> a. 3n.n4n\ \AyvA ^ ^ REMOTE STORAGE Thirteenth Census of the United States-. 1910 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR BULLETINS BUREAU OF THE CENSUS E. DANA DURAND, Director I N h POPULATION : NEW YORK CITY NUMBER OF INHABITANTS, BV ENUMERATION DISTRICTS Prepared under the supervision of WM. C. HUNT, Chief Statistician for Population This bulletin gives the population of New York-City r as now constituted, (1) by boroughs, from 1790 to ^ 1910; (2) by boroughs and wards, from 1890 to 1910; and (3) by enumeration districts, for 1910 only. The city of New York, as now constituted, consists of the five boroughs of Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Richmond. The changes which have taken place in its organization and population since 1890 are explained as follows: In 1890 the city comprised all of what is now the Borough of Manhattan and the greater part of what is now the Borough of Bronx, but under the act of con- solidation which became effective January 1, 1898, Kings County, Richmond County, the larger part of Queens County, and a small part of Westchester County became a part of the city. Manhattan Borough comprises all that part of the old city of New York lying to the south of the Harlem River, this area being known formerly as Manhattan Island. Bronx Borough was formed from that part of the old city of New York lying to the north of the Harlem River and the small part of Westchester County an- nexed under the act of consolidation. All of this area was at one time a part of Westchester County, but in 1873 the towns of Morrisania, West Farms, and Kings Bridge were annexed to New York, and under the act which took effect January 1, 1898, all of the town of Westchester and parts of the towns of Eastchester and Pelham became a part of the city. Under an act of the legislature the towns of Flat- bush, Flatlands, Gravesend, and New Utrecht were absorbed by the city of Brooklyn in 1894, the town of Flatbush becoming the twenty-ninth ward, the town of New Utrecht the thirtieth ward, the town of Graves- end the thirty-first ward, and the town of Flatlands the thirty-second ward of the city. The city thus be- came coextensive with Kings County, and on January 1, 1898, under the act of consolidation above referred to, the city of Brooklyn became the Borough of Brook- lyn, in what is now the city of New York. Queens Borough was organized at the same time from what was Long Island City, the towns of Flush- ing, Jamaica, and Newtown, and a small portion of the town of Hempstead, all of which were civil divi- 13-M-l sions of Queens County. The remaining towns of the county, Oyster Bay and North Hempstead, together with the greater part of the town of Hempstead, were taken to form the new county of Nassau. The first ward of Queens Borough comprises what was formerly Long Island City, the second ward what was formerly Newtown town, the third ward what was formerly Flushing town, the fourth ward what was formerly Ja- maica town, and the fifth ward that part of the town of Hempstead now within the limits of the Borough of Queens. Richmond County, known as Staten Island, under the provisions of the same act became the Borough of Richmond. The first ward of Richmond Borough comprises what was formerly Castleton town, the sec- ond ward what was formerly Middletown town, the third ward what was formerly Northfield town, the fourth ward what was formerly Southfield town, and the fifth ward what was formerly Westfield town. It is impossible to state definitely the population at the earlier census periods of that part of the town of Hempstead, Queens County, which became a part of Queens Borough, and of the parts of the towns of Eastchester and Pelham, Westchester County, which became a part of Bronx Borough. Table 1 gives the population of the present area of New York City and its boroughs as returned at the censuses of 1910 and 1900, and the estimated popula- tion for each decennial census period from 1790 to 1890. From this table it appears that the area comprised within the present limits of the city of New York had an estimated population of 49,401 in 1790, as com- pared with a population of 4,766,883 in 1910. The population of the city in 1910 is more than ninety- six times its population in 1790, while that of New York state in 1910 is less than twenty-seven times its population in 1790, and that of continental United States in 1910 a little more than twenty-three times its population in 1790. Table 2 gives the population of New York City, by boroughs and wards, as returned at the censuses of 1910, 1900, and 1890. For purposes of comparison, the population of certain wards in Brooklyn Borough for 1900 and 1890 are combined. 85764°— 11 4-11 2 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY Table 3 gives the population of New York City by enumeration districts, as returned at the Thirteenth Census, taken as of April 15, 1910. In conformity to the plans of division for enumeration purposes, the enumeration districts are arranged with respect to wards for Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Richmond Boroughs, and with respect to assembly districts for Bronx and Queens Boroughs. Table 1 .— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY AND ITS BOROUGHS, AS NOW CONSTITUTED: 1790-1910. BOROUGH. 1910 1900 1890 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1820 1810 1800 1790 NEW YORK CITY. 4,766,883 3,437,202 2,507,414 1,911.698 1,478,103 1,174,779 696,115 391,114 242,278 152,056 119,734 79,216 49,401 Manhattan Borough 2,331,542 1,850,093 1,441,216 1,164,673 942,292 813, 669 515, 547 312,710 202, 589 123,706 96, 373 60, 515 33, 131 Bronx Borough 430, 980 200,507 88,908 51,980 37,393 23,593 8,032 5,346 3,023 2,782 2,267 1,755 1,781 Brooklyn Borough 1,634,351 1,166,582 838, 547 599, 495 419,921 279, 122 138,882 47, 613 20, 535 11,187 8,303 5,740 4,495 Queens Borough 284,041 152,999 87,050 56,559 45,468 32, 903 18, 593 14, 480 9,049 8,246 7,444 6,642 6, 159 Richmond Borough 85, 969 67,021 51,693 38, 991 33,029 25, 492 15,061 10,965 7,082 6, 135 5,347 4, 564 3,835 Table 2. -POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY BOROUGHS AND WARDS: 1910, 1900, AND L890. BOROUGH AND WARD. 1910 1900 1890 MANHATTAN BOROUGH 2,331,542 1,850,093 1,441,216 Ward 1 9,845 9,516 11,122 Ward 2 933 1,488 929 Ward 3 1,915 1.797 3,765 Ward 4 21,337 19, 554 17,809 Ward 5 5, 666 8,298 12,385 Ward 6 19,670 20, 004 23,119 Ward 7 102, 104 89, 237 57,366 Ward 8 33, 189 29,059 31,2:10 Ward 9 64,884 59,650 54,425 Ward 10 66, 438 71,879 57,596 Ward 11 136,543 99, 144 75,426 Ward 12 800, 674 476,602 245,046 ! Ward 13 64,644 64,117 45,884 Ward 14 38, 269 34,035 28,094 Ward 15 30, 591 24,066 25,399 Ward 16 55, 926 52,808 49,134 Ward 17 172, 332 130, 796 103,158 Ward 18 62,601 01,325 63,270 Ward 19 292,914 257,448 234,846 Ward 20 73, 299 89, 798 84, 327 Ward 21 62,616 00,211 63,019 Ward 22 209, 152 189, 261 153,877 BRONX BOROUGH 430,980 200,507 88,908 Ward 23 270, 320 132,413 53, 948 Ward 24 111,510 43.009 20,137 Annexed district 1 49,150 25,085 2 14,823 BROOKLYN BOROUGH 1,634,351 1,166,582 838,547 Ward 1 21,847 20, 327 20,040 Ward 2 6,911 8,565 8,986 Ward 3 15,882 17,949 18,754 Ward 4 10,445 12, 568 12,324 Ward 5 19,415 18,802 20, 175 Ward 6 46, 457 42, 485 37,693 Ward 7 44,014 40,471 35, 726 BOROUGH AND WARD. BROOKLYN BOROUGH— Continued. Ward 8 Ward 9 Ward 22 Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 15 Ward 16 Ward 17 Ward 18 Ward 27 Ward 28 Ward 19 Ward 20 Ward 21 Ward 23 Ward 25 Ward 24 Ward 26 Ward 29 (Flatbush in 1890) Ward 30 (New Utrecht in 1890) Ward 31 (Gravesend in 1890) Ward 32 (Flatlands in 1890) QUEENS BOROUGH Ward 1 (Long Island City in 1890) Ward 2 (Newtown in 1890) Ward 3 ( Flushing in 1890) Ward 4 (Jamaica in 1890) Ward 5 (Hempstead (part of) in 1890) RICHMOND BOROUGH Ward 1 (Castleton in 1890) Ward 2 (Middletown in 1890) Ward 3 (Northfield in 1890) Ward 4 (Southfield in 1890) Ward 5 (Westfield in 1890) 1910 1900 1890 82, 591 1 50, 414 > 161,865 99, 185 81,329 1 41,233 39, 100 34,031 21,659 22, 608 22,693 29, 262 30,354 27,368 30,092 24,029 21,628 33, 345 31,483 27,246 35,874 30, 269 27,630 68, 261 56, 550 45,720 70, 324 57,309 41,424 35, 759 25, 133 I 60,852 43,961 ^ 74,960 92,608 77,912 1 44, 881 37, 645 36,244 27,485 25, 446 24, 136 78,726 58,957 50, 118 65.552 63,834 | 110, 141 73,986 80, 508 31,767 16,771 177,605 66, 086 29,505 73,048 27,188 12,338 77,116 24,700 8,854 29,610 14, 009 6,937 17,412 8,243 4,075 284,041 152,999 87,050 61,763 48, 272 30,506 105,219 40,903 17,549 37,171 25,870 19,803 67,412 30,761 14,441 12,476 7,193 4,751 85,969 67,021 51,693 27,201 21,441 16,423 15,501 13,200 10, 557 19,248 13,701 9.811 12,596 9,516 6,644 11,423 9,163 8,258 1 Comprising what was formerly W estchester town and parts of Eastchester and Pelham towns. 2 Estimated. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. WARD 1 1 Battery Place, Whitehall, Beaver, Broad, East River, North River (including Ellis Island) 2 Governors Island and Bedloes Island 3 Liberty, Broadway, Cedar, Greenwich, Albany , North River 4 Albany, Greenwich, Cedar, Broadway, Rector, North River 5 Rector, Broadway,; Morris, Washington, Battery Place, North 6 Morris, Broadway, Bowling Green, Battery Place, Washington. . . 7 Liberty, Maiden Lane, Pearl, Beaver, Whitehall, Broadway 8 Maiden Lane, Water, Broad, Beaver, Pearl 9 Maiden Lane, East River, Broad, Water WARD 2 Spruce, Gold, Liberty, Broadway, Park Row Ferry, Peck Slip, East River, Maiden Lane Gold. Popula- tion. E. D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. 9,845 WARD 3 1,915 12 Reade, Broadway, Liberty, Greenwich, Vesey, West Broadway. . . 668 882 13 Reade, West Broadway, Vesey, Greenwich, Liberty, North River. 1,247 1,008 098 1,921 WARD 1 21,337 1.991 14 New Chambers, Rose, Frankfort, Pearl, Ferry, Gold, Spruce, Park 1 831 725 ’313 15 New Chambers, Oak, Pearl, Frankfort, Rose 668 387 16 New Chambers, James, Water, Roosevelt 1,132 814 17 Oak, Roosevelt, Water, Dover, Pearl 1,682 18 James, East River, Peck Slip, Ferry, Pearl, Dover, Water — 1,405 19 Park Row, Pearl, New Chambers, Chambers, Rosp, Roosevelt, 1,538 933 20 Park Row, Roosevelt, Rose, Pearl 1,871 21 1 . 524 231 22 Park Row, Oliver, Rose, New Bowery, James L3U 702 1 23 Henry, Catharine, Oak, Oliver 1,357 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY 3 Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OP MANHATTAN— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 4 — Continued. E. D. No. 180 24 25 26 27 682 29 Chatham Square, E. Broadway, Catharine, Henry, Oliver Rose, Oliver, Oak, James Rose, James, Oak, Roosevelt Oak, Catharine, Cherry, Oliver Oak, Oliver, diagonal line from corner of Oliver and Cherry to Oak and James James, Cherry, diagonal line from corner of Oliver and Cherry to Oak and James Cherry, Catharine, East River, James 199 1,902 1,952 2,404 296 312 999 1687 81 82 83 1690 84 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 WARD 5 Canal, Broadway, Reade, W. Broadway Beach, W. Broadway, Franklin, Greenwich Beach. Greenwich, Reade, North River Franklin, W. Broadway, Reade, Greenwich Canal, Hudson, Vestry, North River Vestry, Hudson, Canal, W. Broadway, Beach, Hudson, Laight, Greenwich Vestry, Greenwich, Laight, Hudson, Beach, North River 5,666 145 921 601 433 1,413 1,212 941 1689 85 1688 86 87 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 1705 50 51 WARD 6 Pearl, Park Row, Broadway Canal, Centre, Pearl, Broadway, excluding Tombs— city jail Tombs — city jail Canal, Baxter, Leonard, Centre Leonard, Baxter, Park, Pearl, Centre Park, Baxter, Park Row, Pearl Worth, Mulberry, Park Row, Baxter Park, Mott, Park Row, Mulberry, Worth Pell, Bowery, Catharine, E. Broadway, Chatham Square, Mott. . . Bayard, Bowery, Pell, Mott Bayard, Mott, Park, Mulberry Canal, Mulberry, diagonal line from northwest corner of Mul- berry and Bayard to southeast corner of Canal and Baxter A diagonal line from southeast corner of Canal and Baxter to northwest corner of Bayard and Mulberry, Mulberry, Park, Baxter Walker, Mott, Bayard, Mulberry Walker, Bowery, Bayard, Mott 19,670 1,239 343 509 1,334 758 1,817 1,203 1,263 2.340 1,377 1,603 1.141 1,246 1,736 1,761 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 1693 97 1694 98 99 100 101 102 52 53 54 28 55 563 56 57 1519 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 1692 67 1691 68 69 70 71 72 1685 73 1686 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 WARD 7 102,104 Division, Market, E. Broadway, Catharine E. Broadway, Market, Henry, Catharine Henry, Market, diagonal line from northwest corner of Madison and Market to southeast comer of Catharine and Henry A diagonal line from southeast corner of Catharine and Henry to northwest corner of Madison and Market, Madison, Catharine . . . Madison, Market, diagonal line from northwest corner of Market and Monroe to southeast corner of Catharine and Madison A diagonal line from southeast corner of Catharine and Madison to northwest corner of Market and Monroe, Monroe, Catharine Monroe, Hamilton, Catharine Hamilton, Market, diagonal line from northwest corner of Cherry and Market to southeast corner of Catharine and Hamilton A diagonal line from southeast corner of Catharine and Hamilton to northwest corner of Cherry and Market, Cherry, Catharine Cherry, Pike Slip, East River, Catharine Monroe, Pike, Cherry, Market Madison, Pike, Monroe, Market Henry, Pike, Madison, Market E. Broadway, Pike, Henry, Market Division, Pike, E. Broadway, Market Division, Rutgers, E. Broadway, Pike E. Broadway, Rutgers, Henry, Pike Henry, Rutgers, diagonal line from northwest corner of Rutgers and Madison to southeast comer of Henry and Pike A diagonal line from southeast corner of Pike and Henry to north- west corner of Rutgers and Madison, Madison, Pike Madison, Rutgers, diagonal line from northwest corner of Rutgers and Monroe to southeast corner of Pike and Madison A diagonal line from southeast corner of Pike and Madison to northwest corner of Rutgers and Monroe, Monroe, Pike Monroe, Rutgers, Cherry, Pelham Monroe, Pelham, Cherry, Pike Cherry, Rutgers Slip, East River, Pike Slip Cherry, Clinton, East River, Rutgers Slip Monroe, Jefferson, diagonal line from northwest corner of Cherry and Jefferson to southeast corner of Rutgers and Monroe A diagonal line from southeast corner of Rutgers and Monroe to northwest corner of Cherry and Jefferson, Cherry, Rutgers Madison, Jefferson, diagonal line from northwest corner of Jeffer- son and Monroe to southeast corner of Rutgers and Madison A diagonal line from southeast comer of Rutgers and Madison to northwest corner of Jefferson and Monroe, Monroe, Rutgers Henry, Jefferson, Madison, Rutgers E. Broadway, Jefferson, Henry, Rutgers Division, Clinton, E. Broadway, Rutgers E. Broadway, Clinton, Henry, Jefferson Henry, Clinton, Madison, Jefferson Madison, Clinton, Monroe, Jefferson Monroe, Clinton, diagonal line from northwest corner of Clinton and Cherry to southeast corner of Monroe and Jeffer- son 826 2,251 2,208 1,654 1,606 2,411 2,111 1,527 1,901 1,550 770 1,820 1,799 1,280 729 1,267 1,981 655 2.006 1.886 2,020 2, 516 1,294 1,349 245 1,058 1,843 1,595 1.367 2, 277 1,180 858 1 , 050 2, 361 2. 702 2,104 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 7— Continued. A diagonal line from southeast corner of Monroe and Jefferson to northwest corner of Clinton and Cherry, Cherry, Jefferson Division, Scammel, E. Broadway, Clinton E. Broadway, Montgomery, Henry, Clinton Henry, Montgomery, diagonal line from northwest comer of Montgomery and Madison to southeast corner of Clinton and Henry A diagonal line from southeast corner of Clinton and Henry to northwest comer of Madison and Montgomery, Madison, Clinton. Madison, Montgomery, diagonal line from northwest corner of Montgomery and Monroe to southeast corner of Madison and Clinton A diagonal line from southeast corner of Clinton and Madison to northwest corner of Montgomery and Monroe, Monroe, Clinton. . Monroe, Montgomery, diagonal line from northwest corner of Montgomery and Cherry to southeast corner of Monroe and Clinton A diagonal line from southeast corner of Monroe and Clinton to northwest corner of Montgomery and Cherry, Cherry, Clinton. . . Cherry, Gouverneur, Water, West Gouverneurs Slip, East River, Clinton Monroe, Scammel, Water, East Gouverneurs Slip, East River, West Gouverneurs Slip, Water, Gouverneur Monroe, Gouverneur, Cherry, Montgomery Madison, Gouverneur, Monroe, Montgomery Madison, Scammel, Monroe, Gouverneur Henry, Scammel, Madison, Gouverneur Henry, Gouverneur, Madison, Montgomery E. Broadway, Scammel, Henry, Montgomery Grand, Henry, Scammel Henry, Jackson, Madison, Scammel Madison, Jackson, diagonal line from northwest corner of Jackson and Monroe to southeast corner of Madison and Scammel A diagonal line from southeast corner of Scammel and Madison to northwest corner of Jackson and Monroe, Monroe, Scammel Monroe, Jackson, diagonal line from northwest corner of Jackson and Cherry to southeast corner of Monroe and Scammel A diagonal line from southeast corner of Monroe and Scammel to northwest corner of Jackson and Cherry, Cherry, Scammel Cherry, Jackson, Water, Scammel Water , Jackson, Jackson Slip, East River, East Gouverneurs Slip. Grand, Madison, Jackson Madison, Grand, Monroe, Jackson Monroe, Grand, East River, Jackson 1,339 1,280 1,843 1,624 1,866 1,341 1,925 1,444 2,058 1,250 946 1,274 1,091 1.011 1,187 1,745 929 958 3,083 1,295 2,522 2,004 1.021 2,041 1. 117 631 1,574 3,048 WARD 8 33,189 W. Houston, Hudson, Charlton, North River Charlton, Hudson, Vandam, Greenwich, Spring, North River Spring, Greenwich, Vandam, Hudson, Spring, Renwick, Canal, North River Spring, Hudson, Canal, Renwick W. Houston, Houston, MacDougal, King, Congress W. Houston, Congress, King, Varick King, MacDougal, Charlton, Varick W. Houston, Varick, Charlton, Hudson Charlton, Varick, Dominick, Hudson Charlton, MacDougal, Vandam, Varick Vandam, MacDougal, Spring, Clark, Broome, Varick Dominick, Varick, Canal, Hudson Broome, Sullivan, Canal, Varick W. Houston, Sullivan, Prince, MacDougal W. Houston, Thompson, Prince, Sullivan W. Houston, W. Broadway, Prince, Thompson, Prince, Sullivan, Spring, MacDougal Prince, Thompson, Spring, Sullivan Spring, Sullivan, Broome, Clark; also Broome, Thompson, Canal, Sullivan Spring, Thompson, Broome, Sullivan W. Houston, Wooster, Broome, Thompson, Prince, W. Broadway. . Broome, Wooster, Canal, Thompson W. Houston, Broadway, Canal, Wooster 1,554 1,117 683 1,063 702 1,002 1,589 917 1,058 899 1,414 1,276 1,053 2, 667 2, ,539 1,109 1,551 2, 164 2,101 2,722 2,738 1,200 71 WARD 9. 64,884 Barrow, W. 4th, Jones, Bleecker, Commerce, Bedford Jones, W. 4th, Cornelia, Bleecker Commerce, Bleecker, Morton, Bedford Morton, Bleecker, Leroy, Bedford Barrow, Bedford, Morton, Hudson Morton, Bedford, Leroy, Hudson Leroy, Bedford, Carmine, Clarkson, Hudson Clarkson, Varick, Downing, Bedford, W. Houston, Hudson Carmine, Bleecker, Downing, Varick Downing, Bleecker, Hancock, Bedford Leroy, Bleecker, Carmine. Bedford Cornelia, 6th, Carmine, Bleecker Christopher, Hudson, Morton, North River Clarkson, Hudson, W. Houston, North River Leroy, Hudson, Clarkson, North River Morton, Hudson, Leroy, North River Bank, Hudson, W. 11th, North River. W. 11th, Washington, W. 10th, North River W. 11th, Hudson, Perry, Washington Perry, Hudson, W. 10th, Washington W. 10th, Christopher, Hudson, North River 1,973 1,692 1,078 1,078 881 1,502 1,334 1,237 2, 403 2, 046 1,021 1,201 1,030 695 996 874 1,183 1,477 1,378 1,386 1,112 4 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OP MANHATTAN -Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. E. D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 9 — Continued. WARD 11— Continued. 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 106 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 W. Uth, W. 4th, Perry, Hudson W. 11th, Waverly, Charles, W. 4th Perry, W. 4th, Charles, Hudson Charles, W. 4th, W. 10th, Hudson W. 10th, Bleecker, Christopher, Hudson Christopher, Bleecker, Grove, Hudson Grove, Bleecker, Barrow, Hudson Christopher, W. 4th, Barrow, Bleecker W. 10th, W. 4th, Christopher, Bleecker Charles, Waverly, Grove, W. 4th Christopher, 6th, W. 4th, Grove Charles, Greenwich Ave., W. 10th, 6th Ave., Christopher, Waverly. W. 11th, 6th Ave., W. 10th, Greenwich Ave., Charles, Waverly W. 14th, 6th Ave., W. 11th, 7th Ave., excluding St. Vincents Hospital St. Vincents Hospital W. Uth, 8th Ave., W. 4th, W. 13th, Hudson W. 13th, W. 4th, Jane, Hudson Jane, W. 4th, Bank, Hudson Bank, Greenwich Ave., W. 11th, W. 4th Bank, W. 4th, W. 11th, Hudson W. Uth, Greenwich Ave., Bank, W. 4th W. 13th, 7th Ave., Greenwich Ave Horatio, Greenwich Ave., W. Uth, W. 4th, 8th Ave W. Uth, 7th Ave., W. 13th, Horatio, 8th Ave Gansevoort, Greenwich, Horatio, North River Gansevoort, Hudson, Jane, Greenwich Horatio, Greenwich, Jane, North River Jane, Hudson, Bank, Greenwich Jane, Greenwich, W. Uth, North River W. Uth, Greenwich, Bank, North River W. Uth, Hudson, Gansevoort, North River 1,576 1,546 1,154 2,112 1,198 1,444 1,377 1,732 1.068 1,291 1,792 1,490 1,462 1,592 355 1,159 1,396 1,359 899 660 805 680 1,494 1,061 917 769 971 734 646 1,647 921 178 179 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 2(10 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 WARD 10 Bayard, Division, Bowery Canal, Chrystie, Bayard, Bowery Canal, Eldridge, Division, Bayard, Forsyth Canal, Allen, Division, Eldridge Canal, Division, Allen Hester, Norfolk, Division, Canal, Ludlow.. Hester, Ludlow, Canal, Orchard Hester, Orchard, Canal, Allen Hester, Allen, Canal, Eldridge Hester, Eldridge, Canal, Forsyth Hester, Forsyth, Canal, Chrystie Hester, Chrystie, Canal, Bowery Grand, Chrystie, Hester, Bowery Grand, Forsyth, Hester, Chrystie Grand, Eldridge, Hester, Forsyth Grand, Allen, Hester, Eldridge Grand, Orchard, Hester, Allen Grand, Ludlow, Hester, Orchard Grand, Essex, Hester, Ludlow Grand, Norfolk, Hester, Essex Delancey, Chrystie, Grand, Bowery Rivington, Chrystie, Delancey, Bowery Rivington, Forsyth, Delancey, Chrystie Delancey, Forsyth, Broome, Chrystie Broome, Forsyth, Grand, Chrystie Broome, Eldridge, Grand, Forsyth Delancey, Eldridge, Broome, Forsyth Rivington, Eldridge, Delancey, Forsyth Rivington, Allen, Delancey, Eldridge Delancey, Allen, Broome, Eldridge Broome', Allen, Grand, Eldridge Broome, Orchard, Grand, Allen Delancey, Orchard, Broome, Allen Rivington, Orchard, Delancey, Allen Rivington, Ludlow, Delancey, Orchard Delancey, Ludlow, Broome, Orchard Broome, Ludlow, Grand, Orchard Delancey, Essex, Grand, Ludlow Rivington, Essex, Delancey, Ludlow Rivington, Norfolk, Delancev, Essex Delancey, Norfolk, Broome, Essex Broome, Norfolk, Grand, Essex 66,438 1,753 C) 1,188 1,050 1,607 1,884 1,687 1,500 1,780 1,208 1,672 1,158 1,496 2,150 2,251 1.364 1,362 904 1,512 1,146 1,446 1,416 2,411 1,271 1.625 1,420 1,574 2,081 1,405 1,604 1,403 1,233 1,560 2,366 1,627 1,674 1,400 1,516 2,503 2.625 1.995 1,611 221 222 223 1695 224 225 226 1704 227 228 229 WARD 11 Stanton, Cannon, Rivington, Columbia Stanton, Lewis, Rivington, Cannon Stanton, Goerck, diagonal line from northwest corner of Goerck and Rivington to southeast corner of Stanton and Lewis A diagonal line from southeast corner of Stanton and Lewis to northwest corner of Goerck and Rivington, Rivington, Lewis... Stanton, Mangin, Rivington, Goerck E. Houston, East River, Rivington, Mangin, Stanton, Goerck E. Houston, Goerck, diagonal line from northwest corner of Goerck and Stanton to southeast corner of E. Houston and Lewis A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. Houston and Lewis to northwest corner of Stanton and Goerck, Stanton, Lewis E. Houston, Lewis, Stanton, Cannon E. Houston, Cannon, Stanton, Columbia E. 3d, Lewis, Houston, Ave. D 136.543 2,440 2,147 1,612 1,475 2,127 963 1,346 1,457 2,586 2,225 1,496 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 1698 238 1697 239 1696 240 241 242 243 244 1663 245 1664 246 247 1665 248 1657 249 1658 250 1666 251 1667 252 253 1659 254 1660 255 1656 256 1668 257 1661 258 1655 259 1669 260 261 262 263 264 1670 265 1671 266 E. 3d, East River, E. Houston, Lewis E. 4th, East River, E. 3d, Lewis E. 4th, Lewis, E. 3d, Ave. D E. 5th, East River, E. 4th, Ave. D Stanton, Attorney, Rivington, Clinton Stanton, Ridge, Rivington, Attorney Stanton, Pitt, Rivington, Ridge Stanton, Willett, diagonal line from northwest corner of Willett and Rivington to southeast corner of Stanton and Pitt A diagonal line from southeast corner of Stanton and Pitt to northwestcorner of Willett and Rivington, Rivington, Pitt Stanton, Sheriff, diagonal line from northwest corner of Rivington and Sheriff to southeast corner of Stanton and Willett A diagonal line from southeast corner of Stanton and Willett to northwest corner of Sheriff and Rivington, Rivington, Millet... Stanton, Columbia, diagonal line from northwest corner of Columbia and Rivington to southeast corner of Sherifl and Stanton A diagonal line from southeast corner of Sheriff and Stanton to northwest corner of Columbia and Rivington, Rivington, Sheriff E. 2d, Columbia Stanton, Pitt, Ave. C E. Houston, Pitt, Stanton, Ridge E. Houston, Ridge, Stanton, Attorney E. Houston, Attorney, Stanton, Clinton E. 2d, Ave. C, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. Houston and Ave. C to southeast corner of E. 2d and Ave. B A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 2d and Ave. B to northwestcornerof E. Houston and Ave.C, E. Houston, Ave. B. E. 3d, Ave. C, diagonal line from northwest corner E. 2d and Ave. C to southeast corner of E. 3d and Ave. B A diagonal line from southeast corner of E.3d and Ave. B to north- west corner of E. 2d and Ave. C, E. 2d, Ave. B E. 3d, Ave. D, E. 2d, Ave. C E. 4th, Ave. C, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 3d and Ave. C to southeast corner of E. 4th and Ave. B A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 4th and Ave. B to northwestcorner of E. 3d and Ave. C, E. 3d, Ave. B E. 4th, Ave. D, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 3d and Ave. D to southeast corner of E. 4th and Ave. C A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 4th and Ave. C to northwestcorner of E. 3d and Ave. D, E. 3d, Ave. C E. 5th, Ave. D, diagonal line from northwest corner of Ave. D and E. 4th to southeast corner of Ave. C and E. 5th A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 5th and Ave. C to northwestcorner of E. 4th and Ave. D, E. 4th, Ave. C E. 5th, Ave. C, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 4th and Ave. C to southeast corner of E. 5th and Ave. B A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 5th and Ave. B to northwest corner of E. 4th and Ave. C, E. 4th, Ave. B E. 6th, Ave. C, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 5th and Ave. C to southeast corner of E. 6th and Ave. B; excluding St. Francis Hospital A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 6th and Ave. B to northwestcornerof E. 5th and Ave. C, E. 5th, Ave. B; excluding St. Francis Hospital St. Francis Hospital E. 6th, Ave. D, diagonal line from northwestcorner of Ave. D and E. 5th to southeast corner of Ave. C and E. 6th A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 6th and Ave. C to northwest corner of E. 5th and Ave. D, E. 5th, Ave. C E. 7th, Ave. D, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 6th and Ave. D to southeast corner of E. 7th and Ave. C A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 7th and Ave. C to northwest corner of E. 6th and Ave. D, E. 6th, Ave. C E. 7th, Ave. C, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 6th and Ave. C to southeast corner of E. 7th and Ave. B A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 7th and Ave. B to northwestcorner of E. 6th and Ave. C, E. 6th, Ave. B E. 8th, Ave. C, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 7th and Ave. C to southeast corner of E. 8th and Ave. B A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 8th and Ave. B to northwest corner of E. 7th and Ave. C, E. 7th, Ave. B E. 8th, Ave. D, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 7th and Ave. D to southeast corner of E. 8th and Ave. C A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 8th and Ave. C to northwestcorner of E. 7th and Ave. D, E. 7th, Ave. C E. 9th, Ave. D, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 8th and Ave. D to southeast corner of E. 9th and Ave. C A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 9th and Ave. C to northwest corner of E. 8th and Ave. D, E. 8th, Ave. C E. 9th, Ave. C, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 8th and Ave. C to southeast corner of E. 9th and Ave. B A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 9th and Ave. B to northwest corner of E. 8th and Ave. C, E. 8th, Ave. B E. 6th, East River, E. 5th, Ave. D E. 7th, East River, E. 6th, Ave. D E. 8th, East River, E. 7th, Ave. D E. 14th, East River, E. 8th, Ave. D E. 10th, Ave. C, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 9th and Ave. C to southeast corner of E. 10th and Ave. B A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 10th and Ave. B to northwestcorner of E. 9th and Ave. C, E. 9th, Ave. B E. 11th, Ave. C, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 10th and Ave. C to southeast corner of E. 11th and Ave. B A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 11th and Ave. B to northwest corner of E. 10th and Ave. C, E. 10th, Ave. B E. 12th, Ave.C, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. llt.h and Ave. C to southeast corner of E. 12th and Ave. B 2,800 1,408 2,106 974 1,997 2,476 2,164 1,429 1,578 1,638 1,873 1,485 1,628 2,519 2,792 2,557 2,381 1,403 1,323 2,685 2,336 3,474 1,653 2, 171 1,862 1,440 2,046 971 1,808 1,162 1,705 1,292 267 1,832 2,637 1,507 1,555 1,748 1,773 2,071 1,718 2,470 1,255 1,549 1,923 1,666 1,986 1,446 739 1,514 2,377 1,660 1,355 2,238 2,276 1, 157 1 Combined with 190. 5 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. E. D. No. WARD 11— Continued. 1672 A diagonal line from the southeast corner of E. 12th and Ave. B to 350 northwest corner of E. 11th and Ave. C, E. 11th, Ave. 11 2,220 351 267 E. 13th, Ave. C, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 12th 1654 and Ave. C to southeast corner of E. 13th and Ave. B 2,118 352 1673 A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 13th and Ave. B to 353 northwest corner of E. 12th and Ave. C, E. 12th, Ave. B 1,857 354 268 E. 14th, Ave. C, E. 13th, Ave. B 3,012 355 269 E. 14th, Ave. D, E. 10th, Dry Dock, E. 12th, Ave. C 1,163 356 270 E. 12th, Dry Dock, E. 10th, Ave. C 1,374 357 271 E. 10th, Ave. D, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 9th 358 and Ave. D to southeast corner of E. 10th and Ave. C 1,209 359 1662 A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 10th and Ave. C to 360 northwest corner of E. 9th and Ave. D, E. 9th, Ave. C 1,863 361 362 363 364 WARD 12 806,674 365 366 272 E. 87th, Ave. A, E. 86th, 1st Ave 1,365 367 273 E. 88th, Avenue A., E. 87th, 1st Ave 1,419 308 274 E. 89th, Ave. A, E. 88th, 1st Ave 1,683 369 275 E. 89th, East End Ave., E. 88th, Ave. A 1,803 370 280 E. 88th, East End Ave., E. 87th, Ave. A 2,284 372 281 E. 87th, East End Ave., E. 89th, East River, E. 80th, Ave. A 693 374 282 E. 99th, East River, E. 91st, 1st Ave 1,227 376 283 E. 91st, East River, E. 90th, 1st Ave 990 378 284 E. 90th, East River, E. 89th, 1st Ave., excluding St. Anns Home 379 aud House of the Good Shepherd and St. Josephs Orphan 380 12 381 285 St. Anns Home and the House of the Good Shepherd; also St. 382 Josephs Orphan Asylum 1,451 385 286 E. 109th, Harlem River, East River, E. 106th, 1st Ave 1,596 386 287 E. 104th, East River, E. 99th, 1st Ave 2, 172 387 437 E. 106th, East River, E. 104th, 1st Ave 965 388 288 Wards Island, including Manhattan State Hospital 5,125 389 289 E. 114th, Pleasant Ave., E. 116th, Harlem River, E. 109th, 1st Ave. . 990 390 290 E. 115th, Pleasant Ave., E. 114th, 1st Ave 2,853 391 291 E. 116th, Pleasant Ave., E. 115th, 1st Ave 2,302 392 292 E. 117th, Harlem River, E. 116th, 1st Ave 3,075 393 293 E. 118th, Pleasant Ave., E. 117th, 1st Ave 1,811 394 294 E. 119th, Pleasant Ave., E. 118th, 1st Ave 1,159 395 295 E. 119th, Harlem River, E. 117th, Pleasant Ave 2,690 396 296 Randalls Island, including House of Refuge, but excluding New 397 York City Childrens Hospitals and Schools 574 398 1734 New York City Childrens Hospitals and Schools (Randalls Island). 1,931 399 297 Harlem River, E. 123d, 1st Ave 1,005 400 298 E. 123d, Harlem River, E. 122d, 1st Ave 1,608 401 299 E. 122d, Harlem River, E. 121st, 1st Ave 1,186 402 300 E. 121st, Harlem River, E. 120th, 1st Ave 1,361 403 301 E. 120th, Harlem River, E. 119th, 1st Ave 2, 556 404 302 Harlem River, E. 127th, 3d Ave 977 405 303 E. 127th, 1st Ave., E. 126th, 3d Ave 1.301 406 304 E. 126th, 2d Ave., E. 125th, 3d Ave 823 407 305 E. 126th, 1st Ave., E. 125th, 2d Ave 1,628 408 396 E. 125th, 1st Ave., E. 124th, 2d Ave 1,261 409 307 E. 125th, 2d Ave., E. 124th, 3d Ave 1,041 410 308 E. 124th, 2d Ave., E. 123d, 3d Ave 1,557 411 309 E. 124th, 1st Ave., E. 123d, 2d Ave 1,121 412 310 E. 123d, 1st Ave., E. 122d, 2d Ave 1,457 413 311 E. 123d, 2d Ave., E. 122d, 3d Ave 1,694 414 312 E. 122d, 2d Ave., E. 121st, 3d Ave 1,992 415 313 E. 122d, 1st Ave., E. 121st, 2d Ave 1,467 416 314 E. 121st, 1st Ave., E. 120th, 2d Ave 1,910 417 315 E. 121st, 2d Ave., E. 120th, 3d Ave 1,526 418 316 E. 120th, 1st Ave., E. 119th, 3d Ave 2, 337 419 317 E. 119th, 2d Ave., E. 118th, 3d Ave 2,136 420 318 E. 119th, 1st Ave., E. 118th, 2d Ave 2,561 421 319 E. 118th, 1st Ave., E. 117th, 2d Ave 2,282 422 320 E. 118th, 2d Ave., E. 117th, 3d Ave 1,272 423 291 2,651 424 322 E. 117th, 1st Ave., E. 116th, 2d Ave 1,222 425 323 E. 116th, 1st Ave., E. 115th, 2d Ave 2,052 426 324 E. 115th, 1st Ave., E. 114th, 2d Ave 2,675 325 E. 115th, 2d Ave., E. 114th, 3d Ave 2,436 427 326 E. 114th, 2d Ave., E. 113th, 3d Ave 2,049 428 327 E. 114th, 1st Ave., E. 113th, 2d Ave 2,290 429 328 E. 113th, 1st Ave., E. 112th, 2d Ave 4,556 430 329 E. 113th, 2d Ave., E. 112th, 3d Ave 1,856 431 330 E. 112th, 2d Ave., E. 111th, 3d Ave 2,910 432 331 E. 112th, 1st Ave., E. 111th, 2d Ave 2,215 433 332 E. 111th, 1st Ave., E. 110th, 2d Ave 915 434 333 E. 111th, 2d Ave., E. 110th, 3d Ave 2,201 435 334 E. 110th, 2d Ave., E. 109th, 3d Ave 1,327 436 335 E. 110th, 1st Ave., E. 109th, 2d Ave 2,021 438 336 E. 109th, 2d Ave., E. 108th, 3d Ave., excluding the south side of 439 E. 109th Street 1,685 1722 The south side of E. 109th Street 1, 468 440 337 E. 109th, 1st Ave., E. 108th, 2d Ave 3,037 441 338 E. 108th, 2d Ave., E. 107th, 3d Ave 2,266 442 339 E. 108th, 1st Ave., E. 107th, 2d Ave 2,747 443 340 E. 107th, 1st Ave., E. 106th, 2d Ave 4,370 444 341 E. 107th, 2d Ave., E. 106th, 3d Ave 2,233 445 342 E. 106th, 2d Ave., E. 105th, 3d Ave 2,225 446 343 E. 106th, 1st Ave., E. 105th, 2d Ave 3,430 447 344 E. 105th, 1st Ave., E. 104th, 2d Ave 2,312 448 345 E. 105th' 2d Ave., E. 104th, 3d Ave 1,633 449 346 E. 104th, 2d Ave., E. 103d, 3d Ave 2,403 450 347 E. 104th' 1st Ave., E. 102d, 2d Ave 3,005 451 348 E. 103d, 2d Ave., E. 102d, 3d Ave 2,450 452 349 E. 102dj 2d Ave., E. 101st, 3d Ave ' 2,089 453 BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. WARD 12— Continued. E. 102d, 1st Ave., E. 101st, 2d Ave E. 101st, 1st Ave., E. 100th, 2d Ave E. 100th, 1st Ave., E. 99th, 2d Ave E. 101st, 2d Ave., E. 100th, 3d Ave E. 100th, 2d Ave., E. 99th, 3d Ave E. 99th, 2d Ave., E. 98th, 3d Ave E. 99th, 1st Ave., E. 9Gth, 2d Ave E. 98th, 2d Ave., E. 97th, 3d Ave E. 97th, 2d Ave., E. 90th, 3d Ave E. 9Gth, 1st Ave., E. 94th, 2d Ave E. 96th, 2d Ave., E. 95th, 3d Ave E. 95th, 2d Ave., E. 94th, 3d Ave E. 94th, 2d Ave., E. 93d, 3d Ave E. 94th, 1st Ave., E. 93d, 2d Ave E. 93d, 1st Ave., E. 92d, 2d Ave E. 93d, 2d Ave., E. 92d, 1st Ave., E. 91st, 2d Ave., E. 90th, 3d Ave. . . E. 91st, 1st Ave., E. 90th, 2d Ave E. 90th, 1st Ave., E. 89th, 2d Ave E. 90th, 2d Ave., E. 89th, 3d Ave E. 89th, 2d Ave., E. 88th, 3d Ave E. 89th, 1st Ave., E. 88th, 2d Ave E. 88th, 1st Ave., E. 87th, 2d Ave E. 88tli, 2d Ave., E. 87th, 3d Ave E. 87th, 2d Ave., E. 80th, 3d Ave E. 87th, 1st Ave., E. 80th, 2d Ave E. 88th, Lexington Ave., E. 80th, Park Ave E. 89th, 3d Ave., E. 88th, Park Ave E. 90th, Lexington Ave., E. 89th, Park Ave E. 91st, Lexington Ave., E. 90th, Park Ave E. 91st, 3d Ave., E. 89th, Lexington Ave E. 88th, 3d Ave., E. 80th, Lexington Ave E. 93d, Lexington Ave., E. 92d, 3d Ave., E. 91st, Park Ave E. 96th, Lexington Ave., E. 93d, Park Ave E. 94th, 3d Ave., E. 92d, Lexington Ave E. 96th, 3d Ave., E. 94th, Lexington Ave E. 97th, 3d Ave., E. 96th, Lexington Ave E. 97th, Lexington Ave., E. 90th, Park Ave E. 98th, Lexington Ave., E. 97th, Park Ave E. 98th, 3d Ave., E. 97th, Lexington Ave E. 100th, 3d Ave., E. 98th, Park Ave E. 101st, Lexington Ave., E. 100th, Park Ave E. 101st, 3d Ave., E. 100th, Lexington Ave E. 102d, 3d Ave., E. 101st, Lexington Ave E. 102d, Lexington Ave., E. 101st, Park Ave E. 105th, Lexington Ave., E. 102d, Park Ave E. 103d, 3d Ave., E. 102d, Lexington Ave E. 104th, 3d Ave., E. 103d, Lexington Ave E. 105th, 3d Ave., E. 104th, Lexington Ave E. 107th, Lexington Ave., E. 105th, Park Ave E. 106th, 3d Ave., E. 105th, Lexington Ave E. 107th, 3d Ave., E. 106th, Lexington Ave E. 108th, 3d Ave., E. 107th, Park Ave E. 109th, 3d Ave., E. 108th, Lexington Ave E. 109th, Lexington Ave., E. 108th, Park Ave E. 110th, 3d Ave., E. 109th, Park Ave E. 111th, 3d Ave., E. 110th, Park Ave E. 112th, 3d Ave., E. 111th, Park Ave E. 114th, Lexington Ave., E. 112th, Park Ave E. 114th, 3d Ave., E. 112th, Lexington Ave E. 115th, 3d Ave., E. 114th, Park Ave E. 116th, 3d Ave., E. 115th, Park Ave E. 118th, Lexington Ave., E. 117th, 3d Ave., E. 116th, Park Ave.. E. 119th, 3d Ave., E. 117th, Lexington Ave E. 119th, Lexington Ave., E. 118th, Park Ave E. 120th, Lexington Ave., E. 121st, 3d Ave., E. 119th, Park Ave.. E. 122d, Lexington Ave., E. 120th, Park Ave E. 123d, 3d Ave., E. 121st, Lexington Ave E. 124th, Lexington Ave., E. 122d, Park Ave E. 126th, 3d Ave., E. 123d, Lexington Ave., E. 124th, Park Ave. . . E. 127th, 3d Ave., E. 120th, Park Ave E. 129th, Lexington Ave., E. 128th, 3d Ave., E. 127th, Park Ave.. Harlem River, 3d Ave., E. 128th, Lexington Ave., E. 129th, Park Ave E. 134th, Park Ave., E. 133d, 5th Ave Harlem River, Park Ave., E. 134th, 5th Ave E. 133d, Park Ave., E. 132d, 5th Ave E. 132d, Madison Ave., E. 131st, 5t,h Ave E. 132d, Park Ave., F-. 131st, Madison Ave E. 131st, Park Ave., E. 130th, 5th Ave E. 130th, Madison Ave., E. 127th, 5th Ave E. 130th, Park Ave., E. 128th, Madison Ave E. 127th, Madison Ave., E. 128th, Park Ave., E. 126th, 5th Ave. . . E. 126th, Park Ave., E. 124th, 5th Ave E. 124th, Park Ave., E. 122d, Madison Ave E. 124th, Madison Ave., E. 122d, Park Ave., E. 120th, 5th Ave. extended through Mount Morris Square E. 120th, Park Ave., E. 119th, Madison Ave E. 120th, Madison Ave., E. 119th, 5th Ave E. 119th, Madison Ave., E. 118th, 5th Ave E. 119th, Park Ave., E. 118th, Madison Ave E. 118th, Park Ave., E. 117th, Madison Ave E. 118th, Madison Ave., E. 117th, 5th Ave E. 117th, Madison Ave., E. 116th, 5th Ave E. 117th, Park Ave., E. 116th, Madison Ave E. 116th, Park Ave., E. 115th, Madison Ave E. 116th, Madison Ave., E. 115th, 5th Ave E. 115th, Madison Ave., E. 114th, 5th Ave E. 115th, Park Ave., E. 114th, Madison Ave E. 114th, Park Ave., E. 113th, Madison Ave E. 114th, Madison Ave.. E. 113th, 5th Ave Popula- tion. 3,732 4, 193 3,177 1,695 2,530 3,241 1,221 3, 172 2,410 3,358 2,366 1,799 1,571 1,907 2,237 1,921 2,209 2,186 1,830 2,119 1,944 1,149 1,566 1,013 1,626 1,487 1,755 1,246 1.074 2,127 1.326 1,671 1.446 1.605 1,396 1,762 1,576 1,566 1,760 1,474 1.319 2,026 1,457 1.320 3,950 1.764 1,378 791 1,480 1,396 1.207 1.998 1,181 1,187 2,715 2,597 1,588 2, 869 2,552 1,544 2,098 2,467 1,891 1,490 1,957 1 . 420 1 . 565 2.112 1,404 1,414 1,418 2.180 1,849 1 . 272 1,422 1,621 1.208 938 1,198 1,203 1,429 1,295 1,174 1, 642 1 , 396 1,583 1,405 1,789 1,440 1 , 876 1,709 1,533 1,429 1,735 2, 034 1,848 1 , 559 1.867 6 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. E. D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 12— Continued. WARD 12 — Continued. 454 1,898 2,020 455 E. 113th, Park Ave., E. 112th, Madison Ave 2,082 537 W. 134th, Lenox Ave., W. 133d, 7th Ave 2,542 456 3,491 538 1 870 457 E. 111th, Park Ave., E. 110th, 5th Ave 2 , 630 539 W. 133d, 7th Ave., W. 132d, 8th Ave 1,311 458 E. 110th’ Madison Ave., E. 108th, 5th Ave 2,399 542 W. 132d, 7th Ave., W. 131st, 8th Ave., W. 131st, Lenox Ave., W. 459 1,821 130th, 7th Ave 1,766 460 E. 109th, Park Ave., E. 108th, Madison Ave 1,257 543 W. 131st, 7th Ave., W. 129th, 8th Ave 2,209 461 2 ' 590 545 1,208 462 E. 107th, Madison Ave., E. 106th, 5th Ave 1 , 451 546 AV. 130th, Lenox Ave., W. 129th, 7th Ave 1,094 463 E. 107th, Park Ave., E. 106th, Madison Ave 2, 026 547 W. 129th, Lenox Ave., AV. 128th, 7th Ave 1,300 464 E. 106th, Park Ave., E. 105th, Madison Ave 1,697 548 W. 128th, Lenox Ave., W. 127th, 7th Ave 1,038 465 1,362 549 W. 128th’ 7th Ave., W. 127th, 8th Ave 1, 121 466 1,542 550 1,716 467 1,460 552 935 468 1,626 553 997 469 E. 103d, Park Ave., E. 102d, 5th Ave 2,887 554 AV. 124th, 7th Ave., AV. 123d, 8th Ave 1,279 470 1,787 555 AV. 123d, 7th Ave.. AV. 122d, 8th Ave 1,376 471 988 556 AV. 124th, Lenox Ave., AV. 122d, 7th Ave 1,466 472 E. 101st, Madison Ave., E. 98th, 5th Ave., excluding Mount Sinai 557 W. 122d, 7th Ave., W. 121st, Sth Ave 2,029 1,330 558 AV. 122d, Lenox Ave., W. 120th, 7th Ave 1,380 1139 404 559 AV. 121st, 7th Ave., AV. 120th, 8th Ave 1,223 473 2, 043 560 AV. 120th, 7th Ave., W. 119th, 8th Ave 1,617 474 2 , 040 561 1,852 475 2 , 205 562 l’ 849 476 2 , 693 564 1,459 477 890 565 W. 117th’ 7th Ave., W. 116th! StluAve L 183 478 1,772 566 W. 116th, 7th Ave., W. 115th, Sth Ave 1,383 479 1,096 567 1,440 480 1,427 568 W. 118th, Lenox Ave., W. 117th, 7th Ave 1,387 481 1,693 569 AV. 117th, Lenox Ave., AV. 116th 7th Ave 1,850 482 E. 89thi, Madison Ave., E. 87th, Park Ave., E. 8Uth, 5th Ave 2,055 570 W. 116th, Lenox Ave., W. 115th, St. Nicholas Ave., W. 114th, 7th 483 1,589 Ave 1,535 485 W. 112th, 5th Ave., diagonal line from northwest comer of 5th 571 W. 115th, Lenox Ave., W. 114th, St. Nicholas Ave 1,865 Ave. and W. 111th to southeast comer of Lenox Ave. and W. 572 W. 114th, 7th Ave., W. 113th, Sth Ave 2,048 112th 1,695 573 AV. 113th, 7th Ave., AV. 112th, 8th Ave 1,492 507 A diagonal line from southeast comer of Lenox Ave. and W. 574 W. 111th, 7 th Ave., W. 110th, Sth Ave; east side of 8th Ave. between 112th to northwest comer of 5th Ave. and W. 111th, 5th Ave., W. 111th and W. 112th and west half of south side of W. 112th W. 86th through Park Ave., Central Park West, W. 110th, between 7th and 8th Avenues, comprising from No. 238 to cor- 1,390 1,565 486 W. 113th, 5th Ave., W. 112th, Lenox Ave 3,189 1731 The north side of W. 111th between 7th and 8th Avenues, and 487 W. 114th, 5th Ave., W. 113th, Lenox Ave 1,172 west side of 7th Ave. between W. 111th and W. 112th, and east 488 W. 115th, 5th Ave., diagonal line from northwest corner of 5th half of south side of W. 112th between 7 th and 8th Avenues, com- Ave. and W. 114th to southeast corner of Lenox Ave. and W. prising N os. 200 to 238 1,536 115th 1,226 575 AV. 114th, Lenox Ave., AV. 112th, St. Nicholas Ave 1,947 519 A diagonal line from southeast comer of Lenox Ave. and W. 576 W. 114th! St. Nicholas Ave., W. 112th 7th Ave 1,939 115th to northwest corner of 5th Ave. and W. 114th, W. 114th, 577 W. 112th, St. Nicholas Ave., W. 111th, 7th Ave 1,409 Lenox Ave 1,725 578 W. 111th, St. Nicholas Ave., W. 112th, Lenox Ave., W. 110th, 7th 48Q 2,392 769 490 2 , 092 579 1,449 491 W. 118th', 5th Ave.', diagonal line from nortwest comer of 5th Ave. 580 W. 88th! Columbus Ave., W. 86th, Amsterdam Ave 1,566 and W. 117th to southeast comer of Lenox Ave. and W. 118th 2,042 581 W. 89th, Columbus Ave., W. 88th, Amsterdam Ave 1,103 517 A diagonal line from southeast comer of Lenox Ave. and W. 582 W. 90th, Columbus Ave., W. 89th, Amsterdam Ave 1,537 118th to northwest comer of 5th Ave. and W. 117th, W. 117th, 583 W. 90th, Central Park West, W. 88th, Columbus Ave 1,768 1,907 584 W. 91st, Columbus Ave., W. 90th, Amsterdam Ave 1,826 492 2, 479 585 W. 91st, Central Park West, W. 90th, Columbus Ave 1.099 493 W. 121st,, Mount Morris Ave., W. 120th, 5th Ave., W. 119th, Lenox 586 W. 92d,' Central Park West, W. 91st, Columbus Ave 1,269 1,530 587 W. 93d, Central Park West, W. 92d, Columbus Ave 1,455 494 1,143 588 1,238 495 W. 126th, 5th Ave. extended through Mount Morris Square, W. 589 W. 94th, Columbus Ave., W. 93d, Amsterdam Ave 1,014 1,396 590 W. 94th, Central Park West, W. 93d, Columbus Ave 740 496 l’ 921 591 W. 95thj Columbus Ave., W. 94th, Amsterdam Ave 1,074 499 l, 607 592 944 500 2 , 148 593 W. 97th, Central Park West, W. 95th, Columbus Ave 1,864 501 1,343 594 W. 96th^ Columbus Ave., W. 95th, Amsterdam Ave 1,788 502 2, 163 595 1,680 503 W. 134th 5th Ave., W. 133d, Lenox Ave 2,812 596 1,592 504 l’ 550 597 1,699 508 3^ 769 598 W. 99th^ Columbus Ave., W. 98th, Amsterdam Ave 2,514 1732 2, 155 599 W. 99th! Central Park West, W. 98th, Columbus Ave 2,378 509 2,590 600 W. 100th, Central Park West, W. 99th, Columbus Ave 2,174 1716 1, 756 601 W. 100th \ Columbus Ave., W. 99th, Amsterdam Ave 1,337 610 AV. 153d, 7th Ave., W. 152d, Harlem River, W. 150th, 8th Ave L935 G02 W. 101st," Columbus Ave.,' W. lOOtli, Amsterdam Ave 2,559 611 Harlem River, W. 152d, 7th Ave., W. 153d, Sth Ave., 8th Ave. ex- 603 W. 101st, Manhattan Ave., W. 100th, Columbus Ave 1,361 1,532 604 W. 102d, Central Park West, W. 100th, Manhattan Ave 1,715 512 W. 149th, 7th Ave., W. 148th, Sth Ave 2 , 555 605 W. 102d, Manhattan Ave., W. 101st, Columbus Ave 988 513 AV. 148th, 7th Ave., W. 147th, 8th Ave. . . 1,638 606 W. 102dJ Columbus Ave., W. 101st, Amsterdam Ave 1,868 514 1.213 607 2,325 515 W. 150th, Harlem River, Lenox Ave., W. 146th, 7th Ave., W. 608 W. 103d, Manhattan Ave., W. 102d, Columbus Ave 1,018 355 609 W. 104th, Central Park West, W. 102d, Manhattan Ave 1.854 516 W. 146th, Lenox Ave., W. 143d, 7th Ave 2,973 610 W. 106th, Central Park West, W. 104th, Manhattan Ave., W. 105th, 518 AV. 146th, 7th Ave., AV 145th, Sth Ave 2,560 1.802 520 1,622 611 W. 105th, Manhattan Ave., W. 103d, Columbus Ave 1,505 521 2, 566 612 1,361 522 AV. 143d, 7th Ave., AV. 142d, Sth Ave.. 2,494 613 W. 105th! Columbus Ave.! W. 104th, Amsterdam Ave 1,203 523 W. 142d! 7th Ave., W. 141st, 8th Ave 1 , 675 614 W. 106th', Columbus, Ave’., W. 105th, Amsterdam Ave., including 524 2, 343 Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews 1,543 525 W. 140th, 7th Ave.’, W. 139th, Sth Ave L353 615 W. 107th, Columbus Ave., W. 106th, Amsterdam Ave., excluding 1717 556 Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the Poor 1,381 526 2,396 616 Home for the Aged of the Little Sisters of the Poor 322 527 2,514 617 W. 107th, Manhattan Ave., W. 106th, Columbus Ave 898 528 W. 138th, Lenox Ave., W. 137t.h, 7th Ave., W. 137th, 5th Ave., W. 618 W. 108th! Central Park West, W. 106th, Manhattan Ave 1,713 2,880 1730 W. 110th, Central Park West, W. 108th, Manhattan Ave 878 529 W. 138th, 7th Ave., W. 137th, 8th Ave 1,015 019 W. 110th! Manhattan Ave., W. 107th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 108th, 530 AV 137th, 7th Ave., W. 136th, Sth Ave 1,002 2,421 531 1,599 620 2,467 532 2, 628 621 2,045 1738 W. 136th, Lenox Ave., W. 135th, 7th Ave 1.493 C22 W. 114th (extended through park), 8th Ave., W. 113th, Manhattan 533 W. 136th, 7th Ave., W. 135th, 8th Ave 1,210 Ave., W. 110th, Amsterdam Ave., excluding St. Lukes Hos- 534 1,765 1,085 535 W. IsStH; 7th Ave., WA 134th, 8th Ave ’995 023 St* Lukes Hospital 213 7 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OP MANHATTAN— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. E. D. No. WARD 12— Continued. 624 W. 118th (extended through park), Columbus Ave. (Morningside 1742 Ave.), W. lluth (extended through park), Amsterdam Ave 2,299 692 626 W. 116th, 8th Ave., W. 114th, Morningside Ave 2,292 094 627 W. 117th, 8th Ave., W. 116th, Manhattan Ave 980 628 W. 118th, 8th Ave., W. 117th, Manhattan Ave 1,083 695 629 W. 118th, Manhattan Ave., W. 116th, Morningside Ave 1,419 696 630 W. 122d (extended through park), Manhattan Ave., W. 119th, Morningside Ave., W. 118th (extended through park), Amster- 697 2,693 698 631 W. 119th, Manhattan Ave., W. 118th, Columbus Ave. (Morning- 699 1,044 700 632 W. 119th, 8th Ave., W. 118th, Manhattan Ave 1,371 633 W. 120th, 8th Ave., W. 119th, Manhattan Ave 1,196 701 634 W. 122d, 8th Ave., W. 120th, Manhattan Ave 1,551 702 635 W. 124th, Morningside Ave. East, W. 122d (extended through 703 park), Amsterdam Ave 1,739 705 636 W. 124th, 8th Ave., W. 122d, Morningside Ave. East 1,396 637 Manhattan Ave., W. 124th, Amsterdam Ave 1,530 1431 638 Lawrence, W. 126th, Morningside Ave. East, W. 125th, Manhattan Ave., Amsterdam Ave 1,826 706 639 W. 126th, 8th Ave., W. 124th, Morningside Ave. East 1,253 707 640 W. 130th (extended), St. Nicholas Ave., W. 127th (extended), Convent Ave., W. 126th, Lawrence, Amsterdam Ave 1,519 708 641 W. 127th (extended), St. Nicholas Ave., W. 126th, Convent Ave. . 1,165 709 642 W. 128th, 8th Ave., W. 126th, St. Nicholas Ave 1,918 710 643 W. 130th, 8th Ave., W. 128th, St. Nicholas Ave 948 711 644 W. 134th, Convent Ave., W. 131st, Amsterdam Ave 1,322 645 W. 131st, Convent Ave., W. 134tti (extended), St. Nicholas Ave., 1644 W. 130th (extended), Amsterdam Ave., including Female Acad- emy of Sacred Heart 1,098 712 646 W. 133d, 8th Ave., W. 130th, St. Nicholas Ave 2,214 713 648 W. 138th, W. 138th (extended), W. I38th, 8th Ave., W. 136th, W. 136th (extended), W. 130th, Amsterdam Ave 1,104 714 649 W. 136th, W. 136th (extended), W. 136th, 8th Ave., W. 134th, W. 715 134th (extended), W. 134th, Amsterdam Ave 1,688 716 651 W. 140th, W. 140th (extended), W. 140th, 8th Ave., W. 138th, W. 717 138th (extended), W. 138th, Amsterdam Ave 947 652 W. 141st, 8th Ave., W 140th, W. 140th (extended), W. 140th, 718 Amsterdam Ave 1,000 719 653 W. 145th, Bradhurst Ave., Edgecomb Ave., W. 141st, St. Nicho- las Ave 1,462 720 654 W. 145th, St. Nicholas Ave., W. 141st, Amsterdam Ave i;656 721 655 W. 143d, 8th Ave., W. 141st, Bradhurst Ave 1,835 722 656 W. 145th, 8th Ave., W. 143d, Bradhurst Ave 1,551 723 657 W. 150th, St. Nicholas Ave.,W. 145th, Convent Ave 1,758 658 W. 150th, Convent Ave., W. 147th, Amsterdam Ave 808 1420 659 W. 147th, Convent Ave., W. 145th, Amsterdam Ave 996 724 600 W. 150th, Bradhurst Ave., W. 145th, St. Nicholas Ave 1,398 661 W. 147th, 8th Ave., W. 145th, Bradhurst Ave 1,677 725 662 W. 148th, 8th Ave., W\ 147th, Bradhurst Ave 1,022 663 W. 150th, 8th Ave., W. 148th, Bradhurst Ave 1,869 726 664 W. 155th, St. Nicholas Ave., Convent Ave., W. 151st, Amsterdam 727 Ave 1,594 728 665 W. 155th, Bradhurst Ave., W. 150th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 151st, 729 Convent Ave., St. Nicholas Ave 2,501 666 W. 152d, 8th Ave., W. 150th, Bradhurst Ave 1,332 730 704 W. 155th, 8th Ave., W. 152d, Bradhurst Ave 1,958 731 667 W. 159th, W. 159th (extended), 8th Ave. (extended) to Harlem 732 River, W. 155th, Amsterdam Ave 1,930 733 668 W. 165th, W. 165th (extended), Harlem River, W. 159th (ex- 734 tended), Harlem River Speedway, W. 163d (extended), W. 735 163d, Amsterdam Ave 2,145 736 669 W. 161st, St. Nicholas Ave., W. 160th, W. 160th (extended), 737 Speedway, W. 159th (extended), W. 159th, Amsterdam Ave 469 738 670 W. 163d (extended), Harlem River Speedway, W.lOOth(extended), 739 W. 160th, St. Nicholas Ave., W. 161st, Amsterdam Ave 1,080 740 671 Dyckman, Harlem River, W. 16oth (extended), W. 165th, Am- 1653 sterdam Ave., line extended from the comer of Hillside Ave. 741 and Broadway (extended) east to Fort George Ave., Nagle Ave. 2,255 742 672 W. 218th, Harlem River, Dyckman, Nagle Ave., Hawthorne, 248 743 673 Spuyten Duyvil Creek, Harlem River, W. 218th, W. 218th 744 908 745 674 Hudson River and 218th (extended), Amsterdam Ave., Haw- 740 thome, Nagle Ave., Dyckman 1,265 675 Dyckman, Nagle Ave., Broadway, W. 187th (extended), North 467 676 A line extended from the comer of Hillside and Broadway to Fort George Ave., Amsterdam Ave., W. 187th, Broadway 474 677 W. 187th, Amsterdam Ave., Reynolds (W. 180th), St. Nicholas 747 Ave 2,955 748 678 W. 187th (extended), W. 187th, St. Nicholas Ave., Reynolds 749 (W. 180th), Broadway, W. 181st, Fort Washington Ave 2.130 750 679 W. 187th (extended), Fort Washington Ave., W. 173d (extended), 751 North River 702 752 680 W. 181st, Broadway, W. 179th, St. Nicholas Ave., W. 173d, W. 763 173d (extended), Fort Washington Ave 2,737 754 693 W. 180th (Reynolds), Amsterdam Ave., W. 179th, Broadway 1,782 755 681 W. 179th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 175th, St. Nicholas Ave 3,336 750 683 W. 175th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 172d, St. Nicholas Ave 2,533 757 684 W. 172d, Amsterdam Ave., W. 168th, Broadway, St. Nicholas Ave. 2,592 758 685 W. 168th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 165th, Broadway 1,640 759 686 W. 173d (extended), W. 173d, St. Nicholas Ave., Broadwav, W. 760 158th, North River, excluding New York Institution for In- 701 struction of Deaf and Dumb 1,185 762 687 New York Institution for Instruction of Deaf and Dumb 627 763 688 W. 105th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 162d (extended), Broadway 2,240 764 689 W. 162d (extended), Amsterdam Ave., W. 159th, Broadway 3,280 765 691 W. 158th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 155th, Broadwav 2,100 706 1733 W. 159th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 158th, Broadway 1,440 767 BOUNDARY OP ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 12— Continued. W. 158th, Broadway, W. 155t.h, Hudson River W. 155th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 151st, North River W. 151st, Amsterdam Ave., W. 150th, North River, excluding New York Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society Orphan Asylum. New York Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society Orphan Asylum . . W. 150th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 149th, Broadway, W. 148th, North River W. 149th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 148th, Broadway W. 148th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 147th, North River W. 147th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 145th, North River W. 143d, Amsterdam Ave., W. 142d, North River, excluding Col- ored Orphan Asylum Colored Orphan Asylum W. 144th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 143d, North River W. 145th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 144th, North River W. 140th, Broadway, W. 139th, Hamilton Place, W. 138th, North River i W. 142d, Hamilton Place, W. 139th, Broadway, W. 140th, North River W. 142d, Amsterdam Ave., W. 139th, Hamilton Place W. 139th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 138th, Hamilton Place, excluding the Monte Joire Home for Chronic Invalids The Monte Joire Home for Chronic Invalids W. 138th, Hamilton Place, W. 136th, North River W. 136th, Broadway, W. 134th, North River W. 135th (extended), Amsterdam Ave., W. 134th (extended), Broadway, excluding New York Hebrew Orphan Asylum W. 138th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 135th, Broadway, Hamilton Place, excluding New York Hebrew Orphan Asylum New York Hebrew Orphan Asylum W. 134th, W. 134th (extended), Amsterdam Ave., W. 133d, North River : W. 133d, Amsterdam Ave., W. 132d, North River W. 132d, Amsterdam Ave., W. 131st, North River W. 131st, Amsterdam Ave., W. 130th, North River Lawrence, Amsterdam Ave., W. 126th, Broadway, Manhattan Ave., Old Broadway W. 130t.h, Amsterdam Ave., Lawrence, Old Broadway W. 130th, Old Broadway, Manhattan Ave., Broadway, W. 127th (extended), North River W. 126th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 125th, Broadway W. 124th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 122d, Broadway W. 125th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 124th, Broadway W. 127th (extended), W. 127th, Claremont Ave., W. 125th, Broad- way, W. 122d (extended), W. 122d, North River W. 127th, Broadway, W. 125th, Claremont Ave W. 122d (extended), W. 122d, Amsterdam Ave., W. 120th, Broad- way, W. 119th, North River W. 119th (extended), Broadway, W. 120th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 114th (extended), North River W. 114th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 112th, Broadway W. 114th, Broadway, W. 110th, North River....' W. 112th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 110th, Broadway W. 110th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 109th, Broadway, W. 107th, North River W. 109th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 107th, Broadway W. 107th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 106th, North River W. 106th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 104th, Broadway W. 100th, Broadway, W. 104th, North River W. 104th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 102d, Broadway W. 104th, Broadway, W. 102d, North River W. 102d, Amsterdam Ave., W. 98th, Broadway W. 102d, Broadway, W. 98th, West End Ave W. 102d, West End Ave., W. 98th, North River W. 98th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 97th, North River W. 97th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 96th, North River W. 96th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 95th, North River W. 95th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 94th, North River W. 91st. Broadway, W. 94th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 90th, West End Ave W. 94th, Broadway, W. 91st, West End Ave W. 94th, West End Ave., W. 90th, North River W. 90th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 88th, North River W. 88th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 86th, North River 385 2,799 1,024 749 1,351 1.362 1,849 2,859 1,542 365 2,350 2,056 1,555 1,919 1,937 811 378 2,073 1,985 1,542 1,679 1,295 2,139 1,699 1,293 1,733 1,043 1,000 1,860 2.267 2,528 2,540 1,485 1,016 1.704 2.130 2,393 2,222 2,350 2,123 1,868 1,539 1.705 1,137 1,340 1,209 1,919 1,583 1,507 1.267 833 1.131 1,823 1,226 1,149 2,098 1,649 2,245 WARD 13 64,644 Rivington, Suffolk, Delancey, Norfolk. . . Rivington, Clinton, Delancey, Suffolk. . . Rivington, Attorney, Delancey, Clinton. Rivington, Ridge, Delancey, Attorney... Delancey, Ridge, Broome, Clinton Delancey, Clinton, Broome, Suffolk Delancey, Suffolk, Broome, Norfolk Broome, Suffolk, Grand, Norfolk Broome, Clinton, Grand, Suffolk Broome, Attorney, Grand, Clinton Broome, Ridge, Grand, Attorney Grand, Ridge, Division, Attorney Grand, Attorney, Division, Clinton Grand, Clinton, Division, Suffolk Grand, Suffolk, Division, Norfolk Rivington, Pitt, Delancey, Ridge Rivington, Willett, Delancey, Pitt Rivington, Sheriff, Delancey, Willett Rivington, Columbia, Delancey, Sheriff. Rivington, Cannon, Delancey, Columbia Delancey, Cannon, Broome, Willett 1,547 2,887 1,445 2,728 983 1,325 1,139 1,118 1,259 1,624 1,414 1,108 1,767 2.485 2,340 1,922 2,634 2,344 2,589 2,896 1,640 8 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- E. D. tion. ! No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 13— Continued. WARD 16— Continued. 708 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 770 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 Sill 805 806 807 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 Delancey, Willett, Broome, Pitt Delancey, Pitt, Broome, Ridge Broome, Pitt, Division, Ridge Broome, Willett, Division, Pitt Broome, Sheriff, Grand, Willett Brooine, Cannon, Grand, Sheriff Rivington, Lewis, Delancey, Cannon Rivington, Goerck, Delancey, Lewis Rivington, Mangin, Delancey, Goerck... Rivington, East River, Broome, Mangin Delancey, Mangin, Broome, Goerck Delancey, Goerck, Broome, Lewis Delancey, Lewis, Broome, Cannon Broome, Lewis, Grand, Cannon Brooine, Goerck, Grand, Lewis Broome, East River, Grand, Goerck WARD 14 Spring, Marion, Broome, Crosby, Grand, Elm, Canal, Broadway.. Broome, Centre, Canal, Elm, Grand, Crosby Spring, Mulberry, Broome, Marion Spring, Mott, Broome, Mulberry Spring, Elizabeth, Broome, Mott Spring, Bowery, Grand, Elizabeth Broome, Elizabeth, Grand, Mott Broome, Mott, Grand, Mulberry Broome, Mulberry, Grand, Baxter, Canal, Centre Grand, Mulberry, Hester, Baxter Hester, Mulberry, Canal, Baxter •. Grand, Mott, Hester, Mulberry Hester, Mott, Canal, Mulberry Grand, Elizabeth, Hester, Mott Grand, Bowery, Hester, Elizabeth Hester, Bowery, Canal, Mott E. Houston, Mott, Prince, Marion, Spring, Broadway Prince, Mulberry, Spring, Marion Prince, Mott, Spring, Mulberry E. Houston, Elizabeth, Prince, Mott Prince, Elizabeth, Spring, Mott E. Houston, Bowery, Prince, Elizabeth Prince, Bowery, Spring, Elizabeth WARD 15 Waverly Place, Washington Square (north), 5th Ave. extended to W. Broadway, Washington Square (south), W. 4th, 6th Ave. . W. 4th, Washington Square (south), W. Broadway, W. 3d, 6th Ave W. 3d, MacDougal, Minetta Lane, Minetta, Bieecker, Carmine, 6th Ave Minetta Lane, MacDougal, Bieecker, Minetta W. 3d, Sullivan, Bieecker, MacDougal W. 3d, Thompson, Bieecker, Sullivan W.3d, W. Broadway, Bieecker, Thompson Bieecker, W. Broadway, W. Houston, Thompson Bieecker, Thompson, W. Houston, Sullivan Bieecker, Sullivan, W. Houston, MacDougal Bieecker, MacDougal, W. Houston, Hancock Washington Square (north), Waverly Place, Broadway, W. Hous- ton, W. Broadway extended to 5th Ave Astor Place, 4th Ave., Bowery, Bieecker, Mott, E. Houston, Broadway, excluding Mission of the Immaculate Virgin Mission of the Immaculate Virgin Bieecker, Bowery, E. Houston, Mott E. 10th, 4th Ave., Astor Place, Broadway, Waverly Place, Wash- ington Square (north), 5th Ave E. 14th, 4th Ave., E. 10th, 5th Ave W. 14th, 5th Ave., W. 11th, 6th Ave W. 11th, 5th Ave., W. 9th, 6th Ave W. 9th, 5th Ave., Clinton Place, 6th Ave Clinton Place, 5th Ave., Washington Square (north), Waverly Place, 6th Ave WARD 16 W. 18th, 6th Ave., W. 16th, 7th Ave. W. 16th, 6th Ave., W. 14th, 7th Ave. W. 15th, 7th Ave., W. 14th, 8th Ave. W. 16th, 7th Ave., W. 15th, 8th Ave. W. 17th, 7th Ave., W. 16th, 8th Ave. W. 18th, 7th Ave., W. 17th, 8th Ave. W. 22d, 6th Ave., W. 20th, 7th Ave. W. 20th, 6th Ave., W. 18th, 7th Ave. W. 19th, 7th Ave., W. 18th, 8th Ave. W. 20th, 7th Ave., W. 19th, 8th Ave. W. 21st, 7th Ave., W. 20th, 8th Ave. W. 22d, 7t.h Ave., W. 21st, 8th Ave.. W. 20th, 6th Ave., W. 25th, 8th Ave. W. 25th, 6th Ave., W. 23d, 7th Ave. W. 23d, 6th Ave., W. 22d, 8th Ave.. W. 24th, 7th Ave., W. 23d, 8th Ave. . W. 25th, 7th Ave., W. 24th, 8th Ave. W. 23d, 8th Ave., W. 22d, 9th Ave.. 1,187 846 1,088 847 2,552 848 1,667 849 1,624 850 949 851 2,964 852 1,725 2,600 43 1,023 853 1,095 854 1,704 855 686 856 2.003 857 1, 108 858 1,475 859 860 801 862 38,269 863 864 643 865 795 866 1,347 867 1,403 2,491 834 2,308 1,906 1,122 868 951 1,365 1701 1,893 1,465 869 1,416 870 1.101 871 1.815 872 1,473 873 1.719 874 2.491 875 3. 181 876 1,637 877 2. 581 2,332 1700 878 30,591 1699 879 1.081 880 2,648 1674 1,735 881 1.226 2,714 1675 1.406 1,930 882 1,077 2,957 1682 622 1,497 883 884 854 885 886 1,110 887 174 1,905 1703 848 1,383 888 1,686 889 1.132 1,270 1702 1,276 890 891 892 893 55,926 894 895 1,148 896 1,370 897 1,247 898 2,535 899 1,528 900 945 901 956 902 806 903 1 , 822 904 1,557 905 1,483 906 1.948 907 1,237 908 940 909 999 910 1 . 386 1,137 1060 924 W. 24th, 8th Ave., W. 23d, 9th Ave W. 25th, 8th Ave., W. 24th, 9th Ave W. 26th, 8th Ave., W. 25th, 9th Ave W. 26th, 9th Ave., W. 25th, 10th Ave W. 25th, 9th Ave., W. 24th, 10th Ave W. 24th, 9th Ave., W. 23d, 10th Ave W. 23d, 9th Ave., W. 22d, 10th Ave., excluding Five Points House of Industry Five Points House of Industry W. 22d, 9th Ave., W. 20th, 10th Ave W. 22d, 8th Ave., W. 21st, 9th Ave W. 21st, 8th Ave., W. 20th, 9th Ave W. 20th, 8th Ave., W. 19th, 9th Ave W. 19th, 8th Ave., W. 18th, 9th Ave W. 19th, 9th Ave., W. 18th, 10th Ave W. 20th, 9th Ave., W. 19th, 10th Ave W. 18th, 9th Ave., W. 17th, 10th Ave W. 18th, 8th Ave., W. 17th, 9th Ave W. 17th, 8th Ave., W. 16th, 9th Ave W. 17th, 9th Ave., W. 16th, 10th Ave W. 16th, 8th Ave., W. 15th, 10th Ave W. 15th, 8th Ave., W. 14th, 10th Ave W. 21st, 10th Ave., W. 14th, North River W. 26th, 10th Ave., W. 21st, North River WARD 17 Stanton, Orchard, diagonal line from northwest comer of Orchard and Rivington to southeast corner of Stanton and Allen A diagonal line from southeast corner of Stanton and Allen to northwest comer of Orchard and Rivington, Rivington, Allen.. . Stanton, Ludlow, Rivington, Orchard E. Houston, Orchard, Stanton, Allen E. Houston, Ludlow, Stanton, Orchard E. Houston, Essex, Stanton, Ludlow Stanton, Essex, Rivington, Ludlow Stanton, Norfolk, Rivington, Essex E. Houston, Norfolk, Stanton, Essex E. Houston, Suffolk, Stanton, Norfolk Stanton, Suffolk, diagonal line from northwest corner of Suffolk and Rivington to southeast comer of Stanton and Norfolk A diagonal line from southeast corner of Stanton and Norfolk to north westcornerofSuffolkand Rivington, Rivington, Norfolk Stanton, Clinton, diagonal line from northwest corner of Clinton and Rivington to southeast corner of Stanton and Suffolk A diagonal line from southeast corner of Stanton and Suffolk to northwest corner of Clinton and Rivington, Rivington, Suffolk.. E. Houston, Clinton, Stanton, Suffolk 2d, Ave. B, diagonal line from northwest corner of Ave. B and E. Houston to southeast corner of Ave. A and 2d A diagonal line from southeast corner of Ave. A and 2d to north- west corner of Ave. B and E. Houston, E. Houston, Ave. A 3d, A ve. B, diagonal line from northwest corner of 2d and Ave. B to southeast corner of Ave. A and 3d A diagonal line from southeast corner of 3d and Ave. A to north- west corner of 2d and Ave. B, 2d, Ave. A 3d, Ave. A, diagonal line from northwest corner of 2d and Ave. A to southeast comer of 3d and 1st Ave A diagonal line from southeast corner of 3d and 1st Ave. to north- west corner of 2d and Ave. A, 2d, 1st Ave 2d, Ave. A, 1st, 1st Ave 1st, A ve. A, E. Houston, 1st Ave Stanton, Chrystie, Rivington, Bowery E. Houston, Chrystie, Stanton, Bowery E. Houston, Forsythe, diagonal line from northwest corner of Forsythe and Stanton to southeast corner of E. Houston and Chrystie A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. Houston and Chrystie to northwest corner of Stanton and Forsythe, Stanton, Chrystie. Stanton, Forsythe, Rivington, Chrystie . . .' Stanton, Eldridge, diagonal line from northwest corner of Eldridge and Rivington to southeast corner of Forsythe and Stanton A diagonal line from southeast corner of Stanton and Forsythe to north westcornerofEldridgeand Rivington, Rivington, Forsythe. E. Houston, Eldridge, Stanton, Forsythe E. Houston, Allen, Stanton, Eldridge Stanton, Allen, Rivington, Eldridge 1st, 2d Ave., E. Houston, Bowery 1st, 1st Ave., E. Houston, 2d Ave 2d, 1st Ave., 1st, 2d Ave 3d, 1st Ave., 2d, 2d Ave 3d, 2d Ave., 1st, Bowery E. 9th, 2d Ave., St. Marks Place, 3d Ave E. 9th, 1st Ave., St. Marks Place, 2d Ave St. Marks Place, 1st Ave., 7th, 2d Ave 7th, 1st Ave., 6th, 2d Ave 6th, 1st Ave., 5th, 2d Ave 5th, 1st Ave., E. 4th, 2d Ave E. 4th, 1st Ave., 3d, 2d Ave E. 4th, 2d Ave., 3d, Bowery 5th, 2d Ave., E. 4th, Bowery, Cooper Square 6th, 2d Ave., 5th, 3d Ave 7th, 2d Ave., 6th, 3d Ave St. Marks Place, 2d Ave., 7th, 3d Ave E. 9th, Ave. A, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 8th and Ave. A to southeast comer of E. 9th and 1st Ave A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 9th and 1st Ave. to northwest corner of E. 8th and Ave. A, E. 8th, 1st Ave 1,135 1,768 1,299 1,560 1,526 697 1,097 216 1,157 1,232 1,247 1,066 886 1,048 1,569 1,724 2,080 2,032 1,945 1,062 1,037 1,646 2,269 172,332 1,627 1,194 2,602 2,303 2,300 2,165 2,109 2,668 2,022 2,023 1,350 1,619 1,582 1,661 2,342 2,413 1,768 2,014 1,769 965 2,406 2,405 1,237 1,865 1,462 2,019 1,710 2,465 1,506 1,574 1,911 2.239 2,275 1,302 2,600 3,497 2,236 1,766 1,183 1,837 2,301 2, 148 2,851 2, 165 3,730 2,063 1.713 2.250 1.427 2, 106 1,409 1,417 E.D. No. 911 1678 912 1055 913 914 1010 915 1677 916 1676 917 1683 918 919 920 1003 921 1071 922 923 1164 924 925 1681 926 1680 927 1679 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 1078 935 1684 936 1002 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 1706 946 1707 947 948 949 950 951 952 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. 9 Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN— Continued. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. WARD 17— Continued. Popula- E. D. No. tion. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 18— Continued. E. 9th, Ave. B, diagonal line from northwest corner of Ave. B and 6th to southeast corner of Ave. A and 7th, Ave. A A diagonal line from southeast corner of 7th and Ave. A to north- west corner of 6th and Ave. B, 6th, Ave. A E. 8th, Ave. A, diagonal line from northwest corner of 7th and Ave. A to southeast comer of E. 8th and 1st Ave A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 8th and 1st Ave. to northwest corner of 7th and Ave. A, 7th, 1st Ave 7th, Ave. A, 6th, 1st Ave 6th, Ave. A, diagonal line from northwest corner of 5th and Ave. A to southeast corner of 6th and 1st Ave A diagonal line from southeast corner of 6th and 1st Ave. to north- west corner of 5th and Ave. A, 5th, 1st Ave 6th, Ave. B, diagonal line from northwest corner of 5th and Ave. B to southeast corner of 6th and Ave. A A diagonal line from southeast corner of 6th and Ave. A to north- west corner of 5th and Ave. B, 5th, Ave. A 5th, Ave. B, diagonal line from northwest corner of Ave. B and E. 4th to southeast corner of Ave. A and 5th A diagonal line from southeast corner of 5th and Ave. A to north- west corner of E. 4th and Ave. B, E. 4th, Ave. A 5th, Ave. A, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 4th and Ave. A to southeast corner of 5th and 1st Ave A diagonal line from southeast corner of 5th and 1st Ave. to north- west corner of E. 4th and Ave. A, E. 4th, 1st Ave E. 4th, Ave. A, 3d, 1st Av E. 4th, Ave. B, 3d, Ave. A E. 10th, Ave. A. diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 9th and Ave. A to southeast corner of E. 10th and 1st Ave A diagonal line from southeast comer of E. 10th and 1st Ave. to northwest corner of E. 9th and Ave. A, E. 9th, 1st Ave E. 11th, Ave. A, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 10th and Ave. A to southeast corner of E. 11th and 1st Ave A diagonal line from southeast comer of E. 11th and 1st Ave. to northwest comer of E. 10th and Ave. A, E. 10th, 1st Ave E. 12th, Ave. A, E. 11th, 1st Ave E. 13th, Ave. A, diagonal line from northwest comer of E. 12th and Ave. A to southeast corner of E. 13th and 1st Ave A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 13th and 1st Ave. to northwest corner of E. 12th and Ave. A, E. 12th, 1st Ave E. 14th, Ave. A, E. 13th, 1st Ave E. 14th, Ave. B, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 13th and Ave. B to southeast corner of E. 14th and Ave. A A diagonal line from southeast comer of E. 14th and Ave. A to northwest corner of E. 13th and Ave. B, E. 13th, Ave. A E. 13th, Ave. B, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 12th and Ave. B to southeast corner of E. 13th and Ave. A A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 13th and Ave. A to northwest corner of E. 12th and Ave. B, E. 12th, Ave. A E. 12th, Ave. B. diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 11th and Ave. B to southeast corner of E. 12th and Ave. A A diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 11th and Ave. P to southeast corner of E. 12th and Ave. A, E. 11th, Ave. A E. 11th, Ave. B, E. 9th extended to Ave. A, Ave. A E. 10th, 2d Ave., E. 9th, 3d Ave E. 12th, 2d Ave., E. 10th, 3d Ave E. 13th, 2d Ave., E. 12th, 3d Ave E. 14th, 2d Ave., E. 13th, 3d Ave E. 14th, 1st Ave., E. 13th, 2d Ave E. 13th, 1st Ave., diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 12th and 1st Ave. to southeast comer of E. 13th and 2d Ave A diagonal line from southeast comer of E. 13th and 2d Ave. to northwest comer of E. 12th and 1st Ave., E. 12th, 2d Ave E. 12th, 1st Ave., diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 11th and 1st Ave. to southeast corner of E. 12th and 2d Ave A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 12th and 2d Ave. to northwest comer of E. 11th and 1st Ave., E. 11th, 2d Ave E. 11th, 1st Ave., diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 10th and 1st Ave. to southeast corner of E. 11th and 2d Ave A diagonal line from southeast comer of E. 11th and 2d Ave. to northwest comer of E. 10th and 1st Ave., E. 10th, 2d Ave E. loth, 1st Ave., E. 9th. 2d Ave E. 14th, 3d Ave., 4th Ave WARD 18 E. 19th, East River, E. 14th, Ave. B, E. 15th, Ave. C, E. 17th, Ave. B; including Willard Parker Hospital E. 17th, Ave. C, E. 16th, Ave. B E. 16th, Ave. C, E. 15th, Ave. B E. 19th, Ave. A, E. 18th, 1st Ave E. 18th, Ave. A, E. 17th, 1st Ave E. 17th, Ave. A, E. 16th, 1st Ave E. 16th, Ave. A, diagonal line from northwest comer of E. 15th and Ave. A to southeast corner of E. 16th and 1st Ave A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 16th and 1st Ave. to northwest corner of E. 15th and Ave. A, E. 15th, 1st Ave E. 15th, Ave. A, diagonal line from northwest comer of E. 14th and Ave. A to southeast comer of E. 15th and 1st Ave A diagonal line from southeast comer of E. 15th and 1st Ave. to northwest comer of E. 14th and Ave. A, E. 14th, 1st Ave E. 15th, Ave. B, E. 14th, Ave. A E. 16th, Ave. B, E. 15th, Ave. A E. 17th, Ave. B, E. 16th, Ave. A E. 19th, Ave. B, E. 17th, Ave. A E. 20th, Ave. A, E. 19th, 1st Ave E. 23d, Ave. A, E. 20th, 1st Ave 1,220 1,130 1,481 1,169 2,503 1,076 1,321 1.566 1,671 1,385 1,719 905 1,270 1.869 2,392 964 948 1,937 1,239 800 1,729 1,878 2, 102 1,706 2,142 1,977 1,803 2,206 1,792 2,529 1,298 1,765 1,242 1,531 1,527 1,508 1,796 1,597 1,363 1.567 1,390 2,251 1,497 62,601 1,602 1.987 1,914 1,054 2,119 1,878 908 1,285 1,181 1,533 1,078 2, 766 1,823 1,366 1,313 1,182 953 954 957 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 1712 977 1713 978 625 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 988 989 551 990 991 992 993 995 E. 24th, East River, E. 19th, Ave. A, E. 23d, 1st Ave E. 26th, East River, E. 24th, 1st Ave E. 26th, 2d Ave., E. 25th, 3d Ave E. 25th, 2d Ave., E. 24th, 3d Ave E. 26th, 1st Ave., E. 25th, 2d Ave E. 25th, 1st Ave., E. 24th, 2d Ave E. 24th, 1st Ave., E. 23d, 2d Ave E. 23d, 1st Ave., E. 22d, 2d Ave E. 22d, 1st Ave., E. 21st, 2d Ave E. 21st, 1st Ave., E. 20th, 2d Ave E. 20th, 1st Ave., E. 19th, 2d Ave E. 20th, 2d Ave., E. 19th, 3d Ave E. 21st, 2d Ave., E. 20th, 3d Ave E. 22d, 2d Ave., E. 21st, 3d Ave E. 23d, 2d Ave., E. 22d, 3d Ave E. 24th, 2d Ave., E. 23d, 3d Ave E. 19th, 2d Ave., E. 18th, 3d Ave E. 19th, 1st Ave., E. 18th, 2d Ave E. 18th, 2d Ave., E. 17th, 3d Ave E. 18th, 1st Ave., E. 17th, 2d Ave E. 17th, 1st Ave., E. 16th, Livingston Place, E. 15th, 2d Ave E. 16th, 1st Ave., E. 15th, Livingston Place E. 15th, 1st Ave., E. 14th, 2d Ave E. 17th, 2d Ave., E. 14tli, 3d Ave E. 21st, 3d Ave., E. 19th, Irving Place, E. 18th, 4th Ave E. 18th, Irving Place, E. 19th, 3d Ave., E. 16th, Irving Place, E. 17th, 4th Ave E. 17th, Irving Place, E. 16th, 3d Ave., E. 14th, 4th Ave E. 26th, 3d Ave., E. 23d, Lexington Ave., E. 24th, 4th Ave E. 24th, Lexington Ave., E. 23d, 3d Ave., E. 21st, 4th Ave }e. 26th, 4th Ave., E. 24th, 5th Ave E. 24th, 4th Ave., E. 21st, 5th Ave E. 21st, 4th Ave., E. 18th, 5th Ave E. 18th, 4th Ave., E. 14th, 5th Ave W. 21st, 5th Ave., W. 17th, 6th Ave W. 17th, 5th Ave., W. 14th, 0th Ave., excluding New York Hos- pital New York Hospital W. 26th, 5th Ave., W. 24th, 6th Ave W. 24th, 5th Ave., W. 21st, 6th Ave 1,034 1,246 1,758 1,623 1,500 2,134 1.369 1.342 1,236 1,429 1,067 783 1,006 969 988 774 748 1,040 637 1,059 1,080 338 2,058 1,481 965 1,317 1,043 1,098 1,098 613 343 220 264 291 665 247 551 198 WARD 19 292,914 996 998 999 1000 1001 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1727 1011 1735 1736 1737 1012 1013 1014 1015 1643 1016 1118 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 J-E. 44th, East River, E. 40th, 1st Ave E. 54th, East River, E. 52d, 1st Ave E. 52d, East River, E, 49th, 1st Ave E. 49th (Mitchell Place), East River, E. 44th, 1st Ave E. 64th, Ave. A, E. 63d, 1st Ave E. 63d, Ave. A, E. 64th, East River, E. 59th, 1st Ave E. 59th, East River, E. 58th, 1st Ave E. 58th, East River, E. 57th, 1st Ave E. 57th, Ave. A, E. 55th, 1st Ave E. 55th, Ave. A, E. 57th, East River, E. 54th, 1st Ave E. 65th, East River, E. 64th, 1st Ave E. 69th, East River, E. 67th, Ave. A, E. 66th, 1st Ave E. 66th, Ave. A, E. 67th, East River, E. 65th, 1st Ave New York City Home for Aged and Infirm (Blackwells Island). . . Metropolitan Hospital (Blackwells Island) New York County Penitentiary and New York County Workhouse (Blackwells Island) City Hospital (Blackwells Island) E. 70th, Ave. A, E. 69th, 1st Ave E. 71st, Ave. A, E. 70th, 1st Ave E. 72d, Ave. A, E. 71st, 1st Ave E. 73d, Ave. A, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 72d and Ave. A to southeast corner of E. 73d and 1st Ave A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 73d and 1st Ave. to northwest corner of E. 72d and Ave. A, E. 72d, 1st Ave E. 74th, Ave. A, diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 73d and Ave. A to southeast corner of E. 74th and 1st Ave A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 74th and 1st Ave. to northwest corner of E. 73d and Ave. A, E. 73d, 1st Ave E. 73d, East River, E. 69th, Ave. A E. 75th, Ave. A, E. 74th, 1st Ave E. 76th, Ave. A, E. 75th, 1st Ave E. 77th, Ave. A, E. 76th, 1st Ave E. 78th, Ave. A, E. 77th, 1st Ave E. 79th, Ave. A, E. 78th, 1st Ave E. 79th, East River, E. 76th, Ave. A E. 76th, East River, E. 73d, Ave. A E. 80th, Ave. A, E. 79th, 1st Ave E. 81st, Ave. A, E. 80th, 1st Ave E. 82d, Ave. A, E. 81st, 1st Ave E. 83d, Ave. A, E. 82d, 1st Ave E. 84th, Ave. A, E. 83d, 1st Ave i E. 84th, East End Ave., E. 83d, Ave. A E. 83d, East End Ave., E. 82d, Ave. A E. 82d, East End Ave., E. 81st, Ave. A E. 81st, East End Ave., E. 79th, Ave. A E. 84th, East River, E. 79th, East End Ave E. 80th, 2d Ave., E. 78th, 3d Ave E. 81st, 2d Ave., E. 80th, 3d Ave E. 82d, 2d Ave., E. 81st, 3d Ave E. 83d, 2d Ave., E. 82d, 3d Ave E. 84th, 2d Ave., E. 83d, 3d Ave 43 1,468 2,193 1,289 1,362 2,308 1,015 1,294 1,440 1,360 2,060 2,966 1,589 2,779 1,286 1,654 1,271 2.493 2.141 2,423 1,738 1,372 1,945 1,409 2,692 2,109 1,807 1,451 1,495 1,827 2. 955 2, 040 1,500 2,403 2, 227 2,084 1 , 660 2,213 1,970 2,155 1,633 1,215 2, 709 1.493 2, 021 1,374 1,407 85764°— 11 2 10 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OP ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. E. D. No. WARD 19 — Continued. 1041 E. 84th, 1st Ave., E. 83d, 2d Ave 1,761 1136 1042 E. 83d, 1st Ave., E. 82d, 2d Ave 1,731 1137 1043 E. 82d, 1st Ave., E. 81st, 2d Ave 2,334 1044 E. 81st, 1st Ave., E. 80th, 2d Ave 1,730 1045 E. 80th, 1st Ave., E. 70th, 2dAve 1,737 1138 1046 E. 79th, 1st Ave., E. 78th, 2d Ave 1,474 2,176 1140 1047 E. 78th, 1st Ave., E. 77th, 2d Ave 1068 1048 E. 77th, 1st Ave., E. 76th, 2d Ave 2, 186 1142 1049 E. 76th, 1st Ave., E. 75th, 2d Ave 2,326 1050 E. 75th, 1st Ave., E. 74th, 2d Ave 1,596 1143 1051 E. 75th, 2d Ave., E. 74th 3d Ave 1,546 1144 1052 E. 76th, 2d Ave., E. 75th, 3d Ave 1.324 1145 1053 E. 77th, 2d Ave., E. 76th, 3d Ave 1,748 1146 1054 E. 78th, 2d Ave., E. 77th, 3d Ave 1,688 1147 1056 E. 70th, 2d Ave., E. 69th, 3d Ave 1,954 1148 1057 E. 71st, 2d Ave., E. 70th, 3d Ave., excluding Home for the Aged 1149 of the Little Sisters of the Poor 1,143 1150 1058 Home for the Aged of The Little Sisters of the Poor 287 1151 1059 E. 73d, 2d Ave., E. 71st, 3d Ave 2, 349 1152 1061 E. 74th, 2d Ave., E. 73d, 3d Ave 1,937 1153 1062 E. 74th, 1st Ave., E. 73d, 2d Ave 2,002 1154 1063 E. 73d, 1st Ave., E. 72d, 2d Ave 2, 438 1155 1064 E. 72d, 1st Ave., E. 71st, 2d Ave 2, 215 1156 1065 E. 71st, 1st Ave., E. 70th, 2d Ave 2, 696 1006 E. 70th, 1st Ave., E. 69th, 2d Ave 2, 174 1157 1067 E. 69th, 1st Ave., E. 66th, 2d Ave 2, 279 1158 1069 E. 66th, 1st Ave., E. 65th, 2d Ave 1,917 1159 1070 E. 67th, 2d Ave., E. 65th, 1st Ave., E. 64th, 3d Ave 5,320 1160 1072 E. 69th, 2d Ave., E. 67th, 3d Ave 1,405 1101 1073 E. 64 th, 1st Ave., E. 63d, 3d Ave., excluding New York Asylum of 1162 the Sisters of St. Dommic 1,272 1163 1074 E; 63d, 1st Ave., E. 62d. 2d Ave., excluding New York Asylum of Sisters of St. Dominic 1,546 1141 1075 New York Asylum of Sisters of St. Dominic 322 1165 1076 E. 62d, 1st Ave., E. 61st, 2d Ave 2, 321 1160 1077 E. 61st, 1st Ave., E. 59th, 2d Ave 1,805 505 1079 E. 60th, 2d Ave., E. 59th, 3d Ave 778 1167 1080 E. 62d, 2d Ave., E. 60th, 3d Ave 1 , 530 1168 1081 E. 63d, 2d Ave., E. 62d, 3d Ave 1,203 540 1082 E. 59th, 1st Ave., E. 58th, 2d Ave 1,458 1169 1083 E. 58th, 1st Ave., E. 57th, 2d Ave 1,796 1170 1 1084 E. 57th, 1st Ave., E. 50th, 2d Ave 2,121 (pt.) 1 1085 E. 56th, 1st Ave., E. 55th, 2d Ave 1,757 1171 \ 1086 E. 55th, 1st Ave., E. 54th, 2d Ave 1,771 (Pt. ) 1 1087 E. 55th, 2d Ave., E. 54th, 3d Ave 845 1172 ) 1088 E. 56th, 2d Ave., E. 55th, 3d Ave 1,199 (pt. ) 1 1089 E. 57th, 2d Ave., E. 56th, 3d Ave 1,338 1175 1090 E. 58th, 2d Ave., E. 57t.h, 3d Ave 903 1176 1091 E. 59th, 2d Ave., E. 58th, 3d Ave 1,368 1177 1092 E. 54th, 1st Ave., E. 53d, 2d Ave 1,700 1178 1093 E. 53d, 1st Ave., E. 52d, 2d Ave 1,784 1179 1094 E. 52d, 1st Ave., E. 51st, 2d Ave 1.512 276 1095 E. 51st, 1st Ave., E. 50th, 2d Ave 1,233 277 1096 E. 50th, 1st Ave., E. 49th, 2d Ave 1,504 939 278 1097 E. 51st, 2d Ave., E. 50th, 3d Ave 279 541 E. 50th, 2d Ave., E. 49th, 3d Ave 856 371 1098 E. 52d, 2d Ave., E. 51st, 3d ave 1,108 373 1099 E. 53d, 2d Ave., E. 52d, 3d Ave 1. 171 375 1100 E. 54th, 2d Ave., E. 53d, 3d Ave 1,237 377 1101 E. 49th, 1st Ave., E. 48th, 2d Ave., except the southern side of E. 383 49th, between 1st and 2d Avenues 1,785 384 1743 Southern side of E. 49th, between 1st and 2d Avenues 1,060 484 1102 E. 48th, 1st Ave., E. 47th, 2d Ave 1,063 1180 1103 E. 47th, 1st Ave., E. 46th, 2d Ave 1,720 1181 1104 E. 46th, 1st Ave., E. 45th, 2d Ave 1,482 1105 E. 45th, 1st Ave., E. 44th, 2d Ave 1,296 1106 E. 45th, 2d Ave., E. 44th, 3d Ave 1,801 1107 E. 46th, 2d Ave., E. 45th, 3d Ave 1,727 1108 E. 47th, 2d Ave., E. 46th, 3d Ave 1,510 1182 1109 E. 49th, 2d Ave., E. 48th, 3d Ave 870 1183 647 E. 48th, 2d Ave., E. 47th, 3d Ave 803 1184 1110 E. 44th, 1st Ave., E. 43d, 2d Ave 1,673 1185 1111 E. 43d, 1st Ave., E. 42d, 2d Ave 1,033 1186 1112 E. 42d, 1st Ave., E. 41st, 2d Ave 1,448 1187 1113 E. 41st, 1st Ave., E. 40th, 2d Ave 954 1188 1114 E. 41st, 2d Ave., E. 40th, 3d Ave 2,031 1189 1115 E. 42d, 2d Ave., E, 41st, 3d Ave 1,089 1190 1116 E. 43d, 2d Ave., E. 42d, 3d Ave 757 1191 1117 E. 44th, 2d Ave., E. 43d, 3d Ave 1,410 1192 1123 E. 42d, 3d Ave., E. 40th, Park Ave 1,166 1193 1124 E. 49th, 3d Ave., E. 48th, Park Ave 866 1194 497 E. 48th, 3d Ave., E. 47th, Park Ave 886 1195 1125 E. 47th, 3d Ave., E. 46th, Lexington Ave., E. 45th, Park Ave 512 498 1126 E. 45th, Lexington Ave., E. 46th, 3d Ave., E. 44th, Park Ave E. 44th, 3d Ave. , E. 42d, Park Ave., including New York Hospital for the Ruptured and Crippled 950 1741 1,244 1196 1127 E. 52<1, Lexington Ave., E. 49th, Park Ave E. 50th, 3d Ave. , E. 49t.h, Lexington Ave 1,375 1197 506 (') 1198 1128 E. 51st, 3d Ave., E. 50th, Lexington Ave 906 1201 1129 E. 53d, 3d Ave., E. 51st, Lexington Ave 1,212 1206 1130 E. 55th, 3d Ave., E. 53d, Lexington Ave 1,300 1207 1131 E. 56th, 3d Ave., E. 55th, Lexington Ave., E. 54th, Park Ave 1,507 1132 E. 54th, Lexington Ave., E. 52d, Park Ave 1,339 1208 1133 E. 63d, 3d Ave., E. 61st, Lexington Ave., E. 62d, Park Ave 1,050 1209 1134 E. 62d, Lexington Ave., E. 61st, 3d Ave., E. 60th, Lexington Ave., 1210 E. 59th, Park Ave 1.110 1211 1135 E. 59th, Lexington Ave., E. 60th, 3d Ave., E. 57th, Lexington Ave., E. 58th, Park Ave 952 1212 BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. WARD 19— Continued. E. 58th, Lexington Ave., E. 57th, 3d Ave., E. 56th, Park Ave E. 70th, 3d Ave., E. 69th, Lexington Ave., E. 68th, 3d Ave., E. 67th, Park Ave., including Institution for the Improved In- struction of Deaf Mutes E. 67th, 3d Ave., E. 65th, Lexington Ave., E. 64th, Park Ave E. 64th, Lexington Ave., E. 65th, 3d Ave., E. 63d, Park Ave New York Foundling Asylum and St. Anns Maternity Home E. 77th, 3d Ave., E. 76th, Park Ave., including German Hospital and Dispensary E. 76th, 3d Ave., E. 75th, Lexington Ave E. 76th, Lexington Ave., E. 73d, Park Ave E. 75th, 3d Ave., E. 73d, Lexington Ave E. 73d, 3d Ave., E. 71st, Lexington A ve., E. 72d, Park Ave E. 72d, Lexington Ave., E. 71st, 3d Ave., E. 70th, Park Ave E. 84th, 3d Ave., E. 83d, Lexington Ave E. 84th, Lexington Ave., E. 82d, Park Ave E. 83d, 3d Ave., E. 81st, Lexington Ave E. 82d, Lexington Ave., E. 80th, Park Ave E. 81st, 3d Ave., E. 79th, Lexington Ave E. 80th, Lexington Ave., E. 79th, 3d Ave., E. 78th, Park Ave E. 78th, 3d Ave., E. 77tli, Park Ave E. 84th, Park Ave., E. 82d, Madison Ave., E. 80th, 5th Ave E. 82d, Park Ave., E. 81st, Madison Ave., excluding New York Institution of Mercy Orphan Asylum New York Institution of Mercy Orphan Asylum E. 80th, Madison Ave., E. 81st, Park Ave., E. 77th, 5th Ave E. 77th, Park Ave., E. 74th, 5th Ave E. 74th, Park Ave., E. 70th, 5th Ave E. 70th, Park Ave., E. 66th, 5th Ave E. 66th, Park Ave., E. 63d, 5th Ave E. 63d, Park Ave., E. 61st, Madison Ave., E. 00th, 5th Ave E. 61st, Park Ave., E. 59th, Madison Ave., E. 58th, 5th Ave., E. 60th, Madison Ave E. 58th, Madison Ave., E. 59th, Park Ave., E. 56th, 5th Ave E. 56th, Park Ave., E. 54th, Madison Ave E. 54th, Park Ave., E. 49th, Madison Ave E. 56th, Madison Ave., E. 49th, 5th Ave E. 49th, Park Ave., E. 47th, 5th Ave E. 47th, Park Ave., E. 45th, 5th Ave E. 45th, Park Ave., E. 42d, 5th Ave E. 42d, Madison Ave., E. 40th, 5th Ave E. 42d, Park Ave., E. 40th, Madison Ave W. 42d, 5th Ave., W. 40th, 6th Ave W. 44th, 5th Ave., W. 42d, 6th Ave W. 46th, 5th Ave., W. 44th, 6th Ave W. 49th, 5th Ave., W. 46th, 6th Ave W. 51st, 5th Ave., W. 49th, 6th Ave W. 53d, 5th Ave., W. 51st, 6th Ave E. 85th, Ave. A, E. 84th, 1st Ave E. 86th, Ave. A, E. 85th, 1st Ave E. 80th, East River, E. 85th (extended), Ave. A E. 85th, East River, E. 84th, Ave. A E. 86th, 2d Ave., E. 85th, 3d Ave E. 85th, 2d Ave., E. 84th, 3d Ave E. 86th, 1st Ave., E. 85tn, 2d Ave E. 85th, 1st Ave., E. 84th, 2d Ave E. 86th, Lexington Ave., E. 84th, Park Ave E. 86th, 3d Ave., E. 84th, Lexington Ave E. 86th, Park Ave., E. 84th, 5th Ave W. 56th, 5th Ave., W. 53d, 6th Ave W. 84th (extended), 5th Ave., W. 56th, 6th Ave. (extended) WARD 20 W. 27th, 6th Ave., W. 26th, 7th Ave W. 28th, 6th Ave., W. 27th, 7th Ave W. 30th, 6th Ave., W. 28th, 7th Ave W. 30th, 7th Ave., W. 29th, 8t,h Ave W. 29th, 7th Ave., W. 28th, 8th Ave W. 28th, 7th Ave., W. 27th, 8th Ave W. 27th, 7th Ave., W. 26th, 8th Ave W. 32d, 6th Ave., W. 30th, 7th Ave W. 34th, 6th Ave., W. 32d, 7th Ave, W. 31st, 8th Ave W. 31st, 7th Ave., W. 30th, 8th Ave W. 38th, 6th Ave., W. 34th, 7th Ave W. 35th, 7th Ave., W. 34th, 8th Ave W. 36th, 7th Ave., W. 35th, 8th Ave W. 37t,h, 7th Ave., diagonal line from northwest comer of 7 th Ave. ' and W. 36th to southeast comer of W. 37th and 8th Ave. A diagonal line from southeast corner of W. 37th and 8th Ave. to j northwest corner of W. 36th and 7th Ave., W. 36th, 8th Ave W. 38th, 7th Ave., W. 37th, 8th Ave ! W. 39th, 6th Ave., W. 38th, 8th Ave W. 40th, 6th Ave., W. 39th, 8th Ave W. 39th, 8th Ave., W. 38th, 9th Ave W. 40th, 8th Ave., W. 39th, 9th Ave., excluding Asylum of St. ) Vincent De Paul Asylum of St. Vincent De Paul | W. 40th, 9th Ave., W. 39th, 10' h Ave W. 39th, 9th Ave., W. 38th, 10th Ave W. 35th, 8th Ave., W. 34th, 9th Ave W. 36th, 8th Ave., W. 35th, 9th Ave W. 37th, 8th Ave., line from northwest corner of W. 36th and I 8th Ave. to southeast corner of W. 37th and 9th Ave I Popula- tion. 1,331 1,350 1,004 1.097 2, 739 911 1,259 1.209 1,287 1,408 1,120 844 1,403 1.346 1.355 1,276 1,402 1.454 1,488 269 515 1,982 1,757 1,709 1,861 1,660 1,457 1,185 1.178 676 833 1,515 547 219 726 310 334 232 477 1,131 1,746 1,297 1,301 1,652 1.766 1,961 1,641 1,530 1,450 1,675 1.793 1,407 1,276 1,356 1.767 1,765 73,299 586 1.552 1.294 1.662 680 1,417 1.599 1,379 961 1,247 2,021 1,330 1,378 529 333 1,101 1,104 1,005 2,154 1,954 221 2, 529 2,275 890 1,775 1,092 i Combined with 1127. 11 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OP MANHATTAN— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OP ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. E. D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 20— Continued. WARD 21— Continued. 1725 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1745 1236 1237 1238 A line from northwest corner of W. 36th and 8th Ave. to southeast corner of W. 37th and 9th Ave., W. 36th, 9th Ave W. 38th, 8th Ave., W. 37th, 9th Ave W. 38th, 9th Ave., W. 37th, 10th Ave W. 37th, 9th Ave., W. 36th, 10 h Ave W. 36th, 9th Ave., W. 35th, 10th Ave W. 35th, 9th Ave., W. 34th, 10th Ave W. 34th, 8th Ave., W. 31st, 10th Ave., including Institution for the Blind W. 31st, 8th Ave., W. 30th, 10th Ave W. 30th, 8th Ave., W. 29th, 10th Ave W. 29th, 8th Ave., W. 28th, 9th Ave W. 28th, 8th Ave., W. 27th, 9th Ave W. 27th, 8th Ave., W. 26th, 9th Ave W. 27th, 9th Ave., W. 26th, 10th Ave W. 28th, 9th Ave., W. 27th, 10th Ave W. 29th, 9th Ave., W. 28th, 10th Ave W. 30th, 10th Ave., W. 29th, North River W. 29th, 10th Ave., W. 28th, North River W. 28th, 10th Ave., W. 27th, North River W. 27th, 10th Ave., W. 26th, North River W. 34th, 10th Ave., W. 33d, North River W. 33d, 10th Ave., W. 30th, North River W. 38th, 10th Ave., W. 37th, 11th Ave W. 37th, 10th Ave., W. 36th, 11th Ave W. 36th, diagonal line from southeast corner of W. 36th and 11th Ave. to northwest corner of W. 35th and 10th Ave., W. 35th, Hudson River W. 38th, 11th Ave., W. 36th, Hudson River, W. 36th, 10th Ave., diagonal line from northwest corner of W. 35th and 10th Ave. to southeast corner of W. 36th and 11th Ave W. 35th, 10th Ave., W. 34th, North River W. 39th, 10th Ave., W. 38th, North River W. 40th, 10th Ave., W. 39th, North River 898 1.438 2,790 2,385 2,339 2,088 3,164 3, 369 1,137 1,406 1,145 1,462 2,143 (') 1,669 1,078 1,225 1,351 620 778 883 983 776 390 348 694 1,915 757 WARD 21 62,616 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1708 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 988 (pt.) 996 (pt.) 1170 (Pt.) 1171 (pt.) 1172 (pt.) 955 956 958 959 960 1711 961 1710 962 986 987 994 1119 1120 E. 30th, 1st Ave., E. 29th, 2d Ave E. 31st, 1st Ave., E. 30t.h, 2d Ave E. 32d, 1st Ave., E. 31st 2d Ave E. 33d, 1st Ave., E. 32d, 2d Ave E. 34th, 1st Ave., E. 33d, 2d Ave E. 34th, 2d Ave., E. 33d, 3d Ave E. 33d, 2d Ave., E. 32d, 3d Ave E. 32d, 2d Ave., E. 31st, 3d Ave E. 31st, 2d Ave., E. 30th, 3d Ave E. 30th, 2d Ave., E. 29th, 3d Ave E. 35th, 1st Ave., E. 34th, 2d Ave E. 35th, 2d Ave., E. 34th, 3d Ave E. 36th, 1st Ave., E. 35th, 3d Ave E. 37th, 1st Ave., E. 36th, 2d Ave E. 37th, 2d Ave., E. 36th, 3d Ave E. 38th, 2d Ave., E. 37th, 3d Ave E. 38th, 1st Ave., E. 37th, 2d Ave E. 39th, 1st Ave., diagonal line from northwest corner of E. 38th and 1st Ave. to southeast comer of E. 39th and 2d Ave A diagonal line from southeast corner of E. 39th and 2d Ave. to northwest comer of E. 38th and 1st Ave., E. 38th, 2d Ave E. 39th, 2d Ave., E. 38th, 3d Ave E. 35th, 3d Ave., E. 33d, Lexington Ave., E. 34th, Park Ave E. 33d, 3d Ave., E. 31st, Lexington Ave E. 34th, Lexington Ave., E. 31st, Park Ave E. 31st, 3d Ave., E. 30th, Lexington Ave., E. 29th, 4th Ave E. 29th, Lexington Ave., E. 30th, 3d Ave., E. 28th, 4th Ave E. 35th, 4th Ave., E. 32d, 5th Ave E. 32d, 4th Ave., E. 30th, Madison Ave., E. 29th, 5th Ave E. 29th, Madison Ave., E. 30th, 4th Ave., E. 28th, 5th Ave W. 35th, 5th Ave., W. 33d, 6th Ave W. 33d, 5th Ave., W. 31st, 6th Ave W. 31st, 5th Ave., W. 28th, 6th Ave }E. 28th, 4th Ave., E. 26th, 5th Ave }E. 40th, East River, E. 34th, 1st Ave }E. 40th, Madison Ave., E. 39th, 5th Ave |E. 40th, Park Ave., E. 35th, Madison Ave |w. 40th, 5th Ave., W. 39th, 6th Ave Bellevue Hospital E. 34th, East River, E. 28th, 1st Ave E. 27th, 1st Ave., E. 26th, 2d Ave E. 27th, 2d Ave., E. 26th, 3d Ave E. 28th, 2d Ave., E. 27th, 3d Ave E. 28th, 1st Ave., E. 27th, 2d Ave E. 29th, 2d Ave., diagonal line from northwest comer of E. 28th and 2d Ave. to southeast comer of E. 29th and 3d Ave A diagonal line from southeast comer of E. 29th and 3d Ave. to northwest comer of E. 28th and 2d Ave., E. 28th, 3d Ave E. 29th, 1st Ave., E. 28th, 2d Ave E. 28th, 3d Ave., E. 27th, 4th Ave E. 27th, 3d Ave., E. 26th, 4th Ave W. 28th, 5th Ave., W. 26th, 6th Ave E. 40th, 2d Ave., E. 39th, 3d Ave E. 40th, 1st Ave., diagonal line from northwest comer of E. 39th and 1st Ave. to southeast comer of E. 40th and 2d Ave 762 1,810 1.712 1,927 2,135 1,130 1,287 1,208 737 1,717 1.391 859 1,601 1,617 560 934 1,851 985 850 1,111 1,177 1,336 1,006 1,035 1,280 829 1.392 1,003 421 408 804 662 286 220 1,047 159 652 919 1,234 1,698 960 1,266 1,122 1,199 2, 477 852 1,089 433 1,333 1,468 1709 1121 1122 1173 1174 544 A diagonal line from southeast comer of E. 40th and 2d Ave. to northwest comer of E. 39th and 1st Ave., E. 39th, 2d Ave E. 40th, 3d Ave., E. 38th, Lexington Ave., E. 37th, Park Ave E. 37th, Lexington Ave., E. 38th, 3d Ave., E. 35th, Park Ave W. 39th, 5th Ave., W. 37th, 6th Ave W. 37th, 5th Ave., W. 35th, 6th Ave E. 39th, Madison Ave., E. 35th, 5th Ave 1,361 1,774 1,462 800 732 536 WARD 22 209,152 1271 1272 1273 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1726 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 W. 46th, 6th Ave., W. 45th, 8th Ave W. 45th, 6th Ave., W. 44th, 8th Ave W. 44th, 7th Ave., W. 43d, 8th Ave W. 43d, 7th Ave., W. 44th, 6th Ave., W. 42d, 8th Ave W. 50th, 6th Ave., W. 49th, 8th Ave W. 49th, 7th Ave., W. 47th, 8th Ave W. 49th, 6th Ave., W. 48th, 7th Ave W. 48th, 6th Ave., W. 46th, 7th Ave W. 47th, 7th Ave., W. 46th, 8th Ave W. 54th, 7th Ave., W. 53d, Broadway, W. 52d, 8th Ave W. 54th, 6th Ave., W. 53d, 7th Ave W. 52d, Broadway, W. 53d, 6th Ave., W. 52d, 7th Ave., W. 51st, 8th Ave W. 51st, 7th Ave., W. 52d, 6th Ave., W. 50th, 8th Ave W. 58th, 6th Ave., W. 57th, Broadway, W. 56th, 8th Ave W. 57th, 6th Ave., W. 56th, Broadway W. 56th, 6th Ave., W. 55th, 8tli Ave W. 55th, 6th Ave., W. 54th, 8th Ave W. 86th (extended), 6th Ave. (extended), W. 58th, 8th Ave., Cen- tral Park West W. 86th, Central Park West, W. 85th, Amsterdam Ave W. 85th, Central Park West, W. 83d, Columbus Ave W. 83d, Central Park West, W. 82d, Columbus Ave W. 83d, Columbus Ave., W. 82d, Amsterdam Ave W. 84th, Columbus Ave., W. 83d, Amsterdam Ave W. 85th, Columbus Ave., W. 84th, Amsterdam Ave W. 82d, Central Park West, W. 78th (extended), Columbus Ave... W. 82d, Columbus Ave., W. 80th, Amsterdam Ave W. 80th, Columbus Ave., W. 78th, Amsterdam Ave W. 78th, Columbus Ave., W. 76th, Amsterdam Ave W. 78th (extended), Central Park West, W. 75th, Columbus Ave.. W. 75th, Central Park West, W. 74th, Columbus Ave W. 76th, Columbus Ave., W. 74th, Amsterdam Ave W. 74th, Central Park West, W. 72d, Columbus Ave., W. 73d, Amsterdam Ave W. 73d, Columbus Ave., W. 71st, Amsterdam Ave W. 71st, Central Park West, W. 70th, Amsterdam Ave W. 72d, Central Park West, W. 71st, Columbus Ave W. 70th, Central Park West, W. 69th, Amsterdam Ave W. 69th, Columbus Ave., W. 66th, Broadway, W. 67th, Amster- dam Ave W. 67th, Broadway, W. 66th, Amsterdam Ave W. 69th, Central Park West, W. 66th, Columbus Ave., W. 63d, Columbus Ave., W. 62d, Amsterdam Ave W. 64th, Columbus Ave., W. 63d, Amsterdam Ave W. 65th, Columbus Ave., W. 64th, Amsterdam Ave W. 66th, Central Park West, W. 65th, Amsterdam Ave W. 65th, Central Park West, W. 64th, Columbus Ave W. 64th, Central Park West, W. 62d, Columbus Ave W. 62d, Columbus Ave., W. 61st, Amsterdam Ave., ineluding New York Infant Asylum W. 62d, Central Park West, W. 60th, Columbus Ave W. 61st, Columbus Ave., W. 60th, Amsterdam Ave W. 59th, 8th Ave., W. 58th, 9th Ave W. 60th, 8th Ave., W. 58th, 9th Ave W. 60th, 9th Ave., W. 58th, 10th Ave., including Paulist.s Fathers Church and School, College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York, Sloane Maternity Hospital, Vanderbilt Clinic and “Mater- nity Service” W. 58th, 9th Ave., W. 57th, 10th Ave W. 58th, 8th Ave., W. 56th, 9th Ave W. 57th, 9th Ave., W. 56th, 10th Ave W. 56th, 9th Ave., W. 55th, 10th Ave W. 56th, 8th Ave., W. 55th, 9th Ave W. 55th, 8th Ave., W. 54th, 9th Ave W. 55th, 9th Ave., W. 54th, 10th Ave W. 54th, 8th Ave., W. 53d, 9th Ave W. 53d, 8th Ave., W. 52d, 9th Ave W. 52d, 8th Ave., W. 51st, 9th Ave W. 51st, 8th Ave., W. 50th, 9th Ave W. 51st, 9th Ave., W. 50th, 10th Ave W. 52d, 9th Ave., W. 51st, 10th Ave W. 53d, 9th Ave., W. 52d, 10th Ave W. 54th, 9th Ave., W. 53d, 10th Ave W. 50th, 8th Ave., W. 49th, 9th Ave W. 49th, 8th Ave., W. 48th, 9th Ave W. 48th, 8th Ave., W. 47th, 9th Ave W. 47th, 8th Ave., W. 46th, 9th Ave W. 47th, 9th Ave., W. 46th, 10th Ave W. 48th, 9th Ave., W. 47th, 10th Ave W. 49th, 9th Ave., W. 48th, 10th Ave W. 50th, 9th Ave., W. 49th, 10th Ave W. 46th, 8th Ave., W. 45th, 9th Ave W. 45th, 8th Ave., W. 44th, 9th Ave W. 44th, 8th Ave., W. 43d, 9th Ave W. 43d, 8th Ave., W. 42d, 9th Ave W. 43d, 9th Ave., W. 42d, 10th Ave 1, 161 953 958 1,400 761 840 812 1,488 802 1,062 916 1,335 1,196 1,091 890 1.319 1,091 1,238 1.647 1.613 1.175 1.259 1,672 1,306 890 2,314 1,710 1,577 1,577 949 1,465 2.007 1,737 1,462 758 1,588 1,551 1,536 1,630 2,452 1,414 1,286 1.648 911 916 1,871 1,107 2,281 1,099 861 314 1.818 1,736 2,391 1,461 1,416 1,318 1,799 528 1,667 1.443 1.757 1.537 1,727 3.137 2,010 651 2,267 1,644 1,859 2,381 2, 110 3, 063 1,803 1,351 2,027 1,705 1.297 1,317 i Combined with 1224. 12 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3. — POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. WARD 22— Continued. Popula- tion. E. D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 22— Continued. 1351 1723 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1651 1374 1650 1375 1376 1377 1378 W. 44th, 9th Ave., diagonal line from northwest corner of W. 43d and 9th Ave. to southeast corner of W. 44th and 10th Ave A diagonal line from southeast corner of W. 44th and 10th Ave. to northwest corner of W. 43d and 9th Ave., W. 43d, 10th Ave W. 45lh, 9th Ave., W. 44th, 10th Ave W. 46th, 9th Ave., W. 45th, 10th Ave W. 43d, 10th Ave., W. 42d, 11th Ave W. 44th, 10th Ave., W. 43d, 11th Ave W. 45th, 10th Ave., W. 44th, 11th Ave W. 46th, 10th Ave., W. 45th, 11th Ave W. 46th, 11th Ave., W. 42d, North River W. 47th, 10th Ave., W. 46th, 11th Ave W. 48th, 10th Ave., W. 47th, 11th Ave W. 49th, 10th Ave., W. 48th, 11th Ave W. 50th, 10th Ave., W. 49th, 11th Ave W. 50th, 11th Ave., W. 47th, North River W. 47th, 11th Ave., W. 46th, North River W. 51st, 10th Ave., W. 50th, 11th Ave W. 52d, 10th Ave., W. 51st, 11th Ave W. 53d, 10th Ave., W. 52d, 11th Ave W. 54th, 10th Ave., W. 53d, 11th Ave., W. 50th, North River W. 58th, 11th Ave., W. 57th, 10th Ave., W. 55th, 11th Ave., W. 54th, North River W. 58th, 10th Ave., W. 57th, 11th Ave W. 55th, 10th Ave., W. 54th, 11th Ave W. 60th, 10th Ave., W. 58th, North River W 01st, diagonal line from southeast corner of W. 61st and West End Ave. to northwest corner of Amsterdam Ave. and W. 60th, W. 60th, North River W. 61st, Amsterdam Ave., diagonal line from northwest corner of Amsterdam Ave. tosoutheastcornerofW. 61st and West End Ave. W.62d, diagonal line from southeast corner of W. 62dand West End Ave. to northwest corner of W. 61st and Amsterdam Ave., W. 61st, North River W. 62d, Amsterdam Ave., diagonal line from northwest corner of W. 61st and Amsterdam Ave. to southeast corner of W. 62d and West End Ave W. 66th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 64th, West End Ave., W. 62d, North River W. 64th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 63d, West End Ave W. 63d, Amsterdam Ave., W. 62d, West End Ave W. 67t h, diagonal line from southf ast corner of West End Ave. and W. 67th to northwest corner of Amsterdam Ave. and W. 66th, W. 66th, North River 640 792 1,585 2, 122 1 . 703 1.895 1,930 1.857 1.020 2,102 1,192 3.207 2.857 1,002 694 2,343 1,508 2,783 1,093 1,437 1,606 1,262 1,751 1,425 1,360 1,564 1,937 544 2,555 1,715 1652 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1740 1389 1390 1391 1392 1747 1748 1393 1394 1395 1396 1199 1200 1202 1203 1724 1204 1205 1239 1240 W. 67th, Amsterdam Ave., diagonal line from northwest corner of Amsterdam Ave. and W.66th to southeast corner of West End Ave. and W. 67th W. 68th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 67th, West End Ave W. 69th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 68th, West End Ave W. 70th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 69th, West End Ave W. 70th, West End Ave., W. 69th, North River W. 69th, West End Ave., W. 68th, North River W. 68th, West End Ave., W. 67th, North River W. 71st, Amsterdam Ave., W. 70th, North River W. 72d, West End Ave., W. 73d, Amsterdam Ave., W. 71st, North River W. 74th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 73d, West End Ave., W. 72d, North River, including Orphans Asylum Society W. 78th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 76th, North River, excluding Hotel Belleclaire Hotel Belleclaire, southwest corner Broadway and 77th W. 76th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 74th, North River W. 82d, Broadway, W. 81st, West End Ave., W. 78th, North River. W. 82d, Amsterdam Ave., W. 80th, W r est End Ave., W. 81st, Broad- way W. 80th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 78th, West End Ave., W. 79th, Broadway, excluding Hotel Lucerne W. 80th, Broadway, W. 79th, West End Ave Hotel Lucerne, northwest corner W. 79th and Amsterdam Ave W. 86th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 85th, North River W. 85th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 84th, North River W. 84th, Broadway, W. 83d, West End Ave., W. 82d, North River. W. 83d, Broadway, W. 84th, Amsterdam Ave., W. 82d, West End Ave W. 4Jst, 7th Ave., W. 40th, 8th Ave W. 42d, 6th Ave., W. 40th, 7th Ave., W. 41st, 8th Ave W. 41st, 8th Ave., W. 40th, 9th Ave W. 42d, 8th Ave., diagonal line from northwest corner of W. 41st and 8th Ave. to southeast comer of W. 42d and 9th Ave A diagonal line from southeast corner of W. 42d and 9th Ave. to northwest corner of W. 41st and 8th Ave., W. 41st, 9th Ave W. 42d, 9th Ave., W. 41st, 10th Ave W. 41st, 9th Ave.,W. 40th, 10t,h Ave W. 41st, 10th Ave., W. 40t.h, North River W. 42d, 10th Ave., W. 41st, North River 1,304 1,486 2, 174 966 1,332 1,307 760 1,313 1,587 1,284 1,626 227 1,613 2, 180 1,464 1,245 218 160 2,147 1,804 1,600 1,406 1,153 774 2,122 383 880 1,834 2,038 863 1,646 2,359 BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. THIRTIETH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT (pt. of) 24,707 1397 Precinct 29 (pt. of), E. 138th, Alexander, E. 136th, 3d Ave 1,540 1429 1398 Precinct 29 (pt. of), 3d Ave., Bronx Kills, E. 138th 891 1399 Precinct 30 (pt. of), E. 135th, Willis Ave., E. 134th, Alexander 1430 Ave., Bronx Kills, Lincoln Ave 2,275 (pt.) 1400 Precinct 29 (pt. of), precinct 30 (pt. of), E. 136th, Alexander Ave., 1432 E. 135th, Lincoln Ave., Bronx Kills, 3d Ave 1,330 1433 1401 Precinct 31 (pt. of), E. 134th, St. Anns Ave., E. 132d, Lewis Place, 1434 Bronx Kills, Brook Ave., E. 132d, Brown Place 1,373 1435 1402 Precinct 31 (pt. of), E. 134th, Brown Place, E. 132d, Brook Ave., 1436 Bronx Kills, Alexander Ave 1,132 1403 Precinct 32, E. 135th, Brook Ave., E. 134th, Willis Ave 1,728 1437 1404 Precinct 33, E. 136th, Brown Place, E. 135th, Willis Ave 1,383 1405 Precinct 34, Brown Place, E. 136th, Willis Ave., E. 137th 2,285 1438 1406 Precinct 35(pt. of). E. 136th, St. Anns Ave., E. 135th, Brown Place. 2,810 1439 1416 Precinct 35 (pt. of), E. 137th, St. Anns Ave., E. 136th, Brown Place. 1,578 1440 1407 Precinct 36 (pt. of), Bronx Kills, Willow Ave., E. 133d 14 1408 Precinct 36 (pt. of), Willow Ave., Bronx Kills, Lewis Place, E. 1441 132d, St. Anns Ave., E. 134th, Brook Ave., E. 135th, Cypress, 1442 E. 133d 3,419 1443 1409 Precinct 37 (pt. of), Bronx Kills, E. 133d, Willow Ave., E. 136th. . . 15 1017 1410 Precinct 37 (pt. of), W'illow Ave., E. 133d, Cypress Ave., E. 135th, 1444 St. Anns Ave., E. 136th 2,934 1463 1445 THIRTY-SECOND ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 131,248 1411 Precinct 1 (pt. of), E. 149th, Mott Ave., E. 138th, Harlem River... 183 1446 1412 Precinct 1 (pt. of), E. 149th, Park Ave., E. 146th, College Ave., Morris Ave., E 138th, Mott Ave 2,150 1447 1413 Precinct 2 (pt. of), E. 146th, 3d Ave., E. 142d, College Ave 1,342 1414 Precinct 2 (pt. of), E. 142d, 3d Ave., Morris Ave., College Ave.; also precinct 3 (pt. of), E. 142d Alexander Ave., E. 139th, 3d 1746 Ave 1,732 1448 1415 Precinct 3 (pt. of), E. 142d, Willis, E. 140th, Alexander Ave.; also precinct 14 (pt. of), E. 143d, Willis, E. Ir2d, 3d Ave 1,653 1449 1744 Precinct 14 (pt. of), E. 144th, Willis, E. 143d, 3d Ave ()50 1275 1417 Precinct 4, E. 139th, Willis Ave., E. 138th, 3d Ave 1.849 1418 Precinct 5 (pt. of), E. 138th, Willis Ave., E. 137th, Alexander Ave. 1,181 1450 1419 Precincts (pt. of), F.. 137th, WillisAve., E. 136th, Alexander Ave.; also precinct 6, E. 136th, Willis Ave., E. 135th, Alexander Ave. . 2, 297 1451 1421 Precinct 7, E. 138th, Brook Ave., E. 137th, Willis Ave 2, 053 1422 Precinct 8, E. 139th, Brook Ave., E. 138th, Willis Ave 2,255 1452 1423 Precinct 9 (pt. of), E. 140th, Willis Ave., E. 139th, Alexander Ave. 734 1728 Precinct 9 (pt. of), E. 140th, Brook Ave., E. 139th, WillisAve 969 1453 1424 Precinct 10, E. 141st, Brook Ave., E. 140th, Willis Ave 2, 298 1425 Precinct 11, E. 143d, Brook Ave., E. 141st, Willis Ave 1,991 1454 1426 Precinct 12 (pt. of), E. 145th, Brook Ave., E. 144th, Willis Ave.; also precinct 12 (pt. of), E. 144th, Brook Ave., E. 143d, Willis Ave. 2, 689 1455 1428 Precinct 13 (pt. of), E. 146th, Brook Ave., E. 145th, Willis Ave . . . 1,597 THIRTY-SECOND ASSEMBLY DISTRICT— Cont’d. Precinct 13 (pt. of), precinct 17 (pt. of), E. 146th, St. Anns Ave., E. 144th, Brook Ave Precinct 14 (pt. of), 3d Ave., Willis Ave., E. 144th Precinct 15 (pt. of), E. 148th, Brook Ave., E. 147th, Willis Ave Precinct 15 (pt. of), E. 147th, Brook Ave., E. 146th, Willis Ave Precinct 16, E. 148th, St. Anns Ave., E. 146th, Brook Ave St. Francis Hospital, E. 143d, St. Anns Ave., E. 142d, Brook Ave. St. Josephs Hospital for Consumptives, E. 144th, St. Anns Ave., E. 143d, Brook Ave Precinct 17 (pt. of), precinct 18 (pt. of), E. 142d, St. Anns Ave., E. 139th, Brook Ave Precinct 18 (pt. of), E. 139th, St. Anns Ave., E. 137th, Brook Ave. Precinct 19 (pt. of ), E. 143d, Crimmins Ave., E. 141st, St. Anns Ave. Precinct 19 (pt. of), E. 143d, (St. Marys), Cypress Ave., E. 141st, Crimmins Ave Precinct 20 (pt. of), E. 141st, Cypress Ave., E. 140th, St. Anns Ave. Precinct 20 (pt. of), E. 140th, Cypress Ave., F,. 139th, St. Anns Ave. Precinct 21 (pt. of), E. 138th, Cypress Ave., E. 137th, St. Anns Ave. Precinct 21 (pt. of), E. 137th, Cypress Ave., E. 136th, St. Anns Ave. Precinct 22 (pt. of), E. 139th, Cypress Ave., E. 138th, St. Anns Ave. Precinct 22 (pt. of), E. 141st, Southern Boulevard, E. 136th, Cy- press Ave Precinct 22 (pt. of), E. 141st, E. 141stextendedto Waterfront(East River), Water front (East River), E. 136th, Southern Boulevard, including North and South “ Brother Islands” Precinct 23 (pt. of), E. 149th, E. 149th and East River, E. 141st, Wales Ave Precinct 23 (pt. of), E. 149th, Wales Ave., E. 141st, Cypress Ave. (St. Marys) E. 143d, St. Anns Ave., excluding Lincoln Hospital and Home Lincoln Hospital and Home, corner 141st and Concord Ave Precinct 24 (pt. of). Craven, Whitlock Ave., E. 149th, Prospect Ave., Fox Ave Precinct 24 (pt. of), Leggett Ave., Fox Ave., Prospect Ave., Kelly. Precinct 24 (pt. of), Longwood Ave., Whitlock Ave., Craven, Fox Ave. , Leggett Ave., Kelly Pecinct 25 (pt. of), Macy Place, Hewitt Place, Longwood Ave., Dawson Ave., Prospect Ave Precinct 25 (pt. of), Longwood Ave., Kelly, Prospect Ave., Daw- son Ave Precinct 26, Stebbins Ave., Longwood Ave., Hewitt Place, Macy Place, Prospect Ave., Westchester Ave Precinct 27, Westchester Ave., Kelly, Longwood Ave., Stebbins Ave Precinct 28 (pt. of), Westchester Ave., Southern Boulevard, Don- gan Ave., Kelly Precinct 28 (pt. of). Westchester Ave., Bronx River, Garrison Ave., Bryant Ave., Whitlock Ave., Southern Boulevard 2,676 818 1,750 1,719 2,769 223 601 2,465 2, 425 1,750 1,812 1,755 1,942 2, 185 1,778 1,811 1,058 1,560 1,102 1,823 616 2,020 1,256 1,242 1,539 1,211 2,268 1,698 2,150 913 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. 13 BOROUGH OF THE BRONX— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY Of ENUMERATION DISTRICT. 1456 1714 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1739 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 j 1481 1482 i 1483 I 1484 1485 T ' 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1430 (Pt.) 1491 690 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1427 THIRTY-SECOND ASSEMBLY DISTRICT— Cont’d. Precinct 29 (pt. of), Dongan (or East 163d), Whitlock Ave., Tiffany, East River, E. 149th, Whitlock Ave., Longwood Ave., Southern Boulevard, including Rikers Island Precinct 29 (pt. of), 163d, (or Dongan) Southern Boulevard, Long- wood Ave., Kelly Precinct 29 (pt. of), Whitlock Ave., Bryant Ave., Lafayette Ave., Hunts Point Road, Bryant Ave., East River, Tiffany Precinct 29 (pt. of), Garrison Ave., Bronx River, East River, Bryant Ave., Hunts Point Road, Lafayette Ave., Bryant Ave. Precinct 30 (pt. of), Walker Ave., Rosedale Ave., Tremont Ave., Beach Ave., Westchester Ave., East line Pugsleys estate to Mil- kins Creek, Pugsleys Creek, East River, Clasons Point Road, Westchester Ave., Bronx River Precinct 30 (pt. of), Westchester Ave., Clasons Point Road, East River, Bronx River, excluding Clason Point Military Academy Clason Point Military Academy Precinct 31, Westchester Ave., Castle Hill Ave., Pugsleys Creek, Milkins Creek, East line Pugsleys estate; precinct 32, Westchester Ave., Seabrey Creek, Westchester Creek, Castle Hill Ave Precinct 33, Causeway, Coddington Ave., Eastern Road, Town Dock Road, East River, Westchester Creek, including Fort Schuyler, excluding St. Josephs Home St. Josephs Home Precinct 34, Givens Creek, Hutchinson River, Eastchester Bay, Town Dock Road, Eastern Boulevard, Coddington Ave., Cause- way, Westchester Creek Precinct 35 (pt. of), Bronx and Pelham Parkway, Westchester Creek, Mary, Williamsbridge Road Precinct 35 (pt. of), Mary, Westchester Creek, Seabury Creek, Westchester Ave., Zerega Ave., Railroad Ave., St. Peters Ave., Walker Avenue Road, Silver, Williamsbridge Road Precinct 36, Walker Avenue Road, St. Peters Ave., Railroad Ave., Zerega Ave., Westchester Ave., Castle Hill Ave Precinct 37, Walker Avenue Road, Castle Hill Road, Westchester Ave., Beach Ave., excluding Catholic Protectory Catholic Protectory Precinct 38, Walker Avenue Road, Beach Ave., Tremont Ave., Rosedale Ave Precinct 39 (pt. of), Boston Post Road, White Plains Road, Union- port Road, Morris, Park Ave., Garfield Ave., Walker Avenue Road, Van Buren, Columbus, Adams, Nest, Walker Avenue Road, Bronx River Precinct 39 (pt. of), Van Buren, Walker Avenue Road, Nest, Adams, Columbus Precinct 40 (pt. of), Park Ave., Bronxdale Ave., Columbus Ave., Garfield Ave Precinct 40 (pt. of), Columbus Ave., Bronxdale Ave., Walker Avenue Road, Garfield Ave Precinct 41, Bear Swamp Road (Bronxdale Ave.), Barnes Ave., Park Ave., Unionport Road Precinct 42, Bronx and Pelham Parkway, Williamsbridge Road, Silver, Walker Avenue Road, Bronxdale Ave., Park Avenue, Barnes Ave., White Plains Ave Precinct 43 (pt. of), Gun Hill Road, Tilden, Tilden Ave., Bronx and Pelham Parkway, Boston Post Road, Bronx River Precinct 43 (pt. of), E. 213th, Boston Post Road, E. 222d, Milner Ave., Black Dog Brook, Givens Creek, Bronx and Pelham Park- way, Tilden Ave Precinct 44, E. 219th, White Plains Road, Gun Hill Road, Bronx River Precinct 45, E. 219th, Bronxwood Ave., Tilden, Gun Hill Road, White Plains Road Precinct 46, E. 229th, Gunther Ave., Boston Post Road, E. 213th, Tilden, Bronx Ave., E. 219th, Barnes Ave Precinct 47 (pt. of), E. 229th, Barnes Ave., 10th Ave., Bronx River.. Precinct 47 (pt. of), 10th Ave., Barnes Ave., E. 219th, Bronx River.. Precinct 48 (pt. of), E. 237th, Digney Ave., Bussing Ave., Kings- bridge Road, Ivingsbridge Road (extended), Hutchinson River, Nelson Ave., 17th Ave., 7th, E. 229th, Bronx River Precinct 48 (pt. of), 7th, 17th Ave., Nelson Ave., Hutchinson River, Givens Brook, Black Dog Brook, Milner Ave., E. 222d, Gunther Ave Precinct 49 (pt. of), Mechanic Ave., Barnes Ave., E. 237th, Bronx River Precinct 49 (pt. of), North City line, Mundys Lane, Kingsbridge Road (Bussing Ave., Kingsbridge), Digney Ave., Barnes Ave... Precinct 50 (pt. of), North Cityline, Pelham Bay, Eastchester Bay, Hutchinson River, excluding all islands Precinct 50 (pt. of), all islands, viz, City Island, Hunters Island, Harts Island, Twin Island, High Island, Middle Reef Island, Rat Island, The Bleuzes, Chimney Sweeps THIRTY-THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. \ Precinct 4 (pt. of), E. 149th, Brook Ave., E. 148th, 3d Ave Precinct 1 (pt. of), E. 150th, Morris Ave., E. 149th, Courtlandt Ave., E. 148th, Park Ave Precinct 1 (pt. of), precinct 3 (pt. of), E. 148th, Courtlandt Ave., E. 146th, Park Ave Precinct 2 (pt. of), precinct 16 (pt. of), E. 152d, Melrose Ave., E. 151st, Morris Ave Precinct 2 (pt. of), E. 151st, Courtlandt Ave., E. 149th, Morris Ave. . Precinct 3 (pt. of), E. 151st, Melrose Ave., E. 152d, 3d Ave., Court- landt Ave Precinct 4 (pt. of), E. 149th, St. Anns Ave., E. 148th, Brook Ave. . Precinct 5 (pt. of), Westchester Ave., Brook Ave., E. 150th, St. Anns Ave., E. 149th, 3d Ave Precinct 5 (pt. of), precinct 14 (pt. of), E. 15fith, St. Anns Ave., E. 150th, Brook Ave., Westchester Ave., German Place Popula- tion. E. D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. THIRTY-THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT— Cont’d. 1497 Precinct 6, Westchester Ave., Robbins Ave. (Jackson;, E. 149th, St. Anns Ave 1,611 1,286 1498 Precinct 7 (pt. of), Westchester Ave., Wales Ave., Kelly, Robbins 1,633 2,795 1274 Precinct 9 (pt. of), Westchester Ave., Tinton, Kelly, Wales Ave. . . 1,618 1499 Precinct 7 (pt. of), E. 152d (Kelly), Tinton Ave., E. 149th, Robbins 1,399 Ave 1,891 1500 Precinct 8 (pt. of), Craven Ave., Union Ave., E. 149th, Tinton Ave.. 1,984 64 1501 Precinct 9 (pt. of), precinct 8 (pt. of), Craven Ave., Prospect Ave., E. 149th, Union Ave 1,795 1502 Precinct 9 (pt. of), precinct 10, E. 158th, Westchester Ave., Pros- pect Ave., E. 156th, Forest Ave 2,082 2,479 1503 Precinct 11, E. 158th, Forest Ave., E. 156th, Cauldwell Ave 2, 344 1504 Precinct 12’ E. 156th’ Westchester Ave., Cauldwell Ave 1,622 134 1505 Precinct 13 (pt. of), E. 156th, Cauldwell Ave., Westchester Ave., 127 Eagle Ave 1,123 1506 Precinct 13 (pt. of), E. 156th, Eagle Ave., Westchester Ave., St. Anns Ave 1,474 3,862 1507 Precinct 5 (pt. of), precinct 14 (pt. of), E. 156th, German Place, Westchester Ave., 3d Ave 1,593 1508 Precinct 15, Ii. 155th, 3d Ave., E. 152d, Melrose Ave 1,998 1,844 1509 Precinct 16 (pt. of), E. 155th, Melrose Ave., E. 152d, Courtlandt Ave. 1,780 353 1510 Precinct 17, E. 154th, Courtlandt Ave., E. 152d, Morris Ave 2 714 1511 Precinct 18 (pt. of) E! 155th, Courtlandt Ave, E. 154th, Morris Ave.. 1,694 1512 Precinct 18 (pt. of), precinct 16 (pt. of), E. 156th, Melrose Ave., 1,310 E. 155th, Morris Ave? 1 822 1513 Precinct 19, E. 160th, Courtlandt Ave., E. 156th, Park Ave 2,090 397 1514 Precinct 20 (pt. of), Park Ave., Morris Ave., E. 150th 3 676 1718 Precinct 20 (pt. of), E. 162d, Park Ave., Morris Ave 901 1719 Precinct 20 (pt. of), E. 161st, Morris Ave., Park Ave., E. 149th, 2,005 Mott Ave 325 1515 Precinct 21 (pt. of), E. 159th, Melrose Ave., E. 156th, Courtlandt 2,304 Ave 2,051 1516 Precinct 21 (pt. of), E. 161st, Melrose Ave., E. 159th, Courtlandt 1,649 Ave., E. 160th, Park Ave 976 2; 763 1517 Precinct 22, E. 161st, Washington Ave., E. 159th, Melrose Ave 1,523 1518 Precinct 23 (pt. of), E. 158th, 3d Ave., E. 157th, Melrose Ave.; also 1,637 precinct 23 (pt. of), E. 159th, 3d Ave., E. 158th, Melrose Ave 1,687 1520 Precinct 24, E. 157th, 3d Ave., E. 155th, Melrose Ave 1,925 1521 Precinct 25 (pt. of), E. 158th, St. Anns Ave., E. 157th, 3d Ave 967 1647 Precinct 25 (pt. of), E. 157th, St. Anns Ave., E. 156th, 3d Ave 1,154 2,424 1522 Precinct 25 (pt. of), E. 159th, Eagle Ave., E. 161st, Cauldwell Ave., E. 156th, St. Anns Ave 828 237 1523 Precinct 26, E. 162d, Boston Road, E. 163d, Eagle Ave., E. 159th, St. Anns Ave., E. 158th, 3d Ave., Washington Ave 1,928 2,285 1524 Precinct 27, Brook Ave., Washington Ave, E. 161st, Park Ave 2,268 1525 Precinct 2.8 (pt. of), E. 165th, 3d Ave., E. 164th, Brook Ave 2,095 1,336 1526 Precinct 29, precinct 28 (pt. of ),E. 164th, 3d Ave., E.102d, Brook Ave. 1,826 1527 Precinct 30 (pt. of), E. 166th, Cauldwell Ave., E. 165th, Boston 1,956 Road, 3d Ave, Franklin Ave 1.583 1528 Precinct 30 (pt. of), Boston Road, E. 165th, Cauldwell Ave, E. 163d, 3d Ave 1,268 1,432 1,758 THIRTY-FOURTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 105,030 1529 Precinct 1 (pt. of), E. 161st, Forest Ave., E. 158th, Cauldwell Ave. 1,482 274 1530 Precinct 1 (pt. of), E. 161st., Prospect Ave., E. 160th, Forest Ave.. 1,064 1648 Precinct 1 (pt. of), E. 160th, Westchester Ave., E. 158th, Forest 1,122 1,199 1531 Precinct 2 (pt. of), E. 163d, Trinity Ave., E. 161st, Eagle Ave 1,027 2,945 1532 Precinct 2 (pt. of), E. 163d, Forest Ave., E. 161st, Trinity Ave 1,046 1533 Preeinct3 (pt. of), E. 166th, Trinity Ave., E. 163d, Cauldwell Ave. . 1,250 2, 165 1534 Precinct 3 (pt. of), E. 165th, Jackson Ave., E. 163d, Trinity Ave.. 764 1,321 1721 Precinct 3 (pt. of), E. 166th, Jackson Ave., E. 165th, Trinity Ave.; 1,589 also precinct 9 (pt. of), E. 165th, Forest Ave., E. 163d, Jackson Ave 1,185 1535 Precinct 4, E. 165th, Union Ave., E. 163d, Tinton Ave., E. 161st, 1,938 1 ,900 1536 Precinct 5, E. 163d, Prospect Ave. E. 161st, Tinton Ave 2,194 1537 Precinct 6, E. 165th, Stebbins Ave., E. 163d, Union Ave 2,036 334 1538 Precinct 7, E. 165th, Intervale Ave, Westchester Ave., Prospect Ave., E. 163d, Stebbins Ave 1,549 2,582 1539 Precinct 8 (pt. of), E. 166th, Prospect Ave, Stebbins Ave., E. 167th, Intervale Ave., E. 165th, Union Ave 1.704 120 1540 Precinct 8 (pt. of), E. 167th, Tiffany Ave., Westchester Ave., Inter- 1 , 196 206 1541 Precinct 9 (pt. of), E. 166th, Union Ave., E. 165th, Jackson Ave. . . 1,749 1542 Precinct 10 (pt. of), E. 168th, Forest Ave., Home, Boston Road, E. 167th, Fulton Ave 1.626 2,262 1543 Precinct 10 (pt. of), E. 167th, Boston Road, Home, Jackson Ave., E. 166th, Franklin Ave., 3d Ave 735 1544 Precinct 11 (pt. of), precinct 12 (pt. of), E. 16Sth, Prospect Ave., 80.711 Home, Forest Ave 1.644 1545 Precinct 11 (pt. of), Home, Tinton Ave., E. 166th, Jackson Ave... 1,402 1546 Precinct 12 (pt. of), E. 169th, Home, Prospect Ave., E. 168th, 1,743 1547 Precinct 13, Home, Tiffany Ave., E. 167th, Stebbins Ave., E. 166th, 3,415 2,808 1548 Precinct 14, Home, Simpson, Freeman, Hoe Ave., E. 167th, 3,129 2,399 1549 Precinct 15, E. 167th, Westchester Ave., Tiffany Ave 2,049 2,744 1550 Precinct 16 (pt. of), Jennings, Bryant Ave., E. 167th, Hoe Ave., 3,035 Freeman, Intervale Ave 2,712 1551 Precinct 16 (pt. of), Jennings, Edgewater, Westchester Ave, E. 1,995 167th, Bryant Ave 1.206 1,571 1552 Precinct 17 (pt. of), Jennings, Stebbins Ave., E. 170th, Charlotte, Jennings, Intervale Ave., Freeman, Chisholm 1.696 1,536 1553 Precinct 17 (pt. of), Freeman, Simpson, Home, E. 169th, Lyman.. 1,735 1554 Precinct 18, precinct 20 (pt. of), Crotona Park South, Boston 2,292 ] Road, Stebbins Ave., Jennings, Boston Road, Crotona Ave 3,106 14 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OP THE BRONX— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. THIRTY-FOURTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT— Cont’d, E. D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. THIRTY-FIFTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT— Cont’d. 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1715 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1720 1587 1588 1729 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 Precinct 19 (pt. of), Jennings, Chisholm, Freeman, Lyman, E. 169th, Union Ave Precinct 20 (pt. of), Crotona Park South, Crotona Ave., Boston Road, Clinton Ave Precinct 21 (pt. of), precinct 19 (pt. of), Boston Road, Union Ave., E. 168th Precinct 21 (pt. of), Jefferson Place, Clinton Ave., Boston Road, E. 168th, Franklin Ave Precinct 22, precinct 23 (pt. of), Crotona Park South, Clinton Ave., Jefferson Place, Franklin Ave., E. 169th, Fulton Ave Precinct 23 (pt. of), Crotona Park South, Fulton Ave., E. 169th, Franklin Ave., E. 168th, Fulton Ave., E. 167th 3d Ave Precinct 24 (pt. of), VVendover Ave., Fulton Ave., St. Pauls Place, 3d Ave Precinct 24 (pt. of), E. 173d, Fulton Ave., Wendover Ave. ,3d Ave. . Precinct 24 (pt. of), precinct 30 (pt. of), E. 175th, Arthur, Crotona Park North, Crotona Ave., E. 173d extended to Crotona Ave., E. 173d, 3d Ave Precinct 25 (pt. of), Crotona Park North, Suburban extended to Crotona Park North, Suburban, Seabury Place, E. 170th, Steb- bins Ave., Boston Road, Crotona Park South, Crotona Ave Precinct 25 (pt. of), Crotona Park North, Marmion Ave., E. 176th, Southern Boulevard, E. 173d, Boston Road, Seabury Place, Suburban, Suburban extended to Crotona Park North Precinct 26 (pt. of), E. 176th, Vyse Ave., Jennings, Charlotte, Sea- bury Place, Boston Road, E. 173d ; Southern Boulevard Precinct 26 (pt. of), E. 176th, Bronx River, Westchester Ave., Edge- water, Jennings, Vyse Ave Precinct 27 (pt.of), E. 178th, E. 178th extended to Southern Boule- vard, Southern Boulevard, E. 176th, Marmion Ave.. Crotona Park North, Prospect Ave Precinct 27 (pt. of), E. 178th, Boston Road, West Farms Road, Bronx River, E. 176th, Southern Boulevard Precinct 28 (pt. of), Tremont Ave., Prospect Ave., Crotona Park North, Crotona Ave., E. 176th, Belmont Ave Precinct 28 (pt. of), precinct 29 (pt. of), Tremont Ave., Belmont Ave., E. 176th, Crotona Ave., Crotona Park North, Arthur Ave., E. 175th, Bathgate Ave Precinct 29 (pt. of), precinct 30 (pt. of), Tremont Ave., Bathgate Ave., E. 175th, Washington Ave., E. 176th, Park Ave Precinct 30 (pt. of), E. 176th, Washington Ave., E. 175th, 3d Ave., E. 174th, Park Ave Precinct 31 (pt. of), E. 179th, 3d Ave., Tremont Ave., Park Ave Precinct 32 (pt. of), precinct 31 (pt. of), E. 182d, Washington Ave., E. 182d, Bathgate Ave., E. 180th, 3d Ave., E. 179th, Park Ave. . Precinct 32 (pt. of), precinct 33 (pt. of), E. 184th, 3d Ave., E. 182d, Washington Ave., E. 182d, Park Ave Precinct 33 (pt. of), E. 182d, 3d Ave., E. 184th, Quarry Road, E. 182d, Hughes Ave., E. 180th, Bathgate Ave., exclusive of Home for Incurables Home for Incurables Precinct 34, E. 180th, Hughes Ave., Tremont Ave., 3d Ave Precinct 35 (pt. of), E. 1 79t.h, Mapes Ave., E. 178th, Prospect Ave., Tremont Ave., Hughes Ave Precinct 30 (pt. of), precinct 35 (pt. of), E. 182d, Clinton Ave., E. 180th, Crotona Ave., E. 179th, Hughes Ave Precinct 36 (pt. of), precinct 35 (pt. of) E. 182d, Mapes Ave., E. 179th, Crotona Ave., E. 180th, Clinton Ave Precinct 37 (pt. of), E. 182d, Daly Ave., E. 178th, Mapes Ave Precinct 37 (pt. of), E. 182d, Boston Road, E. 181st, Bronx River, West Farms Road, Boston Road, E. 178th, Daly Ave Precinct 38 (pt. of), Pelham Ave., Bronx River, E. 181st, Boston Road, E. 182d, Crotona Ave Precinct 38 (pt. of), Pelham Ave., Crotona Ave., E. 182d, Belmont Ave Precinct 39 (pt.of), E. 189th, Belmont Ave., Williams, Arthur Ave., E. 187th, Hoffman, E. 188th, Arthur Ave Precinct 39 (pt. of), Pelham Ave., Belmont Ave., E. 189th, Arthur Ave., E. 188th, Hoffman Precinct 39 (pt. of), E. 187th , Arthur Ave., Williams, Belmont Ave., E. 182d, Hoffman, Quarry Road 1,656 1,200 1,899 1,356 1,980 1,896 2,393 2,282 2,146 1600 1601 1645 1646 1602 1603 1649 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 2,692 594 2,155 1,427 1,384 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1,229 1616 1,494 1617 1,236 840 3,080 1,548 1618 1619 1,883 1620 1,217 1,565 446 2,089 1,304 2,063 1,925 1,166 1,418 962 1,877 2,324 1,516 2,582 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 THIRTY-FIFTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT. 89,284 Precinct 1 (pt. of), Central Bridge, E. 161st, Mott Ave., E. 149th, Lenox Ave. (Lenox Bridge), Harlem River Precinct 1 (pt. of), McClellan, C,rand Boulevard, E. 161st, Jerome. . Precinct 1 (pt. of), Putnam Bridge, W. 161st, Summit Ave., W. 164th, Nelson Ave., W. 165th, Jerome Ave., Central Bridge, Har- lem River Precinct 2, W. 167th, Lind Ave., W. 166th, Jerome Ave.,W. 165th, Nelson Ave., W. 164th, Summit Ave., W. 161st, Harlem River . . Precinct 3, W. 168th, Jerome Ave., W. 170th, Grand Boulevard, McClellan Ave., Jerome Ave., W. 166th, Lind Ave., W. 167th . . Precinct 4 (pt. of), E. 169th, Webster Ave., E. 167th (extended), McClellan Ave., Grand Boulevard Precinct 4 (pt. of), McClellan, E. 167th, Clay Ave., E. 164th, Sheri- dan Ave., E. 164th, Grand Boulevard Precinct 5, E. 164th, Sheridan Ave., E. 104th, Park Ave., E. 162d, Morris Ave., E. 161st, Grand Boulevard Precinct 6 (pt. of), E. 167th, Park Ave., Clay Ave Precinct 6 (pt. of), E. 167th, 3d Ave., E. 165th, Park Ave Precinct 7 (pt. of), E. 169th, 3d Ave., E. 168th, Park Ave Precinct 7 (pt. of), E. 168th, 3d Ave., E. 167th, Webster Ave Precinct 8, St. Pauls Ave., 3d Ave., E. 169th, Washington Ave., E. 170 th, Park Ave 987 146 1,752 1,770 1,674 1,287 1,564 1,801 257 2,342 1,520 2,025 1,347 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 Precinct 9, E. 170th, Washington Ave., E. 169th, Park Ave Precinct 10 (pt. of), St. Pauls Ave., Park Ave., E. 169th, Brook . . . Precinct 10 (pt. of), St. Pauls Ave., Brook, E. 169th, Webster Ave. . Precinct 10 (pt. of), E. 169th, Park Ave., E. 168th, Webster Ave Precinct 11, E. 170th, Webster Ave., E. 169th, Grand Boulevard. . Precinct 12 (pt. of), E. 171st, Park Ave., St. Pauls Ave., Webster Ave. Precinct 12 (pt. of), E. 171st, Washington Ave., St. Pauls Ave., Park Ave Precinct 13, Wendover Ave., Washington Ave., E. 171st, Webster Ave Precinct 14 (pt. of), E. 172d, 3d Ave., Wendover Ave., Washington Ave Precinct 14 (pt. of), Wendover Ave., 3d Ave., St. Pauls Ave., Wash- ington Ave Precinct 15 (pt. of), E. 174th, 3d Ave., E. 173d, Park Ave Precinct 15 (pt. of), E. 173d, 3d Ave., E. 172d, Park Ave Precinct 16 (pt. of), Tremont Ave., Park Ave., E. 174th, Anthony Ave Precinct 16 (pt. of), E. 174th, Park Ave., E. 172d, Washington Ave., Wendover Ave., Webster Ave., E. 170th, Teller Ave., Belmont Ave., Anthony Ave Precinct 17 (pt. of), Burnside Ave., Anthony Ave., Tremont Ave., Jerome Ave Precinct 17 (pt. of), Tremont Ave., Anthony Ave., E. 175th, Weeks Ave., Grand Boulevard, Mount Hope Place, Jerome Ave Precinct 18 (pt. of), Mount Hope Place, Grand Boulevard, W. 170th, Jerome Ave Precinct 18 (pt. of), Weeks Ave., E. 175th, Anthony Ave., Belmont Ave., Teller Ave., E. 170th, Grand Boulevard Precinct 19 (pt. of), W. 177th, Aqueduct Ave., Tremont Ave.. Jerome Ave., Belmont, Macombs Lane, W. 170th, Boscobel Ave., Washington Bridge, Harlem River Precinct 19 (pt. of), Washington Bridge, Boscobel Ave., W. 170th, Macombs Lane, Belmont, Jerome Ave., W. 168th, W. 167th, Harlem River Precinct 20, W. 179th, Cedar Ave., W. 181st (extended), Andrew Ave., W. 183d, Davidson Ave., Clinton Place, Jerome Ave, E. 177th, Tremont Ave., Aqueduct Ave., W. 177th, Harlem River. . Precinct 21, Fordham Road, Jerome Ave., W. 184th, Davidson Ave., W. 183d, Andrew Ave., W. 181st, Cedar Ave., W. 179th, Harlem River Precinct 22 (pt. of), Fordham Road, Valentine Ave., E. 184th, Grand Boulevard, E. 183d, Jerome Ave., W. 183d, Davidson Ave, W. 184th, Jerome Ave Precinct 22 (pt. of), W. 183d, (to Jerome Ave.), E. 183d, Grand Boulevard, Anthony Ave., Burnside Ave., Jerome Ave., Clinton Place, Davidson Ave Precinct 23 (pt. of), E. 180th, Webster Ave., E. 180th, Park Ave., E. 179th, Burnside Ave.,.Ryer Ave Precinct 23 (pt. of), Burnside Ave., E. 179th, Park Ave., Fremont, Anthony Precinct 24 (pt. of), E. 184th, Park Ave., E. 182d Webster Ave., E. 182d, Tiebout Ave., E. 182d, Grand Boulevard Precinct 24 (pt. of), E. 182d, Tiebout Ave., E. 182d, Webster Ave., E. 182d, Park Ave., E. 180th, Webster Ave., E. 180th, Ryer Ave., Burnside Ave., Anthony Ave Precinct 25, E. 187th, Hoffman, E. 184th, Marion Ave Precinct 26 (pt. of), E. 200th, Southern Boulevard, Pelham Ave., Decatur Ave., E. 195th, Webster Ave Precinct 26 (pt. of), Pelham Ave., Hoffman, E. 187th, Webster Ave. Precinct 27 (pt. of), E. 205th, Bronx River, Pelham Ave., South- ern Boulevard, E. 200th, Webster Ave., Mosholu Parkway North, Bainbridge Ave Precinct 27 (pt. of), Gun Hill Road, Bronx River, E. 205th, Perry Ave Precinct 28, Gun Hill Road, Perry Ave., E. 206th, Bainbridge Ave., Mosholu Parkway North, Webster Ave., Mosholu Parkway South, E. 204th, Jerome Ave., Kingsbridge Road, Claflin Terrace, Sedgwick Ave., Dickinson Place Precinct 29 (pt. of), E. 204th, Mosholu Parkway South, Briggs Ave., E. 200th, Jerome Ave Precinct 29 (pt. of), Mosholu Parkway South, Webster Ave., E. 200th, Briggs Ave Precinct 30, E. 200th, Webster Ave., E. 195th, Marion Ave., E. 196th, Bainbridge Ave Precinct 31, E. 200th, Bainbridge Ave., E. 196th, Jerome Ave Precinct 32, E. 196th, Marion Ave., E. 195th, Decatur Ave., Web- ster Ave., E. 187th, Marion Ave., E. 184th, Valentine Ave., Ford- ham Road, Jerome Ave Precinct 33 (pt. of). Van Cort.landt Park South, Dickinson Place, Sedgwick Ave., Perot, Kingsbridge Terrace, W. 230th, Broad- way Precinct 33 (pt. of), W. 230th, Kingsbridge Terrace, Perot, Claflin Terrace, Kingsbridge Road, Jerome Ave.. Fordham Road, Harlem River, exclusive of Catholic Orphan Asylum Catholic Orphan Asylum Precinct 34, E. 236th, Yonkers Ave., W. 237th, Spuyten Duyvil Parkway, Riverdale Ave., W. 238th, Waldo Ave., W. 242d, Broadway, Spuyten Duyvil Creek, Hudson River Precinct 35, City boundary, Broadway, W. 242d, Waldo Ave., W. 238th, Riverdale Ave., Spuyten Duyvil Parkway, W. 237th, Yonkers Ave., W. 230th, Hudson River, exclusive of Academy of Mount St. Vincent Academy of Mount St. Vincent Precinct 36, City boundary, Bronx River, Gun Hill Road, Van Cortlandt Park South, Broadway 762 1,645 1,445 1,178 1,668 1,925 1,566 2,232 1,485 2.775 3,079 2,491 1,205 2,050 1,227 950 689 1.775 1,145 1,557 1,459 1,733 1,346 948 1,128 1,617 785 1,255 2,193 1.067 1,900 1,121 1,011 2,135 1,748 858 1,357 1,645 2,556 1,580 1,221 1,171 2,363 1,621 216 1,929 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. 15 E.D. No. BOUNDARY OP ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. E. D. No. WARD 1. Fulton, Henry, Middagh, East River Middagh, Henry, Fulton, Cranberry, East River Cranberry, Fulton, Pineapple, East River Pineapple, Hicks, Clark, Henry, Pierrepont, East River Pineapple, Fulton, Pierrepont, Henry, Clark, Hicks Pierrepont, Hicks, Joralemon, East River Pierrepont, Clinton, Joralemon, Hicks Joralemon, Columbia Place, State, Furman, Atlantic, East River. Joralemon, Garden Place, State, Columbia Place State, Henry, Atlantic, Furman Joralemon, Clinton, Atlantic, Henry, State, Garden Place Pierrepont, Fulton, Boerum, Schermerhorn, Clinton Schermerhom, Boerum, Atlantic, Clinton Atlantic, Boerum, Bergen, Court WARD 2. East River, Adams, Front, Fulton Front, Flint, York, Washington, Sands, Fulton.. Front, Adams, Sands, Washington, York, Flint . East River, Jay, Prospect, Pearl, Sands, Adams. East River, Bridge, Prospect, Jay Prospect, Bridge, Sands, Pearl. WARD 3. Fulton, Hoyt, Schermerhorn, Boerum Fulton, Flatbush Ave., Schermerhorn, Hoyt Schermerhorn, Hoyt, Atlantic Ave., Boerum Atlantic Ave., Hoyt, Dean, Smith Dean, Hoyt, Bergen, Boerum Atlantic Ave., Smith, Dean, Boerum Schermerhorn, Bond, Pacific, Hoyt Schermerhorn, Nevins, Dean, Bond Pacific, Bond, Dean, Nevins, Bergen, Hoyt Schermerhorn, Flatbush Ave., 4th Ave., Atlantic Ave., Nevins. Atlantic Ave., 3d Ave., Bergen, Nevins Atlantic Ave., 4th Ave., Bergen, 3d Ave WARD 4. Sands, Pearl, Concord, Fulton Concord, Pearl, Tillary, Washington Concord, Washington, Tillary, Pearl, Johnson, Fulton. Sands, Bridge, Nassau, Pearl Nassau, Bridge, Chapel, Jay, Concord, Pearl Concord, Jay, Chapel, Bridge, Johnson, Pearl Johnson, Jay, Fulton Johnson, Bridge, Fulton, Jay WARD 5. East River, U. S. Navy Yard, Evans, Hudson Ave., Water, Gold, Plymouth, Bridge Plymouth, Gold, Water, Hudson Ave., Evans, U. S. Navy Yard, Front, Bridge Front, U. S. Navy Yard, York, Bridge York, Navy, Prospect, Gold York, Gold, Sands, Bridge Prospect, Navy, High, Gold Sands, Gold, High, Navy, Nassau, Bridge Nassau, Navy, Concord, Bridge Concord, Navy, Johnson, Fleet Place, Tillary, Prince Tillary, Gold, Concord, Prince, Tillary, Fleet Place, Johnson, Bridge Concord, Gold, Tillary, Bridge WARD 6. Atlantic Ave., Hicks, Amity, Columbia, Harrison, East River. Atlantic Ave., Henry, Congress, Hicks Amity, Hicks, Warren, Columbia Warren, Hicks, Harrison, Columbia Congress, Henry, Harrison, Hicks Atlantic Ave., Clinton, Harrison, Henry Atlantic Ave., Court, Harrison, Clinton Harrison, Columbia, Degraw, East River Harrison, Hicks, Degraw, Columbia Harrison, Cheever Place, Degraw, Hicks Harrison, Henry, Degraw, Cheever Place Harrison, Clinton, Sackett, Henry Harrison, Court, Union, Clinton Sackett, Clinton, Union, Court, President, Henry Degraw, Van Brunt, Sackett, Ferrv Place, East River Sackett, Van Brunt, Hamilton and Carroll, Ferry Place Degraw, Columbia, Union, Van Brunt Union, Columbia, President, Van Brunt Union, Hicks, President, Columbia President, Hicks, Carroll, Van Brunt Degraw, Henry, Sackett, Hicks, Union, Columbia Sackett, Ilenry, Carroll, Hicks Carroll, Columbia, Hamilton Ave Carroll, Henry, Woodhull, Hicks, Summit, Columbia Summit, Hicks, Hamilton Ave., Columbia Woodhull, Henry, Coles, Hicks President, Court, First Place, Clinton, Carroll, Henry Carroll, Clinton, Fourth Place, Henry First Place, Court, Fourth Place, Clinton 21,847 2,183 1,518 1,983 2,212 1,745 854 1,366 1,608 1,687 1,365 1,612 1,028 1,355 1,331 6,911 820 2,201 1,249 561 1,104 976 15,882 541 912 1,492 1,443 1,143 1,106 1,770 1,901 1,457 1,333 1,428 1,356 10,445 1,670 1,215 1,072 487 1,212 1,288 1,804 1,697 19,415 2,026 1,818 1,813 1,632 1,417 2,023 2,306 1,558 1,949 1,507 1,366 46,457 1,717 1,666 1,220 1,381 1,553 2,658 2,365 1,362 1,539 1,433 921 1,929 2,014 1,811 779 1,394 1,533 1,110 863 1,80 s 2, 104 2,139 1,482 1,474 1,505 1,676 1,670 1,733 1,618 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. WARD 7. Flushing Ave., Ryerson, Myrtle, Washington Ave Flushing Ave., Taaffe Place (or Graham), Myrtle Ave., Classon Ave., Park Ave., Ryerson Park Ave., Classon Ave., Myrtle Ave., Steuben Park Ave., Steuben, Myrtle, Ryerson Flushing Ave., Kent Ave., Myrtle Ave., Taaffe Place (or Graham). . Flushing Ave., Bedford Ave., Park Ave., Kent Ave Park Ave., Franklin Ave., Myrtle Ave., Kent Ave Park Ave., Bedford Ave., Myrtle Ave., Franklin Ave Myrtle Ave., Ryerson, De Kalb Ave., Washington Ave Myrtle Ave., Emerson Place, De Kalb Ave., Ryerson Myrtle Ave., Classon Ave., Willoughby Ave., Taaffe Place (or Gra- ham), De Kalb Ave., Emerson Place Myrtle Ave., Taaffe Place (or Graham), Willoughby Ave., Classon Ave. Myrtle Ave., Bedford Ave., De Kalb Ave., Skillman, Willoughby Ave., Franklin Myrtle Ave., Franklin Ave., Willoughby Ave., Taaffe Place (or Graham) Willoughby Ave., SkiHman, De Kalb Ave., Taaffe Place (or Gra- ham). De Kalb Ave., Grand Ave., Greene Ave., Washington Ave De Kalb Ave., Classon Ave., Lafayette Ave., Grand Ave Lafayette Ave., Classon Ave., Greene Ave., Grand Ave Greene Ave., Classon Ave., Gates Ave., Grand Ave Gates Ave., Classon Ave., Putnam Ave., Grand Ave De Kalb Ave., Skillman, Lafayette Ave., Classon Ave Lafayette Ave., Franklin Ave., Lexington Ave., Classon Ave De Kalb Ave., Bedford Ave., Lexington Ave., Franklin Ave., Lafayette Ave., Skillman Greene Ave., Grand Ave., Putnam Ave., Fulton, St James, Gates Ave., Cambridge * Greene Ave., Cambridge, Gates Ave., St. James, Fulton, Washing- ton Ave Lexington Ave., Franklin Ave., Putnam Ave., Classon Ave Lexington Ave., Bedford Ave., Putnam Ave., Franklin Ave Fulton, Putnam Ave., Grand Ave., Atlantic Ave, ashington Ave. Putnam Ave., Classon Ave., Atlantic Ave., Grand Ave Putnam Ave., Franklin Ave., Atlantic Ave., Classon Ave Putnam Ave., Bedford Ave., Brevoort Place, Franklin Ave WARD 8. Prospect Ave., 4th Ave., 18th, 3d Ave., 20th, East River. 18th, 4th Ave., 20th, 3d Ave 20th, 4th Ave., 21st, East River 21st, 4th Ave., 22d, East River 22d, 4th Ave., 24th, East River Prospect Ave., 6th Ave., 17th, 4th Ave 17th, 6th Ave., 18th, 5th Ave., 19th, 4th Ave 18th, 6th Ave., 20th, 4th Ave., 19th, 5th Ave 20th, 6th Ave., 21st, 4th Ave 21st, 5th Ave., 24th, 4th Ave 21st, 6th Ave., 24th, 5th Ave 24th, 5th Ave., 25th, 4th Ave., 26th, East River 26th, 4th Ave., 25th, 5th Ave., 27th, East River 27th, 5th Ave., 28th, 4th Ave., 29th, East River 29th, 4th Ave., 28th, 5th Ave., 30th, East River 30th, 5th Ave., 31st, 4th Ave., 32d, East River 32d, 4th Ave., 31st, 5th Ave., 33d, East River 33d, 5th Ave., 34th, 4th Ave., 35th, East River 35th, 4th Ave., 34th, 5th Ave., 30th, East River 36th, 3d Ave., 41st, East River 36th, 4th Ave., 40th, 3d Ave 36th, 5th Ave., 40th, 4t.h Ave 36th, 7th Ave., 44th, 5th Ave 37th, 9th Ave., 44th, 7th Ave 40th, 4th Ave., 44th, 3d Ave 40th, 5th Ave., 44th, 4th Ave 41st, 3d Ave., 46th, East River 46th, 3d Ave., 50th, East River 44th, 5th Ave., 46th, 3d Ave 46th, 5th Ave., 48th, 3d Ave 44th, 7th Ave., 48th, 5th Ave 44th, 9th Ave., 48th, 7th Ave 48th, 7th Ave., 52d, 5th Ave 48th, 5th Ave., 50th, 3d Ave 50th, 5th Ave., 52d, 3d Ave 50th, 3d Ave. ,54th, East River 54th, 3d Ave., 56th, East River 56th, 3d Ave., 58th, East River 52d, 5th Ave., 54th, 3d Ave 54th, 5th Ave., 56th, 3d Ave 52d, 7th Ave., 54th, 5th Ave 54th, 7th Ave., 56th, 5th Ave 56th, 7th Ave., 58th, 5th Ave 58th, 7th Ave., 60th, 5th Ave 56th, 5th Ave., 58th, 3d Ave 58th, 5th Ave., 60th, 3d Ave 58th, 3d Ave., 62d, East River WARD 9. Flatbush Ave., 5th Ave., Bergen, 4th Ave Atlantic Ave., 0th Ave., Bergen, 5th Ave., Flatbush Ave. Atlantic Ave., Carlton Ave., Bergen, 6th Ave Atlantic Ave., Vanderbilt Ave., Bergen, Carlton Ave Atlantic Ave., Underhill Ave., Dean, Vanderbilt Ave Dean, Grand Ave., Bergen, Vanderbilt Ave Atlantic Ave., Grand Ave., Dean, Underhill Ave Popula- tion. 44,014 1,330 1,660 924 1,062 1,516 1,498 1,454 1,893 1,073 1,667 1,371 1,788 1,315 960 2,041 1,585 1,435 1,358 1,068 1,155 1,442 1,352 1,571 1,206 1,318 1,875 1,567 1,153 1,107 1,743 1,527 82,591 1,939 1,707 1,432 1,077 1,697 1,341 1,405 2,283 1,547 2,098 1,374 588 1,673 1,028 710 927 1,068 1.561 833 702 1,669 1,001 1,446 3,200 1,475 1,878 1,904 1,993 2,054 2, 477 3,513 . 48 4,728 2,370 2,234 2,337 1,159 1,741 1,991 2,297 2,110 1,800 2,376 1,425 2,606 2,998 771 50,414 1,290 1,219 1,475 992 1, 130 1,431 1.720 16 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3. — POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. WARD 9— Continued. 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 Atlantic Ave., Franklin Ave., Pacific, Grand Ave Pacific, Franklin Ave., Dean, Grand Ave Dean, Franklin, Bergen, Grand Ave Bergen, 6th Ave., St. Marks Place and fat. Marks Ave., 4th Ave . . St. Marks Place, 5th Ave., Baltic, 4th Ave Baltic, 5th Ave., St. Marks Ave., 6th Ave., Sterling, Butler, 4th Ave Bergen, Carlton Ave., Flatbush Ave Flatbush Ave., Sterling Place, 6th Ave Bergen, Vanderbilt Ave., Prospect Place, Carlton Ave Prospect Place, Vanderbilt Ave., Sterling Place, Flatbush Ave., Carlton Ave Bergen, Washington Ave., St. Marks Ave., Vanderbilt Ave St. Marks Ave., Washington Ave., Prospect Place, Underhill Ave., Park Place, Vanderbilt Ave Bergen, Grand Ave., Park Place, Underhill Ave., Prospect Place, Washington Ave Bergen, Classon Ave., Prospect Place, Grand Ave St. Marks Ave., Franklin Ave., Park Place, Grand Ave., Prospect Place, Classon Ave Bergen, Franklin Ave., St. Marks Ave., Classon Ave Butler, 5th Ave., Douglass, 4th Ave Sterling, 6th Ave., Lincoln Place, 5th Ave Douglass, 5th Ave., Sackett, 4th Ave Lincoln Place, 6th Ave., Union, 5th Ave Sackett, 5th Ave., Union, 4th Ave Sterling Place, 7th Ave., Union, 6th Ave Sterling Place, Vanderbilt Ave., through middle of the Plaza, Union, 7th Ave Park Place, Washington Ave., Eastern Parkway to center of Plaza, center of Plaza to Vanderbilt Ave Park Place, Classon Ave., Eastern Parkway, Washington Ave Park Place, Franklin Ave., Eastern Parkway, Classon Ave Eastern Parkway, Franklin Ave., Sullivan (extended), Flatbush Ave WARD 10 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 Bergen, Hoyt, Wyckoff, Court Wyckoif, Hoyt, Baltic, Smith, Warren, Court Warren, Smith, Douglass, Court Baltic, Hoyt, Douglass, Smith Bergen, Nevins, Wyckoff, Bond, Warren, Hoyt Wyckoff, Nevins, Baltic, Bond Warren, Bond, Butler, Hoyt Butler, Bond. Baltic, Nevins, Douglass, Hoyt Bergen, 4th Ave., Wyckoff, Nevins Wyckoff, 3d Ave., Douglass, Nevins Wyckoff, 4th Ave., Warren, 3d Ave Warren, 4th Ave., Douglass, 3d Ave Douglass, Hoyt, Sackett, Smith, Degraw, Court Degraw, Smith, Carroll, Court Sackett, Hoyt, Carroll, Smith Douglass, Bond, Union, Hoyt Union, Bond, Douglass, Nevins, Carroll, Hoyt Douglass, 4th Ave., Union, Nevins Union, 4th Ave., President, Nevins Carroll, Nevins, President, 3d, Carroll, Whitwell Place, 1st, Gowanus Canal President, 4th Ave., 1st, Whitwell Place, Carroll, 3d Ave Carroll, Smith and Carroll, Hoyt, 2d, Smith, Second Place, Court. 2d, Hoyt, 4th, Smith Second Place, Smith, 4th, Hoyt, 5th, Fourth Place, Court Carroll, Gowanus Canal, 2d, Hovt 2d, 2d Ave., Gowanus Canal, 5th, Hoyt 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 WARD 11 Flushing Ave., N. Elliott Place, Park Ave., St. Edwards, Syca- more, Raymond, Park Ave., Navy Flushing Ave., N. Portland Ave., Auburn Place, N. Elliott Place. Park Ave., Raymond, Sycamore, St. Edwards, Myrtle Ave., Navy Park Ave., N. Elliott Place, Auburn Place, N. Portland Ave., Myrtle Ave., St. Edwards... Johnson, Dutfield, Myrtle Ave., Gold, Willoughby, Bridge Willoughby, Prince, Fleet, De Kalb. Fulton Bridge Johnson, Prince, Willoughby, Gold, Myrtle Ave., Dutfield Johnson, Fleet Place, Debevoise Place, De Kalb Ave.. Fleet, Prince. Johnson, Navy, Bolivar, Hudson, Myrtle, Fleet Place Myrtle, Hudson, Bolivar, Navy, Lafayette, Hudson, Willoughby, Fleet Willoughby, Hudson, Lafayette, Raymond, De Kalb Ave., Debevoise Place ' Myrtle Ave., St. Edwards, Willoughby Ave., Raymond, Lafay- ette, Navy De Kalb Ave., St. Felix, Lafayette Ave., Rockwell, Fulton, Ash- land De Kalb, Ashland Place, Fulton, Rockwell Place, Lafayette Ave., Flatbush Ave., Fulton De Kalb Ave., S. Portland Ave., Lafayette Ave., St. Felix Lafayette Ave., S. Elliott Place, Hanson Place, Flatbush Ave Hanson Place, S. Elliott Place, Lafayette Ave., S. Portland Ave., Atlantic Ave., Flatbush Ave Popula- tion. E. D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 13 29,262 1,242 239 New York Bay, Hamilton Ave., Conover 2,122 1, 009 240 Conover, Coffey, Van Brunt, Vandyke, Richards, New York Bav. 1,305 1,012 241 Dikeman, Richards, Vandyke, Van Brunt, Coffey, Conover 1.342 1,743 242 Wolcott, Richards, Dikeman, Conover 1,123 1,723 243 Pioneer (William), Richards, Wolcott, Van Brunt 1,396 244 William, Van Brunt, Wolcott. Conover 1,014 1,844 245 Commerce (Commercial), Columbia, Pioneer (William), Conover .. 1.859 1,258 246 Conover, Hamilton Ave., Columbia, Commerce (Commercial! 1,088 1,017 247 Richards, Pioneer (William), Columbia, New York Bay 1,831 1,691 248 Columbia, Bush, Gowanus Canal, Gowanus Bay 805 249 Huntington, Henrv, Bush, Hicks 1,165 1,290 250 Nelson, Hicks, Bush, Columbia 1,176 1.697 251 Coles, Henry, Huntington, Hicks 1,518 252 Hamilton Ave., Hicks, Nelson, Columbia 1,401 1,927 253 Fourth Place, Court, Luquer, Henry 1,581 254 Luquer, Clinton, W. 9th, Henry 1,613 1,382 255 Luquer, Court, Huntington, Clinton 1.467 1,572 256 Huntington, Court, Hamilton Ave., Clinton 1.376 257 W. 9th, Hamilton Ave., Court, Bush, Henrv 1.031 1,919 258 Huntington, Smith, W. 9th, Gowanus Canal, Bush, Court 1.532 1,253 259 Fourth Place, 5th, Gowanus Canal, W. 9th, Smith, Hunting- 793 1 . 517 1,302 1,694 1,414 WARD 13 30,092 1,513 1,947 200 Grand, Berry, S. 1st, Wythe Ave., S. 2d, East River 1,502 201 S. 2d, Wythe Ave., 8. 1st, Berrv, S. 3d, East River 2,108 1,627 202 S. 3d. Berry, S. 2d, Bedford Ave., S. 4t.h, East River 1.622 263 Grand, Driggs Ave., S. 1st, Bedford Ave., S. 2d, Berry 1,874 1,929 264 S. 1st, Driggs Ave., S. 4th, Bedford Ave 2,320 1,877 265 Grand, Roebling, S. 1st, Marcy, S. 2d, Driggs Ave 3.672 2,324 260 Grand, Rodney, S. 2d, Marcy, S. 1st, Roebling 2.062 267 S. 2d, Rodney, S. 3d, Driggs Ave 3,464 49? 268 S. 3d, Itodnev, S. 4th, Driggs Ave 1,930 209 S. 4th, Bedford Ave., Broadway, East River 1,413 270 Broadwav, Bedford Ave., S. 4th, Driggs Ave., S. 8th, East River. 1,296 41,233 271 S. 8th, Berrv, Division Ave., East River 1.498 27? 1 769 1,597 273 S. 4th, Havemever, Division Ave., Driggs Ave L665 1.982 274 S. 4th, Rodnev, Broadwav, Marcy Ave., Division Ave., Havemever. 1,897 1.844 1.824 1,800 WARD 14 33,345 1,477 1,007 275 Bushwick Inlet, Kent Ave., Grand, East River 377 1,424 276 N. 14th, Berry, N. 9th, Kent Ave 1,263 1,703 277 N. 9t,h, Wythe Ave., N. 7th, Kent Ave 1,282 1.596 278 N. 9th, Berrv, N. 7th, Wythe Ave 1,675 1,287 279 N. 10th, Bedford Ave., N. 8th, Berrv 1,498 1 . 829 280 Line from N. 14th, across Green Point Park, Driggs Ave., N. 8th, 1,821 Bedford Ave., N. 10th, Berry 1,724 1,681 281 N. 7th, Berrv, N. 0th, Kent Ave 1,998 1,499 282 N. 6th, Berrv, N. 4th, Kent Ave 1,279 1,411 283 N. 4th, Wythe Ave., Grand, Kent Ave 1,542 1.133 284 N. 4th, Berrv, Grand, Wythe Ave 1,444 2,252 285 N. 3d, Bedford Ave., N. 4th, Driggs Ave., Grand, Berrv 2,415 1,757 286 N. 0th, Bedford Ave., N. 5th, Driggs, N. 4t.h, Bedford, N. 3d, Berrv. 1.785 287 N. 7th, Driggs Ave., N. 5th, Bedford Ave., N. 6th, Berry 1,732 1,777 288 N. 8th, Driggs Ave., N. 7th, Berrv 1,226 1,544 289 Union Ave., Driggs Ave., N. 8th 1,723 1,433 290 N. 8th, Union Ave., N. 7th, Driggs Ave 2,074 1,372 291 N. 7th, Metropolitan, N. 6th, Driggs Ave 1.525 1.396 292 Driggs Ave., N. 6th, Roebling, N. 4th 1,048 1.078 293 Roebling, N. 6th, Havemever, Metropolitan Ave 1,360 1.103 294 Driggs Ave., N. 4th, Roebling, Grand 951 295 Metropolitan Ave., Havemeyer, Hope, Rodnev, Grand, Roebling. 1,796 296 Metropolitan Ave., Havemever, N. Ot.h, Rodnev, Hope, Have- 21,659 1,628 1.728 WARD 15 35,874 1,599 297 Driggs Ave., across Green Point Park, Lorimer, Withers, Union 1,338 Ave 2,069 298 Withers, Lorimer, Skillman, Union Ave 1,505 1.001 299 Skillman, Lorimer, Metropolitan Ave.. Union Ave 1.454 1,317 300 Engert Ave. extended across Green Point Park. Leonard, Richard- 1,129 son, Manhattan Ave., Withers, Lorimer 2.113 765 301 Withers, Manhattan Ave., Skillman, Leonard, Jackson, Lorimer. . 1,847 802 302 Jackson, Leonard, Skillman, Manhattan Ave., Metropolitan Ave., 1,362 2,812 303 Richardson, Humboldt, Frost, Graham Ave., Withers, Manhattan 1,161 1.427 304 Withers, Graham Ave., Frost, Humboldt, Jackson, Manhattan, 1,100 1,343 305 Jackson, Humboldt, Oonselvea, Manhattan Ave 1,377 1,743 306 Conselyea, Humboldt, Metropolitan Ave., Bushwick Ave., Devoe, Manhattan Ave 1,458 871 307 Metropolitan Ave., Keap, S. 1st, Hooper, S. 2d, Rodney 1,261 30,8 Keap, Union Ave., Maujer, S. 1st 1,233 759 309 Metropolitan Ave., Lorimer, Grand, Union Ave 2,208 1 , 080 310 S. 1st. Maujer, Union Ave., Grand, Lorimer, Ten Evck, S. 2d, Hooper 1,796 1,326 311 Metropolitan Ave., Manhattan Ave., Ainslie, Lorimer 1,701 312 Ainslie, Leonard, Ten Eyck, Lorimer 1,737 1,318 313 Ainslie, Manhattan Ave., Ten Eyck, Leonard 1,834 17 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OP ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. E. D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 15 — Continued. WARD 17 — Continued. 314 315 316 317 318 319 Devoe, Humboldt, Grand, Graham Ave., Powers, Manhattan Ave. Devoe, Bushwick Ave., Ainslie, Humboldt Ave Ainslie, Bushwick Ave., Powers, Humboldt Ave Grand, Humboldt Ave., Powers, Bushwick Ave., Maujer, Graham Ave Powers, Graham Ave., Ten Evek, Manhattan Ave Maujer, Bushwick Ave., Ten Eyck, Graham Ave 1,585 201 259 1,402 1,793 1,459 WARD 16 68,261 3211 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 331 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 S. 2d, Hooper, S. 4th, Rodney S. 4th, Hooper, Broadway, Rodney S. 3d, Hewes, Broadway, Hooper S. 2d, Union Ave., Broadway, Hewes, S. 3d, Hooper Ten Eyck, Lorimer, Scholes, Union Ave Ten Eyck, Leonard, Montrose Ave., Lorimer Scholes, Lorimer, Montrose Ave., Union Ave Montrose Ave., Leonard, Johnson Ave., Union Ave Johnson Ave., Leonard, Boerum, Lorimer Johnson Ave., Lorimer, Boerum, Leonard, McKibbin, Broadway, Union Ave Ten Eyck, Graham Ave., Stags, Leonard Stage, Graham Ave., Scholes, Leonard Scholes, Graham Ave., Meserole, Leonard Meserole, Graham Ave., Montrose Ave., Leonard Montrose Ave., Graham Ave., Boerum, Leonard Boerum, Graham Ave., McKibbin, Leonard Ten Eyck, Humboldt, Meserole, Graham Ave Ten Eyck, Bushwick Ave., Scholes, Humboldt Scholes, Bushwick Ave., Montrose Ave., Humboldt Meserole, Humboldt, Johnson Ave., Graham Ave Montrose, Bushwick Ave., Meserole, Bushwick Place, Johnson Ave., Humboldt Johnson Ave., Humboldt, Boeruin, Graham Ave Johnson Ave., Bushwick Place, Boerum, Humboldt Boerum, Humboldt, McKibbin, Graham Ave Boerum, Bushwick Place, McKibbin, Humboldt McKibbin, Manhattan Ave., Seigel, Broadway Seigel, Manhattan Ave., Moore, Leonard Seigel, Leonard, Moore, Manhattan Ave., Varet, Broadway McKibbin, Graham Ave., Seigel, Manhattan Ave Seigel, Graham Ave., Moore, Manhattan Ave Moore, Humboldt, Varet, Manhattan Ave McKibbin, Bushwick Ave., Seigel, Graham Ave Seigel, Humboldt, Moore, Graham Ave Seigel, Bushwick Ave., Varet, Morrell, Moore, Humboldt Moore, Morrell, Varet, Humboldt Varet, Humboldt, Cook, Broadway Varet, Morrell, Cook, Humboldt Varet, Bushwick Ave., Debevoise, Morrell Cook, Morrell, Debevoise, Flushing Ave., Humboldt Cook, Humboldt, Flushing Ave., Broadway 2,413 1,793 1,893 1,629 1,900 2,286 2.137 1,929 1.196 2.197 1,579 1,483 1,334 1,356 1,771 1,563 1,681 1,343 2.138 1,820 2,081 1,123 1,581 1,557 1,742 2,312 1,234 1,397 1,065 927 2,134 2,074 1.138 1,732 993 2,275 1,110 2,216 2,475 1,654 395 396 397 398 399 400 4111 402 403 404 405 406 Meserole Ave., Sutton Ave., Nassau Ave., N. Henry, Norman Ave., Humboldt Norman Ave., Apollo, Meeker Ave., Morgan, Nassau Ave., Sutton. Nassau Ave., Morgan Ave., Meeker Ave., Sutton Ave Nassau Ave., Sutton Ave.,Meeker Ave.,Kingsland Ave Nassau Ave., Kingsland Ave., Meeker Ave., Monitor Nassau Ave., Monitor, Meeker Ave., N. Henry, Driggs Ave., Rus- sell Nassau Ave., Russell, Driggs Ave., Humboldt Driggs Ave., N. Henry, Meeker Ave., Russell, Engert, Humboldt.. Driggs Ave., Humboldt, Engert Ave., Graham Ave Engert Ave., Russell, Meeker Ave., Richardson, Leonard, Bayard, Humboldt Engert, Humboldt, Bayard, Leonard, Newton, Graham Driggs Ave., Graham Ave., Newton, Leonard 1,721 1,730 1,427 1,847 1,640 801 1,249 1,535 1,455 1,367 1,388 942 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 WARD 18 35,759 Metker Ave., N. Henry, Richardson Meeker Ave., Kingsland Ave., Beadel, Debevoise Ave., Bennett, Frost, Humboldt, Richardson, N. Henry Meeker Ave., Newtown Creek, Maspeth,, Vandervoort Ave., Metro- politan Ave., Morgan, Sharon, Olive, Maspeth, Debevoise Ave., Beadel, Kingslana Ave Frost, Bennett, Debevoise Ave., Benton, Jackson, Humboldt Jackson, Benton, Debevoise Ave., Maspeth Ave., Olive, Orient, Metropolitan Ave., Humboldt Orient, Sharon, Morgan Ave., Metropolitan Ave., Catharine, De- voe, Olive, Metropolitan Ave Metropolitan Ave., Olive, Devoe, Judge, Powers, Bushwick Ave. . Devoe, Catharine, Metropolitan Ave., Morgan Ave., Grand, Olive. Powers, Judge, Devoe, Olive, Grand, Bushwick Ave Maspeth Ave., Newtown Creek, Boundary Line of Brooklyn Bor- ough, Flushing Ave., Porter Ave., Johnson Ave., Bogert, Stagg, Morgan, Metropolitan Ave., Vandervoort Ave Grand, Morgan Ave., Stagg, Waterbury, Maujer, La Grange Grand, La Grange, Maujer, Waterbury, Stagg, Bushwick Ave., excluding St. Catharines Hospital St. Catharines Hospital Stagg, Bogart, Scholes, Bushwick Ave Scholes, Bogart, McKibbin, Bushwick Place, Meserole, Bushwick Ave McKibbin, Bogart, Cook, White, Moore, Bushwick Ave Moore, White, Cook, Bushwick Ave Cook, Bogart, Flushing Ave^, Bushwick Ave Johnson Ave., Porter Ave., Harrison Place, Morgan Ave., Grattan, Bogart Grattan, Morgan, Harrison Place. Porter Ave., Thames, Bogart Thames, Porter Ave., Flushing Ave., Bogart 1,671 1,780 1,694 1,386 1,578 1,232 1,351 1,176 1,278 1,696 1,281 1,217 74 1,382 1,385 4,782 3,836 1,178 1,334 2,734 1,714 WARD 19 44,881 WARD 17 70,324 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 Newtown Creek, Eve, Manhattan Ave., Dupont, West, Noble, Franklin, Calyer, Banker, Wythe Ave., N. 14th, Bushwick Inlet, East River Newtown Creek, Oakland, Clay, Manhattan Ave., Eve Clay, Oakland, Newtown Creek, Brant, Dupont, Manhattan Ave. Dupont, Manhattan Ave., Eagle, Franklin, Freeman, West Eagle, Manhattan Ave., Greene, Franklin Freeman, Franklin, Greene, Manhattan Ave., Huron, West Huron, Manhattan Ave., India, West Dupont, Oakland, Eagle, Manhattan Ave Eagle, Oakland, Freeman, Manhattan Ave Freeman, Oakland, Greene, Manhattan Ave Greene, Oakland, Huron, Manhattan Ave Huron, Oakland, India, Manhattan Ave India, Oakland, Kent, Manhattan Ave Kent, Oakland, Calyer, Eckford, Green Point, Manhattan Ave Green point Ave., Eckford, Calyer, Manhattan Ave Dupont, Brant, Newtown Creek, Whale Creek Canal, India, Oak- land Newtown Creek, Meeker Ave., Apollo, Norman Ave., Sutton Ave., Meserole Ave., Humboldt, Calyer, Oakland, India, Whale Creek Canal Calyer, Whale Creek Canal, Humboldt, Norman Ave., Oakland. . . Calyer, Oakland, Norman Ave., Leonard Meserole Ave., Manhattan Ave., Calyer, Leonard, Norman Ave., Lorimer Calyer, Lorimer, Norman Ave., Banker Noble, Manhattan Ave., Meserole Ave., Lorimer, Calyer, Franklin Ave Greenpoint Ave., Manhattan Ave., Noble, Franklin Kent, Manhattan Ave., Greenpoint Ave., Franklin Java, Manhattan Ave., Kent, Franklin, Noble, West India, Manhattan Ave., Java, West Wythe Ave., Norman Ave., Lorimer to Driggs Ave., across Green- point Park to N. 14th, N. 14th Norman Ave., Leonard, Nassau Ave., Lorimer Nassau Ave., Leonard to Engert, across G reenpoint Park, Lorimer. Norman Ave., Eckford, Driggs Ave., Leonard Norman Ave., Oakland, Driggs Ave., Eckford Norman Ave., Newell, Driggs Ave., Oakland Norman Ave., Diamond, Driggs Ave., Newell Norman Ave., Humboldt, Driggs Ave., Diamond Norman Ave.,N. Henry, Nassau Ave., Humboldt 1,668 1,178 1,331 1,684 1,648 1,614 1,558 1,616 991 1,531 1,390 1,100 1,715 1,230 1,433 1,358 1,070 2,639 1,875 1,357 2,544 1,384 1,475 1,365 1,328 1,539 846 1,349 1,094 1,282 1,521 1,731 2,085 1,987 1,706 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 U. S. Navy Yard Division, Bedford Ave., Clymer, Wythe Ave., Rush (extended), Wallabout Channel Rush (extended), W ythe Ave., Taylor, Wallabout Canal, W allabout Channel Wallabout Canal, Taylor, Wythe Ave., Clymer, Bedford Ave., Wilson Wilson (extended), Wallabout Canal, Hewes, Classon Ave., Flush- ing Ave., Clinton Wilson, Bedford Ave., Rodney, Wallabout Canal Rodney, Bedford Ave., Hewes, Wallabout Canal Division Ave., Lee Ave., Keap, Bedford Ave Division Ave., Marey Ave., Keap, Lee Ave Hewes, Bedford Ave., Rutledge, Classon Ave Rutledge, Bedford Ave., Flushing Ave., Classon Ave Hewes, Lee Ave., Heyward, Bedford Ave Hewes, Marcy Ave., Heyward, Lee Ave Keap, Marcy Ave., Hewes, Bedford Ave Broadway, Hooper, Marcy Ave Hooper, Broadway, Rutledge, Harrison Ave., Penn, Marcy Ave. . Penn, Harrison Ave., Rutledge, Broadway, Heyward, Marcy Ave. Heyward Ave., Marcy Ave., Lynch, Lee Ave., Middleton, Walla- bout, Bedford Ave Lynch, Marcy, Middleton, Lee Ave Wallabout, Middleton, Marcy, Lorimer, Lee Ave., Flushing Ave., Bedford Ave Lorimer, Marcy Ave., Flushing Ave., Lee Ave Middleton, Harrison Ave., Walton, Marcy Ave Lorimer, Broadway, Walton, Harrison Ave Lynch, Broadway, Lorimer, Harrison Ave Heyward, Broadway, Lynch, Harrison, Middleton, Marcy Ave. .. Walton, Broadway, Wallabout, Harrison Ave ' Wallabout, Broadway, Gerry, Harrison Ave Walton, Harrison Ave., Geriy, Marcy Ave Gerry, Broadway, Bartlett, Flushing Ave Bartlett, Broadway, Flushing Ave., Throop 1,066 1,765 1,027 1,136 66 1,226 1,668 2,035 1,752 1,020 2,263 1,273 1,368 1,447 1,935 1.454 1,603 1,560 1,377 1,287 1,537 1,321 1,138 1,867 1,374 1,899 1,562 1,180 2,043 1,402 1,230 82 91 99 459 460 WARD 20 Flushing Ave., Washington Ave., Myrtle, Clinton Myrtle Ave., Washington Ave., De Kalb Ave., Vanderbilt Ave. . . De Kalb Ave., Washington Ave., Greene Ave., Clermont Ave Flushing Ave., N. Oxford, Myrtle Ave., N. Portland Ave Flushing Ave., Cumberland, Myrtle Ave., N. Oxford 27,485 1,322 1,263 1,328 1,725 1,302 18 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OP BROOKLYN— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY O? ENUMERATION DISTRICT. WARD 20— Continued. Popula- E. D. tion. I No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. WARD 22— Continued. Popula- tion. 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 Flushing Ave., Carlton Ave., Myrtle Ave., Cumberland Flushing Ave., Adel phi, Myrtle Ave., Carlton Ave Flushing Ave., Clermont Ave., Myrtle Ave., Adel phi Flushing Ave., Vanderbilt Ave., Myrtle Ave., Clermont Ave Flushing Ave., Clinton Ave., Myrtle Ave., Vanderbilt Ave Myrtle Ave., Cumberland, De Kalb, Raymond, Willoughby, St. Edwards, including Kings County Jail and Brooklyn Hospital.. Myrtle Ave., Vanderbilt Ave., Willoughby, Cumberland Willoughby, Vanderbilt Ave., De Kalb Ave., Cumberland De Kalb Ave., Clermont Ave., Greene Ave., Cumberland, Lafay- ette Ave., Carlton Ave De Kalb Ave., Carlton Ave., Lafayette Ave., Cumberland, Greene Ave., Hanson Place, S. Portland Hanson Place, Fulton, Carlton Ave., Atlantic Ave., S. Portland. . Greene Ave., Adelphi, Atlantic Ave., Carlton Ave., Fulton Greene Ave., Clermont Ave., Atlantic Ave., Adelphi Greene Ave., Washington Ave., Gates Ave.,Waverly Ave., Fulton, Clermont Ave Fulton, Waverly Ave., Gates Ave., Washington Ave., Atlantic Ave., Clermont Ave 1.379 1.380 1,117 1,434 1,216 381 1,382 1,385 1,755 2,209 1,539 1,228 1,142 1,509 1,429 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 WARD 21 Flushing Ave., Spencer, Myrtle Ave., Bedford Ave Flushing Ave., Nostrand Ave., Park Ave., Spencer Park Ave., Sandford, Myrtle Ave., Spencer Park Ave., Nostrand Ave., Myrtle Ave., Sandford Flushing Ave., Marcy Ave., Ellery, Nostrand Ave Ellery, Marcy Ave., Park, Nostrand Ave Park, Marcy Ave., Floyd, Nostrand Ave Floyd, Marcy Ave., Stockton, Nostrand Ave Stockton, Marcy Ave., Myrtle Ave., Nostrand Ave Myrtle Ave., Nostrand Ave., De Kalb Ave., Sandford, Willoughby Ave., Bedford Ave Willoughby Ave., Sandford, De Kalb Ave., Bedford Ave De Kalb Ave., Nostrand Ave., Lafayette Ave., Bedford Ave Myrtle Ave., Marcy Ave., Hart, Nostrand Ave Hart, Marcy Ave., De Kalb Ave., Nostrand Ave De Kalb Ave., Marcy Ave., Lafayette Ave., Nostrand Ave De Kalb Ave., Throop Ave., Lafayette Ave., Marcy Ave Willoughby Ave., Throop Ave., De Kalb Ave., Tompkins Ave. . . Willoughby Ave., Tompkins Ave., De Kalb Ave., Marcy Ave. . . . Vernon Ave., Tompkins Ave., Myrtle Ave., Throop Ave., Wil- loughby Ave., Marcy Ave Stockton, Tompkins Ave., Vernon Ave., Marcy Ave Floyd, Throop Ave., Myrtle Ave., Tompkins Ave Floyd, Tompkins Ave., Stockton, Marcy Ave Park Ave., Throop Ave., Floyd, Marcy Ave Ellery, Tompkins Ave., Park Ave., Marcy Ave Ellery, Delmonico Place, Hopkins, Throop Ave., Park Ave., Tompkins Ave Hopkins, Delmonico Place, Ellery, Marcy Ave Flushing Ave., Delmonico Place, Hopkins, Marcy Ave Flushing Ave., Throop Ave., Hopkins, Delmonico Place Flushing Ave., Broadway, Hopkins, Throop Ave Hopkins, Broadway, Ellery, Throop Ave Ellery, Broadway, Park Ave., Throop Ave Park Ave., Sumner Ave., Stockton, Throop Ave Park Ave., Broadway, Lewis Ave., Stockton, Sumner Ave Stockton, Lewis Ave., Myrtle Ave., Sumner Ave Stockton, S umn er Ave., Vernon Ave., Throop Ave Myrtle Ave., Lewis Ave., Willoughby Ave., Sumner Ave., ex- cluding St. Josephs Asylum (females) St. Josephs Asylum (females) Vernon Ave., Sumner Ave., Willoughby Ave., Lewis Ave., Hart, Throop Ave Hart, Sumner Ave., De Kalb Ave., Throop Ave Hart, Lewis Ave., De Kalb Ave., Sumner Ave De Kalb Ave., Lewis Ave., Lafayette Ave., Throop Ave Broadway, Stuyvesant Ave., Willoughby Ave., Lewis Ave Willoughby Ave., Stuyvesant Ave., Broadway, Pulaski, Lewis Ave Pulaski, Stuyvesant Ave v Kosciusko, Lewis Ave Pulaski, Reid Ave., Kosciusko, Stuyvesant Ave Kosciusko, Reid Ave., Lafayette Ave., Lewis Ave Broadway, Lafayette Ave., Reid Ave 78, 726 1,155 1,389 1,025 913 1.902 1,195 1,637 1,464 838 1,542 1,480 1,340 2,102 1,098 1,198 1,880 1,002 1,791 3,106 2,699 2,701 1.039 2, 162 1,236 2,038 2,598 1,908 1,108 1,000 1,235 1,990 2,539 1.903 993 2,938 878 709 1,439 2,442 1,834 2.040 2,290 1,254 1,710 1,746 1,582 1,254 623 524 525 620 527 528 529 630 531 532 533 534 535 530 637 538 639 640 541 WARD 22 81,329 Gowanus Bay, Gowanus Canal, 2d Ave., 1st, 4th Ave., 6th, 2d Ave., Prospect Ave 15th, 3d Ave., 16th, 4th Ave., Prospect Ave., 2d Ave 14th, 4th Ave., 16th, 3d Ave., 15th, 2d Ave 13th, 3d Ave., 12th, 4th Ave., 14th, 2d Ave 11th, 4th Ave., 12th, 3d Ave., 13th, 2d Ave 10th, 4th Ave., 11th, 2d Ave 9th, 4th Ave., 10th, 2d Ave 8th, 4th Ave., 9th, 2d Ave 6th, 4th Ave., 8th, 2d Ave Union, 6th Ave., President, 4th Ave President, 6th Ave., 1st, 5th Ave President, 5th Ave., Carroll, 4th Ave Carroll, 5th Ave., 1st, 4th Ave 1st, 6th Ave., 2d, 4th Ave 2d, 6th Ave., 4th, 5th Ave 2d, 5th Ave., 4th, 6th Ave., 5th, 4th Ave 5th, 6th Ave., 6th, 4th Ave 6th, 6th Ave., 8th, 5th Ave., 7th, 4th Ave 7th, 5th Ave., 8th, 6th Ave., 9th, 4th Ave 260 1,519 1,676 1,491 1.559 1,174 902 1,358 1,079 2,142 1,752 1,051 1,620 1,278 1,400 2,014 1,332 1.592 1,169 542 543 544 545 540 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 550 557 558 559 560 501 562 563 564 505 500 567 508 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 9th, 6th Ave., 10th, 5th Ave., 11th, 4th Ave 10th, 6th Ave., 13th, 5th Ave 11th, 5th Ave., 13th, 4th Ave 13th, 6th Ave., 15th, 5th Ave., 14th, 4th Ave 14th, 5th Ave., 15th, 6th Ave., 10th, 4th Ave 16th, Gth Ave., Prospect Ave., 4th Ave 21st, 7th Ave., 23d, 6th Ave 19th, 7th Ave., 21st, 6th Ave 18th, 8th Ave., 20th, 7th Ave., 19th, 6th Ave 17th, 8th Ave., 18th, Gth Ave Prospect Ave., 8th Ave., 17th, 6th Ave loth, 8th Ave., Prospect Ave., 7th Ave 15th, 7th Ave., Prospect Ave., 6th Ave 13th, 8th Ave., 16th, 7th Ave 13th, 7th Ave., 15th, 6th Ave 11th, 7th Ave., 13th, 6th Ave 10th. 8th Ave., 13th, 7th Ave 9th, 8th Ave., 10th, 7th Ave., 11th, Gth Ave 8th, 8th Ave., 9th, Gth Ave 7th, 8th Ave., 8th, 6th Ave 5th, 8th Ave., 7th, 6th Ave 3d, 7th Ave., 5th, Gth Ave 1st, 8th Ave., 5th, 7th Ave 1st, 7th Ave., 3d, 6th Ave Garfield Place, 8th Ave., 1st, 6th Ave Carroll, 8th Ave., Garfield Place, 0th Ave Union, 8th Ave., Carroll, 6th Ave Union, Prospect Park West, 6th, 8th Ave 6th, Prospect Park West, 11th, 8th Ave 11th, Prospect Park West, 12th, 8th Ave 12th, Prospect Park West, 15th, 8th Ave 15th, Coney Island Ave., Seeley, Prospect Ave., Prospect Park West, Windsor Place, 8th Ave Windsor, Prospect Park West, Prospect Ave., Terrace Place, 17th, 8th Ave 17th, 10th Ave., 18th, 8th Ave 18th, 10th Ave., 17th, Terrace Place, Gravesend Ave., 20th, Pros- pect Park West, 21st (extended), 8th Ave 1,553 1,603 1,211 1,279 1,404 1,132 1,379 1,381 1,602 1,381 1.593 1.594 1,808 1,745 1,409 1,722 1,566 1,729 1,119 1.078 1,793 1,264 1,679 1,178 1,160 1,393 1,437 2,784 2,288 777 1,535 3,674 2,464 1.079 1,108 WARD 23 65,552 577 578 579 580 681 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 590 597 598 599 600 601 002 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 Lafayette Ave., Nostrand Ave., Greene Ave., Bedford Ave Greene Ave., Nostrand Ave., Quincy, Bedford Ave Quincy, Nostrand Ave., Monroe, Bedford Ave Lafayette Ave., Marcy Ave., Greene Ave., Nostrand Ave Greene Ave., Marcy Ave., Quincy, Nostrand Ave Quincy, Marcy Ave., Monroe, Nostrand Ave Lafayette Ave., Throop Ave., Lexington Ave., Marcy Ave Lexington Ave., Tompkins Ave., Gates Ave., Marcy Ave Lexington Ave., Throop Ave., Monroe, Tompkins Ave Gates Ave., Tompkins Ave., Monroe, Throop Ave., Madison, Marcy Ave Lafayette Ave., Sumner Ave., Lexington Ave., Throop Ave Lafayette Ave., Lewis Ave., Lexington Ave., Sumner Ave Lexington Ave., Lewis Ave., Quincy, Throop Ave Quincy, Lewis Ave., Gates Ave., Tliroop Ave Gates Ave., Sumner Ave., Putnam Ave., Throop Ave Gates Ave.. Lewis Ave., Putnam Ave., Sumner Ave Lafayette Ave., Reid Ave., Greene Ave., Stuyvesant Ave., Van Buren, Lewis Ave Van Buren, Stuyvesant Ave., Quincy, Lewis Ave Greene Ave., Reid Ave., Quincy, Stuyvesant Ave Quincy, Reid Ave., Gates Ave., Lewis Ave Gates Ave., Stuyvesant Ave., Putnam Ave., Lewis Ave Gates Ave., Reid Ave., Putnam Ave., Stuyvesant Ave Monroe, Nostrand Ave., Putnam, Bedford Ave Putnam, Nostrand Ave., Hancock, Bedford Ave Hancock, Nostrand Ave., Fulton, Bedford Ave Monroe, Marcy Ave., Jefferson Ave., Nostrand Ave Jefferson Ave., Marcy Ave., Fulton, Nostrand Ave Brevoort Place, Bedford Ave., Fulton, Nostrand Ave., Atlantic Ave., Franklin Ave Fulton, Brooklyn Ave., Atlantic Ave., Nostrand Ave Madison, Tompkins Ave., Halsey, Marcy Ave Madison, Throop Ave., Halsey, Tompkins Ave Halsey, Tompkins Ave., Fulton, Marcy Ave Halsey, Throop Ave., Fulton, Tompkins Putnam Ave., Lewis Ave., Jefferson Ave., Sumner Ave., Halsey, Throop Ave Halsey, Sumner Ave., Jefferson Ave., Lewis Ave., Macon, Throop Ave Macon, Sumner Ave., Fulton, Throop Ave Macon, Lewis Ave., Fulton, Sumner Ave Fulton, Albany, Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn Ave Fulton, Troy Ave., Herkimer, Schenectady Ave., Atlantic Ave., Albany Ave Fulton, Utica Ave., Atlantic Ave., Schenectady Ave., Herkimer, Troy Ave Putnam Ave., Reid Ave., Hancock, Lewis Ave Hancock, Reid Ave., Macon, Lewis Ave Macon, Reid Ave., McDonough, Stuyvesant Ave., Fulton, Lewis Ave McDonough, Reid Ave., Fulton, Stuyvesant Ave 1,340 1,433 1,019 1,133 1,727 1,026 1,714 1,190 1,796 1,258 1,278 1,245 1,428 1,107 1,360 1,313 1,386 1,423 1,379 1,375 1,377 1,269 980 1,607 1,295 1,601 1,774 1,304 1,712 1,658 1,749 1,446 1,788 1,772 2,048 1,225 1,728 2,332 1,496 1,144 1,768 1,898 1,788 1,863 WARD 24 80,508 621 622 623 Atlantic Ave., Rogers Ave., St. Marks Ave., Franklin Ave St. Marks Ave., Rogers Ave., Park Place, Franklin Ave... Atlantic Ave., Nostrand Ave., Bergen, Bedford Ave 1,785 1,446 1,237 19 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN— Continued. ED. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- E. D. tion. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 24— Continued. WARD 25— Continued. 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 Atlantic Ave., New York Ave., St. Marks Ave., Rogers, Bergen, Nostrand Ave Atlantic Ave., Kingston, Pacific, Brooklyn, St. Marks Ave., New York Ave Pacific, Kingston Ave., St. Marks Ave., Brooklyn Ave Atlantic Ave., Albany Ave., St. Marks Ave., Kingston Ave Atlantic Ave., Troy Ave., St. Marks Ave., Albany Ave Atlantic Ave., Utica Ave., Pacific, Schenectady Ave., Dean, Troy Ave Dean, Schenectady Ave., Pacific, Utica Ave., Bergen, Troy Ave.. Bergen, Utica Ave., St. Marks Ave., Troy Ave Atlantic Ave., Rochester Ave., Dean, Utica Ave Atlantic Ave., Buffalo Ave., Dean, Rochester Ave Dean, Rochester Ave., St. Marks Ave., Utica Ave Dean, Buffalo Ave., St. Marks Ave., Rochester Ave Atlantic Ave., Howard Ave., Pacific, Ralph Ave., Dean, Buffalo Ave Dean, Ralph Ave., St. Marks Ave., Buffalo Ave., excluding St. Josephs Home for Deaf Mutes Pacific, Howard Ave., St. Marks Ave., Ralph Ave., including Hebrew Orphan Asylum Atlantic Ave., Saratoga Ave., St. Marks Ave., Howard Ave Atlantic Ave., Hopkinson Ave., St. Marks Ave., Saratoga Ave Atlantic Ave., Rockaway Ave., Bergen, East New York Ave., St. Marks Ave., Hopkinson Ave., excluding House of the Good Shepherd House of the Good Shepherd Atlantic Ave., East New York Ave., Bergen, Rockaway Ave Park Place, Eastern Parkway, Hopkinson Ave., St. Marks Ave., East New York Ave., Sterling Place (Butler), Saratoga Ave St. Marks Ave., Hopkinson Ave., Eastern Parkway, Park Place, Saratoga Ave., Sterling Place, Howard Ave St. Marks Ave., Howard Ave., Sterling Place, Buffalo St. Marks Ave., Buffalo Ave., Sterling Place, Utica Ave St. Marks Ave., Utica Ave., Sterling Place. Troy Ave St. Marks Ave., Troy Ave., Sterling Place, Albany Ave., excluding St. Johns Home (Orphan Asylum) • St. Johns Home f Orphan Asylum) St. Marks Ave., Albany Ave., Sterling Place, Kingston Ave St. Josephs Home for Deaf Mutes St. Marks Ave., Kingston Ave., Sterling Place, New York Ave St. Marks Ave., New York Ave., Park Place, Nostrand Ave., Pros- pect Place, Rogers Ave Prospect Place, Nostrand Ave., Park Place, New York Ave., Ster- ling Place, Rogers Ave Park Place, Rogers Ave., St. Johns Place, Franklin Ave St. Johns Place, Rogers Ave., Eastern Parkway, Franklin Ave Sterling Place, Nostrand Ave., Eastern Parkway, Rogers Ave Sterling Place, New York Ave., Eastern Parkway, Nostrand Ave. . Sterling Place, Kingston Ave., Eastern Parkway, New York Ave. . Sterling Place, Troy Ave., Eastern Parkway, Kingston Ave Sterling Place, Utica Ave.', Eastern Parkway, Troy Ave Sterling Place, Buffalo Ave., Eastern Parkway, Utica Ave Sterling Place, Howard Ave., Eastern Parkway, Lincoln Place, Ralph Ave., Eastern Parkway, Buffalo Ave Sterling Place, East New York Ave., Eastern Parkway, Ralph Ave., Lincoln Place, Eastern Parkway, Howard Ave Eastern Parkway, East New York Ave., Carroll, Utica Ave Eastern Parkway, Utica Ave., Carroll, Troy Ave Eastern Parkway, Troy Ave., Carroll, Kingston Ave Eastern Parkway, Kingston Ave., Carroll, New York Ave Eastern Parkway, New York Ave., Carroll, Nostrand Ave Eastern Parkway, Nostrand Ave., Carroll, Rogers Ave Eastern Parkway, Rogers Ave., President, Franklin Ave President, Rogers Ave., Crown, Franklin Ave Franklin Ave., Crown, Bedford Ave., Montgomery, Pine Place, Sullivan Montgomery, Bedford Ave., Crown, Rogers, Sullivan, Pine Place. . Carroll, Nostrand Ave., Sullivan, Rogers Ave Carroll, New York Ave., Malbone, Nostrand Ave Carroll, Kingston, Malbone, New York Ave Carroll, Troy Ave., Lefferts Ave., Kingston Ave Carroll, East New York Ave., Lefferts Ave., Troy Ave Sullivan, Nostrand Ave., Malbone, Kingston Ave., Lefferts Ave., Rogers Ave Sullivan, Rogers Ave., Lefferts Ave., Washington Ave., Lincoln Road, Ocean Ave 1,571 1,538 1,132 1.815 2,424 823 1,285 1,167 738 1,211 1,075 1,398 1,447 788 2,034 2,958 2,689 1,783 502 5,119 2,516 4,008 2.503 1,015 2,602 611 1,235 1,355 130 1,045 1,086 1,850 2,100 1,620 1,633 1,569 1.503 2,116 2,455 267 1,660 1,939 969 95 328 340 478 57 45 183 256 80 101 248 199 143 309 1,076 758 WARD 25 63,834 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 Lafayette Ave., Broadway, Greene Ave., Reid Ave Greene Ave., Broadway, Ralph Ave., Quincy, Reid Ave Quincy, Ralph Ave., Gates Ave., Reid Ave Gates Ave., Patchen Ave., Putnam Ave., Reid Ave Gates Ave., Ralph Ave., Madison, Patchen Ave Putnam Ave., Patchen Ave., Madison, Ralph Ave., Jefferson, Reid Ave Broadway, Howard Ave., Putnam Ave., Ralph Ave Putnam Ave., Howard Ave., Hancock, Ralph Ave Broadway, Saratoga Ave., Hancock, Howard Ave Jefferson Ave., Ralph Ave., Halsey, Patchen Ave., Hancock, Reid Ave Hancock, Patchen Ave., Macon, Reid Ave Macon, Patchen Ave., Halsey, Ralph, McDonough, Reid Ave Hancock, Saratoga Ave., Halsey, Ralph Ave Halsey, Saratoga Ave., McDonough, Howard, Decatur, Ralph Ave. Decatur, Howard, McDonough, Saratoga, Bainbridge, Ralph Broadway, Decatur, Saratoga Ave Decatur, Broadway, Rockaway Ave., Chauncey, Saratoga Ave 1,328 1,613 1,056 1,589 1,325 1,806 1,399 1,605 2,030 1.856 1,122 1,456 1,470 1,848 1,490 2,305 2,276 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 Decatur, Ralph Ave., Chauncey. Patchen Ave McDonough, Ralph Ave., Decatur, Patchen Ave., Bainbridge, Reid Ave Bainbridge, Patchen Ave., Chauncey, Ralph Ave., Marion, Reid Ave Marion, Ralph Ave., Fulton, Reid Ave Fulton, Buffalo Ave., Herkimer, Rochester Ave., Atlantic Ave., Utica Ave Herkimer, Buffalo Ave., Fulton, Ralph Ave., Atlantic Ave., Rochester Ave Bainbridge, Saratoga Ave., Marion, Ralph Ave Marion, Saratoga Ave., Sumpter, Ralph Ave Sumpter, Saratoga Ave., Fulton, Ralph Ave Fulton, Howard Ave., Atlantic Ave., Ralph Ave Fulton, Saratoga Ave., Atlantic Ave., Howard Ave Fulton, Hopkinson Ave., Herkimer, Ocean Place, Atlantic Ave., Saratoga Ave Fulton, Rockaway, Atlantic Ave., Ocean Place, Herkimer, IIop- kinson Ave Hull, Rockaway Ave., Fulton, Saratoga Ave Marion, Hopkinson Ave., Hull, Saratoga Ave Sumpter, Rockaway, Hull, Hopkinson Ave Chauncey, Rockaway Ave., Sumpter, Hopkinson Ave., Marion, Saratoga Ave Broadway, McDougal, Rockaway Ave McDougal, Stone Ave., Fulton, Rockaway Ave McDougal, Broadway, Eastern Parkway, Stone Ave Fulton, Stone Ave. (Eastern Parkway), Atlantic Ave., Rockaway Ave Broadway, Conway, Norman Place, Fulton, Eastern Parkway Fulton, Sackman, Herkimer, Jardine, Atlantic Ave., Eastern Parkway Fulton, Van Sinderen Ave., Atlantic Ave., Jardine, Herkimer, Sackman '. Broadway, Fulton, Norman Place, Conway Fulton, East New York Ave., Van Sinderen Ave 1,416 1,747 1,429 1,932 1,645 1,708 2,862 1,060 1,759 1,279 1,235 1,148 1,365 1.495 1,480 1,519 1,705 1.422 1.542 1 , 253 1,854 935 1,304 855 85 226 WARD 26. 177,605 726 727 728 729 730 731 1403 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 750 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 East New York Ave., Saratoga Ave., Blake Ave., E. 98th East New York Ave., Hopkinson Ave., Pitkin Ave., Saratoga Ave. Pitkin Ave., Amos, Blake Ave., Saratoga Ave Pitkin Ave., Hopkinson Ave., Blake Ave., Amos East New York Ave., Chester, Sutter Ave., Hopkinson Ave East New York Ave., Thatford Ave., Pitkin, Chester Pitkin Ave., Thatford Ave., Sutter Ave., Chester Liberty Ave., Watkins, Glenmore Ave., Thatford Ave Liberty Ave., Christopher Ave., Glenmore Ave., Watkins Glenmore Ave., Watkins, Pitkin Ave., Thatford Ave Glenmore Ave., Christopher Ave., Pitkin Ave., Watkins Pitkin Ave., Watkins, Belmont Ave., Thatford Ave Pitkin Ave., Christopher Ave., Belmont Ave., Watkins Belmont Ave., Watkins, Sutter Ave., Thatford Ave Belmont Ave., Christopher Ave., Sutter Ave., Watkins I.iberty Ave., Powell, Glenmore Ave., Christopher Ave Glenmore Ave., Powell, Pitkin Ave., Christopher Ave Pitkin Ave., Powell, Belmont Ave., Christopher Ave Belmont Ave., Powell, Sutter Ave., Christopher Ave Liberty Ave., Van Sinderen Ave., Sutter Ave., Powell East New York Ave., Sackman, Jnberty Ave East New York Ave., Van Sinderen Ave., Liberty Ave., Sackman. East New York Ave., \\ illiams Ave., Liberty Ave., Van Sinderen Ave Liberty Ave., \> illiams Ave., Pitkin Ave., Van Sinderen Ave Liberty Ave., Georgia Ave., Pitkin Ave., Williams Ave Pitkin Ave., Georgia Ave., Belmont Ave., Van Sinderen Ave Fulton, Alabama Ave., Atlantic Ave., Georgia Ave., Liberty Ave., \\ illiams Ave Jamaica Ave., Sheffield Ave., Atlantic Ave., Alabama Ave Jamaica Ave., New Jersey Ave., Atlantic Ave., Sheffield Ave Atlantic Ave., New Jersey Ave., Liberty Ave., Georgia Ave Liberty Ave., New Jersey Ave., Glenmore Ave., Georgia Ave Glenmore Ave., New Jersey Ave., Pitkin Ave., Pennsylvania Ave., Belmont Ave., Georgia Ave Pitkin Ave., Wyona, Belmont Ave., Pennsylvania Ave Liberty Ave., Wyona, Pitkin Ave., New Jersey Ave Fulton, Wyona, Liberty Ave., New Jersey Ave Fulton, Miller Ave., Liberty Ave., M yona Jamaica Ave., Miller Ave., Fulton, New Jersey Ave Highland Boulevard, Fanchon Place, Jamaica Ave., Broadway, Rose Place Highland Boulevard, Miller Ave. (extended), Jamaica Ave., Fan- chon Place Fulton, Hendrix, Liberty Ave., Miller Ave., excluding St. Malachys Orphan Society St. Malachys Orphan Society Fulton, Barbey, Liberty Ave., Hendrix Jamaica Ave., Barbey, Fulton, Miller Ave Highland Boulevard, Highland Park, U. S. National Cemetery, Jamaica Ave., Miller Ave Jamaica Ave., Warwick, Arlington Ave., Ashford, Fulton, Barbey. Jamaica Ave., Cleveland, Arlington Ave., Elton, Fulton, Ashford, Arlington Ave., Warwick Jamaica Ave., Dresden, Ridgewood Ave., Cleveland Ridgewood Ave., Dresden, Arlington Ave., Cleveland Fulton, Elton, Atlantic Ave., Barbey. Atlantic Ave., Elton, Liberty Ave., Barbev Arlington Ave., Dresden, Atlantic Ave., Elton Atlantic Ave., Berriman, Liberty Ave.. Elton 2,179 2,265 3,660 4,079 4,011 1,609 2,502 1,761 1,763 1,735 678 935 991 1,626 1,446 989 1,576 1,691 1,760 1,254 1,051 694 2,071 1,363 1,323 529 835 530 714 591 421 1,613 835 1,177 1,123 809 886 (‘) 701 806 83 880 1,058 578 817 736 973 1,686 1,430 1,240 1,515 1,373 1 No population. 20 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OP BROOKLYN— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- E. D. tion. ! No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 26— Continued. WARD 27— Continued. 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 SOS 809 810 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 970 974 975 976 977 978 979 981 982 983 984 985 986 Liberty Ave., Bcrriman, Belmont, Essex, Glenmore Ave., Lin- wood Liberty Ave., Linwood, Glenmore Ave., Essex, Belmont Ave., Cleveland Liberty Ave., Cleveland, Belmont Ave., Warwick, Glenmore Ave., Jerome Liberty Ave., Jerome, Glenmore Ave., Warwick, Belmont Ave., Schenck Ave Liberty Ave., Schenck Ave., Glenmore Ave., W yona Glenmore Ave., Schenck Ave., Pitkin Ave., Wyona Pitkin Ave., Schenck Ave., Belmont Ave., Wyona Belmont Ave., Berriman, Dumont Ave., Essex, Sutter Ave., Lin- wood Belmont Ave., Linwood, Sutter Ave., Essex, Dumont Ave., Cleve- land Belmont Ave., Cleveland, Dumont Ave., Warwick Belmont Ave., Warwick, Dumont Ave., Barbey Belmont Ave., Barbey, Dumont Ave., Hendrix Belmont Ave., Hendrix, Dumont, Miller Ave Belmont Ave., Miller Ave., Dumont Ave., Wyona Belmont Ave., Wyona, Blake Ave., New Jersey Ave Belmont Ave., New Jersey Ave., Blake Ave., Alabama Ave Belmont Ave., Alabama Ave., Blake Ave., Van Sinderen Ave Sutter Ave., Van Sinderen Ave., Livonia Ave., Christopher Ave., Dumont Ave., Powell Sutter Ave., Powell, Dumont Ave., Christopher Ave Sutter Ave., Christopher Ave., Blake Ave., Watkins Blake Ave., Christopher Ave., Livonia Ave., V atkins Sutter Ave., Watkins, Blake Ave., Thatford Ave Blake Ave., Watkins, Livonia Ave., Thatford Ave Sutter Ave., Thatford Ave., Livonia Ave., Chester Sutter Ave., Chester, Livonia Ave., Hopkinson Ave Livonia Ave., Christopher Ave., Lott Ave., Thatford Ave Lott Ave., Van Sinderen Ave., Newport, Alabama Ave., New Lots Ave., New Jersey Ave., Hegeman Ave., Thatford Ave Livonia Ave., Van Sinderen Ave., Lott Ave., Christopher Ave Blake Ave., Alabama Ave., Newport, Van Sinderen Ave Blake Ave., New Jersey Ave., New Lots Ave., Alabama Ave Blake Ave., Wyona, Dumont Ave., Bradford, Hegeman Ave, New Jersey Ave Dumont Ave., Schenck Ave., Hegeman Ave., Bradford Dumont Ave., Cleveland, Hegeman, Schenck Ave Dumont Ave., Berriman, Hegeman Ave., Cleveland City limits, Logan, Fulton, Norwood Ave., Ridgewood Ave., Dresden City limits, Crescent, Etna, Logan Cityline, Etna, Lincoln Ave., Ridgewood Ave., Crescent Etna, Crescent, Ridgewood Ave., Logan Ridgewood Ave., Crescent, Fulton, Logan Ridgewood Ave., Lincoln Ave., Etna, City limits, Atlantic Ave., Sheridan Ave., Fulton, Crescent Fulton, Nichols Ave., Atlantic Ave., City limits, Magenta, Mc- Kinley Ave., Railroad Ave., Weldon, Crescent Fulton, Crescent, Weldon, Conduit Ave., Atlantic Ave., Logan. .. Ridgewood Ave., Norwood, Fulton, Logan, Atlantic Ave., Dresden. Atlantic Ave., Fountain Ave., Glenmore Ave., Montauk Ave., Liberty Ave., Berriman Atlantic Ave., Conduit Ave., Weldon, Railroad Ave., Glenmore Ave., Fountain Ave McKinley Ave., Magenta, City limits, Glenmore Ave., Railroad Ave Liberty Ave., Montauk Ave., Glenmore Ave., Fountain Ave., Pit- kin Ave., Berriman Pitkin Ave., Fountain Ave., Sutter Ave., Montauk Ave., Belmont Ave., Berriman Belmont Ave., Montauk Ave., Sutter Ave., Fountain Ave., Blake Ave., Berriman Glenmore Ave. , Railroad A ve. , Dumont Ave. (extended), F ountain Ave Glenmore Ave., City limits, Hegeman Ave., Railroad Ave Dumont Ave., Railroad Ave., Hegeman Ave., City limits, Jamaica Bay, Betts Creek Blake Ave., Fountain Ave., Dumont Ave. (extended), Betts Creek, Jamaica Bay, Essex, Hegeman Ave., Berriman Hegeman Ave., Essex, Jamaica Bay, Schenck Ave Hegeman Ave., Schenck Ave., Jamaica Bay, Pennsylvania Ave... Hegeman Ave., Pennsylvania Ave., Fresh Creek, Louisiana Ave., Fresh Creek, Stanley Ave. (Spofford), Stone Ave 1,627 2,244 2,058 1,802 931 940 1,628 1,600 1,962 2,050 1,546 2,153 1,762 2,748 2, 464 4,655 4,236 3,123 3,744 1,693 3,867 929 3,988 3,463 3,160 3,516 1,265 2,282 1,925 3,512 1,628 916 1,509 348 1,577 1,135 2,597 1,495 2, 134 1,887 2,176 935 1,630 2, 170 2,840 1,858 1,168 1,247 984 2,070 616 128 1,432 265 161 875 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 <&,’ (Pt-) 828 829 830 831 WARD 27 Flushing Ave., Beaver, Ellery, Broadway Ellery, Beaver, Arion Place, Broadway Arion Place, Bushwick Ave., Myrtle Ave., Broadway Flushing Ave., Bushwick Ave., "Beaver Flushing Ave., Evergreen, Monteith, Bushwick Ave Monteith, Bremen, Melrose, Bushwick Ave Monteith, Evergreen, Melrose, Bremen Melrose, Evergreen, Troutman, Bushwick Ave Troutman, Evergreen, Myrtle Ave., Bushwick Ave Myrtle Ave., Suydam, Bushwick Ave., Hart, Broadway Hart, Bushwick Ave., Suydam, Myrtle Ave., Evergreen, Cedar, Bushwick Ave., Dodworth, Broadway Dodworth, Bushwick Ave., Cedar, Evergreen, Stockholm, Bush- wick Ave., Kosciusko, Broadway j-Kosciusko, Bushwick Ave., Kossuth Place, Broadway ^Stockholm, Evergreen, Stanhope, Bushwick Ave De Kalb Ave., Hamburg Ave., Stanhope, Central Ave De Kalb Ave., Central Ave., Stanhope, Evergreen Myrtle Ave., Ifart, Central Ave., De Kalb Ave., Evergreen Suydam, Hamburg Ave., De Kalb Ave., Central Ave 60,852 1,150 1.790 1,075 2,178 1,579 2, 033 849 1,376 971 1,065 1,262 1,267 511 319 1,028 1,202 1,315 1.368 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 861 (Pt-) 862 (pt.) 863 864 865 Starr, Hamburg Ave., Suydam, Central Ave Willoughby, Central Ave., Hart, Myrtle Ave., Evergreen Troutman, Hamburg Ave., Starr, Central Ave., Willoughby Ave., Evergreen Melrose, Central Ave, Troutman, Evergreen Melrose, Hamburg Ave., Troutman, Central Ave George, Hamburg Ave., Melrose, Central Ave Flushing Ave., Central Ave., Melrose, Evergreen Flushing Ave., Hamburg Ave., George, Central Ave Flushing Ave., Knickerbocker Ave., George, Hamburg Ave George, Knickerbocker Ave., Melrose, Hamburg Ave Flushing Ave.. Irving Ave., Jefferson, Knickerbocker Ave Melrose, Knickerbocker Ave., Jefferson, Hamburg Ave Jefferson, Irving Ave., Troutman, Hamburg Ave Troutman, Irving Ave., Starr, Hamburg Ave Starr, Irving Ave., Hart, Knickerbocker Ave., Willoughby Ave., Hamburg Ave Willoughby Ave , Knickerbocker Ave., Suydam, Hamburg Ave. . Suydam, Knickerbocker Ave., Hart, Hamburg Ave Hart, Irving Ave., De Kalb Ave., Hamburg Ave De Kalb Ave., Knickerbocker Ave., Stockholm, Hamburg Ave. . . De Kalb Ave., Irving Ave., Stockholm, Knickerbocker Ave Stockholm, Irving Ave., Stanhope, Knickerbocker Ave Stockholm, Knickerbocker Ave., Stanhope, Hamburg Ave ^Stockholm, Cypress Ave., Stanhope, Wyekoff Ave jstoekholm, Wyekoff, Stanhope, Irving Ave Willoughby Ave., St. Nicholas Ave., Suydam, Wyekoff Ave., Stockholm, Irving Suydam, St. Nicholas Ave., Willoughby Ave., Cypress Ave., Stock- holm, Wyekoff Flushing Ave., Line between Brooklyn and Queens Boroughs, Cypress Ave., Willoughby Ave., Irving Ave 1,561 1,436 1,586 1,735 1,676 1.048 1,146 1,323 1,109 1,354 1,725 1,181 2,448 2,041 2.049 1,094 951 1,914 717 1,107 1,186 942 590 762 2,095 1,911 1,827 823 (pt.) 824 (pt.) 825 826 827 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 (pt.) 862 (pt.) 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 J-Kossuth Place, Bushwick Ave., Van Buren, Broadway J-Stanhope, Evergreen, Bleecker, Bushwick Ave Van Buren, Bushwick Ave, Bleecker. Evergreen, Grove, Broadway. Stanhope, Central Ave., Harman, Evergreen Stanhope, Hamburg Ave., Harman, Central Ave Stanhope, Knickerbocker Ave., Harman, Myrtle Ave., Hamburg Ave. WARD 28. 92,608 Stanhope, Irving Ave., Himrod, Knickerbocker Ave Himrod, Irving Ave., Harman. Knickerbocker Ave Myrtle Ave., Harman, Knickerbocker Ave., Bleecker, Hamburg Ave. Harman, Irving Ave., Bleecker, Myrtle, Knickerbocker Ave Himrod, Wyekoff Ave., Greene Ave., Irving Ave Himrod, Line between Brooklyn and Queens Boroughs, Greene Ave., Wyekoff Ave j-Stanhope, Cypress Ave., Himrod, Wyekoff Ave J-Stanhope, Wyekoff, Himrod, Irving Ave Harman, Hamburg Ave., Greene Ave., Evergreen Greene Ave., Central Ave., Bleecker, Evergreen Greene Ave., Hamburg Ave., Bleecker, Central Ave Bleecker, Hamburg Ave., Ralph, Evergreen Ralph, Hamburg Ave., Grove, Evergreen Bleecker, Myrtle Ave., Ralph, Hamburg Ave Ralph, Myrtle Ave., Bleecker, Irving Place, Grove, Knicker- bocker Ave Ralph, Knickerbocker Ave., Linden, Hamburg Ave Linden, Knickerbocker Ave., Palmetto, Hamburg Ave Grove, Irving Ave., Palmetto, Knickerbocker Ave Greene Ave., Borough line, Bleecker, Irving Ave Bleecker, Borough line, Ralph, Irving Ave Ralph, Borough line, Grove, Irving Ave Grove, Borough line, Linden, Irving Ave Linden, Borough line, Myrtle Ave., Gates, Irving Ave Gates, Myrtle Ave., Borough line, Madison, Irving Ave Madison, Borough line, Irving Ave Putnam, Knickerbocker Ave., Palmetto, Irving Ave., Jefferson Ave., Hamburg Ave Palmetto, Knickerbocker Ave., Putnam Ave., Hamburg Ave Gates Ave., Hamburg Ave., Woodbine, Central Ave Grove, Hamburg Ave., Gates Ave., Central Ave Grove, Central Ave., Gates Ave., Evergreen Gates Ave., Central Ave., Woodbine, Evergreen Linden, Evergreen, Woodbine, Bushwick Ave Grove, Evergreen, Linden, Bushwick Ave., Palmetto, Broadway.. Palmetto, Bushwick Ave., Woodbine, Evergreen, Madison, Broad- way Madison, Bushwick Ave., Cornelia, Broadway Madison, Evergreen, Jefferson Ave., Bushwick Ave Cornelia, Bushwick Ave., Hancock, Broadway Ilaneock, Bushwick Ave., Jefferson, Evergreen, Weirfield, Broad- way Woodbine, Hamburg Ave., Madison, Evergreen Madison, Hamburg Ave., Putnam Ave., Evergreen Putnam Ave., Hamburg Ave., Cornelia, Evergreen Cornelia, Hamburg Ave., Jefferson Ave., Evergreen Jefferson Ave., Hamburg Ave., Hancock, Evergreen Weirfield, Evergreen, Eldert, Bushwick Ave., Halsey, Broadway. Halsey, Bushwick Ave., Eldert, Evergreen, Covert, Broadway — Covert, Evergreen, Schaeffer, Broadway Schaeffer, Evergreen, Decatur, Broadway Hancock, Hamburg Ave., Weirfield, Central Ave., Halsey, Ever- green 577 824 1,542 1.407 1,321 1,250 1,139 1,098 944 1,520 1,157 1,872 1,095 887 1, 703 915 941 1, 470 1,324 1,083 1,345 2,226 1,745 2,375 1,410 1,445 1,330 897 881 1,564 152 2,964 1,744 1,552 1,190 1,507 1,285 986 1,257 1,276 986 1,299 1,150 1,128 1,048 1,144 1,123 1,183 1,137 1,382 1,437 1,248 1,179 1,670 21 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. E. D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 28— Continued. WARD 29 — Continued. 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 Halsey, Central Ave., Covert, Evergreen Covert, Central Ave., Weirfield, Hamburg Ave., Schaeffer, Ever- green Jefferson Ave., Irving Ave., Halsey, Hamburg Ave Halsey, Irving Ave., Covert, Hamburg Ave Covert, Borough line, Cooper, Knickerbocker Ave., Decatur, Ham- burg Ave Decatur, Knickerbocker Ave., Cooper, Borough line, Hamburg Ave., Hamburg Ave. (extended) Schaeffer, Hamburg Ave., Hamburg Ave. (extended), Vermont Ave., Central Ave. (extended) Schaeffer, Central Ave. (extended), Vermont Ave. Evergreen Ave. (extended) Decatur, Evergreen, Cooper, Broadway Cooper, Evergreen, Chauncey, Broadway Chauncey, Evergreen, Granite, Broadway Granite, Evergreen, De Sales Place (extended), Broadway De Sales Place, Evergreen (extended), Highland Boulevard, Rose Place, Broadway 1,014 2,874 2,882 1,539 1,491 1,227 2, 130 1,692 1,199 1,716 1,653 1,397 1,420 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 991 992 993 1404 994 1405 995 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 WARD 29 Terrace Place, 19th, Vanderbilt, E. 3d, Greenwood, Gravesend . . . Terrace Place, Prospect Ave., Seeley, Coney Island Road, Green- wood Ave., E. 3d, Vanderbilt, 19th Greenwood, Coney Island Road, Johnson, E. 8th, Henry, Ocean Parkway, Prospect Ave Greenwood Ave., Prospect Ave., Ocean Parkway, Caton Ave., Fort Hamilton Parkway, Gravesend Ave Fort Hamilton Parkway, Gravesend Ave., Caton Ave., E. 2d, Albe- marle Road, Tehama, 36th, 13th Ave., 38th, 12th Ave., 39th Tehama, Albemarle Road, E. 2d, Church Ave., 36th Caton, Ocean Parkway, Church Ave., E. 2d Henry, E. 8th, Johnson, Caton Ave., Argyle Road, Church Ave., Ocean Parkway Caton Ave., Flatbush Ave., Church Ave., Argyle Road Parkside Ave., Flatbush Ave., Caton Ave., Coney Island Ave Robinson, Bedford Ave., Church Ave., Flatbush Ave Fenimore, Bedford Ave., Robinson, Flatbush Ave Lincoln Road, Washington Ave., Lefferts Ave., Bedford Ave., Fenimore, Flatbush Ave., Parkside Ave., Ocean Ave Lefferts Ave., Nostrand Ave., Maple, Bedford Ave Maple, Nostrand Ave., Robinson, Bedford Ave Robinson, Nostrand Ave., Lenox Road, Bedford Ave Lenox Road, Nostrand Ave., Church Ave., Bedford Ave Clarkson Ave., E. 34th, Church Ave., Nostrand Ave Clarkson Ave., E. 38th, Church Ave., E. 34th Fenimore, Brooklyn Ave., Winthrop, E. 37th Clarkson Ave., Nos- trand Ave., excluding N. Y. C. Home for the Aged and Infirm . . N. Y. C. Home for the Aged and Infirm Lefferts Ave., Brooklyn Ave., Fenimore, Nostrand Ave Lefferts Ave., Albany Ave., Fenimore, Brooklyn Ave Fenimore, Albany Ave., Clarkson Ave., 37th, Winthrop, Brooklyn Ave., excluding Kings County Hospital Kings County Hospital Clarkson Ave., E. 42d, Church Ave., E. 38th Clarkson Ave , E. 46th, Church Ave., E. 42d Rutland Road, Schenectady Ave., Clarkson Ave., Albany Ave., excluding L. I. State Hospital for the Insane L. I. State Hospital for the Insane Lefferts Ave., Schenectady Ave., Rutland Road, Albany Ave Lefferts Ave., E. New York Ave., E. 91st, Rutland Road, Schenec- tady Ave Rutland Road, E. 52d, Clarkson Ave., Schenectady Ave Clarkson Ave., Utica Ave., Church Ave., E. 46th Clarkson Ave., E. 54th, Church Ave., Utica Ave Clarkson Ave., Remsen Ave., Churcn Ave., E. 54th Rutland Road, E. 91st, Clarkson Ave., Remsen Ave., Clarkson Ave., E. 52d E. New York Ave., E. 98th, Rutland Road, E. 91st Rutland Road, E. 95th, Clarkson Ave., E. 91st Clarkson Ave., E. 94th, Linden Ave., Remsen Ave Rutland Road, E. 98th, Clarkson Ave., E. 95th Blake Ave., Saratoga Ave., Riverdale Ave., E. 98th Clarkson Ave., E. 98th, Linden Ave., E. 94th Linden Ave., E. 98th, Ave. A, Remsen Ave Riverdale Ave., Hopkinson Ave., Hegeman Ave., E. 98th Blake Ave., Hopkinson Ave. Riverdale Ave., Saratoga Ave Livonia Ave., Thatford Ave., Hegeman Ave., Hopkinson Ave Church Ave., E. 54th, Clarendon Road, E. 46th Church Ave., E. 46th, Clarendon Road, New York Ave Church Ave., New York Ave., Vernon Ave., Rogers Ave Vernon Ave., New York Ave., Clarendon Road, Rogers Ave Clarendon Road, E. 42d, Ave. D, Rogers Ave Ave. D, E. 42d, Paerdegat Basin, E. 31st, Foster Ave., Rogers Ave. Clarendon Road, E. 54th, Paerdegat Basin, E. 42d Clarendon Ave., Rogers Ave., Foster Ave., Flatbush Ave Cortelyou Road, Flatbush Ave., Foster Ave., Ocean Ave Cortelyou Road, Ocean Ave., Foster Ave., Buckingham Road Tilden Ave., Rogers Ave., Clarendon Road, Flatbush Ave Church Ave., Rogers Ave., Tilden Ave., Flatbush Ave Church Ave., Flatbush Ave., Albermarle Road, Buckingham Road Albermarle Road, Flatbush Ave., Cortelyou Road, Buckingham Road Church Ave., Buckingham Road, Beverly Road, Coney Island Ave. Beverly Road, Buckingham Road, Cortelyou Road, Coney Island Ave Church Ave., Coney Island Ave., Beverly Road, E. 7th, Ave. C, West Ave Ave. C, Ocean Parkway, Ditmas Ave., West 73,048 1,417 2,888 509 1,588 1,495 129 839 807 829 1,383 1,040 806 868 1,423 2,930 828 1,727 1,448 399 814 1,806 1,264 1,244 102 377 116 64 135 835 570 222 2 106 131 47 55 494 33 77 21 449 4,709 422 1,172 1,713 1,705 1.840 1,018 89 951 744 1,445 1.779 2,315 499 1,575 1,058 1,565 1,761 1,809 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1064 1065 Ave. C, E. 7th, Beverly Road, Coney Island Ave., Ditmas Ave., Ocean Parkway Cortelyou Road, Buckingham Road, Ditmas Ave., Marlborough Road, Dorchester Road, Coney Island Ave Dorchester Road, Marlborough Road, Ditmas Ave., Buckingham Road, Foster Ave., Coney Island Ave Ditmas Ave., Coney Island Ave., Foster Ave., Ocean Parkway. . . 16th Ave., West, Ditmas Ave., Ocean Parkway, Ave. F, E. 2d, 18th Ave., 45th, 17th Ave., 44th Ave. F. Ocean Parkway, Foster Ave., Gravesend Ave., 18th Ave., E. 2d Church Ave., West, 16th Ave., 43d, 15th Ave., 42d, 14th Ave., New Utrecht Road 36th, New Utrecht Road, 14th Ave., 41st, 13th Ave., 40th, 12th Ave., 38th, 13th Ave 2,333 1,549 829 1,262 2,738 1,225 674 1,911 WARD 30 77,116 1029 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1408 1060 1061 1062 1063 1409 1066 1410 1067 1411 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1412 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1413 1099 1100 1101 1102 Foster Ave., E. 18th, Ave. G, Coney Island Ave., Ave. H, Ocean Parkway, Ave. J, Gravesend Ave Bay Parkway, 81st, 23d Ave., Gravesend Bay 21st Ave., 81st, Bay Parkway, Gravesend Bay 20th Ave., 81st, 21st Ave., Gravesend Bay 19th Ave., 81st, 20th Ave., Gravesend Bay 18th Ave., 81st, 19th Ave., Gravesend Bay 17th Ave., 84th, 18th Ave., Gravesend Bay 18th Ave., Bav Ridge Ave., Bay Parkway, 78th, 23d Ave., 81st. . . 17th Ave., 58th, Bay Parkway, Bay Ridge Ave New Utrecht Ave., 58th, 17th Ave., 66th New Utrecht Ave., 66th, 17th Ave., Bay Ridge Ave., 18th Ave., 84th. 16th Ave., 51st, West, Ave. J, Gravesend Ave., Bay Parkway, 58th. 16th Ave., 44th, 17th Ave., 45th, 18th Ave., Gravesend Ave., Ave. J, West, 51st 13th Ave., 50th, 16th Ave., 58th 13th Ave., 41st, 14th Ave., 42d, 15th Ave., 43d, 16th Ave., 46th 13th Ave., 46th, 16th Ave., 50th 39th, 12th Ave., 40th, 13th Ave., 44th, Fort Hamilton Parkway 44th, 13th Ave., New Utrecht Ave., Fort Hamilton Parkway Fort Hamilton Parkway, New Utrecht Ave., 53d Fort Hamilton Parkway, 53d, New Utrecht Ave., 13th Ave., 58th. Fort Hamilton Parkway, 58th, 12th Ave., 68th 12th Ave., 58th, New Utrecht Ave., 65th 12th Ave., 65th ,1 4th Ave., 72d 7th Ave., Fort Hamilton Parkway, 68th, 12th Ave., 79th 12th Ave., 72d, 14th Ave., 79th 14th Ave., 65th, New Utrecht Ave., 69th 69th, New Utrecht Ave., 76th, 14th Ave 14th Ave., 76th, New Utrecht Ave., 84th 16th Ave., 84th, 17th Ave., Gravesend Bay 15th Ave., 84th, 16th Ave., Gravesend Bay 14th Ave., 84th, 15th Ave., Gravesend Bay Government Reservation line, 7th Ave., 86th, 11th Ave., 79th, 14th Ave., Gravesend Bay U. S. Government Reservation (Fort Hamilton) 4th Ave., 5th Ave., 90th, 4th Ave., 86th, 7th Ave., Government Reservation line, The Narrows 2d Ave., 89th, 4th Ave., 90th, 5th Ave., 4th Ave., The Narrows 89th, 2d Ave., The Narrows 82d, Narrows Ave., 81st, 2d Ave., 89th, The Narrows 81st, 4th Ave., 89th, 2d Ave 79th, 11th Ave., 86th, 4th Ave 73d, 7th Ave., 79th, 4th Ave 60th, Fort Hamilton Parkway, 7th Ave 51st, Fort Hamilton Parkway, 60th, 9th Ave 45th, Fort Hamilton Parkway, 51st, 9th Ave 40th, Fort Hamilton Parkway, 45th, 9th Ave 37th, Fort Hamilton Parkway, 40th, 9th Ave 48th, 9th Ave., 52d, 7th Ave 52d, 9th Ave., 56th, 7th Ave 56th, 9th Ave., 60th, 7th Ave 60th, 7th Ave., 63d, 4th Ave 63d, 7th Ave., Shore Road, 4th Ave Shore Road, 7th Ave., 73d, 4th Ave Silliman Place, 3d Ave., Ovington Ave., 4th Ave., 75th, 2d Ave... 75th, 4th Ave., 81st, 2d Ave 75th, 2d Ave., 81st, Narrows Ave., 82d, New York Bay Bay Ridge Ave., 2d Ave., 75th, New York Bay 62d, 3d Ave., 60th, 4th Ave., Ovington Ave., 3d Ave., Silliman Place, 2d Ave 62d, 2d Ave., Bay Ridge Ave., New York Bay 1,385 1,288 1,249 1,192 2,017 1,764 1,879 49S 1,016 1,646 2,583 836 1,051 3,392 2,270 929 3,272 1,419 1,277 1,098 1,990 3,701 1,448 1,013 1,032 1,357 2,012 516 2, 125 851 252 694 603 2,366 1,872 188 277 1,235 623 2,030 595 351 130 976 1,429 1,232 1,000 861 1,864 663 2,444 2,220 1,876 234 381 2,221 393 WARD 31 29,610 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1009 1406 1030 1031 1032 Ave. W, Bulkhead line, Gerritsen Creek, Dead Horse Inlet, Sheeps- head Bay, Batchelder Ave. V, Haring (extended), Ave. W, Batchelder, Emmons Ave., Ocean Ave Ave. Q, Nostrand Ave., Gerritsen Ave., Ave. W, Haring (extended), Ave. T, E. 28th Ave. R, E. 28th. Ave. T, Haring, Ave. V, Ocean Ave., Ave. T, Coney Island Ave Ave. N, Kenmore Place, Ave. O, E. 25th, Ave. Q, E. 28th, Ave. R, Coney Island Ave Ave. L, Ocean Ave., Ave. N, Coney Island Ave Ave. G, E. 18th, Ave. L, Coney Island Ave Ave. J, Ocean Parkway, Ave. H, Coney Island Ave., Ave. O, West, 65th, Ave. O. Bay Parkway, Gravesend Ave Ave. O, 65th, West, Ave. O, Coney Island Ave., Ave. T, Stillwell Ave., 78th, Bay Parkway Ave. T, Ocean Ave., Ave. Y, Coney Island Ave 180 1,537 11 971 2,914 676 2,247 1,685 1,737 849 1 No population. 22 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN— Continued. E.D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. E. D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. WARD 31 -Continued. WARD 32 17,412 1407 Ave. V, Ocean Ave., Ave. Y, Coney Island Ave 985 987 Ave. A, liegeman Ave., Stone Ave., Fresh Creek, Stanley Ave. 1033 Ave. Y, Ocean Ave., Emmons Ave., Coney Island Ave 1,145 (Spoffordj, Fresh Creek, Flatlands Ave., Rockaway Parkway, 1034 Emmons Ave., Sheepshead Bay, Atlantic Ocean, Coney Island Ave. 34 Ave. J, Remsen Ave 2,049 1035 Sheepshead Bay Road, Coney Island Ave., Atlantic Ocean, Ocean 988 Ave. J , Rockaway Parkway, Flatlands Ave., Fresh Creek, Jamaica Parkway 20 Bay, E. 94th, Seaview Ave., E. 92d 1,395 1030 Gravesend Canal, Ocean Parkway, Atlantic Ocean, W. 5th 2 122 989 Ave.'J, E. 92d (Seaview Ave., E. 94th), Jamaica Bay, Paerdegat 1037 Ave. T, Coney Island Ave., Gravesend Canal, W. 1st, Avenue X, Basin 643 Gravesend Ave 709 990 Church Ave., Remsen Ave., Ave. J, Paerdegat Basin, E. 54th 353 1038 Ave. T, Gravesend Ave., Ave. X, W. 1st, Gravesend Canal, W. 996 Paerdegat Basin, Schenectady Ave., Ave. II, Albany Ave., Ave. loth, Ave. Y. W. 13th, Ave. X, Stillwell Ave 1,097 I, E. 39th 66 1039 Gravesend Canal, Conev Island Ave., Sheepshead Bay Road, Ocean 997 Paerdegat Basin, E. 39th, Ave. 1, New York Ave 1,335 Parkway 358 998 Foster Ave., E. 31st., Paerdegat Basin, New York Ave., Flatbush 1040 Gravesend Canal, W. 5th, Atlantic Ocean, W. loth. Surf Ave., Ave 2,588 W. 8th 1,356 999 Ave. I, Albany Ave., Ave. 11, Schenectady Ave., Paerdegat Basin, 1041 Surf Ave., \\ . loth, Atlantic Ocean, W. 21st 391 Flatlands Ave. , Flatbush Ave 1,113 1042 Surf Ave., W. 21st, Atlantic Ocean, W. 37th 366 1000 Flatlands Ave., Paerdegat Basin, Jamaica Bay, Bulkhead line, 1043 Beach 47th, Surf Ave., NeptuneAve., W. 36th, Surf Ave., W. 37th, 00th Ave., Ralph Ave., Ave. O, Flatbush Ave 1,027 Atlantic Ocean 66 1001 Flatlands Ave., Flatbush Ave., Ave. O, Ralph Ave., 60th Ave., 1044 Gravesend Bay, W. 36th, Neptune Ave., Surf Ave., Beach 47th. . 08 Bulkhead line, Gerritsen Ave., Nostrand Ave., Ave. Q, E. 25th. 422 1045 Gravesend Bay, W. 28t.h, Surf Ave., W. 36th 340 1002 Bulkhead line, Jamaica Bay, Atlantic Ocean, Dead Horse Inlet, 1046 Gravesend Bay, Gravesend Canal, W. 20th, Surf Ave., W. 28th 1,202 Gerritsen Creek 1,213 1047 Gravesend Canal, W. 8th, Surf Ave., W. 20th 3,603 1008 Ave. I, Flatbush Ave., Flatlands Ave,, E. 25th, Ave. O, Kenmore 1048 27t,h Ave., Stillwell Ave., Ave. X, W. Pith, Ave. Y, W. loth, Place, Ave. N, Ocean Ave., Ave. J,, E. 18th 1,298 Gravesend Canal, Gravesend Bay 438 1010 Foster Ave., Mansfield Place, Ave. 1, E. 18th . . 1,538 1049 25th Ave., Stillwell Ave., 27th Ave., Gravesend Bav 788 1011 Foster Ave., Flatbush Ave., Ave. I, Mansfield Place 1,472 1050 23d Ave., Stillwell Ave., 25th Ave., Gravesend Bav 1, 595 BOROUGH OF QUEENS. 58,126 SECOND ASSEMBLY DISTRICT— Cont'd. 1,858 1188 Election district No. 10 (pt. of), Flushing and Newtown Turnpike, 1,901 National Ave., Grand Ave. L. I. It. R., Junction Ave 1,681 2,346 1189 Election district No. 10 (pt. of), Flushing and Newtown Turnpike, 1,508 Jackson Ave., Flushing Creek, Grand Ave., National Ave 1,161 1190 Election district No. 11 987 1191 Election district No. 12 1,928 1,475 1192 Election district No. 13 1,610 1193 Election district No. 14 1,345 941 1194 Election district No. 15 4,013 1, 005 1195 Election district No. 16 1,986 1196 Election district No. 17 2,722 2,035 1197 Election district No. 18 2, 265 1198 Election district No. 19 1,803 1,380 1199 Election district No. 20 2,002 2,405 1200 Election district No. 21, excluding Fort Totten 2,383 1,392 1252 915 1 , 494 1201 Election district No. 22 2,123 2,555 1202 Election district No. 23 (pt. of), High, 18th, 6th Ave., 15th, 4th 1,760 1,336 1203 Election district No. 23 (pt. of). Boulevard, 3d Ave., 4th Ave., 7th Ave., 21st, 6th Ave., 18th, High, 13th, College Ave., East 1,893 River, Powells Cove 1,321 1,932 1204 Election district No. 24 2,128 2,497 1205 Election district No. 25 1,765 2,493 1206 Election district No. 26 1,589 2, 139 1,260 1,937 THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 93,121 1,913 2,444 1207 Election district No. 1 1,461 786 1208 Electron district No. 2 1,855 1209 Election district No. 3 3,607 1,570 1210 Election district No. 4 (pt. of), Maurice Ave., Calamus Road, Fiske Ave., Perry Ave., Clermont., Jay Ave 2,413 1,691 1211 Election district No. 4 (pt. of), Perry Ave., Fiske Ave., Juniper 1,872 Ave., line through Mount Olivet Cemetery to Mount Olivet 2,178 Ave., Mount Olivet Ave., Fresh Pond Road, Clermont Ave 1,072 1,519 1212 Election district No. 5 1,757 1,574 1213 Election district No. 6 2,262 1214 Election district No. 7 1,650 1215 Election district No. 8 2,436 2,018 1216 Election district No. 9 2,559 1217 Election district No. 10 2,532 2,119 1218 Election district No. 11 2,729 1219 Election district No. 12 2,468 1220 Election district No. 13 : 1,891 58,623 1221 Election district No. 14 1,593 1 222 2,555 2,553 1223 Election district No. 16 L959 1,084 1224 Election district No. 17 2,556 1225 Election district No. IS 1,848 1226 Election district No. 19 3,015 1,210 1227 Election district No. 20 (pt. of), Forest Ave., line of the B. R. T. Railroad, Woodward Ave., Gates Ave 1,389 1228 Election district No. 20 (pt. of), Magnolia (Gates Ave.), Fresh 1,744 Pond Road, line of the B. R. T. Railroad, Forest Ave 1,379 2, 192 1229 Election district No. 21 (pt. of), B. R. T. Railroad, Fresh Pond 2,074 Road, Elm Ave., Woodward Ave 2,359 1,761 1230 Election district No. 21 (pt. of), Elm Ave., Fresh Pond ltoad, line 2,013 of the L. I. It. R., Myrtle Ave., Forest Ave 2,028 1231 Election district No. 22 3,590 1232 Election district No. 23 1,672 1,421 1233 Election district No. 24 2,690 1234 Election district No. 25 2, 103 1235 Election district No. 26 1,671 2, 168 1236 Election district No. 27 2,069 2,916 1237 Election district No. 28 2,038 1145 1141) 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1150 1157 1158 1159 llf.0 1 161 1102 1103 1104 1105 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1170 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1180 1187 FIRST ASSEMBLY DISTRICT Election district No. 1 Election district No. 2 Election district No. 3 Election district No. 4 Election district No. 5 (pt. of), including Queens County Jail, Nott Ave., Hunter Ave., Turves, L. I. R. R., 6th, Van Alst Ave., llth, Ely Ave Election district No. 5 (pt. of), 9th, East Ave., Nott Ave., Ely Ave., llth, Van Alst Ave Election district No. 0 Election district No. 7 (pt. of), Nott Ave., East River, Freeman Ave., Van Alst Ave., Harris Ave., Hunter Ave Election district No. 7 (pt. of), Freeman Ave., Crescent, Harris Ave., Van Alst Ave Election district No. 8 Election district No. 9 Election district No. 10 Election district No. 11 Election district No. 12 (pt. of), Broadway, 1st Ave., Graham Ave., East. River Election district No. 12 (pt. of), Jamaica Ave., 1st Ave., Broadway, East River Election district No. 13 Election district No. 14 Election district No. 15 Election district No. 16 Election district No. 17 Election district No. 18 Election district No. 19 Election district No. 20 Election district No. 21 Election district No. 22 (pt. of), Hoyt Ave., 2d Ave., Newtown Ave., Flushing Ave., Goodrich Ave Election district No. 22 (pt. of), Hoyt Ave., Goodrich Ave., Flush- ing Ave., Van Alst Ave Election district No. 23 Election district No. 24 Election district No. 25 Election district No. 26 Election district No. 27 (pt. of) Bowery Bay, 9th Ave., Potter Ave., 10th Ave., Woolsey Ave., Park Place, Potter Ave., 2d Ave., including Berrians Island Election district No. 27 (pt. of) Bowery Bay, 2d Ave., Potter Ave., Park Place, Woolsey Ave., 2d Ave., Hoyt Ave., East River SECOND ASSEMBLY DISTRICT Election district No. 1 Election district No. 2 Election district No. 3 (pt. of), Middleburg Ave., Woodside Ave., Betts Ave., Newtown Ave. (Brook School House Road), Celtic Ave., Dickinson Ave Election district No. 3 (pt. of), Newtown Ave. (Brook School House Road), Betts Ave., Maspeth Ave., Newtown Creek, Laurel Hill Boulevard Election district No. 4. Election district No. 5 Election district No. 6 Election district No. 7 Election district No. 8 (pt. of), Bowery Bay, Flushing Bay, Jack- son Boulevard, Bayview Ave., Old Bowery Road, Junction Ave., Jackson Ave., Bowery Bay Road Election district No. 8(pt. of), Flushing Bay, Flushing Creek, Jack- son Ave., Junction Ave., Old Bowery Road, Bayview Ave., Jack- son Boulevard Election district No. 9 STATISTICS OF POPULATION— NEW YORK CITY. Table 3.— POPULATION OF NEW YORK CITY, BY ENUMERATION DISTRICTS: 1910— Continued. BOROUGH OF QUEENS-Continued. 23 E.D. No. BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. E. D. No. THIRD ASSEMBLY DISTRICT— Cont’d. 1238 Election district No. 29 1,703 1263 1239 Election district No. 30 1,378 1264 1240 Election district No. 31 (pt. of), line of 2d and 4th wards, Vandeveer Ave., Jamaica Ave., Shaw Ave., 3d, Grand, boundary line of 1265 Queens and Kings Counties 1,781 1241 Election district No. 31 (pt. of), Grand, 3d, Shaw Ave., Atlantic 1266 Ave., line dividing Queens and Kings Counties 1,559 1267 1242 Election district No. 32 2,743 1268 1243 Election district No. 33 2,167 1269 1244 Election district No. 34, including Sanford Hall 2,108 1270 1245 Election district No. 35 2,622 1271 1246 Election district No. 36 2,390 1272 1247 Election district No. 37 (pt. of), Beach Channel, Vernam Ave., 1273 Atlantic Ocean, Division Ave 2,064 1274 1248 Election district No. 37 (pt. of), Beach Channel, Nortons Creek, 1275 Rochester Ave., Atlantic Ocean, Vernam Ave 563 1276 1249 Election district No. 38 (pt. of), Beach Channel, Sheridan Boule- 1277 vard, Mott Ave., L. 1. R. R., Nortons Creek 1,465 1278 1250 Election district No. 38 (pt. of). Beach Channel, line dividing 1279 Queens and Nassau Counties, Broadway, Rockaway Turnpike, 1280 Mott Ave., Sheridan Boulevard 1,646 1281 1251 Election district No. 39 1,726 1282 FOURTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT 74,171 1283 1253 Election district No. 1 (pt. of), line dividing the 2d and 4th wards, Dumas Place, Jamaica Ave., Benedict Ave., Sterling, Suydam, 4th, Shaw Ave., Jamaica Ave., and Vandeveer Ave 2,044 1284 1254 Election district No. 1 (pt. of), 4th, Suydam, Sterling, Benedict 1285 Ave., Atlantic Ave., Shaw Ave 842 1286 1255 Election district No. 2 2,130 1287 1256 Election district No. 3 1,688 1288 1257 Election district No. 4 1.206 1289 1258 Election district No. 5 2,443 1259 Election district No. 6 1,951 1260 Election district No. 7 2,403 1290 1261 Election district No. 8 2,401 1262 Election district No. 9 3,326 BOUNDARY OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT. Popula- tion. FOURTH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT— Cont'd. Election district No. 10 Election district No. 11 (pt. of), Jamaica Ave., Jefferson Ave., Fulton Ave, Hamilton Ave., Atlantic Ave., Grove Ave Election district No. 11 (pt. of), Jamaica Ave., Lefferts Ave., Atlantic Ave., Hamilton Ave., Fulton Ave., Jefferson Ave Election district No 12 Election district No 13 Election district No. 14 Election district No. 15 Election district No. lti Election district No. 17 Election district No. 18 Election district No. 19 Election district No. 20 Election district No. 21 Election district No. 22 Election district No. 23 Election district No. 24 Election district No. 25 Election district No. 2(1 Election district No. 27 Election district No. 28 (pt. of), Little Bayside Road, Bell Ave., stream running through Harwav estate, Little Neck Bay, North Shore Division L. I. R. R., Whitestone Road Election district No. 28 (pt.of), North Shore Division L. I. R. R., Little Neck Bay, Alley Creek, Alley Road, boundary line 3d and 4th wards, Fresh Meadow Road, Cemetery Lane, Broad- way, Whitestone Road Election district No. 29 Election district No. 30 Election district No. 31 Election district No. 32 Election district No. 33 Election district No. 34 (pt. of), Jamaica Ave., Sanford Ave., Percy, Forest Ave., Jamaica Ave., Franklin Place, Summit Ave., Maple Ave., Lawrence Ave., Bradford Ave Election district No. 34 (pt. of), Jamaica Ave., Jamaica Road, line dividing 3d and 4th wards, Flushing Creek, Ireland Mill Road, Lawrence Ave., Maple Ave., Summit, Franklin Place 2,687 1,321 1,231 1,744 1,882 2, 821 3.468 3,051 2,751 1.357 2,075 1.710 1.715 2,736 1,848 1,101 1,474 1,648 1,791 1,604 1,906 3,013 920 1,733 1. 118 1,727 1.892 1,413 BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1335 1337 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1304 1305 1306 1307 WARD 1 27,201 WARD 3 — Continued. Election district No. 1 1,994 1,865 1,847 1308 Election district No. 17 (pt. of), beginning at the corner of Post Ave. and Jewett Ave. (S. side), Jewett Ave. ( W. side), Catharine (S. side), Simonson Place (W. side) to Anderson Ave. (S. side), Mersereau Ave., Richmond Ave. (E. side), John (N. side), Bar- rett Ave. (N. side), Cherry Lane ( W. side), Jewett Ave. ( W. side) Election district No. 2 Election district No. 3 1,892 Election district No. 5 U993 2,830 Election district No. 6 Election district No. 7, excluding Sailors Snug Harbor 1,782 2,546 1,662 1,370 1,457 2,087 1,670 1309 Election district No. f8 1310 1311 Election district No. 10 1312 Election district No. 21 Election district No. 11 1313 Election district No. 22 1334 Election district No. 43 1)214 992 WARD 4 1322 Election district No. 31 WARD 2 15,501 1323 1324 1325 Election district No. 23, including Richmond Borough Almshouse. 1,929 1,955 Election district No. 34 1326 Election district No. 35 l' 786 1327 Election district No. 36 2,201 1,971 1,990 2,026 1,643 WARD 5 1328 Election district No. 37 1329 Election district No. 38 1330 Election district No. 39 WARD 3 19,248 1331 Election district No. 40, excluding Mission of the Immaculate 1,570 1,448 1332 1333 Election district No. 42 Election district No. 16 1.860 1336 Mission of the Immaculate Virgin Orphan Asylum Election district No. 17 (pt. of), beginning at the corner of Rich- mond Road and Charles Ave. (S. side), to Nicholas Ave. (E. side), Ennis (S. side), Sand (E. side), Prospect (N. side), Richmond 1,160 1,152 1,830 2, 667 2,028 1,909 1,247 2,377 12,596 1,934 2,311 2,000 2, 350 2,003 1,992 11,423 1,710 1.768 1,060 1,356 1.918 1,650 1,961