Military Service Compulsory or Volunteer? A discussion of methods for adequate organization of the common defense. Twenty- minute addresses by men of national prominence. Obligation of Citizenship to the Common Defense Military Training in Public Schools and in Land-Grant Colleges Organized Labor and Compulsory Military Training Elements of Military Systems of Great Britain, France and Germany The Organization of the German Army Political and Economic Problems Involved, and Legal Aspects of the German Military System The Swiss and Australian Systems of Military T raining Two Meetings Devoted to these Subjects 2.30 p. m. Compulsory or Volunteer Military Training: Fundamental Principles and Methods 8. 1 5 p. m. The Obligation of Citizenship to the Common Defense THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1916 EARL HALL, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 117th Street and Broadway OVER 1*4 4 A mong the speakers who have accepted are: Hon. William E. Borah, United States Senator from Idaho. Professor Moritz J. Bonn will discuss the political and economic problems involved in the German Military system. Hon. Henry Breckinridge, former Assistant Secretary of War, will speak on Universal Military Service. Dr. Theodore N. Christen, former officer Swiss Army, leading expert on military systems. Captain Hecker, of the German Red Cross, will discuss the compulsory system in vogue in the German Empire. Mr. Frederick A. Kuenzli, President The National Defense Institute, and formerly a Lieutenant in the Swiss Army, will speak on the Swiss Military system. President Alexander Meiklejohn, of Amherst College. Mr. Louis W. Stotesbury, Adjutant-General of the State of New York, will speak on compulsory training under State auspices, and the place of the State militia in National defense. Mr. John P. White, President United Mine Workers of America, will present the views of Trade Unionists. <2 S~S~. JL 2. 3 (p Col. C. DeWitt Willcox, U. S. Military Academy, author of the French-English Military Tech- nical Dictionary, will speak on the French, English, and other Continental systems of military training. Mr. Matthew Woll, President of International Allied Printing Trades Association, will speak on the attitude of organized labor. General Leonard Wood, U. S. Army. Mr. Eric Fisher Wood, author of The Note- Book of an Attache and The Writing on the W all , will present first-hand observations of Continental military systems at work under war conditions. Papers will be submitted for publication in the Proceedings, as follows: Major E. N. Johnston, Corp of Engineers, U. S. Army, on The Australian System of Universal Training for Military Defense. Dr. Edmund J. James, President of the Uni- versity of Illinois, on Military Training in the Land-Grant Colleges. Detailed program will be mailed on request. The Academy of Political Science Kent Hall, Columbia University Telephone, Momingslde 1400 PROGRAM COMMITTEE WILLIAM L. RANSOM, Chairman FRANK L. BABBOTT CHARLES A. BEARD ROBERT L. BACON PETER J. BRADY IRVING T. BUSH VICTOR J. DOWLING HENRY D. ESTABROOK PAUL U. KELLOGG SAMUEL McCUNE LINDSAY HOWARD L. McBAIN GEORGE A. PLIMPTON THOMAS REED POWELL THEODORE L. ROUSSEAU EDWIN R. A. SELIGMAN