iRVEYl (0 - MENARD COUNTY HONOR BOOK An Honorary Roll of Those Who Took Part In the World War in Behalf of the Citizens of Menard County Petersburg, Athens, Greenview, Tallula, Cantrall, Oakford, Atterbury, Fancy Prairie, Tiee, Sweetwater in Illinois JONES BROTHERS Publishers 127 North Wells Street Chicago COPYRIGHT. 7919 BY JONES BROTHERS, CHICAGO THE BUILDING OF MENARD COl'NTY'S llo\oif HOOK AM) lfi;<'Olfl>. If on the pages within some criticism /* voiced regarding tin' irorl; of th< writers and compilers of this book, we crave the leniency of a gra< f ions pnhlie in tliis reward'. It has been our mm to build* a complete book, conliiining tin' record.^ and photo graphs of all the men of Menard County who entered the sewi<-c, and ire inin- *navil. shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth. Private William McKinley Adams of Fancy Prairie, parents deceased, born April 12. 1897. Entered service June SO, 1917. Sailed over- seas in December, 1917, where he was at- tached to Battery F, nth ( Co., Artillery, A. E. F. Private Harry Otis Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Adorns, Greenview, born October 17. 1895. Entered service May 11, J918, at Jef- ferson Barracks, Mo. Private Lee Adams, son of Mrs. Rohert lireakbill, Athens, born December 28, 1900- Entered service March 1, 1918. at Jefferson Barracks, transferred to 1 ',th Cavalry. Troop .'i, Laredo, Texas, later to Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Pi irate Clarence L. Atterbcrry, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Atterberry. Tallula. Born November 27, 1886. Entered service April ?,.. 1918, at Fort Tolte-n, A". Y. ; transferred to Fort Sdhuyler, N. Y.. to Camp Grant, Rock- ford. Corporal Lynxm Lerry nf .\ticrbcrni. Ixillt. deceased, horn \orcmlicr .11, 1891. En- to-cif service 'Mui/ .10. HUS.'nt Fort Thomas. A"//., transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga., to Camp Sheridan, Ala. liv/.s . \V tight, \\ashingtan, later to Camp Dodge, Iowa. I'rirate Fred Wm. Albrecht of Menard Count y, son of Mr. and Mrs. If. Albrecht of Ainsicorth, AYL>\ born December 5j 1895. En- tered service June 27, 1918; at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I,, to Camp Merritt. \. ./. Was attached to Co. E, 12th Infantry, I'ricate John Lemuel Anderson, oj Menard County, son of Mr. ami Mrs. L. Anderson, Mid- dletuint, III., born June 13, 1896. Knter&l Hcrrice October I',. 19 It*, at I'eoria. ///.. trite re lie imn uttadtcd to Co. 2, Sec. B. William Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Allen, Oak-ford, born December 16, 1896. En- tered service September .' f , 19 IS, at Catni> Grant, Kockford, where he teas attached to the Motor Transportation Corps. Earl Allen, U. 8. N., son of Mr. and Jin. .loltu Allen, Oakford, lorn March 6. ISN? Entered service December k. 1911, at the (treat Lakes .\aral Training Station, Iran*- ferreil to the I . ,v. ,S. "Ohio,'' later to dutif n the I. ,S. ,V. "Ton Steuben," makiny fire i //> to I-' ranee. On January 17, 1919, tra* jnred in an acetylene gas explosion while at ork on the /*//> and taken to a nartil iio*- ital at Lirooklyn, A. Y. 1'rirate xamiul A. Anderson, of Menard County, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Anderson, Middldotni. 111., born July 22, J8V7. Kntcred nervice o<-tobcr I',, mix. 'at J'eoria, III., where lie iran attached tu Co. 2. $CC. li. .Iniin-K Xylrester Armstrong, ^on of Mr. mill .J//-.V. Robert Armstrong of Petersburg, tras lorn November 2' t th. 1895. He entered the service of the U. S. Aacj/ in April, 1918. Folio irin;/ his enlistment he icas sent in I ul U to the Great Lakes Training station. His training ira-s confined to the iri tt <*>f the navy. Hardin Masters Atterben-y. U. 8. #., son of Mr. and Mrs. Curds Alterberry, both deceased, horn .lulu .10, 181',. l-:ntcrc>! scrrice in April, 1907, teas assigned to active service in Sep- tember. 19 m, on tJic I . S. N. "Illinois" as ('arpenter'x Mate. Promotions followed and he iras tranNfcrral to different battleships. Was s'. ,V. "Brooklyn" in 1915, n-here In: icax iiromotcd to Chief Carpenter'* Mate. Was in the crew of the Atlantic Fleet Unit roitaged around the world and has seen xerrirc in foreign countries for the last four in nrs. I'riratc Carl John .t<-kernian. son of Mrs. Caroline Ackerman. drecnciew, born June 2!,. i:<<><;. Entered service August 5, 1918. A. Y. ll'a.s- attache I to 31st Co, Battalion, Recruit Camp. Robert 8. Armstrong, U. 8. N., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Armstrong, Oakford, born August .'i, 1898. Entered service May 2, 1917, in, the /'. ,s'. Marines at J'aiis Island, S. C. Sailed overseas January 1, J91S, serriny in the Azores seven months. On account of the Joss of one eye. icas discharged. He was a- motor mechanic with the A. E. F. I'livate Isaac Neivton Biggs of Qreenview. xon of Mr. and Mrs. I. X. Biggs of Peoria, 'torn May 21, 1898. Entered service July 25, /.'//?, in the Illinois National Guards, trans- ferred to Camp Logan, Texas, where he was absorbed into the Regular Army and assigned to Co. C, 123rd, Machine Gun Battalion. Sailed overseas from an eastern seaport in May, 1918. He participated in many battles, being wounded in the battle of Villas Brittoner. Was in the front lines .'~>> days during the Argonne For- est battle. Was held in reserve ten days on the St. Mihiel front for rest, entering the ! ; >ibtinu again on November 10. Later taken into the Army of Occupation invading Ger- many. Lorcn Leonard Bast, son of Wm. A. Bast, Tallula, lorn December 26, 1895. Entered er ice Septemler 19, 1917, at Camp Dodyc, la. sailed from an eastern seaport in Auyust. 1918. \Vas attached to Headquarters Com- Itaity, 3$9th Infantry, . at I'amii Wheeler. c,a Private Carl Curt Bast, son of Mr. airl Mrs. A. Kant, Tallula, born October 5. 1891. En- tered service April 3, 1918. at I'ort '/'often. \'. V., * (t Hint/ overscan in Atif/ust. /. l //N. Mas attached to nailery />. :,~th Artillery. A. /;. /'. Private Lewis Belwens. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Behrenx. Greenricir. born March 1;{, /N.'M;. Entered service September 5. 1918. at Can>i> firant. JU. \\'ax attached to Replacement '/raining Trooft*. Co. >, Private Frank H. Behrens. son oj Mr. . Entered June 2C>, 1918. at Canty \\liccler. Ga., later Transferred to Canrji Mills, L. /.. sail- iin/ (tctuhi'i- 1st overseas. Landed October 1<\th at lire*! and tras attache I to Haxe 1. Sec. I. A. i: / Prirale \nuut E. Utisch. son of ^^m. BuseJi (; <( i n rictr. born November SO, 1892. Entcrel net-face s< />/ < in her ',. 1918. at Camp firant. ///. II x nttacbi d to -' t th Co.. Infantnj. replace- ment and training t runny. S( meant 'Uxnnas /.'. liurklcy, son of Mr. and Mrs. J . (J. ll.. an. l!)1l\. at Hie, Great Lakes Naval Training Station, trans- ferred to Neii) York and assigned to duty on the U. S. S. "Louisiana." Sergeant Frank James Hen net t. son of Mrs. Phronia Bennett, Athens, born January 9, 1899. Entered scrrirc in the Medical Co/-/>.v March 1~>. MIX, at For1 Ifilen. Kanx., Haw I in* filial. Sub-dispensary. l'rit:ate Chan. Lexis Burns, son of Mrs. Al- mcda LSnriis, Greenview, born September 11, 1895. Entered service July 2-'i, 1918, at Camp Custer Mich. Attached to 25J,th Ambulance /. - transferred to the "Manchuria," ichich sailed overseas, lundint/ at a French port May J3. Corporal Bailey was attached to Aero Replace mrnt Squadron, A. E. F. 1'rivate Walter Burkoicxki of Menard County, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. Burkowski, Kopo- cincen, Poland, born September 7, 1888. En tered service September 19, 1917, at Camp liodye, loua. Was attached to Co. E, 312th Engineers. Private Joseph I-'rtink Briescke, son of Mr. mid Mrs. J. II. Briescke, Contrail, born Sept. .'.'. 1S9~>. lettered service June 27, J918. (it ('(imp wheeler, <;.. transferred to Camp Mills. to Cuiiin \lcrrilt. V. /.. to Camp Grant, 111 Wax attached to Co, I/. 122nd Infantry, Private William J. Boesdorfer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jioesdorfer, Petersburg, lorn November 15, 1893. Entered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, (la., transfe,-ed. Sep- tember 21 to Camv Mills. /,. /., .vail in y over- seas October 26, 1918, landlny at lire*!, France, Xoveniber 8th. Was a Mechanic an I Motor Driver, attached to lutith Ammunition Train, Co. A, A. K. F. Private Herman Boesdorfer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Boesdorfer, Petersburg, born Auyust 12, 1892. Entered service -f line J7, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transfer) el September 21st, to Camp Mills, L. I., sailiny overseas October 26, 1918, landing at Brest, Frane< . \ovcmber 8th., \\'us Mechanic and Motor It river at- tached to 100th Ammunition 'I'rain. Co. A, A. K. F. Marshall Arthur Beard. ( . >S'. A. xon of M.S. Alex Bradley, Petersburg, born June JO. /,s.';,s. Entered service at the <;>-et Lakes \aral Traininy Station. Private Willis Andrew Beard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving II. Beard, Greenvieic, born Aitf/HNt II, 189H. Entered service January 15, f'.iix. in ilie Me Heal Unlisted Reserve Corps, and tcan calle,/ Auynxt ..'..'. 1918, to an Officers 'Iraiii'iinj Catni>. irherc he (r.s- attached to I 'etcrinariun Company A'o. 1. I.exlie Beard, son of W. M. Bear/. Alter- lic.rri/. born December 22, 18U1. Lntci'c,! serv- ice May 30, 1918. at /'/. Thomas, Ki/., Iran* (erred to Cat/i/i (Inrdon. (!a.. to Camp Sheri- dan. Ala. H'.s altai-heil to the ',r t lli Infantrii. Claude Beauchamp, son of Wrn. Beauchamp, Greenmew, born October 5, 1895. Entered service June 21, 1918, at Sweeney Auto School. Kansas Ci1>/, graduated as a mechanic and ;/'. /,'. /.'/-f/.s-.s-, I'rtcrtihiiru. horn Sciilcinlic,' ?rt. /!>o.l. Hntri-ril xci-ricr for special hor.v traii*- f erred to \~uticuiirer liurrucks. U>/.s/(., aii-l in \orcmbrr. /.'//N. ira.s- made Coriinrul. Attache I to .'8tlt, Xuundron, .Did ffetjhtirnt. \\'agoner ir. T. Beck man, van of Mr. ini'l J/'. (7. 7'. Beekman, I'ctn-Ninirg. born April 73, .78,9.7. Entered service Man ''. 19/8. .erf cunip Shclhi/. .!/;>*. Acted as tnotor instruc- tor and irr/.s- jiromotert to the rank of UV/ I'dnip .1//7/.V. f,. /., uniting overseas October ~>tli. Was attached to l.',7th Machine dun llattalion, .',8th IHr.. II<'(id Camp Grant. III. I'rirate Alonzo Orville Burnett, son oj Mr. and Mrs. Alrin Burnett. (Ircenvieic, born De- cember 27, 1890. Entered service June 27. 1918, at Camp Wheeler. Ga., transferred to f'anip Mills, L. I., sailing overseas October 2H, 1918. Was attached to 106th Ammunition Train. Co. A, A. E. F. Sergeant Charles Homer Boles, son of A. //. Holes. Oakford. born February 21, 1887. En- tered service December 1, 1917, at Jefferson Barracks. Mo., transferred to Camp Mac Ar- thur. Texas, to Hemstead, L. I., sailing over- seas, landing in England, and later transferred to France, where he icas attached to 826th Aero fiqiiadron. A. K. F. Sergeant Homer Bale, 22 years old. Born of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bale, both deceased. He entered service by enlist- ment in June, 1917, becoming a private in the 5th Illinois Infantry, Springfield. He was later absorbed with his unit into the l2-',lh Machine Gune Battalion at Camp Lo- gan, Houston, Texas, crossing to France with them m May of 1918. With the Co. C men he has seen some fierce fighting and has been steadily raised in rank from private to corporal, from corporal to ser- geant and has been notified of two dec- orations, which he shall receive for brav- ery. Lniial /:. Hitnin-ll. r. N. V.. .yo?< of Mr. and E'lir. Bonne tt, Oakford, horn .lulu I'/. /.s'.'.7. Entered service Itrcewber 12, J917. at Hie (treat Lake* \aral Training Station, trans- ferred to Ilamnton Koadx. Va.. to Xeic York, to Philadelphia A'ar// Yards, irlierc he went on hoard ship, sailinn orrrxcti* August .27. 191S. Private Walter Christian Boeker, son of Mrs. Catherine Boeker, Petersburg, born December 28, 1895. Entered service July SI, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Go,., transferee to Camp Mills, L. I., to Camp Merritt. ^ 7 . J., to Camp Lee, Va., to Camp Grant. III. Major Edward Lanning Batterton, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Batterton, Athens, born February 19, 1870. Entered service twenty- five years ago, has seen service in A laska and in the Philippine Islands. Since the present trar he has been made Captain. Hailed in January, 1918, overseas, where he teas com- missioned Major. Was attached to r,th Army Corps., A. P. O. 712, A. E. F., Quartermasters' Department. Abram Enrin Becker, U. S. X.. sun of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Becker, Fancy Prairie, born Jitnr 28, 1893. Entered service in the r. S. Marines at Quantico. Va.. on June ?,S. 1918, this 'being his second enlistment in this branch of the service. Sailed overseas Octo- ber 1C>. 1918, where he iras attached to llth Regiment, Company I. 3rd Battalion. A. E. F. Prirate Kli'u I-lvcrctt Blanc, son of Mr. an'l Mrs. A. P. Blane, Greenview, born March l.' t , 1887. Entered service in April. 1918, at Camp WJiceler, Ga., transferred to Cam/i l/iZ/x. L. I. Failed overseas in Norcmbcr. /.o/x. Was at tache'l to Headquarters Co., 115th Inf.. trans- ferred to Military Police duty,, A. E. /'. Priratc August C. Barnick, -Jr., x>m i,f Mr. 'inti ]/>*. August Barnick, Petersburg, born ^citteniber 28, JS92. Entered service May 1 1918, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred in fort Oeo. Wright, Wash., later to Cami> l>odr;c. Iowa, and again to Camp Grant, in Was attached to Company E, l.',th Infantry. Prirate Arthur Roscoe Benson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Benson. Petersburg, born Julji ,19, 1892. Entered service September >,, 191S. ot Camp Grant, III. Was attached to Com- pany. H, 5th Infantry, Regiment, 161st Depot Brigade. Private Raincy Harold Ben-ton, Non of Mi. find Mrs. James Benson. I'etersburg, born May .?',. 1896. Entered' service September 19, 1917, fit Camp Dodge, la., transferred to Camp Lo- t/an, Texas, to Camp Upton, A T . Y.. salinfj over- seas May 16. 1918. Was attached to Company J, 132nd Infantry, 33rd Division, A. E. F. Landed in France May 2',, 1918. Fought in tJie trenches, at Albert in June, with English and Australian troops. Private Russell Milton Bitncr. non nf M>. and Mrs. Taj/lor Bitner, Greenvieir, horn Feb ruary 25, 1898. Entered service Jintc 2"! , 1918, fit ('amp Robinson, Wis. <'llr <<'h. S". convoy auto driver and mechanic. He has been serving with his unit in French sectors almost continuously. Lieutenant Julian Hale Boyd, son of Mr. l 1/rx. (', . H". Boyd. Athens, born June 2, ')',. Entered service November 1~>. 1911, in Ford Motor Company experimental depart- ment . Worked on derelojniient of Libe-ty Mo tors in Ford Plant until May 2.',, when he entered Ground School of Aviation, flnixhing -\nuust 17, 1918. Was transferred to Dallas. Texas. September 25th he was transferred to XoHtltcrn l-'icjd, (ia., ichere he received his om mission November 6, 1918. Private William Frederick Bolster, son of J. H. Bolster, Petersburg, born February 11, t896. Entered service September 5, 1918, at r *amp Grant, III., transferred to Camp Han- ock. Ga., where he teas attached to Company r v, Machine Gun Battalion. Private Garrett Henri/ Bolster, son of J. H Holster, Petersburg, born August 25, 189S. En tered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Wheeler. Go,., where he icas attached to Company M. 122nd Infantry. Transferred to Camp Mills. L. I., sailing overseas in October, 1918, where he was attached to Company G, I'fJith Infan try, .!. E. F. Private O. Belton of Menard Count]/, son of .Mr. and Mrs. Marion Belton, both deceased, of Atterton, Ky., born July 3, 1891. Entered service June 27, 1918,, at Camp Wheeler. Ga. Sailed for overseas in October, 1918. Was attached to Company M, 122nd Infantry, ,4. E. F. Stanley Jielians of Menard County, born in Russia in the year of 1890. Entered service June 1st, 1917. at Camp Loirden. Springfield. III., transferred to East St. Louis for guard fluty during the race riot, later transferred to Camp Logan, Texas, to Camp Merritt, N. J.. sailing overseas May %r>, 1918. Took part in St. Mihiel, Argonne Forest and Verdun bat- tles. Was attached to Battery A, 123rd Heavy Field Artillery, A. E. F. Private James Merritt Bast, son of -John Bfist. Petersburg, born June 23, 189.' f . Entcrc'l service June 27, 1918. at Camp Wheeler. Ga. Was assigned to special duty. I'riraic Daniel Loin* ('til/alum of Grecnvieiv, wit of .]//x. N. ./. rin-ifi.. uf Chetopa, Kans., horn Jiiniifiri/ i) . 1887. Entered service Sep- tember ',. /<>ts. nl ('iimp (Irani. 111., trans- ferred >a1;for', l!>]8, at Cau\i> Doil:>. IS.O.j. Entereil set-rice May 20, 191S* /x. at Paris Island, S. C., transferred to Santa Domingo City, Domingo Republic, ichere he urns assigned to duty as crew man on a provision vessel between New York and Santa Domingo City. Sergeant Harry Cratvford, son of Mr. and Mrs. f Win. Crawford, Greenview, born October %>>. 1892. Entered service January, 1913, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Ft. Meatle, S. D., to Ft. Wingate, N. M.. to Ft. McDowell, Gal., to Manila, P. I., to Ft. Wm. VcKMey Jiizal. P. 1., to Ft. Mills. Correfjidw P. I., to Ft. Sheridan, III. Was attached to Q. M/. Corps, U. S. A. Sergeant Harry Crawford was discharged in 1917 and re-entered the service again. Private Leroy Conkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C-onkeiy, Tallula, born February 22, 1897. Entered service September 6, 1918, at Camp Forrest Lytle, Ga., sailing overseas No- vember 1, 1918. to join the A. E. F. Returned to the United States January 2 J 1919. Private Henry A. Chesser, son of Mr. H. A. Chesser, Oakford, born July 12, 1893. Eniered service September 19, 1917, at Camp Dodge, la., transferred to Camp Logan, Tex., sailing overseas vi May. 1918. Was attached to Com- pany G, 132nd Infantry, 33rd Division, A. E. F. Gilbert Earl Cornelius, son of .I/?-. and Mrs. Geo. M. Cornelius, Petersburg, born October 25, 1893. Entered service April 3, 1918, at Camp Nicholas, Neio Orleans, La. October 1, 1918, he was transferred to New- port News, Fa., sailing overseas October 20, 1918. Was attached to Battery C, I t 5th Artil- lery, Reg. C. A. C.. A. E. F. Lieutenant Chaplain John Joseph Co noil ey of Menard County, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Couollei/ of Cashel County, Tipperary, Ireland, hot h i.eeeaxed. Chaplain Conolley was born Januarj/ ii, ISlii. Was ordaincil priest June 21, 1904. 't nitric*, Ireland, sailing for the l niteil whiles September 21, 190$. Took charge of St. Peter's Catholic Church, Peters- burn. October 1. 1910. Entered service Octo- ner >.,. /.<>/,s'. at Officers' Training Camp, Camp Taylor. A".//., later transferred to Camp Grant, III., irlieie In teas commissioned First Lieu- tenant. Sergeant Edward SMpp Correia of Menard ('on ii tit. son of Mrs. Merietta Correia. Sew York, born March If, 1892. Entered service in tJic Engineers Corp at Camp Forrest, Lutle, Oa.. transferred to Camp Sheridan, Ala. \\ as aitaeJied to Co. A, 209th Engineers. Received lirtnnotion to Corporal September ir,th. and l. Entered serv- ice September 19, 1911, at Camp Dodge, la. In April iras commissioned to 2nd Lieutenant and transferred to the Veterinary Corps. In I ii I it. 1918 married Miss Mabel G. Thompson of (tuinei/. Ul. On August 12, 1918, was pro- tuoted to 1st Lieutenant and entrained for Camp Mills. L. I., with the 338th Field Artil- lery. xs'/7i, Division; a few days later he sailed nrerseas. lieutenant Grassland teas attached to 1st Depot Division. A. E. F. Captain CJiexter Arthur Conyers, son of Mrs. Clara Cvnuerx, Petersburg, born June 18, 1881. l-.'ntered service in June, 1918, at Fort Riley, l\anx. K.!. En- tered service Mai/ >(i. It) 18, at Fort (ieorye \\riyht. Wash., transferred to camjt Dodye, la., to Camp (.Irani, III. \\'ax attached to Comi>any F, 1 .',th Infant)-)/. Coriioral Edward J. Coady, xon of Mr. and Mrx. 'I'hnx. j. Coady, Qreenview, oorn -linn 5, 1891). Enttered scrri<-e June ,'1, /.'/*, at Sweeney Auto School, Kanxax f'ilii. Mo., tians- f erred to Camp Sherman. Chillicothe, Ohio. assigned for duty on a trii> from Detroit to Baltimore. Md.; from there Iranxfcrred to Camp Mills, L. I., sailing orcrxnix Sf/itcml/rr 1.1, 1918; landed at Liverpool, Kin/land. Later transferred to France. Attached to .',09 th Am- munition Train, Company A, x'tth Dirixion, A. i-:. F. I'riralc Lextfr Tracey Cnrni. son of Mr. M en-it t. A. ./.. xailinfj orcrfteax. irhere he served irith Com- pany' A. 2iitli Dirision. A. />'. /'. He iras later transferred, to the ~)th Arm// ('<>ri>x. Military Police. Private Victor Carxon Curry, son of Mr. and Mrs. (\ II". Curry, Pctersburt/, born Feb- ruary J8. 1891. Entered scrr ire .lime 21. J918. at Camp Finixton. Kan*., transferred to Camp Joseph E. Jofinxton, l-'la.. into the Quarter- masters D c\}(\ rtm < nt: later to finnp \letritt, .V. ./.. sailintj orrrseas ir'ttli the IXtith Motor Trit<-]; company. A. /.'. /'. Prirate Jume* Ci*CO, NOH of Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Cisco, Athens, born Amnixt ',. I'.t nil. En- tered xerrirr \nril ..'7. /.''/N. at Jefferson liar- rackfi. Mo., transferred to l-'orf .-f Mr. 'i ml 1//.S-. Geo. Cisco, Athens, born May IS, 1898. Entered service in the U. "N. Marine* July 2, 1918, at Paris Inland. N. C. Sailed overseas in October, 1918. Was attached to ii'ith Company, nth Regiment. L. N. Marines. A. E. F. If oi/ Tiroinbley Carman, U. ,y. A., son of Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Carman, Petersburg, born \o- vcmber J, JS'JJ. Entered service irith the r. S. Marino*, in Any nut, 1918, at Paris Jxland, S'. C., irliare he became an cj-jicrt rifle- man. Private 'J'hontas Edicard Courtier iglit, son '/ Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Courtwright, Athens, horn December l.' t . 