45 3 Chaucer Tales from Chaucer .. C 49 s 7-8 Church, A J Three Greek children C 56 4 “ Young Mecedonian C 56.1 4 Churchill, W The Crisis (*) C 563 “ Coniston . (*) C 563.1 “ Crossing (*) C 563.2 “ Mr. Crewe’s career (*) C 563.3 “ Modern chronicle.. (*) C 563.4 Clark Joe Bently C 59 6-7 “ Boy life in United States navy C 59.1 6-7 Coffin, C C Winning his way C 67 5-6 “ Daughters of the revolution C 67.1 5-6 Conner, R Glengarry school days C 75 cop 1 7-8 “ Glengarry school days C 75 cop 2 7-8 “ Man from Glengarry C 75.1 7-8 “ Sky pilot C 75.2 7-8 “ Doctor (*) C 75.3 “ Foreigner (*) C 75.4 Copper, J F Deerslayer C 77 7-8 “ Last of the Mohicans C 77.1 7-8 “ Pathfinder C 77.2 7-8 “ The pilot „ C 77.3 7-8 “ The pioneers C 77.4 7-8 “ The prairie. C 77.5 7-8 “ The spy C 77.6 7-8 “ Lionel Lincoln C 77.7 7-8 “ Red Rover C 77.8 7-8 Coryell Diego Pinzon C 83 7-8 Cotes, Mrs. E Imperialist (*) G 84 “ Story of Sonny Sahib C 84.1 3 Costello, T Sure dart C 846 4-5 Cox, P Brownies, their book C 87 1 Cragin, L E Kindergarten stories C 88 1 Crawford, M Diva’s Ruby (*) G 89 “ Fair Margaret (*) C 89.1 “ Little city of hope (*) C 89.2 “ Primadonna (*) C 89$ FICTION 35 Crawford, M Stradella “ White sister “ Undesirable Governess Crothers, S M Miss Mullet’s Christmas party Crowly, M C Heroine of the strait (*) C 89.4 (*) C 89.5 (*) C 89.6 C 95 3 (*) C 951 “ Love thrives in war (*) C 951.1 Curtis, G W Prue and I C 97 Dalton Tiger prince D 15 5-6 “ War Tiger , D 15.1 5-6 “ White elephant. D 15.2 5-6 Dalrymple Little-me-to D 156 1-2 Dana, M Puritan witch (*) D 16 Dana, R H Jr Two years before the mast D 17 cop 1 7-8 “ Two years before the mast D 17 cop 2 7-8 Danby Heart of a child (*) D 176 “ Sebastian (*) D 176.1 “ Pigs in clover D 176.2 7-8 Davis White mice,..-. (*) D 26 Defoe, D Robinson Crusoe D 31 ,cop 1 7-8 “ Robinson Crusoe D 31 cop 2 7-8 “ Robinson Crusoe D 31 cop 3 7-8 “ Robinson Crusoe D 31 cop 4 7-8 Democracy (*) D 38 Alice for short (*) D 386 It can never happen again ^*) D 386.1 De Morgan << Devoor, A Diaz, Mrs. Dickens, C Oliver Iverson (*) D51 A M William Henry lettters D 54 4-5 Childs dream of a star D 548 4-6 Christmas stories D 548.1 7-8 Dombey and son D 548.2 cop 1 7-8 Dombey and son D 548.2 cop 2 7-8 Martin Chuzzlewit D 548.3 cop 1 7-8 Martin Chuzzlewit D 548.3 cop 2 7-8 Our mutual friend D 548.4 cop 1 7-8 Our mutual friend D 548.4 cop 2 7-8 Cricket on the hearth D 548.5 7-8 Oliver Twist D 548.6 cop 1 7-8 * Oliver Twist.. ... D 548.6 cop 2 7-8 Oliver Twist D 548.6 cop 3 7-8 Oliver Twist D 548.6 cop 4 7-8 Bleak house D 548.7 7-8 Christmas book D 548.8 7-8 Christmas carol D 548.9 7-8 Great expectation and hard times D 548.10 7-8 Little Dorrit D 548.ll 7-8 Old curiosity shop ....D 548.12 7-8 36 FICTION Dickens, C Nicholas Nickleby D 548.13 7-8 “ Tail of two cities D 548.14 7-8 “ David Copperfield D 548.15 7-8 Dillon, M Rose of old St. Louis .....(*)D 57 Dix Little captive lad D 61 “ Soldier Rigdale D 61.1 5-6 Dodge, M M Hans Brinker D 64 7-8 Dole, C F Crib and fly D 66 3-4 Donnell Very small person D 68 4-5 Dopp Early Cave men D 69 3 “ Tree Dwellers D 69.1 3 Doubleday Cattle ranch to college D 72 3-5 Douglas, A M Little girl in old Quebec D 73 7-8 Doyle, C M Taming of the jungle D 75 7-8 Doyle, A C Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (*)D 756 “ Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (*) D 756.1 Drake Young vigilantes D 76 5-6 Dromgoole, W The farrier’s dog and his fellow D 78 3-4 “ Fortunes of the fellow D 78.1 3-4 Drummond Monkey that wouldn’t kill D 79 3-4 Drysdale Beach patrol D 81 4-5 “ Cadet Standish of St Louis D 81.1 4-5 “ Fast mail D 81.2 5-6 “ Young super-cargo D 81.3 5-6 Duckwitz, L C What Thelma found D 83 3-4 Dudley, A T Making the nine D 84 cop 1 5-6 “ Making the nine D 84 cop 2 5-6 “ In the line D 84.1 cop 1 5-6 “ In the line D 84.1 cop 2 5-6 “ Following the ball D 84.2 5-6 “ Full-back afloat D 84.3 5-6 “ With mask and mitt D 84.4 5-6 “ Yale cup D 84.5 5-6 Duma, A