CJ, ' VP /x' ^'^S ^e.Bni^ *> ^^^ j/ ra&^ k^4rj^Cl%M^!^: ^SS^T &^MQ0^ISraE ^i^SEE^^iS^r^ ^tiss^ ^^flkK^^'^w^ ^^ ^^^^^r^SS^^^L a i B RARY OF THL UN IVLR.5ITY OF ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVE 530.5 co p. 3 ^v <^,w> vjFtjC^. ^ \ If f vt/y- xzjk ' ^ j .-^ ^r^mf \ '-S.'^^J-JL'Jf 4 -C Z-t2^^*^iL VL r&y&A&MKL, 4*/4 ft\W^^^WS^B^W& FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. PUBLICATION 197. ZOOLOGICAL SERIES. VOL. XIII. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS BY CHARLES B. CORY Curator of Department of Zoology. FART II NO. 1 CHICAGO, U. S. A. March, 1918. LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII, PT. 2, PL. 1 UROCHROMA COSTARICENSIS Cory FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. PUBLICATION 197. ZOOLOGICAL SERIES. VOL. XIII. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS BY CHARLES B. CORY Curator of Department of Zoology. PART II NO. 1 CHICAGO, U. S. A. March, 1918. 1 o' CATALOGUE V.I3 * OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS AND THE ADJACENT ISLANDS IN FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY AND Including all species and subspecies known to occur in North America, Mexico, Central America, South America, the West Indies, and Islands of the Caribbean Sea, the Galapagos Archipelago, and other islands which may properly be included on account of their faunal affinities. BY CHARLES B. CORY Curator of Department of Zoology. PART II NO. 1 Family Bubonidae Family Todidae Family Tytonidae Family Momotidae Family Psittacidae Family Nyctibiidae Family Steatornithidae Family Caprimulgidae Family Alcedinidae Family Cypselidae Trochilidae CHICAGO, U. S. A. March, 1918. UMi JWe litail lUq Smq EXPLANATION OF THE WORK The present work is intended to include all the species and sub- species of birds known to occur in North America (from the Arctic Islands, Greenland and Alaska, southward), Middle America (including Mexico and Central America), the West Indies and Islands of the Caribbean Sea, South America and adjacent islands of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans having fauna! relationship. In the synonymies of this work the references are largely confined to the original descriptions (with type localities), the Catalogue of Birds of the British Museum, Ridgway's Birds of North and Middle America (Bull. U. S. National Museum, No. 50), monographs of fam- ilies and genera, works containing colored plates of the various species, and important papers in relation to geographical distribution, but in many cases, where numerous nomenclature! changes have been made by authors, the more important combinations and variations are given. A slight departure from the orthodox method is that of always giving the reference to the accepted original description first, so that the type locality, which follows it in parenthesis, may be noted at a glance. Diagnostic descriptions will be given of all species and subspecies not included in the standard works, Ridgway's Birds of North and Middle America and the Catalogue of Birds of the British Museum, and for this reason Part II of this work is issued first, leaving Part I (containing the "Water Birds," Galliformes, etc.) to be completed and issued after the parts containing those Orders in Prof. Ridgway's great work shall have been published, thereby reducing the size of this work by largely diminishing the number of forms which would otherwise require descriptions, and enable the writer to conform (so far as pos- sible) to the nomenclature, conclusions regarding specific and subspecific evaluations, and the vernacular names of North and Middle American forms, adopted therein, and also to allow more time to devote to the critical study of a number of families of the so-called "Water Birds, " especially from South America, many species not previously repre- sented in the Museum's collection having been secured by expedi- tions during the past few years. In the following pages the presence of an * preceding the name of a species indicates that it is represented in the Field Museum collection by one or more specimens and when duplicates are available for ex- 5 6 EXPLANATION OF THE WORK. change the fact is indicated by the presence of a f preceding the number of specimens. Classification: In the present state of our knowledge of birds of the world no system of classification yet evolved can be considered as more than tentative. That proposed by Gadow (1892) has much to recommend it, but in a work of this character, convenience of reference is an important factor to be considered and I have, therefore, adopted the sequential arrangement proposed by Sharpe in 1891 (and used in his Hand List of Birds and later practically by Brabourne and Chubb in their List of Birds of South America) for the Orders and Families, but numerous changes in the nomenclature and arrangement of Genera and species were unavoidable, being obviously desirable to conform with their more modern usage. I am greatly indebted to the authorities of our leading Museums and others for so generously granting requests for the loan of specimens (including many types) and acknowledgments for such courtesies will be made later, but I wish here to especially express my thanks to Dr. Frank M. Chapman, Professor Robert Ridgway, Dr. C. W. Richmond, Dr. Witmer Stone, and Mr. Outram Bangs for much valuable informa- tion which has greatly aided me in my work. CHARLES B. CORY. CONTENTS Orders, Families and Genera included in Part II No. I ORDER STRIGIFORMES FAMILY BUBONID^E. OWLS Page Asio Brisson 17 RMnoptynx Kaup 19 Pseudoscops Kaup 19 Bubo Dumeril 19 Nyctea Stephens 24 Pulsatrix Kaup 24 Otus Pennant 25 Lophostrix Lesson 31 Scotiaptex Swainson 32 Strix Linnaeus 32 Ciccaba Wagler 34 Cryptoglaux Richmond 36 Gisella Bonaparte 38 Sumia Dumeril 38 Speotyto Gloger 39 Gymnasio Bonaparte 43 Glaucidium Boie 44 Micropallas Coues 47 FAMILY TYTONIILE. BARN OWLS Tyto Billberg 48 ORDER PSITTACIFORMES FAMILY PSITTACID^E. PARROTS AND PAROQUETS SUBFAMILY ARIN^E Anodorhynchus Spix 51 Cyanopsitta Bonaparte 52 Ara Lacepede 52 Orthopsittaca Ridgway 55 Diopsittaca Ridgway 56 Rhynchopsitta Bonaparte 56 Aratinga Spix 56 Thectocercus Ridgway 60 Page Eupsittula Bonaparte 60 Nandayus Bonaparte 65 Conuropsis Salvadori 65 Cyanolyseus Bonaparte 66 Leptosittaca Berl. & Stolz 66 Ognorhynchus Bonaparte 66 Enicognathus Gray 67 Microsittace Bonaparte 67 Pyrrhura Bonaparte 67 Myopsitta Bonaparte 72 Bolborhynchus Bonaparte 73 Amoropsittaca Richmond 73 Psilopsiagon Ridgway 74 Psittacula Illiger 74 Brotogeris Vigors 78 Tirica Bonaparte 80 Nannopsittaca Ridgway 80 SUBFAMILY PIONIN^E Amazona Lesson 81 Graydidasculus Bonaparte 91 Pionus Wagler 91 Deroptyus Wagler 94 Triclaria Wagler 94 Pionopsitta Bonaparte 95 Hapalopsittaca Ridgway 95 Eucinetus Reichenow 96 Pyrilia Bonaparte 97 Gypopsitta Bonaparte 97 Urochroma Bonaparte 98 Pionites Heine 99 ORDER CORACIIFORMES SUBORDER STEATORNITHES FAMILY STEATORNITHID^). OIL BIRDS Steatornis Humbold 101 CONTENTS. SUBORDER ALCYONES FAMILY ALCEDINID^E. KINGFISHERS Page Streptoceryle Bonaparte 101 Chloroceryle Kaup 103 Page Antrostomus Bonaparte 131 Nyctiphrynus Bonaparte 134 Antiurus Ridgway 135 Setopagis Ridgway 135 Nyctipolus Ridgway 136 SUBORDER TODI FAMILY IODIDE. TODIES Todus Brisson 106 SUBORDER MOMOTI FAMILY MOMOTID^E. MOTMOTS Urospatha Salvadori 107 Electron Gistel 108 Eumomota Sclater no Momotus Brisson no Barypthengus Cabanis & Heine 114 Aspatha Sharpe 114 Hylomanes Lichtenstein 115 SUBORDER CAPRIMULGI FAMILY NYCTIBIID^E. POTOOS Nyctibius Vieillot 115 FAMILY CAPRIMULGID^E. GOAT- SUCKERS, WHIPPORWILLS, NIGHT HAWKS, ETC. Chordeiles Swainson 118 Nannochordeiles Hartert 122 Nyctiprogne Bonaparte 122 Podager Wagler 123 Lurocalis Cassin 123 Uropsalis Miller 124 Macropsalis Sclater 124 Hydropsalis Wagler 125 Eleothreptus Gray 125 Nyctidromus Gould 126 Microsiphonorhis Chapman 128 Siphonornis Sclater 128 Phalaenoptilus Ridgway 128 Otophanes Brewster 129 Nyctagreus Nelson 129 Thermochalcis Richmond 129 Systellura Ridgway 131 SUBORDER CYPSELI FAMILY CYPSELID^. SWIFTS Chaetura Stephens 137 Cypseloides Streubel 141 Nephoecetes Baird 142 Streptoprocne Oberholser 144 Reinarda Hartert 145 Tachornis Gosse 146 Panyptila Cabanis 146 Aeronautes Hartert 147 Micropus Meyer & Wolf 147 SUBORDER TROCHILI FAMILY TROCHILID^. HUMMINGBIRDS Doryfera Gould 148 Androdon Gould 149 Rhamphodon Lesson 149 Threnetes Gould 150 Glaucis Boie 151 Phaethornis Swainson 153 Eutoxeres Reichenbach 165 Pampa Reichenbach 166 Campy lop terus Swainson 167 Eupetomena Gould 169 Florisuga Bonaparte 169 Melanotrochilus Deslongchamps . . . . 170 Aphantochroa Gould 170 Phaeochroa Gould 171 Taphrospilus Simon 172 Thaumasius Sclater 172 Talaphorus Mulsant 172 Patagona Gray 173 Leucippus Bonaparte 173 Agyrtrina Chubb 175 Polyerata Heine 179 Uranomitra Reichenbach 180 Lepidopyga Reichenbach 181 Saucerottia Bonaparte 182 Goldmania Nelson . . . . 188 CONTENTS. Page Goethalsia Nelson 188 Amazilis Gray 189 Phaeoptila Gould 194 Cynanthus Swainson 195 Basilinna Bate 195 Hylocharis Boie 196 Chrysuronia Bonaparte 199 Chlorestes Reickenbach 200 Damophila Reichenbach 201 Chlorostilbon Gould 202 Smaragdochrysis Gould 207 Ptochoptera Elliot 208 Riccordia Reichenbach 208 Panterpe Cabanis & Heine 209 Cyanophaia Reichenbach 210 Thalurania Gould 211 Eupherusa Gould 215 Calipharus Elliot 216 Elvira Mulsant & Verreaux 217 Chalybura Reichenbach 217 Colibri Spix 219 Avocettula Reichenbach 221 Anthracothorax Boie 222 Crinis Mulsant 225 Chrysolampis Boie 225 Simonula Chubb 226 Eulampis Boie 227 Sericotes Reichenbach 227 Psilomycter Hartert 228 Polytmus Brisson 229 Leucochloris Reichenbach 229 Aithurus Cabanis & Heine 230 Topaza Gray 230 Oreotrochilus Gould 231 Urochroa Gould 232 Sternoclyta Gould 233 Eugenes Gould 233 Cyanolaemus Stone 234 Lampornis Swainson 234 Oreopyra Gould 235 Lamprolaima Reichenbach 237 Clytolaema Gould 237 Polyplancta Heine 237 Phaiolaima Reichenbach 238 Agapetornis Chubb 239 Lampraster Taczanowski 239 Heliodoxa Gould 239 Hylonympha Gould 241 lonolaima Reichenbach 241 Page Eugenia Gould 242 Helianthea Gould 242 Diphogena Gould 247 Laf resnaya Bonaparte 248 Ensif era Lesson 249 Pterophanes Gould 250 Aglaeactis Gould 250 Boissonneaua Reichenbach 252 Vestipedes Lesson 253 Ocreatus Gould 259 Urosticte Gould 261 Phlogophilus Gould 262 Adelomyia Bonaparte 262 Heliangelus Gould 264 Metallura Gould 267 Oreonympha Gould 272 Oxypogon Gould 272 Chalcostigma Reichenbach 273 Rhamphomicron Bonaparte 275 Opisthoprora Cabanis & Heine 276 Eustephanus Reichenbach 276 Cyanolesbia Stejneger 277 Neolesbia Salvin 280 Polyonymus Heine 280 Lesbia Lesson 281 Psalidoprymna Cabanis & Heine. . . .281 Zodalia Mulsant & Verreaux ....... 284 Augastes Gould 285 Schistes Gould 285 Heliothryx Boie 286 Heliactin Boie 288 Thaumastura Bonaparte 288 Rhodopis Reichenbach 288 Heliomaster Bonaparte 289 Anthoscenus Richmond 290 Calothorax Gray 292 Myrtis Reichenbach 292 Myrmia Mulsant 293 Calliphlox Boie 293 Nesophlox Ridgway 294 Doricha Reichenbach 295 Tilmatura Reichenbach 295 Archilochus Reichenbach 296 Calypte Gould 297 Selasphorus Swainson 298 Chaetocercus Gray 300 Microstilbon Todd 303 Atthis Reichenbach 303 Stellula Gould 304 io CONTENTS Page Page Mellisuga Brisson 304 Microchera Gould 308 Orthorhynchus Lactptde 305 Lophornis Lesion 309 Stephanoris Salvin 306 Popelairia Reichenbach 312 Klais Reichenbach 307 Discosura Bonaparte 314 Abeillia Bonaparte 308 Loddigiornis Bonaparte 314 SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION OF ORDERS, SUB- ORDERS AND FAMILIES ADOPTED IN THIS WORK CLASS AVES. Sub-Class Ratitae. Order RHEIFORMES. Family Rheidae Rheas. Sub-Class Carinatae. Order TINAMIFORMES. Family Tinamidae Tinamous, etc. Order GALLIFORMES. Suborder Penelopes. Family Cracidae Currassows and Guans. Suborder Phasiani. Family Phasianidae Pheasants. " Meleagridae Turkeys. " Tetraonidae Grouse, Ptarmigans, etc. " Odontophoridae Quails, etc. Order Columbiformes. Suborder Columbae. Family Columbidae Pigeons and Doves. Order OPISTHOCOMIFORMES. Family Opisthocomidae Hoatzins. Order Ralliformes. Family Rallidae Rails, Gallinules and Coots. " Heliornithidae Heliornis. Order PODICIPEDIFORMES. Family Podicipedidae Grebes, ii 12 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Order Colymbiformes. Family Gavidae Loons. Order Sphenisciformes. Family Spheniscidae Penguins. Order PROCELLARIIFORMES. Family Procellariidae Petrels, Shearwaters, etc. " Pelecanoididae Diving Petrels. " Diomedeidae Albatrosses. Order ALCIFORMES. Family Alcidae Auks and Puffins. Order Lariformes. Family Stercorariidae Jaegers and Skuas. " Laridae Gulls and Terns. " Rhynchopidae Skimmers. Order Charadriiformes. Suborder Chionides. Family Chionidae Sheath-bills. Suborder Attagides. Family Thincorythidae Seed Snipes. Suborder Charadrii. Family Phalaropodidae Phalaropes. " Recurvirostridae Stilts and Avocets. " Scolopacidae Snipes and Sandpipers. " Charadriidae Plovers. " Aphrizidae Turnstones and Surf -birds. " Oedicnemidae Thick-knees. " Haematopodidae Oyster Catchers. Suborder Jacanae. Family Jacanidae Jacanas. Order GRUIFORMES. Suborder Grues. Family Gruidae Cranes. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 13 Suborder Arami. Family Aramidae Courlans. Suborder Eurypygae. Family Eurypygidae Sun-bitterns. Suborder Psophiae. Family Psophiidae Trumpeters. Suborder Dicholophi. Family Cariamidae Cariamas. Order ARDEIFORMES. Suborder Ibides. Family Ibididae Ibises. " Plataleidae Spoon-bills. Suborder Ciconiae. Family Ciconiidae Storks, Jabirus, etc. Suborder Herodii. Family Ardeidae Herons, Bitterns, Egrets, etc. " Cochleariidae Boat-billed Herons. Order PALAMEDEIFORMES. Family Palamedeidae Screamers. Order POENICOPTERIFORMES. Family Phoenicopteridae Flamingoes. Order ANSIFORMES. Family Anatidae Ducks, Geese, Swans, etc. Order PELECANIFORMES. Family Phalacrocoracidae Cormorants. " Anhingidae Darters. " Sulidae Gannets. " Fregatidae Man-o-war Birds. " Phaethontidae Tropic Birds. " Pelecanidae Pelicans. 14 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Order RAPTORES. Suborder Sarcorhamphi. Family Cathartidae Vultures, Condors, etc. Order ACCIPITRIFORMES. Family Buteonidae Hawks, Eagles, etc. " Falconidae Falcons, Caracaras, etc. " Pandionidae Ospreys. Order Strigiformes. Family Bubonidae Owls. " Tytonidae Barn Owls. Order Psittaciformes. Family Psittacidae Parrots, Parroquets, etc. Order CORACIFORMES. Suborder Steatornithes. Family Steatornithidae Oil Birds. Suborder Alcyones. Family Alcedinidae Kingfishers. Suborder Todi. Family Todidae Todies. Suborder Momoti. Family Momotidae Motmots. Suborder Caprimulgi. Family Nyctibiidae Potoos. Caprimulgidae Whipporwills, Night-hawks, Goat- suckers, etc. Suborder Cypseli. Family Cypselidae Swifts. Suborder Trochili. Family Trochilidae Humming Birds. igi8. CATALOGUE or BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 15 Order TROGONES. Family Trogonidae Trogons. Order COCCYGES. Suborder Cuculi. Family Cuculidae Cuckoos. Order SCANSORES. Suborder Capi tones. Family Capitonidae Barbets. Suborder Rhamphastides. Family Rhamphastidae Toucans. Order PICIFORMES. Suborder Galbulae. Family Galbulidae Jacamars. Suborder Buccones. Family Bucconidae Puff Birds. Suborder Pici. Family Picidae Woodpeckers. Order PASSERIFORMES. Suborder Mesomyodi. Family Hylactidae Babblers. " Conopophagidae Gnateaters or ant-pipits. " Formicardiae Ant Birds. " Dendrocolaptidae Wood-hewers and Tropical Oven Birds. " Tyrannidae Flycatchers. " Oxyrhamphidae Sharp-bills. " Pipridae Manakins. " Cotingidae Chatterers. " Phytotomidae Plant-cutters. 16 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Suborder Acromyodi. Family Hirundinidae Swallows. " Sylviidae Kinglets, Gnat-catchers and Old World Warblers. " Trogolodytidae Wrens. " Cinclidae Dippers. " PCalyptophilidae* Chat Thrashers. " Mimidae Mocking Birds. " Zelidoniidae Wren Thrashers. " Turdidae Thrushes. " Vireonidae Vireos. " Bombycillidae Waxwings. " Ptilogonatidae Silky Flycatchers. " Dulidae Palm Chats. " Lanidae Shrikes. " Paridae Titmice. " Chamaeidae Wren Tits. " Sittidae Nuthatches. " Certhidae Creepers. " Mniotiltidae Warblers. " Motacillidae Wagtails and Pipits. " Alaudidae Larks. " Catamblyrhynchidae Plush-capped Finches. " Fringillidae Finches. " Coerebidae Honey Creepers. " Tersinidae Swallow Tanagers. " Tanagridae Tanagers. " Ploceidae Weaver-birds. " Icteridae Orioles, etc. " Sturnidae Starlings. " Corvidae Crows, Jays and Ravens. *The monotypic genus may later be considered to represent a subfamily. Order STRIGIFORMES. Family BUBONIDAE. Owls. Genus ASIO Brisson. Asio Brisson, Orn. I, 1760, p. 4 77 (Type Asio asio Brisson = Strix otus Linn.). *Asio wilsonianus (Lesson). LONG-EARED OWL. Otus wilsonianus LESSON, Traite d'Orn., 1831, p. no (New York, U. S. A.). Strix otus (not of LINN.) Audubon, Orn. Biog., IV, 1838, p. 572, pi. 383. Asio americanus SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 229. Asio wilsonianus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 654. Range: Whole of Temperate North America south to central Mexico. fi3 specimens from North America: (Maine i, Massachusetts i, Connecticut 2, Wisconsin i, Illinois i, Colorado 2, New Mexico 3 and California 2). *Asio stygius (Wagler). STYGIAN OWL. Nyctalops stygius WAGLER, Isis, 1832, p. 1221 (Brazil). Asio stygius SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 241; Cory, Auk, 1886, p. 466; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 189; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. . No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 658; TODD, Ann. Carnegie Mus., X, 1916, p. 235. Range: Southern Mexico to Brazil and northern Argentina, Cuba, and Isle of Pines. 3: Nicaragua i; Colombia i; Island of Cuba i. Asio noctipetens* Riley. SANTO DOMINGO OWL. Asio noctipetens RILEY, Smith. Misc. Coll., Vol. 66, No. 15, 1916, p. I (Constanza, atl. 4000 ft., Santo Domingo). Range: Santo Domingo, Island of Haiti, Greater Antilles. *Asio flammeus flamming (Pontopp.}. SHORT-EARED OWL. Strix flammea PONTOPPEDAN, Danske Atlas, I, 1763, p. 617, pi. 25 (Sweden). Asio accipitrinus SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 234, part; CORY, Auk. 1886, p. 468; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 100. Otus brachyotus AUDUBON, Bds. Am., Oct., ed. I, 1840, p. 140, pi. 38. *A sio noctipetens RILEY: "Similar to Asio stygius (WAGLER), but much darker, with the lighter markings much restricted everywhere and entirely disappearing on the interscapular region. Wing, 300; tail, 161; culmen from cere 21 mm." (Riley 1. c.) i8 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Asioflammea SCOTT & SHARPE, Rep. Princeton Univ. Exped. to Patagonia, 1915, p. 674. Asioflammeusflammeus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 661. Range : Whole of North and South America and whole of Palaearctic Region. fis North America: (Massachusetts 7, Illinois 3, Indiana 2, Wiscon- sin i, Kansas i, and California i). Asio flammeus bogotensis* Chapman. COLOMBIAN SHORT-EARED OWL. Asia flammeus bogotensis CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXIV, 1915, p. 370 (Bogota Savanna, Colombia). Range: Savannas of Bogota Region, Colombia. *Asio portoricensis Ridgway. PORTO RICAN SHORT-EARED OWL. Asio portoricensis RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1882, p. 366 (Porto Rico); CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 468; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 191; WETMORE, Bull. U. S. DEPT. Agri., No. 326, 1916, p. 67. Range: Island of Porto Rico, Greater Antilles. i : Porto Rico. Asio galapagoensis galapagoensis (Gould). GALAPAGOS SHORT-EARED OWL. Otus galapagoensis GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., 1837, p. 10 (Galapagos Archipelago). Asio galapagoensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 668. Range: Islands of Galapagos Archipelago. Asio galapagoensis aequatorialis b Chubb. EQUATORIAN SHORT-EARED OWL. Asio galapagoensis aequatorialis CHUBB, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., 1916, p. 46 (Pi- chincha, 11,000 ft. Ecuador). Range: Ecuador. Asio macrurus (Kaup). KAUP'S OWL. Otus macrurus KAUP, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., IV, 1859, p. 232, (Mexico). Asio macrurus SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 242, footnote. Range: Mexico? *Asio flammeus bogotensis CHAPMAN "Similar to A. f. flammeus (PONTOPP.): but ochraceous markings above much more restricted, or in places, obsolete; the upper parts, therefore, darker; tarsi and toes less heavily feathered, the feathered area on the latter less extended toward the nail; size averaging smaller, bill somewhat heavier and wholly black" (Chapman, I.e.). b Asio galapagoensis aequatorialis CHUBB "Allied to A. g. galapagoensis (GOULD) but larger and dull black above with pale fulvous and white markings to the feathers instead of brown with sandy rufous markings; buff color of under parts paler and dark shaft lines more restricted; wing, 3.22; tau, 1.53 mm. 8 An unidentified species which may not belong to this Genus. iQi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY 19 Genus RHINOPTYNX Kaup. Rhinoptynx Kaup, Archiv. fur Naturg., XVII, 1851, p. 107 (Type Otus mexi- canus C\xv. = Bubo damator Vieill.). *Rhinoptynx clamator (Vieill.). STRIPED OWL. Bubo damator Vieill., Ois Am. Sept., I, 1857, p. 52, pi. 20 ("depius Caienne" etc. = Cayenne, type locality designated by Hellmayr "Spix's Types," 1906, p. 574)- Strix longirostris SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 20, pi. 9 a. Asia mexicanus SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 231. Asia clamator CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 283. Rhinoptynx damator RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 671. Otus damator DESCOURTILZ, Orn. Bras., 1852, PI. 5, Fig. I. Range: Greater portion of South America from Colombia and Gui- ana south to Paraguay. 3: Venezuela (Maracay and Lake Valencia). Rhinoptynx midas (Schlegel). 8 - MONTEVIDEO STRIPED OWL. Otus midas SCHLEGEL, Mus. Pas-Bas Oti, 1862 p. 2, note. (Montevideo). Asia midas SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 231, footnote; DABBENE, Bol. Soc. Physis I, 1914, p. 305 (Tucuman). Range: Uruguay and Southern Brazil, N. Argentine. Genus PSEUDOSCOPS Kaup. Pseudoscops Kaup, Isis, 1848, p. 769; Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., IV, pt. VI, 1859, p. 231 (Type Ephialtes grammicus Gosse). *Pseudoscops grammicus (Gosse). JAMAICAN LONG-EARED OWL. Ephialtes grammicus GOSSE, Bds. Jamaica, 1847, p. 19 (Tait-Shafton, Jamaica); Id., Illust. Bds. Jamaica, 1849, pi. 4. Asia grammicus SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 242. Pseudoscops grammicus CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 465; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 188; Scott, Auk, 1892, p. 127; Pvidgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 674. Range: Island of Jamaica, Greater Antilles. 5 : Jamaica. Genus BUBO Dumeril. Bubo DUMERIL, Zool. Analytique, 1806, p. 34 (Type Strix bubo LINN.); (OBER- HOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVII, 1904, pp. 177-192; Id. Bull. Mus. Brooklyn Inst., Arts & Sci., No. 14, 1908, p. 372). Rhinoptynx midas (SCHLEGEL) According to Schlegel this is allied to R. damator (Vieill.), but is larger (wing, 1 1.6 in, tail, 5.9). It may prove to be only sub- specifically separable from that species. 20 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Bubo virginianus virginianus (Gmel.). GREAT HORNED OWL. [Strix] virginiana GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, pt. I, 1788, p. 287 (Virginia) ; AUDUBON, Orn. Biog., I, 1831, p. 313, pi. 61. Bubo virginianus SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 19, part. Bubo virginianus virginianus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 739- Range: Eastern United States and southern Canada, west to eastern edge of the Great Plains. f2o: North America (Massachusetts 6, Florida 6, Ohio i, Indiana 5, Illinois i, and Wisconsin i). Bubo virginianus icelus (Oberholser). COAST GREAT HORNED OWL. Asia magellanicus icelus OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVII, 1904, p. 185 (San Louis Obispo, California). Bubo virginianus icelus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 746. Range: Coast of California, from about latitude 35 north to the region of San Francisco Bay. *Bubo virginianus pacificus Cassin. CALIFORNIA GREAT HORNED OWL. Bubo virginianus pacificus CASSIN, Illustr. Bds. California, Texas, etc., 1854, p. 178 (Southern California*); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 745- Range: Whole of California (except middle coast region and south- eastern Desert region, "Colorado Desert"), north to southern Oregon and east to central Arizona. i: "California." *Bubo virginianus pallescens Stone. PALLID GREAT HORNED OWL. Bubo virginianus pallescens STONE, Am. Nat., XXXI, 1897, p. 237 (Watson's Ranch, 18 miles S. W. of San Antonio, Texas); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 742. Range: Central Texas to Arizona and desert region of southeastern California; northern Mexico. 3: Arizona i; and New Mexico 2. *Bubo virginianus occidentalis Stone. WESTERN GREAT HORNED OWL. Bubo virginianus occidentalis STONE, Auk, 1896, p. 155 (Mitchell County, Iowa); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 743. Range: Central North America, from Assiniboa and Manitoba, south to Kansas, New Mexico, and Utah, and from southeastern Oregon, east to Minnesota, Kansas, etc. i : Manitoba. See Stone, Auk, 1896, p. 155. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 21 Bubo virginianus algistus (Oberhoher). ST. MICHAEL'S GREAT HORNED OWL. Asia megellanieus algistus OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVII, 1904, p. 190 (St. Michaels, Alaska). Bubo virginianus algistus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 750. Range: Coast district of northwestern Alaska, north of Alaska Peninsula. *Bubo virginianus wapacuthu (Gmel.*). ARCTIC GREAT HORNED OWL. Strix wapacuthu GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 290 (Hudson Bay region, North America). Bubo virginianus articus Am. Orn. Union Check List, Ed. I, 1886, and Ed. 2, 1895, No. 375b. Bubo virginianus subarcticus Am. Orn. Union Check List, 3 Ed., 1910, p. 175. Bubo virginianus wapacuthu RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 751- Range: Northern and central Canada from Hudson Bay to Valley of Mackenzie River, southward to northern Manitoba, and in winter to Wisconsin, Idaho, etc. 3: Canada (Alberta, Saskatchewan). Bubo virginianus lagophonus (Oberholser) . NORTH WESTERN GREAT HORNED OWL. Asia virginianus logophonus OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVII, 1904, p. 185 (Fort Walla Walla, State of Washington, U. S. A.). Bubo virginianus logophonus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S., Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 747- Range: Idaho, northeastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and north to upper Yukon Valley, Alaska. *Bubo virginianus saturatus Ridgway. DUSKY HORNED OWL. Bubo virginianus saturatus RIDGWAY, Orn. Fortieth Parallel, 1877, p. 572, foot- note (Sitka, Alaska); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 748; SWARTH, Univ. California, Pub. VII, 1911, p. 65 (Douglas I., Alaska). Range: Pacific coast region, from northern California to southern Alaska (Sitka, Douglas Islands, etc.). 3: "British Columbia." *Bubo virginianus heterocnemis (Oberholser) . LABRADOR GREAT HORNED OWL. Asia magellanicus heterocnemis OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVII, 1904, p. 187 (Lauce au Loux, Labrador). 22 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Bubo virginianus heterocnemus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 750. Range: Coast region of Labrador and Ungava, south in winter to southern Ontario and Newfoundland. i : Labrador. Bubo virginianus neochorus Oberholser . NEWFOUNDLAND GREAT HORNED OWL. Bubo virginianus neochorus OBERHOLSER, Proc. Biol. Soc., Wash., XXVII, 1914, p. 46 (Fox Island River, Newfoundland). Range: Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. Bubo virginianus mesembrinus (Oberholser). COSTA RICAN GREAT HORNED OWL. Asia megellanicus mesembrinus OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVII, 1904, p. 179 (San Jose, Costa Rica). Bubo virginianus mesembrinus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, I9H. P- 754- Range: Costa Rica and Western Panama. Bubo virginianus melancerus (Oberholser). OAXACA GREAT HORNED OWL. Asia megellanicus melancerus OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVII, 1904, p. 1 80 (Tehuantepec City, Oaxaca, Guatemala). Bubo virginianus melancerus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 753- Range: Central Mexico to Guatemala. Bubo virginianus mayensis Nelson. YUCATAN GREAT HORNED OWL. Bubo virginianus mayensis NELSON, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIV, 1901, p. 170 (Chicken-Itza, Yucatan); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 753- Range: Yucatan and British Honduras. Bubo virginianus elachistus Brewster. DWARF GREAT HORNED OWL. Bubo virginianus elachistus BREWSTER, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XLI, 1902, p. 96 (Serra de la Laguna, Lower California); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 746. Range: Southern Lower California (Victoria Mts., etc.) Bubo v. neochorus OBERHOLSER: "Similar to Bubo v. heterocnemis (OBER- HOLSER), but smaller, excepting the bill; upper parts lighter, the dark ground color less deep and more broken; the light markings more numerous; under parts rather less of dark color; feet and legs heavily mottled with dark brown. Male, wing, 345 mm.; female, about 3.70 mm. 1918. CATALOGUE OP BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY 23 *Bubo virginianus megellanicus Daudin. MAGELLAN'S GREAT HORNED OWL. Bubo magellanicus DAUDIN, Trans. d'Om., II, 1800, p. 210 (Strait Magellan); SCOTT and SHARPE, Rep. Princeton, Univ. Exped. to Patagonia, Vol. II, Pt. IV, 1915, p. 683. Bubo virginianus magellanicus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 739, in key. Bubo nacurutu (ViEiLL.), BRABOURNE & CHUBB, Bds. S. A., 1, 1912, p. 74, No. 684. Range: Southern South America, north to Peru, Paraguay and southern Brazil. i: "Patagonia." Bubo virginianus deserti (Reiser).* DESERT GREAT HORNED OWL. Bubo magellanicus deserti REISER, Anz. Akad. Wien., No. XVIII, 1905, p. 324 ("Salitres bei Joazeiro," N. E. Brazil). Range: East and Northeast Brazil. Bubo virginianus scotinus b Oberholser. VENEZUELAN GREAT HORNED OWL. Bubo virginianus scotinus OBERHOLSER, Bull. Mus. Brooklyn Inst., Art & Sci., I, No. 14, 1908, p. 371 (Cacare Orinoco, Venezuela). Bubo scotinus CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 285. Range: Venezuela. Bubo virginianus elutus c Todd. COLOMBIAN GREAT HORNED OWL. Bubo virginianus elutus TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXX, 1917, p. 6 (Lorica, Bolivar, Colombia). Range: Colombia. Bubo virginianus nigrescens d (Berlepsch). ECUADOR GREAT HORNED OWL. Bubo nigrescens BERLEPSCH, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1884, p. 309 (Mountains of western Ecuador, Ceche 10,000 ft.)- Bubo virginianus nigrescens RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 738, in key. Range: Western Ecuador. Bubo v. deserti REISER: General color showing but little or no ochraceous brown, being largely gray mixed with whitish and blackish; decidedly paler than true B. v. magellanicus DAUD. b Bubo v. scotinus OBERHOLSER: Upper parts blackish brown, much mottled, with tawny ochraceous buff and buffy white; barring of under parts much heavier and general color much darker than in B. v. magellanicus DAUD. Bubo v. elutus TODD: Similar to B. v. scotinus OBERHOLSER, but upper parts paler and less rufescent; legs more heavily mottled with dusky; differs from B.I. mesembrinus OBERHOLSER, in being much less rufescent above and below. d Bubo v. nigrescens (BERLEPSCH): Little, if any, rufous and tawny in plumage; feet slightly mottled; general plumage very dark; wing, about 3.50 mm. 24 FIELD MUSEUM OE NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus NYGTEA Stephens. Nyctea STEPHENS, Shaw's Gen. Zool., XIII, 1826, p. 63 (Type Strix erminea = i\ nyctea Linn.). *Nyctea nyctea (Linn.). SNOWY OWL. Strix nyctea LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat. ed. 10, 1758, p. 93 (Sweden); AUDUBON, Orn. Biog., II, 1834, P- !35> pl- 121. Nyctea scandiaca SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 125. Nyctea nivea (GRAY) Gould, Bds. Great. Brit., I, 1863, pl. 34 and text. Nyctea nyctea RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 768. Range: Northern portion of northern Hemisphere; from the arctic circle southward; in North America south in winter to more northern United States and casually or rarely to South Carolina, Texas, etc. 7 : Alaska i ; South Dakota i ; New York i ; Massachusetts 2 ; and Illinois 2. Genus PULSATRIX Kaup. Pulsatrix Kaup, Isis, 1848, p. 771 (Type Strix torquata Daud. = S. perspicillata Latham). (Berlepsch, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XII, 1901, pp. 4-6.). *Pulsatrix perspicillata perspicillata (Latham). SPECTACLED OWL. Strix perspicillata LATHAM, Index Orns., I, 1790, p. 58 (Cayenne). Pulsatrix perspicillata CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 286; Stone, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1913, p. 196 (Cariaquito, Venezuela). Pulsatrix perspicillata perspicillata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 756. Syrnium perspicillatum SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 77, part; BANGS, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XII, 1898, p. 132 (Santa Marta); ALLEN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XIII, 1900, p. 131 (Santa Marta). Range: Northern South America, from Amazon River region, northward, and eastern Panama. 4: Colombia i; Venezuela i; British Guiana i; and Paramaribo i. *Pulsatrix perspicillata saturata* Ridgway. SOOTY SPECTACLED OWL. Pulsatrix perspicillata saturata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 758 (Santo Domingo, Oaxaca, Mexico). Range: Southern Mexico to eastern Panama; Colombia? 2: San Salvador, and Nicaragua. Pulsatrix perspicillata saturata RIDGWAY: Like P. p. perspicillata (LATHAM), but darker; upper parts, except wings and tail, sooty black or very dark sooty brown; chest very dark sooty brown or sooty blackish (instead of sooty grayish brown) and lower under parts deeper buff, sometimes deep cinnamon buff, etc. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 25 Pulsatrix pulsatrix pulsatrix* (Maximilian). WIED'S OWL. Strix pulsatrix MAXIMILIAN, Reis. Bras., I, 1820, footnote (Rio Grande do Bel- monte, S. Brazil). Pulsatrix pulsatrix pulsatrix RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 755 footnote. Range: Southern Brazil. *Pulsatrix pulsatrix melanota (Tschudi). BLACK-BACKED OWL. Noctua melanota TSCHUDI, Archiv. fur Naturg., 1844, p. 267 (Peru). Syrnium melanotum SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, P- 28 - Pulsatrix pulsatrix melanota RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 755 footnote. Pulsatrix melanota BERLEPSCH, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XII, 1901, p. 6, in text. Range: Peru, and Ecuador. i: "Colombia." Pulsatrix pulsatrix sharpei b (Berkpsck). SHARPE 's OWL. Pulsatrix sharpei BERLEPSCH, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XII, 1901, p. 6 (Province of Espirito Santo, eastern Brazil) ; HELLMAYR, Verb, der Ornith. Gesell. Bayern, XII, 1915, p. 158 (Esperito Santo Serro do mar Parana; Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro). Pulsatrix pulsatrix sharpei RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 755. footnote. Range: Paraguay to S. E. Brazil (Parana to Espirito Santo, etc.). Genus OTUS Pennant. Otus Pennant, Indian Zool., 1769, p. 3 (Type O. bakkamaena Pennant). *Otus choliba choliba ( VieilL). CHOLIBA SCREECH OWL. Strix choliba VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., VII, 1817, p. 39 (Paraguay). Scops brasilianus SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 108, part. Otus choliba RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 711, part. Pizorhina choliba CHUBB, Ibis. 1910, p. 75 (Paraguay). Range: Paraguay, South Brazil and Argentina, i: Argentine (Prov. Tucuman). Pulsatrix pulsatrix pulsatrix (MAXIMILIAN): According to Berlepsch (Bull. B. O. C., XII, 1901, p. 5) this is quite distinct from P. perspicillata LATHAM. P. p. pulsatrix is larger and the upper parts, head, throat, and crest, are much lighter brown (light chocolate instead of blackish brown) and quite uniform in shade, while in P. perspicillata the head and upper parts of back are much blacker than the remaining portions. The abdomen of pulsatrix is dark fulvous brown (not ochraceous buff as in P. perspicillata) and other characters. b Pulsatrix pulsatrix sharpei (BERLEPSCH) : Somewhat larger than P. melanota (TSCHUDI) and differs from it in having the belly pale fulvous brown with almost obsolete darker bands (instead of belly whitish with dark brown bands) ; upper parts more chocolate brown (not so sooty brown) ; the pale patch on middle of chest and the superciliary stripe is fulvescent (instead of nearly white) and other characters. 26 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Otus choliba crucigerus' (Spix). SPIX'S SCREECH OWL. Strix crucigera SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 22, pi. 9 (Amazon River Region). Pisorhina choliba crucigera HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 45; Ib. Abh. K. Bayer, Akad. Wiss., Munchen, II, 1906, p. 575. Otus choliba crucegera HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Archiv. fur Naturg., Ab. A. Heft 5, p. 158. Otus roraimae SALVIN, Bull. Brit. Om. Club, VI, 1897, p. 38. Otus crucigerus CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 287. Range: Northern Brazil, East Peru, Guiana, Trinidad, Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Costa Rica. 9 : Colombia 4 ; Venezuela 3 ; British Guiana i ; Peru (Moyobamba) i . *Otus choliba decussatus b (Licht.). LICHTENSTEIN'S SCREECH OWL. Strix decussata LICHTENSTEIN, Verz. Doubl. Berliner Mus., 1823, p. 59 (Bahia). Pisorhina choliba decussata HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 90. Range: East-central and East Brazil (Bahia, Goyaz, etc.). 2: Brazil (Bahia). *Otus choliba margaritae Cory. MARGARITAN SCREECH OWL. Otus choliba margaritae CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 182, Orn. Ser., Vol. I, 8, 1915, p. 298 (Margarita I, off Venezuela. Range: Margarita I., (off Venezuela). 3 : Margarita Island. Otus ingens (Salvin) d SALVTN'S SCREECH OWL. Scops ingens SALVIN, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, VI, 1897, p. 37 (Ecuador). Otus ingens BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 75, No. 695. Range: Ecuador. Otus atricapillus (Temm.). BLACK-HEADED SCREECH OWL. Strix atricapillus TEMMINCK, PI. Col., II, 1823, pi. 145 (Brasil). Otus atricapillus DABBENE Bol. Soc. Physis I, 1914, p. 306. Scops sanctae-catarinae SALVIN, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, VI, 1897, p. 37.* Range: East and south Brazil, Paraguay, N. E. Argentine. Otus choliba crucigerus SPIX: Larger, and averaging more rufescent than 0. c. decussatus (Licht.); wing (males), averaging about 1.76 mm. b Otus choliba decussatus (LIGHT.) : Differs from O. c. choliba (Vieill.) in average smaller size and paler upper parts. c Otus choliba margaritae CORY: Similar to O. c. crucigerus (SPix) but smaller and paler and the quadrate pale markings on the outer primaries much more white; wing, 1.50 mm.; tail, 85 mm. NOTE. The differences separating several of the supposed subspecies of Otus choliba, while not very pronounced, are apparently constant and seem to represent regional variation; unfortunately, sufficiently large series from the different regions are not available to determine this question. d Otus (cholibal) ingens SALVIN: Similar to O. choliba (Vieill.), but more deeply colored and larger; wing, 8.2 in. (This bird is unknown to me.) Cf. Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1914, p. 414, in text. ipi8. CATALOGUE OP BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 27 Otus watsonii (Cassin)* WATSON'S SCREECH OWL. Ephialtes watsonii CASSIN, Proc. Acad. Phila., IV, 1848, p. 123 (South America); Id., Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., II, 1852, p. 95, pi. XII, Fig. i. Scops usta SCLATER, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., IV, 1862, p. 265, tab. 6i. b Pishorina watsoni HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 407; SNETHLAGE, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 145. Otus watsoni HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 414; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 253. Pisorhina usta SNETHLAGE, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 145 (RioTapajoz). Range: Eastern Peru, Ecuador, S. Venezuela, S. E. Colombia, Brazil, N. Argentine. Otus guatemalae (Sharpe). GUATEMALAN SCREECH OWL. Scops brasilianus Subsp. B. Scops guatemalae SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 112 (Guatemala). Otus guatemalae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 715. Scops guatemalae SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, pi. IX (larger fig.). Range: Southeastern Mexico to Guatemala; West Ecuador? Otus hastatus hastatus (Ridgway). MAZATLAN SCREECH OWL. Megascops hastatus RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, p. 268 ("La Pa, Lower Calif ornia"= probably Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico, according to Ridgway). Scops hastatus SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Am. Aves., Ill, 1897, p. 23. Otus hastatus hastatus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 718. Range: Western Mexico (Sinaloa, Jalisco, Tepic). Otus hastatus thompsoni (Cole). YUCATAN SCREECH OWL. Otus hastatus thompsoni COLE, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., I, 1906, p. 123 (Chichen- Itza, Yucatan). Otus hastatus thompsoni RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 719. Range: Yucatan. Otus cassini (Ridguuay). CASSIN'S SCREECH OWL. [Scops brasilianus] E. cassini RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, p. 90, 102 (Mirador, Vera Cruz, Mexico). Otus cassini RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 720. Range: Eastern Mexico (State of Vera Cruz). Otus watsonii CASSIN: Approaches 0. c. crucigera (SPix) ; differs in having much longer ear tufts, which are almost uniform black, with only a few minute dots of buff on inner webs of the feathers; pileum blackish; back and tail blackish brown (much darker than in O. choliba) with narrow buff vermiculations; no buff spots on upper wing coverts; under parts deep fulvous (not whitish with buff patches). b Cf. Berlepsch, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XII, 1901, p. 10; Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 402; Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 253. 28 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Otus barbarus (Sclater and Salvin). BEARDED SCREECH OWL. Scops barbarus SCLATER and SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., 1868, p. 56 (Santa Barbara, Vera Paz, Guatemala); Id., Exotic Orn., 1868, pt. VII, pi. 51; SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 107. Otus barbarus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 723. Range: Highlands of Guatemala. *Otus venniculatus (Ridgway). VERMICULATED SCREECH OWL. Megascops vermiculatus RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1887, p. 267 (Costa Rica). Scops guatemalae SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, pi. 9 (smaller fig. rufous phase). [Otus] guatemalae BRABOURNE & CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 75, No. 698. Otus vermiculatus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 724. Range: Costa Rica to Panama and south through western Colom- bia to western Ecuador." i: "Costa Rica." *Otus nudipes ( Vieillof). BARE-LEGGED SCREECH OWL. Bubo nudipes VIEILLOT, Ois. Am., Sept., 1, 1807, p. 53, pi. 22 ("Greater Antilles"). Scops nudipes SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, pi. 121; SALVIN and GOD- MAN, Biol. Centr. Amer. Aves, III, 1897, p. 25. Psiloscops nudipes BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 76, No. 700. Otus nudipes RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 727. Range: Costa Rica and Panama, Colombia, i: Costa Rica (La Capentera). *Otus flammeolus (Kaup). FLAMMULATED SCREECH OWL. Scops flammeola KAUP, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., IV, pt. VI, 1859, p. 226 (Mexico). Scops flammeolus SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 105. Otus flammeolus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 728. Range: Mountains of western North America, from southern British Columbia and Idaho, south to southern Mexico and Guatemala. 4: New Mexico 3; and Guatemala i. *Otus asio asio (Linn.). FLORIDA SCREECH OWL. Strix asio LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, p. 92 (South Carolina). Subsp. B. Scops floridanus SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, P- n8. Scops asio floridanus BAIRD, Brewer and Ridgway, Hist. N. Am. Bds., special ed., Ill, 1874, pi. opp. p. 51. Otus asio asio RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 687. Range: Southeastern United States, from South Carolina, Ten- nessee, and southern Illinois, south to the Gulf coast, from Louisiana and possibly eastern Texas, eastward. fio: Florida. I have not seen specimens from Colombia or Ecuador. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 29 *Otus asio naevius (Gmel.). SCREECH OWL. Strix naevia GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 289 (New York). Scops asio SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 114, part. Otus asio naevius RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 690. Range: Eastern United States and southern Canada, from Ontario and New Brunswick, south to Georgia and Tennessee, Kansas, etc., and west to about the looth meridian, Kansas, South Dakota, etc. t48: Massachusetts 3; Connecticut 4; Ohio i~] Wisconsin 35; and Illinois 5. Otus asio hasbroucki Ridgway. HASBROUCK'S SCREECH OWL. Otus asio hasbroucki RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 694 (Palo, Pinto County, Texas). Range: North-central Texas. *Otus asio mccallii (Cassin). TEXAS SCREECH OWL. Scops mccallii CASSIN, Illus. Bds. California, Texas, etc., 1854, p. 180 (Rio Grande, Texas). Otus asio mccalli RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 693. Range: Lower Rio Grande Valley, southern Texas, and north- eastern Mexico. 2: Texas (Cameron County). Otus asio aikeni (Brewster). AIKEN'S SCREECH OWL. Megascops asio aikeni BREWSTER, Auk, 1891, p. 139 (Colorado Springs, Colorado). Otus asio aikeni RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 695. Range: Eastern Colorado and southward in New Mexico, western Texas, southeastern Arizona, to northern Durango, Mexico. *Otus asio bendieri (Brewster). CALIFORNIA SCREECH OWL. Scops asio bendieri BREWSTER, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VII, 1882, p. 31 (Nicasio, Marin County, California). Otus asio bendieri RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 701. Range: California (except southeastern desert region) north of Kern County, and in south-central Oregon. 7: California (Berkeley, San Francisco, Palo Alto, etc.). Otus asio quercinus Grinnell* GRINNELL'S SCREECH OWL. Otus asio quercinus GRINNELL, Auk, 1915, p. 61 (Pasadena, Los Angeles Co., California). Range: Southern coast region of California, from Kern County and Los Angeles County, southward. a Otus asio quercinus GRINNELL*: Paler than 0. a. bendieri (BREWSTER) and black markings on under parts sharper with very little or none of the ferrugineous markings. "The restriction or absence of ferrugineous markings on the chest, around the facial rim, and on the ear tufts, is a good character." (Grinnell, 1. c.) 30 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Otus asio brewsteri Ridgway. BREWSTER'S SCREECH OWL. Otus asio brewsteri RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 700 (Salem, Oregon). Range: Western Oregon, U. S. A. *Otus asio maxwelliae (Ridgway). ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCREECH OWL. Scops asio maxwelliae RIDGWAY, Field and Forest, II, No. n, 1877, p. 210 (Boulder, Colorado). Otus asio maxwelliae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 696. Range: Eastern Montana and Wyoming to central Colorado. 4: Colorado (Lorimer County) 2; "Colorado" 2. *Otus asio macfarlanei (Brewster). MACFARLANE'S SCREECH OWL. Megascops asio macfarlanei BREWSTER, Auk, 1891, p. 144 (Walla Walla, State of Washington, U. S. A.). Otus asio macfarlanei RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, Vf, 1914, p. 677. Range: Western Montana to northeastern California, eastern Ore- gon, eastern Washington, and southeastern British Columbia. 5: Montana 3; and Washington 2. *Otus asio kennicottii (Elliot}. KENNICOTT'S SCREECH OWL. Scops kennicottii ELLIOT, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1867, p. 69 (Sitka, Alaska); Id., Illust. New and Unfig. Bds. N. Am., 1869; p. XXVII, pi. n. Otus asio kennicottii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 698. Range: Coast region of southern Alaska to northwestern Wash- ington. 3: British Colombia (Victoria). Otus asio cineraceus (Ridgway). ARIZONA SCREECH OWL. Megascops asio cineraceus RIDGWAY, Auk, 1895, p. 390, in text (Ft. Huachuca, Arizona). Otus asio cineraceus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 702. Range: Southwestern New Mexico and southern Arizona to south- eastern California and northern Sonora, Mexico. Otus asio gilmani* Swarih. OILMAN'S SCREECH OWL. Otus asio gilmani SWARTH, Univ. Calif. Pub., Zool., VII, 1910, p. i (Blackwater, Final County, Arizona); Id., The Condor, XVIII, 1916, p. 163. Range: Valleys of southwestern Arizona. Otus asio gilmani SWARTH: Close to 0. a. cineraceus RIDGWAY, but claimed to differ in being paler and the pencillings much finer; not recognized by Ridgway (See Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 702, foot note), but later upheld by Svrarth (The Condor, 1. c.). ig 1 8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 31 Otus asio xantusi (Brewster). XANTUS'S SCREECH OWL. Megascops xantusi BREWSTER, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XLI, 1902, p. 93 (Santa Anita, S. Lower California). Otus asio xantusi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 703. Range: Southern Lower California. *Otus trichopsis (Wagler}. SPOTTED SCREECH OWL. Scops trichopsis WAGLER, Isis, 1832, p. 276 (Mexico). Otus trichopsis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 704. Range: Southern Arizona to Guatemala. 5: Arizona (Huachuca Mts.) 2; Guatemala (Tecpam and Chichavac) 3. Otus pinosus (Nelson and Palmer}. LAS VEGAS SCREECH OWL. Megascops pinosus NELSON and PALMER, Auk, 1894, P- 39 (Las Vegas, Vera Cruz, alt. 8,000 ft., Mexico). Otus pinosus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 708. Range: Southeastern Mexico (State of Vera Cruz). Otus vinaceus (Brewster). CHIHUAHUA SCREECH OWL. Megascops vinaceus BREWSTER, Auk, 1888, p. 88 (Durasno, Chihuahua, Mexico). Otus vinaceus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 710. Range: Northwestern Mexico (State of Chihuahua). Otus cooperi (Ridgivay). COOPER'S SCREECH OWL. Scops cooperi RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, p. 116 (Santa Ana, Costa Rica). Otus cooperi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 710. Range : Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Salvador to southern Mexico. Genus LOPHOSTRIX Lesson. Lophostrix Lesson, Compl. Buffon, VII, I, 1836, p. 261; (Type Strix cristata Daudin). Lophostrix cristatus cristatus (Daud.). CRESTED OWL. Strix cristata DAUDIN, Traite d'Orn., II, 1800, p. 207 (Guiana); SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, P- I22 - Lophostrix cristatus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 733, in key; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 289. Range: Guianas, and Amazon Valley, Ecuador. *Lophostrix cristatus Strickland! (Sclater and Salviri). STRICKLAND'S OWL. Lophostrix stricklandi SCLATER and SALVIN, Ibis, 1859, p. 221 (Vera Paz, Guate- mala). Scops stricklandi SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 124. 32 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Lophostrix stricklandi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 733. Lophostrix cristatus stricklandi CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXVI, 1917, p. 253 (Barbacoas, Colombia). Range: Southern Mexico to Panama and northern Colombia, i : Panama. Genus SCOTIAPTEX Swainson. Scotiaptex Swainson, Classif, Bds. I, 1836, p, 327; II, 1837, p. 217 (Type Strix cinerea Gmelin). *Scotiaptex nebulosa nebulosa (Forster). GREAT GRAY OWL. Strix nebulosa FORSTER, Philos. Trans., LXII, 1772, p. 386 (Severn River, Keewatin, Canada). Strix cinerea AUDUBON, Orn. Biog., IV, 1838, p. 364, pi. 351. Syrnium cinereum SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, P- 2 5 2 - Scotiaptex nebulosa nebulosa RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 635- Range: Northern North America. tg : Canada (Alberta) 7 ; New Brunswick (Debia) i ; Massachusetts (near Boston) i. Genus STRIX Linnaeus. Strix Linnaeus, Syst. Nat. ed 10, I, 1758, p. 92. (Type by subsequent designa- tion. Strix aluco Linn, or Strix stridula Linn.).* *Strix varia varia (Barton). BARRED OWL. Strix varius BARTON, Fragm. Nat. Hist. Perm., 1799, p. u (Pennsylvania, U. S. A.). Syrnium nebulosum AUDUBON, Bds. Am., Oct., ed I, 1840, p. 132, pi. 36; SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 257. Strix varia varia RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 641. Range: Middle eastern North America, north to Newfoundland and Manitoba, etc., south to northern Georgia, southern Illinois, etc., and west to eastern Montana, Colorado, etc. 7 : Massachusetts i ; Connecticut 2 ; Maine i ; Indiana i ; Illinois i ; and Wisconsin i. *Strix varia alleni (Ridgway). FLORIDA BARRED OWL. Strix nebulosa alleni RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, 1880, p. 8 (Clearwater, S. W. Florida). Strix varia alleni RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 644. Range: Southern United States from eastern Texas to Florida and north to Arkansas and South Carolina, fn: Florida 9; Texas 2. See Newton, Ibis, 1876, p. 94; Allen, Auk, 1908, p. 290. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 33 Strix varia albogilva Bangs. TEXAS BARRED OWL. Strix varia albogilva BANGS, Auk, 1908, p. 316 (new name to replace Syrnium nebulosum helveolum BANGS, preoccupied). (Corpus Christi, Texas); RIDG- WAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 646. Range: South-central Texas. Strix varia sartorii (Ridgway). MEXICAN BARRED OWL. Syrnium nebulosum var. sartorii RIDGWAY, Bull. Essex Inst., V, 1873, p. 200 (Mirador, Vera Cruz, E. Mexico). Syrnium sartorii SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 258 (footnote). Strix varia sartorii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 646. Range: Higher mountains of Central and Southern Mexico. *Strix fulvescens (Sclater and Salwn). GUATEMALAN BARRED OWL. Syrnium fulvescens SCLATER and SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1868, p. 58 (Guatemala); SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 258. Strix fulvescens RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 647. Range : Highlands of Guatemala and Chiapas. i: "Guatemala." Strix rufipes King. PATAGONIAN BARRED OWL. Strix rufipes KING, Zool. Journ., Ill, 1828, p. 426 (Port Famine); SCOTT and SHARPE, Rep. Princeton Univ. Exp. to Patagonia, IV, 1915, p. 692. Ulula fasciata DBS MURS, Icon. Orn. pi. 37. Syrnium rufipes SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 261. Range: Chile and Patagonia. Strix occidentalis occidentalis (Xantus). SPOTTED OWL. Syrnium occidentalis XANTUS, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., XI, 1859, p. 190 (Ft. Tejon, California); SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 260 (part). Strix occidentalis occidentalis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 649. Range: Mountains of southern California (from Los Angeles county) and northern Lower California. Strix occidentalis caurina (Merriam). NORTHERN SPOTTED OWL. Syrnium occidentalis caurinum MERRIAM, Auk, 1898, p. 39 (Mt. Vernon, Skaget Valley, Washington). Strix occidentalis caurina RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 650. Range: Northwest coast region of North America, from northern California to British Colombia. Strix occidentalis lucida (Nelson). MEXICAN SPOTTED OWL. Syrnium occidentalis lucidum NELSON, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XVI, 1903, p. 152 (Mt. Yancitaro, Michoacan, central Mexico). 34 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Strix occidentals lucida RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 652. Range: Mountains of central Mexico (States of Guanajuato and Michoacan). *Strix occidentalis huachucae Swarth. ARIZONA SPOTTED OWL. Strix oczidentalis huachucae SWARTH, Univ. Calif. Pub. Zool., VII, 1910, p. 3 (Huachuca Mts., Arizona) ; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 651; SWARTH, The Condor, XVII, 1915, p. 16, in text. Range: Mountains of Arizona, east to western Texas and north to Colorado. i: "Arizona." Genus CIGCABA Wagler. Ciccaba Wagler, Isis, 1832, p. 1222 (Type Strix hulula Daudin). *Ciccaba hylophilum (Temm.}. BRAZILIAN WOOD OWL. Strix hylophilum TEMMINCK, PI. Col., II, 1825, pi. 373 ("Brasil"). Syrnium hylophilum SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 269, part. Range: S. W. Brazil, Paraguay, N. E. Argentine. i: "Colombia."? *Ciccaba albitarsus albitarsus a (Sclater). WHITE-FOOTED WOOD OWL. Syrinum albitarse SCLATER, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1862, p. 263, pi. IX (Bogota, Colombia). Range: Colombia and Venezuela. i: Venezuela (Merida). Ciccaba albitarsus goodfellowi Chubb. b GOODFELLOW'S WOOD OWL. Ciccaba albitarsus goodfellowi CHUBB, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 1916, p. 46 (North of Quito, Ecuador, alt. 11,000 ft.). Range: Ecuador. *Ciccaba albogularis (Cassin). WHITE-THROATED OWL. Syrnium albogularis CASSIN, Proc. Acad. Sci., Phila., IV, 1848, p. 124 ("South America " = Colombia) ; c SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, P- 2 ?o- Ciccaba albigularis CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXVI, 1917, p. 254. Range: Colombia and Ecuador. 3: "Colombia." a Ciccaba a. albitarsus (SCLATER): Somewhat resembles C. hylophilum (TEMM.), but readily distinguished by its whitish feet and other characters. b Ciccaba a. goodfellowi CHUBB: Similar to C. albitarsus albitarsus (SCLATER), but blackish (instead of brown) above; the pale markings buff (instead of rufous) and much less extensive; under parts largely white; breast white (not rufous); wing, 270; tail, 146 mm. "Brabourne and Chubb, designate "Colombia" Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 76, No. 704; Chapman 1. c., adds "Choachi" near Bogota. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 35 Ciccaba superciliare superciliare (Pelz.). WHITE-BROWED WOOD OWL. Syrnium superciliare PELZELN, Verb. Zool. hot Gess. Wien, 1863, p. 1125 (Brazil); SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 271; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV 1907, p. 407. Range: Brazil. Ciccaba superciliare macconnellii Chubb.* MCDONNELL'S WHITE- BROWED WOOD OWL. Ciccaba superciliaris macconnellii CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 290 (Ituribisi River, British Guiana). Range: British Guiana. Ciccaba suinda ( VieilL). BANDED WOOD OWL. Strix suinda VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., VII, 1817, p. 34 ("Sud de la riviere de la Plata"). Syrnium suinda SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 272. Range: S. Brazil, Paraguay and N. E. Argentine. Ciccaba huhula (Daudiri). DARK WOOD OWL. Strix huhula DAUDIN, Traite d'Orn., II, 1800, p. 190 (Cayenne). Syrnium huhulum SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 275. Cicaba huhula HELLMAYR, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wis., Munchen, XXII, 1906 p. 576; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 291. Range: Guiana and Brazil. *Ciccaba nigrolineata nigrolineata (Sclater). BLACK AND WHITE WOOD OWL. Ciccaba nigrolineata SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1859, p. 131 (S. Mexico), Ciccaba nigrolineata nigrolineata RTDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 760. Range: Southern Mexico, south to western Ecuador, i: Panama (Chiriqui). *Ciccaba nigrolineata spilonota (Sharpe). b BARRED WOOD OWL. Subsp. a. Syrnium spUonotum SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 277 (Bogota, Colombia). Ciccaba nigrolineata spilonota RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 760, in key. Range: Central Colombia, i: Colombia (Rio Ban-era). Ciccaba s. macconnellii CHUBB: Similar to C. s. superciliare (PELZ.), but differs in being rufous brown above (instead of dusky brown) and outer edges of scapulars sandy buff (not white) ; under parts sandy buff marked with bright tawny (not white with dark brown markings and shaft streaks of the same color). b A very doubtful subspecies, cf. Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 762, foot note; also Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus., N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 254. 36 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Ciccaba virgata virgata (Cassin). CASSIN'S WOOD OWL. Syrnium virgatum CASSIN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., IV, 1848, p. 124 ("South America " = Colombia) ;' SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, P- 2 7 l > BANGS, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XII, 1898, p. 159 (Santa Marta). Ciccaba virgata virgata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 763. Syrnium lineatum (not Strix lineata Shaw) LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., VII, 1862 p. 462 (Lion Hill, Panama). 6 Range: Southeastern Mexico to Colombia and Venezuela. 3: Mexico i; and Nicaragua 3. Ciccaba virgata squamulata (Bonaparte). SQUAMMULATED WOOD OWL. Syrnium squamulata BONAPARTE, Consp. Av., I, 1850, p. 53 (Mexico). Ciccaba virgata squamulata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 766. Range: Western and southwestern Mexico. Ciccaba virgata tamaulipensis (Phillips). TAMAULIPAS WOOD OWL. Strix virgata temaulipensis PHILLIPS, Auk, 1911, p. 76 (Rio Martinez, W. Tamau- lipas, Mexico). Ciccaba virgata tamaulipensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 767. Range: Northwestern Mexico. Genus CRYPTOGLAUX Richmond. Cryptoglaux Richmond, Auk, 1901, p. 193 (Type Strix tengmalmi Gmelin). Cryptoglaux tengmalmi tengmalmi (Gmel.). TENGMALM'S OWL. Strix tengmalmi GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, pt. i, 1788, p. 291 (Sweden). Cryptoglaux funeria funeria EVERMANN, Auk, 1913, p. 18." Cryptoglaux tengmalmi tengmalmi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 623, in key. Range: Northern Europe and Asia. "Cryptoglaux tengmalmi richardsoni (Bonaparte). RICHARDSON'S OWL. Nyctale richardsoni BONAPARTE, Geo. and Comp. List, 1838, p. 7. (Based on Audubon, Ora. Biog., IV, pi. 380.) (Bangor, Maine); SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, P- 28 4. P art - Designated by Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 76, No. 707. b See Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 765, foot note. Recorded from St. Paul Island, Pribilof Islands, Alaska, February 2, 1912, Evermann, (1. c.). This may prove to be Cryptoglaux tengmalmi jacutorum BUTUR- LIN, J. F. O., 1908, p. 287 (cf. Hartert, Die Vogel der Palaark, Faun, heft. VIII, , PP- 996-999). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 37 Nyctale tengmalmi var. richardsoni CORY, Nat. in Magadalena Is., 1878, p. 54 (breeding). Glauxfuneria richardsoni CORY, Bds. Illinois & Wisconsin (Field Mus. Pub., No. 131, 1909, P- 490. Cryptoglaux tengmalmi richardsoni RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 624; BREWSTER, Bds. Cambridge, Region of Mass. (Mem. Nutt. Orn. Club, IV, 1906, p. 199). Range: Northern North America. 5: Alaska i; New Foundland i; Alberta, Canada 2; and Massa- chusetts i. *Cryptoglaux acadica acadica (GmeL). SAW- WHET OWL. Strix acadica GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, pt. I, 1788, p. 296 (North America) ; AUDU- BON, Orn. Biog., II, 1834, p. 567, pi. 199. Strix albifrons SHAW, Nat. Misc., V, 1794, pi. 171 (young). Nyctale acadica SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 287. ? Nyctale acadica scotaea OSGOOD, N. M. Fauna, No. 21, 1901, p. 43 (Queen Charlotte Is.) Cryptoglaux acadica RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 627. Range: Northern North America (except extreme north), south in winter to Mexico and Guatemala. fi2: Canada (Toronto) i; Magdalena Islands (Gulf of St. Law- rence) 2; Minnesota i; Illinois 4; Massachusetts i; California 2; and Locality? i. Cryptoglaux acadica brooksi 9 Fleming. QUEEN CHARLOTTE SAW- WHET OWL. Cryptoglaux acadica brooksi FLEMING, Auk, 1916, p. 422 (Graham Is., Queen Charlotte Islands, British Colombia). Range: Queen Charlotte Islands, British Colombia. Cryptoglaux ridgwayi Alfaro. COSTA RICAN SAW-WHET OWL. Cryptoglaux ridgwayi ALFARO, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XVIII, 1905, p. 217 (Cerro de la Candelaria, near Escaso, Costa Rica) ; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 633. Range: High mountains of Costa Rica. Cryptoglaux acadica brooksi FLEMING: A dark race supposed to be confined to the Queen Charlotte Islands. It is quite different from the bird described as scotaea OSGOOD from that region, and which Ridgway considered inseparable from C. a. acadica (cf. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 629, foot note). It would seem likely, however, that the type of scotaea may prove to be a phase of plumage of the Queen Charlotte Island-bird, in which case, brooksi would be antedated by scotaea, and the name of the Island race would stand as Cryptoglaux acadica scotaea (OSGOOD), N. Am. Fauna, No. 21, 1901, p. 43 (Massett, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Colombia). See also Flemming, 1. c. (crit.) and Swarth, Univ. California Pub. (Zool.), VII, 1911, p. 65 (Mitkof, I., Alaska). 38 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus GISELLA Bonaparte. Gisella Bonaparte, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 4, Ser. I, 1854, p. 112 (nomen nudum); Rev. et Mag. de Zool., VI, 1854, P- 54 1 (Type Strix lathami Bonap.). *Gisella harrisi (Cassin). HARRIS' OWL. Nyctale harrisi CASSIN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IV, 1848, p. 157 (South America = Colombia). Syrnium harrisi SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 283. Gisella harrisi BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 77, No. 710. Range: Colombia and Venezuela. i: "Colombia." Gisella iheringi 8 Sharpe. IHERING'S OWL. Gisella ihtringi SHARPE, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, VIII, 1899, p. XL (S. Lorenzo, Rio Grande do Sul, S. Brazil); CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 71; DABBENE, Bol. Soc. Physis I, 1914, p. 306. Range: South Brazil, Paraguay, andN. Argentine. Genus SURNIA Dumeril. Surnia Dumeril, Zool. Analytique, 1806, p. 34 (Type by designation by Gray, 1841 Strix ulula Linn.). Surnia ulula pallasi (Buturliri). SIBERIAN HAWK OWL. Surnaiulula pallasi BUTURLIN, Ornith. Monatsb., XV, 1907, p. 100 (Siberia). 6 Strix ulula SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 129, part. Surnia ulula ulula RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 773, key and footnote (part, St. Michael). Range: Siberia; accidental in Alaska (St. Michael). *Surnia ulula caparoch (Muller). AMERICAN HAWK OWL. Strix caparoch MULLER, Syst. Nat. Suppl., 1776, p. 69 (Hudson Bay). Surnia funerea AUDUBON, Bds. Am., Oct. ed., 1840, p. 112, pi. 27. Syrnia ulula caparoch RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 774- Range: Northern North America, north to the limit of trees, breeding in Hudsonian and Canadian life zones, south in winter to northern United States and casually farther south. fio: Alaska (Kenai Peninsula) 3; Alberta, Canada (Red Deer) 6; and Newfoundland i. Gisella iheringi SHARPE: " Similar to Gisella harrisi (CASS.), but differs in having the upper tail coverts marked with ovate spots and tail with three white bands; ear stripes, lores, and gular stripes, blackish (not chocolate brown); wing, 5.25 in. b Cf. Hartert, Vog. Pal. Fauna, VIII, 1913, pp. 1012-1013. See Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1916, p. 774, footnote. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 39 Genus SPEOTYTO Gloger. Speotyto Gloger, Hand- und Hilfsbuch der Naturg., 1842, p. 226 (Type Strix cunicularia Molina). Speotyto cunicularia cunicularia (Molina) . a CHILIEN BURROWING OWL. Strix cunicularia MOLINA, Saggio Stor. Nat. Chile, 1872, p. 263 (Chile). Speotyto cunicularia SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 142, part; SCOTT and SHARPE, Rep. Princeton Univ. Exped. to Patagonia, II, 1915, pt. 4, p. 696; GRANT, Ibis., 1911, p. 329 (N. Argentine). Speotyto cunicularia cunicularia RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 813, in key. Range: Chile, Argentine, Patagonia, and Uruguay. Speotyto cunicularia grallaria (Temm.). b BRAZILIAN BURROWING OWL. Strix grallaria TEMMINCK, PI. Col., II, 1822, pi. 146 (Brazil = Minas Geraes); SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 21. Speotyto cunicularia grallaria HELLMAYR, Abh. k. Bayer Akad. Wiss., Munchen, XXII, 1906, p. 574; CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 193, XII, No. i, 1917, p. 6. Speotyto grallaria CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 77 (Paraguay). Range: Southern Brazil, S. E. Paraguay, and N. Uruguay. *Speotyto cunicularia beckeri Cory. BECKER'S BURROWING OWL. Speotyto cunicularia beckeri CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 182, Orn. Ser. I, 1915, p. 299 (Sao Marcello, Rio Preto, Bahia, Brazil); Id., No. 193, Zool. Ser., XII, No. I, p. 6, in text. Range: Brazil, Bahia to Eastern Matto Grosso, probably Goyaz and Piauhy, and perhaps farther north and west. 5: Bahia (Sao Marcello), including the type. Speotyto cunicularia juninensis d Berlepsch and Stolzman. JUNIN BUR- ROWING OWL. Speotyto cunicularia juninensis BERLEPSCH and STOLZMAN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1902, II, p. 41 (Junin, Peru). Range: Andes of central Peru. a Speotyto cunicularia cunicularia (MOLINA) :' Tarsus thickly feathered (except at the back); dark markings paler; wing (females), averaging 184; tail, averaging about 93 mm. b Speotyto cunicularia grallaria (TEMMINCK) : Tarsus usually fully feathered (except at the back) but decidedly less thickly than in 5. c. cunicularia (MOLINA), brown markings darker; wing (females), averaging 175, tail, about 82 mm. c Speotyto cunicularia beckeri CORY: Tarsus rather sparsely feathered, the lower portion being practically bare; brown markings still darker than in S. c. grallaria (TEMM.) and with a more rusty tinge and averaging heavier and more extensive below; forehead white (width about 7 mm.); wing (females), averaging about, 168; tail, about 75 mm. The average smaller size and more rusty tinge are the best distinguishing characters. d Speotyto cunicularia juninensis BERL. & STOLZ: Size very large for this genus; wing 195 or more; general plumage browner than in S. c. cunicularia (MOLINA) and more heavily barred. 40 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Speotyto cunicularia nanodes* Berlepsck and Stolzman. PERUVIAN BURROWING OWL. S[peotyto] cunicularia nanodes BERLEPSCH and STOLZMAN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1892, p. 388, in text (Lima). Range: Coast region of central Peru. *Speotyto cunicularia intermedia Cory. b INTERMEDIATE BURROWING OWL. Speotyto cunicularia intermedia CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 182, Orn. Ser., I, No. 8, 1915, p. 300 (Pacasmayo, Peru). Range: Coast region of northern Peru. i: Peru (Pacasmayo). (Type of subspecies.) Speotyto cunicularia punensis 13 Chapman. PUNA ISLAND BURROWING OWL. Speotyto cunicularia punensis CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXIII, 1914, p. 318 (Puna Island, off Ecuador). Range: Puna Island, off Ecuador. Speotyto cunicularia tolimae d Stone. Speotyto cunicularia tolimae STONE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1899, p. 303 (Plain of Tolima, Colombia). Range: Colombia. *Speotyto cunicularia minor 8 subsp. nov. LESSER BURROWING OWL. ? Speotyto brachyptera CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 292. Range: Rio Branco Region, northern Brazil; British Guiana? 4: Northern Brazil (Boa Vista, Rio Branco, including type of subspecies; and base of Serra da Lua, near Boa Vista, Amazonas). Speotyto cunicularia nanodes BERL. & STOLZ : About the size of beckeri, or slightly smaller, but coloration much more earthy brown and less rufous brown; under parts less heavily and more irregularly barred (than in beckeri), the markings being pale and narrow on the flanks; whitish bands on outer tail feathers usually complete and tinged with buff. (Specimens examined from Lima.) Wing, (male) 1 68; tail 89 mm. b Speotyto cunicularia intermedia CORY: Intermediate between S. c. nanodes BERL. & STOLZ. and 5. c. punensis\CH\PMA.y ; upper parts like punensis, but less heavily marked with white on the crown and nape, but much more so and purer white than in nanodes; under parts more heavily marked with brown than in nanodes, the heavy brown markings extending to the abdomen and flanks; wing, (female) 165 mm. Speotyto cunicularia punensis CHAPMAN: General color paler; upper parts more heavily marked with white than on nanodes; brown markings on under parts pale and becoming nearly or quite obsolete on lower abdomen and thighs. d Speotyto cunicularia tolimae STONE: Smaller and decidedly darker colored above; pronts brown; forehead and throat white; wing, about 150 mm.; bands on outer tail feather incomplete, usually confined to rounded spots. Speotyto cunicularia minor subsp. nov. Type from Boa Vista, Rio Branco, Amazonas, Brazil. Female No. 47509, Field Museum of Natural History. Col- lected by M. P. Anderson, Nov. 29, 1912. Nearest to Speotyto c. brachyptera RICH- MOND, but differs in averaging darker; size smaller; thighs and flanks more tinged with ochraceous; wing, 142; tail, 55; tarsus, 40. (Average of three females, wing 142.5 mm.) 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 41 *Speotyto cunicularia brachyptera* (Richmond). SHORT- WINGED BURROWING OWL. Speotyto brachyptera RICHMOND, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVIII, 1896, p. 663 (Margarita Island, off Venezuela). Speotyto cunicularia brachyptera RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 814, in key. Range: Margarita Island, off Venezuela, i : Margarita Island. *Speotyto cunicularia arubensis b Cory. ARUBA ISLAND BURROWING OWL. Speotyto cunicularia arubensis CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 182, Orn. Ser. I, No. 8, 1915, p. 299 (Aruba Island, Dutch West Indies). Range: Aruba Island, Dutch West Indies, off Venezuela. 4: Aruba Island, including type of subspecies. *Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea (Bonap.). BURROWING OWL. Strix hypogaea BONAPARTE, Am. Orn., I, 1825, p. 72 (Platte River, U. S. A.). Speotyto cunicularia becki ROTHSCHILD and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 405 (Guadeloupe Island, Lower California). Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 814; BREWSTER, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XLI, No. i, 1902, p. 93 (Lower California). Range: Unf crested parts of North and Middle America, from British Colombia and Saskatchewan to Panama, and in United States from the Pacific coast (and islands of Santa Barbara, Guadeloupe, etc.) east to eastern border of the Great Plains. fay: Colorado 4; Texas 3; New Mexico 9; Arizona i; California 5; Mexico (Vera Crux) 2; Guatemala i; and locality? 2. Speotyto cunicularia rostrata (Townsend). CLARION ISLAND BURROW- ING OWL. Speotyto rostrata TOWNSEND (C. H.), Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XIII, 1890, p. 133 (Clarion Island, Revillagigedo Group, off western Mexico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 820. Range: Clarion Island, off western Mexico. Speotyto cunicularia brachyptera RICHMOND: Coloration averaging lighter than minor and size larger; wing, averaging 147; tail, about 64; thighs and flanks paler. b Speotyto cunicularia arubensis CORY: Approaches S. c. brachyptera RICHMOND, but is larger and brown markings darker (more umber brown); outer tail feather dull white, washed slightly with pale buff on the inner web, and having two or three very pale brown irregular spots confined to the middle of the feather; entire outer portion of the outer web white, for at least half of its width, as well as the greater portion of the inner web; several other differences; wing, female, 164; tail, 72; average measurements of 5 specimens (males) wing, 159; tail, 73 mm.; (females) wing, 163; tail, 75 mm. 42 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Speotyto cunicularia floridana Ridgway. FLORIDA BURROWING OWL. Speotyto cunicularia var. floridana, Am. Sportsman, IV, No. 14, July 4, 1874, p. 216 (16 miles east of Sarasota Bay, S. W. Florida). Speotyto cunicularia floridana CORY, Auk, 1891, p. 349. Speotyto cunicularia bahamensis CORY, Auk, 1891, p. 387 (Inagua). Speotyto cunicularia cavicola BANGS, Auk, 1900 ,p. 287 (New Providence). Speotyto floridana floridana RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 820. Range : Prairies of southern Florida and Bahama Islands (New Prov- ince, Inagua, Eleuthera, Andros, Great Exuma, Samana Kay, Cay Sal) . \22\ Florida and Bahamas. Florida (Kissimmee Prairie 3, De Soto i, Manatee county i,); Bahama Islands (Eleuthera i, Exuma 4, Samana or Atwoods Key 3, Cay Sal 5, and East Inagua 4). *Speotyto cunicularia dominicensis Cory. HAITIAN BURROWING OWL. Speotyto cunicularia dominicensis CORY, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI, 1881, p. 154 (Haiti). Speotyto dominicensis CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 471; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 194. Speotyto cunicularia (not Strix cunicularia Mol.); SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 143, part (San Domingo, p. 146); CORY, Bds. Haiti and San Domingo, 1885, p. 118. Speotyto floridana dominicensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 823. Range: Haiti and San Domingo, Island of Haiti. fi4: Haiti (Le Coup 12, Lake Gantea i); San Domingo (Hon- duras) i. Speotyto guadeloupensis guadeloupensis (Ridgway). GUADELOUPE BURROWING OWL. Speotyto cunicularia var. guadeloupensis RIDGWAY, Bd. Bwr. & Ridgway, Hist. N. A. Bds., Ill, 1874, P- 9. footnote (Guadeloupe Island, Lesser Antilles). Speotyto guadeloupensis CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 471; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 194. Speotyto guadeloupensis guadeloupensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 824. Range: Island of Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles. *Speotyto guadeloupensis amaura (Lawrence). ANTIQUA BURROWING OWL. Speotyto amaura LAWRENCE, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, p. 234 (Antigua Island, West Indies.) Speotyto guadeloupensis amaura RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 825. Range : Islands of Antigua and Nevis, Lesser Antilles. 2: Antigua Island i; and Nevis Island i. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 43 Genus GYMNASIO Bonaparte. Gymnasia Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., VI, 1854, p. 543 (Type Strix nudipes Daudin). *Gymnasio nudipes nudipes (Daudin). BARE-LEGGED OWL. Strix nudipes DAUDIN, Traite d'Orn., II, 1800, p. 199 (Porto Rico). Gymnasia nudipes SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, P- 1 49> part; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 469; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 192, part. Gymnasia nudipes nudipes RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 677; WETMORE, U. S. Dept. Agric. Bull. 326, 1916, p. 67. Range: Island of Porto Rico, Greater Antilles. 2 : Porto Rico. Gymnasio nudipes newtoni (Lawrence). NEWTON'S BARE-LEGGED OWL. Gymnoglaux newtoni LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., VII, 1860, p. 259 (St. Croix, Greater Antilles). Gymnasio nudipes newtoni RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 679. Gymnoglaux nudipes (not Strix nudipes Daud.) NEWTON (A & E), Ibis, 1859, p. 64, pi. i. Range: Islands of St. Thomas, St. Johns, and St. Croix, Greater Antilles. *Gymnasio lawrencei lawrencii (Sclater and Salvin). CUBAN BARE- LEGGED OWL. Gymnoglaux lawrencii SCLATER and SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1868, p. 327, pi. 29 (Remedies, Cuba). Noctua nudipes (not Strix nudipes Daud.) LEMBEYE, Aves de Cuba, 1850, p. 23, pi. 4, fig. 2. Gymnasio lawrencei SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 150; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 469; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 192; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 679. Range: Island of Cuba, Greater Antilles. i : Cuba. Gymnasio lawrencei exsul* Bangs. ISLE OF PINES BARE-LEGGED OWL. Gymnasio lawrencei exsul BANGS, Proc. N. E. Zool. CL, IV, 1913, p. 91 (Santa Sevilla, Isle of Pines); TODD Ann. Carnegie Mus., X, 1916, P. 234. Range: Isle of Pines, near Cuba, Greater Antilles. Gymnasio lawrencei exsul BANGS: "Differs from specimens of G. I. lawrencei (SCLATER & SALVIN) (taken in eastern Cuba) in being less reddish and more dusky brown and white spots on the dorsal region larger and more numerous. 44 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus GLAUCIDIUM Boie. Glaucidium Boie, Isis, XIX, 1826, p. 970 (Type by monotypy Strix passerina Linn.); (Sharpe, Ibis, 1875, PP- 35~58); (Ridgway, Ibis, 1876, pp. 11-17). Glaucidium nanum (King}. PATAGONIAN PIGMY OWL. Strix nana KING, Zool. Journ., Ill, 1828, p. 427 (Port Famine). Glaucidium nanum SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 190; CRAWSHAY, Bds. of Tierra del Fuego, 1907, p. 35, and colored plate; SCOTT and SHARPE, Rep. Princeton Univ. Exped. to Patagonia, Vol. II, pt. IV, 1915, p. 707. Range: Chile and Patagonia. *Glaucidium jardinii (Bonaparte). JARDINE'S PIGMY OWL. Phalaenopis jardinii BONAPARTE, Comp. Rend., XLI, 1855, p. 654 (Andes of Quito, Ecuador). Glaucidium jardinii SHARPE, Ibis, 1875, p. 43; Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 207; RIDGWAY, Ibis, 1876, p. n, pi. i; Id. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 782; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 255 (Colombia). Range: Costa Rica, south to Peru and Venezuela. 3 : Colombia. Glaucidium gnoma gnoma (Wagler). PIGMY OWL. Glaucidium gnoma WAGLER, Isis, 1832, p. 275 (Mexico); SHARPE, Ibis, 1875, p. 38, pi. i, part; Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, P- l8 4 P ar t. Glaucidium gnoma gnoma RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, vi, 1914, P- 785- Range: Northern and central Mexico. Glaucidium gnoma haskinsii Brewster. RASKIN'S PIGMY OWL. Glaucidium gnoma haskinsii BREWSTER, Auk, 1888, p. 136 (Sierra de la Laguna, southern Lower California); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 788. Range: Southern Lower California. *Glaucidium gnoma pinicola Nelson. ROCKY MOUNTAIN PIGMY OWL. Glaucidium gnoma pinicola NELSON, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIII, 1910, p. 103 (Alma, New Mexico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 789. Range: Rocky Mountains of United States, from Montana to Arizona and New Mexico. 2 : Montana. *Glaucidium gnoma calif ornicum (Sclater). CALIFORNIA PIGMY OWL. Glaucidium californicum SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1857, p. 4 (California). Glaucidium gnoma californicum RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 790. Glaucidium gnoma vigilante GRINNELL, Auk, 1913, p. 224. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 45 Range: California (except humid coast district) from Monterey, northward through middle and eastern Washington and Oregon and southwestern Idaho to southern British Columbia. i : California. Glaucidium gnoma grinnelli Ridgway. COAST PIGMY OWL. Glaucidium gnoma grinnelli RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 791 (Humboldt Bay, California). Range: Humid coast region of California, Oregon, and Washing- ton, from Monterey county northward and coast region of southern British Columbia. Glaucidium gnoma swarthi GrinnelL VANCOUVER PIGMY OWL. Glaucidium gnoma swarthi GRINNELL (J), Auk, 1913, p. 224 (Errington, Van- couver Island, British Columbia); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 793- Range: Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Glaucidium palmarum Nelson. PALM PIGMY OWL. Glaucidium palmarum NELSON, Auk, 1901, p. 46 (Arroyo de Juan, Sanchez, Tepic, Mexico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 795. Range: Southwestern Mexico. Glaucidium pumilum pumilum (Temm.). BRAZILIAN PIGMY OWL. Strix pumila TEMMINCK, Plan. Col., II, live 7, 1821, pi. 39 and text (Paraguay and Brazil); DESCOURTILZ, Orn. Bras., 1852, PI. 5, Fig. 3. Glaucidium pumilum SHARPE, Ibis, 1875, p. 40, pi. 2, Fig. i; Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 198; GOELDI, Album de Aves Amazon, pt. 3, 1906, pi. 42. Glaucidium pumilum pumilum RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 781, in key. Range: Brazil and Paraguay; British Guiana. *Glaucidium pumilum griseiceps (Sharpe). GRAY-HEADED PIGMY OWL. Glaucidium griseiceps SHARPE, Ibis, 1875, p. 41, pi. 2, Fig. 2 (Guatemala); Id. Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 196. Glaucidium pumilum griseiceps RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 795. Range: Guatemala to Panama, i : Guatemala. Glaucidium fisheri Nelson and Palmer. FISHER'S PIGMY OWL. Glaucidium fisheri NELSON and PALMER, Auk, 1894, p. 41 (Tochimilco, Puebla, east Mexico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 797. Range: Eastern Mexico (State of Pueblo). 46 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Glaucidium brasilianum brasilianum (GmeL). FERRUGINEOUS PIGMY OWL. Strix brasilianum GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, pt. I, p. 289 (Brazil). Subsp. A. Glaucidium ferox SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 200. Glaucidium brasilianum brasilianum RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 782, in key; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 255 (Florencia, Colombia). Glaucidium brasilianum CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 78 (Paraguay). Range: Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia. 9: Brazil (Minas Geraes, Bahia, Ceara a ) 7; Peru (Hda. Limon and Menocucho) 2. *Glaucidium brasilianum ridgwayi (Sharpe). NORTHERN FERRUGI- NEOUS PIGMY OWL. Glaucidium ridgwayi SHARPE, Ibis, 1875, p. 55( Mexico). Glaucidium brasilianum ridgwayi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 798. Range: Panama northward to southwestern border of United States. tso: Mexico 20; Yucatan i; Guatemala 4; Costa Rica 4 and southern Texas i. Glaucidium brasilianum medianum TodcP*. SANTA MART A PIGMY OWL. Glaucidium brasilianum medianum TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc., Wash., XXIX, 1916, p. 98 (Bonda, Santa Marta, Colombia). Range: Northern Colombia. *Glaucidium brasilianum phalaenoides (Daudin). TRINIDAD FERRU- GINEOUS PIGMY OWL. Strix phalaenoides DAUD., Trait6 d'Orn., II, 1800, p. 206 (Trinidad). Subsp. b. Glaucidium phalaenoides SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 203. Glaucidium phalaenoides CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., VI, 1894, p. 68; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 293. Range: Trinidad, Margarita Island, Venezuela, British Guiana. 3: Venezuela (Rio Aurare 2). 8 Specimens from Ceara in the reddish plumage are paler (especially on the tail) than those I have seen from other localities. b Glaucidium brasilianum medianum TODD: The brown phase differs from G. b. ridgwayi (SHARPE), having the upper parts much browner (less grayish) and streaks on under parts more rufescent; differs from G. b. phalaenoides (DAUDIN) in its paler, more buffy brown upper parts and less heavily streaked under parts; tail more decidedly and regularly barred. ipi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 47 *Glaucidium siju siju (D'Orb.). CUBAN PIGMY OWL. Noctua siju D'ORBIGNY in La Sarag's Hist. Nat. Cuba. Aves, 1839, p. 41, pi. 3 (Cuba). Glaucidium siju SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 193; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 470; Id. Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 193. Glaucidium siju siju RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 804. Range: Island of Cuba, Greater Antilles. 6: Cuba. Glaucidium siju vittatum Rtdgway. ISLE OF PINES PIGMY OWL. Glaucidium siju vittatum RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., VI, 1914, p. 805 (Naieva Gerona, Isle of Pines, near Cuba) ; Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 805; TODD, Ann. Carnegie Mus., X, 1916, p. 232. Range: Isle of Pines (near Cuba.) Glaucidium tephronotum Sharpe. SHARPE'S PIGMY OWL. Glaucidium tephronotum SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1879, p. 211, pi. XIII, Fig. 2 (South America?). Range: Unknown; South America? Genus MICROPALLAS Coues. Micropallas Coues, Auk, 1889, p. 71 in text (New name to replace Microthene Coues, preoccupied). (Type by original designation Athene whitenyi Coues). *Micropallas whitneyi whitneyi (Cooper). ELF OWL. Athene whitneyi COOPER, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., II, 1861, p. 118 (Fort Mojave, Arizona). Microthene whitneyi SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 224. Micropallas whitneyi whitneyi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 807. Range: Southeastern California, Arizona, and southwestern New Mexico to Sonora, Mexico. 2: Arizona, and "Mexico." Micropallas whitneyi sanfordi Ridgway. SANFORD'S ELF OWL. Mizropallas whitneyi sanfordi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 809 (Miraflores, Lower California). Range: Southern Lower California. Micropallas whitneyi idonea Ridgway. TEXAN ELF OWL. Micropallas whitneyi idoneus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 810 (near Hidalgo, Texas). Range: Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas and south to east central Mexico. / 48 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Micropallas graysoni (Ridgway). SOCORRO ELF OWL. Micrathene graysoni RIDGWAY, Auk, 1886, p. 333 (Socorro I., Revillagigedo, Group of W. Mexico). Micropallas graysoni RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 8 10. Ranger Socorro Island, off western Mexico. Family TYTONIOE. Barn Owls. Genus TYTO Billberg.' Tyto Billberg, Syn. Faunae Scand., I, pars 2, 1828 (Type Strix flammea Linn.). *Tyto perlata perlata (Licht.) b . BRAZILIAN BARN OWL. Strix perlata LICHTENSTEIN, Verz. Doubl., 1823, p. 59 ("Brasil"); GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 3, 1906, pi. 42, Fig. 3; DESCOURTILZ, Orn. Bras., 1852, PI. 5, Fig. 2. Strix flammea SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, p. 291, part. Tyto perlata SCOTT and SHARPE, Rep. Princeton Univ. Exped. to Patagonia, II, Orn. pt. IV, 1915, p. 712; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, P- 295- Range: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Patagonia; British Guiana? i: Brazil (Itacoatiara, Amazonas). Tyto perlata contempta Hartert* ECUADOR BARN OWL. Strix flammea contempta HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 500 (Cayambe, alt. 9223 ft., N. W. Ecuador). Range: N. W. Ecuador. *Tyto perlata stictica (Madarasz)* VENEZUELAN BARN OWL. Strix stictica MADARASZ, Ann. Mus. Hung., II, 1904, p. 115 (Merida, Venezuela). Range: Venezuela. i: Venezuela (Encontrados, Zulia). See Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 600 and Beddard, Ibis, 1890, p. 298. b According to Chubb, Bds. British Guiana I, 1916, p. 502 (attenda), Strixa perlat LICHTENSTEIN, 1823,13 preoccupied by Strix perlata VIEILLOT, 1816, and the name of the American bird should be changed to tuidara, Griffith and Piggeon. Birds from the Rio Chico region, Patagonia, may prove separable on account of their smaller size and pale plumage. d Tyto perlata contempta HARTERT: A dark form approaching T. punctatissima GRAY from the Galapagos Island, but much larger; a large black spot in front of the eye; wing, 3.10 mm. Tyto perlata stictica (Madarasz) : Differs in ground color of the back, which appears grayish lilac b-own instead of gray; wing, 3.34 mm. i pi 8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 49 *Tyto perlata guatemalae Ridgway. CENTRAL AMERICAN BARN OWL. Strix flammea var. guatemale RIDGWAY, Bull. Essex Inst., V, 1873, p. 200. ("Panama to Guatemala"). Tyto perlata guatemale RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 6 10 (Type locality given as Chinandega, Nicaragua). Strix perlata (not of Lichtenstein) SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Americana Aves, III, 1897, p. 2, part. Range: Central America, from Guatemala to Panama; N. Co- lombia? 2: Costa Rica (Limon) i; and Colombia? i. *Tyto perlata pratincola (Bonaparte). AMERICAN BARN OWL. Strix pratincola BONAPARTE, Geog. & Comp. List., 1838, p. 7 (based on Audubon Orn. Biog., II, p. 403, pi. 171) (Southeastern United States). Tyto perlata pratincola RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 605. Range: United States and Mexico, south to Nicaragua in winter. fi4: Florida 4; Massachusetts i; Illinois i; Indiana 2; Texas i; Oklahoma i ; Arizona i ; California i ; and Mexico (San Luis Potosi and Pueblo) 2. *Tyto perlata furcata (Temminck). WHITE- WINGED BARN OWL. Strix furcata TEMMINCK, PI. Col. II, livr. 73, 1827, pi. 432, and text (Cuba); CORY, Cat. Bds. West Indies, 1892, p. 140. Strix flammea furcata CORY, Auk, 1886, pp. 464-500 (Grand Cayman); Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 187; SCOTT, Auk, 1892, p. 127. Tyto perlata furcata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 602; TODD, Ann. Carnegie, Mus. X, 1916, p. 235. Range: Cuba and Isle of Pines, Jamaica, and Cayman Islands, fg: Cuba 4; Jamaica 2; Grand Cayman 2; and Cayman Brae i. *Tyto perlata lucayana Riley. BAHAMA BARN OWL. Tyto perlata lucayanus RILEY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1913, p. 153 (New Provi- dence Island, Bahamas). Strix flammea var. pratincola not Strix pratincola Bonap.); CORY, Bds. Bahama Islands, 1880, p. 125. Strix pratincola CORY, Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 100, part. Tyto perlata lucayana RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 604. Range: New Providence Island (and probably other northern islands) Bahamas. i: Bahamas, New Providence Island (Nassau). Tyto bargei (Hartert). CURACAO BARN OWL. Strix flammea bargei HARTERT, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club. Ill, 1892, p. XIII (Curacao Island, Dutch West Indies). Tyto bargei RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 611. Range: Island of Curacao, Dutch West Indies. 