189 4. Entered service June ^7. 1918, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., trans- ferred- to Fort George Wright, Wash., later to Catnjt l)od(i<: Ja. ll'r/.s- attached to Company E, xi tit Infantr if. I'rirate John Henry Court it: right, son of Mr. ~,. Entered service April 3, 1918, at Fort lotlcii. A. )'.. transferred to Eustis, To., to <' Kteirart and later to ('(unit Grant, Iforlcford. i'ricate Everett Cooper, son of Mr. and Airs. Spencer Cooper, Greenview, born May It;. 1898. Entered service June 30, 1917, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Camp Robinson. Win., to Camp Snelling. Minn., later to Ifaleigh. A. C. Private Denny Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer Cooper, G-rccnvieu:, horn -July 3, 189,1. Entered service May 28, 1918, at Camp Shelby, Miss., transferred to Camp Grant. III. Was attached to 139th Machine Gun Battalion. Private Andy Joseph Clark of Tallula, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark, both deceased, born April 19, 1896. Entered service June 27, 1918. at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred on September 11. 1918, to Camp Mills, L. I., sail- ing overseas October 6, 1918. Was attached to 121st Infantry. Company M. A. E. F. Corporal Fred Elsworth Clark of Menard County, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark of Rose Hill, born July 9, 1890- Entered service April 3. 1918, at Fort Totten. X. Y.. icherc he was attached to 2nd Company. C. A. ('. Made Corporal August 17, 1918: later trans- ferred to Camv Grant, IU. Sergeant Herbert Houghton Cheanci/. sun of Mrs. E. S. Cheaney, Petersburg, born October 1. 1893. Entered service April 27, 1918, at Camp Dodge, la., transferred to Fort Ifilcii. Kan*., to Medical Corps, Field Hospital. Sailed overseas September 19. 1918, in charge of re- placement unit of ir>o men. Received commis- sion of Sergeant while icith the A. /;. /'. Prirate Harold Alters Cheaney. son of Dr. and Mrs. ./. I). Cheaney. fot iner deceased, I'ete/shiirf/. born October ~>, IS'Jt;. Entered serrice October I.'*. 11>18. ai the lira-He y Poly- technic Institute. 1'eoria, 111. Tot Cardiff. ('. N. A., of Oakford, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. ( 1 . Cardiff, Pleasant Hill, horn January (<( nihcr ..'..'. /.SN.'K Kntcrel xerrice May 29, 1918, at Camp Shelby, Miss. Was attaehed to i'i>itii>any II. l~>I*t Infantry, later transferred t Piorost (inard. Allen Whitney Cant rail. I . />'. A".., son of Mr. ami .l//.v. 7'. />'. Cant i all. Athens, born October 7. 189'f. Entered service June 11. li>18. at the (Ireat La/.-cx \urarty, the "Oklahoma" st.f>. 1918, at Jeffer- son iiarrar/.-s. \/,,., transferred to ('amp ./o- sepfi A'. .Johnson. I'ln.. and late,- to Camp Meade. Mil. \Ynx attacked to Motor Truck 11. Quartermaster Corps. J'rirate Roy Jnrin Cantrall, NOII of Mr. and I/ ex. '1'liotnu* Canli all. 'iic<. horn Ait'sea* Mail i:>. 11)18, irhcrc, he iras nhnorheil in the A. /;. y. Myron Malhcir CantraU. L . N. X.. son of Mr. and Mr*. A. X. Cant rail, Athens. 6or April 11. 1898. Entered serri tri/h the L'. S. Marines at Paris Inland, transferred to (Juan- tico, Va., to Jersey City, A". J., sailing over- .s-r.s- \uvemler 1, 1918. Was attached to Com- pany A, 1st Regiment. A. /;. /'. 1'rirate Ross Cantrall, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. \. Cantrall, Athens, lorn June 20, 1888. i:nt<-rrd service June 26, 1918, at Camp Tay- lor, l\;/. Failed overseas on or about Xovem her i, 1918. Was attached to Jjth Platoon. .r.'nil Hattcrii. l-'irld Artillrni. A. /,'. /'. Thomas Lee Cantrall, son of Mr. and I//.S-. .1. .\. fan frail. Athens., lorn /)r- << mhir >:, tSU.;. Entered srrrice frefttrni h< r /.''. Hill, at camp Dodge. la., transferred to ('amp I'il.-c. Ark., to Camp J.H;r. .V. /. Hailed orerxea.s in Aiianst, 1'jtS. Was attached to Conipanii M. .s',r,lh Infantnt. S7/// Division, A. /;. /-. Private !,> Cltnipool. .ton of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clai/iiool. dm iir'nir. bum .\f Millx, L. I., ('amp Mer- ritt, N. J., Camp Lee. Va., Newport \eirx. Fa.. to Camp Grant, HI. Private Gibson Carter,, son of Mr. and M /*. Chas. C. Carter, Athens, born September (',. 189^. Entered service in the Hth Illinois In- fantry in 1917, stationed at Camp Loirden, Springfield, transferred to Camp Logan, Tex., to an eastern seaport, sailing for overseas May 16 f 1918, u-hcre lie iras attached to Com- pany C, 1.1'ith Machine Gun Battalion. 33rd Division, A. E. F. Private James D. Carman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carman, Petersburg, born Febru- ary 25. 1892. Entered service April 3, 1918, at Ft. Totten. X. 1"., transferred to I't. Rchuyler, .V. y., sailing orerseax in October. \\as at- tached to the ."'///< IfegiiiK'nt. C. A. ('.. .1. /:. F. Private William Earl Conroi). son of Mr. and Mrs. Lyda Dodson. Petersburg, born January 8, 189.'}. Entered service August 19, 1918 J at Camp Wheeler, Ga. Attached to Company T. If eceivin g Ca //, 189.1. Entered scrrice February ju. 1918, received call April nth, to the Great Lakes Naval Training Station, transferred to an eastern seai>urt, icheie he icas assigned to the r. *'. >S. 'Connecticut." Later transferred to the \arij Yards at Philadelphia. Corporal Albert Culver, sun of Mrs. Anna C ulcer, Athens, ~born June 18, 1890. Entered set vice June 27. 191J. at Cami) \\heeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed over- seas October 28, 1918, landing at Brest, France, November 9th. ir.s attached to IJead- quarteis Company, 12(!th Ammunition Train, 3 1st Division, A. E. I-\ Corporal Raymond Custer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Custer of Petersburg, was born August 22nd, 1S92. lie entered the service September 1st, 1917, entereing the officers' training school at Fort Sheridan, III. Finishing his course there, he en- listed in Kansas City in the Coast Artil- lery Corps, and was sent to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., a month later he was transferred to Fortress Monroe, Va., still later to Neivport News, Va., sailing April 2%nd, 1918 for overseas service. He was three months a student in a tractor schoo'l in France after which he was assigned to active service in Battery F, 60th C. A. C.. A. E. F., France. Private Walter Allen Culver, son of Mr. and Mrs. ./. E. Culver, Athens, born May 10, 1887. Enterel service June 15., 1918, at the Bradley Polytechnic, Mechanical Repair Department, transferred to Camp Hancock, Ga., to Camp Upton, X. Y., sailing October 3rd, landing in England, trhere he joined the A. E. F. Sergeant Roy Layman Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Campbell. Athens, born August 2. 189'). Entered service September 6. 1917, at Cfimp Dodge, la., where he was promoted to Corporal and assigned to a Machine Gun Company, 349th Infantry. Transferred to Kcllu /'/>/'/. 7V.7Y/.V. inter to Wilbur Wright I'icld. Ohio, irhcrc he icas assigned- to duty on the construction u-ork of the Liberty Motor. La'cr ira,s transferred to Ellington Field, Houston, Texas, tchcrr he was attached to the 23 2nd Squadron. Fur three months he irax inspector of the De Haveline aeroplane, atul has a rocord of 182 hours in the air. Priratc Isaac Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. II'. G. Carter, Petersburg, born September 28, yx.s'.T. Entered service June 27, 1918., (it Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mills. L. I. Sailed overseas in, October, 1918. Was at- tached to Company K, 121st Infantry, A. K. F. liobert Lee Conrey of Petersburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Conrey, born April 13, 1890. Entered service June 21, 1918. at Sweeny Auto School, Kansas City, Mo., transferred to Kelly Field, Tex., where he was attached to the S69th Aero Squadron, Section. I, Sub-Sec- tion B, later transferred to Camp Funston, Kansas. Private Calvin Arthur Cummings, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Cummings, Athens, born March 2, 1895. Entered service June 27, iv 18, at Camp Wheeler, Go., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., salintj in October, 1918, overseas. Was attached to Company M, 122nd Infantry, 31st Division, A. E. F. Top-Sergeant Thomas Loyal Cook, son of Chas. E. and E. a. "Frechette" Cook, Green- vieic, born August 29. 1892. Entered service at Camp Grant, III., September .'/, 1918. Was 'iftur-hed to 4th Company, Infantry, Head- quarters, replacement and training troops. Private Henry James Crotrdcr, son of Mrs. lielle Crowder, Athens, born December 19, /*!>.',. Entered service August 1st, at Camp Forrest, Lytle, Ga., transferred to Camp Sheri- dan. Ala. Was attached 1o Company F, 209th Engineers f 9th Division. lAeutenant Horace Leslie Campbell, only sou of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Campbell, born July 29th, 1893, at the Campbell home near Tallula. He enlisted the last of July, 1911, in the U. S. aero service, entering the ground school of aviation, Columbus, Ohio. October 19th, training there and finishing his course in eight weeks. On Dec. 20th he was transferred to Love Field, Dallas, Texas, 'Where he entered the flying school. He was married, April 23, to Miss Bernice Grosboll, of Petersburg, retiirning to Love Field, where he instructed in the flying school two iveeks. He sailed for France from Camp Dick, May 22nd, landing in Ramorantin, France. He tt/as made tester and path-finder here: has received two decorations from the French government and fourteen citations for honors of varioiix kinds. Lieutenant Campbell is believed to have broken two world's records for altitude, once without easy gen. Earl McKinlci/ Clinc. I . N. A., of Mcnard Comity, son of Mr. anil .1/rx. 11'. //. ('line, born February .?_, 18<>:>. l-lntcrcd Ncrrk-c ./nn< J!>, 19 IS, at the Great Lake* \acal '/'raining Station. fanicfi Jifi>l(jii Carman. I . ,y. A., of f'etcrs lir(/. HOII of Mr. anl J/r-s-. .lann'x 1. Carman, lintli dcccaKcd. hnni Aiigiixt X. I8'J.',. l-;ntcr<'nr Camp I'obinson. U'/.s-.. and c/.v- xianed to dutit iritli the Sth l-'irlil \rtillern- I n \ovember, l'M~i, lie ira* transferred to ('a in /I Wheeler, Ga. In April, 1918, tran ferretl to 7th A in in million Train. 7tli Divi- sion, Camp l/r.i riJnir. Texan. ii:Jiere he re- ceived hi* fJeiileiitnici/ in Juht. 1918. Ifiter Irnnsfvrrctl to an eaxtirn seaport. saiJint/ over- .s-f^/.s- in AHfinxt, where he ivas attached Veterinary I'ietd rnit \o. t, .1. /;. /'. Lieut- enant OampVell'Q grandfathers, .v irel! fix great- ffrandfatners , irrre Revolutionary War veterans. Private ffoi/ J. Coll in*, of Oa^ord, entc'ci xerriec Jnlu 7. 1!Ut>. at /'rkin. in Illinois " \a- titinal Guard*, Co. A. :,Hi Illinois Infant!'//. tranx~e,-)-eil in March. 1917. into the Ifct/uiar \nnu. entering Jefferson Barracks, Mo., at- fnehed 1o Co. A. 18th I . V. Infantry], laler transferred to Douf/las. Ariz., sailing orci-sca* irith General Prrxhinu's 20,000 Itcr/iilarx in .lime. 7.0/7. 7/w.s been in active dull/ a(J ironndcd three times irhilc in action. Latc>' talcoi into the Army of Occupation inrailnrj Germany. John Martina C'.'rreia. 1. N. .V.. of Mcnartl County, son- of .17r.s-. Mcrietta Correia of \cir York, born December 8* 1890. Entered serr- iee in Man, 1918. He received promotion to y/V.s-A r/c/.s-.s; Sailmakcr and .stationed at the ftrooklyn \ari/ Yards. He, irith his irife, headed the Third Liberty Loan Parade in \eir York CHy in the spring of 1918. Mr. Cor- reia has been associated with the great cir CIIKCS of the country for several years past and his wife is a star on the screen. I'rirnte Joseph Coi rf irrifih t. .S-OH of Mr. and, Mrs. \\'-m . Court irri>'ht. Athens, born Januarn /'/, -TN.o.J. Entered let-vice March .} 1 . /;. T. H". /;.. 1. /;. F. Latci iras appointed (Jerinaii Prison Guard, Private K. J. Doom, son of Mr. ami .l/r*. Jfobcrt Doom,, Athens, born February 3, 189~>. I'nicreil service in June^ 1917, at Camp Cu*- 1c , Mich., transferred to Gamp Meade, Md., xiiiiing overseas in March, 1918. Was at- tarheii to Company C. Heavy Battalion, V. >S Tank Service. A. E. F. Private Granville Chase DuBois, son of C. O. DuBois, Athens, born December 28, 1891. Entered service June 1, 19 IK, at Omaha, Neb., transferred to Fort Logan, Colo., later to San Francisco, Cal., sailing for Fort Shater, Ha- iraii. Was attached, to Co. D, 2nd Infantry, returned on July 7, 1918, to San Francisco, Cal., and teas transferred to Camp Dodge, la., ichere he icas attached to Signal Section Head quarters Company. Sergeant Claud Dcckard. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Deckard, Fancy Prairie, born June 28. 1891, Entered service December 12, 1917, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Cami> Grant, III., to Scott Field, III., to Vamp Up- ton, N. T. Sailed overseas, landing at Liver- pool, England, August 1, 1918, where he was transferred to South Hampton. Returned to the United States November 18, 1918. Cecil M. Devault, U. S. N.. son of Mr. ami Mrs. W. H. Devault, Greenview, born March 7, 1899. Entered service June 15, 1917,, in J .he U. S. Marines at Paris Island, S. C., trans f erred to Quantico, Va., where he was assigne-l to telescope rifle squad, and passed the exam- ination for expert rifleman and sharp-shooter. January 21, 1918, sailed overseas, landing at lirest. ichere he tca attached to 96th Co., 6th Reg., r. X. M. Corps. The 5th and 6th Ma- rine Corps were in the battle of Chateau Thierry and Belleau Woods. Cecil Devault icas gassed in the Belleau Woods battle on June /'/, 1918, and sent to Base Hospital, was rc- tm-ncd to /n'.s- regiment September 22nd, anHir.s, Yd. \\'us attached to ',o.~, th Headquarters Company. Corporal Otto Gco. Deiennan, son of Henri/ Deverman, Greenvieir, born March 11, 189-~>. Entered service June 21, 1918, at the Sweeny School for Mechanics, later transferred to Camp Men-it t, .V. /.. sailing overseas Septem- ber 28, 1918. Was attached to Motor Supply Train, Motor Truck Co. J.'/5. 428 Train, A. /:. F. Private Cleon Winfred Dallmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dallmann, Petersburg, born September 19, 1893. Entered service April 27. /;., born Feb- ruary .'. ixn.'i. loitered service June 27, 1918, a! C(nni> \\'Jifflcr. if/ust Dixon, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dixon, Petersburg, born April 1 ', . 189<;. Entered service .fiiJii :>',, 1917. RaiJr.-l over- seas to join the A. E. F. Private Hixjene Miller, .son of I//', and Mrs. ./. .1. Miller, Petersburg, (>nm June .>o. /, 1890. Entered service May 10, 1918, at Ft. Totten, N. Y. Sergeant Claude R. DuQuoin, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. DuQuoin, Greenview, born Novem- ber :>.L, 1895. Entered service April 3. 1918, at Fort Totten, A T . Y., transferred to Camp Eustis, Fa., to Camp Stewart, Va., to Fort Ifmn-ock, N. J. TFas promoted to Sergeant full/ '>, 1918. I' i irate John L. Dennis, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Franklin Dennis , Greenview, born tK-toher 2.1. 1895. Entered service June 25, IDJ'S, fit \Ca,np Wheeler, Ga., transferred to CHHII> .Mill*. L. T.. sfiiliiir/ overseas in October, 1918. liv/.v aitached to I0(>1h Ammunition Train, -Co. C. 31st Div. f A. E. F. f'niatr Mrrlc L. 7>r /.18, at ('(Jinn Wheeler, da., transferred to f'nini> .l/'V/.v, /.. /.. Bailing overseas in Sep- tember, /y/x. il".s- uttiirJtf'l to an Infantry /frfii Himt, Co. 259, A. /;. /'. r/,,1*. /;dir. Drnnix. I . X. .V.. son of Ifr. and .l/.'-.s-. JuJui Franklin l><-,iiiiy, Grrrn rinr. horn J' 9. /.S'.''7. Entered service Jnli/ I.I. /.'/x. at I'in-ix Inland, 8. C. Sailed orcrseas nrlohcr 15, 1918. U'.s- attached to Co. H, 1 1 ll> Itfti.. r. N. Marine*. A. E. F. Peter Delcois, son of Mr. and .l/r., I no.]. Entered service in April, l'Jl>>. Private Michael Dan Daley of Atli'ii*. son <>( Mr. iiini Mrs. M. Daley, both decease'! . horn November lit, 189.'i. Entered xe.rrire -hinc 27, 1918,, at Fort Thomas, Ky.. transferred to Camp Sheridan, Ala., to Camp Gordon, Ga. Was attached to Co. K, ) t 5th Inf. Private Thomas J. Dale}/ of Athens, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Daley, both deceased, born Auc/ust 6, 1896. Entered service September 1. 1918, at the Armour Institute. After com- jilethifj the course of instruction there he icas transfered to Camp Hancock. Ga., where he irnx attached to Co. F, 3rd Regiment. Private James Francis Daley of Athens, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Daley, both deceased, born December 22, 1889. Entered service. September 5, 1918, at Camp Grant, III. Was attached to .',th Co., Headquarter*, Rep. and. Tr. Troops. Private Joxcjtli Mirliarl Dale?/, .so;/ of Mr. ./'Jin Dali'ii of Mlinis, born Dcccniiier II, l^'J.i. Xiilrrctt service -I inn' 87, l'->tx. i ramp Whec- Irr. Ga., transferred to Camj> .l/f/7.v. /,. /., sail- inn overseas in October, ll'a* attached to Co. c, .;..",///, Machine Gun Battalion, A. E. F. P rit-ate Luther Dowell, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Dowell. Atterberry, born July 14, 1895. En- tered sci-rice Man 30, 1918, at Fort Thomas, Ky., transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga., to Camp Sheridan. Ala., where he ivas attached to Co. II, .'/.'} th inf., later to Camp Gordon, Ga., Edgar Dowell Corporal Eugene Otis Dunlap of Menard County, son of John L. Dunlap of Como, Tenn., born November 13, 1889. Entered service July 16, 1917, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., trans- ferred to Ft. Knelling, Minn., to Ft. Crook, Neb., later to Camp Funston, Kans., where he teas promoted to Corporal September 24, 1918. Was attached to Co. D, 41st Inf., 10th Div. Private William Amos Dowel of Tallula, son of Chas. Dowell, Campbellsville, Ky., born Oc- tober 24, 1890. Entered service May SO, 1918, at Ft. Thomas, Ky., transferred to Camp Sher- idan, Ala., to Camp Gordon, Ga. Was at- tached to Co. G, 45th Infantry. Private Lloyd Edward Dick of Menard County, son of Mrs. L. Miller of Havana., born February 28, 1897. Entered service Septem- ber 5, 1918, at Camp Grant, TIL, transferred to Camp Mac Arthur, Texas. Sergeant .Edison M. Darland, son of M >'. and l/r.v. /. 11'. Darland, Petei'xbui'g. l>orn Atignxt /'/. 1897. Entered service in !!>!'> dining the Mexican trouble. Sailed for France in .lime. 1917. where he joined the A. /;. /'. Tool; part hi the St. Quentin and Cambrai battle* and irtiff iron tided on or about Norenilxr in. 1917. Private Jesse W. Darland,, son of J. IV. Dar- land, Petersburg, born September 27. J888. En- tered service September 19, 1917, at Camp Dodge, la., transferred to Camp Logan, Texas ; vailed overseas in 1918. Was attached to Co. F, 130th Regiment. 33rd Division. A. /;. /'. Private John Wesley Derry, son of Mr. and Mrs. El (I ridge Derry, Petersburg, born August 25. 1888. Entered service October .'/, 1917. at Camp Funston, Kan., transfered to Camp ^tnart. Va. Sailed overseas in April. 1918. ll'f/.s- attached to Co. D. J t th Infantry. A. /;. /'. Participated in the St. Mihiel and Argonnc Forest battles. Wounded in action July 1~>. 1918. Later taken into the Army of Occupa- tion hi cading Germany. Earl Aldon Deny Private Clarence \ fir in an Uerry. son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Derry, Petersburg, born December 12, 1892. Entered service .lime 28. 1918, at Catiij> Lctrix. Washington, transferred lo <' Kfantfij. Cal.. to an raxlrrii xcti/tort. xai1'ntg orcrsens the latter part of July. /.'//N. Was attached to the Medical Department. I- if Id Ai-lillcrii. A. K. F. Cecil McKinley Edwards, U, 8. N., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Edwards, Greenvieic,, born February 5, 1895. Entered service June 22, 1918, at the Great Lakes \~aval Training Sta- tion. Carl F. Evers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evers, Petersburg. Entered sen-ice May 30th, 1918, at Camp Taylor. Ky.. transferred to Camp Sheridan, Ala. \\as attached to Co. f Dr. and Mrs. 8. P. Eldridge, Greenvieir. born August 3, 1896. Entered service Xoremlx-r 23. 1917, at the Ground School of Ariatioti. Aus- tin, Texas, transferred to Barron Field . 7V./o.v. I'ifi'ired Second Lieutenancy commission .lulu Si, 1918, later was transferred to t;ani<-n City. L. I. Corporal Richard R. Epperly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Epperly, Tallula, born March 21. 1892. Entered service May 29, 1918, at Camp Shelby., Miss., irhere he was promoted t<> cor- poral. Transferred to Camp Mills. L. I.. * i'ing overseas October 5, 1918, landed at Liverpool, England, and was transferred to France, irh< re he was attached to Co. H, 327th Inf.. s ;nd Div., A. E. F. Sergeant Willard Primm England, sun of Mr. and Mrs. W, H. England, Athens, born Novem- ber 23, 189 If. Entered service Apr// ti . 19 Hi. in C. A. C.* U, 8. Regulars, at Jefferson liar- racks. Mo., transferred to Fort Hancock, \. J., sailing overseas in September, 1918. \\'ax pro- moted to Sergeant on February l.' t , 19 J 9. \\ 'an attached to 7f,th Artillery, A. E. F. Private Thomas S. England, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. England. Athens, born October 28, 1896. Entered service May 31, 1918, at Jef- ferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Fla.. to Cati> Merritt. A. ./.. sailing overseas in September. 1918. irhere he was attached to Supply rmm>nni/. 