SliiiliiiiiliiilL l^ll_...._J L I E) R.ARY OF THE U N IVERSITY or 1 LLl NOI5 OI6.9773\\ R IQBBiBmKJU^SiillEl ~ UBKARy ^^•. American Imprints Inventory The Historical Records Survey Division of Women's and Professional Projects Works Progress Administration No. 4. Check List of Chicago Ante -Fire Imprints 185M871 Chicago The Historical Records Survey 1938 American Imprints Inventory The Historical Records Survey Division of Women's and Professional Projects Works Progress Administration No. 4. Check List of Chicago Ante -Fire Imprints 185M871 Chicago The Historical Records Sm^ey 1938 The Historical Records Survey Luther H. Evans, National Director Hov/ard E. Colgan, State Director Division of Women's and Professional Projects Ellen S. Woodward, Assistant Administrator Mary G. Moon, State Director VroEKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator Charles E. Miner, State Administrator Ill Preface As is Arell known, Chicago was visited in 1871 by one of the most devastating fires in American history, which wiped out almost every tuilding in the city and destroyed, of course, most of the locally printed iDooks and pamphlets in the collection of the already active Chicago Historical Society and in private hands. This circumstance, plus a second destruction of the library of the Chicago Historical Society, is responsible for the relative rarity of Chicago imprints of earlier date, frequently referred to in the book world as "ante-fire Chicago imprints." In the before-the-f ire period, as is also well known, the Chicago Public Library was not in existence, it being founded as the result of gifts of books sent from England to replace in some degree the local supply of reading matter consumed by the flames. Chicago imprints earlier than 1851 have received their share of attention, being recorded in a published list which has been twice amplified and issued in revised form. But the years 1851-1871 Inclusive were active and important years in Chicago's history, embracing as they did the period of the Civil War and the crystallization of public opinion which led up to it. Chicago provided an important amphitheatre for building up the political significance of Abraham Lincoln, The merits of Chicago as a commercial metropolis were already becoming apparent, and decisions were arrived at which inevitably destined Chicago to become the railroad center of the United States. Since these years were significant historically, the printed source materials for Chicago's history during the ante-fire period are certainly worthy of exploration and record, especially since losses in the fire V make many of the titles rare and difficult of location. The American Imprints Inventory of the Historical Records Survey is wholly responsible for the final copy of the list of Chicago ante- fire imprints v/hich is here presented, and for its issue in this volume. The Inventory had the advantage, hov/ever, of starting with a list of titles started eight years ago by the -undersigned and added to from time to time, as new imprints came to light. For a year or more, Miss Eleanor Convifay, librarian of the Chicago Historical Society, gave special thought to local imprints and made note of those encountered in her \7ork. About three years ago the Chicago Historical Society made a consequential contribution to the compilation of this list when Mr. L. Hubbard Shattuck, its director, authorized one member of his staff. Miss Dorothy Wright, to vrork under the direction of the undersigned to find and record all Chicago imprints of the ante-fire period vhich are represented in the collection of that Society. Miss Wright did competent and conscientious work, supplying full titles for imprints in the Society's library and writing individual titles for yearly issues of reports, pro- ceedings, and other continuations. After a year's effort, it became necessary to transfer her to other v/ork, so the progress on the list of ante-fire Chicago imprints was again at a standstill. V/hen the American Imprints Inventory began to function, the titles already assembled were taken over, with the generous permission of the Chicago Historical Society, and the completion of the list was one of the early tasks scheduled on its program. Mrs. Clara. Fishman, the first bibliographer to be appointed on our Illinois staff, vms given this VI 1 assignment and gave it continuous attention for over six months. The final detail work 7/as completed by Joseph Conforti, hibliographer on the Illinois staff of the Historical Records Survey. This volume was mimeographed by the Illinois office of the Histor- ical Records Survey under the direction of Howard E. Colgan, state director and regional supervisor , whose cooperation is herewith gratefully acknowledged. It is hoped that this check list will prove a helpful finding mechanism to inquirers into all aspects of Chicago history. It will be noted that all titles are located, using library sjrmbols adopted by the Union Catalog of the Library of Congress. The titles in this list have been reported to and checked by the Union Catalog, resulting in the record "of additional locations for many of the imprints. For the able cooperation in this connection of Mr. George A. Schwegmann, Jr., director of the Union Catalog, we are grateful. We are also under appreciatively acknov/ledged obligation to numerous librarians for replies to inquiries regarding imprints in the collections under their care. Among them may be named Mr. Willard 0. Waters, of the Henry E. Huntington Library; Mr. Richard H. Johnston, of the Library of the Bureau of Railway Economics; Mr. V. Yalta Parma, Curator of the rare book collection of the Library of Congress; Mr. Williaii L. Boyden, librarian of the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree; Mr. C. C. Hunt, of the Iowa Masonic Library; Mr. Allyn Forbes, of the Massachusetts Historical Society; Professor Eldon R. James, of the Harvard Law School Library; Miss Gertrude Krausnick, of the Minnesota Historical Society; Mr. R. W. G. Vail, of the American Antiquarian Society; Mr. Joseph Gavit, of the New York State .ix Litrary; Dr. Augustus H. Shearer, of the Grosvenor LilDrary; Dr. Alexander J. Wall, of the New York Historical Society; Mr. L. Nelson Nichols, of the New York Pul^lic Library; Miss Eleanor Wilby, of the Historical and Philo- sophical Society of Ohio; Dr. Wallace H. Cathcart, of the Western Reserve Historical Society; Mr. Herbert Kellar, of the IvicCormick Historical Association; Mr. Paul M. Angle, of the Illinois State Historical Library; Mr. Richard Hensley, of the Boston Public Library; Miss Harjorie Crandall, of the Boston Athenaeum; Dr. Julian Boyd, of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Dr. Thomas C. Pears, Jr., of the Presbyterian Historical Society; Dr. Henry B. Van Hoesen, of the Brovm University Library; and Miss Annie A. Nunns, of the Wisconsin Historical Society. Mr, Thomas W. Streeter has supplied information regarding imprints in his private collection. Mr. Lawrence E. Dicke generously permitted two of our workers access to his notable collection of Chicagoana, and descriptions were noted of many books and pamphlets in his collection. In justice to the compre- hensiveness of Mr, Dicke's collection, however, it is pointed out that the titles credited to him in this list represent only a portion of the Chicago imprints in his possession. It is hoped that, before a supplement to this list is issued, more comprehensive examination and record of his collection may be made. We desire to express our appre- ciation for Mr. Dicke's cooperation. A considerable proportion of the titles in the following list has been reported from various states by workers of the Historical Records Survey assigned to the field work of the American Imprints Inven- tory. The Massachusetts, New York City, and Pennsylvania offices of the Historical Records Survey have contributed most extensively to the present compilation. It is expressly pointed out that this list of Chicago imprints for the years 1851 to 1871 inclusive is nrt offered as a final 'bibliography of the issues local press of the period. Finality in any such a list is, of course, not attainable. The present contribution is a first list, recording many titles in unexpected locations, which it is hoped will be helpful to historians and research workers, making known much source material which might readily be missed. The present program of the American Imprints Inventory calls for the issue in the relatively near future of a supplement to this list. As a matter of fact, many new titles have been reported by field workers in the various states since this list was closed for mimeographing. All these titles will be included in the projected supplement. In this connection, it may be pointed out that the American Imprints Inventory is committed to the policy of progressive bibliography. The bibliographer who holds up the publication of any list until it is complete never publishes it at all, but leaves only unfinished manuscript for his heirs to throw away. The best way to perfect any bibliography is to make it as complete as possible, within reasonable limits, and then issue it in preliminary form. This issue serves two important ends: First, the list is made available to scholars who wish to consult it. Second, its issue stimulates checking by bibliographers, librarians, and local historians, with the result of bringing to light additional titles which would not othervdse be found, and which can be reported in a supplement or included in a revised and amplified list. The best local bibliographies are the result of such publication, in progressively improved form. It is therefore almost superfluous to state thrt notes of additions to the list here published (addressed to the American Imprints Inventory, Xlll 950 Michigan Avenue, Evanston, Illinois) will 'be most gratefully re- ceived. The present list includes 1,880 titles printed in Chicago in the years 1851 to and including that part of 1871 before the fire. Of these titles, 1,320 are to be found in libraries in the state of Illinois and 1,095 in Chicago libraries. It will thus be noted that the list records 560 Chicago imprints not as yet found in any library in Illinois and nearly 800 located in no Chicago library. This situation is accounted for to some extent by the complete destruction of all local collections of printed material in the great fire, and in other lesser conflagrations. The recorded Chicago imprints for the period covered are distrib- uted among 142 libraries and private collections. App^ropriately enough, the largest single collection of this distinct- ively Chicago material is found in the library of the Chicago Historical. Society, which has 825, or somewhat less than half, of the titles listed. Next comes the Library of Congress, with 279 titles, immediately followed by the important collection of Mr. Lawrence E, Dicke of Evanston, . from which 276 titles have been recorded. As has been pointed out, Mr. Dicke's collection has not yet been exhaustively explored, and the number cited here from his collection will be considerably augmented. when opportunity is presented for a thorough examination of his holdings. Other notable collections of ante-fire Chicagoana dating from after 1850 are recorded from the John Crerar Library, Chicago, with 212 titles; from the University of Chicago Library, with 154; from the New York Public Library, with 138; from the Chicago Public Library, with 129; from the XV Boston Public Library, with 124; from the library of the Minnesota Historical Society, Saint Paul, with 120; from the library of the American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, Massachusetts, with 115; from the Newberry Library, Chicago, with 112; and from the Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts, with 102. The following table showing by years of issue the imprints re- corded in this list gives us a relatively accurate measure of the steady groT/th in volume of printing in Chicago: It cannot escape notice that this output increased enormously during the second of the two decades, the total being 514 titles for the years 1851-1860 and 1S66 for 1861-1870 and a portion of 1871. This increase is most marked in the years immediately following the close of the Civil T/ar, Distribution of Titles by Yeai^ Year No. of Titles 1851 25 1852 21 1853 26 1854 35 1855 53 1856 68 1857 61 1858 68 1859 83 1860 74 1861 75 Year No. of Titles 1862 78 1863 98 1864 104 1865 133 1866 123 1867 149 1868 152 1869 177 1870 144 1871 133 XVI 1 The various interests of this fast-growing city are shown hy the following tabulation of subjects dealt with by authors of Chicago books and pamphlets: Distribution of Titles by Subjects Subject Agriculture Almanacs Art Business, Commerce and Trade' Civics Courts Directories Economics No. of Titles 48 14 18 80 74 71 66 15 Education 264 Fraternal 130 Guides 58 Subject Governmental History No. cf Titles Lands, Mines, and Real Estate- Medicine and Surgery Miscellaneous Music Political Economy Printing Religion Slavery - 96 125 32 156 94 58 19 12 Railroads and Transportation — 129 314 7 It is our hope that this list of the source materials for Chicago history will prove useful to many historians and bibliographers. Douglas C. McMurtrie Consultant to the National Director Historical Records Survey Chicago, Illinois. November 1, 1938 Key to Symbols of Location ArU Arkansas Uiiiversity, Fayetteville, Ark. BrMus British Museum, London, England. C California State Library, Sacramento, Calif. Ca Canadian Archives, Ottawa, Ont,, Canada, CaT Toronto Public Library, Toronto, Ontario. CoD Denver Public Library, Denver, Colo, CoHi Colorado Historical Society, Denver, Colo, CSrriH Henry Huntington Library, San I,fe.rino, Calif, est Stanford University, Stanford Iftiiv, , Calif, CtlW Wesleyan University, Middletovm, Coim, CtllWatk Watlcinson Library, Hartford, Conn, CU University of California, Berkeley, Calif, M U, S, Department of Agriculture library, Washington, D,C, DBRE Bvireau of Railway Economics Library, Washington, D. C, DE U, S, Office of Education Library, Washington, D, C, Die Interstate Commerce Commission Library, Washington, D, C, Dicke La-vvrence Dicke Collection, Evanston, 111, DLC Library of Congress, Washington, D, C, DSC Supreme Council of the 33°, Washington, D,C. DSG U, S. Surgeon General's Office, Vfashington, D, C, DW U, S, Arn^ Vfer College Library, Vfeshington, D, C. FBa Ifelatka Library, I^latka, Fla, Homer Hon, Henry Homer, Springfield, 111, I Illinois State Library, Springfield, 111. laCrM loiva J'lasonic Library, Cedar Rapids, la. laDL Lutheran College Library, De corah, la, laHA Historical, Memorial & Art Dept, of Iowa, Des Moines, la, laHi State Historical Society, lovra. City, la, lAlB Illinois Baptist Historical Library, Alton, 111, lAlS Shurtleff College, Alton, 111, laMvC Cornell College Library, Mt, Vernon, la, laU University of loiva, Iowa City, la, IC Chicago Public Library, Chicago, 111, ICHi Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, 111, ICJ ICLaw I CM ICH ICP ICMcHi ICS ICT ICU ICUi-R lEG lEN lEN-M lEs IFr IGK IHi lUl Inlld lU lU-M Vim Jones Iffli KyVm M Iffi IffiAt IfflC IBD IIBFM lEHo IIBIJ IIBr IBS LiBSi Jolm Crerar Library, Chicago, 111, Chicago Law Institute Library, Chicago, 111, Municipal Reference Library, Chicago, 111, Nev/berry Library, Chicago, 111, Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Chicago, 111, McCormick Historical Society, Chicago, 111, Scottish Rite Library, Chicago, 111, Chicago Theological Seminary, Chicago, 111, University of Chicago Library, Chicago, 111, Rush Ifedical Library, Chicago, 111, Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111, North-western University, Evanston, 111, Medical School, ITorthwestem University, Chicago, 111, East St, Louis Public Library, East St, Louis, 111^ Freeport Public Library, Freeport, 111, Knox College, Galesburg, 111, Illinois State Historical Society, Springfield, 111, M'Kendree College, Lebanon, 111, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind, University of Illinois Library, Urbana, 111, Medical College, Chicago, 111, Wheaton College Library, Yilheaton, 111, Herschel V, Jones Collection, lilinneapolis, Minn, Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka, Kans, Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, Ky, Ifessachusetts State Library, Boston, Ifess, Boston Public Library, Boston, Mass, Boston Athenaeum, Boston, Mass. Congregational Library, Boston, Ifess, Library of the Diocesan House, Protestant Episcopal Church, Boston, Mass, Grand Lodge, F, & A, M,, Library, Boston, Mass, Mass, Horticultural Society, Boston, liass, Boston Medical Library, Brookline, Mass, Brookline Public Library, Brookline, Mass, Social Law Library, Boston, Mass, Simmons College, Boston, Mass, IICII Ifessaohusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. IldBP Poabody Institute, Baltimoi-e, lid, MeB Bowdoin College, Brunswick, He, MH Harvard University, Cambridge, I^sg. I.H-BA Graduate School of Business Administration, Cambridge, llass, MHi I'assachusetts Historical Society, Boston, I!fess, IjH-L Harvard lAiiversity, Law School, Cambridge, Mass. m-II Ifedical School, Cambridge, Ifess, IliD 'Detroit' Public Library, Detroit, llioh. laD-B Burton Historical Colleotion, Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Ifich. Mill University of Fdchigan, Ami Arbor, Mich. ItnHi llinnosota Historical Society, St. P&ul, Ilinn, MoS Public Library, St. Louis, Ho, IBAI American International College, Springfield, Ilass. IflA American Antiquarian Society, Vforcester, Ilass. lOTiW YiTilliams College Library, Vfilliamstovm, llass, N New York State Library, Albany, H, Y, Mut Auburn Theological Seminary, Auburn, N, Y, IJBuG Grosvenor Library, Buffalo, N, Y, Hh New Hampshire State Library, Concord, N. H, NHC-S Samuel Colgate Baptist Historical Collection, Colgate Univ., Hamilton, N. Y, KHi New York Historical Society, New York City. NjP Princeton University, Princeton, N, J, UN New York Public Library, New York City. MB Association of the Bar, New York City. NNC-T Teachers* College, Columbia University, New York City. NNFM Grand Lodge of N, Y,, F, & A, M,, Library, New York City, NNNAM New York Academy of lledicine. New York City. NNUT Union Theological Seminary, New York City, NRU University of Rochester, Rochester, N. Y, OC Cincinnati Public Library, Cinoinnati, 0, OCan Canton Public Library, Canton, 0, OCHP Historical & Philosophical Society of Ohio, Cincinnati, 0, OCl Public Library, Cleveland, 0. OCIW Yfestern Reserve University, Cleveland, 0. OCll'ffl^i Western Reserve Plistorical Society, Cleveland, 0, 00 Oborlin College, Oberlin, 0. OrP OrU EBa PCC fflatU fflC HIi PMt PP PPAmP PPM PPB PPCP PPD PPFranlcI PPFM PPGi PHU PPL PPL-R PPLT PRI PPRrEi PlWa PU PU-Dental EHi RPB RPB-H • RPJCB ScC Streeter Library Association of Portland, Portland, Oreg, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oreg, Academy of Nevj- Church Library, Bryn Athyn, Ftx, Crozer Theological Seminary, Chester, FU, Union Library Company, Ilatboro, To., Haverford College, Havorford, Pa, Historioal Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Bx, IJevirton Library Company, Nevrton, Pa, Free Library, Hiiladelphia, Pti, American Hiilosophical Society, Philadelphia, Pa, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa, Philadelphia Bar Association, Philadelphia, Pa, College of Physicians of Hiiladelphia, Philadelphia, Fb., Drexel Institute, P^iiladelphia, Pa,, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Ptv, Pennsylvania Grand Lodge, F, & A, M., Philadelphia, P&, Girard College Library, Philadelphia, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Library Company of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa. Ridge-way Branch, Philadelphia, Fa, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa, Lfercantile Library, Philadelphia, P&., Presbyterian Historioal Society, Philadelphia, Fa, Yifagner Free Institute of Science, Hiiladelphia, Pfe,, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, F&, Dental School, Philadelphia, Pa, Rhode Island Historioal Society, Providence, R. I, Brovm. University (John Hay Library), Providence, R. I, Harris Collection of American Poetry, Brown Univ., Providence, R, I, John Carter Brovm. Library, Providence, R. I, Charleston Library Society, Charleston, S, C, Collection of Thomas Yy, Streeter, Morristown, N, J, Philadelphia, P^. Pa. mL mix wu Isxvncence College, Appleton, V/is, State Historical Society, Madison, V/is. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Y/is, 1851 Baptists. Illinois. Fox River association. Proceedings of the Fox River Baptist association, at its six>- teenth annual meeting, held at Batavia, 111., Jvme 4 & 5, 1851, Chicago, Jas. J, Langdon, 'bcok and job printer, 2d and 3d stories, 161 Lake Street, 1851, [ 1 ] 12 p. 21.5 cm. ICU, IHi. Baptists. Illinois. Pastoral union. Proceedings of ths. Illinois Baptist pastoral union, and the Baptist general association of Illinois, Held at Ottawa, October, 1851, Also of the Illinois Baptist education society, held at Upper Alton, June, 1851. Chicago, Langdon & Rounds, book and job printers, 161 Lake Street, 1851. [ 2 ] 33, [3] p. 20.5 cm. ICU. Blanchard, J Secret societies, an argument before the State Congregational association, at Rockford, 111., afterwards delivered in two dis- courses in the First Presbyterian Church (Rev. Mr. Bascom's), in Galesburg, 111., June 22, 1850. By J. Blanchard, President of ICnox College, Illinois, , . , Chicago, Printed at the Office of the Western Citizen, 69 Clark St., (opposite the Court House), 1851. [ 3 3 IGK. m. Chicago. Board of wator commissioners. Report of the water commissioners of the city of Chicago, made to the Common Council; Dec, 8, 1851; together with the act of incorporation and a statement of the financial conditions of the city, Nov. 10, 1851. , , , Chicago, Seaton <5c Peck, printers, 1851, [ 4 J 18, 51, 11 p. 22.5 cm. ICHi. Chicago. Charters. Revised charter and ordinances of the city of Chicago; to which arc added the constitutions of the United States and State of Illinois; arranged, rev, &, pub, under tlie supervision and di- rection of the Common Coixqcil, 1851, by George lifanierre, counsellcr at law, Chicago, Printed at the Daily democrat office, 1851. viii, 256 p,, 1 leaf, [vii] - Ixxviii p. 23 cm, [ 5 ] CSmH. IC. ICHi. ICJ. ICM. ICU. MB. MH-L. PU. 11 Chicago. Volxwteer firo department. Hose company no. 2. The constitution and by-laws of Hose company number 2, as amended and adopted October 16, A.D. 1851, Chicago, Seaton & Peck, printers, 1851, [ S ] 23 p, 1] cm, ICHi. Chicago Democrat, Chicago Democrat office, Jackson Hall, July, 1851, Dear Sir: [a general letter to subscribers] [Signed]: John Wentwoarth, 4 p, fold printed on p. 1 only, 12,5 x 19t5 cm, [ 7 ] Dicke . Chicago, Directory. Danenhowcr' s Chicago city directory, for 1851; containing an alphabetical list of the mechanics and business men with their several places of residence; also, brief notices of the religious, literary and benevolent associations of the ci'by, military, fire department, etc, etc., etc., Chicago; published by W. W, Danenhower, 1861, [ 8 ] 264 p. 17,5 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: James J. Langdon, Dickc, DLC. ICHi, ICN, IHi. OClWHi. Chicago, Yom:ig ladies' high school, [Announcement of 'the opening "on the 12th of May next"] Chicago, V/hitmarsh & Fulton, printers, 191 Lake Street, [1851] Broadside. 12 x 19,5 cm. [ 9 ] Dated at bottom: Chicago, April 28, 1051, Dicke, Christian anti-slavery convention. Minutes of the Christian anti-slavery convention. Held July 3d, 4th, and 5th, 1851, at Chicago, 111, Chicago, Printed at the Office of the Western Citizen, 69 Clark St,, 1851. 31 p, 22,5 cm, [ 10 ] Sabin 49362, Dicko, MHi. M. C^lrtis, H. Secession considered as a means of reformation, A sermon, preached in f-^e First Presbyterian church, Chicago, Illinois, July 13th, 1851. By H. Curtis, pastor. Chicago, R» L, & C. L. Wilson, Journal office, 1051. [ 11 ] 20 p. 20 cm. Dicke. ICHi. 13 Davis, N[athan] S[mith] History of medical education and institutions in the United States, from the first settlement of the British colonies to the year 1850 j with a chapter on the present condition and wants of the profession, and the means necessary for supplying those wants, and elevating the character and extending the usefulness of the whole profession. By N. S. Davis, M.D., prof, of principles and practice of medicine in Rush medical college j member of the Amcr. Med, association; pcrmaaicnt member of the Med, society of the state of New York; corresponding member of the N. Y. Med. association; member of the Illinois state medical society; etc, Chicago, S. C, Griggs & 00, W. J. Patterson, printer, 1851. [ 12 ] 228 p. 18.5 cm. Dicke. DLC. DSG. ICHi. ICJ. lEN-M (2 copies). Ml. ffl. Galena and Chicago union railroad company. Fourth annual report of the Galena and Chicago union railroad company, read at the annual meeting of the stockholders, June 4, 1851. Chicago, printed at the Democrat office, 45 La Salle Street, Steam Presses, 1851. [ 13 ] 28 p. 20.5 cm. DBEE. ICHi. MnHi. M. OCHP. WHi. Herrick, William B. On the remedial properties of alimentary substances, and the changes produced by oxygen, in health and disease, being an ad- dress delivered before the Illinois state medical society. By W, B. Herrick, M. D., President of the society; professor of anatomy and physiology in Rush medical college, etc,, etc. Published by order of the society. Chicago, Jas, J. Langdon, book and job printer. No. 161 Lake Street, (2d and 3d stories) 1851. [ 14 16 p. 8vo. DLC. MH-M. WHi. Herrick, VTilliam B Valedictory address, session 1850-51, Rush medical college, delivered to the graduating class Feb, 20, 1851. By Wm. B. Herrick, M. D. Chicago, Argus book and job printers, 71 Lake Street, 1851, { 15 ] 15 p. 20 cm. Dicke, Illinois state medical society. Proceedings of the Illinois state medical society, at its first annual meeting, held at Peoria, June 3, 1857, Published under the supervision of the Committee on Publication* Chicago, Jas. J. Langdon, book and job printer. No, 161 Lake Street, (2d and 3d stories), 1851. [ 16 ] 59 p. 20.5 cm. DSG, ICJ. 15 McAlpine, William J. Report made to the water commissioners of the city of Chicago, September 26, 1851, on supplying the city virith wr-tert By Wm. J,* McAlpine, Chicago, Seaton & Peck, printers, 1851, 51 p. 22,5 om [ 17 ] Bound with the report of the Chicago board of water commis- sioners. IC. ICHi, ICJ. MB. McCormick, Cyrus fl. McCormick's patent Virginia reaper. • . . [Dated]: Chicago, January 10, 1851. Jas, J, Langdon, printer, 161 Lake Street, Chicago, 111, [ 18 ] Broadside. 47 x 65 om, ICMcHi . McCormick, Cyrus H. McCormick's patent Virginia reaper. [For] Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan and Northern Indiana Deliyery 1851, Chicago, Broadside, 20 x 31 cm, [ 19 ] ICMcHi. Norton, L. A. The Restoration. A metrical romance of Canada. By Capt, L. A. Norton. Chicago, published in the Argus office, 1851, 180 p. 15 cm. [ 20 ] ICHi. M. Patterson, Robert Tifilson The place where God records His name. A discourse, delivered at the dedication of the Second Presbyterian Church on Friday evening, January 24, 1851, at Chioago, 111. By Rev, R. W, Patterson, pastor. Chicago, published by S. C» Griggs & co,, 1851. [Jas, J. Langdon, book and job printer], 1851. 24 p. 29.5 om, [ 21 J Imprint on verso of title-page. CSmH, Dicke. ICHi. IHi. PPPrHi, Rock River seminary. Mt, Morris, 111. Catalogue of tlie officers and students of Rock River seminary. Mount Morris, Ogle Coionty, Illinois, for the year ending June 26, 1851. Chicago; Printed by R. L. and C. L. ViTilson, No. 107 Lake Street. 1851. [ 22 ] 16 p. 22 cm, lEG. 17 Rush medical college, Chicago, Illinois. Annual announcement. Session of 1851-2, Chicago, W. J. Patterson, book and job printer, Franklin Hall, 73 Lalcc Street, l/DCCCLl. [ 23 ] 14 p, 21 cm. ICU-R. lEN-M. WmiMI. Stewart, Alexander Morrison Church comrauni^on, or lion-fellowship with sin, A serr^ion prcache'x in the Reformed Presbyterian church, Chicaco, Illinois, Sabbath afternoon, August 24, 1851. By A. M. Stewart, pastor. [Quotation] Chicago, liniitriiarsh i: Fulton, book cmd job printers, 191 Lake Street, 1851, [ 24 ] 18 p, 21 cm, CSmli. Dickc. T/lOiitnoy, Daniel H, Judge I'llhitney and masonry, October, 1851, the Clirictian Cynosure, Wo, 11 Yfabash Ave,, Chicago, 111, I 25 ] 8 p. 17.5 cm. At head of title: Cynosure tract. No, 12, The Cluristian Cynosure v/as a paper opposed to secret societies. PPFlvU 1852 Arnold, Isaac Nevrton Eulogy on Dcniel ¥fcbstcr, by I. N. Arnold, Esq, j pronounced before the mayor, common covmcil, and citizens of Chicago, on Friday evening, November 26, 1052, Chicago, published by S. C. Griggs & CO., "Democratic press" print, 1852, [ 26 27 p, • 25 cm, CSmH, Dicke. ICHi. MA. Baptists. Illinois, Chicago association. Proceedings of the Chicago Baptist association, at its seventeenth anniversary. Held Y;ith the church in Waukegan, May 26 and 27, 1852. Chicago, Langdon & Rounds, book and job printers, 161 Lake Street, 2d and 3d stories, 1852. 