KURDS HSTDIHCJIL SURVEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/storyofmarseilleOOcarn 977.327 C217S 9 THE STORY OF MARSEILLES s-_ i% 1X35 - 1960 Prepared for the 125th Anniversary Celebration of Marseilles, Illinois July 23-31, 1960 THE STORY OF MARSEILLES 1835 - 1960 Dedicated to THE OLDEST NATIVE-BORN RESIDENTS OF MARSEILLES IN 1960 Prepared by MARY VANCE CARNEY with the assistance of Mrs. Thomas Adler, William Cebulski, Richard Doherty, Ray Finkle, Florence Fleming, Nathan Fleming, Florence Marsh, Mrs. Arthur Massey, Mrs. Thomas McLean, Ida Orsi, Harry Richardson, Arthur Simmons, Mrs. Howard B. Smith, Wilbur Smouse, Charles Watts, Mrs. Thomas Wernstrum, Robert Yuill. Roger Enrico, Cover Design Harold Fewell, Photographs Robert Stride, Map of Corporate Limits of Marseilles Historical Booklet Committee General Publication James N. Arnold, Chairman Mrs. Bonnie Arnold, Mary V. Carney, Mrs. David Guthrie, Vera Naretty, Mrs. Clara Vernoy CONTENTS Section Page I. Geological Factors That Have Influenced Marseilles ... 1 II. Indian Tribes of the Marseilles Area 2 III. The First Settlement 2 A. William Richey and the Buckhorn Tavern B. Ephraim Sprague's Curse on Kimball and His Town C. The Original Townsite D. Kimball's Business Enterprises IV. Tides of Migration Into the Area 6 A. Pioneers and Pioneer Young People B. The Norwegian Settlement C. Mingling of Immigrants From Western Europe D. Group Settlement by Kentuckians E. Italians as a New Element V. Influence of Canal and Railroad on the Young Town . . 9 A. The Canal and the Railroad B. "Old Town" and "West End" Rivalry VI. The Churches of Marseilles 12 A. Friendly Attitude Among Early Churches B. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church C. The Universalist Church D. The Congregational Church E. Trinity Lutheran Church F. St. Joseph's Catholic Church G. The Baptist Church H. The Methodist Church I. Immanuel Lutheran Church J. The Church of God K. The Church of the Nazarene VII. Schools of Marseilles 21 A. Early Schools and Teachers B. William Brady of the Bluff School C. The Marseilles Seminary D. School Expansion in Recent Years E. Marseilles Public Library VIII. The Marseilles Manufacturing Company 28 II c CONTENTS (Continued) IX. Roderic Clark and the Water Power 32 A. Marseilles Land and Water Power Company B. Bird Bickford and the "New Jerusalem" C. Lucius Clark's Promotion of Water Power D. John F. Clark and the Paper Industry E. Developments by W. D. Boyce and by Howe and Davidson F. The National Biscuit Company X. Other Industries and Enterprises 36 A. Goodell Model Shop B. Newspapers C. Banks XI. Recreation Then and Now 37 A. Dancing B. Bands C. The Roller Skating Rink D. Temperance Parades and Rallies E. Horses and Runaways F. Lovers' Lane G. Veterans Groups, Folk Valley, Other Facilities H. Community Swimming Pool XII. Major Improvements, 1920-1933 43 A. Marseilles Lock B. Government Dam C. Illini State Park D. Illinois River Bridge XIII. The Search For New Industries 44 XIV. Anniversary Celebrations, Yesterday and Today 45 XV. Civic Groups 47 City Government and Officials, 1960 Marseilles Board of Education Social and Service Organizations XVI. Business and Professional Directory, 1960 49 III MAIN STREET IN 1960 MAIN STREET IN 1900 IV SECTION I GEOLOGICAL FACTORS THAT HAVE INFLUENCED MARSEILLES Our study of the world about us so far has given us only a dim and incomplete picture of conditions that may have existed in the remote past. Here in Marseilles, however, we have some of the most striking evidence to be found anywhere, in regard to the effects produced by vast swinging cycles of change in the temperature of the earth's surface, from extreme cold to tropical warmth. The fascinating story of these rhythms of change, called the Glacial and Inter-Glacial Periods, is best told in bulletins which may be obtained from the Illinois State Geological Survey in Springfield. It will serve our purpose here if we refer only to the geological features that were of special importance to the early settlers. The outcropping of rock in the bed of the river, from a point just east of the present river bridge for nearly three miles west- ward, was close to the surface in some places. The slope in the river bed through this rock made it possible to develop water power here, but also made it necessary to construct locks to raise or lower boats from one water level to the other. The soil in the river bottoms and on prairies back from the river was black and fertile, but so level that nearly half the area of La Salle County was covered with sloughs. The spongy nature of the soil held back natural drainage, and the use of shallow wells for drinking water led to many cases of typhoid fever. There were a few springs where water heavily charged with sulphur bubbled out. Doctors urged their patients to use this water, in spite of its taste and smell of sulphur. They pointed out the interesting fact that horses preferred it to any surface water. The Marseilles Moraine is the name given to one of many ridges of sand, gravel and clay that were left as the ice of the glacial period melted. On the moraine near us are Riverview Cemetery, the area of Folk Valley, the Spicer Gravel Pit and the ridges of Brookfield Township across the river. Clay, sand and gravel for construction purposes have been taken from this ridge for generations. The presence of coal deposits in the area was another geo- logical factor of importance in the early days. The coal lay under- ground in shallow "ponds" or pools close to the surface, or along the ravines that open into the river valley. The canal and the railroad depended on shipments of coal for much of their rev- enue. The best deposit, and the last to be worked, was mined in the bluff on the south side of the river. It supplied coal to paper mills, and employed a hundred miners at one time. SECTION II INDIAN TRIBES OF THE MARSEILLES AREA It is impossible to speak with certainty of any particular Indian tribes as holding possession of the area in and around Marseilles for any length of time. The entire Illinois Valley was looked upon by many tribes of Indians as being specially desir- able as a homeland, because of the abundance of game in the wooded areas. Branches of the great Algonquin tribe, pushing westward from the St. Lawrence Valley, were represented at various times on the north bank of the Illinois river by the Ottawa, Kickapoo, Winnebago, Pottawatomi, Sac and Fox sub-tribes. By the early years of the 1800's only scant remnants of these tribes had villages in the general area of La Salle County. The Illini had long since disappeared. These Indians were probably a discouraged and sorry-looking lot by the time the white settlers came. They had been tricked into making treaties that they did not understand, and had been pushed westward into lands where they were challenged by the tribes already there. Those who lived along the Illinois River raised a little corn in patches of land near the edge of the timber, and traded for guns, powder, salt and cloth, offering in payment the skins of deer and beaver. In the early autumn they sometimes crossed the Mississippi to hunt buffalo in Iowa, returning to spend the winter in the protection of the timber of the Illinois Valley. They were shamefully treated by many white settlers and by military officials. Their last hopeless gesture of resentment, the Black Hawk War of 1832, had much justification. The volunteer forces that crushed them committed acts of brutality toward men, women and children as inexcusable as the Indian massacre of the whites. SECTION III THE FIRST SETTLEMENT WILLIAM RICHEY AND THE BUCKHORN TAVERN William Richey and his fourteen-year-old son came into the Marseilles area in 1829 to set up a base for trade with the Indians, as well as to farm. They stayed for a time with James Galloway, on his claim south of the river. When Mrs. Galloway died, Richey and his son cut down a walnut tree, hewed out boards, and made the coffin for her burial in a plot on the top of the hill, still called the Galloway Cemetery. Richey sold his claim to Abraham Trumbo, crossed the river, and in the winter of 1831 built a cabin of hewn or "squared" logs beside the bank of a creek between bluffs that gave a little shelter from winter winds. A spring flowed from the hillside nearby. The cabin was larger than many pioneer homes, and had a low attic that was sometimes used for sleeping quarters, sometimes for storage of supplies for the Indian trade. This cabin, the first home built in Marseilles, still stands on the original site, the west bank of the creek at the head of the Morris Road and La Salle Street in east Marseilles. The walls were later covered with clapboards and the puncheons of the roof were replaced by shingles. FIRST HOME AND OLDEST BUILDING IN MARSEILLES "BUCKHORN TAVERN", BUILT IN 1831 BY WILLIAM RICHEY Norton Gumm and his family, who had come from Virginia, took up a claim across the road. Mr. Gumm and Mrs. Richey both died within a few years. The two families of growing boys were united when Mrs. Gumm and William Richey were married. Stagecoaches and wagons passed in great numbers along the Morris Road. The Richey cabin soon became a stagecoach tavern, easily recognized by antlers of deer that were mounted at each end of the ridgepole, and widely known as the "Buckhorn Tav- ern". Mrs. Richey continued to operate it after her husband's death. Steven Mackey Gumm, eldest son of Norton, returned to the cabin across the road that his father had left, and on the east bank of the stream put up a wagon shop. For more than thirty years he continued to turn out hundreds of wagons, famous for their sturdiness in the heavy freight hauling of those days. He 3 liked to work with the fine black walnut abundant in the woods nearby, and pieces of furniture made by him are still treasured in several homes in this area. Two of Norton Gumm's great grandchildren, Harry Gumm and Mrs. Anna Mae Gumm Miller, now live on the original claim. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Haslam now stands on the site of the wagon shop. EPHRiAM SPRAGUE'S CURSE ON KIMBALL AND HIS TOWN Ephraim Sprague was the first man to set up a water wheel at the head of the Marseilles rapids, and he soon had a sawmill in operation. It was his misfortune that Lovell Kimball, arriving in 1833, saw a chance to seize control of the water power. Learn- ing that Sprague did not yet have legal title to his water frontage, Kimball established overlapping claims, and put up a dam that turned the water away from Sprague's shallow mill race. Boasting of the mills and workshops he intended to put up, he refused to lease any of the power he controlled, and Sprague had to close his prosperous little sawmill. In bitter rage, he stood on the river bank and with upraised hands, prayed that fire should burn and flood should wash away everything in Marseilles, as long as the memory of Kimball should last, The Nathan Fleming of our time, descendant of pioneers and genial commentator on past and present, has observed, "Evi- dently the petition was heard and contents noted, for since that time, mills have burned at the drop of a match, and dams and bridges have been destroyed by flood in uncommon numbers". But Lovell Kimball paid no heed to the curse, and pushed on to make his dream a reality. THE ORIGINAL TOWN SITE A surveyor laid out a townsite along the north bank of the river, just above the rapids, and Kimball had the plat recorded on June 3, 1835. The original plat, later pasted on thin cloth to preserve it, is still on file in the La Salle County Courthouse. Kimball chose the name Marseilles for his town, under the impression that the French city of that name was an industrial center of the type that he hoped to develop. The townsite covered the area bordered on the west by Main Street, on the north by Washington, on the east by Liberty and on the south by River Street. Streets 100 ft. wide ran through the center, from east to west, and from north to south. Their intersection was extended to form a Public Square 300 ft. on each side. We now call that square City Park. Some of the street names chosen by Kimball were too fanci- ful to suit the pioneers and were soon dropped. When the next survey of the town was made in 1865, names like Washington, PHOTOSTAT OF THE SURVEYOR'S PLAT OF THE ORIGINAL TOWN- SITE OF MARSEILLES. FILED JUNE 3, 1835. Street names now used — Main (Milwaukee), Minden, Aurora, Grant, Peoria, Pearl, Liberty, Washington (Mohegan), Lincoln, Tolin (cut away by canal), Broadway, Illinois, Wallace, River. Lincoln, Grant, Pearl, Liberty and River displaced names much longer and more difficult to spell. No one had any thought that the canal and the railroad would soon cut across the townsite in broad bands, and that its south- west corner would be cut away when the millrace was widened. KIMBALL'S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES Kimball set up a ferry across the river and a sawmill to furnish lumber for later use. He then left on a trip through Pennsylvania and upper New York, talking wherever he went with business men who had money to invest. He must have been forceful and persuasive, for he returned from the East with a considerable amount of working capital and promise