50 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Tyto glaucops (Kaup). HAITIAN BARN OWL. Strix glaucops KAUP, Jardine's Contr. Orn., 1852, p. 118 (" Jamaica " = Haiti or San Domingo); CORY, Bds. Haiti and San Domingo, 1885, p. 117; Id., Auk, 1886, p. 465; Id. Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 188. Tyto glaucops RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 612. Strix flammea (not of Linnaeus) SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., II, 1875, pi. XXV, Fig. b. Range: Haiti and San Domingo, Island of Haiti, Greater Antilles. 2: San Domingo (Puerto Plata). *Tyto insularis insularis (Pelzeln). ST. VINCENT BARN OWL. Strix insularis PELZELN, Journ. fur Ornith., XX, 1872, p. 23 (St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles). Tyto insularis insularis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914,^/613. Strix nigrescens CLARK, Proc. Bos. Soc. N. H., XXXII, 1905, p. 272. Range: Island of St. Vincent, Grenada, Carriacon, Union, and Bequia, Lesser Antilles, i : Grenada Island. Tyto insularis nigrescens (Lawrence). DOMINICA BARN OWL. Strix flammea var. nigrescens LAWR., Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, p. 64 (Dominica, Lesser Antilles). Strix flammea nigrescens CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 464; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 187, part. Tyto insularis nigrescens RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 615. Range: Island of Dominica, Lesser Antilles; St. Lucia? Tyto punctatissima (Gray). GALAPAGOS BARN OWL. Strix punctatissima GRAY, Gould's Zool. Voy. "Beagle," III, 1841, p. 34, pi. 4 (James Island, Galapagos Islands). Tyto punctatissima RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 616. Range: Islands of Galapagos Archipelago. Order PSITTACIFORMES. Family PSITTACID^E. Parrots, Etc. Subfamily Arinse. Genus ANODORHYNCHUS Spix. Anodorhynchus Spix, Aves. Bras., I, 1824, p. 47 (Type Psittacus hyacinthinus Lath.). Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus (Lath.). BLUE MACAW. Psittacus hyacinthinus LATHAM, Ind. Orn., I, 1790, p. 84 (Brazil). Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus SALVADOR!, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 147; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, 1902, pi. 14; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 118, in key. (Cut pi. XI.) Anodorhynchus maximttiani Spix, Aves Bras. I, pi. XL Ara hyacinthinus DESCOURTILZ, Orn. Bras., 1852, pi. 8. Range: Central Brazil. Anodorhynchus lean Bonap. LEAR'S MACAW. Anodorhynchus leari BONAPARTE, in Souance's Icon. Perr., p. i, Fig. 1857 (Brazil); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 148. Macrocercus hyacinthinus LEAR, Parrots, 1828, pi. 9. Range : Brazil. Anodorhynchus glaucus Vieill. GLAUCU'S MACAW. Macrocercus glaucus VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., II, 1816, p. 259 (Rio Parana). Anodorhynchus glaucus SALVADOR!, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 149. Sittace glauca WAGLER, Mon. Psitt., 1832, p. 676, pi. XXVI. Range: Southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and northern Ar- gentina. Anodorhynchus purpurascens* Rothschild. GUADELOUPE VIOLET MA- CAW. Anodorhynchus purpurascens ROTHSCHILD, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XVI, 1905, p. 13 (Guadeloupe); Id., Extinct Bds., 1907, p. 55, pi. 13; RTDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 119. Range: Guadeloupe Island, West Indies (now extinct). It is possible purpurascens may not belong in this genus. 51 52 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus CYANOPSITTA Bonaparte. Cyanopsitta Bonap., Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1854, P- *49 (Type Sittace spixii Wagl.). Cyanopsitta spixi (Wagl.). SPIX'S MACAW. Sittace spixi WAGLER, Mon. Psitt., 1832, p. 675 (Rio Sao Francisco, Bahia, Brazil). Cyanopsittacus spixi SALVADOR:, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 150. Arara hyacinthinus SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, pi. XXIII. Cyanopsitta spixi HELLMAYR, Abh. K. Bayr. Akad. Wiss., Munchen, II kl., XXII, Bd. Ill, 1906, p. 576. Range: Eastern Brazil. Genus ARA Lace"pede. Ara Lac^pede, Tabl. Ois., 1899, p. i (Type Psittacus macao Linn.). *Ara ararauna (Linn.). BLUE AND YELLOW MACAW. Psittacus ararauna LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., i, ed. 10, 1758, p. 96 ("South America," Brazil 8 ); LEAR, Parrots, 1832, pi. VIII. Ara ararauna SALVADOR!, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 152; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 122; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Ama- zon, 1902, pi. 14; DESCOURTILZ, Orn. Bras., 1852, pi. 6, Fig. i; STONE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1913, p. 196. Range: Panama and greater portion of South America, from Co- lombia and the Guianas south to Bolivia and Paraguay. 3 : British Guiana. Ara caninde (Wagler). WAGLER'S MACAW. S[ittace] caninde WAGLER, Mon. Psitt., 1832, p. 674 (Paraguay); Journ. for Ornith., 1891, pi. i, Fig. i. Ara caninde SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 153; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 121, in key. Range: Paraguay, N. E. Argentine. Ara martinica b (Rothschild). MARTINIQUE MACAW. Anadorhynchus martinicus ROTHSCHILD, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XVI, 1905, p. 14 (Martinique); SALVADORI, Ibis, 1906, p. 451. Ara martinicus ROTHSCHILD, Extinct Birds, 1907, p. 53, pi. 14. Ara martinicus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 125. Range: Martinique, West Indies (extinct). * See Hellmayr, Spix's Types, p. 577 and Brabourne & Chubb, Bds. S. A., I (list), 1912, p. 79. b This may have been A. ararauna (See Salvadori, Ibis, 1906, p. 451). igi8. CATALOGUE or BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 53 Ara erythrura Rothschild. RED-TAILED BLUE AND YELLOW MACAW. Ara erythrura ROTHSCHILD, Extinct Birds, 1907, p. 54, pi. 15 ("One of the West Indian Islands"); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 125. Range: West Indies (exact island unknown). (Extinct.) *Ara macao (Linn.). SCARLET MACAW. [Psittacus] macao LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 10, 1758, p. 96 (South America*). Macrocerculus aracanga LEAR, Parrots, 1832, pi. 7. Ara macao SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 154; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 128 (cut, pi. XII); GOELDI, Alb. de Aves, Amazon, 1902, pi. 14. Ara ara canga DESCOURTILZ, Orn. Bras., 1852, pi. 7, Fig. i. Range: Southern Mexico and Central America, and in greater portion of South America, south to Bolivia. fu: Guatemala 4; Nicaragua i; Coiba i; Panama 4; and British Guiana 2. *Ara chloroptera Gray. RED, BLUE AND GREEN MACAW. Ara Moropterus GRAY, List. Psitt. Brit. Mus., pt. Ill, 1859, p. 26 (British Guiana). Psittacus macao (nee LINN.), Hahn Orn. Atlas, Papag., 1834, p. 21, pi. 12. Ara chloroptera SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 156; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 125; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Ama- zon, 1902, pi. 14. Range: Panama and south to Bolivia, Paraguay and N. Argen- tine, east to the Guianas and most of Brazil. 3 : Venezuela. Ara guadeloupensis Clark. GUADELOUPE MACAW. Ara guadeloupensis CLARK (A. H.), Auk, 1905, p. 272 (Guadeloupe); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 131. Ara guadeloupensis ROTHSCHILD, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XVI, 1905, p. 15; Id., Extinct Birds, 1907, p. 54. PL'Ara rouge DAUBENTON, PI. Col., pi. 12. Range: Guadeloupe Island, West Indies (extinct). Ara tricolor Becht. CUBAN MACAW. A[ra] tricolor BECHSTEIN, Kurge Ueb., 1811, p. 64, pi. I (South America = Cuba). Ara tricolor CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 454; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 177; SALVA- DORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 157; BANGS and ZAPPEY, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. .XXXIX, 1905, p. 200; Rothschild, Extinct Birds, 1907, p. 51, pi. 10; TODD, Ann. Carnegie Mus., X, 1916, p. 227; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 136. Range: Cuba and Isle of Pines (extinct). Pernambuco, eastern Brazil (See Hellmayr, Spix's Type, p. 577, and Brabourne and Chubb, Birds, S. A., List, 1912, p. 79) 54 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Ara gossei Rothschild. GOSSE'S MACAW. Ara gossei ROTHSCHILD, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XVI, 1905, p. 14 (Jamaica); Id., Extinct Birds, 1907, p. 52, pi. n; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 137. Range: Jamaica, West Indies (extinct). *Ara militaris militaris (Linn.). MILITARY GREEN MACAW. [Psittacus] militaris LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 12, 1766, p. 139 (no type locality, but Colombia, S. A., designated by Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. S. A., 1, 1912, p. 80). Ara militaris SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 158, part; BANGS Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XII, 1898, p. 132 (Santa Marta). Ara militaris militaris RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 122, in key. L'Ara militaire Levaill Per., 1801, pi. 4. Range: Colombia to Peru and Bolivia, South America, i : Colombia. *Ara militaris mexicana Ridgway. MEXICAN GREEN MACAW. Ara militaris mexicana RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVIII, 1915, p. 106 (Manzanillo, Mexico); Id. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 133. Range: Western Mexico to Guatemala. 2: Mexico (Sinaloa). Ara ambigua (Becht.}. BUFFON'S MACAW. Ps[ittacus] ambiguus BECHSTEIN, Kurze Ueb. Iv, Th. I, 1811, p. 65 (South Amer- ica = Ecuador, designated by Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. S. A., 1, 1912, p. 80). Ara buffoni BREHM, Mon. Papag., 1842, p. 6, pi. 8. Ara ambigua SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 160; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 134. Range: Southern Nicaragua to western Ecuador. Ara erythrocephala Rothschild. RED-HEADED GREEN MACAW. Ara erythrocephala ROTHSCHILD, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XVI, 1905, p. 14 (Ja- maica); Id., Extinct Birds, 1907, p. 53, pi. 12; SALVADORI, Ibis, 1906, p. 452; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 140. Range: Jamaica (extinct). Ara atwoodi Clark. ATWOOD'S MACAW. Ara atwoodi CLARK (A. H.), Auk, 1908, p. 310 (Dominica, West Indies); RIDG- WAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 121, footnote. Range: "Dominica" (extinct). Ara rubrigena (Lafr.). LAFRESNAYE'S MACAW. Ara rubro-genis LAFRESNAYE, Rev. Zool., 1847, p. 65 (Bolivia); O. DBS MURS, Icon. Orn., 1848, pi. 72. Sittace rubrigenis SOUANCE, Iconogr. Perr., 1857, pi. 3. Ara rubrigena SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 161. Range: Bolivia. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 55 *Ara severa (Linn.). BRAZILIAN MACAW. [Psittacus] severus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 10, 1758, p. 97 ("Indies," BRA- BOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 80, designate Colombia). Ara severus BREHM, Mon. Papag., 1842, pi. n; DESCOURTILZ, Orn. Bras., pi. 6, Fig. 2. Ara severa SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 161; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 139; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, 1902, pi. 14. Range: Panama to Bolivia, Guianas and Amazon Valley. fi2: Colombia i; Venezuela 9; and Dutch Guiana 2. *Ara maracana ( VieilL). RED AND BLUE MACAW. Macrocercus maracana VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet., II, 1816, p. 260 (La Plata River, Paraguay). Arara pupureo dorsalis SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 26, pi. XXIV. Ara maracana SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 163; HELLMAYR, Abh. K. Bayer, Akad. Wiss., Munchen, II Kl., XXII, Bd. Ill, 1906, p. 576. Range: Central to southern Brazil, northern Argentina, and Paraguay. 6: Brazil (Bahia) 5; Argentina (Ter. Missiones) i. Ara couloni Sclater. COULON'S MACAW. Ara couloni SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1876, p. 255, with cut of head (Peru); BERLEPSCH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1889, pi. Ill, Fig. I; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 164. Range: Peru. Ara auricollis Cassin. CASSIN'S MACAW. Arara auricollis CASSIN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., VI, 1853, p. 372 (Bolivia). Sittace primoli SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. II. Ara auricollis SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 165. Range: Central Brazil to Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina. Genus ORTHOPSITTACA Ridgway. Orthopsittaca Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 99 (Type Psittacus manilatus Bodd.). *Orthopsittaca manilata (Bodd.). RED-BELLIED MACAW. Psittacus manilatus BODDAERT, Tabl. PI. Enl., 1783, p. 52 (Cayenne). Ara macavouanne LEVAIL, Perr., 1801, pi. I. Ara macavuanna SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 165. Ara manilata HELLMAYR, Abh. K. Bayer, Akad. Wiss., Munchen, II Kl., 1906, P- 578. Range: Ecuador and Peru to Guiana and northern Brazil. 6: British Guiana i ; and Brazil (Rio Preto and Boa Vista) 5. 56 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus DIOPSITTACA Ridgway. Diopsittaca Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 99 (Type Psittacus nobilis Linn.); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 109. *Diopsittaca nobilis (Linn.}. NOBLE MACAW. Psittacus nobilis LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 10, 1758, p. 97 (Brazil). Aram macrognathos SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 26, pi. XXV, Figs. 1-2. Ara nobilis SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 167; HELLMAYR, Abh. K. Bayer, Akad, Wiss., Munchen, II Kl., XXII, Bd. Ill, 1906, p. 577. Range: Brazil. i: "South America." *Diopsittaca hahni (Souance). HAHN'S MACAW. Psittaca hahni SOUANCE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1856, p. 58 ("Colombia"). Psittacara hahni SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. VI. Ara hahni SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 168; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 80. Range: Colombia to Guiana and North Brazil. f8: British Guiana 3; Northern Brazil (Boa Vista and Rio Branco) 5. Genus RHYNCHOPSITTA Bonaparte. Rhynchopsitta Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1854, P- X 49 (Type Macrocercus pachyrhynchus Swainson). *Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha (Swainson). THICK-BILLED PARROT. Macrocercus pachyrhynchus SWAINSON, Philos. Mag. N. S., 1, 1827, p. 439 (Table- land of Mexico). Sittace pachyrhynchus WAGLER, Mon. Psitt., 1832, p. 657, pi. XXV. Rhynchopsittacus pachyrhynchus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 169. Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 141, cut, pi. XIII, Fig. i). Range: Highlands of northern and middle Mexico to border of United States (casual in southern Arizona). 5: Mexico (Chihuahua). Genus ARATINGA Spix. Aratinga Spix, Av. Bras., 1824, I, p. 29 (Type Psittacus luteus Bodd.). *Aratinga mitrata (Tschitdi). MITRED PARROT OR PAROQUET. Conurus mitratus TSCHUDI, Wiegm. Archiv. fur Naturg., 1844, p. 304 (Peru). Evopsitta mitrata SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. XXI; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 181. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 57 Aratinga mitratus BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 81. Range: Peru and Bolivia, northern Argentina. 3: Argentina (Tucuman) 2; and Peru (Chunchamayo) i. *Aratinga rubrolarvata (Mess, et Souanct}. RED-MASKED PARROT OR PAROQUET. Conurus rubrolarvatus MESSENA and SOUANC, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1854, p.yi (Guayaquil, Ecuador) ; SAL VADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus.,XX, 1891, p. 182. Evopsitta erythrogenys SOUANC, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. XXII. [Aratinga] rubrolarvatus BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 81. Range: West Ecuador. i: Ecuador, near Huigra (San Jose). *Aratinga frontatus (Cohan.}. CORDILLERAN PARROT OR PAROQUET. Conurus frontatus CABANIS in Tsch. Faun Peru, 1846, p. 272 (Lima, Peru); SAL VADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 183. [Aratinga] frontatus BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 81. Range: Peru and Ecuador. 2: Peru (Hda. Limon). *Aratinga wagleri (Gray). WAGLER'S PARROT OR PAROQUET. Conurus wagleri GRAY, Gen. Birds, II, 1845, pi. 102 (no locality, designate Colom- bia); SAL VADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 184. Aratinga wagleri BRABOURNE and CHUBB, S. A. Bds., 1912, p. 82; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 151, in key. Range: Colombia and Venezuela. 3: Venezuela (Lake Valencia) 2; and Colombia i. *Aratinga finschi (Salvin). FINSCH'S PAROQUET. Conurus finschi SALVIN, Ibis, 1871, p. 91, pi. 4 (Bugaba, Chiriqui, W. Panama); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 184. Aratinga finschi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 52 (cut pi. XIV, Fig. 2). Range: Southern Nicaragua and Costa Rica to western Panama. 2 : Costa Rica. *Aratinga chloroptera chloroptera (Souance.). HAITIAN PAROQUET. Psittacara chloroptera SOUANC, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., VIII, 1856, p. 59 (San Domingo). Conurus chloroptera CORY, Bds. Haiti and San Domingo, 1885, p. 113 (pi. 15); Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 180; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 186. Aratinga chloroptera chloroptera RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 153. Range: San Domingo (in eastern portion of the Island of Haiti.) t3$: San Domingo (Samana, Cetairre, etc.). 58 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Aratinga chloroptera maugei 8 (Souance). MAUGE'S PAROQUET. Psittacara maugei SOUANC, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., VIII, 1856, p. 59 (Porto Rico). Conurus gundlachi CABANIS, Orn. Centr., VI, 1851, p. 5 (Mona Island); CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 457; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 180 (Mona Island). Conurus maugei SALVADOR:, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 189. Aratinga chloroptera maugei RIDGWAY, Bds. -N. & M. Am., VII, 1916, p. 155. Range: Mona Island; Porto Rico? i : Mona Island. *Aratinga rubritorquis (Sdater). RED-THROATED PAROQUET. Conurus rubritorquis SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1886, p. 539, pi. 56 ("South America or West Indies " = Nicaragua) ; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Am. Aves, II, 1897, p. 573. Aratinga rubritorquis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 156. Range: Guatemala, Salvador, and Nicaragua. 6: Guatemala 4; Nicaragua 2. *Aratinga holochlora holochlora (Sclater). GREEN PAROQUET. Conurus holochlorus SCLATER, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 3, IV, 1859, p. 224 (Jalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 189 (part). Aratinga holochlora holochlora RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, VII, 1916, P- 157- Range: Mexico and Guatemala, i : Guatemala. *Aratinga holochlora strenua (Ridgway). NICARAGUAN GREEN PARO- QUET. Conurus holochlorus strenuus RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVIII, 1915, p. 1 06 (Omotepe, Nicaragua). Aratinga holochlora strenua RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 158- Range: Western Central America, from Salvador to Nicaragua. 7 : Nicaragua. Aratinga brevipes (Lawrence). SOCORRO PAROQUET. Conurus holochlorus var. brevipes LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., X, 1871, p. 54 (Socorro Island, Revillagigedo group, off N. W. Mexico). Conurus brevipes SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 191. Aratinga brevipes RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, P- 159- Range: Socorro Islands (off western Mexico). * Doubtfully separable from A. chloroptera chloroptera (SouANcf). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 59 *Aratinga leucophthalmus leucophthalmus (P. Z. S. Mull). WHITE- EYED PAROQUET. Psittacus leucophthalmus MULLER, Syst. Nat. Suppl., 1776, p. 75 (Guiana). Conurus leucophthalmus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 187; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, 1902, pi. 16; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 85; CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 363 (Paraguay). Aratinga leucophthalmus BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 82; STONE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1913, p. 196. Perruche ara pavouane LEVAIL, Perr., 1801, pis. 14-15. Range: South America (Colombia, Venezuela, Guiana, etc.) south to Bolivia and Paraguay, i : Dutch Guiana. Aratinga leucophthalmus callogenys (Salvadori). ECUADORIAN WHITE- EYED PAROQUET. Conurus callogenys SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 188 (Sarayacu, Ecuador). Range: Ecuador and Peru. *Aratinga euops (Wagler). CUBAN PAROQUET. S[ittace] euops WAGLER, Mon. Psitt., 1832, pp. 638-728, pi. 24, Fig. 2 ("America" = Cuba). Conurus euops CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 455; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 178. Aratinga euops RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 160. Range: Cuba formerly, also, Isle of Pines. 4: Cuba. *Aratinga cactorum cactorum (Kuhl). CACTUS PAROQUET. Psittacus cactorum KUHL., Consp. Psitt., 1820, p. 82 (Brazil, suggest Bahia). Aratinga flaviventer SPIX, Av. Bras., 1824, p. 33, pi. XVIII, Figs. 1-2. Conurus cactorum SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 194; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, 1905, p. 38; HELLMAYR, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Munchen, XXII, 1906, p. 583. Aratinga cactorum BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 82, No. 761. Range: Southeast Brazil. 2: Brazil (Bahia and Ceara). *Aratinga cactorum perpallida subsp. nov* PALE CACTUS PAROQUET. Range: Province of Ceara, Brazil, i : Brazil (Ceara, the type specimen). Aratinga cactorum perpallida: Type from Jua, near Iguatu, Ceara, Brazil. Male No. 46988, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by R. H. Becker, August 7, 1913. Similar to A. c. cactorum (KUHL) from Bahia, but general plumage paler, the green lighter, the orange on the abdomen paler; wing, 130; tail, 128 mm. 60 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus THECTOCERCUS Ridgway. Thectocercus Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 99 (Type Psittacus acuticaudatus Vieillot). *Thectocercus acuticaudatus ( Vie-ill.). SHARP-TAILED PARROT. Psittacus acuticaudatus VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XXV, 1817, p. 369 (Paraguay). Evopsitta acuticauda SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. IV. Conurus acuticaudatus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 172; GRANT, Ibis, 1911, p. 326. Aratinga acuticaudatus BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 80, No. 746. Range: Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia and N. Argentina. 2: Argentina (Tucuman). *Thectocercus haemorrhous haemorrhous (Spioc}. BLUE-CROWNED PARROT. Aratinga haemorrhous SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 29, pi. XIII (Prov. of Bahia, Brazil); BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 81, No. 747. Conurus haemorrhous SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 173; HELL- MAYR, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Munchen, II, kl. XXII, Bd. Ill, 1906, P- 578. Range: Brazil and Venezuela. i: Brazil (Bahia). *Thectocercus haemorrhous neoxenus (Cory). MARGARITA PARROT.** Conurus neoxenus CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 137, Orn. Ser., I, 1909, p. 243 (Margarita I.). [Aratinga] neoxenus BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 81, No. 748. Range: Margarita Island. 2: Margarita Island (including type). Genus EUPSITTULA Bonaparte. Eupsittula Bonaparte, Comp. Rend. Ac. Sci., Paris, XXXVII, 1853, p. 807 (Type Psittacus petzii Leib. =P. canicularis Linn.). Eupsittula guarouba (Gmel.}. GOLDEN PAROQUET. Psittacus guarouba GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 320 (Amazon region, north- eastern Brazil). Aratinga carolinae aguttae SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, pi. XII. b T. h. neoxenus CORY: Differs from T. h. haemorrhous (Spix) in somewhat darker green plumage and greater extent of bluish on crown. In addition to other characters given in original description as distinguishing this bird, the inner webs of the outer tail feathers are green for a decidedly greater distance from the tip, the red being more restricted than in T. h. haemorrhous. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 61 Conurus guarouba SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 174; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, 1906, pi. 38; HELLMAYR, Abh. K. Akad. Wiss., Mun- chen, II, kl. XXII, Bd. Ill, 1906, p. 578. Range: Northeastern Brazil. *Eupsittula solstitialis (Linn.). YELLOW PAROQUET. Psittacus solstitialis LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 12, 1766, p. 141 (Cayenne). Aratinga luteus sive guarouba SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 3, pi. XlVa. Conurus solstitialis SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 175. E[upsittula] solstitialis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 162 (footnote). Range: Guiana and northern Brazil, i : British Guiana. *Eupsittula jendaya (GmeL). YELLOW-HEADED PAROQUET. Psittacus jenday a GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 12, 1788, p. 319 (Brazil). Aratinga chrysocepkalus SPIX, Av. Bras., 1824, I, p. 30, pi. XIV. Conurus jendaya SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 177; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, 1902, pi. 16; HELLMAYR, Abh. K. Bayer, Akad. Wiss., Munchen, II, kl. XXII, Bds. Ill, 1906, p. 579. Range: East Brazil (Pernambuco, Ceara, etc.). i: Brazil ("Maranhao"). *Eupsittula auricapillus auricapillus (Kuhl). GOLDEN-HEADED PARO- QUET. Psittacus auricapillus KUHL, Consp., Psitt., 1820, p. 20 (Brazil). Conurus auricapillus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 178, part. Range: Southeast Brazil (Bahia). 2: Brazil (Bahia). Eup sittula auricapillus aurif rons a (Spix) . GOLDEN-FRONTED PARO QUET. Aratinga aurifrons SPIX, Aves Bras., I, 1824, p. 32, pi. XVI, Fig. 2 (Minas Geraes, Brazil); BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 81, No. 753; HELLMAYR, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Munchen, XXII, 1906, p. 582. Range: Southern Brazil (Minas Geraes, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, etc.). *Eupsittula weddellii (Deville). WEDDELL'S PAROQUET. Conurus weddellii DEVILLE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1851, p. 209 (Pebas, Upper Amazon); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 180; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves, Amazon, pt. Ill, 1906, pi. 38. Aratinga weddellii BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 81, No. 755. Range: West-central Brazil, east Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia, i: Peru (Yurimaguas). a E. a. autifrons: Differs from E. a. auricapillus (KUHL) by the deep green color (without any yellowish tinge) of the sides of the head; throat, and upper breast; and the entire lack of the red spots on the lower back. Hellmayr's table of measure- ments (pp. 582-583) of the two forms shows aurifrons to average decidedly larger. 62 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Eupsittula pertinax pertinax (Linn.). CURACAO PAROQUET. [Psittacus] pertinax LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 10, 1758, p. 98 (" Indies" = Curacao, Dutch West Indies). Conurus pertinax SALVADORI Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 197; CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 137, Orn. Ser., 1909, p. 206. Conurus xantholaemus CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 456; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 179 (St. Thomas). Eupsittula pertinax pertinax RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 164. Aratinga pertinax BREHM., Mon. Papag., 1842, pi. 29. Range: Curacao Island, Dutch West Indies; St. Thomas Island, Greater Antilles (introduced). 18: Curacao Island (Dutch West Indies) 8; and St. Thomas Island (Greater Antilles) 10. *Eupsittula pertinax xanthogenia (Bonap.) BONAIRE PAROQUET. Conurus xanthogenius BONAPARTE, Consp. Gen. Av., I, 1850, p. i (Brazil); HARTERT, Ibis, 1893, p. 331; CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 137, Orn. Ser., 1909, p. 211. Eupsittula pertinax xanthogenia RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 166. Range: Bonaire Island, Dutch West Indies. 1 1 2 : Bonaire Island (Dutch West Indies) . *Eupsittula pertinax tortugensis (Cory). TORTUGA PAROQUET. Conurus aeruginosus tortugensis CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 137, Orn. Ser., 1909, p. 220 (Tortuga Island). Eupsittula pertinax tortugensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 163, in key. Range: Tortuga Island (off Venezuela). f2Q: Tortuga Island. *Eupsittula pertinax arubensis (Hartert). ARUBA PAROQUET. Conurus arubensis HARTERT, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, IV, 1892, p. XVI (Aruba). Conurus aeruginosus arubensis CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 137, Orn. Ser., 1909, p. 199. Eupsittula pertinax arubensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 167. Range: Aruba Island, Dutch West Indies. 8: Aruba Island (Dutch West Indies). *Eupsittula pertinax aeruginosus (Linn.). BROWN-THROATED PAROQUET. Psittacus aeruginosus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 10, 1758, p. 98 (" America" = Calamar, lower Magdalene River, Colombia).* 'Type locality as designated by Chapman (1. c.). "Cumana, Venezuela" sub- stituted by Berlepsch and Hartert, Nov. Zool., 1902, p. 107; comes within the range of chrysophrys. igiS. CATALOGUE or BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 63 Conurus aeruginosus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 195, part. Eupsittula pertinax aeruginosus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 163, in key. Aratinga aeruginosus aeruginosus CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 257, crit. Eupsittula pertinax occidentalis TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVIII, 1915, p. 8 1 (Rio Hacha, Colombia). Range: Colombia and northwestern Venezuela (east about to Caracas and the province of Zamora and in the Rio Branco region in extreme northern Brazil). 8 15: Venezuela (Maracaibo i, Maracay 2, Encontrados, Zulia, 7, Rio Aurare i); Brazil (Boa Vista, Rio Branco 4). *Eupsittula pertinax chrysophrys (Swainson). GUIANA BROWN- THROATED PAROQUET. Conurus chrysophrys SWAINSON in Anim. in Menag., pt. Ill, 1838, p. 320, No. 1 20 (Guiana). Aratinga chrysophrys CHERRIE, Bull. Brooklyn Inst. Arts & Sci., II, No. 6, 1916, P- 33i- C[onurus] chrysophrys CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1915, p. 258, in text, crit. Range: The Guianas and eastern Venezuela, from about Cumana and Cinidad, Bolivar, eastward. 3 : British Guiana i ; and Dutch Guiana i. *Eupsittula pertinax margaritensis subsp. nov. b MARGARITAN BROWN- THROATED PAROQUET. Range: Margarita Island (off Venezuela). 19: Margarita Island, including type specimen. *Eupsittula occularis (Sclater and Salvin). VERAGUA PAROQUET. Conurus occularis SCLATER and SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, p. 367 (Lion Hill, Panama); REICHENOW, Vogelbild, 1880, pi. 17, Fig. i; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 197. Eupsittula occularis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 167. Range: Panama and extreme northwestern Colombia? 2: Panama i; Colombia (?Boqueron) i. 4 Strange to say, all specimens I have seen (4 apparently adults) from the Rio Branco region, N. Brazil, agree perfectly with birds from Rio Aurare and Maracay, northwestern Venezuela (in yellow on face, being absent or confined to trace around the eye, etc.). b Eupsittula pertinax margaritensis subsp. nov. : Type from Margarita Island (off Venezuela). Adult male, No. 39151, Field Museum of Natural History. Col- lected by J. H. Ferry, March I, 1909. Similar to E. p. chrysophrys (SWAINSON) from Guiana in having the pronounced yellow markings on face and other characters, but differs in having the throat and cheeks paler and the forehead more distinctly and more extensively whitish. It approaches very closely to E. p. chrysophrys, but in 15 out of 19 specimens from Margarita Island these differences appear to be constant. 64 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Eupsittula canicularis (Linn.). PETZ'S PAROQUET. Psittacus canicularis LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 10, 1758, p. 98 ("America"). Conurus pelzii SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. 9. Conurus canicularis SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 201. Bupsittula canicularis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 168. Range: Western Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua to western Costa Rica. t3o: Mexico (Colima 15, Guerro 4); Guatemala 7; Nicaragua 3; and Costa Rica i. *Eupsittula aurea (GmeL). GOLDEN- CROWNED PAROQUET. [Psittacus] aureus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. i (Brazil). [Aratinga] aureus BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 82, No. 766. Eupsittula aurea RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 164, in key. Conurus aurea GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, 1902, pi. 16. Range: Guianas, south Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, N. E. Argentine. 5: Brazil (Santarem and Bahia). *Eupsittula astec (Souance). AZTEC PAROQUET. Conurus astec SOUANCE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1857, p. 97 (Mexico); Id., Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. 12, Fig. 2. Conurus astec SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 191. Eupsittula astec RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 171 (cut, pi. XV, Fig. 2). Range: Southern Mexico to Costa Rica. J26: Mexico (Tamaulipas) 17; Yucatan 5; Guatemala 3; and Nicaragua i. *Eupsittula nana ( Vigors}. JAMAICAN PAROQUET. Psittaca nana VIGORS, Zool. Journ., V, 1830, p. 273 (Jamaica); BOURJOT, Perr. 1837, pi. 24; LEAR, Parrots, 1831, pi. 12. Conurus nanus CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 456; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 179; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 191. Eupsittula nana RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 174. Range: Jamaica, West Indies, i : Jamaica. Eupsittula labati (Rothschild). GUADELOUPE PAROQUET. Conurus labati ROTHSCHILD, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XVI, 1905, p. 13 (Island of Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles); SALVADORI, Ibis, 1906, p. 454. Eupsittula? labati RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, P- i?5- Range: Island of Guadeloupe, West Indies (extinct). i gi 8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 65 Genus NANDAYUS Bonaparte. Nandayus Bonap., Rev. et Mag. de Zool., VI, 1854, p. 150 (Type Psittacus nanday Vieill.). Nandayus nanday ( Vieill.}. BLACK-HEADED PARROT. Psittacus nanday VIEILLOT, Enc., Meth., Ill, 1823, p. 1400 (Paraguay). Psittaca nanday BOURJ., Perr., 1837, pi. 20. Conurus nanday SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 179; GRANT, Ibis, 1911, p. 326. Aratinga nandaya BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A. t I, 1912, p. 81, No. 754- Range: Paraguay and N. E. Argentine. Genus CONUROPSIS Salvador*. Conuropsis SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 203 (Type Psittacus carolinensis Linn.). *Conuropsis carolinensis carolinensis (Linn.}. CAROLINA PARO- QUET. [Psittacus} carolinensis LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 10, 1758, p. 97 (South Carolina). Conuropsis carolinensis carolinensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 144 (cut, pi. XV, Fig. i). Conurus carolinensis AUDUBON, Orn. Biog., I, 1832, p. 135, pi. XXVI; Bd. Bwr. and Ridgway, Hist. N. A. Bds., 1874, II, p. 587, part, pi. LVI, Figs. 1-2 (heads); Id., Special ed. 1875 (col. pi. opp. p. 587). Carolina Parrot CATESBY, N. H. Carolina, I, pi. XI. Range: Southern Florida, formerly ranging from Florida to Vir- ginia and eastern New York, Pennsylvania, and perhaps somewhat farther west. 1 20: Florida (Kissimmee R., Calooseehatchee R., Okeechobee L., Wikiva creek, Enterprise, and Sanford). *Conuropsis carolinensis ludovicianus (Gmel.}. LOUISIANA PARROT. [Psittacus} ludovicianus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 347 (Louisiana). Conuropsis carolinensis ludovicianus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 147. Conuropsis carolinensis interior BANGS, Proc. New Eng. Zool. Club., IV, 1913, p. 94.* Range: Formerly Louisiana and Mississippi Valley to Lake Michi- gan and from West Virginia to eastern Colorado (now extinct). i: Indian Territory (Gibson). Cf. Ridgway, 1. c., p. 150, footnote. 66 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus CYANOLYSEUS Bonaparte. Cyanolyseus Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1854, p. 150 (Type Psittacus cyanolyseus Molina). Cyanolyseus patagonus ( VieilL). PATAGONIAN PAROQUET. Psittacus patagonus VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. N. H., XXV, 1817, p. 367 ("la cote des Patagons"). Cyanolyseus patagonus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 205. Range : North Patagonia, Uraguay and northern Argentina? Cyanolyseus byroni (Childr.}. CHILIAN PAROQUET. Psittacus (Aratinga) byroni CHILDR. in Gray's Zool. Misc., 1831, p. 12 (Chile). Cyanolyseus byroni SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 207. Ara patagonica SELBY, Nat. Sib. Parr., p. 79 (part) pi. IV. Range: Chile. Genus LEPTOSITTACA Berl. & Stolz. Leptosittaca Berlepsch and Stolzman, Ibis, 1894, p. 402 (Type Leptosittaca branickii Berl. & Stolz.). Leptosittaca branickii Berlepsch and Stoltzman. BRANICKI'S PAROQUET Leptosittaca branickii BERLEPSCH and STOLZMAN, Ibis, 1894, p. 402, pi. IX (central Peru). Range: Central Peru. Genus OGNORHYNCHUS Bonap. Ognorhynchus Bonaparte, Rem. Obs. Blanch. Psittac., 1857, p. 6 (Type Conurus icterotes Souance). Ognorhynchus icterotis (Messena and Souance). YELLOW-EARED PA- ROQUET. Conurus icterotis MESS et SOUANCE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1854, p. 71 ("Ocana Novello Grenade"). Gnathosittaca icterotes SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 208. [Ognorhynchus] izterotis BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., 1, 1912, p. 83, No. 771. Psittacara icterotis SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. XIX. Range: Colombia and Ecuador. Leptosittaca branickii BERL. & STOLZ. : About the size of Aratinga leucopthalmus, but with longer wings and tail and more slender and shorter bill; a broad naked eye space; general plumage of body dark green, paler below loral region; and streak extending to elongated upper ear coverts golden yellow; lores and extreme forehead darker brownish yellow; pUeum anterially tinged with bluish green; middle of abdo- men and sides of body yellowish olive, variegated with golden red spots; rectrices, except the two middle ones, soiled yellowish red; the outer ones margined with dark blue. 1 9i 8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 67 Genus ENICOGNATHUS Gray. Enicognathus Gray, Gen. Birds, 1840, p. 51 (Type Psittacara leptorhyncha King). *Enicognathus leptorhynchus (King). SLENDER-BILLED PAROQUET. Psittacara leptorhyncha KING, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1830, p. 14 (Chile); LEAR, Parrots, 1832, pi. n. Henicognathus leptorhynchus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 207. [Enicognathus} leptorhynchus BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 83, No. 772. Range: Chile. i: Chile (Cabrero). Genus MIGROSITTACE Bonap. Microsittace Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., VI, 1854, p. 150 (Type Psittacus amaragdina Gmel.-ferrugineus Mull.). *Microsittace ferruginea (Mull.). CHILIAN PAROQUET. Psittacus ferrugineus N. S. MULLER, Syst. Nat. Suppl., 1776, p. 75 (Straits of Magellan). Microsittace ferrugineus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 210. Pyrrhura amaragdina REICHENOW, Vogelbild, 1878-83, t. XXII, Fig. 3. Range: Chile to Straits of Magellan, W. Argentine, i : Chile ("Valle de Lago Blanco"). Genus PYRRHURA Bonap. Pyrrhura Bonaparte, Naumania, 1856, Consp. Gen Psittacorum, gen. 14 (Type Psittacus vittatus Shaw). *Pyrrhura cruentata (Wied.). RED-EARED PAROQUET. Psittacus cruentatus NEUWIED, Reise Bras., I, 1820, p. 53 ("Brasilien in Suden"). Aratinga cyanogularis SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 33, col. pi. XVII. Pyrrhura cruentata SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 213; HELL- MAYR, Abh. K. Bayer, Akad. Wiss., Munchen, XXII, 1906, p. 583. Range: Southeast Brazil, i : "Brazil". *Pyrrhura vittata vittata (Shaw). RED-BELLIED PAROQUET. Psittacus vittatus SHAW (neck Bodd.) Gen Zool., VIII, 2, p. 404 ("Brasil")- Aratinga fasciatus SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 35, pi. XXXI, Figs. 1-2. Pyrrhura vittata SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 214; Id., Ibis, 1900, p. 669 (revision); HELLMAYR, Abh. K. Bayer, Akad. Wiss., Munchen, XXII, 1906, p. 585. Range: Southeast Brazil. i: Brazil (Faz. Cajoa). 68 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Pyrrhura vittata chiripepe" ( VieilL). AZARA'S PAROQUET. Psittacus chiripepe VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XXV, 1817, p. 361 (Paraguay). Pyrrhura chiripepe SALVADORI, Ibis, 1900, p. 668; CHUBB, Ibis, p. 263, 1910. Range: Paraguay and S. Brazil, i: Brazil (Victoria, Sao Paulo). Pyrrhura borellii b Salvadori. BORELL'S PAROQUET. Pyrrhura borellii SALVADORI, Boll. Mus. Tor., IX, No. 190, 1894, p. 3 (Rio Apa, Paraguay); Id., Ibis, 1900, p. 671. Range: Paraguay. *Pyrrhura leucotis (Kuhl). WHITE-EARED PAROQUET. Psittacus leucotis KUHL. Consp. Psitt., 1820, p. 21 (Brasilia). Aratinga ninus SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 34, pi. XIX, Fig. 2. Pyrrhura leucotis SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 216. Range: Brazil. 2: Brazil (Minas Geraes). Pyrrhura viridicata Todd. SANTA MARTA PAROQUET. Pyrrhura viridicata TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVI, 1913, p. 174 (San Lorenza, Santa Marta, Colombia). Range: Santa Marta region, Colombia. *Pyrrhura emma Salvadori. SALVADORI'S PAROQUET. Pyrrhura emma SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 217, pi. i (Caripe, Venezuela); Id., Ibis, 1900, p. 674, in key; STONE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1913, p. 196 (Caria quito, Venezuela). Range: Venezuela and Trinidad? i: "Trinidad." *Pyrrhura griseipectus d Salvad. GREY-BREASTED PAROQUET. Pyrrhura griseipectus SALVADORI, Ibis, 1900, p. 672 (Hab. ? = Ceara, Hellmayr in litt.). Range: Northeast Brazil. 7: Brazil (Prov. of Ceara). 8 Pyrrhura v. chiripepe (Vieill.): Resembles P. v. vittata (SHAW), but upper surface of rectrices (to the ends) uniform green; bend of wing green. b P. boretti SALVADORI: Approaches chiripepe (Vieill.), but has the bend of the wing red. P. viridicata TODD: "Above green; wings externally bright blue; tail greenish above, coppery below; under surface mostly dull green; under wing coverts orange; ear coverts dull maroon; narrow frontlet scarlet" (Todd, 1. c.). d P. griseipectus SALVADORI : A brownish red patch on the lower back; breast with transverse bars or scale-like appearance; cheeks maroon; bend of wing red; foreneck and breast pure gray with the edges of the feathers whitish. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 69 *Pyrrhura picta picta (Mull.). BLUE- WINGED PAROQUET. Psittacus pictus MULLER, Syst. Nat. Suppl., 1776, p. 25 (Cayenne). Pyrrhura picta picta HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 37 (key). Pyrrhura picta SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 217. La Parruche ara a gorge variee LEVAIL, Perr., 1801, I, pi. XVI. Range: Guiana. 4: Dutch Guiana 2 ; and British Guiana 2. Pyrrhura picta amazonum 8 Hellmayr. SANTAREM PAROQUET. Pyrrhura picta amazonum HELLMAYR, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XIX, 1906, p. 8 (Obidos, Santarem, Brazil); Id., Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 37; Id., Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 403. Range: Amazon region, central and western Brazil. Pyrrhura picta luciani (Deville)* BONAPARTE'S PAROQUET. Conurus luciani DEVILLE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1851, p. 210 ("Reviere des Amazones"). Pyrrhura picta luciani HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 37. Pyrrhura luciani SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. XIV. Range: West Brazil and Peru. Pyrrhura subandina Todd. JARAQUIL PAROQUET. Pyrrhura subandina TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXX, 1917, p. 6 (Jaraquil, Bolivar, Colombia). Range: Colombia. Pyrrhura egregia (Sclater). DEMERARA PAROQUET. Conurus egregius SCLATER, Ibis, 1881, p. 130, pi. IV (Demerara). Pyrrhura egregia SALVADOR:, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 221; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 313. Range: British Guiana. *Pyrrhura calliptera (Mess, et Souance). BEAUTIFUL PAROQUET. Conurus callipterus MESS, et SOUANCE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1854, p. 72 (Colombia). Pyrrhura calliptera SALVADOR:, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 221 ; SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi .XVII. Range : Colombia. 2: "Colombia." P. p. amazonum HELLM.: Like P. p. picta (MuLL.), but bend of wing green (not red); pale blue on front crown more restricted; green on edges of four central tail feathers restricted to the basal third or half. b P. p. luciani DEVILLE: Forehead and more or less of pileum, lores and eye ring, red. "P. subandina TODD: "Adult similar to immature P. luciana (DEVILLE), but entire loral region crimson instead of mostly maroon; forehead (except for a narrow crimson frontal band) bluish; cheeks mostly bluish instead of maroon; blue nuchal band broader and less mixed with green; red color of rump and abdomen somewhat darker and duller and under parts in general more tinged with bluish" (Todd, 1. c.). 70 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Pyrrhura melanura melanura (Spix.). BLACK-TAILED PAROQUET. Aratinga melanurus SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 36, pi. XXII, Figs. 1-2 (Amazon River region). Pyrrhura melanura SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 222. Range: Northern Brazil and eastern Peru. Pyrrhura melanura pacifica Chapman. CHAPMAN'S BLACK-TAILED PAROQUET. Pyrrhura melanura pacifica CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXIV, 1915, p. 382 (Buena Vista, Narino, S. W. Colombia); Id., Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, P- 259- Range: S. W. Colombia. Pyrrhura souancei ( Verr.}. SOUANCE'S PAROQUET. Microsittace souancei (VERREAUX), Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1858, p. 437, pi. 12 (Rio Napo). Pyrrhura souancei SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 223; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 259 (provisionally referred to this species). Range: Ecuador and eastern Peru; Colombia? Pyrrhura berlepschi Sahadori. BERLEPSCH'S PAROQUET. Pyrrhura berlepschi SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 224, pi. II, Fig. i; BERLEPSCH, Jour, fur Ornith., 1889, p. 316 (Chyvatas, Peru). Range: Eastern Peru. *Pyrrhura rupicola (Tschud-i). ROCK PAROQUET. Conurus rupicolor TSCHUDI, Arch, fur Naturg., 1844, p. 304 (Peru); Id., Faun. Peru, I, 1884, p. 272, pi. XXVI, Fig. I. Pyrrhura rupicolor SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 224, pi. 2, Fig. 2. Range: Peru. i: "Peru". Pyrrhura albipectus b Chapman. WHITE-THROATED PAROQUET. Pyrrhura albipectus CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXIII, 1914, p. 319 (Zamora, Province Loja, Ecuador). Range: Ecuador. a P. m. pacifica CHAPMAN: "Similar to P. m. melanura (Spix), but smaller, the tail relatively much shorter; primary coverts not tipped with yellow; tail above redder; forehead greener; bare orbital region blackish (instead of whitish, in dried skins); bill less stout; mandible blacker." (Chapman, 1. c.). b P. albipectus CHAPMAN: "Differing from any known species of Pyrrhura in having the throat and breast buffy white, without or with, but slight indication (in immature specimens only?) of terminal bars, and in other characters." (Chapman, 1. c.). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 71 *Pyrrhura molinae molinae (Messena et Souancf). MOLINA'S PARO- QUET. Conurus molinae MESS, et SOUANCE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1854, p. 73 (Bolivia); SCLATER and HUDSON, Argentina Orn., 1886, II, p. 43, pi. XIV. Pyrrhura molinae SALVADOR:, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 225. Range: Central and southern Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina. 2 : Argentina (Ledesma Prov. Jujuy). Pyrrhura molinae australis a Todd. ARGENTINE PAROQUET. Pyrrhura molinae australis TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVIII, 1915, p. 82 (Rio Bermijo, Argentina). Range : Northern Argentina. Pyrrhura hypoxantha b Salvadori. MATTO-GROSSO PAROQUET. Pyrrhura hypoxantha SALVADOR:, Boll. Mus. Torino, XIV, 1899, p. 363; Id., Ibis, 1900, p. 671, pi. XIV (Matto Grosso, Brazil). Range: Central Brazil. Pyrrhura devillei (Messena et Souanct). DEVILLE'S PAROQUET. Conurus devillei MESS, et SOUANCE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1854, p. 72 (Bolivia). Pyrrhura devillei SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. XVI; SALVADOR:, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, :89:, p. 226. Range: Bolivia. Pyrrhura perlata (Spix). PEARLY PAROQUET. Aratinga perlata SP:X, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 35, pi. XX, Fig. i ("Amazonum adjacentibus" = N. E. Brazil). Pyrrhura perlata SALVADOR:, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 189:, p. 227; HELL- MAYR, Nov. Zool., :905, p. 30:; Id., 1906, p. 38:; Id., Adh. K. Bayer, Akad. Wiss., Munchen, XXII, 1906, p. 584; GOELD:, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. Ill, :906, p. 38. Range: Northeast Brazil (Para and Maranhao). Pyrrhura rhodogaster Sclater. ROSE-BELLIED PAROQUET. Pyrrhura rhodogaster SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, p. 298, pi. 24 (Borba, Brazil); SALVADOR:, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 228; HELLMAYR, -Nov. Zool., XVII, :9:o, p. 404. Range: Rio Madeira region, interior of Brazil. P. m. australis TODD: "Similar to Pyrrhura molinae molinae (MESS, et SOU- ANCE), but general coloration decidedly deeper; pileum and nape darker (nearer fuscous than sepia) and sides of head and neck correspondingly darker; throat and breast darker, less buffy, with the paler feather-edgings narrower; abdomen more extensively red; and outer tail-coverts scarcely or not tinged with blue." (Todd, 1. c.) b P. hypoxantha SALVADOR: : No brown-red patch on lower back; distinct pectora bars present; sides of body and thighs yellow. 72 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Pyrrhura haematotis SouancZ. BLOOD-RED PAROQUET. Pyrrhura haematotis SouANcfi, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1857, p. 97 (Venezuela); Id., Icon, pert., 1857, pi. XVIII; SALVADOR:, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 229. Range : Venezuela. *Pyrrhura rhodocephala (Sclater and Salviri). ROSE-HEADED PARO- QUET. Conurus rhodocephala SCLATER and SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 787 (Vicinity of Merida, Venezuela). Pyrrhura rhodocephala SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 229, pi. III. Range: Venezuela. 2: Venezuela (Valle). *Pyrrhura hoffmanni hoffmanni (Cabanis). HOFFMANN'S PAROQUET. Conurus hoffmanni CABANIS, Sitzb. d. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Zu Berlin, 1861 13 Nov. (Costa Rica): SCLATER and SALVIN, Exotic Orn., 1869, p. 161 pi. 81. Pyrrhura hoffmanni CABANIS, Journ. fur Ornith., X, 1862, p. 335 ; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 230. Pyrrhura hoffmanni hoffmanni RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 176 (cut, pi. XVI, Fig. i). Range: Costa Rica, i : Costa Rica. Pyrrhura hoffmanni gaudens Bangs. CHIRIQUI PAROQUET. Pyrrhura hoffmanni gaudens BANGS, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIX, 1906, p. 103 (Boquete, Chiriqui, W. Panama); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 178. Range: Western Panama. Genus MYOPSITTA Bonaparte. Myopsitta Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., VI, 1854, p. 150 (Type Psittacus murinus Gm.). *Myopsitta monacha (Bodd.). GREEN PAROQUET. Psittacus monacha BODDAERT, Tabl. PI. Enl., 1783, p. 48 (Montevideo). Sittace canicollis SouANcfi, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. XXIII. Myopsittacus monachus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 231; GRANT, Ibis, 1911, p. 326. Range: Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil. 3 : Argentina. * Myopsitta monacha calita QARD. and SELBY), (111. Orn. pi. 32), from N. E. Ar- gentine, is recognized as a good race by Hartert and Venturi (Nov. zool. 1909, p. 234) and Da.bbene (Bol. Soc. Physis i, 1914, p. 310). It is smaller and paler. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 73 Myopsitta luchsi (Finsch). BOLIVIAN GREEN PAROQUET. Bolborhynchus luchsi FINSCH, Papag., II, 1868, p. 121 (Bolivia). Myopsittacus luchsi SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 233, pi. IV. Range : Bolivia. Genus BOLBORHYNCHUS Bonaparte. Bolborhynchus Bonaparte, Rem. Obs. Blanchard, Psitt., 1857, p. 6 (Type Bolbor- hynchus catharina Bonap. Psittacula lineola Cass.). *Bolborhynchus lineola lineola (Cassin). BARRED PAROQUET. Psittacula lineola CASSIN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., VI, 1853, p. 372 (Vera Cruz, Mexico); Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Ill, 1855, p. 154, pi. 14, Fig. I. Bolborhynchus lineolatus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 239. Bolborhynchus lineola lineola RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, P- 179- Range : Eastern Mexico to Panama. i : Costa Rica. Bolborhynchus lineola maculatus (Ridgway). PERUVIAN BARRED PAROQUET. Grammopsittaca lineola maculata RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVIII, 1915, p. 106 (eastern Peru?). Bolborhynchus lineola maculatus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 179, in key. Range: Eastern Peru? Bolborhynchus andicola (Finsch). ANDEAN PAROQUET. Psittacula andicola FINSCH, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, P- 9 (Paucartambo, east Peru). Bolborhynchus andicola SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 238, pi. V; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 179, in key. Range: Peru. Genus AMOROPSITTACA Richmond. Amoropsittaca Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1915, p. 183 (Type Arara aymara d'Orb.). *Amoropsittaca aymara (d'Orbigny). SIERRA PAROQUET. Arara aymara d'ORBiGNY Voy. Amer. Mend., II, 1839, p. 376 (La Paz, Bolivia). Bolborhynchus aymara SOUANC&, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. XXIII; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 234. Range: Bolivia, N. W. Argentine. 2: Bolivia (Argue and Parotani). 74 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus PSILOPSIAGON Ridgway. Psilopsiagon Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 100 (Type Tricho- glossus aurifrons Wagl.). Psilopsiagon rubrirostris (Burm.). RED-BELLIED PAROQUET. Conurus rubrirostris BURMEISTER, Journ. fur Ornith., 1860, p. 243 (Sierra de Mendoza and Cordova). Bolborhynchus rubrirostris SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 235. Range: Andes of Argentina and Chile. *Psilopsiagon orbignyi (Bonap.}. D'ORBIGNY'S PAROQUET. Myopsitta orbygenesia Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1854, P- *5i (Yungas, Bolivia). Bolborhynchus orbygnesia SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., I, 1857, pi. XXIV. Bolborhynchus orbignyi SALVADOR!, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 236. Range: North Chile, N. W. Argentine, Bolivia, southern Peru. 3: Peru (Eirapata, Puno). Psilopsiagon aurifrons (Lesson). GOLD-FRONTED PAROQUET. Psittacus (Lathamus) aurifrons LESSON, Cent. Zool., 1830, p. 63, pi. 18 (Peru). Conurus aurifrons BOURJ. Perr., 1838, pi. 45. Bolborhynchus aurifrons SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. XXIV, Fig. 2 (9); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 236. Range: Peru. Genus PSITTACULA Illiger. Psittacula Illiger, Prodr. Mam. et Av., 1811, p. 200 (Type Psittacus passerinus Linn.). *Psittacula xanthops Sdlvin. YELLOW-FACED PARROTLET. Psittacula xanthops SALVIN, Nov. Zool., II, 1895, p. i, pi. 2, Fig. 2 (Vina, Huama- chuco, N. Peru); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 188, in key. , Range: North Peru. i: Peru (Vinon, Maranon). *Psittacula coelestis coelestis (Lesson). LESSON'S PARROTLET. Agapornis coelestis LESSON, Compl. Oeuvr. de Buffon, XX, 1847, p. 198 (near Guayaquil, W. Ecuador). Psittacula coelestis SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, p. XI; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 241. Range: West Ecuador. i: "Peru"? igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 75 Psittacula coelestis lucida Ridgway. RIDGWAY'S PARROTLET. P[sittacula] coelestis lucida RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1888, pp. 532-538 (Colombia); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 188, in key. Range: Colombia. *Psittacula conspicillata conspicillata Lafr. SPECTACLED PARROTLET. Psittacula. conspicillata LAFRESNAYE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., XI, 1848, p. 172 (Colombia*); SOUANC, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. XLI; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 243; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 188, in key; STONE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1899, p. 304. Psittacula conspicillata conspicillata CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 260. Range: Colombia and eastern Ecuador? tg: Colombia. Psittacula conspicillata caucae b Chapman. CAUCA SPECTACLED PAR- ROTLET. Psittacula conspicillata caucae CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXIV, 1915, p. 383 (Coli, Cauca Valley, Colombia); Id., XXXVI, 1917, p. 260. Range: Cauca Valley region, Colombia. Psittacula modesta modesta (Cabanis). SCHOMBURGK'S PARROTLET. Psittacula modesta CABANIS in Schomburgk's Reis. Brit. Guiana, III, 1848, p. 727 (British Guiana); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 189, in key; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 315. Psittacula modesta modesta HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 404. Range: The Guianas, north Brazil and Venezuela. Psittacula modesta sclateri (Gray)? SCLATER'S PARROTLET. Psittacula sclateri GRAY, List Bds. Brit. Mus., II, Psittacidae, 1859, p. 86 (Rio Javarri, Upper Amazon); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 261 (La Muralla, Colombia). P[sittacula] modesta sclateri HELLMAYR, Novit. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 405 (crit.). Range: Eastern Peru, eastern Ecuador (to the Rio Javarri region) and (?) southern Colombia (Muralla). Chapman suggests Honda, upper Magdalena River, Colombia, as the type locality for P. c. conspicillata LAFR. See Bull. Amer. Mus. N. H., XXXIV, 1915, p. 384. b P. c. caucae CHAPMAN: "Similar to P. c. conspicillata LAFR. of the Bogota region, but larger; the wings and tail constantly longer; the bill averaging heavier; the blue areas of the rump, inner wing quills, upper and under wing coverts, decidedly less purple; spectrum blue rather than Hays blue or blue- violet in color." (Chapman, Lc.) c Psittacula modesta sclateri (GRAY): Similar to P. m. modesta (CABANIS), but differs in somewhat darker and more greenish coloration, (most noticeable on the under parts) and males have the rump darker blue. 76 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Psittacula crassirostris Taczan. LARGE-BILLED PARROTLET. Psittacula crassirostris TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lend., 1883, p. 72 (Yuri- maguas, Peru); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 247; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 189, in key. Psittacula passerina crassirostris HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 87. Range: East Peru and west Brazil. 2: Peru (Moyobamba and Menocucho). *Psittacula vivida vivida (Ridgway). RIDGWAY'S BRAZILIAN PAR- ROTLET. Psittacula passerina vivida RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1888, p. 539 (Bahia, Brazil). Psittacula vivida vivida RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 189, in key. Psittacula passerina vivida HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 86. Psittacula vivida CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 264 (Paraguay). Range: Southern Brazil to Paraguay and northern Argentina. fi2: Brazil (Bahia and Minas Geraes). *Psittacula vivida flavescens (Salvador!) . SALVADORI'S PARROTLET. Psittacula flavescens SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 248 (Bolivia); HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 86, in litt. Psittacula vivida flavescens RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 189, in key. Range: Middle Brazil north to Amazon River and west to Bolivia. 6: Brazil (Province of Ceara). Psittacula cyanopygia cyanopygia (Souancf). MEXICAN PARROTLET. Psittacula cyanopygia SOUANC, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1856, p. 157 (no locality given, northwestern Mexico may be accepted); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 249. Psittacula cyanopygia cyanopygia RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 191 (cut, pi. XVI, Fig. 3). Range: State of Sinaloa, W. Mexico. Psittacula cyanopygia pallida Brewster. SONORAN PARROTLET. Psittacula cyanopygia pallida BREWSTER, Auk, 1889, p. 85 (Alamos, Sonora, Mexico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 193. Range: State of Sonora, N. W. Mexico. Psittacula insularis Ridgway. GRAYSON'S PARROTLET. Psittacula insularis RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1888, p. 534 (Tres Marias Islands, off N. W. Mexico); SALVADORI, Ibis, 1906, p. 41; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 193. Range: Tres Marias Islands, off N. W. Mexico. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 77 Psittacula spengeli Hartlaub. SPENGEL'S PARROTLET. Psittacula spengeli HARTLAUB, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lend., 1885, p. 614, pi. XXXVIII, Fig. I (Barranquilla, Colombia); SALVADOR!, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 250; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, P- 195- Psittacula exquisita RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1887, p. 542. Range: Caribbean Coast, region of Colombia and eastern Panama? *Psittacula passerina passerina (Linn.}. BLUE-WINGED PARROTLET. P[sittacus] passerinus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, p. 103 (" America" = Guiana). P^'.ttaculus guianensis SOUANC, Icon. Perr., 1807, pi. 39; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 251 (part). Psittaculus guianensis guianensis HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 87. Psittacula passerina passerina RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 190, in key. Psittacula passerina CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 315; DESCOURTILZ, Orn. Bras., 1852, pi. n, Fig. I. Range: Guianas. i: British Guiana. Psittacula passerina delicosa (Ridgway). DELICATE PARROTLET. Psittacula delicosa RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1888, p. 533 (Diamantina Creek, near Santarem, lower Amazon River, Brazil). Psittacula passerina delicosa RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 190, in key. Range: Northeast Brazil, south side of lower Amazon. Psittacula passerina cyanophanes 3 Todd. Rio HACHA PARROTLET. Psittacula passerina cyanophanes TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVIII, 1915, p. 8 1 (Rio Hacha, Colombia). Range: Rio Hacha region, Colombia. *Psittacula passerina cyanochlora Hartl. HARTLAUB'S PARROTLET. Psittacula cyanochlora HARTLAUB, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1885, p. 615, pi. XXXVIII, Fig. 2 (Rio Branco, Amazonas, N. Brazil). Psittacula passerina cyanochlora RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 190, in key. Range: Rio Branco Valley, N. Brazil. 6: Brazil (Boa Vista, Rio Branco). Psittacula passerina cyanophanes TODD: "Adult male similar in general to the same sex of Psittacula passerina viridissima LAFR., but with much more hyacinth blue on the primary and secondary coverts, forming a conspicuous patch in the closed wing, while this color is also much more extended on the under wing-coverts." (Todd, 1. c.). 78 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Psittacula passerina viridissima Lafr. GREEN PARROTLET. Psittacula viridissima LAFKESNA^VE, Rev. Zool., 1848, p. 172 (Caracas, Venezuela) HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 38 (in litt.). Psittacula guianensis (not Agapornis guianensis Swainson) SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 251 (Part). Psittacula passerina viridissima RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 190, in key. Range: Northern Venezuela and north Colombia. f25: Venezuela (Caracas, Maracay and Encontrados). Genus BROTOGERIS Vigors. Brotogeris Vigors, Zool. Journ., II, 1825, p. 400 (Type Psittacus pyrrhopterus Latham). Brotogeris ferrugineifrons Lawrence. RUFOUS-FRONTED PAROQUET. Brotogerys ferrugineifrons LAWRENCE, Ibis, 1880, p. 238 (Bogota, Colombia); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 253, footnote; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 88, No. 822. Range: Colombia. Brotogeris pyrrhopterus (Lath.). ORANGE-FLANKED PAROQUET. Psittacus pyrrhopterus LATHAM, Ind. Orn. Suppl., II, 1802, p. 22 ("Brasilia"). Psittacula griseifrons BOURJ., Perr., 1837-38, pi. 86. Brotogerys pyrrhopterus SALVADOR:, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 258. Range: West Ecuador and northwest Peru. *Brotogeris jugularis (Mutter). Tovi PAROQUET. Psittacus jugularis MILLER, Syst. Nat. Suppl., 1766, p. 80 (" America " = Colombia, designated by Brabourne and Chubb). Conurus tovi CASSIN, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1860, p. 137. Conurus tovi gutture-luteo BOURJ., Perr., 1837-38, pi. 48. Brotogerys jugularis SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 259; BANGS, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1898, p. 132 (Santa Marta); ALLEN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XIII, 1900, p. 132 (Bonda). Brotogeris jugularis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 183 (cut, pi. XIII, Fig. 2); BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 88; CHAPMAN, Bull, Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 261. Range: Southern Mexico to Colombia and W. Venezuela. t36: Guatemala 3; Costa Rica 2; Panama 2; Nicaragua 21; Coiba Island 2; Colombia 3; and Venezuela (Orope, Zulia) 3. Brotogeris devillei (Salvadori). DEVILLE'S PAROQUET. Sittace devillei GRAY, Hand List, II, p. 150 (n. n.). Brotogerys devillei SALVADORI,. Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 261 (Amazon River); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 183, in key. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 79 Range: Central Colombia to Valleys of Upper Amazon and Rio Negro, Brazil. *Brotogeris gustavi Berlepsch. GUSTAVE'S PAROQUET. Brotogerys gustavi BERLEPSCH, Ibis, 1889, p. 181, pi. VI (Inanfue, Upper Huallaga River, Peru); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 262. Brotogeris gustavi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 183, in key. Range: East Peru. ti5: Peru (Moyobamba, Yurimaguas, etc.). *Brotogeris tuipara (Gmel.). TUIPARA PAROQUET. Psittacus tuipara GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 348 ("Brasilia"). Brotogerys tuipara SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 263; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 2, 1902, pi. 16, Fig. 5. Brotogeris tuipara RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 183, in key. Range: Northeast Brazil. 2: Brazil (Utinga, Lower Amazon). *Brotogeris chrysopterus (Linn.). GOLDEN-WINGED PAROQUET. Psittacus chrysopterus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 12, 1766, p. 149 ("India" = Guiana, designated by Brabourne and Chubb). Brotogerys chrysoptera REICHN., Vogelbild, 1878-83, pi. 28, Fig. 2; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 263. Brotogeris chrysopterus CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 318. Range: Guiana. 3 : British Guiana. *Brotogeris chrysosema Sclater. GOLDEN PAROQUET. Brotogerys chrysosema SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, p. 298 (Brazil): REICHN., Vogelbild, 1878-83, pi. 28 Fig. 3; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 265. Brotogeris chrysosema BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 88, No. 830; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 405. Range: Rio Madeira Region, Brazil. i: Brazil (Porto Velho, Rio Madeira). Brotogeris sanctae-thomae (Mull.). Tui PAROQUET. Psittacus st. thomae MULLER, Syst. Nat. Suppl., 1776, p. 81 (Brazilian Ama- zons). Brotogerys tui SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 265; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 2, 1902, pi. 16, Fig. 8. La Perruche Tui, Levaill, Perr, 1805, pi. 70. Range: Northwest Brazil, east Peru, and east Ecuador. 8o FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus TIRICA Bonaparte. Tiraca Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. (2), VI, 1854, P- I 5 I (Type Psittacus tirica Gmelin). Tirica tirica (Gmel.). GREEN PAROQUET. Psittacus tiraca GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 351 (no locality, Brazil designated by Brabourne and Chubb). Aratinga acutirostris SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 32, pi. XV, Fig. i. Brotogerys tiraca SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 254; HELL- MAYR, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Munchen, II Kl., XXII, Bd. Ill, 1906, p. 580. Brotogeris tirica CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 317. Range: Eastern and southern Brazil; British Guiana*? *Tirica chiriri ( VieilL). ORANGE- WINGED PAROQUET. Psittacus chiriri VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XXV, 1817, p. 359 (Para- guay). Psittacara xanthoptera BOURJ., Perr., 1837-38, pi. 23. Aratinga xanthopterus SPIX, Av. Bras., 1824, I, p. 31, pi. XV, Fig. 2. Brotogerys chiriri SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 255; HELL- MAYR, Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Munchen, II Kl., XXII, Bd. Ill, 1906, p. 580. Range: Paraguay, East Peru, Bolivia and west Brazil. f8: Brazil (Minas Geraes, Sao Marcello, Bahia). Tirica virescens (GmeL). YELLOW- WINGED PAROQUET. Psittacus virescens GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 326 ("Cayenna"). Brotogerys virescens SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 257; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 2, 1902, pi. 16, Fig. 4. Range: East Peru and Amazon region of North Brazil to Para, i : Brazil (Arraria Island, Amazon River) . Genus NANNOPSITTAGA Ridgway. Nannopsittaca Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 100 (Type Brotogerys panychlorus Salv. and Godman). Nannopsittaca panychlora (Salvin and Godman). RORAIMA PARROT- LET. Brotogerys panychloras SALVIN and GODMAN, Ibis, 1883, p. 211, pi. IX, Fig. i (Mt. Roraima, British Guiana). Bolborhynchus panychloras SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 238; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 314. Range: British Guiana. Recorded from British Guiana in Schomburgk Reis. Guian., Ill, p. 727, 1848. 19 1 8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 81 Genus AMAZONA Lesson. Amazona Lesson, Traite d'Orn., 1831, p. 189 (Type Psittacus pulverulentus Gmelin = P. farinosus Bodd.). *Amazona imperialis Richmond. IMPERIAL PARROT. Psittacus augustus (not of Shaw, 1792) VIGORS, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1837, p. 80 (" South America " = Dominica). Chrysalis augusta CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 461; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 184; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 274. Androglossa augusta REICHENOW, Vogelbild, 1883, pi. 32, Fig. 7. Amazona imperialis RICHMOND, Auk, 1899, p. 186, in text (new name for Psit- tacus augustus Vig., preoccupied); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 223. Range: Dominica, West Indies. 2 : Dominica. Amazona violacea (GmeL). GUADELOUPE PARROT. Psittacus violaceus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, pt. I, 1788, p. 337 (Guadeloupe). Amazona violaceus ROTHSCHILD, Extinct Birds, 1907, p. 57, pi. 17*. Amazona violacea RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 224. Range: Gaudeloupe Island, West Indies (extinct). *Amazona guildingi ( Vigors). ST. VINCENT PARROT. Psittacus guildingi VIGORS, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1837, p. 80 (St. Vincent); BOURJOT, Perr., 1837-38, pi. 64. Chrysalis guildingi CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 462; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 185; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 273. Amazona guildingii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 225. Range: St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles, i : St. Vincent? *Amazona versicolor (Mulkr). ST. LUCIA PARROT. Psittacus versicolor MULLER, Syst. Nat. Suppl., 1776, p. 78 ("Havana," based on Parroquet de la Havane, Daubenton, PI. Enl., p. 360). Chrysalis versicolor CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 463; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 186; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 276. Amazona versicolor RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 227. Range: St. Lucia, Lesser Antilles. i: St. Lucia. *Amazona arausiaca (Mull.}. BOUQUET'S PARROT. Psittacus arausiacus MULLER, Syst. Nat. Suppl., 1776, p. 79 (Dominica, based on Blue-faced Parrot, Edwards Birds, pi. 230). Psittacus bouqueti BREHM., Mon. Papag., 1842, pi. 54. Plate does not agree with Du Tertre's description. See also remarks by Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 224, footnote. 82 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Chrysalis bouqueti BONAP., Rev. et mag. de Zool., 1854, p. 51; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 462; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 185; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 277. Amazona arausiaca RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 229. Range: Dominica, Lesser Antilles. 4: Dominica. Amazona martinicana A. H. Clark. MARTINIQUE PARROT. Psittacus leucocephalus var. VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XXV, 1817, p. 332 (Martinique). Amazona martinicana A. H. CLARK, Auk, 1905, p. 343; ROTHSCHILD, Extinct Birds, 1907, p. 57, pi. i8 a ; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 231. Range: Island of Martinique, Lesser Antilles (extinct). *Amazona vinacea (Kuhl). VINACEOUS PARROT. Psittacus vinaceous KUHL, Consp. Psitt., p. 77, 1820 ("Brasilia"). Psittacus columbinus SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 40, pi. XXVII; BOURJOT, Perr., 1837-38, pl. 65. Chrysalis vinacea SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 275. Range: East and south Brazil, Paraguay and northern Argentina, i : Argentina. *Amazona auropalliata (Lesson). YELLOW-NAPED PARROT. Psittacus (Amazona) auro-pallialus LESSON, Rev. Zool., V, 1842, p. 135 ("Realejo Centre Amerique ' ' = Nicaragua) . Chrysalis auropalliata SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 291. Chrysalis auripalliala SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pl. 27. Amazona auropalliata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 231. Amazona schmidti IHERING, Rev. Mus. Paul., Ill, 1899, p. 32i b . Range: Southern Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador, Honduras (and Ruatan Island, etc.) to western Costa Rica. fy: Guatemala i, and Nicaragua 6. *Amazona autumnalis autumnalis (Linn.}. YELLOW- CHEEKED PARROT [Psittacus] autumnalis LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 10, 1758, p. 102 ("America"). Psittacus autumnalis BREHM, Mon. Papag., XII, 1854, pl. 57. Chrysalis autumnalis SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 302. Amazona autumnalis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 234. Range: Southeastern Mexico to southern Honduras. fi3: Mexico (Vera Cruz 2, Tampico 4, San Luis, Potosi i); and Guatemala (Chapulco, Los Antes 6). a Plate does not agree with description. See also Ridgway, 1. c., footnote. b Cf. Salvadori, Ibis, 1906, p. 646. i gi 8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 83 *Amazona autumnalis salvini (Salvador*). SALVIN'S PARROT. Chrysotis salvini SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 300, pi. 7, Fig. 3 (Lion Hill, Panama); SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Am. Aves, II, 1897, p. 592. Amazona autumnalis salvini RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, P- 237- Range: Nicaragua to northern Colombia, tg: Costa Rica (Guayabo, Orosi) 7; and Colombia (Boqueron) 2. Amazona lilacina Lesson. LESSON'S PARROT. Amazona lilacina LESSON, Echo du Mond., Savant, 1844, t. 2, p. 394 (Guaya- quil). Chrysotis lilacina SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 301, pi. VII, Fig. I. Range: Western Ecuador. Amazona diadema (Spix). DIADEMED PARROT. Psittacus diadema SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 43, pi. XXXII (Amazon River). Chrysotis diadema SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. XXXII. Chrysotis diademata SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 299, pi. VII, Fig. 2. Range: North Brazil (region of the Rio Negro). *Amazona amazonica amazonica (Linn.}. ORANGE-WINGED PARROT. [Psittacus] amazonicus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, p. 147 (Surinam). Chrysotis amazonica REICHENOW, Vogelbild, 1878, pi. i, Fig. 6; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 283. Amazona amazonica RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 219, in key; STONE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1913, p. 196 (Manimo R., Vene- zuela). Range: Colombia to the Guianas and northern Brazil; Trinidad*. 3: Dutch Guiana (Paramaribo, Surinam) i; Brazil (Conceicao, Amazonas) i; and Venezuela (Orope, Zulia) i. *Amazona amazonica tobagensis b subsp. nov. TOBAGO ORANGE- WINGED PARROT. Range: Tobago Island, West Indies. 5 : Tobago Island. I have not seen specimens from Trinidad. b Amazona amazonica tobagensis subsp. nov.: Type from Tobago Island, West Indies. Adult female, No. 21006, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by W. W. Brown, May 3, 1892. Similar to Amazona amazonica amazonica (LiNN.), from Guiana, but averaging slightly larger and outer webs of four secondaries (instead of three, as in A. a. amazonica) marked with reddish orange. Wing, 210; tail, 119 mm. 84 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Amazona mercenaria (Tsch.). TSCHUDI'S PARROT. Psittacus mercenarius TSCHUDI, Wiegm. Arch., 1844, I, p. 303 (Peru). Chrysalis mercenaria TACZ., Orn. Peru, III, 1886, p. 221, Tabl. p. 100; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 282; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 262 (Colombia). Range: Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. i: Ecuador (Perambe). *Amazona aestiva aestiva (Linn.). BLUE-FRONTED PARROT. Psittacus aestivus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, I, 1766, p. 146 (" America" = S. Brazil, Chubb). Chrysalis aestiva REICHN., Vogelbild, 1871, pi. i, Fig. 7; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 285. Amazona aestiva GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 2, 1902, pi. 15. Range: Central Brazil, south to Paraguay and Argentina. i: Brazil? (mounted). Amazona aestiva xanthropteryx" (Berl.). YELLOW- WINGED PARROT. Chrysalis xanlhropteryx BERLESPCH, Orn. Monatsber., IV, 1896, p. 173 (Bueyes, Bolivia). [Amazona] xanlhropertyx BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 89. Range: East Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. Amazona farinosa farinosa (Bodd.). MEALY PARROT. Psittacus farinosus BODDAERT, Tabl. PI. Enl., 1783, p. 52 (Cayenne). Chrysalis farinosa REICHENOW, Vogelbild, 1881, pi. 19, Fig. i; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 280. Amazona farinosa farinosa RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 220, in key; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 2, 1902, pi. 15; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVIII, 1910, p. 406. Range: Guianas and northern Brazil. *Amazona farinosa inornata (Salvador?). PLAIN- COLORED PARROT. Chrysalis inornata SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 281 (Veragua, W. Panama). Amazona farinosa inornata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, P- 239. Range: Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru. 4 : Panama i ; Venezuela (Orope, Zulia) 2 ; and Ecuador (Rio Verde) i . Amazona farinosa virenticeps (Salvadori) . GREEN-HEADED PARROT. Chrysalis virenticeps SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 280 (Bugaba, Chiriqui, W. Panama). Amazona farinosa virenticeps RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 240. Range: Nicaragua and Costa Rica to western Panama. Amazona a. xanlhropleryx (BERLEPSCH): Western form of A. a. aestiva (LiNN.), differing chiefly in having the front border of wing golden yellow instead of red. igiS. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 85 *Amazona farinosa guatemalae (Sdater). BLUE-CROWNED PARROT. Chrysalis guatemalae SCLATER, Ibis, 1860, p. 44 (Guatemala and Honduras); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 279. Amazona farinosa guatemalae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 241. Range: Southern Mexico and Guatemala to Honduras. 2: Guatemala; and Mexico (Vera Cruz). *Amazona viridigenalis (Cassin). RED-CROWNED PARROT. Chrysalis viridigenalis CASSIN, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Phila., VI, 1853, p. 371 ("S. Am."); SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. 31. Chrysalis coccineifrons SOUANCE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1856, p. 154 (Colombia?). Chrysalis viridigena SALVADOR!, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 297. Amazona viridigenalis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 242. Range: Northeastern and eastern Mexico (Colombia and Ecuador?).* fio: Mexico (San Luis Potosi, Tamaulipas, and Vera Cruz). *Amazona xanthops (Spix). ORANGE-FACED PARROT. Psittacus xanthops SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 39, pi. XXVI (Minas Geraes, Brazil). Chrysalis hypochondriaca SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, p. XXXIII. Chrysalis xanthops SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 304. Range: Central and eastern Brazil. 3: Brazil (Sao Marcello, Bahia). Amazona brasiliensis (Linn.). RED-TAILED PARROT. Psittacus brasiliensis LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 12, 1766, p. 147 ("Brasilia"). Chrysalis brasiliensis SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 305. Le Perroquel a joues blues LEVAILL, Perr., 1805, pi. 106. Range: Southern Brazil. Amazona bodini (Finsch). BODIN'S PARROT. Chrysalis bodini FINSCH, Proc. Zool. Soc.,Lond., 1873, p. 569, pi. XLIX (Middle Orinoco); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 307. Amazona bodini CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 326. Range: Venezuela and British Guiana. Amazona finschi (Sclater). FINSCH'S PARROT. Chrysalis finschi SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., 1864, p. 298 (Mexico); SALVA- DORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 298. Chrysalis viridigenalis (not of Cassin) SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, part, pi. 31, upper fig. Amazona finschi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 244. Range: Western Mexico. Given as from Colombia and Ecuador by Brabpurne and Chubb (Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 91, No. 855). Its occurrence south of Mexico requires confirmation. 86 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Amazona oratrix oratrix Ridgivay. DOUBLE YELLOW-HEAD PARROT. Chrysalis levaillanti GRAY (not Amazona levaillantii Lesson) List Bds. Brit. Mus., Psitt., 1859, p. 79; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Am., Aves, II, 1897, p. 587, part; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 293, part. A[mazona] oratrix RIDGWAY, Man. N. Am. Bds., 1887, p. 587 (new name for Chrysalis levaillantii Gray, preoccupied). Amazona oratrix oratrix RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 249. Range: Mexico to southern Honduras. i: "Mexico" (mounted). Amazona oratrix tresmariae Nelson. TRES MARIAS PARROT. Amazona oratrix tresmariae NELSON, Auk, 1900, p. 256 (Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Group off W. Mexico). Range: Tres Marias Islands, off western Mexico. Amazona nattereri (Finscli). NATTERER'S PARROT. Psittacus (Chrysotis) nattereri FINSCH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1864, p. 411 ("im Brasilia bei Mamor6 Cacheira da Bananeiro"). Chrysotis nattereri SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 294. Range: West Brazil. * Amazona dufresneana (Shaw). DUFRESNE'S PARROT. Psittacus dufresnianus SHAW, Gen. Zool., VIII, 1811, p. 513 (Cayenne). Chrysotis dufresniana SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 295. Le Perroquet Dufresne LEVAILL, Hist. Nat. de Pern, II, p. 53, pi. 91. Range: Guiana. 4: British Guiana. Amazona rhodocorytha (Salvadori). RED-BROWED PARROT. Chrysotis rhodocorytha SALVADORI, Ibis, 1890, p. 370 (Brasilia); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 296. Range: S. E. Brazil. *Amazona ochrocephala ochrocephala (Gmel.). YELLOW-HEADED PAR- ROT. Psittacus ochrocephalus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 339 ("America Australi" = " Colombia" Chubb); CASSIN in Gillis U. S. Naval Astr. Expedition, II, 1855, p. 189, pi. 22. Chrysotis poecilorhyncha SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. 28. Chrysotis ochrocephala SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 289. Amazona ochrocephala ochrocephala RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 221, in key; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. Ill, 1905, pi. 38, Fig. i; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 262 (Colombia). igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 87 Range: Colombia, Venezuela and Trinidad, Ecuador, and eastern Peru. 7: Colombia 3; Venezuela i; British Guiana i; and Brazil (Boa Vista, Amazonas) 2. *Amazona ochrocephala panamensis (Cabanis). PANAMA YELLOW- HEADED PARROT. Chrysalis panamensis CABANIS, Journ. fur Ornith., 1874, P- 349 (Panama); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 291. Amazona ochrocephala panamensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 251 (Panama); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 263 (Tropical Zone of the Magdalena R., Colombia). Range: Panama and N. W. Colombia (tropical zone of the Mag- dalena River). 3 : Panama. Amazona ochrocephala xantholaema* Berlepsch. MARAJO YELLOW- HEADED PARROT. Amazona ochrocephala xantholaema BERLEPSCH, Orn. Monatsb., XXI, 1913, p. 147 (Island of Marajo, mouth of the Amazon River, Brazil). Range: Island of Marajo, mouth of Amazon River, Brazil. *Amazona barbadensis barbadensis (GmeL). YELLOW-SHOULDERED PARROT. Psittacus barbadensis GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 399 ("Barbados"). Chrysalis ochroplera REICHENOW, Vogelbild, 1878, pi. I, Fig. 5; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 288; HARTERT, Ibis, 1893, p. 329, pi. 9, Fig. i (Aruba Island). Amazona barbadensis barbadensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 251. Range: Venezuela and Margarita Island, Trinidad, Aruba Island, and Dutch West Indies, i : Aruba Island. Amazona barbadensis rothschildi (Hartert). ROTHSCHILD'S PARROT. Chrysalis rothschildi HARTERT, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, III, 1892, p. XIII (Bonaire Island, Dutch West Indies); Id., Ibis, 1893, p. 328, pi. 9, Fig. 2; LOWE, Ibis, 1907, p. 117. Amazona ochroptera rothschildi CORY, Field Mus. Pub. No. 137, Orn. Sen, I, 1909, p. 211. Amazona barbadensis rothschildi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 253. Range: Bonaire Island, Margarita and Blanquilla, off Venezuela. fi3: Margarita i. 4; and Blanquilla 9. A, o. xantholaema BERLEPSCH: Differs from A. o. ochrocephala (GMEL.) in being larger, bill longer, sides of head largely yellow (not green), and much more yellow on crown. 88 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Amazona tucumana (Caban.). TUCUMAN PARROT. Chrysalis tucumana CABANIS, Journ. fur Ornith., 1885, p. 221 (Tucuman); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 311; DABBENE, Ann. Mus. Nat. de Buenos Aires, XVIII, 1910, p. 260. Range: Northern Argentina (Tucuman). Amazona pretrei (Temm.). PRETRE'S PARROT. Psittacus pretrei TEMMINCK, PI. Col., 1836, p. 492 (no locality; South Brazil suggested by Brabourne and Chubb). Chrysalis pretrei SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 310. Amazona pretrei BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 90. Range: South Brazil and Uruguay, La Plata River. Amazona f estiva f estiva (Linn.). FESTIVE PARROT. Psittacus festivus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, p. 147 ("Habitat in Indiis" Guiana by designation by Brabourne and Chubb) ; SILBY, Nat. Lib. Parrots, 1836, p. 102, pi. IX. Chrysalis festiva SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 307. Amazona f estiva BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 90; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 2, 1902, pi. 15, Fig. 4. Range: Guiana, Venezuela and N. Brazil. Amazona festiva chloronota a (Souance). SOUANCE'S FESTIVE PARROT. Chrysalis chloronola SOUANCE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1856, p. 153; SOUANCE (Amazonia); Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. XXIX; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 308, pi. VIII. Amazona chloronola SNETHLAGE, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 163. Range: Upper Amazon, N. E. Peru (Iquitos). *Amazona albifrons albifrons (Sparr.). WHITE-FRONTED PARROT. Psittacus albifrons S^ARRMAN, Mus. Carls, fasc. 3, 1787 (based on White-crowned Parrot, Latham, Synop. Bds., 1781, p. 281, No.88,varB) (no definite locality = Mexico). Chrysalis albifrons SOUANOE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. 30; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 257. Amazona albifrons albifrons RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 255 (cut, pi. XVII, Fig. 2). Range: Mexico, from Sinaloa to Oaxaca. i : Mexico. *Amazona albifrons nana Miller. LESSER WHITE-FRONTED PARROT. Amazona albifrons nana MILLER (W. de W.), Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXI, 1905, p. 349 (Calotmul, Yucatan); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 257. Range: Yucatan and Guatemala to western Costa Rica. 6: Guatemala; Honduras; and Nicaragua. Doubtfully separable from A. f. festiva (LiNN.), but may prove to be a good race (see remarks Salvadori, 1. c.). "Lower part of back green" Snethlage, 1. c.). 1918. CATALOGUE or BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 89 Amazona albifrons saltuensis Nelson. SONORAN PARROT. Amazona albifrons saltuensis NELSON, Proc. Biol. Soc., Wash., XIII, 1899, p. 26 (Camoa, Sonora, Mexico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 259. Range: State of Sonora, N. W. Mexico. *Amazona xantholora (Gray). YELLOW-LORED PARROT. Chrysotis xantholora GRAY, List Bds. Brit. Mus., Psitt., 1859, p. 83 (Honduras); REICHENOW, Vogelbild, 1878, pi. i, Fig. 9; SALVADOR!, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 313. Amazona xantholora RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 260. Range: Yucatan, Cozumel Island, and British Honduras. 4: Yucatan. *Amazona agilis (Linn.}. LESSER JAMAICAN PARROT Psittacus agilis LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, p. 99 (Jamaica). Chrysotis agilis CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 460; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 183; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 319. Amazona agilis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 262. Le Petit Parroquet vert. LEVAILL, Perr., 1805, pi. 105. Range: Island of Jamaica, Greater Antilles. 5 : Jamaica. Amazona vittata vittata (Blodd.). PORTO RICAN PARROT. Psittacus vittatus BODDAERT, Tabl. PI. Enl., 1783, p. 49 (based on Paroquet de St. Dominique, Daub. PI. Enl., pi. 792). Chrysotis vittata CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 458; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 181; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 309, WETMORE Bull. U. S. Dept. Agri., No. 326, 1916 p. 55. Amazona vittata vittata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 263. Range: Island of Porto Rico, Greater Antilles. 2 : Porto Rico. Amazona vittata gracilipes Ridgw. CULEBRA ISLAND PARROT. Amazona vittata gracilipes RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc., Wash., XXVIII, 1915, p. 106 (Culebra Island, near Porto Rico); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 265. Range: Culebra Island, near Porto Rico, Greater Antilles. *Amazona ventralis (Mutter). SAN DOMINGO PARROT. Psittacus ventralis MOLLER, Syst. Nat. Suppl., 1776, p. 79 (" Martinique " = Haiti and San Domingo). Chrysotis sallaei SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., 1857, p. 224, pi. 127; CORY, Bds. Haiti and San Domingo, 1885, p. 115, pi. 23, Fig. 6; Id., Auk, 1886, p. 458; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 181. Chrysotis ventralis SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 314. Amazona ventralis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 265. Range: Haiti and San Domingo, Island of Haiti, Greater Antilles. faj: San Domingo (Catare, Maniel, etc.). go FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Amazona collaria (Linn.). JAMAICAN PARROT. Psittacus cottarius LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 10, 1758, p. 102 (Jamaica). Chrysalis collaria CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 459; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 182; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 318. Range: Island of Jamaica, Greater Antilles. 