8 p, 21 cm. [ 27 ] ICU. IfflC-S. Baptists, Illinois. General association. Proceedings of the Pastoral union and General association, at Ottawa, October, 1851, and of the Education society at Alton, June 1851. Chicago, Langdon & Rounds, book and job printers, 161 Lake Street, 2d and 3d stories, 1852, [ 28] [1], 2-30, [4] p, 21,5 cm. ICHi, 19 Bcloit and Ufadison railroad company. Act of incorporation and by-lc:ws. Chicago, 'iVhitcjnarsh h Fulton, 1852, [ 29 ] 24 p, 25 cm, ICIIi, Bradbury, William B The singing bird; or progressive music reader. . • • Hevir York, Ivison & Phinncyj Chicago, S. C. Griggs & co,; etc., etc,, [c.1852]. [ 30 ] 144 p. 19 cm, DLC, ICHi. BrosB, Williojn Banking, its history, commercial importance, and social and moral influence, A lecture, before the Mechanic's Institute, of the city of Chicago, delivered Thursday eveningi Feb, 24, 1852, By William Dross, A.M. Chicago, Langdon & Rounds, printers, 161 Lalce Street, 2d and 3d stories, 1852, 20 p. 21.5 cm. E 31 ] DLC, ICJ. IHi. m. WHi, Chicago, Comptroller. Annual financial statement of the city of Chicago, for the municipal year 1851. Chicago, printed at the Democrat office, 1852. [ 32 ] 70 p, 19,5 cm, ICHi, ICJ. MHi, Chicago, Directory, Udall & Hopkins' Chicago city directory, for 1852 & '53, comprising an alphabetical directoryj a map of the city; census of the city; a list of city, state and U. S, officers; notices of the various societies, associations and institutions; mili- tary and fire departments, etc. First annual edition. Chicago, published by Udall & Hopkins, 1852, [ 33 ] 294 p. 16. 5 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: Langdon & Rounds. Sabin 12641 Dicke. DLC. ICHi. ICN. MHi. Chicago, First Congregational church. History of the organization of the First Congregational church of Chicago, with the causes that led to such an organi- zation, together -with tlie articles of faith and covenant. To "Which is added a list of the members, Chicago, Yifhitmarsh & Fulton, printers, 191 Lake St., 1852, [ 34 16 p. 15.5 cm. CSmH. ICT. MBC, 21 [Chicago Jfydraulic Compa2:Qr] To the Honorn.'ble the Mayor and Covmcil of the city of Chicago. [1852] [ 35 ] 14 p, 20,5 cm. Caption title. Dated at end, Chicago, lb.rch 31, 1852, ICHi. (16 p,), M ( 14 p.). Chicago. Third Presbyterian church. History az\d rrjiual of the Third Prosbytericji church in Chicago. Compiled October 1st, 1852. Chicago, Democratic press print, 1852, [ 36 ] 22 p. 15,5 cm, ICIii. IhiEi. Emerson, J, A lecture on the study of history, delivered before the Kane Coxmty Teachers Convention, April 1352. Chicago, Jouimal office, 1852. [ 37 ] 15 p. &V0, In possession of Edward Eborstadt, New York City, Galena and Chicago Union railroad company. Fifth annual report. Chicago, printed at the Democrat of- fice, 45 La Salle Street, Steam presses, 1852, 24 p. 20,5 cm. [ 38 ] ICIii. M. ¥mi. Illinois, Courts. Supreme Court. Reports of cases detcnnined, • . . By E. Peck, , Volume X:.l, Chicago, A, H. & C. Burlcy, 122 Lake Street, 1852. Tiii, 586 p, [ 39 ] Imprint on verso of title-page: Soaton & Peck, printers,. 63 Dearborn Street, Chicago, m-L. m. mm. • McCormick, Cyrus H, M'Cormick's patent reaping and mowing machine. [For] Missouri, Ohio, and Wabash Valley, delivery. 1852, Broadside. 12 x 31 cm, [ 40 ] ICMcHi. McCormick, Cyrus H, M'Cormick's patent Virginia reaper. Directions for 1852, , , , [Chicago]. [ 41 ] Broadside, 25 x 41 cm. ICMcHi. Michigan Central railroad. Steamers in connection with the Michigan Central railroad. . . . f Chicago, Tribune office print, 1852. Broadside. 8 x 13 cm. C 42 ] IHi. Northwestern fruit growers' association. Transactions of the Northwestern fruit growers' association, at their second annual meeting, held at Dixon, Illinois, September 29-30, 1852; with an appendix, containing the proceedings of the association in 1851. Chicago, Democratic press print, 1852. 40 p. 23 cm. C 43 ] ICHi. Richardson, R. H. National bereavements. A discourse delivered in the North Presbyterian church, Chicago, on Thanksgiving day, Nov. 25, 1852. By the Rev. R. H. Richardson, pastor. Chicago, S. C. Griggs & CO. "Democratic Press" print, Clark St., 1852. 19 p.. 22.5 cm. C 44 ] Sabin 71084. Dicke. ICN. MH. Smith, Samuel Lisle Eulogy upon the life, character and services of Henry Clay, Pronounced before the common council and citizens of Chicago, _ July 20, 1852. .By S. Lisle Smith. ... 2d ed. Published by' S. C. Griggs & CO. Chicago, Daily Journal office print, 1852. 22 p. 22 cm. [ 45 ] Sabin 84083 CSraH. DLC. ICHi. MB. NN. OCHP. Taylor, Benjamin Franklin "The Battle of the World." A lecture, delivered before the Young Men's Association of the city of Chicago, February 26, 1852, by BenJ, F. Taylor. Chicago, A. H, & C. Burley, publishers, 1852. [ 46 ] 21 p. 21 cm. Dicke. IHi. NN. 1853 Baptists. Illinois. Chicago association. Proceedings of the Chicago Baptist association, at its eight- eenth anniversary, held with the church in Bloomingdale, May 25th and 26th, 1853. Chicago, printed at the Democratic press office, 1853. [ 47 ] 8 p. 22 cm. ICU. NHC-S. 23 25 Bross, William Address before the Mechanic's institute at the close of the sixth annual fair, November 14th, 1853. ... with the reports of the coinmittees of examination, and the awards by the board of directors. Chicago, Democratic press steaia print, 1853. 31 p. 21 om, [ 48 ] DLC. ICIIi. ICJ. MB. Bryant, Alfred The doom of Turkey and Russia, as foretold in prophecy. Being an outline exposition of the principal predictions of the prophet Daniel, respecting the political destiny of the nations of the earth; and the gog (sic) of Ezekiel; adapted not simply to the present war, but independently of it, as a comment, on what has been regarded, obscure portions of scrip- ture. By Alfred Bryant, pastor of the Presbyterian church, Niles, Mchigan. Chicago. Published by S. C. Griggs b. Co., No. Ill Lalze Street, 1853. [ 49 ] 32 p. 20 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: Langdon & Roi.inds, Printers, Franklin Building, 43 La Salle Street, Chicago, Diokc. N, Chicago, Court house and city hall. Explanation, designs and plans for the now court house and city hall, to be erected in the city of Chicago. Motto, — Metropolis of the West. J. C. Drake, printer, Madison and Halstcad Sts., [1853] [ 50 ] 7 p. 22.5 om. Cover title, Dicke, Chicago, Ordinances. Ordinances of the city of Chicago; passed since the publica- tion of the revised ordinances of 1851, and now in force. Col- lected, arranged and published, by order of the common council, by Amo Voss, counsellor at lavf, Chicago, printed at the Daily democratic press office, 1853, [ 51 ] 120 p, 22,5 cm. CSmll. IC. ICHi. ICJ. ICM. ICU. MH-L. Chicago. Chicago; her commerce and railroads: two articles published in the Daily Democrat press. Chicago, Democrat press book and job printing office, 1853. E 52 J 29 p. 22,5 cm. CSmH, ICHi. 27 Chicago. Illinois annual review of the business of Chicago for the year 1852. Compiled by John Locke Scripps, and published by the Democratic Press, Scripps and Bross, proprietors. [1853] 29, 2 blank, [l] p. 22 cm. C 53 ] Dicke. Chicago. Board of Water Commissioners. Third semi-annual report of the Board of Water Commissioners, of the city of Chicago, to the Common Council of the city of Chicago; published by order of the Council. Chicago, Printed at the Democrat Office, 45 La Salle St., steam presses, 1853. 29 p. 19 cm. [ 53-a ] Note . "A statement of . . . proceedings for the previous half year," - Letter of transmittal, Jan. 15, 1853. MoS. Chicago. Directory. Hall & Smith's Chicago city directory for 1853-54, containing a full alphabetical list of citizens, with the places of business, etc., all the state, county and city officers, also a full list of hotels, railroads and steamboat routes, and other information val- uable to, citizens and strangers. A new map of the city. Second annual edition. Chicago, Robert Fergus, book and printer, 1853, 254 p. 19 cm. [ 54 ] Sabin 1264 (xii, 254 p.) Dicke, DLC. ICHi. ICN, Davis, Nathan Smith Valedictory address to the graduating class in Rush medical college, for the session 1852-53, Chicago, Ballantyne & co., publishers and printers. No. 63 Clark Street, cor. of Randolph, '1853. [ 55 ] 15 p, 20 cm, DSC. ICHi. m. De Wolfe family. In memoriam. . The De Wolfe children: Annie Eliza, Charlotte, Mary Arnold, Maria Rogers. [Chicago, Fergus printing co., 1853]. 31 p. 22 cm, [ 56 ] ICHi. Donaldson, Asa Conversations on christian baptism, showing the Abrahamic covenant to be a gospel covenant, by Rev. Asa Donaldson. ... Chicago, Langdon, 1853. [ 57 ] 139 p. 24mo= IC. ICT. 29 Freemasons. Illinois. Robert Blimi loge no. 58. Constitution und nebengesetze der Robert-Blum-loge No. 58 des tmabhangigeA ordens der sonderbaren brueder des staates Illinois, welche ihren sitz in der stadt Chicago hat, xwd im October 1849 von der Gross-loge des staates Illinois verbrieft vrurde. Chicago, 111,, Gedruckt bei Hoffgen u, Sclineider, 49 Wellsstrasse, 1855. [ 58 ] 37, [1[ p. 15,5 om. Dicke, Galena and Chicago Union railroad company. Sixth annual report, read at the annual meeting of the stock- holders, June 1, 1853, Chicago, printed at the Democrat office, 45 La Salle St, Steam presses, 1853, [5] 6-32 p. 20,5 cm. [ 59 ] Dicke. ICHi. M, Gibson, Alexander On the temperaments J or physiology for the people. A new science, and a complete key to the mind of maja. ... Chicago, Ballantyne & co,, 1853. [ 60 ] 32 p. front. 21,5 cm. DLC. ICHi. Gregory, John Industrial resources of Wisconsin. By John Gregory, C. E., late M. G. S. D., B. A. S., etc. [4 lines] To be published monthly; or oftener, if circi;imstances permit. The entire work to contain twelve members of thirty-six pages each. The whole, when completed, to be accompanied by a map of the state. Price per number, 10 cents. . . , Chicago, Langdon & Rounds, book and job printers, 43 La Salle Street, 1853. 329 [3] p, 15.5 cm. [ 61 ] Apparently v;-as issued in parts, WA, im, OCHP, WHi, Hibbard, J. R. Necromancy, or pseudo-spiri'bualism, viewed in -the light of the sacred scriptures, and the teachings of the new church: two dis- courses, delivered in the new church rooms, Chicago, on Sabbath evenings, Ito.rch 6th and 13th, 1853, By J. R. Hibbard, pastor of the Chicago society of the New Jerusalem- • . , Chicago, printed by Whitmarsh, Fulton & co., 1853, [ 62 ] 35 p. 22 cm, DLC. IHi. MH. PBa. Hudson, C. F. The imperative nature of duty. A discoxirse delivered in the Congregational church of Sycamore, Sunday, May 30, 1852, and 31 repeated at Elk Grove, Sept. 11, 1853. By C. F. Hudson. Chicago, Fulton & co., printers, 191 Lake Street, corner of Wells, 1853. [ 63 ] 19 p. 22 cm. IHi. OCHP. Illinois. Laws, statutes, etc. General railroad law; Illinois and Wisconsin railroad charter and amendments: and internal improvement law. Chicago, Printed at the office of the Democratic press, 1853. 32 p. 22.5 cm. [ 64 ] ICH. ICJ. MiD-B. Illinois state medical society. Transactions .... for the year 1853. Chicago, Ballantyne & CO., printers and publishers, 1853. 87 p. 8vo. [ 65 ] DSG. ICJ. Illinois. Convention of colored citizens. Proceedings of the first convention of the colored citizens of the state of Illinois, convened at the city of Chicago, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, October 6th, 7th, and 8th, 1853. Chicago, 1853. 18 p. 8vo. . [ 66 ] Not located; title from Sabin 34312. McCormick, Cyrus H. M'Cormick's patent reaping and mowing machine. (Dated) Chicago, 111., Jan. 1853. [ 67 ] Broadside. 20.5 x 32 cm. ICMcHi. [photostat]. Man's ability. Old school theology, by an Old School minister, Princeton, Illinois. Published at the request of the Synod of Illinois. Chicago, Whitmarsh, Fulton & Co.'s book and job print- ing office. No. 191 Lake Street, corner of T^ells, 1853f 16 p. 18.5 cm. [ 68 ] PPPrHi. Methodist Episcopal church. Illinois. Rocik river conference. Minutes of the Rock River conference of the Methodist Episcopal church. Held at Chicago, Sept. 14, 1853. Chicago, published at N. W. Christian Advocate office, Charles Philbrick, printer, 1853. 22 p. 19 cm. [ 69 MHi . 33 Northwestern fruit growers' association. Transactions of the Northwestern fruit growers' association, at their third sinnual meeting, held in the city hall, Chicago, October 4th to ytli, 1853, Chicago, Democratic press steam print, 1853. [ 70 ] 80 p. 21 cm, ICHi. Peyton, John Lewis Suggestions on railroad communication v/ith the Pacific, EOid the trade of China and the Indian Islands. Chicago, YJ'. W. Danenhower, 1853. [ 71 ] 32 p. 23,5 cm. DLC. ICHi. Reed and Yifatkins, firm, Chicago. Reed L Watkins, wholesale and retail dealers in piano fortes & melodeons. Wo. 51 Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois. Chicago, Printed by Fulton a Co., [1853] 36 p. 10 cm. [ 72 ] Dicke. 1854 Baptists. Illinois, Fox River association. Proceedings of the Fox River Baptist association, at its nineteenth axinual meeting, held at Oswego, the 7th vnd 8th of June, 1854, Chicago, Hays 5: Thompson, printers, rear, 55 Clark Street, 1854, [ 75 J 14 p. 21 cm. ICU. IHi. MH-L, NHC-S. Baptists, Illinois. Pastoral union association. Minutes of the Illinois Baptist pastoral \inion, ninth annual meeting; Baptist general association of Illinois, tenth annual meeting, held in Chicago Oct. 19th - 23d, 1854; and of the Illinois Baptist education society, held at Alton, Juno 24th. Chicago, Hays & Thompson, printers "Christieun Times," 1854, [2] 4-35, [4] p. 22 am^. [ 74 ] Sct±n S421 ICKi. ICU,' Iffl, Beloit and Madison railroad company* Beloit and Madison railroad company. First annual report, read at the annual meeting of the stockholders, at Beloit, January 18, 1854. Chicago, printed at the JournrJ. office, 50 Dearborn Street, (opposite the Tremont House,) 1854, 18 p. 21,5 cm. I 75 3 MB. WHi. 35 Blarjoy,, J. V, Z. Valedictory adciross to tlic graduating class in Rush mcdiccJL college. For session 1853-54, Chicago, Ballantinc L co», 1854, 16 p, 21 cin, [ 76 ] lEK-M. Brainard, Daniel Essay on a new method of treating serpent bite and other poisoned wounds. Being the annual address delivered before the Illinois state medical society, Jvmo 7th, 1854, By Daniel Brainard, • , . Chicago, J. F. Ballantinc, publisher and printer, 1854. [ 77 ] 26 p. 2 pi. 22 en. Dickc, DSc. ICHi. ffiU-K KB. luT. Bross, William Rock Islrjid and its surroundings in 1853, Davenport, published by Sanders L Davis, 1854. [Office of the Chicago Democratic press, Chicago, 111,, JoJiuary 18541, 36 p. 21 cm. *' [ 78 ] Imprint on verso of title-page. Sab in 72396, ICHi, Ivltl, Iffi. iWA. Chicago, Board of education. First annual report of the superintendent of public schools of the city of Chicago, Chicago, Democrat book and job office, 1854. [ 79 ] 24 p, front. 21 cm. DE. IC. Chicago, Common couiicil. Rules and order of business of the Common coxmcil of the city of Chicago, adopted by the Common council, Feb, 13, 1854, [Chicago, 1854], [ 80 ] 7 p, 22,5 cm. Caption title; no imprint, ICHi, Chicago, Comptroller, Annual financial statement of the city of Chicago for the municipal year 1853, Chicago, Daily Democratic press print, 45 Clark Street, 1854. [ 81 ] 78 p, 20 cm. ICJ. 37 Chicago. Chicago and her railroads. January 51, 1854. Chicago, Democratic Press, 1854, [ 82 ] 66 p, 22 cm. ICJ. IHi (lacks title-page), MH. Lffli. Chicago, Gesohichte, Eisenbahnen und Handel von Chicago, Dearbeitet nach der "Democratic press," Chicago, Druck imd Verlag der "Illinois Staats-Zeitung," 1854, 79 p, 23,5 om, [ 83 ] Cover title, m. mi. iffli. Chicago, The railroads, history and commerce of Chicago, Published, from the Democratic press, for N. P. Iglehart & CO,, dealers in land and stocks. Chicago, Illinois, Democratic press job and book steam print, 45 Clark Street, 1854, 72 p, fold, map, 24,5 cm, [ 84 ] Cover title, CSmH. Dicke (2 copies), PIC . IC . ICHi . ICMcHi . OCHP. MA, Chicago. The railroads, history and commerce of Chicago. Second edition. Chicago, Illinois, Democratic press job and steam printing office, 45 Clark Street, 1854, 80 p. 22,5 cm, , [ 85 ] DLC. ICN. ICU. IHi. OClWHi, Chicago and Aurora railroad. Charter of the Chicago and Aurora, and Central Military Tract railroads. Also, general railroad laws of Illinois, and other general laws relative to corporations. Chicago Democrat, 1854. 26 p. 21 cm. I 86 ] m. MiD-B. [Chicago board of ■undervrriters] . Tariff of rates for insurance against fire, with rules and regulations, adopted at Chicago, October, 1854, Chicago, F. H, Bacon, printer, 1854, [ 87 } 84 p, 23 cm, ICHi, 39 Chicago, Directory. Hall & co.'s Chicago city directory, and business advertiser. For 1854-'55. Containing a full alphabetical list of citizens, with their places of business, oc. All the state, county &. city officers. Also a full list of the hotels, railroad and stoatn- boat routes, and other information valuable to citizens and strangers. A full report of the census returns. Third annual edition. Chicago, R, Fergus, [1854], [ 88 ] [6]. iv, 315, 25, 28, [10] p. 18.5 en. Sabin 12641. PLC . ICHi . J_C. ICN. (lacking title-page.) ICU . Chicago orphan asylun. Third annual report of the Chicago orphan asylum. November, 1854. Chicago, Democratic Press steaia print, 45 Clark Street, 1854. [ 89 ] 7 p. 21.5 cm. ICHi. Elliott, F. R. Elliott's fruit book; or, the American fruit grower's guide in orchard and garden. Chicago, 1854. [ 90 ] illus. 12mo. Not located; title from American Art, April 1929, (Paullin), No. 563. Ford, Thomas A history of Illinois, from its commencement as a state in 1818 to 1847, containing a full account of the Black Hawk war, the rise, progress and fall of llomonism, . the Alton and Lovejoy riots, and otlier important events. By the late Gov. Thomas Ford. Chicago, published by S. C. Griggs 5; co., 1354. 1 p. 1., [v] - xvi i , [19] - 447 p. 20 Sabin 25070 CSmH. Dicke. DLC. I. IC. ICH. PHi. PPL-R. PPM. PU. Tffii. IGK. L:I3At. IJoS. HiP. 91 ] IHi . ICHi . MdEP. tfflC, Galena and Chicago union railroad company. Seventh annual report. Chicago, Daily Democrat book and job printing office. No. 45 La Salle Street, 1854. 17, [1] p. 20.5 cm. [ 92 ] NN. OCHP. Garden city institute. Anniversary of the Garden city institute, on Tuesday evening, Feb. 21, 1854. Programme. . . . Democratic press steam print. Broadside. 13 x 29 cm. [ 93 ] Dicke . 41 Graff, G. P. and Kurt Panzer, Vonia, as sung by Edwin Kelly of Arlington Kelly, Leon & Donnikers Minstrels, Composed by G, P, Graff j arranged by Kurt Panzer. Chicago, Published by H. M. Higgins, 117 Randolph St. , [cl854] 5 p. 32,5 cm, [ 94 ] In the private ovmership of Mrs, Regina Billings, Sarasota, Florida, Herrick, ?Jilliam B Address delivered at the laying of the corner stone of the Ifeisonic Temple, Chicago, Illinois. By William B, Herrick, W.M, of Oriental Lodge, TIo, 33. Published by request of the Ilasonic Fraternity, J. F. Ballantyne, publisher and printer, 1854, 7 p. 23 cm. I 95 ] IE. PPFM. Homer, W. B. & I, S. Cornwall. Horner's American railroad and steamboat travelling guide. Containing correct tables of distances, fares, &c,, on all railroads and other conveyances in tlie states of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, TiTisconsin, Missoiiri, Icava, Minesota, [sic] and all other routes from the -west, • . , Chicago, W. B. -Horner 0 chase, Dudley An address delivered on the occasion of the funeral of Daniel Elston, esq,, Sunday, September 16, 1855. By Rev, Dudley Chase, A.M., rector of the Church of the Atonement. Published by re- quest. Chicago, Charles Scott, printer, 1855, 8 p. 23,5 cm. [ 118 ] ICEi. Chicago. Board of education. Regulations of the public schools of the city of Chicago. Chicago, Daily Democrat print, 1855, 15 p. 23 cm. I 119 ] ICHi . Chicago. Board of sewerage cortmissioners. Report and plan of sev/erago for the city of Chica.go, Illinois, adopted by the Board of sewerage commissioners, Dccombor 31, 1855» Chicago, C. Scott, printer, 1855. [3] - 22 p. fold. plan. 23 cm, [ 120 ] DSG. IC. ICHi. ICJ. ICU. lU. JEi. m. Chicago. Board of water cojx.iissioners. Seventh semi-annual report of the Board of vfator commissioners of the city of Chicago, to the coiTimon council of the city of Chicago. Dccciiibcr 31, 1854, Chicago, Democratic press steam print, 45 Clark Street, 1855. 51 p. 22 cm. [ 121 ] ICJ . IC . Chicago Comptroller. Annual financial statement of the city of Chicago for the municipal year 1854. Chicago, Daily Democratic press print, 45 Clark Street, 1855. [ 122 ] 80 p. 20 cm. Sab in 12649. Chicago. CoTorts. Recorder's court. Trial of Oscar T. Caldwell, late a conductor on the Chicago and Burlington railroad line, for embezzleinent: . . . September term, 1855. . . . Chicago, Dally Democratic press steam print. No, 45 Clark Street, 1855. [ 123 ] 35 p. Cover title. Die. ICJ. (title varies). MiD-B. MA, Mi, Chicago. Mayor, Inaugural address of Levi Day Boone, mayor, Chicago, delivered in the comicil chamber, llarch 13th, 1855. Chicago, Daily Demo- cratic print, 1855. [ 124 J 15 p. 21 cm. ICKi. Chicago. Ordinances, etc. Police ordinance, and rules and regulations for the government of the police department, and instructions as to the povrers and duties of police officers of the city of Chicago. Chicago, Daily Democratic print, 1855, [ 125 ] 78 p. 15 cm. ICHi. Chicago, Volunteer fire department. Engine company Wo. 10. Constitution and by-laws of Engine company No. 10. Adopted Jan'y 1, 1855. Chicago, Yiforrell & Austin, printers, 1855, 14, (1) p, illus, 13 cm, [ 126 ] ICIii. Chicago. CommercG, railroads, and manufactures of Chicago, Two articles published in the Daily Democratic press, Chicc^go, Illinois, Democratic press job and book steam printing office, 45 Clark Street, 1855, [ 127 J 80 p, 24,5 cm. First edition, Dickc. DLC. ICHi. ICN. Illi. Mi. MA, Chicago. A review of the commerce of Chicago, her merchants and manu- facturercrs. Published July, 1855. Chicago, Scripps, Bross & Spears, Democratic press, and ■'/ifilliam Jones, Jr., & co,. No, 5 ■ Exchange building, 1855, [ 128 ] 76 p. 22 cm. Dicko. ICIIi. ICN. 53 Chicago and Milwaukee railroad. Completion of the Chicago & Milwaukee railroad to Waukegan. Waukegan, Jan. 1st, 1855. Mr. [najne in han dwriting "] Dear Sir: [3_ 1 ine s , .s crip t t ype , inv i_tatipn"| Committee of invitation [7 names , in _3 columns 1 Excursion train leaves Chicago at 10 o"^- clock. ... C 129 ] 4 p. 17.5 cm, Prohatly printed by Sterling P. Rounds. Not located; title from Chicago Book Auctions 6, April 1931, No. 67 (1). Chicago Burlington and Qiiincy railroad company. Report of the Chicago, Burlington & Qjiincy (late the Chicago & Aurora) railroad company. Chicago, Daily Democrat print, 45 La Salle Street, 1855. [ 13C ] 16 p. 21 cm. Chicago, Burlington and Qaincy railroad company. DLC. Chicago. Directory. 1855-6, The Chicago city directory, and business advertiser. Fourth annual edition, with a new map of the city. E. H. Hall, compiler. Chicago, Robert Fergus, book and job printer, 189 Lake Street, 1855. Subscription, two dollars. xxxii, 208, 128 p. 22 cm. [ 131 ] ICHi. ICN. MHi. Chicago gas light and coke company. Fourth annual report of the Chicago Gas Light and Coke Co., for the year ending December 31, 1854. . With copy of charter, as amended. Chicago,. S. P. Rounds, book, job and ornamental printer, 161 Lake Street, corner La Salle, 1855. 12, '[2] p. 21.5 cm. [ 132 ] MHi, Chicago land company. Articles of association of the Chicago land company, organized May 2, 1853, with condensed statement of purchase, etc., June 30, 1855. Chicago, printed at the Daily Democrat press office, 1855, [4], 16 p. 23 cm. [ 133 ] ICHi. Chicago land company. Catalogue of lots in Wight and Ellston's addition to. Chicago, belonging to Chicago land co., to be sold at auction, Tuesday, June 5th, 1855, commencing at 10. o'clock A.M. William B. Ogden, Mahlon D, Ogden, trustees Chicago Land co. Wiirts, Hatch & Co., auctioneers. Chicago, R. L. & C, L. Wilson & Co., printers, 1855. 12 p. 19 en. [ 134 ] ICHi. 55 Chicago land company. List of lots in Sheffield's, Wight's and Ellston's additions to Chicago, for sale at auction • • • Oct, IG, 1855, 64 p. 8 Yo. [ 135 ] Not located; title from Sabin 12624 (S,) Chicago light guard. First anniversary festival of the Chicago light guard, . . . The officers and members , , , will give their first an- niversary festival at the Trcmont House, on Thursday evening, February 22d, 1855. , . • Rounds' print [1855], 4 p, 20 cm. [ 136 ] Not located; title from Chicago Book Auctions 6, April 1931, No, 55, (l). Chicago steam engine v/orks. Catalogue of patterns and mechanics' calculator of the Chicago steam engine works: containing a list of the wheel and pulley patterns, etc., etc, attached to the establishment. H. P. Moses, Proprietor, west end of Polk Street Bridge, Chicago, 111, Chicago, Democratic Press steam printing house, 45 Clark St., 1855. 214, 6 p. 15 cm, [ 137 ] Dicke . Chicago theological seminary. Charter and constitution of the Chicago tlieological seminary, at Chicago, Illinois. Chicago, Hays & Thompson, printers, 1855, 16 p. 23,5 cm. [ 138 ] DLC. ICHx. IHi. Chicago tunnel company. Copy of an act to incorporate the Chicago tunnel company. Approved Feb, 15, 1855. Democratic press steam print, 45 Clark Street, [1355], 8 p. 21.5 cm, [ 139 ] MA, Confessions and experiences of a novel reader. Respectfully dedicated to every young man and woman, and especially to every parent. By a physician, [Quotation] Daniel Webster, Chicago, published by W:.i. Stacy, 1855. ix, [1], [11] - 77 p. [1], 53 p. 19 cm, [ 140 ] p. 1-53 have title: Fugitives, or a fovj- gleanings from whilom hours, by the author of "Confessions and experience of a novel reader," MB. NBuG. Davis, Nathan Smith A lecture on the effects of alcoholic drinks on the human system, and the duties of medical men in relation thereto, delivered in the lecture room of Rush medical college, on Cluristmas day, 1854, • • , Chicago, J, F. Ballantync, prii:iter, [1855?] [,141 ] CSmH. DLC. ICHi. NN, 57 Galcim and Chicago union railroad company. Eighth annual report. . . . June 6th, 1855. Chicago, R. L, & C. L, Yfilson & co,, printers, 50 Dearborn Street,' 1855, [ 142 ] 32 p. 22 cm. est, ICHi. IHi. KIT. OCIiP. Garrett Bibical ii;stitutc. Circular of the tri''-stcos and faculty of the Garrett Bibioo.l institute, Evojiston, Illinois, 1855. Chicago, printed at the Daily Democratic press job office, 45 Clark Street, 1855, 8 p. 22.5 cm. [ 143 ] lEG. GoodJiuc, George Franklin A discourse on the temptations of youth, delivered in the Presbytoricun church, of Marengo, Illinois, on Sabbath morning, Jilarch 4, 1855. By Rev. Geo. f , Goodlme, pastor, Chicago, Scott & Fulton, steaiii book and job printers, 1855, 16 p, 22e5 cm. [ 144 ] CSmH. PPPrHi. Haines, Elijah Ivliddlobrook A practical treatise on the powers and duties of justices of the peace and constables, in the state of Illinois, with the necessary forms of proceeding; embracing also, a collection of original and selected forms, for popular use in the transaction of business. By ElijrJh M, Haines, Counselor at Law, Chicago, Published by Keen & Lee, 1855. 459 p. 21.5 cm. [ 145 ] Imprint on verso of title-page: Scott & Fulton, printers, Chicago. Dickc. DLC. ICHi. Illinois. Laws, statutes, etc. A compilation of all the general laws of the state of Illinois, relative to township organization, to which are added numerous practical forms and notes mth references to decisions of the older states, on questions upon li2:e statutes, with a copious index. By Elijah M, Haines, counselor at lo.