130 J385 ,028 COPY 2 STX FACULTY WORKING PAPER NO. 1028 A Laboratory Comparison of Two Methods of Optimal New Product Concept Generation: Toward Validation D. Sudharshan v*fc u ' #1 W!fl» College of Commerce and Business Administration Bureau of Economic and Business Research University of Illinois. Urbana-Champaign BEBR FACULTY WORKING PAPER NO. 1028 College of Commerce and Business Administration University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign March 1984 A Laboratory Comparison of Two Methods of Optimal New Product Concept Generation: Toward Validation D. Sudharshan, Assistant Professor Department of Business Administration Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/laboratorycompar1028sudh Abstract While several analytical methods for optimal new product concept generation have been reported in the literature, no empirical comparison of their performance has been documented. This paper reports a labora- tory comparison of two such methods. The results reported here add further validity to a computer simulation based comparison. INTRODUCTION This paper reports on a comparison of two critical modelling assump- tions in the generation of optimal new product concepts. While several algorithms have been proposed in the analytical marketing literature, so far the only reported comparisons have been performed using computer simulations. Here, we report on a laboratory simulation study in which optimal new product concepts as generated by two different methods were constructed and compared. The criteria for comparisons were both pre- dicted preference shares and actual preference shares in a sample. Development of optimal new product concept generating methods is attracting increasing attention for the purposes of better directing marketing planning and strategy. In 1974, Shocker and Srinivasan pro- posed an analytic framework for the generation of optimal new product ideas. Since then several optimization algorithms have been proposed in the analytical marketing literature to generate optimal new product concepts. These methods (algorithms) are: GRID SEARCH (suggested for this problem by Shocker and Srinivasan (1974)); PROPOSAS, Albers and Brockhoff (1977) — this method is now called PROPOPP (Albers and Brockhoff (1982)); ZIPMAP due to Zufryden (1977); the methods due to Gavish, Horsky and Srikanth (GHS) (1983), and PRODSRCH due to May, Shocker, and Sudharshan (1982), Sudharshan (1982). Each algorithm tries to find the optima of an objective function (depicting incremen- tal preference share or incremental revenue) which is derived based on a model of consumer preferences. A general formulation of the problem is provided in Appendix A. -2- One of the major differences between the methods compared here, lies in the preference model incorporated in the respective methods. All the methods except GRID SEARCH and PRODSRCH, assume that it is suf- ficient to allow only a single choice model (k = 1, in the notation used in Appendix A), i.e., it is assumed to be enough to treat each consumer or segment as choosing the same product at all times from an assortment of products. GRID SEARCH and PRODSRCH are more flexible in permitting models which allow consumer preferences to be computed prob- abilistically (k > 1) . The model assumes that over many occasions it is possible that a consumer could choose several products and that all his chosen products come from a subset of the products in the market called his consideration set (the size of which set is denoted by the parameter k) . Which of these methods leads to better new products? Answering this question is tantamount to answering the question of which model- algorithm combination best represents reality and solves the problem best. In a computer simulation, it is possible to define reality and test the alternate methods' performances, knowing reality. May, Shocker, and Sudharshan (1982), Sudharshan (1982) report such a comparison of the different methods, in which it was shown that methods that allowed probabilistic choice measures (k > 1), performed better (their new pro- duct concepts obtained better numerical preference shares) than those methods that did not allow such measures in market situations where in reality consumer preferences were defined to be probabilistic. While this was an important result, several questions were left unanswered. If one were to perform such comparisons in real markets, would such -3- findings hold? In real markets would the different product concepts result in "perceptually" different products? As a first step toward answering these questions we performed a laboratory study, in which we developed physical realizations of the product concepts generated by two methods and compared their relative performances. We chose the two methods that