ir" ""T U? i Hi" ,jN?vrn ^.ia. ‘ t '■ I V I (. 1^4 Cvv liited States Department of Agriculture. (B. A. I. Order No. 93.) REGULATIONS CONCERNING CATTLE TRANSPORTATION. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washhigton, D. (7., January 10^ 1902. To Managers and Agents of Railroads and Transportation Companies of the United States^ Stockmen^ and others: In accordance with section 7 of the act of Congress approved May 29, 1884, entitled “An act for the establishment^ oj *a* Bureau of Animal Industry, to prevent the importation of diseased cattle, and :o provide means for the suppression and extirpation of pleuro- meumonia and other contagious diseases among domestic animals,” [and of the act of Congress approved March 2, 1901, making appro- ipriation for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending [June 30, 1902, you are hereby notified that a contagious and infec- Itious disease known as splenetic. Southern, or Texas, fever exists imong cattle in the following described area : 1. All that country lying south, or below, a line beginning at the [northwest corner of the State of California; thence east, south, and southeasterly along the boundary line of said State of California to die southeastern corner of said State ; thence southerly along the western boundary line of Arizona to the southwest corner of Arizona ; dience along the southern boundary lines of Arizona and New iexico to the southeastern corner of New Mexico; thence northerly plong the eastern boundary of New Mexico to the southern line of ihe State- of Colorado ; thence along the southern boundary lines of Colorado and Kansas to the southeastern corner of Kansas ; thence southerly along the western boundary line of Missouri to the south- western corner of Missouri; thence easterly along the southern )oundary line of Missouri to the western boundary line of Dunklin bounty ; thence southerly along the said western boundary to the Southwestern corner of Dunklin County ; thence easterly along the [outhern boundary line of Missouri to the Mississippi River ; thence Lortherly along the Mississippi River to the northern boundary line Sf Tennessee at the northwest corner of Lake County; thence |asterly along said boundary line to the northeast corner of Henry lounty; thence in a northerly direction along the boundary of "ennessee to the northwest corner of Stewart County ; thence in an |asterly direction along the northern boundary' of Tennessee to the )uth western corner of Virginia; thence northeasterly along the western boundary line of Virginia to the northernmost point of Vir- "9 \ Ci \ '5^. A 2 ginia; thence southerly along the eastern boundary line of Virginia to the northeast corner of Virginia, where it joins the southeastern corner of Maryland, at the Atlantic Ocean. 2. Whenever any State or Territory located above or below said quarantine line, as above designated, shall duly establish a different quarantine line, and obtain the necessary legislation to enforce said last-mentioned line strictly and completely within the boundaries of said State or Territory, and said last above-mentioned line and the measures taken to enforce it, are satisfactory to the Secretar}^ of Agriculture, he may, by a special order, temporarily adopt said State or Territorial line. Said adoption will apply only to that portion of said line specified, and may cease^at any time the Secretary may deem it best for the interests involved, and in no instance shall said modification exist longer than the period specified in said special order; and at the expiration of such time, said quarantine line shall revert without further order to the line first above described. Whenever any State or Territory shall establish a quarantine line, for above purposes, differently located from the above-described line, and shall obtain by legislation the necessary laws to enforce the same completely and strictly, and shall desire a modification of the Federal quarantine line to agree with such State or Territorial line, the proper authorities of such State or Territory shall forward to the Secretary of Agriculture a true map or description of such line and a copy of the laws for enforcement of same, duly authenticated and certified. 3. From the first day of February, 1902, no cattle are to be trans- ported from said area south, or below, said Federal quarantine line above described to any portion of the United States above — north, east, or west of — the above-described line, except as hereinafter provided. 4. Cattle from said area may be transported by rail or boat for immediate slaughter, and when so transported the following regula- tions must be observed : (a) When any cattle in course of transportation from said area are unloaded above-^north, east, or west of — this line to be fed or watered, or for other purposes, said cattle shall be placed in pens or yards set apart for infected cattle, and no other cattle shall be admitted thereto. (b) On unloading said cattle at their points of destination, chutes, alleyways, and pens, sufiiciently isolated, shall be set apart to receive them, and no other cattle shall be admitted to said chutes, pens, and alleyways ; and the regulations relating to the movement of cattle from said area, prescribed by the cattle sanitary officers of the State where unloaded, shall be carefully observed. The cars or boats that f 3 have carried said stock shall be cleansed and disinfected as soon as possible after unloading and before they are again used to transport, store, or shelter animals or merchandise. (c) All cars carrying cattle from said area shall bear on both sides printed placards, the letters of which shall be plain and not less than 1^ inches in height, to be affixed by the railroad company hauling the same, stating that said cars contain Southern cattle ; and each of the waybills, conductor’s manifests, and bills of lading of said shipments by cars or boats shall have a note plainly written or stamped upon its face with a similar statement. Whenever any cattle have come from said area -and shall be reshipped from any point at which they have been unloaded to other points of destina- tion, the cars carrying said animals shall bear on both sides similar placards with like statements, and the waybills, conductor’s mani- fests, or bills of lading be so stamped. At whatever point these j ' cattle are unloaded they must be placed in separate pens, to which no other cattle shall be admitted. {d) No boat having on board cattle from said district shall receive on board cattle from outside of said district. Cattle from said dis- trict shall not be received on board when destined to points outside of said district where proper facilities have not been provided for transferring the said cattle from the landing to the stock yards and slaughterhouses without passing over public highways, unless per- mission for such passing is first obtained from the local authorities. (e) The cars and boats used to transport such animals, the chutes, alleyways, and pens used during transportation and at points of des- tination, shall be disinfected in the following manner : Remove all litter and manure. This litter and manure may be disinfected by mixing it with lime or saturating it with a 5 per cent solution of 1 00 per cent carbolic acid, or, if not disinfected, it may be stored where no cattle can come in contact with it during the period from February 1 to November 15 of each year. Wash the cars and the feeding and watering troughs with water until clean. Saturate the entire interior surface of the cars and the fencing, troughs, and chutes of the pens with a mixture made of pounds of lime and one-quarter pound of 100 per cent straw-colored carbolic acid to each gallon of water; or a solution made by dissolving 4 ounces of chloride of lime to each gallon of water may be used ; or disinfect the cars with a jet of steam under a pressure of not less than 50 pounds to the square inch. 5. Cattle from the Republic of Mexico may be admitted into the United States, after inspection according to law, as follows: Cattle free from splenetic, or Texas, fever, and from contact there- with during the six months preceding such inspection, and which 4 have been grazed in a locality free from infection of such fever, may be admitted into any part of the United States. If destined to points in the noninfected area, a special permit must be obtained from an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, said permit being issued according to the regulations of said Bureau. The cattle for which said permit is issued must not be driven through the infected area, nor be unloaded in any part thereof except at such a point as may be duly designated by an order issued by this Department. If shipped in infected cars or unloaded in the infected area, except as above stated, they will be subject to the regulations concerning infectious cattle. 6. Notice is hereby given that cattle infested with the Boophilus annulatus {B. bovis), or Southern cattle tick, disseminate the con- tagion of splenetic. Southern, or Texas fever; therefore cattle originating outside of the district described by this order or amend- ments thereof, and which are infested with the Boophilus annulatus ticks, shall be considered as infectious cattle and shall be subject to the rules and regulations governing the movement of Southern cattle. 7. Stock-yard companies receiving cattle infested with said ticks, shall place such cattle in the pens set aside for the use of Southern cattle, and transportation companies are required to clean and disin- fect all cars and boats which have contained the same, according to the requirements of this Department. 