\i, Chicago, published by Keen i- Lcc, Ho, 146 Lake Street, 1855, 166 p. 20 cm, I 146 ] Sabin 29553. DLC. Illinois Central railroad company. Illinois central railroad, Llain line and Galena branch. Time table no. S, Between Cairo and Dunleith, To take ef- fect on and after Monday, May 7th, 1855, Chicago, Democratic press steam print, [1855], Broadside, 53 cm, T 147 1 ICHi. •• ^ 59 Illinois central railroad company. The Illinois central railroad company offers for sale over 2,500,000 acres selected prairie, farm and •woodlands, in tracts of any size, to suit purchasers, on long credits and at loiv rates of interest, situo,ted on each side of tlicir railroad, extending all the way from the extreme north to the south of the state of Illinois. Chicago, Scott & Fulton, stcajn book and job printcrr;, 1855. 32 p. 22.5 cm, [ 148 ] DLC. ICHi. Illi. IE. OCKP. Illir,ois. Directory. The northern counties' gazzetteer and directory for 1855-6$ a complete and perfect guide to nortliern Illinois. Containing a concise description of the cities, tcmns and principal vil- lages, -with the names of the public officers, professional and business men, in the counties of Boone, Cook, Do Kalb, DuPage, Jo Daviess, Kane, Lake, Mchenry, Stephenson, ViTinnebago; and a variety of other useful and interesting infor-iation. Brought down to Wovcinber, 1855, by W, H, Hall, compiler. Chicago, Robert Fergus, printer, 1855, [2], iv, iii-vi, v~vii, [1], vii, [1], 17- 208, 128 p, 22,5 cm, [ 149 ICHi. WiTA. Vnil. ICnox college. Galcsburg, Illinois. Ajinual catalogue of the officers and students of ICnox college, for the collegiate year, ending Jime 28, 1855. Galcsburg., Knox county, Illinois, Chicago, Rounds' book and job printing establisliment, 161 Lake Street, 1855. 24 p, 20.5 cm. [ 150 ] DE. IGK. Life of the Chicago banker, George Yf. Green, alias Oliver Gavitt, who iTas foxond guilty of poisoning his wife, and who committed suicide by hanging in the jail of Cook Co. Chicago, printed at the Chicago Democrat office, 45 La Salic Street, and published by Ilellcn « co,, [1855], [2], 48 p, illus, 23 cm. Double coluim, [ 151 ] A comment on a letter dated in March, 1855, states that part of this history had already appeared in the Chicago Democrat, 1. McCormick, Cyrus H, McCormlck's reaping cund mowing machine. Large hand-bills Tfith cuts of the machine sent to applicaxits. . . . Chicago, 111., January 20th, 1855, C. H. McCormick. Printed by S, P, Rounds, 161 Lalce Street, Chicago, Illinois, Broadside, 27,5 x 44 cm. [ 152 ] IClilcHi. 61 Methodist Episcopal church. Illinois. Rock River annual conference. Minutes of the Rock River annual conference, of the Methodist Episcopal church, hold at Rock Island, Sept, 12, 1855, Published by order of conference, Chicago, printed by R, L. & C. L. Wilson & co,, no. 50 Dearborn Street, 1855. 46 p. 20 cm. [ 154 ] lEG. Notre Dame university. Catalogue of the officers and students of the vmivcrsity of Notre Darno, Indiana, at the beginning of the academic year 1854-55. Chicago, printed at the office of the Wcsteni Tablet, 1855. 16 p. 20.5 cm. [ 155 ] InNd, Peyton, John Lewis A statistical view of the state of Illinois; to which is ap- pended an article upon the city of Chicago, by Jolin Lewis Peyton, esq* , • Chicago, Spalding & Tobcy, printers, 1855, [1], 6-48 p. 19 cm. [ 156 ] Originally appeared in n'umbers in Hunt*s Merchant magazine . New York, ICHi. MB. MH. MA. NN. Rush medical college. Chicago. Thirteenth annual catalogue and announcement of lectures for the session of 1855-56. Chicago, W. Cravens & co,, Bon Franklin office, 132 Lal:e Street, 1855. 18 p. 21 cm. [ 157 ] ICU-R. (14 p.) lEN-M. NNNAM, (18 p.) Sloan,, Walter B, History and map of Kansas and Nebraska: describing soil, cliriiate, rivers, prairies, mounds, forests, roads, cities, villages, inhabitants, etc. Chicago, 1855. Not locatedj title from Jones Cat. No, 1336. [ 158 ] Waite, Charles B. Argiment of Charles B, Waite, in the Circuit court of the United States, for the Northern district of Illinois, November 20, 1855, in the case of Gibson vs. Ellithorpe, in ejectment, Hon. Thomas Druiimond, presiding. Cliicago, S. C, Griggs & co,, (W, H. Worrell, printer), 1855, 24 p, 25 cm, [ 159 ] ICHi, 63 Young men^s association. Chicago, Illinois, Fourteenth annual report of the executive committee • • • and the Inaugural address of the president. Chicago, Scott & Fulton, steam book and job printers, 1855. 18 [2] p. 22 cm. [ 160 ] Sabin 12672, iciii. iHi. MH. imi. m. 65 1856 Arnold, Isaac Fevrton Argument of Isaac F. Arnold, before the Supreme court of Illinois, at January term, 1856, in case of Rosellc Chapreu, appellee ads. Adamson B, Hewkirk, appellant. Chicago, Democratic press, 1856, [ 161 ] 23 p. 23 cm. ICHi. Arthur, T, S. The true path; and how to walk therein. Chicago, Keen &■. Lee, 1856. [ 162 ] 300 p. 18.5 cm. ICHi . Baptists. Illinois. Fox River association. Proceedings of the Fox River Baptist association, at its twenty- first annual meeting, held at Kaneville, on the 5th and 6th of Juno, 1856. Chicago, Hays & Thompson, book and Job and ornam.Gntal print- ers, 51 and 53 La Salic Street, 1856, [ 163 ] 24 p. 8vo, ICU. IHi. HHC-S. Beclcvd-th, C. Argument in the case of Joseph R. 'Tilliams, appellant, vs. Almet E, Bishop et al, appellees, before the Supreme court of Illinois, . . . Chicago, printed by Jameson & liorse, 14 La Salle Street, 1856. [ 164 ] 9 p. 23 cm. ICHi. Beman, Nathan Sydney Smith, comp. Church psalmist; or. Psalms and hymns, for the public, social, and private use of evangelical Christians, Fortieth edition, Chicago, Ivison & Phinney, 1856, [ 165 ] fflJUT . Bonney, Edv/ard The banditti of the prairies, A tale of the I'ississippi Valley: an authentic narrative of thrilling adventures in the early settle- ment of the western country. By EdYra.rd Bonney. 25th thousand, Chicago, D. E, Cooke & co., 1856, [ 165 ] 2 p. 1,, [9J-196 p. plates, port. 21,5 cm., DLC, 67 Brooks, Rev, A, L. An appeal for the right. A serrp.on. Chicago, Daily Democrat office, 1856. [ 167 ] 18 p. 22 en, IIBC . 00 . The "business nan's assistant and legal guide. Containing the laws of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and 17isconsin on con-veyances, collectioii of debts . . . together vdth the nost approved forns . . . and the laws of tlie United States relating to naturalization, pre- onption clains on public lands and military bounty land. Being a complete assistant to merchonts, mechanics, farj?ers, cl-c. By a mem- ber of the Chicago bar, Chicago, published by Piufus Blanchard, 1856, 208 p, 18 cm. [ 168 ] Dicke. ICIIi. M"IA, Central military tract railroad company. Report of the directors of the Central company, to the stocldiolders, June, 1856. Chicago, Scripps, Bross I: Spears, book and job printers, I'lo. 4-5 Clark Street, 1856, [ 169 ] 26 p. 21 cm. Sabin 11686. Chicago, Burlington and Quincjr railroad company. DLC . Chase, Dudley A series of memorial sermons, delivered in the Church of the Atonement, in Chicago, Illinois on Easter days, 1853, 1854, 185.^ and 1856. Published by request. Chicago, Charles Scott, 1851 [Sic] [1856]. [ 170 ] 46 p. 21.5 cm. ICHi, Chicago. Board of education. Second amiual report of the superintendent of public schools of the city of Chicago, for 1855. Chicago, Daily Democrat print, 1856, 23 p, 21 cm, ■ [ 171 ] DE. IC. ICHi. ICJ. I./MIi. HoS . PP. Chicago. Board of water comnissioncrs . ninth semi-annual report ... to the coiranon council of the city of Chicago, together act of incorporation and amendments thereto; also, the ordinances of the city in relation to the Chicago city hydraulic comipany. Chicago, Democratic press printing house, 1856, 68 p, 22.5 cm, " [ 172 ] IC. ICHi. Chicago. Charters. The charter and ordinances of the city of Chicago, (to Sept. 15, 1856, inclusive,) together with acts of the General assembly relat- ing to the city, and other m.iscellaneous acts, vdth an appendix. 69 Corap., rev., and codified, by order of the Common council, by- George W, and John A. Thompson, counselors at law. Chicago, Pub. by D. B. Cooke & co.. New Marble Building, No. 112 Lake Street, 1856, 1 p., 1., [v]-xvi, 574 p., 1 leaf. 22 cm. [ 173 ] Imprint on verso of title-page: Charles Scott, printer and binder, Chicago, Illinois. Sab in 12650. Pi eke . LLC. 10. ICHi . ICJ. I_CM. ICMcHi. ICU. IHi, MH-L. MnHi. Chicago. Comptroller. Annual financial statement of the City of Chicago for the munici- pal year 1855. Chicago, Daily Democratic press print, 45 Clark Street, 1856.. [ 174 ] 68 p. 20 cm. ICJ. MHi. Chicago. Mayor (Dyer). Inaugural address of Thomas Dyer, mayor. Chicago, Daily Democrat print, 1856. C 175 ] 15 p. 8vo. IC. ICJ. Chicago. Ordinances. An ordinance to authorize the construction and operation of certain horse rail^vays in the streets of the City of Chicago. Chicago, Daily Democrat print, 45 La Salle Street, 1856. [ 176 ] 8 p. 20 cm. CSmH. Chi cago . Fourth annual review of the commerce, railroads and manufactures of Chicago, for the year 1855. Compiled from several articles pub- lished in the Daily Democratic press. Chicago, Democratic press steam printing house, 1356. C 177 ] 66 p. 22 cm. Dicke (2 copies). ICHi. MHi . Chicago. Fourth annual review of the commerce, manufactures, and the public and private improvements of Chicago, for the year 1855; with a full statement of her system of railroads, and a general synopsis of the business of the city . . . 1856. Published from the Demo- cratic press, for N. P. Inglehart & co., real estate and financial agents, 1856. [ 178 ] 94 p. 22 cm. Second edition. IC. ICHi. ICN. IHi. MWA. 71 Chicago. TJebersicht der Geschichte und des Handels von Chicago. Chicago, Druck der "Illinois Staatszeitung, " 185G. [ 179 ] 62 p, 21 cm. Sabin 12671, m. Mli. Chicago Bible socic'cy. Sixteenth annual report of the Chicago Bible society for the year 1355. Presented Sunday evening, Dec, 4. Chicago, printed at the Democratic press office, 45 Clark Street, 1856. [ 180 ] 8 p. 21,5 cm. Cover title, ICIT. Chicago. Directory, Case ^. co.'s Chicago city directory for the year ending June first, 1857. Price ^2.00. John Gager, conpilcr. The next regular voliune of this work vrill be ready for delivery June first, 1857 (without fail). Chicago, John Gager c: co., pub., A. B, Case & Charles Scott, printers. Culver, Page & lioync, binders, [1856], 157, 90, 120 p. 20 plates. 23 cm. [ 181 ] ICHi . m . Chicago, Directory, Chicago city directory supplement and calendar for 1856, Delivered gratis, to all subscribers. Chicago, printed by Robert Fergus, 1856. [ 182 ] 16 p. 22 cm. Sabin 12641. ICHi . 131 . Chicago. Directory. City directory and register office, ITo, 148 Lake Street, Business card of John Gager & co. Being a mercantile record of the business men of Chicago, giving their name or firm, style, location, kind of business engaged in, whether vdiolesale or retail, a'Ad the time here in business, mth the names and residences of the partners of each firm, for October 1, 1856, designed to accompany our city register, (compiled from the census returns) which, is now going through the press, and mil be ready for delivery in about thirty days; for your subscription to v/hich irork vfe respectfully ask; or your patronage in advertisements, in the m.anner mentioned on the fol- lomng page, Chicago, Solis, Zeller, Dow &: co„, book and job printers, 148 Lake Street, over Keen & Lee's bookstore, 1856, [ 183 ] 76, xl, 17'-28 p, 23,5 cm. ICHi, ICW. •73 Chicago, Directory. Gager's Chicago city directory, for the year ending June 1st, 1857; compiled by John Gager, embracing the city record, a general directorj)- of the citizens and a mercantile record of the business men. Vol. I. Chicago, pul^lished by Jolni Gagor &, co,, for the City directory office, 1856. ' [ 18<': ] 1 p. i., 3G6, 32, XI, [17]-28, 76 p. 23.5 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: John Dow, 148 Lake Street. ICHi. ICH. Mii. M. Chicago. Directory, Hall's business directory of Chicago. Published annually, on the first of jTovenber. Price one dollar. Chicago, Hall & company, pub- lishers, l-To. 6 Jlorth Wells Street, 1856, [ 185 ] xii, 94 p. 14 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: Scripps, Bross & Spears, steam book rr.f job printing establishment, Dicke , ICHi . Yffli . Chicago. First Presbyberiaai church. Manual for the corimuni cants of the First Presbyterian church in Chicago, Illinois, Chicago, Charles Scott, book aiid job printer, 1856. [ 186 ] 16 p, 15 cm. PPPrHi . Chicago historical society. Constitution and by-laws of the historical society of the City of Chicago. Chicago, Daily Tribune office, 1856, [ 187 ] 14, [1] p. 16 cm. DLC , ICHi . rffii . Chicago m.echanics' institute. Report of the Chicago mechanics' institute held in the City of Chicago, from October 7th to the 15th, 1856. Chicago, S, P. Ro\mds, premium book and job printer, 139 Randolph Street, 1856, [ 188 ] 76 p, 22 cm. ICJ (has "Report of the eighth annual fair . . .). IWA. Chicago reform school. First annual leport of the superintendent to the board of guard- ians. Shomng its present condition, its educational advantages, moral and social benefits, together concise tabular statem.ents of the nivmbers committed, those pardoned or discharged, its present inmates, etc., also a fiill accoimt of improvements, expenditures and appropriations for the year 1856. Chicago, Daily Times book and job office, 1856. [ 189 ] 23 p. 8vo, Sabin 12670, DLC. IC. ICHi. ICJ. ICU. Mil. FPL. 75 Chicago. Second Prcsbyi'.orian church, I'lanunl of the Second Presbjrtcrian ch\;,rch, Chicago, Illinois. R. IT. Pe.ttcrson, pastor, Coiiipllcd, April 1, 185G, Chicago, Charles Scott, printer, 1856, [ 190 ] 31 p. 15 cm, IIMUT . Chicago theological scninary. Charter and constitution of the Chicago theological seminary. Chicago, Illinois, .Steai.i povrer presses of Charles Scott, 1356. 16, [A] p. 22 en, ' " [ 191 ] Dicke. DLC. Nh. Clifford, G, A. A complete guide for administrators, executors and guardians, in the settlement of estates, being a treatise on the laws of this state relating to probate business, with numerous forms, including prece- dents for clerks' entries; to which is added an appendix, containing the statute of wills. By G, A, Clifford, of the Illinois bar. Chicago, published by S, C, Griggs & co., booksellers, 1856. 10-166, [1] p, 20 cm. [ 192 ] Imprint on verso of title-page: Charles Scott, printer and binder, Cliicago, ICHi. Freemasons. Illinois, Grand lodge, Constitution, laws and regulations, of the Grand lodge of Illinois, of ancient, free and accepted masons. 1856, [1], 4-19 p. 21,5 cm. ICHi . Chicago, R, Fergus, printer, [ 193 ] Freer, J, T[. Notes to serve as the basis of an essay on the effects of dis- locations, sprains 0 to 9:30, Single admissions, 25 cents. For the season, 50 cents. Third edition, revised, Chicago, Daily Times printing establishment, 110 Dearborn Street, 1859. Price of catalogue, ton cents, 16 p, 21 cm. [ 378 ] Dicko, ICIIi. K, Chicago, First Congregational church. Ilanual of the First Congregational church of Chicago, Illinois j including historical sketch and catalogue, and a compond of Congrega- tionalism. Chicago, Church, Goodman & Gushing, Pr's, "Cong, Herald," 51 and 53 La Salle Street, [1859], [ 379 ] 48 p. 17,5 cm, MBC, I'MA., Chicago land company. Office of the trustee of tho Chicago land company, Chicago, January 1st, 1859, To the stockholders of the Chicago land company: [Chicago, 1859] [ 380 ] Broadside, 28 cm, CSmli. Chicago mechanics' institute. Catalogue of the library of the Mechanics* institute of the oi-bjr of Chicago, with the charter, constitution and by-laws. Organized February 23, 1842, and incorporated February, 1843, Chicago, Hyatt Brothers, job printers, 23 Lake St,, 1859, [ 381 ] 80 p, 13, 5 cm, IC, Chicago, Plymouth church, li/bnual ... containing history of church, form of admission, articles of faith, covenant, rules .Tmd declarations, basis of imion between the church and society, and notices, vdth a complete list of the mem- bership since its organization, Chicago, Chas, Scott & co,, 1859, 24 p. 20 cm, [ 382 ] WC, Chicago reform school. Fourth annual report of the officers to the board of guardians for the year ending September 30, 1859, Chicago, Press and Tribune steam print, 1859. [ 383 ] 58 p, 21,5 cm, Dicke, DLC, IC, ICHi. ICJ. ICU. MHi. N, ffi;. 145 Chicago south "branch dock company. Charter, by*-law3 and statonent of property of tho Chicago south branch dock co, Chicago, April, 1859, Chicago, Journal steaia press print, 50 Dearhorn Strcot, 1359. [ 384 ] 8 p, map, 23 cm. Cover title, Sabin 12630, Dicke, (2 copies), . ICIIi, MH. Chicago theological seminary. Catalogue of the officers and students of tho Chicago theological seminary of Chicago, Illinois, 1859, Chicago, Church, Goodman co Cusliing, printers "Cong, Herald," 51 and 53 Ip. Salle Street, 1859, • 15 p, 22 cm, [ 385 ] Sabin 12645, ICHi, ICT, IGK. Tffi, IvEC, M. MI. Chicago theological seminary. First anniversary of the Chicago theological seminary. Order of exercises, Thursday, April 28th, 1359, at ten o'clock, A.M., at the First Congregational church, [Chicago], ?fci, H. Rand, 148 Lake Street, [1859], [ 386 ] 4 p, 21 cm, ICHi, Chicago theological seminary society. First anniversary of the society of the Chicago theological semi- nary, Tuesday, April 26, 1859, Chicago, Church, Goodman & Cushing, 1859, [ 387 ] Broadside, 19,5 bm* ICHi, Chicago, University, To the ladies of Illinois, ,., [4] p. 20,5 cm. Announcement of the need of contributions to the furnishing of the University of Chicago dormitories. Dated on p, 3: Chicago, April 20th, 1859. [ 388 ] Wo imprint, Dicke. Chicago, University, Law school. First circular of the Lavf school of the University of Chicago, for the year 1859, Chicago, Daily democratic press, 1859, 16 p, 22 cm, [ 389 ] Dicke. ICHi, Mi, IMIi. N. PPL. 147 ^ ^« v^ 2C p. 22 en. .3a.~o. i : 390 of a =^*c ■— i-» ^ » 3acz^ 3£j.o-_« ^ac; -p- "7 ' C ~ ' -■^ r- r3B^ ^ 0— ^ — - ■! . _ • ^ _ -^« » ~ Z. — -^*~^^ ^ • -— — • -^-^ — . 3 « J _ ^ 3j^ j J.p, TS, rLaices, ':l.Ji C Q 1 --,-^;~- :. - o « -r^ • - . — — ». — _ » Hqiu ••John 11. T7il;;-, • -.■* -^~- — ^• f-med of c;\r ±ef Ju3-i3e, -li^e T:cTr=r or rs, 3-:f:r6 :S w^ J.CCw» 1^ wf^ J le -ear; printers, 51 ari 53 Is Salle Si:ree-r, ^lEcS], •~~3 -' [ 534 ] _<- _« '— — ^e ^"JttarezE :o'.ir^ oi 1S59, 24 r, 21 3=. Cover title. 5 st£T-e ri : y izezTDan eT al. ^ = . -1-, -r i>\ 149 Dover, Illinois. Congregational church. Manual • • . including a historical sketch, and catalogue of members. Compiled, May, 1859. Chicago, Church, Goodman & Gushing, printers "Cong. Herald," etc., 51 and 53 La Salle Street. [1859]. [ -396 ] 12 p. 15 cm, ICT. Ellis, J. W. [Denistry] J. V[, Ellis, dental surgeon, office and res- idence No, 67 ¥Iashington Street, two doors east of Dearborn, Chicago. [Quotation] Jameson cc Morse, printers, 14 La Salle Street, [1859?] [ 397 ] 24 p. 11 cm. Pu-Dental . Felsenthal, Bernhard • . , Ueber juedische Reform. Ein Wort an die Fre\;inde derselben, von B, Felsenthal, Sekretar des judischen Rcform- vereins in Chicago. Chicago, Gedruckt bei Chas, Hoss, Ecke von Randolph und Dearborn Str,, 1859, 39 p, 20 cm. [ 398 ] At head of title: Kol kore bamldbar. M. Freemasons. Illinois. Knights templar. Grand tommandery. Proceedings of the special session held at Chicago, on Monday, September 12, 1859, and of the third annual conclave of the Grand commandcry of I^nights templar, of the state of Illinois, held at Peoria, on Tuesday, October 25, A. D, 1859, A.O. 741. R.E. Sir Josiah Evoat, G.C. Alton. E, Sir, Wm, H, Turner, Gd, Rec, Chicago. Chicago, Comcrson & Hays, steam printers, 148 Lake Street, 1859. 84 p, 20.5 cm. [ 399 ] DSC, MBFM. Galena and Chicago union railroad company. By~lav;-s of the Galena & Chicago imion r.r, co. as revised and adopted by the board of directors, July 21, 1859. With the charter and amendments thereto, and ordinances of the city of Chicago, relating to railroads, Chicago, Daily Democrat print, at 45 La Salic St,, 1859, 31 p, 22 cm. [ 400 J DBRE, IW. (2 copies). Galena and Chicago union railroad company. Twelfth annual report of the directors of the Galena and Chicago union railroad company, to the stockholders for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1858, Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, book and job printers, 145 Lake Street, 1859, 3a p. 22,5 cm. [ 401 ] ICHi, IHi, M. OCIIP, 131 Garrott Biblical institute. Catalogue end circular of tho Garrett biblical institute, Evanston, Illinoiso June, 1859, Chicago, Press and Tribune print, 51 Clark Street, [1859], [ 402 16 p, 21,5 cm, lEG. Good Templars, Independent order of. Illinois. Grand lodge. Journal of proceedings ... In Pooria, September 20, 21, 22, 1859. Sixth annual session, Chicago, Hyatt brothers, printers, 25 Lake Street, 1859, [ 403 ] 52 p. Title from NN, but not now in that library. Horner, William B The gold regions of Kansas and Nebraska, Being a complete history of the first year's mininr operations. Also, geographical, climatologioal, r.nd. statistical description of the Great Northwest, showing an unoccupied territory of over one million square m.ilcs of rich country.. Being a complete guide to the gold mines. By Yf. B. Homer, Chicago, W. H. Tobey £: Co, printers, 5 Clark St., 1859. [ 404 ] 67 p. front, (map), 21 cm, CSmll (photostat), DLC, Mi, Hoyt, James T, The collection laws, special, exemption, property, banking and interest laws of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota; also a complete list of all the courts of general juris- diction in the above states, showing the terms of said courts, and the times and places of holding the same. Compiled by James T, Hoyt, attorney at law, Chicago, published by D, B, Cooke & co,. 111 Lake Street, 1859, [ 405 ] xxxvi, 406, [2] p. 22 cm. Imprint on verso of title page: S . P. Rounds, electrotyper and printer, 155 Randolph Street, Chicago, 111, Dicke. DLC, MH-L, MS. Illinois, Courts, Supremo court. Reports of cases determined in the Supreme court of the state of Illinois, at April and November terms, 1858, By E, Peck, counselor at law. Volume }S, Chicago, Published by D, B. Cooke and Company, 1859. [ 406 ] 720 p. 13 X 22,5 cm. Imprint on verso of title-pnge: Scott & Company, printers a binders, Chicago, 111, Dicke, MH-L, roiB, Illinois central railroad company, A guide to the Illinois central railroad lands. The Illinois 153 central railroad company, offor for sale over 1,400,000 acres of selected prairie and wood lands, in tracts of forty acres and up- Y^ards, suitable for farns, on long credits cjad low prices, situated on each side of their railroad, extending through, the state of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois central railroad office, 1859. 60 p. front., illus., maps, 23 cm, [ 407 ] Dicke. DLC, ICU. Uli. ItnUi. Illinois central railroad company, Illinois central railroad company, Keport and accounts for the year ending December 31st, 1358, Presented to the shareholders, March 16, 1859, ITotico is hereby given, that annual meeting of stocldiolders mil be hold at the office of the company, at Chicago, on the third Wednesday of Ivhrch, 1860, W, K, Aclcerman, socretary, [Chicago], [ 403 ] 18 p. 41 cm. ICHi, Illinois central railroad company. Time table no, 16, for the goventment employees only, Illinois central railroad between Chicago and Cairo, to take effect on Sunday, Dec, 4th, 1859, at 12 o'clock noon, Chicago, 1859, [ 409 ] [2] p. 39 cm, ICHi, Illinois state medical society, Hinth annual meeting of the Illinois state medical society, ,.. June 7 £; 8, 1859, Chicago, lU Cravens & co., printers, 1859, 144 p. 8 vo. [ 410 ] Sabin 34265, DSG. ICJ, Illinois state medical society. Transactions of the Illinois medical society for the year 1858, Chicago, James Barnet, book and job printer, 1859. 82 p,, 22 p, 22 cm, [ 411 ] Dicke, (82p. ) DSG. ICHi, ICJ, MIA.,' Illinois, Uni-porsity, College of pharmacy. Constitution, by-lavra, and list of officers and members of the Chicago college of pharmacy, organised and incorporated Sept, 5, 1859, Chicago, S , P, Rounds, printer, 155 Randolph Street, 1859, 13 p. 21 cm, [ 412 ] lU-M. Judd, IT, B, and G, C, Campbell. James Ward vs. Mississippi and Missouri railroad company, Ab~ stract pleadings and proof, and argument. In the District Court of the U, S,, for the state of lovra.. 155 Judd, H, B, and G, C, Campbcllr Jamos Yfcrd vs. Mississippi and Missouri railroad company. Abstract pleadings and proof, and arguifient. In the District Court of the U, S., for the state of Iot-vu. Chicago, 111,, 1859. 8vo, [ 413 ] Not located; title from Heartman Cat. No, 187, June 1926, No. 300, Jumpertz, Henry "The barrel mystory;" or, the career, tragedy and trial of Henry Jumpertz, tried and convictod at Chicago, 111,, at the January term, 1859, of the circuit court of Cook county, for the murder of Sophie Eltor V/ernor, his mistress, at Chicago, I.txrch 6, 1858, With portraits of prisoner and deceased. His early life and parentage, with copious correspondence. The testimony carefully condensed, Chicago, Pub- lished by Norris & Hyde, 100 Doarborn Street, 1859, 70 [1], p. incl, pi, (per,) 19 cm, [ 414 ] Sabin 36896, Dicke, MDS, Mi, Kane coxmty, Illinois, Directory, Kane coxmty directory for 1859-60; containing the name, occupa- tion and address, of every resident within the cities of Aurora, " Geneva, Elgin and St, Charles, and the towns and villages of Batavia, Dundee, Montgomery, Lodi, Kanesville, Clintonville, Jericho, and other residents in the several townships of the county. Compiled and published by Jolin. C. iT, Bailey, of Chicago, publisher of La Sallo, Bureau, lYill, and McLean county directories. People *s guide to Chicago, etc, Chicago, Press and Tribune steam book and job print, 51 Clark Street, 1859, 195 p, 18 cm, [ 415 ] IHi, La Salle county, Illinois, Directory, l& Salle County directory for 1858 and 1859; containing the name, occupation and address of every resident Avithin "the cities of Ottawa, lA Salle, Peru, the town of Mendota, and other villages, together with the resident farmers and others in the several townships of the county. Compiled and published by Jolin C, W, Bailey, of Chicago, publisher of Directories, People's guide, etc, Chicago, William H, Rand, book and job printer. No, 148 Lake Street. 193 p, 19,5 cm, [ 416 ] Dicke. McCormlck, Cyrus H, McCormiok reaper and movrer Broadside, 29 x 40 cm, ICMcHi. [ Dated ] 1859, Chicago, 111, [ 417 ] 157 McCormick, Cyrus H, McCormlck's reaping and mowing machines, manufacttired only at Chicago, Illinois, 1859, ... Addison, ?/allace & Co., agents in Alexandria, Virginia, [Chicago, 1859] 16 p. 21 cm. [ 4-18 ] ICMcHi, Martin, David B. The conduct of Chas, N, Pine, U, S, marshal for the Northern district of Illinois, exhibited officially and personally in a letter to his excellency, James Buchanan, President of the United States, By David B. llartin, late of the marshal's office, Chicago, 1859, 35 p, 22 cm. [ 419 ] Dicke, DLC. Mulhach, L, Berlin und Sanssouci, oder, Friodrich dor Groszo & seine freundej historischer Roman, Amerikanischc ausgaho in 4 bandon, Chicago, M. Busch und J, E, Cominitti, 1859. 672 p. 17 cm, 4 v. in 2, [ 420 ] lOHi, Northwestern female college, Evanston, Illinois, Catalogue of the ... North-western female college at Evunston, 111,, for ... 1858-9, ... Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, ... printers, 1859. 15, [1] p. plate. 8 vo. [ 421 ] Sabin 55742. m. MnHi. Northwestern university, Evanston, Illinois. Catalogue of the Northwestern tmiversity, Evunston, 111., 1858-9, Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, printers, 1859. 22 p. 19.5 cm. [ 422 ] Sabin 55753. Dicke. ICHi. lEN, Mii. Northwestern university. Ifedical school. First annual announcement of the medical department of the Lind university, at Chicago, 111., for the college session of 1859-'60. Chicago, William H. Rand, 148 Lake Street, 1859, 12 p. 8vo. [ 423 ] DSG, ICHi. ICJ. lEN-M (photostat). i 159 Patton, William VJeston. The execution of Jotin Brovm; a discourse, delivered at Chicago, December 4th, 1859, in the First Congregational church. By Rev. W. \"{. Patton, Chicago, Church, Goodman & Cushing, printers [1859?] 14 p. 23 cm. [ 424 ] Cover title. ■ CSmK. Dicke. DLC . MBC. Pease and Cole. Complete guide to the gold districts of Kansas & Nebraska contain- ing valuable information with regard to routes, distances, etc., etc. By Pease &. Cole. Chicago, 111., \Ym. H. Rand, printer, 148 Lake Street, 1859. 20 p. fold. map. 16.5 cm. [ 425 ] Reproduced in facsimile, with an introductory note by Douglas C. McMurtrie, by the John Calhoun Club, Chicago, 1936. Vflli . Pratt and Hunt. A guide to the gold mines of Kansas: containing an accurate and reliable map of the most direct railroad routes from the Atlantic cities to the farthest point west now reached by railroad communica- tion, viz., Hannibal and St. Joe railroad, and from there to the gold mines; also, all other practical routes. By Pratt & Hvint, civil engineers and surveyors, Kansas territory. Chicago, printing office of C. Scott & company, 1859. 