of credit. Some of the prospective investors came with him, and others followed. Setting up the Marseilles Manufacturing Company, a name designed to cover anything he might be able to develop, he built the largest flour mill in the Mississippi Valley, with woodwork of fine black walnut. He learned that former President Martin Van Buren and a party of friends were making a leisurely tour through Illinois. Old letters indicate that Kimball saw the chance for more publicity for his town, and arranged to have the tourists pause briefly for a "fish frolic" on the bank of the river. It is said that more than a thousand people from the surrounding area came to see the distinguished guests. Kimball developed a stagecoach line, began preparations for a woolen mill, and bought up land in a wide area around the town. He was heavily in debt but still hopeful, when his flour mill and sawmill were destroyed by fire. His insurance claims were evaded by some trick, and his creditors took everything that he had. He died in the cholera epidemic of 1848, and was buried in the small cemetery on the bluff above Pearl Street. When the city held a great centennial celebration in 1935, Kimball's grave and its shattered tombstone were located and a marker was placed to honor him as the founder of the city. SECTION IV TIDES OF MIGRATION INTO THE AREA PIONEERS AND PIONEER YOUNG PEOPLE Old American pioneer stock predominated in the successive waves of settlers that soon filled the farm lands around the town or came to work at various trades. From the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia came the Parrs, Trumbos, Millikens, Groves, Gumms, Conards and Brumbacks. From Pennsylvania came the Longs, Nichols, Armstrongs, Gallo- ways, Richeys and Flemings. They were joined in a few years by the Spencer and Peddi- cord families from Ohio, Isaac Gage from New Hampshire, and Ephraim Shaver from West Virginia. From New York came the Loring, Stebbins and Butterfield families, as well as Nelson Rhines, Dolphus Clark, and E. H. Spicer. The Reverend George Marsh and Luther P. Osgood were from Massachusetts, and William Gentleman from Vermont. George Armstrong was nineteen years of age when he came in 1832 with his widowed mother and five young brothers from Ohio to Illinois. He was evidently a level-headed youth who looked trouble squarely in the eye. He and his mother chose a tract of land in Brookfield Township. Except for the Trumbo cabin in Fall River Township, there was no neighbor nearer than Ottawa. When the Armstrong family were warned of the mas- sacre of settlers on Indian Creek, an old county history tells us 6 that "George got the horses, cattle and wagons together, sent his mother and younger brothers off with their effects to Lacon, after which he finished sowing his wheat, hid his tools, ran some bullets, locked up the house, shouldered his gun, and went off to Ottawa". George came safely home from the Indian fighting, settled down to face life with the same sturdy efficiency, and died at the age of ninety. Another young pioneer, apparently a member of one of the Stebbins families, took over family responsibilities when his father became ill, and drove a four-horse team all the way from Ohio. He was not quite thirteen years old. When the Fleming family joined their neighbors for the trip to Illinois, Nathan, the oldest son, remained at his job in a small factory in Pennsylvania. Though only nineteen years of age, he was manager of the plant, at a wage of $7.00 a month. The father died of pneumonia soon after arriving in Illinois, but news of his death did not reach the son till midwinter. Knowing that his mother and the younger children would be in desperate need of his help, he walked every step of the way, through winter snows and blizzards, a distance of more than five hundred miles, to join them in Illinois. On the way he became a victim of snow blindness and had to spend five days in a dark room with band- aged eyes. THE NORWEGIAN SETTLEMENT The first permanent settlement of Norwegians in America was made in 1834 north of Marseilles in Miller Township, under the direction of Kleng Pierson. (The spelling of his name varies greatly in old records.) Sailors of Norway had learned that life could be easier in the New World than under the harsh conditions of that period at home. Pierson volunteered to travel through the eastern states of America, looking for a location in which his discontented neighbors in Stavanger might make a new life. He spent three years in the search, supporting himself by carpentry and farm work. He and his friend, Lars Larson, organized a group of fifty- two colonists in 1824, and bought a small sailing vessel of the type known as a sloop. Fifty-two hopeful and courageous souls crowded on board for the rough voyage to America. One child was born during the trip. In the traditions of Norwegians, both in Norway and in America, this little sloop holds equal rank with the Mayflower. Her passengers, referred to as the "sloopers", are held in admir- ing veneration equal to that of the Mayflower descendants for their ancestors. The little sloop was seized by harbor authorities in New York, on questionable legal grounds, and sold to pay the fines levied. The Quakers came to the rescue of the disheartened voy- agers, and helped them to settle on farms in New York. As friends joined them, more land was needed. It is said that Kleng Pierson, on a journey through La Salle County, lay down to rest on a prairie where the village of Norway now stands. He had a vivid dream of bountiful farms that would someday fill the empty scene. Part of the colony in New York accompanied him to the north prairie in 1834, and with relatives from their native land, gradually built up one of the best farming communities in the state. In a centennial celebration in 1934, a boulder bearing a bronze plate was dedicated to the memory of Kleng Pierson at the site of his dream in the village of Norway. A beautiful statue has been erected in Stavanger, Norway, in memory of the "sloopers". Skilled workers from the settlement found ready employment in the growing village of Marseilles. The young people of the two communities had no difficulty in getting acquainted. Anna Maria Thompson, a young girl who had come over on the sloop, married the son of William Richey. MINGLING OF IMMIGRANTS FROM WESTERN EUROPE Laborers from Ireland, recruited for work on the Illinois and Michigan Canal, were paid in land scrip and took up farms on the south prairie. Others remained as railroad workers, coal miners or blacksmiths. Germans who came later kept their language and traditions alive in close-knit farm communities, but German names like Trager, Schultz and Madaus soon ap- peared on Main Street. Swedish settlers found employment mainly in the building trades. A few with superior education and business experience, such as John Lord, quickly developed their own enterprises. Visitors sometimes said of him that he had the look and manner of an English aristocrat. The Messenie, Vacheront, Leger and Tisler families came direct from France. The Monnetts, Morells and LeRettes were French Canadians. The first settlers who came from England and Scotland had a little more capital and more business experience than most of the native-born in early Marseilles, and such names as Bruce, Scott, Harrington, Samuels, Hurd and Hughes appear frequently on business records. The Moore brothers, Abel, Arthur and Joshua, all skilled mechanics, were recruited for special work, and the Haslam, Partridge, Price, Coates and Shelton families probably came at the suggestion of Richard Hughes. One of the few Welsh in the area was Enoch Lettsome. 8 GROUP SETTLEMENT BY KENTUCKIANS In the early 1900's settlement by groups was renewed here, when George Washington Tungate of Kentucky came to Mar- seilles in 1902. Finding an active demand for labor at good wages on the dam and millrace then under reconstruction, he sent for relatives and friends, among them the Bass, Mills, Mason, Caffey and Gabehart families. Most of them were from Campbellsville in eastern Kentucky, an area populated almost entirely by descendants of the English, Scotch and Scotch-Irish mountaineers of colonial days and of Daniel Boone's time. Their previous experience had been mainly in farming and lumbering but they fitted quickly into factory routine and remained in the community when work on the dam was finished. No other groups in the community keep in such close touch with their former homes, or make such frequent visits to them. ITALIANS AS A NEW ELEMENT Families of Italian birth became a new element in the popula- tion about the same time as the Kentuckians. First was Umberto Marzuki, who came in 1904, followed soon by Victor Orsi and his daughters, the Bioletti, Verona, Buffo, and Tonielli families, and the Morello brothers, Quinto and Charles. All of them had worked previously in other parts of the Mid- west and many brought special skills that found prompt demand in the town. Others took rough work in the coal mines and dam construction, until they could find or make a place for themselves in work they preferred. Many of the second and third generation residents of Italian origin, with better opportunities for education than their parents had, are now in professional positions in law, medicine, music, teaching, nursing, journalism and other special fields, in many cities of the country. SECTION V INFLUENCE OF CANAL AND RAILROAD ON THE YOUNG TOWN THE CANAL AND THE RAILROAD The idea of creating an all-water route between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi Valley seemed to make a strong appeal to the imagination of the people, and there was great interest in plans made in the early 1830's to cut a canal 100 miles in length from Chicago to La Salle, the headwaters of steamboat naviga- tion on the Illinois River. In its time, the Illinois and Michigan Canal was regarded as the world's greatest engineering feat. Congress gave the state a belt of land along the proposed route, and it was expected that the sale of this land would bring in sufficient funds to meet the costs of construction. Work was begun at both ends of the line in 1836, but a frenzy of speculation in land values pushed prices so high that there were few sales. Work on the canal was halted, hard times for merchants and farmers resulted, and suffering was widespread. When conditions finally improved, work began again. Con- tractors employed farmers and their teams for local hauling, but most of the excavating was pick and shovel work. Agents for the contractors met ships arriving at New York and Cana- dian ports, and induced Irish immigrants to join work crews along the canal. Some of the contractors grew wealthy through unscrupulous cheating of the Irish laborers, who had no choice but to submit. There is a tradition in the neighborhood around the Folk Valley Cabin, east of Marseilles, that a stagecoach bringing gold coins from Chicago to pay canal workers was held up and robbed on a roadway near the present cabin. Farmers near by pursued and captured two of the robbers, but the man who carried the money got away. No one seemed to know whether the workers were finally paid, or had to stand the loss. In similar incidents elsewhere, it was suspected that the contractor had been in con- nivance with the bandits. The canal was completed in 1848, the stretch between Mar- seilles and Morris being the last to be excavated. The enduring quality of the stonework of that period may be seen in the old locks in Marseilles, near Chicago and Pearl Streets. At once, long narrow barges began to carry great loads of lumber, coal and grain to Chicago or La Salle, where the freight was transferred to lake vessels or river steamboats. It was said that as many as a hundred river steamboats at a time might be tied up in the basin near Peru, awaiting shipments on the canal. The Eureka Company, organized by Dr. Daniel Ward and Richard Hughes, mined coal in Gumm's Ravine and laid a nar- row-gauge railroad line that took the coal in small cars across the grounds of the present Lincoln School and over to the bank of the canal. Grain elevators were built on the canal bank at Chicago Street and Main Street. Passenger barges and packet boats, with upper and lower decks, could carry as many as ninety passengers, and their sleep- ing quarters and dining halls were furnished and carpeted with a luxury that could not be matched anywhere else on the fron- tier. Teams of horses or mules moved along the towpath be- side the canal, and pulled the vessels at a pace of four or five miles an hour. 10 The trip between La Salle and Chicago was sometimes made in twenty-four hours. The charge, which included sleeping quarters and three meals, was four dollars. Excursions on the canal boats were popular social events. The canal, with its cheap freight rates, was an immense stimulus to business. In Marseilles, as in many other small towns, grain dealers, lumber dealers and operators of canal boat lines became the most prosperous and influential citizens. But almost at once a rival form of transportation, the rail- road, began to claim both freight and passenger service from the canal. The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad reached Marseilles in 1853 