60th Congress 1 SENATE / Document 2d Session j ( No. 638 ESTIMATES FOR SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPART¬ MENTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS 1910 PREPARED BY THE COMMITTEE ON GRADES AND SALARIES ^ UNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER OF JUNE 11, 1907 JANUARY 6, 1909 Read; referred to the Committee on Civil Service and Retrenchment and ordered to be printed WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1909 ^ ^ " - -r • ; - Y . ••• ' 00th Congress 2d Session } SENATE ( Document 1 No. 638 'A {• 'S l / . ESTIMATES FOR SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPART¬ MENTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS 1910 PREPARED BY THE COMMITTEE ON GRADES AND SALARIES UNDER EXECUTIVE ORDER OF JUNE 11, 1907 JANUARY 6. 1909 Read; referred to the Committee on Civil Service and Retrenchment and ordered to be printed WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1909 *1 05 Uj Sfc To the Senate and House oj Representatives: I transmit herewith for the consideration of the Congress a revised statement, prepared by the Committee on Grades and Salaries under the executive order of June ii, 1907, for the reclassification and readjustment of salaries in the executive depart¬ ments, and estimates of appropriations based thereon. The reclassification of employees should be authorized now, even if the additional appropriations suggested can not now be made. The existing classification does not meet the needs of the service. The basis of the reclassification is character of work rather than amount of salary; it would avoid the need of special positions and result in much higher efficiency. Theodore Roosevelt. The White House, January 6, 1909. 1 t CONTENTvS. Page Executive order. 7 Committee on Grades and Salaries. 7 Schedule of positions and salaries. 8 Design of schedule. ... . 9 Comparative table of salaries, by departments. io The White House. n Civil Service Commission. 12 State Department. 14 Treasury Department, table. 15 Offices and bureaus. 15 War Department, table. 40 Offices and bureaus. 40 Office of Superintendent of the Building. 51 Navy Department, table. 52 Offices and bureaus. 53 Interior Department, table. 67 Offices and bureaus... 67 Post-Office Department, table. 77 Offices and bureaus. 77 Department of Justice, table. 83 Offices. 83 Department of Agriculture, table. 87 Offices and bureaus. 88 Department of Commerce and Labor, table. 108 Offices and bureaus. 109 Government Printing Office, table. 124 Offices. 124 5 / COMMITTEE ON GRADES AND SALARIES. EXECUTIVE ORDER. A Committee on Grades and Salaries in the executive departments shall be formed as speedily as practicable, to consist of one competent employee named by the head of each department and independent establishment, who shall prepare clear and consistent tables of estimates for positions and salaries in conformity with the schedule and recommendations of the Committee on Department Methods of January 4, 1907. Officials will cooperate with this committee in arranging said estimates for pre¬ sentation to Congress, in convenient form for comparison with the estimates prepared in the usual way required by law r . Theodore Roosevelt. The White House, June //, igoj. THE COMMITTEE. Department of State — Charles Ray Dean, Chief of Bureau of Appointments. Treasury Department — Charles Eyman, Chief of Appointment Division. War Department — William D. SearlE, Appointment Clerk. Department of fustice — Charles B. Sornborger, Appointment Clerk. Post-Office Department — George S. Paull, Appointment Clerk. Navy Department — Frank S. Curtis, Chief Clerk. Department of the Interior — John W. Holcombe, Assistant to the Secretary. Department of Agriculture — Almerico Zappone, Chief of Division of Accounts. Department of Commerce and Labor — William E. SolEAU, Disbursing Clerk. Civil Service Commission — George R. Wales, Chief of Division. Government Printing Office — William E. Post, Superintendent of Documents. 7 8 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SCHEDULE OF POSITIONS AND SALARIES. [Committee on Department Methods, January 4, 1907.] SUPERVISORY GRADE. Chief clerks and chiefs of divisions. —Employees who perform supervisory, executive, and administrative duties. Salaries— $2,100 to $4,200. CLERICAL GRADE. Senior clerks. —Employees who are assigned to work largely supervisory, or requiring the highest order of clerical ability, involving much original thought, consideration, and investigation. Salaries— $2,100, $1,980, $1,860. Examples of such work are the investigation of large and intricate cases, requiring familiarity with the laws and decisions of courts and with department practice and policy, and the drafting of action thereon; the conduct of such investigations with the aid of assist¬ ants, whose work must be directed and corrected; service as paying teller with large respon¬ sibility; acting as chiefs of sections or divisions, and preparing or laying outwork for others. Clerks. —Employees who are assigned to work more or less routine, involving responsibility, special ability, and original thought, consideration, and investigation. Salaries—$1,740, $1,620, $1,500. Examples of such work are directing and instructing clerks of lower grades; expert stenography; editing; the ascertaining of facts independently in complicated cases, and drafting action thereon; serving as confidential clerk to head of department or bureau; book¬ keeping involving an extended knowledge of department records and precedents and the handling of intricate accounts; recording complex and difficult cases and properly indexing the same; service in purchasing and issuing supplies, service as paying teller; examining- money accounts requiring familiarity with the laws and with regulations and requirements of the Treasury Department. Junior clerks. —Employees who are assigned to work of a routine character, requiring but little original thought or consideration, but requiring judgment, responsibility, and special skill. Salaries— $1,380, $1,320, $1,260, $1,200. Examples of such work are preparing briefs of papers in a case for recording; expert filing; examining property returns; proof reading; issuance and distribution of supplies; examining vouchers and disbursing accounts, under the application of simple standards and requirements; recording cases and transactions where considerable judgment is required to determine the relative importance of factors, and preparing an adequate index thereof; the ascertaining of facts independentl}^ and drafting action on average cases; composing and pre¬ paring letters for official signature; stenography requiring skill and practice; bookkeeping involving a knowledge of the theory of accounts and departmental records and precedents. Under clerks. —Employees who are assigned to work of a simple or routine character requiring care, accuracy, and skill. Salaries—$1,080, $1,020, $960, $900. Examples of such work are mere copjdng and typewriting; simple indexing; filing cards and papers; briefing contents of letters or documents on back; preparing letters by filling blank forms for official signature; mailing or dispatching; easier stenography; simple bookkeeping, requiring but little knowledge of the theory of accounts. subclerical grade. Employees whose duties are not clerical or mechanical, but require some special skill, or involve personal responsibility, as messengers, watchmen, skilled laborers, sorters, and counters. Salaries— $840, $780, $720, $660. Employees engaged in rough and unskilled work, as laborers generally. Salaries—-$660, $600. Employees who enter the service at an early age and are engaged in light work, as messenger boys. Salaries—$480, $420, $360, $300. EXECUTIVE ORDER. 9 Employees whose work occupies only part of the time each day, as charwomen and janitors. Salaries—$360, $300, $240. PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL, AND MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES. The salaries of these shall be assimilated, as far as practicable, to the scale established for clerical and higher grades. The number and variety of designations shall be as small as practicable; and the duties assigned to such employees shall be confined as far as possible within the lines indicated by their titles and for which they may have passed examinations. Any line of work not herein mentioned should be assigned to the grade to which, after careful comparison, it seems most nearly related. SKILLED TRADES EMPLOYEES. No fixed scale of compensation is recommended, but whatever salaries are determined upon should conform to the gi'ades fixed in the schedule. The design of the foregoing schedule is to promote the efficiency of the service by providing entrance salaries sufficiently high to attract competent persons; such a gradation of salaries as to assure frequent promotion, as a stimulus to effort; the higher salaries sufficient to develop and retain the best expert service; and an equalization of salaries in all the departments, according to character and responsi¬ bility of the work performed. The salaries proposed are multiples of 12, for con¬ venience in making the monthly payments required by law. In preparing tables for the several offices and bureaus these two general rules have been observed; 1. To give more adequate compensation to the men who furnish directive power, executive ability, and special or technical knowledge. 2. To provide for the administrative and clerical force a scale of pay which will permit all who enter the civil service to rise by diligence and efficiency to a moderate living salary in a reasonable time. Beyond the moderate living salary found in the grade of clerk , promotions to the senior clerk and supervisory grades will come more slowly, by selection on the grounds of special fitness and approved ability. Cumbersome and unnecessary titles have been eliminated or simplified, as far as possible. In obedience to the executive order complete tables were prepared regrading, under the new scale of salaries, the positions listed in the official estimates for the year 1909. These tables were transmitted to Congress by the President February 11, 1908, and printed as House Document No. 648, Sixtieth Congress, first session. Under informal instructions recently received, the committee have in the follow¬ ing pages revised the tables relating to the executive service in Washington, bringing them down to date by basing them upon the current official estimates for the fiscal year 1910 In this task the State Department has been represented by Mr. Stephen H. Quigley, Mr. Dean having left the city; and the Government Printing Office by Mr. W. J. Dow, in place of Mr. Post, who was unable to serve. Respectfully submitted. John W. Holcombe, Chairman. December i, 1908 . S. Doc. 638, 60-2-2 COMPARATIVE TABLE. SALARIES OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS. (i) . Appropria¬ tions for • J909. (2) Increase asked. ( 3 ) Official esti¬ mates for 19x0. ( 4 ) Estimates under exec¬ utive order. ( 5 ) Increase of (4) over (3). (6) Per cent of increase. The White House. $69, 9 2 ° $69, 920 $75, 600 $5, 680 8.1 Civil Service Commission. 248, SQO 248, 390 272, 380 2 X. QQO Q. 6 State Department. 246,900 $15, 100 262, 000 299, 600 37, 600 14 - 3 Treasury Department. 4,125,743 172, 357 4, 298, 100 4 , 59 °, 444 292, 344 7.0 War Department.. 1, ^70,478 5, 000 1, 875, 478 2, 062, 190 186, 712 9. 1 Superintendent of building. 112,040 112, 040 1x9, 940 7 , 900 7.0 Navy Department. 732,349 3 L 330 763, 679 877, 280 113, 601 14. 8 Interior Department. 4 , 437 - 316 46, 200 4, 483,516 4 , 794 , 54 o 311,024 7.0 Post-Office Department. L 53 L 76o 7, 680 L 539 , 44 o 1, 698, 780 159 , 340 10. 3 Department of Justice. 416, 610 13, 720 430 , 33 ° 472 , 500 42, 170 9.8 Department of Agriculture. 1, 234, 070 34 , 9 i° 1, 268, 9S0 1, 392, 020 123, 040 9 - 7 Department of Commerce and Labor .... 1,205, 560 54, 160 1, 259, 720 1, 384, 860 125, 140 10. 0 Government Printing Office. 319 . 458 a 5°, 420 269, 038 274 , 560 5, 522 2. 0 Total. 16, 550. 794 330 , 037 16, 880, 831 18, 314 894 1, 434 , 063 8-5 THE WHITE HOUSE. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 25.) Employees. ^ber' Salary. Secretary to the President. 1 $6,000 Assistant secretaries, at $3,000. 2 ! 6,000 Executive clerk. 1 2,500 Executive clerk and disbursing officer. 1 1 2,000 Clerks, at $2,000. 7 j 14,000 Clerk of class four, who shall be a telegrapher. . 1 1,800 Clerk, class four. 1 | 1,800 Clerks, class three. 4 6, 400 Clerks, class two. 2 2, 800 Steward. 1 1,800 Chief doorkeeper. 1 1, Boo Doorkeepers: At $1,400 . 5 7,000 At $1,200 .-.. 3 3,600 Messengers: At $1,200. 4 4,800 At $900. 5 4,500 Watchman. 1 900 Fireman. 1 900 Laborer. 1 720 Do. 1 600 Persons. 43 $69,920 Total, 1909. 43 : $69, 920 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Secretary to the President. . . . Assistant secretaries, at $3,600 Executive clerk. Disbursing clerk . Senior clerks (T1): At $2,100. At $1,980. At $1,860.. Clerks (4): At $1,740. At $1,500. Steward. Chief doorkeeper. Doorkeepers: At $1,440 . At $1,200. Messengers: At $1,200. At $900. Watchman. Fireman. Laborers, at $720. 1 o I I 2 2 2 2 I I 4 5 1 1 2 Persons 43 Increase over official estimate. . . Average increase. Per cent of increase. Salary. $7,5^ 7,200 2,700 2,400 T 4, 7°° 3, 960 3, 720 3, 480 3, 000 1, 800 1, 800 7, 200 3, 600 4, 800 4, 500 900 900 r, 440 $75, 600 $69, 920 $5, 680 $132 8. 1 11 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION. Official Estimates for 1910. Proposed Grades and Salaries. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner, acting as president . . . 1 $ 4 . 500 Commissioners, at $4,000. 2 8, 000 Chief examiner. 1 3,000 Secretary. 1 2,500 Assistant chief examiner. 1 2, 250 Chiefs of division, at $2,000. 2 4, 000 Certification clerk. 1 2, 000 Examiners, at $2,000. 2 4, 000 Clerks of class four. 8 14, 400 Clerks of class three. 17 27, 200 Clerks of class two. 24 33, 600 Clerks of class one. 29 34, 800 Clerks: At $1,000. 21 21, 000 At $900. 10 9, 000 At $840. 5 4, 200 Engineer. I 840 Messenger.:. 1 840 Telephone switchboard operator. 1 720 Firemen, at $720. 2 1, 440 Watchmen, at $720.. 2 1, 440 Elevator conductor. 1 720 Laborers, at $660. 3 1, 980 Messenger boys, at $360. 3 1, 080 139 183,510 Field force. 34 42, 360 Rural carrier examining board. 21 22, 720 Persons. 194 $248, 590 Total, 1909. 194 $248, 590 (Including Field Force and Rural Carrier Examining Hoard.) Employees. N um¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner, acting as president. . . 1 $4, 800 Commissioners, at $4, 500. 2 9, 000 Chief examiner. 1 3 , 3 °° Secretary. 1 3, 000 Law examiner. 1 2,700 Assistant chief examiner. 1 2,700 Chiefs of division, at $2,400. 2 4,800 Examiners (10): At $2, 400. 2 4,800 At $2,220 . 3 6, 660 At $2,100. 5 ro, 500 Senior clerks (10): At $1,980. 5 9 , 9 °° At $1,860. 5 9 , 3 °° Clerks (45): At $1,740. 15 26, 100 At $1,620. 15 24, 300 At $1,500. 15 22, 500 Junior clerks (60): At $1,320. 20 26, 400 At $1,260 . 20 25, 200 At $1,200 . 20 24, 000 Under clerks (40): At $1,020. 15 15, 3 °° At $960. 15 14, 400 At $900 . 10 9, 000 Engineer. 1 900 Messengers, at $840 . 3 2, 520 Assistant messengers, at $720. 2 1,440 Telephone operator. 1 780 Firemen, at $780. 2 1,560 Watchmen, at $780. 1, 560 Elevator conductor. 1 780 Laborers, at $660. 3 1, 980 Messenger boys, at $480. 5 2, 400 Persons . 194 $272, 580 248, 590 Increase over official estimates. $23, 99 ° Average increase. $123 Per cent of increase. 9.6 12 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION *3 SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION—Continued. Field. Force. Examiners: 1 at $2,400 . $2,400 2 at $2,200 . 4,400 4 at $2,000 . .. 8, 000 2 at $1,800 . 3,600 Clerk of class four . 1,800 Clerk of class three . 1, 600 Clerk of class one . 1, 200 Clerks: 7 at $1,000 . 7,000 6 at $900 . 5,400 5 at $840. 4, 200 2 at $720 . 1,440 Messenger . 840 Messenger boy. 480 $42,360 Rural Carrier Ex anting Boar a. Chief of division . $2,000 Clerk of class three . 1,600 Clerk of class two . 2,800 Clerk of class one ... 3,600 Clerks: 3 at $1,000 . 3,000 10 at $900 . 9, 000 Assistant messenger. 720 Total. . $22, 720 Total DEPARTMENT OF STATE. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 27.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. --:- Salary. Secretary of State. 1 $12,000 Assistant Secretary of State. 1 5,000 Second Assistant Secretary of State. . 1 4,500 Third Assistant Secretary of State. . . 1 4,500 Chief clerk. I 3,000 Assistant solicitors, at $3,000. 2 6, 000 Law clerk. j 2, 500 Assistant law clerk.. 1 L 5 oo Chiefs of bureaus: At $2,250.. 2 4, 500 At $2,100. 6 12, 600 Translators, at $2,100. 2 4 , 200 Private secreta ry to Secretary of State. 1 2,500 Clerk to Secretary of .State. 1 1, 800 Clerks of class four. 15 27,000 Clerks of class three (1 additional). . 15 24, 000 Clerks of class two (2 additional).... 25 35,000 Clerks of class one (6 additional) . . .. 42 50, 400 Clerks, at $1,000 (1 additional). 15 15,000 Clerks, at $900 (3 additional). 19 17, 100 j Emergency clerical services. Chief messenger. I 2, 000 1, 000 Messengers, at $840. 5 4, 200 Assistant messengers, at $720. 22 15,840 Messenger boy. 1 420 Packer.’. 1 720 Laborers, at $600. 4 2, 400 Telephone operator. 1 720 Assistant telephone operator. 1 600 Carpenter . 1 r, 000 Total. 189 $262, 000 Total, 1909. 176 246, 900 Increase . 13 $15, 100 . 1 Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Secretary of State. I $12, 000 Assistant Secretary of State. I 6, 000 Second Assistant Secretary of State. I 6, 000 Third Assistant .Secretary of State. . 1 6, 000 Chief clerk. I 3, 600 Assistant solicitors, at $3,000. 2 6, 000 Editor of Statutes at Large. 1 2, 700 Assistant editor of Statutes at Large. . 1 1, 620 Chiefs of bureaus, at $3,000. 8 24, 000 Translators, at $2,100. 2 4, 200 Secretary to the Secretary . 1 2, 700 Clerk to the Secretary. 1 1. S60 Senior clerks (24): At $2,100. s 16, 800 At $1980 . 8 15, 840 At $1,860. 8 14, 880 Clerks (45): At $1,740. 15 26, loo At $1.620. 15 24, 300 At $1,500. 15 22, 500 Junior clerks ( 4 o): At $1,380. 10 13, 800 At $1,320. 10 13, 200 At $1,260. 10 T 2, 600 At $1,200. IO 12 , OOO Under clerks (20): At $1,020. 10 IO, 200 At $900 . 10 9, OOO Emergency clerical services. . 2 , OOO Chief messenger. 1 I, 020 Messengers or skilled laborers (30): At $840. 10 8, 400 At $720. 20 14, 400 Laborers, at $660. 5 3 , 30 ° Telephone operators, at $780. 2 1, 560 Skilled mechanic (carpenter). I 1, 020 Total. 189 $2Q9, 600 262, OOO Increase over official estimates. $37, 600 Average increase. #199 Per cent of increase. 14.3 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, COMPARATIVE TABLE. SALARIES, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. (1) Appropria¬ tion for 1909. (2) Increase asked. ( 3 ) Official es¬ timate for 1910. .( 4 ) Estimates under ex¬ ecutive order. ( 5 ) Increase of (4) over ( 3 )- (6) Per cent of in¬ crease. Secretary’s Office. $688, 703 $41, 407 $730, 110 $789, 410 #59, 300 8 Supervising Architect. 81,800 8i, 800 88, 180 6, 380 7-8 Comptroller of the Treasury. 7 b 420 7 b 420 78,360 6, 940 9 - 7 Auditor for the Treasury Department. . . . 153 , 7 oo 2, 400 156, 100 17 r,480 15,380 9.8 Auditor for War Department. 39;,280 39 b 280 409, 860 18, 5S0 4-7 Auditor for Navy Department. 146,340 9, 600 155 , 94 o 170,700 14,760 9 - 5 Auditor for the Interior Department. 170, 380 170, 380 183, 240 12, 860 7 - 5 Auditor for State and other Departments. 120, 760 660 121, 420 136, 320 14, 900 12.3 Auditor for Post-Office Department. 825,270 11,510 836, 780 890, 520 53 , 74 o 6.4 Treasurer of the United States. 583,*840' 95 , 3 °o 679, 140 707, 634 28, 494 4 - 2 Register of the Treasury. 82, 020 5,ooo 87, 020 94 , 140 7, 120 8. 2 Comptroller of the Currency. 160, 420 l6o, 420 173 , Ho 12, 720 7 - 9 Commissioner of Internal Revenue. 33b 610 3 °° 33 b 9 !o 348 , 54 ° 16,630 5 Life-Saving Service. 48,000 2, 640 50, 640 55, 020 4 i 3 So 8 Bureau of Engraving and Printing. 200, 300 3 °° 200, 600 213, 880 13, 280 6.6 Public Health and Marine-Hospital 39 , 78 o 3 , 240 43, 020 46, 200 3, 180 7-4 Service. Office of Director of the Mint. 30, 120 30, 120 33, 820 3, 700 12. 2 Total. 4 , 125, 743 172 ,357 4, 29S, 100 4 , 59 °, 444 292, 344 7 SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. Official Estimates for igro. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June xi, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. Secretary of the Treasury. 1 $12, 000 Secretary of the Treasury . 1 Assistant Secretaries, at ,$5,000. 3 15, 000 Assistant Secretaries, at $6,000. 3 Clerk to the Secretary. I 2, 500 Secretary to the Secretary. 1 Stenographer. 1 1, 800 Government actuary. 1 Private secretaries, one to each Assist- Examiner. 1 ant Secretary, at $1,800. 3 5 , 4 oo Private secretaries to Assistant Sec- Government actuary, under control retaries, at $1,980. 3 j of the Treasury. I 1 2/250 vSenior clerk. 1 Examiner. 1 | 2, 000 Senior clerks, at $1,860. 2 Salary. $ r 2, 000 18, 000 3, 000 2, 580 2, 100 5 , 94 o 1,980 3, 720 15 i6 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY—Continued. Official Estimates for 1910. , Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) _ ’ . (Executive order of June ir, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Clerks of class four (1 additional), at $i,8oo. 2 $3, 600 Clerks: At $1,620. 4 $6, 480 Clerks of class three, at $[,600. 4 6, 400 At $1,500. 2 3, 000 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 2 2, 800 Under clerk. I 900 Clerk (additional). 1 900 Messengers, at $840.. 4 3. 360 Messengers, at $840. 4 3,360 Laborer. 1 660 Laborer. I 660 Total. 2 5 $58, 670 Total. 25 $63,720 Total for 1909. 23 55 , 97 ° Decrease. 2 $2, 700 SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CLERK AND SUPERINTENDENT. Chief clerk (including $300 as super¬ intendent of the Treasury building). Assistant superintendent of the Treas¬ ury building. Inspector of electric-light plants, gas and fixtures for all public build¬ ings under control of Treasury De¬ partment . Assistant inspector of electric-light plants and draftsman. Clerks of class four, at $1, 800. Additional to r clerk of class four, as principal clerk. Clerks of class three, at $1, 600. Clerks of class two, at$i, 400. . Clerks of class one (1 as librarian), at $1, 200. Clerk . Clerk. Assistant messengers, at $720. Messenger boys, at $360. Messenger (in lieu of 1 laborer at $660 dropped; increase of $180 sub¬ mitted) . .Storekeeper. Telegraph operator . Telegraph operator and assistant tele¬ graph operator . Chief engineer. $3, 000 2, 500 2, 250 T, 800 Chief clerk. Assistant superintendent, etc. I Inspector electric light, etc. Assistant inspector electric light, etc. 6 4 3 10, 800 100 6, 400 4, 200 Senior clerks: At $2,100. At $1,980. At $1,860. Clerks: At $1,740. At $1,620. At $1,500. 3 r 1 6 2 1 1 1 r 3, 600 1, 000 900 4 , 3 20 720 Junior clerks: At $1,380. At $1,320. At $1,200. Under clerks: At $1,080. At $960. Foreman of shop. Skilled mechanics: At $1,200. At $1,020. .. At $780. At $720 . Telegraphers, at $1,200. . . Locksmith and electrician 840 i, 200 1, 200 t, 200 1, 400 Chief engineer (steam). Engineers, at $1,020. Firemen, at $720. Elevator conductors, at $720 Messengers: At $840 . At $720 . 1 $3,600 ' 2,520 1 2,520 1 2, 250 1 2, 100 2 3 » 9 6 ° 5, 580 3 . 48 o 3 . 2 4 o 4 . 5oo 1, 380 1,320 2, 400 1 1,080 1 960 1 1,500 1 14 1 1 2 I I 4 14 8 1, 200 14, 280 780 720 2, 400 1, 440 1, 440 4, 080 10, 080 5, 760 1 6 840 4 , 320 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CLERK AND SUPERINTENDENT—Continued. 17 s. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Assistant engineers, at $1,000. 3 $3, 000 Elevator conductors, at $720. 6 4, 320 Firemen: At $720. 3 2, 160 At $660. 5 3 . 3 °° Coal passer. 1 500 Locksmith and electrician. 1 1, 400 Captain of the watch. 1 1, 400 Lieutenants of the watch, at $900. . . . 2 1, 800 Watchmen, at $720. 68 48, 960 Watchmen (transferred from the rolls of the Auditor for the Post-Office De¬ partment and dropped therefrom), at $720. 6 4,320 Foreman of laborers. 1 1, 000 Skilled laborers: At $840. 2 1, 680 At $720. 2 1,440 Laborers: At $660. 32 21, 120 600 At $600 „ _ _. 1 At$500 . 10 5,000 At $480 . 3 1,440 Plumber. 1 1, 100 Painter. 1 1, 100 Wireman. . 1 1, 000 Foreman of cabinet shop. 1 1,500 Draftsman. 1 1, 200 Cabinetmakers: At $1,000 . 10 10, 000 At $720. 1 720 Carpenter . 1 L, 000 Carpenter’s helper. 1 660 Charwomen, at $240. S 7 20, 880 THE WINDER BUILDING. Engineer. 1 1, 000 Firemen, at $720. 3 2, l6o Elevator conductor. 1 720 Watchmen, at $720. 4 2, 880 Laborers (1 of whom, when neces¬ sary, shall assist and relieve the conductor of the elevator), at $660 each. 1,980 480 Laborer. O 1 Charwomen, at $240 . 8 I, 920 THE cox building. Watchmen-firemen, at $720. 3 2, l6o Laborer. 1 660 Total. 312 $ 203 , 990 Total for 1909. 283 195 , 890 Increase . 1 29 $8,100 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Messenger boys: At $4So. 1 $480 At $360 . 1 360 Captain of watch. 1 1,440 Lieutenants of watch, at $960. 2 1, 920 Watchmen, at $780. 78 60, 840 Skilled laborers: At $840. 2 1, 680 At$720. 2 1,440 F'oreman of laborers.. i 1, 020 Laborers: At $660. 37 24, 420 At $600. 14 8, 400 At $240. 95 22,800 Total. 312 $214, 530 S. Doc. 638, 60-2-3 18 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. DIVISION OF BOORKEEPING AND WARRANTS. Chief of division. 1 $3,500 Assistant chief of division. 1 2, 700 Estimate and digest clerk..-. 1 2, 500 Principal bookkeepers, at $2,100. 2 4, 200 Bookkeepers, at $2,000. 12 24, 000 Clerks of class four, at $1, 800. 14 25, 200 Clerk of class three, at $1,600. 6 9, 600 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 6 8, 400 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 4 4, 800 Clerk. I 900 840 Messenger. 1 Assistant messengers, at $720. 4 2, 880 Laborer. 1 660 1 Total. 54 $90, 180 Total for 1909. 54 90, 180 DIVISION OF CUSTOMS. Chief of division. 1 $3,000 Assistant chief of division. 1 2,000 Law clerks (increase of 2 submitted), at $2,000. 7 14, 000 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 3 5 , 4 oo Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 2 3, 200 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 2 2, 800 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 4 4, 800 Clerks, at $1,000. 4 4, 000 Clerk. I Messenger.. 1 840 Assistant messengers, at $720. 2 1,440 Total. 28 $42, 380 Total for 1909. 28 38 , 380 Increase .... $4,000 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Chief of division. Assistant chief of division. Estimate and digest clerk. Executive clerk. Supervising bookkeepers at $2,400 Bookkeepers, at $2,100 . Senior clerks: At $1,980 . At $1,860 . Clerks: At $1,740. At $1,500. Junior clerks: At $1,380. At $1,200. Messengers; At $840... At $780. Total. Chief of division.. Assistant chief of division....... Law clerks, at $2,520. Senior clerks: At $2,100. At $1,860. Clerks: At $1,740. At $1^620. At $1,500. Junior clerks: At $1,380. At $1,320. At $1,260. Under clerk. 7 . Messengers: At $840. At $780. Total. Num¬ ber. I 1 1 1 4 10 3 12 54 28 Salary. $4, 200 3»3oo 3, 000 2, 520 9, 600 21, 000 5 , 940 22, 320 6, 960 12,000 2, 760 1, 200 3, 360 1,560 , 720 $3, 600 2, 700 12, 600 6, 300 3, 720 3. 48o 1, 620 1, 500 2, 760 2, 640 5,040 1, 080 1, 680 780 $ 49 , 500 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SALARIES, DIVISIONS OF THE SECRETARY’S OFFICE—Continued. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28,) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. DIVISION OF APPOINTMENTS. Chief of division. ... 1 $3, 000 Assistant chief of division. 1 2, 000 Executive clerk. 1 2, 000 Law and bond clerk . 1 2, 000 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 3 5 , 4 oo Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 4 6, 400 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 5 7, 000 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 6 7, 200 Clerks, at $1,000. ... . 4 4, 000 Clerks, at $900. 2 1, 800 Messenger. 1 840 Assistant messengers, at $720. 3 2, 160 Total. 32 $43, 800 Total for 1909. 32 43,800 DIVISION OF PUBLIC MONEYS. Chief of division. 1 $3,000 Assistant chief of division. 1 2, 000 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 5 9, 000 Clerks of class three, at $1,600 . 4 6, 400 Clerks of class two (1 additional), at $1,400. 5 7, 000 Clerk of class one. 1 1, 200 Clerk. 1 1, 000 Clerk. I 900 S40 Messenger. 1 Assistant messenger. 1 720 Total. 21 $32, 060 Total for 1909. 20 30, 660 Increase . 1 $1, 400 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June it, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief of division.'. . .. 1 $3,600 Assistant chief of division. 1 2, 700 Executive clerk. 1 2,520 Law and bond clerk. 