3S2 (juartersmasters Corps, A. E. F. Private Ernest Sampson Eden, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Eden, Athens, born June 27. 189.',. Entered sen-ire April .}. 19 IS. *. \u.. to Camp Stewart, Newport. News, Va., tailing orcrxeas in October 1918. tl'a.s attached t'o Hntt<-ry <*. r.Oth Artillr,-,,. A. /,'. /'. Private John William Eden, son of -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eden, Athens, born December 21. 1887. Entered service June 27, 1!)1S. at Camp \Y heeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mill.*. L. I., nailing overseas in October, 1[)ix. \\'as at- to Co. M, 330th Infantry A. E. F. Private Joseph Dillard Elliott, son of Mr. und Mrs. ir. R. Elliott. Greenview. born Sep- tember 27. 1888. Entered service May 10, 1918, at @amp MacArtluir. '/i.r-as.. transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. On August 13th xaiji'd overseas. After two days at sea the transport put back toivard the United States and on August 22nd sailed again for overseas. Private Elliott was attached to Co. ('. H-' f 1h Infantry, 7th Division A. E. F. Private Lee Emory Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Elliott, Greenvieic, born April 17, 1893. Entered service June 27. 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I. On October 27th sailed for overseas. Was at- tached to Co. B. Ammunition Train, 31st (Dixie) Division, A. E. F. Elmer Eckler, U. 8. N.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Eckler, Athens, born August 3, 1892. Entered service April 10. 1917. at I'aris Island, 8. C.. transferred to Quantico. Fa., to New YorJc, sailing overseas in August, where fie took part in the fighting from March up to and including November 11. 1918. Was wounded and ordered to Base Hospital, later r< turning to his regiment. H'as attached to Co. 20, tth Regiment, 3rd Battalion, L. S. Marines, A. E. F. Private Herman Eckler, son of Mr. and !/. Arthur Eckler, Athens, born September 16. 1895. Entered service Maji 28, /.o/s. at Camp Xhelby, Miss., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., Bailing overseas October 1, 1918. His diri*i<,n relieved the 2nd Division Marines in 1hc l Miss Freda Scantlin of Athens, August 18. 1917. Private Forest P. Fenton, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fenton. Greenview, entered service May 30, 1918, at Fort Thomas. Ky., transferred to \Camp Gordon, Ga., to Camp Sheridan, Ala., trhere he completed the course of instruction for first cook and was given his certificate Was attached to Co. G. -'t~>th Infantry. Private John Seneca Fenton, son of Mr. and .!/>. 1895. Entered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., to 'Camp Merritt, N. J.. and re- turned to Camp Mills, later to Camp Lee, Va. Was attached to Co. H. 62nd Infantry, 8th Division. Private William H. Finley, son of Mr. and .U/-.S-. James Finley, Petersburg, born March 16, /x.'/rt. Entered service September 5, 1918, at Camp Grant, III. Robert Foid. f. X. \\, of Fancy Prairie. ton of Mrs. -loJin Ford, lorn in 1899. En- tered service Mai/ /S. 1918, at the Great Lai; en \aval Tntiniiifj Station. L. Frerichs, son of, Mr. and Mm. ThorMts Frerichs, Petersburg, born October 18, 1891. Entered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Wheeler. Ga., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., sailiny overseas in October, 1918. Was at- tached to Co. F, l. r )8th Infantry, A. E. F. I'rirale Ceo. Arkebauer Foxier. .SON of Mr and Mrs. J . P. Foster, Tallula, born October >'>', 189 -~>. Entered service in the Ordnance Dci>t., r. N. .1.^ July 2J. 1918, at Columbus Ha rracks, O., transferred to Chemical Warfare Service. Edaewood Arsenal, Edgewood, Md, \\'nx attached to Co. E. 1st Battalion. Private Henry Primm Graham, .so;?- of Mr. and Sirs. J. S. Graham, Athens, born Novem- ber 25, 1895. Entered service June 27. 1918, nt Camp Wheeler, Ga.j transferred to Camp .I////*. L. I. Sailed October 3. 1918, on Uic tranx]>ort "ArizoW to join the .1. /;. /'. in France. On November 8th he arrived at Sair/ near Verdun, where his outfit took flic ' i>ioee of the 82nd Division at the front, lie n-as one of sixteen men selected from his Com pan it for review before President and General Pershino on Christmas Day. Gale Gumm, U. 8. A 7 ., son of J. H. Gumm, Grecnvieir, born March l.'i, 1898. Entered no-rice July 5, 1918, at the Great Lakes Xaral Training Station. Charles Leonard Gallop, born Fehniari/ ..'/', 1X92. Entered service September ]!), /.'/?, at /'or/ Dodrje, la., transferred to Camp T'ike. \rk.. to Fort Bliss Texas. Wfts attached to the 15th Ammunition Train. f'rirafe Horace Grunxtaff, of Petersburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. ir. M. Granstaff (latter de- ceased), "born September 2J, /88?. Entered service June 15, 1918, in the Ordnance De- partment, fith Trench Motor Hattalion. Sailed orerxcas to join the A. E. F. on or about the t.ltJi of October. 1918. Prirate Florin //. Gaine*. son of Mr. mid .1/r.v. C. P. Gaines, born June .10, l$<>0. En- tered, xcrriec. June 21. 1918. at (^(Dii ]> \riiee1er. Ga., transferred to Camp .l/i7/.v, L. /.. xailinu October 6, 1918, for France, landing at Brest October 19. Was attached to Co. R_. .r> !nd Machine dun Battalion, A. E. F. Private Lamont Gist of Petersourg, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Gist, Wheatland, Mo., born .\in-il 9, 1895. Entered service May 2.' tj 1918, "t camp Shelby, Miss., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., sailing overseas October 5, 1918. H'a.s attached to Co. A, USth Field Sif/nal liatinlion, A. K. F. Robert Irving Glenn, son of l/r.s\ Martha Bennett, Athens, born Feb. 10. 1897. Entered service September 6, 1918. at Camp Forrest, Lytle, Ga., transferred to Camp Custer, Mich., -where he was promoted to Acting Kuppli/ Ser- geant. Was attached to 1,7th Provisional Re- cruit Company, Engineer Replacement I Hit. I ', -irate, f.airrcnce D. Gurnsey, son of Mr. fill//. Mrs. Wm. Gurnsey, Oak-ford, born April ]fi, 1893. Entered service September k, 1918, at Camp Grant, III., transferred to Camp Han- cook, Ga. i Corporal lien jam in II. Gut/gel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gndgel, Athene, born December .11, 1889. Entered service icith the U. is. Marines, in April, 1017, at Port Royal, S. C., transferred to Wellington, D. C., where he rrrcired discharge, later entering the service again at Fort Tot ten, JY. r., transferred to Fort Schuyler, X. Y., where he icas promoted to Corporal anil transferred to Camp Mill.-;. L. I., sailing overseas to join the A. H. F. in September, 1918. I') i rut i Mrin GHIcixnn. NOII, nj Mr. and /-*. /,. /,'. GilkiHt/n. Green view, born Feb- >8, 189/,. Entered service June 27, 1918, uf cnniii \\'hceler, (la., transferred to Camp .I//77.S-. L. I., sailing overseas September 15, 1918, landing at Brest, October ', , irliere he irus assigned to Co. M, 328th Infantry, Slst Division, A. E. F. Oorporal Claude Letter Garner . son f>f ./cx*r Garner, Tallula, born February 11, 1896. En tered service January 1~>, 191*. at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to ('amp stotson- frurg, Philippine Islands. On Fein-nary 1-1 . 1911., lie teas returned to the i'nited State* find transferred to Fort tiilL Okla.. to Camp Mills. L. I., nailing overseas Ocloiio- .>,s\ 7.9 /K. landing \ovemfrer 9th at Brest, irln-.rc lie was promoted to Corporal, failed January 9. 1919. for the United States, landing at fa nip Will.*. L. J. Was attached to Batter >/ D. 2nd Field Artillery. A. E. F Private Richard Ward Godfri/. xott of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Godfry, Greenvietr, from October 9, 1893. Entered service June J.',. 1!>18. t'i>oral Hen /'. Gooti)ntfont \oreinber ?. IS9~>. l-:nferetl service May 20. I'.nx. at Jefferson liamn-JcN. Mo., transferred to Ft. Cico. Wrialit, ]\'anlii)it/toii . to Gamp Itii'hje. luira. n-Jicre he u'a.s promoted to Cor- poral on October i',, 1318. Was attached to I ',1h Jnfantrii. Co. th lirfan tri/. Private William Albert Goettitw, son of Mr. (Did Mrs. August Goetting, Petersburg, ~born .\in-il 9, 1893. Entered service August 20, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Taylor, Ky. Was attached to 2nd Co., U. S. Infantry. Pi-irate Carl Albert Gerries, son of John G. Gen/ex of Petersburg, born Sept. (i, 1887 : uit '-red, sen-ice Mail 30, 1918. at Camp Sheri- dan. Ala., transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga. Sergeant /Ian// Paul Gcrtlex, .so of Mr. and Mrs. John 'G. Gcrtlcx. Petersburg, born May 20, 189/ t ; entered sen-ire Ajn-iJ >,. mix. at Fort Totten, N. Y., -where he ico.s mafic Sergeant on June 5. 1918. I'rivaf.c h'ndolph L. dim of Mcnnnl *<> of Mr. and Mr*. <;. I>. (,'rint. horn .//// J ! 1895. Entered service September J!>, 1917, at ('amp Dodye, la., sailing overseas in \injiisl l18. Was attached to 88th Division, A. I / lieutenant Ralph l-;iirood (iarrctt. son of Mrs. /;. a. (larretl. AtJicnx. Iran Sri,i c nil,cr 'i txxii. Entered service in the I nlversity Red Cross Ambulance Corps, later transferred to 1st Training Camp, Fort Sheridan, III., ir/iere he received commission to Second Lieutenant on Anr/nxf 10. 1917. Was transfers! to Camp Grant Anuuxl- .2!)th t irhere he iras (iltacherf to if, ixi Depot Brigade. Kerf/cant l-;diriir:l deon/r (idrrcll, NOH of Mrs. E. (',. dan eft, AfJioi*. horn Jiilij jx 1H!>1. Entered sc: rice r/.s- a X/;rr/ Metal Worker in Quartermaster Corps Mai/ ?o. in 17. Cd/icd September mtli to Camp Grant. TIL. irhere he >ras assif/nc'I to dutii a* /. //, J89.'i; entered service Dec. 7, 1917, at Fort N'/W Houston, Texas, sailiny soon after for overseas to join the A. E. F. C. Graham, I'. &. \.. xo of Mr. ami 1/r.s. Fred (Irahnm, Greenvietr, born Man ;?S. 1899: entered service March 2.7. 19^8. fit the Great Lakes Naval Training Station, trans- ferred to .Yetf.oorf , R. /. Corjiorfil Santlij (). Graham, soil of Mr. Greene, V r.. Inter Bailing for France to join the (. /:. r. linn'!/ ffigctihotham. U. N. A., aliux Harry smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. lliggen- Ixrtliam. Oakford. born September n, 1893. lief ore the I nited States entered the war with fin-many he had served tiro four-near terms in \aral service, volunteering at the dose, for in, ii- mure nears of service. After many inter- rnting experience* in foreign waters, was sta- tioned in the \aval 'J' raining Station, Mare lulu ml. Gal. Private Uri/ai Higgenbotnam, son of Mr. and Mrs. ./. n. Hiffgenbptham, Oakfnrd, born Feb. in. 1897. Entered srrrir-f August 13, 1917, at Jefferson Ban-arkx. Mo., in the Mechanical De- liurtment of the Air Service, later transferred to Kelly Fiel/, Texas, sailing overseas from Mineola., L. /.. October 13, 1917. ^pending Minn' time in various English cam its he sailed Mail 29, 1918, for Dunkirk. France, where he w/.v attached to the Rue de Cappele airdrome. In September he .trns returned to England, and attached- to Fort Junction, Sussex, where he i iinnhtcil up to , an-l including \orembcr 11. t18. Henri/ CJ. Holler, r. 8. N:. son of Mr. and Mr*. Oeo. Hallcr, Petersburg, born September /?. 1893. Entered service April 12, 1918. and railed Awll ..' ', . 1918. to the Great Lakes ^a- ral -'/'raining Station, later transferred to Officer* Training School. Mt. Pleasant, S. C. In '<'i>tember transferred to Camp Perry. Ohio, as a member of the Competing Rifle Team, where he ao/nJtted himself to the credit of tlir tram, winning screral medals. After three irerku tras returned lo Mt. Pleasant, S. C. P rir air Frank Iferschcl Hicks, son of Mrs. Iflchnnl llntirr*. \lhcnx. born Aurjiixt C. 1*9.1 Filtered xerriee at Fort t Brown, Brownsville Texas, transferred to Camp Logan. Texas, -s-"" ing overseas, landing in England, later trans- ferred to France. Took part in the s7. Mihiel 'i:r' \n/nnc Forest battles. Wan attached t>. Battery \. 1 i'iih Field ArtiUerv, I. E. F. Sergeant Chas. Earnest Hitchcock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hitchcock, Tallula, born May 2> t , 1896. Entered service May 21, 1918, at Ft. George Wright, Wash., transferred to ('ami* Dodge, la., where he was promoted to Sergeant in December, 1918. Was attached to Co., 1\ srth Infantry. Private Arthur B. Hollis, son of Mrs. Mar- garet Hollis, Petersburg, born July k, 188S- Entered service June 21, 1918 J at Camp Wheeler, transferring to Camp Mills, L. I., sailing overseas a few iceeks later. Was at- tached to Co. M. 102nd Infantry, 26th Divi- sion, A. E. F. Private Harry P. Hill, son of Mrs. Jake Hill Petersburg, born November 27, 1892. Entered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Oa. Was attached to Co. M, 12 1st Infantry. Sep- tember 28> 1918, sailed overseas, where he was attached to Co. E, 328th Inf.. A. E. F. Private Einil Alcin Henrikson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Henrikson. Athens, born July 1, 1887. Entered service. June 15, 191$. at Brad- leu Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, III., trans- ferred to Camp Sherman, Ohio, to Camp Mills, L. I., sailing oversea* in September, 1918. H .s attached to 8J,th Dirixion, 3>6th Machine (Jun ttattaliun. ,C". It, A. E. i\ Private Arthur Clyde Horch. son i>f Mr. /s, at Camp Grant, III., irherr he tra.s a**'njnc. If. .',i;tlt Infantry. 7th Division, .1. /:. /'. Private Fred Henry Haught, poster son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J Janssen, Petersburg, born March 27, ^896. Entered service Sep- tember 19, Jtill. at Camp Dodge, la., trans- ferred to an eastern port, sailing overseas in August, 1918. \Vas attached to 31.} Sanitary Train, SBOth Amhulance Co.. SS1h IHrixion, A. /;. / Priratc Carl G. Keyen, son of Louis Heyen, Atteruerry. lorn August 20, 1895. Entered xercict- June .>!'.. 1918, at Camp Wheeler. Ga., transferred to Camp Mitts, L. I., September 26th, sailing overseas October 27th. ^Yas on the Atlantic twelve days. On arrival in France lie was stationed at a camp close to Bordeaux. Was attache I to Co. E t Motor Sec., 106th Am munition Train. A. E. F. Private Steve Henley, of Menard County, en- tcied service June 27, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, <;. /.. sailing overseas in October, 1918. Was attached to 12.',th Infantry, Co. H, 31st- Divi- sion, A. E. F. Private Albert H. Haynes, son of Mr. and l/y.s. Kdward Haynes, Creenvieir, born Janu- ary 2, 1898. Entered service September 2, 1917. Was attached to the Ulst Infantry, Go. /;. A. E. F. Pi irate Walter tf off man. NOII of Mr. >-nd Mrs. A. Hoffman. Pcterxbnr Wheeler, (la., transferred to <' Mills, L. I., tailiny o m .sY-r/.s- in October. //, i,,,,k ,'xu t in. the Art/on nc l-'urext battle. \\'a* at- lae/ie'l to I'.'ilh Infant ni X'nd I >i ri.^i^u { /:. r. Prirate Arthur 11. Hinrichs, son of Mr. and >//*. //. Hinrichs, Petersburg, lorn March 23, 189.1. Entered service May 30, 11)18, at Camp (Jordan, Qa., ichere he was assif/nea" to Co. G, 'i-'ith Infantry. Henry R. Hinrichs, son of Mr. and '//*. H. Hinrichs, 1'eterslmry, born January 18, IS92. Entered service June 27, 1918, and iras axxiyned to the 159th Depot Briaade at Camp \Vhceler, Qa., later iras transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., to Camp Lee, Va,., to Camp Tat/lor. Ktj. Ralph H. lloiif/hton, I . ,s'. .V., .sow of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 11'. llouyMon, Petersburg, born May 17, 1895. Entered service December 11, 1917, at the Great Lakes \aral Trainin;/ Station. In March, 1918, tea* to Phila- delphia, Pa., later to Wilmington, Del. \\as assigned to the L. ,y. N. \aixi tin." sailing in June, 1918. reaching the Knylixh. Channel on or about Julij 1st. The \of>atin" tras use 'I as a transport in the Eitylisli. Channel, be- tween Southampton, Kni/lan /, ami France, in a I,- i IK/ the triiix at nil/lit irithont illinnhiat ion . Lieutenant James Frank Houylitan . .soy/ of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Hauahton, J'etcrtsbury, born October 2'j, 1893. Entered service Sep- tember '), 1917, at Camp Dodfje, Ja. In Janu- ary, 1918, entered the Officers' Training Camp, irhere he received commission lo Seeom/ Lieu- tenant: transferred to Camp Pike, Ark., to ('a tn p McArthur, Texas, and later to <'ami> SlieHii/. l/'/.s-x., irhere. in addition to command of hi* i-oin iianii . tra* a/>i>oin1c xtiiled orerseas September l.'f, 1918. U'r/.s- gassed October 'Jill, while assigned to dii hi iri/li nnirttinc gun troojts of the A. E. F. Sergeant fi rover Clinton Hudson, son of Mr. and. Mrs. C. W. Hudson,, Tallula, born October /./. /#X9. Entered service July 23, 1918, at <: Sergeant. Prirate Ollie Lee Holland of Athens. son nf Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holland, lorn May 10, /,S'.90. Entered service June .'/. 1917, at Camp Lotrden. Springfield, transferred to East St. Louis, to ,Camp Lof/an. Texas, where he n:as nil ached to. the Heart/ Field Artillery. Dis- charged Xorember 2',.' 1017, re-enlisting Sep- tember /.'/, J918, at Camp Grant. III., where he teas attached to >iitli Co.. Depot Hrif/ade. Private Raymond Eugene Holland, son of Mrs. Rebecca Holland, Athens, born June IS, 189.',. Entered service May 22, 1918, at Jeffer- son Barracks, Mo., transferred to Fort George Wright, Wash., to Camp Dodge, la., and later to Camp Grant, III. Was attached to Co. A, Intelligence School, 19th Division. Prirate Homer Lee Hunt, son of l[r. and 1 ///> Joshua Hunt. Pcterslmrg. born Octobei l.l IK'J'i. Entered r/-noin. where hf ,nix attached to Co. L, ',1th Inf.. \. E. F I. ntcr tnlccn into tltc \rmi/ of Occupation in Private Carre ft Hubert Hunt, son of Mr and Mrs. Joahva limit, Petersburg, burn xc/> it- m her 26, 1898. Entered service September 5. mis. at ('amp Forrest, Lytle, Oa., transferred t .\ir])ort Xeics, !>/.. suilinu overseas, where he teas attached to \.>.2ntfi cas- ual Cu., A. E. /'. /'/irate Harold Allen Hall, ('. #. .A ... son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hall, Athens, bom \ortin- her 2'i, 18'J(>. Entered service !/./.s attached to 98th Co., Marine Barrac-k*. \arai Station. Private Ralph Clary Hudspeth, son of Mr. and, Mrs. Monroe Hudspeth, Petersburg, born May 22, J89.',. Entered service June <>! . 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga. Sailed overseas in Oc- tober. Was attached to Co.. /', J.iOtli !(<'lcmber 30, 1898. Entered service -fi/m ./. inn. in -1th Illinois Infantry, liccainc one of Mir illustrious Companii (' inni. x',tli Machine (Inn Battalion, S&rd Itirixinn. A. /:. /'. Private George Hardin Hudspeth. son of Mr. ind MI-K. J>i/tii /{udspeth, Petersburg, born No- vember 30, 1805. Entered service April 27, 1918, at ('m> Doflyc, la., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I. Hailed overseas August 25. 1918. \Vtis attached i<> Co. M , 3~>2nd Inf., A. E. F. Prirate Henry Payton Hibbs, a on of \Vil- ' in in Hibbs, Athens, born June Id, 1892. En- f cred service April 2, 1918. at Ft. Washington. ittached to 5th Co., C. A. C., transferred to Washington. D. C., later to Ft. Washington., Md. 'Sailed overseas October 21, 1918 : landed it Liverpool, England, later transferred to France. Was attached to 2nd Army Artillery Headquarters Troops, A. E. F. Returned to "nltcd States January '/. 1919, to Camp Mer- itt. _V. ./. Private John Franklyn Hibbs, son of Wil- iam Hibbs, Athens, born March 1, 1890. En lered service April 2, 1918, at Fort Hunt, Va., ransferred to Ft. Washington, Md., attached o 5th Co., C. A. G.. transferred to Washing- ton, D. C., later returned to Ft. Washington, \fd.. sailing overseas October 27, 1918: landed it Liverpool, England; later transferred to Trance. Was attached, to 2nd Army Artillery, headquarters Co., A. E. F. Returned to I'nited January 21 3 1919. Private Adam Hibbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Elias Hibbs, Athens, born December 6, '893. Entered service May 20, 1918, at Jeffer- son Barracks. Mo., transferred to Ft. George >V right, Wash., assigned to Co. G, l.' t th In- antry. In September, 1918, he icas transferred l o Camp Dodge, la., and later to Cami> Grant, 'II.. for guard duty. Francis Elmer Hughes of Petersburg, born \u(jnst 19, 1886. Entered service April J. 1918, at Fort Totten, N. Y., sailing <>rr/ Mai, 10, 1918, with Battery B, 58th Artillery ''t'f/imin i . c. A. C., Inter transferred to Jlead- quarters Co.. A. E. F. 1'riratc difford Hadsall, son uf Mr. anil \lrs. ('. /'. Hadsall, Petersburg, born March 9, 1896. /;///' red service June 4, 1917. irith Co. C. 12J,th Machine dun Italtalion. Private Harold Hadsall, son of Mr. ami Mrs. O. P. Hadsall. Petersburg, born March 25, 189.' f . Entered service June 6. 1918. in Co. <". 155th Infantry, 39th Division, at Camp Tay- lor, Ky., sailing from Camp Men-it t. \. J., for overseas duty in August, 1918. where he was attached to lfi2nd Infantry, A. K. /'. Lero/t Hadsall. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hadsall. Petersburg, bom Itcrcmhcr 10. 1891. Entered service June '/. H)J7. in the 5th Illi- nois National (li/arnd Provisional Engineers Re- ,-niiling Co.. Inter transferred to Camp Custer, \lirJl. Private N/r//>// llnjnmnd of Petersburg, son of Mr. ). !; n I (>(l1li Infantry, X-'m/ IHri- sionj Co. L\ A. E. F. I'rirntr Edward II. Jlouf/hton. I . K. A., son of Mr. and Mr*. Chas. W. Houfjhton. Peters- iiiiry, born June 28. 1896. Entered service in the U. S. Marine* Aufjust 1, 1918. at Paris fsland. 8. C., -transferred to Machine Gun School at Vtica. X. Y. Priratc Jacob llofiny, son of Mrs. Louisa Hofing. Petersburg, born March 3. 1883. En- tered *er$ice June 27. 