I UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN The person charging this material is responsible for its renewal or return to the library on or before the due date. The minimum fee for a lost item is $125.00, $300.00 for bound journals. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. Please note: self-stick notes may result in torn pages and lift some inks. Renew via the Telephone Center at 217-333-8400, 846-262-1510 (toll-free) or circlib@uiuc.edu. Renew online by choosing the My Account option at: http://www.library.uiuc.edu/catalog/ x . CATALOGUE INDEX TO AUTHORS, OF THE FRANKLIN LIBEAET; AND BY-LAWS OF THE FRANKLIN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, HUDSON, N. T, JVLarch, 1872, HUDSON : BRYAN & WEBB, PRINTERS. 1872. CONTENTS. BY-LAWS, 3 LIBRA BY REGULATIONS, 7 CLASSIFIED INDEX,, . . . 9 A . — Biography,, 9 B . — Fiction and Humor, ,, 18 C . — History, 44 D . — Juvenile Literature, 52 E . — Literary Miscellany, 62 j F . — Magazines and Periodicals, 70 G . — Poetry and the Drama, 74 H . — Religion, , . 78 I . — Science, Art and Philosophy, 83 iT.— -T ravels and Geography, 89 Z., — Encyclopedias, * 99 JL^Law and Public Documents, 100 INDEX TO AUTHORS, 107 BY-LAWS. on fr k - BY-LAWS. • Section 1 . Any person, being a resident of the City of Hudson or its vicinity, if approved by the Executive Committee, may become a regular member of the Association, and at the time of his admission shall subscribe an obligation to abide by the By-Laws and Regulations of said Association. § 2. Any person hereafter admitted to membership of this Associa- tion shall pay four dollars on admission, and four dollars, payable semi-annually, in each, year succeeding his admission, as and for annual dues. § 3. Any person, if approved by the Executive Committee, may become a Life Member of this Association by paying the Treasurer thereof the sum of Forty Dollars. § 4. Life Members shall be entitled to all the privileges of regular members. § 5. Any member wishing to withdraw from the Association must inform the Treasurer of it, who shall duly register his resignation, pro- vided his dues and fines are cancelled, else he will be considered as continuing his membership and charged accordingly. Any member removing from the city shall be considered as resigning. § 6. No member shall be expelled unless charges are preferred against him by a member in writing at a regular meeting of the Association, which charges shall be read in public meeting, and then only at a sub- sequent meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members present ; the 4 BY-LAWS. accused having had one week’s notice previous of such meeting, and an opportunity given him to answer such charges. § 7. The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treas- urer, and three Directors, (which officers shall constitute the Executive Committee,) with such other officers as shall be from time to time required. § 8. The President shall preside at the meetings of said Association and of the Executive Committee ; and in case of an equal division of the members on any question, give the casting vote. He shall appoint all committees. § 9. The President may call a meeting of the Association or of the Executive Committee for the transaction of special business, and shall call a special meeting of the Association or Executive Committee when requested so to do by any three members of said Committee, or any fifteen members of the Association. § 10. The Vice-President shall preside in case of the death or absence of the President, and perform all the duties of that office. And in case of the death or absence of both President and Vice-President, then some person appointed by the Executive Committee shall perform the duties of the office for the time being. § 11. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings and transactions of the Association and Executive Committee, and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time by the Executive Committee. § 12. The Corresponding Secretary shall, under the direction of the Executive Committee, receive and answer all communications addressed to the Association, or any of its officers, and perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Executive Committee. BY-LAWS. 5 § 13. The Treasurer shall receive all sums due the Association, and all donations in money made for its benefit. He shall not pay out any funds, unless by direction of the Executive Committee. All bills before being paid must be audited by the said Committee. He shall keep a regular account of the financial condition of the Association, and re- port the same to the Executive Committee as often as shall be required ; and shall present at the annual meeting of the Association a report in detail of all the receipts and disbursements for the preceding year. He shall prepare and take charge of the tickets of admission to lectures ; and he shall give satisfactory security to the Association for the faith- ful discharge of his trusts* § 14. A Librarian, to be appointed by the Executive Committee, shall attend at the rooms of the Association when required to do so by said Committee. He shall take charge of the rooms, of the Library and other property belonging to the Association. He shall keep a register of all books, maps, charts, and other property belonging to the Asso- ciation, (with the names of the donors, in cases where the books or articles have been presented,) arrange them in proper order, and per- form such other services as may be required of him from time to time by the Executive Committee. § 15. The Annual Meeting of the Association, for the election of Officers, shall be on the last Tuesday of March, at 7 o’clock P. M. § 16. All Officers shall be elected by ballot. The President, Vice- President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treas- urer shall be voted for by separate ballot, and the Directors by a gen- eral ticket. § 17. The Executive Committee shall meet as often as the business of the Association shall require, and at the annual meeting report its proceedings for the past year, and the state of the Association. 6 BY-LAWS. § 18. The Executive Committee shall provide a course of lectures, at such times and consisting of such number as in their judgment may be deemed advisable. § 19. None of the property or effects of this Association, furniture or moveables, except as herein provided as to Books in the Library, shall be loaned, or allowed to be taken from the rooms of the Associa- tion, unless by the consent of the Executive Committee. § 20. No officer or member of the Executive Committee shall con- tract any debt on behalf of the Association, or in any manner or to any extent render the Association liable for the payment of any sum, unless the same shall first have been directed by the Exective Com- mittee ; and the Executive Committe shall not audit any bill so con- tracted. § 21. If any member of the Association, or other person admitted to the lectures or rooms of the Association, shall cause any distur- bance or annoyance at such lectures, or in or about such rooms, or shall wilfully destroy any books, papers, periodicals, or other property of the Association, it shall be the duty of every member or officer of the Association having a knowledge thereof, to report the name of the person so offending to the Executive Committee. And the person so offending, if a member, may be suspended or expelled by the Execu- tive Committee from the privileges of membership; or, if not a mem- ber, may be debarred from the privileges of the Association, and from admission to its rooms. § 22. The Executive Committee shall fill all vacancies occurring in any of the offices of the Society. § 23. Books may be drawn from the Library under such rules and regulations as the Executive Committee from time to time shall adopt. LIBRARY REGULATIONS. 7 Library Regulations. § 1. The Library shall be open for the receiving and delivering of books every Saturday, from to 2 to 5 P. M., and from 6 to 10 P. M. § 2 Each member who is not in arrears for dues, shall be entitled to draw from the Library not to exceed two volumes at any one time, which shall be returned or renewed in two weeks from delivery or renewal. No member shall be allowed to take any book from the Li- brary, while he has in his possession any books belonging to it. No book or books shall be renewed for more than once. § 3. Any member who shall detain a book longer than the time above mentioned, shall forfeit' and pay for such detention ten cents per week, for every volume detained. Any person who shall deface or injure any book, shall on its return, pay to the Librarian the damages assessed thereon by him. Any person who shall be in default in re- turning any book, shall pay the value thereof ; or if one of a set, the value of such set. § 4. No person shall be permitted to take any book from the Li- brary, while any penalties or fines, imposed upon him by these regula- tions, shall remain unpaid. § 5. No member shall be permitted to take from the rooms any book or books without the knowledge and consent of the Librarian. § 6. The Librarian shall keep a list of all books that may be taken from the Library, the names of the persons taking the same, and the 8 LIBEARY REGULATIONS. time when taken. And he shall report to the Library Committee of the Executive Committee all delinquencies or abuses that may occur under any of the foregoing rules and regulations. § 7. No book must be lent out of the member’s household. § 8. All books must be returned at such time as the Executive Com- mittee may order, under the penalty of one dollar. § 9. The Librarian shall have no power to waive any of the above rules and regulations. § 10. A violation of the preceding rules and regulations will ren- der a member liable to suspension or expulsion by the Executive Committee. BIOGRAPH Y. — A . 9 CATALOGUE. A.— BIOGRAPHY. Adams, John Quincy, Life of. W. H. Seward. 3 Mary H. Memoirs of. 61 Allen, Ethan, Life of. Henry W. DePuy. 145 J. Sparks. 63 American Biography. 10 vols. Jared Sparks. 63- Naval Biography. John Frost. 252 Pulpit. Henry Fowler. 271 Andre, Major John, Life of. Winthrop Sargent. 52 Annals of American Unitarian Pulpit. Wm. B. Sprague. 255 Queens of Spain. 2 vols. Anita George. 290 Arnold, Benedict, Life of. J. Sparks. 65 Thomas, Life of. 2 vols. Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. 17- Second copy. 103- Autobiographical Recollections. Theo. Clapp. 169 Bacon, Lord Francis, Personal History of. Wm. H. Dixon. 140 Second copy. 4 Beechei, Lyman, Autobiography, etc. 2 vols. Chas. Beecher. ll~ Bethuue, Joanna, Memoir of. Geo. W. Bethune. 148 Biographical Dictionary. 274 Sketches. Harriet Martineau. 14 Biographies of Scientific Men. Francis Avago. First Series. 26 Second Series. 107 Blessington, Countess of, Life of. 2 vols. R. R. Madden 212- Bonaparte, Lucien, Autobiography of. 180 Napoleon, Life of. 2 vols. Sir W. Scott. 38- Second copy. 305 Louis. Henry Wykoff. 2 Brainard, David, Life of. Wm. B. O. Peabody. 70 Brand, Capt. Loves and Exploits. H. A. Wise, (Harry Gringo.) 258 Brant, Joseph, Life of. 2 vols. Wm. L. Stone. 249- Brewster, William, Life of. Ashbel Steele. 270 Brief Biographies. Samuel Smiles, 227 10 BIOGRAPHY. A. British Lawyers, Lives of. 2 vols. Henry Roscoe. 85- Brown, Charles Brockden, Life of. Wm. H. Prescott. 63 Burns, Robert. Samuel Tyler. 216 Burr, Aaron, Life of. Samuel L. Knapp. 161 Life of. J. Parton. 283 Byron, Lord, Life of. 2 vols. Thomas Moore. 90- Recollections of. Countess Guiccioli. 46 Cabot, Sebastian, Life of. Chas. Hayward, Jr. 71 Caesar, Julius, History of. 2 vols. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. 187- Csesars, The. Thomas De Quincey. ' 220 Calhoun, John C. Life of. John S. Jenkins. 294 Camp, Henry W. Memoir of. H. Clay Trumbull. 176 Carlyle, Alexander, Autobiography. 141 Chalmers, Thomas, Life of. 3 vols. Wm. Hanna. 306- Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution. J. T. Headley. 100 Charles the Fifth, Cloister Life of. Wm. Stirling. 106 Twelfth of Sweden, History of. Voltaire. 172 Choate, Rufus, Reminiscences. Ed. G. Parker. 37 Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Life of. 2 vols. Wm. Forsyth. 5- Clay, Henry, Life of. Epes Sargent. 142 Clinton, DeWitt, Life of. William W. Campbell. 170 Columbus, Christopher, Life and Voyages. 2 vols. W. Irving. 272- Coufidential Disclosures. A. de Lamartine. 226 Cowper, William, Life of. 2 vols. Robert Southey. 109- Cranmer, Thomas, Life and Times of. 157 Cromwell, Oliver, Life of. J. T. Headley. 144 Curran, and his Cotemporaries. Charles Phillips. 36 Davidson, Lucretia Maria, Life of. C. M. Sedgwick. 69 Decatur, Stephen, Life of. S. Putnam Waldo. 219 De Tocqueville, Alexis, Memoir, Letters and Remains. 2 vols. 94- Durer, Albert, Life of. Mrs. J. R. Stoddard. 260 Dwight, Elizabeth B. Life of. Rev. II. G. O. Dwight. 126 Eaton, William, Life of. Cornelius C. Felton. 71 Edwards, Jonathan, Life of. Samuel Miller. 70 Eliot, John, Life of. Convers Francis. 67 Ellery, William, Life of. Edward T. Channing. 68 English Martyrs, Charlotte Elizabeth. (Mrs. C. E. Tonna.) 158 Fanning, Capt. Nathaniel, Memoirs of. 286 Farragut, D. G. Life of. P. C. Headley. 228 and our Naval Commanders. J. T. Headley. 304 BIOGKAPIIY . A • 1 1 Female Biography. Samuel L. Knapp. Ill Fenelon, Life of. Charles Butler. 293 Fisk, Wilbur, Life of. Joseph Holdich. 257 Footprints of Famous Men. John G. Edgar. 62 Franklin, Benjamin, Life of. 242 Life of. By himself. 2 vols. 59- Life and Times of. 2 vols. James Parton. 47- Frederick the Great. 2 vols. Thomas Campbell. 83- Second copy. 24- Frelinghuysen, Theo. Memoir of. Talbot W. Chambers. 135 Fuller, Arthur B. Life of. Richard F. Fuller. 114 Fulton, Robert, Life of. James Renwick. 72 Garrick, David, Life of. 2 vols. Thomas Davies. 7- Goldsmith, Oliver, Life of. 2 vols. W. Irving. 237- Second copy. 224 Gough, John B. Autobiography of. 190 Graham, Mary Jane, Memoir of. Charles Bridges. 125 Grant and his Campaigns. Henry Coppee. 301 Julian K. Larke. 197 Greeley, Horace, Life of. J. Parton. 1 Greene, Nathaniel, Life of. W. G. Simms. 230 Grimaldi, Joseph, Memoirs of. 2 vols. Chas. Dickens. 221- Hamlin, Mrs. Henrietta A. L. Life of. Margarette W. Lawrence. 259 Hamilton, Lady, Memoirs of. 55 Alexander, Life of. 241 Harriot, Duchess of St. Albans, Memoirs. 2 v. Mrs. C. B. Wilson. 261- Havelock, Gen. Henry, Life of. William Brock. 151 Life of. J. T. Headley. 23 Haven, Alice B, Memoirs of. 130 Haynes, Lemuel, Life of. Timothy Mather Cooley. 159 Hemans, Mrs. Memorials of. 2 vols. Henry F. Chorley. 263- Henry, Patrick, Life of. Wm. Wirt. 248 Heroes of Europe. Henry G. Hewlett. 124 the Revolution. J. Frost. 120 Historical Sketches of The Old Painters. 150 Hobart, John Henry, Memoirs of. 82 Homes and Haunts of British Poets. 2 vols. William Howitt. 78- Hood, Thomas, Memorials of. 2 vols. Th. Hood, Jr. 155- Hopper, Isaac T. Life of. L. Maria Child. 101 Houdin, Robert, Memoirs of. By Himself. 102 r 12 BIOGRAPHY. A. Hudson, Henry, Life of. Henry R. Cleveland. 72 Hugo, Victor, Life History of. Madame Hugo. 253 Second copy. 254 Humboldt, Alexander Von, Life of. Bayard Taylor. 108 Hunt, Leigh, Autobiography of 2 vols. 281- Incidents in my Life. D. D. Home. 175 Irving, Washington, Life and Letters of 4 vols. Pierre M. Irving. 30- Jackson, Andrew, Life of 3 vols. J. Parton. 194- Life of. Wm. Cobbett. 58 Thomas J. (Stonewall,) Life of Markinfield Addey. 199 Jay, John, Life of 241 Jefferson, Thomas, Life of. Wm. Linn. 173 . 3 vols. Henry S. Randall. 245- H. W. Pierson. 256 2 vols. Geo. Tucker. 295- Jones, Paul, Life of 2 vols. Alex. Slidell Mackenzie. 235- Second copy. 153- Johnson, Dr. His Religious Life, and his Death. 49 Johnsoniana. J. Wilson Crocker. 174 Judson, Emily C. Life of A. C. Kendrick. 143 Kane, Dr. E. K. Love Life of. ( vide B.) Kilpatrick, Gen. J. Life of. J. Moore. 184 King, Thomas Starr, Tribute to. Richard Frothingham. 204 Knill, Richard, Life of. Charles M. Birrell. 73 Kossuth, Louis, Life of. P. C. Headley. 163 La Fayette, Gilbert M. de, Memoirs of. Gen. Holstein. 309 Laud, Archbishop, Life of. John N. Norton. 92 Lawrence, Amos, Diary and Correspondence. W. R. Lawrence. 275 Leaves from an Actor’s Note Book. George Vandenhoff. 81 Leslie, Charles Robert, Autobiographical Recollections. 28 Lincoln, Abraham, Life of. Henry J. Raymond. 188 J. G. Holland. 189 Sermons, Eulogies, etc. 205 Sermons on. 225 Memorial. 302 Lives of Chief Justices of U. S. Sup. Court. G. Van Santvoord. 244 Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy. 2 vols. 133- Governors of N. Y. State. John S. Jenkins. 243 Louis Philippe, Rise and Fall of. Ben. Perley Poore. 99 Loyola. Isaac Taylor. 105 BIOGRAPHY. A. 13 Lyon, Mary, Life of. Edward Hitchcock. 88 Gen. Nathaniel, Life of, and Writings. 285 Mackenzie, Alex. S. Proceedings on Naval Court Martial of. (vide M.) Madison, James, Life of. John Q. Adams. 15 Maitland, Mrs. Margaret, Her Autobiography. 310 Mann, Horace, Life of. Mary Mann. 276 Marquette, Father, Life of. Jared Sparks. 72 Mason, Ebenezer Porter, Life of. Denison Olmsted. 284 Martha. Andrew Reed. 166 Mather, Cotton, Life of. Wm. B. O. Peabody. 68 Men and Women of 18th Century. 2 vols. Arsene Houssaye. 267- Mills, Samuel J. Memoirs of. Gardiner Spring. 251 Milner, Joseph, Life of. Isaac Milner. 29 Milton, John, Life and Times. W. Carlos Marty n. 185 of. Joseph Ivimey 223 Mirabeau. 214 Mitchell, Gen. O. M. Life of. P. C. Headley. 178 Mitford, Mary Russell ; Her Life. 2 vols. 131- Modern Agitators. David W. Bartlett. 287 Painters. John Ruskin. (Parts 1 and 2.) 139 (Part 3.) 181 Mohammed, Life of. George Bush. 57 Monroe, James, Life of. John Q. Adams. 15 Montgomery, Richard, Life of. John Armstrong. 63 More, Hannah. Helen C. Knight. 160 Morning Stars of the New World. H. F. Parker. 138 Morris, Gouverneur, Life of. 3 vols. Jared Sparks. 298- Murray, Nicholas, Memoirs of. S. I. Prime. 9 My Schools and Schoolmasters. Hugh Miller. 165 Napoleon and his Times. 2 vols. Caulincourt. 265- Marshals. 2 vols. J. T. Headley. 53- Emperor, Life of. 4 vols. Las Cases. 200- The Little. Victor Hugo. 128 New Spirit of the Age. R. H. Horne. 89 Off-Hand Takings. Geo. W. Bungay. 50 Old Merchants of New York. J. M. Schofield. Second series. 13 Third series. 164 Our Great Captains. 177 Passages from my Autobiography. Lady Morgan. 215 Perry, Oliver Hazard, Life of. 2 vols. A. S. Mackenzie. 239- r 14 BIOGRAPHY. A. Peter the Great, History of. M. de Voltaire. 121 Phipps, Sir William, Life of. Francis Bowen. 69 Pinkney, William, Life of. Henry Wheaton. 68 Plater, Countess Emily. J. K. Salomonski. 75 Plutarch’s Lives. 4 vols. Edited by Langhornes. 19- Polk, James K. Life of. John S. Jenkins. 35 Pollok, Robert, Life of. James Scott. 146 Powell, Mary, (Mistress Milton,) Life of 232 Prescott, Wm. H. Life of. George Ticknor. 186 Second copy. ' 80 Prince Consort, Early Years of C. Grey. 117 Putnam, Israel, Life of Oliver W. B. Peabody, 69 Col. David Humphreys. 182 Queens of England. 6 vols. Agnes Strickland. 40- 2 vols. Second senes. • 167- Society. Grace and Philip Wharton. 129 Song. Ellen C. Clayton. 34- Quitman, John A. Life of. 2 vols. J. F. H. Claiborne. 278- Randolph, John, Life of. Hugh A. Garland. 179 Richmond, Legh, Memoir of. T. S. Grimshawe. 149 Richter, Jean Paul Fred. Life of. Eliza Buckminster Lee. 206 Rittenhouse, David, Life of. James Ren wick. 69 Robespierre, Life of. G. H. Lewes. 198 Schiller, Frederick, Life of. Thomas Carlyle. 147 Schuyler, Philip, Life of B. J. Lossing. 193 Scott, Winfield, Autobiography of. 2 vols. 288- Life of. J. T. Headley. 51 Sedgwick, Catherine M. Life and Letters of. Mary E. Dewey. 311 Sherman, Gen. Wm. T. Life of P. C. Headley. 152 and his Campaigns. S. M. Bowman and R. B. Irwin. 303 Sidney, Algernon, Life of. G. Van Santvoord. 292 Siebenkas, Firmian Stanislaus, Life of. 2 vols. Richter. 217- Six Months at the White House. F. B. Carpenter. 231 Sketches of Public Characters. Ignatius Loyola Robertson. 87 Smith, Capt. John, Life of. George S. Hilliard. 64 Spurgeon, Rev. C. H. Sketch of 76 Stark, John, Life of Edward Everett. 63 Stephanini, J. Personal Narrative. 127 Steuben, Baron, Life of. Francis Bowen. 71 Summerfield, John, Memoirs of John Holland. 77 BIOGRAPHY. A- 15 Tasso, T. Love, and Madness. 2 vols. R. H. Wilde. 118- Tell, William. Chevalier De Florian. 56 Ten Years of Preacher Life. W. H. Milburn. 98 Thackeray, Wm. M. Life Story of. Theo. Taylor. 10 Thorburn, Grant, Life of. By Himself. 162 Universal Biographical Dictionary. 229 Yane, Sir Henry, Life of. Chas. W. Upham. 66 Van Santvoord, George, Memoir of. C. Van Santvoord. 191 Warren, Joseph, Life of. Alex. H. Everett. 72 Washington, George, Life of. M. L. Weems. 93 2 vols. Jared Sparks. 96- Edward Everett. 