1 • 2,520 Senior clerks: At $2,100. 2 4, 200 At $1,980. 2 3 , 96 o Clerks: At $1,620. 3 4, 860 At $1,500. 5 7, 500 Junior clerks: At $1,380. 2 2, 760 At $1,260. 2 2,520 At $1,200. 2 2, 400 Under clerks: At $1,020. At $960 .. 1 . 3 3, °6o 2 1,920 Messengers: 1, 680 At $840 . 2 At $780. 2 1,560 Laborer. 1 660 Total. 32 $48, 420 Chief of division. 1 $3,600 Assistant chief of division. 1 2, 700 Senior clerks: At $2,100. 2 4, 200 At $1,980.. 2 3, 960 At $ 1,860. 1 1, 860 Clerks: At $1,740. 3 5, 220 At $1,620. 1 1, 620 At $1,500. 4 6, 000 Junior clerks, at $1,380. 2 2, 760 Under clerks: At $1,020. At $960. 1 1,020 960 I Messengers: At $840. 1 840 At $720. 1 720 Total. 21 $ 35 , 460 20 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, DIVISIONS OE THE SECRETARY’S OFFICE—Continued. Official Estimates eor 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. DIVISION OE DOANS AND CURRENCY. Chief of division. I $3, 000 Assistant chief of division. I 2, loo Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 5 9 , OOO Additional to clerks of class four, as receiving clerk of bonds and as bookkeeper, at $100. Clerks of class three (increase of 1), $1,600 . 2 200 3, 200 Clerks of class two (increase of 2), at $U 4 oo. 3 4,200 Clerks of class one (increaseof i), at $1,200. 4 4,800 Clerks, at $1,000. 2 2,000 Clerks, at $900.. 18 16,200 Expert money counters (increase of 5), at $720. 20 14,400 Messenger. 1 840 Assistant messengers, at $720. 2 1,440 Laborers (increase of 1 in lieu of 1 at $550), at $660. 10 6, 600 Superintendent of paper room. 1 1, 200 Paper cutter ($3 per diem, 313 days). 1 939 Paper counter. 1 720 Paper counters and laborers (increase of 7), at $620. 50 3D 000 Total. 122 $101, 839 Total for 1909. 106 88, 272 Increase . 16 $ 13 , 567 DIVISION OF REVENUE-CUTTER SERVICE. Assistant chief of division. 1 $2, 400 Principal clerk (additional). 1 2, ooO> Clerk of class four .. 1 1, 800 Law and contract clerk. 1 1, 800 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 5 8, 000 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 2 2, 800 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 3 3, 600 Clerks, at $1,000. O 2, 000 Clerks, at $900. 2 1, 800 Messenger (in lieu of 1 assistant mes¬ senger, at $720). 1 840 Laborer. 1 660 Total. 20 $27, 700 Total for 1909. 20 25, 580 Increase . $2, 120 Proposed Grades and Salaries . (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Chief of division. Assistant chief of division. Senior clerks: At $2,100. At $1,860. Clerks: A t $i, 74 o. At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks, at $1,200. Under clerks: At $1,080. At $1,020. ... At $960. At $900. Expert money counters, at $780 Paper counters: At $720. At $660. Paper cutter. Messengers: At $840. At $780.. Laborers, at $660. Total. Assistant chief of division Senior clerk, at $2,100 ... Law and contract clerk .. Clerks: At $1,740. At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks: At $1,380. At $1,320. At $1,200. . Under clerks: At $1,080. At $1,020. At $960. Messenger. Laborer. Total.. Num¬ ber. 1 2 3 1 1 4 5 2 3 9 6 20 1 36 1 1 2 23 122 1 2 1 2 | 3 I 2 2 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 20 Salary. $3, 600 2, 700 4, 200 5, 5S0 1, 740 1, 620 6, 000 6, 000 2, 160 3, 060 . 8,640 5 , 4 oo 15, 600 720 23, 760 1, 080 S40 1, 560 15, 1 So $109, 440 $2, 700 4, 200 2, 100 3 , 4 So 4, 860 3,000 2, 760 1,320 x, 200 1, 080 1, 020 960 840 660 $30, 1 So TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SALARIES, DIVISIONS OF THE SECRETARY’S OFFICE—Continued. 21 Oeeiciae Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. DIVISION OF PRINTING AND STA¬ TIONERY. Chief of division. I $2, 500 Assistant chief of division. 1 2, 000 Clerks of class four, at $ 1,800 . 4 7, 200 Clerks of class three, at $ 1,600 . 5 8, 000 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 3 4, 200 Clerk of class one. 1 1, 200 Clerk .». 1 1, 000 Clerks, at $900. 2 1, 800 Messengers: At $840. 3 2,520 At $720. 1 720 Laborers, at $660. 2 1,320 Foreman of bindery, at $6 per diem. 1 1, 878 Binders, at $ 4 . per diem. 4 5,008 Sewers and folders, at $ 2.50 per diem. 2 1,565 Total. * . 3 i $40, 911 Total for 1909.. 3 i 40, 911 DIVISION OF MAI I, AND FIRES. Chief of division. 1 2,500 Registered mail and bond clerk. 1 1, 800 Clerks of class 2 , at $1,400. 5 7, 000 Additional to clerk of class two, doc- 200 ument clerk. Clerks of class one, at $ 1,200 . 2 2, 400 Mail messenger. 1 1, 200 Clerks, at $1,000 . 6 6, 000 Clerks, at $900. 4 3, 600 Assistant messengers, at $720. 2 1,440 Laborers: At $660. 1 660 At $600. 1 600 Total. 24 $27, 400 Total for 1909. 25 27, 400 Decrease in number. I Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief of division. I $3,000 Assistant chief of division. 1 2, 400 Editor of reports and publications. . . 1 2, 100 Bookkeeper. . . 1 1, 980 Senior clerks, at $1, 980. 2 3> 960 Clerks: At $1,740. 2 3 , 48 o At $1,620. 4 6,480 At $1,500.. ... 2 3,000 Junior clerks: At $1,380. 1 1,380 At $1,200. 1 1,200 Under clerk. 1 1,080 Foreman of bindery. 1 1,860 Bookbinders, at $1,320. 4 5, 280 Sewers and binders, at $840. 2 1, 680 Messengers: 840 At $840 ,. 1 At $780 . .. 1 780 Skilled laborers: At $960. 2 1,920 At $780 ... 1 780 At $660. 2 1,320 Total. 3 i $44, 520 Chief of division. 1 3,000 Senior clerks: At $2,100. 1 2, 100 * 1,860 At $1,860. 1 Clerks: At $1,620. 1 1, 620 At $1,500. 3 4, 500 Junior clerks: At $1,320. 1 1,320 At $1,260. 2 2, 520 Under clerks: At $1,080. 4 4, 320 At $1,020. 2 2, 040 At $960. 2 1,920 At $900. 2 1, 800 Messengers: 840 At $840. 1 At $720 . 1 720 Laborers: At $660. 1 660 At $600. 1 600 Total. 24 $29, 820 22 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, DIVISIONS OF THE SECRETARY’S OFFICE—Continued. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. DIVISION OF SPECIAL AGENTS. Assistant chief of division. 1 $2, 400 Clerk of class three.. 1 1, 600 Clerk of class two (1 additional sub¬ mitted), at $1,400. 2 2, 800 Clerks of class one (1 additional sub¬ mitted), at $1,200. 4 4, 800 Clerks, at $900. 3 2, 700 Messenger, at $840. 1 840 Total. 12 $ 15 , 140 Total for 1909.. 10 12, 540 Increase . 2 $2, 600 OFFICES OF DISBURSING CLERKS. Disbursing clerks, at $ 2,500. 2 5, 000 Assistant disbursing clerks (who shall be bonded), at $ 2,000 . 2 4, 000 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 2 3, 600 Clerks of class three (2 additional submitted), at $1,600. 5 8, 000 Clerks of class two (1 additional in lieu of 2 clerks of class one, dropped), at $1,400. 2 2, 800 Clerks of class one (decrease of 2, as above), at $1,200 . 2 2, 400 Clerk. 1 T, OOO Clerk. 1 900 840 Messenger . .•.: . .. . 1 Assistant messenger (additional) .... 1 720 Laborer. 1 660 Total. 20 $29,920 Total for 1909. 16 23, OOO Increase . 4 $6, 920 SECRET SERVICE DIVISION. Chief of division. 1 $4, OOO Assistant chief (who shall discharge the duties of chief clerk). 1 3, OOO Clerk of class four. 1 I, 800 Clerk of class three. 1 I, 600 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 2 2, 800 Clerk of class one . 1 I, 200 Clerk. I I, OOO Attendant. 1 720 Total. 9 $16, 120 Total for 1909. 10 16, 120 Decrease in number. 1 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Assistant chief of division. 1 $2, 520 Clerks: At $1,620. 1 1, 620 At $1,500. 2 3,000 Junior clerks: At $1,380. 2 2, 760 At $1,200. 2 2, 400 Under clerks: At $1,080. 1 « 1,080 At $1,020. 1 1, 020 At $960. 1 960 Messenger. 1 840 Total. 12 $16,200 Disbursing clerks, at $3,000. 2 6, 000 Assistant disbursing clerks, at $2,400. 2 4, 800 Senior clerks, at $1,860. 2 3.720 Clerks: At $i, 74 o. 1 1, 740 At $1,620. 4 6, 480 At $1,500. 2 3, 000 Junior clerks: At $1,320..*. I 1,320 At $1,200. 1 1, 200 Under clerks: At $1,020. At $900. 1 1, 020 1 900 Messengers: At $840. 1 840 At $780. 1 780 Laborer. 1 660 . % Total. 20 $32, 460 Chief of division. 1 $4, 200 Assistant chief of division.. I 3,000 1, 860 Senior clerk. I Clerk... I 1, 620 Junior clerks: At $1,380. 2 2, 760 At $1,200. Under clerk. I 1, 200 I 1,020 Messenger.. I 780 Total. 9 $16, 440 Grand total. $789, 410 730, no $ 59 , 3 °° S 4-59 8. 00 Official estimate. Increase over official estimate. Average increase. Per cent of increase .. Per cent of increase over appropriation of 1909. * J 7-53 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISING ARCHITECT. 23 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p, 28.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Supervising Architect . 1 $5, 000 Assistant to Supervising Architect ... 1 3. 250 Superintendent of drafting and con¬ structing division. I 3, oco Superintendent of computing divi¬ sion . I 2, 750 2, 750 Chief of law and records division .... 1 Chief of accounts division. 1 2, 500 Chief of inspection division . 1 2, 500 Chief of department of equipment .. . 1 2, 500 Chief mechanical and electrical engi¬ neer . 1 2, 750 IO, 800 Clerks of class four, at $1,800 . 6 Clerks of class three, at $1,600 . 6 9, 600 Clerks of class two, at $1,400 . 3 4, 200 Clerks of class one, at $1,200 . 2 2,400 Contract clerk . 1 2, 000 Foreman duplicating gallery . 1 1, 800 Technical clerks, who shall also be SKilled stenographers and type¬ writers, at $x,8oo . 4 7, 200 Inspectors, at $2,190 . 4 8, 760 Inspector .. 1 1, 800 Messengers, at $840 . 5 4, 200 Assistant messenger . 1 720 Laborers, at $660 . 2 1. 320 Total . 45 $8 r, 800 Total for 1909 . 45 Si, 800 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Supervising Architect. 1 $5.500 Assistant to Supervising Architect . . 1 3, 600 Chiefs of divisions: At $3,300. 1 3* 300 At $3,000. 2 6, 000 At $2,700. sJ 8, 100 Chief mechanical and electrical en- gineer . I 3,000 Senior clerks: At $2,100. 2 4, 200 At $1,980.. . .. 5 9, 900 At $1,860. 4 7 , 440 Clerks: At $1,740. 5 8, 700 At $1,620. 2 3 . 240 At $1,500. 2 3,000 Junior clerks: At $1,320. 1 1,320 At $1,260. 1 1, 260 Foreman of duplicating gallery. 1 1, 860 Inspectors: At $2,400. 4 9, 600 At $1,980. 1 1,980 Messengers, at $840. 5 4, 200 Laborers, at $660. 3 1, 980 Total. 45 $88,180 Official estimate. O O 00 CO % Increase over official estimate. $6, 380 Average increase. 141.77 Per cent of increase. 7.8 Per cent of increase over official estimate for TQOQ. 7-8 24 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF TH^E TREASURY. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Comptroller of the Treasury. 1 $ 5 , 500 Assistant Comptroller of the Treasury . 1 4, 500 Chief clerk. 1 2, 500 Chief law clerk. 1 2, 500 Law clerk. 1 2, 100 Law clerks, at $2,000. 7 14, 000 Expert accountants, at $ 2,000 . 6 12, 000 Private secretary. 1 1, 800 Clerks of class four, at $1, 800. 8 14, 400 Clerks of class three, at $1, 600. 2 3, 200 Clerks of class two, at $1, 400. 2 2, 800 Stenographer and typewriter. 1 1, 400 Typewriter-copyist. 1 1, 000 Messengers, at $840. 2 1, 680 Assistant messenger.... 1 720 Laborers, at $660.. 2 1,320 Total. 38 $71,420 Total for 1909. 38 71, 420 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Comptroller of the Treasury . 1 $6, 000 Assistant Comptroller of the Treasury 1 4, 800 Chief clerk. 1 2, 820 Chief law clerk. 1 2, 820 Law clerks (professional): At $2,520. I 2,520 At $2,460.. . .. 2 4, 920 At $2,400. 2 4, 800 At $2,280. I 2, 280 Expert accountants (professional): At $2,400. 2 4, 800 At $2,280. 2 4, 560 At $2,040. 2 4, 080 Private secretary. Senior clerks: 1 1,980 At $1,980. 3 5 . 94 o At $1,860. Clerks: ► 5 9 > 3 °o At $i, 74 o. 1 1, 740 At $1,620. 1 1, 620 At $1,500. 3 4, 500 Under clerk . 1 1, 080 Messengers, at $840. 2 1, 680 Assistant messenger. 1 720 Laborers, at $660. 2 1, 320 Total . Official estimate . Increase over official estimate Average increase . Per cent of increase . 38 $78, 360 7 L -320 $6, 940 182. 63 9-7 9 - 7 Per cent of increase over appropriation of 1909. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SALARIES, OFFICE OF AUDITOR FOR THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 25 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. % Salary. Auditor. 1 $4, 000 Deputy Auditor. 1 2, 500 Law clerk. 1 2, 000 Chiefs of divisions, at $2,000. 4 8, 000 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 17 30, 600 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 15 24, 000 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 13 18, 200 Clerks of class one (increase of two submitted), at $1,200. 33 39,600 Clerks, at $1,000. 17 17, 000 Clerks, at $900. 6 5 , 4 oo Assistant messengers, at $720. 3 2, 160 Laborers, at $660. 4 2, 640 Total. 115 $156,100 Total for 1909.. 114 153 , 7 oo Increase . 1 $2, 400 Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Auditor. 1 $4, 500 Deputy Auditor. 1 3,000 Law clerk. Chiefs of divisions, at $2,400. 1 4 2, 520 9, 600 Senior clerks: At $2,100 .■. 5 10, 500 At $1,980. 7 13, 860 At $1,860. 7 13, 020 Clerks: At $1,740. 7 12, 180 At $1,620. 10 16, 200 At $1,500. 10 15, 000 Junior clerks: At $1,380 . 10 13,800 At $1,320. 9 11, 880 At $1,260 . 9 ii, 34 o At $1,200 . 11 13, 200 Under clerks: At $1,020. 10 10, 200 At $960 . 3 2, 880 At $900.. 3 2, 700 Messengers: At $840. 2 1, 680 At $720. 2 1,440 Laborers, at $660. 3 O CO CTn Total. $171,480 Official estimate. 156,100 $15,380 T 33 - 82 9.8 11 .5 Increase over official estimate Average increase. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. S. Doc. 638, 60-2- 26 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF AUDITOR FOR THE WAR DEPARTMENT. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28 .) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Auditor. I $ 4 , 000 Deputy Auditor. 1 2, 500 Law clerk. I 2 , OOO Chiefs of division, at $2,000 . 6 12 , OOO Clerks of class four, at $1,800 . 24 43, 200 Additional to one clerk as disbursing clerk. 200 Clerks of class three, at $1,600 . 50 80, OOO Clerks of class two, at $1,400 . 71 99,400 Clerks of class one, at $1,200 . 83 99, 600 Clerks, at $1,000 .. ... 20 20 , OOO Clerks, at $900 . 14 12, 600 Skilled laborer. 1 900 Clerks, at $840.. 3 2, 520 Messenger.. 1 840 Assistant messengers, at $720 . 5 3, 600 Laborers, at $660 . 12 7, 920 Total. 2 93 $39L 280 Total for 1909. 293 39L 280 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. • Num¬ ber. Salary. Auditor. 1 $ 4 > 5 oo Deputy Auditor. . ■. 1 3, 000 Law clerk. 1 2,520 Chiefs of division, at $2, 400. 6 14, 400 Senior clerks (1 as disbursing clerk): At $2, 100. 7 14, 700 At $1, 980. 10 19, 800 At $1, 860. 5 9 . 3 °° Clerks: At $1, 740. 13 22, 620 At $1, 620. 45 72, 900 At $1, 500. 41 61, 500 Junior clerks: At $t, 380. 35 48, 300 At $1, 320. 5 6, 600 At $1, 260. 6 7,560 At $1, 200. 49 58, 800 Under clerks: At $1, 080. 18 19, 440 At $1, 020. 13 13, 260 At $960 . 18 17, 280 Messengers: At $840. 3 2,520 At $720. 5 3, 600 Laborers, at $660 . 11 7, 260 Total. 293 $409, 860 Official estimate. 391, 280 $18, 580 $63.41 4 - 7 Increase over official estimate. Average increase.:. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. 4-7 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SALARIES, OFFICE OF AUDITOR FOR THE NAVY DEPARTMENT. 27 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June ix, 1907.) Employees. Auditor. Deputy Auditor. Daw clerk. Chiefs of division, at $2,000. Clerks of class four (increase of 2), at $1,800. Clerks of class three (increase of 2), at $1,600. Clerks of class two (increase of 2), at $ r , 4 °°. Clerks of class one, at $1,200. Clerks, at $1,000. Clerks, at $900. Clerk. Messenger. Assistant messenger Laborers, at $§60... Total. Total, 1909 .. Increase. Num¬ ber. Salary. 1 $4,000 1 2, 500 1 2, 000 3 6, 000 12 21, 600 21 33,600 17 23, 800 23 27, 600 17 17, 000 15 13, 5 oo 1 800 1 840 1 720 3 1, 980 117 $ 155,740 nr 146, 340 6 $9, 600 Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Auditor. 1 $4, 500 Deputy Auditor. 1 3, 000 Law clerk. 1 2,520 Chiefs of division, at $2,400. - 3 7, 200 Senior clerks: At $2,100. 1 2, 100 At $1,980. 5 9,900 At $1,860. 6 11, 160 Clerks: At $1,740. 10 17, 400 At $1,620. 13 21, 060 At $1,500. 15 22, 500 Junior clerks: At $1,380. 9 12, 420 At $1,320. 8 10, 560 At $1,260 . 5 6, 300 At $1,200. 12 14, 400 Under clerks: At $1,080. 7 7, 560 At $1,020. 6 6, 120 At $960. 6 5 , 76 o At $900. 2 1, 800 Messengers: At $840. 2 1, 680 At $720.. 2 1,440 Laborers, at $660. 2 1,320 Total. Official estimate. 117 $170, 700 155 , 940 Increase over official estimate $14, 760 Average increase. Per cent of increase _ 127 9-5 16.6 Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. 28 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF AUDITOR FOR THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. Oeftciae Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Auditor. 1 $4, 000 Deputy Auditor. 1 2, 500 Daw clerk. 1 2, 000 Chiefs of division, at $2,000. 3 6, 000 Clerks of class four, at $ 1,800. 13 23, 400 Clerks of class three, at $1,600 . 16 25, 600 Clerks of class two, at $ 1,400. 28 39. 200 Clerks of class one, at $1,200 . 29 34. 800 Clerks, at $ 1,000. 15 15, 000 Clerks, at $900 . 10 9 , OOO Assistant messengers, at $720. 2 1,440 Skilled laborers, at $720 . 4 2, 880 Laborers, at $ 660. 6 3, 960 p'emale laborer. 1 600 Total. 130 $170, 380 Total for 1909. 130 170, 380 Proposed Grades and Saearies. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Auditor. 1 $4, 500 Deputy Auditor. 1 3 , 000 Law clerk... 1 2,520 Chiefs of division: At $2,520. 1 2, 520 At $2,4.00 . 1 2, 400 At $2,280. 1 2, 280 Senior clerks: At $2,100. 2 4, 200 At $1,980.. 3 5 , 940 At $1,860.'. 9 16, 740 Clerks: At $1,740. 6 10, 440 At $1,620. 13 21, 060 At $1,500. 13 19 , 500 Junior clerks: At $1,380. 7 9, 660 At $1,320. 9 11, 880 At $1,260. 4 5,040 At $1,200. 28 33,600 Under clerks: At $1,080. 13 14, 040 At $960. 4 3, 840 Messengers: At $840. 7 5, 880 At $720 . 4 2, 880 Laborers, at $660. 2 1,320 Total. 130 $183, 240 Official estimate. 170, t 8 o Increase over official estimate $12, 860 Average increase. 98.92 Per cent of increase. 7 - 5 Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. 7-5 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SALARIES, OFFICE OE AUDITOR FOR STATE AND OTHER DEPARTMENTS. 2 9 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Auditor. 1 $4, 000 Deputy Auditor. 1 2, 500 Law clerk. 1 2, 000 Chiefs of division, at $2,000. 3 6, 000 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 16 28, 800 Clerk of class four (special exam- iner) . 1 1, 800 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 17 27, 200 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 13 18, 200 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 13 15,600 Clerks at $1,000. 5 5,000 Clerks, at $900. 6 5 . 4 oo Messenger. 1 840 Assistant messengers, at $720. 2 1,440 Laborers (1 additional submitted in lieu of 1 classified laborer at $660 on detail from Bureau of Engraving and Printing, to be transferred without regard to civil-service rules and regulations), at $660. 4 2, 640 Total. 84 $121, 420 Total for 1909 . . .. 83 120, 760 Increase . * 1 $660 Employees. Auditor Num¬ ber. Salary. 1 $4 500 Deputy Auditor 3,000 Daw clerk 2,520 Chiefs of division, at $2,400 Senior clerks: At $2,100 . At $1,980. At $1,860. Clerks: At $1,740. At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks: At $1,380. At $1,320. At $1,260. At $1,200. Under clerks: At $1,080. At $1,020. Messengers: At $840. At $720. 3 7, 200 5 7 8 10, 500 13, 860 14, 880 9 10 9 15,660 16, 200 13. 5 oo 7 5 4 3 9, 660 6, 600 5 -° 4 o 3, 600 3 3 .240 2 2,040 1 3 840 2, 160 Laborers at, $660 Total. Official estimates 2 1,320 84 $136,320 121,420 Increase over official estimates. Average increase. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. $14, 900 177 - 38 12.3 12. 8 3 ° SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. . SALARIES, OFFICE OF AUDITOR FOR POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Proposed Grades and Saearies. (Executive order of-June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Employees. Auditor. 1 $4,000 Auditor. Deputy Auditor (decrease of 1) see Deputy Auditor. note below under “Expert accoun¬ tant” . 1 2,500 Chief clerk. I 2 , OOO Chief clerk. Law clerk. I 2,500 2, 250 3 6 , 000 Law clerk. Expert accountant. I Expert accountant. Note. — A decrease of 1 Deputy Auditor at $2,500, and in lieu thereof 1 expert account¬ ant at $2,250. A trained accountant is needed to supervise the new system of double-entry bookkeeping and the general accounts of the office. Chiefsjaf divisions, at $2,000. 8 Disbursing clerk. Chiefs of division: At $2,700. At $2,520. At $2,400 . Clerks of class five (additional), at $2,000 . Note. —These clerks with a knowledge of law and procedure and Comptroller’s decisions, are needed to supervise settling of accounts. Clerks of class four, at $1,800. Additional to 1 clerk, as disbursing clerk. 40 6, 000 72, 000 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. Clerks of class two, at $1,400 . . Clerks of class one, at $ 1,200 . . Carpenter. Clerks, at $ 1,000. Skilled laborer (carpenter). Clerks, at $900 . Money-order assorters (see note be¬ low), at Money-order assorters (see note be¬ low), at $780. Money-order assorters (see note be¬ low), at $720. Money-order assorters (see note be¬ low), at $660 . Messengers, at $840. Assistant messengers, at $720. 12 9 * 121 1 104 1 81 10 15 84 80 8 12 450 115, 200 127, 400 145, 200 1, 200 104, 000 1, 000 72, 900 8, 400 11, 700 60, 480 52,800 6, 720 8, 640 Senior clerks: At $2,100. At |i,98o. At $1,860. Clerks: At $1,7 40. At $1,620. At $1,500.. Junior clerks: At $1,380. At; At: At; ,1,320. Si,260. Si,200. Under clerks: At $1,080. At $1,020. 4 .. .. At $960. At $900. Skilled mechanics, at $1,080. Messengers: At $840. At $780. Num¬ ber. Money-order assorters: At $840. At $780. At $720 . At $660 . / 14 26 30 42 37 50 30 40 30 31 42 40 41 10 15 84 80 8 12 Salary. o, ,500 000 2, 520 2, 700 2, 220 2, 400 2, 700 IO, 080 7, 200 14, 700 27, 720 48, 360 52, 200 68, 040 130, 500 69, 000 39, 600 5°, 400 36, 000 33, 480 42, 840 38, 400 36, 900 2, 160 S, 400 11, 700 60, 480 52, 800 6, 720 9, 360 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SALARIES, OFFICE OF AUDITOR FOR POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT—Continued 3 1 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Male laborers, at $660. 12 $7. 920 Female laborer. 1 480 Charwomen, at $240. 21 5 »° 4 o Total. 770 $836, 780 Total for 1909. 757 825, 270 Increase. Note. —The 10 additional assorters are required by the growth of the service. Their compensation as experts should be $840. The 15 assorters, at $780, 84 at $720, and 80 at $660, total 179, does not make any increase in numbers nor in the amount appropriated. 13 $11,510 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Laborers, at $660. 12 $7, 920 480 5 , 040 Laborer (female). I Charwomen, at feao. 21 Total. 769 $890, 520 836, 780 Official estimates. Increase over official estimates $ 53 . 740 69. 88 6.4 7-9 Average increase . Per cent of increase . Per cent of increase over TQOQ. appropriation for SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES. Treasurer . 1 $6, 000 + Assistant Treasurer. 1 3, 600 Deputy Assistant Treasurer. 1 3, 200 Cashier . 1 3. 600 Assistant cashier. 1 3,000 Chief clerk. 1 2, 500 Chiefs of divisions, at $2,500. 7 17,500 ; Assistant chiefs of divisions, at $2,250. 2 4, 500 Vault clerk. 1 2, 500 2,500 Principal bookkeeper. 1 Assistant bookkeeper. 1 2, 100 Tellers, at $2,500. 2 5,000 Assistant tellers, at $2,250. 2 4, 500 Vault clerk, bond division.*. 1 2, 000 Principal clerks, at $2,100. 5 10, 500 Clerk for the Treasurer. 1 1, 800 Assistant clerk for Treasurer. I 1, 600 Clerks of class four, at $i,8oo. 24 43 , 2 °o Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 18 28, 800 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 16 22, 400 Coin clerk. 1 1, 400 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 3 i 37, 200 Clerks, at $1,000. 17 17, 000 Clerks, at $900. 56 50, 400 Expert counters (increase of io), at $QOO.. 30 27, 000 Expert counters (increase of 10), at $800. ^O 24, 000 51, 840 6, 300 Expert counters (increase of 7), at $720. 72 9 Expert counters, at $700. Mail messenger. 1 840 Messengers (increase of 1), at $840 . . 8 6, 720 Assistant messengers (increase of 2), at $720. S 5 . 76 o || Treasurer . Assistant Treasurer. Deputy Assistant Treasurer. Cashier. Assistant cashier. Chief clerk . Chiefs of divisions, at $3, 000. Assistant chiefs of divisions, at $2,400 . Vault clerk. Vault clerk. Tellers: At $3,000.. At $2,400. Bookkeepers: At $2,700. At $2,400. Principal clerks, at $2, 250 . Senior clerks: At $2,100. At $1,860. Clerks: At $1,740 . At $1,620. At $1,500 .. Junior clerks: At $1, 380. At $1, 320. At $1,260. At $1, 200. Under clerks: At $1, 020. At $960. At $900. Expert counters: At $900. . . At $804. At $780. At $720. Separators, at $660. Feeders, at $660. 1 $6,000 1 4, 500 1 4, 200 1 3 , 73 o 1 3 , 3 °° 1 3,000 7 21, 000 2 4, Soo 1 3, 000 1 2, 250 2 6, 000 2 4, 800 1 2, 700 1 2, 400 5 11, 250 7 14, 700 19 35,340 6 10, 440 13 21, 060 15 22, 500 4 5, 520 8 10, 560 7 8, 820 13 15, 600 l 7 17, 34 o 20 19, 200 36 32, 400 30 27, 000 30 24, 120 3 ° 23, 400 5 i 36, 720 45 29, 700 27 17,820 32 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES—Continued. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Laborers, at $660. 3 i 20, 460 Messenger boys, at $360. 6 2, 160 Charwomen (increase of 5), at $240.. 16 3,840 Foreman pressman. 1 1,500 Assistant foreman pressman. 1 1,440 Pressmen (increase of 5), at $ 1,400... 18 25, 200 Separators (increase of 5), at $660 . . . 45 29, 700 "Feeders (increase of 5), at $660. 27 17, S20 Compositor and pressman. 1 1, 600 Machinists (increase of 1), at $ 1,000.. 2 2, 000 Silver piler... 1 I, OOO Total. 500 $505,980 NATIONAL CURRENCY, TO BE REIM- BURSED BY NATIONAL BANKS. Superintendent. 1 $ 3 , 5 oo Teller. 1 2, 500 Bookkeeper. 1 2, 400 Assistant teller. 1. 2, OOO Assistant bookkeeper. 1 2 , OOO Clerks of class four (increase of 1), at $1,800 . 4 7, 200 Clerks of class three (increase of 2), at $1,600 . 7 II, 200 Clerks of class two (increase of 2), at $L 4 oo. 9 12, 600 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 25 30, OOO Expert counters (increase of 26), at $1,000. 41 41, OOO Expert counters (increase of 4), at $QOO. 31 27, 9OO Expert counters, at $800. 21 l6, SOO Expert counters, at $700. 11 7, 700 Messengers (increase of 2), at $840.. . 3 2, 520 Assistant messengers, at $720. 4 2, 880 Charwomen (increase of 1), at $240.. . 4 960 165 $173,160 Total. 665 679, 140 Total for 1909. 579 583 , 840 Increase . 86 $ 95 - 300 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Skilled mechanics: At $1,620. 2 3 , 240 At $1,500. 1 1,500 At $1,400.:... 18 25, 200 At $1,020. 2 2, 040 Mail messenger. 1 840 Messengers: At $840. 8 6, 720 At $780. 8 5, 760 Skilled laborer (silver piler). 1 1, 020 Laborers, at $660. 3 i 20, 460 Messenger boys: At $480. 3 1,440 At $360. 3 1, 080 Charwomen, at $240. 16 3 , 840 Total. 500 $528, 360 Superintendent. 1 $3, 600 Tellers: At $2,700. 1 2, 700 At $2,250. 1 2, 250 Bookkeepers: At $2,400. 1 2, 400 At $2,100. 1 2, 100 Senior clerks: At $2,100. 2 4, 200 At $1,980. 1 1, 980 At $1,860. 1 1, 860 Clerks: At $1,740. 2 3 , 48 o At $1,620. 5 8, 100 At $1,500.1. 5 7 , 5 oo At $1,440. 4 5, 760 Junior clerks: At $1,320. 3 3, 960 At $1,260. 5 6, 300 At $1,200. 17 20, 400 Expert counters: At $1,080. 20 21, 600 At $1,020. 21 21, 420 At $960. 10 9, 600 At $900. 21 18, 900 At $804. 21 16, 884 At $720. 11 7, 920 Messengers: At $840. 3 2, 520 At $720. 4 2, 880 Charwomen, at $240. 4 960 165 $ 179 , 274 Total . • 665 707, 634 Official estimates .... . 679, 140 Increase over official estimates $28,494 Average increase. .. . 42. 85 Per cent of increase . 4-2 Per cent of increase over appropriation for TOGO... .. 21. 2 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SALARIES. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF THE TREASURY. 33 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Register of the Treasury. Assistant Register. Chiefs of divisions, at $ 2,000 . Clerks of class four, at $1,800 . Clerk of class four (in lieu of 1 of class three, dropped), at $1,800 Clerks of class three (1 dropped as above), at $1,600 . Clerks of class two, at $ 1,400. Clerks of class one (increase of 1 in lieu of 1 at $900), at $1,200 . Clerks, at $1,000 . Clerks, at $900 (1 dropped as above), at $900. Expert counters (additional), at $900. Counters, at $720. Messenger.. Assistant messengers, at $720. Laborers, at $660... 1 1 2 4 1 5 5 9 5 20 0 12 1 O 0 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. $4,000 Register of the Treasury. 1 2,500 Assistant Register. 1 4,000 Chiefs of divisions, at $2,400. 2 7 , 200 L 800 8, 000 7 , OOO i", 800 5 , 000 18, 000 4 , 500 s, 640 840 1, 440 3 , 3 °° Senior clerks: At $2,100 . At $1,980. At $r ,860. Clerks: At $1,740 . At $1,620 . At $1,500. Junior clerks: At $1,380. At $1,260. At $1,200 . Under clerks: At $1,020. At $960 . At $900 . Expert counters, at $900 Counters: At $840 . At $720. 