ORDINAWDES Borough of Pottsville Jf 1864:. % THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY 3 52 - 074 ^ p IS 5or \%b\ MUNICIPAL N8FERENCE ppMOTE STORAGE ' , acks office # * Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/ordinancesofcorpOOpott ORDINANCES OF REMOTE THE OOREORATXOlsr BOOKST AC K b OmCt. OF THE BOROUGH OF POTTS YILLE, AND THE ACTS OF ASSEMBLY RELATING THERETO. PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE COUNCIL. POTTSYILLE : PRINTED AT THE MINERS’ JOURNAL JOB OFFICE. 1864. 'f : t ..X I. Politio&I Sete T,A <* ORIGINAL J t J J t 2 t ACT OF INCORPORATION. AN ACT To erect the town of Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkill, into a borough, &c.— Pam- phlet Laws, 100. Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly 1828. met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the'' same, That the town of Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkill, shall be and Pottsville, the same is hereby erected into a borough, which shall be called countyerecL the borough of Pottsville, and shall be comprised within the fol- ed into a bo- lowing boundaries to wit : Beginning at a stone on the bank of the rough ’ Schuylkill canal, thence up the same, north forty-live degrees, west Boundaries, twenty-five perches to a stone, north twenty degrees west, forty- four perches to a stone ; north eleven degrees east, forty-three and a half perches to a stone, north nineteen degrees, east thirty- nine perches to a stone, thence crossing the river Schuylkill, north eighteen degrees, west one hundred and thirty-eight perches to a pine, south sixty degrees, west thirty-nine perches to a stone, north thirty degrees, west thirty-four perches to a spruce, south sixty degrees, west fourteen perches to a spruce, north eleven degrees, west eleven perches to a spruce, south sixty-six degrees, west cross- ing Norwegian creek, seventy-six perches to a small pine, south six and a half degrees, east seventy-six perches to a post, south thirty-seven degrees, west ninety perches to a gum, south six de- grees, west twenty-six perches to a spruce, south thirty-seven de- grees, east three hundred and fifty perches to a post on the Man- heim and Norwegian township line ; thence along the same, north sixty-seven degrees, east one hundred and ninety-five perches to the place of beginning; Provided , That the Schuylkill canal, with proviso re- its appurtenances, shall not be considered as included within the * at * ve S u above described limits, nor shall this act be considered as giving canak 1 any jurisdiction or authority whatever, to the borough of Pottsville, in and upon the said Schuylkill canal and its appurtenances. Sect. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the citizens of said borough, Who may entitled to vote for members of the general assembly, on the first vote ’ Monday of May, in every year, to elect by ballot, two respectable Timeof elec- citizens to be burgesses of the said borough, and that the persou tion - having the greatest number of votes shall be styled the chief bur- gess, and also to elect five suitable persons assistants or common officers to council men, for advising, aiding, and assisting the said burgess i n beelected - the execution of the powers and authorities hereby given to them, and also to elect a high constable and town clerk, who shall be re- sident of the said borough of Pottsville : Provided , That no per-p roV iso. 0>£3 'xJ (3 /O 4 Where and how elec- tions shall be held. i828. gon shall be entitled to a vote at the election, or to be elected to any of the said offices, unless he shall have been a resident in the said borough of Pottsville, at least one whole year previous to the time of such election. Sect. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the election for the officers aforesaid shall be held at the house where the general elections are now held in the following manner, to wit: The constable of the township of Norwegian, for the time being, and the high constable, so as aforesaid elected or appointed, in the manner hereinafter mentioned, in every succeeding year shall give notice of such election at least six days before the time appointed for holding the same, by advertisements set up at six or more of the most public places within the said borough, and at the election to be holden the present year, the constable of Norwegian township and two respectable citizens, to be chosen by the electors of the said borough for that purpose, and at every succeeding election the burgesses and assistants, or a majority of them, shall hold the said election, receive and count the ballots and declare the persons duly elected, whereupon duplicate certificates of the per- sons so elected shall be signed in the present year, by the two citi- zens chosen as aforesaid, and in every succeeding year by the burgesses ; one whereof shall be transmitted to the clerk of the court of quarter sessions of the county, and the other filed among the records of the corporation, and at any election as above direct- ed, should the two persons highest in vote for burgesses have an havmg S an S ec l ua ^ number of vo^s, the preference shall be determined by lot, equal num- to be drawn by any justice of the peace of the county, upon ap- ber of votes. p|* cat * on to mac i e by either of the parties, and if it should at any time happen, through neglect, that no election shall be holden w on the day aforesaid in the mode herein before prescribed, the chief burgess, or in his absence or inability to act, the assistant burgess shall issue his precept directed to the high constable, to hold an election in manner aforesaid, giving at least six days’ notice of the election, by at least six advertisements set up in the most public places in said borough. Sect. 4. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Powers and That the burgesses and assistants so chosen, or a majority of them, shall have full power and authority to make such ordinances, rules, and regulations, as may be necessary for improving and keeping in order the streets, lanes, and alleys within the said borough, and re- moving nuisances or obstructions therefrom, and the same to annul, alter, or make anew, as occasion may. require. And also to assess, levy, and collect a tax for the said purposes, and shall have all other powers necessary for the well ordering and better government of the said borough. Provided , that the said ordinances, rules, and regulations, shall not be repugnant to the constitution and laws of this commonwealth : And provided also , that no tax shall be laid by them, in any one year, to exceed one cent in the dollar on the valuation of taxable property taken from the last assessment, until the same is agreed by a majority of the electors, at the town Proceedings in case no election be held. duties of burgesses and assist- ants. Proviso. Proviso "re- lating to taxes. meeting assembled for that purpose, called together by the said 1828. burgess and assistants, or by any writ in writing of at least six of the inhabitants of the said borough, duly qualified to elect as afore- said, to the said burgess, who shall require the high constable to give five days’ notice of such intended town meeting, by advertise- ments fixed up in not less than six of the most public places in the said borough, notifying the time, place, and object of the said town meeting, and all taxes which may be assessed or laid within the said borough, shall, as near as the same is practicable, be conform- able to the laws for raising county rates and levies. Sect. 5 . And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Corporation That the said burgess and freemen duly qualified to elect as afore- created, said, and their successors, forever hereafter, shall be one body politic and corporate, in and by the name of “ the burgesses and inhabitants of the town of Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkill,” " } e ’ shall have perpetual succession, and they and their successors, by the name of the burgess and inhabitants of the borough of Potts- ^ ^ ville, shall at all times hereafter be persons able and capable in p^vUegea a law to have, get, receive, and possess lands, tenements, rents* liberties, jurisdictions, franchises, and hereditaments, to them and their successors, in fee simple, or for time of lives, life, years, or otherwise, and also goods and chattels and other things of what na- ture or kind soever, and to give, grant, let, sell, and assign the same lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods and chattels, and to do and execute all other things about the same, by the name aforesaid, and they shall forever hereafter be persons able and capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and answer and to be answered unto, defend and to be defended in all or any Courts, within the Commonwealth, in all manner of actions, suits, com- plaints, pleas, causes, and matters whatsoever, and that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Burgess and inhabitants afore- said, and their successors, forever hereafter, to have and use one common seal for sealing all business whatever, touching the said corporation, and the same from time to time at their will, to change and alter, and the said burgesses and assistants shall have full power to appoint such other officers’ within the said borough, as shall be necessary to carry into complete effect the provisions of this act. Sect. 6. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any persofi, an inhabitant of the said borough, and duly fefusing^o qualified to elect as aforesaid, shall be elected to the office of Bur- act as bur- gess, and having notice of his election, shall refuse to undertake ge&fe ‘ and execute that office, every person so refusing, shall forfeit and Penalty for pay a fine of twenty dollars, and if any person duly qualified as refusing to aforesaid shall be duly elected to any other office in the said bo- otherofficer. rough created by this act and having notice of his election, shall refuse to undertake and execute the duties of that office, every person so refusing, shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars, which fines and forfeitures and all others in pursuance of this act, or by the by-laws of the burgesses and inhabitants, shall be re- 6 1828. covered before any justice of the peace of that county, for the use of the said corporation, and in such case of refusal, the acting burgesses shall issue their process directed to the high constable requiring him to hold an election for the choice of some other fit person or persons in the stead of such as shall refuse : Provided , that no person shall be compelled to serve for more than one in any term of five years : And 'provided also , that if any person or per- sons shall conceive him or themselves aggrieved by the judgment of any justice of the peace, by virtue of the oath, he or they may appeal to the next county court of common pleas, who shall on the petition of the party, take such order thereon as to them shall ap- pear just and reasonable, and the same shall be conclusive to both parties. Sect. ?. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the chief burgesses shall take and subscribe an oath or affir- to "be" under mation before one of the associate judges of the county of Schuyl- oath. kill, £ 0 SU pp 0r t the Constitution of the United States and of this State, and on oath or affirmation well and truly to execute the office of chief burgess of the borough of Pottsville, and when so qualified he shall administer an oath or affirmation to the other burgess, assistants, high constable, and town clerk, in manner and form aforesaid, before they shall enter upon the duties of their re- spective offices. Approved — the nineteenth day of February, A. D., one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight. J. ANDYV. SHULZE. Proviso. Of appeal. Officers of the borough AN ACT To alter ah act entitled 44 Ah act to erect the town of Pottsville, in the county of Schuyl- kill, into a borough, &c.’*— Pamphlet Laws, 439. Sect. 1 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen ta- 1831. tives °f the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the town of Pottsville shall be, and the same is hereby erected into a borough, under the name and title of the “borough of Potts- Name, ville the extent and boundaries* of which shall be as follows : Beginning at a stone, on the west bank of the Schuylkill canal, and in the Manheim township line ; thence up the west branch of Borough said canal, north forty-five degrees, twenty-five jjprches, to a stone ; boundaries, whence north twenty degrees, west forty -four perches, to a stone ; thence north eleven degrees, east forty- three and one-half perches, to a stone ; thence north nineteen degrees, east thirty-nine perches, to a stone ; thence north forty-five degrees, east eight and one- half perches, to a stone ; thence north seventy-eight degrees, east eighteen perches, to a stone ; thence north forty-nine degrees, east, passing the canal lock, and over the Schuylkill river, sixty- eight perches, to the mouth of Young’s brook, at what is called the Salem Basin ; thence up said brook, north twenty-one degrees, ‘^Boundaries extended. — See supplements XYI and XIX. i \ west forty-eight perches, to a stone; thence due north two hundred 1831 . and thirty-eight perches, to a stone ; thence south sixty-eight de- grees west, until a course of south twenty and one-quarter degrees east, will run to the north-westerly corner of the tract of land, known by the name of the “ Physic tract,” the distance supposed to be four hundred and nine perches ; thence south twenty and one-quarter degrees east, passing along the west line of the said “ Physic tract ” to the Manheim township line, the distance sup- posed to be four hundred and fifteen perches ; thence along said township line, north sixty-eight degrees east, two hundred and five perches, more or less, to the place of beginning. Sect. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Qualifies-. That the inhabitants of the said borough, entitled to vote for mem- ^ of VOn bers of the general assembly, [ *and who shall have resided within the same for six months immediately 'preceding such election , and within that time have paid a county or borough tax,] shall have power, on the first Monday in May, in every year, to meet at the Annual elec-, place where the election for members of the general assembly are tion * held, or at such other place within the said borough, as the council by ordinance may direct, and then and there, between the hours of two and eight in the afternoon, elect by ballot, one person for burgess and members of town council, [fa town clerk,] high con- Burgess, stable, [fione assessor and two assistant assessors] for said borough, ^ that is to say : at the first election, \§nine persons] qualified to serve constable as members of the House of Representatives of this Common- ^ asses “ wealth, and at each succeeding election, one person for burgess, " " and three persons qualified as aforesaid, for members of the town council ; but previous to the opening of the first [\\or any subsequent election , such of the inhabitants , qualified to vote as aforesaid , who may be present at the place where the election is to be held , shall choose two persons as judges, one as inspector, and two as clerks e lection. ” of the said election ,] which shall be regulated throughout, accord- ing to the general election laws of this Commonwealth, so far as relates to the receiving and counting of the votes ; and the said judges, inspector, and clerks, shall respectively take an oath or affirmation, before a judge or justice of the peace, to perform their respective duties with fidelity and impartiality ; and after the said election shall be closed, they shall declare the persons having the greatest number of votes to be duly elected ; and in case two or more candidates shall have the same number of votes, the prefer- ence shall be determined by lot, drawn in the presence of the said judges and clerks, by the said inspector, after the election shall be closed ; the said judges shall make out a return, under their hands, -The part within brackets repealed and supplied by Supplement I, passed May 4, 1832. (See Post.) fSupplied by Supplement XIY. ^Supplied by Supplement III, passed March 31, 1836. g Altered and number increased to twelve — see Supplement XIV. ||Supplied by Sec. 14 of General Election Law, passed July 2, 1839. — 8 1831 . Provision for neglect to hold elec- tion. Proviso. Meeting and classifica- tion of coun- cil. President council. Vacancies how filled Burgess and council in- corporated. containing the names of the candidates and the number of votes given for each, and deliver the same to the town clerk, whose duty it shall be to give notice in writing within twenty-four hours to the members elected, and hand over the returns to the town council at their first meeting, which returns shall be filed with the papers be- longing to the corporation ; and if it should happen through neg- . lect or otherwise, that no election shall be holden on the day aforesaid, in the manner herein prescribed, the chief burgess, or in case of his neglect, refusal, or inability to act, the president of the council shall issue his precept, directed to the high constable to supply such neglect, giving at least eight days’ notice of such election, by at least six advertisements, set up in the most public places in the borough : Provided , That the members and officers of the corporation shall continue to exercise all the powers and perform all the duties given to and enjoined upon them by this act, until their successors are duly elected or appointed. Sect. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said council shall meet on the first Wednesday after their election, to receive and examine the returns of their election ; *and at their first meeting , the members shall divide themselves , by lots , into three classes ; the seats of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the first year , of the second class at the expira- tion of the second year , and of the third class at the expiration of the third year , so that one-third may be chosen every year after y the first election ; and the said council shall appoint a president of their board, whose duty it shall be to preside at the meetings of their board, sign all ordinances, to convene the board when occasion may require, and generally to perform such duties as may be en- joined on him by ordinance of council ; f and in case of the absence, neglect of duty, removal from the borough, or other inability to act, the council shall from time to time elect a president pro tem- pore, as occasion may require, who shall exercise the same author- ity and perform the duties that are or may be enjoined on the president ; and the burgess shall be removable for misdemeanor in office, in the same manner that justices of the peace are removable, under the constitution and laws of this Commonwealth ; and in case of the death, resignation, or removal of the chief burgess, or other vacancy in said office, such vacancy shall be filled by a new election for his term of office, within ten days thereafter, by the council. Sect. 4. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That from and after the second Monday in May, A. D., one thou- sand eight hundred and thirty-one, the chief burgess and council, duly elected as aforesaid, and their successors, shall be one body politic and corporate, by the name and style of “ The corporation of the borough of Pottsville and shall have perpetual succession, and be capable in law to have, acquire, receive, hold, and possess, *See Supplement XV. fThe Council may fill all vacancies in the Council. — See Supplement XIII. 9 goods and chattels, lands, tenements, rents, franchises, heredita- 1831. meats, jurisdictions, and liberties, to them and their successors, in fee simple, or otherwise ; and also to give, grant, sell, let, and as- sign the same, and shall by the name and style aforesaid to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any courts of law in this commonwealth, in all manner of actions whatsoever ; and also to have and use one common seal, and the same from time to time at their will to change ; and the said inhabitants may, and shall have hereafter, markets in said borough, forever, on such days, and as many in the week, as the said corporation shall order and direct ; and that all the corporate property and estate whatsoever, of “ The burgesses and inhabitants of the town of Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkill/ 7 is hereby severally and respectively g le of cor vested in u The corporation of the borough of Pottsville/ 7 and poration. their successors in and by this act established, by the name, style, and title aforesaid, to andCor the use of the citizens of the borough of Pottsville, forever ; and until the corporation of the said borough shall be duly organized, the present shall continue in full force and operation. Sect. 5. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any person, duly elected chief burgess or member of the town council, or appointed or elected town clerk, street commis- sioner, high constable, or other officer, and having received notice Penalty on thereof, shall refuse or neglect to take upon himself the duties of refusal to ac- the said office, or shall neglect or refuse to discharge the same, cept oflice ’ after having taken upon himself the duties of the said office, every person so refusing or neglecting, shall for every such offence, for- feit and pay the sum of twenty dollars, which fine and all others incurred and made payable by this act, or by the acts of the corpo- How recov- ration, shall be adjudged to be paid to the corporation, on convic- propria^ed^ tion before any justice of the peace, resident in the said borough, and when recovered, shall forthwith be paid to the treasurer of the said borough ; and it shall be the duty of all officers of the said borough, on receiving money belonging to the corporation, to pay the same forthwith to the treasurer thereof. Sect. 6. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the members, of the said corporation, high constable, and all^Jsof^- other officers created by this act, shall severally before taking upon cere, themselves the duties of their respective offices, take an oath or affirmation before a judge or justice of the peace of the county of Schuylkill, to support the constitution of the United States, the constitution of the State of Pennsylvania, and to perform the du- ties of their respective offices, with fidelity; certificates of which oaths or affirmations shall be filed among the papers of the corpo- ration. Sect. 7. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall be the duty of the said council, five of whom shall be General a quorum, to hold meetings from time to time, as occasion may powers of require ; at which meetings they may revise, repeal, or amend, a ll counci1 ' such by-laws and ordinances that have heretofore been made in the o 10 1831 . borough of Pottsville, which shall have full force and authority until so repealed, and make such other rules and regulations, and enact such other by-laws and ordinances, as shall be determined on by a ma- jority of them, necessary to promote the peace, good order, benefit, and advantage of the said borough, particularly for the providing for the regulation of markets, improving, repairing, keeping in order, and regulating the streets, roads, lanes, and alleys, and re- moving nuisances and obstructions therefrom, regulating the width of porches, steps, cellar doors, or other device that may project into or encroach upon any street, road, lane, alley, or public highway, ascertaining and regulating the depths of vaults, of sinks or pits for necessary houses, and making permanent rules and regulations, relative to the foundation of buildings, party walls, and fences ; they shall have full power and authority to prevent and restrain the exercising or practising of any trade or occupation, the exercise or practice of which shall be dangerous to the health or property of the inhabitants ; they shall have power to impose fines and taxe°s USh penalties, partial and total forfeitures, and also to assess, apportion, and appropriate such taxes as shall be determined by a majority of them, necessary for carrying the said rules and ordinances, from time to time, into complete effect ; and also to appoint street com- missioners, treasurer, and collector, annually, and such other officers of treasurer, as may be necessary, from time to time, and the same officers from collector, ^ime to time, to remove for misconduct, neglect, or misdemeanor in office, excepting the chief burgess, who shall only be removable in the manner herein before prescribed : Provided , That no rules, by- proviso l aws , or ordinances of said corporation, shall be repugnant to the of the by- constitution and laws of the United States, or of this Common- laws. wealth, and that no person shall be punished for a breach of a by- law or ordinance made as aforesaid, until ten days have expired, after the promulgation thereof in at least one newspaper, printed in said borough, or by ten advertisements set up in the most pub- lic places in the said borough. Sect. 8. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the general borough tax, rates, and levies, assessed, rated, and &c? e cSiec- levied, by the said council, shall not, in any one year, exceed one tionoftax. cen t [ n the dollar on the valuation of the property by the assessor, elected in pursuance of this act ; and it shall be the duty of the assessor and assistant assessors, to be elected as aforesaid, to value, according to the best of their judgments, all property, and rate all single freemen, offices, and professions, within the said borough, made taxable by the law T s of this Commonwealth, and to make out the returns of the said assessment, in such form and within such time, as the council by ordinance shall direct ; and all taxes, rates, and levies, assessed, rated, and levied, by the council, shall be re- covered in the same manner as the county rates and levies in the county of Schuylkill are, or may hereafter be by law recoverable. Sect. 9. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, ment^gu't- That the said council shall have full power and authority to pave, ters, &c. form, or lay with brick, hard substances, or gravel, all or any of 11 the footways and gutters within the borough ; and shall set curb 1831 . stones or posts, to prevent the same from being injured, at such times and in such manner as they by ordinance may direct : Pro- vided , That all and every the owners or owner of property or ground, shall have the privilege of paving the footway on their own front, as aforesaid, provided they have it completed within sixty days, after due notice in writing being given for that purpose by the said council, or any person they may appoint. Sect. 10. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, p av i ng 0 r That the said council shall have full power and authority, upon tuynpiking the application of two-thirds of the owners of property or lots, fronting on any street, road, lane, or alley, to pitch and pave, or lay with broken stone and gravel, any such street, road, lane or alley ; and shall tax the property in front of which such street, road, lane, or alley, shall be pitched and paved, or laid with broken stone or gravel, for the expense thereof, in proportion to the ex- tent of the same in front : Provided , That no application as afore- Proviso, said, shall be for less than four hundred feet or more than twelve hundred feet of any street, road, lane, or alley, at one time : 2cl proviso. provided farther , That in all applications as aforesaid, the owners of an undivided estate shall be entitled to but one signature ; and that no person, whatever may be the number of lots owned by him, shall be entitled to more than one signature on any such petition. Sect. 11. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Collectk)nof That the said council are hereby authorized to recover the taxes taxes for pa- for pitching and paving, laying with broken stone or gravel, in the same manner that county rates and levies are, or hereafter may be, by law recoverable ; or may institute actions for the re- covery of such taxes or assessments, before any tribunal in the State, having jurisdiction of the amount claimed against the own- er or owners of the property, or their legal representatives, in front of which such pitching and paving, laying with broken stone or gravel, mentioned in the tenth section ofithis act, shall be done ; and the said council shall, and they are hereby authorized to re- interest and cover legal interest from the time of making such assessment, to- commission, gether with a commission of five per cent, for collecting the same. Sect. 12. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the council shall have full power and authority to establish a nightly watch, and lix so many lamps in such part or parts of the' said borough, as from the state of the improvements thereof, may in their discretion be necessary ; and for the more conveniently watching the same, may divide the said borough into districts, as they may think proper: Provided , That when a nighly watch Proviso, shall be established, or lamps fixed in any part or parts of the said borough, the holders of property in such divisions, and they only, shall be assessed with the expense of maintaining the same. Sect. 13. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said council shall have full pow r er and authority to make any by-laws or ordinances, to oblige the owners or occupiers of Fire bucketB hoftses, in the said borough, to provide and keep in repair any 12 1831. number of leather buckets, not exceeding two, to be used only in extinguishing fires. Sect. 14. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Duties and That the chief burgess, elected and qualified agreeably to this act, the Ve Chief or absence, refusal, neglect, or inability to act, the president Burgess, of the council is hereby authorized to issue his precept, as often as occasion may require, to the collector, commanding him to col- lect the taxes assessed in pursuance of this act, and the same to pay over to the treasurer ; and the said chief burgess, or in his absence, refusal, neglect, or inability to act, the president of the council is hereby authorized to carry into effect all by-laws and or- dinances, enacted by the council, and whatever else may be en- joined on him or them for the well ordering and good government of the borough ; and all attestations, made by the chief burgess, with the seal of the corporation, shall be good evidence of the acts or things certified ; and for affixing the seal of the borough to any instrument, for other than borough purposes, he shall receive fifty cents. Sect. 15. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Town clerk. That it shall be the duty of the town clerk, to attend all meetings of the town council, when assembled on business of the corpora- tion, and perform the duties of a clerk thereto, and attest, keep, and preserve the records of the corporation; and also to perform all the duties enjoined on him by this act, or by the acts of the corporation. Sect. 16. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Security of That the treasurer shall give sufficient security to the chief bur- treasurer. g egs p or £| ie faithful discharge of the duties of his office, and for the safe delivery of all moneys, books, and accounts, appertaining thereto, into the hands of the successor, upon demand being made for that purpose. Sect. 17. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Election of That there shall annually be elected, by the citizens of the said ad just^c t0 bo ™ugh, qualified to vote as aforesaid, at the time of electing counts. * members of the town council, three citizens as auditors, who shall, within one month after their election, settle and adjust the ac- counts of the several officers of the said borough ; and the said accounts being so settled and adjusted, shall forthwith be pub- lished by the corporation, showing particularly the amount of taxes assessed and collected, and of all moneys paid into the treasury, and the amount of and items of expenditure. [*Sect» 18. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- Cotirtof said) That the chief burgess and two inhabitants, qualified to vote appeal. f or members of the town council, to be appointed by a majority of the council for that purpose, or any two of them, shall constitute a court of appeal ; and prior to the collection of any borough tax, the collector shall inform each inhabitant of his tax, and the time Proviso. and place of ajppeal : Provided , That the said court of appeal shall *Tliis Section supplied by Supplement III. 13 have no other power, than to determine the justness of the appor- 1831. tionment of the said tax, and to remedy any grievance that may^^ d re “ occur in^mposing the same.] Sect. 19. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, compensa- That the judges, inspector, and clerks of the election of borough officers, shall be allowed each seventy-five cents per day for their er officers, services in holding their said election ; and the council shall fix the compensation of such officers as shall be appointed or elected under this act or the acts of the corporation, which compensation shall be paid out of the borough treasury, by orders drawn on the treasurer, at such times and in such manner as the council by or- dinance may direct. Sect. 20. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, streets^ That from and after the passing of this act, all streets, lanes, and decfared*’ alleys, within the said borough, opened or laid out, or drawn or highways* marked, or plans or plots, by those persons who have laid out ad- ditions to the original plan or plot of the town of Pottsville, as public streets, roads, lanes, and alleys, shall be deemed and consid- ered public highways. Sect. 21. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Plans of w That the said council, so soon as the same can conveniently be rough to be done, shall cause an accurate survey to be made of the streets, madc * lanes, and alleys within the said borough, and When the survey shall be completed, shall cause two drafts or plans to be made thereof, to be made with every explanation necessary to the full understanding of the same, one of which said plans shall be deposi- ted in the office of the clerk of the court of quarter sessions of the county of Schuylkill, for public inspection and examination, and the other to be kept with the papers of the corporation ; and it shall be the duty of the chief burgess, to give notice in all news- papers printed in the borough, that the said survey and plans are completed, and that on a certain day, to be appointed, the council will hear any objection that may be made thereto, and the place where the said drafts are deposited for examination, and the said council shall at the time appointed adjudge and determine wheth- er any and what alterations shall be made therein, and shall direct one of the said drafts or plans, authenticated by the chief burgess and town clerk, under the seal of the corporation, to be recorded de ~ in the office for recording deeds, in and for the county of Schuyl- kill ; and the said survey and drafts so made and authenticated, shall from thenceforth be deemed conclusive as to the courses, widths, and lengths of the streets, roads, lanes, and alleys, in the said drafts, laid down and marked as public streets, roads, lanes, and alleys, shall be deemed and considered from thenceforth pub- lic highways, and the said drafts so made and recorded, shall re- main unalterable. Sect. 22. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Notice of That it shall be the duty of the high constable, to give notice 0 f electlon8 * the annual elections of the said borough, by setting up advertise- ments in eight of the most public places in the said borough, ten 14 . 1831 . Duties of high consta- ble. Proviso. Publication of first elec- tion. Appeal persons ag- grieved to court of quarter ses- sions. Election of constables. Appoint- ment of po- lice officers. days previously thereto ; he shall attend and see that the same is opened at the time and in the manner directed in this act; and it shall and may be lawful for the said high constable to perform all the duties and exercise all the authorities of the constables of the several townships of this commonwealth, within the said borough, and generally to do, execute, and perform whatever else may be enjoined on him by the council ; and the said high constable shall be entitled to the same fees for the same services that are by law allowed to other constables : Provided , it shall be the duty of the present high constable, to publish and superintend, in like man- ner, the election to be held on the first Monday in May, A. D., one thousand- eight hundred and thirty-one. Sect. 23. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the inhabitants of the said borough and all persons holding property therein, shall be competent witnesses in all actions arising under this act, or the laws or ordinances of the corporation ; and if any persons shall think themselves aggrieved by any thing done in pursuance of this act, or of the by-laws or ordinances of the cor- poration, they may appeal to the next court of quarter sessions, to be held for the county of Schuylkill, upon giving security to pros- ecute such appeal with effect ; and the said court having taken such order thereon as to them shall seem just and reasonable, the same shall be conclusive against all parties. [*Sect. 24. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the inhabitants of the said bo- rough, entitled to vote for members of the town council, at the same time and under the same regulations as constables in the several townships are now by law elected, to elect four suitable persons as constables, in manner following, viz : the inhabitants residing east of Centre street or Centre turnpike, in the said bor- ough, shall elect two, and the inhabitants residing to the west of Centre street or Centre turnpike aforesaid, shall elect two; the said constables to reside in the divisions for which they are res- pectively elected, and to return the names of the persons so elect- ed to the next court of quarter sessions of the county of Schuyl- kill ; and the said court shall appoint two of them, one from the returns of each division, one to be constable of the eastern divi- sion, and one to be constable of the western division of the said borough,] Sect. 25. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said council shall, whenever the same may appear to them necessary, appoint a sufficient number of persons as police officers, to keep the peace of the borough, who, during the time of their appointment, shall be invested with the same authority and enti- tled to the same privileges, emoluments, and fees, as the consta- bles of the said borough are, or shall hereafter be invested with, or be entitled to by law. *This Section repealed, and supplied Supplements TV, YIII, XII, and XY. 15 [*Sect. 26. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, 1831. That the inhabitants of the said borough, entitled to vote for mem- oversSrs°of bers of the town council, shall elect, at the same time and under the poor, the same regulations as overseers of poor of the several townships of the county of Schuylkill are now by law elected, two persons for overseers of the poor of the said borough, who shall have the same powers and privileges, perform the same duties, and be sub- ject to the same penalties as are now or may be given to, or en- joined or imposed upon the overseers of the poor of the several townships of the county of Schuylkill, and shall render their ac- count annually to the town council.] Sect. 27. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the citizens of the said borough shall be exempted from pay- Exemption ing all road [or poor] taxes to the township of Norwegian, for pro- perty within the limits of the* said borough, that may be assessed taxes™' 1 after the passing of this act. Sect. 28. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That so much of any other act as is hereby altered or supplied, be dause hn “ and the same is hereby repealed. Sect. 29. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That this act and the powers and authorities herein vested in the ^be^ffpct- said borough, shall not be impaired, affected, defeated, or destroyed ed by ‘ ne- by any neglect or omission, to elect or appoint all or any of its of- glect ficers at the times allotted for the same. Approved— the fourth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. GEO. WOLF. I. SUPPLEMENT. 1832 Act of May 4, 1S32. Pamphlet Laws, 477. Sect. 14. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the inhabitants of the borough of Pottsville, entitled to vote QuaHfica- for members of the general assembly, who shall have resided with- nons ofVo- in the said borough for one year immediately preceding such eiecUons°in election, and within that time have paid a borough or county tax, Pottsyille - which shall have been assessed at least six months preceding such election, shall be entitled to vote at all borough elections, and that so much of any act as is hereby altered or supplied, be and the same is hereby repealed. II. SUPPLEMENT. 1834. Act of Feb. 27, 1S34. Pamphlet Laws, 91. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, &c., That it shall and maybe lawful for the town council of the borough of Pottsville, in the county ofLaymgatax Schuylkill, and they are hereby authorized and required to assess on d ° S8, *This Section, and so much of Section 27 as relates to poor taxes, was repealed, and supplied by the Act providing for the erection of a Poor House for Schuylkill County, passed April 4, 1831, F. L., 422. 16 1834 . and collect annually, on each and every dog and bitch owned or kept by any citizen or inhabitant of said borough, a tax to any amount not exceeding one dollar for the first dog or bitch kept or owned by any citizen or inhabitant of said borough, and not ex- ceeding two dollars a head for the second dog or bitch, and so in proportion to the number kept by each inhabitant or citizen of said borough, they may deem expedient and proper, for the use of the said corporation of the borough of Pottsviile aforesaid. 1836# III. SUPPLEMENT. Act of March 31, 1836. Pamphlet Laws, 327. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, &c., That from and after the passage of Duplicate Of act > town counc ^ of the borough of Pottsviile, in the taxes. county of Schuylkill, are authorized and directed to make their duplicate for borough taxes, from the assessment and valuation made on property within said borough for county rates and levies. IY. SUPPLEMENT. 1840 . Act of February 13, 1840. Pamphlet Laws, 43. Pottsvfuedi Sect. 9, That the borough of Pottsviile, Schuylkill county, be vided into and the same is hereby divided into two separate wards, in man - two wards; ner f 0 n 0W i n g to wit : All that part of said borough north of Nor- North ward, wegian street, to compose one ward, to be called u North Ward the elections for which to be held at the public house of Nathaniel J. Mills; and all that part of said borough on the south side of South ward, said Norwegian street, to compose the other ward, to be called “ South Ward the elections to be held at the White Horse Hotel. To elect two Sect. 10. Each of said wards shall elect two justices of the justices. peace, with the right to increase the same, whenever the inhabi- tants of said wards respectively shall determine said increase to be necessary, agreeably to the provisions of the constitution ; and Each ward each of said wards shall respectively elect one constable ; said elec- constabie? 6 tions to be held at the same time and in the same manner as town- ship elections are directed to be held throughout this common- wealth. 1840 V. SUPPLEMENT. Act of April 23, 1840. Pamphlet Laws, 4GG. Town coun- Sect. 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the town council of the bo- late°streets rou gh of Pottsviile, shall have full power and authority to pass or- and set curb dinances, rules, and regulations, to regulate, grade, cut down, fill up, pave, and repave, curb and recurb, form and make all and every the footways, sidewalks and gutters in the streets, lanes, and alleys of the said borough, at such times and in such manner as 17 they by ordinances may direct, and the said ordinances to execute, 1840 . under the direction of such person or persons as they may appoint, and shall tax the property in front of which such foot-ways, side- walks and gutters shall be made, paved and curbed, with the ex- pense thereof, in proportion to the extent of the same in front, Lien, which shall be a lien thereon until paid : Provided , That the Pr0Yig0 owners of property in front of which such foot-ways, side-walks and gutters, are directed to be made as aforesaid, shall have the privilege of making the same on their own front as aforesaid, within sixty days after the publication of the ordinance requiring the same to be done, in one or more newspapers printed in the said borough, and the service of a notice in writing personally, or left at the place of abode of such owner, if a resident of the bo- rough : [ And provided, That no person shall be compelled to pave 2 d Proviso, any footway to a greater width than five feet in front of any vacant lot.] \_The pjart within brackets repealed as to Centre street . *] Sect. 2. That the corporation of the borough aforesaid, shall Expenses of and may recover the expenses of cutting down, filling up, grading, how 1 recov-' ■ paving, repaving, curbing and recurbing, as aforesaid, of and from ered. the owners of the property in front of which the same may be done, before any justice of the peace or any court having jurisdic- tion, in the same manner as debts of like amount are by law re- coverable, or may file a lien for the same, and proceed for the re- May file lien, covery thereof in the manner set forth in the act relating to the liens of mechanics and others, passed June sixteen, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, the provisions of which are hereby extended to the work done under this act. [■(■Sect. 3. That from and after the passage of this act, the quali- fied voters of the said borough shall, at the annual election for ^ors to P be charter officers, elect two supervisors, one for each ward thereof, elected, who shall hold office for one year, and all former powers delegated to the borough council for appointing the same are hereby with- drawn and annulled.] VI. SUPPLEMENT. Act of June 13, 1S10. Pamphlet Laws, 682. 1840 . Sect. 2. That the burgess and town council of the boroughs of Lock . up Pottsville and Minersville, in the county of Schuylkill, be author- houses in ized to build and erect, or provide and support, suitable buildings Minersville* in or contiguous to the said boroughs, to be used as lock-up hou- ses, or places of security, for .the temporary detention of persons committed by a justice of the peace of the said county, for any *Act of April 19, 1856; P. L. 464. Sec. 1. That the second pro- viso of the first section of the Act of the twenty-eighth of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty, relative to said borough, and which provides that no person shall be compelled to pave any footway to a greater width than five feet in front of any vacant lot, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as relates to Centre street in said borough. •(•Repealed by Act of April 7, 1848, Section 5. See page 19, in note. 18 1840 . . Proviso. 1842 . 1844 . Pottsville borough. 1844 . Duties of treasurer. 1844 . violation of the laws of the commonwealth, for which such person or persons could lawfully be committed to the common prison, there to remain and be kept until such offender can be conve- niently conveyed to the county prison, or until he be discharged according to law : Provided , That no person committed by a jus- tice of the peace shall be confined in said house for a longer pe- riod than twenty-four hours. VII. SUPPLEMENT. Act of July 16, 1842. Pamphlet Laws, 38T. Sect. 46. That hereafter there shall be an election held in each ward, for borough officers, for the borough of Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkill, at the same places named in an act passed the thirteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and forty, relative to said borough. VIII. SUPPLEMENT. Act of March 9, 1844. Pamphlet Laws, 78. Sect. 37. That the North ward in the borough of Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkill, shall be divided into two wards; and that Centre street, in said borough, shall be the dividing line ; the ward lying eastwardly of Centre street, shall be called the North- east ward ; and the ward lying westwardly of said Centre street shall be called the North-west ward. (The qualified electors of the North-east ward shall hold their general elections at the house now occupied by Maximilian Dorflinger ; and the qualified electors of the North-west w T ard shall hold their elections at the house now occupied by Nathaniel J. Mills.*) IX. SUPPLEMENT. Act of March 14, 1844. Pamphlet Laws, 110. Sect. 2. That it shall and may be lawful for the electors of every township and borough in the counties of Schuylkill and Northumberland, annually, at the time and place of electing su- pervisors, to elect a township or borough treasurer, who shall give such bond, and perform such duties, and be subject to the like penalties, as are provided for in the ninety-fifth, ninety-sixth, ninety-seventh and ninety-eighth sections of the act of fifteenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, entitled “An Act relating to counties and townships, and county and township officers.” X. SUPPLEMENT. Act of April 26, 1844. Pamphlet Laws, 410. Sect. 6. That the time for holding the borough elections in the borough of Pottsville, shall be on the days now fixed by law, and *See page 19 in note. 19 the polls shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten o’- 1844. clock in the morning, and close at seven o’clock in the evening ; Elections, and it shall be the duty of the judges and inspectors elected at the borough 6 March elections next preceding the borough elections, to officiate as the officers of the respective wards for which they shall have been so elected at the borough elections, except that the judges and inspectors elected for the North west ward, as aforesaid, shall officiate as the officers of borough elections held in and for the North ward, in said borough. XI. SUPPLEMENT. 1844. Act of May 8, 1S44. Pamphlet Laws, 578. Sect. 50. That the time for holding the borough elections in Schuylkill, the borough of Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkill, shall be on Pottsville the days now fixed by law, and the polls shall be opened between oroug the hours of eight and ten o’clock in the morning, and close at seven o’clock in the evening; [and it shall be the duty of the judges and inspectors elected at the March elections next prece- ding the borough elections, to serve as the officers of the respect- ive wards for which they shall have been so elected at the borough elections, except that the judges and inspectors elected for the North-west ward, as aforesaid, shall serve as the officers of the bor- ough elections held in and for the North ward, in said borough.] XII. SUPPLEMENT. 1845. Act of February 9, 1S45. Pamphlet Laws, 50. Sect. 1. Be it enacted , &c., That the qualified electors of the North-east and North-west wards of the borough of Pottsville, shall, respectively, be entitled to choose two justices of the peace Justiceg and one constable, for their respective wards, in manner provided by law; (and that all elections for the North-west ward shall be held at the house now occupied by Nathaniel J. Mills,*) and all elections for the North-east ward shall be held at the house now occupied by Maximilian Doerflinger.f Sect. 2. That the qualified electors of the respective wards, boroughs and townships of the county of Schuylkill, shall hold Elect < iong * their annual elections, for the election of constables, justices of the peace, assessors, supervisors, and all other officers for such wards, boroughs, and townships, respectively, except the election of such officers whose elections are provided for by the several acts incorporating said boroughs, and their supplements, on the fourth Friday of February instant, and on the third Friday of February annually hereafter. * x 'Act of January 29, 1850; P. L. 26. Sec. 6. That the qualified vo- ters of the North East Ward of the Borough of Pottsville, in the County of Schuylkill, shall hereafter hold their General and Ward elections at the house of Patrick Curry, in said Ward. f Act of February 10, 1851; P. L. 43. Sec. 35. The qualified voters of the North West Ward shall hereafter hold their Ward and General elections at the public house now occupied by George Betz, in said Ward. 20 [*Sect. 3. That the qualified electors of each ward of the bor- ough of Pottsvilie, shall hereafter, at the times and places of hold- ing their borough elections, elect one supervisor for each ward re- spectively ; and it shall be the duty of the supervisors so elected, to superintend and attend to the opening, widening, and repairing of the public streets and highways of said borough, in the respec- tive wards for which said supervisors shall be elected, under the directions of the street committee ; and so much of all former laws, inconsistent with the provisions of this section be and the same is hereby repealed.] Sect. 4. That whenever a vacancy occurs in the town council of the borough of Pottsvilie, occasioned by the death, resignation, refusal to act, removal from the borough, of any of the members thereof, the council, at the next stated or any subsequent stated meeting thereafter, may fill such vacancy or vacancies, by the elec- tion of any qualified citizen or citizens, who shall remain in office until the next annual election for borough officers, when the qual- ified voters of the said borough shall elect a sufficient number of qualified citizens for the unexpired terms of such members whose places were thus supplied by an election of the council. XIII. SUPPLEMENT. Act of April 10th, 1849. Pamphlet Laws, 396. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, &c., That from and after the passage of bi? to°give " this act the high constable of the borough of Pottsvilie before en- bond. tering upon the duties of his office, shall give a bond in the sum of not less than five hundred, nor more than three thousand dol- lars, as the court of quarter sessions of the county of Schuylkill shall direct, which bond shall be taken by the clerk of said court in the name of the Commonwealth, with condition for the just and faithful discharge by said constable of the duties of his office, and such bond shall be held in trust for the benefit of all persons who may sustain injury from him in his official capacity by reason of neglect of duty, and for the like purposes and uses as Sheriffs’ bonds are given and hel,d. 1850. XIY. SUPPLEMENT. Act of March 11. 1850. Pamphlet Laws, 140. Corporation Sect. 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the town council of the cor- may borrow poration of the borough of Pottsvilie, be and they are hereby au- thonzed and empowered to borrow any sum or sums of money not exceeding in the whole twenty thousand dollars, which they may deem necessary, for the purpose of liquidating the debt of said bor- ough, paving and curbing the streets, lanes, and alleys thereof, as ■^Repealed. - Act of April 7, 1848 ; P. L., 365. Sec. 5. That all laws relating to the election of Supervisors in the borough of Pottsvilie, in Schuylkill county, be and the same are hereby repealed. *v 1845. Election of supervisors. Councils may fill va- cancies. 1849. 21 well as to pay for the erection of the market house in said borough, 1850 , or for other necessary borough purposes, in the name and upon the faith, credit, and responsibility, of the corporation of the borough of Pottsville aforesaid ; to issue certificate of such loan or loans to the holders thereof, in sums not less than one hundred dollars each, and to make such provision out of the taxes of said borough, from time to time, as may be necessary to pay the interest upon such loan or loans, as to redeem the principal at such times and in such manner as may be conformable to the terms upon which the same may be taken. # Sect. 2. The several justices of the peace of the corporation of Actions for the borough of Pottsville shall have power to hear and determine all pena ies * actions for the breach of any regulation contained in the charter of said borough ordinance or by-law of said corporation ; and the proper remedy for the recovery of any penalty or for the breach of any regulation or ordinance or by-law as aforesaid, shall be by ac- tion for debt, to be proceeded in the same manner, and subject to the same rights as to bail and appeal, as debts of like amount are by the laws of this Commonwealth recoverable, anything in said charter to the contrary notwithstanding. Sect. 3. That so much of any act as is hereby altered or sup- RepeaI plied, be and the same is hereby repealed. XV. SUPPLEMENT. 1852, Act of April 1, 1852. Pamphlet Laws, 155. Sect. 16. That the President, members of the town council, and of the board of School Directors of the district, of the corporation of the borough of Pottsville, shall continue in office until the next borough election, to be held for said borough, and no longer ; and council re- that thereafter the town council and the board of school directors organized, shall consist of twelve members each, and that each ward in said borough shall respectively be entitled to elect three members of the town council, and three members of the school board at the next election, as aforesaid ; one of each to serve for one year, one of each to serve for two years, and one of each to serve for three years; and that annually after the next borough election, as afore- said, each ward shall elect one member of the town council and one member of the board of school directors, as aforesaid, each to serve for three years, and that hereafter, in lieu of the mode now t 0W11 c]erk provided for electing the town clerk for said borough, he shall be £° ^councii^ elected annually, by the town council, at the next stated meeting y ounci ’ after the borough election. XVI. SUPPLEMENT. Act of February 6, 1852. Pamphlet Laws, 37. 1852 . Sect. 14. That from and after the passage of this Act, so much of the North ward of the borough of Pottsville, in the County of Schuylkill, described and bounded as follows : Northwardly by ♦ 22 1852. High street, Eastwardly by Second street, Southwardly by Norwe- gian street, and Westwardly by the borough line, shall form anew created Wmd war d> to ca ^ e( ^ the Middle ward, and all elections shall hereaf- ter be held at the public house now owned by John McBarron, and known as the Bed Lion Hotel, in said ward. 1859 XVII. SUPPLEMENT. Act of Febrnary 26, 1859. Pamphlet Laws, T9. Sect. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen- tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem- bly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Boundaries That the lines of the borough of Pottsville in the County of Schuyl- ofthebor- kill be, and hereby are extended, so as to embrace within the lim- ded. its of the said borough, all that part of Norwegian township in said county, beginning at a post, the present north-west corner of said borough, thence along the western line of a tract of land known as the navigation tract, north nineteen and. three-quarters degrees west, eleven hundred and eight feet to a post and stones ; thence by the land of R. M. and L. Lewis, and the North Amer- ica Coal Company, north seventy degrees east, thirty-three hundred and twelve feet to a stone ; thence south twenty degrees east, three hundred and fifty-eight feet to a stone; thence north seventy de- grees east, twenty-one hundred and ninety-one feet to a stone; thence south one and one-half degrees east, eight hundred and twenty-two feet to the crossing of the present north line of said borough; thence along said line to the place of beginning. Sect. 2. That all that portion of the above described part of Norwegian township, lying west of the Centre turnpike road, be, Annexed to and is hereby annexed to, and hereafter shall constitute a part of N.w. ward. ^h e North-west ward of said borough; and all that portion lying east of said road, be, and is hereby annexed to, and hereafter shall ' war * constitute a part of the North-east ward of said borough. Sect. 3. That the part of Norwegian township above described, shall hereafter constitute a part of the School district of the bor- ough of Pottsville. Sect. 4. That the streets, lanes, and alleys, in the said above described part of Norwegian township, laid out and marked upon streets dc ^he or draft tbe Norwegian addition to the borough of dared high- Pottsville, recorded in the office for recording deeds, et cetera, in ways ’ and for the said county of Schuylkill, in town plot and draft book number one, on the twelfth day of January, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, be and the same is hereby declared to be public highways, and to be subject to the laws reg- lating public roads. 1859. XVI II. SUPPLEMENT. Act of April 11, 1859. Pamphlet Laws, 439. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the Town Council of the bor- ough of Pottsville may hereafter appoint a collector of taxes for 1859. each ward of the borough, or may appoint one collector for two or collector, more wards, or one collector for the whole borough, as the council may determine as best adapted to promote the public interest. Sect. 2. That in all cases where pavements or gutters have been Pavementg made, or may hereafter be made in the said borough, and have be- come, or may become out of repair, if the owner, tenant, or occu- pier of the premises in front of which such pavements or gutters are or may be out of repair, shall neglect or refuse to amend or repair the same within ten days after notice given to such owner, tenant, or occupier, and also in all cases where the owner, tenant, or occupier, of lots in the said borough in front of which the side walks are not paved or curbed, shall neglect or refuse to curb and pave the same within sixty days after notice given to such owner, tenant, or occupier, the town council may have such pavements or gutters duly amended or repaired, and said side walks paved and Lien may be curbed, and the expense thereof shall be a lien upon the lot in filed * front of which the same may be done, until paid, and the amount thereof, with legal interest, may be collected as mechanics' liens are collected under existing laws ; in all cases where the tenant or occupier of the premises shall pave, curb, amend and repair, such pavements, side walks, or gutters, upon notice as aforesaid, or who shall pay the expense thereof when done by the town council, as aforesaid, may set off the amount thereof against the claim of the landlord or owner, for the rent or occupation of the premises, in the same manner as taxes paid by the tenant can now be set off. XIX. SUPPLEMENT. i 860 . Act of March 6, 1SG0. Pamphlet Laws, 119. Sect: 1. Be it enacted, &c., That in all cases in which the cor- poration of the borough of Pottsville may cause curb stones to be Curbstones * set, side walks cut down or filled up, or pavements or gutters made or repaired, after notice to the owner or occupier of the premises PavementsL in front of which such work may be done as provided by law, the said corporation may in addition to the cost of such work recover twenty per cent, on the cost thereof, in the manner in which the cost of such work is now recoverable. Sect. 2. In addition to the remedies now provided by law, the Costofpave .. corporation of the borough of Pottsville may recover the costs of ment to be making or repairing any pavements or gutters, and twenty per w ith twenty cent, thereon of the owner of the property, in front of which suchP ercent - work may be done, in action of debt before any alderman, justice of the peace, or Corfrts of this Commonwealth, having jurisdiction of the amount of the claim. XX. SUPPLEMENT. i 86L Act of February 26, 1861. Pamphlet Laws, 50. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, &c. ; That from and after the passage of 24 1861. this Act, all that part of the South ward of the Borough of Potts- ville aforesaid, lying East of Centre street and South of Norwe- South-east gi an street, be and is hereby erected into a new Ward, to be ted. ‘ called South East ward* ; and that the qualified electors thereof shall hold their elections at the American House in said new ward; and that James A. Innes, Esq., shall be the Judge, and John Leonard and Henry Gressang the Inspectors, to hold the first election after the passage of this Act ; and said Inspectors shall appoint a Clerk for said elections as is provided for by ex- isting laws ; Provided , That the said above named election offi- cers shall hold their offices until the next election for election of- ficers in said borough, after the passage of this Act. 1862. XXI. SUPPLEMENT. Act of February 19, 1862. Pamphlet Laws, 40. Act repealed Borough ex- tended. Part of N. W. ward. Part of mid- dle ward. Election precinct. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, &c., That the act entitled “An act to annex part of the township of Norwegian, in the county of Schuyl- kill, to the borough of Pottsville, and to establish a new ward in the said borough,” approved the first day of May, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and sixty one,')' be and the same is hereby repealed. Sect. 2. That the tract of land known as the Square tract and the Eyre tract, and so much of the Minnich and Zoll tract that lies north of a continuation of the south line of the Stephens Green tract, be and the satne is hereby annexed to, and made part of, the borough of Pottsville. Sect. 3. That so much of the territory annexed to the borough of Pottsville by the second section of this act, that lies north of a line extended from the termination of High street, and on the same course of the said street until it strikes the west line of the bor- ough, as fixed by this act, shall be annexed to, and form part of, the North-west ward of the borough of Pottsville ; that so much of the territory aforesaid as is bounded on the north by the part above annexed to the North-west ward, and on the south by Norwegian street, as marked on the plan of Wood’s addition, shall be annexed to, and form part of, the Middle ward of the borough of Pottsville ; and the residue of the said territory shall be annexed to, and form part of, the South ward of the borough of Pottsville. Sect. 4. That the act entitled “An act to create a new ward in the borough of Pottsville,” passed the twenty-sixth day of Febru- ary, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, shall be construed as creating an election* precinct of the South ward, and not as creating a new and distinct ward of the borough of Pottsville *To be an election precinct only. See Section 4 of Supplement XXII. Post. f For this Act see appendix. 1864 XXII. SUPPLEMENT. Act of May 3, 1864. Sect. 1 . Be it enacted, &c., That the town councii of the borough of Pottsville shall have power to make ordinances direct- Council may ing the size of culverts, through which creeks and streams ofg^of cui- water may flow across the public streets and private property, and verts &c. shall have power by ordinance to direct that any of the streams of water shall be diverted into public culverts in the streets in order to straighten the said streams to avert the danger to public streets and private property from freshets, and the said town council, for the purpose of making a culvert for conveying the water of the Norwegian creek to the Schuylkill river, shall have power and au- thority to enter upon any lands to survey, mark out and construct a culvert, and shall pay for property so taken, such compensation as may be just, to be determined in the same manner upon petition of the owners of the property, in the same manner as is provided by the general railroad law. Sect. 2. That if any owner of property shall neglect or refuse PenaIties&c to comply with the directions of any ordinance of the council, di- recting the size of the culvert for any stream of water as aforesaid, the council shall have the same power and authority to make and construct the same, and collect the cost thereof, with twenty per cent, in addition thereto, in the manner provided by the act of April eleventh, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, for curbing, paving and repairing of pavements in the borough of Pottsville, the provisions of which act are hereby extended to the culverts that may be made under the authority of this act. . V ORDINANCES. I. AN ORDINANCE For the removal of nuisances. Be it ordained, &e., That all nuisances be immediately re- moved from the streets, lanes and alleys of said borough. It shall be the duty of the high constable to give notice to each person leaving such nuisances, to remove the same, and any person who neglects to remove the same after such notice shall have been giv- en, shall forfeit and pay to the borough for its use, a fine not ex- ceeding two dollars for every twenty-four hours such nuisances shall remain unremoved. But any person leaving such nuisance as requires immediate removal, shall, upon notice given as above, remove the same immediately or forfeit and pay the same penalty. And such fines and forfeitures shall be recovered as sums of like amount are by law recoverable. Passed May 9, 1828. Francis B. Nichols, Chief Burgess. Attest — Samuel Bex, Town Clerk. II. AN ORDINANCE Respecting public exhibitions. Be it ordained, &c., That all public exhibitions (excepting natural curiosities) shall pay to the chief burgess, for the use of the borough, a sum not less than three nor more than ten dollars, for every such exhibition. Passed May 16, 1828. F. B. Nichols, Chief Burgess. Attest — Samuel Rex, Town Clerk. III. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting vagrants and disorderly persons from disturbing the peace. Be it ordained, &c., That all vagrants and disorderly persons found disturbing the peace and harmony of the borough, shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay a fine of one dollar for each and every such offence, for the use of the borough, and any per- son or persons refusing to pay such fine or forfeiture, shall be con- fined in the county jail for the space of not more than six days for each and every offence. Passed June 20, 1828. F. B. Nichols, Chief Burgess. Attest — Samuel Rex, Town Clerk . 1828 , 28 1828. Fire-arms. 1830. Public sts. IV. AN ORDINANCE Requiring the high constable to carry into effect an ordinance regulating swine, under » penalty, &c. Be it ordained, &c.. That in case of the high constable re- fusing to fulfill his duty in regard to the ordinance regulating swine, or any other ordinance which has or may be passed, shall on conviction of the same before the burgess, pay a fine of not less than two nor more than five dollars, to be appropriated to the use of the borough. And be it further ordained, &c., That if any person or persons shall refuse to assist the high constable in the execution of his of- fice, when called on for assistance, on being legally convicted there- of before the burgess, shall pay a fine of not less than two nor more than five dollars. Passed July 11, 1828. F. B. Nichols, Chief Burgess. Attest — Samuel Rex, Town Clerk. V. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting the firing of crackers, squibs, &c. Sect. 1. Be it ordained, &c., That any person or persons vend- ing or exposing to be vended, or any person or persons firing or causing to be fired within this borough any cracker or crackers, squibs or rockets, shall upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay for each and every such offence, a fine of four dollars, for the use of the borough. Sect. 2. And be it further ordained, &c., That any person or persons firing, or causing to be fired, any kind of fire arms within this borough, shall upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a fine of four dollars for the use of the borough. Sect. 8 . And be it further ordained, &c., That all fines and forfeitures shall be recovered as debts of like amount are by law r recoverable. Passed July 24, 1828. F. B. Nichols, Chief Buigess. Attest — Samuel Rex, Town Clerk . VI. AN ORDINANCE Declaring several streets to be public highways, and for other purposes. Sect. 1. Be it ordained, &c., That from and after the passage of this ordinance, all steeets, lanes and alleys opened, or laid out, or drawn, or marked on the plans or plots by those persons who have laid out additions to the plan or plot of the town of Potts- ville, as laid out by the late John Pott, are, and are hereby de- clared to be public streets, lanes and alleys ; and that all earth, stones, gravel, or other valuable materials therein, are hereby de- clared to be the property of the borough. Sect. 2. And be it further ordained, &c., That if any person or persons shall appropriate to his, her or their use, or shall dig or carry away any earth, stones, or gravel, from any street, lane or 29 alley mentioned in the first section of this ordinance, without per- 1830. mission from the chief burgess, or in his absence the second bur- gess, every person so offending, shall forfeit and pay for every and each offence the sum of five dollars, to be recovered with costs of ^°™ t t h j* ne9 suit as debts of like amount are by law recoverable, and paid to anTafieys/ the treasurer for the use of the borough. Sect. 3. ( Repealed by ordinance of June 12, 1860.) Passed May 31, 1830. F. B. Nichols, Chief Burgess . Attest — Robert Woodside, Town Cleric. VII. AN ORDINANCE For the suppression of nuisances, and enforcing useful regulations within the borough of Pottsville. Be it ordained, &c., That from and after the passage of this Prohibiting ordinance, if any person shall wilfully or negligently drive, ride or d^vin^and lead any horse or horses upon, or cause or permit any carriage °f co^&^on any kind whatsoever to pass upon, or along, or remain on any foot- the foot- way or pavement within this borough, or shall unload or cast out ways * of any cart, wagon or other carriage, any cord wood, brick, stone, bar iron, timber, lumber, of any kind, or coals upon any such footway or pavement, he, she or they so offending, shall forfeit and pay a sum of not less than one nor more than five dollars, to be re- covered with costs of suits as debts of like amount are by law re- coverable, and paid to the treasurer for the use of the borough. — Passed June 3, 1830. F. B. Nichols, Chief Burgess. Attest — Robert Woodside, Town Clerk. VIII. A SUPPLEMENT To an ordinance for the suppression of nuisances, &c. Be it ordained, &c., That from and after the passing of this or- dinance, if any person or persons shall wilfully or negligently ride, o^ra^ng* drive, permit, or suffer any horse or horses to go in a gallop, or hor ® es - other immoderate gait, or shall ride or drive any race or trial of speed with any horse or horses, in or through any street, lane or alley of this borough, so as to endanger persons walking or standing therein, every person so offending, shall forfeit and pay a sum of not less than one nor more than five dollars, to be recovered in the manner and for the use mentioned in the ordinance to which this is a supplement. Passed June 17, 1830. F. B. Nichols, Chief Burgess % Attest — Robert Woodside, Town Clerk . IX. AN ORDINANCE For securing the borough of Pottsville from damage by gunpowder. Be it ordained, &c., That from and after the twenty-third day of this present month, no person shall keep in any house, store, Penalty on shop, cellar, or other place within this borough, a greater quantity g un P° wder of gunpowder, at one time, than two kegs thereof, under a pen- 30 1830 . No new slaughter houses to be erected in the borough Penalty. No offal to annoy the neighbor- hood. No offal to be thrown into water courses. Depth of graves. alty of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, for every keg of powder so kept in any place as aforesaid, to be recovered with costs of suit, as debts of the same amount are by law recoverable, and paid into the treasury for the use of the borough. Passed July 12, 1830. F. B. Nichols, Chief Burgess. Attest — Robert Woodside, Town Clerk. X. AN ORDINANCE For the regulation of slaughter houses, and for the protection of the health of the in- habitants of the borough of Pottsville. Sect. 1. Be it ordained, &c , That from and after the passing of this ordinance, no person shall erect or build any slaughter house, or other building for the purpose of slaughtering or killing cattle, sheep, or other animals therein, or shall use or occupy any house or building now erected for that purpose, that hath not hitherto been used for the same, within the limits of this borough, under a penalty of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars for every animal killed or slaughtered therein, to be recovered, with costs of suit, as debts of the same amount are by law recoverable, and paid into the treasury for the use of the borough. And if any person or persons who now use or shall use or occupy any slaughter house or other building as aforesaid, now built or erected, shall keep at or near his slaughter house any garbage, offal or filth whatsoever, so as to annoy or offend any neighbor, or any person whatsoever, every person so offending shall forfeit and pay a sum of not less than five nor more than thirty dollars, to be recovered in the man- ner and applied to the uses aforesaid. Sect. 2. And be it further ordained, &c., That if any person or persons shall cast, throw, or lay any carcase, carrion, offal, or filth of any kind whatsoever, into any stream of water or water- course running through this borough, every person so offending shall forfeit a sum of not less than five nor more than fifty dollars, to be recovered in the manner and applied to the uses aforesaid.— Passed July 15, 1830. F. B. Nichols, Chief Burgess. Attest — Robert Woodside, Town Clerk. XI. AN ORDINANCE For the regulation of interments within the borough of Pottsville. Sect. 1. Be it ordained, &c., That from and after the passing of this ordinance, every grave in which the body of any deceased person shall be buried or interred within the borough of Pottsville, shall be of the following depth, to wit : Every grave that shall be less than four feet in length shall be not less than four feet deep, and every grave of a greater length than four feet shall be not less than five feet six inches deep, measuring from the lowest part of the surface of the ground surrounding the said grave. 31 SEOr. 2. And be it farther ordained, &c., That every person 1830, who shall dig or cause to be dug, any grave contrary to the provi- sions of this ordinance, or shall bury or cause to be buried the body of any deceased person therein, every person so offending Penalty, shall forfeit and pay, for each and every offence the sum of ten dollars, to be recovered, with costs, as debts of the same amount are by law recoverable, and paid into the treasury for the use of the borough. Passed August 16, 1830. Robert Woodside, Town Cleric. XII. AN ORDINANCE For the regulation of the drivers of horses and carriages through the borough of Potts- ville. WHEREAS frequent accidents have happened by the careless- ness or perverseness of drivers of carriages and horses in and through the streets of the borough of Pottsville, for remedy and preventation thereof, 1st. Be it ordained, &c., That from and after the passing of this ordinance, no person whatsoever shall sit or stand upon any cart, wagon, or other carriage of any kind whatsoever, or any horse or Joi^the* 0 beast harnessed thereto, in order to drive the same, unless he shall ^ r n g | s °y h h e c n have strong reins or lines fastened to the bridles of his beasts, and driving, held in his hands sufficient to guide and restrain them from run- ning, galloping, or going at an immoderate rate, contrary to the provisions of an ordinance, passed the seventh of June, 1830. — And all carters, wagoners and other persons having the care of any carriages as aforesaid, passing through any street, lane or alley of this borough, who shall not hold the reins in their hands as afore- ^ heSteof said, shall walk by the head of the shaft or wheel horse, holding their horses, or within reach of the halter or bridle of the said horse, in order to guide or restrain them in the manner aforesaid; and each and every person wilfully or negligently offending in either of the cases aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay the sum of two dollars, to be re- covered, with costs, as debts of the like amount are by law recov- erable, and paid into the treasury for the use of the borough. Sect. 2. And be it further ordained, &c., That if any person or persons shall wilfully permit or suffer any horse, mare or geld- ing, to go at large through the streets, lanes or alleys of this borough, or any part thereof, every person or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay for every such offence the sum of two dollars, ena 7 ' to be recovered in the manner and applied to the uses aforesaid. Passed August 10, 1830. Robert Woodside, Town Clerk . XIII. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting the throwing of coal ashes in the streets, and for other purposes. Sect. 1. Be it ordained, &c., That from and after the thirteenth day of December next, if any person or persons shall cast, throw. 32 1331 . Coal ashes Ac not to be thrown into graded sts. Penalty. No coal or fuel to re- main in sts for more than 24 hours. Penalty. 1836. May lay pipes thro the streets. or lay any coal dust, coal ashes, or rubbish of any kind, into or in any street, lane or alley of this borough, that has been graded or the water-courses therein opened, every person so offending shall forfeit and pay, for every such offence, a sum not less than one nor more than five dollars, to be recovered as debts of the same amount are by law recoverable, and paid into the treasury for the use of the borough. Sect. 2. And be it further ordained, &c., That from an after the thirteenth day aforesaid, if any person or persons shall place, or cause to be placed, in any street, lane or alley mentioned in the first section of this ordinance, any coal or other article of fuel and cause the same to remain more than twenty-four hours, every such person shall forfeit and pay the sum of not less than one nor more than five dollars. But in no case shall any coal, wood, or any other article of fuel be placed within two feet of the gutter, under the above penalty, to be recovered in the same manner and applied to the same purpose as is directed in the first section of this ordi- nance. Passed November 28, 1831. Samuel Brooke, Brest. Council. Attest — David Candor, Town Clerk. XIV. AN ORDINANCE Relative to the Pottsville Water Company. WHEREAS, the Pottsville Water Company have made appli- cation for the privilege of laying water-pipes through the streets and alleys and public grounds of the borough, agreeably to the 7th section of the act of Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the 11th day of April, 1834, under which the said company is incorporated ; Therefore, be it enacted by the inhabitants of the borough of Pottsville in council assembled, That the Pottsville Water Company shall have full power and authority to bring and convey into the borough of Pottsville, by means of pipes, trunks, aquaducts or other means, some spring or stream of water from the neighborhood of or from within the bounds of the borough, and for the purpose aforesaid the said company shall have liberty at all times to dig and lay pipes or trunks along the roads and highways, and along the streets, lanes, alleys and public grounds of the borough, and to renew and repair the same, shutting up and amending any breach which they may make as soon as possi- ble, making as little obstruction to the public travelling as the na- ture of the work will admit. Passed May 10, 1836. Geo. C. Wynkoop, Prest . Council. Attest — Edw. Owen Parry, Town Clerk. XV. AN ORDINANCE Prescribing the duties of the collectors of taxes. Sect. 1. Be it ordained, &o., That the council shall from time to time, and whenever the same may be necessary, appoint a Collector. 33 proper person to collect the taxes, rates and levies, assessed, rated 1836. or levied by the council who shall receive for his services such compensation as the council from time to time by resolution may determine. Sect. 2. The collector before he enters on the duties of his appointment, shall give a bond with such surety and penalty as shall be satisfactory to the president of the council, and a warrant b°nd7war- to confess judgment thereon to the corporation of the borough of rant of at-^ Pottsville, conditioned that he will faithfully and diligently collect surety.’ an and duly pay over to the treasurer of the borough of Pottsville, agreeably to the provisions of the act of assembly and of this ordinance, the taxes contained in the duplicate and lists to be to him delivered, excepting such allowances as shall be made thereon by the council. Sect. 3. The collector at the time of demanding or receiving any tax, shall produce the duplicate of the tax so demanded or received, and immediately on the receipt thereof, and in the presence of the person paying, write the word “paid” therein ^ of ^ opposite to the name or description of the person or estate by or lector when for whom on which the tax is paid. The collector shall, on the second Monday succeeding his appointment pay over to the treas- taxes, urer, all sums of money then received by him on account of the said duplicate, and on every second Monday thereafter, while the duplicate remains in his hands, he shall pay over to the treasurer all sums of money received by him in the preceding two weeks. Sect. 4. Whenever any money shall be paid to the treasurer by Taxes to be the collector, on account of a duplicate of taxes, he shall produce t^asurer! 10 the duplicate and pay over and account for all such sums of money as shall appear by the entries on the duplicate to have been paid. The treasurer shall give a receipt to the collector for all sums of money paid by him into the treasury, and the collector shall deliver the said receipt to the town clerk, who shall retain and receipt for the same and immediately charge the account of the^ce^Ho treasurer and credit the account of the collector with the sum that eguen ' shall appear by such receipt to have been paid into the treasury. And the collector shall, on or before the second Monday of March succeeding the time of his receiving a duplicate of taxes for col- dupi?c a te hen lection, pay into the treasury of the borough the whole amount of sha11 be the duplicate, excepting such allowances as may be made by the council, otherwise the bond given by him shall be forfeited. Passed October 13, 1836. Geo. C. Wynkoop, Prest. Council . * Attest— E dW. Owen Parry, Town Clerk . XVI. AN ORDINANCE To prohibit the sale of unwholesome provision within the borough of Pottsville, and to secure cleanliness in the shops and stands of persons who sell provision. Sect. 1. Be it ordained, &c., That if any huckster, truckman, victualler, shopkeeper, or other person, shall sell or expose to sale, 5 1842. 34 1842 . within the limits of said borough, any noxious or unwholesome vegetables, meat, fish, or other provision, or if any keeper of a No unwhole- shop stall, or truckstand, shall keep said shop, stall, or stand, so rn e to P b°e V1 - same unclean, and noisome smells are emitted there- from, he, she or they, so offending against the provisions of this ordinance, shall forfeit and be liable to pay a fine of not less than three nor more than five dollars for each offence. Sect. 2. This ordinance shall go into effect from and after the first day of July, 1842. Passed June 21, 1842. Prancis J. Paryin, Prest . Council Attest — F. W. Hughes, Town Clerk . XVII. AN ORDINANCE Relating to lamps and lamp posts. Be it ordained, &c., That if any person or persons shall and do, to be injur- after the passing of this ordinance, maliciously, wilfully, or wan- tonly extinguish, break, destroy, injure, overthrow, or carry away any of the public lamps, lamp posts, or any thing pertaining * thereto, in any of the streets, lanes or alleys, within this borough, every such person so offending, and every person aiding and con- Penaity. cerned in such offence, shall forfeit and pay for every such offence/ the sum of five dollars. Passed April 22, 1845. Benj. Haywood, Prest . Council . Attest- — Isaac Beck, Tovm Clerk . XVIII. AN ORDINANCE Relating to awnings, rails and wooden sheds. * Awning Sect. 1. Be it ordained, &c., That from and after the passing rails 8 aDd ^is ordinance, every awning rail which shall be and remain placed of fixed in any public street, lane or alley of the borough, for the purpose of fastening thereto any awning, shall be at least six feet four inches from the lower side thereof to the pavement under it, and every person who shall use such rail so placed and fixed, which shall not be of the height aforesaid above the pave- Penalty. ment, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars. Sect. 2. That from and after the passing of this ordinance, all chains and and every rail or rails so placed or fixed as above mentioned, and all chains, bars or rails between posts fixed or placed near the gutters, in any street, lane or alley of this borough, and all wooden sheds over the pavement in any street, lane or alley of this borough, are hereby declared to be common nuisances, and it shall and may be lawful for the chief burgess, and he is hereby enjoined and required to take down and remove the same. Passed April 22, 1845. Benj. Haywood, Prest . Council Attest — Isaac Beck, Town Clerk . sold. Penalty. 1845 . XIX. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting persons to bring suits to enforce the ordinances of the borough of Potts- ville, unless with the consent of the chief burgess. Be it ordained, &<}., That hereafter no person or persons shall bring suit or suits to enforce the ordinances of the borough of Pottsville, or recover penalties for breaches thereof, unless with the consent of the chief burgess or borough solicitor, and all persons bringing such suits except the chief burgess, shall be liable for the payment of costs, in case the same shall not be collectable from the defendant or defendants; anything in former ordinances to the contrary is hereby repealed. Passed July 6, 1852. Frank Pott, Brest. Council. Attest — James A. McBarron, Town Clerk. XX. AN ORDINANCE Prohibiting persons from occupying any street or alley of the borough of Pottsville with cattle for the purpose of exposing the same for sale. Be it ordained, &e., That all persons are hereby prohibited from occupying any street or alley of the borough of Pottsville with cattle for the purpose of exposing the same for sale, under the penalty of one dollar for the first offence, and two dollars for the second offence, to be sued for and recovered before any justice of the peace in like manner as in other cases for the recovery of pen- alties, and that the owners and drivers of the cows and calves are hereby prohibited from muzzling their calves, and if muzzled shall upon request remove such muzzles under the like penalties, to be recovered as aforesaid; anything in former ordinances to the con- trary is hereby repealed. Passed July 20, 1852. Frank Pott, Brest. Council. Attest — James A. McBarron, Town Clerk. XXL AN ORDINANCE Relating to butchers and others. Be it ordained, &c., That from and after the passing of this ordinance, it shall not be lawful for butchers or other persons to sell meat of any kind from wagons, carts, or other vehicles, or haul about or expose the same to sale as aforesaid, within the limits of the borough of Pottsville, until after twelve o’clock of any day of the week except Saturdays, throughout the whole of which this prohibition shall extend, under the penalty of three dollars for each and every offence, to be recovered by action of debt for the use of said borough in like manner as in other cases, Brovided , always, that this ordinance shall not apply or extend to farmers bringing meat, poultry or other provisions into the borough afore- said. Passed December 7, 1852. Frank Pott, Brest. Council . Attest — James A. McBarron, Town Clerk. 36 1864 . XXII. AN ORDINANCE Guaranteeing six per cent, interest per annum to stockholders of the Pottsville Water Company. Be it ordained, &c., That the provisions of the ninth section of an act of the general assembly of Pennsylvania, entitled “a sup- plement to the act incorporating the Pottsville Water Company, approved the eleventh day of April, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four,” which supplement was approved on the eighteenth day of February, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four, be and the same are hereby fully approved and accepted by the borough of Pottsville, and the faith and credit of the borough of Pottsville is hereby pledged for the fulfillment of the guarantee provided in said act of assembly, of semi-annual dividends to the stockholders of said company of three per cent, on the amount of capital paid in on the subscription of stock in said company authorized by said act, agreeably to the provision of said act. Passed March 21, 1854. C. W. Pitman, Prest. Council . Attest — James A. McBarron, Town Clerk . 1855. XXIII. AN ORDINANCE For the regulation of party walls and partition fences. Founda- tions. Sect. 1. Be it enacted, &c., That from and after the passing of this ordinance, all partition walls and fences within the limits of said borough, shall be regulated by the said town council. Council to Sect. 2. The said council shall at their first regular meeting, appoint per- i n May of every year, appoint two persons who shall be constituted guiators. surveyors or regulators for the purpose of fixing and regulating all foundations, party walls and partition fences to be built, between party and party within' the limits of said borough. Sect. 3. The said surveyors or regulators upon application to them made, shall have full power and authority to enter upon the lands of any person or persons, in order to set out the foundations and regulate the walls to be built between party and party, as to the breadth and thickness thereof, (provided however, that .no partition wall shall be less than nine inches in thickness,) which foundation shall be laid equally upon the lands of the persons between whom such party wall is to be made, and the first builder shall be reimbursed. One moiety of the charge of such party wall, or for so much thereof as the next builder shall have occa- sion to make use of before such next builder shall any way use or break into the said wall, the charge or value thereof to be set by the said regulator. Sect. 4. The said surveyors or regulators shall have full power Authority of to regulate partition fences within the said borough, and where the regulators. ac y 0 i n i n g p ar ties do improve or inclose their lots, such fences shall be made in the manner generally used, and kept in good repair at the equal cost of the parties, so that the price for making exceeds 37 not the sum of five dollars for every twenty feet, unless the owners 1855* or possessors between whom such fence is or shall be erected, do agree otherwise. Sect. 5. If either party between whom such partition fence is or shall be made, shall neglect or refuse to pay his part or moiety ^ r ^ i011 for the repairing or setting up of such partition fence as aforesaid, then the party at whose cost the same was so repaired or set up, may have his action at law for the recovery of the same. Sect. 6 . If any person shall lay the foundation or begin to lay the foundation of any party wall, or of any wall adjoining, or upon the line of any public street, lane or alley within the said borough, before the line and boundaries of the lot or piece of land wherever the said foundation shall be so laid or began to be laid, shall be adjusted and marked out by the said regulators, every such person, as well employee as master builder, shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars, one-half part thereof to the said borough the Penalty, other half to the use of the informer with costs, Provided , that the suit shall be commenced within one year after the offence shall be committed. Sect. 7. The regulators so to be appointed as aforesaid for the said borough shall enter in a book all directions, orders and awards by them made concerning the boundaries of any lot or land, situ- t 0 e Seep° r ate in said borough, such book to be provided for by said borough, books, and every such order and award, if made with reasonable notice beforehand to the parties interested therein, shall be final to all persons unless the same be set aside upon appeal as aforesaid, and the said regulators shall in like manner enter in the same book all regulations made by them of descents, water courses, common sewers, and all other of their proceedings and actings in their office as regulators. Sect. 8 . The said regulators for their trouble in regulating and Payforregu- setting out the lines of any lot or piece of land, and for entering 0 8 ’ their orders and award concerning the same, shall be paid by the parties interested therein, one dollar each and no more, and for surveying, regulating and laying out any streets, water courses and common sewers, the sum of two dollars to each of them who shall be employed therein for every day so employed. Passed April 17, 1855. H. L. Cake, Pro tern., Brest . Council . Attest— Samuel Hartz, Town Clerk . XXIV. AN ORDINANCE 1859 , Regulating the carrying of gunpowder through the streets of the borough of Pottsville. Sect. 1. Be it ordained, &c., That no person shall convey or cause to be conveyed through any of the streets of the borough in any cart, wagon, or other carriage, or in any railroad car, at any Gunpowder one time any greater quantity of gunpowder than twenty-five tobesei7e<,a pounds without a sheet of canvas under, around and over the same, 38 1857. Forfeiture. Gunpowder to be soid. Disposition of the pro- ceeds. 1858* Heighth. Penalty. sufficient to prevent the same from being scattered from the said cart, wagon, carriage or railroad car, and also the said gunpowder completely covered with woolen stuff to prevent it being ignited from a spark falling upon it, under the penalty of forfeiture of the said gunpowder, and for every such offence the sum of twenty-five dollars to be paid by every person so offending. Sect. 2. The chief burgess shall take immediate possession of the- gunpowder that may be seized and forfeited under this ordi- nance, and remove the same to some safe place and sell the same, and after payment of the necessary expenses of the seizure and sale, shall pay over one-third part to the person or persons seizing the same, and shall retain one-third part for his own compensation, and shall pay the remaining third part into the treasury for the use of the borough, and in every case in which the chief burgess himself may seize gunpowder under this ordinance, the proceeds shall be divided into two equal parts, one-half to be retained by him and the other half paid into the treasury for the use of the borough. Sect. 3. The money penalty above mentioned shall be recovered as provided in the seventh section of the act of assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the 5th day of April, A. D., 1849, one-half for the use of the informer and one-half for the use of the borough. The foregoing ordinance to take effect on the twelfth day of October, 1857. Passed September 15, 1857. F. B. Kaercher, Prest. Council . Attest— Samuel Hartz, Town Clerk . XXV . AN ORDINANCE In regard to the erection of dangerous buildings. Whereas the great number of wooden buildings in the borough of Pottsville render the persons and property of the inhabitants insecure and greatly exposed to accidents from fire, and unless pre- vented within the thickly built parts thereof great danger and loss of property, if not of life, may ensue therefrom. It is therefore, Sect. 1. Ordained, &c., That from and after the passing of this ordinance, no wooden building that shall exceed in height twenty feet from the grade of the street on which it is erected, shall be erected or built in any part of the borough of Pottsville. Sect. 2. Every building hereafter erected or constructed con- trary to the provisions of the foregoing section, shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be a public and common nuisance. Sect. 3. Every person who shall erect or construct, or cause to be erected or constructed, any building contrary to the provisions of the first section of this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay a fine of one hundred dollars. Sect. 4. Each and every person who shall be employed in the building or erecting of any such wooden building, forbidden to be erected by the first section of this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay a fine of twenty dollars. 39 Sect. 5. The fines imposed by this ordinance shall be recovered by suits in the name of the corporation of the borough of Pottsville, in accordance with the act of assembly in such cases made and provided, to be instituted by the chief burgess or the president of the town council, and the high constable and police officers of the borough are hereby strictly enjoined and required to give informa- tion to the chief burgess or to the president of the council, of any violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance. Passed July 13, 1858. Daniel Shertle, Prest. Council. Attest — Samuel Hartz, Town Clerk . XXVI. AN ORDINANCE To prohibit swine and goats from running at large in the borough of Pottsville. Sect. 1. Be it ordained, &c., That from and after the publica* tion of this ordinance, any goats or any swine running at large in the borough aforesaid, shall be taken up and placed in the pound erected for that purpose. Sect. 2. That all swine or goats taken and enclosed for viola- tion of this ordinance shall be kept in the pound for the space of two days, unless before that time the owner upon proof being made, redeem the same by payment of all the costs that may have accrued ; but if no owner appear within the time above men- tioned, said swine or goats shall be forfeited and sold for the use of the borough. Sect. 3. That it shall be the duty of the chief burgess to see this ordinance carried into strict effect, to purchase food and have the animals properly cared for ; and he is hereby authorized to employ persons to capture all swine and goats found running at large in violation of this ordinance, and to pay the persons so employed such sums for the capturing and delivering of said swine and goats in the pound as the council may from time to time deem expedient. Sect. 4. That the ordinance enacted May 15, A. D., 1828, entitled “an ordinance prohibiting swine from running at large in the borough of Pottsville,” be, and the same is hereby repealed. Passed August 2, 1859. D. E. Nice, Prest . Council . Attest — A. K. Whitner, Town Clerk. XXVII. AN ORDINANCE To prevent dogs from running at large in the borough of Pottsville. Sect. 1 . Be it ordained, &c., That no dog shall be allowed to* go at large in the borough aforesaid, without having around its neck a collar of leather or metal, on which shall be inscribed the name of the owner of such dog, and that during the months of June, July and August, all dogs shall be securely muzzled, but 1858. 1859. 40 1859* nothing herein contained shall be construed to permit any female dog when in heat to run at large in the borough of Pottsville. Sect. 2. That all dogs found running at large in the borough of Pottsville, in violation of this ordinance, shall be taken up and placed in the public pound erected for that purpose, and unless by the payment of all costs that may have accrued they are redeemed by the owner within twenty-four hours from the time of their being impounded, they shall be taken out, killed and buried. Sect. 3. That it shall be the duty of the chief burgess to see this ordinance carried into strict effect, and he is hereby authorized to employ persons to capture and destroy, according to the provi- sions herein contained, all dogs found in violation of this ordinance, and pay to the persons employed such sums for the capturing, kill- ing and burial as the council may from time to time deem expedient. Sect. 4. That the ordinance enacted the 30th day of May, A. D., 1848, entitled “an ordinance in reference to dogs,” and all former ordinances in relation to dogs be, and they are hereby repealed. Passed August 2, 1859. D. E. Nice, Prest. Council . Attest — A. K. Wbitner, Town Clerk . XXVIII. AN ORDINANCE For the better regulation of streets and sidewalks in the borough of Pottsville. Be it ordained, &c., That from and after the publication of this ordinance, all persons occupying or owning property in any of the streets of the borough of Pottsville, whose grades have been laid out and the same adopted by resolution of the town council of the borough aforesaid, or which may hereafter be laid out and accept- ed by the same, shall have their curbs set, pavements made and gutters paved, in accordance with the following regulations which are hereby declared to be general : 1. The outside of the curbstone shall be placed on the lines Regulations mentioned for the width of the pavements in the several streets, curbsfpave- an d shall be at least four feet long, two feet six inches wide and ments, and six inches thick at the top. The fronts and ends of said stones gutters. s h a ii b e dressed smooth for a breadth of nine inches from the top. The top must also be dressed straight and smooth and brought to a uniform thickness of six inches by dressing the back of the breadth by two and a half inches. The top of the stone shall be so levelled as to have the same rise as the pavement, and the stone set so that the front shall lean back one and a half inches to the foot rise. 2. The sidewalks or footways between the curbstones and line footways 8 & °f sfcreets shall be cut down or filled up so as to correspond with the rise and fall thereof; and shall be paved with well burnt bricks or flagstone, and shall have a rise of half an inch to the foot, from the curbstone to the line of the street ; provided, that in front of any lots not actually built upon, the sidewalks or footways shall 41 1859. not be required to be paved to a greater width than five feet from the curbstone, the residue of such sidewalks or footways from the said pavement to the line of the street, being lined with gravel so as to support the pavement. This proviso is not to apply to Cen- tre street in the borough of Pottsville. 3. A gutter three feet wide shall be paved outside of the curb- stone with brick or stone, supported on the outer side by flat stone ^ers° f sunk on edge into the earth, and the bottom cf said gutter to be nine inches below the top of the curbstone. 4. No person shall set or cause to be set any curbstones, or pave, or cause to be paved any gutters, or make or cause to be made any pavements in any street of which the grade has been fixed by the town council, until the grade and place thereof shall be given by ® r r ^ s e t ° f be the borough surveyor or a person appointed by the council for that given, purpose. The expense thereof shall be borne by the property holders in front of whose lots the same shall be given, and any person who shall set or cause to be set any curbstones, or shall make or cause to be made any pavements, or shall pave or cause to be paved any gutters, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, shall for every offence forfeit and pay a penalty of twenty dol- PenaUy ’ lars. provided the same be not on the grade line, to be collected and paid into the treasury for the use of the borough. 5. All gas stops, water stops and awning posts must be placed Regulating immediately inside of the curbstones. The top of the gas and gas stops ’ water stops to be on a level with the pavement, and any person i * * •/ x water stODS placing or causing to be placed any stops or awning posts contrary & c . to the provisions of this ordinance, shall remove the same and for- feit and pay a penalty of five dollars for each and every offence to Penalty, be collected and paid for the use of the borough, and all stops now placed shall be cut down to the level of the pavement. 6. Not more than six feet of pavement from the line of the Doorsteps, street shall be allowed for door steps or cellar doors, when doors * the pavements are fifteen feet or more in width ; for pavements that are from seven to twelve feet wide the allowance shall be three feet, and for all pavements from four to seven feet the allowance shall be eighteen inches. o No excava- 7. No person shall dig or cause to be dug any excavation what-^ to^be^ ever in any of the streets, lanes or alleys in the borough of Potts- awrUten° U ville, without first obtaining a written permit from the chairman of the street committee, or in his absence, from* a member of the man of the same ; Provided , that the officers of the Pottsville water company, ^ttee? 0m " or the Pottsville gas company shall not be required to obtain a permit. When the purpose for which the excavation was made in the streets is completed, the person or corporation making the Excavations same shall have the opening so made, filled up immediately, beat- to be filled ing down carefully and firmly the earth thrown in, leaving the ateiy^fte^ 1 ' street at its proper grade and in as good a condition as it was be- the street is fore the excavation was begun. For each and every violation of com P leted - 1869. 42 this ordinance, the party so offending shall pay a penalty of twenty ena y ‘ dollars, to be collected and paid into the treasury for the use of the borough. No stands to 8, No person shall erect any stand either on the sidewalks or on the C s?de- public streets of the borough of Pottsville, or make use of any W ubUc sts in wa ® 0n> or ot ^ er ve ^i c ^ e for the purpose of crying out and the borough vending any patent medicine or any other article whatever. The of Pottsville burgess is hereby authorized and instructed to keep the sidewalks and public streets open for passengers and travellers, and any huckster or vender of goods, refusing to clear the sidewalks in front of his stand for passengers, or causing the footways or side- walks to be blocked up in exhibiting or selling his produce or Penalty, goods, shall for each and every offence forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars, to be collected and paid into the treasury for the use of the borough. Ail areas 9. All areas and steps, leading below the level of the pavement vault grates shall be protected by railings, and all gratings over vaults shall be ted* b P raii C * secure ty in such a manner as to render the passage of the ings y ' streets safe at all times, and if any owner of property or tenant of such property, where the owner thereof is a non-resident of the borough, shall neglect or refuse to protect such areas or steps with sufficient railing, or to cause such vault grates to be scurely fixed, Penalty, such owner or tenant shall be liable to a penalty of five dollars for every day after notice shall be given by the chief burgess or any member of the town council, that such areas, steps, or grate vaults are in an unsafe or dangerous condition. drahi8 D &c t0 ^ ra * n be ma 4e from an y cesspool or privy vault into any of the culverts of the borough without permission first ob- tained from the town council at a stated meeting, under a penalty of twenty dollars for every such offence, and no person shall be allowed to deposit tan or any refuse in any of the water courses or Penalty. public drains in the borough of Pottsville, under a like penalty of twenty dollars for every such offence. The manner H. The fines and penalties imposed by this ordinance shall be fines & pen- recovered by suits in the name of the corporation of the borough be^recover’d °^' Pottsville, in accordance with the acts of assembly in such case made and provided, to be instituted by the direction of the chief burgess or president of the town council. Passed Septem- ber 20, 1859. D. E. Nice, Prest. Council . Attest — A. K. Whitner, Town Cleric. I860. XXIX. SUPPLEMENT To an ordinance for the better regulation of streets and sidewalks in the borough of Pottsville, passed the twentieth day of September A. D., 1859. Be it ordained, &c., That from and after the publication of this ordinance, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to attach or cause to be attached to any awning post or railing, or suspend 43 I 860 . -therefrom at a greater distance than three feet from the house or Regulating premises occupied by him, her or them, any goods, meat, fish, 8ionof Pen " poultry, market truck, merchandise, or any article whatever, under ^°^“ eat a penalty of two dollars for every such offence, to be collected for houses, the use of the borough as debts of a like amount are now by law recoverable ; Provided , that in streets in which the sidewalks are Proviso, not of a greater width than six feet, no articles as aforesaid shall be attached or suspended as aforesaid, at a greater distance than eighteen inches from the house or premises occupied as aforesaid, under the above penalty. Passed February 21, 1860. Penalty, D. E. Nice, Prest. Council. Attest — A. K. Whitner, Town Clerk. XXX. AN ORDINANCE Supplementary to au ordinance passed the 31st day of May, A. D.,1S30, entitled “an ordinance declaring several streets to be public highways and for other purposes.” Sect. 1. Be it ordained, &c., That from and after the passage Relating to of this ordinance, any person or persons intending to erect or re- ^pairing 0 * pair any house, wall or building within this borough, and desiring buildings, to occupy part of the street by placing a lime house or materials for building thereon, shall apply to the chief burgess,' or in his absence, to the chairman of the street committee, who shall view the place, and if he thinks it necessary to have a lime house or to lay building materials in the street, he shall allot such part of the street as he shall think necessary and proper to accommodate the owner or owners, and shall give him or them a written permit de- scribing the space to be used, he, she or they paying for such per- mit the sum of one dollar and fifty cents for each and every month it may be deemed necessary to occupy the street for that purpose, but no permit shall be issued for a part of a month for a less sum than one dollar and fifty cents, and nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to allow the depository of building materials in the gutter. Sect. 2. Any person or persons placing building materials in matedaL^o any of the public streets or alleys in the borough of Pottsville, be placed in without first obtaining a permit of the chief burgess, or in his a b- gt^without: a sence, of the chairman of the street committee, shall be deemed permit from guilty of committing a nuisance, and shall forfeit and pay, for the the burgess * use of the borough, a fine not exceeding two dollars for every Penalty, twenty-four hours such materials remain in the streets after notifi- cation to remove the same. Scot. 3 That section 3d of the ordinance entitled, “an ordi- Repeal, nance declaring several streets to be public highways and for oth- er purposes,” be, and the same is hereby repealed. Passed June 12, 1860. Benj. Haywood, Prest. Council . Attest — A. K. Whitner, Town Clerk . 44 Application for drains. 1861. XXXI. AN ORDINANCE Relating to the culverts in the borough of Pottsville. Sect. 1. Be it ordained, &c., That no opening shall be made into any of the borough culverts excepting for borough purposes, by any person without a permit in writing signed by the town clerk, which permit shall not be given until the applicant shall deliver to the town clerk an application for such permit, endorsed by at least two members of the street committee, as decided in the second section of this ordinance, and a receipt of the treasurer of the borough for five dollars paid into the treasury of the borough for such permit. Sect. 2. Any person being the owner of a house or lot of ground near to any borough culvert, and desirous of connecting a drain from such property with such culvert, may present an appli- cation in writing to the street committee stating the property from which the drain is purposed to be made, the size of the drain, and the purpose for which the drain is intended, and if the street committee, upon due consideration of the matter, are of opinion that the application should be granted, they shall endorse upon the application the words u granted,” and the date on which the same is done, and they or any two of them shall sign their names to the endorsement, which shall be the warrant for the treasurer to receive from the applicant the charge for the permit and to the town clerk for issuing the same. Sect. 3. The permit granted as aforesaid, shall be an authority for the applicant to lay the drain mentioned in the application in the streets, and to make the connection with the culvert designated under the direction of the street committee or such person as they appoint. Sect. 4. The permit granted as aforesaid, is granted only and shall be accepted by the applicant only upon the condition that no claim or action against the borough shall ever be made or institu- ted for any damages or injury that may be sustained in consequence of the said drain being cut off, or rendered useless from the cul- vert or culverts of the borough being at any time removed or the grade or size thereof altered, or from any other cause whatever, or from any obstruction in the said culverts, whether the same shall result from accident or negligence on the part of the borough or its officers, or from any other cause whatever, and the granting of such permit, and the making of any connection under it shall not prevent the borough from having the absolute and entire control of the culvert into which any drain may be made as fully as if the permit had never been granted. Penalty. Sect. 5. If any connection be made into any of the culverts of the borough by any person or persons without a permit as above provided, each and every person ordering, directing or making such drain as owner of the premises, tenant, occupier, agent, con- tractor, workman or laborer, or otherwise, shall forfeit and pay a Permit to be sufficient authority to connect drains with culverts. Conditions on which permits are to be grant- ted. 45 fine of not less than ten nor more than fifteen dollars, to be recov- 1861. ered in the manner directed by the act of assembly in such cases made and provided, and the connection so made shall be cut off at the expense of the persons ordering, directing or making the same, or any of them. Sect. 6 . The town council expressly reserves the right to cut Reservation off any drain that may be made under any permit, wherever, in councU. 0 ^ the opinion of the town council, it is necessary for the public in- terest that the same shall be done, and from time to time to make such rules and regulations relating to drains connecting with any borough culvert as they may deem proper. Passed Nov. 5, 1861. Milton Boone, Prest . Council . Attest — A. K. Whitner, Town Clerk . NXXII. AN ORDINANCE Relating to the market and sales of marketing in the borough of Pottsville. Sect. 1 . Be it ordained, &c., That the market hours in the bo- rough of Pottsville are hereby declared to be as follows : — From the first day of October until the first day of April, every day ex- cepting Sunday, until eleven o’clock in the forenoon ; and from the first day of April until the first day of October, every day ex- cepting Sunday, until nine o’clock in the forenoon, and no person or persons shall, during market hours, buy or cause to be bought in gross and for the purpose of selling again, any article of provision, vegetable, fruit or other article or marketing, excepting only flour, meal, corn, wheat, rye, oats, or other grains, under a penalty of five dollars. Sect. 2. Each and every person selling any article of provision or marketing from any wagon, sled or vehicle in any street or alley of this borough, shall place such wagon, sled or vehicle near to the curbstone, and in such a manner as not to obstruct the travel- ing on the streets, and not to obstruct the crossings under the penalty of five dollars for each offence. Sect. 3. All butter and lard or any other article of accustomed weight or given measure, exposed for sale within the borough shall, if found deficient in weight or measure by the chief burgess, be seized by him and forfeited for the use of the borough. Sect. 4 If any person shall sell or expose to sale within the limits of the borough any beef, pork, mutton, lamb, veal, poultry, fish or other article of food that shall be found to be diseased, tainted, blown, stale, or unwholesome, or in any manner rendered unfit for use, or any veal which when killed shall not have been of the age of four weeks, such articles shall be forfeited, and the of- fender or offenders shall incur a penalty of five dollars for the first offence, and for each repetition of the offence the penalty of ten dollars. Sect. 5. The ordinance entitled u An ordinance for the regula- tion of markets in the borough of Pottsville,” pased August 6, Hours for Markets. Penalty. Regulations for placing vehicles. Penalty. Marketing to be of full weight and measure. Unwhole- some food to be forfeited. Penalty, Repeal of former ordi- nance. 46 1861 . 1861, and all former ordinances relating to markets in the borough of Pottsville are hereby repealed. Passed December 20, 1861. Jeremiah Reed, Prest . Council . Attest— A. K. Whitner, Town Clerk . (Sririnsncts f einting to % ®htmtmn af % fSnssage af % streets bg Crnlwbs nr Magnus. 1858 . XXXIII. AN ORDINANCE To prevent annoyance to persons passing through the streets of Pottsville. Crowds de- Sect. 1 . Beit ordained, &c., That all crowds and assemblies of dared nui- idle menandboysat the corner of the streets, or on the sidewalks, sances. or j Q f ron jj 0 f pl aces 0 f religious worship within the borough, whereby the passage of the footways are obstructed, are hereby for- bidden and declared to be common nuisances, and each and every person in such crowds or assemblies, wilfully affending against pine this ordinance, shall be liable to a fine of one dollar, to be recovered in the manner directed by the act of April 15, 1855, to be paid into the treasury for the use of the borough. Dut of the ® ECT * 2. The chief burgess is hereby authorized to institute all burgess. 1 16 suits for the penalty imposed by this ordinance in the name of the corporation of the borough of Pottsville. Passed June 1, 1858. Daniel Schertle, Prest. Council . Attest — Samuel Hartz, Town Clerk . XXXIY. AN ORDINANCE Regulating market wagons. streets^not Be ft ordained, &c., That all persons bringing produce or provi- strnc ed by sions for sale in wagons or other vehicles, may sell the same out of gons kJtWa " wagons or vehicles at the sides of the road way near to the curbstone of the several streets, and shall not permit nor suffer their wagons or vehicles to stand in or near the middle of the streets, and if any person or persons shall refuse to remove their wagon or vehicle to the side of the street near to the curbstone when, or as directed by the chief burgess or by the high constable, Penalty, every such person shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars, to to be recovered by suit in the name of the corporation of the bo- rough of Pottsville, according to the provisions of the acts of as- sembly in such case made and provided, and when recovered to be paid into the treasury for the use of the borough. Passed De- cember 7, 1858. Daniel Schertle, Prest. Council. Attest — Samuel Hartz, Town Clerk. 47 lire f tap. XXXV. AN ORDINANCE 1858. To prevent persons from interfering, meddling with or using the fire plugs in the borough of Pottsville. Be it ordained, &c, That any person or persons who shall inter- ^^ating fere or meddle with or use any of the fire plugs within the limits 1 P ' of the said borough, excepting the regular members of either the engine or hose companies, during the time of fires, and for the purpose of washing their machinery or hose, without the written consent of a member of the committee on fire apparatus, shall be liable to a fine of twenty five dollars, to be recovered in the manner Penalty, directed by the act of April 15, 1855, for the use of the borough. Passed September 7, 1858. Daniel Schertle, Prest. Council . Attest — Samuel Hartz, Town Clerk . ©dmratttts Mto in Jam. A SUPPLEMENT To the ordinance for the regulation of slaughterhouses. (Relating to Philip Brill’s slaughter house.) Passed April 21, 1837. Or- dinance book, page 17. AN ORDINANCE i84t. For regulating, curbing and paving the sidewalks and gutters in Mahantongo street. Passed August 18, 1841. Ordinance book, page 22. AN ORDINANCE i 84S# For regulating, curbing and paving Market street, from Centre street to the upper culvert, and Adams street from Market street to High street. Passed May 26, 1843. Ordinance book, page 24. AN ORDINANCE For regulating, curbing and paving the sidewalks and gutters in part of Centre and Railroad streets. Passed July 25, 1843. Or- dinance book, page 26. AN ORDINANCE Establishing the grade and fixing the width of the sidewalks or footways in Downing street. Passed May 4, 1858. Ordinance book, page 42. 48 1858 . 1859 . AN ORDINANCE Establishing the grade and fixing the width of the sidewalks in part of Adams street. (The first section of this ordinance estab- lishing the grade was repealed by ordinance of September 7, 1858. ) Passed May 4, 1858. Ordinance book, page 42. AN ORDINANCE Establishing the grade and fixing the width of the sidewalks in a part of Harrison street. Passed May 4, 1858. Ordinance book, page 43. AN ORDINANCE Establishing the grade and fixing the width of the sidewalks or footways in a part of Spring street. Passed May 4 ; 1858. Or- dinance book, page 43. AN ORDINANCE Establishing the grade and the width of the foot pavements in High street westward of Third street. Passed July 6, 1858. Ordinance book, page 44. AN ORDINANCE Establishing the grade and foot pavements in Hill street from High street to Harrison street. Passed July 6, 1858. Ordi- nance book, page 45. AN ORDINANCE Altering the grade in Adams street between Sanderson and Har- rison streets. Passed Sept. 7, 1858. Ordinance book, page 46. AN ORDINANCE Establishing the grade of pait of Washington street. Passed October 5, 1858. Ordinance book, page 47. AN ORDINANCE Establishing the grade and width of foot pavements in Arch street between George and Jackson streets. Passed May 3, 1859. Ordinance book, page 48. AN ORDINANCE Establishing the grade in East Centre street in Greenwood Addi- tion, between Washington and Jefferson streets. Passed July 19, 1859. Ordinance book, page 48. AN ORDINANCE Establishing the grade in Coal street and part of Market street in Morris’s Addition to Pottsville. Passed July 19, 1859. Or- dinance book, page 49. AN ORDINANCE Establishing the grade in Sanderson street. Passed July 19, 1859. Ordinance book, page 50. 49 + AN ORDINANCE lS59 . Establishing the width of sidewalks or foot pavements in Mauch Chunk street. Passed September 6 ; 1859. Ordinance book, page 52. AN ORDINANCE Establishing the grade and fixing the width of the sidewalks in parts of George and East Market streets in the borough of Potts- ville. Passed September 6, 1859. Ordinance book, page 52. AN ORDINANCE Establishing the width of foot pavements in a part of Callowhill street. Passed November 15, 1859 Ordinance book, page 56. AN ORDINANCE. i 860 . Establishing the width of footways in Minersville street. Passed June 19, 1860. Ordinance book, page 58. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the foot pavements in Schuylkill avenue. Passed August 7, 1860. Ordinance book, page 58. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the width of footways in Church alley, Lyons street and parts of Coal and Callowhill streets. Passed September 4, 1860. Ordinance book, page 59. AN ORDINANCE. 1863. Regulating the pavements and curbing in parts of Coal and Union streets. Passed June 3, 1862. Ordinance book, page 65. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the foot pavements and curbing in East Market street, between Jackson and Tremont streets. Passed August 5, 1862. Ordinance book, page 66. $ci flf JlssmMg feinting to fpnnitipl (Miters. ACT OP MARCH 81, 1860. 1860 . Pamphlet Laws 399. ( Penalty for embezzlement of 'public funds.') Sect. 65. If any state, county, township or municipal officer of Embezzie- this commonwealth, charged with the collection, safe keeping, trails- ™ c e |^& ub fer or disbursement of public money, shall convert to his own use, in any way whatsoever, or shall use by way of investment in any kind of property or merchandise, any portion of the public money 50 1860. intrusted to him for collection, safe keeping, transfer or disburse- ment, or shall prove a defaulter, or fail to pay over the same when thereunto legally required by the state, county or township trea- surer, or other proper officer or person authorized to demand and receive the same, every such act shall be deemed and adjudged to be an embezzlement of so much of said money as shall be thus taken, converted, invested, used or unaccounted for, which is here- by declared a misdemeanor ; and every such officer, and every person or persons whomsoever aiding or abbetting, or being in any way accessory to said act, and being thereof convicted, shall be sentenced to an imprisonment, by separate or solitary confinement at labor, not exceeding five years, and to pay a fine equal to the amount of the money embezzled. ( Councilmen not to hold any office subordinate to the Council or be surety for such officers , or interested in any contracts for supplies or materials .. Sect. 66. It shall not be lawful for any councilman, burgess, trustee, manager or director of any corporation, municipality or public institution, to be at the same time a treasurer, secretary or to^b^ r fnter- °ther officer, subordinate to the president and directors, who shall ested in con- receive a salary therefrom, or be the surety of such officer, nor shall any member of any corporation or public institution, or any officer or agent thereof, be in any wise interested in any contract for the sale or furnishing of any supplies, or materials to be fur- nished to, or for the use of any corporation, municipality or public institution of which he shall be a member or officer, or for which he shall be an agent, nor directly nor indirectly interested therein, nor receive any reward or gratuity from any person interested in such contract or sale ; and any person violating these provisions, or either of them, shall forfeit his membership in such corporation, municipality or institution, and his office or appointment thereun- Eorfeiture ^ er > an ^ shall be held guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding five hundred dol- lars : Provided, That nothing in this section contained, shall pre- Proviso vent a vice-president of any bank from being a director of such bank, or of receiving a salary as vice-president. Juris of J^sstrafrlg ^dating to tagrants. ACT OF JUNE 13, 1856. - Section 10, Pamphlet Laws 522. looo. The following described persons shall be liable to the penalties imposed by law upon vagrants : Who to be I. All persons who shall unlawfully return into any district, ~ va - whence they have been legally removed, without bringing a certi- ficate from the city or district to which they belong. II. All persons who, not having wherewith to maintain them- 51 1850. selves and their families, live idly and without employment, and refuse to work for the usual and common wages given to other la- borers in. the like work, in the place where they then are. III. All persons who shall refuse to perform the work which shall be allotted to them by the overseers of the poor as aforesaid. IV. All persons going about from door to door, or placing them- selves in streets, highways or other roads, to beg or gather alms, and all other persons wandering abroad and begging. V. All persons who shall come from any place without this com- monwealth, to any place within it, and shall be found loitering or residing therein, and shall follow no labor, trade, occupation or business, and have no visible means of subsistence, and can give no reasonable account of themselves, or their business in such place. ACT OF FEBRUARY 21, 1767. ^ Section 1, 1 Sm. 2G9. 1. It shall and maybe lawful for any justice of the peace of the Duty of j ug „ county where such idle and disorderly persons shall be found, to tices of the commit such offenders (being thereof legally convicted before him, peace * on his own view, or by the confession of such offenders, or by the oath or affirmation of one or more credible witness or witnesses) to the workhouse of the said county, if such there be, otherwise to the com- mon jail of the county, there to be kept at hard labor, by the keep- er of such workhouse or jail, for any time not exceeding one month. 2. If any person shall be found offending in any township ° r D Utyo f Con ^ place, against this act, it shall and may be lawful for any constable stables. of such township or place, and he is hereby enjoined and required, on notice thereof given him by any of the inhabitants thereof, to apprehend a*nd convey, or cause to be conveyed, such person so offending to a justice of the peace of the county, who shall exam- ine and try such offenders, and on such confession or proof, shall commit them to the workhouse or jail of the county, there to be kept at hard labor during the term aforesaid ; and if any constable after such notice given as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to use his best endeavors to apprehend and convey such offenders before the justice of the peace aforesaid, being thereof legally convicted before such justice of the peace, every such constable shall forfeit and pay to the overseers of the poor of the township, or place where such offence shall be committed, to the use of the poor thereof, the sum of ten shillings, to be levied by distress and sale of the offender’s goods, by warrant from such justice, and the over- plus, if any, after the charge of prosecution and of such distress shall be satisfied, shall be returned to such offender. 3. Any person or persons who shall conceive him, her or them- Appeal af selves aggrieved by any act, judgment or determination of any lowed - justice or justices of the peace out of sessions, in and concerning the execution of this act, may appeal to the next general quarter sessions of the city or county, giving reasonable notice thereof, whose orders thereupon shall be final. 52 Itonncr cf $ rombing for % f entities fmtrM for a fioMott of % (Srbinimcw. COMMON PLEAS.— THE CITY v. DUNCAN. (From the Legal Intelligencer of Nov. 23, 1860.) Proceedings instituted before magistrates for the recovery of fines for the violation of borough or city ordinances, are not summary proceedings technically so called, but are in the nature of civil suits for the recovery of debts ; and therefore the magistrate, in such a case, need not state upon the record the evidence upon which the conviction was based. Every record of a conviction or judgment against a defendant for the violation of an ordinance must show 1. That the magistrate had jurisdiction of the subject matter. 2. The section of the ordinance violated. 3. That the penalty imposed conforms to the fine. * 4. That evidence was adduced in support of the charge, or that the defendant confess- ed it. 5. That witnesses were sworn or affirmed. 6. That the offence was committed within the city or borough enacting the ordinance. 7. That judgment was duly entered against the defendant. If the record omit to show any of these findings, the judgment will be reversed. CERTIORARI. Allison, J. — This is a proceeding to recover a penalty for an alleged violation of a city ordinance, and the exceptions are all based upon the assumption that this is summary conviction, that the magistrate has failed to comply with the strict requirements of the law in such cases, and among other exceptions taken it is assigned for error, that the evidence upon which the conviction is based, has not been stated by the alderman upon his record, that the court may judge whether the defendant has been lawfully convicted. But it is a mistaken view of the law to suppose that a proceed- ing under a city or borough ordinance imposing a fine, is what is technically called a summary proceeding, which, strictly speaking, is a criminal prosecution. It is a mode of punishment for a pub- lic crime or offence, which must always be commenced in the name of the Commonwealth, and is founded upon information or com- plaint which should generally be in writing. It is the record of a magistrate’s proceeding upon a penal statute, for the violation of which a defendant has been convicted and sentenced. In no case can a summary conviction be sustained unless it has express legis- lative sanction to warrant it ; and as this mode of judicature is in derogation of the common law, and operates to the exclusion of trial by jury, the superior courts have rigidly confined its author- ity to the strict letter of the statute authorizing the proceeding, and it is required, that rules similar to those adopted by the com- mon law in criminal prosecutions, must be observed, unless the statute dispenses with the form of stating them ; 1 Burr. G18 ; 4 Burr. 2281. Summary convictions, therefore, are such as are directed by statute for the conviction of offenders and the infliction of penal- ties ; there is no intervention by jury, unless specially allowed ; but the party accused is acquitted or condemned, by the decision of such person as may bs appointed by the statute for the judge ; 4 Black. Com. 281, 282; Paley on Convic. 1; 1 Amer. Law Jour. 246. The suit instituted in this case is not pretended to be founded upon statute law, but upon a municipal ordinance, and is therefore wanting in the first prerequisite of a summary conviction ; for apart from the question as to whether the legislature could confer upon councils the authority to pass ordinances empowering magistrates to proceed by summary conviction, the fact stands, that no such power or an approach to. it, can be found in the charter of the city of Philadelphia. Judge Gibson says, in Baxter v. Comm’th, 8 Penna Rep. 255, “ Admitting, then, as seems to have been done by Lord Mansfield, in Hesketh v. Braddock, 3 Burr. 1858, that a corporation may provide by its inherent powers, for the recovery of a penalty from its own members, by action of debt in its own court, the question occurs, what is the individual jurisdiction of these aldermen? or what, in subordination to the Constitution, is the legislative power of the corporation by the provisions of its charter V’ The city, doubtless, has full power to enact ordinances for the proper regulation and government of the municipality, and among other things to prescribe penalties, and authorize their re- covery by suit ; but beyond this it may not go, without the clear- est legislative authority, and in the case just cited, the Chief Justice holds, that where a charter purports to confer power of imprisonment on summary conviction, and without appeal to a jury, it would so far be unconstitutional and void. In Pennsylvania, magistrates may convict offenders under the several acts of assembly of gambling, horse racing, profane cursing and swearing, drunkenness, sabbath-breaking by worldly employ- ment, and vagrancy. The jurisdiction of the magistrate and his form of proceeding in each case must conform to the statute ; and in all cases where the proceedings are as at common law, that is, where no form of conviction is prescribed in the act of assembly, the evidence must be set out upon the face of the conviction ; but where the statute prescribes the form of conviction the magistrate need do no more than follow the form laid down, as under the act of 1794 for the prevention of vice and immorality. Comm’th v. Wolf, 8 S. & R. 48. Proceedings for the recovery of fines, therefore, for the violation of borough or city ordinances, are not summary proceedings, but are properly of a civil nature, and must be regulated and decided by rules applicable to civil suits, although being penal in their character some of the principles relative to summary proceedings 54 are applicable to them. The Mayor v. Mason, 4 Dali. 266 ; Mayor v. Nell, 4 Yeates, 475, and Baxter v. The Oomm'th, were instituted under city ordinances, and seem to have been treated as summary convictions, but in neither of these cases was the point made, or decided by the court. Ordinances prescribing penalties, generally authorize their recovery before magistrates, as debts of a like nature and amount are recoverable, but whether designated as debts or not, suits for their recovery are civil suits, and must be instituted, not in the name of the commonwealth, as in cases of summary convictions ; but where the entire penalty is for the ben- efit of the city, the corporate name of the city should be used as plaintiff ; where the whole penalty is given to any one who may sue, the suit should be entitled the city in its corporate name to the use of the informer, naming him ; and where it is changed into a qui tam action, one portion of the penalty going to the in- former and the other to the city, the informer should be named as plaintiff, suing for himself as well as for the city. Every record of a conviction or judgment against a defendant for the violation of an ordinance, must show that the magistrate had jurisdiction of the subject matter of the suit; the section of the ordinance violated must be specified; the penalty imposed must conform to the fine, being neither greater nor less in amount ; that evidence was adduced in support of the charge, or that the defendant con- fessed the same; that witnesses were either sworn or affirmed; that the offence was committed within the city or borough enact- ing the ordinance, and that judgment was duly entered against the defendant. This suit was instituted to recover a fine of $20, imposed under the 4th sect, of the ordinance of April 14th, 1859, for selling meat in South street, the same not being the produce of the defendant's own farm. The alderman does not find that the offence was committed within the limits of the city of Phila- delphia : -for this reason the judgment must be reversed. The owner of a building injured by a change in the grade of the street, cannot recover damages from the corporation which made the alteration, under an authority from the legislature to “improve, repair, and keep in order the streets, alleys, and highways.” O’Connor v. Pittsburg, 6 H. 187* See, also, Green v. The Borough of Reading, 9 W. 382 ; May- or v. Randolph, 4 W. & S. 516. A municipal corporation is not resposible for an injury occasioned by the negligence of contractors with it, or their agents and servants. The remedy for the injury is against the contractors alone. Painter v. Pitts- burg, 10 Wright 213. A municipal corporation is not liable in damages which result from digging a trench in one of the public streets by a private individual under a license from the corporate authorities, for the purpose of making a connection with the main conduit pipe for distributing water to the inhabitants and neglecting to properly fill up the same. The Borough of West Chester v. Apple et al., 11 Casey 284. APPENDIX. Jitts flf $ssm&Ig relating to % §amtgli al fottstollc. ACT OF MARCH 14th, 1850. i860. Pamphlet Laws 220. Sec. 1. Be it enacted &c., That the town council of the cor- powers* 1 poration of the borough of Pottsville, shall have full power an< ^ t fe a Borou?h authority, and they are hereby enjoined and required to lay out,ofPottsviife. enlarge and open a certain court or alley, marked on the map or plan of said Borough as Logan's court, so that the same shall connect with and open out in to East Market street, or Contention alley on the south, and with Callowhill street on the north, and be made of the width of twenty feet throughout, and remain a public street or highway of the borough aforesaid ; the said cor- poration are also enjoined and required to lay out, enlarge and open a twenty feet wide alley, from Callowhill street to High street, parallel to Centre street, at the distance of one hundred and forty- two feet from Centre street, between Second street and Centre street, in tne borough of Pottsville aforesaid. Sec. 2. The owner or owners of any lot or land through which Damages* said street shall be opened out as aforesaid, may apply to the town ad j^ d council of the corporation aforesaid within one year from the opening of the same, by petition, setting forth the injury he, she or they may have sustained thereby; and thereupon it shall be the duty of the council aforesaid, to appoint one disinterested person, and the said petitioner may appoint a second, and the two persons, thus chosen, a third, whose duty it shall be, after being duly sworn or affirmed, well and truly to view the premises and justly to assess the damages, if any, which said petitioner may have sustained, considering the advantages of said street to said petitioner, and the said viewers, or a majority of them, shall file their report with the town council aforesaid, which said report shall be final and conclusive on all parties thereto, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the corporation aforesaid to pay the amount so found, if anything, to the said petitioner, or his or her legal representatives ; Provided , That nothing herein contained shall prevent any owner or owners of lots or land as aforesaid, from bringing his, her or their suit or suits in the court of common pleas of Schuylkill county, to recover damages for the opening out of the alleys or courts as aforesaid, or to recover the amount 11 . of damages which the said viewers as aforesaid may assess, in case the said corporation do not pay the same within thirty days from the time the report as aforesaid shall be filed. 1851 . ACT OF APRIL 8th, 1851. Pamphlet Laws 373. Sec. 5. That the town council of the corporation of the bo- the°Borough rou ^ °f Pottsville are hereby enjoined and required to lay out, of Pottsvilieenlarge and open a twenty feet wide alley from Union street, be- toopen a tween Centre and Second street, thence running southwardly and certm alley, parallel to Centre street, to an alley running from Centre to Second street, between the property of Joseph S. Silver and the property late of James Donnelly, deceased, the centre of said alley to be at the distance of one hundred and sixty feet westwardly from Centre street, in said borough. Sec. 6. That the town council of the corporation of the bo- authorized rough of Pottsville, in the county of Schuylkill, shall have the andojfen a P ower an( * authority, and it is hereby enjoined and required to lay !i bris/st«frwcoin