May, Shocker, Sudharshan (1982) and Sudharshan (1982) found to do best in the single choice case (Gavish, Horsky and Srikanth) and the probabilistic case (PRODSRCH) . The Laboratory Study Method In this study we carried out all the steps of the market charac- teristics based framework for generating optimal new product concepts (Shocker and Srinivasan (1974)). In brief, we chose a product market and obtained consumer preferences for, and perceptions of, existing products, and then generated optimal new product concepts using two search methods. These concepts were translated into new products and consumer preferences obtained for them also. This permitted us to know that we could create new products from concepts generated by PRODSRCH, and to compare the relative performance of the two "new products" to each other and to their respective predicted performances. A schematic showing the general flow of this study leading from calibrating preference models for consumers, constructing a market of existing products, generating "optimal" new products, obtaining consumer preferences for the products in the simulated market, through analyses of the data is presented in Exhibit 1. -4- Exhibit 1 Scheme of Laboratory Study Stimulus Construction Preference Judgments for Calibration and Verbal Report Parameter Estimation Using LINMAP \y Existing Products Generation and New Product Generation Using Two Methods and Performance Prediction (Of New Products) V Stimulus Construction v Preference Judgments \ , estimate the value of k from observed purchase data requires that such a product be available in the market. Further, at least ten obser- vations would have been required per subject (Blattberg, Buesing and Sen (1980)). Given our choice of product and the time frame for this project, we relied upon each subject's estimate of "the number of dif- ferent fruit flavored beverages (non-alcoholic) that the subject had consumed in the last few months," as the measure for k. This measure had the advantage that it involved only the subject's consumption. While such consumption could have occurred in the company of others, most often a range of alternative soft drinks is available for a subject to choose from based on his preference. Also, such occa- sions would provide a broader range of consumption situations. This measure also had the advantage of being relevant to a product type some- what analogous to the product under study. Calibration of Decision Models The estimation of the parameters for the ideal point model for each subject was performed using LINMAP (Srinivasan and Shocker (1976). In particular, the strict paired" comparison option in LINMAP IV was to be -lO- used to provide increased accuracy in the estimations (see Srinivasan (1981)). For each subject, based on the 105 pairwise preference judgments obtained, ideal point coordinates and the corresponding attribute weights were estimated. The goodness of the estimated decision model for each subject was determined based on a Kendall's tau statistic reported by LINMAP for the match between observed pairwise preferences and those predicted using the estimated model. If the estimated deci- sion model for a subject did not lead to a significant match between observed and predicted preferences, it meant that almost any random model could have done just as well. This could happen if the subjects did not like the products considered or provided nonsense preference judgments. Care was taken to ensure that subjects understood the seriousness of the study (as part of scholarly research). The calibra- tions very closely corresponded with the verbal debriefings obtained from subjects at the end of the second phase of this study. The next step was the creation of a market of existing products based on the consumer decision models thus obtained, and then to generate optimal new product concepts for such a market. Market Generation We generated existing products in the same manner as in the computer simulation comparison of May, Shocker, and Sudharshan (1982). This step avoided any bias due to subject familiarity with products used in the calibration stage. Existing products were thus generated using ideal points and attribute weights estimated earlier. A value of one for k was chosen, as all the methods compared in simulation could work -11- with this model. This could also be treated as a base model (e.g., Pessemier (1971); Braun and Srinivasan (1975)). We wanted to generate a set of existing products such that sufficient choice would be avail- able for the subjects. We introduced the existing products using our sequential entry strategy with a check, the criterion being that each existing product was to be the closest product to at least one ideal point (as in the simulation) of May, Shocker and Sudharshan (1982). Five existing products were introduced using a crude grid search. To ensure validity, three more existing products were located by inspec- tion to satisfy unfilled "demand." Subjects were, therefore, presented with ten stimuli for the second phase of measurement. Exhibit 2 is a graphical representation of the existing products, the new products, and the ideal points. As can be seen from this figure, the existing products provide a fairly wide variety of alternatives, requiring tradeoffs by subjects in- their preference judgments. Optimal new products were then generated using PRODSRCH and GHS. At this stage, the preference shares of both the new products under both k = 1 and k = k (the estimated value) conditions were predicted. Product Formulation The existing and new products generated in the previous stage had to be formulated into physical products. The product coordinates were generated in a joint space of preferences and perception. This space was described by two perceptual dimensions corresponding to flavor intensities. Each was operationalized as the natural logarithm of the concentration of a flavor. -12- : i fr-o © KEY Ideal Points Existing Products using GRID SEARCH Additional existing products is=f t-n p. fD CO n rr fD fD 3 3 n o fD V5 w o CO Hi rr h» r 1 3 03 rr fD CO 3 rr fD n 03 < 03 a. rr M Ti "-< 03 CO o H" fD CO < 03 H- a. H« rr v: en > fD 3 3 fD n pa 3 CO 'O fD O rr H« o 3 H Q 03 3 C Q, 03 CO 3 03 •a fD n o 3 3 CO -a fD o O 3 CO CO o o pa *a O n pa -a o o 01 fD o o 03 fD fD 1-1 3 03 fD i-» 3 03 r-n 1 7T n i-h n 7? !"! hti fD 3 i-n fD =3 H« t— 03 r— — 03 O 03 3 O 03 3 H- rr fD r*- 3 O r* 3 ON fD H 3 O "■ 3 Ln PI ft* ;j CO n 3- fD 3 w fl> X X o M rr» 03 M > H 3 03 U3 M vs CO fD GO o M M 3 O JT* < ** < fD 3 rr *a 03 II M 11 M ariso tiods ?r>03 rr 3 H- O O C M 03 rr 3 h. O O Test in k 3 O Hi O. 3 fD 1— O a. 3 fD t— O Hi v o H> H 3 II < H O 3 3 O . o. fD fD « 3 M -16- Table 1 Face Validity Tabulation Subject Att. Wt. Number Lem. Rasn 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.68 0.32 0.69 0.31 0.81 0.19 0.85 0.15 0.83 0.17 0.67 0.33 0.94 0.06 0.82 0.18 10 0.5 0.5 11 0.95 0.05 12 0.67 0.33 13 0.95 0.05 14 0.68 0.32 15 0.48 0.52 16 0.57 0.43 17 0.66 0.34 18 19 - 1,0 20 0.4 0.6 21 0.15 0.85 22 0.5 0.5 Comments Ideal Point Attribute Weight Lem. RasD 0.25 0.75 Rasp. impt. Lemon more impt. Lemon more impt. Lemon more impt. Rasp, more impt. Lemon more impt. Lemon more impt. 4.3 5.1 5.7 4.7 2.02 0.0 3.8 0.0 5.05 0.0 5.6 ■ 5.3 3.8 2.9 Strongly prefers 5.7 5.65 lemon (doesn't like sweets) Lemon more impt. 4.7 0.0 Rasp, over lemon Lemon much more impt. Lemon more impt. Lemon (but likes sweets) Lemon more impt. Greater weight to 5.5 raspberry Rasp, more impt. Rasp, preferred Like lemon a lot 100.0 10.8 Rasp. impt. IRR 4.93 Lemon more impt. 5.7 5.7 0.0 1.3 5.3 0.0 5.6 5.02 5.5 0.0 5.7 5.1 5.5 5.1 3.4 2.5 0.0 0.0 23 Lemon more impt. Doesn't like 0.42 0.58 Not available 0.0 0.0 5.3 0.0 6.6 5.3 Comments on Concentration Desired Rasp, on stronger side More sweetness More rasp. Lot of lemon Hardly any rasp. Mod. cone. Mod. More Rasp. More rasp, than L Strong beverage A little rasp. Mod. lemon Light cone. Stronger lemon cone. Mod. amount of both Strong cone. Mod. and More rasp. Strong cone. Mod. , and More rasp. Weaker tne better Like lemon a lot Doesn't like Kool Aid Mod . , and More R the Doesn't like R or L Not available i L - Lemon R, Rasp. - Raspberry Cone. - Concentration Mod. - Moderate IRR - Irrelevant Impt. - Important -17- basis of estimated models showed a poor (insignificant) fit with the corresponding preference orderings on which the estimates were based. For subjects 17, 18, 19, and 22, it was not possible to fit signifi- cantly good models with "finite" ideal points. In general, there is a good correspondence between respondents' claimed and estimated relative importances for the two flavors, as can be seen from the summary chart, Table 2. There were only two mis- matches (out of 16) between the estimates and the verbalizations of which attribute was the more important one. A closer examination of columns 2, 3 and 4 of Table 1 shows, in general, a good correspondence between the estimated magnitudes of the attribute weights and the qualifications used in verbalizations. For example, subject (#8) eight's estimated attribute weights for lemon and raspberry are 0.94 and 0.06 respectively and he "strongly prefers lemon"; subject (#11) eleven's estimated weights are 0.95 and 0.05 for lemon and raspberry respectively, and he considers "lemon much more important." Examination of the estimated ideal points and corresponding verbal- ization for subjects (#17-22) seventeen through twenty-two (columns 5, 6, and 7; Table 1) indicates, in general, a good match between the two. In the instances of infinite ideal points, the verbalization suggested the same. For instance, subject seventeen claimed to like very weak concentrations ("the weaker the better") and the ideal estimated for her was 0.0, 0.0); for subject (//19) nineteen, one of the attributes (lemon) was estimated to be irrelevant. She claimed not to like Kool-Aid. -18- Table 2 Attribute Weight Face Validity Summary Number of Subjects Claiming to Consider This Attribute as the More ImDortant One Lemon Raspberry Number of Subjects Lemon estimated to consider this attribute as the more Raspberry important one 11 2 2 Total 16* subjects *Importance weights were tied for one subject. -19- INTERNAL VALIDITY OF ESTIMATION Table 3 shows the value of Kendall's tau corresponding to the model fitted for each subject. This statistic reflects the correlation between the preference orderings of the calibration stimuli provided by a subject and the preference ordering of the same stimuli predicted using the model fitted for the same subject. For sixteen subjects, (with finite estimated ideal points) this statistic was significant at the 5% level of significance (a = 0.05). In other words, for 88.9% of the subjects finite ideal points models with significant fits were estimated. So as not to confound our results with poor preference model estimation fit, it was decided to use internal validity as a requirement for including a subject's model for further comparisons. CONSISTENCY OF AGGREGATE PREFERENCE MEASURED Since the study was concerned with comparing the methods based on the preference shares observed, the concern was with the consistency of the aggregate preference measured. In other words, the stability of the aggregate preference obtained from the subjects was to be examined. Therefore, two measures of preference for the ten products (stimuli used in the second phase of measurement) were obtained for each subject. The first set of preferences was obtained using the method of "pairwise comparisons," and the second, using the method of "rank-ordering." For each pair of products (a,b) (45 pairs in all) the number of subjects preferring product "a" over "b" in "paired comparisons," and also the number of subjects preferring "a" to "b" in "rank orderings" was observed. -20- Table 3 Internal Validity Tabulation of LINMAP Models Subject St. # Kendall's 7* for model fitted 1 0.61 2 0.35 3 0.39 < 4 0.39 5 0.72 6 0.37 7 0.54 8 0.32 9 0.58 10 0.79 11 0.53 12 0.72 13 0.68 14 0.28 15 0.63 16 0.81 17 0.28 (both co) a 18 0.4 6 (lemon &) a 19 0.11 (lemon irrelevant) 3 20 0.03 (both finite) a 21 0.2 (lemon co ) a 22 0.52 (both at co ) a 23 0.29 (both finite) a a - Paranthetical comments refer to the ideal levels o: the two attributes - lemon and raspberry. -21- An indication of the consistency of the preference share measure is provided by the discrepancies observed between the number of subjects preferring product "a" to "b" in one set of preference measurements to the number preferring "a" to "b" in the other set of preference measure- ments. The mean discrepancy over the 45 pairs was 1.35, with the mode being 0, standard deviation being 3.83 and the coefficient of variation was 0.26. Thus indicating, in general, satisfactory consistency of the measure of preference share. CHOICE OF THE MORE APPROPRIATE MODEL To study the importance of the value of the parameter, "k," the fits between the observed ranking of the products and that predicted using each of the two models with k = 1, and k = k respectively were compared. Before comparing the relative performance of the new products of PRODSRCH and GHS with their relative predicted performance, estab- lishment of the appropriate measure of relative predicted performance was required. Some search methods cannot utilize all the information available about a particular market, in their search for an "optimal" new product concept. For instance, PROPOSAS, ZIPMAP, and GHS cannot utilize information regarding the value(s) of "k." As shown in the analysis of the computer simulation data, by Shocker, May, and Sudharshan (1982), the non-utilization of this information, regarding the value of "k," could prove quite costly. For example, if k = 1 was actually the case, GHS would, in general, locate the product with the highest prefer- ence share (in the case of markets with equal segment sales potentials). -22- However, if in fact the value of k was other than 1, PRODSRCH would, in general, find a better new product concept than was found by GHS. k was estimated by obtaining the mean of the number of different fruit flavored beverages consumed (in the last few months) by the sub- jects. k was thus estimated to be 4. In this study, k = 1 was used in locating a new product with GHS, and k = 4 for generating an "optimal" new product concept for our market with PRODSRCH. (Reminder: these two methods were chosen as they were found by May, Shocker, and Sudharshan (1982) to be the best under these respective assumptions of the value of k.) In the analysis of the laboratory data, therefore, the predicted preference shares for the new product concepts with which to compare their relative observed preference shares must first be established by evaluating the accuracy of both the k = 1 and the k = 4 predicted pre- ference shares. Evaluation of "k = I" Model Since the focus is on the relative performance of different products we examined the relationship between the predicted relative performance of all the 10 products using the k = 1 model (in the second phase of measurement) with their relative performances. The ten products we ranked on the basis of the number of subjects they were predicted to "capture" (were closest to). In Table 4, this ranking is referred to as "Predicted Ranking." The same ten products were ranked on the basis of the information obtained from the subjects. Each subject had provided a ranking of all -23- Table 4 Observed Ranking of Products (Based on Preference) Consideration Sets bv Subject Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Products (left to right in order of decreasing preference) 3,8 4,1,5,2,3 1 9 2 4,6,3,9 3,6,5,7 6 1 5,2,6,7 8,9,10 3,9 7,5,4,6 1,6 7,5,4,6 6,2 II. Ranks by Product (within consideration sets) Product Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 - 1 - - 1 - 1 - III. Consideration Set Size Size Fre ouencv 1 5 2 4 3 1 4 5 5 1 Mean = 2 .6 Modes = 1, 5 IV. Pairvise Product Comparisons (a >b product 'a' performs better than T b') (a 2 1 >3 1 >4 1 =5 1 >6 1 >7 1 >8 1 >9 1 >10 2 <3 2 =4 2 <5 2 <6 2 <7 >8 = 9 3 >4 3 <5 3 <6 3 =7 3 >8 3 >9 4 <5 4 <6 4 >7 4 >8 4 =9 5< 6 5> 7 5> 8 5> 9 6 >7 6> 8 6> 9 7> 8 7> 9 8< 9 >10 3 >10 4 >10 5> 10 6> 10 7> 10 8> 10 9> 10 V. Ranking of Products Ran k ]_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Product 1 5 6 7 3 9 4 2 8 10 J -24- 10 products. Further, each subject indicated the subset of these 10 products that he would consider consuming. The development of this ranking is shown in Table 4. The ranking was derived by comparing each pair of products, based on the rankings received by each product. Subtable V of Table 4 shows the ranking of all ten products derived by studying these pairwise comparisons. Note that we could not rank pro- ducts 9, 4 and 2. However, as is evident from subtable IV, they, as a group, fit between products 3 and 10. This observed preference based ranking of the ten products was com- pared with the predicted ranking. The statistic used for testing the match between the two is the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. The value of "r " obtained was 0.43. Thus, the null hypotheses that s the match between the two sets of ranking is no better than chance can- not be rejected at the 0.05 level (using Siegel's (1965, p. 212) sugges- tion for sample sizes of 10 and above) • Evaluation of "k =4" Model In the case of the k = 4 model also we wanted to test the null hypothesis: That, "the match between predicted and observed rankings of all the products is as expected by chance;" versus the alternative, "the match between the predicted and the observed rankings of all the products is significantly (statistically) higher than can be obtained by chance." The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was again cal- culated, for the ranking of the 10 products based on the k = 4 Model, and the observed ranking (as derived in Table 4). -25- The value of r calculated is 0.625, which using Siegel's (1956, s p. 212) suggestion leads to a t statistic corresponding to r calcu- D lated of 2.265. This suggests the rejection of the null hypothesis at the 5% level of significance implying that the match obtained using the k = 4 model between the observed and predicted rank ordering is better than can be obtained by chance alone. Comparison of "Optimal New Products" The Sign Test The predicted preference share of the PRODSRCH product relative to that of the GHS product was 4.33. In other words, the PRODSRCH product is expected to be the "better" optimal new product. From Table II, Table 4 it can be seen that the PRODSRCH product was ranked first by two subjects, ranked second by one and ranked fourth by one whereas, the GHS product was included in the consideration set of only one sub- ject, as the third ranked product (this subject's consideration set size was three). This seems to indicate that the PRODSRCH product per- forms better than the GHS product. The two products (PRODSRCH f s and GHS's) were compared using "The Sign Test" (Siegel, 1956, pp. 68-75). A test was carried to determine if a significant number of subjects preferred the PRODSRCH new product to the one from GHS. In both sets of preference judgments obtained in the second phase, we found thirteen subjects (out of sixteen) preferring the PRODSRCH new product to that of GHS. The sign test leads to rejec- tion of the null hypotheses at the 0.05 level of significance (calculated probability = 0.011). -26- The Performance of a k = 1 Model in a k > 1 World The k = 4 model seems to provide a better fit to the observed pre- ferences Chan does the k = 1 model, thus indicating the importance of using the right value of k, and suggesting that values of k other than 1 should be incorporated in models of optimal product concept genera- tion. This same result also indicates that the ranking of the different new products in the computer simulation obtained by May, Shocker, and Sudharshan (1982) seems to be valid. That is, the ranking that would be indicated by the computer simulation is not significantly different from that observed. Generalizability to an external population would require a different design with a much larger sample size (about 200, based on sample size requirements using a chi-squared comparison of pro- portions design) for the testing stage. But, what should be the sample size for calibration? This size would, perhaps, be dependent on product class and the number of segments in that market. This question is itself worth an empirical investigation. Summary of Study In this study, we developed models of preference (ideal-point models) for a set of subjects for different combinations of raspberry- lemon flavored beverages. Using an estimated value of k, PRODSRCH located its "optimal" new product position (assuming a set of existing products). Using a value of 1 for k, GHS located its "optimal" new product position. Numerically, these positions were quite different. Also, the predicted preference shares for these two "new products" were different, with PRODSRCH producing the "better" product. In comparisons -27- of the new products created corresponding to the generated "optimal" position, we found that subjects could distinguish between the two pro- ducts. Further, the PRODSRCH new product performed (in terms of rela- tive preference) better than the GHS new product, giving us more confi- dence in using the preference measures, computed as here, in evaluating alternative new product concepts. IMPLICATIONS FOR MANAGEMENT DECISION MAKING The results of the research have some significant implications for marketing planners (and strategists). In general, the research findings are important to marketing planners because, to the extent that their understanding of the factors of consideration in the generation of new product concepts is improved, they may be able to better assess the quality of the solutions obtained for their situation. The multiattri- bute framework used permits an understanding of not only the specific optimal new product concept generated, but also permits comprehension of the product's expected competitive environment — which segments (con- sumers) are expected to include this product in their consideration set; and the products with which it would specifically compete with for con- sumer preferences. The influence that some of the simplifying assumptions (made by modellers) have on the "quality" of new products generated indicates that it would be appropriate for managers to give these factors more explicit consideration in the choice of a decision aid system for opti- mal new product concept generation. Most of the optimal new product concept generation methods currently available do not allow for values -28- of the consideration set parameter being other than one. Given the sensitivity of solutions to this parameter, such a facility is to be desired. New product concepts generated using the k = 1 model might result in missed opportunities. Further, marketing researchers must pay increasing attention to obtaining better measures of k. Wrong measures could again lead to new product concepts that are suboptimal. While management already knows the importance of market segmenta- tion, the results of this research reinforce this importance. By demon- strating the sensitivity of solution quality to a combination of "k" and segment sales potentials, these results led us to believe that while market segmentation is being performed, marketing researchers may want to incorporate the "consideration set" as an important segmenta- tion variable. Misspecif ication of segments in terms of both k and/or segment sales potentials could lead to false understanding of the oppor- tunities and threats available for new product concepts — opportunities in the form of the expected preference shares, and threats in the in- correct identification of the intensity of competition from particular existing products. The new product concept gathering methods not only generate the optimal position, but also provide information as to the extent to which existing products would be affected by the introduction of the new product. Such measures (after proper validation) would provide valuable information for management upon which to base decisions. Finally, given the possibility of errors in measurement of key variables such as "k" and segment sales potentials, management may wish to view results of sensitivity analysis with respect to these -29- key variables for their specific decision context. Such analyses can only be performed by using the more "generalizable" methods. In our framework, PRODSRCH seems to be the method that permits such a flexi- bility while still providing superior results. While the laboratory study demonstrated, in a limited fashion, the possibilities of creating products from (numerical) product concepts, such a demonstration was limited to products which involved the sensory perceptions of product attributes (some examples of such products are food, cosmetics and beverages). This issue of realizing actual products from concepts is important for further research. REFERENCES Aaker, David and John G. Myers (1974), Advertising Management , Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Albers, Sonke and Klaus Brockhoff (1983), "PROPOPP: A Program Packaga for Optimal Positioning of a New Product in an Attribute Space," Journal of Marketing Research , 19 (November), 606-608. 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(1971), choice is modelled probabilisti- cally as a function of this measure of preference where the individual or segment is presumed to choose from among the lc-closest competitors, where k is an integer-valued parameter which can vary between 1 and the number of available brands. We operationalize this framework in terms of the following notation. Let: B = the set of ru existing brands which constitutes the product-market of interest, j = 1, 2, ..., n • M = the set of n individuals and/or market segments which represent demand for the products in B, i = 1, 2, ..., il . (n ) = the n -dimensional space spanned by determinant product attributes, i.e., p = 1, 2, ..., n . (n ) = a major subspace of A in which existing and new products K. A may feasibly be located. R is determined by technological, economic, and managerial constraints. R * A, in general. Y- = {y- } = the modal perception (over all segments in M) of the j product on the p dimension in A. W. = {w. } = the set of attribute weights for the i segment, reflect- ing the relative effect of the p attribute in the i segments' preference decision-making. I. = II. } = the most desired attribute levels ("ideal point") of the l l ip J r / attributes for the i market segment. This ideal point will be assumed finite, but it need not lie in R. d . = the evaluation of the j product alternative by the i market segment. This evaluation may be in the form of a preference rating, intention to buy, etc. Several alter- native definitions of d. . (also interpretable as a measure I* Vi t" Vi of proximity of the j product to the i segments' ideal point) have been proposed in the literature. The alterna- tive models are generally special cases of the weighted Euclidean model (1) and are examples of what Green and Srinivasan (1978) have termed conjoint analysis models. d.. = [ E A (I. - y. ) 2 w. ] 1/2 (1) iJ „_, iP JP iP p-1 S. = the i ' segments' demand (in $ or units) for all products in B over the period. S. will be presumed constant. II.. = the share if the i segments' demand allocated to the j product alternative. II.. ■ f(d..) and E n. . = 1 for all i = 1, 2, ..., n j=l 1J Following Bachem and Simon (1981) and Shocker and Srinivasan (1974), several forms for II.. (decision rules) can be considered: Case 1 . Every available alternative could have some non-zero like- b n B b lihood of purchase, e.g., II.. = a./d.. where a. = 1/ E (1/d..) and b is a parameter which varies with the product class (Pessemier, et al . 1971). Since producers would tend to locate their products at or near concentrations of demand; if ideal points are distributed throughout the space and/or attribute weights vary substantially across segments, this decision rule should lead to relatively high likelihoods of selec- tion for some products and low ones for others (with some arbitrary assignment of segment demand to any product located precisely at the segment's ideal point (if this occurred)). This rule says that whether or not a segment purchases a brand, there is always the potential to do so, particularly if the time period over which predictions are expected to hold is long. As a model of segment behavior, it is more credible than as a model of individual behavior, where individuals often are observed to restrict their purchases to many fewer than all available brands (Silk and Urban 1978). Case 2 . Those who argue individuals would rarely purchase brands they did not like (or judged unsuitable for their intended usage or with which they were unfamiliar) , might prefer a rule which limited positive probabilities of purchase to a subset of alternatives. Indi- viduals are also more likely to become familiar with products which better meet their objectives, due to self-interest (Aaker and Myers 1974), therefore a parameter k (possibly k. which varies with each individual), which restricts choice to the k "closest" alternatives, b - A , ,00 ...._ ,(k) _.. for a.. would lead to a definition of II.. = a./d". for d. . < d)^ / , where d^ in i iJ iii» l is the distance from the i segment's ideal point to its k closest product, and II. . = otherwise. Case 3 . A third rule assumes that individuals purchase only their most preferred brand, i.e., k = 1, so that H. . = 1 for that i for which ij J d. . = d and II. . = otherwise. The logic for this would be compelling if choice was deterministic, and all product alternatives were equally available and familiar (that is, why should individuals purchase other than their first choice under such circumstances?). However, since likelihood of choice will typically depend upon other factors besides product characteristics (such as convenience, availability, salesperson recommendations, brand last purchased, and special situations) one would expect some variance in actual behavior. Surprisingly, then, Pessemier, et al . (1971) found that this first choice model gave good predictions in the aggregate even though it was inferior to Case 1 (above) in pre- dicting individual- level choice. Whether analysis at the level of market segments, rather than individuals, would affect this result is not known, and should depend upon the basis for segmentation used. Additional sup- port for a first choice model was found by Parker and Srinivasan (1976). The conditional logit model has also been used to model frequency of first choice among groups of customers (Hauser and Koppelman 1979, Punj and Staelin 1978) with good predictive results, and represents yet another alternative to those already discussed. The form of the objective function for optimal location of a single new product concept changes with the different forms for II... Assume that the firm's single objective is to maximize total incremental demand, or preference share, from the new product introduction. This means that we must account for any demand for the new product which is cannibalized from the firm's existing brands. Let f. = the set of k out of the ri existing products closest to the i segments ideal point, Y* = the set of k out of the il + 1 products, existing and new , closest to that point, X. = a subset of ¥ . consisting of existing products marketed by the introducing firm, i.e., self-products, X* = a subset of f* consisting of all brands (existing and new) marketed by the introducing firm, II.. = the set of product likelihoods of purchase before new ij product introduction, II*. = the set of product likelihoods of purchase after new ij product introduction, = {x } = the new product location, and = an arbitrarily large number. Then we wish to . I n*.. .E H.. °M J e xj ij J e Xjl ij Maximize Z u. = rrr = f? S. i=l j e ¥* ij j e f. ij subject to: n d M (1 - u.) < [ Z A (1.. - x ) 2 w..] 1/2 < d (k) + L(l - u.) i i , ij p ij i i p=l for all x e R, and i e M where u, is zero or one depending on whether (1) or not (0) the new product is among the k closest for the i seg- ment. This formulation results in a nonlinear, mixed integer programming problem, involving the location of the new product and indicators as to whether it lies within the k-closest set of products for a market seg- ment. If we assume that every brand alternative has non-zero probability of purchase, then the quadratic constraints never become binding (i.e., we have u. = 1 for all i e M) , and the problem reduces to an unconstrained maximization of the objective function over R. If 1 < k < il + 1, then we must consider the quadratic constraints, but the H.. f s will be con- tinuous, except when x» changes for a segment. This means that the derivatives of the objective function will be well-behaved almost every- where, so that gradient-based techniques may be of value. Finally, when k = 1, H . . will be non-zero for only one product, so that the objective function simplifies considerably. The major complication in this formulation is the nonlinear con- straints which serve as a linkage between the location variables and the X? sets. With a weighted Euclidean distance measure, even for k - 1, the problem reduces to an integer programming problem with quadratic con- straints, which is a difficult problem to solve in a reasonable amount of time. (Technically it is NP-complete. See Garey and Johnson (1979) for a thorough discussion of this topic.)