70 p. 22 cm. [ 426 ] -•g. (map lacking) WHi. (with map) Presbyterian, theological seminary. Presb;/terian theological seminary of the northwest. Address to the churches. Chicago, Church, Goodman & Cushing, book & job printers, 51 and 53 La Salle Street, 1859. 11 p. 22 cm. [ 427 ] ICP. Protestant Episcopal church. Illinois (diocese). Journal of the twenty-second annual convention of the Protestant Episcopal churcli in the dioese of Illinois, held in St, James church, Chicago, on the 14th, 15th and 16th days of September, 1859. Chicago, steam presses of Scott & company, 1859. [1] 4-8£'-p. 20.5 cm. [ 428 ] ICHi. IHi. IT/IA. M. 161 Rosehill cemetery, Chicago, Charter, rules and regulations of the Rosehill cemetery. [Quotation] Chicago, office of cemetery, 38 Clark Street, 1859. 53 p. 20 cm. [ 429 ] Rush medical college, Chicago. Seventeenth annual catalogue and announcement of lectures for the session of 1859-60, Chicago, James Bamot, book and job printer, 189 Lake Street, 1859. [16] p. 8 vo. [ 430 ] TIFilAM. Russell, B. Ae, and C, W, Sanders, The Robin red breast} a new juvenile singing book, containing a choice collection of popular music, original and selected, ,.. Also a brief comprehensive course of instruction in the elementary principles of vocal music. For the use of public and private schools, ... By B, A. Russell and C. Vf. Sanders. ... Cliicago, S, C. Griggs & CO., [1859], 19 p. 20 cm. [ 431 ] ICHi, Schenck, Woah Hunt Abstract of an address delivered before the Young men's Christian association of Chicago, By the Rev, N, H, Schenck, June 20, 1859, [1859] 14 p, 8 vo. [ 432] Not located; title from Sabin 77563 Schenck, Hoah Hunt Oration delivered at the opening services of the Rosehill cemetery association, on Thursday, July 28th, by Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck, [Chicago], privutely printed, [1859] 15 p. i2rao. [ 433 ] Not locatedj title from Cadmus Book Shop Cat. 120, Feb. 1935, No. 254. Schenck, Noah Hunt A steadfast people the pastor's joy and croivn, A -valedictory sermon, preached in Trinity Church, Chicago, on Christmas night, Simday, Dec, 25, 1859, by the Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck, A. L', Rector, Chicago, Scott and Company, printers, 1859, 25 p. 8 vo, [ 434 ] Not located; title from Sabin 77576 I 163 Starr, M., and J. P. Webster. [Y/illie Lee. Words by M. Starr. Music by J. P, VJ'ebster. Chicago, H. M. Higgins, [cl859] ] 5 p. 32.5 cm. [ 435 ] In the private ownership of Mrs. Regina Billings, Sarasota, Florida. Title-page missing. United States agricultural society. Seventh national exhibition by the United States agricultural society, to be held in the city of Chicago, September 12th, 13th, 14th, isth, 16th and 17th, 1859. Twenty thousand dollars offered in premiums. Chicago, Press and Tribune job printing office, 1859, 70 p. 21 cm^ [ 436 ] Dicke. ICHi. MHi . Mnili. Yfhipple, Henry Benjamin Sermon preached at the opening of the Free church of the Holy Communion, Chicago, February 6, 1859. By H. B. liVhipple . . . Chicago, Scott & Company, printers, 1859. 14 p. 21.5 cm. [ 437 ] Nl^UT. Will county, Illinois. Directory. Will coi;inty directory for 1859-60; containing the name, occupation and address of every resident within the towns of Joliet, Lockport, Wilmington, Plainfield, Mokena, Channahon, Crete, Monee, Elwood, and other residents in the several tovmships of the county. Compiled and published by John C. W. Bailey of Chicago, publisher of directories, people's guides, etc, Chicago, William H. Rand, book and job printer, 1859. 179 p. 19 cm. [ 438 ] ICHi. Young men's association, Chicago, Catalogue of the library of the young men's association of the city of Chicago, together with the charter, rules, regulations, etc,, of the association. Chicago, Press and Tribune print, 1859. 119 p. 22 cm, [ 439 ] Dicke. ICHi. Young men's Christian association. Chicago. First annual report of the Chicago young men's christian associ- ation, together with the address of the Rev. N. H. Schenck, constitu- tion, by-laws, list of officers and members, standing committees, etc., etc. June 20, 1859. Chicago, published from the rooms of the as- sociation, Methodist church block. Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, print- ers, 145 Lake Street, [1859], 50 p. 22 cm, [ 440 J ICKi. Mli. PPL. 165 1860 Bailey, John W, Knox college, by whom founded and endowed; also a review of a pamphlet entitled "Rights of congregationalists in Knox college." By J, W« Bailey, Chicago, Press and Tribune book & Job printing office, 51 Clark Street, 1860, 131 p, 21 cm, [ 441 ] Sab in 2738. PLC . !_. IC. ICHi , IGK , IHi . (2 copies). MeB. m. MnHi . M. OCHP. WHi. Baptists, Illinois, Pastoral union. Minutes of the Illinois Baptist pastoral union, fourteenth meet- ing| and of the Baptist general association, of Illinois, fifteenth annual meeting; held in Jacksonville, October 20th-22d, 1859, with reports and statistical tables. Chicago, Church, Goodman & Cashing, book and job printers, 51 and 53 La Salle Street, 1860. [2], 6-47, [1] p, 22 cm, [ 442 ] ICHi. MWA, Baptists, Iowa, State convention. Minutes of the eighteenth annual meeting of the Iowa Baptist state convention hold with the Baptist church in Oskaloosa, October 8-10, 1859. Correspondents will address J, F, Childs, Oskaloosa, Chicago, Church, Goodman & Gushing, printers, 1850, 32 p, 22.5 cm, [ 443 ] Sabin 34979, laHi, ICHi. MH. NHC-S. Bennett, Emerson Forest & prairie; or, life on the frontier. By Emerson Bennett. W» H. Harrison, Jr, , publisher and bookseller, 315 Wabash avenue. Chicago, 111,, [cl860], 3-8, 15-411 p, 19 cm. [ 444 ] DLC. ICMcHi. MH. M. [Blue, Daniel] Thrilling narrative of the adventures, sufferings and starvation of Pike's Peak gold seekers on the plains of the ViTest in the winter and spring of 1859, By one of the survivors .«. Chicago, Evening journal steam print, 1860. iv, [5]-23 p. 18. 5' cm. [ 445 ] Signed: Daniel Blue, DLC. Britten, Mrs. Emma (Hardinge) Six lectures on theology and nature. I, Astronomical religion, II. Religion of nature. III. The creator and his attributes. IV. Spirit-Its origin and destiny. V. Sin and death. VI. Hades, the land of the dead. Together with the outline of a plan for a human enterpirse, and an autobiographical introduction. By Emma 167 Eardinge, Reported bj' R, R« printers, ISGO] 160 P. 2S ZTZ. Inprint on cover, Dicke, ICJ, 13, 1"", Hitt, [Chicago, Scott and Conpany, [ 446 3 The Business rsn's assis~£-nt and legal ?uide containing ~l"-e la's-s of Ilichigan, Indiana, Illinois, Icvra, TTisconsin, l[innsso~a, Chio, Pennsylvania and New York on conveyances, collection of debts, exenp- ticns,,«»together Trith the nest approved forms of deeds, articles of agreement, leases, »« ••Trith a digest on connon lavr, relative to the rights of propeirty. The laTrs of the United States relating to naturalization, preenpticn clains on -ublic lands and nilitarj* bounty land end a glossary- of legal terns* B^' a Manbsr of the Cr-icago 3ar« Chicago, J, A, Colby « Co., 113 Randolph Street, ISSO, 274, s-r -. 13 en. [ ^7 j Diohe, Ganeron and Lincoln club, Chicago ♦ Address of the Cameron and Linccln club of the cit^^ cf Chicago, 111,, to the people of the North -a-cst, [Chicago, I860] 3 t.. 22,J csL^. [ 448 ] Cedar Rapids and Missouri River railroad conpanj-. First report of the president end directors cf the Cedar Rapids and Kissouri River railroad, onbracing infomation in regard to its land grant cf 900,00-3 acres: and also, a plan for the early conpietion of a direct through lino cf railroad "ccTfi-een Chicago and the Missouri River, J-one, 1850, Chicaro, Beach i Barnard, book and job TJrintcrs, [I860]. [4], 38 p, fold nr.TD, 22 en, [ 449 ] DIG. Die. ICHi, :^, Chas, C, Thurston The useful and ornamental: a -.Testem nanuai cf practical r-aral affairs for the fam and hone, Chicago, S, C, Griggs 4 co,, 1330. 95 o, illus, 18,5 en, (Cliase's Trestem r-oral handbooks, iro, 2)» ICHi, [ 450 ] Chicago* Board of education, Departnent of public instruction, city of Chicago, Sixth ann-oal report of the 2oard of education, for the year ending, February' 1, 18G0, Ch-icago, Press and tribune book and jcb printing office, 1360. 95 p, 21 en. [ 451 ] DS. :j. :K:i. 169 Chicaf;o« Board of sevrerage conimiGS loners. Report of the Board of sevrerage coramissionors of the city of Chicaf^o, for the liali? year ending June 30, 1860, Chicago, published by the Board, 1860, 61 p. 23 cm, [ 452 ] Imprint on cover: Scott & company, printers, Chicago, Dickc , IC. ICHi , ICJ. ICMcHio ICM. lEN, m-Ii. IvtaHi. OCIIP. Chicago, Board of v/ater commissioners. Seventeenth semi-annual report of the Board of v/ater com- missioners to the common coimcil of the city of Chicago, Jan- uary 1st, 1860, Chicago, Diuilop, Sewell iz Spalding, book and job printers, 145 Lako Street, 1860, 72 p, 22,5 cm, [ 455 ] Dicke, DLC, ICHi, ICM, ICU, Chicago , Mayor , Inaugviral address of Hon, John Wentvrorth, delivered before the comiaon councilj at Metropolitan Hall, Chicago, on Thursday, Iiifeirch 22d, 1860, Chicago, Daily Democrat print, 45 La Salle Street, 1860, [ 454 ] 15 p, front, (port,) 23 cm, CSmll, Chicago, Cliicago in I860: a glance at its business houses. Published for the especial convenience of merchants and business men throughout the northwest, as a reference book to the leading wholesale houses of the city of Chicagoj together v;-ith sketches of interest to the general reader concerning the onward progress of Chicago in trade, manufactures and comnerco, from authentic sources by YJ, Thorn & co, Chicago, Thompson co i^ay, printers, 1860, 216 p, 17 cm, [ 455 ] CSmH, ICHi, MViA, Chicago, Eighth annual revievj' of the trade and commerce of the city of Chicago, for the year 1859, as published in the Chicago daily press and tribune, January 1, 1860, Chicago, Press and tribune steam printing establishment, 1860, 37, 12 p, 22 cm, [ 456 ] ICHi, Mi, Chicago, 1859, The hand book of Chicago, or Strangers* guide to points of interest in and about the city, Chicago, 111,, published by Albert Holmes Bodman, Chas, Shobcr, practical lithographer, 109 Lake Street, west of the Tremont house^ Chicago, [cl860], [ 457 ] [4], 5-129, [2] p, 15,5 cm. Sab in 30202 IHi, 171 Chicago art \inion. Catalogue of the first Chicago art union distribution. Opened Dec. 7th, 1860, at Hesler's Gallery, 113 Lake Street (2d floor). . . . Pool, printer, 17 Clark St., [i860] [6] p. 24 cm. [ 458 ] Caption title only. Dicke. ICHi, Chicago Bible society. Nineteenth annual report of the Chicago Bible society, for the year 1859, Presented Sunday evening, Doc. 11th. Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, steam book and job printers, 145 Lake Street, 1860. 12 p, 21.5 cm, [ 459 ] Cover title. ICHi. ICN. Chicago, Board of trade. Second annual statement of the trade and commerce of Chicago., for the year ending December 31, 1859. Reported to the Chicago Board of trade by Soth Catlin, Secretary. Chicago, Hyatt Brothers, book and job' printer, 23 Lake Street, 1860. [ 450 ] 104 p. 21.5 cm, ICHi. ICJ. ICN. ICU. MnHi. Chicago, Burlington and Qiaincy railroad company. Report of the directors of the Chicago, Burlington and Qjaincy railroad company. Presented to the stockholders at the annual meeting, June 22, 1860. Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, railroad printers, No, 145 Lake Street, . 1860. 32 p. 21 cm. r 461 ] Chicago, Burlington and Q]j.incy railroad comj-jany, DLC, Chicago charitable eye and ear infirmary. Second annual report of the Chicago charitable eye and ear infirmary, presented by the Board of surgeons, for the year ending May 1, 1860. Chicago, Press and Tribune book and job printing co., 51 Clark Street, 1860. 7 p. 21.5 cm. C 452 ] DSG. ICHi, MHi. MWA, PPL. Chicago. Comptroller. City comptroller's third annual statement of the receipts and expenditures of the city of Chicago, for the financial year 1859-60. Chicago, Press and Tribune print, 51 Clark Street, 1860, C 463 ] 15 p, 23 era. Cover title. Sab in 12651. Dicke, IC. ICHi. IHi. MHi, PP. 173 Chicago Daily Democrat. Carriers' address, to the friends and patrons of the Chicago Daily Democrat, Chicago, 1860. Broadside. 41 cm, t 464 ] ICHi, Chicago. Directory. D. B. Cook & co.'s Chicago city directory, for the year 1860-61. Being a complete general and business directory, of the entire, city; published annually after the removals of May first. Compiled by T. M. Halpin & co, Chicago, D, B, Cooke & CO,, publishers, booksellers and stationers, 1860. C 465 ] [6], 464, 32, [7] p. 22 cm. Imprint on verso of title-pager Press & tribune, book printing establishment, W. J, Wilson, bookbinders. ICHi. TTHi. Chicago, First Presbyterian church. Manual . . . with historical sketch and catalogue, Jan, 1, 1860. Chicago, Press and Tribune print, 1860. 31 p, 19 cm. C 466 ] ICT. Chicago. High school. Chicago high school. Fourth anniversary exercises. "Wigwam," on Friday, July 13th, 1860, two o'clock, P*M. [Chicago, I860]. t 467 ] 2 p. 20.5 cm. ICHi. Chicago reform school. Fifth annual report of the officers to the board of guardians for the year ending September 30, 1860. Chicago, S. P. Rounds' steam print, 1860. 32 p. 21.5 cm. [ 468 ] Dicke. (2 copies). DLC. IC. • ICHi . ICJ. ICU. IHi. MHi. Chicago theological seminary. Catalogue of the officers and students of the Chicago theological seminary, Chicago, Illinois. 1859-60. Chicago, Church, Goodman & Cushing, book and job printers, 51 and 53 La Salle Street, 1860. [ 469 15 p. 23 cm. ICHi. IGK. MBC. m. MnHi. 175 Chicago tlieological seirdnary. Order of exercises at the secojad. anniversary of the Chicago theological seninoa-y, Chicago, Illinois, Thursday, April 26th, 1860. [Chicago]. 4 p. 20,5 cia, { 470 ] ICh"i. Chicago theological seminary society. Second anniversary of the society of Chicago theological seminary. Monday, April 2od, 1860, Order of exercises. [Chicago], [ 471 ] Broadside. 19a 5 cm. Caption title, ICIIl, Chicago. University, First annual catalogue of the University of Chicago, Officers and students for the academic year 1859»-60, Chicago, Church, Goodman « Cushing, book and job printers, 51 and 53 La Salle Street, 1860, 34 p, 22 »5 cm, [ 472 ] DLC. ICHi. ICU (38 p, ) Iffi. MnHi, Collyer, Robert Some account of the Chicago ministry*«at-large, from its foundation to the present time. By Robert Collyer. Chicago, A. A. Cowdery, 1860, [ 473 ] 8 p, 21,5 cm. Sab in 14466. MH. IMA, Douglas, Stephen A, Life of Stephen A, Douglas, United States senator from Illinois, TiTith his most important speeches and reports. By a member of the western bar, Chicago, D. B. Cooke & ©0,, 1860, X, 13-264, 187, [4] p, 18,5 cm, ICHi. [ 474 ] Douglas, Stephen A, The little giantj his life, travels and death , , , Chicago, Illo, 1860. [ 475 ] 10 p. 1 leaf, illus, 10 cm. Caricatures of Stephen A. Douglas, HIT, RPB-H. 177 FireiTi'jn's benevolent association, Chicago, Illinois. Charter and constitution of the Firei.iei's benevolent as.Tociaticn of the city of Chicago, and h/-lavs of t^e Board of directors as amended in 1360, Chicajro, staam press of Thor.pson i'c Day, 1830, 124 p. 19 cm, [ 476 ] TCIIi. Freemasons, Illinois, Knights templar. Grand comnandery, Proceadinrc of the Grand comiaandery of Knights t.jmplar of the state of Illinois, at their fourth annual conclave, held at the i-.Iasonic temple in Chicat;;o, on Tuor^day, October 23, A.D., 1350, A. 0. 742. R. E. Sir Hosmer A. Johnson, Grand commander. Cliici.go, steam presses of Scott ^ company, 1860. 76 p. 20.5 cm. [ 477 ] DSC. J;3nv:. Galena and Ghicar:o union railroad company. A communication of thj board of directors of the Galena and Chicago union railroad com.pany, to the stockholders, relrtive to the Cedar Rapids (?; "Qssouri River R.H. July 2, 1860. With an appendix containing the first anruial report of that company, the report of their chief engineer and the laws relating to the land jrant in the state of Iowa. Chicago, Beach d: Barnard, book and job printers, [1850], 16 p. 22 cm. [ 478 ] ICIIi. Galena and Chicago union railroad company. Thirtountii annual report of the directors of the Galena and Chicago union railroad company to the stockholders for the fiscal year, ending December 51, 1859. Chicago, D. A. Ingersoll, stationer, 1830. 32 p. 21.5 cru, [ 479 ] ICili. Ilii. M. OCIiP. Garrett Biblical institute. Catalogue and circular of the Garrett Biblical institute, Evtaiston, Illinois. May, 1860. Chicago, Press i.nd Tribune print, 51 Clark Street, [i860]. 16 p. 21.5 cm. [ 480 ] DLC. ICfli. ISG. I,:nHi. KaH. Good Templars, Independent order of. Illinois. Gr:_.nd lodge. Journal of proceedings . . ^ in Centralia, September, 18, 19, 20, 1860. Seventh annual session. Chicago, Jameson k l.orse, printers, 14 La Salle Street, 1860. 35 p. [ 481 ] Reported by IITT, but not nov: in that library. 179 Hahnemann medical college. Chicago, Illinois. The first annual announcement of the Hahnemann medical college, Chicago, Illinois, session of 1860-61. Chicago, Hyatt brothers, printers, 1860. [ 482 ] 16 p. 23 cm. DSG . IvInHi . Haines, Elijah Middlebrook A practical treatise on the power and duties of justices of the peace and constables, in the state of Illinois, v;ith the' necessary forms of proceeding. Embracing also a col- lection of original and selected forms for popular use in the transaction of business. Second edition, revised and en- larged. By Elijah M. Haines, counsellor at law. Chicago, published by D. B. Cook & company, 1860. [ 483 ] xxiv, 749 p. 22 cm. ICHi. Hale, Edwin M. On the homoeopathic treatment of abortion, its causes and consequences, vrith some suggestions and indications for the use of the new remedies, a prefatory letter, by R. Ludlam. Chicago, Halsey and King, 1860. [ 484 22 p. 8vo. DSG. NK. Hossack, John Argument of H. S. Fitch, Esq., United States District Attorney, on the trial of John Hossack, indicted for rescuing a fugitive slave from the United States Deputy Marshal, at Ottawa, 111,, Oct. 20, 1859; delivered in the United States District Court, in the Northern District of Illinois, Satur- day, March 4, 1860. R. R. Hitt, Reporter. Chicago, Press & Tribvine book and job printing office, 51 Clark Street, 1860. ^ [ 485 ] 29 p. 21,5 cm. iro. PHi. pp. Illinois central railrcad company. A guide to the Illinois central railroad lands. The Illinois central railroad company, offer for sale over 1,400,000 acres of selected prairie and wood lands, in tracts of forty acres and upwards, suitable for farms, on long credits and low prices, situated on each side of their railroad, extending through the state of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois central railroad office, 1860. [ 486 ] 60 p. front., illus., maps. 23 cm. DBRE. ICHi. I 181 Illinois central railroad conpany. Illinois central railroad company. Report and accounts for tht. yoar ending Doceraber 31st, 1859. Prosontod to the shareholders. May 16, 1860. Notice is hereby given, that the annual meeting; of stockholders vn.ll be held at the office of the coiTipany, at Chicago, on the third ''.■"ednesday of May, 1861. W. K. Ackenian, secretary. [Chicat^o]. 22 p. 41 cp.. [ 487 ] ICHi. Illinois state medical society. Tenth annual raecting . . . held in Paris, May 8 & 9, 1860. Chicago, \i. Cravens & co,, printers, 1860. 226 p. 8vo. [ 488 ] Sabin 54265. DSG. ICHi. ICJ. Illinois. Directory. Illinois staue business directory, I860: in which the ncr- cantile, professional, manufacturinr; and r.iechanical departments, are accurately compiled and alphabetically arranged under their respective headings; also, information respecting banks, insur- ance companies, railroads and other institutions. Compiled by Smith 4 Dul'iioulin. Chicago, J. C. W. Bailey & co., publishers, no. 88 Dearborn Street, [i860]. 941, [2] p. 4 pi. 23 cm. [ 489 ] Imprint on verse of title-page: Press & Tribune book and job printing co. Charles Sonne, bookbinders, ICHi. ICU. TAH-Ii. Illinois, State normal university. Anniversary week at Bloomington. The agricultural convention, annual meeting of the Illinois natural history society, and comnonce- rrient exercises of the state normal university; chiefly compiled from the reports of the Chicago Press and Tribune and Chicago Times. Chicago, 1860. [ 490 ] 67 p. 22 cm. Sabin 1605. ICHi. mi. Yffli. Kellogg, John L. Disease, its intricacies. Introductory lecture to the course in the Hahnemann medical college of Chicago, October 29, 1860. Chicago, Cowdery, printer, 1860, 16 p. 8vo. [ 491 ] M. 183 Kcrfoot, Sa:rtuel H, Bishop Whitehouse and the diocese of Illinois. By Sain'l H, Kerfoot of Chicago. Chicago, Thompson ai;d Day, book, job and ornamental printers, 1860. 56 p, 22,5 cm. [ 492 J Sabin 37614. CSmH. Dicke. PLC . ICHi . IHi. nj. MBDi L. m, IvfciHi. MA. 00 IIP. Lamed, E. C. ArgtUTient of E. C. Lamed, esq,, coiinsel for the defense, on the trial of Joseph Stout, indicated for rescuing a fugitive slave from the United States deputy marshal, at Ottawa, 111,, Oct, 20, 1859 J delivered in the United States district court in the northern district of Illinois. , . , March 12 & 13, 1860, R. R. Hitt, reporter, Chicago, Press & Tribune book and job print- ing office, 1860, [ 493 ] 43 p, 8vo. ICHi. LQI-L. 00. The Lord's supper and the terms of its communion, Chicago, Church, Goodmaji &: Kenney, 1860, 48 p, 24,5 cm, (Tracts for the churches, no, 5), [ 494 ] ICHi, MoCormick, Cyrus H, McCormick's reaper and mower, 25,000 sold in six years, 1,600 were sold in 1854* Near 5,000 in I860* . . . Broadside. 22 x 28 cm, [ 495 ] ICMcHi. McGregor, Iowa. First Congregational church. Manual of the First Congregational churcli, of McGregor, lowaj including historical sketch and catalogue, and a compend of Con- gregationalism, (vrith the church rules, bond, covenant, &c,, as revised Jan,, I860,) Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, printers, [I860]. [ 496 ] 18 p,, 2 leaves, 16,5 cm, miUT. Methodist Episcopal church. Illinois, Rock River conference. Minutes of the Rock River annual conference, of the Methodist Episcopal church, held at Chicago, 111, Oct, 3d, 1860, Published by order of conference, Chicago, Dunlop, Sevrell & Spalding, steam printers, 145 Lake Street, 1860, 32 p. 21,5 cm, [ 497 ] lEG. 185 Milwniikee, La Crosse and St, Paul railroad. Schedules and map, Chicago, [1860] Small folio. [ 498 ] Not located; title from Anderson 1912, Jan* 1, 1925, Ho. 582. Nashotah theological seminary. Delafield, Wisconsin, Catalogue of the officers and students of the Nashotah theo~ logical seminaiy of the Protestant Episcopal church, in the north-west, situated on Nashotah Lakes, Delafield, Waukesha county, Vfisconsin. To which is added a catalogue of the alumni* 1859-60. Chicago, Scott & company, printers, 1860, 24 p. 23 cm, [ 499 j PLC . ■ LtgHi . Notre Dame university. Sixteenth annual catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. Annual commencement 1860"«61. Wednesday, June 26, 1860. Chicago, Daily times steam printing house, 112 Dearborn Street, 1860. 46, [2[ p. 20.5 cm. [ 500 ] InNd. NN, Northwestern University. Medical school. Second annual announcement of the Medical department of Lind University, at Chicago, Illinois for the college session of 1860-61. [I860]. [6] p. 25 cm. [ 501 ] lEN-M (photostat). Packard, Mrs, Elizabeth Parsons Ware Mrs, Packard's reproof to Dr. McFarland for his abuse of his patients, and for which he called her hopelessly insane. Given him in Jacksonville insane asylum, Illinois, Nov. 12th, 1860. [Chicago?, 1860 [. 32 p, 22 cm. [ 502 ] Sabin 58105, MBM. Protestant Episcopal church. Illinois (diocese). Journal of the twenty-third annual convention ... in St# John's church, Quincy, . . . September, 1360. Chicago, printed for the convention, 1860, 66, [2], 36 p. 20,5 cm. [ 503 ] Imprint on verso of title-page. Scott & company, printers and binders, Chicago, Illinois. ICHi, ([3], 4-66 p.). NN. 187 Republican party. National convention. 2d, Chicago, 1860. • • • Proceedings of the National Republican convention, held at Chicago, May 16th, 17th ic 18th, 1860, For president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois. For vice- president, Hannibal namlin, of Maine. Chicago, Press & Tribune office, 1860, [ 504 ] 44 p. 22 cm, (Press &, Tribune documents for 1860, no, 3) Caption title, Sabin 65894. DLC. IClIi. Illi, Rice, Nathoxi Lewis Lectures on Slavery; / Delivered In The / North Presbyterian Church, / Chicago. / [Rule ] / By N. L. Rice, D.D. / [Rule] / Chicago: / Church, Goodman & Gushing, Book And Job Printers, / 51 and 53 La Salle Street. / [ Line of do ts]/ 1860, [1], 4-100 p. 21,5 cm, [ 505 Sabin 70850. Paper cover, IvB. Mi, WA, Rice, Nathan Lewis Lectures On Salvery: / Delivered In The North Presbyterian Church, / Chicago. / [ Rule ] / By N. L. Rice, D. D. / [Rule] / Chicago: / Daily Democrat Print, 45 La Salle St, / [RuleX / 1860. [ 506 ] [1], 4-82 p. 21,5 om. Paper cover, CSmll. DLC. MB. Root, George Frederick Silver lutej a new singing book for schools, academies, and juvenile classes, Chicago, Root &: Cady, [I860?], 192 p, 17 cm, [ 507 ICHi (title-page lacking,) Rosohill Cemetery. Chicago, Illinois. Charter, rules and regulations of the Rosehill cemetery, Chicago, 1860, [ 508 ] 53, 16 p, 19 cm, ICHi. St, George's benevolent association. Chicago, Illinois, Constitution, by-lav/s, and rules of order of the St, George's benevolent association of Chicago, Chicago, printed by Joseph Cockroft, 1860, [ 509 ] 16 p, 13,5 cm, ICHi, 189 St, Louis, Alton and Chicago railroad company. First half-yearly report of the receivers of the St, Louis^ Alton and Chicago railroad to the trustees from Dec, 3dj 1859, to June 30th, 1850, Issued Aug, 1, 1860, Chicago, Thompson w Day, book, job and ornam.ental printers, 86 Dearborn Street, 1860, [ 510 ] 61, [1] p. 22 cm, MvT. WHi, Scripps, John Locke Life of Abraham Lincoln. [Chicago, Cliicago press and tribune CO,, 1860] 32 p, 22,5 cm, [ 511 ] Caption title. Copyright by Chicago press ajid tribmie oo. Another issue was, copyrighted by Horace Greeley c: co, and pub, by the New York tribune , Advertising matter on p» 32 begins: "The Chicago press and tribun,e8 Campaigii of 1860." CSmH» LLC , OCHP. Taylor, Benjamin Franklin January and June. 3d ed, Chicago, D. B. Cooke & co,, I860. 281 p, 18 cm, [ 512 ] ICKi. ICN, WentvTorth, John Inaugural address of lion, John YIentworth, delivered before the common council at Metropolitan Hall, Chicago, on Thursday, March 22nd, 1860. Chicago, Daily Democrat print, 45 La Salle Street, I860, [ 513 ] 15 p, 21,5 cm, CSmH. Dicke. MnHi. M. OCHP. [Whitehouse, Henry John ] Ninth annual address of the Bishop of the diocese of Illinois, 1860. Published by order of the convention. [Chicago, 111,,. I860.] [ 514 ] 36 p. 21 cm, IffiD. 191 1861 Almanacs. Scovil's medical almanac for 1862, [Chicago, 1861] 12mo. [ 515 ] Not located; title from William H. llurray list, June 23, 1932, Wo. 107, Almanacs. United States almanac, for the year 1862. Chicago, published by John R. Walsh, wholesale news agent and bookseller, Madison Street, corner Custom House Place, Western dealers supplied •with everything in his line at the earliest moment. Price lists free, on application, [ 516 33, [3] p. 18,5 cm, MTA. Americus, ( pseud. ) The American crisis, its cause — significance ~ and solution. By Americus, Chicago, published by John R. Walsh, 1861. 28 p, 22 cm, [ 517 ] Sabln 1080 (not located) gives 1862 . CSmH. IC. ICHi. ICN. 1/E. MH. PHi. PPL. Baptists. Illinois, Fox River association. The twenty~sixth anniversary of the Fox River baptist associa- tion. Held in the meeting house of the Baptist church at Joliet, Illinois, June 4th, 5th k 6th, 1861, Communications should be addressed to Rev. L. Church, cor, sec, Chicago, Chicago, Church, Goodiiian & Cushing, book and job printers, 51 and 53 La Salle Street, 1861, [ 518 ] 24 p, 22,5 cm, ICHi, ICU. WHC-S. Baptists, Iowa, State convention. Minutes of the nineteenth annual meeting of the Iowa Baptist state convention, held with the Baptist church in Waterloo, October 20-22, 1860, Correspondents will address J. F, Childs, Oskaloosa, Chicago, Church, Goodman i^ Cushing, book and job printers, 51 and 53 La Salle Street, 1861. 