*^*nwmm PRELIMINARY BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE AMERICAN FUR TRADE compiled by STUART CUTHBERTSON JOHN C. EWERS UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVK. i JEFFERSON NATIONAL EXPANSION MEMORIAL '! LOU] \ ! iRI UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ILLINOIS HISIOR1CAL SURVEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/preliminarybibliOOcuth A PRELIMINARY BIBLIOGRAPHY on the AMERICAN EUR TRADE cciapiled "by STUART CUTHBSRTSON JOHN C. EY/ERS THE LiBRARY OF THfc OEC7-19A0 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OE THE INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE JEEEERSON NATIONAL EXPANSION MEMORIAL ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 1939 ^ * A history of Montreal , 1640- 1572. tr. and ed. "by Halph Flenley. London & Toronto, J. M. Dent & sons., ltd..; New York, E. P. Dutton & CO., 1923. Doughty, [Sir] A[_rthur] G-[eorge] Quebec o f Yester-year . Toronto, T. Nelson & sens-,- ltd. , 1932. [Du] Creux, Francois ("Franeiscus Oruxius") Historiae Canadensis sev Novae-Frauciae. Parisiis, S. Cramoisy et S. Mab re- C ramo i sy , 16647 ' Du Sol, Jean La Traite des pelleteries et la colonisation en la Nouvelle-France. Nouvelle- F rance . Quebec, 1912, v. XI, (Nov.), pp. 508-521. Fiske, John New F ranc e and New E ngland . Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1902. Eraser, Alexander A history of Ontario ; its reso urces and development . Toronto, The Canada history company, 1907. 2 v. Hanotaux, Gabriel, and Alfred Martineau, ed . Histoire des colonies franca ises et de l 1 expansion de la France dans lo monde. Paris, Societe de 1 'histoire nationale; Plon, Ici929-ci933] 6 v. 96556 Harrisse, Henry Les Corte - Real . Paris, E. Leroux, 1883. Hawley, Charles " . Early chapters of Cayuga h istory * Auburn, N. Y. , Khapp & Peck, printers, 1879. Early chapters of Seneca history . Auburn, N. T. , Kna.pp, Peck & Thomson, printers, 1884. 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Lane tot, Gustave L'Admini strati on de_ la nouvelle- Prance ; 1' administration generale . Paris, H. Champion, 1929. 96556 La Ronciere, Charles [Germain "Marie Bcmrel] de Ja.cq.ues Car tier et la deco uverte de la Nouvelle-Fr ance . Paris, Plon [1931], Le Beau, C. Avaatu res du Sr. C. Le Beau . . . ou, Voy age curiei r;: et norveau , parmi le_s sauvagos de l 1 Ame'riq uc Septentroinale . Amsterdam, H. Uytv/erf , 1738. Le Clercq, Cretien New relat ion of Gas pesia . tr. and ed. by William F. Ganong. (The publications of the Champlain society [V]). Toronto, The Champlain society, 1910. Lescarbot, Marc The history of Hew France , tr. and ed. "by W. L. G-rant. (The publi- cations of the Champlain society [I, VII, XlQ). Toronto, The Champlain society, 1907-14, Margry, Pierre, ed. Decou vert es et etablissernents des franc ais dans 1' ouest et dans le sud de 1 ! Aneriqu e Soptentrionale ( 1614-175"4 ) . Mem oi res et documents origina ux. [Paris, Impr. P. Jouaust, 1876-86] 6 v. 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(The Canadian histori- cal series, a library of historical research) Toronto, The Ryerson press; Chicago, University of Chicago press [ c 1933] Rochemontoix, Camille de Les Jesuits et la Nouvelle-Franc e au X7II e siecle . Paris, Letouzey et Ane, 1895-96. 3 v. ^°y> J[oseph] Edmond In and around Tadousac. tr. by G. M. Ward. Levis, Printed by Mercier & do. , 1891. Roy, Pierre Georges La. ville de Quebec sous le regime francais . Quebec, R. Paradis, imprimeur de Sa Majeste le roi, 1930. 