LETTERS TO QUEEN ELIZABETH, 1591 H. Broughton i Fublished on demand by UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS INTERNATIONAL Ann A rbor, Michigan, U S.A. • London, England I P VAv^vo- V\(c,rar*3 3i -5 ZS‘E> ra ?,r^ Ss:i %.%% Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/tomosthighmightiOObrou ; 3S7/- V ■v-> I ^ I 1-1 ' I i :rofilms i MICHIGAN IZT ZJ" I l' r 1^ I l ^ . s?-?; X3ZX TITLE IZl : idd, 7 c TL etters ,to Qu C" '!: L/ZfiBETH V AUTHOR, ~B>'touqh ton. //. 2?/?rzr . jSQ / I I WMMhWMAAKen^ H libraryI, ZBodieLCilT. LIBRARY REF.no. MCcSQTZ> H‘ ^3* ( 2 ) ORDER Nof //2 3 6 '- ^'T.g.' 3 S' 7 /‘ UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN j\^ (i^*^ z7^^ zy^A^^y^>^(^^yi, TO THE MOST HIGH AND MIGHTIE PRINCE BLl Z A B b r ,\’>y tl.c grace of Get! Quccncof I ngbcdc, I'Muiicc, and i tcl.mdc, del ender o( thcl’aj tli. Sn.iLth yea es nn hundreth twd fen tten t'nto the bujL d/ng of the 7 emple. 7 here I fky that ancunt J'.bnwes 'iniKeifiliy, annent Greehes 'vniuerfdf, and Latmes mofi generally oldi andlate,l:eepe than n'lthin ^e:.-\eres, ernd that Scripture and lyues vj all famous men agree with that. Aftir the Lnyldingoj the Temple, are by him to ottr Lordes death 4 .yeres: which I wyll grant hmiyUtd fuemorc. In this labonrcofhtsi blame his en- denourof two qenerall errours :Th.it he difanulleth the propriety of the- Angels wordes,and ajj'irmcth, th.it the returned from Babel lyued toj.yeeres to buylde the Temple lie read twelue moncthes,as his hearers trium- phed. Some of hts Lectures hef:ntme,by which I might ludge what matter could be w the ref. / could haue tvi- Jh:d that he wotilde eyther haue fiohen where 1 myght reply, cr h.mc printed his opinions, th.it rumors myght not preuayle abotic uidgcment. 1 haue printedm.iny fc- uerall workes ag.tinf him. The fimme of them is this: Th.il all his g.iyn flying is c.\'trc.tmely erroneous : and that he h.uh,. ot blamed with any colour offounde tear- ninggncwcrde ofmy Bookc. Thofc Jrnall workes of tny Defences for our Religion, and common trucih, oppug- ned by one pretending peculiar differing from rne:who for thefe two poy rites haue all Nations, Religions, and Studies, on my fide ; T hem I humbly commende to your Jlighnes, Uighnes, that they may he ccnfured by Learned, ccmtenanccd ,t> trueth requtreth, and confuiered ac- cording to the honour of your gracious gouernement . friuate cenfnre hath VaJJed betn'ist vs all ready. For my Lord dlrchb-,fi:cp Cj Canterburies grace, was chofnvmpier, and exairiined both fdes argnnientcs. I hope 1 may with modify pleadc Ins tefnnony, though jbr my (elf, yet in a pubhque caufe: where it is good for alltoknowe the full fircngthofthe trueth. lUsGr.icc d:d wholly approuethe Concent for euerywhit ; where h.'S w.’Jedome fiw Heath, a (that deceaued Dunnes) confuted mof fentt fully, bymof ancient He.it hen of their owne kinde, and vnitier filly by all Icwes. And tou- chingformer Chrifians fblonyng Gentiles on D.wiel, flowing leieesin F't(ra,his Grace fw them holpen from erreurs, by their ewnegraunt i that when the D.and j ioync tjfuefor thcfpace betwixt the Alter andTcmflc: Prophane heat he haue ihtre no wcrkcsbut olde Di nines Fbre',r,Greeke,Laline,tc!i him, th.it he went very (am, further then they woulde wifr him . And touching crc(- (ingthe Angels propriety , I cannot thmke that Europe beareth onelearnedChnf/an,orihat 1 ury (which tretn- bleth at Gabriels oration) hath now one man, that hcL deth the number vneertaine. I thinke his Grace will tell your litghnes (o much. Andyour Maiefliesfigntpcaticn of your Princely determination, woulde mere breakc young hraiurnr Studentes, whom rcafon injuch vnex- pecledfbyles r.vi not bende. I greatly reucrencemy lear- ned aducrfarie ,.and comniende him, th.it he woulde not haue all libraries fet on fame by fire ofiudgernent in few wordes, without try all in one tweluc monethes jiglA . " But rcfcsfion rf Chrijl . Onr Manhantes that pajje oturall 7\ations, can not carry into the Eafl wore i.cble marchandife from thi ] Vcjlythen shil of teaching CreeheSy'Vpon what occaficn, cner hitherto they miffed i^oo, ycres in 4000. and marred all the holy (lory, and !of religion landcau. fd thi Chrifhan Arabians to follow and fvylc alike, K^'Jnd that yo)iit hath been Innce frf cjcncd, in that lytic worke to your Naicfheyand tn a further ex- I licaticn of It . Likcwyfe, where by the tyme and kinred of Chrift, they may mouc any Javes . there, 1 triifl,that / m,iy affirmc, without ckiicnging wore then duc,that to yciir liighnes frit, both po ot m. untamci 1) great almvancc cfDium/ty, hut gotten through r.lncw skill, and fpent on Disunity: though it be a rule of G od and man, that none nwyc on their omie charges, Jctductsc lindethallmcnto fur-. thcr,as they can ,celef tail knowledge. Dut paynes in this fortjlofdh miuh of the due cncor.tgemcnt. \^ndfome encre.xfe of grtefe I felt, that when I had a meaning to looke to my flf by other mcancs then Dtuintty 1 was reejuefed by one of your Matefies honorable CounfeL lers,a Diuine, to take rather your I/ighncs preferment: the delay whereof hath hindered rnyne owne ccurfe. But all this may foone he cured, when it is knowen ts ycur gracious care oner Learning. Yotir Adaicflics mort iiuniblc Subic^l Hugh Broughton* An Epiftle fent vnto the Arclib.. of (f. and T>. Elmer then Td.of ' London, chofen vmpircs touching the D.tlhit re, id n^^.urijl the Concent • orScrij)turc,:im! the ■\utIior ‘ • oh tlut Concent. Y (luetic remembed to your kr wen toall the Kcajnc,\vith what \T?^ Grace and Lordlliyp. Iciskno- we, ' / J veheuK ncic and carcD. R.la- K ' A\ hoicd to prone, rhataC'oncent of .Scriptuic lor cerraintie of ^ Chronicle collide nor be made. By rcafbn of his fbniK rcrcdite, hcharh diawea many to deny tiiar, which tlicy alwayes hclde: &to beagaiim tliein’ Iciuc-s, to coumenaiicc him, and todilgrafc tnec, I thought llnall skill miglu feme inan Ajnilouieforall men ran divas lb boldc as to pronounce him more grolely deccyued, tlicn eucr I knew any man. And conte;itcouldc IJiauc been, to Jiauc tryed h-f dilputarion, or by printingmot minding to leaue <3lf,vntil mybookc toller Maiefhe (wliieh he l.iboretli wholly to dif- grace) ihnderh byojten iiidgeinent,or filleth to my comiiuuill di/giace,andlv.ilpaync5 in fiudie. When when he had long read to prouc that f^tardocLti was not of icchonus captiuide, and had made ma- ny commende his caulc (we both graunt tliat to cndcour fhil'c)and they being called toicadcfac text, loathed their ownc inconftancic : Yet then this was toldc mc,that fomc Oxtordc men requi- red anhvcrc of me. Therevponl wrote to D.Ko- iutfn;, Proiioft of the Q.Colledge, certainc ’fhe- f.-s, which might elide tiiccaule : requefiing lii.s alowance,orreieeiion : with iliis addition, that 1 thou£,’ht itiniinious that Oxfordemcn lliouMic- quire me tc Jefcndeth.at, wliich they euer helde: vnleflc tlicy wouldc proted, that eyther their mindes were aItered,or that they were vnablciand oi' I) .I'c)y>o!des I wrote, that he was extremely cul- pable, in butming me for didering fro hiimu hcrc none euer was, nor wylbe of his ludgcment; and by his ownc wordes he is \ tteily condemned. Vpon this, D. Rcjnoldcs co\w\\\cA\ to London to me,()iewing tiiathe was willing to take any ludgt: and both we agreed \ pon your Grace, & you my L. B. of London, that we might liaiietlic eaulc fully eiiiicd, without paitialitie to the erediteof either, clearely to the glory of(jod, and brightnes of his miethiThat w hctherfbeiier hereafter lliould make any flir in the caufc, he flioulde be openly culpable by all cenfiire-s. My matter is opened in my I>ookc of Scripture Concent in Cdrn lso\x- tion IKtn.f). inthc Prcl'acc,andat theyccrcofthc worldc 3470.My ncailation is,ih.at 1 ).K . vniuflly blamed that, as all paiticiilais depending tlicrc- VpOIK , vpon : whicli tcnde throiigli the oldc Teftamentj. yea from'J^ foJiS to our Lord his afeention. To all whidi courl'cs,! blame him as iniurious. I rno- iicd iiiin to Icndc to your Grace and LordHiip, tlic bookc of liis Lcdurc-s.I trow,reafon wil mouc him ro tio loiniuh,yf he mcanc todcfendchiin liltc. I luue fent Ijcicwirhall a briefe in ’Ihclcs and (liort dcchrations, to giue an inliglu to the ni iticr : a copic whereof I coiiltle will) D.R.yf lie would : as I would gladly giue him any thing fora liookc of.his whole Lectures againd mce. If thcfc be not futheienr, I am ready by Ledure, I)ifj>titation, or Printing, to open any poynr hid in my caule. Thus requeuing your Graces and Loi dlliips free report to lier MaicAie, and my L. Trcaliirer, touching my Bookc wherefore we Briue : after your conuenient Icafure : I humbly commendc your Grace and Loidihip to the fphitc of tructli. London, lipi. To theworniypfull and learned, the %)icechauncclour^ and others the gouei nours of karnm'.; lHHiics in the \'ni- ucillticof Oxtfo.tic, Famed l atlicrs.you know t}iatl put loortli (uiulr)'htnsud Titlo in 'jbrahams peregrina- tion miglit hauc toldeyourD. that antiqu tic therein • made no doubt. Neytherdid cucr any 1 nglylhc dilTcr from me for S.Str/'frnr wordcs. l or the Judges times, my Bookcwouldchaucto'dchimby perticulcr accomptes, vvl'.crc 5.7'libilicy :that wyll not be difproucd. tS A D.of yourstoldchim thuswlicn I was in Ifiilns paiuam gratiam aChnjlUnis qui (onatmtt hath ^ftphttiamVautdis lahefallarc. Traterraqui ijhcntos fjl tn'vtbi in aijti.um :illt cut contradicis iam eft in media Gnmania. yidhxctis aduerjari mnib. Kis omna Juniui in ea iem jeateutia. 7 Any mv^ht manJaylchow cucrhedurfl confute a particulcr man for tlic vniucrfall opinion ; tliat in his xij.tno'icthcs jjaynefaying, he can not bnngonc filla- ble faultic againlt the ^raunt, and "ood of our prefent Ilcli2,ion,3nd Diuincs. Whether incanctli he to hauc hisaducrrarieandall the Rcalmc rcnfcldTcAhatcamiot niarkc this? All men know tliat he hath made many b'afj licmc the tructh vnavvaics : wlio woulde rather die, then do fo wiHint^ly. If invvarrcs a man ll,ou!de fi 2 ,ht a^ainfl them who inrchim, andciueliim authe- ntic: it would bclookcdvnto. It IS no more lawful in Icariiynir to conlute all the learned, ar.d Icarriyng of the prefent Hate sand to do it by ftcalth, it cannot a’rce with tliecofatxc of a learned ( hiilfian. V'^Vhilc the Sunne f’i\na!i,hercin he can not be defended. 8 Touchint’ the pretence that antiquitie IS of his fide, afinccreinindefl'.ould foone acknowledge, how that isturncda' 2 ;,T.inff liira. Tlmsit fbndeth. i yoo.yccrcs writcrsarcin tlic gcnciall onliis fyde (Quyn" that all hbrewes Ebrcwcs al their troupes, millions arcagainfl liim)buc o!dc Greekes < 5 c Latinesarc once with him,vct turned againft him thus: 2 ‘}o.yccTcsIud*h\w 3 i vnder kath antiquitic.PaiHhc time, fay hby the Icvvcs corn- mon vvcalc: one part from Ju ’ths returne, or the (Per- fiaus Monari hic,vnto tiic building of tlic T cmpic by thc^pDco. returned. What doth antiquitic make thaturre.*’ iS.yccrcstvcry wcll,I vvyllgraunt that all, and 14. yeercs more. Nowfrorn ihaKc to Alexander the grcat,thc D .canirct complaine that I make it Ihor- tcr tlrcn he dotlnard ihcrcm antiquitic c.. men atthcretuincniouldc buy'rdcit, asalltlicTalmiulidcsholdc .at i8.nftcrthc rctutnc,andnot loy.Butyethcvvyll confute all anci- ent jsrcuayling opinions. An oratour of plaiiic dealing fhould not enter an atdion .igaind Ctryj/iio, where 7):* moJ}henes cornmeth principall. An other vnhu mane part of thiskinde licfl-ic.ved, in fayin?, that in thisphrafe £:tra filiut 54ra/‘rf:tlic tcrrr.e f//m, Sonne, dcccaucd ire : where by linn it diouldc l)C ;thc luifrom him. 1 plcadctlutl aru furefo it is :ifit were not fo.inarkc how lie conlu* tctlialltlic worlde : Hebrewes, all the ii iHions that folow theTalinudidcsin /ftolw.andal their confentes 10 Seder Olam, their common rc'^iftcr, mdutf.ambtm, in rheir fucccsli ons, and in Sepher Mi:zuotb gadaloth : namely after t\\z\w I erthi, /IrM^netuls^mcbi, None A 3 arc arc to thit contrary(but^ 4 l;ftt(> forgetting himfclfcjfor oncdifccnt.) lermc jsoftlicCanic iiiindc'.vvhich thing your D. lliouUlc luue profdlcd : S') he ourlcimcd men, Builit?/t,'Ptllican,Lau.itn,! yrj,:\m\ a,\vuh tlu; i;ciicr.ill opinion ol RhonuUcs : nnd no Dunne ol Vngl.inde, toniy know ledge, cucr vva.i of any otlier jnyndc. I5ut contrary all lickic the fourth ot Ezra a TMtty liookc, wherein Ez,ra(is borne where 1 fee him) isal^iophet ^o.aftcrthcburnyngof Icrufalcin, Hus was not fjyrc plav, to blame all m decde.and pretende nouelcy in one. As he talkyng of Ezj'Jp fayd.that ! llioulddo wcl toconfellc my oucrllghtrfccing lie.rrol l,is ou.rfrenc, helhovild remember, ip'ettdas ; And to tell pLincly.howall bc.ig-inU litin. If wcrcahuc.'.vlu) vpon^/i'? 4 i' maketh Ez 'a fonneto Siruiti, he woulde inaruel why any iLoukte thinkcotherwyfe. I afkedd/'.fr.i./ttfUKr.vvIiolc foni'.c he thought A Jjr.r.*’ Ucanlwcied.who dare deny him to he fonne toSanijs, Now theconlc'-rion of Af.ltoiius is htielellc a?a\ idl your 1 ).then hi'. ov.nc. Amlyf all antirpiitie make Ezra 1 \ ue 50 . ycercs more then the Q'erfi4ns raigne ; your 1 ). w yl contcllc, that by anucjui- tiemv cauTc Ihndctlumd Ins fallcth. o The vniucrfil confentot the 1 rench, in their edi- tion 1 58 S. is fully on my lldc, and exprclly^ where fsrrdisfo.nncto vpon i.Cf).<5.i4. reived vpon Films Ezra 7 . t Js I tookeif : whom all, he confuted, and agaynfi the f..mc Im hearers ttiumphed, when they fought onely my djfgracc. If nonceucr were of his myndc for vnccrtayntic m Daniels ^^o.agaynlf: me.nor for Ez/a, why am I onely blamcd/’or what rc- uerenre of men, do liis wordcs beared And this one poynt(',vhcrcal the worldc is on my frde) hbrcw'csa!, Greekes ah Lafmes ah ouerthrowctlr al his Chronicle and Ihilc tandashc oucrcunicd al rchgionfm framing an vnccrtayntic for the Angels number: Sowhenhe fcignctli C274 altncpoum Ssnix : he irugln ns wcl giuc a new Bible froin lusautiiority. S.y/«rw//inf fayd tint fsTJ was |)omc ill Ci|itiiiitic. Ami fo lie might ibiit begotten bcfbie, .ii /o/i/.iiwiix. Am! any tyinc of tlic Ciptiuitic vvouMc ferue my tunic. But ncucrany vvas tovvardc his minde. I r When the hi cneb hcarc that al their iudi^ement is difg raced, their commending oi.'Pinitls 4^:>Aoxz rare icwchfor t!ie ccrbmetiir.cofour Lord Im death: & likc’.vifc for by one that brodich a new opi- nion from his owncautiionty, pretending to confute one man.wlut wyl they fiy.'’Not Caluin oiily.and other wholly my partners, nor Innius and iicali^cr, oncly his partners once, but al the nation is ol him confuted, and al nations of the earth. And I might tunic oner the caufc to othcrs,uhofc hand was 111 it before mine. 1 2 And for my learned fncmlc I mull needcs confcfTc this much, that when he hath his o .vnc fide, and al the worldc Uyl agamll him, and yet hopctli of a viiflot ic, be hath a molt valuint courage. But I, .as one In/fcwcTj w'ouldcwyllic courage not to c.'ccccdc fafety. So for M^rdochji al Cluirchcs,and natme iudgement :(brZ> 4 - «;V/and iTstr.1, cilery feucral man isagaynll him. Now it wylbean hard dcinaunde.wlicthci it were better to liaucal Vniuerfitics with/A/ire and Sftrcnnc:aiitUnurf)cr warning hv M which If made him make the tyme .po. y'ecrcs,iull as 1 did, - and dalh all lus former pavnes. V V'^onldcany ofyou t.ikc patiently luch Linage imuiis';, a.s to abide oppro- brious (p.chcs, where theconfuter proucdi good, the caufcol the confute J.*’ 1 7 An other part no IcfTc g.rotTe, or rather I uUy tl.c part ol a bad man, I can not onut.A.M.oi art ofyom biccde,bcin^at London on Tliair.es 1 5 <;io. in a iiotc u ith one and others, hiyd, that Ihadyccl- ded vnto your D.ior Miiriiocbaj : that not hc,biit/(/x was the captiucd. Tlicn one knowint; the contrary, fayd. Arc not you all'.anied tobclieone fo, thatthc lafl v.'Ceke openly re..d v/ith deci c icafons to the con- trary. Arc ye palt lliamc."’ 1 lien fayd the M ot Ins art: Youin London fpejkc ill ol A/.^ATv.aiul why lliould not wcofO.';tbr(lfpeakc lool Af ii. Yl timiniill be fo, I mud recjucd ail the ;j;raue ot our n itioii, to ad- mit ncucranv Oxloid teltiinony a; 2 ,ainll mce. 3 The lyke part ot one lpc.,kin'j; to certainc Coun- . frllcis,\vlicn the Court was at Oxford,! put in print, liovv one of yours fayd, that I was allumed of my caufc,and yccldcd vnlo your D.l lis eyes irij^ht hauc toldchiin, that I wrote othcrwylc to all Chnlhans, and fpccially to feme Honorablcj iu an other opini- on. Tiic like partathndmanpl.n dc. p Am oilier boinc in Hciciordc tov.nc,ofB. N. C. told one tliciiecin ikudcsjthatliisharticioyccdtofec liow your I), lloutcd mcc, asproimhiigto Icndc my 'KMincs^nd after for fcare, breaking pronnfc.Jf your D.didfb, tins mutli I mud tell hiin, Tiiat ail who ki.ovv bo(hourdudics,w)Jfay,tliatI li.iuefpentmoic yeacs,t!icn he liouisin the principal '/yrtfiwo. It m.iy be fiiundc tli.itncner imyT\4l>bii.e was of his itiindc for thccanfc then m fiiift of Mardoch^j, noragainf' incc.l Ic deemed that he had the Chaldy T arol'hr^jlhy whicJi he was mod notal)ly condcinncdiand thouy hr tliat lie lud jibtu Ezr*> but was dcccyucd . By .ill ar- gumentes th.it tan be brought toorth from any 'T.nf- line vpon Scripture, or either /' in vvluch he put al his trull and conlidencc. 20 His fayth flayed vpon 01ympi..«les:and by them he wouldc "ather ydSo.yccres precife'y. But they arc turned atravnflhim :and 7 Litton taketh part with my fvde : in whom yf he red not, then I Ificvv that Thai- lKS,Caf}or,7hiej^Qn,Tima:us,l'biiifus,X(iioplon. Laertius, 'J'Ticlinius, Sof gents, Tamphila, lodorus.flutarch, and fuch, difier fo exceedingly one from an other, and from them fclucs,hundrethcs of ycercs for famous matters, touching(J)ynnpi.idcs, that one myglit wondei howyourD.coulde milIc,to fee that by them Cjrus myght toucli ludat M ackabtus i /ggai and Zachary eoc afore Daniet and Ezfkitl: and all heathen antiquities be brought vnto an inliiiitc C/^aox. Likc’.vyfe he myelit haue fecne how by piophanc Greekes the Ter fans mv/ht be fayd(in C7h Seal. (honkl bccutofF. 1 or,twixt Cyrus 8c. Xerxes. Helclfclokcd tohnieall tlic worldcwith /«(fe to proucthiS', I.yke* wyfe thence he marked not, tlut IfocraUt inaketh Jthens Jthens principality 2j.'/}iortcr then lycutgM doth’- ( Wl’crcin I couldc wyflic it to be no more (hortcncd,) Nor marked how Jtheniana, JndoeiJes, and /EjchiiKS, reckm for thofe tynici 30. where T Imi/iida and Xeno* fiJyon make but 1 4. Likcwy fc ibines fifiolertiie p vndcr ioi.rat(S, and Ins warfare vndcr ^icibidda, and death af- ter "rcat^/rx’dadmCtlicdoubtful poynt) recorded from ■Dmftrms 3 bilenus ; tins wyll nuke lyfanda ne.uc>^/f.v- then Olyrnpiadfs atcompt .iboiit 50. ycac', i!;oi!'j;li flnnc Olyiiipiades prone the fame : for K 1 C. '} bil jr oc Afjujolus, '1 he very fame isholpen by TluUrch andrZ/'Urt, by lyftii: for i{' Lyfus were <^3. before //rkn; r. 1 !, 'iiid a pleader for I pbicr:ites at 7 bilij) M ncedcns ty n:e, the dilfance cannot beabout 50. Lut rather leflethcn liaUc , TliC 01 ymp:que fayth IS favne to dens the op- tions to be from Z^/Iar:as thciw^h 7 ‘iutarch 3 iu.