32 p, 21 om, [ 519 NHC-S. Beclcwith, C. Arguments in the case of Isaac H, Burch vs, Mary W, Burch. By C. Bcckwith, Esq,, and Hon, 0. H. Browning, Chicago, Scott & Company, printers, 1861, 162, 91 p, 22,5 cm, [ 520 ] Sabin 4256, 193 Bradbury, W. B. The dear ones all at home. Song vdth chorus by IV. B. Bradbury, Published by Root & Cady, 95 Clark St., Chicago, [cl86l] 5 p. 32.5 cm. [ 521 ] In the private ownership of Mrs. Regina Billings, Sarasota, Florida, Buchanan, John S., firm, Chicago, John S. Buchanan, importer, wholesale dealer and jobber in hardware and cutlery, nails, spikes, chains, railroad furnishings, goods, etc., also manufacturer of wire cloth, sieves, riddles, bird cages, etc, 51 Lake Street, Chicago, Chicago, Church, Goodman & Gushing, book and Job printers, 1661, 64 p, 17 cm. [ 522 ] ICHi. [Burnham, Benjamin Franklin] The martyr- crisis: a poem, Chicago, Cooke, 1861. [ 523 ] 79 p, 18,5 cm. DLG. ICHi, ICN. MB, Chicago, Board of education. Department of public instruction, city of Chicago. Seventh annual report of the Board of education, for the year ending February 1, 1861, Chicago, Tribune book and job printing office, 51 Clark Street, 1861. [ 524 ] 135 p. 21 cm, DE. IC. ICHi. ICJ. ICN. ICM. MnHi. MHi . Chicago board of police. An act to establish a board of police for the city of Chicago, Rules and regulations established by the board of police for the government of the police, and instructions as to the powers and duties of police officers, adopted for the government of the police of the city of Chicago, April 10th, 1861. Chicago, Jones, perdue & Small, stationers, 1861, [ 525 ] 104 p. 15 cm, ICHi. Chicago. Board of sewerage commissioners. Report of the Board of sewerage commissioners to the mayor and common council, for the half year ending December 31, 1860. Chicago, Scott & co,, 1861, [ 526 ] [3], 4-20 p, 23 cm, DSG. ICHi, il 195 Chicago. Board of water commissioners. Nineteenth semi-annual report of the Board of water com- missioners to the common council of the city of Chicago, January 1st, 1861, Chicago, Jameson and Morse, printers. No, 14 La Salle Street, 1861. [ 527 ] 70 p, 22 cm, ICHi, ICJ. ICM. MHi. Chicago, T'.velfth annual review of the trade and commerce of the city of Chicago, for the year 1860, as published in the Chicago Daily Tribune, January 1, 1861, Chicago, Illinois, Tribune book and job printing establishment, 51 Clark Street, 1861, 54, p. 23 cm, [ 528 ] Sabin 12629. Dicke. ICHi... ICN. '.-I. Chicago and Alton railroad company. Charter of the Chicago & Alton railroad company, and agreement of the bondholders, Chicago, Press -jf Thompson & Day, 1861, 26 p, 8vo. [ 529 ] DBRE. Chicago and north-western railroad company. Summer travel, 1861, Schedules and woodcut map showdng con- nections at La Crosse, etc,, for the boat to St, Paul, Chicago, 1861, [ 530 ] Broadside, Folio. Not located; title from Anderson 1912, Jan. 1925, No. 583. Chicago Bible society. Twentieth annual report ... for the year 1860. Presented Sunday evening, Dec. 9th. Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, steam book and job printers, 145 Lalce Street, 1861. 16 p. 21.8 cm, [ 531 ] Cover title, ICT. Chicago Bible society. Twenty-first annual report of the Chicago Bible society, for the year 1861, Presented Monday evening, Dec, 30th, Chicago, Brewster, Pierce & cc, book & job printers, 120 Lake Street, 1861, [ 532 ] 12 p, 21.5 cm, ICHi, i 197 Chicago. Board of trade. Third annual statement of the trade and commerce of Chicago, for the year ending December 31, 1860, Report to the Chicago board of, by Seth Catlin, secretary, Chicago, Tribune steam printing establishment, 51 Clark Street, 1861, 104 p. 21,5 om, [ 533 ] ICHi. ICU. MnHi. JfffA. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad company. Report of the directors of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad company. Presented to the stockholders at the annual meeting, June 21, 1861, Chicago, Dtmlop, Scwell & Spalding, railroad printers, no, 40 Clark Street, 1861, 35 p, 21 cm, [ 534 ] Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad. DLC. Chicago. Calvary Presbyterian church. Manual • . , with historical sketch and catalogue, April 1, 1861. Chicago, Henry C, YiTork, 1861, 16 p. 22 cm, [ 535 Chicago charitable eye and ear infirmary. Third annual report of the Chicago charitable eye and ear infirmary. Presented by the Board of surgeons, for the year ending May 1, 1861. Chicago, Tribune book and job printing office. No, 51 Clark Street, 1861, 7 p. 22 cm, [ 536 ] DSG. ICHi. m. MnHi. MWA. PPL. Chicago, Illinois. Citizens. Memorial to the government of the United States from the citizens of Chicago, 111,, setting forth the advantages of that city as a site for a national armory and foundry. November, 1861. Chicago, Beach & Barnard, printers, [1861 j, 22 p, front, (fold. map). 22,5 cm, [ 537 ] Cover title. Signed: Joseph H, Tucker, Albert E. Kent, Daniel L, Quirk [etc,] committee, Sabin 47721, Dickc , DLC , IC, ICHi . ICJ . ICMcHi . m, MnHi, N, OC. PPAmP. PPL. WHi, i ISi Chicago, Directory, Ealpin i Bailey's Chicago city directory, for the year 13sl-£2, containing, also a classified b'asi.ness register, s-nd s-ree- and avenue direc~ory, published annually af-er the ra^ovals of Eay first, Conpiled by T. L'. Haloin. Subscription price, $2.50. Chicago, Halpin 4 Bailey, 1851, [ 538 ] [5], 456, iTi, [6] p. 23 en. Saom J.: :- a: 1851. 26 p. 13 en. ccnr: _^^ — — — - [ 539 ] Chicago theological seminar^'. Catalogue of the officers and students cf -he Chicagc -heo- logical seminary, Chicago, Illinci;, 15cl-fl. Chicago, Church, Goodnan i Cushing, book and Jet prir.-ers, 51 i 53 La Salle Street, 1851. [ 54: ] 15 D. 23 CEi. Chicago theological seninarj'. Order of exercises at -he t: theological seninarj"-, Chicago, 1861. [Chicago], 4 ■". .;i_wCiS,0 — i, ^rs-aj, -_- c^ — , [ 541 3 Chicago theological seninar;r society. "hird aniiiversar%- cf the socie-y of Chicago theological seninary. Wednesday, a- 2 1-2 ?.]Z., April 24th, 1551, at the seninary chapel. Order cf exercises, [Chicago j. Broadside, 2C.5 on. [ 542 ] ICHi. Chicago. University. Annual connencsn.ent [prcgran] of the ipiiTersity cf Chicagc, at Er%'tn Eall, ITednesday, July 3d, 1861. [ 543 ] [4] p. 21 en. Dicke. IGU, Chicago, "niversi-y, Junicr exhibition cf t;h= ^■^i evening, July 2, 1551, [4] p. 21 en. nlversity of Chicago, .uesday [ 544 1 201 Chicago, University. Prize Freshman declamation. First Baptist church, Monday, July 1st, 1861, 7|- o'clock, P.M. Rounds, 46 State St, Broadside. 13 x 19 cm. [ 545 ] Program. Dicke. Chicago. University, Rhetorical exercises. Academical department. Held in the University chapel. Cottage Grove Ave. Tuesday, April 2, 1861, 7|- P. M. Chicago, Rounds, printer, 46 State St. [4] p. 20 cm. [ 546 ] Dicke. Chicago. University. Second annual catalogue of the University of Chicago. Officers and students for the academic year 1860-61. Chicago, Church, Goodman & Gushing, book and job printers, 51 & 53 La Salle Street. 1861. [ 547 ] 38 p. front. (plates). 23.5 cm. Dicke. DLC. ICHi. ICU. MH, OCHP, Clark, Charles M, A trip to Pike's Peak and notes by the way, with numerous illustrations: being descriptive of incidents and accidents that attended the pilgrimage; of the country through Kansas and Nebraska; Rocky mountains; mining regions; mining operations, etc. etc. By C. M. Clark, M.D. Chicago, S. P. Rounds' steam book and job printing house, 46 State Street, 1861. 2 p. 1., [vi]-vii p., 1 leaf, 134 p., 1 leaf, 18 plates (incl. front.) 21.5 cm. [ 548 ] CoHi'. CSmH. DLC. ICHi. Jones. MnH. Mnlli. Streeter. Dixon, Illinois, Citizens, Proceedings of the citizens' meeting held at Dixon, Illinois, June 8, 1861, in honor of Judge Douglas, together with the intro- ductory remarks of Col. Dement and the eulogy, delivered by Rev, W. W. Harsha. Chicago, Chicago Times book and job print, 1861, ' 21 p. 24 cm, [ 549 ] ICHi. Ellsworth, Ephraim Elmer Manual of arms for light infantry adapted to the rifled musket, with or without the priming attachment. Arranged for the U. S. Zouave cadets, governor's guard of Illinois. By Col. E, E. Ellsworth, colonel of the New York Fire Zouaves, and Paymaster General I. S. M. Chicago, P. T. Sherlock, 112 Dearborn Street, 1861. [ 550 ] 192 p. 13 cm. DLC. IC. ICHi. ICN. TIVHi. 203 Everts, W. W. Missionary policy conformed to the principles of church government and church extension laid down in the New Testament, By W. W. Everts, D.D. Chicago, Church, Goodman & Gushing, book and job printers, 51 & 53 La Salle Street, 1861, 12 p. 22 cm, [ 551 ] Dicke. Freeman, Norman Leslie A treatise on pleadings and practice, in civil actions, adapted to the various courts of record in the state of Illinois, comprising forms of writs, declarations, demurrers, pleas, replications, orders, rules, motions, judgments, and all the pleadings in every form of action at law. In two volumes. By Norman L. Freeman, counselor at lav/. Volume one, Chicago, E, B, Myers, law book publishers, (successor to D. ''. Coole & co,), 111 Lake Street, 1861, [ 552 ] xix, 612 p. 22,5 cm. The second volume of this book was never printed, ICLaw, Freemasons, Illinois, Knights templar. Grand Commandery, Proceedings of the Grand commandery of Knights templar of the state of Illinois, at their fifth annual conclave, held at the Masonic temple in Chicago, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 22 and 23, A.D,, 1861, A.O, 743, R,E, Sir Hosmer A. Johnson, grand commander, Chicago, F. Fulton & co., printers and binders, 1861, 50 p, 20,5 cm, [ 553 ] DSC . IvIBFM , Freemasons, Illinois, Royal Arch masons. Washington chapter. No, 43, By-laws of Washington chapter. No, 43, Royal arch masons, Chicago, Illinois, Constituted by dispensation, January, A.D, 1858, By charter, September, A.D. 1858, Revised and adopted, June 14th, A, I. 2391, Chicago, Jameson & Morse, book and job printers, 1861, [ 554 ] 10, [1] p, 12,5 cm, DSC. Galena and Chicago union railroad company. Fourteenth annual report of the directors of the Galena & Chicago union railroad co, to the stockholders for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1860, Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, printers & stationers. No, 40 Clark Street, 1861, 35 p, 21.5 cm. [ 555 ]: Dicke. 205 Garden City mining company. Report of the board of directors of the Garden City mining company of Chicago, 111, and accompanying documents, together with the by-laws. Chicago, Tribune steam book and job printing office, 51 South Clark Street, 1861. [ 556 ] 16 p. 2 fold, diagrs. 20,5 cm, Dicke, Garrett Biblical institute. Catalogue and circular of the Garrett Biblical institute, Evanston, Illinois. August, 1861. Chicago, Tribune book and job print, no. 51 Clark Street, [l86l]. 16 p. 19.5 cm. [ 557 ] ICHi. lEG. Graceland cemetery company, Chicago, 111, Rules and regulations of the Graceland cemetery company with the charter, (approved Feb, 22, 1861), Office in Bryan hall, Chicago. [Chicago], printed by James Barnet, 189 Lake Street, 1861, [ 558 ] 14, [2] p. front, 20 cm, DLC, L&iHi, KH, Hahnemann medical college, Chicago, Illinois, Annual announcement of the Hahnemann medical college for the session 1861-62, , , . [Chicago, 186l] [ 559 ] Not located; title from Bradford, Homoeopathic Bibliography , p, 467, Hibbard, John Randolph War in heaven, A sermon preached April 21, 1861, Chicago, Tribune Office, 1861, [ 560 ] 15 p, 12mo. Sabin 31679. DLC. Hiffliphrey, Z. M, Funeral sermon delivered at the obsequies of Colonel E, E, Ellsworth, at Brj^n Hr.ll, Chicago, Sunday, June 2, 1861, By Z. M, Humphrey, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Chicago, 111, Chicago, Tribune book and job printing office. No, 51 Clark Street, 1861, [ 561 ] 16 p, 22 cm, MB. 207 The Homeopathic family guide, for the use of twenty-five princi- pal remedies in the treatment of the more simple forms of desease. Compiled, from the best authorities, by Halsey & King. Chicago, 111., Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding. 1831. [ 562 ] 156 p, 18mo. DSG. Illinois, Courts, Supreme court. Supreme court, state of Illinois, third grand division. No, 260, April term, 1861. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad CO., Appellant, vs. Nancy M. Dewey, adm'x of Cephas B, Dewey, Dec'd, appellee. Argument of Walker, Van Arman & Dexter, counsel for appellant, Chicago, Jameson & Morse, printers, 14 La Salle Street, 1861. [ 563 ] 41 p. 25 cm, MB, Illinois. Courts. Supreme court. Supreme court, state of Illinois, third grand division. No, 261, April term, 1861, The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad CO., appellants, vs, Erastus W, Hazzard, appellee. Argument of Walker, Van Arman & Dexter, counsel for appellant. Chicago, Jameson & Morse, printers, 14 La Salle Street, 1861, 48 p, 2,6,5 cm, [ 564 '. Illinois. Laws, statutes, etc, A compilation of the laws of the state of Illinois relating to township organization. To which are added numerous practical fonns, and copious notes, by way of instruction, supported by references to adjudicated cases. New edition, enlarged and im- proved, containing all the laws on the subject, down to, and in- cluding the acts of 1861, By Elijah M, Haines, counsellor at law. Compiler of "Town Laws of Wisconsin," and "Township Laws of Michigan," and author of "The Probate Manual," and "a Treastise for Justices of the Peace and Constables." Chicago, published by D. B, Cooke & co,. 111 Lake Street, 1861. [ 565 ] 262 p, 22 cm, Dicke, MH-L, Illinois central railroad company, A guide to the Illinois central railroad lands. The Illinois central railroad company offer for sale over 1,400,000 acres of selected prairie and wood lands. In tracts of forty acres and upwards, suitable for farms on long credits, and low prices, sit- uated on each side of their railroad, extending through the state of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois central railroad office, 1861, 60 p, 23 cm, [ 566 ] Dicke. IC, ICHi, NN, WHi, :o9 Illinois central railroad company, Illinois central railroud company. Report and accounts for the year ending December 31st, I860. Directors, his excellency Richard Yates, governor of Illinois, ex-officio. L. M. Wiley, Franklin Haven, N. P. Banks, until May, 1861; Thomas E. Walker, J. N. Perkins,. Gustavus W. Smith, until May, 1862; Jonathan Sturges, Jos. W. Alsop, Frederick C. Gebhard, until May, 1863; Vifilliam Tracy, Abram S. Hewitt, W. H. Osborn, until May 1864. Notice is hereby given, that the annual meeting of stockholders will be held at the office of the company, in Chicago, on the last Wednesday of May, 1861. W. M. Phillips, secretary. [Chicago]. [ 567 16 p. 41 cm. ICHi. Illinois light infantry. General regulations and by-laws of the 1st regular light infantry of Illinois. Chicago, 1861, [ 568 ] ICN. Illinois state horticultural society. Transactions of the Illinois state horticultural society, at its annual meeting, held at Bloomington, 111,, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 18, 19 and 20, 1860, embracing discussions, lists of trees, shrubs, fruits, plants, flowers, and the addresses of Dr. John A. Kennicott, on "Mistakes in horticulture," and Dr. J, A. Warder, on "Pear Culture," t=itc., etc. Chicago, Prairie Farmer print, 204 Lake Street, 1861, [ 569 ] 64 p. 21 cm. DA. Kerfoot, S. H. Chicago, the commercial and financial centre of Illinois and the North-west, Chicago, 1861. [ 570 ] 12 p. 22 cm. Cover title; no imprint, ICHi. Lake Forest association. Statement to stockholders of the Lake Forest association, by Peter Page, treasurer and agent, Chicago, Tribune steam book & job prt'g office, 1861, [ 571 ] 12 p, IC. Livermore, D. P. Comfort in sorrow; a token for the bereaved. Chicago, Liver- more, 1861, [ 572 ] 128 p, 25 cm, ICHi, 211 Lombard university. (Jalesburg, Illinois. Catalogue of the officers and students of Lombard university, at Galesburg, Illinois for the year ending July 3d, 1861, Gales- burg MDCCCLXI. [ 573 ] 40 p. 21 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: A. A. Cowdery, printer and stationer, 154 South Clark Street, Chicago. IGK. McCormick, Cyrus H. McCormick's reaper and mower manufactured by C. H. McCormick & Bros,, Chicago, Illinois. [Chicago, 1861], Broadside. 21 x 27 cm. [ 574 ] ICMcHi. Martin, Samuel Wesley The festival chimes; a collection of secular and sacred music, consisting of. Part I. The practical singing class; II. Glees, opera choruses & quartets; III. Anthems, hymn tunes A chants. Designed especially for elemental and advanced classes, and music festivals. By S. Wesley Martin. , . Chicago, H. M. Higgins, [cl86l] [ 575 126 p. 26 cm, MUT. Nashotah theological seminary, Delafield, Wisconsin, Catalogue of the officers and students of the Nashotah theo- logical seminary, situated on Nashotah lakes, Delafield, Waukesha county, Wisconsin. To v/hich is adddd a catalogue of the alumni. 1860-61. Chicago, Scott and company, printers, 1861, 24 p, front. 22,5 cm. [ 576 m, MnHi. Northwestern university. Evanston, Illinois. Catalogue of the Northwestern university 1860-61, Evanston, 111, [Chicago, S. P. Rounds, printer, no, 46 State Street], 24 p. 19,5 cm, [ 577 ] Imprint on verse of title-page, ICHi. lEN. Northwestern university. Medical school. Third annual announcement of the Medical department of Lind University, at Chicago, Illinois, for the college session of 1861- 62, Chicago, W. Cravens & co., steam printers, 132 Lake Street, 1861. [ 578 ] 11, [l] p. 8vo. DSG. ICJ. 213 Protestant Episcopal church, Illinois, (diocese). Journal of the twenty-fourth annual convention of the Protestant Episcopal church in the diocese of Illinois, held in Clirist church, Ottawa, on the 11th and 12th days of September, 1861, Chicago, printed for the convention, [S. P. Rounds, printer, no, 46 State Street, 3 1861. 81 p. 20,5 cm. [ 579 ] Imprint on verso of title-page, Diclce. ICIIi. Randall, G, P. Architecture. Designs and illustrations, for residences, banking houses, school houses, churches, court houses, etc., by G. P. Randall. Chicago, 111., Evening journal, 1861. 16 p. 22. C cm. [ 580 ] ICHi. Shoan, James W. Eulogy upon Stephen A. Douglas delivered before the Chicago University, Chicago, July 3, 1861. By James W, Shoahan, Chicago, "Post" printing establishment, 1861. 28 p. 19 cm. [ 581 ] Sab in 80030. Homer. ICHi. ICN. MH. Sloan's central commercial college. Chicago, Illinois, Annual catalogue and circular of Sloan's central commercial college, incorporated. Comer of Clark & Washington Streets, Chicago, 111,, and connections at St, Louis, Mo.j Cincinnati, Ohio J Philadelphia, Pa,; New York City; Buffalo, N. Y,; Boston, Mass,; llcw Orleans, La,, and Baltimore, Md, Chicago, Evening Journal print, 50 Dearborn Street, 1861. 32 p, 20,5 cm. [ 582 ] InNd, Small, Alvan Edward Valedictory address. Hahnemann medical college, Chicago, Febjruary 14, 1861. Chicago, Scott & co,, 1861, 12 p. 8vo. I 583 Not located; title from T. L, Bradford, Homoep athic Bibliogra- phy, p, 260, 215 Soulter, James T. V3_. The people and Oquawka railroad company. In the circuit court of the United States, for the northern district of Illinois. James T. Soulter, and David Hoadley, vs. Thb people and Oquawka railroad company, et al. bill. The Peoria and Oquawka railroad company, et al., vs . James T. Soulter, David Hoadley, et al. Cross bill and amended cross bill. Points and argument. Scammon, McCagg & Fuller, Chicai^o, Beach & Barnard, printers, 14 south Clark Street, 1861, 33 p, 22,5 cm. ^ [ 584 ] Sabin 87300. m. United States sanitary commission, Chicago branch, ... Report on the condition of camps and hospitals at Cairo and vicinity, Paducah and St, Louis, by Rev. W, W, Patton and R, N, Isham, M. D., ..., October, 1861, Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, printers, 1861, [ 585 ] 11, [l] p. 21 cm. DLC. ICU. Universalists. Illinois. Minutes of the Illinois State Convention of Universalists. Session of 1861. Published by order. A. A. Cowdery, pr., 154 Clark St. [ 586 ] [ii], 62 p. 20.5 cm, PPL-R. TlVheaton College, Wieaton, Illinois, Seventh annual catalogue of the officers and students of Wheaton College, MDCCCLX-LKI, llVheaton, Du Page county^ Illinois, Chicago, J, W, Dean, steam book and job printer. No. 94 Dearborn Street. 1861. [ 587 ] 16 p. 20 cm, DE. IWVY, [Whitehouse, Henry John] Tenth annual address of the Bishop of the diocese of Illinois, 1861. Published by order of the convention* [Chicago, 1861,] 43 p. 20 cm. [ 588 ] Dicke. MD. 1862 Allen, J. Adams Address introductory to the twentieth session of Rush medical college. 1862-3... Published by the Class. Chicago, 1862^ 8vo. [ 589 ] Not located; title from American Art, April 1929 (Paullin), No. 586. 217 1862_ Almanacs. Deutschor Kalender fur 1363. [Chicago, 1G62?] [64] p, illus. 19.5 cm. [ 590 ] RT-uming title: Fanner's and Mechanik's Kalender fur 1863. Wo imprint. IMA. Almanacs, The faraily medical almanac for 1863, John D. Park, 4 & T/alnut, Cinciniiati, H. Scovil, Chicago, Illinois, dealer, whole- sale and retail, in all valuable family medicines; combs, brushes, soaps, perfumery, shaving creams, pomades, oils, dyes and restor- ers for the hair, [Chicago? 1862] [72] p. 20,5 cm. [ 591 ] Yfiii, [Baker, Delphine Paris] Solon, or the rebellion of '61, A domestic and political tragedy. By Delphine. [Quotation] Chicago, 111,, S. P, Ro\mds, book and job printer, 46 State Street, 1862, 74 p. 22.5 cm. [ 592 ] Sabin 19455; 2813, DLC. I. m» Iiffl, MrtA. Baptists, Illinois, Fox River association. The twenty- seventh anniversary of the Fox River baptist asso- ciatin, held in the meeting house of the First baptist church at Aurora, Illinois, June 3d, 4th & 5th, 1862, Coinmimi cat ions should be addressed to Rev, L, Church, corresponding secretary, Chicago, Chicago, Church, Goodman & Cushing, book and job printers, 51 & 55 La Salle Street, 1862, 24 p. 22,5 cm, [ 593 ] Dicke, ICPIi, ICW, ICU, KHC-S. Baptist. Illinois, Pastoral union. Minutes of the Illinois Baptist pastoral union, seventeenth annual meeting; and of the Baptist general association, of Illinois, eighteenth annual meeting; held in Alton City, October 16-20, 1862, TJ'ith reports and statistical tables. Chicago, Church, Goodnian & Cushing, book and Job printers, 51 & La Salle Street, 1862, [ 594 ] 56 p, 22 cm, ICHi, Baptists, lovra.. State convention. Minutes of the twentieth annual meeting of the Iowa Baptist state convention; held with the Baptist church in Keolcuk, October 19-21, 1861, Correspondents will address J, F, Childs, Oskaloosa, Chicago, Church, £; Cushing, book and job printers, 51 and 53 La Salle Street, 1862, 32 p, 21 cm, [ 595 ] NHC-S, 219 Bartlett, SamuGl Colcord A discourse coinmemorativo of the life and churact.or of lucius Duncan Olmsted, d'^livored i)i the Now England church, Chicago, March 23, 1362, by S. C. Bartlett, D. D., professor in Chicago theological seminary. Chicar^o, Jameson & Morse, printers, 1862. 23 p. 22.5 cm. " ' [596 ]: Dickc. (3 copies) DLC. ICHi. MnHi. Chicago, Board of education. Department of public instruction, city of Chicago, Eighth annual report of the Board of education for che year ending Decombor 31, 1861, Chicago, Chicago Tim;-3 book and job printing establishment, 1862. [ 597 ] 100 p. front. 21 cm. DE. Dicke. IC. ICIIi. ICJ. ICK. ICU. Mnlli. Mii. [Chicago. Board of education] Fourth grade questions. Geography... [Dated at end:] Chicago, March 27, 1862. [ 598 ] Broadside. 21 x 11 cm. Examination questions. Dicke. Chicago. Board of Education, Graded course of instruction for the public schools of Chicago; with accompanying directions to teachers. Revised Edition. Adopted by the Board of eduction, July 1, 1862, Chicago, Rov;e & Hyatt, book and job printers, 114 Randolph Street, 1862. 80 p. 22.5 cm. [ 599 ] ICJ. M03. Chicago. Board of police. Correspondence vdth Chicago, 1854. Chicago Board of police [on legal requisites of amending State Constitution] [Chicago, 1862]. [ 600 ] 37 p. 8vo. Not located; title from Scot d; O'Shaughnessy Inc. Cat. No. 16, March 1916, No. 184. Chicago. Board of public vrorks. First annual report of the boai-d of public works to the common council of the city of Chicago. January 1st, 1862, Chicago, S. P. Rounds, printer, 45 State Street, 1862. 85 p, 21 cm. [ eOl ] Did:_c, DLC. IC. ICHj_. _ICJ. I^. ION. MnHi. PPFrankl. YiTIi . 221 Chicago, Celebration of the eighty-sixth anniversary of the intler-endence of the United States, in Chicago, July 4th, .1862, Printed by authority, Chicago, 1862, [ 602 ] 31 p. 21.5 cm. Oration by B. F. Aver, and poem by G. W. Pettes, Sabin 12617. Dicke, DLC. ICU. MB. MnHi. PPL. Chicago and Milwaukee railroad company. Report of the sixth year of the Chicago and Milwaukee rail- road company, ending December 31st, 1861, Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, printers and stationers, no, 40 Clark Street, 1862, 23 p. 21 cm. [ 603 ] ICU. Chicago and northwestern railway company. Third annual report of the Chicago and northwestern railway company. June, 1862. Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, printers, 1862. [ 604 ] 25 p. front, (fold, map), 21,5 cm, est. DBRS. Die. Dicke. DLC. M. Chicago. Board of trade. Fourth annual statement of the trade and commerce of Chicago, for the year ending Decem.ber 31, 1861. Reported to the Chicago board of trade, by Seth Catlin, Secretary, Chicago, The Chicago Times printing establishment. No, 74 Randolph Street, 1862, 110 p,, 1 leaf, 21.5 cm, [ 605 ] ICHi. ICU. litaHi. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad company. Report of the directors of the Chicago Burlington and Quincy railroad company. Presented to the stockholders at the annual meeting, June 20, 1862, Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, rail- road printers. No, 40 Clark Street, 1862, 48 p. 21 cm, [ 606 ] Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad, DLC, Chicago, Directory, Halpin & Bailey's Chicago city directory for the year 1862-63; containing, also, a classified business register and street and avenue directory; published annually after the removals of May first. Compiled by T. M. Halpin. Subscription price, $2.50. Chicago, Halpin « Bailey, publishers. No. 130 Clark Street, 1862, 524, Ixii p. 23 cm. [ 607 ] Dicke. ICHi. IWA. Wlli. 223 Chicago. Directory, Merchants receiving this book, vdll find it convenient to refer to while in the city, Cov/ell's Chicago business directory. For index to advertisements, see the end of the book, Chicago, 111., E. J. Cowell, 1862, [ 608 ] [4], 149 p. 15 cm, ICJ. Chicago reform school. Sixth report of the officers to the board of guardians for eighteen months ending March 31, 1862, Chicago, S, P, Rounds, book and job printer, 1862, [ 609 ] 48 p. 22 cm, Dicke, DLC, IC. ICHi. ICJ. ICU. imi. Chicago society of the home for aged and indigent females. Constitution and by-lav.'s of the Chicago society of the home for aged and indigent females, Chicago, printed by J. S, Thomp- son, 1862, [ 610 ] 20 p. 13.5 cm, ICHi, Chicago theological seminary. Catalogue of the officers and students of the Chicago theo- logical seminary, Chicago, Illinois, 1861-2, Chicago, Church, Goodman k Cushing, book and job printers, 51 and 53 La Salle Street, 1862, [ 611 ] 15 p, 22,5 cm, ICHi, ICT. m. KnHi, Chicago theological seminary. Catalogue of the officers and students... 1862-3, Chicago, Church, Goodman & Cushing, book and job printers, 1862, 15 p. 21 cm, [ 612 ] ICT. Chicago. University, ... Anniversary exercises of the Literary societies. And prize essays by the Sophomore class. At the First Baptist church, July 1st, at 7:30 P.M., 1862, [ 613 ] [4] p, 21 cm, ICU, Chicago, University, Fourth annual commencement. In Bryan Hall, on Wednesday, July 2d, 1862, 2 o'clock,, [ 614 ] [4] p, 21 cm, ICU, 225 Chicago. University, Third annual catalogue of the University of Chicago, Officers and students for the academic year 1861-2. Chicago, Church, Goodman & Gushing, book and job printers, 51 « 53 La Salle Street, 1862. [ 615 ] 38 p. 22 cm. De. Dicke. DLC. ICIIi. ICU. MH. OCHP. Collier, Robert Laird Moral heroism: its essentialness to the crisis, A sermon^ preached in the Wabash Ave. M, E. Church, Chicago, Sabbath evening, August 3, 1862. By Rev, Robert Laird Collier, pastor. Chicago, Tribune book and job steam printing office. No. 51 Clark Street, 1862. [ 616 ] 16 p. 22,5 cm. CSmll. Collins, N.G. Speech of Rev. N. G. Collins, chaplain of the 57th Illinois Vol. Infantry, delivered on several occasions, to regiments in Gen. Dodge's division, and at Lamoille, Bureau Co., Illinois, to the citizens and veteran soldiers of that section. On the intellectual condition of the south compared with the north with its bearing upon the present rebellion. No. 2. Chicago, Church, Goodman & Gushing, steam print, 51 and 53 La Salle Street, [1862?]