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga.. where he was attached to 22nrl Co., Provi- sional J'cf/intent, 31st Division. Private Paul Bone Hartley, only son of County Clerk Albert W. Hartley, of Petersburg, born August lst } 1895, gradu- ated from the Petersburg Harris High School. Graduated from the American 8chool of Osteopathy, KirJcsville, in 191 f . and entered the hospital at that school as an interne the following year. He entered service May SOth, 19J8, in Fort Thomas, Ky., transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga. } to Camp Sheridan, Alabama, where he was at- tached to the >i5th U. S. Infantry, Machine Gun Co., transferred to the regimental hos- pital, and later transferred to the base hos- pital, at Camp Sheridan. Clarence Hunt,, son of Mr. and Mrs. II n ill, I'drrsbury,, born November 26, 1898. Vntcrc I service June 12, 1917, at Camp Loirtlcn, Springfield, transferred to Camp Lo- r/an. Texas. Was attached to Co. C, 12-^tfi Machine Gun Battalion, later transferred to Co. F, 30t* r nf. Cv Cody, Denning, N. M. Eric Lrtt\i Hii.,', /s.vs. Entered service April I-',. /.'/;. S. S. "Mon- IIIHU." a:nl Infer lu'thc I . *. N. " /.(rl,i; e&pecting to be assigned to the i . >s. .^. /.-rnridf/e." icliich is to sail for Cliin1X. On FelirnariJ .->3. I H 1 K , (rc/.s called In Co/inn IHIX. Ohio, and pineal in Co. A. ',.>ii'l Fnyinen-x. dint transferred la Washington, J). ('. to <' Merritt, N. ./.. Bailing overseas from lloho/,-e.n . Mini .>>.. f.t.18. On Mail .SO. /.'/N. l(in. f.. xailiny over- seas October 13, 1917. Participated in the N/. Mihiel, Verdun an<] Aryoinie Forest hat Hex. \Yas attached to Air Kerrice, A. E. F. Cor)>oral Claire Ircy of Menaid Count/I. NOH of Mr. '/ l//'.s. J'Jil I IT)!, hoi n June /?, /X.'N; Enlerc'l Hrrrirc in Hie ~ t h Hlint.iK liifanlri/ 'it X l> ri n ;. 191";. ]'e-en1c>j the orer/i Merritt, A". J.. Maj/ :>:>, 1918, landing at Liver- pool, England. Later transferred to Ftance. irliere he teas axsifined to 1lie li'iiiling of am munition to both French and American fight- ing men in the St. Mill irl and \raonn e Forest lattlcs. Was attaelied 1o 108th Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Corporal Howard Everett Iveij of Menard County, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ivey, born January 16, 1898. Corporal Howard Jvcij lia* the inii, making the transfer at the nani( lime and sailing with him on the same date. He also was attached to the 108th Ammunition Train, A. E. F. Barker Harvey Jiilil, r. #. -V.. son of Mr. inn! Mrs. James Jnhl, Petersburg, born Octo- ber 2.' fi 1896. Entered service August 10. 1918, at the Great Lakes .YaroZ Training Station. Prirate -Jerry Jucrgcns, son of Mr. and Mrs. J'rcd Juergens, Petersburg, born April 16, 1888. Entered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., nailing overseas October 7, 1918. Was at- tached to 122nd Machine Gun Company, 31st Division, A. E. F. Private Henry Frederick Janseti, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Janssen, Petersburg, born De- cember 20. 189%. Entered service August 20, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga. Was attached te Co. I. Receiving Camv. Private George JoJin Janssen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Janssen, Petersburg, born Decem- ber 31, 1890. Entered service May 30, 1918, at Fort Thomas Ky., transferred to Camp Gor- don, Ga., to Camp Sheridan, Ala. Was at- tached to Co. B, Military Police, 9th Regiment. Corporal Gerhard B. Janssen, son of Mr. fitl Mrs. Janssen, Tice, born September IS. 189.1. Entered service May 30, 1918, at Ft. Thomas, Ky., transferred to Camp Gordon. Ga.. to Camp Sheridan, Ala., and returned to Camu Gordon, Ga... where he icas attached to Co. M. 'i-ith Infantry. Sergeant Leroy A. Jour*. xon uf August H. Jones, Greenview, lorn March ,;. />.'*;. En- tered sci-rii; xi-iili'mbcr J'j. 1'JH. at Camp Dodge, la. In February, lui*. received pro- motion to Sergeant ami ini* ti'anxfi'r, Camp Mill". L. I., sniliii;/ <>rer*. II. .UJth /;//< Dii-ision. A. K F. Lieutenant Thomas K. Jonc*. -so// of Mr. aiirl Mrs. //. A'. Jon's. AtJuH*. burn January ./. 1$U.~>. Entered (terrier D<,-, lUll, at Camp Grecnleaf, Ga. ll'.v attache*! to \ inary Company, Xo. /. Private Willie T. Jon<*. son of Mr. an-1 Mis. Melvin Jonr.<<. born Junnarii 10. J^'.'n. L'ntercd service Man 2'.). 191S. zt Caini> Shelby, Miss., where he i'v/.y assinneil to Co. L. i~>2nth sailed orerxcas, lamlhuj in England; later transferred to France. irJiere he wax assigned to Co. If. J.nth Infantry, 8?;^/ IHrition. A. E. F. Edicard Leo Johnson, I', s. 5.. xon of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnson. Greenvieir, born Janu- ary 12, 1'JOl. Entered service July 12, I'.U*, at the Great Lakes Xaval Training Station, transferred to fjiant Park for War Exposition guard duty: later to Philadelphia. Private Harinaii A. Johnxon. son of Mrs. Mary Johnson. Grci'ii ri< n-. born April !',. 188'J. Entered serricc Jinn' ><>, 1918. at Camp 7 '/.'/ lor, Ky., transferred to I . ,v. Debarkation Hos- pital So. .'.. Fox Hills. Statrn Island, .V. Y. Coritoral Albert T. Johnson, son of Mr. and i/rx. Andrea- Johnson, Petersburg, born Janu- arji 10, 189'i. Entered service October 30, I'.i'n at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Channtc Field, III., to Officers' Training camp. Camp Grant, III. Was attached to Avi- ation Section of Signal Corps. VfV.s- Alrin Johnxon. I . . A., xon of Nels I'. Johnxon. (ireenvieir. born Aiit/nst H, 1892. loitered service June 7. 1917. fit the Great Lakes Xaval Train-in I .?-. 1896. loitered service March 3, 1918. at Jefferson Itfirracks. Mo., transferred to Ft. Totten. A. Y. sailed overseas in Man. 1918. Was attached to Center Detachment, Q. d- T.. Center Ao. 1. A. E. F. Was truck and tractor driver. Fin- ished course in American Motor School at Li- iioiirne, France, and iras later unpointed in- structor in the school. Si rifcant '\r-irt /;. Johnson. *on of .Yf/.s- Johnson, Grcenrieir, born February 1, 189~>. i:nt(>-en I IHrision. A. E. F. Was wounded August 8th irliilc on the Lorraine front, December ',th inis returned to the T'nited States and transferred to Camp Cnster, Mich. I-' rank ridicurd Johnson. ( . X. X., of Mc- intril Count if. son of Mr. and Mr*. \. Johnson. Green ricir. born f)etober .>'.>, 1SS.L Entered service Man .',. inn', at Port Royal, S. C.: franxferre'l to (Juan-tana 1110 nan. Cuba, trhere lie iras attached to Co. rts. r. x. Marine Wagoner John (forydon Jolinxon. .so;/ >,f }lr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson, Athens, born .U HIT/I .'/;. 1898. Entered service at Si>ringfieiti in 'I rooi> l>. Illinois National Guards. June 20. inn,. sent to Mexican border, Camp liroirn, liron-nx- rille, Texas. Was discharged ami ie-enn*tc> again at Camp Logan. 'I e.i-ax. Bailing orerxeaN front Hoboken, N. J.. in !/'it'li i'ieid Artillery,*,, A. /;. F. Harry Hobert Johnson, I . X. A., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson* Athens, horn Man /.7, 1896. Entered service April id. 1917. in the I '. X. Navy, at the Great Lakes Naval Train- in!/ station, later transferred to the 7>'/-oo/r///// .\avii Yards, where he was assigned to dn1n on the U. S. 8. "Tenadores." (This vessel ira.* grounded on the coast of France on Decent her 28, 1918). At a French seaport Harm Hubert Johnson was transferred to the U. 8. ''Huron." returning to the United States January 20, 1919; later transferred to Bay Ridge Barracks, Brooklyn, N. Y. James Henry Johnston, R2C, L~. X. A., *on of Rev. J. M. Johnston, Petersburg/, horn s'r// teniber 11, ISO.'i. Entered service ltceem,bei l.> f , 1911, at the Great Lakes 'Naval Training Station, transferred and assigned to UK "I 8. S. President Lincoln." which teas torpc doed 250 miles out from France on a rdnrn trip. Boat sank in 27 minutes, 2? men Ion1 . the remaining 693 men remained afloat 20 hours on rafts and boats until pickr I >ti> \>u destroyers and returned to France. Penman James Henry Johnston returned to L'nilci f >u Roads. Va.. ichere he was assigned to the I'. S'. S. "Illi- nois." transferred to U. 8. Navy Yards, J'liila- delphia, Pa., and assigned to active ra* transferred to the U. X. .S'. "Corona.'' trliich vessel did convoy duty off French shores. Marie one voyage to the Azores, and later to Her rnudti. returning to New York anil .\CH- i.on don, Conn. f'rirutc William Itoji -lorilon. .so// of Mr. and Mr*. i;i< 4 . inflnenzn, a ml iritN ron/i i/i'il In the liox/iit:>, IVls. at L'ainit l>od(/e. loira. transferred to ('(tinjt !////.*>. L. I., Niiilinf/ overseas .!/////./ /.:. mis. \\'e,. 18<),>. Hatereil xci-riec. March 31, 1918, at camp Dodyc., la., transferred to Camp Mills, L. /., nail in fi overseas in Man. lf)18, where he /tai tieifHiteil in nuinii battle*. Was attached to Co. (}. Infantry, J.~,t1i Division, A. I'rivate Herlerl stunh'i/ Jordon. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. IT. Jordan. Athens, horn Septern- lier 10, IX I).',. Entered service Man 2.9, 1918, at Caini> slielh.ii. l/m-. sailed oremed* in Sep- tember. HUH. \Vtln at fuelled to Co. L, 151st Infantr >/. A. 7,'. /'. Priratc I'.lnni- Montgomery f\ine 3 1911, at the Philadelphia Navy Yards, ichere he boarded the. ' Kansas." He tea* billeted on this < -exxel unlit April 29th, irht-n tn. HV/.S transferred to tin: "Henderson" sailing for France, landing at Chotslion. Camp '/'/(c.sce. Elmer Kincaid was attached 1o the >>tli Uegiment, Marines, and icas in the Chateau- Tit terry brittle. The (itfi Jfeginient tras one of the regiments that stopped, the German drive fit that historic spot. He tra.s there until July ;~>tlt, and he is sure the Boche would have gone on toward Paris had not the Marines stopped them at that point. On July ~>th he was taken out for a few days rest and was billeted at a little town on the Manie River; from there h> treat into the trenches again at a point close to Soissons, over the tup again on July 19th, and through the town of Uiei-zir, irhieft tu> to that time had been held by the Germans. From here a rush- order nuKle these Marines entrain and they were rushed to a point just opposite Metz, where after all, they were not used, but were in- stead !a l. gan. 7'rj-o.s. H>/.s attached l linttei-i) li. llth i. ,S. rielil Artilleri/. I'ricalc Tliomax Kellij of Petersburg, unit of Mr. ami Mrx. Thoina* Kelt}/, both deceased, horn June 28, IK '.Hi. Entered service in Mail. 1911, /// the l>',th Machine Gun Battalion, .j.jnl Dirixion. Co. C. lloicard r. Knotoles. ( . S. X., son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kaoirles, born May 13, 1891. En- tered service Mai/ 25, J918. at the Great Lakes \, Athens, burn March 20, 1890. Entered S!ei>1eiiihcr 19. 1917. at Camp Dodge. loira. transferred to Camp Pike, Ark., to Camp l>i.r, \. J.. to Camp Mills, L. I., sailing over- seas in August. \\'as attache/I to Co. E, 312th Slth Division. A. E. F. Second Lieutenant Fdu-ard II. Klnej, son of Mr. an , 1918. Transferred to llarron Field. Te.ras, \ocemher 21, 1918, U'herc lie inxli -in -ted in the Aviation Branch of the m rvice. Xecitiid IJeiitetiant .Icfferxon J. King, son of Mr. and Mrs. /-,',-/ irar / Kinu. Athens, born Au- !/ii*t JO. IS'.U. Lntered serriec November 26, I nil. ('ailed' to act Ice dnti/ as Flying Cadet nt school of .Military Aeronautic*. Austin, Tex., on December 1 '.) . 1911. Transferred to Dallas, Ti.i-a*. l-'ebrnarii 19. I'.Hs. to Air Serrice Fly- inu school tit Barren Field, Texas, on April t>, /.'//S. and coiiunixxioned .//// .10, 1918. Was axxiyne i to liarroii l-'ield ax instructor. In- structed in Dual, I'rlinanj Solo. Acrobatic and I'oriiiaiioit ulnae* of /l/ilng, and later appointed stage (-'oni niander of f'/iniaru Solo, and a inettilicr of Hie, Hoard of Instruction at this field. Private Frank A. Kinner, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kinner, Petersburg, born September 23, 1886. Entered service August 20, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga. On December 19., 1918, he icas transferred to Camp Taylor, Ky. Alfred Warren Kinner, U. 8. A'.., son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Kinner, Petersburg, born Janu- ary 23, 1899. Entered service in June. 1918, at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station, later teas assigned to one of the battleships and stationed at Portsmouth. \'u. Made one voyage to France and one to Scotland. Private Henry George Kreis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kreis, Athens, born May 30, 1893. Entered service May 29, 1918. at Camp Shelby, Miss., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed overseas October 6. 1918. Was attached to Co. H, 327th Infantry, 82nd Division, A. /;. /'. Private Fred H. Kaiser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kaiser, Greenview, born May 11, 1895. Entered service June 2 If, 1918,, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., to Camp Merritt f N. J., sailing for France No- vember 1, 1918. Was attached to 8th Co.. 13th Battalion, M. P.. A. E. F. Joseph Krzywacki. Lieutenant Leigh Combs Levering, .son of If. ^f. Levering, Petersbwrg, born- \orember :,. 1890.. Lieutenant Lcreriny has had four iiearff of naval service, from 1913 to 1!>n, re- enlisting June 1st, ID 11. in the llth Xew York Engineers, sail'in;/ tvcrscas. where, as mi Fnyincer with tircntu men under /'/* com- mand, he constructed a railroad in the Cam- i>i-rn Keptemler 1. 1S99. l-lntcretl acrr-icc June 1, 1917, in the :,(h Illinois Infantry at Spring- fielil. Promote*? to Corporal at Cami> Logan, 'I'e.i-ax. where lie trux attached to l>',th Ma ,-/i!ne (Inn IfattaHon. Mail Hi. 1918, nailed overseas. \\'at< i>r<.moted to Sergeant in France. I', irate \\ illium I' re-' crick Lueht, *on of Mr. not Mrs. Fred I/. It. Lnvht. I'eter.^bury, born netoher 31. 18H.',. l-.'ntere-l xerriee June 27, 1918, at Cami) Wheeler, (la., attached to Co. I .! '/ . 106th ftanitarn Train, transferred to ctntii) Mills L. I., September 21. 1918. On Norember 7, 19 ix, /ra,v .vent t-' Camp Merritt. \. /.. irJtere he irun transferreil to Co. K. Caxualtf/ Jiattulion, and on Xoremher 12th nailed overseas on the I'. S. 8. "Liberator," landing at Kordeau.i-. France. Xoremher 2C>. 1918. 'where he iras attached to Rase Hos- ititnl to 1 /. Headquarters, liean Deseet. Hospital Center, Rase Section, No. 2. A. E. F. Sergeant Marshall Mathew Lounsberry oj Menard County, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Louns- berrtf, both deceased, born January 1. 1888. Filtered service April 3, 1918, at Ft. Wright. Fixln'm Island. A 7 . Y.. where he was attached to 3rd Co., C. A. C. L. I. S. It was re- ported that Sergeant M. M. Lounsbernj was missing in action, but this was an error. Elmer H. Lundberg Private Homer Lynch, son of Mrs. Lnla Lynch, Athens, born September 2.;. /s.0.7. /-,'H- tered- service June 21, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, (in., transferred to Camp 'Mills, L.'l.. Ntiilin;/ nre, -seas October J<;, 1918. Was attached to .;/*/ Diriffiun. Co. (S, l^',t!i Infantry. A. 11. F. Private Henry Lynch, son of Mis. Lulu Lynch, Athens, born February .i. JN.VJ. En- tered service September .',. HUH. at Camp <;if Mcnani Lundunisl. County, son of Mi-, and Mm. Matt both deceased, born July 2.' t , 1881. Entere'i xerrice May 20, 1018, at Camp Sheridan, Ala. Attacltetl to 22nd Engineer COII>H.. transferred to Detachment Me/Heal Department, Hax:- Hos- pital. Lt-xlle / Lee. son of .!//. Mhi-i-t L< nrrccd for three i/ears. March 2H . 191*. cntm-d I lie xerrirc again at i't. PcrcrcH. Gfi. l Hardy West on Lee, son of Mrs. Albert Lee. Oakford. born December 26, 1892. I'.nti'rcd service July /<, 1918, at Camp Dodge, la., where lie wax attached to Co. 9. 3rd ItattaHon. Corporal Eniway L\ xon of Mrs. Albert Lee, OaJifonl. born September 9, 1895. En- tered sere-ice A aril 23, 1918. at Camp Dodge, 1'iini. transfcrrctl to Camp Mills, L. I., sail- iinj Auyunt 20. 1918, overseas. Was attached in Co. D. 313th Engineers, 88th Division, A. /;. /' Was to .I//** Kvalena M'einer './' llarana, Ai>ril 7. /.V/N. Private OrMe I. Lee, son of Mrs. William NAv/f/f/s. Oakford. born July ?.. ^89^. Entered sen/ice December 13. 1917 . at Jefferson Bar riH-kf;. Mo., transferred to Camp Hancock, Go., to Camp Greene. X. C., to \eic York, sailing July IT), 1918, for overseas, landing in Eng- l n ./< si/ili /;. Johnson, rid., ichere In- served in tin- \ioi in- Transport Corps. Captain Harris Laning, r. X. .V.. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. 1>. Laniny, Petersburg, born October 18. 1X7.1. Appointed \dnil Cddct. entering Annapolis October 19, 1891. Gradual ri" .full/ 1. 18!>1. Aftrr (mixing to nearly err/// ronntr// in //if world lie iro.s- xcnt to tin Inited States in July, 1900, and assigned to duty at the \aral .\<-dii- enn/ in the Department of English and Law. On Xoremlier in. limn. commissioned a Lieutenant, Junior grade. In the summer of 1 !><>', carried the Japanese peace envoys to Russo-Japanese iicn<<> confer- ence at Portsmouth, \eir Hampshire. In October. I'.itl.'i. Iranxferre i to AV/ro/ Academn and assigned to duty in the Department of Ordi- nance and Gunnery. During the next ttco years, in addition to regular duties, was Captain of the V. H. Navy Kifie Tea-ni . irhich. in, 1907, in competition with J f 7 other teams representing I lie Army. Xary, and National Guard of the various states, iron the \d1ional Ififle Match. In September, 1907, was assigned to duty as \arigator on the "Nebraska," and served on board that xJiii> for the ne.rt thrcr years, during irhich time the ship made the famoii* cruise of 'the battleships around the icorld." On July 8, 1908. he irns com- missioned a. Lieutenant Commander. On July 6, 1910, n:as designed to duty at the U. /s. Xaual Academy as Officer in Charge of I'hyxieal Training and Athletics, performing these duties until in the xummer of .1912,, when he iras made Captain of the United States Rifle Team, irhich competed and icon first place in the Olympic Ga men Itcld in Stockholm. Sweden, this year. On the return to the Xaral Academy ' was made head of the Department of Navigation, which position u-d* held until the following summer, when he teas ordered to the com- mand of the destroyer "Cassin." While in command of the "fv/xx///" participated in operations against Mexico in 191.',. In the summer of 1914 promoted to the rank of Commander and j ordered to command the Reserve Destroyer "Flotilla," I. N. Atlantic Fleet that took part in the suppression of the rebellion in NO/I Do- mingo, . having charge nf the early operation.* in the Monte Crixlo nrorince. In October, 1916, assigned to duti/ in the \ari/ Depart- : ment at Washington, in the office of the Chief of \ardl <>IH ration*. Shortly after the outbreak of the war irith German n /r.s- transferred^ 1 to duty in the Bureau of Navigation and placed in charge of Officer.*' Personnel Division. In September. 1918, icas commissioned Assistant Chief, Bureau of Navigation, irhicJi position lie noir occupies. I' i irate Fred M. Lux of Menard County, son of Mrs. Miiri/ Lu.r. born .fanudrii in. IX'.xt. Entered service \ln// $5, /. ( //x. at <>////// sli,lbi/. l/i.s-.v.. transferred in Cdm/i Mill*. /,. /.. sailing orcrscas October r, . I 1 .) /s. Was attached to \lcdicdl Department. Office of Chief Burgeon. Renjainin Wilson Lal;e, son of Mr. and 1/r*. M'. />'. Luke, Fane n I'rairir. born March 1'J, Entered service -!une .->?'.. /Jy/8. f/f O0W/J U 'heeler, Oct.. transferred to Canij> Mills. L. I. xailinu orcrvea* on or about October Hi, /.'>/,S, ia,idiiuj at sonthaniirtan. Englandj October .> / 1918;' later transferred to I-' ranee. \\~ci* at tacheri to 329th Infantry. Headquarters (;roit]>. 8Srd Division, Classification Camp, A. K. F. Lieutenant Latrrcnce James Law son, son of J)r. and Mrs. J. 11'. Lawson, Petersburg, born Mai/ 31, /N.'MI. In the midst of his tiiird year in the incilieal dcnaitincnt of the University of Chicago he entered service January 1, 1918, in the Medical Ifeserre and iras allowed to com i>h-lc hi* <-o a me to receive commission of 1st Lieutenant. Corporal I'rn/awin Hurrixon Luck, son of Mr. ami J//.s. 11'. I/. Lii'.-l;, Talliila, born Sep- /r, !, n , at Camp Dodfje. la., transferred to Camp d<,, -'1.011. Ca., irlu're lie ira* promoted to Cor horal, to Camii 1////.V. L. 1.. xailino: overseas in Man. 11)18. irliere lit- i>arti<-ipated in the St. Mihiel drive ami An/onni' forest battle. Was iroiinded ichilr ne'.tr \'rr:lun from artillery fire. \\'. iintcicii service *<'i>tctber .',, 1918, at camji (haul. ///*., irliere lie received promo- tion to Corporal. Later irus promoted to the rank of ^erneant. Was attached to Co. C, \ln1<, i- Transport I nit. I'riKitc (icrliard Lcffer*. son of Mr. and Mi's.' II. Lrfferx. Mlienx. born November 27, IS91. serricc l ilancock, Oa. Private Carl Albert Lenz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto F. Lienz, of Petersburg, was born May 2nd, 1890. He entered service April 8, 1918, entering the Instrument re- pair department of the air service, Brad- ley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, III., for training. Finishing there, he took train- ing in Camp Jackson, South Carolina, Camp Merritt, N. J., sailing loirh the J.Wth division, Battery B, Field Artillery, on July 16th. Miss Pauline Marbolil. duuylttcr of Mr. . and gra', l$2nd liegiment, 36th Division. William E. Messersnnth -irnx gassed. I'rirate Thomas .l///rr*. NOII of Mrs. Li.uisa \l>/crx. Atltm*. lorn May J'J. /x!/. Entered service June .>.>. ion. in Co. jr. o'M ///. /ufaw- ////. c* Camp Loirdcn, Springfield, transferred In l-'.itxt St. Lonix . Entered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Whee- ler, Ga., transferred September 18th to Camp Mills, L. I., mailing overseas on or about Sep- tember 26th. Joe A. Margcr, U. S. #., of Menard County, born March 2J* 1900. Entered service July 1C, 1918, at the Great Lakes Naval Training station. i .