and was extended to Rock Island the next year. The canal soon lost all of its passenger service and most of its freight traffic, but continued to operate profitably for about twenty-five years because of the low rates it offered for lumber, coal, grain and other bulky freight. The state ended its maintenance of the locks and towpaths several years ago. The right of way is still owned by the state, but no one seems to know what to do with it. The water has drained out, except for stagnant pools here and there, filled with weeds, muskrats and mosquitoes. "OLD TOWN" AND "WEST END" RIVALRY Business turned its back on Lovell Kimball's neat Public Square, but was booming along Chicago Street, from Lincoln north to the bluff. Wooden structures housed harness shops, blacksmith shops, groceries, and bakeries. Boarding houses for canal and railroad workers competed with them for space. Trav- elers as well as local citizens were impressed by the "Brick Block" on the east side of Chicago Street. It was built in 1868, of brick made by the Coff een family south of the river. The new railroad built a depot, or station, south of the tracks. When land near by was needed for freight houses a few years later, the owner, Dr. Daniel Ward, agreed to give the tract, but only on condition that life-time passes on the Rock Island lines should be given to him and his family. Then, on second thought, he demanded that the passes should cover connecting railroad lines as well. The Rock Island officials angrily refused. A newcomer to the town, Roderic Clark, saw a golden opportu- nity. He had bought almost all the land west of Main Street and along the railroad tracks east of Main, but business in the sale of town lots was lagging. He offered to give fifteen acres for a new depot site near Main Street. The railroad officials accepted with pleasure, and after building a station where the Rock Island freight house now stands, named Clark their station agent. Town lots east and west of Main Street now sold readily, and the area was spoken of as Clarktown. The "Clarktowners", proud of the business center they were developing near the depot, 11 demanded that the post office be located there. It was still housed in a small wooden building near the vacant railroad station in the "Old Town". One winter night in 1868 a crowd of men and boys placed skids under the little structure and hauled it toward the west end of town. At Pearl Street they removed a section of fencing and drew the post office into Scott's pasture. This was a low swampy tract between Bluff and Washington Streets, extending almost to Main. Perhaps they intended to slide the building along on the ice but the plan did not work. For the rest of the winter, anyone who wished to pick up his mail had to climb over the pasture fence. In the spring the post office was moved to the corner of Washington and Roath Streets, and a few years later to the depot grounds near Main Street. When other space was rented for the post office, the building, moved from corner to corner on Wash- ington Street, was a source of embarrassment to the Old Towners till it was destroyed by fire years later. The feud between the two sections of the town continued for a generation, with frequent fist fights between gangs of boys who dared each other to cross the neutral ground of Pearl Street. Their elders exchanged taunts, not always in the spirit of good nature, and defeated moves to combine the schools in opposite ends of the town into one system. SECTION VI THE CHURCHES OF MARSEILLES FRIENDLY ATTITUDE AMONG EARLY CHURCHES Down through the years, the religious congregations of Marseilles seemed to get along in a spirit of co-operation and helpfulness. Congregations that were not yet able to build their own churches were invited to meet in those of other denomina- tions, with schedules of Sunday hours carefully arranged. In the late 1860's several church groups began construction in a glow of pioneer optimism but on very shaky credit. A church might flourish briefly, but soon a mill burned, or hard times forced workers to find jobs elsewhere. The lumber dealer or businessman who had advanced credit, Isaac Gage or W. W. Richey, was left "holding the bag", till return of better times encouraged another congregation to rent or buy the building. Two churches of the town, each nearly a hundred years old, have furnished spiritual home to four or five denominations in succession. They were built at a time when thunderings from the pulpit dealt more often with the wrath and vengeance of God than with His loving kindness. Each denomination was sincerely convinced 12 that it alone was following the true path to salvation. It would be interesting to know what steps the successive congregations took, each in its turn, to drive out any wraiths of false doctrine that might still be lurking among the rafters. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ST. JOSEPH In 1862, the Catholic church in Ottawa organized the Mar- seilles area as a mission parish. Later it was attached to parishes in Morris and Seneca, but continued as a mission parish till 1906. Priests came from their home churches on Sunday to conduct services in private homes at first, or in a hall rented in the "Brick Block" on Chicago Street. In 1881 the former Episcopal church was bought and used until a larger church was built on Pine Street in 1902, just west of the Methodist Church. This building was moved in 1906 to the corner of East Bluff and State Streets, the house next door become the rectory, and St. Joseph's Parish received its first resident pastor, Father Lawrence E. Hackett. ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH When more space was needed, the church was enlarged by splitting it down the middle and adding a section. The church was destroyed by fire in 1943 but because of wartime conditions it was not possible to rebuild. The basement was roofed over, and services conducted in it for several years. A second fire during this period destroyed much equipment and added to the discomforts of the damp basement. A long-delayed building project was finally undertaken, on a new site at Broadway and Minden Streets. The style of archi- 13 tecture chosen, a modified Gothic form, is specially well suited to the surroundings, and the beautiful church and parish hall, completed in 1951, are appreciated as assets to the town. The present pastor is Father John T. Loughlin. THE METHODIST CHURCH Mission services for the Methodists were begun in 1868 by the ministers of the Ottawa church, with meetings in Clark's Hall on Main Street, and later in the churches mentioned earlier in this chapter. In the early 1880's, the Rev. Thomas Chipperfield and his wife shared ministerial duties in a way that must have been unusual in those days. He conducted Sunday evening services, but while he rode through the countryside on a circuit of small rural missions, Mrs. Chipperfield had full charge of the morning service. The congregation carefully refrained from speaking of her addresses as sermons, but all agreed they were unusually inspir- ing and interesting talks. The present church site on Aberdeen Street was acquired by gift, but a great deal of draining and filling had to be done before their new church, a frame structure, was completed in 1892. METHODIST CHURCH When the East End School was destroyed by fire in 1897, the Methodist Church provided a meeting place for the classes for several months. The Congregationalists attended services with the Methodists while their own church was being built in 1913. There was general satisfaction in the town when the new Methodist Church was built last year in one of the traditional 14 styles commonly termed "colonial". In spite of modern trends in architecture, many people assert firmly that they "like a church that looks like a church". Both of the newest churches of the town meet this preference, each in its own way. The graceful white tower and belfry which are included in the plans for the Methodist Church will be erected at some time in the future. The Rev. Arthur J. Landwehr is the present minister. THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The Congregationalists first organized in 1860. They too drew upon the New England and New York state settlers for members, for they trace their spiritual descent from the Pilgrims. In 1867 they built a white frame church on East Bluff and Rose Streets, and a few years later added a bell of beautiful tone CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH that weighed more than a thousand pounds. In 1913 the frame building was replaced by the brick church now in use. The min- ister at present is the Rev. Howard J. Preston. Adoniram J. Thurber was a staunch pillar of the church through a long lifetime. He kept a stern eye on finances and also on the theological views of all, including the ministers. The Rev. Albert Ethridge, pastor for more than sixteen years, was an outstanding citizen of the town. During his first min- istry, in the village of Lowell, he gave effective help in the "underground railroad" for escaped slaves. For a few years he was an editor for the Harper Brothers publishing house. 15 Chimes were installed in the tower as a memorial to Grace Howland. Their pleasant tones ring out frequently, in familiar hymn melodies played by the organist, Mrs. Sam Kidd, or by Miss Mary Anne Baudino. THE BAPTIST CHURCH When the Rev. David Pritchard called the Baptists of the town together to form a church, he had to settle a difference of opinion as to whether it should be located near Chicago Street or Main Street. The location on East Bluff near Pearl Street was a compromise. The spirit of compromise and good will must have prevailed in other church affairs. Church and congregation have remained together for nearly a hundred years. The church, built in 1866, BAPTIST CHURCH has been in continuous use longer than any other in town. Though improved and enlarged in many ways, with the addition of a large education and office wing, it retains many features of the original structure. Daniel Hurd and Simon T. Osgood were deacons of the church for many years, active in temperance work and young people's organizations. As they grew older they became "a bit set in their ways", and it was quite an achievement for a minister to persuade them to agree with the congregation or with each other. The coming of the Rev. S. G. Anderson, in the early 1900's, created much interest in the town. He had seven daughters, in 16 high school or college or in professional work, all unusually en- dowed with beauty, charm and fine musical ability. Old letters seem to indicate that baptismal ceremonies were held at first in the Illinois River, even in winter months. A baptismal pool was later installed in the church. It has been made available to other churches when requested. The present minister is Dr. William Short. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, built on East Bluff Street in 1868, has had a more varied career than any other in the town. It seems to have been originally a beautiful little church of classic simplicity. The first rector, the Rev. E. DeWolf, designed the church and did most of the carpentry. The rector who fol- lowed him, a graduate of Dublin University, was greatly admired by the town because he could speak several languages, and use Latin as easily as English. The little church flourished for a few years, then closed, when a mill that employed most of the members transferred them to another state. Isaac Gage, whose bills for lumber were long overdue, took title to the building and rented it to the Methodists for a few years. When they moved to a larger church, the small church was bought by the Catholics, who later sold it to the Scandinavian Lutherans. THE UNIVERSALIST CHURCH The Universalists organized the first church in Marseilles in 1859, with members mainly from New England and New York State. The minister, J. M. Day, added to his small salary by conducting a private school and by serving as deputy county superintendent of schools. The first church, built near the creek in the east end of town, was later moved to the north side of Bluff Street near Pine, and enlarged. A new church, built on the same site in 1902, was dedicated as the "Church of the Good Shepherd". A large stained-glass window, a memorial to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Day, was a gift from their son, then vice-president of Marshall Field's in Chicago. Mrs. Elfreda Newport, who was minister of the Universalists for three years, has been the only woman regularly appointed to a charge in the town. As the years passed, and families of the early settlers moved away, the membership of the church decreased. During the de- pression years the remaining members united with other con- gregations, and the building was sold to the Church of the Nazarene. 