6 : Jamaica. *Amazona leucocephala leucocephala (Linn.}. CUBAN PARROT. Psittacus leucocephalus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 10, 1758, p. 100 ("America"). Chrysalis leucocephala CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 459, part; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 182, part; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 315, part. Amazona leucocephala leucocephala RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 269. Range: Island of Cuba, Greater Antilles. 6: Cuba. Amazona leucocephala palmarum 8 Todd. ISLE OF PINES PARROT. Amazona leucocephala palmarum TODD, Ann. Carnegie Mus., X, 1916, p. 228, (Los Indies, Isle of Pines); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 272. Range: Isle of Pines, near Cuba, Greater Antilles. *Amazona leucocephala caymanensis (Cory). CAYMAN PARROT. Chrysalis caymanensis CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 497 (Grand Cayman Island, south of Cuba); Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 297; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 317. Amazona leucocephala caymanensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 272; BANGS, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., LX, 1916, p. 308. Range: Grand Cayman Island, (south of Cuba). taS: Grand Cayman. Amazona leucocephala hesterna b Bangs. CAYMAN BRAG PARROT. Amazona leucocephala hesterna BANGS. Bull Mus. Comp. Zool., LX, 1916, p. 308 (Cayman Brae Island). Range: Islands of Cayman Brae and Little Cayman, south of Cuba. Amazona leucocephala palmarum TODD: "Similar to A. I. leucocephala (LiNN.), but general color darker green, abdominal purplish red patch averaging darker and more extensive, and the throat somewhat deeper red." (Todd, 1. c.). b Amazona leucocephala hesterna BANGS: "Similar to true A. I. leucocephala (LiNN.) of Cuba, but smaller; paler green, lime-green or mignonette-green (in Cuban bird about Krongberg's green) ; under tail coverts and under surface of tail (beyond the red base) paler and more yellowish; red belly patch always large, more sharply contrasted and brighter red without lavender shimmer-bright hydrangea red (dark vinaceous almost always more or less touched with lavender in true leucocephala) ; under surface of closed wing paler and duller blue, more greenish, much more as in A. I. caymanensis; shorter upper tail coverts, sometimes also longer upper tail and lower rump feathers more or less extensively edged and tipped with red." (Bangs, I.e.). Average wing: males, 132 mm. I have not seen this subspecies. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 91 *Amazona leucocephala bahamensis (Bryant). BAHAMA PARROT. Psitiacus collarius (var bahamensis) BRYANT, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H., XI, 1867, p. 65 (Fortune, Acklin, and Inagua Island, Bahamas). Chrysalis collaria (not Psittacus collarius Linn.) CORY, Bds. Bahama Islands, 1880, p. 123. Amazona leucocephala bahamensis CORY, Cat. Bds. West Indies, 1892, p. 141; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 273. Chrysalis bahamensis SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 317. Chrysalis leucocephala CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 459; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 182, part (Bahamas). Range: Inagua, Acklin and Fortune Islands (formerly also Abaco and Long Island) Bahama Island. fi3: Inagua Island, Bahamas. Genus GRAYDIDASCALUS Bonaparte. Graydidascalus Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., VI, 1854, p. 147 (Type Psit- tacus viridissimus Swainson = P. brachyurus Temm.). Graydidascalus brachyurus ( Temm. and Kuhl.) . SHIRT-TAILED PARROT. Psittacus brachyurus TEMMINCK and KUHL in Kuhl, Consp. Psitt., 1820, p. 72 ("Cajana")- Psittacus pumilio SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 41, pi. XXIX, Fig. 2. Pachynus brachyurus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 320; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. II, 1902, pi. 15, Fig. 10. Range: North Brazil, Ecuador and eastern Peru. Genus PIONUS Wagler. Pionus Wagler, Mon. Psitt., 1832, p. 497 (Type Psittacus menstruus Linn.). Pionus menstruus (Linn.). BLUE-HEADED PARROT. Psittacus menstruus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 12, 1766, p. 148 (Surinam). Pionus menstruus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 322; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. II, 1902, pi. 15, Fig. 9; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 210 (cut, pi. XVIII, Fig. i). Range: Costa Rica to the Guianas, Brazil, Peru and Bolivia. 14: Costa Rica i; Colombia 4; Venezuela i; British Guiana i; Peru 6; and Brazil i. Pionus reichenowi (Heine}. REICHENOW'S PARROT. Pionias reichenowi HEINE, Journ. fur Ornith., 1884, p. 264 (northern Brazil or Peru). Pionus reichenowi SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, pp. 324-325, footnote; MARTORELLI, Ann. del Mus. Zool., della Univ. de Napoli, II, 1908, p. 8, pi. 12. Range: ? Peru or northern Brazil. 92 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Pionus cobaltinus (Messena and Souance). COBALT PARROT. Psittacus cobaltinus MESS, and SOUANCE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1854, p. 74 (Colombia). Pionus cobaltinus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 325, footnote; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 91, No. 859. Range: Colombia? Pionus sordidus sordidus (Linn.}, SORDID PARROT. Psittacus sordidus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 10, 1758, p. 99 ("Mexico"; Venezuela suggested by Brabourne and Chubb). Pionus sordidus REICHENOW, Vogelbild, 1880, pi. 10, Fig. 4; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 325. Range: Venezuela. Pionus sordidus saturatus a Todd. COLOMBIAN SORDID PARROT. Pionus sordidus saturatus TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc., Wash., XXVIII, 1915, p. 81 (Cincinnati, Santa Marta, Colombia). Range: Northern Colombia. Pionus corallinus Bonap. CORRALLINE PARROT. Pionus corrallinus BONAPARTE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. (2), VI, 1854, p. 148 (America; Colombia designated by Brabourne and Chubb); SCLATER in Rowley's Ora. Misc., Ill, p. 6, pi. LXXX; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 326; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 91, No. 861. Range: Colombia and Ecuador. *Pionus maximiliani maximiliani (Kuhl). MAXIMILIAN'S PARROT. Psittacus maximiliani KUHL, Consp. Psitt., 1820, p. 72 ("Brazilia"). Psittacus flavirostris SPIX, Av. Bras., 1824, I, p. 42, pi. 31, Fig. 2. Pionus maximiliani SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 327. Pionus >SouANc6, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. XXXIV, Fig. i. Range: Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina? 3: Brazil (Macacao Secco, Bahia 2; and Parana i). i Pionus maximiliani lacerus (Heine}. TUCUMAN PARROT. P[ionias] lacerus HEINE, Journ. fur Ornith., 1884, p. 265 (Tucuman, Argen- tina). Pionus lacerus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 329, footnote. Range: Northwest Argentina. P. s. saturatus TODD: "Similar in general to P. s. sordidus (LiNN.), but differing conspicuously in its much darker, greener coloration, both above and below; the feathers of upper parts without conspicuous paler olive brown or olive grayish edg- ings, and the under surface much darker and more uniform green, with little or no brownish and vinaceous tinge." (Todd, 1. c.). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 93 Pionus bridges! Boucard. BRIDGE'S PARROT. Pionus bridgesi BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, I, 1891, p. 27 (Bolivia and Cor- rientes, Argentina); SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 329. Range: Bolivia, Paraguay and N. W. Argentina. *Pionus tumultuosus (Tschudi). TSCHUDI'S PARROT. P[sittacus] tumultuosus TSCHUDI, Wiegmann's Archiv. fur Naturg., X, 1884, p. 304 (Peru). Pionias tumultuosus REICHENOW, Vogelbild, 1882, pi. 26, Fig. 2. Pionus tumultuosus SCLATER in Rowley's Orn. Misc., Ill, 1877, p. 6, pi. 81: SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 330. Range: Peru and Bolivia. i: Peru (Marcapata). *Pionus seniloides seniloides (Messena and Souance). MESSENA'S PARROT. Psittacus selinoides (sic) MESSENA and SOUANCE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., VI, 1854, p. 73 (Colombia). Pionus seniloides SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. 36; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 330, part. Range: Colombia and Venezuela? i : Colombia. Pionus seniloides gerontodes (Finsch}* FINSCH'S PARROT. Pionias gerontodes FINSCH, Papag., II, 1868, p. 455 (Ecuador). Pionus seniloides gerontodes CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 263, in text. Range: Ecuador. *Pionus senilis (Spix). WHITE-CROWNED PARROT. Psittacus senilis SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 42, pi. 31, Fig. i (no type locality, type in Munich Museum); BOURJOT, Perr., 1837-38, pi. 60. Pionus senilis SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 331; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 215. Range: Southern Mexico to Costa Rica. 8: Guatemala 2; and Costa Rica 6. *Pionus chalcopterus (Fraser). BRONZE- WINGED PARROT. Psittacus chalcopterus FRASER, Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., 1841, p. 59 (Bogota, Colombia). Pionus chalcopterus SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. XXXV; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 333; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 209, in key. Range: Colombia and Ecuador. i: Colombia (Bogota). P. 5. gerontodes (FINSCH): Differs from P. s. seniloides (MESS. & SOUANCE) from Colombia in having only the forehead pinkish, whereas, in the Colombian form the pinkish color extends on the front of the crown to behind the eyes. 94 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Pionus fuscus (Mull.). DUSKY PARROT. Psittacus fuscus MULLER, Syst. Nat. Suppl., 1776, p. 78 (Cayenne). Pionias violaceus REICHENOW, Vogelbild, 1878-83, pi. XXVI, Fig. 3. Pionus fuscus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 334; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, 1902, pt. 2, pi. 15, Fig. 8; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 209, in key; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 330. Range: Guianas and northern and northeastern Brazil. 4: Dutch Guiana i; and British Guiana 3. Genus DEROPTYUS Wagler. Deroptyus Wagler, Mon. Psitt., 1832, p. 492 (Type Psittacus accipitrinus Linn.). *Deroptyus accipitrinus accipitrinus (Linn). HAWK-HEADED PARROT. Psittacus accipitrinus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 12, 1766, p. 148 ("Habitat in India " = Cayenne, substituted by Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., 1905, p. 303); SPIX, Aves Brazil, I, 1824, p. 44, pi. XXXIIa; BOURJ., Perr., 1837-38, pi. 62. Deroptyus accipitrinus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 335; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 2, 1902, pi. 15, Fig. i; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 92, No. 869; SNETHLAGE, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 164. Range: Guiana and north Brazil, i : British Guiana. Deroptyus accipitrinus fuscifrons 3 Hellmayr. BRAZILIAN HAWK- HEADED PARROT. Deroptyus accipitrinus fuscifrons HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XII, 1905, p. 303 (Para); SNETHLAGE, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 165. Range: Northeastern Brazil. Genus TRICLARIA Wagler. Triclaria Wagler, Mon. Psitt., 1832, p. 489 (Type Psittacus cyanogaster Vieill.). *Triclaria cyanogaster ( Vieill.) . BLUE-BELLIED PARROT. Psittacus cyanogaster VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XXV, 1817, p. 328 (Rio de Janeiro); BOURJ., Perr., 1837-38, pi. 57. Psittacus molachitaceus SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 40, pi. XXVIII (immature). Triclaria cyanogaster REICHENOW, Vogelbild, 1878-83, pi. XXVI, Fig. 8; SALVA- DORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 337. Range: Southeast Brazil. 2: Brazil (Victorio, Sao Paulo). B Deroptyus accipitrinus fuscifrons HELLMAYR: Like D. a. accipitrinus (LiNN.), but differs in lacking the coppery or rosy red patches on the base of the outer tail feathers and in having the wholeforehead and crown uniformly dusky or only slightly mottled with brownish white. The ground color of the sides of the head is darker brown. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 95 Genus PIONOPSITTA Bonaparte. Pionopsitta Bonaparte, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., (2), 1854, p. 152 (Type Psittacus pileatus Scopoli). *Pionopsitta pileata (Scopoli). RED-CAPPED PARROT. Psittacus pileatus SCOPOLI, Ann. Hist. Nat., I, 1769, p. 32 (no type locality = S. E. Brazil; designated by Brabourne and Chubb). Psittacus maitaca SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 41, pi. XXIX, Fig. i, pi. XXX. Pionopsittacus pileatus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 340; CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 264 (Paraguay). Range: Southeast Brazil to Paraguay. 2: Brazil (Sao Paulo). Pionopsitta melanotis (La/r.) a BLACK-EARED PARROT. Pionus melanotis LAFRESNAYE, Rev. Zool., 1847, p. 67 (Bolivia). Pionopsittacus melanotis SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 339. Range: Bolivia; Southwest Brazil? Genus HAPALOPSITTACA Ridgway. Hapalopsittaca Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc., Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 100 (Type Psittacus amazoninus Des Murs). Hapalopsittaca amazonina amazonina (Des Murs). AMAZONIAN PARROT. Psittacus amazoninus DES MURS, Rev. Zool., 1845, p. 207 (Bogota, Colombia); Id., Icon. Orn., 1845, pi. 15. Pionopsittacus amazoninus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, P- 342. Range: Colombia (Venezuela?). *Hapalopsittaca amazonina theresae b (Hellmayr). THERESAE'S PARROT. Pionopsitta amazonina theresae HELLMAYR, Verh. Orn. Gesell. in Bayern, XII, 1915, No. 3, p. 214 (El Escorial, Venezuela). Range: Venezuela. i: Venezuela (Capata). No specimens seen by me and placed provisionally in this genus. b H. a. theresae (HELLM.) : Similar to H. a. amazonina (DES MURS) from the Bo- gota region, but differs in the much darker dusky brownish-red color of the chin spots (instead of clear vermilion) and the throat and breast intense reddish olive brown (instead of olive yellowish green); auricular region darker olive; back darker green; bill somewhat more slender. cfWing, 155-160; tail, 89^-90 mm. 96 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Hapalopsittaca fuertesi (Chapman) * FUERTE'S PARROT. Pionopsitta fuertesi CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXI, 1912, p. 143 (Laguneta, 10,300 ft., near Quindis Pass, Cauca, Colombia); Id., Bull. Am. Mus., N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 264. Range: Temperate zone of central Andes, Colombia. Hapalopsittaca pyrrhops (Salvin). RED-FACED PARROT. Pionopsitta pyrrhops SALVIN, Ibis, 1876, p. 495 ("Santa Rita and San Lucas, Rep Aequat"). Pionopsittacus pyrrhops SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 341, pi. IX. Range: Western Ecuador. Genus EUCINETUS Reichenow." Eucinetus Reichenow, Jour, fur Ornith., 1881, p. 353 (Type Psittacus caica Latham). *Eucinetus caica (Lath.). CAICA PARROT. Psittacus caica LATHAM, Ind. Orn., I, 1790, p. 128 (Cayana). Pionopsittacus caica SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 345. Pyrilia caica RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 202, in key. La Perroquet Caica Levaill, Perr., 1805, pi. 133. Pionopsitta caica CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 334. Range: Guiana. i: British Guiana (Maruzini River). *Eucinetus haematotis haematotis (Sclater and Salvin). RED-EARED PARROT. Pionus haematotis SCLATER and SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 300 (Vera Paz, Guatemala). Pionopsittacus haematotis SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 343. Pyrilia haematotis haematotis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 203. Range: Southern Mexico to western Panama. ii : Costa Rica 9; W. Panama i; and Guatemala i. *Eucinetus haematotis coccinicollaris (Loztr.). RED-NECKLACED PARROT. Pionius coccinicollaris LAWR., Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., VII, 1862, p. 475 (Lion Hill, Panama). Pionopsittacus coccinicollaris SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 344. a H. fuertesi (CHAPMAN): Most nearly related to H. a. amazonina (DBS MURS), having dark red on upper surface of tail and the maxillary tomium unnotched as in that species, but differs in having the face yellow and the crown blue, and the tail averages somewhat longer. b Cf. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 265. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 97 Pyrilia haematotis coccinicollaris RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 206. Range: Eastern Panama, i : Panama. *Eucinetus pulchra (Berlepsch). BEAUTIFUL PARROT. Pionopsitta pulchra BERLEPSCH, Ornith. Monatsber., V, 1897, p. 175 (San Jose, Rio Dagua, west Colombia); HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1202; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 93, No. 876. Eucinetus pulchra CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 264. Range: West Colombia and N. W. Ecuador. i : Ecuador (near Huigra). *Eucinetus barrabandi (KuhL). BARRABAND'S PARROT. Psittacus barrabandi KUHL, Consp. Psitt., 1820, p. 61 ("Brasilia"); BREHM., Mon. Papag., 1842, pi. 53. Pionopsittacus barrabandi SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 346; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 3, 1905, pi. 38, Fig. 3. Eucinetus barrabandi REICHEN., Vogelbild, 1878-83, pi. XXIV, Fig. 4. La Caica barraband Levaill, Hist. Perr., 1805, II, p. 102, pi. 134. Range: Northwest Brazil, Ecuador and east Peru, i: Peru (Yurimaguas). Genus PYRILIA Bonaparte. Pyrilia Bonaparte, Naumania, 1856; Consp. Psitt. Gen. 20 (Type Psittacula pyrilia Bonap.). Pyrilia pyrilia (Bonap.}. BONAPARTE'S PARROT. Psittacula pyrilia BONAPARTE, Compt. Rend., XXXVII, 1853, p. 807, footnote (Colombia). Pyrilia typica SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. XXVI. Pionopsittacus pyrilia SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 347. Pyrilia pyrilia RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 203, in key and footnote; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917. p. 265. Range : Colombia and Venezuela. Genus GYPOPSITTA Bonaparte. Gypopsitta Bonaparte, Naumannia, I, 1856, Consp. Psitt. Gen. 25 (Type Psit- tacus vulturinus Kuhl). Gypopsitta vulturina (Kuhl.). VULTURINE PARROT. Psittacus vulturinus KUHL, Consp. Psitt., 1820, p. 62 ("Brasilia"). Eucinetus vulturinus REICH., Vogelbild, 1878-83, pi. XXIV, Fig. 7. Gypopsittacus vulturinus SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 349; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 2, 1902, pi. 15, Fig. II. Range: Central and northeastern Brazil. 98 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus UROCHROMA Bonaparte. Tov.it Gray, List Gen. and Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 89 (Type Psittacus hueti Temm.) not accepted. Urochroma Bonap. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. Genus 30. (Type Psittacus hueti Temminck). Urochroma stictoptera Sclater. SPOTTED-WINGED PARROTLET. Urochroma stictoptera SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, p. 112, pi. II (interior of Colombia); SALVADOR!, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, P- 357; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 197, in key. Range: Central Colombia. Urochroma emmae Berlepsch. EMMA'S PARROTLET. Urochroma emmae BERLEPSCH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1889, p. 202 (descr. nulla); SALVADOR!, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 357 (Bogota, Colombia); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 197, in key. Range: Central Colombia. Urochroma dilectissima Sclater and Salvin. BLUE-FRONTED PARROT- LET. Urochroma dilectissima SCLATER and SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1870 (pub. April, 1871), p. 788, pi. 47 (South of Merida, Venezuela); SALVADOR!, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 356; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 199 (cut, pi. XIV, Fig. i.) Range: Eastern Panama and Merida, Venezuela. *Urochroma costaricensis Cory. RED-FRONTED PARROTLET. Plate I. Urochroma costaricensis CORY, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Pub., No. 167, Orn. Ser., I, 1913, p. 283 (Vicinity of Puerto Limon, Costa Rica); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 200. Range: Eastern Costa Rica. 4: Costa Rica, near Limon (including the type). Urochroma hueti (Temm.). HUET'S PARROTLET. Psittacus huetii TEMMINCK, PI. Col., liv. 83, 1830, pi. 491 and text (probably in Peru). Psittacula hueti BOURJ., Perr., 1837-38, pi. 93. Urochroma hueti SALVADOR!, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 355; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 2, 1902, pi. 16, Fig. 7. Urochroma huertii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 197, in key. Range: Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru, the Guianas, and Trini- dad. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 99 *Urochroma batavica (Bodd.). SCOPULI'S PARROTLET. Psittacus batavica BODDAERT, Tabl. PI. Enl., 1783, p. 49 ("Batavia," Venezuela). Urochroma cingulata SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 351. Urochroma batavica RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 197, in key. Eucenetus cingulatus REICHENOW, Vogelbild, 1881, pi. 24, Fig. 2. Touit batavica CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 336. Range: Venezuela, British Guiana and Trinidad, i : British Guiana. Urochroma wiedi Allen. WIED'S BLACK-EARED PARROTLET. Urochroma wiedi ALLEN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., II, 1889, p. 264 (southeastern Brazil); SALVADOR!, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 352; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 189, in key. Range: Southeastern Brazil. Urochroma purpurata (GmeL). PURPLE GUIANA PARROTLET. [Psittacus] purpuratus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 350 (Cayenne). Urochroma purpurata SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. 27; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 353; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 2, 1902, pi. 16, Fig. 6; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 198, in key. Touit purpurata CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 337. Range: Guianas and northeastern Brazil. Urochroma surda (Kuril.). GOLDEN-TAILED PARROTLET. Psittacus surdus KUHL. Consp. Psitt., 1820, p. 59 (Brazil); HAHN. Orn. Atlas Papag., 1835, p. 55, pi. 40. Urochroma surda SOUANCE, Icon. Perr., 1857, pi. 38; SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 354; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VII, 1916, p. 198, in key. Range: Southeastern Brazil. Genus PIONITES Heine. Pionites Heine, Nom. Mus. Heine Orn., 1890, p. 231 (Type Psittacus melano- cephalus Linn.). *Pionites melanocephala (Linn.}. BLACKED-HEADED CAIQUE. Psittacus melanocephalus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 12, 1766, p. 149 ("Mexico," Cayenne designated by Brabourne and Chubb). Caica melanocephala SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 358. Pionites melanocephalus GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, 1902, pt. 2, pi. 15, Fig. 7. Le Parroquit mai pouri Levaill, Perr., 1805, pis. 119-120. Range: Venezuela, Guiana, and northern Brazil. 2: Venezuela (Guanaco) i; and Dutch Guiana (Paramaribo) i. ioo FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Pionites melanocephala pallida (Berlepsch). PALLID CAIQUE. Caica melanocephala pallida BERLEPSCH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1889, p. 317 (Yuri- maguas, Peru). Caica pallida Salvador!, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 360. Pionites melanocephala pallidus CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXVI, 1917, p. 265 (crit.). Range: East Peru, east Ecuador and southeast Colombia. Pionites leucogaster (KuhL). WHITE-BELLIED CAIQUE. Psittacus leucogaster KUHL. Consp. Psitt., 1820, p. 70 ("Brasilia"); BOURJ. Perr., 1837-38, pi. 58. Psittacus bodiceps LEAR, Parr., 1832, pi. i. Caica leucogaster SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 360. Pionites leucogaster GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, 1902, pt. 2, pi. 15, Fig. 6. Range: Northeastern Brazil, Lower Amazon region and Para. Pionites xanthomeria Sclater. AMAZONIAN CAIQUE. Caica xanthomeria SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1857, p. 266 (Rio Javarri, Peru). Caica xanthomeros TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perr., 1886, III, p. 226, Tabl. ioo; SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 301, pi. XXVIII, Reichenow, Vogelbild, pi. X, Fig. 3. Caica xanthomera SALVADORI, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XX, 1891, p. 361. Range: Eastern Peru. Order CORACIIFORMES. Suborder STEATORNITHES. Family STEATORNITHID^. The Oil Birds. Genus STEATORNIS Humbold. Steatornis Humbold, Recueil Obs. de Zool. et d'Anat. Comp., II, 1817, p. 141 (Type Steatornis caripensis Humbold). *Steatornis caripensis Humbold. OIL BIRD. Steatornis caripensis HUMBOLD, Recueil Obs. de Zool. et d'Anat. Comp., II, 1817, p. 141 (Caripe, Venezuela); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 653; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 342. Range: Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad Island, Guiana and east Ecuador. 10: Trinidad 8; and Colombia 2. Steatornis caripensis peruvianus* Tacz. PERUVIAN OIL BIRD. Steatornis caripensis var. peruviana TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 199 (Tingo Maria, Dep. Huanaco). [Steatornis] peruvianus BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 94, No. 894. Range: Peru. Suborder ALCYONES. Family ALCEDINID^E. Kingfishers. Genus STREPTOCERYLE Bonaparte.* Streptoceryle Bonaparte, Ateneo Italiano, II, 1854, p. 320 (Type Alcedo torquata Linn.). *Streptoceryle torquata torquata (Linn.}. GREAT-RINGED KINGFISHER. Alcedo torquata LINN., Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1766, p. 180 (Mexico). Steatornis caripensis peruvianus TACZ. : Similar to S. c. caripensis HUMBOLD in coloration, but size smaller and the tail more tapering. b Mr. W. De W. Miller considers Streptoceryle BONAPORTE, 1854, to be insepa- rable from Megaceryle KAUP, 1848 (cf. Class. Kingfishers, Bull. Am. Mus., N. H., XXXI, 1912, p. 265). 101 102 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Ceryle torquata SHARPE, Mon. Alcedinidae, 1868-71, p. 73, pi. 22; Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 121 ; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. i, 1900, pi. i, Fig. 9. Streptoceryle torquata torquata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No, 50. VI, 1914, p. 409. Megaceryle torquata torquata CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 266. Range: Northern Mexico, south through Central America and greater portion of South America (except Bolivia and Peru) to Paraguay and Argentina. 123: Mexico 6; Nicaragua i; Costa Rica 2; Colombia 4; Venezuela 4; British Guiana i; Brazil (Amazonas) i; Argentina i; and Dutch Guiana i. *Streptoceryle torquata stictipennis (Lawrence). ANTILLAN RINGED KINGFISHER. Ceryle stictipennis LAWRENCE, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VIII, 1885, p. 623 (Guade- loupe I., West Indies); CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 367; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 162. Streptoceryle torquata stictipennis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 414. Range: Islands of Guadeloupe, Dominica and Martinique, Lesser Antilles. i: Martinique I., West Indies. *Streptoceryle torquata stillata (Meyeri). SOUTHERN RINGED KING- FISHER. Alcedo stillata MEYEN, Nova. Acta Leop. Carol., XVI, Suppl. 1834, p. 93, pi. 14 (Rio Claro, Prov. San Fernandino, Chile); SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 123. Streptoceryle torquata stillata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 408, in key. Range: Bolivia, Peru and Patagonia to Tierra del Fuego. 2 : Peru. *Streptoceryle alcyon alcyon (Linn.). BELTED KINGFISHER. Alcedo alcyon LINN., Syst. Nat., I, ed. 10, 1758, p. 115 (North America). Ceryle alcyon Bd. BWR. and RIDGWAY, Hist. N. A. Bds., II, 1874, p. 392, part, pi. 45, Fig. 6; CORY, Bds. Bahama Islands, 1880, p. 115; Id., Auk, 1886, p. 368; Id., 1887, p. 181; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 163; SHARPE, Mon. Alce- dinidae, 1868-71, p. 79, pi. 23; Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 125. Streptoceryle alcyon alcyon RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P. 415. Range: Central and eastern North America, from the base of the Rocky Mountains, the Mackenzie, the West Indies, eastern Mexico and Central America to Panama and north Colombia (Venezuela?). ig 1 8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 103 t42 : North America: Prince Edward I. i ; Maine i ; Connecticut i ; New York 4; Illinois 2; Indiana 2; Wisconsin 9; and Florida 12. Middle America: Yucatan i; and Guatemala i. Islands of West Indies and Caribbean Sea: Bahamas (Eleuthera i; and Maraguana 2); Jamaica i; St. Kitts 2; Guadeloupe i; and St. Andrews Island i. *Streptoceryle alcyon caurina (Grinnel). WESTERN BELTED KING- FISHER. Ceryle alcyon caurina GRINNEL, Univ. Calif. Pub. Zool., V, 1910, p. 388, Fig. 4 (Montague Island, Prince William Sound, Alaska). Streptoceryle alcyon caurina RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 420. Range: Western North America, east to and including Rocky Mountains, north to northern Alaska and south to Lower California and western Mexico. 2 : Calif ornia. Genus CHLOROCERYLE Kaup. Chloroceryle KAUP., Verb. Natur. Vereins. Hessen, II, 1848, p. 68 (Type Alcedo superciliosa Linn.). *Chloroceryle amazona (Latham). AMAZON KINGFISHER. Alcedo amazona LATH., Index Orn., I, 1790, p. 257 (Cayenne). Ceryle amazona SHARPE, Mon. Alcedinidae, 1868-71, p. 83, pi. 24; Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 129; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. I, 1900, pi. i, Fig. 10; GRANT, Ibis, 1911, p. 323 (Paraguay). Chloroceryle amazona RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 424. Range: Practically whole of South America and north to eastern Mexico. 22: Middle America: Mexico i; Guatemala i; Costa Rica i; and Veragua i; and Panama 2. South America: Colombia 2; Venezuela 6; British Guiana 3; Brazil (Bahia and Rio Branco) 2; and Peru 5. *Chloroceryle americana americana (GmeL). GREEN KINGFISHER. Alcedo americana GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 451 (Cayenne). Ceryle americana SHARPE, Mon. Alcedinidae, 1870, p. 89, part, pi. 26; Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 131, part. Chloroceryle americana americana RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 423, in key; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 266. Range: Guiana, Trinidad and Tobago, northern Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and East Peru? 104 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. 14: British Guiana 2; Dutch Guiana i; Brazil 4 (Rio Branco, Conceicao, Amazonas, Quixada and Ceara) ; Tobago Island 3 ; Colombia 2 and Venezuela 2. a *Chloroceryle americana isthmica (Goldman). ISTHMIAN GREEN KINGFISHER. Ceryle americana isthmica GOLDMAN, Smith. Misc. Coll., 56, 1911, p. I (Rio Indio, Canal Zone, Panama). Chloroceryle americana isthmica RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 428. Range: Southern Mexico (Chiapas) to eastern Panama. 1 1 2 : Guatemala 5 ; Nicaragua 3 ; Costa Rica 3 ; and Panama i . *Chloroceryle americana septentrionalis (Sharpe). TEXAN GREEN KINGFISHER. Ceryle americana B. septentrionalis SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, pp. VIII and 134 (Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico). b Chloroceryle americana septentrionalis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 431. Range: Mexico (except state of Chiapas) and adjacent border of United States (Texas and Arizona). 8: Mexico (Tamaulipas, Yucatan and Vera Cruz). *Chloroceryle americana cabanisi (Tschudi). CABANIS'S GREEN KING- FISHER. Alcedo cabanisi TSCHUDI, Faun. Peruan, 1846, p. 253 (Peru). Ceryle cabanisi SHARPE, Mon. Akedinidae, 1868, p. 87, part, pi. 25; Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 134, part. Range : Peru. 3: Peru. Chloroceryle americana viridis ( Vieilloi). SOUTHERN GREEN KING- FISHER. Alcedo viridis VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XIX, 1818, p. 413, based on Martin-piscador verde oscuro Azara Apunt. Parag., Ill, p. 389 (Los Pajaros del Paraguay). Chloroceryle americana viridis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 423, (footnote). Ceryle americana CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 265 (Paraguay). Range: Paraguay and southern Brazil. Specimens from Venezuela and Colombia differ somewhat from birds from Guiana and may prove separable subspecifically, but the material before me is not sufficient to decide this question. The single specimen from Ceara, Brazil, is appar- ently intermediate between americana and viridis. b See Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 430, footnote. c Decidedly larger and markings averaging somewhat heavier. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 105 *Chloroceryle inda (Linn.). GREEN AND RUFOUS KINGFISHER. Alcedo indo LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 12, 1766, p. 179 ("India occidental! ")* Ceryle inda SHARPS, Mon. Alcedinidae, I, 1869, p. 91, pi. 27; Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 137; STONE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1913, p. 197 (Guinepa R., Venezuela). Chloroceryle inda RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 434. Range: Eastern Nicaragua to Peru, Brazil and Guiana. 6: Colombia i; British Guiana 2; Dutch Guiana 2; and Costa Rica (Limon) i. *Chloroceryle aenea aenea (Pallas). LEAST GREEN KINGFISHER. Alcedo aenea PALLAS in Vroeg's Cat. Ois. Adumbr., 1764, I, No. 54 (Surinam). Ceryle superciliosa SHARPE, Mon. Alcedinidae, I, 1868-71, p. 93, pi. 28; Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 138, part; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, I, 1900, pi. i, Fig. 13. Chloroceryle aenea aenea RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 437. Range: Costa Rica to southern Brazil, Bolivia, etc., Guiana and Trinidad. 4: Panama; Colombia; Venezuela; and British Guiana. *Chloroceryle aenea stictoptera (Ridgway). SCHOTT'S LEAST GREEN KINGFISHER. Ceryle superciliosa stictoptera RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., II, 1885, p. 95 (Sisal, Yucatan). Chloroceryle aenea stictoptera RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 440. Ceryle stictoptera (subsp. a.) SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 139, pi. V, Fig. 2. Range: Nicaragua to Vera Cruz, Mexico, Cozumel Island. 5: Mexico (Yucatan) 2; Guatemala i; and Nicaragua 2. Chloroceryle aenea aequatorialis (Slnarpe). EQUATORIAL LEAST GREEN KINGFISHER. Ceryle aequatorialis SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 140, pi. V, Fig. I (Santa Rita, Ecuador). Range: Ecuador. Cayenne is substituted by Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 95, No. 901. io6 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Suborder TODI. Family TODID^. Todys. Genus TODUS Brisson. Todus Brisson, Orn., IV, 1760, p. 518 (Type Alcedo todus Linn.). *Todus multicolor Gould. CUBAN TODDY. Todus multicolor GOULD, Icones Avium, 1837, p. 2 (no locality given = Cuba); D'ORBIGNY in La Sagras Nat. Hist. Cuba Ois., 1839, p. 132, pi. 22; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 372; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 167; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 443; TODD, Ann. Carnegie Mus., X, 1916, P. 238. Todus viridis multicolor WYSTMAN, Gen. Avium, pt. 2, 1905, Fig. 6. Range: Western Cuba and Isle of Pines. 7 : Cuba. Todus multicolor exilis a Barbour and Brooks. EASTERN CUBAN TODY. Todus multicolor exilis BARBOUR and BROOKS, Proc. N. E. Zool. Club, VI, 1917. p. 51 (Preston, Nipa Bay, Province of Oriente, eastern Cuba). Range: Eastern Cuba. Todus pulchenimus Sharpe. SHARPE'S TODY. Todus pulchenimus SHARPE, Ibis, 1874, P- 353. pi- !3. Fig- 3 (Jamaica?); Id., Cat- Bds. Brit. Mus.. XVII, 1892, p. 336; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 371 ; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 166; SCOTT, Auk, 1892, p. 275; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 445. Range: Unknown; Jamaica b ? *Todus angustirostris Lafresnaye. NARROW-BILLED TODY. Todus angustirostris LAFRESNAYE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., Ill, 1851, p. 478 (Santo Domingo); CORY, Bds. Haiti and San Domingo, 1885, p. 107, pi. 23, Fig. 4; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 164; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914. P- 445- Range: San Domingo, Island of Haiti. fio6: Haiti and San Domingo. Todus m. exilis BARBOUR & BROOKS: Differs from T. m. multicolor GOULD in having lighter blue on sides of neck and more restricted and duller yellow patch at base of forehead. b Ridgway (I.e.) suggests' T. pulcherrimus SHARPE may represent an extreme variation of plumage of T. subulatus GRAY from Haiti, and this may be the correct solution of a puzzling problem, but I have examined the type of T. pulcherrimus in the British Museum and while it approaches nearest to T. subulatus, it can be dis- tinguished at a glance from any specimen of that species seen by me. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 107 *Todus subulatus Gray. HAITIAN TODY. Todus subulatus GRAY, Gen. Bds., I, 1847, pi. 22 (Santo Domingo*); SHARPE, Ibis, 1874, p. 351, pi. 13, Figs. 1-2; CORY, Bds. Haiti and San Domingo, 1885, p. 105, pi. 23, Fig. 3; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 165; SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 334, part; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 447. Todus viridis subulatus WYSTMAN, Gen. Avium, pt. 2, 1905, Fig. 5. Range: Haiti and San Domingo, Island of Haiti. 1230: Haiti and San Domingo. Todus todus (Linn). JAMAICAN TODY. Alcedo todus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 10, 1758, p. 116. Todus viridis GOSSE, Bds. Jamaica, 1847, p. 72; Id., Illust. Bds. Jamaica, 1849, pi. 14; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 369; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 369; SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 334; SCOTT, Auk, 1892, p. 274. Todus todus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 448. Todus viridis viridis WYSTMAN, Gen. Avium, pt. 2, 1905, Figs. 1-2-3 an ^ 4- Range: Island of Jamaica, West Indies. 9: Jamaica. *Todus mexicanus Lesson. PORTO RICAN TODY. Todus mexicanus LESSON, Ann. Sci. Nat., 2 Sen, IX, 1838, p. 167 (Mexico error = Porto Rico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 449. Todus hypochondriacus CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 371; Id., West Indies, 1889, p. 166; SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 336. Todus viridis hypochondriacus WYSTMAN, Gen. Avium, pt. 2, 1905, Fig. 7. Range: Island of Porto Rico, West Indies. ti$: Porto Rico. Suborder MOMOTI. Family MOMOTID^. Motmots. Genus UROSPATHA Salvadori. Urospatha Salvadori, Atti. Roy. Accad. Sci. Torino, IV, 1868, p. 179 (Type Prionites martii Spix). *Urospatha martii martii (Spix). RUFOUS MOTMOT. Prionites martii SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1825, p. 64, pi. 60 (near Para, Brazil). Urospatha martii SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 314, part. Type locality by designation. io8 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Urospatha martii martii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 468, in key; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 267 (Florencia, Colombia). Range: Northern Brazil (Upper Amazon Valley); eastern Colom- bia. 2: "Brazil." *Diospatha martii semirufa (Sclater). GREATER RUFOUS MOTMOT. Momotus semirufus SCLATER, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., V, 1853, p. 489 (Santa Marta, Colombia). Urospatha martii SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 314, part. Urospatha martii semirufa RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 468; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 267 (Crit.). Range: Eastern Nicaragua to northern Ecuador. 2: Panama (Chiriqui) i; w. Ecuador (San Jose) i. *Urospatha martii olivacea subsp. nov. a PERUVIAN RUFOUS MOTMOT. Range: Moyobamba and Rioja region, Peru. 2: Peru (Moyobamba, type; and Rioja). Genus ELECTRON Gistel. Electron Gistel, Naturgesch des Thier. fur h&here Schulen, 1848, p. VIII (New name to replace " Crypticus" "Bonap. Vogel a Brazil," i.e., Swainson pre- occupied) (Type Momotus platyrhynchus Leadbeater). Electron platyrhynchus platyrhynchus (Leadbeater}. BROAD-BELLIED MOTMOT. Momotus platyrhynchus LEADBEATER, Trans. Linn. Soc., XVI, 1829, pt. i, p. 92 (" Brazil " = W. Ecuador) . b Prionirhynchus platyrhynchus SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 315, part. Prionornis platyrhynchus BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, p. 96. Electron platyrhynchus platyrhynchus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 471, in key; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 268 (crit.). Range: Northern Peru?; western Ecuador and northward to the Atrate Valley, Colombia. Type from Moyobamba, Peru. Adult female, No. 44646, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by W. H. Osgood and M. P. Anderson, July 23, 1912. Similar to U. m. semirufa (SCLATER) from Colombia, but differs in having the upper parts (including upper tail coverts), flanks and under tail coverts more yellow- ish olive green. Wing, 152; tail, 254; bill, 37; tarsus, 25 mm. b Cf. Hartert, Novit. Zool., 1898, p. 497; Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., 1907, p. 404. Cf. Chapman, (I.e.) igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 109 Electron platyrhynchus pyrrholaemus a (Berlepsch and Stolzman). RED- THROATED BROAD-BILLED MOTMOT. Prionirhynchus platyrhynchus pyrrholaemus BERLEPSCH and STOLZMAN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1902, pt. 2, p. 35 (La Merced, central Peru). Electron platyrhynchus pyrrholaemus CHAPMAN, Bull. Am-. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 269. Range: Central and eastern Peru, western Brazil, and Colombia (Florencia). Electron platyrhynchus medianum Todd. b BOLIVIAN BROAD-BILLED MOTMOT. Electron platyrhynchus medianum TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1913, p. 174 (Rio Turutu, Prov. del Sara, Bolivia). Range: Bolivia. *Electron platyrhynchus minor (Harteri). LESSER BROAD-BILLED MOTMOT. Prionirhynchus platyrhynchus minor HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 498 (Panama). Electron platyrhynchus minor RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 472; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 269 (crit.). Range: Costa Rica to Panama (Canal zone) and lower Caura River, Colombia. 3: Costa Rica; 2; and Panama i. Electron platyrhynchus suboles Nelson. DARIEN MOTMOT. Electron platyrhynchus suboles NELSON, Smith. Misc. Coll., Vol. 60, 1912, p. 5 (Cana, Darien, Paama, 2,000 ft.); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 474. Range: Eastern Panama. Electron carinatus carinatus (Du Bus). KEEL-BILLED MOTMOT. Prionites carinatus Du Bus., Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg., XIV, 1847, p. 108 (Guate- mala). Prionirhynchus carinatus SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 316. Electron carinatus carinatus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914,. p. 474. Range: Southeastern Mexico to Honduras. Electron platyrhynchus pyrrholaemus (BERLEPSCH & STOLZMAN): Central rectrices non-spatulate; bill smaller. b Electron platyrhynchus medianum (ToDD): Similar to E. p. pyrrholaemus (BERL. & STOLZ.), but chin spot more bluish; posterior under parts and remiges somewhat less suffused with bluish; chestnut rufous areas slightly darker and duller. Cf. Chapman (I.e.). no FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Electron carinatus viridis Ridgway. COSTA RICA KEEL-BILLED MOTMOT. Electron carinatus viridis RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 89 (La Vijagua, northwestern Costa Rica). Range: Northwestern Costa Rica. Genus EUMOMOTA Sclater. Eumomota Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1857, p. 257 (Type Prionites super- ciliosus Sandbach). *Eumomota superciliosa superciliosa (Sandbach}. TURQUOISE-BROWED MOTMOT. P[yionites] superciliosus SANDBACH, Athenaeuim, 1837, No. 517, p. 698 (Mexico). Eumomota superciliaris SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 317, part. Eumomota superciliosa superciliosa RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 478. Range: Yucatan and Cozumel Island, Campeche and Tobasco. 2 : Yucatan. Eumomota superciliosa bipartita Ridgway. GREEN-BREASTED TUR- QUOISE-BROWED MOTMOT. Eumomota superciliaris bipartitus RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 90 (Cacoprieto, Oaxaca, Mexico). Eumomota superciliosa bipartitus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 480. Range: Southern Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. 5 : Guatemala. *Eumomota superciliosa australis Bangs. SOUTHERN TUROUOISE- BROWED MOTMOT. Eumomota superciliosa australis BANGS, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIX, 1906, p. 104 (Bebedero, northwestern Costa Rica). Eumomota superciliosa australis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 481. Range : Northwestern Costa Rica, western Nicaragua and Salvador 6: Nicaragua 5; and Salvador i. Genus MOMOTUS Brisson. i Momotus Brisson, Orn. IV, 1760, p. 465 (Type Ramphastos momota Linn.). *Momotus momota momota (Linn.}. COMMON MOTMOT. Ramphastos momota LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 12, 1766, p. 152 (Cayenne). Momotus momota SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 319; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 3, 1905-06, pi. 28, Fig. I. Range: Guiana and north Brazil. 3 : British Guiana. iQi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. in Momotus momota cametensis Snethlage* SNETHLAGE'S MOTMOT. Momotus momota cametensis SNETHLAGE, Orn. Monatsb., XX, 1912, p. 15 (Cameta, on the R. Tocantins); Id., Boll. Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 172. Range: Rio Tocantins region, Brazil. Momotus momota parensis Sharpe. PARA MOTMOT. Momotus parensis SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 320 (Para). Momotus momota parensis SNETHLAGE, Boll. Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 172; HELLMAYR, Novit. Zool., XII, 1905, p. 296. Range: Northeast Brazil. *Momotus momota ignobilis (Berlepsck). OBSCURE MOTMOT. Momotus brasiliensis ignobilis BERLEPSCH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1889, p. 307 (Shaniesi, Yurimaguas, Peru). Momotus bartletti SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 320, pi. IX. Momotus momota ignobilis CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 271. Range: East Peru, east Ecuador and Colombia. i: "Colombia." Momotus momota nattereri (Sclater). NATTERER'S MOTMOT. Momotus nattereri SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1857, p. 251 (Yungas, Bolivia); SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 322. Momotus momotus nattereri HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 28; Id., XVIII, 1910, p. 388. Range: Bolivia, N. Argentine, west Brazil and eastern Peru. Momotus venezuelae Sharpe. VENEZUELAN MOTMOT. Momotus venezuelae SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 321 (Puerto Cabello, Venezuela). Range: Northern Venezuela. *Momotus venezuelae osgoodi b (Cory). OSGOOD'S MOTMOT. Momotus osgoodi CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 167, Orn. Sen, Vol. I, 1913, p. 285 (El Guayabel, 10 miles east of Cucuta, eastern Colombia). Range: Interior of western Venezuela and extreme eastern Co- lombia. 7 : Colombia (near Cucuta, including the type) and western Vene- zuela (Orope). Differs from M. m. momota (LiNN.) by the reddish chestnut underparts; differs from M. m. parensis SHARPE by the chestnut red band on the nape extending to the middle of the black ear spot. b This may prove inseparable from M. v. venezuelae SHARPE. I have not seen specimens from Puerto Cabello, Venezuela. ii2 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Momotus subrufescens subrufescens Sclater. COLOMBIAN MOTMOT. Momotus subrufescens SCLATER, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., V, 1853, P- 4^9 (Santa Marta, Colombia); SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 321, part, pi. 10, Fig. i. Momotus subrufescens subrufescens CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 271. Range: Colombia. i: "Colombia." Momotus subrufescens conexus (Thayer and Bangs). SMALL-BILLED MOTMOT. Momotus conexus THAYER and BANGS, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 1906, p. 215 (Sabana de Panama). Momotus subrufescens conexus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50. VI, 1914, p. 461. Range: Eastern Panama to south central Colombia. Momotus subrufescens reconditus (Nelson). CHESTNUT-BELLIED MOTMOT. Momotus conexus reconditus NELSON, Smith. Misc. Coll., Vol. 60, 1912, p. 27 (Marragante, east Panama). Momotus subrufescens reconditus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 463; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 271. Range: Eastern Panama and northwestern Colombia. Momotus microstephanus Slater. SCLATER'S MOTMOT. Momotus microstephanus SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1855, p. 135 (Bogota); SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 322, pi. X, Fig. 2. Range: Colombia and northern Ecuador. i: Colombia (Bogota). Momotus argenticinctus Sharpe. SILVER-BANDED MOTMOT. Momotus argenticinctus SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 323 (Santa Rita Mountains and Babahoyo, Eucador). Range: Santa Rita Mountains, and Babahoyo, Ecuador. *Momotus aequatorialis aequatorialis Gould. EQUATORIAL MOT- MOT. Momotus aequatorialis GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1857, p. 223 (Archidona, Ecuador); SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 323, pi. XI. Momotus aequatorialis aequatorialis CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 272. Range: Ecuador and Colombia. 2: Colombia (Antioqua). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 113 Mcmotus aequatorialis chlorolaemus Berl. and Stolz. GREEN- THROATED MOTMOT. Momotus aequatorialis chlorolaemus BERLEPSCH and STOLZMAN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1902, p. 35 (Ocobamba, Peru); MENEGAUX, Bull. Nat. d'Hist. Nat. Paris, 1910, No. 5, p. 360 (Pina, Peru). Range: Central and east Peru. *Momotus lessonii lessonii Lesson. LESSON'S MOTMOT. Momotus lessoni LESSON, Rev. Zool., V, 1842, p. 174 (Realejo, Nicaragua); DBS MURS, Icon. Orn., II, 1848, pi. 62. Momotus lessoni SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 324. Momotus lessonii lessonii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 457- Range: Southern Mexico (Chiapas) to western Panama; north- western Colombia? fag: Guatemala; Nicaragua; and Costa Rica. *Momotus lessonii goldmani Nelson. GOLDMAN'S MOTMOT. Momotus lessoni goldmani NELSON, Auk, 1900, p. 256 (Motzorongo, Vera Cruz, Mexico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 460. Range: Southeastern Mexico, i : Mexico (Vera Cruz). *Momotus lessonii exiquus Ridgway. YUCATAN MOTMOT. Momotus lessonii exiquus RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 89 (Temax, Yucatan); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 460. Range: Yucatan and Campeche. 2 : Yucatan. *Momotus bahamensis Swainson. SWAINSON'S MOTMOT. Prionites bahamensis SWAINSON, Anim. in Menag., 1837, p. 332 (Trinidad). Momotus swainsoni SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus. XVII, 1892, p. 326. Momotus bahamensis bahamensis HELLMAYR, Novit, Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 40. Range: Trinidad and Tobago. f2i : Tobago 20; and Trinidad i. *Momotus caeruliceps (Gould). BLUE-CROWNED MOTMOT. Prionites caeruliceps GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1836, p. 18 (Tamaulipas, Mexico). Momotus caeruleiceps SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 327. Momotus caeruliceps RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 455- Range: Northern Mexico. 4: Mexico (Tampico and Potosi). ii4 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Momotus mexicanus Swainson. MEXICAN MOTMOT. Momotus mexicanus SWAINSON, Philos. Mag., 1827, p. 442 (Temiscalteptic, Mexico); SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 328, part. Momotus mexicanus mexicanus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 463. Range: Middle Mexico. 8: Mexico (Jalisco, San Geronomo). *Momotus mexicanus saturates Nelson. COAST MOTMOT. Momotus mexicanus saturatus NELSON, Auk, 1897, p. 49 (Tehauntepic, Oaxaca, Mexico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 465. Range: Southwestern Mexico. fio: Mexico (Guerrero). *Momotus castaneiceps Gould. CHESTNUT-HEADED MOTMOT. Momotus castaneiceps GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1854, P- I 54 (Guatemala); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat; Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 466; SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 329. Range: Guatemala. 4: Guatemala. Genus BARYPTHENGUS Cabanis & Heine. Barypthengus Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Hein., II, 1859, p. 114 (Type Baryphonus ruficapillus Vieill.). *Baryphthengus ruficapillus ( Vieill.) . RUFOUS-HEADED MOTMOT. Baryphonus ruficapillus VIEILLOT, N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XXI, 1818, p. 315; Id., Gal. des Ois., II, 1825, p. 319, pi. 190 (" Peru " = Brazil). Barypthengus ruficapillus SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 330; CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 265 (Paraguay). Range: Brazil and Paraguay, and N. E. Argentine. i: "Brazil." Genus ASPATHA Sharpe. Aspatha Sharpe, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 331 (Type Prionites gularis Lafresnaye). Aspatha gularis (Lafresnaye). BLUE-THROATED MOTMOT. Prionites gularis LAFRESNAYE, Rev. Zool., Ill, 1840, p. 130 (Guatemala). Aspatha gularis SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 331; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 483. Range: Guatemala to southern Mexico (Chiapas). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 115 Genus HYLOMANES Lichtenstein. Hylomanes Lichtenstein, Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berol., 1838 (1839) p. 449, pi. 4 (Type Hylomanes momotula Licht.). *Hylomanes momotula momotula Lichtenstein. TODY MOTMOT. Hylomanes momotula LICHTENSTEIN, Abh. K6nigl. Akad. Wiss. Berol., fer, 1838 (1839), p. 449, pi. 4 (Valle Real, Mexico); SHARPE, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVII, 1892, p. 322. Hylomanes momotula momotula RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 485. Range: Southeastern Mexico to Honduras, i : Guatemala. Hylomanes momotula obscurus Nelson. PANAMA TODY MOTMOT. Hylomanes momotula obscurus NELSON, Smith. Misc. Coll., Vol. 56, 1911, p. I (Cerro Brujo, Canal Zone, Panama); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 487; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 272 (Dabeiba, Colombia). Range: Northwestern Costa Rica to eastern Panama and N. W. Colombia (Dabeiba). Suborder CAPRIMULGI. Family NYCTIBIIDjE. The Potoos. Genus NYCTIBIUS Vieillot. Nyclibius Vieillot, Analyse, 1816, p. 38 (Type Grand Engoulevent de Cayenne Buff on = Caprimulgus grandis Gmel); Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., i86<3, p. 585; Hartert, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 623; Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 584. *Nyctibius grandis (Gmelin). GRAND POTOO. Caprimulgus grandis GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1789, p. 1029 (Cayenne). Nyctibius grandis HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 628; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 587; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 3, 1906, pi. 46. Range: Panama and northern South America, south to Peru and southern Brazil. 3: British Guiana 2; and Brazil (Bahia) i. Nyctibius aethereus (Maximilian). ETHEREAL POTOO. Caprimulgus aethereus MAXIMILIAN, Reise Brasil, I, 1820, p. 236 (Rio Macure, Prov. Bahia, Brazil). n6 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Nyctibius aethereus HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 627; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 586, in key. Range: Southeastern Brazil. Nyctibius longicaudatus (Spix). LONG-TAILED POTOO. Caprimulgus longicaudus SPIX, Av. Bras., II, 1825, p. i, pi. i (Rio Japura, Brazil). Nyctibius longicaudus HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 626; RIDG- WAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 586, in key; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 272 (Novita, Colombia). Range: Guianas to eastern Ecuador, Peru and Colombia." *Nyctibius griseus griseus (Gmel.). GIANT POTOO. [Caprimulgus] griseus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1789, p. 1029 (Cayenne). Nyctibius jamaicensis (not Caprimulgus jamaicensis Gmel.) b. smaller form; HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 626. Nyctibius griseus griseus HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 37; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 586, in key. Range : Trinidad to the Guianas and Lower Amazon Valley, Brazil, i: British Guiana. Nyctibius griseus cornutus b ( Vieillot). PARAGUAYAN POTOO. Caprimulgus cornutus VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., X, 1817, p. 254 (Paraguay). Nyctibius cornutus TSCHUI, Fauna Peruana Aves, 1846, p. 123. Nyctibius griseus cornutus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 587 (in key and footnote). Nyctibius jamaicensis (not Caprimulgus jamaicensis Gmel.) GRANT, Ibis, 1911, p. 320 (Paraguay). Range: Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay, southern Brazil, N. Argentine. *Nyctibius griseus jamaicensis (GmeL). JAMAICAN POTOO. Caprimulgus jamaicensis GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1789, p. 1029 (Jamaica). Nyctibius jamaicensis GOSSE, Bds. Jamaica, 1847, p. 41; Id., Illustr. Bds. Ja- maica, 1849, pi. 6; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 338; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 133; HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 625, part. INyctibius pallidus GOSSE, Bds. Jamaica, 1847, p. 49 (probably albinistic speci- men); Id., Illustr. Bds. Jamaica, 1849, pi. 7; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 339; SCOTT, 1892, p. 276. Range: Island of Jamaica, Greater Antilles. 3 : Jamaica. Cf. Chapman, (I.e.). b Nyctibius griseus cornutus (VIEILLOT) : Differs from N. g. griseus (GMEL.) in being "darker; the under parts more uniform in color; under tail coverts more heavily mottled and spots on inner webs of primaries less distinct (sometimes obsolete) " Ridgway, I.e. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 117 Nyctibius griseus abbotti 8 (Richmond). ABBOTT'S POTOO. Nyctibius griseus abbotti RICHMOND, Smith. Misc. Coll., 68, No. 7, 1917, p. I (Port de Pimente, northwestern Haiti). Range: Island of Haiti. Nyctibius griseus mexicanus (Nelson). MEXICAN POTOO. Nyctibius jamaicensis mexicanus NELSON, Auk, 1900, p. 260 (Metlaltoyuca, Puebla, Mexico). Nyctibius griseus mexicanus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 592. Range: Southeastern Mexico and western Mexico in State of Sinaloa? Nyctibius griseus costaricensis Ridgway. COSTA RICAN POTOO. Nyctibius griseus costaricensis RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 91 (Sarchi, Alajuela, Costa Rica). Range: Costa Rica. *Nyctibius griseus panamensis Ridgway. PANAMA POTOO. Nyctibius griseus panamensis RIDGWEY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 91 (Nata, Code, Panama); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 593- Range: Panama and Colombia (Bogota, Antioquia, etc.). i: "Colombia." Nyctibius maculosus b Ridgway. RIDGWAY'S POTOO. Nyctibius maculosus RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 92 (Am- bato, Ecuador); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 587, in key. Range: Central Colombia to northern Ecuador. Nyctibius leucopterus (Maximilian). WHITE- WINGED POTOO. Caprimulgus leucopterus MAXIMILIAN, Reise Brasil, II, 1821, p. 227 (Caravallas, near Bahia, Brazil). Nyctibius leucopterus DES MURS, Icon. Orn., liv. 9, 1847, pi. 49-50; HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 694; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 587, in key. Range: Coast region of southern Brazil. Nyctibius griseus abbotti RICHMOND: Similar to N. g. jamaicensis, but differs in hav- ing the black markings on the pileum much reduced in size and extent and without the admixture of pale brownish buffy, the general aspect of the crown being brown- ish gray and white, with black shaft marks, etc. ; dark bars on rectrices less regular and more broken with gray mottlings and wavy lines; throat more ashy without trace of cinnamon buff; blackish postocular stripe almost obsolete. Wing, 297 mm. b Nyctibius maculosus RIDGWAY: Size of N. g. jamaicensis, but coloration very different; general tone of coloration much darker, the under wing coverts and inner webs of primaries uniform sooty black; posterior under parts spotted with black and a large whitish area on middle wing coverts." (Ridgway, I.e.). n8 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Nyctibius bracteatus Gould. COLOMBIAN POTOO. Nyctibius bracteatus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, p. i (Bogota, Colom. bia); SCLATER and SALVIN, Exotic Orn., 1867, pi. 20; HARTERT, Cat. Bds Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 623; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 587, in key. Range: Colombia to Guiana, Ecuador and Peru. Family CAPRIMULGID^E. The Goatsuckers, Whipporwills, Nighthawks, etc. Genus CHORDEILES Swainson. Chordeiles Swainson, Fauna Bor.-Am., II, 1831, p. 496 (Type Caprimulgus vir- ginianus GMELIN). *Chordeiles virginianus virginianus (GmeL). NIGHTHAWK. Caprimulgus virginianus GMELIN., Syst. Nat., I, pt. 2, 1789, p. 1028 (Virginia). Caprimulgus popetue VIEILLOT, Ois. Am. Sept., I, 1807, p. 56, pi. 24 (Nova Scotia). Chordeiles popetue BAIRD, Cat. N. Am. Bds., 1859, No. 114, part. Chordeiles virginianus virginianus OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No.86 1914, p. 35; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 562. Range: Eastern and northern North America, south in winter through Gulf states, Greater Antilles, eastern Mexico and Central America, to South America, generally south to southern Brazil, Para- guay and northern Argentina. fair Massachusetts 3; Maine i; Connecticut 3; Wisconsin u; Illinois 2; and Colombia, S. A., i. Chordeiles virginianus hesperis Grinnell. PACIFIC NIGHTHAWK. Chordeiles virginianus hesperis GRINNELL, Condor, VII, Nov. 1905, 1870 (Bear Lake, San Bernardino Mts., California); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 567; OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 46. Range: Western United States from Nevada and Utah, northward to Rocky Mountains and southeastern British Colombia and southern Alberta; in winter south through New Mexico, Texas, Mexico, etc., to Nicaragua. *Chordeiles virginianus sennetti (Coues). SENNETT'S NIGHTHAWK. [Chordeiles popetue] sennetti COUES, Auk, 1888, p. 37 (50 miles west of Pembina, North Dakota). Chordeiles virginianus sennetti RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 568; OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 52. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 119 Range: Northern Portion of Great Plains in United States, from northwestern Iowa, Nebraska, etc., to western Minnesota, North Dakota and eastern Montana. Winter range unknown. i: Minnesota (Kimhoe). *Chordeiles virginianus howelli Oberholser. HOWELL'S NIGHTHAWK. Chordeiles virginianus howelli OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 57 (Lipscomb, Texas); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 570. Range: Southern portion of Great Plains and adjacent portion of Rocky Mountains, from central and northwestern Texas and north- eastern New Mexico to Wyoming, Nebraska and casual to Minnesota; south to Nicaragua in winter. 2: Colorado (Fort Lyon). *Chordeiles virginianus henryi (Cassin). WESTERN NIGHTHAWK. Chordeiles henryi CASSIN, Illust. Bds. Cal., Texas, etc., I, 1855, p. 239 (Fort Webster, New Mexico). Chordeiles virginianus henryi OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 65; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 572. Range : Southwestern United States in west-central Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, southwestern Colorado and northern Mexico; prob- ably winters in South America. 8 5: Arizona (Huachuca Mts.) 2; Texas (Ft. Clark) i; Mexico (Chihuahua) i; and Colombia, S. A. i? "Chordeiles virginianus aserriensis Cherrie. ASERRI NIGHTHAWK. Chordeiles virginianus aserriensis CHERRIE, Auk, 1896, p. 136 (Valley of Aserri River, San Jose, Costa Rica); OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 71; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 573. Range: Southern Texas and northern Tamaulipas (Mexico), south in winter to Costa Rica. i: Texas (Cameron County). *Chordeiles virginianus chapmani (Coues). FLORIDA NIGHTHAWK. [Chordeiles popetue] Chapmani COUES, Auk, 1888, p. 37 (Gainesville, Florida)- Chordeiles virginianus chapmani OBERHOLSER, Bull, U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 75; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 574. Range : Gulf states of United States, from Florida to eastern Texas, north to North Carolina, southwestern Kentucky and southeastern Illinois; south in winter to South America (Uruguay, central Brazil and Argentina) . 8 See Oberholser (I.e.). 120 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. 7: Florida (Gainesville 3, West Jupiter 3, Tampa i); including the type of species, Field Museum collection No. 7993 (formerly, collection of F. M. Chapman, No. 847, Gainesville, Fla., May, 19, 1887). *Chordeiles virginianus vicinus Riley. BAHAMA NIGHTHAWK. Chordeiles virginianus vicinus RILEY, Auk, 1903, p. 432 (Long Island, Bahamas); OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 80; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 575. Range: Bahama Islands. fn: The Bahama Islands (Inagua 4, Great Bahamas 3, Abaco 2 and Acklin 2). *Chordeiles virginianus minor (Cabanis). CUBAN NIGHTHAWK. Chordeiles minor CAB AMIS, Journ. fur Ornith., 1856, p. 5 (northern coast of Cuba). Chordeiles virginianus minor OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 82; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 576. Range: Greater Antilles, Cuba, Isle of Pines, Haiti, Jamaica and Porto Rico. 22: San Domingo (La Vega, Island of Hayti) 20; and Cayman Broc 2. *Chordeiles acutipennis acutipennis ( Bodd) . SOUTH AMERI CAN NIGHT- HAWK. Caprimulgus acutipennis BODDAERT, Tabl. Planch. Enlum. d'Hist. Nat., 1783, p. 46 (Guiana). Chordeiles acutipennis acutipennis OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 94; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 561, in key. Range: Greater portion of South America from at least southern Brazil and Peru northward to Guiana, Colombia, Tobago, Trinidad, etc. (except the Pacific slope, from northern Chile to northern Peru?). fi2: Venezuela (Encontrados 8, Maracaibo i); and Brazil (Boa Vista, i "Brazil" 2). "Chordeiles acutipennis exilis (Lesson). CHILIAN NIGHTHAWK. Caprimulgus exilis LESSON, Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 44 (Chile). Caprimulgus pruinosus TSCHUDI, Arch, fur Naturg., 1844, p. 268. [Chordeiles] pruinosus BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 98. Subsp. A. Chordeiles pruinosus HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 616. Chordeiles acutipennis exilis OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 98. Range: Pacific slope of South America, from northwestern Peru probably to northern Chile. 5: Peru (Menuchuco). iQi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 121 *Chordeiles acutipennis micromeris Oberholser. YUCATAN NIGHT- HAWK. Chordeiles acutipennis micromeris OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 100 (Xbac, Yucatan, Mexico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 577- Range: Panama to southern Mexico. i : Nicaragua. *Chordeiles acutipennis texensis (Lawr.). TEXAS NIGHTHAWK. Chordeiles texensis LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VI, 1856, p. 167 (Rio Grande, Texas). Chordeiles acutipennis texensis OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, p. 103; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 581; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 273 (Noanama, Colombia, Dec. 29 and 30). Range: Southwestern United States (S. E. Colorado, S. Utah, Arizona, and south-central California) to central Mexico and in winter to Panama and Colombia. fi3: Arizona (Fairbanks, Camp Lowell, etc.) 9; Texas i; Cali- fornia (San Raphael) i; Yucatan i; and Guatemala i. *Chordeiles acutipennis inferior Oberholser. SAN LUCAS NIGHTHAWK. Chordeiles acutipennis inferior OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 109 (Triumfo, Lower California); RIDGWAY, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 580. Range : Lower California. i: Lower California. Chordeiles rupestris rupestris (Spix). SAND-COLORED NIGHTHAWK. Caprimulgus rupestris SPIX, Av. Bras., II, 1825, p. 2, pi. 2 (Rio Negro, N. Brazil). Chordeiles rupestris HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 617; HELL- MAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 378. Chordeiles rupestris rupestris OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 114. Range: Greater portion of northern and central South America, from Bolivia, Brazil and Peru northward. Chordeilies rupestris xyostictus* Oberholser. COLOMBIAN NIGHTHAWK. Chordeiles rupestris xyostictus OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 116 (Bogota, Colombia). Range: Central Colombia. Chordeiles rupestris xyostictus OBERHOLSER. "Similar to C. r. rupestris SPIX, but somewhat larger; upper surface, including the wing coverts, much paler, more buffy (less grayish); the dark markings much smaller; and breast more heavily spotted." (Oberholser, I.e.). Detailed description also given. 122 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Chordeiles rupestris zaleucus 3 Oberholser. OBERHOLSER'S NIGHT- HAWK. Chordeiles rupestris zaleucus OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 118 (Pabas, Peru). Range: Resident in eastern and central Peru. Genus NANNOCHORDEILES Hartert. Nannochordeiles HARTERT, Ibis, 1896, p. 374 (Type Chordeiles pusillus Gould). Nannochordeiles pusillus pusillus (Gould). LEAST NIGHTHAWK. Chordeiles pusillus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1861, p. 182 (Bahia, Brazil); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 618; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool. XV, 1908, p. 78 (Rio Thesouras). Range: Central and eastern Brazil. (Piauhy, Matto Grosso, etc., to northern S. Paulo). *Nannochordeiles pusillus septentrionalis b Hellmayr. VENEZUELAN LEAST NIGHTHAWK. N[annochordeiles] pusillus septentrionalis HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 78 (Maipures, Orionoco, Venezuela). Nannochordeiles septentrionalis CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 359. Range: Venezuela, northern Brazil and Guiana. 4: Brazil (Boa Vista, Rio Branco). Genus NYCTIPROGNE Bonaparte. Nyctiprogne Bonaparte, Consp. Syst. Orn., 1854, p. 35 (Type Caprimulgus leucopygus Spix). Nyctiprogne leucopygia (Spix). WHITE-RUMPED NIGHTHAWK. Caprimulgus leucopygus SPIX, Av. Bras., II, 1823, p. 3, pi. Ill (Amazon River region, Brazil). Nyctiprogne leucopygia HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 619; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 360; STONE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1913, p. 198 (Cano Corosal, Venezuela). Range: Brazil, Guiana and Venezuela. Chordeiles rupestris zaleucus OBERHOLSER: "Resembling C. r. rupestris SPIX, but female more grayish above, particularly on wing coverts with a large white patch, 47 mm. long on middle portion of inner, web of fourth (outer) primary, which extends to and includes the shaft at this point; inner web of outer rectrix with two broad dark brown bands (instead of spots); spots on breast larger and more numerous." (Detailed description is given by Oberholser, I.e.). b Nannochordeiles p. septentrionalis HELLMAYR: Similar to N. p. pusillus (GOULD), but decidedly smaller; wing, 127, tail, 69 mm. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 123 Genus PODAGER Wagler. Podager, Wagler, Isis, 1832, p. 277 (Type Caprimulgus diurnus Max). *Podager nacunda nacunda ( VieilL). NACUNDA NIGHTHAWK. Caprimulgus nacunda VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., X, 1817, p. 240 (Paraguay). Podager nacunda HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 619; GOELI, Alb. de Aves, Amazon, pt. 3, 1906, pi. 46, Fig. 5; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 379; CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 266; GRANT, Ibis, 1911, p. 320. Range: South America, generally east of the Andes and south of the Amazon River; northwestern South America? 4: Brazil (Rio Preto, Bahia 3); Peru i. *Podager nacunda minor* Cory. NORTHERN NACUNDA NIGHTHAWK. Podager nacunda minor CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 182, Orn. Ser., Vol. I, No. 8, 1915, p. 23 (Boa Vista, Rio Branco, northern Brazil). Range: Northern Brazil, British Guiana, and probably other portions of northern South America north of the Amazon River; Tobago? Trinidad? 4: British Guiana i ; Brazil (Boa Vista and Rio Branco region) 3. Genus LUROCALIS Cassin, Lurocalis Cassin, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., V, 1851, p. 189 (Type Caprimulgus natter eri Temminck). *Lurocalis semitorquatus semitorquatus (Gmel.}. SEMI- COLLARED NIGHTHAWK. Caprimulgus semitorquatus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., II, 1788, p. 1031 (Cayenne). Loricalis semitorquatus HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 621; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 362. Range: Guiana, Trinidad, northwestern Brazil and eastern Peru. i: Peru (Moyobamba). Lurocalis semitorquatus nattereri b (Temm.). NATTERER'S SEMI- COLLARED NIGHTHAWK. Caprimulgus natter eri TEMMINCK, PI. Col., IV, 1823, pi. 107 (Brazil). L[urocalis] semitorquatus nattereri HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 38, in text; Id., Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 379. Range: Southern Brazil, Paraguay, N. E. Argentine. a Podager nacunda minor CORY: Similar to Podager n. nacunda (ViEiLL.) from Paraguay, but smaller and the black markings on the crown and scapulars much smaller. b Lurocalis s. nattereri (TEMM.): Decidedly larger than L. s. semitorquatus (GMEL.). 124 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Lurocalis rufiventris Tacz. RED-VENTED NIGHTHAWK. Lurocalis rufiventris TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Peru, I, 1884, p. 209 (Tambillo, Peru); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 622; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 273 (Aguadita; Subia, Colombia). Range: Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. Genus UROPSALIS Miller. Uropsalis Miller, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXIV, 1915, p. 516 (Type Hydropsalis lyra Bonap.). *Uropsalis lyra lyra (Bonap.}. LYRE NIGHTHAWK. Hydropsalis lyra BONAPARTE, Consp. Av., I, 1850, p. 59 (Colombia). Macropsalis lyre HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 602, part. Range: Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. i: "South America." Uropsalis lyra peruana a (BerlepschandStolzman). PERUVIAN NIGHT- HAWK. Macropsalis lyra peruana BERLEPSCH and STOLZMAN, Ornis, XIII, 1906, p. 121 (Chontopunco, Maracapata, b Peru). Range: Peru. Uropsalis segmentata (Cassiri). CASSIN'S NIGHTHAWK. Hydropsalis segmentata CASSIN, Proc. Ac. Phila., 1849, p. 238 (Bogota, Colombia). Macropsalis segmentata HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 602; TACZ., Orn. Peru, I, 1884, p. 233. Range: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. Genus MACROPSALIS Sclater. Macropsalis Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, p. 143 (Type Caprimulgus forcipatus Nicht. = Hydropsalis creagra Bonap.). Macropsalis kalinowskii Berlepsch and Stolzman. KALINOWSKI'S NIGHTHAWK. Macropsalis kalinowskii BERLEPSCH and STOLZMAN, Ibis, 1894, p. 399 (Pariayacu, near Maraynioc, central Peru). Range: Central Peru. a Uropsalis lyra peruana BERL. & STOLZ.: Similar to M. I. lyra (BONAP.), but differs in having the general plumage more reddish and the wings longer (male, wing 198 mm). b "Cuzco" given by Brabourne and Chubb (Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 99, No. 939). Macropsalis kalinowski BERL, & STOLZ.: Differs from M. I. lyra (BONAP.) and M. segmentata (CASSIN) in shape and coloration of the outer rectrices which are shorter and narrower; the shafts and the outer web of the outer rectrix are almost entirely white, while in M. lyra they are black, and in M. segmentata the shaft is whitish, but the webs are blackish tinged with rusty or reddish (for other differences see original description, I.e.). I have not seen this species. 1918. CATALOGUE or BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 125 Macropsalis forcipata (Nitzsch). BRAZILIAN NIGHTHAWK. Caprimulgus forcipatus NITZSCH, Pterylog., 1840, p. 125 (South Brazil). Macropsalis forcipata HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 603. Macropsalis creagra, GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 3, 1906, pi. 46, Fig. 4. Range: Eastern Brazil. Genus HYDROPSALIS Wagler. Hydrapsalis Wagler, Isis, 1832, p. 1222 (Type Caprimulgus furcifer Vieill.). Hydropsalis torquata (GmeL). RINGED NIGHTHAWK. Caprimulgus torquatus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., II, 1788, p. 1032 (Brazil). Hydropsalis torquata HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 598. Caprimulgus psalurus TEMMINCK, PI. Col., 1823, pi. 158. Range: Brazil. Hydropsalis furcifera ( Vieill.). FORK-TAILED NIGHTHAWK. Caprimulgus furcifera VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., X, 1817, p. 242 (Paraguay). Hydropsalis furcifera SCLATER and HUDSON, Argentine Orn., II, 1889, p. 15, pi. 12; HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 599; GRANT, Ibis, 1911, p. 319 (N. Argentine). Range: Paraguay to central Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina. Hydropsalis climacocerca Tsch. BANDED NIGHTHAWK. Hydropsalis climacocerca TSCHUDI Wiegm., Arch, fur Naturg., 1844, p. 269 (Peru); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XV, 1892, p. 600; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 3, 1906, pi. 46; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXVI, 1917, p. 274 (La Morelia, Colombia). Range: Brazil, east Peru, east Ecuador, Colombia and Bolivia. Hydropsalis schomburgki Sclater. SCHOMBURGK'S NIGHTHAWK. Hydropsalis schomburgki SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lend., 1866, p. 142 (British Guiana); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 601; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 362, pi. VII. Range: Guiana. Genus ELEOTHREPTUS Gray. Eieothreptus Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 7 (new name to replace Amblypterus Gould, preoccupied) (Type Amblypterus anomalus Gould). Eleothreptus anomalus (Gould). SHORT- WINGED NIGHTHAWK. Amblypterus anomalus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1837, p. 105 ("Brazil")- Heleothreptus anomalus HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 593; SCLATER and HARTERT, Argentine Orn., II, 1889, p. 16. Range: Central and southern Brazil and Argentina. ' 126 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus NYCTIDROMUS Gould. Nyctidromus GOULD, Icones Avium, II, 1838, pi. 2 (Type Nyctidromus derbianus Gould). *Nyctidromus albicollis albicollis (GmeL). CUIEJO OR PARAUQUE. Caprimulgus albicollis GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, pt. II, 1789, p. 1030 (Cay- enne). Nyctidromus albicollis HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 587; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 3, 1906, pi. 46; STONE, Proc. Acad. N. S. Phila., 1879, p. 305 (Honda). Nyctidromus albicollis albicollis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 537; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 274 (many localities in Colombia). Range: From southern Mexico (Chiapas) and British Honduras to Panama and in South America to the Guianas and Amazon Valley, north Brazil, Trinidad, Ecuador and Colombia. t4i: Mexico (Colima 4, Yucatan i); Guatemala 9; Costa Rica 3; Nicaragua 7; Panama i; Colombia i; Venezuela (Orope, Encontrados, Caracas, etc.) n; Surinam i; and Brazil (Rio Branco, Itacoara, Ama- zonas) 3. *Nyctidromus albicollis obscurus* Cory. PERUVIAN PARAUQUE. Nyctidromus albicollis obscurus CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 182, Orn. Ser., I, No. 8, 1915, p. 301 (Yurimaguas, Peru). Range: Peru. 9: Peru (Yurimaguas, Moyobamba, Rioja, etc.), including the type specimen. *Nyctidromus albicollis derbyanus b (Gould). EARL OF DERBY'S PARAQUE. Nyctidromus derbyanus GOULD, Icones Avium, II, 1838, p. 12 (South America = southern Brazil); ALLEN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., V, 1893, p. 124; CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 267 (Paraguay); GRANT, Ibis, 1911, p. 319. Range: Central and southern Brazil, eastern Bolivia and Para- guay, N. E. Argentine. 3: Brazil (Rio Preto and Andarahy, Bahia). Nyctidromus albicollis obscurus CORY: Differs from both N. a. albicollis (GMEL.) and N. a. derbyanus (GOULD) in having the general coloration decidedly darker and more mixed with blackish; the under wing coverts much more extensively black and less marked with brown. The black on wings and tail is deeper black (not brownish black as in the other races.) Wing, 153 mm. b Nyctidromus albicollis derbyanus GOULD: Coloration variable, but readily dis- tinguished from N. a. albicollis by its larger size. Male, wing, 165 to 180 mm. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 127 Nyctidromus albicollis gilvus* Bangs. BANGS PARAQUE. Nyctidromus albicollis gilvus BANGS, Proc. N. E. Zool. Club, III, 1902, p. 82 (Santa Marta, Colombia). Range: Colombia. Nyctidromus albicollis nelsoni Ridgway. NELSON PARAUQUE. Nyctidromus albicollis nelsoni RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 90 (Colima, S. W. Mexico); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 544- Range: Southwestern and western Mexico. Nyctidromus albicollis yucatanensis Nelson. YUCATAN PARAUQUE. Nyctidromus albicollis yucatanensis NELSON, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIV, 1901, p. 171 (Tuncas, Yucatan) ; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 543- Range: Eastern Tobasco, Campeche, Yucatan, and North British Honduras. Nyctidromus albicollis sumichrasti Ridgway. Sum CR AST'S PARA- QUE. Nyctidromus albicollis sumichrasti RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 91 (Frontera, Tobasco, S. Mexico); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 544. Range: Vera Cruz to Tobasco, southeastern Mexico. Nyctidromus albicollis insularis Nelson. TRES MARIAS PARAQUE. Nyctidromus albicollis insularis NELSON, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XII, 1898, p. 9 (Maria Madre Island, Tres Marias Group, off western Mexico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 545. Range: Tres Marias Islands, oS. western Mexico. *Nyctidromus albicollis merrilli Sennett. MERILL'S PARAQUE. Nyctidromus albicollis merrilli SENNETT, Auk, 1888, p. 44 (Nueces R., Nueces, Texas); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 546. Range: Northeastern Mexico (Tamaulipas, etc.) north to lower Rio Grande Valley and southern Gulf coast in Texas. In winter south to Vera Cruz, Mexico. 5: Texas (Loredo i, Cameron County i); Mexico (Matamoras i, Chihuahua 2). Nyctidromus albicollis gilvus BANGS: Intermediate in coloration between N. a. merrilli SENNETT and N. a. albicollis (GMEL.); upper parts paler and more grayish than the latter. Doubtfully separable from N. a. albicollis; not recognized by Ridgway. 128 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus MICROSIPHONORHIS 8 Chapman Micro siphonorhis Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVII, 1917, p. 329 (Type Micro siphornorhis brewsteri). Microsiphonorhis brewsteri Chapman* BREWSTER'S PARAQUE. Microsiphonorhis brewsteri CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVII, 1917, p. 329 (Tubano, Prov. Azua, Santo Domingo, W. I.). Range: San Domingo, Island of Haiti, West Indies. Genus SIPHONORHIS Sclater. Siphonorhis Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1861, p. 77 (Type Caprimulgus americanus Linn.). Siphonorhis americana (Linn.). JAMAICA GOATSUCKER. Caprimulgus americanus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, p. 193 ("America calidiore ' ' = Jamaica). Siphonorhis americanus CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 344; Id., Bds. West Indies 1889, p. 139; HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 592. Siphonorhis americana RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 495. Range: Island of Jamaica, Greater Antilles. Genus PHALAENOPTILUS Ridgway. Phalaenoptilus Ridgway, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Ill, 1880, p. 5 (Type Caprimul- gus nuttallii Audubon). *Phalaenoptilus nuttallii nuttallii (Audubon). POORWILL. Caprimulgus nuttallii AUDUBON, Orn. Biog., V, 1839, p. 335 (nom. nudum); Id., Bds. Am., oct. ed., VII, 1844, p. 350, pi. 495 (East bank Missouri River, between Fort Union and Fort Pierre). Phalaenoptilus nuttallii nuttallii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 548. Phalaenoptilus nuttallii nitidus BREWSTER, Auk, 1887, p. 147. a "Char. gen. Most nearly related to Siphonorhis; Scl. (monotypic; type 5. americana) but nasal tubes shorter, 1.5 mm. in height (in skin) as compared with 3 mm. in Siphonorhis; bill disproportionally smaller, its outline from above more regu- larly triangular, less shield-shaped, the upper mandible not convex in outline, the ridge on its cutting edge less developed; rictal bristles apparently actually stronger; tail squarer, less graduate; tarsus and toes disproportionately longer." (Chap- man, 1. c.). b Microsiphonorhis brewsteri CHAPMAN: " In general coloration resembling Sipho- norhis americana, but paler throughout, throat and pectoral band white sharply denned from the black sub terminal area, which is much broader; abdominal region buffy white instead of ochraceous buff, more narrowly and less regularly barred; tertials narrwoly tipped with white." (Chapman, I.e.). Size smaller; female: wing, 119.5; tail, 94.4; bill, 8.5 mm. Detailed description given. The type, an adult female is the only known specimen. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 129 Range: Western United States, from Nebraska, Kansas and South Dakota north to south eastern British Colombia, south to central Mexico and Lower California. fn: Arizona 6; Colorado 3; and Mexico (Sonora) 2. *Phalaenoptilus nuttalli californicus Ridgway. DUSKY POORWIL . Phalaenoptilus nuttalli californicus RIDGWAY, Man. N. A. Bds., 1887, p. 588, footnote (Nicasio, Marion County, Calif ornia); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 552. Range: Calif ornia, except southeastern and northeastern Desert districts; northern Lower Calif ornia? 2: Calif ornia (Nicasio and Pasadena). Genus OTOPHANES Brewster. Otophanes Brewster, Auk, 1888, p. 88 (Type Otophones mcleodii Brewster). Otophones mcleodii Brewster. EARED POORWILL. Otophanes mcleodii BREWSTER, Auk, 1888, p. 89 (Sierra Madre of Chihuahua, Mexico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 555. Range: Northwestern Mexico; Vera Cruz? Genus NYCTAGREUS Nelson. Nyctagreus Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1901, p. 171 (Type Caprimulgus yucatanensis Hartert). Nyctagreus yucatenensis (Hartert). YUCATAN POORWILL. Caprimulgus yucatanensis HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 575 (Tizimin, Yucatan). Nyctagreus yucatanensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, P- 557- Range: Yucatan and Campeche, southeastern Mexico. Genus THERMOCHALCIS Richmond. Thermochalcis Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVIII, 1915, p. 180 (new name for Stenopsis Cassin, preoccupied) (Type Caprimulgus cayennensis Gmel.). *Thermochalcis cayennensis cayennensis (Gmel.} . CAYENNE STENOPSIS. Caprimulgus cayennensis GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, pt. II, 1789, p. 1031 (Cayenne). Stenopsis cayennensis HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 583, part. Stenopsis cayennensis cayennensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 498, in key; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 274 (La Play a, Villavicencio, Colombia). 130 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Range: Guiana, Venezuela, north Brazil, Colombia and Trinidad? 6: British Guiana 2; Venezuela (Encontrados, etc.) 3; and north Brazil (near Boa Vista) i. *Thermochalcis cayennensis tobagensis* (Ridgway). TOBAGO STENOP- sis. Stenopsis tobagensis RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., xxi, 1908, p. 195 (Tobago). ICaprimulgus leopetes JARDINE and SELBY, Illust. Orn. Ser., I, Vol. II, pi. 87 (Tobago); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 275, in text (ait). Range: Island of Tobago; Trinidad? 2 : Tobago. *Thermochalcis cayennensis insularis (Richmond). ISLAND STENOPSIS. Stenopsis cayennensis insularis RICHMOND, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XV, 1902, p. 159 (Curacao Island); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914,?. 499. Range : Curacao Island, Bonaire Island and Margarita Island ; coast of Venezuela? 2 : Margarita Island. Thermochalcis cayennensis monticola b (Chapman). COLOMBIAN STENOPSIS. Stenopsis cayennensis monticola CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXIII, 1914, p. 172 (San Antonio, alt. 6,600 ft., western Andes above Cali, Colombia) ; Id., XXXVI, 1917, p. 275 (San Antonio, Western Andes). Range: Colombia. Thermochalcis cayennensis albicauda (Lawrence). WHITE-TAILED STENOPSIS. Stenopsis albicauda LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., XI, 1875, p. 89 (Talamanca, Costa Rica). Stenopsis cayennensis albicauda, RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 502. Range: Costa Rica and Panama. a Thermochalcis cayennensis tobagensis (RIDGWAY): Differs from T. c. cayen- nensis (GMEL.) in lighter coloration and more white on the lateral rectrices, and wing and tail shorter. Differs from T. c. insularis (RICHMOND) in having inner webs of all rectrices (except middle pair) mostly white; tail shorter. Very close to T. c. cayennensis (see Ridgway, Bds. N. & M. Am., VI, 1914, p. 498, footnote). It is probable that if the Tobago bird proves separable, it should stand as Thermochalcis c. leopetes Jardine and Selby. b Thermochalcis cayennensis monticola (CHAPMAN): Differs from T. c. cayen- nensis (GMEL.) in having longer wings and tail and bill larger; breast and flanks more heavily barred and tail bands wider. The female is much darker (and other char- acters). Differs from T. c. albicauda (LAWRENCE) in males having the black bar crossing the white vane of the tail feathers (and other characters). The female is darker above and much deeper buff below than in albicauda. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 131 *Thermochalcis longirostris Bonap. BANDED-WING STENOPSIS. Caprimulgus longirostris BONAPARTE, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1825, p. 284 (Brazil). Stenopsis bifasciata SCLATER and HUDSON, Argentine Orn., II, 1889, p. 14. Stenopsis longirostris HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 585. Range: Southern South America; Peru, Bolivia, southern Brazil, Argentina, Chile and northern Patagonia, i : Peru (Mts. near Otuzco). Thermochalcis decussata (Tschudi). TSCHUDI'S SIENOPSIS. Caprimulgus decussatus TSCHUDI, Arch, fur Naturg., 1844, p. 268 (Peru). Stenopsis aequicaudata TACZ., Orn. Peru, I, 1884, p. 222. Stenopsis decussata HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 586. Range: Peru. Thermochalcis candicans (Pelz.). PELZELN'S STENOPSIS. Stenopsis candicans PELZELN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, p. 588 (Paraguay); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 582. Range: Paraguay and south-central Brazil; southern Brazil? Genus SYSTELLURA Ridgway. Systellura Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 92 (Type Stenopsis ruficervix Sclater). *Systellura ruficervix (Sclater). RUFOUS-NAPED STENOPSIS. Stenopsis ruficervix SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, p. 140, pi. XIV (Colombia); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 584; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 275 (Colombia, several localities). Thermochalcis ruficervix CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 366. Range: Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and Guiana. 4: Venezuela (Paramo de Tama 2, and near Merida 2). Genus ANTROSTOMUS* Bonaparte. Antrostomus Bonaparte, Geog. & Comp. List, 1838, p. 8 (Type, fixed by Gray, 1840, Caprimulgus carolinensis Gmel.). b *Antrostomus carolinensis (GmeL). CHUCK- WILL'S WIDOW. Caprimulgus carolinensis GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1789, p. 1028 (Carolina); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 565. Mr. Oberholser restricts the Genus Antrostomus BONAP. to A. carolinensis and considers the other members of the group to belong to a new genus, Setochalcis (Bull. 86, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1914, p. u). I am unable to verify his conclusions with the slight material at my disposal and have therefore decided (provisionally) not to make the change. b See Stone, Auk, 1907, p. 196; also, Allen, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXIV, 1908, P- 32. 