1 3 1 1 4 5 4 3 7 3 13 4 5 7 Total 78 ! $87, 020 Messengers: At $840 . At $720 . Laborers, at $660 Total. 3 4 78 Total for 1909 Increase . 73 82,020 5 I $3,ooo Official estimates. Increase over official estimates. Average increase. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. SALARIES, OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Comptroller of the Currency. 1 Deputy Comptrollers, of the Currency: At $3,500. 1 At $3,000. 1 Chief clerk. 1 Chiefs of division: ‘ At $2,500. 1 At $2,200. 2 Bookkeeper.1 Assistant bookkeeper. 1 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 8 Additional to bond clerk. Stenographer. 1 $5, 000 Comptroller of the Currency. Deputy Comptrollers: 3 , 5oo At $4,200. 3, OOO : At $3,240 .. 2, 500 i Chief clerk. Chiefs of divisions: 2, 500 At $2,700. 4, 400 At $2,500. 2 , OOO Bookkeeper. 2,000 I Senior clerks: At $2,100. T4, 400 At $1,980 . 200 1 ^ At $1,860.. I, 600 I Clerks: At $1,740 . At $1, 620 . I At $1,500 . r 1 1 r 2 1 2 4 4 5 s Salary. $4, 500 3, 000 4, 800 2, 100 5 , 94 o ,1,860 1, 740 6, 480 7, 500 5,520 3, 780 8, 400 3, 060 12, 480 3, 600 4 , 5 °° 4, 200 5, 040 840 2, 160 2, 640 $ 94 , 140 87, 020 $7, 120 91. 28 8. 2 14.7 $5, 500 4, 200 3, 240 3, 000 2, 700 5,000 2, 500 4, 200 7, 920 7,440 8, 700 12, 960 19, 5 °° S. Doc. 63S, 60-2 ■5 34 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY-Continued. Official Estimates for 1910, (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 13 $20, 800 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 13 18, 200 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 13 15, 600 Clerks: At $1,000 . At $900. 13 13, 000 13 11, 700 Messenger. 1 840 Assistant messengers, at $720. 4 2, 880 Laborers, at $660 . 3 1, 980 Counters, at $700 . . ' . 3 2, 100 Messenger boys, at $360. 2 720 Total. $96 $128, 920 NATIONAL CURRENCY TO BE RE¬ IMBURSED BY NATIONAL BANKS. Superintendent. 1 $2, 500 Teller. 1 2 , OOO Clerk of class four. 1 1,800 Clerk of class three. 1 1,600 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 3 4,200 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 5 6, 000 Clerks at $1,000. 4 4, OOO Clerks, at $900. 5 4, 500 Engineer.. 1 I, OOO Counters, at $700. 3 2 , IOO Assistant messenger.. 1 720 Fireman. 1 720 Messenger boy. 1 360 28 $3b 5oo 96 128, 920 Total. 124 $160, 420 Total, 1909. 124 160, 420 s Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June it, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Junior clerks: At $1,320 . 4 $5, 280 At $1,260 . 9 11, 340 At $ 1,200. 3 3,600 Under clerks: At $1,080. 10 10, 800 At $1,020. 4 4, 080 At$960 . 4 3.840 At $900 . 5 4 , 5 oo Counters, at $720. 3 2, 160 Messengers: At $840. 1 840 At $720. 4 2, 880 Laborers, at $660. 3 1, 980 Messengers boys, at $480. 2 960 Total. 96 $139, 120 Superintendent. 1 $3,000 Teller . 1 2, 220 Senior clerk. 1 1, 860 Clerks: At $1,740. I 1, 740 At $1,500.... 4 6, 000 Junior clerks: At $1,380. 1 1,380 At $1,320. 1 1,320 At $1,260..: 2 2,520 Under clerks: At $1,020. At $q6o . 5 5, 100 3 2, 880 At $900. 1 900 Counters, at $720.'. 3 2, 160 Engineer. 1 1, 020 Messenger. 1 720 Fireman. 1 720 Messenger boy. 1 480 Total. 124 $ 173 ,i 4 o Official estimates . 160, 420 $12, 720 Increase over official estimates. Average increase. $102. 58 7-9 Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. 7-9 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SALARIES, OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE. 35 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) « Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner of Internal Revenue. . . 1 $6, 000 Deputy Commissioner. r 4, 000 Do . 1 3, 600 Chemist . 1 2, 500 First assistant chemist. 1 1, 800 Second assistant chemist. 1 1, 600 Third assistant chemist. 1 1,400 Fourth assistant chemist. • 1 1, 200 Heads of divisions: At $2,500. 2 5, 000 At $2,250.. 7 15 . 750 Superintendent of stamp vault. 1 2 , OOO Private secretary. 1 1,800 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 28 50,400 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 24 38,400 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 36 50,400 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 36 43,200 Clerks: At $1,000. 3 1 31, OOO At $900. 44 39, 600 Packers (in lieu of 5 assistant messen¬ gers and 1 laborer dropped; see Note a), at $840. 5 4, 200 Messengers (an increase of 3; see note b), at $840. 5 4,200 Assistant messengers (decrease of 3, in addition to 5 above, in all; 8 see notes a and b), at $720. 11 7,920 Laborers (decrease of 1; see note a), at $660.. J 9 12,540 Note a.—The recommendation made to drop 5 assistant messengers, at $720 each, and 1 laborer, at $660, total, $4,260, and sub¬ stitute 5 packers, at $840 each, total, $4,200— a reduction of $60 in total appropriation—is in order that the stamp vault may be pro¬ vided with the services of efficient men, ca¬ pable of handling properly the work of packing internal-revenue stamps, and for the further reason that it has been found almost impossible to keep men of acquired efficiency because of inducements offered elsewhere. The work of putting up and marking packages of internal-revenue stamps requires skill, rapidity, education, and trustworthiness, and the work of the stamp division has been embarrassed the last two or three years through the loss of men of this type who were transferred or resigned because of offers of better pay else¬ where. Note B.—The duties required of messen¬ gers are of much greater importance than those of assistant messengers, and in view of the large amount of messenger work to be performed in this bureau, the number of such employees has for a long time been inadequate. The assistant messengers, who have been acting in the capacity of messengers, pos¬ sess a higher degree of efficiency for the duties required of them than ordinary assist- ant messengers or laborers. Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) * Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner. I $6, 000 Deputy Commissioner. 1 4, 320 Do . 1 3. 960 Clerk to the Commissioner. 1 1, 860 Chief clerk. 1 2, 700 Chiefs of divisions: At $2,700. I 2, 700 At $2,520. 6 15, 120 Chemist. r JO O O Junior chemists: At $1,860. 1 1, 860 At $1,620. 1 1, 620 At $1,500. 1 1,500 At $1,200. 1 I, 200 Senior clerks: * At $2,100. 4 8, 400 At $1,980. 12 23, 760 At $1,860. 13 24, 180 Clerks: At $r,74o. 10 17,400 At $1,620. x 4 22, 680 At $1,500. 36 54, 000 Junior clerks: At $1,380. 5 6, 900 At $1,320. 8 10, 560 At $1,260. 14 17, 640 At $1,200. 9 10, 800 Under clerks: At $1,080. 18 19, 440 At $1,020. At $960. 13 13,260 24 23, 040 At $900. .- . . . 20 18, 000 Skilled laborers, at $840. 5 4, 200 Messengers: At $840. 5 4, 200 At $720. 11 7, 920 Laborers, at $660. 20 13, 200 i 3 6 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE—Continued. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book-of Estimates, p. 28.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary.« REIMBURSABLE. Stamp agents: At $1,600. 1 I, 6OO At $900. 1 900 Counter, at $900. 1 900 Total. 261 $ 33 L 9 IQ Total for 1909. 261 33L 6:0 Increase . $300 Proposed Grades and Salaries . (Executive order of June n, 1907 ) Employees. Num¬ ber. REIMBURSABLE. Stamp agents: At $1,620 .. At $900 Counter, at $900 Total Official estimates 1 1 1 261 Increase over official estimates.I Average increase.' Per cent increase.. Per cent of increase over appropriation of | 1909. : . SALARIES, OFFICE OF LIFE-SAVING SERVICE. General Superintendent of the Life- Saving Service. 1 $4,500 Assistant General Superintendent. . . . 1 2,500 Principal clerk. 1 2,000 Title and contract clerk. 1 2,000 Topographer and hydrographer. 1 1,800 Civil engineer. 1 1,800 Draftsman... 1 1,500 Clerks of class four (1 additional sub- mitted), at $ 1,800. 4 7,200 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 5 Q 8, 000 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 4 5,600 Clerks of class 1, at $1,200. 5 6, 000 Clerks: At $1,000. At $900. 3 3, 000 2 1,800 Messenger (additional). 1 840 Assistant messengers, at $720. 2 1,440 Laborer. 1 660 j Total. 34 $50,640 Total for 1909 . 32 48,000 Increase . 2 $2,640 General Superintendent of the Life- Saving Service . Assistant General Superintendent. . . Principal clerk. Title and contract clerk. Topographer and hydrographer. Civil engineer. Draftsman. Senior clerks: At $1,980. At $ i, 860.. Clerks: At $1,740 . At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks: At$r,38o. At $1,320. At $r,2oo. Under clerks: At $1,020. At $900. Messengers: At $840. At $780. Laborer. Total. Official estimates. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 5 2. 2 ! 1 2 1 34 Increase over official estimates. Average increase . .. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for for 1909 .. Salary. $1, 620 900 900 $348, 540 33 L 9 IG $16, 630 $63.72 5 5 - 1 $4, 500 2, 820 2, 340 2, 340 1,980 1, 980 1, 620 5 , 940 3. 720 3. 480 3 , 240 / 7,500 4, 140 1, 320 1, 200 2, 040 1, 800 840 1, 560 660 $55, 020 50, 640 $ 4 , 3 - 8 ° $129. 00 8 14. 6 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SALARIES, BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND PRINTING. 37 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Employees. , T Num¬ ber. Salary. Director of Bureau . 1 $5, 000 Assistant Director . 1 3 . 5oo Chief clerk . 1 2, 800 Stenographer . I 1, 800 Disbursing agent. ' 1 2, 400 Clerk in charge of purchases and supplies. 1 2 , GOO Storekeeper. I 1,600 Assistant storekeeper. 1 1,000 Clerks of class three, at $1,600 . 4 6, 400 Clerks of class two, at $1,400 . 9 12, 600 Clerks of class one, at $1,200 . 9 10, 800 Clerks: At $ 1,000 . 7 7, 000 At $900 . 10 9,000 3, 360 At $840 . 4 At $780 .•. Messengers, at $640 . 11 3 8, 580 2,520 Assistant messengers, at $720 . ... 7 5 1 ° 4 ° Helpers: At $900 . 2 1,800 2, 160 At $720 . 3 At $600 .. 2 1, 200 Attendants, at $600 . 9 5 , 4 oo Captain of the watch . 1 1, 400 Lieutenants of the watch, at $900 .... 2 1, 800 Watchmen, at $720. 46 33, 120 Forewomen of charwomen, at $540 . 2 1, 080 Day charwomen, at $400 . 19 7, 600 Morning and evening charwomen, at $700 .:. 52 15, 600 900 Foreman of laborers, at $900. 1 Laborers: At $ 660 . 4 2, 640 At $540 . 75 40, 500 Total . 0 CN 01 $200, 600 Total for 1909 . 290 200, 300 Increase . $ 3 °° Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Director of Bureau. 1 $5,500 Assistant Director. I 3, 600 Chief clerk. I 2, 700 Disbursing agent. 1 2, 700 Clerk in charge of purchases and supplies... 1 2, 280 Senior clerks, at $ 1,860. 2 3, 720 Clerks: At $1,620. 4 6 , 480 At $1,500. 9 13, 5 oo Junior clerks: At $1,380. 5 6, 900 At $1,260. 4 5 , ° 4 ° Under clerks: At $1,080 . 7 7, 560 At $960... 5 4, 800 xkt $900. 10 9, 000 At $840. 11 9, 240 Messengers: At $840. 3 2, 520 At $720. 7 5, 040 Helpers: At $900. 2 1, 800 At $720 . 3 2, 160 At $660.. 2 1, 320 Attendants, at $600. .. 9 5 , 4 oo Captain of watch. 1 1, 500 Lieutenants of watch, at $1,020. 2 2, 040 Watchmen, at $780. 46 35,880 Forewomen, at $540. *..... 2 1, 080 Charwomen: At $420 . 19 7, 980 At $300. 5 2 15, 600 Foreman of laborers. 1 900 Laborers: At $660. 4 2, 640 At $600 .. ... 75 45,000 Total. O Os CN $213, 880 Official estimate. 200, 600 $13, 280 Increase over official estimates Average increase. 45 - 79 Per cent of increase. 6.6 Per centof increase over appropriation for 1909. 6. 6 38 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. / SALARIES, OFFICE OF SURGEON-GENERAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND MARINE-HOSPITAL SERVICE. Ofkiciae Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Surgeon-General. 1 $5, 000 Chief clerk. 1 2, 000 Private secretary to Surgeon-General. 1 1, 800 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 3 5. 400 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 2 3, 200 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 6 8, 400 Clerks of class one (2 additional sub- 8 9, 600 mitted), at $1,200. Clerks, at $900. 3 2, 700 Messengers (1 additional submitted), 2 1, 680 at $840. Assistant messengers, at $720. 3 2, 160 Laborers, at $540. 2 1, 080 Total. 32 $43, 020 Total for 1909. 29 39 , 78o Increase . 3 $ 3 , 240 Proposed Grades and Saearies. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Surgeon-General Chief clerk. Senior clerks: At $2,100. ... At $1,980.... At $1,860.... Clerks: At $1,740.... At $[,620... . At $1,500- Junior clerks: At $1,260... . At $1,200.... Under clerks: At $1,020... . At $960. Messengers: At $840. At $780. Laborers, at $660 Total. Official estimates. Num¬ ber. 1 1 1 2 2 1 5 6 2 1 2 2 3 2 32 Increase over official estimates. Average increase. Per cent of increase.... Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909 - Salary. $ 5 , 040 2,520 2, 100 1,980 3, 720 3. 48o 1, 620 7 , 5oo 7 , 56o 2, 400 1, 020 1,920 1, 680 2, 340 1,320 $46, 200 43 . °2o $3, 180 $99. 28 7-4 16.3 39 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SALARIES, OFFICE OF DIRECTOR OF THE MINT. Officiae Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 28.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Director of the Mint. 1 $4, 500 Examiner. 1 2, 500 Computer. 1 2, 500 Assayer. 1 2, 200 Adjuster of accounts. 1 2, 000 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 3 5 , 4 oo Clerks of class three. r 1, 600 Clerks of class two. 1 1, 400 Clerks of class one, at $ 1,200. 3 3, 600 Clerk. r 1, 000 Messenger. 1 840 Assistant messenger. 1 720 Assistant in laboratory. 1 1, 200 Laborer. 1 660 Total.. 18 $3°, 120 Total for 1909. 18 30, 120 Proposed Grades and Saearies. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Director of the Mint. 1 $ 5 , 5oo Assistant Director. 1 3, 600 Computer. 1 2, 700 Assayer. 1 2, 400 Junior assayer. 1 1,380 Senior clerks: At $2,100 . 1 2, 100 At |r,98o. 1 1, 980 At $1,860. 2 3 , 720 Clerks: At $i, 74 o. 1 1, 740 At $1,500 . 2 3,000 Junior clerks at $1,200. 2 2, 400 Under clerk. 1 1, 020 Messengers: At $840. 1 840 At §780 . 1 780 Laborer. 1 660 Total. 18 $33, 820 Official estimates. 30,120 Increase over official estimates $ 3 ,7oo Average increase . $205. 55 Per cent of increase. 12. 25 Per cent of increase over appropriation for TQOQ.. 12. 25 / DEPARTMENT OF WAR. COMPARATIVE TABLE. SALARIES OF WAR DEPARTMENT, BY BUREAUS. (!) Appropria¬ tions for 1909. ( 2 ) Increase asked. ( 3 ) Official esti- 'mates for 1910. ( 4 ) Estimates under exec¬ utive order. ( 5 ) Increase of (4) over (3). (6) Per cent of increase. Office of the Secretary of W’ar. I146, 910 $146,910 $162, 530 $15, 620 10. 6 Office of The Adjutant-General. 781. 95 ° 781, 95 o 851, 830 69, 880 8.9 Office of the Inspector-General. 12, 560 12, 560 13 , 920 1, 360 10.8 Office of the Judge-Advocate-General. . . . 20, 550 20, 550 22, 560 2, 010 9.8 Office of the Ouartermaster-General. 274,320 274, 320 308, 040 33 ,720 12.3 Office of the Commissary-General. 74 , 340 74 , 34 o S3, 700 9, 360 12. 6 Office of the Surgeon-General. 166, 168 166, 168 184, 910 18, 742 11. 3 Office of the Paymaster-General. 7 b 9 °° 71, 900 79, °8o 7, 180 10. 0 Office of the Chief of Engineers. Office of the Chief of Ordnance. 100, 220 8 3-360 100, 220 83, 3 6 ° 109, 260 9b 580 9 , ° 4 o 8, 220 9.0 9-9 Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 50, 800 $ 5 , 000 55, 800 57, 880 2, 080 3-7 Bureau of Insular Affairs. 87, 400 87, 400 96, 900 9 , 5oo 10. 9 Total. 1, 870, 478 5 , goo 1,875,478 2, 062, 190 186, 712 9 - 1 SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 53.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June ir, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Secretary of War. Assistant Secretary. Assistant and chief clerk. Private secretary to the Secretary. . . . Clerk to the Secretary. Clerk to the Assistant Secretary. Clerk to the assistant and chief clerk Disbursing clerk. Appointment clerk. Chiefs of division, at $2,000 . Superintendent of buildings, outside of State, War, and Navy Depart¬ ment building (in addition to com¬ pensation as chief of division). Chief telegrapher. Stenographer to the Secretary. Clerks of class four, at $ 1,800 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 $12, 000 5, 000 4, 000 2, 500 2, 250 2, 100 2, 100 2, 500 2, 000 8, 000 250 1, 800 1, 800 7, 200 Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Secretarj- of War. 1 $ 12, 000 Assistant Secretary. 1 6, 000 Chief clerk... 1 4, 000 Secretary to the Secretary of War. . . I 3, 000 Clerk to the Secretary. 1 2, 34o Clerk to the Assistant Secretary. . . . 1 2, 34o Clerk to the chief clerk. 1 2, 34o Disbursing clerk. 1 2, 700 Appointment clerk. 1 2, 400 Chiefs of division, at $2,400. 4 9, 600 Superintendent of buildings, outside of State, War, and Navy Depart¬ ment building (in addition to compensation as chief of division). Chief telegrapher. 1 250 1, 980 Senior clerks (6): At $1,980. 2 3 , 960 At $1,860. 4 7 , 44 o 40 DEPARTMENT OF WAR. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR—Continued. 41 Official Estimates for 1910. (.Hook of Estimates, p. 53.) Employees. ^ber*' ! Salary. Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 4 $6, 400 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 15 21, 000 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. ■9 22, 800 Clerks, at $1,000. 5 5, 000 Clerks: At $900. 1 900 At $720. I 720 Foreman. I 1,200 Skilled laborer. 1 900 Carpenters: At $1,000 . At $900.. . I 1,000 I 900 Chief messenger. I 1, 000 Messengers: At $840. 6 5,040 At $720 . 7 5,040 Telephone switchboard operator. I 720 Assistant telephone switchboard operator . I 600 Messenger boys: At $480. 1 480 At $360.•. 2 720 Engineer.. I 900 Assistant engineer. 1 720 Fireman. I 720 Watchmen: At $720. 4 2,880 At $660. 5 3 , 3 °° At $540. I 54 o Laborers: At $660. 8 5, 280 At $470. 2 940 Hostlers: At $600. 1 600 At $540. 2 I, 080 Elevator conductors: At $600. 1 600 At $470. 1 470 Charwomen, at $240 . .. 4 960 Total. n 9 $146, 910 Total, 1909. 119 146, 910 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June ix, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Clerks (18) : At $1,740. At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks (22): At $1,380.. At $1,320. At $1,260. At $1,200. Under clerks (4): At $1,080. At $r,o2o. Foreman. Skilled laborer ........ Skilled laborers, at $900 4 $6, 960 6 9,720 8 j 12, 000 5 ; 6, 900 5 i 6, 600 8 ! 10, 080 4 | 4, 800 2 2, 160 2 2,040 1 1,200 1 i 1, 200 2 | 1, 800 Chief messenger. Messengers: At $840. At $720 . Switchboard operators, at $780 1 1, 020 9 4 2 7,56o 2, 880 1, 560 Messenger boys, at $480 3 1, 440 Engineer . Assistant engineer . Fireman. Watchmen, at $840 Laborers, at $660 1 J T | I : I io 13 1, 200 720 720 8, 400 8, 580 Elevator conductors, at $720 ... 2 1, 440 Charwomen, at $300 Total. 4 1, 200 119 $162, 530 146, 910 Increase over official estimates ....... Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for [ 9°9 . $15, 620 10. 6 10. 6 1 S. Doc. 638, 60-2 - 6 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT-GENERAL. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 54.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Chief clerk . 1 Chiefs of division, at $2,000. 10 Clerks of class four, at $1, 800. 48 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 64 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 94 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 232 Clerks, at $1,000. 88 ' En pi n eer . 1 Assistant engineer. 1 Firemen, at $720. 2 Skilled mechanic .. 1 Messengers: At $840. 10 At $720. 58 Messenger boy. 1 Watchmen, at $720. 8 Superintendent of building. Laborers, at $660. 18 Total. 637 637 Total, 1909. Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. $2, 000 Chief clerk. 1 $3, 000 20 , OOO Chiefs of division, at'$2,22o. 15 33 . 3 °° 86, 400 Senior clerks (59): At $2,100. 15 3 b 500 At $1,980. 12 23,760 131, 600 At $1,860. 32 59. 520 278, 400 Clerks (140): At $i, 74 o. 30 52, 200 At $1,620. 43 69, 660 At $1,500... 67 100, 500 Junior clerks (251): At $1,380. 77 106, 260 At $1,320. 78 102, 960 At $1,260. 48 60, 480 At $1,200 . 48 57, 600 Under clerks (71): At $1,080. 19 20, 520 At $1,020. 52 53 , 040 1, 400 Engineer. 1 1,500 900 Assistant engineer. 1 1, 020 1, 440 Firemen, at $780. 2 1, 560 1, 000 Skilled mechanic. 1 1, 080 Messengers: 8, 400 At $840 . 10 8, 400 41, 760 At $780 . 48 37 , 44 o At $720. 10 7, 200 360 Messenger boy.. 1 480 5 , 76o Watchmen, at $840. S 6, 720 250 Superintendent of building. 250 11, 700 Laborers, at $660. 18 11, 880 $781, 950 Total.. 637 $851, 830 781, 950 781, 950 Increase over official estimates. $69, 880 Per cent of increase. 8.9 Per cent of increase over appropriation for I 9°9 . 8.9 DEPARTMENT OF WAR. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR-GENERAL. 43 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 54.) Employees. _ Num¬ ber. Salary. Clerk of class four. 1 $1, 800 Clerks of class three, at $1,600 . 2 3, 200 Clerks of class two, at $ 1,400. 3 4, 200 Clerk of class one. 1 I, 200 Messengers: At $840. 1 840 At $720 . 1 720 At $600.. 1 600 Total. 10 $12 ,560 Total, 1909. 10 12, 560 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief clerk. 1 $2, 100 Clerks (6): At $1,740. 2 3. 480 At $1,620. 1 1, 620 At $1,500. 3 4 , 5 °° Messengers: At $840. I 840 At $720. t 720 At $660 . 1 660 Total. 10 $ 13 . 920 12,560 Increase over official estimates $1, 360 Per cent of increase. 10. 8 Per cent of increase over appropriation for T QOQ... 10. 8 SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE JUDGE-ADVOCATE-GENERAL, Chief clerk and solicitor. I $2, 2SO j Chief clerk and solicitor. I OOO Clerk of class four. I I, 80O Senior clerk. I 2 , IOO Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 2 3, 200 Clerks (4): Clerks of class two, at $1,400 ...... 2 2, 800 At $1,740. At $1,620. 2 1 3,480 1,620 Clerks of class one, at-$1,200. 6 7 , 200 At $1,^00. I 1,500 Copyist.. 1 900 Junior clerks (6): At $1,320. 2 2,640 At $1,200. 4 4,800 Under clerk. X 1,020 Messengers: Messengers: At $840. 2 i, 680 At $840. 2 1,680 At $720. I 720 At $720. I 720 Total. l6 $20. sso Total. l6 $22,560 Total, 1909.. 16 20, 550 20,550 Increase over official estimates $2,010 Per cent of increase. 9.8 Percent of increase over appropriation for 0 I 9°9 . 9.8 44 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER. Employees. Chief clerk. Clerks of class four, at $i,Soo Clerks of class two, at $1,400. . Clerks of class one, at $1,200 Clerks_ at $1,000. Clerks, at $900. Clerks, at $840. Messengers: At $840... At $720.■. Laborer. Total.. The services of skilled draftsmen and such other services as the Sec¬ retary of War may deem necessary may be employed only in the Signal Office to carry into effect the va¬ rious appropriations for fortifica¬ tions and other works of defense, to be paid from such appropria¬ tions, in addition to the foregoing- employees appropriated for in the Signal Office: Provided, That the entire expenditures for this purpose for the fiscal 3-ear ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten, shall not 'exceed thirty thou¬ sand dollars.” * * * . Total. Total, 1909 Increase .. . R 1910 . 5 -) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Num¬ ber. Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salarj\ 1 $2, 000 Chief clerk. 1 $2, 400 2 3, 600 Senior clerks (3): At $1, 980. 1 1, 980 At $1,860 . 2 3, 720 4 4, 800 Clerks (4): 6 6, 000 At$i,62o. 2 3 , 2 4 D 3 2, 700 At $1,500. 2 3,000 1 680 Junior clerks (22): At $1,380. 3 4, 140 At $1,320. 3 3, 960 1 840 At $1,260. 4 5, 040 1 720 At $1,200. 5 6, 000 1 660 At $1,020. 7 7, 140 — Messengers: 23 $25, 800 At $840. 2 1, 680 At $720. 2 1,440 Laborers, at $660. 2 1, 320 Electrical engineer. 1 2, 200 Electrical assistants: At $1,400. 1 1,400 At $1,200. 1 1, 200 Draftsmen: At $1, 860.. 1 1, 860 At $1, 620. 1 1, 620 At $1, 320. . 1 1,320 Instrument maker. 1 1, 500 Carpenter and packer... 1 1, 000 Machinist’s helper. 1 . 1 720 22 30, 000 45 $55, 800 Total. 45 $57, 880 45 50, 800 55, 800 $5,000 Increase over official estimates. $2, 080 Per cent of increase. 3 - 7 Per cent of increase over appropriation for x 9°9 . 4 - 1 1 DEPARTMENT OF AVAR. 45 SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE QUARTERMASTER GENERAL. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 55.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief clerk. . I $2, 000 Chiefs of division, at $2,000 . 2 4, 000 Clerks of class four, at $ 1,800. 9 16, 200 Clerks of class three, at $1,600 . 12 19, 200 Clerks of class two, at $1,400 . 26 36, 400 Clerks of class one, at $1,200 . 61 73. 200 Clerks, at $1,000 . 40 40,000 Clerks, at $900. . 14 12, 600 Advisory architect. 1 4, 000 Experienced builder and mechanic . . 1 2, 500 Inspector of supplies. 1 2, 500 Draftsmen: At $1,800. 3 5 , 4oo At $1,600 . 7 11, 200 At $1,400. 5 7, 000 At $1,200. 2 2, 400 Supervising engineer. 1 2, 500 Civil engineers, at $1,800. 2 3, 600 Assistant civil engineer. 1 1, 200 Electrical engineer. 4 1 2 , OOO Marine engineer. 1 3.500 Sanitary and heating engineer. 1 1,800 Writer of specifications and computer. 1 1,200 Coal-testing engineer. 1 960 Blueprint operator. 1 90b Messengers: At $840. 4 3.360 At $720. 11 7,920 At $600. 2 1,200 At $480. 1 480 Laborers: At $660. 7 4,620 At $480. r 480 Total. 221 $274,320 Total, 1909. 221 274,320 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief clerk. 1 1 $3,000 Chiefs of division, at $2,500.. 2 5,000 Senior clerks (17): At $2,100. 5 10, 500 At $1,980. 4 7, 920 At $1,860.... . 8 14, 880 Clerks (39): At $1,740. 8 13, 920 At $1,620. 10 16, 200 At $1,500 . 21 3 L 5oo Junior clerks (68): At $1,380. J 3 17 , 94 o At $1,320. 15 19, 800 At $1,260. 28 35. 280 At $ r,200. 12 14, 400 Under clerks (38) : At $1,080. 12 12, 960 At $1,020. 26 26, 520 Advisory architect. 1 4, 200 Experienced builder and mechanic. . 1 2, 760 Inspector of supplies. 1 2, 760 Draftsmen: At $2,100. 1 2, 100 At $1,860. 2 3 , 720 At $ 1,740 . 4 6, 960 At$i,62o. 4 6, 480 At $1,500. 4 6, 000 At $1,320. 1 1,320 At $1,200. 1 1, 200 Supervising engineer. 1 3,000 Civil engineers, at $2,400. 2 4, 800 Assistant civil engineer. 1 1, 500 Electrical engineer. 1 2, 400 Marine engineer.. 1 4,000 Sanitary and heating engineer. 1 2,100 Writer of specifications and computer. 1 1,500 Coal-testing engineer. 1 1,020 Blueprint operator. 1 I, 200 Messengers: At $840. 11 9, 240 At $720. 8 5,760 Laborers. At $660. 3 1,980 At 600. 4 2,400 Total. 221 $3oS, 040 274, 320 Increase over official estimates. Per cent of increase. $ 33 , 72o •2. 3 Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. 12.3 4 6 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSARY-GENERAL. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 56.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief Clerk. 1 $2, 000 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 4 7, 200 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 5 8, 000 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 5 7, 000 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 20 24, 000 Clerks, at $1,000. 16 16, 000 Clerks, at $900. 8 7, 200 1 Messengers: ■ At $840. 1 840 At$720. 2 1,440 Laborer. 1 660 Total. ■ 6 3 $74,340 Total, 1909. 63 74,340 1 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Chief clerk. Chiefs of division (4): At $2,400. At $2,100. Senior clerks (3): At $1,980. At $1,860. Clerks (10): At $1,740........ At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks (22): At $1,380. At $1,320. At $1,260. At $ 1,200. Under clerks (19): At $1,080. At $1,020. At$960 . At $900. Messengers: At $840. At $720. Laborer. Total. Num¬ ber. 1 1 3 1 2 2 3 5 7 5 5 5 5 6 4 4 1 2 1 63 Increase over official estimates. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909 . Salary. $3, 000 2, 400 6, 300 1, 9S0 3, 720 3 . 48 o 4, 860 7, 500 9, 660 6, 600 6, 300 6, 000 5 , 4 oo 6,120 3 , 840 3, 600 840 1,440 660 $83, 700 74 , 34 o $9,36o 12.6 12. 6 DEPARTMENT OF WAR. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SURGEON-GENERAL. 47 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 56.) Employees. Chief clerk. Law clerk. Clerks of class four, at $ 1,800. Clerks of class three, at $1,600 Clerks of class two, at $ 1,400 . Clerks of class one, at $1,200 . Clerks, at $1,000 . Clerks, at $900 . Num¬ ber. 1 1 13 11 26 32 10 3 Salary. $2, 000 2, 000 23, 400 ' 17, 600 36,400 38, 400 || 10, 000 || 2, 700 I Anatomist. Engineer. Assistant engineer. Firemen, at $720 . Skilled mechanic. Messengers : At $840. At $720. Watchmen, at $720 . Superintendent of build 5 ng Laborers, at $660 . 1 1 1 2 1 1 11 3 6 1, 600 1,400 ; 900 ; 1,440 1,000 840 7,920 2,160 250 3. 960 Chemist . Assistant chemist. Principal assistant librarian Pathologist. Microscopist. Assistant librarian. Charwomen, at $240. Total. Total, 1909. I 2, 088 I 1, 500 I 2, 250 1 1, 800 I 1, 800 I 1, 800 4 960 134 $166, 168 134 166, 168 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. • Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief clerk. 1 $2, 520 Law clerk. Senior clerks (16): I 2, 40c At $ 2,100 . 