\ji Corporal Karl Messersmith, son of Mr. and rs. ('. Messersmith, Fancy J'rairie, born Feb- imii j, 1897. Entered- service May, 1918, Camp Joseph E. Johnston, Flo,., transferred > Camp Hill, Va. Sailed overseas June 28, /,S. \Vas attached to Co. 62, Motor Truck , A. E. F. Sherman li. Mount. xon of i/r.s. /;. Mount. Pctcrshnry, barn Mini /.;, ix'.i'/. /'- /rrr/?.. Inter bccnin- a member of the J.!',tJi Machine dun Bat talion, Co. C, 33rd Dirixion. A. ]:. /'. Priraic ./r.<.sr Tltoiiiax Mooth/. xmi of Mr. aii'l 1/r.v. Jeff Mood n. Pclcrxbiirt/. honi l-'cbrn ani If). IRV'i. Entered scrricc ./line . ; 7. /. f */s. at Camp \Yhceler, da., tranftfcrrc'l lo l-'ort M c PJicrson, (fa., nerritifi ax nrixoii i/nard in n prixnn irJicrr i:>,00f> derinan narnl in-ixoncrx irerc interned. Hoirard. Byron Morgan, L. .V. \ ., son of Mr. and Mrs* W. A. [joinixben it. (takford. born \niiuvt 20, 189G. Entered service '// Ilia drrnf Lakes Naval Training MaHon and transferred to Newport Xeirx. \ ort. I'riru/r i'.iliianl A. \lalioiH'i/, xt<-min / :,. /!/>,. /// Cut, ni amnt. /7/.s-.. tranxfrrrcd to rump Ilini- <<><];. (in., irhrri lie M - x ultarlird In :, tli Infant rii. H.!n. M-, (la., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., xailinfF orerseas in October., 1918. Was at- lached to Co. /-'. tilth Infantry. \. /;. /'. I'ri rut,' i:,iiil ]l nun inn "f Prlcrxhury. En- !<,<<{ service June ..'7. uus. , 1917, at Fort Thomas, Ky., transferred to ('a>nn Gordon, (ja., to Gamp Sheridan. Ma. UV/.s- at- tached to Co. l\. .' t :,iJi infantrit. ami assigned to Military Police . ixu. 1 ,. En- tered serricc Man ,2.9., 1918, at Camp Khelbn, Miss. On Kc/>l<'inhrr /?/// iras transferred t<> Camp Mills, L. I., xailiti. Was attached to 150th Ambulance ConijKinj/. 113th Sanitary Train, 38th Division. After the armistice iras sic/ tied the 38tli Dirixioti was broken njt tnnl nsed for replacement troops and he H-OS transferred to 10th J'. K. Tnfan- trn, ^fc(lic Sergeant. September 23 sailed overseas and iras attached to U,th Artillcri!. lint tern A, C. .!. <".. .1. E. /'. Seryeant .lame.* xliclliii .l/i/rx. Jr., xon of Mr. a nil Mrs. Jani . /.'*/,s. uf Indianapolis, transferred t C Tai/lor. unit irax as$i, to Mis** />///// ani;ison of Sweetwater. Hi* grandfather M nithjonicrti ir, /.'>/?, /. son of Mr. an'l Mrs. /.'. .)/. Martin of Miildlctoini. lorn Frlriuirv .' 1 , 1891. Kn- 1/?. in (jHarlcrniax- Iei>ot. On October 11. 7.0 1R. wax promoted to Second Lieutenant and tranxft< mber 4, 1918, at Camp Grant, III., where in iras attached to , iiirn Conii>aii!/, Jnftintrii /{(-placement un< 'I rain in f/ Troops Unit. j'rirate Jack McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McDonald, born January 25, 1897. Entered service October 10. 1918, at Camp (1 rant. II!.. ami ii-as transferred to the Bclle- riilc. ///.. Exemption Board. I'riratc Archie Ediranl McDonald, son of Mr. aii'l. Mr*. E. McDonald. Athen*. born October 21, 1893, Entered Signal Service in June, 1917, at Camp Custer, Mich., iransferred to Camp Mills, L. I., sailing overseas in July. \\'as attached to Co. B. 310th Field Sifjnal Corps, 85th Dirision. A. K. /'. I'rirate Mc- Donald had two months active duty in tht HI. Mihiel Sector. 1',-ivate Herman Hetrich McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. McDonald, Athens, horn No- vember 10, 189-}. Entered service June 1, 1917, at Camp Loirden, ^prim/field, trans fared to East St. Louis, 111., on race riot ilttty, later transferred to Camp Loyan, Texas, to Camp Mcrritt. A". ./., nailing overseas Mai/ .1.',. lOJb. 'look part in tin St. M iltic-1 , Ar.;rd ncld Artillery. A. E. /'. I'rivatc l/oxr l/c/v imifi/ of Mcnard Count//. HOII- of Mr. ami .}[>*. It. McKinnci/. born Ot-to '/'/ .so, 1888. Enterc. Entered service May 2r>. j'.i at Leredo, Texan. Was attached to Co. /; 37 th Infantry. Private- John Elmer HacAtte, son of . and Mrs. Lafayette MacAtte, Greenxiew, born March .',. 1899. Entered service April 6. 1918, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Camp Meyer, Va., to 'Washington, Barracks, to Camp Mills, L. /., sailing overseas to join the A. E. .F. Private Joseph R. MacAtte, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette MacAtte, Greenview, born March 2<>. 1897. Entered service August \, 1917, at Houston. Texas, transferred to Camp Mills, L. /.. sailina overseas to join the A. E. /'. .l/o//;o l-'rinikliiii- M <(,>>< in ti. I . N. A'., .so// o/ /'. //. McQuhiH, Athens, born August 1. /X.'M;. Kntcml service October 25, 1918, at 1lic L. I - N. A . Chester Mrltnlv of Menard County, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chan. McDole, barn June 2:7, 1891. lint cred service Septem- ber .',. 1918. at C (Irani. Ilia. Was at- tached to 26th Compani/. in 1st l>ei>ot liriyade, later attached to Evacnalinn ll<>xi>ital I nit 37. I'rirale Omar It. McCicr. sun af Mi. ami Mrs. \]' ill in in- If. Mcflc< . l-'niic/i I'rairie. born t(']ifcmber 28, 1893. Entered service Felt run .'/. 't'.nx. at' Camp Sherman, Ohio, where he irtis attach' . En- tered service Se/>tcinbort \eirs. Va., where he teas assigned to actjrc ,iuti/ on t1i>' I . ,s. A-'. "Virginia." Ensign. Carl Kerhardt Nusbaum, U. S. U., son of Mi: and Mrs. C. Ifusbauin, Petersburg, born Marcli 22, 189C,. Entered service June 23, 1917, at the Great Lakes Xaval Training ^ t nt ion. transferred for dutii at Naval Hospi- tal. Paris Island, S. C. Commissioned Mail .',. 1918. Trained at Annapolis, transferred for f 1918. on the British S. #. -Khiva" for London, England, transferred and uKxigncd- to duty at liordeaux, France, later returning to the United State on board the liattleship "Oklahoma." Ensign Nusbaum mar- ried .1/7.S-S- Harmicn Dancnbaum of Miliraukec, Mai/ If,. Corporal Oliver T. Neely, son of Mrs. Adolph liurgman, Petersburg, born February 6, 1893 filtered 'serrice in March, 1916. at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to El Paso, Texas, to Fort Bliss, Texas, to Camp MacArthur. Ti'.rti*. sailing overseas in August, 1918, to join Hit- A. /:. /'.' Private Don Daniel yeely of Petersburg, xon of Mi: and .l/.'-.s-. Win. X. Neety, of Havana, III, born October 22, 1893. Entered service \iiril r, . mi*, nt ('amp Dodge, la. Sailed <,rrrscax August 1H . 1918, landed in England \itgnxl .'8. '1918. 'Jl'>/x attached to Co. C, 352nd fnfanlrij. SSth Division, A. E. F. Lmi i^ NetC, "'Hi of Mr. and 1/cx. ./. c. \f/r, I'ctrrxliiirg. horn Aiiguxt J~>. 1897. \lhcrt L. \ ' /' "-".s niarric-l to -l/(.s-x (lludii* Beverly L<,rtn of \'irdcn. III., July 1. t1f L'ntcrol service Octoln'r ~>, 1918. at the Ini- rt'i-siti/ <>f Illinois iiini n-ax transferred to tin nfjii-'ix Training Camii. lnlJ Mt'iniril xi(j for /-Vance Man 16. 1918. Lieutenant Loran h'. On- of Menard County, KOII of Mr. and l/rx. A. R. Orr, born Janu- nrii 1.!. 1883. Entered xcrrice in the Med- ical ifc*errc cot-it* in Min/, 1911, called into actice Ncrricc Aui/UNt 2i>, lit 17, at Fort Itenjamin Harrison, Indiana. Lieutenant Orr served in flu- follotriny: l-'idd and Base Hos- pital ami Medical Itejiartment 33rd Field Ar- tiller.H. at Cum it C, rant . Lieut. Orr i. a .i/fiidnate of tin- l\c,,l;uk Colleye of Physi- '/(//;. s- ainl Sitruconx in year r, irate Samuel I). Ortman, son of Mr. and 1//-.S-. John Ortman, Petersburg/, born March 2-4. 1K<>.{. Filtered service and teas attached to lleadaiiartcrx ( 1 oin]>anu. 3 : >~> Infantry,, 82nd IHri^ion. A. /v. /'. Hailed o-rcrsi-ax from JIo- boken, \. /"., (><-tol,er > t . 19 is. Huyler Gcorf/e Harrison Uxborne, son of Mr. ami Mrs. B. Oxbome. horn M. 1895. En- tered xn-vicp in Co. <', ~>1h Regiment Infantry, Illinois National d'uardx. August 14, 1917, at (' Loirtlen. Springfield, transferred to Co. C. 12.' t th Machine (inn llattalion, September 1.1. 1917, to <'(iini> Loi.tan. Houston, Texas. In ./aniian/. /.';/,s'. /r.s- transferred to Co. F, 130th Regiment, Inpmtni. J" !/""//. 1918, was made Automatic h'ifleman. sailing overseas May ',. 19 IX. to join the .1. /;. F. Later he was taJcen into the Army of Occupation. 33rd Divi- sion, invudinfj Ln.reinheifi. dennanu. His Prairie, born Decem- lier 22. 1H!>.!. I'.nlcreil xcrrii-e June >1, 1918. at Camjt \V1tccler, (la., transferred Kepteiulier istli to Ca>Ji>> .Mil In. L. I.. ftaiUna overseas \ or ember 17th. Iani1inn,i Infantry, i. /;. /'. Corporal Fred \\'iUiam Ofken. son of Mr. anil i/.'-.s. Ifichtird Otl n. Tullulu, born March >c,. IS'.ir,. Hntercd xerriec Mai/ 30, 1918, at I'ort 'I'homa*. l\/i.. transferred to Camp Gor- don. \'tlanta. /8. ir ^heritlan. Montgomery, Ma. U'r/x attached to C-o. M. !,~>th I . N. Lu- fantri/. U'^.s iiromoted to Corporal Private Hoberi ft. Ottensmeyer, of Menani County, son of Mr. und l//.y. Ue-nrj/ nUe.nx- nu'i/ei- of \\drrenton. M<>.. boi n \lurch 1, 1891.- Enteretl service June 27, /.'//N. (// CIDHJI \\ hee- ler. Mill.*. I.. I., xttil- in;/ f>/-f/'.sf.s- /// October. l'J18. H'a. to Co. li, J28th Infuntnj, A. E. /'. Earl Pond. Private H. Wayne Power, son of Mr. un>l Mrs. J. M. Power, Petersburg, born December 2(>, 1888. Entered service April 26, 19 jf.s-. nt (Jamp Funston, Kas., transferred to Can Mills, L. I., sailing overseas June >. I9ix: Was attached to the 89th Division. He /'.-, under constant shell fire until the signing of the armistice. Later taken into the Army of Occupation invarting Gcnnani/. sergeant Yern Anderson Power. NOII of Mi. tint/ .l/r.s-. ./. M. 1'otri')-, 1'ctersbiirfl. lorn Jiilii 12. 189',. Mix* Mil>lre 1917. Kntcrcil 'serr ice Mai/ U5j 19 ix. at Camp Dodge, la., trains f erred to Camp l/c/r/.s-. Washington, D. C:. irliere lie attemleil the Kteam Tractor School for three months, receiving promotion lo Ser !/e Merritt, X. J., sailing over- seas Mail .'x. in is. Participated in three '/rcat i, attics, u'w.s attadn'il to Fieltl Artil- Icr//. He'i'laiiarte. .* I'oinittmy, A. /.'. F. Lieutenant Paul W. Power, son of Mr. a nd Mrs. George C. Power of Petersburg, entered the first Officers' Training Camp Logan. Mcrrilt, \. ./... sailing arcrxcaN Man 1918. Tool: i>art in (tic St, Miliicl. Ar- Forest and Verdun battles. HV/.s- at- rd to Battery A. Hcarn l-'icltl Artillery, Frank Allen Peters, U. 8. 'N., -von of Mrs. JJfi Reep, Petersburg, born June 11. l&'j:',. Entered service July 1, 1917, at the (jrrr. ( . K. \.. of Menayil CHIDI tit. .von of Mr. anfil ?. 1 !> 11 . l-'uHxton. Kas. llr/.s iittai-Iicil to Co. C, tiOth hifajitri/, Regi- int'tit 10, 10th Division. \\'S. A., ton of Mr. .',, 1888. i:>itrrcrue Clanni-c l'liilli]>x of 1'uncji I'rairie, son >->f Air. anil 1/rx. dt.-or'jc I'liiUipS, both ilt ( -i 'Jth Connxiny, ,s//i Battalion, Syra- cuse Recrxitinf/ Xttitioti. Later tca trans- ferred to H.'iJrd Fire and (luard Company. Columbus, Ohio. I'riralr I\'obert llrnre I'll illipx, son of Mr. and Mr*, -feff I'liilUnx, l'et< r*l>nrril'.>. 1918, at Fort Totlen. \. Y.. Inter transferred to ' A,'//*//*. 1 '/., ('a 111 n tftcirart. \ a., nailinfj flS in (ti-tolier. /!'/N. H'"-s attnelied to i ('. -,ntli l,'ni iK-toh' 1895. Entered K<:>-ricc Man 21, /.''/N. fit Jef- fcrxon Jiarracks, Mo., transferred io San in <'!/o. Cnl.. later to Camp Kearney, irliere in trax attached tu Co. /.. 21st Infantry. Corporal Carl I mjiixl /v/r/xo/j. *on of Mr. ami Mr*. .\nth, sailed overseas September 23r'. Was attached to Veterinary C f 'i>*. Auxiliary. Remount Deyot J.?J. Private William '\inijtj of Talliila. son. of Mr. and Mrs. IT. .1. l']i.ipjx. born -Inln 18, 1896. Entered service June 27, 1918, at Cam]> \\']>c(ler, Qa. J'riralc Inland \'i,-f/il I'ralt, NOII of Mr. and -1/r.s. ,/. Pratt, Atterberry, lorn \or<'mhth Provisional Battalion, Infantry Ifeplace- m cut and Training Troops. Corjtoral William Wallace Rice, Jr., son of Mr. mid Mrs. W. H'. Ifk-r. Nr., Greenview, born Ain/nsl 25, /x.r',. Entered service May SO, /.'>/x. (il Furl Thomas, Kit., transferred to cami> Gordon Ga., to Camp Khcridan, Ala. Ifeceired promotion to Corporal .\uunst ,.''/ /;//x. ]\'Itilc on a fitrlonf/h Corporal Rice n-ns married l<> .Miss Bernice Lynn, of Mason City, mi September l' f , 1918. lieutenant b'aliili siicara Reiiiny, son of .1/r-s. ''has. Rcdinril 27, 1918, at Camjt l>od(/c, la. August 26, 1918, teas coinwix- Lieutenant. lAnih mint Itnnald \\udc Rilcy, son of Mi. nii/f Mrs. II. II. Ifilct/. (irccnricir, born Mai/ 87, /X.'M;. Entered service December Hi, 1917. at Fort Wayne, Mich., and transferred to Ground xditfol of A riation, U. of /.., Urbana^ Febru- arif >.',. /.'>/x. Completed the course May 11, and transferred to Dallas, Texas. Entered Fli/nn School at Taj/lor Field, Ala., May ,',Utli. Kcceired connnixsion to Second Lieutenant De- cember 20, 1918. Kercrtxon. l'ct/X. at I'eoria, III. ll'-s allaclicd to the electrical dci>art men t of M c- clianical School. Lieutenant -hnnes Clinton L'usscll of Menard niintj/. xon of Mr. and ,1/r.s-. Catherine Rus- xell. ('arli/le. III., lorn Jannarif .> > . {883. En- merrier, in August, /. f '/X. at Fort Riley, Kan. Was attached to Medical Corps, Co. ~>' t . Ktlgar h'olnnann, son of Mr. anil Mrs. H. H. Rohmann, Tallula, l)orn May 12. 18.9',. Entered service Reytembcr C>. 1918, at Camj) Forrest, da., and assigned to 13th Casual Company, 2nd Battalion', later trans- ferred to Camp Custer, Mien. 1'riralc Henri/ Rudolph Rotherl. son of Mrs. Catherine Rothert, Petersburg, born Sept. 7, IfWf). Entered service May ho, 1918, at Fort Thomas, Ky., transferred to Camp Cordon, fla.. to Camp Sheridan. Ala., returned to Gordon, Ga. Was attached to Co. G, Infantry. 9th Division. I'rivatc John Lee Rebbe, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rebbe, Sr., Petersburg, born October 8. 18f)'/. Entered service August 20, /.'i/x. at Camp Wheeler, Ga. Was attached to Headquarters Detachment. f'rirale KOI/ Hair I ings, son of Mr. and Mrs. \atlKin ifairlings, Petersburg, born March 2J I} I88Q. Entered service July 23, 1917, at Jef- ferson Hat-racks. Mo., transferred to Ft. Tot- ten. X. Y., sailing overseas in June. 1918. ir* nttaelicd to Co. B, 6th Signal Battalion, .1. /;. /'. rriratc Gcortje Dewcy Ray, son of Mr. nnS/. Mihicl batllc*. I'rivatc Oral Ray of Oakford J son of Mr. mid. Mrs. E. Ray, ChandlerviUc. horn August '.:. /.9.9//. Entered service May 2r>, 1918, at Camp Shelby, Miss., discharged June 9, 1918. On Auf/ust 29, 1918, again entered the serv- ice at Syracuse, N. Y., later transferred to /'/. Mlamn, /.'. I., to Camp Grant, III. Was to Co. Cj .7.9/7? Ammunition Train. I'rirntc Ciu-l Andrew Rodemer of Menard Count if. son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rodemer, 1894. horn January 1C>. Entered service Au- f/ust 20, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga. Was attached to Co. K, Receiving Camp. I'rivatc William Rodemer, son of Mr. and l/r.<*. Carl Rodemer, Athens, born July 8, 1895. l-:ni<'red serice June 27, 1918, at Camp Whee- ler. Ga., to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed overseas September 29, 1918. Was attached to 121st Infantry, Co. K, SJst Division, A. E. F. Private Carl Ernest William Reimer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Reimer, Tallula, born July 1, 1890. Entered service May 30, 1918, at Fort Thomas, Ky., transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga., to Camp Sheridan, Ala. Was attached to Co. G, 45th Infantry, 9th Division. I'riratc 11 illiam Wallace, I'ei'd. *o of Mrs. Sarah, l\ccx. Kiitcrcil service June 1.I. 1918. at Jeffer- son Barracks, -Mo., transferred to Camp Tay- lor, Kn. Wax a/taclic'l to natter a C. (ilh Regi- ment, a Motorcyclist in a Telegraphic L'nit. I'rirale Haniucl \eirton Roycrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ifoijcrx, born November 13, 1893. Entered scrrice May 20, 1918, at Jeffer- son Barracks, Mo., transferred to Fort (leorge \\'ri(/ht, Wash., to Camp Dodoc, la., on S'ep- Icnibcr .>:,, 7.''/,s'., where he icas attached to Company F, l',1h Infantry. f'ornoral .Jaiinx Krrrclt Honcrx, KOII of Mr. anil Mrs. Thomas I'ot/rr*. Alln'ii*. hum -luly J, /S.'f. F.iitd'cil .merrier, in June. /.'/?, at Camp Lou'ilcn. ^nrhif/ficld. transferred to /;. si. Louis, to Camp L!/an, Tc.ras. to Camp I'plon, \. Y. Hailed overseas \lril ..'/, ]<>IS. Was attached to Co. I. HiSth Military 1'olicc. .l-inl Division. A. /:. F. Sergeant \\'m. I/. ./,'f tin' signal CHI-JIN, later transferred In l.anglei/ Field, \ a., irhere IK ira* promoted to Cor/ioral Mail 1. mis. ami t<, sergeant Oc- tober id. tuts. Warren A. Ram nay, I . S. A., son of Mr. and 1//-.S. H". i . Ramsay, Petersburg, born April 28., U'I. Entered- xerviev at tlie Great Lakes Na- / Training Station in July, I'Jit;, transferred ll assigned tu dntt/ i hv. ,s'. orth nnk:,in." inti-f ia UK- l . N. N. "Ari- a," Hut in .\itfjnst, f.tis. trttx; i>ro)notc>l t'> <'<>ri>oral Wallace U. Ramxaij, (son of Mr. and I//-.S-. IT. Y. Ifainmii/, I'etci'Nb my, born S'ep- /nibcr gs, 1 8!>.i. Entered service May l!,, inn, at NiH-iiif/firlti, in the Sth Illinois In- fnnfr/i, transferred Au Co. C. I'.'ilh Machine Gun Battalion, 33rd Di'-ixinn, ami iril/i them nailed overseas May in. t'Jis. He received ins Corinn-al promotion the (; real !.al;ex \aral Training Station. IraiiK- ferred to Hampton IfoaUn. I \\ heeler, ( transferred to an eastern seaport, sailinfi 01 seas October 28, 1918, landiny at Brest, Frt November 11 : later transferee to Laval, Frc Was attached to 106th Sanitary Train, 121 /'/>/,/ lliixitilnl. A. E. F. Private Harry Mitchell Rathsack, son of Mr. (in (I Mrs. R. Rathsack, Greenvieir. born October 17. 1891. Was a senior stmlfitt in the Louis- ville Dental College when he entered service January l, 1918, in the Medical Department. Called in April, sent to Fort Oglethorpc. Ga.. transferred to Camp Merritt, X. J. Sergeant John Herman Renz, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Renz, Athens, born October 18, 1887. Entered service April 3, 1918, at Ft. Totten. A'. Y., transferred to Ft. Hamil- ton, later to Camp Mills, L. 1., sailing over- seas September 25, 1918. Was attached to 48th Anti- Air craft, 6th Sector. June 1st, 1918. teas promoted to Corporal and on July 1. 1918. promoted to Sergeant* Returned to the United States January 10, 1919, at Camp Merritt, JN . J. Private Jay Thomas Roberts, son of Mr. ninl Mrs. G. C. Roberts, Greenview, born March 30, 1893. Entered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Taylor, Ky. attached to 87th Co., loth Battalion. Private Roberts married Miss Francelia Meers of Greenvicw. June 22, 1918. Private Rollin G. Simmons of Menard County, son of William Simmons of Litchfield, Ky., born June 16, 1893. Entered service June 27, in is. at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred to ('ami> Mills, L. I., sailing overseas October 15. 1918, landing in France October 29. 1918. Was attached to 122nd Infantry, M. G. Co., 31st inrixion, A. E. F. /'/ irate \\'illiain Franeix N/o//. >>J Mi- ami .V/-.S. II'. A. Xtoit. Tice, born \orenilier .", , 189:1. Entered service in t/ie I . U. \larine* l>< remher It. Hill, at f'arifi lxlni'l transferred to (Ju'intifii. \ .. in I In- l.islft Ifcphieement I'.ut lotion. On March IS, 1918, .tailed oi'crscas, landina fh< loiter part of March. He entered ihc firnt-line //r//r/jr.s- .May /, /.'//N. IIIK! int.* f/tiffxed dnrhlfj the second hdt tie of ilia Marne. an June /<;//(. anil lal.-ni to a lta,sc Hospital, ichere he remained for fire niotitltx. Jan nan/ 9, 1919, trax relumed to the (Jniterl Ftutrx. iandiin/ at \eir/n>/t News, Va., with the :!.!.',i0th f'rorisional \Inxieian William /'. ^fkoeneirciNN. xun of Mi', and MJ-S. A. \\' . Schoenetceiss, <' reen ricir . born December 29. 1SU.S. Entered xerricr Nr/'- leniner /X, 19 IS. at Catnn Doduc. la., tranx- ferral lo f'amp /'//,T. Arlc., to Camp l>i.r. N. /. Sailed nrerseas. irJtcre lie irax tittiitliel In l/cad- i/nartcfK ('a.. .',',i;tti Itifnnln/ Hand. I. /;. /'. I' rir ate II ni tnn n John fratoi lux. son of Mr. ami Mrs. lleitrn Xutoriiis. I'l'tri-sliid-;/, born * iiicmiit r .'.'. i^'.m. Entered service September .;. /.<ort, mii/hiy \oremoer Jo, nilS, to join tin: A. /;. r. I'riratv Ceor/<>/. Athens, born Mau 30, IHUO. Filtered scrricc May 21, J91X. at .Icffcr- .so;i. Barracks. \lo., to fort C,-iliiifl, 8r.. born September 7, ^892. Entered xf,-i;ire April 3. 1918, at Ft. Tottcn. A. i'.. a- here he reveircd ]>ioinotion to Corporai, and tf Kustia, \'a., to Ft. Man- roe, 1 "., irherc he spent six weeks in a tractor a id tmlo Ni-hool. xailcl orci-nea* from Cam" Rtetcart \u. October 7, 1018. Wax attached to .;oth \rtillerii. Mattery A. 38th Brigade, c. i. c. ir.s tixKii/Hctl to d nt n at Kt. Nazairre, l-'raner. latn- transferred to Ordnance Depart- mint, A. /v. F.., at liordiaii.r. Corporal Fred I/. Tallin, ftoii of Mr. and l/,v II |/. Xiihm. I'clcrxliiiru. horn \orrmbe ;:,. JSKfi. l-;nK',-< i xrrricc June //. /.''/>'. at Caiuii Tairlor h'n. \\'ax an instructor in Itat- /'/// /:. :/// Regiment, l'i>ld Artill<'ii/. i . N. A. Private Ernest Lee Sowers, s,th Machine Gun Battalion, 33rd Division, A. E. F. Private Percy Herbert Seese, son of Mr. and I//*. Chas. Seese, Petersburg, born June '.>. 1896. Entered service October U t , 1918, at the Itradley Poly technical Institute, Peoria. IU. Fred El&on Shaw, U. S. N., son of Mr. nn-i Mrs. James E. Shaw, Athens, born February -'/, 1897.' Entered service July 17. 19 18, at -the Great Lakes Naval Training Station an a me chanic. Was attached- to 1he J.'iffi Regiment. Private Charles Sinclair of Menard County, HOII. of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sinclair of Chan- dlerville, born June 3. 1898. Entered service Auyust 5, 1916, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Fort Hancock, N. J. lV dor- don, Ga., transferred to Cami> xlicridun. Ala., returned to Camp Gordon, Ga.. irh< r< lie inis attached to Co. E. tsth Infantry. George P. Schafer, son of Mr. and Mm. H. W. Schafer, Tallula, born June 10, 18<)2. En- tered service May 30, 1918, at Fort Tltoman, Ky., transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga., to Camp Sheridan, Ala., where he completed tin- /'", 1'irst Cook. Private Joe Stankovich. son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stankovich. Athens, bom November 10, 1899. i'.ntcri'il service June l. Kill, at Camp Lowden, Springfield, was called to E. St. Louis on riot duty, transferred to Cami) Logan, Tex., to Camp Merritt, N. J., sailing for overseas. He participated in the St. Mihiel, the Argonne and Verdun battles. Was attached to 123rd Field Artillery, A. E. F. Corporal Leslie A. Smi-ter, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Smiser, Peterson*;/, born November 11, 1900. Entered into National Guards, Co. C, 5th Illinois Infantry, at Springfield in June, 1917; later absorbed into Co. C. t.'!,th Machine (lun Battalion, 33rd Division, lit Nr// n' as transferred to Houston. T<'.r// /toint In or>,-xvas to join the A. /:. /'. Private Marshall Greenleaf Kt>(inl0, 1891. Entered service Mu 28, 1918, at Camp Kliilhi/. Miss., transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y., sailing overseas Octo- ber (i, 1918, landing in England, transferred to Le Mans, J-'rnncc. \\'as returned to the United- sttilrti, landing at Camp Merritt, N. J., Decem- ber 16, li>18, later transferred to Ft. Harrison, hul. \Yan attacJtrd to Battery F, 13!)tli Field Artillery, -JUth Dirixiun. A. /.' / . Private Ralph K. Si>anldi,/f/. son of Mr. and Mrs. If. 8. spauldin;/. dreenrieir. born ./iinc 19, IX'.XJ. Entered service -Inne ', . mil. at Jeffer- son liarrarkN. Mo., transfer, <,! to Ft. ////**. Te.ras. to Camp linker. Utlrr In reeeired X/H> eiai training at the I ///< / i<-nn I ni rei -sity. \\'asli- InfftOU, U. C. Sailed orerseas Se/itrmber <> . 1H17. luiKliny in l-Jii(jl <'u. l>. ';/ I . N. Engineers, 1st .!///(// ro///.v. .1. /;. / .. inter taken into the Army of Oentiinti'in inrinliny Germany. I'ricate Henry 11. Smith. HUH of l//.v. Minnie Kmith, Petersburg, lorn June 29, 1887. En- tered service April 3, 1918. at Fort 'ratten. Y. Y. } transferred to Fort Xrltnylcr. A. ).. to Camp EiiHtix, \ a., to C Xteiraratli Artillery r i. C'., .1. E. F. Private Herman II. Kmith. son of Mrs. Min- nie Smith; Petersburg, born March 1, 1870. Entered service June 27. 1'JH. at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Fort Itilcii. /\M//.S., to Camp Merritt. ,V. /., xfiilin, 1889. Entered service Anyuxt .'<). 1918, ut Cant/' \Vfieelcr, Go,., transferred to Camp Taylor, Ky. Altaeheil to Co. 3, Replacement Camp. T /tin tenant JIarry \Villiani t. C. Glen Shipley, U. S. N., son of Mr. and Mrs. C. IF. Shipley, Petersburg, born December 19, 1894. Entered service in April, 1917, at the Philadelphia \ai;>/ Yards, where he was later assif/ncd to the U. S. S. "DeKalb." Sailed in I mn- with General Pershing's First Division to I'rancc. Glen Shipley has made thirteen round trips across the Atlantic in the past twenty months. Corporal Paul Donald Shipley, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. IF. Shipley, Petersburg, born Marrli .11, /,S'.<>7. Entered service June 5, 1918, at Camp Grant, III., transferred to Camp Mc- Artlnir. 'J'<'.j-as. irhcrc Jte iras attached to 1st Co.. 12th Battalion, Infantry Replacement Camp. Musician Roy Emory Sampson of Menard <'>,n nt a. son of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Sampson, Middletown, born September 27, ^890. Entered srrrice June 21, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Qa., transferred to Camp Jackson, S. C., tchere he iras assigned to 116th Field Artillery Band, IHrision; transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., to Camp Merritt, N. J., to Camp Lee, Va., to Gamp Grant, III. I'riratc Shelby Sampson, son of J/r. and Mrs. I>. 1. Sampson, Tice, born January 28, 189S. i: n it-red service at Camp Taylor, Ky., later transferred to Camp Sheridan, Ala. Was at- Itn-ln-d to Infantry, Camp I'tiliHc* mri^t. Robert Samuel. I'ri/iitc Ifiiyli Arthur N/w/r of Fauci/ J'rutrte, son of -fames /;. Shan: of \onnal. III., born No- vembcr 13, 189.',. i-;nt'd service .lime li t , 1918, at Valparaiso, /ml., transferred to In- dtanapolia, Ind.. 10 rort Leavenworth, Kans., later to Camp .\fcad<: Mil., where Tie wax at- tached to Company .1.. .}rd Trnininv Battalion, signal Corps. William Seipel Oorjuirul (liiti /'. nniHforil r,f Mciidnl County, son of Mi: and Mrs. D. B. Sanford, born Jan- uary 26; .1891. Entered service September 19, 19111, at ('dm i> t)odj, ^9/8, in the Tanl: Cori> ua an electrician. Sailed for France in Annual, in is. and iras attached to Battery .I',:,. (',. C. Tank Corps, A. E. /'. Corporal Robi-fl IHirnx Smith., sun of Mr. and I/*'*. /. G. Smith, Petersburg, born September .-'/. 1894. Entered service July 18, 1917, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Camp Pardon, Ga. Sailed for France in August. 1917. \ttnched to 17th Regiment, Railway Engineers, Co. E, A. E. F. 1'aul Everett Sittton of Petersburg), son of I'cr. and Mrtt. /;. //. button, former deceased* born September 29, 1899. Entered service in tin- Medical Corns June 30, 1918. at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Camp Crane, Pa. Bailed overseas August 31st, landing in Sep- tember, 1918. Acted as nurse in the American /'ii/ Cros.f Military Hospital No. 1, Paris, France. His uncle, Dallas Sutton, was an officer of high rank in the Union Army during tin- f'iril War. Prirate William G. Sutton, son of Mr. and 1/rs. Charles N. Sutton, Petersburg, born March I /x.o.j. Entered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred September 15, /.'/.y. to Camp Mills, L. I., sailing overseas October 4th. Was attached to Company B. '.th.. Infantry, 82nd Division, A. E. F. icorgc Herman S chafer, son of Mr. anil Mrs. H. G. Schafer, Petersburg, born November 15, IUD'I. Entered service June 27, 1918, at Camp WJieeler, Ga. In September, 1918, sailed from Camp Merritt, N. J., for overseas service. TFas attached to 106th Engineer Corps. Co. A. 31st Division, A. E. F. l-lrcrctt ) . Vchneiilrr. IJ. S'. N., xon of Mr. and !/>*. Rebecca, Schneider, Athens, burn l-'cb- rnarn ,>7, 1890. Entered service A ]nil 2X, J!U8, at the Great Lakes Naval Training elation. \Vati attached to a Hand Company. Lieutenant David C. Smart, nun of J/r. and Mia. Win. C. 8 Grecnview, born February 2 '/ , 1883. Entered service in IVO.> in tht Signal Corps, Electrical Department t of the I . N. A.., xerring years in Alaska, and the Philippines irilh I lie rani;* of I'rirali . <'>- j)oral and Sergeant. He ?/;as- dixeharyid a ml riril govcrnmenm service of the Philippines, returning to the United States in March, 1908. On October 17, 1917. entered the service at St. Paul, Minn., inn! teas commissioned Lieutenant in the Engineering Corps, ainl as- signed to duty for Jfuxsian Ifailiran .sn '-rice. Bailing \er is. /.''/?,j fr-om Man Francisco, Cul.. for orcr-icax ; Jias .seen service in \!n. U. xanford. Tallnla, born Decem- ber >1, 1887. Entered service Mai/ 2n. I '.UK, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Ft. George Wright, Wash., to Camp Dodge. la., to Camp (Irani. III. M'r/* attached to Co. % 14th Infantry, 19th Division. Walter Joseph Shea, U. S. N., of Menard County, son of Mr. and Mra. Michael Shea of Springfield, born April 9. 1896. Entered serv- ice in May, 1918, at the Great Lakes Naval Ti'uininfj Station. furl /,'. stith, U. S. N., son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. l>. xtith, Springfield, born July 27, 1887. !: n It-red service April .', , i'.)18, and was assigned in the Naval Intelligence Department with a :-1$, to Cfinip Mill*, L. I. On October 5th he irax confined to the hospital with influenza, irhidi later developed into pneumonia, recover- inn Jic /r.s- transferred to Camp Mcrritt, A". /. lu'tcr t<> Camp Lee, Va., to Camp Grant, III. \\'as attached to 12-'ith Infantry, Co. A. Clarence Turner. I'rirule If. -1. Thompson of Menard County, *<>n of Mrs. L. B. Thompson of Louisville, Ky.. horn June 25, 1889. Entered service at Ft. Loyan, Colo., transferred to Camp McArthur, Texas, to Camp Merritt, N. J., sailing overseas September 28., 1918. Was attached to Co. L, 7th Inf.. A. E. F. Private Gilbert Henry Thurman of Menard County, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thur- man of Sheridan, Ind., born June 22, 1890. Entered service June 26'., 1918, at Camp Tay- lor, Ky. Attached to 1st Regimental infantry, 159th D. B. Luther P. Turner. U. S. N., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Turner, Tice, born December IS, 1896* Entered service June 16> 1917, and was transferred to San Francisco, Cal., later to Key West, Fla., where he was assigned to active service on the L 7 . 8. S. "Dolphin." J'rivate (Chester Bergen Terhune, son of ^fr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Terhune, Petersburg, I September 10, 1893. Entered service June 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred Washington, 1). C., -Inly .!~>t]i. //-//err he watt signed to Co. F, 60J t th Engineers, the "Seat light Division." Sailed overseas Auf/ust 11. 1918, and on arrival in France receiv< out- line trenches. Private Edward Tackett of Menard County, son of M. L. Tackett, Mound Valley, Kana., born December 12, 1894- Entered service as a Motor Mechanic at Kelly Field, Texas, March 9, 1918. Was attached to ' f srd Balloon m- panij, transfered to Newport News, Va.. ir'ie he ^cas assigned to 25th Balloon Company, til- ing overseas June 29th; landed at Br^ I-' ranee, July 13th. Was stationed at I '^o tine until November 15th, when his unit was ordered to Belleau Woods, where they were to keep the Germans under observation until were out of France. Glenn Bowman Thompson, son of Mr. and 1/r.s-. A'. .1. Thompson, born December 5, 1895. Entered service August 6, 1917, at Jefferson liarracks, Mo., transferred to Kelly Field; Tex., 1<> <' Mills, L. I. Sailed December J,, 1917, for overseas service. Sergeant Charles Fletcher Terry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Terry, Petersburg, born Au- gust 11, 1894. Entered service in July, 1911, at Camp Logan, Texas, transferred to Fort Riley, Kans., to Fort Leavenworth, Kans., to Camp Merritt, N. .J.. still later to Bush Ter- minal, Sew York, inhere he teas promoted to Corporal. Was attached to the 409th Bakery Company, later transferred to Camp Upton, N. Y., where he iras promoted to Sergeant in February, 1919. Private Chester Loraine Terry, son, of Mr. find Mrs. Chas. E. Terry, Petersburg, born July 8, 1898. Entered service October 10, 1917, in the Aviation Branch of the U. 8. Army at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Kelly Field, Texas, to Ft. Omaha, Neb., and still later to Ft. Monroe, Va. Was attached to the 29th Balloon Company. Private Chas Robert Terry, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Terry, Tice, born December 9, 1895. Entered service May 21, 1918, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Camp Grant, III. Attached to Headquarters Co., Hth Infantry. Private George M. Taapken, son of Mr. and Mrs Garrett Taapken, born May 6, 189%. En- tered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., sailing October f t th lor France, landing October tS, 1918. Was attached to Co. T, JOlth Infantry. 17th Division, A. E. F. Private Joe H. Taapken, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Taapken, Petersburg, born January 1. 1887. Entered service August 20, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., where he was attached to Quartermaster Corps. Private John M. Toohey, son of Airs, Bat hum McNabb, Petersburg,, born July 20, 1892. /,/< tered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mills, L. J.. -s Hin;/ of MI and Mrs. Borchart Theilen, Petersburg, born November 11, 189%. Entered service August^ 20, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga. Was attacJ to Quartermaster Corps (Sub. Depot). Private Benjamin Henry Theilen, son of M and Mrs. Borchart Theilen, Petersburg, born 'September 6, 1893. Entered service June ._'?, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferre ' / Camp Mills, L. I., sailing October 30, I'.tJl for France. Was attached to Co. M, I22n Infantry, A. E. F. Harry Edicard Trigg, son of John B. Trigt Petersburg, born October ! t , 1888. service August 1, 1918, at Camp Jackson, N. ('., irJicrc he fas attached to the Base (.'lasses Thomas, son t.*f Mr. . l-'.n- te.i-fii service September in. in r, . at ctimp Dodge, la., transferred to fv/////> Lof/ati. Tea., milling overseas in June, in IK. \\'ti* at tin-tied to Co. A, 108th Militant I'olice. .1. /;. /'! Private Ira Cecil Thomas, .son of Mr. and r.v. /. H. Thomas, Oakford. born October >?, Entered service An Wheeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., sailing overseas in October, 1918. Was nttaclied to Co. H, 726th Infantrv, 82nd Divi- sion, A. E. F. Private Byron Anderson Tice, second son of Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Tice of Tice, was born March 27th, 1900. He enlisted February 8th, 1917, in the Marine Corps, training in Fort Royal, South Carolina. Later he icas transferred to Guateauma, Cuba, leaving two months later for Port Au Prince, Haiti, where he is seeing serv- i<-c in the 63rd Co., Marine Corps. Lieutenant Harold Isaac Tice, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Tice of Tice, born November 18th, 1892. He entered the U. kS*. coast artillery service April 3rd, 1918, beinv sent to Fort George Wright, N. Y. In August he was transferred to Fort- ress Monroe, Fa., where he received his commission as Second Lieutenant Decem- >>< r 'ith, 1918. Lieutenant Tice was the miperintendent of the Winona Hiyh School before entering service. Lieutenant Erbie Oliver Thomas, son of A- h. Thomas, Oakford, lorn July 15, 1895. En- iered service January 15* 1915, at Jefferson Harracks, Mo. Was assigned to Second Infan- try and transferred to Schofleld Barracks, Eon- lula, Hawaii, on March H,, 1915. Promoted to Corporal May 1, 1911, promoted to Ser- ; eant December 6, 1911, and to Second Lieu- tenant August 26, 1918. Sailed from Hono- lula October 1, 1918, and on reaching the United States wan transferred to Camp Grant, III. Samuel A. Thompson, V. 8. N., son of Mrs. Jeanette Thompson, Petersburg, born August 12, 1890. Entered service June 15, 1918, at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station, where he was made Ohiet Petty Officer on September 28, 1918. Private George 8. Ulery of Petersburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ulery. born September 2S, 1887. Entered service August 20, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., later transferred to Camp Taylor, Ky. Was attached to an Infantry Regiment. Sergeant Ernest Russell Ulery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ulery, Greenview, born Janu- ary 16, 1896. Entered service July 2, 1917, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Fort Snelling, Minn., to Fort Sheridan, III., to Camp Ouster, Mich., later to Camp Sherman, Ohio, where he was attached to a Machine Gun Company, 40th Infantry. Private Charles Joseph Votsmier of Menarrl County, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Votsmier, born March 1, 1896. Entvil service -I inn ..',. 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga. Was ordered over- seas in September, suffered an attack of in- fluenza and was held and transferred to Camp Lee, Va., to Camp Taylor, Ky. Was attached to 62nd Infantry. Corporal Hilo F. Vogt, son of Mrs. Robt. Woolridge, Petersburg, born October 1, 1897. Entered service June 5, 1917, in the 5th Regi- ment, 33rd Division, Co. C, at Camp Logan, Texas. Was promoted to Corporal and Ma- chine Gun Instructor. His company was part of the 124th Machine Gun Battalion. Private Earnest Miles Vogt, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Vogt, Petersburg, born June 21, 1894. Entered service September 4, 1918, at Camp Grant, III., transferred to Camp Han- cock, Ga., where he was attached to Co. K, 2nd Group, M. P. D. Machine Gun Training Troops. Private William Harold Von Osdol, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Von Osdol, Greenvietc, born March 25, 1895. Entered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I. Sailed for France in Sep- tember. Was attached to 106th Military Po- lice, A. E. F. Private Cecil Varney, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Varney, Fancy Prairie, born June 23, 1890. Entered service June 26, 1918 f at Camp Wheeler, Ga. On September 20, 1918, he was transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., sailing in October for overseas service. Was attached to Co. L, 124th Infantry. A. E. F. Private Frankly n E. Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Wilson, Petersburg, born April 9, 1895. Entered service June 29, 19 IS, at Camp Wheeler, Oa., where he was attached to Co. M, 12J f th Inf., 31st Division; later transferred to Camp Taylor. Kit. Sergeant Lawrence Williams of Athens, born August Ik, 1887. Entered service May 20, 1918, at Jefferson Baracks, Mo., transferred to Fort Bliss, Texas, to Camp Jackson, S. C. Was promoted to Sergeant August' 1, 1918. Private John Edward Wiseman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Labert Wiseman, Petersburg, born April 16, 1893. Entered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Oa., transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., sailing October 20, 1918, for overseas, landing at Liverpool, England, No- vember 1st. Was attached tu >,(itjth Casual Company, A. E. F. Corporal Herschel Carlin West, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank West, Greenvieic, born May 15, 1897. Entered service June 2, 1918, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to El Paso, Texas, June 16th. Was attached to Machine Gun Company, 3rd U. -S'. Infantry. Private Archie Woodland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woodland, Athens, lorn Juli/ .>n. 1892. Entered service June 1. 1918, at Camp Loicden. Springfield, transferred to /:. Rt. Louis at the time of the race riot. Reptrmber N. 1917, was transferred to Camp Logan, TC.I-HX. later to Ran Antonio, Texas, to Miami, Ari:. \\'as tu Cu. H. tend ' tr ^~' ^-^^^ * Private Herman Wilms, son 0} Mr. and Mrs. \\ in. L. Wilms, Petersburg, born January 27, 1886. Kntercd service May 15, 1918, at Lewis Institute, Chicago, for training in special elec- trical work, transferred to Camp Meade, M<1., Bailing overseas a few iceeks later. Was at- i, 1893. Entered service April 4, 1918, at /'fjrt Totten, :V. Y., transferred to Camp Stew- ,Gth Reyiment C. A. G., A. E. F. Private Albert David Wells of Fancy Prairie, if Mr. John Wells of Curran, III., born .fun nary 20. 1889. Entered service May 20, /.'I/N. at Jefferson Barracks^ Mo., transferred in ft. Wright. Wash., to Camp Dodge, Iowa, tn camp Grant. III. Was attached to the U f th I n i an try. Stanford R. Wilkinson. U. 8. -V.. son of Mr. nut! 1/c.v. r/Kf.s. \VilkiiiHon. (i rccn rifir . hrn Al/ril .10. 1888. Entered service in the U. S. Marine (lr])x June 2J t , 1918, at Pari* Jxlanfl, I ' . trviiHfrrre.d to Portsmouth, N. II. Sergeant William Wertheim of Athens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wertheim, both de- ceased,. Entered service April S, 1918 at Ft. Totten, N. Y. Private Carl Wilhelm, son of Mrs. Emelia Wilhelm, Greenview, born November J fj 1888. Entered service June 24, 1918, at Camp Tay- lor, Ky., transferred to Camp Sheridan, Ala., to Camp Gordon, Go. Was attached to Co. A, 45th Infantry. Private Stanley Thomas Wasilewski of Ath- ens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wasilewski, born April 28, 1899. Entered service July 9, 1918, at Camp Taylor, Ky., transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., sailing overseas in Oc- tober. Was attached to 12th Battery, 2nd Regiment, A. E. F. Private Otto A. Winkelman, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Winkelman, Atterberry, born October 17, 1895. Entered service June 27, 1918. at Camp Wheeler, Ga. transferred to Catnu Mills. L. J., sailing overseas October 17th. Was thirty hours at sea when taken ill with in- fluenza, and icas returned to ('a in it Merrill. N. J., later transferred to Camp Lee, Va., to Camp Grant, III. Was attached to Co. M, 122nd Infantry, Slst Division. Private Ira Samuel Woodruff, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Woodruff, Greenview, born De- cember 22, 1887. Entered service January 2, 1918, at Camp Lewis, Wash., transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J. Sailed overseas in July, 1918. Took part in the Argonne battle, later transferred from the front-line trenches in France to the Flanders front in Belgium. Was attached to 91st Division, 36Sr Mills, L. I. Sailed overseas October 9. J918. Was attached to Co. C, 32%th Machine Gun Bat- talion, A. E. F. Private John Emmett Weatherby, son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Weatherby, Petersburg, born June 29, 1892. Entered service June 27, 19 18. at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., sailing September 29, 1918, for overseas. Was attached to Co. I, 110th Inf., .'sth Division, A. E. F* Paul Fernuson Watkina of Menard County, son of Mrs. Geo. B. Watkins, Chicago, born October 28, 1895. Entered service April 27, 1918, at Camp Dodge, La., transferred to an eastern port and sailed for overseas in Sep- tember. He was attached to Go. R, 352nd U. S. Infantry. A. E. F. Private John Hobert Watkins of Menard County, son of W. R. Watkins, born February ! t , 1897. Entered service September 5, 1918, at Camp Grant, III., where he was attached to ~>th Co., Infantry Replacement and Training Troops. Private Abraham Lincoln Watkins, son of Mrs. Margaret Watkins, Petersburg, born Janu- ary 28, 1890. Entered service September 19, 1917. at Camp Dodge, la., transferred to Camp Pike, Ark. Sailed overseas June 19, 1918. Attached to Ordnance, Company I, Overseas Cavalry. Was wounded in action August 17, 1918. Lieu1< 'iidii f Joiirx \\' (inn o Hi, son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. \\'anolh. Tallula. born January 30, 1898. Entered xerriec June 26, 191C>. at Jeffer- son Ban-ac/.-N. \i,,.. transferred to /'/. Ring- gold, Tej't*. Served on the Mej-if-an border until sometime in October, 1917, when he sailed for orrrxea*. irliere In lian been in act- ive service. Lieutenant \\nnnoth is Kdcond Lieutenant in tlic I . ,, 1919, and trans- ferred to Camp Grant, 111. Private Calvin J. Whitney, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Whitney, Athens, born May 1, 18 9 a. Entered service May 26, 1918. at Camp Shelby, Miss., transferred to Camp Millx. L. I., vail- ing overseas October 3 t 1918. Hnrmitr <.,* boarital at Portsmouth, England. Sailed for United States December 21st, and was confined to Base Hospital, Camp Merritt. ,\ . ./.. for treat- ment. Was attached to Co. /). r.;,s/// ^fachinc Gun Battalion, 38th Division. A. E. F. fieryeant Frank li. \VJiitiirii, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wliitncir. AUicnK. born June 30, 1890. Entered .s-frr/Y-r December /.;. /.V/7, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Iransfcrred tu Camp Custer, Mich.. Idler to Cam a Hiuirn. liroinix- ville, Texas, to Axhland. \'H). Leafie Ellen Williamson, '\ursc. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Newton Williamson, Petersburg, born August 18, 1888. On April 1, 191J t , en- tered the Springfield lloxinlnl .s- a student nurse, graduating in June, 1917. After taking the State examiiKilioim in Chicago she joined the Otis Hospital 1'nii in Springfield for serv- ice overseas. The I nit left Springfield in April, 191S, arriving in Lira-pool in May, Mixs Wil- liamson was with flic A. .V. C. Hospital. Unit W, Camp Hospital \. 1918, at Camp Shelby, -}fif>s.. transferred t<> ('ami. Mill*, L. I. Sailed orerseas in October. li)18. Was attached to 151st Infantry, Machine Gun Company, 38th Division, A. E. F. !>oral Murry i'Jsnort li Williamson, son of I). W. Williamson. I'eh-r^nn-g. norn March 16, 1890. Entered service -rune* .>' t . 1'jjx. .lt Field Signal Unit. Charles F. Wagner G. W. Woodcock Private L. Werle of Mcnanl ('mini it. \oj/ <>{ Mr. and Mrs. Linus Werle, both net-eaneil, horn Juli/ 28, 1895. Entered service June .11. J'.il^, n1 xiceeriey Auto School, transfer! cil to (.'////> Joxi/th E. Jackson, Jacksonville, Flu. i Army Reserve Material Unitj A. E. F. J'rirate J. Earnest Winkhart, son / Mrs. Hermena Winkhart of Petersburg, born Julj i loth, 1895. Entered service in the Fifth Illinois Infantry, National Guards, June nth, 1911. Was transferred September 16th to Camp Logan, Houston, Texas, where the guards were absorbed into the regulars and became the Co. C, 12'fth Machine Gun Battalion. They sailed for France May 16th, 1918. Corporal Wink- hart has seen six months of active serv- ice on the French front. Private Nelson /,r.s-/r/- West, non f Mr* Laura West, Petersburg, born June 9th. 1887t Entered service May 30, 1918, at Ft. Thomas . Ky., transferred to Camp Gordon, da., and later to Camp Sheridan. Ala., where he n- attached to Co. G A .',5th Infantry. Miss JIci'Hir.iin \\'arnsing, danloin,i from Ilir \ationdl I'tirl: Srm iii'ir//, Wash- ington, D. C. in inj',. Entered service fi# Second Class Yeoman in the U. 8. Navy Julyl >(',. /.'/x. nl Washington, and M-M* assigned* to the l>'<'. Entered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Whee- ler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., sail- ing overseas October 16. 1918. Was attached to Co. D, 167th Infantry, .',2nd Division (Rain- bow Dirision), A. E. F., later taken into the Army of Occupation invading Germany. Private Travis Lee Zirkle, sojt of Mr. ana" Mr*.' T. L. Zirklc, Tallnla. born August 26. 1897. Entered service April 1st, 1917, at Jef- ferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Fort D. A. Russell, Wyoming, and later to Fort Bliss, Texas. Was attached to Military Police, 15th Cavalry Division. Entrained for Camp WadsicortJi, S. C., on November llth, 1918, and rcttirnf'l i Menard County on November 12, 1918: Otto Hchafcr, Tallula; Earl Rayburn, Greenvicw : Thomas Parks, Petersburg; Ralph Denton, Greenview; Herman Ackerman, Athens; and George Rogers, Athens. Private William Eldon Buracker, son of Mrs. Flora Buracker, Tallula, born March 21, 1893. Entered service August 1, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Oa., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., to Camp Merritt. X. J. Corporal Bernard B. Burackcr, son of Mrs. Flora Buracker, Tallula, born August 8, 1898. Entered Regular Army in 1915 at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Douglas, Ariz., tchere he remained until the start of the Mex- ican trouble. Was attached to 7th Cavalry, Troop K. Followed Major-General Frederick Funston into Mexico, was wounded in an en- counter icith the Mexicans and returned to Columbus, N. M., where he recovered. Was attached- to Truck \Co. 10, '-Quartermasters Corps, later transferred to Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., where he was attached to Truck Co. 68, transferred to Camp Merritt, N. J., sailiny overseas in April, 1918, where' he was attached to Truck Co. D. 3rd Division, A. E. F. Has been in action on six battle fronts, gassed ...v n nitti tic Third .-.nnrj of Occupation invading Germany. Jacob Leonard Buracker, U. S. N., son of Mrs. Flora Buracker, Tallula, born June 6, 1896. Entered service April IS, 1917, at Great Lakes Naval Training Station, transferred to San Diego, Gal., where he was assigned to active d-uty on the U. S. 8. "San Diego." Made five round trips to France. Corporal Benjamin Franklyn Bailey, of '//- htla, son of Mr. and Mrs. Logan Bailey of Marsaittes, in., born January 6, 189f t . En tered service August 5, 1916, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Transferred to New York, later to New Jersey, sailing overseas, where he was attached to Battalion A, Wth Reg., C. A. C., A. E. F. Returned from France early in Feb- mary, 1919. Stationed at Camp Austin and later at Ft. Monroe. Private John Luther Bailey of Tallula, son nf Mr. and Mrs. Logan Bailey of Marsaillea, in., born in October, 1882. Entered service in 1918 c.t Camp Douglas, Utah, transferred to Camp Funston, Kans. Sailed overseas to join the A. E. F. Private Thomas June Barnsback, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Barnsback, Athens, born \oretnber ?., 1895. Entered service June 27-, J918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred to ?amp Mills, L. I., sailing overseas in October, 1918, where he was attached to Co. E, 102nd Infantry, A. E. F. Thomas Francis Birch, U. S. N., son of Mrs. Mary Birch, Petersburg, born October 2%, 1895. Entered service February 26, 1918, at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station, trans* fcrrrd to an eastern seaport, tcherc he wa UHX\u imqnt. Private William Thomas Kelly of Menard f-, 1917, at Camp Forrest, Lytle, Ga.. tranxfcrred to Camp Custer, Mich. Was at taeJicd to 9th Provisional Recruit Co.. En gin cent Replacement. Private Robert Everett Rathsack, son of Mr. an/I Mrs. R. Rathsack, Greenview, born August ',, 1893. Entered service June 26, 1918, at Kircent'y Auto School, Kansas City, Mo., trans- ferred to Camp Wheeler, Ga., to Camp Mills, L. I., nailing overseas October 6, 1918, land- ing at Brent, France. Was attached to Co. A, /.'x//i Machine Gun Battalion, 35th Division. Was in St. Mihiel sector with the A. E. F. I'rirate Win. Ifeimer. son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reimer. Athens.. Entered service June 27, 1918. at Camp Wheeler, Ga., u:as transferred to CUHIV Mills. Y. V. I'rirate Thomas h'ogers of Menard County, son of W. M. Rogers, Finley, Ky., born May Si, 1887. Entered service July 2-',, 1917. in Co. C. \afionul (iuardu, ."itJi Illinois Infantry, at Camp Logan, Texas. In September, 1917. became a unit in Co. C, 124th Machine Gun Battalion, SSrd Division. In May, 1918, sailed overseas. lie has participated in many of the decisive battles of the war. Corporal Franois Eugene Rollings of Menard County, son of L. S. Rollings, Tremont, III., born November 9, 1895. Entered service Apr,l 2,9, 1918, at Camp Dodge, lotca, transferred- to Camp Mills, L. I., sailing overseas July 1, 1918. Was attached to 404th Telegraph Battalion. I. K. F. Private Edward- Charles Schnermeycr of Menard County, born February !,, 1889. En- tered service May SO, 1918, at Ft. Thomas, Ky.. transferred to Camp Sheridan, Ala., to Camp Gordon, Ga.j where he teas attaches! to Co. G, ',:,th Infantry. Private Jerry Joe Simmering, von of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Simmering, Grfewriew, born March 19, 1893. Entered service September 4< 1918, at Camp Grant, III., transferred to Camp Hancock, Ga. Was attached to Co. K, 2nd Group, Machine Gun Training Crew. Sergeant Harry Gerhard Seipel, L'. S. \., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seipel, Athens, born July 8, 1889. Entered service in the L. S. Marines in 191 2, was stationed at Norfolk, Ya. t later on the battleship ''Ohio." In the year of 1913 he was assigned to Haiti and Mexico. He was promoted to Corporal and discharged at Nor- folk, Va., in 1916. Re-enlisting in September, 1917, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Handy Hook, N. J., to the Ordnance. De- partment, where he was promoted to Sergeant. Private John Adelbcrt Spaulding, son of Mr. and Mrs, H. S. Spaulding, Greenvieic, born February 4, 1888. Entered service May Jo. 1918, at Ft. Thomas, Ky., transferred to Camp Gordon, Ga., to Camp Sheridan, Ala., later re- turned to Camp Gordon, Ga.. where he was attached to Co. G, 45th U. S. Infantry, otli Division. Wagoner Edmund D. Tenncll, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Tennell t Athens, born July tit, 1889. Entered service September 19, 1917. at Camp Funston, Kans. Sailed overseas Mareh 3rd. W r as attached to 4th Platoon, Co. C, 5Kth I . S. Engineers, A. E. F. Thomas Leo Toohey, son of Mrs. Barbara McNabb, Petersburg, born October 12, 1897. Entered service May 23, 1917, in Co. C. .ith Illinois Infantry. . Private James Cleveland Wade of Athens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wade, both deceased, born August 14, 1887. Entered service April 27. 1918, at Camp Dodge, loica, transferred to Camp Travis, Texas, sailing overseas in June. 1918. Was attached to Co. A, .{.->7th Tnfrin try, 90th Division, A. E. F. Was reported missing in action September 12th, 1918, and up to and including February 20th, 1919, he has not been found. Private Fred Whymcr. son of Mrs. Anna Whymer, Athens, born March 4, 1893. En- tered service in May. 1918. at Jefferson Hnr racks, JTo., transferred to Camp MacArthnr. Texas, to Camp Merritt, "Y. J., sailing over- seas in August, 1918. Was attached to Head- quarters, 56th Infantry, 7th Division, A. E. F. Lieutenant Richard Ellis Valentine of Men- ard County, son of Mr. and- Mrs. /,'. B. Valen- tine-New Castle, Ky., lorn August .11, 1880. Entered service October 13, 1918, called A'o- vetnber 1, 1918, to Fwt lliley, Kans., where he was attached to Medical Officers' Training Camp. Private James R. Neff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Neff of Peter -sburg, was born December llth, 189. 'i. Entered service May 10, 1918, going to Jefferson Barracks, Mo. He received military training in Camp Mc- Arthur, JVaco, Texas, Camp Merritt, JY. J., sailing for France with Co. H, 47th Inf.. 4th Division, in August. He icas put int f > ^ immediately on reaching France. I'rivatc. Guy Emerson- Kinner of Athens, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kinner, born Sep- tember R, 1895. Entered service in December 1917, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to Camp Custer, Mich., to Ellington Field Texas. Graduated from an Aviation Training School and transferred to Carruthers Field, Texas. In /ftemorian Valiant soldiers and sailors have gone from their homes in Menard County and have entered the Ch'eat War with hopes high, to have them, blasted and the hearts of their loved ones crushed by death. To the homes in Menard County thus boiced . undei- the weight of sorroic, this is the message of hope and comfort . that has been . written for them: "Out of the clouds of grief brought about by the touch of the angel of death comes the knoirled'ge that without such sacrifices this war was not to be won by the forces of right. Written into the glorious histories of the world's great war ic ill be the stories of the valiant dead whose deeds of bravery and heroism have made glorious the vic- tories of that war for righteousness." That is the consoling message to soften the bleeding hearts of the mothers and the wives; that is the consciousness of duty well done, a debt to home and country paid in full, and to all the allied nations who crowned, them with the laurels of a fight icell done, n victory gloriously won. This is the splendid tribute paid to the memory of honored dead a tribute not due to any other body' of men. Flags have been at half mast. Death has demanded these loved ones from within our borders. We shall always remember that the homes of these honored onds will con- tinue to be desolate throughout the years to come. . (Bold Stars iy MEMORIAM Private William H. Barnick, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Barnick, Petersburg, born August 19, 1890. Killed in action September 26, 1918. Entered service April 27, 1918, at Camp Dodge, Jowa; transferred to Camp Travis , Texas. After six weeks training sailed overseas, land- ing June 21, 1918. Private William H. Bar- nick was buried in the Military Cemetery at Neuemberg, Lorraine. He was attached to the 359th Infantry, Co. H, A. E. F. Mrs. August Barnick, Gold Ktar Mother of William H. Barnick. iy MEMORIAM Ptovate Dave D. Bushong of Athens, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oarrett Bushong, born August 23, 1898; died at the home of his parents October 26, 1918, from an attack of pneu- monia. In June, 1917, entered service at Camp Logan, Texas, until discharged Jan u or it 25, 1918. Mrs. Garrett Bushong, Gold Star Mother of Dale D. Bushong. ~m IN MEMORIAM Private Clarence Clelan Bailey of son of Mr. and Mrs. Logan Bailey of Mai sailles, III., born August 21, 1890; died in July of 1918 at Camp Cody, N. M. Entered service in 1918 at Camp Dodge, la., transferred to Camp Cody, X. M., and it was here whilr on the rifle range that he icas struck by lightning and killed. Mrs. Logan Bailey, Gold Star Mother <>f Clarence Clelan Bailey. IN MEMORIAM Private William Homer Clemens of Green- view, son o/ Mr. John and Mrs. Sarah Anna Clemens, both deceased, born November 9, 1896 ; died. October 16, 1918, at Camp Mills, L. 1. Entered service June 26', 1918, at Camp Whee- /, 1918. of wounds received while in action. En- tered service May IS, 1918, at Jefferson Bar- racks. Mo., transferred to Camp MacArthur, Texas, to Camp Merritt, N. J. On August intJi. nailed overseas. Was attached to the :l',th Infantry, 1th Division, Co. D, A. E. F. Mrs. Willis P. Courtwright, Gold Star Mother f William T. Courticright. IN MEMORIAM George Veerin Daniels, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Daniels, Tallula, born October .' f , 1900; died at West Point on January 4, 1919. En- tered West Point November 1, 1918. After an attack of influenza pneumonia developed, which caused his death. He was confined to the hospital at West Point. Mrs. George Daniels, Gold Star Mother of George V. Daniels. IN MEMORIAM Wagoner Homer Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Edwards, Petersburg, born May 19, 1890; died October 10, 1918, at Base Hos- pital. Camp Mills, L. I. Entered service May 29, 1918. at Camp Shelby, Miss., transferred to Motor Truck branch of the service, and on August Ixt he was transferred to Clinton- rillr. \\ '/*.. to vS'. "Minneapolis." Died October ii t , 1918, on board the IJ. ,V. .V. "Comfort," Brookli/f. A. >'. Mrs. Peter Grosboll, Gold Ktar mother of Harry P. Grosboll. IN MEMORIAM I' i irate Everett Hugh Gumm of Oakford, son of Mrs. Matilda Hohimer of Francesville, I ml., born October 23, 1896; died on board the U. 8. fl. "Coronia" October 10, 1918. En- tered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., transferred to Camp Mills, L. I., sailing September 29, 1918, on board the "Coronia" for overseas, 'the death of < /<'< r,v cduffed by bronchial pneumonia. He was buried at sea. Private Gumm icas attached to Co. I, 12 1st Infantry, A. E. F. Mrs. Matilda Hohime^ Gold Star Mother of Everett H. Gumm. IN MEMORIAM Corporal Harry L. Goodpasture of Peters- burg, son of Mrs. Kate Goodpasture, Med-l- apolis, Iowa, born January 17, 189 J f ; died in France April 10, 1918. Entered service in Regular Army in 1913 at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., transferred to San Francisco, Cal., sail- ing on the U. S. S. ''Sherman" to the Philip- pine Islands, where he served three years. Arrived in United States in December, id id. May 23, 1917, reported at Fort Sheridan, III., for training, and was transferred to Ft. Ham- ilton, L. I., N. Y. Received promotion to Corporal July 7, 1917, transferred to Fort Adams, sailing overseas August 7, 1918. Was attached to 62nd Artillery, C. A. C., A. E. F. Was attached to Battery L, 52nd Artillery, tchen he was killed by a locomotive. Mrs. Kate Goodpasture, Gold Star Mother of Harry L. Goodpasture. IX MEMORIAM Henry Homer, son of Mr. and Mrs. /muter, Petersburg, born November J7. 189:',; died in France November ~>> 1918. 2nd Infantry, A. E. F. \\ it ft this company he icent into action at the front, where, on November Tth, he was xc re rely wounded. Mrs. Samuel Randall, Gold Star Mother of Paul S. Randall. Sergeant Lawrence J. Rayburn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edacin 8. Rayburn, Oreenview, born February 17, 1890: died August 27. 1918. En- tered service April 27, 1918, at Camp Dodge, loir a. transferred to Camp Travis, Texas. tailed from a Xew York port on the 8. 8. "Olympia" for overseas service June 6, 1918, In nd ing at La Havre, France, -June 23, 1918. lie and Lieutenant Graham had leaped upon the parapet of a trench and were busily en- gaged throwing hand grenades into the Ger- man trench, when the premature explosion of a grenade which Lieutenant Graham was in the act of throwing killed both of them. He u-as stationed near Ront O'Mousson on the xt. Mihiel front at the time of his death. Mrs. Edwin S. Rayburn, Gold Star Mother of Lawrence J. Rayburn. /A T MEMORIAM Private Herman Scantlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scantlin, Athens, born February >' t . 1888; died April 18. 1918, at Base Hos- pital. Ft. Totten, N. Y. Entered service April >>'. 1!H8, at Ft. Totten, N. Y., where he was stricken with the prevailing epidemic, influ- enza, which developed into pneumonia. Pri- vate Herman Kcantlin was married to Misx Mae Hall April 20, 1911. He was attached to the !tth Recruit Detachment. Mrs. Thomas Kcantlin, Gold Star Mother of lleninin Scantlin. f\ MEMORIAM William E. Xmoot. U. 8. N., son of Mr. and M /'>'. Edicaril I]. 8moot f Petersburg born April .',ii. ixi>:>; died >er 1. 1918. After ixixxiny through the pub- lic Hrhoolx at ('urtix he entered the Petersburg II ii/Jt School, graduating in 1913. He entered the xtuie I'nirerxitt/ at' I rbana the same year. irhere he cnmiileted tin four-near agricultural ctiiirxe. graduating in 1917. He then returned mid tottk charge of his father's farm near f'urtis. irhieh he conducted successfully. He entered the Great Lakes \aval Training Sta- tion on or about June 30, 1918, to prepare for orcrxcas xcrrice. and tra* stricken with the nrecuUlng epidemic, influenza, which developed into inicumonia. Mrs. Edward E. Smoot, Gold Star Mother of William E. Smoot. IN MEMORIAM Private Alva Lee Sampson, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Sampson, Tice, born September 19, 1890: died September 29th, 1918, at Park Avenue Hospital, Chicago. Entered service August 15th, at Lewis Institute, Chicago, as a mechanic. Jfrs, D. A. Sampson, Gold Star Mother of Alva Lee Sampson. IN MEMORIAM Private Paul Rutledge Terhune, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Terhune, Petersburg, born November 9, 1896; died October 6, 1918, at Camp Grant, Rockford, III. Entered service September 4, 1918, at Camp Grant, III. Was a member of the bth Company. Headquarters Replacement and Training Troops. Mrs. C. L. Terhune, Gold Star Mother of Paul R. Terhune. IN MEMORIAM Private Charles Cavalier Weatherby, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Weatherby, Petersburg, born January 11, 1888; died October 19, 1918, at Camp Mills, L. I. Entered service June 27, 1918, at Camp Wheeler, Ga., assigned to duty in Co. L, 12}th Infantry, 31st Division. Transferred! September 19th to Camp Mills. L. I. Mrs. S. F. Weatherby, Gold Star Mother of Chas. C. Weatherby. 7A T MEMORIAM George Theodore Watkins Mrs. George B. Watkins f Gold Star Mother of George Theodore Watkins. I.\ MEMORIAM Isaac Woodell Mis. Isaac Woodell, Gold Star .Hot he, f John Fullerton Woodell. John M. Smoot, Chairman of the Local Exemption Board of Menard County, Illinois, born in Menard County on May lJ t , 1860. He is a son of William C. and Catherine M moot, pioneer residents of Menard County, both of whom, departed- this life in 1905. John M. Smoot graduated from Eureka College in the spring of 1882, was married in December of the same year to Minnie F. Brooks of McLean County, Illinois. Three* children were born, namely, Mabel I. Laning, Katie E. DuQuoin and Harold L. Smoot all surviving and all residents of Petersburg. After his graduation he read law in the office of the Hon. N. If. Branson, now deceased, and was admitted to the bar in 1885, removing almost immediately to Kansas, where he practiced his profession for some eight years, returning to Illinois in 1895. He has been engaged in the practice of his profession at Petersburg since his return. He was State's Attorney of Menard Count!/ for two successive terms, being elected in 189(i, and re-elected in 1900. He was a director of the First National Bank of Petersburg for ten years, voluntarily retiring from the directorate at the beginning of 1919. John M. Smoot belongs to the Christian Church and is a teacher of, the men's class in its Sunday School. He is a Democrat in politics, believes the English language suf- ficiently virile and expressive to enable any good Amercian to express his opinions or desires, ami thinks there is room in the United States for but one flag, and that "Old Glory." Speaking as ivell for the other members great British offensive north and sou t'i of Arras. April 10 Brazil breaks off relations with Germany. April 15 Great French offensive be- tween Soissons and Reims begins: President Wilson issues proclamation warning traitors; British transports. Cameronia and Arcadian, sunk with heavy loss of life. April 18 Germans driven out of six vil- lages between Soissons and Reims. April 22 British mission arrives in Washington; "United States Day" cel- ebrated in Paris. April 28 Senate and house pass army draft bill; Secretary McAdoo an- nounces that bond issue will be called "Liberty Loan of 1917." May 4 American destroyers arrive in British waters and begin patrol work; Russian council of workmen and sol- diers declares for peace without an- nexations or indemnities, but sustain > provisional government; British trans- port, Transylvania, sunk with loss of 413 lives. May 7 War Department in Washington announces that nine regiments of en- gineers are to be organized and sent to France. May 20 German plot for world domi- nation laid bare in Washington; two Chicago nurses killed by gun acci- dent on ship bound for Europe; British gain another mile near Bullecourt. May 25 German aircraft raid England, killing seventy-six persons and injur- ing 174; President Wilson designates June 18-25 as Red Cross week. June 5 Military registration day under selective draft law in the United States; approximately 10,000.000 men register. June 7 British begin great offensive a' Messines, storming Wytschaote Ridge and exploding great mines. June 8 Gen. Per.shing, with his staT and clerical force, reaches London: force of 100 American aviatorr, reach France. June 10 British gain more groun " around Messines In Tpres region. June 12 : King Constantino of Greece . forced to abdicate his throne. June 13 Gen. Pershing lands in France; German airplanes raid London, kill- ing 157 persons and wounding 430. June 17 Two Zeppelins raid British coast; one burned; Londoners demand reprisals for air raids; Germans at- tack French positions on the Chemin des Dames. June 20 Canadians capture trenches before Lens. June 27 American troops arrive in France; French cruiser, Kleber, sunk by mine; Baron Moncheur of Belgian mission received in House. June 29 Greece severs relations with Germany and her allies. June 30 Russians open new offensive in Galicia; eighty-seven German ships seized in American ports turned over to shipping board for operation. July 1 Russian attack on eighteen-mile front in Galicia; heavy fighting around Avocourt hill. July 14 Chancellor von Bethmann-Holl- weg resigns. July 14 George Michaelis becomes Ger- man chancellor. July 22 Germans capture Tarnopol; Siam declares war on Germany. July 24 President Wilson accepts res- ignation of Gen. Goethals from ship- ping board; many units of Russian army refuse to fight, while the Ger- mans swept ahead. Ju! - r 27 German airplanes raid Har- Vvichi; United States shipping board reorganized. July 28 More American troops arrive in France. July 31 British drive in Flanders be- gun, extending from Warneton to Dix- mude. Aug. 6 Kerensky forms new cabinet. Aug. 10 British drive Germans back on a two-mile front between Frezenberg and Ypres-Menin road; British take Westhoek ridge. Aug. 14 China declares war on Ger- many and Austria-Hungary. Aug. 15 Pope's peace appeal is pub- lished; Canadians cature Hill 70, dom- inating Lens. Aug. 16 British and French gain on nine-mile front, east and north of Ypres; British take Langemarck. Aug. 20 French attack on both sides of Meuse in Verdun region, taking Avo- court wood, Le Mort Homme, Corbeaux wood. Cumieres, Talou ridge, Hills 240 and 244, Mormont farm and 4,000 pris- oners; fight witnessed by American officers. Aug. 21 Canadians take 2,000 yards of German trenches in outskirts of Lens. Aug. 24 Italians take Monte Santo; French take Hill 304, near Verdun. Aug. 27 General embargo on exports beginning Aug. 30 proclaimed by the president; full aid to Russia pledged by President Wilson; reply of United States to Pope's peace note sent. Aug. 28 Canadian conscription bill signed. Sept.. 3 Riga captured by the Germans; Fen. 27 Arthur J. Balfour, British sec- retary for foreign affairs, makes ad- dress in House of Commons in reply to Chancellor von Hertling,; Japan wishes to intervene in Siberia with American help. P'eb. 28 Russians beginning- to resist German advance near Luga and Pskov; allied ambassadors leave Pe- trograd. March 1 Americans in Toul sector re- pulse heavy German raid, killing many of the enemy; abdication of King Ferdinand said to have been de- manded by central powers as price of peace. March 2 Germans capture Kiev in the Ukraine; Germans occupy Aland isl- ands; Russian delegation at Brest- Latovsk accepts German peace> terms; Japan considers taking speedy action in Serbia. March 3 German airmen bomb various parts of Petrograd, killing a number of civilians; Berlin announces cessa- tion of military movements in Great Russia on account of signing of peace treaty; Sweden reported to have pro- tested to Germany against occupa- tion of Aland islands; Premier Cle- menceau praises American .troops in sector where they repelled the Ger- man raid. March 7 Finland and Germany sign peace treaty; German airplanes raid London, killing eleven persons. March 8 Wolff bureau announces that Germany has acquired a direct free trade route via Russia to Persia and Afghanistan; Leon Trotzky resigns as Russian foreign minister; Spain signs commercial treaty with the United States enabling American expedition in France to get needed supplies. March. 12 Zeppelins and airplanes raid Yorkshire and neighboring counties in England; Turks enter Erzerum. March 13 Odessa occupied by the Ger- mans; announcement is made that Cap- tain Archibald Roosevelt . has .been wounded and has been awarded war cross by French for bravery and coolness under heavy fire. March 15 -Hindenberg and Ludendorff threaten big offensive on .west front if allies are not responsive to peace overtures; Minister Morris protests to Gen. Mannerheim in Finland against arrest of Americans by Germans; maximalists reported to have mur- dered 150 Japanese at Blagoyest- chensk, Siberia; explosion in munition factory near Paris kills thirty per- sons. March 16 Germans make strong attack on American lines north of Toul. but are defeated; Gen. von Gallwitz placed in command of new German army group in front of American sector; split between bolsheviki and social revolutionaries in Russia widening; United States army men to be made up of men with experience at French front; American Red Cross mission to Roumania arrives safely in Moscow. March 17 Heavy German attacks on French in the Bezonvaux repulsed; British repel raids near Zonnebeke and Cambrai; British aviators carry out strong bombing raids at Kaiserlau- tern, Bavaria, and elsewhere; Germans threaten Dutch with "U" raids if ships are turned over to allies. March 18 'Entente prime and foreign ministers after meeting of war coun- cil in London issue statement de- nouncing German peace terms forced upon Russia; Dutch government of- fers compromise agreement on ship question; lively shelling on American front in France; Mannheim bombed by British airmen. March 20 The United States and Britain requisition all Dutch ships in their waters; total tonnage taken about 1,000,000. March 21 Germans begin heavy of- fensive along British front from the Oise to the Scarpe, a distance of fifty miles; British bombard Ostend from the sea; four German destroyers and torpedo boats sunk by British and French destroyers off Dunkirque; Americans smash German first and second line defenses at Luneville. March 24 Germans capture Chauny, Ham, Peronne and the heights of Monchy and cross the River Somme; British line after a retreat of about fifteen miles holds fast; Americans reported to be assisting the British; bombardment of Paris with long range guns continues. March 27 British recapture Morlan- court and Chipilly, but lose Albert; allied armies hold at most places; French troops give ground and lose Montdidier, but repulse all attacks in the regions of Lassigny and Noyon; Germans make brief attack on Ameri- can sector without success; Premier Lloyd George asks United States to hasten troops to France. March 29- Germans advance slowly in the direction of Amiens; British hold their positions in Arras region and French resist attacks in the Montdi- dier district; long-range gun kills seventy-five persons in Paris church; Gen. Pershing places American forces at the disposal of Gen. Foch; offer accepted. March 30 American troops march to front to take part in great battle; Germans attack French between More- uil and Lassigny on a thirty-five mile front, but gain only minor advantages; no progress made by Teutons else- where; British firmly resisting strong attacks in the region of Boirey and Boyelles and north of the Somme. April 4 Germans take Mailly-Reineval and Morisel from French, but fail to capture Grivesnes;- Germans launch strong attack on British front between Somme and Avre rivers and advance slightly near Hamel; Germans attack Americans holding sector on Meuse heights, south of Verdun, but are re- pulsed; Robert P. Praeger, pro-Ger- man lynched at Collinsville, 111. April 5 British attack Germans near Hebuterne, taking 200 prisoners; Ger- mans attack north and south of Der- mancourt, southwest of Albert, and press British line back slightly; French resist successfully attacks by fifteen German divisions north of Montdidier and improve their position in the re- gions of Mailly-Raineval and Can- tigny; small force of Japanese troops landed at Vladivostok to protect life and property. April 7 Two German raids on Ameri- can trenches northwest of Toul re- pulsed, with enemy casualties; British retake positions on the west side of the Ancre river, north of Albert. April 19 Germans stopped at all points; Italian troops to be in west front line, it is announced in Rome and Wash- ington; Finish and German troops in- vade Russia. April 20 Twelve hundred German shock troops attack Americans near Renners forest and take village of Seicheprey from them; all the lost ground re- covered by counter-attack; German raid near St. Mihiel easily repulsed by Americans; lull on British and French front, except northeast of Ypres, where a German drive is halted. April 23 British and Frenchi attack Zeebrugge and Ostend and sink five old cruisers in harbor channels to bottle up "U" boat bases; Germans at- tack at Dranoutre on the Flanders front, but are repulsed; another at- tack northwest of Albert also re- pulsed; German bombardment between the Somme and the Avre becomes vio- lent; Uraguay and Argentina expected to declare war on Germany. April 25 Germans occupy part of Mont Kemmel after heavy fighting; British recapture Villers-Bretonneux; French forced out of Hangard, but hold ground in vicinity. April 27 British and French stop all attacks by enemy; French re-occupy Locre, after being forced back; Ger- mans try to take Voormezeele but fail; movement in Austria-Hungary to force Emperor Charles to abdicate; counter-revolution in Petrograd to re- store Czarism reported. April 28 Hard fighting continues about Locre and Voormezeele; -British with- draw over the Steenbach river east of Ypres; Germans take Hill 60; violent bombardments from Villers - Breton- neux to the Luce river and in regions west of Noyon; Holland makes con- cessions to Germany and crisis is less acute; Kars occupied by Turks. April 29 British positions from Meteren to Zillebeke heavily attacked, but are unshaken; attacks on Belgian front also repulsed; Germans fail in attacks on Scherpenberg and Mont Rouge; presence of American troops on line defending Amiens and Paris an- nounced; day described as a disastrous one for the Germans. April 30 Germans recapture Locre; fighting on both the French and Brit- ish fronts confined chiefly to artillery engagements; Gavrilo Prinzip, who killed Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife In Serajevo, Bosnia, dies in prison from .tuberculosis; German white guards take Viborg; American troops win fight near Villers-Breton- neux, east of Amiens. May 1 Bohemian troops fighting in Italian 'array against Austria; Ger- mans preparing for new assault against British and French on west- ern front; British take 5,241 prison- ers in April. May 7 Nicaragua declares war on Ger- many; British cabinet crisis caused by letter written by Gen. Maurice; operations on western front confined chiefly to bombardments; Aviator Hall of Jowa missing inside German lines; American troops arriving on French front in force. May 9 Three German divisions defeated in La Clytte-Voormezeele sector by allied artillery fire; .Premier Lloyd George sustained in the British House : of Commons by a vote of 293 to 106; man landed from German submarine on coast of Ireland arrested; Lieut. Rene Fonck shoots down six German planes in one day. May 10 Old cruiser Vindictive sunk by the British at entrance to Ostend har- bor, blocking the channel; British re- capture trench northwest of Albert; French .take Grivesnes park and 258 prisoners; American heavy guns cause fires in villages of Cantigny and Mes- nil-St. Georges, west of Montdidier; Italians capture dominating position of Monte Corno. May 11 Americans shelled by Germans near Apremont and Farroy; Germans repulsed by French in the Bois la Caune; Turkey reported to be exter- minating Greeks; regiment of Ameri- can National army parades before King George in London; French cap- ture- height north of Kemmel with 100 prisoners. May 12 German attack on new French position northwest of OrviHers-Sorel , repulsed with severe loss to enemy; Gen. Foch not to use American army until it becomes a complete and pow- erful force, said to be decision of war committee;: Emperors William and Charles hold conference at German army headquarters. May 16 Both allied and German avi- ators unusually active on western front; Gen. Pershing's first official communique on operations issued by War Department in Washington. May 17 Announcement made that American troops have joined the Brit- ish in Picardy; Sinn Fein leaders ar- rested and discovery of German plot in Ireland proclaimed; British cap- ture German post at Merris; French penetrate German positions at Canny- sur-Matz and take forty prisoners; boshevik troops drive Turks from Baku. May 19 Maj. Raoul Lufbery, American ace aviator, killed in aerial fight; Au- stralian troops take Ville-sur-Ancre. with 380 Germans and twenty ma- chine guns; French war office an- nounces advance of twelve miles by Italian and French forces on western Macedonian line, May 15 to 17; five Herman raiding airplanes brought down in England. May 22 German positions and canton- ments in Gerechamp wood bombarded with gas shells by Americans; oper- ations by both allies and Germans on west front confined chiefly to artillery actions and raids. May 23 Troopship Moldavia torpedoed with loss of fifty-three American sol- diers; many bombarding expeditions carried out by the allies on German lines of communication; Mrs. Rose Pastor Stokes found guilty under spy law in Kansas City, Mo.; all men of draft age must engage in useful work, new order by the president. May 27 Germans begin second great offensive, taking the Chemin des Dames from the French and crossing the Aisne; also attack British divi- sions at Berry-au-Bac, forcing the troops on the left to fall back; French repulse Germans on Lys battle front; Americans rout three German raiding parties, west of Montdidier; President Wilson appears before Congress and asks for additional revenue legisla- tion. May 31 Germans reach Chateau Thierry and other points on the Marne, where they are halted by the French; at- tacks near Blerancourt and Neuilly St. Front broken up; Americans in Woevre region destroy advanced en- emy positions; submarine sinks United States transport, President Lincoln, westbound from European port. June 2 French resist successfully strong enemy attacks north of . the Ourcq and the Marne and recapture several small villages, including Long- pont, Corey and Troesnes; halt Ger- mans at Chateau Thierrjy; German submarines off coast of United States sink several American vessels. June 3 Ten American ships sunk on Atlantic coast by German submarines between about May 26 and June 3: German progress on western front stopped at all points by allies; fight- ing continues on allied left flank be- tween the Marne and the Oise. June 4 Germans take Pernant, but make little progress elsewhere; Gen. Pershing reports that Americans brigaded with French troops helped to repulse Germans at Chateau Thier- ry, Veuilly-la-Poterie and Jaulgonne; most of survivors of the liner Caro- lina reach the American coast; French tank steamer, Radioleine, saved from submarine by American destroyer off coast of Maryland. June 6 American marines gain two miles on two and a half mile front and take 100 prisoners, near Venuilly, northwest of Chateau Thierry; take Hill 142 near Torcy and enter Torcy Itself; Germans repeatedly thrown back in attempting to cross the Oise river, south of Noyon. June 7 French and Americans complete capture of Vilny, Veuilly-la-Poterie, Bussaires, Torcy, Belleau and the heights southeast of Haute Vesnee; Americans in second battle, northwest of Chateau Thierry, advance nearly two and a half miles on a six-mile front and take 300 prisoners; French recapture Hill 204; seven persons ar- rested in New York for plotting against the United States. June 8 Losses around Chateau Thierry admitted by Germans; French carry their lines to Dammard and east of Chezy; Americans build 629 ships in five months; United States Senate told that Gen. Pershing personally led the American attack at Cantigny. June 11 French indict severe defeat on Germans on a front of seven miles between Rubescourt and St. Maur, taking 1,000 prisoners; French recap- lure Belleau; German attacks against Chevincourt repulsed; Americans com- plete capture of Belleau wood, taking 300 prisoners and several machine guns and mortars; Russian cadets ap- peal to the United States for inter- vention; Russian ambassador in Paris also gives reasons why allies should intervene in the east. June 14 No infantry action anywhere on the French front; the latest Ger- man offensive pronounced a costly failure, the gains of territory not com- pensating for the heavy losses sus- tained; President Wilson replies to President Poincare's message of con- gratulation and says that men and material will be sent until the forces of freedom are made overwhelming. June 15 Austrians begin offensive against Italians along 100-mile front, crossing the Piave in several places and obtaining other small successes. no battles of importance on western front. June 19 Austrians claim advance across Fossalta canal, but Italians say gain there and elsewhere on the front is insignificant; allies get complete mastery in the air on Italian front; German defeat before Reims complete; American patrols raid German trench- es at Chateau Thierry and bring back prisoners. June 21 Austrian cabinet resigns; 150.- 000 workers on strike in Vienna; Ita- lians gain along whole line; Austrian losses placed at more than 120,000 men; Americans make several success- ful minor attacks on north side of Belleau wood; United States gunboat. Schurz. formerly the Geier, sunk in collision off the coast of North Caro- lina. June 22 Austrian offensive on Italian front comes to a disastrous close; Czecho-Slovak prisoners taken by Au- strians executed as traitors. June 24 Losses of Austrians on Piave front described as enormous; 40,000 prisoners taken by the Italians; posi- tion on western front unchanged. June 25 Foreign Secretary Richard von Kuehlmann and Chancellor Count von Hertling give Germany's war aims; Italian attacks in mountain regions result in gain of ground; Austrian loss placed at 250,000; Americans take more than 200 prisoners northwest of Belleau wood. June 26 In batile, beginning June 25, Americans kill 700 Germans and cap- ture more than 250 out of 1,200 on a ridge north of the Bois de Belleau; Italians advance a. mi