The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA CHAMPAIGN THE PEDDLER OF VERY NICE; A BURLESQUE. BY THE AUTHOR OP r jaSt Loaf,” *‘ Stand by the' FugM. T ie Temn e?>'°” a\? J U ‘ e ’” “^ 9 Minutes for Refreshments,”^* We’re al^TeSotaW*^*??' % n »” “ Thirt y ‘A Public Benefactor,” “ A Sea of Trou wlf ” - A A ?° Se Shave,” Coals of Fire,” ” Freedom of the Press ” << sv,,, n Attachment,” Gentleman of the Jury” ‘‘Hntnnv=% ‘‘^llOur Mothers Vote?” :aptain,””New BrooZVeeopT^ °nSl e Strike,” “My Uncle the ochondriac,” “The^n wTth th^nf’ • 1 Th ?,^ r ^, at E]ixir ,” “The Hy. 'hief of Time ” “wanS J A w? 1 V The Runaways,” “The •recious Pickl’e,” «: nS Cu’re No p£°» k .i ™ A r£° Te ° f a Bonn’et,”“A The Greatest PiagneinUfe””The%^- T « e CEaln P 10n of Her Sex,” Using the Weed” “ Liffhthpnrf^^PM Cia - n Bend ’ “ The Red Ghignon,” *ees,” S “ The Sc^ptor’s ^riunmh ” The Kevolt of tie The War of the Roses ” “£ he Tournament of Idylcourt,” Santa Claus’ Frolics ” “ Snow-BoS Bonbons,” " Capuletta,” >ld Woman who lived in a Shop ” “TUck ■£> ® ^ ei ' r y Christmas of the even Ages,” - To7 La^e for the Tra^in Rebecca’s Triumph,” “ Comrades Pq H f 1S1 ? 1S freedom, Messmates,” &c.,&c. aaeS, P st Redemption,” “Nevada,” BOSTON AMATEUR DRAMAS FOR PARLOR THEATRICALS, EVENING EN- TERTAINMENTS AND SCHOOL EXHIBITIONS. BY GEORGE M. BAKER. Sylvia’s Soldier. Wanted, a Male Cook. A Sea of Troubles. We’re all Tetotalle^s. Freedom of the Press. The Rival Poets. CONTAINING Stand by the Flag. The Tempter. The Greatest Plague in Life. A Drop too Much. The Sculptor’s Triumph. Once on a Time. The Pedler of Very-Nice. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1866, by GEO. M. BAKER, in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. Copyright, 1894, BY Emily F. Baker (in renewal). G>fc a v ret > \*~> Ho 4 , W \ ?/2 < 0 / 73 , THE PEDDLER OF VERY NICE. A BURLESQUE OF THE Trial-scene in The Merchant of Venice. CHARACTERS. Shylook fa Pawnbroker). Judge Bussell (of the Very Nice Police Court)# Antonio (The Peddler of Very Nice). Bassanio (a Yery Nice young Man). Portia (a Yery Nice Bloomer). No. 333 (of the Yery Nice Police force). Clerk. COSTUMES. Shylock. — A long dressing gown, high colored; long white hose; san- dals ; a coarse wig, made from horse-hair, that can easily be detached in “ handfuls ; ” three hats, one on top of the other, in imitation of the old Jew peddlers. Judge. — Made up fat and pompous; knee breeches and stockings; long wig; flowered waistcoat; blue coat; long white neck-tie. Antonio. — Blue coat, with brass buttons, out at the elbows; black crop wig ; seedy pantaloons and boots ; he carries a tray containing toys and fancy articles, suspended by a strap around his neck, placard in front, — “ Any thing on this hoard for four cents.” Bassanio. — A rather dandified mixture of antique and modern costume; eye-glass; mustache. Porlda. — Bloomer dress; long curls; straw hat; spectacles and parasol. 333. — A burlesque imitation of a Boston policeman ; the hat very tall ; the buttons on his coat very large; and an enormous “ billy.” Clerk. — Rusty suit of black; black wig; cadaverous face, and heavy black eyebrows. All the characters should be labelled with placards suspended around the neck, thus: — “ This is Shylock “ This is the Judge /” “ This is Portia,'”