2 v. Saantoyant, J. La colonization franc aise sous 1 j anc i en regime ( du XV siecle a 1789 ). Paris, La renaissance du livre, 1929. 2 v. Schlarman, J[oseph] H. Prom Quebec to New Orleans ; the story of the French in America . Belleville, 111., Beuchler publishing company, 1929. Shea,, John [Dawson] Gilmary, tr. and ed. Journal of an embassy from Canada to the United Colonies of New England, in 1650. By Father Gabriel Druillettes of the Society of Jesus. New York historical society . Collections . New York, 1857. 2d ser., v. Ill, pt. 1, pp. 303-328. 96556 Speck, Frank G[oulds:/.ith] and George &[ustav] Eeye Hunting chains of the Mont..lgna is and the Mistas sini. (Indian notes and monographs. . . [Miscellaneous, no. 13]). New York, Museum of the Anericailndian, Heye foundation, 1921. Suite, Benjamin Au Lac la Pluie, 1731. Societ e de g eographie de Quebec. Bulletin . Quebec, 1921. v. XIV (Jan.) pp. 16-20. Au Nipignon, 1727. Societe de geographie de Q uebec . Bull etin . Quebec, 1919. v. XIII (May) pp. 133-138. Au Nord Ouest, 1744-1749. Societe de geogr aphie de Q-qebe c. Bulletin . Quebec, 1921. v. XIV (Jan.) pp. 344-347. Le pay des fourrures. Societ e de geographie de Q,uebec . Bulletin . Quebec, 1919. v. XIII (Jan.) pp. 23-30. Thwaites, Reuben Gold Franc e in A merica , 1647 -1763. (The Anericannation: a history... v. VII) New York and London, Harper & brothers, 1905, Vetronile, Eugene The Abenaki s and their history . Or , Historical notices on the aborigines of Acadia . 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Springfield, 1904. pp. 112-130. Butler, Caleo History of the town of G roton . Boston, Press of T. R. Marvin, 1843. 3yington, S. H. William Pynchon, the founder of Spring:field. Connectic ut Valley historical society . Papers and p roceedings . Springfield, 1904. v. II . pp. 20-39. Caverly, Rohert Boodey History of the Indian wars of New England . Boston, J. H. Earle, 1882. 2 v. in 1. Chapin, Howard Millar Documenta . ry histor y of Rhode I sland . Providence, Preston and Rounds co., 1916-1919. 2 v. Quentenis Island or Dutch Island. Rhode I sland his torical society. Collec t ion s . [Providence] 1926. v. XIX (July), pp. 88-91. The trading post of Roge r Williams with tho s e hy_ John Wilcox and Ric hard Smi th. Providence, Printed for the society of 1. L. Freeman Company £19333 • Cheever, George Francis Some remarks on the commerce of Salem from 1629-1740. Essex insti- tute . Historical ' collections . Salem, 1859-60. v. I. pp. 67-91, 117-143, 157-181. 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New York, The States history company, 1927-30. 5 v. 13 96556 Hubbard, William A n arrativ e of the troubles wi tfa the In dians in New - England from the first planting thereof in the yeo.r 1607 . to the year 1677 . Boston, Printed "by John Foster, in the year 1677. Hudson, Alfred Sereno . 'The history of Concord , Mas sachu setts . Concord, Mass., The Erudite press, 1904. The history of S udbury , Massachusetts . 1638-1889 . [Boston, Printed "by R. H. Blodgett] 1689. Hudson, Charles History of the town of Marlborough . . . Ma s s achu setts , from . . . 1657 to 1861 . Boston, Press of T. R. Marvin & son, 1862. Ingersoll, Elinor H. Bulkeley John Prescott, the founder of Lancaster. Bay state monthly . Boston, 1885. v. II (Feb.) pp. 251-276. Jenness, John Scribner The Isles of Shoals , rev. ed. Hew York, Kurd and Houghton; Cambridge, The Riverside press, 1873. Johnson, Edward A history of New-England . Prom the English planting in the yeere 1628 . untill the yeere 1652 . 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T rumhul 1 , Be nj am in A complete history of Connecticut . . . from . . . 1630 , to . . . 1764 . New-Haven, Malt "by, Goldsmith and co., 1818. 2 v. T rum hull, James Hammond, ed . The memorial history of Hartford County , Connecticut , 1653-1884 . Boston, E. L. Osgood, 1886. 2 v. Trumhull, James R[ussellj History of Northampton , Massachusetts . Northampton [Press of Gazette printing co.] 1898-1902. 2 v. Turner, Frederic Jfackson] The first official frontier of the Massachusetts Bay. Colonial Society of Ma as a chu setts . Publications . Boston, 1915. v. XVII, pp. 250-271. Usher, Roland G[reene] The Pilgrims and their history . New York, The Macmillan company, 1918. Walcott, Charles H[osmer] Concord in the colonial period . Boston, Estes and Lauriat, 1884. Waters, Wilson History of Chelmsford , Massachusetts . Lowell, Printed for the town "by the Courier-citizen company, 1917. Wee den, William 3[a"bcock] Early Rhode Island . New York, The Grafton press, c 1910. 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Mobile, The author, 1884. 46 96556 Savannah : her trade , commerce and i ndustr ies. . .Historical and descriptive review . Savannah, The author,,. 1884^ La Eonciere, Charles Germain Marie Bourel de, ed. La P lori de francaise . Scen e de la view indienne peintes en 1564 . Paris, Les Editions nationales, 1928. and Atlas. Lawson, John' A new voyage to Carolina ; . . . And a journal of a thousand mi les t ravel 'd thro 1 severa l nations of Indians . London, Printed in the year 1709. Lee, P. D. , and J. L. Agnew H istorical record o_f the city of Sa vannah . Savannah, J. H. Estill, 1869. Le Moyne de Morques, Jacques I'Tarrative of Le Moyn e, an artis t who accompanied the Prench expedition to Plorida under Laudonniere , 1564 . tr. from the Latin bj/ Pred B. Perkins. Boston, J. E. Osgood and company, 1875. Logan, John Henry A history of the up per country of South Carolina , from the earliest periods to the close of the War of Independence, v. I. Charleston, S. G. 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(University of California publications in history, v. II) Berkeley, University of California press, 1914. 92 96556 Martin, Francois Xavier History'" of Louisiana , from the e arlies t period . New-Orleans, Printed "by Lyman and Beardslee, 1827-23. 2 v. Mason, Edward C-[ayj Illinois in the eighteenth centliry . Ka ska ski a and its parish records ; old fort Chart res . (Fergus historical series, no. 12) Chicago, Fergus printing company, 183].. Mat son, N[.eheniahJ French and Indians of Illinois River . Princeton, 111., Republican Job printing establishment, 1374. Mayer, Francis Blackwell With pen and p encil on the frontier in 1851 . (Publi cat ions of the Minnesota historical society, ed. "by 1. C. Blegen. . .Narratives and documents, v. I) Saint Paul, The Minnesota historical society, 1932. Memoir of the Sioux . (Macalcster college. Department of history, litera- ture, and political science. Contributions. 1st sor., no. 10) St. Paul, Minn., Pioneer press pub. co., 1890. Mississippi. 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XXVIII (July) pp. 337-389; Dacharme's invasion of Missouri, an incident of the Anglo- Spanish rivalry for the Indian trade of upper Louisiana. Missouri historical review . Columbia, Mo., 1929-30., v. XXIV (Oct., 1929-Apr. , 1930), pp. 3-25, 238-260, 420-439. Noill, Edward D[uf field] Dalch ota land and Dakhota life, with the history of the fur traders of the extreme Northwest d uring the French and British dominions . Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co.; Chicago, S. C. Griggs & co., 1859. Early days at Port Snelling. Minnesota h istorical society . Collec - tions . St. Paul, 1872. v. I, pp. 420-438. Early French forts and footprints in the valley of the upper Missis- sippi. Minnesota historical society . Collections . . . for the year 1864 . St. Paul, 1865. "pp. 9-20. ' Port Snelling , Minnesota , while in command of Col. Josiah Snelling , Fifth Infantry . [ New York] 1888. The French voyageurs to Minnesota during the seventeenth century. Minnesota historical society . Collections . 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Posts in the Minnesota fur trading area, 1660-1855. Minnesota history . St. Paul, 1930. v. XI (Dec.) pp. 353-386. Oudard, Georges Pour cents an acre; the story of Lo uisiana under the French . tr. hy Margery Bianco, lew York, Brewer & Warren, inc. , 1931. Parish, John Carl The man with the iron hand. Boston and ITew York, Houghton Mifflin compan;/ - , 1913. Parkman, Francis La Sall e and th e discove ry o_f the great West. (France and England in Forth America. A scries of historical narratives. . .pt. 3) rev. ed. Boston, Little, Brown and company, 1879. Pelzer, Louis Marches of the dragoon s in the Mississippi Valle y. Iowa City, la., The State "historical society of Iowa, 1917. Penicaut, Andre' Annals of Louisiana, from the establishment of the first colony under M. d'lDerville, to... 1722. In French, Benjamin F. , ed. , Historical collection s of Louisiana and Flo rida , n. s. Few York, 1369. pp. 33-162. 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' 104 96556 Chouteau, Frederick Reminiscences of Frederick Chouteau, ed. by Franklin G. Adams. Kansas State Historical Soc iety . Transact ions. Topcka, 1904. v. VIII, pp. 423-434. Clayton, William William C layton' s journal . Salt Lake City, Utah, The Deseret news, 1921. Clark, William Westward with dragoo ns; the journal of William Clark on his expo dit i on to establish Fort Osage, ed. "by Kate L. Gregg, Fulton, Mo., Printed "by the Ovid "bell press, inc., 1937. Clark, William, and Nathaniel Fryor Letters of William Clark and Nathaniel Fryor. ed. Toy Elliott Coues. ■Annals of Iowa . Fes Moines, 1895. v. I (Jan.) pp. 613-620. Collot, [Georges Henri] Victor A journey in North America . Paris, A. Bertrand, 1826. 2 v. and atlas. Crawford, Lewis F[_erandus] ed . History of North Dakota . Chicago and Nev; York, The American historical society., inc., 1931. Colbert son, Thaddeus A. Journal of an expedition to the Mauvaises Terres and the upper Missouri in 1850. 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The Pawnee Indians, their hahits and customs. Magazine of American history . Hew York, 1880. v. V. (Nov.) pp. 321-345. 106 96556 The Pawnee Indians; their history and ethnology. Magazine of American h istory . New York, 1880. v. IV (Apr.) pp. 241-281. Ellison, Robert S[purrierj Port Bridger , Wyoming , a l> r i e f history . Caspar, Wy. , The Historical landmark commission of Wyoming, 1931. Ewers, John C. Teton Dakota e thnolog y and history . Revised edition. [Berkeley, Calif.] U. S. Department of the interior, National park service, 1938. Eletcher, Alice C[_unninghamJ Historical sketch of the Omaha tribe of I ndians in Nebraska . Washington, D. C, Judd & Detweiler, printers, 1885. Eletcher, Alice C. and Francis La Flesche The Omaha tribe. 1L_ S^ Bureau of American ethnology . Twenty- seventh annual report . . . 1905-1906 . 7/ashington, 1911. pp. 15-672. Eulton, Alexander R. The red men of Iowa . Des Moines, Mills & company, 1882. Girardin, M. 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