^ 0 ) CQ ir LXJ O '4 A h3 Eh h3 o 1-3 D S H >H o o; M a: < O H o ct; M-i j S - PQ PQ Pm a: rt: 2 H rH CSJ M • H od ♦-u o e-« O H »-q O O V D t-3 JUST J J u o U ... >: c a: a: c: ( ^ C C, C C. ^ (, (,.. C i aaiNaivd »d>v .anoow I. HEIGHT GROUP CARO | VOL. THIS i I title / The Carroll Institute takes great pleasure in presenting this Catalogue of its Library to the members and friends of the association. Its publication was under- taken at considerable expenditure of labor and money, in the hope that it would not only give readers material assistance in the selection of desirable, choice books, but also furnish benefactors of the Library an idea of the number of works so far collected. The Institute aims to collect all Catholic publications and the most approved among secular works, and it respectfully solicits from its friends donations of books, pamphlets, magazines, etc., not already in the Library, Please send to The Carroll Institute, No. 602 F Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. OF THE t CARROLL INSTITUTE j. '’>j£ ■ ^ LIBRARY. WASHINGTON : Gray & Clarkson, Printers 1885. / INTRODUCTION. cJ o C/) -I • 1/1 3 The idea of forming the society which has since become the Carroll Institute originated with Major Edmond Mallet while President of the Young Catholics’ Friend Society of AVashington. The primitive purpose was to form an organ- ization as an adjunct to the Young Catholics’ Friend Society, ^which should contribute to the interest of its meetings, and from which talent might be drawn for that purpose. A pre- liminary meeting was held in the basement of Carroll Hall, then used by St. Patrick’s congregation as a church, on Sun- day evening, September 7, 1873. It was determined at that meeting, after mature consider- ation, to organize an independent association, instead of an auxiliary society, to be called the Carroll Literary Association. An election of officers was held on the following Thursday evening, September eleventh. Captain Daniel McMahon was elected President, and the late much-lamented John Carroll Brent, Librarian. An appeal was then made to the members for donations of books to form the nucleus of a library. Soon after this Mr. Brent, who was the President of the Particular Council, St. Vincent de Paul Society, jdaced the library of that associa- tion, consisting of about three hundred volumes, including pamphlets, in the custody of the new society and lor its use On February 5, 1874, Rev. John J. Keane, now Bishop of Richmond,Ya., as chairman of the Library (Ymmittee, issue v. S°. Phila- (Idph i a ,187 6-’84. Ammen, S. Z. Caverns of Liiray. An illustrated guide-book to the caverns, expLiining the manner of tluur formation, their peculiar growths, tlieir geology, chemistry, etc. 4th ed. 46 p]). 8°. Philadelphia, 1884, Anderdon, Tier. William Henry, Afternoons with the v^aints. 1st series. 5th ed. 18°. Loudon, [a. d.] Antoine de Bonneval. A tale of Paris in the days of St. Vincent de Paul, 299 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1867. (Traudator.) Sermon of the Bishop of Odeans. See Dufanloup, Mgr. F. A. P. Andrews, William Eusebius. Chltical and historical review of Fox’s Book of Martyrs. 2 v. 440, 447 pp. 8°. Balti- more. [n. (/.] Catholic school book. 216 pp. 16°. Philadelphia. [ri. d.] (Editor.) See Catholic Vindicator. Anecdotes of the reign of Louis XVI, King of France ; also M. Xecker’s account of his administration of the finances. Translated by John O’Connor. 202 pp. 16°. Nevj York. [17 — ]. (Bound with Byron, G. G. K., Alarino Faliero.) vVnnales de I’Association de la Prf»i)agation de la For. Becu- eil p^riodique des lettres des eveques et des missionnaires des missions des deux mondes, et de tons les documens relatifs aux missions et a I’Association de la Projragation de la Foi, 1822-’88. 8d ed. 10 v. 8°. Lyons, 1827-’88. Ear/. Annals of the Propagation of the Faith. A periodical collection of letters from the bishoirs and mis- sionaries employed in the missions of the Old and New World and of all the documents relating to those missions, and to the Institution for the Propagation of the Faith. 89 V. 8°. Paris, London, Dublin and Baltimore, 1838-76. See Instructive and Curious Epistles. Appleton, Bev. James. (Editor.) Instructions on the doc- trines, duties and resources of the Catholic religion. See Liiomond, Abbe C. F. Arbitrary Power, Popery, Protestantism, as contained in Nos. XV, XVIII, XIX of the Dublin Keview. 251 jrp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1842. Armstrong, Annie. Threads of thought. 124 pp. 12°. Wadiington, 1884. Armstrong, John. Notices of the War of 1812. 2 v. 260, 244 i)p. 12°. New York, 1840. Arnold, Thomas. Catholic dictionary. See Addis, W. E., and Arnold, T. Arnold, Thomas, L). D. Life of Hannibal. 320 pp. 16°. New York, 1860. Art of conversation. The ; with directions for self-e/7p ISlio. Artmax, AVilliam, y JE G. K. Browne. 441 pp. 8°. London, 1852. History of the life, writings, and doctrines of Lutheiv Translated from the French by AVm. B. Turnbull. 2 v, 512, 497 pp. 8°. London., 1854. Aituistixe, Saint. The confessions of St. Augustine. 285 ])p, 12°. New Yo)'k, nJ/c// A iGhuoa, 1844. Autobiouraruy of an English soldier in the United States army. 288 pj). 12°. Ne.ir Yo)d:, 1858. AvRr>i, Alfred. The verbalist; ii manual devoted to hritd" tliscussions of the right and the wrong use of words. 220 pp. 16°. New York, 1882. A YToux, William Edmondstoune. Lays of the Scottish cava- liers and other poems. 851 ])p. 12°. New York, 1852. Azarias, lirother. Develoimient of English literature: thu Old Flnglish period. 214 pp. 12°. New York, 1879. Essay on the philosoiJiy of literature. 4th ed. 2i.\s; l)p. 12°. 'Plt.lladelphia, 1879. BA(isriAWE, Her. John B. The threshold of the ('atholic- Church. A course of plain instructions for those entering her communion. With a jweface by Rt. Rev. Alonsigimr ('apel. 298 i)p. 12°. Neir Lor/y 1878. Baixe, A. U. Essay on the harmonious relations betwc'en divine faith and natural reason, with two chapters on the divine offi.ce of the (’hurch. 2d ed. 49() pp. 12°. Jlalti- niore, 1861. Baixes, Jtt. Lee. Peter Augustine. Faith, hope, and charity. Substance of a sermon preached at the dedication of the ( 'atholic chapel at Bradford, England, on July 27, 1825. 15 pp. 8°. Lhiladelphia, 1849. Baker, AAr. Augustine, O. S. ]>. Sancta Sophia; or, direc- tions for the prayer of contemi.'lation. Eldited by Father Serenus Uressy. 412 p]). 12°. Neiv Lor/y 1857. Baker, George M. {Editor.) Reading clul) and handy speaker. Xo. 4. 108 })p. 16°. Boston, 1^77. B.vkek, General La Fayette ('. History of the United State.^ secret service. 608 i)p. 8°. Bkdadelpliia, 1867. B.\LA[]'>i, AY.r'. James Imcian Anthony. Uriterion; or, howto ^o\ , ('ATAL()(jrE. i:} Tlie sanio. iM ed. oOJ pp. S°. lUdthiiore, . Tlte same. lMiroi)eaii civilization. 7th ed. oOl pp. 8°. fkiltiviore, ISGl. IIaltimore. Address of the editorial committee of the ('ath- olic Tract Society of Baltimore to the public. To which is appended an extract from the confessions of St. Augustin, touether with the constitution and l)v-laws of the sociidv. 24 i>p. 12°. JialtiuioiT. [1839.] (Old Wasiiinctox. Demonstration in Baltimore and Washington, I). ('., in honor of th(‘ twenty-fifth anniv('r- sary of the election of Pius IX to the chair of St. Peter, June 17-19, 1871. 80 pj). 8°. lUdfimore, 1871. , and CiKoiUiETowx. Reception hy the cleruy and laity of Baltimore, Washin.u’ton and Georgetown, of Ids Grac^ the Most Rev. Archbishop Spalding, on his return from the council of the Vatican, witli the resolu- tions and ])rotests against the sacrilegious invasion of Rome and the Paj)al States. 35])]). 8°. Bidfimarc, Baetimoue and Ohio Railroad. History and descri])tion of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. 200 })j). 8°. Balti- more, 1853. Bancroft. Aaron. Life of George Washington. 2 v. 223, 218 ])]). 24°. Boxtoii, 1820. .Bancroft, George. History of the Hnited States from the dis(X)verv of tlie American continent, v. 1-7. 8°. Boston, 1857-58!; The same. (> v. 12°. Boston, 1879. Memorial address on the life and cliaracter of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the House of Re])resenta- tives on February 12, 180(). (59])]). 12°. ira.s‘/o’/)_^h>R, 18(50. Banim, John. The Celt’s paradise, in four duans. 90 ])]). 1 2°. Neir York, 18(59. (Bound with ^Mcrrav, P. J. Life of John Banim.) and Michael. The hit o’ writin’ and other tales. By the O’Hara family, [p.srm/.] 40(5])]). 12°. AAc I'or/p 18(59. Boyne water. 559 p]). 12°. lYeir York, 18(5(5. The ero])j)y; a tale of the Irish rebellion of 1798. 435 ])]). 12°. Neir York. [a. d.] The Bak.vult, Ahtie . The elevation of the soul to God hy means, of spiritual considerations and aftections. Translated from the French. pj). 16°. New York. [a. d.] Bakhauld, a nna L. Poems ; with an epistle to William Wil- herforce. ]2() })p. 24°. Forton, 1826. EAR]?orR, George M. Florida for tourists, invalids and set- tlers ; containing practical information, etc. Ulus. olO pp.. 12°. Accj I or/c, 1882. Barrin{;ton, Sir Jonah. Rise and fall of the Irish natioii- 472 pp. 12°. [Up. yr.] Barrox, Prof. AVilliam. Letters on belles-lettres and logic.. 2 V. 567, 620 pp. 8°. London, 1806. Barry, J. J., J/. 1). {Compiler.) The life of Christopher C’ohimbns. Sec Roselly be I.oroues, A. F. F. V. Bartoli, Rer. Daniel, S. J. History of the life and institute of St. Ignatius de Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus. Portrait. 2 v. 342, 437 pp. 12°. New York, 1855. and Maffei, Rev. John Peter. Life of St. Francis Xavier, apostle of the Indies and Japan. From the Italian. With a preface by the Very Rev. F'. AY. Faber. Map. 653 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1856. The same. 2d Amer. ed. (553 pp. 12°. Balti- more, 1862. The same. 6th Amer. ed. 653 jyp. 12°. Few York, 1882. Barton, E. E. (Editor.) Historical and commercial sketches of AAAshiinrton and environs. 266 j)p. 8°. Washington,. 1884. Barton, Bernard. Poems. 324 pp. 24°. Boston, J826. Bateman, J. C. lerne of Armorica. A tale of the time of (.'hlovis. 542 pp. 12°. Xeiv York, 1874. Battersby’s Catholic tracts. 2d ed. 100, 72, 68 pp. 16°. Dublin, 1845-’46. Registry for the Catholic world, with the complete ordo or Catholic directorv, almanac, and registry for the year 1853. 485 pp. 12°.'' 1853. Baunard, Abbe Louis. Life of the Apostle St. John. Trans- lated from the French. 417 pp. 12°. New 1875. Bayley, Most Rev. James Roosevelt, Archbishop of Baltimore. Memoirs. of the Rt. Rev. Simon AVilliam Gabriel Brute, first bishop of Vincennes, with sketches describing liis recollections of scenes connected with the French revolu- tion. Portrait. 266 jyp. 12°. Neu: York, WHS. Address before the State (Jatholic Total Ab.stinenco Union, on intemperance, etc. (In O’Brien, J. AA". Lectures and addresses.) Beadle, Henry M. (Editor.) SVv; AVAsHiN(iTON Catholic. Beattie, Janies. Poetical works of James Beattie, and poems CATXUKxVE. 15 and plciv.s of Oliver Goldsmith. 458 pp. 1()°. Xeir York, 18()0, Beauties of faitli ; or, power of INIarv’s patronage. Liuives from the “Ave INfaria.” ll?;’) p]). lli°. Neu) f'er/r, ISO?. Beauties of the shamroek. Containinf^ liiography, ehxpience, essays and poetry, [diio/o] v. 1. 'IKS pp. 12°. Phila- delphia, 1812. Bede, Augustine. Letters to an Episcopalian on the origin, history and doctrine of the book of common-iirayer. oOG pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1859. Bedford, Henry. Life of 81. Vincent de Paul. 21(5 pp. 12°. Xeuj York, 18(35. Beecher, Catharine E. Letters to the people on health and happiness. 192 pp. 12°. yeiv York, 1855. Bi^esau, Abhd Amable. Tlie spirit of education. Trans- lated by IMrs. E. M. McCarthy. Portrait. o25 jip., 12°. St/racuse, 1881 . Beoel, Per. J. J. Last journey and memorials of the lle- deemer; or, via crueis as it is in Jerusalem; with topo- graphical, arclueological, historical, traditional and scrij)- tural notes. Maps and illus. 102 jip. 12°. Neiv York, 1880. Bell, Currer, (pseud.) See Bronte, Charlotte. Bell, AVr. John. (Editor.) Lives of the saints. >S'cc Butler, Rev. A. Benoer, Miss Elizabeth Ogilvy. iMemoirs of the life of Mary Queen of Scots, with anecdotes of the court of Henry H. 2 V. :H0, :329 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1852. Benton, Hou. Thomas 11. Thirty years’ view; or, a history of the working of the American Government for thirty years, 1820-’50. 2 v. 789, 788 pp. 8°. Xew York, 1854. "" Berancer, Pierre Jean de. Two hundred of his lyrical ])oems done into Elnglish verse. By William Young. 409 pp. 12°. Xew York, 1850. Berminoham, Per. James. Memoir of the Very Rev. Tlieo- bald IMathew, with an account of tlie rise anil progress of temperance in Ireland. Edited by P. H. IMorris, M. 1)., by whom is added tlie evil effects of drunkenness physio- logically explained. 21(5 pp. 12°. AVic Per/t, 1841. Beyle, IMarie Henri. Life of Haydn, in letters written at Vienna. Eollowed by tlie life of Mozart, with observations on .Metastasio and on the present state of music in Erance and Italy. Translated from the Erench of L. A. C. Bom- bet, [])seud.)\ 'M)l pp. 12°. Providence, 1820. Bible. Holy Bible. Translated from the Latin vulgate; diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions ‘in divers languages. The Old Testament, first published by the English college at Douay, A. I). 1(509, and the Xew Testament, lirst published by the Elnglish college at Rheims, A. D. 1582, with annotations and an historical 16 CAUliOLL INSTITUTE TAEUARY. iind chronological index. Revised and corrected according to the Clenientin editiort of the Scriptures, and approved of by the Most Rev. Dr. Troy, R. C. A. 1). 827,124 pp. 4°. Dnhl'm, Richufd (hijnc, 18R3. The same. AVith annotations and references, and an historical and chronological index. GDI, R)1 pp. 8°. Bos- ton, B. JJonalioe, 18Go. • The same. AVith annotations by the Rev. Dr. Chal- loner; together with references, an historical and chrono- logical index, and a table of the epistles and gospels for all the Sundays and holy days throughout the year, and of the most notable feasts in the Roman calendar. Revised and corrected according to the Clementine edition of the Scriptures. t)7G j^p. 8°. Bhikidclphia, John E. Potter A ( '<). [ro (/.] ■ The same. AVith useful notes, critical, historical, (‘.] l. 12°. Portland, (Jr., 1878. Jubilee of the fiftieth anniversary of the ordinance to the ])riesthood of the Most Rev. F. N. BUinchet, arch- bisho]) of Oregon City, celebrated on July 18, 18(51), in the cathedral of the Immaculate Concejkion of the Blessed Virgin Marv, in Portland, Oregon. 15])]). 8°. Portland, Or., 18(59. Pastoral letter. >SVr Catholic' Cnriicn. The life and labors of Most Rev. Francis Norbert Blanchet, D. I)., with funeral sermons by Most Rev. C. J. Seghers, 1). 1)., and final obseejuies of the Patriarch of the Northwest. Portrait. IG ])]). 8°. Portland, (Jr., 1888. Blox, John E. Justo Ec'ondondo. j)ri-nce of Ja]ian. By Philalethes, [psrcc/.] 848 p]). 12°. /Cr/tdeorc, bS.H. Hooy, Jlon. Lewis \dtal. Memc)rial addresses on the life ancl character of Lewis V. Bogy, senator from jMissoiiri, delivered in the Senate' and in the House of Re])re.senta- tives, January 1(5 and 28, 1878. Portrait. 97 ])]). 8°. Washhtgton, 1878. BOLAND, Rev. John D. Life and times of Archbisho]) ( ar- roll. Substance of a lecture delivered before the ('arroll Institute, of Washington, D. C., January 25, 188:5. [In Washin(;tox Catholic, v. 2, No. 2(5, 1888.) Bolandex, ( 'onrad von, ( />.sr)/d.) See Bishoff, Rev. Joseph K. Carl. Bomheht, ]A)uis Alexamlre Cesar, { /wend.) See Beyle, Marie Henri. 18 CAHROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. BoNAVENTurvE, Saul.t. Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated from the Latin. WTth the devotion to the three hours’ agony of our Lord on tlie cross, hy Rev. Alphonsus Messia, S. J.; and the Life of St. Josepln [A non.] 308, 52 j)p. 1(5°. Baltlviort'. [a. d.] Book of Oratory. C’ompiled for the use of colleges, academies and the higher classes of select and parish schools. By a member of the order of the Holy Cross. [Taoa.] 648 pp. 12°. Xew York, 1872. Boone, Rev. Jean Baptiste, S. J. On fashions. Translated from the French. 40 pp. 24°. /LdC'amrc, 1853. Bossuet, Rt. Rev. Jacques Benigne. Conference on the authority of the Church, held March 1, 1670, between James Benignus Bossuet, bishop of Cbndom, afterward of Meaux, and John Claude, Calvinist minister of Charentoii, with reflections on a treatise by M. Claude. By the Bishop of Condom. 132 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1842. History of the variations of the Protestant churches. Translated from the French. 2 v. 372, :)72 pp. 12°. New York, 1836. Boston. Historical and descriptive sketch of the statue.s of St. Peter and Notre I)ame des Victoires, recently i)re- sented by his Holiness Leo XIII, and l)y Rev. Father Chevojon to the French church of Notre Dame des Vic- toires of Boston. 8 pp. 8°. Bouton, 1882. Boswell, James. Life of Samuel Johnson. 4 v. 12°. Lon- don, 1865-’67. Botta, Carlo. History of the war of the independence of the Lbiited States of America. Translated from the Italian bv G. A. Otis. 3d ed. 2 v. 472,468 pp. 8°. NewJlaven,. 1834. Boudreaux, Rev. F. J., A. J. The happiness of heaven. By a Father of the Society of Jesus. {^Anon.~\ 372 pp. 16°. Baltimore, 1873. Bouiiours, Rev. Dominiciue, S. J. Life of St. Francis Xavier,, of the Society of Jesus, apostle of the Indies and of Japan. Translated from the French bv James Dryden. Ulus. 376,. 14 pp. 8°. Dublin, 1812. IJfe of St. Ignatius, founder of the Society of Jesus; to which is prefixed a sketeh of the institute of the Jesuits. 419 pp. , 12°. Philadelphia, 1840. Bourdaloue, Rev. Louis, >S'. J. A spiritual retreat for eight successive days, with meditation and considerations, for ecclesiastics, religious and all Christians in every state of life. Translated from the French. 327 pj). 16°. Balti- more. [r. c/.] Bowden, Rev. John Edward. life and letters of Rev. Fred- erick William Faber, priest of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri. With an introduction by an American clergyman. Portrait. 487 i)p. 12°. Baltimore, 1869. The same. 487 pp. 12°. Baltimore. [1880.] (WTALOOrE. 10 Bowen, Abel. {(ompUer.) The naval iiionuiiieiit ; eontaiii- iii" ofheial and other accounts of all the battles fought between the navies of the United States and (Ireat Britain during the late war, and an account of the war Avith Algiers ; to which is annexed a naval register of the United States, [.laoa.] Ulus. oKi pp. S°, llodon, bSl(>. Bowles, Emily. {Trnndfi.tor.) A sister’s story. S'cc Craven, A.; uho Eagle and dove, Fleukiot, Z. M. A. Bowles, William Jdsle. The missionarv ; a poem. 144 p^). 24°. Philadelphia, 1815. Boyce, John. Mary Lee; or, the A'ankee in Ireland. By Paul Peppergrass, 891 pp. 12°. Boston, [a.d.] Kothelan ; a romance of the English histories. 2 v. in 1. 289, 281 pp. 12°. New York, 1825. Shandy McGuire ; or, tricks upon travelers, being a storv of the north of Ireland. 854 pp. 12°. New York, 1858. ‘ Spaewife ; or, the (jueen’s secret. A story of the times of Queen Elizabeth. 2\. 854,888 pp. 12°. Balti- more, 1858. Bover, Abel. French dictionary; also an English-French dictionaiy designed as a second part. 2 v. bd. in 1. 580, 250 pp. 8°. Bo!, 1844. Bovesen, Hjalmar lljorth. (pieen Titania ; the mountain’s face; and a dangerous virtue. 254 pp. 12°. New York, 1881. Boyhood of great painters. From the French. [.L?oa.] 1st and 2(1 series. 2 v. 210, 218 pp. 10°. New York, [n. d.] Boyle, Esmeralda. Biographical sketches of distinguished Marylanders. 874 pp. 12°. B(dtimore, 1^77. Thistle-down. 159 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1871. Boyle, Per. Francis FI. Lecture on Pius IX and the Church in America, at Odd Fellows’ Hall, June 8, 1877. 24 i)p. 8°. ]]'((shi)i(jto)i, 1877. Sernion preached in the cathedral of Baltimore on the occasion of the month’s mind for the IMost Kev. Francis P. Kenrick, I). D., archbishop of Baltimore, August 12, 1808. 8 i)p. 8°. Baltimore, 1808. Bkaendle, Pose A. OnlyaAvaif. 280 pp. 12°. AV/r Hnd-, 1880. [Presentation copy'from the author to the Carroll Insti- tute Library.] Br.vme, C. M. Tales from the diary of a Sister of Merev. 828 pj). 12°. New }7>rF, 18()8. Brann, Per . Henry A. Curious questions. 292 ])p. 12°. Newark, N. J., 1800. iMartin Luther. 47 pp. 8°. New York. [1888.] Brannan, John. [Compiler.) Otiicial letters of the military and naval (jtiicers of the United States during the war 20 ('ARllOLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. 'svilh Great Britain — 1812, ’ll), T-1 and ’15, with some addi- tional letters and docnments elucidating the history of that l)eriod. 510 j)p. 8°. ]V((i<]u)igf()ii, 1828. BnAsiiEAES, Noah. The satirist; with iniscellaneons pieces in verse and prose. ()0 pp. 12°. Washington, 1882. Rreckenkidoe, Jier. John. Discussion on the (piestion, Is the Roman Catholic religion, in any or in all its princij)les or doctrines, inimical to civil or religious liberty? and of the question. Is the Presbyterian religion, in any or in all its principles or doctrines, inimical to civil or religions liberty? See IIutniES, Most Rev. J., coid pRECKENinjxiE, Rev. J. Drenan, Iter. ]M. J., 0. S. F. Ecclesiastical history of Ireland from the introduction of Christianity in that country to tlie year 1821). 082 i)p. 8°. DiiUhi, 1804. Prennan, Rev. Janies J. A catechism of the history of Ireland. INIap. 252 i)p. 12°. Nev' York, 1878. Brexnax, Rev. Richard. A popular life of our Holy Father Pojie Pius IX. 8d ed. Ulus. 282 pp. 8°. Neiv York, 1877. [Editor.) Lives of the Irish martyrs and confessors, by Myles O’Reilly and Rev. Richard Brennan; also a historv of the penal laws, bv Parnell. 757 pp. 8°. Xem York, 1882. Brext, Daniel. Biograjihical sketch of the Most Rev. John C’arroll, tirst archbishop of Baltimore, with select portions of his writings. Edited by John Carroll Brent. IMrtrait. 821 ])p. 12°. Baltimore, 1848. BRENT, John Carroll. Address on the life and character of John Carroll Brent. See Blake, J. B. Bresciaxi, Rev. Antonio, S. J. The Jew of Verona; an his- torical tale of the Italian revolutions of 184()-'4J. Trans- lated from the Italian. 2 v. 418,877 pp. 12°. Balti- more, 1854. Lionello; a se(piel to the Jew of Verona. 2d ed. 877 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1871. • IMatilda of Canossa, and AMland of (Troningen. Translated by Anna T. Sadlier. 528 pp. 12°. Xen) York, 1875. Brid(;et, Saint. The life of Saint Bridget, virgin and abbess. (A])pended to Patrick, Saint. The life.) Brief account of the reception of twenty persons into the one fold of the holy Catholic Church. By one of the twenty. 28 pj). 12°. Baltimore, 1858. Broder, Paul. Reply to a iiamphlet on “(’atholic and non-Catholic poetry regarding the Blessed Adrgin.” 82 jip. 8°. Notre Daine, Ind., 18(57. Bc.oxte, ( ’harlotte. Jane Evre; an autobiograiJiv. 488 ])}>. 12°. A>c' Ibr/q 18(55. Shirley; a tale. 572 pp. 12°. .Vcc EaF. 1857. Bhooks, Erastus. Brooksiana. See IlrouEs. Most Rev. J. ('ATALOGUlv 21 ]>K<)TIIKKS OF TIIF ( 'lllUSTI.V X S(’H 001 .S. SccOlld l)()ok of inii: lessons. 144 pp. 1^4°. Pliilddrlphid, 1S4l1. Third book of reading’ lessons. :’)22 })p. 12°. Phila- delphia, 18o pp. 12°. Neir I'or/.-, hShh. ( ieoi>:rai)hy and short history of Ireland. 24 i)p. 1. 12°. Baltimore, [in d.] Bryaxt, William Cullen. Poems. d78 pp. 12°. Fliiladel- phia, 1852. {Compiler.) Selections from American poets, old pp. 1()°. New York, 1848. Bulwer-Lyttox, Sir Edward. Athens; its rise and fall; with views of the literature, philosophy and social life of the Athenian people. 2 v. 275, 824 jip. 12°. Wcr; York, 1887. The Caxtons ; a family picture. 