17 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH The Trinity Lutheran Church has had a history almost as varied as that of the Episcopal Church. The building was put up about 1866 by a congregation that disbanded almost as soon as the building was completed. W. W. Richey took title to it and rented it for various purposes till the Methodists took it over in 1878, a period of hard times, at a rental of seventy-five cents a week. Soon they were able to buy it, and they invited the German Lutherans to share the space with them. No doubt the arrange- ment called for strict division of hours and space, but the two groups got on very well for several years. When the Methodists moved into their new home in 1892, the Lutherans bought the old building. Extensive alterations and TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH improvements have been made, but it is basically the same sturdy church that was erected nearly a century ago. Religious services to the German immigrants had been pro- vided as early as 1862, by the Lutheran pastors in Ottawa. These early pastors must have been as stalwart and vigorous as their pictures indicate, for some of them regularly made the trips between Ottawa and Marseilles on foot. Services at first were held in German only, but were gradually shifted to English, as young people grew up who could under- stand very little of the German service. English is now used exclusively. The present minister is the Rev. Henry J. Behrens. 18 THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE The Church of the Nazarene was formed in Texas from many small groups, differing in name but united in dissent from the doctrines of the older churches. Their first missionary in this area, the Rev. Walter Stogdill, continued to support his family by outside work until the congregation was established in 1931. Families from eastern Kentucky first responded to his efforts, but others soon joined them. With help from the Missionary Board of the denomination, they were able to rent and later to buy the former Universalist "Church of the Good Shepherd". It has since been greatly altered and extended. The intense interest of the church in missionary work has led to the establishment of several colleges and training schools. Help from scholarship funds is available when needed by young people of the local church who wish to attend these schools. The Rev. Cainan Dale is the present pastor. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCB IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Immanuel Lutheran Church is the outgrowth of missionary efforts of the Rev. Jacob Jacobson, who came in 1892 to give religious care to the Norwegians of the area. He worked as a carpenter to support his family, since the mission board of his church could give him only a little help. He soon extended his work to the Swedish settlers in the town, and the congregation was known as the Scandinavian Lutheran. It met for several years in the Congregational, Methodist and German Lutheran Churches in turn, at such hours as could be arranged. It finally acquired a home of its own in the former St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, and the name Immanuel Lu- theran Church was chosen. 19 For several years Mr. Jacobson visited rural missions on a regular schedule, sometimes driving thirty miles or more each Sunday. It is specially regrettable that his many useful activities were cut short by paralysis, and he was an invalid for several years before his death. The Norwegian language was gradually replaced by English in the services, and now only English is used. The Rev. Elmer Johnson is the pastor at this time. THE CHURCH OF GOD The two religious congregations most recently established here are those of the Church of God and the Church of the Nazarene. Both are religious groups which grew in the 1890's and early 1900's, under leaders who were in disagreement with the traditional church on several points. It was a time when the nation was forced to think along new lines, and to question whether its old positions had been morally justified. Problems of social justice and international relations CHURCH OF GOD were crowding upon us, and new scientific discoveries disturbed old ways of thinking, in religion as well as in other fields. Those who considered themselves progressive were scornful of the conservatives, and there were many foolish words spoken on both sides, in clashes that could have been and should have been avoided. Here and there, men of strong convictions and persuasive powers set forth the doctrines that seemed to them fundamental in the early Christian faith, and called on the world to return to 20 these principles. Each drew men and women of like mind, and soon many new sects and churches were organized, drawing followers from the older churches. Some of these sects have dwindled and disappeared. Others, growing with amazing rapid- ity, have spread throughout the nation and the world, through their emphasis on missionary zeal. The Church of God, as represented in Marseilles, grew out of prayer meetings, organized by the earnest efforts of Annie White, Lucy Williams and Mrs. Emmet Wise, held in homes or in a tent, as weather permitted. A little later they were held in the same vacant storerooms in the old Brick Block on Chicago Street that other churches had used long before. The Baptist Church invited the new congregation to use its baptismal pool whenever needed. Construction of a small church building was completed in 1931, at the corner of East Bluff and Indiana Streets, on a site donated by two members. It has since been enlarged and im- proved in many ways, almost always with donated labor and funds in hand before the work began. A house was bought for the parsonage, and lots for parking space beside the church have been acquired. Richard Mitschelen and his wife, Ruth, both ordained min- isters, are now in charge of the work of the Church of God. SECTION VII THE SCHOOLS OF MARSEILLES EARLY SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS The first schoolhouse in Marseilles was a log cabin in the east end of the original townsite, but when the route of the canal was laid out, a new location was chosen near Washington and La Salle Streets. It was a frame building, first of one room, later of four, and was paid for by subscription among the parents. E. H. Spicer taught all the children of the town in one room for several winters in the 1850's, doubtless with a watchful eye on business affairs in which he was a partner. When state laws permitted the use of public taxes for school purposes, a larger frame building was put up in 1865 on the present site of the Lincoln School. The principal of the school, always a man in the early days, was respectfully titled "Professor". W. W. Johnson and William H. Outman both had long periods of service in the 70's and 80's. During Mr. Outman's time the pupils of the East End School, as it was called, won state-wide honors on an exhibit at a fair in Chicago. 21 WILLIAM BRADY OF THE BLUFF SCHOOL Usually, however, the honors in competition went to the Bluff School, in the west end of the town. The principal there was William Brady, a man of outstanding ability as a teacher and with strange quirks of personality. During the 1850's the few children living west of Main Street attended school in a log cabin on Clark Street. Roderic Clark gave the school trustees a lot in the ravine where the American Legion Hall now stands. In 1865 a two-room school was built, and for many years it was affectionately referred to by its former pupils as "the little brown school in the hollow". It was soon outgrown and in 1866 Clark gave other lots on the West Bluff, where a brick building was built. William Brady came to the Bluff School as principal in 1868. He was then about thirty-five years old. It was evident that he had had an education McKINLEY SCHOOL and background well above that of any teacher previously known here, but he said nothing about his former life. By the accounts of his pupils in later years, he must have had exceptional ability to stimulate their eagerness to learn, and their willingness to work. The teaching assigned him covered the upper grades only, but he soon set up courses on the high school level. Pupils of unusual ability were guided into studies on the college level. Most of this work was done outside school hours. He had a great interest in botany and spent a good deal of time tramping through the woods. Mr. Brady encouraged girls as well as boys to develop their abilities, and urged the mills and factories to employ young wom- 22 en in their offices. This called for reassurance to the mothers, who feared that their daughters "might get talked about", if they worked in such rough surroundings. An item in "The Plaindealer", early in 1886 reports : "Prof. Brady has shown that his system and work counts. The Mar- seilles Manufacturing Co. has in its employ some of the best pen- men in La Salle County. Prof. Brady laid the foundation to their present success. A business letter written by Miss Lillian Cram to Ottawa was conspicuously shown in the leading hotel there lately, and referred to as the prettiest specimen of a lady's pen- manship ever seen". But Mr. Brady had an unbridled temper, and parents com- plained that he gave unreasonably severe punishment to boys sent from the lower grades for discipline. His resignation, after eighteen years in Marseilles, seems to have followed such a case. McKINLEY SCHOOL ANNEX The newspaper reported the regrets expressd at his going, and the gifts made to him by pupils and teachers, but in the fall, it carefully repeated the instructions given by the new principal to the teachers, to maintain discipline by kindness and patience. Mr. Brady made his way to California, and for several years was attached to exploring expeditions sent out by railroads, lumber companies or scientific societies. When he died, it was found that he had securities worth about $55,000. The sum, which would represent two or three times that value today, was mainly based on small but shrewd investments made during his stay in Marseilles. He had apparently been estranged from his family, and there was no clue to his identity. The rightful claims of his son and 23 daughter were established with great difficulty and only by con- tacts made with men and women who as school children had signed their names to formal little notes of respect and gratitude, written to him thirty or forty years before. The small packet of letters seemed to be the only thing he had cherished in a long lifetime. THE MARSEILLES SEMINARY Farming families of the area around Marseilles felt the need of a school in which their daughters could receive education above the level of the district school, with training in genteel and ladylike department. Mrs. Mary Ann Pickett, widow of a young officer from Michigan who had been killed during the Civil War, came with her little son to visit the Brumback family. A group of farmers agreed to loan money to her to buy land and put up a suitable building, if she would operate the type of school they had in mind. The site chosen was a block of land, covered with fine oak trees, that extended along the west side of Chicago Street north of the town. The recollections of one of its teachers, written myH"**9rf WASHINGTON SCHOOL fifty years later, recalled that the building, put up in 1868, had two stories and a basement, and was "commodious in size, con- sisting of assembly and recitation rooms, parlors for social events and dining room and kitchen, besides the sleeping rooms". A brick walk leading to the garden was bordered by pine trees. The housekeeper pleased every one with the substantial food and many delicacies that were provided. 24 Boarding- pupils included older girls and young women from farms and towns all over the country, and day pupils from the town included small boys as well as girls. A teen-age girl who took charge of the younger children was Mary Montgomery, daughter of Dr. James Montgomery. Elderly men and women still living here will recall that she was their seventh-grade teacher in the Central School in later years. Several years ago an airplane carrying high officials of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana swooped low across the East Hill, so Allan Jackson could show his colleagues where he had learned his ABC's. A young lady came from New York State to teach social deportment as well as English. When she became the bride of the banker, W. A. Morey, the wedding took place in the parlor of the school. The seminary was popular and prosperous under Mrs. Pick- ett's charge, but when she died seven years after founding it, there seemed to be no one to take her place. Dances were held in the building and church picnics under the oak trees, but the LINCOLN SCHOOL school was closed. George W. Parr, who held the mortgage, fin- ally took most of the lumber from the building for a barn on his farm. The dwelling made from the north end of the school was the home of William Jones, the plasterer, and later of James Carney and his family. SCHOOL EXPANSION IN RECENT YEARS Eighty-one little first graders crowded into the primary room at the East End School, in the fall of 1892. The emergency was met by rental of the little building at the corner of Chicago Street and East Bluff, formerly a bakery. 25 The original East End School was destroyed by fire in 1897. One of the teachers, Belle Northrup, ran up to her classroom to rescue a file of school reports she had just completed. She said she had put too much work on them to let them go up in smoke. A similar white frame building was destroyed by fire in 1919. The present brick building, called the Lincoln School, was built in 1921. The principal is Miss Florence Fleming. Old antagonisms between the East End and the West End of the town had maintained the two separate school districts set up years before, each with a two-year high school. Demands for a four-year high school were growing, and common sense finally prevailed in 1893. An election authorized a single school district for the town and outlying areas. The brick building built on East Bluff Street was first named the Central School, to emphasize its compromise location. It housed the new high school and a primary classroom. The build- ing to the west, built in 1919, was the High School, then the Junior High School, then the McKinley School Annex. The principal of the McKinley School is Miss Lorene Brandner. The Washington School on West Bluff Street was built in 1909. Its principal is now Mrs. Frances Fordyce. The Marseilles High School moved in 1936 to a new building on Chicago Street near the river, and in 1955 was enlarged to MARSEILLES HIGH SCHOOL AND JUNOR HIGH SCHOOL include the Junior High School. Music rooms, shops and a second gymnasium are included in a more recent addition. The principal of the Senior High School is Ivan C. Hall, and Robert Hart of the Junior High School. The superintendent for the entire system is Clyde Crawshaw. 26 An outstanding record of service on the Board of Education was made by Dr. Paul R. Clark. He served on the Board for twenty-seven years, and for twenty-five years of that time was President of the Board. MARSEILLES PUBLIC LIBRARY The need for a library had been under discussion in the town for many years before the goal was finally reached in 1905. A building site was acquired by public subscription and the city council provided for tax support and a library board. Funds for building were obtained from the great philanthropic endow- ment set up by Andrew Carnegie. Additions to the building, made in later years, provide assem- bly rooms for community meetings. The librarian for thirty-one years was Florence Marsh, granddaughter of the pioneer minister of the Brookfield Church. She was succeeded last year by Mrs. Myrtle Johnson with Mrs. Ray Finkle as assistant. 27 SECTION VIII THE MARSEILLES MANUFACTURING COMPANY The Marseilles Manufacturing Company deserves detailed treatment in a story all its own. It offers a perfect example of the type of industry that shaped American life for fifty years after the Civil War, and carried into the far corners of the earth the reputation of Americans for inventiveness, enterprise, hard bargaining but square dealing. Whatever faults it may have had, in labor relations or other fields, were the faults of all industry in that time. Its virtues were its own. These virtues grew out of the character and integrity of the owners, their mechanical ingenuity, their careful study of prob- lems as they came up, their imagination and courage in seeking foreign markets, and their reputation for living up to their word. Above all was the mutual respect between management and workers, and the pride of all in a job well done. The company was founded by Augustus Adams, a member of one of many branches of the Adams family of Massachusetts, which had contributed two presidents and many other illustrious men to the nation. He and his seven sons were making plows in a foundry in Sandwich when he decided to expand into other lines of farm machinery. Marseilles offered advantages over other towns in the area because water power could be leased at a low rate, and coal for steam power was available when high water or ice gorges closed the water power. The canal and railroad furnished direct trans- portation between Chicago and St. Louis. Augustus Adams and three sons came in 1867 and set up the Marseilles Manufacturing Company, reviving the name used by Lovell Kimball for his business enterprises. These of course had ceased to exist. The father soon left the active management to his son John Quincy Adams, who with three younger brothers carried on the business for forty-five years. It was a stock corpo- ration, but essentially family-owned and controlled. The first product of the company was a corn sheller for use on farms, powered by hand or by one horse walking in a circle. Soon they were making much larger shellers, with engines adapted to all type of fuel, even to natural gas in some areas of Pennsylvania. They expanded to include machinery for well drilling, feed grinding, handling grain in grain elevators, sawing wood, loading hay and pumping water. Their special pride in later years was a steel windmill that found a ready market in distant parts of the world. Two of the brothers, J. Q. and H. R., had an unusual degree of mechanical genius, and a very practical approach in applying it. They made trips to farms and grain elevators in many parts of the country, watching their machines in operation, talking 28 with farmers as well as dealers, and studying at first hand the adaptations that would make the machinery work better under special local conditions in each area. Such trips were later made to Mexico, Argentina and Australia, with the use of interpreters when necessary. When the brothers could no longer spare the time for long journeys, younger representatives made trips to Capetown and Johannesburg in South Africa, and to coastal points in Arabia and India. Distributing centers were set up in Kansas City, Mo., on the East and West coasts, and in Mexico and Argentina. We may take it for granted that businessmen and farmers in foreign countries were pleased with the intelligent interest taken by the Americans in their problems, and the ingenuity applied to solving them. No doubt companies with other products were fol- lowing the same general plan, and building up the goodwill toward America that has been a priceless asset to our nation. The files of the weekly newspaper, the "Marseilles Plain- dealer", indicate that interest taken by the town in the affairs of the company. An item in 1882 states : "The M. M. Co. leaves no stone unturned in the endeavorto push trade lines. The demand for corn shelters was not so active in Texas as it should be, because all the corn down there is snapped. "What does the company do? Go to work to invent a shelter that will shell corn with the husk on. To test the matter, snapped corn was purchased from M. M. Simmons. With no such word as fail in their dictionary of business, Texas shall be supplied with the favorite and always reliable corn shelter." J. Q. Adams applied his Yankee ingenuity to the problem, and a few years later the newspaper reported with satisfaction that practically all the corn in the state of Texas had been shelled with Marseilles shelters specially modified for that use. "This machine is also making a record for itself in foreign countries." Three years later the newspaper reported with pride: "A four-foot windmill model, to be used for their trade with South America, is contemplated by the Marseilles Mfg. Co. An untiring effort to push things gives the company sales all over the world. Such a firm is worth a very great deal to a place." The Adams brothers were dignified men but never pompous. They took part in every aspect of small town life, in a spirit of sharing rather than dominating. Their labor force sometimes numbered two hundred and fifty men, in a period when that was not usual, but relations between management and workers seemed to be on a friendly basis at all times. In the early years it seems to have been customary for the workers in each department to give a New Year's gift to the shop foreman, usually an easy chair, gold watch, or photograph 29 album. We may doubt whether these gifts were always evidence of affection. They may have been a form of job insurance, at a time when seniority rights were unheard of, and hiring and firing was at the whim of the foreman. The custom was dropped after a while. But foremen tried to keep good workers on, in hard times as well as good, and skilled mechanics were proud to say that they worked in the Adams plant. The brothers were constantly adding to the many patents owned by the company on improvements as they were made. In later years some worker might recall that it was really he who had thought up a certain improvement, and should have taken out the patent himself. Such claims are frequent in industrial processes that involve many workers, and cannot be easily judged. Capitalists in larger industrial centers always had an eye on the company and the patents it controlled. In a time of hardship BELL ON THE MARSEILLES MANUFACTURING COMPANY PLANT, 1879 - 1912 "If affection for an inanimate thing is possible, then such is felt for the M. M. Company's bell. Its every echo thrills with gladness". — "The Plaindealer" (Bell now owned by National Biscuit Company. Shown by courtesy of Howard Adler, manaiter.) 30 and business depression in 1896, an assignment of assets was made to a Peoria capitalist, when money was needed to meet the payroll. But the brothers may have been able to regain control, and certainly their management continued. A bell made by the famous McShane foundry in Baltimore was placed on the highest building of the plant in 1879. The sentiments of the "Plaindealer", expressed in 1893, were prob- ably shared by the whole town : "If affection for an inanimate thing is possible, then such is felt for the M. M. Company's bell. "As its sweet tones have swelled out on the air for these many years, they have conveyed to every citizen of our place the welcome tidings of a call to labor whose remuneration has conveyed joy, directly or otherwise, to each home in our city. Aye, its every echo thrills with gladness ! We have felt its hold upon our habits so forcibly since it has, for a while back, been rung out of usual hours. (A change from 12:30 to 12:00 noon, and 5:30 to 5 P. M.) Both are upsets to our usual time calculations." The big bell in the cupola continued to ring each day, and the plant seemed as fixed as a mighty rock. A tremendous wave of dismay and bewilderment swept over the town when it was announced in 1912 that the company, its patents and much of its equipment had been sold to the John Deere Company of Moline, Illinois, a powerful and well-financed competitor in the agricul- tural implement field. The plant here was to be closed, but ar- rangements were made to provide employment for all workers who would move to Moline. For years afterward, people would say regretfully, "They should have managed to keep the Adams plant here." But probably that would have been impossible in any case. The heads of the family were growing old, but were still shrewd and observant. In foreign trade, powerful European associa- tions, backed by their governments, were crushing rival com- panies wherever they found them, and rushing swiftly toward World War I. Bigness seemed to be more impressive than quality, as a measure of prestige. Methods of sales promotion were changing. Replacement of obsolete equipment was more expensive, and working capital more difficult for small companies to raise than ever before. The day of the small family-owned company had passed. Forces beyond its control had defeated it. But it surrendered on honorable terms, when it protected the jobs of its workers to the last. A few weeks ago a conference of the leading industrialists of the country was rebuked sharply by a speaker from the U. S. Department of Commerce. They were losing out, he said, in the 31 race for foreign markets because their representatives went only to large cities and talked only with the higher-ups. The man who was out in a muddy field, talking to a little group of farmers, was a German or a Japanese. SECTION IX RODERIC CLARK AND THE WATER POWER MARSEILLES LAND AND WATER POWER COMPANY Roderic Clark formed the Marseilles Land and Water Power Company in 1866, in association with Isaac Underhill and 0. W. Young of Peoria. Underhill had made a small fortune in land speculation, and put up the money to build a dam, excavate mill- FOREGROUND, ENTRANCE TO THE SHIP CHANNEL TO THE MAR- SEILLES LOCK. GOVERNMENT DAM ON RIGHT. BACKGROUND, CLARK-ADAMS BRIDGE, NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY PLANT races and set up machinery to transmit power to mills or work- shops. The dam, eight feet in height and a thousand feet in length, remained in use for thirty years. A paper mill and a mill for grinding oatmeal made the first leases for power in 1867, and Marseilles had bright dreams of its future as an industrial center. But Underhill lost his fortune in new speculation, and died soon afterward. Roderic Clark began an energetic search for manufacturers in need of the power he was now prepared to lease. It was through his influence that Augustus Adams and his sons were induced to set up the farm implement shops that soon became the Marseilles Manufacturing Company. 32 The H. A. Pitts' Sons Manufacturing Company prospered in the farm implement industry in Chicago till their factories were destroyed in the famous Chicago fire in 1871. They transferred their industry to Marseilles, at the suggestion of Roderic Clark, and continued their production of threshing machines. Soon they employed more workers than any other company in the town. Many of the mills and factories set up at this time had very limited capital, and were dependent for their operation on loans from wealthy investors and speculators in the East. These loans had been negotiated through Roderic Clark. His sudden death led to many bankruptcy proceedings disastrous to the new busi- ness enterprises and to the town. BIRD BICKFORD AND THE "NEW JERUSALEM" The water power passed into the control of Bird Bickford, a lawyer from Ottawa, who had great ambition but little money. He made plans to build a paper mill that would be the largest in the United States at that time. Construction began in 1882, with stone quarried from the hillside behind Bickford's home, the site now of Allender's H. and H. Service Station. Bickford's proud predictions of the future glory of the mill amused the workmen, who agreed that it would indeed be the "New Jerusalem". The name stuck. Bickford had invested heavily in other unwise ventures and by 1884 he was ruined financially. The "New Jerusalem" stood unfinished for ten years. A group of young men interested in the new sport of cycling, formed a "wheelmen's club" and practiced in its long empty corridors. When it came into the possession of the National Biscuit Company, their construction engineers found that its masonry was still true and firm. The "New Jerusalem" became a part of their present eight-story plant. LUCIUS CLARK'S PROMOTION OF WATER POWER Lucius Clark was associated with the Water Power Company for several years, mainly in efforts to induce mill owners to locate their plants in Marseilles. Ferdinand Schumacher, an elderly German who had made a fortune in cereal manufacture in Ohio, was in need of a factory for the production of cartons. Clark induced him to buy the water power rights and the "New Jerusalem" mill. The mill was completed and equipped to make cartons, and money was spent freely to improve the water power. The people of Marseilles were fond of Mr. Schumacher and were deeply sympathetic when he was tricked by his associates in Ohio into the loss of his fortune. Receivers representing his creditors came to operate his prop- erties here. 33 W. D. Boyce bought the water power rights in 1900, built a new dam across the river, and improved the races and power plant. The Marseilles Land and Water Power Company is now owned entirely by the W. D. Boyce Estate. It leases some power for local plants and utilities but much of the power is distributed by the Illinois Power Company to other cities. JOHN F. CLARK AND THE PAPER INDUSTRY John F. Clark became manager of a small mill in 1882 and began production of glazed paper for book publishers. In other mills he later manufactured wrapping paper, strawboard used for egg cases, and a composition paper board needed for cartons MARSEILLES LOCK, A PART OF THE LAKES TO THE GULF WATERWAY for bakery products. He built a pulp mill to supply wood fiber for this type of board. He was associated with R. F. Knott and the Crescent Paper Mill in much of this production. Clark was always handicapped by lack of capital, but each type of paper manufacture set up by him eventually was taken over by interests with abundant financial resources. For a time Marseilles had a "golden age" of plant construction and new employment opportunities. DEVELOPMENTS BY W. D. BOYCE AND HOWE AND DAVIDSON W. D. Boyce first came to manufacture book paper in associa- tion with Clark. When he began publication of newspapers, he bought Clark's pulp mill and quickly expanded it into great news- 34 print facilities that were the dominant industry of the town for several years. When he retired from the publishing business, the manufacture of newsprint came to an end here. In the meantime, bakery companies increased their demands for paper cartons. The National Biscuit Company noticed that the paper board supplied by Marseilles mills was superior to the product received from other companies. The Howe and Davidson Company took over the Clark mills used for this purpose, and built the largest plant in the city. After turning his chief operations over to the companies named, John F. Clark continued other types of production until his tragic and untimely death in 1905, at the age of fifty-one years. It was recalled that his chief pride had been that he had managed to keep his workmen steadily employed, in some way or other, in hard times as well as good. THE NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY The National Biscuit Company bought the Howe and David- son plant in 1902, and began to supply cartons to all the Nabisco bakeries. In 1921 the National Biscuit Company built its present eight- story plant, at that time the largest industrial building in the NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY INDUSTRY HAS BEEN IN OPERATION IN MARSEILLES FIFTY-EIGHT YEARS, LONGER THAN ANY OTHER, WITH GREATER NUMBER OF EMPLOY- EES, GREATER BENEFIT TO THE TOWN state outside of Chicago, and the first air-conditioned factory in this part of the country. The National Biscuit Company has now been in continuous operation for fifty-eight years, longer than any other industrial 35 organization in the history of the city. It has been generous in its contributions, and co-operative with its own labor force and with the public in many civic activities. It is to be noted that the manager, Howard Adler, is a "home town boy" who came up through the production departments of the great plant. SECTION X OTHER INDUSTRIES AND ENTERPRISES THE GOODELL MODEL SHOP One small two-man shop was better known in distant parts of the country than in Marseilles. It was the model shop of Dr. J. H. Goodell and his son Earnest, where in addition to repairs on small machines, working models were made for those who wished to submit applications for patents. Dr. Goodell was a well-trained physician, but failing health compelled him to give up his practice. His patience and precision in making delicate miniature machines, as well as his integrity in safe-guarding the secrets of his customers, made him known to inventors and patent attorneys, and he received orders from many parts of the country. His suggestions often helped inventors to improve on their own work. Charles R. Arnold, one of the first photographers here, might be regarded as an early-day commercial artist. In addition to studio portraits, he did a good deal of photography for industrial catalogues and reports. He collected royalties for several years on three inventions for the improvement of photographic equip- ment. He also taught classes in art at the Pleasant View Luther Academy in Ottawa. NEWSPAPERS A newspaper named the "Marseilles Gazette" began publica- tion in 1866. It became the "Marseilles Daily Register", under M. F. Bovard, and his associates, John M. Nicholson, editor, and Mabel Smith and Lessie Fleming, typesetters. When a linotype machine was installed, Lessie became a reporter. Publication ended in 1912. In 1908 the Ottawa Republican-Times set up a Marseilles bureau. J. Ray Beffel and his brother and sister "covered the town." Miss Vera Naretty has been in charge of the bureau for a number of years. The "Marseilles Plaindealer", a weekly published from 1876 to 1919, was a reflection of the even temperament of Terry Simmons, who, with the help of four sons, filled the paper with readable items. In 1902 the "Plaindealer" began publication of a short section each week in which news items of earlier years were summarized. 36 The editor suggested that these sections be pasted into scrap- books. These scrapbooks were treasured for years in many households, and today offer a mine of source material for study of day to day small town life that was far more lively and inter- esting than we realize today. A group of merchants in 1921 induced W. I. Dunlap and Sons to set up a job printing shop and a newspaper as a medium for local advertising. The "Marseilles Daily Press", a four-page newspaper, has been issued without interruption since that time. C. I. and Frieda Dunlap are proprietors at present. Another medium for conveying news and advertising is a short morning broadcast over Radio Station WCMY, by Bonnie Arnold (Mrs. James N. Arnold), and Vera Ameday. It is di- rected to Marseilles listeners, but draws response occasionally from a much more extensive area. BANKS IN MARSEILLES The First National Bank, set up in 1871, was a solid institu- tion. Prosperous farmers on its board, like Nathan Fleming of Rutland Township and B. F. Gage of Brookfield, held the confi- dence of rural customers as well as mill owners in town. The officers who peered through their wickets at the public, W. A. Morey, Frank Neff and Will Rollo, had the air of aloofness and caution that was expected of bankers. The bank prospered till it was overwhelmed, along with thousands of others, in the long business depression of the 1930's. By the banking laws of the time, each of the stockholders was obliged to put twice the value of his shares into a fund to protect the depositors as far as possible. Since all their assets were de- pressed in value, this must have caused real difficulty. From the fund made up by the stockholders, depositors finally received 87 per cent of their money. Sherman R. Lewis set up a Currency Exchange, to cash pay checks and rent safe deposit boxes, so the town managed to get along. In 1945 the Union National Bank was organized with Parr A. Rhines as president. Harmon D. Andrews is executive vice- president, and Earle 0. Corley is cashier. SECTION XI RECREATION THEN AND NOW The recreations of the early period of settlement are known to us only through old letters, family traditions or the memoirs of old settlers. For the period of the 70's, 80's and 90's, we have abundant information on small town social life through the files of newspapers of that time. 37 Almost every party was spoken of as a "surprise" party, and presumably the guests brought the refreshments. Church socials, held with great frequency, were announced as strawberry festi- vals, peach and ice cream socials, watermelon feasts, pie socials, oyster suppers, and even milk and mush socials in the early 70's. All were held in the homes of members, or on their lawns. Dances were held in Clark's Hall on Main Street or in halls in the Brick Block, in lodge rooms and hotel dining rooms. The annual ball of the Light Guards, a militia unit, was the social event of the year. Companies of volunteer firemen tried to out- do each other in dances that gave them a chance to wear their colorful uniforms. Platforms were erected for dancing in sum- mer, in vacant lots or in Lovers' Lane, along the bank of the river. Lighting was provided by Chinese paper lanterns, sus- pended from trees or from ropes above the platform. Torchlight parades were usually a part of political rallies, though any excuse would do. They began or ended at the porch of the Beckwith Hotel, operated by Mrs. A. A. Poole at the present site of the Mars Theatre on Main Street. Parades stepped off to the music of fife and drum corps units trained by Deacon Hurd. Later there were two marching bands and two string bands in the town, all made up of amateur talent. The bands combined to buy a large brightly-decorated wagon with rising tiers of seats, drawn by two teams of horses. It was the envy of similar bands wherever it appeared in parades in neighboring towns. "Getting on the bandwagon" really meant something in those days. Ice skating on the canal was a popular winter sport for people of all ages, and skating clubs here exchanged visits with those of Ottawa, Seneca and Morris. Occasionally the river was frozen over, and there was skating around the island. The water in the river was then clean enough for swimming, but there were dangerous currents, and many adults as well as children were drowned in the river or the canal, or in abandoned stone quarries and gravel pits. Little seemed to be known about rescue methods or first-aid measures. THE ROLLER SKATING RINK It may be surprising to many to learn that roller skating was tremendously popular in the 1880's and 90's. Rinks in the base- ments of two hotels had been in use for a few years when in January, 1885, the "Plaindealer" stated firmly: "This paper advocates strongly the building of a skating rink, that our people may keep in touch with the spirit of the age". A month later: "William Peace is erecting a skating rink on Washington Street (east of Pine Street). The rink and hall will 38 be 50 x 100 feet, and the skating surface will be 40 x 85 feet. Seating capacity, 1000." In May: "An event of great interest was the opening of the Washington Roller Skating Rink". Con- testants on roller skates pushed wheelbarrows around the course, or scooped up marbles or oranges. Polo games were played, with seven on each side. Johnnie Lansing was the champion "roller- ist" of the town. W. E. Smith (a livery stable keeper) won the fat man's race. Women held roller skating parties as daytime social events. A prominent hostess, Mrs. J. A. Galloway, fell and broke her wrist. Amateur theatricals might be held in churches if the theme was "elevating". "Ten Nights in a Barroom" and "Uncle Tom's Cabin" won approval on that score. "Golden Hair and the Three Bears" was put on several times. It was described as a beautiful operetta, so it must have been a rather elaborate variation of the childhood tale. It was produced at the Skating Rink. TEMPERANCE PARADES AND RALLIES The temperance movement had amazing strength in those days. The Cold Water Army, apparently enrolling both adults and children, had a membership of 613 at one time. There were Red Ribbon Clubs and Blue Ribbon Clubs, and clubs with the same names came from twelve surrounding towns to a conven- tion at the Skating Rink. Ottawa "went the temperance advo- cates one better," and sent delegates from Father Matthew's Total Abstinence Society. Talks before the convention included one on "Effects of Alcohol on the Moderate Drinker's Stomach", illustrated with colored charts. George Woodford lectured every night for two weeks pre- ceding a village election at which the issue was the granting of a license for a saloon. There were 800 persons present for some of the lectures. The results — 202 for license, 217 against. The village trustees granted a license anyway. The town was proud of the Marseilles Brown Stockings, its baseball team. The members were welcomed home with torch- light parades when they won victories in Joliet, Elgin or Aurora. "Wheeling clubs" of young men rode high-wheeled velocipedes and later used the "safety" type of bicycle. One young man claimed that he had covered 102 miles in nine hours, on a dirt road that was "as level as a floor". HORSES AND RUNAWAYS Horses were the only means of transportation, either for work or pleasure. A good team of work horses often cost as much as $400, an amazing figure in relation to the low price of farm products and wages of $1.00 or $1.50 paid for a day's work. A hundred teams or more were often tied up along Main Street on a busy day, and as many more were moving about the streets of the town. It is not surprising that runaways were a frequent occurrence, with serious and sometimes fatal results. The following news items are typical of many : "Charles Kirk narrowly escaped having his neck broken when thrown by a horse he was riding." "William Forrest was run over by a team in Chicago, and his life is despaired of." "Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peace were thrown from their car- riage. Mr. Peace got a bad cut over one eye. Mrs. Peace was carried home unconscious". "Miss Stella Storey was thrown from a carriage in East Marseilles, when the team ran away. She received internal injuries that seem to be serious". It was a treat to small children to see the Shetland ponies and their tiny colts on the Henry Dickerman farm, but only a few in the town owned Shetlands. Many of the older boys used as saddle ponies the wiry, light-weight broncos or mustangs from the Western Plains. Younger boys preferred to tag along with Bucky Watland and his goat. A Driving Park Association set up a half-mile dirt track along the roadway south of town, where Eb Barber trained his famous "Tural". Later there was another track west of town. LOVER'S LANE On Sunday afternoons, family groups and young couples strolled through Lover's Lane, a broad grassy walk bordered by beautiful trees that stretched for half a mile along the bank of the river. The father of the family often brought a jug to be filled with artesian water from the constantly-flowing well near the walk. Boats could be rented at Campbell's Landing for row- ing or fishing on the river. Honey Boy (George) Evans, a home town boy who had be- come famous as a writer of popular songs, assured his admirers that their favorite, "In the Good Old Summertime", had been inspired by his memories of Lover's Lane. In warm summer twilights, householders trimmed their roses, watered their lawns, and sat rocking gently on their porches. Later in the evening they might stroll down to Orsi's new ice cream parlor, to sit on stiff little metal chairs around small tables. Kusmaul's Bakery began to serve ice cream in the evening, and drug stores put in "soda fountains." The Columbia Opera House, built in 1893 at the corner of Washington and State Streets, was a substantial stone and brick structure. Leading dramatic and musical artists of the time ap- 40 peared there in one-night stands, and amateur theatricals were gradually given up. The opera house was used for high school commencements, and the first motion pictures ever seen in the town were shown there. VETERANS GROUPS, FOLK VALLEY, OTHER FACILITIES TODAY With the coming of motion pictures and later of radio and television, and with the commercial development of spectator sports, interest in earlier forms of recreation lessened. Increas- ing use of automobiles made it easy to reach larger centers or public parks, where facilities were available for active as well as spectator sports. Out of town visits and sight-seeing trips were preferred forms of recreation. In recent years there has been a swing back to interest in simple forms of recreation that can be carried on with facilities PLEASANT SCENE ON WEST BLUFF STREET BEFORE THE ELM TREE DISEASES ARRIVED available in the town. A City Recreation Board plans use of the City Park and school playgrounds, as well as Illini State Park, with emphasis on activities for children and young people. It will be noticed that most of the organizations that are active in 1960 have service to the community as one of their special objectives. Hundreds of civic-minded men and women give countless hours each year in directing and encouraging the activities of young people and children, entirely without compensation except in the satisfaction of knowing they are doing something worth-while. The recreational organization known as Folk Valley seems to be loosely organized but strongly linked, an association that grew out of an interest in square dancing, but has now acquired 41 a tract of forty acres of land, and built a cabin as a meeting place. The acreage is being developed as a sanctuary for birds and small animals, and for individual and group projects in landscaping or forest conservation. The American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars, make their halls available for many civic affairs and for social events. THE COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL There was general agreement that a public swimming pool would be an asset to the city, but estimates of cost furnished by construction companies were discouraging. Members of the Lions Club, after careful study, showed that the cost could be greatly reduced through co-operative effort, and volunteered to direct their own plan. To meet legal requirements, a nonprofit corporation, the Marseilles Lions Club Community Service Corporation was formed, with club members as its officers. A site on Commercial Street, with ample parking space, was donated to the city by ■:~ : *:s#:^ ! w;<«;w"-''-;.r COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL the Marseilles Land and Water Power Company. The corpora- tion was to control the operation of the pool till all indebtedness was paid, and title to all assets would then revert to the city. Lions Club members, under direction of Dr. Don A. Vespa, Henry J. Tisler, Jr. and James N. Arnold, collected $41,800 in contributions from business firms and individuals. Materials donated by business firms, and labor donated by club members, local unions and others, reduced construction costs to a minimum. 42 When the pool was opened to the public in May, 1959, the only indebtedness was $18,800, secured by interest-bearing twenty- year bonds, which are being paid off through fees for the use of the pool. This fine example of community effort has given Marseilles a recreation facility that would have cost at least $120,000 if constructed commercially. The water supply for the pool is drawn from its own deep well and treated in a filtering plant. The corporation employs swimming instructors and lifeguards. Hun- dreds of children enrolled in recreation programs in neighboring towns are brought in school buses for swimming instruction here. SECTION XII MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS, 1920-1933 When plans were made to open the Lakes to the Gulf Water- way, the federal government assumed direct control of certain parts of the work, but left others to be constructed by state and local authorities. Marseilles was fortunate in acquiring four major improvements. The Marseilles Lock, located at Bell's Island west of Mar- seilles, is 600 ft. in length, 110 ft. in width and 43 ft. deep. Each time the lock is operated, 11,800,000 gals, of water are required, CORPORATE LIMITS OF MARSEILLES IN 1960, INDICATED BY BROKEN LINE (Sketch by Robert Stride) and a vessel entering the lock is raised or lowered a distance of 23 ft. Water from Lake Michigan is diverted into the waterw r ay at Chicago to maintain the level needed. Plans are under way to lengthen the lock to 1,200 ft. 43 The Government Dam permits some water to pass under its crest down the regular channel of the river. Most of the water diverted from Lake Michigan is turned near the dam into a chan- nel cut beside the river. It is 27 ft. deep and 200 ft. wide, and permits vessels to pass two and a half miles downstream to the Lock, avoiding the rapids in the river. The land along the south bank of the Illinois River from the Lock eastward was developed into Illini State Park, with attrac- tive facilities for recreation. The city is indebted to I. N. Baughman, former mayor, for the construction of the present bridge across the river. The state planned to economize by using the bridge then existing, and adding an unsightly and dangerous approach on the south side. Mayor Baughman presented protests in court so effectively that the judge ruled against the state, and the new bridge was built. It was named the Clark-Adams Bridge, in tribute to Roderic Clark and Augustus Adams. SECTION XIII THE SEARCH FOR NEW INDUSTRIES The United Progressive Citizens Corporation, a nonprofit organization of members of labor unions, keeps up a steady effort to bring new industries to Marseilles. The search involves a tremendous amount of work by its president, Steve Tarochione, and its attorney, Joseph T. Guerrini. Assistance is given by other officers of the corporation, John Leigh, Steve Faletto, William Smith and John Price. The success they have gained, in stiff competition with other cities, should be appreciated by the com- munity. The National Phosphate Corporation, a chemical industry, will construct a phosphoric acid plant along the Illinois River east of Marseilles, to produce acid used in fertilizers. The officers of the company were favorably impressed in their interviews with the men from Marseilles, not only by the natural advantages of the site, but by offers of aid in constructing a road to the highway and in preparing the site for construction. Several years ago the Marseilles Industrial Expansion Corpo- ration, in which J. Gifford Campbell served as president and H. D. Andrews as vice president, worked with the United Progres- sive Citizens Corporation through J. Lindo Silver as liaison of the two groups. As a result of a fine co-operative effort, The Belmill Manufacturing Company, a garment industry, was in- duced to expand its facilities with the help offered, and to remain in Marseilles. The community found its reward in the employ- ment now given to more than a hundred women workers. A large factory on Commercial Street, vacated by the Certain- teed interests, had been a strong talking point in interviews with 44 prospective industries. When the owners planned to destroy it, Steve Tarochione joined with J. Gifford Campbell, Joseph T. Guerrini and J. Lindo Silver in forming the Marseilles Develop- ment Corporation to buy the building and to hold it in readiness for a future tenant. It may then be bought or leased at favorable terms, and occupied without delay. This may be the deciding factor in attracting a desirable industry. The search for a tenant continues. SECTION XIV ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS, YESTERDAY AND TODAY The Hundredth Anniversary of the founding of the City of Marseilles was marked by the greatest venture in community co- operation that the town had ever seen. It was held on Saturday through Monday, August 31 - September 2, 1935. The programs for the various days, held mainly in the afternoons and evenings, included band concerts and musical competitions in band music, fife and drum corps and old-fashioned dance music. Parades were held from Main Street to DeFilippi Field, the present site of the High School, and to Community Park, the present Com- munity Swimming Pool location. There was a Coronation Service for the Queen of Marseilles at Community Park, and awards for Miss Columbia and her attendants. The Queen was Freida Erickson, a beautiful girl with red-brown hair. She has been deceased for many years. Each evening there was a performance of a gigantic historical pageant, "One Hundred Years in Marseilles" in Community Park. More than 400 residents took part in fourteen scenes that began with a "Creation Ballet" and led down through historical episodes to World War I and the "Masque of the Nations". On Sunday morning, a boulder bearing a bronze plate was dedicated to Lovell Kimball, who had died of cholera in 1848 and was buried in the little cemetery on the East Hill above Pearl Street. The Rev. M. G. Linton gave the address. Later, all churches in the city held home-coming services. Illini State Park was dedicated in the afternoon, and there were band concerts, and contests, as well as boat races on the river. The pageant was repeated in the evening and was followed by the Centennial Ball in Ivy Way Gardens, a large dance hall. It is interesting to note that sightseeing airplane rides were offered as a new and rare experience, and the point was empha- sized that the pilots and planes were licensed by the government. On Monday, Labor Day, there were band concerts and com- petitions, a mammoth parade from Main Street to the baseball field. A great fireworks display followed the final performance of the pageant, and prizes for all the competitions of the cele- bration were awarded. 45 The town breathed a collective sigh of relief when the cele- bration ended, but there was pride in the remembrance that its citizens had undertaken a great task and had carried it through with a well-planned, well-executed program from beginning to end. 125TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The plans for the 125th Anniversary Celebration call for fes- tivities extending from July 23 through July 31. A high point will be the Coronation Ball and the crowning of "Miss Marseilles", in the High School gymnasium. A "MEAL ON MAIN STREET", a spaghetti dinner, will be served on Wednesday evening, July 27, at tables set up on the Main Street pavement from the Rock Is- land tracks to the head of the street. Advance sales of tickets indicate that 5,000 guests will be served. Harold Danelson will be in charge of preparing and serving the dinner. Governor William G. Stratton and Mrs. Stratton will be the guests of honor. There will be a horse show, ball games and competitions of various sorts, with a great parade and fireworks display. A feature that will probably be greeted with much enthusiasm will be days and hours when old-fashioned prices will be offered by merchants. Windows along Main Street and elsewhere will pre- sent exhibits of unusual historical value. The Committee in charge of the 125th Anniversary Celebra- tion includes Mayor David Guthrie as Chairman ; J. Lindo Silver and Harold V. Danelson as Co-ordinators ; Earl E. Smith, Secre- tary; J. G. Campbell, Finance and Budget; and Sam D. Viviani, Public Relations. 46 SECTION XV CIVIC GROUPS CITY OF MARSEILLES Incorporated as a Village, 1856, as a City, 1891 Commission Form of Government Since 1913 MAYOR— DAVID GUTHRIE COMMISSIONERS Department of Accounts, Finance Ben Guerrini Department of Streets, Public Improvements . . Leslie J. Mitchell Department of Public Health, Safety Earl E. Smith Department of Public Property John Lavery CITY OFFICERS City Attorney Joseph T. Guerrini City Clerk Steve Faletto Police Magistrate Frank J. Raimondo City Treasurer James J. Sutton FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief John Armstrong Assistants Dan McDonald, Wilbur Smouse 25 Volunteer Firemen POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief Harvey Blue Assistants Radar Roalson, Roy Pitts, Dominick Dolio, Harold Fewell Meters Dominic Leon STREET DEPARTMENT Superintendent Preston LeRette JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Manlius and Rutland Townships Clarence E. Hagy, John Bastuck, Frank Mattioda, Willis Price, Alfred Rix 47 MARSEILLES BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL DISTRICT 155 Kenneth L. Mulvaney, President Earle 0. Corley, Secretary Robert L. Allen, Treasurer (Employed) Jack Trager, Legal Adviser Harold Danelson Deane Dix Marion Moore Robert E. Smith C°) ORGANIZATIONS IN MARSEILLES Most Have State or National Affiliation A. F. of L Unions Carpenters Labor Local No. 393 National Biscuit Co. Painters Altrua Club American Legion Post American Legion Auxiliary Loyal Order of Moose Lodge Eastern Star Junior American Legion Auxiliary Junior Matrons Junior Women's Club La Salle County Trap Club Marseilles Lions Club Marseilles Sea Scouts Ship 94 Masonic Lodge Odd Fellows Lodge Parent Teachers Association Rakers Auto Club Rebekah Lodge Rod Benders Club Rotary Club Royal Neighbors Women's Club Veterans of Foreign Wars V. F. W. Auxiliary Women of the Moose Marseilles Unit of the Ryburn Memorial Hospital "Pink Ladies" Auxiliary Marseilles Volunteer Firemen's Association 48 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY, 1960 In years to come, these pages will indicate many points of interest about the life of our town. We are indebted to the Rakers Club for collecting the information listed. YEAR FIRM NAME OWNER OR MANAGER KIND OF BUSINESS EST. A & P Store — John Leheney, Mgr. — Grocery Allender's H & H Service — J. K. Allender — Gasoline Service 1955 Alliance Theatres, Mars — X. M. Mitchell — Motion Pictures 1936 Allied Marine — Dr. Jed Johnson — Boats, Motors 1957 Armstrong and Son — E. W. and John E. — Transfer, Moving 1914 B. P. E. Motor Sales — Victor Ellena, John Pomatto — Garage 1922 Bagley Coal Co. — Burton L. Bagley — Coal 1957 Ed Barker and Son — Charles E. Barker — Plumbing, Heating 1931 I. N. R. Beatty Lumber Co. — Joseph J. Laurich, Mgr. — Lumber 1943 Belmill Mfg. Co. — Richard-Sutton Co. — Sewing Jackets 1951 Ben Franklin Store — Arthur Brumwell, Mgr. — Variety Store 1949 Blackhawk Food Distributors — Wm. A. Joritz, LeRoy R. Spencer 1946 Bob's Barbershop — Bob Thomas — Barber 1956 Bolatto Bros. Tavern — Bolatto Family — Tavern and Bowling 1910 Bob and Rose's Tap — Robert Stewart — Tavern 1958 Bruno's Tap — Cello Bruno — Tavern 1928 Mrs. Elsie Caldwell — Community Nurse 1959 J. Gilford Campbell — Mortician 1948 Caselli Insurance Agency — John D. Caselli — Insurance, Real Estate . . 1954 Central Heating and Engineering Service — Gerald Brodbeck 1956 City Rexall Drugs — Carl J. Hill and Frank L. Peyla — Drugs 1954 Paul R. Clark, M. D. — Physician and Surgeon 1920 Ted Clark, D.D.S. — Dentist 1936 Club Almar — Joe, Eleanor Svoboda — Tavern, Restaurant 1959 E. A. Collins — Dry Goods 1915 Consumers Oil Products Co. — John R. Hinch — Petroleum Products . . . 1921 Daily Republican-Times — Vera Naretty, Mgr. — Newspaper, Marseilles Bureau 1908 Danelson's Confectionery — Harold Danelson — Confectionery 1946 Dayton Dairy — Frank Cresto — Dairy Products 1945 Decker Gas and Electric Co. — William R. Decker — Appliances, Contracting 1946 DeLuxe Beauty and Style Salon — Mrs. F. Buffo — Beautician, Dress Shop 1936 Dinelli's Market — Rodolph, Mary Dinelli — Grocery 1950 Dumke Florist — Henry, Fred Dumke — Greenhouse 1913 John Dunham's Lawn Mower Service — John Dunham 1957 Richard F. Dunn, M.D. — Physician and Surgeon 1947 East End Market — Roland W. Price — Grocery 1949 F. & M. Market — Lewis M. (Geno) Tram — Grocery 1927 Farmer's Music Shop — Donald Farmer — Piano Tuning 1957 Fenoglio Electric Co. — John Fenoglio — Retail Appliances 1947 Fenoglio Grocery — Mrs. Frances Fenoglio — Grocery 1922 Fenton Grocery — Marion, Mary Fenton — Grocery 1952 Fewell's Bakery — Raymond Fewell — Bakery 1925 49 Harold Fewell Studio — Harold C. Fewell — Photography 1950 Finkle Service Station — Ray W. Finkle — Gasoline Service 1936 Foutch Barbershop — Lester Foutch — Barber 1937 Frances Frackowiak, R. N. — Office Nurse 1950 N. L. Gaddis — Insurance 1945 Ray's Gamble Store — Ray Harris — Hardware 1958 Ganz Greenhouse — Paul Ganz 1959 Gibson's Painting Co. — Harry Gibson 1947 Gleason and Co. — W. F. Gleason — Furniture and Hardware 1924 Grace Hardin's Restaurant — Grace Hardin 1943 Grenda Body Shop — Leo Grenda — Auto Repairs 1958 Louis Pharmacy — Louis T. Guenzani, R.Ph. — Drugs 1946 Joseph T. Guerrini — Attorney 1933 Helen's Gift Shop — Louis Haslam, Dean Davis 1953 Glenn Hicks T.V. — Television Sales and Service 1959 Hicksgas Marseilles, Inc. — Ernest Austin, Mgr. — Propane Gas 1959 Carl J. Hill — Druggist 1954 Illini Milling Co. — Richard Rice, Louis Reynolds — Feed Grinding 1958 Illinois Power Co. — Hydraulic Plant 1911 Illinois Valley Sales — James Barnes — Milk Distributors 1945 Illinois Valley Water Co. — J. P. Hollerich — Water Service 1953 Iverson Machine Shop — Edward Iverson — Welding 1916 Ivy Way Garage — Charles J. Huss — Auto Repairs 1940 Ivy Way Market — Joseph Baima and Son — Grocery 1953 Janke's Small Engine Repair Shop — Ora Janke — Engine Repairs .... 1959 Edwin Jed Johnson, M.D. — Physician and Surgeon 1948 Ray Johnson's Barbershop 1914 Juanita's Beauty Shop — Juanita Scott — Beautician 1956 Pearl E. Kissane, R.N 1936 Lavery Shoe Store — John Lavery — Clothing and Shoes 1940 Leger Service Station — Paul Leger — Gasoline Service 1957 Reynolds Macchietto, D.C. — Chiropractor 1954 Maier-Schroeder Chevrolet Co. — Joseph Maier, Alvin Schroeder 1945 Main Street Feed Store — Harry Schultheis, Charles Spray 1950 Majcina Magikist Rug Cleaners — Edward J. Majcina 1950 Marine Tap — Wilbur R. Jones — Tavern 1953 Mars Hotel — Mabel Wilhelm 1930 Marseilles Building & Loan Assn 1890 Marseilles Cleaners — Walter Albertus — Dry Cleaning 1949 Marseilles Coin Laundry — Lean Marselle — Coin Laundry 1959 Marseilles Daily Press — C. I. and Freida Dunlap 1921 Marseilles Dairy — Ralph Spampanato — Dairy Products 1948 Marseilles Development Corp. — Business Promotion 1959 Marseilles Grain Co. — Don Reany, Manager — Grain Supplies 1947 Marseilles Land & Water Power Co. — W. D. Boyce Estate 1866 Marseilles Motel — Carl Herman 1953 Marseilles Nursing Service — Community Nursing 1919 Marseilles Plumbing and Heating Co. — Frank Morgan, Leroy Berge . . . 1945 Marseilles, Illinois, Post Office — George M. Farrell, Postmaster Marseilles Sales Agency — R. D. Allendar — New and Used Autos .... 1947 Marseilles Salvage Co. — T. W. Smith and Russell Smith 1945 Marseilles Telephone Company 1895 Marseilles Veterinary Clinic — D. L. Nickerson, D.V.M 1960 Sam and Dorothy Mason — Sanitary Hauling 1955 50 McGurty Service — John T. McGurty — Gasoline Service 1955 McNally Apartment House — Neva McNally 1926 McNamara, John A. — Attorney and Insurance 1950 Phillip A. Mendel, R.Ph. — Druggist 1949 Metille T.V. — Melvin Metille — T.V. and Radio Sales and Service 1960 Midwest Grocery and Meat — Virgil Bernardi 1922 Morello's — Bab Morello — Tavern and Package Liquors 1896 Morey's Motors — Martin Morey 1938 Moy Jewelry — Herb and Dorothey Moy — Jewelry 1943 Muffler's Excavating and Landscaping — Fritz Muffler 1951 Munari Radio and T.V. — A. Munari — Radio and T.V. Service 1950 Nanni Shoe Shop — Louis Nanni — Shoe Repairs 1918 National Biscuit Company — Howard Adler, Mgr 1902 Mrs. Earline Outman, R.N 1956 Peerless Cleaners — John O. Rensch — Dry Cleaning 1925 Perino's Greenhouse — Frank Perino 1953 Phillimore Saddle Shop — George W. Phillimore 1895 Prairie Lake Hunt Club — Ralph Erickson — Hunting Club & Lodge . . . 1956 R. & R. Drive-Inn — W. L. Richmond, Wayne Riskedahl 1960 Rafferty's Grocery — Orville Rafferty — Groceries 1955 Ann Raimondo — Beautician 1945 Ralph's Tap — Ralph Mathes — Tavern 1952 Reese's Barbershop — Reese Allen 1942 Mrs. Gladys J. Repke, R.N. — Community Nurse 1948 Rhines Grocery — R. Rhines 1959 Rhines Hardware — Deane S. Dix 1922 Road Chief Gas Station — Wallis Hovies — Gasoline Service 1957 Rock Island Lines — C. R. I. & P. Railroad 1853 Rose Barge Lines, Inc. — Water Transportation 1952 Route- Way Gas Station — Edward Johnson — Gasoline Service 1956 Ruby's Grill — Mrs. Ruby Colman — Restaurant 1960 Ruth's Cafe — Ruth and Loring Vickers — Restaurant 1957 Francis J. Ryan — Precast Concrete 1954 Sampsons' Radio and T.V. — Sidney Sampson — Repairs 1958 Seaborn Beauty Shop — Mrs. Lois Seaborn — Beautician 1941 Seals-Campbell Funeral Home — C. B. Seals, J. G. Campbell 1925 Shank and Donahue — Vincent Shank, Vernon Donahue — Men's Wear. . 1960 Silver Fross Root Beer Stand — L. Haslem and D. Davis 1933 J. Lindo Silver — General Insurance 1949 Simmons and Johnson — Hardware Store 1938 Sineni Barbershop — Mike Sineni — Barber 1923 Bob Smith's Gulf Service — Robert E. Smith — Gasoline Service 1951 Speed's Barbershop — James J. Boetto — Barber 1927 Adeline Spencer, R.N 1949 Spencer's Insurance — H. C. Spencer and A. G. "Bud" Spencer 1928 Spicer Gravel Company — E. L. and John H. Spicer 1918 Standard Foundry Products, Inc. — Metal Castings 1950 Standard Oil Bulk Plant — Orville Hausken — Fuel Oil 1950 Standard Service Station — Norman Hausken — Gasoline Service 1959 Steep's Garage — Clyde Steep 1942 Stickle's Cigar Store — M. L. Stickle 1930 Stoltz's Clothing and Shoes — J. M. and R. M. Stoltz 1955 H. K. Sutton, M.D. — Physician and Surgeon 1957 Mrs. Irma Tershowski — Beautician 1940 51 Thompson Hotel — Andrew Donna 1917 Tisler's Pontiac Sales — Henry Tisler, Jr. — Garage 1937 Trad's Clothing — Mike Trad, Sr. — Clothing and Shoes 1922 Treasure House — Mrs. LaVerne Brewick — Furnishings, Gifts 1943 Union National Bank — H. D. Andrews, Executive Vice President, E. O. Corley, Cashier 1945 United Service Station — Cloyd E. Robinson — Gasoline Service 1958 Valley Metal Products Co. — W. R. Guillory — Metal Fabricating 1937 Texaco Service — William J. Verona — Gasoline Service 1939 Don A. Vespa, D.D.S. — Dentist 1933 Viviani Beauty Shop — Sam Viviani — Beautician 1941 Webb's Tap — Sophia Mathes — Tavern 1956 Bob Wright Transfer — Bob Wright 1945 Chuck Wagon — Mr. and Mrs. John Stark — Restaurant 1960 52 81470 ILLINOIS OFFICE SUPPLY CC OTTAWA, IL^