\ylp!an knew not the (lylc of Lyfus. So yf ti c An^c! Iial fpokc notliyn^TjCunnyir^ huniamfics mv^ht hauc feenc tlic f.tme r{)acc from licathen. Animus that maketli Demelrius •Thalercus to be feruant toCoy.cn and Timotlcus (foiionx dcatli being; ner re /j/awi.'fn)and Tbubreu: feeing the 70. trai.liatcrs : tliiStilfo would hauc troubled your D. hope of a Ioniser compt then the An|ge!> from tlrathcn. Ifo' cr.ita atiayne '.voulde rcfiif him, that tellcth how Lacedf- mon.in ruled Greece not yecres, but ten : though he fouchetlnot exactly /Ic'rhra fall. But Tolplius vA\otd- Ictli that by the J 2 . ycci e tlicy were at tl ic lode of it,, gal- leth thc01ympK]ues. yZ/ffrt/fHJ troubleth tlicinrome' wliar/inwhom 7 hilip re.^ueth not 24. yccrcs, but 20. And eland more, in wdiom yf/exa/idfr by fomcis 12. yc!c% hyglier then by others : that isnearc Soemta. And agaync [nfhaineus thcfair.cisplayne, ooto(%ti!ncms, fur if he huiiv, (olongnfter great jLxjn ler were fJiolc- fclow v,il\\ Jlctv\ixt lyjdii* dcrand//{ATrfndfr,cai)hardly conic neareliallcyo. I he B i wliolc \v!iolcfpcadics in tlie later Atticjiieoratourstalkcin the fame tcnoiir of CoHOM>and the equals, as knosven well to foinc then alyuc. Thus Grtcia is with S. Matthew and S. Luke, in tlieir ages : and not I, hut your D.hath the new opinion. I or ten by liiin iiuUl draw 5 ay.yccrcs in their fucccsfions : the lykc whereof hnee t>auit{s tyn:c, thatis ijoo.ycres.tlicSunnc ncuer law, 1 may not blame iiiiii ag.nync for callyng tliofc ten men the glory of ail tlic carthjaml lareai gun. elites foi thiscaufe, U[>Jcur4 fyJera. Ikit tins I may tell, tliat adiuine.M. l.I.brcdatCtfvifr/Wgf, there in UKlgciiieiit holder! inlti lour to none of yours, feting in theanintrey your Doctors bookc of Lcdturcs, wr.sgrceued to lectl.erin forthofe ten incii tlicfe woidcs: Jutcris Cocccutus ilfcuuf)dtra. The man him felfe toldc nice: And gauc your diuiiics this pray fe, that they were indifTcrcnt iudges :and f.ivd, that your D. was uow out of hislliulics. Thaf.allthcworldcmay ice, whom ran- cour blyndcth not. But how then vvyll he be able to fa- tisfic the Church, pretending tructli and antiquity, and defence of the fctlcd opinion, dilfurbyngall } nglandc, all 1 uropc, and Ada. May not I require thathcbecaHccl toaccotrpt, for what one fyllahle in inyl3ookc for this inattcr.diilering ficm otlicrsof our bcfl hcblamcth me, ami puttetli me to priuatc paynes and charges for the dcrcncc of the pjubli(|uc triutli / If the young lludent delyghtiiiiloutyiig,let him fee whofe dealyngesdelcr- ueth. that: your f)odor,inync,or Ins ownc.*’ A vtraue Preacher dwelling het'.vixt .^Ig-ite and Bow, g’.uc tins ccnfure : that \ our D. and one other D. wry- ting both contrary to them fellies, ami to thcthirdc that hclde the true, bcginnyiig v{xm alfciffion out-oO their fluciic,had rnr.de mnny.AthieUcs. L licinan.vfp.arti.ility miglit feme, is knowen utlierwifc bent. Many liauc layd fince : W'bat, iball we Iliidy the Bible, when fo great Sdiolerscannotagrcc.'