2 v. 898, 887 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphia, 1800. Caxtoniana ; a series of essays on life, literature and manners. 441 pp. 12°. New York, 1804. The disowned. 2 v. in 1. 279, 224 pp. 12°. Neiv York, 1829. • Ernest Maltravers; or, the Eleusinia. 2 v. 270, 817 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1806. The same. Part second. C’omprising Alice ; or, the mysteries. 2 v. 880, 818 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1800. Eugene Aram ; a tale. 2v. 280, 887pix 12°. Phila- delphia, 1862. Harold, the last of the Saxon kings. 2 v. 886, 862 jip. 1 2° . Ph i la del ph ia, 1 865. Leila ; or, the siege of Granada ; and Calderon the courtier. 839 ])p. 12 °. Philadelphia, 1865. “ My novel ;” or, varieties in English life. 2 v. 589, 581 pp. 12°. New York, 1860. Night and morning ; a novel. 2 v. 392, 370 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1865. Pelham ; or, the adventures of a gentleman. 2 v. 865, 338 pp. 12°. Philadelphia. 1865. Pilgrims of the Rhine. 351 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1865. Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes. 2 v. 373, 866 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1865. Zanoni. 2 v. 298,313 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, imb. Bureau of Catholic Ixdian Missioxs. Annals of the Cath- olic Indian missions of America, v. 1, Nos. 1-2; v. 2, Nos. 1-4. 8°. Washington. [1877-82.] Ger. Annalen der Katholischen Indianer-Missionen vonAmerika. v. ],No. 1. 82pp. 8°. Washmgton. [1877.] Archdiocese of St. Louis. Appeal of Mrs. W. T. Sherman to the Catholic ladies of the United States. 9 jip. 8°. [a. /.-p.] Cinmlar of the Catholic commissioner for Indian missions to the Catholics of the Linited States. 14 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1874. CATALOGUE. Official construction of President Grant’s Indian peace policy. 6 px>. 8°. [??. ^-p.] ■ Letter of General O. O. Howard, U. S. A., to the • “Chicago Advance” on the Grande Ronde Indian agency; and report of Indian inspector E. C. Kemble, on the Tnlalip Indian school. 4 pp. 8° [ii. t.-p.'] Management of the Catholic Indian bureau at Washington. Rejdy to criticisms. 11pp. 8°. [ 7 ?,. #.-p.] Manual Catholic missionary associations. 16 pp. 8°. [)i. h-p.] Ger. Statuten der zum Besten der Indianer errich- teten Katholischen Mis.sions-Gesellschaft. 16 pp. 8°. [?^. h-p.] Petition of the Catholic Church for the agency of the Chippewas of Lake Superior. ‘ 24 pp. 8°. Washington, 1873. Petition of the Catholic Church in behalf of the Pueblos and other Indians of New Mexico. 18 pp. 8°. . Washington, 1874. Report of the treasurer of the Catholic Indian fund, 1873-’76. 8 pp. 8°. [n. t-p.] Statistics of Catholic Indian education and civiliza- tion, July 1, 1884, to June 30, 1885. 5 pp. 8°. [ 71 . p. 1885.] Work of the Catholic Indian missions of the* United States of America. 10 pj). 8°. Washington, WIS). Work of the decade ending December 31, 1883. 29 pp. 8°. Washington. [1884.] [Miscellanies.] 4 2-page sheets. 8°. Burke, Edmund. Works. With a memoir. 3. v. 12°. New York, 1834. Burke, Ue7’^ Rev. Thomas N., 0. P. Daniel O’Connell, the liberator. A lecture delivered at the Academy of Music, New York, May 13, 1872. 32 j)p. 8°. New York, 1875. Ireland’s case stated; in reply to Mr. Froude. 238 pp. 12°. New York, 1873. Lectures and sermons. 644 pp. 8°. New York, 1872. Discourse before the New Jersey Catholic Total Abstinence Union on “The Christian and Catholic \drtue of temperance.” {In O’Brien, J. W. Lectures and ad- dresses.) Burnett, Peter Hardeman. The path which led a Protest- ant lawyer to the Catholic Church. 741 pp. 8°. New York, 1866. Burns, Robert. Poetical works. With life of the author, and glossary. 524 pp. 16°. Boston, 1863. AVorks. With an account of his life, criticism on his writings, and some observations on the character and condition of the Scottish peasantry. 448 pp. 8°. Balti- more, 1816. Busch, Moritz. Bismarck in the Franco-German war, CAlillOLL JXSTJTrTE lAlUlAIiY. 24 1S70-71. Trunshited from tlio Gorman. 2 v. in L :>(>4, :>47 ])p. 12°. Keu' York, [/o d.] I>r rLEi{, Her. Alban. Lives of the fathers, martyrs and other [)rineipal saints ; (•om])iled from original monnments and other anthentie records. Illustrated with the remarks of jndieions modern critics and historians. 4 v. 8°. lUtUi- inore, 18(>(). Lives of saints, selected and abridged from the original work of the Rev. Alban Rntler; also the movable and immovable feasts and other animal observamtes of the same author. Abridged by the Rev. John Bell, lllus. 2) V. 8°. London^ 1818. IluTLKR, ('harles. Life of Fenelon, archbishop of C'ambray. 2;)() pp. 1(1°. ‘Baltimore, I'^W . llcTT.EK, Rev. Thomas Ambrose. Tlu' Irish on the prairies, and other jioems. 1(11 pp. 12°. Neu) York,\'(klA. IlyKNK, Rev. Thomas S. ( Translator.) Manual of nniversal church history. See Al/oo, liev. J. Hyron, George Gordon Xoel, Lord. Dramas, 2 v. 40.‘1,;)P1 pp. 24°. London, 18M7. Tales. 2 v. 2(18, 2(10 pp. 24°. London, 1887. Mis(;ellanies, v. 2-8. (v. 1 w.) 2 v. 24°. Lon- don, 1887. (ihilde Harold’s pilgrimage; a romance. 88(1 pp. 24°. London, 1887. ‘ Don Juan. 2 v. 87(1, 805 pp. 24°. London, ^So7. Marino Faliero, doge of VTmice ; a tragedy. 170 pp. 1(1°. Rhiladelphia, 1821. Gaddell, Gecilia i\Iary. Xellie Xettcrville ; or, one of the transiJanted. A tale. By the author of “ AVTld Times” and Blind Agnese.” 810 p]). 12°. XYw For A', 18(18. Xever forgotten; (n-, the home of the lo.st cldld.. 8d ed. 202 pp. 1(1°. LonAlon, 1877. Miner’s danghter; a Gatholic tale. 21(1 i)p. 1(1°, New York, 185(1. (iAiiiLL, Rev. Daniel MTlliam. Works. (Containing a sketch of liis life, liis most important addresses, speeches and sermons; with his letters to Lord John Russell, Lord Palmerston, the Duke of Wellington, etc. 1st Amer. ed. 802 })]). 12°. lioston, 1855. Ga edero.x i)E la Barc:a, Mme. Frances Frskine Inglis. .Vttache- in Aladrid ; or, sketches of the court of Isabella II. Trans- lated from the German. [Jaon.] 8(18 pp. 12°. New York, 185(1. Gamiujell, Alexander, and Pitrcelt., Most Rev. J. B. Debate on the Roman Gatholic religion, held in the .Sycamore- street meeting house, Cincinnati, .lanuary 1:1-21, 1887. 8(10 i)p. 12°. Cincinnati, 1887. (’amcret.l, Thomas. Poetical works. Witli biograpliical sketch of the author. 242 pp. 24°. .Rhiladel])ltia, 1815. ( 'ATA J.OGUE. 25 Tlie same. pp. 10°. Loudou. [//. d.] (Gmi’iax, /iVr. Edmond. Appeal to the mend)ers of the two universities: presenting ten reasons for renonneing tlie Protestant and eml^racing the C'atholie religion. (No. 2, Battersj3y’s (Aitholie Tracts.) Ga:mus, Jit. Her. John l^eter. The spirit of St. Francis of Sales. Translated from the French of the P>ishop of Itelley hy Key. Joseph M. Finotti. New ed. ;)72 pp. 12°. Krir Vorl', 1S7J. Gapel, Mo^wgnor Thomas John. Confession and absolution- ;)2 pj). 8°. ldiilade(})]ua, 1884. ('apes, John Moore. Four years’ experience of the Catholic religion ; with observations on its effects upon the char- acter, intellectual, moral and spiritual. 72 pp. 8°. Idtda- dfdphia, 1849. Essay on the miraculous life of the saints. Sec Fpllekton, G. Life of St. Francis. ('a PHI, Jler. Pio Guiseppe, 0. S. I). The Blessed Virgin and the l)i villa (,’ommedia of Dante. Translated from the Italian. 49 pj). 8°. [n. p. p. (/.] ('arey, Stanley. Gerald Marsdale ; or, the out-quarters of St. Andrew’s iiriory. A tale of the reign of (Jueeii Elizaheth. 052 ]ip. 12°. Netv York, 1874. ('arletox, William. The black baronet; or, the chronicles of Ballytrain. 490 pp. 12°. 1875. Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry. 2 v. 427, 4o0 ])p. 8°. London, 1854. The same. 2 v. in 1. 828 pp. 10°. Neu' York, 1871. Valentine iMcClutchy, the Irish agent ; or, the chron- icles of Castle Cumber. 408 pp. 12°. Nejv York, 1H7Y Carr, John. A northern summer; or, travels round the Baltic, through Denmark, Sweden, Bussia, Prussia and part of Germany, in the year 1804. 80(5 jip. 8°. Idnla- delpli'ni, 1805. CARROLL, Most Rev. John, Arcldntihop of ILdtImore. Ad- dress to the Koman (Aitholics of the United States of Amer- icii.. By a ( 'atholic* clergyman. [(Original ed., 1 784.] 1 87 pp. 12°. JdidadeJphi((,lS,]Y “ This is the first Catholic work written by an American Catholic published in the United States. It was called for by the apostasy of the ex-Jesuit, Wharton, a INIarylander of some note, and a relative of the writer.” — Finotti, IJdd. < ’nth. tinier., p. (57. Carroi.e, Si.^ter iNIary Theresa Austin. Glimpses of pleasant homes ; a few tales for youth. By a member of the (Order of Mercy. Authoress of the life of (.'atharine McAuley, etc. [.(//CR.] 28(5])]). 12°. Hen: Uorl’, 18(59. Life of the Ven. ( 'lenient iMary Ilofbauer, priest of the Congri'gation of the Most Holy Bedeemer. By a memher 26 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. of the Order of Mercy. \_Anon.'] Portrait. 320 pp. KP. New York, 1877. CARROLL INSTITUTE. Annual reports, 1870-1884. 12° and 8°. Washmgtoii, 1877-’85. (Catalogue of the Library of the Carroll Institute, of Washington, I). C. Authors. 12°. Waslungto^i, 1885. Constitution and by-laws of the Carroll Institute. Adopted May, 1874. 18 pp. 24°. ^yaAl^ngton, l^l-^. The same. Revised May 20, 1880. 19 pp. 24°. Washington, 1880. Carrol] Institute Gazette. 12 v. in 1. 4°. Tth.?/;- ington, 1873-85. Note. — An occasional publication ; some numbers remain in manuscript. The same. Fair edition. 4°. 13 Nos. November 27-December 20, 1884. Washington, 1884. Catechism on the foundation of the Christian faith ; followed by the conversation of Mr. de Fenelon with Mr. de Ramsay, and by extracts on the existence of God from the letters of Mr. de Fenelon. [Anoa.] 113, 55 pp. 12°. New York, 1811. Catena Aurea ; or, a golden chain of evidences, demonstrat- ing that Papal infallibility is no novelty. By an old Cath- olic. 100 pp. 8°. Zanesville, Ohio, 1871. Catherine op Genoa, Saint. Life and doctrine of 8t. Cath- erine of Genoa. Translated from the Italian. \_Anon.~\ 380 pp. 12°. New York, 1874. Catholic, The; a weekly family newspaper. See AVash- iNGTON Catholic. Catholic bride, The; or, moral letters addressed to Julia, daughter of Count Solaro della Alargarita, on the occasion of her marriage. Translated from the Italian by Rev. C. C. Pise. \_Anon.'] 189 pp. 10°. Baltimore, 1859. Catholic Church. Holy See. The encyclical of Pope Pius IX, [of December 8, 1804,] and syllabus of the principal errors of our time, which are stigmatized in the consistorial allocutions, encyclical and other ai)Ostolic letters. {In Pastoral letter of the Most Rev. M. J. Spalding, archbishop of Baltimore, 1805.) Encyclical letter of our Alost Holy Lord, Pius IX, Pope, [of November 21, 1873.] 23 pp. 8°. Phila- delphia, 1874. Fn(*yclical letter of Leo XHI on St. F rancis and the propagation of’ the Third Order, prefaced by a letter from the Bisho}) of Salford. 10 pp. 8°. Manchester, Eng., : Encyclical of Pope Leo XHI, [of Alarch 12, 1881.] {bt Manual of instructions on the jubilee.) Encyclique Humanum genus de sa Saintete Leon XHI et niandements de NN. SS. les e^ eques de Alon- CATALOGUE. 27 treal, Rimouski et Trois-Rivieres. 44 pp. 8°. Montreal, 1884. ^ Letter of the Holy Father, Pope Pius IX, to tlu? Young Catholics’ Friend Society, of Wiishington, I). C., of October 2:’), 1872. 1 p. 8°. \_Balthnore, 1872.] Councils. Council of Trent. The canons and decrees of the Sacred and Hicumenical Council of Trent, celebrated under the sovereign pontitfs, Paul III, Julius III and Pius IV. Translated by the Rev. J. AVaterworth. To which are la’efixed essays on the external and internal history of the council. 253, 32G pp. 8°. London, 1848. The Catechism of the Council of Trent. Published by command of Pope Pius Ah Translated by Rev. J. Donovan. 554 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1833. First Council of Baltimore. Ceremonial for the use of the Catholic Churches in the United States of America. Originally published Ity order of the First Coun- cil of Baltimore. 4th ed. 428 jip. 12°. Boston, 1875. Second. Council of Baltimore. Sermons deliv- ered during the Second Plenary Council of Baltimore, October, 18(j(), and pastoral letter of the hierarchy of the United States, with the Papal rescri})! and letters of con- vocation ; a com])lete list of dignitaries and officers of the council. Ulus. 244 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 18G(). Third Council of Baltimore. Pastoral letter of the archbishops and bishops of the United States assem- l)led in the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore to the clergy and laity of their charge. 29 pp. 8°. Ikdti- more, 1884. A catechism of C'hristian doctrine, jirepared and enjoined l)y order of the Third Plenary Coun- cil of Baltimore. 72 pp. 16°. Baltimore, 1885. jMemorial volume; a history of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, Xovember 9, to Decem- ber 7, 1884. Ulus. 267, 31 pj). 8°. Baltimore, 1885. First Council of Kem: York. Pastoral letter of the cardinal-archbishop and the bishops of the ])rovince of New ATork^ assembled in council in St. Patrick’s C’athe- dral, Xew A^ork, September 23-30, 1883. 32 iip. 8°. Menj 1 ork, 1883. Canada. Diocese of Montreal. Alandement de Mgr. I’eveque de Alontreal, publiant la Lettre Fncycli(|ue de Notre Tr^s Saint Pere le Pape Leon XIII, concernant les soci6tes secretes. {In Fncyclique llumanum genus, 1884.) Diocese of Bimouski. Mandement proniul- guant I’Encyclique “ llumanum genus” centre la F ranc- Ma9onnerie. {In Fncyclique Humanum genus, 1884.) Diocese of Trois-Ririeres. jMandement de Algr. reve(pie des Trois-Rivieres, puljliant I’Fncycliciue de .sa Sainte Leon XIII centre la i'ranc-Ma90nnerie. {In JAicycli(pie llumanum genus, 1884.) 28 CAKROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Feance. Avclidiocese of Tours. The pastoral charge^ of the archbishop of Tours for Lent, 1840, on the antliority of the Church to interpret the Scriptures. Translated from the French, do pp. 1(5°. Balthnore,lSod. (/>/, Bible (pies- tion fairly tested.) United States. ArcJidiocesc of Baltimore. Pastoral letter of the Most Rev. Martin John Spalding, D. D., arch- bishop of Baltimore, promnlgating the jubilee, with the late Encyclical of the Holy Father, and the Syllabus X)f errors condemned. 43 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 18(55. Pastoral letter of the Most Rev. 31. J. Spalding, D. D., archbishop of Baltimore, on the Pa])al infalliliility. AVritten in Rome, July 10, 1870. 40 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1870. Pastoral letter of the Alost Rev. Arch- bishop of Baltimore proclaiming the Jubilee [of April 25,. 1881.] {Li AIanual of instrncrions on the Jubilee.) Pastoral letter on Christian education. l>y the Alost Rev. James Gibbons, 1). 1)., archbishop of Paltimore. 24 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1883. Arehdioeese of Oreyou Liti/. Pastoral letter concerning the two tirst dogmatic constitutions of the .Ecu- menical Aditican Council, and conciliatory discourse of the Alost Rev. F. N. Blanchet, I). D., archbishop of Oregon city ; also address to Pope Pius IX of the clergy and laity ( >f the ecclesiastical province of Oregon. 21 pp. 8°. Port- laud, Or., 1871. l)ioee.'- S°. iPhlladeJphm.'\ 1881. Uatiiolic Union of Xeiv York. Annual 'report, 1882. 7 pp. 8°. Xew York. [n. d.] (CATiiOLic University of Ireland. Keport of the committee and list of subscriptions. 84 pp. 12°. IJuhliiL, lXy2. '(Catholic Vindicator, The. A weekly paper, in repl}" to “The Protestant,” from December 5, 1818, to December 4, 1810. By W. E. Andrews. 831pp. 8°. 1818-’10. [All published.] (Catholic AVorld. A monthly magazine of general literature and science. 40 v. 8°. Xew York, 18()5-’85, 'Catholic Young Men’s National Union. C’onstitution and ])roceedings of annual conventions. ' 8 v. 8°.. PIrhmoxd, 1877-84. Third. New York. May 30-31, 1877. Fourth. Buffalo, May 22-23, 1878. Fifth. Richmond, June 18-19, 1879. Sixth. Waahington, May 12-13, 1880. Seventh. Chicago, May 11-12. 1881. Eighth. Boston, May 10-11, 1882. Nintli. Brooklyn, June 27-28. 188L Tenth. Baltimore, June 18-19, 1884. Catholic grievances in relation to the administration of Indian affairs; a re]iort presented at the eightli annual convention of the (’atholic Young Men’s National Imion, held in Boston, Mass., Alay 10 and 11,1882. 20 pp. 8°. Jlichmond, 1882. Keport of the delegates of the Immaculate (A tnception Literary Institute to the convention of the Catholic Young Men’s National Union, New York, IMay 30-3)1, 1877. 10 pp. 8°. rhdadelphla, 1877. (Catholic’s gem of devotion. The. [Jicll] 210 pp. 04°. 1847. < 'averns of Luray. [A//or.] 14 pp. 8°. [a.p. lo d.] (Century Illustrated Monthlv Magazine. 7 v. 8°. Xen) 1882-’85. (Cepari, Per. Ahrgilius, S. J. Life of .St. Aloysius Gonzaga. of the Society of Jesus. Translated from the Italian. 138 ])p 1()°. Pkdadelphia, 1841. The same. [Aror.] 303 pj). 12°. Phdful'dphla,lH{y7. The life of the Blessed John Berchmans. Edited by Kev. I'Yancis Goldie, S. J. 33)2 pp. 12°. London, ISIW. 30 CAKROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Life and exjdoits of Doiu (<2nixote de la Mancha. AVith a life of the author.. Translated by Charles Jarvis. Ulus. 2 v. 572, G22 pp. London, 1809. CiiALiPPE, Rev. Candide. Life of S. Francis of Assisi. AVith an essay on the characteristics of the lives of the saints.. By the AYry Rev. F. AAh Faber. 2 v. 394, 441 pp. 12°.. London, 1853-54. Challoner, Rt. Rev. Richard. An abstract of the history of the Old and New Testaments. 230 pp. 18°. 'Xeu- York, 1 805. (Aatholic Christian instructed in the sacraments sacrifice, ceremonies and observances of the Church. By wav of (piestion and answer. 245 pp. 10°. Jkdtirnore,. 1859. The same. 245 pp. 10°. Bedthnore. [a. d.] Grounds of the old religion ; or, some general argu- ments in fovor of the Catholic, Ax)ostolic, Roman com- munion. Collected from both ancient and modern controvertists. By a convert, [psc?(d.] 204 j)}). 12°.. Rhiladelpliia, 1814. Alenioirs of missionary priests and other C'atholics of both sexes that have suffered death in England on religious accounts from 1577 to 1084. Ulus. 2 v. in 1.. 240, 250 x^p. 8°. Manchester, 1803. Think well on’t ; or, reflections on the great truths of the Christian religion. 204 x:»p. 32°. P/u7«dWp/u'c, 1824. {Editor.) A papist misrepresented and represented. fSee Gotiier, Rev. J. Chandler, //or. Josexdi R. Civil and religious liberty; an oration. See Georgetown College. Philodemic Society... Charleston, S. C., City of. The centennial of incorx)oration. 259 x^P- 3°. [Charleston, 1884.] Charleston, S. C. Protest of the Catholics of Charleston, S. C., against the invasion of Rome by the Italian govern- ment, i870. 20 x3XX 8°. Charleston, 1S71. ( 'Hastellux, Fran 9 ois Jean Marquis de. Travels in North America, in the years 1780, ’81, ’82. Translated from the French. 410 x>X^- 8°. New York, 1827. C’hatard, Rt. Rev. Francis Silas, bishox^ of A'incennes. Christian truths ; lectures. 301 x>X3. 12°. New York, 1881 .. Chateaubriand, Rene Francois Auguste Vicomte de. Gexiius of Christianity ; or, the sxiirit and beauty of the Christian religion. Translated from the French, with biograxJiical notice of the author and notes by Rev. Charles I. AVhite. Ot^.ced. 703 pxi. 12°. Baltimore, 1800. The martyrs. Edited by O. AV. AVight. 451 x>P* 12°. New York, 1874. Travels in Greece, Palestine, FgyxJ and Barbary,. during the years 1800 and 1807. Translated from the^ CATALOGUE. 31 French bj" F. Shoberl. Ulus. 471,46 pp. 8°. New York, 1814. C4iatfield, Paul, M. I). The tin trumpet; or, heads and tails for the wise and waggish. New Amer. ed. 262 pp. 12°. York, 1859. CliiiLDREN of Mary; or, lives of several young ])upils of the Maison des Oiseaux, Paris. Translated from the French. \Anon.'] 346 pp. 12°. London, [/o (/.] CiriLDREX of the valley. The ; or, the ghost of the ruins. Translated from the French. \^Anon.'] 123 2 )p. 24°. Pliiladdpliki, 1865. CiiocARXE, Rev. Pere, 0. P. The inner life of the Kev. Pere Lacordaire, O. P. Translated from the French ; with pre- face by Very Kev. J. I). Aylward. New and revised ed. 530 pp. 8°. Xen; York, 1879. Christian Brothers. See Brothers of the Christian Schools. Christian instructed, The ; or, precepts for living t'hristianly in the world. The stations of the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, as they are performed in Jerusalem, with stations for Holy Thursday and the little crown of our Saviour. Translated from the French by Mrs. J. Sadlier. \_Anon.'] 256 pp. 24°. New York, 1855. ('hero, iNIarcus Tullius. Select orations. Translated into English, with the original Latin, bv Mhn. Luncan. 671 pi). 8°. ' Neiv Haven, 1811. CiROT DE LA ViLLE, Able. Imitation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 199 pj). 16°. I)iOA}n,l616. ('lairborne, John Francis Hamtramick. Life and corre- spondence of John A. Quitman, major-general^ U. S. A., and governor of the State of Mississippi. 2 v. 400, 392 I)p. 12°. Nejv York, 1860. (.'LAN Albin; a national tale. [Ano?/.] 4 v. in 3. 284, 283, 317 ])p. 16°. London, 1815. C'l.ARKE, Francis Jj.,and Dunlap, William. Life of the most noble Arthur, marquis and earl of Wellington. 423 i)i). 12°. Hartford, 16U. Clarke, Kichard H. Lives of the deceased bishops of the Catholic Church in the United States. Ulus. 2 v. 546, 629 ])p. 8°. Xew York, 1872. INIr. Gladstone and Maryland toleration. 24 pp. 8°. Xeic York, 1875. “ Socialism in America.” An address. See George- town College. Philodemic Society. Clarke, Rev. William F., S. J. Centennial discourse. Deliv- ered July 4, 1876, in St. Joseph’s Church, Philadelphia. 20 pp. 8°. RJuladelplda, 1876. Clay, Henry. Obituary addresses on the occasion of the death of Henry Clay, delivered in the Senate and in the House of Keiiresentatives of the United States, June 30, 1852; and the funeral sermon of the Kev. C. M. Butler, chaplain CARIIOLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. of the Senate, preached in the Senate July 1, 1S52. 185 2)p. 8°. Wa^hmyton, 1852. Cj.emens, Samuel Langhorne. Sketclies, new and oldr B}’ 5Iark TAvain, [psrad.] 320 pp. 8°. Had ford, 1875. Corbett, William. Grammar of the English language. 218 pp. 10°. New York, 1843. • History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland. 2 v. in 1. 205, 800 i)p. 10°. New York, 1840. The same. 338 pp. 12°. BuUhnore, 1850. • Legacy to i)arsons. 104 i)p. 18°. New York, 1845, Cochin, Augustin. Results of emancipation. Translated from the French by Miss Mary L. Booth. 412 pj). 12°. 'Boston, 1803. Coleman, AVilliam Macon. Examination of the a priori jirinciples assumed by Dr. Charles Hodge in his treatise on systematic theology. 19 pp. 8°. [u. 0-p.] History of the primitive Ahinkee; or, the Pilgrim Fathers in England and Holland. 02 pp. 8°. Washmgton, 1881. Collection of psalms, hjnnns, anthems, &c., for the use of the Catholic Church throughout the United States. [.L/on.] 289 pp. 10°. Washington, J. F. Haliday, 1830. Collet, Ahhe Pierre. Life of St. Vincent de Paul, founder of the Congregation of the Mission and of the Sisters of t'harity. Translated from the French. 347 pp. IW. Balti- more, 1845. Collins, Francis. A^oyages to Portugal, Spain, Sicily, Malta Asia Minor, Egypt, etc., from 1790 to 1801. 335 pp. 10°. Pkiladelphia, 1 809. Colton’s general atlas, containing one hundred and seventy steel-plate majis and plans, accompanied hy descri})tions, geographical, statistical and historical. By Richard S. Fisher. f°. New York, 1800. CoLVMBA, Faint. The life of St. Columha, ahliot and apostle of the northern Piets. (Appended to Patrick, Saint. The life.) Comstock, John L. History of the Greek revolution. From otticial documents of the Greek government. Map. Ulus. 503 pp. 12°. Neir Y ork, 1828. CoNORECiATiON OF Saint Paul. Five-miiiute sermons for low masses on all Sundays of the year. By priests of the Con- gregation of St. Paul. V. 1. 470 pp. 12°. New York, 1879. CoNGREOATioN OF THE MosT HoLV Redeilmer. The Alissioii- Book of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer; a manual of instructions and prayers adapted to jireserve the fruits of the mission. Drawn chiefly from the works of St. AliJionsus Liguori. New edition, revised and en- larged. 502 pp. 18°. Baltimore, [/o d.] (WTALOGUK. 83 pp. 12°. Xew York, 1854. The spy. A tale of the neutral ground. 2 v. in 1 . 12°. AVc- 1 orC, 1824. The same. 550 pp. 12°. Xew EorAr, 1859. CATALOGUE. 35 Travelin^r bachelor; or, notions of the Americans. OH) pp. 12°. Net/' York, 1855. Two admirals. A tale. 2v.ini. 12°. New York, 1854. The water-witch or, the skimmer of the seas. 2 v. in 1. 12°. New York, 1854. Ways of the hour. A tale. 512 pp. 12°. Neie York, 18()0. A^"ept of Wish-ton-wish. 483 pp. 12° Nev: York, 1 860. (JoRTEs, Juan Donoso. See Donoso CVuites, J. CoTTiN, Mme. Soj^hie RiStaud. Saracen; or, ^Matilda and Malek Adhel. A crusade romance. Translated from the French. 2 v. 279,271 pp. 16°. New York, Countess of Glosswood, The. A tale. Translated from the French. [A/?o?<.] 318 pp. 16°. Baltimore, 1871. (5)Urt and camp of Bonaparte. [Juo/i.] 389 pp. 18°. Nea; \ ork, 1833. Cowi>ER, William. Poetical works. AVith memoir. Ulus. 611pp. 12°. London, [n. d.] AVorks of CGwper and Thomson. AA'ith a memoir of the life of Thomson. 464, 133 pp. 8°. BJiiladelplna, 1831. Crabb, George, A. M. Dictionary of general knowledge; or, an explanation of words and things connected with all the arts and sciences. Ulus. 368 ])p. 12°. Neiv York, 1835. ('raven, Mtne. Augustus. Anne Severin. 411 pp. 12°. Nev> York, 1869. Fleurange. 347 pp. 16°. New York, [/u d.] A sister’s story. Translated from the French hy Emily Bowles. 539 })p. 8°. New York, [/o d.] ('reecy. Colonel James R. Scenes in the South, and other miscellaneous pieces. 294 pp. 12°. Bhiladelphla, 1860. ('ressy, llev. Serenus, 0. S. B. {Editor.) Sancta Sophia. See Baker, Rev. A. ('rown of Alary; or, the Rosary. AVith illustrations and meditations. By a Dominican Father. [Aao/c] 104 pp. 24°. New York. [/i. d.] CuMMiNo, Rev. John, and French, Daniel. Authenticated report of the controversial discussion held in the British school -room, Htimmersmith, April and Alay, 1839, from the notes of Charles Alayhury Archer. 678 pp. 8°. London, 1841. (.'uMMiNGs, Rev. Jeremiah AV. Spiritual progress. 330 pp. 12°. New 'York. [/i. d.] ( J:rran, John Philpot. Speeches, (/a Phillips, C. Sjieeches of celebrated Irish orators.) Cusack, Sl.df'r Alary Frances. See AIary Francis Clare, Sister. / 36 CAHROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. CusiiiNd, Luther Stearns. Elements of the law and practice of legislative assemblies in the United States. t)th ed. 10()o pp. 8°. Boston, 1874. Rules of i)roceeding and debate in deliberative assemblies. Revised by Edmund L. Cushing. 17d pp. lt)°. Boston, 1878. Cutter, William. Life of General La Lafayette. 408 pp. 12°. Neu' York, [r<. d.] £)., M. A. The Massingers ; or, the evils of mixed marriages. 283 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1862. Daems, Rev. S. The double sacritice ; or, the pontifical zouaves. A tale of Castelfidardo. 242 pp. 12°. Balti- more, 1870. Daiilorex, Admiral John A. IMemoir of Ulric Dahlgren. 308 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1872. Daiilorex, Mrs. Madeleine Vinton. {Translator.) Essay on Catholicism. See Doxoso Cortes, J. Daily prayers. A manual of Catholic devotion. {Anon.'\ Ulus. 227 pp. 16°. New York, [a. (/.] Daloairxs, Rev. John Bernard. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. With an introduction on the history of JaiLsenism. 284 pp. 16°. Baltimore, DALLAS, Lieut. -Colonel Alexander J., U. S. A. MTiat has the Church done for education? An essay read before the Girroll Institute on June 18, 1874. 55 jip. ms. Damex, Rev, Arnold, S. J. Lecture. The Catholic Church the only true Church of God. The Mlacy of private inter- pretation clearly proved. The orthodoxy of the Catholic religion estaldished. 23 pp. 8°. New York, 1876. The rule of faith ; or, the Church and the Bible. A sermon. 21 pj). 12°. Baltimore, [a. d.] Dampiioux, Rev. Edward. (Editor.) Instruction of youth. See Gorixet, Rev. C. Daxexiiower, Lient: John W. Narrative of the Jeannette. Ulus. 102 PI). 12°. Boston, 1882. Daxiels, John ]M. Life of Stonewall Jackson, by a Virginian. [Uaoa.] 305 jip. 12°. Neiv York, 1863. Daxte, Alighieri. Vision of hell, purgatory and paradise. Translated by Rev. Henry Francis Cary, A. 31. AAith the life of Dante, chronological views of his age, additional notes and index. 587 jip. 12°. New York, 1856. D’Arblay, J/cidcoae Frances Burney. Cecelia; or, memoirs of an heiress. By the author of Evelina. [.L)c»a.] 3 v. 16°. Bosto)), 1803. Darras, Ahhd Joseph Eiiiphane. General history of the Catholic Church from the commencement of the Christian era until the present time. Translated from the French. With an introduction and notes by 3Iost Rev. 31. J. Spalding. 4 v. 8°. New York. [18()5.] CATALOGT^E. 37 D’Arsac, J. T]ie Brothers of tlie ('liristian Schools during the war of 1870-71. 415 ])p. 8°. Ulus. Wentclieder, A. 1 ., 187o. Daunt, 'William J. O’Neill. C’atechism of the history of Ireland, ancient and modern. 158p}). 24°. i854. Dauscii, Kev. IMichael. Lectures on confession, in the form of a dialogue. 112 pp. 10°. CurroZ/Ga, J/d., 1873. DAURKiNAC, J. M. S. (pseud.) See Orliac, Mine. J. INI. S, Davenport, Bishop. New gazetteer; or, geographical dic- tionary of North America and the West Indies. 471 pp. 8°. Balthnore, 1835. David, Mme. Marie de Saffron. Father Fitz-Boy ; or, the martyr of a secret. A tale of the Irish famine. Trans- lated from the French of Baoul de Navery. [p.s'caiZ.] 320 pp. 12°. Nev) York. [a. l d.] INIartin Chuzzlewit. 1)29 pp. 12°. Philadelphia. [n. d.-] IMyster}' of Edwin Drood and other pieces. 535, 107 pp. 12°. Boston, 1875. CONTENTS. Child’s history of -England. Master Humphrey’s clock. Hard times. “ Mystery of Edwin Drood. Holiday romance. Mudfog association. George Siiverman’s expianation. Digby, Kenelm Henry. Broad stone of honor ; or, the true sense and practice of chivalry. 5 v. 12°. London, 1870. Dimioden, Per. D. The beauties of the Catholic Church ; or, her festivals and her rites and ceremonies popularly ex- plained. Translated and adapted from the German by Rev. 8. J. Shadier, with an introduction by Rt. Rev. P. N. Lynch, D. D. 499 pp. 12°. New York, 1881. Dixon, Per. Joseph. General introduction to the sacred Scriptures, in a series of dissertations, critical, hermeneu- tical and historical. 2 v. in 1. 240, 271 pp. 8°. Balti- more, 1853. CATALOGUE. 89 Doane, Monfiignor George Hobart, To and from the Pnssioii play in 187i. Ulus. 311 pp. 12°. Bofiton, 1872. Dodoe, William Sumner. History of the old second division, army of the Cumberland, (Joinmanders McCook, Sill and Johnson. 582, 51 pi'). 8°. Chicago, 18()4. Doherty, Rev. Patrick J. Princii)al English writings ; with a sketch of his life. Translated from the French of Kev. L. H. Paquet. Portrait. 239 pp. 12°. (^aehec, 1873. Note. — Contains letters written from Europe, the Holy Land and Ireland, Ac. Donaiioe’s magazine; a monthly journal. 13 v. Boston, 1879-’85. Donelan, Ber. John P. The last moments of a converted infidel. 112 pp. 32°. Baltimore, 184(3. My trip to France. 347 pp. 12°. ICeic York, 1857. Donoso Cortes, Juan, Marquis de Vahlegamas. Essay on Catholicism, liberalism and socialism, considered in their fundamental principles. Translated by IMadeleine Vinton Goddard, 335 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 18(32. Donovan, Per. John. (Trauslator.) The catechism of the C'ouncil of Trent. See Catholic Church. Dorsey, Mrs. Anna Hanson. Coaina, the ros e of the Algon- quins. 145 pp. 12°. Mew York. [1867.] The same. 145 jip. 12°. Meuj York,lH(\7. (Appended to Beauties of faith.) Nora Brady’s vow, and Mona, the vestal. 324 })p. 12°. Philadelphia, 18(39. Student of Blenheim Forest ; or, the trials of a con- vert. 2d ed.' 34(3 pp. 12°. Bd Amer. ed. 432 pp. 12°_ Raltimore. [1880.] Bethlehem. 432 i)p. 12°. Baltimore, 1862. The same. 14th Amer. ed. 432 pp. 12°. Balti- more. [1880.] The Blessed Sacrament ; or, the works and ways of God. 16th Amer. ed. 594 pp. 12°. Baltimore. [1880.] The Creator and the creature ; or, the wonders of divine love. With an introduction by an American clerjzy- man. 11th Amer. ed.* 414 pp. 12°. Baltimore, [a. (l.J — The same. 15tli Amer. ed. 414 p}). 12°. Baltimore. [1880.] Devotion to the Pope. 33 pp. 16°. Baltimore, The Foot of the Cross ; or, the sorrows of Mary. 4th Amer. ed. 448 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1859. The same. 16th Amer. ed. 448 pp. 12°. Baltimore^ [1880.] Growth in holiness; or, the progress of the spirit- ual life. 396 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1855. The same. 15th Amer. ed. 494 pp. 12°. Baltimore^ [1880.] Hymns. 502 pp. 12°. Baltimore. [1880.] The precious blood ; or, the price of onr salvation.. 10th Amer. ed. 370 pp. 12°. Baltimore. [1880.] Si)iritual conferences. 15th Amer. ed. ,476 pp. 12°_ Baltimore. [1880.] {Editor.) Life of St. Rose of Lima. See Feuii.let, Rev. J. B. Fabre, Rt. Rev. Charles Fklonard, Bkliop of Montreal. IMande- ment. See Catholic Chl rch. Fair Messenger. 12 nos. 4°. Washington, 1880. [A tair journal ; Church of the Immaculate Conception.} FALLON, John Thomas. Literary societies; an essay read before the Young Men’s Catholic Union of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, at its fourth annual convention. 14 pp. 8°. Washington, 1 883. The same. {In Wash i noton Catholic, v. 3, No. 4, 1883.) List of synonyms of organizations in the volunteer service of the United States during the years 1861, ’62, ’63, ’64 and ’65. Compiled under the direction of the Adjutant- General, LT. S. A.,, by John T. Fallon. 301pp. 8°. Wash- ington, 1885. [Presentation copy from the author to the Carroll Insti- tute Jabrary.] CATALOGUE. 43 Falloux, Alfred Frederic Pierre, Comte de. Augustin ( 'oeliin. Translated from the French by A ugnstiis ( 'raven. Portrait. 398 pp. 8°. London, 1877. Fannixcx, Edmund. Voyages to the South Seas, Indian and Pacific oceans, China sea. Northwest coast, Feejee Islands, South Shetlands, etc. 323 pp. 12°. Neni York, 1838. Father Baptist, (p.srad.) See O’Brien, Kev. Richard Bap- tist. Father Oswald ; a genuine Catholic story. [Aror.] 304 pp. 12°. New York, 184?>. The same. 299 pp. 16°. B(dt im ore, ISnl. FATHr:R Prout, (pseud.) See Mahoney, Rev. Francis Syl- vester. FAUST, Ambrose Jerome, Ph. D. Christian art of the (atacombs. By an Anglican. (Jr, CATiioLicAVorld. v. Kb p]). 373-383, 1872.) Count Joseph de Maistre. (Jr American ('atholic Quarterly Review, v. 7, pp. 17—11, 1882.) Gavazzi versus the See of S. Peter. By a Protestant Doctor of Philosophy. (In Catholic World, v. 16, pp. 00-61, 1872.) The greatest of Mediieval hymns. (In Catholic World. V. 36, pp. 28—10, 1882.) An Italian pessimist. (In Catholic World, v. 40, pp. 296-3)15, 1884.) John Howard Payne. (In Catholic World, v. 37, pp. 82-94, 1883.) A London literary pilgrimage. (In C'athoi.ic World, v. 3(), pp. 699-712, 1883.) “iModern Catholicism.” What grounds are tliere for supposing that the victorious Church can surrender to dissent? (In Washington Catholic, v. o. No. 4,4884.) Moles and warts in literature. (Jr C'atholic AVorld. v.lH, pp. 747-760, 1882.) A Ninth-century antiiihon and its composer. (In Catholic World, v. 38, pp. 13-28, 1883.) Portraits of the first President. (Jr Catholic World, v. 35, pp. 371-382, 1882.) Recollections of Alexander IL Stephens. (In Cath- oLK! World, v. 37, pp. 385-396, 1883.) Reminiscences of Hon. E. B. French. (In French, E. B. In memoriam.) Two new novelists. (Jr Catholic World, v. 38, pp. 781-797, 1884.) William M. Thackeray. (In American Catholic (biiiHerly Review, v. 8, pp. 597-627, 1883.) Feller, Ahh^ Fran9ois Xavier de. Pliilosophical catechi.sm; or, a collection of observations fit to defend the Christian 44 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. religion against its enemies. Translated from the French by the Rev. J. P. Mulcaile. 3 v. 12°. Dublin, 1800. Fenelon, Ilf. Rev. Fran9ois de Salignac de La Mothe. Adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. Trans- lated by ]M. des Maizeaux. 2 v. 250, 266 })p. 16°. Leghorn, 1802. Extracts from the letters of Fenelon, on the exist- ence of God, the immortality of the soul, and religion ; also, the conversation of ]Mr. de Fenelon with Mr. de Ramsay. (Appended to Catechism on the foundation of the Christian faith.) On the use of the Bible. AVith illustrations by Rev. John Fletcher. 112 pp. 16°. Baltimore, l'6bb. (/n Bible (piestion fairly tested.) Traite de I’existence et des attribute de Dieu. 206 pp. 12°. Tours, 1848. Ferncliffe. A Catholic tale. \_Anon.'] 326 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1869. Fessler, ii/. AAr. Joseph. True and false Infallibility of the Popes. A controversial reply to Dr. Schulte. 162 pp. 12°. New York, 1875. Feuillet, Rev. Jean Baptiste, 0. S. D. Life of Saint Rose of Lima. Edited by Rev. Frederick AVilliam Faber. 4th Anier. ed. 265 pj). 16°. Philadelphia, 1860. Feval, Paul. Jesuits. From the tenth French edition by T. F. Galway. 348 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1870. Field, Maunsell B. Adrian ; or, the clouds of the mind. See James, G. P. R., and Field, M. B. Fifty reasons why the Roman Catholic religion ought to be preferred to all others. To which are added three valu- able papers. [Anoa.] 107 pp. 24°. Baltimore, [n. d.] Fixotti, Rev. Joseph M. Bibliographia Catholica Americana. A list of works written by Catholic authors, and published in the LTnited States, from 1784 to 1820. Part 1. 318 pp. 8°. New York, 1872. [All published.] The mystery of the AA^izard Clip, Smithfield, AY. Y'a. A monograph. \_A7ion.'\ Ulus. 143 pp. 12°. Balti- more, 1870. Peter Claver. A sketch of his life and labors in behalf of the African slave. \_Anon.'] 117 pp. 16°. Bos- ton, 1868. {Translator.) Spirit of St. Francis of Sales. See Camus, Rt. Rev. J. P. (Editor.) See O’Leary, Rev. Arthur. AYorks. Catalogue of the library of the late Rev. Joseph M. Finotti, sold at auction October 16, 1870, and following days. 116 pp. 8°. New ForA;, 1879. First communion. A series of letters to the young. [Anon.] 231 pp. 24°. Baltimore, 1851. ('ATALOGUE. 45 Fisher, 4/A.s’ Frances C. Armine, By Christian Beid, do9 pp. 8°. Keu: York, 1884. Morton house. A novel. Ulus, 20(5 pp. 8°. New York, 1872. A question of honor. A novel. 501pp. 12°. New York, 1878. Fitton, Rev. James. Sketches of the establishment of the Church in New England. 340 pp. 12°. Boston, 1872. [Editor.) Festival of the Kosarv. See Stewart, A. M. Fitzsimon, Mis,6. d.] Formby, Itev. Henry. Compendinm of the philosopliy of ancient history. 174 pp. 12°. London, 1H7S. Pictorial Bible and Church History. Ulus. 3 v. 16°. Neo; York, 1872-73. CONTENTS. V. 1. The Old Testament. 2. Life of our Lord Jesus Christ. 3. Church History. Franci;^ de Sales, Saint. Introduction to a devout life. From the French of St. Francis of Sales, with an abstract of his life. 1st Amer. ed. 393 pp. 24°. Baltimore, 1816. Frank Leslie’s illustrated historical register of the Centen- nial exposition, 1876. f°. New York. [;n. (/.] Franklin, Benjamin. Life. Written by himself ; to which is added his miscellaneous essays. 375 pj). 12°. New York, 1855. '' Fraser, Janies. Hand-book for travelers in Ireland descrip- tive of its scenery, towns, seats, antiquities, etc. Maps. 4th ed. 727 pp. 12°. Dublin, 1854. Frassinetti, Rev. Giuseppe. A dogmatic catechism. From the Italian. Revised and edited by the Oblate Fathers of St. C’harles. With a preface by his Grace the Archbishop of Westminster. 244 pp. 16°. London, 1872. Fredet, ivcr. Peter. Ancient history; from the disiiersion of the sons of Noe to the battle of Actiuin, and the change of the Roman Republic into an empire. 408 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1840. • Modern history ; from the coming of Christ and the change of the Roman Republic into an empire to 1842. 2 V. 354, 365 ]ip. 12°. Baltimore, 184:2. Treatise on the Eucharistic mystery ; or, defense of the Catholic dogma of the Eucharist against the recent attacks of adversaries. 156 pp. 16°. Baltimore, 1844. French, Daniel. Authenticated report of the controversial discussion held in the British school-room, Hammersmith, A])ril and IMay, 1830, from the notes of C. jM. Andier. See Cu.MMiNo, Rev. J., and French, D. French, Hon. Ezra Bartlett. In memoriani. Containing biographical sketch, resolutions, reminiscences, a sermon and poem on the occasion of the death of Hon. E. B. French. 45 pp. 8°. Washinoton, 1880. French prisoners in Russia. Translated from the French by Pauline Stump, [duon.] 101pp. 16°. Wr' 1 or^, 1874. Frost, John. Life of Andrew Jackson. With numerous en- gravings from designs by AVilliam Croome. 560 pp. 8°. Hartford, 1848. Presidents of the LTnited States; from AVashington to Pierce. Ulus. 455 pj). 12°. RWon, 1855. CATALOGUK. 47 Fi’llek, Rpi'. Richard, and England, Jtt. Rev. ,]. Letters con- cerninyi: the Roman Chanceiy. 27(5 pp. 12°. Raltiniore. [1840.] FrLLERTONT, L n/// Georgiana. Ellen Middleton ; a tale. 828 i)p. 12°. Balthnove, 186(1 Lady-bird ; a tale. 328 pp. 16°. Baltimore, ISol . T/aurentia ; a tale of Japan. 215 i:)p. 12°. Balti- more, 1866. The life of St. Francis of Rome. With an intro- ductory essay on the miraculous life of the saints, by J. M. Capes. 206 pp. 12°. New York. [)?.(/.] A stormy life ; a novel. Ulus. 304 pp. 8°. New York, j(S68. Too strange not to be true ; a tale. 3 v. in 1 . 276 pp. 8°. New York, 1866. {Translator.) The straw-cutter’s daughter. >SVc David, Mme. M. de S. ■Galileo. The Roman Inquisition ; a defense of the Catholic L’liurch from the charge of having persecuted Galileo for his philosophical opinions. From the Dublin Review. With au introduction by an American Catholic. [Anon.'] 2d ed. Revised and corrected. 68 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, 1850. ilALLAGiiER, 7t6 Jaiiies. Sermons. Translated from the original Irish, by Janies Byrne. Revised and corrected by "a Catholic Clergyman. 208 pp. 12°. Baltimore, [n. d.] ■Gallitzin, Rev. Demetrius Augustine, Prince (\^. Defense of Catholic principles in a letter to a Protestant minister. 144 pp. 16°. U'asJiinyton, IS‘2]. A letter to a Protestant friend on the Holy Scrij)- tnres; or, the written word of God. 150 pp. 16°."^ Ebens- hnrg, 1820. Garesciie, Rev. Frederick P., B. J. The Internationale- Communism ; a lecture, ^\nbatim rejiort by L. L. Wal- ^ bridge. 28 pp. 8°. Saint Louis, 1872. Oarfield, President James Abram. Complete medical record of President Garfield’s case. Containing all official bulle- tins, &c. 107 pp. 8°. Waslduigton, 1881. Garneat, Fran9ois Xavier. History of Canada; from the time of its discovery till 1840-’41. Translated from the French by Andrew Bell. 3d ed. 2 v. 556, 496 jip. 8°. }[(mtreal, 186(5. Oarreau, Rev. Jean Claude, S. J. Life of the Yen. J. B. de La Salle, founder of the Christian Schools, with an histori- cal sketch of the Institute to the present time. Trans- lated from the French. Portrait. 228 jip. 12°. Dublin, 1843. Garrett, Phineas. {Editor.) One hundred choice selections in poetry and prose. \_A non.'] v. 1-6, 8-12, 16, 18-19. 14 v. 12°. Pluladel.phia, 1875-82. 48 CARROLL IXSTITI^TE LIBRARY. (tati.le, Mme. J. de. Adhemar de Belcastel ; or, be not liasty ill judging. Translated from the French by P. >S. A. {_Anon.'] lllus. 314 pp. 13°. New York, 1875. (lAunE, Mgr. Jean Joseph. ^ Catechism of perseverance ; an historical, doctrinal, moral and liturgical ex})Osition of the Catholic religion. Ih’anslated from the French by Rev.. F. B. Jamison. 40th ed. 413 pp. 18°. Baltimore, 18(':o. Christian cemetery in the nineteenth century ; oiv the last war cry of the communists. Translated from the French by Rev. Richard Brennan. With a preface by Very Rev. Thomas H. Preston. 253 pp. 12°. AVw York, 187L General history of Europe; from the beginning of the 16th century to the Peace of Paris in 1815. With addenda bringing it down to 1840. 468 pp. 12°. Bhlla- delphia, 1842. Genius, Stephanie Felicite Ducrest de Saint Aubin, Comte^. C. SVe Baltimore, Washington ara! George- town. Reception. Georgetown College. Theses of rational philosophy pul)- licly defended by four students of the graduating class, July 11, 1853. [Lat. and Eng.] 39 pp. 8°. VVanhiag- ton, 1853. Pliilodemic Societg. Civil and religious equality. An oration delivered at the fourth commemoration of tlie^ Landing of the Pdgrims of Maryland, celebrated May 15, 1855, under the auspices of the Pliilodemic Society of Georgetown College, by Hon. Joseph R. Chandler. To which is iiretixed a notice of the ])roceedings of the cele- bration. 62 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1855. “Socialism in America;” an address deliv- ered before the Pliilodemic Society of Georgetown C'ollege at the annual commencement, held July 20, 1852, liy Richard U. Clarke. To which is appended a catalogue of the members of the Pliilodemic Society. 48 pp. 8°. I) u.s7(- ington, 1852. Soeieig of Alamai. Oration of Hon. Walter S. Cox,. and the poem by James Hoban, delivered before the Society of Alumni of Georgetown College, June 21, 18s2. 41})p." 8°. Tr«.s7o‘/i^^OR, 1882. Geramb, Per. Marie Joseph, Baron de. Pilgrimage to Jeru- salem and Mount Sinai. 2 v. 299, 300 pp. 12°. Phila- delphia, 1840. Visit to Rome. 271 jip. 12°. Idiiladelphia, 1S40. GIBBONS, Most Rev. James, ArchhiAiop of Baltimore. The faith of our fathers ; being a plain exposition and vindica- tion of the Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ. 438 j)]). 1()°. Baltimore, 1877. Pastoral letter. Si - e . C'atholic Church. CATALOCUTE. 49 Eulogy. See AVhite, Rev. C. I. Record. Gillet, Ransom li. Life and times of Silas Wright. Por- traits. 2v. V. ], 1008pp. ; y. 2, 1009 — 2010 pp. 8°. Alhaiii/, 1874. Gillies, John. History of the world, from the reign of Alexander to that of Augustus, o v. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1809. Gilmoue, Rt. Rev.. Richard, Bishop of (develraid. Lecture. “The debt America owes to Catholicity,” delivered at Case Hall, Cleveland, Sunday, April 4, 1880. 10 pp. 8°. Cleveland, 1880. Glaziek, Capt. Willard W. The capture, the prison pen and the escape. A history of prison life in the South. 422 pp. 12°. New York, 1808. Heroes of three wars. A series of biographical sketches of the most distinguished soldiers of the wars of the United States. Ulus. 418 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 187^. Glimpses of the monastery. A brief sketch of the history of the Ursulines of Quebec during two hundred years, from 1039 to 1839. By a member of the community. [Anon.} 3 V. bd. in 1. 10°. (piehec, 1875. Gloeies of Jesus, The ; contemplated in the mirror of divine love. Translated from the French, with corrections and additions, by a (Titholic Priest. [Aaoa.] 233 pp. 24°. Ph dad el phi a, 1854. Gloey and sorrow; or, the consequences of ambition, and Selim, the pasha of Salonica. Translated from the French by Pauline Stump. [Aao/i.] 189 pp. 10°. AFic 17/r4, 1874. Gobinet, Rev. Charles. Instruction of youth in Christian piety. Abridged by the Rev. Edward Hamphoux. 3(J4 pp. 12°. Baltimore, [e. r/.] Goddaed, i^ladeleine Vinton. See Daiiloeex, Mrs. IVIade- leine Vinton. Goesbeiand, Rt. Rev. Louis de. Bishop of Bnrlin(gton. Six lectures on the Holy Land ; with an appendix on tlie Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. 115 jip. 12°. Burlington, 17., 1883. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Truth and poetry from my own life ; or, the autobiography of Goethe. Edited by Parke Godwin. 2 v. 12°. Neiv York, 1840-47. Goldie, Rev. Francis, S. J. (Editor.) The life of the Blessed John Berclimans. See Cepaei, Rev. V., S. J. Goldsmith, Rev. J. General view of the manners, customs and curiosities of nations; including a geographical de- scription of the earth. 2 v. 252, 252 pp. 12°. Phila- delphia, 1817. Goldsmith, Oliver. Grecian history from the earliest state to the death of Alexander the Great. 3d Amer. ed. 2 v. ini. 335 pj). 10°. Philadelphia, \8i)8. History of the earth and animated nature. To which 50 CAIIKOLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. are added the life of the author, his Deserted villa() pp. 16°. Boston, 1868. Poems and plays. (In Beattie, J. Poetical works.) (joxza(;a Colleoe. Catalogue of the othcers and students of Gonzao’a College, AVashington, I). C., for the academic year 1881-82. 23 pp. 8°. Washington, 1882. Gother, Jler. John. A papist misrepresented^ and repre- sented. 1st Amer. ed. 94 pp. 16°. Baltimore, 1808. The same. Edited by Rt. Rev. Richard Challoner. (Nos. 7-9, Battersby’s Catholic Tracts.) Grants of land and gifts of money to Catholic and non- Catholic institutions in New A^ork compared : which C'hurcli does the state and city support ? \_Anon.'] 45 j)}). 8°. Neu' York, 1879. Grassetti, Rev. Giacomo, S. J. The life of St. C’atherine of Bologna. (Appended to Lanouet, Mgr. J. J. The life of Alargaret Mary Alaco(][ue, v. 2.) Grattan, Henry. Speeches. (In Phillips, C. Speeches of celebrated Irish orators.) Gray, Thomas. Elegy; written in a country churchyard, and other poems. Ulus. 186 pp. 12°. New York, 1853. Greene, Lieut. Francis Adnton. Sketches of army life in Russia. 326 pj). 12°.. New York, 1880. Greene' Rev. John H. Ireland ; a physical and social incpiiry into the causes of its miseries, present and remote ; inscril^ed to the American people. 2d ed. 32 i)p. 8°. Cincinnati, 1863. Greenhow, Robert. History of Oregon and California, and other territories of the North-west coast of North America. Alap. 492 pp. 8°. Boston, 1845. Grey, Jennie H. Tactics; or, cupid in shoulder-stra})S ; a AVest Point love storv. Bv Hearton Drille, IT. S. A., 250 pp. 12°. New York^ 1808. Griffin, Gerald Joseph. AVorks. (Sadlier’s edition.) 10. v. 12°. New York. [1868.] CONTENTS. Aylmers of Bally-Aylraer, v. 3. Barber of Bantry, v. 3. Card -drawing, v. 2. Christian physiologist, v. 7. Collegians, The, v. 1. Duke of Monmouth, v. 6. Half Sir, The, v. 2. Hand and word, v. 3, Invasion, The, v, 9. Life of Gerald Griffin, by his brollier, v, 10. Night at sea. A, v. 7. Poetical works, v. 8. Rivals, The, v. 4. Suil Dhuv. the coiner, v. 2. Tales of the Jury-room, v. 5. Tracy’s ambition, v. 4. Tragedy of Gisippus, v. 8. Tales of the Five Senses : [or, the C'hristian physi- ologist.] 284 pp. 16°. New Uor/j, 1854. CATALOGUE. 51 'Guenee, Ab})e Antoine. Letters of certain Jews to Monsieur Voltaire, containing an apology for their own people, and for the Old Testament. With critical reflections, and a short commentary extracted from a greater ; with Christian notes and additions on various parts of the work. Trans- lated by the Rev. Philip Lefanu. [.L?/no] 2d Amer. ed. 2 V. in 1. 612 j^p. 8°. Parh, K;/., 1845. Guenot, C. The village steeple. Translated from the French by the Lady Blanche Murphy. 193 pj). 8°. Ncm York. [n. d.] o.do)t, 1802. The same. From November 18, 18(52, to October 18, 1803. 348 pp. 12°. Pheir York, 1804. Russia as it is. 312 p}). 12°. P'eir York, 1854. H. 11., {p.'ieud.) Pee Jackson, Mri<. ILden Hunt. H.MUTsof good society; a hand-book of etkpiette. [.laoa.] 378 jip. 10°. Ijondo)i. [n. d.] Hackett, James Henry. Notes and comments upon certain iJays and actors of Shakespeare, with criticisms and cor- respondence. 353 pp. 12°. Neiv York, 1803. Ha iin-Hahn, Ida, Coinite.ss. Travels in Ij^weden; sketcliesof a journey to the north. Translated from the German by J. B. S. 179 pp. 24°. London, [a. d.] H all, J/r.s-. Anna Maria Fielding. Sketches of Irish char- acter. Ulus. 393 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, [/o d.] Hall, Frederick, M. 1). Letters from the East and from the West; travels in the LTnited States. 108 jjp. 8°. WaAt- in(/fo}i. \_n. d.] Halt., L. Y. Beauties and achievements of the blind. Pee Art.man, AV., and Hall, L. V. Hall, J/r.s. Samuel Carter. Pee Hall, Mrs. Anna Maria Fielding. H ALPINE, (Jol Charles Graham. Life and adventures of Pri- vate Miles O’Reilly, 237 pp. 12°. 1804. 52 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Hamersly, Lewis R. Records of living: officers of the U. S. navy and marine corps. 344 ])p. 8°. Fldladdphia, 1870. IIa jMersly’s naval encyclopaedia, comi^rising a dictionary of nautical words and phrases, biographical notices and rec- ords of naval officers. 1017 pp. 4°. Philadelphia, 1881. IIamon, Ahhe Andre Jean Alarie. Life of the Cardinal de Cheverus, archbishop of Bordeaux. By Rev. J. Huen Doiffiourg, [p.scwfC] Translated from the French by Robert ]\L AVAlsh. 280 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1839. Hanson, George A. Old Kent: the eastern shore of Alary- land; notes illustrative of the most ancient records of Kent County, Alaryland, and of the parishes of St. Paul, Shrewsbury and I. U., and geneological histories of old families of Alaryland and their connections by marriage, etc. 383, 30 pj). 8°. Baltimore, 1876. Hardy, Arthur Sherburne. But yet a woman; a novel. 348 pp. 12°. Bodon, 1883. Harper’s pictorial history of the great Rebellion. Part 1. To the close of the Peninsular campaign of 1802. v. I. f°. New York. [a. d.] 1 1 ARTE, Francis Bret. Poems. 152 pp. 12°. Boston, 1871. Haskins, Rev. George Foxcroft. Travels in England, France, Italy and Ireland. 292 iip. 12°. Boston, 1850. Hauleeville, Prosper CJiarles Alexandre, de. Prot- estant and (.’atholic civilization compared, the future of C'atholic peoples; an essay contrasting lYotestant and (Aitholic efforts for civilization. With prejiaratory note.s by Cardinal Manning, Cardinal Dechamps and Pius IX, and an appendix containing notes from ^ arious authorita- tive sources. 320 pp. 12°. New York. [a. (/.] Hawkesworth, John. Account of the voyages undertaken hy the order of His present Majesty for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere, and successively iierformed by Commodore Byron, Captain AAhillis, f’aptain Carteret and Captain Cooke, in the Dolphin, the Swallow and the Endeavor. 3 v. 4°. London, 1773. Hay, Pd. Rev. Geolge. Abridgment of the C’hristian doc- trine. 143 pp. 10°. Philadelphia, 1803. 1 1 AYES, Edward. ( Editor.) The ballads of Ireland. 2 v. in 1 . 350, 380 pp. 12°. Boston, 1859. Headley, Joel S. Napoleon and the Alarshals of the empire. Portraits. 2 v. 12°. Philadelphia, 1848. Washington and the generals of the American Revo- lution. Portraits. 2 v. 324, 330 })p. 12°. Philadel- phia, 1847. Headley, Phineas C’amp. Life of the Empress Josephine. 383 pp. 12° New York, 1855. Heaia , Rt. Rev. James Augustine, Bishop of Portland. Pas- toral letter. See Catholic Church. CATALOGUE. 5:i HEf'KER, Rev. Isaac T., C. S. P. Aspirations of nature. 4th ed. 3(10 i)p. 12°. New York, 18()0. (Questions of the soul. 0th ed. 294 pp. 12°. New York, 1869. The Catholic Church in the United States. Its rise, relations with the Keimblic, growth and future prospects. 26 pp. 8°. New York, 1879. Martin Luther; Protestantism r.s'. the Church; Luther and the Diet of AVorms. 31 pp. 8°. New York, 1883. Hector, Annie F. Heritage of Langdale, by Airs. Alexander, \_imiid.'] 431 pp. 12°. New York, 1877. Kalph AVilton’s weird. A novel. 267 pp. 12°. New York, 1875. The wooing o’t. A novel. 483 pp. 12°. New York, 1874. HEDWKr, Queen of Poland. An historical legend of the 14th century, (/u Sobieski, John. Love of country.) Hefele, Rt. Rev. Carl Joseph von. The life of Cardinal Ximenez. Translated from the German by the Rev. Canon [John] Dalton. Ivi, 581 pp. 8°. London, 1860. Hemans, Felicia Dorothea. Poetical works; with memoirs, etc. 552 pp. 16°. London, [u. d.] Henry AHH, King. Assertio septein sacramentorum ; or, a defense of the seven sacraments, against Alartin Luther; to vdiich are adjoined his epistle to the Pope, the oration of Air. John Clarke, orator to his majesty, on the delivery of this book to his Holiness, and the Pope’s answer to the oration. As also the Pope’s bull, by which his Holiness was pleased to l>estow upon that king, for composing this book, that most illustrious, splendid and most ( hristian-like title of Defender of the Faith. Translated from the orig- inal Latin edition by T. AV. Gent. (A})pendedto Horny- iioLD, Rt. Rev. J. The sacraments explained.) Herbert, Elizabeth, Ijodg. Impressions of Spain. Ulus. 272 pp. 12°. New York, 1869. Three phases of Christian love. 2d ed. 315 i)p. 12°. New York, 1868. Heroines of charity; containing the Sisters of Ahncennes, Jeanne Biscot, Aldlle. Le Gras, Aladame de Miramion, Airs. Seton, the Little Sisters of the Poor, etc. AV^ith a preface by Aubrey De A^ere. [Aror.] 260 pp. 12°. New York. [r. d.] Hertz, Hendrik. King Rene’s daughter ; a Danish lyrical drama. Translated by Theodore Alartin. 100 pp. 16°. New York, 1867. H ERVEY, James. Aleditations and contemplations. AA^ith a sketch of the author’s life. Ulus. 371 pp. 24°. Phila- delphia. [r. d.] Hewit, Rev. Augustine F., C. S'. P. The king’s highway; or. 51 CARBOLL INSTITUTE LIBRABY. tlie Catholic Church the way of salvation, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. 292 ])]). 12°. Y>?/; York, 1874. Problems of the age ; with studies in St. Augustine on kindred topics. 15() pp. 12°. iVm’ 1808. Hewitt, N. A. A few thoughts concerning the theories of high-chnrchmen and tractarians; with reasons for sub- mitting to tlie authority of the Holy See. 38 pp. 8°. ( 'li<(rle.^f()ii, 1840. Hey DEN, I 7A?’. Thomas. Memoir on the life and char- acter of the Rev. Prince Demetrius A. de Gallitzin, founder of Loretto and Catholicity in Cambria county, Pa. 200 pp. 24°. Baltimore, 1809. Hk'key, William. (Compiler.) Constitution of th? United States of America ; with an alphabetical analvsis. 024 pp. 12°. Baltimore, Hill, George. (Compiler.) Selections from Pope, Dryden and various other British Catholic poets who preceded the 19th century. 319 pp. 12°. A>?/; Uiad', 1807. Hill, Geo. ,1. Story of the war in La Vendee, and the Little- Chouannerie. Ulus. 324 pp. 12°. New York. [n. d.] Hill, Bee. Walter IL, B. J. Elements of philosophy, com- prising logic and ontology or general metaphysics. 234 i)p.. 8°. Baltimore, 1873. ’ Historical sketch of the St. Louis L^niversity; the celebration of its tiftieth anniversary or golden jubilee,, on June 24, 1879. 200 pp. 8°. St. Louis, 1879. Hillard, George Stillman. Life and campaigns of George B. IMcClellan, major-genexM U. S. army. 390 pp. 12°., Bhiladelphia, 1804. Six months in Italv. 21st ed. o03 pp. 12°. Bos- toji, 1881. Historical selections from the London Rambler and other ('atholic periodicals. 351pp. 8°. >S7. /aro'.s*, 1800. History of England. For the young. [.L/o>l] 373 pp. 18°.. Philadelphia, 1871. History of the Crimean war. 2v.ini. 384,380 pp. 4°. [t.-p. ?r.] IloRAN, James. Gems of Irish eloquence, wit and anecdote.. 310 pp. 12°. Baltivtore, \8Y. Hoer:mann, Rev. Alto. S., O. B. B. Aner’s return; or, the migrations of a soul. An allegorii'al tale. Translated from the German by Innocent A. Bergrath. 302 pp. 12°.. New York, 1807. 1 Berner, Rev. James. Alanual of C'atholic melodies; or, compilation of hymns, anthems, psalms, etc. 448 pp. 1()°^ Bidtimore. [1843.] Holmes, Oliver ’Wendell. The professor at the breakfast table ; with the story of Iris. 410 pi>. 12°. Boston, Homans, Isaac Smith, Jr. Coin book; comprising a history CATAL()(JUE. 55 of coiliilire, etc., with engravings of tlie principal coins. [Aae/o] 139,5,32 pp. 8°. Phi/((d(i})liia, ]S7'2. IloNiNcniAUS, JJr. Julius V. (Jn Protestant evidences of (Aitbolicity. From the Dublin He view. 38 pp. KP. Baltimore, 1855. {In Biule question fairly tested.) Hood, Thomas. The rhymester ; or, rules of rhyme. Edited with additions by Arthur Penn. 208 ])p. 10°. Neu; York, 1882. AVhims and oddities, and national tales. Ulus. 457 pp. 12°. New York, 1801. Hood’s own selected papers. AVith comic illustrations. 239 pp. 12°. New York, Hope, J/r.s*. Sequel to the Conversion of the Teutonic Race. S.. Boniface and the conversion of (iermany . 370 pj). 12°. London, 1872. Hornyhold, Rt. Rev. John. The commandments explained in thirty-two discourses. 352 jjp. 10°. Baltimore, [/o d.] The sacraments explained in twenty discourses. To 'which is added King flenry VIII’s defense of the seven sacraments against Martin Luther. 333 pj). 12°. lUdtimore. [«. (Z.] Household story-book. By a Catholic Missionary. [.L/or.] Portrait. 300 pp. 10°. New York, 1SS\ . How to make the mission; or, a familiar conversation be- tween a confessor and Ids penitent on the nature and object of a mission. By a missionary of the Order of St. Dominic. [Anon.'] 47 pp. 24°. West Rhesfer, N. Y.,^^!^). How(iATE, Capt. Henry W., U. R. A. The cruise of the Florence; or, extracts from the journal of the preliminary Arctic expedition of 1877-78. 183 pp. 10°. Washi)n/ton, 1879. Hubner, Joseph Alexander, Baron von. The life and times of Sixtus V. Translated from the French by James F. Aleline. 180 i)p. 10°. New York, 1873. Hue, Ahh^ Evariste Regis. Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet. 2 v. 358,348 pp. 12°. . AV/c PorA-, 1857. Journey through the Chinese Empire. 2 v. 421, 422 p}). 12°. New York, Woo. Travels in Tartary, Thibet and China during the the years 1844, ’45, ’40. Translated from the Frencli by W. Hazlitt. Ulus. 3d ed. 570 pp. 12°. Lo ado a, 1850. Hudson, Rev. Daniel E. Brownson’s Quarterly Review, general index. [Anon.] 30 pp. 8°. Notre i)ame, Jnd., 1881. Huen Doubourg, /tCo’. J., {p.send.) SWMIamon, Abbe Andre Jean Marie. Hu(;iies, Most Rev. John, Arehhi.shop of Nen' York. Brook- siana ; or, the controversy between Senator Brooks and Archbisho}) Huglies, growing out of the recently enacted 56 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. church property bill. With an introduction bv the IMost Rev. archbisho}) of "New A"ork. B)8 pp. 12°. JS^etr York, 1855. and Bkeckexrit)(4E, AVr. J. Difscnssion on the question : Is the Roman Catholic Religion, in any or in all of its v principles or doctrines, inimical to civil or religious liberty 2 'and of the question: Is the Presbyterian Religion, in any or in all its principles or doctrines, inimical to civil and religious liberty ? 54G pp. 8°. Baltimore, ISiY. Hume, David. History of Elngland from the invasion of Julius Cmsar to the abdication of James II. (> v. 12°. Botr/:, 1881. Ja.aies, George Payne Kainsford, and Field, Alaunsell P. -Vdrian ; or, the clouds of the mind. xV romance. 801 j)p. 12°. New York, 1852*. James, Kisai, S' n'u/. Life. (5 ?- Paul IMiki, Saint. Lives.) Ja.mieson, Alexander. Grammar of rhetoric and polite liter- ature. 25th ed. 806 pp. 12°. New Haven, 1845. Jefferson, Thomas. Manual of parliamentary practice, for the u.se of the Senate of the United States; with reference to the practices and rules of the House of Kepresentatives. 196 pp. 12°. Neir York, 1862. Jenkins, Edward. The coolie, his rights and wrongs, [xlaeu.] 871pp. 12°. . New York,\'61\. Little Hodge. By the author of “ Ginx’s baby.” \_An.on.~\ 176 pp. 12°. New York, 1878. <) 58 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Lord Bantam. A satire. Bv the author of “ Ginx’!> baby.” \_An(m.~\ 243 pp. 12°. Neto York, 1872. .le.vKiNs, John S. Life of General Andrew Jackson. 288 p[). 12°. Auburn, X. ¥., 1847. Jexkins, Rev. Oliver Louis, S. S. Student’s hand-book of British and American literature. 564 pp. 12°. Balti- more, 1876. The same. 2d ed. 517 pp. 12°. Baltimore, .Iesse, Edward. Favorite haunts and rural studies; including visits to spots of interest in the vicinity of Windsor and Eton. 365 pp. 12°. London, 1847. John de Gato, Baint. Life. {In Paul Miki, Saint. Lives.) JotiNEs, jNIeredith. Prince Charlie, the young chevalier. 331 pp. 12°. Neii\ York, 1860. Johnston, James Finlay Weir. Chemistry of common, life. Ulus. ()54 pp. 12°. Xew York, lSb4. JOHNSTON, Matthew Bernard. History of Carroll Insti- tute. {In Carroll Institute Gazette, v. 8, No. 4, 1881, and V. 10, No. 4, 1883.) Jo.MiNi, Henri Baron de. Art of war. A new edition; with ai)pendices and maps. Translated from the French by Capt. G. 11. Mendell and Lieut. W. P. Craighill. 410 pp. 12°. Pbiladelpkia, 1862. Jones, lion. Charles W. Addre.ss to the graduates of St. John’s Collegiate Institute, Washington, 13. C., June 27, 1881. 6 ])p. 8°. Wimhinpton. [1881.] JoNr:s, John Paul. Life of Rear-Admiral John Paul Jones. Compiled from his original journals and correspondence. Ulus. 309 pp. 12°. P/oVedc/p/o'e, 1850. .losECH, Baint. Life of Saint Joseph. \_Anon.'] (Appended to Bona VENTURE, Saint. Life of Our Lord.) Josephus, Flavius. Works. With three dissertations con- cerning our Saviour Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James- the Just, God’s command to Abraham, etc. Translated by ^^hn. Whiston. Ulus. 648 i)p. 8°. Bdtimore, 1832. J ouRNAL of the Fair for the new St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York. 31 nos. f°. Neiu York, 1878. Jo VINO, Rev. Francis de Hieronymo^ B. J. Critico-Biblical disquisition on the time during which Christ lay in the Tomb. [Lat. and Eng.] 227 pp. 8°. WoodHtock, Joyce, Dw^mr. Deirdre. A poem. 262pp. 12°. Boston, '[‘^11 . Julia Ormond ; or, the new settlement. By the authoress of The two schools, [duoa.] 220 pp. 16°. Xeu: 1847. K.\.mes, Henry Home, Lord. Elements of criticism. With analyses and translatiqns of ancient and foreign illustra- tions 1)V Abraham IMills. 504 pj). 12°. Xeiv York, 1854. Kane, Annie. The golden sunset; or, the homele.ss blind girl. 235 i)p. 12°. Baltimore, 1864. K.vne, Elisha K., M. />., C. B. X. Arctic exiJorations. The CATALOGUE. 59 second Grinnell expedition in searcli of Sir John Franklin, ISoo-’oo. IlliiH. 2 V. 4()4, 4()7 pp. PJiUddeljjJtia, LSod. K .WAXAciir, Julia. ^Madeleine. A tale of Auvergne, founded on facts. 300 pp. 12°. Xeiv York, LSoO. Nathalie. A tale. TdS pp. 12°, AA?c lor/.-, 1873. (dneen Mab. 3 v. in 1. 12°. Yew York, 18()4. Rachel Gray. A tale founded on fact. 308 pp. 12°. New York, 1850. Seven years, and other tales. 3> v. in 1. 423 i)p. 12°. Neo) York, 1800. — ^ Women of Christianity, exemplary for acts of piety and charity. 384 pp. 12°. Wc/c }7>rA-, 1850. KEANE, Rt. Rev. John Joseph, B'wkop of BicJimond. Essay on the objections alleged against the tecnmenicity of the \5itican (Council. Read before the ('arroll Institute, Wash- ington, I). i \, on Thursday, February 25, 1875. 10 pp. iiw, The C'atholic feature in the centennial of American Independence. Address delivered at a mass meeting, held under the auspices of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of PhiladeliJiia, March 3, 1875. 13 pp. 8°. [/;. f.-p.'] (A})pended to /r/.s* Ireland’s saints and heroes.) Ireland’s saints and heroes. Lecture delivered in Washington, 1). C., April 10, 1875. 32 pp. 8°. [/;. f.-p.'] The la’ovidential mission of Pins IX. A discourse delivered at the requiem ma.ss for our Holy Father, Pope Pius IX, in the cathedral of Baltimore, February 18, 1878. 31 ])p. 8°. J->((lfiinore, 1878. Pastoral kdter. See Catuolic Cuur(' 1 [. See Yokktowx Centennial Celebration. Kp:ller, Rer. Jose])li F., S. ,/. The life and acts of Poi)e Leo XIII, preceded by a sketch of the last days of Pius IX. Ulus. 350 PI). 8°. New Uor/v, 1870. Kelly, Isabella. Ruthinglenne ; or, the critical moment. A novel. 2v.ini. :>22, 304 pp. 1()°. 1802. K E.MCis, Thomas a. See Tiio.uas a Kempis. Kennedy, John P. Horse-shoe Robinson; a tale of the Tory ascendency. 508 pp. 12°. PJtiladelphia, LSOO. Kenkic'k, Mo.d Rer. Francis Patrick, Arelddshop of Rtdilviore. The la-imacy of the Apostolic Hee vindicated. 5th ed. 440 ])p. 8°. R(dfiinore, 1857. (fer. Has i)rimat des A])ostolischen Stuhls vertheidigt und gerechtfertigt. Uebersetzt von Nicolaus Steinbacher, S. J. 5)54 ])p. 8°. Neir York, 1853. Review of the second letter and ])Ostscrii)t of the Rt. Rev. .John Henry Ho])kins, bishop of the Protestant Episcopal ('hur(4i in the diocese of Vermont. 48 i)p. 8°. Rhde. Encyclical. See Catjiolic Churcu. Leonard a Porto Mauritio, Blessed. Method of devoutly hearing mass. {In Alriionsus LiciorRi, Saint. Visits.) Lk Papre de Trevern, Pt. Per. Jean Fran 9 ois Marie. An amicable discussion on the church of Fmgland and on the Reformation in general. Translated from the French by Rev. William Richmond. 2 v. in 1. 344, 305 pp. 12°. Bedthnore. [a. d.] An answer to the Kev. G. S. Faber’s Difficulties oT Romanism. Translated from the French by Rev. F. (.’. FIus.enheth. 280 pp. 12°. Baltimore, [a. d.] Letters addressed to a Protestant friend. By a Catholic Priest. With a preface by Rt. Rev. Thomas A. Becker. [.4 ?r)r.] 219 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1873. Letters of a young Irishwoman to her sister. Translated from the French. [.Inon.] 222 pp. 8°. Neiv FerA', 1879, “ Lettres Editiantes.” See Instructive and curious E])istles. Lever, Charles. . Dodd family abroad. 505 pp. 12°. Lon- don, 1875. Harry Lorrequer. 379 pp. 10°. London. [». d.] Roland Cashel. 012 pp. 10°. Ijondon, 1872. ('ATAL()(;rE. i)o Leverp:tt, Frederick Percival. Lexicon of the Laliii lan- <>'iia<>e ; also, an Fn<>'lish-Latin ^lexicon. '2 y. bd. in. 1. 1004, dlS p}). 8°. Bosfoii, 1847. Lewes, iNIarian Evans. Daniel Deronda. Dy Georue Eliot, [p.sccd.] 274 ])]). 8°. X('ir York, 1877. (Lonnd with Dickens, C. Little Dorrit.) LnoMoND, Ahh<^ Charles Francois. Instructions on the doc- trines, duties, and resources of tlie Catholic religion.’ Adapted from Lo Doctrine YJirefleiinc ])ar Lhoniond by Key. James ApiJeton. oO:} ]ip. 12°. Dhlladelpkla, 184i. Lixcaki), Her. John. The anticpiities of the Anjjlo-Saxon Cluirch. 2)24 p}). 8°. Dhlladelpitio, 1848. History of England from the first invasion by tlie Konians to the accession of William and IMaiw' in 1088. 14 V. in 0 . 8°. Idilladelphla, 1827. The same. 10 y. in 5. (ith ed. 12°. Baltimore, 1858. The same. A1 nidged by P. Sadler. 1028 pp. 12°. Baris, 18;)(). The same. A))ridged and continued to the reign of (^neen Victoria by James Burke. 10th ed. 09o pp. 12°. Baltimore, 18()0. Little, rbpO George. The American cruiser; or, the two messmates ; a tale of the last war. By the author of “ Life on the Ocean.” [Aaoa.] 408 pp. 12°. Boston, lS4il Little, Joseph ; or, the young Savoyard; and other tales. [Ano/o] 210 pp. 10°. Nen: York, [/o d.] Little INIamial of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesns. [.lao/o] 71 i)p. 2)2°. D hicinnatl, 1807. Lockhart, John Gibson. Life of Naiioleon Bonaparte. 892 pp. 12°. Xeir I5nL, 1855. Valerius; a Ivonian storv. [J//o/o] 2 v. bd. in 1. 280,294 pp. 12°. Boston, 1H2Y Lono, George. France and its revolutions; a pictorial his- tory, 1789-1848. 054 pp. 4°. Loialon, 1850. Lonofellow, Henry AVadsworth. Jivangeline ; a tale of Acadia. IJth ed. 159 p]). 12°. Boston, 1800. Lorenzo ; or, the empire of religion. By a Scotch non-con- formist, a convert to the C'atholic faitli. Translated from the French. [Ano/o] 811 ]>]). 10°. Baltimore, 1808. Loth, IMoritz. Gnr jirospects ; a tale of real life. 877 pp. 8°. Vlnclnnatl, 1870. Lvell, >SVr Charles. Manual of elementary geology ; or, the ancient changes of the earth and its inhabitants. Ulus. 512 pp. 8°. New York, 1854. Lyman, Henry Darius. Game of draughts. Selected prob- lems, illustrated with diagrams. 421 pj). 4°. Worcester, Mass., 1881. [Presentation copy from the author to the Carroll In- stitute Library.] 64 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Lynch, Mot^t J^ev. John Joseph. Questions and objections^ concerning Catholic doctrine and practices answered. 77 pp. 24°. Toronto, 1877. Lynch, Rt. Rev. Patrick Niesen, Bishop of Richmond. Intro- duction [to the Beauties of the Catholic Church.] Bee Dimioden, Rev. D. Lynch, AVTlliam F. Narrative of the United States’ expedi- tion to the river Jordan and the Dead Sea. Map. 332 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1850. i.,YTTON, Sir Edward Robert Bulwer, Baron. Poetical works of Owen Meredith, [pseud.] 40(5 pp. 12°. Boston, 1875.. Macauley, Thomas Babbington, Lord. History of England from the accession of James II. 5 vols. 12°. Philadel- phia, 1877. Critical, historical and miscellaneous essays. With .{3. memoir- and index. (5 v. in 3. 12°. A eu’ Perl', 1874. McCabe, James D. Illustrated history of the Centennial Exhibition, held in commemoration of the one hundreth anniversary of American Independence. 874 pp. 8°.. Philadelpjhia. [n. d.] MacCabe, William Bernard. Florine, princess of Burgundy*, a tale of the tirst crusade. 3d ed. 323 pp. 12°. London,. 1873. IMacCarthy, John. History of the world from the earliest period to the present time; for schools and colleges.. (503 pp. 12°. Neiv York, 1882. INIcCarthy, Rev. Patrick Francis. In memory of Rev. P. F> McCarthy, pastor of the church of the Immaculate (Con- ception, Washington, I). (A Kipp. 8°. Washington, 18S2. McClellan, Major-Len. (leorge B. Report on the organiza- tion and cami)aigns of tlie army of the Potomac; to which is added an account of the campaign in Western Virginia, with plans of battle-fields. 480 pp. 8°. Xew York, 18(54.. McCoLciAN, Monsignor Edward. Alanual of the Confraternity of the Sacred Thirst and Agony of Jesus, to repress inteni- l)erance. 21(5 ])p, 24°. ( a r roll, Md., 1878. McCo:n[b, Florence, {pseud.) See IMeline, Miss Alary AI. AlcELLKioTT, Janies N. American debater; being a plain exposition of the i)rincip]es and practice of public debate.. ■MTpp. 12°. V>u' End-, 1855. AI‘En('roe, I Vry Rev. John. AVanderings of the human mind in “Searcliing the Scriptures;” or, a history of the origin,, jirogress and condemnation of the heresies which have opposed the (Catholic ('hurch. (Nos. 10-13, Battersby’s (Catholic Tracts.) AIcCee, James Edward. {Compiler.) MLBf hours with Irish authors.' ' Selections from Grithn, Lover, (Carleton and Lever. [Juou.] 330 pp. 12°. Xen: York, 1878. AIcGee, Thomas D’Arcy. The (Catholic history of North America. Five discourses, with two discourses on the CATALOGUE. 65 relations of Ireland and America. 239 pp. 12°. Bos- ton, 1855. Historical sketches of O’Connell and his friends. 4th ed. 208 pp. 12°. Boston, 1854. A history of the Irish settlers in North America^ from the earliest period to the census of 1850. Gth ed. 240 pp. 12°. Boston, 1855. Life of the Rt. Kev^ Edward Maginn, coadjutor- bishop of Derry, with selections from his correspondence. 300 pp. 12°. New York, 1857. McGirk, John E. Life of the Rt. Rev. William (^uarter^ first Catholic bishop of Chicago. Portrait. 142 p}). 10°. New York, 1850. M‘Jilton, Bev. John N. Poems. 300 pp. 12°. Boston, 1840. Mackenzie, Alexander Slidell. A year in Spain. By a young American. \_Anon.'\ 3 v. 12°. New I or C 1330. Mackintosh, Sir James. History of England. 2 v. 310, 314 i)p. 10°. BhiladelpJua, 1830. ]MacLeod, Bev. Xavier Donald. History of Roman Cath- olicism in North America. With a memoir of the author by Most Rev. J. B. Purcell. Portrait. 407 i)p. 8°. Neir York. [//. (/.] Legends of the holy Marv. 71 jip. 12°. ClncmnatL [a. d.] Life of Mary, (Jueen of Scots. 430 pi). 12°. Neiv York, 1881. Central Italy. Une idee Napoleonienne. [Aooo.] 77 pp. 24°. Cinciinndi. [o. d.] MacMaiion, Richard Randolph. The Anglo-Saxon and the- North American Indian. 50 pp. 8°. Baltnnore, 187(). 5I(Xeal, Mark. The Faith. 432 pj). 12°. Xru/do)), 1880. McNERHANY, Francis. Address on the occasion of the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the election of Pius IX to the Chair of St. Peter, held in Washington, June 10, 1871. [In Baltimore and Washinoton. Demon- stration. })p. ()4-09.) Address delivered at the ninth annual commence- ment of Carroll Institute night-school, Thursday, May 31, 1883. [hi AVasiiinoton Catholic, v. 3, No. 18, 1883.) The Catholic Benevolent Legion, its jilans and pur- poses ; an address delivered at a public meeting held in the basement of St. Patrick’s church, IVashington, I). C., 51onday evening, Octolier 15, 1883. [In Washinoton Cath- olic, V. 4, No. 13, 1883.) 5I(QrAii), Bt. Bev. Bernard J., Bl.diop of Boche.der. The public school (luestion as understood by a Catholic Ameri- can citizen ; a lecture delivered before the Free Religious Association, Free Thinkers, of Boston, in Horticultural Hall, on Sunday, February 13, 1870. 44 jip. 8°. Bos- ton, 1870. C’AliKOLL IX.STITUTE IJ BEAKY. ■66 ]M( Siierkv, James. History of iMaryland from its settle- ment in KiH to the year 1(S48. 2(1 ed. 405 i)p. 8°. BaUi- ■hiore, 1840. Father Laval ; or, the Jesuit missionary ; a tale of the North American Indians. 210 pp. 10°. BaJt'nuon’. [/o (/.] 5I( Sherry, Kichard, J/. />., V.S.X. El Piichero; or, a mixed dish from Alexico ; embracing General Scott’s campaign, with sketches of military life, etc. Ulus. 240 i)p. 12°. Bhiladelphia, 1850. Madame de Lavalle’s l)e(iuest ; counsels to young ladies who have completed their education. Translated from the French by a sister of St. Joseph. [.4 r(jr.] 12°. BJilhi- ddpliki. [1875.] Madden, Kichard Robert. Literary life and corres])ondence of the countess of Blessington. 2 v. 547, 500 pp. 12°. Ninv York, 1855. The United Irishmen, their lives and times. 2 v Oil, 288 pp. 12°. PJtdadeIphia,lSY2. Maes, Jit. Her. Camillus P., Jiirhop of ('oriip/fon. The life of Rev. Charles Nerinckx ; with a chapter on the early C’atholic missions of Kentucky. Portrait. 0J5 pp. 8°. Cinciniuiti, 1880. ]Maffei, Ilcr. John Peter. Life of St. Francis Xavier. See Bartoli, Rev. I)., eoid Maffei, Rev. J. P. Magazines. See American Catholic Quarterly Review. Annales de la Propagation de la Foi. Brownson’s (Quarterly Review. Catholic Fxjiositor. Catholic AVorld. Century Illustrated IMagazine. Donahoe’s Magazine. Dublin Revien'. ^Messenger of the Sacred Heart. Metroi’olitan. Putnam’s JMagazine. Rebellion Record. Religious C’abinet. United States Catholic Alagazine. IMAiiuiRE, John Francis, JJ. P. Father Matthew; a biogra- phy. IMrtrait. 557 pp. 12°. New York, 1804. The Irish in America. 053 pp. 12°. N'ew York,iH6S. Rome ; its ruler and its institutions. 471 pp. 12°. Neie York, 1800. Maguire, Her. Thomas, and Pore, Her. R. T. P. Authentic yeport of the discussion which took place at the lecture- room of the Dublin Institution. [April 10-25, 1827.] SOOpp. 12°. New York, 1838. The same. 300 ])p. 12°. New York, 1800. (^VTALOCa K. 07 Mahan, A. Critical history of the late A nu'rican war. With an introductory letter^ by Lieiit.-Ceii. M. W. Smith. 4hl pp. S°. AVc’ 1877. IMahonky, Her. Francis Sylvester. The works of hatlu'r Front, [pseii(l.'\ Edited with bioyTai)hical introduction and notes hy C. Kent. Portrait. 502 ])!). 12°. LoihIo)!, 1881. AIaide.vs of hallowed names. [A/m/o] :>(>() pj). 12°. IPeed- stock, M(L, 1881. Maistke, Joseph IMarie, de. Ketters on the Spanisli IiKiuisition. Translated^ from the French with additional notes and illustrations * by llev. Thomas J. ( i’Flalierty. 1G4 i)p. 12°. Boston, IH'M). AIa.ior, Henry. Keasons for acknowledginjz- the authority of the holy Koman See. 248 j)}). 12°. Bhll(i(lrlj)}ii(i, 1848. MALLET, Edmond. Discours sur la situation des Canadiens aux Etats-Fbris, prononce a la convention nationale di‘ (Quebec le 28 Juin, 1880. 15 pp. 8°. (Jnehf^r. [1880.] The discovery of the East coast of the United States. { 1)1 Catholic World, i)p. 500-805, v. 54, 1882.) Indian missions in Oregon ; a review of Rev. Myron Eells’ “ History of Indian missions on the Pacific coast.” ( Li 5Vashin(;ton Catholic, v. o. Nos. 5-15, 18, 1885.) [Biography of] Very Rev. Pierre (itibault,the Priest- Patriot of the West. (/u Washington Catholic, V. 2, No. 8, 1882.) AIalte-Brun, Conrad. System of universal geography ; or, a description of all the parts of the world. With additions by Janies (1. Pervical. 5 v. 4°. Boston, 1854. AIanahan, Rev. Ambrose. Triumph of the Catholic Church in the early ages. 572 pp. 12°. 7 )Wor, 1880. AIandeville, Henrv. The el ements of reading and oratorv. 554 pp. 12°. Ibr/r, 1851. IManning, Henry Edward, <\))'d)nal. A few w'ords on conti- dence*in God. 82 jip, 18°. London, 1881. Discourse at Alanchester, October, 1872. Suliject; The question of C'atholic Total Abstinence Societies, (/a O’Brien, J. W. Lectures and addresses.) ^Miscellanies. 805 pp. 12°. Xew I'orC 1877. The Vatican decrees in their bearing on civil alle- giance. 179 pp. 12°. Xeii: Yot'k, lH7o. {Edlto)'.) Life of Saint Theresa, of the Order of Mount Carmel. 575 pj). 12°. London, 1885. AIanning, Mary Anne. The household of Sir Thomas More. Libellus a Margareta More, quindecem annos nata Chelsea inceptos. 174 pj). 18°. New Yo)'k, 1852. AIanning, Rev. Robert. Celebrated answer to the Rev. C. Lesley’s case stated, lietween the Church of Rome and the Chrrdi of England; printed word for word and refuted sentence after sentence. 578 pp. 8°. 7h/5//R, 1841. 68 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. England’s conversion and reformation compared ; or, the yonng gentleman directed in the (*hoice of his religion. \Anon.'] 334 pp. 10°. Lancaster, 1813. INIoral entertainments on the most practical truths- of the Christian religion, v. 1 (v. 2 w.) 251 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1832. The shortest way to end disjmtes about religion. 307 pp. 12°. Dublin, 1778. Mannock, John, 0. A. B. The poor man’s catechism; or, the Christian doctrine explained. 270 pp. 12°. Balti- more. [rt. d.] Manual of instructions on the Jubilee and prayers recom- mended to be said in the station churches, with the pas- toral of the archbisho}) of Baltimore and encyclical of Po])e Leo XII. [Ano/i.] 40 pp. 32°. WaAmigton. [n. d.} ]\I ANUAL of the children of Mary, for the use of the orphan asylums and the schools of the Laughters of Charity. Translated from the Fremh. \_Anon.'] 321 pp. 32°. Baltimore, [al a?.] Manual of the Christian soldier. \_Anon.'] 203 pp. 10°. New York, Society of St Vincent de Paul, 1801. Manzoni, Alessandro. The betrothed ; a romance of the seventeenth century. 390 pp. 10°. Baltimore, 1871. The same. 399 pp. 10°. New York. [». d.'] 5Iaruiiese, Rev. Vincenzo, 0. S. 1). Lives of the most emi- nent painters, s(*ulptors and architects of the Order of iSt. Dominic. Translated from the Italian with notes by the Rev. C. P. iVIeehan. 2 v. 347, 304 pj). 12°. Dublin, Vib'I. 3[arie JosEiMi, A65d. Life of Saint Teresa of Jesus. Trans- lated from the French by Annie Porter. AVith a preface bv Monsignor Thomas S. Preston. 174 i)p. 12°. Ntic York, 1884. ]Marion ; or, the picture in my uncle’s dining-room ; a tale of French society under the Old Regime. Trmislated from the French. [.I/ua/a.] 170 pp. 10°. Balti)nore, 1S70. Marshall, John. Life of George Washington. 2d ed. 2 v. 409, 448 pp. 8°. Pliiladeljdiia, 1854. ^Iarsiiall, Thomas AVilliam 31. ('hristian missions, their agents and their results. 3d ed. 2 v. 515, 044 ])p. 8°. New' York, 1870. My clerical friends and their relations to modern thought. 324 i)p. 12°. New York, 1873. Order and chaos; a lecture delivered at Loyola Col- lege, Baltimore, in July, 1809. 45 })]). 8°. Balti)nore, 1809. 3[artiia ; or, the hos])ital Sister. 157 i)p. 24°. Br’ York, 1850. Mawe, John. Travels in the interior of Brazil, particularly in the gold and diamond districts of that country, bj" authority of the prince regent of Portugal, including a voyage to the Kio de la Plata, and an liistorical sketch of the revolution of Buenos Ayres. Ulus. 373 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1810. Mayn.\rd, Ahhe Michel Ulysse. The studies and teaching of the Society of Jesus at thu time of its suppression, 1750-1773. Translated from the French. 201 p}). 12°. Baltimore, 1855. IMeagiier, Rev. James L. Teaching truth by signs and cere- monies ; or, the Church, its rites and services, ex})lained for the jieople. 2d ed. Ulus. 21)5 pp. 12°. N'ew York, 1882. 70 ('AHKOLl. INSTITUTE LIEKARY. Mkaney, Mary Confessors of Con nauglit; or, tEe tenants of a lord bishop. A tale of onr times, by M. L. M. [Anoii.J ;dh pp. 1()°. PhlladelpJila, 1807. Craec Morton; or, the inheritance. A ('atholic- tale, by M. L. M. :)24 i)p. KC. Jdiilade/- bS()7. TdEEn.\x, JPr. C. P. {IVaiislafo)'.) Lives of the most eminent painter.s, sculptors and architects of the Order of St. Dominic. Str AIarchese, Itev. V. jMeline, James Florant. Alary C^neen of Scots and her latest English historian. A narrative of the principal events in the life of Alary Stnart, with some remarks on Air. Fronde’s history of England. JJG pj). 12°. New Vo el-, 1873. Two thonsand miles on horseback. A summer tour to the ])lains, the Rocky mountains and New Alexico. 4th ed. 317 i)p. 12°. Xeic York. [». (/.] {Tr v. 1-5, V. 1 new series. -’571 pp. 10°. Baltl- more, 1871. IMlles, Pliny. Nordufari ; or, rambles in Iceland. 334 pp. 12°. New York, 1854. 5Iilxer, Rt. Rev. John. End of religious controversy, between a religious society of Protestants and a Roman Catholic divine ; to which is added the author’s postscript. 338 pp. 8°. BhUi((lel})hk(, 1823. Key of Ileayen ; a manual of jira^-er. 480 pp. 32°. Bolthriore, 1800. Letters to a prebendary ; lieing an answer to Retlec- tions on Po[)ery, by the Rev. J. Sturges. With remarks on the op})osition of Iloadlyisni to the doctrines of the Church of England. 1st Amer. ed. 400 ])p. 12°. Balti- more, 1810. Miriam ; a dramatic poem.’ By the author of ‘Moanna of Naples. [Jae/c] 2d ed., revised. 122 pp. 12°. Boxton, 1840. 5Iitc'iiel, John. The crusade of the ])eriod and last compiest of Ireland, perhaps. Portrait. 332 pp. 13°. A> a? 15^/7:, 1873. Mitchell, Donald G. Battle summer; personal observa- tions in Paris during the year 1848. 280 pp. 12°. New York, 1850. Reveries of a liachelor; or, a book of the heart. 208 i)p. 12°. Nev) York, 1852. .AIitciiell’s new univei-sal atlas, containing maps of the various empires, kingdoms, states and republics of the world, with a special map of each of the United States, l)lans of cities, etc. f°. Philadelphia, 1855. Mivart, St. George. 5Ian and apes; an exposition of struc- tural resemblances and diherences bearing upon questions of atiinity and origin. 200 ])]>. 12°. Neiv York, 1874. Molitor, William. Burning (piestions. 105 pp. 12°. Jmn- doa, 187(). 5h)EirLER, .John Adam, 1). 1). Symliolism; or, exposition of the doctrinal differences between (uitliolics and Protest- 72 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. ants, as evidenced by their syinl)olical writings. Trans- lated- from the German, with a memoir of tlie antlior, by James Burton Robertson. 575 pp. S°. New York, 1844. Monnin, Her. Alfred. Life of the Cure D’Ars. Translated from the French. With an introduction by Archbishop IVIanning. Portrait. 481 pp. 12°. New York. [n. d.] ]Montagu, Basil. {Compiler.) Selections from the works of Taylor, Latimer, Hall, Milton, Barrow, South, Brown, Ful- ler and Bacon. 242 pp. 12°. New York, 1850. ^loNTALEMBEKT, Charles Forbes Rene, Comte de. Catholic- interests in the Nineteenth Century. 136 pp. 8°, Lon- don, 1852. Letters to a schoolfellow, 1 827-’30. Translated from the French by C. F. Audley. 267 pp. 12°. London, 1874. • Life of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, duchess of Thuringia, Translated from the French. 427 j^p. 12°. New York, 1854. The Monks of the AVest, from St. Benedict to St. Bernard. 2 v. 699, 757 pp. 8°. Boston, 1872. Month of Mary, The ; or, the month of May, consecrated to the glory of the Mother of God. Translated from the French. [Anoa.] 272 pp. 32°. Baltimore, [a. d.] IMontok, Alexis Fran 90 ^s, Chevalier d’Artaud de. See Artaud DE Montoe, Alexis Fran 9 ois, AIoore, Frank. {Editor.) See Rebellion Record. Moore, Joseph AVest. Picturescpie AVashington; pen and pencil sketches of its scenery, history, traditions, etc., to- gether with artistic views at Mount AYrnon. 307 pp. 8°. Providence, B. I., 1884. AIoore, Thomas. The history of Ireland, commencing with its earliest period to the great expedition against Scotland in 1545. 437 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1843. — = The s&me. From the earliest kings of the realm down to its last chief. 2 v. 712, 670 pp, 8°. New York, 1858. Life and death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald. 2 v. 214, 223 pp. 12°. New York, 1831. Alelodies, songs, sacred songs and national airs. 250 pp. 32°. Philadelphia, 1821. The same. 260 pp. 32°. Philadelphia, 1830. Travels of an Irish gentleman in search of a reli- gion, with notes and illustrations. By the editor of “Cap- tain Rock’s Memoirs.” \_Anon.'] 264 pp. 12°. Balti- more, 1844. IMoore, Thomas George. The bachelor; a novel. 3 v. 16°. London, 1809. IMore, Alargareta, {pseud.) See AIanning, Alary Anne. AIorgan, Lady Sidney Owenson. Florence AIcCarthy; an CATALOGUE. 73 Irish tale. 2 v. bd. in 1. 275, 252 pp. 12°. Fh'dadelphia, 1819. AIoriarty, Rev. James J. Stumbling-blocks made stepping- stones on the road to the Catholic faith. 3d ed. 280 ])p. 12°. Neiv York, 1880. Morris, Benjamin Franklin. Christian life and character of the civil institutions of the United States developed in the official and historical annals of the republic. 831 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1804. AIorris, John Gottlob, D. D. The Lords Baltimore. See Maryland Historical Society. Morris, P. H., M. 1). The evil effects of drunkenness phy- siologically explained. {In Berminoiiam, Bev. J. Memoir of Very Eev. Theobald Mathew, 1841.) Mulcaile, Rev. J. P. {Translator.) Philosophical catechism. See Feller, Abbe F. X. de. AIuller, Rev. Michael, C. SS. R. God the teacher of man- kind ; the apostles’ creed. 565 pp. 12°. New York, 1878. The same. The Church and her enemies. 338, 213 pp. 12°. New York, 1879. The same. Grace and the sacraments: Baptism, Contirmation, Extreme Unction, Holy Orders and Matri- mony. 583 pp. 12°. New York, 1880. The same. The sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Penance. 590 pp. 1 2°. New York, 1880. Charity lecture for the benefit of St. Alphonsus’ church which the Bedemptorist Fathers are building in the city of St. Louis. 37 pp. 8°. Baltimore, [a. d.] The devotion of the Holy Bosary, and the Five Scapulars. 3d ed. 334 pp. 12°. Neiv York, 1877. Discourse to promote charity toward the souls in purgatory. 50 pp. 8°. Baltimore, [a. d:] The Holy Mass: The sacrifice for the living and the dead ; the clean olilation offered uj) among the nations from the rising to the setting of the sun. 8th ed. 051 pp. 12°. New York, 1,878. Public school education. Bev. ed. 415 pp. 12°. New York, 1873. The Prodigal Son ; or, the sinner’s return to God. 5th ed. 581 pp. 12°. New York, 1877. Purgatorial! consoler ; a manual of prayers. 184 jip. 24°. New York, 1879. IMullooly, Rev. Joseph, 0. P. Saint Clement, pope and martyr, and his basilica in Borne. Ulus. 445 pp. 8°. Rome, 1873. AIumford, Rev. Joseph, S. J. Question of questions, which, rightly resolved, resolves all our questions in religion. Bevised by the Bev. William Gordon. 358 pp. 12°. London, 1843. 0 74 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Murdoch, Rt. Rev. John. The Church of Rome not an idolatrous Church ; proved in a series of short lectures delivered in the Roman Catholic chapel at Glasgow, 144 pp. 12°. Glasgow, 1835. MURPHY, Dominic Ignatius. A Christmas-eve story. {In Carroli. Institute Gazette, Fair edition. No. 12.) Catholics in American history ; an essay. {In Car- roll Institute Gazette, Fair edition. Nos. 10-11.) The old players; a lecture delivered before the Carroll Institute, November 28. 1882. {In Wasiiinoton ( 'atholic, V. 2, No. 17, 1882.) Public school question ; address delivered before the Carroll Institute, Thursday evening, May 3, 1883. {In Washington Catholic, v. 3, No. 10, 1883.) The school question. {In AVashington Catholic, V. 1, No. 20, 1882.) AVhat Catholics have done for America. [In AVasii- iNGTON Catholic, v. 1, Nos. 5-0, 1882.) Murphy, Rev. John J., S. J. A flower for each day of the month of June. 88 pp. 24°. Netv York. [1882.] Murray, Hon. Charles Augustus. Travels in North America during the years 18:-U-’30. 2 v. 324, 247 pp. 12°. New York, 1830. Murray, John O’Kane. Catholic pioneers of America. 433 pp. 12°. New York, 1882. Lives of the Catholic heroes and heroines of America. Portraits. 878 pj). 8°. Neiv York, 1880. Popular history of the Catholic (diurcli in the United States. 019 pp. 8°. Netv York, 1870. AIurray, lindley. English reader ; or, pieces in prose and verse from the best authors. 252 jip. 12°. Netrark, N. ./., 1845. Introduction to the English reader ; or, a selection of pieces in prose and poetry, calculated to improve the vounger classes of learners in reading. 228 i)p. 12°. A>c,’ IV/r, 1811. AIurray, Patrick Joseph. Life of John Banim, the Irish novelist. 355 pp. 12°. New York, 18(59. Mysterious castle. The ; a tale of the Middle Ages. Trans- lated from the French by Mrs. Kate E. Hughes. [Aro^l] 309 pp. 12°. Baltbnore, 1878. National Catholic, The. A fomily weekly newspaper. See Washin(;ton Catholic. Navery, Raoul de, {pseiul.) See David, Alme. Alarie de Saflfon. Necker, Jacques. Account of his administration of the finances. {In Anisudotp^s of the reign of Lewis XVI.) Neligan, Rer. AVilliam H. Rome : Its churches, its charities, and its schools. 452 pp. 12°. Neir York, 1858. CATALOGUE. 75 {Editor.) Lives of the Koman Pontifis. See Artaud DE AIontor, a. E. (T. Neville, Ralph. Lloyd Pennant ; a tale of the West. 578 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1878. Neav glories of the Catholic Church, The. Translated from the Italian by the Eathers of the London Oratory, with a preface bv Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman. [.Lio/l] 2d ed. 831 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1801. The same. 3d ed. 331 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1867. New York, X. Y., Decennial souvenir of the Literary Society of St. Francis Xavier’s church, 1871-81. Portrait. 80 pp. 8°. Weiy lorA,-, 1881. New A^ork Register and Catholic Diary, October, 1833 to October, 1830. 0 v. bd. in 3. f°. New York, 1833-’36. New A'ork Tablet; a Catholic family journal, June, 1805, to- May, 1808. v. 9-11. f°. New York, 1805-08. Newmax, John Henry, Cardinal. Apologia pro vita sua; be- ing a reply to a pamphlet entitled “ What then does Dr. Newman mean?” 5th ed. 393 pp. 12°. Neiv York^ 1808. Callista ; a sketch of the third century. Ulus. 290 pp. 12°. New' York. [a. d.] Characteristics from the writings of Cardinal New- man ; being selections, personal, historical, philosophical and religious, from his various works. Arranged by Wil- liam Samuel Lilly. 353 pp. 12°. New York, 1870. * A letter addressed to his grace, the duke of Norfolk^ on the occasion of Mr. Gladstone’s recent expostulations. 171 pp. 12°. Neiv York, 1875. Loss and gain ; 'or, the story of a convert. 2d ed. 252 pp. 12°. Bo.dou, 1855. (Editor.) Notes of a visit to the Russian Church. See Palmer, Ml Newspapers. St'e Carroll Institute Gazette. (.'atiiolic Vindicator. Fair Messenger. Journal of the Fair. New York Registry and Catholic Diary. New York Tablet. Notre Dame Scholastic. Orphans’ Advocate. Orthodox Journal. AVashington Catholic. Nichols, Btft Major George Ward. Story of the great march. From the diary of a staff officer. Alap and illustrations. 401 pp. 12°. New York, 1805. Noethen, Rev. Theodore. A compendium of the history of the Catholic Church, from the commencement of the (Christian Era to the .Ecumenical Council of the Vatican. 