132 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Antrostomus carolinensis BAIRD, Brewer. & Ridgway, Hist. N. A. Bds., II, 1874, p. 410, pi. 46, Fig. i; CORY, Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 136; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 506. Range: Southern North America to northern South America; winters from southern Florida through the Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Mexico and Central America to northern Colombia. 1 2 : North Carolina i ; Florida 4; Texas i ; Bahama Islands (Andros) i; Haiti (Le coup) 2; San Domingo (Inagua and Puerta Plata) 2; and Nicaragua i. Antrostomus rufus rufus (Bodd.}. RUFOUS GOATSUCKER. Caprimulgus rufus BODDAERT, Tabl. PI. Enl., 1783, p. 46 (Cayenne); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 566, part. Antrostomus rufus rufus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 510. Setochalcis rufa rufa OBERHOLSER, Bull. 86, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1914, p. 12. Range: Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas to southern Brazil and northern Argentina. *Antrostomus rufus otiosus Bangs. SANTA LUCIA GOATSUCKER. Antrostomus rufus otiosus BANGS, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIV, 1911, p. 188 (Santa Lucia Island, Lesser Antilles); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 513. Range: Island of Santa Lucia, Lesser Antilles, i: St. Lucia. *Antrostomus cubanensis Lawrence. CUBAN GOATSUCKER. Antrostomus cubanensis LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., VII, 1862, p. 260 (Cienga de Zapata Island and Coast of Manzanillo, Cuba); CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 342; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 137; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 513. Caprimulgus cubanensis HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 571. Setochalcis cubanensis TODD, Ann. Carnegie Mus., X, 1916, p. 238. Range: Cuba, Isle of Pines, Greater Antilles. i : Cuba. Antrostomus sericocaudatus Cassin. SILKY-TAILED GOATSUCKER. Antrostomus sericocaudatus CASSIN, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Phila., IV, 1848, p. 238, pi. XII ("S. America" =S. E. Brazil); SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, P- 583. Caprimulgus sericocaudatus HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 567. Setochalcis sericocaudata OBERHOLSER, Bull. 86, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1914, p. 12. Range: Southeastern Brazil (Bahia, southward). *Antrostomus vociferus vociferus (Wilson). WHIPPOORWILL. Caprimulgus vociferus WILSON, Am. Orn., V, 1812, p. 71, pi. 41, Figs. I, 2, and 3 (eastern United States, probably near Philadelphia, Pa.); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 568. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 133 Antrostomus vociferus CORY, Cat. Bds. West Indies, 1892, p. 143 (Porto Rico). Antrostomus vociferus vociferus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 515. Range: Eastern United States and southern Canada, from Nova Scotia and Keewatin, etc., southward to the Gulf of Mexico, Mexico, and in Central America to Salvador; casual in Costa Rica; accidental in Porto Rico. 10 : Maine i; No. Carolina i; Florida 2; Illinois 4; Wisconsin i; Porto Rico W. I. i. Antrostomus vociferus macromystax Wagler. WAGLER'S WHIPPOOR- WILL. Caprimulgus macromystax WAGLER, Isis, XXIV, 1831, p. 533 (" Mexico " = -Mt Orizaba, Puebla, Mexico).* Antrostomus vociferus arizonae BREWSTER, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, VI, 1881, p. 69. Antrostomus vociferus macromystax RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI 1914, p. 520. Range: East and south Central Mexico from southern Coahuila to Guerro. *Antrostomus vociferus arizonae b Brewster. STEPHEN'S WHIPPOORWILL. Antrostomus vociferus arizonae BREWSTER, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, 1881, p. 69 (Chiricahua Mts., Arizona). Setochalcis vocifera arizonae OBERHOLSER, Bull. 86, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1914, p. 12. Range: Southern Arizona, western Texas, south in Mexico to Durango and Jalisco. 8 : Arizona (Huachua and Santa Rita Mts.) 6 ; Texas (Fort Worth?) i; and Mexico (Chihuahua) i. *Antrostomus vociferus chiapensis ( Nelson) . CHIAPAS WHIPPOORWILL. Antrostomus chiapensis NELSON, Auk, 1900, p. 261 (Valley of Comitan, Chiapas). Antrostomus (vocifeyusl) chiapensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 522. Range: Southern Mexico (State of Chiapas) and Guatemala. 2 : Guatemala. Antrostomus vociferus oaxacae (Nelson). OAXACA WHIPPOORWILL. Antrostomus oaxacae NELSON, Auk, 1900, p. 260 (near City of Oaxaca, Mexico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 523. Setochalcis oaxacae OBERHOLSER, Bull. 86, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1914, p. 12. Range: State of Oaxaca, southern Mexico. Type locality designated by Oberholser, Bull. 86, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1914, p. 12, footnote. b Antrostomus vociferus arizonae BREWSTER: Similar to A. v. macromystax WAGLER, but general plumage lighter and more brownish. 134 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Antrostomus salvini (Harteri). SALVIN'S WHIPPOORWILL. Caprimulgus salvini HARTERT, Ibis, 1892, p. 287, in text (Mirador, Vera Cruz, Mexico); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 568. Antrostomus salvini RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 525. Antrostomus notabilis NELSON, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XVIII, 1905, p. in. Range: Eastern Mexico (Taumaulipas, Vera Cruz, etc.) and Yucatan. Antrostomus nelsoni* Ridgway. NELSON'S WHIPPOORWILL. Antrostomus nelsoni RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 90 (Chichen-Itza, Yucatan). Range: Yucatan. Antrostomus badius Bangs and Peck. PECK'S WHIPPOORWILL. Antrostomus badius BANGS and PECK, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXI, 1908, p. 44 (Toledo District, British Honduras); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 529. Range: British Honduras. Antrostomus ridgwayi ridgwayi ( Nelson). GUERRERO WHIPPOORWILL. Antrostomus ridgwayi NELSON, Auk, 1897, p. 50 (Tlalkisala, Guerrero, S. W. Mexico) ; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 531. Range: Southwestern Mexico (States of Guerrero and Sinaloa). Antrostomus ridgwayi goldmani ( Nelson) . GOLDMAN'S WHIPPOORWILL. Antrostomus goldmani NELSON, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIII, 1899, p. 26 (near Mazatlan, Sinaloa, W. Mexico). Setochalcis ridgwayi goldmani OBERHOLSER, Bull. 86, U. S. Nat. Mus., 1914, p. 12. Range: Western Mexico (State of Sinaloa). Antrostomus saturatus Salvin. DUSKY WHIPPOORWILL. Antrostomus saturatus SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 203 (Volcan de Chiriqui, Panama) ; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, VI, 1914, p. 534. Caprimulgus saturatus HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 572. Range: Mountains of Costa Rica and western Panama. Genus NYCTIPHRYNUS Bonaparte. Nyctiphrynus Bonaparte, Revista Contemporanea, IX, 1857, p. 215 (Type Caprimulgus ocellatus Tschudi). Nyctiphrynus ocellatus (Tschudi). EYED NIGHT HAWK. Caprimulgus ocellatus TSCHUDI, Arch, fur Naturg., 1844, p. 268 (Peru) ; HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 578. Range: Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Paraguay, N. Argentine. Mr. Oberholser believes this to be inseparable from A. badius BANGS and PECK. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 135 Nyctiphrynus rosenbergi a (Hartert). ROSENBERG'S NIGHT HAWK. Caprimulgus rosenbergi HARTERT, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, V, 1895, p. 10 (western Colombia). Antrostomus rosenbergi CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 276 (Barbacoas, Colombia). Range: West Colombia and northern Ecuador. Genus ANTIURUS Ridgway. Antiurus Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 98 (Type Stenopsis maculicaudatus Lawrence). Antiurus maculicaudatus (Lawrence). SPOTTED-TAILED NIGHT HAWK. Stenopsis maculicaudatus LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., VII, 1862, p. 459 ("Para"). Caprimulgus maculicaudatus HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 575; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 367; HELLMAYR, Novit. Zool. XIV, 1907, P- 397- Antrostomus maculicaudatus SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, p. 586, pi. 46. Range: Brazil, Peru, Guiana and Colombia. Genus SETOPAGIS Ridgway. Setopagis Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 98 (Type Caprimulgus parvulus Gould). Setopagis parvulus (Gould). LITTLE NIGHTHAWK. Caprimulgus parvulus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1837, p. 22 (Santa Fe, Rio Parana, Argentina); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 574; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 381. Antrostomus parvulus SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1861, p. 138, pi. XIII; CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 267; GRANT, Ibis, 1911, p. 319. Range: Northern Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. Setopagis heterurus b Todd. SANTA MARTA LITTLE NIGHTHAWK. Setopagis heterurus TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVIII, 1915, p. 81 (La Tigrera, Santa Marta, Colombia). Range: North Colombia. Nyctiphrynus rosenbergi (HARTERT): Similar to N. ocellatus (TscHUDi), but distinguished at a glance by the presence of two rounded white marks on the longest rectrices; rectrices all tipped with white. b Setopagis heterurus TODD: Resembling S. parvulus (GOULD), but under parts less rufescent and male with white areas of wings and tail decidedly more extensive covering both webs of the terminal portion of the three outer pairs of rectrices. 136 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus NYGTIPOLUS Ridgway. Nyctipolus Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXV, 1912, p. 98 (Type Caprimul- gus nigrescens Cabanis). *Nyctipolus nigrescens (Cabanis). DARK NIGHTHAWK. Caprimulgus nigrescens CABANIS in Schomb. Reis. Guiana, III, 1848, p. 710 (Brit- ish Guiana) ; HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 572; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, 1, 1916, p. 369; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 3, 1906, pi. 46. Range: Guiana, north Brazil, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. 3: Colombia i; British Guiana 2. Nyctipolus whitelyi (Salvin). WHITELY'S NIGHTHAWK. Antrostomus whitelyi SALVIN, Ibis, 1885, p. 438 (Mt. Roraima, British Guiana). Caprimulgus whitelyi HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 573, pi. XII; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 368. ' Range: British Guiana. Nyctipolus hirundinaceus hirundinaceus (Spix).* SPIX'S NIGHTHAWK. Caprimulgus hirundinaceus SPIX, Av. Bras., II, 1825, p. 2, pi. Ill, Fig. I (Upper Amazon? probably southern Brazil); HELLMAYR, Abh. K. Bayer Akad. Wiss., Munchen, XXII, 1906, p. 636. Nyctipolus hirundinaceus OBERHOLSER, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 86, 1914, p. 97, in text. Nyctipolus hirundinaceus hirundinaceus CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 193, Zool. Ser., XII, 1917, p. 3. Range: Southern Brazil, Paraguay, N. Argentine. *Nyctipolus hirundinaceus crissalis (Cory). b BAHIA NIGHTHAWK. Caprimulgus hirundinaceus crissalis CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 182, Orn. Ser., I, No. 8, 1915, p. 301 (near Queimados, Rio de Peixe, Bahia, Brazil); Id., No. 193, Zool. Ser., 1917, p. 4, in text. Range: Southeastern Brazil, Prov. of Bahia. 3: Brazil (Queimados, Bahia), including the type. * Nyctipolus hirundinaceus hirundinaceus (Spix) : Outer webs of at least the two outer primaries (sometimes three) without white mark. Somewhat resembles Chordeiles acutipennis (Boon.), but aside from generic differences it may be dis- tinguished at a glance by the much shorter wing (wing of C. acutipennis is more than 150 mm.). Setopagis parvulus (GOULD) with which it has sometimes been confounded, may be distinguished at a glance from any of the forms of N. hirundi- naceus by its much darker plumage and the conspicuous black and white (sometimes black and buff) scapulars (see Hellmayr, i.e., Tab. 2). The pattern of the white markings on the primaries approaches nearest to that of N. h crissalis (CORY) but in parvulus these areas are much larger and two specimens from Matto Grosso (cf and 9 ) have two buff spots on the inner web of the outer primary instead of white ones. In addition to other characters males of S. parvulus have a patch of white on the ends of four outer tail feathers instead of on only the two outer feathers as in N. hirundinaceus (see Hellmayr, I.e., p. 637, illustrations). b Nyctipolus hirundinaceus crissalis CORY. Differs from N. h. hirundinaceus (Spix) in slightly different coloration and in having only the first outer primary without white mark. Wing, 118; tail, 86 mm. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 137 *Nyctipolus hirundinaceus cearae Cory* CEARA NIGHTHAWK. Nyctipolus hirundinaceus cearae CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 193, Zool. Ser., XII, No. I, 1917, p. 4 (Quixada, Ceara, Brazil). Range: Northeastern Brazil (Prov. of Ceara). 10 : Brazil (Quixada, Ceara, and Jua, Ceara). Four outer primaries of 1. Nyctipolus hirundinaceus hirundinaceus (SPix), from drawing and description of Spix's type given by Hellmayr (I.e.). 2. Nyctipolus h. crissalis (CORY). Shafts of feathers in white areas black. 3. Nyctipolus h. cearae CORY. Shafts of feathers in white areas white. Suborder CYPSELI. Family CYPSELIDJE. Swifts. Genus CHAETURA Stephens. Chaetura Stephens, Shaw's Gen. Zool., XIII, 1825, p. 76 (Hirundo pelagica Linn.). *Chaetura pelagica (Linn.). CHIMNEY SWIFT. [Hirundo] pelagica LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1758, p. 192 (Carolina, U. S. A.). Chaetura pelasgia AUDUBON, Bds. Am., Oct. ed., I, 1840, p. 164, pi. 44. Chaetura pelagica HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 480; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 717. Range: Eastern North America, north to south Labrador, Mani- toba and Alberta (and accidental in southern Greenland) , west to border Nyctipolus hirundinaceus cearae CORY. Similar to the male of N. h. crissalis (CORY), but the general plumage somewhat paler, the belly more rufous (especially in females), and the black bands on the lower belly narrower and less distinctly marked; all outer primaries with white band crossing both webs, the shafts of the feathers in the white areas being white. Wing, 120; tail, 90 mm. 138 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. of Plains in Montana, Dakota, New Mexico, etc., south to Florida and southeastern Texas, and in winter to southeastern Mexico and Guate- mala. fi4: Maine i; Massachusetts i; Illinois 2; Wisconsin 6; Texas 3; and Mexico (Puebla, Vera Cruz) i. *Chaetura richmondi Ridgway. RICHMOND'S SWIFT. Chaetura richmondi RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIII, 1910, p. 53 (Guayabo, Costa Rica); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 719- Range: Southeastern Mexico south to Costa Rica and western Panama (Chiriqui). 4: Guatemala 2; and Costa Rica 2. *Chaetura gaumeri Lawrence. GAUMER'S SWIFT. Chaetura gaumeri LAWRENCE, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., II, 1882, p. 245 (Yucatan); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 482, part; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 721. Range: Yucatan and Cozumel Island. 3: Yucatan (Cozumel Island). "Chaetura vauxii (Townsend). VAUX'S SWIFT. Cypselus vauxii TOWNSEND, Journ. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., VIII, 1839, p. 48 (Fort Vancouver, Colombia River, State of Washington). Chaetura vauxi HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 481. Chaetura vauxii RIDGWEY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 722. Range: Western North America, from southern Alaska, east to Montana and Nevada, south to Lower California and Mexico to Guate- mala; Honduras? 9: California 4; Mexico i; and Guatemala 4. *Chaetura acuta (GmeL). MARTINIQUE SWIFT. Hirundo acuta GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1789, p. 1023 (Martinique). Chaetura acuta HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 486, CORY; Cat. West Indian Birds, 1892, p. 106-143; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 724; NOBLE, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. LX, 1916, p. 378. Chaetura dominica CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 346; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 141. Range: Islands of Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Vincent and Santa Lucia, Lesser Antilles. 2: St. Lucia i; and Guadeloupe i. *Chaetura spinicauda (Temminck). SPINE-TAILED SWIFT. Hirundo spinicauda TEMMINCK, Catal. N. & Amlyst. Vog. Johan. Sonnenb. Galant, 1810, p. 13 (Cayenne). Chaetura spinicauda HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 483; RIDG- WAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 716, in key. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 139 Range: Venezuela, the Guianas, Trinidad to eastern and central Brazil. 2 : British Guiana. Chaetura andrei andrei* Berlepsch and Hartert. ANDRE'S SWIFT. Chaetura andrei BERLEPSCH and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 91 (Caicara, Cumana, Venezuela). Range: Venezuela (Rio Ornioco and Cumana). Chaetura andrei meridionalis b Hellmayr. SOUTHERN SWIFT. Chaetura andrei meridionalis HELLMAYR, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XIX, 1907, p. 63 (Prov. Santiago, Argentina); HARTERT and VENTURI, Nov. Zool., XVI, 1909, p. 224; DABBENE, An. Del Mus. Nat. Buenos Aires, XVIII, 1910, p. 422. Range: Argentina and north to central and eastern Brazil. Chaetura chapman! chapmani Hellmayr. CHAPMAN'S SWIFT. Chaetura chapmani HELLMAYR, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., XIX, 1907, p. 62 (Trinidad). Range : Trinidad and Cayenne. Chaetura chapmani viridipennis d Cherrie. MATTO GROSSO SWIFT. Chaetura chapmani viridipennis CHERRIE, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H. t XVII, 1916, p. 183 (Doze Octobes, Matto Grosso, Brazil). Range: Matto Grosso region, Brazil. *Chaetura cinereiventris cinereiventris Sclater. ASH- VENTED SWIFT. Chaetura cinereiventris SCLATER, Cat. Am. Bds., 1862, p. 283 (Brazil); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 485. Chaetura cinereiventris cinereiventris RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 716, in key. Range: Eastern Brazil, i: "Brazil." * Chaetura andrei andrei BERLEPSCH and HARTERT: Approaches C. cinereicauda (CASS.), but tail shorter (33 or less, instead of 40 or more) ; spines much shorter (bare- ly half as long) ; crown of head and back deep smoky brown (instead of black glossed with steel blue) ; breast and abdomen deeper smoky brown and throat lighter, show- ing a decided contrast between these parts, while in cinereicauda the under surface is nearly uniform. Wing, 114-117; tail, 30-32; spines of tail, 1-2 mm. b Chaetura andrei meridionalis HELLMAYR: Similar to C. andrei andrei BERL. & HART., but wings and tail much longer and bill larger. Wing, 128-135; tail, 39-42. e Chaetura chapmani chapmani HELLMAYR: Somewhat resembles C. pelagica (LiNN.) from the United States with similar elongated spines of the tail feathers, but differs in having the pileum and mantle glossed with steel blue (instead of sooty brown) ; the throat smoky brown like the rest of the under parts (not whitish) and rump and upper tail coverts rather paler. Wing, 120; tail, 48 mm. d Chaetura chapmani viridipennis CHERRIE: Similar to C. c. chapmani HELL- MAYR, but larger and differs in having the pileum, mantle and wings grossed with greenish (instead of steel blue). (Cherrie, I.e.). 140 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Chaetura cinereiventris sclateri 8 (Pelzeln). SCLATER'S SWIFT. Chaetura sclateri PELZELN, Orn. Bras., 1868, p. 56 (Borba). Chaetura cinereiventris sclateri HELLMAYR, Verb. Orn. Gesell Bayern, VIII, 1908, p. 157; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 716, in key; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 277 (Buena Vista, Colombia). Range: Eastern Peru, eastern Ecuador and central Brazil and Colombia (Buena Vista). Chaetura cinereiventris guianensis Hartert. GUIANA SWIFT. [Chaetura cinereiventris} Subsp. a Chaetura guianensis HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 486 (British Guiana). Range: British Guiana and Venezuela? Chaetura cinereiventris lawrencei (Ridgway). LAWRENCE'S SWIFT. Chaetura lawrencei RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVI, 1893, p. 43 (Grenada, Lesser Antilles). Chaetura cinereiventris lawrencei RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 727. Range: Islands of Grenada, Tobago, Trinidad and Margarita Island. Chaetura cinereiventris fumosa b (Salvin). SMOKY SWIFT. Chaetura fumosa SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 204 (Bugaba, Chiriqui, Panama); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 483. Chaetura cinereiventris fumosa RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, P- 725- Chaetura spinicauda fumosa BANGS, Proc. N. Eng. Zool. Club, IV, 1908, p. 25 (Costa Rica, crit.); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 277 (crit. Costa Rica and Colombia). Range: Southwestern Costa Rica to northern Colombia. Chaetura cinereiventris occidentalis c (Berl. and Tacz.). WESTERN SWIFT. Chaetura sclateri occidentalis BERLEPSCH and TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 569 (Chimbo, Ecuador). Chaetura cinereiventris occidentalis HELLMAYR, Verh. Orn. Gesell Bayern, VIII, 1908, p. 158; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 278 (Juntas de Tamana and central Andes, between Cartago and Salento, Colombia). Range: Western Ecuador to Colombia. * Chaetura cinereiventris sclateri (PELZ.): Nearest to C. c. cinereiventris SCLATER but lower part of belly, crissum and lower surface of tail feathers dark bluish ashy gray, similar to lower back and upper tail coverts. b Ridgway considers this to be a race of cinereiventris. I have seen no specimens. Chaetura cinereiventris occidentalis BERLEPSCH and TACZANOWSKI: Differs from C. c. sclateri (PELZ.) in duller coloration of abdomen and much longer wing and tail. Wing, 112; tail, 45 mm. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 141 Chaetura cinereiventris phaeopygos Hellmayr. GRAY-RUMPED SWIFT. Chaetura cinereiventris phaeopygos HELLMAYR, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XVI, 1906, p. 83 (Carrillo, east Costa Rica); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 728. Range: Eastern Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Chaetura egregia Todd* BOLIVIAN SWIFT. Chaetura egregia TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIX, 1916, p. 97 (Rio Surutu, Bolivia). Range: Bolivia. *Chaetura brachyura (Jardine). SHORT- TAILED SWIFT. Acanthylis brachyura JARDINE, Ann. & Mag. N. H., 1846, p. 120 (Tobago). Chaetura cinereicauda CASSIN, Proc. Ac. Sci. Phila., V, 1858, p. 58, pi. 13, Fig. 2. b Chaetura poliura CORY, Ibis, 1886, p. 473; Id., Cat. West Indian Birds, 1892, p. 1 06; HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 484. Chaetura brachyura CORY, Auk, 1888, p. 158; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 294; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 37; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 728. Range: Islands of St. Vincent, Grenada, West Indies, and Tobago, Trinidad, and Venezuela, Guiana, Brazil, east Peru and east Ecuador. 4: St. Vincent Island 3; "Brazil" i. Genus CYPSELOIDES Streubel. Cypseloides Streubel, Isis, 1848, p. 366 (Type Hemiprocne fumigata Streubel). Cypseloides rutilus ( Vieillot}. SHINING SWIFT. Hirundo rutila VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XIV, 1817, p. 528 (Guiana). Cypseloides rutilus HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 493; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 711, in key. Range: Guiana and Trinidad. "Cypseloides brunneitorques brunneitorques (Lajresnaye). CHEST- NUT-COLLARED SWIFT. Chaetura brunneitorques LAFRESNAYE, Rev. Zool., 1844, p. 81 (Colombia). Cypseloides brunneitorques HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 493. Chaetura egregia TODD: "Above, including wings and tail, glossy black, the lower back, rump and shorter upper tail coverts pale gray in abrupt contrast ; longer upper tail coverts darker gray; under parts plain grayish brown, the throat paler and more grayish, the under tail coverts almost Chaetura drab. Wing, 120; tail, 40 mm." (Todd, I.e.). b See Hellmayr, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XIX, 1907, p. 63. 142 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Cypseloides brunneitorques brunneitorques RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 712; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 278 (San Antonio; Quetame, Buena Vista, Colombia). Range: Southeastern Mexico, highlands of Guatemala and Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador to Peru, i: Peru (near Otuzco). Cypseloides brunneitorques griseifrons (Nelson). TEPIC CHESTNUT- COLLARED SWIFT. Cypselus brunneitorques griseifrons NELSON, Auk, 1900, p. 262 (Santa Teresat Tepic, W. Mexico). Cypseloides brunneitorques griseifrons RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 714. Range: Western Mexico (Tepic; Zacatacas; S. Durango). Cypseloides fumigatus (Streubel). STREUBEL'S SWIFT. Hemiprocne fumigata STREUBEL, Isis, 1848, p. 366 (Brazil). Cypseloides fumigatus HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 496; RIDG- WAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 711, in key. Range: Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, N. W. Argentine. Cypseloides senex (Temm.). TEMMINCK'S SWIFT. Cypselus senex TEMMINCK, PI. Col., 1826, IV, p. 397 (Brazil). Cypseloides senex HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 496; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 711, in key. Range: Brazil, Paraguay, N. Argentine. Cypseloides cherriei Ridgway. CHERRIE'S SWIFT. Cypseloides cherriei RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XVI, 1893, p. 44 (Volcan de Irazu, Costa Rica); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 714. Range: High Mountains of Costa Rica. Genus NEPHOECETES Baird. Nephocaetus Baird, Rep. Pacific R. R. Survey, IX, 1858, p. 142 (Type Hirundo nigra Gmelin). Nephoecetes (amendation) Baird, Rep. Pacific R. R. Survey, IX, 1858, pp. 29 and 922. *Nephoecetes niger niger (GmeL). BLACK SWIFT. Hirundo nigra GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1789, p. 1025 ex. Hirundo apus domini- censis BRISSON (San Domingo, Island of Haiti). Cypseloides niger SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1865, p. 615, part; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 345, part; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 140, part. Nephoecetes niger CORY, Bds. Haiti and San Domingo, 1885, p. 88, pi. 22. Nephoecetes niger niger RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 704; TODD, Ann. Carnegie Mus., X, 1916, p. 244 (Isle of Pines ?). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 143 Range: Haiti and San Domingo (Island of Haiti) and Cuba; Isle of Pines? fig: San Domingo (La Vega), Island of Haiti. *Nephoecetes niger jamaicensis Ridgivay). JAMAICAN BLACK SWIFT. Cypseloides niger jamaicensis RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIII, 1910, P- 53 (Mayfield, St. Andrews, Jamaica) ; WETMORE, U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Bull. No. 326, 1916, p. 74. Cypseloides niger CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 358, part; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 140, part; HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 494, part. Nephoecetes niger jamaicensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, P- 70S- ? Cypseloides nigra CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 375. Range: Jamaica, Porto Rico, i : Jamaica. *Nephoecetes niger guadeloupensis* subsp. nov. GUADELOUPE BLACK SWIFT. Range: Islands of Guadeloupe, Martinique? Dominica? St. Vin- cent? and British Guiana (Merume Mts.)? fis: Guadeloupe Island, including the type specimen. *Nephoecetes niger borealis (Kennerly). NORTHERN BLACK SWIFT. Cypselus borealis KENNERLY, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Phila., IX, 1857, p. 202 (Sim- iahmoo Bay, State of Washington, U. S. A.). Nephoecetes niger borealis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 707. Range: British Colombia and western United States (from Colo- rado, New Mexico, etc.) south in Mexico and to highlands of Guatemala and Honduras. i : Colorado. Nephoecetes niger costaricensis (Ridgway). COSTA RICAN BLACK SWIFT. Cypseloides niger costaricensis RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIII, 1910, p. 53 (San Jose, Costa Rica). Nephoecetes niger costaricensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 710. Range: Highlands of Costa Rica. Nephoecetes niger guadeloupensis CORY: Type from Guadeloupe Island, Lesser Antilles. Female, No. 14763, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by C. S. Winch, August n, 1890. Similar to N. n. jamaicensis (RIDGWAY) from Ja- maica, but averaging smaller and general color averaging darker. Wing, 144; tail, 63 (average of 8 specimens, wing, 145; tail, 6p). I have not seen specimens of the Black Swift recorded from Dominica, Martinique and St. Vincent, which are prob- ably this form, or from British Guiana (Merume Mts.) which may prove to be this or another form. 144 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus STREPTOPROCNE Oberholser. Streptoprocne OBERHOLSER, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1906, p. 69, in text (Type Hirundo zonaris Shaw). Streptoprocne zonaris zonaris (Shaw). COLLARED SWIFT. Hirundo zonaris SHAW in Miller's Cimel. Phys., 1796, p. 100, pi. 55 (no type locality given = Matto Grosso, Brazil).' Chaetura zonaris HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 476, part. Streptoprocne zonaris zonaris RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 697, in key. Chaetura zonaris zonaris HARTERT and VENTURI, Nov. Zool., XVI, 1909, p. 224. Range: Southern Brazil, northern Argentina; Bolivia? *Streptoprocne zonaris albicincta (Cabanis). NORTHERN COLLARED SWIFT. Hemiprocne albicincta CABANIS, Journ. fur Ornith., 1862, p. 165 (Guiana). Chaetura zonaris albicincta HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 36. Streptoprocne zonaris albicincta RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 697; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 277 (Numerous localities in Colombia). Range: Northern South America with Trinidad and Grenada to Costa Rica (except in higher altitudes in Colombia, Ecuador and Southward). 2 : Colombia. *Streptoprocne zonaris altissima b Chapman. COLOMBIAN COLLARED SWIFT. Streptoprocne zonaris altissima CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXIII, 1914, p. 604 (Laguneta, alt. 10,300 ft., near Quindio Pass, central Andes, Colombia) ; Id., XXXVI, 1917, p. 276 (Laguneta, Colombia). Range: Temperate zone in higher altitudes in Colombia, Ecuador and southward. i: "Colombia." *Streptoprocne zonaris mexicana Ridgivay. MEXICAN COLLARED SWIFT. Streptoprocne zonaris mexicana RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIII, 1910, p. 53 (Rio Seco, near Cordova, Vera Cruz, east Mexico). Type locality proposed by Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXIII, 1914, p. 605. b Streptoprocne zonaris altissima CHAPMAN: Size of S. z. zonaris (SHAW) from southern Brazil, but bill heavier and ridge of culmen more prominent; general color, particularly of the inner wing quills and wing coverts, greener; forehead averaging paler, the breast band broader with the terminal half rather than the terminal third, of its feathers white; edge of wing to primary coverts white; differs even more pro- nouncedly from 5. z. albicincta (CABANIS) in the characters and also in its larger size. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 145 Range: Southern Mexico, states of Vera Cruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas south through the highlands of Guatemala to British Honduras. 5: Guatemala (Tecpam). *Streptoprocne zonaris pallidifrons (Hartert). ANTILLEAN COLLARED SWIFT. Chaetura zonaris pallidifrons HARTERT, Ibis, 1896, p. 368 (Jamaica). Hemiprocne zonaris CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 346; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 141, part. Streptoprocne zonaris pallidifrons RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 701. Range: Islands of Jamaica, Cuba and Isle of Pines. 4: Jamaica. *Streptoprocne zonaris melanotis 8 Peters. SAN DOMINGO COLLARED SWIFT. Streptoprocne zonaris melanotis PETERS, Proc. N. E. Zool. Cl., VI, 1916, p. 37 (Sosua, Santo Domingo). Range: San Domingo, Island of Haiti, Greater Antilles, i : San Domingo. Streptoprocne semicollaris (Saussure). WHITE- NAPED SWIFT. Acanthylis semicollaris DE SAUSSURE, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., Ill, 1859, p. 117 (San Joaquin, near city of Mexico). Chaetura semicollaris HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 479. Streptoprocne semicollaris RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 702. Range: South-central Mexico (States of Mexico and Hidualago). *Streptoprocne biscutata Sclater. BISCUTELLATED SWIFT. Chaetura biscutata SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1865, p. 609, pi. 34 (Ypanema southeastern Brazil); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 479. Streptoprocne biscutata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 697, in key. Range: Southeast Brazil. i: South Brazil (Rio Grande). Genus REINARDA Hartert. Claudia Hartert, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 469 (Type Cypselus squa- matus Cassin). Reinarda Hartert, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., XXXVI, 1915, p. 7 (new name to replace Claudia, preoccupied). Streptoprocne zonaris melanotis PETERS: Similar to 5. z. pallidifrons (Hartert) from Jamaica and Cuba, but auricular and orbital regions and sides of the head much blacker (less sooty). Wing, 193; tail, 74 mm. 146 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Reinarda squamata (Cassin). FORK-TAILED PALM SWIFT. Cypselus squamata CASSIN, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Phila., VI, 1853, p. 369 (British Guiana); SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lend., 1865, p. 605, pi. 33. Claudia squamata HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 469. Range: Guiana, northern Brazil and eastern Peru. Genus TAGHORNIS Gosse. Tachornis Gosse, Bds. Jamaica, 1847, p. 58 (Type Tachornis phoenicobia Gosse). "Tachornis phoenicobia phoenicobia (Gosse). JAMAICAN PALM SWIFT. Tachornis phoenicobia GOSSE, Bds. Jamaica, 1847, p. 58 (Jamaica); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 468, part. Cypselus phoenicobius CORY, Bds. Haiti and San Domingo, 1885, p. 87, pi. 22, Fig. 12; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 139, part. Tachornis phoenicobia phoenicobia RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 191 1, p. 694. Range: Island of Jamaica and Island of Haiti and San Domingo. 5: Haiti and San Domingo 4; Jamaica i. *Tachornis phoenicobia yradii (Lembeye). CUBAN PALM SWIFT. Cypselus yradii LEMBEYE,* Aves de Cuba, 1850, p. 50, pi. 7, Fig. 4 (Cuba). Tachornis phoenicobia yradii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, P- 695- Tachornis iradii GUNDLACH, Journ. fur Ornith, 1860, p. 268. Range: Island of Cuba. i: Cuba (Parso Reale). Genus PANYPTILA Cabanis. Panyptila Cabanis Wiegm., Arch, fur Naturg., XIII, 1847, p. 345 (Type Hirundo cayanensis Gmel.). *Panyptila cayanensis (Gmelin). CAYENNE SWIFT. Hirundo cayanensis GMELIN, Syst. Nat., II, 1789, p. 1024 (Cayenne). Panyptila cayanensis HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 461; RIDG- WAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 691. Panyptila cayennensis RICHMOND, Auk, 1898, p. 7, pi. i. Range : The Guianas, Trinidad, Brazil (south to Bahia) , Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama north to Nicaragua. 2 : British Guiana. It is evident that yradii is a misprint as the bird was named for Sig. Iradi and the name appears, properly spelled, several times in the work. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 147 Panyptila sancti-hieronymi Salvin. SAN GERONIMO SWIFT. Panyptila sancti-hieronymi SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1863, p. 190 (San Geronimo, Vera Paz, Guatemala); HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 462; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 692. Range: Highlands of Guatemala. Genus AERONAUTES Hartert. Aeronautes Hartert, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 459 (Type Cypselus melanoleucus Baird). *Aeronautes melanoleucus (Baird). WHITE-THROATED SWIFT. Cypselus melanoleucus BAIRD, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., VII, 1854, P- IJ 8 (San Francisco Mts., Arizona). Aeronautes melanoleucus HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 459; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 687. Range: Western North America north to Washington and N. W. Alberta, east to South Dakota, western Nebraska, New Mexico, Colo- rado and western Texas, and south to Lower California and Mexico to Highlands of Guatemala. fn: Arizona (Huachuca Mts.) 10; California i. Genus MICROPUS Meyer & Wolf. Micropus Meyer and Wolf, Taschenb. Deutschl. Vog., I, 1810, p. 280 (Type Hirundo apus Linn.). Apus (not Aapos Scopili 1877) Scopili, Intr. Nat. Hist., 1777, p. 483 (Type H. apus Linn.). Micropus andicola andicola (d'Orb. and La/r.). ANDEAN SWIFT. Micropus andicolus D'ORBIGNY and LAFRESNAYE, Syn. Av., 1, 1837, p. 70 (La Paz, Bolivia); Id., d'Orb. Voy. Am., 1844, p. 358, pi. 42, Fig. 2. Micropus andicola HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 457. Range: Peru and Bolivia. Micropus andicola dinellii Hartert. DINELLI'S SWIFT. A pus andicolus dinellii HARTERT, Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl., XXIII, 1908, p. 43 (Angosta Perchela, Jujuy, Argentina); HARTERT and VENTURI, Nov. Zool., XVI, 1909, p. 223; DABBENE, Anal, del Mus. Nat. Buenos Aires, XVIII, 1910, p. 422. Range: Argentina. Micropus andicola dinellii HARTERT: Differs from M. a. andicola (D'ORB. & LAFR.) from Bolivia and Peru in having the under surface uniform grayish-cream color (instead of whitish) and the sides brownish black. 148 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Micropus montivagus (d'Orb.). D'ORBIGNY'S SWIFT. Cypselus montivagus D'ORBIGNY, Voy. Am. Mend., 1835-44, p. 357, pi. 42, Fig. i (Samaypata et Santa Cruz, Bolivia). Micropus montivagus HARTERT, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 458. Range: Mountains of Bolivia and Peru. Suborder TROCHILI. Family TROCHILID^. Humming Birds. Genus DORYFERA Gould. Doryfera (not Doryphora Illiger 1809) Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 95 (Type "Trochilus louise = Trochilus ludoviciae Bourcier and Mulsant). Hemistephania Reichenbach, Aufz. der Colib., 1854, P- 9 (Type Trochilus ludo- viciae Bourcier and Mulsant). *Doryfera johannae (Bourcier}. BLUE-FRONTED LANCE-BILL. Trochilus johannae BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 45 (Peru). Doryfera johannae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1853, pi. 87; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 378; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. ii. Doryfera euphrosinae MULSANT and VERREAUX, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 28, 1871, p. 319; TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1882, p. 35. Hemistephania johannae ELLIOT, Synop. Trochil., 1879, p. 80; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 40. Hemistephania guianensis BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, III, 1893, p. 10 (British Guiana). Range: Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Guiana. 4: Colombia 3; British Guiana i. *Doryfera ludoviciae ludoviciae (Bourc. and Muls.). GREEN-FRONTED LANCE-BILL. Trochilus ludoviciae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, X, 1847, p. 136 (Colombia). Doryfera ludoviciae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1853, pi. 88. Hemistephania ludoviciae ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, pi. 81; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 39. Doryfera ludoviciae ludoviciae CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917. p. 278 (Salento, Buena Vista, etc., Colombia). Range: Colombia, Venezuela and Andes of Bolivia.' 7 : Colombia. I have not seen specimens from Bolivia. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 149 Doryfera ludoviciae rectirostris Gould. LONG-BILLED LANCE-BILL. Doryfera rectirostris GOULD, Introd. Trochil., I, 1861, p. 71 (Ecuador). Hemistephania rectirostris SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 39. Hemistephania ludoviciae rectirostris HARTERT, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 44; Id., Das Tierreich Trochil, 1900, p. n. Range: Eastern Ecuador. *Doryfera veraguensis (Salvin). VERAGUAN LANCE-BILL. Dorifera veraguensis SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1867, p. 154 (Cordillera de Tote", Veragua, Panama). Doryfera veraguensis GOULD, Mon. Trochil. Suppl., 1883, pi. 22. Hemistephania veraguensis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 40; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 343. Range: Western Panama and Costa Rica. 3: Panama (Chiriqui) i; and Costa Rica (Coliblanca) 2. Genus ANDRODON Gould. Androdon Gould, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., XII, 1863, p. 247 (Type Androdon aequatorialis Gould). *Androdon aequatorialis Gould. ECUADORIAN TOOTH-BILL. Androdon aequatorialis GOULD, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., XII, 1863, p. 247 (Ecuador); Id., Mon. Trochil. Suppl., 1881, pi. i; ELLIOTT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 4; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 38; HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1176 (W. Colombia); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXVI, 1917, p. 279 (W. Colombia). Range: Western Ecuador and Colombia, i : Ecuador. Genus RHAMPHODON Lesson. Rhamphodon Lesson, Hist. Nat. Col., 1831, p. 18 (Type R. maculatum = Trochilus naevius Dumont). *Rhamphodon naevius Dumont. SAW-BILL. Trochilus naevius DUMONT, Diet. Sci. Nat., X, 1818, p. 55 (Mountains of Cor- covado, southeastern Brazil). Grypus ruficollis SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 79, pi. 80, Fig. 3. Grypus naevius GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1852, pi. i. Rhamphodon naevius SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 37; HELLMAYR, Verh. der Ornith. Gesell. Bayern, XII, 1915, p. 150. Range: Southeastern Brazil (Spirito Santo and Rio Janerio to Santa Catharina). 2 : Brazil. iSo FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus THRENETES Gould. Threnetes Gould, Mon. Trochil., pt. IV, 1852, pi. 13 (Type Trochilus leucurus Linn.). *Threnetes antoniae (Bourc. and Muls.). SOOTY BARBED-THROAT. Trochilus antoniae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sc. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, IX, 1846, p. 329 (Cayenne). Threnetes antoniae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1852, pi. 15; SALVCN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 266. Range: French Guiana, i : French Guiana. *Threnetes leucurus leucurus (Linn.). WHITE-TAILED BARBED- THROAT. Trochilus leucurus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 2, 1766, p. 190 ("America Meridionali ' ' = Surinam) . Threnetes leucurus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1852, pi. 13; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI., 1892, p. 264; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., 1910, p. 373; CHUBB, Bds. Brit., Guiana, I, 1916, p. 380. Range: Dutch Guiana, British Guiana and north Brazil (Teffe?). 2: "Colombia"? "Threnetes leucurus rufigastra Cory. b PERUVIAN BARBED-THROAT. Threnetes leucurus rufigastra CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 183, Orn. Ser. I, No. 9, 1 9 I 5 P 33 (Moyobamba, Peru). Range: Northern Peru, i : Peru (Moyobamba) the type. "Threnetes cervinicauda Gould. FAWN-TAILED BARBED-THROAT. Threnetes cervinicauda GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1854, P- IO 9 (Quijos, Ecuador); Id., Mon. Trochil., I, 1861, pi. 14; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 265; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 374. Range: East Ecuador,. Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, northeastern Brazil (Para?), i : Colombia. "Threnetes ruckeri ruckeri (Bourcier). RUCKER'S BARBED-THROAT. Trochilus ruckeri BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 46 (Locality un- known = Panama) . Clauds ruckeri GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1851, pi. n; Id., Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 3 (Veragua, Panama). a Type locality designated by Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. S. Am., 1, 1912, p. 105. b Threnetes leucurus rufigastra Cory: Similar to T. I. leucurus (Linn.) from Guiana, but differs in having the sides, flanks and abdomen decidedly more brownish buff and back more bronzy green. 1 designate Veragua, Panama, iQi8. CATALOGUE or BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 151 Threnetes ruckeri SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 265; RIDGWAY, BuU. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 336. Range: Panama and northwestern Colombia north to Nicaragua; Guatemala? 3 : Panama i ; Nicaragua 2. *Threnetes ruckeri fraseri (Gould). ERASER'S BARBED-THROAT. Clauds fraseri GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1861, pi. 12 (Esmeraldas, northwestern Ecuador). Threnetes frasert HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 493; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 266. Threnetes ruckeri fraseri HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1177; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 279 (Barbacoas, Colombia). Range: Ecuador and western Colombia. 2: Ecuador (Pambilor). Threnetes ruckeri venezuelensis Cory* VENEZUELAN BARBED-THROAT. Threnetes fraseri venezuelensis CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 167, Orn. Sen, I, No. 7, 1913, p. 286 (Orope, Zulia, Venezuela). Range : Low-forested region of western Venezuela, i : Venezuela (Orope) , the type. Threnetes longicauda Cory. b LONG-TAILED BARBED-THROAT. Threnetes longicauda CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 182, Orn. Ser., I, No. 8, 1915, p. 301 (Jua, near Iguatu, Ceara, Brazil). Range: Northeastern Brazil. i: Brazil (Jua, Ceara), the type. Genus GLAUCIS Boie. Glaucis Boie, Isis, 1831, p. 545 (Type Trochilus hirsutus Gmelin). *Glaucis hirsuta hirsuta (GmeL). HAIRY HERMIT. Trochilus hirsutus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 490 (Brazil). Glaucis hirsuta GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1861, pi. 5; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 41, part. Threnetes ruckeri venezuelensis (CORY) : Similar to Threnetes r. fraseri (GOULD) from Colombia, but slightly darker and having the upper parts golden-bronzy green (much less green than in fraseri) and the under parts averaging more buff y gray. b Threnetes longicauda CORY: Crown dull grayish brown, becoming rufous brown on the occiput and nape; upper parts dull grayish green mixed with glittering green (probably clear green in adult plumage) ; lores and ear coverts black; chin and middle of upper throat blackish; rest of throat ochraceous cinnamon buff; breast and under- parts grayish buff; wings purplish brown; tail much graduated and long; middle of tail feathers bronzy green with narrow white tips and a subterminal dusky area; four outer tail feathers bronzy green on basal portion for more than half their length and very broadly tipped with white; upper mandible black, lower mandible pale, the terminal part black. Wing, 48; middle tail feather, 48; outer tail feather 26 mm. 152 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Clauds mazeppa LESSON, Nat. Hist. Col., 1831, p. 18, pi. 3 (Guiana). Glaucis lanceolata GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1861, pi. 8 (Para). Glaucis rojaci BOUCARD, Gen. Hum. Bds., 1895, P- 364 (Caracas). Glaucis roraimae BOUCARD, Gen. Hum. Bds., 1895, p. 364 (Mt. Roraima). Glaucis hirsuta hirsuta RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 330; HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg., 1912, p. 136. Range: Venezuela, the Guianas and nearly the whole of Brazil. 6: Brazil 2; Venezuela i ; and British Guiana 3. *Glaucis hirsuta insularum a Hellmayr and Seilern. TRINIDAD HERMIT. Glaucis hirsuta insularum HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, II, 1913, No. 4, p. 316 (Caparo, Trinidad). Range: Islands of Trinidad, Tobago and Grenada. 8: Grenada, W. I. *Glaucis hirsuta fusca b Cory. DUSKY HAIRY HERMIT. Glaucis hirsuta fusca CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 167, Orn. Ser. I, No. 7, 1913, p. 286 (Orope, Zulia, western Venezuela). Range: Heavily forested low country, interior of western Vene- zuela. 2: Venezuela (Orope), including the type. *Glaucis hirsuta affinis (Lawrence). LESSER HAIRY HERMIT. Glaucis affinis LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VI, 1858, pp. 261-266 (Ecuador). Glaucis colombiana BOUCARD, Gen. Hum. Bds., 1895, p. 402 (Rio Dagua, W. Colombia). Glaucis melanura GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 304. Glaucis hirsuta affinis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 333. Range: Panama, south through Colombia (Santa Marta, Bogota, etc.) to Ecuador, eastern Peru and upper Rio Negro. 8: Peru (Moyobamba) 2; Ecuador i; Colombia 4; Panama i. Glaucis hirsuta aenea (Lawrence). BRONZY LEAST HERMIT. Glaucis aeneus LAWRENCE, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1867, p. 232 (Costa Rica). Glaucis hirsuta aenea HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1178, part; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 334. Range: Eastern Costa Rica and eastern Nicaragua. Glaucis dohrni (Bourc. and Muls.). DOHRN'S HERMIT. Trochilus dohrni BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sc. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, (2), IV, 1852, p. 139 (Ecuador = S. E. Brazil). Glaucis hirsuta insularum HELLMAYR & SEILERN: Similar to G. h. hirsuta (GMEL.), but larger. b Glaucis hirsuta fusca CORY: Similar to G. h. hirsuta (GMEL.), but green of upper parts darker and under parts much darker, less rufous and more dusky. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 153 Glaucis dohrni GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1861, pi. 10; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 43. Grypus spixi GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 304. G[laucis] dohrni HARTERT, Das Tierreich Troch., 1900, p. 15. Range: Southeastern Brazil. Genus PHAETHORNIS Swainson. Phaethornis Swainson, Zool. Journ., Ill, 1827, p. 357 (Type Trochilus super- ciliosus Linnaeus). *Phaethornis guyi guyi Lesson. GUY'S HERMIT. Trochilus guy LESSON, Hist. Nat. Troch., 1829, p. 119, pi. 44 (Venezuela). Phaethornis guyi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1852, pi. 26; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 268. Phaethornis guy (typicus) HARTERT, Das Tierreich Trochil., 1900, p. 19 (Monog). Phaethornis guyi guyi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 315, in key. Range: Venezuela and Trinidad. 3: Trinidad 2; and Venezuela ?i. *Phaethomis guyi coruscus Bangs. BANG'S HERMIT. Phaethornis guy coruscus BANGS, Proc. N. E. Zool. Club, III, 1902, p. 26 (Boquete Chiriqui, Panama). Phaethornis guyi coruscus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 317. Range: Panama and Costa Rica. 4 : Costa Rica. *Phaethornis guyi emiliae (Bourc. and Muls.). EMILY'S HERMIT. Trochilus emiliae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, IX, 1846, p. 317 (Bogota, Colombia). Phaethornis emiliae SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 368, part. Phaethornis guyi emiliae HARTERT, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 54; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 316, in key; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H. ,XXXVI, 1917, p. 281 (Colombia, several localities). Range: Colombia, Ecuador? Peru? 8: Colombia 6; Ecuador (from Boucard Coll.) i; and Venezuela ("Merida," from Boucard Coll.) i. *Phaethornis yaruqui yaruqui (Bourc.). YARUQUIAN HERMIT. Trochilus yaruqui BOUCIER, Comp. Rend., XXXII, 1851, p. 187 (Hot forested region near Yaruqui, western Ecuador). Phaethornis yaruqui GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1852, pi. 27; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 269; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 312. Range: Western Ecuador. 2: Ecuador (S. Javien). 154 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Phaethornis yaruqui sancti-johannis a Hellmayr. ST. JOHANNA'S HER- MIT. Phaethornis yaruqui sancti-johannis HELLMAYR, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XXVII, 1911, p. 92 (West Colombia); HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1178; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 281 (Western Colombia, several localities). Range: Lowlands of western Colombia. Phaethornis superciliosus superciliosus b (Linn.). GUIANA, HERMIT. Trochilus superciliosus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 12, 1766, p. 189 ("Cay- enne"). Polytmus cayanensis longicaudus BRISSON, Orn., Ill, 1760, p. 686, pi. 35, Fig. 5. Phaethornis fr aterculus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1861, pi. 18 ("Cayenne"); Id., Introd. Trochil., p. 42. Phaethornis guianensis BOUCARD, Humming Birds, I, 1891, p. 17 (British Guiana) . d Phaethornis superciliosus SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 270, part; CHUBB, Bds. British Guiana, I, 1916. Range: British Guiana, Venezuela, and northwestern Brazil; French Guiana? 3 : British Guiana 2 ; North Brazil (base of Serra da Lua Mts., near Boa Vista, Rio Branco) i. Phaethornis superciliosus moorei (Lawrence). MOORE'S HERMIT. Phaethornis moorei LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., VI, 1858, p. 258 (Ecuador). Phaethornis consobrinus (nom. nud.) (Bourcier, MS.) REICHENBACH, Aufz. d. Colib., 1853, p. 17. * Phaethornis yaruqui sancti-johannis HELLMAYR: According to Hellmayr it differs from P. y. yaruqui (BoyRC.) in having shorter bill, broader and darker post- ocular and malar streaks, median throat stripe wider and confluent with the smoke- gray abdomen, which is only slightly spotted with metallic green; whereas in P. y. yaruqui the under parts are largely metallic green and the throat with a median stripe of sooty blackish. Chapman (I.e.) states that it differs chiefly in its grayer under parts. b As stated by Hartert (Nov. Zool., IV, 1897, p. 29) Phaethornis superciliosus (LiNN.) based upon Polytmus cayanensis longicaudus BRISSON clearly refers to the smaller bird with tawny and buff colored throat and breast, having a distinctly marked throat and bill about l> inches long (slightly less according to Brisson). Audebert and Vieillot, 1802, figured a bird with larger and longer bill; dusky marked throat, and more grayish under parts (which was later described by Nordmann as malaris) evidently supposing it to superciliosus LINN, and he was followed by Lesson, 1831, and later by Gould. Gould evidently supposing that Nordmann had merely redescribed superciliosus and having specimens from "Guiana," which were quite different, again described the smaller and more buffy bird as fraterculus. 1 strongly suspect that the type of P. superciliosus LINN, came from British Guiana. d I have examined specimens identified as guianensis by Boucard. e Phaethornis superciliosus moorei (LAWR.) : Differs from P. s. superciliosus (LiNN.) from Guiana, in smaller size; bill shorter and more slender; gular stripe more distinct; under parts less rufescent. ipi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 155 Phaethornis f rater culus moorei CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 281 (La Morilia; Florencia; S. E. Colombia). P[haethornis] superciliosus moorei HARTERT, Das Tierreich Trochil., 1900, p. 20. Range: Eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru and southeastern Colombia. i: "Colombia." Phaethornis superciliosus ochraceiventris" (Hellmayr). OCHRE- VENTED HERMIT. Phaethornis affinis ochraceiventris HELLMAYR, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XI, 1907, p. 54 (Humaytha, on left bank of the Rio Madeira, western Brazil). Phaethornis ochraceiventris HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 393; Id., XVII, 1910, p. 373- Range: Madeira Valley and upper Amazon region, western Brazil. Phaethornis malaris malaris b Nordmann. NORDMANN'S HERMIT. Trochilus malaris NORDMANN, Erman's Reise, 1835, p. 2-16 (Cayenne). Phaethornis malaris HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IV, 1897, p. 529, crit; Id., Das Tierreich Trochil, 1900, p. 26. Trochilus superciliosus AUDERBERT and VIEILLOT, Ois. Dor., 1802, i, pi. 17; LESSON, Hist. Nat. Col., 1830-31, p. 35, pi. 6. Phaethornis superciliosus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., 1858, I, pi. 17. Range: French Guiana, i : Cayenne. Phaethornis malaris mulleri (Hellmayr). MULLER'S HERMIT. Phaethornis superciliosus mulleri HELLMAYR, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XXVII, 1911, p. 93 (Peixe-Boi, near Para, northeastern Brazil). P. affinis moorei (errore) HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 374 (S. Antonio do Prata, Para). Range: Northeastern Brazil. *Phaethomis longirostirs longirostris (Delattre). GUATEMALAN HER- MIT. Ornismya longirostris DELATTRE, Echo de Monde Savante, No. 45, 1843, Col. 1070 (Guatemala). Phaethornis cephalus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1861, pi. 19, part (Guatemala). Phaethornis longirostris SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 273, part. Phaethornis superciliosus ochraceiventris HELLMAYR: Nearest to P. s. moorei LAWR., but differs in having the whole lower surface from the fore neck to under tail coverts deep ochraceous buff and the apical margins of the four outer rectrices pale cinnamon (not buff) ; under tail coverts ochraceous. b Phaethornis malaris (NORDMANN): Differs from P. superciliosus in larger size; much darker chin and upper throat; decidedly longer bill and more grayish under parts. c Phaethornis malaris mulleri (HELLMAYR) : Approaches P. s. moorei, but differs in having the median throat stripe more clearly defined and whitish buff; and the foreneck and breast grayish (not buff) ; the abdomen and edges of feathers on rump and the upper tail coverts paler buff. 156 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Phaethornis longirostris longirostris RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 319. Range: Guatemala to northern Honduras. 3: Guatemala. *Phaethornis longirostris cephalus (Bourc. and Muls.}. NICARAGUAN HERMIT. Trochilus cephalus BOURCIER and MULSANT, Rev. Zool., 1848, p. 269 (Rio San Juan, Nicaragua). Phaethornis longirostris cephalus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 321. Phaethornis panamensis BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, II, 1892, p. 83 (Panama). Range: Southern Honduras to Panama. 5: Nicaragua 2; Costa Rica 3. Phaethornis longirostirs veraecrucis Ridgway. VERA CRUZ HERMIT. Phaethornis longirostris veraecrucis RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIII, 1910, p. 54 (Buena Vista, Vera Cruz, Mexico); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 191 1, p. 323. Range: Southeastern Mexico (Vera Cruz, eastern Oaxaca, Tobasco, etc.). Phaethornis longirostris mexicanus (Harteri). GUERRERO HERMIT. Phaethornis mexicanus HARTERT, Ibis, 1897, p. 425 (Dos Arroyos, near Chil- pancingo, Guerrero, southwestern Mexico). Phaethornis longirostris mexicanus OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 312, in text; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 323. Range: Southwestern Mexico (states of Guerrero and western Oaxaca). Phaethornis longirostris susurrus Bangs. SANTA MARTA HERMIT. Phaethornis longirostris susurrus BANGS, Proc. N. E. Zool. Club, II, 1901, p. 64 (Chiru Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia). Phaethornis susurrus BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 107, No. 1013. Range: Colombia. / Phaethornis longirostris baroni b Hartert. BARON'S HERMIT. Phaethornis baroni HARTERT, Ibis, 1897, p. 426 (Naranjal, Rio Pescado, western Ecuador). a Phaethornis longirostris susurrus BANGS: Differs from P. I. longirostris (DELATTRE) in being larger with longer bill and wing; gular stripe wider and strong buffy yellow (not pale buff) ; malar stripe buff yellow and the dusky areas between the gular and malar stripes much less marked, the whole throat being strongly buff yellow; shorter rectrices more deeply tipped with buff. b Phaethornis longirostris baroni HARTERT: Differs from P. I. longirostris (DE- LATTRE) in its shorter wings and tail and having tips of outer rectrices bordered with pure white; abdomen paler and not so buff; under tail coverts almost pure white; wing, about 58; tail, about 63 mm. iQi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 157 Phaethornis longirostris baroni OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, pp. 312-313, in text. Range: Western Ecuador. Phaethornis longirostris bolivianus Gould. BOLIVIAN HERMIT. Phaethornis boliviano GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 42 (Bolivia). Phaethornis bolivianus SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 273. Phaethornis longirostris bolivianus OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 313, in text. Range: Bolivia; Peru? Phaethornis fuliginosus* Simon. SOOTY HERMIT. Phaethornis fuliginosus SIMON, Proc. Ill, Intern. Congress Orn. Paris, 1901, p. 201 (Colombia); ORNIS, XI, 1901, p. 201. Range: Colombia. Phaethornis fumosus b (Schliiter). SCHLUTER'S HERMIT. Phaetornis fuliginosus (nee. Simon, 1901) SCHLUTER, Falco, Halle, IX, 1913, No. 2, p. 32 (Colobia, Bogota?). Phaetornis fumosus SCHLUTER (new name for P. fuliginosus Schluter, pre- occupied) FALCO, Halle, XI, 1915, p. 21. Range: Colombia. Phaethornis hispidus hispidus Gould. D'OSERY'S HERMIT. Trochilus hispidus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, p. 90 ("Peru?" errore = Bolivia). Phaethornis hispidus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1852, pi. 22; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 273; BERLEPSCH and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 81; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 394. Phaethornis hispidus hispidus HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 373. Range: Bolivia, Peru and western Brazil. 8 Phaethornis fuliginosus SIMON: Somewhat resembles Phaethornis anthrophilus (BouRC.), but differs in having the entire throat and chin blackish with the feathers very delicately bordered by obscure gray, the breast becoming gradually paler and the abdomen whiter, tinged with faun (without grayish); the head lacks the clear bands above and below the eye, but with a mark of black on each side of the eye, which is more intense than the black of the throat; two outer rectrices on each side entirely black (not bordered with white). Wing, 58; middle rectrices, 50; bill, 34.5 mm. b Phaethornis fumosus (SCHLUTER) : Upper parts dark bronze green, clouded with grayish borders to the feathers; upper tail coverts copper bronze green; top of head gray, slightly metallic; under parts uniform "rufbraun-grau," slightly metallic; under tail coverts more strongly metallic; a brownish black streak under and behind the eye; middle pair (longest) tail feathers dark bronze green with extensive clear gray tips; the next pair bronze green at bases, then blackish gray with grayish tips; rest of tail feathers similar but without the extensive gray tips. Wing, 61; tail, 75; bill, 31 mm. The characters given for the under parts distinguish it from all known species of the genus. (See translation of original description). 158 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Phaethornis hispidus oseryi a (Bourder and Mulsant). LAWRENCE'S HERMIT. Trochilus oseryi BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, (2), IV, 1852 ,p. 139 (Pastoza, Ecuador). Phaethornis villosus LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., VI, 1858, p. 258 (Ecuador). 1 * P[haethornis] hispidus villosus HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 374, in text. Phaethornis hispidus oseryi CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 282, crit. Range: Ecuador, Venezuela and Colombia. 2: "Colombia." *Phaethornis syrmatophorus syrmatophorus Gould. TRAIN-BEARING HERMIT. Phaethornis syrmatophorus GOULD, Contr. Orn., 1851, p. 139 (Quito, Ecuador); Id., Mon. Trochil., I, 1852, pi. 20; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 274, part. Phaethornis syrmatophorus syrmatophorus HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1179; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 282. Phaethornis berlepshi HARTERT, Nov, Zool., 1894, p. 56. Range: West Ecuador yand west Colombia, i : Colombia? Phaethornis syrmatophorus columbianus Boucard. COLOMBIAN HERMIT. Phaethornis columbianus BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, I, 1891, p. 17 (Bogota, Colombia). P[haethornis]s. columbianus HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1180, in text. Phaethornis syrmatophorus columbianus CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus., N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 282 (La Palma, Colombia). Range: Eastern Ecuador and eastern Colombia. *Phaethornis anthophilus anthophilus (Bourc.). PALLED HERMIT. Trochilus anthophilus BOURC., Rev. Zool., VI, 1843, p. 71 (Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia). According to Chapman (I.e.) Phaethornis h. villosus LAWRENCE (Napo) is a synonym of P. h. oseryi (BOURC. & MULS.) (Pastoya) and the race differs from P. hispidus hispidus GOULD from Bolivia in "smaller size and somewhat paler under parts." b Phaethornis hispidus villosus (LAWRENCE) : Described by Lawrence as differing from P. h. hispidus GOULD chiefly in having the edges to the upper tail coverts and feathers of the rump buff, not hoary or whitish as in adults of P. h. hispidus. Phaethornis syrmatophorus columbianus BOUCARD : Differs from P. s. syrma- tophorus GOULD in having the malar streak and a stripe down middle of under parts white (not with white stripe restricted to the throat, the malar streak buff, and the rest of the under parts ochraceous buff as in typical P. s. syrmatophorus) ; the rump and upper tail coverts also differ in being uniform ochraceous buff. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 159 Phaethornis anthophilus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1854, pi. 24; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 275; HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch. fur. Naturg., 1912, p. 137; BANGS, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XII, 1898, p. 135 (Santa Marta). Phaethornis antkophilus anthophilus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50,, V, 1911, p. 316, in key. Range: North and central Colombia and Venezuela. 6 : Colombia. Phaethornis anthophilus hyalinus (Bangs}. ISLAND HERMIT. Phaethornis hyalinus BANGS, Auk, 1901, p. 27 (San Miguel Island, Bay of Panama). Phaethornis anthophilus hyalinus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 191 1, p. 324. Range: San Miguel Island, Bay of Panama. *Phaethornis anthophilus fuscicapillus* Cory. DARKED-CROWNED HERMIT. Phaethornis anthophilus fuscicapillus CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 167, Orn. Ser., I, No. 7, 1913, p. 288 (Orope, Zulia, western Venezuela). Range: Low-heavily forested region south of Lake Maracaibo, western Venezuela. 5: (Including the type) Venezuela (Orope 3, La Braca, Tachira i); and Colombia (Cucuta, near Venezuelan line) i. b *Phaethornis eurynome (Lesson). BRAZILIAN HERMIT. Trochilus eurynome LESSON, Hist. Nat. Troch., 1831, p. 91, pi. 31 (Brazil). Phaethornis eurynome GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1849, pi. 16; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 276; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 17. Range: Southern Brazil, Paraguay, N. E. Argentine. i: "Brazil." *Phaethornis squalidus (Temm.). MEDIUM HERMIT. Trochilus squalidus TEMMINCK, PI. Col., IV, 1824, p. 120, Fig. I (Brazil). Phaethornis intermedius GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1853, p. 30. Phaethornis squalidus ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 17; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 276; HELLMAYR, Verh. der Ornith. Gesell. Bayern, XII, 1915, P- ISO. Range: Southeastern Brazil. i: "Brazil." Phaethornis anthophilus fuscicapillus CORY: Similar to P. anthophilus antho- philus (BouRC.) but crown darker (blackish brown); throat streaks darker and heavier; breast darker; back darker green and tips of the feathers on lower back and rump more rufous buff. b The specimen from Cucuta is not typical and appears to be intermediate between A . a. anthophilus and P. a. fuscicapillus. 160 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Phaethornis subochraceous" Todd. BOLIVIAN HERMIT. Phaethornis subochraceous TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVIII, 1915, p. 170, (Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia). Range: Bolivia. Phaethornis gounellei b Boucard. GOUNELL'S HERMIT. Phaethornis gounellei BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, I, 1891, p. 17 ("Brazilia"). P[haethornis] gounellei HARTERT, Ibis, 1897, p. 427, in text. Range: Eastern Brazil. *Phaethornis augusti (Bourc.). SALLE'S HERMIT. Trochilus augusti BOURCIER, Ann. Sc. Phys. et Nat .Lyon, X, 1847, p. 623 (Caracas, Venezuela). Phaethornis augusti GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1854, pi. 29; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 14; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 277; HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg., 1912, p. 138, in text; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 384. Range: Colombia, Venezuela and British Guiana. 7: Venezuela 5; British Guiana 2. *Phaethornis pretrii (Less, and Delatf). PRETRE'S HERMIT. Trochilus pretrii LESSON and DELATTRE, Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 20 (Minas Geraes, Brazil). Trochilus superciliosus (not of Linnaeus) WIED, Beitr. Naturg. Bras., 4, I, 1832, p. n6(Bahia). Phaethornis affinis PELZELN, Sitzungsher. Acad. Wien., XX, 1856, p. 157 (new name for T. superciliosus Wied). Phaethornis pretrii GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1854, pi. 28; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 277. Phaethornis superciliosus BURM., Syst. Ueb., II, p. 323. Range: Central and eastern Brazil. 2: Brazil (Rio Preto, Bahia i, "Brazil" i). Phaethornis bourcieri (Lesson). BOURCIER'S HERMIT. Trochilus bourcieri LESSON, Hist. Nat. Trochil., 1832, p. 62, pi. 18 ("Bresil"). Phaethornis bourcieri GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1853, pi- 2 5> SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 278; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 385. Range: Northern Brazil, Guiana, Ecuador and Peru, i: British Guiana (Merume Mts.). Phaethornis subochraceous TODD: "Somewhat resembling Phaethornis squalidus (TEMM.), but more cinnamomeus below and rectrices with white tips." (Todd, I.e.). b Phaethornis gounelli BOUCARD: "Head dark brown; back, bronze green; central rectrices, rather long, bronze green tipped with white; under surface, throat and breast, pale buff with black line in the middle of the chin; abdomen gray; flanks, rufous; all the feathers of the tail, bronze green, black and white in about the same proportions; wings, purple brown; bill, black, curved. Wing, 2 inches; bill, i inch, tail, 2 inches." (Boucard, I.e.). CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 161 Phaethornis philippi (Bourc.). DE PHILIPPI'S HERMIT. Trochilus philippii BOURCIER, Ann. Sc. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, X, 1847, p. 623 (Bolivia). Phaethornis philippii GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1853, pi. 21; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 12; SAL VIM, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 279; HELL- MAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 374; Id., XIV, 1907, pp. 74, 394; SNETH- LAGE, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 190 (Rio Purus). Range: Bolivia, eastern Peru and northwestern Brazil. *Phaethornis rupurumi rupurumi Boucard. Bou CARD'S HERMIT. Phaethornis rupurumii BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, II, 1892, p. i (Rupurumi River, British Guiana); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 663; BERLEPSCH and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 81; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 385. Range: British Guiana and Orinoco Region, Venezuela, and extreme northern Brazil in upper Rio Branco region. 5 : Brazil (Base of Serra da Lua, near Boa Vista, Upper Rio Branco) 4; and British Guiana (Rupurumi River) i ; (this specimen is labelled in Boucard's handwriting "Type of species"). Phaethornis rupurumi amazonicus" Hellniayr. SANTAREM HERMIT. Phaethornis rupurumi amazonicus HELLMAYR, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XVI, 1906, p. 82 (Itartuba, near Santarem, Lower Amazon, Brazil); SNETHLAGE, Bol, Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 191 (Rio Tapajoz, Arunduba, Monte Alegre, etc.). Range: Northeastern Brazil. *Phaethornis griseogularis (Gould). GRAY-THROATED HERMIT. Phaethornis griseogularis GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1851, p. 115 (Colombia). Id., Mon. Trochil., I, 1851, pi. 36; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 18; OBER- HOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 313. Pygmornis griseogularis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 280. Range: Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. 2 specimens: Colombia. *Phaethornis striigularis striigularis Gould. STRIPE-THROATED HERMIT. Phaethornis striigularis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., 1, 1854, pi. 37 (Bogota, Colombia). Pygmornis striigularis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 281. Pygmornis amaura GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1859, pi. 32. Phaethornis striigularis striigularis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 327; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 283 (Honda and Puerto Valdivia, Colombia). Range: Colombia; western Venezuela? 2: "Colombia." Phaethornis rupurumi amazonicus HELLMAYR: Differs from P. r. rupurumi in having under tail coverts buff (not white) and three outer rectrices edged with bright cinnamon rufous (not white); under parts more buffy and malar and superciliary stripes brighter. 162 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Phaethornis striigularis subrufescens 8 Chapman. CHAPMAN'S STRIPE- THROATED HERMIT. Phaethornis strigularis subrufescens CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 283 (Barbacoas, Narino, Colombia). Range : Humid tropical zone of the Pacific coast region of Colombia and Ecuador. Phaethornis striigularis atrimentalis b Lawrence. ECUADORIAN STRIPE- THROATED HERMIT. Phaethornis atrimentalis LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VI, 1858, p. 260 (between head waters of the Rio Napo and Quito Ecuador). Phaethornis striigularis atrimentalis OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 313; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 317, in key. Range: Western Ecuador; east Peru? Phaethornis striigularis ignobilis Todd. VENEZUELAN STRIPE- THROATED HERMIT. Phaethornis striigularis ignobilis TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVI, 1913, p. 173 (Las Quiguas, Venezuela. Range: Venezuela (region of Las Quiguas). *Phaethornis adolphi adolphi Gould. BOUCARD'S HERMIT. Phaethornis adolphi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., XIV, 1857 (Vol. I, 1 86 1), pi. 35 and text (Cordova, Vera Cruz, Mexico); SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1856, p. 287 (nomen nudum). Pygmornis adolphi SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 282, part. Phaethornis adolphi adolphi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 324. Range: Southeastern Mexico, i: Mexico (Cordova). *Phaethornis adolphi saturatus Ridgway. DUSKY HERMIT. Phaethornis adolphi saturatus RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIII, 1910, p. 54 (El Hogar, eastern Costa Rica); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50,, V, 1911, p. 326. Range: Guatemala to western Panama. 9 : Costa Rica 4; Panama i ; Nicaragua 2 ; and Guatemala 2. Phaethornis striigularis subrufescens CHAPMAN: "Similar to P. s. striigularis GOULD, but smaller, with a shorter bill; under parts more rufescent, the throat more uniform and less streaked." (Chapman, I.e.). b According to Chapman (Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 283) this bird is more nearly allied to longuemareus than to striigularis. From lack of speci- mens I am unable to determine its proper status. Phaethornis striigularis ignobilis TODD: Similar to P. s. striigularis GOULD, but throat more uniform, under parts paler, and rectrices with broader white edges and tips, the edgings of the outer rectrices more buffy and the hind neck and rump paler cinnamomeous. CATALOGUE or BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 163 Phaethornis adolphi fraterculus Nelson* CANA HERMIT. Phaethornis adolphi fraterculus NELSON, Smith. Misc. Coll., Vol. 60, 1913, Pub. No. 2143, p. 9 (Cana, eastern Panama). Range: Eastern Panama. Phaethornis longuemareus (Lesson). LONGUEMARE'S HERMIT. Trochilus longuemareus LESSON, Hist. Nat. Trochil., pp. 15, 160, pis. 2, 62 (Cayenne). Phaethornis longuemareus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1857, pi. 31; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 18; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 386. Pygmornis longuemarei SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 386. Range: Guiana and Trinidad. 2: Guiana i; and Trinidad i. Phaethornis riojae b Berlepsch. PERUVIAN HERMIT. Phaethornis riojae BERLEPSCH, Ibis, 1889, p. 182 (Rioja, Peru). P[haethornis] riojae HARTERT, Ibis, 1897, p. 428, in text. Range: North Peru and eastern Ecuador. Phaethornis nattereri Berlepsch. NATTERER'S HERMIT. Phaethornis nattereri BERLEPSCH, Ibis, 1887, p. 289 (Matto Grosso, Brazil); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 278. Phaethornis chapadensis ALLEN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., 1893, P- I22 (Chapada, Matto Grosso). P[haethornis] nattereri HARTERT, Ibis, 1897, p. 428, in text. Range: Central Brazil. Phaethornis apheles" Heine. HEINI'S HERMIT. Phaethornis apheles HEINE, Journ. fur Ornith., 1884, p. 235 (Peru). P[haethornis] apheles HARTERT, Ibis, 1897, p. 427, in text. Range: Northern Peru. Phaethornis idaliae (Bourc. and Muls.). OBSCURE HERMIT. Trochilus idaliae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Linn. Lyon (2), III, 1856, p. 187 ("1'interieur du Bre'sil"). 1 Phaethornis viridicaudata GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1858, pi. 33 d . Phaethornis adolphi fraterculus NELSON: Near P. a. saturatus RIDGWAY, but darker above and below; crown more sooty brownish; upper tail coverts darker and more chestnut and light tips of tail feathers narrower. b Phaethornis riojae BERLEPSCH: Approaches P. striigularis GOULD, but larger size, blacker throat and deeper fulvous abdomen. It also differs in having a tuft of greenish black feathers in the middle of the breast as in P. pygmaeus ( = ruber) and its allies, which is absent in P. striigularis. Phaethornis apheles HEINE: Approaches P. nattereri BERLEPSCH, but differs in its broad deep black subapical band on the outer rectrices and shorter wings. d Phaethornis viridicaudata GOULD: Supposed to be the female of P. idaliae. Hartert, however considers it to be a distinct species (Ibis, 1897, p. 428, in text). 164 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Phaethornis obscura GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1857, p. 14; Id., Mon. Trochil., I, 1851, pi. 38. Pygmornis idaliae SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 284. Phaethornis idaliae HELLMAYR, Verb, der Ornith. Gesell. Bayern, XII, 1915, p. 151. Range: Central and southern Brazil. *Phaethornis ruber ruber (Linn.). RED- VENTED HERMIT. Trochilus ruber LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., loth ed, 1758, p. 121 (Surinam). Pygmornis pygmaeus SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 285. Phaethornis pygmaeus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1852, pi. 41, and of authors. Trochilus rufigaster VEILLOT, Tabl. Enc. Meth., 1822, p. 551. Phaethornis rufigaster HARTERT, Thierr. p. 27, VI, 1904, p. 356 (Sao Paulo). Phaethornis ruber ruber HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 375; Id., Nov. Zool. XVII, 1910, p. 374; Id., 1907, p. 75. Phaethornis ruber CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 387. Range: French Guiana, Brazil and eastern Bolivia. 3: "Brazil" i; and Surinam (near Paramaribo) 2. *Phaethomis ruber episcopus Gould. BISHOP HERMIT. Phaethornis episcopus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1857, p. 14 (Demerara, British Guiana). Pygmornis episcopus SALVIN and ELLIOT, Ibis, 1873, p. 274; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 284; HARTERT, Ibis, 1897, p. 428, in text. Eremita whitelyi BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Birds, 39 p. 390. Phaethornis ruber episcopus HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1916, p. 375, in text; Id., 1907, p. 75- Phaethornis caurensis SIMON et DELMAR, Ornis, XI, 1901, p. 208 (Caura River, Ven.). Range: British Guiana and Venezuela, i : British Guiana. Phaethornis ruber longipennis (Berl. and Stolz.)* LONG- WINGED HERMIT. Phaethornis rufigaster longipennis BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1902, p. 19 (Chunchamayo, Peru); HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, P- 95- Range : Central Peru. Phaethornis ruber nigricinctus Lawrence. BLACK-BANDED HERMIT. Phaethornis nigricinctus LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VI, 1858, p. 260 (Ecuador); GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1859, pi. 39. Pygmornis nigricinctus SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 286. P[haethornis] nigricinctus HARTERT, Ibis, 1897, p. 429, in text. Phaethornis ruber nigricinctus HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 75. Range: Eastern Ecuador and northeastern Peru. Phaethornis ruber longipennis BERL. & STOLZ.: Similar to P. r. ruber (LiNN.), but differs in its much longer bill, which averages more than 41 mm., while that of P. r. ruber averages less than 37 mm. iQi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 165 Phaethornis stuarti Hartert. STUART'S HERMIT. Phaethornis stuarti HARTERT, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, VI, 1897, p. 39 (Salinas, Beni River, eastern Bolivia); Id., Ibis, 1897, p. 442. Range: Eastern Bolivia. Genus EUTOXERES Reichenbach. Eutoxeres Reichenbach, Av. Syst. Nat., 1849, p. 40 (Type Trochilus aquil Bourcier). *Eutoxeres condaminii condaminii (Bourc.). CONDAMINE'S SICKLE- BILL. Trochilus condaminii BOURCIER, Compt. Rend., XXXII, 1851, p. 187 (Archidona eastern Ecuador). Eutoxeres condaminii GOULD, Mon. Trochil., I, 1851, pi. 4; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Bit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 263, part; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 284 (La Morelia, Colombia). Eutoxeres condamini RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 312, in key. Range: Eastern slope of the Andes Ecuador; Colombia (Morelia). i : Ecuador. Eutoxeres condamini gracilis b Berlepsch and Stolzman. PERUVIAN SICKLE-BILL. Eutoxeres condamini gracilis BERLEPSCH and STOLZMAN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1902, p. 19 (Vitoc, Garita del Sol, central Peru). Eutoxeres gracilis BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 109. Range: Central Peru. *Eutoxeres aquila aquila (Bourc.). COMMON SICKLE-BILL. Trochilus aquila BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 42 (Bogota, Colom- bia). Eutoxeres aquila VERREAUX, Hist. Nat. Ois. Mouch., I, 1873, p. 27, pi. i; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 261; HARTERT, Nov. Zool., 1, 1894, p. 53. Eutoxeres aquila aquila RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50,, V, 1911, p. 311, in key; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 284 (La Palma, Buena Vista, Colombia). Range: Eastern and central Colombia and eastern Ecuador. 2: Colombia i; and Ecuador i. Phaethornis stuarti HARTERT: Approaches the group represented by P. r. ruber (LiNN.) and races, but differs in its larger size (wing about 41 mm. and central rectrices 38 to 39 mm.) and having broad white tips to the rectrices. From P. riojae BERLEPSCH it may be distinguished by the absence of black on the chin. b Eutoxeres condamini gracilis BERL. & STOLZ., Differs from E. c. condamini (BouRC.) from Ecuador in having the bill shorter and more slender; fulvous stripe on throat and breast larger and becoming whitish on the breast; back more golden green. Wing, about 75; bill, about 30 mm. i66 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Eutoxeres aquila salvini (Gould). SALVIN'S SICKLE-BILL. Eutoxeres salvini GOULD, Ann. & Mag. N. H., I, 1868, p. 456 (Veragua, Panama); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 262; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1911, p. 312; HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1180; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 284 (San Jose; San Antonio, western Colombia). Range: Costa Rica to western Colombia. 3 : Panama i ; and Costa Rica 2. Eutoxeres aquila heterura Gould. GOULD'S SICKLE-BILL. E[utoxeres] heterura GOULD, Ann. & Mag. N. H., VI, 1868, p. 456, in text (Quito, Ecuador). Eutoxeres heterura ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 3; HARTERT and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, P- 53- Eutoxeres aquila heterura RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 311, in key; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 285 (Cocal, southwestern Colombia). Eutoxeres baroni HARTERT and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 54.* Range: Western Ecuador. Genus PAMPA REICHENBAGH. Pampa Reichenbach, Aufz. der Colib., 1854, p. n (Type P. campyloptera Reich. = 0rnismya pampa Lesson). *Pampa pampa pampa (Lesson). WEDGE-TAILED SABRE- WING. Ornisnya pampa LESSON, Hist. Nat. Colibr., Suppl. Ois. Mouch., 1830-31, p. 127, pi. 15 ("Paraguay"; error = Guatemala). Sphenoproctus pampa (not of Cabanis and Heine, 1860) SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 286. Pampa lessoni SIMON, Cat. Trochil., 1897, p. 8 (Guatemala). Pampa pampa pampa RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 354. Range: Guatemala to Yucatan. 2: Guatemala i; and "Central America" i. *Pampa pampa curvipennis (Licht.). CURVE- WINGED SABRE- WING. Trochilus curvipennis LICHTENSTEIN, Preis-Verz. Mex. Vog., 1830, I, No. 32; Id., Journ. Ornith., 1863, p. 55 (Mexico). Spenoproctus curvipennis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 287, part. Eutoxeres baroni HARTERT & HARTERT: The preponderance of opinion seems to be that this questionable species is not separable from E. a. heterura (cf. Salvadori & Festa, Boll. Mus. Torino, XV, 1900, p. 2 and Hellmayr, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, pp. 1180-1181, in text); Ridgway (Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 312, in key) and Oberholser (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 314) recognizes it as a distinct species. Chapman does not consider it as worthy of even subspecific value (cf. Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 285). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 167 Pampa pampa curvipennis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1911, p. 355. Range : Southeastern Mexico, in States of San Louis, Potosi, Vera Cruz, Puebla, Oaxaca and Campeche. 2 : Mexico. Genus CAMPYLOPTERUS Swainson. Campylopterus Swainson, Zool. Journ., II, 1826, p. 358 (Type Trochilus largi- pennis Boddaert). *Campylopterus largipennis Bodd. BROAD-SHAFTED SABRE-WING. Trochilus largipennis BODDAERT, Tabl. PI. Enl., 1783, p. 41 (Cayenne). Campylopterus latipennis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1860. Campylopterus largipennis ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 24; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 288; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 390. Range: Guiana and northern Brazil. 4: British Guiana. Campyloptenis obscurus obscurus (Gould}. DUSKY SABRE- WING. Campylopterus obscurus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1848, p. 13 ("Amazons Valley " = Para?) ; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 25, part; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 289, part. Campylopterus obscurus obscurus HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 375; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, III, 1905, pi. 45. Range: Northeastern Brazil. *Campylopterus' obscurus aequatorialis (Gould).* EQUATORIAL SABRE- WING. Campylopterus aequatorialis GOULD, Intro. Trochil., 1861, p. 54 (Quito, Ecuador). Campylopterus obscurus aequatorialis HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 375, in text; Id., XVII, 1910, p. 375; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 285 (La Morelia, Colombia). Range: Central and eastern Ecuador, eastern Peru, eastern Colom- bia, eastern Bolivia and western Brazil (Rio Madeira region). 4: Ecuador i; and Peru 3. *Campylopterus ensipennis (Swains.). BLUE-THROATED SABRE- WING. Trochilus ensipennis SWAINSON, Zool. Illustr., II, 1821-22, p. 107 (Venezuela). Campylopterus ensipennis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1857, pi. 46; ELLIOTT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 26; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 290. Range: Eastern Venezuela and Islands of Trinidad and Tobago. 7: Tobago 6; and Trinidad i. a Campylopterus obscurus aequatorialis (GOULD) : Differs chiefly in having the outermost tail feather on each side tipped with white, not smoky gray as in C. o. obscurus (GOULD). i68 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Campylopterus hemileucus (Licht.). DE LATTRE'S SABRE- WING. Trochilus hemileucus LICHTENSTEIN, Preis.-Verz. Mex. Vog., 1830, p. I (Mexico); Journ. fur Ornith., 1863, p. 56. CampylopUrus delattrii GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1855, pi. 45. Campylopterus pemUeucurus SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 291; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 358. Campylopterus hemileucurus mellitus BANGS, Proc. N. E. Zool. Club, III, 1902, p. 28 (Chiriqui, Panama). Range: Southeastern Mexico to western Panama; northwestern Colombia? 1 3 : Mexico 2 ; Guatemala 3 ; Costa Rica 3 ; and Colombia (Boynetti, J. H. Batty Coll) 2. *Campylopterus falcatus Swainson. LAZULINE SABRE-WING. Trochilus falcatus SWAINSON, Zool. Illustr., II, 1821-1822, tab. 83 (Spanish Main northern Venezuela). (?) Trochilus latulus VIEILLOT,' Encyc. Meth., II, 1822, p. 557. CampylopUrus lazulus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1856, pi. 44; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 292. Campylopterus falcatus HELLMAVR and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg. Abt. A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 138; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 285 (San Agustin, etc., Colombia). Range: Andes of Venezuela, Colombia and northern Ecuador. 12: Venezuela 4; and Colombia 8. Campylopterus villavicencio (Bourc.}. VILLAVICENCIOS SABRE- WING. Trochilus villavicencio BOUCIER, Compt. Rend., XXXII, 1851, p. 187 (near Napo, Ecuador). Campylopterus villavicencio GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1859, pi. 42; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, P- 2 7- Campylopterus splendens LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., VI, p. 262. Range: Ecuador. Campylopterus phainopeplus Salvin and Godman. SANTA MARTA SABRE-WING. Campylopterus phainopeplus SALVIN and GODMAN, Ibis, 1879, p. 202 (Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, Colombia); SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1885, pi. 3; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 294. Range: Northern Colombia. i: Colombia (Santa Marta). Cf. Hellmayr and Seilern (I.e.) footnote, p. 138. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 169 *Campylopterus rufus Lesson. RUFOUS SABRE-WING. Campylopterusrufus LESSON, Rev. Zool., 1840, p. 73 (no type locality = Guatemala); GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1 852 (II, 1861 , pi. 50) ; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 294; RIDGWAY, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 361. Range: Guatemala. 4: Guatemala. *Campylopterus hyperythrus Cabanis. RUFUOS-BREASTED SABRE-WING. Campylopterus hyperythrus CABANIS in Schomb. Reis. Guiana, III, 1848, p. 709 (British Guiana); GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1852, p. 51; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 295; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 391. Range: British Guiana. 2: British Guiana (Mt. Roraima). Genus EUPETOMENA Gould. Eupetomena Gould, Mon. Trochil., II, (Oct. 1852) pi. 42 (Type Trochilus mac- rourus Gmelin). *Eupetomena macroura macroura (GmeL). BRAZILIAN SWALLOW-TAIL. Eupetomena macrourus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., 1, 1788^.487 ("Jamaica" = Cayenne).* Eupetomena hirundinacea GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1853, pi. 42. Eupetomena. macrura SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 295; GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 3, 1905, pi. 45. Eupetomena macroura macroura HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 395; Id., XV, 1908, p. 74. Eupetomena mac. prasina SIMON, Cat. Trochil., 1897, p. 9. E. macroura prasina SIMON, Das Tierreich Troch., 1900, p. 34. Range: French Guiana, central, eastern and northeastern Brazil. 25: French Guiana i; Brazil (Bahia 8, Ceara 15, Minas Geraes i). Eupetomena macroura hirundo (Gould). WESTERN SWALLOW-TAIL. Eupetomena hirundo GOULD, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., XVI, 1875, p. 370 (Huiro, Santa Anna Valley, Peru); ELLIOTT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 22; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 296. Range: Southeastern Peru and Bolivia. Genus FLORISUGA Bonaparte. Florisuga Bonaparte, Consp. Av., I, 1850, p. 73 (Type Trochilus mellivorus Linnaeus). *Florisuga mellivora mellivora (Linn.). JACOBIN HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus mellivorus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, I, 1758, p. 121 ("India," errore : = Guiana). b Designated by Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 10, No. 1056. b Type locality designated by Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 1 1 1 No. 1058. 170 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Florisuga mellivora GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 113; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 329; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 19". P- 576. Florisuga flabellifera GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1857, Vol. II, 1861, pi. 114 (Mexico). Florisuga sallei BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, No. 3, 1891, p. 18 (S. Mexico). Florisuga guianensis BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Birds, 1895, p. 340 (British Guiana). Florisuga peruviana BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Birds, 1895, p. 340, in text (Peru). Range: Southeastern Mexico to Panama and nearly the whole of South America, south to Peru and southern Brazil, also islands of Trinidad, Aruba and Cariacou. 18: British Guiana 4; Aruba Island i; Colombia 7; Ecuador 2; and Peru 5. *Florisuga mellivora tobagensis* Ridgway. TOBAGO JACOBIN. Florisuga mellivora tobagensis RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXXIII, 1910, p. 55 (Island of Tobago, W. I.); Id., Bull. TJ. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 578, footnote. Range: Island of Tobago, W. I. 2: Tobago Island. Genus MELANOTROCHILUS Deslongch. Melanotrochilus Deslongchampo, Guide d. Naturaliste, 1880, p. 7 (Type Trochilus fuscus Vieill.). *Melanotrochilus fuscus ( Vieill.). DUSKY JACOBIN. Trochilus fuscus VIEILLOT, N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., VII, 1817, p. 348 (Brazil). Florisuga atra GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1851, pi. 115. Florisuga fusca ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 48; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 331. Melanotrochilus fuscus HELLMAYR, Verh. der Ornith. Gesell. Bayern, XII, 1915, p. 152. Range: Eastern Brazil (Pernambuco to Rio Grande do Sol). 4: Brazil (Bahia). Genus APHANTOCHROA Gould. Aphantochroa Gould, Mon. Trochil., II, 1854, pi. 54 (Type Trochilus cirrochloris Vieillot). *Aphantochroa cirrochloris ( Vieill.) . SOMBRE HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus cirrochloris VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XXIII, 1818, p. 430 ("Bresil"). Florisuga mellivora tobagensis RIDGWAY: "Similar to F. m. mellivora (LiNN.), but larger. Wing, 70.5; tail, 38.5 mm.' (Ridgway). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 171 Aphantochroa cirrochloris GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1853, pi. 54; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, P- 27; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 297; HELLMAYR, Verb, der Ornith. Gesell. Bayern, XII, 1915, p. 152. Range: Eastern Brazil (Pernambuco to Santa Catharina). 2: Brazil (Minas Geraes) i; locality? i. Genus PHAEOCHROA Gould. Phaeochroa Gould, Introd. Trochil., Oct. ed., 1861, p. 55 (Type Trochilus cuvieri Delattre and Bourcier); Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 362. *Phaeochroa cuvierii cuvierii (Delatt. and Bourc.). CUVIER'S HUM- MING BIRD. Trochilus cuvierii DELATTRE and BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1846, p. 310, part (Isthmus of Panama). Phaeochroa cuvieri GOULD, Introd. Trochil., Oct. ed., 1861, p. 55, part; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 299, part. Phaeochroa cuvierii cuvierii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 191 1 , p. 363. Range: Western Costa Rica south to Panama. 4: Costa Rica 3; Panama i. Phaeochroa cuvierii saturatior Hartert. COIBA ISLAND HUMMING BIRD. Aphantochroa cuvieri saturatior HARTERT, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XII, 1901, p. 33 (Coiba Island, Bay of Panama). Phaeochroa cuvierii saturatior RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, P- 365- Range: Coiba Island, Bay of Panama. Phaeochroa cuvierii berlepschi 8 Hellmayr and Seilern. BERLEPSCH'S HUMMING BIRD. Phaeochroa cuvierii berlepschi HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Verh. Orn. Gesell. Bayern, XII, No. 3, 1915, p. 208 (Baranquilla, north coast of Colombia). Range : Baranquilla region, northeastern Colombia. Phaeochroa cuvierii notia b Todd. TURBACO HUMMING BIRD. Phaeochroa cuvierii notia TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXX, 1917, p. 5 (Tur- baco, Bolivar, Colombia). Range: Bolivar, Colombia. Phaeochroa cuvierii berlepschi HELLMAYR & SEILERN: Similar to P. c. cuvierii (DELATT. & BOURC.) from Panama, but differs in having the bill more slender and somewhat shorter; upper parts darker and less pronounced bronze green, most noticeable on the crown; abdomen more strongly rust-colored; under tail coverts dull grayish brown (with scarcely a tinge of bronze) ; pale tips of three outer rectrices more whitish and decidedly more extensive. Q" Wing, 70; tail, 43^; bill, 19 mm. b Phaeochroa cuvierii notia TODD : "Similar to P. c. cuvierii (DELATTRE and BOUR- CIER), but outer rectrices with much more extended white tips and without any blue-black subterminal band." (Todd, I.e.). 172 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Phaeochroa roberti Salvin. OWEN'S HUMMING BIRD. Aphantochroa roberti SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1861, p. 203 (Vera Paz, eastern Guatemala). Campylopterus roberti GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 53. Phaeochroa roberti SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 300; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1911, p. 365. Range: Guatemala and British Honduras to eastern Nicaragua. 5 : Nicaragua. Genus TAPHROSPILUS Simon. Taphrospilus Simon, Rev. Franc. d'Orn., 1910, p. 261 (Type Aphantochroa hyposticta Gould). Taphrospilus hyposticta (Gould). GOULD'S SPOTTED WHITE-THROAT. Aphantochroa hyposticta GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1862, p. 124 (Ecuador); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 29; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 298. Range: Eastern slope of Andes of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. Genus THAUMASIUS a Sclater. Tkaumasius Sclater, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 46 (Type T. taczanowskii Sclater). *Thaumasius taczanowskii Sclater. TACZANOWSKI'S WHITE-THROAT. Thaumasius taczanowskii SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 146 (Cal- lacate, Peru); SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1855, pi. 52. Agyrtria taczanowskii SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 193. Range: Andes of Peru. 3: Peru (Balsas 2, and Cajamarca i). Genus TALAPHORUS Mulsant. Talaphorus Mulsant, Hist. Nat. Ois-Mouches, I, 1874, p. 257 (Type Leucippus chlorocercus Gould). Talaphorus chlorocercus (Gould). SPOTTED WHITE-THROAT. Leucippus chlorocercus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, p. 194 (Upper Ucayali, Peru); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 199; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 201; SNETHLAGE, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 193 (Cat. Av. Amazon). Range: Eastern Peru and upper Amazon, Brazil (Snethlage). According to Chubb (Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 394, note) Thaumasius SCLATER is an amended name for Thaumantius BONAP. and is preoccupied in Aranae. He, therefore, proposes a new name, Barbournea, for the genus with T. taczanowskii SCLATER for the type. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 173 Genus PATAGONA Gray. Patagona Gray, List. Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 18 (Type Trochilus gigas Vieill.). *Patagona gigas gigas ( Vieillot). CHILIAN GIANT HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus gigas VIEILLOT, Gal. Ois., I, 1825, p. 296; pi. 180 ("Bresil"). Ornismya tristis LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, 1829, p. 43, pi. 3. Patagona gigas GOULD, Mon. Trochil., pt. 4, 1855, pi. 232; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 67, part; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 348, part. Range: Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. 2: Chile. *Patagona gigas peruviana' Boucard. PERUVIAN GIANT HUMMING BIRD. Patagona peruviana BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1893-95, P- 61, in text (Peru). Range: Peru and southerln Ecuador. 19: Peru (Macate 16, Otuzco i, Cajamarca i, and "Peru" i). Genus LEUCIPPUS b Bonap. Leucippus Bonaparte, Consp. Av., I, 1850, p. 73 (Type as fixed by Gray, 1855 Trochillus fallax Bourcier). Leucippus chionogaster chionogaster Tschudi. TSCHUDI'S WHITE- THROAT. Trochilus chionogaster TSCHUDI, Faun. Peru, Aves, 1884-86, p. 247, pi. 22, Fig. 2 (Peru). Trochilus leucogaster TSCHUDI (not T. leucogaster Gmel.), Arch, fur Naturg., I, 1844, p. 297. Leucippus chionogaster GOULD, Mon. Trochil., pt. 5, 1855, pi. 290; ELLIOT, Syn. TRCOHIL., 1879, p. 199; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 200. Range: Peru and Bolivia, i : Bolivia. Patagona gigas peruviana BOUCARD: Peruvian specimens average decidedly larger than those from Chile. Attention has been called to the deeper rufous colora- tion of the under parts, but which does not seem to be constant, the chief difference being one of size. b Prof. Ridgway considers that chionogaster (TSCHUDI), pallidus Taczanowski and viridicauda SCLATER and SALVIN, should be excluded from this genus and placed in the Genus Talaphorus MULSANT (cf. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 305, footnote). 174 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Leucippus chionogaster longirostris" (Schluter) . ARGENTINE WHITE- THROAT. Leucippus leucogaster longirostris SCHLUTER, Falco, Halle, IX, 1913, p. 42 (Prov. of Salta, Argentine). Range: Argentine. Leucippus pallidus Taczanowski, PERUVIAN WHITE-THROAT. Leucippus pallidus TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, P- 54 2 (Huanta, Peru); Id., Orn. Peru, I, 1884, p. 402; ELLIOT, Ibis, 1876, p. 9, crit.; SALVIN Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 201. Range: Peru. Leucippus viridicauda Berlepsch. GREEN-TAILED WHITE-THROAT. Leucippus viridcauda BERLEPSCH, Ibis, 1883, p. 493 (Huiro, Peru); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 202. Range: Peru. *Leucippus fallax fallax (Bourc. and Muls.). BUFF-BREASTED WHITE THROAT. Trochilus fallax BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, VI, 1843, p. 44 (Colombia). Doleromy a fallax ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 9; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 177. Leucippus fallax RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 191 1 , p. 305, footnote. Range: North coast of Colombia and Venezuela. 5: Venezuela (Caracas 3, Maracaibo i, and Rio Aurare i). Leucippus fallax richmondi b Cory. RICHMOND'S WHITE-THROAT. Leucippus fallax richmondi CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 183, Orn. Ser., I, 1915, p. 303 (new name for Doleromya pallida Richmond, preoccupied). Doleromya pallida RICHMOND, Auk, 1895, p. 369 (Margarita Island). Range: Islands of Margarita and Tortuga (off Venezuela). Leucippus baeri Simon. BAER'S WHITE-THROAT. Leucippus baeri SIMON, Proc. Ill, Int. Orn. Cong. Paris, 1901, p. 2 (Tumbez, northwestern Peru); Id., Ornis, 1901, p. 202. Range: Northwestern Peru. Leucippus chionogaster longirostris ScHLtiTER: Differs from typical L. c. chiono- gaster TSCHUDI, in having upper parts slightly more golden green and the wings, tail and bill averaging longer. Wing, 60; bill, o" 27; ? 25 mm. b Leucippus fallax richmondi CORY: Differs from L. fallax fallax (BouRC. & MULS.) in its paler plumage. Leucippus baeri SIMON : Somewhat resembles L. leucogaster TSCHUDI ( = chiono- gaster TSCHUDI), but has the under parts of body pale fawn gray (instead of white), the lateral rectrices white with a wide subterminal bar sloping to the top by a white apical line; bill entirely black. NOTE. M. Simon remarks that its entirely black bill shows its relationship to the genus Talaphorus. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 175 Genus AGYRTRINA- Chubb. Agyrtrina Chubb, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 395 (Type Uranomitra whitelyi Boucard); substitute name for Agyrtria Reichenbach, etc. *Agyrtrina chionopectus chionopectus Gould. WHITE-BREASTED EMERALD. Thaumatias chionopectus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1859, pi. 293 (Trinidad). Agyrtria niveipectus ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 202; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 180. Agytria chionopectus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 431, in key. Range: Trinidad and coast of Venezuela. 2: Trinidad i; and Venezuela? i. *Agyrtrina chionopectus whitelyi (Boucard). b WHITELY'S EMERALD. Uranomitra whitelyi BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, III, 1893, P- 8 (Aunai, British Guiana). A. chionopectus whitelyi HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 42. Agritrina whitelyi CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 397. Range: British Guiana. 2 : British Guiana. Agyrtrina leucogaster leucogaster (GmeL). WHITE-BELLIED EMERALD. Trochilus leucogaster GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 495 (Cayenne). Thaumatias leucogaster GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1859, pi. 294. Agyrtria leucogaster ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 202; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 181. Agyrtrina leucogaster leucogaster CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 397. Range: Dutch and French Guiana; British Guiana (Chubb). *Agyrtrina leucogaster bahiae c (Hartert). BAHIAN EMERALD. Agytria leucogaster bahiae HARTERT, Orn. Monatsb., VII, 1899, p. 140 (Bahia). A. leucogaster bahiae HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 43. Range: Eastern Brazil, i: Brazil (Bahia). * The following described species are supposed to be hybrids: Agyrtria neglecta (ELLIOT), Ibis, 1877, p. 140, Bolivia =Agyrtria versicolorXHylocharis cyanus (cf. SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. i); Agyrtria caeruleiceps (GOULD) Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 307, Colombia; Salvin, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 183, pi. VII, fig. i = Agyrtria milleriXchrysuronia aenone longirostris (cf. Simon, Rev. Franc. d'Orn., No. 12, 1910, p. 178. b Agyrtrina chionopectus whitelyi BOUCARD: Differs from A. c. chionopectus GOULD, in its somewhat darker coloration, most noticeable in head and tail. Agyrtrina leucogaster bahiae (HARTERT): Differs from A. 1. leucogaster (GMEL.) from British Guiana in being smaller, bill shorter and tail darker and less greenish. Wing, 52 to 54; bill, 20 mm. 176 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Agyrtrina viridiceps (Gould). GREEN-HEADED EMERALD. Thaumatias viridiceps GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 307 (Ecuador); Id., Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 295. Agyrtria viridiceps SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 181; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N.H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 286 (Ricaurte, southwestern Colombia). Range: Western Ecuador and southwestern Colombia. 2: Ecuador (Paramba). *Agyrtrina milleri (Bourcier). MILLER'S EMERALD. Trochilus milleri BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 43 (Rio Negro). Thaumatias milleri GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1859, p. 296. Agyrtria milleri ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 203; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus. XVI, 1892, p. 182 . Range: Northern Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia. 2 : Colombia. Agyrtrina hollandi (Todd)* HOLLAND'S EMERALD. Agyrtria hollandi TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVI, 1913, p. 173 (El Dorado, Rio Cuyuni, Venezuela). Range: Venezuela. Agyrtrina nitidifrons (Gould). BRILLANT-FRONTED EMERALD. Thaumatias nitidifrons GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 308 (Type locality ? = Para b ?); Id., Mon. Trochil., X, 1861, p. 297. Agyrtria nitidifrons ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 205; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 183; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 376. Range: Northeastern Brazil. *Agyrtrina bartletti (Gould). BARTLETT'S EMERALD. Thaumantias bartletti GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, p. 194 (Upper Ucayali, eastern Peru). Agyrtria bartletti ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 205; SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil., 1885, pi. 50. Range: Eastern Peru. 4: Peru (Rioja i, Moyobamba i, and San Ramon 2). *Agyrtrina lactea (Lesson). SAPPHIRE-BREASTED EMERALD. Ornismya lactea LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, 1829, pi. 56 (Southeastern Brazil). Hylocharis lactea SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 247. Range: Southeastern Brazil. 2: "Brazil." Agyrtrina hollandi (TODD): "With a general resemblance to A. milleri (BOUR- CIER), but crown bright blue (not greenish blue); under parts less extensively white; sides of the throat and breast prominently spangled with light blue; and upper parts much darker green." (Todd, I.e.). b Cf. Hellmayr, I.e. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 177 *Agyrtrina versicolor versicolor ( Vieill.}. ALLIED EMERALD. Trochilus versicolor VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XXIII, 1818, p. 430 (Brazil). Thaumantias affinis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1855, pi. 299; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 185. Agyrtria versicolor SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. i. Range: Central and southern Brazil (Matto Grosso, Minas Geraes and southward), Paraguay and N. E. Argentine (Missiones). 4: Brazil (Matto Grosso 2, "Brazil" 2). *Agyrtrina versicolor brevirostris (Lesson). SHORT-BILLED EMERALD. Ornismya brevirostris LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois-Mouches, 1829, p. 211, pi. 77 ("Guiane" =southeastern Brazil; Bahia?). Thaumatias brevirostris GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1855, pi. 298. Agyrtria brevirostris SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 185; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 113, No. 1080. Agyrtria versicolor brevirostris SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. I, in text. Range: Southeastern Brazil. 2: Brazil (Bahia i, "Brazil" i). *Agyrtrina fimbriata fimbriata (GmeL). LESSON'S EMERALD. Trochilus fimbriatus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 493 ("Cayenna"). Ornismya albiventris LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois-Mouches, II, 1829, p. 209. Agyrtria fimbriata BERLEPSCH, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 266. Agyrtria viridissima SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. i86;RiDGWAY Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 431, in key; BREWSTER, Bds. Cambridge Region of Mass., Mem. Nutt. Orn. Club, IV, 1906, p. 22 (crit. errore). A gyrtrina fimbriata CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 395. Agyrtria tobaci (not of Gmel.) SALVIN, Ibis, 1885, p. 345. Agyrtria fimbriata fimbriata HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 375. Range: Guianas, Trinidad, eastern Venezuela and northern Brazil. 30: Dutch Guiana 2; British Guiana 2; Venezuela (Caracas 4, Maracay 2); Brazil (Serra da Lua, near Boa Vista 9; Boa Vista, Rio Branco 9); and Trinidad i. *Agyrtrina fimbriata nigricauda" (Elliot). B LA CKED-T AILED EMERALD. Thaumatius nigricauda ELLIOT, Ibis, 1878, p. 47 (Bahia). b Agyrtria nigricauda ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 208. Agyrtria albiventris nigricauda HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 74. A gyrtrina fimbriata nigricauda (ELLIOT): Adult males with middle rectrices entirely black or merely with a slight tinge of bronze at the base. b Original type locality (Trinidad, etc.) now ascertained to be incorrect; type locality by designation is now Bahia. Cf. Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 74. 178 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Agyrtriafimbriata nigricauda SIMON, Bull. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris, XVIII, 1912, No. 8, p. 500; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 375, in text. Range: Southeastern Brazil. 6: Brazil (Bahia). Agyrtrina maculicauda (Gould) . GUIANA EMERALD. Thaumatias maculicauda GOULD, Intro. Trochil., i86i,p. 154 ("British Guiana"). Agyrtria maculicauda ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 207; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 188; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 113, No. 1083. Range: British Guiana; French Guiana? 2: Guiana ("Cayenne") from Boucard collection. *Agyrtrina apicalis Gould. BLACK-TIPPED EMERALD. Thaumatias apicalis GOULD, Intro. Trochil., 1861, p. 154 (Bogota). Agyrtria apicalis ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 207; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus. XVI, 1892, p. 189; SIMON, Rev. Franc. d'Orn., 1910, p. 262. A[gyrtria] terpna HEINE, Journ. fur Ornith., XI, 1863, p. 184 (Bogota?). A[gyrtria] apicalis HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 45. Agyrtria viridissima terpna BERLEPSCH, Journ. fur Ornith., XXXV, 1887, p. 330. Range: Colombia and eastern Ecuador, i : Colombia. Agyrtrina fluvialitis fluvialitis (Gould). RIVERINE EMERALD. Thaumatias fluvialitis GOULD, Intro. Trochil., 1861, p. 154 (Napo, Ecuador). Agyrtria fluvialitis ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 207; SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1885, pi. 51; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 188; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 286 (La Morelia, south- eastern Colombia). Range: Ecuador and southeastern Colombia. *Agyrtrina fluvialitis laeta a (Hartert). HARTERT'S EMERALD. Agyrtria fluvialitis laeta HARTERT, Journ. fur Ornith., 1900^.360 (Nanta, Peru). Agyrtria laeta BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 113, No. 1087. Range: Peru and northwestern Brazil. 2: Peru. Agyrtrina luciae (Lawrence). LUCY'S EMERALD. Thaumatias luciae LAWRENCE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1867, p. 233 (Hon- duras). Agyrtria luciae ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 208; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 188; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 434. Range: Honduras. * Agyrtrina fluviatilis laeta (HARTERT): Similar to A. f. fluvailitis (GOULD) from Ecuador, but smaller and adult male has only the extreme bases of the middle tail feathers green and the upper half of the feathers steel blue. The immature male has the middle tail feathers metallic green. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 179 *Agyrtrina Candida (Bourc. and Muls.). WHITE-BELLIED EMERALD. Trochilus candidus BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Phys. et Nat., IX, 1846, p. 326 (Coban, Guatemala). Thaumatias candidus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1860, pi. 292. Agyrtria Candida SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, pp. 190, 660; RIDG- WAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 432. Range: Southeastern Mexico to Costa Rica. 6: Guatemala 5; "Mexico" i. Agyrtrina tephrocephala ( VieilL). BRAZILIAN EMERALD. Trochilus tephrocephalus VIEILLOT, Nov. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XXIII, 1818, p. 430 (Brazil). Thaumatias albiventris GOULD, Mon. Trochil., X, 1856, pi. 301. Agyrtria tephrocephala ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 206. Range: Brazil. 4: British Guiana. Genus POLYERATA Heine. Polyerata Heine, Journ. fur Ornith., 1863, p. 194, in text (Type Trochilus amabili Gould). *Polyerata amabilis (Gould). BLUE-BREASTED HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus amabilis GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1851, p. 115 (" New Grenada" = Colombia). Damophila amabilis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1859, pi. 341; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 234. Polyerata amabilis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 237; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 523; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 286 (Puerto Valdivia; Alto Bonito, Colombia and Esmeraldas, Ecuador). Range: Eastern Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and northern and western Ecuador. 10: Colombia (Bouqueron 2, "Colombia" 5, Bogota i); and Panama 2. *Polyerata rosenbergi (Boucard)* ROSENBERG'S HUMMING BIRD. Polyerata rosenbergi BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1895, p. 399 (Rio Dagua, western Colombia) ; HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1181 (western Colombia); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 287 (western Colombia, numerous localities). Polyerata rosenbergi BOUCARD: Upper parts dark bronze green; median rectrices bronze green; lateral rectrices bronze green at base, then bluish black, the outermost one bluish black; chin and throat metallic emerald green; breast metallic blue with a purplish tinge; abdomen dark sooty gray with a bar of metallic green, feathers separating the blue of the breast from the gray of the abdomen; under tail coverts white; upper mandible black, lower mandible flesh color (in life) with black tip. Wing, about 56; bill, 19 mm. i8o FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Polyerata reini BERLEPSCH, Omith. Monatsb., 1897, p. 58 (western Ecuador). Agyrtria rosenbergi reini HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 496. Range: Western Colombia and northwestern Ecuador. 5: Colombia 2; Ecuador (Rio Tapero i and Ecuador 2). Polyerata cyanotincta Gounelle* BLUE-SPOTTED HUMMING BIRD. Polyerata cyanotincta GOUNELLE, Rev. Franc. d'Ora., No. 2, 1909, p. 17, pi. i (Bogota). Range: Colombia. *Polyerata decora Salvin. CHARMING HUMMING BIRD. Polyerata decora SALVIN, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., VII, 1891, p. 377 (Volcan de Chiriqui, Panama); Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 238; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 525. Range: Panama and western Costa Rica. 4: Panama (Chiriqui) 2; and Costa Rica (Boruca) 2. Genus URANOMITRA b Reichenbach. Uranomitra Reichenbach, Aufz. d. Col., p. 10, 1853 (Type Trochilus franciac Bourcier and Mulsant). *Uranomitra franciae (Bourcier and Mulsant). FRAN CIA'S EMERALD. Trochilus franciae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sc. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, IX, 1846, p. 324 (Cauca Valley, Colombia). Cyanomyia franciae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1860, pi. 287; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 199. Uranomitrafranciae ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 197; HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p.ii82;CHAPMAN,Bull.Am.Mus.N.H., XXXVI, 1917^.287 (Nu- merous localities in subtropical zone of western and central Andes, Colombia). Range: Mountains of Colombia. 15: Colombia (Rio Dagua 2, Bogota i, and "Colombia" 12). Uranomitra cyaneicollis (Gould). BLUE-NECKED EMERALD. Trochilus cyaneicollis GOULD., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1853, p. 61 (Peru). Cyanomyia cyaneicollis BONAPARTE, Rev. Zool., 1854, p. 254; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 288; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 199. Uranomitra cyaneicollis ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 198. Range: Peru. 3: Peru (near Balsas). Polyerata cyanotincta GOUNELLE: This species has a general resemblance to P. amabUis GOULD, but differs chiefly in having the chin, throat and breast with cobalt-blue scale-marked feathers, which shows a deeper tint with some purplish reflection when viewed from the side; under tail coverts bluish slate (not grayish black); tail blackish blue; the middle rectrices blackish blue (not greenish bronze). Wing, 43; tail, 22, bill, 19 mm. b A questionable Genus, doubtfully separable from Amazilis. In this connection, cf. Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, pp. 406-407. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 181 Genus LEPIDOPYGA Reichenbach. Lepidopyga Reichenbach, Troch. Enum., 1855, p. 7 (Type Trochilus goudoti Bourcier). *Lepidopyga caeruleogularis (Gould). DUCHASSAIN'S HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus ( ?) caeruleogularis GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1850, p. 163 (Chiriqui, Panama). Sapphironia caeridiigularis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1860, pi. 246. Cyanophaia caeruleigularis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 233. Lepidopyga caeruleogularis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, P- 539- Range: Panama, southwestern Costa Rica and northern Colombia (Cartegina, etc.). 7 : Panama. "Lepidopyga coelina (Bourcier). LAWRENCE'S HUMMING BIRD. Thalurania coelina BOURCIER, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1853, p. 553 (Santa Marta, Colombia). Sapphironia luminosa LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., VII, 1862, p. 458 (Barianquilla, Colombia). Cyanophaia luminosa ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 235; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 235. Lepidopyga coelina SIMON, Rev. Franc. d'Orn., 1909, p. 66 (crit.) ; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 538; in key; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXVI, 1917, p. 287 (Banco, Algodonal, etc., N. Colombia). L[epidopyga\ (cyanophaia') luminosa SIMON, Rev. Franc. d'Orn., Nos. 5-6, 1909, p. 66, in text (crit.). Range: Northern Colombia and northwestern Venezuela. 13: Venezuela (Encontrados 5, Orope 5, Catatumbo i); and Colombia (Cucuta, near Venezuelan line) 2. Lepidopyga lilliae Stone.* LILLIAN'S HUMMING BIRD. Lepidopyga lilliae STONE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1917, p. 203 (Punto Caiman, Santa Marta, Colombia). Range: Santa Marta region (Punto Caiman), Colombia. *Lepidopyga goudoti goudoti (Bourcier). GOUDOT s HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus goudoti BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., VI, 1843, p. 100 (Ybague, Colombia). Sapphironia goudoti GOULD, Mon. Trochil., pt. 5, 1860, pi. 345. Cyanophaia goudoti ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 239; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 234. Lepidopyga lilliae STONE: Similar to Lepidopyga caeruleogularis GOULD, "but lower breast and abdomen glittering blue, instead of green and upper surface darker green with much less bronze iridescence." (Stone, I.e.). 182 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Lepidopyga goudoti RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 538, in key; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 287. Range: Central Colombia (Upper Magdalena River region). 12: "Colombia." *Lepidopyga goudoti zuliae* subsp. nov. Rui AURARE HUMMING BIRD. Range: Lake Maracaibo region, northwestern Venezuela. 4 : Venezuela, including the type (Rio Aurare 3 ; La Vaca, Trinidad i ) . *Lepidopyga boucardi (Mulsanf). Bou CARD'S HUMMING BIRD. Arena boucardi MULSANT, Descr. espece Nouv. Trochil. [presentee Soc. Linn. Lyon, Oct. 12, 1877, and published as a separate paper). (Punta Arenas, Costa Rica). Arinia boucardi ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 209; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 193. Agyrtria boucardi CARRIKER, Ann. Carnegie Mus., XI, 1910, p. 524. Lepidopyga boucardi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 541. Range: Pacific coast region of Costa Rica, i : Costa Rica. Genus SAUCEROTTIA Bonaparte. Saucerottia Bonaparte, Consp. Av., I, 1849, p. 77 (Type Trochilus saucerotti Bourcier and Delattre). *Saucerottia cyanifrons (Bourcier). BLUE-CAPPED HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus cyanifrons BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., VI, 1843, p. 100 (Ybague, Colombia.) Saucerottia cyanifrons GOULD, Mo'n. Trochil., V, 1866, pi. 323; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 52 (Monog.); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 436, in key. Amazilia cyanifrons SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 227. Range: Colombia. 8: "Colombia." *Saucerottia saucerottei saucerottei (Delattre and Bourcier). SAU- CEROTTE'S HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus saucerrotei DELATTRE and BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., IX, Sept., 1846, p. 31 1 (Cali, northwestern Colombia). Trochilus sophiae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, IX, 1846, p. 318 (Bogota). Amazilia saucerottei ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 225; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 223, part. Eryithronata typica GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 321. 8 Lepidopyga goudoti zuliae subsp. nov.: Type from Rio Aurare (northeast of Lake Maracaibo) western Venezuela. No. 45890, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by W. H. Osgood and Jewett, January 24, 1911. Similar to L. goudoti goudoti (BOURCIER), but wing shorter; top of the head darker and under tail coverts with pale margins decidedly narrower. Wing, 47; tail, 32; bill, 17. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 183 Saucerottia sophiae saucerrotei RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 436, in key. Saucerottia saucerottei saucerottei HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XX, 1913, p. 250. Saucerottia saucerottei CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 288 (Dabeiba, San Antonio, etc., Colombia). Range: Northwestern and western Colombia. i: "Colombia." *Saucerottia saucerottei hoffmanni (Cab. and Heine}. SOPHIA'S HUM- MING BIRD. Hemithylaca hoffmanni CABANIS and HEINE, Mus. Heine, II, 1860, p. 38 (Costa Rica). Amazilia sophiae ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 224; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 224. Saucerottia sophiae sophiae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, P- 439- Saucerottia saucerottei hoffmani HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XX, 1913, p. 251. Range: Costa Rica and Nicaragua. 21 : Costa Rica (Limon i, Orosi i, San Jose 4) ; and Nicaragua (San Emilis) 15. Saucerottea saucerottei warscewicza (Cabanis and Heine). WAR- SCEWICZ'S HUMMING BIRD. Hemithylaca warscewiczi CABANIS and HEINE, Mus. Heine, III, 1860, p. 38 ("Veragua"). Amazilia warscewiczi SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 222, part. Saucerottia sophiae warscewiczi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. ,No. 50, V, 191 1, p. 436, in key. Saucerottia saucerottei warscewiczi HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XX, 1913, p. 251. Range: Northern Colombia (Santa Marta district, Rio Mag- dalena, etc.). *Saucerottia saucerottei braccata (Heine}. HEINE'S HUMMING BIRD. Hemithylaca braccata HEINE, Journ. fur Ornith., 1863, p. 193 (Merida, Vene- zuela). Saucerottea warscewiczi braccata HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 52 (Monog.). Saucerottia sophiae braccata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 437, in key. Saucerottia saucerottei braccata HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XX, 1913, p. 251. Range: Andes of western Venezuela. 26: Venezuela, region of Merida (Culati, El Valle, etc.). Saucerottia alfaroana ( Underwood). ALFARO'S HUMMING BIRD. Amazilia alfarcana UNDERWOOD, Ibis, 1896, p. 441 (Volcan de Miravalles, Costa Rica). 184 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Saucerottia cyanifrons alfaroana CARRIKER, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1910, p. 527 (Grit.). Saucerottia alfaroana RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 441. Range: Northwestern Costa Rica. *Saucerottia tobaci tobaci Gmelin. TOBAGO HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus tobaci GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 498 (based on Tobago Humming- bird Latham, Synop., I, pt. 2, p. 781, Tobago). Amazilia tobaci SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 226. Saucerottia wellsi BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, III, 1893, p. 8 ("Grenada")?; DELMAS, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, XIII, 1900, p. 142; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 115, No. 1106. Amazilis tobaci OBERHOLSER, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1899, p. 208. Saucerottia tobaci tobaci RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 437, in key. Range: Island of Tobago, W. I.; Grenada? 10: Tobago 8; "Grenada" 2. a *Saucerottia tobaci erythronota (Lesson). TRINIDAD HUMMING BIRD. Ornismya erythronotus LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois-Mouches, 1829, p. 181, pi. 61 (" Bresil "- Trinidad) . Amazilia erythronota ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 224; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 225. Saucerottia tobaci erythronota RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911. p. 437, in key. Saucerottea erythronotos erythronotos HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 34. Range: Island of Trinidad, West Indies. 2 : Trinidad. *Saucerottia tobaci feliciae (Lesson). FELICIA'S HUMMING BIRD. Or nismya feliciae LESSON, Rev. Zool., Ill, 1840, p. 72 ("le Bresil, le district de San Jose "= northern Venezuela). Erythronota feliciae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1849, pi. 317. Amazilia feliciae ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 234; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 226. Saucerottia tobaci feliciae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 191 1, p.j437, in key; HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg., 5 Heft, 1912, p. 139. Saucerottia erythronota feliciae STONE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1913, p. 201 (Cariaquito, Venezuela). Range: Coast district of Venezuela. 17: Venezuela (Caracas 16, Maracay i). *Saucerottia tobaci aliciae Richmond. ALICE'S HUMMING BIRD. Amazilia aliciae RICHMOND, Auk, 1895, p. 368 (Margarita Island, Venezuela); CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 137, 1909, p. 245. The two specimens labelled Grenada are from the Boucard collection. They agree perfectly with specimens from Tobago. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 185 Saucerottia tobaci aliciae HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 55 ; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 438, in key. Range: Margarita Island (off Venezuela). 5 : Margarita Island. Saucerottia tobaci monticolor Todd* MOUNTAIN HUMMING BIRD. Saucerottia tobaci monticolor TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVI, 1913, p. 174 (Guarico, Estado Lara, Venezuela). Range: Interior of Venezuela. Saucerottia tobaci caurensis b (Berlepsch and Harteri). CAURA VALLEY HUMMING BIRD. Saucerottia erythronotus caurensis BERLEPSCH and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 84 (Suapure, Caura River, Venezuela). Saucerottia caurensis BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 114, No. 1108. Range: Caura River region, Venezuela. *Saucerottia viridigaster (B our tier). GREEN-BELLIED HUMMING BIRD. TrochUus viridigaster BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., VI, 1843, p. 103 (Fusagasuga, Colombia). Amazilia viridigaster GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1860, pi. 314. Amazilia viridiventris SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 219, part. Saucerottia nunezi BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, II, 1892, p. 81 (melanistic). Saucerottia viridigaster RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 438, in key; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 288 (Quetame, Buena Vista, Villavicencio, eastern Andes, Colombia). Range: Andes of eastern and east-central Colombia; western Venezuela? 2: Colombia (Cucuta i, "Colombia" i). *Saucerostia iodura (Reichenbach) . REICHENBACH'S HUMMING BIRD. [Chlorestes] iodura REICHENBACH, Trochil. Enum., 1855, p. 4, pi. 698, Figs. 4560-4561 (Colombia). Amazilia iodura ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 223; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 219. Saucerottia iodura RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 438, in key and footnote. Range: Andes of east-central Colombia to Andes of extreme west- ern Venezuela. 17: Colombia (Cucuta i, "Colombia" i); and Venezuela (Colon, Tachira, near Colombian line) 14. Saucerottia tobaci monticolor TODD: "Differs from Saucerottia tobaci feliciae (LESSON) in being darker, less bronzy green, in general coloration." (Todd, I.e.). b Saucerottia tobaci cauernsis (BERLEPSCH and HARTERT): Closely allied to S. t. erythronotus (LESSON) from Trinidad, but male with under tail coverts bluish-black with grayish edges (not bronze brown and rufescent) ; under parts somewhat brighter and more golden green. 186 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Saucerottia inculta Elliot* ELLIOT'S HUMMING BIRD. Eriocnemis incultus ELLIOT, Auk, 1889, p. 210 (Bogota?). Saucerottia inculta HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IV, 1897, p. 530; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 115, No. 1103. Range: Colombia? *Saucerottia cupreicauda (Salvin and Godman). COPPER-TAILED HUM- MING BIRD. Amazilia cupreicauda SALVIN and GODMAN, Ibis, 1884, p. 452 (Mt. Roraima, British Guiana); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 220; SHARPE, Suppl. Gould's Mon. Trochil., 1887, pi. 56. Saucerottia cupreicauda RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 438, in key; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 398. Range: British Guiana. 2: British Guiana (Mt. Roraima). *Saucerottia niveoventer (Gould). SNOWY-BREASTED HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus niveoventer GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1850, p. 164 (near David, Veragua, Panama). Erythronota niveiventris GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1858, pi. 319. Amazilia niveiventris ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 222; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 221. Saucerottia niveoventer RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 441. Range: Panama and northern Colombia (Boqueron). 3 : Panama. *Saucerottia edwardi (Delattre and Bourcier) . EDWARD'S HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus edwardi DELATTRE and BOURICER, Rev. Zool., 1846, p. 308 (Panama). Erythronota edwardi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1858, pi. 318. Amazilia edwardi SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 221. Saucerottia edwardi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 443. Range: Panama and northwestern Ecuador (Santo Domingo). -3: Panama (Veragua). *Saucerottia cyanura cyanura (Gould}. BLUE-TAILED HUMMING BIRD. Amazilia cyanura GOULD, Mon. Trochil., pt. 18, Sept., 1859, (Vol. V, 1861) pi. 315 (Realejo, Nicaragua) ; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 212, part. Saucerottia cyanura impatiens CARRIKER, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1910, p. 526. a Saucerottia inculta ELLIOT: Crown, upper parts, of body, and upper tail coverts bluish black; feathers of rump and upper tail coverts margined with rufous (probably due to immaturity) ; throat and center of breast dull lead color; feathers of throat edged with white; wings deep purple; sides of breast bluish black; flank black- ish; abdomen white, spotted with brown; tail steel blue; feathers of under tail coverts gray in center, glossed with green and edged with white; thigh tufts white; bill black with base of mandible flesh color. Wing, about 55; tail, about 38; bill, 19 mm. M. Simon (Cat. Trochil., 1897, p. 13) believes this bird to be a melanistic variety of S. viridigaster (BOURCIER). igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 187 Saucer ottia cyanura cyanur a RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. , No. 50, V, 1 9 1 1 , p. 445 . Range: Nicaragua and Costa Rica. 8: Nicaragua (San Geronomo). *Saucerottia cyanura guatemalae Dearborn. GUATEMALA BLUE- TAILED HUMMING BIRD. Saucerottia cyanura guatemalae DEARBORN, Field Mus. Pub., No. 125, Orn. Ser. I, No. 3, 1907, p. 97 (Mazatenango, Dept. Suchitepequez, Guatemala); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 446. Range: Pacific slope of Guatemala and Chiapas. 7: Guatemala (Mazatinango 5, Patulul 2) including the type. *Saucerottia devillei (Bourc. and Muls.). DEVILLE'S HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus devillei BOURCIER and MULSANT, Rev. Zool., 1848, p. 272 (Guatemala). Amazilia devillei GOULD, Mon. Trochil., XIX, 1860 (Vol. V, 1861), pi. 313. Amazilia devillii SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV, 1892, pp. 211-660. Saucerottia devillei RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 447. Range: Guatemala, Yucatan, Chiapas and Salvador. 7: Guatemala (Patalul, Duenas, etc.). *Saucerottia beryllina beryllina (Licht.} . BERRYLLINE HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus beryllinus LICHTENSTEIN, Preis.-Verz. Mex. Voyg., 1830, p. i (Mexico). Amazilia beryllina GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 312; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 221; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 209, part. Ornismya arsinoe LESSON, Hist. Nat. Coib. (Suppl. Ois.-Mouches), 1829, p. 154, pis. 28-29 (Mexico). Saucerottia beryllina beryllina RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 449. Range: Central and eastern Mexico. 3: Mexico (Cordoba i, Orizaba i, Mexico City i). Saucerottia beryllina viola (Miller). VIOLACEOUS HUMMING BIRD. Amazilis beryllina viola W. DE W. MILLER, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXI, 1905, P- 353 (J a lp a > Sinaloa, Mexico). Saucerottia beryllina viola RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. , No. 50, V, 19 1 1 , p. 45 1 . Range: Western Mexico. Saucerottia sumichrasti (Salviri) SUMICHRAST'S HUMMING BIRD. Amazilia sumichrasti SALVIN, Ann. & Mag. N. H., VII, 1891, p. 376 (Santa Efige- nia, Oaxaca); Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, pp. 213, 661, pi. 7, Fig. 2. Saucerottia sumichrasti SIMON, Cat. Trochil., 1897, p. 13; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 451. Range: Southern Mexico (State of Oaxaca). Saucerottia ocai (Gould). DE OCA'S HUMMING BIRD. Amazilia ocai GOULD, Ann. & Mag. N. H., Ser. 3, IV, 1859, p. 96 (Jalapa, Vera Cruz); Id., Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 289; ELLIOTT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 221; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 213. i88 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Saucerottia ocai RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 452. Range: Southeastern Mexico (State of Vera Cruz). Genus GOLDMANIA Nelson. Goldmania Nelson, Smith. Misc. Coll., LVI, No. 21, 1911, p. i (Type Goldmania violiceps Nelson). Goldmania violiceps Nelson. GOLDMAN'S HUMMING BIRD. Goldmania violiceps NELSON, Smith. Misc/Colls., LVI, No. 21, 1911, p. i (Cerro Azul, Northwest of Chepo, Panama, Alt. 3000 ft.); RiDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 453. Range: Eastern Panama (Region of Cerro Azul). Genus GOETHALSIA Nelson. 8 Goethsalia Nelson, Smiths. Misc. Coll., Vol. 60, No. 3, 1912, p. 6 (Type Goethal- sia bella Nelson). Goethalsia bella Nelson* GOETHAL'S HUMMING BIRD. Goethalsia bella NELSON, Smith. Misc. Coll., Vol. 60, No. 3, 1912, p. 7 (Cana, eastern Panama, 2000 ft. altitude). Range: Eastern Panama (Cana, 2000 ft. alt. and Mt. Pirri to 5000 ft. alt.). Genus Goethalsia NELSON: "Apparently nearest to Goldmania, the three or four middle under tail coverts being shorter than usual and specialized as in that genus, silky white in color and forming a tuft of overlapping or "nested" and strongly decurved stiff plumes about twice as long as in Goldmania and more plume-like nearly to base of feathers; other under tail coverts normal and differently colored from middle ones but proportionately smaller than usual; this strong character present in both sexes and in the young as in Goldmania; primaries medium width, broader than in Goldmania normal in all conditions (?) and outer primary distinctly longer than next one; tail emarginate, nearly three-fifths the length of wing; bill slightly broadened and ridged at base; terete elsewhere and same length as head; nostrials operculate, feathering of forehead extending out about two-thirds of length of nostrils; tarsus bare, except near upper end in front. Color: Males on head and body mainly plain metallic green above and below except buffy rufous mask on chin and lores and buffy whitish on posterior abdomen; primaries purplish black; secondaries rufous dark tipped as in Eupherusa; tail feathers pale rufous buffy with exposed parts of middle feathers dark bronze green and same color on tips of other feathers decreasing proportionately in width to a fine narrow margin on outer feathers on each side." (Nelson, I.e.). b Goethalsia bella NELSON: Male, top of head dull dark bronze green, shading to brighter bronze green on neck and back and into golden bronze on rump; lores and malar area dark reddish rufous, becoming reddish buff on chin; under parts from chin to upper abdomen bright metallic green; crissum buffy and buffy whitish, except longer central under tail coverts, which are satiny- white, overlapping rigidly decurved plumes as in Goldmani, but much longer and broader; sides of neck and body greenish bronze; posterior flanks reddish buffy; primaries purplish black; secondaries rusty rufous tipped with bronzy purplish; tail mostly rusty buffy, but exposed parts of two middle feathers dark bronze green and lateral feathers tipped with proportionally decreasing amounts of same to a narrow edging on tip of outer feathers on each side. Wing, 52; tail, 29; culmen, 17 mm. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 189 Genus AMAZILIS Gray. Amazilis Gray, List. Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 14 (Type A. latirostris Swainson). *Amazilis tzacatl tzacatl (De la Llave). RIEFFER'S HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus tzacatl DE LA LLAVE, Registro Trimestre, II, No. 5, 1833, p. 48 (Mexico). Amazilia or Amazilis tzacatl RICHMOND, Auk, 1899, p. 324, in text. Amazilia riefferi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 311; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 216, part (Mexican and Central American references). Amazilia dubusi SHARPS, Hand List, II, 1900, p. 108. Amazilia fuscicauda (nee. FRASER) of authors (Mexican and Central American references from Panama, northward). Amazilis tzacatl tzacatl RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 408, part; (Lower Rio Grande, Texas, Mexico, Central America and Colombia); CHAPMAN, BulL Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 288, crit. (various lo- calities in Colombia). Range: Southeastern Mexico south to Panama. 22 : Costa Rica (Limon 4, Guayabo 1 1) ; Nicaragua (San Emilis) ; i Guatemala (Los Animas) 3; Panama (Colon, 2, Chiriqui i). * Amazilis tzacatl jucunda a (Heine). HEINE'S HUMMING BIRD. Eranna jacunda HEINE, Journ. fur Ornith., XI, 1863, p. 188 (Babahoyo, west Ecuador). Amazilia tzacatl jucvnda HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1182; CHAP- MAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 289 (crit.). A. riefferi SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 530 (Antioquia). Range: Low Countries of western Ecuador, and southwestern Colombia. 7: "Colombia" 5; and Ecuador (Peramba) 2. *Amazilis tzacatl fuscicaudata b (Fraser). DUSKY-TAILED HUMMING BIRD. Amazilia fuscicaudata FRASER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1840, p. 17 ("Chacha- poyas, Peru " = Bogota, Colombia). A. t. fuscicaudata HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 183, in text. Range: Andes of eastern Colombia (Bogota, etc.) and Venezuela (Merida). 14: Western Venezuela (Colon, Tachira, near the Colombian line). a Amazilis tzacatl jucunda HEINE: Similar to A. t. tzacatl (E>E LA LLAVE) from Central America in general plumage and length of bill, but differs in having the upper mandible fleshy brown (instead of blackish) and the abdomen decidedly darker smoke-gray. b Amazilis tzacatl fuscicaudata (FRASER): Claimed to differ in smaller size and bill shorter and stouter. A somewhat questionable race, but averages shorter especially in specimens from western Venezuela (Colon, Tachira). In this connec- tion cf. Chapman, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 288 in text. Cf. Salvin, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 217, in text. 190 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Amazilis lucida" (Elliot). ELLIOT'S HUMMING BIRD. Amazilia lucida ELLIOT, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., (4), XX, 1892, p. 404 (Bogota) ; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 116. Amazilis lucida OBERHOLSER, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1899, p. 208. Range: Colombia. Amazilis castaneiventris (Gould). CHESTNUT- VENTED HUMMING BIRD. Amazilia castaneiventris GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1856, p. 150 (Colombia); Id., Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 310; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XIV, 1892, p. 212. Range: Colombia. *Amazilis yucatanensis yucatanensis (Cabot). YUCATAN HUMMING' BIRD. Trochilus yucatanensis CABOT, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H., II, 1845, p. 74 (Yucatan). Amazilia yucatanensis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 308; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 219, part; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 214, part. Amazilis yucatanensis yucatanensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 412. Range: Extreme southeastern Mexico (States of Tabasco, Cam- peche and Yucatan) ; British Honduras and eastern Guatemala. 2: Yucatan (lolam). Amazilis yucatanensis cerviniventris (Gould). FAWN-BREASTED HUM- MING BIRD. Amazilius cerviniventris GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1856, p. 150 (Cordova, Vera Cruz). Amazilia cerviniventris SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 214, part; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Am. Aves, II, 1892, p. 300, part. Amazilis yucatanensis cerviniventris RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 19". P- 4H- Range: Southeastern Mexico (except extreme southeastern por- tion) . *Amazilis yucatanensis chalconota (Oberholser). BUFF-BELLIED HUM- MING BIRD. Amazilis cerviniventris chalconota. OBERHOLSER, Auk, 1898, p. 32 (Beeville Brownsville, Texas); Id., p. 188 (correction of type locality). Amazilis lucida (ELLIOT): Somewhat resembles A. devillei (BouRC. & MULS.) from Central America, but differs from that and all others of this Genus by its reddish-bronze tail and bronzy-brown upper tail coverts edged with white; upper parts metallic grass-green, darkest on the head; upper tail coverts golden bronze; throat, breast, abdomen and flanks, metallic grass-green; lower abdomen with mouse-colored spot; thighs white and feathers fluffy; under tail coverts dark bronzy- brown edged with white; wings dark purple; tail reddish bronze with tips of lateral rectrices bluish black and their edges reddish bronze (condensed descr.). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 191 A. cerviniventris chalconota HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 59. Amazilis yucatanensis chalconota RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 415. Range: Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas and northeastern Mexico. 10: Mexico (Taumalipas 2, Tampico 4); Texas, U. S. A. (Lower Rio Grande i, Cameron County 3). *Amazilis amazili (Lesson). LESSON'S HUMMING BIRD. Ornismya amazili LESSON, Voy. Coqulle, 1830, p. 683 (Peru). Amazilia pristina GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 303; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 205. Amazilis amazili OBERHOLSER, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1899, p. 207, in text. Amazilia forreri BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, III, 1893, P- 7 ("Mazatlan, Mexico " = errore*). Range: Western Peru. 2: Peru (Callao i, "Peru" i). Amazilis dumerili (Lesson). DUMERIL'S HUMMING BIRD. Ornismya dumerili LESSON, Hist. Nat. Celebris, Suppl., 1832, p. 172, pi. 36 (Ecuador). Amazilia dumerili GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, (1859) 1861, pi. 305; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 218; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 206; HARTERT and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, P- 5 2 - Range: Western Ecuador, i: Ecuador (Guayaquil). Amazilis alticolor (Gould). ANDEAN HUMMING BIRD. Amazilia alticolor GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 309 ("Puna district of Peru"); Id., Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 305; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 218; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 206; HARTERT and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, P- 5 2 - Range: Northern Peru and southern Ecuador. *Amazilis leucophaea (Reichenb.). WHITE-BREASTED HUMMING BIRD. Amazilia leucophaea REICHENBACH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1854, pp. 10, 24 ("Vulcan Arequipa, Sud-Peru"); GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, (1859) 1861, pi. 306; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 218; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 205. Range: Western Peru. 2: Peru (near Otuzco). *Amazilis rutila rutila (Delattre). CINNAMOMEUS HUMMING BIRD. Ornismya cinnamomea (not Ornismya cinnamomeus Gervaise, 1835) LESSON, Rev. Zool., 1842, p. 175 (Acapulco, Guerrero). Cf. Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., XX, 1913, p. 251. 192 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Ornismya rutila DELATTRE, Echo du Monde Savant., Ser. 2, VII, No. 45, 1843, Col. 1069 (new name to replace 0. cinnamomea LESSON, preoccupied). Amazilia cinnamomea SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, pp. 207, 660, part; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 219, part. Amazilis rutila rutila RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 416. Range: Mexico in States of Sinaloa to Yucatan, eastern Guate- mala and south to western Costa Rica. 12: Yucatan 2; Nicaragua (San Geronoma 3, Chinendega 3); Costa Rica (San Mateo) i; Guatemala (Zacapa) 3. *Amazilis rutila corallirostris (Bourc. and Muls.). CORAL-BELLIED HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus corattirostris BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, IX, 1846, p. 328 (Escuintla, western Guatemala). Amazilia corallirostris GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, (1857) 1861, pi. 307. Amazilis rutila corallirostris RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911. p. 419. Amazilia cinnamomea saturata NELSON, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XII, 1898, p. 63 (Huehuetan Chiapas). Range: Slope of Guatemala and Chiapas. 6: Guatemala (San Jose 3, Mazatanoango 2, and Pitutul i). Amazilis graysoni (Lawrence). GRAYSON'S HUMMING BIRD. Amazilia (Pyrrhophaena) graysoni LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VIII, 1866, p. 404 (Tres Marias Islands, western Mexico). Amazilia graysoni ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 219; SALVIN, Cat; Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 209; NELSON, North. Am. Fauna, No. 14, 1899, P- 45 (crit.). Amazilis graysoni OBERHOLSER, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1899, p. 207; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 419. Range: Tres Marias Islands (Maria Madre I.) off western Mexico. Amazilis bangs! Ridgway. BANG'S HUMMING BIRD. Amazilis bangsi RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIII, 1910, p. 54 (Volcan de Miravalles, northwestern Costa Rica); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 420. Range: Northwestern Costa Rica (Volcan de Miravalles). Amazilis virdifrons (Elliot). GREEN-FRONTED HUMMING BIRD. Cyanomyia viridifrons ELLIOT, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) VIII, 1871, p. 266 (Putla, Oaxaca); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 196. Uranomitra viridifrons ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 197; SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil. Suppl., 1885, pi. 49. Uranomitra querrerensis SIMON, Cat. Trochil., 1897, p. 14. Amazilis viridifrons RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 421. Range: Southwestern Mexico. iQi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 193 Amazilis atricapilla* (Simon). OAXACA HUMMING BIRD. Uranomitra atricapilla SIMON, Rev. Franc. d'Orn. , 191 1 , p. 129 (State of Oaxaca).* Range: State of Oaxaca, Mexico. *Amazilis ellioti (Berlepsch). ELLIOT'S HUMMING BIRD. Uranomitra ellioti BERLEPSCH, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XI, 1889, p. 262 (Mazat- lan). Cyanomyia verticalis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 194. Cyanomya quadricolor GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IX, 1855 (Vol. V, 1861) pi. 284. Amazilis verticalis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 422. Amazilis ellioti HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XX, 1913, p. 252. Range: Western and central Mexico. 4: Mexico (Guernavaca i, "Mexico" 3). *Amazilis violiceps (Gould). VIOLET- CROWNED HUMMING BIRD. Cyanomya violiceps GOULD, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., IV, 1859, p. 97 (Atlixco, Puebla); Id., Mon. Trochil., V, 1860, p. 285; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 196. Uranomitra violiceps ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 196. Amazilis violiceps RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 424. Range: Southern Mexico. 7: Mexico (Cuenavaca i, Palisco i, Guerrero 4, and Oaxaca i). Amazilis derneddei b (Simon). DERNEDDE'S HUMMING BIRD. Uranomitra derneddei SIMON, Rev. Franc. d'Orn., 1911, p. 129 (Puebla, Mexico). Range: State of Puebla, Mexico. * Amazilis cyanocephala cyanocephala (Lesson). RED-BILLED AZURE CROWN. Ornismya cyanocephalus LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, 1829, p. XLV ("Bresil"). Amazilis atricapilla (SIMON): Upper part of body grayish bronze-olive, tinged with green on forward part with the head dull sooty, very lightly tinged with green; under part of body entirely white; sides of abdomen grayish-fawn; sides of throat and breast gray -bronze; under tail feathers white; rectrices beneath pale reddish copper color; upper tail coverts and upper surface of middle rectrices brilliant deep reddish copper color which shades to black at the end. Bill, \g}4 mm. b Amazilis derneddei (SIMON): Upper part of body dull grayish-olive, lightly tinted with bronze-olive at the shoulder; head deep blue- violet, duller in front and not passing the vertex (several isolated violet feathers on the neck); upper tail coverts bronze or violet, slightly edged with gray; under parts of body entirely pure white; flanks of abdomen on each side beneath the wings tinged with gray fawn- color, without any tinge of green; throat and breast bordered on each side dull grayish-olive; under tail coverts white; under surface of rectrices pale copper colored, the median ones deep dull bronze-violet, but tinted with reddish copper color. Wing, 60 to 64; bill, 21 to 21 K mm. This species somewhat approaches A. violiceps GOULD. iQ4 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Cyanomyia cyanocephala GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1856, pi. 286; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 197, part. Amazilis cyanocephala cyanocephala RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 425; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XX, 1913, p. 252, in text. Trochilus verticalis LICHTENSTEIN, Preis.-Verz. Mex. Vog., 1830, p. i. Range: Southeastern Mexico, i: "Mexico." *Amazilis cyanocephala guatemalensis (Gould). GUATEMALAN AZURE CROWN. Cyanomyia guatemalensis GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 148 (Guatemala); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 198. Amazilis cyanocephala guatemalensis RIDGWEY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 191 1, p. 427. Range: Guatemala, British Honduras, Honduras and northern Nicaragua. 4: Nicaragua (San Raphael de Norte 2) and Guatemala 2. *Amazilis microrhyncha (Elliot}. SMALL-BILLED AZURE CROWN. Cyanomyia microrhyncha ELLIOT, Ibis, 1876, p. 316 (Honduras?); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 197. Amazilis microrhyncha RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 428. Range : Honduras . Amazilis salvini (Brewster). SALVIN'S AZURE CROWN. Cyanomyia salvini BREWSTER, Auk, X, 1893, P- 2I 4 (Nacosari, Sonora). Amazilis salvini RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 429. Range: Known only from northwestern Mexico (State of Sinaloa) and southern Arizona (Cochise County). Genus PHAEOPTILA a Gould. Phaeoptila Gould, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, text to pi. 340 (Type Cyanomyia (?) sordida Gould). *Phaeoptila sordida (Gould). DUSKY HUMMING BIRD. Cyanomyia (?) sordida GOULD, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., IV, 1859, p. 97 (Oaxaca, Mexico). Phaeoptila sordida GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, i86i,pl.34O;ELLiox,Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 10; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 63; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 367. Phaeoptila zonura GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 170 (Bolanos, Jalisco). Range: Western and southern Mexico. 6: Mexico (Guerrero 5, and Cuenemarca i). * Cf. Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 367, in text. iQi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 195 Genus CYNANTHUS Swainson. Cynanthus Swainson, Philos Mag. N. S., I, 1827, p. 441 (Type C. latirostris Swainson).' *Cynanthus latirostris Swainson. BROAD-BILLED HUMMING BIRD. Cynanthus latirostris SWAINSON, Philos. Mag., N. S., I, 1827, p. 441 ("table lands" of Mexico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 370. Circe latirostris GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 338. I ache latirostris ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 235; Am. Orn. Union Check List, 1886, No. 441; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 60. tHylocharis magica b MULSANT and VERREAUX, Classif. Trochil., 1866, p. 38 (Mazatlan). tlache magica SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 61. Range: Mexico, except extreme southern States (Oaxaca, Chiapas, Yucatan, etc.) and north to southern Arizona). 10 : Mexico (Trixpam, Jalisco, 3, Oposura Sonora i); Arizona (Huachuca Mts. 4, Calabasas i, Catalina Mts. 2). Cynanthus lawrencei (Berlepsck). LAWRENCE'S HUMMING BIRD. lache lawrencei BERLEPSCH, Ibis, 1887, p. 292 (Tres Marias Islands, western Mexico); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 61. Cynanthus lawrencei RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 373. Range: Tres Marias Islands (Cleofa and Maria Madre Islands) off western Mexico. Cynanthus doubledayi (Bourcier). DOUBLEDAY'S HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus doubledayi BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 46 ("Rio Negro " = State of Guerrero, Mexico? 6 ). Circe doubeldayi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1860, pi. 339 (Chinantla, Guerrero). lache doubledayi ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 235; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 62. lache nitida SALVIN and GODMAN, Ibis, 1889, p. 240 (Acapulco and Rio Papagaio, Guerrero. Range: Southwestern Mexico in States of Guerrero and Oaxaca? a Genus BASILINNA Boie. GasUinna Boie, Isis, 1831, p. 546 (Type Trochilus leucotis Vieillo ). *Basilinna leucotis leucotis ( Vieillof). WHITE-EARED HUMMING BIRD. Trochilus leucotis VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., ed. 2, XXIII, 1818, p. 428 (" Bresil " = Mexico?). Cf. Stone, Auk, 1907, p. 192. b Cf. Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 50, V, 1911, p. 373, footnote. c The type probably came from State of Guerrero, Mexico. Ridgway suggests the possibility of the Oaxaca bird being separable subspecifically (cf. Bull. U. S. Nat: Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 376 footnote). 196 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Basilinna leucotis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 252; Am. Orn. Union Check List, 2nd ed., 1895, p. 206 (except Nicaragua). Heliopaedica melanotis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, (pt. XV, 1858), pi. 64. Basilinna leucotis leucotis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 191 1, p. 378. Range: Mountains of southeastern Arizona, south through high- lands of Mexico to Guatemala. 6: Mexico (Oaxaca i, "Mexico" 2); Guatemala (Lake Atitlan 2, Tecpam i). *Basilinna leucotis pygmaea Simon and Hellmayr. LESSER WHITE- EARED HUMMING BIRD. Basilinna leucotis pygmaea SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 12 (Matagalpa, Nicaragua); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 381. Range: Nicaragua. i: Nicaragua (Jinotiga). *Basilinna xantusii (Lawrence). XANTUS'S HUMMING BIRD. Amazilia xantusii LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1860, p. 109 (Cape San Lucas). Heliopaedica xantusi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 65. Heliopaedica castaneocauda ELLIOT, Illust. Bds. N. Am., I, 1869, pi. 22. Basilinna xantusi Am. Orn. Union Check List, 3rd Ed., 1910, p. 206; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 255; BREWSTER, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XLI, 1902, p. 112. Basilinna xantusii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. ,No. 50, V, 1911, p. 382. Range: Southern Lower California, rarely north to about latitude *9. 3: Lower California (La Paz 3, Cocachiles Mts. i). Genus HYLOCHARIS a Boie. Hylocharis Boie, Isis, 1831, p. 546 (Type Trochilus saphirinus Gmelin). *Hylocharis grayi (Delattre and Bourcier). BLUE-HEADED SAPPHIRE. Trochilus grayi DELATTRE and BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1846, p. 307 (Popayan). Eucephala grayi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 330; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 228; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 239. Hylocharis grayi OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 317 (Northern Ecuador and southern Colombia); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 289 (Cauca Valley, Colombia and southward to northern Ecuador). Range: Southern Colombia and northern Ecuador. 4: Ecuador (Gualea i, "Ecuador" 2); Colombia (Cali i). I cannot find any structural differences to distinguish the Genus Eucephala Reich., 1854, from Hylocharis and have followed Hartert and Oberholser in uniting them. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 197 Hylocharis humboldti (Bourc. and Muls.) HUMBOLDT'S SAPPHIRE. Trochilus humboldti BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon (2) IV, 1852, p. 142 (River Mira, Esmeraldas). Chrysuronia humboldti GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, (1859) pi. 327; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 168; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 250. Eucephala humboldti SIMON and DELMAS, Ornis, 1901, p. 210; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 116. Hylocharis humboldti CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 289 (Buenaventura; Tumaco, Colombia). Range: Western Ecuador and southwest Colombia. i: Ecuador (Veguina). *Hylocharis ruficollis ruficollis (Vieilloi) . RUFOUS-THROATED SAPPHIRE. Trochilus ruficollis VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., VII, 1817, p. 362 (Para- guay). Chrysuronia chrysura GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V (May, 1860), p. 329. Chrysuronia ruficollis GRANT, Ibis, 1911, p. 317; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 251. Hylocharis ruficollis HARTERT and VENTURI, Nov. Zool., XVI, 1909, p. 222; CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 268. Range: Paraguay, Northern Argentina and southeastern Brazil to Rio Grande do Sol and Santa Catharina. *Hylocharis ruficollis maxwelli" Hartert. MAXWELL'S SAPPHIRE. Hylocharis ruficollis maxwelli HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 519 (near Rio Beni, eastern Bolivia); SIMON, Bull. Mus. d'Hist. Nat., 1912, No. 8, p. 501 (Cambara, Matto Grosso); IHERING, Revis, Mus., Paulista, VI, 1904, p. 356 (Sao Paulo). Range: Eastern Bolivia and central and south central Brazil (west Sao Paulo, Matto Grosso and Minas Geraes). 2: "Bolivia." *Hylocharis cyanus cyanus ( Vieillot). WHITE-THROATED SAPPHIRE. Trochilus cyanus VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XXIII, 1818, p. 426 ("Bresil"). Hylocharis cyanea GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V (May, 1852), pi. 344; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 237; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 246; HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 520. Hylocharis cyanus cyanus HELLMAYR, Verh. der Ornith. Gesell. Bayern, XII, IQIS, P- 152- Range: Coast region of eastern Brazil (Bahia to S. Paulo). 5: Brazil (Bahia 4, "Brazil" i). Hylocharis ruficolis maxwelli Hartert: Similar to H. r. ruficollis (Vieil.), but size smaller and bill much shorter. b Hylocharis cyanus cyanus ( VIEILLOT): Rump with strong coppery gloss; abdo- men mixed with gray; back lighter green. 198 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Hylocharis cyanus rostrata 8 (Boucard). LARGE-BILLED SAPPHIRE. Hylocharis rostrata BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Birds, 1895, p. 400 (Rioja). Hylocharis cyanus rostrata HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 520; SIMON, Bull. Mus. d'Hist. Nat., 1912, No. 8, p. 501 (Cambara, Matto Grosso). H. cyanus rostrata HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 67 (Rioja, Peru; Rio Beni, Bolivia). Range: East Peru, east Bolivia and western Brazil. 4: Peru (Rioja 2, Moyobamba i, Iquitos i). *Hylocharis cyanus viridiventris b (Berlepsch). GREEN- VENTED SAP- PHIRE. Hylocharis viridiventris BERLEPSCH, Ibis, 1880, p. 113 (Merida); CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 400. , Hylocharis cyanus viridiventris HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., 1898, p. 520; Id., XIII, 1906, p. 376; BERLEPSCH, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 267; STONE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1913, p. 202 (Cariaquito, Venezuela). Range: Venezuela, Guiana and northern Brazil. 4: (Surinam, near Paramaribo, 2; British Guiana 2). *Hylocharis sapphirina sapphirina (GmeL). GUIANA SAPPHIRE. Trochilus sapphirina GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 496 (Guiana). Hylocharis sapphirina GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V (1852), 1860, p. 342; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 236; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 245; HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 520, in text; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 376; Id., XVII, 1910, p. 375; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 400. Hylocharis guianensis BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, I, 1891, p. 52 (British Guiana). Range: Guiana and Venezuela to N. E. Brazil. 3: British Guiana (Annai 2, Potaro i). *Hylocharis sapphirina latirostris c (Wied.). MAXIMILIAN'S SAPPHIRE. Trochilus latirostris WIED, Beitr. Naturg. Bras., IV, I, 1832, p. 64 (Belmonte, Bahia). Hylocharis latirostris BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 117. Hylocharis brasiliensis BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, III, 1893, p. 7 (Brazil). Hylocharis sapphirina GOELDI, Alb. de Aves Amazon, pt. 3, 1905, pi. 45. Range: Eastern Brazil. S. Brazil. ? N. Argentine. ? 3: Brazil (Bahia i, "Brazil" 2). B Hylocharis cyanus rostrata BOUCARD: Back, and rump less coppery; abdomen deeper green; head and throat somewhat lighter. b Hylocharis cyanus viridiventris BERLEPSCH: Coloration more bluish and less golden green. ^Hylocharis sapphirina latirostris (WiED): Larger; bill and wing longer; upper parts more golden green; breast more bluish. iQi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 199 Hylocharis pyropygia a Salvin and Godman. RED-RUMPED SAPPHIRE. Hylocharis pyropygia SALVIN and GODMAN, Ibis, 1881, p. 596, pi. XVI (?Bahia); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 241; SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVI, 1908, p. 10. Range: Eastern Brazil. *Hylocharis eliciae (Bourc. and Muls.). ELI CIA'S SAPPHIRE. Trochilus eliciae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, IX, 1846, p. 314 (type locality?). Chrysonia eliciae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., pt. XVI, 1858 (Vol. V, 1860), pi. 328; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 169; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 251. Hylocharis eliciae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 384. Range: Extreme southern Mexico, Guatemala, Salvador, Hon- duras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica to western Panama. 5: Nicaragua (San Geronomo i); Guatemala (Vera Paz 2); Costa Rica (Boruca i, Lagarto i). Genus CHRYSURONIA Bonaparte. Chrysuronia Bonaparte, Consp. Av., I, 1850, p. 75 (Type Ornismya oenone Lesson). Chrysuronia oenone oenone (Lesson). LESSON'S SAPPHIRE. Ornismya oenone LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, Suppl., 1832, p. 157, pi. 30 ("la Trinite"). Chrysuronia oenone GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1860, pi. 325; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 248. Chrysuronia oenone oenone HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 519; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 59; HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg., A 5 Heft, 1912, p. 139. Range: Venezuelan and eastern Ecuador; Trinidad? 2: "Trinidad" (from Boucard collection). *Chrysuronia oenone longirostris b Berlepsch. LONG-BILLED SAP- PHIRE. Chrysuronia longirostris BERLEPSCH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1887, p. 333 (Bo- gota). Chrysuronia oenone longirostris HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 519. Range: Andes of eastern Colombia. 3: "Colombia" i; "northern Ecuador" 2. a Hylocharis pyropygia SALV. & GODMAN: Somewhat resembles Hylocharis cyanus cyanus (ViEiLL.), but top of head brilliant greenish blue (not bluish violet); under parts of body bluish green, passing to equally brilliant green on the abdomen. b Chrysuronia oenone Longirostris BERLEPSCH: Similar to C. e. oenone (LESSON) but bill longer. 200 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Chrysuronia oenone intermedia* Hartert. BARTER'S SAPPHIRE. Chrysuronia oenone intermedia HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 519 (Upper Amazon). C. oenone intermedia HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 69. Range: Eastern Peru. 2: Peru (Rioja i, Pebas i). *Chrysuronia oenone josephinae b (Bourc. and Muls.). JOSEPHINE'S SAPPHIRE. Ornismya josephinae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Rev. Zool., 1848, p. 272 (Bolivia). Chrysuronia neera SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 249. Chrysuronia josephinae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1859, pi. 326. Chrysuronia oenone josephinae HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 519. Agyrtria alleni ELLIOT, Auk, 1888, p. 263 (Bolivia). Range : B oli via . i: "Bolivia." Genus CHLORESTES Reichenbach. Chlorestes Reichenbach, Journ. fur Ornith., 1854; Aufz. d. Col. p. 7 (Type T. cyanogenys Wied = T. notatus Reich). *Chlorestes notatus notatus (Reich.}. BLUE-CHINNED SAPPHIRE. Trochilus notatus REICHENBACH, Mag. des Thierreichs (Erlangen) I, ab. 3, 1795, p. 129 (Cayenne). Trochilus caeruleus VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., VII, 1817, p. 361. Hylocharis caerulea PELZELN, Zur. Orn. Bras., II, 1868, p. 33 (Borba). Eucephala caerulea SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 241; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1860, pi. 335. Chlorestes caeruleus HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, pp. 77-396. Chlorestes notatus BERLEPSCH, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 266; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 376; HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg., A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 140; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 401. Range: Guiana, Trinidad, Tobago, North Brazil, Venezuela and eastern Ecuador. 6: British Guiana i; Trinidad i; Dutch Guiana i; "Ecuador" i; locality ? i. *Chlorestes notatus puniensis d Riley. PURUS RIVER SAPPHIRE. Chlorostilbon puruensis RILEY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVI, 1913, p. 63 (Hyutaniban, Purus River, Brazil); Id., XXVIII, 1915, p. 183. Chrysuronia oenone intermedia HARTERT: Similar to C. e. oenone (LESSON), but wing shorter and chin only blue. b Chrysuronia oenone josephinae (BouRC. & MULS.) : All under surface glittering green no blue on chin or throat; wing shorter. Cf. Hellmayr, Novit. Zool., XX, 1913, p. 248. d Chlorestes notatus puruensis (RILEY): Similar to C. n. notatus (REICH.), but with longer bill and chin somewhat less blue. Bill, 18 to 19.5 mm. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 201 Chlorestes caeruleus puruensis RILEY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVIII, 1913, p. 183, in text. Range: Purus River Region, western Brazil. Chlorestes hypocyaneus (Gould}. BLUE-BREASTED SAPPHIRE. Eucephala hypocyanea GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 306 (Brazil); Id., Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 334; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 230; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 244. Chlorestes hypocyaneus SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. n. Range: Brazil. Chlorestes subcaeruleus (Elliot). ELLIOT'S BLUE-BREASTED SAPPHIRE. Eucephala subcaerulea ELLIOT, Ibis, 1874, p. 87 (Bahia); Id., Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 230; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 244; SIMON and HELL- MAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. ii. Range: Brazil. Genus DAMOPHILA Reichenbach. Damophila Reichenbach, Aufz. der Colib., 1854, P- 7 (Type Ornismya juliae Bourcier). *Damophila juliae juliae (Bourcier}. JULE'S HUMMING BIRD. Ornismya juliae BOURCIER, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, V, 1842, p. 345, pi. 21 (Tunja, near Bogota, Colombia). Danwphila juliae SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 236, part. Juliamya typica GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 337. DamophUa juliae juliae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, 1911, V, p. 519; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXVI, 1917, p. 290 (Honda). Range: Colombia (Bogota, Lower Magdalena, etc.) and Panama. 5: "Colombia." *Damophila juliae feliciana (Lesson*). FELICIAN HUMMING BIRD. Ornismya feliciana LESSON, Rev. Zool., VII, 1844, p. 433 (Guayaquil, W. Ecuador). Damophila juliae feliciana RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 519, in key. Range: Western Ecuador. 3: Ecuador (Chimbo 2, "Ecuador" i). *Damophila panamensis Berlepsch. PANAMA HUMMING BIRD. Damophila panamensis BERLEPSCH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1884, p. 312 (Panama and Veragua); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 237; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 521. Range: Panama and Costa Rica? 4: Panama. DamophUa juliae feliciana (LESSON): Similar to D. j. juliae (BOURCIER), but crown clear metallic green (like throat) and blue of under parts more violaceus. 202 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus CHLOROSTILBON Gould. Chlorosttibon Gould, Mon. Trochil., pt. V, 1853, sub. pi. 355; Id., Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 175 (Type Ornismya prasina Lesson); Panychlora Cabanis and Heine, Mus., Heine, III, 1860, p. 49 (Type Trochilus aliciae* Bour- cier). *Chlorostilbon aureoventris (d'Orb. and Lafr.). GLITTERING EMERALD. Ornismya aureoventris D'ORBIGNY and LAFRESNAYE, Syn. Av. Mag. de Zool., VIII, cl. II, 1838, p. 28 (Bolivia). Chlorostilbon phaeton GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 354. Chlorostilbon splendidus ELLIOT, Ibis, 1875, p. 165; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 49; GRANT, Ibis, 1911, p. 318 (Paraguay and northern Argen- tina). Chlorostilbon aureiventris CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 268; SIMON, Bull. Mus. d'Hist. Nat., 1912, p. No. 8, p. 501. Range: Bolivia, Paraguay, northern Argentina and southwestern Brazil. i: "Bolivia." Chlorostilbon aureoventris egregius b (Heine). TAQUARA EMERALD. Chlorostilbon egregius HEINE, Journ. fur Ornith., 1863, p. 197 (Taquara, southern Brazil); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 50, in text. C. aureoventris egregius HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 73. Range: Southern Brazil. *Chlorostilbon aureoventris pucherani (Bourc. and Muls.). PUCH- ERAN'S EMERALD. Trochilus pucherani BOURCIER and MULSANT, Rev. Zool., 1848, p. 271 ("le Bresil"). Chlorostilbon prasinus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V (1853), 1861, pi. 355. Chlorostilbon pucherani SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 50; HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IV, 1897, p. 151. Chlorostilbon wiedi BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Birds, 1894, p. 120 (Brazil). Chlorostilbon aureoventris pucherani HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, P- 75- Range: Eastern and central Brazil. 19: Brazil (Jua, Ceara 9, Iquato, Ceara 4, Quixada, Ceara i, Bahia 2, and Minas Geraes 3). Although Brabourne and Chubb recognize the Genus Panychlora, I am unable to find any constant characters which distinguish it from Chlorostilbon and have, therefore, followed Sharpe in uniting them. See also, Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 548, in text. b Chlorostilbon aureoventris egregius HEINE: Intermediate in size and coloration, between aureoventris and pucherani. 1918. CATALOGUE or BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 203 Chlorostilbon auriceps (Gould). GOLDEN-CROWNED EMERALD. Trochilus auriceps GOULD, Jardine's Contr. Orn., 1852, p. 137 (Mexico). Chlorostilbon auriceps GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1857, pi. 350; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 45; RIDGWAY, BuU. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 551. Range: Southwestern and west-central Mexico. *Chlorostilbon forficatus Ridgway. COZUMEL EMERALD. Chlorostilbon forficatus RIDGWAY, Descr. New Species Bds. Cozumel, 1885, p. 3 (Cozumel Island, Yucatan); Id., Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., Ill, 1885, p. 3; Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 552. Range: Cozumel, Mugeres and Halbox Islands, off Yucatan. 2 : Cozumel Island, Yucatan. *Chlorostilbon canivetii canivetii (Lesson). CANI VET'S EMERALD. Ornismya canivetii LESSON, Hist. Nat. Colibr., Suppl. Ois.-Mouches, 1830-31, p. 174, pis. 37-38 ("Bresil"). Chlorostilbon caniveti GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1860, pi. 351; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 46, part. Chlorostilbon canivetii canivetii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, P- 553- Range: Southeastern Mexico (including Yucatan) to British Honduras. 4: "Mexico" 3; Yucatan i. *Chlorostilbon canivetii osberti Gould. GUATEMALAN EMERALD. Chlorostilbon osberti GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 309 (Guatemala). Chlorostilbon caniveiii osberti RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, P- 556. Range: Guatemala, Honduras and Salvador. 5: Guatemala (Zacapa 4, San Jose i). *Chlorostilbon canivetii salvini (Cabanis and Heine). SALVIN'S EMERALD. Chlorostilbon salvini CABANIS and HEINE, Mus.Heine.III, i86o,p.48 (Costa Rica). Chlorolampis salvini CABANIS, Journ. fur Ornith., 1862, p. 164. Chlorostilbon canivetii salvini RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, P- 557- Range: Costa Rica and Nicaragua. 5 : Costa Rica (San Jose) . Chlorostilbon assimilis Lawrence. ALLIED EMERALD. Chlorostilbon assimilis LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VII, 1862, p. 292 (Lion Hill, Panama Railway); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 54; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 558. Range: Panama and Costa Rica. 4 : Panama (Veragua i , Colon i ) ; Costa Rica (Boruca i , Talamaca i) . 204 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Chlorostilbon caribaeus caribaeus Lawrence. CARIBBEAN EMERALD. Chlorostilbon caribaeus LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., X, 1874, P- *3 (Curacao); CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 137, 1909, pp. 200, 206, 212, 245; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 35; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 559. Chlorostilbon atala (not 0. atala Lesson) GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 356; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 55. Chlorostilbon caribbaeus LOWE, Ibis, 1907, p. 559. (?) Chlorostilbon caribbeus lessoni SIMON and DELMAS, Ornis, XI, 1901, p. 212.* Range: Islands of Curacao, Aruba, Bonaire, Margarita and Trini- dad and adjacent coast of Venezuela. "Chlorostilbon caribaeus nanus b Berlepsch and Hartert. CAICORA EMERALD. Chlorostilbon caribaeus nanus BERLEPSCH and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 86 (Caicara, Middle Orinoco region, Venezuela). Range: Middle Orinoco region, Venezuela. f34: Trinidad i; Margarita 4; Bonaire I. 3; Aruba I. 7; Curacao I. 14; Venezuela (Maracay 2 and Caracas 3). *Chlorostilbon gibsoni (Eraser). GIBSON'S EMERALD. Trochilus gibsoni FRAZER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1840, p. 17 (no locality given = Colombia; type based on a female). Trochilus angustipennis FRAZER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1840, p. 18 (based on male gibsoni). Chlorostilbon angustipennis SCLATER and SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 531 (Medillen); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 52. Chlorostilbon speciosus BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, 1892, p. 79; HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IV, 1897, p. 151, in text (crit.). Chlorostilbon gibsoni CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 290 (Chicoral; Rio Toche; San Augustin, etc.). Range: Colombia. 9: Colombia ("Colombia" 8, Antioquia i). *Chlorostilbon haeberlini (Reichenbach) . HAEBERLIN'S EMERALD. Chlorestes haeberlini REICHENBACH, Aufz. d. Col., p. 7; Id., Handb. Orn. Trochil., Enum., 1855, p. 4, pi. 703, Figs. 4578-80 (Colombia); ALLEN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XIII, 1900, p. 141 (Valencia and Bonda, Colombia); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 290 (suggests Bonda, Santa Marta, as type locality). Chlorostilbon caribbeus lessoni SIMON and DELMAS: This supposed race (type from Andes of Cumana, Cuidad, Bolivar, northern Venezuela) agrees with birds from Trinidad and Curacao in length of bill, tail, etc., but the breast averages more bluish (cf. Berlepsch & Hartert, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 86, in text, also, Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 35.) b Chlorostilbon caribaeus nanus BERLEPSCH and HARTERT: Differs in having shorter bill, slightly less forked tail and breast more or less tinged with bluish green; very close to C. c. caribaeus LAWRENCE, and may not be separable. Designated by Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 118. Chapman /I.e.) adds "Chicoral, upper Magdalena Valley." iQi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 205 Range: Colombia and extreme western Venezuela. 9: Colombia 2; Venezuela (Colon, Tachiranear Colombian line) 7. Chlorostilbon inexpectatus Berlepsch. BERLEPSCH'S EMERALD. Panychlora inexpectatus BERLEPSCH, Orn. Centralbl., IV, 1879, p. 63 (Bogota); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 69. Chlorostilbon inexpectatus BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 119. Range: Colombia. *Chlorostilbon melanorhynchus Gould. BLACK-BILLED EMERALD. Chlorostilbon melanorhynchus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 308 (Quito) ; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 53; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 290 (Dabeiba; Caldas; San Antonio; Cali; Popayan, etc.). Chlorostilbon comptus BERLEPSCH, Ibis, 1887, p. 297 (Antioquia). Range: Ecuador and southwestern Colombia. 8: Colombia (Antioquia) 3; Ecuador 5. Chlorostilbon pumilus a Gould. SMALL EMERALD. Chlorostilbon pumilus GOULD, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), IX, 1872, p. 195 (Citado and Pallatanga, western Ecuador); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 54; SIMON and DELMAS, Ornis, XI, 1901, p. 221 (Narango); HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1183 (Pueblo Rico). Range: Ecuador and west Colombia. "Chlorostilbon maugaei (Audebert and Vieillot). PORTO RICAN EMERALD. Trochilus maugaeus AUDEBERT and VIEILLOT, Ois. Dor6s, I, 1801, pp. 71-79, pis. 37, 38 (Porto Rico). Sporadinus (?) maugaei GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 349. Sporadinus maugaei ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 242; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 359; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 154; Id., Cat. W. I. Bds., 1892, pp. 107, 132; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 58. Chlorostilbon maugaei RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 550; WETMORE, Bull. No. 326, U. S. Dept. Agricult., 1916, p. 70. Range: Porto Rico, West Indies, i: Porto Rico (Mayaguay). Chlorostilbon prasinus prasinus (Lesson). GREEN EMERALD. Ornismya prasina LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois-Mouches, 1829, pp. 35, 188, pi. 65 ("Bresil"). Chlorostilbon prasinus ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 246, part; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 56, part; BERLEPSCH, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 267; PENARD and PENARD, De Vog. v. Guyana, II, 1910, p. 127. Chlorostilbon brevicaudatus GOULD, Introd. Trochil., p. 77, 1871. Range: Brazil, French and Dutch Guiana. This species is unknown to me. Chapman (I.e.) intimates he suspects it is inseparable from C. melanorhynchus GOULD. 