8. Inspectors are instructed to see that disinfection is properly done, and to report instances of improper disinfection. It is expected that transportation and stock-yard companies will promptly put into operation the above methods. All prior orders conflicting herewith are hereby revoked. Secretary. (Amendment No. 1 to B. A. I. Order No. 93. ) SPECIAL ORDER MODIFYING QUARANTINE LINE FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. (10O2_) U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington^ D. C., January 11, 1902. In accordance with the regulations concerning cattle transporta- tion issued by this Department, the State of California has agreed to 5 establish and cooperate in the enforcement of a quarantine line located as follows : Beginning on the Pacific coast where the northern boundary line of Monterey County connects with the Pacific Ocean, thence easterly and southerly along the northern and eastern boundary line of Mon- terey County to its junction with the western boundary of Fresno County; thence northerly along the western boundary of Fresno County to the western corner thereof; thence northerly, easterlj", and southerly along the western, northern, and eastern boundary line of Merced County to the southeast corner thereof ; thence northeast- erly along the northern boundary of Madera County to the northeast corner thereof; thence southerly and easterly along the eastern boundary lines of Madera, Fresno, and Tulare counties to the south- east corner of Tulare County; thence easterly along the southern boundary line of Inyo County to its intersection with the eastern boundary line of the State of California. And whereas said quarantine line, as above set forth, is satisfac- tory’ to this Department, and legislation has been enacted by the State of California to enforce said quarantine line, therefore the above quarantine line is adopted for the State of California by this Depart- ment for the period beginning on February 1, 1902, and ending Janu- ary 31, 1903, in lieu of the quarantine line described in the order of January 10, 1902, for said area, unless otherwise ordered. Secretary. (Amendment No. 2 to B. A. I. Order No. 93.) SPECIAL ORDER MODIFYING QUARANTINE LINE FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS. ( 1002 .) U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. (7., January 11, 1902. In accordance with the regulations concerning cattle transporta- tion issued by this Department, the State of Texas has agreed to establish and to cooperate in the enforcement of a quarantine line located as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the southern boundary of New Mexico with the international boundary line at the Rio Grande River, thence southeasterly along the said international boundary line to the 6 southwest corner of the county of Pecos; thence following the west- ern boundary of Pecos County to the southeast corner of Reeves County ; thence following the boundary line between the counties of Pecos and Reeves to the Pecos River ; thence southeasterly, follow- ing the Pecos River, to the northwest corner of Crockett County ; thence east along the northern boundary of Crockett and Schleicher counties to the southeastern corner of Irion County ; thence north along the eastern boundary of Irion County to the northeast corner of said county; thence north to the southern boundary of Coke County ; thence west to the southwest corner of Coke County ; thence north along the western boundary of Coke County to the southern boundary" of Mitchell County; thence east to the southeastern corner of Mitchell County; thence north along the eastern boundary of Mitchell County to the northeast corner of said county ; thence east along the southern boundaries of Fisher and Jones counties to the southeast corner of Jones County; thence north along the eastern boundary of Jones County to the northeast corner of said county thence east along the southern boundary of Haskell County to the southeast corner of said county; thence north along the western boundary lines of Throckmorton and Baylor counties to the north west corner of Baylor County ; thence east along the southern bound ary of Wilbarger Count}^ to the southeast corner of said county; thence north along the eastern boundary of Wilbarger County to the Red River ; thence continuing in a northwesterly direction along the course of said river and the northern boundary of Texas to the south- east corner of Greer County, Oklahoma Territory. > i And whereas said -quarantine line, as above set forth, is satisfac- tory to this Department, and legislation has been enacted by the State of Texas to enforce said quarantine line, therefore the above quarantine line is adopted for the State of Texas by this Department for the period beginning on February 1, 1902, and ending January 31, 1903, in lieu of the quarantine line described in the order of January 10, 1902, for said area, unless otherwise ordered. It is further ordered. That, during the continuance of the above line, no cattle originating in the quarantined area as described in B. A. I. Order Ho. 93, as modified, shall be moved or allowed to move into the counties of Baylor and Throckmorton, and that por- tion of the county of Pecos lying north and west of the line described, as follows : Beginning at the west line of Pecos County, at the point where the roadbed of the G. H. & S. A. Railroad crosses said line ; thence in an easterly direction with the center of said roadbed to a point on Section No. 36, Block A2, G. H. & S. A. Railroad Com- pany ; thence north with the pasture fence running in a northerly direction through the eastern part of Sections Nos. 13 and 12 of said Block A2, and across Section No. 1, G. C. & S. F. Railroad Com- pany ; thence continuing north with said pasture fence through the eastern part of Sections Nos. 16, 17, 46, 47, 76, 77, 106, 107, 136, 137, 142, 143, and 194, Block D, M. K. (Sr T. E. Railroad Company; thence continuing in a northerly direction to a point on the north 7 line of Section No. 6, Block 160, G. C. & S. F. Railroad Company, same being corner of pasture fence; thence east with the north line of Sections Nos. 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, Block .160, G. C. & S. .F. Railroad Company to the northeast corner of said Section No. 16, same being corner of pasture fence ; thence in a northerly direction with the east boundary line of Sections Nos. 22, 21, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, Block 1, C. C. S. D. & R. G. N. G. Rail- road Company to the northeast corner of said section 32; thence west with the north boundary line of Sections Nos. 32 and 33, same block, to the northwest corner of Section No. 33, Block 1, C. C. S. D. & R. G. N. G. Railroad Company, corner of fence; thence north with the east boundary line of Sections Nos. 1, 12, 13, 24, 25, 36, 37, 48, 49, 60, 61, and 72, Block 2, C. C. S. D. & R. G. N. G. Railroad Company to the northeast corner of said section No. 72; thence in • ^ah easterly direction with the pasture fence to the southeast corner . of Section No. 9, patented to James E. Evans; thence north with the east line of said Section No. 9 to the northwest corner of Sec- tion No. 100, Block A2, T. C. Railroad Company; thence east with north boundary line of said Sections Nos. 100 and 89, same block, to the northeast corner of said Section No. 89, Block A2, T. C. Rail- road Company ; thence north with the east boundary line of Sections Nos. 90, 91, 92, and 93, to the southeast corner of Section No. 94, Block A2, T. C. Railroad Company; thence northwest diagonally across Section No. 94 to the northwest corner of said section; thence continuing in a northwesterly direction, diagonally across Sections Nos. 14, 18, and 28, to the northeast corner of Section No. 29, Block C4, G. C. & S. F. Railroad Company; thence west with the north boundary line of said Section No. 29 to the northwest corner of said section; thence northwest diagonally across Section No. 1, T. C. Railroad Company Section No. 97, Block No. 194, G. C. & S. F. Railroad Company, to the northeast corner of said Section No. 96; thence in a northerly direction across Section No. 94 to a point on its north boundary line 600 varas west of its northeast corner: thence continuing north through Sections Nos. 93, 90, 89, 86, 85, and 58, Block 194, G. C. & S. F. Railroad Company, to a point on the north boundary line of said Section No. 58; thence northwesterly with the pasture fence, through Section No. 59, to the northeast corner of Section No. 82 and the southeast corner of Section No. 81, same block; thence continuing northwesterly to Section No. 17, H. & G. N. Railroad Company; thence north with the east line of said Section 17 to the Pecos River; thence northwesterly with said Pecos River, to the northwest corner of Crockett County. And it is further ordered^ That no cattle shall be moved or allowed to move from the counties of Childress, Cottle, Hardeman, Foard, Wilbarger, King, Knox, Haskell, Stonewall, Jones, Fisher, 8 Scurry, Garza, Borden, Howard, Mitchell, Glasscock, Sterling, Irion, West Tom Green, Upton, Crane, Throckmorton, and Baylor, and that portion of. the county of Pecos as described above, to any of that territory in the State of Texas lying west and north of said counties, except after having been inspected and found free of infec- tion by duly authorized inspectors of this