171 5 vols. W. Irving. 207- David Ramsay. 297 and his Generals. 2 vols. J. T. Headley. 112- Mother and Wife of, Memoirs of. M. C. Conkling. 74 Watson, Elkanah, Life of. Winslow C. Watson. 280 Wayne, Anthony, Life of. John Armstrong. 66 Webster, Daniel, Life of. Samuel L. Smucker. 196 2 vols. S. P. Lyman, 233- Obsequies, etc. 269 Wellington, Life of. Francis L. Clarke and William Dunlap. 27 Williams, John, Life of. Ebenezer Prout. 277 Wilson, $ Alexander, Life of. Wm. B. O. Peabody. 64 John, Memoir of. R. Shelton Mackenzie. 192 Wirt, William, Memoir of. 2 vols. John P. Kennedy. 136- Women Artists. Mrs. E. F. Ellet. 16 of American Revolution. 2 vols. Elizabeth F. Ellet. 115- Wordsworth, William, Memoirs. 2 vols. C. Wordsworth. 122- You have heard of them. (Musical, Dram, and Lit. Celebrities,) 183 BIOGRAPHY B I O GRAPH Y. A. 17 IV" 18 FICTION AND HUMOR. B. B.-JICTION AND HTJMOB. Abbot, The. Sir Walter Scott. 210 Adventures ot Count De Ganay. E. Chevalier. 498 Gil Bias. Le Sage. 635 Philip. W. M.JThackeray. 807 * Telemachus. 2 vols. F. S.Fenelon. 591- Afraja. 359 After Dark. Wilkie Collins. 808 Afternoon of Unmarried Life. Miss D. M. Mulock. 351 Agnes and the Little Key. 718 of Sorrento. Mrs. H. B. Stowe. 166 Alchemist, The. H. de Balzac. 295 Alderbrook. Mrs. E. C. Judson, (Fanny Forrester.) 136 Alfio Balzani. , 612 Alfred Hagart’s Household. Alex. Smith. 527 Alhambra, The. 2 vols. Washington Irving. 41)- Almost a Heroine. 87 Alton Locke. Charles Kingsley. 845 Amber Gods, etc. Harriet E. Prescott. 411 American Cardinal, The. 870 Among the Pines. J. R. Gilmore. 650 Second copy. 651 Amy Hartington. 260 Andreas Hofer. Louisa Muhlbach. 830 Angel’s Song, The. C. B. Tayler. 504 Angel Unawares, The, etc. Mary Howitt. 5 Anne of Geierstein. Sir W. Scott. 220 Anteros. George Lawrence. 880 Antiquary, The. Sir W. Scott. 205 Antony Waymouth. Mrs. H. G. Kingston. 684 Artemus Ward; His Book. C. F. Browne. 294 Travels. C. F. Browne. 414 Artist-Wife, The, etc. Mary Howitt. 276 Art of Amusing. Frank Bellew. 713 Asmodeus at Large. E. L. Bulwer. 558 Aspen Court. Shirley Brooks. 808 Atherton. Mary Russell Mitford. 599 F ICTION AND II U »TO It. B. 19 Aunt Jane’s Hero. Mrs. E. Prentiss. 862 Phillis’s Cabin. Mary H. Eastman. 505 Aurora Floyd. Miss M. E. Braddon. 789 Austin Elliot. Henry Kingsley. 467 Second copy. 468 Autobiography of a N. E. Farm House. N. H. Chamberlain. 68 Barnum’s Autobiography. P. T. Barnum. 681 Barren Honour. 815 Battlefields of our Fathers, The. Virginia F. Townsend. 194 Beatrice. Catherine Sinclair. 339 Cenci. F. D. Guerrazzi. 77 Beauchampe. 2 vols. W. G. Simms. 32- Beggar on Horseback, A. 872 Behind the Scenes. Olive Logan. 835 Belinda. Maria Edgeworth. 315 Belton Estate. Anthony Trollope. 774 Bensley. 392 Berber, The. Wm, S. Mayo. 149 Berkley the Banker. 2 vols. Harriet Martineau. 589- Berlin and Sans-Souci. Louisa Muhlbach. 399 Bertha and Lily. Eliz. Oakes Smith. 153 Percy, or L’Esperance. Margaret Field. 78 Beulah. Augusta J. Evans. 347 Black Dwarf. Sir W. Scott. 536 Second copy. 225 Blanche Gilroy. Mrs. Margaret Hosmer. 852 Bleak House. 2 vols. Chas. Dickens. . 732- Blockade of Phalsburg, The. MM. Erckmann-Chatrian. 858 Blonde and Brunette. 563 Book of the Hudson. W. Irving. 53 Bracebridge Hall. 2 vols. W. Irving. 39- Brandon. Osmond Tiffany. 375 Brave Lady, A. Miss D. M. Mulock. 776 Breaking a Butterfly. George Lawrence. 125 Bred in the Bone. 873 Bridal Eve, The. Mrs. E. D. E. FT. Southworth. 321 Bride of Lammermoor. Sir W. Scott. 208 Broken Columns. 358 Cakes and Ale at Woodbine. Robert B. Coffin. 556 Captive Orphan, The. 603 20 FICTION AND HUMOR. — B. Castle Dangerous. Sir W. Scott. 221 Richmond. Anthony Trollope. 185 Castles in the Air. Robert B. Coffin. 860 Catharine. 667 Cecil Castlemaine’s Gage. Miss Louise de la Rame. 193 Dreeme. Theodore Wiuthrop. 427 Centeola, etc. 73 Caesar Birotteau. H. de Balzac. 645 Chanticleer; a Thanksgiving Story. 38 Chapel of St. Mary. 385 Chaplet of Pearls, The. Miss C. M. Yonge. 806 Chapters on Wives. Mrs. Sarah S. Ellis. 454 Charles O’Malley. Charles Lever* 788 Charles Tyrrell. 2 vols. G* P. R. James. 22- Charmed Sea, The. Harriet Martineau. 593 Charms and Counter Charms. Maria J. McIntosh. 248 Second copy. 264 Cheveley ; or the Man of Honor. 2 vols. Lady Bulwer. 16- Chit-Chat. 688 Chivalry, The Age of. Thomas Bulfinch. 641 Christian’s Mistake. Miss D. M. Mulock. 396 Second copy. 477 Christmas Books. Charles Dickens- 303 Chronicles of the Canongate. Sir W. Scott. 218 Carlingford. Mrs. Oliphant. 778 Clarence. C. M. Sedgwick. 293 Claudine. 538 Clever Woman of the Family. Miss C. M. Yonge. 804 Cloister and the Hearth. Charles Reade. 811 Cloud on the Heart, The. A. S. Roe. 172 Compensation. Anne M. H. Brewster. 86 Coningsby. B. D’lsraeli. 417 Conscript, The. MM. Erckmann-Chatrian. 155 Alex. Dumas. 478 Contarini Fleming, 2 vols. DTsraeli. 760- Corse de Leon 2 vols. G. P. R. James. 20- Cosette* (Part II of “Les Miserables.”) Victor Hugo. 817 Count Robert of Paris. Sir W. Scott. 234 Countess Gisela. Miss E. Marlitt. 70 Kate. 694 FICTION ANI) HUMOR. B- 21 Courtier of the Days of Charles II, etc. 2 vols. 272- Courts and Lawyers, Pleasantries about. Charles Edwards. 834 Crichton. 2 vols. W. Harrison Ainsworth. 846- Cripple of Antioch. Mrs. Edmund Charles. 710 Cross of Honor. Annie Thomas. 89 Cuba, Our Artist in. G. W. Carleton. 326 Daisy. Susan Warner. 168 Second copy. 766 Chain, The. 2 vols. C. M. Yonge. 522- Nichol. Lady Hardy. 874 Dangerfield’s Rest; or before the Storm. 394 Dangerous Guest, A. 875 Daughter of an Empress. Louisa Muhlbach. 828 Daughter of Heth, A. William Black. 878 David Elginbrod. Geo. MacDonald. 401 Days of my Life. 299 Second copy. 300 Shoddy. Henry Morford. 685 Dead Sea Fruit. Miss M. E. Braddon. 87 6 Debit and Credit. Gustab Frey tag. 160 Deerbrook, The. 2 vols. 244- Deerslayer, The. J. F. Cooper. 595 Second copy. 7 62 Denise. 2 vols. 178- De Vane. H. W. Hilliard. 168 Devereux. 2 vols. E. L. Bulwer. 253- Diary, The, and other Tales. 418 of a Blase. Capt. F. Marryatt. 557 Late Physician. 3 vols. Samuel Warren, 429- Disowned, The. 2 vols. E. L. Bulwer. 255- Doctor, The. Robert Southey. 262 Johns. 2 vols. D. G. Mitchell. 550- Oldham at Greystones, etc. 64 Doctor’s Wife. Miss M. E. Braddon. 774 Doesticks’ Letters. M. Thompson. 465 Dombey and Son. 2 vols. Charles Dickens. 734- Don Quixote. 4 vols. Miguel de Cervantes. 719- Dove in Eagle’s Nest. Miss C. M. 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Miss Elizabeth M. Sewell. 648 Giafar A1 Barmeki. 2 vols. 277 Ginx’s Baby. Edward Jenkins. 79 24 FICTION AND HUMOR. B. Gipsy, The. G. P. R James. 463 Glimpses of the World. Elizabeth M. Sewell. 148 Godolphin. 2 vols. 268- Goethe and Schiller. Louisa Muhlbach. 831 Golden Dreams. Ralph Raven. 203 Hours. M. D. Conway. 131 Gomery of Montgomery. 235 Good Fight, A, etc. Charles Reade. 755 Grace Lee. Julia Kavanagh. 682 Second copy. 689 Leslie. 525 Granville De Yigne. 2 vols. Louise de la Rame. 626- Greenwood Leaves. Mrs. Sarah J. Lippmcott. 524 Greyslaer. 2 vols. C. F. Hoffman. 134- Griffith Gaunt. Charles Reade. 770 Guy Livingstone. George Lawrence. 157 Mannering. 2 vols. Sir W, Scott, 229- 2 vols. Second copy 231- Rivers. 2 vols. Wm. G. Simms. 270- Gwendoline’s Harvest. 872 Hannah. Miss D. M. Mulock. 864 Hans of Iceland. Victor Hugo. 777 Harrington, etc. Maria Edgeworth. 317 Harry and Lucy, etc. 2 vols. Maria Edgeworth. 759- Hartley Norman. Allen Hampden. 374 Haste to the Rescue. 574 Haunted Hearts. Miss Cummins. 58 Hawksview. Holme Lee, (Harriet Parr.) 567 Headsman, The. 2 vols. J. F. Cooper. 239- Heart and Cross. Mrs. Oliphant. 539 of Mid-Lothian. Sir W. Scott. 207 Hedged In. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. 549 Heir of Selwood. 2 vols. 757- Helen. Maria Edgeworth. 318 Fleetwood. 259 Mulgrave. 329 Henry VIII. and his Court. Louisa Muhlbach. 400 Her Lord and Master. Florence Marryatt, (Mrs. Ross Church.) 873 Hermit’s Dell 34 Hester Kirton. Katharine S. Macquoid. 853 FICTION AND HUMOR . B . 25 Hetty. Henry Kingsley. 881 Hide and Seek. Wilkie Collins. 779 Hillyars and the Burtons. Henry Kingsley. 481 Horae as Found. 2 vols. J. F. Cooper. 285- is Home. 517 Second copy. 291 Scenes and Heart Studies. Grace Aguilar. 298 Second copy. 476 Home Sounds. H. Marion Stephens 343 Hopes and Fears. 2 vols. Miss C. M. Yonge. •323- Horace and May. 325 Hospital Sketches. Louisa M. Alcott. 844 Hotspur. Mansfield T. 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Hawthorne. 126 Social Distinction ; or, Hearts and Homes. Mrs. S. S. Ellis. 790 FICTION ANI) II U M O It . B . 85 Sparrowgrass Papers, The. F. S. Cozzens. 297 Sprees and Splashes. Henry Morford. 521 Spy, The. 2 vols. J. F. Cooper. 530- St. Denis. (Part IV of “Les Miserables.”) Victor Hugo. 819 Elmo. Augusta J. Evans. 140 Philips. Mrs. Sidney S. Harris. 288 Second copy. 850 Ronan’s Well. Sir W. Scott. 213 Valentine’s Day. Sir W. Scott. 219 Stephen Dane. Miss A. M. Douglas. 96 Stepping Heavenward. Mrs. E. Prentiss. 861 Stokesley Secret, The. Miss C. M. Yonge. 428 Stormy Life. Georgiana Fullerton. 785 Stories from Blackwood. 117 Story of Elizabeth. Anne Isabella Thackeray. 393 Second copy. 866 the Guard. Jessie Benton Fremont. 624 Kennett. Bayard Taylor. 61 Strathmore. Miss Louise de la Rame. 128 Student, The. 2 vols. E. L. Bulwer. 3- Life Abroad. Richard B. Kimball. 406 Summer Gleanings. 600 in Leslie Goldth waite’s Life. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. 441 Sutherlands, The. Mrs. S. S. 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Royal Robbins. 92 History. 8 vols. Charles Rollin. 28- “ John Lord. 318 Andersonville, List of Soldiers Buried at. 292 Bivouac, and the Battle Field. Geo. F. Noyes. 255 Second copy. 274 Blennerhassett Papers. W. H. Safford. 234 British Empire in America, General History of. 2 vols. Wynne. 61- India. 3 vols. 103 Bugle Blast, The. E. S. S. Rouse. 284 Butler, Gen. in New Orleans. James Parton. 257 Second copy. 252 Campaign of 1861 in Shenandoah Valley. Robert Patterson. 300 1862-3, (U. S.) Emil. Schalk. 272 Canals, History of, (N. Y.) Elkanah Watson. 188 Catherine II, of Russia, Reign of. Samuel M. Smucker. 84 Cave Life in Vicksburg. 285 Charles the Bold, (Duke of Burgundy.) 3 vols. John F. Kirk. 293- Fifth, (Emp.) Hist, of his Reign. 3 v. W. Robertson. 203- Charlemagne, History of. G. P. R. James. 100 China and the Chinese. W. L. G. Smith. 127 Insurrection in. Callery and Yvan. 126 HISTORY C . 45 Chivalry, History of. G. P. R. James. 102 Church History. Milo Mahan. 265 Civil List of Columbia County. E. C. Terry. 308 War in the Vendee, History of 130 Clermont, History of Thomas S. Clarkson. 226 Colonial History of New York. 10 vols. and Index.. vide M. Color-Guard, The. James K. Hosmer. 286 Connecticut Historical Collections. John Warner Barber. 225 Conspiracy Trial, (Lincoln.) Ben. Periey Poore. 278 Crimea, Invasion of the. 2 vols. Alex. Wm. Kinglake. 167- Czar and Sultan. Francis Bouvet. 141 Dark Scenes of History. G. P. R. James. 89 Diary (1861-3*) 2 vols. Adam Gurowski. 281- Duplicate Letters. John Q. Adams. 303 Dutch Republic, Rise of 3 vols. John Lothrop Motley. 206- Edward the Black Prince, Reign of. 2 vols. G. P. R. James. 75- Elements of General History. 5 vols. Abbe Millot. 56- Elliot’s Debates on the Federal Constitution. 5 vols. J. Elliot. 244- England, Condition and Fate of. 2 vols. C. E. Lester. 79- Constitutional History of. 2 vols. T. Erskine May. 116- History of. 12 vols. James A. Froude. 155- 6 vols. David Hume. 131— 4 vols. T. B. Macaulay. 215- vol. 5 “ “ 228 2 vols. Harriet Martineau. 108- John Robinson. 78 Civilization in. 2 vols. Henry T. Buckle. 221- Popular History of. 2 vols. Mrs. T. Geldart. 140- Second War with. 2 vols. J. T. Headley. 171- Europe, History of. 1789-1813. A. Alison. 45 the Intellectual Development of J.W. Draper. 209 Ferdinand and Isabella, Hist, of Reign of. 3 v. W. H. Prescott. 185 Field, the Dungeon, and the Escape. Albert D. Richardson. 308 Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. E. S. Creasy. 122 Four Years in Secessia. Junius Henri Browne. 227 France and Engand in America. Francis Parkman. 202 History of. Parke Godwin. 223 Francis I, of France, Court and Reign of. 2 v. Miss Pardoe. 114- Franklin County, (N. Y.) History of. Franklin B. Hough. 199 Frederick the Great, History of 6 vols. Thomas Carlyle. 168- 46 HISTORY . C . French Revolution, History of. 4 vols. Alphonse Thiers. 51- of 1848. A. de Lamartine. L 154 General Ecclesiastical History. John Marsh. 87 Granada, Chronicles of the Conquest of 2 vols. W. Irving. 43- Grant and Sherman. J. T. Headley. 307 Great Rebellion. J. T. Headley. 249 Greece, History of. 4 vols. Geo. Grote. 71- Ancient. John Gillies. 46 Greek Revolution, History of. John L. Comstock. 93 Gypsies of the Dane’s Dike. George S. Phillips. 112 History of Civilization. 4 vols. F. Guizot. 258- the Girondists. 3 vols. A. de Lamartine. 118- War in Europe. 27 World. John Hoyland. 96 Historical Causes and Effects, (476-1517.) William Sullivan. 81 Hospital Transports, (1862.) ' 287 Hudson, Historical Sketches of S. B. Miller. | 189 Indian Wars, History of. Henry Trumbull. 55 Irish Rebellion, 1798. 137 Italy. John S. C. Abbott. 121 Jackson and New Orleans. Alexander Walker. 129 James II, Reign of. Charles James Fox. 35 Josephus’s Works. 198 Second copy. 4 vols. 142- Journal of Alfred Ely. Charles Lanman. 311 Latin Christianity, History of 8 vols. Henry Hart Milman. 146- Lewis County, (N. Y.) History of. F. B. Hough. 107 Lincoln, History of Administration of. Henry J. Raymond. 266 Lights and Shadows of Army Life. W. W. Lyle. “ 273 Massachusetts, Historical Collections. John Warren Barber. 36 McKinstry J. Vindication of 305 Mexican War. Edward D. Mansfield. HO Mexico, Conquest of. 3 vols. Wm. H. Prescott. 37- Middle Ages, History of The. Henry Hallam. 319 Mount Auburn. Wilson Flagg. 262 My Diary North and South. Wm. Howard Russell. 314 Napoleon, Confidential Corresp. with Josephine. J. S. C. Abbott. 277 Navy, Book of, (IJ. S.) John Frost 91 Nestorians, The. Asahel Grant. 264 Netherlands, History of United. 2 vols. John Lothrop Motley. 210- history . — C . 47 New England, History of. 3 vols. John Gorham Palfrey. 212- Indian Wars. Wm. Hubbard. 90 New-Netherland, History of. 2 vols. E. B. O’Callaghan. 219- Newport, Sketches of. 313 New York City, History of. D. T. Valentine. 196 State, Colonial History of 10 vols. and index. “ vide M. Documentary History of 4 vols. vide M. 3 vols. E. B. O’Callaghan. 229- Gazetteer, 1842. 254 History of 2 vols. J. R. Brodhead. 224- J. V. N. Yates 309 Political Parties in. 2 v. J. D. Hammond. 40- Register. O. L. Holley 312 Nubia and Abyssinia. Michael Russell. 99 Palestine, History of. John Kitto. 86 Panama Rail Road. F. N. Otis. 123 Paris Commune, Rise and Fall of The. W. Pembroke Fetridge. 317 Past, Present and Future of the Republic. A. de Lamartine. 124 Persia. James B. Fraser. 101 Philip II, of Spain, History of. 3 vols. W. H. Prescott. 301- Reign of. Robert Watson. 49 Philip III, of Spain, History of. Robt. Watson and W. Thomson. 50 Pilgrim Fathers o f New England. W. H. Bartlett. 106 Prison Life in Richmond. W. C. Harris. 269 the South. A. O. Abbott. 270 Potomac, The, and the Rapidan. Alonzo H. Quint. 275 Rebellion Record. 8 vols. Frank Moore. 236- Report, Campaigns, etc., Army of the Potomac. G. B. McClellan. 297 Reports of Battles. (Confederate Official.) 304 Results of Emancipation. Augustus Cochin. 128 Revolutions in Europe, History of. Christopher W. Koch. 83 Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation. Jonah Barrington. 125 Roman Antiquities. Alexander Adam. 201 Second copy. 195 Empire, Decline and Fall of. 6 vols. Edward Gibbon. 63- Rosecrans’ Campaigns. W. D. Bickman. 283 Russia, Campaign in 1815. Robert Ker Porter. 85 Empire of. John S. C. Abbott, 111 Scandinavia, History of. Paul C. Sinding. 145 Scotish Gael, The. James Logan. 194 48 HISTOE^ . C • Scotland, Genius of. Robert Turnbull. 256 Secession, History of. W. G. Brownlow. 95 Sherman’s March through the South. David P. Conyngham. 276 Sioux War of 1862-3. Isaac V. D. Heard. 113 Sketches of the War, (1861.) Charles C. Nott. 267 Second copy. 315 Stars and Stripes in Rebeldom. 279 Steamboat Disasters, etc., (U. S.) S. A. Howland. 253 St. Lawrence County, (N. Y.,) History of. Franklin B. Hough. 199 Stories from History. Mrs. S. C. Hall and Mrs. J. Foster. 88 Stoiy of the Great March. George Ward Nichols. 280 Texas, History of. David B. Edwards. 69 Second copy. 70 Thirteen Months in Rebel Army. Wm. G. Stevenson. 174 Thirty Years View. 2 vols. T. H. Benton. 190- Three Years in the Army of the Potomac. Henry N. Blake. 316 United States, Book of. Grenville Mellen. 200 Constitution, etc. W. Hickey. 263 Gazetteer. Haskel and Smith. 235 History of. 26 9 vols. George Bancroft. 175- Navy. 2 vols. J. F. Cooper. 47- Incidents of the Wars of the. Robert Sears. 232 Secret Service, History of. L. C. Baker. 298 Universal History of. C. B. Taylor. 82 War of 1812. H. M. Brackenbridge. 77 Universal History. Frederick Butler. 138 25 vols. Wm. Mavor. 1- Uprising of a Great People, (U. S., 1861.) A. de Gasparin. 139 Vermont, History of Eastern. Benj. F. Hall. 192 War, First Year of the. Edward A. Pollard. 295 Second “ “ « « “ “ 184 Third “ “ « “ “ “ 296 War of 1812. Samuel R. Brown, 97 Pictures from the South. B. Estvan. 251 West Point, History of. E. C. Boynton. 233 - 50 HISTORY . C . V 52 JUVENILE LITERATURE. — D. D.— JUVENILE LITERATURE. Adventures of Hernando Cortes. 222 on Great Hunting Grounds. Victor Meunier. 237 Alexander the Great. Jacob Abbott. 149 Alfred ot England. Jacob Abbott. 187 American Home Book. Caroline L. Smith. 263 Aunt Jo’s Scrap Bag. Louisa M. Alcott. 264 Kitty’s Tales. Maria J. McIntosh. 231 Bad Boy, Story of a. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. 266 Balloon Travels. S. G. Goodrich. (Peter Parley.) 68 Ballou, Hosea, Life-Story of. Maturin M. Ballou. 192 Bears of Augustusburg, The. Translated from German. 73 Bertram Noel. E. J. May. 196 Bessie Grant’s Treasure. 213 Black Panther, The. C. F. Lascelles Wraxall. 105 Bonaparte, Joseph. John S. C. Abbott. 118 Bourbon Prince, The. (Louis XVII.) Robert Tomes. 166 Boy-Inventor, The. (Matthew Edwards.) 244 of Mount Rhigi. Miss C. M. Sedgwick. 204 Slaves, The. Mayne Reid. 121 Boyhood of Great Men. 197 Boys at Chequasset. 210 Braggadocio. Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. 16 Brake Up. Wm. T. Adams. 131 Brother’s Watchword, The. 47 Budget of Entertaining and Useful Reading. 104 Bush Boys* Mayne Reid. 17 Caesar, Julius, History of. Jacob Abbott. 151 Campbell, Isabella, Memoir of. H. N. Brinsmade. 153 Caroline. Jacob Abbott. 183 Castaways, The. Mayne Reid. 123 Cast Up by the Sea. Samuel W. Baker. 241 Cecil and His Dog, Story of. 202 Chambers’ Home Book. 6 vols. 245- Miscellany. 10 vols. 2- JUVENILE LITERATURE . — D- 53 Charles I, of England. Jacob Abbott. 180 II, of England. Jacob Abbott. 173 Chase, Salmon P. (The Ferry Boy.) 194 Children’s Trials. Translated from the German. 69 Childs Book of Nature. Worthington Hooker. 240 Cleopatra. Jacob Abbott. 184 Clinton. Walter Aimwell. 33 Contentment Better than Wealth. Alice B. Haven. 99 Cortez. Elizabeth Helme. 154 Cosmo’s Visit to his Grandfather. M. A. H. 56 Cyrus the Great. Jacob Abbott. 185 Hays and Nights on Battle Field. C. C. Coffin. 24 of Old. 77 Dick Rodney. James Grant. 195 Dikes and Ditches. Wm. T. Adams. 137 Down the Rhine. Wm. T. Adams. 138 Echoes from the Gun of 1861. 163 Edwards, Matthew. (Boy Inventor.) 244 Encyclopedia of Animated Nature. John Frost. 1 England, Child’s History of. 2 vols. Charles Dickens. 109- Second copy. Ill- Epistolary Guide, The. James Hardie. 165 Eric the Red. 200 Evenings at Home. Mrs. A. L. Barbauld and Dr. John Aiken. 91 Every Boy’s Book. Harrison Wier. 15 Second copy. 18 Day Book, The. 217- Fairies in America, The. Spencer W. Cone- 243 Faithful and True. 239 Farmer Boy, The. (George Washington.) Wm. M. Thayer. 143 Father's Coming Home. 218 Ferry Boy, The. (Salmon P. Chase.) 194 Flag, The Old. 199 Flounced Robe, The. Harriet B. M’Keever. 198 Flowers that never Fade. 205 For Each and for All. Harriet Martineau, 60 Forest Boy. 262 Exiles, The. Mayne Reid. 108 Four-footed Favorites. 98 France, Pictorial History of. S. G. Goodrich. 67 Frank Mildman’s Adventures. Frederick Gerstaecker. 253 Franklin B. (The Printer Boy.) William M. Thayer. 142 Young Benjamin. Henry Mayhew. 75 Frank’s Campaign. Horatio Alger, Jr, 44 Fred. Markham in Russia. W. H. G. Kingston. 113 From Poor House to Pulpit. William M. Thayer. 12 German Popular Tales. 2 vols. Brothers Grimm. 92- Glen of the Echoes. Harriet Martineau. 64 Gold Hunters’ Adventures. William H. Thornes. 89 Grant, Life of. (Tanner Boy.) Major Penniman. 161 (Hero Boy.) P. C. Headley. 236 Hannibal. Jacob Abbott. 150 Harry’s Vacation. 35 Hero Boy, The. (U. S. Grant.) P. C. Headley. 236 Historical Tales. Agnes Strickland. 55 History of Sandford and Merton. Thomas Day. 90 Homes abroad. Harriet Martineau. 91 How to be a Lady. Harvey Newcomb. 53 Hunter’s Feast, The. Mayne Reed. 120 Huntiug Scenes in Africa. 103 Jack Hazard and His Fortunes. J. T. Trowbridge. 267 John Gay, (Work for Autumn.) Jacob Abbott. 156 (Work for Spring.) Jacob Abbott. 159 (Work for Summer.) Jacob Abbott. 158 (Work for Winter.) Jacob Abbott. 157 Kings and Queens. John S. C. Abbott. 125 Kit Barn’s Adventures. Mary Cowden Clarke. Lances of Lynwood, The. MissC. M. Yonge. 79 Lawrence, Amos, (The Poor Boy.) William M. Thayer. 140 Leila, or the Island. Ann Fraser Tytler. at Home. Ann Fraser Tytler. in England. Ann Fraser Tytler. 89 Leisure Home Book, The. ^15 Lessons in Life. T. S. Arthur. 9 ^= Letter Writing. Charlotte Elizabeth. 56 Life and Adventures in the South Pacific. in the Woods. John C. Geikie. 115 Lifeboat, The. R. M, Ballantyne. 169 Lincoln, A. Life of. (Pioneer Boy.) William M. Thayer. 147 Line upon Line. ^ JUVENILE LITERATURE . D. 55 Little Ferns. Mrs. James Parton. 201 Gentleman in Green, The. Una Savin. 189 Mittens for Little Darlings. Fanny Barrow. 32 Pin Headers, The. Charlotte Elizabeth. 65 Loom and Lugger. 2 vols. Harriet Martineau. 62- Louis XIV. John S. C. Abbott. 116 Philippe. John S. C. Abbott. 270 Luther, Martin, Boyhood of. Henry Mayhew. 74 Magic of Kindness, The. The Brothers Mayhew. 22 Magnet Stories, The. Charlotte M. Yonge. 191 Man on the Ocean. R. M. Ballantyne. 168 Marco Paul in Maine Forests. Jacob Abbott. 175 on Erie Canal. Jacob Abbott. 176 Marie Antoinette, History of. John S. C. Abbott. 100 Mary and Florence. Ann Fraser Tytler. 83 at Sixteen. Ann Fraser Tytler. 84 Bell. Jacob Abbott. 174 Erskine. Jacob Abbott. 178 Queen of Scots. Jacob Abbott. 182 McClellan, George B. Life of. Markinfield Addey. 43 Mittens, Fanny Barrow. 41 Mr. Rutherford’s Children. Miss S. Warner. 167 Modesty and Merit. 255 Molly and Kitty. 38 My Neighbor’s Shoes. Charlotte Tucker, 250 New Home. 190 Ned’s Motto. 252 Nero. Jacob Abbott. 188 New Little Mittens. Fanny Barrow. 39 Story Book. Mrs. James Parton, 260 New York, About. Philip Wally s. 229 Nineteen Beautiful Years. R. S. Foster, 160 Noisy Herbert. 254 No Lie Thrives. Alice B. Haven. 155 Such Word as Fail. Alice B. Haven. 102 Ocean Waifs, The. Mayne Reid. 122 Odd People. Mayne Reid. 106 Old Red House, The. 36 Orphan’s Home Mittens, The. Fanny Barrow. 40 56 JUVENILE LITERATURE . D- Our Charley. H. B. Stowe. 258 Darling Nellie. 211 Outlines of Creation. Elisha Noyce. 230 Outward Bound. W. T. Adams. 127 Palace and Cottage. W. T. Adams. 134 Parlor Book, The. 225 Pearls, The. Olga Eschenbach. 31 Peep of Day, The. 52 Percy Family, The. Baltic to Vesuvius. Daniel C. Eddy. 21 in Ireland. Daniel C. Eddy. 20 Paris to Amsterdam. Daniel C. Eddy. 86 Scotland and England. Daniel C. Eddy. 13 Peter the Whaler. W. H. G. Kingston. 101 Peterchen and Gretchen. 34 Picture of the World. J. Aspi'n. 223 Pigeon Pie, The. Miss C. M. Yonge. 78 Pioneer Boy, The. (A. Lincoln.) Win. M. Thayer. 147 Place for Everything. Alice B. Haven. 114 Plane and Plank. Wm. T. Adams. 130 Poor Boy, The, (Amos Lawrence.) Wm. M. Thayer. 140 Girl and True Woman. Wm. M. Thayer. 145 Poplar Grove. Esther Copley. 58 Precept upon Precept. 219 Postman’s Bag, The. J. de Liefde. 212 Printer Boy, The. (B. Franklin.) Wm. M. Thayer. 142 Privateersman, The. Capt. F. Marryatt 228 Queen Elizabeth. Jacob Abbott. 172 Rainbow’s Journey. Jacob Abbott- 170 j R. B. R’s, The. Fanny Barrow. 49 Redburn. Herman Melville. 227 Red Cross. Wm. T. Adams. 128 Rich and Humble. William T. Adams. 129 Second copy. 132 Rifle and Hound in Ceylon. Samuel W. Baker, 242 Right and About Right. 224 Wrong. 251 Rodolphus. Jacob Abbott. 148 Roland, Madame. John S. C. Abbott. 117 Rollo on the Atlantic. Jacob Abbott. 181 Rome, Child’s History of. 2 vols. John Bonner. 232- JUVENILE LITERATURE . — D. 57 Romulus. Jacob Abbott. 152 Rosamond. 2 vols. Maria Edgeworth. 50- Round the World, by a Boy. Edited by Samuel Smiles. 265 Sagacity of Animals. 19 Sailor Boy. Wm. T. Adams. 135 Scouridg of the White Horse. Thomas Hughes. 42 School Days at Rugby. Thomas Hughes. 257 Sea of Ice ; or Arctic Adventure. Percy B. St. John. 140 Seed Time and Harvest. Translated from German. 72 Shamrock and Thistle. Wm. T. Adams. 130 Sky, The. Jacob Abbott. 25 Sociable, The. 30 Soldier Boy, The. Wm. T. 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Jacob Abbott. 177 Walter in Athens. Daniel C. Eddy. 87 Egypt. Daniel C. Eddy. 88 58 / JUVENILE LITERATURE. D. Wars of the Roses, The. J. G. Edgar. 238 War Trail, The. Mayne Reid. 124 Washington, George, (The Farmer Boy.) William M. Thayer. 143 Water-Babies, The. Charles Kingsley. 162 Well Begun is Half Done. Translated from the German. 71 Wild Sports of the Far West. F. Gerstaecker. 261 Will, and a Way. 221 Translated from the German. 70 William Henry Letters. Mrs. A. M. Diaz. 268 and His Friends. Mrs. A. M. Diaz. 269 the Conqueror. Jacob Abbott. 186 Willie and the Mortgage. Jacob Abbott. 179 Winnie and Walter’s Christmas Stories. 206 Evening Talks. 208 Thanksgiving Stories. 207 Winter Evening Book, The. 216 Words for the Wise. T. S. Arthur. \ 97 Young Countess, The. 37 Islanders, The. Jeffery s Taylor. 27 Lieutenant, The. William T. Adams. (Oliver Optic.) 133 Man From Home. John Angell James. 29 Vovageurs, The. Mayne Reid. 107 Youth’s History of the Rebellion. William M. Thayer. 139 Second copy. 141 Third copy. 144 JUVENILE LITERATURE . 1). 59 / 60 JUVENILE LITERATURE D- JUVENILE LITERATURE . — D. 61 ' . - 62 LITERARY MISCELLANY. E. E.— LITERARY MISCELLANY. Acton ; or the Circle of Life. 300 Actor’s Note Bock, Leaves from. George Vandenhoff. 120 Adams, John, Works of. 10 vols. Edited by C. F. Adams. 180- Miss, Journal and Correspondence of. 2 vols. 310- Africa’s Redemption. F. Freeman. 290 American Scholar. G. C. Verplanck. 161 Ames, Fisher, Works of. 19 Among my Books. James R. Lowell. 99 Second copy. 323 Art Idea, The. James Jackson Jarvis. 207 Atmosphere, a New. Mary Abigail Dodge. 113 Autobiographical Sketches. Thomas DeQuincey. 301 Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. O. W. Holmes. 66 Autumn Leaves. S. J. Gardner. 94 Avenger, The, etc. Thomas DeQuincey. 55 Bacchus. Ralph Barnes Grindrod. 330 Bachelor’s Book of Life, Leaves from a. Francis Copcutt. 304 Battle Summer, The. Donald G. Mitchell. 88 Beauty in Woman. 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XXI. 1860. 99 u vol. XXIV. 1861-2. 100 a vol. XXV. 1862. 101 a vol. XXVIII. 1863-4. 102 a vol. XXIX. 1864. 103 a vol. XXX. 1864-5. 104 « vol. XXXI. 1865. 105 u vol. XXXII. 1865-6. 106 a vol. XXXIII. 1866. 107 u vol. XXXIV. 1866-7. 108 a vol. XL. 1869-70. 109 u vol. XLI. 1870, 110 Household Words. (Lond.) C. Dickens, vol. I, II, III. 1850-1. 122 Journal of Health, The. (Philadelphia.) vol. I. 1829- -30. 25 Literary and Scientific Repository, The. (1ST. Y.) vol. I. 1820. 58 “ vol. II. 1821 61 “ vol. III. 1821. 60 Mechanic’s Magazine. (New York.) vol. II. 1834. 31 Monthly Register, (N. Y.) Parts vols. Ill, IV. 1807. 27 Repository. “ vol. IV, 1833-4. 63 Review. (London.) vol. X. 1754. 16 New England Magazine. (Boston.) vols. I. to VII. 1831-4. 32- Monthly Magazine, The. “ vol. VI. 1823. 55 York Herald. 1810-1814. 11 Northern Whig, The. (Hudson.) vol. IX, X. 1816-8. 117- Our Young Folks, vols I, II. 1865-6. 114- 72 MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS. F. People’s Magazine, vol. I. 1867. 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S.) 1789-1. 1st Cong. 2 vols. 235- 1791-3. 2d a 237 1793-5. 3d a 238 1795-6. 4th tt 1st Sess. .239 1796-7. ‘‘ tt 2d “ 240 1797-9. 5th tt 3 vols. 241- 1799-1. 6th tt 244 1801-2. 7th tt 1st Sess. 245 1802-3. “ 4 1 2d “ 246 1803-4. 8th tt 1st “ 247 1804-5. “ it 2d “ 248 1805-6. 9th tt 1st “ 249 1806-7. “ tt 2d “ 250 1807-8. 10th a 1st “ 2 vols. 251- 1808-9. “ tt 2d “ 253 1809-1. 11th tt 3 vols. 254- 1811-3. 12th. a 3 vols. 257- 1813-5. 13th tt 3 vols. 260- 1815-6. 14th tt 1st Sess. 263 1816-7. “ a 2d “ 264 1817-8. 15th tt 1st “ 2 vols. 265- 1818-9. “ tt 2d a 2 vols. 267- 1819-0. 16th tt 1st “2 vols. 269- 1820-1. “ a 2d “ 271 1821-2. 17th tt 1st “ 2 vols. 272- 1822-3. “ tt 2d “ 274 1823-4. 18th tt 1st u 2 vols. 275- Appendix to Diplomatic Oorresp ondence ol 1865. (IT. S.) Assassination of Lincoln, etc. 88 Boston Board of Trade. (Mass.) Ninth Annual Report. 1863. 3 L AW AND PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. — M. 101 Census of New York. 1865. 289 United States. (6th.) 1840. 280 1850. 178 Colonial History of N. Y. State. 10 vols. and index. 294- Laws, etc., of Conn. 1779. 279 Congressional Debates. (U. S.) vol. I. 1824-5. 138 vol. II. 2 parts. 1825-6. 139- vol. III. 1826-7. 141 vol. IV. 2 parts. 1827-8. 142- vol. V. 1828-9. 144 vol. VI. 2 parts. 1829-0. 145- vol. VII. 1830-1. 147 vol. VIII. 3 parts. 1831-2. 148- vol. IX. 2 parts. 1832-3. 151— vol. X. 4 parts. 1833-4. 153- vol. XI. 2 parts. 1834-5. 157- vol. XII. 4 parts. 1835-6. 227- vol. XIII. 2 parts. 1836-7. 231- vol. XIV. 2 parts. 1837. 233- Congressional Globe. 2 vols. 1834-5. 185 vol. III. 1836. 186 vol. IV. 1837. 189 vol. VI. 1838. 188 vol. VII. 1839. 193 vol. VIII. 1840. 187 vol. IX. 1841. 194 ,vol. X. 1841. 196 27th Cong. 2d Sess. (app.) 1841-2. 281 vol. XI. 1842. 198 vol. XII. 1843. 190 vol. XIII. 1844. 192 vol. XIII. 2d part. 1844. 195 vol. 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S. 3 vols. 121- Documentary History of New York. 4 vols. 290- Documents, etc., Pertaining to Indian Trust Bonds. (U. Cent! Am’n Affairs. Covode Investigation. ‘ Laws, etc., in Reference to Canals. (N. Y.) 2 vols. N. Y. Agricultural Society. Transactions of 1847. 1848. 1849. 1854. New York, Revised Laws of. 1813. 2 vols. Opinions of Attorney Generals of U. S. 5 vols. Pension and Bounty Land Laws. Mayo and Moulton. President’s Message. (U. S.) 1824. 1852. 2 parts. S.) 1861. “ 1856. ‘ 1860. 1825. 52 24 51 277- 12 42 43 75 6 - 106- 111 41 17- LAW AND PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. — M. 103 President’s Message. (U. S.) 1853. Part I. 34 Part II. 36 Part III. 37 1855. 3 parts. 25- 1860. 46 44 3 vols. 64- 44 Vol. III. 62 1861. 3 vols. 47- 44 2 vols. 60- 1862. 3 vols. 91- Vol. IV. 73 1863. 74 1864. 4 parts. 80- Second copy Part I. 94 1866. 89 P’p’rs accomp'ing. 1865. 4 parts. 95- 1867. 3 parts. 99- Second series. 102- Duplicate ol Part II. 105 Public Lands, Laws, etc. 2 parts. 1838. 119- Report of Adjutant General. N. Y. 1866. 2 vols. 86 Coast Survey. U. S. 1851. With Sketches. 2 cop. 181- Com. of Agricul. 1862. 90 1863. 77 1865. 78 Indian Affairs. 186 v 3. 69 the Land Office. 1866. 2 Commissioner of Patents. U. S. 1848. 84 1851. Part I, Arts and Manufactures. 20 Second copy. 33 1851. Part II. Agriculture. 23 Second copy. 32 1852. Part I. Arts and Manufactures. 19 Part II. Agriculture. 28 1853. Part I. Arts and Manufactures. 35 1854. 44 44 44 2 vols. 14- 1855. 44 44 44 2 vols. 39- 44 Agriculture. 38 1856. 44 • 11 104 LAW AND PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. M. Report of Commissioner of Patents. U. S. 1856. Arts and Manufactures. 3 vols. 29- 1859. “ “ “ 2 vols. 44- 1860. “ “ « 2 vols. 67- u Agriculture. 50 Second copy. 16 Court Martial in case of A. S. Mackenzie. (U. S.) 21 Explorations and Surveys. U. S. 1853-5. Yol. XII. 305 Maj. Gen. Pope’s Campaign in Virginia. U. S. 1863. 71 Military Commission to Europe. 1855-6. II. S. 170 Naval Astronomical Expedition. 1849-52. 2 vols. 306- on Agriculture of U. S. 1860. 173 Art of War in Europe. 1854-6. (U. S.) 169 Colorado River of the West. 1857-8. (U. S.) 163 Manufactures of U. S. 1860. 174 Second copy. 179 Population 1860. (U. S.) 176 Statistics of U. S. 1860. 175 Second copy. 177 Fortifications and Sea coast Defences. (U. S.) 1862. 53 Preliminary of Census of 1860. a 63 Second copy. 79 of Regents of Smithsonian Institute. 1860. (U. S.) 54 1857. 57 Second copy. 59 Secretary of State (U. S.) On Foreign Relations. I860. 171 Second copy. 172 1862. 72 1866. 85 Treasury. (U. S.) 7 vols. 112- u 1852. 5 a 1856. 10 a 1860. 4 if 1861. 56 <( 1863. 70 Select Com. on Various Subjects. (U. S.) 1861. 55 Superintendent of the Census. “ 1852. 8 Superintendent of Coast Survey. (U. S.) 1851. 1 1852. 180 1853. 159 LAW AND PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. M 105 Superintendent of Coast Survey. (U. S.) 1854. 165 1855. 167 1856. 168 1857. 162 1858. 160 1859. 161 1860. 166 1863. 164 Trials of all Countries, Celebrated. 22 * 106 LAW AND PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. M. INDEX To AUTHORS. 107 Index to Authors. Abbott, A. 0. Prison Life in the South. C 270 Jacob. Alexander the Great. B 149 Caroline. “ 183 Charles I., of England. “ 180 II., “ “ 173 Cleopatra “ 184 Corner Stone. H 99 Cyrus the Great. D 185 Gentle Measures in Training the Young. I 205 Hannibal. B 150 John Gay. (Work for Spring.) “ 159 (Work for Summer.) “ 158 (Work for Autumn.) “ 156 (Work for Winter.) “ 157 Julius Caesar. “ 151 King Alfred of England. r- 00 Marco Paul on Erie Canal. “ 176 ^ in Maine Forests. “ 175 ^ Mary Bell. “ 174 Erskine. “ 178 Queen of Scots. “ 182 v/ Nero. “ 188 Queen Elizabeth. “ 172 Rainbow’s Journey. “ 170 Rodolphus. “ 148 Rollo on the Atlantic. “ 181 Romulus. “ 152 The Sky. “ 25 The Way to do Good. H 85 Up the River. B 171 Wallace. “ 177 108 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Abbott, Jacob. William the Conqueror. D 186 Willie and the Mortgage “ 179 Young Christian. H 98 JohnS. C. Correspondence of Napoleon and Josephine. C 277 Empire of Austria. K 139 Russia. C 111 History of Civil War in America. “ 250 Italy. “ 121 Marie Antoinette. D 100 Joseph Bonaparte. “ 118 Kings and Queens. “ 125 Louis Philippe. “ 270 XIV. “ 116 Madame Roland. “ 117 About, Edmond. Rome of To-Day. K 128 The King of the Mountains. B 520 Second copy. “ 506 Adam, Alexander. Roman Antiquities. C 201 Second copy. “ 195 Adams, Charles Francis. Works of John Adams. 10 vols. E 180- Daniel. Geography. K 44 Second copy. “ 46 Hannah. Dictionary of Religions and Denominations. H 42 John Quincy. Duplicate Letters. C 303 Lives of Madison and Monroe. A 15 Poems. 6r 110 Nehemiah. Evenings with the Doctrines. H 84 Wm. T. (Oliver Optic.) Brake Up. D 131 Dikes and Ditches. “ 137 Down the Rhine. “ 138 Outward Bound. “ 127 Palace and Cottage. “ 134 Plane and Plank. “ 130 Red Cross. “ *128 Rich and Humble. “ 129 Second copy. u 132 Shamrock and Thistle. “ 136 The Soldier Boy. 126 Young Lieutenant. u 133 Addey, Markinfield. Life of Thos. J. (Stonewall) Jackson. A 199 “Little Mac.” 44 Wm. R. Doctrine of a Future Life. II 93 Alison, Archibald. History of Europe. 1789-1815. G 45 Allen, Benj. History of the Reformation. H 62 Second copy. “ 63 Third copy. “ 70 Allston, Washington. Monaldi. B 177 A. L. 0. E. (A Lady ot England.) vide Miss Charlotte Tucker. Ames, Fisher. Works of. E 19 Andersen, Hans Christian. Sand-Hills of Jutland. B 634 Anderson, James. Agriculture and Rural Affairs. I 17 John. Course of Creation. “ 36 Anley, Charlotte. Influence. B 437 Arago, Francois. Biographies of Scientific Men. First Series. A 26 Second Series “ 107 Arbonville, Countess d’. Three Tales. B 100 Arlincourt, Victor d’. The Recluse. “ 261 110 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Armstrong, John. Life of Anthony Wayne. A 66 ' Life of Richard Montgomery. “ 63 Arnold, W. D. Oakfield. B 191 Artemus Ward. vide C. F. Browne. Arthur, T. S. Advice to Young Men. H 65 Lessons in Life. B 94 Light on Shadowed Paths. B 409 Nothing But Money. “ 436 Off-Hand Sketches. “ 579 Our Neighbors in the Corner House, “ 143 Out in the World. “ 176 Seed-Time and Harvest. “ 588 Stories for Parents. B 95 Young Housekeepers. “ 96 Words for the Wise. “ 97 | William. Italy in Transition. K 74 Aspin, J. Picture of the World. D 223 Atkinson, Thomas. Oriental and Western Siberia. K 135 Second copy. “ 283 Travels in the Upper and Lower Amoor. “ 294 Auerbach, Berthold. On the Heights. B 715 Villa on the Rhine. 2 vols. “ 90- Aunt Fanny. vide Mrs. Fanny Barrow. Austen, Jane. Emma. B 289 Pride and Prejudice, etc. “ 470 Sense and Sensibility. 301 Austin, J. G. Outpost. 52 Baird, Robert. Northern Europe. 2 vols. K 136- Old Sights With New Eyes. “ 75 Baker, L. C. History of United States Secret Service. C 298 Samuel W. Cast up by the Sea. D 241 Rifle and Hound in Ceylon. “ 242 William M. The New Timothy. B 863 Ball, John. Peaks, Passes and Glaciers. K 77 Ballantyne, R. M. Life Boat. B 169 Man on the Ocean. “ 168 Ballou, Maturin M. Life Stor} of Hosea Ballou. “ 192 Balzac, H. de. Alchemist. B 295 Caesar Birotteau. “ 645 Eugenie Grandet. « 145 Second copy. “ 202 INDEX TO AUTHORS. ill Bancroft, George. History of the United States. 9 vols. C 175- Barbauld, Mrs. A. L. & Dr. J. Aiken. Evenings at Home. B 91 Barber, John Warner. Connecticut Historical Collections. G 225 Massachusetts Historical Collections. u 36 Barclay, J. T. City of the Great King. K 302 Robert. Quaker Doctrines, etc. II 90 Barham, R. H. (Thomas Ingoldsby.) Ingoldsby Legends. G 65 Barnum, P. T. Autobiography. B 681 Humbugs of the World. 469 Barnwell, -. Game Fish of America. I 130 Second copy. (( 126 Barrington, Jonas. Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation. C 125 Barrow, Mrs. Fanny. Mittens. B 41 New Little Mittens. a 39 Little Mittens for Little Darlings. a 32 Orphans Home Mittens. a 40 The R. B. R.’s. a 49 Barry Cornwall. vide Bryan Waller Procter. Gray. vide Robert B. Coffin. Barth, Henry. Travels in North and Central Africa. 3 vols. K 285- Abridged. u 188 Bartlett, David W. Modern Agitators. A 287 John R. Explorations in Texas, etc. 2 vols. K 258- W. H, The Land of Egypt. u 303 Pilgrim Fathers. C 106 Bartol, C, A. Church and Congregation. H 134 Barton, K. Io. B 338 Bautain, M, Art of Extempore Speaking. I 111 Bayly, Thomas Haynes. Songs and Ballads. G 30 Bayne, Peter. Essays in Biography and Criticism. 2 vols. E 344- Beecher, Catharine E. Appeal to the People. H 158 Letters on Health and Happiness. I 137 Physiology and Calisthenics. » 138 Religious Training of Children. H 108 Charles. Life of Lyman Beecher. 2 vols. A 11- Edward. Conflict of Ages. H 144 Henry Ward. Eyes and Ears. E 127 Freedom and War. H 51 Second copy. a 52 Fruits, Flowers and Farming. E 39 112 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Beecher, Henry Ward. Lectures to Young Men. _?/ 56 Life Thoughts. E 289 New Star Papers. “ 42 Star Papers. “ 299 Second copy. “ 273 Belcher, Lady. Mutineers of the “Bounty.” K 319 Bell, A. N. Knowledge of Living Things. I 37 John. Nature and Cure of Wounds. “ 22 Regimen and Longevity. “ 23 Bellew, Frank. Art of Amusing. B 713 Bellows, A. J. How not to be Sick. I 207 Philosophy of Eating. “ 206 Benedict, E. C. Run Through Europe. K 94 Benton, Thomas H. Thirty Years’ View. 2 vols. 0 190- Beranger, Pierre J. de. Poems Translated from the French. ir INDEX TO AUTHORS. 113 Bowen, Francis. Life of Sir William Phipps. A 69 Baron Steuben. “ 71 Bowles, Samuel. Parks and Mountains of Colorado. K 173 Bowman, Anne. Esperanza. B 564 S. M. Sherman and his Campaigns. A 303 Boyd, A. K. H. Counsel and Comfort. e m Every-day Philosopher. “ 115 Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson. 44 61 Leisure Hours in Town. 44 62 Recreations of a Country Parson. 44 116 Boynton, Edward C. History of West Point. Boz. vide Charles Dickens. G 233 Brackenridge, H. M. War of 1812. U. S. and Great Britain. C 77 Braddon, Miss M. E. Aurora Floyd. B 789 Dead Sea Fruit. 44 876 Doctor’s Wife. 44 774 Bradford, Alexander W. American Antiquities. C 42 Brainard John C. Poems. G 121 Breckinridge, Robert J. Memoranda of Foreign Travel. K 50 Bremer, Frederika. Homes of the Hew World. 2 vols. 44 109- Second copy. 44 111 Life in the Old World. 44 219 The neighbors. B 814 Second copy. 44 365 Brewster, Anne M, H. Compensation. 44 86 David. More Worlds than One. H 59 Bridges, Charles. Memoir of Mary J. Graham. A 125 Brimley, George. Essays. E 313 Brinsmade, H. H. Memoir of Isabella Campbell. J) 153 Brock, William. Life of General Henry Havelock. A 151 Brockett, L. P. History of American Rebellion. G 299 Brodhead, John Romeyn. History of Hew York. 2 vols. 44 224- Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. B 460 Professor. 44 690 Shirley. 44 575 Second copy. 44 769 Villette. 44 769 Brookes, R. Brookes’ General Gazetteer. K 104 Brooks, Charles T. German Lyrics. G 53 Brooks, Shirley. Aspen Court. B 608 Silver Cord. 44 836 114 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Brown, John. Spare Hours. E 75 Second copy. “ 76 ; S. G. (Editor.) Works of Rufus Choate. 2 vols. “ 335- ! Samuel R. History of War of 1812. G 97 Western Gazetteer. K 18 Browne, C. F. Artemus Ward — His Book. B 294 Travels. “ 414 J. Ross. Crusoe’s Island, etc. K 270 Yusef : Travels in the East. “ 149 Junius Henri. Four Years in Secessia. C 227 Brownlow, W. G. History of Secession. “ 95 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. Aurora Leigh. G 61 1 Napoleon III. in Italy, etc. “ 60 i Robert. Men and Women. “ 58 Sordello, etc. “ 59 Bryant, William Cullen, Poems. “ 83 Antony Waymouth. “ 684 | Frederick Markham in Russia. B 113 Peter the Whaler. “ 101 Kimball, Richard B. In the Tropics. K 70 Saint Leger. B 678 Student Life Abroad. “ 406 Undercurrents. “ 502 Kippis, A. Cooke’s Voyages. 2 vols. K 25- Kirby, William. Goodness of God in the Creation of Animals. I 15 Kirk, John F. History of Charles the Bold. 3 vols. Kirke, Edmund. vide Joseph R. Gilmore. C 293- Kirkland, Mrs. C. M. Holidays Abroad. 2 vols. K 309- Kitto, John. History of Palestine. C 86 “Kir wan.” Men and Things in Europe. K 157 Knapp, Samuel L. Female Biography. A 111 Life of Aaron Burr. “ 161 ■i INDEX TO AUTHORS. 135 Knight, Charles. Half-Hours with the Best Authors. 2 v. E 139- Helen C. Memoir of Hannah More. A 160. Koch, Christopher. Historyof Revolutions in Europe. C 83 Kotzebue, Baron. Dramatic Works. 3 vols. E 9- Kroyft, Mrs. S. H. de. A Place in Thy Memory. “ 308 Second copy. “ 309 Krummacher, F. A. Parables. H 159 Lamartine, A. de. Confidential Disclosures. A 226 French Revolution, 1848. C 154 History of the Girondists. 3 vols. “ 118- Past, Present and Future of the Republic. “ 124 Lamb, Charles. Essays of Elia. E 118 Lanman, Charles. Alleghany Mountains. K 239 Journal of Alfred Ely. C 311 Lamont, James. Adventures in the Northern Seas. K 284 Lander, Sarah W. Spectacles for Young Eyes. Berlin. D 46 Boston. “ 48 Rome. “ 45 Walter S. Pericles and Aspasia. 2 vols. E 149- Lardner, Dionysius. Popular Lectures on Science and Art. 2 v. I 9- Steam Engine. “ 8 Larke, Julian K. Grant and his Campaigns. A 197 Las Cases, E. A. Memoirs of Emperor Napoleon. 4 vols. “ 200- Lawrence, George. Anteros. B 880 Guy Livingstone. “ 157 Margaret W. Life of Mrs. Henrietta A. L, Hamlin. A 259 William R. Diary and Corresp. of Amos Lawrence. “ 275 Layard, Austen H. Nineveh and Babylon. K 282 Lee, Day Kellogg. The Master Builder. B 236 Eliza B ? Life of Jean Paul Fred. Richter. A 206 LeFanu, J, S. Wvlder’s Hand. B 416 Lefebvre, Rene. Paris in America. E 324 Legouve, Ernest. The Moral History of Women, 69 Leland, Charles G. Sunshine in Thought. / AT 124 H. P. Americans in Rome. K 90 Lempriere, J. Bibliotheca Classica. L 32 Leon owens, A. H. English Governess at the Siamese Court. iT 170 Le Sage, A. R. Adventures of Gil Bias. B 635 Leslie, Charles R. Autobiographical Recollections. A 28 Eliza. Pencil Sketches. B 447 J 136 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Leslie, Eliza. The Behaviour Book. E 325 Madeline. The Two Houses. D 209 Lester, C. Edwards. Condition and Fate of England. 2 vols. G 79- Glory and Shame of England. 2 vols. K 221- Lever, Charles. Charles O’Malley. B 788 Luttrell of Arran. a 812 That Boy of Norcott’s. u 881 Lewes, George H. Life of Robespierre. A 198 Studies in Animal Life. I 132 Mrs. George H. Felix Holt, the Radical. B 793 Romola. u 794 Silas Marner. u 165 Second copy. u 471 The Mill on the Floss. (( 147 Lewis, Dio. How to Make Lungs Strong. I 129 New Gymnastics. (( 124 Liefde, J. de. The Postman’s Bag. D 212 Lincoln, A. The President’s Words. E 199 Linn, William. Life of Thomas Jefferson. A 173 Linsley, D. C. Morgan Horses. I 125 Lippincott, Mrs. S. J. (Grace Greenwood.) Greenwood Leaves. B 524 Second copy. E 18 Livermore, Mrs. M. A. Pen Pictures. B 695 Livingstone, David. Travels in Africa. K 304 Logan, James. The Scotish Gael. G 194 Olive. Behind the Scenes. B 835 Home Scenes in France. K 185 Longfellow, Henry W. Courtship of Miles Standish. G 103 Evangeline. « 84 Kavanagh. B 101 New England Tragedies. G 104 Outre Mer. 2 vols. K 56- Poems. 2 vols. G 106- Tales of a Wayside Inn. (C 105 j The Golden Legend. (( 125 Lord, John. Ancient History. G 318 Lossing, Benson J. Diary of George Washington. K 238 Field Book of Am. Revolution. 2 vols. G 288- Life aud Times of Philip Schuyler. A 193 Lowell, James Russell. Among my Books. E 323 Second copy. u 99 •4 INDEX TO AUTHORS. 137 Lowell, James Russell. A Year’s Life. G 62 Fireside Travels. E 77 My Study Windows. “ 60 Robert. The New Priest of Conception Bay. B 127 Lyell, Charles. Geological Evidences of Antiquity of Man. I 114 Visit to the United States. 2 vols. K 217- Lyle, W. W. Lights and Shadows of Army Life. C 273 Macaulay, T. B. Biographical and Historical Sketches. E 108 Essays Critical and Miscellaneous. “ 153 History of England. 4 vols. C 215- vol. 5 “ 228 Macfarlane, Charles. Romance of History. Italy. 2 vols. B 629- Mac Donald, George. David Elginbrod. “ 401 Robert Falconer. “ 442 Mackay, Charles. Life and Liberty in America. K 115 Voices from Mountains and Crowd. G 64 Mackenzie, A. Slidell. American in England. 2 vols. K 271- Life of Paul Jones. 2 vols. A 153- Second copy. “ 235 Com. 0. H. Perry. 2 vols. “ 239- Henry. Man of Feeling. B 628 K. R. H. Master Owlglass. “ 186 R. Shelton. Memoir of John Wilson. A 192 Mackintosh, James. Miscellaneous Works. E 164 Macquoid, Katharine S. Hester Kirton. B 858 Madden, R. R. Life of Countess of Blessington. 2 vols. A 212- Mahan, Milo. Church History. C 265 Palmoni; or the Numerals of Scripture. II 149 Mahoney, S. P. Six Years in Monasteries of Italy. K 172 Mair, John. Arithmetic. I 32 Malcolm, Howard. Travels in South Eastern Asia. 2 vols K 58- Malte-Brun, Conrad. Universal Geography. 6 vols. “ 9- Mann, Horace. Sermons. H 151 Mrs. (Elizabeth P. Peabody.) Kindergarten Guide. I 67 Life of Horace Mann. A 276 Mansel, Henry L. Limits of Religious Thought, II 110 Mansfield, Edward D. Mexican War. a no Marion, Fulgence. Balloon Ascents. I 216 Wonders of Optics. “ 70 Vegetation, “ 209 138 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Marion, Harland. vide Mrs. Virginia C. Terhune. Mark Twain. vide Samuel L. Clemens. Marlitt, Miss E. Countess Gisela. B 70 Maryatt, Capt. F. Diary in America. E 8 of a Blase. B 557 Frank Mildmay. “ 444 Jacob Faithful. “ 488 Second copy. “ 387 Japhet in Search of a Father. “ 455 Mr. Midshipman Easy. “ 500 Pacha of Many Tales. “ 187 Percival Keene. “ 443 Peter Simple. “ 485 Poor Jack. 2 vols. “ 24- Snarlevow. “ 487 The Kings’ Own. 2 vols. “ 1- Second copy. “ 515 Phantom Ship. “ 621 Poacher. “ 287 Privateersman. D 228 - Florence, (Mrs. Ross Church.) Her Lord and Master. B 873 Marsh, George P. Lectures on the English Language. 1 154 Origin and History of English Language. . “ 155 John. General Ecclesiastical History. G 87 Martineau, Harriet. Berkley, the Banker. 2 vols. B 589-’ Biographical Sketches. A 14 Eastern Life. K 262 For Each and for All. D 60 French Wines and Politics. B 594 Glen of the Echoes. I) 64 History of England. 2 vols. C 108- Homes Abroad. D 61 Household Education. E 230 How to Observe. “ 5 Loom and Lugger. 2 vols. D 62- Sowers, not Reapers. “ 59 The Charmed Sea. B 593 Marty n, W. Carlos. Life and Times ol John Milton. A 185 Mason, John. Self Knowledge. E 198 Masters, Martin K. Progress of Love. G 31 i INI) E X TO A U T H OKS. 139 Massett, Stephen C. (Jeames Pipes.) Drifting About. B 511 Massey, Gerald. Poems and Ballads. G 127 Mavor, William. Universal History. 25 vols. C 1- May, E. J. Bertram Noel. I) 196 Thomas E. Constitutional History of England. 2 vols. C 116- Mayer, Brantz. Captain Canot. K 225 Mayhew Brothers. The Magic of Kindness. B 22 Henry. Boyhood of Martin Luther. “ 74 Story of the Peasant Boy Philosophei “ 75 Young Benjamin Franklin. “ 76 Mayo, Herbert. Philosophy of Living. 1 148 Robert. Pension and Bounty Land Laws. M 111 W. S. Romance Dust. B 45 The Berber. “ 149 Maxwell, J. S. The Czar, Court and People of Russia. K 102 McCarthy, Daniel. Siege of Florence. 2 vols. B 281- Justin. The Waterdale Neighbors. “ 875 McClellan, George B. Armies of Europe. 1 115 Campaigns, Army of the Potomac. G 297 McCormick, Richard C. Sketchings in Europe. IG 92 McCosh, James. Intuitions of the Mind. I 160 McIntosh, Maria J. Aunt Kitty’s Tales. B 231 Charms and Counter-Charms. B 248 Second copy. “ 264 Two Lives. “ 528 Woman in America. E 222 McKeever, Harriet B. Edith’s Ministry. B 361 The Flounced Robe. I) 198 McKinstry, J. His Vindication. C 305 Medhurst, W. H. Missionary Labors in China. H 80 Medwin, Thomas. Journal, etc., of Lord Byron. E 219 Mellen, Grenville. Book of the United States. 0 200 Melville, Herman. Mardi ; and a Voyage Thither. 2 vols. K 232- Ornoo; Adventures in the South Seas. “ 159 Redburn. B 227 The Refugee. B 509 Menault, Ernest. Intelligence of Animals. I 136 Meredith, George. Evan Harrington. B 72 Merle, J. H. vide J. H. Merle D'Aubigne. Meunier, Victor. Adventures on Great Hunting Grounds. B 237 140 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Michaelis, John D. Lectures on New Testament. H 71 Milburn, William H. Ten Years of Preacher Life. Miles O’Reilly. vide Charles G. Halpine. A 98 Mill, John Stuart. Liberty. E 327 Representative Government. “ 350 Miller, Hugh. Footprints of the Creator. I 35 My Schools and Schoolmasters. A 165 Tales and Sketches. B 475 Testimony of the Rocks. I 34 Mrs. Hugh. Cats and Hogs. “ 39 Samuel. Life of Jonathan Edwards. A 70 Science, Art, etc., in 18th Century 2 v. I 30- Stephen B. Historical Sketches of Hudson. 0 189 Thomas. Rural Sketches. E 85 Millot, Abbe. Elements of General History. 5 vols. G 56- Milman, Henry H. History of Latin Christianity. 8 vols. “ 146- Milner, Isaac. Life of Joseph Milner. A 29 Milton, John. Paradise Lost. G 12 Poetical Works. 4 vols. “ 13- u a “ 86 Minturn, Robert P., Jr. New York to Delhi. K 150 Mitchell, Donald G. (Ik Marvel.) Doctor Johns. 2 v. B 550- Dream Life. “ 346 Fresh Gleanings. “ 111 Fudge Doings. 2 v. “ 369 My Farm of Edgewood. E 109 ~ Seven Stories. B 201 The Battle Summer. E 88 Lorgnette. B 199 Wet Days at Edgewood. E 266 Gen. Ormsby M. Astronomy of the Bible. I 145 Planetary and Stellar Worlds. “ 141 Popular Astronomy. “ 142 Mitford, Mary Russell. Atherton. B 599 Life and Letters of. 2 vols. A 131- Moffat, Robert. Missionary Labors in Southern Africa. H 102 Second copy. K 63 Monnier, Marc. Wonders of Pompeii. I 210 Monod, A. Woman. E 227 Montaigne, Michael de. Essays. “ 334 INDEX TO AUTHORS. 141 Monti, Luigi. Isabella Orsini. B 363 Moodie, Mrs. Susannah. Life in the Clearings. “ 610 Moore, Augusta. Notes from Plymouth Pulpit. II 138 Frank, (Edited by.) Lyrics of Loyalty. G 40 Personal and Political Ballads. “ 41 Rebel Rhymes and Rhapsodies. “ 42 Rebellion Record. 8 vols. C 236- James. Life of Gen. Kilpatrick. A 184 John Hamilton. Practical Navigator. I 29 The Monitor. E 203 Thomas. Life of Lord Byron. 2 vols. A 90- Moran, Charles. Money. I 121 More, Hannah. Christian Morals. H 35 Morford, Henry. Days of Shoddy. B 685 Shoulder Straps. “ 686 Sprees and Splashes. “ 521 Morgan, Lady S. 0. Passages from my Autobiography. A 215 Morris, E. J. Tour Through Turkey, etc. 2 vols. K 214- Morse, Jedidiah. American Gazetteer. “ 17 Mortimer, C. B. Morton Montague. B 407 Motherwell, William. Minstrelsy. 2 vols. G 51- Motley, John Lothrop. History of United Netherlands. 2 v. C 210- Rise of the Dutch Republic. 2 v. “ 206- Moulton, Ferdinand. Pension and Bounty Land Laws. M 111 Mo watt, Mrs. Anna C. (Ritchie.) Fairy Fingers. B 349 The Mute Singer. “ 105 Muhlbach, Louisa. Andreas Hofer. “ 830 Berlin and Sans Souci. “ 399 Daughter of an Emperor. “ 828 Frederick the Great, and His Court. “ 833 Family. “ 825 Goethe and Schiller. “ 831 Henry VIII. and His Court. “ 400 Joseph II. and His Court. “ 821 Louisa of Prussia, * 827 Marie Antoinette and Her Son. “ 829 Mohammed Ali, and His House. “ 882 Napoleon and Blucher. B 824 the Queen of Prussia. “ 822 Old Fritz and the New Era. “ 826 142 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Muhlbach, Louisa. Prince Eugene and His Times. B 832 The Empress Josephine 823 Merchant of Berlin. “ 398 Mulock, Miss D. M. A Brave Lady. “ 776 Woman’s Thoughts About Women. “ 643 Christian's Mistake. “ 396 Second copy. “ 477 Fair France. 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K '279 Stanley, Arthur P. Life of Thomas Arnold. 2 vols. A 17- Second copy. “ 103- Sermons before the Prince of Wales. H 53 Stedman, Edmund C. Alice of Monmouth, etc. G 114 The Prince’s Ball. “ 115 Steel, David. Ship Master’s Assistant. 1 119 Steele, Ashbel. Life of Wm. Brewster. A 270 Mrs. Heroines of Sacred History. II 68 Peter. Lexicon Graeco-Latinum et Latino-Gracum. L 33 Richard. The Tatler. E 202 | Stephanini, J. Personal Narrative. A 127 Stephen, James. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. E 170 Stephens, Ann S. Ruby Gray’s Strategy. B 190 Silent Struggles. “ 425 II. M. Home Scenes and Home Sounds. B 343 John L. Central America. 2 vols. K 298- Egypt, Arabia and the Holy Land. 2 vols. “ 61- Travels in Yucatan. 2 vols . “ 290- Sterne, Laurence. The Works of. 6 vols. E 244- i INDEX TO A U T II O It S . 153 Stevenson, William G. Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army. C 174 Stewart, C. S. Visit to the South Seas. 2 vols. K 48- Dugald. Philosophy of the Human Mind. 1 167 Stirling, William. Cloister Life of Charles V. A 106 St. John, James A. Margaret Ravenscroft. 2 vols. B 728- Percy B Sea of Ice ; or Arctic Adventure. J) 146 Pierre, J. H. B . de. Studies of Nature. I 164 Stoddard, Elizabeth. The Morgesons. B 422 Mrs. J. R. Life of Albert Durer. A 260 Stone, William L. Life of Joseph Brant. 2 vols. “ 249- Storke, Elliot G. History of American Rebellion. C 299 Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Agnes of Sorrento. B 166 Dred ; or Nina Gordon. “ 485 House and Home Papers. E 302 My Wife and I. B 848 Oldtown Folks. “ 842 Our Charley. D 258 Pink and White Tyranny. B 354 Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands. 2 v. K 82- The Minister’s Wooing. B 350 Pearl of Orr’s Island. “ 456 Uncle Tom’s Cabin. 2 v. “ 768- “ “ “ Key to. “ 782 Street, Alfred B. Woods and Waters of the Adirondacks, K 71 Strickland, Agnes. Historical Tales. D 55 Queens of England. 6 y. A 40- Second series. 2 v. « 167- The Pilgrims of Walsingliam. B 204 Sullivan, William. Historical Causes and Effects. C 81 . Sutcliff, Robert. Travels in North America. K 37 Sweetzer, William, Mental Hygiene. I 102 Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Atalanta in Calydon, & 123 Chastelard. « 122 Laus Veneris. “ 79 Swinton, William. Rambles Among Words. 1 146 Taggart, Samuel. Evidences of Christianity. II 13 Talfourd, Thomas Noon. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, i? 170 Talmadge, T. DeWitt. Crumbs Swept Up. " 93 Talvi. vide Mrs. Therese Robinson. Tanchius, Jerome. Predestination. H 10 154 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Taplin, William. Gentleman’s Stable Directory. I 69 Tayler, Charles B. Earnestness. H 57 Facts in a Clergyman’s Life. “ 46 The Angel’s Song. B 504 Taylor, B. F. January and June. “ 661 Bayard. Eldorado. K 226 Hand-Book of Literature and Fine Arts. E 46 Home and Abroad. K 133 India, China and Japan. “ 124 Japan in Our Day. “ 313 John Godfrey’s Fortunes. B 419 Joseph and His Friend. “ 139 Journey to Central Africa, K 98 Second copy. “ 181 Life of Alexander von Humboldt. A 108 Northern Travel. K 96 Poems of the Orient. G 98 Rhymes of Travel. “ 99 Story of Kennett. B 61 The Lands of the Saracen. K 207 Picture of St. John. G 97 Poet’s Journal. “ 100 Travels in Greece and Russia. K 138 Views Afoot. “ 87 C. B. Universal History of United States. (7 82 Charles. Five Years in China. K 93 Isaac. Loyola. A 105 J. Orville. The District School. E 236 Jeffery s. Young Islanders. D 27 Theodore. Life Story of William M. Thackeray. A 10 W. Cooke. Natural History of Society. 2 vols. I 202- Tennyson, Alfred. Enoch Arden, etc. G 47 Idyls of the King. “ 46 In Memoriam. “ 48 * Poems. 2 vols. . “ 49- Terhune, Mrs. Virginia C. (Marion Harlan d.) Husks. B 238 Terry, Edwin C. Civil List of Columbia County. C 306 Rose, Poems. G 26 Thackeray, Anne I. Story of Elizabeth. B 393 Second copy. “ 866 INDEX TO AUTHORS. 155 Thackeray, Anne I. Village on the Clift. B 866 William M. Adventures of Philip. 44 807 Fitz-Boodle and Major Gahagan. 44 120 Jeames’ Diary. “ 060 Luck of Barry Lyndon. 2 vols. 44 118- Men’s Wives. 44 391 Mr. Brown’s Letters, etc. 44 440 Paris Sketch Book. 2 vols. 44 622- Pendennis. 2 vols. 44 772- Punch’s Prize Novelists, etc. 44 112 Roundabout Papers. E 122 The English Humorists of 18th Cent. B 404 Four Georges. 44 69 Newcomes. 44 784 Second copy. 44 801 Virginians. 44 803 Yellowplush Papers. 44 423 Thayer, Thomas B. Over the River. H 142 William M. From Poor-house to Pulpit. D 12 Poor Girl and True Woman. 44 145 The Farmer Boy. (Geo. Washington.) 44 143 Pioneer Boy. (A. Lincoln.) 44 147 Poor Boy. (Amos Lawrence.) 44 140 Printer Boy. (Benj. Franklin.) 44 142 Youth’s History of the Rebellion. 44 139 Second copy. 44 141 Third copy. 44 144 Thiers, Alphonse. History of the French Revolution. 4 vols. C 51- Thomas, Annie. (Mrs. Pender Cudlip.) Cross of Honor. B 89 Dower House. 44 877 False Colors. 44 44 Only Herself. 44 44 Playing for High Stakes. 44 44 Thornes, William H. Gold Hunters’ Adventures. D 89 Thompson, James. Poetical Works. G 39 The Seasons. 44 20 Mortimer. Doestick’s Letters. B 465 Thomson, William. History of Reign of Philip III., of Spain. C 50 The Land and the Book. 2 vols. H 104- Thorburn, Grant. Autobiography. A 162 156 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Thoreau, Henry D. Excursions. E 68 Life in the Woods. K 76 Maine W oods. “ 205 Thornbury, Walter. Life in Spain. “ 243 Thorpe, T. B. Hive of the Bee Hunter. “ 167 Ticknor, George. History of Spanish Literature. 3 vols. E 136- Life of William H. Prescott. A 80 Second copy. “ 186 Tiffany, Osmond. Brandon. B 375 Timbs, John. Why and Because. 3 vols. I 45- Timothy Titcomb. vide J. G. Holland. Tissandier, Gaston. Wonders of Water. I 208 Todd, John. Simple Sketches. “ 580 The Great Pacific Slope, or The Sunset Land. “ 204 Young Man. H 64 Tom Brown. vide Thomas Hughes. Tomes, Robert. Americans in Japan. K 143 The Bourbon Prince. (Louis XVII.) J) 166 Townsend, Virginia F. The Battle-Fields of Our Fathers. B 194 Townshend, Chauncey H. Facts in Mesmerism. I 108 Trafford, F. G. George Geith of Fen Court. B 63 Trollope, Anthony. Castle Richmond. “ 185 North America. K 127 Orley Farm. B 781 The Belton Estate. “ 774 Small House at Allington. “ 813 Three Clerks. “ 184 Vicar of Bulhampton. “ 798 West Indies and Spanish Main. “ 335 T. A. Durnton Abbey. “ 881 Lindisfarn Chase. “ 799 Trowbridge, J. T. Jack Hazard and His Fortunes. D 267 Martin Merrivale. B 56 The Three Scouts. “ 653 Second copy. I) 164 Trumbull, Henry. History of Indian Wars. C 55 H. Clay. Life of Henry Ward Camp. A 176 John. Poetical Works. 2 vols. G 37- Tucker, Beverly. The Partisan Leader. B 499 Charlotte. (A. L. 0. E.) My Neighbors Shoes. D 250 INDEX TO AUTHORS. 157 Tucker, Charlotte. (A. L. 0. E.) Triumph over Midian. B 114 War and Peace. “ 123 George. Lite of Thos. Jefferson. 2 vols. A 295* Tuckerman, H. T. The Optimist. E 97 Tupper, Martin F. Proverbial Philosophy. G 77 Turnbull, Robert. Genius of Scotland. C 256 Tuthill, Mrs. L. C. Braggadocio. I) 16 Strike for Freedom. “ 28 Tyler, Samuel. Robert Burns. A 216 Tytler, Ann Fraser. Leila ; or the Island. D 82 At Home. “ 81 In England. “ 80 Mary and Florence. “ 83 “ “ At Sixteen. “ 84 Tyng, Stephen H. Forty Years’ Experience in Sunday Schools. H 66 Umsted, Lillie Devereux. Rockford. B 767 IJpham, Charles W. Life of Sir Henry Vane. A 66 Urbino, Madame L. B. Art Recreations. I 95 Sunshine in Palace and Cottage. D 26 Valentine, David T. History of New York City. C 196 Vambery, Arminius. Travels in Asia. K 246 Vandenhoff, George. Leaves from an Actor’s Note Book. E 120 Second copy. A 81 Van Santvoord, C. Memorial of George Van Santvoord. “ 191 G. Life of Algernon Sidney. “ 292 Lives of Chief Justices IT. S. Sup. Court. , “ 244 Vassal*,. John Guy. Around the World. K 248 Vaux, Calvert. Villas and Cottages. I 5 Verplanck, G. C. The American Scholar. E 161 Viardot, Louis. Wonders of European Art. I 220 Italian Art. “ 212 Viele, Mrs. E. G. Following the Drum. B 553 Voltaire, M. A. de. History of Peter the Great. A 121 Life of Charles XII., of Sweden. “ 172 Waldo, S. Putnam. Life of Stephen Decatur. A 219 Walker, Alexander. Beauty in Woman. E 296 Jackson and New Orleans. C 129 Woman Physiologically Considered. I 149 Wally s, Philip. About New York. B 229 “Walter Barrett, Clerk.” vide Joseph M. Schofield. i — : ' — — 158 INDEX TO AUTHORS. Walworth, Mansfield Tracy. Hotspur. B 535 Warwick. tt 152 Ward, Aaron. Around the Pyramids. K 119 Artemus. vide Charles F. Browne. Ware, William. European Capitals. K 164 Warner, Charles D. My Summer in a Garden. E 354 Samuel. Diary of a Late Physician. 3 vols. B 429- Now and Then. tt 366 Susan. Daisy. <4