. [ 617 ] 24 p. 18 cm. GtfflTatk . PHi . Collyer, Robert The fear of God. A sermon: preached in Unity church, Chicago, on Sunday morning, November 9, 1862. By Robert Collyer, pastor to the church. Published by some who heard it. Chicago, Tribune book and job steam printiiv; office. Wo. 51 Clark Street, 1862. 16 p. 21 cm. [ 618 1 Sabin 14417, MB, Cook county, Illinois. Department of public schools. Department of public schools. Cook county, Illinois. First report of the Cook county schools, by School commissioner. Chicago, Tribune book and job steam printing office, 1862, 35 p. 22 cm. [ 619 ] Sabin 16301. ICHi. ICJ. lU. MH. Democratic party. National convention. Proceedings of the Democratic congressional convention, for the first district, held in Chicago, Oct. 14, 1862. [Chicago, 1862], 7 p. 22 cm. [ 620 ] Caption title; no imprint. ICHi. 227 Douglas, Jr.mos S. Practioal horacopathy for tho people. Adapted to the compre- hension of the non-professional and for reference by the young practitioner. Including a number of most valuable new remedies and improvements, in the treatment of numerous diseases, not in general use. Chicago, C. S. Halsey, 1862. 129 p. 18mo. [ 621 ] Not located; title from T. L. Bradford, Homeopathic Bibliography, p. 63. Douglas moniment association. Organization, constitution and by-laws of the Douglas monument association; together mth an appeal to the public. Chica^^o. The Chicago Tillies job printing establisliment, IJo . 74 Randolph Street, 1862. ' ■ [ 622 ] 19 p. 20.5 cm. Sabin 20696. DLC. Dicke. ICHi. ICN. KnJIi . m. MI. RHi . Wii. Douglas monument association. Organization, constitution and by-lav;s of the Douglas monument association; together with an appeal to the public. Second edition, Chicago, Howe & Hyatt, printers, 114 Randolph Street, 1862. [ 623 ] 16 p, 21 cm. Dicke. Dresser, G.J. Instructions in preparing and collecting war claims of soldiers, v\ldov/s and heirs for bounty money, arrears of pay, and invalid pensions. Also, the lav.'s now in force governing cases arising under the present wai'. By G. J. Dresser, a,ttorney at law, Chicago, Illinois. Chicago, Hyatt & Calhoun, printers. No. 86 Lfikc Street, 1862. [ 624 ] 30 p. 23 cm. Wdi . [Eastman, Z.] Slavery a falling tower. A lecture on slavery, the cause of civil war in the United States. Delivered at Arley chapel, Bristol, June, 1862. Published by request. Second edition. Chicago, John R. Walsh, [1862]. [ 625 ] 24 p. 20 cm. M. 00. Freemasons. Illinois, Knights templar. Grand Commandery, Proceedings of the Grand commandery of Knights templar of the state of Illinois, at their sixth annual conclave, held at the Masonic temple in Chicago, on Tuesday, October 28, A.D., 1862, A. 0. 744, R.E. Sir George Waite Deering, Grand commander, E. Sir Henry C. Ranney, grand recorder, Chicago, F. Fulton & co,, printers, 1862. [ 625 ] 48 p. 20 cm, DSC. ISFM. Garrett Biblical institute. Catalogue and circular of the Garrett Biblical institute, Evanston, Illinois. September, 1862, Chicago, Tribune book and job print. No. 51 Clark Street, 1862. [ 627 ] 16 p, 19.5 cm, ICHi. lEG, Guyer, Isaac D. History of Chicago; its commercial and manufacturing interests and industry; together sketches of manufacturers ... with glances at some of the best hotels; also the principal railroads which center in Chicago, By I, D. Guyer, Chicago, Church, Good- man & Gushing, book and job printers, 51 & 53 La Salle Street, 1862. [ 628 ] 200 p. incl. front., plates. 27 cm, DLC. IC. ICHi. ICN. VfNA. WHi. Hahnemann medical college, Chicago, Illinois. Annual announcement of the Hahnemann medical college for tlie session 1862-63, . . . [Chicago, 1862], [ 629 ] Not located; title from Bradford, Homeopathic Bibliography, p. 467. Hibbard, John Randolph A sermon on the causes and uses of the present civil war, delivered by Rev, J. R. Hibbard, in the New Jerusalem temple, Chicago, 111., April 12th, 1862. [Chicago? 1862?] 8 p. 22.5 cm, [ 630 ] Cover title, Sabin 31679. DLC. PPAIJ, Hibbard, John Rancoliph A spiritual ground of hope for the salvation of the country, A discourse delivered... August 6, 1862. By Rev. J. R. Hibbard, ... Chicago, Tribune Office, 1862. [ 631 J 24 p. 8vo. PBa. 231 Illinois. Courts. Supreme court. Supreme court of Illinois. Third grand division. April term, A.D. 1862. The people of the state of Illinois, ex relc The city of Chicago, vs. Alexander C. Coventry, Frederick Tuttle and ITillian Wayman. Argument for the relator, by F. H. Kales. Chicago, Chicago Times book and job printing establishment. No, 74 Randolph Street, 1862. [ 632 ] 11 p. 21.5 cm. Dicke, Illinois, Courts. Supreme court. Supreme court of Illinois. Third grand division, April term, A.D., 1862. The people of the state of Illinois, ex rel. The city of Chicago, vs. Alexander C. Coventry, Frederick Tuttle and William Wayman, Arguments for the relator. Chicago, Chicago Times book and job printing establishment, 1862. 85 p. 22 cm. [ 633 ] ICHi. Illinois, Laws, statutes, etc. Author ized editi on. Statutes of Illinois embracing all of the general laws of the state, complete to 1861, with marginal notes, shovvdng the contents of each section, and a reference to the decisions of the Supreme court upon the construction of each statute. Compiled by Samuel H, Treat, W. B, Scates and Robert S.- Blackwell, Published by authority of the general assembly. Chicago, E. B. Myers, law book publisher, yo. Ill Lake Street, 1862, L 634 ] xxviii, 928 p. 24,5 cm, mi-L. ms. Illinois central railroad company, Illinois central railroad co,'s report and accounts for the year ending December 31st, 1861. Directors, his excellency, Richard Yates, Governor of Illinois, ex-officio. Thomas E. Walker, J. N. Perkins, until May, 1862; Jonathan Stwrges, Jos. W. Alsop, Frederick C. Gebhard, until May, 1863; William Tracy, Abraham S. Hemtt, W. H. Osborn, until May, 1864; L. M. Yfiley, Franklin Haven, John M. Douglass, until May, 1865. Notice is hereby given, that the annual meeting of stockholders will be hejd at the office of the company, in Chicago, on the last Wednesday of May, 1862. W. M. Phillips, secretary, [Chicago, 1862], [ 635 12 p. 41 cm, ICHi. Illinois. Directory. - Coimnercial register, containing a list of merchants, manu- facturers, bankers, etc., in the state of Illinois, March, 1862, ... Chicago, S. P. Rounds, book and job printer, 46 State Street,. 1862, [ 636 ] 186 p. 17,5 cm, Dicko, 233 Illinois state horticultural society. Premiums and regulations of the fair of the Illinois state horticultural society, to be held at Bryan Halls, in Chicago, commencing on Monday, September 8th, 1862, and continuing through the week. Competition open to the v/hole north-westl Exhibition not limitedl Chicago, Tribune book and job printing establish- ment, 1862, [ 637 ] 8 p. 21 cm. TOi. Krusemarck, William The health restorer; or a new method to cure in the simplest way, all diseases caused by cold, Chicago, published by the author, 1862, [ 638 1 Not located; title from American Art, April 1929 (Paullin), No. 588. 12ino. Livermore, Mrs, M. A. Pen pictures: or. Sketches from domestic life, Chicago, S, C, Griggs & CO., 39 and 41 Lake Street, 1862, 216 p. 16,5 cm. [ 639 ] Imprint on verso of title-page: S. & A. Emerson, printers, 174 South Clark Street, Dicke. ICHi. Iffi, Lombard university. Galesburg, Illinois. Catalogue of the officers and students of Lombard university, Galesburg, Illinois, for the year ending June 18th, 1862. Gales- burg, MDCCCLXII, [ 640 ] 32 p, 21 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page; A. A. Cowdery, printer and stationer, 154 South Clark Street, Chicago, IGK. Mason and Dixon Line, Messages from the governors of Maryland and Pensylvania, trams- mitting the reports of the joint commissioners, and of Lieut, Col, Graham, U. S. topographical engineers, in relation to the inter- section of the boundary lines of the states of Maryland, Penn- sylvania and Delaware, being a portion of Mason and Dixon's line. With a map, 2d ed, Chicago, F, Fulton & co., 1862. 95 p, fold map, 23 cm, [ 641 ] ItoHi . PHi . Methodist Episcopal church. Illinois, Rock River conference. Minutes of the twenty-third session of the Rock River annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, held at Joliet, Illinois, September, 1862, Published by order of the conference, Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, printers, 40 Clark Street, 1862, [ 642 ] 53 p. 21 cm. lEG. 235 [Morris, Robert] An appeal to gonerous masons. The Morris Relief Fund, [Chicago? 1862]. [ 643 ] 16, [2] p. 22.5 cm. laCrM. Northwestern university, Evanston, Illinois, Catalogue of the North-Westorn university, 1861-2. Evanston, 111., MDCCCLXII. [ 644 ] 24 p. 19,5 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: S. P. Rounds, printer. No. 46 State Street, Chicai^o, ICHi, lEN, Northwestern university. Medical school. Fourth annual announcement of the Medical department of Lind university, Chicago, Illinois. For the college session of 1862- 63, Chicago, Tribune book and job printing establishment, 51 Clark Street, 1862. [ 645 ] 16 p. 22 cm, MnHi. Notre Dame university. Eighteenth annual catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. Annual commencemont 1861-62. Wednesday, June 25, 1862. Chicago, "Morning Post" book and job printing establishment, 1862. [ 646 ] 49 p. 20.5 cm. InNd. The oratorio of Elijah: by Felix Mondellsshon Bartholdy. Will be performed for the first time in Chicago at Bryan Hall, Monday even'g. May 26, '62, by a select chorus of 100 voices, accompanied by the entire Philharmonic orchestra, of 30 instruments, the principal solos ivill bo sustained by [names of quartette] the whole under the direction of Mr, Hans Balatka, Chicago, Tribune book and job printing establishment. No, 51 Clark Street. 18 p. 21 cm. [ 647 ] Dicke, People of God, Sketch of tha constitution and organization of tho People of God by the Board for gathering the People of God at Jerusalem, Stuttgart, Germany, 1855, Chicago, S. P. Rounds, book and job printer, 46 State Street, 1862, [ 648 ] 45 p, 22 cm. Translated from the German, by F. Klies, mi. 237 Phillips, Rev, S. The Christian home, as it is in the sphere of nature end the church. Showing the mission, duties, influences, habits^, and responsibilities of home, its education^ government, and disci- pline; T.dth hints on "Match making," and the relation of parents to the marriage choice of their children: together with a con- sideration of the tests in the selection of a companion, etc. By Rev, S, Phillips, A.K, [Quotation, 4 lines] Chicf.^o, 111,, 0, F, Gibbs, 1862, [ 649 ] 376 p, 19 cm, Dicko, Protestant Episcopal church, Illinois (diocese). Journal of the twenty-fifth annual convention of t?ie Protestant Episcopal church in the diocese of Illinois, held in the Bishop's church, Chicago, on the 10th and 12th days of September, 1862, Chicago, printed for the convention, 1862, 82 p, 20,5 cm, [ 650 ] Imprint on verse of title-page: S. P. Rounds, printer. No, 46 State Street, Chicago, Dicke, ICHi, Riboni, Giuseppe Broadsword and quarter-staff without a master, Broadsvrord fencing and stick or quarter- staff play, after the latest European practice adopted in the military schools of France and Italy, and the United States, by Lieut, Giuseppe Riboni, late lieutenant in the Sardenian anny, graduate of the military school at Lyrea, Chicago, E. B, Myers (successor of D, B, Cooke & co.), 1862. [3j 81 p, 15,5 cm, [ 651 ] DLC. ICHi, Robb, James, A southern confederacy. Letters by James Robb, late a citizen of New Orleans, to an American in Paris, and Hon, Alexander H, Stephens, of Georgia, Chicago, Press of J, S, Thompson, 1862, 24 p, 22,5 cm, [ 652 ] Sab in 71726, DLC. ICN, im. NjP. Root, George Frederick The silver lute: a new singing book for schools and academies. Containing musical notation, progressive song-lesso;;3, exercises and occupation songs, hymns, tunes end chants, and pieces for concerts and exhibitions. By Geo, F, Root, author of "Academy vocalist," "Flower queen," "Silver chime," and other musical works, Chicago, published by Root & Cady, 95 Clark Street, Kason Brothers, New York; Lee & ''A'alker, Philadelphia; H , Tolman & Co., Boston; S. Brainard & Co., Cleveland, 1862, 192 p. 16.5 cm. [ 653 ] ffl. PU. 239 Rumsey, Brothers and company. ... The markets, ... [Dated at tlie head:] Chicar,o, Saturday, one o'clock ?,l]., March 8, 1862. [ 654 ] Broadside. 20 x 25 cm. m. St. Louis, Alton and Chicago railroad company. Second yearly report of the receiver of the St. Louis, Alton and Chicago railroad to the trustees, from Jan, 1, 1861, to Dec, 31, 1861, Issued Jan. 20, 1862. Chicago, J. S, Thompson, printer, 86 and 88 Dearborn Street, 1862, [ 655 ] 32 p. 22 cm. Die. DLC. ICHi. OCHP. Skinner library association. Chicago, Illinois, Catalogue of the Skinner library association of the city of Chicago, 1862, Chicago, I. A. Pool, printer, 1862, 43 p. 12 cm. [ 656 ] ICHi, Slavery a falling tower ... Second ed, Chicago, John R. Walsh, printer, [1862.?] [ 657 ] 24 p. 8vo, Not located; title from Sabin 82072, Small, Alvan Edward Hahnemann and his doctrines. Introductory lecture to the course in the Hahnemann medical college of Chicago, October 5, 1861, Chicago, Beebe & Bro., 1862. [ 658 ] 30 p, 8vo. DSG, Smith, Q-jorge B,, comp . Official army list of the western states for August, 1862, including volunteers of Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and Colorado. Compiled ... by Geroge B. Smith, Chicr.go, . John R, Walsh, 1862, 1 p. 1., [17]-18, [iii]-vii, [l], 19-176 p. 18 cm. Sabin 56759. [ 659 ] CSmll. DLC. MnHi. Stevenson, G. L. A lecture on faith, hope and charity, delivered by Bro. G. L, Stevenson, W. C. T. In Houston Lodge, No. 32, I. 0, of G. T, March 3, 1862. Also by request, before the members of Star of Hope, in Open Lodge; March 21, 1862, Chicago, Bro, A. A. Cowdery Printer, 154 South Clark Street, 1862, 21 p. 20 cm, [ 660 ] MffM. 241 Swazey, Arthur A sermon: addressed to the Havelock guards, and to all officers and privates, connected with the families of the Third Presby- terian congregation, Chicago, Sunday morning, August 24, 1862. By Rev. Arthur Swazey, pastor. Published by request. Chicago, Tribune book and job steam printing office. No. 51 Clark Street, 1862. [ 661 ] 22 p. 21.5 cm. Dicke. MB. University of St. Mary's of the lake. Annual catalogue of the officers and students of the Univer- sity of St. Mary's of the lake for the collegiate year 1861-62. Chicago, A. B. Tobcy' s printing house. Mo. 5 Clark Street, 1862. 32 p. 20.5 cm. [ 662 ] InNd. VJheaton College, ij^eaton, Illinois. Eighth ■annual catalogue of the officers and students of vn^eaton College. MDCCCLXI-LXII. ^flieaton, Du Page County, Illinois, Chicago, J, H. Rowe, book and job printer, 1862, 16 p. 20 cm, [ 663 ] [^JVhitehouse, Henry John] Eleventh annual address of the Bishop of the diocese of Illinois. 1862, Published by order of the convention, 47 p. 20,5 cm, [ 664 ] No imprint, Dicke, MED, Wilson, James Grant. Biographical sketches of Illinois officers engaged in the war against the rebellion of 1861. By James Grant Wilson ... Chicago, J. Barnet, 1862. [ 665 ] vi, [7]-106 p. front, ports. 24 cm. CSmH. Dicke. DLC. IC. ICHi. ICN. ICU. MjiHi. OC. Wright, Caleb Historic incidents and life in India. The infoi-mation con- tained in this volume has been collected by personal research and extensive travel in India, and by compilation from authentic sources. Rev. ed. By Caleb Wright and J.. A. Brainerd. Illustra- ted by nimerous engravings. Thirty-eighth thousand. Chicago, J. A. Brainerd, 1862. [ 666 ] 320 p., incl. front, plates. 23.5 cm. lEN-M. KiU. MnHi. OCL. 243 Young men's Christian association, Chicago, Illinois. Fourth annual report of the Chicago young men's Christian association, together with the address of the Rev, R, L. Collier, constitution, by-laws, list of officers and life members, stand- ing committees, etc, etc, Kay, 1862. Chicago, published from the rooms of the association, Methodist church block, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, printers, 40 Clark Street, [18S2], 32 p, 22.5 cm, [ 667 ] ICHi. 245 Almanacs, Bennett Pieters & Go's almanac and valuable information, containing a complete list of U. S. tax laws, stamp duties, licenses, to, Lg» For free distribution. 1864, Chicago, Published by Bennett Pieters & Co., [1063] [ 668 ] 23, [1] p, 17,5 cm. laii. imA, lAfHi, Almanacs. Deutscher Kalender fur 1864, Published by H. ScoVil, CKicr.go,, [1863], ■ [ 669 [48] p. 19 cm. MWA. Almanacs. The family medical almanac for 1864. H. Scovil , 76 Randolph St., Chicago, H. Scovil, Chicago, Illinois, dealer, wholesale and retail, in all valuable family medicines, dyes and restorers for the hair, [Chicago? 1863] I 670 ] [40] p. 21 cm. mix. Andrews, Edmund Complete record of the surgerj'" of the battles fought near Vicksburg, December 27, 28, 29, iV 30, ^1862. By E. Andrews ... Chicago, G. H, Fergus, book and job printer, 1863. [ 671 ] 48 p. incl. tables. 21.5 cm. DLC. DSG. ICJ. lEH-M. (lacks title-page). Bannister, H Funeral discourse on the death of Lieut. H. G, Meachaia. Chicago, 1863. [ 672 ] Kot located; title from American Art, April 1929 (Paullin), Wo. 582, Baptists. Illinois. Fox River association. The tv.'enty- eighth anniversary of the Fox River Bap, association, held in the meeting house of the Baptist church at Morris, Illinois, . June 2d, 3d & 4th, 1863, Communications should be addressed to Rev, L. Church, corresponding secretai-y, Chicago, Chicago, Church, Goodman &: Gushing, book and job printers, 51 & 53 La Salle Street, 1863. [ 673 ] 22 p. 23 cm, Dicke. ICHi, ICU. NKC-S. 247 Baptists, Illinois. Salem association. Minutes of the thirteeiath anniversary of the Salem Baptist associa- tion held at Blandinville, McDonough county, Illinois, August 22 & 24, 1863. Chicago, Church, Goodman & Gushing, 1863, [ 674 ] 3, 24 p. 22,5 cm, ICHi. Chicago, Board of education. Department of public instruction, city of Chicago. Ninth annual report of the Board of education for the year ending December 31, 1862, Chicago, Evening Journal book and job print, 1863. [ 675 ] 116 p. front. 21 cm, DE. Dicke. IC. ICHi. ICJ. ICN. ICU. MnHi. MoS . Mi. Chicago. Board of public works. Second annual report of the Board of public works to the common council of the city of Chicago. April 1st, 1863. Chicago, Tribune book and job printing office, 51 Clark Street, 1863. 106 p. 21 cm. [ 676 } Sabin 12652. Dicke. PLC . IC. ICHi. ICJ . I CI,? . ICU . ICU, Mi. MriHi. OGHP. PPL. YJHi. Chicago. Charters. Revised charter. An act to reduce the charter of the city of Chicago and the several acts amendatory thereof into. one act, and to revise the same. Approved February 13th, 1863, Chicago, S. P. Rounds, book and job printer, 46 State Street, 1863, 212 p, 22,5 cm. [ 677 ] Cover title only. DLC. IC. ICJ. Chicago. Comptroller. City comptroller's sixth annual statement of the receipts and expenditures of the city of Chicago from April 1, 1862, to April 1, 1863. Chicago, The Chicago Times book and job printing establish- ment. No, 74 Randolph Street, bet. State and Dearborn Sts., 1863, 18 p. 22 cm. [ 678 ] Cover title. ICHi, ffii. OCrP. PPL. Chicago and Alton railroad company. «,• Directors' first half-yearly report of accounts. Half year ending June 30th, 1863. Chicago, J. S. Thompson, printer, 86 and 88 Dearborn Street, 1863. [ 679 ] 7 p, 21,5 cm, oaip. 249 'hioagc azii lliiTsaviree railT»E.7 ccrrpery, H.ep Street, 1863/ " " [ 6S3 ] Chlcagc Ziljle societ-.-. year 1562, r^eserted Suriday, ^ecs ■■^ V - rv^ ^ 12 r. 21 .c -: _- :>ciicn c. Lar3c Street, 1565, L 634: 3 Chioasc, Zcari of trade* Jdfth. annual staterert of t:".e vear e::iddnr l^eosiier SI, 1S62, rsrcrted trade, t%^ Seth Catli^, sesretar;.-. Thdoarc, he trade and oarnsroe of Chisago, for !. to The 3 ^" oa^ ^ 3 '~-ar ~ ^ "^ book and ;rc ^r: , - - • ^et, 13t [ 685 ] Chdoagc* Beard cf trade. rhe necessiTv cf a shd asscciatic : — w c . t : Tne hesr, — ^- "-- ^— ^ - — -~ — s — - , and "he tusdness nsn of Chdoacc* at a ne^dn" held at Hetrcpcldtan hall, en the everdng of Feonjary 24, IScc. Chdoagc, Irib-^s hook and ;Jet stean printinn cffioe, 51 Clark Street, 1555* SD p. inol. tatles. 22 on. [ 6=5 ] Sacin 12co6» 251 Chicago, Burlinfjton and Quincy railroad company. Report of the directors of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad coiupany, Precented to the stoclcholders at the annual meeting, June 19, I860. Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell b Spalding, railroad printers, 40 Clark Street, 1865, [ 687 ] 45 p, 21 cm, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad company, DLC_, Chicago charitable eye and ear infirmary. Fourth and fifth annual reports of the Chicago charitable eye and ear infirmary, for the year ending I'lay 1, 1862, and for the year ending Hay 1, 1863; presented by the Board of svirgeons, Chicago, J, C, Yf, Bailey, book and job printer, Ho, 130 Clark Street, 1363, [ 688 ] 7 p, 22 cm, ICHi, !,WA, MHi, Chicago, Directory, Halpin and Bailey's Chicago city directory for the year 1863-64; containing, also, a classified business register and street and avenue directory published aruiually after the remov- als of I-Iay first. Compiled by T, H, Halpin. Subscription price, $3,00, Chicago, Halpin a Bailey, publishers, 128 & 130 Clark Street, 1863, [ 689] 596, Ixiv, [8] p, 22,5 om, Dicke, ICHi. TOIi. Chicago, Evangelical Congregational Church, Katechismus der christ lichen lehre fur die Vereinigt evan- gelische kirchc, Chicago, 111,, Druck und verlag des "Hausfreirnds," 38 und 40 La Salle-Str,, 10G3, [ 690 ] 52 p, 16 cm, Dicke, Chicago Evening Joui-nal, The New Year's offering of the carriers of the Chicago Evening Journal to their patrons, A "Happy New Year," January Ist, 1864, [Chicago, 1863], [ 691 ] [4] p, 21,5 cm, ICHi, Chicago, First Baptist church. Anniversary of the First Baptist church Sabbath school, Nov, 8, 1863, [ 692 ] [4] p, 20,5 cm. Imprint on p, 3: J, Yi", Dean, printer, 24 Clark Street, Dicke, 253 Chicago, Manufacturers' association. Report of the Comraittee of the Manufacturers' association of Chicago, ei.ibodyins some of the facts and illustrations presented before Congress, on the subject of the U. S. excise law, as applied to manufacturers. Chicago, Printed by Jameson and Morse, 14' La Salle Street, 1863. [ 693 10 p, 21 cm, PPAmP. Chicago medical and surgical foe bill. Adopted Nov, 21, 1853, by the physicians, surgeons, and obstetricians of Chicago, [Chicago, 1863]. [ 694 ] Broadside. DSG. Chicago museum. A complete guide to the Chicago museum, including a description of the wonderful antediluvian monster, the great zeuglodon, catalogue of birds, quadrupeds, fishes, reptiles and insects; micro- scopes, cosmoramas, philosophical instruments, minerals, shells, mummies, models and curiosities. Admittance, twenty-five cents, Kingsbury Block, Randolph Street, bctiween Clark and Dearborn Streets, [Chicago], Evening Journal book and job print, 50 Dearborn Street, 1863. [ G95 ] 46 p, 21 cm. ICHi. Chicago, North-western fair, 1863. Chicago exhibit of the fine arts. Catalogue of paintings, statuary, etc, exhibited for the benefit of Ladies' north-western fair, in aid of the Chicago branch of the U. S. sanitary commission for the relief of soldiers. Opened Oct, 27th, 1863 in McVicker's theatre building, Madison St, Hours of exhibition from 9 A, M. to 5 P. M, ; evening, 7 to 10. Single admission, 25 cts.; for the season ^1.00, Price of catalogue, 10 cts, [Chicago], 1863. 14 p. 22 cm, [ 696 ] ICHi. Chicago reform school. Seventh annual report of the board of guardians to the common council of the city of Chicago, for the year ending March 31, 1863. Chicago, S. P. Rounds, book and job printer, 1863, [ 697 ] vii, 5-42 p. 22 cm, Dickc. DLC. IC. ICHi. ICJ. ICU. MHi, Chicago Tribune. Tribime New Year's address, from the carriers, Chicago, January 1, 1864. [Chicago, 1863]. [ 698 ] Broadside, 26 cm, ICHi. 255 Chicago, University, ,., Fifth annual coiranencGiacnt at Bryan Hall, On Wednesday, July 1st, 1863, at 2 o'clock P.M. Romds • print, [ 699 ] [4] p, 21 cm. Dicke, ICU. Chicago, University, Fourth annual catalogue of the University of Chicago, Officers and students for the academic year 1862-3. Chicago, Church, Goodman & Gushing, cteam print, 51 and 53 La Salle Street, 1363, [ 700 ] 36 p, front, (plate), 23,5 cm. DLC. ICU. Cliicago, University, ,., FreshTiian prize declamations, in the First Baptist Church, on Monday, Jtmo 29, 1863, at 7-h o'clock P,M, [Chicago] Rounds' print, [1863] " [ 701 ] [4] p. 21 cm, ICU. Chicago, University, Athenaeum literary society. Anniversary exercises, of the Athenaeum literary socienty, and prize essays by the Sophomore class. At the First Baptist church, Juno 30th, at 7:30 P.M., 1863, [Chicago], Rounds' print, (1863] [4] p. 20 cm, [ 702 ] Dicke, Chicago, University, Athenaeum literary society. Second annual public meeting, of the Athenaeum in the Chapel of the University, Friday, March 27th, 1863, at 7-|- o'clock, P. M. Chicago, Rounds' print. No. 46 State Street, [1863] [ 703 ] [4] p, 20 cm, Dicke, Collins, N. G. , , . The prospect. The speech of Rev, W. G. Collins, chaplain of the 57th Illinois, at Corinth, Miss., on the day of national thanlcs giving, Aug, 3, '63, to the officers and men of Col, Barne's brigade, Chicago, Church, 1863. . [ 704 ] 16 p. Cover title. ICN. 257 Dadd, George H. A practical treatise on the more obvious diseases peculiar to horses, togethar with directions for tl'.eir most rational treatment; containing, also, some valuable information on the art of shoeing horses. By George K. Dadd, V, S., author of "Anatomy and physi- ology of the horse, "'"Modem horse doctor," etc., etc., and principal of the Veterinary school of Chicago, Chicago, Published by Lord &, Smith, S. C. Griggs & Co.; New York, Blakeman u- Mason, 'C. M. Saxton, 1863. [ 705 ] 142 p, front, (port.) 22 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: Tribvme company, book (!i job printers, Chicago, Arioi'ican Art, April 1929 (Paullin), No. 597, gives 1865 as the date of publication, ICJ. Ducat, Arthur C. The practice of fire undenArriting, by Arthur C, Ducat, secretary and chief surveyor of the Chicago board of underwriters. Published' by the author, Chicago, Illinois, Jones, Perdue & Small, station- ers, 122 Lake Street, 1863, [ 706 ] [viii], 5-123 p, fold, map, 22 cm, ICHi. Duggan, James Reminiscences, and impressions of a visit to Rome, during the canonization of the Japanese martyrs, a lecture, proimounced in Bryan Hall, Dec, 18, 1862, by Right Rev. James Duggan, bishop of Chicago, Chicago, publishied by J. J. Kearney, 167 South Clark Street, 1863, [5], 34 p. 22 cm, [ 707 ] MB. JfflAt, Mil. MoS, Eddy, T. M. The elements of leadership. An address, delivered before the literary societies of the Iowa state university, in Iowa City, June 17, 1863. By Rev, T. M. Eddy, D.D. Published by request of the Board of trustees. Chicago, printed at the Methodist book deposi- tory, Charles Philbrick, printer, 1863, [ 708 ] 23 p, 21,5 cm, Sabin 21818. DLC. laCrM. laHi, MB. PPL. Fraser, Edwin J. Medical electricity, a treatise on the nature of vital electricity in health and disease, with plain instructions in the uses of artifi- cial electricity as a curative agent. Chicago, 111., C. S, Halsey, 56 p. 8vo, [ 709 ] Not located; title from T, L. Bradford, Homo e op athic B ibliography, p. 81. I 259 Free press. Free speech. Unparalleled scenes in Chicago, [1863], Broadside. Elephant folio, [ 710 ] Relating to the suppression of the Chicago Times, Not located; title from Heartman Cat. 242, Oct. 1, 1932, Wo. 36, The sariie catalogue (llo. 50) mentions an octavo pamphlet entitled "The Suppression of the Chicago Times, 1863," Freemasons. Illinois, Knights templars. Grand commandery. Proceedings of the Grand commandery of Knights templar of the state of llli;iois, at their seventh annual conclave, held at the Masonic temple in Chicago, on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 27th and 28th, A, D. 1863, A. 0. 