Department or of the State of Texas, and upon written permission by such officer. No cattle from said counties shall be moved or allowed to move to any State or Territory outside of the quarantined district (except as provided for immediate slaughter) unless they have been duly inspected and passed, and permit issued by inspectors of this Department, nor until permission has been obtained from the proper officials of the State or Territory to which said cattle are destined. Secretary . (Amendment No. 3 to B. A. I. Order No. 93.) SPECIAL ORDER MODIFYING QUARANTINE LINE FOR THE TERRITORY OF OKLAHOMA. (19020 U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington^ D. (7., January 11, 1902. In accordance with the regulations concerning cattle transporta- tion issued by this Department, the Territory of Oklahoma has agreed to establish and to cooperate in the enforcement of a (quaran- tine line located as follows : Beginning on the Bed River at the southeastern corner of the county of Greer; thence northerly following the course of the North Fork of the Red River to its intersection with the southern boundary line of Roger Mills County along the western boundary lines of the Apache, Comanche, and Kiowa Indian Reservations; thence east along the southern boundary lines of Roger Mills and Washita counties to the intersection with the boundary line of the Wichita Indian Reservation on the Washita River; thence north along the western boundary line of said said reservation to its northwest cor- ner at its intersection with the Canadian River in the County of G ; thence in a southeasterly direction along the course of said river and the northern boundary of the Wichita Indian Reservation to the northeast corner of said reservation ; thence easterly along the south- ern boundary of Canadian County to the southeast corner of said county; thence north along eastern boundary line of Canadian County to the northwest corner of Cleveland County ; thence east ^long the northern line of Cleveland County to the middle of the right of way of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway; thence northerly following the middle of said right of way through Okla- homa, Logan, Noble, and Payne counties, and the Otoe, Missouri, and Ponca Indian Reservations to the northern boundary of the Ponca Indian Reservation ; thence east along the northern boundary of the Ponca Indian Reservation to the Arkansas River ; thence in a northerly direction following the course of the said river to its inter- section with the Thirty-seventh Parallel of North Latitude at the southern boundary line of Kansas. And whereas said quarantine line, as above set forth, is satisfac- tory to this Department, and legislation has been enacted by the Territory of Oklahoma to enforce said quarantine line, therefore the above quarantine line is adopted for the Territory of Oklahoma by this Department for the period beginning on February 1, 1902, and ending January 31, 1903, in lieu of the quarantine line described in the order of January 10, 1902, for said area, unless otherwise ordered. It is further ordered^ That, during the continuance of the above line, no cattle shall be moved or allowed to move from the county of Greer to any of that part of the Territory of Oklahoma lying west and north of said line, except after having been inspected and found free of infection by duly authorized inspectors of this Department or of the Territory of Oklahoma, and upon written permission by such officer. No cattle from said county shall be moved or allowed to move to any State or Territory outside of the quarantined district (except as provided for immediate slaughter), unless they have been duly inspected and passed, and permit issued by inspectors of this Department, nor until permission has been obtained from the proper officials of the State or Territory to which destined. Secretary. (Amendment No. 4 to B. A. I. Order No. 93.) SPECIAL ORDER MODIFYING QUARANTINE LINE FOR THE STATE OF TENNESSEE. (IQOSJ U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington^ I). C., January ii, 1902. In accordance with the regulations concerning cattle transporta- tion issued by this Department, the State of Tennessee has agreed 10 to establish and to cooperate in the enforcement of a quarantine line located as follows : Beginning on the Mississippi River at the southeast corner of the State of Missouri at the western boundary of Tennessee; thence southerly along the western boundaries of the counties of Dyer and Lauderdale; thence following the main channel of the Mississippi River (leaving Island Ro. 37 to the north and west) to the north- western corner of Shelby County on the Mississippi River ; thence easterly along *the northern boundary lines of Shelby and Fayette counties to the southwestern corner of Haywood County; thence northerly and easterly along the western and northern boundaiy lines of Haywood County to the northeastern corner of said county; thence easterly along the northern boundary lines of Madison and Henderson counties to the intersection of the C. & St. L. Railway with the northern boundary of Henderson County; thence northerly following the middle of the roadbed of said railway through Carroll County to Hollow Rock Junction in said county; thence easterly along the middle of the roadbed of said railway through Carroll am Benton counties to the intersection of said N. C. & St. L. Railway with the Tennessee River at the eastern boundary of Benton County thence south along the eastern boundaries of Benton and Decatur counties to the northwest corner of Wayne County; thence easterly along the northern boundary lines of Wayne and Lawrence counties to the northwestern corner of Lawrence County ; thence south along the eastern boundary of Lawrence County to the southeast corner thereof ; thence east along the southern boundaiy of Giles County to the southwest corner of Lincoln County ; thence north along the western line of Lincoln County to the Elk River ; thence easterly along said river to the eastern boundary of Lincoln County ; thence northerly and easterly along the western and northern boundaries of Moore County to the northeast corner of Moore County; thence north along the western boundary lines of Coffee and Cannon coun- ties to the northwest corner of Cannon County; thence easterly along the northern boundaries of Cannon, Warren, Van Buren, Bledsoe, and Rhea counties to the northern corner of Rhea County ; thence southerly along the eastern boundary lines of Rhea and James counties to the northwest corner of Bradley County ; thence north- erly and southeasterly along the northern boundary lines of Bradlej^ and Polk counties to the northeast corner of Polk County ; thence south along the eastern boundary line of Polk County to the south- east corner thereof at the southwestern corner of North Carolina. 1 That portion of the quarantine line for the State of Virginia, described in the order of January 11, 1902 (amendment No. 7 to B. A. I. Order No. 93), beginning at the southwestern corner of Vir- ginia (Lee County) and extending east along the southern boundary line of Virginia to the southeastern corner of Washington County, is hereby suspended during the enforcement of the above line for the State of Tennessee. And whereas said quarantine line, as above set forth, is satisfac- tory to this Department, and legislation has been enacted by the State of Tennessee to enforce said quarantine line, therefore the r 11 above line is adopted for the State of Tennessee by this Department for the period beginning on February 1, 1902, and ending January 31, 1903, in lieu of the quarantine line described in the order of Jan- uary 10, 1902, for said area, unless otherwise ordered. Secretary. (Amendment No. 5 to B. A. I. Order No. 93.) SPECIAL ORDER MODIFYING QUARANTINE LINE FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. ( 1002 .) U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington., D. C., January ii, 1902. In accordance with the regulations concerning cattle transporta- tion issued by this Department, the State of Georgia has agreed to establish and to cooperate in the enforcement of a quarantine line located as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the western boundary line of Union County with the boundary line between the States of Georgia and North Carolina, thence southerly along the western boundary of Union County to the southwest corner thereof; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary line of Union County to its intersection with the boundary line of Towns County ; thence southerly, easterly, and northerly along the boundary line of Towns County to the west- ern corner of Rabun County near the mouth of W ild Cat Creek ; thence in an easterly direction through Charlie Mountain, Glassie Mountain, and Tiger Mountain and along the ridge following Stekoa Creek to Dick Creek; thence northerly through Rainy Mountain, Hogback Ridge, Pinnacle, Raven Knob, Rock Mountain, and Rabun Bald to the State boundary between Georgia and North Carolina. That portion of the quarantine line for the State of North Carolina, described in the order of January 11, 1902 (amendment No. 6 to B. A. I. Order No. 93), beginning at the intersection of the north- west corner of Union County, Ga., with the State line, extending east along the southern boundary line of North Carolina to the inter- section with the ridge extending from Rabun Bald to the State line, is hereby suspended during the enforcement of the above line for the State of Georgia. And whereas said quarantine line, as above set forth, is satisfac- tory to this Department, and legislation has been enacted by the 12 State of Georgia to enforce said quarantine line, therefore the above quarantine line is adopted for the State of Georgia by this Depart- ment for the period beginning on February 1, 1902, and ending Janu- ary 31, 1903, in lieu of the quarantine line described in the order of January 10, 1902, for said area, unless otherwise ordered. Secretary . (Amendment No. 6 to B. A. I. Order No. 93. ) SPECIAL ORDER MODIFYING QUARANTINE LINE FOR THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ( 1002 .) U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington^ D. (7., January ii, 1902. In accordance with the regulations concerning cattle transporta- tion issued by this Department, the State of North Carolina has agreed to establish and to cooperate in the enforcement of a quaran- tine line located as follows : Beginning at the southwest corner of the county of Cherokee; thence east along the southern boundary lines of the counties of Cherokee, Clay, Macon, Jackson, Transylvania, and Henderson to the southeast corner of the county of Henderson ; thence northerly along the eastern boundary line of Henderson County to the north- east corner thereof ; thence westerly to the eastern boundary line of Buncombe County; thence northerly along the eastern boundary line of Buncombe County to the southern boundary line of Yancey County; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary line of Yancey County to the southern*portion of Mitchell County; thence northeasterly along the southern and eastern boundary line of Mitchell County to the southern boundary’line of Watauga County; thence easterly along the southern boundary line of Watauga County to the western boundary line of Wilkes County; thence following the western and northern boundary line of Wilkes County to the western portion of Surry County ; thence northeasterly along the eastern boundary line of Alleghany County to its intersection with the northern bonne] ary line of the State of North Carolina. That portion of the quarantine line for the State of Virginia, described in the order of January" 11, 1902 (amendment No. 7 to B. A. I. Order No. 93), beginning at the southwestern corner of Grayson County and extending east along the southern boundary line of Vir- 13 ginia to the southeastern corner of said county, is hereby suspended during the enforcement of the above line for the State of North Carolina. And whereas said quarantine line, as above set forth, is satisfac- tory to this Department, and legislation has been enacted by the State of North Carolina to enforce said quarantine line, therefore the above quarantine line is adopted for the State of North Carolina by this Department for the period beginning on February 1, 1902, and ending January 31, 1903, in lieu of the quarantine line described in the order of January 10, 1902, for said area, unless otherwise ordered. It is further ordered^ That, during the continuance of the above line, no cattle originating in the quarantine district, as described in B. A. I. Order No. 93, as modified, shall be moved or allowed to ^ move into the counties of Surry, Wilkes, Caldwell, Burke, and ^McDowell. ^ And it is further ordered^ That no cattle shall be moved or ^ allowed to move from the counties of Surry, Wilkes, Caldwell, Burke, and McDowell, and that portion of Henderson County lying south and east of a line beginning at its southwestern corner, follow- ing its western boundary to the French Broad River, thence along the course of said river to the northern boundary line of said county, and thence easterly along the northern boundary to the northeastern corner of said county to any of that territory in the State of North Carolina lying west and north of said counties, except after having been inspected and found free of infection by duly authorized inspectors of this Department or of the State of North Carolina, and upon written permission by such officer. No cattle from said coun- ties shall be moved or allowed to move to any State or Territory out- side of the quarantined district (except as provided for immediate slaughter), unless they have been duly inspected and passed and permit issued by inspectors of this Department, nor until permission has been obtained from the proper officials of the State or Territory to which destined. Secretary. 14 (Amendment No. 7 to B. A. I. Order No. 93.) SPECIAL ORDER MODIFYING QUARANTINE LINE FOR THE STATE OF YIRGINIA. ( 1002 .) . U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington^ D. (7., January ii, 1902. In accordance with the regulations concerning cattle transporta- tion issued by this Department, the State of Virginia has agreed to establish and to cooperate in the enforcement of a quarantine line located as follows : Beginning at the boundary line of Virginia at its southwestern corner (Lee County) ; thence east along the southern boundary of Virginia to the southwestern corner of Patrick County; thence northerly along the western boundaries of Patrick and Franklin counties to Daniels Run; thence easterly along Daniels Run and the Blackwater River to the Staunton River; thence in a southeasterly and northeasterly direction along the southern and eastern bounda- ries of Bedford County to the James River; thence following the James .River to the southeastern corner of Charles City County; thence northerly and easterly along the western and northern boundaries of James City County to the western boundary of Gloucester County at the York River; thence southerly and north- erly along the southern and eastern boundaries of Gloucester County to the northeastern corner of said county; thence easterly and southerly along the northern and eastern boundaries of Mathews County to the southeastern point of said county ; thence south to the northern boundary of Elizabeth City County ; thence westerly and northerly along the boundaries of Elizabeth City and Warwick counties to the James River; thence southeasterly along the course of the said river to the northwest corner of Norfolk County; thence south along the western boundary of said county to its intersection with the northern boundary of North Carolina; thence east along the southern boundaries of Norfolk and Princess Anne counties to the Atlantic Ocean. And whereas said quarantine line, as above set forth, is satisfac- tory to this Department, and legislation has been enacted by the State of Virginia to enforce said quarantine line, therefore the above quarantine line is adopted for the State of Virginia by this Depart- ment for the period beginning on February 1, 1902, and ending January 31, 1903, ill lieu of the quarantine line described in the order of January 10, 1902, for said area, unless otherwise ordered. It is further ordered^ That, during the continuance of the above line, no cattle shall be moved or allowed to move from the counties of Henrico, Goochland, Louisa, Fluvanna, Albemarle, and Nelson 15 to any of that territory in the State of Virginia lying east, west, and north of said counties, except after having been inspected and found free of infection by duly authorized inspectors of this Department or of the State of Virginia and upon written permission by such officer. No cattle from said counties shall be moved or allowed to move to any State or Territory outside of the quarantined district (except as provided for immediate slaughter), unless they have been duly inspected and passed and permit issued by inspectors of this Depart- ment, nor until permission has been obtained from the proper officials of the State or Territory to which destined. Secretary. ) (Amendment No. 8 to B. A. I. Order No. 93.) REGULATIONS CONCERNING CATTLE TRANSPORTATION. Feeding* Stations in tlie Quarantined District for Uninfected Cattle. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington^ D. (7., January 1902. It is hereby ordered^ That cattle originating outside, north, east, and west of the quarantined line, as defined in Bureau of Animal Industry Order No. 93 (January 10, 1902), or amendments thereto, and which are to be transported by rail through the quarantined district, may be unloaded for rest, feed, and water into uninfected pens set apart for such cattle at Polk Stock Yards and Union Stock Yards, Fort Worth, Texas; Baird, Texas; Southern Pacific Railway Stock Yards, Los Angeles, California; Bakersfield, California; and at Salisbury, North Carolina : Providing., The cattle are free from Southern cattle ticks and have not been unloaded at any other place within the quarantined district. They may, after unloading into said pens, be reloaded into the same cars from which unloaded, or into other cleaned and disinfected cars, and reshipped as uninfected cattle. Secretary. 16 CHANGES IN QUARANTINE LINE FOR 1902. B. A. I. Order No. 03 and amendments Nos. 1 to 7 thereto, dated January 10 and 11, 1902, respectively, make a few alterations in the quarantine line as shown on the map published in January, 1901. These alterations, which can be readily made by anyone having the map, are as follows : In California: San Benito County is taken out of the quaran- tined district, the line following its western, southern, and eastern boundaries. In Oklahoma: The parts of the counties of Oklahoma, Logan, Payne, and Noble, and of the Bonca, Otoe, and Missouri Indian reservations, lying west of the A. T. & S. P. Railway, are taken out of the quarantined district, the line following the railway from the southern border of Kay County to the northern border of Cleve- land County ; thence west to the northwestern corner of Cleveland County. In Tennessee : Tipton and White counties are taken out of the quarantined district, the line following the western, southern, and eastern boundaries of Tipton County and the southern boundary of White County. The parts of Carroll and Benton counties lying east and south of the N. C. & St. L. Railway are placed in the quaran- tined district, the line following the railway from the northern bor- der of Henderson County to the eastern border of Benton Count}^ ; thence south to the southeastern corner of Benton County. Special quarantine is placed upon certain counties as follows : In Texas : Childress, Cottle, Hardeman, Foard, Wilbarger, King, Knox, Haskell, Stonewall, Jones, Fisher, Scurry, Garza, Borden, Howard, Mitchell, Glasscock, Sterling, Irion, West Tom Green, Upton, Crane, Throckmorton, Baylor, and part of Pecos. In Oklahoma: Greer. In North Carolina : Surry, Wilkes, Caldwell, Burke, McDowell, and part of Henderson. In Virginia: Nelson, Albemarle, Louisa, Fluvanna, Goochland, and Henrico. O United States Department of Agriculture. (B, A. I. Order No. 80.) REGULATIONS CONCERNING CATTLE TRANSPORTATION. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington^ D. C., December 10^ 1900. To Managers and Agents of Railroads and transportation Companies of the United States, Stockmen, and others: In accordance with section 7 of the act of Congress approved May 29, 1884, entitled “An act for the establishment of a Bureau of Animal Industry, to prevent the exportation of diseased cattle, and to provide means for the suppression and extirpation of pleuro- pneumonia and other contagious diseases among domestic animals,” and of the act of Congress approved May 25, 1900, making appro- priation for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1901, you are hereby notified that a contagious and infec- tious disease known as splenetic. Southern, or Texas, fever exists among cattle in the following described area: 1. All that country lying south, or below, a line beginning at the northwest corner of the State of California ; thence east, south, and southeasterly along the boundary line of said State of California to the southeastern corner of said State ; thence southerly along the western boundary line of Arizona to the southwest corner of Arizona ; thence along the southern boundary lines of Arizona and New Mexico to the southeastern corner of New Mexico ; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of New Mexico to the southern line of the State of Colorado ; thence along the southern boundary lines of Colorado and Kansas to the southeastern corner of Kansas ; thence southerly along the western boundary line of Missouri to the south- western corner of Missouri; thence easterly along the southern boundary line of Missouri to the western boundary line of Dunklin County ; thence southerly along the said western boundary to the southwestern corner of Dunklin County ; thence easterly along the southern boundary line of Missouri to the Mississippi River ; thence northerly along the Mississippi River to the northern boundary line of Tennessee at the northwest corner of Lake County; thence easterly along said boundary line to the northeast corner of Henry County; thence in a northerly direction along the boundary of Tennessee to the northwest corner of Stewart County ; thence in an easterly direction along the northern boundary of Tennessee to the southwestern corner of Virginia; thence northeasterly along the western boundary line of Virginia to the northernmost point of Vir- ginia; thence southerly along the eastern boundary line of Virginia to the northeast corner of Virginia, where it joins the southeastern corner of Maryland, at the Atlantic Ocean. 2. Whenever any State or Territory located above or below said quarantine line, as above designated, shall duly establish a different quarantine line, and obtain the necessary legislation to enforce said last-mentioned line strictly and completely within the boundaries of said State or Territory, and said last above-mentioned line and the measures taken to enforce it are satisfactory to the Secretary of Agriculture, he may, by a special order, temporarily adopt said State or Territorial line. Said adoption will apply only to that portion of said line specified, and may cease at any time the Secretary may deem it best for the interest involved, and in no instance shall said modification exist longer than the period specified in said special order; and at the expiration of such time, said quarantine line shall revert without further order to the line first above described. Whenever any State or Territory shall establish a quarantine line, for above purposes differently located from the above-described line, and shall obtain by legislation the necessary laws to enforce the same completely and strictly, and shall desire a modification of the Federal quarantine line to agree with such State or Territorial line, the proper authorities of such State or Territory shall forward to the Secretary of Agriculture a true map or description of such line and a copy of the laws for enforcement of same, duly authenticated and certified. 3. From the first day of January, 1901, no cattle are to be trans- ported from said area south, or below, said Federal quarantine line above described to any portion of the United States above — north, east, or west of the above-described line, except as hereinafter pro- vided. 4. Cattle from said area may be transported by rail or boat for immediate slaughter, and when so transported the following regula- tions must be observed : (a) When any cattle in course of transportation from said area are unloaded above — north, east, or west of — this line to be fed or watered, or for other purposes, said cattle shall be placed in pens or yards set apart for infected cattle, and no other cattle shall be admitted thereto. (b) On unloading said cattle at their points of destination, chutes, alleyways, and pens, sufficiently isolated, shall be set apart to receive 3 them, and no other cattle shall be admitted to said chutes, pens, and alleyways ; and the regulations relating to the movement of cattle from said area, prescribed by the cattle sanitary officers of the State where unloaded, shall be carefully observed. The cars or boats that have carried said stock shall be cleansed and disinfected as soon as possible after unloading and before they are again used to transport, store, or shelter animals or merchandise. (c) All cars carrying cattle from said area shall bear printed pla- cards, the letters of which shall be plain and not less than inches in height, to be affixed by the railroad company hauling the same, stating that said cars contain Southern cattle ; and each of the way- bills, conductor’s manifests, and bills of lading of said shipments by cars or boats shall have a note plainly written or stamped upon its face with a similar statement. Whenever any cattle have come from said area and shall be reshipped from any point at which they have been unloaded to other points of destination, the cars carrying- said animals shall bear similar placards with like statements, and the waybills, conductor’s manifests, or bills of lading, be so stamped. At whatever point these cattle are unloaded, they must be placed in separate pens to which no other cattle shall be admitted. {d) No boat having on board cattle from said district shall receive on board cattle from outside of said district. Cattle from said dis- trict shall not be received on board when destined to points outside of said district where proper facilities have not been provided for transferring the said cattle from the landing to the stock yards and slaughter houses without passing over public highways, unless per- mission for such passing is first obtained from the local authorities. (c) The cars and boats used to transport such animals, the chutes, alleyways, and pens used during transportation and at points of destination, shall be disinfected in the following manner : Remove all litter and manure. This litter and manure may be disinfected by mixing it with lime or saturating it with a 5 per cent solution of 100 per cent carbolic acid ; or, if not disinfected, it may be stored where no cattle can come in contact with it during the period from February 1 to November 15 of each year. Wash the cars and the feeding and watering troughs with water until clean. Saturate the entire interior surface of the cars and the fencing, troughs, and chutes of the pens with a mixture made of 1^ pounds of lime and one-quarter pound of 100 per cent straw-colored carbolic acid to each gallon of water; or a solution made by dissolving 4 ounces of chloride of lime to each gallon of water may be used ; or disinfect the cars with a jet of steam under a pressure of not less than 50 pounds to the square inch. \ 4 5. Cattle from the Republic of Mexico may be admitted into the United States, after inspection according to law, as follows : Cattle free from splenetic, or Texas, fever, and from contact there- with during the three months preceding such inspection, and which have been grazed in a locality free from infection of such fever, may be admitted into any part of the United States. If destined to points in the non-infected area, a special permit must be obtained from an inspector of the feureau of Animal Industry, said permit being issued according to the regulations of said Bureau ; the cattle for which said permit is issued must not be driven through the infected area, nor be unloaded in any part thereof except at such a point as may be duly designated by an order issued by this Depart- ment ; if shipped in infected cars, or unloaded in the infected area, except as above stated, they will be subject to the regulations con- cerning infectious cattle. 6. Notice is hereby given that cattle infested with the Boophilus bovis, or Southern cattle tick, disseminate the contagion of splenetic. Southern, or Texas, fever ; therefore cattle originating outside of the district described by this order, or amendments thereof, and which are infested with the Boophilus hovis ticks, shall be considered as infectious cattle and shall be subject to the rules and regulations governing the movement of Southern cattle. 7. Stock-yard companies receiving cattle infested with said ticks shall place such cattle in the pens set aside for the use of Southern cattle, and transportation companies are required to clean and dis- infect all cars and boats which have contained the same, according to the requirements of this Department. 8. Inspectors are instructed to see that disinfection is properly done, and to report instances of improper disinfection. It is expected that transportation and stock-yard companies will promptly put into operation the above methods. All prior orders conflicting herewith are hereby revoked. Secretary. 0 SUPPLEMENTARY QUARANTINE REGULATIONS, 1901. (B. A. 1. Order No. 81.) SPECIAL ORDER MODIFYING QUARANTINE LINE FOR THE STATE OF TEXAS. ( 1901 -) U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C., December lU, 1900. In accordance with the regulations concerning cattle transporta- tion issued by this Department, the State of Texas has agreed to establish and to cooperate in the enforcement of a quarantine line ‘ located as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the southern boundary of New Mexico with the international boundary line at the Rio Grande River, thence southeasterly along the said international boundary line to the southwest corner of the county of Pecos ; thence following the western boundary of Pecos County to the southeast corner of Reeves County ; thence following the boundary line between the counties of Pecos and Reeves to the Pecos River; thence southeasterly, following the Pecos River, to the northwest corner of Crockett County ; thence east along the northern boundary of Crockett and Schleicher coun- ties to the southeastern corner of Irion County ; thence north along the eastern boundary of Irion County to the northeast corner of said county; thence north to the southern boundary of Coke County; thence west to the southwest corner of Coke County ; thence north along the western boundary of Coke County to the southern bound- ary of Mitchell County ; thence east to the southeastern corner of Mitchell County ; thence north along the eastern boundary of Mitchell County to the northeast corner of said county ; thence east along the southern boundaries of Fisher and Jones counties to the southeast corner of Jones County; thence north along the eastern boundary of Jones County to the northeast corner of said county; thence east along the southern boundary of Haskell County to the southeast corner of said county; thence north along the western boundary lines of Throckmorton and Baylor counties to the northwest corner of Baylor County ; thence east along the southern boundary of Wil- barger County to the southeast corner of said count}- ; thence north along the eastern boundary of Wilbarger County -to the Red River; thence continuing in a northwesterly direction along the course of said river and the northern boundary of Texas to the southeast cor- ner of Greer County. And whereas said quarantine line, as above set forth, is satisfac- tory to this Department, and legislation has been enacted by the State of Texas to enforce said quarantine line, therefore the above G quarantine line is adopted for the State of Texas by this Department for the period beginning on January 1, 1901, and ending December ol, 1901, in lieu of the quarantine line described in the order of Decem- ber 10, 1900, for said area, unless otherwise ordered. Secretary. (B. A. L Order No. 82 .) SPECIAL ORDER MODIFYIXO QUARANTINE LINE FOR THE TERRITORY OF OKLAHOMA. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary^, Washington.^ D. (7., December 1900. In accordance with the regulations concerning cattle transporta- tion issued by this Department, the Territory of Oklahoma has agreed to establish and to cooperate in the enforcement of a quaran- tine line located as follows : Beginning on the Red River at the southeastern corner of the county of Greer; thence northerly following the course of the North Fork of the Red River to its intersection with the southern boundary line of Roger Mills County along the western boundary lines of the Apache, Comanche, and Kiowa Indian Reservations; thence east along the southern boundary lines of Roger Mills and Washita Counties to the intersection with the boundary line of the Wichita Indian Reservation on the Washita River; thence north along the western boundary line of said reservation to its northwest corner at its intersection with the Canadian River in the County of G ; thence in a southeasterly direction along the course of said river and the northern boundary of the Wichita Indian Reservation to the north- east corner of said reservation ; thence easterly along the southern boundary of Canadian County to the southeast corner of said county ; thence north along the eastern boundary lines of Canadian and Kingfisher counties to the northeastern corner of Kingfisher County; thence east along the southern boundary of Garfield County to the southeast corner of said county ; thence north along the eastern boundary of Garfield County to the northeast corner of said county ; thence east along the southern boundary line of Kay County to the west line of the Ponca Indian Reservation ; thence north along the west line of said reservation to the northwest corner of said reservation; thence east along the northern boundary of the Ponca Indian Reservation to the Arkansas River ; thence in a north- erly direction following the course of the said river to its intersection with the thirty-seventh parallel of north latitude at the southern boundary line of Kansas. 7 And whereas said quarantine line, as above set forth, is satisfac- tory to this Department, and legislation has been enacted by the Territory of Oklahoma to enforce said quarantine line, therefore the above quarantine line is adopted for the Territory of Oklahoma by this Department for the period beginning on January 1, 1901, and ending December 31, 1901, in lieu of the quarantine line described in the order of December 10, 1900, for said area, unless otherwise ordered. Secretarij. (B. A. I. Order No. 83.) SPECIAL ORDER MODIFYING QUARANTINE LINE FOR THE STATE OF YIROINIA. I10O1J U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington^ D. ( 7 ., December 1900. In accordance with the regulations concerning cattle transporta- tion issued by this Department, the State of Virginia has agreed to establish and to cooperate in the enforcement of a quarantine line located as follows : » Beginning at the boundary line of Virginia at its southwestern corner (Lee County) ; thence east along the southern boundary of Virginia to the southwestern corner of Patrick County ; thence north- erly along the western boundaries of Patrick and Franklin counties to Daniels Run ; thence easterly along Daniels Run and the Black- water River to the Staunton River ; thence in a southeasterly and northeasterly direction along the southern and eastern boundaries of Bedford County to the James River; thence following the James River to the southeastern corner of Charles City County; thence northerly and easterly along the western and northern boundaries of James City County to the western boundary of Gloucester County at the York River; thence southerly and northerly along the south- ern and eastern boundaries of Gloucester County to the northeastern corner of said county ; thence easterly and southerly along the north- ern and eastern boundaries of Mathews County to the southeastern point of said county; thence south to the northern boundary of Elizabeth City County; thence westerly and northerly along the boundaries of Elizabeth City and Warwick counties to the James River ; thence southeasterly along the course of the said river to the northwest corner of Norfolk County; thence south along the western boundary of said county to its intersection with the northern bound- ary of North Carolina ; thence east along the southern boundaries of Norfolk and Princess Anne counties to the Atlantic Ocean. 8 And whereas said quarantine line, as above set forth, is satisfac- tory to this Department, and legislation has been enacted by the State of Virginia to enforce said quarantine line, therefore the above (luarantine line is adopted for the State of Virginia by this Depart- ment for the period beginning on January 1, 1901, and ending December 31, 1901, in lieu of the quarantine line described in the order of December 10, 1900, for said area, unless otherwise ordered. Secretary. (B. A. I. Order No. 84.) SPECIAL ORDER MODIFYING QUARANTINE LINE FOR THE STATE OF TENNESSEE. (1901.) U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C., December IJf, 1900. In accordance with the regulations concerning cattle transporta- tion issued by this Department, the State of Tennessee has agreed to establish and to cooperate in the enforcement of a quarantine line located as follows : Beginning on the Mississippi River at the southeast corner of the State of Missouri at the western boundary of Tennessee; thence southerly along the western boundaries of the counties of Dyer and Lauderdale to the southwest corner of Lauderdale County on the Mississippi River; thence easterly along the northern boundary of Tipton County to the northeast corner of said county ; thence north- erly and easterly along the western and northern boundaries of Hay- wood County to the northeast corner of said county ; thence easterly along the northern boundary lines of Madison, Henderson, and Decatur counties to the northeast corner of Decatur County ; thence south along the eastern boundary of Decatur County to the north- west corner of Wayne County; thence easterly along the northern boundary lines of Wayne and Lawrence counties to the northeastern corner of Lawrence County; thence south along the western boundary of Giles County to the southwestern corner of said county ; thence east' and north along the southern and eastern boundaries of said county to the Elk River ; thence easterly along said river to the eastern boundary of Lincoln County; thence northerly along the eastern boundary of Lincoln County to Bedford County; thence easterly along the northern boundary of Moore County to the north- east corner of Moore County ; thence north along the western 9 boundary lines of Coffee and Cannon counties to the northwest cor- ner of Cannon County ; thence easterly to the northeast corner of Cannon County; thence south to the intersection of the eastern boundary line of Cannon County with the boundary of Warren County ; thence easterly and northerly along the northern boundary lines of Warren and White counties to Cumberland County; thence southerly, easterly, and northeasterly to the northern corner of Rhea County ; thence southerly along the eastern boundary lines of Rhea and James counties to the northwest corner of Bradley County; thence northerly and southeasterly along the northern boundary lines of Bradley and Polk counties to the northeast corner of Polk County; thence south along the eastern boundary line of Polk County to the southeast corner thereof at the southwestern corner of North Carolina. That portion of the quarantine line for the State of Virginia, described in the order of December 14, 1900 (B. A. I. Order No. 83), beginning at the southwestern corner of Virginia (Lee County) and extending east along the southern boundary line of Virginia to the southeastern corner of Washington County, is hereby suspended > during the enforcement of the above line for the State of Tennessee. And whereas said quarantine line, as above set forth, is satisfac- tory to this Department, and legislation has been enacted by the State of Tennessee to enforce said quarantine line, therefore the above quarantine line is adopted for the State of Tennessee by this Department for the period beginning on January 1, 1901, and ending December 31, 1901, in lieu of the quarantine line described in the order of December 10, 1900, for said area, unless otherwise ordered. Secretary. (B. A. I. Order No. 85.) SPECIAL ORDER MODIFYING QUARANTINE LINE FOR THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. (1901.) U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington., D. C., December IJf, 1900. In accordance with the regulations concerning cattle transporta- tion issued by this Department, the State of North Carolina has agreed to establish and to cooperate in the enforcement of a quaran- tine line located as follows : Beginning at the southwest corner of the county of Cherokee ; thence east along the southern boundary lines of the counties of 10 Cherokee, Clay, Macon, Jackson, Transylvania, and Henderson to the southeast corner of the county of Henderson ; thence northerly along the eastern boundary line of Henderson County to the north- east corner thereof ; thence westerly to the eastern boundary line of Buncombe County; thence northerly along the eastern boundary line of Buncombe County to the southern boundary line of Yancey County; thence northeasterly along the southern boundary line of Yancey County to the southern portion of Mitchell County; thence northeasterly along the southern and eastern boundary line of Mitchell County to the southern boundary line of Watauga County ; thence easterly along the southern boundary line of Watauga County to the western boundary line of Wilkes County; thence fol- lowing the western and northern boundary line of Wilkes County to the western portion of Surry County ; thence northeasterly along the eastern boundary line of Alleghany County to its intersection with the northern boundary line of the State of North Carolina. That portion of the quarantine line for the State of Virginia, described in the order of December 14, 1900 (B. A. I. Order No. 83), beginning at the southwestern corner of Grayson County and extend- ing east along the southern boundary line of Virginia to the south- ^ eastern corner of said county, is hereby suspended during the enforcement of the above line for the State of North Carolina. And whereas said quarantine line, as above set forth, is satisfac- tory to this Department, and legislation has been enacted by the State of North Carolina to enforce said quarantine line, therefore the above quarantine line is adopted for the State of North Carolina by this Department for the period beginning on January 1, 1901, and end- ing December 31, 1901, in lieu of the quarantine line described in the order of December 10, 1900, for said area, unless otherwise ordered. Secretary. (B. A. I. Order No. 86.) SPECIAL ORDER MODIFYING QUARANTINE LINE FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. (10O1-) U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington^ D. (7., December IJf^ 1900. In accordance with the regulations concerning cattle transporta- tion issued by this Department, the State of California has agreed to establish and to cooperate in the enforcement of a quarantine line located as follows : Beginning on the Pacific Coast where the northern boundary line of Monterey County connects with the Pacific Ocean ; thence east- 11 erly along the northern boundary of Monterey and San Benito counties to the western boundary line of Merced County ; thence northerly, easterly, and southerly along the western, northern, and eastern boundary line of Merced County to the southeast corner thereof ; thence northeasterly along the northern boundary of Madera County to the northeast corner thereof ; thence southerly and easterly along the eastern boundary lines of Madera, Fresno, and Tulare counties to the southeast corner of Tulare County ; thence easterly along the southern boundary line of Inyo County to its intersection with the eastern boundary line of the State of California. And whereas said quarantine line, as above set forth, is satisfac- tory to this Department, and legislation has been enacted by the State of California to enforce said quarantine line, therefore the above quarantine line is adopted for the State of California by this Department for the period beginning on January 1, 1901, and end- ing December 31, 1901, in lieu of the quarantine line described in the order of December 10, 1900, for said area, pnless otherwise ordered. Secretary. (B. A. 1. Order No. 87.) SPECIAL ORDER MODIFYING QUARANTINE LINE FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. (10O1J U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. (7., December IJf, 1900. In accordance with the regulations concerning cattle transporta- tion issued by this Department, the State of Georgia has agreed to establish and to cooperate in the enforcement of a quarantine line located as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the western boundary line of Union County with the boundary line between the States of Georgia and North Carolina; thence southerly along the western boundary of Union County to the southwest corner thereof; thence northeast- erly along the southern boundary line of Union County to its inter- section with the boundary line of Towns County ; thence southerly, easterly, and northerly along the boundary line of Towns County to the western corner of Rabun County near the mouth of Wild Cat Creek; thence in an easterly direction through Charlie Mountain, Glassie Mountain, and Tiger Mountain, and along the ridge follow- ing Stekota Creek to Dick Creek, thence northerly through Rainy 12 Mountain, Hogback Ridge, Pinnacle, Raven Knob, Rock Mountain, and Rabun Bald to the State boundary between Georgia and North Carolina. That portion of the quarantine line for the State of North Caro- lina, described in the order of December 14, 1900 (B. A. I. Order 85), beginning at the intersection of the northwest corner of Union County, Georgia, with the State line, extending east along the south- ern boundary line of North Carolina to the intersection with the ridge extending from Rabun Bald to the State line, is hereby suspended during the enforcement of the above line for the State of Georgia. And whereas said quarantine line, as above set forth, is satisfac- tory to this Department, and legislation has been enacted by the State of Georgia to enforce said quarantine line, therefore the above quarantine line is adopted for the State of Georgia by this Depart- ment for the period beginning on January 1, 1901, and ending December 31, 1901, in lieu of the quarantine line described in the order of December 10, 1900, for said area, unless otherwise ordered. Secretary. UUKAKY OF THE UNIVERSITY of ILUNOIS. (Amendment No. 9 to B. A. 1. Order No. 93.) REGULATIONS CONCERNING CATTLE TRANSPORTATION. Movement of Southern Cattle into Kansas and Yirginia. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D. C., January 28, 1902. It is hereby ordered. That Section 3 of B. A. I. Order IN’o. 93, dated January 10, 1902, providing for the movement of cattle from the quarantined district described by said order and amendments thereto, be amended as follows : From February 1 to February 20, 1902, inclusive, native cattle from below the Federal quarantine line may be moved into the State of Kansas for grazing or feeding purposes, provided such cattle are to remain in that State for a period of not less than three months from the date of crossing the line, and further provided that such cattle are inspected and found free from infection by a duly author- ized inspector of this Department* or of the State of Kansas, and upon written permission of such officer. And it is further ordered. That cattle from the counties of Henrico, Goochland, Louisa, Fluvanna, Albemarle, and Nelson, in the State of Virginia, may be moved until March 1, 1902, without restrictions other than may be enforced by local regulations at the point of destination. Secretary. LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE REGULATIONS OF THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE (iJovorning- the Iiispeelioii, Disinfection, Certification, Treatment, Handling', and Metliod and Manner of Delivery and Shipment of Live Stock which is the Subject of Interstate Commerce. Effective on and after ISept ember 15, 1905. MODIFICATION OF REGULATIONS 10, 10, 20, 21, 22, AND 24. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary, Washington, I). €., August 30, 1905. Tlie regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture governing the inspec- tion, disinfection, certification, treatment, handling, and method and manner of delivery and shipment of live stock which is the subject of interstate commerce, issued under date of May 1, 1905, and effective on and after June 1, 1905, are hereby modified by the revocation of Regu- lations 10, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 24, and the substitution therefor of the following regulations, which revocation shall take effect on September 15, 1905, on and after which date the regulations given below shall become and be effective until otherwise ordered. Regllliitioil 10. Live stock shipped from a quarantined area, not accompanied by a certificate of an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry showing freedom from disease or from exposure thereto, shall not be diverted en route to feed lots or to other States for feeding, stocking, or breeding purposes unless inspected and certified by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industr}". Regulation 19. No cattle which are diseased with scabies shall be shipped or trailed from one State or Territory into another State or Territoiy or the District of Columbia, except as hereinafter provided; and no cattle shall be trailed, shipped, otherwise removed, or allowed to drift from one State or Territory or portion thereof quarantined for the disease of scabies in cattle, into another State or Territory or the Dis- trict of Columbia, except as hereinafter provided, unless the cattle have been inspected by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry and found free from disease and are accompanied by a certificate from the said inspector. The removal of cattle unaccompanied by a certificate of inspection from an inspector of the State or Territory or the District of Columbia, 2 or an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industrj^ from a quarantined portion of a State or Territory or the District of Columbia, into a por- tion of the same State or Territory or the District of Columbia, not quarantined, will subject the unquarantined portion of the State or Territory or the District of Columbia to quarantine. Reg'lilatioii 20. In States or Territories or portions thereof quaran- tined by the Secretary of Agriculture for scabies in cattle, those cattle which upon inspection bj^ an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, at the time of shipment, are found to l)e free from symptoms of scabies, shall be given a certificate and allowed to move to points outside the quarantined area for any purpose subject only to sucli restrictions as may be imposed by the State or Territorial officers at points of unloading and destination ; but if a herd or consignment, intended for feeding, breeding, or stocking purposes, be offered for inspection and shipment and a portion thereof is found to be diseased with scabies, or if the cattle offered for inspection and shipment are part of a herd that is known to be so diseased, the diseased cattle offered for shipment shall be dipped twice in either the lime-and-sulphur or the tobacco-and-sulphur dip, or once in Beaumont crude petroleum, in the manner hereinafter provided, and the cattle offered for shipment which are not visibly diseased shall be dipped once before shipment. liegulatioii 21. Cattle not visibly diseased with scabies ma}^ be shipped without inspection from points in the quarantined area to anj^ of the following-named recognized live-stock centers: Buffalo, N. Y., Chicago, 111., Cincinnati, Ohio, Cleveland, Ohio, Denver, Colo., Fort Worth, Tex., Indianapolis, Ind., Kansas Cit}^ Mo., Kansas City, Kans., Louisville, Ky., Milwaukee, Wis., National Stock Yards, 111., Omaha, Nebr., Sioux City, Iowa, St. Joseph, Mo., St. Louis, Mo., St. Paul, Minn. When so shipped the cattle shall be submitted for inspection at destination, and when found upon such inspection to be free from disease and from exposure thereto en route, no further restrictions shall he placed upon them. If found upon inspection to be infected they shall not be permitted further shipment until treated as heretofore pre- scribed for diseased cattle. When cattle are shipped without inspection to live-stock centers under the terms of this regulation the emplo3''es of the transportation companj^ shall afiix to both sides of each car a durable, conspicuous, printed placard not less than by 8 inches in size, the letters of which shall be boldface and not less than inches in height. These pla- cards shall bear the words “uninspected cattle,” and shall noi he 7'emoved until the cattle have arrived at destination and the inspector has indicated the disposition to he made of the cars. The ivayhills, conductors^ manifests, memoranda, and hills of lading of said shipment shall also hear the notation, “uninspected cattle.” Regulation 22. Cattle diseased with scabies which have been dipped once in either the lime-and-sulphur or the tobacco-and-sulphnr dip in the manner hereinafter provided, under the supervision of an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry, within ten days of date of shipment, and cattle not visibly diseased, but which are known to be a part of a diseased herd, may be shipped for immediate slaughter to a recognized slaughtering center, and when so shipped the said cattle shall not be diverted en route and shall be slaughtered within two weeks after arrival at destination. If cattle diseased with scabies are to be shipped for Stockers or feeders, they shall be dipped twice in either the lime-and- sulphur or the tobacco-and-sulphur dip ten days apart, or once in Beau- mont crude petroleum, under supervision, and shall be submitted to inspection before shipment. Cattle not visibly diseased, but which are known to be part of a diseased herd, intended for stockers or feeders, shall be dipped once before shipment. However, diseased cattle may be dipped once in either the lime-and-sulphur or the tobacco-and-sulphur dip under the supervision of an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry at the point of origin and shipped for stocking or feeding pur- poses, if arrangements have been made for the second dipping en route or at destination at the required time after the first dipping at a point where there is an inspector stationed, and under his supervision. Cattle not visibly diseased, but which are known to be part of a diseased herd, shipped to another State or Territory for feeding or stocking purposes, may be dipped en route instead of at point of origin b}^ special permis- sion first had and obtained from the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry. Regulation 24. When either diseased cattle that have been dipped once in the lime-and-sulphur or the tobacco-and-sulphur dip, or cattle not visibly diseased, but which are known to be a part of a diseased herd, are shipped in accordance with Regulation 22, the employes of the transportation company shall affix to both sides of each car a durable, conspicuous, printed placard, not less than 5J by 8 inches in size, the letters on which shall be boldface, and not less than Tj inches in height. These placards shall bear the words “dipped scabby cattle,” or “cattle exposed to scabies,” and shall not be removed until the cattle have arrived at destination or point of dipping, have been unloaded, and the cars have been disinfected. The waybills, con- ductors’ manifests, memoranda, and bills of lading of said shipment shall also bear the notation, to be affixed b}" the transportation com- pany, “dipped scabby cattle,” or “cattle exposed to scabies.” o James Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture.