<«!BJ7fnirn'!'"-- THE CONSTITUTION AND CANONS PEOTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, DIOCESE OF ILLINOIS ADOPTED AT THE CONVENTION HELD IN ST. PAUL'S OHUnCII. PEORIA. 21ST, 22.\D AND 23rd OCTOBER, 1857. CHICAGO: CIIAS. SCOTT &, CO., BOOK AND JOB rKISTERS, CORNER CLARK AND SOUTH WATER STREETS. 1857. THE CONSTITUTION AND CANONS PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, DIOCE.SE OF ILLINOIS ADOPTED AT THE CONVENTION HELD IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, PEORIA, 21sT, 22nd and 23rd OCTOBER, 1857. CHICAGO: CnAS. SCOTT & CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, CORNER CLARK AND SOUTH WATER STREETS. 1857. Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2010 witli funding from CARLI: Consortium of Academic and Researcli Libraries in Illinois http://www.archive.org/details/constitutioncanoOOinepis CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE I. TITLE AND BOUNDS OF THE DIOCESE. This Church shall be known and distinguished as the " Diocese of Illinois ; " and its bounds shall be those of the State. ARTICLE II. ACCEDING TO GENERAL CONSTITUTION. The Church in the Diocese of Illinois accedes to the Constitution and Canons of the Protestant Epis- copal Church in the United States of America ; and recognizes the authority of the General Convention af the same. ARTICLE III. ANNUAL CONVENTION. Section 1. There shall be a Convention of the Church in this Diocese, to be holden on the Wednes- day on or after the tenth day of September annually. Sec. 2. In case of the prevalence of an epidemic disease, the Bishop (or, in case of a vacancy in the Episcopate, the Standing Committee) shall have power to change the time, or place, or both, of said meeting, at his discretion. CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE IV. SPECIAL CONVENTIONS. The Bishop shall have power to call a special Con- vention. If the Episcopate be vacant, or if the Bishop be incapacitated from acting, the same may be done by the Standing Committee. The time and place shall be designated by the ecclesiastical author- ity calling it. Every clergyman entitled to a seat, and every parish in union with this convention, shall be notified by a circular letter, at least four weeks previous to the time appointed ; which letter shall specify the purpose for which it is called, and no business shall be transacted at any such meeting other than is stated in the notice. ARTICLE V. MEMBERS OF CONVENTION. Section 1. The convention shall be composed of clergy and laity. Sec. 2. Every clergyman canonically connected with this Diocese, who shall be regularly admitted, and settled in some church within this Diocese, which is in union with this Convention, or employed as missionary within its bounds under the direction of the convention, or of the Bishop of the Diocese, or engaged as President, Professor or Instructor in any College, incorporated Academy, or general Seminary of Learning within the State, or a chaplain in the navy or army of the United States, or in any public institution of the State, shall be entitled to a Seat in this convention. Provided also, that no clergyman, otherwise entitled to a seat and vote in this conven- CONSTITUTION. tion, if disabled by age or infirmities from perform- ing the stated functions of the clerical office, shall be divested of such privilege. Sec. 3. The lay members shall consist of a dele- gate or delegates, not exceeding three, from each cono;reo;ation in the Diocese in union with this Convention. They shall be chosen by the vestry or congregation ; shall be communicants and stated wor- shipers in the parish they represent; and be entitled to vote for wardens and vestrymen of the same. ARTICLE VI. OPENING OF CONVENTION. Every convention shall be opened with the cele- bration of Divine Service, and the administration of the Holy Communion, and a sermon ; and the preacher shall be appointed by the Bishop, unless the Bishop shall himself preach or deliver a charge. ARTICLE VII. PRESIDENT OF CONVENTION. The Bishop is, e:t; officio, President of the Conven- tion. He shall be entitled to vote on every question. He may make any motion, but shall not enter into debate. He may deliver his sentiments on any sub- ject, after it has been discussed and before any vote thereon. In the absence of the Bishop, the assistant Bishop, if there be one, shall preside with like powers. If there be no Bishop, or in case of his absence, and that of the assistant Bishop, if there be one, a President pro tern, shall be elected from among the presbyters of the Convention. CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE yill. SECRETAET OF THE CONVENTION. At each annual Convention, a Secretary shall be chosen from among the members thereof, who shall continue in office until a successor be appointed. His duty shall be to take minutes of the proceed- ings, and, when approved, to enter them in a proper book ; to preserve the journals and records ; to attest the public acts of the body ; and faithfully to deliver to his successor all books and papers relating to the concerns of the convention, which may be in his possession. He shall also give due notice to each minister and vestry of the time and place appointed for the meeting of the succeeding convention. An assistant Secretary may also be appointed, if request- ed by the Secretary. Whenever there shall be a vacancy in the office of Secretary to the convention, the duties thereof shall devolve upon the assistant Secretary, if there be one, if not, upon the Secretary of the Standing Committee. ARTICLE IX. TREASURER OF THE CONVENTION. Section 1. At each stated Convention, there shall be chosen a Treasurer of the Convention, who shall remain in office until a successor be appointed. It shall be his duty to receive and disburse all moneys collected under the authority of the Convention, and of which the collection and distribution shall not be otherwise regulated. He shall render his account annually to the Convention, which shall be audited by a committee acting under its authority. CONSTITUTION. Sec. 2. In case the Treasurer die, remove from the Diocese, or is incapable of acting, the Standing Committee shall have power to appoint a treasurer to act until the next succeeding convention, who is authorized to receive all moneys, bonds, mortgages, notes, or other property and papers that may be in the treasury at the time of such decease, resignation, removal or incapacity. ARTICLE X. STANDING COMMITTEE. Section 1. The convention shall elect annually, by the concurrent votes of both orders, a Standing Committee, to consist of three presbyters and three laymen, who shall continue in office until their suc- cessors be elected ; and, when there is no Bishop, or he be incapable of acting, shall be the ecclesiastical authority of the Diocese for all purposes declared in this Constitution. Sec. 2. The said presbyters must be those entitled to seats in the Convention of the Diocese ; and the lay members of the committee must be communi- cants of some church in the Diocese in union with this Convention. Sec. 3. The Committee, at their first meeting, shall choose a president from among the clerical members, and a secretary either clerical or lay. The secretary shall record their proceedings in a book provided for this purpose : which book and all papers in their hands, relative to the church, shall be sub- ject to the examination of the Bishop and of the Convention, and a full report of their acts shall be made at each annual meeting of the Convention. CONSTITUTION, Any three of the members (the whole having been summoned) shall be a quorum ; except for such pur- poses as, agreeably to their own rules, may require a larger number. They may make rules of meeting, and business, and alter and repeal them from time to time. Vacancies in said Committee, occurring by death or otherwise, shall be supplied by the concur- rent vote of the clerical and lay members of the committee. Sec. 4. In case of a vacancy in the Episcopate, the powers and duties to be performed by the Bishop in matters of discipline, shall be performed by the Standing Committee, except in those cases where such powers and duties are, or may be, specially dele- gated to, or enjoined upon, the clerical members of said committee; in which case, such powers and duties shall be exercised by said clerical members alone. Provided, that no sentence shall be pronounced upon a clergyman but by a Bishop ; and that, where there is occasion for it, some neighboring Bishop shall be invited to perform the office. ARTICLE XL DEPUTIES TO THE GENERAL CONVENTION. At every annual Convention, four clerical and four lay Deputies shall be elected to represent this Dio- cese in the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. The clerical members shall be presbj^ters, canonically connected with the Diocese ; and the laymen shall be communicants of some parish in union with this Con- vention. In case of a ftiilure or neglect of the Con- vention to elect deputies, those already in office shall CONSTITUTION. 9 continue until successors are chosen. At the stated meeting of the Convention next preceding each tri- ennial meeting of the General Convention, there shall, also, be chosen by ballot in the same manner, and with the same qualifications as the other depu- ties, four clergymen and four laymen, as provisional deputies from whom the Bishop shall designate one or more, as the case may be, to supply any deficiency in the representation of the Diocese, which may in an}^ way occur. And the person or persons so desig- nated by the Bishop, being furnished with his cer- tificate thereof, shall have all the power and author- ity of deputies duly elected by the convention. In case of a vacancy in the Episcopate, or inability in the Bishop to act, this designation shall be exercised by the Standing Committee. ARTICLE XII. TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS. Section 1. One-half the clergy entitled to seats in convention, and lay representatives from one- fourth of the parishes in union with the Convention, at any time duly assembled, shall constitute a quo- rum for the transaction of business, except that a smaller number may adjourn from time to time. Sec. 2. In all matters which shall come before the convention, the clergy and laity shall deliberate in one body ; and in voting, the clergy shall vote b}^ individuals and the laity by congregations, the delegation from each church being entitled to one vote and no more, and a majority of votes of the two orders jointly shall be decisive. On the call of any five members the two orders shall vote sepa- 10 CONSTITUTION, rately, and a concurrence of a majority of each order shall be necessary to constitute a decision. ARTICLE XIII. ADMISSION OF NEW PARISHES. New Parishes may be admitted into union with this Convention, on motion, by a majority of votes, provided they shall have laid before the Convention, through its Secretary, at least one month before the annual meeting of the same, a certificate from the Bishop of the Diocese, or in the event of there being no Bishop, from the Standing Committee, that he or they approve of the organization of such parish; also a constitution, subscribed by the wardens, in which they expressly accede to the Constitution, Canons, Doctrines, Discipline and Worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, and to the Constitution and Canons of the church in the Diocese of Illinois ; also evidence satisfactory that they are duly incorporated and regularly organized, by the election of two wardens and not less than four vestrymen nor more than eight ; and that the parish embraces at least six com- municants. These facts shall be duly certified by the minister under whose direction the parish was organized, and by the wardens of the same. ARTICLE XIV. FORFEITURE OF PRIVILEGES. Any parish may be suspended from the right of representation in the Convention, or its connection with the Diocese wholly dissolved, by a vote of two- thirds of each order whenever the same shall be deemed necessary; and whenever, in the opinion of CONSTITUTION. 11 the Bishop, any parish shall be liable to such for- feiture of privilege, or be essentially defunct, he shall signify the same to the Convention, who may pro- ceed forthwith and suspend or dissolve the said parish as the case may require. ARTICLE XV. ELECTION OF A BISHOP. Section 1. The election of a Bishop for this Diocese shall be made only in an annual convention, or in a special convention called for the purpose, at least sixty days before the time appointed ; the object being stated by notice in writing, and sent by the Secretary of the Standing Committee to every clergyman and vestry of the Diocese. Sec. 2. The election shall be made in the follow- ing manner : The order of the clergy shall nomi- nate, and appoint by ballot, some fit and qualified clergyman for that office ; and if this appointment be approved by the lay order voting thereon by ballot, he shall be declared duly elected. If two- thirds of all the clergy, entitled to vote, be present, and two-thirds of all the parishes, entitled to vote, be represented, then a majority of each order shall determine a choice. Should there not be two-thirds of the clergy and congregations present, then two- thirds of the votes of each order shall be necessary to determine a choice. ARTICLE XVI. OFFICERS. The election of all Officers and Representatives provided for in this Constitution shall be by ballot, unless the same be unanimously dispensed with by 12 CONSTITUTION. the Convention; and in the event of a failure or neglect to elect at any convention, the person or persons already in office shall hold over until suc- cessors are regularly appointed. ARTICLE XVII. ASSESSMENTS. This Convention shall have power to raise money by tax or assessment on the churches in union with it, by canon or by special vote, for the necesary and proper expenses of the Diocese represented by them, viz. : for defraying the incidental expenses of the convention ; for the charges of the General Con- vention ; for the support of the Episcopate ; for eccle- siastical trials and discipline ; or any other demands which from time to time the Convention may approve and direct. The Convention shall also have the right to impose such penalty as they may see fit within their lawful power, for the neglect to pay such assessments when imposed. ARTICLE XVIII. ALTERATIONS OF THIS CONSTITUTION. The mode of altering this Constitution shall be as follows : A proposition for amendment shall be introduced in writing and considered in the Conven- tion ; and, if approved of, shall lie over to the next Convention ; and if again approved of in that Con- vention by a majority of the two orders, voting separately, the change shall take place, and the Constitution so altered shall be valid and obliga- tory. ARTICLE XIX. All previous Constitutions of this convention are hereby annulled and repealed. O^N"ONS. CANON I. OF A LIST TO BE MADE OF MINISTERS IN THE DIOCESE. Within one week before the meeting of every convention of this Diocese, the Bishop (or, in case there be no Bishop, or of his inability or disability to act, then the Standing Committee of the Diocese) shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, a list of all the Ministers of the Protestant Episcopal Church, canonically resident in this Diocese ; annexing the names of their respective cures, or parishes, or stations as missionaries ; or of the colleges, acade- mies, or general seminaries of learning, duly incor- porated, in which they are engaged ; or in regard to those who are not engaged in parishes, missions, or institutions of learning, as above, the places of residence only ; but no clergyman, while suspended from the ministry, .shall have a place on said list ; and such list shall be before the Convention on the first day of the meeting, and be prefixed to the journal. The said list shall be taken as presumptive evidence of the right of those whose names shall appear thereon, and of the right of none others ; liable, however to be rebutted by other evidence satisfactory to the Convention. 14 CANONS. CANON II. OP THE MEMBERS OF THE CONVENTION. Section 1. The right of any clergyman of this Diocese to a seat in the Convention, shall, if dis- puted, be determined according to the provision of the Fifth Article of the Constitution, by the Conven- tion itself; whether his name be inserted in the list aforesaid, or omitted. Sec. 2. The evidence of the regular admission of a clergyman into the Diocese, and the evidence of settlement in a parish thereof, shall consist in proof satisfactory to the Convention of a compliance with the Canons of this Diocese, and of the Canons of the General Convention in that behalf for the time being. In all cases of a contested right to a seat, the evidence of employment as a Missionary shall consist in the certificate of the Bishop, or in case of a vacancy in the Episcopate, of the President of the Standing Committee. The evidence of the con- nection of a clergyman with a seminary of learning duly incorporated, shall consist, also, in the certifi- cate of the Bishop, or in case of a vacancy of the Episcopate, of the President of the Standing Com- mittee. No clergyman shall be entitled to a seat as an infirm clergyman, unless he shall produce a certificate from some respectable physician, that his state of health unfits him for the active duties of a minister, and there be evidence that at the time his health became infirm, he was entitled to a seat in the Convention. Sec. 3. The appointment of a lay delegate to CANONS. 15 the convention of this Diocese, shall be certified in writing by the Rector or Minister of the parish of which he is the representative, or by one of the wardens, and by the clerk of the vestry of such church. Every certificate of the appointment of a lay delegate, shall show upon its face that the appointment has been made in pursuance of all the requirements of this section, and shall certify that the delegate has the qualifications required by the Fifth Article of the Constitution. And no other cer- tificate or evidence of the appointment of any lay delegate than such as is herein required, shall be allowed or received. CANON III. OF THE CALL OF CONVENTION. The mode of giving notice of the meeting of any convention, shall be by a circular addressed to every clergyman and vestry in the Diocese, one month be- fore the time appointed : and whenever, under the provisions of the Constitution, a special convention is called for any particular purpose, it shall be the duty of the Secretary, in the notice thereof to specify such purpose. It is also hereby declared to be the duty of every clergyman entitled to a seat, to at- tend the meetings of the convention ; and of every church in union with the convention to send one or more delegates. Each church is required to make suitable provision by collection, or otherwise, for the expenses of the Minister in fulfilling the above re- quired duty. CANONS, CANON IV. OF THE BUSINESS OF CONVENTION. T. At the opening of each Annual Convention after Morning Prayer, Sermon, and the administra- tion of the Holy Communion, the President shall take the chair ; after which the order of procedure shall be as follows : 1. The Secretary, under the direction of the Bishop, or in case of his absence or inability to act, or of a vacancy in the Episcopate, under the direction of the Standing Committee, shall call over the names of the clergy entitled to seats. 2. He shall call over the churches entitled to representation, when the lay delegates shall present their certificates, which certificates shall be examined by the Secretary, and a committee of two members appointed by the presiding officer. Irregular and defective certificates, and certificates and documents referring to contested seats, shall be temporarily laid aside. The names of the lay delegates duly ap- pointed, shall then be called ; after which the certifi- cates and documents laid aside shall be reported to the convention, which shall decide on the admission of the delegates named therein. 3. A constitutional quorum being present, the President shall declare the convention organized for business, which shall proceed in the following order : 4. Reading of the Rules of Order. 5. The election of a Secretary and Treasurer, and an Assistant Secretary, if required. 6. The appointment of the following Standing Committees by the President : CANONS. 17 1. On the Incorporation of Churches, and their admission into union with the Convention — one clergyman and two laymen. 2. A Committee on Finance ; to whom shall be referred the accounts of the Treasurer, and different Funds — one clergy- man, and two laymen. 3. A Committee on Privilege ; to whom shall be referred the clerical or lay claims for a seat in the convention — two clergymen and two laymen. 4. A Committee on Legislation ; to whom shall be re- ferred all proposed alterations and amendments of the Consti- tutions and Canons — at least two clergymen and two laymen. 5. A Committee on the Extension of the Church ; to whom shall be referred the subjects of Missions, Education, and the other work of the church. 7. The appointment of Inspectors of Elections — one clergyman and one layman for the clerical votCvS, and one clergyman and one layman for the lay votes ; for the Standing Committee ; the depu- ties and provisional deputies to the General Con- vention ; and the " Trustees of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Illinois." 8. The receiving, and referring when necessary, of Reports, other than those of special committees, which ma}^ have been handed in to the Secretary. 9. The receiving and referring of applications of churches for admission into union with this Conven- tion. 10. Miscellaneous business. 11. On the second day, the order of business, after Morning Prayer, shall be : 1. Reading and approving of the Minutes. 2. Receiving certificates of lay delegates not pre- sent before. 2 18 CANONS. 3. Calling over the names of members not pre- sent on the first day. 4. Report of the Committee on the Incorpora- tion of Churches. 5. Admission of parishes into union with the Con- vention. 6. Reception of the clergy and lay delegates of the same. 7. Annual Address of the Bishop ; unless he should prefer another time for its delivery, if so, it shall be at any time in order. 8. Report of the Secretary, when any business has been committed to that officer. 9. Report of the Standing and Missionary Com- mittee of the Diocese. 10. Report of the " Trustees of the Diocese of Illinois." ■' 11. Report of the standing committee on the Treasurer's report. 12. Report of special committees. 13. The election of the Standing Committee, the Deputies and the provisional Deputies to the Gen- eral Convention, and the " Trustees of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Illinois." 14. Miscellaneous business. III. On the third, and any subsequent day, the order of business, after Morning Prayer, shall be : 1. Reading and approval of the Minutes. 2. Receiving the certificates of lay delegates not present before. 3. Calling the names of members not present before. CANONS. 19 4. Reports not presented the day before, in order. 5. Miscellaneous business. IV. If the prescribed order of business on any day should not have been gone through with, the first business on the succeeding day shall be the matters which had not been reached on the preceding day, and in the order for that day prescribed. This rule shall not apply to miscellaneous business. V. If the President, ex officio, is not present at the opening of the Convention, the Secretary shall call the Convention to order, when the senior presbyter present, being entitled to a seat, shall take the chair ; and in such case, immediately after the organization of the Convention, a President shall be elected by ballot from among the clergy. VI. Before the rising of the Convention, the min- utes of the last day's meeting shall be read and approved. CANON V. THE SECRETARY. Section 1. In addition to the constitutional pro- visions, it is hereby made the duty of the Secretary to transmit annually to each of the Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, and to the Secretary of the last House of Clerical and Lay Deputies in the General Convention, and to the Secretary of every Diocesan Convention, a copy of the journal of the Convention, and shall request 20 CANONS. the last to send copies of their respective journals in exchange. He shall also transmit to each General Convention a certificate of the appointment of cler- ical and lay deputies, and of the nomination of trustees of the General Theological Seminary. Sec. 2. The Secretary shall, within thirty days after the annual Convention shall have adjourned sine die, furnish to the Treasurer a certified statement of all accounts allowed by the Convention, and the Treasurer shall pay the same ; and also any claims and accounts duly allowed and certified by the Stand- ing Committee, during the recess of the Convention, (but none other,) out of any money in his hands not otherwise appropriated. CANON VI. OF THE TREASUEEE. In addition to the provisions constitutional and by canon, the Treasurer shall also procure and keep a properly bound book, in which shall be entered ac- counts and statements in detail, of all moneys received and disbursed by him ; and shall also keep accounts with the several parishes, in which he shall charge them with the amounts assessed, etc., ujjon each, and credit them with' the amount paid by them respect- ively. The Secretary's journals and records, and the Treasurer's books, shall be at all times open to the inspection of the Bishop, of the Standing Committee of the Diocese, and of the Convention or any com- mittee thereof. Within one week before the opening of each annual Convention, he shall prepare a list CANONS. 21 and hand the same to the Secretary, of all the par- ishes delinquent in the full payment of dues, assess- ments or other charges, imposed by order of the Con- vention, and the liability to penalty, if any, incurred by said delinquency ; and if in consequence of this, the parish shall not be entitled to representation, he shall state that fact, and the name of the said parish shall be omitted by the Secretary in calling the roll of the churches entitled to representation, for the presentation of the certificates of lay delegates. The names of the delinquent parishes shall be read after the names of the lay delegates, duly appointed, shall have been called, and the convention declared duly organized. The convention may take such action in each case, as they may deem proper. CANON VII. OF DIOCESAN MISSIONS. Section 1. The Board of Missions of this Diocese shall consist of the Bishop, together with the Stand- ing Committee, of which Board the Bishop shall be ex officio President. Sec. 2. The Standing Committee may at any time resolve itself into the Board of Missions, at the re- quest of the Bishop ; and in case this request be made by letter, then the Board may act on such busi- ness only as the Bishop may designate. Sec. 3. No Missionary shall be appointed by the Board, unless he shall first have been nominated by the Bishop. Sec 4. The Treasurer of the Convention shall be the Treasurer for Diocesan Missions. 22 CANONS. CANON VIII. OP PAEOCHIAL ASSOCIATION AND INCORPORATION. Section 1. It shall be lawful for any number of persons not less than twelve, males of full age, friendly to the Episcopal Church, and desirous of concentrating their endeavors, to associate and organ- ize themselves as a Parish in the following manner : L Notice shall first be given to the Bishop, or, if there be no Bishop, to the President of the Standing Committee, of the intention thus to associate and organize. Said notice shall be in writing, and con- tain such information in the premises, as may enable the Bishop to judge of the propriety of the act, which paper shall be signed by the persons respect- ively, who propose to organize. If the Bishop ap- prove of the proposed organization, he shall give a written certificate to that effect, which approval shall be transmitted to the Secretary of the Convention with the other papers, and the approval of the Bish- op of the organization be essential for the admission of the parish into union with the Convention. The notice to the Bishop shall contain the following Ar- ticle : " We, whose names are hereunto affixed, deep- ly sensible of the truth of the Christian Religion, and earnestly desirous of promoting its holy influences in our own hearts, and in those of our families and neighbors, do hereby associate ourselves under the name of , in communion with the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, and the Diocese of Illinois, the authority of whose constitutions and canons we do hereby recognize, and to whose liturgy and mode of worship and discipline we promise conformity." CANONS. 23 On the approval by the Bishop, or in the event of a vacancy in the Episcopate, by the President of the Standing Committee, of the proposed organization, the proceedings shall be as follows : 1. Notice shall be given, on some occasion of public morning service, at least two weeks previous to the time of meeting, that the persons belonging to the Protestant Episcopal Church, or desirous of uniting with the same, will meet at a time and place specified, for the purpose of incorporating them- selves, adopting a constitution for the parish, and electing the requisite number of wardens and vestry- men. This notice shall be given by the clergyman, if there be one, and, if not, by some neighboring clergyman, invited to hold service, and give the notice, and also to preside on the occasion of the meeting for organization. 2. At the time of the meeting, the clergyman, as aforesaid, shall preside; a Secretary shall be appoint- ed ; a book provided for the minutes, in which should be first entered the names of the persons who attend, and are qualified to vote, and a record made of all papers and action, previously had, in reference to the association and organization. 3. A Constitution for the Parish shall then be adopted according to the following prescribed form : CONSTITUTION OF A PARISH OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCO- PAL CHURCH, IN THE DIOCESE OF ILLINOIS. ARTICLE I. ACCEDING TO THE GENERAL AND DIOCESAN CONSTITUTION, CANONS, &C. This parish, as a constituent part of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the Diocese of Illinois, expressly 24 CANONS, accedes to, recognizes and adopts the Constitution, Canons, Doctrines, Discipline and Worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, and the Constitution and Canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church in this Diocese, and ac- knowledges their authority accordingly. ARTICLE 11. USE OF THE CHURCH BUILDING. The Church Building, or house of worship, belong- ing to this parish, may be opened for all services, rites, ceremonies, or other purposes, either author- ized or approved of by the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, or the Protestant Episcopal Church in this Diocese. ARTICLE III. RECTOR AND MINISTER. Section 1. The Rector is, ex officio, President of the Vestry, and of the congregation, and has the casting vote, in case of a tie, on all questions brought before it. Sec. 2. The Minister has the spiritual oversight of this parish, and the church building shall be open to him for public common prayer, catechetical or other religious instruction, for marriages, baptisms, funerals, and all other rites and ceremonies author- ized by the Protestant Episcopal Church, at such times as he may deem proper. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Minister to enter in the church register all baptisms, marriages, burials, and confirmations, occurring within his cure ; to keep an accurate list of communicants, and also a register of the families and individuals belonging to the parish. Sec 4. The Minister of this parish shall, at the end of every civil year, present to the Wardens a CANONS. 25 full, faithful, and accurate written account of all offerings received and disbursed by him in his official capacity as almoner of the church, which account the Wardens shall present to the Vestry, to be by them examined and entered in the "Record book" of the church, and the original shall be placed upon file among the parish documents. This annual ac- count shall distinctly state the sources from whence the offerings came, and the persons or objects to which they were applied. It is left discretionary with the Minister to withhold names, where prudence or a regard for the feelings of individuals render it expedient. ARTICLE TV. WARDENS. Section 1. The Senior Warden, or in case of his inability to act, then the Junior Warden shall have the care of the " Record book " of the parish, and shall cause to be copied therein all documents bear- ing upon the history of the parish. Sec. 2. The Wardens shall have a care that the church building be kept from all secular, or other uses not authorized by Article II of this Constitu- tion ; that it be kept in good repair as becometh the house of God. Sec. 3. In case there be no Rector, or of absence, or inability to act on his part, the Wardens, according to seniority, shall preside at all meetings of the vestry, and of the congregation. In case both the Rector and Wardens be absent, a Vestryman shall be chosen to preside. Sec. 4. In case there be any clergyman of the church, residing within this parish, who shall con- duct himself in such a way as is contrary to the rules of the church, and disgraceful to his office, the Wardens shall in writing give notice thereof to the Bishop of the Diocese, or to the Standing Com- mittee, if there be no Bishop. 26 CANONS. Sec. 5. In the absence of the Wardens, their several duties shall devolve upon the Vestrymen. ARTICLE V. ANNUAL ELECTIONS. The congregation of this parish shall .meet annually on Monday of Easter week, and elect two Church Wardens, and not less than three, nor more than eight Vestrymen, who shall continue to discharge the functions of their office during one year, or until their successors are elected, in accordance with the provisions of the act of the Legislature on the subject. ARTICLE VI. VESTRYMEN. Section 1. The Vestrymen, together with the Wardens, shall transact all the temporal business of the parish ; shall collect and disburse all money due for church purposes ; and shall at the end of every civil year, if the treasury be deficient, collect as far as practicable, by subscriptions or otherwise, a sum sufficient to liquidate all the current expenses of the church. Sec. 2. The Vestry shall, on or before Easter Monday, cause to be written and placed in the hands of the Minister, but if there be no Minister, then the Senior Warden — a full, accurate and faithful statement of the temporal condition of the parish, as a body corporate, and at the Imeeting of the con- gregation on Easter Monday, the Minister or Senior Warden shall, before balloting for Wardens and Vestrymen, present and read the same to the con- gregation, and afterward deliver it to the new Vestry, to be by them examined and entered in the Record book of the church, and the original shall be placed on file among the parish documents. The said state- ment shall declare what money, lands, or other CANONS. 27 property, have been received during their term of office, and from what som^ce. It shall further de- clare what money has been expended, and for what objects ; what property has been purchased, ex- changed, mortgaged, sold or otherwise alienated or encumbered, and for what purposes. ARTICLE VII. SECRETARY AND TREASURER. Section 1. A Secretary and Treasurer shall be annually elected by the vestry, who shall serve until their successors in office are chosen. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend all meetings of the Vestry ; to take minutes of its proceedings, and when approved, to enter and attest the same in the " Book of Minutes " of the Vestry ; it shall be his further duty to enter in the " Record book " of the church the minister's annual account of offerings, and the vestry's annual account of the temporal condition of the parish, and to pre- serve on file all the originals. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all money collected under the authority of the Vestry, the reception and disbursement of which is not otherwise provided for ; and in case there be no collector appointed by the vestry, he shall also collect the same. Sec. 4. No money shall be paid by the Treasurer except on an order from the Vestry, signed by one of the Wardens. The Treasurer shall present to the Vestry, at least two weeks before Easter Monday, a full and accurate statement, accompanied with vouchers, of all moneys received and paid by his department, since the last annual statement. Sec. 5. The Treasurer, if he be not a member of the vestry, shall attend its meetings when requested, and be guided by its advice in all matters pertaining 28 CANONS. to the duties of his office, and be ready to answer all questions as to the state of the treasury. ARTICLE VIII. VESTRY MEETINGS. Section I. Quarterly meetings of the Vestry shall be held on the first Monday of May, August, Novem- ber and February. Sec. 2. Special meetings may be held at such times as the minister, or any two of the members, may desire. At every meeting of the vestry, the minutes of the last meeting shall be read, and, if cor- rect, approved ; if incorrect, amended and approved. At every quarterly meeting, the minutes of the last quarterly, and of all subsequent special meetings, shall be read. ARTICLE IX. ALTERING OF CONSTITUTION. Alterations, amendments or additions may at any time be made to this Constitution by the annual Diocesan Convention. CANON VIII. CONTINUED. 4. All the provisions of the statute for religious incorporations of the State of Illinois, and of any Canon of the General Convention, shall be strictly followed and observed, and all the acknowledgments or record thereby required, be duly made, and the whole proceedings of the meeting be certified by its presiding officer and Secretary. 5. The application for admission into union with the convention of the Diocese shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the convention at least one month CANONS. 29 before the meeting of the annual Convention, which application shall be accompanied with a copy of the minutes duly certified, and of all the other papers, the certificate of the Bishop, approving of the organ- ization, and the proof of record or other acts required by the statute. Provided, however, that such parish shall have at least six communicants to entitle it to a representation in the convention. CANON IX. OF VESTRIES. Section 1. On Easter Monday, or some other day in each year, the parishioners of each church shall elect a Vestry, to consist of a senior and junior war- den, who shall be communicants, and from three to eight Vestrymen, who shall be baptized persons, if such, suitable for the office, can be had ; and the Vestry may fill vacancies occurring in their own body; and only the male communicants of a parish, and such other persons, not under age, as have signed the articles of parochial association, or during the pre- vious year have contributed to the support of the church in that parish, and frequented its services, shall be entitled to vote in any parish election. Sec. 2. In the absence of the rector, one of the wardens shall preside in Vestry meetings. The Vestry shall elect a clerk, whose duty it shall be to take min- utes of their proceedings ; to preserve their journals and records; to attest the public acts of the Vestry; and to perform such other duties as shall be legally assigned him. He shall deliver into the hands of his successor all books and papers relative to the con- cerns of the church, which may be in his possession. 30 CANONS. Sec. 3. The duties of the Vestry shall be to take charge of the property of the Church ; to attend to and regulate all its temporal concerns ; to make ar- rangement for the support of the rector ; and to sup- ply his place in case of a vacancy. They shall continue in office until their successors be choseUj and shall be considered trustees of their respective churches, in accordance with the provisions of the law of this State for the incorporation of religious societies. (See Revised Code, pp. 120-21.) CANON X. OP THE SETTLEMENT OP CLERGYMEN IN PARISHES. Section 1. It shall be the duty of the wardens of every parish to give written notice to the Bishop, and, if there be no Bishop, to the Standing Commit- tee, so soon as a vacancy shall occur in the pastoral charge of the same. Sec. 2. On the call of a clergyman being made, and an answer, favorable to his acceptance of the same, received, it shall be the duty of the "Wardens to give immediate notice to the Bishop ; or, if there be no Bishop, to the Standing Committee, according to Canon VII, of General Convention of 1856. Sec. 3. No clergyman shall be admitted to the pastoral charge of any congregation in this Diocese, without producing to the Vestry thereof a certificate from the Bishop, or, in case of a vacancy in the Epis- copate, from the Standing Committee, that he has produced to him or them testimonials of his religious and moral conduct ; as prescribed by the Canons of the General Convention. CANONS. 31 CANON XL PARISH REGISTERS AND PAROCHIAL REPORTS. Section 1. In the register required by Canon XXIX, of the General Convention of 1832, to be kept in each parish, shall be specified the name and time of the birth of the child baptized, with the names of the sponsors and parents ; the name of the adult baptized, and the witnesses ; the names of the parties married, and of two or more special witnesses of the same, and the place where the marriage was solemnized ; the names of the persons buried, the place of interment, and also the time when each rite was performed. It shall also contain a list of the communicants, which shall embrace all within the parish, as nearly as can be ascertained ; and also a list of the families and adult persons as far as prac- ticable ; and also an accurate list of the persons con- firmed from time to time by the Bishop. The Register shall be kept by the minister in a suitable book, to be provided by the vestry ; which book shall be the "Parish Register," and shall be preserved by the vestry as a part of the records of the church. Sec. 2. Every minister of this Diocese shall, on or before the first day of every annual Convention, pre- sent or send to the Bishop, or, if there be no Bishop, to the President of the Convention, a statement of the number baptized and confirmed since the last annual Convention, the number of those who partake of the Lord's Supper, specifying the additions or re- movals that may have taken place, and the number of marriages and funerals. He shall also report the number of pupils;and teachers, connected with Sun- 32 CANONS. day school instruction in the parish, and the amount of "offerings of the church," stating the objects to which such offerings are appropriated, and what has been- done, in comphance with the requisitions of the Convention. Tlie Parochial Report may also present concisely any other matters of fact which show the state of the parish. Sec. 3. In every case where a parish is destitute of a minister, the register contemplated in this Canon, shall be kept by some person appointed by the vestry for that purpose. CANON XII. OF THE SUPPORT OF MINISTERS. Whereas, it is enjoined that the Minister of the Gospel shall live of the Gospel, and it is the right and duty of every parishioner or member of a congrega- tion to contribute his or her share to the support of the ministry, as God hath given ability ; and, where- as, it is the business of the vestry of each parish or congregation to take care for the fulfillment of the divine command, by the diligence of the people : It shall be the duty of the vestry of each parish or con- gregation to provide, by taking care for the gather- ing of offering in divine service, or by the procure- ment and collection of subscriptions, or of pew rents, by committees or otherwise, for the payment of the amount stipulated for the support of the rector or minister, or ministers, quarterly ; and it shall be the duty of every rector or minister, in his annual report to the Bishop, to state distinctly what sum has been CANONS. 33 agreed upon between the parish and himself as the annual salary, and what portion, if any, of that sala- ry has been left unpaid. CANON XIII. OF PAROCHIAL ASSESSMENTS AND COLLECTIONS. It shall be the duty of every parish to contribute and forward to each annual Convention, a sum equal to fifteen cents for each communicant in the same, to defray the contingent expenses of the Diocese ; and at the annual Convention, immediately preced- ing the triennial meeting of the General Convention, an additional sum of ten cents for each communi- cant, for the dues and expenses incident to that body ; and it shall also be the duty of each parish to pay in regular quarterly payments, for the support of the Episcopate, a sum equal to one dollar for every com- municant in the parish, (the number of communicants to be determined by the last annual report,) until a fund shall be provided for that purpose. All such parishes as fail to pay their quota of all assessments imposed by the authority of the Convention, shall not be entitled to representation, unless excused by the Convention b}' special vote. CANON XIV. AGED AND INFIRM CLERGYMEN. Section 1. It is hereby declared to be the duty of every Rector, officiating Minister and Missionary, to make a collection in his respective congregation on the day appointed for annual Thanksgiving, to be 34 CANONS. appropriated to the relief of aged and infirm Clergy in the Diocese. Sec. 2. The collection shall be sent immediately to the Treasurer of the Trustees of the Protestant Episcopal Church, who shall keep the fund separate from other funds, to be paid out as hereinafter pro- vided. Sec. 3. The Bishop and Standing Committee shall appropriate this money to those entitled to it, according to their discretion, a report of which shall be submitted to each Convention, and spread upon the journal. CANON XV. CONCERNING ELECTIONS. Elections by ballot, when required by the Canons, may be dispensed with by a unanimous vote of the Convention ; and when an election is by ballot, a majority of the votes in each order shall be neces- sary to a valid election. CANON XYI. OP VACANT PARISHES. Whenever a parish shall have become vacant, and the wardens shall have given the required notice thereof to the Bishop, he shall appoint those of the clergy in the Diocese, who can with most conven- ience discharge the duty, to supply such vacant parishes as have been reported to him, at such time as may be deemed convenient and proper. And at any Convention, the clergy so appointed, shall be C A N N S . 36 called on for an account of the fulfillment of the duty, and to make a full report concerning the state of the parish which they have visited. It shall be the duty of such vacant parishes thus supplied, to defray all of the expenses incident to such occasional services. CANON XYII. OF PREPARING A REPORT OX THE STATE OF THE CHURCH. In order to carry into effect the recommendations contained in Canon LI of the General Convention, a committee of the convention of this Diocese shall be appointed • at a regular meeting of the same, next before every stated meeting of the General Conven- tion, to draft, with the advice and approbation of the Bishop, a report of the state of the Church, to be presented to the General Convention. CANON XVIII. OF PAROCHIAL INSTRUCTION. Section 1. On notice being received by a minis- ter or missionary from the Bishop, of his intention to visit the parish or parishes of said minister or missionary, it shall be his duty to give notice thereof to his congregation or congregations, on their first meeting thereafter for public worship ; and also, immediate notice thereof to the members individu- ally, as opportunity may offer. He shall also, on said occasion of public worship, invite the children of due age, and others not confirmed, to advise with him concerning their coming to that holy ordinance ; 36 CANONS. and he shall diligently and faithfully prepare them for the same. And he shall be ready to present for confirmation those who shall have been previously instructed and prepared ; and shall deliver to the Bishop a list of the names of those presented. Sec. 2. Every minister of a parish shall instruct the children in the Catechism publicly in the church ; and shall encourage the formation of Sunday schools, and efficient instruction in them, in conformity with the principles of the Protestant Episcopal Church. He shall report the number of catechumens and of scholars and teachers in his annual Parochial Report. CANON XIX. OF LAY READERS. None shall be considered as authorized to officiate as a Laj' Reader in this Diocese, except in cases of particular emergency, without a written license from the Bishop ; or, in case of a vacancy in the Episco- pate, from the Standing Committee ; and Lay Readers shall in all cases conform to the provisions of the Xlth Canon of the General Convention. CANON XX. OF THE TRIAL OF A CLERGYMAN NOT BEING A BISHOP. Whenever any minister of this Diocese, not being a Bishop thereof, shall become liable to presentment and trial under the provisions of any Canon of the General or Diocesan Convention, the mode of pro- ceeding in this Diocese shall be as follows, viz. : CANONS. 37 Section 1. Whenever the Bishop shall have reason to believe, on information being given by a major part in number of the vestry of any church, of which the accused is a minister, or by any three presbyters of this Diocese entitled to seats in the convention, or "' from public rumor," as contemplated by section 2nd, Canon XXXVII, of the General Con- vention, that any clergyman is under imputation of having been guilty of any offense or misconduct for which he is liable to be tried, and that the inter- est of the church requires an investigation, it shall be his duty to appoint three persons, of whom two at least shall be presbyters, to examine the case, a majority of whom may make such examination; and if there be, in their opinion, sufficient grounds for a presentment, they shall present such clergyman to the Bishop; who shall thereupon cause a copy of said presentment, together with a citation to appear and answer thereto, to be served upon the accused with all convenient speed. Sec. 2. The Bishop, or if there be no Bishop, the Standing Committee, shall appoint the place for the trial, which must be within the Diocese. Sec. 3. The Bishop shall preside upon the trial as judge, and not less than three nor more than five presbyters shall be his assessors to try the facts in issue ; which presbyters shall be selected by the accused out of a list of eight, (to be furnished by the Bishop from among those entitled to seats in the con- vention,) wdio shall be unconnected with said party by relationship or marriage, and not parties in the presentment ; and if the accused shall neglect or re- fuse to make his selection, the Standing Committee CANONS. shall select for him ; and if there be no Bishop, or he decline sitting on the trial, the Standing Committee shall designate some member of the conrt to preside in his stead. Sec. 4. A written notice of the time and place appointed for the trial shall be served on the accused, and also on one of the presenters, at least thirty days previous thereto ; and advocates or proctors shall be allowed on either side, at the pleasure of the party, provided they are clergymen canonically resident in the Diocese, or laymen, who have been communicants in some parish of the same for at least two years before the trial. Sec. 5. All testimony adduced upon the trial shall be in writing, taken, on due notice to the parties, either by a commissary, appointed for that purpose by the Bishop, or in the manner of commissions and depositions in civil cases. But this provision shall not prevent the appearance of the witnesses, and the hearing of their testimony, on the trial, whenever it shall be preferred by either party ; and the testimony so received shall be reduced to writing, and signed by the witnesses respectively. Sec. 6. If a clergyman presented shall at any time before the commencement of the trial, confess the facts charged in the presentment, the Bishop shall, with the consent and approval of the clerical members of the Standing Committee, proceed to pass sentence ; otherwise, he shall be considered as deny- ing them. Sec. 7. The court being duly constituted by the presence of the requisite number of presbyters, they CANONS. 39 shall receive such evidence as may be adduced, in accordance with the provisions of this Canon, and, having deliberately considered the same, shall declare in a writing signed by them, or a majority of them, their verdict on the several charges and specifica- tions contained in the presentment; distinctly stating whether the accused is guilty or not guilty of each respectively, and stating also the sentence, which, in their opinion, should be pronounced. A copy of such verdict shall, without delay, be communicated to the accused, and the original verdict, together with the evidence, shall be delivered to the Bishop, who shall, before the adjournment of the court, if present, pro- nounce such canonical sentence thereon as shall ap- pear to him proper, provided the same exceed not in severity the sentence awarded by the assessors; and such sentence shall be final. Provided, however, that the Bishop, if he thinks justice requires, and, if there be no Bishop, the ecclesiastical authority, may grant a new trial to the accused. Sec. 8. All citations and notices in any ecclesiasti- cal proceedings, whether to parties or witnesses, may be served, either personally, or by leaving copies thereof at their residences respectively ; and may be served by a summoner or summoners, appointed for that purpose by the Bishop, and of such service their certificate shall be evidence. In case of service by any other person, the fact shall be proved by the affi- davit of that person. The time between the day of / /^^ 7 service and the day of appearance shall not be less r^^l^ than twenty days over and above the ordinary time S b l required to travel to the place of appearance. X3 40 CANONS, Sec. 9. The expense necessarily incurred on any trial under this Canon, including those of the accused when found innocent, shall be paid out of any unap- propriated moneys in the treasury, the accounts of the same havins; first been audited under the direc- tion of the Convention. Sec. 10. No clergyman shall be suspended, or re- ceive any public censure from the Bishop of the Diocese, without having been adjudged thereto, in the manner provided for by this Canon. CANON XXI. CONCERNING ALTERATIONS IN THE CANONS, AND ADDITIONS THERETO. No proposed alteration of, or addition to, the Canons shall hereafter be considered by the Conven- tion, unless one day's previous notice be given thereof in open Convention, nor unless by unanimous con- sent, until such alteration or addition shall have been referred to, and reported upon, by a committee of at least two presbyters and two laymen ; nor shall such alteration or addition be adopted during the same Convention, if two-thirds of the votes of both orders shall not concur therein ; but in such cases, the same (unless negatived by a majority of the members pre- sent,) shall lie over for consideration until the next annual meeting of the Convention. m