745. R. E, Sir William Harbron Turner, grand commander, E, Sir Henry Ceilings Ranney, Grand recorder, Chicago, Sir Knights F, Fulton & .do,, printers, 1863, [ 711 ] 40 p. 20,5 cm, DSC. MBFM. Galena and Chicago union railroad. Instructions for the rimning of trains on the Galena & Chicago union railroad, Chicago, 1863, [ 712 ] Wot located; title from American Art, April 1929 (Paullin), No. 591. Galena and Chicago union railroad company. Sixteenth annual report of the directors of the Galena & Chicago union railroad company to the stockholders, for the fiscal year, ending December 51, 1862, Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell c; Spalding, printers, 1863, [ 713 ] 36 p, fold, map, 23 cm, ICHi, OCHP, Garrett Biblical institute. Catalogue and circular of the Garrett Biblical institute, E'l'anton, Illinois, October, 1863, Chicago, printed at the Methodist "book depositor^', Charles Philbrickj printers, 1863, [ 714 ] 16 p, 21 cm, lEG. Hahnemann medical college, Chicago. Fourth annual announcement, Ha?ineraann medical college. Session 1863-4. Published by C, S. Ilalsey, N. E. corner of Madison and Clark Streets, Chicago, Illinois. Beach & Barnard, printers, 14 South Clark Street. [ 715 ] 12 p. 21,5 cm. DSG. 261 Haven, Joseph A discourse at the funeral of Rev. Ralph Emerson, D.D., late professor of ecclesiastical history and pastoral theology, in Andover theolo,o;ical seminary, delivered at tlie Second Congregation- al church, Rockford, May 22, 1863, By Prof. Joseph Haven, D.D. Chicago, Sterling P. Rounds, premium stea:-,". book and job printer. No. 46 State Street, 1863. [ 716 ] 28 p, 22.5 cm. Dicke. ICKi. MH. IWA. liK. OCIIP. HIi. PPPrHi. RPB. Higgins, H. M. , publisher. The patriotic glee book. Published hy K. M. Higgins, 117 Ran- dolph St., Chicago, [°1863]. ' [ 717 ] 208 p. 24 cm. Cover title; no imprint. Dicke, ICHi. I-IH. im. [Hill, Mrs. Agnes (Leonard) Scanland] Myrtle blossoms, by Molly Myrtle [pseud.] [Quotation] Chicago, 111., Published for the authoress by J. C. W. Bailey, 1863. 304 p. 20.5 cm. [ 718 ] Verse and prose. Dicke, DLq. ICHi. ICK. Hillard, G. S. The fifth reader for the use of public and private schools an introductory treatise on elocution by Prof, Mark Bailey. IIcw series. Chicago, ViT. B. Keen and Cook, [Cl863], [ 719 ] viii, 376 p, 20 cm. ICHi. Illinois, General Assembly. House of Representatives. The Pacification resolutions. Speeches of Hon. Albert G. Burr, of Scott Coiinty, and Eon. Melville W. Fuller, of Cook County, in committee of the whole, Illinois House of Representatives, February 11, 1865, Chicago, The Chicago Times book and job steam printing establishment. Ho. 74 Randolph Street, 1863, [ 720 ] 22 p, 20 cm. Dicke. Illinois. Laws, statutes, etc. An act to incorporate the trustees of the Presbyterian theological seminary of the north-vrest. Chicago, printed by F. Manson, stationer. No. 40 Lake Street, 1863, [ 721 ] 28 p, 13 cm. ICP. 265 Illinois. Laws, statutes, etc. An act to reduce the charter of the city of Chicago and the several acts axaendatory thereof into one act and to revise the sane, Chicago, S. P. Rounds, 1863. [ 722 ] 212 p. 8vo. ICJ. Illinois central railroad company. Illinois central railroad company's report and accounts for the year ending December 31st, 1862. Directors, his excellency Richard Yates, governor of Illinois, ex-officio. H. H, Hunnev/ell, Jos. W, Alsop, Frederick C. Gebhard, until May, 1863; Vfilliam Tra,cy, Abram S. Hewitt, W. H. Osborn, until May, 1864: L. M. IViley, E. H. Sheldon, John II. Douglass, until May, 1865; Thomas E. Walker, James C. Fargo, W. R. Arthur, until May, 1866. Notice is hereby given, that the annual meeting of stockholders will be held at the office of the company, in Chicago, on the last Wednesday of May, 1863. W, M, Philips, secretary. [Chicago]. [ 723 ] 12 p. 41 cm. ICHi Illinois. Hospital for insane. Jacksonville, Illinois. Reports of the Illinois state hospital for the insane. 1847- 1862. Chicago, F. Fulton & co., book and job printers, 1863. vii, [9J-422 p. diagr. 23.5 cm. [ 724 ] Reprints of lst-8th biennial reports with special title-pages. DLC . ICHi . IHi . Illinois state horticultural society. Transactions of the Illinois state horticultural society for 1861 and 1862. Embracing papers, essays, discussions, reports of committees; the lists of fruits, useful and ornamental trees and shrubs, recommended by the society, etc., etc., etc. Published by the society. Chicago, Tribune book and job printing office, 51 Clark Street, 1863, [ 725 J 142 p. 22 cm. DA. Illinois state medical society. Eleventh annual meeting for years 1861, '2, &. '3, ... held in Jacksonville, May 5, 1863. Chicago, G. H. Fergus, book and job printer. No. 179 tate Street, 1863. [ 726 ] 80 p. 8vo. DSG. ICJ. Ingelow, Jean, 1820-1897. The poetical works of Jean Ingelov/; including The shepherd lady, and other poems. Chicago, Belford, Clarke & Co., 192 and 194 State Street. [ 726a ] 520 p., 1 1. front., pi. 19 cm. Dedication dated 1863. MoS . I 265 Kellogg, John L. Valedictory address to the gradimting class of Ilahiieinann medical college, February 26, 1863, By J. L. Kellogg, M,D, , professor of obstetrics, and diseases of women and children, Chicago, Beach & Barnard, 1863, [ 727 ] 22 p. 21 cm, Dicke, Knox college, Galesburg, Illinois, Twenty-second anm.uil catalogue of the officers and students of Knox college, for the collegiate year ending June 25, 1863, Published by the literary societies. Board of editors, Saml. Hunt, B. P. Marsh, E, H. Curtis, J. A. Cooper, CMcago, Printed by the Tribune book and job company, 51 Clark Street, 1863, [ 728 ] 48 p, 13 cm, (trinuaed). IGK. Logan, John A. Great union speech by Major Gen, John A. Logan, delivered in Chicago, Monday evening, August 10th, 1863, Cliicago, Tribune book and job print- ing office, 51 Clark Street, 1863, [ 729 ] 16 p, 23 cm, M3. M, Ludlam, R. A coiirse of clinical lectures on dipthoria. Delivered before the class of Hahnemann medical college, Chicago, session of 1862-3, by R, Ludlam, M.D. , professor of physiology'-, pathology and clinical medi- cine, Chicago, C, S, Halsey, 136 Clark St., 1863. [ 730 ] 126 p, 22 cm. Dicke, ICJ. PPHa, McCormick, Cyrus H. McCormick's reaper and mower hand and self-rackcrs, manufactured only at Chicago, 111., by C, H. McCormick & Bros, Rounds' book and job office, 46 State Street, [1863]. [ 731 ] 16 p, 22,5 cm, ICIvIcHi. Methodist Episcopal church. Illinois. Rock River convcronce. Register of the twenty-fourth session of the Rock River annual con- ference, of the Methodist Episcopal church, held at Rockford, Illinois, September, 1863, Published by order of the conference, Chicago, printed at the Methodist book depository, Charles Philbrick, printer, 1863, [ 732 ] 84 p. 20,5 cm. lEG. £^7 Morfordj Henry The great rebellion; grand national allegory and tableaux, written expressly for J, M, Eager 's concerts, by Henry Morford, New York, Principal characters: [14 names in 3 columns], Chicago, Tribune print- ing establishment, 1863, [ 733 ] 32 p. 14 cm, Dicke. DLC. ICHi . National ship-canal convention. Memorial to the president and congress of the United States, by the National canal convention, assembled at Chicago, June 2, 1863. Chicago, Tribune company book and job printers, 51 Clark Street, 1863, 24 p. 22 cm. [ 734 ] Sabin 12635. Dicke. DLC. lU. Mli-BA (16 p, ). RPB. National ship-canal convention. Proceedings of the National shil-ceinal convention, held at the city of Chicago, J\me 2 and 3, 1863. Chicago, Tribune company's book and job printing office, 1863. [ 735 ] 248 p. 21 cm. Sabin 12638. BrMus I. ICHi. ICMcHi, MH-BA. MnHi, NBuG. OCHP. National ship-canal convention. Committee on statistics. The necessity of a ship-canal between the east and the west. Report of Committee on statistics for the city of Chicago, submitted to the National convention, assembled at Chicago, June 2, 1863. Chicago, Tribune company's book and job printing office, 1863, [ 736 ] 45 p, 22 cm. Sabin 52211. DLC. IC. ICHi (2 copies). ICJ. N. Northwestern university, Evanston, Illinois, Catalogue of the North-YiTe stern university. 1862-3. Evanston, 111,, MDCCCLXIII. [ 737 ] 24 p. 22 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: S, P. Roionds, printer, 46 State Street, Chicago, ICHi. lEN. Northwestern university. Medical school. Fifth annual annormcement of the Chicago medical college and medical departraent of Lind university, Chicago, Illinois, For the college session of 1863-4, Chicago, W. Cravens k co,, printers, 140 Lake Street, 1863, [ 738 ] 13, [2] p, 8vo, DSG. ICJ. 269 Notre Dame university. Nineteenth annual catalogue of the officers and students of the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. Annuiil commencement 1862-63. yifednesday, June 24, 1863, Chicago, "The Post" book and job printing establishjncnt, 1863, [ 739 ] 60 p. 20,5 cm. InMd, Observations on beet sugar and sugar beet culture, as adapted in the United States, Y/ith a view of the principal systems of beet-sugar manufacture. ,., Chicago, Joliii R, Walsh, 1863, [ 740 ] 40 p, 24 cm, ICHi. Peninsula railroad of Michigan, Ex]rdbit of the route and resources coiaprised in special committee report, report of engineer, with nap, and organic and special laws, Chicago, 1363, [ 741 ] 48 p, 8vo, DBRE, DLC. NN. Protestant Episcopal church, Illinois (diocese). Journal of the twenty-sixth aniaual convention of the Protestant Episcopal church, in the diocese of Illinois, held in the Bishop's church, Chicago, September 16 and 17, 1863, Chicago, printed for the convention, 1863, [ 742 ] 79 p. 20,5 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: S, P. Rounds, printer. No, 46 State Street, Chicago, Dickc, ICni, Robb, James A Southern confederacy. Letter by Jas, Robb, late a citizen of New Orleans, to Hon. Alexander 11. Stephens, of Georgia, Chicago, J. S. Thompson, 1863, [ 743 ] 17 p. 8vo. Sabin 71727, Robinson, Horatio Nelson Robinson's iiiathomatical scries. The progressive Mgher arithmetic, for schools, academies, and mercantile colleges combining the analytic and synthetic methods; and forming a complete treatise on arithmetical science, and its comiviercial and business applications. By Horatio N. Robinson, LL.D., author of vrork on algebra, geometry, and trigonometry, surveying and navigation, sonic, sections, calculus, astronomy, etc, Chicago, S, C. Griggs, 1863, [ 744 ] 432 p. 19,5 en, ICHi, 271 Rogers, J. 3, Yfar pictures. Experiences caid obs elevations of a cliaplain in the U. S, Amy, in the V/ar of the Southern Rebellion, By Rev, J, B. Rogers, cKaplain of the 14th Wis. Vols, [Quotation] Chicago, Church b. Goodman, 51 LaSalle Street, 1863. ... [ 745 258, [4] p. 18 cm. Abraham Lincoln Association, Springfield, 111, DLCT Wk, NjP T PiC Root, George Frcdericl:, ed. The Bugle-Call, Edited by Geo, F. Root, Chicago, Published by Root h Cady, 95 Clark Stre-it, [1863] [ 746 ] 56 p, 24 en. Cover title; no imprint. Preface dated: 1863, ICIIi. ICU. MH. MjP . IW. Root, George Frederick Silver lute: a new singing book for schools, academics and juvenile classes, 1862. Chicago, pub, by Geo, Shor;vood, Chicago, Root & Cady, 95 Clark Street, [1863] [ 747 ] 3 - 192 p. 16.5 cm, ICIIi. St, Louis, Alton and Chicago railroad. Chicago and Alton, [Chicago, July 29, 1863], [ 748 ] 4 p. Circular annoumcing decision of directors to extend the road from Jolict to Chicago, est (lacks title-page). St, Louis, Alton and CMcago railroad company. General report of the receiver of the St, Louis, Alton I. Chicago railroad to trustees of bondholders, mth report of the C. L A. R.R., from 16th Oct. to 51st, 1862. Chicago, 1863. ' [ 749 ] 33 p, 24 cm. est, ICHi. IJInT. Shields mission sabbath school. Shields mission sabbath school. Organized September 29th, 1856, Seventh anniversary. September 27t!i, 1863, [Chicago]^ J. W. Dean, printer, 24 Clark St., [1863]. [ 750 ] [4] p, printed on 3 sides only. 21 cm, Dicke, Smith, Rev, J. A, The spirit in the word; or. Letters to a Bible class on the Canon of the scripture and. Its inspiration. By Rev, J. A. Smith, D.D., editor of "The Christian Tines," Chicago, Chicago, Church i; Goodman, 51 La Salle Street, 1863, [ 751 ] 225 p, 16 cm, Dicke. ICKi. lU. NRU. 273 Soldier's Home, Chicago. Organization, consitution and by-lav/s of the Soldier's Home, in the city of Chicago, 45 Randolph Street, Chicago, S, P. Rounds, book and job printer, 46 State St., 1863, [ 752 ] 15 p, 14 cm, Dicke, Stuart, David A record of facts by David Stuart, late brigadier general of volunteers. Chicago, Evening Journal book and job print, 50 Dearborn Street, 1863, [ 753 ] 16 p. 20 cm. CSmH. United States, Constitution, Constitution of the United States, with amendments and remarks on same. Chicago, 0. M. T aril ins on, 18G3. [ 754 ] 64 p. 16mo, Sabin 16116 has: Chicago, John R. Walsh, 1863, ICJ. IVadeworth, Elisha S., vs, Cooley, Francis B, [In the Circuit court of Cook county, in and for the state of Illinois, In Chancery, The joint and several answers of Francis B. Cooley, Jolm V, .Farwell and Marsliall Field, defendants, to the bill of complaint of Elisha S. ITadsworth, complainant, Chicago, 1863] 48, 10 p, ?,1 cm, [ 755 ] Caption title; no imprint, • IClIi, MnEi. lYalkcr, Robert Jaines Americeji finances and resources, letters 1 and 2, Chicago, 1863, DLC. [ 756 ] TiTatson, J. IvI. Handbook of calisthenics and gymnastics: a complete drill book for schools, families and gj-Tiinasiums, With music to accompany the exercises. Illustrated from original designs. Chicago, George Sherwood & Co. [cl863,] [ 757 ] 388 p, 20.5 en. Preface dated 1863, MSlntY. YiTebb, Thomas Smith The miniature monitor} containing all the monitorial instructions in Blue lodge masonry, of Thomas Smith Y/ebb. Compiled by Rob Morris, LL.D., Ilasonic author and lecturer, Chicago, 111., E. W. Jones, 1863, 176 p. 11 cm, [ 758 ] Dicke. DSC. I.3FM. PPFM. 275 Wheaton College. Wheatoris Illinois, Ninth annual catalogue of the officers and students of Wheaton college, MDCCCLXII-.LXIII. Wheaton, DuPage county, Illinois. Chicago, J. ¥. Dean, book and job printer, 24 Clark Street, 1853. [ 759 ] 16 p. 20 cm, DE. IW, Whitehouse, Hen^-y John Answer of the Bishop of Illinois to the bill of complaint; and the argument of the Hon. Alfred W, Arrington on the motion to dissolve the injunction from the Superior court of Chicago, on the ecclesiastical trial of the Rev. Elijah W. Hager; with the opinion of the judges in banc, delivered by Chief Justice John M. Wilson, LL.D. Printed by order of the convention of the diocese of Illinois, 1863, [ 760 ] 103 p. 22.5 cm. Cover title; no imprint. Dicke. ION, [Whitehouse, Henry John] Twelfth annual address of the Bishop of the diocese of Illinois. 1863. Published by order of the convention. [ 761 ] 48 p. . 20.5 cm. No imprint. Dicke. , Willard, (Mrs.) E. Goodrich The gospel of harmony for humanity, Chicago, Evening Journal and job print, 1863. [ 762 1 122 p, 19,5 cm, ICHi. Winthrop, T. F. , and James B, Murray. Daisy Deane. ■ Song and choinis. Words and music mostly by Lieut, T. F. Winthrop and James B, Murray, 11th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers. [4 lines, quotation]. Chicago, Published by Root & Cady, [cl863] 5 p. 32,5 cm. [ 763 ] In the private ownership of Mrs. Regina Billings, Sarasota, Florida. Wright, John Steven Citizenship sovereignty. By J, S. Wright, assisted by Prof. J. Holmes Agnes. D.D. ... Published for American citizens, the true main- tainors of state sovereignty. Chicago, 1863. [ 764 ] 12, viii, 208 p. 22^5 cm. Cover title dated 1864„ PLC. _!• ICHi . ICU . ICMcHi . MoS. mk. Nh. NjP . NN. m Young ladies' collef.iate institute. Prospectus of the Young ladies' collegiate institute. Rev, M. R. Fory, A,M. , principal, Chicago, Churcli, Goodman L Gushing, steam print, 1863. [ 765 ] 22 p. 18 era, ICIIi. 1364 Almanacs. Beixnett Pieters L Co.'s almanac and valuable information for 1865: free to the poople of the U, S. and Canadas, containing a complete list of the U. S. tax laws on manufactures, articles and products, stamp duties, licenses, etc., alphabetically arranged. The leading articles of the tariff laws, etc, A complete almanac for the year 1865. The post office rates, and valuable suggestions to correspon- dents, A table of the value of currency v/hen gold is at a certain premium, A tabic of the premium on gold daily for 1862, '63 and '64, and much other valuable information, Chicago, Bennett Pieters & Co*,, 21 River Street, [1864] [ 766 ] 24 p. 19,5 cm, Dicke, Almanacs. The Chicago almanac for 1864: containing, in addition to the calen- der of every month, a considerable amount of valuable information usual in works of this kind, vis,: the organization and pay of the U. C. army - our major generals - Illinois banks and their securities - our national banlcs and their securities - our national banks - mayor and corporation of Chicago, and its chief officers - Cook county supervisors, and comraittces' property in Cook co, - U. ,3, Govern- mont, and Senate and House of Representatives of 33th Congress, Internal revenue tax bill, stamp duties, etc., etc. Compiled by John C. ¥J". Bailey, editor of the Chicago merclriants ' circular; publisher of the City directory and Illinois state gazetteer; also of the Voice of Kasonry and Llasonic monitor, etc, Cliicago, office, 128 & 150 Clark Street, 1864, 96 p. 17.5 cm. [ 767 ] ICHi. Almanacs . Der illustrirtc calander fur das Jahr 1865. Chicago, 111., Zu haben bci John R. Walsh, BuchKandlcr und Zeitungsagent, Madisonstrasse, nahe Dearborn, [1864?] 34, [2] p, 19.5 cm. ' [ 768 ] MA. Almanacs. Scovil's medical almanac for 1865. [1864] [ 769 ] 12 mo. Not located; title from Wm. 11. Murray list Jime 23, 1932, No. 107, ;79 Ajnerican rianufacturers; their condition and promise. Chicago, 1064, Not located; title from American Art, April 1929 (Paullin) [ 770 ] IJo, 1183. Arnold, Mrs. W. J. The poets and poetry of Minnesota, Edited by Mrs, W, J. Arnold, [eight line poeml Chicago, S, P. Rounds, book and job printer, 46 State Street, 1064. [ 771 ] [4], viii, 9-336 p, 18 cm, CSmll. ICIIi. lU. MnHi, MB. MH. Bailey, G. S. The great caverns of Kentucky « Diamond cave. Mammoth cave. Hundred dorae cave. Chicago, Church &: Goodman, 1864, [ 772 ] 63 p, 14,5 cm, Sabin 2731. Dicke. ICIIi. OCHP, Baptists. Illinois, Fox Pdver association. The twenty-ninth anniversary of the Fox River Baptist association, held in the meeting house of the ViTabash Avenue Baptist chiurch, Chicago, 111,, May 31st and J\me 1st and 2nd, 1864. Communications should be addressed to Rev, L. Church, corresponding secretary, Chicago, Chicago, Church, Goodman t CusMng, printers, 51 & 53 La Salle Street, 1864, 20 p. 22.5 cm. [ 773 ] ICHi, ICU. ICIC-S. Beebe, Gaylord D. Introductory address, delivered in the Hahnemarm. medical college of Chicago, October 10, 1364. Chicago, Calhoun. 1864, [ 774 ] 16 p. 8vo, Not located; title from T. L. Bradford, Homoeopathic Bibl iography , p. 22, Bonney, Clmrlcs C. Rules of law for the carriage and delivery of persons and property by railwiy, T/ith the loading railwiy statutes and decisions of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and the United States, Prepared for railway companies and the legal profession. By Charles C, Bonney, member of the Illinois bar. Chicago, E, B, Myers, law bookseller and publisher, 1864, [ 775 ] [2], 267 p. 22 cm. DLC. ICJ. lE-I-L. M. MJ3S, Bross, T/illiam The Toronto Ic Georgian Bay shAp canal. Reply to certain queries of the Honorable the Canal committee of the Ce.nadian Parliament, By William Bross, A,M., of the Chicago Tribune. Chicago, Tribime printing establishment, 1864, [ 776 . 15 p, 22,5 cm. MJi. " 281 Campbell A. The true American system of finance; the rights of labor and capital and the common sense way of doing justice to the soldiers and their families. No banks: greenbacks the exclusive currency. By A, C. Chicago, Evening Journal book and job, print, 50 Dearborn Street, 1864. [ 777 ] 48 p. 22 cm, Dicke. ELC. lU. Phi. THai, Chase, S. B, Manual, or exposition of the Independent order of Good Templars, embracing its history, objects and workings. By S. B. Chase, P.R.W.G-.T. of Pennsylvania, under a resolution of the R.W.G. Lodge, Chicago, published by the Right Worthy Gr^and Lodge, 1864. [ 778 ] 40 p, 18 cm. Imprint on cover: Press of the Templars' Offering, 168 Clark Street* Dicke. TIHi. Chicago. Board of education. Department of public instruction, city of Chicago. Tenth annual report of the Board of education, for the year ending December 31, 1863. Chicago, The Chicago Times book and job printing house, No. 74 Randolph Street, 1854. . [ 779 ] 103 p. 21 cm. DE. IC. ICHi. ICJ. ICN. ICU. MnHi. MoS. MHi . Chicago, Board of education. Office of the Supt..of public schools, Chicago, Jan. 1864. Dear Sir: . [ 780 ] Broadside, 24,5 cm. Form letter regarding school membership. Dicke. Chicago. Board of education. Office of Supt. of public schools, Chicago, February, 1864. Dear Sir: [Signed]: W, H. Wells, Supt. of public schools, [ 781 ] Broadside, 26 cm. Form letter regarding school membership. Dicke. Chicago, Board of public works. Third annual report of the Board of public works, to the common council of the city of Chicago, April 1st, 1864. Chicago, Jameson & Morse, book and job printers. No. 14 La Salle Street, near Lake Street, 1864. . [.782 ] 122 p. 21 cm, Dicke . PLC. IC. ICHi . ICJ. ICM. ICN. IHi. MnHi . OCHP. WHi. Chicago, Comptroller, City coiiiptroller's seventh arjnup 1 statement of the receipts and expenditures of the city of Chicago, from April 1, 1863, to April 1, 1864. Chicago, Tines Print, 74 Randolph Street, 1864, [ 783 ] 21 p, 21,5 cm. Cover title only, IC. Chicago. Fifteenth annual review of the trade and commerce of the city of Chicago, for the year 1863, as published in the Chicago Daily Tribune, January 1, 1864, Chicago, Illinois, Tribwie book and job printing establishment, 51 Clark Street, 1GG4. [ 784 ] 40, [12] p. 25 cm, Dicke, IClli. ICMcIIi, Chicago and Alton railroad company. First aimual report of the president and directors of the Chicago and Alton railroad company, year ending December 31, 1863, Issued February 1st, 1864, Chicago, J. S. Thompson, book and job printer, Nos. 86 and 88 Dearborn Street, 1864, [ 785 ] 62 p, 21 cm, DBRE, ICJ, OCIIP. Chicago and Northv/estorn railroad company. Circular. To the stockholders of the Chicago <5c North-v/estcrn r'y company, June 20th, 1864, Chicago, Dunlop, Scwoll t Spalding, printers and stationers, [1864]. [ 786 ] 11 p, 22 en, est. DBKE, DLC. Chicago bar. Remarks on the retirement of CMef Justice Caton from the bench of the supreme court of Illinois, Published by the bar, CMcago, Jones & Small, stationers, blanlc book manufacturers and general job printers, 1864, [ 787 ] 11 p, 22 cm. ICll. Chicago Bible society. Tvrenty- third annual report of the Chicago Bible society for the year 1863, Presented December 27, 1363, Chicago, James Barnet, printer, 189 Lake Street, 1864, [ 783 ] 16 p, 21,5 cm. ICKi. 1 285 Chicago. Board of trade. Sixth annual statement of the trade and cornnierce of Chicago, for the year ending March 31, 1864, with supplement to the fifth annual statement to March 31, 1863, reported to the Chicago Board of trade, by Jolm F. Beaty, secretary, Chicago, Tribune com.pany's book and job printing establisliment. No, 51 Clark Street, 1864, [ 789 ] 139 p, 21,5 cm, Br Mus. ICHi IMIi. IWk, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad company. Report of the directors of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad company. Presented to tlie stockholders at the annual meet- ing Juno 24th, 1864, Chicago, Dvmlop, Savfell & Spalding, railroad printers, 1864, [ 790 ] 38 p, 21 cm, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad company, DLC. Chicago. Directory, ilalpin's seventh annual edition, Chicago city directory, 1864-5; containing, also, a classified business register and city and county record, comp. by T. 1.'. lialpin, Chicago, T. M. Ilalpin o, Co,, publish- ers, 1864, [ 791 ] 612 p, 23 cm, Sabin 12641, ICKi. Chicago, Directory, Jolin C. W. Bailey's Chicago city directory, for the year 1864-5; containing, also, a classified business register and improved street and avenue directory; published annually after the removals of May first. Subscription price $4,00, Chicago, Jo?in C, W, Bailey, publisher, 128 h 130 Clark Street, 1864, [ 792~ ] 738, l3cxviii, [15] p. 3 pi, 22 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: J, C. W, Bailey, printer and publisher, C, J. Vferd, binder, Dicke, ICIIi, fflli, IvMA. TOi, Chicago, Directory, W, S, Spencer's Clucago business director;^'; for 1864-65, Contain- ing the names of all finus cjid individuals doing business in the city, arranged in alpliabctical order, and classified under appropriate. hor!dn, with a complete appendix, comprising a list of city, county, state and United States officers, list of post offices in the northwest, with much other valuable statistical inf ormr.tion, A nev;- and complete map;^ of the city. Also a reprint of the business directory for 1C43, Compiled and published by w, S, Spencer, 55 Clark Street, Cliicago, Joto Vf. Dean's book and job printing establishment, 143 Lake Street, 1864, [ 793 ] 240, xcii, 18 p, 22,5 cm, Dicke. IC, IClIi. 287 Chicago Evening Journal. New Year's address of the carriers of the Chicago Evening Journal, luary 1, 1865, [Chicago, 1064]. [ 794 ] Broadside. 43 cnii . . January Broadside. 43. cm* ICHi. Chicago. First Baptist church* Second anniversary. Ladies' soldiers' aid society of the First Baptist church* Sabhath evening, March 5, 1864, Order of exervises Broadside, 12 x 20 cm. [ 795 ] Dickc, Chicago high school. Eighth anniversary exercises at Bryan Hall, Friday, July 8th, 1864, Chicago Evening Journal print, 50 Dearhorn Street. C 795 ] [4] p, 21,5 cm, Dicke. Chicago, North-western soldiers' fair. History of the North-western soldiers' fair, held in Chicago the last week of Octoher and the first week of Novemher, 1863, including a list of donations and names of donors, treasurer's report, &c,, &c, Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, printers, 1864, [ 797 ] 184 p. 22 cm. Sabin 12656, Dicke. DLC. ICHi. ICJ, IGN. ICU. MB. Chicago reform school. Eighth annual report of the Board of guardians to the common council of the city of Chicago, for the year ending March 31, 1864, Chicago, printed by J. S, Thompson, 1864, [ 798 ] 48 p, 22 cm, Dicke. DLC. IC. ICHi, IW^ ICU. MHi. Chicago theological seminary. Minutes of the second and third triennial conventions, held at Chicago, October, 1861, and April, 1864, in connection with the Chicago theological seminary. Also, a ministry for the northwest: an address, delivered before the Ladies' education society, by Rev, George F, Magoun, president of Iowa college, Chicago, Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding, printers, 40 Clark Street, 1864, [ 799 ] 52 p« 21 cm, ICHi, ICT. MB, MH. Chicago, University, Fifth annual catalogue of the University of Chicago, Officers and students for the academic year 1863-4, Chicago, Church, Goodman & Gushing, steam print, 51 and 53 La Salle Street, 1864, [ 800 ] 38 p. 23 cm, Sabin 12646, Dicke. DLC. ICHi. ICT.- ICU, 289 Chicarro, University, Frcslirnan prize declamations, in Metropolitan Eall, Tuesday, June 28th, 1864, at 7 3/4 o'clock, P.U. [ 001 ] [4] p, 20 cm. Dicko, Colton, D. Alphonso Valedictory address to tlic graduating class of Hahnemann medical college, February 25, 1864, Chicago, Beach h Barnard, 1364. [ 802 ] 12 p, 8vo, Not locatcdj title from T, L. Bradford, Homeop athic Biblio graphy, p. 48. Conkling, Henry Ail inside vlovr of the rebellion, and American citizens' text-book, Chicago, Tribune book and job printing cstablishjuont, 1864, [ 803 ] 24 p. 22 cm. DLC. ICHi, lEN-M (22 p. ) Cook county sabbath school convention, Proceodings of Cool: county sabbath scjiool convention, held November 17 & 16, 1364, in Second Presbyterian church, Chicago, 111. Chicago, Church, Goodman cth annual report of the Chicago Bible society for the year 1866, Presented Sunday, December 25d, 1866, Chicago, Church, Goodman and Donnelley, printers, 1867, [ 1152 ] 16 po 22 cmo ICN. Chicago, Board of trade, ninth annual statement of the trade and commerce of Chicago, for the year ending March 31, 1867, reported to the Chicago beard of trade, by John Fo Beaty, secretary, Chicago, Horton & Leonard, book and job printers, 104 & 106 Randolph Street, 1867, [ 1153 ] 146 p, 21„5 cm, ICHi, ICU, MnHi, IWA. 413 Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad company. Report of the directors of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad company. Presented to the stockholders at the annual meeting, June 26, 1867, Chicago, Garden city printing and blank book conpany, 1867. [ 11-"1] ] 70 p. 21 or.. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad oor^pany. PLC . Chicago charitable eye and ear infirmary. Ninth annual report of the Chicago charitable eye cjid ear infirmary, presented by the Board of surgeons, for the year end- ing I'ay 1, 1867. Incorporated in 1865. The infirmary is located at No. 16 East Pearson Street, near State Street bridge, Chicago, George H. Fergus, book and job printer, 1867. [ 1155 ] 8 p. 21 cm., Dicke. ICKi, Chicago Daily Tribune. New Year Carol. To the readers of the Chicago Daily Tribune. January 1, 1858. "with music. Chicago, 1857. [ 1156 ] 4 p. 4to. Not located; title from American Art, April 1929 (Paullin), No. 623. Chicago. Directory. Johji C. V/. Bailey's business director;^ of Chicago. Volume X, for 1867-8. Eixpressly prepared for the use of merchants in the western states and classified under the business headings descrip- tive of everj'- department of trade fjid manufacture. Price $2.00. Chicago, John C. "V. Bailey, publisher, 164 Clark Stroot, 1867. [ 1157 A-K, XX, 157 p. 3 platos. 22.5 cm. Dicko. ICHi. Chicago. First Presbyterian church. Manual ... with historical sketch and catalog, January 1, 1867. Chicago, Jdmison, Skinner & Clark, 1867. [ llEG ] 36 p. 18.5 en. ICKi. Chicago. High school. Ciiicago high school eleventh anniversary exercises at Crosby's opera house, on Wednesday, July 3d, 1857, Throe o'clock P.!!. Chicago, DctJi i- Ottawr.y, storjr. printers, 148 Lake St., [1857] .[ 115D ] [4] p. 21.5 cm. Cover title. ICKi. 415 Chicago hospital for women and children. Second annual report of the Chicago hospital for women and children, (212 Ohio Street,) for the year ending May 1, 1867. Chicago, S. Emerson, book and job printer, 146 Dearborn Street. 15 p. 21 cm. [ llCO ] ICJ. Chicago. Illinois Street Independent church. Manual [April 1867]. Chicago, Guilbert & Clissold, 18G7. [ hqi ] 48 p. 17 cm. MBC Chicago. Lake tunnel. Dedication of the Lake tunnel and laying the corner stone of the new buildings for the Chicago water works, with Masonic cere- monies. March 25th, 1867, A. L. 5867. [ 1162, ] [4] p. 21 cm. Dicke. Chicago. Lake tunnel. The great Chicago lake tunnel. The causes which led to its conception; the great undertaking; obstacles encountered; how the work was performed; launch of the crib, etc. Together with sketches of the visits of several illustrious parties to the works, and a midnight train of cars beneath Lake Michigan, Also, the successful completion of the groat enterprise, Chicago, published by Jack Vftng, 1867. [ 11'6"3 56, [8] p, 22 cm. Dicke, ICN. Chicago, Lake tunnel. The great Chicago lake tunnel. The causes which led to its conception; the great undertaking; obstacles encountered; how the work was performed; launch of the crib, etc. Together with sketches of the visits of several illustrious parties to the vrorks, and a midnight train of cars beneath Lake Michigan. Also the successful completion of the great enterprise. Chicago, published by Jack Vftng, 1867. [ ir6'4^ ] 80 p. illus. 22 cm. Special edition. ICHi. ICN. MB. Chicago reform school. Eleventh annual report of the Board of guardians of the Chicago reform school to the common council of the city of Chicago, for the year ending March 31, 1867. Chicago, Rounds & Jfjnes, printers, 46 State Street, Chicago, 1867. [ lliG5 ] 53 p. 22.5 cm. Dicko. DLC. TC." ICHi . ICJ. ICMcHi . ICU. imi. M¥A. PPAmP. 417 Chicago theological seminary. Catalogue of the officers and students-. . . 1866-67. Chicago, Dean & Ottaway, stear. book and job printers. No. 148 Lake Street, 1867. [ ;i6G J 16 p. 21 cm. ICT. Chicago theological seminary. Minutes of the fourth triennial convention, held at Chicago, April 16, 1867, in connection with the Chicago theological seminary. Chicago, Dean &, Ottaway, steam book and Job printers, 148 Lake Street, 1867. [ hqj ] 24 p. 21 cm. ICT. NB. Chicago. University. Eighth annual catalogue of the University of Chicago. Officers and students for the academic year 1866-67. Chicago, Church, Goodman and Donnelloy, printers, 108 and 110 Dearborn Street, 1867. . i; lies ;i 46 p. front, (plate). 23 cm. DLC". ICHi. ICU. m.. Chicago water works. Plan & elevation of vrell curb & dredging machine . . . Design- ed and executed by Dervitt I: Cregier. 1867. Eng. & print, by Chas. Shober & Co., Chicago. Drawn by A. R. ViTilson. [ 1169 ] Broadside. 21 x 34.5 cm. Dicko. Christian convention. Minutes of the Christian convention, held at Aurora, Illinois, Oct. 31st and Nov. 1st, 1867. Containing the proceedings and resolutions of the convention, the addresses of Rev. Messrs. Hart, Smith, Travis and Blanchard, with copious extracts from congrat- ulatory letters. Chicago, Dean & Ottaway, sterun book and job printers, 148 Lake Street, 1867. r ii7o ] 56 p. 21.5 cm. Sabin 49363. Clarke, Thomas Sir Copp. A poem for the times, in six cantos. By Thomas Clarke, author of "A day in May," "Donna Rosa," "The silent village," "Lake in the vrost," etc. [3 lines, quotation] Sixth thousand. Chicago, Goo. VI. Clarke, publisher, 1867. [ 1171 J 130 p. 17 cm. Dicke, 419 Clarke, Thomas The two angels, or. Love-led; a story of either paradise; in six cantos. By Thomas Clarke, author of "Sir Copp," "Donna Rosa,' "A Day in May," "Life in the West," etc, [Quotation, 2 lines] Chicago, Clarke & Bouron, publishers, 1867. [ 1172 ] 194 p. 18.5 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: Geo, W, Clarke, printer. Dicke. DLC. ICN. MiU. M. Cook County, Illinois. Board of Commissioners. Board of supervisors. March session, 1867. [ 1173 ] 27 p. ,21 cm. Caption title; imprint on p. 27: Illinois Staats-Zeitimg steam printing house, 55 La Salle Street, Chicago, I CM. Cook County, Illinois, Board of commissioners. Board of supervisors. December session, 1867. [ 1174 ] 25 p, 21 cm. Caption title; imprint on p. 25: Illinois Staats-Zeitung steam printing house, 55 La Salle Street, Chicago. IQ-I. Cook County hospital. Chicago. [Rules and regulations for the government of Cook Coi.uity Hos- pital. 1867] Cook Coimty hospital, February 11, 1867. Hospital committee of the board of supervisors: [7 names] Chicago, Republican job printing Company, 93 Washington Street, 1867. 15 p. 21 cm. [ 1175 ] DSG. ICJ. Corbin, Caroline Fairfield Rebecca; or, a woman's secret. By Mrs. Caroline Fairfield Corbin. [3 lines. Quotation] New and revised edition. Chicago, Clarke and company, 1867. [ 1176 ] 440 p. 18.5 cm, ICHi. ffiTA. Davis, Nathan Smith How far do the facts accompanying the prevalence of epidemic cholera in Chicago, during the summer and aut\mn of 1866, throw light on the etiology of tliat disease? Presented to the Section on meteorology, medical topography, and epidemic diseases of the American medical association. May, 1867. By N. S. Davis . . . [Chicago, 1867]. [ 1177 19 p, fold. map. 22 cm. Caption title. DLC. DSG. 421 Dodge, William Sumner Robert Henry Hendershot; or. The brave drummer boy of the Rappahannock. By ''.Yilliani Sumner Dodge . . . Chicago, Church and Goodman, 1867. [ 1178 ] vi, [7]-202 p. Front (port.) 22.5 cm. DLC . ICHi . I'E . Dorsett, Folsom Dorsett's treatise on agriculture, in its various braiiches, from thirty years practical experience. Chicago, Rounds & James, 1867.' [ 1179 ] 228 p. 20.5 cm. ICHi. MiU. Dyhrenfurth classical college and ladies' seminary, Chicago, Illinois. Dyhrenfurth classical college and ladies' seminary. Nos. 120, 122 & 124 Randolph Street, Chicago, Illinois. Founded 1858, - Incorporated 1864. Affiliated to the Merchants' national business college. [Chicago, 1867]. [ 1180 ] [8] p. 26 cm. Mi. Easter, J. D. The Marsh harvester. J. D. Easter, manufacturer. Guilbert & Clissold, printers, 84 La Salle St. [Chicago, 1867] [ 1181 ] 31 p. 30 cm. ICMcHi . Edwards, Richard and J. Russell Webb. . . . Analytical third reader. By Richard Edwards, LL.D., president of the Illinois state normal university, and J. Russell Webb, author of the Normal readers, and Word method. Chicago, Geo. & C. Yl. Shei-wood, [^1867], [ ii82 ] 288 p. 16.5 cm. (Analj'tical series.) ICEi. Edwards, Richard . . . Analytical fourth reader: containing practical direc- tions for reading; a thorough method of thought-analysis; a critical phonic analysis of English vrords; and a large number of new and valuable selections in reading. By Richard Edwards, LL.D., president of the Illinois state normal university. Designed for the use of classes in common schools. Cliicago, Geo. & C. li. Sherwood, [°1867]. [ 1183 ] 264 p. 18.5 Cm. (Analytical series). ICHi. I 423 Edwards, Richard . . . Analytical fifth reader: containing an introductory article on the general principles of elocution; with a thorough method of analysis, intended to develop the pupil's appreciation of the thought and emotion; a, critical phonic analysis of English words: and a large n'om'ber of new and valuable selections for exercises in reading and elocution: supplemented by numerous historical, biographicaLp and explanatory notes. By Rioh;j,rd Edvards , LL.D,., -Dresident of the Illinois state normal univer- sity. Designed for the use of classes in corrunon schools. Chicago. Geo. Sherwooa S: co„; New York, Mason 3ros^, 1857. [ 1184 ] 360 p, i8o5 cm,, (Analytical series.) DLC. ICHi.. EauC-. . EPB. Edwards , Richard Analytical sixth reader; containing an introductory article on the general principles of elocution; with a thorough method of analysis, intended to develop the pupil's appreciation of the thought and emotion; and a critical xihonic analysis of English words; designed for the use of normal a,nd high schools, and the highest classes in common schools. By Richard Edwards, LL.D., & Co W. Sherwood; Ne\7 York, Mason Brothers; Boston, Mason & Hamlin, 1867„ [ ii85 ] 494 p. 19 cm„ (Analytical series). DLC„ mt, RPB. Elgin, Illinois History of the city of Elgin: its scenery, residences, churches, schools, business blocks, manufactories, banking institutions, trade, etc., etc. From the Chicago Republican, March 16th, 1867. Chicago, printed at the Republican book and job office, 1867, 41 p. 20.5 cm. [■ 1186 ] ICHi. MWA. WEi. Evans, Christmas Sermons of Christmas Evans, a new translation from the Welch, with a memoir and portraiture of the author. By Rev. Joseph Cross. Chicago, Church & Goodman, 1867. r ngy ] 304 T3. front. 22 „ 5 cm. Added t.-p. ('vith portrait of author) has title: Life and sermons . . . DLC. ICHi, PCC. Everts, Mrs. M. K, Christian wom-anhood. Life of Mrs. M. K, Everts, with an intro- duction, [Quotation, 6 lines] Chicago, Chixrch and Goodman, 1867. 363 p. 16.5 cm, [ 1188 ] Dicke. 425 Filley, William Life and adventures of IVilliam Filley, who was stolen from his home in Jacl:son, Mich., by the Indians, Aufust 3d, 1837, and his safe return from captivity, October 19, 18C6, after an absence of 29 years. Chicago, published by Filley i: Ballard, 1867. [ 11C9J vi, 112 p., incl. 5 pi., 2 port, 22.5 cm. The dedication mentions this as the 2d edition. Sabin 24328. CSmli. DLC. ICHi. ICII. IMIi. Fiske, Albert A. A history of the family (ancestral and descendant) of Y/illiam Fiske, Senr., of Amherst, N. H. , with brief notices of other branches springing from the same ancestry. Second and complete edition. Compiled and published by Albert A. Fiske, a descend- ant. Chicago, 111., 1G67. [ 1190 209 p, 8vo. Sabin 24541. DLC. 123. linlli. OTA. Vffli. Ford, E. L. Shackelford (Amelia and Collins). Madelaino Darth. By E. L. Ford. Chicago, 1S67. [ 1191 ] 8vo. Original printed Virrappers , Hot located; title from jVrncrican Art, April 1929 (Paullin), No, 619. Freemasons (?) Ritual of degrees, lectured and standard work, rules, regula- tions, constitutions and laws ... of the Egyptian Ilasonic rite of Memphis, from, tlie fourth to the ninety-fifth degree, for . America, In 4 vols, Vo] . I. — Chapter of Rose Croix, Chicago, Published by authority of the Sovereign Sanctuary (95°) of the Valley of Chicago. A. L. 5867. [.1192 xiv, 102 p, 12 mo. Not located; title from Sabin 71600, Freemasons, Chicago, Illinois, Plospcria lodge, No, 411. By-laws of Hespcria lodge. No. 411, ancient free and ticcept- od masons, Chicago, 111, Chartered October 5th, A.L., 5864, A.D., 1864. Revised and adopted July 24, A.L., 5867, Chicago, A.H. & E, ¥ood, printers, 10 South Clark St,, 1867.. [ ncg ] 26, [1] p. 10 cm, DSC. 427 Freemasons. Illinois. Grand comnandcry. Proceedings of the Grand coinincmdory of Knights tcnplar of the stato of Illinois, at their tenth annual conclave, held at the Masonic temple in Chicago, Illinois, on Tuesday, October 23d, A.D., 1866, A.O. 748. E. Sir George Cronwoll Lanphere, Grand commander. E. Sir James Hoge Miles, Grand recorder, Chicago, Jameson & Morse, book and job printers, 12 & 14 La Salle St., 1867. [ 1194 ] 62, |;ij p. 20.5 cm. DSC. mm. Freemasons. Illinois. Grand commandcry. Proceedings of the eleventli annual convlavc of the C»rand commandcry of Knights templars, of the state of Illinois, held at the Masonic temple, in the city of Chicago, on Tuesday, October 22, A.D., 18G7, A. C. 749. R. E. Sir Vincent Lombard Hurlbut, Grand commander. E. Sir Jar;ies Hoge Miles, Grand recorder. Chicago, Horton & Leonard, steam book and job printers, 104 & 106 Randolph Street, 1867. [ 1195 ] 77 p. 20.5 en. DSC. MBFM. Freemasons. Illinois. Grand commaxidery. Proceedings of the convention and Grand commandery of Knights templar of the state of Illinois, begun and held in the Masonic temple, Chicago, on Tuesday, October 27, A. D„, 1857, A.O. 739. R. E. Sir J. V. Z. Blangy, G.C.E. Sir. Wm. H. Turner, Gr. Rec. Chicago, Horton & Leonard, steam book and job printers, 104 & 106 Randolph Street, 1867. [ 1196 ] 208 p. 20 cm. MBFtl. Freeport, Illinois. Directory. Edwards' annual director to the inhabitants, institutions, incorporated companies, manufacturing establishments, business, business firms, etc., etc., in the city of Freeport for 1867. [Chicago], Edv^ards, Greenought and Deved publishers, [1867] [ 1197 ] 126, [10] p. 20 cm. Sabin 25818. DLC. IFr. M. Gale, George Upper Mississippi: or. Historical sketches of the moundbuild- ors, the Indian tribes, and the progress of civilization in the Worth-west; from A. D. 1600 to the present time. By George Gale, Chicago, Clarke and company; New York, Oakley and Mason, 1867. [ 1198 ] vii p., 11., [11^-460 p, incl. illus, plates, ports, maps. front., pi., port, 19,5 cm. DLC. ICHi. MB. MdBP. MnHi. M. PPAN. PPL. Yffll. \ 429 Garrett Biblical institute, Catalogiie and circular of the G-arrett Biblical institute, Evanston, Illinois. October, 1867. Chicago, printed at the Methodist book depository, 1867. [ 1199 ] 16 p. 19,5 cm. ICHi. lEG. N. Geneseo, Illinois, Memorial address and proceedings at the thirtieth anniversary of the settlement of Geneseo, Illinois, Hovember 19th and 20th, 1866. Published by vote of the memorial meeting. Chicago, Church, Goodman and Donnelley, printers, 1867, [ 1200 ] [l], 2-30 p. 21.5 cm. ICHi. MWA. PHi. Grand Rapids, Michigan. Directory, Holland's Grand Rapids city directory for 1867-68. With a business directory. Chicago, Western Publishing Company, 1867, 276 p. 8vo. ' C 1201 ] Hot located: title from Sabin 28265. Great union Pacific railroad company. Excursion to the hundredth meridian: from New York to Platte City, Incidents of the excursion, character of the country, statistics of the road. Its progress and trade. Meeting at Platte City. Reception at Chicago, Prepared at the request of the excursionists. Chicago, published by the Republican company, 93 Washington St., 1867, [ 1202 64 p, 22 cm, DLC. ICMcHi. Gregory, John Milton The hand-book of history and chronology embracing modern history, both European and American for the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries for students of history, and adapted to accompany the map of time. Chicago, Adams, Blackraer, and Lyon, 1867. [ 1203 ] xvi, 175 p, 20 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: Chicago Type Foundry, J, Conahan, atereotyper, CtY. Dicke. ICHi. lU. 431 Griffith, Allen A Lessons in elocutiou with numerous selections, analyzed for practice. A text book in reading and speakin;^, for schools, seminaries, and private learners. By Allen A. Griffith, A.M., professor of elocution. Sixth edition-revised and enlarged, Chicago, Adams, Blackmer & Lyon; New York, Barnes & Burr; Milwaukee, A, Whittemore, 1867, [ 1204 ] 240 p. 20 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: Horton & Leonard, printers, Chicago, Dicke, Hahnemann medical college, Chicago. Eighth annual announcement of the Hahnemann medical college. Session of 1867-68, Chicago, Church, Goodman and Donnelley, steam printers, 1867. [ 1205 ] 15, [1] p. 22.5 cm. ICJ Hale, Edwin M, An essay read before the Illinois state homoeopathic medical society ■ Ptelia trifoliata - a proving. By the author, [Chicago], 1867, 32 p, 8vo [ 1206 ] Not located; title from T. L. Bradford, Homoeopathic Bibliography , p. 129, Hale, Edwin M, The great crime of the nineteenth century. Why is it committed? Who are the criminals? How shall they be detected? How shall they be punished? An essay on criminal abortion, Chicago, C. D. Halsey, 1867, [ 1207 ] 40 p, 24 cm. DSG ICJ. Hale, Edwin M, A synopsis of materia medica; with groups, general characteristics and diagnostic symptoms. A report of Dr. Ha.le's lectures. By a student of 1867-63. Chicago, 1867. [ 1208 ] 3vo. Not located; title from T. L. Bradford, Homoeopathic Bibliography , p. 129, 433 Halsey, LeRoy J. The preparation needful for the ninistry. An introductoiy lecture at the opening of the ninth annual session of the Theo- logical seminary of the northv/est, Chicago, September 5, 1867, By LeRoy J. Ilalsey, P.D., professor of historical and pastoral theology, Chicago, Church, Goodman and Donnelley, printers, 1867. ["l209 ] 23 p, 22.5 cm, ICP. Hartford fire insurance company. [Rules, rates, etc] Chicago, [J. M. YU Jones, stationer and printer, 42 & 44 Dearborn St., 1867]] r ^o-j^q ] 96 p, 22 cm. ICHi. Hayes, S[ariuel] S[novj-deon] Taxation in the United States. A reply to the London Times, Chicago, Sinclair & Blair, book and job printers, 1867. r ]_211 1 16 p, 12,5 cm, ICHi. KCII. Hoskin, A , A. Plorrers and leaves, by A. A. Hoskin. [Quotation, 2 lines] Chicago, Clari:e &: Co., publishers, 1867. r ip^j 1 186 p. 19 cm. On verso of title-page: V'Jestern book manufacturing Company, Chicago. CSmH. Dicke. ICHi. MI. NBuG. Houck, Louis A treatise on the mechanics' lien law in the United States. By Louis Houck,- counsellor at lavf. [5 lines, quotation] Chicago, Callaghan & Cvjtler, 1867. r 1213 1 xxviii, [29J-256 p. 23 en, DLC. }fE-L. Howland, George A practica.1 grammar of the English language, comprising analysis and synthesis. By George Hov/land ... Chicago, G, & C, I'V. Shenrrood, 1867. [ i214- ] viii, [9]-80 p. 19 cm. DLC, ICHi. MoS. 435 Hewlett, John R. , comp. Manual of the twenty-fifth general annual asscmoly of the state of Illinois-) Prepared and compiled by John R, Honlett, Lanark, 111. Chicaf;o, Chicago printing co., 1867, [ 1215 ] 72 p. , 2 foldo plans, 17,5 cm, DLC. lOHi. iEi, Humphrey, Z. M, Discourse delivered on the occasion of the eighth anniversary of the pastorate of Rev, Zc M. Humphrey, in the First Presbyterian chui'ch, Chicago, June 9th, 1867. Chicago, Repub- lican book and job office, 1867. [ 1216 ] 22 p. ICHi. Hyde Park, Illinois. Chartero Charter and ordinances of the tovm of Hyde Park. Approved, March 5, 1867, Chicago, Republican book and job printing co., 1867. [ 1217 ] 22 p. 22 cm, ICHi, Illinois. Lav;s, statutes, etc. An act to incorporate a Board of trustees for the to',TO of Lake View, in Cook county. Chicago, Rounds and James, book and job. printers, 46 State Street, 1867. [ 1218 ] 15 p, 22 cm, ICHi. Illinois central railroad company. Guide to the Illinois central railroad lands. Chicago, 1867. [ 1219 ] Hot located; title from American Art, April 1929 (Paullin), No, 1183. Illinois central railroad compajiy. Illinois central railroad co.'s report and accounts for the year ending December 31st, 1366. Directors, his excellen- cy Richard J. Oglesby, governor of Illinois, ex officio. Re Daniel Wolterbeek. Cunningham Borthwick, H. H. Hunnewell, until May, 1867? Abram S. Hewitt, William Tracy, W. H. Osborn, until May, 1868; Henry Chauncey, E. H. Sheldon, John M. Douglas, until May, 1869: Thomas E. Walker, Wilson G. Hunt, A. E. iiurnside, until May, 1870. Notice is hereby given, that the annual meeting of stockholders will be held at the office of the company, in Chicago, on the last Wednesday of May, 1867. L. A. Catlin, secretary. [Chicago]. [ 1220 ] 12 p. 41 cm. ICHi. 437 Illinois str.te horticultural socioty. Transactions of tlie Illinois state horticultural society for 1866. Being, the proccodingf of the eleventh annual laeeting at Champaign, Dec. 11, 12, 13 and 14. Farmer office, 1867 1?A p. 21 cm. DA. Chicago, Emery & co., Prairie [ 1221 '] Illinois state medical society. Seventeenth annual meeting of the Illinois state medical society held in Springfield, June 4 v: 5, 1867. Chicago, Robert Fergus' sons, printers, 12 & 14 Clark street, 1C67, i ^222 '1 212 p. 21 cm. DSC. ICIli, ICJ(112 p.) Illinois veteran volunteers. First reunion of the Thirty-ninth Illinois veteran volunteers, held at Bloomi?ig;ton, 111., December 18, 1666. Oration by I&jor- General Thomas 0. Osborn. Poem by Surgeon Charles M. Clark. Chicago, S. Emerson, book and job printer, 1867. r i2-23 1 30 p. 23 cm. ICHi. Ingeroe, Julie Et aar i Utah; eller, Mormonismens hemmeligheder. "Skandinavens" Office, 1867. 62 pt, 12 mo, Sabin, 34723. DLC. Chicago, [ 1224 ] The labor question. Extracts, magazine articles, and observations relating to social science & political economy ... in Europe . . . and liacrica. Chicago, 1867. r 1225 1 144 p, 12 mo. Not located; title from Sabin 38424. Luke Darrell, the Chicago neivshoy. 1867. 377 p. front. 17 en. Dicke, DLC. Chicago, Toralinson brothers, [ 1226 ] 439 Lumley, E. Chicago. 1867. E. Liiinley's "books, English, French, Greek, Latin, German, Italian, Hebrew, etc., including as usual, many very scarce and curious works. ... To "be sold by auction by Daniel Scott & co., auctioners. » . « 116 Clark Street, On Saturday, 1st June, 1867, at 10 o'clock, A.M. [Chicago, 1867]. [33] p. 21 cm. [ 1227 ] ICHi. McCormick, Cyrus H, McCormick's improved harvesters, self-rakers, unequaled for all conditions of heavy or lodged grain. Two-vifheeled mowers, with flexible cutter bar,, lifting lever, and lever, for tilting the cutting edge. to any angle instantaneously while in motion, to secure close moviing on rough, ground. Manufactured by C. H, McCormick & Bros. Chicago, Burroughs & Meers, book and job printers, 17 Clark Street, 1867^ [ 1228 ] 16 po 22 cm, ICMcHi. McCormick, Cyrus H. Private circular to agents^ Chicago, March, 1867. Dear Sir: . , . C.Ho McCormick & Bros, [Chicago, 1867], [ 1229] 4 p. 16 cm, ICMcHi, Manford, Erasmus Twenty-five years in the West, By Erasmus Manford, Chicago, E. Manford, 1867. [ 1230 ] 2 p, 1., [3]-359 p. 19 cm. The autobiography of a Universalist minister, DLC. ICHi. ' s Matson, N, Map of Bureau cou^ity, Illinois, with sketches of its early settlement. Second edition. By N, Matson. Published by the author. Chicago, Tribune company, book and job printers, 51 Clark Street, 1867, ' ' [ 1231 ] 108 p,, plates, ports., maps. 19,5 cm, Sa"|3in 46876. DLC. ICHi, ICN. Medill, Joseph Educational; an easy method of spelling the English language. Silent letters omitted, every sound represented without the aid of new characters. Chicago, 1867, [ 1232 ] 24 p» 25.5 cm, ICHi. WHi. 441 Merchants, farmers and mechanics' savings bank, Chicago, Illinois. The Labor question. Extracts, magazine articles, and observa- tions relating to social science & political economy as bearing upon the subjects of labor, trades unions, co-operative societies, and model houses and cottages, in Europe, Great Britain and America. Prepared and published by the Merchai'its, Farmers & Mechanics' savings bank, Chicago, for the use of its depositors, A. Worden & Co., book & job printers, 74 Randolph Street, 1867. [ 1233 ] 144 p. 13.5 X 21 cm. ELC. PPL-R. Methodist Episcopal church. Illinois. Rock river conference. Register of the twenty-eighth session of the Rock river annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, held at Dixon, Illinois. Wednesday, October 2, 1867, Published at the Methodist book depository, 1857, [ 1234 ] 76 p, 22o5 cm, ICHi . ISG. Minnesota. State board of immigration, Minnesota och dess fordelar for invandraren, inneballande en beskrifning ofver statens historia, dess geografiska lage, regering, stader, floder, sjoar skogar, klimat, jordman, mineraler, jernbanor, handel, fabrikater, M. M, af intresse och vigt fBr den som sdjker sitt hem i western. Utdelas gratis. Chicago, Svenska Amerikanarens boktryckeri, 1867, [ 1235 ] 29 p, 19 cm. MnHi. Morris, Robert" The dictionary of Freemasonry: comprising all topics proper for public explanation, in the rituals, history and nomenclature of the royal art. [Quotation; 3 lines] By Rob. Morris, LL.D. Chicago, Illinois, John C. W. Bailey, publisher and proprietor, North-Western publishing house, 164 Clark St., P.O. box 1439, 1867. [ 1236 ] 518 p. 17.5 cm. This is evidently the first edition. DLC. DSC. laCrM. MB. Morris, Robert The dictionary of Freemasonry: comprising all topics proper for public explanation, in the rituals, history and nomenclature of the royal art. Illustrated with the seals of the Grand lodge. [Quotation] By Rob. Morris, LLoD. Second edition, Chicago, John C. W. Bailey, publisher and proprietor, 1867. [ 1237 ] 336, [6] po 19 cm. laCrM. ICKi. MFM. PPFM. 443 National police a,t-;ency. Tests on passenger conductors, made by the I-Iational police agency. Allan Pinlcerton, principal, Geo. H. Bangs, general superintendent. Offices: 92 and 94 Washington Street, Chicago, G. H. Thiel, sup't. 66 Exchange Place, New York, T, E, Lonergan, sup't. 45 South Third Street, Philadelphia, K. E. Thayer, sup't. Clarence A. Seward, esq., counsel of the agency, office, 29 Nassau Street, New York. January 1st, 1867. Chicago, Geo. E. Fergus, printer, 12 and 14 Clark Street, [18G7] [ 1236 .] [35] p. Incl. tables. 22 cm. ISI-EA. National watch company. Elgin, Illinois. A description of the National watch co.i of Elgin, Illinois. Chicago, Republican book and job office, 1867. r [i239 20 p. 21,5 ciru Reprint from the Chicago Republican, March 16, 1867. ICHi. Northwestern university. Evanston, Illinois. Catalogue of the Northwestern university. 1866-7. Evanston, mCCCLVII. [ 1240 ] 30 p, 22 cm. Imprint on verso of title-page: Charles Philbrick, printer, Methodist book depository, 66 Washington St., Chicago. ICHi. lEN. Northwestern university. Iv'edical school. Ninth anniial announcement of the Chicago jnedical college, Medical department of Lake Forest university, Chicago, Illinois. For . . . 1367-8. Chicago, George H. Fergus, book and job printer, 12 &: 14 Clark Street, 1867. [ 1241 ,] 16 p. 20,5 en. DSG. ICHi. ICJ. Observations on the authenticity of the Gospels. By a La;/:nian. Second edition. Chicago, E. B. I.tyers and Chandler; Boston, Nichols and Noyes, 1867. r ]_242 1 viii, 109, 4 p. 17 cm. I/IB At, LIBS. IviH. Parsons, Theophilus Deus homo: God-man. Second edition. Chicago, E. B. Myers and Chandler, 1867. r 1243 ] 455 p, 21 cm, CU. ICHi. FTM, PP?/:. 445 Patterson, Robert W, T-wonty-fifth anniversary, of the Second Presbyterian church, Chicago. A sermon, delivered Sunday cvcninf^, JuJic 2, 1867, by Rev. Robert ?/. Patterson, D.D., the first and only pastor. Social £;athering, speeches, etc., Thursday evening, June 4, 1867. Chicago, Tribune coiapany, steam book and job printers, 1867. 76 p. 22 cm. ' [ 1244 ] ICHi. PPPrlli. Peoria marine and fire insurance company vs. Ilariu Anapow. Superior Court of the state of Illinois, third grtJid division. April term, A.D., 1867. At Ottawa. The Peoria marine 7rest;. Zhic^^o, Tilscn £: 5". "air, pu.Dlish.ers, lcc5. 2 11 = 7 ] The portraits are rLc^.iiited phctcgrc^.rhs, h^ •.'. Tarliatt. 51ac>bur:^, Willi a- il. ThxLrch histcrj, the ezp-cnen- cf godly life rui. icctrir^e: a le::r:Lr6 delivered . . . -j.pcr. his ir^-i^zx^XlzzL i.z.zz the chair cf zihli^al =z:i ecclessiastical histcry, ir. the rreshyterian theclcgical serinary ;f the ncrth--Fest, Chicago, Sept en gj Ban and HczLiielley, printers, 1563. 22 p. 21.5 en. IC?. Blacknan, Crlgnlc il. Graded scr^s fcr day scjoools. Sc. 3. Z" C . Blaclc-an. Chicago, Hcct & Caij, 1568. ' [ 125? J ulanchard, rrj^r'^.^, Tiblisher. in^-P cf Chicago. Piiclished Dj 5iifu.3 31anch=rd, 1A~ Lake Street, Chi cage, [less: L i2=C 2Z v. fcld. nap. 13 en. Cover title: '>jlde rsap cf Chicago, Date arcears cnly ?n nat;: 1368. j:-ie5, ienrr _:insrn Sister^ cf Ze ZItiIc rrvji";", Il_in:is. "~ ^^nrr — . Zties. Chica&c, C. ?. Bassett, printer, 1863. Z 1291 ] Bruce, Spniers The Aneric^n sTiid "beck: ccntainir^ f",ill pe-digrees cf all the in- ported thcrcughcred stall! ens and nares, Tith their prcdnce, inclniing the AjTahs, Bares and Spanish hcirses, irrn "he e-vrllest ~" ^ — ~ - rf racing in Anerica, tz the end cf the jear 1567; alsc all the native lares, and their rrcd-a.ce, alphabet ically arranged. With an app