Count of Monte Christo (*) D 88 Duncan Adventures of Billy Topsail D 91 3-4 Dunne Mr. Dooley in peace and war D 92 7-8 Eaton Teddy B and Teddy G E 14 1-2 “ More about the Roosevelt bears E 14.1 1-2 Edgeworth, M Waste not, want not E 23 3 Eggleston, E Graysons (*) E 31 Hoosier school boy (*)E 31.1 “ Hoosier school master E 31.2 4-5 “ Roxy E 31.3 4-5 Eggleston, G C Big brother E 316.1 5-6 “ Captain Sam E 316.2 5-6 “ Dorothy South (*) E 316.3 FICTION 37 Eggleston, G C Jack Shelby E 316.4 4-5 “ Long knives E 316.5 4-5 “ Signal boys E 316.6 4-5 “ Wreck of the Red Bird E 316.7 4-5 Eldred Lookout island campers E 37 5-6 Eliot, G Adam Bede (*) E 42 “ Daniel Deronda (*) E 42.1 Y 1 “ Daniel Deronda (*) E 42.1 V 2 “ Mill on the Floss (*) E 42.2 “ Silas Marner (*) E 42.3 Ellis, E S True to his trust E 47 5-6 “ Arthur Helmeth E 47.1 5-6 “ Blazing arrow E 47.2 5-6 “ Camp in the mountains E 47.3 5-6 “ Check No. 2134 E 47.5 4-6 “ Cowmen and Rustlers.. E 47.5 5-6 “ Darsey E 47.6 5-6 “ Fighting to win E 47.7 5-6 “ From lent to White Hous e E 47.8 5-6 “ Golden rock E 47.9 5-6 “ Honest Ned E 47.10 5-6 “ Hunt of the white elephant E 47.11 5-6 “ Hunters of the Ozark E 47.12 5-6 “ Days of the pioneers E 47.13 5-6 “ Jim and Joe E 47.14 5-6 “ Last war trail E 47.15 5-6 “ On the trail of Germonico E 47.16 5-6 “ Perils of the jungle E 47.17 5-6 “ Ned on the river E 47.18 5-6 “ Red eagle E 47.19 5-6 “ Secret of Coffin Island E 47.20 5-6 “ Shod with silence E 47.21 5-6 “ Two boys in Wyoming E 47.22 5-6 Ewing, J H Jacknaps E 95 cop 1 4-5 “ Jacknaps E 95 cop 2 4-5 “ Jan of the windmill E 95.1 4-5 “ Lob-lie-by-the-fire E 95.2 4-5 “ Mary’s meadow E 95.3 4-5 “ Story of a short life E 95.4 4-5 Field, E Little book of profitable tales F 46 4-5 Finn That football game F 51 6-7 Fitzpatrick Jock of the Bush veld F 55 6-7 Fletcher, J S Paths of the prudent (*) F 61 Forbes Elizabeth’s charm string F 69 4-5 Fortesque Story of a red deer F 73 5-7 Foster Cab No. 44 (*) F 75 38 FICTION Fox, F M Farmer Brown and the birds F 79 3-4 Fox, J Jr Knight of the Cumberland F 792 7-8 “ Little shepherd of kingdom come F 792.1 7-8 “ Crittenden F 792.2 7-8 “ Trail of the Lonesome pine F 792.3 7-8 Francis Book of cheerful cats F 81 5-6 Fraser, W A Sa-Zada tales F 84 5-6 French, H W Lance of Kanana F 846 5-6 Freeman, ME By the light of the soul (*) F 85 French, A Reform of Shaun F 87 5-6 “ Sir Marrock F 87.1 7-8 Frothingham, J P Running the gauntlet F 94 6-7 Garland Long trail.... G 23 7-8 Gerard, D One year (*) G 35 Gladden Santa Claus on a lark G 54 3-4 Glascow Romance of a plain man.. (*) G 546 Glentworth Twentieth century boy G 55 6-7 Godfrey, H For the Norton name G 58 6-7 Goldsmith, O Goody two shoes G 62 2-3 “ Yicar of Wakefield G 62.1 7-8 “ Choice works G 62.2 7-8 Goodwin V eronica Playfair (*) G 65 “ Up grade (*) G 656 Gordon Osceola ... G 66 6-7 “ Tecumsah G 66.1 5-6 “ Logan the Mingo G 66.2 5-6 Gordon, E M Two Teddy bears in Toyland G 666 1-2 Goss, W L In the navy..... G 67 3-6 “ Jack Alden G 67.1 3-6 “ Jed G 67.2 3-6 “ Tom Clifton... G 67.3 4-5 Graydon, W In the days of Washington G 78 5-6 Greene Lincoln conscript G 79 5-6 Gray, Mrs. Cousin Harry (*) G 84 Greei, S C Kings of the east (*) G 848 Grinnel Jack among the Indians G 86 5-6 “ Jack in the Rockies G 86.1 5-6 “ Jack the young ranchman G 86.2 5-6 “ Jack the young trapper G 86.3 5-6 Guizou A minals in the ark G 96 5-6 Habberton Who was Paul Grayson H 11 Haine Luck of Dudley Grahams H 14 6-7 Hall Aunt Jane of Kentucky (*) H 176 Hale, E E Tales from Munchausen H 16 cop 1 2-3 “ Tales from Munchausen H 16 cop 2 2-3 “ Tales from Munchausen H 16 cop 3 2-3 FICTION 39 Hale, E E Man without a country H 16.1 7-8 Hale, L P Peterkin papers H 163 3-4 Haley, M M Dornfield summer H 168 6-7 Hale, L C Actress (*) H 169 Hall One immortality (*) H 17 Hamblen General managers story (*) II 19 Hammond, H Pinkie Perkins, just a boy H 22 5*6 Hamp Treasure of Mushroom Rock FI 226 Harbert Out of her sphere (*) H 25 Harris, J C Baalam and his master II 31 6-7 “ Bishop and the Boogerman H 31.1 Hart Luck of Roaring Camp H 32 Hawthorne, N Twice told tales H 39 7-8 “ House of seven gables H 39.1 7-8 Hawkes Shaggy coat Ii 396 3-4 Headland Chinise Mother Goose rhymes H 43 Hemyng, B Jack Harkaway afloat and ashore H 49 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway after school days H 49.1 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway among brigands H 49.2 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway among pirates H 49.3 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway and bushrangers H 49.4 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway and red dragon H 49.5 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway around the world H 49.6 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway at Oxford H 49.7 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway in America H 49.8 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway in Australia H 49.9 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway in China H 49.10 4-6 Jack Harkaway in Greece H 49.11 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway ’s battle with the Turks H 49.12 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway ’s capture II 49.13 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway’s confidence H 49.14 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway’s duel 11 49.15 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway’s friends H 49.16 4-6 “ Jack Harkaways’s perils H 49.17 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway’s pluck H 49.18 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway’s resolve H 49.19 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway’s return H 49.20 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway’s school days H 49.21 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway’s struggles H 49.22 4-6 “ Jack Harkaway’s triumphs H 49.23 4-6 Henderson Sea yarns H 496 Henty, G A Among Malay pirates H 52 4-6 “ Beric the Briton H 52.1 4-6 “ Bonnie Prince Charlie H 52.2 4-6 “ Boy knight H 52.3 4-6 “ Bravest of the brave H 52.4 4-6 40 FICTION Henty, G A By England’s aid H 52.5 5-7 “ By right of conquest H 52.6 5-7 “ Captain Bailey’s heir H 52.7 5-7 “ Cat of Bubastes H 52.8 5-7 “ Cornet of horse H 52.9 5-7 “ Dragon and the raven H 52.10 cop 1 5-7 “ Dragon and the raven H 52.10 cop 2 5-7 “ Final reckoning H 52.11 5-7 “ For name and fame H 52.12 5-7 “ For the temple H 52.13 5-7 “ Friends though divided H 52.14 5-7 “ Golden canon H 52.15 5-7 “ In freedom’s cause H 52.16 5-7 “ In the reign of terror H 52.17 cop 1 5-7 “ In the reign of terror H 52.17 cop 2 5-7 “ In times of peril H 52.18 5-7 “ Jack Archer H 52.19 5-7 “ Lion of the north H 52.20 5-7 “ Lost heir H 52.21 5-7 “ Maori and settlers II 52.22 5-7 “ Orange and green H 52.23 5-7 “ One of the twenty-eight H 52.24 5 7 “ Sturdy and strong H 52.25 5-7 “ True to the old flag H 52.26 cop 1 5-7 “ True to the old flag H 52.26 cop 2 5-7 “ With Clive in India H 52.27 5-7 “ With Lee in Virginia H 52.28 5-7 “ With Wolfe in Canada H 52.29 5-7 “ Wulf, the Saxon H 52.30 5-7 “ Young buglers II 52.31 5-7 “ Young colonists H 52.32 5-7 “ Young Franc Tireurs H 52.33 5-7 “ Young Midshipman H 52.34 5-7 “ By Pyke and Dyke H 52.35 5-7 Herrick Together (*) H 56 Hesser Joe’s signal code H 58 Hinman Corporal Si Klegg H 66 Holder Adventures of Torqua H 72 7-8 “ Treasure Divers H 72.1 4-5 Holland Arthur Bonniecastle H 73 Holmes O W Autocrat of the breakfast table H 75 Homer Story of Iliad, by E. Brooks H 76 b 7-8 “ Story of Odessey, by E. Brooks H 76.1 b 7-8 “ Stories from Homer, by Church H 76 c 7-8 “ Adventures of Ulysses, by C. Lamb H 76 1 7-8 Hoover Pa Flickinger’s folk H 78 FICTION 41 Hopkins, W F Sandman, his farm stories H 79 cop 1 2-3 “ Sandman, his farm stories H 79 cop 2 2-3 “ Sandman, more farm stories H 79.1 2-3 Hopkins, H M Torch (*)H 794 Hough Story of the Cowboy H 83 G-8 Howells Mouse trap (*) H 85 Howliston Cat Talesl H 86 3 Hughes, T Tom Brown’s School Days II 89 cop 1 7-8 “ Tom Brown’s School Days H 89 cop 2 7-8 “ Tom Brown at Oxford H 89.1 7-8 Hughes Lakerim Athletic club (*) II 896 Hugo Les Miserables (*) H 897 Indian stories I 39 4-5 Ingelow, J Mopsa, the fairy 1 46 4-5 “ Three fairy tales J 46.1 3-4 Ingersoll Island in the air 1 47 6-7 “ Eight secrets 1 47.1 6-7 Inman Ranche on the Oxhide 1 57 6-7 Inman H E Wulnoch, the wanderer I 576 7-8 Irving, W Dolph Hevliger 1 72 7-8 “ Old Christmas I 72.1 7-8 Jackson, H Cat stories J 12 2-3 “ Ramona (*) J 13 Jacobs, W W Master of craft (*) J 17 cop 1 “ Master of craft (*) J 17 cop 2 James Tom Winstone J 28 My friend Jim J 281.1 3-5 Jamison Lady Jane J 32 4-5 Janvier, T A Aztec treasure house J 35 cop 1 7-8 “ Aztec treasure house J 35 cop 2 7-8 Jayne White mustang J 42 6-7 Jefferies, R Bevis J 45 7-8 Jenks Ba-long-long J 53 3-4 Jerome Three men in a boat (*) J 56 Johnson Eternal boy J 68 6-7 Johnson, R End of a rainbow J 69 6-8 “ Phaeton Rogers J 69.1 7-8 Johnson, S Rasselas (*) J 696 Johnston, A F Asa Holmes J 72 4-5 “ Aunt Liza’s hero J 72.1 4-5 “ Big brother J 72.2 4-5 “ Cicely J 72.3 4-5 “ Flips island of providence J 72.4 4-5 “ Joel J 72.5 4-5 “ Story of Dago J 72.6 4-5 “ Little Colonel J 72.7 4-5 42 FICTION Johnston, A F Little colonel stories J 72.8 4-5 “ Giant scissors J 72.9 4-2 “ Two little knights of Kentucky J 72.10 4-5 “ Little Colonel’s hero J 72.11 4-5 “ Little Colonel’s holidays J 72.12 4-5 “ The little Colonel’s house party J 72.13 4-5 “ Little Colonel at boarding school J 72.14 4-5 “ Little Colonel in Arizona J 72.15 4-5 “ Little Colonel’s Christmas vacation J 72.16 4-5 “ In the desert of waiting J 72.17 4-5 “ Three weavers J 72.18 4-5 “ Ole mammy’s torment J 72.19 4-5 “ Little Colonel; maid of honor J 72.20 4-5 “ Little Colonel; knight comes riding J 72.21 4-5 “ Mary Ware J 72.22 4-5 Johnston, M Lewis Rand (*) J 73 Jones, V C Miss Hogg (*) J 79 Kieffer, H M Recollections of a drummer boy K 47 4-5 King, C Cadet days K 52 cop 1 5-6 “ Cadet days K 52 cop 2 5-6 “ In spite of foes K 52.1 5-6 “ From school to battle-field K 52.2 5-6 “ Adventures of Uncle Sam’s soldiers K 52.3 5-6 King, B Inner shrine K 526 5-6 Kingsley, C Westward ho K55 7-8 “ Water babies K 55.1 4-5 “ At last K 55.2 5-6 Kipling, R Captains courageous K 57 7-6 “ Jungle book K 57.1 4-5 “ Second jungle book K 57.2 4-5 “ Drums of the fore and aft K 57.3 4-5 “ Days work (*) K 57.4 cop 1 “ Days work (*) K 57.5cop 2 “ Just so stories K 57.5 2-3 “ Plain tales of the hills (*) K 57.6 La Motte, F de Undine L 11 45 Lang, Ed Animal story book L 26 5-6 “ Red book L 26.1 5-6 Lane Katrine (*) L 266 Lear Nonsense books L 43 cop 1 2-3 “ Nonsense books L43cop2 2-3 Lee Paul Carah, cornishman '. (*) L 47 Leighton, R Pilots of Pomona L 52 6-7 Lewis At the Mikado’s court L 67 6-7 Little Lady of the decoration (*) L 77 FICTION 43 London, I Cruise of the Dazzler (*) L 84 London, J Martin Eden (*) L 84.1 “ White fang (*) L 84.2 Lynch, L L Danger line (*) L 98 Lytton, B Last days of Pompeii (*) L 99 “ Harold (*) L 99.1 MacDonald, G At the back of the North Wind M 13 6-7 MacGrath Half a rogue (*) M 14 “ Goose girl (*) M 14.1 McIntyre Cave boy M 15 2-3 Major Uncle Tom Andy Bill M 23 4-5 “ Gentle knight from old Brandenburg (*) M 23.1 “ Bears of Blue River M 23.2 4-5 Malone Plebe at West Point M 25 6-7 “ A West Point yearling M 25.1 6-7 “ Winning his way to West Point M 25.2 6-7 Marryat, C Masterman ready M 36 7-8 “ Poor Jack M 36.1 8 “ Children of the new forest M 36.2 8 “ Settlers in Canada M 36.3 8 “ Little Savage M 36.4 8 Martineau, H Crofton boys M 38 cop 1 5-6 “ Crofton boys M 38 cop 2 5-6 Martin Emmy Lou M 386 5-6 Matthews, B Tom Paulding M 43 cop 1 5-6 “ Tom Paulding M 43 cop 2 5-6 Mee, H Diplomatic women (*) M 49 Melville, H Typee M 53 7-8 Merriweather, L Lord’s courtship (*) M 56 Merwin Girl and the bill (*) M 57 Miller Less than kin (*) M 64 Molesworth Carrots M 71 4-5 Montgomery Santa Claus’s twin brother M 78 3.4 Montgomery, L Anne of Green Gables (*) M 786 “ . Anne of Avonlea (*) M 786.1 Morrison, A Red triangle (*) M 87 Mulets, L E Flower stories M 95 3-4 “ Bird stories M 95.1 3-4 “ Insect stories M 95.2 3-4 Muir Stickeen M 956 5-6 Mulock, D M Adventures of brownie 96 cop 1 4-5 “ Adventures of brownie M 96 cop 2 4-5 “ His little mother M 96.1 4-5 “ Little lame prince M 96.2 cop 1 4-5 “ Little lame prince M 96.2 cop 2 4-5 “ Little Sunshine’s holiday M 96.3 4-8 “ John Halifax M 96.4 7-5 44 FICTION Mulock, D M So-fat and Mew-mew M 96.5 3 Munroe, K Camp mates M 968 5-6 “ Canoe mates M 968.1 5-6 “ Derrick Sterling M 968.2 5-6 “ Dory mates M 968.3 5-6 “ Flamingo feather , M 968.4 5-6 “ Furseals tooth M 968.5 5-6 “ Raft mates M 968.6 5-6 Snow-shoes and sledges M 968.7 5-6 “ A war with Pontiac M 968.8 5-6 “ Big Cypress M 968.9 5-6 “ Cab and caboose M 968.10 5-6 “ Coral ship M 968.11 5-6 “ Forward March M 968.12 5-6 “ Prince Dusty M 968.13 5-6 “ Through swamp and glade M 968.14 5-6 “ Under order M 968.15 5-6 “ Wakulla M 968.16 5-6 “ White conquerors ...M 968.17 5-6 “ With Crocket and Bowie M 968.18 5-6 “ Under the great bear M 968.19 5-6 Musset, P de Mr. Wind and Madam Rain M 98 3-4 Newman Belle Islers (*) N 55 Nicholson, M House of a thovsand candles (*) N 6g “ Little brown jug of Kildare (*) N 62.1 “ Lords of high decision (*) 62.2 “ Port of missing men (*) N 62.3 Noel, M Buz N 76 3-4 North, M M Prairie Schooner .'...N 86 4-5 Norton Jack Benson’s log N 88 6-7 “ Medal of honor man N 88.1 6-7 Odgen, R Courage O 34 4-6 “ Little Homespun O 34.1 4-6 Ollivant Bob, son of battle 0 49 7-8 Optic Cross and crescent O 62 7-8 Otis, J When Dewey came to Manila O 88 cop 1 4-5 “ When Dewy came to Manila O 88 cop 2 4-5 “ Silent Pete 0 88.1 4-5 “ Teddy and carrots O 88-2 4-5 “ Toby Tyler 0 88.3 4-5 Amateur fireman O 88.4 4-5 “ Dick in the desert O 88.5 4-5 “ Larry Hudson’s ambition O 88.6 4-5 “ Left behind O 88.7 cop 1 4-5 “ Left behind O 88.7 cop 2 4-5 “ Life savers O 88.8 4-5 FICTION 45 Otis, J Lobster catchers 0 88.9 4-5 “ With Perry on Lake Erie O 88.10 4-5 Ouida Dog of Flanders 0 93 7-8 “ Findelkind O 93.1 7-8 “ Nurnberg stone 0 93.2 7-8 “ Province rose 0 93.3 7-8 Oxley Family on wheels O 98 5-6 Packard Young icewhalers P 11 7-8 Page, T N Red rock P 13 7-8 “ Two little confederates P 13.1 4-5 “ Among the camps P 13.2 4-5 “ Tommy Trot’s visit to Santa Claus P 13.3 3-4 Paine, A B Arkansas Bear P 14 4-5 “ Hollow tree and deep woods book P 14.1 4-5 Parker Funny bunnies P 23 4-5 Parker Northern lights P 236 7-8 Peary Adventures of Uncle Sam’s sailors P 36 6-7 Peltier, T Japanese garlands P 39 4-5 Pendleton, L Forest drama P 398 7-8 “ In the camp of the Creeks P 398.1 7-8 Phelps Jack the fisherman (*) P 53 Phillipotts Three brothers (*) P 55 Pierce White devil of Verde (*) P 61 Porter, J Scottish chiefs P 84 8 “ Thaddeus Warsaw ' (*) P 84.1 Potter, G S Girl of the limberlost P 846 7-8 “ Freckles P 846.1 5-6 “ Song of the cardinal P 846.2 5-6 Potter, B Mrs. Tiggy Winkle P 86 1-2 “ Tale of Benjamin Bunny P 86.1 1-2 “ Tale of Mr. Jeremiah Fisher P 86.2 1-2 Tale of Peter Rabbit P 86.3 1-2 “ Tailor of Glouscester P 86.4 1-2 “ Tale of two bad mice P 86.5 1-2 “ Tale of Tom kitten P 86.6 1-2 Poulsson, E Runaway donkey P 87 1-2 Pugh, E Stumbling block (*) P 97 Pyle, H Merry adventures of Robin Hood P 99 5-6 “ Otto of the silver hand P 99.1 4-5 “ Wonder clock P 99.2 4-5 “ Jack Ballister’s fortunes P 99.3 7-8 Quirk Baby Elton, quarter- back Q 8 7-8 Read, O Harkriders (*) R 28 Rabb, K M Boer boy R 11 6-7 Read, V Z Lo-To-Kah R 32 7-8 Read, M Old rose and silver R 326 7-8 46 FICTION Reid, M Bush boys R 35 7-8 Rice, A H Lovey Mary (*) R 48 “ Mr. Opp (*) R 48.1 “ Mrs. Wiggs (*) R 48.2 Richards, L E Captain lanuary R 51 4-5 Riley Sketches in prose R 57 7-8 Rhinehart Man in lower ten (*) R 58 Roberts, C G D Red fox R 64 6-7 Roe, E P Knight of the XIX Century R 69 7-8 Ruskin, J King of the golden River R 95 7-8 Sabin, E L When you were a boy S 11 St. Clair, L Claris (*) S 13 St. Pierre, J H Paul and Virginia (*) S 14 St. Nicholas Christmas book S 146 Saintine Picciola (*) S 15 Salter, M J Lost receipt (*) S 17 Saunders, M Beautiful Joe S 25 6-7 Saxby Life of a wooden doll S 27 Scott, W Ivanhoe S 43 cop 1 7-8 “ Ivanhoe S 43 cop 2 7-8 “ Castle dangerous S 43.1 7-8 “ Tales of chivalry S 43.2 7-8 Scudder, H E Children’s book S 436 5-6 Seawell, M E Midshipman Paulding S 44 5-6 “ Paul Jones S 44.1 5-6 “ Decator and Somers S 44.2 5-6 “ Virginia Cavalier S 44.3 5-6 Segur Sophie S 45 3-4 “ Story of a donkey S 45.1 3-4 Seton, E T Two little savages S 49 4-5 “ Lobo, Rag and Vixen S 49.1 4-5 “ Biography of a grizzly S 49.2 4-5 “ Trail of the Sandhill Stag S 49.3 4-5 Sewell, A Black Beauty S 51 4-5 Shaw,F L Castle Blair S 53 cop 1 7-8 “ Castle Blair S 53 cop 2 7-8 “ Hector S 53.1 7-8 Sidney Five little peppers, how they grew S 56 5-6 “ Five little peppers midway S 56.1 5-6 “ Five little peppers grown-up S 56.2 5-6 “ Five little peppers; Phorsie Pepper S 56.3 5-6 Smith, F H Tides of Barnegat (*) S 64 “ Forty minutes late (*) S 64.1 Smith, S Stories of Peter and Ellen S 646 Smith, M P Boy captive in Canada S 65 “ Boys of the border S 65.1 4-5 FICTION 47 Spearman Nerve of Foley S 74 7-8 Spurgeon, C H John Ploughman’s talk (*) S 77 Spyri, J Moni, the goat boy S 776 6-7 “ Heide S 776 1 6-8 Stetson, C P Yellow wall paper (*) S 84 Stewart, J A Wine on the lees (*) S 842 Stevenson, R E Tommy Remington’s battle S 847 cop 1 5-6 “ Tommy Remington’s battle ...S 847 cop 2 5-6 Stevenson, RL Treasure Island S 848 7-8 Stickney, J H Pets and companions S 85 2-3 Stimson, F J Pirate gold (*) S 859 Stockton, F R Clock of Rondaine S 86 2-3 “ Story of Viteau S 86.1 5-6 “ Story-tellers pack (*) S 86.2 “ Captain Chap S 86.3 6-7 “ Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Alashine S 86.4 “ The Lady, or the tiger S 86.5 7-8 “ Jolly fellowship S 86.6 6-7 Stoddard Dab Kinzer S 869 4-5 “ Guert-ten Eyck S 869.1 cop 1 5-6 “ Guert-ten Eyck S 869.1 cop 2 5-6 “ Little Smoke S 869.2 4-5 “ Quartet S 869.3 4-5 “ Chris, the model maker S 869.4 6-7 “ Crowded out o’Crowfield S 869.5 6-7 “ Lost gold on the Montezumas S 869.6 7-8 “ On the old frontier S 869.7 7-8 “ Red mustang S 869.8 4-5 “ Talking leaves S 869.9 i-5 “ Two arrows S 869.10 4-5 “ With the black prince S 869.11 6-7 “ The white cave S 869.12 5-6 Stowe, H B Little pussywillow S 89 2-3 “ Queer little people S 89.1 3-4 “ Uncle Tom’s Cabin S 89.2 7-8 Strang, H Adventures of Harry Rochester S 897 7-8 “ Brown of Moukden S 897.1 7-8 “ Jack Hardy S 897.2 4 5 “ In Clive’s command S 897.3 7-8 Stratemeyer Defending the flag S 898 7-8 “ Lost on the Ornico S 898.1 6-7 “ Young explorers of the Amazon S 898.2 7-8 “ Young volcano explorers S 898.3 6-7 Sutton Teddy bears S 96 Swift Gulliver’s travels S 97 cop 1 8 “ Gulliver’s travels S 97 cop 2 8 48 FICTION Sweetser Ten girls from Dickens S 976 5-6 “ Ten boys from Dickens S 976.1 5-6 Swan, A S Adam Hepburn’s vow (*) S 997 Taggart Loyal blue and royal scarlet T 12 4-5 Tarkington, B Beasley’s Christmas party (*) T 18 “ Cherry.... (*)T18.1 “ Gentleman from Indiana (*) T 18.2 “ Guest of Quesney (*) T 18.3 “ His own people (*) T 18.4 “ Monsieur Beaucaire (*) T 18.5 “ Conquest of Canaan (*) T 18.6 Taylor, B Boys of other countries T 23 cop 1 4-5 “ Boys of other countries T 23 cop 2 4-5 Thackeray, W Rose and the ring ..T 35 cop 1 7-8 “ Rose and the ring T 35 cop 2 7-8 “ Vanity fair T 35.1 8 Thanet, O We all T 36 7-8 “ Man of the hour (*) T 36.1 Thompson, A R Shipwrecked in Greenland T 46 6-7 Thompson, D P Green mountain boys T 469 7-8 Thompson, M Alice of old Vincennes T 47 cop 1 7-8 “ Alice of old Vincennes (*) T 47 cop 2 Thurston Bishop’s shadow T 54 Tilton, D On Satan’s mount (*) T 58 Tomlinson Boy officers of 1812 T 65 4-6 “ Boys with old hickory T 65.1 4-6 “ Cruising on the St. Lawrence T 65.2 4-6 “ Four boys in the land of cotton T 65.3 3-6 “ Marching against the Iroquois T 65.4 4-6 “ Red chief T 65.5 4-6 “ Tecumsah’s young braves T 65.6 4-6 “ Three young Continentals T 65.7 4-6 “ Two young patriots T 65.8 4-6 “ Washington’s young aids T 65.9 4-6 “ Boys of old Monmouth T 65.10 4-6 Tourgee Fools errand (*) T 72 Trimmer, Mrs. S History of the robins T 83 2-3 Trowbridge, J T Young surveyor T 86 6-7 “ Chance for himself T 86.1 6-7 “ Doing his best T 86.2 6-7 “ Fast friends T 86.3 6-7 { * Jack Hazard T 86.4 6-7 “ Cudjo’s cave T 86.5 6-7 “ Kelp gatherers T 86.6 6-7 “ Tinkham brothers T 86.7 6-7 “ Two Buddicut boys T 86.8 6-7 FICTION 49 Trowbridge, J Resolute Mr. Pansy T 863 6-7 “ Three boys in an electric boat * T 863.1 6-7 “ Electric boy T 863.2 6-7 True, J B Iron Star T 866 4-5 Twain, M Prince and the pauper T 96 7-8 “ Huckleberry Finn T 96.1 7-8 “ Tom Sawyer T 96.2 7-8 “ Horse’s Tale T 96.3 7-8 “ Pudd’nhead Wilson T 96.4 7-8 “ Roughing it T 96.5 7-8 “ Following the equator T 96.6 7-8 Vance Brass bowl (*) V 22 “ Black bag (*) V 22.1 Van Dyke Blue flower V 24 8 Verne From earth to moon (*) V 53 “ Tour of the world in eighty days (*) V 53.1 “ Twenty thousand leagues under the sea V 53.2 Virgil Story of Aeneid V 81 8 Voorhes Caverns of dawn (*) V 95 Waller, M E Woodcarver of ’Lympus * (*) W 19 “ Little citizen (*) W 19.1 Wallace, L Ben Hur (*) W 196 “ Fair God (*) W 196.1 cop 1 “ Fair God (*) W 196.1 cop 2 “ Prince of India (*) W 196.2 V 1 “ Prince of India (*) W 196.2 V 2 Ward Lady Merton, colonist (*) W 52 Warman White mail (*) W 27 Warner Being a boy W 276 7-8 Wason Happy Hawkins (*) 31 Watson Beside the Bonny brier bush (*) W 316 Wateloo, S Story of Ab W 32 6-7 Watson, H B Chloris of the island (*) W 33 Watts Nathan Burke (*) W 35 Wesselhoeft, L F Jack, the fire dog W 51 4-5 Westcott David Harum (*) W 52 Western frontier stories W 526 5-6 Weyman Wild geese (*) W 54 White, F H Aunt Nabby’s children W 58 cop 1 3-4 “ Aunt Nabby’s children W 58 cop 2 3-4 White, SE Magic forest W 586 3-4 White, W A Certain rich man (*) W 588 Wiggin, K D Rebecca of sunny brook farm W 65 7-8 “ Birds Christmas carol W 65.1 3-5 “ Timothy’s quest W 65.2 7-8 50 FICTION Wilhans, A B Birchwood W 72 7-8 “ Fitch club W 72.1 7-8 Wilson, T W T’bacca queen (*) W 75 Winter, J S Cherry’s child (*) W 78 Wister Virginian (*) W 81 Wright, H B Shepherd of the hills (*) W 94 “ Printer of Udells (*) W 94.1 “ Calling of Dan Matthews (*) W 94.2 Wright, M O Open window (*) W 95 “ At the sign of the fox W 95.1 7-8 “ Garden of a commuter’s wife (*) W 95.2 “ Dream fox story book W 95.3 3-4 “ People of the whirlpool (*) W 95.4 “ Poppea of the postoffice (*) W 95.5 “ Wabeno, the magician W 95.6 6-7 “ Woman errant (*) W 95.7 Dogtown W 95.8 5-6 “ Tommy, Annie and three hearts W 95.9 6-7 Wyss, J D Swiss family Robinson W 99 6-7 Zollinger Widow O’Callaghan’s boys (*) Z 87 APPENDIX NON-FICTION Beveridge Young man and the world 710 B 57 7-8 Roadus Book of the Christ Child 232 B 86 7-8 Baldwin Wonder book of horses 292 B 106 4-5 Pyle Story of the grail 398 P 96.1 Spaulding New friends in story land 398 S 73 Collins Boy books of model aeroplanes 533.6 C 17 Miller, J True bear stories 599 M 648 Roberts Comrades of the trails 599 R 64.3 6-7 Wright Black bear 599 W 954 7-8 Hall Panama and the canal 626 H 17 7-8 Casson, H W History of the telephone 654 C 34 7-8 Larsson Elementary sloyd 684 L 33 7-8 Guerber Story of the Wagner opera 782 G 92 7-8 Riley Songs of the child world 784 R 58 Smith Songs for children 784 S 64 Y 1 “ Songs for children 784 S 64 Y 2 Roosevelt, T African game trails 799 R 78.1 7-8 Tappan, E M Children’s hour 808 T 17 V 1 4-8 “ Children’s hour 808 T 17 Y 2 4-8 “ Children’s hour 808 T 17 Y 3 4-8 “ Children’s hour 808 T 17 Y 4 4-8 “ Children’s hour 808 T 17 Y 5 4-8 “ Children’s hour 808T17V6 4-8 “ Children’s hour 808 T 17 V 7 4-8 Children’s hour 808 T 17 V 8 4-8 “ Children’s hour 808 T 17 V 9 4-8 “ Children’s hour 808 T 17 Y 10 4-8 Upton, G P Life stories 808 U 71 V 1 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 2 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 Y 3 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 Y 4 4-8 “ Life stories 809 U 71 Y 5 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 6 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 Y 7 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 8 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 9 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 10 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 11 4-8 52 NON-FICTION Upton, G P Life stories 808 U 71 V 12 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 Y 13 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 14 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 15 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 16 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 Y 17 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 18 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 Y 19 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 Y 20 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 21 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 22 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 Y 23 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 Y 24 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 25 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 26 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 V 27 4-8 “ Life stories 808 U 71 Y 28 4-8 Wiggin, K D Golden numbers 808 W 65 8 Riley, J W Hoosier romance 811 R 57.11 Robinson Children of the night 811 R 65 8 Hubbard, K Abe Martin’s almanac 817 H 87 V 1 7-8 “ Abe Martin’s almanac 817 H 87 Y 2 7-8 Moors With Stevenson in Samoa 821 N 81 7-8 Browning Pippa passes 821 B 886.1 7-8 Morris Home life in all lands 910 M 87 7-8 Redway All around Asia 915 R 32 7-8 Hichens Holy land 915.6 H 62 7-8 White Pass 917.8 W 58 6-7 Peary Children of the Arctic 917 P 36.1 “ North pole 919.8 P 36 8 Hart Seven great American poets 920 H 32 7-8 Whitcomb Nerves of history 920 W 58 Pierson Lives of the presidents 920 P 62 4-5 Wood Lives of Indian chiefs 920 W 87 Foa Napoleon B N 21 f 7-8 Gettemy True story of Paul Revere B R 45 6-7 Meyers, F H Wordsworth B W 92 m 7-8 Eggleston First book in American history 973 E 31.1 4-5 FICTION 53 FICTION Alcott, L M Jo's boys A 35.2 5-6 Alden, R M Why the chimes ring A 358 3-4 Alden, W L Loss of the Swansea A 359.5 3-5 Allen, J L Doctor’s Christmas eve (*)A 42.4 Atherton, G Conqueror (*)A 86.1 Barbour, R H Forward Pass B 23.14 5-6 Boyesen Boyhood in Norway B 791 5-7 Brown, A F Christmas angel B 8772.3 3-6 Brown, A John Winterbourne’s family (*) B 8773 Burgess, J Blue Goops and red B 95.1 1 Burnett, F H Children’s book B 96.4 1-3 Burroughs, D Jack the giant killer, jr B 97 2-3 Dillon, M Patience of John Moreland (*) D 57.1 Dopp, K E Later cave-men D 69.2 3-6 Drysdale, W Young consul D 81.4 6-8 French, A Story of Rolf F 87.2 6-8 “ Junior cup F 87.3 6-8 French, H W Lance of Kanana F 874 6-8 Garland Boy life on the prairie G 23.1 6-8 Gulliver, L Over the nonsense road G 97 1-3 Johnson, O Varmint (*) J 68.1 Major, C Little King M 23.3 6-7 Martineau Little savage M 36.4 7-8 Martmean, H Erica M 38.1 5-8 Montgomery, L M Kilmeny of the orchard M 786.2 7-8 Munroe, K The belt of seven totems M 968.20 7-8 Olmstead, M Land of really true O 51 1-2 “ Land of never was O 51.1 1-2 Porter, G S At the foot of the rainbow P 846.3 7-8 Sabin, E Magical man of mirth S 116 1-3 Scandlin, H Hans, the Eskimo S 28 2-3 Scott, Sir W Talisman S 43.3 7-8 “ Rob Roy S 43.4 7-8 “ Quentin Durward S 43.5 7-8 Seton Krag and lohnny Bear S 49.4 1-3 Smith, G Little girl and Phillip S 646.1 1-2 Smith, L R Little bear S 654 1-2 Stoddard, W L Little Smoke S 869.2 cop 2 4-5 Taggart, M A Six girls and the tea room T 21.1 Twain, M Innocents abroad T 96.7 7-8 Waller, M E Daughter of the rich W 19.2 7-8 “ Year out of life W 19.3 7-8 2 061920184 ' . I 4 * ,