587 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1870. 76 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Sermons preached in the Albany county peniten- tiary, from May, 1874, to March, 1877. 200 pp. 12°. Albany, 1877. Thirteen sermons prea( hed in the Albany county penitentiary. Published under the auspices of the society of St. Vincent de Paul. 60 pp. 8°. Albany, 1875. {Translator.) The New God. See Bishoff, Rev J. E. C. Nordiioff, Charles. California for health, pleasure and residence. Ulus. 206 pp. 8°. New York, 1882. Politics for young Americans. 259 pp. 12°. New York, 1875. Norman, Benjamin Moore. Rambles by land and water ; or, notes of travel in Cuba and Mexico, etc. 216 pp. 12°. New York, 1845. Notre I)ame Scholastic. v. 9-10. Notre Dame, Ind., 1875-76. Nun of Kenmare. See Mary Francis Clare, Sister. Oakeley, Very Rev. Frederick, Canon. Catholic worship : A manual of popular instruction on the ceremonies and devotions of the Church. 2d ed. 88 pp. 16°. New York, 1872. The priest on the mission ; a series of lectures on missionarv and parochial duties. 233 pp. 12°. Troy, N. Y., 1871. O’Brien, James W. {Compiler.) Lectures and addresses of the Very Rev. Thomas N. Burke, O. P. ; also the discourses of the Most Rev. Archbishop Bayley, of Baltimore ; Most Rev. Archbishop Manning, of Westminster; Rt. Rev. Bishop Persico, of Savannah, and other Catholic divines on temperance, with a sketch of the life and labors of Father Burke. 74 pp. 12°. Nevj York, 1^12. O’Brien, Rev. John. History of the Mass and its ceremonies in the eastern and western church. 414 pp. 12°. New York, 1879. O’Brien, Rev. Richard Baptist. Ailey Moore ; a tale of the times, showing how evictions, murder and such-like pastimes are managed and justice administered in Ireland. 257 pp. 12°. New York. [n. d.'] The same. 2 v. in 1. 278, 260 pp. 16°. Boston. [n. d.] The Church and the country ; a series of lectures delivered before the Young Men’s Society at Cork, in the month of October, 1853. Lecture 1, Unity in Religion. 115 pp. 16°. Co r^^, 1854. O’Brien, AVilliam Smith. Principles of government ; or, meditations in exile. 460 pp. 12°. Boston, 1856. O’Callagiian, Rev. Jeremiah. Usury ; funds, forestalling, traffic, Gallican Liberties, graves, anatomy. 5th ed. 551 pp. 12°. Nevj York, 1855. CATALOGUE. 77 O’Connell, Daniel. Memoir on Ireland, native and Saxon, n 72-1000. v. 1. 312 pp. 10°. New York, lM?j. O’Connell, Rev. J. J., 0. S. B. Catholicity in the Carolinas and Georgia ; leaves of its history, 1820-78. 047 i)p. 8°. Neiv York. [n. d.] O’Connell, Rev. T. J. Panegyric of the Bles.sed Aloysius, preached at Clongowe’s Wood College. 52 pp. 10°. Dublin, 1848. O’Conner, Rev. John. Essay on the Kosary and Sodality of the Most Holy Name of Jesus. 339 pp. 12°. Dublin. [n. d.] O’Connor, Rev. Michael, S. J. Sogarth Aroon ; or, the Irish priest. A lecture. 24 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1809. O’Conor, Rev. J. F. X., S. J. Beading and the mind, with something to read. 49 pp. 8°. New York, 1884. O’Donovan, Jeremiah. Histor\^ of Ireland. Containing a compendious account of her woes, afflictions and suffer- ing, with a direct reference to her political renovation, from the commencement of the reign of Roderick O’Connor to the battle of the Bovne. In epic verse. 2 V. 178, 132 pp. 12°. Pittsburgh, 1854. O’Dwyer, Thomas, 31. D. Pius IX and his times; a series of sketches, made during a prolonged residence in Rome, illustrative of the present pontificate, to which is added souvenirs of travel in other parts of Europe, with miscel- laneous jottings. Ulus. 308 pp. 12°. London, 1876. Office of the Holy Week, The ; according to the Roman Missal and Breviary. [Anon.] 1st Amer. ed. 480 pp. 10°. , Baltimore, 1810. Official documents connected with the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Ble.ssed Virgin Mary. [Lat. and Eng.] 102 pp. 8°. Balthnore, 1855. O’Flaiierty, Rcr. Thomas J. {Translator.) Letters on the Spanish Inquisition. Bee Maistre, J. M. de. O’Hara Family, The; {pseud.) Bee Banim, John and Michael. O’Keefe, Rev. Eugene. Transubstantiation sustained; an answer to the Rev. Dr. Burns’ strictures on Dr. Cahill’s lecture on transubstantiation. 30 pp. 8°. [n. p., n. d.] O’Keefe, Rev. Matthew. Noctes Sepian^e; or, an expose of the cuttle-fish tactics, false allegations, misstatements, scriptural and historical, of the work of Rev. J. D. Black- well, entitled “ God’s Word our Guide.” 59 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1875. OLD-fashion farmer’s The ; motives for leaving the Church of England and embracing the Roman Catholic faith, and reasons for adhering to the same. [Anon.'\ 1st Amer. ed. 199 pp. 24°. Georgetown, D. C., 1825. O’Leary, Rev. Arthur, 0. B. F. Miscellaneous tracts. 424 pp. 12°. Dublin, 176\. 78 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Works. Edited by a clergyman of Massachusetts, [Rev. Joseph M. Finotti.] 596 pp. 8°. Bouton, 1868. OAIahoney, Edmond William. {Translator.) Confutation of Church-of-Englandism. Bee White, A. O’Meara, Kathleen. Frederic Ozanam, professor at the Sorbonne; his life and works. 454 pp. 12°. Edinburgh, 1876. Onaiian, AVilliam J. Address at the laying of the corner- stone of Marquette College, Milwaukee, Wis., August 15, 1880. 10 pp. 8°. Chicago, 1880. ■OriE, Mrs. Amelia. Valentine’s eve ; a tale. 3 v. in 2. 264, 296 pp. 12°. Boston, 1816. 'O’Reilly, Rev. Augustine J. Martyrs of the Coliseum ; or, historical records of the great amphitheatre of Ancient Rome. 447 pp. 12°. New York, 1875. O’Reilla', Rev. Bernard. Life of Pius IX down to the episcopal Jubilee of 1877. 6th ed. Ulus. 506 pp. 8°. New York, 1877. Leo XIII and his probable policy. Portrait. 96 pp. 12°. New York, 1878. Mirror of true womanhood ; a book of instruction for women in the world. 2d ed. Ulus. 466 pp. 8°. Neiv York, 1878. True men as we need them ; a book of instruction for men of the world. 460 pp. 8°. New York, 1878. O’Reilly, John Boyle. Moondyne ; a story from the under-world. 327 pp. 12°. Boston, 1879. Songs, legends and ballads. 318 pp. 12°. Boston, 1878. The statues in the block, and other poems. 110 pp. 12°. Boston, 1881. O’Reilly, Miles, (pseud.) Bee Halpine, Charles Graham. O’Reilly, M>des. Memorials of those who suflered for the Catholic faith in Ireland in the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 459 pp. 8°. New York, 1869. The same. (In Brennan, Rev. R. Lives of the Irish martyrs and confessors.) Orliac, Mine. J. M. S. History of the Society of Jesus from its foundation to the present time. Translated from the French of J. M. Uaurignac, \_pseud.,'] by James Clements. 2 V. 421, 372 pp. 12°. Cincinnati, 1865. Ornsby, Robert, A. M. The life of St. Francis de Sales, bishop and prince of Geneva. 269 jip. 12°. New York, 1859. Orphans’ Advocate. 20 nos. 4°. Washington, 1866. Note . — A Fair journal for the lienetit of the soldiers’ and sailors’ orphans. Orthodox Journal and Catholic Monthly Intelligencer, v. 9. 500 pp. 8°. London, 1823. [r. h-p.] CATALOGUE. 79 <)s:;anvax, Khacliador or Christbearer. The sultan and Ids people, Illns. 45(1 pp. 12°. Xeiv York, 1857. Otis, JAe at. -Colonel Elwell S., U. S. A. The Indian (piestion. 288 jip. 12°. JSfew York, 1878. Ow'EN, David Dcde. Reiiort of a geological survey of Wis- consin, Iowa and Minnesota, and incidentally of a portion of Nebraska Territory. (588 pp. 4°. PhUadelphm, 1852. OzANAM, Frederic. History of civilization in the fifth century. Translated from the French by Ashley C. Glyn. 2 V. 295, 275 p}). 12°. lAoidon, 18(58. Pilgrimage to the land of the Ci‘d. Translated from the French b}^ P. S. 192 pp. 18°. New York, 1875. Pabiscii, Rev. Francis Joseph. [I' rami at or.) Manual of universal Church history. See Alzog, Rev. J. Pagani, Very Rev. Jean Baptiste. Aninia divota ; or, devout soul. Translated from the Italian. 839 pp. 24°. Balti- more. [a. d.] Palmer, James Croxall, U. S. N. Thulia; a tale of the Antarctic. 72 pp. 8°. New York, 1848. Palmer, William. Notes of a visit to the Russian Church in the years 1840-41, Selected and arranged b}" Cardinal Newman. 572 pp. 12°. London, 1882. Pardoe, Julia. City of the Sultan, and domestic manners of the Turks in 188(5. 2 v. 291, 284 pp. 12°. Philadel- ])hia, 1887, Parkmax, Francis. France and England in North America. Parts 1-3, 7. Boston, 18(55-’84. CONTENTS. Part 1. Pioneers of France in the New World. ‘2. The Jesuits in North America during the XVII century. 3, The discovery of the Great West. 7. Montcalm and Wolfe. Parnell, Fanny. The hovels of Ireland. 05 pi). 12°. New York. [1880.] Parnell, Sir IL, Jvord Congleton. History of the penal laws against Irish Catholics. {In Brennan, Rev. R. Lives of the Irish martyrs and confessors.) Parsons, Thomas William. Poems. 189 ])]). 12° Boston 1854. Parveliers, Re?’. A., S. J. The Stations; or, devotions on the Passion of our Lord Jesus C'hrist crucified, as they are made in Jerusalem. With the prayers of St Brido-et 157 i)p. 48°. CorC 1814. ” Pastorini, Slg., {imni.) S>e Walmslev, Rt. Rev. Charles. Patrick, Saint. The life of Saint Patrick, the apostle of Ireland; with a copious appendix. 282 iip. 12° New York, 1825. The same. 192 pp. 12°. Baltimore. [??. R] The same. To which is added the lives of Saint Bridget and Saint C'olumba. 192, 41 pp. 12°. Balti- more, 1868. 80 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Paul Miki, Saint. Lives of St. Paul Miki, St. John De Goto and St. James Kisai, martyrs of the Society of Jesus, can- onized June 8, 1862. 32 pp. 16°. New York, 1862. Penny, W. G. The exercise of faith impossible except in the Catholic Church. 216 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, 1847. Peppergrass, Paul., (pseud.) See Boyce, Rev. John. Percival, Emily. Golden gift ; a wreath of gems from the prose and poetical writers of England and America. 288 pp, 12°. Boston, [n. d.] Persico, Rt. Rev. Ignatius, Bishop of Savannah. Lecture- before the societies of the Metropolitan Catholic Total Abstinence Union in Cooper Institute, N. Y., on June 24, 1872. Subject: The holy nature of temperance. (In O’Brien, J. W. Lectures and addresses.) Phelps, Mrs. Lincoln. (Compiler.) Our country in its rela- tions to the past, present and future ; a national book, consisting of original articles in prose and verse, con- tribute by American writers. 423 pp. 12°. Radmorc, 1864.. Phelan, George F. (Compiler.) Gleanings from our own fields ; being selections from Catholic American poets. 110 pp. 12°. New York, 1881. PiiiLALETHirs, (pseud.) See Blox, John E. Philbrick, John D. American union speaker ; containing- standard and recent selections in prose and poetry. 588 pp. 8°. Boston, 1865. Philippe, Brother, [Mathieu Bransiet.] Filial and fraternal piety. Translated from the French by Christine Farville. 282 pp. 12°. New York, 1864. Phillips, Charles. The speeches of Charles Pliillips, deliv- ered at the bar, and on various public occasions in Ireland and England. 4th Amer. ed. 232 pp. 8°. Alexandria^ Va., 1820. Speeches of Phillips, Curran and Grattan, the cele- brated Irish orators. Selected by a member of the bar. 178, 370 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1831. Phillips, Wendell. Daniel O’Connell; a lecture in Stein- way Hall, New Y'ork, December, 1872. 26 pp. 8°. Neiv York, 1872. PiKENix, John, (jxseud.) See Derby, George Horatio. Pictorial history of the Russian war, ]854-’56. [Anon.] 584 pp. 8°. London, 1856. Pictures of Christian heroism. With preface by the Rev. Henry Edward Manning. [Anon.] 256 pp. 12°. New York, 1855. PioT, Rev. B. S. Considerations on the world. 148 pp. 24°. Baltimore, 1860. Piozzi, Mrs. Hester Lynch. Autobiography letters and lit- erary remains. Edited with notes and an introductory account of her life and writings by A. Hayward. 531 pp. 12°. Rosfon, 1861. CATALOGUE. 81 Pike, Rev. Charles Constantine. History of the Church from its establishment to the present century. 3 v. 12°. Balti- more, 1827. The Acts of the Apostles, in four books ; with copi- ous notes. 80, xii pp. 4°. (Appended to Rutter, Rev. H. The life.) — The founders of the Jesuits : Saint Ignatius and lirst companions. 360 pp. 12°. New York, 1866. Pleasures of religion and other poems. 251 jip. 16°. Philadelphia, 1833. Zenosius ; or, the Pilgrim convert. 279 pp. 16°. New York, 1845. ( Translator. ) See Catholic bride. (Editor.) See Catholic Expositor. Pitkin, Timothy. Political and civil history of the United States, from 1763 to 1797. 2 v. 528, 539 pp. 8°. New Haven, 1828. Pittar, Mrs. Fanny Maria. A Protestant converted to Catholicity by her Bible and prayer-book ; and the strug- gles of a soul in search of truth. With a preface by the Rt. Rev. Stephen Vincent Rvan. 225 pp. 12°. Buffalo, 1884. PiTTENGER, Rev. William. Capturing a locomotive ; a history of secret service in the late war. Ulus. 354 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1884. Pius IX, Pope. Encyclicals. See Catholic Church. Discourse of the Rt. Rev. J. F. Shanahan on our late Holy Father, Pius IX, delivered on occasion of the pontifical requiem mass for the repose of his soul, cele- brated in the pro-cathedral, Harrisburg, Pa., February 21, 1878. With sketch of the solemnities. 21 pp. 8°. Har- risburg, 1878. Pie IX. Xouvelle biographie, suivie de la relation du siege de Rome en 1849. [A/iOR.] Portrait. 185 pp. 16°. Tours, 1852. Plowden, Francis. Historical review’ of the state of Ireland from the invasion under Henry II to its union with Great Britain in 1801. 5 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1805-’6. Short history of the British Empire, from May, 1792, to the close of the year 1793. 261 pp. 12°. Philadelphia^ 1794. Pope, Alexander. AVorks. AVith his last corrections, addi- tions and improvements, together with all his notes. 8 v. 24°. London, 1795. Pope, Thomas Canon. The Council of the A'atican, and the events of the time. Ulus. 329 pp. 12°. Boston, 1872. Pope, Rev. Richard T. P. Authentic report of the discussion which took place at the lecture-room of the Dublin Insti- tution. See AIaguire, Rev. T., and Pope, Rev. R. T. P. Popular educator ; a complete encyclopedia of elementary. CAREOLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. .B2 advanced and technical education. \_Anon.'] Ulus. G v. in 3. 8°. London. \_n. d.] Porter, Mm Anna Maria. Knights of St. John; a romance. 2 V. 278, 282 pp. 1(5°. Philadelphia, 1817. Porter, Miss Jane. Scottish chiefs ; a romance. 3 v. bd. in 1 . 12°. Baltimore, 1812. Thaddeus of AVarsaw. 3d Amer. ed. 4v. in2. 1(5°. Philadelphia, 1817. Porter, Sir Robt. Ker. Narrative of the campaign in Rus- sia, during the year 1812. 358 pp. 1(5°. Philadelp]da,l^\h. Traveling sketches in Russia and Sweden, in the 3 ^ears 1805-8. 475 j)p. 8°. Philadelphia. [ t.-p. 'ni.'\ Potter, Rev. Thomas J. The Farleyes of Farleye ; or, faith- ful and true. 250 pp. 16°. Boston, 1868. Power, Rev. John. The New Testament by way of question and answer ; with illustrations taken from the holy fathers and most approved interpreters, 380 pp. 12°. New York, 1824. Power, Rev. Thomas Augustus. ( Translator.) See Instructive and curious epistles. PoYNTER, Rt. Rev. AVilliam. Christianity ; or, the evidences and characters of the Christian 'religion. 2d ed. 229 pp. 12°. London, 1835. Praciiensky, Rev. Joseph, S. J. The Church of the Parables, and true spouse ol the suflering Saviour. 311 pp. 16°. Nev) York, 1880. Praed, AVinthroj) Mackworth. Lilian and other poems. 290 pp. 12°. New York, 1852. Preble, George Henry, U. S. N. Our flag ; origin and progress of the flag of the United States of America, with an in- troductory account of the syndiols, standards, banners and flags of ancient and modern nations. Ulus. 535 pp. 8°. Alban n, 1872. Prescott, AVilliam Hickling. History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a preliminary view of Ancient Mexican civilization, and the life of Hernando Cortez. 3 v. 488, 480, 524 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1861. History of the Conquest of Peru, with a prelimi- nary view of tlie civilization of the Incas. 2 vols. 527, 547 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1861. History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic. 15th ed. 3 v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1861. [Editor.) History of the reign of Charles Ah See Robertson, AV. H. Preston, Monsignor Thomas S. Christ and the Church. Lectures delivered in St. Ann’s church during Advent, 18(59. 344 pp. 12°. New York, YMO. Reason and Revelation. Lectures delivered in St. Ann’s church. New' York, during Advent, 1867. 266 pp. 12°. New York, 18(58. CATALOGUE. ' 83 The life of St. Mary Magdalene ; or, the path of penitence. 183 pp. 1(3°. New York. [>o d.] The Vicar of Christ ; or, lectures upon the office and prerogatives of our Holy Father the Pope. Portrait. 452 pp. 12°. New York, 1871. Prestox, William P. Eulogy on “Good Father Dolan,” the apostle of the Point, delivered at the recpiest of the A^oung Catholics’ Friend Society, at the Maryland Institute, on Sunday, November 20, 1870. 45 pp. 8°. Bcdtlniore, 1870. Preuss, Henry Clay. Fashions and follies of Washington life: a play. 75 pp. 12°. Washington, lSd7. Price, Rev. Edward. Sick calls : from the diar 3 ^of a mission- ary priest. 388 pp. 16°. New York, 1852. Proctor, Kichard Anthon 3 \ Expanse of heaven ; a series of essays on the wonders of the tirmament. 305 pp. 12°. Neiv York, 1874. Protestant principles. The ; of appealing to the Holy Script- ures, subversive of Protestant doctrine and contirmatory of the Koman Catholic Faith. [J/iou.] 361 pp. 12°. London, 1834. Prout, . Fht/icr, {psewL) See Mahoney, Rev. Francis Syl- vester. Providence Hospital. . Twenty-second annual report, [for the 3 ^ear 1884]. 29 pp. 8°. WasJdngton, 1884. Pi'RCELL, Most Rev. John Baptist, Archbishop of Cincumcdi. Debate on the Roman Catholic religion : held in the Syca- more-street meeting-house, Cincinnati, from tlie 13th to the 21st of January, 1837. Camprell, A., and Purcell, Most Rev. J. B. The Vickers and Purcell controversy. 205 jip. 12°. Cincinnati, 1868. Purgatory opened to the piety of the faithful; or the month of November consecrated to the relief of the souls in piir- gatorv. Translated. \_Anon.'] 146 pp. 24°. New York. [n. d.] Putnam’s Monthly Magazine of American literature, science and art. 6 vols. 8°. New York, 1853-55. tdriGLEY, Rev. Hugh. The cross and the shamrock ; or, how , to defend the faith ; an Irish-American Catholic tale. \_Anon.'\ 264 pp. 12°. Boston, 1854. Letters in defense of the faith ; in answer to Dr. Beman, of Troy, N. Y., in 1851 ; and against Methodist preachers and others in Eureka, Cal., in 1877. Portrait. 96 pp. 24° Washington, 1881. QmNTON, Abel. Aurelia; or, the Jews of Capena-Gate. Freely translated from the French by P. F. De Gournay. Ulus. 366 pp. 12°. Baltimore, The nobleman of ’89: an episode of the French Revolution. Translated from the French by Prof. Ernest Legarde. 816 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1874. 84 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Ramie RE, Rev. Henri, S. J. Maaiual of the Apostleship of Prayer. Translated from the French. 168 pp. 32° Balti- more, 1866. The same. 232 pp. 32°. Baltimore, 1867. Ratisbonxe, Abhe Marie Theodore. Life and times of St. Bernard. Translated from the French. Ulus. 487 pp. 12°. New York, 1859. Raa'mond of Capua, Blessed. Life of St. Catharine of Sienna,, by her confessor. With an appendix containins: the testi- mony of her disciples, recollections in Italy, and her icon- ography, by E. Cartier. Translated from the French. 432 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, [n. d.] Read, Harriet Fanning. Dramatic poems. 297 pp. 8°. Boston, 1848. Rebellion Record ; a diary of American events, with docu- ments, narratives, illustrative incidents, poetry, etc. Erlited by Frank iVIoore. With an introductory address on the causes of the struggle, and the great issues before the country, by Edward Everett. 6v. 8°. Nev) York,l^Q2-%?>. Redman, Rev. J. Soldiers’ companion to the spiritual exer- cises. 2d ed. 106 pp. 24°. London, 1882. Reeve, Rev. Joseph, S. J. {Translator^) The history of the Holy Bible. See Fontaine, Nicolas. Reid, Christian, {pseud.) See Fisher, Frances C. Religious Cabinet ; a monthly periodical, containing chiefly selections from the best Catholic reviews, magazines and other publications. [Edited bv Rev. Charles I. White and Rev. James Donlan.] v. 1. Idaltimore, 1842. For a continuation, see United States Catholic maga- zine. Reville, Rev. E. Dalmesse, 0. P. [Six discourses entitled} AVhat is Hell? Is there a Hell? Is Hell eternal? Is. Hell a creation of Clod ? What is the state of the sinners- in Hell ? Who is the king of Hell ? Delivered in St. Dominic’s Church, Washington, D. C., on Sundays, January 27 to March 3, 1878. Reported by James D. Ryan. 64 pp. 8°. Washington, 1878. Riiees, William J. Manual of public libraries, institutions and societies in the L^’nited States and British Provinces of North America. 687 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1859. Rhodes, M. J. His Holiness Pope Pius IX and the temporal rights of the Holy See, as involving the religious, social and political interests of the whole world. 152 pp. 24°. New York, 1860. RICHARDS, William. Howto succeed in life. An address delivered at the eighth annual commencement of the Carroll Institute night school. {In "Washington Catholic, V. 1, No. 21, 1882.) Richardson, George Frederick. Geology for beginners; comprising a familiar explanation of geology and its asso- ciate sciences. 3d ed. 624 pp. 12°. London, 1846. CATALOGUE. 85 Eichaedson, James. {Editor.) AVonders of the A^ellow- stone. Ulus. 256 pp. 12°. New York, 1873. Richtee, Jean Paul Frederic. Autobiography. {In Lee, E. B. Life.) Riyee’s Manual ; or, pastoral instructions upon the creed> commandments, sacraments. Lord’s i)rayer, etc. 432, 12 pp. 12°. New York, 1846. Robebts, Edmund. Embassy to the Eastern courts of Cochin China, Siam and Muscat, in the L^nited States sloop-of-\var Peacock, during the years 1832-’34. 432 pp. 8 V. New York, 1837. Robeetson, AVilliam. Historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India, and the progress of trade with that country prior to the discovery of the passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope. 404 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1812. History of the reign of the emperor Charles V. AVith an account of the emperor’s life after his abdication, ' by AA^m. H. Prescott, Esq. 3 v. 8°. Boston, 1857-’60. Robinson, Henry Crabb. Diary, reminiscences and cor- respondence. Selected and edited by Thomas Sadler. 2 v. 496, 555 pp, 12°. Boston, 1869-’70. Roche, Regina Maria. Children of the Abbey. 629 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1871. Roddan, Bev. John T. John O’Brien ; or, the orphan of Boston. A tale of real life.’ 264 pp. 12°. Boston, 1851. Rodriguez, Rev. Alonso, S. J. The practice of Christian and religious perfection. Translated from the French copy of AI. I’abbe Regnier des Alarais. 2 v. 472, 523 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1831. Roget, Peter Alark. Thesaurus of English words and phrases. 510 pp. 12°. Boston, 1863. Rollin, Ahhd Charles. Ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Alacedonians and Grecians. 8 v. 12°. Hartford, 1837. Romance of travel ; comprising adventures in foreign coun- tries, and descriptions of manners, customs and places. By an old traveler. \_Anon.'] 299 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Rome’s recruits a list of Protestants who have become Roman Catholics since the Tractarian movement. [Anou.] 4th ed. 42 pp. 8°. London, 1881. Ronayne, Alaurice, S. J. Religion and science ; their union historically considered. 254 pp. 12°. New York, 1879. Root, Nathaniel AA’'illiam Taylor. School amusements ; or, howto make the school interesting ; embracing rules for military and gymnastic exercises, and hints upon the gen- eral management of the school-room. Ulus. 225 pp. 12°. Nevj York, 1876. Roscoe, AA’'illiam. Life of Lorenzo de’ Aledici, called the Magnificent. Revised by Thomas Roscoe. 9th ed. 564 pp. 12°. London, 1847. 86 CAKEOLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Rossa, O’Uoijovan. Prison life ; six 3 'ears in six English prisons. 440 pp. 8 °. New York, 1874. Rosselly de Lorgues, Antoine rran 9 ois Felix Valblette. The life of Christopher Columbus, from authentic Spanish and Italian documents. Compiled from the French by J. J. Barry, M. D. Portrait. 020 pp. 8 °. New York, 18()0. Roth, Edward. Life of Naj)oleon III, emperor of the French. 546 pp. 12°. Bouton, 1856. ' Roittledge’s guide to London and its suburbs ; comprising descriptions of all its points of interests. Ulus. 202 pp. 16°. London, [n. d.'] Royaumont, {pseud.) See Fontaine, Nicolas. Russell, William. History of Modern Europe ; with a view of the progress of societ\' from the rise of the modern kingdom to the Peace of Paris, in 1763. AVith a continua- tion of the historv^ to the present time by AA'illiam Jones. 3 Y. 8 °. New York, 1830. Rutter, Rev. Henry. The life, doctrine and sufferings of our blessed Lord Jesus Christ, as recorded by the Four Evan- gelists ; with moral reflections, critical illustrations and explanatoiy notes. AVith a preface by Rev. Charles Con- stantine Pise. To which is added the Acts of the Apostles,, rendered in blank verse, with copious notes, bv" Rev. Charles Constantine Pise. 504, 80, xii pp. 4°. New York. [/L (h] Ryan, Rt. Rev. Patrick John, Archbishop of Rhdadelphla. What Catholics do not believe. A lecture delivered in Mercantile Library Hall, on Sumhy, December 16, 1877. 2(1 ed. 42 pp. 8 °. Sai}it Louis, 1878. Ryan, Rt. Rev. Stejihen A"., Bishop of Bnjfdlo. Claims of a Protestant Eiiiscopal bishop to apostolic succession and valid orders dis]iroved ; with various misstatements of Catholic faith and numerous charges against the Church and Holy See corrected and refuted. 172, 105 ]ip. 12 °. JLifcdo, 1880. Ryder, Rev. H. I. I). CAitholic controvers}"; a reply to Dr. Littledale’s “ Plain Reasons.” 1st Amer. ed. 288 pp. 16°. New York, 1882. Ryder, James, A. /. Sermon delivered at St. Alo\"sius’ church, AVashington city, on the evening of its dedication. Sunday, October 16, 1850. 16 pp. 8 °. Washington, 1850. Sketch of a course of lectures, illustrative of the doc- trines of the Catholic religion, delivered at St. Matthew’s church, AVashington, D. C., during the Lenten season, 1850. 75 pp. 8 °. Georgetoivn, 1). C., 1850. Sadlier, Anna T. Names that live in Catholic hearts ; memoirs of Cardinal Ximenes, Michael Angelo, Samuel do Champlain, Archbishop Plunkett, Charles Carroll, Henri de Larochejaipielein and Simon de Montfort. 265 pp. 12°. New York, 1882. Sadlier, Mrs. James. The Blakes and Flanagans. A tale^ CATALOGUE. 8T illustrative of Irish life in the United States. 391 pj). 12°. New York, 1863. Bessy Conway ; or, the Irish girl in America.. 316 pp. 16°. New York. [n. d.] The Confederate chieftains. A tale of the Irish Rebellion of 1641. Ulus. 225, 461 pp. 12°. New York, 1860. Confessions of an apostate. 252 pp. 16°. New York, 1864. Old and new ; or, taste versus fashion. 486 pp. 12°. New York, 1863. {Translator.) Christian Instructed. Sadlier’s Catholic direct orv, almanac and ordo, for the years 1864, 76, 79, and 1881-’85. 8 v. New York, 1863-’84. For almanacs of previous years see Metropolitan Cath- olic Almanac. Sadlier’s history of the United States. 425 pp. 12°. Neiu York. [1879.] St. Clair, General Arthur. Narrative of the manner in which the campaign against the Indians, in 1791, was conducted under his command. 273 jip. 8°. Philadel- phia, 1812. Saint-Jure, Per. Jean Baptiste, S. J. Life of the Baron de Kenty ; or, perfection in the world exemplified. Edited by Edward Ilealy Thompson. [.I»or.] 454 pp. 12°. London, 1873. Sampson, William. {Reporter.) Catholic question in Amer- ica : Whether a Roman Catholic clergyman he in any case conqiellable to disclose the secrets of auricular confes- sion. Uecided at the court of general sessions in the city of New York. With an appendix. 138, 129 pp. 8°. New' York, 1813. Sanderson, John. American in Baris. 2 v. 233, 254 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1839. San Xavier del Bac, Mission of. Brief sketch of the mission of San Xavier del Bac; with a description of its church, by a missionary of Arizona, [dpo//.] 20 pp. 8°. Ran Francisco, 1880. Sargent, Epes. .{Gonipiler.) Selections in poetry for exer- cises at school and at liome. 336 pp. 12°. Philadel- phi((, 1853. Sarrazin, General Jean. History of the war in Spain and Portugal from 1807 to 1814. 271 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1815. (Bound with St. Clair, General A. Narrative.) Savage, John. ’98 and ’48 the modern revolutionary history of Ireland. 384 pp. 12°. EorA', 1856. Sctiare, John Thomas. Chronicles of Baltimore; a com- j)lete history of “Ballimore Town” and Baltimore city from the earliest period to the present time. 756 pp. 8°.. Haltimore, 1874. 88 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. History of Maryland from the earliest period to the present day. Ulus. 3 v. 8°. Baltimore, 1879. ScHEM, Alexander J. Cyclopaedia of education. S’ee Kiddle, H., and Schem, A. J. ScHLEGEL, Carl Wilhelm Frederick von. Philosophy of history. Translated from the German, with memoir by J. B. Robertson. 2d ed. 498 pp. 12°. London, ScHLiEMANN, Henry. Mycenae ; a narrative of researches and discoveries at Mycenae and Tiryns. The preface by the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Ulus. 8°. New York, 1880. Schmid, Christopher, Canon von. The black lady, The forest chapel and The old castle. 84, 27, 34 pp. 24°. Philadelphia, 1866. The canary bird. 70 pp. 24°. New York. [n. d.] Christmas eve. 144 pp. 24°. Philadelphia, 1859. Godfrey, the little hermit. 140 pp. 24°. Phila- delp)hia, 1857. Henry of Eichenfels and The fire. 96, 55 pp. 24°. Philadelphia, 1866. The jewel and The diamond ring. 93, 45 pp. 24°. Philadelphia, 1859. The nightingale and The inundation of the> Rhine. 86, 69 pp. 24°. Phikidelphia, 1859. The redbreast. 54 pp. 24°. New York. [m. d.] The rose bush. 91 pp. 24°. New York. [n. d.] Scholastic Annual for the year 1882. 12°. Notre Dame, Ind., 1882. ScHRCEDER, Francis. Shores of the Mediterranean, with sketches of travel. Ulus. 2 v. 269, 303 pp. 12°. New York, 1846. Scott, Col. Henry Lee. Military dictionary ; comprising technical definitions, informations on raising and keeping troops, actual service, etc. 674 pp. 8°. New York, 1861. Scott, Sir Walter. Waverly Novels. (Parker’s edition.) 54 V. in 27. (v. 4, 8, 18 w.) 12°. Boston, 1845. CONTENTS. Abbot, The, v, 10. Ann of Geierstein, v. 22. Antiquary, The, v. 3. Black dwarf, v. 5. Bride of Lammermoor, v. 7. Castle dangerous, v, 21. Chronicles of Canongate, v. 20-21. Highland widow, v, 20. Two drovers, v, 20. Surgeon’s daughter, v. 20. My Aunt Margaret’s mirror, v. 20, Tapestried chamber, v. 20. St. Valentine’s day; or, Fair maid of Perth, v. 21. Count Robert of Paris, v. 23. Fortunes of Nigel, v. 13. Guy Mannering, v. 2. Heart of Mid Lothian, v. 6, Kenilworth, v. 11. Legend of Montrose, v. 7. Monastery, The, v. 9. Old Mortality, v. 5, Peveril of the peak, v. 14. Pirate, The, v. 12. Quentin Durward, v. 15. Red Gauntlet, v. 17. St. Ronan’s well, v. 16. Tales of a grandfather, 24-27. Scottish history, v. 24-26. French history, v. 27. Waverly, v. 1. Woodstock, V. 19. CATALOGrt:. 89 AVaverly Novels. With the author’s lust corrections . and additions, o v. 8°. Philadelphia, 1845. CONTENTS. Legend of Montrose, v. 2. Monastery, The, v. 2. My Aunt Margaret’s mirror, v. 5. Old Mortality, v. 1. Peveril of the peak, v. 3. Pirate, The, v. 3. Quentin Durward, v. 3. Red Gauntlet, v. ■!. Rob Roy, V. 1. St. Ronan’s well, v. 4. Surgeon’s daughter. The, v. 5. Talisman, The, v. 4. Tapestried chamber, v. 5. Two drovers, v. 5. Waverly, v. 1. Woodstock, V. 4. Abbot, The, v. 2. Anne of Geierstein, v. 5. Antiquary. The, v. 1. Betmth, The, v. 4. Black dwarf, v. 1. Bride of Lammermoor, v. 2. Castle dangerous, v. 5. Count Robert of Paris, v. 5. Fair maid of Perth, v. 5. Fortunes of Nig*d, v. 3. Glossary for the novels. A, v. 5. Guy Maonerlng, v. 1. Heart of Mid-Lothian, v. 2. Highland widow, v. 5. Ivanhoe, v. *2. Kenilworth, v. 3. Laird’s Jock, The, v. 5. Chronicles of Canongate. 2 v. in 1. 258, 242 pp. 12°. Neiv York, 1827. Ivanhoe; a romance. 2 v. ini. 252,235 pp. 12°. . New York, 1823. Ladv of the Lake ; a poem. 288 pp. 24°. New York, 1811. Poetical works. 3 v. 24°. Boston, 1857. Quentin Durward; a romance. 2 v. in 1. 271, 321 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1823. Tales of a grandfather; being stories taken from Scottish history. 2v. bd. ini. 247,312 pp. 18°. Philadel- jdiia, 1828. Woodstock ; or, the cavalier, a tale of the vear 1651 . 2 V. in 1. 283, 300 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1826. i?ECULAR’s office ; or, appropriate exercises for every day in the week, arranged in a form similar to that of the Homan Breviary. \_Anon.'] 416 pp. 24° Baltimore, 1839. 8)E(JHers, Most liev. Charles John. Funeral Sermons. Bee Blanchet, 3Iost Eev. F. N. The life. Select works of the British poets, in a chronological series from Falconer to Sir Walter Scott. Designed as a continu- ation of Dr. Aikin’s British poets. \_Anon.'] 732 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1850. For previous volume see Aiken, J. Semeria, Rev. J. B. Sketches of the life of the Very Rev. Felix De Andreis, tirst superior of the Congregation of the Mission in the United States, and vicar-general of the dio- cese of New Orleans ; with a sketch of the progress of the Catholic religion in the United States from the beginning of the present century to the year 1860. [Aiio/o] Portrait. 276 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1861. Seton, Monsignor Robert. Essays on various subjects, chiefly Roman. 308 jip. 12°. New York, 1882. Seton, William. The pride of Lexington ; a tale of the American Revolution. 365 pp. 12°. New York, 1874. 90 ' CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Sn ADLER, Rev. S. J. {Translator. ) Beauties of the Catholic- Church. See Dimioden, Rev. D. Shafer, Daniel R. Foundations of success, and laws of trade. 510 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1878. Shakspeare, William. Dramatic works. With sketch of the author. 971 pp. 8°. London, 1822. [t.-p. w.'\ Dramatic works. Wifh biographical introduction by Henry Glassford Bell. 6 v. 1(3°. Glasgow, 1871. CONTENTS. All’s well that ends well, v. 2. Antony and Cleopatra, v. 5. As you like it, v. 2. Comedy of errors, v. 3. Coriolanus, v. 5 Cymbeline, v. 5. Hamlet, v. 6. Henry IV, parts i, ii, v. 3. Henry V, v. 3. Henry VI, parts i, ii, iii, v L Henry VIII, v. 4. Julius Ceesar, v. 5. King John, v. 3. King Lear, v. 6. Love’s labor lost, v. 2. Macbeth, v. 3. Measure for measure, v. 1. Merchant of Venice, v. 2. Merry wives of Windsor, v. 1. Midsummer night’s dream, v. 2. Much ado about nothing, v. 2. Othello, V. 6. Pericles, v. 6. Richard II, v. 3. Richard III. v. 4. Romeo and Juliet, v. 6. Taming of the shrew, v. 2. Tempest, v. 1. Timon of Athens, v. 5. Titus Andronicus, v. 5. Troilus and Cressida, v. 4. Twelfth night, v. 1. Two gentlemen of Verona, v. 1. Winter’s tale, v. 2. Poems. To wdiich is added an account of his life. 258 pp. 12°. Boston, ^S0^. Shanahan, Rt. Rev. J. F., Bishop of Harrisburgh. Discourse on Pius IX, on the occasion of the pontifical requiem mass celebrated in the pro -cathedral, Harrisburgh, Pa., Febru- ary 21, 1878. {In Pius IX. Discourse.) Shaw, Henry W. Josh Billings {pseud.) on ice and other things. With comic illustrations by J.H. Howard. 263 pp. 12°. New York, 1868. Shea, John Gihnary, LL. D. Bibliographical account of Cath- olic Bibles, Testaments, and other portions of Scripture translated from the Latin Vulgate, printed in the United States. 48 pp. 12°. New York, 1859. History of the Catholic missions among the Indian tribes of the United States, 1529 to 1854. Portrait. 495 iip. 12°. New York. [r. d.] The life of Pope Pius IX, and the great events in the history of the Church during his pontificate. Ulus. 440 pp. 12°. New York, 1877. Perils of the ocean and wdlderness ; or, narratives- of shipwreck and Indian captivity ; gleaned from early missionary annals. 206 pp. 12°. Boston, 1857. Shell, Rt. Rev. James. The Bible against Protestantism, and in strict accordance with the Catholic fiiith, evidenced in a conference between a Catliolic, a Protestant, (Episcopa- lian,) and a Presbyterian. To which is annexed an appen- dix proving that the “ Reformed” churches are destitute of any lawful ministry. 293 pp. 12°. Boston, 1851. Sheil, Rt. Hon. Richard Lalor. Sketches of the Irish bar. catalog™. 91 With memoir and notes by R. Shelton Mackenzie. 2 v. 388, 380 pp. 12°. Neiv York, 1854. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. Dramatic works. With a m&moir of the author. 420 pp. 24°. London, [n. d.] Sherman, Mrs. Ellen Ewing. {Compiler.) Memorial of Thomas Ewing, of Ohio. [Anon.] 391 pp. 8°. New York, 1878. Sherman, Gen. William Tecumseh. Memoirs. Written by himself, v. 2. (v. 1 w.) 409 pp. 8°., New York, 1875. Shoberl, Frederick. Persia; containing a description of the country, with an account of its govei-nment, laws and reli- gion, etc. Ulus. 181 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1845. Sigourney, Mrs. Lydia Huntley. Poems. 256 pp. 16°. New York, 1853. SiLLiMAN, Benjamin. Remarks, made on a short tour be- tween Hartford and Quebec in the autumn of 1819. 407 pp. 12°. New Haven, 1820. Silva ; or, the triumph of virtue. By the author of “ Lor- enzo.” Translated by a Sister of Charity. [Anon.] 228 pp. 16°. Baltimore, 1858. Sinclair, Catherine. Shetland and the Shetlanders ; or, the northern circuit. 348 pp. 12°. New York, 1840. Sister Camilla, the Carmelite ; or, the life and times of Madame de Soyecourt, A. D. 1757-1849. Edited by the Very Rev. E. J. Sourin. [Anon.] 284 pp. 16°. Philadel- phia, 1856. Sixth progressive reader ; or, oratorical class book. With a treatise on elocution. 474 pp. 12°. New York. [n. d.] Skidmore, Harriet M. Beside the western sea ; a collection of poems. With an introduction by Most Rev. J. S. Ale- many, archbishop of San Francisco. 534 pp. 12°. New York, 1877. Smarius, Rev. Cbrneille F., S. J. Points in controversy ; a series of lectures. 487 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1869. The same. 487 pp. 12°. New York, 1873. Smet, Rev. Peter John de, S. J. See De Smet, Rev. Peter John, S. J. Smith, Albert. Story of Mont Blanc. Ulus. 208 pp. 12°. New York, 1853. Smith, Horace and James. Rejected addresses ; or, the new Theatrum Poetarum. 191 pp. 12°. Boston, 1851. Smith, Joshua Hett. Authentic narrative of the causes which led to the death of Major Andre. With monody on his death by Miss Seward. 214 pp. 16°. New York, 1809. SMITH, Milton Emanuel. Lacordaire, the eloquent Domini- can of modern France. A lecture delivered in the base- ment of St. Matthew’s church, Washington, D. C., Novem- ber 16, 1879. [In Washington Catholic, v. 3, Nos. 3-4, 1883.) 92 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Smith, Rev. S. B. Elements of ecclesiastical la^y. Compiled with reference to the Sylabus, the “ Const. Apostolicm Sedis,” the Council of the Vatican and the latest decisions of the Roman congregations. 2d ed. 475 pp. 8°. Neiv York, 1878. Smith, Samuel B. {Compiler.) Some account of the M'ork of Stephen J. Field. See Black, C. F., and Smith, S. B. Smithsonian Institution. Annual report of the board of regents showing the operations, expenditures and condi- tion of the Institution; for the years 1877-83, 7 v. 8°. ]Vashington, 1878-’85. Smollett, Tobias. History of England from the Revolu- tion to the death of George II, designed as a continuation of Hume’s History. 4 v. 8°. PhiladelpJda, 1810. Snowden, Richard. History of North and South America from its discovery to the death of Gen. Washington. 2 v. ini. 167, 132 pp^ 12°. Philadelphia, 1819. SoBiESKi, John HI, King of Poland. Love of country; or, Sobieski and Hedwig. Compiled and translated from the French by Tranermantel. \_Anon.'] 260 pp. 16°. New York, 1867. Society for the preservation of the Irish language. The first Irish book for the use of the ‘‘ Irish classes” in Amer- ica. 48 pp. 12°. New York, 1878. Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Bulletin of the Society of St, Vincent de Paul. v. 3-16. 14 v. Dublin, 1858-71. Explanatory notes upon the articles of the general rule of the society. Translated from the French. 86 pp. 1()°. New York, i858. Rules of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, and in- dulgences granted by the Sovereign Pontiffs. 166 pp. 16°, Neiv York, 1882. Rejiort of proceedings of the second and third gen- eral assemblies in the United States, 1865 and 1876. 2 v. 30, 34 pp. 8°. New York, 1865-’76. Report of the superior council of New Y^ork to the council general in Paris for the years 1868-71, 1877-84. 12 V. 8°. New York and Westchester, 1869-85. Report of the particular council of Baltimore for the jmar 1880. 8 pp. 8°. Baltimore. [1881.] Report of the particular council of Boston for the years 1881-’82. 2 v. 19, 17 pp. 8°. Boston, 1881-’83. Report of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Chicago for the years 1881-’84. 4 v. 8°. Chicago, 1882-’85. Report of the particular council of Jersey City for the year 1881. 12 pp. 8°. Jersey City, N. J., 1882. Report of the particular council of New Y^ork for the year 1879. 20 pp. 8°. New York, 1880. Report of the particular council of Washington, D. C., for the years 1879-’84. 6 v. 8°. Wat^hingt on, 1880- 8b. CATALOGUE. 93 Report of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in Ireland for the year 1859. 23 pp. 8°. Dublin, 1800. See Manual of the Christian soldier. See XoETiiEN, Rev. Theodore. Thirteen sermons. Society of United Irisioien. Proceedino’s of the Society of U^nited Irishmen of Dublin. 241 pp. 10°. Dhiladel- pJtia, 1795. StEUR Eugenie. The life and letters of a Sister of Charity. [Anon.] 287 pp. 10°. Baltimore, 1873. SouRiN, Rev. Edward J., S. J. {Editor.) See Sister Camilla. SouvESTRE, Emile. Leaves from a family journal. Translated from the French. 277 pp. 12°. New York, 1855. Spalding, Rt. Rev. John Lancaster, Bishop of Peoria. Essays and reviews. 355 pp. 12°. New York, 1877. Golden words of advice to our young men. Oration delivered at the thirty-fourth annual commencement of the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, June 20, 1878. 15 pp. 8°. Notre Dame, lad., 1878. r— Lectures and discourses. 304 pp. 12°. New York, 1882. The life of Most Rev. M. J. Spalding, D. D., arch- bishop of Baltimore. Portrait. 408 pp. 8°. Neiv York, 1^1 ‘i. The religious mission of the Irish people and Catho- lic colonization. 339 pp. 12°. Neiu York, 1880. Spalding, Most Rev. Martin John, Archbishop of Baltimore. D’Aubigne’s History of the Reformation in Germany and Switzerland reviewed. 379 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1844. tlistory of the Protestant Reformation in Germany and Switzerland, and in England, Ireland, Scotland, the Netherlands, France and Northern Europe. In a series of essays, v. 2. (v. 1. w.) 509 pp. 8°. Louisville, The same. 2 v. 494, 509 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1870. General evidences of Catholicity; being the sub- stance of a course of lectures delivered in the Cathedral of St. Louis, Louisville. 396 pp. 12°. Louisville, . The same. 5th ed., revised and enlarged. 440 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1870. Miscellanea : comprising reviews, lectures and essays on historical, theological and miscellaneous subjects. 5th ed. 2 V. 380, 427 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1869. Introduction [to general history of the Catholic Church.] See Darras, Abbe J. E. Introduction [to Rome and Geneva.] See Fon- taine, M. Speranza, ( pseud.) See Wild, Lady. Spofford, Ainsworth Rand. [Editor.) See American Al- manac. Stang, AV?’. William. Life of Martin Luther. 3d ed l]*>np 12°. A>p’ For/j, 1883. 94 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Stanhope, Louisa Sidney. Bandit’s bride ; or, the maid of Saxony. 3 v. bd. in 1. 16°. Philadelphia, 1820. Stanislaus Kostka, Saint. The life of St. Stanislaus Kostka, S. /., patron of novices. Translated from the French. \_Anon.'] 1st Amer. ed. 144 pp. 16°. Baltimore, 1850. Starr, Eliza Allen. Patron saints. Ulus. 382 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1871. Statement of the penal laws which aggrieve the Catholics of Ireland; with commentaries. \_Anon.'] 2d ed.- 370 pp. 8°. Dublin, 1812, Staunton, Howard. Chess-players’ hand-book. 2ded. 518 pp. 12°. London, 1848. Steinbactter, Rev. Nicolaus, S. J. {Translator.) Das primat das Apostolischen stulils. See Kenrick, Most Rev. F. P. Stephens, John Langdon. Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas and AAicatan. 2 v. 424, 474 pp. 8°. New York, 1841. Incidents of travel in Egypt, Arabia Petrfea and the Holy Land. 2 v. 240, 285 pp. 12°. New York, 1838. Incidents of travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland. Map and engravings. 7th ed. 2 v. 268,275 pp. 12°. New York, 1840. Incidents of travel in Yhicatan. Ulus. 2 v. 459, 478 pp. 8°. New York, 1843. Stewart, Agnes M. The festival of the Rosary, and other stories on the commandments. Enlarged by Rev. James Fitton. 239 pp. 24°. Boston, 1849. Florence O’Neill, the rose of St. Germains ; or, the siege of Limerick. 247 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1872. The Limerick veteran ; or, the foster sisters. 253 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1873. iMargaret Roper ; or, the chancellor and his daugh- ter. 311 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1876. Stewart, Elizabeth M. The people’s martyr: a legend of Canterbury. 205 pp. 12°, Neiv York, 1873. Stone, Rev. James Kent. The invitation heeded : reasons for a return to Catholic unity. 341 pp. 12°. New York, 1870. Stonestreet, Rev. Charles H._, S. J. Discourse on the Right Rev. Benedict J. Fenwick, bishop of Boston ; pronounced in St. John’s church, Frederick, Md., September 11, 1846, on the occasion of a solemn service for the repose of his soul. 27 pp. 8°. Frederick, Md. [r. d.] Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of England, from the Norman Conquest ; with anecdotes of their courts. 1 2 V. in 6. 8°. Philadelphia, 1848. STURDY, Lieut. Edward W., U. S. N. Advisability of cultivating a greater taste for literary work, and infusing into all such work a thoroughly Catholic Bjiirit. Address CATALOGUE. 95 delivered at the ninth annual convention of the Catholic Young Men’s National Union, Brooklyn, N. Y,, June 28, 1883. (J/i Catholic A'oung Men’s National Union. Con- stitution, 1883. Also in Washington Catholic, v. 3, No. 21, 1883.) SULLIVAN, Lieut John T., U. S. N. Report of historical and technical information relating to the problem of inter- oceanic communication by way of the American isthmus. 219 pp. 4°. Washington, 1883. [Presentation copy from the author to Carroll Institute Library.] Sullivan, M. F. Ireland of to-day: the causes and aims of Irish agitation. With an introduction by Thomas Power O’Connor, M. P. Ulus. 459 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, Sullivan, T. D., A. M. and D. B. Siieeches from the dock; or, protests of Irish patriotism. The Alanchester tragedy and The cruise of the Jacknell packet. “The wearing of the green;” or, the prosecuted funeral procession, etc. 12°. Dublin, 18(38. Sunderland, Rev. Byron. A sketch of the life of Dr. AVill- iam Gunton. 