6 12, 600 At $1,980. 7 13, 86o At $1,860. 3 5 , 5 &> Clerks (34): At $1,740. 8 13, 920 At $1,620. 7 n, 34 o At $1,500. Junior clerks (35): 19 28, 500 At $1,380. 7 9, 660 At $1,320.. . 25 33,000 3,600 At $1,200. Under clerks (10): 3 At $1,080. 3 3, 240 At $1,020. 7 7, 140 Anatomist. I 2, 100 Engineer. 1 1,500 Assistant engineer. 1 1, 080 Firemen, at $780. 2 1,560 Skilled mechanic. Messengers: 1 1, 080 At $840. 2 1, 680 At $780. 10 7, 800 Watchmen, at $840. 3 2,520 Superintendent of building. Laborers:’ 250 At $720. 2 1, 440 At $660. 4 2, 640 Chemist... 1 2, 400 Assistant chemist... 1 1, 600 Principal assistant librarian. 1 2, 400 Pathologist . 1 2, 100 Microscopist. 1 2, 100 Assistant librarian. 1 2, 100 Charwomen, at $300. 4 1, 200 Total. 134 $184, 910 166, 168 Increase over official estimates. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. $18, 742 ii- 3 ii- 3 48 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE PAYMASTER-GENERAL. Official, Estimates eor 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 57.) Employees. Chief clerk. Clerks of class four, at $ 1,800.. Clerks of class three, at $i,6oo Clerks of class two, at $ 1,400.. . Clerks of class one, at $1,200 . . Clerks, at $1,000. Clerks, at $900.. Messengers: At $840. At $720. Laborers: At $660. At $600 . Total. Total, 1909 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Num¬ ber. Num¬ ber. Salary. Employees. 1 $2, 000 • Chief clerk. 6 Io, 800 Chiefs of division, at $2,100. 7 II, 200 Senior clerks (8): 12 • l6, 800 At $1,980. At $1,860. 11 13, 200 Clerks (14): 5 5, 000 At $1,740. 9 8, 100 At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks (12): At$i,3So. At $1,320. At $1,260. At $1,200. Under clerks (13): At $1,080. At $ 1,020. At $960. At $900. Messengers: 1 840 At $840. 1 720 At$720. Laborers (5): 4 2, 640 At $660.■. 1 600 At $600 . 58 $7h 900 Total. 58 71, 900 Increase over official estimates. Per cent of increase. 58 Salary. $2, 700 6, 300 5. 940 9. 3°° 3> 48o 4, 860 13, 5 oo 2, 760 2, 640 6, 300 3, 600 3, 240 4, 080 2, 880 2, 700 S40 720 2, 640 600 Per cent of increase over appropriation T 9°9. for $79, 080 71, 900 $7, 180 10. o 10. o DEPARTMENT OF WAR. 49 SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ORDNANCE. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 57.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief clerk. 1 $2, 000 Clerks of class four, at $ 1,800 . 5 9, 000 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 6 9, 600 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 11 15, 400 Clerks of class one, at $1,200 . 26 31, 200 Clerks, at $1,000. 8 8, 000 Clerks, at $900. 4 3, 6°o Messengers: At $840. 2 1, 680 At $780 . 1 780 At $720 . 2 1, 440 Laborer. 1 660 Total. 67 $83, 360 Total, 1909. 67 83, 360 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief clerk. 1 $2, 400 Senior clerks (7): At $2,200. 1 2, 200 At $2,000. 2 4, 000 At $1,860. 4 7 > 440 Clerks (17): At $1, 740. 5 8, 700 At $1,620. 6 9, 720 At $1,500. 6 9, 000 Junior clerks (25): At $1,380. 7 9, 660 At $1,320. 8 10, 560 At $1,260. 6 7- 560 At $1,200. 4 4, 800 Under clerks (11): At $1,080. 3 3 , 2 4 o At $1,020. 3 3, 060 At $960. 3 2, 880 At $ 9 oo. 2 1, 800 Messengers: At $840. 2 1, 6S0 At $780. 1 780 At $720. 2 1, 440 Laborer. 1 660 Total. 67 $9L 580 83, 3 6 ° Increase over official estimates. $8, 220 Per cent of increase . 9-9 Per cent of increase over appropriation for TQOQ. 9-9 S. Doc. 638, 60-2-7 50 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE' CHIEF OF ENGINEERS. Official Estimates for 1910. j Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Book of Estimates, p. 58.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief clerk.. 1 $2, 000 Chiefs of division, at $2,000. 2 4, 000 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. .. 8 14, 400 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 11 17, 600 Clerks of class tw 7 o, at $1,400. 12 16, 800 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 15 18, 000 Clerks, at $1,000. 9 9, 000 Clerks, at $900. 11 9, 9 ° c Messengers : • 1 At $840. 6 5,040 1 At $720. . 3 2,160 Laborers, at$66o. 2 1,320 Total. 80 $100,220 Total, 1909. 1 80 100, 220 (Executive order of June ix, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Chief clerk. Chiefs of division, at $2,220 Senior clerks (8): At $2,100 . At $1,980. At $1,860. Clerks (23): At $1,180. At $1,740. At $1,620.. At $1,560 . At $1,500. Junior clerks (21): At $1,320. At $1,260. At $1,200. Under clerks (14): At $1,080. At $1,020. At $960. Messengers: At $840. At $720 . Laborers, $660. Total Increase over official estimates. Per cent of increase... 80 Per cent of increase over appropriation for T 9°9 . Salary. $2, 520 4, 440 4, 200 5 , 94 o 5 , 53 o 5 , 4 oo 8, 700 4,860 9, 360 9, 000 10, 560 8, 820 7, 200 3 , 240 6,120 4,800 5 , 040 2, 160 1,320 $109, 260 100, 220 $9, 040 9.0 9.0 salaries, bureau of insular affairs. (Book of Estimates, p. 59.). Law officer. . 1 $ 4 , 5 °o Chief clerk.. 1 2, 000 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 8 14, 400 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 3 4, 800 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 10 14, 000 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 19 22, 800 Clerks, at $1,000..-. 18 l8, OOO Messengers: At $840. 2 1, 680 At $720. 2 1,440 I Laborers, at $660. 5 3 , 30 ° ! Charwomen, at $240. 2 480 ! Total. 7 i $87, 400 Total, 1909. 7 i 87, 400 U, Law officer. Chief clerk. Chiefs of division, at $2,100 Senior clerks, at $1,860 Clerks (12): At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks (26): At $1,320. At $1,200. Under clerks, at $1,020. . . . Messengers: At $840. At $720. Charwomen, at $300. Total. 1 $4,500 1 2,400 6 12,600 5 9 ,3°o 6 9,720 6 9,000 12 14 9 15, 840 16, 800 9, 180 4 3,360 5 3,600 2 600 7i $96, 900 87, 400 Increase over official estimates. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. $ 9 , 5oo 10. 9 10. 9 STATE, WAR, AND NAVY DEPARTMENT BUILDING. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 61.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive Order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. C'lerlc . 1 $1, 200 Clerk. 1 $1, 500 Rtprincrranlipr and tvnewriter . . I 900 Under clerk. I I, 020 1 1, 400 Do. I 900 Electrical machinist . I I, 200 Chief engineer. I I, 500 Assistant engineers, at $ 1,000. 5 5,000 Electrical machinist. 1 1,380 Captain of the watch. 1 1,200 Assistant engineers, at $1,200. 5 6, 000 Lieutenants of the watch, at $840. ... 2 1,680 Captain of the watch. 1 1, 500 Watchmen at $720. 49 35,28° Lieutenants of the watch, at $900. . . 2 1, 800 1 1,000 Watchmen, at $780 . 49 38, 220 1 1,200 Electrician.'. 1 1, 380 Machinist. 1 1,000 Skilled mechanics: At $ 1,200 . 4 4, Soo Painter. 1 1,000 Plumber. 1 1,000 i Skilled laborers, at $£40. 4 7 0) 000 5, S80 Dynamo tenders, at $900. 3 2,700 ; Foreman of laborers. 1 840 Skilled laborers, at $840. 7 5,880 i Firemen, at $780. 13 W 0 -E 0 Messenger. 1 840 Q rQn Foreman of laborers. T 840 Elev 3 °° At $r,5oo. 6 9, 000 Junior clerks (33): M 14, OOO At $1,380. 6 8, 280 / At $1,320. 5 6, 600 5 7, 200 At $1.200. 22 26, 400 19 15, 960 Under clerks (19): 4 2, 880 At $1,080. 6 6, 480 At $1,020. 7 7, 140 I OOO At $960 . 4 3, 840 5 3 , 3 °° At $900 . 2 1, 800 Messengers (8): At $840. 3 2, 520 At $660. 4 2, 640 At $600. 1 600 80 $85, 44 o Total. 80 $102, 900 70 75 , 500 85, 440 IO $ 9 , 94 o Increase over official' estimates $17,460 Average increase. $218.25 Per cent of increase. 20. 4 Percent of increase over appropriation for 1909. 36. 3 5 ^ SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF NAVAL INTELLIGENCE (BUREAU OF NAVIGATION). Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 63.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Clerk of class four. 1 $i, 800 Clerk of class two. 1 1, 400 Translators, at $1,400. 2 2, 800 Clerk. 1 1,300 Clerks, at $1,000. 3 3, 000 Messenger boy. 1 600 Assistant draftsman. 1 1, 200 Total. 10 $12, 100 Total, 1909. 10 12, 100 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Senior clerk. 1 $2, 100 Clerk. 1 I, 620 3, ooo Translators, at $1,500. 2 Junior clerk. Under clerks (3): 1 1, 380 At $1,080. I 1, 080 At $1,020. 2 2, 040 Messenger. 1 660 Junior draftsman. 1 1,320 Total . 10 $13, 200 12, 100 Increase over official estimates. $1, 100 $110 Q Average increase. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. 16. 2 SALARIES, BUREAU OF EQUIPMENT. Chief clerk. Expert in wireless telegraphy (new). . Draftsman, expert in marine con¬ struction . Bookkeeper and accountant. Clerk of class four. Draftsmen, at $1,740 each (new). Electrical expert and draftsman. Clerk of class three. Clerk of class two. Clerk... Clerks of class one. Draftsman.. .... Clerks, at $1,000 each. Copyists. Assistant messenger. Messenger boy. Blueprinter. Messenger boy. . Laborers. Total. Total, 1909. Increase . 1 $2, 000 Chief clerk. 1 $2, 580 1 3, 000 Expert in marine construction. 1 2, 400 Expert in wireless telegraphy. 1 3, 000 1 2, 000 Electrical expert and draftsman .... 1 1, 980 1 1, 800 Draftsmen (3): ' 1 1, 800 - At $i, 74 o. 2 3, 48 o 2 3 , 48 o At $1,380. 1 1, 380 I 1, 600 Senior clerks (3): At $2,100 . 1 2, 100 1 1, 600 At $1,980. 1 L 980 1 1, 400 At $r ,860. 1 1, 860 Clerks (3): 1, jUU At $1,620. 1 1, 620 2 2, 400 At $1,500 . 2 3,000 1 1, 200 Junior clerks (9): 8 8, 000 At $1,320.. 4 5, 280 At $1,200. 5 6, 000 2 1, 800 Under clerks (3): 1 720 At $1,080 . 2 2, 160 1 600 At $900. 1 900 1 600 Laborers, at $660. 4 2, 640 1 360 Blueprinter. 1 660 2 1, 320 30 $36, 980 Total. 3 ° $ 43 . 020 27 30, 500 36, 980 3 $6, 480 Increase over official estimates $6, 040 Average increase. $201 Per cent of increase. 16.3 Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909 . 4 i -5 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. SALARIES, HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE (BUREAU OF EQUIPMENT). 57 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 64.) At $1,400 At $1,200 At $1,000 At $720. . Apprentice engravers (2): At $800... At $700. Chief plate printer. Plate printers (5): At $1, 200. At $1, 000. At $900..'. At $800. Apprentice plate printers ( At $700. At $600. Chief lithographer,. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Hydrographic engineer. 1 $3, 000 Assistants (2): At $2,200 . 1 2, 200 At $2,000. 1 2, 000 Nautical experts (10): At $1,800. 1 1, 800 At $1,600.. 2 3, 200 At $1,300. 1 1, 300 At $1,200. 2 2, 400 At $1,000. 4 4, 000 Clerk of class two. 1 1, 400 Clerk of class one. 1 1, 200 Custodian of archives. 1 1, 200 Copyists (3 in lieu t>f 3 apprentice draftsmen, at $700 each) (9): At $900. 6 5 , 4 oo At $840. 1 840 At $720. 2 1,440 Compiler. r 1, 400 Editor of Notice to Mariners. 1 i, 600 Computer. 1 1, 400 Draftsmen (17): At $r,8oo. 3 5, 400 At $1,600 . 4 6, 400 At $1,400 . 2 2, 800 At $1,200 . At $1, 000. 2 2, 400 5 5, 000 At $900. 1 900 Chief engraver. 1 2, 000 Elngravers (15): At $1,800. 2 3, 600 At $1,600 . 3 4, 800 1, 400 7, 200 2, 000 720 800 700 1, 400 1, 200 1, 000 1, 800 800 700 600 1, 800 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) L Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Hydrographic engineer. 1 $3,000 Assistant. 1 2,340 Nautical experts (8): At $1,740. 2 3 , 48o At $1,500. 1 1,500 At $1,320. 2 2, 640 At $1,200. At $1,080. 2 2, 400 1 1, 080 Senior clerks, at $2,100. 2 4, 200 Clerks, at $1, 500. 3 4, 500 Junior clerks (2): At $1,260. 1 i, 260 At $1,200. 1 1, 200 Under clerks (9): At $1,080. 1 1, 080 At $1,020.. At $960. 1 1, 020 2 1, 920 At $900. 5 4, 500 Computer. 1 1, 500 Draftsmen (18): At $2,100. 1 2, 100 At $1,980. 1 1, 980 At$i,86o. 2 3 , 720 At $i, 74 o. 2 3 , 48 o At$i,62o. 2 3 , 240 At $1,500. 2 3, 000 At $1,320. 1 1, 320 At $1,260. 1 1, 260 At $1,200. 3 3, 600 At $1,080. 1 1, 080 At $1,020. 1 1, 020 960 At $960. 1 Chief engraver. 1 2, 100 Engravers (15): At $1,980. 2 3, 960 At $i, 74 o. 2 3 , 48 o At $1,620. 1 1, 620 At $1,500. 1 1,500 At $1,320. 2 2, 640 At$1,260. . ■o v) 3 , 78 o At $1,080. 2 2, 160 At $1,020. I 1, 020 780 At$780 . I Apprentice engravers (2): 840 At $840. I At $720. I 720 Chief plate printer. I 1,500 Plate printers (5): At $1,320. I 1,320 At $1,200. I 1, 200 At $1,020. r 1, 020 960 At $960. 1 At $900 . 1 900 Apprentice plate printers (2): At $720. 1 720 At $600. 1 600 Chief lithographer. 1 1,980 S. Doc. 638, 60-2--8 58 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE (BUREAU OF EQUIPMENT)—Continued. Official Estimates for 1910. i Book of Estimates, p. 64.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Lithographers (3): At Si.000. 2 $2, 000 At $900 (in lieu of 1 apprentice lithographer, at $700). I 900 Electrotyper and chart-plate maker. . I 1, 200 Assistant messenger. I 720 Laborers, at S660. 4 2, 640 Helpers (7): At $720. 2 1,440 At S660. 2 1, 320 At $600. 1 600 At $500. 1 500 At S4S0 . 1 480 Total. SS $103, 000 Total, 1909. ss 102, 200 Increase . $800 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Lithographers (2): At Si,080. 1 $1, 0S0 At $900. 1 9GO Process photographer. 1 1,380 Electrotyper and chart-plate maker. 1 i, 260 Messenger. 1 840 Skilled laborers (10): At $780 . 2 1,560 At S720 . 5 3, 600 At S660.. 2 1, 320 At $600. 1 600 Plate printer’s helper. 1 720 Total. Increase over official estimates . Average increase... 88 $112, 440 103, 000 $ 9 . 44 ° $107 Per cent of increase.. . 9. 2 10 Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. SALARIES, NAVAL OBSERVATORY (BUREAU OF EQUIPMENT) 59 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 66.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Assistant astronomer. 1 $2, 400 Assistant astronomers, at Si,800. 2 3, 600 Assistant in department of nautical instruments. 1 1, 600 Clerk of class four. 1 1, 800 Clerk of class two. 1 1, 400 Instrument maker. 1 1, 500 Electrician. 1 1, 500 Librarian. 1 1, 400 Assistants: At $1,600 each. 3 4, 800 At $1,400 each. O 4, 200 At $1,000 each. 2 2, 000 Stenographer and typewriter. 1 900 Foreman and captain of the watch. .. 1 1, 000 Carpenter . 1 1, 000 Engineer... 1 1, 000 Firemen, at $720 each. n 3 2, 160 Watchmen, at $720 each. 6 4 , 3 2 ° Elevator conductor. 1 720 Laborers, at $660 each. 9 5 > 94 ° Total. 40 $ 43 , 2 4 o Total, 1909. 40 43 , 240 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Assistant astronomers: At $2, 400. 1 $2, 400 At $2, 100. 1 2, 100 At $1, 980. 2 3 , 96 o Assistants in the department of nautical instruments. 1 1, 860 Senior clerk. 1 1, 860 Clerk. 1 1, 500 1, 620 Instrument maker. 1 Electrician. 1 1,500 Librarian. 1 1, 620 Assistants: At $1, 860. 2 3, 720 At $1, 740. 2 3> 48o At Si, 620. 1 1, 620 At $i, 500. 1 1,500 At Si, 380. 2 2, 760 At $1, 200. 3 3, 600 Assistant in department of chro¬ nometers and time service. 1 1,380 Under clerk. I 1, 020 Foreman and captain of watch. 1 1, 200 Skilled mechanic. 1 1, 020 Engineer. 1 1, 200 Packer. 1 1, 020 Firemen, at $780. n 3 2, 340 Watchmen, at $840. 6 5 , 0 4 o Elevator conductor. 1 780 Messengers, at $720. 2 1,440 Laborers, at $660. 7 4, 620 Total. 46 $56, 160 43 , 240 Increase over official estimates . $12, 920 1 Per cent of increase _____ 29.9 Per cent of increase over appropriation for I 9°9 . 29. 9 6o SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, NAUTICAL ALMANAC OFFICE (BUREAU OF EQUIPMENT). Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 67.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Assistants: At $1,800 . 1 $1, 800 At$i 600. 2 3, 200 At$i 400. 2 2, 800 At $1, 200. 3 3, 600 At $1,000. 2 2, 000 Copyist and typewriter. 1 900 Assistant messenger. 1 720 Messenger hoy.. 1 420 Total. 13 $ 15.440 Total, 1909... 13 15,440 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Assistants : At $2,220. 1 $2, 220 At $1,920. 2 3,840 At $1,680. 2 3 , 360 At $1,500. 2 3, 000 At $1,320.... 3 3 , 960 Junior clerk. 1 1, 200 Messenger.. 1 720 Messenger boy. 1 480 Total. 13 $18, 780 Increase over official estimates. 15 , 440 $ 3 , 34 o Average increase. $257 Per cent of increase. 21. 6 Per cent of increase over appropriation for I QOQ. 21. 6 .SALARIES, BUREAU OF STEAM ENGINEERING. Chief clerk. Clerk of class four . Clerk of class three. Clerks of class two. Clerk. Clerks of class one. Clerk. Clerks, at $1,000 . Stenographer and typewriter Do. Clerk. Draftsman. Assistant draftsman. Assistant messenger. Laborers. Do. Messenger boy. Total. Total, 1909. 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 24 24 $2, 000 Chief clerk. . I $2, 580 1, 800 Senior clerk. 1 1,980 1, 600 Clerks: At $1,740. 2 3, 480 At $1,620. 1 1, 620 1, 300 At $1,500. 3 4 , 5 °o 3 , 600 Junior clerk. 1 1,380 1, 100 Do. 1 L 320 3,000 Do . 1 1, 260 1, 000 Do. 1 1, 200 900 Under clerks: At $1,080. 1 1, 080 O4O At $1,020 . 4 4, 080 1, 400 Draftsman . 1 1, 620 1, 200 Assistant draftsman. 1 1,500 720 Messengers: 1, 320 At $840 . 1 840 At $660 . 4 2, 640 At $600 . 1 600 600 $26,380 Total . 25 $3L 680 26, 380 24 26, 380 Increase over official esti- mates. 1 $5,300 Average increase . 148 Per cent of increase . 13-5 Per cent of increase over appropriation for T QOQ.... 20 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. SALARIES, BUREAU OF CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR. 61 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 68.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief clerk. 1 $2, 000 Clerks of class four. 2 3, 600 Clerks of class three. 2 .3, 200 Clerks of class two. 3 4, 200 Clerks, at $1,300 each. 3 3 . 9 °° Clerks of class one. 3 3, 600 Clerks, at $1,100 each. 9 9, 900 Clerks, at $1,000 each. 15 15,000 Copyists, at $900 each. 5 4, 500 Assistant messengers, $720 each. 2 1, 440 Laborer. 1 660 Messenger boys, at $600 each. 9 5 > 4 oo Messenger boy. . 1 400 Total. 56 $57. 800 Total, 1909. 56 57. 800 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief clerk. 1 $2, 580 Senior clerks: At $1,980. 2 3, 960 At $1,860. 2 3. 720 Clerks: At $1,740. 2 3 . 48 o At $1,620. 2 3. 240 At $1,500... 4 6,000 Junior clerks: At $1,380. 4 5,520 At $1,320. 4 5, 280 At $1,260. 4 5,040 At $1,200. 4 4,800 Under clerks: At $1,080. 4 4, 320 At $1,020. 5 5, 100 At $960. 4 3, 840 At $900. 2 1, 800 Messengers: At $840.. 2 1, 680 At $780. 2 1,560 At $720. 2 1, 440 At $660 . 2 1,320 At $600.. . 2 1, 200 Messenger boys, at $480. 2 960 Total. 56 $66, 840 57,800 Increase over official estimates $9, 040 Average increase. $161 Per cent of increase. 15 - 6 I 62 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, BUREAU OF ORDNANCE. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 68.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief clerk. I $2, 000 Ordnance engineer and draftsman .. . 1 3, 000 Draftsman. I 1, 800 Assistant draftsman. 1 1, 400 Clerks of class three. 2 3, 200 Clerks of class two. 2 2, 800 Clerks, at $1,300. 1 1, 300 Clerks of class one. 3 3,600 Clerks, at $1,100. 1 1, 100 Clerks, at $1,000. 5 5, 000 Copyists, at $900. 3 2, 700 Copyists, at $840. 2 1, 680 Assistant messenger.. 1 720 Messenger boys: At $600. 2 1, 200 At $400. 2 800 Laborer. 1 660 Total. 29 $32, 960 Total, 1909. . 29 32, 960 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June tx, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Chief clerk 1 Ordnance engineer and draftman . . . Draftsman. • Senior clerks: At $2,100 . At $1,980. At $1,860. Clerks: At $1,620. At $1,500 . Junior clerks: At $1,380. At $1,200. Under clerks: At $1,080. At $1.020. At $900. Messengers: At $840. At $660. Messenger boys, at $480. Total. 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 4 4 2 2 1 3 2 30 Increase over official estimates. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. Salary. $2, 580 3. 3°° 1, 620 2, 100 1, 980 3> 720 1, 620 3, 000 2, 760 4, 800 4,3 2 ° 2, 040 1, 800 840 1, 980 960 $39> 420 32, 960 $6, 460 19. 6 19. 6 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. SALARIES, BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS. 6 3 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 69.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Civilian assistant. 1 $2, 500 Chief bookkeepers, at $2,000. 2 4, 000 Clerks of class four. 4 7, 200 Clerks of class three. 7 ii, 200 Clerks of class two (1 additional sub¬ mitted) .. 6 8, 400 Clerks of class one. 15 18, 000 Clerks, at $1,100 (2 additional sub¬ mitted) . 10 11, 000 Clerks, at $1,000.. 24 24, 000 Clerks, at $900 (1 additional submit- ted). 12 10, 800 Copyists, at $840. 2 1, 680 Assistant messengers, at $720 (in¬ cludes 1 now carried on Secretary’s roll). 5 3, 600 660 Laborer. 1 Laborers, at $600.. 2 1, 200 Messenger boys: At $600 . 1 600 At $400. 3 1, 200 Total. 95 $106, 040 Total, 1909. 90 100, 820 Increase . 5 $5,220 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June ir, 1907.) Employees. Civilian assistant Senior clerks: At $2,100... . At $1,980.... At $1,860.. . . Clerks: At $1,740. At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks: At $1,380. At $1,320. At $1,260. At $1,200. Under clerks: At $1,080. At $1,020. At $960 . . At Messengers: At $840 . At $780 . At $720 . At $660 . Messenger boys, at Total. I Num¬ ber. 95 Increase over official estimates. Average increase. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for I 9°9 . Salary. $2, 580 10, 500 7, 920 5,53o 6, 960 6, 480 9, 000 11, 040 TO, 560 IO, 080 9, 600 8, 640 7, 140 4, 800 3, 600 1, 680 1, 560 2, 160 1,320 1, 440 5 122, 640 106, 040 $16, 600 $i 75 15-6 22 64 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, BUREAU OE MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 69.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief clerk. 1 $2, 000 Clerks of class four (1 additional). ... 2 3, 600 Clerk of class three. 1 I, 600 Clerk of class two. 1 I, 400 Clerk of class one. 1 I, 200 Clerks, at $1, 100. 2 2, 200 Clerks, at $1, 000. 3 3, 000 Copyists, at $840. 2 I, 680 Assistant messenger. 1 720 Laborer. 1 660 Driver. I 600 Laborer. 1 480 Total. 17 $19, T40 Total, 1909. t6 17 , 340 Increase. 1 $ 1 , SOO Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n 1907) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief clerk. 1 $2, 580 Senior clerk. I 1, 980 Do. I 1, 860 Clerk. I I, 740 Do. 1 1,620 Do. 1 1,500 Junior clerk. 1 1,260 Do. 1 1,200 Under clerks: At $1,080 . . 1 1,080 At $1,020. 3 3,060 At $960. 1 960 Messenger. 1 840 Laborers, at $660. 3 1,980 Total. 17 $21,660 19,140 Increase over official estimates $2,520 Average increase. $148 Per cent of increase... I 3 • 1 Per cent of increase over appropriation for TQOQ. . 24.9 SALARIES, BUREAU OE YARDS AND DOCKS. Chief clerk. I $2, 000 Chief clerk. • I $2 5 So Draftsman and clerk. I 1, 800 Senior clerk.. I T 860 Clerk of class three. I 1, 600 Clerk. I I, 620 Clerk of class two. 1 * 1, 400 Do. 1 1,500 Clerk of class one .... I I, 200 Junior clerk.. I I. l80 Clerk, at $1,100 . I I, IOO Do. I I, T20 Do. 1 1,260 Clerks, at $1,000. 6 6, 000 Do. 1 1,200 Under clerks: At $1,080. 1 1,080 Assistant messenger. 1 720 At $1,020. 2 2,040 Messenger boys, at $600. 3 1, 800 Messenger, at $780. 1 780 Laborers, at $660. 2 L 320 Messengers, at $660. 5 3 , 3 °° Total. 18 $18,940 Total. 17 $19, 920 Total, 1909. 18 18, 940 ! 18, 940 Increase over official estimates. $980 Average increase. $58 Per cent of increase. 4.8 Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909 . 4.8 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY. SALARIES, MARINE CORPS, PAY OE CIVIL FORCE. 65 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 251.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. In the office of the major-general, commandant: Chief clerk. I $ 1 , 600 . OO ' Clerk. 1 1, 200.00 Messenger. 1 971. 28 In the office of the paymaster: Chief clerk. 1 1, 600. 00 Clerks (2): At $1,500. 1 1, 500. OO At $1,200 . 1 I, 200. OO In the offices of assistant paymas¬ ters: Clerks, at $1,400. 4 5, 600. 00 In the office of the adjutant and in¬ spector: Chief clerk. 1 I, 600.00 Clerk. 1 I, 5 00.00 In the office of the assistant adju¬ tant and inspector: Clerk. 1 I, 200. OO In the office of the quartermaster: Chief clerk. 1 I, 600. OO Clerks (3): At $1,500... 1 I, 500. OO At $1,200. 2 2 , 400 . OO Draftsman. 1 I, 600.00 I11 the office of the assistant quar¬ termaster, Washington, D. C., or San Francisco, Cal.: Clerks, at $1,400. 2 2, 800. OO Clerks for duty in the Philippines: At $1,400 (1 pay and 1 quarter¬ master’s department). 2 2, 800. OO In the office of the assistant quarter¬ master, Philadelphia, Pa.: Clerk. 1 I, 600. OO Messenger. 1 840. OO Quartermaster’s Department, for duty where their services are re¬ quired: Clerks, at $1,400. 2 $2, 800. OO Total. 26 35 , 9 II- 28 Appropriated, 1909. 25 34 , 5 ii- 28 Increase . 1 T, 400. 00 ; Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Chief clerk Num¬ ber. 1 Clerk. 1 Under clerk. 1 Chief clerk. 1 Clerks (2): At $1,740. 1 At $1,500. 1 Clerks (4): At $1,740 At $1,620 At $1,500 Chief clerk 1 Junior clerk Do. Chief clerk. . Clerks (2): At $1,620 At $1,500 Junior clerk. Draftsman .. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Clerks, at $1,620 Clerks, at $1,500 Clerk. Under clerk Clerks, at $1,620 2 Total. Present grades 26 26 Increase over estimates for 1910. Percent of increase over estimates for 1910.. Per cent over appropriation for 1909. Salary. $2, 100. 00 1, 500. 00 1, 020.00 2, 100. 00 1, 740. 00 1, 500. 00 1, 740. 00 3, 240. 00 1, 500. 00 2, 100. 00 1, 380. co 1, 380. 00 2, 100. 00 1, 620. 00 1, 500. 00 1, 380. 00 1, 860. 00 3, 240. 00 3, 000. 00 1, 740. 00 ‘900. 00 $3, 240. 00 41, 880. 00 35 , 9 ir- 28 5 , 968.72 16. 62 16. 62 S. Doc. 638, 60-2-9 66 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, NAVAL ACADEMY, ANNAPOLIS, MD. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates p. 251.) Employees, Num¬ ber. Salary. Pay of professors and others: Assistant librarian. 1 $1, 800.00 Cataloguer. 1 1,100.00 Shelf assistants, at $900. 2 1, 800. 00 Secretary of the Naval Academy. 1 1, 800. 00 Clerk. 1 1, 440. 00 Clerks, at $1,200 (1 additional). 5 6, 000. 00 Clerks, at $1,000 (2 additional). 4 4, 000. 00 Clerks, at $900 (3 additional)... 4 3, 600. 00 Writers, at $720 (1 additional).. 2 1, 440. 00 Messenger to superintendent. . . 1 600. 00 Pay of watchmen, mechanics, and others: Captain of watch. 1 912.50 Second captain of watch. 1 817. 60 Watchmen, at $730. 22 16, 060. 00 Special laborers (3): At $2.80 per day. 1 At $2.48 per day. 2 Draftsmen (2): At $6 per day. 1 At $3.52 per day. 1 •11, 067. 68 Subinspectors (3): At $5.52 per day. 1 At $5.04 per day. 1 At $4 per day. 1 Total. 54 $52, 437.78 Total, 1909. 52 50, 077.68 Increase . 2 $2, 360. 10 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Assistant librarian. 1 $1, 800. 00 Cataloguer. I 1, 100. 00 Shelf assistants, at $900. 2 1, 800.00 Secretary of the Naval Academy_ 1 1, 980.00 Clerks, at $1,500. 3 4, 500.00 Junior clerks (8): At$i,26o. 2 2, 520. 00 At $1,200. 6 7, 200.00 Under clerks (6): At $1,080. 2 2, 160. 00 At $1,020. At $900 . 1 1, 020. 00 3 2, 700.00 Messenger. 1 660. 00 Captain of the watch. 1 960.00 Second captain of the watch. 1 900.00 Watchmen, at $840. 22 18, 480. 00 Draftsmen (3): At $2,000. 1 2, 000.00 1, 260. 00 At $1,260. 1 At $1,200.. 1 1, 200. 00 Subinspectors (3): At $1,980. 1 1, 980. 00 At $1,620. 1 1, 620. 00 At $1,260. 1 1, 260.00 Rodman and leveler. 1 1, 200.00 Total.. 54 $58, 300. 00 Present grades. Increase over estimates for 1910 .. . . 54 52, 437 - 78 $5, 862. 22 11.2 Per cent of increase. ' Note. —With the exception of the Marine Corps, Naval Academy, and commandants’ clerks, provision is made under lump appropria¬ tions for the naval establishment, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. COMPARATIVE TABLE. SALARIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BY BUREAUS. (1) Appropria¬ tions for 1909. (2) Increase asked. ( 3 ) Official esti¬ mates for 1910. ( 4 ) Estimates under execu¬ tive order. ( 5 ) Increase oi (4) over (3). (6) Per cent of increase. Secretary’s office. $ 325 , 920 $23, 940 $349, 860 $375, 000 $25, 140 7.2 Assistant Attorney-General’s. 49 , 850 49 , 850 53 , 34 o 3 , 490 7.0 General Land Office. 572 , 45 o a 6, 000 566, 450 617, 340 50, 890 9.0 Indian Office. 221, 270 11, 900 233 , Go 258, 240 25, 070 10. 7 Pension Office. 1, 780, 270 a 70, 800 1, 7 ° 9 , 470 1, 815, 540 106, 070 6. 2 Patent Office. 1, 185, 610 63,060 1, 248, 670 1, 321, 620 72 , 950 5-8 Bureau of Education. 56 , 500 24, 100 80, 600 84, 960 4, 360 5-4 Geological Survey. b 245, 446 245 , 446 268, 500 23, 054 9-4 Total. 4 , 437 , 316 46, 200 4 , 483, 516 4 , 794 , 540 311,024 7.0 ° Decrease. i For administrative and clerical employees only. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. (Including employees for old Post-Office Department building.) Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 71.) Proposed Grades and Saearies. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Secretary of the Interior. 1 $12, 000 First Assistant Secretarv. 1 5, 000 Assistant Secretary. 1 4 , 5oo Assistant to the Secretary. 1 2, 750 Private secretary. 1 2, 500 Assistant attorneys: At $2,750. 1 2, 750 At $2,500. 1 2, 500 At $2,250. 4 9, 000 Chief clerk. 1 3, 000 Additional to 1 member of board of pension appeals, acting as chief.... 500 Members of board of pension appeals, at $2,000 each. 12 24 ( OOO Special inspectors, at $2,500 each .... 2 5 , 000 Inspectors (to be transferred from Indian bill): Chief engineer. 1 3 , 5oo Engineer. 1 2, 5 °° At $2,500 each. 6 15, 000 Chief disbursing clerk. 1 2, 250 Clerk in charge of supplies. 1 2, 250 Clerk in charge of mails, files, and archives ... 1 2, 250 Clerk in charge of publications. 1 2, 250 Clerks, at $2,000 each. 4 8, 000 Employees. Num¬ ber. Secretary of the Interior. Assistant secretaries, at $6,000 Chief clerk. 1 2 1 Salary. $12, 000 12, 000 3.3oo Assistant to the Secretary Secretary to the Secretary Assistant attorneys: At $3,000. At $2,700. At $2,400. Chairman of board of pension ap¬ peals . Members of board of pension ap peals, at $2,100. Engineer inspectors. Inspectors, Department of the In terior, at $2,700... 1 1 1 1 4 1 11 1 1 8 3, 000 2, 700 3, 000 2, 700 9, 600 2, 700 23, 100 3. 600 2, 700 21, 600 Chief disbursing officer . Clerk in charge of supplies. Clerk in charge of mails and files... Clerk in charge of publications. Chief engineer . Senior clerks (15): At $2,100. At $1,980 . At $1,860 .. 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 67 2, 400 2, 400 2, 400 2, 400 2, 100 10, 500 9, 900 9 . 3 °o 68 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY—Continued. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 71.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Clerks of class four. I ^ $2E 400 Clerks of class three. 18 28, 800 Clerks of class two. 21 29, 400 Clerks of class one. 24 28, 800 Returns office clerk. 1 I, 200 Female clerk to sign land patents. . . . 1 I, 200 Clerk to sign Indian tribal deeds . . . . 1 I, 200 Clerks at $1,000 each. 3 3 , 000 Copyists at $900. 5 4, 500 Switchboard telephone operator. 1 720 Messengers. 9 7, 560 Assistant messengers. 7 5,040 Engineer and electrician. 1 1, 600 Engineer. 1 1, 200 Electrician. 1 1, 000 Assistant engineer, at $1,000 each. ... 2 2, 000 Firemen. 11 7, 920 Skilled mechanics (painter, carpen- ter, and plumber), at $900 each.... 3 2, 700 Skilled mechanics (1 at $900 and 1 at $720) . 2 1, 620 Carpenters, at $900 each. 2 1, 800 Plumber. 1 900 Conductors of elevator. 3 2, 160 Captain of watch. 1 1, 200 Watchmen acting as lieutenants, at $840 each.. 3 2, 520 Watchmen. 60 43, 200 Additional to 2 watchmen acting as lieutenants of watchmen, at $120 each. 240 Packer. I 660 Laborers (3 transferred from Indian Office): At $660 each. 35 23, 100 At $600 each. 1 600 At $480 each. 15 7, 200 Charwomen (4 transferred from In- dian Office). 8 1, 920 Total. 297 $ 349 , 860 Total, 1908. 282 325 , 920 Increase . 15 $23, 940 Proposed Grades and Saearies. (Executive order of June u, 1907.) Employees. Clerks (30): At $1,740 . At $1,620 . At $1,500. Junior clerks (40): At $1,380. At $1,320. At $1,260. At $1,200 . (And of the junior clerks, the Presi¬ dent may designate 1 to sign land patents, and the Secretary may designate a returns office clerk, and 1 clerk to sign Indian tribal deeds, in accordance with existing laws.) Telephone operator. Confidential messenger to the Sec¬ retary . Messengers. Engineers (steam), at $1,200. Assistant engineers, at $1,020. Electrician. Firemen, at $780.. Skilled mechanics, at $1,020. Elevator conductors, at $780. Captain of watch. Lieutenants of watch, at $900. Watchmen, at $780. Foremen of laborers, at $840. Num¬ ber. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 1 15 2 2 1 10 10 5 1 6 55 4 Laborers, at $660 50 Charwomen, at $300 Total. 10 297 Increase over official estimates Average increase. Per cent of increase. Salary. $17, 400 16, 200 15, 000 13, 800 13, 200 12, 600 12, 000 780 1, 020 12, 600 2, 400 2, 040 1,500 7, 800 10, 200 3 > 9 °° 1, 500 5 , 4 oo 42, 900 3 , 360 33 , 000 3, 000 $375,000 349, 860 $25,140 $84 7.2 department oe the interior. SALARIES, OFFICE OF ASSISTANT ATTORNEY-GENERAL. 69 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 72.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary, Assistant attorneys: At $3,000... .. 1 $3, 000 At $2,750. 1 2, 750 At $2,500. 3 7 , 5 oo At $2,250. 4 9, 000 At $2,000. IO 20 , OOO Clerks of class three. 3 6, 400 Clerk of class one. 1 I, 200 Total. 23 $ 49 . 850 Proposed Grades and Saearies. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees, Num¬ ber. Salary. Assistant attorneys: At $3,300. 1 $3, 3°o •At $3,000. 2 6,000 At $2,700... 4 10,800 At $2,400. 6 14,400 At $2,100. 6 12,600 Clerks: At $1,620 . 2 3, 240 At $1,500. 2 3,000 Total. 23 $53, 34o 49, 850 Increase over official estimates Average increase. $3, 490 $150 Per cent of increase . 7 It is recommended that the above be combined with the assistant attorneys and clerks of the Secretary’s office, and the separate title, “ Office of Assistant Attorney-General," be omitted 7 ° SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 73.) Proposed Grades and Saearies. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Commissioner. Assistant commissioner Chief clerk. Chief law clerk. Law clerks, at $2, 200., Recorder.. Num¬ ber. 1 1 1 1 2 I Chief of division of surveys. Chief of division. Chiefs of division, at $2, 000. Law examiners, at $2, 000... Principal examiners of land claims and contests, at $2, 000. Examiners of mineral claims and contests, at $2, 000. Depositary acting for the commis¬ sioner as receiver of public moneys. Clerks of class four. Clerks of class three. Clerks of class two. Clerks of class one. Clerks at $1, 000. Clerk and librarian. Copyists, at $900. Messengers. Assistant messengers. Packer. Skilled laborers, at $660. Laborers: At $660. At $480. Total. Total, 1909. Decrease. It is recommended that the 18 laborers above be transferred to the Secretary’s office. 1 1 9 2 10 2 ! 1 33 64 69 72 60 1 60 2 10 1 6 16 1 433 436 Salary. $ 5 , 000 3 . 5 oo 2,500 2, 500 4,400 2, 000 2, 750 2, 400 18, 000 4, 000 4, 000 2, 000 68, 400 102, 400 96, 600 86, 400 60, 000 1, 000 54 . 000 1, 680 7, 200 720 3 . 9 6 ° 10, 560 480 $566, 450 572, 450 $6, 000 Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner. 1 $6, 000 Assistant commissioner. 1 4 , 5 °° Chief clerk. 1 3,000 Chief law reviewer. 1 3, 000 Law reviewers, at $2, 700. . 4 10, 800 Law examiners: At $2, 400. 10 24, 000 At $2, 100. 30 63, 000 Chief of field service. 1 3,000 Chief of public land surveys. 1 3,000 Chiefs of division: At $2, 700. 2 5 , 4oo At $2, 400. 8 19, 200 Recorder. 1 2, 400 Senior clerks (40): At $1, 980. 20 39,600 At $1, 860. 20 37. 200 Clerks (60): At $1,740. 20 34,800 At $1,620. 20 32, 400 At $1,500. 20 30, 000 Junior clerks (120): At $1,380. 30 41, 400 At $1,320. 30 39,600 At $1,260. 30 37,800 At $1,200. 30 36, 000 Undei clerks (120): At $1,080. 30 32, 400 At $1,020. 30 30, 600 At $960. 30 28, 800 At$900 . 3 ° 27, 000 Messengers at $840. 4 3, 360 Assistant messengers at $720. 10 7, 200 Laborers at $660. 18 11, 880 Total. 433 $617, 340 566, 450 Increase above official estimat Average increase. es. $50, 890 $117 Per cent of increase. 9 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. SALARIES, OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 71 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 75.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner. 1 $5, 000 Assistant Commissioner. 1 3,000 Chief clerk. 1 2, 250 Chiefs of division: At $2,250. 2 ' 4, 500 At $2,000 . 1 2, 000 Assistant chiefs of division: At $2,000 . 1 2, 000 At $1,800.. 4 7, 200 Law clerk. 1 2, 000 Confidential clerk. 1 1, 800 Clerks of class four (increase of 3).... 10 18, 000 Clerks of class three (increase of 4).. 26 41, 600 Clerks, at $1,500 . 2 3,000 Clerks of class two. 24 33, 600 Clerks of class one. 43 51, 600 Clerks, at $1,000 . 24 24, 000 Copyists. 29 26, 100 Messenger. I 840 Assistant messengers. 4 2, 880 Messenger boys, at $360 (increase of 4). 1, 800 Total. 181 $233, 170 Total, 1909.. 176 221,270 Increase . 5 $11, 900. Note.—T hree laborers at $660 and four charwomen omitted, to be transferred to Secretary’s office. Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner. I $6, 000 Assistant commissioner. 1 4 , 5 °° Chief clerk. 1 2, 700 Chiefs of division, at $2,400. 3 7, 200 Assistant chiefs of division, at $2,220. 5 11, 100 Law examiner. 1 2, 400 Senior clerks (20): At $1,980. 10 19, 800 At $1,860. Io 18, 600 Clerks (39): At $1,740...... 12 20, 880 At $1,620. 12 19, 440 At $1,500 . 15 22, 500 Junior clerks (60): At$r,38o. 15 20, 700 At $1,320. 15 19, 800 At $1,260. 15 18, 900 At $1,200. *5 18, 000 Under clerks (40): At $1,080.. . .. 10 10, 800 At $1,020.:... At $960. 10 10, 200 9, 600 10 At $900. 10 9, 000 Messenger. 1 840 Assistant messengers, at $720. 4 2, 880 Messenger boys, at $480. 5 2, 400 Total. . 181 $258, 240 233. Go Increase over official estimates Average increase. Per cent of increase. $25, 070 $138 10. 7 72 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, PENSION OFFICE. II Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 76.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner .. :. 1 $5, 000 3,600 First Deputy Commissioner. 1 Second Deputy Commissioner. 1 3, 600 Chief clerk.. 1 2, 250 Assistant chief clerk. 1 2, 000 Daw clerk. I 2, 250 Chief of Board of Review. 1 2, 250 Chiefs of division, at $2,000. 8 16, 000 Assistant chiefs of division, at $1,800. 16 28, 800 Private secretarjr. 1 2, 000 Medical referee. 1 3, 000 Assistant medical referee. 1 2, 250 Oualified surgeons, at $2,000. 2 4, 000 Medical examiners, at $ 1,800. 35 63, 000 Principal examiners, at $2,000. 57 114, 000 Clerks of class four . . . .. 69 124, 200 Clerks of class three. 85 136, 000 Clerks of class two. 300 420, 000 Clerks of class one. 37 o 444, 000 Clerks (reduction of 20), at $1,000 . . . 105 105, 000 Stenographers, at $1,600 . 3 4, 800 Copyists (reduction of 28). 2r 18, 900 Superintendent of building. 1 1,400 Engineers, at $1,200. 2 2, 400 Firemen... 3 2, 160 Messengers.'. 27 22, 680 Assistant messengers. 12 8, 640 Messenger boys, at $400. 20 8, 000 Laborers. 40 26, 400 Female laborers, at $400. 10 4, 000 Charwomen, at $240. 15 3,600 Painter . 1 900 Cabinetmaker. 1 900 Captain of watch. 1 840 Sergeants, at $750.. 3 2, 250 Watchmen, at $720. 20 14, 400 Special examiners (reduction of 20), L 237 $1,605,470 at $1,300. 80 104, 000 Total. L 317 $1,709,470 Total, 1909. L385 1,780,270 Decrease. 68 $70, 800 Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner. 1 $6, 000 First Deputy Commissioner. 1 4 , 5 00 Second Deputy Commissioner. I 4, 500 Chief clerk. 1 3, 000 Assistant chief clerk. I 2, 400 Law examiner. 1 2, 700 Chief of board of review. I 2, 700 Chiefs of division, at $2,400. 8 19, 200 Medical referee. 1 3 , 3 00 Assistant medical referee. 1 2, 400 Medical examiners, at $2,100.. 30 63, 000 Principal examiners, at $2,100. 50 105, 000 Senior clerks (140): At $1,980 . 60 118, 800 At $1,860. 80 148, 800 Clerks (280): At $1,740.. 90 156, 600 At $1,620. 100 162,000 At $1,500. 9 ° 135,000 Tunior clerks (^20): At $1,380. 80 no, 400 A $1,320. 80 105, 600 At $1,260. .. .. 80 100, 800 At $1,200. Under clerks (220): At $1,080. 80 96, 000 70 75, 600 At $1,020 . 60 61, 200 At $960. 5 o 48, 000 At $900. 40 36,000 Superintendent of buildings. 1 1, 500 Engineers, at $1, 200... 2 2, 400 Firemen, at $780. 3 2, 340 Messengers, at $840. 30 25, 200 Assistant messengers, at $720. 3 ° 21, 600 Messenger boys, at $480. 20 9, 600 Telephone operator. 1 ' ' 780 Elevator conductors, at $780. 2 1, 560 Skilled mechanics, at $1,020. 2 2, 040 Laborers: At $660. 40 26, 400 At $480. 10 4, 800 Charwomen, at $300. 15 4 , 5oo Captain of watch. 1 1, 020 Lieutenants of watch, at $900. 3 2, 700 Watchmen, at $780. 20 15,600 1, 237 $L 695, 54 o Special examiners at $1,500. 80 120, 000 Total. L 3 i 7 $1, 815, 540 Increase over official estimate. 1, 709, 470 $106, 070 Average increase. Per cent of increase. $80 6. 2 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. SALARIES, PATENT OFFICE. Official, Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 77.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner of Patents. First Assistant Commissioner (sub- 1 $5, 000 mitted). 1 4 , 5 °° Assistant Commissioner. 1 3, 500 ' Chief clerk. 1 3, 000 Examiners in chief, at $3,000. 3 9 , OOO Law examiners, at $2,750. 2 5 , 500 Examiner of interferences. 1 2, 700 Examiner of trade-marks and designs. * 2, 700 Examiner of classification (submitted.) 1 3, 600 Principal examiners, at $2,700. 42 113, 400 First assistant examiners, at $2,400 . . 58 139, 200 Second assistant examiners, at $2,100. 68 142, 800 Third assistant examiners, at $ 1,800 . Fourth assistant examiners (increase 73 140, 400 of 10), at $1,500. 1 ro 165, 000 Financial clerk. 1 2, 250 Librarian. 1 2, 000 Chiefs of division, at $2,000. 6 12, 000 Assistant chiefs of division, at $r,8oo. 3 5 , 4 °d Translator (submitted). 1 1, 800 Clerks of class four. 9 16, 200 Clerks of class three. 9 14, 400 Clerks of class two (increase of 5) .. . 20 28, 000 Clerks of class one (increase of 10) . . IOO 120 , OOO Clerks, at $1,000 (increase of 5). 90 90,000 Skilled draftsmen, at $ 1,200 . 3 3,600 Draftsmen, at $1,000. Copyists: 4 4,000 At $900. 90 8r, 000 At $720 . 85 61, 200 Skilled laborer. Laborers (increase of 27): r 1, 200 At $600 . 14 8, 400 At $480 . 42 20, 160 Messenger and property clerk. 1 1, 000 Messengers {increase of 1). 4 3- 360 Assistant messengers. 25 18, 000 Messenger boys (increase of 1) ^at $360 40 14, 400 Total. 917 $1,248,670 Total, 1909. 855 1,185,610 Increase . It is recommended that the 14 above la¬ borers, at $660, be transferred to the Secre¬ tary’s office. 62 $63,060 S. Doc. 638, 60-2-10 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. 1- Salary. Commissioner of Patents. r $6, 000 First Assistant Commissioner. . 1 4 , 5 00 Assistant Commissioner. . 1 4, 500 Chief clerk. 1 3, 000 Examiners in chief, at $4,500 . 3 I 3 > 5 oo Examiner of classification. F 3, 600 Law examiners, at $3,000 .... 2 6, 000 Examiner of interferences. r 3, 600 Examiner of trade-marks and designs. r 3, 600 Principal examiners, at $3,000 42 126, 000 First assistant examiners, at $2,400 . 58 139, 200 Second assistant examiners, at $2,100 . 68 142, 800 Third assistant examiners, at $1,800 . 78 140, 400 Fourth assistant examiners, at $1,500. 110 165, 000 Financial clerk. 1 2, 400 Librarian. 1 2, IOO Chiefs of division, at $2, 400. . . . 6 14,400 Senior clerks (12): At $2,100. 2 4, 200 At $1,980. 5 9, 900 At $1,860. 5 9 . 3 °° Clerks (45): At $1,740. 15 26, IOO At $1,620. 15 24, 300 At $1,500. 15 22, 500 Junior clerks (80): At $1,380. 20 27,600 At $1,320.. 20 26, 400 At $1,260 . 20 25, 200 At $ 1,200. 20 24, 000 Under clerks (280): At $1,080. 50 54, 000 At $1,020 . 60 61, 200 At $960 . 70 67, 200 At $900 . IOO 90, 000 Laborers, at $660. 14 9, 240 Classified laborers, at $480. 42 20, 160 Messengers, at $840. 3 2,520 Assistant messengers, at $720. 25 18,000 Messenger boys, at $480. 40 19, 200 Total. 917 $1,321,620 Increase over official estimates. Average increase. Per cent of increase. - 1, 248, 670 $ 72 , 950 $80 5-8 74 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, BUREAU OF EDUCATION. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 78.) Employees. Commissioner of Education Chief clerk. . Expert in higher education (submit¬ ted) . Expert in industrial education (Sub¬ mitted) . Expert in welfare of children (sub¬ mitted ).. Editor (submitted). Collector and compiler of statistics. Statistician. Specialist in charge of land-grant col¬ lege statistics. Specialist in foreign educational sys¬ tems . Specialist in educational systems.... Translator. Clerks of class four. Clerks of class three. Clerks of class two. Clerks of class one (increase of 2)... Clerks, at $1,000 (increase of 7). Copyists: At $900 (increase of 3). At $800. At $720 . Messenger.. Assistant messenger. Skilled laborers, at $840. Laborers: At $480 . At $400 . Total. Total, 1909 Increase.... It is recommended that the four laborers above be transferred to the Secretary’s office. Num¬ ber. 1 1 1 2 2 4 9 12 9 2 1 1 1 2 61 4i 20 Salary. $ 4 , 5 °° 2, 000 4, 000 3,000 3,000 2, 000 2, 400 1, 800 1, 800 1, 800 1, 800 1, 800 3, 600 3, 200 5, 600 10, 800 12, 000 8, 100 1, 600 720 840 720 1, 680 1, 440 400 $80, 600 56, 500 $24, 100 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executiveorder of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner of Education. 1 $6, 000 Chief clerk. ; . 1 2, 400 Experts: In higher education.... I 3, 600 In industrial education. I 3, 000 In welfare of children. I 3,000 Librarian. 1 2, 400 Senior clerks (6): At $2,100. 2 4, 200 At $1,980. 2 3, 960 At $1,860. Clerks (6): 2 3- 720 At $1,740. 2 3 , 4So At $1,620. 2 3 , 240 At $1,500. 2 3, 000 Junior clerks (15): At $1,320. 5 6, 600 At $1,260. 5 6, 300 At $1,200. 5 6, 000 Under clerks (20): At $1,020. At $960 . 5 5, 100 5 4, 800 At $900 . 10 / 9, 000 Messenger. 1 840 Assistant messenger. 1 720 Skilled laborers, at $840. 2 1, 680 Laborers, at $480. 4 1, 920 Total. 61 $84, 960 80, 600 Increase over official estimates Average increase. Per cent of increase. $4, 360 $71 5-4 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. SALARIES, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY—ADMINISTRATIVE AND CLERICAL FORCE. 75 Present Grades and Salaries. (Book of Estimates, p. 454; sundry civil act of May 27, 1908.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Including both statutory and lump-fund rolls.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Statutory roll. Director. . I $6,000 Director . I $6,000 Chief clerk. I 2, SOO Chief clerk. . I 3, 000 Chief disbursing clerk. I 2 , SOO Disbursing officer. . . 1 2, 700 Librarian. I 2 , OOO Cashier. . I 2, 100 Clerks of class two. I T, 400 Editor . . I 2, 400 Clerks of class one. 3 x, 600 Librarian. I 2,100 Clerks: Senior clerks (15): At $1,000. I I, OOO At $2,100. e: 10, soo At Iqoo. 4 3, 600 At $1,980. 9,900 0 At $720, .. 4 2, 880 At $[,860. 9 . 3 °° Watchmen: Clerks (30): At #840 . I 840 At $1,740. 10 17, 400 At $600. 4 2, 400 At $r,62o. 10 16, 200 Janitor. I 600 At $1,500. 10 15,000 Junior clerks (50): At $1,380. 10 13, 800 At $1,320. 10 13, 200 At $1,260. 10 12, 600 At $1,200. 10 12, 000 Under clerks (80): At $1,080. 20 21, 600 At $1,020 . 20 20, 400 At $960. 20 19, 200 At $900. 20 18, 000 Telephone operator. I 780 Messengers, at $840. 2 1, 680 Assistant messengers, at $720. 5 3, 600 Messenger boys, at $480. 5 2, 400 Electrician. 1 1,380 Engineer (steam). 1 1, 200 <1 Firemen, at $780. 4 3, 120 Elevator conductors, at $780. 2 1, 560 Skilled mechanics, at $1,020. 2 2, 040 Lieutenant of watch. 1 1, 020 Watchmen, at $780. 10 7, 800 Laborers: At $660 . 10 6, 600 At $480 . 9 4 , 3 2 ° Messengers, at $840. 4 1,92° Charwomen, at $300. 12 3, 600 27 $ 3 L 2 4 o Total. 236 $268, 500 Lump-fund roll a. . 209 214, 206 245 , 446 Total.. 236 $ 245 , 446 Increase over r> resent salarv roll__ $23, 054 Average increase. $98 Per cent of increase. 9-4 a Footnote on p. 76. 76 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, GEOLOGICAL SURVEY—ADMINISTRATIVE AND CLERICAL FORCE—Continued. “LUMP-FUND roll. CLERICAL AND SUBORDINATE EMPLOYEES PAID FROM THE FUND “FOR GENERAL EXPENSES OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY.” [Sundry civil act of May 27, 1908.] Cashier. $2, 200 Accountant. 1,980 Private secretary. 1,800 Assistant librarian. 1,400 Lditors: 1 at $2,400. 2,400 1 at $2,100. 2,100 Lditorial clerk . 1, 200 Index clerk. 1, 000 Law clerks, 2 at $900 ... i, 800 Fngraver’s clerk. 1, 740 Shipping clerk. 1,400 Senior clerks: 1 at $2,400. 2,400 2 at $2,100. 4,200 2 at $1,980.1. 3,960 1 at $1,860. 1,860 1 at $1,800. 1,800 Clerks: 1 at $2,000. 2,000 2 at $1,740. 3,480 I at $1,680. 1, 680 4 at $1,620. 6,480 II at $1,500. 16,500 3 at $1,400. 4,200 3 at $1,200. 3,600 Clerks—Continued. 1 at $1,000. 1 at $S4o. Junior clerks: 7 at $1,380. . 9,660 12 at $1,320.... . 15.840 1 at $1,260. . 1,260 14 at $1,200 .... Under clerks: 5 at $1,080. . 5 ,400 14 at $1,020.... 3 at $960. 1 at $qoo . 4 at $840. . 3 . 3 6 ° 5 at $750. . 3,750 2 at $720. . i, 44 ° Stenographers and typewriters: 1 at $1,020 .... 3 at $900. . 2, 700 1 at $960. 1 at $720. . 720 Stenographers: 1 at $1,200. 1 at $qoo. 2 at $840. Typewriters: 2 at $900. $1,800 1 at $840. 840 Assistant electrical en¬ gineer. 1,400 Engineer (steam). 1,200 Firemen, 4 at $720. 2, 8S0 Telephone operator .... 720 Llevator conductor. 600 Carpenter. 1, 000 Painter. 1,050 Chief watchman. 1,000 Watchmen: 2 at $900. 1,800 3 at $720. 2,160 2 at $600. 1,200 Messengers: 1 at $840. 840 1 at $720. 720 5 at $600. 3, 000 1 at $500. 500 1 at $180. 180 Messenger boys, 4 at $480. 1,920 Skilled laborers: 2 at $1,200.... $2,400 ; at $1,080. 1,080 1 at $1,020. 1,020 3 at $900. 2,700 2 at $720. 1,440 2 at $660. 1,320 3 at $600. 1,800 1 at $840. 840 1 at $480. 4S0 Classified laborers: 1 at $1,000. i, 000 1 at $900. 900 4 at $840. 3,360 1 at $720. 720 Laborers: 2 at $720.. 1,440 2 at $660.. 1, 320 1 at $626. 626 8 at $600. 4,800 1 at $540. 540 2 at $480. 960 Charwomen, 12 at $240.. 2,880 Total ..$214,206 POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. COMPARATIVE TABLE. SALARIES OE POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT, BY BUREAUS. (1) Appropria¬ tion, 1909. (2) Increase asked. ( 3 ) Official esti¬ mates, 1910. ( 4 ) Estimates under Exee- tive order. ( 5 ) Increase of (4) over (3). (6) Per cent of in¬ crease. Office of the Postmaster-General. $295, 000 $1, 800 $296, Soo $33 b 500 $ 34 , 7 °° 11.6 Office of the First Assistant Postmaster- General. 179 . 43 ° 179 , 43 ° 195, 660 16, 230 9.0 Office of the Second Assistant Postmaster- General.. 266, 790 5, 880 272, 670 299, 460 26, 790 9.8 Office of the Third Assistant Postmaster- General. 33 2 , 560 33 2 , 58o 370, 6S0 38, 100. 11.4 Office of the Fourth Assistant Postmaster- 4 General. 457 , 960 457 , 960 5 °i, 480 43, 520 9-5 Total. b 53 b 76o 7, 680 1 , 539 , 44 o 1, 698, 780 159 , 340 10. 3 SALARIES, POSTMASTER-GENERAL’S BUREAU. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 83). Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Postmaster-General. Chief clerk. Private secretary. Disbursing clerk. Appointment clerk. Assistant chief clerk. Printing clerk. Chief inspector. Chief clerk, division of post-office inspectors. Purchasing agent. Chief clerk, division of the purchas¬ ing agent. Assistant attorney. Do. Law clerk . .. Bookkeeper and accountants. Assistant printing clerk. Stenographers, at $1,600. Clerks class four, at $1,800. Clerks class three, at $1,600 .,. 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 13 Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. $12, 000 Postmaster-General . . 1 $12, 000 3, 000 Chief inspector. 1 4, 200 2, 500 Purchasing agent. 1 4, 200 2, 250 Chief clerk and superintendent. 1 3, 600 2 , OOO Secretary to the Postmaster-General. 1 3,000 2, OOO Disbursing clerk. I 2, 700 2 , OOO Assistant attorney. 1 2, 700 4, 000 Assistant chief clerk. I 2, 700 Assistant attorney . 1 2, 400 2 , OOO Appointment clerk . 1 2, 400 4, 000 Chief clerk, division of post-office inspectors. 1 2, 400 2 , OOO Chief clerk, division of thepurchas- 2 , 750 ing agent . 1 2, 400 2 , OOO Senior clerks: I, 800 At $2, 100 . 4 8, 400 At $1,980. 3 5 , 940 At $1,860. 3 5, 580 I, 600 Clerks: 3, 200 i At $1,740. 12 20, 880 t 0 Ron At $1,620. 12 19, 440 At $1,500. 12 18, 000 20, SOO 77 78 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, POSTMASTER-GENERAL’S BUREAU—Continued. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 83.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Clerks class two, at $1,400,. 21 $29, 400 Clerks class one, at $1,200. 23 27, 600 Clerks class E, at $1,000. 24 24, 000 Clerks class D, at $900. 20 18, 000 Curator of museum. 1 1, 000 Messenger in charge of mails. 1 900 Telephone switchboard operator. 1 720 Assistant telephone switchboard op¬ erator . 1 600 Messenger. 1 840 Assistant messengers, at $720. 7 5, 040 Laborers, at $660. 3 i 20, 460 Pace. I 360 1,400 | Engineer. 1 Assistant engineers, at $1,000. 8 8, 000 Electrician.. . 1 1, 400 Assistant electricians, at $1,200 . 2 2, 400 Dynamo tenders, at $900. 3 2, 700 Eireman and blacksmith. 1 900 Fireman and steamfitter. ...... 1 900 Elevator conductors, at $720. 10 7, 200 Firemen, at $720. 17 12, 240 Carpenters: At $1,200. 1 1, 200 At $1,000. At $900 . 1 1, 000 2 1, 800 Captain of the watch. 1 I, OOO Lieutenants of the watch, at $840. . .. 2 1,680 Watchmen, at $720. 29 20, 880 Foreman of laborers.. 1 800 Laborers and coal passers, at $500 ... 10 5, OOO Plumber. 1 9 °° Awning maker. 1 900 Female laborers: At $540. 1 540 At $500. 3 1,500 At $480. 3 1/440 Charwomen, at $240. 40 9, 600 Total. 309 $296, 800 Total, 1909. 307 295, OOO Increase.. 2 $1, 800 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Junior clerks: At $1,380. 12 $16, 560 At $1,320. 12 15, 840 At $1,260. 12 15,120 At $1,200. 10 12, OOO Under clerks: At $1,080. 6 6, 480 At $1,020. At $960. 6 6, 120 5 4, 800 At $900. 5 4, 500 Messengers or skilled laborers: At $840. 4 3. 360 At $780. 4 3, 120 At $720. 4 2, 880 Engineer. 1 1, 620 Engineers: At $1,200. 3 3, 600 At $1,020. 5 5, 100 Electrician. 1 i,5°o Electricians: At $1,260. 2 2,520 At $1,020. 3 3, 060 Telephone switchboard operators, at $780 . 2 1,560 Elevator conductors, at $780. 10 7, 800 Firemen: At $780 . 7 5 , 46 o At $720 . 10 7, 200 Captain of the w T atch. 1 1, 200 Lieutenants of the watch, at $900... 2 1, 800 Watchmen, at $840. 29 24, 360 Skilled mechanics: At $1,200. O 3, 600 At $1,020. 3 3, 060 At $900. 3 2, 700 Unskilled laborers: At $660.. 42 27,720 At $480. 3 1,440 Messenger boj?. 1 480 Charwomen, at $300. 40 12, 000 Total. 309 $ 331 > 5 oo 296, 800 Increase over official estimates Per cent of increase. $ 34 , 700 11. 6 POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER-GENERAL. 79 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 84.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. First Assistant Postmaster-General.. . 1 $5. 000 Chief clerk. 1 2, 500 Superintendent, division of salaries and allowances. 1 4, 000 Assistant superintendent, division of . salaries and allowances. • I 2, 250 Chief, division of correspondence ... 1 2, 000 Superintendent, division of postmast¬ ers’ appointments. 1 3, 000 Assistants, division of postmasters’ appointments. 2 4, 000 Superintendent, division of city de¬ livery . 1 3, 000 Assistant superintendent, division of city delivery. I 2, 000 Clerks, class four, at $1,800. 12 21, 600 Clerks, class three, at $1,600. 25 40, 000 Clerks, class two, at $1,400. 23 32, 200 Clerks, class one, at $1,200. 20 24, 000 Clerks, class E, at $1,000. 13 13,000 Clerks, class D, at $900. 14 12, 600 Messengers, at $840. 4 3 > 36 o Assistant messengers, at $720. 4 2, 880 Laborers, at $660. 2 I, 320 Pages, at $360 . 2 720 Total. 129 $ l ~ 9 > 430 Total, 1909. 129. 179 . 430 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. First Assistant Postmaster-General. . 1 $6, 000 Chief clerk. 1 3,000 General superintendent, division of salaries and allowances. 1 4, 200 Assistant superintendent, division of salaries and allowances. 1 2, 400 Superintendent, division of post- masters’ appointments. 1 3, 000 Superintendent, division of city de- livery. 1 3, 000 Senior clerks: At $2,100. 4 8, 400 At $1,980. 6 11, 880 At $1,860. 6 1 r, 160 Clerks: At $1,740. ]6 27, 840 At $1,620. 16 25, 920 At $1,500. 16 24, 000 Junior clerks: At $1,380. 8 11, 040 At $1,320. 8 10, 560 At $1,260. 8 10, 080 At $1,200. 8 9, 600 Under clerks: At $1,080. 4 4 , 3 2 ° At $1,020. 4 4, 080 At $960. 4 3- 840 At $900. 3 2, 700 Messengers or skilled laborers: At $840. .4 3, 360 At $780. 2 1,560 At $720.. . . .. 2 1, 440 At $660 . 2 1,320 Messenger boys, at $480. 2 960 Total. 129 $195, 660 179,430 Increase over official estimates $16, 230 Per cent of increase. 9.0 8o SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER-GENERAL. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 85.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Second Assistant Postmaster-General. 1 $5,000 Chief clerk. 1 2, 500 General superintendent, division of railway mail service. 1 4, 000 Assistant superintendent, division of railway mail service. 1 3 , 5 oo Chief clerk, division of railway mail service... 1 2, 000 Superintendent, division of railway adjustments. . 1 3, 000 Assistant superintendent, division of rail wav adjustments. 1 2, 250 Superintendent, division of foreign mails. . r 3, 000 2, 000 Chief clerk, division of foreign mails. 1 Chief, division of inspection. 1 2, 000 Chief, division of equipment. 1 2, 000 Chief, division of contracts. 1 2, 000 Clerks class four, at $1,800. 16 28, 800 Clerks class three, at $1,600. 46 73, 600 Clerks class two, at $,400. 41 57 , 4oo Clerks class one, at $1,200. 33 39 , 600 Clerks class E, at $1,000. 21 21, 000 Clerks class D, at $900. 14 12, 600 Messenger in charge of mails. 1 900 Assistant messengers, at $720. 7 5, 040 Page.V I 480 $272, 670 Total. 192 Total, 1909. 185 266, 790 Increase ... 7 $5, 880 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 3507.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Second Assistant Postmaster-Gen- eral. I $6, 000 3, coo Chief clerk. 1 General superintendent, division of railway mail service. 1 4, 200 Assistant general superintendent, , division of railway mail service. . . 1 3 , 600 Superintendent, division of foreign mails. 1 3 , OWJ Superintendent, division of railway adjustments., 1 3, 000 Superintendent, division of contracts 1 2, 700 Superintendent, division of equip- ment. 1 2, 700 Superintendent, division of inspec- tion . 1 2, 700 Senior clerks: At $2,100 . 6 12, 600 At $1,980. 6 11, 880 At $1,860. 7 13, 020 Clerks: At $1,740 . 30 52, 200 At $1,620 . 30 48, 600 At $1,500. 27 40, 500 Junior clerks: At $1,380. 13 17 , 94 o At $1,320 . 13 17, 160 At $1,260. 13 16, 380 At $1,200. L 3 15,600 Under clerks: At $1,080. 4 4, 320 At $1,020. At $960 . 4 4,080 4 3, 840 At $900. 4 3, 600 Messengers or skilled laborers: At $840 . 4 3, 360 At $780. 2 1,560 At $720 . 2 1, 440 Messenger boy. 1 480 Total. 192 $299, 460 Increase over official estimates 272, 670 $26, 790 Per cent of increase. 9.8 POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. 81 SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE THIRD ASSISTANT POSTMASTER-GENERAL. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 85.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Third Assistant Postmaster-General. . I $5,ooo Chief clerk. I 2, 500 Superintendent, division of stamps. . . 1 2, 750 Superintendent, division of classifica¬ tion . I 2, 750 12 , OOO j Special agents, division of classifica¬ tion, at $2,000. 6 .Superintendent, division of finance. .. 1 2, 250 Assistant superintendent, division of finance . I 2 , OOO .Superintendent, division of registered mails. 1 2, 500 I Assistant superintendents, division of registered mails, at $2,000. 6 12, OOO I Chief, division of redemption. 1 2 , OOO 1 Superintendent, division of money orders. 1 3,500 ! Chief clerk, division of money orders 1 2,250 ; Clerks class four, at $1,800. 12 21, 600 Clerks class three, at $1,600. 3 ° 48, OOO Clerks class two, at $1,400. 43 60, 200 Clerks class one, at $1,200. 56 67, 200 Clerks class E, at $1,000. 4 i 41, OOO Clerks class D, at $900. 3 ° 27, OOO Messenger. 1 840 Assistant messengers, at $720. 6 4, 320 j Laborers, at $660. 16 10, 560 Page. 1 360 Total. 2 5 S $332,580 j Total, 1909. ! CO lO (N 332,580 Jj ' II Employees. Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Chief clerk. Superintendent, division of money orders. Assistant superintendent, division of money orders. Superintendent, division of classifi¬ cation . Assistant superintendents, division of classification, at $2,100 . Superintendent, division of finance. Superintendent, division of regis¬ tered mails. Assistant superintendents, division of registered mails, at $2,100 . Superintendent, division of stamps. Senior clerks: At $2,100. At $1,980. At $1,860. Clerks: At $1,740. At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks: At $1,380. At $1,320. At $1,260. At $1,200. Under clerks : At $1,080. At $1,020. At $960. At $900. Messengers, or skilled laborers: At $840. At $780. At $720. At $660 . Messenger boy. Num¬ ber. Total Increase over official estimates. Per cent of increase. 4 ! 5 5 ! 24 2 4 2 5 2 4 | 24 | 24 25 8 | 8 i 8 6 6 6 6 5 Salary. $6, 000 3, 000 3, 600 2, 400 3, 000 12, 600 3. 000 3, uoo 12, 600 3, 000 8, 400 9, 900 9, 300 41, 760 38,880 37. 5oo 33, 120 3L 680 30, 240 30, 000 8, 640 8, 160 . 7,680 5 , 4oo 5, 040 4, 680 4, 3 2 D 3,300 480 258 $370,680 332, 580 $38, 100 11.4 11 S. Doc. 638, 60-2 82 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF FOURTH ASSISTANT POSTMASTER-GENERAL. Oeficiae Estimates eor 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 86.) Employees Num¬ ber. Salary, Fourth Assistant Postmaster-General. 1 $ 5 , o°o Chief clerk. I 2, 500 Superintendent, division of rural de¬ livery. 1 3,000 Assistant superintendent, division of rural delivery. 1 2 , OOO Superintendent, division of dead letters . 1 2,750 Chief clerk, division of dead letters . . I 1,800 Superintendent, division of supplies. . I 2,500 Assistant superintendent, division of . supplies. I 1,800 Topographer. 1 2,750 Assistant topographer. I 2,000 Clerks, class four, at $1,800. 7 12,600 Clerks, class three, at $1,600. 14 22,400 Clerks, class two. at $1,400. 34 47,600 Clerks, class one, at $1,200. 78 93,600 Clerks, class E, at $1,000. 105 105,000 Clerks, class D, at $900. 73 65,700 Stenographer. 1 X, 600 Do. 1 I, 200 Messengers, at $840. 4 3, 360 Assistant messengers, at $720 . . . 16 11,520 Laborers, at $660. 35 23,100 Female laborers, at $480. 6 2, 880 Pages, at $360. 3 I, 080 Draftsmen: At $1,800. 3 5, 400 At $1,600. 4 6,400 At $1,400 . 4 5, 600 At $1,200. 3 3 , 600 Examiner. 1 1, 200 Map mounter. I T, 200 Assistant map mounter. I 720 Mechanic. r I, OOO Copyist of maps: At $1,000. . . 7 7, 000 At $900 . 9 8, 100 Total. 421 $ 457 , 960 Total, 1909. 421 457 , 96 o Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees Fourth Assistant Postmaster-General. Chief clerk. Superintendent, division of dead letters .. Superintendent, division of rural de¬ livery . Superintendent, division of supplies. Superintendent, division of topog¬ raphy . vSenior clerks: At $2,100.. At $1 980.. li,86o. At Clerks: At: At . At: .1,740 4,620 11,500 Junior clerks: At $1,380 At $1,320 At $ 1,260 At $1,200 Under clerks: At $1,080. At $1,020 . At $960. At $900.. Messengers or skilled laborers: At $840. At $780. At $720. At $660 . Unskilled laborers: At $660. At $480 . . . Messenger boys, at $480. Total. Num¬ ber. 4 12 12 14 14 15 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 39 8 5 8 14 48 6 421 Increase over official estimates. Per cent of increase. Salary $6,000 3, 000 3, 000 3, 000 3, 000 3, 000 8, 400 23,760 22, 320 24, 360 22, 680 22, 500 41, 400 39. 600 37, 800 36, 000 43, 200 40, 800 38, 400 35, ioo 6, 720 6, 240 5, 760 9 , 240 11, 880 2, 880 1,440 $501, 480 457 ,960 $ 43 , 520 9 - 5 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. COMPARATIVE TABLE. SALARIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, BY OFFICES. (0 Appropria¬ tions for I 9 ° 9 - (2) Increase asked. ( 3 ) Official esti¬ mates for 1910. ( 4 ) Estimates under exec¬ utive order. ( 5 ) Increase of (4) over (3). (6) Per cent of increase. Office of Attorney-General. Office of Solicitor of the Treasury. $364, 94o 28, 980 $11, 920 $376, 860 28, 980 $415, 280 30, 980 $38, 420 2, 000 10. 2 6. 9 Office of Solicitor of Department of Com¬ merce and Labor. 22, 690 1, 800 24 , 490 26, 240 ' L 750 7. 2 Total. 416, 610 13, 720 430 , 33 ° 472, 500 42, 170 9.8 SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 145.) Employees. Attorney-General. Solicitor-General. Assistant to the Attorney-General.... Assistant attorneys-general, at $5,000). j Assistant Attorney-General, Post- i Office Department. Solicitor of Internal Revenue. Solicitor, Department of State. Attorneys: At $5,000.... At $3,500. At $3,250. At $3,000. At $2,500. Assistant attorneys: At $3,500 (now paid from the ap¬ propriation “Enforcement of antitrust laws’ ’). At $3,000.. At $2,750. At $2,500. (“Assistant attorney in charge of dockets,’’ at $2,500, consoli¬ dated with 4 assistant attor¬ neys, at $2,500 each.) At $2,400. At $2,000. Attorney in charge of titles (now designated ‘ ‘ law clerk and exam¬ iner of titles’’). Assistant examiner of titles. Chief clerk and ex officio superin¬ tendent of buildings. Superintendent of buildings. Private secretary and assistant to the Attorney-General.| Num¬ ber. .Salary. 1 $12, 000 I 7, 500 1 7, 000 7 35, odd 1 5, 000 1 4 , 500 1 4 , 5 o° 2 IO, GOO 2 7,000 1 3, 250 10 30,000 1 2,500 1 3,500 2 6, 000 2 5- 500 5 12, 500 1 2,400 2 4, UOO 1 2, 700 1 2, 000 I 2, 500 500 1 3, 000 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Attorney-General. 1 $12, 000 Solicitor-General. 1 9, 000 Assistant to the Attorney-General.. . 1 8, 000 Assistant attorneys-general, at$6,ooo . 7 42, 000 Assistant Attorney General, Post- Office Department. 1 6, 000 Solicitor of Internal Revenue. 1 5 , 4 oo Solicitor, Department of State. 1 5 , 4 oo Attorneys: At $5,040 . 2 10, 080 At $3,600. 2 7, 200 At $3,300. i 3, 300 At $3,000. 10 30, 000 At $2,700. 1 2, 700 Assistant attorneys: At $3,600. 1 3, 600 At $3,000. 4 12, 000 At $2,700.. 5 13, 5 °° At $2,400. 1 2, 400 At $2,100. 2 4, 200 Attorney in charge of titles. 1 3 , 3 °° Assistant examiner of titles. 1 2, 100 Chief clerk. 1 3, 600 Private secretary and assistant to the Attorney-General. r 3, 600 Law clerks: At $2,100. 3 6, 300 At$i,98o. 2 3, 960 Attorney in charge of pardons. i 3, 000 Disbursing clerk . 1 3 , 3 °o Appointment clerk. 1 2, 400 Superintendent of prisons and pris- oners. 1 3,600 83 84 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL—Continued. Official, Estimates eor 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 145 .) Employees. Law clerks: At $2,000 (including 1 in office of Solicitor of Internal Rev¬ enue) . At $1,800. Attorney in charge of pardons. Disbursing clerk... Appointment clerk. Superintendent of prisons and pris¬ oners ... Chief examiner. Examiners: At $2,500. At $2,250. At $2,000. At $1,800. Librarian. Clerk to the Attorney-General. Stenographer to the Solicitor-General. Clerks of class four (increase of 2 submitted). Clerks of class three . Clerks of class two (increase of 1 submitted). Clerks of class one (telegraph oper¬ ator and stenographer, omitted as such and included in this item. In¬ crease of 2 submitted) . Clerks: At $1,000. At $900 (including 1 clerk at $900, now paid from the appro¬ priation 1 ‘ Enforcement of antitrust laws ” ) . Packer... Chief messenger. Messengers: At $960 (in lieu of 1 messenger at $840. This change is pro¬ posed in order to rectify an omission in the transfers of last year) .. At $840 (decrease of 1 as noted above) . Assistant messengers: At $720 (2 elevator conductors, omitted as such and included in this item). Laborers, at $660. Watchmen, at $720. Engineer.. .. Assistant engineers, at $900. Firemen, at $720. Head charwoman. Charwomen, at $240........ o 4 2 3 1 1 1 9 12 13 6 18 1 1 14 7 4 1 2 4 1 20 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11 , 1907 .) Salary. 1 Employees. Num¬ ber. $6, 000 3, 600 2 , 75° 2 , 750 2, OOO 3, 000 2, 750 7, 5 00 9, OOO 4, 000 5, 4oo 1, 600 1, 600 1, 600 16, 200 19, 200 9, 800 15, 600 6, 000 16, 200 900 1, OOO 960 3, 360 10, 080 4, 620 2, 880 1, 200 1, 800 2, 880 480 4, 800 Chief examiner. Examiners At $2,700. At $2,400. At $2,100. At $1,980. Clerk in charge of mails and files (in lieu of clerk of class four) Clerk in charge of supplies (in lieu of clerk of class four). Senior clerks: At $2,100. At $1,980. At $1,860. Clerks: At $1,740.. At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks: At $1,380. At $1,320. At $1,260. At $1,200. Under clerks: At $1,080. At $1,020. Packer. Messengers, or skilled laborers: At $1,080. At $960 . At $840 . At $780. At $720 . Unskilled laborers, at $660. Watchmen, at $840. Engineer. Do. Do... Firemen, at $780.. Unskilled laborer (female). Charwomen, at $240. [ 3 4 3 2 1 1 1 3 3 7 10 5 6 6 4 3 10 8 1 1 I 14 ! 4 3 i 4 I 4 I 1 ! 1 1 1 4 1 20 Salary, $3, 600 8, 100 9, 600 6, 300 3. 960 2, 100 2, 100 2, 100 5, 94o 5, 580 12, 180 16, 200 7. 500 8, 280 7, 920 5,040 3, 600 10, 800 8, 160 960 1, 080 960 11, 760 3, 120 2, 160 2, 640 3, 360 1,380 1, 020 960 3, 120 480 4, 800 DEPARTMENT OE JUSTICE. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL—Continued. 85 Employees. FOR THE DIVISION OF ACCOUNTS. Chief, division of accounts ......... Chief bookkeeper and record clerk Clerks of class four. Clerks of class three. Clerks of class two. Clerks of class one. Clerks, at $900. Total. Total, 1909 Increase . . OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR OF THE TREASURY. Solicitor. Assistant solicitor. Chief clerk. Law clerks, at $2,000 . Docket clerks, at $2,000 . Clerks of class four, at $ 1,800. . Clerks of class three, at $1,600. Clerks of class two, at $1,400. . Assistant messenger. Laborer. Total Solicitor. Assistant solicitor. Chief clerk. Law clerks, at $2,400 . Senior clerks: At $2 ,100. At $1,860. Clerks: At $1,740. At$r,62o. At $1,500. Messenger or skilled laborer. Do. Total Increase over official estimates. Average increase. Per cent of increase. R I9IO. 15 -) _ Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Num¬ ber. Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. ♦ FOR THE DIVISION OF ACCOUNTS. 1 $2, 500 Chief, division of accounts. 1 $3,000 1 2, 000 Chief bookkeeper and record clerk . . 1 2, 400 3 5 . 4 oo Senior clerks:' At $1,980. 2 3 . 96 o 4 O, ^J.OO At $[,860. 2 3. 720 6 8, 400 Clerks: 5 6, 000 At $1,740. 2 3 . 48 o At $1,620. 4 6, 480 At $1,500. 4 6, 000 Junior clerks: At $1,380. 2 2, 760 At $1,320. 1 1,320 At $1,260. 1 1, 260 % Under clerks: At $1,080. 1 1, 080 At $1,020. 1 1, 020 218 $376, 860 Total. 218 $415, 280 215 364, 940 376, 860 1 $11,920 Increase over official estimates. P CO to 0 vJ Average increase. . $176 Per cent of increase. 1 IO. 2 $5,000 3,000 2, 100 4, 800 6, 300 1, 860 1, 740 1, 620 3,000 840 720 $30, 980 28, 980 $2, 000 $133 6.9 86 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 145.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Solicitor. * I $5,000 Chief clerk and law clerk. 1 2, 250 Clerks of class four, at $1,800 . 3 5 , 4 o° Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 2 3, 200 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 3 4, 200 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 3 3, 600 Messenger. 1 S40 Total . 14 $24, 490 Total, 1909. 13 22, 690 Increase. 1 $i, 800 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11 , 1907 .) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Solicitor. I $5,000 Chief clerk and law clerk. 1 2, 700 Senior clerks: At $2,100. At $1,860. 1 2, 100 2 3.720 Clerks: At $1,740. 3 5, 220 At $1,500. 1 L 5 °° Junior clerks: At $1,380. 2 2, 760 At $1,200. 2 2, 400 Messenger. 1 S- CO Total. 14 $26, 240 Increase over official estimates . 24,490 $1, 75 ° $125 Average increase. Per cent of increase. 7. 2 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. COMPARATIVE TABLE. SALARIES OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, RY BUREAUS. (1) Appropria¬ tions for [909. ( 2 ) Increase asked. ( 3 ) Official esti¬ mates for 19x0. ( 4 ) Estimates under exec¬ utive order. ( 5 ) Increase of (4) over (3). (6) Per cent of increase. Office of Secretary. #132, 9 °° $29, 400 $162, 300 $181, 260 $18, 960 11.7 Weather Bureau . 202, 510 1, 800 204, 310 229, 020 24, 7 io 12. 1 Bureau of Animal Industry. S3, 660 3 L 440 115, 100 125, 400 10, 300 8.9 Bureau of Plant Industry. 187, 410 2, 540 189, 950 209, 760 19, 810 10. 4 Forest Service . 144, 300 a 84, 100 60, 200 61, 200 1, 000 bx. 7 Bureau of Chemistry. 66, 720 16, 520 83, 240 90, 920 7, 680 9. 2 Bureau of Soils. 34,700 a 200 34, 500 38, 160 3, 660 10.6 Bureau of Entomology. 26, 160 I, 720 27, 880 29, 460 1, 580 5-7 Bureau of Biological Survey. 7, 580 5, 420 13, 000 15,000 2, 000 15.4 Division of Accounts and Disbursements. 46, 690 9, 400 56, 090 62, 760 6, 670 xi.9 Division of Publications. 139, 710 2, 270 141, 980 155,220 13, 240 9-3 Bureau of Statistics... 96, 640 7 , 940 104, 580 hi, 540 6, 960 6.7 Library.. 18, 080 2, 080 20, 160 21, 960 1, 800 8.9 Office of Experiment Stations. 34, 620 4, 860 39, 480 42, 540 3, 060 7.8 Office of Public Roads. 12, 390 3, 820 16, 210 17, 820 1, 610 9-9 Total. x, 234, 070 34 , 9 io 1, 268, 980 1,392, 020 123,040 9-7 “Decrease. b The small per cent of increase is due to a change in the organization of the Forest Service, under which six administrative districts will be established in the West and a large number of the employees in Washington transferred to the field. Note. —In submitting the estimates of appropriations for the fiscal year 1910, the Secretary of Agriculture transferred to the statutory rolls all clerical positions heretofore carried on the lump-fund rolls, while all professional and technical places on the statutory rolls were transferred to the lump-fund rolls. In preparing the following tables, these transfers have therefore been taken into consideration in computing totals of places and appropriations. 87 88 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, pp. 88-89.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Secretary of Agriculture . 1 $12, 000 Assistant Secretary of Agriculture . .. 1 5, 000 vSolicitor. 1 4, 000 Chief clerk, at $2,500, and $500 addi¬ tional as custodian of buildings. . . . 1 3, 000 Private secretary to the Secretary of Agriculture. T 2, 500 Stenographer and executive clerk to the Secretary of Agriculture. I 2, 000 Private secretary to the Assistant Sec¬ retary of Agriculture.. I 1, 600 Stenographer to the Assistant Secre¬ tary of Agriculture. I 1, 400 Appointment clerk.. I 2, 000 Chief of supply division . .1 2, OOO Inspector . I 2, OOO Telegraph and telephone operator . . I I, 400 Note. — One telegraph and telephone operator at $ 1,200 dropped. Clerks of class four (increase of 2), at $1 ,Soo .. 3 5» 4°° Clerks of class three, at $1,600 . 3 4, 800 Clerks of class two (increase of 3), at $1,400 . S 11, 200 Clerks of class one (increase of 1), at $1,200 . 8 9, 600 Clerks (increase of 3), at $1,000 . S 8, 000 Clerks (increase of 2), at $900 . 4 3, 600 Clerk . I 840 4 , 3 20 Clerks or laborers, at $720. 6 Chief engineer, who shall be captain of the watch . 1 1, 600 Assistant engineer . I 1, 400 Assistant engineers, at $1,000 . 2 2, OOO Firemen, at $720. 4 2,880 Elevator conductors, at $720. 4 2,880 Electrician. 1 I, OOO Cabinetmaker. 1 I, IOO Carpenter. 1 I, OOO Painter. I 900 720 Do. 1 Plumber. 1 900 Blacksmith. 1 840 Mechanics: At $1,200 (submitted). 2 2, 400 At $1,100. Mechanic. 1 I, IOO Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Secretary of Agricultnre. 1 $I2,cOOO Assistant Secretary of Agriculture . . 1 6, 000 Solicitor. 1 4 , 5 °° Chief clerk and cnstodian of build- ings.. I 3, 600 3,000 Secretary to the Secretary. I Executive clerk to the Secretarj^ . . . 1 2, 400 Appointment clerk. 1 2, 400 Chief of supply division. I 2, 400 Inspector. I 2, 520 Senior clerks (8): At $2,100. At $1,980. E.. 3 6, 3'oo 2 3 . 960 At $1,860. 3 5. 580 Clerks (9): At $1,740. 1 1,740 At $1,620. 1 1, 620 At $1,500. 7 10, 500 Junior clerks (8): At $1,380. 1 1,380 At $1,320. 1 1,320 At $1,200. 6 7, 200 Under clerks (22): At $1,080. 7 7, 560 At $960. 4 3. 840 At $900. 11 9,900 Chief engineer. 1 2 , OOO Engineers (3): At $1,500. 1 1,500 At $1,200. 2 2,400 Firemen, at $780.. 4 3,120 Elevator conductors, at $780. 4 3,120 Electrician. 1 1, 200 Skilled mechanics (9): At $1,380. 3 4,140 At $1,200. 2 2,400 At $1,020. At $900. 2 2,040 2 1,800 8 9 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY-Continued. Official Estimates for 1910. Proposed Grades and Salaries. ( Book of Estimates, pp. 88-89.) (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. .Salary. Lieutenant of the watch. 1 $ 1,000 i Lieutenant of the watch. 1 $ r, 080 Watchmen (increase of 12), at $720. . 27 19,440 Watchmen, at $840. 27 22, 680 Clerks or messengers (increase of 4), Messengers or skilled laborers (20): at $840. I I 9,240 At $840 . 12 io, 080 Assistant messengers: At $720. 2 1,440 At $720 .. At $660. 6 2 4 , 3 20 1,320 At $600. 2 1,200 At $480. 1 480 Skilled laborers : At $840 . 1 840 At $720 . 1 720 At $660. 1 660 At $600 . 3 1,800 At $480 . 1 480 Laborers (increase of 4), at $600. 5 3,000 Unskilled laborers (17): Laborers or charwomen, at $480. 11 5,280 At $660. At $480. 6 11 3 , 960 5, 280 Charwoman. 1 540 Charwomen, at $300. 5 1, 500 Charwomen, at $240. 5 1,200 For extra laborers and emergency For extra laborers and emergency errmlovments.. employments 7, 600 7,600 1 J Total. 148 $162,300 Total. 148 $181, 260 Total, 1909. 116 132,900 162, 300 Increase 3 2 $29,400 Increase over official estimates $18, 960 $128 Average increase. Per cent of increase. 11. 7 Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. 36.4 S. Doc. 63S, 60-2 12 9 o SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, WEATHER BUREAU. Employees. Chief of bureau. Assistant chief of bureau. . . Chief clerk. Chiefs of division, at $2,000 Librarian. Clerks of class four (increase of 1), at $1,800. Clerks of class three, at $1,600. Clerks of class two, at $1,400 . . Clerks of class one, at $1,200 Clerks at $1,000 Clerks at $900 , Copyists or typewriters (5): At $840 . At $720. Assistant foreman of division, at $1,600 Proof reader. Chief mechanic. Lithographers (4): At $1,300. At $1,200. Pressmen, at $1,250. . . . Folders and feeders (8): At $720. At $630. Compositors, at $1,250 Skilled mechanics (7): At $1,200. At $1,000. ...... Engineer. Captain of the watch Electrician. Skilled artisans, at $840. Firemen, at $720. >R I9IO. -90.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. ( Executive order of June it, 1907.) Num¬ ber. Salary. I Employees. Num¬ ber. I $5, 000 Chief of bureau. 1 1 3, 000 Assistant chief..’. 1 1 2, 250 Chief clerk. 1 4 8, 000 Chief of division, at $2,400. 4 • 1 2, 000 Librarian and supervising examiner. 1 Senior clerks (10): 7 12, 600 At $1,980. 7 7 11, 200 At $1,860. 3 18 25, 200 Clerks (23): At $1,740. 5 At$r,62o. 9 At $1,500. 9 27 32, 400 Junior clerks (34): At $1,380. 3 At $1,320. 11 At $1,260. 9 At $1,200. 11 18 18, 000 Under clerks (24): At $1,080. 5 At $1,020. 10 9 8, TOO At $960. x 1 . 8 At $900. 1 4 3- 360 1 720 2 3, 200 Foreman of composing room. 1 Foreman of press room. 1 1 1, 400 Proof reader. 1 1 1, 400 Lithographers (5): 1 1, 300 At $1,320. 2 n 0 3, 600 At $1,260. 2 At $1,020. I 2 2, 500 Pressmen, at $1,320. 2 Job pressman. 1 5 3 3, 600 1, 890 Pressfeeders, at $780. 5 Folders and stitchers, at $660 . 2 10 12, 500 Compositors, at $1,320. IO Instrument makers (4): At $1,500. 1 At $1,320. 3 Skilled mechanics (10): 1 1, 200 At $1,200.. 1 6 6, 000 At $1,020. 6 At $900. 3 1 1, 200 Engineer. 1 Assistant engineer. 1 1 1, 000 Captain of the watch. I 1 1, 000 Electrician. 1 6 5, 040 3 2, 160 Firemen, at $780. 3 Salarv. $6, 000 3,600 2, 700 9, 600 2, 400 13, 860 5,580 8, 700 14, 580 13, 5 oo 4, 140 14, 520 iL34o 13, 200 5, 4°° 10, 200 7, 680 900 1, 740 1,740 1, 620 2, 640 2, 520 1, 020 2, 640 840 3, 9°° 1,320 13, 200 i,5°o 3, 960 1, 200 6, 120 2, 700 1, 620 - 1. 020 2, 34° DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SALARIES, WEATHER BUREAU—Continued. 91 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 89 - 90 .) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Watchmen, at $720.. 4 $2, 880 Messengers or laborers, at $660. 6 3 . 9 6 ° Messengers or laborers, at $720. 5 3, 600 Messengers, messenger boys, or labor¬ ers (22): At $600. 13 7, Soo At $480. 4 1, 920 At $450. 5 2, 230 Charwomen (4): At $360 . 1 360 At $240 . 3 720 Total. 187 $204, 310 Total, 1909. 186 202, 510 Increase . 1 $1, 800 Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Watchmen, at $840. 4 # 3 . 36 <> Messengers or skilled laborers (18): At $>840. 4 3. 360 At $720. 4 2, 880 At $660 . 10 6, 600 Unskilled laborers (9): At $660 . 7 4, 620 At $480 . 2 960 Messenger boys, at $480. 6 2, 880 Charwomen, at $300. 2 600 Total. 1S7 $229, 020 Increase over official estimates Average increase. Per cent of increase. 204, 310 $24, 7 ro $132 12. 1 Per cent of increase over appropriation for ' 9°9 . 13- 1 92 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, pp. 93 - 94 .) Employees. Num¬ ber. Chief of bureau . 1 Chief clerk . 1 NoTE.-One editor at $2,000 transferred to lump fund for general expenses. Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 4 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 5 Clerks of class two (increase of 3 by transfer from lump fund for general expenses), at $1,400. 16 Clerk (by transfer from lump fund for general expenses). 1 Clerks of class one (increase of 1 by transfer from lump f und for general expenses), at $1,200. • 14 Clerks (increase of 6 submitted, 3 by transfer from lump fund for general expenses), at $1,000. 14 Clerks (increase of 2 by transfer from lump fund for general expenses), at $900. 5 Clerks (increase of 2 by transfer from fund for general expenses), at $840. 4 Clerks (increase of 2 by transfer from lump fund for general expenses), a $720 . 5 Mechanic . 1 Messenger and custodian . 1 Carpenter . 1 Carpenters (by transfer from lump fund for general expenses) , at $900. 3 Painter (by transfer from lump fund for general expenses) . 1 Messengers (increase of 2 by transfer from lump fund for general ex¬ penses), at $840 . 3 Messengers (increase of 3 by transfer from lump fund for general ex¬ penses), at $720 . 6 Messenger boys (by transfer from lump fund for general expenses), at $480 . 2 Skilled laborer . 1 Skilled laborers (increase of 2 by transfer from lump fund for gen¬ eral expenses), at $720 . 3 Skilled laborers (increase of 1 by transfer from lump fund for gen¬ eral expenses), at $600 . 3 Skilled laborer . .... 1 Note.—O ne illustrator at $1,400 trans¬ ferred to lump fund for general expenses. Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11 , 1907 .) Salary. Employees. |5,ooo j 2 , OOO j Chief of bureau Chief clerk.... I 7, 200 Senior clerks (4): At $2,100.. . . At $1,980.... At $1,860 . . . 8, 000 22, 400 1, 300 16, 800 14, 000 Clerks (21): At $1,740. At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks (17): At $1,380. At $1,320. At $1,260. At $1,200. Under clerks: At $r,o8o. At $1,020. At $960. At $900. 4 , 500 3 . 3 6 ° 3, 600 1, 200 1, 000 1, 100 Skilled mechanics (7): At $1,260. At $1,200. At $1,020. At $960. At $900. Num¬ ber. Salary. 1 $6,000 1 2,700 2 r 1 4, 200 1, 980 1, 860 3 6 12 5, 220 9, 720 18, 000 6 2 2 7 8, 280 2, 640 2, 520 8,400 3 10 6 7 3 . 240 10, 200 5, 760 6, 300 1 1 1 1 3 1, 260 1, 200 1, 020 960 2, 700 2, 700 900 2, 520 Messengers or skilled laborers (14): At $840. At $720 . 4 . 3 2 ° 96 o 840 Messenger boys at $480 7 5.88o 7 5 , ° 4 ° 2 ! 960 2, 160 1, 800 660 Unskilled laborers (15): At $660. At $600. At $480'. 8 1 6 5, 280 600 2, 880 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SALARIES, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY—Continued. 93 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, pp. 93-94.) Proposed Grades and Salaries (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary- Laborers (by transfer from lump fund for general expenses): At $600. 4 $2, 400 At $480.- 1 480 Charwomen (by transfer from lump Charwomen, at $300. 2 $600 fund for general expenses): At $540. 1 540 At $480. 6 2, 880 1 At $240. 2 480 Total. no $115, 100 Total. no $125, 400 Total, 1909. 67 83, 660 115, 100 Increase . 43 $ 3 L 440 Increase over official estimates $10, 300 Average increase. $94 Per cent of increase. 8.9 Per cent of increase over appropriation for I 9°9 . 49-9 94 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, pp. 99-101.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Clerks (increase of 3 by transfer from lump fund for general expenses), at $1,000. Clerks (increase of 10 submitted, 2 in lieu of 1 photographer or clerk at $900, and 1 illustrator or clerk at $900 dropped, and 8 by transfer from lump fund for general ex¬ penses), at $900. Clerks (increase of 4 submitted, 3 in lieu of 1 clerk or artist at $840, and 2 clerks or messengers at $840 dropped, and 1 by transfer from lump fund for general expenses), at $840. Clerk . Clerks (increase of 1 by transfer from lump fund for general expenses), at $720. Clerks, messengers, or laborers (in lieu of 4 clerks at $660, 3 skilled laborers at $660, and 1 messenger at $660 dropped), at $660. Clerks, messengers, or laborers (in lieu of 4 clerks, 8 skilled laborers, and 3 messengers at $600 dropped, and 1 by transfer from lump fund for seeds), at $600. Note. —Four clerks at $660 dropped (in¬ cluded in clerks, messengers, or laborers at $66jp) 4 clerks at $600 dropped (included in clerks, messengers, or laborers at $600), 1 photographer or clerk at $900 dropped (in¬ cluded in clerks at $900), 1 illustrator or clerk at $900 dropped (included in clerks at $900). and 1 assistant photographer at $600, transferred to lump fund for general ex¬ penses. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Plant physiologist and pathologist, who shall be chief of bureau. 1 $5, 000 Chief clerk. T 2, 250 Note. —One editor at $2,000, and 1 super¬ intendent of gardens and grounds at $1,800, transferred to lump fund for general ex¬ penses. Officer in charge of records. 1 2, 000 Executive clerks (3 submitted, 1 by transfer from lump fund for seeds, making increase of 2), at $1,980.. . 3 5 , 940 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 4 7, 200 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 8 12, 800 Clerk (by transfer from lump fund for general expenses). I 1, 500 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 13 18, 200 Clerks of class one (increase of 2 sub¬ mitted, 1 in lieu of 1 clerk or artist at $1,200 dropped, and 1 by transfer from lump fund for seeds), at $1,200 . 3 1 37, 200 Seed clerk and superintendent. I 1, 200 Note.-O ne clerk or artist at $ 1,200 dropped (included in clerks of class one), and 1 clerk or artist at $840 dropped (in¬ cluded in clerks at $840). Clerk. I 1, 080 19 16 16 I 13 16 19, 000 14, 400 Lb 44° 800 9 , 060 5, 280 9, 600 !j Plant physiologist and pathologist, who shall be chief of bureau. Officer in charge of records. Senior clerks (8): At$r,98o. At $ 1,860. . Clerks (21): At $1,740. At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks (34): At $1,380. At$i,32o. At $1,260. At $1,200. Under clerks (73): At$i,o8o. At$I,020. At$960 . At$900 . o 5 2 8 11 4 10 16 4 8 17 11 37 $6, 000 2, 700 2, 400 5. 94o 9. 3°o 3> 48o 12, 960 16, 500 5> 5 2 ° 200 20, 160 4, 800 8, 640 17 . 340 10, 560 33,3°° DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SALARIES, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY—Continued. 95 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, pp. 99-101.) Proposbid Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of Juue 11, 1907.) Employees. Carpenters (2): At $900. At $840. Note.—T he following places are trans¬ ferred to the lump fund for general ex¬ penses: Two gardeners or assistants, at $r,ooo each. $2,000 Six gardeners, at $900 each. 5,400 Two gardeners, at $840 each. 1,680 Four gardeners, at $780 each. 3,120 Five gardeners, at $720 each. 3,600 Three gardeners, at $660 each. 1, 980 One gardener. 600 Num¬ ber. Salary. 1 $900 1 ; 840 Employees. Skilled mechanics (5): At $1,200 . At $ r, 020. Num¬ ber. Salary. 1 4 $1, 200 4, 080 Skilled laborer . 1 Skilled laborer (by transfer from lump fund for general expenses ) . . 1 1 900 Messengers or skilled laborers ( 26 ) : At $840 .. At $720. At $660. 8 8 10 6, 720 5, 760 6, 600 840 Painter S40 Plumbers, at $840. Note. —Two clerks or messengers at $840 dropped (included in clerks at $840). 2 I, 6S0 Skilled laborers, at $720. Note. —Three skilled laborers at $660 dropped (included m clerks, messengers, or laborers at $660), also 8 skilled laborers at $600 (included in clerks, messengers, or Iaborers at $600). Skilled laborers (increase of 1 by transfer from lump fund for seeds), at $540. Note. —One messenger at $660 dropped (included in clerks, messengers, or labor¬ ers, at $660), also 3 messengers at $600 (in¬ cluded in clerks, messengers, or laborers, at $600), and 10 skilled laborers or messen¬ gers at $480 (included in skilled laborers, messengers, or messenger boys at $480.) Skilled laborers, messengers, or mes¬ senger boys (10 in lieu of 10 skilled laborers or messengers at $480 dropped, and 4 by transfer from lump fund for general expenses), at $480. Messenger boys (increase of 2 by transfer from lump fund for general expenses), at $360. Messenger boys (increase of 1 by transfer from lump fund for general expenses), at $300. Total. Unskilled laborers, at $600. Messenger boys, at $481 Total 3, 000 20 195 9, 600 $209, 7 60 Total, 1909 Increase . . 193 1S7, 410 j 2 $2 ,540 Increase over official estimates. Average increase. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for * 9°9 . 189, 950 #19, 8ro $102 10. 4 11. 9 9 6 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, FOREST SERVICE. Official Estimates for 1910. (Rook of Estimates, p. 108.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June it, 1907.) Employees. Forester, who shall be chief of bureau. Num ber. Salary. 1 $5,000 Note. —The following places have been dropped: One clerk . $2,100 One clerk. 2,000 Six clerks, class four (2 of whom are transferred to the Division of Accounts and Disburse¬ ments) . 10,800 Three clerks, at $1,700 each.... 5,100 One clerk, class three. 1,600 One clerk. x, 500 Two clerks, class two (1 of whom is transferred'to the Division of Accounts and Disburse¬ ments) . 2,800 One clerk .. 1,300 Eight clerks, class one. 9,600 Seven clerks, at $[,100 each .... 7,700 Ten clerks, at $1, 000 each. 10, 000 Nineteen clerks, at $800 each .. 15,200 Twenty-seven clerks, at $700 each. 18,900 Eighteen clerks, at $600 each .. 10,800 One draftsman. 2,000 Two draftsmen, at $1,400 each . 2,800 Two draftsmen, at $i, 200 each . 2,400 Four draftsmen, at $1,000 each. 4,000 One artist. 1,000 One photographer. 1,400 Do. 1, 200 Do. 1, 000 Four messengers, at $720 each . 2,880 Two messengers, at $700 each.. x,400 Three messengers, at $600 each. x, 800 Three messengers, at $400 each. 1,200 One carpenter.. x, 000 Do. 720 Three watchmen, at $700 each.. 2,100 One electrician. 700 Total $127, GOO Clerk (decrease of 1, dropped as above).. Clerks(30): At $1,320 (submitted) . At $1,260 (submitted). At $1,200 (submitted). At $1,080 (submitted).• At $1,020 (submitted). At $960 (submitted). Clerks (increase of 5 submitted), at $900. Messengers (8): At $660 (submitted). At $360 (submitted). Watchmen, at $840 (submitted) .... Total. Total, 1909 Decrease.. I 1, 500 I 1, 320 2 2, 520 4 4, 800 5 5 , 4 oo 8 8, 160 10 9, 600 17 15. 3 °° 4 2, 640 4 1, 440 n 2, 520 60 $60, 200 150 144, 300 90 $84, 100 Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Forester, who shall be chief of bureau. $6, 000 Clerk. I U Junior clerks (7): At $1,320... t 1, 320 At $1,260 . 2 2,520 At $1,200 . 4 4, 800 Under clerks (40): At $1,080. 5 5 , 4 oo At $1,020 . 8 8, 160 At $960. 10 9, 600 At $900. 17 15 , 3 °° Messengers or skilled laborers, at $660. 4 2, 640 Messenger boys, at $360. 4 1, 440 Watchmen, at $840. 3 2, 520 Total. 60 $61, 200 60, 200 Increase over official estimates $1, 000 Avei'age increase ... . Per cent of increase.. Per cent of decrease over appropriation for t 909. $G 1. 7 57-6 Note. —The small per cent of increase in the case of the Forest Service is due to the reorganization of that service, under which 6 administrative districts will be established in the West. This occasions a reduction in the force of clerks in Washington, D. C., and permits the statutory roll to be reduced $84,100. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SALARIES, BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY. 97 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 113-114.) Elmployees. Num¬ ber. Salary, j Chemist, who shall be chief of bureau. 1 $5,000 Chief clerk. 1 I, 800 Clerks of class four (increase of 1), at $1,800. 3 5 , 4 oo Clerks of class three (increase of 2), at $1,600. 6 9, 600 Clerks of class two (increase of 2), at $L 4 oo. 8 11, 200 Property clerk. 1 1, 600 Clerk (by transfer from lump fund).. 1 1, 300 Clerks of class one, at $1,200. 9 10, 800 Clerks (increase of 1 by transfer from lump fund), at $l,ooo. 9 9, 000 Clerks (increase of 2), at $900. 12 10, 800 Engineer. 1 1, 200 Assistant property custodian. 1 900 Skilled mechanic ... 1 900 Fireman. I 600 Watchmen (by transfer from lump fund), at $720. 3 2, 160 Messengers (3): At $900 (submitted). 1 900 At $840. 2 1, 680 Skilled laborers (4): At $720 . 3 2, 160 600 At $600... 1 Messengers or laborers (increase of 1 by transfer from lump fund), at $600 . 4 2, 400 Messengers or laborers (5): At $480. 3 1, 440 At. $420. 2 840 Charwoman (by transfer from lump fund), at $240. 4 960 Total. 78 $83, 240 Total, 1909 . 60 66, 720 Increase. 18 J $16, 520 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chemist, who shall be chief of bureau. I $6, 000 Chief clerk. 1 2, 100 Senior clerks (4): At $1,980. 2 3, 960 At $1,860. 2 3 . 720 Clerks (14): At $1,740. 3 5, 220 At $1,620. 4 6, 480 At $1,500. 7 10, 500 Junior clerks (15): At $1,380. 3 4 , 140 At $r,32o. 2 2, 640 At $1,260. 2,520 At $1,200.. 8 9, 900 Under clerks (16): At $1,080. 2 2, 160 4, 080 At $1,020. At $960 . 4 4 3> 840 At $900 . 6 5 , 4oo Engineer . 1 !, 320 Assistant property custodian. 1 I, 200 One custodian of records. 1 1,000 Skilled mechanic. 1 1,000 Fireman. i 780 Messengers or skilled laborers (11): At $840. 3 2,520 At $780. 3 2,340 At $720. 3 2, 160 At $660. 2 1, 320 Unskilled laborers (5): At $660. 2 1, 320 At $480. 3 1, 440 Messenger boys, at $480. 2 960 Charwoman, at $300. 4 1, 200 Total. Increase over official estimates . Average increase. Per cent of increase . 78 $90, 920 83, 240 $7, 680 $98 9. 2 36.3 Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909 S. Doc. 638, 60-2 - 13 9 8 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, BUREAU OF SOILS. Ofeiciae Estimates eor 1910. (Book of Estimates, pp. 116-117.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Soil physicist, who shall be chief of $3, 5 00 bureau . 1 Chief clerk. 1 2, 000 Clerks of class four, at $1,800. 2 3, 600 Clerk of class three. 1 1, 600 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 3 4, 200 Clerks of class one (increase of 2), at $1,200 ... 8 9, 600 Note.—O ne draftsman at $1,200, and 1 draftsman at $1,000, transferred to the lump fund. Clerks (7): At $1,000. At $840. 4 4, 000 3 2,520 Carpenter. . 1 840 Note. — One photographer at $1,000, trans¬ ferred to the lump fund. Messenger. 1 720 Messenger or laborer. 1 480 Laborer (by transfer from lump fund). 1 600 Charwoman or laborer. 1 480 Messenger boy. 1 360 Total. 29 $34,500 Total, 1909. 29 34, 7°o Decrease. $200 Proposed Grades and Saearies. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. I Salary. Soil physicist, who shall be chief of bureau. Chief clerk. Senior clerks (3): At $1,980. At $1,860. Clerks (3): At $1,620. At $1,500. . Junior clerks (8): At $1,380. At $1,320. At $1,260. At $1,200. Under clerks (7): At $1,020. At $900. Skilled mechanic. Messengers or skilled laborers (2): At $840... At $660. Unskilled laborers (3): At $600 . . . At $480... Total 1 $4, 200 1 2, 400 2 3, 960 1 1, 860 1 1, 620 2 3, 000 2 2, 760 1 1,320 3, 780 3 2 2, 400 4 4, 080 3 2, 700 1 1, 020 1 840 1 660 1 600 2 960 29 $38, 160 34, 500 Increase over official estimates. Average increase. Per cent of increase. ... Per cent of increase over appropriation for i9°9. $3, 660 $126 10. 6 10 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SALARIES, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. 99 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 118.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Entomologist, who shall be chief of bureau. r $4, 000 Chief clerk. 1 1, 800 Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 2 3, 200 Clerks of class two, at $1,400. 4 5, 60-3 Note.—O ne artist at $1,400 transferred to lump fund for general expenses. Clerks of class one (increase of 1 by transfer from lump fund for general expenses), at $1,200. 4 4, Soo Clerks, at $1,000.. 5 5, 000 Messenger. 1 840 | Do. 1 720 Laborer (by transfer from lump fund for general expenses). 1 720 Charwomen (by transfer from lump fund for general expenses), at$480. 2 960 Charwoman (by transfer from lump fund for general expenses). 1 240 Total. 23 $27, 880 Total, 1909. 19 26, 160 Increase. .. 4 $1, 720 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Entomologist, who shall be chief of bureau... I $4, 200 Chief clerk. 1 2, 220 Clerks (6): At $1, 620. 2 3. 240 At $1,500. 4 6, 000 Junior clerks, at $1,260. 4 5 , 040 Under clerks, at $1,020. 5 5, 100 Messengers or skilled laborers (3): At $840 . 2 1, 680 At $ 720. 1 720 Unskilled laborers, at $480. 2 960 Charwoman, at $500. 1 300 Total. 23 $29, 460 27, 880 Increase over official estimates $1, 580 Average increase. $69 Per cent of increase. 5-7 Per cent of increase over appropriation for T QOQ. 12. 6 IOO I SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, BUREAU OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 120.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Biologist, who shall be chief of bureau. 1 $3, coo Clerk of class four (submitted). 1 I, 800 Clerk of class two (submitted). 1 I, 400 Clerk of class one. 1 I, 200 Clerks, at $1,000. 2 2 , OOO Clerks (increase of 1 by transfer from lump fund), at $900. 2 I, 800 Messenger (by transfer from lump fund). 1 720 Messenger or laborer. • ... 1 4S0 Laborer (by transfer from lump fund) . 1 600 Total. 11 $ 13 , OOO Total, 1909. 6 7, 580 Increase . 5 $5, 420 Employees. Num¬ ber. Biologist, who shall be chief of bureau . 1 Senior clerk. 1 Salary. $4, 200 1, 860 Clerk. Junior clerks (2): At 11,380. At $1,200. Under clerks (3): At $1,080. At $900 . Messengers or skilled laborers (2): At $840 . At $660 . 1 1,500 1 1,380 1 1,200 1 2 1, 080 1, 800 1 840 1 660 Unskilled laborer Total. 1 480 11 $15,000 Increase over official estimates. Average increase .. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for i9°9.. 13,000 $2, 000 $182 15-4 97 - 9 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE* ioi DIVISION OF ACCOUNTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 122.) Employees* Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief of division and disbursing clerk, who shall be administrative officer of the fiscal affairs of the de¬ partment . .. 1 $ 3 . 2 5 ° Assistant chief of division. 1 2, 500 Cashier and chief clerk. 1 2, 000 Auditors (increase of 1), at $2,000 .. . 2 4, 000 Clerks of class four (increase of 2 by transfer from Forest Service), at $1,800. T 5 , 4oo Clerks of class three, at $1,600. 6 9, 600 Clerks of class two (increase of 1 by transfer from Forest Service), at $1,400. Q 12, 600 Clerks of class one (increase of 2), at $1,200 . 6 7, 200 Clerks: At $1,000. At $900. 3 3, 000 r 900 At $840. 2 1,680 At $720. 3 2, 160 Custodian of records and files. 1 1, 200 Messenger. 1 600 Total. 40 $56, 090 Total, 1909. 34 46, 690 Increase . 6 $9, 400 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief of division and disbursing clerk, who shall be administrative officer of the fiscal affairs of the department. 1 $3, 600 Assistant chief of division. I 2, 700 Cashier and chief clerk. 1 2, 400 Chiefs of sections (5): At $2,220. 2 4,440 At $2,100. 3 6, 300 Senior clerks, at $r,8oo. 2 3, 600 Clerks (15): At $1,740 . 2 3 . 48 o At $1,620. 4 6,480 At $1,500. 9 13. 500 Junior clerks (6): At $1,320. 3 3, 960 At $1,200 . 3 3, 600 Under clerks (7): At $1,020. At $900. 2 2, 040 5 4, 500 Custodian of records and files . 1 1,320 Messenger or skilled laborer. I 840 Total. 40 $62, 760 56, 090 Increase over official estimates $6, 670 Average increase . $167 Per cent of increase. i r. q Per cent of increase over appropriation for TQOQ . ... 34-4 102 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS. t Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, pp. 122-123.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Editor, who shall be chief of division. 1 $3,000 Note. —The following places are trans¬ ferred to the lump fund: One editor, who shall be assistant chief of division. $2, 250 One associate editor. 2, 000 One assistant in charge of indexing. 1,800 Four assistant editors, at $ 1,600 each. 6, 400 Two editorial clerks, at $1,400 each.. 2,800 One assistant in charge of illustra¬ tions . 2,000 . One draftsman or photographer. 1,500 Two draftsmen or photographers, at $1,400 each. 2,800 One draftsman or photographer. 1, 200 Chief clerk. Assistant in charge of document sec¬ tion . Assistant in document section. 1 2,000 1 2,000 1 . 1, 600 Note.—O ne assistant in document sec¬ tion, at $1,400, dropped (included as clerk, class two). Foreman, miscellaneous distribution (in lieu of 1 foreman, document section, dropped). 1, 400 Employees. Editor, who shall be chief of divi sion. . Chief clerk Assistant in charge of documents.. Foreman, miscellaneous distribution Salary. $3, 600 2, 220 2, 220 1, 500 Note.—O ne foreman, document section, at $1,400, dropped (included as foreman, mis¬ cellaneous distribution). Foreman, farmers’ bulletin distribu¬ tion . Forewomen, at $1,200. Clerk of class two (in lieu of 1 assistant in document section, at $1,400, dropped). Clerks of class one. Clerks (increase of 3), at $1,000. Clerks (increase of 7), at $900. Clerks (increase of 9), at $840. Clerks (increase of 3), at $720 . Note.—T wenty-one clerks, at $600, dropped, and 1 photograper, at $1,200, and 1 assistant photographer, at $840, transferred to the lump fund. Chief folder. Folder. Folders, at $840. Skilled laborer (by transfer from lump fund). Skilled laborers (increase of 5; 3 by transfer from lump fund), at $840.. 1, 200 Foreman, farmers’ bulletin distri¬ bution . 1 2 1 5 10 10 25 32 2,400 1, d.00 6, 000 10, 000 9, 000 21, 000 23, 040 Forewomen, at $1,380 Clerks (2): At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks (11): At $1,380. At$2,320. At $1,200....... Under clerks (73): At $1,080. At $1,026. At $960 . At $900 . Skilled mechanic.... 2 1 1 1 1 9 2 9 12 50 1 1, 380 2, 760 1, 620 L 5°o 1,380 1, 320 10, 800 2, 160 9, 180 11, 520 45, 000 1, 020 1, 000 900 2,520 1 15 900 12, 600 Messengers or skilled laborers (64): At $840. At $720 .. At $660. 25 21,000 34 24,480 5 I 3,300 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 103 SALARIES, DIVISION OE PUBLICATIONS—Continued. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, pp. 122-123.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Skilled laborers, at $780 (submitted). . 15 $11, 700 Skilled laborers (increase of 12; 5 by transfer from lump fund), at $720.. 20 14, 400 Note. —Twenty skilled laborers, at $600, dropped. Messengers (increase of 1 by transfer from lump fund): At $840. 2 1, 680 At $720.. 4 2, 880 Messengers, at $600. 3 I, 800 Messengers (by transfer from lump fund), at $480. 2 960 Messengers, at $420. 2 0 T_ f OC Messenger boys (increase of 1 by Messenger boys, at $480. 4 $1, 920 transfer from lump fund), at $360. . 2 720 'Fireman . I 720 Fireman. 1 780 Laborers (by transfer from lump Unskilled laborers (6): frmrl) nt $660 . 2 I. ^20 At $660 . 2 1, 320 Laborer (by transfer from lump fund). 1 600 At $600. At $480. 1 3 600 1,440 Charwomen (by transfer, from lump fund): At $480. 6 1,440 A 960 Charwomen, at $300. 4 1, 200 U'l iklAI. q8o Total. 173 $[55,220 Total, 1909. 160 139,710 141, 980 Increase . . . 13 $ 2 , 270 Increase over official estimates. $13, 240 Average increase. $77 Per cent of increase. 9-3 Per cent of increase over appropriation for f 9°9 . 11. 1 io4 « SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, BUREAU OF STATISTICS. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, pp, 124-125.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Statistician, who shall be chief of bureau. Assistant statistician, who shall be assistant chief of bureau. Chief clerk. Salary. $ 3 , 5oo 2, 500 1, 800 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Statistician, who shall be chief of bureau. Assistant statistician, who shall be assistant chief of bureau. Chief clerk. Num¬ ber. Clerks of class four, at $1,800. Clerks of class three, at $1,600. Clerks of class two, at $1,400. Clerks, at $1,300. Clerks of class one (increase of 2 by transfer from lump fund), at $1,200. Clerks (increase of two, 1 by transfer from lump fund), at $1, 000. Clerks (increase of two, 1 by transfer from lump fund), at $900. Clerks (increase of 1), at $840. Clerks, at $720 . Note. — S ix clerks, at $600 each, dropped. Messengers, at $840. Messenger (by transfer from lump fund). .Do. Laborers (by transfer from lump fund), at $720. Laborer (bj^ transfer from lump fund ). Charwoman (by transfer from lump fund). Charwomen (by transfer from lump fund), at $360. Total. Total, 1909. Increase . 6 10, 800 9 14, 400 12 16, 800 2 2, 600 16 19, 200 10 10, 000 6 5 , 4 oo 5 4, 200 10 7, 200 2 1,6S0 1 660 1 480 2 1,440 1 660 : 1 5404 2 720 89 $104,580 So 96,640 9 $7, 940 Senior clerks (6): At $1,980._ At $1,860.'. Clerks (12): At $1,740. At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks (28): At $1,380. At $1,320. At$r,26o. At $1,200. Under clerks (30): At$i,o8o. At $1,020.. At $960.. At $900. .. Messengers or skilled laborers (5): At $840 . At $720... At $660. Messenger boy. Unskilled laborers (4): At $660. At $600. At$480 . Total 1 5 3 6 3 10 4 4 10 5 7 6 12 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 89 Increase over official estimates Average increase. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. Salary. $4, 200 2, 700 2, 100 1,980 9, 300 5, 220 9, 720 4. 500 13, 800 5, 280 5,040 12, 000 5, 4oo 7, 140 5, 76o 10, 800 2, 520 720 660 480 660 600 960 $111,540 104, 580 $6, 960 6.7 15-4 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SALARIES, LIBRARY. 105 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, pp. 126-127.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Librarian . 1 $2, 000 Assistant librarian. 1 1, 400 Clerks of class one, 1 of whom shall be a translator (increase of 1), at $1,200 . 2 2, 400 Cataloguers: At $1,200 . 2 2, 400 At $1,000. 3 3, 000 Clerks (increase of 1), at $1,000. 2 2, 000 Clerks, at $900. 4 3, 600 Clerk.. 1 S40 Note.—T wo clerks at $720 each dropped. Messenger (submitted). 1 840 Messenger . 1 720 Messenger or laborer. 1 480 Charwoman (transferred from lump fund). 1 480 Total. 20 to C cu 0 Total, 1909. 18 18, 080 Increase .. 2 $2, 080 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June ir, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Librarian. 1 $2, 220 Clerks (2): At $1,740. 1 1, 740 At $1,500. 1 1,500 Junior clerks (4): At $1,380. 1 1,380 At $1,320. 1 1,320 At $1,260.:. 1 1, 260 At $1,200 . 1 1, 200 Under clerks (9): At $1,080. 2 2, 160 At $1,020. At $960. 2 2, 040 2 1,920 At $900. 3 2, 700 Messengers or skilled laborers (2): At $840 . 1 840 At $720. 1 720 Messenger boy. 1 ' 480 Unskilled laborer. 1 480 Total. 20 $21,960 20,160 Increase over official estimates $1, 800 Average increase. $90 Per cent of increase. 8. 9 Per cent of increase over appropriation for TQOQ . 21 . 5 S. Doc. 638, 60-2 14 io6 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF EXPERIMENT STATIONS. Orficiai, Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 128.) Proposed Grades and Saearies. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Director . 1 $ 3 - 5 00 Chief clerk . 1 1, 800 Clerk and proof reader. 1 1, 600 Clerks of class two, at $1,400 ........ Clerks of class one (increase of 1 by transfer from lump fund for general 5 7, 000 expenses), at $1,200 .. 5 6, 000 Clerks, at $1,000 . _ 5 5,000 Clerks (increase of 1), at $900 . Clerks (increase of 1 by transfer from 3 2, 700 lump fund for irrigation), at $840.. 5 4, 200 Clerk or messenger. Messengers or caretakers (increase of 1 by transfer from lump fund 1 840 for irrigation), at $720 . Clerks or messengers (1 in lieu of 1 messenger at $600 dropped, and 2 by transfer from lump funds for 2 1, 440 nutrition and irrigation), at $600 .. Note.—O ne messenger, at $600, dropped (included in clerks or messengers, at $600). 3 1, 800 Messenger or laborer . Note.—T wo messengers, at $480 each, dropped. 1 480 Copyist or laborer . Laborers or charwomen (increase of 1 by transfer from lump fund for 1 720 irrigation) , at $480 . Laborers or charwomen (by transfer from lump fund for irrigation), at 4 1,920 $240 . 2 480 Total . 4 ° $ 39 , 48o Total, 1908 . 33 34, 620 Increase . 7 $4, 860 Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Director ... 1 $4, 200 Chief clerk. 1 2, 100 Clerks (6): At $1,740. 1 1,740 At $1,500. 5 7, 500 Junior clerks (5): At $1,320. 3 3, 960 At $1,200. 2 2, 400 Under clerks (13): At $1,080. 2 2, 160 At $1,020. 3 3, 060 At $960. 2 1, 920 At $900 . 6 5 , 4 oo Messengers or skilled laborers (7): At $840 . 2 1, 680 At $720 . 2 1, 440 At $660 . 3 1, 980 Messenger boy. 1 480 Unskilled laborers, at $480. 4 1, 920 Charwomen, at $300. 2 600 Total. .. 40 $42, 54o 39 , 48o Increase over official estimates. $3, 060 | Average increase. $76 Per cent of iucrease. 7-8 Per cent of increase over appropriation for IQOQ . . 22.9 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 107 SALARIES, OFFICE OF PUBLIC ROADS. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, pp. 133-134.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Director, who shall be a scientist and have charge of all scientific and technical work. 1 $2, 750 Note.—O ne chief of records, at $1,600, dropped (changed to chief clerk). Chief clerk (in lieu of 1 chief of rec¬ ords, at $1,600, dropped, as above). 1 1, 600 Note.—O ne editorial clerk, at $1,200, dropped (included in clerks of class one). Clerks of class one (increase of 2, 1 in lieu of 1 editorial clerk, at $1,200, dropped, as above, and 1 by transfer from lump fund). 4 4, 800 Clerks, increase of 1 by transfer from lump fund), at $1,000. 4 4, 000 Clerk (submitted). 1 900 Note.—T wo clerks, at $720 each, dropped. . Messenger (by transfer from lump fund). 1 i 600 Laborers (by transfer from lump fund), at $600. 2 1, 200 Messenger boy (by transfer from lump fund). 1 360 Total... 15 $16, 210 Total, 1909. 10 12, 390 Increase . 5 $3, 820 Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Director, who shall be a scientist and have charge of all scientific and technical work.. $3, 600 Chief clerk Junior clerks (4): At #1,260. At $ 1,200 . Under clerks (5): At $1,080. At $1,020. At $960. At $900. Messenger or skilled laborer Unskilled laborers (2): At $660. At $600. i, 860 2 2,520 2 2,400 2 1 1 1 2, 160 1, 020 960 900 1 660 1 660 1 600 Messenger boy 480 Total 15 $17, 820 16, 210 Increase over official estimates. Average increase. Per cent of increase. Per cent of increase over appropriation for 1909. $1, 610 $107 9-9 43-8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. COMPARATIVE TABLE. SALARIES. Bureau. C) . Appropria¬ tions for 1909. / N ’ (2) Increase asked. ( 3 ) Official esti¬ mates for 1910. ( 4 ) Estimates under exec¬ utive order. ( 5 ) Increase of (4) over (3). (6) Per cent of in¬ crease. Secretary’s office. $ 155 , 840 $ 3 , 7oo $ 159 , 540 $170, 760 $,ix, 220 7.0 Bureau of Corporations. 72, 720 15, 000 87, 720 97 , 140 9 , 42 o 10. 7 Bureau of Manufactures. 32, 800 3, 800 36, 600 40, 560 3 > 9 6 ° 10. 8 Bureau of Labor. 0 CO C 0 — < 0 zp 119, 220 IT, 740 IO. Q Light-House Board. 48,720 3, 600 52,320 58,140 5,820 IO. O Bureau of Statistics . 70, no 70, 110 78, q6o 8 8 so 11 O Steamboat-Inspection Service. 14, 440 14,440 16, 680 2, 240 15 - 5 Bureau of Navigation. 3 2 . 380 32,380 35, 520 3 , Mo 9.0 Immigration and Naturalization. 103, 900 4. 320 108, 220 118. 080 9, 860 9.0 Bureau of Standards. 141, 540 23, 740 165, 280 181, 560 16, 280 10. 0 Coast and Geodetic Survey. 335, 890 335, 890 369, 300 33 , 4io 10. 0 Bureau of Fisheries. 89, 740 89, 74 o 98, 940 9, 200 10. 3 Total. 1, 205, 560 54, 160 1, 259, 720 i, 384, 860 125,140 10. 0 ioS DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. SALARIES, OEEICE OF SECRETARY: IO9 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 137.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Secretary . 1 $12, 000 Assistant Secretary. 1 5,000 Assistant to the Secretary. 1 4, 000 Private secretary to the Secretary. . . . 1 2, 500 Confidential clerk to the Secretary .. , 1 1, 600 Private secretary to Assistant Secretary 1 1, 800 Chief clerk and superintendent. 1 3,000 Disbursing clerk. 1 2, 750 Chief of appointment division. 1 2, 250 Chiefs of division, at $2,000. 2 4, 000 Clerks of class four. 10 18, 000 Clerks of class three. 10 16, 000 Clerks of class two. 12 16, 800 Clerks of class one. 10 12, 000 Clerks: At $1, 000. 10 10, 000 At $900. 5 4 , 5 00 Telegraph operators, at $1,200. 3 2, 400 Messengers, at $840. 5 4, 200 Assistant messengers, at $720. 9 6, 480 Messenger boys, at $480. 7 3, 360 Engineer. 1 1, 000 Skilled laborer. 1 840 Conductors of elevators, at $720. 2 1, 440 Firemen, at $660. 2 1,320 Laborers, at $660. 9 5 , 940 Packer. 1 840 Driver and foreman of stables. 1 840 •Hostlers, at $660. 6 3, 960 Cabinetmaker. 1 1, 000 Carpenter . 1 900 Chief watchman. 1 900 Watchmen, at $720. 6 4, 320 Charwomen, at $240. I 5 3, 600 Total. 133 $ 159 . 54 o Total, 1909 . . 137 I 55 <840 Increase. 1 $ 3 , 7 oo Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Secretary. 1 $12, 000 Assistant Secretary.. 1 6, 000 Assistant to the Secretary. 1 4, 200 Chief clerk. 1 3 > 3 °° Disbursing clerk. 1 3 > 3 °° Secretary to the Secretary. 1 2, 700 Chiefs of division: At $2,700. 2 5 , 4 oo . At $2,400. 1 2, 400 Senior clerks (15): At $2,100. 5 10,500 At $i,gSo . 5 9, 900 At $1,860. 5 9. 300 Clerks (15): At $1,740. 5 8, 700 At $1,620. 5 8, 100 At $1,500. 5 7, 500 Junior clerks (15): At $1,320 . 5 6, 600 At $1,260. 5 6, 300 At $1,200. 5 6, 000 Under clerks (15) : At $1,020. 5 5, 100 At $960. 5 4, 800 At $900. 5 4 , 500 Messengers: At $840. 7 5, 880 At $720. 7 5 ,o 4 o Messenger boys, at $480. 7 3, 360 Engineer... 1 1, 200 Skilled mechanics, at $1,020. 3 3,060 Lieutenant of watch. 1 900 Watchmen, at $780. 6 4, 680 Foreman of stables. 1 840 Conductors of elevators, at $780 .... 2 1,560 Firemen, at $780. 2 1, 560 Skilled laborers, at $840. 2 1, 680 Laborers, at $660. 15 9, 900 Charwomen, at $300. 15 4, 500 Total. Increase over official estimates 138 $170, 760 159 , 540 $11, 220 Average increase. Per cent of increase. $81 7 no SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, BUREAU OF CORPORATIONS. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 138.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner. 1 $5,000 Deputy Commissioner. T 3, 500 Chief clerk. 1 2 , OOO Clerk to Commissioner. I 1,800 Clerks of class four. 4 7,200 Clerks of class three. 4 6, 400 Clerks of class two. 7 9, 800 Clerks of class one. 12 14, 400 Clerks, at $1,000 . 18 18, OOO Copvists. 11 9, 900 Clerks: At $900 . 4 3,600 At $840. 2 1, 680 At $720. 2 1,440 Messenger.. 1 840 Assistant messenger. 1 720 Messenger hoys. 3 1,440 Total. 73 $87, 720 Total, 1909. 60 72, 720 Increase. 13 $15,OOO Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner . . 1 $6,000 Deputy Commissioner. 1 4, 200 Chief clerk. 1 2, 700 Senior clerks (7): At $2,100 . I 2, 100 At $1,980. 3 5 , 940 At $1,860. 3 5, 580 Clerks (12) : At $i, 74 o. 4 6, 960 At$i,62o. 4 6, 480 At $1,500. 4 6, 000 Junior clerks (15): At $1, 320. 5 6, coo At $1, 260 . 5 6, 300 At $1, 2CO . 5 6, 000 Under clerks (30): At $1,020 . 10 10, 200 At$96o. .. 10 9, 600 At$900 . 10 9, 000 Messenger . 1 840 Do . 1 720 Messenger boys, at $480 . 4 1,920 Total . 73 $ 97 . 140 87, 720 Increase over official estimates . $9, 420 Average increase . $129 Per cent of increase . . 10. 7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND EABOR. SALARIES, BUREAU OF MANUFACTURES. Ill Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 139.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief of bureau. 1 #4, 000 Assistant chief of bureau. 1 2, 500 Chief of division. 1 2, IOO Stenographer to chief of bureau. 1 I, 600 Clerks of class four. 2 3, 600 Clerks of class three. I I, 600 Clerks of class two. O 2, SOO Clerks of class one. 4 4, 800 1 Clerks, at #1,000 (increase of 2). 4 i 4, 000 Clerks, at #900 (increase of 2 sub¬ mitted) . 6 5 , 4 oo j Assistant messengers, at #720. 3 2, 160 : Skilled laborer. 1 720 1 Laborers, at #660. 2 1,320 y Total. 29 $36, 600 Total, 1909. 25 32, Soo " Increase.. 4 #3, 800 Employees. Chief of bureau. Assistant chief of bureau . . Senior clerks (3): At $2,100 . At #1,980. At #i,S6o. Clerks (5): At #1,740. At #1,620. At #1,500. Junior clerks (6): At #1,380. At #1,320. At #1,200. Under clerks (6): At #1,020. At #960. At #900. Messengers (5): At #840. At#780. At #720. Unskilled laborers, at #660 Total. Num¬ ber. Salary, 1 #4, 800 1 3,000 1 2, IOO 1 1,980 T 1, 860 I 1, 740 2 3 , 240 2 3,000 2 2, 760 2 2, 640 2 2, 400 2 2, 040 2 1, 920 2 1, 800 2 i, 680 2 1, 560 I 720 2 1, 320 29 #40, 560 36, 600 Increase over official estimates Average increase. Per cent of increase. $3,960 #136 10. 8 112 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, BUREAU OE LABOR. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 139.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner of Labor. Chief statistician (who shall also per- 1 $5, 000 form the duties of chief clerk). 1 3 , 000 Statistical experts, at $2;ooo. . . 4 8, 000 Clerks of class four. 5 9 , OOO Clerks of class three. 5 8, 000 Clerks of class two. 6 8, 400 Clerks of class one. 12 14, 400 Clerks, at $1,000 . 10 IO, OOO Copyists, at $900. 2 1, 800 Messenger.. 1 840 Assistant messenger. 1 720 Watchmen, at $720 . 3 2, 160 Laborers, at $660 . 4 2, 640 Charwomen, at $240. > 3 720 Special agents (22): At $1,800 . 4 7, 200 9, 600 11, 200 At $1,600. 6 At $1,400. S At $1,200. 4 4, 800 Total. 80 $107, 480 Total, 1909.. 80 107, 480 1 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Kmployees. Num¬ ber. Salary. • Commissioner of Labor. 1 $6, 000 Chief statistician. 1 4, 20c Chiefs of division, at $2,700. 4 10, 800 Senior clerks (4): At $2,100. 2 4, 200 At $1,980. 1 1, 980 At $1,860. 1 1, 860 Clerks (8): At $1,740. 2 3 . 48 o At $1,620. 3 4, 860 At $1,500. 3 4, 500 Junior clerks (16): At $1,380. 3 4, 140 At $1,320. 4 5, 280 At $1,260. 4 5 . 040 At $1,200. 5 6, 000 Under clerks (12): At $1,080. 4 4,320 At $1,020. At $960. 4 4, 080 2 1,920 At $900. 2 1, 800 Messengers: At $840. 1 840 At $780. 1 780 Watchmen, at $840. 3 2,520 Unskilled laborers, at $660. 4 2, 640 Charwomen, at $300. 3 900 Supervising special agents, at $2,400. 2 4, 800 Senior special agents (4): At $2,100. 2 4, 200 At $1,980. 1 1,980 At $1,860. 1 1, 860 Special agents (10): At $1,740. 3 5, 220 At $1,620. 3 4, 860 At $1,500. 4 6, 000 Junior special agents: At $1,380. 4 5, .520 At $1,320. 2 2, 640 Total. 80 $119, 220 107, 480 Increase over official estimates $11, 740 Average increase. Per cent of increase. $147 10. 9 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE EIGHT-HOUSE BOARD. JI 3 OFFICIAL Estimates tor 1910. (Book of Estimates, p, 140.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief clerk. I $2, 400 Title and contract clerk. I 2, 000 Accountant. . 1 2, 000 Clerks of class four. 2 3, 600 Clerks of class three. 1 1, 600 Clerks of class two. 2 2, 800 Clerks of class one. 7 S, 400 Clerks: At $1,000. 3 3, 000 At $900 (4additional submitted). 15 13,500 At $840. 1 840 At $720. 1 720 Assistant messengers. 2 1, 440 Laborer. I 660 Messenger boys. 2 960 Assistant civil engineer. 1 2, 400 Draftsmen: At $1,800. 1 1, 800 At $1,560. 1 1, 560 At $1,440. 1 1,440 At $1,200. 1 1, 200 Total. 45 $ 52 , 320 Total, 1909. 41 48,720 Increase .. 4 $3, 600 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief clerk. 1 $2, 400 Civil engineer. 1 2, 400 Skilled draftsman .. .■. 1 2, 100 Senior clerks: At $2,100. 3 6, 300 At$1,980. 1 1, 980 At$i,86o. 1 1, 860 Clerks and draftsmen: At$1,740. 2 3. 4So At $1,620. 2 3. 240 At $1,500. 2 3,000 Junior clerks: At $1,320. 3 3. 960 At $1,260. 4 5.040 At $1,200. 4 4, 800 Under clerks: At $1,020. At $960. ■ 5 5, 100 5 4, 800 At $900. 5 4, 500 Messenger ... 1 840 Assistant messenger. 1 720 Messenger boys, at $480. 2 960 Laborer. -L I 660 Total. 45 , $58, 140 Increase over official estimates. Average increase. 52,320 $5, 820 $130 Per cent of increase. IO _ THE CENSUS OFFICE. No revision of salaries for the Census Office is submitted, because it is understood that Congress intends to provide for this establishment on a special basis, in a separate act for taking the Thirteenth Census. S. Doc. 638, 60-2 15 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, BUREAU OF STATISTICS. 114 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 141.) Employees. • Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief of bureau. 1 $4, 000 Chief clerk. 1 2, 250 Chief of division..*. 1 2, 000 Clerks of class four. 5 9 , OOO Clerks of class three. 4 6, 400 Stenographer and typewriter. 1 1, 500 Clerks of class two. ... S 11, 200 Clerks of class one. 10 12, OOO Clerks, at $1,000 . 13 13, OOO Copyists, at $900. 6 5,400 Messenger. 1 840 Assistant messenger. 1 720 Laborers, at $660. . 2 1,320 Female laborer. 1 480 Total. Total, 1909. 55 55 $70, no 70, no Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Chief of bureau. 1 $4, 800 Chief clerk. . 1 2, 400 Internal commerce expert. 1 2, 220 Senior clerks: At $2,100. 2 4, 200 At $1,980. 2 3, 960 At $1,860. 2 3 , 720 Clerks: At $1,740. 2 3 , 43 o At $1,620... .. 5 8, 100 At $1,500. 10 15,ooo Junior clerks: At $1,320. 5 6, 600 At $1,260. 5 6, 300 At $1,200. 5 6, ooo Under clerks: At $1,020. At $960. 3 3, 060 3 2, 880 At $900 . 3 2, 700 Messengers: At $840. 1 840 At $720. 1 720 Laborers, at $660. 3 1, 980 Total. 55 $78, 960 Increase over official estimates. Average increase. Per cent of increase. 70, no $8, 850 $161 11 SALARIES, OFFICE OF SUPERVISING INSPECTOR-GENERAL, STEAMBOAT-INSPECTION SERVICE. Supervising Inspector-General. 1 $4, ooo Supervising Inspector-General . 1 $4,800 Chief clerk, and acting supervising Chief clerk, and acting supervising V inspector-general in the absence inspector-general in the absence of that officer.„. I 2 , OOO of that officer . I 2,400 Clerks of class three. 2 200 Senior clerk. I 1,860 Clerks of class one. 2 2, 400 Clerks: Clerks, at $1,000. 2 2, ooo At $1,620. 1 1,620 At $1,500. 1 1,500 Messenger. 1 840 Junior clerks: At $1,260. 1 1,260 At $1,200. 2 2,400 Messenger. 1 840 Total. Q $ 14 , 440 Total. q $16,680 Total, 1909. 9 14,440 14,440 Increase over official estimates $2,240 Average increase. $239 Per cent of increase. 15-5 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. SALARIES, BUREAU OF NAVIGATION. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 142.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner of Navigation. 1 $4, 000 Deputy Commissioner of Navigation. . I 2, 400 Chief clerk. 1 2, 000 Clerks of class four. 2 3, 600 Clerk to commissioner. 1 I, 600 Clerk of class three. 1 1, 600 Clerks of class two. 3 4, 200 Clerks of class one. Clerks: 4 4, 800 At $1,000 . At $900 . 2 2, 000 5 4, 500 Messengers . 2 1, 680 Total. . 23 $32. 380 Total, 1909. 23 32,380 ; Proposed Grades and Salaries (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner of Navigation. 1 $4, 800 Deputy Commissioner of Navigation. 1 2, 700 Senior clerks: At $2,100 . 1 1 2, 100 1, 980 At $1,980.. 1 At $1,860.. 1 1, 860 Clerks: At $1,740 . r 1, 740 At $1,620. 2 3 . 240 At $1,500. 2 3,000 Junior clerks: At $1,320. 2 2, 640 At $1,260 . 2 2, 520 At $1,200. 2 2, 400 Under clerks: At $1,020 . 2 2, 040 At $960. 2 1,920 At $900. 1 900 Messengers, at $840. 2 1, 680 Total. 23 $35, 520 32, 380 Increase over official estimates. $ 3 .! 4 Q Average increase. $137 1 Per cent of increase. 9 n6 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION—DIVISION OF INFORMATION. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 142.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner-General of Immigra- 1 $4, 000 tion. Assistant Commissioner-General, to 1 3, 000 act as chief clerk and actuary. 1 1, 800 Private secretary. 1 2, 000 Statistician and stenographer. 2 3, 600 Clerks of class four. L 4, 800 Clerks of class three. 5 7, 000 Clerks of class two. 3 3, 600 Clerks of class one. ■ 8 8,000 Clerks, at $1,000 . 6 5 , 4 oo Clerks, at $900. . 2 1, 680 Messengers, at $840. 1 720 Assistant messenger. 34 $45, 600 Total. 34 45 , 600 Total, 1909. Proposed Grades and Saearies. (Executive order of Junen, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Commissioner-General of Immigra- tion. 1 $6, 000 3, 600 Assistant Commissioner-General.... 1 Senior clerks: At $2,100 . I 2, 100 At $1,860. 1 1, 860 Clerks: At $1,740. 3 5, 220 4, 860 At $1,620. 3 At $1,500. 3 4, 500 Junior clerks: .At $1,320. 4 5, 280 At $1,200. 4 4, 800 Under clerks: At$r,o2o. At$900 . 5 5, 100 5 4, 500 Messengers: At $840 . 2 1, 680 At $780. 1 780 Total. Increase over official estimates. Average increase. Per cent of increase .. 34 $50,280 45, 600 $4, 680 $138 10. 2 SALARIES, BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION—DIVISION OF INFORMATION. Chief-of division. I $3, 500 Chief of division. . I $3.600 Assistant chief of division. I 2, 500 Assistant chief of division. I 2, 700 Clerks of class four.. 2 3, 600 Senior clerk. I 1,980 Clerk of class three. 1 1, 600 Clerks: Clerks of class two. 2 O O co oi At $1,740. 2 3,480 At $1,620. 2 3,240 Clerks of class one. 3 3, 6 °° At $1,500. 2 3,000 Clerk, at $900 . I QOO Junior clerks, at $1,200. ... 2 2,400 Messenger. I 840 Messenger.. I 840 Total. 12 IQ. ^40 Total ..... 12 $ 2 T. 2/10 Total, 1909. 12 19,340 19 , 340 Increase over official estimates $1, 9OO Average increase. $158 Per cent of increase. 9.8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. 117 SALARIES, BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION—DIVISION OF NATURALIZATION. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 142.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. ! Salary. Chief of division of naturalization.... 1 $ 3 , 5oo Assistant chief of division. 1 2,500 Clerks of class four. 3 5 , 4 oo Clerks of class three. 3 4, 800 Clerks of class two (increase of 1 sub¬ mitted) . 6 8, 400 Clerks of class one (increase of 1 sub¬ mitted) . 8 9, 600 Clerks, at $1,000 . 5 5, 000 Clerks, at $900. 2 1, 800 Messenger, at $840.. 1 840 Assistant messenger (increase of 1 submitted). 2 1, 440 Total. 32 $43, 280 Total, 1909. 28 38, 960 Increase . 4 $4, 320 Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Cliief of division. Assistant cliief of division Senior clerks: At $2,100 . At $1,860. Clerks: At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks: At $1,320. At $1,200 . Under clerks: At $1,020. At $900. Messengers: At $840. At $720. Total. Increase over official estimates Average increase. . Per cent of increase. 1 $3,600 1 2,700 1 2 2, 100 3 . 720 5 8, 100 5 7 . 5 oo 5 6,600 5 6,000 2 2 2, 040 1, 800 2 1,680 1 720 32 $46, 560 43, 280 $3, 280 $102. 50 7-5 n8 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, BUREAU OF STANDARDS. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 143.) Director Employees. Num¬ ber. 1 Physicist. Chemist. Associate chemists: At $2,500. At $2,200 (submitted). Associate physicists: At $2,500. .._. At $2,200 (increase of 1 sub¬ mitted) . At $2,000 (increase of 1 sub¬ mitted) . Assistant physicists: At $1,800. At $1,600 (increase of 1 sub¬ mitted) . At $1,400 (increase of 2 sub¬ mitted) . Assistant chemists: At $1,800. At $1,600 (increase of 1 sub¬ mitted) . At $1,400 (increase of 1 sub¬ mitted) . Laboratory assistants: At $1,200 (increase of 2 sub¬ mitted) . At $1,000 (increase of 1 sub¬ mitted) . At $900. Aids (increase of 2 submitted ) , at $720. Aids, at $600. Laboratory apprentices: At $540. At $480. Storekeeper. Librarian. Secretary. Clerk of class three. Clerk of class two. Clerks of class t (increase of 1 sub- j mitted).} Clerks: At $1,000. J At $900. i At $720 . Messenger boys: At $480 . At $360. Elevator boy. Chief mechanician. 1 1 1 1 o o 2 3 6 8 10 1 2 2 10 8 6 6 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 j Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1007.) Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. $5,000 Director. I $6, 000 4, 000 Chief physicist. 1 4 , 500 4, 000 Physicists, at $3,000. Associate physicists: 4 12, 000 2, 500 At $2,400. 3 7, 200 2, 200 At $2,100. 5 10, 500 1 7 , 5 °° I At $1,860. Assistant physicists: 5 9 , 3 °° At $1,740. 5 8, 700 4,400 At $1,620. 5 8, 100 At $1,500. 5 7, 500 6, 000 At $1,380. 5 6, 900 At $1,200. 5 6, 000 10, 800 Chief chemist. 1 4 , 5 °° 12, 800 Chemist. Associate chemists: 1 3, ooo 14, 000 At $2,100. At $1,860.. Assistant chemists: 2 4, 200 1 1, Soo 1 1, 860 At $1,620. 2 3 , 2 4 o 3, 200 At $1,380. 2 2, 760 2, 800 At $1,200. Laboratory assistants: 2 2, 400 At $1,020. 5 5 , 100 12, 000 At $900. 5 4 , 5oo At $720. 5 3,600 8, 000 At $600. 5 3, 000 5 , 4 oo At $540. 5 2, 700 4,320 Secretary. 1 2, 400 1, 200 Senior clerk.,. 1 1, 860 Librarian . 1 1,500 1, 620 1, 920 Clerk. Junior clerks: 1 1, 500 At $1,380. 2 2, 760 1, 400 2, 000 At $1,200. Under clerks: 2 2, 400 1, 600 At $1,020. 2 2, 040 At $900. 3 2, 700 1, 400 Messengers, at $840. 2 1, 680 2, 400 Messenger boys, at $480. 5 2, 400 Engineer .. 1 1, 860 2, 000 1, 800 1,440 480 1,080 Assistant engineers, at $r,2oo. 3 3, 600 Firemen, at $780. 3 2, 340 360 1, 600 • Chief mechanician. 1 1, 860 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. SALARIES, BUREAU OF STANDARDS—Continued. 119 Official Estimates for 1910. Proposed Grades and Safaries. Employees. Mechanicians: At $1,500 (submitted) At $1,400. At $1,200.. At $1,000. At $900 . Glass blower (submitted) Watchmen, at $720. Skilled woodworker. Skilled laborers: At $840. At $720. Draftsman. Assistant messengers. Engineer. Assistant engineers: At $1, 000. At $900. P iremen.. Electrician. Laborers. Janitor. Female laborers, at $360 Total. Total, 1909. 43.) (Executive order of June n 1907-) Num¬ ber. Salary. Employees. - 1 Num¬ ber. Salary. Mechanicians: 1 $1, 500 At $1,500 . 2 $3,000- 1 1, 400 A $1,380. 2 2, 760 2 2, 400 At $1,200. 2 2, 400 2 2, coo At $1,020. 2 2, 040 1 900 Watchmen, at $780. 2 1,560 1 I, 200 Skilled mechanics: 2 1,440 At $1,020. 2 2, 040 1 840 At $900 . 2 I, 800 Skilled laborers: At $840 . 2 1, 680 3 2, l60 At $720 . 2 1, 440 1 I, 200 Elevatcr conductor. 1 O 00 F- Laborers: I, 440 At $660. 4 2,640 I I, SOO At $480 . 2 960 2 2 , OOO 1 900 3 2, l6o 1 900 4 2, 640 1 660 2 720 133 $165, 280 Total. 133 $181,560 116 141, 540 165, 280 Increase over official estimates. $16, 280 Average increase. $122 Per cent of increase. 10 120 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 472.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Superintendent. 1 $6, 000 Pay of assistants, to be employed in the field or office, as the Superin¬ tendent may direct: Assistants— At $4,000 . 2 8, 000 At $3,200. 1 3, 200 At $3,000. _ D 15, 000 At $2,500. 5 12, 500 At $2,400. 1 2, 400 At $2,200. 8 17, 600 At $2,000. 8 16, 000 At $1,800. 8 14, 400 At $1,600. 8 12, 800 At $1,400. S 11, 200 At $1,200. 10 12, 000 Aids — At $1,100. 6. 6, 600 At $900. J 3 11, 700 At $720. 10 7, 200 Disbursing agent. 1 2, 500 Chief of division of library and archives . 1 1, 800 Clerical force: At $1,800. 2 3, 600 At $1,650. 3 4 , 950 At $1,400. 4 5, 600 At $1,200. 8 9, 600 At $1,000. 3 3,000 At $900. 6 5 , 4 oo At $800. 1 8co At $720. 7 5. 040 At $600. 1 . 600 Topographic and hydrographic draftsmen: At $2,400. 1 2, 400 At $2,200. 1 2, 200 At $2,000. 3 6, 000 At $1,800. 3 5 , 4 oo At $1,600.. 3 4, 800 At $1,400. 3 4, 200 At $1,200. 3 3, 600 At $1,000. 3 3,000 1, 8co At $900. 2 Astronomical, geodetic, title, and miscellaneous computers: At $2,000. 2 4, 000 At $1,800. 2 3, 600 At $1,600. 4 6, 400 At $1,400. 1 1, 400 At $1,200. 1 1, 200 At $1,000.;. 9 9, 000 Copperplate engravers: At $2,000. At $1,800..- . 3 6, 000 3 5 , 4oo At $1,600. 3 4, 800 At $1,400. 2 2, 800 At $1,200.' 3 ! 3, 600 At $1,000. At $900.. 3 1 3, 000 4 i 3, 600 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11 1907.) Employees. Num- ber. Superintendent . I Civil engineers: At $4,200.:. 2 At $3,600. 2 At $3,000. 5 At $">,700. 5 At $2,400. 5 At $2,100. At $1,860. 5 10 At $1,620. 10 At $1,500. 10 At $1,200. 10 At $1,020.. 30 Disbursing officer . 1 Skilled draftsmen: At $2,700. 1 At $2,400. 1 Chiefs of division, at $2,400. 2 Librarian.. 1 Senior clerks, computers, and drafts¬ men: At $2,100. At $1,980. 5 5 At $1,860. 5 Clerks, computers, and draftsmen: At $1,740. 5 At $1,620. 5 At $1,500. Junior clerks, computers, and drafts¬ men: 5 At $1,380. 10 At $1,320. 10 At $1,200. 10 Under clerks: At $1,020. 10 At $900 Copperplate engravers: At $2,100 . $1,860. $1,620. $1,500. $i, 3 2 o. $1,200. At: At; At; At; At: 10 Foreman of printing. Salary. $6, 000 8, 400 7, 200 15,000 13. 5 00 12, 000 10.500 18, 600 16, 200 15, 000 12, 000 30, 600 2, 700 2, 700 2, 400 4,800 1, 860 10, 500 9, 9°° 9, 3oo 8, 700 8, 100 7. 500 13, 800 13, 200 12, 000 10, 200 9, 000 6, 300 5 , 58 o 4, 860 4, 5°o 3,96o 3, 600 2, 100 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. SALARIES, COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY—Continued. I 21 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p, 472.) Employees. ■ Num¬ ber. Salary. Electrotypers and photographers, plate printers and their helpers, instrument makers, carpenters, en¬ gineer, and other skilled laborers: At $2,000. 1 $2, 000 At $i,Soo. 1 1, 800 At $r,6oo. 1 1, 600 At $1,200.. 12 14, 400 At $1,000. At $900. 5 5, 000 3 2, 700 At $700. 7 4, 900 Watchmen, firemen, messengers, and ,'i . • laborers: At $S8o. 3 2, 640 At $820. 4 3, 280 At $720 (increase of 1 in lieu of 1 at $640 omitted). 3 2, 160 At$700 . 4 2, 800 At $640. 2 1, 280 At $630. 2 1, 260 At $550. 3 1, 650 At $365. 2 730 Total. 246 1335 , 890 Total, 1909. 246 335 , 890 Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June it, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Photographers: $1, 740 At $1,740. 1 At $1,380. 1 1, 3S0 Plate printers: At $1,620 . 2 3 , 2 4 o At $1,500 . 4 6, 000 At $1,080. 1 1, 080 Electrotyper. T 1,500 Instrument makers: At $1,500. 2 3,000 At $1,320. 1 1,320 At $1,200. I I, 200 At $1,080-. 1 1,080 At $1,020. 2 2,040 Skilled mechanics: At $1,200. At $1,020. 1 1,200 2 2,040 At $960. 1 960 Skilled laborers: At $840. 5 4,200 At $780. 7 5,460 Watchmen, at $780. 4 3,120 Firemen, at $780. 2 1,560 Laborers, at $660. 7 4,620 Total. Increase over official estimates Average increase. 246 $369,300 335,890 $33,410 $136 10 Per cent of increase . S. Doc. 638. 60-2——16 122 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, BUREAU OF FISHERIES. Ofiuciae Estimates for 1910. ( P.ook of Estimates, p. 474. ) Employees. Num¬ ber. .Salary. Commissioner. 1 $6, 000 Deputy commissioner. 1 3,000 Chief clerk. 1 2, 400 Accountant... 1 2, loo Librarian. 1 I, 200 Clerk of class four. 1 1, 800 Clerks of class three. 3 4, 800 Clerk to commissioner. I 1, 600 Clerk of class one.. 1 1, 200 Clerk, at $1,000. 1 1, 000 Clerks, at $900. 6 5 , 4oo Inspector of fisheries in Alaska. 1 1, 800 Engineer. t 1, 080 Firemen, at $600. »■» D 1, 800 Watchmen, at $720. 2 1, 440 Janitors and messengers: At $600 . 5 3, 000 At $360 . I 360 Jani tress. 1 480 Charwomen, at $240. 4 960 Total. 36 $41, 420 OFFICE OF ARCHITECT AND ENGI- NEER. Architect and engineer. 1 $2, 200 Assistant architect. 1 1, 600 Draftsman. 1 1, 200 Clerk. 1 720 Total. 4 $5, 720 DIVISION OF FISH CULTURE. • Assistant in charge. 1 $2, 700 Superintendent of car and messenger service. I 1, 600 Clerk of class three. 1 1, 600 Clerks of class two. 2 2, 800 Clerks of class one.. 2 2, 400 Clerk, at $720. 1 720 Total. 8 $11, 820 DIVISION OF INQUIRY RESPECTING FOOD FISHES. Assistant in charge. 1 $2, 700 Assistants: At $2,500. 1 2, 500 At $1,600. 1 1, 600 At $1,200. 2 2,400 At $900. 1 900 At $720. 1 720 i Clerk of class one. 1 1, 200 Clerk, at $900. 1 900 Clerk, at $720. 1 720 Total. 10 $13, 640 -j Proposed Grades and S a paries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Commissioner. Deputy commissioner. Chief clerk . Chiefs of division: At |3,ooo. At $2,700. Associate biologist. Assistant biologists: At $1,740. At $1,320 . At $1,020. At $900. Civil engineer . .... Superintendent of distribution. . Inspector of fisheries in Alaska . Statistician. Librarian. Local agent at Gloucester, Mass Local agent at Boston, Mass. . . . Senior clerks: At $2,100. At $1,980. At $1,860. Clerks: At $1,620. At $1,500. Junior clerks: At $1,320. At $1,200. Under clerks: At $1,020. At $900. Messengers: At $840 . At $720. Messenger boy. Skilled mechanics: At $1,200. At $900.. Firemen, at $780. Watchmen, at $780. Female laborer. Charwomen, at $300.. Num- j ber. 1 i 1 i 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 2 ! 2 j 5 5 5 I 5 I 5 i 1 4 1 | n D 2 I 4 Salary. $6, 000 3, 600 2, 700 6, 000 2, 700 2, 700 1, 740 2, 640 2,040 900 2, 100 r, 860 1, 860 1.500 1, 320 600 300 2, 100 3 , 96 o 3, 720 8, 100 7, 500 6, 600 6, 000 5, 100 4.500 840 2, 880 480 1, 200 900 2, 160 1, 680 480 1, 200 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. SALARIES, BUREAU OF FISHERIES—Continued. 123 Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 474.) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Employees. Is 1 um¬ ber. Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. DIVISION OF STATISTICS AND methods of fisheries. Assistant in charge. 1 $2, 500 Clerks of class four. 2 3, 600 I- ° Clerk of class two. I I, 400 Clerks, at $1,000. 2 2, OOO Clerk, at $900. 1 900 • Clerks, at $720. 2 1,440 Statistical agents : At $1,400. 1 I, 400 At $1,000. 3 3,000 Local agents: At Gloucester, Mass. 1 600 At Boston, Mass. 1 3°° Total.. 15 $17, 140 $8a. 7/10 Total. $98, 940 Total, 1909. l 3 73 89,740 S9, 740 Increase over official estimates $9, 200 Average increase. $126 Per cent of increase. 10.3 GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. COMPARATIVE TABLE. SALARIES OF GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, BY DIVISIONS. (1) Expended * for salaries in 1909. (2) Decrease proposed. (3) Official esti¬ mates for 1910. ( 4 ) Estimates under executive order. ( 5 ) Increase of (4) over (5). (6) Per cent of increase. Office of Public Printer. Office of Deputy Public Printer. $ 139 , 33 ° 17, 760 $142, 440 18, 240 $ 3 . 110 480 2. 2 2.7 Total. $204, 555 $47,465 157, 090 160, 680 3.590 2-3 Office of Superintendent of Documents . . 114, 903 2,955 hi, 948 113, 8S0 L 932 1-7 Grand total. 3 i 9 . 45 S 50,420 269, o 38 274 , 560 5 , 522 2 SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC PRINTER. Official Estimates for 1910. (Book of Estimates, p. 399.1 Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Public Printer. 1 $ 5 , 5oo Purchasing agent. 1 3, 600 Secretary to the Public Printer. 1 3,000 Attorney. * . 1 3,000 Accountant. 1 2, 500 Assistant purchasing agent. 1 2, 500 Cashier and paymaster. 1 2, 500 Congressional Record clerk. 1 2, 500 Confidential clerk.. 1 2, 500 Assistant accountant. 1 2, 250 Paying teller. 1 2,000 Assistant Congressional Record clerk. 1 1, 800 Telegrapher and clerk. 1 1, 800 Clerks, at $2,000. 4 8, 000 Clerks, class four. 8 14, 400 Clerks, class three. 10 16,000 Clerks, class two. 8 11, 200 Clerks, class one. 15 18, 000 Clerks, at $1,000. • 13 13, 000 Clerks, at $900. 9 8, IOO Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June n, 1907.) Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. Public Printer. 1 $6, 000 Purchasing agent. 1 3, 600 Secretary to the Public Printer. 1 3,000 Attorney. 1 3, ooo Accountant. 1 2, 520 2,520 Assistant purchasing agent. 1 Cashier and paymaster. 1 2,520 Congressional Record clerk. 1 2,520 Confidential clerk. 1 2,520 2, 280 Assistant accountant. 1 Paying teller... 1 2, IOO Assistant Congressional Record clerk 1 1, 860 Telegrapher and clerk. 1 1, 860 Senior clerks: At $2,100. 4 8, 400 At $1,860. 8 14, 880 At $1,620. 10 16, 200 At $1,500. 6 9, 000 Junior clerks: At $1,380. 2 2, 760 At $1,200. 15 18, 000 Under clerks: At $1,020. At $900. 13 13, 260 9 8,100 124 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC PRINTER—Continued. 125 Official Estimates for 1910. Employees. Paymaster’s guard. Doorkeeper. Confidential messenger. . Messengers, at $840. Deliverymen, at $840. . . . Messenger boys, at $420. Total. OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY PUBLIC PRINTER. Deputy Public Printer. Craftsman, maintenance of equipment Clerk of class one. Messenger. Messenger boy. Boards of inspection and condemna¬ tion: Clerk (representative of the Joint Committee on Printing). Clerk. Clerk of class one. Chemist. Total. Grand total Total, 1909 . Decrease . . . Proposed Grades and Salaries. 399 -) (Executive order of June n , 1907-) Num¬ ber. Salary. Employees. Num¬ ber. Salary. I Si, 000 Paymaster’s guard. I 090 x Doorkeeper . I X I, OOO Confidential messenger. I T, 090 1 7 5, 880 Messengers, at $840. 7 5,880 4, 200 Deliverymen, at $840. /| 900 5 2, IOO Messenger boys, at $480. 5 2, 400 IOO $139. 330 Total. IOO $142, 440 1 $5, OOO Deputy Public Printer. 1 $5, IOO r 2, 50O Craftsman, maintenance of equip- 1 I, 200 ment. 1 2, 520 1 840 Junior clerk. 1 I, 200 1 420 Messenger. 1 840 Messenger boy. 1 480 Senior clerk (representative of the Joint Committee on Printing) .... 1 2, IOO 1 2, OOO Senior clerk. 1 2, IOO 1 2, OOO 2 2, 400 Junior clerks, $1,200 . 2 2, 400 1 I, 400 Chemist. 1 I, 500 10 $ 17. 760 Total. 10 $l8, 240 no $157. °9° Grand total. no $l6o, 6S0 204, 555 157, 090 $47, 465 Increase over official estimates . i St. too Average increase. | $33 Per cent of increase. 2 - 3 126 SALARIES IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. SALARIES, OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS. Employees. Superintendent of documents. Assistant superintendent of docu¬ ments . Clerks, class four. Clerks, class three.. Clerks, class two. I Clerks, class one.; Clerks, at$i,ooo. i Clerks, at $900. Cataloguers: At $ 1,800 . At $1,600. At $1,400. At $1,200. At $1,000. At $900.. Cashier . Assistant cashier. Librarian. Shipper. Doorkeeper.,. Helper. Stockkeepers, at $900 . . . Messengers, at $840. Mailers, at $840. Janitress. Folders, at $626. Laborers, at $626. Messenger boys, at $420. Total. 1910. ■) Proposed Grades and Salaries. (Executive order of June 11, 1907.) Num¬ ber. Salary. Employees. N um¬ ber. Salary. 1 $3,000 Superintendent of documents. 1 $3,000 Assistant superintendent of docu- 1 2,500 ments.. 1 2,520 1 1, 800 Senior clerk. * 1,860 4 6, 400 Clerks, at $1,620. 4 6, 480 4 5, 600 Junior clerks: At $1,380. 4 5.520 4 At $1,200 . 4 4, 800 4 4, 000 Under clerks: 20 18, 000 At $1,020. 4 0 X 0 At $900. 20 18, 000 1 1, 800 Cataloguers: 3 4, 800 At $1,860. I 1, 860 4 5,600 At $1,620. 3 4, 860 5 6, 000 At $1,500. 2 3, 000 6 6, 000 At $1,380. 2 2, 760 6 5 . 4oo At $1,200. 5 6, 000 At $1,020. 6 6, 120 At $900. 6 5 , 4 oo 1 1, 400 Cashier . 1 1,500 1 1,400 Assistant cashier. I 1, 500 1 1, 400 Librarian. 1 1,500 1 1, 200 Shipper. * 1, 200 1 1, 000 Doorkeeper. I 1, 020 1 1, 000 Helper. 1 1, 020 10 9, 000 Stockkeepers, at $900. IO 9, 000 3 2, 520 Messengers, at $840. 2, 520 0 2, 520 Mailers, at $840. 3 2, 520 I 600 Janitress. 1 600 3 1,878 Folders, at $660. <■> D 1,980 15 9 , 39 ° Laborers, at $660. 15 9, 900 7 2, 940 Messenger boys, at $480. 7 3, 360 112 $111,948 Total. 112 $113, 880 hi, 94S Increase over official estimates $1, 932 Average increase. . $17 Per cent of increase. . E 7 o