* And a Preacher of yourbrtede, now now teaching in London, fccingyourD.confuteifayd, For two pence iulFcpcny licwoulde be oF cythcr opi- nion : to fuclia p '.llc come your Diuines.Tlicy triumph ."t t!ic lirlhas Iiauing caried away Burly fpoylcy, and am- ])!claudc ; I’.ow one is by yours confutcdjfor endcuoring to prouc. that God drawctli vs by the Sunnes Chrom- cle, vnto the Sonnes iuilicc,contriui'ng all LibraricSjnll, playnciv to tl.is high poynt. Wlicn th.e matter is de- tected, that hcconiutcd thctructlijliimfcirtgand all the wor’derthen anew pcRifcrous errour is brjed, that the matters arc fmall : though they be the liarmony of all Scripture, and loyofChriniarnty. An ctlicr B, of D. of yours ncaie Lon. tliankcJ God, tint he ncucr troubled iiishcad witii tiicfe matters :That is, why God vpon death, Icaucth to honour man with the Sumics ourneys, and tycth all to the prornyfe of Child : and what wifedome Gabriel promifcd to teach ofan other rpint,& difd. yncd notto treademeuery Hep, where thefe men, lil;c Tarts of Homer lTirunke,as if they had troden ncarc a Serpent. I know It tobcfarrefrniii your D.inindejtoprKkcfor- wardcrumorsin that kind..Ajid I tliinke that he isrcfol- ued, how zeale (as lewes proued) running afoi c knca.v- lcdgc,ijt!iciuincof Kchgioniand knowetli tradefnun, who be cunnmger in the depht of the l)o!y bocke,tlKn tlic common fort of teachers r -.vhofc zeale medleth not beyond tluu owue boundes.I would not be thouglitto thinkCjthat your D. could lauour fuch dca!ings;Birt be- caufc they wil needesbe flirowding vndei hiswin:,cs,l thou 2 ,I It ticod to warnc of that. This tuil fowen b v mi f- taking your D.ishkc a Grangrxna lurtner growing. A Cambridge nun that liucth in I flcxaScholniancrand a Preacher, meeting witli-i Ccntlem.in tli.a: knew f rom Cetiifs to thc/f/’Ofj^/’J tlic'ramcof the jhble better the lie,wascounre!lcdby iliat Cjentleman to make a dcclara- tio of chrinianity,how in al ages it w3scleere(btTorc lie trauolled to (hrthc fimple vnccrtainlv)and to make the peopi e know the cuerLfling certainty of Cl nation, by Ato/f/,thcProphets,theGorpcl,and the 1 pi I ties. He. in- revered, that foinc bookes of Scripture could iieucr yet be viiderlloocknairely the Reuc!ation.Th.c(»cmlcm.ia vfiiig an iiidaiKcfrom fonic for that, he favd, that your Dduid conhued th.at p-aines:thougJi he rncdlcd nut wi'.'h one woidc.You may fcewh.it hanr.e to himfelfe,.indto the Clmrcli is wrouglit by his rMding, being miffaken, and mifreported. Icould wnOi tint he would eythcr rc- uokcall insgaiinfayingcsias I chargchim, that they be allmmricuS(3ccrroriious:or printal hislcflurcs,vdiich I faw I {r>\v for tl'.c on: half:, :n yccrcs reading, thit all mi.dit fee what IS m coii'rronci ( y . Mi*rk: lurtl'.-r infection an otlicr learned man : I knew net wl’.cci'.eriic were bred amon^U yoHj a ecr- tainc Gcnt’cniarj’.vhoin T ncuerravvjvviiteth ton fV>end o!^ his from Dunlleiin Slaftoidclliyrcj to a Londona' thus : Dec.z o. i 5 9 ; . / hcai( net hn^ ftna, 63 .( 2 ) ORDER NO( //2 3 (b ' §JjS.' 3 ~7 / J^ 70 h to n. H. mrE, Jo ^ / / 'iod le tail . UNIVERSITY MICROFILMS ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN