LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN THE DECATUR PUBLIC LIBRARY X.W- e~ \ ^ OTL. if LIST OF SHORT STORIES IN PUBLIC LIBRARY. ABOUT THE SHORT STORY. Barrett— Short Story Writing. Dye — Story Teller’s Art. How to Write a Short Story; a sympo- sium. In Bookman 5:42— Mr. ’97. Howells— Some Anomalies of the Short Story. In No. Am. 173:422— Sept. ’01. Matthews— Philosophy of the Short Story. Pattee— Reading Courses in American Literature. Short Story Test. In New York Times Saturday Review, 21 Sept. ’01, p. 661. Wedmore— Short Story. In Nineteenth Century. 43:406, Mr. ’98. COLLECTIONS. Chap-book — New Stories. Stories. Clemens— Mark Twain’s Library of Humor. Eleven Possible Cases. Gesta Romanorum. Harrison, ed.— Short Stories. International Humor Series, 8v. Johnson, ed.— Little Classics, 18v. King, ed.— By Land and Sea. Colonel’s Christmas Dinner. Initial Experience, etc. Lippincott’s Magazine— Ten Notable Stories. Mason— Humorous Masterpieces from American Literature, 3v. Modern Ghosts. Morris & Congdon— Book of Bryn Mawr Stories. Pastels in Prose. Short Story Masterpieces. Stories by American Authors, lOv. Stories by English Authors, lOv. Stories by Foreign Authors, lOv. Stories in Black and White. Stories of Italy. Stories of New York. Stories of the Army. Stories of the Railway. Stories of the Sea. Stories of t'he South. Taylor, comp. — Early Italian Love Stories. Vicary, ed. — Stork’s Nest. Watterson, ed.— Oddities in Southern Life and Character. SINGLE AUTHORS. Adams— Indoors and 6ut. Ade— Fables in Slang. Aguilar — Home Scenes. Aho, pseud.— Squire Heilman, etc. Alcott— Hospital Sketches. Alden— Mrs. Harry Harper’s Awakening. — & Foster— Modern Prophets. — & Livingston— Divers Women. Alden, W. L.— Told by the Colonel. Aldrich— Majorie Daw, etc. Two Bites at a Cherry, etc. Allen — Flute and violin. Arthur— Golden Grains. Light on Shadowed Paths. Mill and Tavern. Auerbach— Black Forest Village Stories. German Tales. Austin— David Alden’s Daughter, etc. Balestier— Average Woman. Balzac— Fame and Sorrow, etc. Bangs— Bicyclers. Booming of Acre Hill, etc. Dreamers. House Boat on the Styx. Over the Plum Pudding. Paste Jewels. Pursuit of the House Boat. Water Ghost, etc. — & Sherman— New Waggings of Old Tales. Barham— Ingoldsby Legends. Barlow— Creel of Irish Stories. From the Land of the Shamrock. Barnard— Knights of Today. Barnes— Yankee Ships and Yankee Sail- ors. Barnum— Shocking Example, etc. Barr— Christopher and Other Stories. Short Stories. Barr, Robert— In a Steamer Chair, etc. Barrie— Auld Licht Manse. Tillyloss Scandal, etc. Bates— Book o’ Nine Tales. In tihe Bundle of Time. Baumbach— Summer Legends. Becke— Ebbing of the Tide. Rodman, the Boatsteerer, etc. Beers— Suburban Pastoral, etc. Bell— Instincts of Stepfatherhood. Sir John and the American Girl. Besant — In Deacon’s Orders, etc. — & Rice — Case of Mr. Lucraft. — & Rice, “ ’Twas in Trafalgar’s Bay,” etc. Bishop — Choy Susan, etc. Black— Lady Silverdale’s Sweetheart, etc. Magic Ink, etc. Maid of Killeena, etc. Penance of John Logan, etc. Blackmore— Slain by the Doones, etc. Bolton — Stories from Life. Bourget — Antigone and Other Portraits of Women. Bouvet— Tales of an Old Chateau. Boyesen— Ilka on the Hilltop, etc. Briscoe — Jimty and Others. Perchance to Dream, etc. Brown— Meadow Grass. Tiverton Tales. Bunner— Jersey Street and Jersey Dane. Dove in Old Clothes, etc. Made in France. More “Short Sixes.’’ Short Sixes. Zadoc Pine. Burnett— Surley Tim, etc. Burnham— West Point Wooing, and Other Stories. Bynner— Chase of the Meteor. Cable— Old Creole Days. Strange True Stories of Douisiana. Strong Hearts.. Capes— At a Winter’s Fire. Carleton— Old Infant, etc. Carleton— Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Works, 2v. Carryl— River Syndicate, etc. Carter— North Carolina Sketches. Cary— Clovernook, 2v. Catherwood — Chase of Saint Castin, etc. Mackinac and Dake Stories. Queen of the Swamp, etc. Chambers— Thumb-nail Sketches of Aus- tralian Dife. Chambers, R. W. — Maker of Moons. Mystery of Choice. Chesnutt— Conjure Woman. Wife of His Youth, etc. Chopin— Night in Acadie. Clark— Fortunate Island. Clark, K. U— White Butterflies, etc. Clemens— Man That Corrupted Hadley- burg. Mark Twain’s Sketches. Merry Tales. £1,000,000 Bank Note, etc. Stolen White Elephant. Clifford— Dominant Note and Other Stories. Dast Touches, etc. Collins— After Dark and Other Stories. Conrad— Tales of Unrest. Cooke— Huckleberries. Somebody’s Neighbor. Coppee— Ten Tales. Couch— Delectable Duchy Old Fires and Profitable Ghosts. Craik— Half-caste. A Hero, etc. His Dittle Mother, etc. Unkind Word, etc. Crane— Whilomville Stories. Wounds in the Rain. Crawford— Upper Berth. Crim— In Beaver Cove. Crockett— Bog-myrtle and Peat. Stiekit Minister, etc. Crosby— Violin Obligato, etc. Cross— Scenes of Clerical Dife. Crowninshield — Where the Trade Wind Blows. Dana— Our Phil and Other Stories. Daskam — Fables for the Fair. Sister’s Vocation, etc. Smith College Stories. Daudet— Da Belle-Nivernaise. Monday Tales. Davis, M. E. M.— Elephant’s Track, etc. Davis, Rebecca H.— Silhouttes of Ameri- can Dife. Davis, Richard H.— Cinderella, etc. Exiles, etc. Gallegher. Dion and the Unicorn. Van Bibber and Others. Deland— Mr. Tommy Dove, etc. Old Chester Tales. Wisdom of Fools. Deming — Adirondack Stories. Dickens— Christmas Books. Christmas Stories. Holly-tree Inn, etc. Sketches by Boz. Dodge— Theophilus and Others. Doyle— Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Captain of the Polestar, etc. Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. Green Flag. Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Round the Red Damp. Duer— Unconscious Comedians. Dunbar— Folks from Dixie. Strength of Gideon. Dunne — Mr. Dooley in Peace and in War. Mr. Dooley in the Hearts of His Coun- trymen. Mr. Dooley’s Philosophy. Eaton & Betts — Tales of a Garrison Town. Eber— Elixir and Other Tales. Edgeworth— Stories for Children. Edwards— Monsieur Maurice, etc. Night in the Borders of the Black For- est, etc. Edwards, H. S.— Two Runaways and Other Stories. Eggleston— Duffels, etc. Eggleston, G. C. — Southern Soldier Stor- ies. Elizabeth, Queen of Roumania— Pilgrim Sorrow. Elliott— Incident and Other Happenings. Ensign — Dady Dee, etc. Fargus— Carriston’s Gift, etc. Farrar — Allegories. Fawcett— Social Silhouettes. Fernald— Cat and the Cherub, etc. Field & Irwin— Stanford Stories. Field, Eugene — Holy Cross. Little Book of Profitable Tales. Fielde, ed. — Chinese Nights’ Entertain- ment. Fitch— Smart Set. Flandrau— Harvard Episodes. Foote— Cup of Trembling, etc. In Exile, etc. Ford— Tattle Tales of Cupid. Fowler— Cupid’s Garden. Sirius. Fox— Cumberland Vendetta, etc. Hell for Sartain. Frederic— Deserter, and Other Stories. Marsena, and Other Stories of the War Time. Fremont— Will and the Way Stories. French — Book of True Lovers. Captured Dream and Other Stories Heart of Toil. Knitters in the Sun. Missionary Sheriff. Otto the Knight. Slave to Duty, etc. Stories of a Western Town. Fuller, A.— Peak and Prairie. Pratt Portraits. Fuller, H. B.— From the Other Side. Furman— Stories of a Sanctified Town. Gallagher— Vassar Stories. Gardner— Quaker Idyls. Garland— Main Travelled Roads. Prairie Folks. Wayside Courtships. Gaskell— Right at Last. Gilman— Parsonage Porch. Goodloe— College Girls. Grahame— Dream Days. Golden Age. Grand— Our Manifold Nature. Grant— Stories of Naples and the Ca- morra. Grant. Robert — Bachelor’s Christmas, etc. Gray, D.— Gallops. Grinnell— Punishment of the Stingy. Guiney— Lovers’ Saint Ruth’s etc. Guthrie — Man from Blankley’s, etc. Talking Horse. Voces Populi. Hains— Wind Jammers. Hale— Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Crusoe in New York, etc. If, Yes, and Perhaps. Our Christmas in a Palace. Susan’s Escort, etc. Halevy— Parisian Points of View. Hall— Far From Todav Harben— Northern Georgia Sketches. Hardy— Group of Noble Dames. Life’s Little Ironies. Harland— Comedies and Errors. Harraden — In Varying Moods. Harriott— Silent Singer. Harris— Balaam and His Master, Etc. Free Joe, and Other Georgia Sketches. Mingo, and Other Sketches in Black and White. Nights With Uncle Remus. On the Wing of Occasions. Tales of the Home Folks in Peace and War. Uncle Remus and His Friends. Harrison— Belhaven Tales, etc . Daughter of the South, Etc. Edelweiss of the Sierras, Etc. Merry Maid of Arcady, Etc. Virginia Cousin, Etc. Harte— Barker’s Luck, etc. Bell-Ringer of Angel’s. Etc. By Shore and Sedge. Coionel Starbottle’s Client, Etc. Drift From Two Shores. From Sand Hill to Pine. Heritage of Dedlow Marsh, Etc. Luck of Roaring Camp, Etc. Mr. Jack Hamlin’s Mediation, etc. Mrs. Skaggs’ Husband, Etc. On the Frontier. Protegee of Jack Hamlin’s, Etc. Sally Dows, Etc. Stories in Light and Shadow. Tales of the Argonauts; Eastern Sketches. -L«,ies or rrau ana Town. Twins of Table Mountain, Etc. Under the Redwoods. Hawker — Hotel d’ Angleterre, etc Hawkins— Comedies of Courtship. Dolly Dialogues. Frivolous Cupid. Heart of the Princess Osra. Hawthorne— Mosses from an Old Manse Twice-Told Tales. Wonder-Book; Tanglewood Tales* Grandfather’s Chair. Hearn — Shadowings. Heine— Florentine Nights, Etc Hewlett— Little Novels of Italv New Canterbury Tales. Hibbard— Governor and Other Stories Nowadays, and Other Stories Iduma and Other Stories. Holley— Miss Richards’ Boy, Etc Hood— Prose works. Howells— Day’s Pleasure Etc Suburban Sketches. Hungerford— In Durance Vile etc Maiden All Forlorn, etc Irving— Legend of Sleepy Hollow Sketch-Book. Tales of a Traveler. Jackson— Between Whiles. Saxe Holm’s Stories, 2v. Jacobs— Light Freights. Many Cargoes. More Cargoes. James— Diary of a Man of Fifty; Bundle of Letters. . Embarrassments. Lesson of the Master, etc. Passionate Pilgrim, Etc. Private I ife, Etc. Real Things, etc. . Soft Side. Terminations. Wheel of Time, Etc. Janvier— Color Studies, and a Mexican Campaign. Passing of Thomas, Etc. Stories of Old New Spain. Uncle of An Angel, Etc ; Jerome— John Ingerfield, Etc. Observations of Henry. Sketches in Lavender, Blue and Green. Told After Supper. Jessop— Gerald Ffrench’s Friends. Jewett— Country By-Ways. Deephaven. King of Folly Island Etc. Life of Nancy, Etc. Mate of the Daylight, Etc. Native of Winby. Old Friends and New. Queen’s Twin, Etc. Strangers and Wayfarers. Tales of New England. White Heron, Etc. Johnson— Dukesborough Tales. Mr. Billy Downs and His Likes. Mr. Fortner’s Marital Claims. Old Times in Middle Georgia. Primes and Their Neighbors. Jordan— Tales of The City Room. Tales of the Cloister. Judah — Down Our Way. Kielland— Tales of Two Countries. King, A. E. — Kitwyk Stories. King, Chas.— Starlight Ranch. Trials of a Staff Officer. King, Grace— Balcony Stories. Tales of a Time and Place. Kipling— Day’s Work. Indian Tales. Life’s Handicap. Many Inventions. Phantom ’Rickshaw. Plain Tales From the Hills. Soldier Stories. Soldiers Three. Kirk— Better Times Stories. Kizer — Georgie. Knox— Talking Handkerchief and Other Stories. Kountz— Billy Baxter’s Letters. Lagerlof— Invisible Links. Lamotte Fouque— Undine, Etc. Lewis— Wolfville Thanksgiving. Litchfield— Little Venice, Etc. Lloyd— Chronic Loafer, etc. Long— Madame Butterfly, etc. Prince of Illusion, and Other Stories. Lothrop— Hester. Lummis— New Mexico David, Etc. Macdonald— Stephen Archer, etc. MacManus— Bewitched Fiddle, Etc. Magrauder— Miss Ayr of V J rginia, Etc. Mathew— At the Rising of Lie Moon. Matthews— Family Tree, Etc. Secret of the Sea, Etc. Story of a Story. Tales of Fantasy and Fact. — & Others— With" My Friends. Maupassant— Odd Number. Meredith— Shaving of Shagpat; Farina. Tale of Chloe, etc. Millett — Capillary Crime, Etc. Mitchell— Seven Stories with Basement and Attic. Mitchell, J. A. — Life’s Fairy Tales. That First Affair. Molesworth— Uncanny Tales. Moulton— Miss Eyre from Boston, Etc. Muller — Starboard Lights. Murfee— Bushwhackers, Etc. Mystery of Witchface Mountain. Phantoms of the Foot-Bridge, Etc. Murray— Busted ex-Texan, Etc. Norris— An Octave. Nye — Guest at the Ludlow, Etc. Osbourne— Queen Versus Billy, and Oth- er Stories. Page — Burial of the Guns. Elsket, and Other Stories. In Ole Virginia. Pastime Stories. Pain— Stories and Interludes. Palmer — Ways of the Service. Parker— Woman Who Failed, Etc. Parker, Gilbert— Pierre and His People. Lane That Had No Turning, Etc. Parton— Fern Leaves. 2v. Pearce — Drolls From Shadowland. Peattie— Shape of Fear, and Other Ghostly Tales Perry— Powers At Play. Perry, Nora— Tragedy of the Unexpect- ed. Plympton— Willing Transgressor, Etc Poe— Prose Tales. 3v. Select Work?. Pool— Boss and Other Dogs. Widower and Some Spinsters. Poorsen-Schwartz— Some Women 1 Have Known. Post— Harvard Stories. Pratt— Book of Martyrs. Prentiss— Avis Benson, Etc. Pullen— Don Finimondone. Pushkin— Prose Tales. Ralph— Alone in China, Etc. People We Pass. Reade— Peg Woffington, Christie John- stone, Etc. Reed— Battle Invisible, Etc. Remington— Crooked Trails. Men With the Bark On. Sundown Leflare. Ridley— Tales of the Genii. Riggs— Village Watch-Tower. Riis— Out of Mulberry Street. Riley— Sketches in Prose. Roe— Taken Alive, Etc. Rohlfs — Old Stone House, Etc. Rollins— Burne-Jones Head, Etc. Roseboro — Old Ways and New. Russell— Mystery of the “Ocean Star.’’ Phantom Death, Etc. Sanderson— Cornell Stories. Schreiner— Dream Life and Real Life. Schwartz— Vassar Studies. Scott & Tallentyre — Money-Spinner. Scudder— Stories From My Attic. Sears— Fur and Feather Tales. Shorthouse— Teacher of the Violin, Etc. Sienkiewicz— Hania. Let Us Follow Him, Etc. Yanko, the Musician, Etc. Sigourney— Myrtis, Etc. Slosson— Dumb Foxglove, Etc. Seven Dreamers. Story-tell Lib. Smith— My Village. Smith, F. H.— Day at Laguerre’s, etc. Gentlemen Vagabond, etc. Other Fellow. Spears— Port of Missing Ships, etc. Steel— Flower of Forgiveness. In the Permanent Way. Steele, J. W. — Frontier Army Sketches. Stevenson— Island Nights’ Entertain- ments. Merry Men, etc. New Arabian Nights. Stimson— In the Three Zones. Mrs. Knollys and Other Stories. Sentimental Calendar. Stockton— Afield and Afloat. Amos Kilbright, etc. Lady or the Tiger? etc. Rudder Grangers Abroad, etc. Story-teller’s Pack. Watchmaker’s Wife, etc. Stowe — Mayflower, etc. Sam Lawson’s Oldtown Fireside Stories. Stuart— Carlotta’s Intended, etc. Golden Wedding, etc. Holly and Pizen. In Simpkinsville. Moriah’s Mourning, etc. Solomon Crow’s Christmas Pockets, etc. Sonny. Sullivan— Ars Et Vita. Day and Night Stories, 2v. Taylor— Beauty and the Beast. Terhune— Handicapped. Husbands and Homes. Teuffel— Seven on the Highway. Thackeray— Burlesques. Christmas Stories. Memoirs of Yellowplush, etc. Miscellanies. Tiernan— Ebb-tide, etc. Nina’s Atonement, etc. Tolstoi— Ivan Ilyitch, etc. Tourgee — John Eax, etc. Man Who Outlived Himself. Townsend— “Chimmie Fadden,’’ etc. Trowbridge — Coupon Bonds, etc. Troubetzkoy— Brother to Dragons, etc. Trumbull— Rod’s Salvation. Turgenieff— Annals of a Sportsman. Tuttiett— InnoceLt Imposter, etc. World’s Mercy. Van Dyke— Ruling Passion. Van Rensselaer— One Man who Was Content, etc. Ventura & Shevitch — Misfits and Rem- nants. Viaud— Book of Pity and of Death. Von Degen— Mystery of t'he Campagna; Shadow on a Vave. Walford— Her Great Idea. Little Legacy etc. Ward— Fourteen co One. Men, Women and Ghosts. Sealed Orders. Ward, H. D.— Republic Without a Pres- ident, etc. Warrnan— Short Rails. Warren — Experiences of a Barrister. Waterloo— Wolf’s Long Howl. Watson— Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush. Days of Auld Lang Syne. Weyman— For the Cause. King’s Stratagem, etc. Wharton— Crucial Instances. Greater Inclination. White— Browning Courtship. White, W. A.— Court of Boyville. Real Issue. Whitney — Homespun Yarns. Wilkins — Humble Romance. Love of Parson Lord, etc. New England Nun, etc. People of Our Neighborhood. Silence and Other Stories. Understudies. Williams— Princeton Stories Stolen Story. Wilson— Tales; Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life, etc. Wister — Jimmyjohn Boss, etc. Lin McLean. Red Men and White. Wood — Old Beau, etc, Yale Yarns. 3 0112 072632661 Woolson — Castle Nowhere, etc. Dorothy, etc. Front Yard, etc. Hodman, the Keeper, etc. Wyman— Poverty Grass. Wynne— Little Room, etc. Yeats, Levc + t — Heart of Denise, and Other Tales. Yeats, W. B. — Secret Rose. Zangwill— Dreamers of the Ghetto. King of Schnorrers, etc. They That Walk in Darkness. Zschokke— Tales.