206 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Chlorostilbon prasinus subfurcatus a Berlepsch. RORAIMA EMERALD. Chlorostilbon subfurcatus BERLEPSCH, Ibis, 1887, p. 297 (Mt. Roraima, British Guiana); CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 403. C. prasinus subfurcatus HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 77. Range: British Guiana. i: British Guiana (Mt. Roraima). Chlorostilbon prasinus daphne b (Gould). PERUVIAN EMERALD. Chlorostilbon daphne GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 177 ("Pampas de Sacre- mento"); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 76; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 119. Range: Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. Chlorostilbon vitticeps (Simon). SIMON'S EMERALD. Prasitis vitticeps SIMON, Rev. Franc. d'Orn., No. 17, 1910, p. 263 (Region of Napo, Ecuador). Range: Eastern Ecuador. Chlorostilbon peruanus Gould. GOULD'S EMERALD. Chlorostilbon peruanus GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 179 (Peru) ; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 57, pi. IV, Fig. 2. Chlorostilbon stuebeli MEYER, Zeitsch. Ges. Orn., I, 1884, p. 206. Range: Peru and Bolivia. *Chlorostilbon poortmani poortmani (Bourc. and Muls.}. POORTMAN'S EMERALD. Ornismya poortmani BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sc. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, VI, 1843, p. 39 (Colombia). Chlorostilbon poortmani GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1860, pi. 358. Panychlora poortmani SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 69; SIMON, Rev. Franc. d'Orn., 1910, p. 264 (northeastern Ecuador, rare). Chlorostilbon poortmani poortmani CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 291 (Quetame and Buena Vista, Colombia). Range: Colombia and northeastern Ecuador. 5: "Colombia." a Chlorostilbon prasinus subfurcatus BERLEPSCH: Differs in having foreneck with bluish tinge; tail emarginate (not rounded). b Chlorostilbon prasinus daphne (GOULD) : Differs in having the bluish tinge of foreneck more decided; bill longer and stronger; tail less emarginate than in sub- furcatus. Chlorostilbon vitticeps (SIMON): Male, upper parts of body deep golden green; upper tail coverts deep bluish-green, blackish at base; top of head ornamented with scale-shaped golden feathers, forming a band not reaching the eye and narrowing on the vertex; under parts of body golden green with the breast brilliant greenish-blue; lower abdomen and flanks mixed with dusky grayish; under tail coverts very deep greenish blue or blackish, but slightly edged with gray; tail as in daphne; wings much longer than tail; wing, about 46; bill, 15 to 16 mm. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 207 *Chlorostilbon poortmani euchloris (Reichen.}. GOLDEN EMERALD. Chlorestes euchloris REICHENBACH, Journ. fur Ornith., Aufz. d. Col., 1854, p. 7 (" Nord Peru " = Colombia). 8 Panychlora euchloris BERLEPSCH, Jour, fur Ornith., 1887, p. 336 (crit.); SALVIN Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 70. Panychlora poortmani major BERLEPSCH, Jour, fur Ornith., 1884, p. 313 (Bu- caramba, Colombia). C. poortmani euchloris HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 78. Range: Colombia. 2: ("Colombia"). Chlorostilbon russatus (Salvin and Godman). COPPERY EMERALD. Panychlora russata SALVIN and GODMAN, Ibis, 1881, p. 597 (Manaure, northern Colombia); SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1883, pi. 59; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 71. Range: Northern Colombia. *Chlorostilbon aliciae (Bourc. and Muls.). ALICE'S EMERALD. Trochilus aliciae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Rev. Zool., 1848, p. 274 (Caracas). Chlorostilbon aliciae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1860, pi. 357. Panychlora aliciae SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 70. Range: Venezuela. i: Venezuela (Caracas). Chlorostilbon micans (Salvin) . BRILLIANT EMERALD. Panychlora micans SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 71, pi. IV, Fig. i (type locality?). Range: Unknown. *Chlorostilbon stenura (Cabanis and Heine). WIRE-TAILED EMERALD. Panychlora stenura CABANIS and HEINE, Mus. Heine, III, 1860, p. 50 (Merida); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 248; SHARPE, in Gould's Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1883, pi. 58. Range: Venezuela and Colombia. fi7: Venezuela (Merida 4, near Merida 13). Genus SMARAGDOCHRYSIS Gould. Smaragdochrysis Gould, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 359 (TypeS. iridescens Gould). Smaragdochrysis iridescens (Gould). IRIDESCENT EMERALD. Calliphlox? iridescens GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 310 (Novo Fri- bourgo). Smaragdochrysis iridescens GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 359; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 388. Range: South Brazil. Cf. Berlepsch, I.e. 1887 and Hartert, Das Tierreich, Trochil., p. 9, 1900, p. 78. 2o8 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus PTOCHOPTERA Elliot. Ptochoptera ELLIOT, Ibis, 1874, P- 2 ^i (Chlorestes iolaema Reichenbach). Ptochoptera iolaema (Reich.). NATTERER'S EMERALD. (Chlorestes) Riccordia iolaema REICHENBACH, Journ. fur Ornith., Aufz. d. Col., 1854, p. 8 (Ypanema); Id., Trochil., Enum., p. 4, pi. 705. Ptochoptera iolaema Elliott Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 130; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 389. Range: Eastern Brazil. Genus RICCORDIA Reichenbach. Riccordia Reichenbach, Aufz. de Col., 1854, p. 8 (Type Riccordia raymondi Reich. = Trochilus ricordii Gervaise). *Riccordia ricordii ricordii (Gervaise). RICORD'S EMERALD. Ornismya ricordii GERVAISE, Mag. de Zool., 1835, cl. II, pis. 42-43 (Santiago, Cuba). Sporadinus ricordi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1860, pi. 348; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 57, part. Sporadinus riccordi ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 241, part; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 358, part; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 153, part. Sporadinus ricordii ricordii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, P- 243- Range: Islands of Cuba. 5: Cuba (Santiago de los Banos 2, "Cuba" 3). *Riccordia ricordii aeneoviridis" (Palmer and Riley). BAH AM AN EMERALD. Riccordia aeneoviridis PALMER and RILEY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XV, 1902, p. 34 (Abaco I., Bahamas); ALLEN (G. M.) Auk, 1905, p. 127. Sporadinus ricordi CORY, Bds. Bahama Is., 1880, p. II (Andros Is.); Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 153, part (Bahamas); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 57, part (Bahamas). Riccordia ricordii aeneoviridis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, P- 544- Range: Bahama Islands (Islands of Abaco, Little Abaco, Andros, Great Bahama and Elbow Key). t32: Bahama Islands (Andros I. 8, Abaco I. 16, Great Bahama 1.8). This would stand as Riccordia ricordii bracei LAWRENCE if a race occurs on New Providence, I., and proves to be the same as those from Andros, Great Bahama, Abaco, etc. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 209 Riccordia ricordii bracei 8 Lawrence. NEW PROVIDENCE EMERALD. Sporadinus bracei LAWRENCE, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1877, p. 50 (New Provi- dence, Bahamas); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 240, footnote; CORY, Bds. Bahama Is., 1880, p. 113. Range: New Providence I., Bahamas. *Riccordia swainsoni (Lesson). HAITIAN EMERALD. Ornismya swainsoni LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, 1829, p. XVII, Tab. p. XVII (p. 197, pi. 70) ("Bresil"; new name for Trochilus elegans Audebert and Vieill). Trochilus elegans (not of Reich., 1795) AUDEBERT and VIEILLOT, Ois. Dores, I, 1801, p. 32, pi. 14 (Santo Domingo); LESSON, Suppl. Ois.-Mouches, 1830-31, p. 99. Sporadinus elegans GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 347; ELLIOT, Syn. .Trochil., 1879, p. 41; CORY, Bull. Nutt Orn. Club, 1881, p. 153; Id., Bds. Haiti and San Domingo, 1881, p. 93, pi. 22, Figs. 9-10; Id., Auk, 1886, p. 358; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 152; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 59. Sporadinus incertus MULSANT and VERREAUX, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, II, i. i, 1875, P- 76. Riccordia swainsoni RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 546. Range: Island of Haiti and San Domingo. f33: Haiti and San Domingo Haiti (Le Coup) 6; San Domingo (Catare 9, Iquinicate 8, Samana 6, Puerto Plata 4). Genus PANTERPE Cabanis and Heine. Panterpe Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Heine, III, 1860, p. 43, footnote (Type Panterpe insignis Cab. and Heine). *Panterpe insignis Cab. and Heine. IRAZU HUMMING BIRD. Panterpe insignis CABANIS and HEINE, Mus. Heine, III, 1860, p. 43 (" San Jose" Volcan de Irazu? Costa Rica); GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 336; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 159; FERRY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 146, Orn. Ser., I, 1910, p. 263; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 511. Range: Highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama. fi8: Costa Rica (Santa Rosa 2, Vol. Turrialba 15); Panama (Veragua) i. I have examined the type of S. bracei LAWRENCE. The specimen is a mummy in poor condition and apparently discolored (probably by the preservative) and in my opinion is a discolored specimen of the bird which occurs commonly on Andros and Abaco Islands. The fact that no specimens of Riccordia have since been recorded from New Providence would suggest that no race exists there and that the occurrence of the type specimen of bracei on that Island (if the locality given is correct) was accidental. 210 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus CYANOPHAIA Reichenbach. Cyanophaia Reichenbach, Aufz. der Col., 1854, p. 10 (Type as fixed by Gray, 1855, Trochilus bicolor Gmelin.) *Cyanophaia bicolor Gmelin. WAGLER'S WOOD NYMPH. Trochilus bicolor GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 496 ("Guadeloupe," probably should be Dominica); AUDUBERT and VIEILLOT, Ois. Dores, I, 1801, p. 75, pl. 36. Thalurania bicolor ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 102; CORY, Auk, III, 1886, P- 353; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 148; Id., Cat. W. I. Bds., 1892, pp. 106- 133; SAL VIM, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 86; SIMON, and HELLMAYR Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 7. Thalurania wagleri GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1875, pl. 109; SALVIN and ELLIOT, Ibis, 1873, p. 360 (Brazil, crit.). ? 'Thalurania belli H. VERRILL addition to the Avifauna of Dominica, date ?, p.?- Cyanophaia bicolor RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 529. Range: Dominica and Martinique, Lesser Antilles, Guadeloupe? Dominica 5; Martinique 9. Cyanophaia scapulata (Gould). BLACK-BELLIED WOOD NYMPH. Eucephala scapulata GOVVD, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 166 ("Oyopoc" Cayenne?); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 229; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, P- 343- Thalurania scapulata HELLMAYR and SIMON, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 7; BRA- BOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 120, No. 1161. Cyanophaia scapulata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 528, in key. Range: French Guiana. Cyanophaia lerchi (Muls. and Verr. b ). LERCH'S WOOD NYMPH. Thalurania lerchi MULSANT and VERREAUX, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, n. s. XVIII, 1872, p. 108 (Colombia); SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, pp. 8-9 (crit.). Timolia lerchi ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 232. Agyrtria tenelrosa HARTERT, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, X, 1899, p. XV. Cyanophaia lerchi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 528, in key. Range: Colombia. * Thalurania belli H. VERRILL: Described in a small pamphlet without date, pagination, or place of publication. If the description of the type specimen is correct, the bird is probably a freak or "sport" of C. bicolor. b Cyanophaia lerchi (MuLS. & VERR.): Omitted by Brabourne & Chubb, in Bds. S. Am., I, 1912. The type is now in the American Museum of Natural History, New York. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 211 Cyanophaia caeruleo-lavata (Gould). REEVE'S WOOD NYMPH. Eucephala caeruleo-lavata GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., 1860, p. 306 (Sao Paulo, southern Brazil) ; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 333; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 244. Thalurania caeruleo-lavata SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 8. Cyanophaia caeruleo-lavata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 528, in key. Range: Southeastern Brazil. Cyanophaia chlorocephala (Bourcier). GREEN-HEADED WOOD NYMPH. Hylocharis chlorocephalus BOURCIER, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. (2), VI, 1854, p. 457 ("Guaranda, Ecuador " = Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, according to Hellmayr). Eucephala chlorocephala GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 332; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 241. Thalurania chlorocephala SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 8. Cyanophaia chlorocephala RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 528, in key. Range: Southeastern Brazil. Cyanophaia smaragdinea (Gould). GOULD'S WOOD NYMPH. Agasma smaragdineum GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., 1860, p. 305 (Novo Fribourgo, Brazil). Eucephala smaragdinea SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 240, part. Eucephala smaragdo-caerulea GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 331. Thalurania smaragdinea SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., X, 1908, pp. 8-10. Cyanophaia smaragdinea RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 528, in key. Range: Southeastern Brazil (Bahia to Rio). Cyanophaia chlorophana (Simon). SOUTHERN WOOD NYMPH. Thalurania chlorophana SIMON, Cat. Trochil., 1897, p. 20, footnote (Bahia, Brazil); SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 8. Cyanophaia chloropJiana RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 528, in key. Range: Southeastern Brazil. Genus THALURANIA Gould. Thalurania Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., 1848, p. 13 (Type as fixed by Gray, 1855, Trochilus furcatus Gmelin). *Thalurania glaucopis (Gmelin). BRAZILIAN WOOD NYMPH. Trochilus glaucopis GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 497 ("Brasilia"). Thalurania glaucopis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1856, pi. 99; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 99; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 77; HELL- MAYR, Verb, der Ornith. Gesell. Bayern, XII, 1915, p. 153. Range: South Brazil (Bahia to Rio Grande do Sol), Paraguay. 8: Brazil (Sao Amaro 6, "Brazil" 2). 212 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Thalurania townsendi Ridgway. HONDURAS WOOD NYMPH. Thalurania townsendi RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., X, 1888, p. 590 (Segovia R. Honduras); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 78; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 536. Range: Honduras and eastern Guatemala. Thalurania ridgwayi Nelson. MEXICAN WOOD NYMPH. Thalurania ridgwayi NELSON, Auk, 1900, p. 262 (San Sabastian, Jalisco, south- western Mexico); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 537. Range : Western Mexico (in State of Jalisco) . "Thalurania colombica colombica (B our tier). COLOMBIAN WOOD NYMPH. Ornismya colombica BOURICER, Rev. Zool., VI, 1843, p. 2 (Colombia). Thalurania columbica GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1858, pi. 106; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 79, part; STONE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.,Phila., 1899, p. 306 (Ibague); ALLEN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XIII, 1900, p. 41 (Santa Marta, etc.). Thalurania colombica colombica RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 191 1, p. 532; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 293 (Andalucia; San Augustin, etc., Colombia). Range: Andes of Colombia and Venezuela (San Cristobal) and eastern Panama. 9: "Colombia." *Thalurania colombica venusta (Gould). COSTA RICAN WOOD NYMPH. Trochilus (Thalurania) venusta GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., 1850, p. 163 (Chiriqui, Panama). Thalurania venusta GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1858, pi. 105; MADRASZ, Am. Mus. N. H. Hung., 1911, IX, p. 357, in text. Thalurania colombica venusta HARTERT, Journ. fur Ornith, 1900, p. 362 ; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 534. Range: Western Panama, Costa Rica and southern Nicaragua). 17: Costa Rica (Guayabo n, Orosi 2); Panama (Veragua) 4. Thalurania hypochlora Gould. CITADO WOOD NYMPH. Thalurania hypochlora GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., 1870, p. 104 (Citado); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 102; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 78. Range: Ecuador. / *Thalurania fannyi fannyi Bourc. and Delattre. GREEN-CROWNED WOOD NYMPH. Trochilus fannyi BOURCIER and DELATTRE, Rev. Zool., 1846, p. 310 (Rio Dagua, Colombia). \ CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 213 Thalurania fanniae SIMON and DELMAS, Ornis, 1901, p. 210 (Buenaventura). Thalurania fannyi HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., 1911, p. 1183 (Pueblo Rico, etc.). Thalurania fannyi fannyi CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 291 (Alto Bonito, La Viejo, Buenavista, etc., crit.). Range: Pacific region of Colombia and eastern Panama. 2: Colombia ("Rio Dague"). *Thalurania fannyi verticeps a Gould. GREEN-HEADED WOOD NYMPH. Thalurania verticeps GOULD, Contr. Orn., 1851, p. 79, pi. 71 (Quito); Id., Mon Trochil., II, 1858, pi. 107; SIMON and DELMAS, Ornis, XI, 1901, p. 221, in text (crit.); HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., 1911, p. 1184, in text (crit.), (Ecuador). Thalurania fannyi verticeps CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 292 (Las Lomitas; San Antonio; La Frijolera, Colombia). Range: Ecuador; Colombia (subtropical zone of western and central Andes). 2: Ecuador (Gualea i, Peramba i). *Thalurania furcata furcata (Gmelin). CAYENNE WOOD NYMPH. Trochilus fur catus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 486 (Cayenne). Thalurania furcata GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1858, pi. 101 ; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil. 1879, p. 99; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 84. Range: French Guiana. i: French Guiana (Cayenne). Thalurania furcata furcatoides Gould. AMAZONIAN WOOD NYMPH. Thalurania fur catoides GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 77 (Para); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI., 1892, p. 85. Thalurania forcipata HEINE, Journ. fur Ornith., 1863, p. 181. Thalurania furcata forcatoides HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XII, 1905, p. 297; Id., XIII, 1906, p. 377. Range: Northeastern Brazil. 2: Brazil (Utinga i, Santarem i). Thalurania furcata intermedia 1 * Snethlage. SNETHLAGE'S WOOD NYMPH. Thalurania furcata intermedia SNETHLAGE, Ornith. Monatsb., 1907, p. 163 (Cometa, Rio Tocantins, Brazil); Id., Bol. Mus. Goeldi (Cat. Av. Amazon, VIII, 1914, p. 198). Range: Region of Rio Tocantins, Brazil. Thalurania verticeps GOULD: Differs from T. fannyi (BouRC. & DELLATRE) in having upper parts deep golden green; bill shorter; tail shorter and less bluish black. b Thalurania furcata intermedia SNETHLAGE : Supposed to differ from T. f. furca- toides GOULD, in having the neck band wider and tail coverts more mixed with gray. 214 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. "Thalurania furcata fissilis* Berlepsch and Hartert. VENEZUELAN WOOD NYMPH. Thalurania furcata fissilis BERLEPSCH and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 87 (Caura River, Venezuela). Thalurania fissilis CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 404. Range: Venezuela and British Guiana. 3: British Guiana (Potaro i, Mazaruni R. i, Cumacusa i). *Thalurania nigrofasciata (Gould}. BLACKBANDED WOOD NYMPH. Trochilus ( ?) nigrofasciata GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, p. 89 (Rio Negro). Thalurania nigrofasciata GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 104; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 100, part; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 82; HARTERT and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., 1, 1894, P- 44; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 292 (La Morelia; Florencia; Buena Vista; Colombia). Range: Region east of the Andes in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and in northwestern Brazil. 3 : Ecuador. *Thalurania tschudi Gould. TSCHUD'S WOOD NYMPH. Thalurania tschudi GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 312 (Ucayali, north- eastern Peru); Id., Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 103; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 83; BERLEPSCH and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 86; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, pp. 77-78, in text. Range: Northeastern Peru. 2: Peru (Moyobamba). *Thalurania jelskii Taczanowski. JELSK'S WOOD NYMPH. Thalurania jelskii TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, PP- T 3 8 . S4 2 (Soriano); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 101; SHARPS in Gould's Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1887, pi. 29; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 84; HARTERT, Ibis, 1897, p. 432, in text; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 78, in text. Range: Peru and Bolivia, i : Bolivia. Thalurania simoni b Hellmayr. SIMON'S WOOD NYMPH. Thalurania simoni HELLMAYR, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XIX, 1906, p. 8 (Rio Solimoens); Id., Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 77. Range : Amazon River region, above the junction of the Rio Negro, west Brazil. Thalurania furcata fissilis BERLEPSCH & HARTERT: Differs in having the under tail coverts uniform steel blue without white edges and bill averaging longer. b Thalurania simoni HELLMAYR: Differs from T. jelskii TACZ., which is its nearest ally, in having wings and tail shorter; green of throat more golden; under tail coverts broadly edged with white; interscapular region (when held against the light) blackish green (not bluish green) ; a distinct frontlet of glittering green. CATALOGUE or BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 215 *Thalurania eriphile eriphile a (Lesson). LESSON'S WOOD NYMPH. Ornismya eriphile LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, Suppl., 1832, p. 148, pi. 25 ("Bresil"). Thalurania eriphile GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1858, pi. 108; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 101 ; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 80; CHUBB, Ibis, 1910, p. 269. Thalurania eriphile eriphile HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 76. Range: Southeast Brazil and Paraguay. ii : Brazil (Rio das Velhas, Minas Geraes 9; Lagoa Santa i; Sao Marcello, Rio Preto, Bahia i). Thalurania eriphile baeri b Hellmayr. BAER'S WOOD NYMPH. Thalurania eriphile baeri HELLMAYR, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club., XXI, 1907, p. 27 (Goyez); Id., Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, pp. 75-77. Thalurania baeri SIMON, Bull. Mus. d'Hist. Nat., 1912, No. 8, p. 501 (Cambara, Matto Grosso). Range: Central Brazil and Bolivia. Thalurania balzani Simon. BOLIVIAN WOOD NYMPH. Thalurania balzani SIMON, Nov. Zool., Ill, 1896, p. 259 (Yungas, Bolivia); HARTERT, Ibis, 1897, p. 432, in text; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIV, 1907, p. 396; Id., XV, 1908, p. 77; Id., XVII, 1910, p. 376. Range : Eastern Bolivia, west Brazil (east to Tapajos River, region) . *Thalurania watertoni (Bourder). WATERTON'S WOOD NYMPH. Trochilus watertoni BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 44 ("Mibiri Creek, a 40 mille de la riviere Essiquibo"). Thalurania watertoni GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1856, pi. 100; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 101; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 78. Range: Eastern Brazil. i: "Brazil." Genus EUPHERUSA Gould. Eupherusa Gould, Mon. Trochil., XIV, 1857, pi. 324 (Type Ornismya eximia Delattre). *Eupherusa eximia eximia (Delattre). STRIPE-TAILED HUMMINGBIRD. Ornismya eximia DELATTRE, Echo du monde Savant, 1843, p. 1069 (Coban, Guatemala). Thalurania, eriphile eriphile LESSON: Under tail coverts bluish black or dark bronze green, sometimes narrowly tinged with whitish; front of crown glittering green; vertex of crown dark bronze green. b Thalurania eriphile baeri HELLMAYR: Under tail coverts pure white, sometimes smaller ones with small marks of bluish black or dark bronze green; crown like in T. e. eriphile (LESSON). c Thalurania balzani SIMON: Whole crown (including forehead) dark dull bronze green, like the back; under tail coverts like in T. e. baeri HELLMAYR. 216 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Eupherusa eximia GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1857, pi. 324; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 72, part. Eupherusa eximia eximia RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, P- 394- Range: Guatemala to Nicaragua. 8: Guatemala 7; Nicaragua (San Raphael del Norte) i. Eupherusa eximia nelsoni Ridgway. NELSON'S HUMMINGBIRD. Eupherusa eximia nelsoni RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIII, 1910, p. 54 (Motzorongo, Vera Cruz, eastern Mexico); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 396. Range: Southeastern Mexico in states of Vera Cruz, Oaxaca and Puebla. *Eupherusa egregia Sclater and Salvin. EGREGIUS HUMMINGBIRD. Eupherusa egregia SCLATER and SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1868, p. 389 (Castillo and Calovevora, Panama); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 73; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 396. Range: Costa Rica and western Panama. 9: Panama (Chiriqui) i; Costa Rica (Coliblanco 5, Limon i, San Cristobal i, and Cartago i). Eupherusa poliocerca Elliot. WHITE-TAILED HUMMINGBIRD. Eupherusa poliocerca ELLIOT, Ann. and Mag. N. H. (4), VIII, 1871, p. 266 (Putla, Oaxaca); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 74; HARTERT and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, PP- 1 9> 61; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 397. Range: Southwestern Mexico in states of Oaxaca, Guerrero and Puebla. Genus CALIPHARUS Elliot. Callipharus Elliot, Classif. & Synop. Trochil., 1879, p. 211 (Type Eupherusa nigriventris Lawrence). "Callipharus nigriventris (Lawrence). BLACK-BELLIEP HUMMING- BIRD. Eupherusa nigriventris LAWRENCE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1867, p. 232 (Costa Rica). Callipharus nigriventris ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 211; SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1887, pi. 54; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 67; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 400. Range: Costa Rica and western Panama. 4: Panama (Veragua) 3; Costa Rica (Coliblanco) i. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 217 Genus ELVIRA Mulsant and Verreaux. Elvira Mulsant and Verreaux, Classif. Trochil., 1865, p. 32 (Type Trochilus chionura Gould). *Elvira chionura (Gould). WHITE-TAILED EMERALD. Trochilus (Thaumatius) chionura GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1850, p. 162 (David, Chiriqui, Panama). Thaumatius chionurus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1852, pi. 300. Elvira chionura SAL VIM, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 74; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 403. Range: Western Panama and southwestern Costa Rica. 3: Panama (Veragua) 2; Costa Rica i. *Elvira cupreiceps (Lawrence). COPPERY HEADED EMERALD. Eupherusa cupreiceps LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., VIII, 1867, p. 348 (Barranca, Costa Rica). Elvira cupreiceps GOULD. Suppl. Trochil., 1880, pi. 53; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 75; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 404. Range: Costa Rica. 3 : Costa Rica. Genus CHALYBURA Reichenbach. Chalybura Reichenbach, Aufz. der Colib., 1854, p. 10 (Type Trochilus buffoni Lesson). *Chalybura buffonii buffonii (Lesson). BUFFON'S PLUMETEER. Trochilus buffonii LESSON, Hist. Nat. Trochil., 1831, p. 31, pi. 5 ("Brasil" = Bogota region, Colombia). Hypuroptila buffoni GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1854, pi. 89; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 87. Chalybura buffoni ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 45; SIMON and DELMAS, Orais, 1901, p. 222; HARTERT and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 45, in key. Chalybura buffonii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 388. , Chalybura buffoni buffoni CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 293 (Peque; Salencio; San Augustin, etc., crit.). Range: Colombia (Pacific coast to eastern Andes). 2: "Colombia." *Chalybura buffonii aeneicauda (Lawrence) .' VENEZUELAN PLUMETEER. Chalybura aeneicauda LAWRENCE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., XVII, 1865, P- 38 (Venezuela). Chalybura buffonii aeneicauda LAWRENCE: Distinguished from C. b. buffonii (LESSON) of Bogota region by the bronze-green or reddish-bronze middle rectrices (not blackish) and the rest of the rectrices bordered with greenish bronze. 2i8 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. C[halybura] buffoni var. aeneicauda SIMON, Mem. Soc. Zool., France, II, p. 219 (Esteban). Hypuroptila aeneicauda BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1894-95, P- 3 2 3 (Puerto Cabella, Venezuela and "Valencia, Colombia"). Chalybura buffonii aeneicauda HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg., Ab. A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 140. Range: Venezuela, northern Colombia (Santa Marta region) and eastern Panama. 7 : Venezuela (Valencia 2 ; Maracay i a ? ; Orope 3 b ) ; and "Colombia" i. *Chalybura caeruleogaster (Gould). BLUE-BREASTED PLUMETEER. Trochilus (Clauds?) caeruleogaster GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 96 (New Grenada). Hypuroptila caeruleogaster GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1854, pi. 91. Hypuroptila caeruleiventris SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 88. Chalybura caeruleogaster HARTERT and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 45, in key; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 387, in key; CHAP- MAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 293 (Buena Vista, Villa- vicencio). Range: Colombia. 5: "Colombia." Chalybura intermedia Hartert and Hartert* HARTERT'S PLUMETEER. Chalybura intermedia HARTERT (E. and C.), Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 44 (between Pogio and Santa Rosa, western Ecuador); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 388, in key. Hypuroptila intermedia BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, V, 1895, p. 325. Range: Western Ecuador. *Chalybura urochrysa (Gould). GOULD'S PLUMETEER. Hypuroptila urochrysa GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1861, p. 198 (Panama?) ; d Id., Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 90. Hypuroptila urochrysea SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 89. Chalybura urochrysa RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 390; HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1184; CHAJPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 293 (Alto Bonito; Barbaccoas, etc., crit.). Range : Panama and northwestern Colombia . 2: Colombia (Antioquia) i; northern Ecuador (Cachibi) i. An adult male collected by Dearborn in 1908 in Maracay, Venezuela, seems to represent typical C. buffonii buffonii (LESSON). b Specimens from Orope, Zulia, Venezuela appear to be intermediate. c Chalybura intermedia HARTERT and HARTERT: Belongs in the group having white untertail coverts and basal portion of under mandible pale, but differs in its golden green throat and greenish blue abdomen. d Cf. Hellmayr (I.e.) and Chapman (I.e.). igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 219 *Chalybura isaurae (Gould). ISAURA'S PLUMETEER. Hypuroptila isaurae GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1861, p. 199 (Boca del Toro, "Costa Rica " = Panama); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 89. Chalybura isaurae CARRIKER, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1910, p. 537; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 391. Range: Panama and eastern coast region of Costa Rica. 2: Panama (Veragua). *Chalybura melanorrhoa Salvin. DUSKY PLUMETEER. Chalybura melanorrhoa SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, p. 585 (Tucurriqui, Costa Rica); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 47; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 392. Hypuroptila melanorrhoa GOULD, Suppl. Trochil., 1881, pi. 10; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 90. Chalybura carniali LAWRENCE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1885, p. 39 (Angos- tura, Costa Rica). Range: Eastern Nicaragua, eastern Costa Rica and western Pana- ma (Veragua). 2: Panama i; Costa Rica (Talamanca) i. Genus COLIBRI Spix. Colibri Spix, Aves. Bras., I, 1824, p. 80 (Type C. crispus Spix = Trochilus serri- rostris Vieill.). *Colibri delphinae (Lesson). BROWN VIOLET-EAR. Ornismya delphinae LESSON, Rev. Zool., II, 1839, p. 44 (Type locality by designa- tion, Bogota, Colombia).* Petasophora delphinae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi. 229; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. in; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, 1, 1916, p. 407. Colobri delphinae BERLEPSCH and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 87 (Type locality designated as Bogota, Colombia) ; HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg., Ab. A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 141 ; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 486; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 294 (Buenavista, Narino, Colombia). Range: From Guatemala southward to Panama and in South America from Colombia south to Peru and east through Venezuela to Trinidad and Guiana. 6: Panama i; Colombia 3; Peru (Rioja) i; Ecuador (Paramba) i. *Colibri cyanotus (Bourcier and Mulsant). LESSER VIOLET-EAR. Trochilus cyanotus BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, VI, 1843, p. 41 (Caracas, Venezuela). Type locality Bogota as fixed by Berlepsch & Hartert (Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 87) which antedates "Trinidad" proposed by Hellmayr (Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, P- 35) and Guiana proposed by Brabourne & Chubb (Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 123). 220 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Petasophora cyanotus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi. 228. Petasophora cabanidis HEINE," Journ. fur Ornith., 1863, p. 182 (Costa Rica). Colibri cyanotus cabanidis CARRIKER, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1910, p. 538; HELLMAYR, and SEILERN Arch, fur Naturg., Ab. A, Heft 5, 1912, p. 142, in text. Colibri cabanidis MADARASZ, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., IX, 1911, p. 357, in text. Petasophora cyanotis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. no; ALLEN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XIII, 1900, p. 140 (Valparaiso and El Libans, Colom- bia); BANGS, Proc. N. E. Zool. Club, I, 1899, p. 76 (San Sebastian, etc.). Colibri cyanotus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 484; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 294 (crit.). Colibri cyanotus cyanotus HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg., Ab. A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 141. Range: Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, b Peru? Bolivia? ii : Colombia 3; Venezuela (Merida) 3; Panama (Veragua) 3; Costa Rica (Vol. Irazu) 2. *Colibri thalassinus (Swainson). MEXICAN VIOLET-EAR. Trochilus thalassinus SWAINSON, Philos. Mag. N. S., I, 1827, p. 441 (Temascal- tepec, Mexico). Petasophora thalassina GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi. 227; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 109. Colibri thalassinus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 482. Range: Southern Mexico and Guatemala. 4: "S. Mexico" 2; and Guatemala 2. *Colibri iolatus iolatus (Gould). GOULD'S VIOLET-EAR. Petasophora iolata GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 9 (Bolivia). Petasophora iolata GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi. 225; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 107, part; SIMON, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 179, part. Petasophora coruscans SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 109. Colibri iolatus HARTERT and VENTURI, Nov. Zool., XVI, 1909, p. 222; HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg., Ab. A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 142, part. Colibri iolatus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 481, in key, part. Rhamphodon anais LESSON, Hist. Nat. Trochil., 1832, p. 146, pi. 55 (not Ornismya anais Lesson). Petasophora anais GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 8; ELLIOT, Synop. Trochil., 1879, p. 50. I cannot distinguish birds from Venezuela from those from Costa Rica (C. c. cabanidis (HEINE). See also Ridgway (I.e. footnote) and Chapman (I.e.). b I have seen no specimens from Ecuador but Ridgway (I.e. footnotes, pp. 484- 485) states that birds from eastern Ecuador (Baeza) are larger and easily distin- guished by their conspicuously buffy under tail coverts and are probably sub- specifically distinct. "In this case it is hardly possible that those from Peru and Bolivia should represent true C. cyanotis." 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OP THE AMERICAS CORY. 221 "iPinarolaema buckleyi GOULD, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., V, 1880, p. 489 (Misqui, Bolivia). (Abnormal color phase?). f Colibri buckleyi HARTERT, Das Tierreich, IX, 1900, p. 95; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 320 (crit.). Colibri iolata CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 295 (N. W. Argentina). Range: Bolivia, northwestern Argentina, Peru, Ecuador and western Colombia. 15: Bolivia i; Peru (Macate 5, near Otuzco i, Rio Ucubamba i, Cajamarca 3) ; Ecuador 4. *Colibri iolatus brevipennis sub. sp. nov. a VENEZUELAN VIOLET-EAR. Range: Venezuela and eastern Colombia. 19: Venezuela (Caracas i, the type specimen; Merida 16); Colom- bia (Bogota) 2. Colibri germana (Salvin and Godman). GUIANA VIOLET-EAR. Petasophora germana SALVIN and GODMAN, Ibis, 1884, p. 451 (Mt. Roraima); SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1887, pi. n; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 108; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 406. Range: British Guiana. *Colibri senirostris ( Vieill.). BRAZILIAN VIOLET-EAR. Trochilus serrirostris VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., VII, 1817, p. 359 ("Bresil"). Colibri crispus SPIX, Av. Bras., I, p. 80, pi. 81. Petasophora serrirostris GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi. 223; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 52; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 106. Colibri serrirostris HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1898, p. 77; HARTERT and VENTURI, Nov. Zool., XVI, 1909, p. 222. Range: Brazil and east Bolivia. 4: Brazil (Chapada, Matto Grosso, 3; Bahia i). Genus AVOCETTULA Reichenbach. Avocettula Reichenbach, Av. Syst., 1849, pi. 30 (Type Trochilus recuroirostris Swainson). *Avocettula recurvirostris (Swainson). SWAINSON'S HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus recurvirostris SWAINSON, Zool. 111., II, 1821, p. 105 (no type locality given, Cayenne, 6 by designation). Colibri iolatus brevipennis subsp. nov. : Type from Caracas, Venezuela. Adult male, No. 35217, Field Museum of Natural History. Collected by J. F. Ferry, March 31, 1908. Similar to Colibri iolatus iolatus (GOULD), but smaller; wing shorter, and grayish white borders to under tail coverts decidedly narrower. Wing, 72 ; bill, 27 mm. b Cayenne designated by Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 123. 222 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Avocettula recurvirostris GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1856, pi. 201; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 101; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 377; BERLEPSCH, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 264; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 408. Range: French Guiana and northeastern Brazil, i : British Guiana. Genus ANTHRACOTHORAX Boie. Anthracothorax Boie, Isis, 1831, p. 545 (Type Trochilus violicauda Boddaert = Trochilus nigricollis Vieillot). *Anthracothorax mango (Linn.}. MANGO HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus mango LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, I, 1758, p. 128, ed. 12, I, 1766, p. 191 (Jamaica). Lampornis mango GOSSE, Illustr. Bds. Jam., 1849, pi. 18; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 349; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 144; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 91. Lampornis porphyrurus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 81. Anthracothorax mango RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 457. Range: Island of Jamaica, West Indies. 13: Jamaica. *Anthracothorax violicauda violicauda (Bodd.). BLACK-THROATED MANGO. Trochilus violicauda BODDAERT, Tabl. PI. Enl., 1873, p. 41 (Cayenne)." Trochilus nigricollis VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., VII, 1817, p. 349 (Brazil). Lampornis violicauda SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 92; STONE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1899, p. 301, in text (St. Andrews I.); ALLEN Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XIII, 1900, p. 141 (Bonda Masinga, etc.). Lampornis nigricollis BERLEPSCH and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 87. Anthracothorax nigricollis nigricollis HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 77; Id., XVII, 1910, p. 377; HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg., Ab. A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 142; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 459. Anthracothorax violicauda CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 410. Range: Panama and southward throughout greater portion of South America (east of the western Andes) to the Guianas and Para, Brazil, and southward to Bolivia, Paraguay and Rio de Janeiro; also Trinidad Island and St. Andrews Island, Caribbean Sea. t32: Panama i; Colombia (Bogota 2, "Colombia" 8); Venezuela (Colon, Tachira 2, Orope i, Encontrados i, Maracay i, Caracas 9); Island of Trinidad 2; British Guiana i; Brazil (Bahia 2, Boa Vista, Rio Branco i). Cf. Mathews, Austral. Av. Record, III, No. 2, 1915, p. 42. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 223 Anthracothorax violicauda iridescens (Gould). IRIDESCENT MANGO. Lampornis iridescens GOULD, Introd. Trochil., Oct. ed., 1861, p. 65 (Guayaquil, western Ecuador). Anthracothorax violicaudus iridescens OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 321. Anthracothorax nigricollis iridescens RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 456, in key. Range: Western Ecuador. *Anthracothorax prevostii prevostii (Lesson). PRE YOST'S MANGO. Trochilus prevostii LESSON, Hist. Nat. Colibr., 1830-31, p. 87, pi. 24 (Type locality unknown).* Lampornis prevosti GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1858, pi. 75; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 98, part. Anthracothorax prevosti prevosti RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 463. Range: Southeastern Mexico (Vera Cruz, Oaxaca, etc.)., Yucatan, Cozumel I. and Mugeres I., Halbox I. and southward through British Honduras and Guatemala to Honduras. 13: Guatemala i; Yucatan 2; Cozumel I. i; Mexico (Tampico, Tamaulipas) 9. *Anthracothorax prevostii viridicordatus Cory. b VENEZUELAN MANGO. Anthracothorax prevosti viridicordatus CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 167, Orn. Ser., I, No. 7, 1913, p. 286 (El Panorama, Rio Aurare, Venezuela). Range: Coast region of northwestern Venezuela. i : (The type) Rio Aurare, northeastern Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. *Anthracothorax prevostii gracilirostris Ridgway. SLENDER-BILLED MANGO. A nthracothorax prevosti gracilirostris RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIII, 1910. p. 55 (Bolson, Costa Rica); Id., Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 465. Range: Nicaragua and Costa Rica. 4: Nicaragua (San Emilis). *Anthracothorax prevostii hendersoni (Cory). HENDERSON'S MANGO. Lampornis hendersoni CORY, Descr. Six New Sp. Bds. Islands of Old Providence and St. Andrews, May 27, 1887, p. i (Old Providence I.); Id., Auk, 1887 (July), p. 177, 180 (Old Providence I., Caribbean Sea); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 99. * I suggest State of Vera Cruz, Mexico. b Anthracothorax prevosti viridicordatus CORY: Similar to A. p. prevosti (LESSON), but differs in having upper parts bright green (not golden green as in prevosti prevosti and more grass green that in A. p. gracilirostris RIDGWAY; upper surface of middle tail feathers olive green; under tail coverts darker. 224 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL Hi 'TORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Anthracothorax prevosti hendersoni RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 466. Range: Island of Old Providence, Caribbean Sea. 16: Old Providence Island. *Anthracothorax viridigula (Bodd.). GREEN-THROATED MANGO. Trochilus viridigula BODDAERT, Tabl. PI. Enl., 1783, p. 41 (Cayenne).* Trochilus gramineus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 488 (Guiana); AUDEBERT and VIEILLOT, Ois Dores, I, 1801, p. 23, pi. 9. Lampornis gramineus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1858, pi. 77; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 95. Anthracothorax gramineus HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, pp. 35, 377; BERLEPSCH, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 263; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 456, in key. Anthracothorax viridigula CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 411. Range: Trinidad Island, Venezuela and Guiana to Lower Amazon Region, Brazil. 3 : Trinidad Island 2 ; and Cayenne i . *Anthracothorax veraguensis Reichenbach. VERAGUAN MANGO. [Anthracothorax} veraguensis REICHENBACH, Aufz. der Colibr., 1854, P- II (nomen nudum); Id., Trochil. Enum., 1855, p. 9, pi. 794, Fig. 4848 (Veragua). Lampornis veraguensis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 76; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 99. A nthracothorax veraguensis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. , No. 50, V, 19 1 1 , p. 467. Range : Panama, i : Panama. *Anthracothorax dominicus (Linn.). HAITIAN MANGO. Trochilus dominicus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, 1, 1766, p. 191 ("Dominica" = San Domingo). Lampornis dominicus CORY, Bds. Haiti and San Domingo, 1885, p. 90, pi. 22, Figs. 7, 8; Id., Auk, 1886, p. 348; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 143; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 96. [Trochilus] margaritaceus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, pi. 6, 1788, p. 490. Anthracothorax dominicus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 191 1 , p. 468. Range: Island of Haiti and San Domingo, West Indies. t72: San Domingo (Puerto Plata 22, Samana 8, Avocate 4, Maniel 2, San Domingo City 10, Maiman i, Honduras 3, Catare 3); Haiti (Le Coup, near Porto Prince 15, Jacmel 5). *Anthracothorax aurulentus (Audebert and Vieilloi). PORTO RICAN MANGO. Trochilus aurulentus AUDEBERT and VIEILLOT, Ois. Dores, I, 1801, p. 29, pis. 12, 13 (Porto Rico). Lampornis aurulentus GUNDLACH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1874, P- 3 12 - Cf. Mathews, Austral. Av. Record, III, No. 2, 1915, p. 41. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 225 Lampornis virginalis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 80; CORY, Cat. West Indian Bds., 1892, pp. 108, 143; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 97. Lampornis ellioti CORY, Auk, 1890, p. 374 (Anegada Island). Lampornis viridis* (not Trochilus viridis Audebert and Vieillot) GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 78, part; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 349, part; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 144, part; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 100. Anthracothorax aurulentus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., V, 1911, p. 470; WETMORE, Bull. 326, U. S. Dept. Agriculture (Bur. Biol. Survey), 1916, p. 73; Id., Auk, 1916, p. 415 (Veragua, Is.). Range: Islands of Porto Rico, Culebra, Vieques, St. Thomas, St. John and Anegada, Greater Antilles. 9: Porto Rico (Mayaguez) 4; Anegada 4; St. Thomas? i. *Anthracothorax viridis (Audebert and Vieillot). GREEN MANGO. Trochilus viridis AUDEBERT and VIEILLOT, Ois Dores, I, 1801, p. 34, pi. 15 ("Des de 1'Amerique Septentrionale"). Lampornis viridis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 78 (male only!); CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 349, part; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 144; SALVIN, Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. loo. Anthracothorax viridis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 472; WETMORE, Bull. 326, U. S. Dept. Agriculture (Bur. Biol. Survey), 1916, p. 72. Range: Island of Porto Rico, West Indies. 6: Porto Rico. Genus CRINIS Mulsant. Crinis Mulsant, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, XXII, 1875, p. 202 (Type Lampornis colosoma Elliot = Chrysolampis chlorolaema Elliot, 1870). Crinis chlorolaemus (Elliot). ELLIOT'S TOPAZ. Chrysolampis chlorolaema ELLIOT, Ann. & Mag. N. H., VI, 1870, p. 346 ("New Grenada?"); HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IV, 1898, p. 531; BERLEPSCH, Ibis, 1898, p. 143, in text. Lampornis colosoma ELLIOT, Ibis, 1872, p. 351 ; GOULD, Suppl. Trochil., 1880, pi. 9. Campylopterus (Crinis) colosoma MULSANT, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon., XXII, 1875, p. 202. Range: Eastern Colombia, southeast Brazil? Genus CHRYSOLAMPIS Boie. Chrysolampis Boie, Isis, 1831, p. 546 (Type Trochilus mosquitus Linn.). *Chrysolampis elatus (Linn.). RUBY AND TOPAZ HUMMINGBIRD. (?) Trochilus mosquitus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 120 ("Indiis"); Id., ed. 12, 1766, p. 192. Trochilus elatus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat. ed. 12, 1766, p. 192 (" America"). 1 * References to supposed females, cf., Rdigway (I.e.), p. 472, footnote. b Surinam designated by Berlepsch & Hartert, cf. Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 87. 226 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Chrysolampis moschitus BOIE, Isis, 1831, p. 546; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1861, pi. 204; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 113; ALLEN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XIII, 1902, p. 140 (Bonda). Chrysolampis mosquitus SIMON, Ornis, 1901, p. 215; CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 137, 1909, pp. 200 (Aruba), 206 (Curacao), 212 (Bonaire), 221 (Tortuga), 224 (Blanquilla), 245 (Margarita); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 666. Chrysolampis elatus BERLEPSCH, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 264 (crit); CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 412; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 295 (Caldas; Dabeiba; La Playa, Colombia). Range : Northern and eastern South America from Colombia, Vene- zuela, the Guianas and Brazil, southward to Minas Geraes, Rio de Janeiro, etc., and islands of Margarita, (Blanquilla, Los Testigos, Bonaire, Aruba, Curacao, Tortuga, Trinidad and Tobago) ; also southwestern Costa Rica. a t72: Islands off N. South America (Trinidad i, Tobago 15, Mar- garita i, Blanquilla i, Tortuga i, Bonaire 7, Aruba 9 and Curacao i); Venezuela (Maracay, Aragua) i; Colombia (near Cucuta, near Vene- zuelan line) i; Brazil (Jua, Ceara 2; Quixada, Ceara i; Sao Amaro, Bahia 21; Maccaco Secco, Bahia, 2; Rio do Peixe, Bahia, 12). Genus SIMONULA Chubb. Simonula Chubb, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916^.413 (new name to replace A nthroce- phala Cabanis and Heine preoccupied in Vermes) . (Type T. ' 'chloriceps ' ' Gmel . Anthrocephala Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Heine, III, 1860, p. 72 (Type Trochilus ( 1) floriceps Gould). Simonula floriceps (Gould). BLOSSOM CROWN. Trochilus floriceps GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1853, p. 62 (Antonio, Santa Marta). A delomy u floriceps GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1855, pi. 202. Anthrocephala floriceps ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 183; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus.,XVI, 1892, p. 172. Range: Northern Colombia. Simonula berlepschi b (Salvin). BERLEPSCH'S BLOSSOM CROWN. Anthrocephala berlepschi SALVIN, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, III, 1893, p. 8 (Colombia, environs of Bogota); Id., Ibis, 1894, p. 120. Simonula berlepschi CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 295 (Rio Toche, central Andes). Range: Colombia (Bogota region and central Andes). s According to Ridgway, I.e. b Simonula berlepschi (SALVIN): Similar to A. f. floriceps, but ends of lateral rectrices largely white (not tawny) ; abdomfen and under tail coverts grayish (not rufescent) ("Apicibus remigum lateralium" in original description, I.e., later changed to "apicibus rectricum lateralium" in Ibis, I.e.). Chapman (I.e.) suggests that this form may be found to be restricted to the central Andes. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 227 Genus EULAMPIS Boie. Eulampis Boie, Isis, 1831, p. 547 (Type TrochUus jugularis Linnaeus). *Eulampis jugularis (Linn.}. PURPLE CARIB. TrochUus jugularis LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 12, I, 1766, p. 190 (Cayenna, "Surinamo," i. e., Lesser Antilles). Eulampis jugularis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, i86i, pi. 82; LAWRENCE.^Proc. U. S., Nat. Mus., I, 1878, pp. 60, 192, 240; Id., I, 1879, pp. 358, 458/487; CORY, Auk, 1886, pp. 35, 473; Id., 1887, p. 96; Id., 1891, p. 48; Id., Ibis, 1886, p. 475; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 145; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 102; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 478. Eulampis jugularis eximus BERLEPSCH, Ibis, 1887, p. 294 (Nevis); HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 520 (crit. female of jugularis). Range: Lesser Antilles (Islands of St. Cristopher, Nevis, Mont- serrat, Barbuda, Guadeloupe, Grande Terre, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, Bequi, St. Vincent and Barbados). f45 : Lesser Antilles (St. Kitts or St. Christopher 10, Grand Terre 4, Guadeloupe 3, St. Lucia 4, St. Vincent 10, Martinique 8, Dominica i, and "West Indies" 5). Genus SERICOTES Reichenbach. Sericotes Reichenbach, Aufz. der Colib., 1854, p. n (Type TrochUus holosericeus Linnaeus). *Sericotes holosericeus holosericeus (Linn.}. GREEN CARIB. TrochUus holosericeus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, I, 1758, p. 120; Id., ed. 12, I, 1766. p. 191 ("Mexico"). Lampornis holosericeus GUNDLACH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1878, p. 181 (Porto Rico, crit.). Eulampis holosericeus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 83; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 351, part; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 146, part; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 105, part. Sericotes holosericeus CLARK (A. H.) Proc. Boston Soc. N. H., XXXII, 1905, p. 274, part. Sericotes holosericeus holosericeus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 474; WETMORE, Auk, 1916, p. 414 (Vieques I.); Id., Bull. 326, U. S. Dept. Agriculture, Bur. Biol. Survey, 1916, p. 71 (Vieque I., Culebra I; Culebrita I.). Range: Lesser Antilles (Islands of Barbados, Union, Canouan, Carriacou, Bequia, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Martinique, Dominica, Marie Galante, Desirade, Grand Terre, Guadeloupe, Montserrat, Antigua, Barbuda, Nevis, St. Christopher, St. Eustatius, Saba, St. Bartholemew and Sombrero) and in eastern Greater Antilles in the Virgin group (Islands of St. Croix, Anegada, Virgin Gorda, Tortola, St. Johns, St. Thomas, and Culebra, Vieques and Culebrita; accidental in Porto Rico? 228 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. fio;: Lesser Antilles (Virgin Gorda 24, Saba i, St. Thomas i, St. Bartholomew i, St. Croix 2, Anegada 4, St. Eustatius 7, Guade- loupe 10, St. Lucia 9, St. Kitts or St. Christopher 16, Grand Terre 3, Desirade 2, Marie Galante 3, Martinique 10, Antigua 4, Dominica i and Barbados 8). *Sericotes holosericeus chlorolaemus (Gould). DARKER GREEN CARIB. Eulampis chlorolaemus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., pt. XIV, 1857 (vol. II, 1861) pi. 84 (type locality unknown); HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 520 (crit., Grenada). Eulampis longirostris GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 69. Sericotes holosericeus chlorolaemus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 477- Range: Grenada and Tobago, West Indies. 8 : Grenada, West Indies. Genus PSILOMYCTER Hartert. Psilomycter Hartert, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 104 (Type Ornismya theresiae Da Silva). *Psilomycter theresiae theresiae (Da Silva). GOLDEN THROAT. Ornismya theresiae DA SILVA, Minerva Brasil, 1843, p. 2 (Para). Chrysobronchus viridissimus MULSANT, Hist. Nat. Ois-Mouches, I, p. 279, pi. 26. Chrysobronchus viridicaudus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1858, p. 234. Polytmus viridissimus ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 214; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 176. Psilomycter theresiae theresiae HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 377. Psilomycter theresiae CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 414. Range: The Guianas and Venezuela and northern Brazil, from Para in the Amazon region west to Manaos and Madeira and Tapajos Rivers. 2 : British Guiana. Psilomycter theresiae leucorrhous a (Sclater and Salwn). WHITE- VENTED GOLDEN-THROAT. Polytmus leucorrhous SCLATER and SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1867, p. 584 (Cobati, Rio Negro); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 176. P[silomycter] t. leucorrhous HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 377, in text. Range: Northern Brazil, from the upper Rio Negro region west to eastern Peru. a Psilomycter theresiae leucorrhous (SCLATER & SALVIN): Similar to P. t. theresiae (DA SILVA), but with the under tail coverts white (not green). ig 1 8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 229 Genus POLYTMUS Brisson. Polytmus Brisson, Orn., Ill, 1760, p. 667 (Type Trochilus thaumantias Linn.). Polytmus thaumantias (Linn.). SOUTHERN GOLD THROAT. Trochilus thaumantias LINN., Syst. Nat., I, 1766, p. 190 ("America meridional! " = Brazil, by designation).* Polytmus thaumantias ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 214 part; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 174, part; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 124, No. 1204. Range: Brazil and Paraguay. *Polytmus thaumantias chrysobronchus (Shaw). SHAW'S GOLDEN THROAT. Trochilus chrysobronchus SHAW, Gen. Zool., VIII (1812), p. 287 (Guiana). Polytmus thaumantias chrysobronchus HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 36; Id., XV, 1908, p. 264. Polytmus chrysobronchus CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 414. Range: Guiana, Trinidad, Venezuela and Colombia. 4: Trinidad i; British Guiana (Mt. Roraima) i; and Colombia 2. Genus LEUGOCHLORIS Reichenbach. Leucochloris Reichenbach, Aufz. der Colob., 1854, p. 10 (Type Trochilus albicollis Vieillot). *Leucochloris albicollis ( Vieillot). BRAZILIAN WHITE THROAT. Trochilus albicollis VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XXIII, 1818, p. 426 ("Bresil"). Leucochloris albicollis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V (1855), pi. 291; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 200; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 178; HARTERT and VENTURI, Nov. Zool., XVI, 1909, p. 222. Colibiri albigularis SPIX, Aves. Bras., I, 1824, p. 81, pi. 82, Fig. I. Range: Southern Brazil, Paraguay, and N. Argentine. i: "Brazil." Leucochloris malvina b (Reichenbach). REICHENBACH'S WHITE THROAT. Chlorestes malvina REICHENBACH, Trochil., 1855, pi. 696, Figs. 4550-4551; Id., Trochil. Enum., 2nd. ed., 1855, p. 4 ("Brasil"). Agyrtria malvina PELZELN, Zur Ornith. Bras., I, 1867, p. 29 (Note i). Leucochloris malvina SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 3. Range: Southeastern Brazil. Cf. Brabourne and 'Chubb, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 124, No. 1204. b Leucochloris malvina (REICH.): Readily distinguished from L. albicollis (VreiLL.) by its relatively longer outer tail feather and green spots on throat (not pure white as in L. albicollis). 230 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus AITHURUS Cabanis and Heine. Aithurus Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Heine, 1860, p. 50 (Type Trochilus polytmus Linnaeus). *Aithurus polytmus (Linnaeus). STREAMER-TAILED HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus polytmus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, I, 1758, p. 120; Id., ed. 12, I, 1766, p. 189 (" America" = Jamaica) ; GOSSE, Illustr. Bds. Jamaica, 1849, pis. 19, 20; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1849, pi. 98. Trochilus maria GOSSE, Illustr. Bds. Jamaica, 1849, pi. 22. Aithurus polytmus ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 96; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 352; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 147; SCOTT, Auk, 1892, p. 277, part; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 64; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 339. 1 Aithurus taylori* ROTHSCHILD, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XIX, 1894, p. XLVII, in text (St. Andrews, Jamaica). Range: Southern portion of Island of Jamaica, West Indies (accidental on northern portion). f2i: Jamaica. Aithurus scitulus Brewster and Bangs. BLACK-BILLED STREAMER-TAIL. Aithurus scitulus BREWSTER and BANGS, Proc. N. E. Zool. Club, II, 1901, p. 49 (Priestman's River, Portland Parish, Jamaica); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 339. Range: Northern slope of Island of Jamaica; accidental in southern portion. Genus TOPAZA Gray. Topaza G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 13 (Type Trochilus pella Linnaeus). *Topaza pella (Linn.). CRIMSON TOPAZ. Trochilus pella LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., I, ed. 10, 1758, p. 1 19 ("Habitat in Indiis" = Guiana, by designation). 1 * Topaza pella GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1856, pi. 66; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 95; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 332; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 417. Trochilus smaragdulus Bosc., Journ. d'Hist. Nat., II, 1792, p. 385, pi. XX, Fig. 5 (=female of T. pella). Range: Guiana and north Brazil. 5 : British Guiana. * Aithurus taylori ROTHSCHILD: Differs from typical A. polytmus (LINN.) in having a ruby-red spot on the throat. It is believed to be an abnormal specimen or "sport" of A. polytmus (cf. Ridgway, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 341, footnote; also, Brewster & Bangs, Proc. N. E. Zool. Club, II, 1901, p. 49. b Cf. Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 125, No. 1208. According to Richmond, cf. Chubb, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, XXXI, 1912, p. 39. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 231 *Topaza pyra (Gould). FAIRY TOPAZ. Trochilus (Topaza) pyra GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lend., 1846, p. 85 (Rio Negro). Topaza pyra GOULD, Mon. Trochil,. II (Nov., 1851), pi. 65; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 95; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 333; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 322. ? Topaza pella pamprepta OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1892, p. 321 (Suno, Rio Napo, eastern Ecuador). Range: Northwestern Brazil and eastern Ecuador, i: "Ecuador." Genus OREOTROCHILUS Gould. Oreotrochilus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 10 (Type Trochilus estellae d'Orb and Lafresnaye). *Oreotrochilus chimborazo chimborazo (Dellatre and Bourc.}. CHIM- BORAZAN HILL STAR. Trochilus chimborazo DELATTRE and BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1846, p. 305 (Chim- borazo, Ecuador). Oreotrochilus chimborazo GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1851, pi. 69; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 35; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 335; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 322. Range: Andes of Ecuador. 2: "Ecuador." *Oreotrochilus chimborazo jamesonii (Jardine) . JAMESON'S HILL STAR. Oreotrochilus jamesoni JARDINE, Contr. Orn., 1849, p. 67 (Pinchincha) ; OBER- HOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 322. Trochilus pichincha BOURCIER and MULSANT, Mem. Acad. Sc. Lyon, II, 1850, p. 427. Oreotrochilus pichincha GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1851, pi. 68; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 35; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 334. Oreotrochilus chimborazo jamesonii HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., IX, 1900, p. 109. Range: Ecuador. 2: "Ecuador." "Oreotrochilus estellae (d'Orb. and Lafr.). ESTELLA'S HILL STAR. Trochilus estellae D'ORBIGNY and LAFRESNAYE, Syn. Av. Mag. de Zool., 1838, CL, II, p. 32 (La Paz, Potosi). Oreotrochilus estellae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1849, pi. 70; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 36; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 335; BAER, OrnisXII, 1904, p. 209 (Lara, Tucuman, Argentina); DABBENE, An. del Mus. N. de Buenos Aires, I, 1910, p. 268. Range: Bolivia, Peru and northwestern Argentina. 4: Argentina 2; Bolivia i; and Peru i. 232 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Oreotrochilus leucopleurus Gould. WHITE-SIDED HILL STAR. Oreotrochilus leucopleurus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 10 (Andes of Chile); Id., Mon. Trochil., II, 1849, pi. 71 ; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 36. Oreotrochilus leucopleurus subsp? HARTERT and VENTURI, Nov. Zool., XVI, 1909, p. 222 (Tucuman). Oreotrochilus leucopleurus DABBENE, An. del Mus. N. Buenos Aires, I, 1910, p. 268 (Tucuman). Range: Chile and northwestern Argentina. 2: "Chile." Oreotrochilus bolivianus Boucard* BOLIVIAN HILL STAR. Oreotrochilus bolivianus BOUCARD, The Hummingbird, III, 1893, p. 7 (Bolivia); SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 4. Alcidus bolivianus BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1893-95, p. 346. Range: Bolivia; northern Peru? Oreotrochilus stolzmanni b Salvin. STOLZMANN'S HILL STAR. Oreotrochilus stolzmanni SALVIN, Nov. Zool., II, 1895, p. 17 (Huamachuco and Cajamarca); BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 126, No. 1215; SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 4, in text. Range: Northern Peru. Oreotrochilus melanogaster Gould. BLACK-BREASTED HILL STAR. Oreotrochilus melanogaster GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 10 (Peru); Id., Mon. Trochil., II, 1859, pi. 72; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 36; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 337. Range: Peru. Oreotrochilus adela (d'Orb. and Lqfr.). ADELA'S HILL STAR. Trochilus adela D'ORBIGNY and LAFRESNAYE, Mag. de Zool., 1838; Syn. Av. CLII, p. 32 (Chuquisaca). Oreotrochilus adela GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1849, pi. 73; ELLIOT Syn., Trochil., 1879, p. 37; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 337. Range: Bolivia. Genus UROCHROA Gould. Urochroa Gould, Mon. Trochil., II (Sept., 1856), pi. 57 (Type Trochilus bougueri Bourcier). *Urochroa bougueri bougueri (Bourcier). PIED-TAILED HILL STAR. Trochilus bougueri Compt. Rend., XXXII, 1851, p. 186 (Warm-wooded regions of Nanegan). Oreotrochilus bolivianus BOUCARD: Allied to O. leucopleurus GOULD, but differs in having the band of the throat scarcely perceptible; line in center of abdomen very narrow and greenish-blue and tail and upper tail coverts differently colored; the upper tail coverts being bright reddish bronze. b Oreotrochilus stolzmanni SALVIN: Near to O. leucopleura GOULD, but upper parts grass green becoming darker on the tail; middle of abdomen more narrowly purplish black; outer tail feathers narrower. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 233 Urochroa bougeri GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1856, pi. 57; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 62; SAL VIM, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 301. Range: Southwestern Colombia and northwestern Ecuador, i : "Ecuador." Urochroa bougueri leucura 8 (Lawrence). WHITE-TAILED HILL STAR. Urochroa leucura LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., VIII, June, 1864, p. 43 (Reprint p. 3) (Ecuador). Range: Eastern Ecuador. Genus STERNOCLYTA Gould. Sternoclyta Gould, Mon. Trochil., II (Sept., 1858), pi. 58 (Type Trochilus cyano- pectus Gould). *Sternoclyta cyaneipectus (Gould). BLUE-BREASTED HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus (Lampornis) cyanopectus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, p. 88 (Venezuela). Sternoclyta cyaneipectus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1858, pi. 68; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 60; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 300; HELLMAYR, Arch, fur Naturg., Ab. A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 142; SIMON, Mem. Soc. Zool., Fr., II, p. 220. Range: Northwestern Venezuela. i: Venezuela (Puerto Cabello). Genus EUGENES Gould. Eugenes Gould, Mon. Trochil., pt. XII, Sept., 1856, text, pi. 59 (Type Trochilus fulgens SWAINSON). *Eugenes fulgens (Swainsori). RIVOLI HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus fulgens SWAINSON, Philos. Mag., N. S., I, 1827, p. 441 (Temascaltepec, Mexico). Eugenes fulgens GOULD, Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 5-; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 302; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, P- 565- Trochilus rivolii SWAINSON, Bds. Bras. Mex., etc., 1841, p. 76. Range: Guatemala and northern Nicaragua northward through highlands of Mexico to southern Arizona, U. S. A. fi4: Arizona, U. S. A. (Huachuca Mts.) 10; Mexico (Puebla) 2; Guatemala (Tecpam) 2. Urochroa bougueri leucura (LAWRENCE) : Differs from U. b. bougeri (BOURCIER) in having the upper plumage (except the rump and upper tail coverts) green (not coppery-bronze); the middle tail feathers dark greenish and the rest of the tail feathers white, edged with dull black. 234 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Eugenes spectabilis (Lawrence). ADMIRABLE HUMMINGBIRD. Heliomaster spectabilis LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1867, p. 472 (Costa Rica)." Eugenes spectabilis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 304; SHARPE, Suppl. Gould Mon. Trochil., 1885, pi. 13; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 568. (?) Eugenes spectabilis chiriquiquensis NEHRKORN, Orn. Monatsb. IX, 1901, p. 132 (Chiriqui, Panama). Range: Highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama. Genus CYANOLAEMUS Stone. Cyanolaemus Stone, Auk, April, 1907, p. 197, in text (Type Ornismya clemenciae Lesson). *Cyanolaemus clemenciae (Lesson). BLUE-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD. Ornismya clemenciae LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, 1829, pp. XLV, 216, pi. 80 (Mexico). Coeligena clemenciae ELLIOT, Synop. Trochil., 1879, p. 30; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 304. Cyanolaemus clemenciae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 492. Range: Highlands of Mexico (States of Tamaulipas, Vera Cruz, Oaxaca, Chihuahua, etc.), and northward into southern Arizona and western Texas. 4: Mexico (Cuernemaca i, Esperanza Puebla i, "Mexico" 2). Genus LAMPORNIS b Swainson. Lampornis SWAINSON, Philos. Mag. N. S. ,1, 1827, p. 442 (Type, by monotypy Lampornis amethystinus Swainson). * Lampornis amethystinus amethystinus (Swainson). CAZIQUE HUM- MINGBIRD. Lampornis amethystinus SWAINSON, Philos, Mag. N. S., I, June, 1827, p. 442 (Temascaltepec, Mexico). Ornismyia henrici LESSON and DELATTRE, Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 17. Coeligena henrici SHARPE, Hand List, II, 1900, p. 122, part; SIMON, Cat. Trochil., 1897, p. 25. Delattria henrici GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 62; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 308, part. Lampornis amethystinus amethystinus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 191 1, P- 496. Range: Southeastern Mexico, i: "Mexico." Cf. Salvin, Ibis, 1868, p. 251 (crit). b Cf. Richmond, Auk, 1902, p. 83. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 235 Lampornis amethystinus brevirostris (Ridgway). SHORT-BILLED CAZIQUE. Delattria henrica brevirostris RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXI, 1908, p. 195 (San Sebastian, Jalisco). Lampornis amethystinus brevirostris RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 19 1 1, p. 497. Range: Highlands of western Mexico. *Lampornis amethystinus salvini (Ridgway). GUATEMALAN CAZIQUE. Delattria henrici salvini RIDGWAY, Proc. Biol. Soc., Wash., XXI, 1908, p. 195 (Calderas, Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala, 7000-8000 ft.). Lampornis amethystinus salvini RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 498. Range: Highlands of Guatemala; southern Mexico? 3 : Guatemala (Santa Elena) . Lampornis margaritae (Salvin and Godman). MARGARET'S CAZIQUE. Delattria margaritae SALVIN and GODMAN, Ibis, 1869, p. 239 (Omilteme, Guerrero). Delattria margarethae SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 310; HARTERT and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 63. Coeligena henrica margarethae HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 115 (Monog.). Lampornis margaritae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 499. Range: Southwestern Mexico (State of Guerrero). Lampornis piinglei (Nelson). PRINGLE'S CAZIQUE. Delattria pringlei NELSON, Auk, 1897, p. 151 (Oaxaca City, Oaxaca, southwestern Mexico). Lampornis pringlei RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 500. Range: Southwestern Mexico (State of Guerrero). Genus OREOPYRA Gould. Oreopyra Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 312 (Type Oreopyra leucaspis Gould = Trochilus ( ?) castaneoventris Gould). *Oreopyra castaneoventris castaneoventris (Gould). CHIRIQUI MOUN- TAIN GEM. Trochilus ( ?) castaneoventris GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1850, p. 163 (Cordillera de Chiriqui, Panama, 6000 ft.). Oreopyra leucaspis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1861, pi. 264; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 306; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 33. Oreopyra castaneoventris castaneoventris BANGS, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIX, 1906, p. 107; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 502. Range: Western Panama (Cordillera de Chiriqui). 6: Panama (Chiriqui). 236 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Oreopyra castaneoventris calolaema (Salvin). COSTA RICAN MOUN- TAIN GEM. Oreopyra calolaema SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, p. 584 ("Volcan de Cartago," . e., Volcan de Irazu, Costa Rica); Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 307; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 33, part. (?) Oreopyra pectoralis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 664. Oreopyra castaneoventris calolaema BANGS, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIX, 1906, p. 107; CARRIKER, Ann. Carnegie Mus., V, 1910, p. 541; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 504. Range: Highlands of Costa Rica. 13: Costa Rica (Coliblanco 5, west of Limon 2, Volcan Irazu i, San Jose 2, El Estella de Cartago i, "Costa Rica" 2). Oreopyra cinereicauda Lawrence. GRAY-TAILED MOUNTAIN GEM. Oreopyra cinereicauda LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., VIII, 1867, p. 485 (Costa Rica); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 307; SHARPE, Suppl. Gould's Mon. Trochil., 1885, pi. 7; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 506. Range: Highlands of central and southern Costa Rica and Chiriqui region in Panama. 3 : Costa Rica (S. Maria de Doha i ; El Estella de Cartego 2) . *Oreopyra hemileuca Salvin. WHITE-BELLIED MOUNTAIN GEM. Oreopyra hemileuca SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, p. 584 (Turrialba and Tucurriqui, Costa Rica) ; RIDGWAY, Bull. U.te. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 19 1 1 , p. 507. Caeligena hemileuca ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 31; SHARPE, Suppl. Gould's Mon. Trochil., 1885, pi. 5. Delattria hemileuca SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 311; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biologia, Centr.-Am., Aves, II, 1892, p. 337, pi. 54, Figs. 3, 4. Range: Highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama (Chiriqui). i: Costa Rica (La Honduras). *Oreopyra sybillae (Salvin and Godman). SYBIL'S MOUNTAIN GEM. Delattria sybillae SALVIN and GODMAN, Ibis, 1892, p. 327 (Matagalpa, Nicaragua) ; Id., Biologia Centr.-Am., Aves, II, 1892, p. 337, pi. 54A, Figs. 3, 4; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 664. Oreopyra sybillae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 508. Range: Highlands of Northern Nicaragua. 6 : Nicaragua (San Raphael) . *Oreopyra viridipallens (Bourcier and Mulsani). GREEN-THROATED MOUNTAIN GEM. Trochilus viridi- pollens BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, IX, 1846, p. 321 (Coban, Vera Paz, Guatemala). Delattria viridipallens GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 63; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 310. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 237 Coeligena viridipallens HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 115. Oreopyra viridipallens RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 509. Range: Highlands of Guatemala and southern Mexico (State of Chiapas) . 4: "Guatemala." Genus LAMPROLAIMA Reichenbach. Lamprolaima Reichenbach, Aufz. der Colib., 1854, p. 9 (Type Ornismya rhami Lesson). *Lamprolaima rhami (Lesson). GARNET-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD. Ornismya rhami LESSON, Rev. Zool., 1838, p. 315 (Mexico). Delattria rhami SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1858, p. 297 (Oaxaca). Lamprolaema rhami GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 61; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 314; HARTERT (E. & C.) Nov. Zool., I, 1894, P- 63 (Chilpancingo, Guerrero); DEARBORN, Field Mus. Pub., No. 125, 1907, p. 99 (above Tecpam, Guatemala). Lamprolaima rhami RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 489. Range: Highlands of southern Mexico and Guatemala. 4: Guatemala (Vol. de Fuego i, "Guatemala" 3). Genus CLYTOLAEMA Gould. Clytolaema Gould, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi. 249 (Type Trochilus rubineus Gmelin). *Clytolaema rubricauda (Boddaeri) . a BRAZILIAN RUBY. Trochilus rubricauda BODDAERT, Tabl. PL Enl., 1783, p. 17 (Brasilia). Trochilus rubineus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 493 (Brasilia). Trochilus obscurus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 495 (Brasilia). Clytolaema rubinea GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi. 249; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 56; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 311; BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 126; HELLMAYR, Verh. der Ornith. Gesell. Bayern, XII, 1915, p. 153. Range: Southeastern Brazil. 5: Brazil (Porto Velho i, "Brazil" 4). Genus POLYPLANCTA Heine. Polyplancta Heine, Journ. fur Ornith., 1863, p. 182 (Type Trochilus aurescens Gould). *Polyplancta aurescens (Gould). GOULD'S RUBY. Trochilus (Lampornis) aurescens GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, p. 88 (Rio Negro). Cj. Mathews, Austral Av. Record, III, No. 2, 1915, p. 41. 238 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Clytolaema aurescens GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, pi. 250; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 57; TACZ. Orn. Per.,, I, 1884, p. 387; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 313; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 323 (Napo Village, east Ecuador); SNETHLAGE, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 202. Range: Eastern Peru and eastern Ecuador. 2: Peru (Pebas). Genus PHAIOLAIMA Reichenbach Phaiolaima REICHENBACH, Aufz. d. Col., 1854, p. 9 (Type Trochilus rubinoides BOURCIER & MULSANT). *Phaiolaima rubinoides rubinoides (Bourcier y Mulsant}. LILAC- THROAT. Trochilus rubinoides BOURCIER & MULSANT, Ann. Sc. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, IX, 1846, p. 322 (Colombia). Phaeolaema rubinoides GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1858, pi. 268; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 55; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 324. Phaiolaima rubinoides rubinoides CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 296 (El Roble, eastern Andes, Colombia). Range: Eastern Colombia. 5: "Colombia." *Phaiolaima rubinoides aequatorialis Gould. ECUADOR LILAC-THROAT. Phaeolaema aequatorialis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1860, pi. 264 (Ecuador); EL- LIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 55; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, P. 325- Phaiolaima aequatorialis OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 323 (Canzacota, western Ecuador). Phaiolaima rubinoides aequatorialis CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 296 (San Antonio; Miraflores; Salinto, western Colombia). Range: Western Ecuador and western Colombia. i: "Ecuador." Phaiolaima rubinoides cervinigularis Salvin. ROSY-THROAT. Phaeolaema cervinigularis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 325, pi. VIII, Fig. 2 (Ecuador ?). Phaiolaima cervinigularis OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 323 (Baeza and Cosanga, east Ecuador); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 120; BRABOURNE & CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 127, No. 1225 (eastern Ecuador; Peru); SIMON, Rev. Franc. d'Orn., 1910, p. 265. Range: Eastern Ecuador; Peru.* I have seen no specimens from Peru. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 239 Genus AGAPETORNIS Chubb Agapetornis 9 CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 419 (Type Aphantochroa gularis Gould). Agapeta HEINE, Journ. fur Ornith., 1863, p. 178 (Type Aphantochroa gularis Gould). Agapetornis gularis (Gould). PUCE-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD. Aphantochroa gularis GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 310 (Napo); Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 55; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 28; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 398. Agapeta gularis HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 120; SIMON, Rev. Franc. d'Orn., 1910, p. 265 (crit.). Range: Eastern Peru and eastern Ecuador. b Genus LAMPRASTER Taczanowski Lampraster TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, p. 140 (Type Lam- pr aster branickii Taczanowski). Lampraster branickii Taczanowski. Lampraster branickii TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, PP- I 4~543> pi. 21, Fig. i (Monterico Huanta) ; Id. Orn. Peru, 1, 1884, p. 286; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 63; SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil. Suppl., 1887, pi. 14; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 323; SIMON, Rev. Franc. d'Orn., 1910, p. 265, in text. Range: Peru. Genus HELIODOXA Gould Heliodoxa GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1849, p. 95 (Type Heliodoxa jacula Gould). *Heliodoxa leadbeateri leadbeateri (Bourcier). LEADBEATER'S HUM- MINGBIRD. Trochilus leadbeateri BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., VI, 1843, p. 102 (Caracas). Heliodoxa leadbeateri GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1860, pi. 97; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 65, part; SIMON, Mem. Soc. Zool. France, 1889, II, p. 220 (San Esteban, Venezuela); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 317, part; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 296, crit. (La Frijola; La Candela; Buena Vista, etc., Colombia). Leadbeatera splendens GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1861 (Oct. ed.), p. 74 (Vene- zuela ?). Agapetornis, new name to replace Agapeta HEINE, preoccupied in Coleopter cf . Chubb (I.e.). b cf. Simon, I.e. c Simon, I.e., suggests that this may perhaps be the adult male of Agapeta gularis. 240 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Heliodoxa leadbeateri parvula* BERLEPSCH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1887, p. 320 (Bogota); HELLMAYR & SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg. Abh. A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 144, in text. Range: Venezuela and Colombia. ii : Venezuela (Merida 2, "Venezuela" 2); "Colombia" 7. Heliodoxa leadbeateri otero b (Tschudi). OTERO'S HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus otero TSCHUDI, Arch, fur Naturg., 1844, I, p. 298 (Peru); Fauna Peruana Av., 1845-46, p. 249, pi. 23, Fig. 2. Heliodoxa otero GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1860, pi. 96; SIMON, Mem. Soc. Zool. France, II, 1889, pp. 220-221, in text (crit.); TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 287. H[eliodoxa] leadbeateri otero HELLMAYR & SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg., Ab. A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 144, in text. Range: Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. *Heliodoxa jacula jacula Gould. GREEN-CROWNED HUMMINGBIRD. Heliodoxa jacula GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1849, p. 96 (Bogota, Colombia); Mon. Trochil., II, 1858, pi. 54; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, P- 64; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 319, part. Heliodoxa jacula jacula RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 571, in key. Range: Colombia (central and eastern Andes). 3: "Colombia." *Heliodoxa jacula jamersoni (Bourcier). JAMERSON'S HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus jamersoni BOURCIER, Comp. Rend., XXXII, 1851, p. 187 ("Vallie chaud de Calacoli," Ecuador). Heliodoxa jamesoni GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 95; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 320. Heliodoxa jacula jamersoni HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 123; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 224, crit. (Santo Domingo, western Ecuador); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 571, in key. Range: Ecuador. 2: Ecuador (Chimbo i, "Ecuador" i). f*Heliodoxa jacula henryi Lawrence. HENRY'S HUMMINGBIRD. Heliodoxa henryi LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VIII, 1867, p. 402 (Angostura, Costa Rica). I cannot distinguish this supposed race. In this I agree with Chapman (I.e.); nevertheless it is recognized by Hartert (Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 122) and pro- visionally by Ridgway (Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, p. 572); also, Brabourne and Chubb. b Heliodoxa leadbeateri otero (Tscnuoi) : Male, described as differing from H. I. leadbeateri of Venezuela in having the frontal patch larger; more golden on upper back; breast tinged with greenish blue and the median rectrices greenish bronze (not reddish bronze) ; the females are also readily distinguished (cf . Taczanowski, l.c.). I have not seen this bird. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OP THE AMERICAS CORY. 241 Heliodoxajacula henryi BANGS, Proc. N. E. Zool. Club, III, 1902, p. 30 (Chiriqui, Panama); FERRY, Field Mus. Pub., Orn. Ser., I, No. 146, 1910, p. 264 (Coli- blanco, Costa Rica) ; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 573. Heliodoxa henrici BOUCARD, Gen. Humm. Bds., 1895, p. 287 (Veragua). Heliodoxa berlepschi BOUCARD, The Humming Bd., II, 1892, p. 75 (Veragua, Panama). Range: Costa Rica and western Panama. 1 1 : Costa Rica (El Pito i , Volcan Irazu i , Coliblanco 9) ; Panama (Veragua 3). *Heliodoxa xanthogonys Salvin and God-man. YELLOW-CHEEKED HUMMINGBIRD. Heliodoxa xanthogonys SALVIN and GODMAN, Ibis, 1882, p. 80 (Merume Mts.); SALVIN, Ibis, 1885, p. 433 (Roraima); Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 321; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 123; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 419, pi. VIII, Figs. 1-2. Xanthogenyx salvini D'HAMONV., Bull. Soc. Zool., France, VIII, 1883, p. 78 (Mt. Roraima). Range : British Guiana. 2: "British Guiana." Genus HYLONYMPHA Gould Hylonympha GOULD, Ann. & Mag. N. H., 1873, P- 429 (Type Hylonympha macrocerca Gould). "Hylonympha macrocerca Gould. GREAT FORK-TAILED HUMMINGBIRD. Hylonympha macrocerca GOULD, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), XII, 1873, P- 4 2 9 ("N. Brazil" = Venezuela") ; Id., Mon. Trochil. Suppl., 1880, pi. 27; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 97; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 326; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. i, in text. Range: Interior of Venezuela; extreme N. Brazil? i: "Venezuela"? Genus IONOLAIMA Reichenbach lonolaima Reichenbach, Aufz. d. Col., 1854, p. 9 (Type Trochilus schreibersi Bourcier). *Ionolaima schreibersi (Bourcier). SCHREIBER'S HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus schreibersi BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 43 ("Alto Rio Negro"); GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1857, pi. 93; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 324 (Baeza, eastern Ecuador). lonolaima frontalis LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VI, 1858, p. 263 (between Quito and the head waters of the Napo). Designated by Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 128. 242 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. lolaema schreibersi ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 58; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 321. Range: Eastern Ecuador. i: "Ecuador." lonolaima whitelyana (Gould). WHITELY'S HUMMINGBIRD. lolaema whitelyana GOULD, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), X, 1872, p. 452 (Cos- nipata) ; WHITELY, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1873, P- l88 ; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., J 879, p. 59; SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil. Suppl., 1883, pi. 12. Range: Eastern Peru. lonolaima luminosa (Elliot). LUMINOUS HUMMINGBIRD. lolaema luminosa ELLIOT, Ibis, 1876, p. 188 (Bogota ?); Id., Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 58; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 323, pi. VIII, Fig. i; HARTERT, Ibis, 1897, p. 434, in text; Id., Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 125. Range: Colombia. Genus EUGENIA Gould Eugenia GOULD, Mon. Trochil., .IV, 1856, pi. 234 (Type Eugenia imperatrix Gould). *Eugenia imperatrix Gould. EMPRESS HUMMINGBIRD. Eugenia imperatrix GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1855, p. 192 (Quito); Id., Mon. Trochil., IV, 1856, pi. 234; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 62; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 316; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1894, p. 325 (Gulea, western Ecuador). Range: Ecuador, i: Ecuador (Napo). Genus HELIANTHEA Gould Helianthea GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1848, p. 1 1 (Type Ornismya helianthea Lesson). *Helianthea helianthea (Less.}. BLUE-THROATED STAR-FRONTLET. Ornismya helianthea LESSON, Rev. Zool., 1838, p. 314 (Santa F6 de Bogota). Helianthea typica GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1854, pi. 235; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 71; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 124. Helianthea healianthea CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 297 (Chipaque, eastern Andes, Colombia). Range: Colombia. 7: Colombia (Paramo de Tama, extreme eastern Colombia 2, "Colombia" 5). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 243 *Helianthea bonaparti (Boiss.). BONAPARTE'S STAR-FRONTLET. Ornismya bonaparti BOISSONNEAU, Rev. Zool., 1840, p. 6 (Bogota). Trochilus aurogastier , FRAZER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1840, p. 16. Helianthea bonapartei GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1854, pi. 236; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 295; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 124; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 297 (El Pinon, eastern Andes, Colombia). Range : Colombia. 7: "Colombia." *Helianthea eos Gould. GOLDEN STAR-FRONTLET. Helianthea eos GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1848, p. 1 1 (Highlands of Colombia and Venezuela); Id., Mon. Trochil., IV, 1855, pi. 237; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 72; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 128; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 125. Range: Venezuela. 5: Venezuela (Merida). Helianthea phalerata (Bangs).* SANTA MARTA STAR-FRONTLET. Leucuria phalerata* BANGS, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 1898, p. 174 (Macotama, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta). Helianthea phalerata BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 128. Range: Northern Colombia. Helianthea volifer (Gould). VIOLET-THROATED STAR-FRONTLET. Trochilus volifer GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, p. 87 (Bolivia). Helianthea volifer a BONAPARTE, Rev. Zool., 1854, p. 251; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1855, pi. 239; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 73; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 126. Range: Bolivia. *Helianthea osculans Gould. BUFF-TAILED STAR-FRONTLET. Helianthea osculans GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1871, p. 503 (Ecachupata and Huasampilla, Peru); SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil., 1887, pi. 18; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 127; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 129. Range: Southern Peru. 2: Peru (Limbain, Carabayo). Helianthea phalerata (BANGS): "Forehead, crown and lores very brilliant metallic blue, with, in some lights, green reflections; auriculars, back and wing coverts dark grass green, in some lights quite dusky or cervix and upper back; chin dark grass green with slight metallic reflections; throat metallic violet; breast metallic sea green; abdomen shining grass green; wings purplish brown; feathers of tarsi, upper and under tail coverts and tail, including shafts of feathers, pure white." (Bangs, l.c.). b Leucuria new Genus described by Bangs (l.c.) with phalerata as the type. 244 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Helianthea dichroura Taczanowski. JELSKI'S STAR-FRONTLET. Helianthea dichroura TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, p. 138 (Maray- nioc); Id., Orn. Peru, I, 1884, p. 377; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 74; GOULD, Suppl. Trochil., 1881, pi. 19; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 128. Range: Northern Peru. *Helianthea lutetiae (Delatt. and Bourc.). COMTE DE PARIS' STAR- FRONTLET. Trochilus lutetiae DELATTRE and BOURCIER, Rev. Ziool., 1846, p. 307 (Volcan du Purace, near Popayan). Helianthea lutetiae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1857, pi. 238; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 73; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 126. Helianthea lutetiae lutetiae OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 325 (Atcatso; Quito; Pichincha, Ecuador); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 297 (Almaguer and Laguneta, temperate zone of central Andes, Colombia). Range: Ecuador and southwestern Colombia. 3: "Ecuador." Helianthea lutetiae hamiltoni a (Goodfellow) . HAMILTON'S INCA. Helianthea hamiltoni GOODFELLOW, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, X, 1900, p. XLVIII (Papallacta, near Antisana); Id., Ibis, 1900, p. 378. Helianthea lutetiae hamiltoni OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, P- 335 (Papallacta, east Ecuador). Range: Eastern Ecuador. *Helianthea traviesi (Muls. and Very.). TRAVIE'S INCA. Diphlogena (Helianthea) traviesi MULSANT and VERREAUX, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, 1866, p. 199 (Bogota). Bourcieria traviesi ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 77; SHARPE in Gould's Suppl. Trochil., 1887, pi. 21. Helianthea traviesi HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IV, 1897, p. 530, crit. Eudosia traviesi MULSANT, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, III, 1776, p. 2, pi. 66; SAL- VIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 132. Range: Colombia. i: "Colombia." t*Helianthea conradi (Bourc.~). CONRAD'S INCA. Trochilus conradi BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 45 (Caracas). Bourcieria conradi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1859, p. 253; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 76; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 130. Range: Andes of Venezuela. 14: Venezuela (Merida). Helianthea lutetiae hamiltoni (GOODFELLOW) : Males differ from H. I. lutetiae in having the green of plumage more golden green and the females have the throat deeper ochraceous. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 245 *Helianthea torquata (Boiss.). COLLARED INCA. Ornismya torquata BOISSONNEAU, Rev. Zool., 1840, p. 6 (Bogota). Bourcieria torquata GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1854, pi- 2 5 J ; SCLATER and SAL- VIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 530; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 77; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 130. Helianthea torquata OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 325 (Baeza, eastern Ecuador); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 297 (Colombia, various localities). Range: Colombia and eastern Ecuador. 6: Colombia (Paramo de Tama, extreme eastern Colombia 2; "Colombia" 4). *Helianthea fulgidigula (Gould). GREEN-THROATED INCA. Bourcieria fulgidigula GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1854, pi. 252 (Ecuador); Id., Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 135; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 76; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 131. Helianthea fulgidigula HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 132; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 326 (various localities in western Ecuador). Range : Western Ecuador. 2: "Ecuador." *Helianthea insectivora (Tschudi). TSCHUDI'S INCA. Trochilus insectivorus TSCHUDI, Faun. Perou Av., 1845-46, p. 248, pi. 23, Fig. i (Peru). Bourcieria insectivora ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 76; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 129; SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil. Suppl., 1887, pi. 20. Range: Peru, i: Peru (Uchco). Helianthea inca (Gould). GOULD'S INCA. Bourcieria inca GOULD, Contr. Orn., 1852, p. 136 (Coroico, Bolivia); Id., Mon. Trochil., IV, 1854, p. 234; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 75; TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 388; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 129. Range: Peru and Bolivia. *Helianthea coeligena coeligena (Lesson). VENEZUELAN INCA. Ornismya coeligena LESSON, Hist. Nat. Trochil., 1832, p. 141, pi. 53 ("du Mexique = Venezuela)." Lampropygia coeligena CABANIS and HEINE, Mus. Heine, III, p. 136; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 1892, XVI, p. 135. Coeligena typica BONAPARTE, Consp. Av., 1850, p. 73, part. Bourcieria coeligena ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 79, part; SIMON, Mem. Soc. Zool. France, II, 1889 (San Esteban, Venezuela). cf. Elliot, Ibis, 1876, p. 55. 246 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Helianthea coeligena coeligena HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg. Ab. A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 144 (Cumbre de Valencia). Range: Venezuela. 2: Venezuela (Caracas i, "Venezuela" i). *Helianthea coeligena columbiana (Elliot). COLOMBIAN INCA. Lampropygia columbiana ELLIOT, Ibis, 1876, p. 57 (vicinity of Bogota). Bourcieria columbiana ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 79. Helianthea coeligena columbiana OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 326 (Baeza, eastern Ecuador); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 298 (El Eden; La Candela; Andalucia; Fusugasuga, Colombia). Range: Eastern Colombia and eastern Ecuador, i: "Colombia." Helianthea coeligena ferruginea a Chapman. WESTERN COLOMBIAN INCA. Helianthea coeligena ferruginea CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 298 (western Andes above Cali, Colombia; alt. 6600 ft.). Range: Western Colombia (subtropical zone of western Andes and eastward to Rio Toche region at 6800 ft. Chapman). Helianthea coeligena obscura b (Berlep. and Stolz.). DUSKY INCA. Lampropygia columbiana obscura BERLEPSCH & STOLZMANN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1902, p. 23 (central Peru, Vitoc). Helianthea obscura BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 130, No. 1256. Range: Central Peru. Helianthea coeligena boliviana (Gould). BOLIVIAN INCA. Lampropygia boliviana GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 137 (Bolivia); SCLATER and SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1879, p. 630; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 136. Bourcieria boliviana ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 79. H[elianthea] coeligena boliviana HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 132. Range : Bolivia. *Helianthea prunellii (Bourc. and Musi.). PRUNELL'S INCA. Trochilus prunellii BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, VI, 1843, p. 36 (Colombia). 8 Helianthea coeligena ferruginea CHAPMAN: Similar to H. c. columbiana (ELLIOT) , but under parts more strongly washed with tawny; sides of throat from breast to base of bill tawny or russet; throat less white and with larger spots; rump averaging greener. b Helianthea coeligena obscura (BERLEP. and STOLZ.): Differs from H. c. colum- biana in its darker plumage (above and below); head and back less tinged with bronze; abdomen more blackish and less russet; throat more grayish (less whitish) and dark spots larger. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 247 Coeligena prunellii GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1857, pi. 257. Bourcieria prunellii ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 78. Lampropygia prunellii SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 133. Helianthea prunettei BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 130, No. 1258. Range: Colombia. 6: "Colombia." *Helianthea assimilis (Elliot). ALLIED INCA. Bourcieria assimilis ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 78 ("Ecuador"); BERLEPSCH Journ. fur Ornith, 1884,. p. 310 (Colombia). Lampropygia assimilis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 134. Helianthea assimilis HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 133. Range : Colombia. i: "Colombia." *Helianthea wilsoni (Dellatt. and Bourc.}. WILSON'S INCA. Trochilus wilsoni DELATTRE and BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1846, p. 305 (Juntas, near St. Bonaventure, Colombia). Bourcieria wilsoni ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 77. Coeligena wilsoni GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1856, pi. 258. Lampropyga wilsoni SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 134. Helianthea wilsoni HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 133; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 326 (Milligali, western Ecuador). Range : Southwestern Colombia and northern Ecuador. i: "Ecuador." Helianthea purpurea (Gould). PURPLE INCA. Coeligena purpurea GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1854, pi. 256 (Popayan); Id., Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 137. Bourcieria purpurea ELLIOTT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 78. Lampropygia purpurea SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 134. Helianthea purpurea HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 133. Range: Colombia. Genus DIPHOGENA Gould Diphogena GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1854, pi. 247 (Type Helianthea iris Gould). *Diphogena iris (Gould). BOLIVIAN RAINBOW. Helianthea iris GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1853, p. 61 (between Illimani and Sorata, Bolivia). Diphogena iris GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1854, pi. 247; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 326 (Pichincha, Ecuador). Diphlogaena iris ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 69; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 121. 248 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Diphlogaena iris buckleyi BERLEPSCH, Ibis, 1887, p. 295 (Ecuador); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 135. Range: Northwest Bolivia, northern Peru and Ecuador. 4: "Ecuador" 3; Peru (Molinopampa i). *Diphogena hesperus Gould. ECUADORIAN RAINBOW. Diphogena hesperus GOULD, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., XV, 1855, p. 129 (Ecuador); OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 326 (Mindo, western Ecuador). Diphlogaena hesperus ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 70; SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil. Suppl., 1885, pi. 16; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 122. Range: Ecuador, i: "Ecuador." Diphogena aurora (Gould). GOULD'S RAINBOW. Helianthea aurora GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1853, p. 61 (between Illimani and Sorata, Bolivia). Diphogena aurora GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1861, pi. 248. Diphlogaena aurora SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil. Suppl., 1885, pi. 17; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 122. Coeligena warszewizii REICHENBACH, Aufz. d. Col., p. 23. Diphlogaena warszewiezi TACZANOWSKI, Ora. Perou, I, 1884, p. 383. Range: Northern Bolivia and eastern Peru. Diphogena eva a (Salvin). PERUVIAN RAINBOW. Diphogaena eva SALVIN, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, VI, 1897, p. 30 (Suecha, Caja- marca, northern Peru); Id., Ibis, 1897, p. 264 (reprint); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 135. Range: Northern Peru. Genus LAFRESNAYA Bonaparte Lafresnaya BONAPARTE, Compt. Rend., XXX, 1850, p. 380 (Type Trochilus flavicaudatus Fraser = T. lafresnayi Boissonneau). *Lafresnaya lafresnayi (Boiss.). BUFF-TAILED VELVET-BREAST. Trochilus lafresnayi BOISSONNEAU, Rev. Zool., 1840, p. 8 (Bogota). Trochilus flavicaudatus ERASER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1840, p. 18 (Colombia). Lafresnaya flavicaudata BONAPARTE, Consp. Av., 1850, p. 68; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1857, pi. 85; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 44. L[afresnayea] lafresnayei HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 136. Lafresnayea lafresnayi CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 298 (Rio Toche; Chipaque; etc., central and eastern Andes, Colombia). Range: Colombia. 5: "Colombia." Diphogena eva (SALVIN) : Resembles D. hesperus, but the back of the neck dark red (not black) ; under tail coverts paler. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 249 Lafresnaya liriope a Bangs. SANTA MARTA VELVET-BREAST. Lafresnayea liriope BANGS, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIII, 1910, p. 105 (Paramo de Chiruqua, 1 1,000 ft. Alt.; Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia). Range : Northern Colombia. *Lafresnaya saul saul (Bourcier). GRAY'S VELVET-BREAST. Trochilus saul BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1846, p. 309 (Vicinity of Quito). Lafresnaya saulae BONAPARTE, Consp. Avium, 1850, p. 68. Lafresnaya gayi BONAPARTE, Consp. Avium, 1850, p. 68; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1857, pi. 86; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 44; ALLEN, Bull. Am. Mus., XIII, 1900, p. 138 (San Miguel; Macatoma); Salvin, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 327, part. Lafresnaya saul OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 327 (Lloa; Pichincha; and Quito, Ecuador). L[afresnayea] saul HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 136. Lafresnayea saul saul CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 299 (Andes west of Popayan, Colombia). Range: Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador; northern Peru. b 4: Venezuela (Merida) 2; "Ecuador" 2. Lafresnaya saul rectrirostris (Berlepsch and Stolzmanri). WHITE- TAILED VELVET-BREAST. Lafresnayea saul rectirostris BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1902, p. 24 (Maraynioc, central Peru). [Lafresnayea} rectirostris BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. A., I, 1912, p. 131, No. 1270. Range: Central Peru. Genus ENSIFERA* Lesson Ensifera LESSON, Echo de Monde Savant, Ser. 2, VIII, 1843, p. 734 (Type Ornismya ensifera Boissonneau). Docimastes GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1849, pi. 233 (Type 0. ensifera). *Ensifera ensifera ensifera (Boissonneau). SWORD-BILLED HUMMING- BIRD. Ornismya ensifera BOISSONNEAU, Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 354 (Santa Fe de Bogota). Trochilus derbianus FRASER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1840, p. 16 (Colombia). Lafresnaya liriope BANGS: Bill less curved than in L. saul, but similar to that of L. lafresnayi; central rectrices and longer upper tail coverts strong greenish coppery (in marked contrast to the color of the back); rectrices (except the middle pair) white below the dark tips as in L. saul. b Berlepsch and Stolzmann (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1902, p. 24, in text) consider a specimen from Cutervo, northern Peru, to represent L. saul saul. c Lafresnaya saul rectirostris BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN: Differs from L. saul saul in having the bill shorter and the wings and tail longer. The green on the throat, breast and sides of the body is clearer and more golden and the black of the abdomen is less developed. d cf . Richmond, Auk, 1902, p. 92. 250 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Docimastes ensiferus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1849, pi. 233; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 315. Ensifera ensifera ensifera CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 299 (Almager; Laguneta; El Roble, Colombia; Cerro Munchique ?). a Range: Colombia and Venezuela. 4: Colombia (Bogota i, "Colombia" 3). Ensifera ensifera schliephackei b (Heine). ECUADORIAN SWORD-BILLED HUMMINGBIRD. Docimastes schliephackei HEINE, Journ. fur. Ornith., 1863, p. 215 (Ecuador). Docimastes ensifer schliephacki BERLEPSCH and TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1884, p. 304. Ensifera ensifera schliephacki OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 299-327, crit. (Papallacta and Pichincha, Ecuador). Range: Ecuador and northern Peru. Genus PTEROPHANES Gould Pterophanes GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1849, subpl. 178 (Type Ornismya tem- mincki Boiss.). *Pterophanes temmincki (Boissonneau). TEMMINCK'S SAPPHIRE-WING. Ornismya temmincki BOISSONNEAU, Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 354 (Bogota). Pterophanes temmincki GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1849, pi. 178; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 66; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 118; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 328 (Pichincha and Corazon, Ecuador); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H.,. XXXVI, 1917, p. 299 (Santa Isabel, 12,700 ft. Alt., Colombia). Range: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. 5: Colombia 3; Ecuador i; Bolivia i. Genus AGLAEACTIS Gould Aglaeactis GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1848, p. n (Type Trochilus cuprei- pennis Bourcier). *Aglaeactis cupripennis cupreipennis (Bourcier and Mulsani). SHINING SUNBEAM. Trochilus cupripennis BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, VI, 1843, p. 46 (Colombia). Aglaeactis cupreipennis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1856, pi. 179; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 186; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 350. ft Possibly E. s. schliephackei; cf. Chapman, I.e. b Ensifera ensifera schliephackei (HEINE): Similar to E. e. ensifera, but bill longer. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 251 Aglaiactis aequatorialis CABANIS and HEINE, Mus. Heine, III, 1860, p. 70 (Chimborazo, Ecuador) . Aglaeactis cupreipennis aequatorialis HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 495 (Cayambe, Ecuador); OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1902, p. 328 (Ecuador). Aglaeactis cupripennis cupripennis CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 299 (Andes of Popayan and Valle de las Pappas, Colombia). Range: Colombia and Ecuador. 7: Colombia (Bogota i, "Colombia" 5); Ecuador 2. *Aglaeactis cupripennis parvula b Gould. LITTLE SUNBEAM. Aglaeactis parvula GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 106 (Peru). Aglaeactis cupreipennis var. parvula TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1880, p. 207. Aglaeactis cupreipennis parvula SIMON, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 180 (Huama- chuco, Peru). Range: Peru. 2: Peru (Mts. east of Balsas) 2. *Aglaeactis caumatonota Gould. BLACK-THROATED SUNBEAM. Aglaeactis caumatonota GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1848, p. 12 (Peru); Id., Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1880, pi. 49; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 186; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 351 ; BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1902, p. 25 (Maraynioc and Pariayacu, Peru). Agleactis olivaceocauda LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VIII, p. 470 (Matara, Prov. d'Ayacucho, Peru). Range: Peru, i: "Peru." Agleactis castelnaudi Bourcier and Mulsant. CASTELNAU'S SUNBEAM. Trochilus castelnaudi BOURCIER and MULSANT, Rev. Zool., 1848, p. 270 (Cusco). Agleactis castelnaudi BONAPARTE, Consp. Avium, 1850, I, p. 73; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1857, pi. 180; WHITELY, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1873, P- I 95 TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, 1, 1884, p. 343; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 187; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 351. Range: Peru. *Agleactis pamela (D'Orb. and Lafr.). PAMELA'S SUNBEAM. Orthorhynchus Pamela D'ORBIGNY and LAFRESNAYE, Mag. de Zool., VIII, 1838 (Syn. Av.), p. 29 (Yungas). I cannot distinguish birds from Ecuador and Colombia, the supposed difference in length of bill is not constant, although it may average longer in birds from Ecuador. See also Chapman, I.e. b Agleactis cupripennis parvula (GOULD): Distinguished from A. c. cupreipennis by its smaller size, the supposed color differences appear to be slight and variable. 252 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Aglaeactis pamela GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1856, pi. 181 ; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 352; BERLEPSCH, Ibis, 1898, p. 63, in text (Iquico). Range: Bolivia. 2: "Bolivia." Aglaeactis aliciae* Salvin. ALICE'S SUNBEAM. Aglaeactis aliciae SALVIN, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, V, 1896, p. XXIV (Suecha, northern Peru, Alt. 10,000 ft.); BARON, Nov. Zool., IV, 1897, pi. i, Figs. 1-2. Range: Andes of northern Peru. Genus BOISSONNEAUA Reichenbach. Boissonneaua Reichenbach, Aufz. d. Col., (March) 1854, p. n (Type Trochilus flavescens Loddegesia). Panoplites Gould, Mon. Trochil., II (Oct.), 1854, pi. 112 (Type T. flavescens). *Boissonneaua jardinii (Bourcier). JARDINE'S CORONET. Trochilus jardinii BOURCIER, Compt. Rend., XXII, 1851, p. 187 (Warm regions in forests near Nanegal, Ecuador). Panoplites jardini GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1854, pi- 1 I2 ' ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 53; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 372. Boissonneaua jardinii OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 328 (Nanegal, western Ecuador); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 300 (N6vita Trail and Buena Vista, western Andes, Colombia). Range: Andes of Ecuador and southwestern Colombia. i: "Ecuador." *Boissonneaua matthewsi (Bourcier). MATTHEWS CORONET. Trochilus matthewsi BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc.Lond., 1847, p. 43 ("LePerou"). Panoplites matthewsi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1854, pi. 113; WHITELY, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1873, P- 7 8 4; TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 295; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, P- 545 SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 373. Boissonneaua matthewsi SIMON, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 180 (Motil and Huama- chuco, Peru) ; BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1902, p. 25 (Garita del Sol and Culumachay, Peru) ; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 328 (Baeza, eastern Ecuador). Range: North Peru and Ecuador, i: "Ecuador." Aglaeactis aliciae SALVIN: Allied to A. castelnaudi, but differs in having a bar of green feathers across base of upper tail coverts and the amethystine feathers of lower back with a more reddish tint; tail dark coppery with base of the shaft white; outer web of outer tail feather and under tail coverts white; a distinct white patch on the throat and chin. Wing, 3.4; middle tail feathers, 1.5; lateral ones, 1.8. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 253 *Boissonneaua flavescens flavescens (Loddiges). YELLOW-FRONTED CORONET. Trochilus flavescens LODDIGES, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lend., 1832, p. 7 (Popayan). Ornismya paradisea BOISSONNEAU, Rev. Zool., 1840, p. 6 (Bogota). Panoplites flavescens GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1854, pi. in; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, P- 54! SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 344. Boissonneaua flavescens HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 142. Boissonneau flavescens flavescens HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 191 1, p. 1 185 (Tatama Mountain, 8000 ft.) ; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXVI, 1917, p. 300, crit. (Cocal; La Florida; Laguneta; El Roble; El Pinon, etc., Colom- bia). Range: Andes of Colombia and Western Venezuela. 9: Venezuela (near Merida) 3; "Colombia" 6. *Boissonneaua flavescens tinochlora 3 Oberholser. WESTERN YELLOW- FRONTED CORONET. Boissonneaua flavescens tinochlora OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 329 (west side of Corazon, Ecuador). Range: Ecuador. 2: Ecuador (Gualea i, "Ecuador" i). Genus VESTIPEDES Lesson.* Vestipedes Lesson, Echo du Monde Savant, Ser. 2, VIII, 1843, p. 756 (Type Ornismya vestita). Eriocnemis Reichenbach, Syst. Av. Aufz. d. Col., 1849, pi. XL (Type 0. vestita Lesson). *Vestipedes luciani (Bourcier). BOQUET'S PUFF-LEG. Trochilus luciani BOURCIER, Ann. Soc. Phys. & Nat. Lyon, VII, 1847, p. 324 (Guaca). Eriocnemis luciani GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi. 273; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 192; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 366 (Intac; Pichincha; Quito; San Rafael, Ecuador); HARTERT and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 60 (near Cuenta, Ecuador). Vestipedes luciani OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 329 (Mojanda; Padregal; Corazon; Pichincha, etc., Ecuador). Range: Ecuador. 2: "Ecuador." Boissonneaua flavescens tinochlora OBERHOLSER: Differs from B. f. flavescens in the much broader green tips of the tail feathers, particularly on the inner webs of the two outer pairs; wing quills darker and more purplish; crissum and buffy portions of the tail darker. Specimens recorded from Corazon, Pichincha, and Canzacota, western Ecuador (Oberholser, I.e.). b Cf. Richmond, Auk, 1902, p. 83. 254 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Vestipedes glaucopoides (d'Orb. and Lafr.). D'ORBIGNY'S PUFF-LEG. Ornismya glaucopoides D'ORBIGNY and LAFRESNAYE, Mag. de Zool. (Syn. Av.), II, 1838, p. 27 (Valle Grande, Bolivia). Eriocnemis glaucopoides ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 191; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 367; SALVADORI, Boll. Mus. Zool. Univ. Torino, XXI, No. 292, 1896 (Prov. Jujuy). Eriocnemis glaucopis SHARPE, Hand List Bds., 1900, p. 128. Range: Bolivia. Vestipedes catharina* (Salviri). PERUVIAN PUFF-LEG. Eriocnemis catharina SALVIN, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, VI, No. XLII, 1897, p. XXX (Leimebamba, eastern Peru); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 144. Range: Northern Peru. Vestipedes isaacsoni Parzudaki. ISAACSON'S PUFF-LEG. Ornismya isaacsoni PARZUDAKI, Rev. Zool., 1845, p. 95 (Bogota). Eriocnemis isaacsoni GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1858, pi. 272; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 369; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 144. Helianthea isaacsoni ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 71. Range: Colombia. *Vestipedes vestitus vestitus (Lesson). GLOWING PUFF-LEG. Ornismya vestita (Longuemare MS.) LESSON, Rev. Zool., 1838, p. 314 (Bogota). Eriocnemis vestita GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1859, pi. 275; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 193; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 363. E[riocnemis] vestita (typica) HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 145. Mellisuga ridolphi BENVENUTI, Ann. R. Mus. Torino, 1865, p. 305. Vestipedes vestitus vestitus CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 300 (El Pifion; Tocaimito; CHIPAQUE, eastern Andes, Colombia). Range : Colombia and Venezuela. fat: Colombia (Paramo de Tama 2, "Colombia" 5); Venezuela (Paramo de Tama, near Colombia line, 7, near Merida 7). *Vestipedes vestitus smaragdinipectus (Gould). GREEN-BREASTED PUFF-LEG. Eriocnemis smaragdinipectus GOULD, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 1868, p. 322 (Quito); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 194; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 364. Eriocnemis evelinae HARTERT and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 59 (Rio Pastassa, eastern Ecuador); Id., Ibis, 1897, p. 432 (crit.). E\riocnemis\ vestita smaragdinipectus HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 145. B Vestipedes catharina (SALVIN) : Similar to V. luciani but uropygium and middle of abdomen bluish and tail much less forked. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 255 Vestipedes vestitus smaragdinipectus OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 330 (Papallacta, eastern Ecuador); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 300 (Almaguer, Colombia, near Ecuadorian boundary). Range: Ecuador and extreme southern Colombia (Almaguer). i: "Ecuador." Vestipedes paramillo" Chapman. PARAMO PUFF-LEG. Veslipedes paramtilo CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 301 (Paramillo, 12,500 ft., western Andes, Colombia). Range: Colombia (Paramo Zone at northern end of the western Andes). Vestipedes ventralis Sdlvin. AMETHYST- VENTED PUFF-LEG. Eriocnemis ventralis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 364, pi. IX, Fig. 2 (Colombia; Bogota?). Range : Colombia. *Vestipedes godini (Bourcier). GODIN'S PUFF-LEG. Trochilus godini BOURCIER, Compt. Rend., XXXII, 1851, p. 186 (Ecuador). Eriocnemis godini GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1861, pi. 277; ELLIOT, Ibis, 1872, p. 295; Id., Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 193; HARTERT, Ibis, 1897, p. 432, in text; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 365. Range: Ecuador and Colombia, i : "Ecuador." *Vestipedes cupreoventris (Fraser). COPPERY- VENTED PUFF-LEG. Trochilus cupreoventris FRASER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1840, p. 15 (Colombia). Eriocnemis cupreoventris GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pis. 270-271; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 192; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 367. (?) Eriocnemis dyselius ELLIOT,** Ibis, 1872, p. 294; Id., Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 194; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 368, pi. IX, Fig. i. (?) Eripous simplex GOULD, C Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1849, p. 96 (Colombia). (?) Eriocnemis simplex GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1852, pi. 271. Eriocnemis aurea MEYER, d Auk, 1890, p. 315 (Colombia). Range: Colombia and Venezuela. 7: Venezuela (near Merida). Vestipedes paramillo CHAPMAN: Related to V. v. smaragdinipectus (GOULD), but male with purple throat patch smaller and triangular in shape (as in V. nigrivestris) and entirely surrounded by glittering emerald green; upper parts greener, more uniform and less coppery; rump slightly bluer. Wing, 56.6; tail, 39.5; bill, 17.5 (average measurements). b Supposed to be a melanism of V. cupreoventris. Supposed to be abnormal phase of plumage of V. cupreoventris. A specimen (No. 46251) in the Field Museum collection (labelled by Boucard, dyselius) is evidently albinistic. d E. aurea MEYER=. cupreoventris, 9; cf. Hartert, Ibis, 1897, p. 433, in text; Id., Nov. Zool., IV, 1897, in text (crit.). 256 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Vestipedes chrysorama Elliot.* BLUE- VENTED PUFF-LEG. Eriocnemis chrysorama ELLIOT, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), XIII, 1874, P- 375 ("Ecuador"); Id., Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 193; MULSANT, Hist. Nat. Ois- Mouches, III, 1877, p. 44, pi. 69; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 368 (Colombia); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 146 (Colombia). Range: Colombia. *Vestipedes sapphiropygia Taczanowski. SAPPHIRE-VENTED PUFF- LEG. Eriocnemis sapphiropygia TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, p. 139 (Maraynioc, Peru); Id., Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 397; SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1883, pi. 50; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 361, footnote; BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1902, p. 25 (Maraynioc, Peru); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 140. Range: Peru. i: Peru (Lambaen Carabaya). Vestipedes mosquera mosquera Delattre and Bourcier. MOSQUERA'S PUFF-LEG. Trochilus masquer a DELATTRE and BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1846, p. 306 (Pasto, southern Colombia). Eriocnemis mosquera GOULD, Mon. Trochil., 1853, IV, pi. 274; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 191; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 369. Vestipedes mosquera mosquera OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 330 (Pichincha, Ecuador). Vestipedes mosquera CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 302. Range: Southern Colombia and northern Ecuador. *Vestipedes mosquera bogotensis Hartert. b BOGOTA PUFF-LEG. Eriocnemis mosquera bogotensis HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IV, 1897, p. 531 (Bogota) ; Id., Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 147. Range: Eastern Andes, central and northern Colombia. 2: Colombia (Bogota?). Vestipedes flocus (Nelson). PANAMA PUFF-LEG. Eriocnemis flocus NELSON, Smith. Misc. Coll., 60, No. 2143, 1912, p. 60 (eastern slope of Mt. Pirri, alt. 5000 ft., near head of Rio Limon, eastern Panama). Range: Eastern Panama (known from type locality only). No specimens seen by me. It is evidently closely related to V. cupreoventris. b Vestipedes mosquera bogotensis HARTERT: A very questionable subspecies, which is supposed to differ in having a longer bill. Chapman considers it inseparable from V. m. mosquera; cf. Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 302. Vestipedes flocus (NELSON) : Plainly colored species similar to V. aureliae in size and general coloration of upper parts, but differs in having under parts much greener with gray borders to the feathers; abdomen whitish; left tufts pinkish buffy and having a "stringy, woolly appearance." NOTE. I have not compared specimens, but from description, this bird is very close to V. aureliae caucensis SIMON. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 257 *Vestipedes aureliae aureliae (Bourcier and Mulsani). AURELIA'S PUFF-LEG. Trochilus aureliae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, IX, 1846, P- 315. pl- 10 (Bogota). Eriocnemis aureliae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., 1855, IV, pl. 283; ELLIOT, Syn. Troch., 1879, p. 190; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 370, part. Vestipedes aureliae aureliae CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 302 (Barro Blanco; LaCandela; San Agustin; El Roble; El Pifion, Col- ombia). Range: Eastern Colombia (from eastern slope of central Andes). 8: "Colombia." Vestipedes aureliae caucensis" Simon. SIMON'S PUFF-LEG. Eriocnemis aureliae caucensis SIMON, Rev. Franc. d'Orn., No. 28, August, 1911, p. 130 (San Antonio, 1900 met., western Andes, Colombia); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 302, crit. (San Antonio; Cerro Munchi- que; Gallera; Andes west of Popayan; Miraflores; Salento, western Colombia). Range: Western Colombia (from western slope of the central Andes). *Vestipedes assimilis (Elliot). BROWN-BOOTED PUFF-LEG. Eriocnemis assimilis ELLIOT, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, I, 1876, p. 227 ("Apollo and Tilotilo," Bolivia); Id., Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 189; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 371. Eriocnemis affinis TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 396. Range: Bolivia and Peru, i : "Bolivia." * Vestipedes russata (Gould). BUFF PUFF-LEG. Eriocnemis russata GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1871, p. 505 (Ecuador); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 370; HARTERT, Nov. Zool., II, 1895, p. 69; Id., Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 147. Range: Eastern Ecuador. i: "Ecuador." *Vestipedes lugens (Gould}. HOARY PUFF-LEG. Eriopus lugens GOULD, Contr. Orn., 1851, p. 140 (Quito). Eriocnemis lugens GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1854, pl. 282 ; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 190; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 371; (Baisa, Ecuador); E. & C. HARTERT, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 60 (Rio Patassa, east of Andes, Ecuador). Eriocnemis squamata GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 311 (Ecuador). 6 Vestipedes aureliae caucensis SIMON: Similar to V. a. aureliae, but abdomen more extensively white and anterior under parts margined with whitish instead of buffy; tibial tuft white (without tinge of tawny). b Cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 60, in text. 258 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOCLOGY, VOL. XIII. Vcstipedes lugens OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 330 (Papallacta, eastern Ecuador). Range: Ecuador, i: "Ecuador." "Vestipedes nigrivestris (Bourcier and Mulsani). BLACK-BREASTED PUFF-LEG. Trochilus nigrivestris BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon (2), IV, 1852, p. 144 (Tumbaro, Ecuador). Eriocnemis nigrivestris GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1858, pi. 276; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 194; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 365 (Intac; Pichincha; Sarayacu; Cochabamba, Ecuador). Vestipedes nigrivestris OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 331 (Atacazo and Pichincha, Ecuador). Range: Ecuador. i: "Ecuador." Vestipedes berlepschi (Harterty. BERLEPSCH'S PUFF-LEG. Eriocnemis berlepschi HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IV, 1897, p. 531 (Colombia); Id., Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 148. Range: Colombia? Bogota? *Vestipedes alinae (Bourcier). METALLIC PUFF-LEG. Ornismya alinae BOURCIER, Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, V, 1842, p. 344, pi. 19 (Tunja). Eriocnemis alinae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1859, pi. 280; ELLIOT, Syn.^Trochil., 1879, p. 191; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 363 (Pasto). Vestipedes alinae OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 331 (Pasto). Range: Colombia and northern Ecuador. 5: "Ecuador" i; "Colombia" 4. *Vestipedes dybowskii (Taczanowski}. DYBOWSKI'S PUFF-LEG. Eriocnemis dybowskii TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1882, p. 39 (Ray- Urmana, Peru); Id., Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 394; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 140; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 361, footnote. Range: Northern Peru. i: Peru (Uchco). Vestipedes berlepschi (HARTERT): A questionable species, while according to Hartert (I.e.) may be distinguished from V. nigrivestris chiefly by its much longer bill (bill from end of feathering 19 mm.) ; greener upper parts and less bright throat spot. The type was found in a collection of birds supposed to have come from Bogota. It is not improbable that it may represent a race of V. nigrivestris from some unknown locality. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 259 "Vestipedes derbyi derbyi (Delattre and Bourder). DERBY'S PUFF- LEG. Trochilus derbyi DELATTRE and BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1846, p. 306 (Volcan Purac, near Popayan). Eriocnemis derbyanus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1858, pi. 279. Eriocnemis derbiana ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 189, part. Eriocnemis derbyi SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 362, part. Vestipedes derbyi derbyi OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 331 (Pasto, southern Colombia). Range: Northern Ecuador and southern Colombia. i: "Colombia." *Vestipedes derbyi longirostris (Harterf)* LONG-BILLED PUFF-LEG. Eriocnemis derbyi longirostris HARTERT, Nov. Zool., II, 1895, p. 69 (Bogota) ; Id. , Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 149. Vestipedes derbyi longirostris CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 302. Range: Colombia (central and eastern Andes) . b i: Colombia (Bogota?). Genus OCREATUS Gould. Ocreatus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, p. 86 (Type Trochilus addae Bourcier). Steganurus Reichenbach, Syst. Av. Nat. (Dec.), 1849, pi. 40 (Type 0. underwoodi Lesson). Spathura Gould, Mon. Trochil. (June), 1849, pi. 164 (Type S. peruana Gould). *Ocreatus underwoodi underwoodi Lesson. WHITE-FOOTED RACKET- TAIL. Ornismya underwoodi LESSON, Hist. Nat. Trochil., 1832, p. 105, pi. 37 (Santa F6 de Bogota). Trochilus caligatus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1848, p. 14. Spathura underwoodi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1849, pi. 162; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 375, part; HARTERT, Nov. Zool., VI, 1899, p. 72. Steganura underwoodi ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 142. 0[creatus] underwoodi (typicus) HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 150. Ocreatus underwoodi underwoodi CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 303, crit. (various localities in Colombia). Range: Colombia. 8: Colombia (Bogota 3, "Colombia" 5). a Vestipedes derbyi longirostris (HARTERT) : Differs from V. d. derbyi in having the bill decidedly longer; other characters supposed to distinguish this form are apparently inconstant. b Chapman (I.e.) suspects that the true home of this race is in the central Andes and that the type locality ("Bogota") may be wrong. 260 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Ocreatus underwood! discifer" Heine. BUCENO'S WHITE-FOOTED RACKET-TAIL. Steganurus discifer HEINE, Journ. fur Oraith., XI, 1863, p. 210 (Merida, Vene- zuela). Spathura underwoodi bricenoi HARTERT, Nov. Zool., VI, 1899, p. 72 (Merida). Spathura underwoodi discifer HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 191 1, p. 145. Range: Venezuela. 4: Venezuela (near Merida). "Ocreatus underwoodi melanantherus b (Jardine). OBLONG RACKET- TAIL. Trochilus (Spathura) melananthera JARDINE, Contr. Orn., 1851, p. II, pi. 20 (Quito). Spathura melananthera GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1859, pi. 163; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 376 (Pallatanga; Nanegal; Citado; Quito, Ecuador). Range: Ecuador. 4: "Ecuador." *Ocreatus cissiurus cissiurus (Gould). SCISSOR-TAILED RACKET-TAIL. Spathura cissiura GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1853, p. 109 (Peru); Id., Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1860, pi. 166. Steganura cissiura ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 144. Spathura solstitialis GOULD, Ann. & Mag. N. H., VIII, 1871, p. 62; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 377. 0[creatus] cissiurus HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 151. Ocreatus cissiurus OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 332 (Baeza, eastern Ecuador). Range: Ecuador and northern Peru, i: "Ecuador." Ocreatus cissiurus peruanus (Gould). PERUVIAN RACKET-TAIL. Spathura peruana GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1849, pi. 164 (Moyobamba, Peru). Steganura peruana ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 143. Spathura peruana SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 378. 0[creatus] peruanus HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 151. Range: Peru. Ocreatus underwoodi discifer (HEINE) : Male only slightly different from O. u. underwoodi chiefly in size of green spots on sides of neck and body, but females of O. u. discifer have the throat and chest white, without spots or a few minute ones. b Ocreatus underwoodi melananthera (JARDINE) : Similar to 0. u. underwoodi, but tail shorter and terminal spatules smaller; females somewhat more spotted on anterior under parts. c Ocreatus cissiurus peruanus (Goutp) : Differs from 0. c. cissiurus in having the outer web of outer tail feather like the inner web (not grayish as in cissiurus). igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 261 Ocreatus addae (Bourcier). RED-BOOTED RACKET-TAIL. Trochilus addae BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1846, p. 312 (Bolivia). Spathura rufocaligata GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1849, pi. 165. Steganura addae ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 143. Spathura addae SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 378. 0[creatus\ addae HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 151. Range: Bolivia. Ocreatus annae a (Berlep. and Stolz.). ANNA'S RACKET-TAIL. Spathura annae BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN, Ibis, 1894, p. 398 (Chanchamayo, Peru); Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1892, p. 25 (La Gloria; Garita del Sol; Vitoc, Peru). O\creatus] annae HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 152. Range: Central Peru. Genus UROSTICTE Gould. Urosticte Gould, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1853, pi. 190; Id., Introd. Trochil., p. no (Type Trochilus benjamini Bourcier). *Urosticte benjamini benjamini (Bourcier). WHITE-TIP. Trochilus benjamini RovRCiER,Comp. Rend., XXXII, 1851, p. 187 (nearGualea, western Ecuador). Urosticte benjamini GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1853, pi- : 9; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 92; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 167; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 332 (Gualea and San Domingo, western Ecuador). Urosticte benjamini benjamini CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 303 (Ricaurte, Colombia). Range: Ecuador; southern Colombia? 3 : "Ecuador." Urosticte benjamini rostrata b Hellmayr. LARGE-BILLED WHITE-TIP. Urosticte benjamini rostrata HELLMAYR, Verh. Ornith. Gesell. Bayern, XII, 1915, p. 125 (San Juan River, western Colombia, alt. 4600 ft.). Range: Western Colombia. 'Ocreatus annae (BERLEP. and STOLZ.): Resembles 0. addae from Bolivia but differs in the complete absence of white at the base of the feathers of the lower neck and breast; the under tail coverts not bordered with whitish rufous and the external rectrices generally longer but with smaller spatules. b Urosticte benjamini rostrata HELLMAYR: Very similar to U. b. benjamini, but with a duller violet (less rufous) throat spot and a much longer and thicker bill. Wing, 52; tail, 36; bill, 24 mm. (immature male). 262 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Urosticte ruficrissa Lawrence. RUFOUS-VENTED WHITE-TIP. Urosticte ruficrissa LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., VIII, 1877, p. 44 (Ecuador) ; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 91 ; GOULD, Suppl. Trochil., 1883, pi. 24; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 169; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 153. Range: North Ecuador and Colombia. i: "Colombia." Urosticte intermedia Taczanowski. PERUVIAN WHITE-TIP. UrosticteintermediaTA.cz\ytovtsz.i, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1882, p. 36 (Chirimoto Peru); Id., Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 351; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 1 68; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 153. Range: Peru. Genus PHLOGOPHILUS Gould. Phlogophilus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 310 (Type Phlogophilus hemileucurus Gould). Phlogophilus hemileucurus Gould. PIED-TAIL. Phlogophilus hemileucurus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 310 (Rio Napo, Ecuador); Id., Mon. Trochil., V, 1861, pi. 360; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 172; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 173. Range: Southeastern Ecuador. Phlogophilus harterti a Berlep. and Stolz. HARTERT'S PIED-TAIL. Phlogophilus harterti BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN, Ibis, 1901 , p. 7 17 (Huaynapata, Marcapata Region, Peru). Range: Peru. Genus ADELOMYIA Bonaparte. Adelomyia Bonaparte, Rev. Zool., 1854, p. 253 (Type Trochilus melanogenys Fraser). *Adelomyia melanogenys melanogenys (Fraser). BLUE-CHEEKED ADELOMYIA. Trochilus melanogenys FRASER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1840, p. 18 (Bogota). Phlogophilus harterti BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN: Female (and only known specimen) differs from female of P. hemileucurus in having the under parts tinged with pale rufous, the rufous most pronounced on throat and sides of body; middle of breast and belly, whitish; greenish spots on sides of throat and auricular region small and inconspicuous (in hemileucurus they are large and well marked with metallic green reflections with a broken band of greenish on the breast and the rest of under parts pure white). The upper parts of body are slightly deeper colored and more bluish green than in hemileucurus. The white ends of the tail feathers are tinged with rufous which is not the case of females of hemileucurus. Wing, 45; tail, 26.5 mm. iQi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 263 Trochilus sabinae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Soc. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, VI, 1846, p. 323 (Bogota). Adelomyia mdanogenys ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 182, part; Salvin, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 169, part; Hartert (E. & C.) Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 51 (illust. of tail, p. 54). Adelomyia melanogenys melanogenys OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 332 (Papallacta and Baeza, eastern Ecuador); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 304 (Fusugasuga; Quetame, Colombia). Range: Eastern Colombia and eastern Ecuador. ii : Colombia (Paramo de Tama 3, "Colombia" 8). Adelomyia melanogenys maculate" Gould. SPOTTED ADELOMYIA. Adelomyia maculala GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 199 (Quito); Id., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 803; HARTERT (E. C.), Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 51 (illust. of tail, p. 54). A [delomyia] melanogenys maculata HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 155 (crit.). Adelomyia melanogenys maculata OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 332 (Milligalli; Canzacota and west of Pichincha, western Ecuador). Range: Western Ecuador. Adelomyia melanogenys chlorospila b Gould. GREENISH ADELOMYIA. Adelomyia Morospila GOULD, Ann. & Mag. N. H., X, 1872, p. 452 (San Antonio, Peru); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 182. A[delomyia] melanogenys Morospila HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 155. Range: Peru. *Adelomyia melanogenys aeneosticta Simon. DOVE-SPOTTED ADELO- MYIA. Adelomyia aeneosticta SIMON, Mem. Soc. Zool., France, II, No. 4, 1889, p. 223 (Venezuela). Adelomyia aeneotincta SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 171. A[delomyia] melanogenys aenoesticta HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 155. Adelomyia melanogenys aeneosticta HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg., Ab. A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 145 (crit.). Range: Andes of Venezuela from Caracas westward. 2: Venezuela (near Merida). Adelomyia melanogenys cervina Gould. FAWN-COLORED ADELOMYIA. Adelomyia cervina GOULD, Ann. & Mag. N. H., X, 1872, p. 453 (Medellin); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, P- J 8i ; SHARPE, in Gould's Mon. Trochil. Suppl., 1887, pl- 46; SIMON and DELMAS, Ornis, 1901, p. 210; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus.. XVI, 1892, p. 171. Adelomyia melanogenys maculata GOULD: Differs from A. m. melanogenys in having the pale basal portion of rectrices lighter colored and extending far beyond the ends of the under tail coverts and pale tips of tail feathers larger; the upper parts (back, etc.), average more bronzy green. b Adelomyia melanogenys chlorospila GOULD: Similar to A. m. melanogenys, but hroat spotted with green. 264 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. A[delomyia] melanogenys cervina HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 156. Adelomyia melanogenys cervina CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 304 (subtropical zone of western and central Andes, Colombia; many localities). Range: Colombia. Adelomyia inornata (Gould). PURPLE-THROATED ADELOMYIA. Trochilus ( ?) inornatus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, p. 80 (Sandil- lani, Yungas). Adelomyia inornata GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1855, pi. 197; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 181; TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 359; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 172 (Tilotelo and Chairo, Yungas, Bo- livia). Range: Bolivia. Genus HELIANGELUS Gould. Heliangelus Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1848, p. 12 (Type Ornismya clarissze Longuemare). *Heliangelus mavors Gould. MAYOR'S SUN ANGEL. Heliangelus mavors GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1848, p. 12 (Andes of Vene- zuela and Colombia); Id., Mon. Trochil., IV, 1855, pi. 246; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 91; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 163; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 157. Range: Andes of Venezuela. 3: Venezuela (near Merida). *Heliangelus spencei B our tier. SPENCER'S SUN ANGEL. Trochilus spencei BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 46 (Merida). Heliangelus spencei GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1855, pi. 244; ELLIOT, Syn. Tro- chil., 1879, p. 90; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 162; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 157. Range: Andes of Venezuela. *Heliangelus strophianus (Gould). GORGETED SUN ANGEL. Trochilus strophianus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, p. 45 (Ecuador). Heliangelus strophianus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1855, pi. 243; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 90; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 161; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 333 (San Gabriel; Gualea and west of Pichincha, Ecuador; Popayan Colombia). Heliangelus henrici BOUCARD, Humming Bd., I, 1891, p. 26 (Ecuador).* Range: Ecuador and southern Colombia (Popayan). 3: "Ecuador." Cf. Simon and Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 6. CATALOGUE or BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 265 *Heliangelus clarissae (Longuemare) . LONGUEMARE'S SUN ANGEL. Ornismya clarissae LONGUEMARE, Rev. Zool., 1841, p. 306 (Bogota). Heliangelus clarissae GOULD, M&a. Trochil., IV, 1855, pi. 241 ; WYATT, Ibis, 1871, p. 378; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 89; BERLEPSCH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1884, p. 310; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 160. Heliangelus taczanowskii PELZELN, Ibis, 1877, P- 33^. Range: Colombia and extreme western Venezuela. 13: Colombia (Paramo deTama, near Venezuelan line 4; "Colom- bia" 8); Venezuela (Paramo de Tama, near Colombian line, i). Heliangelus laticlavus Salvin. SALVIAN'S SUN ANGEL. Heliangelus laticlavus SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 160, pi. V, Fig. i (Ecuador) ; HARTERT (E. & C.) Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 50 (Loja, south- ern Ecuador, alt. 9000 ft.); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 158. Range: Ecuador. *Heliangelus amethysticollis (d'Orb. and Lafr.). AMETHYSTINE SUN ANGEL. Orthorhynchus amethysticollis D'ORBIGNY and LAFRESNAYE, Mag. de Zool. (Syn. Av.), Ill, 1838, p. 31 (Yuracares, Bolivia). Heliangelus amethysticollis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1855, pi. 245; TACZANOW- SKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 381; ELLIOT, Ibis, 1877, p. 144; Id., Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 90; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 161; SIMON, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 180; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902 (Baeza, eastern Ecuador). Range: Bolivia and Peru. 2: "Bolivia" i; Peru ((Molinopampa) i. Heliangelus violicollis Salvin. SARAYACU SUN ANGEL. Heliangelus violicollis SALVIN, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 1891, p. 376 (Ecuador); Id. Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 162, pi. V, Fig. 2 (Sarayacu, Ecuador). Heliotrypha vtolicollis HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IV, 1897, p. 532, in text, crit. H[eliangelus] violicollis HARTERT Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 159. Range: Ecuador. Heliangelus dubius 8 Hariert. HARTERT'S SUN ANGEL. NOTE. Authorities differ as to the standing of Heliangelus violicollis SALVIN, H. dubius HARTERT, and H. speciosus SALVIN. Having no authentic specimens for comparison I have followed Hartert and accepted these species (?) provisionally. In this connection see Hartert, Nov. Zool., IV, 1897, pp. 532-533. Heliangelus dubius HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IV, 1897, p. 532 (found in a "Bogota" collection); Id., Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 159. Range: Colombia. Heliangelus dubius HARTERT: Resembles H. clarissae, but throat violet-blue (not red). 266 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Heliangelus barrali (Muls. and Verreaux). OLIVE-THROATED SUN ANGEL. Heliotrypha barrali MULSANT and VERREAUX, Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, XVIII, 1872, p. 106 (Colombia); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 88; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 166, pi. VI, Fig. 2. Heliangelus barrali HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IV, 1897, p. 532 (crit.); Id., Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 159. Heliangelus squamigularis GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.. 1871, p. 503. Range: "Colombia." i: "Colombia." *Heliangelus speciosus 8 Salvin, GREEN-THROATED SUN ANGEL. Heliotrypha speciosa SALVIN, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 1891, p. 376 (Colombia); Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 167, pi. VI, Fig. I (Colombia?). H[eliangelus\ speciosus HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 159. Heliangelus simoni BOUCARD, Humming Bd., II, 1892, p. 76 (Colombia). b Range: Colombia. i: "Colombia" (labelled "simoni, typical specimen" by Boucard). *Heliangelus exortis (Fraser). PARZUDAKI'S SUN ANGEL. Trochilus exortis FRASER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1840, p. 14 (Guaduas, Colom- bia). Heliotrypha parzudakii BONAPARTE, Rev. Zool., 1854, p. 252; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1860, pi. 240; SCLATER and SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1879, P- 539 (Sta. Elena). Heliotrypha exortis ELLIOT, Ibis, 1876, p. 318; Id., Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 87; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 165. Heliangelus exortis HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1186 (Tamata, Mt.). (?) Heliangelus exortis soderstromi OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 334 (Corazon, Ecuador). Range: Colombia and northern Ecuador. 12: "Colombia" 10; "Ecuador" 2. *Heliangelus micraster Gould. LITTLE SUN ANGEL. Heliangelus micraster GOULD, Ann. & Mag. N. H., 1872, p. 195 (San Lucas, Ecuador); Id., Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1883, pi. 23; HARTERT (E. & C.) Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 50. Heliotrypha micrastur ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 88; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 1 66; TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1840, p. 380. Range: Southern Ecuador and north Peru. 2: "Ecuador." The standing of this supposed species is very uncertain (Cf. Hartert, I.e.). It may prove to be a race of H. barrali from some unknown locality. Salvin (I.e.) states that the type is "apparently of Bogota make." b Cf. Simon, Cat. Fam. Trochil., p. 31. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 267 *Heliangelus viola Gould. VIOLA SUN ANGEL. Heliangelus viola GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1853, p. 61 (Banks of the Maranon) ; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 334 (Papal- lacta, eastern Ecuador and Pichincha, western Ecuador). Heliotrypha viola GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi. 241 ; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 87; TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 379; HARTERT, (E. & C.) Nov. Zool., 1894, p. 50. Range: Ecuador and northern Peru, i: "Ecuador." Heliangelus rothschildi* Boucard. ROTHSCHILD'S SUN ANGEL. Heliangelus rothschildi BOUCARD, The Humming Bd., II, 1892, p. 77 (Bogota); SIMON and HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 5 (crit.); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 161. (?) Aeronympha prosantis OBERHOLSER, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XVIII, 1905 p. 162 (Colombia, Bogota ?). b Range: Colombia. Heliangelus claudia Hartert. CLAUDIA'S SUN ANGEL. Heliangelus claudia HARTERT, Nov. Zool., II, 1895, p. 484 (Bogota); Id., IV, 1897, P- 532. H[eliangelus] claudia HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 161. Range: Colombia. Genus METALLURA Gould. Metallura Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 94 (Type Trochilus opaca Licht.).* Laticauda Lesson, Echo du Monde Savant., Ser. 2, VIII, Oct. 1843, p. 758 (Type Trochilus tyrianthinus Loddiges). Heliangelus rothschildi BOUCARD: Upper parts, including tail, lustrous purple, with brilliant spot on forehead; outermost rectrices slightly tipped with grayish buff; throat brilliant coppery-gold with reddish reflections; sides of throat, black; upper parts of breast, grayish buff; lower breast and abdomen dark gray washed with bronzy green; lower breast and abdomen dark gray washed with bronzy-green; sides of breast and flanks purple; under tail coverts buff y- white with greenish line in center of each feather; a white spot behind the eye; under surface of tail, bluish purple; wings purplish brown; bill black. Wing, 66; lat. rectrices, 43.5; mid. rectrices, 36; bill, 14.5 mm. b The type of Aeronympha prosantis Oberholser (No. 11852, Field Museum of Natural History) is in my opinion not fully adult and may be a female. It was found among a lot of birds from Colombia collected by C. Balen (no date or defi- nite locality). I have seen no females or immature males of H. rothschildi for comparison and it may represent a distinct form of Heliangelus. Messrs. Simon and Hellmayr (I.e.) believe it to be an immature H. rothschildi. Heliangelus claudia HARTERT: Back slightly glossed with purple; forehead with purplish black spot; throat bluish hyacinth (somewhat like H. violicollis, but not so deep and less violet); pectoral band whitish; under tail coverts white; abdomen grayish black. Wing, 65; tail, 42; bill, 16 mm. A Cf. Miller (W. de W.) Auk, 1913, p. 583. 268 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Metallura phoebe phoebe (Less, and Delatt.}. PHOEBE'S COPPER-TAIL. Ornismya phoebe LESSON and DELATTRE, Rev. Zool., 1839, II, p. 17 (Andes of Peru). Trochilus (Lampornis) opacus LICHTENSTEIN in Tschudi, Arch, fur Naturg., 1844, p. 98 (Peru). Trochilus cupreicauda GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, p. 87. Metallura cupreicauda GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 94; Id., Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1859, pi- 191- Metallura opaca ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 163; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 150. M[etallura] phoebe HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 162. Range: Southern Peru and Bolivia. *Metallura phoebe jelskii Cdbanis. JELSKI'S COPPER-TAIL. Metallura jelskii CABANIS, Journ. fur Ornith., 1874, p. 99 (central Peru); ELLIOT Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 164; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 151; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 102. Metallura phoebe jelskii SIMON, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 181 (Prov. Otuzco and Prov. Cajabamba, Peru); BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1892, p. 26 (Tarma, Tambo de Aza, Peru). Range: Central Peru. i: Peru (Cajamarca). Metallura primolina Bourcier. ECUADOR COPPER-TAIL. Metallura primolina BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1852, p. 295 (Ecuador); GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 194; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1897, p. 165; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 1892, XVI, p. 154. Metallura primolii SHARPE, in Gould's Suppl. Mon. Trochil., 1887, pi. 45. Laticauda primolina OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 334 (Papallacta; Curiurcu; above Baeza, Ecuador). Range: Northern Ecuador. Metallura atrigularis a Sahin. BLACK-THROATED COPPER-TAIL. Metallura atrigularis SALVIN, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 1, 1893, P- XLIX (Ecuador) ; Id., (Reprint) Ibis, 1893, p. 449; HARTERT (E. & Cl.); Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 49, pi. IV, Figs. 1-2; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 163. Range: Southern Ecuador. Metallura eupogon Cabanis. RED-THROATED COPPER-TAIL. Metallura eupogon CABANIS, Journ. fur Ornith., 1874, p. 97 (Maraynioc, Peru); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 164; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 155; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 163. a Metallura atrigularis SALVIN: (Male) upper parts bright bronzy green, show- ing faint metallic blue tinge if viewed from behind; wing, deep purple brown; small coverts on carpo-metacarpal joint, rufous; upper surface of tail, dark shining bronze- green (purplish steel blue if viewed from behind) ; under parts, bright bronzy green (metallic on throat and upper breast); middle of throat with large velvety black patch (the feathers of the black patch with concealed chestnut buff bar and grayish bases) ; under wing coverts bronzy green. The female resembles the male but lacks the black on the throat where the feathers are marked with green and buff. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 269 Metallura hedvigae TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, p. 139; Id., Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 352. Range: Andes of central Peru. *Metallura rubriginosa (Cory)* BALSAS COPPER-TAIL. Laticauda rubriginosa CORY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 167, Orn. Ser. I, No. 7, 1913, p. 287 (Mountains east of Balsas, Peru; alt. 10,000 ft.). Range: Peru. i : Peru (Mts. east of Balsas, the type). Metallura williami Delatt. and Bourcier. PURPLE-TAIL. Metallura williami DELATTRE and BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1846, p. 308 (Popayan) ; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1859, pi. 193; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 165; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 1900, p. 155; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 305 (Valle de las Pappas; Santa Isabel, Colombia). Range: Southern Colombia. Metallura baroni b Salwn. BARON'S COPPER-TAIL. Metallura baroni SALVIN, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, 1, 1893, p. 49 (Cuenca) ; HARTERT (E. & Cl.) Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 49, pi. IV, Figs. 3-4. Range: Southern Ecuador. Metallura theresiae Simon* SIMON'S COPPER-TAIL. Metallura theresiae SIMON, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 181 (Pataz). Range: Peru. Metallura rubriginosa (CORY): Female (the type and only known specimen). Upper parts, crown, and sides of head rich bronzy red; a small buffy white spot in front of and behind the eye. Throat buff, the feathers tipped with spots of metallic green; feathers of the breast and belly dull bronzy red (tinged with olive green in some lights), but having a mottled appearance as all the feathers are buffy white at the bases; sides of body strongly washed with bronzy red; under tail coverts rufous banded with black; wings purplish brown, the bend of the wing edged with rufous; under surface of rectrices (except the outer web of outer feather) metallic green, outer web of outer tail feather blackish becoming pale at the tip; upper surface of rectrices steel blue when held in the light, the outer feather tipped with buff on the outer web. Bill and feet black. Total length (skin), 97 mm.; wing, 60; tail, 30; bill, 14. b Metallura baroni SALVIN: (male). Above dark metallic olive, with a green tint; wings, deep purple brown; small coverts on carpo metacarpal joint pale rufous; tail like the back if viewed from above, shining violet purple if viewed from behind; under surface of tail metallic green; under parts of body like back, but feathers of lower flanks and under tail coverts bordered with dark buff; whole throat and chin bright violet purple. Wing, 53 to 55; tail, about 37; bill, about 13 mm. c Metallura theresiae SIMON: Upper parts, including head, neck, and front of back, dull wine red, the lower part of back reddish (with a grayish green lustre when viewed from an opposite direction); under parts of body with the front portion to middle breast brilliant red, shaded with orange with a band on the throat of golden yellow or topaz commencing at the base of the bill and terminating in a point on the breast; lower breast and abdomen brownish, tinged more or less with bronze and the feathers with buffy edges; wings, violet black with outer edges of reddish buff. Tail, 38; bill, 12.5 mm. 270 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Metallura chloropogon (Cab. and Heine). WHITE- VENTED COPPER- TAIL. Urolampra chloropogon CABANIS and HEINE, Mus. Heine, III, 1860, p. 68 (Hab. ign.). Metallura chloropogon ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 164; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 151. M[etallura] chloropogon HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 164. Range: Unknown. *Metallura aeneocauda (Gould). BRASSY-TAIL. Trochilus aeneocauda GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 87 (Bolivia). Metallura aeneicauda GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1859, pi. 192; WHITELY, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1873, p. 191; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 165; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 152. Range: Andes of Bolivia and southern Peru. 2: "Bolivia." Metallura malagae Berlepsch* BOLIVIAN COPPER-TAIL. Metallura malagae BERLEPSCH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1897, p. 90 (Malaga, eastern Bolivia); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 164. Range: Eastern Bolivia. *Metallura tyrianthina tyrianthina (Loddiges). TYRIAN-TAIL. Trochilus tyrianthinus LODDIGES, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1832, p. 6 (Popayan, Colombia). Ornismya paulinae BOISSONNEAU, Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 354; Id., Mag. de Zool., 1840, pi. 13. Metallura tyrianthina GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1859, pi. 195; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 66; TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 305; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 152, part. Ornismya allardi BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1839, II, p. 294. (?) Metallura griseocyanea BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1893, p. 75, in text. M[etallura] tyrianthina (typica) HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 164. Metallura tyrianthina tyrianthina CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 305 (Popayan; Almaguer; Laguneta; Sta. Elena; El. Pinon; etc., Colombia). Range: Colombia; northeastern Ecuador? 10: Colombia (Paramo de Tama, near Venezuelan line, 3 ; "Colom- bia" 7). *Metallura tyrianthina oreopola Todd. b VENEZUELAN TYRIAN-TAIL. Metallura tyrianthina oreopola TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVI, 1913 (Aug. 8), p. 174 (Estado Lara, Venezuela). * Metallura malagae BERLEPSCH: Similar to Metallura aeneocauda, but differs in having the rectrices violet copper, instead of yellow and bluish green; bill some- what longer. I suspect this form will prove to be of subspecific rank. b Metallura tyrianthina oreopola TODD : Differs from M . t. tyrianthina in having the general coloration darker and the tail maroon purple, instead of coppery bronze. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 271 Metallura thyrianthina harterti SCHLUTER, Falco Halle, IX, No. 3, 1913 (October), p. 42 (Merida, Andes of Venezuela). Range: Andes of Venezuela, fio: Venezuela (near Merida). *Metallura tyrianthina quitensis Gould* QUITO TYRIAN-TAIL. Metallura quitensis GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 112 (Ecuador). Metallura tyrianthina quitensis HARTERT (E. & Cl.) Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 48 (Ecuador). Laticauda tyrianthina quitensis OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 335 (Pichincha; Jambello, etc., Ecuador). Range: Ecuador. 2: "Ecuador." *Metallura smaragdinicollis smaragdinicollis (d'Orb. and Lafr.). VIO- LET-TAIL. Orthorhynchus smaragdinicollis D'ORBIGNY and LAFRESNAYE, Syn. Avi., II, 1838, p. 31 (Yungas, Bolivia). Metallura smaragdinicollis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., 1859, pi. 196; TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 356; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 166; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 154. Range: Bolivia and Peru. 4: "Bolivia" i; Peru (Molinopampa 2, "Peru" i). Metallura smaragdinicollis districta Bangs. b BANG'S VIOLET-TAIL. Metallura districta BANGS, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XIII, 1899, p. 94 (Santa Marta, Colombia). Range: Northern Colombia. Metallura smaragdinicollis septentrionalis Hartert. HARTERT'S VIO- LET-TAIL. Metallura smaragdinicollis septentrionalis HARTERT, Nov. Zool., VI, 1899, p. 73 (Cajabamba, Peru) ; SIMON, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 181 (Prov. Huamachuco; Prov. Pataz, Peru); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 165. Range: Northern Peru. Metallura tyrianthina quitensis GOULD : Differs from M. t. tyrianthina in its more brownish (less greenish) under parts and bill and wing longer. b Metallura smaragdinicollis districta BANGS: Males. Similar to M. s. smarag- dinicollis but rectrices wider; color of tail more purplish (less violet); under tail coverts buffy. Females. Throat and breast paler and more uniform and under parts less spotted with green. c Metallura smaragdinicollis septentrionalis HARTERT: Differs from M. s. smarag- dinicollis in being lighter green above and coloration much paler below, the tips of the feathers being pale greenish bronze and smaller, thus showing more of the buffy subterminal color of the feathers. 272 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus OREONYMPHA Gould. Oreonympha Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1869, p. 295 (Type Oreonympha nobilis Gould). *Oreonympha nobilis Gould. BEARDED MOUNTAINEER. Oreonympha nobilis GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1869, p. 295 (Tinta, Peru); Id., Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1880, pi. 42; WHITELY, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, p. 675; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 157; TACZANOWSKI, Ora. Perou, I, 1884, p. 344; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 338. O[reonympha] nobilis HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 166. Range: Andes of southern Peru, i: Peru (Lucre Cuzco). Genus OXYPOGON Gould. Oxypogon Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1848, p. 14 (Type Ornismya guerini Boissonneau). *Oxypogon lindenii (Parzudaki). LINDEN'S HELMET-CREST. Ornismya lindenii PARZUDAKI, Rev. Zool., 1845, p. 253 (Merida). Oxypogon Undent GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1855, pi. 183; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil. 1879, p. 156; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 339. 0[xypogon] lindeni HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 167. Range: Venezuela. fio: Venezuela (near Merida). *Oxypogon guerinii (Boissonneau). GUERON'S HELMET-CREST. Ornismya guerinii BOISSONNEAU, Rev. Zool., 1840, p. 7 (Santa F6 de Bogota). Oxypogon guerini GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1849, pi. 182 ; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 156; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 340; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 167. Range: Colombia. 5: Colombia (Bogota i, "Colombia" 4). Oxypogon stubelii 8 (Meyer). STUBEL'S HELMET-CREST. Oxypogon slubelii MEYER, Zeithschr. Ges. Orn., 1, 1884, p. 204 (Tolima, northern Colombia) ; BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1894, p. 64; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am, Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 306 (Santa Isabel, alt. 12,700 ft., Colombia). Range: Northern Colombia. a Oxypogon stubelii MEYER : Originally described from a female which until recently was the only known specimen. The American Museum has lately received a pair taken at Santa Isabel (alt. 12,700 ft.) Colombia. Dr. Chapman (I.e.) de- scribes the male as having a general resemblance to 0. guerini of the eastern Andes, iQi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 273 *Oxypogon cyanolaemus Salvin and Godman. BLUE-THROATED HEL- MET-CREST. Oxypogon cyanolaemus SALVIN and GODMAN, Ibis, 1880, p. 172, pi. 4, Fig 2. (Santa Marta, Colombia); SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1883, pi. 41; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 341; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 167. Range : Colombia. i: Colombia (Santa Marta). Genus CHALCOSTIGMA Reichenbach. Chalcostigma Reichenbach, Aufz. d. Col., 1854, p. 12 (Type Ornismya heteropogon Boissonneau). *Chalcostigma herrani (Delatt. and Bourc.}, HERRAN'S THORN-BILL. Trochilus herrani DELATTRE and BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1846, p. 309 ("Pasto Nouvelle, Grenade"). Rhamphomicron herrani GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1852, pi. 187; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 159; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 345. Chalcostigma herrani HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 168; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 335 (Pichincha, western Ecuador); CHAP- MAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 306 (Andes west of Popayan, Colombia). Range: Ecuador and Colombia. 4: Ecuador ("Ecuador" 3, Pichincha i). *Chalcostigma heteropogon (Boissonneau). BRONZE-TAILED THORN- BILL. Ornismya heteropogon BOISSONNEAU, Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 355 (Santa F6 de Bogota). Trochilus coruscus FRASER, Proc. Zool.Soc. Lond., 1840, p. 15. Rhamphomicron heteropogon GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1854, pi. 184; WYATT, Ibis, 1871, p. 377; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 158; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 343. Chalcostigma heteropogon HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 169; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 306 (Tacamito, eastern Andes, Colombia). Range: Colombia and Andes of extreme western Venezuela. 6: "Colombia" 4; Venezuela (Paramo de Tama, near Colombian line) 2. but from which it differs in having the elongated feathers of the crown more tawny; the underparts more rufescent; the outer web and shaft of outer tail feather (except at base) ochraceous buff; the inner web having the tip and a narrow stripe bordering the shaft, the same color, the remaining tail feathers have an ochraceous buff shaft streak. While the metallic throat plumes are in moult, it is apparent that those of the chin will be green, while the longer plumes will be orange purple. 274 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Chalcostigma purpureicauda" Hartert. PURPLE-TAILED THORN-BILL. Range: Colombia. Chalcostigma purpureicauda HARTERT, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, VII, 1898, p. 28 (Found in a Bogota collection); Id., Ibis, 1898, p. 291; Id., Das Tierreich, 1900. p. 169. Range: Colombia. "Chalcostigma stanleyi stanleyi (Bourcier). STANLEY'S THORN-BILL. Trochilus stanleyi BOURCIER, Compt. Rend., XXXII, 1851, p. 187 (High Andes of Pichincha and Colopoxi regions). Rhamphomicron stanleyi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1852, pi. 185; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 159; TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, 1, 1884, p. 345; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 344. Chalcostigma stanleyi HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 169; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 335 (Papallacta and Pichincha, Ecuador); RHOADS, Auk, 1912, p. 148, in text (Pichincha, 13,000 ft.). Range : Ecuador. 2: "Ecuador." Chalcostigma stanleyi vulcani (Gould). GOULD'S THORN-BILL. Rhamphomicron vulcani GOULD, Contr. Orn., 1852, p. 135 (Bolivia); Id., Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 186; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 345. Chalcostigma vulcani HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 170. Range: Bolivia. Chalcostigma olivaceum (Lawr.). OLIVACEOUS THORN-BILL. Rhamphomicrum olivaceus LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. N. H., N. Y., VIII, 1867, p. 44 (La Paz, Bolivia); TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 347; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 158; SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1883, pi. 44; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 344. Chalcostigma olivaceum HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 170. Range: Peru. *Chalcostigma ruficeps ruficeps (Gould}. RUFOUS-CAPPED THORN-BILL. Trochilus ( ?) ruficeps GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, p. 89 (Bolivia). Rhamphomicron ruficeps GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1852, pi. 188; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, P- l6 : TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 348; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 346. 8 Chalcostigma purpureicauda HARTERT: Male. Above deep green with metallic bluish gloss; tail rich purple; outer rectrix narrowly tipped with buff; middle pair rectrices metallic greenish blue towards the tips; underparts green, the feathers bordered with rusty brown and the belly almost entirely rusty brown; middle of chin and throat glittering green; under tail coverts purplish blue, broadly edged with rusty buff. The shape of the bill somewhat resembles that of Opisthoprora, being distinctly turned upward before the tip. The irregular shape of the glittering green spot on throat and the rusty edges on feathers of the under parts may be due to immaturity. Wing, 71; outer rectrices, 54; mid. rectrices, 40; exposed oilmen, 13-5 m. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 275 Chakostigma ruficeps (typica) HARTERT; Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 170. Range: Bolivia. 2: "Bolivia." Chalcostigma ruficeps aureofastigatum a Hartert. NORTHERN RUFOUS- CAPPED THORN-BILL. Chalcostigma ruficeps aureofastigatum HARTERT, Nov. Zool., VI, 1899, p. 74 (Loja); Id., Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 171. Range: Ecuador and northern Peru. i: Peru (Molinopampa) . Genus RHAMPHOMICRON Bonaparte. Rhamphomicron Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. ,1850, p. 382 (Type Ornismya microrhyncha Boissonneau). *Rhamphomicron microrhynchum (Boissonneau). SMALL-BILLED THORN-BILL. Ornismya microrhyncha BOISSONNEAU, Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 354 (Bogota). Trochilus brachyrhynchus FRASER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1840, p. 16. Rhamphomicron microrhynchum TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 349; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 160; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 342; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 335 (Papel- lacta and Pichincha, Ecuador). Rhamphomicron microrhynchus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1852, pi. 189. Rhamphamicrum microrhynchum HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 171; CHAP- MAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917. p. 307 (Andes west of Popayan; Almaguer; Laguneta; El Roble; El Pinon, Colombia). Range: Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. 10: "Colombia" 5; "Ecuador" 5. Rhamphomicron dorsale Salvin and Godman. BLACK-BACKED THORN- BILL. Rhamphomicron dorsale SALVIN and GODMAN, Ibis, 1880, p. 172 (Santa Marta); SHARPE in Gould's Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1883, pi. 43; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 343. Range: Northern Colombia. Chakostigma ruficeps aureofastigatum HARTERT: Differs from C. r. ruficeps from Bolivia in having the tip of the gular stripe golden (not uniform green). 276 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus OPISTHOPRORA Cabanis & Heine. Opisthoprora Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Heine, III, 1860, p. 76 (Type Trochilus eurypterus Loddiges). "Opisthoprora euryptera Loddiges. LODDIGES THORN-BILL. Trochilus euryptera LODDIGES, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1832, p. 7 (Popayan). Trochilus georginae BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 48. Avocettinus eurypterus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1856, pi. 200; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1897, p. 161. Opisthoprora euryptera SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 347; OBER- HOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 336 (Papallacta, eastern Ecuador) ; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 307 (Almaquer, Colombia). Range: Colombia and eastern Ecuador. i: "Colombia." Genus EUSTEPHANUS Reichenbach. Eustephanus Reichenbach, Av. Syst., 1849, pi. 40 (Type Trochilus galeri'us Molina). ^Eustephanus fernandensis (King). JUAN FERNANDEZ HUMMING- BIRD. Trochilus fernandensis KING, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1830-31, p. 30 (Juan Fer- nandez). Eustephanus fernandensis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1854, pi. 267; Id., Suppl. Trochil., 1881, pi. 26; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 93; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 157. Eustephanus stokesi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1854, pi. 266. Range: Juan Fernandez, coast of Chile. 2: Juan Fernandez Island. "Eustephanus leyboldi Gould. MASSAFUERA HUMMINGBIRD. Eustephanus leyboldi, GOULD, Ann. & Mag. N. H., (4) VI, 1870, p. 409 (Massa- fuera Island); Id., Suppl. Trochil., 1881, pi. 25; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 94; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 158. Range: Coast of Chile. i: "Chile." *Eustephanus galeritus (Molina). CHILIAN FIRE CROWN. Trochilus galeritus MOLINA, Saggio Stor. not Chile, 1782, p. 247 (Chile); FRASER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1843, p. 114. Eustephanus galeritus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1852, pi. 265; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 93; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 156; LANE, Ibis, 1897, p. 46 (Arauco, Chile). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 277 Range: Juan Fernandez Island, Chile; West Patagonia; Tierra del Fuego. 3: Chile (Valparaiso, i, "Chile" 2). Eustephanus burtoni Boucard* BOUCARD'S FIRE CROWN. Eustephanus burtoni BOUCARD, The Humming Bd., I, 1891, p. 1 8 (Chile); Id., Gen. Humming Bds., 1893-95, P- 5 8 ; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 174. Range: Chile? Genus CYANOLESBIA> Stejneger. *Cyanolesbia emmae Berlepsch. EMMA'S SYLPH. Cyanolesbia emmae BERLEPSCH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1892, p. 452 (Antioquia); SIMON and DELMAS, Ornis, 1901, p. 223 (La Graces); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 309 (San Antonio; Salento; El Eden, etc.; western Andes and at least northern end of central Andes, Colombia) ; HART- ERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 515, in text; Id., Ibis, 1897, P- 43 1 . m text - C[yanolesbia] cyanura emmae HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 176. s Eustephanus burtoni BOUCARD: Similar to E. galeritus, but differs in having a brilliant golden crown and the upper parts dark shining green (not bronze green) with bluish reflections. b This Genus has been reviewed by Hartert (Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 47) and (Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 514) and recently by Chapman (Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 308). I have adopted the views of the latter writer as his con- clusions were based on the study of large series of all the forms (except berlepschi) secured by Museum collectors and properly labelled with exact localities, etc. The following key is adopted from that given by Chapman (I.e.) with the addition of berlepschi: Key to the Species and Subspecies of Cyanolesbia (males). A Throat green a Tail green C. emmae (Western and central Andes, Colombia) b Tail blue C. caudata (Western Andes, Venezuela) B Throat purplish or bluish a Tail green Throat purple C. mocoa mocoa (Andes at head of Magdalene Valley, Colombia, south- ward in eastern Andes to Ecuador) Throat bluish C. Mocoa smaragdina (Peru and Bolivia) b Tail blue a 1 Under parts green a 2 Upper parts darker green Outer rectrices wider at tip C. berlepschi (Northeastern Venezuela) Outer rectrices narrower at tip C. kingi kingi (Eastern Andes of Colombia) b 1 Upper parts lighter green C. kingi margarethae (Caracas region, Venezuela) b 1 Under parts coppery C. coelestis (Western Andes of Colombia and Venezuela) Cyanolesbia STEJNEGER, Auk, 1885, p 46 (Type Trochilus forficatus Linnaeus). 278 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOSLOGY, VOL. XIII. C[yanolesbia] colombiana BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1898, p. 98 (Bogota). Range: Colombia (in subtropical zone of the western Andes and at least both slopes of the northern end of the central Andes) Chapman. *Cyanolesbia caudata Berlepsch. LONG-TAILED SYLPH. Cyanolesbia caudata BERLEPSCH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1892, p. 454 (Merida); HARTERT (E. & CL), Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 48, in key; HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 515, in text. Cyanolesbia cyanura caudata HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 177. Cyanolesbia meridiana BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1893, P- 97 (Merida). Range: Western Andes, Venezuela. ^26: Venezuela (Merida). *Cyanolesbia mocoa mocoa (Delattre and Bourcier). GREEN-TAILED SYLPH. Trochilus mocoa DELATTRE and BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1846, p. 311 (Mocoa, Colombia). Cyanthus mocoa BONAPARTE, Consp. Av., 1851, p. 81; ELLIOT, Syn. TrocfrL, 1879, P- 152. Cyanthus smaragdinicauda GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1852, pi. 173. Cyanolesbia mocoa SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 140; HARTERT (E. & Cl.), Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 47; HARTERT, Ibis, 1897. pp. 430-431, in text. C\yanolesbia] cyanura mocoa HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 176. Cyanolesbia kingi mocoa HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 515, in text; OBER- HOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 336 (Baeza, eastern Ecuador). Cyanolesbia mocoa mocoa CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 309 (La Palma; La Candela; San Augustin, Colombia; Ambato, eastern Ecuador). Range: Ecuador and Colombia; northeastern Peru? ("Subtropical zone of the slopes of the central and eastern Andes, arising from the upper Magdalene Valley and southward along the eastern Andes through Ecuador, probably to Peru"). 4: Colombia i; Ecuador 2; (Eio Pastaza) i. *Cyanolesbia mocoa smaragdina Gould. GOULD'S SYLPH. Trochilus (Lesbia) smaragdinus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, p. 85 (Bolivia). Cyanthus bolivianus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1880, pi. 40. Cyanolesbia smaragdina SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 140. Cyanolesbia mocoa smaragdina HARTERT (E. & Cl.), Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 47. C[yanolesbia] kingi smaragdina HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 516, in text. C\yanolesbia] cyanura smaragdina HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900. p. 176. Range: Bolivia and Peru. 4: Bolivia 2; Ecuador i ; Peru (Poco Tambo) i. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 279 *Cyanolesbia kingi kingi Lesson. BLUE-TAILED SYLPH. Trochilus kingi LESSON, Hist. Nat. Trochil., 1832, p. 107, pi. 83 ("Jamaequi"; errore = Bogota). Trochilus cyanurus (nee Vieill.) STEPH. in Shaw's Zool., XIV, 1826, p. 339. Lesbia gorgo REICHENBACH, Aufz. d. Colib., 1854, pp. 8, 24. Cyanthus cyanurus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1852, pi. 172. Cyanthus forficatus ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 151. Cyanolesbia gorgo HARTERT, Ibis, 1897, pp. 430, 431, in text; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 137. Cyanolesbia kingi kingi HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 516; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 307 (El Roble; above Fusugasuga; Choachi, Colombia). Cyanolesbia cyanura (typica) HARTERT, Das Tierreich, Trochil., 1900, p. 175; Range: Colombia (eastern Andes). ii : Colombia (Bogota 2, "Colombia" 9). Cyanolesbia kingi margarethae Heine. MARGARET'S SYLPH. Lesbia margarethae HEINE, Journ. fur Ornith., 1863, p. 212 (Caracas, Venezuela). Cyanolesbia cyanurus var. margarethae SIMON, Mem. Soc. Zool. Franc., II, p. 222 (Cumbre de Valencia). Cyanolesbia kingii margarethae HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 146 (Cumbre de Valencia). Cyanolesbia gorgo margarethae HARTERT, Ibis, 1897, in text; HAHTERT (E. & Cl.) Nov. Zool., I, 1884, p. 48. C[yanolesbia] cyanura margarethae HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 176. Range: Venezuela (Caracas region). *Cyanolesbia coelestis (Gould). HEAVENLY SYLPH. Cyanthus coelestis GOULD, Intro. Trochil., 1861, p. 102 (Ecuador). Cyanthus cyanthus SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1869, p. 70. Cyanthus cyanurus coelestis BERLEPSCH and TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 567; Id., 1884, p. 305. Cyanolesbia coelestis SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 139; HARTERT (E. & Cl.), Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 47; HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 515, in text; Id., Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 177; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 337 (Gualea; Milligalli; western Ecuador); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 309 (Novita Trail; Gallera; Ricaurte, Colombia). Cyanolesbia kingi subsp. HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1187 (Tatama Mountain, western Colombia).* Range: Western Colombia and western Ecuador. 6: Ecuador (Gualea 2; "Ecuador" 4). Hellmayr (I.e.) states that a specimen from Tatama Mountain, western Colombia is somewhat intermediate between kingi and coelestis, but apparently differs from either. He suggests that more material from that locality will probably show birds from that region to constitute a distinct race. 280 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Cyanolesbia berlepschi 8 Hartert. BERLEPSCH'S SYLPH. Cyanolesbia berlepschi HARTERT, Bull. Brit., Orn. Club., VIII, 1898, p. 16 (Cumana, Venezuela); Id., Ibis, 1899, p. 127 (Cumana, Caripe, Venezuela); Id., Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 514; Id., Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 177. Range: Northeastern Venezuela (Cumana region). Genus NEOLESBIA Salvin. Neolesbia Salvin, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 145 (Type Cyanolesbia nehrkorni Berlepsch). Neolesbia nehrkorni Berlepsch. NEHRKORN'S BLUE-TAILED SYLPH. Cyanolesbia nehrkorni BERLEPSCH, Journ. fur Ornith., 1887, p. 326 (Bogota); Id., Zeitschr. Ges. Orn., IV, 1887, p. 178, pi. 3, Fig. i. Neolesbia nehrkorni SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 145; BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1893-95, P- 99- Range: Colombia. Genus POLYONYMUS Heine. Polyonymus Heine, Journ. fur Ornith., 1863, p. 206 (Type Trochilus car oh Bourcier). *Polyonymus caroli (Bourcier). CHARLES'S COMET. Trochilus caroli BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 48 (Peru). Cometes caroli GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 177. Sappho caroli ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 155; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 144. Polyonymus caroli SIMON, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 182 (Prov. Otuzco; Prov. Huamachuco, Peru); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 179. Polynomus caroli BRABOURNE and CHUBB, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 140, No. 1382. Range: Peru. i: Peru (Macate). Polyonymus griseiventris Tacz. GREY-BELLIED COMET. Cyanthus griseiventris TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 72 (Paucal, Peru); Id., Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 334. Cyanolesbia griseiventris SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 137, foot- note; Id., Nov. Zool., II, 1895, p. 15, pi. II, Fig. I (Cayabamba); HARTERT, Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 47, in key. Cyanolesbia berlepschi HARTERT: Male. Very similar to C. kingi kingi, but differs from it and also from other allies in having a longer tail with the rectrices wider (long outer feathers 10 mm. wide towards the tip) and becoming wider (instead of narrower) where they pass beyond the next pair; blue gular spot larger than in kingi; middle rectrices purplish blue on exposed portions with only a green tinge at the tips. The female differs from all known forms of this Genus in having the breast and entire abdomen white. iQi8. CATALOGUE or BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 281 Polyonymus griseiventris SIMON, Cat. Trochil., 1897, p. 34; HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 514, in text; Id., Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 179. Range: Northern Peru. Genus LESBIA Lesson. Lesbia (part) Lesson, Gen. Trochil., 1832, p. XVII (Type Ornismya sappho Lesson == Trochils sparganurus Shaw). *Lesbia sparganura (Shaw). SAPPHO COMET. Trochilus sparganurus SHAW, Gen. Zool., VIII, 1811, p. 39 (Peru). Cometes sparganurus BONAPARTE, Compt. Av., I, 1850, p. 81; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1858, pi. 174. Sappho sparganura REICHENBACH, Aufz. d. Colib., 1854, p. 9; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 154; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 143. Lesbia sparganura LONNBERG, Ibis, 1903, p. 415 (Quinto, Argentine); HARTERT and VENTURI, Nov. Zool., XVI, 1909, p. 223 (Tucuman; Mendoza; Argen- tine); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 179. Range: Eastern Bolivia, northwestern Argentine, western Para- guay and northern Chile. 3: Bolivia i; Paraguay i; Argentine (Viejo, Tucuman) i. *Lesbia phaon (Gould}. PHAON COMET. Cometes phaon GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 31 ("Peru"); Id., Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1853, pi- i?5- Sappho phaon REICHENBACH, Aufz. d. Colib., 1854, p. 9; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 154; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 144. Lesbia phaon BONAPARTE, Rev. Zool., 1854, p. 252; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 180. Range: Andes of Bolivia. 2: Bolivia (La Paz). Genus PSALIDOPRYMNA Cabanis and Heine. Psalidoprymna Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Heine, III, 1860, p. 52-70 (Type Trochilus gouldi Loddiges). Psalidoprymna victoriae victoriae (B our tier and mulsant). LARGE TRAIN-BEARER. Trochilus victoriae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Soc. Phys. Agric. Lyon, IX, 1846, p. 312 (Colombia). Lesbia amaryllis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1854, pi- I7<>; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, P- T 4 8 - Lesbia victoriae REICHENBACH, Aufz. d. Colib., 1854, p. 8; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 146. P[salidoprymna] victoriae (typica) HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 181. 282 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Psalidoprymna victoriae victorias HARTERT, Nov. Zool., VI, 1899, p. 74, in text; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 310 (Chipaque, Colombia). Range: Colombia. 7: "Colombia." *Psalidoprymna victoriae aequatorialis 8 ( Boucard) . B OUCARD'S TRAIN- BEARER. Lesbia aequatorialis BOUCARD, The Humming Bd., Ill, 1893, P- 6 (Rio Napo, Ecuador); Id., Gen Humming Bds., 1893-95, p. 95. Psalidoprymna victoriae aequatorialis HARTERT, Nov. Zool., VI, 1899, p. 74; Id., Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 181; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 337 (Quito; Chillo Valley; Mojanda; Jambillo; road to Papallacta; near Julcan; Padregal). Range: Ecuador. 3: Ecuador (Napo i, "Ecuador" 2). Psalidoprymna victoriae juliae b (Harteri). JULIA'S TRAIN-BEARER. Psalidoprymna juliae HARTERT, Nov. Zool., VI, 1899, p. 75 (Cajabamba); Id., Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 181. Lesbia juliae (Nom. Nud.) BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1896, p. 323. Range: Northern Peru. *Psalidoprymna eucharis (Bourcier and mulsani). BLACK-TAILED TRAIN-BEARER. Trochilus eucharis BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1848, p. 274 (Colombia). Lesbia eucharis REICHENBACH, Aufz. d. Colib., 1854, p. 8; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1860, pi. 171; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 147; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 147; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 182. Range: Western Colombia. 3: "Colombia." *Psalidoprymna pallidiventris Simon. SIMON'S TRAIN-BEARER. Psalidoprymna pallidiventris SIMON, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 182 (Prov. Coja- bamba, Peru). Psalidoprymna victoriae aequatorialis (BOUCARD) : Very close to P. v. victoriae. The bill averages heavier; tail slightly longer and belly somewhat greener. b Psalidoprymna victoriae juliae (HARTERT) : Similar to P. v. victoriae, but bill shorter (about 12 mm.); tail decidedly shorter, the outer rectrices between 112 and 1 20 mm. long; grayish buff of outer edges of outer rectrix more extended (about two thirds the length of the feather). c Psalidoprymna pallidiventris SIMON: General appearance of P. gouldi and P. z. gracilis, but differs in having the abdomen decidedly more whitish in the middle and speckled with green on the sides (instead of tawny rufous) ; under tail coverts with disks of greenish bronze bordered with white with a tinge of pale buff (not brilliant green broadly edged with buff as in gouldi or brilliant green more extensively edged with rufous buff) ; lateral rectrices (upper surface) dull black, except at the tip, which shows a small spot of green or bronze green (beneath) blackish blue (not with greenish luster above and blackish green below as in the other species); rest of rectrices brilliant green towards the ends and blackish green toward the bases. Bill about the same as gouldi, longer than in gracilis. igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 283 Range: Peru. 4: Peru (Hda. Llagueda, northeastern Otuzco, 2; Rio Utcubamba i, Macate i). Psalidoprymna berlepschi* Hellmayr and Seilern. BERLEPSCH'S TRAIN- BEARER. Psalidoprymna berlepschi HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Verb. Ora. Gesell. Bayern, XII, 1915, No. 3, p. 210 (Anta Cuzco, Marcapata, southeastern Peru, Alt. 3500 m.). Range: Southeastern Peru. *Psalidoprymna nuna nuna (Lesson). LESSON'S TRAIN-BEARER. Ornismya nuna LESSON, Hist. Nat. Colib. Suppl., 1831, p. 169, pi. 35 (Peru). Lesbia bifurcate REICHENBACH, Aufz. d. Col., 1855, p. 8. Lesbia nuna GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1860, pi. 169; WHITELY, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1874, p. 675; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 147; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 148; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 182. Range: Peru and northwestern Bolivia (Sorata, etc.). i: Peru (Paucaitambo). *Psalidoprymna nuna boliviana (Boucard). b BOLIVIAN TRAIN-BEARER. Lesbia boliviana BOUCARD, The Humming Bd., I, 1891, p. 43 (Bolivia); Id., Gen. Humming Bds., 1893-95, p. 82; HARTERT, Nov. Zool., VI, 1899, p. 74, in text. Range: Bolivia. i: "Bolivia." *Psalidoprymna gouldii gouldii (Loddiges), GOULD'S TRAIN-BEARER. Trochilus gouldii LODDIGES, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1832, p. 7 (Popayan). Lesbia gouldi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1856, pi. 167; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 146, part; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 149, part. Psalidoprymna gouldi (typica) HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 183. Psalidoprymna gouldi gouldi CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917. p. 310 (Sibate, from the Bogota Savanna). Range: Colombia. 6: "Colombia." * Psalidoprymna berlepschi HELLMAYR and SEILERN: Nearest to P. v.juliae from northern Peru, but distinguished by its much longer bill (which is also thicker and more curved) and longer wings; the lustrous scaly shield is grass green (not yellowish or golden green) ; abdomen and under tail coverts more extensively rust colored (in this last character approaching P. v. aequatorialis from Ecuador). Wing, 63 K; outer tail feather, 123 to 128; bill, 15 to i6# mm. b Psalidoprymna nuna boliviana (BOUCARD) : Supposed to differ in its more golden plumage; tail longer? 284 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Psalidoprymna gouldii gracilis (Gould).* GRACEFUL TRAIN-BEARER. Trochilus (Lesbia) gracilis GotrLD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, p. 86 ("Peru" = Ecuador). Lesbia gouldi gracilis BERLEPSCH and HARTERT, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1884, P- 305 (Cechce, western Ecuador); HARTERT (E. & CL), Nov. Zool., I, 1894. p. 48. Psalidoprymna gouldi gracilis HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 183; OBER- HOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 337 (Papallacta; Pichincha; Corazon, Ecuador). Range: Ecuador. i: "Peru"? Psalidoprymna gouldii chlorura b (Gould). PERUVIAN TRAIN-BEARER. Lesbia chlorura GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1871, p. 504 (Peru?). Psalidoprymna chlorura HARTERT, Nov. Zool., VI, 1899, p. 75, in text. Psalidoprymna gouldi chlorura HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 183. Range: Northern Peru. Genus ZODALIA Mulsant & Verreaux. Zodalia Mulsant and Verreaux, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, III, 1876-77, p. 281 (Type Lesbia ortoni Lawrence). Zodalia glyceria Gould. PURPLE-TAILED COMET. Cometes ? glyceria GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1858, pi. 176 (Popayan). Cometes mossiae (nom. nud.) GOULD, Rept. Brit. Assn., 1853, p. 68. Zodalia glyceria ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 150; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 141; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 183. Range: Colombia. Zodalia ortoni (Lawr.). ORTON'S COMET. Lesbia ortoni LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., IX, 1870, p. 269 (Quito Valley). Zodalia ortoni ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 149; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Suppl. 1880, pi. 38; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 184. Range : Ecuador. Psalidoprymna gouldii gracilis (GouLD) : Differs from P. g. gouldii in being smaller and under tail coverts less green, being dull buff, with green spot in the middle. b Psalidoprymna gouldii chlorura (GOULD) : Differs from P. g. gracilis in having the bill and tail somewhat longer and general plumage more golden. Wing, 2 inches; bill, -fg inch (original measurements given by Gould, I.e.). NOTE. I have not seen specimens of this bird, C. B. C. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS or THE AMERICAS CORY. 285 Zodalia thaumasta Oberholser .* CHILLO VALLEY COMET. Zodalia thaumasta OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 338 (Illalo, Valley of Chfflo, Ecuador). Range: Ecuador. Genus AUGASTES Gould. Augastes Gould, Mon. Trochil., IV, sub. pi. 221, 1849 (Type Trochilus scutatus Temminck). *Augastes scutatus Temminck. NATTERER'S VISOR-BEARER. Trochilus scutatus TEMMINCK, PI. Col., 1824, pi. 299, Fig. 3 ("Brasil"). b Trochilus superbus (nee. Shaw, 1802) VIEILLOT, Tabl. Enc. Meth., II, 1822, p. 561. Ornismya nattereri LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, pp. 37, 75, pi. 16. Augastes superbus ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 171; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 35; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 184. Range: Southeastern Brazil. i: "Brazil." *Augastes lumachellus (Lesson). HOODED VISOR-BEARER. Ornismya lumachellus LESSON, Rev. Zool., 1838, p. 315 (Bahia). Augastes lumachellus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1849, pi. 222; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 170; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 36; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, p. 185. Range: Southeastern Brazil. i: "Brazil." Genus SCHISTES Gould. Schistes Gould in Jardine's Contr. Orn., 1851, p. 140 (Type S. albigulans Gould). *Schistes geoffroyi (Bourcier and Mulsani). GEOFFROY'S WEDGE-BILL. Trochilus geoffroyi BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sc. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, VI, 1843, p. 37, pi. 3 ("La Valde de Cauca pres de Carthagene"). Zodalia thaumasta OBERHOLSER: Similar to Z. glyceria, but with no whitish on any of the tail feathers; the glittering throat patch grass green (instead of olive); bill longer; outer tail feather (in male) with black shaft and the outer web deep brown. b For dates of publication of Temminck's "Planches Coloriees," cf. Sherborn, Ibis, 1898, pp. 485-88. 286 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Schistes geoffroyi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi. 218; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 173; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 34; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 185; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917. p. 310 (El Roble, Colombia).* Range: Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia. 4: "Colombia." *Schistes albogularis Gould. WHITE-THROATED WEDGE-BILL. Schistes albogularis GOULD, Contr. Orn., 1851, p. 140 (Pichincha, Ecuador); Id., Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi. 220; SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 70; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 34; HARTERT, Das Tier- reich, 1900, p. 185; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 339, crit. (Milligalli, western Ecuador) ; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXIV, p. 310 (Las Lomitas; San Antonio and Miraflores). Schistes personatus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 311; Id. Mon. Trochil. IV, 1853, pi. 219; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 173. Range: Colombia and Ecuador (probably from central Andes, westward). i : Colombia? Genus HELIOTHRYX" Boie. Heliothryx Boie, Isis, 1831, p. 547 (Type Trochilus auritus Gmelin). "Heliothryx aurita aurita (Gmelin). BLACK-EARED FAIRY. Trochilus auritus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 493 ("Cayenna"). Ornismya aurita LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, 1829, pp. 19, 63, pis. 14, n. Heliothrix auritus BOIE, Isis, 1831, p. 547; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., 1853, pi. 213; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 174; SALVIN, Cat. .Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 30; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 186; BERLEPSCH and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 88; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 339 (Archidona, Rio Napo, Ecuador); BERLEPSCH. Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 265 (Cayenne); CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, 1916, p. 420. Heliothrix colombianus BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1894, p. 313 (Colombia and Ecuador). Range: Guiana, Venezuela, Colombia, extreme northern Brazil, Ecuador and northern Peru. 6: British Guiana 2; northern Brazil (base of Serra da Lua, near Boa Vista, Rio Branco) i; Colombia 3. "All the Colombia skins I have seen of this species appear to be from the Bogota region where alone we found it. In the Cauca Valley we collected only the representative species, S. albigularis, a fact which indicates that the type locality given for geoffroyi is incorrect." (Chapman, I.e.). b Key to the Species and Subspecies of Heliothryx. A Crown green a Chin and throat white H. aurita aurita b Chin green; throat white H. aurita auriculata c Chin and throat green H. aurita phainolaema B Crown violet blue . . . . H. barroti 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 287 *Heliothryx aurita auriculata (Nordmanri). GREEN-CHINNED FAIRY. Trochilus auriculatus NORDMANN, Erman Reise, 1835, p. 5, pi. 2 (Brazil). Heliothrix poucheti BONAPARTE, Consp. Av., I, 1850, p. 69. Heliothrix auriculatus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi. 214; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 175; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 32, part; BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1902, p. 28 (Chuncha- mayo, central Peru); SNETHLAGE, Boll. Mus. Goeldi (Cat. Av. Amazon) VIII, 1914, p. 203. Heliothrix auriculata HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 186. Heliothrix auritus auriculatus HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1900, p. 377 (Cal- ama, Rio Madeira). (l)Heliothrix aequatorialis BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1895, p. 314 ("Ecua- dor").' Range: Southern and western Brazil (Rio Madeira, Calama), and eastern and central Peru (Chunchamayo). 2 : Brazil. Heliothrix aurita phainolaema (Gould). GREEN-BREASTED FAIRY. Heliothrix phainolaema GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1855, p. 87 (Para). Heliothrix auriculatus phainolaema HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XII, 1905, p. 297; Id., XIII, 1906, p. 378 (Para). Range: Northeastern Brazil. *Heliothryx barroti (Bourcier and Mulsant). BARROT'S FAIRY. Ornismya barroti BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, VI, 1843, p. 48, pi. 4 (Cartegena, Colombia). Heliothrix barroti GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi. 217; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 32; HARTERT (E. & Cl.) Nov. Zool., I, 1894, P- i (Nanegal, western Ecuador); OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 339, crit. (Santo Domingo, western Ecuador); FERRY, Field Mus. Pub. No. 146, Orn. Ser. I, 1910, p. 263 (Guayabo, Costa Rica); HELLMAYR, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1911, p. 1186 (Noanama and Novita). Heliothrix pupureiceps GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1855, p. 87 (Popayan, Colombia); Id., Mon. Trochil., IV, 1861, pi. 216. Heliothrix violifrons GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 122 ("Cartagena" = Veragua, Panama) ; BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1893-95, p. 314 (Veragua, Panama). Heliothrix barroti alincius OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 339, in text (Chocum, Guatemala). Heliothryx barroti RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, 1911, p. 562; CHAP- MAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 310, crit. (Choco; Juntas de Tamana; Noanama; San Jos6; Barbacoas, Colombia). Range: Western and northwestern Colombia and southward to western Ecuador and from Panama north to Guatemala. 7: Nicaragua (San Emilis) 2; Costa Rica (Guayabo) i; Panama (Chiriqui 2, Colon i, Veragua i). C/. Hellmayr, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 378, in text. 288 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus HELIAGTIN Boie. Heliactin Boie, Isis, 1831, p. 546, part; (Type T. cornutus Wied); Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 1850, p. 85. "Heliactin bilophum (TemmincK). SUN GEM. Trochilus bilophus TEMMINCK, PI. Col., IV, 1820, pi 18, Fig. 3 ("Bresil"). Trochilus cornutus WIED, Reise N. Bras., II, 1821, p. 190. Heliactin cornuta BOIE, Isis, 1831, p. 546; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1856, pi. 212; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 116; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 433. Heliactin bilophum HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 187; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 77, crit. (Goyaz). Range: Brazil. 2: "Brazil." Genus THAUMASTURA Bonaparte. Thaumastura Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 1, 1850, p. 85 (Type Ornismya cora Lesson). Thaumastura cora cora (Lesson). CORA'S SHEAR-TAIL. Ornismya cora LESSON in Voy. Coquille, I, 1826-28, p. 682, pi. 31, Fig. 4 (Callas, Peru). Thaumastura cora BONAPARTE, Consp. Av., I, 1850, p. 85; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1857, pi. 153; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 123; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 418; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 188 (?); SIMON, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 183 (Prov. Huamachuco). Range: Western Peru, i: Peru (Callao*). "Thaumastura cora montana a Cory. OTUZCO SHEAR-TAIL. Thaumastura cora montana CORY, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Pub., No. 167, Orn. Ser. I, No. 7, 1913, p. 286 (Hda. Llagueda, about 20 miles northeast of Otuzco, alt. 7000 ft., Peru). Range: Andes of Peru, i: Peru (Hda. Llagueda, northeastern Otuzco), the type. Genus RHODOPIS Reichenbach. Rhodopis Reichenbach, Aufz. d. Col., (extra heft) I, 1854, p. 12 (Type Rhodopis vesper a Reich. = 0. vesper Lesson). *Rhodopis vesper (Lesson). EVENING HUMMINGBIRD. Ornismya vesper LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, 1829, pp. 15, 85, pi. 19 ("Cora de Perou"). Thaumastura cora montana CORY: Similar to T. cora cora, but having the upper parts clear green and not golden green; sides of throat showing a tinge of purple (not blue as in T. cora) ; feathers on the sides of lower breast and flanks largely with green centers; tail similar to that of T. cora, but the dark marking blacker and the black tip showing a subterminal faint tinge of green. Wing, 40 mm.; tail, 95; bill, 13. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 289 Lucifer vesper BONAPARTE, Rev. Zool., 1854, p. 257. Calliphlox (Rhodopis) vespera REICHENBACH, Handb. Orn. Troch. Enum., 1855, p. 10, pi. 841, Figs. 4984-5. Rhodopis vesper GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1856, pi. 154; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 115; TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, 1884, p. 316; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 379; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 189. Range: Western Peru, i: Peru(Iscay). Rhodopis atacamensis (Leybold). ATACAMA HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus atacamensis LEYBOLD, Ann. Univ. de Santiago, Chile, XXXII, 1869, p. 43 (Atacama, Chile). Rhodopis atacamensis MARTIN'S Journ. fur Ornith., 1875, p. 442; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, P- Il6 J SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 380; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 190. Range: Northern Chile and southern Peru. Genus HELIOMASTER Bonaparte. Heliomaster Bonaparte, Compt. Rend., XXX, 1850, p. 382 (Type Ornismya angelae Lesson = Trochilus furcifer Shaw). *Heliomaster furcifer (Shaw). ANGELA STAR-THROAT. Trochilus furcifer SHAW, Gen. Zool., VIII, 1811, p. 280 (Paraguay). Trochilus caudacutus VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet., ed. 2, VII, 1817, p. 347. Heliomaster angeliae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi- 263. Ornismya angelae LESSON, 111. Zool., 1833, pi. 45, 46 and text. Trochilus regis SCHREIBER'S, Isis, 1833, p. 534. Heliomaster furcifer ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 86; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 119; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 190; HELLMAYR Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 77 (Leopoldina, Goyaz, Brazil); HARTERT and VENTURI, Nov. Zool., XVI, 1909, p. 223 (Tucuman; Mendoza, Argentine); GRANT, Ibis, 1911, p. 317 (Puerto Asir, Paraguay). Range: Northern Argentine; Paraguay and Brazil north to Goyaz. 2: "Paraguay." "Heliomaster squamosus ( Temminck) . STRIPE-BREASTED STAR-THROAT. Trochilus squamosus TEMMINCK, PI. Col., 1823, pi. 203, Fig. I (Brazil). Trochilus mesoleucus TEMMINCK, PI. Col., 1824, pi. 317, Fig. i. Heliomaster mesoleucus BONAPARTE, Consp. Av., I, 1850, p. 70; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi- 262. Lepidolarynx GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1854, p. 140; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 85; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 120. Heliomaster squamosus CABANIS and HEINE, Mus. Heine, III, p. 53; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 191. Range: Southeastern Brazil. 5: Brazil (Rio do Peixe, Bahia 2, "Bahia" 2). 290 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus ANTHOSCENUS Richmond. Floricola (not of Gistel) Elliot, Classif. & Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 82 (Type Trochilus longirostris Vieillot) ." Anthoscenus Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XV, 1902, p. 85 (Type Trochilus longirostris Vieillot). *Anthoscenus longirostris longirostris ( Vieillot). LONG-BILLED STAR- THROAT. Trochilus longirostris VIEILLOT, Ois. Dores, I, livr. 10, 1901, p. 107, pi. 59 (Trini- dad). Trochilus superbus SHAW, Nat. Misc., XIII, 1802, p. 517 (southern parts of America); TEMMINCK, PI. Col., IV, 1824, pi. 299, Fig. i. Heliomaster longirostris GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1853, pi. 259; SALVIN, Ibis, 1885, p. 435 (British Guiana); TAYLOR, Ibis, 1864, p. 92 (Trinidad). Floricola longirostris ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 83, part; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 229, part; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Am. Av., II, 1892, p. 304, part. F[loricola] superba (typica) HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 192. Anthoscenus superbus CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 422. Anthoscenus longirostris longirostris RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 346. Heliomaster stuartae LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., VII, 1860, p. 108 (Bogota) . b Floricola superba stewartae HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 192 (Colombia). Anthoscenus longirostris stewartae CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, p. 311 (Colombia). Range: Trinidad I. and the Guianas, and Lower Amazon Valley in Brazil; Venezuela; Colombia; Panama and Costa Rica. 10 : Trinidad 2; Panama (Veragua i, Chiriqui i); Costa Rica (Terraba i, Boruca i); "Colombia" 4. *Anthoscenus longirostris pallidiceps (Gould). PALE-CROWNED STAR- THROAT. Heliomaster pallidiceps GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 139 (Jalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico). Floricola longirostris pallidiceps HARTERT (E. & Cl.) Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 62 (crit.). Floricola superba pallidiceps HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 192. t * Preoccupied by Floricola GISTEL, ' Naturgesch, 1848, p. 11; cf. Richmond, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XV, 1902, p. 85. b I can find no constant characters by which birds from Colombia may be separated from those from Guiana and Trinidad. Nevertheless it is possible that a larger series may prove the Colombian bird to represent a slightly different local race (cf. Chapman, I.e.). c Anthoscenus longirostris pallidiceps (GOULD) : Differs in having the crown clearer and paler green (less bluish) and throat more rosy and less of a violet tinge. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 291 Anthoscenus superbus pallidiceps DEARBORN, Field Mus. Pub., No. 125, 1907, p. 99 (Guatemala). Anthoscenus longirostris pallidiceps RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, 19 1 1, p. 349. Range: Southeastern Mexico (Vera Cruz, Guerrero, etc.), Guate- mala, Salvador and Nicaragua. 10 : Guatemala (Patalul 7, Mazatinango 3). Anthoscenus longirostris albicrissa (Gould). WHITE- VENTED STAR- THROAT. Heliomaster albicrissa GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1871, p. 504 (Citado, Ecuador). Floricola albicrissa ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 83; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 231 ; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 192; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 340 (Nanegal, western Ecuador). Floricola long[irostris] albicrissa SIMON, Cat. Trochil., 1897, p. 37. Anthoscenus albicrissa RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 345, in key. Range: Ecuador. *Anthoscenus constant!! constant!! (Delattre). CONSTANT'S STAR- THROAT. Ornismya constantii DELATTRE, Echo du Monde Savant, Ser. 2, VII, 1843, p. 1069, in text (Guatemala). Heliomaster constanti GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV., 1853, pi. 260. Floricola constanti ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 84; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 231, part. Floricola constanti (typica) HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 193. Floricola constanti constanti CARRIKER, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1910, p. 545. Anthoscenus constanti constanti RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 191 1, p. 350. Range: Guatemala to Costa Rica. 5: Costa Rica (Orosi 2, Sanose 3). *Anthoscenus constantii leocadiae a (Bourcier). PINE STAR-THROAT. Trochilus leocadiae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. d'Agric. Lyon, IV, 1852, p. 141 (Mexico). Floricola leocadiae ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 84. Floricola leocardiae SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 232. Anthoscenus constantii leocadiae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 19", P- 352. Range: Southern and western Mexico. 3: Mexico (Iguala, Guerrero). 8 A nthoscenus constantii leocadiae (BOURCIER) : General coloration paler, especially on under parts; metallic red of throat much more restricted (confined to lower throat); chin and upper throat dark grayish, instead of blackish. 292 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus CALOTHORAX Gray. Calothorax Gray, List. Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 13 (Type Cyanthus lucifer Swainson). *Calothorax lucifer (Swains.). LUCIFER HUMMINGBIRD. Cyanthus lucifer SWAINSON, Philos. Mag. N. S., I, 1827, p. 442 (Temascaltepec, Mexico). Calothorax lucifer SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Load., 1856, p. 288; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 118; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 300; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 652. Calothorax cyanopogon GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 143. Range: Whole of Mexico and adjacent portions of United States (southern Arizona and southwestern Texas). 3: "Mexico." *Calothorax pulcher (Gould). BEAUTIFUL HUMMINGBIRD. Calothorax pulchra GOULD, Ann & Mag. Nat. Hist., IV, 1859, p. 97 (Oaxaca, Mexico); Id. Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 144; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 118; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 391. C[alothorax] pulcher HEINE, Journ. fur Oraith., 1863, p. 207; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 194. Calothorax pulcher RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 655. Range: Southern Mexico. i: Mexico (Oaxaca). Genus MYRTIS Reichenbach. Myrtis (part) Reichenbach, Aufz. d. Col., 1854, p. 13 (Type Ornismya fanny Lesson). *Myrtis fanny (Lesson). FANNY'S WOOD-STAR. Ornismya fanny LESSON, Ann. Sci. Nat. (2) IX, 1838, p. 170 (Peru). Trochilus labrador BOURCIER, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, II, 1839, p. 389. Calothorax fanny GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1856, pi. 151. Calothorax fanniae SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1858, p. 459. Thaumastura francescae SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1869, p. 146. Myrtis fanny ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 127; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 417; TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 312; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 340 (Chillo and Chota Valleys, Ecuador). Myrtis fannyae SIMON, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 183 (Cojabamba; Huaylillas, Peru). Range: Peru and western Ecuador. 10 : Peru (Macate) 7; "Ecuador" 3. Myrtis yarrelli (Bourcier). YARRELL'S WOOD STAR. Trochilus yarrelli BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 45 ("Montevidio"). Calothorax yarrelli GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1852, pi. 152. ipi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 293 Myrtis yarrelli WHITELY, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1873, p. 187; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 137; TACZANOWSKI, Ora. Perou, I, 1884, p. 311; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 418. Range: Southern Peru and western Bolivia. Genus MYRMIA Mulsant. Myrmia Mulsant, Ann. Soc. Linn., Lyon, 1875, XXII, p. 228 (Type Calothorax micrurus Gould). *Myrmia micrura Gould. SHORT-TAILED WOOD STAR. Calothorax micrurus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1853, p. 109 (Peru); Id., Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1854, pi. 148. Acestrura micrura ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 120; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 409. Myrmia micrura MULSANT, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, IV, 1877. p. 113; TAC- ZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 308; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 196; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 340 (Santo Domingo, western Ecuador). Range: Northern Peru and western Ecuador; Bolivia? i: Peru (Chyion). Genus CALLIPHLOX Boie. Calliphlox Boie, Isis, 1831, p. 344 (Type Trochilus amethystinus Gmelin). "Calliphlox amethystina (Gmelin). AMETHYST HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus amethystinus GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 496 ("Cayenna"). Calliphlox amethystina GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1856, pi. 159; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 130; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 386; BERLEPSCH, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 268; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 379; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 424. (?) Ornismya othura LESSON, Hist. Nat. Trochil., 1832, pp. 85-88, pis. 28, 29.* (t)Catharma othura ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 112; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 410; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 196; CHERRIE, Bull. Brooklyn Inst. Arts & Sci., II, 1916, p. 299 (crit). Trochilus brevicauda SPIX, Av. Bras., 1824, p. 79, pi. 80. (?) Ornismya amethystoides LESSON, Hist. Nat. Trochil., 1832, p. 79, pi. 25. (?) C[alliphlox] roraimae BOUCARD, Humming Bds., I, 1891, p. 30. Range: Guiana, Trinidad, Venezuela, eastern Ecuador and Brazil. 4: Venezuela (Caracas) i; British Guiana (Roraima i, Merume Mts. i); Locality? i. b Cf. Berlepsch, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 268, footnote. b An immature male in the Field Museum collection (No. 45538) labelled Cath- arme othura, tf, in Boucard's handwriting, has the tail square with white tips to the outer feathers as mentioned by Berlepsch. It is possible it may prove to be a distinct form. 294 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Calliphlox mitchellii (Bourcier). MITCHELL'S AMETHYST. Trochilus mitchellii BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 47 ("Zimapan"). Calliphlox mitchelli GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1860, pi. 160; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 131; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 388; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 311 (Gallera; Barbacoas, western Colombia). Calliphlox mitchellii HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 198; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 341 (Milligalli; Gualea; and Baeza, eastern Ecuador). Range: Colombia and Ecuador, i : "Ecuador." Genus NESOPHLOX Ridgway. Nesophlox Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXIII, 1910, p. 55 (Type Trochilus evelynae Bourcier). *Nesophlox bryantae (Lawr.). COSTA RICAN WOOD-STAR. Doricha bryantae LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist., N. Y., VIII, 1867, p. 483 (Costa Rica); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, P- I2 5: GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Suppl., 1881, pi. 53; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 384; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Am. Aves, II, 1892, p. 347. C[alliphlox] bryantae HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 198. Nesophlox bryantae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 645. Range: Costa Rica and western Panama. 5: Costa Rica i; Panama (Chiriqui 2, Veragua 2). *Nesophlox evelynae (Bourcier). BAHAMA WOOD-STAR. Trochilus evelynae BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 44 (Nassau, New Providence). Thaumastura evelynae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 156. Doricha evelynae ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 125; CORY, Bds. Bahama Is., 1880, p. 108; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 150; Id., Cat. Bds. West Indies, 1892, p. 107; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 333; RILEY in Shattuck's Bahama Islands, 1905, p. 363 (Abaco; Biminis; Berry I.; Eleu- thera; Current I.; New Providence I.; Andros I.; Green Cay; Cay Sal; Cat. I.; Conception I.; Rum Cay; Watlings I.; Long I.; Acklin I.; North Caicos I.; Grand Caicos I.; East Caicos I.). Trochilus bahamensis BRYANT, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H., VII, 1859, p. 106. Nesophlox evelynae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 641; TODD and WORTHINGTON, Annals Carnegie Mus., VII, 1911, p. 455. Range: Bahama Islands (except Inagua). fs4: Bahama Islands (New Providence I. 6, Abaco 1. 8, Andros I. 2, Bimini I. 2, Berry I. 3, Eleuthera I. 3, Caicos I. 10). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 295 *Nesophlox lyrura (Gould). INAGUA WOOD-STAR. Doricha lyrura GOULD, Ann. & Mag. N. H., (4), IV, 1869, p. in ("Long Id," i. e. Inagua !., Bahamas); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 126; CORY, Bds. Bahama Is., 1880, p. no; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 150; Id., Cat. Bds. West Indies, 1892, pp. 107, 127; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit., Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 382. Nesophlox lyrura RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 643. Range: Inagua Island, Bahamas. Bahamas (Inagua I.). Genus DORICHA Reichenbach. Doricha Reichenbach, Aufz. der Colib., 1854, p. 12 (Type Trochilus enicurus VieUlot). *Doricha enicura Vieillot. SLENDER SHEAR-TAIL. Trochilus enicurus VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XXIII, p. 429 ("Brazil," errore). Thaumastura enicura GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 157. Doricha enicura ELLIOT, Syn, Trochil., 1879, P- I2 45 SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 381; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 648. Thaumastura henicura SALVIN and SCLATER, Ibis, 1860, p. 40. D[oricha\ henicura HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 199. Range: Highlands of Guatemala. 3: Guatemala (Vera Paz i, "Guatemala" 2). *Doricha eliza (Lesson and Delattre). MEXICAN SHEAR-TAIL. Trochilus eliza LESSON and DELATTRE, Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 20 (between Vera Cruz and Jalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico). Thaumastura elizae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 155. Doricha elizae ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 125; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 382. Doricha eliza RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 650. Range: Southeastern Mexico, Vera Cruz, Yucatan (including Holbox I.), etc. 2: Mexico (Progresso i, Yucatan i). Genus TILMATURA Reichenbach. Tilmatura Reichenbach, Aufz. d. Colib., 1854, p. 8 (nom. Nud.); Id., Trochil. Enum., 1855, p. 5 (Type T. lepida Reichenbach = Ornismya duponti Lesson). Gould supposed the type of lyrura came from Long Island but Dr. Bryant, who collected the specimen, visited both Long Island and Inagua. So far as known the species is confined to Inagua. 296 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Tilmatura dupontii (Lesson). DUPONT'S HUMMINGBIRD. Ornismya dupontii LESSON, Hist. Nat. Colib., Suppl. Ois.-Mouches, 1830-31, p. 100, pi. I (Mexico). Tryphaena dupontii GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 158. Tilmatura duponti ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1900, p. 128; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 385. Tilmatura dupontii RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No., 50, V, 1911, p. 638. Range: Southern Mexico; Highlands of Guatemala and northern Nicaragua. 4: Mexico (Tuxpan i); Guatemala 2; Nicaragua (San Raphael i). Genus ARCHILOCHUS Reichenbach. Archilochus Reichenbach, Aufz. d. Colib., 1854, p. 13 (Type TrocMus alexandri Bourcier & Mulsant). *Archilochus colubris (Linnaeus). RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus colubris LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, I, 1758, p. 120 (Carolina to New England); AUDUBON, Orn. Biog., I, 1831, p. 248, pi. 47; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 131; CORY, Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 148; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 399. Archilochus colubris RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 629. Range: Eastern North America north to southern Labrador, Keewatin, northern Alberta, etc., west in the interior to middle portion of the Great Plains; breeds from Florida and the Gulf states northward; winters from middle Florida and southern Texas, southward in Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and western Panama; also in the Bahamas (New Providence I.); Cuba, Porto Rico? a , and Bermudas. 25: North America Maine 6, Connecticut i, Wisconsin 7, Illinois 4, Florida, (Key West, Dec. 27) 3; Mexico (Tampico, Apr. 8) i; Guatemala (Lake Atitlan, Apr. 10) 2, (Zacapa, Feb. 14) i. *Archilochus alexandri Bourcier and Mulsant. BLACK-CHINNED HUM- MINGBIRD. Trochilus alexandri BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, IX, 1846, P- 33 (Sierra Madre, Mexico); GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 132; BAIRD, BREWER and RIDGWAY, Hist. N. Am. Bds., II, 1874, p. 450, pi. 47, Fig. i; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 106; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus. XVI, 1892, p. 402. Archilochus alexandri RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 633. Range: Western United States and southern British Colombia, east to southern Alberta, western Montana, western Colorado, and a Wetmore questions Gundlach's record for Porto Rico; cf. Bull. No. 326, U. S. Dept. Agric., 1916, p. 70. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 297 middle Texas, and southward in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and northern Mexico. In winter its range extends to southern Mexico (Mexico City and State of Guerrero, etc.). f32: Arizona (Huachuca Mts. 25; Camp Lowell i); Montana (Colombia Falls 2); California (San Bernadino 3); New Mexico i. Archilochus violijugulum Jefferies.* VIOLET-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus violajugulum JEFFERIES, Auk, 1888, p. 168 (Santa Barbara, Cali- fornia). T[rochilus] violajugulum, HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 202 (crit., hybrid?). Archilochus violijugulum RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 636 (crit., hybrid?). Range: Recorded from Santa Barbara, California. Genus CALYPTE Gould. Calypte Gould, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, text to pi. 134; Id., Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 87 (Type Ornismya costae Bourcier). "Calypte costae (Bourcier). .COSTA'S HUMMINGBIRD. Ornismya costae BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 294 (California). Calypte costae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 134; BAIRD, BREWER and RIDGWAY, Hist. N. Am. Bds., II, 1874, p. 457, pi. 47, Fig. 8; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 107; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 404; BREWSTER, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XLI, 1902, p. 112 (Lower California); STONE, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1905, p. 682 (Arizona breeding) ; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 623. Range: Southern California (and adjacent islands, Santa Mar- garita, etc.) north to San Francisco, east to southern Nevada and southern Utah, Arizona and southern New Mexico; south in winter in northwestern Mexico to at least Mazatlan. 7: Arizona (Calabasas) i; California (Poway; Riverside; San Bernardina) 6. *Calypte helenae (Lembeye). HELENA'S HUMMINGBIRD. Orthorhynchus helenae LEMBEYE, Aves de la Isla de Cuba, 1850, p. 70, pi. 10, Fig. 2 (Cardenas, Cuba). Calypte helenae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 136; CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 354; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 149; Id., Cat. Bds. West Indies, 1892, p. 107; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 405; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 625. Range: Island of Cuba. 6: Cuba (Santiago de Cuba). Ridgway believes this doubtful species to be a hybrid of A . alexandri and Calypte anna (cf. I.e. footnote). The type and only known specimen is now in the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge. 298 FIELD MUSEUM or NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. *Calypte anna (Lesson). ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD. Ornismya anna LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, 1829, pp. 31, 205, pi. 74 (California). Trochilus anna AUDUBON, Orn. Biog., V, 1839, p. 238, pi. 425. Calypte annae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 135; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 403. Calypte anna BAIRD, BREWER and RIDGWAY, Hist. N. Am. Bds., II, 1874, pi- 47. Fig. 7; HARTERT (E. & Cl.) Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 22 (breeding); STONE, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1904, p. 582; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 619. Range: California (and Santa Barbara I., Catalina I., and other islands), Lower California, southern Arizona and northern Mexico (Sonora). fiy: California (San Jose, Monterey, Palo Alto, Nicasio, Santa Clara, Alhambra, etc.). Genus SELASPHORUS Swainson. Selasphorus Swainson, Fauna Bor-Am., II, 1831, p. 324 (Type Trochilus rufus Gmelin). *Selasphorus rufus (Gmelin). RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus rufus GMEHN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 497 (Nootka Sound, British Colombia); AUDUBON, Orn. Biog., IV, 1838, p. 555, pi. 379. Selasphorus rufus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 141; BAIRD, BREWER and RIDGWAY, Hist. N. Am. Bds., II, 1874, p. 459, pi. 47, Fig. 4; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 392; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 612. Selasphorus ruber REICHENBACH, Aufz. d. Colib., 1854, p. 13. Selasphorus henshawi ELLIOT, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, II, 1877, pp. 97-102. Range: Western North America from Alaska to northern Guate- mala and from the Pacific coast east to Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. f26: Alaska (Sitka) i; Arizona (Huachuca Mts.) 2; New Mexico (Lone Mt.) i; California (Carmel, Palo Alto, Pasadena, Alhambra, etc.) 21. Selasphorus floresii* Gould. FLORESI'S HUMMINGBIRD. Selasphorus floresii (nee. T. floresii Bourcier, 1846) GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 139 (Bolanos, Jalisco, Mexico) ; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 109; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 392; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 207; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 616. This is generally believed to be a hybrid of 5. alleni and Calypte anna (cf. Ridgway, I.e. and Hartert I.e.). 1 9i 8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 299 Range: Specimens supposed to represent this doubtful species have been taken at Bolanos, Jalisco, Mexico, 1845; San Francisco, California 1885; Haywards, Alamedo County, California 1901; near Nicasio, Marin County, California, 1909." *Selasphorus alien! Henshaw. ALLEN'S HUMMINGBIRD. Selasphorus alleni HENSHAW, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, II, 1877 (Nicasio, Marin Co., California); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 394; STONE, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1904, p. 582; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 609. Range: Pacific coast region of North America from British Colom- bia to northwestern Mexico and Lower California (also on east side of Cascade range and through southern California to southern Arizona). 8: Arizona (Huachuca Mts.) i ; California (Nicasio 4, Eagle Lake i, "California" i). *Selasphorus flammula Salvin. LESSER BROAD-TAILED HUMMINGBIRD. Selasphorus flammula. SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1864, p. 586 (Volcan de Cartago = Volcan de Irazu, Costa Rica); Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 398; SHAEPE, Gould's Suppl. Mon. Trochil., 1883, pi. 31 ; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Am. Aves, II, 1892, p. 357; HARTERT, Nov. Zool., II, 1895, p. 68; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 601. Range: Highlands of Costa Rica. 6: Costa Rica (Volcan Irazu). *Selasphorus torridus Salvin. HELIOTROPE-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD. Selasphorus torridus SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 208 (Volcan de Chiriqui, Panama); Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 395; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Am. Aves, II, 1892, p. 354; pi. 56, Figs. 2-3; FERRY, Field Mus. Pub., No. 146, Orn. Ser., I, 1910, p. 264 (Vol. Turrialba, Costa Rica); HAKTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 206; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 602. Range: Highlands of western Panama and Costa Rica. 10 : Costa Rica (Vol. Turrialba). *Selasphorus scintilla (Gould). SCINTILLANT HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus (Selasphorus) scintilla GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1850, p. 162 (Volcan de Chiriqui, 9000 ft., Panama). Selasphorus scintilla GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 138; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 395; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Am. Aves, II, 1892, p. 353; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 607 (?) Selasphorus underwoodi SALVIN, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, VI, 1897, p. XXXVIII (Volcan de Irazu, Costa Rica); Id., Ibis, 1897, p. 441 (reprint); CARRIKER, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1910, p. 549; (Costa Rica, crit.); Id., Holland, p. 550 footnote (crit.). Ridgway, I.e., p. 617. 300 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGX, VOL. XIII. Range: Highlands of Costa Rica and western Panama. 8: Panama (Chiriqui) 3; Costa Rica (Vol. Irazu 2, Cartago 2, "Costa Rica" i). *Selasphorus ardens Salvin. GLOW-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD. Selasphorus ardens SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 209 (Castillo, Ver- agua, Panama); Id. Cat., Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 398; SHARPE, Suppl. Gould's Mon. Trochil., 1883, pi. 31; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Am. Aves, III, 1892, p. 356, pi. 56, Fig. i; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 604. Range: Highlands of western Panama, i: Panama (Chiriqui). *Selasphorus simoni Carriker. SIMON'S HUMMINGBIRD. Selasphorus simoni CARRIKER, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1910, p. 550 (Volcan de Barba, Costa Rica) ; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 606. Range : Highlands of Costa Rica (Volcan de Poas ; Volcan de Barba ; Las Cruces de Candelaria). i: Costa Rica (Volcan Irazu). *Selasphorus platycercus (Swainson). BROAD-TAILED HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus platycercus SWAINSON, Philos. Mag. N. S., I, 1827, p. 441 (Mexico); MERRIAM, N. Am. Fauna, No. 3, 1890, p. 39 (Colorado); Id., No. 5, 1891, p. 98 (Idaho); ANTHONY, Auk, 1892, p. 363 (New Mexico); LOWE, Auk, 1894, p. 268 (Colorado, breeding, 1000 ft. alt.). Selasphorus platycercus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 140; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 396; BAIRD, BREWER and RIDGWAY, Hist. N. A. Bds., II, 1874, p. 462; pi. 47, Fig. 2, BREWSTER, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, 1882, p. 211 (Arizona); SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Am. Aves, II, 1892, P- 355; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 597. Ornismya montana LESSON, Les Trochil., 1831, p. 161, pis. 63-64 (Mexico). Range: Mountain districts of western United States, east to Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, etc., and from western Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California, south through greater part of Mexico and highlands of Guatemala. fi3: Colorado (Aiken) i; Arizona (Huachuca Mts. 7, Santa Rita Mts. i); Mexico (Chihuahua 3, "Mexico" i). Genus CHAETOCERCUS Gray. Chaetocercus Gray, Gen. Bds. Brit. Mus., 1855, p. 22 (Type Ornismya jour danii Bourcier). *Chaetocercus mulsanti (Bourcier). MULSANT'S WOOD STAR. Ornismya mulsanti BOURCIER, Ann. Sc. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, V, 1842, p. 342, pi. 20 (Colombia). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 301 Ornismya cyanopogon (nee. Lesson, 1829) D'ORBIGNY and LAFRESNAYE, Mag. Zool., II, 1838, p. 28. Calothorax mulsanti GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1851, pi. 145. Acestrura mulsanti ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 119; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 406. Chaetocercus mulsanti HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 208; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 341, crit. (Corazon; Pichincha; Jambaco, near Quito; west Ecuador and Papallacta, east Ecuador); CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 311 (Barro Blanco, Colombia). Range: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. 7: Colombia 5; Ecuador (Quito) i; Bolivia i. "Chaetocercus heliodor (Bourcier). HELIODOR'S WOOD STAR. Ornismya heliodor BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., Ill, 1840, p. 295 (Bogota). Ornismya heliodori BOURCIER, Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, V, 1842, p. 308, pis. 15, 20. Calothorax heliodori GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1851, pi. 147. Acestura heliodori ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1900, p. 120; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 408. Calothorax decoratus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1860, p. 309. Chaetocercus heliodor HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 208; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 312 (San Augustin; Miraflores, Colombia). Range: Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador. 17: Colombia (Bogota i, "Colombia" 6) ; Venezuela (near Merida) 10. Chaetocercus astreans a (Bangs). BANG'S WOOD STAR. Acestura astreans BANGS, Proc. New Engl. Zool. Club, I, 1899, p. 76 (San Sebas- tian, Sierra de Santa Martat, Colombia, alt. 6000 ft.). Range: Northern Colombia. Chaetocercus burmeisteri Sclater. BURMEISTER'S WOOD STAR. Chaetocercus burmeisteri SCLATER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1887, p. 638 (" Valle de Tafe, Tucuman, Argentine); SCLATER and HUDSON, Argent. Orn., II, 1889, p. 2, pi. II; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 415; BURMEISTER, Ibis, 1890, p. 384; LONNBERG, Ibis, 1903, p. 445, footnote, crit. (Quinto); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 209; HARTERT and VENTURI, Nov. Zool., XVI, 1909, p. 223. Range: Northwestern Argentina. *Chaetocercus rosae (Bourcier and Mulsani). CRIMSON-THROATED WOOD STAR. Trochilus rosae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sc. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, IX, 1846, p. 316 (Caracas). 8 Chaetocercus astreans (BANGS) : Nearest to C. heliodor, but adult males differ from that species in having the back, rump, upper tail coverts, abdomen and under tail coverts shining metallic blue, the head only being green; metallic feathers of the throat less violet. Adult females differ in having upper tail coverts green like the back (not rufous as in heliodor) and two middle tail feathers green (instead of rufous with a black bar like the rest of the rectrices). 302 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Calothorax rosae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1857, pi. 149. Chaetocercus rosae ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 221; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 414; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 209; HELLMAYR, and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg., Abt. A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 147 (Cumbre de Valencia). Range: Andes of Venezuela. 2: Venezuela (Caracas i, near Merida i). "Chaetocercus jourdanii (Bourcier). JOURDAN'S WOOD STAR. Or nismya jourdanii BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 295 ("La Trinite"). Calothorax jourdani GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 150. Chaetocercus jourdani ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, P- 9 2 > SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 415; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 209. C[haetocercus] jourdanii HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch, fur Naturg., Abt. A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 148, in text (Mts. of northern Trinidad and northeastern Venezuela). Range: Mountains of Trinidad and northeastern Venezuela, i : Trinidad. *Chaetocercus bombus Gould. LITTLE WOOD-STAR. Chaetocercus bombus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1870, p. 804 (Citado); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1900, p. 122; TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 309; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 416; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 209. Polyxemus bombus MULSANT and VERREAUX, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, IV, 1877, p. 123, pi. in; OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 341 (Guayaquil and Santo Domingo, western Ecuador). Range: Ecuador and northern Peru. 2 : Ecuador (Camipampa i, between Chimborazo and Chimba i). Chaetocercus berlepschi a Simon. BERLEPSCH'S WOOD STAR. Chaetocercus berlepschi SIMON, Mem. Soc. Zool., France, II, 1889, p. 230 (Ecua- dor); BOUCARD, Gen. Humm. Bds., 1894, P- 18; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, I90O, p. 2IO. Range: Eastern Ecuador. a Chaetocercus berlepschi SIMON: Upper parts shining dark bronze green; throat metallic amethyst red; front of breast white; under parts and sides of body green; size between that of C. rosae and C. bombus. The characters of the tail appear to be intermediate between C. rosae and C. bombus (the latter being the type of Polyxemus MULSANT and VERREAUX, 1877). C. berlepschi has the outer tail feather slender and sharply pointed not at all lanceolate (more nearly approaching C. bombus) but the outer primary is at least as long as the next (as in C. rosae). igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 303 Chaetocercus harterti a (Simon). HARTERT'S WOOD STAR. Polyxemus harterti SIMON, Ornis, XI, 1901, p. 202 (Ibague, western Colombia). Range: Western Colombia and western Ecuador. Genus MICROSTILBON" Todd. Microstilbon Todd, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVI, 1913, p. 174 (Type MicrosM- bon insperatus Todd). Microstilbon insperatus Todd. SARA WOOD STAR. Microstilbon insperatus TODD, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXVI, 1913, p. 174 (Buenavista, Province del Sara, Bolivia). Range: Bolivia. Genus ATTHIS Reichenbach. Atthis Reichenbach, Aufz. d. Colib., 1854, p. 12 (Type Ornismya heloisa Lesson and Delattre). *Atthis heloisa heloisa (Lesson and Delattre). HELOISE'S HUMMING- BIRD. Ornismya heloisa LESSON and DELATTRE, Rev. Zool., II, 1839, p. 15 (Jalapa and Coatepec, Vera Cruz, Mexico). Selasphorus heloisae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 141. Atthis heloisae ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 113; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 411, part; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Am. Aves, II, 1892, p. 360, part; HARTERT (E. & C.), Nov. Zool., I, 1894, P- 64. A[tthis] heloisa HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 210. Atthis heloisa heloisa RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, 1911, p. 592. Range: Central and southern Mexico. 3: Mexico (Cordaba). *Atthis heloisa ellioti (Ridgway). ELLIOT'S HUMMINGBIRD. Atthis ellioti RIDGWAY, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., I, 1878, p. 9 (Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 14; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 412; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr. Am. Aves, II, 1892, p. 361. a Chaetocercus harterti (SIMON) : Similar to C. berlepschi of eastern Ecuador, but differs in having the throat patch more violet red (similar in color to that in Calliphlox amethystina); outer rectrices longer and more blunt; upper parts of body obscure green, nearly resembling berlepschi. b Genus Microstilbon: Closely allied to Chaetocercus GRAY, but tail of male differs in having the two outer rectrices elongated (almost as long as the body) and slightly expanded at the tips. Microstilbon insperatus TODD: Above shining green; wings dusky; tail dusky or bronzy violaceus; below grayish; throat paler (whitish) spangled with green, and sides more or less green. Wing, 26; tail, 30.5; culmen, 12.5 mm. 304 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Atthis heloisa ettioti RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 594. Range: Guatemala. 2: Guatemala (Vol. Fuego i, "Guatemala" i). Atthis heloisa morcomi (Ridgway). MORCOM'S HUMMINGBIRD. Atthis morcomi RIDGWAY, Auk, 1898, p. 325 (Huachuca Mts., Arizona) ; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 211; SWARTH, Pacific Coast Avif., No. 4, 1904, p. 19. Atthis heloisa morcomi RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 595. Range: Southern Arizona (Huachuca Mts.). Genus STELLULA Gould. Stellula Gould, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 90 (Type Trochilus calliope Gould). *Stellula caliope (Gould). CALLIOPE HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus (Calothorax) caliope GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. n (Mexico). Calothorax calliope GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1867, pi. 142. Stellula caliope ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 115; BAIRD, BREWER and RIDG- WAY, Hist. N. Am. Bds., II, 1874, p. 445, pi. 47, Fig. 6; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 362; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 211; RIDG- WAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 588. Range: Western United States and western British Colombia, east ' to^Montana, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and western Texas; south in winter to central and western Mexico. 5: Montana (Colombia Falls) 2; Mexico 3. Genus MELLISUGA Brisson. Mellisuga Brisson, Orn., Ill, 1760, p. 694 (Type Trochilus minima Linnaeus). *Mellisuga minima (Linnaeus). VERVIAN HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus minimus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, I, 1758, p. 121 (" America " = Jamaica). Mellisuga minima GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 133; CORY, Auk, 1886, P- 354i part; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 149, part; Id., Cat. Bds. West Indies, 1892, p. 13, part (Jamaica); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 409, part (Jamaica); SCOTT, Auk, 1892, p. 277 (Jamaica); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911 (Jamaica). Mellisuga humilis GOSSE, Bds. Jamaica, 1847, p. 127; Id., Illustr. Bds. Jamaica, 1849, pi. 21. Range: Island of Jamaica. 4: Jamaica. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 305 *Mellisuga catharinae (SalU). HAITIAN VERVIAN HUMMINGBIRD. Ornismya catharinae SALL, Rev. et Mag. de Zool., 1849, p. 498 (Santo Domingo). Mettisuga minima SALL, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1857, p. 233 (Santo Domingo); ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 103, part (San Domingo); CORY, Bds. Haiti and San Domingo, 1885, p. 92, pi. 22, Fig. 6; Id., Auk, 1886, p. 354, part (San Domingo); Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 149, part (San Domingo); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 409, part (San Domingo). Mettisuga catharinae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 586 (Santo Domingo). Range: Island of Haiti and San Domingo. fi3: Haiti (Le Coup) 3; San Domingo (Puerto Plata 3, San Do- mingo City 4, Honduras 2, Catare i). Genus ORTHORHYNCHUS Lace"pede. Orthorhynchus Lac6pede, Tabl. Ois., 1879, p. 9 (Type Trochilus cristatus Lin- naeus)." *Orthorhynchus exilis exilis (Gmelin). GILT-CRESTED HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus exilis GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 484 (" Guiana " = St. Kitts b ). Orthorhynchus exilis GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, i86i,pl. 207; ALLEN, Bull. Nutt. Orn., Club, 1880, p. 167 (St. Lucia, crit.). Bellona exilis ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, P- 1 79'< CORY, Auk, 1886, p. 357; Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 152; Id., Cat. Bds. West Indies, 1892, pp. 107, 144; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 354. Microlyssa exilis exilis WETMORE, Bull. No. 326, U. S. Dept. Agric., 1916, p. 70 (Vieques = Culebra). Orthorhynchus exilis exilis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 658. Range: Virgin group of Greater Antilles (St. Thomas, St. Croix, Aengada, Virgin Gordo, Vieque, Culebra); Porto Rico and Lesser Antilles, except St. Vincent, Grenada, Grenadines and Barbados. fi49: Virgin group of eastern Greater Antilles (St. Croix i, Ane- gada 1 6, Virgin Gorda 16); Lesser Antilles (St. Kitts 39, St. Barthole- mew i, Marie Galante 9; Grand Terre 10, St. Lucia n, Dominica i, Martinique 19, Guadeloupe 25). *Orthorhynchus exilis ornatus (Gould}. ST. VINCENT BLUE-CREST. Orthorhynchus ornatus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1860, pi. 206 (Type locality unknown = St. Vincent). Bellona ornatus CORY, Auk, 1889, p. 218 (St. Vincent, crit.). Bellona ornata SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 354 (St. Vincent). Cf. Oberholser, Smith. Misc. Coll., XLVIII, 1905, p. 60. b I designate St. Kitts for the type locality. c Cf. Wetmore, I.e. 306 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Bellona exilis ornatus CORY, Cat. Bds. West Indies, 1892, pp. 107, 134, 144 (St. Vincent). Bellona superba BOUCARD, The Humming Bird, I, 1891, p. 43 (St. Vincent); Id., Gen. Humming Bds., 1893-95, P- 53 (St. Vincent). Orthorhynchus exilis ornatus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 661. Range: Island of St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles; accidental in Mar- tinique. 2: St. Vincent. *Orthorhynchus cristatus cristatus (Linnaeus'). BLUE-CRESTED HUM- MINGBIRD. Trochilus cristatus LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 121 (" America" = Barbados). Orthorhynchus cristatus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1861, pi. 205. Bellona cristata ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 178 (Barbados); CORY, Auk, 1886, P- 356, part (Barbados); Id., Ibis, 1886, p. 472 (Barbados); Id., Bds. West Indies, 1889, p. 151, part (Barbados); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, part (Barbados). Orthorhynchus cristatus cristatus RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 662. Range: Island of Barbados, Lesser Antilles. fit: Barbados. *Orthorhynchus cristatus emigrans (Lawrence). GRENADA BLUE- CREST. Orthorhynchus emigrans LAWRENCE, Ann. N. Y. Ac. Sci., I, 1878, p. 50 ("Vene- zuela ' ' = Grenada) . Bellona cristata ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 178, part (Grenada); CORY, Auk, 1889, p. 218, part (Grenada); Id., Cat. Bds. West Indies, 1892, pp. 13, 107, 144, part (Grenada); SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 353, part (Grenada). Orthorhynchus cristatus emigrans OBERHOLSER, Smith. Misc. Coll., XLVIII, 1905, p. 60; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 664. Range: Islands of Grenada, Union, Carriacou and Mustique, southern Lesser Antilles. 7 : Grenada. Genus STEPHANOXIS Salvin. Cephallepis (nee. Cephalepis Rafinesque, 1810, Pise.) Loddiges, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. Lond., I, 1830, p. 12 (Type Trochilus lalandi Vieillot). Stephanoxis Simon, Cat. Trochil., 1897, p. 40 (new name to replace Cephallepsis preoccupied). *Stephanoxis lalandi ( Vieillot). DELANO'S PLOVER-CREST. Trochilus lalandi VIEILLOT, Nouv. Dtc., (2) 1818, p. 427 ("Bresil"). Cephallepsis delalandi LODDIGES, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1830, p. 12. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 307 Cephalepis delalandi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1854, pi. 208. Cephalolepis delalandi ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 180; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 356. Cephalepis beskii ELLIOT, Ibis, 1874, p. 262. Cephalolepis beskii PELZELN, Orn. Bras., 1868, p. 58. S[tephanoxis] lalandei HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 213. Range: Southeast Brazil. 3: Brazil (Rio de Janeiro i, "Brazil" 2). *Stephanoxis loddigesi (Gould}. LODDIGES' PLOVER-CREST. Trochilus loddigesi GOULD, Proc. Comm. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1830, p. 12 ("Rio Grande"). Cephalepis loddigesi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1854, pi. 209. Cephalolepis loddigesi ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 180; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 357. S[tephanoxis\ loddigesi HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 214. Range: Southern Brazil, i: "Brazil." Genus KLAIS Reichenbach. Subgen. Klais Reichenbach, Aufz. d. Colib., 1854, p. 13 (Type Trochilus guimeti Bourcier and Mulsant). Clais (emendation) Sclater, Cat. Am. Bds., 1862, p. 304. *Klais guimeti (Bourcier and Mulsant}. GUIMET'S HUMMINGBIRD. Trochilus guimeti BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, VI, 1843, p. 38, pi. 2 (Colombia);" BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1843, p. 72 (Colombia and Caracas, Venezuela). Klais guimeti GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1861, pi. 210; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 184; TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 364; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 666; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr.-Am. Aves, II, 1892, p. 343; HARTERT (E. & C.), Nov. Zool., I, 1894, p. 17 (Ecuador); CARRIKER, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1910, p. 551 (Costa Rica); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 514; CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 312 (Andalucia and Buena Vista, eastern Andes, Colombia). Mellisuga merrettii LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. N. H. N. Y., VII, 1860, p. no (Vera- gua, Panama). Klais guimete merretti BERLEPSCH and STOLZMANN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1902, p. 29 Borgona, Peru); Id., Ornis, 1906, p. 120 (Cuzco, Peru). Range: Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru. 9: Colombia 5; Costa Rica (Navarre 2, Boruca i, Tarraba i). By designation. 308 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Genus ABEILLIA Bonaparte. Abeillia Bonaparte, Consp. Av., I, 1849, p. 79 (Type Abellia typica Bonaparte ' Ornismya abeillei Delattre and Lesson). *Abeillia abeillei (Delattre and Lesson). ABEILLE'S HUMMINGBIRD. Ornismya abeillei DELATTRE and LESSON Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 16 (Jalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico). Abeillia typica ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 184; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 358. Myiabeillia typica GOULD, Mon. Trochil., IV, 1 86 1, pi. 2 1 1. Abeillea abeillei HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 215. Abeillia abeillei RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 517. Range: Southeastern Mexico, Guatemala and northern Nicaragua. 2: "Mexico" i; Guatemala i. Genus MICROCHERA Gould. Microchera Gould, Mon. Trochil., pt. XVI, 1858, text to pi. 116 (Type Mellisuga albo-coronata Lawrence). *Microchera albo-coronata (Lawrence). VERAGUAN SNOW- CAP. Mellisuga albo-coronata LAWRENCE, Ann. Lye. N. H., N. Y., VI, 1855, p. 37, pi. 4 (Veragua, Panama). Microchera albocoronata GOULD, Mon. Trochil., II, 1861, pi. 116; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 66; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 104; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr.-Am. Aves, II, 1892, p. 268. Microchera albo-coronata RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 581. Range: Western Panama and southern Costa Rica? i: Panama (Veragua). *Microchera parvirostris Lawrence. COSTA RICAN SNOW-CAP. Panychlora parvirostris LAWRENCE, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci., Phila., 1865, p. 39 (Angostura, Costa Rica). Microchera parvirostris ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1880, pi. 30; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 67; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr.-Am. Aves, II, 1892, p. 269; CARRIKER, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1910, p. 551; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 216; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911 p. 582. Range: Eastern Costa Rica and Nicaragua. 3: Costa Rica (Carrillo i, "Costa Rica" 2). 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 309 Genus LOPHORNIS Lesson. Lophornis Lesson, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, 1829, p. 37 (Type Trochilus ornatus Boddaert). Polemistria Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Heine, III, 1860, p. 63 (Type Trochilus verreauxi Bourcier).* *Lophornis ornatus (Boddaert). TUFTED COQUETTE. Trochilus ornatus BODDAERT, Tabl. PL Enl., 1873, p. 39 (Cayenne). Lophornis ornatus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1855, p. 117; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 420; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 217; BER- LEPSCH and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 88; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 36; BERLEPSCH, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 268; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 425. Range: Guiana, Venezuela and Trinidad. 3: Guiana i: Locality? 2. Lophornis gouldi (Lesson). GOULD'S COQUETTE. Ornismya gouldi LESSON, Hist. Nat. Trochil., i832 ; p. 36 (Para). b Bellatrix reginae REICHENBACH, Trochil. Enum., 1855, p. 9, pi. 813, Figs. 4899- 4900. Trochilus reginae SCHREIBER, Isis, 1833, p. 534 (Matto Grosso). Lophornis gouldi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1855, pi. 118; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 134; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 421; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 379, crit. (Para, Matto Grosso); SNETHLAGE, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 204 (Providencia; Rio Grande; Rio Tocantins etc., Brazil). Range: Central and northeastern Brazil. *Lophornis magnificus ( Vieillot). FRILLED COQUETTE. Trochilus magnificus (nom. nud.) AUDEBERT and VIEILLOT, Ois. dor, I, 1802, pi. 8. Trochilus magnificus VIEILLOT, Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., XXIII, 1818, p. 428 (Soumidorio, near Paraiba R., Prov. Rio de Janeiro). Colibris helios SPIX, Av. Bras., I, 1824, p. 81, pi. 82, Fig. 2. Ornismya strumaria LESSON, Hist. Nat. Ois.-Mouches, 1829, pp. XL, 143, pis. 42, 43- Lophronis magnificus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1855, pi. 119; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 135; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 422; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 218; HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XV, 1908, p. 78, crit. (Faz. Esperanca, Rio Uruhu, Goyaz); Id., Verh. de Ornith. Gesell. Bayern, XII, 1915, p. 153 (Rio de Janeiro; Goyaz; Matto Grosso; Bahia; Rio Grande do Sol). Proposed for the plain- throated group verreauxi chalybeus, etc., having an emarginate tail and somewhat more extensively feathered maxilla (at base). Ridg- way considers it worthy of recognition (cf. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, P- 3io). b Designated by Brabourne and Chubb, Bds. S. Am., I, 1912, p. 147, No. 1433. 310 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Range: Southern Brazil. 3: "Brazil." "Lophornis regulus (Gould). GREAT-CRESTED COQUETTE. Trochilus regulus GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1846, p. 89 (Peru). Lophornis regulus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1855, pi. 120; ELLIOT, Syn. Tro- chil., 1879, p. 133; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 423; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 218. Range: Peru and Bolivia. 4: Peru (Rioja) 2; Bolivia 2. *Lophornis delattrei (Lesson). DELATTRE'S COQUETTE. Ornysmia (Lophorinus) delattrei LESSON, Rev. Zool., II, 1839, p. 19 (Type locality unknown, Colombia?). Lophornis delattrei GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 121; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 218; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 671. Lophornis delattrii ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 133, part; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 423. Range: Southwestern Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. 7: Colombia 6, Panama (Veragua) i. *Lophornis stictolophus Salvin and Elliot. SPANGLED COQUETTE. Lophornis stictolophus SALVIN and ELLIOT, Ibis, 1873, p. 280 (Colombia); ELLIOT Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 133; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 424; HELLMAYR and SEILERN, Arch. fur. Naturg. Abh. A, 5 Heft, 1912, p. 148 (Venezuela). Lophornis reginae (nee. Trochilus reginae Schreibers, 1833); GOULD, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 95; Id., Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1855, pi. 122; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 219. Range: Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. 5: Colombia (Bogota 2, "Colombia" 3). *Lophornis helenae (Dellatre). PRINCESS HELENAS COQUETTE. Ornismya helenae DELATTRE, Echo du Monde Savante, 1843, p. 991, in text (Vera Paz, Guatemala). Lophornis helenae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 123; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 425; SALVIN and GODMAN, Biol. Centr.-Am. Aves, II, 1892, p. 364; CARRIKER, Ann. Carnegie Mus., VI, 1910, p. 552; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 219; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 191 1, p. 673. Range: Southeastern Mexico, southward to Costa Rica. 4: "Guatemala." ig 1 8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 311 *Lophornis adorabilis Salvin. ADORABLE COQUETTE. Lophornis adorabilis SALVIN, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lend., 1870, p. 207 (Bugaba, Volcan de Chiriqui, Panama); Id., Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 425; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 135; SHARPE, Suppl. Gould's Mon. Trochil., 1880, pi. 35; CARRIKER,. Ann. Carnegie Mus., V, 1910, p. 553; RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 675. Range: Costa Rica and western Panama. 6: Costa Rica (San Jose) 4; Panama (Chiriqui) 2. *Lophornis pavoninus Salvin and Godman. GUIANA COQUETTE. Lophornis pavoninus SALVIN and GODMAN, Ibis, 1882, p. 81 (Merum6 Mts., British Guiana); WHITELY, Ibis, 1884, p. 357; SHARPE in Gould's Suppl., Mon. Trochil., 1887, pi. 36; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 220; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 426. Polemistria pavonina SALVIN, Ibis, 1885, p. 433. Range: British Guiana. 2: British Guiana (Mt. Roraima). *Lophornis chalybeus (Temminck). FESTIVE COQUETTE. Trochilus chalybeus TEMMINCK, PI. Col., 1821, pi. 66, Fig. 2 ("Bresil"). Colibiri mystax SPIX, Av. Bras., II, 1824, pi. 82, Fig. 3. Lophornis chalybeus GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1824, pi. 124; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 136; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 426; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 221. Polemistria chalybaeus CABANIS and HEINE, Mus. Heine, III, 1860, p. 63. Range: Southern Brazil. 2: Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). *Lophornis verreauxi verreauxi (Bourcier). VERREAUX'S COQUETTE. Trochilus verreauxi BOURCIER, Rev. Zool., 1853, p. 193 ("Perou").* Lophornis verreauxi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1860, pi. 125; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 136; TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 300; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 427; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 221. Lophornis hauxwetti BOUCARD, Gen. Humm. Bds., 1893, p. 37 (Nauta, Upper Amazons). Polemistria verreauxi CABANIS and HEINE, Mus. Heine, III, 1860, p. 63; GOULD, Introd. Trochil., 1861, p. 85. Range: Eastern Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. 3: Colombia 2; Ecuador (Nauta) i. Berlepsch and Hartert suggest: "Upper Amazons, country about Yuri- maguas," for the type locality. (Cf. Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 89, footnote.) 312 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Lophornis verreauxi klagesi a Berlepsch and Hartert. KLAGE'S CO- QUETTE. Lophornis verreauxi klagesi BERLEPSCH and HARTERT, Nov. Zool., IX, 1902, p. 89 (Suapure, Caura River, Venezuela). Polemistria verreauxi klagesi CHERRIE, Bull. Mus. Brooklyn Inst. Arts & Sci., II, 1916, p. 300. Range: Venezuela. Lophornis insignibarbis Simon. b SIMON'S COQUETTE. Lophornis insignibarbis SIMON, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, XV, 1890, p. 17 (Bogota); HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 221. L[ophornis] insignibarbis BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1893-95, P- 37. m text, Grit." Range: "Colombia." Genus POPELAIRIA Reichenbach. Popelairia Reichenbach, Aufz. d. Colib., 1854, p. 12 (Type Trochilus popelairii Du Bus). *Popelairia popelairii (Du Bus). POPELAIRE'S THORN-BILL. Trochilus popelairii Du Bus, Equis. Orn., II, 1846, pi. 6 and text ("Perou"). Gouldia popelairii GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1854, pi. 127; ELLIOT, Syn. Tro- chil., 1879, p. 138. Prymnacantha popelairei SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 428. Popelairia tricholopha REICHENBACH, Aufz. d. Colib., 1854, p. 12. P[opelairea] popelairei HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 222. Popelairia popelairii OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, p. 342 (Archi- dona, Ecuador); RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 678, in key. , Range: Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. 2 : Colombia. *Popelairia langsdorffi langsdorffi ( Temminck) . LANGSDORFF'S THORN- BILL. Trochilus langsdorffi TEMMINCK, PI. Col., IV, 1821, pi. 66, Fig. i ("Bresil"). d Gouldia langsdorffi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1854, pi. 128; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 138. Prymnacantha langsdorffi SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 431, part. a Lophornis verreauxi klagesi BERL. and HARTERT: Similar to L. v. verreauxi from the Upper Amazons, but differs in having the general color of body darker green, rectrices and upper tail coverts dark bronzy olive (not dark copper bronze color) ; elongated feathers on sides of throat darker and white tips smaller. b Lophornis insignibarbis SIMON: Approaches L. v. verreauxi, but elongated feathers of the neck replaced by a metallic green throat; bill more slender. Boucard (I.e.) believes this to represent a phase of plumage of an immature L. verreauxi. d Type locality fixed by Hellmayr, "Rio de Janeiro." igi8. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 313 P[opelairea] langsdorffi HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 223. Popelairea langsdorffi langsdorffi HELLMAYR, Verb, der Ornith. Gesell. Bayern, XII, 1915, p. 154 (Bahia; Sao Paulo; Rio de Janeiro; Espirito Santo). Range: Eastern and southern Brazil. 3: "Brazil." *Popelairia langsdorffi melanosteron* (Gould). BLACK-BREASTED THORN-BILL. Gouldia melanosternon GOULD, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., (4), I, 1868, p. 328 (Peru). Gouldia melanosternum BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1893-95, p. 41 (Peru and Ecuador). Popelairea langsdorffi melanosternon HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XVII, 1910, p. 377 (Rio Madeira). Popelairia langsdorffi OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 342 (Coca, Rio Napo, Ecuador). Range: Peru, eastern Ecuador, Upper Amazonian Region. 3: "Ecuador" 2; Peru (Yurimaguas) i. *Popelairia conversii conversii Boucier and Mulsant. CONVERS'S THORN-BILL. Trochilus conversii BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, IX, 1846, p. 313 (Bogota). Gouldia conversi GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1854, pi. 129; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 139, part; BOUCARD, Gen Humming Bds., 1893-95, p. 42. Prymnacantha conversi SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 430, part. P[opelairea] conversi (typica) HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 223. Popelairia conversii conversii RJDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 678, in key. Popelairia conversi CHAPMAN, Bull. Am. Mus. N. H., XXXVI, 1917, p. 312 (Noanama; Barbacoas, Colombia). Range: Colombia, Costa Rica and Panama. 3: "Colombia." *Popelairia conversii aequatorialis b (Berkpsch and Taczanowski) . EQUATORIAL THORN-TAIL. Gouldia conversi aequatorialis BERLEPSCH and TACZANOWSKI, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1883, p. 567 (Chimbo, west Ecuador). * Popelairia langsdorffi melanosteron (GOULD) : Similar to P. /. langsdorffi, but differs in having the crown grass green and the under parts darker and more golden on lower breast. b Popelairia conversii aequatorialis BERLEPSCH and TACZANOWSKI: Authorities differ as to the standing of this subspecies. It is recognized by Hartert (I.e.) and Ridgway (I.e.), and Brabourne and Chubb, but questioned by Salvin, Boucard (I.e.) and Berlepsch. It is supposed to differ in its more bluish pectoral spot; longer bill and upper tail coverts more bronzy and less green. Chapman considers birds from western Colombia to be typical P. conversii conversii. I therefore restrict the range of P. c. aequatorialis to Ecuador, although this conflicts with Ridgway's statement that he is unable to distinguish Costa Rican and Panaman specimens from those from Ecuador (I.e., footnote, p. 680). 314 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOOLOGY, VOL. XIII. Popelairia conversi aequatorialis HARTERT, Nov. Zool., V, 1898, p. 494 (Chimbo, crit.); OBERHOLSER, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXIV, 1902, p. 342 (Santo Domingo and Nanegal, western Ecuador, crit.). P[opelairea] conversi aequatorialis HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 223. Popelairia conversii aequatorialis RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 679. Range: Ecuador. 2: "Ecuador." Popelairia letitiae (Bourcier and Mulsant). LETITIA'S THORN-BILL. Trochilus letitiae BOURCIER and MULSANT, Ann. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Lyon, IV, 1852, p. 143 (Bolivia). Gouldia letitiae GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1855, pi. 130; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 139. Gouldia laetitiae BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1893-95, p. 43. Prymnacantha letitiae SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 431. P[opelairea] letitiae HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 224. Popelairiae letitiae RIDGWAY, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 50, V, 1911, p. 679, in key. Range: Bolivia. Genus DISCOSURA Bonaparte. Discosura Bonaparte, Comp. Av., 1850, p. 84 (Type Trochilus longicauda Gmelin). Discura Reichenbach, Aufz. d. Col., 1854, p. 8 (Type T. longicauda). *Discosura longicauda (Gmelin). RACKET TAIL. Trochilus longicauda GMELIN, Syst. Nat., I, 1788, p. 496 (Cayenne).* Trochilus platurus LATHAM, Ind. Orn., 1790, p. 317. Discura longicauda GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1858, pi. 126; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1900, p. 140; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 431. Discosura longicauda HELLMAYR, Nov. Zool., XIII, 1906, p. 379; SNETHLAGE, Bol. Mus. Goeldi, VIII, 1914, p. 205 (Cameta, Rio Tocantins, Brazil) ; CHUBB, Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 427. D[iscosura] longicauda HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 224. Range: Guiana and Brazil. 2: "Brazil." Genus LODDIGIORNIS Bonaparte." Loddigesia Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 1850, p. 80 (Type Trochilus mirabilis Bour. cier). Loddigiornis Bonaparte, Compt. Rend. Paris, XXX, April i, 1850, p. 381 (Type T. mirabilis). ft Designated by Hellmayr, (I.e., 1906). b Mr. Chubb (Bds. Brit. Guiana, I, 1916, p. 429) has called attention to the fact that Loddigiornis BONAPARTE, April i, 1850, has priority over Loddigesia BONA- PARTE after November, 1850. 1918. CATALOGUE OF BIRDS OF THE AMERICAS CORY. 315 Loddigiornis mirabilis (Bourcier). LODDIGES' SPATULE-TAIL. Trochilus mirabilis BOURCIER, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1847, p. 42 (Chachapoyas, Peru). Loddigesia mirabilis BONAPARTE, Consp. Av., 1850, p. 80; GOULD, Mon. Trochil., Ill, 1861, pi. 161; ELLIOT, Syn. Trochil., 1879, p. 145; TACZANOWSKI, Orn. Perou, I, 1884, p. 318; SALVIN, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., XVI, 1892, p. 355; HARTERT, Das Tierreich, 1900, p. 225; ROTHSCHILD, Ibis, 1896, p. 567 (Chachapoyas); BOUCARD, Gen. Humming Bds., 1893-95, p. 48. Loddigiornis mirabilis BONAPARTE, Compt. Rend. Paris, XXX, 1850, p. 381. Range: Peru. (Utcabamba Valley, etc.)