4(3 pp. 12°. Washington, 1878. Sweet, I. I). J. Elements of draughts ; or, beginners’ sure guide. Ulus. 108 pp. 1(3°. New York. [?l d.] Swift, Rev. Jonathan. Works. Selected, with a life of the author. 608 pp. 8°. New York, 1808. Tabernacle Society. Ninth annual report of the Talier- nacle Society, of Washington, D. C., for the year 1885. 6 pp. 12°. Washington. [1885.] Tacitus, Caius Cornelius. Works. MUth an essay on his life and genius, notes, supplements, etc., by Authur Mur- phy. 742 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1840. Taunton, M. The last of the Catholic O’Malleys; a tale. 230 pp. 16°. Baltimore, 1871. Taylor, Bayard. Poems of the Orient. 203 pp. 12°. Bos- ton, 1855. Visit to India, China and Japan in the year 1853. 539 pp. 12°. New York, 1855. Taylor, Rev. William. Sermon on the festival of St. Patrick, the apostle of Ireland ; delivered in the Roman Catholic cathedral of New York on Sunday, March 21, 1819. 20 pp. 8°. New York, 1819. Tennyson, Alfred Imrd. Enoch Arden. Ulus. 58 pp. 12°. Boston, 1805. Poems. 3(54 pp. 24°. \t.-p. ?c.] Testas, Mine. iMarie Felicie. The virtues and faults of child- hood. Translated from the French by Susan E. Harris. 209 lip. 16°. Baltimore, 1871. Thackeray, AVilliam Makepiece. Ballads. 228 pi). 12°. Boston, 1856. Book of snobs. 278 pp. 16°. Neio York,Wr>2. 96 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Confessions of Fitz-boodle ; and some passages in the life of Major Gahagan. 276 pp. 16°. Keiv York, 1852. Early and late papers hitherto nncollected. 407 pp_ 12°. Neiv York, 1876. — Jeame’s diary, a legend of the Rhine; and Rebecca and Rowena. 295 pp. 16°. Nev; York, 1853. ' Lectures: The English humorists, The four Georges. 449 pp. 12°. New York, 1867. The Newcomes; memoirs of a most respectable fam- ily. 551 pp. 12°. Boston, 1874. The fat contributor, and Travels in London. 306 23p. 16°. New York, 1853. Roundabout Papers. Ulus. 292 pp. 12°. New York, 1863. Shabby genteel story, and other tales. . 267 pp. 16°. New York, 1852. — Vanity Fair ; a novel without a hero. Ulus. 332 pp. 8°. New York, 1848. Tiiayee, Rev. John. An account of the conversion of the Rev. John Thayer, formerly a Protestant minister of Bos- ton. Written by himself. To which is added a letter to his brother, and his controversial writings. 38 pp. 16°. Hartford, 1832. Thebaud, Rev. Auguste J., R. J. The Church and the Gen- tile World at the first promulgation of the Gospel. Con- siderations on the catholicity of the Church soon after her birth. 2 v. 500, 504 pp. 8°. New York, 1878. The same. Atlas. 4 maps. 8°. [je t.-p.'] The Church and the Moral World. Considerations on the holiness of the Church. 483 pp. 8°. Neiv York,. 1881. The Irish race, in the past and the present. 532 pp. 8°. New York, 1873. The same. 532 pp. 8°. New York, 1878. Louisa Kirkbride ; a tale of New York. Ulus. 528 pp. 8°. New York, 1879. Twit twats ; an allegorical Christmas stor}' of birds ; connected with the introduction of sparrows into the New World. 100 pp. 4°. Neiv York, 1881. Tiiibault, Charles. Biography of Sir Charles Tuj^per, high commissioner of Canada to England. 148 pp. 12°. Montreal, 1883. Thiers, Louis Adolphe. History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Napoleon. Translated by D. Forbes Campbell and H. AV. Herbert, v. 1-3. (v. 4 w.) 3 V. 8°. RhUade/phia, 1861. History of the French Revolution. Translated by Frederick Shoberl. 3d Amer. ed. 4 v. in 2. '8°. Rhiladel- pliia, 1845. CATALOGUE. 97 Thomas a Kempis. The following of Christ. In four books. A new triinslation from the original Latin. To which are added practical reflections and a prayer at the end of each chapter. 654 pp. 24°. New York. [n. d.] Thomas Aquinas, Saint. The life of the Angelic Doctor St. Thomas Aquinas, of the Order of Friar Preachers. By a Father of the same Order. [Ano??.] 186 pp. 16°. New York, 1881. Thomas of Jesus, Father. Sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Translated from the Portugese. 2 v. 340, 330 pp. 16°. Philadelphia, 1818. Thomas, Patrick J. Our centennial memoir. Founding of the Missions. San Francisco de Assis in its hundredth year. The celebration of its foundation. Historical rem- iniscences of- the Missions of California. 192 pp. 12°. San Francisco, 1877. Thompson, Clara M. Hawthorndean ; or, Philip Benton’s family. A story of every-day life. 426 pp. 12°. Phila- delphia, 1873. Thompson, Edward Healy. (Editor.) Life of St. Charles Borromeo. 366 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1870. Thomson, James. Works. With a memoir. (In Com'per, W. Works.) The seasons ; with the Castle of indolence. Poems. 312 pp. 24°. Georgetown, D. C.,1S\Y Thomson, John Lewis. Historical sketches of the late war between the United States and Great Britain. 5th ed. 367 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, 1818. Three in Norway, by two of them. [Anon.] Ulus. 341 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, [n. d.] Treasury of knowledge and library of reference. [Anon.] 3 V. 12°. New York, 1848. Trevern, Rt. Rev. Jean Fran 9 ois Marie. See Le Pappe de Trevern, Kt. Eev. Jean Fran 9 ois Marie. True exposition, A ; of the doctrine of the Catholic Church touching the Sacrament of Penance, with the grounds on M'hich this doctrine is founded. [Anon.] 129 pp. 8°. New York, 1813. (Appended to Sampson, W. Catholic Question in America.) True faith of our forefathers. The. [By Rev. S. M. Brandi, S. /.] 575 pp. 16°. Neiv York. [n. d.] Tucker, George. Essays on various subjects of taste, morals and national policy. By a citizen of Virginia. [Anon.] 358 pp. 8°. Georgetown, 1822. Tupper, Martin Farquhar. Poetical works. 282, 58, 106 pp.. 16°. Boston, 1848. Turbeville, Rev. Henry. An abridgment of the Christian doctrine; with proofs of Scripture on points controverted, by way of question and answer. Composed in 1649. 151 pp. 16°. New York. [n. d.] 98 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. A manual of controversies ; clearly demonstrating the truth of Catholic religion by texts of holy Scripture, councils of all ages, fathers for the first 500 j^ears, common sense and reason, and fully answering the principal objec- tions of Protestants and all other sectaries. 1st Amer. from 5th London ed., corrected. 302 pp. 12°. Philadel- 2 )hia, 1806. Turner, Sharon. Sacred history of the world as displayed in the Creation and subsequent events to the Deluge. 428 i)p. 18°. N’eiv York, 1834. Twain, Mark, {pseud.) See Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. Tyler, Samuel. IMemoir of Roger Brooke Taney, Chief Jus- tice of the Supreme Court of the United States. 659 pp. 8°. Baltimore, 1872. Theory of the beautiful. 52 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1873. . United States. Congress. Revised Statutes of the United States, passed at the 1st session of the 43d Congress, 1873- 74, with an appendix. 2d ed. 1394 pp. 8°. Wash- ington, 1878. Supplement to the Revised Statutes of the United States; legislation of 1874-81. Edited by W. A. Richardson, v. 1. 716 pp. 8°. Washington, 1881. ^ Senate. The Federal and State constitutions, Col- onial charters and other organic laws of the United States. 2 V. Part I, 1019 ; part II, 1020-2102 pp. 8°. Washington, 1877. Trial of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, on impeachment for high crimes and mis- demeanors. 3 V. 8°. Washington, 1868. House of Rep)resentatlves. Digest and manual of the rules and practice of the House of Representatives. Com- piled by Henry H. Smith. 472 pp. 8°. Washington, [n. d.] The law of claims against governments ; in- cluding the mode of adjusting them and the procedure adopted in their investigation. 432 pp. 8°. Washing- ton, 1875. Library of Congress. Alphabetical catalogue of the Librarv of Congress.- Authors. 1236 pp. 8°. Washing- ton, 1864. The same. Index of subjects. 2 v. v. 1, 976 ; v. 2, 977-1744 pp. 8°. Washington, 1869. Executive Departments. Department of State. Cata- logue of the works relative to the law of nations and diplo- macy in the Library of the Department of State. 87 ])p. 12°. Washington, 1881. Digest of the published opinions of the attor- neys-general, and of the leading decisions of the Federal courts, with reference to international law% treaties and kindred subjects. Revised ed. 290 pp. 8°. Washing- ton, 1877. CATALOGUE. 99 Franco-German war and Insurrection of the Commune. Correspondence of E. B. AVashhurne, minister plenipotentiary of the United States to France. 222 pj). 8°. Washington, 1878. Labor in Europe. Reports froip the consuls of the United States in the several countries of Europe on the rates of wages, co.st of living to the laboring classes, etc.; also Labor in America, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Polynesia. 3 v. 8°. Washington, 1885. ^ Opinions of the principal officers of the Ex- ecutive Departments, and other papers relating to expatri- ation, naturalization and cluinge of allegiance. 27d i)p. 8°. Washingto}i, 1873. Reports of the United States commissioners to the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. Edited by AVill- iam P. Blake. 6 v. 8°. Washington, 1870. Reports of the LTnited States commissioners 1o the Paris Universal Exposition, 1878. 5 v. 8°. Wash- ington, 1880. Reports of the commissioners of the United States to the International Exhibition held at Auenna, 1873. Edited by Robert H. Thurston. 4 v. 8°. TPo.s//- ington, 1876. State of labor in Europe. Reports from the United States consuls in the several countries of Europe. 428 pp. 8°. * Washington, 1878. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Education. Public libraries of the Ignited States of America ; their history, condition and management. Special report. 2 v. Part 1, 1187 ; part 2, 89 pp. 8°. Washington, 1876. (iensns Office. Statistical atlas of the United States based on the results of the ninth census, 1870 ; with contributions from many eminent men of science and several departments of the Government. Compiled under authority of Congress bv Francis A. AA^alker. 54 plates. 14 pp. f°. In.p.] 1874. Department of the Navg. Narrative of the second Arctic ex}:>edition made by Charles F. Hall : his voyage to Repulse Bay, sledge journeys, etc., and residence among the Eskimos during the years 1864-’69. Edited by .1. E. Nourse, U. S. N. Ulus. 644 pp. 4°. Washington, 1879. Report of Instorical and technical informa- tion relating to the problem of interoceanic communi- cation by way of the American isthmus. By John T. Sullivan, lieut. U. S. X. 219 pp. 4°. Washington, 1883. Department of the Treasury. Catalogue of the Library of the Treasury Department. 131pp. 8°. Washington, WIZ. Department of War. List of synonyms of organiza- tions in the volunteer service of the United States during the years 1861, ’62, ’63, ’64, and ’65. Compiled under the direction of the Adjutant-General, U. S. A., by John T, Fallon. 301 pp. 8°. Washingtoyi, 1885. 100 CAEEOLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. AVar of the Rebellion; a compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. Prepared by Bvt. Lieut.-Col. Robert N. Scott. 12 v. in 17 parts. 8°, Washington, 1880-85. Centennial Commission. Reports of the officers of the United States International Exhibition, 1870. 9 v. 8°. Washington, 1880. United States Catholic Almanac; or, laity’s directory, for the years 1833, ’34, and 1830, ’37. Portraits. 4 v. 24°. Jjaltirnore, 1832-’30. For succeeding numbers, see Metropolitan Catholic Al- manac. United States Catholic Magazine: a monthly periodical containing original and selected articles. Edited by Rev. Charles I. AVhite. v. 2-7. (v. 4 w.) 5 v. 8°. Baltimore^ 1843-’48. For the previous volume, see Religious Cabinet. University of Notre Dame. Guide to the University of Notre Dame, and Academy of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception, near South Bend, Ind. Ulus. 58 pp. 8°. Philadelphia, 1805. Ure, Andrew. Dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines ; containing a clear exposition of their principles and prac- tice. To which is appended a supplement of recent im- provements to the present time. Ulus. 1340,304 pp. 8°. JSfew York, 1848. Valentine Redmond ; or, the cross of the forest. Trans- lated from the German. To which is added Hans, the miser; Perrin and Lucette. [Aaon.] 139 jip. 32°. Phila- delphia, 1858. Vandenbussche, Mnie. Marie. The pilgrimage of grace ; a tale of the days of Henry A^HI.. Translated from the French of Marie Emery, pseud.'] 401 pp. 12°. New York, 1874. Varela, Yery Pev.YQWyi. (Editor.) Catholic Expositor.' Vaughan, Most Per. Roger Bede. Science and religion. Lectures on the reasonableness of Christianity and the shallowness of unbelief. 185 pp. 12°. B(dtiniore, 1879. Verne, Jules. Explorations of the world, famous travels and travelers. Translated by Dora Leigh. Ulus. 432 pp. 8°. New York, 1879. The mysterious island abandoned. Translated from the French by AV. H. G. Kingston. 304 pp. 12°. New York, 1875. Voyages and adventures of Captain Hatteras. Trans- lated from the French. Ulus. 440 pp. 12°. Boston, 1875. ATckers, Pu’c. Thomas. The A'ickers and Purcell contro- versy. See Purcell, Alost Rev. J. B. Victoria, (pieen. Leaves from the journal of our Highlands, from 1848 to 1801. Edited by Arthur Helps. 287 pp. 12°. Neir York, 1808. CATALOGUE. 101 View of Soiitli America and iNIexico. By a citizen of the United States, [dno??.] 2 v. in 1. 211, 254 pj). 12°. Xew York, 1820. Vincent de Paul, Saint. Spiritual maxims of St. Vincent de Paul. 128 pp. 32°. Baltimore, [a. d.] ViRGiLius Maro, Publius. Works. Translated bv John Dry den. 2 v. 272, 290 pp. 24°. Baltimore, 1814.^ Tlie same. 2 v. in 1. 266, 267 pp. 32°. Nem York, 1825. AValdo, S. Putnam. Memoirs of Andrew Jackson, major- general in the army of the United States. 5th ed. 336 pp. 12°. Hartford, 1819. AVallis, S. Teackle. Glimpses of Spain ; or, notes of an un- finished tour in 1847. 384 pp. 12°. New Ibr/j, 1849. AValwsley, Rt. Rev. Charles. The general history of the Christian Church, from her birth to her final triumphant state in Heaven, chiefly deduced from the Apocalypse of St. John. By Sig. Pastorini, [p.scud.] 4th ed. 456 pp. 12°. New York, 1807. AValter, AV. Joseph. Sir Thomas Alore; his life and times. Portrait. 371 pp. 16°. Baltimore, [ic d.] Sir Thomas Alore ; a selection from his works, form- ing a sequel to “ Life and times of Sir Thomas More.” 364 pp. 16°. Baltimore, [u. d.] AValworth, Rev. Clarence. The gentle skeptic ; or, essays and conversations of a country justice on the authenticity and truthfulness of the Old Testament records. 368 jip. 12°. Neu', York, 1863. AValworth, Alansfield Tracy. The mission of death ; a tale of the New York penal laws. 281 pp. 16°. lYew York, 1853. AVard, Julius H. Life and letters of James Gates Percival. 583 ])p. 12°. Boston, 1866. AVard, Thomas. England’s reformation : a poem in four cantos. 526 pp. 24°. Philadelphia, 1825. Errata to the Protestant Bible ; or, the truth of their English translations examined. 115 pp. 4°. Dahlin,Yi01. AVard, AVilliam George. The condemnation of Pope Llon- orius. An essay, republished and newly arranged, from the “Dublin Review.” AVith a few notes in reply to Rev. E. E. Willis, of Cuddesdon Theological College. (>5 pp. 8°. London, 1879. (Bound witli Dublin Review, v. 33, 1879.) AVarren, Samuel. Passages from the diary of a late physi- cian. 3 V. 16°. New York. [n. d.] AVashburne, Elihu Benjamin. Franco-German war. See United States. AVashington, George. Authenticated copy of the last will and testament of George AVashington. AVith historical notes and biograiJiical sketches by A. Jackson. 29, 10, 15 pp. 8°. Washiia/ton, 1868. 102 CAEROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. Washington, D. C. See Baltimore and Washington. Demonstration. Baltimore, Washington and Georgetown. Reception. Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions. Carroll Institute. Providence Hospital. Tabernacle Society. Young Catholics’ Friend Society. Washington Catholic, The; a family weekly newspaper. , Edited by Henry M. Beadle. 5 v. 4° and f°. Washing- ton, 1882-’84. iVoie.— Volume 1 is entitled the “Catholic;” volumes 2, 3, and a por- tion of 4, the “ Washington Catholic,” and a portion of volume 4 and volume 5, the “National Catholic.” Waterworth, Rev. James. (Editor.) The canons and de- crees of the sacred and ^Ecumenical Council of Trent. See Catholic Church. Watson, John T. (Compiler.) Dictionary of jioetical quota- tions ; or, elegant extracts on every subject. 506 pp. 12°. Philadelphia, [n. d.] Webb, Hon. Benjamin J. The Catholic question in politics ; letters addressed to Geo. D. Prentice. By a Kentucky Catholic, [psmd.] 120 pp. 12°. Louisville, 1856. Webster, Daniel. Obituary addresses on the death of Dan- iel Webster. Delivered in the Senate and in the House of Representatives of the United States December 14 and 15, 1852. 86 pp. 12°. Washington, 1853. Wells, David A. (Editor.) Things not generally known; a popular handbook of facts in literature, history and science. 432 pp. 12°. New York, 1871. Wells’ illustrated national hand-book of the political his- tory of the United States. 294 pp. 12°. New York, 1868. Weems, Mason Locke. Life of George Washington; with curious anecdotes. 29th ed. 228 pp. 12°. Pliiladelphia^ 1826. Wemyss, Francis Courtney. Twenty -six years of the life of an actor and manager, interspersed with sketches, anec- dotes and opinions of the professional merits of the most celebrated actors and actresses of our day. 2 v. in 1. 402 pp. 12°. Neiu York, 1847. Weninger, Rev. Francis Xavier, S. J. Catholicity, Protest- antism and Infidelity. An appeal to candid Americans. 16th ed. 343 pp. 12°. New York. [r. d.] iManual of the Catholic religion ; for catechists,, teachers and self-instruction. 9th ed. 410 j)]!. 12°. Netv York, 1873. Original, short and practical sermons for every Sun- day of the ecclesiastical year. Three sermons for every Sunday. 860 pp. 8°. Cincinnati. [1881.] Reply to Hon. R. W. Thompson, Secretary of the Navy, addressed to the American people. 86 pp. 8°. New York, 1877. CATALOGUE. 103 West, Jane. The loyalists; an historical novel. By the author of “ Letters to a Young Man.” [ J?^on.] 2d ed. 3 V. 16°. London, 1812. Whitaker, John. Mary Queen of Scots vindicated. 3 v. 8°. London, 1790. AVhitaker, Miss Lily. Donata and other poems. 96 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1881. White, Alexander. Confutation of Church-of-Englandism, and correct exposition of the Catholic faith on all points of controversy between the tw’o churches. Translated from the Latin by Edmond Wm. O’Mahoney.' 408 pp. 8°. Dublin, 1841. White, Sister C. A. Bible history ; to which is added a short history of the church. For the use of schools. By the author of “ Lessons in Bible History.” [Anon.] 279 pp. 12°. New York, 1879. White, Charles. Ahnack’s revisited ; or, Herbert Milton. [Anon.] 2 V. in 1. 244, 248 pp. 12°. New York, 1828. White, Rev. Charles Ignatius. Life of Mrs. Eliza A. Seton, foundress and first superior of the Sisters or Daughters of Charity in the United States of America. Portrait. 581 pp. 12°. New York, 1853. The same. 4th ed. 462 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1862. ‘ Sketch of the origin and progress of the Catholic Church in the United States of America. (Appended to Darras, Abbe J. E. General history of the Church, v. 4.) {Translator.) Genius of Christianity. See Chateau- briand, B. F. A., Vicomte de. Record of the ceremonies in St. Matthews’s cliurch, Washington, D. C., Thursday, April 4, 1878, On the occa- sion of the funeral of its late pastor, Rev. Charles I. White, D. D., containing the eulogy of Most Rev. Archbishop Gibbons, of Baltimore. Portrait. 16 pp. 8°. Washing- ton. [1878.] Catalogue of the valuable library books of the late Rev. C. I. White, D. D., on jDrivate sale at 53 St. Paul street, Baltimore. 68 pp. 8°. Baltimore. [1878.] Whittier, John Greenleaf. Among the hills, and other poems. 100 pp. 12°. Rostov, 1869. WiLBERFORCE, Heiiry AVilliam, A. M. Farewsell letter to the parishioners of East Farleigh, Kent. 42 pp. 12°. Balti- more, 1858. (Appended to Law, W. T. Letter.) WiLBERFORCE, Rev. Robei't Isaac. Inquiry into the principles of church authority ; or, reasons for recalling my subscrip- tion to the royal supremacy. 333 pp. 12°. Baltimore, 1855. Wilde, Lady. Poems by Speranza, \^pseud.'] 233 pp. 12°. Dublin, 1864. The same. 2d ed. 181 pp. 12°. Glasgow, [n. d.] Willard, John D. {Compiler.) Arion : four- part songs for 104 CARROLL INSTITUTE LIBRARY. male voices in separate vocal parts, with piano score. 5 v. 16°. Boston, [n. rf.] IViLLis, Nathaniel Parker. Hurry-graphs; or, sketches of scenery, celebrities and society, taken from life. 2d ed. 364 pp. 12°. New Yorh, 1851. Pencilings by the way ; written during some years of residence and travel in Europe. 527 pp. 12°. New York, 1852. Rural letters; and other records of thought at leisure, written in the interval of more hurried labor. 380 pp. 1 2°. Neiv York, 1851. IViLSON, Professor. The foresters. A tale of domestic life. 282 pp. 12°. Boston, 1845. WiNTiiROP, Robert C. Life and letters of John Winthrop, governor of the IMassachusetts Bay Company at their emi- gration to New England, 1630. 452 pp. 8°." Boston, 1864. Wise, Lieut. Henry A., TJ. S. N. Scampavias from Gibel Tarek to Stamboul. Ulus. 362 pp. 12°. Neiv York, 1857. Wiseman, Nicholas, Cardinal. Dramas: the witch of Rosen- berg ; tlie hidden gem. 104,76 pp. 12°. New York, [n.d.] Essays on various subjects. 6 v. 12°. New York, 1873. Fabiola; or, the Church of the Catacombs. 385 pp. 12°. Neiv York. [n. d.] Four lectures on the offices and ceremonies of Holy Week, as performed in the Papal chapels ; delivered in Rome in the Lent of 1837. 204 pp. 12°. New York, in. d.] , ‘‘ The hidden gem.” 176 pp. 12°. Bcd.timore,l%Q>0. The same. In his Dramas. Lamp of the sanctuary. [Anon.] 45 pp. 24°. Baltimore, 1860. Lectures on the principal doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church, delivered at St. IMary’s, Moorfields, during the Lent of 1836. 2 v. in 1. 334, 244 pp. 12°. London, 1844. ^ — The same. 6th Amer. ed. 2v.ini. 285,199 pp. 12°. Bedtimore, 1859. The same. 6th Amer. ed. 2 v. in 1. 285, 199 pjn 12°.- Baltimore, 1865. The same. 6th Amer. ed. 2 v. in 1. 285, 199 pp. 12°. Baltimore, mi). The same. 2 v. 285, 199 pp. 12°. New York. [n. d.] The Real Presence of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. 312 pp. 12°. New York. [n. d.] ^ — Recollections of the last four Popes and of Rome and their times. 464 pp. 12°. Boston, Science and religion ; a lecture delivered at Leeds, England. 76 pp. 12°. St. Louis, 1876. CATALOGUE. 105 Sermons on our Lord Jesus Christ, and on his Blessed Mother, 421 pp. 12°. New York. [n. d.] Sermons on moral subjects. 434 pp. 12°. New York. [n. d.] ^ Twelve lectures on the connection between science and revealed religion, delivered in Borne. 2 v. 354, 299 pp. 12°. New York. [n. d.] Witch of Melton Hill ; a tale. By the author of Mount St, Lawrence, Mary Star of the Sea, etc, [Anon,] 254 pp. 12°, New York, 1855. Yorktown Centennial Celebration. Religious services un- der the direction of Rt. Rev. J. J. Keane, bishop of Rich- mond, Sunday, October 16, 1881, 4 pp. 12°. Baltimore. [1881.] Y ouNG, Rev. Alfred, C. S. P. Complete Sodality manual and hymn-book. 204 pp. 12°. New York, 1863. Young Catholics’ Erieni) Society. Constitution and by- laws of the Young Catholics’ Friend Society of the city of AVashington, D. C. 14 pp. 12°. Washington, 18o^. The same. Constitution amended October 5, 1879. 12 pp. 12°. Washington, 1879, Letter of the Holy Father Pope Pius IX. See Cath- olic Church. 8