016.31273 Un35f 1920 - The 1920 Federal Population Census CATALOG OF NATIONAL ARCHIVES MICROFILM NATIONAL ARCHIVES TRUST FUND BOARD • WASHINGTON, DC SHbk L 6 6 rtWit j» ’mfr* ^ WJ, TVI v_ -3^^^ ■ a In. !i;«![;<• i > SnnC iir •- vi rVol-'' t- ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY The 1920 Federal Population Census CATALOG OF NATIONAL ARCHIVES MICROFILM NATIONAL ARCHIVES TRUST FUND BOARD WASHINGTON, DC 1991 PUBLISHED FOR THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION BY THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES TRUST FUND BOARD 1991 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The 1920 federal population census : a catalog of National Archives microfilm. p. cm. ISBN 0-911333-86-X 1. National Archives Trust Fund Board — Microfilm catalogs. 2. Microforms — Catalogs. 3. United States — Population — Statistics — Bibliography — Microform catalogs. 4. United States — Census, 14th, 1920 —Bibliography — Microform catalogs. I. United States. National Archives and Records Administration. Z7553.C3A17 1991 [HA201 1920] 016.3046'0973'09042 — dc20 91-3417 CIP The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.48-1984. Cover: “Some of the people who are bidding goodbye to the boys who are leaving for training camps. Mobile, Alabama.” June 21, 1919, E. P. Overby, photographer. (165-WW-476-6) 0/i,.3>/*7 3 ls(n ^4 ) q ^ d U Foreword The National Archives and Records Administration is responsible for administering and making available for research the permanently valuable noncurrent records of the federal government. These archival holdings, now amounting to more than 1.5 million cubic feet, date from the first days of the Continental Congress in 1774 and preserve the basic records of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of government from that time to the present. The National Archives also administers the Presidential libraries. These research resources document significant events in our nation’s history, but most of them are preserved for their continuing practical use in the ordinary processes of government. All nonrestricted records are available for the use of scholars, students, genealogists, and others. lit Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https://archive.org/details/1920federalpopul00unit_0 Contents Foreword_ iii Introduction_ 1 1920 Census Schedules (T625)_ 1 Soundex_ 2 Enumeration Districts_ 4 Research Hints_ 5 Availability and Access_ 12 Regional Archives System_ 13 1920 Soundex_ 15 1920 Census Schedules_ 51 (Reprinted from 200 Years of US. Census Taking [Bureau of the Census. 1989]) STATE ... COUNTY 9—137 FOURTEENTH Township or other division of county. Name of Institution. (Insert proper name and, also, name of class, as township, town, precinct, district, h< ( Insert name of institution, if any, and indicate the lines on which the entries are made. " S< PLACE OF ABODE. * w ► «> « * *-* « ® o a* ►- Hoose nomber or farm, etc. (See Instruc¬ tions ) Num¬ ber of dwell- ln K house In order of vis¬ itation Nom¬ ber of family in order of vis¬ itation. NAME of each person whose place of abode on January 1, 1920, was In this family. Enter surname first, then the given name and middle Initial, If any. Include every person living on January 1, 1920. Omit children born since Janaary 1, 1920. RELATION. Relationship of this f arson totbehead of he family. TENURE. s? hr oE PERSONAL DESCRIPTION. 10 it (left) EPARTMENT OF COMMERCE-BUREAU OF THE CENSUS CENSUS OF THE UNITED STATES: 1920-POPUL Name of incorporated place. beat, etc. See instructions.) uctions j ' (Insert proper name and, also, name of class, as city, Enumerated by me on the.day CITIZENSHIP. EDUCATION. NATIVITY - AND MOTHER TONGUE. Place of birth of each peuon and parent# of each person ennmsrtted. If born In the United States, give the state and, In addition, the mother tongue. (See lnstractlona.) (center) Introduction This catalog lists the 1920 population schedules, reproduced as microfilm publication T625, and the 1920 Soundex indexes. This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. This catalog supplements the Federal Population Censuses, 1790-1890, the 1900 Federal Population Census, and the 1910 Federal Population Census catalogs, which contain details for ordering copies of the population schedules for 1790-1910 and of the 1880-1910 Soundexes. The catalogs are available for $2 each (plus shipping and handling). Requests for these catalogs should be directed to the Publications Services Branch (NEPS), National Archives, Wash¬ ington, DC 20408. 1920 Census Schedules (T625) On January 1, 1920, at 9:00 a.m., the Bureau of the Census began taking the fourteenth decennial census of the United States. The Department of Agriculture had requested that the date be changed from the traditional spring/early summer dates to January. The department argued that harvests would be completed and information about the harvests fresh in farmers’ minds, and more people would be at home in January than in April. The 1920 census schedules are arranged by state or territory, and thereunder by county, and finally by enumeration district (for a discussion of enumeration districts, see p. 00). The states are arranged alphabetically; however, Alaska, Guam and American Samoa, Hawaii, military and naval schedules, the Panama Canal, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands (taken in 1917) are listed last. There was no separate Indian schedule for 1920. The format and information in the 1920 census schedules closely resemble that of the 1910 census. The 1920 census, however, did not ask about unemployment on the day of the census, nor did it ask about service in the Union or Confederate army or navy. Questions about the number of children born and how long a couple had been married were also omitted. The bureau modified the enumeration of inmates of institutions and dependent, defective, and delinquent classes. The 1920 census included four new questions: one asking the year of naturalization and three about mother tongue. Because of the changes in some boundaries following World War I, enumerators were instructed to report the province (state or region) or city of persons declaring they or their parents had been born in Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia, or Turkey. If a person had been born in any other foreign country, only the name of the country was to be entered. The instructions to the enumerators did not require that individuals spell out their names. Enumerators wrote down the information given to them; they were not authorized to request proof of age, date of arrival, or other information. People were known to change their ages between censuses, and some people claimed not to know their age. The race determination was based on the enumerator’s impressions. Individuals were enumerated as residents of the place in which they regularly slept, not where they worked or might be visiting. People with no regular residence, including “floaters” and members of transient railroad or construction camps, were enumerated as residents of the place where they were when the enumeration was taken. Enumerators were also to ask if any family members were temporarily absent; if so, these were to be listed either with the household or on the last schedule for the census subdivision. Thus, the user should always check that page. Opposite and below are the categories that appeared in the 1920 census schedule. The answers that appear on the microfilmed schedules depend upon what the enumerator recorded and what the people interviewed told the enumerator. The microfilm may also show code numbers or letters in some of the columns. Clerks added these codes in red ink (which cannot be distinguished on the microfilm) after the census, to be punched into the cards used to tabulate the census results. The codes usually represent household composition, occupation and class of worker, or simply marks made in the coding, punching, or tabulating operations themselves and should be ignored. 1 T230 HAWAII (HEAD OF FAMILY) VOL._ E.D.. SHEET_ LINE (COLOR) (AGE) (BIRTHPLACE) (CITIZENSHIP) (COUNTY) (CITY) (STREET) (HOUSE NO) OTHER MEMBERS OF FAMILY NAME RELATIONSHIP AGE BIRTHPLACE CITIZEN¬ SHIP SAMPLE FAMILY CARD Soundex The Bureau of the Census created and filmed Soundex index cards for the entire 1920 census. The Soundex is a coded surname (last name) index based on the way a surname sounds rather than how it is spelled. Surnames that sound the same but are spelled differently, like SMITH and SMYTH, have the same code and are filed together. The Soundex coding system was developed to find a surname even though it may have been recorded under various spellings. The National Archives has assigned a separate microfilm publication for each state and territory. The Bureau of the Census used two separate Soundex cards, the “family card” and the “individual card.” Both types of cards are arranged numerically by the Soundex code and then alphabetically by the first name of the head of the household on the family cards and the first name of the individual on the individual cards. SAMPLE FAMILY CARD The family card is arranged by the name of the head of the household. SAMPLE INDIVIDUAL CARD The individual card gives the names of people other than those in the immediate household (husband, wife, son, daughter) that are enumerated with a family. These include grandparents, cousins, boarders, and servants. The card also shows the name of the head of the household or the institution name where the person is living. The information on the Soundex card includes the surname, first name, state and county of residence, city (if appropriate), age, place of birth, and whether a U.S. citizen. Each card also lists the volume, enumeration district, sheet number, and line number where the person can be found on the population schedule. 2 (INDIVIDUAL) T230 HAWAII VOI_E.D. _ SHEET_ LINE (COLOR) (AGE) (BIRTHPLACE) (CITIZENSHIP) (COUNTY) (CITY) (STREET) (HOUSE NO.) ENUMERATED WITH_ RELATIONSHIP TO ABOVE REMARKS_ SAMPLE INDIVIDUAL CARD SOUNDEX CODING GUIDE The number Represents the letters 1 B P F V 2 CSKGJQXZ 3 DT 4 L 5 M N 6 R Disregard the letters A, E, I, 0, U, W, Y, and H. The Soundex Coding System Every Soundex code consists of a letter and three numbers, such as S-650. The letter is always the first letter of the surname, whether it is a vowel or a consonant. Disregard the remaining vowels and W, Y, and H and assign numbers to the next three consonants of the surname according to the Soundex coding guide. If there are not three consonants following the initial letter, use zeros to fill out the three-digit code. Most surnames can be coded using the Soundex coding guide. Names with prefixes, double letters, or letters side by side that have the same number of the Soundex coding system are described below. NAMES WITH PREFIXES If the surname has a prefix, such as van, Von, De, Di, or Le, code it both with and without the prefix because it might be listed under either code. The surname vanDevanter, for example, could be V-531 or D-153. Me and Mac are not considered prefixes. NAMES WITH DOUBLE LETTERS If the surname has any double letters, they should be treated as one letter. Thus, in the surname Lloyd, the second L should be crossed out, in the surname Gutierrez, the second R should be crossed out. NAMES WITH LETTERS SIDE BY SIDE THAT HAVE THE SAME NUMBER ON THE SOUNDEX CODING GUIDE A surname may have different letters that are side by side and have the same number on the Soundex coding guide; for example, PF in Pfister (1 is the number for both P and F); CKS in Jackson (2 is the number for C, K, and S). These letters should be treated as one letter. Thus in the name Pfister, F should be crossed out; in the name Jackson, K and S should be crossed out. 3 Enumeration Districts Census schedules are arranged by state or territory, thereunder by county, and beginning in 1880 by enumeration district (ED). EDs were the areas that an enumerator covered in taking the census. To consult the schedules for a particular town, a minor civil division or geographical area, or a ward of a large city, one must know the enumeration district. National Archives Microfilm Publication T1224 describes ED boundaries as they were in 1920; present-day boundaries may not be the same. Rolls 41-60 of Descriptions of Census Enumeration Districts, 1830-1890 and 1910-1950 C T1224) identify the enumeration district number assigned within the state, county, and city for the 1920 census. The descriptions are arranged alphabetically by state and thereunder by supervisor’s district, which is a large geographic area that covers several counties. The descriptions are then arranged by county and thereunder by township or city. The ED is listed on the left-hand side of the page. Below are two examples from T1224. DESCRIPTIONS OF ENUMERATION DISTRICTS OF A LARGE CITY >-44 ml of GUn«tt#rrf I Of TH■ OINtut ENTH CENSUS Descriptions of the Enumeration Districts of the _JFlrmt 71 to 74 /* Supervisor's District of _leehiattoaa-... OORAPHCR II —Ci&S NO. OF E. D. 71 72 73 7 >* I DESCRIPTION OF ENUMERATION DISTRICT Seettl* city (continued) Precinct 7, Bounded by: E. 50th 9th Are., N.E. E. 45th lot Ave., N.E. Prtclnct 8 Bounded by: E. 50 th 14th Ave., N.E. E. 45th g'th Ave,, N.E. Prtcinot 9 Bound*! by: E. 55 th l 6 th Ave., N.E. E. 50th, 18th Ave., N.E. E. 45th 14th Ave., N.E. Precinct 10 Bounded by: E. 55 th 20th Ave., N.E. E. 52nd, 21et Ave. E. 50th, Havenna. E. 45 th 18 Ave., N.E. X. 50 th, l 6 tb Ave., N.I QOynTY - 1^2. King / 3 £ ?. 3 s ’4 e~ B / J O / ■ V <37^ ? aa c INSTRUCTIONS 4 Research Hints □ On the schedules, the enumerators sometimes transposed the number of the supervisor’s district and the enumeration district (ED). The EDs and visitation numbers, however, remain in the correct numerical order. □ The Soundex card is not always accurate. If you initially cannot find a person listed, the card may be out of order. If the person is not where he or she is listed to be, it may be necessary to read the entire page of the schedule, the entire enumeration district, or the entire county. □ Not everyone enumerated on the schedule is on the Soundex, as some names were missed by the indexer. In that case, it may be necessary to read the entire county. □ Many institutions, even if enumerated at their street addresses, are found at the end of the enumeration district. DESCRIPTIONS OF ENUMERATION DISTRICTS OF A SMALL TOWN Tl 1 of ST7 cetuot Descriptions rf the Enumeration Districts rf the _ 3eoond . ORAFHlft West Virginia, . Super cisor's District qf _ MO. OF E. O. -18. J.9. . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23. DCECftlPTIOM OF ENUMERATION D49TOACT Arden Magisterial Dlstrlotlpar t of) All west of the Martinsburg and binoheater Plica. Arden Magisterial Die tr iotlpart of) All east of the MartinBburg and Winchester Pike. Palling Waters Magisterial Distriot. Gerardstown Magisterial Distriot (part of) inohiding Berkeley County Almshouse. All east of a line beginning at top of Horth Mountain where distriot line orosses;thenoe with top of said mountain to the Prederiok County,Virginia line, Gerardstown Magisterial Bistriotlpart of) All west of a line beginning at top of florth Mountain rtoere distriot line or osses; thenoe with top of said mountain to the Prederiok County, Virginia line. Hedge/^lflle Magisterial Dietriotlpart o£) including HedgeSville tom. All east of a line beginning at top of Uorth Mountain,where Distriot line oroes* es; thenoe with top of suid mountain nox th to Hedgeaville corporation line; thenoe with said oorporation line around west siddc of town to top of Uorth Mountain?) thenoe with top of said mountain to Potomao Hirer* Berkeley //* 7 \Hi\ I, *3 7 MATE OF FAY /(. i* >/ 101 % •e 4 I S' INtTRUOTION* Institution shouldbbe shown separately on sohedules. i*i 4I 1 3 I '3.dgesville town should be shown separately on soheuoles. H 2. 5 1920 Enumeration Districts (T1224) Roll 41 Alabama, [Alaska, see roll 60], Arizona, Arkansas Roll 42 California, [Canal Zone, see roll 60], Colorado Roll 43 Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, [Hawaii, see roll 60] Roll 44 Illinois Roll 45 Indiana, Iowa Roll 46 Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana Roll 47 Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts Roll 48 Michigan, Minnesota Roll 49 Mississippi, Missouri Roll 50 Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico Roll 51 New Jersey, New York supervisor’s districts 1 and 2 (Manhattan and Bronx), and supervisor’s district 3 (part Kings County) Roll 52 New York supervisor’s district 3 (part), supervisor’s districts 4 to 6 (Queens and Richmond), supervisor’s districts 7 to 22. Roll 53 North Carolina, North Dakota Roll 54 Ohio Roll 55 Oklahoma and Oregon, [Panama, see roll 60] Roll 56 Pennsylvania, [Puerto Rico, see roll 60] Roll 57 Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee Roll 58 Texas, Utah, Vermont Roll 59 [Virgin Islands, see roll 60], Virginia, Washington Roll 60 West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Alaska, Hawaii, Panama, Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands There are no descriptions of enumeration districts for Guam or American Samoa. Military and naval districts as well as institutions such as jails and almshouses are listed as separate EDs in the state. 1920 Enumeration District Maps The Bureau of the Census produced enumeration district maps for many counties, cities, and towns. Those available for the 1920 census are listed below. To order copies of the maps, contact the Cartographic and Architectural Branch (NNSC), National Archives, Washington, DC 20408. The prices vary with the size of the map. ALABAMA Counties: Autauga, Barbour, Blount, Bullock, Cherokee, Chilton, Choctaw, Clarke, Clay, Cleburne, Covington, Crenshaw, Cullman, Escambia, Etowah, Hale, Henry, Houston, Jackson, Jefferson, Lamar, Lauderdale, Lee, Limestone, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Montgomery, Perry, Pickens, Pike, Randolph, St. Claire, Talladega, Tuscaloosa, Walker, Washington Townships and Cities: Anniston, Birmingham, Fairfield, Mobile, Montgomery, Selma, Sheffield ARIZONA Counties: Cochise, Maricopa, Mohave, Navajo, Pinal, Santa Cruz, Yavapai Townships and Cities: Globe, Phoenix, Tucson ARKANSAS Counties: Arkansas, Ashley, Benton, Bradley, Calhoun, Conway, Dallas, Drew, Fulton, Garland, Hot Spring, Howard, Independence, Izard, Lawrence, Miller, Monroe, Montgomery, Perry, Pulaski, Scott, Searcy, Sevier, Stone, Washington, White, Yell Townships and Cities: Fort Smith, Helena, Hot Springs, Little Rock, North Little Rock, Pine Bluff CALIFORNIA Counties: Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Imperial, Kern, Kings, Lake, Lassen, Los Angeles, Madera, Mariposa, Mendocino, Merced, Modoc, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Nevada, Orange, Placer, Plumas, Riverside, Sacramento, San Benito, San Diego, San Francisco (city and county coextensive), San Joaquin, San Luis Obisbo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Shasta, Siskiyou, Solano, Sonoma, Stanislaus, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Tulare, Tuolumne, Ventura, Yolo, Yuba Townships and Cities: Alameda, Alhambra, Bakersfield, Berkeley, Eden Township, Eureka, Fresno, Glendale, Hayward, La Verne, Livermore, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Oakland, Ontario, Pasadena, Piedmont, Pleasanton, Pleasanton Township, Pomona, Red Bluff, Redlands, Riverside, Sacramento, San Bernadino, San Diego, San Francisco (city and county coextensive), San Jose, San Leandro, Santa Ana, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, Santa Monica, Stockton, Vallejo, Washington Township COLORADO Counties: Adams, Baca, Bent, Boulder, Chaffee, Cheyenne, Clear Creek, Costilla, Crowley, Denver (city and county coextensive), Douglas, Fremont, Garfield, Grand, Hinsdale, Huerfano, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Larimer, Logan, Mesa, Moffat, Montrose, Morgan, Pueblo, Routt, Saguache, San Miguel, Summit, Teller, Washington, Weld Townships and Cities: Boulder, Canon City, Colorado Springs, Cripple Creek, Denver (city and county coextensive). Fort Collins, Goldfield, Greeley, Leadville, Longmont, Pueblo, Salida, Sterling, Trinidad, Victor CONNECTICUT Counties: none Townships and Cities: Ansonia, Bridgeport, Bristol Town, Danbury, Hartford, Manchester Town, Meriden, Middletown, New Britain, New Haven, New London, Norwalk, Norwich, Rockville, Stamford, Torrington, Wallingford, Waterbury, West Haven Town, Willimantic, Winchester Town, Winsted DELAWARE Counties: none Townships and Cities: Wilmington DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington (city and district coexistant) FLORIDA Counties: Alachua, Baker, Bradford, Broward, Calhoun, Citrus, Columbia, Dade, De Soto, Duval, Escambia, Gadsden, Hamilton, Hernando, Hillsborough, Holmes, Lafayette, Lake, Levy, Liberty, Manatee, Marion, Monroe, Okaloosa, Okeechobee, Orange, Osceola, Palm Beach, Pasco, Pinellas, Putnam, St. Johns, St. Lucie, Santa Rosa, Sumter, Suwannee, Taylor, Volusia, Wakulla, Walton, Washington Townships and Cities: Bradenton, Jacksonville, Key West, Kissimmee, Lakeland, Miami, Okeechobee, Orlando, Pensacola, Tampa GEORGIA Counties: Barrow, Bartow, Bulloch, Calhoun, Campbell, Carroll, Chattooga, Cherokee, Fayette, Fulton, Greene, Habersham, Hall, 6 Haralson, Hart, Heard, Houston, Jasper, Jefferson, Lee, Liberty, Lincoln, Madison, McDuffie, Milton, Monroe, Montgomery, Muscogee, Oglethorpe, Pickens, Putnam, Richmond, Stephens, Tattnall, Taylor, Telfair, Terrell, Troup, Turner, Wilcox Townships and Cities: Americus, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Brunswick, Columbus, Gainesville, Macon, Savannah, Waycross IDAHO Counties: Ada, Bannock, Benewah, Bingham, Blaine, Boise, Butte, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Franklin, Fremont, Gooding, Idaho, Jefferson, Jerome, Latah, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Owyhee, Power, Teton, Twin Falls, Valley Townships and Cities: Boise City, Idaho Falls, Nampa, Pocatello ILLINOIS Counties: Boone, Brown, Calhoun, Carroll, Champaign, Clark, Cook, De Kalb, De Witt, Du Page, Edgar, Effingham, Fulton, Gallatin, Hancock, Henderson, Iroquois, Jasper, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Lake, Lee, Livingston, Macon, Marshall, Massac, McDonough, McLean, Mercer, Ogle, Peoria, Perry, Piatt, Pope, Pulaski, Rock Island, St. Claire, Sangamon, Stephenson, Tazewell, White, Whiteside, Woodford Townships and Cities: Aledo, Alton, Aurora, Belleville, Bloomington, Blue Island, Cairo, Canton, Centralia, Champaign, Chicago, Chicago Heights, Cicero, Danville, De Kalb, Decatur, Dixon, DuQuoin, East Alton, East St. Louis, Elgin, Evanston, Freeport, Galesburg, Granite City, Harvey, Highland Park, Jacksonville, Joliet, Joliet Township, Kankakee, Kewanee, La Salle, Lincoln, Moline, Monmouth, Normal, Oak Park, Olney, Ottawa, Pekin, Peoria, Pontiac, Quincy, Rock Island, Rockford, Springfield, Sterling, Streator, Urbana, Waukegan, Zion INDIANA Counties: Blackford, Boone, Carroll, Cass, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Crawford, Dearborn, Decatur, De Kalb, Delaware, Dubois, Fayette, Floyd, Fountain, Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Hancock, Harrison, Hendricks, Howard, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Jennings, Knox, Kosciusko, Lagrange, Lake, La Porte, Lawrence, Marion, Marshall, Martin, Miami, Monroe, Newton, Noble, Ohio, Orange, Owen, Parke, Pike, Porter, Posey, Rush, St. Joseph, Shelby, Starke, Steuben, Sullivan, Tippecanoe, Union, Vanderburgh, Warren, Warrick, White, Whitley Townships and Cities: Anderson, Bloomington, Brazil, Columbia City, Columbus, Crawfordsville, Crown Point, East Chicago, Elkhart, Elwood, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Frankfort, Gary, Goshen, Hammond, Huntington, Indianapolis, Jeffersonville, Kokomo, Lafayette, La Porte, Logansport, Marion, Michigan City, Mishawaka, Muncie, New Albany, New Castle, Peru, Rensselaer, Richmond, Salem, Shelbyville, South Bend, Sullivan, Tell City, Terre Haute, Valparaiso, Vincennes, Wabash, Whiting IOWA Counties: Adair, Adams, Allamakee, Appanoose, Audubon, Benton, Black Hawk, Boone, Bremer, Buchanan, Buena Vista, Butler, Calhoun, Carroll, Cass, Cedar, Cerro Gordo, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Clarke, Clay, Clayton, Clinton, Dallas, Davis, Decatur, Delaware, Des Moines, Dickinson, Emmet, Fayette, Floyd, Franklin, Greene, Grundy, Guthrie, Hamilton, Hancock, Hardin, Harrison, Henry, Howard, Iowa, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Johnson, Jones, Keokuk, Kossuth, Lee, Linn, Louisa, Lucas, Lyon, Madison, Mahaska, Marion, Marshall, Mitchell, Monona, Monroe, Montgomery, Muscatine, O’Brien, Osceola, Page, Palo Alto, Pocahontas, Polk, Poweshiek, Ringgold, Sac, Scott, Shelby, Sioux, Tama, Taylor, Union, Van Buren, Wapello, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Webster, Winnebago, Winneshiek, Woodbury, Worth, Wright Townships and Cities: Boone, Burlington, Cedar Rapids, Cherokee, Clinton, Council Bluffs, Davenport, Des Moines, Dubuque, Fort Dodge, Fort Madison, Harlan, Iowa City, Keokuk, Marshalltown, Mason City, Missouri Valley, Muscatine, Ottumwa, Sioux Center, Sioux City, Waterloo, Webster City KANSAS Counties: Bourbon, Brown, Butler, Chautauqua, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Clark, Clay, Cloud, Cowley, Decatur, Dickinson, Doniphan, Edwards, Ellsworth, Finney, Ford, Franklin, Gove, Gray, Greenwood, Hamilton, Harper, Harvey, Haskell, Hodgeman, Jackson, Jefferson, Jewell, Johnson, Kearny, Kingman, Labette, Lane, Logan, Lyon, Marion, Marshall, Meade, Mitchell, Montgomery, Nemaha, Neosho, Osage, Osborne, Ottawa, Pawnee, Phillips, Pottawatomie, Pratt, Rawlins, Reno, Republic, Rice, Roosk, Rush, Russell, Saline, Scott, Sedgwick, Seward, Shawnee, Sheridan, Sherman, Smith, Stafford, Stanton, Stevens, Sumner, Thomas, Tooawa, Trego, Wabaunsee, Washington, Wichita, Wilson, Woodson, Wyandotte Townships and Cities: Atchinson, Chanute, Coffeyville, Emporia, Fort Scott, Hutchinson, Independence, lola, Kansas City, Lawrence, Leavenworth, Newton, Ottawa, Parsons, Pittsburg, Salina, Topeka, Wichita KENTUCKY Counties: Adair, Allen, Anderson, Ballard, Barren, Bath, Bell, Boone, Bourbon, Boyd, Boyle, Bracken, Breathitt, Breckinridge, Bullitt, Butler, Caldwell, Calloway, Carlisle, Casey, Christian, Clark, Clinton, Crittenden, Daviess, Edmonson, Elliott, Fayette, Franklin, Gallatin, Grant, Graves, Grayson, Green, Greenup, Hancock, Hardin, Harrison, Hart, Henderson, Hickman, Hopkins, Jefferson, Johnson, Kenton, Knott, Knox, Larue, Leslie, Lewis, Lincoln, Livingston, Logan, Lyon, McCracken, McCreary, McLean, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Meade, Menifee, Mercer, Metcalfe, Montgomery, Muhlenberg, Nelson, Nicholas, Ohio, Owen, Pendleton, Robertson, Rowan, Russell, Scott, Shelby, Simpson, Spencer, Taylor, Todd, Trigg, Trimble, Union, Warren, Wayne, Webster, Wolfe Townships and Cities: Ashland, Bowling Green, Covington, Henderson, Lexington, Louisville, Ludlow, Mayfield, Newport, Owensboro, Paducah, Providence LOUISIANA Parishes: Acadia, Allen, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Calcasieu, Caldwell, Cameron, East Baton Rouge, Evangeline, Jackson, Jefferson Davis, Lafayette, LaSalle, Lincoln, Livingston, Ouachita, Red River, Sabine, St. John the Baptist, St. Landry, St. Mary, St. Tammany, Terrebonne, Union, Vernon, Washington, West Baton Rouge, West Carroll, West Feliciana, Winn Townships and Cities: Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Lake Charles, Monroe, Natchitoches, New Orleans, Shreveport MAINE Counties: Kennebec, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, Washington Townships and Cities: Auburn, Augusta, Bangor, Bath, Biddeford, Calais, Lewiston, Portland, Rockland, Sanford Town, Waterville, Westbrook 7 MARYLAND Counties: Calvert, Caroline, Cecil, Charles, Garrett, Harford, Kent, Queen Annes, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, Worcester Townships and Cities: Annapolis, Baltimore (independent city), Cumberland, Frederick, Hagerstown, Mount Rainier MASSACHUSETTS County: Dukes Townships and Cities: Adams Town, Arlington Town, Athol, Attleboro, Belmont Town, Beverly, Boston, Brockton, Brookline Town, Cambridge, Chelsea, Chicopee, Clinton, Danvers Town, Dedham Town, Dighton Town, Easthampton Town, Everett, Fall River, Fitchburg, Florence, Framingham Town, Gardner, Gloucester, Grafton Town, Greenfield Town, Haverhill, Hingham Town, Holyoke, Lawrence, Leominster, Lexington Town, Lowell, Lynn, Malden, Marlborough, Maynard Town, Medford, Melrose, Middleborough Town, Milford Town, Nantucket, New Bedford, Newburyport, Newton, North Adams, North Attleborough, Northampton, Norwood Town, Orange Town, Peabody, Pittsfield, Plymouth, Quincy, Revere, Salem, Somerville, Southbridge Town, Springfield, Taunton, Wakefield Town, Waltham, Watertown Town, Webster, Westfield, Weymounth Town, Winchester Town, Winthrop Town, Woburn, Worcester MICHIGAN Counties: Alcona, Allegan, Alpena, Antrim, Arenac, Barry, Benzie, Berrien, Cass, Cheboygan, Chippewa, Clare, Crawford, Delta, Dickinson, Eaton, Genesee, Gladwin, Grand Traverse, Hancock, Huron, Ingham, Iosco, Iron, Kalkaska, Kent, Lake, Laurium, Leelanau, Luce, Mackinac, Marquette, Mason, Mecosta, Midland, Missaukee, Montcalm, Ontonagon, Ottawa, Roscommon, Saginaw, St. Clair, Sanilac, Shiawassee Townships and Cities: Adrian, Alpena, Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Bay City, Benton Harbor, Cadillac, Detroit, Escanaba, Flint, Grand Rapids, Hamtramck, Hancock, Highland Park, Holland, Iron Mountain, Ironwood, Ishpeming, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Laurium, Ludington, Manistee, Marquette, Menominee, Mount Clemens, Muskegon, Nagaunee, Newberry, Owosso, Petoskey, Pontiac, Port Huron, Saginaw, Sault Ste. Marie, Traverse City MINNESOTA Counties: Anoka, Becker, Beltrami, Benton, Big Stone, Blue Earth, Carlton, Carver, Cass, Chisago, Clay, Cottonwood, Crow Wing, Dakota, Dodge, Douglas, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Grant, Hennepin, Houston, Hubbard, Isanti, Jackson, Kanabec, Kandiyohi, Kittson, Koochiching, Lac qui Parle, Lake, Le Sueur, Lincoln, Mahnomen, Marshall, Martin, McLeod, Meeker, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Nicollet, Nobles, Norman, Olmsted, Otter Trail, Pennington, Pine, Pipestone, Polk, Pope, Ramsey, Red Lake, Redwood, Renville, Rice, Rock, Roseau, St. Louis, Sherburne, Sibley, Stearns, Steele, Stevens, Swift, Todd, Traverse, Wabasha, Wadena, Waseca, Washington, Watonwan, Wilkin, Winona Townships and Cities: Austin, Bemidji, Brainerd, Cloquet, Duluth, Eveleth, Faribault, Hibbing, Mankato, Minneapolis, Northfield, Red Wing, Rochester, St. Cloud, St. Paul, St. Peter, Stillwater, Two Harbors, Virginia, Winona MISSISSIPPI Counties: Alcorn, Amite, Bolivar, Carroll, Chickasaw, Clarke, Clay, Covington, Forrest, Franklin, George, Grenada, Harrison, Itawamba, Jackson, Jefferson Davis, Jones, Lamar, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Lee, Leflore, Lowndes, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Montgomery, Neshoba, Newton, Noxubee, Oktibbeha, Panola, Pearl River, Perry, Pike, Pontotoc, Prentiss, Sharkey, Sunflower, Tallahatchie, Tippah, Union, Walthall, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Webster, Winston, Yalobusha, Yazoo Townships and Cities: Aberdeen, Amory, Biloxi, Columbia, Columbus, Hattiesburg, Jackson, Laurel, Meridian, Moss Point, Natchez, Vicksburg MISSOURI Counties: Andrew, Atchison, Barry, Barton, Bates, Bollinger, Boone, Buchanan, Butler, Caldwell, Callaway, Camden, Carroll, Cass, Cedar, Chariton, Christian, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Cole, Crawford, Daviess, De Kalb, Franklin, Gasconade, Greene, Grundy, Harrison, Henry, Holt, Howard, Howell, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Laclede, Lafayette, Lewis, Linn, Livingston, Macon, Maries, Marion, Miller, Montieau, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, New Madrid, Newton, Nodaway, Oregon, Osage, Pemiscot, Pettis, Phelps, Polk, Putnam, Ralls, Ray, Reynolds, Ripley, St. Charles, St. Louis (independent city), St. Louis (county), Ste. Genevieve, Saline, Schuyler, Scotland, Scott, Shelby, Stone, Sullivan, Taney, Texas, Vernon, Warren, Wayne, Worth Townships and Cities: Aurora, Buckner, Cape Girardeau, Carrollton, Carthage, Chillicothe, Clinton, Columbia, Grain Valley, Hannibal, Jefferson City, Joplin, Kansas City, Moberly, Oak Grove, Springfield, St. Charles, St. Joseph, Sedalia, Slater, Trenton, University City, Webb City MONTANA Counties: Beaverhead, Big Horn, Blaine, Broadwater, Carbon, Carter, Cascade, Chouteau, Custer, Dawson, Deer Lodge, Fallon, Fergus, Flathead, Gallatin, Garfield, Glacier, Granite, Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, Lincoln, Madison, McCone, Meagher, Mineral, Missoula, Musselshell, Park, Phillips, Pondera, Powder River, Prairie, Ravalli, Richland, Roosevelt, Rosebud, Sanders, Sheridan, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, Teton, Toole, Treasure, Valley, Wheatland, Wibaux, Yellowstone Townships and Cities: Anaconda, Bozeman, Billings, Butte, Great Falls, Helena, Kalispell, Livingston, Missoula, Red Lodge, Roundup NEBRASKA Counties: Adams, Antelope, Arthur, Blaine, Boone, Box Butte, Brown, Buffalo, Burt, Cass, Chase, Clay, Cuming, Custer, Dakota, Dawes, Deuel, Dixon, Douglas, Fillmore, Franklin, Furnas, Garfield, Grant, Hall, Harlan, Hayes, Holt, Hooker, Jefferson, Johnson, Kearney, Keith, Keya Paha, Kimball, Knox, Lancaster, Logan, Loup, McPherson, Nance, Otoe, Perkins, Phelps, Platte, Polk, Red Willow, Richardson, Rock, Sarpy, Saunders, Scotts Bluff, Seward, Sheridan, Sioux, Stanton, Thayer, Thomas, Valley, Wayne, Webster, York Townships and Cities: Beatrice, Fremont, Grand Island, Hastings, Kearney, Lincoln, Nebraska City, Omaha NEVADA Counties: Churchill, Clark, Humboldt, Lander, Pershing, Storey, Washoe, White Pine Townships and Cities: Reno NEW HAMPSHIRE Counties: none Townships and Cities: Berlin, Concord, Keene, Laconia, Nashua, Portsmouth 8 NEW JERSEY Counties: Bergen, Essex, Union Townships and Cities: Asbury Park, Atlantic City, Bayonne, Bloomfield, Bridgeton, Burlington, Camden, Clifton, Collingswood, Dover, East Orange, Elizabeth, Englewood, Garfield, Glen Ridge, Glouster City, Hackensack, Harrison, Hoboken, Irvington, Jersey City, Kearny, Long Branch, Millville, Montclair, Morristown, New Brunswick, Newark, Orange, Passaic, Paterson, Perth Amboy, Phillipsburg, Plainfield, Rahway, South Orange, Trenton, Union City, West Hoboken, West New York, West Orange NEW MEXICO Counties: Bernalillo, Chaves, Colfax, Curry, De Baca, Dona Ana, Grant, Hidalgo, Lea, Lincoln, Luna, Mora, Otero, Rio Arriba, San Juan, Sandoval, Sierra, Socorro, Taos, Union, Valencia Townships and Cities: Albuquerque NEW YORK Counties: Alleghany, Bronx (borough and county coextensive), Genesee, Greene, Kings (borough of Brooklyn and county of Kings coextensive), Monroe, Nassau, New York (borough of Manhattan and county of New York coextensive), Onondaga, Queens (borough and county coextensive), Richmond (borough and county coextensive), Schoharie, Wayne, Yates Townships and Cities: Albany, Amsterdam, Auburn, Batavia, Binghamton, Bronx (borough and county coextensive), Brooklyn (borough of Brooklyn and county of Kings coextensive), Buffalo, Cohoes, Corning, Cortland, Dunkirk, Elmira Heights, Fulton, Geneva, Glens Falls, Gloversville, Hornell, Hudson, Ithaca, Jamestown, Johnstown, Kingston, Lackawanna, Little Falls, Lockport, Manhattan (borough of Manhattan and county of New York coextensive), Middletown, Mount Vernon, New Rochelle, Newburgh, Niagara Falls, North Tonawanda, Ogdensburg, Olean, Oneida, Oneonta, Ossining Town, Oswego, Port Chester, Poughkeepsie, Queens (borough and county coextensive), Rensselaer, Richmond (borough and county coextensive), Rochester, Rome, Salamanca, Schenectady, Solvay, Syracuse, Tonawanda, Troy, Utica, Watertown, Watervliet, White Plains, Yonkers NORTH CAROLINA Counties: Anson, Avery, Caswell, Columbus, Dare, Durham, Forsyth, Granville, Greene, Halifax, Harnett, Haywood, Jackson, Mitchell, Montgomery, Orange, Randolph, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry, Wake, Wilkes, Yadkin Townships and Cities: Ashville, Burlington, Charlotte, Concord, Durham, Elizabeth City, Greensboro, High Point, Kinston, Raleigh, Rocky Mount, Wilmington, Winston-Salem NORTH DAKOTA Counties: Adams, Barnes, Benson, Billings, Bottineau, Bowman, Burke, Cass, Cavalier, Dickey, Divide, Dunn, Eddy, Emmons, Foster, Golden Valley, Grand Forks, Grant, Hettinger, La Moure, Logan, McHenry, McIntosh, McLean, Mercer, Morton, Mountrail, Nelson, Oliver, Pembina, Pierce, Ramsey, Ransom, Renville, Richland, Rolette, Sheridan, Sioux, Slope, Stark, Steele, Stutsman, Towner, Traill, Ward, Wells, Williams Townships and Cities: Fargo, Grand Forks OHIO Counties: Ashtabula, Athens, Auglaize, Belmont, Butler, Champaign, Clinton, Columbiana, Coshocton, Crawford, Defiance, Delaware, Erie, Fairfield, Franklin, Geauga, Greene, Guernsey, Hamilton, Hancock, Hardin, Henry, Highland, Holmes, Huron, Jackson, Jefferson, Knox, Lake, Licking, Logan, Lorain, Lucas, Marion, Medina, Meigs, Miami, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Noble, Paulding, Pickaway, Pike, Preble, Richland, Sandusky, Seneca, Stark, Summit, Union, Van Wert, Wayne, Williams, Wood, Wyandot Townships and Cities: Akton, Alliance, Ashtabula, Barberton, Bellaire, Bellefontaine, Bucyrus, Cambridge, Chillicothe, Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Conneaut, Coshocton, Cuyahoga Falls, Dayton, Delaware, East Cleveland, East Liverpool, Elyria, Findlay, Fostoria (Hancock and Seneca counties), Fremont, Hamilton, Ionton, Lakewood, Lancaster, Lima, Lorain, Mansfield, Marietta, Marion, Massillon, Miami Township, Middletown, Mount Vernon, Newark, Niles, Norwood, Piqua, Sandusky, Shelby, Springfield, Steubenville, Struthers, Tiffin, Toledo, Troy, Van Wert, Warren, Xenia, Youngstown, Zanesville OKLAHOMA Counties: Adair, Alfalfa, Atoka, Beaver, Blaine, Bryan, Canadian, Carter, Cimarron, Cotton, Creek, Delaware, Garvin, Grady, Grant, Harper, Haskell, Johnston, Kay, Kingfisher, Kiowa, Lincoln, Love, Major, Marshall, Mayes, McCurtain, McIntosh, Murray, Muskogee, Noble, Okfuskee, Okmulgee, Osage, Ottawa, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Pushmataha, Sequoyah, Texas, Tillman, Tulsa, Wagoner, Washita, Woods, Woodward Townships and Cities: Ardmore, Chickasha, Enid, Guthrie, McAlester, Muskogee, Oklahoma City, Okmulgee, Sapula, Shawnee, Tulsa, Waurika OREGON Counties: Baker, Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Crook, Deschutes, Douglas, Gilliam, Grant, Hood River, Jackson, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Linn, Malheur, Marion, Morrow, Multnomah, Polk, Sherman, Umatilla, Wasco, Washington Townships and Cities: Astoria, Corvallis, Eugene, Friend, Medford, Oregon City, Portland, Salem PENNSYLVANIA Counties: Beaver, Blair, Bradford, Cambria, Carbon, Clarion, Cumberland, Dauphin, Monroe, Philadelphia (city and county coextensive), Washington Townships and Cities: Allentown, Altoona, Ambler, Ashland, Bethlehem, Braddock, Bradford, Bristol, Butler, Carbondale, Carlisle, Chambersburg, Charleroi, Chester, Coatsville, Columbia, Connellsville, Donora, Duquesne, Duryea, East Lansdowne, Easton, Erie, Etna, Farrell, Franklin, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Hazleton, Homestead, Jeannette, Johnstown, Lancaster, Lansford, Latrobe, Lebanon, Mahanoy City, Meadville, McKees Rocks, McKeesport, Monessen, Munhall, Nanticoke, New Castle, Norristown, North Braddock, Northampton, Oil City, Philadelphia (city and county coextensive), Phoenixville, Pottstown, Pottsville, Pittsburgh, Rankin, Reading, Scottdale, Scranton, Shamokin, Sharon, Sharpsburg, Shenandoah, Steelton, Sunbury, Tamaqua, Taylor, Titusville, Uniontown, Warren, West Chester, West Homestead, West Hazleton, Wilkes-Barre, Wilkinsburg, Williamsport, Windber, York RHODE ISLAND Counties: Newport Townships and Cities: Central Falls, Cranston, Newport, 9 Pawtucket, Providence, Warwick Town, West Warwick Town, Westerly, Woonsocket SOUTH CAROLINA Counties: Allendale, McCormick, Richland, Spartanburg, Williamsburg Townships and Cities: Charleston, Columbia, Greenville, Orangeburg, Spartanburg, Sumter SOUTH DAKOTA Counties: Aurora, Beadle, Bon Homme, Brookings, Brown, Brule, Buffalo, Butte, Campbell, Charles Mix, Clark, Clay, Codington, Corson, Custer, Davison, Day, Deuel, Dewey, Douglas, Edmunds, Fall River, Faulk, Gregory, Haakon, Hamlin, Hand, Hanson, Harding, Hughes, Jackson, Jerauld, Jones, Kingsbury, Lawrence, Lincoln, Lyman, Marshall, McCook, McPherson, Meade, Miner, Minnehaha, Moody, Pennington, Perkins, Potter, Roberts, Sanborn, Stanley, Sully, Tripp, Turner, Union, Yankton, Ziebach Township and Cities: Aberdeen, Lead, Madison, Mitchell, Sioux Falls TENNESSEE Counties: Anderson, Bedford, Bledsoe, Blount, Bradley, Cheatham, Claiborne, Clay, Cumberland, Davidson, Decatur, Dickson, Dyer, Fayette, Franklin, Gibson, Greene, Grundy, Hamblen, Hamilton, Hancock, Hardeman, Hardin, Hawkins, Haywood, Henderson, Henry, Hickman, Humphreys, Jackson, Johnson, Lincoln, Loudon, Macon, Madison, Marion, Maury, McMinn, McNairy, Meigs, Monroe, Moore, Obion, Overton, Pickett, Robertson, Scott, Sevier, Shelby, Stewart, Sullivan, Unicoi, Union, Van Buren, Warren, White, Williamson, Wilson Townships and Cities: Bristol, Chattanooga, Clarksville, Jackson, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville TEXAS Counties: Arkansas, Armstrong, Austin, Baylor, Bee, Bexar, Blanco, Borden, Bosque, Bowie, Brazoria, Brown, Burleson, Burnet, Caldwell, Calhoun, Callahan, Camp, Carson, Cass, Castro, Chambers, Cherokee, Childress, Clay, Coleman, Collingsworth, Concho, Coryell, Cottle, Dawson, Deaf Smith, Dickens, Donley, Eastland, Ector, Ellis, Falls, Fayette, Fisher, Foard, Fort Bend, Garza, Gillespie, Glasscock, Gonzales, Gray, Gregg, Grimes, Hamilton, Hardeman, Hardin, Harris, Harrison, Hartley, Haskell, Hays, Hemphill, Hill, Hood, Hopkins, Howard, Hudspeth, Hunt, Hutchinson, Jack, Jackson, Jeff Davis, Jefferson, Jim Wells, Johnson, Jones, Karnes, Kaufman, Kenedy, Kent, Kerr, Kimble, King, Knox, Lamar, Lamb, Lampasas, Lavaca, Lee, Limestone, Lipscomb, Live Oak, Lynn, Madison, Marion, Martin, Mason, Matagorda, Maverick, McCulloch, Medina, Menard, Midland, Milam, Montgomery, Moore, Morris, Navarro, Nolan, Nueces, Ochiltree, Orange, Palo Pinto, Panola, Parker, Parmer, Polk, Potter, Presidio, Rains, Randall, Refugio, Roberts, Robertson, Rockwall, Runnels, Sabine, San Patricio, San Saba, Scurry, Shelby, Sherman, Smith, Somervell, Stephens, Sterling, Stonewall, Sutton, Swisher, Terry, Throckmorton, Titus, Tom Green, Trinity, Tyler, Upshur, Upton, Uvalde, Val Verde, Van Zandt, Waller, Ward, Washington, Wheeler, Wichita, Wilbarger, Wilson, Wise, Wood, Yoakum, Young, Zapata, Zavala Townships and Cities: Amarillo, Austin, Beaumont, Brownsville, Bryan, Corpus Christi, Dallas, Denison, Eagle Pass, El Paso, Fort Worth, Galveston, Greenville, Hereford, Houston, Loredo, Orange, Paris, San Angelo, San Antonio, San Marcos, Sherman, Waco, Wichita Falls UTAH Counties: Box Elder, Carbon, Davis, Emery, Garfield, Iron, Kane, Morgan, Rich, Salt Lake, Sanpete, Sevier, Summit, Wayne, Weber Townships and Cities: Logan, Murray, Salt Lake City, Provo, Ogden VERMONT Counties: none Townships and Cities: Barre, Bennington, Burlington, Rutland, St. Johnsbury VIRGINIA Counties: Accomack, Albemarle, Alleghany, Amelia, Amherst, Appomattox, Augusta, Bath, Bedford, Bland, Botetourt, Buchanan, Buckingham, Campbell, Caroline, Carroll, Charles City, Charlotte, Chesterfield, Clarke, Craig, Culpeper, Cumberland, Dickenson, Dinwiddie, Fairfax, Fauquier, Floyd, Fluvanna, Frederick, Giles, Gloucester, Grayson, Greene, Greensville, Halifax, Hanover, Henry, Highland, Isle of Wight, James City, King and Queen, King William, Lancaster, Lee, Loudoun, Louisa, Lunenburg, Madison, Mathews, Mecklenburg, Middlesex, Montgomery, Nansemond, Nelson, New Kent, Norfolk, Northampton, Northumberland, Nottoway, Orange, Patrick, Pittsylvania, Powhatan, Prince Edward, Prince William, Princess Anne, Pulaski, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Scott, Shenandoah, Smyth, Southampton, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Sussex, Tazewell, Warren, Warwick, Washington, Westmoreland, Wise, Wythe, York Independent Cities: Alexandria, Bristol, Charlottesville, Danville, Fredericksburg, Hampton, Harrisonburg, Hopewell, Lynchburg, Newport News, Petersburg, Portsmouth, Richmond, Roanoke, Suffolk, Winchester WASHINGTON Counties: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grays Harbor, King, Kitsap, Kittitas, Lewis, Lincoln, Mason, Okanogan, Pacific, Pend Oreille, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Skamania, Snohomish, Spokane, Stevens, Thurston, Wahkiakum, Whatcom, Whitman, Yakima Townships and Cities: Aberdeen, Bellingham, Centralia, Chehalis, Everett, Hoquiam, Mount Vernon, Olympia, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Vancouver, Walla Walla, Yakima WEST VIRGINIA Counties: Berkeley, Brooke, Gilmer, Marshall, Monogalia, Morgan, Pleasants, Wetzel Townships and Cities: Bluefield, Charleston, Clarksburg, Fairmont, Moundsville, Parkersburg, Wheeling WISCONSIN Counties: Adams, Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Buffalo, Burnett, Chippewa, Clark, Columbia, Crawford, Dane, Dodge, Door, Douglas, Dunn, Eau Claire, Florence, Fond du Lac, Forest, Grant, Green, Green Lake, Iowa, Iron, Jackson, Jefferson, Juneau, Kewaunee, La Crosse, Lafayette, Langlade, Lincoln, Manitowoc, Marathon, Marquette, Marinette, Monroe, Oconto, Oneida, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Pepin, Pierce, Polk, Portage, Price, Racine, Richland, Rock, Rusk, St. Croix, Sauk. Sawyer, Shawano, Sheboygan, Taylor, Trempealeau, Vernon, Vilas, Walworth, 10 Washburn, Washington, Waukesha, Waupaca, Waushara, Winnebago, Wood Townships and Cities: Appleton, Beloit, Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, Green Bay, Janesville, Kenosha, La Crosse, Madison, Manitowoc, Marinette, Menesha, Merrill, Milwaukee, Neenah, Oshkosh, Racine, Sheboygan, Stevens Point, Superior, Watertown, Waukesha, Wausau WYOMING Counties: Albany, Big Horn, Campbell, Carbon, Crook, Laramie, Lincoln, Natrona, Niobrara, Park, Platte, Sheridan, Uinta, Washakie Townships and Cities: Cheyenne ALASKA: none AMERICAN SAMOA: none GUAM: none HAWAII Counties: none Townships and Cities: Honolulu PANAMA CANAL ZONE: none PUERTO RICO: none VIRGIN ISLANDS: none 11 Availability and Access Microfilmed copies of census records are available at the National Archives Building in Washington, DC, at NARA’s 12 regional archives (see page 00 for addresses), through the National Archives Microfilm Rental Program, at many large libraries and genealogical societies that have purchased all or some of the microfilm, and through purchase. National Archives Microfilm Rental Program The National Archives Microfilm Rental Program rents microfilm of federal population schedules from 1790 through 1920 and Soundexes from 1880 through 1920. The program also rents microfilm of American Revolutionary War military service records and indexes, pension files, and bounty land warrant files. For a free brochure that describes the program, write or call National Archives Microfilm Rental Program, P.O. Box 30, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701-0030, 301-604-3699. Ordering Paper Copies by Mail The National Archives in Washington, DC, can provide paper copies of specifically identified pages of federal population census schedules through the mail. To receive this photocopying service, use NATF Form 82 (rev. 1990) and provide the following information: the name of the individual, the page number, census year, state, and county. For the 1880 through 1920 censuses, the enumeration district is also necessary. Frequently it is possible to use a census index to locate this information. Many private firms have produced statewide indexes to census records for specific years. These generally are available throughout the country in National Archives regional archives and in libraries that have genealogical collections. Buying the Microfilm Microfilm copies of census records are also available for purchase. The schedules are on 35mm microfilm; the Soundex is on 16mm. An entire county or enumeration district may be on one or more rolls of microfilm. All microfilm publications of National Archives records are for sale. You can buy either individual rolls or a complete set (all rolls). The prices as of August 1, 1990, for silver-halide positive film copies are $23 a roll for domestic orders and $30 for foreign orders. Shipping is included in these prices. These prices are subject to change without advance notice. Check and money orders should be made payable to the “National Archives Trust Fund.” VISA and MasterCard are also accepted. Government agencies only may purchase microfilm on an accounts-receivable basis, but they must submit purchase orders. U.S. Treasury regulations require a minimum amount of $25 for foreign checks. Make your check or money order payable to National Archives Trust Fund (NEPS). Do NOT send cash. To order microfilm, write to: National Archives Trust Fund (NEPS) P.O. Box 100793 Atlanta, GA 30384 When ordering microfilm, please state the microfilm publica¬ tion number; if you are not buying a complete set, also state the specific roll numbers. Check your order immediately upon receipt for errors, completeness, or damage in shipping. You must notify the Publications Services Staff of any problems within 60 days. Do not return microfilm orders without written permission from the Publication Services Staff. For more information on how to order, details of specific shipping charges, or for help identifying which rolls of a publication you may wish to purchase, please contact the Publications Services Staff (NEPS), National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC 20408 (telephone 202-501- 5240/fax 202-501-5239). Include in your inquiry the census year, the state, and the county or enumeration district. Copies of National Archives microfilm publications may also be purchased from Scholarly Resources, Inc., 104 Greenhill Avenue, Wilmington, DE 19805 (telephone 302-654-7713/fax 302-654- 3871). Copies available for sale from other sources have not been authorized or duplicated by the National Archives and may be one or more generations removed from the master materials— adversely affecting the quality and legibility of each image. The following is a list of the people without whose help the 1920 census microfilm and catalog could not have been produced. We express our thanks and acknowledge our debt. Bureau of the Census Frederick G. Bohme, Norma Boswell, Glen M. Everhart, Robert Mullani, and David M. Pemberton. National Archives and Records Administration Office of the National Archives: Dorinda Jean Cartwright, Bill Creech, Kellee Green, Sharon K. Fawcett, Richard R. Higgins, Tab Lewis, MaryBeth Linne, Constance Potter, and Bobbye C. West. Publications Division: Anne DeLong, Sandra E. Glasser, Henry J. Gwiazda, Christopher R. Johnson, John F. Lynch, Mary C. Ryan, Richard B. Smith, Sandra M. Tilley, and Serene F. Werblood. Special Media Preservation Branch: Delia Alvarez, Benigno Baguio, Janko Bolfek, Vivela Bond, Rita Braxton, Larry Campbell, Cecilia Epstein, Joseph Fernandez, Marvin Glover, Allan Hunt, Marjorie Jones, Octavio Lopez-Meza, Donald Palmer, Santo Plater, Steven Puglia, Althea Rice, Andrea Robinson, George Rowe, Jack Saunders, Anthony Scurlock, Clarence Simmons, Ida Smith, Stacia Stevens, Enos Winder, Amy Young, and Yehoshua Yungshten. Volunteers: Patricia Alfredson, James L. Auchincloss, James E. Bates, Richard C. Borden, Doris B. Boyd, William S. Carley, John Cornett, Patricia Eames, Nancy Fehlauer, Donna R. Fleming, Mary K. Harrington, Marguerite T. Isman, Mary M. Nolan, Donya E. Platoff, William Plunkett, Rita H. Schultze, Sylvia Scott, Susan Shepard-Siple, Pamela Spencer, and Joan Taglienti. 12 Regional Archives System National Archives-New England Region 380 Trapelo Road Waltham, MA 02154 617-647-8100 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont National Archives-Northeast Region Bldg. 22, Military Ocean Terminal Bayonne, NJ 07002-5388 201-823-7545 New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands National Archives-Mid Atlantic Region 9th and Market Streets, Room 1350 Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-597-3000 Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia National Archives-Southeast Region 1557 St. Joseph Avenue East Point, GA 30344 404-763-7477 Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee National Archives-Great Lakes Region 7358 South Pulaski Road Chicago, IL 60629 312-581-7816 Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin National Archives-Central Plains Region 2312 East Bannister Road Kansas City, MO 64131 816- 926-6272 Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska National Archives-Southwest Region 501 West Felix Street P.O. Box 6216 Fort Worth, TX 76115 817- 334-5525 Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas National Archives-Rocky Mountain Region Bldg. 48, Denver Federal Center P.O. Box 25307 Denver, CO 80225 303-236-0817 Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming National Archives-Pacific Southwest Region 24000 Avila Road P.O. Box 6719 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-6719 714-643-4241 Arizona; southern California counties of Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura; and Clark County, Nevada National Archives-Pacific Sierra Region 1000 Commodore Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 415-876-9009 Northern California, Hawaii, Nevada (except Clark County), and the Pacific Ocean area National Archives-Pacific Northwest Region 6125 Sand Point Way, NE Seattle, WA 98115 206-526-6507 Idaho, Oregon, and Washington National Archives-Alaska Region 654 West Third Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 907-271-2441 Alaska Director National Archives-Regional Archives System (NNA) 7th and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20408 13 1920 SOUNDEX M1548-M1605 8,585 rolls The letter at the beginning of the Soundex codes is the first letter of the surname of the individual; the number is a phonetic code for the surname, followed by the first name. A guide to the use of the Soundex system is found in the introduction. In some cases, Soundex codes are combined into “mixed codes." The interfiled codes are thereunder arranged alphabetically by first name. For example, rolls 89 and 90, Alabama, include Soundex codes M-210, M-211, and M-212. This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. 15 16 ALABAMA-ARKANSAS ALABAMA M1548 1. A-100 Amia—A-260 Zim 2. A-261 A.A — A-416 Burton 3. A-416 C.A.—A-450 Rasten 4. A-450 Robert—A-536 Vonnie 5. A-536 W.A.—B-163 George W. 6. B-163 Harriet—B-236 Miles 7. B-236 Minnie G.—B-260 Joe W. 8. B-260 John—B-326 Willie 9. B-330 Amanda—B-400 Jamie 10. B-400 Jane—B-420 Zellma L. 11. B-421 (N.R.)—B-452 Luvenie 12. B-452 M.B.—B-520 Myrtle 13. B-520 N.G.—B-560 Rubie 14 B-560 Saleman—B-620 Jevie 15. B-620 John T.—B-624 Quincey 16. B-624 R.F.—B-632 Ezekiel 17. B-632 F A.—B-642 Zachanial 18. B-645 Alto A.—B-650 Kora 19. B-650 (Doctor) L.—B-652 Ivin 20. B-652 J.A.—B-654 Isaac 21. B-654 J.E.—C-150 Louis 22. C-150 M.D.—C-200 Janis 23. C-200 Josephine—C-265 Isom 24. C-265 J.C.—C-400 Melvin 25. C-400 Machiel W.—C-435 Julius 26. C-435 Kabe—C-455 Izea 27. C-455 J.A.—C-500 Cunie A. 28. C-500 Daniel—C-520 Eulis 29. C-520 F.M.—C-560 Lynn L. 30. C-560 M Kennedy—C-616 Myrtle 31. C-616 Nancy—C-630 Zally 32. C-632 Abe—C-640 Juttie 33. C-640 Kate—D-000 Isam 34. D-000 J.B —D-120 Joseiph C. 35. D-120 Joseph—D-151 Willie 36. D-152 A.D.—D-250 Keener 37. D-250 L.C.—D-400 Kings 38. D-400 L.—D-520 Kid 39. D-520 L.C.—D-543 Zara 40. D-550 A.E.—D-655 Zint 41. D-656 A.P.-E-260 Willie Mae 42. E-263 Adlair—E-420 Sylvia 43. E-420 T.G.—E-652 Windom 44. F-000 A.S.—F-416 Woodfin 45. F-420 (N.R.)—F-460 Bynum L. 46. F-460 C.C.—F-600 Gus S. 47. F-600 H.L.—F-640 Ezra 48. F-640 F.E.—G-000 Prince A. 49. G-000 R.A.—G-320 Porter 50. G-320 R.B.-G-416 Russell P. 51. G-416 S.G.-G-456 Katie 52. G-456 L.R.—G-600 Jimmies 53. G-600 Joe—G-620 Keyln 54. G-620 Ladaru—G-635 Susyana 55. G-635 T.J.—G-651 Willie C. 56. G-652 A.—H-140 Willie 57. H-145 Abb G.—H-200 Ryley C. 58. H-200 S.A.—H-250 Johnnie D. 59. H-250 Joseph—H-320 Frederick H. 60. H-320 George—H-400 Allan 61. H-400 Allen—H-400 Leona E. 62. H-400 Leonard—H-423 Winne 63. H-425 (infant)—H-456 Wyatt W. 64. H-460 A.—H-525 Jim W. 65. H-525 Joe—H-536 Owen 66. H-536 P.C.—H-610 Zick 67. H-613 Albert—H-620 Marvin G. 68. H-620 Mary—H-630 Dunkin G. 69. H-630 E.C.—H-635 Myrtle 70. H-635 N.J.—1-520 Withron 71. 1-524 Alford O.-J-250 Ester 72. J-250 Ethel—J-320 Willie 73. J-350 Addie—J-520 Guy S. 74. J-520 H—J-520 Paul S. 75. J-520 Pauline—J-525 Annie 76. J-525 Ann—J-525 Jon Whelor 77. J-525 Joel—J-525 Wilkins 78. J-525 Will—K-200 Zyndie 79. K-250 A.—K-450 Wyley F. 80. K-452 Aarion J.—K-520 Zula 81. K-521 Edwin P.—K-621 Willie F. 82. K-624 A.J.—L-100 Ivey 83. L-100 J. Edward—L-200 Guy L. 84. L-200 H.C.—L-240 Isom 85. L-240 J.A —L-342 Willie 86. L-343 A.J.—L-520 Dudly 87. L-520 E.A.—L-550 Vivian 88. L-550 W. Bert—M-142 Joseph E. 89. M-142 Lemmy—M-212 Isaac 90 M-210 J.B.—M-235 Syrous E. 91. M-235 T.B.—M-244 Irrie Lee 92. M-244 J. William—M-250 Josep 93 M-200 Joseph—M-254 Myrtel 94 M-254 N.N.—M-265 Junius 95. M-265 Kate—M-324 Cutt 96. M-324 D.D.—M-420 Fritz 97. M-420 G.J.—M-460 Ezekial 98. M-460 F. Charles—M-521 Ethel 99. M-522 Flora—M-600 Edwin L. 100. M-600 Effie-M-610 Ivry L. 101. M-610 J.A.—M-624 Kris 102. M-624 L.H.—M-635 Joel S. 103. M-635 John—N-200 Joel C. 104. N-200 John-N-425 Dude 105. N-425 E.—0-162 Woodie 106. 0-163 (N.R.)—0-520 Azzie 107. 0-520 B.F.—P-200 Andy W. 108. P-200 Aner—P-300 Zeb 109. P-320 A.B.—P-362 Ruth R. 110. P-362 S.—P-412 Myrtie Bell 111. P-412 N.D.—P-516 Rusars 112. P-520 S. Matilda—P-620 James W. 113. P-620 Jane—P-625 Zula M. 114 P-626 (N.R.)—P-636 Cyral 115. P-636 D.H.—R OOO Ruth B. 116. R-000 S.A.—R-152 Tyra 117. R-152 U.J.—R-163 Vril F. 118. R-163 W.A.-R-216 Zallie 119. R-223 A.A.—R-262 Lovlan S. 120. R-263 (N.R.)—R-320 Virginia 121. R-320 W.G.-R-452 Isaic 122. R-450 J.P.-R-543 Virginia 123. R-543 W.J.—S-152 Rusie 124. S-152 S.S.—S-236 Willie M. 125. S-236 Elizabeth—S-314 Young 126. S-315 A —S-335 Isac W. 127. S-335 J.-S-352 Zollie 128. S-353 (N.R.)—S-363 Myrtle R. 129. S-363 N.J.-S-415 Zilla 130. S-416 (Sister) M. Mercedes—S-500 Cresi 131. S-500 D O.—S-521 Nellie 132. S-524 Jr.—S-530 Fuller 133. S-530 G.A.—S-530 Marvin L. 134. S-530 Mary—S-533 Wyatt T. 135. S-534 A. Luther—S-550 Oscar C. 136. S-550 Pat—S-620 Julius B 137. S-620 Kate—T-250 Israel 138. T-256 J.K.—T-416 Gussie 139. T-416 H R.—T-460 Sanford W. 140. T-460 Sara—T-520 Amy 141. T-520 Analiza—T-520 Tunyasy W. 142. T-520 Urnest—T-615 Press D. 143. T-616 R.C.—T-655 Fruma 144. T-655 Gortrell—V-230 Zylphia 145. V-250 A.C.-W-100 Jewel 146. W-100 Jilz C.—W-252 Buster 147. W-252 C.B.—W-300 Hugh W. 148. W-300 Huston—W-320 Dutch 149. W-320 E. (Mrs.)—W-330 Grover O. 150. W-330 H.H.—W-400 Fred 151. W-400 G.W.-W-420 Toney 152. W-420 Ula—W-425 Tinie M. 153. W-425 Tabe—W-435 Ezra 0. 154. W-435 Fannie—W-452 Ebon 155. W-452 Ed—W-452 Loyd 156. W-452 Luanna—W-460 Luther 157. W-460 M.D.—W-623 Guy 158. W-623 H.A.-W-656 Burey J. 159. W-654 B.P. (Sr.)—Institutions ARIZONA M1549 1. A-000 (N.R.)—A-524 Willie S. 2. A-525 Et Sissy—B-265 Vicente 3. B-300 (N.R.)—B-616 Willie 4. B-620 (N R )—C-120 Justo 5. C-120 Lebrabo—C-456 William F. 6. C-460 (N.R.)—C-636 Julio 7. C-636 L.A.—D-435 Willis D. 8. D-450 (N.R.)—E-416 William (Jr.) 9. E-420 (N.R.)—F-625 Yrido 10. F-626 Al—G-524 Cuck V. 11. G-524 Daniel—H-000 Yu 12. H-100 (N.R.)—H-420 William A. 13. H-423 (N.R.)—H-655 Rulief 14. H-655 Salvador—J-654 Zerakis 15. K-000 (N.R.)—L-120 Luz 16. L-120 Macileo—L-560 William 17. L-563 (N.R.)—M-264 Walter E. 18. M-265 Albert—M-535 William M. 19. M-536 Adelno—M-642 Luz Pena 20. M-642 Maice—0-242 William T. 21. 0-250 (N.R.)—P-426 Willie 22. P-440 (N.R.)—R-142 Fransisco 23. R-142 Gabriel—R-362 Isabelle 24. R-362 J. Jose—S-235 William H. 25. S-236 A T —S-435 Willie 26. S-436 Albert T.—S-620 William R. 27. S-626 (N.R.)—T-620 Isidoro 28. T-620 James H.—V-632 Vemicia 29. V-646 Albert P —W-435 William L 30. W-436 Adolph—Z-610 Zobel ARKANSAS Ml550 1. A-000 Charles—A-325 Zephisenise 2. A-326 Beatrice—A-450 Buster 3. A-450 C.B.—A-536 Overton 4. A-536 P.A.—B-164 Walter 5. B-200 (N.R.)—B-250 Izara 6. B-250 J.B.—B-300 Synthy 7. B-300 T.A.—B-400 Hysy 8. B-400 Ida—B-424 Katie 9. B-424 L.J.—B-463 Joe B. 10. B-463 John—B-532 Zeak 11. B-533 Frank—B-620 Edwin S. 12. B-620 Effie—B-624 Luvenis 13. B-624 M.L.—B-634 Arthur G. 14. B-634 B.C.—B-650 Dutley 15. B-650 (Mrs.) E.—B-650 Wilda A. 16. B-650 Wiley—B-653 John 17. B-653 John A —C-140 Kate 18. C-140 Lee—C-200 Jerry C. 19. C-200 Jese—C-300 Kenneth C. 20. C-300 L.T.—C-415 Winnie 21. C-416 A.C.-C-452 Susie 22. C-452 T.A.—C-500 Augusta H. 23. C-500 B.W.—C-534 Irving 24. C-534 J.A.—C-613 Frank W. 25. C-613 George—C-625 Darce G. 26. C-625 E.H.— C-640 Queen 27. C-640 R.C.—D-120 Cyrus 28. D-120 D.D.—D-125 Zala D. 29. D-126 Ada—D-250 Ivy 30. D-250 J.A.—D-400 Princess 31. D-400 R.—D-525 Ivory S. 32. D-525 J.C.—D-620 Zickle 33. D-622 (N.R.) (Mrs.)—E-235 William T. 34. E-236 (N.R.)—E-420 Preston J. 35. E-420 R.G.—F-200 Katie K. 36. F-200 L.C.—F-426 Willie M. 37. F-430 A.R.—F-525 William 38. F-526 Aimer—F-630 Fulton C. 39. F-630 G.P.A.—F-656 Zady N. 40. F-660 Able—G-320 Kelly 41. G-320 L.C.-G-420 Wus C. 42. G-421 A.G.—G-536 Luther 43. G-536 Madelee—G-620 Fredric S. 44. G-620 G.E.—G-645 Zaretha 45. G-650 A.—G-653 Zuline 46. G-654 (N.R.)—H-163 Dessa 47. H-163 J.C.—H-220 Syrena 48. H-220 T.J.—H-260 Winona 49. H-262 Alfred G.—H-350 Ruth E. 50. H-350 S.D. (Sr.)—H-400 Myrtle L. 51. H-400 N.-H-450 Willie 52. H-451 Alice—H-520 Cinda 53. H-520 Clara—H-536 Duffy 54. H-536 E.A.—H-560 Rutha V. This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. ARKANSAS-CALIFORNIA 17 55. H-560 S.L.—H-620 Myrtle 56. H-620 N.—H-630 Synthia 57. H-630 L. Anda—H-655 Gustave 58. H-655 H.B.—J-250 Burton 59. J-250 C.-J-520 Ozzie 60. J-520 B.—J-520 Len 61. J-520 Lena—J-525 Allas 62. J-525 Allen—J-525 Jusie Randall 63. J-525 K.J.—J-562 Willie E. 64. J-566 Bernice—K-400 King N. 65. K-400 L.A.—K-520 Prince 66. K-520 R.—K-652 William L. 67. K-653 A.J.-L-164 William J. 68. L-200 (N.R.)—L-236 Otto N. 69. L-236 P.T.—L-364 Willie L. 70. L-365 (N.R.)—L-520 Zicy 71. L-521 Albert—L-650 Wilde 72. L-652 (N.R.)—M-200 Leonard T. 73. M-200 Leroy—M-234 Zelma 74. M-235 (N.R.)—M-243 Morris E. 75. M-243 Nathaniel—M-251 Zula 76. M-252 (N.R.)—M-261 Gillis 77. M-262 (N.R.)—M-324 Henretter 78. M-324 Henry—M-430 William F. 79. M-431 Ader—M-460 Zanaphart Z. 80. M-462 Dave—M-600 Alaphal L. 81. M-600 Albert—M-600 Zula 82. M-610 A.—M-624 Zack 83. M-625 (N.R.) (Mrs.)—M-635 Nye I. 84. M-635 O.A. (Mrs.)—N-242 Ziphey A. 85. N-246 Click A.—N-453 Willis 86. N-460 (N.R.)—0-350 Newt 87. 0-350 Oilie R.—P-160 Zora 88. P-165 Algie—P-350 Ivey E. 89. P-350 J.B.—P-412 Burrel 90. P-412 C.B.—P-500 Virnon 91. P-500 W.E.—P-620 John P. 92. P-620 James—P-626 King W. 93. P-626 L.E.—Q-500 Zackie 94. Q-520 Ada—R-152 Punch 95. R-152 R.B.—R-200 Cy W. 96. R-200 D.—R-240 Ivey R. 97. R-240 J.A.—R-263 Pringle 98. R-263 R.—R-341 Irwin 99. R-341 Jack A.—R-520 Burl 100. R-521 C.H.—S-100 Kinpes 101. S-100 L.A.—S-163 Ivery 102. S-163 J. (Jr.)—S-300 Lige 103. S-300 Lillian—S-322 Willis 104. S-323 A.J.—S-352 Zons 105. S-353 A.J.—S-363 Robertson R. 106. S-363 Robert—S-430 Willie B. 107. S-432 (Mrs.)—S-516 Lumas E. 108. S-516 M.—S-530 Edd J. 109. S-530 Eddie—S-530 Marvis 110. S-550 Mary—S-536 Drew S. 111. S-536 E.-S-563 Isaac 112. S-563 J.D.—T-135 William T. 113. T-140 Albert—T-413 William B. 114. T-416 Abreham—T-460 Wallie 115. T-460 Walter—T-520 Ezekiel 116. T-520 F.J.-T-600 Pum R. 117. T-600 R.A.—T-650 Author 118. T-656 B.K.-V-500 Isaac 119. V-500 J.H. (Mrs.)—W-200 Zena 120. W-213 Albert—W-300 Aw W. 121. W-300 B.B.—W-314 Young 122. W-315 Adam—W-340 Iwa B. 123. W-340 J.A.—W-416 Knight 124. W-416 Ladye—W-425 Charly 125. W-425 Chatman—W-426 Jake 126. W-426 James—W-452 Byron 127. W-452 C.—W-452 Lynn E. 128. W-452 M.—W-516 Zella M. 129. W-520 A.A.—W-630 Ivy W. 130. W-630 J.—Y-500 William T. 131. Y-520 (N.R.)—Institutions CALIFORNIA M1551 1. A-000 Yet—A-165 Myrtle 2. A-165 Nagzla—A-246 Monmanu 3. A-246 Nathan—A-350 Douranana 4. A-350 Earl J.—A-414 William 5. A-415 A. David—A-426 Isaac B. 6. A-426 J.C.—A-451 William 7. A-452 (Mrs.)—A-532 Yeitaro 8. A-533 A —A-536 Grace R. 9. A-536 Grant—A-536 William 10. A-536 William A.—A-632 Zeba H. 11. A-633 Adelaide—A-655 Luke 12. A-655 Nicola—B-200 Cyrus 13. B-200 I. Walker—B-210 Charle 14. B-210 Charles—B-235 Jim 15. B-236 A.—B-250 Zinah L. 16. B-251 Adelbert E.—B-260 Justin 17. B-260 Karl—B-300 Willard N. 18. B-300 William—B-346 Prudencio 19. B-346 R.J.—B-400 Edwin W. 20. B-400 Effie Sue—B-416 William J. 21. B-420 (N.R.)—B-424 Bryon 22. B-424 C.C.—B-440 William 23. B-442 A.E.—B-460 Cyril 24. B-460 Daisy—B-516 Puto 25. B-516 Raymond—B-530 Aylesworth P. 26. B-530 B.—B-540 Otto (Jr.) 27. B-540 Porthenia—B-600 Gwendoline 28. B-600 H.—B-616 Zulette 29. B-620 (N.R.)—B-620 John Y. 30. B-620 Johnathan—B-622 Vivian 31. B-622 W.S.—B-625 Hyman 32. B-625 M.—B-630 Johanna 33. B-630 John—B-634 Cyrus S. 34. B-634 D. Erma—B-636 August H. 35. B-636 Bartolini—B-650 Conurad 36. B-650 Cora—B-650 Joseph 37. B-650 J.A.—B-650 Zula L. 38. B-651 A.F.—B-652 Ruth P. 39. B-652 (Mrs.) S.—B-654 Putro 40. B-654 R.—B-662 Willard 41. B-663 Adrian A.—C-140 Guy C. 42. C-140 H.—C-160 Iva 43. C-160 J.—C-200 Harrison O. 44. C-200 Harry—C-230 Banerd 45. C-230 C.F.—C-240 lumenso 46. C-240 J.C.—C-300 Dwight 47. C-300 E.—C-363 Winfred A. 48. C-364 Adeline—C-415 Isabel Evalin 49. C-415 J.-C-430 Kenneth 50. C-430 L.M. (Mrs.)—C-452 Axel R. 51. C-452 B.E.—C-460 Ivon M. 52. C-460 (Mrs.) J.—C-462 Von Howard 53. C-462 W.A.—C-500 Sylvian 54. C-500 L.—C-514 Marcus 55. C-514 M.—C-523 Lyman H. 56. C-523 F.M.—C-540 Pieter 57. C-540 R.A.—C-563 I. Fern 58. C-563 J.H.—C-613 Byron 59. C-613 C.D.—C-620 Fransisco 60. C-620 Frank—C-623 James W. 61. C-623 Jane—C-630 Juan 62. C-630 Kate—C-636 Gweneth 63. C-636 H.J.—C-642 Dunne 64. C-642 E.—C-651 William 65. C-652 (Mrs.)—D-000 Ezra A. 66. D-000 Fannie—D-120 Furber 67. D-120 G.—D-131 Vaso 68. D-132 (Mrs.)—D-162 William S. 69. D-163 (N.R.)—D-234 William J. 70. D-235 Able—D-252 Prosper 71. D-252 Ralph—D-320 Gwenn 72. D-320 H.B.—D-400 John 73. D-400 John—D-434 Wirt 74. D-435 N.A.—D-500 Emery A. 75. D-500 Emil—D-520 C.D. 76. D-520 C.E.—D-532 William F. 77. D-533 Antonio—D-552 Joe Y. 78. D-552 John—D-615 Lulu M. 79. D-615 Mack—D-636 William P. 80. D-640 A.B.—E-152 Evert 81. E-152 F.—E-231 Fredrick 82. E-231 Gease L.—E-263 Isabella 83. E-263 Elmer—E-363 Zoe A. 84. E-364 Adolpho—E-436 Kathleen S. 85. E-436 Laura—E-522 Yesis 86. E-535 Abbie W.—E-651 William J. 87. E-652 (N.R.)—F-200 Ryonsuke 88. F-200 S.—F-253 Ruikijs 89. F-253 S.—F-326 Fritz 90. F-326 G.—F-425 Everett F. 91. F-425 Felix—F-450 Yalanda 92. F-451 A.—F-463 Gwendolyn 93. F-463 Hal B.—F-535 iva 94. F-535 J.—F-620 Avis 95. F-620 Barbara—F-625 Enter 96. F-625 F.—F-633 William J. 97. F-637 Abraham—F-652 Avis 98. F-652 B.—F-655 Bruce 99. F-655 C —G-000 Yan Foo 100. G-100 (N.R.)—G-200 Art 101. G-200 Arthur—G-256 William S. 102. G-260 (N.R.)—G-350 Ivin G. 103. G-350 J.—G-414 William J. 104. G-415 A.—G-426 Byron M 105. G-426 Caroline—G-450 Justito J.C. 106. G-450 K.—G-514 William L. 107. G-515 Abbonbo—G-525 William L. 108. G-526 A M —G-600 Kuzo 109. G-600 L.—G-615 Burwell O. 110. G-615 C.V.-G-620 Jouinta 111. G-620 Joe—G-625 Guy G. 112. G-625 H.H.-G-635 Hyman 113. G-635 I.L.—G-650 Guy E. 114. G-650 H.A.-G-652 Zosa E. 115. G-653 (N.R.)—G-663 Kathyn 116. G-663 L.E.-H-140 Ivan 117. H-140 Jack—H-163 Byron H. 118. H-163 C.A.—H-200 Johathen 119. H-200 John—H-220 Isunesuke 120. H-220 J.-H-240 Roth N. 121. H-240 Sadie—H-252 Lydia 122. H-252 M.—H-300 Henrietta 123. H-300 Henry—H-325 Gwendaline 124. H-325 H.A.—H-400 Aylmer 125. H-400 B.L—H-400 Lilia L. 126. H-400 Lillians—H-420 Isadore 127. H-420 J.H —H-436 Isabelle H. 128. H-436 J.-H-456 Yinanni 129. H-460 Adaline—H-516 Guy E. 130. H-516 H.—H-524 Iva M. 131. H-524 J.—H-530 Byrd A. 132. H-530 C.-H-536 Johanna 133. H-536 John—H-550 Israel 134. H-550 Edward—H-600 Morris 135. H-600 N.—H-620 Gordan H. 136. H-620 Joseph—H-626 Xavier 137. H-630 (N.R.)—H-632 Burt E. 138. H-632 C.—H-644 Katherine 139. H-645 (N.R.)—H-655 Lydia 140. H-655 M —1-320 Yoshinou 141. 1-325 Akiko—J-000 Kwong Shue 142. J-000 L.—J-212 Zetta C. 143. J-213 Albert—J-365 Vick 144. J-400 (N.R.)—J-520 George 145. J-520 George A.—J-520 Williams 146. J-520 William A.—J-525 Christena 147. J-525 Christian—J-525 John 148. J-525 John A —J-525 Urick C. 149. J-525 V.C.-J-635 Zulene 150. J-640 Baby—K-164 William R. 151. K-200 (N.R.)—K-250 Yusaki 152. K-251 Charles H.—K-356 Goshikichi 153. K-360 (N.R.)—K-415 Wimefred 154. K-416 A N.—K-452 Witz Edna 155. K-453 Adelyn—K-500 Ryoskuki 156. K-500 S.—K-520 Jay 157. K-520 Jean—K-530 Byron W. 158. K-530 C.-K-550 Evert A. 159. K-550 F.—K-620 Jorger N. 160. K-620 Joseph—K-650 Avice C. 161. K-650 Barreth John—L-000 Gwenyth 162. L-000 H.B.—L-100 Henry Richard 163. L-100 Herbert—L-126 Willy 164. L-130 A.C.-L-162 Eugene 165. L-162 Fay—L-200 Herbinde 166. L-200 Herman—L-220 Frederick A. 167. L-220 G.—L-250 Cyrus W. 168. L-250 D.—L-300 Burr 169. L-300 C.-L-350 Ivy 170. L-350 J.-L-500 Cyrus E. 171. L-500 D.A.-L-516 Dwight 172. L-516 E—L-520 Marvin J. 173. L-520 Mary—L-530 Chrystine M. 174. L-530 C.E.-L-536 Ysidros 175. L-540 Addi M.—L-600 John T. 176. L-600 John A.—L-651 Paul W. 177. L-652 (N.R.)—M-153 Tokusabous 178. M-160 (N.R.)—M-200 Lynn S. 179. M-200 M—M-216 Burt W. 180. M-216 C.-M-230 John 181. M-230 John—M-235 Myrtle 182. M-235 Nancy—M-240 Zui 18 CALIFORNIA-CONNECTICUT 183. M-241 (N.R.)—M-245 Byron H. 184. M-245 C.—M-250 Edson 185. M-250 Edward—M-252 Antonia V. 186. M-252 Anton—M-254 Ezra N. 187. M-254 F.J.-M-260 Audres 188. M-260 Andrew—M-263 Dwight G. 189. M-263 E.—M-300 Guy E. 190. M-300 H.—M-323 Zitzo 191. M-324 U.N.—M-340 Everett 192. M-340 Florence—M-400 Kubcird 193. M-400 L.—M-426 Lulu 194. M-426 M.—M-453 Iven 195. M-453 James J.—M-460 Hyman L. 196. M-460 I.D.—M-463 Willitts J. 197. M-464 Ceasar—M-520 Johanna 198. M-520 John—M-530 Zipporih H. 199. M-536 A.—M-542 William R. 200. M-543 Addie—M-600 Charles J. 201. M-600 Chas. W.—M-600 Kyran 202. M-600 L.-M-610 lva G. 203. M-610 J.—M-620 Franklin L. 204. M-620 Fred—M-620 Wanite 205. M-620 Warren—M-625 Claud 206. M-625 Claride—M-630 Suyekichi 207. M-630 T.—M-635 Hutton 208. M-635 I —M-635 Zola S. 209. M-636 Abraham B.—M-650 Paulino 210. M-650 Pearl—N-143 Zelma 211. N-145 Anna M.—N-233 Zylphra M. 212. N-235 (N.R.)—N-253 Kyutan 213. N-253 L.M.—N-400 Fritz Charles 214. N-400 G.—N-425 Marvin 215. N-425 Mary—N-550 Brig S. 216. N-550 C.E.-N-635 Zoe 217. N-636 (Doctor)—0-200 Lydia A. 218. 0-200 M—0-253 Yashiyi 219. 0-254 (N.R.)—0-400 Yell Hong 220. 0-410 A.G.—0-451 William 221. 0-452 Adelia A —0-600 Isabel 222. 0-600 J.J.—P-100 Zoe 223. P-116 Abrenu—P-200 Lyman E. 224. P-200 M (Jr.)—P-250 Isabel 225. P-250 Jack D.—P-330 Guy R. 226. P-330 Hadie M.—P-362 Carlie G. 227. P-362 Carlos—P-362 Pete R. 228. P-362 P.—P-410 Wm. Stewart 229. P-411 Alex—P-425 Ivy 230. P-425 J —P-456 lva F. 231. P-456 J.C.—P-522 Wm. G. 232. P-523 A.—P-600 Frield E. 233. P-600 G.—P-620 Francisso 234. P-620 Frank—P-622 William S. 235. P-623 (Mrs.)—P-625 Zuemma 236. P-626 (N.R.)—P-632 Moses 237. P-632 N.—P-653 Dorranae H. 238. P-653 E.W.—Q-620 Yoso 239. Q-625 Antone S.—R-120 Prima 240. R-120 Rafleal—R-152 Kimon S. 241. R-152 L.W.-R-163 Jose A. 242. R-163 Joseph—R-200 Elizibeth 243. R-200 Ella—R-200 Lasme 244. R-200 Louis—R-216 Yetta 245. R-220 (N.R.)—R-240 Vavian 246. R-240 W —R-256 Yavadac 247. R-260 (N.R.)—R-263 Knight O. 248. R-263 L.—R-300 Myrtle E. 249. R-300 N.H.—R-326 Phillis 250. R-326 Rashel—R-362 Bolvian 251. R-362 C.-R-420 Ison 252. R-420 J.—R-500 Vivian M. 253. R-500 W—R-526 Guy 254. R-526 H. William—R-552 Frederick 255. R-552 Goerge—S-000 Burwell 256. S-000 C.—S-120 Zella 257. S-121 Albert B.—S-150 Ivan V. 258. S-150 Jock—S-160 Louis R. 259. S-160 Louis—S-165 lva J. 260 S-165 J.M.-S-223 Yasugobo 261. S-225 A —S-253 Sylvan H. 262. S-253 T.—S-300 Jutans 263. S-300 K.—S-315 Guy N. 264. S-315 H.—S-321 William R. 265. S-322 (N.R.)—S-340 Dudly 266. S-340 E.A.—S-350 John W. 267. S-350 Joseph—S-354 Zep 268. S-355 (N.R.)—S-362 Lynn R. 269. S-362 (Sr.) M Crucentia—S-363 Zeal W. 270. S-364 (N.R.)—S-400 Ivan 271. S-400 J.A —S-412 Pro 272. S-412 Raffaello—S-420 Herald 273. S-420 Herbert—S-432 Virgil 274. S-432 W —S-456 William H. 275. S-460 (N.R.)—S-500 Vyrl 276. S-500 N.C.—S-520 Gustave E. 277. S-520 H.—S-525 Cynthia I. 278. S-525 D P.—S-530 Charley W. 279. S-530 Charlie—S-530 Hazel Alfad 280. S-530 Hazel—S-530 Mary W. 281. S-530 Masagiro—S-531 Byron 282. S-531 C.—S-536 Elizebeth 283. S-536 Ella—S-545 Iguacy 284. S-545 J.—S-560 Lunia M 285. S-560 M. Alice—S-610 Price 286. S-610 R.E.—S-630 Dudley A. 287. S-630 E. Flora—S-650 Susie 288. S-650 T.-T-135 lone 289. T-135 J.M.—T-231 Theo 290. T-232 Andrew—T-300 Virginia 291. T-300 W. S. George—T-435 Winifred 292. T-436 Adam—T-460 Willard A. 293. T-460 William—T-512 Lyone 294. T-512 M.—T-520 Llewelyn I. 295. T-520 Lloyd B.—T-550 Fredrick S. 296. T-550 G.-T-614 Y. 297. T-615 (N.R.)—T-630 Lulu P. 298. T-630 M.-T-653 Jone 299. T-654 A.J.—U-462 Williard 300. U-465 Chas—V-240 Lydie E. 301. V-240 M.-V-425 Luigi 302. V-425 M.—V-522 Dorothy 303. V-522 Edna F.—V-564 William 304. V-565 A.J.—W-100 Ezra B. 305. W-100 Fannie—W-200 Lynette 306. W-200 M.—W-236 Tiane 307. W-236 V. Verner—W-300 Andesley C. 308. W-300 Andrew—W-300 Marian S. 309. W-300 Marie—W-323 Zack 310. W-324 (Mr.)—W-350 Guy O. 311. W-350 H.A.—W-363 Lydia S. 312. W-363 M.-W-416 MyrtaJ. 313. W-416 Nancy A.—W-420 Norton C. 314. W-420 Oakley—W-425 Franklin P. 315. W-425 Fred—W-426 Byron 316. W-426 C. (Mrs.)—W-436 Burla M. 317. W-436 C.H.—W-452 Ezra T. 318. W-452 F.—W-452 Willard M. 319. W-452 William—W-520 Hip Sue 320. W-520 Hiram C.—W-536 Julius P. 321. W-536 Karen—W-623 Krayter 322. W-623 L.—W-640 Williametta 323. W-645 Alaka—Y-230 Guink 324. Y-230 H.—Y-520 Justice 325. Y-520 K.—Y-620 Zola W. 326. Y-624 (N.R.)—Z-520 Zacarias 327. Z-523 Adeline—Institutions COLORADO Ml552 1. A-000 Frank—A-423 Winnie 2. A-425 Mr. (N.R.)—A-536 Roberta 3. A-536 Rodney—B-200 Ruth M. 4. B-200 J.E.—B-300 Keston 5. B-300 L.J.—B-424 Zella 6. B-425 (N.R.) Mr.—B-530 E. 7. B-530 F.E.—B-620 Priscilla 8. B-620 R.—B-634 Yary 9. B-635 (N.R.)—B-652 Keith A. 10. B-652 L.-C-156 Victor 11. C-160 (N.R.) Mr — C-320 Lilya 12. C-320 Maggie E.—C-452 Isaac C. 13. C-452 J.A —C-516 Hurbert 14. C-516 J.E.—C-616 Iverson A. 15. C-616 J.A.—C-640 Cyrus 16. C-640 D —D-120 Joce 17. D-120 John—D-260 Ivan 18. D-260 J.C.—D-500 Virginia 19. D-500 W.C.-D-626 Willims 20. D-630 Abia—E-263 Isabel 21. E-263 Joceb—E-626 Joseph 22. E-630 A L T — F-430 Lucy M 23. F-430 Mabel—F-623 Isador 24. F-623 J.H.—G-125 Ruth A. 25. G-125 Sam—G-420 Fredric 26. G-420 G.J.—G-600 Burt J. 27. G-600 C M —G-632 Ira L. 28. G-632 Jacob—H-120 Luther M. 29. H-120 M.A.—H-235 Zina 30. H-236 A.J.—H-350 Yoland 31. H-353 Alfred W.-H-452 Zeta 32. H-453 A. Clare—H-536 Ivan W. 33. H-536 J.A.—H-625 Katie 34. H-625 Launt M.—1-251 William 35. 1-263 Alva—J-520 Joe A. 36. J-520 John—J-525 Rolliea 37. J-525 Rosa—K-350 N.A. 38. K-352 Agnes—K-520 B. 39. K-520 H.—K-632 William 40. K-635 Adolph A.—L-165 Williams 41. L-200 Annata—L-316 Williams S. 42. L-320 (N.R.)—L-524 William L. 43. L-525 A. Ray—M-143 William P 44. M-150 Albert—M-235 Myrle 45. M-235 N.L.—M-251 William R. 46. M-252 (N.R.) Mr.—M-266 William I. 47. M-300 Meddy—M-431 William R. 48. M-435 (N.R.)—M-520 Julius C. 49. M-520 Lamascio—M-600 Martha M 50. M-600 Martin—M-625 Julius B. 51. M-625 Karl A.—M-650 Wite S. 52. M-652 Alex—N-425 Guy S. 53. N-425 H.B E.-0-256 Monroe 54. 0-256 Nellie—P-200 Doroteo 55. P-200 E.A.—P-362 Ivy Y. 56. P-362 J.—P-500 Ynes 57. P-510 Angela—P-625 Otto B. 58. P-625 P. Gust—R-122 Terone 59. R-125 (N.R.)—R-200 Myrtle 60. R-200 N. Eleanor—R-300 Byron J. 61. R-300 C. Earl—R-452 William 62. R-453 (N.R.)—S-000 H.Y. Dong 63. S-100 (N.R.)—S-165 Lauise 64. S-165 M.—S-315 Noble E. 65. S-315 O.J.—S-353 Zelta 66. S-354 (N.R.)—S-414 Walter R. 67. S-415 A.B.-S-512 Crist 68. S-512 D.E.—S-530 Izzi 69. S-530 J.—S-540 Wincent A. 70. S-541 Agnes—S-642 Wm. H. 71. S-645 Albert—T-460 Dwight 72. T-460 E. Frederic—T-600 Eva 73. T-600 Frannie—U-530 U. 74. U-536 (N.R.)—V-536 Friema 75. V-536 Aoe—W-256 Rufus 76. W-256 S. Erol—W-355 Guy E. 77. W-355 Harold—W-425 Everett 78. W-425 F.B.—W-452 Lydia J. 79. W-452 M.—W-630 Z. 80. W-631 Addie—Institutions CONNECTICUT Ml553 1. A-000 Henry—A-352 Burton M. 2. A-352 C. Collard—A-522 Zeueppe 3. A-523 Adelaide—A-621 Warren S. 4. A-622 Agee—B-200 Nora 5. B-200 O.L.—B-251 Zillie J. 6. B-252 Abbie—B-340 Frederick N. 7. B-340 Genevieve—B-420 Fritz 8. B-420 Gabriel—B-452 Ziss 9. B-453 Abraham—B-530 Lydia R. 10. B-530 M. Ella—B-616 Italo 11. B-616 James—B-623 Zatique 12. B-624 (N.R.)—B-633 William 13. B-634 (N.R.)—B-650 Henry W. 14. B-650 Herbert—B-653 Lydia 15. B-653 Mabel—C-l41 Samuel H. 16. C-142 Alex—C-200 Sylvia 17. C-200 Teoful—C-312 Stanley 18. C-314 Albert B.—C-426 William L. 19. C-430 (N.R.) Sister—C-462 Ivason B 20. C-462 (Miss) J.—C-522 William This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film incJudes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. CONNECTICUT-GEORGIA 19 21. C-523 A. Elizabeth H.—C-566 Steve 22. C-600 (N.R.)—C-624 Guy 23. C-624 Harry—C-642 Burrall 24. C-642 C. Edwin—D-100 Justin R. 25. D-100 Katherine—D-200 Bruno E. 26. D-200 Cant.—D-300 Cynthia F. 27. D-300 Daniel—D-435 Howard 28. D-435 J. Joseph—D-516 Wiley 29. D-520 Abel—D-560 Gustave 30. D-560 Harry—D-655 William 31. D-656 A.E.—E-426 Isabella 32. E-426 James—F-222 Zigmand 33. F-230 Albert—F-420 Zegment 34. F-423 Ada R.—F-525 Luigi 35. F-525 Margaret—F-632 Lydia M. 36. F-632 Mabel—F-662 William 37. G-000 Aaron—G-320 Grace A. 38. G-320 Harold A.—G-425 Ivan F. 39. G-425 J.W.—G-521 Zelda 40. G-523 Alex—G-620 Ervan 41. G-620 Fannie—G-645 William H. 42. G-650 (N.R.)—H-100 Lulu C. 43. H-100 Mabel F.—H-220 Frederick G. 44. H-220 G.-H-300 Zoe C. 45. H-314 Alfred—H-400 Myrtle M. 46. H-400 Nancy—H-500 Burton J. 47. H-500 Caira—H-543 Frieda 48. H-543 Genevieve D.—H-630 Joel M. 49. H-630 (Mrs.) John—1-524 William H. 50. 1-525 (N.R.)—J-520 Burton T. 51. J-520 Carey—J-525 Lymen 52. J-525 M. Frank C.—K-200 Frederick 53. K-200 Gabor—K-400 Everet 54. K-400 F.S.—K-460 Donald 55. K-460 E.H.—K-530 Briget 56. K-530 C. Clark—K-626 Louise 57. K-626 Mamie—L-132 Isaac 58. L-132 Jacob—L-200 Lyman D. 59. L-200 Mabel—L-300 Evrett T. 60. L-300 Fannie H.—L-516 Isabele 61. L-516 J.E.—L-535 Louise 62. L-535 M. Ella—M-120 William F. 63. M-130 A.L.—M-231 William 64. M-232 (N.R.)—M-246 Stephen 65. M-246 L.J.—M-256 William V. 66. M-260 (N.R.)—M-320 Ethel 67. M-320 F. William—M-422 William 68. M-423 Abraham—M-463 William P. 69. M-465 Alice—M-545 William 70. M-550 (N.R.) Sister M. M.—M-610 (Mrs.) Johanna 71. M-610 John—M-625 Cynthia E. 72. M-625 Daisy E.—M-650 Joe 73. M-650 John—N-244 Zlyr 74. N-250 Adam—N-620 Lyman L. 75. N-620 Madeline—0-254 Kathleen 76. 0-254 Lauiette—0-550 William R. 77. 0-560 (N.R.) Sister M G—P-230 Eva 78. P-230 L. Newton—P-361 William 79. P-362 (N.R.)—P-425 Iver 80. P-425 James—P-530 William R. 81. P-531 Amy C.—P-625 Dwight E. 82. P-625 E.L.—P-654 Winfield 83. P-655 (N.R.) Sister M. A.—R-160 William A. 84. R-162 Aaron—R-220 Kazimienz 85. R-220 Lena—R-263 Byron 86. R-263 C.D.—R-400 Ewalt 87. R-400 Fanny C.—R-543 Cyril 88. R-543 Daniel—S-121 Valentino 89. S-122 Abraham—S-162 Norman C. 90. S-162 Olie—S-260 Irving 91. S-260 Jack—S-330 William R. 92. S-332 Alfred—S-362 Dorthy 93. S-362 E. Franklin—S-415 James W. 94. S-415 Jane—S-452 Yuosas 95. S-453 Abraham—S-525 Irene H. 96. S-525 J. Oscar—S-530 Owen 97. S-530 Paezzie—S-550 Daniel 98. S-550 Christopher—S-630 Justice 99. S-630 Kalister—T-253 William 100. T-254 Antonio—T-510 William 101. T-512 (N.R.)—T-615 William J. 102. T-616 Adah C.—U-421 Wm. 103. U-450 Adam—V-524 William 104. V-525 Abraham L.—W-235 William F. 105. W-236 Addie—W-324 William 106. W-325 (Mrs.) (N.R.)—W-420 Furman 107. W-420 George—W-435 Isaac 108. W-435 J.H.—W-500 Winefred 109. W-515 Abram—W-640 William J. 110. W-650 A.F.-Z-140 William 111. Z-142 (N.R.) Adolph W.—Institutions DELAWARE Ml554 1. A-120 Fannie C.—B-416 William H. 2. B-420 Adda M.—B-650 Lydia S. 3. B-650 Mabel L.—C-500 Isarel 4. C-500 Jacob—D-150 William C. 5. D-153 Aileen—E-350 Wolfgang 6. E-363 Almelia—G-320 Tony 7. G-345 Agnes—H-246 Windfield 8. H-250 Albert J.—H-625 Ignatius 9. H-625 James—J-655 William H. 10. K-000 Mary Augustine—L-316 Wilbur 11. L-326 Albert—M-246 Winfield 12. M-250 (N.R.)—M-610 Lucy 13. M-610 Margaret—P-320 William 14. P-325 Alice—R-200 Douglas 15. R-200 Edgar C.—S-165 Wilmath R. 16. S-200 Agnes—S-530 Curley 17. S-530 D. Harry—T-524 Wladyslaa 18. T-525 Agness—W-320 William P. 19. W-324 Adam—W-461 Thomas 20. W-500 Mary Eulalis—Institutions DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Ml555 1. A-000 Augusta—A-536 Myrtle A. 2. A-536 W. Louise—B-260 Yelverton C. 3. B-262 A.B.—B-432 William T. (Doctor) 4. B-435 (N.R.)—B-620 Byron G. 5. B-620 C.A.N.—B-635 Katie P. 6. B-635 Lansing—B-653 Iva 1. 7. B-653 J.M.—C-253 Winifred 8. C-260 (N.R.)—C-462 Bulah 9. C-462 C.B. (Mrs.)—C-610 William S. 10. C-612 Abbott D.—C-651 William G. 11. C-652 A.M.—D-250 Fredrick Stolver 12. D-250 Gellio—D-536 Xenes 13. D-540 Ada S.-E-355 Willis 14. E-361 (N.R.)—F-420 Winfield H. 15. F-424 August—F-636 William A. 16. F-640 Adelride—G-422 William L. 17. G-425 A.B.—G-634 Victor 18. G-635 (N.R.)—H-165 William P. 19. H-200 (N.R.)—H-342 Vera M. 20. H-350 Ada—H-516 William H. 21. H-520 (N.R.)—H-620 Muriel 22. H-620 N.B.—J-240 William 23. J-250 (wife)—J-525 Burrell 24. J-525 C.C.—K-300 Zella 25. K-320 Abert—K-600 William J. 26. K-610 (N.R.)—L-200 Y. (admiral) 27. L-210 R.M.—L-530 William C. 28. L-531 Ada M.—M-240 Lynn B. 29. M-240 Maxine—M-316 William C. 30. M-320 (N.R.)—M-460 Zella D. 31. M-462 Austin P.H.-M-620 Issac 32. M-620 J. Evertt—N-253 Thomas H. 33. N-255 Alexander—0-520 Woodford A. 34. 0-532 Alexander J.—P-425 Xenia 35. P-426 Addie M —P-626 Zenobie P. 36. P-630 (N.R.)—R-200 Ella W. 37. R-200 Ellen—R-350 Willie 38. R-354 Alfred—S-150 William G. 39. S-152 Abraham—S-326 William D. 40. S-330 Alice E.—S-420 Lyltle 0. 41. S-420 Mabel—S-530 Georgana 42. S-530 George—S-600 Kathryn 43. S-600 Laura—T-460 Jimmie R. 44. T-460 John—T-635 Willis 45. T-636 Agnes M.—W-220 Wilmuth 46. W-230 (N.R.)—W-340 Ivory 47. W-340 Jake—W-426 Novella 48. W-426 Ora—W-623 Murphy 49. W-623 Nannie—Institutions FLORIDA Ml556 1. A-130 A.A.—A-416 Rufus 2. A-416 S.A.—A-536 Queen 3. A-536 R.B.-B-232 Cris 4. B-235 Daniel 0 —B-346 Burwell J. 5. B-346 C.—B-426 William M. 6. B-430 A.A.—B-534 Kently 7. B-534 Laura—B-623 Josh 8. B-623 Katherine—B-650 Amy 9. B-650 Ana—B-652 Everett N. 10. B-652 F A.—C-145 Lyde 11. C-150 Mabel—C-265 Wilma 12. C-300 A.C.—C-452 Ruthea M. 13. C-452 S B.—C-516 Josephine 14. C-516 Kathleen—C-616 Myrtle M. 15. C-616 N.S.—C-650 Dwight L. 16. C-650 E.-D-120 Vivian C. 17. D-120 N.B.—D-260 Katharien 18. D-260 L.—D-540 Winnie C. 19. D-543 (N.R.)—E-216 Juan 20. E-216 Katie—F-200 Guy M. 21. F-200 H.A.—F-461 Zora 22. F-462 (N.R.)—F-652 Kilburn D. 23. F-652 L.E.—G-345 Myrtle E. 24. G-325 N.—G-520 Gumercinde 25. G-520 H.W.—G-624 Fritz 26. G-645 G.L.—G-653 Lucy 27. G-653 M.C.—H-236 Gus 28. H-236 Handy—H-360 Philip L. 29. H-362 R.H.—H-450 Willis 30. H-452 (N.R.)—H-536 Furman 31. H-536 G.L.—H-620 Queen E. 32. H-620 R.—H-653 Grace A. 33. H-652 Hamp L.—J-250 Virginia 34. J-250 W —J-520 Rleiva 35. J-520 Robbie Lee—J-525 Layman 36. J-525 Leah—K-300 Lucynda 37. K-300 Mabel—K-524 Willie 38. K-530 (N.R.)—L-120 Zelesto 39. L-130 Aaron—L-265 Lucile 40. L-263 Mannie—L-530 Iris G. 41. L-530 J.D.-M-200 Mytle 42. M-200 N.J.—M-242 Gussie L. 43. M-242 H.—M-254 Myra 44. M-254 N.A.—M-324 Muse 45. M-324 N.—M-460 Zekiel 46. M-465 Abe—M-600 Nuptle 47. M-600 Nancy J.—M-635 Avery 48. M-635 B.—N-400 Isabella 49. N-400 J.A.—0-425 Winona 50. 0-455 Alfred H.—P-323 Yvonne 51. P-350 A.L.—P-456 Julia 52. P-456 Kate—P-620 Ysidoro 53. P-623 (Mrs.)—R-000 Katherine 54. R-000 L.—R-163 Kye 55. R-163 L.—R-260 Zeb 56. R-262 (N.R.)—R-400 Lezekil A. 57. R-400 Feyton—S-100 Luvenia 58. S-100 M.—S-250 Zula 59. S-264 Squirrel Jumpers—S-350 Ezie 60. S-350 F.A.-S-410 Yara 61. S-415 (N.R.)—S-524 Junior 62. S-524 Kansas—S-530 Roy N. 63. S-530 Rube—S-560 Evelyn 64. S-560 Frannie—T-300 Julius 65. T-300 L.L.—T-512 Tubo D. 66. T-512 U.A.—T-612 Zeke 67. T-620 A.J.—V-536 Frederick E. 68. V-536 G.—W-300 Cyrus W. 69. W-300 D.E.—W-350 June E. 70. W-350 L.H.—W-425 Edwin M. 71. W-425 Effie—W-450 Zeak 72. W-452 (N.R.)—W-452 Lyndell 73. W-452 M.—W-623 Janius 74. W-623 Kate—Z-524 Zomphe GEORGIA Ml557 1. A-130 A.C.—A-252 Julius 2. A-252 Koto—A-352 Josie 3. A-352 Juanita H.—A-425 Zallieoffer 4. A-430 (N.R.)—A-510 Wiluno 5. A-523 A.J.—A-536 Quenie 6. A-536 R.A.—A-654 Ouiney O. 7. A-654 R.F.—B-200 Bealla 8. B-200 R.G.—B-243 Guy 9. B-246 H.J.—B-260 Virginia 10. B-260 W.A.—B-342 Willie P. 11. B-346 (N.R.)—B-400 Edwin G. 12. B-400 Effie—B-420 Aney 13. B-420 B.G.—B-435 Buster 14. B-435 C.B.—B-463 Myrtle P, 15. B-463 N.H.—B-525 Ezra 16. B-525 F.S.—B-550 Luthur 17. B-550 M.A.—B-620 Byron 18. B-620 C.A.—B-620 Urvin 20 GEORGIA-ILLINOIS 19. B-620 U.B.—B-626 Luther 106. L-200 Frank—L-232 Willis 187. W-350 20. B-626 ME.—B-632 Julius 107. L-235 (N.R.)—L-300 Vornelle 188. W-400 21. B-632 Kate—B-640 Justus 108. L-300 W—L-500 Guy B. 189. W-420 22. B-640 Kate—B-650 Georgie 109. L-500 H.B.—L-520 Sytae 190. W-425 23. B-650 Gerald—B-650 Mattiline 110. L-520 T.A.—L-552 Zemus 191. W-426 24. B-650 Mani—B-652 Aulty 111. L-560 (N.R.)—M-000 Myrtle 192. W-432 25. B-652 B.—B-653 Frieda 112. M-000 N.H.—M-200 Jimmie E. 193. W-452 26. B-653 G.C.—B-655 Ruth 113. M-200 Jack—M-216 Ruth P. 194. W-452 27. B-655 Sadie—C-150 Zimri L. 114. M-216 S.J.—M-240 Celia 195. W-452 28. C-152 (N.R.)—C-200 Enoch 115. M-240 Chalie—M-245 Clyde 196. W-452 29. C-200 Ephraim—C-235 Gus S. 116. M-245 Colley—M-250 Lyra 197. W-514 30. C-235 H.—C-320 Zackary T. 117. M-250 M.—M-254 Zelphia 198. W-623 31. C-330 A.B.—C-413 Inez 118. M-255 (N.R.)—M-265 Fredie 199. W-630 32. C-413 J.A.—C-436 Isaac C. 119. M-265 G.L. (Sr.)—M-320 Lottie 200. Y-520 1 33. C-436 J.C.—C-455 Curtis J. 120. M-320 Lou—M-324 Zalac 34. C-455 DB—C-462 Izrael 121. M-325 Abbie—M-426 Issac IDAHO M15 35. C-462 J.—C-510 Kate B. 36. C-510 L.A.—C-534 Ezria 37. C-534 F. Cleve—C-565 Luther 38. C-565 M S.—C-616 Isreal 39. C-616 J.A.—C-624 Zelline 40. C-625 A.C.—C-636 Jewal 41. C-636 Jim—C-650 Kossuth 42. C-650 L.O.—D-120 Blorrie 43. D-120 Bob—D-120 Lillian R. 44. D-120 Lillie—D-151 Dube 45. D-151 E.N. Ollis—D-242 Don 46. D-242 E.M.—D-262 Ruth 47. D-262 Salie—D-435 Julius 48. D-435 Leatha—D-520 Rydia 49. D-520 M.L.—D-540 Purify 50. D-540 R.A.—D-620 Evrett O. 51. D-620 Fannie—E-120 Zadie 52. E-123 Abraham—E-236 Ivey 53. E-236 J.B. (Sr.)—E-363 Kye 54. E-363 L.A.—E-450 Mull 55. E-451 N.—F-120 Winnelle 56. F-230 (N.R.) A.—F-425 Fred C. 57. F-425 L.W.—F-453 Guy C. 58. F-453 H.M.—F-516 Myra 59. F-510 Nancy—F-625 Zerath 60. F-626 (N.R.)—F-652 Ivy H. 61. F-652 J.B.—G-000 Virginia M. 62. G-000 N.C.—G-255 Grace 63. G-225 Harris—G-400 Buila 64. G-400 C.A.—G-426 Gun 65. G-426 H.C.—G-514 Willis 66. G-520 (N.R.)—G-612 Kizzie 67. G-612 L.H.—G-620 Mytle 68. G-620 N.—G-635 Luvis 69. G-635 Liddie—G-650 Jordan 70. G-650 Joseph—G-653 Luther W. 71. G-653 N.-H-120 Virgil T. 72. H-120 A.C.—H-200 John F. 73. H-200 John—H-235 Kinsey C. 74. H-235 Lagolice—H-252 Sylvia 75. H-252 C.J.—H-322 Frona 76. H-322 G.—H-400 Alexanie 77. H-400 Albert—H-400 Jodie E. 78. H-400 Joe—H-400 Willie 79. H-400 William—H-450 Donald 80. H-450 Ed—H-500 Mystic L. 81. H-500 Nan—H-522 Munson 82. H-522 Nancy—H-536 Furman C. 83. H-536 G.A.—H-552 Willie E. 84. H-553 A.B —H-616 Quinn 85. H-616 R.C.—H-620 Mittie 86. H-620 Mocoeh—H-630 Cherly May 87. H-630 Charlie—H-632 Crawford 88. H-632 D C.—H-650 Ezkle 89. H-650 Elbert F.—1-526 Burrough S. 90. 1-526 C.A.—J-250 Berry F. 91. J-250 Bert—J-250 Maxie 92. J-250 May—J-520 Ozzie 93. J-520 B — J-520 Imolite 94. J-520 Irvin—J-520 Pattie 95. J-520 Paul—J-525 Alace 96. J-525 Albert—J-525 Gozie 97. J-525 Grace—J-525 Marvin W. 98. J-525 Mary—J-525 Willing 99. J-525 Willis—J-652 Luther P. 100. J-652 M.L.—K-400 John B. 101. K-400 John C.-K-520 Agaline 102. K-520 B.—K-523 Virginia E. 103. K-523 W.—K-632 Otis 104. K-640 Paul—L-100 Knelie 105 L-100 Joseph—L-200 Fransis Mae 122. M-425 J.—M-460 Jay G. 123. M-460 Jean—M-520 Frederick 124. M-520 G.C.—M-563 Gussie 125. M-562 H.F.—M-600 Nate 126. M-600 O.C.-M-620 Jasper M. 127. M-620 Jum—M-625 Johnson H. 128. M-625 Jos—M-635 Kittie 129. M-635 L.—N-200 Dora 130. N-200 D.B.—N-400 Bob 131. N-400 B.D.—N-620 Joel L. 132. N-620 J.A.—0-256 Winnifred 133. 0-320 Adam—0-540 Exer 134. 0-540 F.W.—P-200 Jinnie L. 135. P-200 Joa—P-320 Lydia Anne 136. P-320 M.C.—P-362 Lucindia 137. P-362 Lucion—P-412 Ceroline 138. P-412 Chaney—P-455 Cyrus 139. P-454 D.B.—P-540 Julus H. 140. P-540 Kathline—P-620 Jake J. 141. P-620 James—P-625 Elviria 142. P-625 Emanuel—P-632 Buster 143. P-632 C. Frank—Q-500 Israel 144. Q-500 J. Comas—R-150 Moses 145. R-150 Nanetta—R-162 Moses 146. R-162 Mat —R-163 Willia W. 147. R-163 William—R-200 Shurman 148. R-200 Si—R-255 Luther F. 149. R-255 M.—R-263 Quntus 150. R-263 R.A.—R-322 York 151. R-325 W.A.-R-420 Jimmie 152. R-420 Joe—R-525 Yancy 153. R-532 A.B.—S-100 Dwellie W. 154. S-100 (Dr.) E.F.-S-160 Byron B. 1. A-000 Charles E.-A-612 Zeb 2. A-620 Adelaide E.—B-400 Cyrus M 3. B-400 Dan M.—B-600 Wilier 4. B-610 Arcade—B-651 Winnifred 5. B-652 (N.R.)—C-416 Katheryn 6. C-416 Latita—C-615 Wylie 7. C-616 Abner A.—D-164 William T. 8. D-200 Abraham B.—D-650 William T. 9. D-653 (N.R.)—F-326 William L 10. F-346 Abe—G-230 Willie 11. G-240 Albert—G-640 Willie 12. G-650 Abbigail—H-300 Isabelle 13. H-300 J.G.—H-520 Wong Ton 14. H-521 Charles O —H-640 Wm. L 15. H-643 Albert M —J-525 Ezra W. 16. J-525 F.E.—K-516 Wilma 17. K-520 A.D.-L-236 Winfred C. 18. L-240 Albert W —M-100 William M. 19. M-130 Albert J.—M-260 Mary 20. M-260 Mary A.—M-550 William 21. M-552 Alman—N-222 Yass 22. N-235 (Mrs.)—0-560 William 23. 0-600 Alfred B —P-500 Zara 24. P-516 (N.R.)—R-156 William M. 25. R-160 Alma A —R-400 Wilson 26. R-410 (N.R.)—S-300 Fred W. 27. S-300 Genevieve—S-415 Willis E. 28. S-416 Allene—S-534 William E. 29. S-535 (N.R.)—T-460 Byron K. 30. T-460 C.A —V-350 Willie 31. V-400 Albert J.-W-350 Willis 32. W-352 Albert—W-460 William R. 33. W-463 Abe—Institutions 155. 156. S-160 C.A —S-220 Issac S-220 J.A.—S-300 Marvin J. ILLINOIS MI559 157. S-300 Mary—S-315 Roscoe C. 1. A-000 Alex—A-165 Dwight 158. S-315 Rose—S-342 Kid 2. A-165 Earl—A-236 Yudas 159. S-342 L.V.—S-354 Lutie 3. A-240 A.B —A-321 Urash 160. S-354 M.L.—S-360 Agran 4. A-322 Abraham L.—A-352 Guy C. 161. S-363 B.—S-400 Luthur 5. A-352 H.—A-416 Christ A. 162. S-400 M.C.—S-436 Ivey 6. A-416 Christian—A-425 Owen 163. S-442 J.B —S-512 Queen 7. A-425 P — A-450 Guy 164. S-512 R.C.—S-525 Dothola 8. A-450 H. Delace—A-516 Ludwig 165. S-525 E.J.—S-530 Elliott 9. A-516 M. Arsenia—A-536 Albert 166. S-530 Ellis—S-530 John 10. A-536 Albert A.—A-536 Edwards 167. S-530 John H.—S-530 Ritchard 11. A-536 Edwin—A-536 John O. 168. S-530 Rossa—S-536 Cyrus 12. A-536 John—A-536 Sophia N. 169. S-536 D.B.—S-552 Francis 13. A-536 Sophie—A-625 Isidore 170. S-552 Frank—S-616 Drury F. 14. A-625 J.—A-652 Yuke S. 171. S-616 E.C.—T-140 Willie B. 15. A-653 (N.R.)—B-120 Byford E. 172. T-150 A.D.—T-300 Quilla 16. B-120 Carlton—B-200 Byron 173. T-300 R.S.—T-460 Durant 17. B-200 C.—B-200 Jasek 174. T-460 E.B.—T-512 Clark 18. B-200 Joseph—B-210 Lydia M. 175. T-512 Claud—T-520 Easter 19. B-210 M.C.—B-230 Ruth 176. T-520 Ed—T-520 Urlee 20. B-230 Sallie—B-240 Joseph H. 177. T-520 Vada—T-610 Fred 21. B-240 Joseph J.—B-250 Zigmunt 178. T-610 G.D.—T-651 Kathryan 22. B-251 Agusta—B-260 Alace 179. T-651 Laura A.—T-656 Ray W. 23. B-260 Albert—B-260 Lizzie L. 180. T-656 Ruby—V-453 Lula 24. B-260 Lloyd—B-300 Ayers E. 181. V-453 Maggie—W-160 Lunerne 25. B-300 B.F.—B-320 Johanna 182. W-160 (Mrs.) M.—W-251 Ivey 26. B-320 John—B-343 William T. 183. W-250 J.B.—W-300 Ervin J. 27. B-345 Adolph—B-360 Frieda 184. W-300 Esabella—W-300 Urilla 28. B-360 Gaspara—B-400 Harmon 185. W-300 V.A.—W-325 Jimmie L. 29. B-400 Harold—B-410 Ezekiel R. 186. W-325 Joe—W-350 Isac 30. B-410 Frank—B-420 Josef This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. ILLINOIS 21 31. B-420 Joseph—B-423 Zera L. 32. B-424 (N.R.)—B-432 Irene 33. B-432 J.D.—B-450 Kurtz B. 34. B-450 L.H.—B-453 Iver 35. B-453 J.F.—B-500 Austin 36. B-500 B.E.-B-515 William 37. B-516 (N.R.)—B-524 Bert 38. B-524 Carl—B-530 Cyrus 39. B-530 D.F.—B-535 Guy J. 40. B-535 H.J.—B-552 Lyell 41. B-552 Madsen—B-600 Guy R. 42. B-600 H.—B-610 Dennis 43. B-610 Carl—B-620 Charlie 44. B-620 Charles—B-620 James 45. B-620 James—B-620 Quirk 46. B-620 R.—B-622 Ksoveri 47. B-622 L.E.—B-624 Henry W. 48. B-624 Herbert—B-625 Norman 49. B-625 Adella—B-626 Sherman 50. B-626 Sidney—B-630 Mary 51. B-630 Mary A.—B-632 Joseph 52. B-632 Joseph A.—B-634 Quinto 53. B-634 R.H.—B-636 Courtland 54. B-636 D.C.—B-650 Annice 55. B-650 Annie—B-650 Gary 56. B-650 George—B-650 Llewellyn 57. B-650 Lloyd—B-650 Willey 58. B-650 William—B-652 Fred 59. B-652 Fred A.—B-652 Qunna 60. B-652 R.—B-653 Iwans 61. B-653 J.-B-655 Dit 62. B-655 E.—B-656 Knedler 63. B-656 L.—C-100 Sylvia 64. C-100 T.G.—C-152 Dorthy F. 65. C-152 E.C.—C-162 Isaac N. 66. C-162 J.H.—C-200 Henry 67. C-200 Henry A.—C-200 Wilbert C. 68. C-200 Wilbur—C-235 Isaac 69. C-235 A.C.—C-252 Myrtle 70. C-252 Nathan—C-320 Julia S. 71. C-320 Kate—C-400 Dyer W. 72. C-400 E.-C-414 Guy G. 73. C-414 Hannah—C-423 Julius 74. C-423 Kate—C-435 Zenas 75. C-436 A.A.—C-452 Cyrus S. 76. C-452 D.A.—C-455 Joe W. 77. C-455 John—C-462 Francis W. 78. C-462 Frank—C-500 Azar 79. C-500 B.—C-500 Symson L. 80. C-500 T.—C-514 Norman 81. C-514 O.T.—C-523 Lyon B. 82. C-523 Mabelle—C-540 Curley 83. C-540 D.S.—C-552 John 84. C-552 John A.—C-565 Everett 85. C-565 Florence—C-600 Zoe 86. C-610 (N.R.)—C-616 Illinois 87. C-616 J.B.—C-620 Ross V. 88. C-620 Roy—C-623 Pete 89. C-623 Peter—C-626 Vito 90. C-626 J.A.—C-636 Charles 91. C-636 Charles A.—C-640 John 92. C-640 John A.—C-642 Franks 93. C-642 G.—C-650 Elizebeth 94. C-650 Ella—C-652 Ruth 95. C-652 S. Charles—D-000 Cyril J. 96. D-000 D.—D-120 Byron A. 97. D-120 C.—D-120 Kzimar 98. D-120 L.C.—D-130 Luther 99. D-130 M.A.-D-151 Muriel 100. D-151 Nancy—D-200 Edna V. 101. D-200 Edward—D-230 Ezelino 102. D-230 Fannie—D-250 Ezra 103. D-250 F.—D-255 Lydia 104. D-255 Mabel—D-300 Edward O. 105. D-300 Edwin—D-346 Wm. D. 106. D-350 (Mrs.) A.E.—D-400 Harry T. 107. D-400 Harry—D-416 William L. 108. D-420 A.C.—D-450 (Sr) Mary 109. D-450 Mary A.—D-500 Francis K. 110. D-500 Frank—D-512 Florence M. 111. D-512 Gale—D-520 Ozella 112. D-520 P. Everett—D-530 Lydia 113. D-530 M.W.-D-543 Ruby 114. D-543 S.J.—D-563 Ida 115. D-563 J.J.—D-616 Fredrick 116. D-616 George—D-624 Johanna 117. D-624 John—D-650 Johann C. 118. D-650 John—E-125 William 119. E-126 Alice—E-163 Florian 120. E-163 Gail—E-236 Jus 121. E-236 Karin—E-256 Woodrow 122. E-260 (Mother)—E-352 Isadane 123. E-352 J.O.-E-416 Julius 124. E-416 Lafe F.—E-430 Myron W. 125. E-430 Nadene—E-520 Kristzley 126. E-520 L.R.—E-540 Louise 127. E-540 Maringa—E-625 Guy O. 128. E-625 H. Dorethy—F-000 (Miss) Grace 129. F-000 H.W.—F-200 Marian 130. F-200 Marie—F-236 Ruthwin F. 131. F-236 S.C.-F-260 Ivy M. 132. F-260 J.—F-323 Wm. S. 133. F-324 Albert—F-400 Myrtle 134. F-400 Nan Jane—F-425 Henery 135. F-425 Henry—F-433 William 136. F-434 Abraham—F-455 Angeline 137. F-455 Anna—F-463 Morse 138. F-463 W.L.—F-524 Wolf 139. F-525 Adam—F-600 Fritz 140. F-600 G.C.—F-620 Hye 141. F-620 I.J.—F-623 Phillomene 142. F-623 R.H.—F-630 Myrtle 143. F-630 N.C.—F-636 Exekiael 144. F-635 Fannie—F-650 Prosper A. 145. F-650 R.S.—F-652 Mary 146. F-652 Mary—F-655 Lyle D. 147. F-655 M E.— G-120 Myrtle 148. G-120 Nancy—G-160 Gust 149. G-160 Hattie—G-220 Joseph J. 150. G-220 Josephine—G-250 Ivin 151. G-250 J. William—G-320 Amy F. 152. G-320 Andrew—G-350 Ivan 153. G-350 J.-G-400 Friedericka 154. G-400 G.E.—G-416 Zukimi 155. G-420 (N.R.)—G-425 Jamehara 156. G-425 James—G-431 Lucille 157. G-431 M.—G-450 Issac D. 158. G-450 J.-G-500 John C. 159. G-500 John D.—G-530 Duelia 160. G-530 E.E.—G-600 Annice 161. G-600 Annie—G-610 Ivan 162. G-610 (Doctor) J.—G-614 Zigwald 163. G-615 (Mrs.)—G-620 Edward Wm. 164. G-620 Edwin—G-621 Levan 165. G-621 Tefol—G-625 Von 166. G-625 W. Berk—G-632 Johanna 167. G-632 John—G-636 Iva 168. G-636 Jack—G-650 George L. 169. G-650 George M.—G-651 Everett 170. G-651 F.A.—G-653 John 171. G-653 John A.—G-656 Owen W. 172. G-652 Pasquale—H-100 Lynn 173. H-100 Mabel—H-142 Clyde 174. H-142 Dennis—H-155 Syrus 175. H-155 Teodore G.-H-163 Guy W. 176. H-163 H.A.—H-200 Else W. 177. H-200 Elsie—H-200 Louisa M. 178. H-200 Louise—H-220 Anthony 179. H-220 Anton—H-235 Dwight B. 180. H-235 E.—H-245 William W. 181. H-246 A.—H-252 Eliz 182. H-252 Elisa—H-256 Isreal 183. H-256 Jacob—H-300 Frazer 184. H-300 Fred—H-322 Burt 185. H-322 (Mr.) C.—H-340 Lydia 186. H-340 Mabel—H-400 Adaline 187. H-400 Adam—H-400 Harry 188. H-400 Harry A.—H-400 Riv 189. H-400 Robert—H-416 Sydney 190. H-416 Tolette M.—H-426 Lydia 191. H-426 Mable—H-436 Gyda 192. H-436 H.O.—H-452 (Miss) Sylvia 193. H-452 T.C.—H-465 Keneth 194. H-465 L.E.—H-513 Kirk 195. H-513 L.J.—H-520 Ivey 196. H-520 J.-H-524 Ewald 197. H-524 F.S.—H-525 Louis P. 198. H-625 Louis—H-532 Irving A. 199. H-532 J.E.—H-536 Lyman 200. H-536 M.—H-544 Frank 201. H-545 (N.R.)—H-560 Axel 202. H-560 B.—H-600 Frieda 203. H-600 G.—H-616 Ruth 204. H-616 S.—H-620 Norton B. 205. H-620 O.E.—H-625 Kirk 206. H-625 L.C.—H-630 Jordan W. 207. H-630 Joseph—H-634 Dow 208. H-634 E.A.—H-640 Dorothy 209. H-640 E.A.—H-652 Byron E. 210. H-652 C.-H-655 Zeta 211. H-656 Abert—1-000 William H. 212. 1-510 Aldolph—J-000 Irene 213. J-000 James—J-210 Zeck 214. J-211 Anton—J-225 Vincent 215. J-230 A. Louise—J-250 Myrtle R. 216. J-250 Nancy—J-425 William 217. J-430 Bertolomeo—J-520 Edmond P. 218. J-520 Edna—J-520 Joseph 219. J-520 Joseph A —J-520 Willard L. 220. J-520 William F.—J-525 Algott 221. J-525 Alice—J-525 Charlette 222. J-525 Charley—J-525 Fua M. 223. J-525 Fred—J-525 Jasper H. 224. J-525 Jay—J-525 Marey 225. J-525 Mary—J-525 Syrrilda 226. J-525 T.—J-560 Yeevles 227. J-562 (N.R.) E.—J-635 Zeke 228. J-636 Abraham—K-121 Sam 229. K-122 Agnes—K-155 Fritz 230. K-155 Gean H.—K-200 John 231. K-200 John A —K-221 Wanty 232. K-222 Adaline—K-242 Wladyslon 233. K-243 Alexander—K-260 Dudley 234. K-260 (Mrs.) E.A.—K-320 Plipp 235. K-320 Rachial—K-400 Alberd 236. K-400 Albert—K-400 Mary 237. K-400 Mary A —K-416 Zan D. 238. K-420 (N.R.)—K-423 Evelyn 239. K-423 Frances—K-450 George 240. K-450 George A.—K-452 Zetta 241. K-453 (N.R.)—K-460 Zaenek 242. K-461 Benjiman—K-550 Ruth M. 243. K-500 S.G.—K-516 Knick 244. K-516 L.E.—K-520 Mariana 245. K-520 Marie—K-524 Issac 246. K-524 J.—K-530 Ziba 247. K-531 Abe—K-546 Wm. Z. 248. K-550 Innior—K-610 (Mrs.) Bridget 249. K-610 C.H.—K-620 Eliza 250. K-620 Elizabeth—K-621 Zula 251. K-622 A.—K-626 Celestine 252. K-626 Charles—K-636 Winifred 253. K-640 Abe W.—K-652 Fritz 254. K-652 G.V.—L-000 Byron F. 255. L-000 C.—L-100 Cyrus V. 256. L-100 Dareed—L-123 Myrtle G. 257. L-123 Nancy—L-150 Evelyn C. 258. L-150 Fannie—L-162 Costa 259. L-162 Darel D.—L-200 Emilie 260. L-200 Emily—L-200 Matheus 261. L-200 Mathew—L-220 Johanna 262. L-220 John—L-236 Bruce 263. L-236 C.B.—L-252 Byrol 264. L-252 Carl—L-300 Axel 265. L-300 B. Fred—L-320 Zweine 266. L-321 (N.R.)—L-360 Dudley 267. L-360 E.P.—L-500 Anst 268. L-500 Anthony—L-512 Frieda 269. L-512 George—L-520 Elzebeth 270. L-520 Ella—L-520 Myrtie L. 271. L-520 N. Junior—L-524 Guy H. 272. L-524 H.—L-531 Otto M. 273. L-531 P.G.—L-534 Iver 274. L-534 J.A.—L-550 Johanna 275. L-550 John—L-564 Vivean 276. L-566 Adam—L-625 Cyrus M. 277. L-625 DM—L-650 Otto C. 278. L-650 Pasquale—M-000 Vojteck 279. M-000 W.F.—M-200 Edward 280. M-200 Edward A.—M-200 Marvin 281. M-200 Mary—M-213 Iswack 282. M-213 J. (Mrs.)—M-220 Hugo 283. M-220 Hazel—M-232 Myer 284. M-232 Nathan—M-235 Zona 285. M-236 (Sister) Mary Cleta—M-240 Meryl 286. M-240 Michael—M-242 Kiozma 287. M-242 L.G.—M-245 John 288. M-245 John A—M-250 Eliza E. 289. M-250 Elizabeth—M-250 Willis A. 290. M-250 William—M-252 Zusteadic 291. M-253 (N.R.)—M-254 Williaid L. 22 ILLINOIS-INDIANA 292. M-254 William—M-256 Zock 293. M-260 (Mr.)—M-261 Julius 294. M-261 Kate—M-263 Watts 295. M-263 Mathew—M-300 Johiah G. 296. M-300 John—M-320 Quincy 297. M-320 R.—M-324 Sylvia 298. M-324 T.B.—M-350 Fritz 299. M-350 G.—M-400 Sylvester 300. M-400 T.J.—M-420 Qurtie 301. M-420 R. Gordon—M-435 lsac 302. M-453 J.B.—M-450 Zeta 303. M-451 Adam—M-460 Charles 304. M-460 Charles—M-460 Gwendaline 305. M-460 H.—M-460 Mary 306. M-460 Margaret—M-462 Frederick 307. M-462 Geniveve—M-510 William 308. M-513 Abe—M-524 Burton 309. M-524 (Mrs.) C.—M-532 Joe S. 310. M-532 John—M-551 Sarah 311. M-552 (N.R.)—M-600 Bess 312. M-600 Bessie—M-600 Harry 313. M-600 Harry A.—M-600 Marvin 314. M-600 Mary—M-610 Ann 315. M-610 Anna—M-613 William 316. M-614 Albert—M-620 Fread L. 317. M-620 Fred—M-620 Maude M. 318. M-620 Manrill—M-622 Ruth R. 319. M-622 S.—M-625 Ezra E. 320. M-625 F.C.—M-630 Hugo 321. M-630 Washington—M-635 Frantiska 322. M-635 Fred—M-635 Willet L. 323. M-635 William—M-650 Tony 324. M-650 U.G.—N-120 Lula 325. N-120 Madge—N-200 Charlie 326. N-200 Charlotte—N-236 Windsor 327. N-240 (N.R.)—N-250 Lyle M. 328. N-250 M.C.—N-350 Isabella 329. N-350 J.W.—N-425 Alida 330. N-425 Allan—N-425 John Ane 331. N-425 John B.-N-450 Winnefred 332. N-452 Adaline—N-550 Russell 333. N-550 S. Elsie—N-635 Burton 334. N-635 C.K.—0-162 Ruth 335. 0-162 Sam—0-215 Willard C. 336. 0-216 (Mrs.) (N.R.)—0-243 Fredalin 337. 0-243 George—0-300 Dorthy May 338. 0-300 E. Fred—0-416 Gustav 339. 0-416 H. Earl—0-425 Kristina 340. 0-425 L.G.—0-500 Everett 341. 0-500 Fanny—0-552 William F. 342. 0-560 (N.R.)—0-655 Williman 343. 0-656 Albert B —P-145 William 344. P-146 Albero—P-200 Ivory H. 345. P-200 J.A.—P-230 Duncan 346. P-230 E.D.—P-250 John V. 347. P-250 Joseph—P-316 William A. 348. P-320 (N.R.)—P-342 Israel 349. P-342 Jacob—P-362 Alber 350. P-362 Albert—P-362 Fred 351. P-362 Fred A.—P-362 Mik 352. P-362 Mike—P-400 Cyrus H. 353. P-400 D.—P-412 Edward E. 354. P-412 F.A.—P-420 Josef 355. P-420 Joseph—P-430 Iza M. 356. P-430 J.E.—P-455 Issie 357. P-455 J.H.—P-514 Lycurgus 358. P-514 Mabel P — P-534 Kate 359. P-534 Ladislaw—P-600 Tressie 360. P-600 Usdey—P-620 Gottlieb 361. P-620 Grace—P-620 William Leslie 362. P-620 William M —P-625 Chas. W. 363. P-625 Charley—P-626 Guy W. 364. P-626 H.B.—P-633 William 365. P-634 A —P-650 Rule 366. P-650 Sal—Q-455 William J. 367. Q-500 A. Delia—R-000 Rwenha 368. R-000 S.G.—R-120 Zygmund 369. R-121 Adolph—R-152 Dueth 370. R-152 E.A.-R-162 Julian 371. R-162 Katharine—R-166 Samuel F. 372. R-200 (S.M.) Arnica—R-200 Frank W. 373. R-200 Frankie—R-200 Lausia M. 374. R-200 Louise—R-200 Zula 375. R-210 (N.R.)—R-232 Isadore 376. R-232 J.E.—R-240 Sylvester E. 377. R-240 T. William—R-251 Luella 378. R-251 M.—R-255 Ytteta 379. R-256 (N.R.)—R-263 Byrle T. 380. R-263 C.E.—R-300 Charlemagne T. 381. R-300 Charles—R-300 Myrtle J. 382. R-300 N.F.—R-320 John 383. R-320 John A.—R-332 William F. 384. R-340 (N.R.) A —R-355 Jaeseph 385. R-355 John—R-400 Cyrus W. 386. R-400 D.C.—R-450 Wood 387. R-452 William—R-500 John G. 388. R-500 John H.—R-520 Dwight M. 389. R-520 E.—R-525 Ruth R. 390. R-525 S.E.—R-543 Frank 391. R-543 G.G.-R-560 Myrl 392. R-560 W. Hazel—S-000 James W. 393. S-000 Jane—S-l 12 Julia 394. S-l 12 Lemmie—S-126 Zenos 395. S-l30 (N.R.)—S-l43 Hyman 396. S-l43 Ida—S-l52 Ruth E. 397. S-152 S.A.—S-l60 John 398. S-160 John A.—S-162 Sylvia 399. S-162 Talford—S-165 Frieda H. 400. S-165 (Mrs.) G.—S-200 Norman W. 401. S-200 O.A.—S-236 William R. 402. S-236 M. Berneada—S-245 William H. 403. S-246 (N.R.)—S-262 Kenneth 404. S-262 L.P.—S-300 Leota L. 405. S-300 Leroy—S-314 Lydia E. 406. S-314 M.-S-315 Pinnie E. 407. S-315 Robert—S-320 Josef R. 408. S-320 Joseph—S-324 Zeno G. 409. S-325 (N.R.)—S-335 Ezur 410. S-335 Fanny—S-342 Guy I. 411. S-342 H.B.-S-350 George 412. S-350 George A.—S-351 Valadko 413. S-351 W.-S-354 Iva 414. S-354 J.—S-360 Zac 415. S-361 (N.R.)—S-362 Josef 416. S-362 Joseph—S-363 Jonna E. 417. S-363 Jennie—S-365 Edna Pearl 418. S-365 Edward—S-400 Emeline 419. S-400 Emil—S-413 Musso 420. S-413 Narchozo—S-416 Phillip 421. S-416 R.A.-S-423 Byron 422. S-423 C.P.—S-432 Eliza C. 423. S-432 Elizabeth—S-435 Zeyea O. 424. S-436 (N.R.)—S-452 Johanna 424a. S-452 John—S-460 Virginia 425. S-460 Co. Fed—S-500 Owen F. 426. S-500 P.G.—S-515 William 427. S-516 (N.R.)—S-520 Marvin 428. S-520 Mary—S-525 August 429. S-525 August A.—S-526 Frieda 430. S-526 G.E.—S-530 Carrole 431. S-530 Carrie—S-530 Ezikel 432. S-530 F.—S-530 Home 433. S-530 Homer—S-530 Len E. 434. S-530 Lena—S-530 Querin 435. S-530 R —S-530 William 436. S-530 William—S-534 Ivy G. 437. S-534 J.A.—S-536 Guy V. 438. S-536 H — S-536 Zola 439. S-540 (N.R.)—S-546 Zelda M. 440. S-550 (N.R.)—S-552 Konstantz 441. S-552 L.—S-562 Fritz (Jr.) 442. S-562 Gale F.—S-600 Will M. 443. S-600 William—S-620 Byron 444. S-620 (Mrs.) C.—S-625 Zacintas 445. S-626 Adam—S-634 Isabell 446. S-634 J.D.—S-646 Wm. 447. S-650 (N.R.)—S-656 Nathrine 448. S-656 L.C.—T-150 Kenneth 449. T-150 L.C.—T-234 (Sister) M. Cathirian 450. T-235 Adolph—T-300 Dudley M. 451. T-300 E.C.-T-400 Butler 452. T-400 C.C.—T-450 Winifred 453. T-452 A.C.—T-460 Marvin 454. T-460 Mary—T-512 Clare A. 455. T-512 Clarence—T-512 Zone 456. T-513 Alozzy—T-520 Marion S. 457. T-520 Marjorie—T-532 William M. 458. T-534 Alfred—T-600 Vito 459. T-600 W. (Mrs.)—T-620 Guy L. 460. T-620 Hal D.—T-630 Byford 461. T-630 C.-T-650 Zenis 462. T-651 Rev—T-656 Ezra W. 463. T-656 F.—V-425 William F. 464. V-432 Adam—V-162 Victor 465. V-163 Cathrine—V-240 Nita 466. V-240 Olga—V-360 William L. 467. V-361 Andrew—V-453 Ivy 468. V-453 (Mr.) J.—V-522 Willson D. 469. V-523 (N.R.)—V-536 Dregorio 470. V-536 E. George—V-620 Luis 471. V-620 Mable-W-100 Zero W. 472. W-l 10 Bessie—W-160 Ozro D. 473. W-160 P.A.—W-200 Lyler 474. W-200 V.L.—W-230 Price E. 475. W-230 R.P.—W-240 Priscilla 476. W-240 Rachel—W-252 Zed 477. W-253 (N.R.)—W-256 Sylvester J. 478. W-256 Teresa—W-300 Elsa 479. W-300 Elsie—W-300 Marvin R. 480. W-300 Mary—W-320 Ezra 481. W-320 F.—W-325 Dwight 482. W-325 E.—W-340 Myrtle M. 483. W-340 Nace—W-356 Otto 484. W-356 Pantcratz—W-400 Dwight 485. W-400 E.F. (Jr.)—W-410 Ruth P. 486. W-410 S. Harold—W-420 Elizibeth 487. W-420 Ella—W-420 Marvin M. 488. W-420 Mary—W-422 Virginia 489. W-422 W.F.—W-425 Homer C. 490. W-425 Horace—W-425 Zygmunt 491. W-426 (N.R.)—W-430 Joe 492. W-430 John—W-436 Julie 493. W-436 Julius—W-452 Charls 494. W-452 Charles—W-452 John G. 495. W-452 John H.—W-453 Isiak 496. W-450 J.H.—W-500 Lydia 497. W-500 M.K.—W-524 Lyman 498. W-524 M.—W-536 Maurice R. 499. W-536 Max—W-616 William 500. W-620 A.L.—W-623 Willard 501. W-623 William—W-632 Wloczellski 502. W-634 Abe—W-655 William M. 503. W-656 (Mrs.)—Y-325 William 504. Y-346 Abraham—Y-520 Voyle L. 505. Y-520 W.A.—Z-140 Wolfgang 506. Z-142 Adam—Z-256 William 507. Z-260 A.J.—Z-456 William J. 508. Z-460 Abraham—Z-564 Wm. L. 509. Z-565 (N.R.)—Institutions INDIANA Ml560 1. A-000 Ada—A-235 Wiriser 2. A-236 (N.R.) (Mr.)—A-352 Guy M. 3. A-352 H. Alden—A-425 Istria I. 4. A-425 J.H.—A-453 William L 5. A-455 A.U.—A-536 Hosea 5. A-536 Howard—A-645 Rex 7. A-650 Adam—B-151 Vaso 8. B-152 Adolph—B-200 Myrtle M. 9. B-200 N.E.—B-240 Burtus 10. B-240 C.L.—B-255 Lydia A. 11. B-255 M.C.—B-260 Simeon 12. B-260 Simon—B-324 Wm. P. 13. B-325 Ada E.-B-400 Charles W. 14. B-400 Charley—B-420 Charles 15. B-420 Charles A.—B-426 Zota 16. B-430 (N.R.)—B-457 Ott H. 17. B-453 Paul—B-520 Evert 18. B-520 F.R.—B-530 Willard A. 19. B-530 Williams—B-600 Avon 20. B-600 B.C.—B-620 Arther 21. B-620 Arthur—B-620 Rayman 22. B-620 Raymond—B-625 Guy W. 23. B-625 H.J.—B-630 Kasta 24. B-630 L.J.—B-635 Cyrus W. 25. B-635 D. Herman—B-650 Charle 26. B-650 Chas.—B-650 Mat 27. B-650 Mathew—B-652 Kurg 28. B-652 L.C.—B-653 Zora This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. INDIANA-IOWA 23 29. B-654 A.R.—C-000 Lydia F. 30. C-000 M. Luthur—C-160 Clara E. 31. C-160 Clarence—C-200 John 32. C-200 John A.—C-236 Willis C. 33. C-240 (N.R.)—C-350 Wrennie 34. C-351 Benjamin—C-415 Ivan 35. C-415 J.B.-C-435 Zella 36. C-436 (N.R.)—C-455 Ezra 37. C-455 Faire—C-462 Owen 38. C-462 Pard T.—C-514 Frederick 39. C-514 G.W.—C-534 Woodson 40. C-535 Albert—C-560 Zelma 41. C-561 Andrew—C-614 Zelma 42. C-615 (N.R.)—C-620 Ruth M. 43. C-620 S.—C-631 Sam C. 44. C-632 A.B.—C-640 Ivan 45. C-640 J.B.—C-653 Guy H. 46. C-653 H.L.—D-120 Charity 47. D-120 Charles—D-120 William 48. D-120 William A.—D-200 Dumitru 49. D-200 E. Albert—D-250 Priscilla 50. D-250 R.B.—D-324 Wm. W. 51. D-325 (N.R.)—D-416 Wm. H. 52. D-440 Acasah—D-500 John 53. D-500 John A.—D-525 Volney J. 54. D-525 W. Bert—D-600 Guy 55. D-600 H R.—D-645 Evlin 56. D-645 F.E.—E-163 Douglas Frank 57. E-163 Earl—E-263 Buell 58. E-263 C.E.-E-420 Guy 59. E-420 H.A.—E-520 Druzilla H. 60. E-520 Earl C.—E-640 Zippore 61. E-642 Abner—F-232 William 62. F-235 Albert—F-260 Zertha 63. F-261 Albert C.—F-420 Zelta C. 64. F-422 Andrew—F-452 William L. 65. F-453 Adam—F-525 William 66. F-526 Abraham—F-620 Ruth L. 67. F-620 S.J.—F-630 Wood 68. F-631 (N.R.)—F-652 Joel D. 69. F-652 John—G-120 William 70. G-122 Anna—G-235 Wright M. 71. G-236 Andy—G-350 Francis 72. G-350 G.L.—G-420 Ivan 73. G-420 J.E.—G-452 Winifred L. 74. G-453 Alonzo G.—G-536 Zoe 75. G-540 Abraham A.—G-612 Lyman T. 76. G-612 M.M.—G-620 Nutan A. 77. G-620 Q.W.—G-634 Williams H. 78. G-635 (N.R.)—G-650 Joe A. 79. G-650 John—G-655 Eula 80. G-655 Fay—H-125 Isaac 81. H-125 Jack J.—H-160 Byron 82. H-160 C.—H-200 Francis W. 83. H-200 Frank—H-220 Don 84. H-220 E.P.—H-245 Willington L. 85. H-246 Aaron—H-260 Dutton Mary 86. H-260 E Clara—H-320 Ever W. 87. H-320 F.M.—H-350 Guendolyn H. 88. H-350 Hannah—H-400 Jame 89. H-400 James—H-421 Zeta 90. H-422 Adolph—H-452 Claud 91. H-452 Claude—H-500 Virginia 92. H-500 W.B.C.—H-523 Zephaniah 93. H-524 (N.R.)—H-536 Claton B. 94. H-536 Claud—H-550 Fredrick 95. H-550 Gene—H-612 Dwight 96. H-612 Ealisa—H-623 M. 97. H-623 Nancy—H-630 Zimri L. 98. H-631 (N.R.)—H-640 Zackariah 99. H-641 Alfred—1-145 Walter 100. 1-152 Alanza A.—J-166 William 101. J-200 (N.R.)—J-250 Sylvester C. 102. J-250 T.B.—J-520 Ezra T. 103. J-520 F.C.—J-520 Willet 104. J-520 A. William—J-525 Henrietta 105. J-525 Henry—J-540 William 106. J-552 Abraham—K-155 Irvin 107. K-155 Edgar—K-246 Luther 108. K-246 M. Wesley—K-365 Jack 109. K-400 (N.R.)—K-424 William 110. K-425 Adam—K-460 Guwendolyn 111. K-460 H.A.—K-516 Ezora E. 112. K-516 J. Doyd—K-524 Fred N. 113. K-524 G.-K-545 William 114. K-546 (N.R.)—K-620 Zepyv E. 115. K-621 A.—K-650 Zora 116. K-651 Adolf—L-100 Ivan 117. L-100 J.B.-L-166 Shelton 118. L-200 (N.R.) (Sister) Mary Francis— L-200 Voney 119. L-200 W.A.—L-250 Ivy G. 120. L-250 J.—L-320 Mattie 121. L-320 Max—L-500 Byron 122. L-500 C.C.—L-520 Franklin Leslie 123. L-520 Fred—L-526 William N. 124. L-530 A.B.—L-551 William 125. L-552 Ada G.—L-652 Otis 126. L-652 Paira—M-200 Gwendolyn 127. M-200 H.B.—M-216 Eliza J. 128. M-216 Elizabeth—M-235 Porter 129. M-235 R.W.—M-242 Ruth J. 130. M-242 S.W.—M-250 Francis T. 131. M-250 Frank—M-253 Ruth 132. M-253 Sallie—M-260 Jonathan W. 133. M-260 Joseph—M-300 Byron L. 134. M-300 Calvin—M-324 Lythe 135. M-324 Mabel—M-415 William D. 136. M-416 Albert—M-450 John 137. M-450 Joseph—M-460 Frank 138. M-460 Frank A.—M-460 Owie 139. M-460 P.E.—M-520 Dowe S. 140. M-520 E.C.—M-535 Zella 141. M-536 (N.R.) (Sister) Sabina— M-600 Francis W. 142. M-600 Frank—M-600 Nillet 143. M-600 William—M-620 Fronyo 144. M-620 G.D.—M-622 Wm. S. 145. M-623 (N.R.)—M-630 Isaac 146. M-630 J.D.—M-635 Sygmond 147. M-635 F.C.—N-126 Wilmer 148. N-130 A.W.—N-242 Izetta G. 149. N-242 J.H.—N-400 Kennith 150. N-400 L.C.—N-550 Woodie 151. N-553 Anna—0-165 Joe 152. 0-165 John—0-342 William 153. 0-351 (N.R.) (Sister) Francis Assisi— 0-600 Fred L. 154. 0-600 Geog T.—P-200 Durward A. 155. P-200 E.R.—P-300 Evereth 156. P-300 Fermon—P-361 William T. 157. P-362 (N.R.) (Mrs.)—P-400 Preston R. 158. P-400 Raleigh—P-430 Winifred 159. P-431 David H.—P-520 Lydia E. 160. P-520 M.J.—P-616 William 161. P-620 (N.R.)—P-622 Zula 162. P-623 (N.R.)—P-626 Lyman 163. P-626 M.H.—P-652 Yancy 164. P-653 A.—R-100 Ivan 165. R-100 J.D.-R-152 Lyod 166. R-152 M.A.—R-200 Aleen 167. R-200 Alex—R-200 Lincoln (Mrs.) 168. R-200 Linda—R-236 Guy A. 169. R-236 H.C.—R-256 Zanna 170. R-260 (N.R.)—R-265 William 171. R-300 (N.R.)—R-320 Ezva 172. R-320 Fanne—R-354 William J. 173. R-355 (N.R.)—R-421 Worner J. 174. R-423 (N.R.)—R-520 Lydia 175. R-520 M.C.—R-550 Lydia 176. R-550 M.P.—S-100 Frederick 177. S-100 G.D.—S-143 Iva 178. S-143 J.—S-160 Johanna 179. S-160 John—S-163 Zora 180. S-164 Albert—S-236 William H. 181. S-236 (Sister)—S-300 Dwight 182. S-300 E.H. (Mr.)—S-315 Ezra J. 183. S-315 F.C.—S-320 Ruth M. 184. S-320 S.B.—S-336 Willis 185. S-340 (N.R.)—S-350 Joe 186. S-350 John—S-356 Dras 187. S-356 E. Frank—S-362 Zello 188. S-363 (N.R.)—S-365 Guy N. 189. S-365 Hannah—S-415 Prentice 190. S-415 Ralph—S-432 Norma L. 191. S-432 O R —S-462 Frieda Mary 192. S-462 Y.T.-S-516 Winfield G. 193. S-520 (N.R.) (Sister) Amalia—S-526 Virginia 194. S-526 W.E.-S-530 Fred T. 195. S-530 Fred W—S-530 Margeruett (Mrs.) 196. S-530 Margie—S-531 Zack 197. S-532 (N.R.) (Sister) Matilda—S-536 Liza J. 198. S-536 Lizzie—S-552 Duane 199. S-552 E.K.—S-610 Buehla 200. S-610 C.J. (rev.)—S-630 Frendie F. 201. S-630 G.I.A. (rev.)—S-656 Xaver 202. S-660 A.L.—T-260 Gussie 203. T-260 Halbert—T-413 William M. 204. T-415 Arthur—T-460 William L. 205. T-460 William M.—T-516 William 206. T-520 (N.R.)—T-534 Ida 207. T-534 James—T-620 Luther 208. T-620 M.M.—T-651 Zelk 209. T-652 A —V-525 Wills J. 210. U-526 Abhram—V-420 William W. 211. V-422 A.—V-536 Kathie S. 212. V-536 L. Arthur—W-160 Cletus L. 213. W-160 Clifford—W-230 Ove A. 214. W-230 Pamela—W-256 Guy G. 215. W-256 H E — W-300 Joh 216. W-300 John—W-323 William S. 217. W-324 (N.R.) (Sister) Barthdome— W-352 Guy E. 218. W-352 Harry—W-410 Dwight N. 219. W-410 E.P.—W-420 John J. 220. W-420 John L.—W-425 Guy W. 221. W-425 H.A.—W-426 Norris N. 222. W-426 O.P.—W-450 Isabel 223. W-450 J.F.—W-452 Oubrey 224. W-452 P. Amelia A.—W-523 Isaac Wm. 225. W-523 James—W-612 Willie 226. W-614 Abraham—W-630 Myrtle C. 227. W-630 N.M.—Y-242 Stanley 228. Y-250 Alice—Y-520 Sylvester N. 229. Y-520 Talbert—Z-346 William 230. Z-352 Anna—Institutions IOWA M1561 1. A-000 A H.—A-261 William M. 2. A-262 Abraham—A-416 Lynn S. 3. A-416 M.S.-A-515 William 4. A-516 A. Otto—A-536 Hanis 5. A-536 Harry—A-625 Wilfred 6. A-626 Addie—B-165 William J. 7. B-200 (N.R.)—B-216 William J. 8. B-220 A.D.—B-252 Wilma 9. B-253 A.—B-265 Zora 10. B-300 (Mrs.)— B-346 Wietie T. 11. B-350 (Mr.)—B-400 Zelda 12. B-410 Abraham C.—B-430 Ira 13. B-430 J.E.—B-456 William S. 14. B-460 A.J.—B-525 Chris 15. B-525 Christ—B-550 Myrtle 16. B-550 Nancy M.—B-620 Alameda 17. B-620 Albert—B-620 Zena 18. B-621 Abraham—B-626 Gustave W. 19. B-626 H.C.—B-634 Dortha C. 20. B-634 E.A.—B-650 Clyd 21. B-650 Clyde—B-651 William W. 22. B-652 (N.R.)—B-653 Kenton 23. B-653 L.H.—C-100 Osgood C. 24. C-100 P.A.—C-200 Francis V. 25. C-200 Frank—C-253 William D. 26. C-255 A.E.—C-412 Willis W. 27. C-143 A.—C-450 Issacc 28. C-450 J.A.—C-462 Guy W. 29. C-462 H.—C-514 Lysle M. 30. C-514 M.G.—C-552 Fredrick 31. C-552 G.—C-614 William E. 32. C-615 (N.R.)—C-623 Edward B. 33. C-623 F.C —C-635 Zulieie 34. C-636 A —C-650 Guy E. 35. C-650 H — D-120 Aymer D. 36. D-120 B.A.-D-146 William K. 37. D-150 Adrian—D-246 Nillie 38. D-250 (N.R.)—D-315 William C. 39. D-320 (N.R.)—D-416 Yearly 40. D-420 (N.R.)—D-500 Zoe E. 41. D-510 Addison—D-542 Wilma D. 42. D-543 A.J.—D-623 Winfred V. 43. D-624 (N.R.)—E-152 Winnie 44. E-156 Anna—E-320 William S. 45. E-323 Allen—E-430 Ruth 46. E-430 Sam—E-615 Wilson 47. E-620 A.M.—F-225 Thomas (Jr.) 48. F-230 A.H.—F-325 Wylie 49. F-326 Abbie—F-450 Isabel 50. F-450 J.—F-526 Winfred 51. F-530 Adolph—F-623 Morand 52. F-623 Nancy A.—F-646 Steintje 53. F-650 A.—G-112 Wade S. 24 IOWA-KANSAS 54. G-120 A H.—G-300 Dassie 55. G-300 E.H.-G-415 William N. 56. G-416 (N.R.)—G-452 Willie 57. G-453 A N.—G-600 Zella 58. G-610 (N.R.)—G-620 Vivian 59. G-620 George W.—G-636 Wynne 60. G-640 (N.R.)—G-653 Duncan 61. G-653 E.—H-125 William R. 62. H-126 Abreham—H-165 William H. 63. H-200 (N.R.) (Mrs.)—H-214 William E. 64. H-215 Alphesus—H-250 Dorthea 65. H-250 E.G.—H-300 August P. 66. H-300 B.B.—H-343 William E. 67. H-345 A.H.—H-400 Myrthe M. 68. H-400 Nan E.—H-430 Wray G. 69. H-431 A.F. (Mrs.)—H-460 Isreal J. 70. H-460 J.C.—H-520 Ruth 71. H-520 S.D.—H-525 Ruth L. 72. H-525 S.E.—H-540 Mortin 73. H-540 Nancy—H-600 Fry 74. H-600 G. William—H-625 Istrant 75. H-625 J.—H-635 Lyman H. 76. H-635 M.—1-162 IverS. 77. 1-162 J.A.-J-212 Donald A. 78. J-212 Charles—J-520 Alfred L. 79. J-520 Alice—J-522 William H. 80. J-523 A.—J-525 Ezabelle 81. J-525 F — J-525 Myrtle M. 82. J-525 N.A.—J-635 Juren 83. J-635 Katie—K-216 William H. 84. K-220 (Mrs.)—K-400 Byron C. 85. K-400 C.—K-426 Joseph 86. K-426 L.T.—K-500 Ivel R. 87. K-500 J A.—K-523 Dorcas 88. K-523 E.C.—K-550 Ziba L. 89. K-551 August—K-625 Isaac 90. K-625 J.—L-000 Dwight L. 91. L-000 E.A.-L-160 Yona 92. L-161 Close—L-215 Zsidro 93. L-220 (N.R.)—L-265 William N. 94. L-300 A.D.—L-420 William W. 95. L-422 A.E.—L-520 Guy R. 96. L-520 H. (Jr.)—L-530 Lyman 97. L-530 M.—L-563 Frnik 98. L-563 G.—L-652 Doris N. 99. L-652 E.E.—M-200 Lysondr M. 100. M-200 M.—M-230 Zona 101. M-231 Adolph—M-242 Azaloe 102. M-242 B.E.—M-250 Dwain 103. M-250 E.E.—M-254 Gawyonetta 104. M-254 H.A.—M-262 Fritz 105. M-262 G.—M-320 Ruth 106. M-320 S.B.-M-400 Eva 107. M-400 J.D.—M-450 Zonel Frank 108. M-451 A.J.-M-460 Johannes M. 109. M-460 John—M-500 Myrtle R. 110. M-500 N.G.-M-536 Wobina 111. M-540 Aannie—M-600 Henrietta L. 112. M-600 Henry—M-613 William A. 113. M-614 (N.R.)—M-622 William 114. M-623 Adelbert—M-635 Cyrus I. 115. M-635 D.-N-100 Fred F. 116. N-100 G. Joseph W.—N-242 Z.D. 117. N-245 Alfred I.—N-425 Edonard 118. N-425 Edward—N-550 Julius W. 119. N-550 Katharene—0-200 Zoila 120. 0-212 Albert—0-416 Woan 121. 0-422 (N.R.)—0-525 William R. 122. 0-535 A.R.—P-200 Dwite 123. P-200 E.D.—P-324 William F. 124. P-325 Abe—P-362 Gerg 125. P-362 George—P-400 Ewgert 126. P-400 F.D.—P-430 William R. 127. P-431 Andrew—P-536 William T. 128. P-540 Alfred—P-620 Zephariah G. 129. P-621 A.R.—P-630 Yangel C. 130. P-631 Aaron V.—R-000 Isabel 131. R-000 J.A.—R-152 Price 132. R-152 Rachel—R-200 Gwendoline 133. R-200 H.A.—R-235 Winant 134. R-236 (Mrs.)—R-260 Grace 135. R-260 H.C.—R-300 Norman E. 136. R-300 O.—R-360 Dora 137. R-360 E.B.—R-500 Myrtle M. 138. R-500 N.J.—R-543 Dorothy M. 139. R-543 E.W.—S-000 Zelma 140. S-100 A.G.—S-151 Thoedore 141. S-152 (N.R.)—S-162 Zelma L. 142. S-163 (N.R.)—S-236 Wm. H. 143. S-236 Philomena—S-300 Guy M 144. S-300 H.B.—S-316 Dorthea Mary (Sister) 145. S-316 E.A.—S-334 William T. 146. S-335 Adelia L.—S-351 Blanche M. 147. S-351 C.A.—S-361 Isra Ray 148. S-361 J.—S-365 Byron 149. S-365 C. (Mrs.)—S-416 Lulu M. 150. S-416 Maggie—S-435 Zna 151. S-436 (N.R.)—S-500 Synon F. 152. S-500 Ted P.—S-525 Iver L. 153. S-525 J.A.—S-530 Franklyn 154. S-530 Fred—S-530 L. Martin 155. S-530 R.A.—S-536 Gwendolyn 156. S-536 H.B.-S-552 Vivian 157. S-552 W. A.—S-620 Ivan 158. S-620 J.A.—S-652 Guy H. 159. S-652 H.A.—T-245 William M. 160. T-246 Albert—T-450 William M. 161. T-452 Allen—T-512 Johanna 162. T-512 John—T-525 Lymme P. 163. T-525 M. Ralph—T-624 Winslow A. 164. T-625 (N.R.)—T-663 William 165. U-132 (N.R.)—V-312 Tony 166. V-322 Albert—V-532 Ida 167. V-532 J.C.—V-662 Walter C. 168. W-000 Andrew—W-230 Dories M. 169. W-230 E.E.—W-256 Prudence 170. W-256 Rae-W-300 Zylphia 171. W-314 (N.R.)—W-352 Yenos W. 172. W-354 A.—W-410 Zola 173. W-412 Albert—W-422 Zelotes 174. W-423 A.H. —W-426 Ezra N. 175. W-426 F.E.-W-451 Wulfrud 176. W-452 (N.R.)—W-460 Zora A. 177. W-461 Adolph F.—W-560 Isadore 178. W-560 J.A.—W-635 Kenneth A. 179. W-635 L.W.—Y-520 Burt 180. Y-520 C.—Z-422 Wilhelmina 181. Z-434 Anna—Institutions KANSAS M1562 1. A-000 Melville C.—A-350 William H. 2. A-352 (N.R.)—A-450 Guy C. 3. A-450 H.B.—A-536 Norman 4. A-536 O.A.—B-164 William J. 5. B-200 (N.R.)—B-240 Katie 6. B-240 L.J.—B-263 Worran 7. B-265 Alfred—B-400 Edson 8. B-400 Edward—B-425 Zetla 9. B-426 (N.R.)—B-500 Ezra C. 10. B-500 F.W.—B-536 Wolf 11. B-540 A —B-620 Cythia E. 12. B-620 D.E.-B-625 Clae 13. B-625 Clara—B-632 Zepalimak J. 14. B-633 A.F.—B-650 Francisco 15. B-650 Frank—B-652 Jame A. 16. B-652 James—B-660 Curtis 17. B-660 Dale S.—C-200 Charity K. 18. C-200 Chas—C-264 Woodie 19. C-265 (N.R.)—C-416 Zack 20. C-420 A.J.—C-455 Zone 21. C-456 Adolphus—C-514 Fredwark 22. C-514 Gean—C-552 Lynette 23. C-552 M.D.—C-616 Wilrose 24. C-620 (N.R.)—C-634 Williard A. 25. C-635 (Sister) Mary Verena—C-652 Isac W. 26. C-652 J. Timothy—D-120 Kittie B. 27. D-120 L.—D-215 William E. 28. D-220 Alfred—D-326 Yetta 29. D-330 A.P.—D-500 Ivo M. 30. D-500 LA —D-546 William J. 31. D-550 (Miss)—D-652 Wilterback 32. D-653 A.F.—E-251 William L. 33. E-252 Adah R.—E-432 Wix D. 34. E-436 (N.R.)—F-120 Walter E. 35. F-145 (N.R.)—F-326 Zachary 36. F-332 Constanza—F-460 Dwight E. 37. F-460 E.E.—F-620 Isial 38. F-620 J.D.-F-651 Xavier 39. F-652 Mary (Sister)—G-160 Williams M 40. G-162 Aaron A.—G-361 William 41. G-362 Albert—G-453 William O. 42. G-455 A.E.-G-612 Kenneth V. 43. G-612 L.A.—G-630 Gus 44. G-630 H.A.—G-652 Iva A. 45. G-652 J.D.C.—H-150 Wilma 46. H-152 Adda F—H-200 Jon H. 47. H-200 Joseph—H-246 William E. 48. H-250 (N.R.)—H-316 William F. 49. H-320 A.A.—H-400 Ezra 50. H-400 F.B.—H-430 Kathryn 51. H-430 Laura—H-500 Zebulon 52. H-510 (Mrs.)—H-530 Woodie 53. H-531 Henry H.—H-560 lssic H. 54. H-560 J.A.—H-624 Willis N. 55. H-625 (N.R.)—H-640 Lucinda (Mrs.) 56. H-640 M.S.—1-610 William J. 57. 1-615 Agnes J.—J-462 Willis D.S. 58. J-500 (N.R.)—J-523 Dwight 59. J-523 E. Gracie—J-525 Marian A. 60. J-525 Marie—K-l56 William 61. K-l60 Aaron—K-400 Guy 62. K-400 H.B.—K-500 Curtis 63. K-500 D. Ernest—K-525 Zella 64. K-526 A.—K-620 Zerbie 65. K-621 Ada—L-100 Myrtle 66. L-100 Nellie—L-200 Kitty S. 67. L-200 L.B.—L-263 William T. 68. L-264 A.C.—L-500 Ruth M. 69. L-500 S B —L-530 William W. 70. L-531 A.D.—L-625 Ivan M. 71. L-625 J.A.—M-200 Lynn M. 72. M-200 M.—M-235 Joseph 73. M-235 John—M-245 Wlisos S. 74. M-246 (N.R.)—M-254 Guy C. (Jr.) 75. M-254 H.C.—M-265 Fredrick L. 76. M-265 G.I.—M-350 Owen T. 77. M-350 P.M.—M-460 Byron L. 78. M-460 C.—M-500 Lyman 79. M-500 Mabel E.—M-600 Alfred R. 80. M-600 Alice—M-610 Zara E. 81. M-612 Agnes—M-625 Anda 82. M-625 Andrew—M-635 Verginia L 83. M-635 W.—N-242 Gwendolyn M. 84. N-242 H.C.—N-425 Ruth J. 85. N-425 S.—0-216 Fred P. 86. 0-216 B.M.—0-520 Dudley L 87. 0-520 E. Newell—P-230 Everett W. 88. P-230 Fannie C.—P-362 Drysdale 89. P-362 E.A.—P-422 William L. 90. P-423 Aaron—P-560 Z.H. 91. P-562 A.T.—P-624 Zola Bernice 92. P-625 (N.R.)—P-645 William 93. P-650 A.L.—R-151 Lusie 94. R-152 (N.R.)—R-200 Friger E. 95. R-200 G. Allen—R-240 Owen S. 96. R-240 Patee C.—R-300 Byron W. 97. R-300 C.A.—R-350 William T. 98. R-351 Alfred M.—R-510 William C. 99. R-513 Adolph J.-R-563 William W. 100. R-565 Emil—S-151 Willaid 101. S-152 (Mrs.)—S-200 Dorothy 102. S-200 E.—S-300 Lynn Amons 103. S-300 M E.—S-323 Willis S. 104. S-324 A.L.—S-350 Kester R. 105. S-350 L.C.—S-363 Avis 106. S-363 B.W.—S-400 Zell B. 107. S-410 (N.R.)—S-440 Wilson G. 108. S-450 A.W.—S-520 Fredricka 109. S-520 G.F.—S-530 Etta M. 110. S-530 Eugene—S-530 Sara 111. S-530 Sarah—S-540 Julius A. 112. S-540 L.H.-S-615 William H. 113. S-616 A.J.-S-660 Winona 114. S-666 Albert—T-400 Morris 115. T-400 Nancy E.—T-512 Lyme H. 116. T-512 M.—T-610 Freddie 117. T-610 G.—T-656 Dulcie M. 118. T-656 E.-V-400 William T 119. V-416 A.H.-W-100 Doris This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. KANSAS-LOUISIANA 25 120. W-100 E.B.—W-240 Wilma 121. W-243 Agnes—W-300 Myrtle 122. W-300 N.A. (Mrs.)—W-350 Fremonth 123. W-350 G.E.—W-420 Dwight A. 124. W-420 E.A.—W-425 Lynn H. 125. W-425 M.C.—W-451 William 126. W-452 (N.R.)—W-463 Wynn 127. W-465 (N.R.)—W-623 King 128. W-623 L. Craig—Y-500 William F. 129. Y-520 A.D.—Institutions KENTUCKY Ml563 1. A-000 Carl G.-A-260 Myrtle 2. A-260 Nahaniel—A-352 Lynn H. 3. A-352 M. (Mrs.)—A-450 Butler G. 4. A-450 C.A.—A-536 Ezra G. 5. A-536 F.—A-654 Ivan 6. A-654 J.—B-200 Morris 7. B-200 O.D.-B-240 Vol. 8. B-240 W.B.—B-260 Kirkley 9. B-260 L.B.—B-325 William P. 10. B-326 A.W.—B-400 James Y. 11. B-400 Jane—B-420 Russell 12. B-420 S.-B-450 Zachary 13. B-451 Abenlia—B-500 Augustus G. 14. B-500 B.A.—B-530 Ruthie 15. B-530 S.A.—B-600 Marvin H. 16. B-600 Mary—B-620 Marvin H. 17. B-620 Mary—B-625 Nora 18. B-625 Obe—B-631 Wylie 19. B-632 (N.R.)—B-635 Queen 20. B-635 R.C.—B-650 Guy W. 21. B-650 H.A.—B-650 Zylpha 22. B-651 A.J.—B-653 Ivory 23. B-653 J.A.—B-656 Zona 24. B-660 A.D.—C-155 Luther A. 25. C-155 M.V.—C-200 Jorsh 26. C-200 Joseph—C-240 Zora 27. C-242 Andrew—C-400 Cyntha 28. C-400 D.—C-425 William T. 29. C-426 Abraham B.—C-452 Jess L. 30. C-452 Jesse—C-462 Ermond H. 31. C-462 Ernest—C-500 Z.J. 32. C-510 (N.R.) (Sr.) Raymond—C-516 Myrtle 33. C-516 N.B.—C-550 Katie 34. C-550 Lafe—C-612 Willie 35. C-613 A.J.—C-620 Jordan C. 36. C-620 Joseph—C-632 Zula L. 37. C-633 Evan—C-640 Willard J. 38. C-640 William—C-662 Thomas C. 39. D-000 (N.R.)—D-120 Marvin W. 40. D-120 Mary—D-165 William R. 41. D-200 (N.R.) (Sister) Philomina—D-252 Ruth 42. D-252 Sadie—D-365 Wislis 43. D-400 (N.R.)—D-500 Ivy 44. D-500 J.—D-525 Proctor 45. D-525 R.C.—D-600 Ruthe E. 46. D-600 S.P.—E-120 Wyley 47. E-124 Anderson—E-240 Zack 48. E-241 Adam—E-420 Dycus 49. E-420 E.C.—E-520 Ruth 50. E-520 S.L.-F-212 Zebea 51. F-216 Charlie—F-362 William M. 52. F-363 Harry—F-432 Zola 53. F-434 John B.—F-540 Cleopatria 54. F-540 Dan—F-626 Lyman S. 55. F-626 M.B.—F-652 Ivy E. 56. F-652 J.A.—G-123 Wesa 57. G-125 (N.R.)—G-236 Walter 58. G-240 Albert—G-365 Wis W. 59. G-400 A.A.—G-436 William 60. G-446 (N.R.)—G-550 William R. 61. G-552 A H.—G-615 Grover C. 62. G-615 H.-G-630 Joes 61?. G-630 John—G-650 Jordan 64. G-650 Joseph (Sr.)—G-666 Morgan 65. H-000 Abe—H-160 Julius W. 66. H-160 L.B.—H-200 Owen 67. H-200 P.M.—H-240 Printiss 68. H-240 R.L.—H-256 William N. 69. H-260 (Doctor)—H-322 Murice H. 70. H-322 M B.—H-400 Aze 71. H-400 B.—H-400 Maxwell 72. H-400 May—H-400 Luther 73. H-430 M.N.—H-500 Durham 74. H-500 E.C.—H-521 William Y. 75. H-522 Aaron C.—H-535 Zelmer R. 76. H-536 (N.R.)—H-550 Zeno 77. H-552 (Mrs.)—H-620 Elmeda 78. H-620 Elmer—H-630 Cythy 79. H-630 D. Andrew—H-635 Ezra P. 80. H-635 Fannie—H-655 Isrel P. 81. H-655 J.A.—J-210 Zackary 82. J-212 (N.R.)—J-300 Luther 83. J-300 M.F. (Mrs.)—J-520 Jul 84. J-520 James—J-520 Zula C. 85. J-522 Arnold—J-525 Jul 86. J-525 Jeff—J-525 Zucher 87. J-526 A.J.—K-246 Zib N. 88. K-250 Albert—K-413 William L. 89. K-416 Alfred—K-516 Mose 90. K-516 Nancy—K-530 Japhes O. 91. K-530 Joseph—K-635 Yetta 92. K-640 Albert—L-135 Willie B. 93. L-140 A.B.—L-200 Lizzee 94. L-200 M.W.—L-250 Charlie 95. L-250 Chess—L-340 Yancy 96. L-342 Amby—L-510 Myrtle 97. L-510 Nana—L-523 Nola 98. L-523 Okley—L-626 Rose 99. L-630 A.M. (rec.)—M-200 Guy E. 100. M-200 H.C.-M-216 Russell 101. M-216 Sadie—M-240 Ruth 102. M-240 S.B.—M-250 Izella 103. M-250 J.A.—M-254 Luther 104. M-254 M.J.—M-263 Susanna 105. M-263 T.J.—M-324 Ivy G. 106. M-324 J.A.—M-415 Z.T. 107. M-416 Algier—M-452 Kinney 108. M-452 L.B.—M-460 Quincy H. 109. M-460 R.D.—M-532 Byron 110. M-532 C.-M-600 France M. 111. M-600 Frances—M-610 Dunk G. 112. M-610 E.E.—M-620 Voyd 113. M-620 W.A.—M-625 Woorow 114. M-626 A.L.—M-635 Vitellus 115. M-635 N.A.—N-200 Frederick W. 116. N-200 G. Douglas—N-400 Guy Y. 117. N-400 H.-N-620 Lyona 118. N-620 Maggie—0-240 Steve 119. 0-240 T.G.—0-520 Sylvia 120. 0-520 T.C.—P-200 Jams C. 121. P-200 Jane—P-340 William N. 122. P-350 A.E.—P-400 Guy S. 123. P-400 H.—P-426 Winfred O. 124. P-430 A.C.—P-534 Willie 125. P-535 Charley—P-620 Harve W. 126. P-620 Harvey—P-625 Evie 127. P-625 F.D.—P-632 Mose 128. P-632 Nadine A.—R-000 Burl 129. R-000 C.-R-152 Guy W. 130. R-152 (Rev.) H.—R-163 Sherman 131. R-163 Sidney—R-200 Lewie S. 132. R-200 Lewis—R-240 Kissire 133. R-240 L.—R-263 Cyrus M. 134. R-263 D.C.—R-316 Wyley 135. R-320 A.B.—R-360 Morton M. 136. R-360 Nannie B.—R-500 Zenith 137. R-510 Alex—R-551 Werner 138. R-552 Albert—S-140 Worth 139. S-141 Albert—S-162 Lynville E. 140. S-162 M.—S-235 Everett T. 141. S-235 Finley—S-300 Ruth H. 142. S-300 S.H.—S-316 Zeward 143. S-320 (N.R.)—S-341 William H. 144. S-342 (N.R.)—S-352 Izzy 145. S-352 J.A.—S-363 Cyrus 146. S-363 D.—S-400 Myrtle 147. S-400 Namie—S-435 Duany 148. S-435 E.G.-S-500 Joel 149. S-500 John—S-524 Katie Mae 150. S-524 L.D.—S-530 Georg 151. S-530 George—S-530 Marvin L. 152. S-530 Mary—S-532 Virginia 153. S-532 W. Corver—S-546 Willie B. 154. S-550 (N.R.) Sister Agnes—S-620 Dot M. 155. S-620 E.B.—S-660 Wyatt 156. S-662 Dudley—T-260 Ruthel 157. T-260 S.D.-T-460 Chan 158. T-460 Charbs—T-510 Ruth M. 159. T-512 (N.R.) (Sr.) Dominica—T-520 Gyde A. 160. T-520 H.C.—T-553 William V. 161. T-560 A.C.—T-636 Zallie 162. T-640 A. Sidney—T-656 Rilla 163. T-656 Robert—V-300 Wm. J. 164. V-316 Henry—V-614 William 165. V-620 Aaron—W-220 Wilson 166. W-226 Ada—W-262 X.B. 167. W-263 Adam—W-300 Rober A. 168. W-300 Robert—W-325 Hobart 169. W-325 Homer—W-350 Ruth 170. W-350 S.J.-W-416 Kit 171. W-416 L.—W-420 Vurley L. 172. W-420 W —W-425 Marvin 173. W-425 Mary—W-430 Owen 174. W-430 Pascal—W-452 Elisha E. 175. W-452 Eliza—W-452 Verince 176. W-452 W.A.-W-536 Ruth M. 177. W-536 Sallie P.—W-630 Myrtle L. 178. W-630 Nancy—Y-320 Itance 179. Y-320 J.C.—Y-520 Zorner 180. Y-521 (N.R.)—Institutions LOUISIANA Ml564 1. A-125 A.G.—A-300 Zelia 2. A-325 (N.R.)—A-425 Cyrus 3. A-425 D.B.—A-526 Zeno 4. A-534 (Sister)—A-625 Evest 5. A-625 F A.—B-150 Zena B. 6. B-152 (Rev.)—B-245 Lydie 7. B-245 M.—B-300 Trudy M. 8. B-300 Ulyusse—B-362 Evesti 9. B-362 F.—B-420 Rufus 10. B-420 Sadie—B-453 Milton E. 11. B-455 (N.R.)—B-530 Dupree 12. B-530 E.B.—B-600 Roberson 13. B-600 Roberson—B-620 Marvin 14. B-620 Mary—B-626 Alvier 15. B-626 Alpha—B-631 Lucy 16. B-631 M.—B-640 Zelfy 17. B-642 A.—B-650 Leovia 18. B-650 Lerin—B-652 Norton 19. B-652 O.B.—C-100 Purley E. 20. C-100 R.B.—C-200 J.W. 21. C-200 Jack—C-260 Ziller 22. C-263 (N.R.)—C-414 Wysinger 23. C-415 A.B.—C-452 Issee 24. C-452 J. (Mrs.)—C-462 Ovay 25. C-462 P.L.—C-320 Ozema 26. C-520 P.—C-600 Lizzie Ann 27. C-600 Lloyd—C-625 Howard 28. C-625 F.—C-640 Ryford 29. C-640 S.E.-D-lOO Ruth 30. D-100 S.T.—D-120 William A. 31. D-120 William B—D-200 Cyral 32. D-200 D.H.—D-250 Azema 33. D-250 B.D.—D-363 Isaac 34. D-360 J.L.—D-500 Maty S. 35. D-500 Mascela—D-550 Jules E. 36. D-550 Lande—D-632 Motlay 37. D-632 Napoleon—E-242 Zula 38. E-240 W.E.—E-430 Katie 39. E-430 L. Marr—F-236 Myrtis 40. F-236 N.—F-430 Mosses 41. F-430 Nancy—F-535 Frozeen 42. F-535 G. Alfred—F-630 Butler 43. F-630 C.B. (Mrs.)—F-652 Myrtle 44. F-652 N.-G-163 Willie 45. G-164 (Sister)—G-360 Azelio 46. G-360 B. (Mrs.)—G-425 Izell 47. G-425 J.E.—G-520 Fulton 48. G-520 G.F.—G-615 Byron O. 49. G-615 C.-G-635 Dorsey 50. G-635 E.—G-650 Whit 51. G-650 Wiggie M.—H-152 Ivey 52. H-155 J.—H-200 Ruthford 53. H-200 S.—H-300 Auther 54. H-300 B.C.—H-400 Foster 55. H-400 Frances—H-450 Wittshire 56. H-452 (M.)—H-520 Zephermise 57. H-523 A.D —H-543 Jones 58. H-543 Jordan—H-620 Duncan 59. H-620 E.—H-630 Jimmy 60. H-630 Joanna—1-230 Irtamiza 61. 1-230 J.M.-J-230 Lynch 62. J-220 M.—J-250 Wills 63. J-250 William—J-520 George 64. J-520 George—J-520 Willy 65. J-520 William—J-525 Hans J. 66. J-525 Hardie—J-525 Sam 67. J-525 Sam B.—K-200 Isic R. 26 LOUISIANA-MARYLAND 68. K-200 J.K.—K-500 Izola 69. K-500 J.A.—K-551 Louise 70. K-550 M.A.—L-000 Whitman 71. L-000 Wisk-L-145 Jonh 72. L-145 Joseph—L-200 Estrose 73. L-200 Ethel—L-234 Issac 74. L-231 J.—L-320 Dorothy 75. L-320 E.G.—L-516 M E. 76. L-516 M S.—L-536 Christor 77. L-536 Cladas—L-620 Zelda 78. L-625 (N.R.)—M-200 Jimmy 79. M-200 Joackine—M-235 Guy 80 M-235 H.—M-250 Alvin 81. M-250 Am—M-260 Jimmy 82. M-260 Joe—M-324 Gustave 83. M-324 H.J.—M-420 Jonas 84. M-420 Jose—M-460 John 85. M-460 John A —M-532 Zulma 86. M-533 A.—M-600 Jose M. 87 M-600 Joseph—M-620 Karan 88. M-620 L.—M-630 Mose 89. M-630 Nanmie—M-651 William 90. M-655 Adam—N-362 Loratio 91. N-362 Maggie—N-655 Eulerson 92. N-655 Fannie—0-520 Brodinay 93. 0-520 Brown—P-200 Zilphia 94. P-216 A E G.—P-360 Zulnia 95. P-362 (N.R.)—P-424 Myrtile 96. P-415 N.F.—P-536 Lucille 97. P-535 M.C.—P-620 Zulme 98. P-622 (Mr.)—P-630 Susie 99. P-630 T.F.—R-000 Putt 100. R-000 S. Bucher—R-162 Auther 101. R-162 Balie—R-200 Frazer 102. R-200 Fred—R-240 Zusler 103. R-242 Angaliena—R-263 Syvia 104. R-263 T.—R-360 Zenon 105. R-362 (N.R.) (Mr.)—R-525 Ivy 106. R-525 J.A. (Mrs.)—S-120 Yoes 107. S-124 A —S-165 Morris 108. S-165 Nannie—S-300 Junius 109. S-300 Kaleste—S-335 Lucile 110. S-335 Manuel—S-363 Gustavia 111. S-363 H.—S-416 Willie 112. S-416 M. (Mrs.)—S-512 Guy 113. S-512 Hank—S-530 Cay 113. S-530 Ceaser—S-530 Margurite 115. S-530 Maria—S-536 Elzie 116. S-536 Emaniel—S-560 Jimmie 117. S-560 Joe—T-000 Young 118. T-120 (N.R.)—T-340 Drew 119. T-350 E.B.—T-460 Rolla Lee 120. T-460 Rosa—T-520 George 121. T-520 George A.—T-610 Katy 122. T-610 Lawerence—T-652 Willie 123. T-652 Raquel—V-256 Eva 124. V-256 Fairseal—V-555 Winnan 125. V-620 (N.R.)—W-240 Katherime 126. W-240 L.D.—W-300 Davis 127. W-300 Dee—W-325 Egger 128. W-325 Ed—W-410 Willis 129. W-414 (N.R.)—W-425 Jinnie 130. W-425 Jo—W-435 Zed 131. W-436 (N.R.)—W-452 Erwin 132. W-452 Esau—W-452 Mittie 133. W-452 Modella—W-523 Isabelle 134. W-523 J.N.—W-652 Woodrow 135. W-656 (N.R.)—Institutions MAINE M1565 1. A-000 Amanda—A-450 D P. 2. A-450 E. Fred—B-160 Fremont A. 3. B-160 G.A.—B-263 Gilbert 4. B-263 Harry—B-410 William H. 5. B-414 Adolphe—B-500 Zera M. 6. B-510 Alphonse—B-620 Gwendlyne G. 7. B-620 H.E.—B-634 Zea M. 8. B-635 Abbie—B-652 Lyman 9. B-652 Mabel A.—C-200 Egra R. 10. C-200 Norton—C-400 Dulora 11. C-400 Earl—C-462 Douglass 12. C-462 E.J.—C-552 Dwight R. 13. C-552 Byron E.—C-623 Isadore 14. C-623 Jabez—C-652 Willmat 15. C-653 Able—D-140 Wilfred 16. D-142 Abel—D-362 William B. 17. D-400 A.L.G.—D-541 William J. 18. D-542 Adelbert P —D-660 Willis 19. E-123 Abe—E-562 Justin S. 20. E-562 Kate S.—F-426 William J. 21. F-430 Abbie L.-F-631 Nelson 22. F-633 Alfred—G-250 Fred A. 23. G-250 Gabrielle—G-426 William W. 24. G-430 Abbie M.—G-612 Yvonne 25. G-613 Abbie S.—G-453 Freeman R. 26. G-653 Gage B.—H-200 Winnifred (Mrs.) 27. H-215 Ada V.—H-324 Herbert 28. H-325 (N.R.)—H-435 Kate H. 29. H-435 Laban P.—H-540 Robert W. 30. H-543 Abbie H.—H-640 William P. 31. H-641 Adolph—J-520 Burton T. 32. J-520 C. Fred—K-230 William H. 33. K-240 Alex M.—K-523 Frisky F. 34. K-523 Gene W.-L-120 Katherine 35. L-120 Lawrence—L-220 Willie 36. L-226 Albert G.—L-453 Woodbury D. 37. L-460 Allen J.—L-600 Winfield A. 38. L-610 Abbie E.-M-230 lsreal 39. M-230 J. Ellis—M-250 Myrtle E. 40. M-250 (Mrs.) N. Manian—M-320 Davis 41. M-320 E. Walter—M-460 Sylvia 42. M-460 Thomas—M-610 Orris D. 43. M-610 Patrick—M-635 Kenneth 44. M-635 L. Diana—N-260 Thomas 45. N-262 A.W.—0-260 William P. 46. 0-300 Authur M —P-263 Wyman W. 47. P-265 Albers S.—P-450 Guy S. 48. P-450 Harold W.—P-615 Zyphiren 49. P-616 Angelo—P-636 Ruth A.C. 50. P-636 Salange—R-152 Zerah L. 51. R-153 Achille S.-R-262 Wylie 52. R-263 (N.R.)—R-514 Warren J. 53. R-520 Abbie E.—S-142 Willie B. 54. S-143 A.W.—S-310 W.W. 55. S-312 Ada A.—S-354 Wirt 56. S-356 Albert J.—S-452 Luther E. 57. S-452 Maggie—S-530 Kinneth F. 58. S-530 L.D.—S-564 Minnie M. 59. S-600 A.G.—T-253 William F. 60. T-260 (N.R.)—T-520 Dwight 61. T-520 Earl—T-652 Willis A. 62. T-653 Abbie D.—W-161 Willmot 63. W-200 (Mrs.)—W-325 Lydia M. 64. W-325 Madelina—W-420 Ruth T. 65. W-420 S. Alphonso—W-524 Isiah J. 66. W-524 James E.—W-640 Willian J. 67. W-650 Abbie—Institutions MARYLAND Ml566 1. A-000 Albert—A-352 Lydia H. 2. A-352 M.H.—A-535 William M. 3. A-536 (N.R.)—B-000 William T. 4. B-100 Ada E.-B-234 William 5. B-235 Abe—B-260 Kisdah 6. B-260 Lacy—B-346 Ruth K. 7. B-346 Sadie—B-416 William H. 8. B-420 (N.R.)—B-452 Maurice E. 9. B-452 Nannie—B-525 Wolf 10. B-526 Abraham N.—B-600 Iva R. 11. B-600 J. Harry—B-620 Merritt 12. B-620 Michael—B-630 Burton S. 13. B-630 C.C.—B-635 Yular 14. B-636 Ada—B-650 Justina 15. B-650 Kate—B-652 Otto 16. B-652 P.C.-C-130 William R. 17. C-135 Andrew—C-200 Otha 18. C-200 P. Martin—C-365 Winifred 19. C-400 Magdala (Sister)—C-440 William H. 20. C-450 A. Blaine—C-462 Quince 21. C-462 R. Edwards—C-524 Wilson 22. C-525 A.B.—C-613 Willie 23. C-614 Alice J.—C-632 Othie 24. C-632 Patricia M.—C-652 Montogomery 25. C-652 Nancy S.—D-120 Martha V. 26. D-120 Mary—D-220 Zilla A. 27. D-223 Adam H.—D-320 Irvin R. 28. D-320 J. Harry—D-500 Erasmus 29. D-500 Ernest—D-543 Zachariah 30. D-545 Alice G.—D-650 Isabel 31. D-650 Jacob G.-E-255 Williard 32. E-256 Abraham—E-500 Williams 33. E-512 Adolph—F-216 William H. 34. F-220 Amand E.—F-420 Lynwood 35. F-420 Mabel—F-520 lsreal R. 36. F-520 J. Keiffer—F-630 Grafton 37. F-630 Hannah J.—F-653 Kenneth W. 38. F-653 Laras J.—G-252 Winter 39. G-253 Andre—G-420 Gregorie 40. G-420 Hampton—G-520 Zela 41. G-521 Abraham—G-614 Zidor 42. G-615 (Sister) Mary D.—G-630 Norman 43. G-630 Oliver—G-650 Vivian 44. G-650 W.E.—H-125 Ivan L. 45. H-125 J.—H-200 Emily V. 46. H-200 Emma—H-243 Zebedee P. 47. H-245 Alice—H-322 Julius 48. H-322 Kate B.—H-400 Kirk 49. H-400 Lancelet M.—H-452 Junie 50. H-452 K.—H-520 Winfield 51. H-521 Abraham—H-543 Wilson 52. H-545 Abraham M.—H-620 Doris 1. 53. H-620 Earl—H-630 Kizzie 54. H-630 L.H.—H-655 Komer 55. H-655 Laura—J-250 Buddie 56. J-250 C. Columbas—J-520 Frane E. 57. J-520 Frank—J-525 Algerman S. (Sr.) 58. J-525 Alice—J-525 Marvin 59. J-525 Mary—K-155 Frederick 60. K-155 Garrin L.—K-400 Douglas 61. K-400 E.F.—K-460 Killian 62. K-460 Laura E.—K-523 Louise 63. K-523 M.—K-620 Lydia A. 64. K-620 Mable—L-000 Kitty 65. L-000 L.—L-200 Evins 66. L-200 T.B.—L-255 William L. 67. L-256 Adele—L-500 Guy O. 68. L-500 Hariet—L-525 William T. 69. L-526 Agnes—L-650 Vincent 70. L-652 A.C.—M-216 Russel M. 71. M-216 Sallie 0.-M-242 Owen J. 72. M-242 Paul—M-253 Wilson B. 73. M-254 M. Hilda (Sister)—M-316 William U. 74. M-320 (Sister) M. Stanislaus—M-400 Issac S. 75. M-400 J. Frank—M-460 Avis L. 76. M-460 B.F.—M-500 Lydia 77. M-500 (Sr.) M. Evlyne—M-600 Cyrus M. 78. M-600 Daisy M —M-620 Byron E. 79. M-620 C. Edgar—M-625 Burns E. 80. M-625 C.—M-646 Joseph S. 81. M-650 (Sister) M. Sebolasbica—N-255 Teodor 82. N-256 Aaron—N-620 Lyell 83. N-620 M.E.—0-431 Wm. L 84. 0435 Allen J.—P-200 Isiah S. 85. P-200 J. Ashary—P-362 Juniata 86. P-362 Kate—P-446 Ralph J. 87. P-450 (N.R.)—P-612 Willie 88. P-613 Adolf—P-625 Zion 89. P-626 (N.R.)—Q-300 William R. 90. Q-400 Agnes P — R-152 Itela 91. R-152 J —R-200 Ivy M. 92. R-200 J. Frank—R-251 lsreal 93. R-251 J. Henry (Jr.)—R-300 Sylvester 94. R-300 T. Columbus—R-400 Evertt 95. R400 F.—R-534 Frederick 96. R-534 Garnet—S-120 Yisensky 97. S-122 Albert R.—S-160 Hymen 98. S-160 I.—S-235 William E. 99. S-236 Albert Lee—S-313 William H. 100. S-314 (N.R.)—S-340 Dorthy 101. S-340 E. Gertrude—S-355 Willoughty J. 102. S-356 (Sister) Mary R.—S-364 Zelda M. 103. S-365 (Sr.) M. Theo —S-424 Williams T. 104. S-425 Abraham—S-500 Zachariah 105. S-510 Ada—S-530 Charle W. 106. S-530 Clas—S-530 Lottie 107. S-530 Louis—S-536 Cyrus F. 108. S-536 D.B.—S-560 Isaac 109. S-560 J. Sydney—S-632 Luther T. 110. S-632 Mabel A —T-263 William This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. MARYLAND-MASSACHUSETTS 27 111. T-300 (N.R.)—T-400 Kingle L. 112. T-460 Lacy W.—'T-520 George W. 113. T-520 Georgia—T-614 William V. 114. T-615 Adeline M.—T-656 Suzette 115. T-656 T. Spencer—V-534 Stephen Jr. 116. V-535 Agnes—W-230 Zora L. 117. W-231 Albert—W-300 Fritz J. 118. W-300 G.-W-325 Zelenlin 119. W-326 Albert—W-410 Dorothy 120. W-410 E. Marine—W-425 Authur 121. W-425 B. Hunter—W-431 Wright 122. W-432 (N.R.)—W-452 Myrtlp 123. W-452 N. Rodger—W-535 William 124. W-536 (N.R.)—W-630 Ruth W. 125. W-630 S B.—Y-520 Sylvia 126. Y-520 T. Edward—Institutions MASSACHUSETTS Ml567 1. A-000 Abraham—A-213 Virgene 2. A-214 Alu—A-265 William M. 3. A-300 Adelard—A-352 Ptoleme P. 4. A-352 R.G.—A-425 Myrtle 5. A-425 Monnie—A-450 (Mrs.) F. G. 6. A-450 Rachel L.M.—A-526 Zelee 7. A-530 Adelard—A-536 Hermery 8. A-536 Hilda—A-613 Wolf 9. A-615 Adelena—A-652 Lyman 10. A-652 M.A.—B-161 Walter D. 11. B-162 Albie C.—B-210 Owen P. 12. B-210 Paul—B-236 Isodore F. 13. B-236 J. Albert—B-250 Gray 14. B-250 H. Clinton—B-260 Guy N. 15. B-260 H. Aurandor—B-300 Kirk 16. B-300 Lafayette L.—B-344 Wilson 17. B-345 Avilard—B-360 Zotique 18. B-361 Abbie—B-400 Lonie K. 19. B-400 Louis—B-420 Ivan 20. B-420 J. Allen—B-426 Konstantz 21. B-426 Laura E.—B-451 William K. 22. B-452 (N.R.)—B-460 Myron D. 23. B-460 Napoleon—B-520 Burton C. 24. B-520 J. Lillian—B-530 Egras M. 25. B-530 F.B. (Jr.)—B-550 Ruth E. 26. B-550 Sadie—B-600 Owen 27. B-600 P. Edward A.—B-620 Byron B. 28. B-620 E. Arthur—B-620 Jose C. 29. B-620 Joseph—B-621 Zofia 30. B-622 A. Laurence—B-624 Wolf. 31. B-625 (N.R.)—B-626 Zphia 32. B-630 (N.R.)—B-631 Freeman 33. B-631 G. Leroy—B-634 Voila 34. B-634 W. Elmes—B-640 Katie W. 35. B-640 Laura—B-650 Ezra L. 36. B-650 F. Howard—B-650 Mauness 37. B-650 May—B-652 Fritz 38. B-652 G.C.—B-653 John 39. B-653 John A.—B-656 Dwight 40. B-656 E.E.—C-126 Pasqueale 41. C-130 Abner—C-152 Waldyslaw 42. C-153 Agustus—C-200 Byron 43. C-200 C. Catherine—C-200 Mary 44. C-200 Mary A.—C-230 Martino 45. C-230 Mary—C-245 John K. 46. C-245 Joseph—C-265 Lula 47. C-265 M.—C-346 Grunirlle K. 48. C-346 Harold J.—C-400 Avy 49. C-400 J.H.-C-416 Ivan 50. C-416 J. Frank—C-434 Julia M. 51. C-434 Kates—C-451 Jouse 52. C-452 (N.R.)—C-455 Ezeo A. 53. C-455 Fannie—C-462 Freeman R. 54. C-462 G. Daniel—C-500 Cyrus N. 55. C-500 Dana E.—C-500 Volleny E.H. 56. C-500 W. Earl—C-515 Winnie M. 57. C-516 Emily—C-533 Steve 58. C-534 (Mr.)—C-540 Myrtle 59. C-540 Nellie—C-552 Ruth M. 60. C-552 Sadie—C-563 Ludger 61. C-563 Mabel—C-600 Owen R. 62. C-600 Paterick—C-615 Wolfred 63. C-616 (Mrs.)—C-621 Truman P. 64. C-621 Valentines—C-626 Doris 65. C-626 E.—C-635 Dorothy 66. C-635 Eddei—C-640 Exelda 67. C-640 F. Joseph—C-642 Gwendlp 68. C-642 H.E.—C-650 Meyoseau 69. C-650 Michael—C-655 Asivald 70. C-655 Parrodeso—D-000 Zoe 71. D-100 Abrahane—D-120 Gwendolyn 72. D-120 Hamilton—D-136 Urbano 73. D-140 Abbee—D-160 Katherine E. 74. D-160 Larraine—D-220 Zofin 75. D-221 Adam—D-242 Zachariah W. 76. D-243 Addrine—D-255 Irene 77. D-255 Jacob F.—D-300 Ayrena 78. D-300 Taffaha—D-400 Aurora 79. D-400 F. Wallace—D-415 Zakar 80. D-416 Adolphe W.—D-450 Ruth M. 81. D-450 Sabina J.—D-500 Fulton 82. D-500 (Mrs.) A.—D-500 Vuinia 83. D-500 W.A.—D-516 Jephiniah F. 84. D-520 (N.R.)—D-526 Zotique C. 85. D-530 Abbie D.—D-545 Nora 86. D-545 Patrick—D-562 Prudence 87. D-562 Raoul—D-616 Winthrop C. 88. D-620 Ada—D-625 Zilda 89. D-626 Adeline—D-650 Myrtle A. 90. D-650 Napolean—E-215 William J. 91. E-216 Adrian—E-325 William R. 92. E-326 Addie L.—E-423 William A. 93. E-425 Abraham—E-526 William G. 94. E-530 Albert A.—F-000 Eunice T. 95. F-000 Fannie—F-200 Vitorine 96. F-200 W. Adelaide—F-260 Israel 97. F-260 (Mrs.) J.—F-326 Lucinda 98. F-326 (Sister) M. Apritis—F-410 Richard 99. F-410 Halvatosa—F-432 Gwen V. 100. F-432 Rachel A.—F-452 Lyman 101. F-452 Mabel—F-463 John H. 102. F-463 John J.—F-534 Flora L. 103. F-535 (N.R.)—F-614 Ivonne 104. F-615 Abbie F.—F-624 Federich A. 105. F-624 Gennars—F-633 Isidore 106. F-633 J. Alfred—F-645 Yvonne 107. F-646 Abraham—F-652 Zoichor 108. F-653 Abbe M.—F-660 Quinto 109. F-660 R. Theodore—G-152 Ivy 110. G-152 Jacob—G-244 Tresa 111. G-245 A. Edmund—G-316 Selpha K. 112. G-320 A.—G-355 Grace A. 113. G-355 Hanna—G-415 Dorothy F. 114. G-415 Earnest—G-425 Iva 115. G-425 Jacob—G-430 Z. 116. G-431 (N.R.)—G-452 Julius P. 117. G-452 (Mrs.) Kate—G-530 Custard 118. G-520 Harlich—G-552 Lyman M. 119. G-552 M. Ammud—G-612 Gustave 120. G-612 H.H.—G-620 Byron E. 121. G-620 Chesir—G-625 Zygmont 122. G-626 Abel—G-635 Kire 123. G-635 Laura—G-650 Henry W. 124. G-650 Herbert—G-653 Axel 125. G-653 Bavsion—G-656 Ruth 126. G-656 Salvatora—H-135 William H. 127. H-140 Abe—H-200 Christine 128. H-200 Christopher—H-200 Zylha 129. H-210 Adolph L.—H-240 Myron A. 130. H-240 Maomi—H-252 Kozini 131. H-252 L.E.—H-300 Joe E. 132. H-300 John—H-325 Isaac 133. H-325 J. Elmer—H-400 Cliffort 134. H-400 Clifford B.—H-400 Mary W. 135. H-400 Matheu—H-424 William R. 136. H-425 Adolph—H-452 Fritz 137. H-452 Galen L.—H-500 Ruth M. 138. H-500 S. Willard—H-523 Williar J. 139. H-524 Abbie L.—H-534 Winifred 140. H-535 Abbi—H-545 Iva 141. H-545 Jacob—H-610 Dorris 142. H-610 E. William—H-623 Freida 143. H-623 Jorge—H-630 Izora 144. H-630 J. Allen—H-635 Ivan P. 145. H-635 J. Charles—H-650 Zaibe 146. H-651 Ada—1-263 William L. 147. 1-264 Abraham—J-146 William 148. J-200 (N.R.)—J-250 Avie 149. J-250 Barbara—J-500 Everett L. 150. J-500 Fannie L.—J-520 Selva 151. J-520 Temprence G.—J-525 Erners 152. J-525 Ernest—J-525 Rob. 153. J-525 Robert—J-660 Nojciech 154. K-000 Addison L.—K-200 Dwight A. 155. K-200 Eben W —K-256 Zajac 156. K-260 Abraham—K-400 Burdette 157. K-400 (Mrs.) C.—K-400 Patrick 158. K-400 Patrick A — K-440 Winifred 159. K-442 Adam—K-500 Emerson 160. K-500 Emil—K-514 Izatta B. 161. K-514 James—K-523 Dutter 162. K-523 E. Foster—K-533 Waclaw 163. K-534 Abbie—K-610 Lydia L. 164. K-610 Mabel—K-636 Victor 165. K-640 Abraham—L-000 Jose (Doctor) 166. L-000 Joseph—L-120 Ezra 167. L-120 F.S.—L-140 Lydia F. 168. L-140 M. Ada—L-152 Guy P. 169. L-152 Hannah—L-165 Isrial 170. L-165 J. Homer—L-200 Lyod L. 171. L-200 L. Franklin—L-231 Zofia 172. L-232 Adam—L-255 Zenas G. 173. L-256 Adam—L-320 Fridaline 174. L-320 Gedion—L-361 Willoughby 175. L-362 Adolf—L-500 Jorgen 176. L-500 Joseph—L-520 Byron A. 177. L-520 C. Isabel—L-520 Owen M. 178. L-520 P. Joseph—L-525 Myra 179. L-525 Nellie—L-536 Lydia E. 180. L-536 Mabell—L-563 Everett M. 181. L-563 F. Jackson—L-625 Bror L. 182. L-625 C. Ernest—L-665 Stanley 183. M-000 Katherine—M-200 Johanna C. 184. M-200 John—M-213 Isreal 185. M-213 Jacob—M-220 Szynon 186. M-220 Unas—M-235 Asel 187. M-235 B. Harold—M-235 Ann J. 188. M-235 P.J.—M-240 Martin R. 189. M-240 Mary—M-242 Ruth M. 190. M-242 S. Louise—M-245 Prescilla 191. M-245 Racheal—M-250 Johannah 192. M-250 John—M-252 Dwight L. 193. M-252 Earl—M-254 Cyrene 194. M-254 Daniel—M-255 Lyle M. 195. M-255 (N.R.)—M-260 Lyman J. 196. M-260 M.J.—M-263 Eward. 197. M-263 F. John—M-263 Violet 198. M-263 W. Arthew—M-315 Morris 199. M-316 (N.R.)—M-325 Duncan 200. M-325 Edith—M-365 Wright 201. M-366 Charles—M-420 Jonn. 202. M-420 Joseph—M-436 William L. 203. M-440 Albert—M-452 Lyda A. 204. M-452 Mabel—M-461 Nick 205. M-462 Adam—M-500 Myler F. 206. M-500 N. John—M-524 Wells C. 207. M-525 (N.R.)—M-536 Zoile 208. M-540 (N.R.)—M-560 Zoayver 209. M-561 Dominic—M-600 James F. 210. M-600 James G.—M-610 Byron J. 211. M-610 Caraline G.—M-610 Mary Z. 212. M-610 Matheu—M-620 Emilie I. 213. M-620 Emma—M-620 Symanthy 214. M-620 Tasker—M-624 Vito 215. M-624 W. Reginal—M-630 Duly 216. M-630 Earl M—M-635 Johanna 217. M-635 John—M-640 Ruth V. 218. M-640 S. Abnes—M-651 Ward E. 219. M-652 Abby—N-200 Byron W. (Sr.) 220. N-200 C. Leroy—N-242 Kuigmand G. 221. N-242 L. Frank—N-326 Tony G. 222. N-332 A. Leniolw—N-425 Duglas 223. N-425 E. Hjalmar—N-530 Thomas H. 224. N-534 Abot—N-635 Sylvia 225. N-635 Feddy—0-165 Lydia H. 226. 0-165 N. Francis—0-236 Yvonne 227. 0-240 Abraitam—0-256 Winnfred 228. 0-260 Abbie—0-422 Wladislow 229. 0-473 Albert—0-540 Austin P. 230. 0-540 B. Elizabeth—0-625 Wladyslawa 231. 0-626 Ada—P-146 William 232. P-150 Abbie—P-216 William 233. P-220 Abeilio—P-252 Zygmont 234. P-253 Achilles—P-335 Xavier 235. P-340 A. Manton—P-362 Cyrus C. 236. P-362 D. Edna—P-400 Guy O. 237. P-400 H.A.—P-420 Johny 238. P-420 Joseph—P-450 Moses 239. P-450 Napoleon—P-500 Ivers 240. P-500 J. Earl—P-536 Winifred 241. P-540 Mary A.—P-600 Mystle W. 242. P-600 Nancy—P-620 Henrrietta A. 243. P-620 Henry—P-623 Guy R. 28 MASSACHUSETTS-MICHIGAN 244. P-623 Hannah—P-625 Volta 245. P-625 W. Emmet—P-630 Ruth W. 246 P-630 Sada—P-650 Frieda 247. P-650 Gaspard—Q-460 Richard F. 248. Q-500 (N.R.)—R-000 Lyla M. 249. R-000 M. Alice—R-146 Zrion 250. R-150 Aaron—R-162 Isoise 251. R-162 Jacob—R-200 Byron T. 252. R-200 C.—R-200 Kiprian 253. R-200 L. Coyd—R-222 William 254. R-223 Albert—R-226 W. George 255. R-250 Mary Albino—R-260 Isreal 256. R-260 J. Carl—R-263 Howell H. 257. R-263 L. Elison—R-300 N. Adjistar Mary 258. R-300 Nable—R-351 William E. 259. R-352 Abbie E.—R-400 Lyyda 260. R-400 Mable—R-500 James W. 261. R-500 Jane—R-522 William J. 262. R-523 (Miss)—R-543 Violet 263. R-543 Waldo—R-666 Tranciosa A. 264. S-000 (Sr.) M. Philip—S-000 Yu Goon 265. S-100 (Sr.)—S-140 Evelyn 266. S-140 Fancia—S-153 William J. 267. S-154 Albert B.—S-163 Isac F. 268. S-163Jacam—S-200 Myran G. 269. S-200 Nancy L.—S-241 Wm. S. 270. S-242 Abraham—S-300 Jordan 271. S-300 Joseph—S-315 Mattie F. 272. S-315 Maud—S-325 Yalta 273. S-326 A.T.-S-346 Wolfe 274. S-350 (N.R.)—S-353 Zachary 275. S-354 (N.R.)—S-363 Duncan M.C. 276. S-363 Adeline—S-366 Winifred T. 277. S-400 (N.R.)—S-410 Maruel 278. S-410 Mary—S-415 Israel 279. S-416J.B.—S-415 Quinland 280. S-415R. James—S-426 Zigmund 281. S-430 (N.R.)—S-455 Julliette 282. S-455 Kalie—S-500 Jones 283. S-500 Joseph—S-516 Byron 284. S-516 C.C.—S-525 Porter H. 285. S-525 Rachel—S-530 Ezra S. 286. S-530 F. Andrew—S-530 Lulekei 287. S-530 Lure—S-531 Normond 288. S-531 Oliva—S-536 Elizabeth 289. S-536 Ella—S-545 Morris J. 290. S-545 Nellie—S-560 Qurlene L. 291. S-560 R. Alfred—S-615 Luigi 292. S-615 M. Samuel—S-630 Lyman 293. S-630 M.—S-655 Lysander B. 294. S-655 M.C.—T-152 Yvonne 295. T-153 Adalaine—T-260 Everett R. 296. T-260 Faith L.—T-400 Everett S. 297. T-400 Fannie—T-460 Henry N. 298. T-460 Herert—T-512 Ezra 299. T-512 J.H.-T-520 Martin C. 300. T-520 Mary—T-600 Dwight 301. T-600 E. Dana—T-620 Byron 302. T-620 Calla E.—T-640 Israel 303. T-640 Jacob—T-656 Curtis L. 304. T-656 Warh—V-200 Wladyslaw 305. V-212 Abraham—V-425 William G. 306. V-426 Achille—V-535 Wilmot 307. V-536 Aake—W-123 Gretin 308. W-123 Hannah M.—W-230 Ivory A. 309. W-230 James—W-261 Tony 310. W-262 Adam—W-300 James William 311. W-300 Jane—W-320 Authur W. 312. W-320 Barbara—W-341 Walter 313. W-342 Adam—W-361 Izannah 314. W-361 James B.—W-415 Win. 315. W-416 (N.R.)—W-420 Johannah 316. W-420 John—W-420 Zennise D. 317. W-421 Aby (N.R.)—W-425 Sylvia A. 318. W-425 L.—W-426 Freida 319. W-436 Garvin B.—W-452 Jordan P. 320. W-452 Joseph—W-512 William F. 321. W-514 (N.R.)—W-552 William M. 322. W-555 Abraham—W-630 Dudly 323. W-630 E. Maynard—W-656 Myra 324. W-656 Nancy—Y-524 William K. 325. Y-525 Alma L.—Z-412 Wladeslaw 326. Z-420 Abraham—Institutions MICHIGAN M1568 1. A-000 Abraham—A-223 Wojcieck 2. A-225 Adelaide B.—A-325 Wirt 3. A-326 Beatrice—A-416 Justin P. 4. A-416 Kate—A-450 Harson 5. A-450 Harvey—A-526 Luther 6. A-526 Mary Beatrice (Sister)—A-536 Jake M. 7. A-536 James—A-625 Cyrill 8. A-625 David—B-100 Irene 9. B-100 Jacob—B-200 Ezra 10. B-200 F.E.—B-210 Ezra 11. B-210 F. Jay—B-236 Kent 12. B-236 L.C.—B-252 Czister 13. B-252 Daisy—B-260 Johannes 14. B-260 John—B-300 Prentice 15. B-300 R.W.—B-345 William C. 16. B-346 (N.R.)—B-400 Bert L. 17. B-400 Bertha—B-412 Willihema 18. B-413 Adolph—B-421 Zephah M. 19. B-422 (N.R.)—B-435 Gwen 20. B-435 H.J.—B-452 Winceslas 21. B-453 (N.R.)—B-500 Queen 22. B-500 Rachel E.—B-525 Wise 23. B-526 A.D.—B-535 Lyman E. 24. B-535 Mabel—B-600 Dwight P. 25. B-600 E.A.—B-616 Ivan 26. B-616 J. Collins—B-620 Ivan L. 27. B-620 J.-B-621 Winnifred 28. B-622 (N.R.)—B-625 Bzeslaw 29. B-625 Damase—B-630 Dwight E. 30. B-630 E. Edward—B-632 Lyman 31. B-632 M.A.—B-635 Priscilla 32. B-635 R —B-650 Czar 33. B-650 D M.—B-650 Maxwell 34. B-650 May—B-652 Guy W. 35. B-652 H.A.—B-653 Johanna 36. B-653 John—B-656 Lyman 37. B-656 M.—C-142 Irenus G. 38. C-142 Jack—C-166 Victor 39. C-200 (N.R.)—C-200 Ruth M. 40. C-200 S.C.—C-246 Wilson 41. C-250 Leo (Sister)—C-340 Zyna 42. C-341 (N.R.)—C-400 Sylvia M. 43. C-400 T.R.—C-425 Guy A. 44. C-425 Ha Victoria—C-452 Joe 45. C-452 John—C-462 Elgin G. 46. C-462 Eli—C-500 John W. 47. C-500 Joseph—C-514 Zeta 48. C-515 A.—C-535 William W. 49. C-536 Abbie—C-563 Eva 50. C-563 F.E.—C-613 Zoe 51. C-614 Adam—C-620 Jonas 52. C-620 Joseph—C-625 Gustave 53. C-625 H.G.—C-636 Fredrick 54. C-636 G. Lewis—C-643 Judson 55. C-643 Kasper—C-654 Freida 56. C-654 Gaylord A.—D-100 Myrtle R. 57. D-100 Neil E.—D-120 Valney D. 58. D-120 W.C.—D-160 Ezra 59. D-160 Felix—D-220 Wren 60. D-222 Adam—D-250 Zelpha 61. D-251 (N.R.)—D-300 Ivarene 62. D-300 J.B.—D-400 Dwight 63. D-400 E.L.—D-445 Theodore 64. D-450 (Sister) Mechiltda—D-500 John A. 65. D-500 John—D-520 Kasteb 66. D-520 L.J.—D-540 Moyrra 67. D-540 Nellie—D-562 Zane 68. D-563 Andrew—D-620 Prosper 69. D-620 R.B.—D-652 Eva 70. D-652 Felix—E-163 Winthrop W. 71. E-164 Adam—E-256 Zach A. 72. E-260 Abe—E-412 Wm. 73. E-414 Abe—E-462 William M. 74. E-463 A.E.-E-616 William 75. E-620 A.L.—F-200 Cyril 76. F-200 D. Truvat—F-240 William W. 77. F-242 Adah—F-324 William N. 78. F-325 (N.R.)—F-425 Ruth 79. F-425 S.A.—F-455 Otto 80. F-455 Paul—F-523 William 81. F-524 Aaron—F-616 William T. 82. F-620 Mary Enrico—F-626 Burton John 83. F-626 C. Lewis—F-640 Douglass 84. F-640 Earl—F-652 Sid 85. F-652 Sidney—G-120 Fredrick 86. G-120 G.R.-G-200 Zina 87. G-210 Adam—G-310 Zoe 88. G-313 Agnes—G-360 Isak 89. G-360 J.A.—G-420 Duncan H. 90. G-420 Earl— G-430 Vivian 91. G-430 Wallace—G-500 Ezra 92. G-500 Feilman M.—G-560 Wm. T. 93. G-562 Aaron—G-613 Dewetik 94. G-613 E.G.—G-620 June 95. G-620 Kahozia—G-626 Wright 96. G-630 (Mrs.)—G-641 PeterS. 97. G-642 Adele—G-650 Quincy F. 98. G-650 R.Z.—G-654 Cornelia 99. G-654 David—H-100 Myrtle Belle 100. H-100 Nancy W—H-155 Queen 101. H-155 Rachel—H-200 Clair S. 102. H-200 Clara—H-200 Valney 103. H-200 W.B.—H-235 Zacharie 104. H-236 (N.R.)—H-252 Eveline 105. H-252 Fanney—H-300 Cyril J. 106. H-300 D.J.—H-325 Cyrus H. 107. H-325 Dan H.—H-400 Aza 108. H-400 B. Alice—H-400 Marvin E. 109. H-400 Mary—H-422 Wm. J. 110. H-423 (Mrs.) A.N.—H-450 Ruth L. 111. H-450 Saint—H-500 Frank R. 112. H-500 Fred—H-520 Quincy 113. H-520 R.W.-H-530 Dyse B. 114. H-530 E.A.—H-536 Vivian 115. H-536 H.-H-560 Asiad 116. H-560 August—H-616 Ruth Q. 117. H-616 Sam—H-625 Kenith W. 118. H-625 L.S.-H-632 Douglas 119. H-632 E. George—H-650 Moses 120. H-650 Neil—1-223 William 121. 1-225 A.E.—J-151 William I. 122. J-152 Adam—J-236 Willie 123. J-240 Adolph—J-400 Zara W. 124. J-412 Alfred C—J-520 John H. 125. J-520 John J.—J-525 Alexander 126. J-525 Alex—J-525 Harman 127. J-525 Harold—J-525 Ruth M. 128. J-525 S.D.—J-635 Isaac 129. J-635 Jacob W.-K-146 Wojcieck 130. K-150 Abraham A. (Doctor)—K-215 Stephen 131. K-216 Adam—K-252 Frank 1. 132. K-252 George—K-325 Judson 133. K-325 Karl H.—K-400 Owen 134. K-400 Paavali—K-420 Vivian 135. K-420 W. Winston—K-452 Eafasider 136. K-452 F.L.—K-500 Ivan 137. K-500 J. Allen—K-520 Byron C. 138. K-520 C.A.—K-523 Zetta 139. K-524 A. Floyd—K-540 Yalmen 140. K-541 Elmer—K-612 Wladyslow 141. K-613 Abraham—K-622 Zygmund 142. K-623 (N.R.)—K-636 Wilson 143. K-640 (N.R.)—L-000 Byron J. 144. L-000 C.E.—L-120 Valarino 145. L-120 W.C.-L-152 Klaas 146. L-152 L.D.—L-200 Clare 0. 147. L-200 Clarence—L-200 Steffina 148. L-200 Stella—L-236 Ruth 149. L-236 Sadie—L-263 Fredrick 150. L-263 George—L-340 Ivan 151. L-340 J. Gilbert—L-462 Wm. J. 152. L-500 (N.R.)—L-520 Alfonso 153. L-520 Alfred—L-521 Issac 154. L-521 James—L-532 Ewd C. 155. L-532 Fannie—L-553 William N. 156. L-554 Bernard—L-625 Elliott 157. L-625 Elmer—M-100 William R. 158. M-112Leon—M-200 Josaphine 159. M-200 Joseph—M-216 Isebelle 160. M-216 J.E.—M-233 Warthey M. 161. M-234 (N.R.)—M-240 Guy R. 162. M-240 H.A.—M-242 Zuk 163. M-243 (Mr.)—M-246 Zoah 164. M-250 (N.R.)—M-252 Duro This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. MICHIGAN-MINNESOTA 29 165. M-252 Earl—M-254 Lyman 252. S-600 L.B.—S-620 Syrns 46. 166. M-254 M.—M-260 Josephine 253. S-620 Teador—S-636 Gustave 47. 167. M-260 Joseph—M-264 William W. 254. S-636 H.E.—S-660 Winko 48. 168. M-265 Eustachia—M-320 Lydia 255. S-662 Albert—T-200 Johnathan 49. 169. M-320 M.J.—M-326 Xeriopha 256. T-200 Joseph—T-300 Zora 50. 170. M-330 Albert—M-416 William P. 257. T-310 Amelia—T-455 Winifred 51. 171. M-420 (N.R.)—M-435 Zirko 258. T-456 Albert—T-500 Zelpha 52. 172. M-436 (N.R.)—M-460 Charles 259. T-510 A.A.—T-520 Dwright 53. 173. M-460 Charles A.—M-460 Larris 260. T-520 E.W.—T-535 William S. 54. 174. M-460 Louis A.—M-500 Kenneth W. 261. T-536 Albert—T-612 Zenas A. 55. 175. M-500 L.D.—M-525 Zula 262. T-613 (N.R.)—T-633 Peter 56. 176. M-526 Achille—M-560 Cyril A. 263. T-634 Actas—T-654 Xenia 57. 177. M-560 D.—M-600 George Wm. 264. T-655 (N.R.)—U-612 Wladyslaw 58. 178. M-600 Gerald—M-610 Dortha 265. U-615 (Mrs.)—V-332 Tony 59. 179. M-610 Earl—M-620 Gwendolyn 266. V-340 Abraham—V-515 William H. 60. 180. M-620 H. Chase—M-622 Wladyslaw 267. V-516 (Mrs.)—V-531 Zevas 61. 181. M-623 Abe—M-625 Zenara 268. V-532 (Mrs.)—V-536 Zena 62. 182. M-626 (N.R.)—M-635 Hurdus 269. V-540 Abraham—V-640 William R. 63. 183. M-635 I.N.—M-650 John W. 270. V-642 Alexander—W-160 Volcah 64. 184. M-650 Joseph—N-160 Byron M. 271. W-160 W.L.-W-230 Pierre M. 65. 185. N-160 C.A.—N-240 Lydia C. 272. W-230 Rachel M.—W-252 Izyador 66. 186. N-240 Mable D.—N-321 William 273. W-252 J.O.—W-300 Arther 67. 187. N-322 Adolph—N-425 John 274. W-300 Arthur—W-300 Rowla S. 68. 188. N-425 John—N-550 Kurt 275. W-300 Ray—W-325 Kurt 69. 189. N-550 L.D.—Q-136 William 276. W-325 L. Adda—W-356 Isaac 70. 190. 0-140 Adam—0-235 William H. 277. W-356 J.D.—W-410 Iva G. 71. 191. 0-236 (N.R.)—0-340 Lydia 278. W-410 J. Nakins—W-420 John 72. 192. 0-340 Mahlon—0-442 Mary 279. W-420 John—W-425 Cesar 73. 193. 0-450 Aca—0-636 Stella N. 280. W-425 Chas.—W-426 Claud 74. 194. 0-640 Agnes—P-162 Wapiech 281. W-426 Charley—W-436 Fritz 75. 195. P-163 Adeleine M.—P-230 Keninth 282. W-436 G.C.—W-452 Jake 76. 196. P-230 Larobert—P-300 Guy 283. W-452 James—W-461 William 77. 197. P-300 Harley—P-356 William H. 284. W-462 Agnes A.—W-530 Zoe S. 78. 198. P-360 A.L.—P-362 John 285. W-531 Alex—W-621 Zygmund 79. 199. P-362 John A.—P-400 Rutherford 286. W-622 (N.R.)—W-630 Sylvia E. 80. 200. P-400 S. Dwight—P-420 Otto 0. 287. W-630 T.J.—W-656 Ruth T. 81. 201. P-420 Paavo—P-452 Fredrick C. 288. W-656 S. Jay—Y-520 Myrtle M. 82. 202. P-452 G.V.—P-522 Ira W. 289. Y-520 Naomi—Z-212 Zib 83. 203. P-522 Jack—P-600 King 290. Z-220 Casimir—Z-456 Walter J. 84. 204. P-600 L.A.—P-620 Julio 291. Z-460 Adaline—Institutions 85. 205. P-620 Jolius—P-625 Arville 86. 206. P-625 Auguss—P-630 Ezra S. MINNESOTA Ml569 87. 207. P-630 F.D.—P-650 Wyman L. 1. A-000 Aaro-A-265 William C. 88. 208. P-651 Adam—R-000 French 2. A-266 Rub—A-450 Cyrus R. 89. 209. R-000 G.A.—R-140 Lynn 3. A-450 Dan D.—A-536 Alfred 90. 210. R-140 Madeleni—R-162 Zephern 4. A-536 Alfred A —A-536 Ester W. 91. 211. R-163 (N.R.)—R-200 Dave 5. A-536 Esther—A-536 Myniss B. 92. 212. R-200 David—R-200 Muczyslaw 6. A-536 Michael—A-626 William M. 93. 213. R-200 Mike—R-232 Louise 7. A-626 A.H.—B-200 Elise 94. 214. R-232 Mable—R-250 Luther 8. B-200 Eliza—B-240 Blanche C. 95. 215. R-250 M.D.—R-262 Frances 9. B-240 C.H.—B-260 Knodt 96. 216. R-262 Caboiel—R-300 Dwight A. 10. B-260 L.-B-345 Wm. J. 97. 217. R-230 E. Carey—R-320 Fruman 11. B-346 Ed—B-420 Gary W. 98. 218. R-320 G.—R-355 Cornelius 12. B-420 H. (Doctor)—B-450 Willis V. 99. 219. R-355 Daniel—R-422 Walter 13. B-451 (N.R.)—B-520 Nick J. 100. 220. R-423 Abram—R-520 Byron 14. B-520 O.M.—B-550 Dwight A. 101. 221. R-520 C.B.—R-534 Valney M. 15. B-550 E.—B-620 Byron J. 102. 222. R-534 W. Clifton—R-563 Isaac M. 16. B-620 C.A.—B-621 Kari (Mrs.) 103. 223. R-563 J.H.—S-100 Syalvia 17. B-621 Lawrence—B-625 Norris K. 104. 224. S-100 Famas—S-140 Lynn 18. B-625 O.E.—B-634 Dwight D. 105. 225. S-140 M.J.—S-155 Wirt R. 19. B-634 E.D.—B-650 Frieda 106. 226. S-156 A.J.—S-162 Zackariah 20. B-650 G. Hammond—B-652 Pleasant H. 107. 227. S-163 (N.R.)—S-200 Josep 21. B-652 R.-C-000 Yeun 108. 228. S-200 Joseph—S-240 Katherine 22. C-100 (N.R.)—C-216 William H. 109. 229. S-240 Lafayette—S-300 Byron J. 23. C-220 (Sister) Ambrosia—C-400 Owen M. 110. 230. S-300 C.C.—S-314 Iva A. 24. C-400 Patrick—C-452 Lydia 111. 231. S-314 J. Fred—S-316 Yftine 25. C-452 Mabel—C-514 Isora 112. 232. S-320 (Mr.)—S-326 Guy 26. C-514 J.A.—C-565 William M. 113. 233. S-326 H R.—S-342 Katherine 27. C-566 Charles (Jr.)—C-623 Harriet 114. 234. S-342 L.T.—S-351 Pia 28. C-623 Harry—C-640 Kathryn E. 115. 235. S-351 Racheal—S-360 Guy F. 29. C-640 L.G.—C-642 Otto W. 116. 236. S-360 H.—S-362 Zidonas 30. C-642 P.G.—D-120 Burton 117. 237. S-363 Fredalm—S-365 Dwight 31. D-120 C.D.—D-200 Norval M. 118. 238. S-365 E.A.—S-410 Kathreyn 32. D-200 O. Syndre—D-320 Eugene 1. 119. 239. S-410 Lambertus—S-420 Ulda 33. D-320 F.W.-D-421 Simon 120. 240. S-420 Valentine—S-432 Justine 34. D-425 Adolph—D-516 Y.J. 121. 241. S-432 Karl—S-455 Dreaton 35. D-520 (N.R.)—D-561 Nick 122. 242. S-455 Earl—S-512 Ezra 36. D-652 Adeline—D-651 William F. 123. 243. S-512 Fahl L.—S-520 Ziparah 37. D-652 (N.R.)—E-235 Winfred 124. 244. S-521 Abraham—S-530 Ann M. 38. E-236 A.E.—E-363 Isabelle 125. 245. S-530 Anna—S-530 Frank 39. E-363 J.H.—E-522 Z.M. 126. 246. S-530 Frank A.—S-530 Joseph 40. E-523 (N.R.)—E-625 Edward W. 127. 247. S-530 Joseph A.—S-530 Vernard 41. E-625 Edwin—F-142 William A. 128. 248. S-530 Verne—S-530 Alford L. 42. F-150 Agusta—F-260 Xeldia 129. 249. S-536 Alfred—S-540 Kitrenah 43. F-261 Andrew G.-F-432 Winnie 130. 250. S-540 Lafayette—S-552 Rutherford 44. F-433 Anne—F-530 William 131. 251. S-552 S. Belding—S-600 Kettie E. 45. F-532 Alphonso—F-625 William H. 132. F-626 Catharine (Sister)—F-652 Ezra F-652 F A —G-166 William A. G-200 A.—G-320 Friederick G-320 Gene—G-420 Kimball E. G-420 L.J.—G-500 Zara R. G-510 Alva S.—G-612 Frederik Leroy G-612 George—G-626 William S. G-630 A.L.—G-650 Zygmunt G. G-651 A.A.—H-100 Ivn I H-100 J. Wm. (Doctor)—H-163 Freida H-163 G.E.—H-216 Willie C. H-220 (N.R.) Bernardes (Sister)—H-250 Fritzof H-250 G.L.—H-300 Burr R. H-300 R.A.—H-365 William P. H-400 (N.R.)—H-416 Norman H-416 O.—H-436 Willis H-440 Absalom—H-500 Dorothy H-500 E.R.—H-525 Alfreda H-525 Alice—H-525 Norman S. H-525 O.B.—H-540 Xaver H-542 Adam—H-615 Yrjo H-616 (N.R.)—H-632 Yetta H-634 Ada—1-162 Ivar 1-162 J.P.—J-212 Curtis R. J-212 D.L.—J-425 William J-426 Albert—J-525 Albert J-525 Albert A.—J-525 Charles K. J-525 Charles L.—J-525 Gust J-525 Gust A.—J-525 Juley J-525 Julia—J-525 Priscella J-525 R.—J-625 Luella J-625 M.—K-164 William C. K-165 Adam—K-254 Simon K-255 Sym Ay Non—K-400 Max P K-400 May—K-450 Frida K-450 Garmar H.—K-500 Zigmond K-510 (Sister) Opra—K-530 Isadore K-530 J.D.—K-610 Finland K-610 J.P.—K-626 Guy K-626 H.P.D.—K-665 Stanley L-000 (Sister) Agnes Aurelia—L-135 Peter G. L-140 (Mr.)—L-200 Kurt L-200 Lahmar L.—L-255 William Z. L-256 Adalphy—L-360 Winifred L-361 Albert—L-520 Axel L-520 B.T.—L-530 Douglas R. L-530 E.D.—L-532 Myrtle E. L-532 N.P.—L-565 William L-600 (Sister) Alberta—L-625 Justine L-625 K. Albert—M-000 Yuen M-100 Abbie Gail—M-216 Isabelle J. M-216 J.C.—M-240 Propie M-240 R.H.—M-250 Owen M-250 P. Palin—M-260 Isabelle M-260 J. (Mrs.)—M-321 Zinko M-322 (Sister) Urban—M-360 William U. M-361 Baurgis—M-450 Iver J. M-450 J. Alfred—M-460 Justice B. M-460 Kajsa—M-523 Wm. W. M-524 Adolph—M-600 Burton M-600 C. John—M-610 Zelda M-612 Adolph—M-625 Curtis E. M-625 D.D.—M-635 Vivian M. M-635 W.E.—N-200 Dorothy N-200 E.A.—N-263 Ingrehrit N-263 Jack—N-425 Cyril N-425 D.R.—N-425 Nels N. N-425 Nele O.—N-550 Wilson L. N-551 Archill—0-125 Wm. 0-125 Aleana—0-246 William 0-250 (N.R.)—0-425 Ann 0-425 Anna—0-425 John J. 0-425 John J.—0-440 William 0-450 A M.—P-120 William W. P-123 Shid—P-252 William F. P-253 Agnes—P-362 Arther E. P-362 Arthur—P-362 Hzalmer P-362 L.H.—P-362 Synut. P-362 T.A.—P-425 Knute P-425 L.C.—P-523 William B. P-524 Adam A.—P-623 Freman G. P-623 Gelman—P-636 Guy S. P-636 H.M.—R-100 Dora' R-100 E.G.—R-163 Sylvan R-163 F.A.—R-216 Zelma M. R-220 A.F.—R-252 Ives D. R-252 J.—R-300 Lynnetta 30 MINNESOTA-MISSOURI 133. R-300 M.—R-356 William L. 134. R-360 (N.R.)—R-500 Prosper M. 135. R-500 Rachael—R-543 Keld 136. R-543 Labs—S-100 Zema 137. S-l 10 Erick 0 —S-152 Wilton A. 138. S-l53 (N.R.)—S-165 Frederick 139. S-165 Gebarth—S-250 Iver 140. S-250 J.—S-315 Bryce W. 141. S-315 L.W.—S-331 William M. 142. S-332 Adolph—S-351 Lukas 143. S-351 Mae E.—S-361 Winfred 144. S-362 (N.R.)—S-365 Gyda 145. S-365 H.—S-416 Doris E. 146. S-416 E.-S-432 Myrtle 147. S-432 Nelle—S-500 Dougal E. 148. S-500 E.D.—S-523 Willie 149. S-524 (Sister) Benitia—S-525 Yuert 150. S-526 (N.R.)—S-530 John 151. S-530 John A.—S-532 Kunibeta 152. S-532 Lafardies—S-542 William R. 153. S-543 Abraham—S-600 Lyle B. 154. S-600 M B.—S-636 Bessie 155. S-636 Carl—T-131 Andrew 156. T-132 (N.R.)—T-320 Eunice 157. T-320 F. Otto—T-500 Justine 158. T-500 Karin M.—T-520 Virgil R. 159. T-520 W.E.-T-620 Quincy L. 160. T-620 Ralph—T-652 William W. 161. T-653 A.H.—V-222 Venzel 162. V-230 A.A.-V-516 Willard 163. V-520 Adam—W-122 William 164. W-123 Adline L.—W-233 Thar A. 165. W-234 (N.R.)—W-256 William 166. W-260 Achley—W-336 Tom 167. W-340 A.C.-W-416 Gustave G. 168. W-416 H.B.—W-425 Kleber B. 169. W-425 L.—W-450 Woodrow 170. W-451 A.C.-W-522 William W. 171. W-523 (N.R.)—W-623 Fremont 172. W-623 George—Y-260 Katie 173. Y-260 Lena—Z-261 Yustyna 174. Z-262 (Sister) Wacergena—Institutions MISSISSIPPI Ml570 1. A-130 (N.R.)—A-352 Gussie 2. A-352 H.A.—A-450 Knowlege 3. A-450 L.—A-536 Tinothy 4. A-536 Tom—B-200 Jinnice L. 5. B-200 Joanna—B-253 Jack 6. B-255 (N.R.)—B-320 Pies 7. B-320 R.—B-400 Masteo 8. B-400 Mat.—B-435 Izeah 9. B-435 J.F.—B-520 Joe S. 10. B-520 John—B-600 Evyline 11. B-600 Fannie—B-620 Willey M. 12. B-620 William—B-630 Willice 13. B-630 Willie—B-650 Andrew J. 14. B-650 Andrew—B-650 Marvin R. 15. B-650 Mary—B-652 Noveler 16. B-652 O.C.—C-100 Bunk 17. C-110 C.J.—C-200 Izzie 18. C-200 J.A.—C-320 Julia 19. C-323 Laura L.—C-416 Young 20. C-420 Adaline—C-455 Avil M. 21. C-455 R.L.-C-462 Queen 22. C-462 Woodson—C-535 Izaih 23. C-535 Jack—C-613 Winnie 24. C-615 (N.R.)—C-632 Sweetie 25. C-632 T.S.—C-650 Murry 26. C-650 Nath—D-120Jinnie 27. D-120 Joana—D-200 Dug W. 28. D-200 E.E.—D-300 Moses J. 29. D-300 Nallie—D-520 Cutie 30. D-520 Dick—D-612 Everett 31. D-610 Fannie—E-200 Ford 32. E-165 Gaile—E-420 Ezsom 33. E-420 F.D.—F-236 Fufus 34. F-236 Gale—F-440 Zeila M. 35. F-450 (N.R.)—F-622 Myrta 36. F-622 Nat—F-652 K.S. 37. F-652 L.A.—G-200 Myrtle 38. G-200 N. Abbie—G-420 Guss 39. G-420 H.D.—G-530 Philip 40. G-524 Raymond—G-615 Zike 41. G-616 A M —G-643 Willie May 42. G-650 A.D.—G-655 Lutecia 43. G-655 Mack—H-200 Ezebel 44. H-200 F.—H-250 Gusia 45. H-250 H.F.—H-325 Gus 46. H-325 H.—H-400 Joel W. 47. H-400 John—H-436 Julious 48. H-436 Laura—H-520 Cynthia 49. H-520 D.B.—H-536 Massy 50. H-536 Mat—H-616 Guy J. 51. H-616 H.F.-H-624 Fulton 52. H-623 G.D.—H-635 Knie L. 53. H-635 L.B.—1-526 Kemith R. 54. 1-526 L.A.—J-250 Jame A. 55. J-250 James—J-520 Caesar 56. J-520 Cage—J-520 Lessen 57. J-520 Lessie—J-523 Ezell 58. J-523 Fannie—J-525 Irvin 59. J-525 Irving—J-525 Tellis 60. J-525 Telmus—K-260 Isiah N. 61. K-260 J.E.-K-520 Guy 62. K-520 H.—K-650 Mose 63. K-651 Nanye Mays—L-140 Willie 64. L-142 (N.R.)—L-200 Zyp 65. L-210 (N.R.)—L-340 Jimmie 66. L-340 Joe—L-520 Lynn D. 67. L-520 M.D.—L-630 Susie 68. L-630 T.E.—M-200 Jimmie L. 69. M-200 Joce C.—M-223 Woodson 70. M-230 (N.R.)—M-242 Vivian 71. M-242 W.A.—M-250 Mary V. 72. M-250 Mat.—M-256 Zollie F. 73. M-260 A —M-320 Whit 74. M-320 Wiley—M-421 Kelly 75. M-425 Larence C.—M-463 Willie 76. M-500 (Mr.)—M-600 Cornelius 77. M-600 Corra—M-610 Virginia 78. M-610 W. Henry—M-625 Zullor 79. M-625 R.L.—N-142 Winnie 80. N-145 Abraham—N-400 Ruth 81. N-400 S.A.—0-216 Zed B. 82. 0-240 Ada. B — P-100 Ruth 83. P-100 S.Y. (Mrs.)—P-320 Ruth N. 84. P-320 S. Younger—P-400 Otto 85. P-400 P.P.—P-520 Yansee 86. P-523 Adam—P-620 Zuleicka 87. P-621 A.J. (Mrs.)—P-632 Wylie L. 88. P-634 Abe—R-120 Bonnie 89. R-120 C.R.—R-162 Russell 90. R-162 S.L.—R-200 Manuel L. 91. R-200 Mare—R-262 Groen 92. R-262 H.G.—R-320 Ruth 93. R-320 S.F.—R-500 Viola 94. R-500 W.E.-S-120 Ruby E. 95. S-120 S.A.—S-200 Jurains 96. S-200 Karnan—S-314 Ruvella 97. S-316 Sadie—S-350 Freeman 98. S-350 G.E.—S-363 Lewis 99. S-363 Lidia—S-420 Virginia 100. S-420 W.C.—S-520 lzona 101. S-520 J.B.—S-530 Fess 102. S-530 Fillman—S-530 Matulda 103. S-530 Neal—S-536 Jimmie 104. S-536 Jodie—S-610 Fulton 105. S-610 G.H.—T-260 Itlay 106. T-260 J.A.—T-460 Francis P. 107. T-460 Frank—T-512 Junie 108. T-512 Kally T —T-520 Ritter 109. T-520 Rob—T-624 Katie 110. T-625 Laura—U-120 Ivy H. 111. U-260J.B —W-123 Zeke 112. W-160 A.J.—W-252 Ryas 113. W-252 S.—W-300 Sylvester 114. W-300 T.—W-325 Whitfield 115. W-325 Wilber—W-400 Virginia 116. W-400 W.B.—W-422 Willis G. 117. W-425 (N.R.)—W-426 Ezell 118. W-426 F.E.—W-450 Zenkima 119. W-452 Miss.—W-452 Izzie 120. W-452 J.A.—W-452 Roxie 121. W-452 Roy—W-536 Owen 122. W-536 Patsey—W-650 Cullie 123. W-650 D.D.—Institutions MISSOURI M157I 1. A-000 Agnes—A-235 Luther E. 2. A-235 M F —A-350 Zena 3. A-351 Benjamin—A-416 Ruth E. 4. A-416 (Mrs.) S.E.—A-450 Freeman 5. A-450 G.A.—A-535 Stalia 6. A-535 Jacob—A-536 Zylpha S. 7. A-540 Ada—A-654 Izola 8. A-654 G.A.—B-200 Dyntro 9. B-200 E.A.—B-210 Isabel A. 10. B-210 J.A.—B-240 Myrtle M. 11. B-240 Nancy—B-256 Zelma G. 12. B-260 (N.R.)—B-260 Wiliest 13. B-260 William—B-320 Myrtle B. 14. B-320 N.E.—B-363 Vincenty 15. B-363 Alice—B-400 Ruth Viola 16. B-400 (Sister) Jane—B-420 Vivian G. 17. B-420 (Mrs.) W — B-435 Lydia 18. B-435 M.F.—B-454 William 19. B-455 (Sister) M. Perpetu 3-512 William W. 20. B-514 A.—B-530 Ivan R. 21. B-530 J. Charles—B-552 Zara 22. B-553 A.L.—B-600 Myrtle A. 23. B-600 N.E.—B-620 Francis S. 24. B-620 Frank—B-620 Volney R. 25. B-620 W.A.-B-625 Axel 26. B-625 B.R.—B-626 Viva B. 27. B-626 W.D.—B-632 Ivy D. 28. B-632 J.A.—B-635 Joeseph 29. B-635 John—B-650 Charle Pelt 30. B-650 Charles—B-650 John 31. B-650 John A.—B-650 Zora 32. B-651 (N.R.)—B-652 Priscilla 33. B-652 R.A.—B-653 Zelma 1 34. B-654 (N.R.)—B-660 Ivy H. 35. B-660 J.J.—C-151 Zark M. 36. C-152 (Sister) Josepha—C-200 Charlet B. 37. C-200 Charley—C-200 Uriah 38. C-200 Vada—C-256 Wm. J. 39. C-260 (Mr.)—C-366 Paul J. 40. C-400 (N.R.)—C-415 Willie A. 41. C-416 (N.R.)—C-435 Porter 42. C-435 R.—C-452 Zola 43. C-453 (Mr.)—C-462 Guy R. 44. C-462 H.A.—C-500 Owen J. 45. C-500 P.— C-516 Isaiah R. 46. C-516 J.H.—C-540 Zoe M. 47. C-541 Anna (Miss)—C-600 Cyrus W. 48. C-600 D.C.—C-616 Cyrus R. 49. C-616 Daisy M.—C-623 Byron F. 50. C-623 C.—C-632 Frieda 51. C-632 G.F.-C-636 Volli 52. C-636 W.A.—C-650 Cyrus 53. C-650 T.J. (Rev.)—D-000 Ruth 54. D-000 S.C.—D-120 John 55. D-120 John A.—D-132 Zoa L 56. D-136 Aleck R.—D-200 Lydia A. 57. D-200 M B.—D-250 Kittie 58. D-250 L.A.—D-265 Woodward A. 59. D-266 Fred—D-400 Cyrenus E. 60. D-400 D.A.—D-450 Josie 61. D-450 Julia—D-500 Zephyr 62. D-510 Abraham L.—D-526 William H. 63. D-530 A.S.—D-560 Lucian 64. D-560 M.E. (Mrs.)—D-624 lrl. 65. D-624 J. Andrew—E-121 William Jr. 66. E-123 A.—E-212 Wm. 67. E-215 (N.R.)—E-263 William L 68. E-264 Adam O — E-363 Zillia 69. E-366 Albert—E-436 Myrtle 70. E-436 Nancy H.—E-545 Walter 71. E-550 Bertha—F-200 Cynthia E. 72. F-200 D M —F-246 William 73. F-250 A.L.—F-326 Rusfus L 74. F-326 S.J.-F-431 William 75. F-432 (Mr.)—F-460 Ezra 76. F-460 F.—F-536 Willie 77. F-540 (Sister) Mary Michael—F-620 Lydia 78. F-620 M E.—F-630 Dysie 79. F-630 E.E.—F-650 Korky 80. F-650 L.B.—F-655 Kittie L. This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. MISSOURI-NEBRASKA 31 81. F-655 L.—G-135 Zachery T. 82. G-140 (Sister) M. Helician—G-246 Worthington R. 83. G-250 Abraham L.—G-350 Zorah 84. G-351 Albert—G-420 Guy R. 85. G-420 H.D.—G-435 Norwin F. 86. G-435 O.D.—G-516 Will 87. G-520 (Sister) A. Josepha—G-600 Johanna 88. G-600 John—G-615 Ewa 89. G-615 Fannie—G-621 Zambelli 90. G-622 Albert I.—G-632 Wilson J. 91. G-633 Alec—G-650 Ezra E. 92. G-650 F.A.—G-653 Butler 93. G-653 C.B. (Mrs.)—H-000 Y.H.E. 94. H-100 (N.R.)—H-153 William 95. H-155 (N.R.)—H-164 Willis 96. H-165 Adolf—H-200 Louisa M. 97. H-200 Louise—H-230 Evelyn E. 98. H-230 Fannie—H-250 Frieda 99. H-250 Gallie—H-255 Otto H. 100. H-255 Paschal—H-310 William E. 101. H-314 (N.R.)—H-325 Zula M. 102. H-326 A.H.—H-400 Chesley L. 103. H-400 Chester—H-400 Mattie 105. H-424 Abbie—H-450 Justine 106. H-450 Kate—H-500 Dug. 107. H-500 E.B.—H-520 Dun H. 108. H-520 E.A.—H-525 Fritz 109. H-525 G.A.—H-536 Ezra 110. H-536 F. (Dr.)—H-545 Isaac G. 111. H-545 J.S.—H-600 Gustav J. 112. H-600 H. Audley—H-620 Jake 113. H-620 James—H-625 Sydney 114. H-625 T.E.-H-631 Winfield A. 115. H-632 (N.R.)—H-642 Wisser 116. H-643 Albert—H-655 Zol 117. H-656 Abby E.—J-000 William E. 118. J-100 Abe L.-J-250 Duval 119. J-250 E.—J-450 Wralsey 120. J-452 C.C.—J-520 Huston H. 121. J-520 L—J-520 Vollie L. 122. J-520 W.— J-525 Elsa E. 123. J-525 Elsie—J-525 Matty 124. J-525 Maud—J-612 Yula 125. J-614 Edward—K-161 Sara 126. K-162 Albert J.—K-260 Evola 127. K-260 F.—K-400 Dwight S. 128. K-400 E.C.—K-420 Zennia 129. K-421 Albert—K-460 Dorothy M. 130. K-460 E. Fred—K-573 William J. 131. K-514 (Sister) N. Naraice—K-520 Voda V. 132. K-520 W.A.—K-534 Ivan R. 133. K-534 J. Marion—K-613 Dora M. 134. K-613 E.K.—K-626 William P. 135. K-630 (N.R.) Sister Gabriel—L-000 Burton J. 136. L-000 C.—L-120 lsadore 137. L-120 J.C.—L-163 Isabella 138. L-163 J.B.—L-200 Margy H. 139. L-200 Maria—L-236 Otto 140. L-236 Pauline—L-264 Vico 141. L-265 Tisles Maty—L-355 William Jr. 142. L-356 A.J.—L-500 Quintes 143. L-500 R.A.—L-520 Ivy 144. L-520 J.—L-525 Johanna 145. L-525 John—L-550 Myrtle 146. L-000 Namie—L-626 William 147. L-630 Sister—M-163 Wilma 148. M-164 Albert F.—M-200 Novel 149. M-200 O.E.—M-216 Poneic 150. M-216 Rochel—M-235 Ruth V. 151. M-235 S.B.-M-242 Fritz 152. M-242 G.A.—M-246 Julia B. 153. M-246 Kate—M-252 Burndine 154. M-252 C.B.—M-255 Downing 155. M-255 E.K.—M-261 Kurtis 156. M-261 Laura—M-300 Ive 157. M-300 J.B.—M-324 Guy 158. M-324 H.A.—M-360 Katherine 159. M-360 Lee—M-426 William O. 160. M-430 Abraham—M-460 Byron W. 161. M-460 L.—M-460 Jule 162. M-460 Julia—M-500 Issac 163. M-500 J.A.—M-526 Guy B. 164. M-526 Harrison B.—M-560 Iva 165. M-560 J.A.—M-600 Fulton J. 166. M-600 G.A.—M-600 Owen 167. M-600 P.J.—M-616 William 168. M-620 (N.R.)—M-620 Myrtle M. 169. M-620 N.F.—M-625 Burnice 170. M-625 G.—M-635 Cyrus 171. M-635 D.-M-640 Iva L. 172. M-640J. Charles—N-156 Wm.W. 173. N-160 A.P.—N-242 Nita 174. N-242 O.A.—N-400 Ozeta 175. N-400 J.A.—N-500 Katlerin 176. N-500 L.—N-650 Willis M. 177. N-651 Fred—0-216 Zachriah F. 178. 0-220 Alice B.—0-354 William W. 179. 0-355 Adelaide—0-535 William H. 180. 0-132 William—P-135 Sam 180a. 0-540 (N.R.)—0-132 William 181. P-140 Agnes—P-230 Everett P. 182. P-230 Fannie—P-320 Zeva 183. P-321 Andrew J.—P-362 Ezra 184. P-362 F.A.—P-400 Myrtle 185. P-400 N.D.—P-423 William T. 186. P-424 Adeline—P-462 Wm. C. 187. P-463 (N.R.)—P-536 Katherine 188. P-536 L.B.—P-620 Gwen 189. P-620 E.—P-623 Iva K. 190. P-623 J. Arthur—P-626 Lyman F. 191. P-626 M. Jewel—P-636 Vivian H. 192. P-636 W.C.—R-000 Cyrus H. (Dr.) 193. R-000 D.M.—R-126 William F. 194. R-130 (N.R.)—R-153 Wootson 195. R-155 Al-R-163 Willard W. 196. R-163 Williams—R-200 John 197. R-200 John—R-226 Grant William 198. R-230 (N.R.) Sr. M. Collets—R-250 Luthur M. 199. R-250 M.—R-262 Queen Ester 200. R-262 R.B.—R-300 Henrita E. 201. R-300 Henry—R-320 Zerilda 202. R-321 A —R-360 Dwight M. 203. R-360 E.A.—R-423 Willie J. 204. R-425 (N.R.) Sister Martha—R-516 Willie 205. R-520 (N.R.)—R-540 Wm. M. 206. R-542 Albert—S-000 Dudley O. 207. S-000 E. Thomas—S-126 Windfield 208. S-130 Adele—S-152 Zed P. 209. S-153 Adolph—S-162 Myron 210. S-162 Namai Pauline—S-200 John Wm. 211. S-200 Joseph—S-255 Fritz 212. S-255 G.W.-S-300 Owen T. 213. S-300 P.—S-315 Kyle C. 214. S-315 L.H.—S-322 Zema L. 215. S-323 (N.R.)—S-340 Frieda M. 216. S-340 G.A.—S-350 Lyne H. 217. S-350 M.—S-355 Woodson E. 218. S-356 (Sister) T. Clara—S-362 Lynn 219. S-362 M.D.—S-363 Zola 220. S-364 (N.R.)—S-410 Kistley 221. S-410 L.B.-S-424 William W. 222. S-425 A.O.—S-436 Zenobin H. 223. S-443 Alfred—S-500 Evert S. 224. S-500 Fanney—S-520 Lyma R. 225. S-520 D.B.—S-526 Zula 226. S-530 (N.R.)—S-530 Ezra E. 227. S-530 T.A.—S-530 John R. 228. S-530 John W.F.—S-530 Ruthie 229. S-530 S.—S-534 Kizzis 230. S-534 L.S.—S-536 Ruth V. 231. S-536 S.—S-552 Luthur 232. S-552 M.M.—S-600 Otto 233. S-600 Pat—S-630 Drury Jr. 234. S-630 E M.—S-653 William C. 235. S-655 Abraham—T-200 Kathrine 236. T-200 L.D.—T-300 Vugle O. 237. T-300 W.—T-455 Gustave 238. T-455 H.L.—T-462 Willie 239. T-500 Ada—T-512 Zona 240. T-513 Fred—T-522 William R. 241. T-523 Al—T-600 Ruth M. 242. T-600 S.C.—T-631 Theodore 243. T-632 Adolf—T-656 Byron A. 244. T-656 C.A.—U-536 Ivason 245. U-536 J.D.—V-255 Willie 246. V-260 Abner J.—V-523 Wm. T. 247. V-524 A.E. (Mrs.)—V-655 Kitty A. 248. V-655 L. Blough—W-200 Burnard 249. W-200 C. Alex—W-235 Zilpah D. 250. W-236 (N.R.) Mildred—W-256 Iva 251. W-256 J.A —W-300 Huston 252. W-300 I. Luther—W-315 Virgil O. 253. W-316 O.—W-325 Kimbeau 254. W-325 L.H.—W-355 Witt 255. W-356 Mrs. A —W-400 Zeta 256. W-410 (N.R.)—W-420 Fritz 257. W-420 G.A.—W-421 Zohman 258. W-422 (Sister) M. Beatrice—W-425 Jonethan C. 259. W-425 Joseph—W-426 John 260. W-426 Un—W-436 Guy F. 261. W-436 H.B.—W-452 Ezra O. 262. W-452 F.—W-452 Quint 263. W-452 R.—W-500 Myrtle 264. W-500 Nancy E.—W-536 Murill 265. W-536 Nelis—W-623 Lyman 266. W-623 M.F.—W-650 Dwite 267. W-650 E.D.—Y-514 Samuel 268. Y-520 (N.R.)—Z-100 William 269. Z-120 Adolph—Institutions MONTANA Ml572 1. A-000 Aino—A-536 Swerna 2. A-536 H. Alfred—B-250 Xavia 3. B-251 (N.R.)—B-430 William J. 4. B-432 Blue Day Standing—B-620 Fredrick 5. B-620 Gabriel—B-650 Frenchie 6. B-650 G.A.—C-206 Zenophile 7. C-216 Aeriel—C-462 Zella G. 8. C-463 Alfert—C-623 Morse R. 9. C-623 N.P.—D-140 William T. 10. D-142 Cloch West Wolf—D-512 Zephyrin 11. D-515 Adilade—E-250 W. 12. E-251 Alta—F-260 William W. 13. F-263 Affie—F-640 William R. 14. F-643 Albert—G-428 Wm. S. 15. G-430 Albert E — G-650 Knut 16. G-650 L.H.—H-246 William N. 17. H-250 (N.R.)—H-432 Williams 18. H-435 Abram—H-545 William T. 19. H-550 (Father)—1-525 William S. 20. 1-526 (N.R.)—J-525 Guy R. 21. J-525 H —K-400 Joe B. 22. K-400 John—K-600 Wm. James 23. K-610 (N.R.)—L-200 Ruth 24. L-200 Samuel—L-522 William T. 25. L-523 Long Time Sleeping—M-200 Yesuhe 26. M-210 (N.R.)—M-250 Lyman 27. M-250 M.C.—M-340 William E. 28. M-343 (N.R.) (Sister)—M-533 William H. 29. M-535 (N.R.)—M-626 Zakor 30. M-630 Mary Ita (Sister)—N-425 Ivey 31. N-425 J.A. Reynold—0-425 Norris 32. 0-425 O.P.—P-362 Ivan J. 33. P-362 J.A.—P-620 Lyle 34. P-620 M.E.—R-163 Murel L. 35. R-163 Nathan C.—R-321 Zas 36. R-325 (N.R.)—S-l 16 William P. 37. S-120 Albert—S-312 William T. 38. S-314 Adam—S-363 Woodrow 39. S-364 A.L.—S-520 Woo Tong 40. S-521 Fan—S-551 Notwell J. 41. S-552 (N.R.)—T-413 William P. 42. T-416 Albert T.-T-646 Williams 43. T-650 A.L.—W-220 Thomas A. 44. W-230 (N.R.)—W-420 Ezikiel 45. W-420 Fanie P —W-526 William J. 46. W-530 Abe—Institutions NEBRASKA Ml573 1. A-000 Adolph—A-416 Kathryn (Mrs.) 2. A-416 Laura—A-536 Fritz L. 3. A-536 G.-B-130 Wilson Byron 4. B-142 Agnes—B-246 Willis J. 5. B-250 Abby J.—B-330 Zella 6. B-340 Albert—B-424 William 7. B-425 Arron—B-521 William H. 8. B-523 Adolph—B-612 William 9. B-614 Adolph J.—B-625 Lynn 10. B-625 M.—B-636 Willis F. 11. B-640 (N.R.)—B-652 Myrtle E. 12. B-652 Nancy—C-155 Yvonne 13. C-156 Isaac—C-340 Willis 14. C-343 B.-C-452 Junior 15. C-454 L.W.—C-516 William S. 16. C-520 (Sister) Mary Carmel—C-616 Willin 17. C-620 (N.R.)—C-636 Zula B. 18. C-640 (N.R.)—D-120 Dyo F. 19. D-120 E. Austin—D-250 Lydia 20. D-250 M.J.—D-450 Zoreta F. 32 NEBRASKA-NEW JERSEY 21. D-451 Arthur—D-562 Xavia 22. D-600 A.D.—E-200 William M. 23. E-214 A.—E-450 William M. 24. E-452 Baby—F-200 Ziba M. 25. F-216 Amands—F-432 Kathryn 26. F-432 L.S.—F-621 William J. 27. F-622 (N.R.)—F-655 Lurn L. 28. F-655 Mabel— G-350 Zadock 29. G-352 Adeson E.—G-520 Kenneth 30. G-520 Leneah—G-624 Wm. A. 31. G-625 A.E.-G-653 Nora (Mrs.) 32. G-653 Olga—H-163 Willis I. 33. H-164 Adolph—H-244 Maggie 34. H-245 (N.R.)—H-325 Ivan R. 35. H-325 J.A. (R.W.)—H-421 William 36. H-422 Adena—H-513 William S. 37. H-514 Alexander J.—H-532 Wilson 38. H-533 Chrisi—H-615 Stanley 39. H-616 A.H.—H-635 Wistera A. 40. H-636 A.C.—J-200 Gustave 41. J-200 H.H.—J-520 Lyman 42. J-520 M E.—J-525 Hysec A. 43. J-525 I.S.—J-646 Zack 44. J-651 Abel—K-262 Theo. P. 45. K-300 (N.R.)—K-452 Gustan 46. K-452 H.D.—K-524 Wilston 47. K-525 Albert—K-624 William H. 48. K-625 A.W.-L-135 William E. 49. L-140 A.L.—L-250 Ava B. 50. L-250 J.A.-L-510 Willie E. 51. L-512 Adam J.—L-534 Wilmer 52. L-535 (N.R.)—M-000 Willie 53. M-100 (N.R.)—M-235 Guy C. 54. M-235 H.F.—M-250 Vivian F. 55. M-250 W.A.—M-263 Wyat J. 56. M-264 Anton—M-420 Katie 57. M-420 L. Banks—M-460 Putman G. 58. M-460 R.B.—M-564 William B. 59. M-600 (N.R.)—M-620 Gwendolyn P. 60. M-620 H.A.—M-635 Fristine 61. M-635 L.B.-N-246 William P. 62. N-250 A.B.—N-425 Zelma 63. N-430 (Sister) M. Bernard—0-245 William 64. 0-251 A.E.—0-650 William T. 65. 0-652 Aaron—P-340 William H. 66. P-350 A.C.—P-365 Wiliams 67. P-400 A.—P-500 Zina 68. P-514 Anne M.—P-625 Isham 69. P-625 J. Alfred—R-100 Lyale M. 70. R-100 M. Wilhelmena—R-200 Johanna 71. R-200 John—R-256 William O. 72. R-260 Abraham—R-341 Zelrbee 73. R-342 Ada—R-525 Willis A. 74. R-526 Adda—S-131 Leocadia 75. S-132 Adolph—S-166 William D. 76. S-200 (N.R.)—S-313 William E. 77. S-314 (N.R.)—S-341 Wilson E. 78. S-342 Adelia—S-362 lzaiah 79. S-362 J.A.—S-420 Everett 80. S-420 F.B.—S-500 Zurah S. 81. S-510 (N.R.)—S-530 Dyke S. 82. S-530 E.A.—S-533 Frank 83. S-534 A.—S-566 Wayne 84. S-600 (N.R.)—S-653 Whitlam 85. S-655 A.M.—T-455 William J. 86. T-460 (Sister) Mary Felicia—T-525 Zachrey T. 87. T-526 Agnes—T-656 Norma 88. T-656 O.F.—V-520 Wilmetta 89. V-521 A. Dela—W-220 William 90. W-230 (N.R.)—W-200 John L. 91. W-300 John A.—W-363 Wyatt 92. W-364 Arthur—W-425 Guy W. 93. W-425 H.A.—W-452 Kenneth R. 94. W-452 L.B.—W-622 William 95. W-623 A.L.—Y-520 Zack 96. Y-522 Guist Albert A.—Institutions NEVADA M1574 1. A-000 (N.R.)—B-650 Willis 2. B-652 Abraham—D-452 William 3. D-500 Albert P — G-632 William 4. G-635 Alberto—K-145 William A. 5. K-216 (N.R.)—M-263 Wm. A. 6. M-266 A.—P-362 Yop 7. P-363 Antina—S-345 Zassius 8. S-350 A.L.—T-651 Winnona C. 9. T-653 Inna E.—Institutions NEW HAMPSHIRE Ml575 1. A-000 Arvi—A-622 Victor 2. A-625 Airnee—B-324 Dores A. 3. B-324 E.H.—B-452 Zoel 4 B-453 (N.R.) (Sister)—B-621 Victor 5. B-622 (N.R.) (Sister)—B-650 Gail 6. B-651 Adam—C-254 William 7. C-255 Abe L.—C-455 Isabella 8. C-455 J. Edwards—C-612 Witold J. 9. C-613 (N.R.)—D-000 Josphine K. 10. D-000 J. Russell—D-260 Ulysses S. 11. D-262 A. Joseph—D-562 Guy C. 12. D-562 Haner—E-500 William 13. E-520 Albert—F-453 Willington E. 14. F-454 Harry—G-162 Zaharis 15. G-200 Abraham—G-455 Yvonne 16. G-456 Addison—G-655 Willis 17. G-656 Adoree—H-324 Harren R. 18. H-325 Abbie M.—H-525 William P. 19. H-526 Clara—J-200 Willis 20. J-210 Adolphus—K-363 William L. 21. K-400 (Sister) Rosetta—L-116 Yvonne 22. L-120 Abbey—L-260 Zenade 23. L-262 Adolph—L-560 Yvonne 24. L-562 A.—M-246 William 25. M-250 (N.R.)—M-442 Zakaska 26. M-450 (Sister) Limur—M-623 Frederick 27. No roll exists for this number. 28. M-623 Gardiner—N-300 Guy L. 28a. N-300 H. Foster—P-151 Zorat 28b. P-152 Achelees—P-451 Viola 29. P-453 Adelaird—P-630 Yvonne 30. P-632 Adel—R-231 William 31. R-236 Albert—R-531 William 32. R-534 Abbey—S-315 Evelyn F. 33. S-315 Fanny E.—S-450 Zella 34. S-452 Agatha—S-536 Willis B. 35. S-540 (N.R.)—T-364 Willis 36. T-400 Aaron D.—T-660 Yvette 37. U-000 (N.R.)—W-316 Willie E. 38. W-320 (N.R.)—W-436 William W. 39. W-450 Addie—Institutions NEW JERSEY Ml576 1. A-000 Anna B.-A-220 William A. 2. A-221 Anna—A-325 Kittie 3. A-325 Laura—A-416 Iva G. 4. A-416 J. Frank—A-451 Williams 5. A-452 (N.R.)—A-536 Dudley J. 6. A-536 E.L.H.—A-620 Lydia 7. A-620 Madaline—B-l 14 Tedda 8. B-120 (N.R.)—B-200 Gustav 9. B-200 Kalem—B-230 Winifred A. 10. B-231 Adam—B-252 Issac 11. B-252 Jacob—B-261 Wyatt 12. B-262 Abraham—B-324 Irm D. 13. B-324 J. George—B-361 William 14. B-362 A. Lewis J.—B-412 Williams 15. B-413 Anna—B-425 Author G. 16. B-425 Barbara—B-452 Bridget 17. B-452 C.-B-500 Lyndall 18. B-500 M. Henry—B-526 Dora 19. B-526 Erl R.—B-540 Willoughby 20. B-542 (Sister) Mary Macrina—B-600 Lynn 21. B-600 M B.—B-620 Trorrest 22. B-620 G.A.—B-622 Crzuva 23. B-622 Daniel—B-625 Proone 24. B-625 R. Jennie—B-630 Michel 25. B-630 Mike—B-634 Zoe C. 26. B-635 (N.R.)—B-650 Arther C. 27. B-650 Arthur—B-650 Leo 28. B-650 Leon—B-652 Ezra 29. B-652 F.—B-653 Martin 30. B-653 Mary—B-660 Yetta 31. B-662 Agnes—C-150 Winfred J. 32. C-151 Clarence—C-200 Ephriam 33. C-200 Erna—C-226 Thomas 34. C-230 (Sister) Curiaca—C-250 Mora 35. C-250 Octave—C-352 Myron 36. C-352 Nickolas—C-416 Burton 37. C-416 C.M.-C-440 William 38. C-444 Adam—C-445 Kenyon W. 39. C-455 L. Otis—C-463 Winifred 40. C-464 Amy—C-514 Auston E. 41. C-514 C.-C-520 Zedock C. 42. C-521 Alfred—C-540 Owen 43. C-540 P.F.—C-564 Stanislaw 44. C-565 A. Guyot—C-615 Zebrelin 45. C-616 A.F.—C-623 Johanna 46. C-623 John—C-632 Pietro 47. C-632 Raffaele—C-640 Zapetol 48. C-641 Albert—C-652 Susan 49. C-652 Teresa Josephine—D-100 Julius V 50. D-100 Kelman—D-123 Williams 51. D-124 Alexander—D-156 Wm. H. 52. D-160 Albert J.-D-230 Willis 53. D-231 Adolph—D-255 lsadore 54. D-255 Jocob—D-320 Grace 55. D-320 Hailus—D-400 Martin P. 56. D-400 Marry—D-450 Isabelle M. 57. D-450 Piez. J.A.—D-500 Martin J. 58. D-500 Mary—D-521 Wrightson 59. D-522 (Sister) M.—D-541 Willis W. 60. D-542 Aaron—D-600 Friedricka 61. D-600 Gaitana—D-624 William 62. D-625 Leonare M—D-663 Waclow 63. E-000 Biegov—E-234 Isadora M. 64. E-234 Jacob H.—E-352 Zadock 65. E-355 Acia E.—E-456 Wodrow R. 66. E-460 Agnes—E-625 Dorothy 67. E-625 Earl—F-200 Kimber 68. F-200 L. Harlow—F-260 Douglas 69. F-260 E.B.—F-360 William 70. F-361 Joe—F-430 William D. 71. F-431 Benjamin—F-460 Burtis 72. F-460 Caddie—F-536 William A. 73. F-540 (N.R.)—F-620 Nuss 74. F-620 Ale M—F-630 Ruth 75. F-630 Sady—F-643 William 76. F-645 Abraham—F-653 Luther 77. F-653 Maggie—G-134 Walter C. 78. G-140 Adam—G-240 Fritz 79. G-240 G. Lesley—G-330 William 80. G-332 Alexander—G-416 Isiak 81. G-416 J. Claude—G-430 Gustave A. 82. G-430 H. Lucian—G-453 William R. 83. G-454 Antonio—G-534 Kenneth 84. G-534 Lario—G-610 Winifred 85. G-611 Adam—G-620 Gustavias 86. G-620 H. Edmarda—G-625 Zerelda 87. G-626 Adelade—G-636 William L. 88. G-640 Adam F.—G-650 Zel 89. G-651 A.—G-656 Lugi 90. G-656 M L.—H-145 William W. 91. H-146 (Sister) Ada—H-163 Dorthy 92. H-163 E.W.—H-200 Powell 93. H-200 R.A.—H-236 William S. 94. H-240 (N.R.)—H-252 Sylvester 95. H-252 Jbadenc—H-316 Subena 96. H-320 Aaron—H-366 William 97. H-400 (N.R.)—H-400 Sylvia 98. H-400 L. Arthur—H-430 Lydia 99. H-430 M.—H-455 Clasal 100. H-455 J. Bayard—H-520 Dynis 101. H-520 E. Leon—H-525 Virginia 102. H-525 W. Irving—H-536 Sylvia 103. H-536 Terry G.—H-560 Ivin 104. H-560 J.—H-620 Ezekial A. 105. H-620 F.M.—H-630 Curtis S. 106. H-630 Daisy—H-635 Ruth E. 107. H-635 S.L.—H-655 Virginia 108. H-655 W. Jay—1-650 Wilson 109. 1-652 A. Jackson—J-232 Wilson L. 110. J-233 Edward—J-500 Ivan 111. J-500 J.C.—J-520 Vradislaw 112. J-520 W.B.— J-525 Henrietta M. 113. J-525 Henry—J-552 Isac B. 114. J-552 J. Maok—K-130 William W. 115. K-132 A.H.—K-200 Suzie 116. K-200 T.—K-255 Ziamiskowsky 117. K-256 (N.R.)—K-400 Ann 118. K-400 Anna—K-416 William This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. NEW JERSEY-NEW YORK 33 119. K-420 (N.R.)—K-451 William L. 120. K-452 A. Thomas—K-500 Johana 121. K-500 John—K-520 Gisbertina 122. K-520 H.-K-530 Viva 123. K-530 Wallace—K-611 William 124. K-612 Adam—K-625 Cara E. 125. K-625 Dain—K-652 Gustave 126. K-652 Hannah—L-100 Evelyn 127. L-100 F.—L-150 Bonnet 128. L-150 Carl—L-200 Athia 129. L-200 Alton—L-200 Willard A. 130. L-200 William—L-250 Gustave 131. L-250 Hannah—L-320 Ezna B. 132. L-320 Fannie—L-400 Isabela C. 133. L-400 Jack—L-516 Nuncio 134. L-536 Adof—L-520 Wladyslow 135. L-520 William—L-535 Gustave 136. L-535 Hannah P.—L-600 isreal 137. L-600 J. Hart—M-000 Guy E. 138. M-000 Harold—M-200 Maria 139. M-200 Marie—M-216 Winnie 140. M-220 (Sister) Anna Rita—M-235 Johanna 141. M-235 John—M-240 Vito 142. M-240 H.B.—M-245 Junius 143. M-245 Kate—M-250 Prospero 144. M-250 R.H.—M-254 Lydia 145. M-254 Mabel—M-260 Lydia 146. M-260 M. John—M-264 Jock 147. M-265 (Sister) Grace Regina—M-320 Plasero 148. M-320 R.-M-350 Zada 149. M-351 Anna—M-420 Otto 150. M-420 P.P.—M-450 Pompei 151. M-450 Rachael—M-460 Gustua D. 152. M-460 H.A.—M-500 Bridget E. 153. M-500 C. Herman—M-522 Winfred 154. M-523 Adam—M-535 Zoppito 155. M-536 Abigale J.—M-600 Dwight 156. M-600 E.H.—M-600 Priscilla 157. M-600 R.G.—M-620 Azuza 158. M-620 B.F.—M-620 Terania 159. M-620 V.M.D.—M-635 Joseph 160. M-625 John—M-635 Fredrick E. 161. M-635 Gabriel—M-650 Johanna 162. M-650 John—N-163 Wolfgang 163. N-165 Agnes—N-250 Chacce 164. N-250 J.B.—N-425 Burgess 165. N-425 C.H.—N-550 Yetta 166. N-551 Albert J.—0-165 Johanna 167. 0-165 John—0-255 William P. 168. 0-256 (Sister) Rose Conception—0-425 Ethel 169. 0-425 Ferdinand—0-624 William 170. 0-625 Agnes—P-165 Walter 171. P-200 (N.R.)—P-236 Xavier 172. P-240 (N.R.)—P-320 Otta T. 173. P-320 Pasquale—P-362 Ezra 174. P-362 F.C.—P-400 Otto P. 175. P-400 Pasquale—P-425 Winfild S. 176. P-426 Abbie I.—P-460 Isaiah W. 177. P-460 Jacob—P-552 William 178. P-553 Angela—P-620 Johannah 179. P-620 John—P-625 Fried 180. P-625 G. Allen—P-635 Wright 181. P-626 A.J.—Q-500 Izabelle 182. Q-500 James—R-120 Luingo 183. R-120 Rachel—R-156 Walter 184. R-160 Aaron—R-200 Gzio 185. R-200 F.A.—R-200 Sylvester 186. R-200 Jeene—R-240 Kenneth 187. R-240 L. Harry—R-255 Lydia 188. R-255 Mabel—R-300 Augusta P. 189. R-300 B. Budd—R-320 Pringle 190. R-320 R.C.—R-360 Issac 191. R-360 J. Beatty—R-455 Walter H. 192. R-460 Agnes—R-520 Wladyslaw 193. R-521 Adoph—R-550 Lydia A. 194. R-550 Mabel—S-000 Ruth M. 195. S-000 S.E.-S-130 Wladislave 196. S-131 Adam—S-152 Wojiech 197. S-153 Adam—S-163 Byron M. 198. S-163 C.—S-200 Rymvine 199. S-200 Sadie—S-242 Wutlenty 200. S-243 (N.R.)—S-300 Josaphine 201. S-300 Joseph—S-315 Vito 202. S-315 W.E.—S-326 Ezariah 203. S-326 F.A.—S-342 Morris 204. S-342 Naomi—S-351 Yetta 205. S-352 Aaron—S-360 Willowykby 206. S-361 Abbie—S-363 Kemetto H. 207. S-363 Lanis—S-400 Ivan 208. S-400 Andrew—S-416 Lydia 209. S-416 Manuel—S-432 Augustina 210. S-432 Betrice—S-455 Dwight D. 211. S-455 Earol—S-500 Winnie 212. S-510 (N.R.)—S-520 Prima 213. S-520 R.A.—S-530 Azzega 214. S-530 B. Frank—S-530 Harrold 215. S-530 Harry—S-530 Micapah S. 216. S-530 Michael—S-532 Vito 217. S-532 W.C.-S-536 Voorhees 218. S-536 W—S-552 Isidor 219. S-552 Jack—S-600 Worrall 220. S-610 A.B.-S-624 William R. 221. S-625 (Si) Potentio—S-650 Dominick 222. S-650 Earnest—T-156 Wm. J. 223. T-160 (N.R.)—T-300 Isabel 224. T-300 J.M.—T-450 Isabella 225. T-450 J.A. James—T-500 Winthrop A. 226. T-510 (N.R.)—T-520 Ivy 227. T-520 J.C.—T-560 William S. 228. T-561 Athnell—T-623 Winifred 229. T-624 Alexander—T-652 Isidore M. 230. T-652 J. Webster—U-536 Kenneth T.H. 231. U-536 L.P.—V-321 William 232. V-322 (N.R.)—V-514 Lyvania 233. V-514 M.—V-532 Frieda 234. V-532 Gaetano—V-556 Paul 235. V-560 Adeline—W-100 Wilson D. 236. W-l 14 Edward—W-216 William L. 237. W-220 (N.R.)—W-252 Isac 238. W-252 J.—W-300 Turman A. 239. W-300 G. Darby—W-323 William P. 240. W-324 (Sister) M. Goryega—W-356 Louise 241. W-356 Mabelle—W-413 William 242. W-414 Abraham—W-420 Pierce 243. W-420 R.—W-425 Myrtle 244. W-425 Naidee—W-436 Fritz 245. W-436 (Mrs.) G.H.—W-452 Johanna 246. W-452 John—W-520 Isaac 247. W-520 J. Augustus—W-562 Zelig 248. W-563 Aaron—W-630 Kenny W. 249. W-630 L.—Y-210 William R. 250. Y-220 Abrom—Y-553 Michael 251. Y-562 Andrew—Z-342 Winnie 252. Z-346 Adolfh—Z-530 William R. 253. Z-532 Allbesto—Institutions NEW MEXICO Ml577 1. A-000 (N.R.)—A-536 Lura 2. A-536 Macedonia—B-200 Zorapio 3. B-210 Bak—B-550 Wirt J. 4. B-553 Alonzo J.—C-120 Bryida 5. C-120 Camila—C-410 William T. 6. C-412 (N.R.)—C-631 Justo 7. C-631 Lauro—D-520 Wog Check 8. D-521 Peath—E-546 Tom 9. E-563 Wih—G-352 William 10. G-355 Carl—G-524 Onecimo 11. G-524 Pabla—G-632 Williams 12. G-635 (N.R.)—H-362 William T. 13. H-400 (N.R.)—H-660 Eugenio 14. H-660 Jaustin—K-240 Walter L. 15. K-250 (N.R.)—L-132 Wm. S. 16. L-140 (Sister) Boniface—L-524 William H. 17. L-526 Rev. Sister Calourontra—M-263 William I. 18. M-264 Irene C.—M-530 Morses 19. M-530 N.—M-635 Curtis 20. M-635 D.S.—N-255 W.W. 21. N-260 Alfonozo—P-200 Lydia 22. P-200 M.E.—P-620 Jriquel 23. P-620 J.S.—R-230 Ventura 24. R-235 (N.R.)—R-560 Osibiana 25. R-560 P.A.—S-350 Ida 26. S-350 J.P.—S-522 Ismael 27. S-522 Cristobal—S-632 William F. 28. S-634 Abraham G.—T-620 Luz L. 29. T-620 M. Jose—V-430 Zara 30. V-432 (N.R.)—W-420 William W. 31. W-425 Son—Institutions NEW YORK Ml578 1. A-000 Chan—A-140 Ruth L. 2. A-140 Sadie—A-162 Kenneth 3. A-162 Lahania—A-200 Douglas 4. A-200 Eagle—A-235 Fuller 5. A-235 G. Marisice—A-250 Ezra 6. A-250 Fauie—A-262 William W.B. 7. A-263 (N.R.)—A-325 Vivian 8. A-325 W.—A-352 Cyril L. 9. A-352 D. Carlton—A-364 William P. 10. A-365 (Mrs.)—A-416 Guy W. 11. A-416 H.-A-425 Cyrus 12. A-425 D.C.—A-435 Ivan 13. A-435 J. William—A-450 Frielda 14. A-450 G.D.—A-452 Luz. M. 15. A-452 M.—A-520 Woren 16. A-521 Abraham—A-530 Israel 17. A-530 J. Casey—A-536 M. Ann 18. A-536 Anna—A-536 Gurtrude 19. A-536 Gus.—A-536 Nunziatis 20. A-536 O.—A-561 Williams 21. A-562 Ada G.—A-625 Corrinna A. 22. A-625 Daisy—A-650 Lulu A. 23. A-650 M.A.—A-652 Zunch 24. A-653 (N.R.)—B-000 Ozto 25. B-000 Paols-B-132 Wolf 26. B-135 Andrew—B-200 Axel G. 27. B-200 B.—B-200 Hathur E. 28. B-200 Hattie—B-200 Michae 29. B-200 Michael—B-210 Guy M. 30. B-210 Halsey—B-221 William F. 31. B-222 Abram.—B-234 Iva 32. B-234 Jack—B-240 French R. 33. B-240 G. Frvin.—B-244 Vella 34. B-245 (N.R.)—B-250 Zoe 35. B-251 A —B-255 Priston 36. B-255 R.F.—B-260 Ezra J. 37. B-260 F.—B-260 Mariano D. 38. B-260 Marie—B-263 Cyms N. 39. B-263 D.V.Z.—B-300 Henrietta W. 40. B-300 Henry—B-320 Ezra J. 41. B-320 E.-B-325 Issie 42. B-325 Jack—B-346 Cyus 43. B-346 D.—B-350 Pincus 44. B-350 R.D.—B-361 Wrothvill 45. B-362 Aaron—B-400 Elsbeth 46. B-400 Elsie—B-400 Leda 47. B-400 Lee—B-400 Zilpha 48. B-410 Aaron—B-420 Emline 49. B-420 Emma—B-420 Marvin A. 50. B-420 Mary—B-422 Dorthea 51. B-423 Earnest—B-425 Zavivimea 52. B-426 (N.R.)—B-432 Gustave 53. B-432 Hannah—B-436 Isreal 54. B-436 Jack—B-450 Own 55. B-450 Palma—B-452 Johanna 56. B-452 John—B-455 Fritz 57. B-455 Gabriel—B-462 Zineda 58. B-463 Abel—B-500 Jennett 59. B-500 Jennie—B-514 Wolf. 60. B-515 Finsky (N.R.)—B-520 Maria 61. B-520 Mary—B-525 Dorothy B. 62. B-525 E.J.—B-526 Zidos 63. B-530 (N.R.)—B-530 Lynn R. 64. B-530 M. (Mrs.)—B-533 William 65. B-534 (N.R.)—B-540 Yolando 66. B-542 Aaron—B-552 Yetta 67. B-553 Abigail—B-600 Claire H. 68. B-600 Clara—B-600 John 69. B-600 John—B-608 Williad H. 70. B-600 William—B-616 Fretonus 71. B-616 G.—B-620 Catherina 72. B-620 Catherine—B-620 Fuller L. 73. B-620 G.—B-620 Josep 74. B-620 Joseph—B-620 Nona 75. B-620 Nora—B-620 Zymund 76. B-621 A.—B-623 Eliza L. 77. B-623 Elizabeth—B-624 Cyrio 78. B-624 Don—B-625 Frida 79. B-625 Frederick—B-625 Zogon 80. B-626 (N.R.)—B-626 Lynn 81. B-626 M —B-630 Edain 82. B-630 Edward—B-630 Knowlton 83. B-630 L.—B-630 Zidraneks 84. B-631 (Sister) Laurentia—B-632 Lynn M 85. B-632 M.—B-635 Fundie E. 86. B-634 (Mrs.) J.F.—B-635 Franz 87. B-635 Fred—B-636 Gustave J. 88. B-636 Hairford P.—B-643 lssas 89. B-643 Jacob—B-650 Bettsy 90. B-650 Betty—B-650 Emilly G. 34 NEW YORK 91. B-650 Emma—B-650 Henry 92. B-650 Henry A —B-650 Jules 93. B-650 Julia—B-650 Nello 94. B-650 Nelson—B-650 William 95. B-650 William—B-652 Berk M. 96. B-652 Bertha—B-652 Harry W. 97. B-652 Harvey—B-652 Louisa M. 98. B-652 Louise—B-652 Syrus L. 99. B-652 L.—B-653 Guy D. 100. B-653 H.-B-654 Cyrus J. 101. B-654 D.K.—B-655 Jas. 102. B-655 James A.—B-656 Byron 103. B-656 C.-B-660 Curtis 104. B-660 D.—C-100 Ithamer 105. C-100 J.-C-130 Zinno 106. C-131 Anon—C-145 Eymer 107. C-145 Fannie—C-152 Walter A. 108. C-153 Abram—C-160 Josep 109. C-160 Joseph—C-165 Zoe 110. C-166 Agustino—C-200 Ezra H. 111. C-200 F— C-200 Josep 112. C-200 Joseph—C-200 Rutherford H. 113. C-200 S.-C-220 Luke 114. C-220 Mabel—C-234 Anna V. 115. C-234 Annie—C-236 Fredricka R.A. 116. C-236 G.—C-245 Kenneth 0. 117. C-245 L. Minnie—C-252 Issac 118. C-252 J.—C-261 William M. 119. C-262 A.—C-312 Willia F. 120. C-314 Ada—C-345 William B. 121. C-346 (N.R.)—C-362 Zeno 122. C-363 Abram L.—C-400 Harrold 123. C-400 Harry—C-400 Volney B. 124. C-400 W.E.—C-416 Byron 125. C-416 C. Crossman—C-420 Johanna 126. C-420 John—C-425 Kirsten 127. C-425 Lanita—C-434 William W. 128. C-435 (N.R.)—C-450 Frederick W. 129. C-450 G. Evelyn—C-451 Louise 130. C-451 Marcella—C-452 Marian 131. C-452 Marie—C-455 Dwight R. 132. C-455 E.—C-460 Dorothy M. 133. C-460 E.J.—C-462 Capley 134. C-462 Cora—C-462 John 135. C-462 John—C-462 Williard J. 136. C-462 Wm.—C-500 Charles 137. C-500 Charles A.—C-500 Hymie 138. C-500 L.—C-500 Loui 139. C-500 Louis—C-500 Roscoe 140. C-500 Rose—C-512 Bunny 141. C-512 Caesar—C-514 Johanna M. 142. C-514 John—C-516 Dwight H. 143. C-516 E.-C-520 Owen J. 144. C-520 Panko—C-524 Josep 145. C-524 Joseph—C-533 Willis 146. C-534 (N.R.)—C-540 Byran C. 147. C-540 L.—C-540 Winnifred A. 148. C-541 Abraham—C-552 Freeman 149. C-552 G.A.—C-560 Duane W. 150. C-560 E.—C-563 Dorothy 151. C-563 Earl—C-600 Ezeikel 152. C-600 F.—C-600 Peter 153. C-600 Pefen—C-613 Murtha 154. C-613 (Mrs.) N.E.—C-645 Quernaey 155. C-615 R.B.—C-620 Cyril 156. C-620 D.—C-620 Owen 157. C-640 P.—C-623 Duncan T 158. C-623 E—C-624 Author B. 159. C-624 B.—C-625 Rutherford 160. C-625 Elizabeth—C-630 Platt 161. C-630 Rachel—C-635 Austin 162. C-635 Barbariso—C-636 Lywena 163. C-636 (Sister) Maxima—C-640 Jason E. 164. C-640 Jasper—C-640 Zigmond 165. C-641 (Sister) M. Alcogue—C-645 Engese 166. C-645 Falk H.—C-650 Justus 167. C-650 Karl—C-652 Fuller 168. C-652 Gaetano—C-654 Ezra 169. C-654 Fannie S.—C-655 Zullo 170. C-656 Rev. Father—D-000 Henrietta 171. D-000 Henry—D-100 Jasper B. 172. D-100 Jay—D-120 Christy J. 173. D-120 Charles—D-120 Ivan S. 174. D-120 J.—D-120 Rutledge F. 175. D-120 S. Blakelle—D-130 Otto O. 176. D-130 Patrick—D-140 Zita 177. D-141 A.—D-150 Marvin E. 178. D-150 Mary—D-160 Joel 179. D-160 John—D-165 Zofia 180. D-166 Albert—D-200 Sara 181. D-200 Sarah—D-226 William F. 182. D-230 (N.R.)—D-240 Luigi 183. D-240 Manuel—D-250 Dwight 184. D-250 E.—D-250 Folestine 185. D-250 U. Albert—D-255 Frieda 186. D-255 G. Emerson—D-260 Lyona C. 187. D-260 M. Rebbeca—D-263 Lydia 188. D-263 M.—D-300 Myrtle 189. D-300 Nancy—D-325 Isidore K. 190. D-325 J.M.—D-360 Lydia 191. D-360 Marat—D-400 Ella S. 192. D-400 Ellen—D-400 Leana 193. D-400 Lee—D-400 Zula B. 194. D-410 Abram—D-420 Tony 195. D-420 Umberto—D-436 William T. 196. D-440 Agnes—D-450 Perfecto 197. D-450 Peter—D-455 Yetta 198. D-456 (Mrs.) A.—D-500 Dermond 199. D-500 Dewey—D-500 John 200. D-500 John H.—D-500 Sara 201. D-500 Sarah—D-515 Dorothy 202. D-515 Earl—D-520 Curtis 203. D-520 D.E. William—D-520 Millett A. 204. D-520 William—D-525 Guy F. 205. D-525 H.—D-531 Issy 206. D-532 Jack—D-540 Me Isaac 207. D-540 Melvin—D-546 Victor 208. D-550 W. Mary Fabail—D-552 Matthew 209. D-552 Mand—D-560 Zora 210. D-561 Abraham—D-600 Fulton W. 211. D-600 (Mrs.) G.Y.—D-610 Quintrio 212. D-610 Rachael—D-620 Guy S. 213. D-620 H.-D-623 Zita 214. D-624 (N.R.)—D-630 Byron 215. D-630 L.—D-650 Durrey 216. D-650 Earl—D-653 Irwing C. 217. D-653 Jack—E-123 Otto 218. E-123 Paul—E-152 Voorhess 219. E-152 W. Albert—E-212 Bridget 220. E-212 L.—E-236 Zalek 221. E-240 (Sister) Mary F.—E-250 Owen 222. E-250 Pathrick F.—E-262 William J. 223. E-263 (N.R.) M.—E-342 Kossel 224. E-342 Lagarous—E-363 Henrietta C. 225. E-363 Henry—E-420 Kirby 226. E-420 Lanyra—E-430 Kittie J. 227. E-430 L. Bentley—E-462 Milles B. 228. E-463 Abbie—E-524 Guy 229. E-524 H.—E-5S4 Ivar 230. E-554 Jack—E-625 Iven L. 231. E-625 J. Albert—E-652 Isreal 232. E-652 J.-F-142 Sarah 233. F-143 A.A.—F-200 Fread 234. F-200 Fred—F-200 Rynola 235. F-200 S.—F-236 Bustom G. 236. F-236 C.E.—F-246 Luella W. 237. F-246 Mac S.—F-260 Charles 238. F-260 Charles A —F-260 Richard S. 239. F-260 Rita—F-320 Zeras 240. F-321 (N.R.)—F-326 lsace H. 241. F-326 J.-F-362 Mortimer 242. F-362 Natalino—F-410 Katie 243. F-410 L. Alice—F-421 William M. 244. F-422 Abraham—F-426 Ruth 245. F-426 Sadie—F-432 Lydia M. 246. F-432 M. Clayde—F-445 Wright 247. F-450 (Sister) Catherine—F-450 Zettella 248. F-451 Adella—F-455 John H. 249. F-455 Joseph—F-460 Josep 250. F-460 Joseph—F-500 Guy N. 251. F-500 H.E.—F-520 Izetta 252. F-520 J.A.—F-524 Zellie 253. F-525 M. Cyril—F-536 Zelig 254. F-540 (N.R.)—F-600 Byron D. 255. F-600 C.-F-612 Guy S. 256. F-612 H. Walter—F-620 Israel 257. F-620 J.—F-622 Piagio 258. F-622 Rachael—F-624 lgetta 259. F-624 J.-F-630 Azel 260. F-630 B.—F-631 William P. Jr. 261. F-632 M. William—F-635 Everett D. 262. F-635 F.—F-636 Ann Marie 263. F-636 Anne—F-640 Johanna 264. F-640 John—F-645 Guy 265. F-645 Hannah—F-652 Bernice 266. F-652 Bert—F-652 Jake 267. F-652 James—F-652 Ruthana 268. F-652 S. Etta—F-655 Chane 269. F-655 Charles—F-656 Gustave 270. F-656 H. Merton—G-600 Gustav A. 271. G-000 Hannah—G-125 Zachl 272. G-126 Anna—G-152 Winiked A. 273. G-153 Abraham—G-200 Gustave A. 274. G-200 Hallo—G-231 Ivar 275. G-231 Jack—G-250 Lydia 276. G-250 M. James—G-300 Ezra E. 277. G-300 Fabien—G-320 Josef 278. G-320 Joseph—G-341 Ivan E. 279. G-341 Jack—G-355 Byros L. 280. G-355 C. Rae—G-363 Lyman 281. G-363 M G.—G-400 Zitha 282. G-410 M R — G-416 Joseph 283. G-416 Joseph—G-420 Owen 284. G-420 Palimba—G-425 Johannah 285. G-425 John (Jr.)—G-426 Kurt 286. G-426 Laura—G-430 Maurice S. 287. G-430 Max—G-431 Mesy 288. G-431 Meyer—G-432 Izodor 289. G-432 J.—G-435 Burton 290. G-435 C.C.—G-436 Zenas 291. G-440 (Sister) M. Imelda—G-453 Gus 292. G-453 H.—G-463 Julin 293. G-463 Kate—G-516 Luigi 294. G-516 Madeline—G-524 Luis 295. G-524 M.—G-536 Gustive E. 296. G-536 Hanna—G-560 Zito 297. G-561 Bennet—G-600 Lymie 298. G-600 M E.—G-610 Otto W. 299. G-610 Palmer—G-614 Dwight 300. G-614 Earnest—G-615 Veto 301. G-615 W.H.—G-620 Cyrus W. 302. G-620 D.—G-620 Lyod 303. G-620 M.—G-622 Fredish 304. G-622 Gardad—G-625 Elizabeth C. 305. G-625 Ella—G-626 Friend H. 306. G-626 G.-G-630 Zito 307. G-631 Abraham—G-635 Dwight 308. G-635 E.—G-635 Maxwell 309. G-635 May—G-642 Kazimir 310. G-642 Laura—G-650 Ediall 311. G-650 Edith—G-650 John 312. G-650 John—G-650 Szczejsan 313. G-650 T.L.-G-651 Lymon 314. G-651 M.—G-652 Lynne E. 315. G-652 M.—G-653 Lyon 316. G-653 M.—G-655 Gustus 317. G-655 H.—G-663 Byrton 318. G-663 Caesar—H-100 Ezra W. 319. H-100 Faith—H-125 Kenny 320. H-125 La Fayette—H-152 Dorothy M. 321. H-152 E.H.—H-155 Lonie 322. H-155 Louis—H-160 Johanna 323. H-160 John—H-164 William J. 324. H-165 (N.R.)—H-200 Cyrus T. 325. H-200 D.L.—H-200 Herbert W. 326. H-200 Herman—H-200 Mary 327. H-200 Mary—H-200 William 328. H-200 William S.—H-220 Johana 329. H-220 John—H-230 Mary 330. H-230 Max—H-240 Dorothy 331. H-240 E.—H-250 Axel E. 332. H-250 B —H-250 Zaki 333. H-251 (N.R.)—H-252 Ruth D. 334. H-250 Mabel—H-260 Hyman 335. H-260 Ida—H-300 Clatin G. 336. H-300 Claude—H-300 Sylmstine 337. H-300 T. Hubbard—H-322 Myrtle S. 338. H-322 Nancy—H-336 William C. 339. H-340 (N.R.)—H-355 Otto This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. NEW YORK 35 340. H-355 Paul—H-400 Cyrina 341. H-400 D.B.—H-400 Herald 342. H-400 Herbert—H-400 Mary 343. H-400 Mary A.—H-400 Zyepha 344. H-410 (N.R.)—H-416 Ziba 345. H-420 (N.R.)—H-423 Norman A. 346. H-423 Odd—H-430 Zilta 347. H-431 (N.R.)—H-450 Evin 348. H-450 F.—H-452 Lynor E. 349. H-452 M. Theresa—H-455 Kelly 350. H-455 Lafe—H-500 Avery 351. H-500 Barbara—H-500 Willard P. 352. H-500 William—H-520 Author 353. H-520 B. Frank—H-520 Marvin N. 354. H-520 Mary—H-524 Hyman N. 355. H-524 Mabel—H-525 Vititar 356. H-525 W.—H-532 Burl 357. H-532 C.A.—H-536 Furman 358. H-536 G. Fredricka—H-540 Kurt 359. H-540 L.—H-545 Winifred 360. H-546 Adam—H-552 Myer 361. H-552 Nancy—H-560 Marion 362. H-560 Mary—H-600 Lyman 363. H-600 M.—H-616 Guy 364. H-616 H. Curtis—H-620 Hayward 365. H-630 Hazel—H-620 Williams 366. H-620 William A.—H-625 Eva M. 367. H-625 Fannie—H-630 Chancy 368. H-630 Charles—H-630 Kulri 369. H-630 L.—H-632 Guzzie 370. H-632 H.—H-635 Chaney 371. H-635 Chas.—H-635 Vasburgh 372. H-635 N.A.—H-645 Ludwig 373. H-645 Mary—H-652 Custis 374. H-652 D. Monroe—H-655 Chester G. 375. H-655 Childs—1-120 Zyhniah 376. 1-121 Andrew—1-255 Yrtta 377. 1-256 Abe—1-524 Fritz J. 378. 1-524 G. Walter—1-616 Wladyslav 379. 1-620 Abner—J-156 Thomas 380. J-180 (Sister) Winifred—J-210 Hyman 381. J-210 Lor—J-212 Tenns 382. J-212 Leo—J-236 Yetta 383. J-240 Abe—J-250 Lenns 384. J-250 Leo—J-300 William T. 385. J-315 Albert—J-500 Gustave M. 386. J-500 Hib—J-520 Dzizislaw 387. J-520 E.—J-520 Janata 388. J-520 Jane—J-520 Robert 389. J-520 Robb A.—J-523 Cylin 390. J-523 J.—J-525 Cardon 391. J-525 Carl—J-525 Floid 392. J-525 Flora—J-525 Johansen 393. J-525 John—J-525 Nils Peter 394. J-525 Nelson—J-526 William H. 395. J-530 Abu—J-620 Eva 396. J-620 Fanni—J-651 Victoria 397. J-652 Abraham—K-120 Bruno 398. K-120 Caismire—K-142 Yinik 399. K-143 A.—K-152 Dora 400. K-152 Edith—K-160 Otto J. 401. K-160 Patricia—K-200 Lyman M. 402. K-200 M.—K-223 William 403. K-225 Aaron—K-242 Isaac 404. K-242 Jacob—K-252 Ezekial 405. K-252 Fannie—K-260 Ruth 406. K-260 S.E.—K-320 Metro 407. K-320 Meyer—K-342 Wolf 408. K-345 Andrew—K-400 Catherin A. 409. K-400 Catherine—K-400 John 410. K-400 John—K-416 Andrea 411. K-400 P.A.—K-413 Youngs 412. K-414 (N.R.) Cherubim—K-420 Josef 413. K-420 Joseph—K-426 Fritz 414. K-426 Gala—K-450 Francis J. 415. K-450 Frank—K-451 Gustave 416. K-451 Hans—K-455 Ruth E. 417. K-455 Sadie—K-460 Kent 418. K-460 L. Frank—K-500 Edna W. 419. K-500 Edward—K-500 Lynn 420. K-500 N.—K-510 Cyrus 421. K-510 D.—K-514 Koloman 422. K-514 Laban—K-520 Fuller P. 423. K-520 G.—K-520 Stephan 424. K-520 Stephen—K-524 Gwendolin 425. K-524 Hall J.—K-530 John 426. K-530 John—K-534 Irael M. 427. K-534 Jack A —K-550 Byron W. 428. K-550 C.H.—K-560 Otto C. 429. K-560 Patrick—K-610 Yetta 430. K-611 Adolph—K-620 Eliza 431. K-620 Elizabeth—K-620 Willard H. 432. K-620 William—K-625 Adola 433. K-625 Adam—K-626 Ito 434. K-626 J.—K-634 Yale 435. K-635 A —K-650 Jake 436. K-650 James—K-652 Kushnell 437. K-652 L.D.—K-656 Evelyn C. 438. K-656 Fannie—L-000 Franco 439. L-000 Frank—L-000 Sylvia 440. L-000 T. Ernest—L-100 Hilton J. 441. L-100 Hiran—L-100 Sylvester 442. L-100 G. Joe—L-121 Wilbi 443. L-122 Abe—L-130 Katie 444. L-130 L.F.-L-140 Jose 445. L-140 Joseph—L-150 Byson D. 446. L-150 C.M.—L-150 Pauline 447. L-150 Rachael—L-152 Yetty 448. L-153 Viridiana (Sister)—L-160 Lydia 449. L-160 M.—L-163 Vivian 450. L-163 W. Wallane—L-200 Chandler A. 451. L-200 Chas — L-200 Glady G. 452. L-200 Gladys—L-200 Luba 453. L-200 Lucas—L-200 Volodinis 454. L-200 W.—L-220 Otto N. 455. L-220 Paras—L-230 Zoel 456. L-231 Albert—L-240 Lynden 457. L-240 Mabel—L-250 Mary C. 458. L-250 Mary E.—L-256 Lula F. 459. L-256 Magdalena M.—L-262 Luz 460. L-262 M.A.—L-300 Lyman G. 461. L-300 M.M.—L-320 Mystl 462. L-320 N.J.—L-341 William H. 463. L-342 Abraham—L-360 Burton R. 464. L-360 C.—L-400 Ruth D. 465. L-400 S. James—L-520 Cyrus D. 466. L-500 D.—L-500 Quay 467. L-500 R.G.—L-516 Ezra 468. L-516 F.—R-520 Catherin 469. L-520 Catherine—L-520 Herbert W. 470. L-520 Herman—L-520 Marvin O. 471. L-520 Mary—L-520 William 472. L-520 William A.—L-524 Yetta 473. L-525 (N.R.)—L-530 Dredeik 474. L-530 Earl—L-532 Izzie 475. L-532 J. August—L-535 Sylvester 476. L-535 T. Wallace—L-550 Johannah 477. L-550 John—L-560 Ruth 478. L-560 Salvatore—L-600 Avon 479. L-600 B.—L-616 William E. 480. L-620 (N.R.)—L-625 Lydia 481. L-625 Mabel—L-652 Ezra 482. L-652 F.—M-000 Ezekiel 483. M-000 F.—M-156 William G. 484. M-160 Abraham—M-200 Emily R. 485. M-200 Emma—M-200 Josep 486. M-200 Joseph—M-200 Sarafina 487. M-200 Sarah—M-210 OivenJ. 488. M-200 P.—M-216 Dwight 489. M-216 E.—M-220 Avis 490. M-220 Bodikion—M-225 Cuyler S. 491. M-225 Daniel—M-232 John U. 492. M-232 Josefin—M-235 Francis 493. M-235 Ga.—M-235 Will 494. M-235 William—M-240 Alaska 495. M-240 Albert—M-240 Justin D. 496. M-240 Kallont—M-242 Alenzo 497. M-242 Alex—M-242 Krestine 498. M-242 Lachlan—M-244 Mungo 499. M-244 Nancy—M-245 Lngshena 500. M-245 Usanio—M-250 Charity A. 501. M-250 Charles—M-250 Johana V. 502. M-250 John—M-250 Quentin 503. M-250 R.—M-252 Duncan J. 504. M-252 E. Aaron—M-253 Byron 505. M-253 C.G.—M-254 Henrietta 506. M-254 Henry—M-255 Elizabeth 507. M-255 Ella—M-255 Thomas 508. M-255 Thomas A.—M-260 Chas. 509. M-260 Charles—M-260 Lymon E. 510. M-260 M.—M-262 Guy 511. M-262 H. Genevieve—M-263 Harinson G. 512. M-263 Harry—M-263 Patrick N. 513. M-263 Paul—M-265 John 514. M-265 John—M-300 Henrietta A. 515. M-300 Henry—M-320 Frderick 516. M-320 Fred—M-324 Archibald G. 517. M-324 Archie C.-M-325 Fritz 518. M-325 G. Kemeth—M-345 Lucy 519. M-345 M. Leon—M-362 Frederick U. 520. M-362 Gaetano—M-400 Thomas 521. M-400 Thomas A.—M-400 Gertie 522. M-420 Gertrude—M-423 Yetty 523. M-424 (N.R.)—M-432 Gustav 524. M-432 H.—M-450 Eliza G. 525. M-450 Elizabeth—M-450 Pete 526. M-450 Peter—M-456 Frederick J. 527. M-456 Grabiel—M-460 Clare K. 528. M-460 Clerence—M-460 Gertie 529. M-460 Gertrude—M-460 Josep 530. M-460 Joseph—M-460 Paula 531. M-460 Pauline—M-460 William 532. M-465 (Mr.)—M-500 James 533. M-500 James—M-500 Sylvestia 534. M-500 T. Edgar—M-520 John 535. M-520 John A.—M-523 Jimmie 536. M-523 Joe—M-525 Trina 537. M-525 Ubold—M-532 Frieda 538. M-532 G.—M-534 Zeno 539. M-535 (N.R.)—M-550 Ewf. 540. M-550 F.—M-560 Edward M. 541. M-560 Edwin—M-600 Anna 542. M-600 Anna—M-600 Elianor 543. M-600 Elias—M-600 Henry 544. M-600 Henry—M-600 Jules F. 545. M-600 Julia—M-600 Ozero 546. M-600 P —M-600 William I. 547. M-600 William J.—M-610 Johannah 548. M-610 John—M-610 Thomas 549. M-610 Thomas—M-620 Arthur 550. M-620 Athur—M-620 Freshie 551. M-620 Fred—M-620 Josef 552. M-620 Joseph—M-620 Pete 553. M-620 Peter—M-622 Dorthy V. 554. M-622 Earl—M-623 Zwoel 555. M-624 (N.R.)—M-624 Munzio 556. M-624 Ocea B.—M-625 Hedwig 557. M-625 Helen—M-625 William 558. M-625 William—M-630 Rutherford 559. M-630 S. Best—M-635 Annaetta 560. M-635 Anne—M-635 Henritta 561. M-635 Henry—M-635 Nichos 562. M-635 Nick—M-640 Frieda M. 563. M-640 Gaetano—M-650 Charles 564. M-650 Charles A.—M-650 Meyer 565. M-650 Michael—M-654 William 566. M-655 (N.R.)—N-120 Bruce E. 567. N-120 Caiser—N-145 William 568. N-146 Alfred E.—N-200 Fritz 569. N-200 Gabor—N-220 Lydia 570. N-220 Mabel—N-240 Nitromella 571. N-240 W. Roy—N-242 Zonn 572. N-243 (N.R.)—N-260 Kuneth 573. N-260 Laura—N-340 Israel 574. N-340 Jack—N-362 Yetta 575. N-363 Adolf—N-425 Algot 576. N-425 Alice—N-425 Niles A. 577. N-425 Nellie—N-450 Zalie 578. N-451 Albert—N-550 Axel W. 579. N-550 Barbara—N-550 Yette 580. N-551 Beatrice—N-626 Yeus A. 581. N-630 M. Humiliana—N-636 Willis 582. N-640 (N.R.)—0-161 Gradus 583. 0-161 Harry—0-165 James 584. 0-165 James A.—0-165 Zetta 585. 0-166 Agnes—0-220 Lydia O. 586. 0-220 M —0-236 Zuby 587. 0-240 (Sister) Anthony—0-254 Myrtle G. 588. 0-254 Napoleon—0-256 Owen 589. 0-256 Paricia G.—0-320 Issia 590. 0-320 Jack—0-354 Lyman 591. 0-354 Maybelle—0-420 Zeoman 592. 0-421 Abraham—0-425 Zads 593. 0-426 (N.R.)—0-500 Ivey 594 . 0-500 J.—0-540 Iva 595 . 0-540 J.A.C.—0-600 Burt L. 596. 0-600 C.J.—0-631 William 597. 0-632 A —0-662 Isabella 598. 0-662 J.—P-120 Otto 599. P-120 Parkus—P-160 Hyman 600. P-160 Ida—P-200 Franklin O. 36 NEW YORK 601. P-200 Fred—P-200 Vrooman 602. P-200 W.B.—P-230 Jose G. 603. P-230 Joseph—P-240 Iva H. 604. P-240 Jack—P-250 Otto 605. P-250 Pablo—P-262 Fred 606. P-262 Gabriel—P-320 Axturo 607. P-320 Barbara—P-326 Zodok J. 608. P-330 (N.R.)—P-355 Byron 609. P-355 C.H.—P-360 Zillah 610. P-361 Abraham—P-362 Frederick 611. P-362 G.—P-362 Owen 612. P-362 P.—P-400 Authur B 613. P-400 B.A.—P-400 Ruth S. 614. P-400 L. Jeanette B.—P-412 Jennie 615. P-412 Jennie—P-420 Claire 616. P-420 Clara—P-420 Syvestre 617. P-420 F.—P-426 Nunziato 618. P-426 Olive—P-436 Dorothy 619. P-436 Edelbert—P-452 Ezra 620. P-452 F.E.—P-456 Eyra 621. P-456 F.—P-466 Thomas 622. P-500 (Sister) M. Pauline—P-516 Lula 623. P-516 Mabelle—P-576 Issac 624. P-526 J.—P-540 Julius 625. P-540 Kathryn—P-600 Hyman 626. P-600 Ida—P-614 Zanna 627. P-615 (Sister) Stanislaus—P-620 Floresse L. 628. P-620 Floyd—P-620 Lynn D. 629. P-620 M — P-621 Hziwin 630. P-621 La Vern—P-624 Guy H. 631. P-624 H.M.—P-625 Izara 632. P-625 J.—P-626 Frieda 633. P-626 G. Webster—P-630 Frugus 634. P-630 Gabrial—P-633 William 635. P-634 Adelpha (Sister)—P-640 Katherine 636. P-640 Lolla—P-650 Sylvia 637. P-650 T.—P-655 William 638. P-656 (N.R.)—Q-400 Wirt B. 639. Q-425 Adela—Q-530 Zelia 640. Q-533 (N.R.)—R-000 Lewi H. 641. R-000 Lewis—R-100 Myrtle 642. R-100 Mat —R-125 Yethe 643. R-126 (N.R.)—R-150 Alfred J. 644. R-150 Alice—R-152 Charity 645. R-152 L. Harles—R-152 Matild M. 646. R-152 Matilda—R-160 Ives 647. R-160 J.-R-163 Henry W. 648. R-163 Frank B.-R-200 Alfrea V. 649. R-200 Alfred—R-200 Cyrus E. 650. R-200 D. (Miss)—R-200 Georga 651. R-200 George—R-200 John R. 652. R-200 John—R-200 Martin 653. R-200 Martha—R-200 Salmatore 654. R-200 Sam—R-213 Wincfred 655. R-214 (N.R.)—R-226 William J. 656. R-230 (N.R.)—R-236 Otto W. 657. R-236 Paul—R-240 Mary 658. R-240 Mary—R-250 Dorthy 659. R-250 Earl E.—R-250 Zelik 660. R-251 (N.R.)—R-251 Moritz 661. R-251 Morris—R-252 Morinson 662. R-252 Morris—R-255 Kurt 663. R-255 L. Martin—R-260 Sybia 664. R-260 T.—R-263 Alton A. 665. R-263 Alvin—R-263 Pugh 666. R-263 R.C.—R-300 Francisco 667. R-300 Frank—R-300 Marx 668. R-300 Mary—R-316 Zell 669. R-320 (N.R.)—R-323 Clara 670. R-323 David—R-340 Myrtie B. 671. R-340 Namie—R-352 Lyman W. 672. R-352 M.—R-360 Furman 673. R-360 G.A.—R-400 Byran 674. R-400 C.A.—R-400 Kitty 675. R-400 L.M.—R-420 Fiesko 676. R-420 Genlolive—R-500 Axl 677. R-500 B. Agness—R-500 Johanna L. 678. R-500 John E —R-500 Patk. 679. R-500 Patrick—R-520 Byron 680. R-520 C.—R-524 Gustav 681. R-524 H.W.—R-524 Byron J. 682. R-534 C. Judson—R-543 Franz 683. R-543 Fred—R-550 Jose 684. R-550 Joseph—R-560 Dwight E. 685. R-560 E.—R-612 Willis 686. R-614 Abraham—S-000 Francis X. 687. S-000 Frank—S-100 Austin J. 688. S-100 Babara—S-l 12 Willie 689. S-l 13 Anna—S-l23 Issac 690. S-l23 J.—S-l30 Jyhha K. 691. S-131 Abraham—S-l40 Kryeton 692. S-140 L.M.—S-144 William G. 693. S-145 M. Francis—S-150 Zyla 694. S-151 (N.R.)—S-153 Z.A. 695. S-l54 Adele—S-l60 Cyril 696. S-160 D. Carlos—S-l60 Jorden R. 697. S-l60 Joseph—S-l60 Willett L. 698. S-160 William—S-l62 Vettete 699. S-l62 W.—S-l63 Volkman 700. S-l63 W.—S-l66 Yetia 701. S-200 (Sister) M. Chrysantus—S-200 Kuian 702. S-200 L.B.—S-220 Palo 703. S-220 Rachael—S-236 Zigmand 704. S-236 Micheala—S-236 M. (Sister) 705. S-240 (N.R.)—S-242 Gustave 706. S-242 Hannah—S-252 Dorothy 707. S-252 E.—S-200 Guy S. 708. S-260 H.M.—S-300 Aziz 709. S-300 B.—S-300 Josep 710. S-300 Joseph—S-310 Kunigundi 711. S-310 Laura—S-315 Cyrus A. 712. S-315 D—S-315 Preston 713. S-315 R. Hannx—S-320 Ezra 714. S-320 F.A.—S-322 Ezra F. 715. S-322 F.W.—S-325 Ruth 716. S-325 Sadie—S-333 William 717. S-334 Lincoln A.—S-340 Ivan 718. S-340 J.A.—S-342 Yetta 719. S-343 Bertille (Sister)—S-350 Burton 720. S-350 C.—S-350 Maxwell M. 721. S-350 May—S-351 Maxwell 722. S-351 May—S-352 Zirojin 723. S-353 (Mrs.) (N.R.)—S-355 Zirka 724. S-356 (N.R.)—S-360 Jonh 725. S-360 Joseph—S-362 Annette E. 726. S-362 Annie—S-362 Louisa 727. S-362 Louise—S-363 Emime 728. S-363 Emma—S-363 Vroman 729. S-363 W.D.—S-365 Dwight 730. S-365 A.—S-365 Ovadea 731. S-365 P.B.—S-400 Funala 732. S-400 G.—S-400 William 733. S-400 William—S-415 Ann 734. S-415Ann—S-415 Johnnie 735. S-415 Joseph—S-416 Axina 736. S-416 B. Lottes—S-416 Ruth Mildred 737. S-416 S.—S-420 Lynn 738. S-420 M.—S-424 Issac 739. S-424 Jacob—S-430 Gustave 740. S-430 H. Guy—S-432 James W. 741. S-432 Jane—S-435 Lynd 742. S-435 M.J.—S-450 Jovenne N. 743. S-450 John—S-452 Zina 744. S-453 (Sister) Desidera—S-455 Sara 745. S-455 Sarah—S-465 Isidore 746. S-465 J.—S-500 Jolmar 747. S-500 James—S-500 Sylvia 748. S-500 T.J.-S-513 William 749. S-514 (N.R.)—S-516 Zubs A. 750. S-520 (N.R.)—S-520 Myrtle A. 751. S-520 Nadez—S-524 Myrtle 752. S-524 Nadine—S-526 Cyril 753. S-526 D. D.—S-530 Alpeca 754. S-530 Alfred—S-530 Ceceila 755. S-530 Cecelia—S-530 Edsyl T. 756. S-530 Edward—S-530 Frank 757. S-530 Frank—S-530 Hanson U. 758. S-530 Harry—S-530 Jane S. 759. S-540 Janet—S-530 Kye 760. S-530 L.—S-530 Mary 761. S-530 Mary J.—S-530 Robero A. 762. S-530 Robert—S-530 Willia J. 763. S-530 William—S-532 Fritz 764. S-532 G.—S-534 Ruth W. 765. S-534 S.—S-536 Claire 766. S-536 Clara—S-536 Johanna 767. S-536 John—S-536 Sara A. 768. S-536 Sarah—S-540 Ruth P. 769. S-540 S.—S-545 Myer 770. S-545 N. Allen—S-550 Josefine 771. S-550 Joseph—S-552 Ezra 772. S-552 F. Howard—S-556 William 773. S-560 (N.R.)—S-561 Kattie 774. S-561 Lon—S-600 Dwight 775. S-600 E.—S-600 Vivian 776. S-600 W.B.-S-615 Gustave 777. S-615 Hanna M.—S-620 Iva L. 778. S-620 J.-S-625 Fritz M 779. S-625 Gabriel—S-630 Zula E. 780. S-631 Abe—S-632 Lyulph G. 781. S-632 M.—S-635 Lydia 782. S-635 Mabel—S-642 Gustave 783. S-642 H. Olay—S-652 Ruple 784. S-652 Ladinna—S-656 Dorothy 785. S-656 Earl R.—T-115 William 786. T-120 (N.R.)—T-150 Izzy 787. T-150 J.—T-200 Everetts 788. T-200 F.—T-240 Isxae 789. T-240 J. Franklin—T-260 Kenneth 790. T-260 L—T-320 Guy G. 791. T-320 H. Jay—T-360 Cynthia 792. T-360 Dan W.—T-416 Freeman 793. T-416 Gene—T-456 William 794. T-460 (N.R.)—T-460 Johanna 795. T-460 John—T-500 Evylin 796. T-500 F. Earl—T-512 Emily A. 797. T-512 Emma—T-512 Rita W. 798. T-512 Robert—T-520 Eliza M. 799. T-520 Elizabeth—T-520 Ursula 800. T-520 V.—T-525 Virginia 801. T-525 W.-T-552 Zalik 802. T-553 (N.R.)—T-600 Knorring 803. T-600 L.J.—'T-612 Katie 804. T-612 L.E.—T-620 Avery J. 805. T-620 (Dr.) B.—T-622 William L. 806. T-623 (N.R.)—T-630 Josephine 807. T-630 John—T-641 William H. 808. T-642 (N.R.)—T-650 Y.V. 809. T-651 (N.R.)—T-653 Owen 810. T-653 Carlo—T-656 Marvin 811. T-656 Mary—U-363 William J. 812. U-400 Adam—U-536 Myron 813. U-536 Nancy—V-200 Luke 814. V-200 M. (Mrs.)—V-240 Dorothy A. 815. V-240 E.V.—V-256 Zanthe J. 816. V-260 (Mr.)—V-360 Guy 817. V-360 H. Raymond—V-420 Ruth A. 818. V-420 Sargent—V-453 Isabella 819. V-453 J.-V-514 Freman 820. V-514 G.E.—V-522 Gustave 821. V-522 Harmon—V-525 Kitty 822. V-525 L. Frank—V-532 Zina 823. V-533 (N.R.)—V-536 Lynn 824. V-536 M. Frank—V-562 Orsdell Wilson 825. V-563 A.B.—V-624 Willoughby 826. V-625 Abe—V-665 William 827. W-000 A. Kow.—W-156 William J. 828. W-160 (Mrs.)—W-160 Virginia 829. W-160 W. Edgar—W-200 Jake 830. W-200 James—W-214 Dwight F. 831. W-214 E. Perry—W-230 Guy F. 832. W-230 Hal R.—W-235 Zodyi L. 833. W-236 (Sister) Pierre—W-250 Davis 834. W-250 E. Irene—W-254 William 835. W-255 (N.R.)—W-256 Hymen 836. W-256 Ida—W-263 Wolf 837. W-264 Abbie C.—W-300 Edain J. 838. W-300 Edward—W-300 Ivy O. 839. W-300 J.—W-300 Myrtes N. 840. W-300 Nadine L.-W-315 William 841. W-316 A. Elizabeth—W-322 Lydia 842. W-322 M. Evelyn—W-325 Sylvia 843. W-325 Taylor J.—W-350 Cyrus A. 844. W-350 Daisy—W-355 Ruth 845. W-355 Sadie—W-362 Isidro 846. W-362 J.—W-400 Cynthia 847. W-400 D.M.-W-410 Dudley H. 848. W-410 E.—W-415 Grant 849. W-415 Hannah—W-420 Catherine This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. NEW YORK-OHIO 37 850. W-420 Catherine—W-420 Harry W. 851. W-420 Harvey—W-420 Lynn L. 852. W-430 M.—W-420 Syms 853. W-420 T.—W-422 Rylond H. 854. W-422 Sabrina E.—W-425 Ezekiel 855. W-425 F.—W-425 Marvin 856. W-425 Mary—W-426 Freida 857. W-426 G.E.—W-431 Willis 858. W-432 (Sister) M. Bede—W-436 Elkansk 859. W-450 Freese—W-450 Freese 860. W-450 Gonett—W-452 Chauncey B. 861. W-452 Chester—W-452 Dane D. 862. W-452 Ira—W-452 Rich 863. W-452 Richard—W-460 Axie 864. W-463 Verxer A.—W-463 Xerxes A. 865. W-465 Adolph—W-520 Fuller 866. W-520 G. (Mrs.)—W-523 Yette 867. W-524 (N.R.)—W-530 Y.L. 868. W-531 Albert—W-536 Preston 869. W-536 Rachael—W-560 Ruth 870. W-560 Sabina—W-622 Julius 871. W-622 Keisos—W-623 Syndy 872. W-623 Teresa—W-630 Kurt 873. W-630 L. Patrick—W-635 Yetta 874. W-636 Aaron—W-652 Wright 875. W-653 Adaline—Y-142 William 876. Y-145 Abraham—Y-343 Yetta 877. Y-350 Abraham—Y-520 Hollis 878. Y-520 Homer—Y-522 Ludwig 879. Y-526 J. John—Z-120 Isidore 880. Z-120 Jack—Z-223 Walter 881. Z-230 Adam—Z-300 William 882. Z-316 Abraham—Z-452 Ludwik 883. Z-452 Machinecz—Z-526 Yaskite 884. Z-530 (N.R.)—Z-600 Hugo 885. Z-600 Ida—Institutions NORTH CAROLINA Ml579 1. A-126 Abran—A-261 Wilson P. 2. A-322 (N.R.)—A-416 Zeb 3. A-421 Ada—A-450 Huston G. 4. A-450 Iv—A-530 Hythian 5. A-536 I.S.—A-653 Willie (Jr.) 6. A-654 (N.R.)—B-210 Porter 7. B-210 R.C.—B-252 Julius 8. B-252 L.L.—B-300 Hyman 9. B-300 Hiram S.—B-350 Ruth E. 10. B-350 Sallie—B-400 Wifey 11. B-400 Wilbert—B-424 Ivery 12. B-424 J.G.—B-453 French 13. B-453 G.B.—B-514 Cora E. 14. B-514 Dack E.—B-535 Issac M. 15. B-535 J.B.—B-616 Burt A. 16. B-616 C. Arthur—B-620 Whitaker 17. B-620 Wilanna—B-630 Conzy 18. B-630 Cora—B-632 Zenothan 19. B-634 (N.R.)—B-650 Beyron P. 20. B-650 Bill—B-650 Marvin 21. B-650 Mary—B-652 Jerry 22. B-652 Jess—B-653 Newton 23. B-653 Nick—C-100 Zona A. 24. C-120 (N.R.)—C-160 Katherine 25. C-160 L.A.—C-200 Ruth M. 26. C-200 S. Burris—C-300 Zeb T. 27. C-316 Addie M.—C-410 Douglas 28. C-410 E.J.—C-450 Kermit 29. C-450 L.C.—C-462 Ivey 30. C-462 J.A.—C-514 Murphey 31. C-514 N.W.—C-552 Lygee 32. C-552 Maggie—C-615 Byrom H. 33. C-615 C.B.—C-620 Vomie 34. C-620 W.A.—C-636 Byrun 35. C-636 C.C.—C-650 Kittie B. 36. C-650 Major L.—D-120 Charly 37. D-120 Cherry—D-120 SallieS. 38. D-120 Sam—D-200 Zola 39. D-220 A.W.—D-262 Worth M. 40. D-263 A.F.—D-452 Ruth 41. D-452 S.P.—D-535 Z. Augustus 42. D-540 (Sister)—D-635 Quincy 43. D-635 R.-E-166 Zeb. B. 44. E-200 A.D.—E-363 Gwyn (Sr.) 45. E-363 N.B.—E-430 Yellack 46. E-436 (N.R.)—F-200 Bynum 47. F-200 C.H.—F-320 Hugh C. 48. F-320 Virginia—F-445 lsobelle 49. F-450 J.H.—F-600 Durward L. 50. F-600 E.A.—F-630 Myrtle 51. F-630 Nancy A.—F-655 Queenie 52. F-655 R.C.—G-200 Zoro J. 53. G-230 A.H.—G-362 Myra 54. G-360 Nancy—G-450 Vonnie 55. G-450 W.A.N.—G-600 Oscar 56. G-600 P.B.—G-620 Zula 57. G-623 A.E.—G-645 Zace 58. G-650 (N.R.)—G-650 Zolla M. 59. G-651 Ada (Mrs.)—H-123 Vinnie 60. H-125 A.J.—H-200 Gethro 61. H-200 Giles O.-H-230 Zora 62. H-235 A.B.—H-260 Ivey 63. H-260 J.A.—H-325 Byrd H. 64. H-325 C.A.—H-400 Elizza 65. H-400 Ella—H-400 Salvia 66. H-400 Sam—H-435 Zora Lee 67. H-436 (N.R.)—H-500 Iva R. 68. H-500 C.J.—H-523 Ruth E. 69. H-523 S.D.—H-535 Fuller 70. H-536 (General) G.—H-560 Zachenah 71. H-565 Infant—H-620 Kuchen 72. H-620 L.A.—H-630 Cling W. 73. H-630 Clyde—H-635 Lydia 74. H-635 M.C.—H-655 Curtis C. 75. H-655 D. Henderson—J-162 Zealoc 76. J-200 A.L.—J-400 Zaice 77. J-450 Adelaide—J-520 Jame M. 78. J-520 Jame M.—J-520 Syrus P. 79. J-520 T.—J-525 Floddie M. 80. J-525 Flora—J-525 Ryelie 81. J-525 S.A.—J-635 Mattie M. 82. J-635 Maud—K-400 Luther 83. K-400 M.—K-520 Myrtle 84. K-520 N.E.—K-620 Izorah 85. K-620 J.E.—L-000 Wilbur M. 86. L-000 Wiley—L-200 Furman 87. L-200 G.R.-L-236 Jim 88. L-236 Joe—L-316 Ruth 89. L-316 S. Curtis—L-420 Zeb 90. L-450 (N.R.)—L-520 Hollis 91. L-520 Homer—L-535 Willson 92. L-540 (N.R.)—M-000 Isiah 93. M-000 J.A.—M-200 Lenuel 94. M-200 Leo—M-225 Willis 95. M-230 (N.R.)—M-240 Myrtle M. 96. M-240 Nan—M-245 Synthia A. 97. M-245 T.C.—M-252 Joeseph 98. M-252 John—M-256 French 99. M-256 G. Pinckney—M-320 Byron 100. M-320 C.A.—M-325 Willie L. 101. M-330 Allen B.—M-431 William Y. 102. M-435 A.A.—M-460 William W. 103. M-460 Will—M-540 Luther 104. M-540 Mabel—M-600 Jodie 105. M-600 Joe—M-610 Zeb H. 106. M-616 Berchmans (Sister)—M-625 Artha 107. M-625 Arthur—M-635 Hezkiah 108. M-635 Hilery—N-613 Wright 109. N-235 A.H.—N-420 Willis S. 110. N-425 (N.R.)—0-162 Wright 111. 0-163 A.H.—0-500 Posie 112. 0-500 Baxter—P-200 Aznite 113. P-200 B —P-300 Phons 114. P-300 R.A.—P-362 Joel 115. P-362 John—P-412 Ava 116. P-412 B.B.—P-510 Bynum 117. P-500 C.C. (Jr.)—P-600 Martin 118. P-600 Mary—P-620 Lizzie 119. P-620 M.A.—P-625 Vivian B. 120. P-625 W.A.—P-632 Katie E. 121. P-632 Lacy—R-000 Rug A. 122. R-000 S.A.—R-152 Myrtle 123. R-152 N.F.—R-200 Avis 124. R-200 B.—R-216 Wyatt 125. R-223 Addie—R-262 Myrtie 126. R-262 N.—R-320 Everlena 127. R-320 Faithful—R-400 Sydney 128. R-400 T.—R-536 Zephania 129. R-540 Alice—S-120 Z.J. 130. S-123 Ada—S-162 Zimery 131. S-163 (N.R.)—S-246 Ivey 132. S-250 J.A —S-315 Ivy 133. S-315 J.A.-S-334 Ruth 134. S-335 Sada—S-351 Lydia 135. S-351 Mabel—S-363 Edward R. 136. S-363 F.F.—S-410 Myrtle 137. S-410 N.B.—S-460 Zeke A. 138. S-462 A —S-520 Virsie 139. S-520 W.B.—S-530 Foushee 140. S-530 Frances—S-530 Marvin T. 141. S-530 Mary—S-534 Oliver C. 142. S-534 Peare—S-552 Ruth D. 143. S-552 S.—S-623 Zeb V. 144. S-630 A.C.—T-235 Kate 145. T-236 L.G.—T-400 Press 146. T-400 R.A.—T-460 Puss 147. T-460 R.—T-514 Wilson C. 148. T-516 (Jr.)—T-560 Kizzie E. 149. T-560 L.A.—T-652 Joanna 150. T-652 Joanna—V-250 Evelyn 151. V-250 F.E.—W-123 Zack 152. W-160 (N.R.)—W-252 Kit 153. W-252 L.—W-300 Jerry M. 154. W-300 Jess R.-W-320 Kirby 155. W-320 (Mrs.) L.C.—W-330 Zollicoffer 156. W-340 (N.R.)—W-362 Von 157. W-362 W.E.—W-420 Ivey 158. W-430 J.A.—W-425 Idell 159. W-425 Ike—W-426 Kittie M. 160. W-426 L.A.—W-452 Beulah E. 161. W-452 Bill—W-452 Joh F. 162. W-452 John—W-452 Urslie 163. W-452 V.A.—W-524 Joeanna 164. W-524 John—W-630 Jerry T. 165. W-630 Jesse—Y-320 Kenny 166. Y-320 Lagrand—Institutions NORTH DAKOTA Ml580 1. A-000 Irak—A-536 Bunt O. 2. A-536 C.—B-200 Isebell 3. B-200 J.B.—B-356 William 4. B-360 A.J.—B-531 Thomas L. 5. B-532 (N.R.)—B-625 William O. 6. B-626 (N.R.)—B-653 Willie 7. B-654 Agathe—C-462 Winnie 8. C-465 Adelade—C-642 Katherine 9. C-642 Lars—D-400 Iva 10. D-400 J.C.—E-200 Tonnes 11. E-216 Adrain G.—E-625 Willis C. 12. E-626 Anna—F-456 Zella 13. F-460 A.D.—G-164 Valberg 14. G-200 (N.R.)—G-536 Willie 15. G-545 (Sister) Sabina—H-100 Iver O. 16. H-100 J.C.-H-250 Krist 17. H-250 Lins—H-425 William 18. H-426 Adam A.—H-525 Knut A. 19. H-525 L.J.—H-635 William R. 20. H-636 Horn—J-520 Z. 21. J-521 (Sister) Lintrudis M.—J-525 Ruthann 22. J-525 S.—K-400 Katie 23. K-400 (Mrs) L.—K-532 Juro 24. K-532 K.C.-L-l 10 Wilford 25. L-120 A.—L-453 Twiella 26. L-500 Philista—L-625 Duffle 27. L-625 E.A.—M-242 Ive 28. M-242 J.—M-345 William J. 29. M-350 Alace—M-546 Willie 30. M-552 Albert—M-650 Zelie H. 31. M-653 Andrew—N-425 Ruth M. 32. N-425 S.E.—0-425 Axel W. 33. 0-425 B.—P-252 Williams V. 34. P-263 Agaiutha—P-450 William A 35. P-452 Andy—R-152 William V. 36. R-156 Anthn—R-316 William M. 37. R-320 (N.R.)—S-000 Wong 38. S-100 A.L—S-265 Vincent E. 39. S-300 (N.R.)—S-356 Willie E. 40. S-360 (N.R.)—S-435 Wilson 41. S-436 (N.R.)—S-530 Iver M. 42. S-530 (Jr.)—S-616 William 43. S-620 (N.R.)—T-500 Willis 44. T-510 Bergof—T-660 William 45. V-000 Gerttie—W-220 William R. 46. W-230 A.B.—W-420 Evelyn L. 47. W-420 F.C.—W-562 William 48. W-600 A.A.—Institutions OHIO M1581 1. A-000 Aberson H.—A-165 Juan 2. A-165 J.H. —A-243 Xanthoulis 3. A-245 Albert—A-325 Ewdward 4. A-325 F.J.—A-352 Marvin 5. A-352 Mary—A-416 Owen F. 38 OHIO 6. A-416 P.J.-A-430 Wilson G. 7. A-431 (N.R.)—A-450 Priscilla 8. A-450 (Mrs.) R.—A-524 Ivy 9. A-524 Jack—A-536 Elmar L. 10. A-536 Elmer—A-536 Uston 11. A-536 Vachel W.-A-634 William 12. A-635 Aaron J.—A-654 Burt 13. A-654 C.A.—B-125 William J. 14. B-130 Acheille A.—B-200 Cyrus W. 15. B-200 D.W.—B-200 Lynn N. 16. B-200 M.A.—B-212 Yanko 17. B-213 Anna—B-234 Winfield W. 18. B-235 Abraham—B-242 Kuno 19. B-242 Lena—B-252 Ruth M. 20. B-252 S.F.—B-260 Byron M. 21. B-260 C.—B-260 Jonathan 22. B-260 Joseph—B-263 Pleasant 23. B-263 R.J. (Jr.)—B-300 Zarak 24. B-310 A.N.—B-326 Ivin A. 25. B-326 J.E.—B-351 William L. 26. B-352 (N.R.)—B-400 Chauncey W. 27. B-400 Chester—B-400 Lynn B. 28. B-400 M B.—B-420 Clara S. 29. B-420 Clarence—B-420 Szabo 30. B-420 L.C.—B-426 Kittie 31. B-426 T.B.-B-450 Aurelio 32. B-450 B.—B-452 Zona 33. B-453 A.—B-463 Zelma R. 34. B-465 Alex—B-513 Sarah 35. B-514 A.C.—B-525 Dorothy 36. B-525 E. Luallen—B-530 Lyman E. 37. B-530 M. Augusta—B-540 Winfield 38. B-542 Alfred—B-560 Luther L. 39. B-560 M.—B-600 Herdie B. 40. B-600 Hexman—B-610 Ira Q. 41. B-610 J.P.—B-620 Chauncey 42. B-620 Chester—B-620 Johanna C. 43. B-620 John—B-620 Syril L. 44. B-620 T. Allen—B-623 Guy R. 45. B-623 H.A.—B-625 Friedrick 46. B-625 George—B-626 Irvin 47. B-626 J.A.—B-630 Hyram 48. B-630 Ictana—B-632 Ezra 49. B-632 F.J.—B-634 Zella 50. B-635 (N.R.)—B-636 Susie 51. B-636 Tebaceila—B-650 Byron S. 52. B-650 C.—B-650 Gweneth L. 53. B-650 H.—B-650 Marx 54. B-650 Mary—B-651 Isador 55. B-651 J.—B-652 Johanna 56. B-652 John—B-653 Cynthia A. 57. B-653 D.E.—B-655 Aya 58. B-655 Barbera C.—B-656 Krist 59. B-656 L.—C-100 Kenneth F. 60. C-100 Lacy—C-150 Issac N. 61. C-150 J.S.-C-160 Myrtle 62. C-160 Nancy—C-200 Franklyn 63. C-200 Fred—C-200 Syrus 64. C-200 T.B.—C-236 Evert 65. C-236 Fannie—C-260 Julius 66. C-2S0 Karl—C-346 William R. 67. C-350 A.E.—C-400 Izra 68. C-400 J.A.—C-415 Freeman W. 69. C-415 G.W.—C-423 Myrtle 70. C-423 Nancy W.—C-436 Yolando 71. C-440 Addie—C-452 Hustar B. 72. C-452 I. William—C-455 Zony 73. C-456 Abner N.—C-462 Hyath D. 74. C-462 I.A.—C-000 Elezbeath 75. C-500 Eli—C-512 Katharine 76. C-512 L.C.—C-515 William P.J. 77. C-516 (N.R.)—C-526 Zachrach 78. C-530 A. Stanley—C-545 Winifred J. 79. C-550 (N.R.)—C-560 Lyman 80. C-560 M. Elizabeth—C-600 Iva V. 81. C-600 J. Antram—C-613 Zaharias 82. C-614 (N.R.)—C-616 Quince 83. C-616 R.B.-C-620 Sylvia 84. C-620 G.J.—C-624 Ezra 85. C-624 F.P.—C-632 R. 86. C-632 D.E.—C-636 Ivan S. 87. C-636 J.B.—C-640 Vrias 88. C-640 W.A.—C-650 Presley J. 89. C-650 R.H.-C-655 Guy 90. C-655 H.A.—D-000 Zina A. 91. D-100 (N.R.)—D-120 Edward Y. 92. D-120 Edwin—D-120 Marianne 93. D-120 Marie—D-131 William L. 94. D-132 A —D-152 Ivan 95. D-152 Jacob—D-200 John 96. D-200 John—D-241 Wm. E. 97. D-242 (N.R.)—D-250 Virginia 98. D-250 Ellsworth—D-263 Duncan 99. D-263 E.A.—D-320 Zella 100. D-321 Adrian B.—D-400 Ann S. 101. D-400 Anna—D-400 Zona 102. D-410 (N.R.)—D-450 Ruth A. 103. D-450 S.E.—D-500 Franica M. 104. D-500 G.C.—D-515 Isabel 105. D-515 J. Clifford—D-524 Eva 106. D-524 F. Herbert—D-540 Isaac J. 107. D-540 (Mrs.) J.B —D-552 Bumard 108. D-552 C.—D-600 June 109. D-600 J.A.—D-620 Johnnie 110. D-620 Joseph—D-632 Ira W. 111. D-632 James—D-656 Kreszenta 112. D-656 Larence—E-152 Johanna 113. E-152 John—E-165 Winfield 114. E-166 (N.R.)—E-241 Wilmer E. 115. E-242 A.F.-E-264 William M. 116. E-265 Abe—E-363 Ivan Richard 117. E-363 J.-E-425 Ezekiel F. 118. E-425 F.H.—E-465 William H. 119. E-500 Adam—E-535 William 120. E-536 Abigal H.—E-634 Willis U. 121. E-635 Adelbert—F-160 Zern 122. F-162 Alici—F-220 Isaac 123. F-220 J.F.-F-240 Isadore 124. F-240 J.P.—F-260 Ivey L. 125. F-260 J.-F-321 Julia 126. F-321 K.—F-415 Willie C. 127. F-416 X. (N.R.)—F-426 Freeland B. 128. F-426 G.R.—F-435 Norman 129. F-435 O.B.—F-460 Austin T. 130. F-460 B.H.—F-500 King 131. F-500 Larenn—F-535 Isom 132. F-535 J.—F-600 Kissiah 133. F-600 L.A.—F-620 Knight H. 134. F-620 Lafayette—F-623 Virginia Carol 135. F-623 W.A.—F-630 Lyman H. 136. F-630 M.—F-636 Kyia 137. F-636 L.B.—F-652 Axel 138. F-652 B—F-652 Ruth 0. 139. F-652 S.C.—F-656 Lyndan T. 140. F-656 M.J.—G-125 Wyley 141. G-126 Auben—G-200 Duzie 142. G-200 E. Lida I.S.—G-245 Wm. W. 143. G-246 Abraham B.—G-300 Owen 144. G-300 P.A.—G-350 Ezra 145. G-350 F.M.—G-400 Gustovus 146. G-400 H.E.—G-420 Everette 147. G-420 Fannie—G-426 Iva L. 148. G-426 J.F.-G-435 Frieda 149. G-435 Gaylord—G-406 Winifred 150. G-460 Abraham—G-523 William J. 151. G-524 (N.R.)—G-560 William F. 152. G-562 Albert—G-610 Byron 153. G-610 C.—G-613 Guy H. 154. G-613 H. David—G-616 Myre 155. G-616 Naga—G-620 Nye 156. G-620 O. Charles—G-625 Israel 157. G-625 J.E.-G-632 Guy 158. G-632 H. Emmett—G-636 Yeota 159. G-640 (N.R.)—G-650 Seargina 160. G-650 Gerald—G-650 Zua 161. G-651 A.—G-653 Will 0. 162. G-653 William—H-000 Eliza J. 163. H-000 Elizabeth—H-125 Kenneth G. 164. H-125 Lafayette—H-155 Duff C. 165. H-155 E.E.—H-160 Edson E. 166. H-160 Edward—H-166 William F. 167. H-200 (N.R.)—H-200 Harrald T. 168. H-200 Harry—H-200 Rinehart 169. H-200 Robert—H-220 Myrtle 170. H-220 Nan—H-236 Fredrick 171. H-236 Gene—H-250 Chalmer 172. H-250 Charles—H-252 Reta 173. H-252 Reuben—H-260 Wylee 174. H-261 Albert—H-300 Syrus 175. H-300 Tagmyer Floyd—H-320 Zyron J. 176. H-325 C.E.—H-350 Ruth E. 177. H-350 S. Rebecca—H-400 Clide 178. H-400 Clifford—H-400 Johanne 179. H-400 John—H-400 Uzel 180. H-400 Vada—H-420 Vojtek 181. H-420 W.D.—H-432 Dorthy 182. H-432 Earl—H-452 Josaphine 183. H-452 Joseph—H-463 Israel 184. H-463 J.S.—H-512 Winie 185. H-513 A.A.—H-520 Hollis 186. H-520 Homer—H-524 Kenard 187. H-524 L.—H-530 Vivian Frank 188. H-530 W.A.—H-536 Johanna 189. H-536 John—H-543 Izzetta 190. H-543 J.B.—H-552 Winfield 191. H-553 (N.R.)—H-562 Lydia 192. H-562 MJ.—H-613 Joe 193. H-613 John—H-620 Freida 194. H-620 G.A.—H-622 William F. 195. H-623 (N.R.)—H-630 Cyrus N. 196. H-630 D.—H-631 Willie 197. H-632 (N.R.)—H-635 Iva M. 198. H-635 J.—H-650 Dudly 199. H-650 E.D.—H-655 Evert 200. H-655 F.C.—1-254 William 201. 1-255 Ali—1-620 William S. 202. 1-623 Benjamin—J-210 Dorothy 203. J-210 E. Peter—J-245 William Y. 204. J-246 Angorgui—J-260 William 205. J-262 Albert—J-520 Annetta 206. J-520 Annie—J-520 Gwilyn 207. J-520 H —J-520 Milt 208. J-520 Milton—J-523 Cyrus E. 209. J-523 D.D.—J-525 Ebert J. 210. J-525 Ed—J-525 John I. 211. J-525 John J.—J-525 Warran 212. J-525 Warren—J-635 Frieda 213. J-635 Gable—K-120 Zartan 214. K-121 Abe—K-l56 William N. 215. K-160 A.C.-K-200 Lydia C. 216. K-200 M.—K-236 Everett 217. K-236 F. Annie—K-254 Wilma 218. K-255 Aaron—K-320 Duard W. 219. K-320 E.J.—K-366 William 220. K-400 (N.R.)—K-400 Robert M. 221. K-400 Rolurt—K-420 Mary W. 222. K-420 Mathew—K-450 Garnet 223. K-450 George—K-455 Ivan 224. K-455 J. Anka—K-464 William 225. K-465 Aaron—K-510 Aurthur E. 226. K-510 Ballark—K-520 Avis 227. K-520 (Mrs.) B.C.—K-520 Pete 228. K-520 Peter—K-524 Virgle U. 229. K-524 W.E.—K-532 Lydia 230. K-532 M.C.—K-554 William J. 231. K-556 Andrew—K-612 Lula 232. K-612 M.J.—K-620 Roger S. 233. K-620 Roland—K-625 Zellma 234. K-626 (N.R.)—K-641 William E. 235. K-642 Adam—K-655 William T. 236. K-656 (N.R.)—L-000 Martin L 237. L-000 Mary—L-120 Josef 238. L-120 Joseph—L-150 Joe Arlenes 239. L-151 Alma—L-200 Alleman 240. L-200 Allen—L-200 Jams 241. L-200 James—L-200 Warner W. 242. L-200 Warren—L-230 Joel C. 243. L-230 John—L-250 Givinn F. 244. L-250 H.C.—L-262 William H. 245. L-263 A.W.—L-320 Johanna 246. L-320 John—L-350 Sylvestar 247. L-350 Teddy—L-452 William 248. L-453 A.—L-512 Freeman 249. L-512 G.W.—L-520 Ezra J. 250. L-520 F.C.—L-520 Rita 251. L-520 Robert—L-525 Philip 252. L-525 R.B.—L-534 Lydia 253. L-534 M.P.—L-550 Ouofar 254. L-550 Paris D.—L-600 Cyris This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. OHIO-OKLAHOMA 39 255. L-600 D.B.—L-630 Willis M. 256. L-632 Aaron—M-l 15 Michel 257. M-120 (N.R.)—M-200 Elma 258. M-200 Elmer—M-200 Marvin R. 259. M-200 Mary—M-212 Ezekiel 260. M-212 Fareeda—M-216 Sylvia 261. M-216 T. Joe—M-231 Wilma C. 262. M-232 Abe—M-235 Zella 263. M-236 (N.R.)—M-240 Marian 264. M-240 Marie—M-242 Kostka 265. M-242 L. Hazel—M-245 Jess 266. M-245 Jesse—M-250 Charles 267. M-250 Chas. A.—M-250 Synthia 268. M-250 T.—M-252 Zoe 269. M-253 (N.R.)—M-254 Ruth S. 270. M-254 S.B.—M-260 Byron L. 271. M-260 C.—M-261 Wright 272. M-262 (N.R.)—M-263 Windfield S. 273. M-264 (N.R.)—M-320 Andre 274. M-320 Andrew—M-322 Yosip 275. M-323 Albeta—M-326 Jonas 276. M-326 Joseph—M-364 Walter 277. M-365 Adam—M-420 Freda 278. M-420 G.H.—M-430 Isabelle 279. M-430 J.F.—M-451 Wm. S. 280. M-452 A.A.—M-460 Charle R. 281. M-460 Charles—M-460 Fulton C. 282. M-460 G.—M-460 John H. 283. M-460 Johnathan P.—M-460 Robert William 284. M-460 Robertis—M-500 Eyra 285. M-500 F.E.—M-520 Gwendoly 286. M-520 H.C.—M-526 Mystle M. 287. M-526 Nathan—M-536 Wm. R. 288. M-540 A.A.—M-600 Alford 289. M-600 Alfred—M-600 Fulgence Adolf 290. M-600 S.C.—M-600 Louisa A. 291. M-600 Leousi—M-600 Zorelda 292. M-610 (N.R.)—M-620 Anson L. 293. M-620 Anthony—M-620 Gwendolyn 294. M-620 H.A.—M-620 Myrtle 295. M-620 N.B.—M-624 Aine E. 296. M-624 Anna—M-625 Frumbo 297. M-625 G.-M-626 Zoie 298. M-630 (N.R.)—M-635 Eliza J. 299. M-635 Elizabeth—M-635 Vumberto 300. M-635 U.B.—M-652 (Mrs) Ivy 301. M-652 J.J.—N-120 Isidore 302. N-120 Jacob—N-200 Eward 303. N-200 F.J.—N-240 Fronzie 304. N-240 G.F.—N-252 William G. 305. N-252 A.B.—N-361 William A. 306. N-362 A.L.—N-425 Lyda 307. N-425 M. Mary—N-540 William 308. N-542 Adolph—N-625 Nilres 309. N-626 Aaron—0-162 Zelma 310. 0-163 Addie—0-216 Otto O. 311. 0-216 Paul J.—0-256 Worley 312. 0-260 A.L.-0-416 Zella 313. 0-420 Adam—0-520 Katherine S. 314. 0-520 Ladona—0-622 Wojicide 315. 0-623 Agusta—P-120 Freeman G. 316. P-120 Galoni—P-163 Wilma 317. P-164 Alban—P-220 Israel B. 318. P-220 J.D.—P-250 More 319. P-251 A.B.—P-320 Guy W. 320. P-320 H.M.—P-350 Zilnia 321. P-352 (N.R.)—P-362 Ezra W. 322. P-362 F.A.—P-362 Zetta 323. P-363 Adeline—P-400 Von 324. P-400 W.—P-416 Wilma 325. P-420 (N.R.)—P-426 Zigmond 326. P-420 (N.R.)—P-453 Owen 327. P-453 P.C.—P-500 Lynard D. 328. p-500 M.A.—P-533 Tony 329. P-534 Abbie—P-600 Norman C. 330. P-600 O.E.—P-620 George 331. P-620 Gio A.—P-620 Millia 332. P-620 William—P-625 Eldon N. 333. P-625 Eli—P-626 Owen D. 334. P-626 Paris P.—P-636 Cyril D. 335. P-636 D.C.—P-653 Zeil 336. P-654 (N.R.)—R-000 Dumitrus 337. R-000 E.—R-100 Marvin 338. R-100 Mary—R-140 Junius 339. R-140 Katherine—R-152 Merl 340. R-152 Merle—R-163 Gwendolyn 341. R-163 R.—R-200 Acelia L. 342. R-200 Cecil—R-200 Harmon 343. R-200 Harold—R-200 Merthis 344. R-200 Martha—R-200 Zue 345. R-210 A.B.—R-236 Zelma 346. R-240 (N.R.)—R-245 Zeno 347. R-246 Abe—R-255 Kustau A. 348. R-255 Longfords—R-262 Z.L. 349. R-263 (N.R.)—R-300 Byron F. 350. R-300 (Mrs.) C.A.—R-300 Lysle 351. R-300 M.—R-320 Furtivante 352. R-320 G.—R-326 Myrth 353. R-326 Nancy—R-355 Zelma 354. R-356 A.K.—R-400 Cyous A. 355. R-400 D. Lucy—R-453 Isa 356. R-452 J.J.—R-500 Myrtle L. 357. R-500 M B.—R-520 Sylvia E. 358. R-520 S.C.—R-534 Oyenn B. 359. R-534 Paul—R-553 William T. 360. R-555 Alina—R-635 Winright M. 361. R-640 Ada—S-100 Ezra 362. S-100 F.A.—S-120 Lydia 363. S-120 Mabel—S-135 Zella 364. S-136 Adalie—S-146 Winifried 365. S-150 (N.R.)—S-156 Zelma A. 366. S-160 (N.R.)—S-160 Sew M. 367. S-160 Lewis—S-162 Ruthella B. 368. S-162 S.C.—S-165 Ezea 369. S-165 S.A.—S-200 Metro 370. S-200 Michael—S-236 Zivi 371. S-236 (Sister)—S-250 Myron H. 372. S-250 Nances—S-265 Wolfe 373. S-300 (Mrs.) (N.R.)—S-300 Marvin 374. S-300 Mary—S-314 Mylie U. 375. S-315 (N.R.)—S-315 Vurgess 376. S-315 W.-S-320 Johanna 377. S-320 John—S-325 Frieda 378. S-325 G.E.—S-334 Guy 379. S-334 Harriet—S-340 Ruth Z. 380. S-340 S.E.—S-350 Bus E. 381. S-350 C.A.—S-351 Joseph 382. S-351 John—S-354 Cyrus T. 383. S-354 D M.—S-360 Guy 384. S-360 H.A.—S-362 Edward W. 385. S-362 Edwin—S-363 Cenna 386. S-363 Clara—S-363 Vitira 387. S-363 W.B.—S-365 Sylvia 388. S-368 I T.—S-400 Robbert 389. S-400 Robert—S-415 Ziro 390. S-416 (N.R.)—S-422 Yelloh 391. S-423 A.C.-S-432 Emery E. 392. S-432 Emil—S-436 Otto G. 393. S-436 Parley H.—S-455 Zoland 394. S-456 Albertina—S-500 Guy P. 395. S-500 H.A.-S-512 Junises M. 396. S-512 R.V.—S-520 Furno Mary G. 397. S-520 G.O.—S-524 Fritz 398. S-524 Garnet—S-526 Zorah 399. S-530 (N.R.)—S-530 Clandi 400. S-530 Clara—S-530 Frank E. 401. S-530 Frank L.—S-530 Ivy B. 402. S-530 J.—S-530 Loran R. 403. S-530 Loren—S-530 Robert D. 404. S-530 Robert—S-530 Zubulan L. 405. S-531 (N.R.)—S-535 Wint 406. S-536 (N.R.)—S-536 Hemrrieta 407. S-536 Henry—S-536 Nsteo 408. S-536 V.C.—S-546 Winfield J. 409. S-550 (Mrs.)—S-552 Ryermons 410. S-552 S.A.—S-562 Mytle A. 411. S-562 Nancy—S-600 Zilpha 412. S-610 (N.R.)—S-620 Claire 413. S-620 Clara—S-630 Ezra 414. S-630 Fannie—S-635 William I. 415. S-636 A.B.—S-652 Zelpha N. 416. S-653 A.F.—T-120 Morton J. 417. T-120 Nannie—T-200 Sylvia Lorena 418. T-200 Terman—T-262 William 419. T-263 A. Bun—T-350 Zurdebulah 420. T-352 Albert—T-440 Samuel H. 421. T-450 Adam—T-460 Kingston 422. T-460 (Mrs.) L.D.—T-512 Byron N. 423. T-512 C.—T-512 Vrier 424. T-512 W.A.—T-520 Hurley Y. 425. T-520 I.C.—T-525 Burl 426. T-525 Callie—T-600 Ezekial 427. T-600 F.A.—T-620 Everett 428. T-620 F.E.—T-630 Myron W. 429. T-630 Nan—T-652 Irving 430. T-652 J.—T-660 William S. 431. T-662 Alfonso H.—U-536 Ivan 432. U-536 J.E.—V-236 Zemam 433. V-240 (N.R.)—V-400 Dorothy C. 434. V-400 E. Florena—V-511 William H. 435. V-512 A. Elizabeth—V-526 Zilphia 436. V-530 Aaron—V-616 Winsel N. 437. V-620 A. Daily—W-100 Kenneth A. 438. W-100 L. La Verne—W-160 Johanna E. 439. W-160 John—W-200 Kohon 440. W-200 L. Daphne—W-230 Lunn A. 441. W-230 M.C.—W-244 William 442. W-245 Adam R.—W-255 Willia E. 443. W-256 (N.R.)—W-261 Zoe 444. W-262 Addie—W-300 Guy V. 445. W-300 H.A.—W-300 Sylvia 446. W-300 F.—W-322 William G. 447. W-323 Abslom F.—W-326 Fritz 448. W-326 G.M.—W-355 Avery W. 449. W-355 Barbara—W-362 Zirn B. 450. W-363 (N.R.)—W-400 Zenith K. 451. W-410 (N.R.)—W-415 William R. 452. W-416 (N.R.)—W-420 Tuola 453. W-426 J —W-420 Roxie S. 454. W-420 Roy—W-425 Chalmer 455. W-425 Chas.—W-425 Josep 456. W-425 Joseph—W-426 Elma E. 457. W-426 Elmer—W-432 Lunader 458. W-432 M.G.—W-436 Ruth E. 459. W-436 S.B.—W-452 Dan R. 460. W-452 David—W-452 Jose 461. W-452 Joseph—W-452 Guy 462. W-453 H.C.—W-500 Zoe 463. W-510 (N.R.)—W-526 Fredick J.C. 464. W-526 Gail—W-545 William M. 465. W-546 Belle—W-620 Ivan 466. W-620 J.A.—W-623 Zelora V. 467. W-624 A.C.—W-633 Sophia 468. W-634 Adolph—W-654 Wright 469. W-655 (N.R.)—Y-230 William W. 470. Y-232 Adolph—Y-520 Cyrus 471. Y-520 D.D.-Y-522 Vincent 472. Y-523 Ada—Z-162 Walter 473. Z-164 Albert—Z-356 Zatenty 474. Z-360 Adam—Z-531 Waco 475. Z-532 Albert—Z-615 William 476. Z-620 Adalina—Institutions OKLAHOMA Ml582 1. A-000 Ah—A-316 William 2. A-320 (N.R.)—A-416 Yula D. 3. A-420 (N.R.)—A-452 Williams 4. A-455 A.—A-612 William J. 5. A-615 (N.R.)—B-163 Woodrow 6. B-165 (N.R.)—B-236 Granvall W. 7. B-236 H.M.—B-260 Kirby M. 8. B-260 L.—B-340 Willie C. 9. B-342 A.F.—B-400 Owen T. 10. B-400 P.B.—B-425 Wint W. 11. B-426 A.M.—B-460 Moses 12. B-460 Nancy—B-530 Frederic H. 13. B-530 G.L.—B-600 Norton 14. B-600 O.B.—B-620 Ruvertta 15. B-620 S.-B-626 Vivian 16. B-634 Printies—B-626 W.A. 17. B-634 R.B.—B-650 Elnore 18. B-650 Elsie—B-650 Wille E. 19. B-650 Williams—B-653 Joel D. 20. B-653 John—C-100 King T. 21. C-100 L.D.—C-164 William L. 22. C-165 (baby)—C-216 William 23. C-220 A.B —C-323 William R. 24. C-326 Aaron—C-415 Zereda 25. C-416 (Mrs.)—C-450 Myrtle 26. C-450 Namoni—C-462 Ivory G. 27. C-462 J.—C-514 Kenneth A. 28. C-514 L.—C-552 Curly 29. C-552 D.C.—C-615 Ivory 30. C-615 J.C.—C-624 Ruby 31. C-624 S.M.—C-636 Will X. 32. C-636 Williams—C-655 Zeyna 33. C-656 A.B.-D-120 Lyle 34. D-120 M—D-200 Dove 35. D-200 E.A.—D-261 Zach M. 36. D-262 A T.—D-415 William R. 37. D-420 Abe L.—D-520 Katie 40 OKLAHOMA-PENNSYLVANIA 38. D-520 L.C.—D-553 Zeno J. 39. D-560 AM—D-660 Windson 40. D-663 (N.R.)—E-242 William J. 41. E-243 Amelia—E-420 Kinkad 42. E-420 L.A.—E-562 Zeda 43. E-563 Armon B.—F-255 William 44. F-260 (N.R.)—F-432 Ezekiel 45. F-432 F.L.—F-525 William F. 46. F-526 Chunkey—F-625 William M. 47. F-626 (N.R.)—F-652 Quay 48. F-652 R.—G-143 William W. 49. G-150 (N.R.)—G-350 Isom 50. G-350 J.A.—G-425 Wilson L. 51. G-426 (N.R.)—G-521 Winnie 52. G-524 (N.R.)—G-614 Willie 53. G-615 (N.R.)—G-630 Lydia R. 54. G-630 M.—G-650 Nyloner S. 55. G-650 O.B.—H-l 12 Mary O. 56. H-l20 (N.R.)—H-200 Duglas J. 57. H-200 E.B.—H-230 Gussie 58. H-230 H.C.—H-253 Wm. B. 59. H-255 (N.R.)—H-323 Willian P. 60. H-324 A.C.—H-400 Emily M. 61. H-400 Emma—H-415 William I. 62. H-416 (N.R.)—H-452 Zume 63. H-453 (N.R )—H-520 Keller Washington 64. H-520 L.C.—H-535 Willie 65. H-536 (N.R.)—H-555 Willie G. 66. H-560 A.—H-620 Kizzie 67. H-620 L.B.—H-630 Kyle 68. H-630 L.A.—H-650 Myra 69. H-650 N.C.—1-635 Winfield 70. 1-650 Adis—J-250 Vord 71. J-250 W.A.—J-520 Jake D. 72. J-520 James—J-523 Zylpha A. 73. J-524 Frank—J-525 Lymon 74. J-525 M.—J-663 William T. 75. K-000 (N.R.)—K-400 Fulton 76. K-400 G.B.—K-510 Kezia P. 77. K-510 L.M.—K-530 Kathrine 78. K-530 L.C.—K-643 William G. 79. K-650 (N.R.)—L-140 Isah 80. L-140 J.E.—L-200 Q.T. 81. L-200 R.-L-263 Zebbie D. 82. L-265 Adolph—L-463 Zachary 83. L-500 (N.R.)—L-520 Sylvia 84. L-520 T.-L-555 Wilma 85. L-560 A M.—M-164 William M. 86. M-200 (N.R.)—M-210 Kolb 87. M-210 L.A.—M-235 Preston H. 88. M-235 R.—M-245 French 89. M-245 G.F.—M-251 Wyatt W. 90. M-252 (N.R.)—M-260 Kwight H. 91. M-260 E.E.-M-320 Bura 92. M-320 C.C.—M-343 William 93. M-345 Man—M-450 Kyle 94. M-450 L.F.—M-460 Syril 95. M-460 T.C.—M-532 Ruth 96. M-532 S.C.—M-600 Jaskin 97. M-600 Jasper—M-620 Eddie 98. M-620 Edgar—M-625 Freeda 99. M-625 G.A.—M-635 Lyman 100. M-635 M.—N-200 Iva D. 101. N-200 J.B.-N-400 Ivy 102. N-400 J.A.-N-630 Willis 103. N-631 A.L.—0-410 Willie E 104. 0-415 Ales—P-113 Bitty Willie 105. P-120 A.—P-300 Issac 106. P-300 J.A.—P-362 Joel C. 107. P-362 John—P-412 Zona 108. P-413 A — P-526 Willie R. 109. P-530 (N.R.)—P-620 Izora 110. P-620 J.—P-625 Sylvia 111. P-625 T.C.—P-642 W.M. 112. P-650 A H.—R-120 Joe M. 113. R-120 John—R-163 Ellis M. 114. R-163 Elmer—R-200 Jim P. 115. R-200 Joan—R-240 Wylie 116. R-242 A.J.-R-263 Price 117. R-263 R.-R-326 Willie 118. R-332 Allen A.—R-452 William T. 119. R-453 (N.R.)—R-542 Wylie R. 120. R-543 (N.R.)—S-126 Zella 121. S-130 Mexican—S-162 Voda 122. S-162 W.—S-260 William L. 123. S-261 Alfred—S-315 John 124. S-315 John—S-336 Willie W. 125. S-340 (Mrs.)—S-352 Willma W. 126. S-353 (N.R.)—S-363 Kenneth H. 127. S-363 L.-S-415 ZackC. 128. S-416 (N.R.)—S-462 Zelma 129. S-465 (N.R.)—S-524 Willie 130. S-525 Neck—S-530 Hysell W. 131. S-530 S.A.—S-530 Syms P. 132. S-530 T.A.—S-536 Vita 133. S-536 W.-S-610 Dug 134. S-610 E.—S-654 William 135. S-655 Woman—T-300 Iva 136. T-300 J.A.—T-460 Hollis F. 137. T-460 Homer—'T-512 Owen 138. T-512 P.B.—T-526 William W. 139. T-530 (N.R.)—T-636 Winnifred S. 140. T-640 (N.R.)—U-300 Woman 141. U-360 Aden G —V-524 Zeik 142. V-525 A.G.—W-160 Zena 143. W-162 Annie Loi—W-255 Isaac 144. W-255 J.D.—W-300 Maryland 145. W-300 Mat.—W-325 Kirty 146. W-325 L.C.—W-362 Biddish 147. W-363 (N.R.)—W-420 Ivan 148. W-420 J.—W-425 Naywood R. 149. W-425 Hazel—W-426 Myrtle 150. W-426 N.E.—W-452 Cynthie 151. W-452 D—W-452 Sylvia 152. W-452 T.—W-536 Ivanhoe 153. W-536 J.A.—W-630 Murren 154. W-630 Nadine—Y-520 Kennedy 155. Y-520 L.—Institutions OREGON Ml583 1. A-400 Aksel—A-445 John 2. A-450 A.—A-651 William 3. A-652 A.—B-254 Willylah 4. B-255 A.E.—B-400 Ivor 5. B-400 J.A.—B-500 Fredrick H. 6. B-500 G.D.—B-616 Winniefred 7. B-652 C.A.—C-160 Zalmon 8. B-631 Alice C.—B-651 Byron F. 9. B-620 Un.—B-630 Zina H. 10. C-161 Cathleen—C-400 Zohna Block 11. C-410 (Sister) Stenely—C-500 Dwight B. 12. C-500 E.D.—C-600 Ivin 13. C-600 J.—C-636 Winnefred 14. C-640 A.H.—D-120 Voley M. 15. D-120 W. Arthur—D-400 Duley 16. D-400 E.J.—D-552 Wright C. 17. D-553 Aekell P.—E-255 William C. 18. E-256 Antone—E-635 William F. 19. E-640 A. Nelson—F-435 Zuriah 20. F-436 Andrew— F-636 William L. 21. F-640 Albert—G-324 William 22. G-325 Adolf—G-540 William J. 23. G-550 Albert—G-650 Dwight L. 24. G-650 E.J.—H-165 William 0. 25. H-200 (N.R.)—H-256 William 26. H-260 (N.R.)—H-400 Owen 27. H-400 P.D.—H-520 Everett 28. H-520 F.A.—H-560 Ivan A. 29. H-560 J.J.—H-645 William V. 30. H-650 Addie—J-300 Wilson H. 31. J-325 Ada N.—J-525 Huston B. 32. J-525 Ida—K-256 Sam 33. K-260 (N.R.)—K-510 William W. 34. K-520 A.E.—K-630 William J. 35. K-632 A. Townsend—L-200 Kit 36. L-200 L.G.—L-500 Issabel 37. L-500 J. Allen—L-562 Zelda 38. L-563 (N.R.)—M-214 Zoeth F. 39. M-215 Adolph—M-245 Winnie 40. M-246 (N.R.)—M-263 Morgan T. 41. M-263 N T.—M-432 William T. 42. M-435 Adrus C.—M-531 William A. 43. M-532 (N.R.)—M-620 Ivan 44. M-620 J. Calvin—M-660 Yokota 45. N-000 Adam C.—N-425 Price 46. M-425 R.B.—0-420 Willie R. 47. 0-425 (N.R.)—P-265 Winnefrd 48. P-300 (N.R.)—P-412 Zell 49. P-413 Albert—P-620 Zona C. 50. P-621 Art V.-R-l 12 Naclov 51. R-120 A M —R-200 Zeruiah 52. R-210 Allan T.—R-316 Willie H. 53. R-320 (N.R.)—R-542 William D. 54. R-543 Adam—S-162 Lyndu 55. S-162 Mabel—S-315 Julius W. 56. S-315 Karl—S-356 William O. 57. S-350 (N.R.)—S-420 Isador 58. S-420 J —S-525 Y. 59. S-526 (N.R.)—S-532 Isibell 60. S-532 J.C.—S-630 Conrad 61. S-630 Daniel M.—T-420 Y. 62. T-426 Aaron—T-560 William W. 63. T-565 Adrew J.—V-262 William B. 64. W-220 William J.—V-300 Abaham 65. W-230 (N.R.)—W-325 Guy E. 66. W-325 H.T.—W-420 Zonald 67. W-421 Alfred H —W-452 Ivor 68. W-452 J.C. (Jr.)—W-630 Wynn L 69. W-632 A.C.—Institutions PENNSYLVANIA Ml584 1. A-000 Albert—A-160 Ivan 2. A-160 (Dr.) J.D.—A-220 Xavier 3. A-222 Abraham—A-250 Issac 4. A-250 J.E.—A-266 Peter 5. A-300 (N.R.)—A-352 Byron 6. A-352 C.A.—A-352 Willard H. 7. A-352 William—A-416 Itilia S. 8. A-416 J.C.—A-425 Joe D. 9. A-425 John—A-436 E. Wenger 10. A-436 Flora—A-450 Willard H. 11. A-450 William—A-523 Evans 12. A-523 Fannie—A-535 Frida 13. A-535 Gaetano—A-536 Francis M. 14. A-536 Frank—A-536 Mietus 15. A-536 Mike—A-562 Igino 16. A-562 J. Thomas—A-632 Zenaiel 17. A-633 Achille—A-652 Zelda E. 18. A-653 A.S.-B-100 Bruno 19. B-100 C. Fred—B-151 Thos. 20. B-152 Abel—B-200 Charolette J. 21. B-200 Chester—B-200 John R. 22. B-200 John D.—B-220 John 23. B-220 Tony—B-220 John X. 24. B-220 Jos —B-234 Guy 25. B-234 H.—B-240 Italia 26. B-240 J.A.S.—B-246 Russell L 27. B-246 S.A.—B-255 Cyrus K. 28. B-255 D.B.—B-260 Chas. E. 29. B-260 Charles F.—B-260 John W. 30. B-260 John P.—B-261 William H. 31. B-262 (N.R.)—B-300 James 32. B-300 James A.—B-320 Hugo H. 33. B-320 I. Milton—B-340 Anson 34. B-340 Anthony—B-350 Clarance 35. B-350 Clarence—B-360 Ezra 36. B-360 F. Emile—B-400 Dane 37. B-400 David—B-400 Jordan 38. B-400 Joseph—B-400 William H. 39. B-400 William E.—B-420 Georg W. 40. B-420 George—B-420 Quintillia 41. B-420 R.—B-424 John W. 42. B-424 Joseph—B-430 Vito 43. B-430 W. Harry—B-450 Angus J. 44. B-450 Anna—B-452 John 45. B-452 John A.—B-460 Dorothy E. 46. B-460 E. (N.R.)—B-500 Furuerio 47. B-500 G.C.—B-513 William 48. B-514 (N.R.)—B-520 Ruth N. 49. B-520 S. Berton—B-525 Lynn W. 50. B-525 M. Eleanor—B-530 Johanna 51. B-530 John—B-535 Izetta 52. B-535 J.E.—B-550 Fulton 53. B-550 G. Betty—B-560 Jones 54. B-560 Joseph—B-600 Edward L 55. B-600 Edwin—B-600 John 56. B-600 John N —B-600 Syntha 57. B-600 A. Alexander—B-616 Dusan 58. B-616 E. Annabell—B-620 Cyprizian This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. PENNSYLVANIA 41 59. B-620 D.—B-620 Irwin S. 60. B-620 Isaac—B-620 Martin 61. B-620 Mary—B-620 Vulkert 62. B-620 W.A.—B-622 Otto G. 63. B-622 Parke C.—B-623 Zenas S. 64. B-624 (N.R.)—B-625 Ellise 65. B-625 Ellmer—B-626 Bruce T. 66. B-626 C.—B-626 Willard K. 67. B-626 Wm.—B-630 Jamnia 68. B-630 Jane—B-630 Zoe 69. B-631 A. Elizabeth—B-632 Rosea F. 70. B-632 Rose—B-634 Marrin S. 71. B-634 Mary—B-635 Lynn 72. B-635 M.—B-640 Kivan 73. B-640 Charles L.—B-650 Antoinette S. 74. B-650 Anton—B-650 Ethan W. 75. B-650 Ethel—B-650 Jakob 76. B-650 James S.—B-650 Mariana 77. B-650 Marie—B-650 Syntha J. 78. B-650 T.-B-652 Ayrus 79. B-652 B.—B-652 Joseph 80. B-652 John—B-652 Sylvia 81. B-652 T.A.—B-653 Julius S. 82. B-653 K.J.—B-655 Evereth 83. B-655 F. William—B-656 DuWayne 84. B-656 E.—B-660 Ruth E. 85. B-660 S.D.—C-120 Isreal S. 86. C-120 J.R.—C-143 Williams 87. C-145 A.H.—C-155 Zaccaria 88. C-156 Adolph—C-163 Ivan W. 89. C-163 J. Wade—C-200 Gertruce V. 90. C-200 Gertrude—C-200 Ryan T. 91. C-200 S.A.—C-230 Kessler C. 92. C-230 Laura—C-236 Ruth N. 93. C-236 Sadie—C-250 Ruth E. 94. C-250 S. Albert—C-265 Julie 95. C-265 Kate G.—C-346 William R. 96. C-350 (N.R.)—C-400 Eliza V. 97. C-400 Elizabeth—C-400 Zurdi 98. C-410 Abraham—C-416 Joesph F. 99. C-416 Johi—C-423 Lydia C. 100. C-423 M.E.—C-434 Fredrick B. 101. C-434 Garfield—C-450 Frieda 102. C-450 G.C.—C-452 Ivan W. 103. C-452 J. (N.R.)—C-455 Guy R. 104. C-455 H.J.—C-460 Ruth M. 105. C-460 S.H.—C-462 Jordan 106. C-462 Joseph—C-500 Charity S. 107. C-500 Charles—C-500 Maxwell D. 108. C-500 May—C-514 Azle 109. C-514 B. Frank—C-514 Nuaziator 110. C-514 O.A.-C-516 Pusey 111. C-516 R.A.—C-525 William P. 112. C-526 A.A.H.—C-540 Freeman 113. C-540 G. Anna—C-550 Ruth 114. C-550 S.W.-C-555 Tour 115. C-560 (N.R.)—C-563 Issac T. 116. C-563 J. Ben—C-600 Hyman 117. C-600 L—C-610 Fredrick 118. C-610 G.R.—C-615 Ivan 119. C-615 J. Batisto—C-616 Zethinia 120. C-620 (N.R.)—C-620 Michiel 121. C-620 Mike—C-623 Fur 122. C-623 G.E.—C-624 Winfield M. 123. C-625 (N.R.)—C-626 Eva M. 124. C-626 F.U.—C-634 William W. 125. C-635 (N.R.)—C-636 Pulaski 126. C-636 R.A.—C-640 Louie 127. C-640 Louis—C-642 Young 128. C-643 (N.R.)—C-650 Myrtle R. 129. C-650 N.L.—C-652 Wladislaw 130. C-653 A.B.—C-656 Isabella 131. C-656 J. Clarence—D-100 Guyer 132. D-100 H.A.—D-120 Clark S. 133. D-120 Claud—D-120 James N. 134. D-120 Jane—D-120 Ryan 135. D-120 S. Benton—D-132 Fredona 136. D-132 G. Brown—D-145 Wilson 137. D-146 A. Seldon—D-153 Guy H. 138. D-153 H.B.—D-200 Ann 139. D-200 Anna—D-210 Wladyslaw 140. D-212 (N.R.)—D-240 Isabelle 141. D-240 J.W.-D-250 Ivan N. 142. D-250 J.A.—D-252 Ruth E. 143. D-252 S.J.—D-262 Luigi 144. D-262 M.A.—D-264 Zapito 145. D-265 Agnes L.-D-320 Ruth I. 146. D-320 Sabatino—D-356 William W. 147. D-360 A.G.-D-400 Clare R. 148. D-400 Clarence—D-400 Mattie R. 149. D-400 Maud—D-420 Isabel 150. D-420 J. Harry—D-450 Eziekel 151. D-450 F.J.—D-455 William G. 152. D-456 (N.R.)—D-500 Iver H. 153. D-500 J.—D-500 Zacharias 154. D-510 Abraham—D-520 Dunshee 155. D-520 S.B.-D-523 Howard C. 156. D-523 J.P.—D-526 Isabell 157. D-526 J. George—D-540 Lynn 158. D-540 M.E.—D-545 Winefred 159. D-546 Adolph—D-560 Everett W. 160. D-560 F.A.—D-600 Henrietta 161. D-600 Henry—D-616 William L. 162. D-620 (N.R.)—D-622 Ivan 163. D-622 Jacob—D-630 Zra 164. D-631 Adam J.—D-652 Iva G. 165. D-652 J. Justus—E-121 William 166. E-123 Abe—E-152 James W. 167. E-152 Jane—E-162 Zachiriah 168. E-163 (N.R.)—E-214 Wm. P. 169. E-215 A.G.—E-242 Guy L. 170. E-242 Harold—E-255 Myrtle 171. E-255 Nancy J.—E-300 Willis 172. E-316 Adolf—E-362 William M. 173. E-363 (N.R.)—E-420 Cyntha A. 174. E-420 D. Arthur—E-430 Lynn A. 175. E-430 M. Caroline—E-520 Byron 176. E-520 C. Agnus—E-524 Maurissa A. 177. E-524 Max—E-561 Sara 178. E-562 A.J.-E-630 Wilson 179. E-631 Harry—E-665 Thekla 180. F-000 (N.R.)—F-200 Cyrus W. (Sr.) 181. F-200 D.A.—F-200 Sara Jane 182. F-200 Sarah—F-235 William 183. F-236 (N.R.)—F-245 William T. 184. F-246 Abraham—F-260 Fritz W. 185. F-260 G.—F-260 Zula B. 186. F-261 Alice—F-326 Evelyn 187. F-326 F. James—F-365 Issaac 188. F-365 Jacob—F-420 Fritz 189. F-420 G.E. Otto—F-425 Kemey E. 190. F-425 Latisia—F-432 Guy J. 191. F-432 H.A.—F-450 Isaac 192. F-450 J.-F-455 Kost 193. F-455 L. Albin—F-460 Ruth Anne 194. F-460 S.A.—F-520 Cyrus S. 195. F-520 D. Roscoe—F-535 Israel 196. F-525 J. James—F-562 William 197. F-563 Achille—F-600 Josep F. 198. F-600 Joseph—F-616 Myrthine A. 199. F-616 Nan—F-622 Dylwin L. 200. F-622 Earl—F-624 William S. 201. F-625 (N.R.)—F-630 Lynette 202. F-630 M.G.—F-634 Fronney 203. F-634 Genevieve—F-640 Eliza J. 204. F-640 Elizabeth—F-650 Jonas W. 205. F-650 Joseph—F-652 Hymen 206. F-652 I.E.—F-652 Zurseppe 207. F-653 (N.R.)—F-655 Priscillia 208. F-655 R.—G-100 Kennith 209. G-100 L.B.M.—G-140 Katie S. 210. G-140 (Mrs.) L.-G-163 Fredrick C. 211. G-163 Gale—G-215 Zackran 212. G-216 Adam—G-244 Virgil 213. G-245 (N.R.)—G-260 Kramer S. 214. G-260 Laberta—G-316 Wyndham 215. G-320 (N.R.)—G-326 William B. 216. G-330 Albert—G-355 Yetta 217. G-356 Abe—G-400 Myrttle 218. G-400 Nadel-G-416 Ruth 219. G-416 S.C.—G-420 Zigmund 220. G-421 (N.R )—G-426 Christopher 221. G-426 Clara—G-430 Cupie 222. G-430 Daisy—G-432 Lydea A. 223. G-432 M.L.—G-450 Jonathan 224. G-450 Joseph—G-460 Lukoch 225. G-460 Mable—G-520 Evangiles 226. G-520 Fannie—G-532 Furman 227. G-532 George—G-556 (N.R.) 228. G-560 C. Lincoln—G-600 Lyman 229. G-600 M.C.-G-610 Johanna 230. G-610 John—G-613 Duright 231. G-613 E.—G-615 Lysle 232. G-615 M R —G-620 Byron 233. G-620 C.—G-620 Joseph W. 234. G-620 Josephine—G-622 Ivan 235. G-622 J.C.—G-625 Ruth S. 236. G-625 S.—G-630 Ruth N. 237. G-630 Andrew—G-635 Johanna 238. G-635 John—G-642 Moject 239. G-643 Aaron—G-650 Gwendyn 240. G-650 H.C.—G-650 Robbert E. 241. G-650 Robert—G-652 Hyman 242. G-652 I.W.—G-654 Burton 243. G-654 C.C.—G-656 Guy W. 244. G-656 H. William—H-000 L.C. 245. H-000 L.D.—H-122 William R. 246. H-123 Abner—H-141 Wilson 247. H-142 Abram L.—H-155 Ezra G. 248. H-155 F. Isabella—H-156 Guy H. 249. H-156 Hannah—H-160 Marvin 250. H-160 Mary—H-165 Morris 251. H-165 Naomi—H-200 Eleanora K. 252. H-200 Eleanor—H-200 Jake 253. H-200 James—H-200 Michle 254. H-200 Mike—H-213 (Mrs.) William 255. H-214 Albanus—H-220 Syrus 256. H-220 T.J.—H-235 Kosta 257. H-235 L.E.—H-243 Winifred 258. H-244 Charles—H-250 Vriah 259. H-250 W.E.—H-253 William U. 260. H-254 Adam—H-260 Lynn 261. H-260 MB—H-300 Guy D. 262. H-300 (Mrs.) H.—H-320 Mich 263. H-320 Mike—H-325 Sylvania 264. H-325 T. Henry—H-356 Yetta 265. H-360 (N.R.)—H-400 Cyrus M. 266. H-400 D—H-400 Johile 267. H-400 John—H-420 (Mr.) Allen 268. H-400 T. Andrew—H-416 Yetta 269. H-420 (N.R.)—H-425 Zed 270. H-426 A.W.—H-435 Gustav 271. H-435 H. Ellwood—H-452 Ellworth L. 272. H-452 Elmer—H-455 Hunter H. 273. H-455 I.H.—H-465 William M. 274. H-466 George—H-500 Nu C. 275. H-500 G.Y.-H-516 Sylvia 276. H-516 Taylor—H-520 Marus F. 277. H-520 Mary—H-524 Ewing 278. H-524 Fannie—H-526 William W. 279. H-530 (N.R.)—H-535 Woods James 280. H-536 (N.R.)—H-536 Quintin D. 281. H-536 R.A.—H-543 Dorthea 282. H-543 (Mrs.) E.—H-550 Lyman 283. H-550 M.—H-560 Guy L 284. H-560 H. Guy—H-600 Cecil 285. H-600 Charles—H-611 Vincent 286. H-612 (N.R.)—H-620 Ann E. 287. H-620 Anna—H-620 Miller 288. H-620 Milton—H-624 Lydia J. 289. H-624 M. Luvern—H-630 Chansey 290. H-630 Charles—H-630 Sylvia 291. H-630 J. Charles—H-634 Preston 292. H-634 Ralph—H-635 Ruth V. 293. H-635 S.J.—H-650 Durrie M. 294. H-650 E.J.—H-652 Lynn P. 295. H-652 M. Annie—H-655 Zora 296. H-656 A.E.—1-254 Tony 297. 1-255 Adam C.—1-546 Wilson G. 298. 1-550 A N.—J-151 Zara 299. J-152 A. Anna—J-210 Lydia 300. J-210 M.-J-233 William 301. J-235 Adam—J-250 Myrtle B 302. J-250 Namon—J-442 Tony 303. J-450 Adrian—J-520 Charley Mcle. 304. J-520 Charlie—J-520 Harrison T. 305. J-520 Harry—J-520 Lucius H. 306. J-520 Lucy—J-520 Telley 307. J-520 Tillie—J-523 Queenie 308. J-523 R. Charles—J-525 Edgar W. 309. J-525 Edith—J-525 Jan 310. J-525 Jane—J-525 Quinton 311. J-525 (N.R.) R.—J-525 William 312. J-552 (N.R.)—J-635 Myrtle 313. J-635 Nancy—K-120 Ivan 314. K-120 Jaboe—K-142 William H. 315. K-143 Andrew—K-155 Lydia A. 316. K-155 M.—K-164 William J. 317. K-165 Adam—K-200 Mikal 318. K-200 Mike—K-221 William 319. K-222 Adam—K-240 Ruth N. 42 PENNSYLVANIA 320. K-240 Sallie—K-251 Wladylaw 321. K-252 A. Jane—K-260 Ivy 322. K-260 J.C.—K-320 Hyman 323. K-320 I.—K-351 Pikli 324. K-352 (N.R.)—K-400 Edward W. 325. K-400 Edwin—K-400 Lynn W. 326. K-400 (Sister) M. Marcella—K-410 Gust 327. K-410 H.F.—K-420 Guy S. 328. K-420 H.B.—K-425 Susan 329. K-425 Tekla—K-450 Ezra S. 330. K-450 F. David—K-451 Ivan 331. K-451 J. Raymond—K-455 Gustof 332. K-455 Hans—K-460 Johanna 333. K-460 John—K-500 Edna V. 334. K-500 Edward—K-500 Priscilla 335. K-500 R.H.—K-514 Dyson 336. K-514 E.B.—K-520 Francis X. 337. K-520 Frank—K-520 Owen Oscar 338. K-520 P.—K-524 (N.R.) 339. K-524 A.B.—K-530 Furman 340. K-530 G. Bolser—K-532 Otto 341. K-532 Panagiotis—K-546 William R. 342. K-550 (Mrs.)—K-563 Ivan G.F. 343. K-563 J.B.—K-610 Lydia A. 344. K-610 M.-K-620 Burrows T. 345. K-620 C.E.—K-620 Silma 346. K-620 Simon—K-624 Lydia L. 347. K-624 M. Florence—K-630 Isadore 348. K-630 Jaboc—K-636 Zuriel S. 349. K-640 (N.R.)—K-650 Owen 350. K-650 P.U.—K-655 Irwin D. 351. K-655 J.F. Hyocinth—L-000 Elizabet A. 352. L-000 Elizabeth—L-100 Austin L. 353. L-100 B. Milton—L-l 13 Zeilig 354. L-l 16 A.A.-L-130 Oscar 355. L-130 Palo—L-l50 Guy W. 356. L-l50 H.H.—L-153 Yetta 357. L-l55 Abraham—L-l63 Sylvia 358. L-l63 Theodere—L-200 Edward 359. L-200 Edwin—L-200 Johanna 360. L-200 John—L-200 Tuay 361. L-200 R.D.—L-220 Cyrus C. 362. L-220 Dam—L-230 Ivy 363. L-230 J. Asa—L-240 Kirst 364. L-240 L.L.—L-251 Frederick 365. L-251 George—L-260 Guy M. 366. L-260 H.J.—L-300 Gwyln 367. L-300 H.B.—L-320 Guy R. 368. L-320 H.—L-332 Stella 369. L-340 (N.R.)—L-351 Zoel 370. L-352 Abraham—L-400 Moses 371. L-400 N.S.—L-500 Ivan H. 372. L-500 J. Bruce—L-516 Dwight D. 373. L-516 E.J.—L-520 Edwardo W. 374. L-520 Edwin—L-520 Josef 375. L-520 Joseph—L-520 Willie J. 376. L-520 William—L-525 Forest 377. L-525 G.B.—L-532 Azelie 378. L-532 B.F.—L-535 Byron C. 379. L-535 Calvin F.—L-550 Johanna 380. L-550 John—L-563 Guy M. 381. L-563 H.O.-L-600 Lydia M. 382. L-600 M. Clarence—L-626 William W. 383. L-630 (N.R.)—L-656 Wolfrane 384. L-660 Albert—M-160 Isaac S. 385. M-160 J.C.—M-200 Francses 386. M-200 Frank—M-200 Justyn 387. M-200 K. Andrew—M-200 Vurnie R. 388. M-200 (Mrs.) W.—M-213 Burtha 389. M-213 C.H.-M-216 Henry 390. M-216 Henry—M-220 Everett T. 391. M-220 T.B.-M-223 Winefred 392. M-224 (N.R.)—M-231 Winfred 393. M-232 (N.R.)—M-235 Elma 394. M-235 Elmer—M-236 Cyrus K. 395. M-236 D.E.—M-240 Ezra C. 396. M-240 F.—M-240 Owen W. 397. M-240 P.J.—M-242 Byron 398. M-242 C.—M-242 Kyren 399. M-242 L.—M-243 Wythe 400. M-244 (N.R.)—M-245 Joe W. 401. M-245 John—M-246 Emily R. 402. M-246 Emma—M-250 Ednar 403. M-250 Edward—M-250 Kurt 404. M-250 L.C.—M-250 Zuchery 405. M-251 (N.R.)—M-252 Josep 406. M-252 Joesph—M-253 Johanna 407. M-253 John—M-254 T. Henrietta 408. M-254 Henry—M-255 Bunard 409. M-255 C.F.—M-256 Dyer N 410. M-256 E.S.—M-260 Ezra N. 411. M-260 F.A.—M-260 Purman 412. M-260 R.E.—M-262 Martin S. 413. M-262 Mary—M-263 Justin P. 414. M-263 Kate—M-265 Johanna 415. M-265 John—M-300 Marvin K. 416. M-300 Mary—M-320 Johanna 417. M-320 John—M-324 Ann A. 418. M-324 Anna—M-325 Dyer 419. M-325 E.H.-M-346 Willian 420. M-350 (N.R.)—M-362 Zaccuria 421. M-363 AM—M-400 Uriss F. 422. M-400 Valen—M-420 Johanna 423. M-420 John—M-425 Ivan C. 424. M-425 J.E.—M-445 William J. 425. M-450 (N.R.)—M-450 Ruth R. 426. M-450 S.—M-460 Allison D. 427. M-460 Alma—M-460 Cyruss M. 428. M-460 D.—M-460 Frjetta 429. M-460 G.—M-460 Jame E. 430. M-460 James—M-460 Louie 431. M-460 Louis—M-460 Roberg G. 432. M-460 Robert—M-460 Zora 433. M-461 (N.R.)—M-500 Johanna A. 434. M-500 John—M-520 Azalie 435. M-520 B.F.—M-521 Kosta 436. M-521 Lawrence—M-525 Zrveja 437. M-526 (N.R.)—M-532 Micke 438. M-532 Mike—M-545 Winfield F. 439. M-546 Amanda—M-562 Isador 440. M-562 J. Clifford—M-600 Chauney Lee 441. M-600 Chester—M-600 Georgie 442. M-600 Gerald—M-600 Johnston R. 443. M-600 Jonas—M-600 Pete 444. M-600 Peter—M-600 Ziegler 445. M-610 (N.R.)—M-610 Z.A. 446. M-612 A —M-620 Claire 447. M-620 Clara—M-620 Harrison S. 448. M-620 Harry—M-620 Leda 449. M-620 Lee—M-620 Scot S. 450. M-620 Scott A.—M-622 Ruth M. 451. M-622 Sabatino—M-624 Lyle 452. M-624 M.D.—M-625 Henrietta 453. M-625 Henry—M-625 Zora 454. M-626 (N.R.)—M-632 Joseph 455. M-632 John—M-635 Elizibeth 456. M-635 Ella—M-635 Maurice 457. M-635 May—M-640 Sylvia 458. M-640 Timperance—M-650 Umberto 459. M-650 Valedia—N-000 Wilson B. 460. N-100 (N.R.)—N-140 Wishart S. 461. N-142 A.—N-200 Jonathan B. 462. N-200 Joseph—N-236 Winnikko 463. N-240 (N.R.)—N-242 Kutzma 464. N-242 L.A.—N-260 Lydia 465. N-260 Mabel—N-352 Yetta 466. N-355 Alma E.—N-400 Ruth R. 467. N-400 S.A.—N-430 Lydia A. 468. N-430 Mabel—N-525 Wilson B. 469. N-526 Abraham—N-612 William S. 470. N-613 Adam—N-652 Wladislaw 471. N-654 Abraham—0-164 Youlis M. 472. 0-165 (N.R.)—0-215 William 473. 0-216 (N.R.)—0-242 William P. 474. 0-243 (N.R.)—0-265 William 475. 0-300 (N.R.)—0-354 Julia M. 476. 0-354 Kate—0-425 Juluis 477. 0-425 Karoly—0-520 Prudence 478. 0-520 Rachel—0-553 Willin 479. 0-560 A.N.—0-634 Wm. P. 480. 0-635 Abraham—P-112 Yoro 481. P-113 Aude—P-160 Burton 482. P-160 C. Harvey—P-200 Gyatyia 483. P-200 H.C.—P-220 Lyda M. 484. P-220 M. Irene—P-240 Fredrick 485. P-240 Gaetano—P-256 Zula 486. P-260 Aaron—P-320 Cyrus R. 487. P-320 Daisy—P-334 Willis 488 P-346 Abraham—P-360 Ivan 489. P-360 J. Albert—P-362 Francis 490. P-362 Frank—P-362 Myrtle S. 491. P-362 N. Burnell—P-400 Axel 492. P-400 B. Charles—P-400 Puter 493. P-400 R.E.—P-412 Jonathan G. 494. P-412 Joseph—P-420 Johanna 495. P-420 John—P-425 Luther 496. P-425 M —P-450 Iwine 497. P-450 J.B.—P-456 Fredrick 498. P-456 G.A.—P-500 Yvonne L. 499. P-510 Ada—P-526 Zeffirno 500. P-530 (N.R.)—P-555 William H. 501. P-560 A. Nevin—P-612 Zalik 502. P-613 A.H.—P-620 Fritz 503. P-620 G.E.—P-620 Owen 504. P-620 P.J.—P-623 Isaac 505. P-623 J.H.—P-625 Izzie 506. P-625 J.A.—P-626 Quintin 507. P-626 R.G.—P-633 Wm. 508. P-634 Adam—P-645 Yetta 509. P-646 Abe—P-656 Winthum 510. M-660 A.W.—Q-500 Purnell 511. Q-500 R.M.-R-000 Ozone 512. R-000 P. Bruce—R-100 Otto M. 513. R-100 P.-R-125 Lyndall J. 514. R-125 M.T.—R-150 Zora 515. R-151 Aaron—R-152 Marvyn D. 516. R-152 Mary—R-161 William 517. R-162 (N.R.)—R-163 Lynn D. 518. R-163 (Mrs.) M.A.—R-200 Byron P 519. R-200 (Mrs.) C.A.—R-200 Fread 520. R-200 Fred—R-200 John 521. R-200 John A.—R-200 Myrtle G. 522. R-200 N.A.—R-200 William 523. R-200 William A.—R-226 William A. 524. R-230 (N.R.)—R-240 Eliya S. 525. R-240 Elizabeth—R-245 Zigmont 526. R-246 A.G.—R-251 Kolman 527. R-251 L.—R-255 Kenneta 528. R-255 L. Everett—R-262 Byron W. 529. R-262 C. Stanley—R-263 Hurly 530. R-263 I.B.—R-300 Ay. 531. R-300 B. Belle—R-300 Ivin 532. R-300 J.A. Carter—R-300 Sara S. 533. R-300 Sarah—R-320 Furhman C. 534. R-320 G. Edwin—R-321 Vitold 535. R-322 (N.R.)—R-340 Guy F. 536. R-340 H.F.—R-352 Norman 537. R-352 Olive—R-360 Joel S. 538. R-360 John—R-400 Everett D. 539. R-400 F.A.—R-420 Wladyslaw 540. R-422 Aleck—R-500 Duggu 541. R-500 E.J.—R-500 Rutherford H. 542. R-500 S.—R-520 Guy W. 543. R-520 H.B.—R-525 Burt W. 544. R-525 C.-R-535 Zeku 545. R-536 A.J.—R-550 Fuller S. 546. R-550 Gaetano—R-560 Lydia M. 547. R-560 M. Charles—R-620 Isac. J. 548. R-620 J.B.—S-000 Martin O. 549. S-000 Maty—S-100 Johannah 550. S-100 John—S-120 Eynoc 551. S-120 F.G.—S-124 Frederick 552. S-124 Gaetane—S-132 Pierce S. 553. S-132 R. Roswell—S-140 Sylvester V. 554. S-140 Teresa—S-150 Evret A. 555. S-150 Fannie—S-152 Max 556. S-152 Mary—S-160 Charles W.K. 557. S-160 Charley—S-160 Johanna 558. S-160 John—S-160 Uryetta A. 559. S-160 Valentine—S-163 Ezra M. 560. S-163 F.J.—S-165 Guy G. 561. S-165 H. Earle—S-200 Jay C. 562. S-200 James—S-216 Zachary T. 563. S-220 (N.R.)—S-236 Zeldars 564. S-236 Alfonsa—S-236 Erasta 565. S-240 A.—S-246 Zepheniah 566. S-250 A.—S-260 John 567. S-260 John—S-300 Charle W. 568. S-300 Charles—S-300 Lytta L This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. PENNSYLVANIA-SOUTH CAROLINA 43 569. S-300 M. Blossom—S-310 Sylvester A. 570. S-310 F.B.—S-315 Elizabeth S. 571. S-315 Ella—S-315 Zenova 572. S-316 (N.R.)—S-320 Cherlie 573. S-320 Chester—S-320 Sylvia M. 574. S-320 F.C.—S-324 Zelda M. 575. S-325 N.—S-330 Ivy B. 576. S-330 Jacob—S-340 Angels 577. S-340 Anna—S-340 Ruth V. 578. S-340 S. Grant—S-345 Myrtle 579. S-345 Nancy—S-350 Janas G. 580. S-350 Jane—S-351 Lzzie 581. S-351 M.A.—S-352 Ursula 582. S-352 V.M.—S-356 Freida M. 583. S-356 G. Edgar—S-360 Myrtle M. 584. S-360 Nancy—S-362 Cyrus W. 585. S-362 D.A.—S-362 Ruth S. 586. S-362 S. Anna—S-363 Isaac H. 587. S-363 J.A.—S-364 Dwight L. 588. S-364 E.W.—S-365 Josephina 589. S-365 Josephine—S-400 Elroy D. 590. S-400 Elsie—S-400 Sylvina 591. S-400 Taylor—S-415 Draggie 592. S-415 E.—S-420 Ansenta 593. S-420 Anthony—S-421 Myrtle 594. S-421 Nancey J.—S-430 Fritz 595. S-430 George—S-432 June C. 596. S-432 K. Paul—S-436 Lysle 597. S-436 M.—S-452 Fredrick W. 598. S-452 Gean—S-460 Byron 599. S-460 C.C.—S-500 Ann Jane 600. S-500 Anna—S-500 Miguel A. 601. S-500 Mike—S-512 Ruth H. 602. S-512 S.-S-520 Ann 603. S-520 Anna—S-520 Lz N. 604. S-520 M.—S-524 Byron 605. S-524 C. Witman—S-526 Elizibeth 606. S-526 Ella—S-530 Andrey A. 607. S-530 Andy—S-530 Claton F. 608. S-530 Claud—S-530 Flossie B. 609. S-530 Floyd—S-530 Hayward 610. S-530 Hazel—S-530 John 611. S-530 John J.—S-530 Lytitia 612. S-530 M.—S-530 Quintus R. 613. S-530 R.—S-530 Warran J. 614. S-530 Warren—S-532 Koral 615. S-532 L.E.—S-536 Amnetta 616. S-536 Amos—S-536 Fulvia 617. S-536 G. Morris—S-536 Louis W. 618. S-536 Louisa—S-536 Zigmond 619. S-540 (N.R.)—S-542 You 620. S-543 A.J.—S-550 Josep 621. S-550 Joseph—S-552 Syvester 622. S-552 T.H.—S-561 Winslow 623. S-562 A.C.—S-600 Guy 624. S-600 H.W.—S-610 Sylvester 625. S-610 T. Edwin—S-616 Zori Marie 626. S-620 (N.R.)—S-620 Szyman 627. S-620 T.B.—S-630 Vivian 628. S-630 W.A.—S-632 Vladislavos 629. S-632 W.A.—S-650 Brocap 630. S-650 Caecilie—S-655 Yetta 631. S-656 (N.R.)—T-120 Isreal 632. T-120 J.B.—T-200 Gwendolyn 633. T-200 H. Darwin—T-250 Issac G. 634. T-250 J. Clayton—T-300 Jones D. 635. T-300 Joseph—T-365 William S. 636. T-400 (N.R.)—T-453 Woods J. 637. T-455 (N.R.)—T-460 Johanna 638. T-460 John—T-500 Ina 639. T-500 J.A.—T-512 Jas W.D. 640. T-512 Jane—T-515 Wilmer W. 641. T-516 A. Lewis—T-520 Henretta 642. T-520 Henry—T-520 Ruth V. 643. T-520 S.A.—T-525 Rutherford 644. T-525 S.A.—T-565 Zilla J. 645. T-600 (N.R.)—T-614 Dorathy O. 646. No roll exists for this number. 647. No roll exists for this number. 648. No roll exists for this number. 649. No roll exists for this number. 650. T-614 Earnest—T-620 Zackaria 651. T-621 Abraham—T-626 William W. 652. T-630 (N.R.)—T-646 Wm. O. 653. T-650 (N.R.)—T-652 Zacavias 654. T-653 Alram—T-656 Willan 655. T-656 William—U-460 Lydia 656. U-460 Madison V.—U-620 Josephine 657. U-620 Kartle—V-232 William 658. V-234 A.J.—V-300 Domonic 659. V-300 Echart—V-421 Zanpe 660. V-422 A.A.—V-512 Wilson 661. V-513 Albert H.—V-526 Wilmont 662. V-530 A. Caroline—V-565 Gurnsey 663. V-565 (Mrs.) H.L.—V-654 William 664. V-655 A. John—W-156 Wm. F. 665. W-160 (N.R.)—W-160 Lynn 666. W-160 M. Alice—W-200 Henry W. 667. W-200 Herbert—W-200 Eulie 668. W-220 Fannie—W-234 X. Francis 669. W-235 A. Ernest—W-245 Zira 670. W-246 A. Edna—W-254 William N. 671. W-255 Abe—W-256 Josiah R. 672. W-256 Joseph—W-265 Yetta 673. W-300 (N.R.)—W-300 Guy W. 674. W-300 H.A.—W-300 Raymond W. 675. W-300 Rea—W-320 Jonas 676. W-320 Joseph—W-325 Elizebeth 677. W-325 Ella—W-330 Wood 678. W-332 Albert—W-355 Freida 679. W-355 G. Adolph—W-361 Winston 680. W-362 (N.R.)—W-400 Guy E. 681. W-400 H.B.—W-410 Johanna 682. W-410 John—W-416 Poster 683. W-416 R. Curtis—W-420 Gwendolyn 684. W-420 H.—W-420 Metro 685. W-420 Meyer—W-422 Lynnington 686. W-422 M. James—W-425 Furman 687. W-425 G. Albert—W-425 Mittie 688. W-425 Mae—W-426 Guy H. 689. W-426 H.A.—W-430 Sylvia M. 690. W-430 T. Benmett—W-436 Elian 691. W-436 Ellen—W-450 Frost 692. W-450 G.—W-452 Eliza J. 693. W-452 Elizabeth—W-452 John 694. W-452 John—W-452 Tim 695. W-452 Timothy—W-460 Ruth E. 696. W-460 S. Bohmen—W-521 William H. 697. W-522 Adam—W-530 Julius 698. W-530 Kataryyra—W-536 Ruth Ulda 699. W-536 S.B.F.—W-562 Zarie 700. W-563 Abraham—W-622 Lydia 701. W-622 M.—W-624 Josephine 702. W-624 Karl—W-632 Durstin 703. W-632 Earl—W-650 Iva 704. W-650 J.H.—W-656 Vrim F. 705. W-656 W. Arthur—Y-230 Ruth E. 706. Y-230 Salem T.—Y-320 Isabella 707. Y-320 J.S.—Y-520 Chaffee 708. Y-520 Charles—Y-520 Myrtle V. 709. Y-520 N.J.—Y-530 Jutaro 710. Y-530 Labana A.—Z-000 Zeuerino 711. Z-100 Abraham—Z-200 Zegnund 712. Z-210 Anthony—Z-262 Constantine 713. Z-262 Daniel—Z-452 Evelyn M. 714. Z-452 Fannil—Z-526 Ivino R. 715. Z-526 J. Byron—Z-565 Ruth E. 716. Z-565 S. Edward—Institutions RHODE ISLAND MI585 1. A-100 Ada H.M.—A-463 Yvonne 2. A-465 Annie—B-165 William 3. B-200 Adelia—B-346 William T. 4. B-350 Addie N.—B-500 Fredrick E. 5. B-500 G.C.-B-621 William 6. B-622 Abbie—B-650 Cyrus F. 7. B-650 D. Russell—C-134 Zephie 8. C-140 (N.R.)—C-264 Vinzenzo 9. C-265 Andrew—C-455 William O. 10. C-456 Alexander—C-546 William 11. C-550 Adeline—C-626 William P. 12. C-630 Abel—D-100 Louisa J. 13. D-100 Mabel G.—D-250 Montgomery 14. D-250 Nathaniel—D-500 Lyman 15. D-500 M. Delma—D-625 Winnie 16. D-626 Abbercino—T-200 Myron 17. F-200 Nathanial—F-535 William 18. F-536 Almira B —T-656 William G. 19. F-660 Abeleo—G-421 William T. 20. G-425 Agnes—G-620 Isaac 21. G-620 J. John—G-666 Telesphore 22. H-000 Abbie—H-322 William L. 23. H-325 Abraham—H-526 Tony 24. H-530 Abbie C.—H-651 Sarah E. 25. H-652 Abby—J-525 Ezra F. 26. J-525 Fannie—K-451 Wiliam 27. K-456 Abbey—L-100 Katherine 28. L-100 Raymond—L-240 Zenaie 29. L-243 Albert—L-520 Jimmie 30. L-520 John—M-200 Gustave 31. M-200 Harold—M-244 William J. 32. M-245 (N.R.)—M-261 William 33. M-262 Agnes—M-426 William H. 34. M-430 (N.R.)—M-560 Yvonne D. 35. M-562 Carmen—M-626 William W. 36. M-630 Abraham—M-300 Winfred 37. N-312 Alexander—0-416 William J. 38. 0-423 (N.R.)—P-316 William T. 39. P-320 Abner A.—P-456 Willis 40. P-460 Clifford—P-630 Yvetta 41. P-631 Kestonzy—R-200 Cyprien 42. R-200 Dan—R-316 William H. 43. R-320 Adeline M.—R-662 William 44. S-000 Abbe—S-250 Zaida 45. S-253 (Sister) Mary—S-400 Zygmund 46. S-410 Abbert—S-513 William J. 47. S-516 A. Chace—S-540 Winifred 48. S-543 Arthur W—T-260 Jules 49. T-260 Laura—T-616 William N. 50. T-620 Abbie F.—V-533 Tavian 51. V-535 Adelean—W-350 William 52. W-352 Alexander—W-452 Zillah 53. W-453 Albert—Z-640 Wincezo SOUTH CAROLINA M1586 1. A-000 Adam—A-350 Young 2. A-352 A.J.—A-450 Ezekiel 3. A-450 F.R.—A-552 Zeb V. 4. A-600 Anna—B-220 Joel 5. B-220 John—B-260 Vlah L. 6. B-260 W—B-351 Julian 7. B-351 Laurence—B-423 Zeb 8. B-424 (N.R.)—B-453 Zella E. 9. B-460 (N.R.)—B-530 Virgene 10. B-530 W.A.—B-620 Guy 11. B-620 H.C.-B-625 Myrtle 12. B-625 N.C.—B-635 June 13. B-635 Jones—B-650 Sdalee 14. B-650 Lize—B-650 Vivian 15. B-650 W.A.—B-654 Kitt 16. B-654 Lacey 0.—C-160 Lydia 17. C-160 M.C.-C-245 Ezra M. 18. C-245 Fanny—C-416 Katie 19. C-416 L.L.—C-455 Burney 20. C-455 C.B.—C-514 David R. 21. C-514 Dee—C-552 Joe C. 22. C-552 John—C-620 Jokie 23. C-620 John—C-636 Zelodus 24. C-640 (N.R.)—D-120 Dutch 25. D-120 E D.—D-130 Willie L. 26. D-132 (N.R.)—D-250 Ruth 27. D-250 S.J.E.—D-520 Ezell 28. D-520 Fanni—D-620 Lydia D. 29. D-620 M.E.—E-220 Julius 30. E-160 L.E.—E-425 Kelly 31. E-426 L.H.—F-260 Ezara 32. F-260 Jack—F-455 Roy 33. F-455 S.A.—F-622 Isrial D. 34. F-622 J.A.—F-652 Zophu 35. F-655 (N.R.)—G-235 Isreal 36. G-235 J.F.—G-400 Eula M. 37. G-400 F.M.—G-451 Woymon 38. G-455 Adeline—G-600 Guss 39. G-600 H.E.—G-626 Julian 40. G-626 Kathrine—G-650 Jame 41. G-650 Jame—G-653 Susie L. 42. G-653 T.B.—H-200 Mary 43. H-200 Mason—H-263 Dorethy 44. H-263 Earl—H-400 Beulah 45. H-400 Bill—H-430 Juita B. 46. H-430 Kate—H-516 Jessu H. 47. H-516 Jim—H-536 Lezie 48. H-536 Lida—H-616 Surft 49. H-616 L.D.—H-630 Marshall M. 50. H-630 Martha—1-220 Ziamman 51. 1-236 (N.R.)—J-250 Jake 52. J-250 Jamose—J-520 Durant 53. J-520 E.—J-520 Stull C. 54. J-520 Sue—J-525 Herrietta 55. J-525 Henry—J-525 Silvy 56. J-525 Sim—K-260 Wise o ^ 44 SOUTH CAROLINA-TENNESSEE 57. K-300 Aaron—K-520 Ruth Anne 58. K-520 S.A.—L-000 Curtis E. 59. L-000 D A.—L-200 Jasper 60. L-200 Jeff—L-316 Zel 61. L-325 Abraham—L-520 Lizzie 62. L-520 Loume—L-656 Orince R. 63. L-650 Redecas—M-200 Sylvia 64. M-200 I.C.—M-235 Joel R. 65. M-235 John—M-245 Cyrus 66. M-245 D.—M-252 Marvon B. 67. M-252 Mary—M-264 Pres 68. M-263 R.M.—M-342 Kate 69. M-342 Lewis Merphy—M-452 Sulla 70. M-453 Maggie—M-530 Jyon 71. M-536 J. David—M-600 Ozella 72. M-600 P.C.—M-624 Nyl 73. M-625 (N.R.)—M-660 Murdis 74. M-660 N.—N-425 Quince 75. N-425 R.P.—0-416 lsiak 76. 0-416 Agustas—P-200 Vivian 77. P-200 S. Abnor—P-362 Queen 78. P-362 R.G.—P-460 Willie C. 79. P-500 (Sister) Mary A.—P-620 Sylvester 80. P-620 T.E.—P-636 Green 81. P-636 H.N.—R-120 Rutland 82. R-120 S.W.—R-162 O. Wineda 83. R-162 P.Z.—R-200 Ozell 84. R-200 P.C.—R-326 Irvine 85. R-200 P.C.—R-263 Duto 86. R-326 J.C.—R-520 Vyren 87. R-520 W.H.—S-160 Myer 88. S-160 Mary—S-300 Jame S. 89. S-300 Jamie—S-336 Isabelle 90. S-335 J.B.O.—S-363 Hyder 91. S-363 Labella—S-425 Yokley 92. S-434 Adell—S-520 Jonnie 93. S-520 John H.—S-530 Frank W. 94. S-530 Frank—S-530 Thod. 95. S-530 Thomas—S-540 Rossie 96. S-540 Rosa—S-600 Turman 97. S-610 G.A.—T-300 Israel 98 T-300 H.M.—T-460 Willard 99. T-460 William—T-520 John 100. T-520 John—T-630 Zona 101. T-634 Abraham—V-536 Grant 102. V-530 Harrison—W-252 Cipeo 103. W-252 Clara—W-300 Lemar 104. W-300 Lena—W-325 Ruth Z. 105. W-325 S.—W-416 Irvin 106. W-415 J.-W-425 Joseph 107. W-425 John—W-436 Lyre 108. W-436 M.C.—W-452 Heny 109. W-452 Herbert—W-452 Pauline S. 110. W-452 Pearl—W-600 Iris 111. W-600 J.G.—W-650 Priscilla 112. W-650 R.F.-Z-650 Willie SOUTH DAKOTA Ml587 1. A-000 Alfred—A-536 Exel 2. A-536 T.O.—B-232 William P. 3. B-234 Abslon—B-420 Irma M. 4. B-420 J.C.—B-600 Council 5. B-600 Daisy—B-634 Gustave 6. B-634 Hans—C-150 William L. 7. C-152 Alice—C-456 Wm. S. 8. C-460 Abraham L.—C-623 Zita 9. C-624 (N.R.) Eagle—D-230 William F. 10. D-234 Abner—D-530 Wilson M. 11. D-536 A.—E-355 William H. 12. E-363 Adam—F-245 Xavier M. 13. F-250 Adelbert A.—F-623 William O. 14. F-624 (Mrs.) Eagle—G-354 William T. 15. G-355 (N.R.)—G-620 Woren H. 16. G-622 Albert—H-160 Issac 17. H-160 J.C.—H-300 Iver 18. H-300 J. George J.—H-453 Fred 19. H-453 George—H-545 Zello 20. H-546 Anton—1-162 Tony 21. 1-200 Ada L.—J-525 Cenious 22. J-525 Charles—K-146 William L. 23. K-150 Aaron—K-500 Winfred 24. K-510 (N.R.)—K-651 Winafred 25. K-652 A. Fred—L-316 William 26. L-320 Aaron—L-562 William 27. L-563 A.A.—M-236 Wm. C. 28. M-240 A.B.—M-325 Guy 29. M-325 H. Elizabet—M-520 William J. 30. M-521 (N.R.)—M-630 Willie 31. M-632 Adam—N-425 Iver N. 32. N-425 J.C.—0-425 Axel T. 33. 0-425 Beatha—P-355 William 34. P-360 (N.R.)—P-530 William H. 35. P-536 Aberhan—R-162 Willim 36. R-163 (N.R.)—R-314 William M. 37. R-316 (N.R.)—S-100 Wilma 38. S-115 Andrew—S-310 William 39. S-312 (N.R.)—S-362 Wilson F. 40. S-363 A C.—S-500 Minnie 41. S-500 Nancy—S-531 Walfred A. 42. S-532 (N.R.)—S-652 Lilly 43. S-652 Mabel—T-520 Ivor A. 44. T-520 J.-V-420 X. 45. V-426 Adam—W-256 Willian 46. W-260 Adam—W-425 Issabelle M. 47. W-425 J.E.—W-532 William F. 48. W-533 (N.R.)—Z-620 William J. TENNESSEE Ml588 1. A-100 (N.R.)—A-322 Luthur B. 2. A-322 M B —A-425 Byrd P. 3. A-425 C.A.—A-463 Dorothy 4. A-465 Earnest—A-553 Zora 5. A-616 (N.R.)—B-152 Dudley L. 6. B-152 E.C.-B-235 Witte A. 7. B-236 A.G.—B-260 Gustave 8. B-260 Grace—B-320 Luther 9. B-320 M.A.—B-400 Huston 10. B-400 I.E.—B-420 Quinton 11. B-420 R. Herman—B-452 Freman 12. B-452 G.B.—B-520 Czeakel 13. B-520 (Mrs.) F.A.—B-550 Hickman N. 14. B-550 Henry—B-620 Clifton 15. B-620 Clint—B-622 Young 16. B-623 (Sister) M. Milburger—B-630 Johnny 17. B-630 Jno A.—B-635 Freeman 18. B-635 G.—B-650 Elzie 19. B-650 Emaline—B-650 Saloni 20. B-650 Sam—B-653 Charle W. 21. B-653 Charles—B-660 Ivory 22. B-660 J.E.-C-160 Azor 23. C-160 B.C.—C-200 Nealey 24. C-200 Ned—C-316 Joahana 25. C-300 Joe—C-400 Oza 26. C-400 P. Taylor—C-435 Luther 27. C-435 Mabel—C-455 Kyle 28. C-455 L.C.—C-500 Henry W. 29. C-500 Herbert—C-523 Zona 30. C-526 (N.R.)—C-560 Granville J. 31. C-560 Hal U.—C-616 Isreal 32. C-616 (Mrs.) J.—C-624 isham 33. C-624 J.M.—C-636 lzara 34. C-636 J.A.—C-650 Zna 35. C-651 (N.R.)—D-130 Francis W. 36. D-120 Frank—D-132 Exree 37. D-132 Fannie—D-242 Grover 38. D-242 H. Chas.—D-300 Fred 39. D-300 G.W.—D-450 Zelma 40. D-400 Addie R.—D-525 Prince A. 41. D-525 R.A.—D-616 Burton T. 42. D-616 C.C.—E-152 Luvenia 43. E-152 M.F.—E-352 Kyle M. 44. E-352 L.J.—E-430 Virginia 45. E-430 N.D.—F-200 Dossie 46. F-200 E.F.—F-326 Isick 47. F-326 J.H.—F-452 Lulu 48. F-452 M.—F-600 Virgil 49. F-600 W.H.—F-630 Virginia 50. F-630 W.A.-F-656 Guy 51. F-656 Hank—G-200 Zeno 52. G-230 A.F.—G-400 Lyda 53. G-400 M L.—G-450 Polly 54. G-450 R.—G-560 Gus 55. G-560 Hannah—G-620 Azzie 56. G-620 B.B.—G-635 Gustavus 57. G-635 H.B.—G-650 Tyler 58. G-650 W.S.-H-120 Isac 59. H-120 J.B.—H-200 Frasten 60. H-200 Fred—H-220 Quilly 61. H-220 R.-H-252 Riggie 62. H-253 L.A.—H-322 Dugold 63. H-322 C.E.—H-362 Lyman 64. H-362 M.A.—H-400 Lenzie 65. H-400 Leo—H-430 Guy 66. H-430 H.H.—H-500 B.A. 67. H-500 B.A.—H-522 Willis L. 68. H-523 A Y.—H-536 Jake 69. H-536 James—H-560 Prudie 70. H-560 R.E.—H-620 Lottie 71. H-620 Lou—H-630 Huston C. 72. H-630 (Mrs.) IB— H-636 Virgie L 73. H-640 A.—1-550 Wily 74. 1-615 A.K.—J-250 Quit 75. J-250 R.B.—J-520 Frazier 76. J-520 Fred—J-520 Roosevelt 77. J-520 Rosa—J-525 Eppie 78. J-525 Eva—J-525 Rittie 79. J-525 R.C.—J-635 Beneford 80. J-650 Albert—K-400 Ivy 81. K-400 J.A —K-520 Frenchy L. 82. K-520 Fred—K-540 Wrather 83. K-550 A.—L-000 Lou 84. L-000 Lovell—L-200 Alice M. 85. L-200 Allen—L-230 Zestman 86. L-235 Ad—L-334 lzara 87. L-325 J.H.—L-500 Quiston B. 88. L-500 (Mrs.) R.F.—L-521 Zally 89. L-522 A.B.—L-620 Y.B. 90. L-625 Abe—M-200 Glone 91. M-200 George—M-216 James W. 92. M-216 Jane—M-240 Guy 93. M-240 H.A.—M-245 Susie 94. M-245 T.J.—M-252 Ivie 95. M-252 J.—M-260 Ruth F. 96. M-260 S.E.—M-320 Joel F. 97. M-320 John—M-362 J. 98. M-362 J —M-452 Virgus 99. M-452 W.A.—M-500 Myra M. 100. M-500 Nacissa—M-560 Sylvester 101. M-560 T. Edd—M-600 Perkins 102. M-600 Perry—M-620 Uzzie B. 103. M-620 Lobe D.—M-630 Isac 104. M-630 J.A.—M-640 Yorett 105. M-642 Ace—N-243 York 106. N-250 (N.R.)—N-450 Phillip B. 107. N-450 R.F.—0-165 Dig L. 108. 0-165 J.C.—0-500 Irine 109. 0-500 J.A.—P-160 Zachery T. 110. P-200 Baby—P-300 Travis 111. P-300 Udes S.—P-362 Myrtle 112. P-362 N.P.—P-412 Willey 113. P-412 William—P-525 Isac F. 114. P-530 J.B.—P-620 Fullerton 115. P-620 G.C.—P-625 Guy W. 116. P-625 H.G.E.—P-631 Lydia 117. P-632 M E.—R-000 Curtis 118. R-000 D.B.-R-152 Marvin 119. R-152 Mary—R-163 Millard 120. R-163 Williams—R-210 Wright S. 121. R-216 Aaron B.—R-260 Lyda 122. R-260 M.P.—R-300 Johny 123. R-300 Jonah—R-355 Zollie 124. R-356 Albert—R-520 Frons 125. R-520 G.M.—S-000 Bumk 126. S-000 C.A.—S-160 Isidor 127. S-160 J.-S-246 Ike 128. S-241 Jack—S-310 Dug 129. S-315 E. Cooper—S-340 E.B. 130. S-340 E.B.-S-353 Y.L. 131. S-353 W.D.—S-363 Zula 132. S-364 (N.R.)—S-420 Zora B. 133. S-422 Ana—S-500 Joel B. 134. S-500 John—S-500 Airdley C. 135. S-530 Agnes—S-530 Hydes J. 136. S-530 O.—S-530 Qwalls D. 137. S-530 R.—S-536 Ezra P. 138. S-536 F.B.—S-560 Myrtle 139. S-560 N.L.-S-632 Winton 140. S-635 Alfred T.—T-260 Kirkland 141. T-260 Lacy J.—T-455 Willie This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. TENNESSEE-TEXAS 45 142. T-460 (N.R.)—T-460 Wiley S. 65. 143. T-460 Will—T-520 Claborn 66. 144. T-520 Clara—T-560 Plummer 67. 145. T-560 R. Paul—T-651 Word W. 68. 146. T-652 (N.R.)—U-536 Wilson 69. 147. U-620 A.L.—V-536 Everett D. 70. 148. V-536 F.E.—W-214 Issac N. 71. 149. W-214 J.D.—W-300 Byron 72. 150. W-300 Buck—W-300 Salone J. 73. 151. W-300 Sam—W-325 Jimmie D. 74. 152. W-325 Joe—W-356 Willis M. 75. 153. W-361 A.—W-420 Duncan 76. 154. W-420 E.—W-425 Clovis 77. 155. W-425 Clyde—W-426 Clarence T. 78. 156. W-426 Claud—W-436 Isaac O. 79. 157. W-436 J.A.—W-452 Jane 80. 158. W-452 Jane—W-452 Wiant L. 81. 159. W-452 Wil—W-536 Kathrine 82. 160. W-536 (Mrs.) L.R.—W-630 Cynthia 83. 161. W-630 D C.—Y-360 Myrtle 84. 162. Y-520 (N.R.)—Z-626 Willie M. 85. EXAS M1589 86. 87. 1. A-000 Antony—A-200 Lum 88. 2. A-200 M.—A-246 Zarapio 89. 3. A-250 (N.R.)—A-325 Myrtle 90. 4. A-325 N.E.—A-352 Quincy F. 91. 5. A-352 R.—A-416 Joe W. 92. 6. A-416 John—A-425 Lynn W. 93. 7. A-425 M.—A-450 Guy H. 94. 8. A-450 H.—A-455 Otis D. 95. 9. A-455 Pancheo—A-536 Azoruce R. 96. 10. A-536 B—A-536 Myrtle 97. 11. A-536 N.A.—A-624 Varvarita 98. 12. A-625 (N.R.)—A-652 Zorah B. 99. 13. A-653 (N.R.)—B-153 Wellian J. 100. 14. B-160 (N.R.)—B-200 Lymwa 101. 15. B-200 M.—B-226 Tulian 102. 16. B-230 (N.R.)—B-243 Willie 103. 17. B-245 (N.R.)—B-256 Zenobia 104. 18. B-260 (N.R.)—B-260 Zella 105. 19. B-261 Arnold G.—B-320 Avery P. 106. 20. B-320 B.B.—B-346 Luther P. 107. 21. B-346 M.H.—B-400 Cyrus O. 108. 22. B-400 D.—B-400 Quinn M. 109. 23. B-400 R.—B-420 Izora A.D. 110. 24. B-420 J.—B-425 Exa Mae 111. 25. B-425 F.B.—B-435 Zelpha 112. 26. B-436 (N.R.)—B-453 Frudensiano 113. 27. B-453 Gene—B-500 Frudie M. 114. 28. B-500 G.—B-520 Klemens 115. 29. B-520 L.A.—B-530 Luz 116. 30. B-530 M.—B-550 Ruth 117. 31. B-550 S.R.—B-600 Quilla 118. 32. B-600 (Mrs.) R.—B-620 Dwight 119. 33. B-620 E.—B-620 Milton L. 120. 34. B-620 Mindosa—B-623 Gyssie 121. 35. B-623 H.—B-626 Avadue 122. 36. B-626 B.—B-630 Johannah 123. 37. B-630 John—B-632 Kuslun 124. 38. B-632 L.—B-635 Ezra L. 125. 39. B-635 F.—B-640 Ruth 126. 40. B-640 S.D.—B-650 Edga 127. 41. B-650 Edgar—B-650 Joeltlitha 128. 42. B-650 John B.—B-650 Rycie 129. 43. B-650 S.—B-652 Emily 130. 44. B-652 Emma—B-653 Aylette R. 131. 45. B-653 B.—B-653 Willey 132. 46. B-653 William—B-660 Exaltacion 133. 47. B-660 F.—C-120 Katherine 134. 48. C-120 L.—C-155 Auther 135. 49. C-155 B.—C-164 Walter E. 136. 50. C-165 Alfonso—C-200 Jodie B. 137. 51. C-200 Joe—C-200 Zuch 138. 52. C-210 A.—C-236 Dorotia 139. 53. C-236 E.—C-263 (Mrs.) Willie 140. 54. C-264 A.F.—C-350 Fruna E. 141. 55. C-350 G.E.—C-400 Lyman 142. 56. C-400 M.—C-416 Luther 143. 57. C-416 M.—C-435 Cyrus P. 144. 58. C-435 D.—C-452 Byrd 145. 59. C-452 C.—C-455 Guy R. 146. 60. C-455 H.—C-462 Cyrus 147. 61. C-462 D.—C-500 Byron 148. 62. C-500 C.—C-512 Sue 149. 63. C-512 T.—C-516 Eva 150. 64. C-516 F.—C-534 Byron 151. C-534 C.—C-546 Wade 152. C-550 Marie—C-562 Yrenio 153. C-563 (N.R.)—C-600 Ruth K. 154. C-600 S.—C-616 Dwight R. 155. C-616 E.B.—C-620 Luz De La 156. C-620 M.—C-624 Pugh R. 157. C-624 R.E.—C-632 Tula H. 158. C-632 N.—C-636 Ky 159. C-636 L.—C-640 Virginia 160. C-640 W.—C-652 Duncan B. 161. C-652 E.—D-000 Kingford 162. D-000 L.—D-120 Ezra 163. D-120 F.—D-120 Marvin S. 164. D-120 Mary—D-130 Young 165. D-132 (N.R.)—D-162 Williford 166. D-163 (N.R.)—D-220 Motie 167. D-220 Nancy—D-250 Lydia 168. D-250 M.A.—D-265 Winfield 169. D-300 (N.R.)—D-400 Byron W. 170. D-400 C.—D-435 Zela P. 171. D-436 Abindio—D-500 Guy 172. D-500 H.—D-520 Prudie 173. D-520 R.—D-540 Everett E. 174. D-540 F.A.—D-552 Guy 175. D-552 H.—D-620 Guy A. 176. D-620 H.F.—D-650 Quirino 177. D-650 R.B.—E-152 Kuy 178. E-152 L.B.—E-216 Isavrio 179. E-216 J.A.—E-250 Winnie L. 180. E-251 Adolph—E-363 Dudley 181. E-363 E.—E-420 Lynn 182. E-420 M.C.—E-450 Ivy L. 183. E-450 (Mrs.) J.D.—E-560 Willie 184. E-562 (N.R.)—F-200 Burtha 185. F-200 C.—F-236 Zone 186. F-240 A.—F-326 Zoe 187. F-330 Den K.—F-430 Kit C. 188. F-430 L.C.—F-452 Young J.A. 189. F-453 (Mrs.) A.—F-462 Dworcia 190. F-462 E.—F-520 Yon 191. F-521 Dack—F-600 Otto P. 192. F-600 P.A.—F-623 Ezra 193. F-623 F.B.—F-630 Otto C. 194. F-630 P.J.—F-652 Awoa 195. F-652 B.—F-653 Zalema M. 196. F-654 A.H.—G-000 Iver 197. G-000 J.B.-G-152 Lydia M. 198. G-152 M.—G-242 Wm. 199. G-245 A.S.—G-325 Zelman 200. G-326 Agalet—G-361 Teclo 201. G-362 A —G-416 Ezra J. 202. G-416 F.S.—G-424 Tom L. 203. G-425 (N.R.)—G-450 Novie 204. G-450 O.J.—G-514 Katherine 205. G-514 L.F.—G-524 Dydio 206. G-524 E.—G-524 Sylvestre 207. G-524 T.—G-600 Dewey W. 208. G-600 Dexter B.—G-612 Burtric 209. G-612 C.A.—G-615 Ruth 210. G-615 S.B.—G-620 Ezegniel 211. G-620 F.—G-620 Luio 212. G-620 Luis—G-620 Uviada 213. G-620 V.-G-630 Dutch 214. G-630 E.—G-635 Vivian 215. G-635 W.—G-650 Jake D. 216. G-650 James—G-652 Curtis 217. G-652 D.—G-656 Ivy 218. G-656 J.B.-H-120 Katie 219. H-120 L.-H-160 Cyril 220. H-160 D.—H-200 Ezso 221. H-200 (Mrs.) F.—H-200 Nolil 222. H-200 W.—H-235 Fredrick H. 223. H-235 G.A.—H-250 Owen 224. H-250 P.A.—H-260 Kedo F. 225. H-260 J.-H-314 Willie 226. H-316 Albert—H-325 Kizzie 227. H-325 L.A.—H-365 Willie D. 228. H-400 (N.R.)—H-400 Hellen W. 229. H-400 Hemp W.—H-400 Nute 230. H-400 O.—H-416 Myrtle 231. H-416 N.C.-H-435 Eugene 232. H-435 Fannie—H-453 Gus R. 233. H-453 H.A.—H-500 Quit 234. H-500 R.—H-520 Ivey 235. H-520 J.—H-524 Zol B. 236. H-525 (N.R.)—H-534 Winona B. 237. H-535 (N.R.)—H-536 Qunce H. 238. H-536 R.—H-550 Knox H-550 L.B.—H-600 Zulene H-610 (N.R.)—H-620 Cyrus E. H-620 D—H-620 Ryce C. H-620 S.—H-625 Zula H-626 (Mrs.)—H-630 Lytle O. H-630 M.A.—H-635 Ezekel H-635 F.A.—H-645 Ken H-645 L.D.—H-655 Andres H-655 Andrew—H-655 Zirdro H-656 (Sister) M. Romana—1-525 Willard R. 1-526 (N.R.)—J-165 Wallace D. J-200 (Rev.)—J-250 Clarece E. J-250 Clarence—J-250 Myrtle J-250 N.—J-500 Isbell J-500 J.C.—J-520 Elazener J-520 Elbert—J-520 Jinks J-520 Jim—J-520 Paulina J-520 Pauline—J-520 Azura J-521 Alfred B.—J-525 Cluren J-525 Clyde—J-525 Hope J-525 Horace—J-525 Lyod J-525 M.—J-525 Thirkild J-525 Thomas—J-560 Ruth J-560 S.A.—J-663 Virginia K-000 (Sister) M. Gertrade—K-235 William W. K-236 A.—K-356 Willie E. K-360 Agnes—K-415 Willie K-416 (N.R.)—K-460 Gustor K-460 H.C.—K-520 Arra K-520 Arthur—K-520 Vurman K-520 (Jr.) W—K-532 Frederick K-532 G.L.—K-615 John K-615 Abe—K-650 Eva K-650 (Mrs.) F.J.—L-000 Lydia L-000 M.—L-120 Duan L-120 E.—L-140 Ruth L-140 S.H.—L-200 Carlton C. L-200 Carmen—L-200 Kutach L-200 L.—L-220 Ivy L-220 J.—L-250 Frutozo L-250 G.—L-300 Isham L-300 J.A.—L-350 Myrtle M. L-350 (Mrs.) N.E.—L-500 Byron L-500 C.—L-515 Walter L-516 (N.R.)—L-520 Ozdla L-520 P.H.—L-526 Kinney M. L-526 L.A.—L-545 Walter L-550 (N.R.)—L-600 Susie L-600 T.A.—M-000 Ivory M-000 J.A.—M-200 Charity E. M-200 Charles—M-200 Leroy M-200 Les—M-212 Willie E. M-213 Clara—M-220 Zora M-222 (N.R.)—M-235 Joel M-235 John—M-240 Kobetz M-240 L.A.—M-243 Murdo M-243 Namie—M-246 Fritz J. M-246 G.—M-250 Kye M-250 L.—M-252 Quitman M-252 R.A.—M-254 Zula M-255 (N.R.)—M-261 Ira F. M-261 J.B.—M-265 Zeb M. M-266 (N.R.)—M-320 Johm M-320 John—M-324 Lynn M-324 M.—M-350 Katino M-350 L.R.—M-420 Joel H. M-420 Juo—M-445 Willie M-450 (N.R.)—M-460 Byron B. M-460 C.—M-460 Myrtle Lee M-460 N.—M-500 Sylvester M-500 T. Alvin—M-524 Lykes M-524 Mabel H.—M-532 Ozapito M-532 P.B.—M-560 Dwight M-560 E.—M-600 Ezra M-600 F.—M-600 Louisa V. M-600 Louise—M-600 Zudora M-610 Mary L.—M-620 Ezry M-620 F.—M-620 Sylvian D. M-620 T.—M-625 Bymun Y. M-625 C.—M-630 Gussie M-630 H.A.—M-635 Ernest M-635 Ernest—M-635 Lottie J. M-635 Lou—M-635 Zula M-636 Y Teran—M-650 Owen M-650 Pablo—N-160 Zera N. N-161 Antone—N-242 Lyon H. 46 TEXAS-VIRGINIA 239. N-242 M E.—N-350 Myrtle 240. N-350 M.A.—N-425 Duvilla 241. N-425 E.-N-532 Willie H. 242. N-534 A.A.—N-636 William A. 243. N-640 A.L.—0-216 Zeke 244. 0-220 A.B.—0-364 Thomas S. 245. 0-365 Almatta—0-500 Lyman S. 246. 0-500 M.—0-620 Yuduviji 247. 0-621 Alonzo L.—P-120 Everett C. 248. P-120 F.—P-200 Marion 249. P-200 Marion M.—P-252 Wilson L. 250. P-253 (N.R.)—P-326 Wright 251. P-330 A.G.—P-362 Andrea 252. P-362 Andrew—P-362 Wilhom 253. P-362 Will—P-400 Tomney V. 254. P-400 Tony—P-412 Zill 255. P-413 A.L.—P-450 VrayP. 256. P-450 W.C.—P-500 Herlinda 257. P-500 Herman—P-530 Kattie A. 258. P-530 L.—P-600 Joel F. 259. P-600 John—P-620 Dwight 260. P-620 E.—P-620 Lzmore 261. P-620 M.—P-623 Dovie 262. P-623 Clarence—P-625 Lyman W. 263. P-625 M.—P-626 Vosso W. 264. P-626 W —P-636 Ava 265. P-636 B.A.—P-655 Myra C. 266. P-655 (N.R.)—R-000 Jame M. 267. R-000 James—R-120 Myrzie 268. R-120 N.C.—R-152 Harrison 269. R-152 Harry—R-160 Virginia S. De 270. R-160 W.L.—R-163 Jake L. 271. R-163Jack—R-200 Antonina 272. R-200 Antonio—R-200 Izebel 273. R-200 J.—R-200 Turino 274. R-200 R.—R-230 Ity 275. R-230 J.B.—R-242 Justo 276. R-242 Lamberto—R-260 Klenelius 277. R-260 L.—R-263 Fuller 278. R-263 G.A.—R-300 Hyphonia 279. R-300 I. Frank—R-320 Kenneth 280. R-320 L.C.—R-344 Rose A. 281. R-345 Ada Pearl—R-362 Ermino 282. R-362 Ernest—R-400 Dusbey 283. R-400 E.—R-500 Burl T. 284. R-500 C.—R-520 Frutosa 285. R-520 G.C.—R-534 Dudley 286. R-534 E.—R-551 Albert H. 287. R-552 A.-R-660 William B. 288. S.000 (N.R.)—S-121 Nickolas 289. S-122 A.A.—S-150 Willie F. 290. S-151 A.—S-162 Butler J. 291. S-162 C.A.-S-164 June 292. S-164 Katherine—S-236 Willie W. 293. S-236 Joseph—S-300 Chaney 294. S-300 Chas—S-300 Walt M. 295. S-300 Walter—S-315 James W. 296. S-315 Jane—S-320 Susie E. 297. S-320 T.E.—S-340 Azzelle 298. S-340 B.C.—S-350 French 299. S-350 G.A.—S-353 Otis Dewitt 300. S-353 P.M.—S-362 Jame F. 301. S-362 Jana—S-363 Loyd M. 302. S-363 M.—S-365 Ruthie 303. S-365 S.—S-415 Axnentus M. 304. S-415 B.A.—S-420 Truman V. 305. S-420 Udita—S-433 Walter G. 306. S-435 (N.R.)—S-452 Mariano 307. S-452 Marie—S-500 Quanita 308. S-500 R.A.—S-520 Curtis E. 309. S-520 D.E.—S-522 Josa 310. S-522 Jose—S-530 Add 311. S-530 Addir—S-530 Duwel 312. S-530 E.—S-530 Hollidee 313. S-530 Hollie—S-530 Len R. 314. S-530 Lena—S-530 Robert L. 315. S-530 Roberta—S-530 Zuna 316. S-531 (N.R.)—S-536 Edna W. 317. S-536 Eduard—S-540 Guy M. 318. S-540 H.—S-552 Knox 319. S-552 L.B.—S-600 Ezra 320. S-600 F.—S-620 Kittie R. 321. S-620 L. (Mrs.)—S-636 Volney 322. S-636 W.A.-T-120 Fritz 323. T-120 G.W.—T-235 Zaddie 324. T-236 (N.R.)—T-300 Ozro 325. T-300 Palatia—T-400 Vol 326. T-400 W.A.—T-460 Charlene 327. T-460 Chas—T-460 Marvin E. 328. T-460 Mary—T-512 Byron M. 329. T-512 C.A.—T-512 Ruthie 330. T-512 (Mrs.) S.—T-520 Funny 331. T-520 Doc G.—T-520 Voliety 332. T-520 W. (Miss)—T-545 Oscar W. 333. T-545 P.C.—T-612 Zenora 334. T-613 A.A. (Mrs.)—T-620 Lyman 335. T-620 M.—T-640 Vivian 336. T-640 W.B.—T-665 Dorr R. 337. T-655 E.G.—T-656 Zib 338. T-660 Abraham—V-200 Lydia O. 339. V-200 M.—V-250 Zeph 340. V-251 Cris—V-431 Ursulo 341. V-432 (N.R.)—V-500 Luvenia 342. V-500 M.—V-600 Miguil 343. V-600 Natibeda—W-120 Wm. 344. W-123 (N.R.)—W-216 Willie E. 345. W-220 A.D.—W-246 William H. 346. W-250 (N.R.)—W-256 Fronie 347. W-256 G.R.—W-300 Francisco 348. W-300 Frank—W-300 Martain S. 349. W-300 Martha—W-314 Zenobia E. 350. W-315 (N.R.)—W-325 Clare 351. W-325 Clarence—W-326 Zoley 352. W-330 (N.R.)—W-353 Willie 353. W-355 (N.R.)—W-400 Burnett 354. W-400 C —W-416 Zak 355. W-420 (N.R.)—W-420 Kunio 356. W-420 L.A.—W-425 Afford 357. W-425 Agnes—W-425 John D. 358. W-425 John E.—W-426 Ay 359. W-426 B.B.—W-426 Quitman 360. W-426 R.A.—W-436 Kurt 361. W-436 L.—W-452 Charles 362. W-452 Charles—W-452 Henry 363. W-452 Herage—W-452 Lucie 364. W-452 Lucile—W-452 Theodore 365. W-452 Thomas—W-463 Winfold G. 366. W-465 A. Ivan—W-531 Willie M. 367. W-532 (N.R.)—W-623 Cyrus A. 368. W-623 D.—W-630 Guy 369. W-630 H.—W-650 Jerome 370. W-650 Jerry—Y-362 Ynacenta 371. Y-400 Albert—Y-520 Zula A. 372. Y-521 (N.R.)—Z-346 William 373. Z-360 Alma—Institutions UTAH M1590 1. A-123 (N.R.)—A-536 Ivan Alma 2. A-536 F.—B-316 William 3. B-320 Alfred—B-530 Zelpha C. 4. B-533 Amede—B-650 Durrell 5. B-650 E. Ben—C-323 Theodore 6. C-340 Abraham—C-552 William O. 7. C-563 Albert—C-660 William R. 8. D-000 A.J.—D-541 William N. 9. D-542 Alfred—E-625 William McLIoyd 10. E-634 A.H.—F-652 lllea A. 11. F-652 Lacy—G-616 William 12. G-620 A.F.—H-251 Simon S. 13. H-252 A. Alua—H-520 Zona 14. H-521 Fern—H-634 William 15. H-635 (N.R.)—J-525 Axvarb L. 16. J-525 B. Richard—K-400 William 17. K-416 Albert—L-200 Lynon 18. L-200 Mable—L-625 Lynn 19. L-625 Mads—M-261 William H. 20. M-262 Ada—M-563 William W. 21. M-660 (N.R.)—N-266 Svigio 22. N-300 K.—0-425 Jua 23. 0-425 J. Angres—P-362 Pratt N. 24. P-362 R. Joseph—P-635 William 25. P-636 Aaron M.—R-260 Zielah 26. R-262 (N.R.)—S-160 William E. 27. S-161 Andrew—S-363 Norwel 28. S-363 Olda—S-530 Lynn 29. S-530 M.J.—T-340 William 30. T-355 (N.R.)—T-665 William H. 31. U-122 (N.R.)—W-325 Zina A. 32. W-326 Adelbert—W-500 Hing 33. W-513 (N.R.)—Institutions VERMONT M1591 1. A-100 Alice—B-152 Wiston D. 2. B-160 Agnes—B-360 Willis L. 3. B-361 Abner B.—B-530 Withroph 4. B-532 Abbie K.—B-643 William 5. B-646 Adelor—C-240 Willie N. 6. C-245 Anna E.—C-500 William G. 7. C-510 Addie—C-636 Winifred 8. C-640 (N.R.) Sister St. Roche—D-253 Winnfred F. 9. D-260 Albert—D-643 Mildred E. 10. D-645 Aldis E.—F-425 Willie O. 11. F-430 A.J.—G-200 Zeb 12. G-236 Abe—G-620 Winn C. 13. G-622 Andrew—H-263 William E. 14. H-300 (N.R.)—H-543 William J. 15. H-545 Adelord—J-520 Zenas C. 16. J-523 Ada—K-620 William J. 17. K-624 Alexander—L-312 William H. 18. L-320 (N.R.)—M-140 William E. 19. M-200 Adelow—M-323 William C. 20. M-324 Abram M.—M-615 Willa D. 21. M-620 (N.R.)—N-420 William H. 22. N-425 A. Beatrice—P-360 Zylyka A. 23. P-362 Ada—P-625 Lynn 24. P-625 Mabel—R-210 Victor 25. R-216 Ada—R-635 William 26. S-000 Alice—S-351 William H. 27. S-352 Abbie C.—S-530 Myrtle E. 28. S-530 Nancy—T-420 William H. 29. T-432 Achra A —V-536 William 30. V-614 Agnes E.—W-420 Everlyn L. 31. W-420 F.A.—W-460 Zora 32. W-462 Harold—Institutions VIRGINIA M1592 1. A-126 Abe—A-264 Kenneth W. 2. A-263 Lawrence—A-416 Rynehedt 3. A-416 S. Morris—A-455 Winston S. 4. A-462 (N.R.)—A-536 Salvin 5. A-536 Sam—A-655 Montee E. 6. A-656 Nancy—B-210Joe 7. B-210 John—B-256 Zack 8. B-260 (N.R.) (Mr.)— B-300 Lynne F. 9. B-300 M E.—B-363 William T. 10. B-400 (N.R.)—B-400 William A. 11. B-400 Willis—B-430 Yneeda 12. B-432 Abraham J.—B-453 Yadrarish 13. B-456 A.J.—B-520 Ronnel 14. B-520 Rosa—B-560 Philip S. 15. B-553 R.F.—B-620 Gentral L. 16. B-620 Gary—B-623 Crockett 17. B-623 D.E.—B-630 Izocaha 18. B-630 J.A.—B-635 Ezeikel 19. B-635 F. Eloise—B-650 Docie C. 20. B-650 Dock—B-650 Naomin 21. B-650 (Mrs.) N.F.—B-652 Newton 22. B-652 Noal—B-656 Everett 23. B-656 F. John—C-155 Ewell C. 24. C-155 Fannie—C-200 Mark D. 25. C-200 Marry—C-265 Robert S. 26. C-265 Sam—C-400 Zachary B. 27. C-410 (Sister) Dolores—C-436 Luther T. 28. C-436 M.C.—C-455 Mastfield 29. C-455 Mat—C-462 Vivian 30. C-462 W.A.—C-516 Myrtle 31. C-516 Nannie K.—C-560 Mount 32. C-560 Nama E.—C-616 Fredrick 33. C-616 G.M.-C-623 Virgir L. 34. C-623 W. Asbury—C-636 Ervin 35. C-636 Esmore—C-640 Sylvester 36. C-640 T.A.—D-000 Wyndham C. 37. D-100 (N.R.)—D-120 Meryle E. 38. D-120 Micajah P.—D-200 Elva 39. D-200 Eli—D-252 William S. 40. D-252 W.—D-400 Dulsia May 41. D-400 E. Frank—D-500 Johnny 42. D-500 Jollie—D-540 Murry This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. VIRGINIA-WEST VIRGINIA 47 43. D-540 N.Y.—D-652 Kirdey 44. D-652 Samuel—E-230 Woody N. 45. E-231 A.S.—E-363 Kaner 46. E-363 Juanita—E-402 Isac H. 47. E-455 J.B.—F-236 Burrell 48. F-236 B.C.—F-400 Murry L. 49. F-410 Nanne M.—F-450 Issac W. 50. F-450 J.T.—F-540 Lute 51. F-540 Lambert—F-626 Susan 52. F-626 T.H.—F-652 Zack 53. F-653 Aciens—G-140 Wyndham 54. G-152 A.J.—G-350 Sylvia 55. G-350 Timmie—G-422 Julia J. 56. G-423 Leevy—G-520 Joe 57. G-520 John—G-612 Pryor 58. G-612 R.H.—G-626 Guy B. 59. G-626 H.C.—G-650 Ezra L. 60. G-650 (Fred) F.B.—G-654 Willie R. 61. G-655 Adalade—H-160 Fremount 62. H-160 G.T.—H-200 Vunicy 63. H-200 W.A.—H-252 Chambers 64. H-252 Chas—H-322 Burleigh 65. H-322 C.M.—H-353 Mose 66. H-353 Nencie C.—H-400 Jordan T. 67. H-400 Joseph—H-425 William M. 68. H-430 (N.R.)—H-455 Young 69. H-460 (Brother)—H-524 Dadley 70. H-524 Earl N.—H-536 Rather 71. H-536 (Mrs.) S.A.—H-610 Virginia 72. H-610 W.—H-620 Mosel 73. H-620 Moses—H-630 Chandler 74. H-630 Charles—H-640 Gus H. 75. H-640 H.P.—1-615 Fitz H. 76. 1-615 Flerence—J-250 Gilbert T. 77. J-250 Giles—J-520 Anderson W. 78. J-520 Andrew—J-520 James 79. J-520 James—J-520 Royland 80. J-520 Rube—J-525 Claiborne J. 81. J-525 Clara—J-525 Jyacaria 82. J-525 Kally—J-525 Willia A. 83. J-525 William—K-000 Zaidel V. 84. K-132 (N.R.)—K-400 Iva W. 85. K-400 J.A.—K-520 French M. 86. K-520 G.F.—K-610 Myrtle 87. K-610 Namie B.—L-000 Zelia 88. L-100 (N.R.)—L-200 Edward C. 89. L-200 Edward—L-220 Kemper E. 90. L-223 L.T.—L-300 Curtis 91. L-300 Dan—L-500 Timothy G. 92. L-500 Tom—L-524 Raccheuse 93. L-524 Rebecca—L-630 Oskel 94. L-625 P.D.—M-200 Ivy L. 95. M-200 J.A.—M-234 Willie 96. M-235 (N.R.)—M-245 Virginia 97. M-248 W.—M-254 Kyle 98. M-254 L.J.—M-320 Cecero C. 99. M-320 Clara—M-345 Zenovah 100. M-350 (N.R.)—M-450 Ruth 101. M-450 Saloman—M-460 Ziola 102. M-460 Wilma—M-536 Luther M. 103. M-536 Major—M-600 Junins 104. M-600 K. Mildred—M-620 Gordon R. 105. M-620 Grase—M-624 Pocohantas 106. M-624 R.C.—M-635 Jake L. 107. K-635 James—N-160 Prasyla A. 108. N-160 Rachel L.-N-400 Cecil T. 109. N-400 Charles—N-635 Isiah D. 110. N-635 J. Armstrong—0-416 Grover 111. 0-416 H.C.—P-120 Lula 112. P-120 M.H.—P-300 Susie E. 113. P-300 Tecumseh M.—P-362 Ruth E. 114. P-362 S.—P-412 Zilpha 115. P-413 Addie B —P-500 Kyle 116. P-500 L.L.—P-600 Lydia F. 117. P-600 Liza—P-620 Fula W. 118. P-620 U.D.—P-626 James W. 119. P-626 Jane—P-650 Suzan A. 120. P-650 L. David—R-120 Moses 121. R-120 Brown—R-160 William T. 122. R-164 N.R.—R-200 Clyde G. 123. R-200 Cod—R-235 Zechariah 124. R-236 Abioh—R-263 Cecil C. 125. R-263 Chas.—R-300 Vivian 126. R-300 W.A.—R-360 Lyda M. 127. R-360 Mabel—R-520 Jamia 128. R-520 Joe—S-000 Israel M. 129. S-000 J.B.-S-146 Wylie R. 130. S-152 (N.R.)—S-163 Willia A. 131. S-163 William—S-300 Guy M. 132. S-300 F. Donald—S-315 Ruth 133. S-315 Sadie—S-343 Joseph W. 134. S-343 Laura—S-360 Thomas B. 135. S-360 R.B.—S-364 Jacariah T. 136. S-365 N.R.—S-430 Zack T. 137. S-432 A.H.-S-500 Virginia F. 138. S-500 W.A.—S-530 Anitell 139. S-530 Ann—S-530 Izola 140. S-530 J.—S-530 Roberda 141. S-530 Robert—S-536 Gertrude C. 142. S-536 Gibs P.—S-560 Isaac T. 143. S-560 J.B.—S-630 Wyonia 144. S-632 (N.R.)—T-260 Guy R. 145. T-260 H.A.—T-435 Purcey 146. T-434 R.J.—T-460 Mary 147. T-460 Mary—T-512 Lelia F. 148. T-512 Lena—T-520 Martin W. 149. T-520 Mary—T-600 Vivian C. 150. T-600 W.E.-T-653 Jennie 151. T-653 Joe—U-132 Zaral 152. U-340 A. Cleveland—V-500 Katie 153. V-512 L. Louis—W-200 Byron B. 154. W-200 C.C.—W-252 Lunenia 155. W-252 M. Jane—W-300 Heanitta 156. W-300 Henry—W-300 Virtley M. 157. W-300 Vivian B.—W-325 Lucretia 158. W-325 Lou—W-356 Ivan W. 159. W-356 J.A.—W-420 Duane E. 160. W-420 E.—W-425 Frodia A. 161. W-425 G.C.-W-426 Iverson T. 162. W-426 J.C.—W-450 Every D. 163. W-450 Fanie—W-452 Jill B. 164. W-452 Jim—W-456 Yancy A. 165. W-460 A.C.—W-523 Woodly 166. W-524 Albert—W-623 Ruth L. 167. W-623 S.E.-Y-152 Zolia 168. Y-240 (N.R.)—Institutions WASHINGTON Ml593 1. A-000 Ah—A-352 Evert G. 2. A-352 F.R.—A-463 William J. 3. A-500 Adolph—A-536 John 4. A-536 John—A-654 Lyman 5. A-654 M.C.—B-234 William 6. B-235 (Mr.)—B-262 William R. 7. B-263 (N.R.)—B-400 Friend L. 8. B-400 B.A.—B-436 Zeta 9. B-442 Alender—B-525 Knute 10. B-525 L.—B-610 Wm. T. 11. B-612 Ada—B-623 Eyvind 12. B-623 F.—B-632 Isabel G. 13. B-632 J.D.—B-650 Fritz R. 14. B-650 G.A.—B-653 Guy A. 15. B-653 H.F.—C-156 Oscar 16. C-160 A.M.—C-250 Katheleen R. 17. C-250 Leona—C-420 Isaac E. 18. C-420 J.—C-462 Freemont 19. C-462 G.-C-520 You 20. C-522 A.G.—C-613 Xavier 21. C-614 Adolph—C-625 Wynne A. 22. C-626 Ada—C-642 Wilson 23. C-643 Addie M.—D-120 Izora 24. D-120 J.—D-242 Dorothy G. 25. D-242 E.A.—D-400 Lyle R. 26. D-400 M.—D-520 Yroe Yeen 27. D-522 A.—D-620 Myrtle E. 28. D-620 Marcey—E-236 Isabelle A. 29. E-236 J.H.—E-430 Verne 30. E-430 W.E.—E-635 Thomas 31. E-640 Albert—F-314 Wallace J. 32. F-320 (Mrs.)—F-460 Kirk 33. F-460 L.C.—F-624 William J. 34. F-625 Albein—F-655 Katie 35. F-655 Lane E.—G-314 William H. 36. G-316 A.L.—G-430 Lyman 37. G-430 Mabel—G-600 Zemie W. 38. G-610 A.—G-631 William 39. G-632 Arthur—G-653 Myrtle M. 40. G-653 N.—H-160 Xavier J. 41. H-161 Adolph—H-234 Wm. R. 42. H-235 (N.R.)—H-300 Freeman R. 43. H-300 G.A.—H-400 Duwight 44. H-400 E.—H-430 Knute 45. H-430 L.L.—H-516 Ivan 46. H-516 Jack—H-530 Ruth J. 47. H-530 S—H-562 Willis C. 48. H-562 (N.R.)—H-630 Kumitaro 49. H-630 R.C.—1-220 Zanjunechi 50. 1-225 A —J-245 William H. 51. J-250 (N.R.)—J-520 Pryce 52. J-520 R.E.—J-525 Frozar 53. J-525 Fred—J-525 Ushi 54. J-525 V. Augusta—K-225 Zenshiro 55. K-230 Adolph—K-420 Gustav 56. K-420 H.L.—K-520 Dudley M. 57. K-520 E.H.—K-553 Y. 58. K-560 (Sister) Margaret R.—K-660 Joe 59. L-000 Baby—L-l 13 Wilton I. 60. L-l65 (N.R.)—L-250 Ivor 61. L-250 Jacob—L-460 William A. 62. L-500 (N.R.)—L-524 Willie 63. L-525 A.D.—L-563 Julia A. 64. L-563 L.L.—M-142 Wilson 65. M-143 Agnes C.-M-220 Louis W. 66. M-220 M.-M-241 Wilma 67. M-242 (N.R.)—M-250 Puget 68. M-250 R. Chipman—M-260 Gray R. 69. M-260 H. Ernest—M-324 Isall 70. M-324 J.-M-425 Y. 71. M-426 A.A.—M-460 Roderick 72. M-460 Roger—M-551 Theodore 73. M-552 (Mrs.) A.A.—M-610 Myrtle L. 74. M-610 Nancy—M-625 Ivan 75. M-625 J.—M-650 Fredie 76. M-650 Gohlekth H.—N-250 Zenshiro 77. N-251 Addie—N-425 Notendal 78. N-425 O.A.—0-163 William J. 79. 0-164 Albert—0-435 Aniandus 80. 0-425 Anna—0-621 William 0. 81. 0-625 W.R.—P-310 William E. 82. P-320 Adam—P-362 Lydia T. 83. P-362 (Mrs.) M —P-430 Willis 84. P-432 A.—P-613 William R. 85. P-614 Alec.—P-626 Lydia J. 86. P-626 M.—R-100 Eva 87. R-100 F.E.—R-200 Check 88. R-200 Chester—R-240 Winfield S. 89. R-241 Agostino—R-300 Julia E. 90. R-300 Carl B.—R-420 Ninzel 91. R-423 Aenry J.—R-545 Stanley E. 92. R-550 Agenice—S-146 William F. 93. S-150 (N.R.)—S-216 William H. 94. S-220 Ada—S-314 Zova H. 95. S-315 (N.R.)—S-341 William 96. S-342 Agatha—S-362 Dorothy 97. S-362 E.B.—S-400 Mythle 98. S-400 N.T.—S-450 Louis 99. S-450 Margreet—S-523 Walter 100. S-524 Ada—S-530 Herald 101. S-530 Herbert—S-535 Isaace 102. S-535 J.E.—S-564 William H. 103. S-565 Ale—S-655 Lydia 104. S-655 M.—T-342 William 105. T-350 (N.R.)—T-512 Guy M. 106. T-512 H.B.—T-565 William 107. T-600 (Mr.)—T-654 Wincent K. 108. T-655 (N.R.)—V-500 William 109. V-511 Alexandra—W-160 110. W-162 Adolph—W-264 William G. 111. W-300 (Mrs.)—W-325 lzerelda 112. W-326 (N.R.)—W-420 Byrd 113. W-420 C.—W-425 Vivian 114. W-425 W.A.—W-452 Ivan 115. W-452 J.—W-526 Winsor 116. W-531 (N.R.)—W-634 Zita M. 117. W-635 (N.R.)—Y-520 Quincey 118. Y-520 R.—Institutions WEST VIRGINIA Ml594 1. A-000 Elijah—A-325 Norris 2. A-325 O.M.—A-450 Nivian R. 3. A-450 W.B.—A-651 Wm. D. 4. A-652 A.L.—B-210 Frederick W. 5. B-210 G.W.-B-260 Ruth V. 6. B-260 S.H.—B-400 Hyatt 7. B-400 I.D.—B-423 William A. 8. B-424 Albert—B-500 Issah C. 9. B-500 J.C.—B-600 Cynthy 10. B-600 D M —B-621 Orville 11. B-621 Paul—B-633 Freedonia 12. B-633 Garland—B-650 Jorden 13. B-650 Joseph—B-655 Burton 48 WEST VIRGINIA-WISCONSIN 14. B-655 C.—C-160 Buslon 15. C-160 C.C.-C-235 Willis L. 16. C-236 A.—C-400 Owen 17. C-400 P.H.-C-452 Gusta 18. C-452 H.—C-512 Ruth M 19. C-512 S. Harvey—C-552 Fulton 20. C-552 G.A.—C-615 Zepha 21. C-616 (N.R.)—C-632 Guy 22. C-622 H.C.—C-655 Zelma 23. C-656 Albert—D-125 Winfield 24. D-126 John—D-260 William H. 25. D-261 David—D-451 Rocco 26. D-452 Albert E.—D-540 Wist W. 27. D-541 (N.R.)—E-152 Azia 28. E-152 B.H.-E-363 Susan 29. E-363 T.C.—F-200 Ezra 30. F-200 F.P.—F-425 Isiah E. 31. F-425 J.A.—F-540 Zack 32. F-542 Alice—F-640 Gus 33. F-640 H.—G-125 Kenney 34. G-125 L.T.—G-416 Bruce D. 35. G-416 C.W.—G-534 William M. 36. G-536 Ada C.—G-620 Zora M. 37. G-621 Alozo R.—G-652 Woodrow 38. G-653 Agnes—H-166 William M. 39. H-200 (N.R.)—H-243 Guy R. 40. H-243 H. Clay—H-316 Philip S. 41. H-320 (N.R.)—H-400 Givendle 42. H-400 H.—H-435 Winter J. 43. H-436 A.C.—H-524 Freeman 44. H-524 G.B.—H-550 Zeland O. 45. H-552 A.R.—H-620 Quimby A. 46. H-620 R.-H-643 Wise 47. H-643 (N.R.)—J-232 Yie 48. J-240 Catherine B.—J-520 Marvin H. 49. J-520 Mary—J-525 Mattie G. 50. J-525 Maud—K-226 William R. 51. K-230 A.G.-K-416 William 52. K-420 Agness—K-523 lssac 53. K-523 J.A.—K-634 Woodful 54. K-636 Albert—L-165 William L. 55. L-200 (Mr.)—L-235 Zilla 56. L-236 Aaron P.—L-400 Dwight 57. L-400 E. Press—L-520 Zora V. 58. L-521 Ada H.—L-656 Willin 59. M-000 A. Brown—M-214 Woodford 60. M-215 (N.R.)—M-242 Gust 61. M-242 H.J.—M-252 Dusilla 62. M-252 E.C.—M-263 Ruth Colin 63. M-263 S. Collfax—M-350 Buse 64. M-350 C.A.—M-452 Owen E. 65. M-452 P.M.—M-500 Ezra 66. M-500 F. Marion—M-600 Burn H. 67. M-600 C.C.—M-620 Duran 68. M-620 E.—M-625 Wilton T. 69. M-625 Minnie—M-650 Eugene 70. M-650 Fay—N-342 Willis 71. N-351 A.C.—0-165 Hugh 72. 0-165 J.J.—P-112 Steve 73. P-120 Alander—P-326 Zelma 74. P-330 Albert—P-412 lzabel 75. P-412 J.—P-526 Wiliam E. 76. P-520 (N.R.) (Mrs.)—P-620 Virginia 77. P-620 W.A.—P-636 Guy C. 78. P-636 H.A.—R-140 Owen D. 79. R-140 Payten—R-200 Henery E. 80. R-200 Henry—R-260 Cyril 81. R-260 David—R-320 Jilian 82. R-320 Katherine—R-500 Guy P. 83. R-500 H.C.—S-000 Mytle 84. S-000 N.W.—S-160 Lydia 85. S-160 M.D.—S-250 Zerba D. 86. S-256 Grand Mithew—S-320 Guy E. 87. S-320 N.M.—S-350 Ruth 88. S-350 Sabina—S-363 Ezra S. 89. S-363 F.C.—S-432 Luther 90. S-432 M. Alacoque—S-520 Xye 91. S-520 L.E.-S-530 Iza 92. S-530 J.—S-532 Mose 93. S-532 N.C.—S-555 Zurah 94. S-560 A M —S-631 Rosa 95. S-632 Aaron—T-355 Willie E. 96. T-360 A.E.—T-512 Autie 97. T-512 B.-T-545 W.H. 98. T-550 Aaron—T-656 Dorothy 99. T-656 E.L.—V-523 Virginia S. 100. V-524 Adams—W-200 Virginia 101. W-200 W.C.—W-300 Ezra C. 102. W-300 F A.—W-325 Friend L. 103. W-325 J.J.-W-410 Lydia A. 104. W-410 Maggie—W-425 Joe N. 105. W-425 John—W-452 Cynthia 106. W-452 S.G.—W-525 William E. 107. W-526 (N.R.)—W-630 Zuma 108. W-636 Clarence—Y-520 Zune 109. Y-521 Adam W.—Institutions WISCONSIN Ml595 1. A-000 Abel—A-260 William 0. 2. A-262 (N.R.)—A-425 Wilson 3. A-426 Adolph M.—A-536 Albertus 4. A-536 Albin—A-536 Lyman J. 5. A-536 (Sister) M—A-652 Josie 6. A-652 K.A.—B-200 Cyrus 7. B-200 D. Archibald—B-225 Vincent 8. B-226 Anson—B-252 Ruth 9. B-252 Sabin—B-300 Edzilda 10. B-300 F. Carlton—B-351 William 11. B-352 (N.R.)—B-420 Dudlie 12. B-420 Earl—B-432 Kavery 13. B-434 Adam—B-460 Isabelle 14. B-460 Jacob—B-523 William H. 15. B-524 Albert—B-550 Gustive 16. B-550 Hans—B-611 Wm. A. 17. B-612 Adam—B-620 Lynn 18. B-620 (Mrs.) M.—B-624 Ruch Anna 19. B-624 Sam—B-630 Evrett 20. B-630 F.E.—B-634 Phillip V. 21. B-634 R.-B-650 Guy O. 22. B-650 H.—B-652 Lynda 23. B-652 M —B-655 Willis D. 24. B-656 A.G.—C-160 Yatse 25. C-162 (N.R.)—C-252 Ludwik 26. C-252 Maria—C-416 Wullan 27. C-420 Ada—C-460 Irvin 28. C-460 Jacob—C-516 Lydia Jane 29. C-516 Maggie—C-600 Lynn 30. C-600 Mabel—C-623 Iver 31. C-623 J.A.—C-640 Lyle 32. C-640 M. Bona—C-656 William Peter 33. C-660 Abert-D-142 William F 34. D-143 Adolph—D-236 Fred H. 35. D-236 George—D-300 Zosharins 36. D-314 Anna—D-400 Yvette 37. D-411 Adolph—D-500 Myrtle 38. D-500 Nancy—D-541 William J. 39. D-542 (Mrs.)—D-620 Fredrick 40. D-620 Ganett—D-652 Wence F. 41. D-653 Adele—E-235 Winne 42. E-236 Abe—E-410 Stef 43. E-412 Agnes—E-524 Just. 44. E-524 Kari—E-635 Irene 45. E-635 Jacob—F-236 Irving 46. F-236 J. Robbins—F-388 Wilh. 47. F-360 Adam—F-435 Iver 48. F-435 J.H.—F-525 Winifred 49. F-526 Adolph—F-623 Proster 50. F-623 Raleigh I.—F-646 Sarah 51. F-650 (Sister)—F-663 William 52. G-000 Achinad—G-230 Wm. C. 53. G-231 (N.R.)—G-324 Wilmena 54. G-325 (N.R.)—G-420 Ival 55. G-420 Jack—G-452 Knute 56. G-452 Ladislous—G-553 Zello 57. G-560 (Mrs.) Addie—G-616 Iver 58. G-616 Jacob—G-625 Wojciech 59. G-626 A.B.—G-643 William J. 60. G-645 (Mrs.)—G-654 lsabell 61. G-654 J.A.-H-136 William 62. H-140 Adam—H-163 Isabelle 63. H-163 J.L.—H-200 Vlrihka 64. H-200 Lu. A.—H-250 Dwight L. 65. H-250 CD.—H-300 Isabella B. 66. H-300 J.E.—H-400 Byron 67. H-400 C.L.—H-420 lssac E. 68. H-420 (Mrs.) J.—H-450 William R. 69. H-451 (N.R.)—H-500 Prudence F. 70. H-500 Rae—H-524 Willie F. 71. H-525 (Mrs.)-H-525 Virginia 72. H-525 W.C.—H-550 Ezra B. 73. H-550 (Rev.) F.C — H-616 Isabelle H. 74. H-616 Jacob—H-632 Durwand 75. H-632 Ebert J.—H-655 Avedis 76. H-655 B.A.—J-152 William 77. J-160 Albert—J-250 Dreton 78. J-250 E.G.—J-520 Ezra 79. J-520 F.—J-525 Anita 80. J-525 Anna—J-525 Ivor 81. J-525 (Mrs.) J.—J-525 Syvester 82. J-525 J.C.—K-100 Ewins 83. K-100 Felix A.—K-162 William 84. K-163 Adam—K-235 Yetta 85. K-236 Aaron—K-300 Winn 86. K-315 Adolff—K-400 Myrtle 87. K-400 Nathan—K-420 Witcles 88. K-421 Albert—K-452 Ewaldt 89. K-452 Fedil—K-500 Justin 90. K-500 Kalvin—K-520 Julius R. 91. K-520 (Mrs.) K.-K-532 Lyman O. 92. K-532 M. Clementine—K-612 Xaere 93. K-613 (N.R.)—K-623 Ernest J. 94. K-623 Felix—K-631 Yarrow S. 95. K-632 (N.R.)—K-653 Gustave 96. K-653 Haney W.—L-120 Botolf 97. L-120 (Mrs.) C.-L-160 Phillip 98. L-160 Raleigh—L-212 William H. 99. L-213 Alvenia—L-260 Evelyn 100. L-260 Ferdinand—L-345 William 101. L-300 (N.R.)—L-516 Frederick 102. L-516 George—L-522 William 103. L-523 Abraham L.—L-534 William F. 104. L-535 A.—L-620 Dorothy 105. L-620 Earl F.—L-652 Freeda 106. L-652 Geneva—M-200 Nulo (Mrs.) 107. M-200 Octave—M-235 Fredericks 108. M-235 G.R.—M-242 Winebert 109. M-243 (Mr.)—M-253 Ivanhoe W. 110. M-253 J.B.—M-263 Justin A. 111. M-263 Kate—M-324 Owen 112. M-324 Parker—M-415 Wyman 113. M-416 Adam—M-450 Strande 114. M-450 (Mrs.) T.A.—M-460 Jake 115. M-460 James—M-500 Purlch 116. M-500 R.C.—M-534 William Z. 117. M-535 Adele—M-600 Johanna 118. M-600 John—M-620 Dwight 119. M-620 E.J.—M-625 Byron A. 120. M-625 Calvin—M-635 Johanna 121. M-635 John—N-136 Mary 122. N-140 (N.R.)—N-241 William 123. N-242 Abaolla—N-424 Wellemina 124. N-425 (N.R.)—N-425 Z.N. 125. N-430 Abert—N-634 Wilmar 126. N-625 (N.R.)—0-236 Petra 127. 0-236 Ralph L.—0-425 Ali 128. 0-425 Alice—0-425 Syner 129. 0-425 T.C.—P-100 Eunice 130. P-100 L.G.—P-200 Vivian 131. P-200 (Doctor) W.A.—P-300 Julius 132. P-300 Kenneth—P-362 Axel W. 133. P-362 B.A.—P-362 Owen 134. P-362 (Mrs.) P —P-420 Byron J. 135. P-420 C. William—P-450 Winefred 136. P-451 Albert M.—P-542 William J. 137. P-550 Augrest—P-621 William H. 138. P-622 Adam—P-636 Fred 139. P-636 Garret J.—R-000 Zeline Almeda 140. R-100 Abraham—R-162 Norman 141. R-162 Odin—R-200 John W. 142. R-200 James—R-236 Mollie 143. R-236 Nellie—R-255 Guy 144. R-255 H.T.—R-300 Knutt 145. R-300 L. Wood—R-340 Isadore 146. R-340 J.W.—R-400 Yutleb 147. R-410 Adolph—R-520 Lydia 148. R-520 M.L.—R-556 William T. 149. R-560 (N.R.)—S-120 Izac W. 150. S-120 Jack—S-150 Winifred 151. S-151 Adolph—S-162 Syvert O. This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. WISCONSIN-PUERTO RICO 49 152. S-162 Tallef—S-220 Ruth 153. S-220 Sam—S-245 William B. 154. S-246 A.H.—S-310 Kenneth 155. S-310 Leora—S-320 Ivan 156. S-320 J.R.-S-340 Evert 157. S-340 F.C.—S-351 Myrtle 158. S-351 N.J.—S-361 Ewald 159. S-361 Fabean—S-364 Ivy 160. S-364 (Mrs.) J.A.-S-413 Tony 161. S-414 A.G.—S-415 Madyalane 162. S-426 (N.R.)—S-435 Rudolph 163. S-435 S.J.—S-500 John W. 164. S-500 Joseph—S-522 William H. 165. S-523 A.—S-530 Chas. W. M. 166. S-530 Charley—S-530 Lynn T. 167. S-530 M.A.—S-530 Olaf 168. S-534 (Sister)—S-542 Williams 169. S-543 Agusta—S-561 William J. 170. S-562 (N.R.)—S-620 Lysle 171. S-620 Madeolm M.—S-636 Vivian 172. S-636 Wallace—T-125 William 173. T-140 Adolph—T-266 William G. 174. T-300 (N.R.)—T-460 Guy M. 175. T-460 H.L.-T-520 Anne V. 176. T-520 Annie—T-611 Olaf 177. T-612 Abert—T-650 Evolin 178. T-650 Fannie M.—U-563 William (Sr.) 179. U-600 Albut J.-V-360 Williams 180. V-362 Oasille—V-526 William 181. V-530 (N.R.)—V-645 William 182. V-650 (N.R.)—W-200 Lyle 183. W-200 Mabel—W-242 Wladyston 184. W-243 Adolph—W-260 Winne 185. W-261 Axtin—W-322 William 186. W-323 Adeline—W-400 Dovi 187. W-400 E. Carl—W-420 Johanna 188. W-420 John—W-426 Iving 189. W-426 Jacob—W-452 Dreske 190. W-452 E.G.—W-520 Dorothy E. 191. W-520 Earl E.—W-536 Sylvester 192. W-536 Felia—W-632 William M. 193. W-624 Adolph H.—Y-520 Notval 194. Y-520 O'Charley—Z-256 William 195. Z-260 Abraham—Z-534 Williams 196. Z-535 Albert—Institutions WYOMING M1596 1. A-000 Albert—B-363 Winifred 2. B-400 (N.R.)—B-650 Sylvia 3. B-650 Thomas—C-565 William 4. C-600 (N.R.)—D-543 William M. 5. D-550 Augusta—F-636 Zetta 6. F-640 Ada—H-163 William E. 7. H-165 Agnes M.-H-620 Zella 8. H-624 Agnes—K-362 Yura 9. K-400 Aaron W.—L-524 William H. 10. L-530 Albion L.-M-415 William F. 11. M-420 A.—N-352 Williams H. 12. N-400 Albert G.—P-560 William 13. P-600 A. Elwood—R-500 Wilmor R. 14. R-516 Bert—S-410 Wm. M. 15. S-415 (N.R.)—T-360 William 16. T-400 Alton F.—W-323 Y.M. 17. W-325 Albert—Institutions ALASKA M1597 1. A-000 Gabrial—C-414 William I. 2. C-423 (N.R.)—G-660 William J. 3. H-000 Alvin T.—K-516 William H. 4. K-520 (N.R.)—N-221 Willie 5. N-232 (N.R.)—S-212 Willie 6. S-230 (N.R.)—Institutions HAWAII Ml598 1. A-000 (N.R.)—A-452 Valerio J. 2. A-453 (N.R.)—B-621 Katherine 3. B-622 Alexander—C-500 Yung Gunn 4. C-512 Agnes—D-243 Vistoriano 5. D-250 (N.R.)—F-260 Zenji 6. F-266 Antoni P.—G-635 William 7. G-646 Andris—H-525 Ya 8. H-530 Albert E.—1-556 Yoshosuhe 9. 1-560 (N.R.)—K-200 Zoyu 10. K-210 Abraham—K-454 Willie K. 11. K-460 Albert J.—K-540 Winnefred 12. K-545 (N.R.)—L-252 Ynocencio 13. L-260 Albert—M-240 William 14. M-242 Adrians—M-525 Zoilo 15. M-530 (N.R.)—N-210 Yetsuje 16. N-220 (N.R.)—0-220 Yukiyo 17. 0-222 Akichi—P-400 Yohn 18. P-410 Abraham—R-362 Yeidro 19. R-365 Alejandro—S-300 Ziroichi 20. S-314 Annie—S-614 Yso 21. S-620 (N. R.)—T-515 Torivia 22. T-520 (N.R.)—V-562 William 23. V-600 A.K.—Y-210 Yoshiichi 24. Y-220 Aeshiko—Institutions CANAL ZONE Ml599 1. A-130 (N.R.)—H-200 Woodford 2. H-255 (N.R.)—P-520 Zena 3. P-600 Aida—Institutions MILITARY-NAVAL Ml600 1. A-000 Andrew A.—B-362 Zeno 2. B-400 (N.R.)—B-650 Irvins L.P. 3. B-650 J.-C-515 Winfield S. 4. C-516 (N.R.)—D-362 William H. 5. D-400 Aaron—F-350 William J. 6. F-400 (N.R.)—G-560 William P. 7. G-600 Albert M.—H-400 Zeb V. 8. H-415 Albert H.—J-520 Ivor J. 9. J-520 J.D.—K-655 William T. 10. L-000 Ah—M-200 Hoodbury 11. M-212 Alexander—M-500 Yak 12. M-516 Charles R.—0-225 Wm. F. 13. 0-240 Alfred A —P-660 William L. 14. Q-000 Ah—S-100 William R. 15. S-l 10 Charlie—S-452 Winfield S. 16. S-455 Andrew—T-500 William E. 17. T-512 Abner—W-363 Willis 18. W-365 Alfred—Institutions PUERTO RICO M1601 1. A-000 (N.R.)—A-153 Sanchez Micaela 2. A-153 Miguel—A-213 Otirores 3. A-213 Pablo—A-215Toncasa 4. A-246 (N.R.)—A-400 Juan T. 5. A-400 Juana—A-416 Hutero 6. A-416 Iginia—A-420 Justo 7. A-420 Laura—A-453 Agunzany 8. A-453 Rodriguez—A-536 Lula 9. A-530 M. Angel—A-613 Vicente 10. A-614 (N.R.)—B-132 Victor Manuel 11. B-145 (N.R.)—B-343 Lydia 12. B-323 Rodriguez Eduardo—B-463 (N.R.) 13. B-465 Angela—B-541 Tomassa 14. B-514 Adonal—B-622 Ezequiel 15. B-622 (N.R.)—B-650 Rodriguez Justo 16. B-650 Leoncia—C-120 Wenceslao 17. C-122 Enrique—C-166 Justo 18. C-166 Lampon—C-236 Fundidor 19. C-236 Gabina—C-262 Isidro 20. C-262 Janiela—C-420 Jovita 21. C-420 Juan—C-450 Antonila 22. C-450 Antonio—C-450 Jorje 23. C-450 Jose—C-450 Ramero 24. C-450 Ramon—C-520 Justo 25. C-520 La 0.—C-535 Brigida 26. C-535 (N.R.)—C-565 Victoria 27. C-600 (N.R.)—C-614 Zoila 28. C-615 Adela—C-620 Ezequila 29. C-620 Fabian—C-620 Lydia 30. C-620 M.—C-620 Vicente 31. C-620 Victor—C-630 Williams 32. C-631 (N.R.)—C-635 Fundadora 33. C-635 Gabriel—C-650 Dorotea 34. C-650 Elvarista—D-140 Ismael 35. D-140 Jacinta—D-200 Ernand 36. D-200 Ernesto—D-200 Marina 37. D-200 Mario—D-222 Fundadora 38. D-222 Gabina—D-414 Lopez 39. D-414 Magdalena—D-426 Isidra 40. D-426 Juanita—D-660 Walter 41. E-123 Antonio—E-236 Ruperta 42. F-236 Saba—F-260 Antonio 43. F-260 Antonio—F-260 Margaro 44. F-260 Maria—F-425 Buenaventura 45. F-425 Maria—F-462 Fulgencio 46. F-462 Gabina—F-535 Ezequiel 47. F-535 Faustino—F-655 Ezequiel 48. F-655 (N.R.)—G-255 Bruno 49. G-255 Coxlito—G-362 Ismael 50. G-362 Jasinta—G-520 Jovina 51. G-520 Juan—G-524 Casimiro 52. G-524 Catalina—G-524 Gregorio A. 53. G-524 Guadalupe—G-524 Lydia 54. G-524 M.—G-524 Ramanda 55. G-524 Ramon—G-600 Ezequila 56. G-600 Feliciano—G-620 Flor Maria 57. G-620 Flora—G-620 Miguel 58. G-620 Miguel—G-650 Frutos 59. G-650 Acerido—H-655 Casarias 60. H-655 Cecilia—H-655 Lucrecia 61. H-655 Luis—1-242 Julio 62. 1-242 Leo—J-220 Semidie Braulio 63. J-220 Galletano—J-612 Juana 64. J-620 Adela—L-120 Custodia 65. L-120 (N.R.)—L-120 Juan I. 66. L-120 Juana—L-120 Salavarria Maria 67. L-120 Rosalia—L-200 Carmelo 68. L-200 Carmen—L-240 (N.R.) 69. L-242 Adolfo—L-500 Ovidio 70. L-500 Pablo—M-200 Cuslian 71. M-200 Daniel—M-300 Brijida 72. M-300 C. Luis—M-350 Fongerrat Carmen Polar 73. M-350 (N.R.)—M-410 Evangelista 74. M-410 Ortiz Facio—M-435 Judith 75. M-435 (N.R.)—M-450 Ruperto 76. M-450 (NR)—M-453 Ulsera 77. M-453 V. Fulion—M-524 Bruna 78. M-524 Camila—M-532 Justo 79. M-532 Laura—M-535 Issac 80. M-535 J.M.—M-622 Morse 81. M-622 Narcisa—M-623 Juntin 82. M-623 R. Maria—M-655 Carlota 83. M-635 Carmen—M-655 Jose Vidal 84. M-635 Josefa—M-635 Quiterio 85. M-635 Rodanies—M-642 Sixta 86. M-642 Ruiz Clara—M-642 Luz Maria 87. M-642 M. Cristina—M-650 Rada de Joballero 88. M-650 Cristina—M-660 Jorge 89. M-660 Jose—N-120 Juan I. 90. N-120 Juana—N-260 Jovita 91. N-260 Juan—N-340 Luz Maria 92. N-340 Magdalena—0-220 Quintin 93. 0-220 Racilio—0-315 Consuelo 94. 0-400 Aqueda—0-631 Anastasio 95. 0-632 (N.R.)—0-632 Esteban 96. 0-632 Estebania—0-632 Juan Vicente 97. 0-632 Juana—0-632 Quintin 98. 0-632 R. Juan—P-163 Reparada 99. P-200 (N.R.)—P-250 Heibran 100. P-250 Igino—P-340 Extermina 101. P-340 Fabiana—P-430 Zoila 102. P-436 Sharon Adolfo—P-560 Isidro 103. P-560 J. Maria—P-620 Emeterio 104. P-620 Emilia—P-620 Juan W. 105. P-620 Juana—P-620 Ramira 106. P-620 Ramon—P-650 Tomas 107. P-652 Alfred—Q-552 Fundador 108. Q-552 Gabina—R-120 (N.R.) 109. R-120 Mercodo Pablo—R-160 Figueroa Angel Rafael 110. R-160 Angela—R-160 Conceion 111. R-160 Concepcion—R-160 Feliso 112. R-160 Felix—R-160 Jorita 113. R-160 Jose—R-160 Judith 114. R-160 Julia—R-160 Maria 115. R-160 Maria A.—R-160 Ramiro 116. R-160 Ramon—R-160 Victor V. 117. R-160 Victoria—R-200 Casilda 118. R-200 Casimiro—R-200 Guillermina 119. R-200 Guillermo—R-200 Lydia 120. R-200 N.—R-200 Picarco 121. R-200 Ricardo—R-220 Bruno 122. R-230 Caciano—R-232 Victoriana 123. R-240 (N.R.)—R-260 Otila 124. R-260 Pablo—R-362 Caro 125. R-362 Arcadia—R-362 Dales 126. R-362 Dolores—R-362 Francisco J. 127. R-362 Francisco—R-362 Jose 128. R-362 Jose—R-362 Librado 129. R-362 Lidia—R-362 (N.R.) 130. R-362 Modesta—R-362 Reinaldo 131. R-362 Reinaldo—R-435 Zenita 132. R-436 Adam—R-520 Ezequiela 133. R-520 Fabiana—R-520 Micagros 134. R-520 Miguel—R-550 Carlos 135. R-550 Carlos—R-560 Antolima 50 PUERTO RICO-INSTITUTIONS 136. R-560 Antonia—R-562 (N.R.) 137. R-562 Miguel—S-200 Quinton 138. S-200 Rafael—S-300 (N.R.) 139. S-300 Juan—S-410 Donatos 140. S-410 Edelmira—S-465 Torres Liborcio 141. S-500 (N.R.)—S-522 Gutrudes 142. S-522 Ortiz Habaita—S-524 William 143. S-525 Abelardo—S-532 Custodio 144. S-532 Dalia—S-532 Joryita 145. S-532 Jose M.—S-532 Maria 146. S-532 Maria—S-532 Ursula 147. S-532 Vasilio—S-560 Yrma G. 148. S-562 Alberto—S-650 Buenaventura 149. S-650 Calistia—T-410 Victorio 150. T-416 Adolf—T-620 Antolino 151. T-620 Antonia—T-620 Felesita 152. T-620 Felix—T-620 Judith 153. T-620 Julia—T-620 Ramiro 154. T-620 Ramon—T-630 Susano 155. T-630 Todes—V-200 Gregoria 156. V-200 Gregorio—V-220 Bienvenido 157. V-220 C. Maria—V-220 Juan Sinforioso 158. V-220 Juan—V-220 Zoraida 159. V-223 Ana Livina—V-420 Avelino 160. V-420 B. Ventura—V-420 M. Zulina 161. V-420 Mariana—V-422 Justo 162. V-422 Lalo—V-453 Cruz M. 163. V-453 Damasia—V-600 Quientina 164. V-600 Rafael—V-640 Virginia 165. V-642 Andres—Institutions GUAM M1602 1. A-142 Alfonso C.—Z-160 Vicente E. AMERICAN SAMOA Ml603 1. A-000 (N.R.)—P-100 (N.R.) 2. P-140 (N.R.)—Institutions VIRGIN ISLANDS Ml604 1. A-134 Abraham—G-663 Wilmutt 2. H-000 Alfred—P-412 William 3. P-420 Adelacide—Institutions INSTITUTIONS Ml605 1. Various Institutions 1920 CENSUS SCHEDULES T625 2,076 rolls The 1920 census schedules are arranged by state or territory and thereunder by county. The counties are not necessarily listed in alphabetical order. Be sure to review the listings for the entire state or territory before placing your order. This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. 51 52 ALABAMA-ARKANSAS ALABAMA 1. Autauga Co. (EDs 1-13), Bibb Co. (EDs 1-17), and Chambers Co. (EDs 14-22 and 184). 2. Chambers Co. (EDs 23-36), Baldwin Co. (EDs 1-16), and Barbour Co. (EDs 1-4). 3. Barbour Co. (EDs 5-26 and 203), Blount Co. (EDs 1-4, 170, 5-8, 166, 9, 162, 10, 172, and 11-19). 4. Bullock Co. (EDs 27-45) and Butler Co. (EDs 17-32). 5. Butler Co. (EDs 33-34) and Calhoun Co. (EDs 1-30, 156-158, and 31-37). 6. Cherokee Co. (EDs 20-29, 167, 30, 164, 31-34, 165, 35-38, 163, and 39), Chilton Co. (EDs 38-40, 43, 41, 42, and 44-55), and Choctaw Co. (EDs 1-7). 7. Choctaw Co. (EDs 8-16), Claburne Co. (EDs 56-67), and Clarke Co. (EDs 17-24, 170, 25-34, 36-38, and 40-44). 8. Clay Co. (EDs 37-55) and Coffee Co. (EDs 46-75). 9. Colbert Co. (EDs 1-13, 17-18, 181, 19-21, and 14-16) and Conecuh Co. (EDs 35-47 and 190). 10. Coosa Co. (EDs 56-69) and Covington Co. (EDs 48-68). 11. Crenshaw Co. (EDs 69-83) and Cullman Co. (EDs 43-47, 40-42, 48, 171, and 49-65). 12. Dale Co. (EDs 76-97) and DeKalb Co. (EDs 66-86). 13. Dekalb Co. (EDs 87-89), Escambia Co. (EDs 84-93 and 191), and Dallas Co. (EDs 68-86). 14. Dallas Co. (EDs 87-108) and Elmore Co. (EDs 70-81, 185, and 82-92). 15. Etowah Co. (EDs 90-97, 160, and 98-118) and Geneva Co. (EDs 90-97, 160, and 98-118). 16. Geneva Co. (EDs 101-117), Fayette Co. (EDs 1, 137, and 2-21), and Franklin Co. (EDs 22-25, 141, 26, and 139). 17. Franklin Co. (EDs 27-28, 140, and 29-37) and Houston Co. (EDs 136-141, 134, 135, and 142-159). 18. Greene Co. (EDs 18-34), Henry Co. (EDs 118-133), and Jackson Co. (EDs 22-24, 183, and 25-28). 19. Jackson Co. (EDs 29-51) and Hale Co. (EDs 35-56). 20. Jefferson Co. (EDs 1-4, 143, 5-10, 200, 11, 117, 12, 13, 114-116, 156, 118-123, 184, 124, 125, and 127). 21. Jefferson Co. (EDs 126, 128-139, 158, 160-164, 140-142, 144, 155, 178-179, 157, and 159). 22. Jefferson Co. (EDs 162, 163, 165-170, 176, 171, and 173-175) and Jefferson Co., Birmingham City (EDs 14-20, 187, 21, 180, and 22-28). 23. Jefferson Co., Birmingham City (EDs 29-30, 185, 31-186, 42, 48, 181, 50, and 51). 24. Jefferson Co., Birmingham City (EDs 49, 52, 199, 53, 182-183, 188, 189, 54, 177, 194, 55, 56, 197, 57, 58, 190, 59, 61-67, 193, 68-71, and 74-86). 25. Jefferson Co., Birmingham City (EDs 87-90, 191, 91-106, 195, 196, 107, 192, 108-110, 198, and 111-113). 26. Umar Co. (EDs 38-55) and Lee Co. (EDs 161-165, 160, 166, and 182). 27. Uuderdale Co. (EDs 52-62, 68-76, 63, 64, 182, and 65-67) and Limestone Co. (EDs 97-100 and 102). 28. Limestone Co. (EDs 101, 103-114, 13, and 114-116) and Marshall Co. (EDs 119, 120, 168, 121-128, 169, 129, 159, 130-132, 13, and 132-139). 29. Uwrence Co. (EDs 77-96, 9, and 96) and Lowndes Co. (EDs 93-120). 30. Macon Co. (EDs 121-138) and Madison Co. (EDs 117-135). 31. Madison Co. (EDs 136-150) and Marengo Co. (EDs 45-49 and 51-64). 32. Marengo Co. (EDs 65-71) and Morgan Co. (EDs 151-180). 33. Marion Co. (EDs 56-62, 142, and 63-72) and Monroe Co. (EDs 135-155). 34. Mobile Co. (EDs 72-76, 172, 77-97, 117-124). 35. Mobile Co. (EDs 98-105, 125-134, and 106-116). 36. Montgomery Co. (EDs 94-97, 189, 98, 186, 99-101, 109-111, 185, 188, 102-105, 187, 106-108, and 112-120). 37. Montgomery Co. (EDs 121-138) and Perry Co. (EDs 57-76). 38. Pickens Co. (EDs 73-95) and Pike Co. (EDs 139-156). 39. Pike Co. (EDs 157-159), St. Clair Co. (EDs 140-142, 161, 143-158), and Randolph Co. (EDs 139-159). 40. Russell Co. (EDs 183-202) and Shelby Co. (EDs 109-122, 159, 124-125, 123, 126-127). 41. Sumter Co. (EDs 77, 138, 78-97, 139, and 98-100) and Talladega Co. (EDs 128-145 and 155). 42. Talladega Co. (EDs 146-154), Washington Co. (EDs 156-161, 171, 162, and 166-169), and Wilcox Co. (EDs 160-174 and 179). 43. Wilcox Co. (EDs 175-178 and 180-184), Winston Co. (EDs 126-136), and Tallapoosa Co. (EDs 160-179). 44. Tallapoosa Co. (EDs 180-183) and Walker Co. (EDs 96-98, 138 and 99-125). 45. Tuscaloosa Co. (EDs 101-115, 140, 116, and 118-137). ARIZONA 46. Apache Co. (EDs 1-9), Coconino Co. (EDs 10-15, 139, 16-18, and 21), and Cochise Co. (EDs 1-13, 135, 14. 16-19, and 127) 47. Cochise Co. (EDs 20-33, 130, 34. 131, 35-37), Mohave Co. (EDs 74-84). and Gila Co. (EDs 38, 137, 39-53, 136, 54-56, and 65). 48. Graham Co. (EDs 58, 15, 59-63, 129, 64, and 57). Greenlee Co. (EDs 66, 67, 69-73, 75, and 76), and Maricopa Co. (EDs 22-33, 115, and 34). 49. Maricopa Co. (EDs 19. 35-39, 138, 40, 41, 43-46, 55-69, and 136). 50. Maricopa Co. (47-54, 70, 72, 73, 134, 135, and 137), Navajo Co. (EDs 86-94, 20, 95, and 98), and Pima Co. 77-80, 90, 133, and 91-106). 51. Pima Co. (EDs 81-83, 132, 84-88, 68, 107, and 89), Pinal Co. (EDs 108, 128. 109-116, 74, and 117), Santa Cruz Co. (EDs 118, 126, 119-123, 134, 124, and 125), and Yuma Co. (EDs 120-128, 71. and 129-133). 52. Yavapai Co. (EDs 99, 116, 100-114, and 117-119). ARKANSAS 53. Arkansas Co. (EDs 1-13, 195, and 14-16), Ashley Co. (EDs 1-17), Baxter Co (EDs 1-9). 54. Benton Co. (EDs 10-30, 159, and 31-36) and Boone Co. (EDs 37-51). 55. Bradley Co. (EDs 18-28), Calhoun Co. (EDs 29-33, 177, 34, and 35). Carroll Co. (EDs 52-67), and Chicot Co. (EDs 36-41). 56. Chicot Co. (EDs 42-53, Cleburne Co. (EDs 1-12), and Clark Co. (EDs 54-71). 57. Clay Co. (EDs 1-25), Cleveland Co. (EDs 17-23, 192, and 24-26), and Conway Co. (EDs 1-10). 58. Conway Co. (EDs 11-19) and Craighead Co. (EDs 26-50). 59. Columbia Co. (EDs 72-89) and Crawford Co. (EDs 1-16, 177, and 17). 60. Crittenden Co. (EDs 51-65, 68, 66, and 67) and Cross Co. (EDs 69-86). 61. Dallas Co. (EDs 27-35), Desha Co. (EDs 191, and 36-47), and Drew Co. (EDs 48-63). 62. Faulkner Co. (EDs 20-39), Franklin Co. (EDs 40-58), and Fulton Co (EDs 13-16). 63. Fulton Co. (EDs 17-23), Hot Spring Co. (EDs 99-112), and Garland Co. (EDs 64, 65, 193, and 66-90). 64. Grant Co. (EDs 91-98), Hempstead Co. (EDs 90-111), and Howard Co. (EDs 18-24). 65. Howard Co. (EDs 25-30), Izard Co. (EDs 43-56), and Greene Co. (EDs 87-112). 66. Independence Co. (EDs 24-42) and Jackson Co. (EDs 57-61, 181, 62-68, 179, and 69-71). 67. Jefferson Co. (EDs 113-127, 130, 194, and 131-142). 68. Jefferson Co. (EDs 128, 129, and 143-145), Johnson Co. (EDs 59-74), Uyfayette Co. (EDs 112-122), and Uwrence Co. (EDs 72-79). 69. Uwrence Co. (EDs 80, 81, 180, and 82-86), Little River Co. (EDs 31-39), and Ue Co. (EDs 113-121, and 123-138). 70. Lincoln Co. (EDs 146-158), and Lonoke Co. (EDs 159-179). 71. Logan Co. (EDs 40-63), Madison Co. (EDs 68-81, 160, and 82), and Marion Co. (EDs 83-94). 72. Miller Co. (EDs 64-71, 178, and 72-76) and Mississippi Co. (EDs 139-142, and 144-150). 73. Mississippi Co. (EDs 143, and 151-167), Monroe Co. (EDs 87-89, 182, and 90-102), and Montgomery Co. (EDs 77-81). 74. Montgomery Co. (EDs 82-87), Nevada Co. (EDs 123-138), Newton Co. (EDs 95-107), and Polk Co. (EDs 99-113). 75. Ouachita Co. (EDs 139-154), Pike Co. (EDs 88-91, 97, 92-96, and 98), and Poinsett Co. (EDs 196-210). 76. Perry Co. (EDs 75-83) and Phillips Co. (EDs 168, 122, and 169-195). 77. Pope Co. (EDs 84-105), Prairie Co. (EDs 103-112), and Randolph Co. (EDs 113-119). 78. Randolph Co. (EDs 120-130), Saline Co. 180-190), and Pulaski Co. (EDs 106-119, and 129-132). 79. Pulaski Co (EDs 120-125, 128, 133-134, 136-138, 151-158, 139. 142-143, and 147-150). 80. Pulaski Co. (EDs 159-160, and 162-175) and St. Francis Co. (EDs 211-229). This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. ARKANSAS-COLORADO 53 81. Scott Co. (EDs 114-124, 179, and 125), Searcy Co. CEDs 108-119), and Sebastian Co. (EDs 126-143, and 165-166). 82. Sebastian Co. (EDs 144-149, 153, 154, 159, 160, and 164), Sevier Co. (EDs 167- 176), and Stone Co. (EDs 144-147, 178, and 148-151). 83. Sharp Co. (EDs 131-143), Van Buren Co. (EDs 120-131), and Union Co. (EDs 155-171 and 176). 84. Union Co. (EDs 172-175), Washington Co. (EDs 132-144, 151-154, 145-150, and 155-158), and White Co. (EDs 152-156). 85. White Co. (EDs 157-177) and Woodruff Co. (EDs 230-250). 86. Yell Co. (EDs 176-180, 203, and 181-202). CALIFORNIA 87. Alameda Co. (EDs 1-21) and Alameda Co., Oakland City (EDs 22, 219, 227, and 23-35). 88. Alameda Co., Oakland City (EDs 36-57, 223, and 58-66). 89. Alameda Co., Oakland City (EDs 67-97, and 99). 90. Alameda Co., Oakland City (EDs 98, 100-103, 222, 104, 105, 221, 231, 106-113, 226, 114-126, 218, and 127). 91. Alameda Co., Oakland City (EDs 128-131, 224, 132-139, 225, 140, 220, 141-150, 228, and 151-156). 92. Alameda Co. (EDs 157-158, 229, 159, 230, 160-162, 200-217, and 163-180). 93. Alameda Co. (EDs 181-199), Alpine Co. (ED 1), Amador Co. (EDs 2-10), El Dorado Co. (EDs 18-26), and Glenn Co. (EDs 37-61, 38, and 39-45). 94. Butte Co. (EDs 5, 6, 193, 22, 7-12, 15, 20, 21, 16, 192, 18, 17, 19, 1, 2, 13, 14, 3, 4, 23), Calaveras Co. (EDs 11-17), Colusa Co. (EDs 24-32), Del Norte Co. (EDs 33-36), and Inyo Co. (EDs 33-38 and 40-45). 95. Contra Costa Co. (EDs 1-42). 96. Fresno Co. (EDs 1, 237, 2, 246, 3-11, 255, and 12-29). 97. Fresno Co. (EDs 30-61, 254, and 62-63). 98. Fresno Co. (EDs 64-68, 258, 69-76, and 256) and Humboldt Co. (EDs 46-48, 72-74, 49-55, 186-187, 56-60, 62-64, 70, and 108). 99. Humboldt Co. (EDs 65-69, 71, 150, and 75) and Imperial Co. (EDs 1-4, 9, 10, 26-30, 5, 6, 353, 7, 8, 11-20, 22-25, 31, and 32). 100. Kern Co. (EDs 77-80, 90, 91, 89, 87, 88, 85, 86, 95, 93, 94, 92, 83, 81, 82, 101, 96, 243, 97-99, 102-107, 84, 100, 108-117, and 244). 101. Kings Co. (EDs 118-120, 245, 121, 125, 247, and 126-136), Mariposa Co. (EDs 37-42), Lake Co. (EDs 76-80, 180, and 81), and Lassen Co. (EDs 27-28, 168- 169, 29, and 36). 102. Los Angeles Co. (EDs 1-11, 13, 14, 33-37, and 16-32). 103. Los Angeles Co. (EDs 38-57, 54, 57, 58, 38-57, 54, 57-71, 487, and 492). 104. Los Angeles Co. (EDs 72-102). 105. Los Angeles Co. and City (EDs 481, 103-134, and 136-144). 106. Los Angeles Co. and City (EDs 145-152, 135, and 159-171). 107. Los Angeles Co. and City (EDs 172-187 and 189-204). 108. Los Angeles Co. and City (EDs 205-232). 109. Los Angeles Co. and City (EDs 233-246). 110. Los Angeles Co. and City (EDs 247-284). 111. Los Angeles Co. and City (EDs 285-313). 112. Los Angeles Co. and City (EDs 314, 369, 315, 641, and 316-351). 113. Los Angeles Co. and City (EDs 352-390). 114. Los Angeles Co. and City (EDs 391-422). 115. Los Angeles Co. and City (EDs 423-460). 116. Los Angeles Co. and City (EDs 461-480, 482-486, 493-495, and 598-607). 117. Los Angeles Co. and City (EDs 496-502, 640, and 503-535). 118. Los Angeles Co. (EDs 536-538, 540-546, 571, 573-597, and 608-610). 119. Los Angeles Co. (EDs 547-567, 569-570, 568, and 611-617). 120. Los Angeles Co. (EDs 618, 630, 638, and 631-637) and Marin Co. (EDs 82-106). 121. Mendocino Co. (EDs 107, 109-123, 125, 124, and 126-127), Merced Co. (EDs 146-156, 251, 252, and 157-162), and Mono Co. (EDs 46, 60, and 47-49). 122. Modoc Co. (EDs 43-53), Napa Co. (EDs 43-68), and Monterey Co. (EDs 1, 2, 11, 3, 4, 10, 5, 6, 27, 7-9, 280, 281, 13, 12, 14, 28, 15, 17-20, 16, 21-24, 283, 25, and 26). 123. Nevada Co. (EDs 54-67 and 171) and Orange Co. (EDs 50-67, 65, 59, 58, 61-64, 66-70, 355, 71-74, 361, and 75-76). 124. Orange Co. (EDs 77-96), Placer Co. (EDs 68-74, 170, and 75-87), and Plumas Co. (EDs 83-95). 125. Riverside Co. (EDs 97-112, 131-133, 138, 113-130, 134-137, and 139). 126. Shasta Co. (EDs 96-100, 101-104, and 106-113) and Sacramento Co. (EDs 126-135, 69-77, 82-85, and 136-138). 127. Sacramento Co. (EDs 126-135, 69-77, 80, 81, 78, 79, 82-85, and 136-138) and Shasta Co. (EDs 96-100, 105, 101-104, and 106-113). 128. San Benito Co. (EDs 29-38), Yolo Co. (EDs 219-234), and San Bernadino Co. (EDs 140-154, 156, and 158). 129. San Bernadino Co. (EDs 159-209). 130. San Diego Co. (EDs 210-221, 357, 222-231, and 359) and San Diego Co. and City (EDs 235-236, 21, 354, 360, and 237-257). 131. San Diego Co. and City (EDs 258-322). 132. San Diego Co. and City (EDs 323-352, 358, and 362), and San Francisco Co. and City (EDs 1, 397, and 2-20). 133. San Francisco Co. and City (EDs 21-48, 356, 49-50, 384, and 51-58). 134. San Francisco Co. and City (EDs 59-71, 375, 72-85, 393, 86-89, 357, and 90-96). 135. San Francisco Co. and City (EDs 97-117, 119, 120-121, 381, 122, 129,358, 130-131, 359, 132, and 134). 136. San Francisco Co. and City (EDs 135, 139, 387, 391, 140, 390, 141, 142, 144, 369, 367, 370, 145, 146, 158, 392, and 159). 137. San Francisco Co. and City (EDs 160-162, 167, 374, 168, and 173-190). 138. San Francisco Co. and City (EDs 191-198, 379, 199-203, 382, 383, 386, 204-206, 380, 207-211, 385, 212-214, 361, 215-220, 360, and 221-223). 139. San Francisco Co. and City (EDs 224, 225, 396, 226, 240, 241, 243, 364, 244, 365, 245, 366, 246, 250, 372, 251, 376, and 252). 140. San Francisco Co. and City (EDs 373, 253, 371, 254, 256, 362, 257, 260, 368, 261, 263, 264, 266, 267, and 282). 141. San Francisco Co. and City (EDs 283-301, 398-399, 302, and 318). 142. San Francisco Co. and City (EDs 319-334 and 340-355). 143. San Joaquin Co. (EDs 139-149, 186-189, 150-153, 181-185, and 154-158). 144. San Joaquin Co. (EDs 159-180, 190, 39-40, 289, 41-48, 51, 52, 49, 50, 53, and 55). 145. San Mateo Co. (EDs 56-58. 61, 59, 60, 62-68, 78, 69, 284, 70-73, 75, 286, 76, 77, 79, 80, 83, 81, and 82), and Santa Barbara Co. (EDs 84-86, 100-108, 288, 114, and 115). 146. Santa Barbara Co. (EDs 287, 87, 90, 88, 89, 91, 93, 117, 94-98, 116, 99, and 109-113) and Santa Clara Co. (EDs 119-125, 132, 126, 133, 127-131,211, 134-135, 139, 210, 140, 155, 209, 141, 197, 212, and 142-143). 147. Santa Clara Co. (EDs 136-138, 191, 192, 285, 193-196, 203, 198, 199, 144, 145, 292, 146, 147, 154, 156, 157, 204, 206, 158, 200, 159, 202, and 160-168). 148. Santa Clara Co. (EDs 169-181, 201, 182-184, 208, 185-189, 207, and 190) and Santa Cruz Co. (EDs 213-217, 247, 218-220, 223-232, 222, 233-246, 248-249, 293, 256, 254, 221, 250, 251, 255, 252, and 253). 149. Sierra Co. (EDs 114-119), Siskiyou Co. (EDs 120-136), Trinity Co. (EDs 150-157), and Solano Co. (EDs 204-207, 209-218, and 208). 150. Solano Co. (EDs 191-203), Tehama Co. (EDs 137-149), and Sonoma Co. (EDs 128, 189, 129, 190, 130-139, 166, 140, 148, 149, 151, 162, 163, and 188). 151. Sonoma Co. (EDs 141-147, 152-161, and 164-165) and Stanislaus Co. (EDs 163, 253, 164-175, 249-250, 177, 176, and 178-180). 152. Stanislaus Co. (EDs 181, 182, 239, and 183-189), Sutter Co. (EDs 167-169, 191, 183, 170, 171, 181, and 182), and Tulare Co. (EDs 190-195, 242, 196-199, 236, 200-202, 238, 203-205, 234, 235, and 206-208). 153. Tulare Co. (EDs 209-211, 248, 212-220, 233, 225, 240, 226-232, 221, 257, 222, 241, 223, and 224), Tuolumne Co. (EDs 158-167), and Yuba Co. (EDs 184, 172-178, 185, and 179). 154. Ventura Co. (EDs 257-260, 291, 261-274, 277, 290, 275, 278, 276, and 279). COLORADO 155. Adams Co. (EDs 1-11), Bent Co. (EDs 15, 265, 16, 267, 17-20, and 269), Alamosa Co. (EDs 1-8), Arapahoe Co. (EDs 12-23), and Boulder Co. (EDs 24-27). 156. Boulder Co. (EDs 28-54), Archuleta Co. (EDs 1-3), Baca Co. (EDs 9-11, 270, and 12-14), Chaffee Co. (EDs 4-12), and Cheyenne Co. (EDs 55-60). 157. Clear Creek Co. (EDs 21-27), Conejos Co. (EDs 28-36), Costilla Co. (EDs 37-41), Crowley Co. (EDs 42-47), Custer Co. (EDs 48-51), Delta Co. (EDs 13-24), Dolores Co. (EDs 25, 26, and 166), Douglas Co. (EDs 61-65), Eagle Co. (EDs 27-30), and Grand Co. (EDs 44-46). 158. Denver Co. and City (EDs 1-16, 306, 17-20, 303, and 32-80). 159. Denver Co. and City (EDs 81-97, 302, 98-106, 304, 107-116, 307, and 117-127). 160. Denver Co. and City (EDs 128-131, 305, and 132-167). 161. Denver Co. and City (EDs 168,313, 169,311, 170-176,312, 177-178,310, and 179-232). 162. Denver Co. and City (EDs 233-257, 309, 258, 259, 308, and 260-301). 54 COLORADO-GEORGIA 163. El Paso Co. (EDs 66-121) and Elbert Co. (EDs 122-130). 164. Fremont Co. (EDs 52-72), Gunnison Co. (EDs 47-52, 165, and 53-54), Garfield Co. (EDs 31-43), Hinsdale Co. (EDs 55 and 56), and Jefferson Co. (EDs 93-106). 165. Gilpin Co. (EDs 73-77), Huerfano Co. (EDs 78-92), Lake Co. (EDs 72-85), Jackson Co. (EDs 57-59), Kiowa Co. (EDs 107-110), Kit Carson Co. (EDs 131-140), and La Plata Co. (EDs 60-71, 168, and 169). 166. Larimer Co. (EDs 141-174), and Las Animas Co. (EDs 111 -133, 143, 147, 148, 271, 149, and 150). 167. Las Animas Co. (EDs 134-138, 142, 139-141, 145, 144, and 146), Lincoln Co. (EDs 175-182), Moffat Co. (EDs 106, 170, and 107-113), Logan Co. (EDs 183-197), Mineral Co. (EDs 151-153), and Montezuma Co. (EDs 114-119 and 171). 168. Mesa Co. (EDs 86-105), Montrose Co. (EDs 120-132), Morgan Co. (EDs 198-209), and Park Co. (EDs 176-179). 169. Otero Co. (EDs 154-175), Rio Blanco Co. (EDs 141-145), Ouray Co. (EDs 133-136), Powers Co. (EDs 180-189), Pueblo Co. (EDs 190-191, 266, 192, 268, and 194), and Pitkin Co. (EDs 137-140). 170. Pueblo Co. (EDs 193 and 195-239). 171. Phillips Co. (EDs 210-213), Rio Grande Co. (EDs 240-247), Routt Co. (EDs 146-152), San Juan Co. (EDs 153-156), Summit Co. (EDs 162-164), Saguache Co. (EDs 248-252), San Miguel Co. (EDs 157-161 and 167), Sedgwick Co. (EDs 214-216), and Washington Co. (EDs 217-226). 172. Teller Co. (F.Ds 253-264) and Weld Co. (EDs 227-233, 239, 234, 235, 237, 238, 236, and 240-262). 173. Weld Co. (EDs 263-271) and Yuma Co. (EDs 272-282). CONNECTICUT 174. Fairfield Co. (EDs 1, 503, and 93-111) and Fairfield Co., Bridgeport City (EDs 2-16). 175. Fairfield Co., Bridgeport City (EDS 17-52). 176. Fairfield Co., Bridgeport City (EDs 53-75 and 79-87). 177. Fairfield Co., Bridgeport City (EDs 88-92, 116, 117, 494, 495, 126-128, and 480-481) and Fairfield Co. (EDs 112-114 and 118-125). 178. Fairfield Co. (EDs 115, 153, 154, 175-178, 482-487, 179-183, 129-134, 152, 496, 155-162, and 184). 179. Fairfield Co. (EDs 163-174, and 135-151). 180. Hartford Co. (EDs 1-4, 193-203, and 5-26). 181. Hartford Co. (EDs 27-40, 46, 41-45, and 130-139). 182. Hartford Co. and City (EDs 47-53, 65-73, 54-64, and 74-76). 183. Hartford Co. and City (EDs 77-89, and 90-112). 184. Hartford Co. and City (EDs 113-128) and Hartford Co. (EDs 129, 140, and 178-192). 185. Hartford Co. (EDs 141-177). 186. Litchfield Co. (EDs 185-201, 203, 204, 202, 208, and 211-223). 187. Litchfield Co. (EDs 205-207, 209, 210, and 224-235) and Middlesex Co. (EDs 204, 205, 363, 206-217, and 234-238). 188. Middlesex Co. (EDs 218-233) and New Haven Co. (EDs 248, 249, 478, 479, 236-247, 250, 497, and 251-253). 189. New Haven Co. (EDs 254-286). 190. New Haven Co. (EDs 408-416, 407, 287-296, 493, and 297-305). 191. New Haven Co. and City (EDs 306-309. 358-362, 498, 363-369, 310, 311, 505, and 312-324). 192. New Haven Co. and City (EDs 335-337, 343-348, 380-385, 485, and 488). 193. New Haven Co. and City (EDs 349-357, 370-379, 404-406, 386-395, 504, and 396-403). 194. New Haven Co. (EDs 417-448). 195. New Haven Co. (EDs 451, 452, 499, 453-461, 501, 462-466, 500, 467-469, 489, 490, 470-477, 491, 449, 450, and 492). 196. New London Co. (EDs 239-242, 365, 243-252, 255, 256, 253, 254, 269, and 290-304). 197. New London Co. (EDs 257-268 and 270-289). 198. Tolland Co. (EDs 305-327) and Windham Co. (EDs 328-332 and 347-362). 199. Windham Co. (EDs 333-340, 364, and 341-346). DELAWARE 200. Kent Co. (EDs 1-20) and Sussex Co. (EDs 177-188). 201. Sussex Co. (EDs 189-203) and New Castle Co., Wilmington City (EDs 21-23, and 36-40). 202. New Castle Co., Wilmington City (EDs 24-30, 99-118, 55-62, 88-98, and 129-133). 203. New Castle Co., Wilmington City (EDs 63-87, 119-128, 134-143, 204, 144, 205, 145-147, and 154-158). 204. New Castle Co. (EDs 148-153, 159-166, and 168-176). DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 205. Precinct 1 (EDs 1-19) and Precinct 2 (EDs 20-40). 206. Precinct 3 (EDs 41-70) and Precinct 4 (EDs 71-76). 207 Precinct 4 (EDs 77-96) and Precinct 5 (EDs 97-117). 208. Precinct 5 (EDs 118-130) and Precinct 9 (EDs 217-241). 209. Precinct 9 (EDs 242-266) and Precinct 6 (EDs 131-146). 210. Precinct 7 (EDs 147-174) and Precinct 8 (EDs 175-190). 211. Precinct 8 (EDs 191-216) and Precinct 11 (EDs 351-367). 212. Precinct 10 (EDs 267-309). 213. Precinct 10 (EDs 310-350). FLORIDA 214. Alachua Co. (EDs 1-10, and 14-30), Bradford Co. (EDs 35-48), and Calhoun Co. (EDs 12-17). 215. Baker Co. (EDs 31-34), Bay Co. (EDs 1-11), Brevard Co. (EDs 1-7), Broward Co. (EDs 8-11, and 199), Citrus Co. (EDs 1-6), and Dade Co. (EDs 18-22, 35-40, and 200). 216. Dade Co. (EDs 23-34 and 198), Clay Co. (EDs 12-17), Columbia Co. (EDs 49-61), and Franklin Co. (EDs 44-48). 217. De Soto Co. (EDs 92, and 7-27) and Duval Co. (EDs 41-50, and 52). 218. Duval Co. (EDs 51, 53-60, 64, 61-63, 65-70, and 72-73). 219. Duval Co. (EDs 71 and 74-85) and Escambia Co. (EDs 18-20, 109, 21-31, 174, and 32). 220. Escambia Co. (EDs 33-43), Flagler Co. (EDs 86-90), Gadsden Co. (EDs 49-65), and Jackson Co. (EDs 77-79). 221. Jackson Co. (EDs 80-83, 173, 84. 172, 85-92, 175, and 93-98), Hamilton Co. (EDs 62-72), Lafayette Co. (EDs 85-90), and Lee Co. (EDs 105-111 and 187). 222. Hernando Co. (EDs 28-32) and Hillsborough Co. (EDs 64-80, 33-34, 90, 35-44, and 48-51). 223. Hillsborough Co. (EDs 45-47, 52-63, 81-87, 89, and 91) and Holmes Co. (EDs 66-76). 224. Jefferson Co. (EDs 73-84), Lake Co. (EDs 93-99, 186, and 100-104), Leon Co. (EDs 99-108 and 110-113), and Pasco Co. (EDs 125-132). 225. Levy Co. (EDs 91-100), Madison Co. (EDs 101-113), Liberty Co. (EDs 114-117), and Monroe Co. (EDs 91-108). 226. Manatee Co. (EDs 112-124), St. Lucie Co. (EDs 171-176 and 203), and Marion Co. (EDs 114-137). 227. Nassau Co. (EDs 138-147) and Polk Co. (EDs 152-179). 228. Okaloosa Co. (EDs 118-127), Okeechobee Co. (EDs 109-111 and 201), Putnam Co. (EDs 145-157), Orange Co. (EDs 112-125), and Wakulla Co. (EDs 139-144). 229. Osceola Co. (EDs 126-131), Palm Beach Co. (EDs 132-144 and 202), and Pinellas Co. (EDs 133-148 and 88). 230. Pinellas Co. (EDs 149-151), Volusia Co. (EDs 184-197), St. Johns Co. (EDs 158-170), and Taylor Co. (EDs 162-166). 231. Santa Rosa Co. (EDs 128-138), Seminole Co. (EDs 177-183), Sumter Co. (EDs 180-185), and Suwanee Co. (EDs 148-161). 232. Walton Co. (Eds 145-155) and Washington Co. (EDs 156-171). GEORGIA 233. Appling Co. (EDs 1-10), Atkinson Co. (EDs 11-15), Baker Co. (EDs 1-6), Bacon Co. (EDs 16-20), and Baldwin Co. (EDs 1-12). 234. Banks Co. (EDs 1-9), Ben Hill Co. (EDs 1-10), Barrow Co. (EDs 10-20), and Bartow Co. (EDs 1-10). 235. Bartow Co. (EDs 11-18), Berrien Co. (EDs 21-29), and Bibb Co. (EDs 14-22, and 41-50). 236. Bibb Co. (EDs 23-40, 1-9, and 11-13) and Bleckley Co. (EDs 1-8). 237. Brooks Co. (EDs 30-47), Bryan Co. (EDs 1-6), and Carroll Co. (EDs 1-12). 238. Carroll Co. (EDs 13-23), Catoosa Co. (EDs 19-23, and 25), Charlton Co. (EDs 55-58), and Bulloch Co. (EDs 7-20). 239. Burke Co. (EDs 21-38), Butts Co. (EDs 51-60), and Calhoun Co. (EDs 7-13). 240. Camden Co. (EDs 48-54), Campbell Co. (EDs 1-8), Candler Co. (EDs 39-44), and Chatham Co. (EDs 45-60). 241. Chatham Co. (EDs 61-72, 90, and 73-89). 242. Chatham Co. (EDs 91-101), Chattahoochee Co. (EDs 24-29), Dade Co. (EDs 61-66), Chattooga Co. (EDs 26-36), and Clayton Co. (EDs 61-70). This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. GEORGIA-ILLINOIS 55 243. Cherokee Co. (EDs 21-34), Clay Co. (EDs 11-17), and Clarke Co. (EDs 1-19 and 194). 244. Clinch Co. (EDs 59-65), Coffee Co. (EDs 66-74), and Cobb Co. (EDs 37-55). 245. Cobb Co. (EDs 56-60), Early Co. (EDs 64-75), Echols Co. (EDs 83-85), and Colquitt Co. (EDs 14, 154, 15-19, 155, 20-22, 158, and 23-28). 246. Colquitt Co. (EDs 29-30), Columbia Co. (EDs 13-21), Cook Co. (EDs 75-82), and Coweta Co. (EDs 30-47). 247. Crawford Co. (EDs 71-79), Crisp Co. (EDs 18-30), Dawson Co. (EDs 35-39), and Dodge Co. (EDs 9-12, 14-19, 13, and 20-23). 248. Decatur Co. (EDs 31-44, 157, and 45-51) and Dooly Co. (EDs 31-42). 249. De Kalb Co., Atlanta City (EDs 9, 10, 184, 11-21, 22-24, 26-31, 180, 32, and 135-140). 250. Fulton Co., Atlanta City (EDs 39-51, 78-90, and 141-149). 251. Fulton Co., Atlanta City (EDs 52, 53, 183, 54-63, 150, 151, 64-69, 181, and 70-77). 252. Fulton Co., Atlanta City (EDs 91-101 116-124, 102-105, 182, and 106-115). 253. Fulton Co., Atlanta City (EDs 125-134, and 152-173). 254. Dougherty Co. (EDs 52-63), Evans Co. (EDs 109-113, and 161), Douglas Co. (EDs 33-38), Fayette Co. (EDs 80-88), and Glascock Co. (EDs 22-25). 255. Effingham Co. (EDs 102-108), Elbert Co. (EDs 20-21, 190, 22, 191, and 23-35), and Franklin Co. (EDs 36-50). 256. Emanuel Co. (EDs 24-29 and 31-38), Fannin Co. (EDs 40-48), and Floyd Co. (EDs 74-85). 257. Floyd Co. (EDs 67-73, and 86-101), Forsyth Co. (EDs 49-56), and Grady Co. (EDs 76-83). 258. Grady Co. (EDs 84-88), Hancock Co. (EDs 26, 162, and 27-40), Gilmer Co. (EDs 57-65), and Gordon Co. (EDs 102-116). 259. Glynn Co. (EDs 86-99), Greene Co. (EDs 51-65, 195, and 66), and Jenkins Co. (EDs 114-122). 260. Gwinnett Co. (EDs 66-82) and Jefferson Co. (EDs 41, 161, and 42-53). 261. Habersham Co. (EDs 83-91), Haralson Co. (EDs 117-119, 204, and 120-130), and Hall Co. (EDs 92-95, 179, and 96-111). 262. Harris Co. (EDs 48-59), Heard Co. (EDs 60-69), Hart Co. (EDs 67-78), and Lincoln Co. (EDs 54-61). 263. Henry Co. (EDs 89-104), Jeff Davis Co. (EDs 111-115), and Houston Co. (EDs 40-44, 39, and 45-54). 264. Irwin Co. (EDs 100-110), Johnson Co. (EDs 55-56, 30, and 57-63), and Jackson Co. (EDs 112-127). 265. Jasper Co. (EDs 105-121), Lee Co. (EDs 43-48, and 149), Jones Co. (EDs 122- 134), and Laurens Co. (EDs 67-74). 266. Laurens Co. (EDs 64-66, 75-81, 83, 156, and 84-89), Liberty Co. (EDs 123- 131), McIntosh Co. (EDs 132-137), and Milton Co. (EDs 134-139). 267. Lowndes Co. (EDs 116-136), McDuffie Co. (EDs 62-67), and Putnam Co. (EDs 147-156). 268. Macon Co. (EDs 49-59, and 150-152), Miller Co. (EDs 89-94), Madison Co. (EDs 79-91), and Marion Co. (EDs 70-78). 269. Meriwether Co. (EDs 79-95) and Mitchell Co. (EDs 95-108). 270. Monroe Co. (EDs 135-152), Rabun Co. (EDs 148-154), Montgomery Co. (EDs 90-96), Pickens Co. (EDs 140-147), and Rockdale Co. (EDs 174-179). 271. Morgan Co. (EDs 92-108), Newton Co. (EDs 109-124), and Oconee Co. (EDs 125-127, 192, 128, 193, and 129-131). 272. Murray Co. (EDs 131-136, 206, and 137-139) and Muscogee Co. (EDs 96-101, 106-108, 102-105, 109, 111, 110, and 112-120). 273. Oglethorpe Co. (EDs 132-146), Pike Co. (EDs 153-166), and Pulaski Co. (EDs 97-106). 274. Paulding Co. (EDs 140-153), Pierce Co. (EDs 137-145), Polk Co. (EDs 154-167, 205, and 168-171), and Schley Co. (EDs 77-81). 275. Quitman Co. (EDs 60-63), Screven Co. (EDs 138-149), Randolph Co. (EDs 64-72, 153, and 73-76), and Richmond Co. (EDs 110-116). 276. Richmond Co. (EDs 68-75, 83-90, 76-82, and 91-109). 277. Spalding Co. (EDs 167-178), Stephens Co. (EDs 158-160, 155-157, and 161), Taliaferro Co. (EDs 117-123), and Tattnall Co. (EDs 150-160). 278. Stewart Co. (EDs 82-92), Telfair Co. (EDs 107-115), and Sumter Co. (EDs 93-111). 279. Talbot Co. (EDs 121-130), Taylor Co. (EDs 112-120), Terrell Co. (EDs 126-129, 121-125, and 130-133), and Tift Co. (EDs 128-137). 280. Thomas Co. (EDs 109-126, 156, and 127), Toombs Co. (EDs 116-122), and Treutlen Co. (EDs 123-129). 281. Towns Co. (EDs 162-165), Walker Co. (EDs 172-187, 24, and 188-189), and Troup Co. (EDs 131-145). 282. Troup Co. (EDs 146-152), Turner Co. (EDs 134-136, 154, and 137-143), Union Co. (EDs 166-172), Twiggs Co. (EDs 130-137), Upson Co. (EDs 179-189), and Ware Co. (EDs 146-147). 283. Ware Co. (EDs 148-166), Walton Co. (EDs 157-173), and Warren Co. (EDs 124-125). 284. Warren Co. (EDs 121-131), Wayne Co. (EDs 167-176), Webster Co. (EDs 144-148), and Washington Co. (EDs 132, 133, 163, and 134-152). 285. Wheeler Co. (EDs 138-143), Whitfield Co. (EDs 190-193, 207, and 194-203), White Co. (EDs 173-178), and Wilkes Co. (EDs 173-187). 286. Wilkes Co. (EDs 188-189), Worth Co. (EDs 138-153), Wilcox Co. (EDs 144, 82, 145-151, 155, and 152-154), and Wilkinson Co. (EDs 153-160). IDAHO 287. Ada Co. (EDs 1, 2, 260, 3-12, 261, 28-33, and 269), Adams Co. (EDs 1-5), Bear Lake Co. (EDs 57-68), and Boise Co. (EDs 14-19). 288. Bannock Co. (EDs 35-48, 257, and 49-56), Benewah Co. (EDs 7-13 and 213-214), and Bingham Co. (EDs 69, 267, 70-79, 259, and 80-84). 289. Blaine Co. (EDs 85-93), Bonner Co. (EDs 20-26, 218-219, and 27-33), Boundary Co. (EDs 34-39, 220, and 6), Bonneville Co. (EDs 94-108), Butte Co. (EDs 109-113), Camas Co. (EDs 114-117), and Caribou Co. (EDs 118-126). 290. Canyon Co. (EDs 40-47 and 49-62), Cassia Co. (EDs 127-134 and 270), Clark Co. (EDs 135-143), Clearwater Co. (EDs 63-70, 209, and 210), Custer Co. (EDs 71-76 and 221). 291. Elmore Co. (EDs 144-151), Franklin Co. (EDs 152-158), Fremont Co. (EDs 159-161, 263, 262, 162-167, 258, and 168), Gem Co. (EDs 77-84), and Kootenai Co. (EDs 191-207 and 215-217). 292. Gooding Co. (EDs 169-174), Latah Co. (EDs 106-125 and 211), Idaho Co. (EDs 85-105 and 48), and Jefferson Co. (EDs 175-182). 293. Jerome Co. (EDs 183-187), Lemhi Co. (EDs 126-132), Lewis Co. (EDs 133-138), Madison Co. (EDs 193-200), Lincoln Co. (EDs 188-192), Minidoka Co. (EDs 201, 264, and 202-206), and Nez Perce Co. (EDs 139-153). 294. Oneida Co. (EDs 207-209, 265, and 210-214), Owyhee Co. (EDs 215-221, 266, and 222), Payette Co. (EDs 154-159), Power Co. (EDs 223, 268, and 224-231), Valley Co. (EDs 174-181), Shoshone Co. (EDs 160-173, 208, and 212), Teton Co. (EDs 232-235), and Washington Co. (EDs 182-190). 295. Twin Falls Co. (EDs 236-256). ILLINOIS 296. Adams Co. (EDs 1-27, 62, 28-47, and 54-58). 297. Adams Co. (EDs 48-53 and 59-61), Bond Co. (EDs 1-15), Alexander Co. (EDs 1-6, 8-23, and 7), and Champaign Co. (EDs 1-2, and 17). 298. Champaign Co. (EDs 3-16 and 18-51). 299. Boone Co. (EDs 1, 2 [sheets 1-9], 4 [sheets 2-10], 5-6 [sheets 1-14], 4 [sheet 1], 2 [sheet 10], 3, 6 [sheet 15], and 7-15) and Christian Co. (EDs 1-26, 203, and 27-33). 300. Brown Co. (EDs 1-10, and 189), Bureau Co. (EDs 1-10, 15-23, 11-14, and 24-30). 301. Calhoun Co. (EDs 11-18), Cass Co. (EDs 19, 191, and 20-37), Carroll Co. (EDs 1-20), and Cumberland Co. (EDs 24-32). 302. Cumberland Co. (EDs 33-40), De Witt Co. (EDs 86-104), Clark Co. (EDs 1-23), and De Kalb Co. (EDs 16-18 and 28-30). 303. De Kalb Co. (EDs 19-27, and 31-48), Clay Co. (EDs 1-17), and Coles Co. (EDs 52-60). 304. Coles Co. (EDs 61-85), Clinton Co. (EDs 1-25), and Douglas Co. (EDs 105-108). 305. Douglas Co. (EDs 109-123), Edwards Co. (EDs 18, 189, 19-24, and 26-29), Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1-33). 306. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 34-86). 307. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 87-108, 2307, 109-119, 237-240, 2297, and 241-248). 308. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 249-285). 309. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 286-333). 310. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 334-379 and 539-544). 311. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 545-587). 312. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 588-610 and 120-147). 313. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 148-174, 2306, and 175-196). 314. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 197-236). 315. Cook.Co., Chicago City (EDs 381-427). 316. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 428-474). 317. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 475-493, 2294, 494-498. 2298, and 499-515). 318. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 516-537, 2285, 538, and 611-625). 319. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 626-657). 320. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 658-696). 321. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 697-744). 56 ILLINOIS 322. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 745-796). 323. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 797-818). 324. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 840-882). 325. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 883-909). 326. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 910-947). 327. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 948-960, 2288, and 961-982). 328. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 983-987, 2287, 988-992, 2286, 993-1030, 1053, and 1031-1034). 329. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1035-1052 and 1054-1077). 330. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1078-1119, 1121-1124, and 1126-1128). 331. Cook Co.. Chicago City (EDs 1129-1171). 332. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1172-1224). 333. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1225-1273). 334. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1274-1280, 2300, 1281-1295, 2299, 1296-1297, 2291, 1298-1304, 2292, 1305-1308, 2296, 1309-1314, 2305, and 1315-1319). 335. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1320-1375). 336. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1376-1390, 1504, 2302, and 1505-1532). 337. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1533-1578). 338. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1579-1616). 339. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1617-1653). 340. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1654-1659, 2303, and 1660-1687). 341. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1391-1438). 342. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1439-1480). 343. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1481-1503 and 1688-1709). 344. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1710-1745). 345. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1746-1753, 2295, and 1754-1780). 346. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1781-1784, 2301, and 1785-1816). 347. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 2290 and 1817-1866). 348. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1867-1921). 349. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1922-1972). 350. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 1973-2017, 2304, and 2018-2021). 351. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 2022-2064). 352. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 2065-2101). 353. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 2102-2144). 354. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 2145-2185 and 2289). 355. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 2186-2225). 356. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 2226-2263). 357. Cook Co., Chicago City (EDs 2264-2269, 2293, 2270-2284) and Cook Co. (EDs 1-8 and 68-74). 358. Cook Co. (EDs 75-88, 9-24, and 137-139). 359. Cook Co. (EDs 25-27, 37-67, and 92-95). 360. Cook Co. (EDs 28-36, 89-91, 113-117, and 96-112). 361. Cook Co. (EDs 118-136, and 140-157). 362. Cook Co. (EDs 158-190, 192-193, 191, and 194-196). 363. Cook Co. (EDs 197-206, 208-214, 220-221, 215-219, and 222-237). 364. Crawford Co. (EDs 26-45, 226, 47, 48, 46, and 49) and Franklin Co. (EDs 24, 31-32, 25-30, and 33-35). 365. Franklin Co. (EDs 36-44) and Du Page Co. (EDs 1-10 and 24-31). 366. Du Page Co. (EDs 11-21, 23, and 22), Effingham Co. (EDs 50-59, 62, 60, 61, and 63-70), and Hamilton Co. (EDs 44-60). 367. Edgar Co. (EDs 41-63) and Fayette Co. (EDs 71-97). 368. Ford Co. (EDs 1-16), Greene Co. (EDs 38-51, 190, and 52-58), and Jersey Co. (EDs 59-74). 369. Fulton Co. (EDs 63-86, 89-91, 87, 88, and 92-109) and Gallatin Co. (EDs 30-35). 370. Gallatin Co. (EDs 36-43), Grundy Co. (EDs 49-72), and Hancock Co. (EDs 1-31). 371. Hardin Co. (EDs 61-68) Henry Co. (EDs 110-127, 210, and 128-149). 372. Henderson Co. (EDs 32-42), Jasper Co. (EDs 98-114), and Iroquois Co. (EDs 64-88). 373. Iroquois Co. (EDs 89, 91, 90, and 92-98), Jo Daviess Co. (EDs 21-26, 33-45, and 27-32), and Kane Co. (EDs 32-45). 374. Kane Co. (EDs 60-67, 46-59, 68-75, and 96-111). 375. Kane Co. (EDs 76-95) and Jackson Co. (EDs 45-51, 61-68, 72, and 69-71). 376. Jackson Co. (EDs 52-60 and 73), Jefferson Co. (EDs 115-126, 139-142, and 127-138), and Johnson Co. (EDs 69-81). 377. Kankakee Co. (EDs 99-102, 106-122, 103-105, and 123-137), and La Salle Co. (EDs 84-86 and 102-107). 378 La Salle Co. (EDs 87-89, 225, 90-101, 126-133, and 108-125). 379. La Salle Co. (EDs 134-159) and Lawrence Co. (EDs 143-165). 380. Kendall Co. (EDs 73-83) and Knox Co. (EDs 150-154, 177-187, 192, and 155-176). 381. Knox Co. (EDs 188-191 and 193) and Lake Co. (EDs 238-239, 246 [sheets 17-22 and 1-16], 247-256, 240-245, and 259-266) 382. Lake Co. (EDs 257-258 and 267-287) and Lee Co. (EDs 46-77). 383. Livingston Co. (EDs 17-39, 45-47, 40-44, and 48-52) and Logan Co. (EDs 53-58 and 70-79). 384. Logan Co. (EDs 59-69 and 80-82) and Macon Co. (EDs 124-130, 132, 131, and 133-144). 385. Macon Co. (EDs 145-166) and McDonough Co. (EDs 43-66). 386. McHenry Co. (EDs 112-132, 139-143, and 133-138) and McLean Co. (EDs 83-84, 86-102). 387. McLean Co. (EDs 103-125, 85, 126-129, and 130-152). 388. Macoupin Co. (EDs 34-81). 389. Madison Co. (EDs 16, 18, 17, and 19-58). 390. Madison Co. (EDs 59-68, 90-97, 236-237, 69-79, 233, 80-88. 239, and 89). 391. Marion Co. (EDs 166-198) and Marshall Co. (EDs 31-45). 392. Mason Co. (EDs 75-91), Pope Co. (EDs 98-109), Massac Co. (EDs 82-97), and Monroe Co. (EDs 98-108, 238, and 109). 393. Menard Co. (EDs 92-94, 187, and 95-106), Pulaski Co. (EDs 92-103), Mercer Co. (EDs 67-85), and Putnam Co. (EDs 143, 187, and 144-146). 394. Montgomery Co. (EDs 82-92, 94, 204, 95-100, 205, 101-106, 93. and 107-113) and Saline Co. (EDs 110 and 114-120). 395. Saline Co. (EDs 111-113 and 121-141) and Morgan Co. (EDs 107-112, 188, 113-119, 136, 120-134, 137, 135, and 138). 396. Morgan Co. (EDs 139-147), Platt Co. (EDs 182-194), and Randolph Co. (EDs 104-129). 397. Moultrie Co. (EDs 167-181) and Stephenson Co. (EDs 108-111, 133-140, 112-132, and 141-146). 398. Ogle Co. (EDs 78-107) and Peoria Co. (EDs 46-67). 399. Peoria Co. (EDs 68-70, 108-117, 124-134, and 81-107). 400. Peoria Co. (EDs 71-80, 118-123, and 135-142) and Perry Co. (EDs 74-91). 401. Pike Co. (EDs 148-174), Richland Co. (EDs 199-212), and Rock Island Co. (EDs 86-94 and 100-103). 402. Rock Island Co. (EDs 98-99, 104-117, 184, 118-123, 95-97, 124, 155-163, and 125-131). 403. Rock Island Co. (EDs 132-154) and St. Clair Co. (EDs 110-126 and 200-202). 404. St. Clair Co. (EDs 130-133, 159-179, and 134-158). 405. St. Clair Co. (EDs 180-197, 203, 129, 127, 128, 198, 199. 204, 209, 235, 210, and 213). 406. St. Clair Co. (EDs 211-212) and Sangamon Co. (EDs 114-118, 193-202, and 119-143). 407. Sangamon Co. (EDs 144-192). 408. Schuyler Co. (EDs 194-209), Scott Co. (EDs 175-186), and Shelby Co. (EDs 195-209, 224, and 210-223). 409. Stark Co. (EDs 147-155), Union Co. (EDs 130-150), and Warren Co. (EDs 164-183). 410. Tazewell Co. (EDs 156-168, 171, 173-181, 164, 170, 172, and 182-186) and Wabash Co. (EDs 213-225). 411. Vermilion Co. (EDs 138-155, 162-164, 178-179, 156-161, and 165-177). 412. Vermilion Co. (EDs 160-208) and Washington Co. (EDs 214-221, 234, and 222-232). 413. Wayne Co. (EDs 142-166), White Co. (EDs 167, 168, 172, 173, 169-171, 174-176, 25, and 177-188), and Whiteside Co. (EDs 147-154 and 157-158). 414. Whiteside Co. (EDs 155 and 159-180), and Will Co. (EDs 144-154 and 190-206). 415. Will Co. (EDs 155-163, 207-214, and 164-181). 416. Will Co. (EDs 182-189, 160-168, and 219-223) and Winnebago Co. (EDs 169-184). 417. Winnebago Co. (EDs 185-218, and 224). This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. ILLINOIS-IOWA 57 418. Williamson Co. (EDs 151-161, 164-165, 162-163, 166-174, and 177-181). 419. Williamson Co. (EDs 175-176) and Woodford Co. (EDs 153-172). INDIANA 420. Adams Co. (EDs 1-19) and Allen Co. (EDs 1-22, 26-31, and 47-51). 421. Allen Co. (EDs 32-38, 52-55, 69-74, 39-46, 64-68, and 82-88). 422. Allen Co. (EDs 56-63, 75-81, and 23-25) and Bartholomew Co. (EDs 1-22). 423. Benton Co. (EDs 1-12), Blackford Co. (EDs 1-15), Boone Co. (EDs 1-24), and Clay Co. (EDs 1 -3). 424. Clay Co. (EDs 4-28), Brown Co. (EDs 23-31), Carroll Co. (EDs 25-41), and Clark Co. (EDs 3-4). 425. Clark Co. (EDs 1-2 and 5-24), and Cass Co. (EDs 16-45). 426. Cass Co. (EDs 46-57 and 205), Crawford Co. (EDs 25-37), and Delaware Co. (EDs 45, 46, 20-33, and 37-41). 427. Delaware Co. (EDs 47-62, 34-36, and 42-44) and Clinton Co. (EDs 42-56, 208, and 57-67). 428. Daviess Co. (EDs 1-34), Dearborn Co. (EDs 32, 179, and 33-52), and Floyd Co. (EDs 57-60, 197, and 61). 429. Floyd Co. (EDs 62-85), Decatur Co. (EDs 53-71), and Fountain Co. (EDs 68-76). 430. Fountain Co. (EDs 77-87), Franklin Co. (EDs 18-36), and De Kalb Co. (EDs 89-116). 431. Dubois Co. (EDs 38-50 and 52-56) and Elkhart Co. (EDs 1-32, 34-35, and 37). 432. Elkhart Co. (EDs 33, 36, and 38-63), Fayette Co. (EDs 1-14, 187, and 15-17), and Fulton Co. (EDs 64-70 and 77-80). 433. Fulton Co. (EDs 71-76), Harrison Co. (EDs 86-109), and Gibson Co. (EDs 1-13, 189, 14-22, 191, 23, 190, and 24-26). 434. Gibson Co. (EDs 27-28) and Grant Co. (EDs 58-93, 204, and 94-100). 435. Greene Co. (EDs 35-79) and Hamilton Co. (EDs 88-103 and 109-112). 436. Hamilton Co. (EDs 104-108 and 113-116), Hancock Co. (EDs 37, 186, and 38-55), Hendrick Co. (EDs 29-47), and Huntington Co. (EDs 101-104 and 127-129). 437. Huntington Co. (EDs 105-126 and 130-133) and Henry Co. (EDs 56-74 and 79-80). 438. Henry Co. (EDs 75-78 and 81 -83) and Howard Co. (EDs 119-143, 117-118, and 144-157). 439. Jackson Co. (EDs 72-95) and Kosciusko Co. (EDs 81-110). 440. Jasper Co. (EDs 13-28), Jennings Co. (EDs 115-129), Jay Co. (EDs 63-91), and Miami Co. (EDs 134-136). 441. Miami Co. (EDs 137-163, 206, and 164-165), Jefferson Co. (EDs 96-114), and Johnson Co. (EDs 133-136). 442. Johnson Co. (EDs 130-132, 137, 180, and 138-145), Martin Co. (EDs 132-154), and Knox Co. (EDs 80-105, and 125-131). 443. Knox Co. (EDs 106-124), Lagrange Co. (EDs 117-129), and Parke Co. (EDs 48-66). 444. LaPorte Co. (EDs 111-137, 157, 138-159, 283, and 160-162) and Lawrence Co. (EDs 110-111). 445. Lake Co. (EDs 58-66, 244, 67-79, and 81-91). 446. Lake Co. (EDs 92, 237-239, 94-98, 100-104, 125-127, 106-107, 109-111, 113-115, 117-120, 241, and 122-123). 447. La Porte Co. (EDs 111-136, 284, 137, 157, 138-156, 158-159, 283, and 160-162) and Lawrence Co. (EDs 110-111). 448. Lawrence Co. (EDs 112-115, and 117-134) and Madison Co. (EDs 92-93, 113-114, 94-101, and 107-112). 449. Madison Co. (EDs 102-106, 115-118, 128-140, 119-127, and 141-146) and Newton Co. (EDs 128-129, 245, and 130-137). 450. Marion Co. (EDs 1-22) and Marion Co., Indianapolis City (EDs 23-26, and 47-60). 451. Marion Co., Indianapolis City (EDs 27-46 and 61-75). 452. Marion Co., Indianapolis City (EDs 76-104 and 114-121). 453. Marion Co., Indianapolis City (EDs 105-113, 138-149, 122-128, 271, 129-137, and 150-157). 454. Marion Co., Indianapolis City (EDs 158-176). 455. Marion Co., Indianapolis City (EDs 199-209 and 221-251). 456. Marion Co., Indianapolis City (EDs 252-270), Marshall Co. (EDs 163-187), and Montgomery Co. (EDs 158-159). 457. Montgomery Co. (EDs 160-189) and Monroe Co. (EDs 155-184). 458. Morgan Co. (EDs 185-209), Owen Co. (EDs 210-230), and Posey Co. (EDs 46-65). 459. Noble Co. (EDs 130-151), Ohio Co. (EDs 146-149), Orange Co. (EDs 135-151), and Perry Co. (EDs 152-160). 460. Perry Co. (EDs 161-166), Pike Co. (EDs 29-45), Porter Co. (EDs 138-158), and Union Co. (EDs 129-136). 461. Pulaski Co. (EDs 166-178), Steuben Co. (EDs 152-166), Putnam Co. (EDs 67-88), and Ripley Co. (EDs 150-156). 462. Ripley Co. (EDs 157-168), Rush Co. (EDs 84, 184, 85-88, 189, 89-91, 188, 94-98, 92-93, and 99-101), and St. Joseph Co. (EDs 189-194, and 200-212). 463. St. Joseph Co. (EDs 195-199, 188, 213-217, 229-236, 250-255, 218-228, and 262-272). 464. St. Joseph Co. (EDs 237-249 and 256-261) and Randolph Co. (EDs 147-173). 465. Scott Co. (EDs 167-176), Spencer Co. (EDs 66-87), and Shelby Co. (EDs 102-113, 185, 114-121, 183, and 122-128). 466. Starke Co. (EDs 273-275, 282, and 276-281), Tipton Co. (EDs 190-207), Sullivan Co. (EDs 231-233, 236-253, 234, 255-256, 254, 235, 257-260, and 266-268). 467. Sullivan Co. (EDs 261-265 and 269-271) and Vigo Co. (EDs 112-113, 167-182, 114-122, 156-166, and 189). 468. Vigo Co. (EDs 123-129, 190, 143-155, 130-142, and 183-188). 469. Switzerland Co. (EDs 169-178) and Tippecanoe Co. (EDs 184-201, 159, 243, and 160-183). 470. Vanderburgh Co. (EDs 88-94, 96-126, and 142-150). 471. Vanderburgh Co. (EDs 127-141, 158-165, 151-157, and 95) and Washington Co. (EDs 177-195). 472. Vermillion Co. (EDs 89-111) and Wabash Co. (EDs 179-203). 473. Warren Co. (EDs 202-214), Whitley Co. (EDs 167-184), Warrick Co. (EDs 166-188), and Wayne Co. (EDs 137-145). 474. Wayne Co. (EDs 146-182) and Wells Co. (EDs 174-186). 475. Wells Co. (EDs 187-194) and White Co. 215, 240, and 216-236). IOWA 476. Adair Co. (EDs 1-17), Audubon Co. (EDs 18-31), Adams Co. (EDs 1-13), and Allamakee Co. (EDs 1-19). 477. Appanoose Co. (EDs 14-20, 189, 21-28, 191, and 29-34) and Benton Co. (EDs 1-27). 478. Black Hawk Co. (EDs 1-11, 35, 217, 36-41, 218, 42, and 12-34). 479. Boone Co. (EDs 1-29), Bremer Co. (EDs 43-58), and Buchanan Co. (EDs 59-68). 480. Buchanan Co. (EDs 69-78), Buena Vista Co. (EDs 1-14), Butler Co. (EDs 79-94), and Calhoun Co. (EDs 30, 272, and 31-38). 481. Calhoun Co. (EDs 39-47), Cass Co. (EDs 32-51), Carroll Co. (EDs 48-68), and Cherokeee Co. (EDs 15-17 and 29-32). 482. Cherokee Co. (EDs 18-28), Chickasaw Co. (EDs 46-59), Cedar Co. (EDs 28-45), and Cerro Gordo Co. (EDs 20-21, 191, and 22-24). 483. Cerro Gordo Co. (EDs 25-45), Clarke Co. (EDs 35-47), and Clay Co. 33, 247, 34-40, 252, and 41-45). 484. Clayton Co. (EDs 60-82), and Clinton Co. (EDs 1-2, and 5-22). 485. Clinton Co. (EDs 3, 4, 23-33, 191, and 34-40), Crawford Co. (EDs 69-89), and Davis Co. (EDs 1-16). 486. Dallas Co. (EDs 1-8, 231, and 9-22), Decatur Co. (EDs 48-49, 188, and 50-64), and Dickinson Co. (EDs 46-49, 249, and 50-53). 487. Delaware Co. (EDs 95-113) and Des Moines (EDs 1-2, 22-29, and 3-21). 488. Dubuque Co. (EDs 122-149, 114-121, 150-160). 489. Emmet Co. (EDs 90-91, 274, 92, 271, 93-99, 273, and 100), Grundy Co. (EDs 46-61), and Fayette Co. (EDs 83-108). 490. Floyd Co. (EDs 109-125), Franklin Co. (EDs 161-178), and Fremont Co. (EDs 65-81). 491. Greene Co. (EDs 101-119), Guthrie Co. (EDs 52-63 and 65-68), and Hamilton Co. (EDs 120-128, 282, and 129-138). 492. Hancock Co. (EDs 139-152), Ida Co. (EDs 54-65), and Hardin Co. (EDs 179-197). 493. Harrison Co. (EDs 69-93), Henry Co. (EDs 30-44), and Iowa Co. (EDs 41-49). 494. Iowa Co. (EDs 50-60), Jefferson Co. (EDs 45-59), Howard Co. (EDs 126-138), and Humboldt Co. (EDs 153-158, 269, and 159-163). 495. Jackson Co. (EDs 61-81), Jones Co. (EDs 62-81), and Louisa Co. (EDs 94-106). 496. Jasper Co. (EDs 17-43) and Johnson Co. (EDs 82-101, 188, and 102-109). 497. Keokuk Co. (EDs 44-64), Lucas Co. (EDs 82-96), and Lyon Co. (EDs 66, 258, and 67-77). 498. Kossuth Co. (EDs 164-169, 275, 170-176, 276, 177-181, 277, and 182-187) and Lee Co. (EDs 60-80, and 89-93). 499. Lee Co. (EDs 81-88), Madison Co. (EDs 23-40), and Linn Co. (EDs 82-108). 500. Linn Co. (EDs 109, 110, 145, 146, and 111-144). 58 IOWA-KENTUCKY 501. Mahaska Co. (EDS 65-72 and 74-96) and Marion Co. (EDs 41-65). 502. Marshall Co. (EDs 147-159, 170-174, and 160-169) and Mills Co. (EDs 94-109). 503 Mitchell Co. (EDs 139-152), Monona Co. (EDs 78-90, 95, 91, 92, 245, 93, and 94), and Monroe Co. (EDs 97-118). 504. Montgomery Co. (EDs 110-125), Osceolo Co. (EDs 111-118, 248, and 119), and Muscatine Co. (EDs 110-121, 190, 122-125, 189, and 126-134). 505. O’Brien Co. (EDs 96-110), Palo Alto Co. (EDs 188-194, 195-201, and 268), and Pocohontas Co. (EDs 202-207, 270, 208-212, 278, and 213-217). 506. Page Co. (EDs 97-119) and Plymouth Co. (EDs 120-138). 507. Polk Co. (EDs 66-68, 233, 69-71, 232, 72, 173-177, 234, and 178-187) and Polk Co., Des Moines City (EDs 73-91). 508. Polk Co., Des Moines City (EDs 92-97, 110-126, 98-109, and 139-148). 509. Polk Co., Des Moines City (EDs 127-138 and 149-172). 510. Pottawattamie Co. (EDs 126-134, 199, and 135-180). 511. Poweshiek Co. (EDs 119-140), Ringgold Co. (EDs 120-125, 136, and 126-135), and Sac Co. (EDs 139-156). 512. Scott Co. (EDs 135-142, 179-187, and 143-163). 513. Scott Co. (EDs 164-178). 514. Tama Co. (EDs 189-196), Taylor Co. (EDs 137-154), and Sioux Co. (EDs 157, 158, 257, 159-169, 246, and 170-177). 515. Story Co. (EDs 188-209), Union Co. (EDs 155-172), and Van Buren Co. (EDs 107-110 and 112-117). 516. Van Buren Co. (EDs 111 and 118-122), Washington Co. (EDs 123-141), and Wapello Co. (EDs 141-161 and 165). 517. Wapello Co. (EDs 162-164, and 166-172), Warren Co. (EDs 210-230), Wayne Co. (EDs 173-187), and Webster Co. (EDs 218-227, 229, 233, and 255). 518. Webster Co. (EDs 228, 230-232, 279, 234-254, 256, and 280), Winnebago Co. (EDs 257-262, 281, and 263-267), and Worth Co. (EDs 179-190). 519. Winneshiek Co. (EDs 153-178), Wright Co. (EDs 198-199, 213-214, 200-202, 219, 203-212, and 215-216), and Woodbury Co. (EDs 178, 179, 259, 180-183, 188, 192, and 240-241). 520. Woodbury Co. (EDs 184-187, 189-191, 193, 242-244, 194-209, 250, 251, 210-217, 222-224, and 227-228). 521. Woodbury Co. (EDs 233, 234, 253, and 236-239). KANSAS 522. Allen Co. (EDs 1-20), Anderson Co. (EDs 21-35), and Chautauqua Co. (EDs 1-13). 523. Atchison Co. (EDs 1-19), Barber Co. (EDs 1-9), and Butler Co. (EDs 1-5, 203, 6, 7, 200, 8-12, and 24-29). 524. Butler Co. (EDs 13-22, 196, 23, 30, 195, and 31-42), Barton Co. (EDs 10, 247, 11-16, 248, and 17-27), and Chase Co. (EDs 1-9). 525. Bourbon Co. (EDs 36-50, 206, and 51-58), Brown Co. (EDs 20-35, 190, and 36-38), and Clark Co. (EDs 28-31). 526. Cherokee Co. (EDs 14-42) and Cloud Co. (EDs 17, 181, and 18-30). 527. Cheyenne Co. (EDs 1-2, 257, and 3-6), Clay Co. (EDs 1, 176, and 2-16), Comanche Co. (EDs 32-35, 257-259, and 36), Coffey Co. (EDs 10-23), and Cowley Co. (EDs 43-48). 528. Cowley Co. (EDs 49-78) and Crawford Co. (EDs 79-89 and 113-122). 529. Crawford Co. (EDs 90-112), Decatur Co. (EDs 7-18), and Elk Co. (EDs 123-132). 530. Dickinson Co. (EDs 31-51, 183, and 52), Doniphan Co. (EDs 39-51), Edwards Co. (EDs 37-42, 254, and 43), and Gove Co. (EDs 42-49). 531. Douglas Co. (EDs 59-81), Ellis Co. (EDs 19-24, 253, and 25-31), and Ellsworth Co. (EDs 32-41). 532. Finney Co. (EDs 44-49), Ford Co. (EDs 50, 253, 51-52, 256, 53-59, 249, and 60-63), Grant Co. (EDs 64-65), Greeley Co. (EDs 70-71), Franklin Co. (EDs 82-103), and Hamilton Co. (EDs 72-74). 533. Geary Co. (EDs 53, 175, and 54-62), Graham Co. (EDs 50-58, 258, and 59-62), Gray Co. (EDs 66-69), Greenwood Co. (EDs 24-39), and Harper Co. (EDs 75-83). 534. Harper Co. (EDs 84-87), Harvey Co. (EDs 43-48, 192, and 49-65), Haskell Co. (ED 88), Hodgeman Co. (EDs 89-92), Jackson Co. (EDs 52-68), and Jefferson Co. (EDs 69-75). 535. Jefferson Co. (EDs 76-85), Jewell Co. (EDs 63-73, 249, and 74-79), Johnson Co. (EDs 104-118), Kearny Co. (EDs 93-95), and Lane Co. (EDs 117-119). 536. Kingman Co. (EDs 96-108), Kiowa Co. (EDs 109-116), and Labette Co. (EDs 133-160. 537. Leavenworth Co. (EDs 86-93, 98-110, 94-97, and 111-115), Lincoln Co. (EDs 80-90), and Logan Co. (EDs 91-97). 538. Linn Co. (EDs 119-131), Morris Co. (EDs 86-99), and Lyon Co. (EDs 40-64). 539. McPherson Co. (EDs 66-92), Morton Co. (EDs 252, and 126-127), and Marion Co. (EDs 65-85). 540. Marshall Co. (EDs 63-66, 178, 67, 180, 68-83, 177, and 84-86), Mitchell Co. (EDs 98-112), and Nemaha Co. (EDs 116-137). 541. Meade Co. (EDs 120-125), Miami Co. (EDs 132-150), and Montgomery Co. (EDs 161-180). 542. Montgomery Co. (EDs 181-203) and Neosha Co. (EDs 204-221). 543. Ness Co. (EDs 128-134), Osage Co. (EDs 100-119), Norton Co. (EDs 113, 254, 114-121, 250, 122, 123, 246, and 124-127), and Ottawa Co. (EDs 87. 88, 184, and 89-98). 544. Osborne Co. (EDs 128-143), Phillips Co. (EDs 144-161), Pawnee Co. (EDs 135-144), and Pottawatomie Co. (EDs 120-140). 545. Pratt Co. (EDs 145-156), Rooks Co. (EDs 171-181), Rawlins Co. (EDs 162-166, 252, 247, 167-169, 251, 256, and 170), and Riley Co. (EDs 119, 179, 120-128, 185, and 129-133). 546. Reno Co. (EDs 157-167, 185-196, and 168-184). 547. Republic Co. (EDs 99-118), Rush Co. (EDs 210, 255, 211-215, 251, and 216-218), Rice Co. (EDs 197-206, 250, and 207-209), and Russell Co. (EDs 182-186, 255, 187, 248, and 188-192). 548. Saline Co. (EDs 134-153), Scott Co. (EDs 219-222), and Sedgwick Co. (EDs 93-115, and 162). 549. Sedgwick Co. (EDs 116-124, 133-141, 201, 197, 125-132, 156-160, 199, 161, 202, and 198). 550. Sedgwick Co. (EDs 142-143, 193-194, and 144-155), Seward Co. (EDs 223-227) and Shawnee Co. (EDs 138-151 and 185-189). 551. Shawnee Co. (EDs 152-184) and Sheridan Co. (EDs 193-200). 552. Sherman Co. (EDs 201-207), Smith Co. (EDs 208, 245. and 209-224), Stevens Co. (EDs 241-243), Stafford Co. (EDs 228-238), Stanton Co. (EDs 239-240), Thomas Co. (EDs 225-233), and Trego Co. (EDs 234-240). 553. Sumner Co. (EDs 163-181, 188-191, and 182-187), Wabaunsee Co. (EDs 141-152), and Woodson Co. (EDs 153-161). 554. Wallace Co. (EDs 241-244), Wichita Co. (EDs 244-246), Wilson Co. (EDs 222-240), Wyandotte Co. (EDs 151-152), Washington Co. (EDs 154-166, 182, and 167-174), and Wyandotte Co. (EDs 195-197 and 204-205). 555. Wyandotte Co. (EDs 198-203, 153, 171-177, and 158-170). 556. Wyandotte Co. (EDs 154-157 and 178-194). KENTUCKY 557. Adair Co. (EDs f-14, 155, and 15), Anderson Co. (EDs 16-29), Allen Co. (EDs 1-13, and 145), and Ballard Co. (EDs 1-14). 558. Barren Co. (EDs 14-33), Bath Co. (EDs 1-11), and Boyle Co. (EDs 30-44). 559. Bell Co. (EDs 1-34) and Breathitt Co. (EDs 39-57). 560. Boone Co. (EDs 1-10), Bourbon Co. (EDs 1-17), and Boyd Co. (EDs 12-15, 21, 16-20, and 22-28). 561. Bracken Co. (EDs 29-38), Butler Co. (EDs 34-46), Breckinridge Co. (EDs 1-17), and Carroll Co. (EDs 62-69). 562. Bullitt Co. (EDs 18-22, 170, and 23-24), Casey Co. (EDs 45-55), Caldwell Co. (EDs 15-28), and Crittenden Co. (EDs 52-65). 563. Calloway Co. (EDs 29-43) and Campbell Co. (EDs 51-52, 164, 53-54, and 14-37). 564. Campbell Co. (EDs 11-13, 38-50, and 55-61), Carlisle Co. (EDs 44-51), and Clark Co. (EDs 18-35). 565. Carter Co. (EDs 58, 243, and 59-71) and Christian Co, (EDs 8-12, 1-7, and 13-28). 566. Clay Co. (EDs 35-36, 48, 37-43, 45-46, 49-53, 44. 47, and 54), Clinton Co. (EDs 55-64), Cumberland Co. (EDs 65-74), and Estill Co. (EDs 36-37, 174-175, and 38-45). 567. Daviess Co. (EDs 29-42, 54-60, and 43-53) and Elliott Co. (EDs 72-80). 568. Edmonson Co. (EDs 47-53), Fleming Co. (EDs 81-94), and Fayette Co. (EDs 46-57 and 67-73). 569. Fayette Co. (EDs 58-66 and 74-80) and Floyd Co. (EDs 1-16). 570. Franklin Co. (EDs 81-98), Gallatin Co. (EDs 70-73). Fulton Co. (EDs 66-74), and Garrard Co. (EDs 56-64). 571. Grant Co. (EDs 74-82), Harrison Co. (EDs 111-125), and Graves Co. (EDs 75-95). 572. Graves Co. (EDs 96-101), Grayson Co. (EDs 25, 26, 169. 27-41, and 172), Green Co. (EDs 42-48 and 50), and Henry Co. (EDs 99-110). This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. KENTUCKY-MARYLAND 59 573. Greenup Co. (EDs 95-110), Hancock Co. (EDs 61-67), and Hardin Co. (EDs 51-68). 574. Harlan Co. (EDs 75-107) and Hart Co. (EDs 69-81). 575. Henderson Co. (EDs 68-88), Hickman Co. (EDs 102-111), and Lawrence Co. (EDs 126-143). 576. Hopkins Co. (EDs 102-108), Jessamine Co. (EDs 65-75), and Hopkins Co. (EDs 89-101). 577. Jackson Co. (EDs 17-28), Knott Co. (EDs 48-57), and Jefferson Co. (EDs 1-18). 578. Jefferson Co. (EDs 19-32, 236, and 33-35) and Jefferson Co., Louisville City (EDs 36-50 and 89-99). 579. Jefferson Co., Louisville City (EDs 51-64, 150-159, and 65-85). 580. Jefferson Co., Louisville City (EDs 86-88 and 100-139). 581. Jefferson Co., Louisville City (EDs 140-149 and 160-201). 582. Jefferson Co., Louisville City (EDs 202-235). 583. Johnson Co. (EDs 29-47), Lyon Co. (EDs 123-130), and Kenton Co. (EDs 90-111). 584. Kenton Co. (EDs 112-131, 83-89, 132, 165, and 133-143). 585. Knox Co. (EDs 108, 109, 303, and 110-132), Larue Co. (EDs 82-85, 166, and 86-89), and Laurel Co. (EDs 133-151). 586. Lee Co. (EDs 111-118, 176, and 119-120), Lewis Co. (EDs 144-160), Leslie Co. (EDs 152-165), and Lincoln Co. (EDs 76-88). 587. Letcher Co. (EDs 58-67), Livingston Co. (EDs 112-120, 182, and 121-122), and Marion Co. (EDs 90-99). 588. Logan Co. (EDs 54-74) and McCracken Co. (EDs 131-152). 589. McCracken Co. (EDs 153-160), McLean Co. (EDs 109-119), McCreary Co. (EDs 166-184), and Magoffin Co. (EDs 68-80). 590. Madison Co. (EDs 89-113), Marshall Co. (EDs 161-170), Martin Co. (EDs 81-87), and Menifee Co. (EDs 175-181). 591. Mason Co. (EDs 161-174), Meade Co. (EDs 100-104, 165, and 105-109), Mercer Co. (EDs 114-126), and Metcalfe Co. (75-82). 592. Monroe Co. (EDs 185-197), Montgomery Co. (EDs 182-196), Morgan Co. (EDs 197-211), and Muhlenberg Co. (EDs 83-86, and 146). 593. Muhlenberg Co. (EDs 87-101, 144, and 102), Nelson Co. (EDs 110, 171, 111-113, 168, 114-116, 167, 117-120, and 49), and Nicholas Co. (EDs 212-220). 594. Ohio Co. (EDs 121-140, and 173), Oldham Co. (EDs 121-130), Owen Co. (EDs 131-141), and Owsley Co. (EDs 88-94). 595. Pendleton Co. (EDs 144-156), Rock Castle Co. (EDs 235-249), and Perry Co. (EDs 95-105). 596. Pike Co. (EDs 106-137) and Powell Co. (EDs 142, 177, 143-146, and 178). 597. Pulaski Co. (EDs 204-219, 225-234, 198-203, and 220-224), Robertson Co. (EDs 221-225), and Rowan Co. (EDs 226-233). 598. Russell Co. (EDs 250-257), Scott Co. (EDs 147-163), Shelby Co. (EDs 127-146), and Spencer Co. (EDs 147-154). 599. Simpson Co. (EDs 103-111), Todd Co. (EDs 112-124), Taylor Co. (EDs 141-151), and Trigg Co. (EDs 171-181). 600. Trimble Co. (EDs 157-163), Union Co. (EDs 120-135), and Warren Co. (EDs 125-139). 601. Warren Co. (EDs 140-143), Webster Co. (EDs 136-150), Washington Co. (EDs 152-164), and Woodford Co. (EDs 164-173). 602. Wayne Co. (EDs 258-275), Wolfe Co. (EDs 234-242), and Whitley Co. (EDs 276-302). LOUISIANA 603. Acadia Parish (EDs 1-3, 5-11, 16, and 12-15) and Allen Parish (EDs 17-23). 604. Ascension Parish (EDs 1-6), Cameron Parish (EDs 56-61), Assumption Parish (EDs 1-10), and Caldwell Parish (EDs 1-7). 605. Avoyelles Parish (EDs 1-17) and Beauregard Parish (EDs 24-25, 109, and 26-33). 606. Bienville Parish (EDs 1-15) and Calcasieu Parish (EDs 52-55 and 34-51). 607. Bossier Parish (EDs 16-32) and Caddo Parish (EDs 33-39, 71-74, and 77-81). 608. Caddo Parish (EDs 40, 75-76, and 41-70). 609. Catahoula Parish (EDs 8-15), Concordia Parish (EDs 16-23), and Claiborne Parish (EDs 82-99). 610. De Soto Parish (EDs 100-106, 108-111, 142, 112-118, and 141) and East Baton Rouge Parish (EDs 17-29 and 36-37). 611. East Baton Rouge Parish (EDs 30-35 and 38-40), East Carroll Parish (EDs 24-32), East Feliciana Parish (EDs 41-53), and Madison Parish (EDs 61-70). 612. Evangeline Parish (EDs 62-67, 110, 168, 112, 69-71, and 113) and Franklin Parish (EDs 33-42). 613. Grant Parish (EDs 18-25), Plaquemines Parish (EDs 15-25), and Iberia Parish (EDs 11-24, 114, and 25). 614. Iberville Parish (EDs 54-66), Jackson Parish (EDs 43-45, 140, 46-48, 141, and 142), and Livingston Parish (EDs 67-77). 615. Jefferson Co. (EDs 1-12 and 14) and Lafayette Co. (EDs 36-37, 26-35, and 38-41). 616. Jefferson Davis Parish (EDs 72-83), La Salle Parish (EDs 26-35), and Lafourche Parish (EDs 42-57). 617. Lincoln Parish (EDs 49-51, 144, and 52-60), St. Charles Parish (EDs 31-35), Morehouse Parish (EDs 71-79, 143, and 80-82), and Natchitoches Parish (EDs 36-38 and 41). 618. Natchitches Parish (EDs 39-40 and 42-54) and Orleans Parish, New Orleans City (EDs 1-13, and 29-38). 619. Orleans Parish, New Orleans City (EDs 39-60, 14-28, and 61-67). 620. Orleans Parish, New Orleans City (EDs 68-75, 93-107, and 76-92). 621. Orleans Parish, New Orleans City (EDs 108-140). 622. Orleans Parish, New Orleans City (EDs 141-185). 623. Orleans Parish, New Orleans City (EDs 186-220). 624. Orleans Parish, New Orleans City (EDs 221-249 and 267-272). 625. Orleans Parish, New Orleans City (EDs 250-266) and Quachita Parish (EDs 83-101). 626. Pointe Coupee Parish (EDs 78-91) and Rapides Parish (EDs 55-61, and 69-71). 627. Rapides Parish (EDs 62-68, 72-74, 116, and 75-80), Red River Parish (EDs 119-128) and St. John the Baptist Parish (EDs 48-54). 628. Richland Parish (EDs 102-110), St. Helena Parish (EDs 92-97), Sabine Parish (EDs 81-91), and St. Bernard Parish (EDs 26-30). 629. St. James Parish (EDs 36-47) and St. Mary Parish (EDs 69-86). 630. St. Undry Parish (EDs 84-86, 111, 87-89, 93-94, 101, 4, 102, 104, 90-92, 95-100, and 105-108). 631. St. Martin Parish (EDs 58-68) and Tangipahoa Parish (EDs 113-131). 632. St. Tammany Parish (EDs 98-100, 102-112, and 101), Union Parish (EDs 123-127, 129-135, and 128), and Vernon Parish (EDs 98-101). 633. Vernon Parish (EDs 92-97), West Carroll Parish (EDs 136-139), Tensas Parish (EDs 111-122), and West Feliciana Parish (EDs 157-169). 634. Terrebonne Parish (EDs 87-101) and Vermilion Parish (EDs 102-113). 635. Washington Parish (EDs 132-148) and Webster Parish (EDs 129-140). 636. West Baton Rouge Parish (EDs 149-156) and Winn Parish (EDs 102-115). MAINE 637. Androscoggin Co. (EDs 1-33). 638. Androscoggin Co. (EDs 34-42) and Aroostook Co. (EDs 1-26). 639. Cumberland Co. (EDs 4-9, 67-74, 10-14, 17, 18, 15, 16, 19-32, and 36-39). 640. Cumberland Co. (EDs 43-57, 64-66, 143, 75, 33-35, 40-42, and 58-63). 641. Aroostook Co. (EDs 27-56) and Cumberland Co. (EDs 1-3). 642. Cumberland Co. (EDs 76-86), Franklin Co. (EDs 43-46, 147, 47-50, 52-53, 51, and 54-59), and Hancock Co. (EDs 1-14, 187, and 15). 643. Hancock Co. (EDs 16-32, and 188), and Kennecbec Co. (EDs 33, 44-53, 63, 34-43, 54-62, and 64-66). 644. Kennebec Co. (EDs 67-88) and Knox Co. (EDs 60-84). 645. Lincoln Co. (EDs 85-92, 94-97, 93, and 98-101) and Penobscot Co. (EDs 76-85, and 57-75). 646. Penobscot Co. (EDs 86-107, 109-123, 108, and 124-130). 647. Piscataquis Co. (EDs 131-152) and Oxford Co. (EDs 102-120, 149, and 121-124). 648. Oxford Co. (EDs 125-132) and Somerset Co. (EDs 89-114, 185, and 115-122). 649. Sagadahoc Co. (EDs 133-145, 148, and 146), Waldo Co. (EDs 128-132, 123-127, and 133-151), and Washington Co. (EDs 152-155 and 186). 650. Washington Co. (EDs 156-163, 189, 164-174, 176, 177, 175, and 178-184) and York Co. (EDs 87-90, 104-111, and 115-117). 651. York Co. (EDs 91-103, 112-114, and 118-142). MARYLAND 652. Allegany Co. (EDs 5-23, 1-4, 24, 46, 25-32, 37-38, 33-34, 49, 51, 53, and 59). 653. Allegany Co. (EDs 35-36, 40-45, 47-48, 50, and 52), Howard Co. (EDs 55-58, 118, and 59-66), and Anne Arundel Co. (EDs 1-5, 7, 8, 121, 122, 22, 9-11, 120, 12-20, 119, and 117). 654. Anne Arundel Co. (EDs 23, 21, 6, and 24-29), Calvert Co. (EDs 30-36), and Baltimore Co. (EDs 1-5, 7, 6, 8-19, and 22-23). 655. Baltimore Co. (EDs 20, 21, 24-28, 30-33, 29, 34-53, 55. 56, and 54). 656. Baltimore Co., Baltimore City (EDs 1-27 and 97-103). 657. Baltimore Co., Baltimore City (EDs 104-120, 28-38, and 179-184). 60 MARYLAND-MASSACHUSETTS 658. Baltimore Co., Baltimore City (EDs 185-198, 468, 199, 200, 39-51, and 201-205). 659 Baltimore Co., Baltimore City (EDs 206-223, 52-62, and 264-270). 660. Baltimore Co., Baltimore City (EDs 271-285 and 63-79). 661. Baltimore Co., Baltimore City (EDs 80-96 and 162-177). 662. Baltimore Co., Baltimore City (EDs 121-161, 352, 268, 469, and 287-290). 663. Baltimore Co., Baltimore City (EDs 291-301, 370-381, and 224-240). 664 Baltimore Co., Baltimore City (EDs 241-262, 471, and 263). 665. Baltimore Co., Baltimore City (EDs 302-317, 336-351, and 353-355). 666. Baltimore Co., Baltimore City (EDs 318-369, 424, 470, and 425-427). 667. Baltimore Co., Baltimore City (EDs 428-442, 382-395, and 426-467). 668. Baltimore Co., Baltimore City (EDs 396-423, 443-446, 178, and 447-448). 669. Baltimore County, Baltimore City (EDs 449-461), Caroline Co. (EDs 1-14), and Carroll Co. (EDs 57-62 and 77). 670. Carroll Co. (EDs 63-72, 74, 73, 75, 76, and 78-84) and Cecil Co. (EDs 15-33). 671. Charles Co, (EDs 37-54) and Montgomery Co. (EDs 118-123, 128, 129, 124-127, 132, 133, 130, 131, and 134-145). 672. Dorchester Co. (EDs 34-42, 157, and 43-58) and Frederick Co. (EDs 54-64, and 66-73). 673. Frederick Co. (EDs 74-76, 65, and 77-96), Garrett Co. (EDs 97-108, 116-117, and 109-115), and Kent Co. (EDs 59-62 and 69). 674. Kent Co. (EDs 63-68 and 70) and Prince Georges County (EDs 67-101). 675. Harford Co. (EDs 85-90, 108, and 91-107), Queen Annes Co. (EDs 71-83), and Washington Co. (EDs 146-148 and 168-170). 676. Washington Co. (EDs 150-167, 149, 188, 192, 194, 171-187, 189-191, and 193). 677. St. Mary’s Co. (EDs 102-116), Talbot Co. (EDs 103-106, 113-116, and 107-112), and Worcester Co. (EDs 140-148, 155-156, and 149-154). 678. Somerset Co. (EDs 84, 102, and 85-101) and Wicomico Co. (EDs 117-123, 128, 132-137, 124-127, 129-131, 138, and 139). MASSACHUSETTS 679. Barnstable Co. (EDs 1-22) and Berkshire Co. (EDs 1-20). 680. Berkshire Co. (EDs 21-23, 79-91, 51-63, and 66-78). 681. Berkshire Co. (EDs 24-50) and Bristol Co. (EDs 1-15, 226, 16-18, 22, and 216). 682. Bristol Co. (EDs 19-21, 23-27, and 103-107) and Bristol Co., Fall River City (EDs 28-39). 683. Bristol Co., Fall River City (EDs 40-46, 232, 47-68, and 82-85). 684. Bristol Co., Fall River City (EDs 69-81, 86-102, and 164-168). 685. Bristol Co. (EDs 108, 217-218, 109-112, 231, 113-119, 225, and 120-127). 686. Bristol Co. (EDs 128-138, 224, 139-144, 153-154, 229, 155-157, 227, 158-163, and 219). 687. Bristol Co. (EDs 145, 146, 228, 230, 147-152, 170-172, 169, 173-180, 205, 206, 181-184, 223, and 185-190). 688. Bristol Co. (EDs 186, 187, 191-196, 222, 197, 220, 198, 199, 221, and 200-204), Dukes Co. (EDs 207-213), and Essex Co. (EDs 1-11 and 209). 689. Essex Co. (EDs 12-26, 32-33, 27-31, and 210-218). 690. Essex Co. (EDs 34-63 and 74-79). 691. Essex Co. (EDs 64-73, 80-87, 205-208, and 96-103). 692. Essex Co. (EDs 88-95 and 119-137). 693. Essex Co. (EDs 104-118, 138-139, and 144-157). 694. Essex Co. (EDs 140-143, 158-180, and 198-201). 695. Essex Co. (EDs 181-197, 202-204, and 219-234). 696. Essex Co. (EDs 235-266). 697. Essex Co. (EDs 267-294). 698. Franklin Co. (EDs 92-102, 122-134, and 103-121). 699. Hampden Co. (EDs 1-13, 195, 23-26, 14-22, and 187-190). 700. Hampden Co. (EDs 27-50, 192, 51-57, and 62-68). 701. Hampden Co. (EDs 74-80, 85-86, 69-73, 81-84, and 179-186). 702. Hampden Co., Springfield City (EDs 87, 193, 88-113, and 124-134). 703. Hampden Co., Springfield City (EDs 114-123 and 135-163). 704. Hampden Co., Springfield City (EDs 164-173, 194, 174-175, 196, 176-178, and 191) and Hampshire Co. (EDs 135-152, and 157-159). 705. Hampshire Co. (EDs 153-156, 179-181, 183-185, 182, 186-194, and 160-178) and Nantucket Co. (EDs 214-215). 706. Middlesex Co. (EDs 1-9, 110, 10-18, 465, 19-22, 106-109, and 111-114). 707. Middlesex Co., Cambridge City (EDs 23-27, 48-55, 99-100, 549, 101-105 28-32, 67-82, 552, and 83). 708. Middlesex Co., Cambridge City (EDs 33-45, 169, 46-47, 92-98, 56-57, 550, 551, 58-60, 354, 61-66, 84-85. 558, and 86-91). 709. Middlesex Co. (EDs 116-118, 148-161, 119-133, and 139-142). 710 Middlesex Co. (EDs 134-138, 143-147, 162-168, 174, 175). and Middlesex Co., Lowell City (EDs 170-173, 176, 559, 177, 566, 178-180, 571 181 182 576, and 202-208). 711. Middlesex Co., Lowell City (EDs 183-193, 565, 194-201, 556, 554, 209-215 230, 561, 569, 231-234, 562, 564, 235-237, and 557). 712. Middlesex Co., Lowell City (EDs 216-217, 570, 572, 218, 553, 219-224, 560, 225-229, 555, 238-240, 567, 241-243, 115, 244, 579, 245-247, 577, 248-250 568, and 251-253). 713. Middlesex Co. (EDs 254-268, 274-279, 269-273, and 280-293). 714. Middlesex Co. (EDs 309-319, 580, 320, 321, 331, and 332). 715 Middlesex Co. (EDs 322-330 and 390-394). 716. Middlesex Co. (EDs 347-353, 472-478, 573, 479-481, and 355-373). 717. Middlesex Co. (EDs 374-389 and 399-416). 718. Middlesex Co. (EDs 417-422, 449-460, 423-428, and 438-448). 719. Middlesex Co. (EDs 429-437, 461-464. 466-469, 471, 482-489, 548, and 490-504). 720. Middlesex Co. (EDs 505-511, 575, 512-521, and 528-547). 721. Norfolk Co. (EDs 154-159 and 160-180). 722. Norfolk Co. (EDs 181-183, 288, 184-191, 195-197, 192-194, 198-209, and 283-285). 723. Norfolk Co. (EDs 210-220, 264-266, 221-233, and 248-255). 724. Norfolk Co. (EDs 234-247, 256-263, 267-272, and 276-282). 725. Plymouth Co, (EDs 33-43, 92-102, 44-65, and 74-81). 726. Plymouth Co. (EDs 23-32, 82-91. 103-111, 286, 112-114, 287, and 115-119). 727. Plymouth Co. (EDs 120-153). 728. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 1-41). 729. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 42-91). 730. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 92-136). 731. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 137-187). 732. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 188-215 and 406-409). 733. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 410-415, 681, 416-425, and 245-270). 734. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 271-312). 735. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 313-358). 736. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 359-382, 687, 383-392, 682, and 393-405). 737. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 426-466). 738. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 467-505). 739. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 506-540). 740. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 541-581). 741. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 582-598, 685, 599-605, 683, and 606-611). 742. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 216-219, 221-244, 235-244, 674, 679, 675, 680, and 676-678). 743. Suffolk Co., Boston City (EDs 612-652). 744. Suffolk Co. (EDs 653-673) and Worcester Co. (EDs 1-18). 745. Worcester Co. (EDs 19-20, 29-33, 71-80, 21-28, 34-39, and 65-70). 746. Worcester Co. (EDs 40-64, 81-83, 234, 84-95, and 109-110). 747. Worcester Co. (EDs 96-98, 355, 99-108, 120-122, 157, 111-119, and 123-131). 748. Worcester Co. (EDs 132-133, 340, 134-156, 158-172, and 179). 749. Worcester Co. (EDs 173-178, and 180-190) and Worcester Co., Worcester City (EDs 191-196, 341, 197-202, and 254-259). 750. Worcester Co., Worcester City (EDs 260-271, 298-309, 203-212, 338, 213, 214, 336, 215-217, and 272-275). 751. Worcester Co., Worcester City (EDs 276-284, 322-328, 337, 329-333, 218-220, 222-230, 339, 334, 231-233, and 235-238). 752. Worcester Co., Worcester City (EDs 239-253, 285-290, 342, 291-297, and 310-321). This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. MICHIGAN-MINNESOTA 61 MICHIGAN 753. Alcona Co. (EDs 1-7), Alger Co. (EDs 1-10), Arenac Co. (EDs 40-49), and Allegan Co. (EDs 1-26, 30, and 29). 754. Allegan Co. (EDs 27-28 and 31-41), Alpena Co. (EDs 8-26), Antrim Co. (EDs 27- 39), and Bay Co. (EDs 50 and 92-101). 755. Bay Co. (EDs 51-69, 86-91, and 70-85). 756. Baraga Co. (EDs 11-17), Barry Co. (EDs 42-66), Benzie Co. (EDs 1-12 and 226), and Case Co. (EDs 116-141). 757. Berrien Co. (EDs 67-101 and 105-108). 758. Berrien Co. (EDs 102-104, 109-115), Charlevoix Co. (EDs 102-117, 332-333), and Branch Co. (EDs 1-27, and 197). 759. Calhoun Co. (EDs 28-44, 61, and 45-60). 760. Calhoun Co. (EDs 62-85), Cheboygan Co. (EDs 118-135), Clare Co. (EDs 136-146), and Crawford Co. (EDs 147-153). 761. Chippewa Co. (EDs 18-35, 37-45, and 123) and Clinton Co. (EDs 1-27). 762. Delta Co. (EDs 46-74) and Dickinson Co. (EDs 75-89). 763. Eaton Co. (EDs 86-115), Emmet Co. (EDs 154-170), and Gratiot Co. (EDs 28- 33). 764. Gratiot Co. (EDs 34-61) and Genesee Co. (EDs 9-23). 765. Genesee Co. (EDs 24-53). 766. Genesee Co. (EDs 54-59, 1-8, and 60-78) and Gladwin Co. (EDs 171-180). 767. Gogebic Co. (EDs 90-110) and Grand Traverse Co. (EDs 13-36 and 227). 768. Hillsdale Co. (EDs 116-139), and Houghton Co. (EDs 111-114 and 139-154). 769. Houghton Co. (EDs 115-122, 124-138, and 155-173). 770. Huron Co. (EDs 1-31) and Isabella Co. (EDs 194-219). 771. Ingham Co. (EDs 79-86, 116-135, 87-96, and 102-105). 772. Ingham Co. (EDs 97-101 and 106-115) and Ionia Co. (EDs 62-93). 773. Ionia Co. (EDs 94-99), Iron Co. (EDs 174-188), Iosco Co. (EDs 181-183), and Jackson Co. (EDs 9-16 and 26-28). 774. Jackson Co. (EDs 17-25, 29-32, 1-8, and 33-47). 775. Kalamazoo Co. (EDs 140-143, 152-159, 173-179, 146-151, and 160-172). 776. Kalamazoo Co. (EDs 144, 196, 145, 180-186, 198, 187-190, and 192-195), Kalkaska Co. (EDs 220-229), and Kent Co., Grand Rapids City (EDs 1-21). 777. Kent Co., Grand Rapids City (EDs 22-52). 778. Kent Co., Grand Rapids Co. (EDs 53-80). 779. Kent Co., Grand Rapids Co. (EDs 81-119). 780. Keweenaw Co. (EDs 189-192, 195, 193, and 194), Livingston Co. (EDs 134-156), Labe Co. (EDs 37-44), and Lenawee Co. (EDs 48-68). 781. Lenawee Co. (EDs 69-95) and Lapeer Co. (EDs 32-61). 782. Leelanan Co. (EDs 45-56), Luce Co. (EDs 196-200), and Macomb Co. (EDs 202, 62-76, 203, and 77-90). 783. Mackinac Co. (EDs 201-213), Mason Co. (EDs 81-102), Manistee Co. (EDs 57-71, 224, and 72-80), and Mecosta Co. (EDs 230-237). 784. Mecosta Co. (EDs 238-250) and Marquette Co. (EDs 214-231, 256, and 232-255). 785. Menominee Co. (EDs 257-283), Midland Co. (EDs 251-262, 334-335, and 263-265), and Missaukee Co. (EDs 103-113). 786. Monroe Co. (EDs 96-110, 115-121, 111-114, and 122-128) and Oceana Co. (EDs 185-203). 787. Montcalm Co. (EDs 100-142), Montgomery Co. (EDs 266-271), and Newaygo Co. (EDs 159-169, 225, and 170-184). 788. Muskegon Co. (EDs 114-148 and 155-158). 789. Muskegon Co. (EDs 149-154) and Oakland Co. (EDs 157-182, 186-188, and 212). 790. Oakland Co. (EDs 183-185, 211, 189-199, 213, and 200-210). 791. Ogemaw Co. (EDs 272-282), Osceola Co. (EDs 283-299), Oscoda Co. (EDs 300-304), Ontonagon Co. (EDs 284-294), Presque Isle Co. (EDs 312-323 and 330-331), and Roscommon Co. (EDs 324-327). 792. Otsego Co. (EDs 305-311) and Ottawa Co. (EDs 120-130, 153-155, and 131-152). 793. Saginaw Co. (EDs 143-168 and 172-188). 794. Saginaw Co. (EDs 189-201, 169-171, 213-224, 202-206, 211, and 212), and St. Clair Co. (EDs 91-95). 795. St. Clair Co. (EDs 96-113, 129-135, and 114-128). 796. St. Joseph Co. (EDs 142-173) and Sanilac Co. (EDs 136-163). 797. Sanilac Co. (EDs 164-168), Schoolcraft Co. (EDs 295-304 and 36), and Shiawassee Co. (EDs 225-258). 798. Tuscola Co. (EDs 169-201) and Wexford Co. (EDs 204-223). 799. Van Buren Co. (EDs 174-208) and Washtenaw Co. (EDs 129-141, 172, 142-147, and 150). 800. Washtenaw Co. (EDs 148-149 and 151-171) and Wayne Co. (EDs 1-3, 799, 4, 5, and 669-682). 801. Wayne Co. (EDs 6-8, 798, and 683-724). 802. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 9-58). 803. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 59-89 and 160-168). 804. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 169-181 and 90-106). 805. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 107-159). 806. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 182-219 and 271-273). 807. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 274-292). 808. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 220-257). 809. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 258-270 and 293-325). 810. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 326-360). 811. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 361-397). 812. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 398-405, 607, 609, 608, and 610-621). 813. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 406-446). 814. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 447-491). 815. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 492-493 [sheets 1-4], 494, 493 [sheets 5-11], and 495-516). 816. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 517-557). 817. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 558-586). 818. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 587-606 and 622-637). 819. Wayne Co., Detroit City (EDs 638-668). 820. Wayne Co. (EDs 725-726, 732-746, and 748-749). 821. Wayne Co. (EDs 727-731, 757-776, 780, 781, 777-779, and 782-797). MINNESOTA 822. Aitkin Co. (EDs 1-17), Big Stone Co. (EDs 1-9), Anoka Co. (EDs 1-10, 103, and 11-15), and Beltrami Co. (EDs 23-31). 823. Beltrami Co. (EDs 18-22, 32-79, and 253) and Becker Co. (EDs 1-25). 824. Benton Co. (EDs 80-91), Carlton Co. (EDs 1-4, 224, and 5-16), and Cass Co. (EDs 92-112). 825. Blue Earth Co. (EDs 1-34) and Brown Co. (EDs 35-54). 826. Carver Co. (EDs 1-13), Clearwater Co. (EDs 46-56), Chippewa Co. (EDs 10-24), and Grant Co. (EDs 48-60). 827. Chisago Co. (EDs 16-31), Dodge Co. (EDs 1-11), Clay Co. (EDs 26-33, 265, and 34-45), and Cook Co. (EDs 17, 212, and 18-19). 828. Cottonwood Co. (EDs 55-69), Douglas Co. (EDs 25-47), and Faribault Co. (EDs 70-91). 829. Crow Wing Co. (EDs 133-134), and Dakota Co. (EDs 14-22, 191, and 23-34). 830. Fillmore Co. (EDs 12-37) and Freeborn Co. (EDs 38, 213, 39, 214, 40, 215, and 41-60). 831. Goodhue Co. (EDs 35-56, 195, and 57-63), Hubbard Co. (EDs 135-146), and Isanti Co. (EDs 32-44). 832. Hennepin Co., Minneapolis City (EDs 18-49). 833. Hennepin Co., Minneapolis City (EDs 50-81). 834. Hennepin Co., Minneapolis City (EDs 82-89, 270, and 90-114). 835. Hennepin Co., Minneapolis City (EDs 115-140, 269, and 141-149). 836. Hennepin Co., Minneapolis City (EDs 150-185). 837. Hennepin Co., Minneapolis City (EDs 186-189, 204-213, 190-200, 267, and 201-203). 838. Hennepin Co., Minneapolis City (EDs 214-218, 266, and 219-245). 839. Hennepin Co., Minneapolis City (EDs 246-255, 268, and 256-258) and Hennepin Co. (EDs 259-262, 271, and 263-265). 840. Houston Co. (EDs 61-77), Kanabec Co. (EDs 45-52), and Itasca Co. (EDs 20-41, 213, 214, and 218). 841. Jackson Co. (EDs 92-108), Kandiyohi Co. (EDs 71-83), and Kittson Co. (EDs 58-69 and 262). 842. Koochiching Co. (EDs 42-52, 226, and 53-61), Lincoln Co. (EDs 109-117), Lac Qui Parle Co. (EDs 84, 92, 85-91, and 93-97), and Lake Co. (EDs 62-69). 843. LeSueur Co. (EDs 64-81), Mahnomen Co. (EDs 70-75), Lyon Co. (EDs 98-112), and McLeod Co. (EDs 82-87). 844. McLeod Co. (EDs 88-96), Marshall Co. (EDs 76-96 and 263), and Martin Co. (EDs 118-139). 845. Meeker Co. (EDs 113-129), Mille Lacs Co. (EDs 53-62 and 105-106), and Nobles Co. (EDs 155-169, and 225). 846. Morrison Co. (EDs 147-168) and Mower Co. (EDs 78-99). 847. Olmsted Co. (EDs 100-123) and Otter Tail Co. (EDs 115-140, and 146-149). 848. Murray Co. (EDs 140-154), Nicollet Co. (EDs 97-109), Norman Co. (EDs 97-114), and Pennington Co. (EDs 168-179 and 57). 62 MINNESOTA-MISSOURI 849. Otter Tail Co. (EDs 141-145 and 150-167), Pine Co. (EDs 63-80 and 104), and Red Lake Co. (EDs 224-234). 850. Pipestone Co. (EDs 170-180), Pope Co. (EDs 130-143), and Polk Co. (EDs 180-209, 261, and 264). 851. Polk Co. (EDs 210-223) Redwood Co. (EDs 181-199 and 226-227). 852. Ramsey Co., St. Paul City (EDs 5-33, 37-43, and 154). 853. Ramsey Co., St. Paul City (EDs 34-36, 44-74, and 153). 854. Ramsey Co., St. Paul City (EDs 75-89, 104-113, and 142-150). 855. Ramsey Co., St. Paul City (EDs 90-103, and 124-141). 856. Ramsey Co., St. Paul City (EDs 114-124, 1-4, and 151-152) and Rice Co. (EDs 110-113, 194, 114, 115, 196-197, 117-121, 192, 122-128, 193, and 129-135). 857. Rock Co. (EDs 200-210), Roseau Co. (EDs 235-250), and St. Louis Co. (EDs 70-91). 858. St. Louis Co. (EDs 92-118, 217, and 219). 859. St. Louis Co. (EDs 119-122, 215, 221, 123-136, 216, and 137-147). 860. St. Louis Co. (EDs 156-195, 222-223, and 225). 861. St. Louis Co. (EDs 148-155, and 196-211), Scott Co. (EDs 136-148), and Sherburne Co. (EDs 169-177). 862. Sibley Co. (EDs 149-166), Stevens Co. (EDs 165-173), and Steams Co. (EDs 178-201). 863. Stearns Co. (EDs 202-219), Steele Co. (EDs 124-141), and Traverse Co. (EDs 188-197). 864. Swift Co. (EDs 174-187), Wadena Co. (EDs 244-252), and Todd Co. (EDs 220-243). 865. Wabasha Co. (EDs 142-162) and Winona Co. (EDs 180-212). 866. Waseca Co. (EDs 163-179), Watonwan Co. (EDs 211-224), and Washington Co. (EDs 167-190). 867. Wilkin Co. (EDs 251-255, 266, and 256-260), Yellow Medicine Co. (EDs 198-213), and Wright Co. (EDs 81-102). MISSISSIPPI 868. Adams Co. (EDs 1-18), Alcorn Co. (EDs 9-12 and 1-8), and Amite Co. (EDs 19-28). 869. Amite Co. (EDs 29-32), Carroll Co. (EDs 26-39), and Attala Co. (EDs 1-15). 870. Benton Co. (EDs 1-8 and 124-125), Calhoun Co. (EDs 16-25), and Bolivar Co. (EDs 1-5, 19-25, and 168). 871. Bolivar Co. (EDs 6-18), Chickasaw Co. (EDs 40-52, and 133), and Clarke Co. (EDs 9-11). 872. Clarke Co. (EDs 1-8), Covington Co. (EDs 1-9), Choctaw Co. (EDs 53-63), and Claiborne Co. (EDs 33-43). 873. Clay Co. (EDs 64-76) and Coahoma Co. (EDs 31-34, 42-44, 26-30, and 35-41). 874. Copiah Co. (EDs 44-62) and De Sota Co. (EDs 9-23 and 135). 875. Forrest Co. (EDs 10-17, and 19), George Co. (EDs 20-25), Franklin Co. (EDs 63-69, 136, and 70-73), and Greene Co. (EDs 26-30). 876. Grenada Co. (EDs 77-86), Hancock Co. (EDs 31-37), and Harrison Co. (EDs 38-50 and 53-54). 877. Harrison Co. (EDs 51-52 and 55-56), Holmes Co. (EDs 45-59), and Itawamba Co. (EDs 13-21). 878. Hinds Co. (EDs 1-4, 18-31, and 119-120). 879. Humphreys Co. (EDs 60-68), Issaquena Co. (EDs 69-72, 169, and 73-76), Jackson Co. (EDs 57-72), and Jasper Co. (EDs 12-13, 139, 18-19, and 140). 880. Jasper Co. (EDs 14-17, and 20-22), Lafayette Co. (EDs 24-38), Jefferson Co. (EDs 74-79, 138, and 80-84), and Jefferson Davis Co. (EDs 73-79). 881. Jones Co. (EDs 80-95) and Kemper Co. (EDs 23-24, 27-35, and 141). 882. Lamar Co. (EDs 96-104), Lawrence Co. (EDs 105-112), and Lauderdale Co. (EDs 41-54 and 59-60). 883. Lauderdale Co. (EDs 36-40, 55-58, and 61-63) and Le Flore Co. (EDs 77-93). 884. Le Flore Co. (EDs 94-95 and 165), Leake Co. (EDs 64-77), and Lee Co. (EDs 22-34). 885. Lincoln Co. (EDs 85-98) and Lowndes Co. (EDs 35-53). 886. Madison Co. (EDs 36, 37, 116, and 38-52), Marion Co. (EDs 113-118), and Monroe Co. (EDs 54-58). 887. Monroe Co. (EDs 59-78) and Marshall Co. (EDs 39-52, 131, and 53-54). 888. Montgomery Co. (EDs 86-96), Neshoba Co. (EDs 81-89 and 78-80), and Newton Co. (EDs 90-104). 889. Noxubee Co. (EDs 79-95), Oktibbeha Co. (EDs 96-107), and Perry Co. (EDs 125-130). 890. Panola Co. (EDs 55-59, 134, 60-63, 69, 126, 70-72, 127, and 73), Pearl River Co. (EDs 119-122, 155, 123, and 124), and Pontotoc Co. (EDs 97-103). 891. Pontotoc Co. (EDs 104-108), Prentiss Co. (EDs 108-117), and Pike Co. (EDs 99-115). 892. Quitman Co. (EDs 96-97, 166, 98-100, 167, and 101-104), Scott Co (EDs 108-112, 105-107, 113-114, 142, and 115-116), and Sharkey Co. (EDs 105-114). 893. Rankin Co. (EDs 53-56, 114, and 57-64), Stone Co. (EDs 140-144), Simpson Co. (EDs 131-139), and Smith Co. (EDs 117-121). 894. Smith Co. (EDs 122-127) and Sunflower Co. (EDs 115-116, 125-128, and 117-124). 895. Tallahatchie Co. (EDs 74-76, 136, 77-79, 132, 80-82, 86, 87 [sheets 1-25], 88 [sheets 11-22], 87 [sheets 26-29), 88 [sheets 1-10 and 23-31], 89, and 83-85) and Tate Co. (EDs 90-100, 133, and 101). 896. Tippah Co. (EDs 102-105, 62, 106-107, 128, 108-110, and 130), Walthall Co. (EDs 116, 117, 137, and 118-120), Tishomingo Co. (EDs 118-127), and Tunica Co. (EDs 131, 132, and 135-138). 897. Tunica Co. (EDs 129, 130, 133, and 134), Union Co. (EDs 111-116, 129, and 117-123), and Warren Co. (EDs 65-72, 115, 73-75, and 84-88). 898. Warren Co. (EDs 76-82), Wilkinson Co. (EDs 121-135), and Washington Co. (EDs 139-145 and 153-159). 899. Washington Co. (EDs 146-152, and 160-164), Wayne Co. (EDs 145-154), and Webster Co. (EDs 109-118). 900. Winston Co. (EDs 128-138) and Yazoo Co. (EDs 89-102, 118, 103-106, and 111-113). 901. Yazoo Co. (EDs 107-110) and Yalobusha Co. (EDs 119-132). MISSOURI 902. Adair Co. (EDs 1-23), Andrew Co. (EDs 1-15), and Barton Co. (EDs 24-32, 183, and 33-38). 903. Atchison Co. (EDs 16-18, 200, and 19-30), Benton Co. (EDs 1-16), Audrain Co. (EDs 1-21), and Barry Co. (EDs 1-2, 185, and 12). 904. Barry Co. (EDs 3-11, and 13-23), Cass Co. (EDs 28-35, 38, 36-37, and 39-49), and Casconade Co. (EDs 80-93). 905. Bates Co. (EDs 1-27), Bollinger Co. (EDs Til), and Crawford Co. (EDs 1-13). 906. Boone Co. (EDs 1-30) and Chariton Co. (EDs 26-47). 907. Buchanan Co. (EDs 50-60, 66, 61-65, 67-76, 197, 77-85, and 114-129). 908. Buchanan Co. (EDs 86-95, 108-113, 31-49, and 130-132) and Carter Co. (EDs 12-17). 909. Butler Co. (EDs 1-15), Callaway Co. (EDs 22-50), and Dunklin Co. (EDs 68-74). 910. Dunklin Co. (EDs 70-85), Caldwell Co. (EDs 1-15), and Clark Co. (EDs 24-38). 911. Camden Co. (EDs 31-42), Christian Co. (EDs 38-54), and Cape Girardeau Co. (EDs 16-33 and 37). 912. Cape Girardeau Co. (EDs 34-36), Carroll Co. (EDs 1-25), Cedar Co. (EDs 50-65), and Dallas Co. (EDs 14-28). 913. Clay Co. (EDs 16-32), Clinton Co. (EDs 33-46), and Daviess Co. (EDs 47-67). 914. Cole Co. (EDs 43-66), Cooper Co. (EDs 67-89), and Greene Co. (EDs 17-20 and 54-56). 915. Greene Co. (EDs 21-22, 63-65, 23-31, 46-49, 32-45, 50-53, and 57-61). 916. Greene Co. (EDs 62, and 66-74), Grundy Co. (EDs 48-64), Dade Co. (EDs 66-81), and De Kalb Co. (EDs 68-80). 917. Dent Co. (EDs 29-41), Howard Co. (EDs 86-102 and 211), Douglas Co. (EDs 55-67), and Knox Co. (EDs 39-51). 918. Franklin Co. (EDs 51-79), Holt Co. (EDs 133-148), and Livingston Co. (EDs 93-102). 919. Livingston Co. (EDs 92 and 103-114), McDonald Co. (EDs 123-130, 184, and 131-133), Gentry Co. (EDs 81-95), and Iron Co. (EDs 18-26). 920. Harrison Co. (EDs 96-118), Howell Co. (EDs 86-105), and Madison Co. (EDs 49-59). 921. Henry Co. (EDs 82-106), Hickory Co. (EDs 75-85), and Jasper Co. (EDs 39-52). 922. Jasper Co. (EDs 53-99). 923. Jackson Co., Kansas City (EDs 1-5, 285-290, 6-14, 291, 15. 16. 274-284, and 17-28). 924. Jackson Co., Kansas City (EDs 29-31, 183-199, and 32-50). This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. MISSOURI-NEBRASKA 63 925. Jackson Co., Kansas City (EDs 51-57, 78-81, 83-92, and 58-77). 926. Jackson Co., Kansas City (EDs 93-106, 122-135, 151-164, and 166). 927. Jackson Co., Kansas City (EDs 107-121, 136-150, and 167-175). 928. Jackson Co., Kansas City (EDs 176-182, and 240-273). 929. Jackson Co., Kansas City (EDs 200-239). 930. Jefferson Co. (EDs 27-48) and Johnson Co. (EDs 107-131). 931. Laclede Co. (EDs 42-56), Maries Co. (EDs 57-65), and Lafayette Co. (EDs 103- 124). 932. Lawrence Co. (EDs 100-122), Lewis Co. (EDs 52-65), and Mississippi Co. (EDs 106-116). 933. Lincoln Co. (EDs 94-111), Reynolds Co. (EDs 77-85), and Linn Co. (EDs 65-87, 178, and 88-91). 934. Macon Co. (EDs 66-95) and Marion Co. (EDs 96-122). 935. Mercer Co. (EDs 119-129), Miller Co. (EDs 90-103), Moniteau Co. (EDs 104- 118), and Morgan Co. (EDs 119-132). 936. Monroe Co. (EDs 115-133), Pulaski Co. (EDs 80-90), Montgomery Co. (EDs 112-126), and Ozark Co. (EDs 145-158). 937. New Madrid Co. (EDs 117-130) and Newton Co. (EDs 134-156). 938. Nodaway Co. (EDs 149-181), Oregon Co. (EDs 131-144), and Osage Co. (EDs 133-145). 939. Pemiscot Co. (EDs 159-173), Perry Co. (EDs 60-76), and Pettis Co. (EDs 125-139). 940. Pettis Co. (EDs 140-157), Polk Co. (EDs 158-180), and Schuyler Co. (EDs 139-149). 941. Phelps Co. (EDs 66-79), Scotland Co. (EDs 150-162), Pike Co. (EDs 127-149), and Ray Co. (EDs 130-135). 942. Ray Co. (EDs 136-150), Ripley Co. (EDs 174-185), Platte Co. (EDs 182-183, 198, 191, 184-190, 199, and 192-196), and Shannon Co. (EDs 91-101). 943. Putnam Co. (EDs 123-138), Washington Co. (EDs 159-170), Ralls Co. (EDs 150-161), and St. Clair Co. (EDs 132-153). 944. Randolph Co. (EDs 134-158), St. Charles Co. (EDs 162-185), and St. Francois Co. (EDs 86-90) 945. St. Francois Co. (EDs 91-105), and St. Louis Co. (EDs 106-110, 183, and 111-123). 946. St. Louis Co. (EDs 124-128, 184, and 129-138). 947. St. Louis Co. (EDs 139-149), Ste. Genevieve Co. (EDs 150-158), and St. Louis City (EDs 1-20). 948. St. Louis City (EDs 21-54 and 84-96). 949. St. Louis City (EDs 97-104, 138-157, and 55-83). 950. St. Louis City (EDs 105-137 and 246-260). 951. St. Louis City (EDs 261-274 and 158-181). 952. St. Louis City (EDs 182-196, 312-330, and 352-365). 953. St. Louis City (EDs 366-372, 571-596, and 455). 954. St. Louis City (EDs 197-242). 955. St. Louis City (EDs 243-245, 296-311, and 275-295). 956. St. Louis City (EDs 331-351 and 373-389). 957. St. Louis City (EDs 390-419). 958. St. Louis City (EDs 420-421 and 535-570). 959. St. Louis City (EDs 422-454 and 456-460). 960. St. Louis City (EDs 461-474 and 476-494). 961. St. Louis City (EDs 495-516, 475, and 517-534). 962. Saline Co. (EDs 181-210), Scott Co. (EDs 186-200), and Wayne Co. (EDs 171-173). 963. Wayne Co. (EDs 174-182), Webster Co. (EDs 125-141), Shelby Co. (EDs 163-178), and Stone Co. (EDs 218-229). 964. Stoddard Co. (EDs 201-217), Sullivan Co. (EDs 159-177), and Taney Co. (EDs 230-238). 965 Texas Co. (EDs 102-124), Worth Co. (EDs 151-159), and Vernon Co. (EDs 157-182). 966. Warren Co. (EDs 186-194) and Wright Co. (EDs 142-158). MONTANA 967. Beaverhead Co. (EDs 1-9), Big Horn Co. (EDs 1-5), Blaine Co. (EDs 1-4, 236, 5-10, and 242), Broadwater Co. (EDs 10-17), Carbon Co. (EDs 6-24), and Carter Co. (EDs 25-32). 968. Cascade Co. (EDs 11-12, 237, 13-33, 240, and 34-57) and Dawson Co. (EDs 73-83). 969. Chouteau Co. (EDs 58, 238, and 59-72), Custer Co. (EDs 33-49), Deer Lodge Co. (EDs 18-33), and Fergus Co. (EDs 84-88). 970. Fergus Co. (EDs 89-116), Fallon Co. (EDs 50-57), and Gallatin Co. (EDs 54-78). 971. Flathead Co. (EDs 34-53), Glacier Co. (EDs 124-127), Garfield Co. (EDs 117-123), Granite Co. (EDs 79-83 and 259), and Hill Co. (EDs 128-142). 972. Jefferson Co. (EDs 84-91), Lewis and Clark Co. (EDs 92-115, 261, 116-122, 262, and 123-126), Liberty Co. (EDs 143-145, and 232), Lincoln Co. (EDs 127-133), McCone Co. (EDs 146-151), and Madison Co. (EDs 134-142). 973. Meagher Co. (EDs 58-65), Mineral Co. (EDs 143-146), Musselshell Co. (EDs 64-77), Pondera Co. (EDs 163-166, 233-234, and 167-171), and Missoula Co. (EDs 147-170). 974. Park Co. (EDs 78-101), Phillips Co. (EDs 152-161, 239, and 162), Powder River Co. (EDs 102-105), Powell Co. (EDs 171-176, 260, and 177), Prairie Co. (EDs 106-111), and Richland Co. (EDs 172-184, 244, 185, and 186). 975. Ravalli Co. (EDs 178-188), Roosevelt Co. (EDs 187-192, 241, and 193-196), Sanders Co. (EDs 189-192), Rosebud Co. (EDs 112-123), and Sheridan Co. (EDs 197-206). 976. Silver Bow Co. (EDs 198-216, 231-238, 193-197, 247-248, 217-230, and 239-246). 977. Silver Bow Co. (EDs 249-258), Stillwater Co. (EDs 124-133), Treasure Co. (EDs 142-146), Sweet Grass Co. (EDs 134-141), Teton Co. (EDs 207-214), Toole Co. (EDs 215-222), and Wilbaux Co. (EDs 153-157). 978. Valley Co. (EDs 223, 235, and 224-231), Wheatland Co. (EDs 147-152), and Yellowstone Co. (178-184 and 158-177). NEBRASKA 979. Adams Co. (EDs 1-24), Deuel Co. (EDs 119-120 and 281), Antelope Co. (EDs 1-14), Arthur Co. (EDs 1-4), and Box Butte Co. (EDs 10, 272, and 11-17). 980. Banner Co. (EDs 5-7), Boone Co. (EDs 15-23, and 231), Boyd Co. (EDs 18-27), Blaine Co. (EDs 8-9), and Buffalo Co. (EDs 34-48, 275, 49-52, and 53). 981. Brown Co. (EDs 28-33), Dakota Co. (EDs 78-84), Dawes Co. (EDs 97-105), Burt Co. (EDs 24-38), and Cherry Co. (EDs 54-68). 982. Butler Co. (EDs 1-17, 227, and 18-19), Franklin Co. (EDs 56-60, 215, 61, 214, and 62-66), Cass Co. (EDs 1-22), and Cheyenne Co. (EDs 69-72). 983. Cedar Co. (EDs 39-50), Frontier Co. (EDs 67-69, 221, 217, and 70-78), Chase Co. (EDs 25-32), Dawson Co. (EDs 106-112, 270, and 113-118), and Gosper Co. (EDs 92-93). 984. Clay Co. (EDs 33-48), Furnas Co. (EDs 79-91), Colfax Co. (EDs 51-60), and Cuming Co. (EDs 61-77) 985. Custer Co. (EDs 73-96), Dixon Co. (EDs 85-96), and Fillmore Co. (EDs 20-29, 33, 30-32, and 34-41). 986. Dodge Co. (EDs 97-116) and Gage Co. (EDs 53-57, 42-52, and 58-78). 987. Douglas Co., Omaha City (EDs 1-25 and 92-105). 988. Douglas Co., Omaha City (EDs 26-58). 989. Douglas Co., Omaha City (EDs 59-69, 115-123, 70-76, 78-81, and 124-131). 990. Douglas Co., Omaha City (EDs 82-91, 106-115, 132-144), and Hamilton Co. (EDs 79-91, 228, and 92-95). 991. Dundy Co. (EDs 49-55), Greeley Co. (EDs 132-139), Howard Co. (EDs 157-165), Garden Co. (EDs 277, 121-122, 278, and 123-129), and Jefferson Co. (EDs 96-112, and 229). 992. Grant Co. (EDs 276, 131, and 130), Hall Co. (EDs 99-116, 212, 117, and 118), Harlan Co. (EDs 119-127), Hitchcock Co. (EDs 216 and 134-141), Hooker Co. (EDs 156 and 271), and Johnson Co. (EDs 23-36). 993. Hayes Co. (EDs 128-133), Madison Co. (EDs 135, 229, 137-139, 233, 146-151, 136, 152-153, and 230), Holt Co. (EDs 140-155), and Kearney Co. (EDs 142-154). 994. Keya Paha Co. (EDs 170-174), Nance Co. (EDs 164-173), Pawnee Co. (EDs 143-155), and Perkins Co. (EDs 172-173, 213, 174-176, 219, and 218). 995. Kimball Co. (EDs 175-177), Merrick Co. (EDs 154-161, 226, and 162-163), Pierce Co. (EDs 174-182), and Lancaster Co. (EDs 37-48, 86-97, 176, and 98). 996. Lancaster Co. (EDs 49-65, 79-82, 66-78, 175, and 83-85). 997. Lancaster Co. (EDs 99, 177, and 100-103), Logan Co. (EDs 199-200), Otoe Co. (EDs 118-142), Lincoln Co. (EDs 178-198), and Loup Co. (EDs 201-203). 998. Morrill Co. (EDs 207-212, and 273), Sharpy Co. (EDs 145-152, and 77), Sherman Co. (EDs 239-246), Nemaha Co. (EDs 104-117), Nuckolls Co. (EDs 155-171). 999. Phelps Co. (EDs 177-182, 224, and 183-185), Saline Co. (EDs 124-143), Platte Co. (EDs 183-201), and Sioux Co. (EDs 247-253). 1000. Richardson Co. (EDs 156-174) and Stanton Co. (EDs 202-206, 228, and 207-208). 1001. Saunders Co. (EDs 144-168), Scotts Bluff Co. (EDs 218-220, 279, 221-223, 274, and 224-228), and Sheridan Co. (EDs 229-238). 1002. Seward Co. (EDs 169-190), Thurston Co. (EDs 209-217), Thayer Co. (EDs 191-202, 230, and 203-205), and Thomas Co. (EDs 254-255). 64 NEBRASKA-NEW YORK 1003. Washington Co. (EDs 153-165), Webster Co. (EDs 197-210), Wheeler Co. (EDs 265-269), Wayne Co. (EDs 218-220, 232, and 221-225), and York Co. (EDs 206-226). NEVADA 1004. Churchill Co. (EDs 1-4), Douglas Co. (EDs 5-6), Elko Co. (EDs 7, 10, 8-9, 11-14, 16-17, and 15), Eureka Co. (EDs 18-20), Lander Co. (EDs 27-28), Clark Co. (EDs 1-5), Esmeralda Co. (EDs 19, 11, 7-10, and 6), Humboldt Co. (EDs 21-26), Lincoln Co. (EDs 12-17 and 32), Lyon Co. (EDs 29-31), and Ormsby Co. (EDs 32, 68, and 33-34). 1005. Mineral Co. (EDs 18, and 20-23), Washoe Co. (EDs 42-43, 45-54, 58, 44, 57, and 55-56), Nye Co. (EDs 24-31), Pershing Co. (EDs 35-38), Storey Co. (EDs 41, 39, and 40), and White Pine Co. (EDs 64-65, 59-60, 63, 62, 66, 61, and 67). NEW HAMPSHIRE 1006. Belknap Co. (EDs 1-6, 195, 7-13, 191, 14, and 15) and Cheshire Co. (EDs 1-4, 176, and 15-26). 1007. Carroll Co. (EDs 16-18, 189, and 19-31) and Coos Co. (EDs 32-34, 54, 197, 55, 56. 35-50, 196, and 1-53). 1008. Grafton Co. (EDs 27-65) and Stafford Co. (EDs 159-167). 1009. Stafford Co. (EDs 158, 168, 193, 169-171, 192, and 172-188) and Hillsborough Co. (EDs 66-81, 133-135, and 154-158). 1010. Hillsborough Co. (EDs 82-93, 99-102, 94-98, and 103-116). 1011. Hillsborough Co. (EDs 117-132 and 136-153). 1012. Hillsborough Co. (EDs 159-161), Sullivan Co. (EDs 162-173 and 175), and Merrimack Co. (EDs 57, 58, 84-100, 194, and 101-107). 1013. Merrimack Co. (EDs 59-78, 150, 79, 80, 198, and 81-83) and Rockingham Co. (EDs 108-124, 190, 125-133, and 136). 1014. Rockingham Co. (EDs 134, 135, 137-146, 151, 147-149, 152-154, 199, and 155-157). NEW JERSEY 1015. Atlantic Co. (EDs 2-10, 20-28, 11-19, and 29-39). 1016. Atlantic Co. (EDs 1, 40-44, 175, 45, 47-52, 56, 176, 53-55, 57, and 46) and Bergen Co. (EDs 1-4, 183, 5-7, 11, and 12). 1017. Bergen Co. (EDs 8-10, 13-21, 28-30, 22-27, 31-35, and 48-52). 1018. Bergen Co. (EDs 36-47, 53, 54, 56-58, 59-68, 185, and 69-74). 1019. Bergen Co. (EDs 75, 76, 187, 77-84, 85, 90, 120, 91, 92, 86-89, 93-103, and 110-114). 1020. Bergen Co. (EDs 104-109, 115-119, 121-123, 186, 124, and 125) and Burlington Co. (EDs 58-74, 78-80, 178, and 81). 1021. Burlington Co. (EDs 75, 76, and 82-114). 1022. Camden Co. and City (EDs 4-10, 28-35, 45-51, 11-17, 18-22, and 85-94). 1023. Camden Co. and City (EDs 23-27, 52-56, 193, 57-64, 36-42, 8, 44, and 65-78). 1024. Camden Co. and City (EDs 79-84, 1, 186, 2, 3, 95-98, 105, 99-104, and 106-118). 1025. Camden Co. and City (EDs 119-124, 190, and 125-132) and Cape May Co. (EDs 115-128, 177, 129, and 130). 1026. Cumberland Co. (EDs 131-149, 154, 150-153, 77, and 155-169). 1027. Cumberland Co. (EDs 170-174) and Gloucester Co. (EDs 133-147, 195, 148-151, 187, 152, 188, 153-154, 189, and 155-163). 1028. Essex Co. (EDs 1-8, 25, 26, 24, 70-73, 9-23, and 348). 1029. Essex Co. (EDs 27-32, 342, 33, 34, 46-52, 35-45, and 53-55). 1030. Essex Co. (EDs 56-69 and 74-90). 1031. Essex Co., Newark City (EDs 91-93, 331, 94-98, 327, 99-107, 335, and 108-117). 1032. Essex Co., Newark City (EDs 118-120, 328, 121-132, 332, 133-141, 351, and 142-144). 1033. Essex Co., Newark City (EDs 145-169 and 186-190). 1034. Essex Co., Newark City (EDs 191-205, 170, 171, 346, 172-175, 340, 176, 177, 353, 178-180, 334, and 181-183). 1035. Essex Co., Newark City (EDs 184, 333, 185, 352, 206, 207, 343, 208-210, 326, 211-214, 330, 215-219, 350, 220-223, 251, 338, and 252). 1036. Essex Co., Newark City (EDs 344, 253, 325, 254-264, 224-229, 347, and 230-232). 1037. Essex Co., Newark City (EDs 233-243, 336, 244-249, 339, 250, and 265-274). 1038. Essex Co., Newark City (EDs 275-280, 329, 281-286, 337, 287-292, 316-321, 345, and 322-323). 1039. Essex Co., Newark City (EDs 293-296, 310, 324, 311-315, 300, 301, 297-299, 302, 303, 341, 304-306, 349, and 307-309). 1040. Hudson Co., Bayonne City (EDs 1-9, 41-46, and 19-40). 1041. Hudson Co. (EDs 10-18, 47-67, and 348). 1042. Hudson Co., Hoboken City (EDs 68-108). 1043. Hudson Co., Hoboken City (EDs 109-136). 1044 Hudson Co., Hoboken City (EDs 137-167). 1045. Hudson Co., Hoboken City (EDs 168-190). 1046. Hudson Co., Hoboken City (EDs 191-220). 1047. Hudson Co., Hoboken City (EDs 221-252). 1048. Hudson Co., Hoboken City (EDs 253-281). 1049. Hudson Co., Hoboken City (EDs 282-290, 293, 294, 291, 292, and 295-309). 1050. Hudson Co., Hoboken City (EDs 310-315, 350, and 316-337). 1051. Hudson Co., Hoboken City (EDs 338-340, 349, and 341-347) and Hunterdon Co. (EDs 1-4, 144, and 5-23). 1052. Mercer Co., Trenton City (EDs 51-62, 109-112, 63-68, and 72-78). 1053. Hunterdon Co. (EDs 24-40, 145, 42, 146, 43-47, 113. 114, and 48-50). 1054. Mercer Co., Trenton City (EDs 69-71, 92-102. 79-91, and 103-108.) 1055. Middlesex Co. (EDs 1-12, 174, and 13-28). 1056. Middlesex Co. (EDs 29-32, 72-81, 175, and 33-47). 1057. Middlesex Co. (EDs 48-57, 63-65, 58-62, and 66-71). 1058. Monmouth Co. (EDs 82-107, and 110-119). 1059. Monmouth Co. (EDs 108, 109, and 120-152). 1060. Morris Co. (EDs 1-14, 20, 21, 25, 26, 15-19, 22-24, and 32-39). 1061. Morris Co. (EDs 27-31, 40-49, and 51-56) and Ocean Co. (EDs 153-173). 1062. Passaic Co. (EDs 2-6, 162, 7, 8-11, 164, 1, 12-18, 33-35, 165, and 36-38). 1063. Passaic Co. (EDs 19-32, and 39-58). 1064. Passaic Co., Paterson City (EDs 59-71, 105-109. 72-75, 163, 76-81, and 113-119). 1065. Passaic Co., Paterson City (EDs 82-91, 120-126, 92-104, and 110-112). 1066. Passaic Co., Paterson City (EDs 127-161). 1067. Salem Co. (EDs 164-168, 192, 169-183, 194, 191, 184, and 185) and Somerset Co. (EDs 115-128). 1068. Somerset Co. (EDs 129-131, 147, and 132-143) and Sussex Co. (EDs 126-131, 184, and 132-147). 1069. Union Co. (EDs 57-60, 109, 110, 61-74, 92-95, and 104-107). 1070. Union Co. (EDs 75-91 and 96-103). 1071. Union Co. (EDs 108, 111-117, 136-144, 152, 153, and 118-135). 1072. Union Co. (EDs 145-151 and 154-167) and Warren Co. (EDs 148-161). 1073. Warren Co. (EDs 162-164, 166-182, and 165). NEW MEXICO 1074. Bernalillo Co. (EDs 1-23 and 195), Chaves Co. (EDs 1-17), and McKinley Co. (EDs 74-82, 84, 198, and 83). 1075. Colfax Co. (EDs 18-21, 33-38, 22-32, 39, and 43), Lea Co. (EDs 88-94), Curry Co. (EDs 44, 54, 46, 45, and 47-53), and Dona Ana Co. (EDs 24-42). 1076. De Baca Co. (EDs 55-60), Eddy Co. (EDs 61-65, 67, 66, 69, 70, 68, and 71). Luna Co. (EDs 67, 69, 68, 70, 71, 197, 72, and 73), Grant Co. (EDs 43-54, 196, and 55-57), and Hidalgo Co. (EDs 62. 59, 66, 60, 58. 61, 63, 65. and 64). 1077. Guadalupe Co. (EDs 72-87), Lincoln Co. (EDs 95-106 and 251), San Juan Co. (EDs 113-119), Mora Co. (EDs 107-120), Otero Co. (EDs 121 -129), and Sierra Co. (EDs 138-145 and 199). 1078. Quay Co. (EDs 130-149), Socorro Co. (EDs 146-153, 123, 155-160. 200, 161-167, 154, 202, 168-170, and 201), Rio Arriba Co. (EDs 85. 86, 88-102, and 87), and Roosevelt Co. (EDs 150-152, 164, 154-158, 153. 159-163, and 165-172). 1079. San Miguel Co. (EDs 173-202), Sandoval Co. (EDs 103, 105-107, 109, 111. 104, 108, 110, and 112), and Union Co. (EDs 220-250). 1080. Santa Fe Co. (EDs 120, 122, 121, 127, 129, 124, 125, 130, 128. 131, 126. 132, and 137), Torrance Co. (EDs 203-219), Taos Co. (EDs 171-178, 203, and 179-181), and Valencia Co. (182-194). NEW YORK 1081. Albany Co. and City (EDs 1-21, 28-32. 22-27, 33-45, 190, 46-49, and 189). 1082. Albany Co. and City (EDs 50-73, 191, and 74-104). 1083. Albany Co. and City (EDs 105-119, and 144-156) and Albany Co. (EDs 120-143). This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. NEW YORK 65 1084. Albany Co. (EDs 157-161, 188, and 162-187) and Allegany Co. (EDs 1-32). 1085. Allegany Co. (EDs 33-40, 197, and 41-42) and Broome Co. (1, 2, 75-85, 102-105,241, 106, 3-18, and 46-48). 1086. Broome Co. (EDs 19-45 and 49-74). 1087. Broome Co. (EDs 86-92, 237, and 93-101) and Cattaraugus Co. (EDs 43-67). 1088. Cattaraugus Co. (EDs 68-73, 90-104, and 74-89). 1089. Cayuga Co. (EDs 1-37). 1090. Cayuga Co. (EDs 38-59) and Chautauqua Co. (EDs 105-134 and 139-141). 1091. Chautauqua Co. (EDs 135-138 and 142-170). 1092. Chautauqua Co. (EDs 171-196) and Chemung Co. (EDs 1-26). 1093. Chemung Co. (EDs 27-52, 200, 53-56, 201, and 57-62) and Chenango Co. (EDs 107-118). 1094. Chenango Co. (EDs 119, 120, 240, and 121-143) and Clinton Co. (EDs 1-11, 189, 12-15, 17, 16, and 18-24). 1095. Clinton Co. (EDs 25-34, 190, 35, 191, 36-38, 192, and 39) and Columbia Co. (EDs 1-44). 1096. Cortland Co. (EDs 1-24, 244, 25, 245, 26, 27, 243, 28-36, 242, 241, and 37) and Delaware Co. (EDs 144, 238, and 145-172). 1097. Delaware Co. (EDs 173-184) and Dutchess Co. (EDs 3-12, 1, 2, 13-32, and 79-86). 1098. Dutchess Co. (EDs 33-78). 1099. Erie Co. (EDs 1-17, 276-280, and 18) and Erie Co., Buffalo City (EDs 19-31). 1100. Erie Co., Buffalo City (EDs 32-53). 1101. Erie Co., Buffalo City (EDs 54-58, 72-76, and 59-71). 1102. Erie Co., Buffalo City (EDs 77-96). 1103. Erie Co., Buffalo City (EDs 97-121 and 131-133). 1104. Erie Co., Buffalo City (EDs 134-156 and 168-174). 1105. Erie Co., Buffalo City (175-184, 341, 185-187, and 122-130). 1106. Erie Co., Buffalo City (EDs 157-167, 188-197, and 199). 1107. Erie Co., Buffalo City (EDs 198 and 200-227). 1108. Erie Co., Buffalo City (EDs 228-233, 342, 234, 239-256). 1109. Erie Co., Buffalo City (EDs 257-272 and 312-317). 1110. Erie Co. (EDs 273-275, 281-297, 305, 318-320, 298-304, and 306-311). 1111. Erie Co. (EDs 321-340) and Essex Co. (EDs 40-61 and 65-67). 1112. Essex Co. (EDs 62-64), Franklin Co. (EDs 68-106), and Hamilton Co. (EDs 45-53). 1113. Fulton Co. (EDs 1-24, 41-44, 25-34, 197, 35-37, 196, and 38-40) and Genesee Co. (EDs 1-3 and 28-34). 1114. Genesee Co. (EDs 4-19, 231, 20-22, 230, and 23-27) and Greene Co. (EDs 45-73). 1115. Herkimer Co. (EDs 1-16, 43-50, and 17-22). 1116. Jefferson Co. (EDs 1-5, 201, 6-24, 30-31, 25, 198, 26-29, 32, 33, 202, 200, and 34-50). 1117. Jefferson Co. (EDs 51-68) and Lewis Co. (EDs 69-75 p. 1-8, 77 p. 4, 75 pp. 9-12, 205, 76, 77 pp. 1-3, 5-7, and 78-97). 1118. Livingstone Co. (EDs 35-47, 222, 48-52, 232, 223, 228, 53, 67, 68, and 54-66) and Madison Co. (EDs 98-104, 203, and 105-111). 1119. Madison Co. (EDs 112-114, 204, 115-134) and Monroe Co. (EDs 1, 2. 10, 3, 9, 4-8, and 11-31). 1120. Monroe Co. (EDs 32-40, 101, 41-46, and 270-279) and Monroe Co., Rochester City (EDs 47-51, 53-64, and 149-154). 1121. Monroe Co., Rochester City (EDs 65, 67-82, 86-91, 93, 95-100, 102, and 103). 1122. Monroe Co., Rochester City (EDs 105-135, and 176-182). 1123. Monroe Co.. Rochester City (EDs 136-138, 52, 139-148, 250, 69, 251-254, 155-163, 92, 164-167, 280, and 168-175). 1124. Monroe Co., Rochester City (EDs 183-185, 94, 186-197, 267-269, and 198-217). 1125. Monroe Co., Rochester City (EDs 218-241, 66, 242-249, and 255-266). 1126. Montgomery Co. (EDs 54-59, 63-91, 195, 92-109, and 60-62). 1127. Nassau Co. (EDs 1-5, 9-22, 163, 23-31, and 155). 1128. Nassau Co. (EDs 32-49, 62, 156, 63, 50-61, and 76). 1129. Nassau Co. (EDs 65-75 and 6-8) and Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 1-6, 8-23, and 7). 1130. Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 24-49 and 51-59). 1131. Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 60-97). 1132. Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 98-138). 1133. Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 139-178). 1134. Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 179-207). 1135. Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 208-237). 1136. Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 238-267). 1137. Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 268-293). 1138. Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 294-328). 1139. Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 329-369). 1140. Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 370-391). 1141. Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 392-420). 1142. Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 421-446). 1143. Bronx Co., Bronx Borough (EDs 447-482) and Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1-11, 1638, 12-16, 1627, 18, and 1719). 1144. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 19, 21, 1640, 22-24, 1689, 25-31, 1628, 1663, 1632, 32-34, 869, 35-38, 1727, 39-45, 1636, 46, 47, 50, 48-51, 1629, 1630, and 52-56). 1145. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 57, 1671, 58, 59, 1703, 1714, 1730, 60-75, 1692, and 76-81). 1146. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 82, 1726, 83-88, 1688, 89-110, 1540, and 111). 1147. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 112-114, 1677, 115, 116, 1701, 117-121, 1691, 122, 633, 123, 124, 20, 125, 126, 1631, and 127-140. 1148. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 141-143, 1707, 144-178, 1664, and 179). 1149. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1712, 180-186, 1678, 187, 1706, 188-194, 1698, 195, 196-203, 1676, 204-207, 209). 1150. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 210-228, 229, 230, 1639, 231-233, 235, 236, 1652, 1653, 237-248). 1151. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 249-281). 1152. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 282-321). 1153. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 322-324, 1641, 325-333, 1666, and 334-356). 1154. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 357-364, 1659, 365-377, 378-388, and 390-393). 1155. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 394-427, 1050, and 428-433). 1156. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 434-447, 1690, 448-450, 1650, and 451-471). 1157. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 472-475, 1675, 1693, 1694, 1718, 476-501, 1686, 502-507, 1683-1685, and 508). 1158. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 509-519, 1681, 1704, 1705, 520, 521, 1679, 1680, 522-526, 1660, 1711, and 527-537). 1159. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 538-561, 1668, and 562-579). 1160. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 580-583, 1658, 584-586, 1642, 587-603, 1644, 604-612, 1677, and 613-622. 1161. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 623-645, 1723, 646, 647, 1682, and 648-663). 1162. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 664-666, 1645, 667, 1646, 1656, 668-679, 1647, 680, 681, 1648, 682-689, 1695, 690-699, 1696, 700, 1637, and 701). 1163. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 702-717, 1715, 718-738, 1687, and 739-741). 1164. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 742-766, 1766, 1708, and 767-788). 1165. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 789-809, 1732, 810-813, 1724, 814-816, 1665, 817-823, 1657, and 824-828). 1166. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 829-831, 1722, 832-840, 1697, and 841-865). 1167. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 866-868, 870-896, 1731, 897-907, and 1710). 1168. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 908-912, 914-934, 1531, 936-938, 1532, 939, 940, 1533, 941, 1534, 942-946, 1535, and 947-949). 1169. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 950-994). 1170. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 995-1017, 1651, 1018-1026, 1536, 1027, and 1028). 1171. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1029-1035, 1470, 1036-1039, 1634, 1040-1043, 1655, 1044, 1045, 1661, 1046-1049, and 1051-1073). 1172. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1074-1083, 1673, 913, 1084-1098, 1538, 1539, 1654, and 1099-1106). 1173. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1107, 1108, 1110-1118, 1537, 1119-1122, 1541, and 1123-1154). 1174. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1155-1169, 1725, 1170-1191, 1649, and 1192-1205). 1175. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1206-1249). 1176. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1250-1262, 1635, 1263-1282, 1717, and 1283-1289). 66 NEW YORK 1177. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1290-1293, 1669, 1670, 1294-1325, 1327, 1326, and 1328-1332). 1178. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1333-1340, 1672, 1341, 1342, 1700, 1343-1351, 1674, 1352-1357, 1709, 1358-1370, 1662, 17, and 1371-1375). 1179. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1376-1413). 1180. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1414-1447). 1181 Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1448-1469 and 1471-1485). 1182. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1486, 1702, 1487-1505, 1699, and 1506-1514). 1183. Kings Co., Brooklyn Borough (EDs 1515-1519, 1728, 1729, and 1520-1530) and New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1-21). 1184. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 22-61, 1537, and 62-65). 1185. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 66-106). 1186. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 107-149). 1187. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 150-186). 1188. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 187-226). 1189. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 227-265). 1190. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 266-306). 1191. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 307-312 and 314-351). 1192. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 352-395). 1193. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 396-428). 1194. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 429-461). 1195. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 462-497). 1196. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 498-532). 1197. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 533-535, 1532, and 536-561). 1198. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 562-591). 1199. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 592-626). 1200. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 627-661). 1201. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 662-688). 1202. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 689-719). 1203. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 720-775). 1204. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 776-780, 313, and 781-817). 1205. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 818-847). 1206. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 848-888). 1207. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 889-920). 1208. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 921-953). 1209. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 954-970, 1533, and 971-978). 1210. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 979-1013). 1211. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1014-1035). 1212. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1036-1064). 1213. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1065-1095). 1214. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1096-1113, 1534, 1535, and 1114-1129). 1215. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1130-1165). 1216. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1166-1194). 1217. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1195-1224). 1218. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1225, 1227-1241, 1536, and 1242-1258). 1219. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1259-1291). 1220. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1292-1320). 1221. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1321-1353). 1222. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1354-1387). 1223. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1388-1421 and 1423). 1224 New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1424-1445). 1225. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1446-1474). 1226. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1476-1485, 1475, and 1486-1499). 1227. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1500-1522). 1228. New York Co., Manhattan Borough (EDs 1523-1531, 1538), and Queens Co. and Borough (EDs 1-19). 1229. Queens Co. and Borough (EDs 20-52). 1230. Queens Co. and Borough (EDs 53-71, 73, 74, 72, 75-79, and 81-113). 1231. Queens Co. and Borough (EDs 114-175). 1232. Queens Co. and Borough (EDs 176-178, 180, 181, 80, 182-203, and 179). 1233. Queens Co. and Borough (EDs 204-275 and 279-288). 1234. Queens Co. and Borough (EDs 289-337). 1235. Queens Co. and Borough (EDs 338-374). 1236. Queens Co. and Borough (EDs 375-386, 448, and 387-403). 1237. Queens Co. and Borough (EDs 404-447). 1238. Richmond Co. and Borough (EDs 1542-1578, 1626, and 1579-1583). 1239. Richmond Co. and Borough (EDs 1587-1618). 1240. Richmond Co. and Borough (EDs 1619, 1620, 1622-1625, and 1721) and Niagara Co. (EDs 69-75 and 133-147). 1241. Niagara Co. (EDs 76-94, 227, 95-109, 233, and 110-115). 1242. Niagara Co. (EDs 116-132, 221, and 148-158) and Oneida Co. (EDs 51-68 and 73-76). 1243. Oneida Co. (EDs 69-72, 77-91, 111-114, 189-197, 92-96, 209, and 97-110). 1244. Oneida Co. (EDs 115-131. 161-166, 132, 210, 133-138, 158-160, and 167- 174). 1245. Oneida Co. (EDs 139-157, 184, 175-183, 185-188, and 198-208). 1246. Onondaga Co. (EDs 38-43, 239, 44-58, 66-68, 81-83, 59-65, 69. 70. 240, 71-80, 84-91, 106, 107). 1247. Onondaga Co., Syracuse City (EDs 108-139, 247, 140-144). 1248. Onondaga Co., Syracuse City (EDs 145-147, 248, 152-155, 176-187, 148-151, 156-163, 188-191, 249, 192, and 193). 1249. Onondaga Co., Syracuse City (EDs 164-167, 194-198, 222-232, 168-175, 199-204, and 215-221). 1250. Onondaga Co. (EDs 205-209, 246, 210-214, 92-105, and 233-238) and Ontario Co. (EDs 60-72 and 95-106). 1251. Ontario Co. (EDs 73-94) and Orange Co. (EDs 87-98. 243, 99-103, and 165-172). 1252. Orange Co. (EDs 104-127 and 137-155). 1253. Orange Co. (EDs 128-136, 156-164, 173-176, 242, 177, 178, 187, 188, 179-186, 189, and 190) and Oswego Co. (EDs 135-149). 1254. Oswego Co. (EDs 150-161, 182-197, 162-165, 199, and 166-181). 1255. Orleans Co. (EDs 159-169, 224, 170-175, 225. 176, 226, and 177-188) and Otsego Co. (EDs 185-207, 239, and 208-217). 1256. Otsego Co. (EDs 218-236), Putnam Co. (EDs 191-196, 249, 197-200, 248, and 201), and Rensselaer Co. (EDs 1-6, 242, 7-25, and 37-45). 1257. Rensselaer Co. (EDs 26-36, 46-53, 57-59, 54-56, and 60-75). 1258. Rensselaer Co. (EDs 76-95) and Rockland Co. (EDs 209-217, 247, 218-227, 238-241). 1259. Rockland Co. (EDs 202-204, 245, 205, 206, 250, 207, 208, 228-232, 244. 233-235, 246, 236, and 237) and St. Lawrence Co. (EDs 107-139). 1260. St. Lawrence Co. (EDs 140-146, 193, 147, 148, 151-167, 149, 150, and 168- 188). 1261. Saratoga Co. (EDs 96-126, 130, 127-129, 131-154 , 243, and 155-157). 1262. Schenectady Co. (EDs 110-123, 133-136, 124-132, and 137-148). 1263. Schenectady Co. (EDs 149-160, 180-194, and 161-179). 1264. Schoharie Co. (EDs 74-107) and Sullivan Co. (EDs 108-113, 121, 122, 114-120, and 123-143). 1265. Schuyler Co. (EDs 63-73) and Tompkins Co. (EDs 170-179, 197, 180-196. 198, and 199). 1266. Seneca Co. (EDs 107-128) and Steuben Co. (EDs 74-93, 205, 94, and 141-148). 1267. Steuben Co. (EDs 95-98, 203, 99-114, 139, 140, 115-128, 206, and 129-138). 1268. Suffolk Co. (EDs 77-84, 129-132, 64, 147-154, 158, 85-87, 162, 88-96, 157, 97-99, 159, 160, and 100-103). 1269. Suffolk Co. (EDs 106-117, 133, 104, 138-146, 118-128, 161, and 134-137). 1270. Tioga Co. (EDs 149-161, 204, 162, 207, 163, 202, and 153-169) and Ulster Co. (EDs 144-153, 179, 180, and 203-221). 1271. Ulster Co. (EDs 154-178 and 181-202). 1272. Warren Co. (EDs 158-192) and Washington Co. (EDs 193-209, 221, 222, 235, and 236). 1273. Washington Co. (EDs 210-220, 223-234, and 237-241) and Wayne Co. (EDs 129-151). 1274. Wayne Co. (EDs 152-171) and Wyoming Co. (EDs 189, 234, 190-206, 235, 207, 229, and 208-220). 1275. Westchester Co. (ED 1-18, 20-30, 54-65, 144, 145, 19, 146, and 37). 1276. Westchester Co. (EDs 31-35, 38-40, 46, 41-44 47-50. 66-75, 45, and 147-159). This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. NEW YORK-OHIO 67 1277. Westchester Co. (EDs 76-81, 87-98, 82-84, 99-101, 103, 104, 102, 115-119, 135, and 120-123). 1278. Westchester Co. (EDs 108-114, 124-134, 136-143, and 163-177). 1279. Westchester Co. (EDs 182-202) and Westchester Co., Yonkers City (EDs 203-220). 1280. Westchester Co., Yonkers City (EDs 221-229, 240-245, 51, 246-248, 230-239, and 249-255). 1281. Westchester Co., Yonkers City (EDs 256-270, 105-107, 160-162, and 271-273) and Yates Co. (EDs 172, 189, and 173-188). NORTH CAROLINA 1282. Alamance Co. (EDs 1-22), Alexander Co. (EDs 1-11), and Caswell Co. (EDs 23-32). 1283. Alleghany Co. (EDs 12-14, 167, and 15-19), Bladen Co. (EDs 1-15), and Anson Co. (EDs 1-18). 1284. Ashe Co. (EDs 20-38), Camden Co. (EDs 13-16), Avery Co. (EDs 1-10), and Carteret Co. (EDs 1-4, 129, and 5-11). 1285. Beaufort Co. (EDs 1-17) and Bertie Co. (EDs 1-12). 1286. Brunswick Co. (EDs 16-20, 149, and 21-26) and Buncombe Co. (EDs 1, 194, 2, 3, 196, 4, 23, and 5-22). 1287. Buncombe Co. (EDs 24, 25, 294, 26, 27, 192, 28-34, 195, and 35-41), Burke Co. (EDs 11-19, 202, and 20-27), and Dare Co. (EDs 29-32). 1288. Cabarrus CO. (EDs 39-60), Caldwell Co. (EDs 61-66, 72, 67-71, and 73-77), and Catawba Co. (EDs 28-31). 1289. Catawba Co. (EDs 32-47) and Chatham Co. (EDs 1-20). 1290. Cherokee Co. (EDs 42-53), Chowan Co. (EDs 17-23), Clay Co. (EDs 54-59), and Martin Co. (EDs 24-35). 1291. Cleveland Co. (EDs 48-71) and Durham Co. (EDs 33-36, 59, 38-40, and 60-65). 1292. Durham Co. (EDs 41-47, 56-58, and 48-55) and Columbus Co. (EDs 27-46). 1293. Craven Co. (EDs 12-26 and 127) and Cumberland Co. (EDs 47-51, 63, and 52-61). 1294. Cumberland Co. (EDs 62 and 64-70), Davie Co. (EDs 42-51), Currituck Co. (EDs 24-26, 66, 27, and 28), and Madison Co. (EDs 112-115, 200, and 116-128). 1295. Davidson Co. (EDs 19-41) and Gates Co. (EDs 33-39). 1296. Duplin Co. (EDs 27-44) and Edgecombe Co. (EDs 1-16). 1297. Edgecombe Co. (EDs 17-21), Greene Co. (EDs 22-30), and Forsyth Co. (EDs 66-79 and 82). 1298. Forsyth Co. (EDs 80, 81, 193, 99-101, 87-90, 102-107, 83-86, and 91-98). 1299. Franklin Co. (EDs 21-37) and Gaston Co. (EDs 72-79 and 95-99). 1300. Gaston Co. (EDs 80-91, 201, 93, 94, and 92), Graham Co. (EDs 60-63), and Moore Co. (EDs 83-94). 1301. Granville Co. (EDs 108-125) and Guilford Co. (EDs 126-132, 37, 133-136, 151, and 170-173). 1302. Guilford Co. (EDs 152-157, 161, 162, 158-160, 164-169, 142, 143, 137-140, 144-146, 163, 147, 141, and 148-150). 1303. Halifax Co. (EDs 31-44, 48, 45-47, 50, 51, 49, 53, and 52) and Hoke Co. (EDs 52-57, 59, 58, 60, and 61). 1304. Harnett Co. (EDs 71-79, 81, 150, 80, and 82-88) amd Haywood Co. (EDs 64-83). 1305. Henderson Co. (EDs 84-100), Hyde Co. (EDs 18-23), Hertford Co. (EDs 40-49), and Iredell Co. (EDs 78-84, 165, 85, and 166). 1306. Iredell Co. (EDs 86-101, 124, 103, 102, and 104-107), Jackson Co. (EDs 101-116), and Lee Co. (EDs 62-70). 1307. Johnston Co. (EDs 38-68). 1308. Jones Co. (EDs 45-52), Lincoln Co. (EDs 100-111), and Lenoir Co. (EDs 54-70). 1309. McDowell Co. (EDs 117-131), Macon Co. (EDs 132-144), and Mecklenburg Co. (EDs 129-136, 141-146, 149, and 150). 1310. Mecklenburg Co. (EDs 137-140, 147, 148, and 151-180). 1311. Mitchell Co. (EDs 181-189), Onslow Co. (EDs 53-60), Montgomery Co. (EDs 71-82), and Nash Co. (EDs 69-76). 1312. Nash Co. (EDs 77-88) and New Hanover Co. (EDs 89-107). 1313. New Hanover Co. (EDs 108-115), Pender Co. (EDs 69-79), and Northampton Co. (EDs 71-86). 1314. Orange Co. (EDs 174-185), Person Co. (EDs 186-192 and 194-196), and Swain Co. (EDs 175-182). 1315. Pamlico Co. (EDs 61-68) and Pitt Co. (EDs 36-45, 47, 46, and 48-59). 1316. Pasquotank Co. (EDs 50-58) and Surry Co. (EDs 246-250, 252, 251, and 253-267). 1317. Perquimans Co. (EDs 59-65) and Rockingham Co. (EDs 197-215, 221, 216-220, and 222-230). 1318. Polk Co. (EDs 145-151), Stokes Co. (EDs 231-238, 268, and 239-245), and Randolph Co. (EDs 95-118). 1319. Richmond Co. (EDs 119-130) and Robeson Co. (EDs 116-128, 130, and 131). 1320. Robeson Co. (EDs 129 and 132-148) and Rowan Co. (EDs 108-115, 118, 120, 121, 116, 117, 119, 122, 123, and 131-133). 1321. Rowan Co. (EDs 125-130), Transylvania Co. (EDs 183-186, 188, 187, and 189-191), and Rutherford Co. (EDs 152-174). 1322. Sampson Co. (EDs 80-94, 97, 98, 100, 95, 96, 99, 101, and 102) and Scotland Co. (EDs 131-134, 136, 137, 135, and 138-141). 1323. Stanly Co. (EDs 134-147, 149, 148, and 150), Tyrell Co. (EDs 60-63), and Vance Co. (EDs 89-103). 1324. Union Co. (EDs 142-149, 151-158, 150, and 159-163) and Yadkin Co. (EDs 191-194, 200, 201, 195-199, and 202). 1325. Wake Co. (EDs 104-126 and 141-151). 1326. Wake Co. (EDs 127-140), Warren Co. (EDs 87-90, 92, 91, and 93-99), and Wilson Co. (EDs 100-102). 1327. Wilson Co. (EDs 103-115), Washington Co. (EDs 64-69), and Yancey Co. (EDs 190-199). 1328. Watauga Co. (EDs 151-164) and Wayne Co. (EDs 103-109, 116, 117, 110-114, 130, 115, 118, 119, 128, and 120-126). 1329. Wilkes Co. (EDs 164-190). NORTH DAKOTA 1330. Adams Co. (EDs 1-11), Barnes Co. (EDs 1-19), Benson Co. (EDs 20-35), Billings Co. (EDs 12-20), and Bowman Co. (EDs 21-31). 1331. Bottineau Co. (EDs 36-56), Burke Co. (EDs 32-41), Burleigh Co. (EDs 57-69, 267, and 70-76), and Divide Co. (EDs 42-49). 1332. Cass Co. (EDs 1-2, 12-21, 5-11, and 22-26) and Dickey Co. (EDs 77, 257, 78, 260, 79, 259, 80-82, 258, 83, 84, 262, 85, 256, 86, and 87). 1333. Cavalier Co. (EDs 27-42), Dunn Co. (EDs 50-59), Eddy Co. (EDs 88-95, 266, and 96), Emmons Co. (EDs 97-113), and Griggs Co. (EDs 121-128). 1334. Foster Co. (EDs 114-120), Golden Valley Co. (EDs 60-68), Grand Forks Co. (EDs 54-65, 43-53, and 66-72), and Grant Co. (EDs 69-81). 1335. Hettinger Co. (EDs 82-89), Kidder Co. (EDs 129-134, 261, and 135-140), Logan Co. (EDs 155-162, 263, and 268), La Moure Co. (EDs 141-154), and McKenzie Co. (EDs 90-106). 1336. McHenry Co. (EDs 163-178, 264, and 179-182), McIntosh Co. (EDs 183-191), McLean Co. (EDs 107-124), and Mercer Co. (EDs 125-133). 1337. Morton Co. (EDs 134-152), Oliver Co. (EDs 167-172), Mountrail Co. (EDs 153-166), and Nelson Co. (EDs 73-83). 1338. Pembina Co. (EDs 84-101), Pierce Co. (EDs 192-201), Ramsey Co. (EDs 102-117), and Renville Co. (EDs 173-181). 1339. Ramson Co. (EDs 118-128), Stark Co. (EDs 197-210), Richland Co. (EDs 129-148), and Sioux Co. (EDs 182-187). 1340. Rolette Co. (EDs 202-211), Sargent Co. (EDs 149-158), Slope Co. (EDs 188-196), Sheridan Co. (EDs 212-220), Steele Co. (EDs 159-163, 211, and 164-167), and Towner Co. (EDs 168-175, 212, 176, and 177). 1341. Stutsman Co. (EDs 221-226, 269, and 227-243), Traill Co. (EDs 178-189), and Wells Co. (EDs 244-247, 265, 248, and 255). 1342. Walsh Co. (EDs 190-210), Williams Co. (EDs 239-256), and Ward Co. (EDs 211-217). 1343. Ward Co. (EDs 218-238). OHIO 1344. Adams Co. (EDs 1-24) and Allen Co. (EDs 1-14, 53, 54, 232, and 55-60). 1345. Allen Co. (EDs 1-52) and Ashtabula Co. (EDs 1 and 23-31). 1346. Ashtabula Co. (EDs 2-22 and 32-58). 1347. Ashland Co. (EDs 1, 232, and 2-19) and Athens Co. (EDs 1-5, 162, 6-13, 159, 14-17, and 31-33). 1348. Athens Co. (EDs 18-30 and 34-42) and Auglaize Co. 61-85, 224, and 86-88). 1349. Belmont Co. (EDs 1-6, 250, 7-10, 45-49, 11-28, and 50-53). 1350. Belmont Co. (EDs 29-44, 63-65, 54-62, and 66) and Carroll Co. (EDs 67-83). 1351. Brown Co. (EDs 25-45, 161, 46, and 47) and Butler Co. (EDs 3-10 and 18-36). 1352. Butler Co. (EDs 1, 2, 41-43, 268, 44-46, 69, 72, 73, 267, 74-76, 285, 11-17, 37-40, 47-64, 280, 65-68, 70, and 71). 1353. Champaign Co. (EDs 1-25) and Clark Co. (EDs 26-44 and 74-81). 1354. Clark Co. (EDs 45-73 and 82-109). 1355. Clermont Co. (EDs 48-78) and Clinton co. (EDs 110-133). 1356. Columbiana Co. (EDs 84-95, 135-145, and 96-119). 1357. Columbiana Co. (EDs 120-134 and 146-157) and Coshocton Co. (EDs 20-43, 233, and 44-52). 68 OHIO 1358. Crawford Co. (EDs 1-13, 184, 14-26, 31, 27-29, 185, 30, and 32-39) and Darke Co. (EDs 92-107 and 228). 1359. Darke Co. (EDs 89-91 and 108-123) and Cuyahoga Co., Cleveland City (EDs 1 - 12 ). 1360. Cuyahoga Co., Cleveland City (EDs 13-46). 1361. Cuyahoga Co., Cleveland City (EDs 47-65, 614, 631, 639, 66-82, 630, 83-86, 626, and 628). 1362. Cuyahoga Co., Cleveland City (EDs 87-99, 616, 100, 641, and 101-125). 1363. Cuyahoga Co., Cleveland City (EDs 126-147, 636, 148-166, 635, 167, 168, and 218-227). 1364. Cuyahoga Co., Cleveland City (EDs 228-240, 629, 241-251, and 169-195). 1365. Cuyahoga Co., Cleveland City (EDs 196-205, 617, 206-217, 252-259, 613, and 260-271). 1366. Cuyahoga Co., Cleveland City (EDs 272-287 and 394-406). 1367. Cuyahoga Co., Cleveland City (EDs 288-315). 1368. Cuyahoga Co., Cleveland City (EDs 316-340, 642, and 341). 1369. Cuyahoga Co., Cleveland City (EDs 342, 343, 632, 344-351, 640, 352-371, 615, and 372-375). 1370. Cuyahoga Co., Cleveland City (EDs 376-393, 407-420, and 458). 1371. Cuyahoga Co. (EDs 457, 459, 633, 460-464, 620, 625, 465, 618, 466, 467, 619, 468, 421-423, 634, and 424-439). 1372. Cuyahoga Co. (EDs 440-445, 627, 446-456, 469-477, 621, 478-484, and 612). 1373. Cuyahoga Co. (EDs 485-488, 610, 489, 490, 611, 491, 637, 638, and 492-508). 1374. Cuyahoga Co. (EDs 509-526, 609, 527-534, 624, 535, 536, 623, 537-543, 622, 544, 547). 1375. Cuyahoga Co. (EDs 545, 546, 548-565, 593-596, and 566-585). 1376. Cuyahoga Co. (EDs 586-592 and 597-608) and Defiance Co. (EDs 1-27). 1377. Delaware Co. (EDs 53-85) and Erie Co. (EDs 12-35). 1378. Erie Co. (EDs 1-11, 36, and 37) and Fairfield Co. (EDs 14-23, 1-13, and 24-35). 1379. Fayette Co. (EDs 134-153) and Franklin Co. (EDs 4-6, 1-3, 7-22, 304, and 305). 1380. Franklin Co., Columbus City (EDs 292-303, 306, 307, and 23-71). 1381. Franklin Co., Columbus City (EDs 72-87, 125-139, 88-107, and 154-167). 1382. Franklin Co., Columbus City (EDs 108-124, 140-153, 168-182, and 204-218). 1383. Franklin Co., Columbus City (EDs 183-203, 249-286, 308, and 287-291). 1384. Franklin Co., Columbus City (EDs 219-248) and Fulton Co. (EDs 28-47). 1385. Gallia Co. (EDs 43-66), Geauga Co. (EDs 59-76), and Hancock Co. (EDs 42-48 and 74-76). 1386. Hancock Co. (EDs 49-73) and Greene Co. (EDs 154-164 and 170-180). 1387. Greene Co. (EDs 165-169) and Guernsey Co. (EDs 1, 22-36, 220, 37-41, 2-20, 219, and 21). 1388. Hamilton Co., Cincinnati City (EDs 1-3, 4-21, 101-118, and 22-46). 1389. Hamilton Co., Cincinnati City (EDs 47-86 and 119-131). 1390. Hamilton Co., Cincinnati City (EDs 87-100, 169-182, and 133-168). 1391. Hamilton Co., Cincinnati City (EDs 183-204, 132, and 205-243). 1392. Hamilton Co., Cincinnati City (EDs 244-302). 1393. Hamilton Co., Cincinnati City (EDs 303-364). 1394. Hamilton Co., Cincinnati City (EDs 365-378, 392-408, 379, 380, 382-391, and 409-426). 1395. Hamilton Co. Cincinnati City (EDs 427-457) and Hamilton Co. (EDs 458, 459, 498-501, 460-466, 502-504, and 467-476). 1396. Hamilton Co. (EDs 477-482, 532, 483-499, 505-507, 528, 529, 508-510, 381, 511, 531, 512-520, 530, 522-525, 521, 526, and 527). 1397. Hardin Co. (EDs 77-107), Harrison Co. (EDs 158-179), and Huron Co. (EDs 38-44). 1398. Huron Co. (EDs 45-50, 180, and 51-67) and Henry Co. (EDs 48-70). 1399. Highland Co. (EDs 79-105) and Hocking Co. (EDs 36-57). 1400. Holmes Co. (EDs 1-17) and Lawrence Co. (EDs 93-101, 104, 102, 103, 105-115, 161, and 116-122). 1401. Jackson Co. (EDs 67-92) and Jefferson Co. (EDs 180-197, 249, and 200-207). 1402. Jefferson Co. (EDs 198, 199, 208, 209, 251, 210, 211, 233-248, and 212-232). 1403. Knox Co. (EDs 86-119) and Lake Co. (EDs 77-99). 1404. Licking Co. (EDs 120-142, 231, 173-179, and 143-172). 1405. Logan Co. (EDs 181-210) and Lorain Co. (EDs 5-12, and 18-26). 1406. Lorain Co. (EDs 1-4, 27, 30, 55-57, 290, 281, 58-63, 288, 28, 29, 13-17, 31-54, and 282). 1407. Lucas Co. (EDs 1, 191, 2-9, 167-169, 192, and 170-172) and Lucas Co., Toledo City (EDs 10-12 and 37-52). 1408. Lucas Co., Toledo City (EDs 13-36, 52-66, and 75-82). 1409. Lucas Co., Toledo City (EDs 67-72, 194, 73, 74, 83, 196, 84-101, 134, and 136). 1410. Lucas Co., Toledo City (EDs 135, 137-144, 160-164, 195, 165, 166, 102-111, and 122-127). 1411. Lucas Co . Toledo City (EDs 112-121, 128-133, and 145-159). 1412. Madison Co. (EDs 211-228) and Mahoning Co. (EDs 100-106, 125-131, 309, and 132-141). 1413. Mahoning Co. (EDs 107-124) and Mahoning Co., Youngstown City (EDs 142-153 and 169-179). 1414. Mahoning Co.. Youngstown City (EDs 154-168, 180-192, and 216-222). 1415. Mahoning Co., Youngstown City (EDs 193-215 and 223-245). 1416. Marion Co. (EDs 114-141, 108-113, and 142-149) and Morgan Co. (EDs 65-83). 1417. Medina Co. (EDs 64-67. 289, and 68-83) and Meigs Co. (EDs 123-126, 160, and 127-143). 1418. Mercer Co. (EDs 124-147) and Miami Co. (EDs 148-151, 221, 152-161, 231, 162, 226, 163, 230, 164-167, 220, 168, 169, and 172). 1419. Miami Co. (EDs 170, 222, 171, 223, 173, 227, and 174-192), Monroe Co. (EDs 42-64), and Montgomery Co. (EDs 79-81). 1420. Montgomery Co., Dayton City (EDs 77, 78, 82, 275, 83, 269, 84-88, 274, 89, 118-120, 276, 121, 126, 90-97, 107-114, 278, 115, 277, 116. 273, and 117). 1421. Montgomery Co., Dayton City (EDs 98-106, 165-168, 279, 169, 171, 281, 172-175, 271, 176, 127-139, and 153-164). 1422. Montgomery Co., Dayton City (EDs 140-152. 192-196, 270, 197-201, 177-183, 272, 184-191, 202, 282, and 203-211). 1423. Montgomery Co. (EDs 212-222, 225, 226, 233, 234. 223, 224, 227-232. and 235-242). 1424. Morrow Co. (EDs 150-166), Noble Co. (EDs 153-164, 171, and 165-170), and Ottawa Co. (EDs 173, 193, and 174-190). 1425. Muskingum Co. (EDs 84-152). 1426. Palding Co. (EDs 71-93) and Perry Co. (EDs 58-61. 66, 67, 62-65, 68-75, 149, and 76-83). 1427. Pickway Co. (EDs 84-109), Pike Co. (EDs 106-122), and Portage Co. (EDs 84, 85, and 90-95). 1428. Portage Co. (EDs 86-89 and 96-119), Preble Co. (EDs 243-248, 284, 249-255, 283, and 256-266), and Sandusky Co. (EDs 68, 69, and 81-84). 1429. Sandusky Co. (EDs 70-80 and 85-100) and Putnam Co. (EDs 94-121). 1430. Richland Co. (EDs 180-189, 212-230, and 190-211). 1431. Ross Co. (EDs 110-117, 128-141, 118-127, and 142-148) and Seneca Co. (EDs 107-120). 1432. Seneca Co. (EDs 101, 183, 102-106, and 121-142) and Scioto Co. (EDs 123-126, 160, 127-137, 159, and 138-141). 1433. Scioto Co. (EDs 150-151, 158, and 142-143) and Stark Co. (EDs 123 and 125). 1434. Stark Co. (EDs 28-33, 227, and 34-40). 1435. Stark Co. (EDs 46-51, 64-79, 99-105, and 126-131). 1436. Stark Co. (EDs 80-90, 223, 91-98. 132, 133, and 106-122). 1437. Shelby Co. (EDs 193-212, 225, 213, 229, and 214-219) and Summit Co., Akron City (EDs 120-135). 1438. Summit Co., Akron City (EDs 136-145, 224-233, and 266). 1439. Summit Co., Akron City (EDs 175-185, 160-170, 206, and 207). 1440. Summit Co., Akron City (EDs 208-223, 186-195, and 197). 1441. Summit Co., Akron City (EDs 196 and 198-205) and Summit Co. (EDs 234-236, 247-252, 275-279, 287, and 280). 1442. Summit Co. (EDs 237-239, 283-286, 240-246, and 253-274). 1443. Trumbull Co. (EDs 246-258, 275-279. 284-290, 259-262, 307, 263, and 274) 1444. Trumbull Co. (EDs 280-283, 304, 305, 308, 291, 292, 306, and 293-303) and Tuscarawas Co. (EDs 134-136, 160-177, and 186). 1445. Tuscarawas Co. (EDs 137-159 and 178-185) and Union Co. (EDs 229-250). 1446. Van Wert Co. (EDs 122-136, 173, 137-147, and 172), Vinton Co. (EDs 144-158), and Washington Co. (EDs 172-190). This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. OHIO-PENNSYLVANIA 69 1447. Washington Co. (EDs 191-218) and Warren Co. (EDs 251-275). 1448. Wayne Co. (EDs 187-218, 225, 219, 220, 226, 221, and 222) and Wood Co. (EDs 143-151 and 172). 1449. Wood Co. (EDs 152-171, 175, 181, 182, 173, 174, 176, 184, and 177-179) and Wyandot Co. (EDs 167-183). 1450. Williams Co. (EDs 148-155, 174, and 156-171). OKLAHOMA 1451. Adair Co. (EDs 1-10), Beckham Co. (EDs 1-17), and Cherokee Co. (EDs 11-17, 197, 18, 19, 191, and 20-24). 1452. Alfalfa Co. (EDs 1-16), Atoka Co. (EDs 1-14), and Beaver Co. (EDs 17-33). 1453. Blaine Co. (EDs 1-29) and Caddo Co. (EDs 30-70 and 72-81). 1454. Bryan Co. (EDs 15-27, 33, 28-32, and 34-36) and Carter Co. (EDs 39-47). 1455. Carter Co. (EDs 37, 38, 48-54, 239, and 55-60) and Canadian Co. (EDs 82-109). 1456. Choctaw Co. (EDs 61-66, 72-81, and 67-71) and Cleveland Co. (EDs 1-20). 1457. Cimarron Co. (EDs 34, 35, 240, and 36-40), Jackson Co. (EDs 97-120), Coal Co. (EDs 1-11, 214, and 12-15), and Craig Co. (EDs 1-8). 1458. Craig Co. (EDs 9-20), Delaware Co. (EDs 21-31, 286, and 32-39), and Comanche Co. (EDs 110-121, 123-130, and 132-142). 1459. Cotton Co. (EDs 143-148, 266, and 149-157), Harper Co. (EDs 105-118), and Creek Co. (EDs 220, 16, 37, 51, and 52). 1460. Creek Co. (EDs 38-50, 269, 268, 260-263, 53, 264, 54, 55, and 265-267) and Grant Co. (EDs 84-94 and 96-104). 1461. Custer Co. (EDs 18-30, 218, and 31 -41) and Grady Co. (EDs 158-161 and 163-188). 1462. Grady Co. (EDs 189-196), Haskell Co. (EDs 25-34, 193, and 35-37), Dewey Co. (EDs 203-217), and Latimer Co. (EDs 82, 84-93, 83, 94, and 95). 1463. Ellis Co. (EDs 42-67) and Garfield Co. (EDs 41-45, 66-71, 95, 72, 73, 46-65, 74, 75, 241, and 76-83). 1464. Garvin Co. (EDs 21-37, 42, 43, and 39-41) and Johnston Co. (EDs 80-100). 1465. Greer Co. (EDs 68-84), Harmon Co. (EDs 85-96), and Hughes Co. (EDs 56-79). 1466. Jefferson Co. (EDs 197-219) and Kay Co. (119-148). 1467. Kingfisher Co. (EDs 220-243), Kiowa Co (EDs 123-127, 130-134, 121, 122, 128, 129, and 135-146), and Love Co. (EDs 123-133). 1468. Le Flore Co. (EDs 97-105, 107-114, 106, 115-120, 96, 121, and 122) and McCurtain Co. (EDs 134-136 and 142-144). 1469. McCurtain Co. (EDs 137-141 and 145-159) and Lincoln Co. (EDs 101-115 and 117-130). 1470. Lincoln Co. (EDs 116 and 131-138), McClain Co. (EDs 75-85), and Logan Co. (EDs 44-70). 1471. Logan Co. (EDs 71-74), Seminole Co. (EDs 238-259), and McIntosh Co. (EDs 38-49, 195, and 50-55). 1472. Major Co. (EDs 149-164), Noble Co. (EDs 165-182), Marshall Co. (EDs 160-169), and Mayes Co. (EDs 47, 48, 44, 45, 51, 54, 52, 53, 55, 46, 49, and 50). 1473. Mayes Co. (EDs 56-57 and 40-43) and Oklahoma Co. (EDs 96-107, 109-112, 166-168, 108 [sheets 1-5], 125 [sheets 16-18], 108 [sheets 6-end], and 113-125). 1474. Oklahoma Co. (EDs 126-152). 1475. Oklahoma Co. (EDs 153-165), Murray Co. (EDs 86-95), and Okmulgee Co. (EDs 102-104, 194, 196, 105-107, 109, 110, and 120-130). 1476. Okmulgee Co. (EDs 124-135, 138-145, 108, 111-118, 136, and 137) and Roger Mills Co. (EDs 147-164). 1477. Muskogee Co. (EDs 60-70, 192, 71-73, 95-101, 56-59, and 74-89). 1478. Muskogee Co. (EDs 90-94 and 58-73), Nowata Co. (EDs 58-73), and Okfuskee Co. (EDs 139-161). 1479. Osage Co. (EDs 74, 75, 285, 76-83, 272, and 84-103) and Pontotoc Co. (EDs 162-169, 182, and 183). 1480. Pontotoc Co. (EDs 170-181 and 184-191), Pushmataha Co. (EDs 223-226, 230-232, 227-229, and 233-237), and Woods Co. (EDs 202-212, 213 [sheets 8-11], 213 [sheets 1-7], and 214-220). 1481. Ottawa Co. (EDs 104-114, 123-131, 115-122, and 132-134) and Pawnee Co. (EDs 135-144, 282-284, 145, and 146). 1482. Pawnee Co. (EDs 147-152), Rogers Co. (EDs 153-155, 157-162, 156, and 163), and Payne Co. (EDs 169-176, 194, 177-180, 186-193, and 195-199). 1483. Payne Co. (EDs 181-185), Wagoner Co. (EDs 168-190), and Pittsburg Co. (EDs 170-180, 199-206, 208-213, 207, and 214). 1484. Pittsburg Co. (EDs 181-198, 215-219, 238, and 220-222) and Stephens Co. (EDs 244-265). 1485. Pottawatomie Co. (EDs 192-199, 273, 200-202, 272, 203-209, 271, 210-213, 215-219, 221-226, 270, 227-230, 274, 231 [sheets 1-7], 233 [sheets 3-17], 234 [sheets 1-10], 232 [sheets 3-17], 233 [sheets 1-2], 231 [sheets 8-21], 232 [sheets 1-2], 234 [sheets 11-25], and 235-237) and Tulsa Co. (EDs 171-177). 1486. Tulsa Co. (EDs 178, 179, 184-202, 180-183, and 203-221). 1487. Tulsa Co. (EDs 222-227, 264, 228-244, 263, 245-260, 262, 261, and 265-267). 1488. Sequoyah Co. (EDs 146-167), Texas Co. (EDs 183-201), and Tillman Co. (EDs 165-172). 1489. Tillman Co. (EDs 173-183), Washita Co. (EDs 184-191, 200-202, and 192-199), and Woodward Co. (EDs 221-239). 1490. Washington Co. (EDs 268-271 and 273-281). OREGON 1491. Baker Co. (EDs 1-23), Crook Co. (EDs 24-30), Curry Co. (EDs 128-133, 477, and 134), Benton Co. (EDs 1-19), and Clackamas Co. (EDs 20, 481, and 21-33). 1492. Clackamas Co. (EDs 34-60), Clatsop Co. (EDs 61-90, 92, and 93), and Gilliam Co. (EDs 41-51). 1493. Columbia Co. (EDs 94-98, 469, 468, and 99-105), Deschutes Co. (EDs 31-40), Coos Co. (EDs 106-119, 480, and 120-127), and Harney Co. (EDs 64-73). 1494. Douglas Co. (EDs 135, 478, and 136-164), Jefferson Co. (EDs 81-87), Grant Co. (EDs 52-63), Hood River Co. (EDs 74-80 and 241), and Klamath Co. (EDs 88-94, 242, and 95-101). 1495. Jackson Co. (EDs 165-198, 483, and 199-206), Lake Co. (EDs 102-114), Josephine Co. (EDs 207-218), Lincoln Co. (EDs 262-284), and Lane Co. (EDs 237-246). 1496. Lane Co. (EDs 219, 220, 471, 221-236, and 247-261) and Linn Co. (EDs 285-296, 475, 297, and 313). 1497. Malheur Co. (EDs 115-130), Polk Co. (EDs 362-385), and Marion Co. (EDs 314-321, 474, 322-328, 476, 329-340, 355, and 356). 1498. Marion Co. (EDs 341-344, 473, 345-354, 357-361, and 470), Morrow Co. (EDs 131-138), and Multnomah Co., Portland City (EDs 1-12). 1499. Multnomah Co., Portland City (EDs 13-30, 215, and 31-48). 1500. Multnomah Co., Portland City (EDs 49-87). 1501. Multnomah Co., Portland City (EDs 88-94, 214, and 95-126). 1502. Multnomah Co., Portland City (EDs 127-168). 1503. Multnomah Co., Portland City (EDs 169-171, 213, 172-195, 211, 196-199, 212, and 200-210). 1504. Sherman Co. (EDs 139-142, 237, 143, 144, 238, and 145), Tillamook Co. (EDs 386, 387, 482, 388, 472, 389, 479, 390, 484, and 391-394), Wasco Co. (EDs 212-229), and Umatilla Co. (EDs 146-175). 1505. Union Co. (EDs 176-182, 240, and 185-194), Wallowa Co. (EDs 195-201, 239, and 202-211), and Washington Co. (EDs 395-438). 1506. Wheeler Co. (EDs 230-236) and Yamhill Co. (EDs 439-467). PENNSYLVANIA 1507. Adams Co. (EDs 1-32) and Armstrong Co. (EDs 1-14). 1508. Armstrong Co. (EDs 15-30, 33, 34, 31, 32, and 35-54). 1509. Allegheny Co. (EDs 1-6, 8, 10, 7, 9, 11, 19, 20, 888, 257, 887, 17-18, 41, 876, 42-43, 12-16, and 23-40). 1510. Allegheny Co. (EDs 21-22, 45-56, 44, 877, 57, 58, 878, 60, 61, 63, 879, 64, 82, 65-68, 900, and 69-72). 1511. Allegheny Co. (EDs 62, 73-77, 880-883, 89, 884, 90-91, 88, 92-94, 78-81, 83-87, 95, 885-886, and 96-97). 1512. Allegheny Co. (EDs 98-115, 129, 901, 130, and 131). 1513. Allegheny Co. (EDs 155-173, 242, 250-255, 132-147, and 149-154). 1514. Allegheny Co. (EDs 174-176, 183, 177-179, 184-186, 180-182, 243-249, and 187-212). 1515. Allegheny Co. (EDs 213-241, 256, 267, 258-266, and 268-282). 1516. Allegheny Co. (EDs 283-317, 759-763, 768-771, and 892). 1517. Allegheny Co., Pittsburgh City (EDs 318, 320-329, 468-484, and 435-450). 1518. Allegheny Co., Pittsburgh City (EDs 330-343, 404, 406-423, 485-494, 889, and 495-498). 1519. Allegheny Co., Pittsburgh City (EDs 344-380). 1520. Allegheny Co., Pittsburgh City (EDs 381-403, 424-434, and 451-460). 1521. Allegheny Co., Pittsburgh City (EDs 461-467, 602, 604-615, and 499-518). 1522. Allegheny Co., Pittsburgh City (EDs 519-549, 899, 550, and 616-618). 1523. Allegheny Co., Pittsburgh City (EDs 619, 620, 603, 621, 622, 890, 623-630, 891, 631-634, and 551-566). 1524. Allegheny Co., Pittsburgh City (EDs 567-582, 670-683, and 700-713). 1525. Allegheny Co., Pittsburgh City (EDs 583-601, 635-652, and 684-686). 1526. Allegheny Co., Pittsburgh City (EDs 687-699, 714-740, and 814). 1527. Allegheny Co., Pittsburgh City (EDs 653-669 and 741-758). 1528. Allegheny Co. (EDs 319, 764-767, 772-788, 792, 793, 789-791, 794-806, 813, 815, 837, and 893-895). 70 PENNSYLVANIA 1529. Allegheny Co. (EDs 807-812, 816-820, 834-836, 896, 821-833, 838-842, and 852). 1530. Allegheny Co. (EDs 843-847, 849-851, 853-856, 871-874, 897-898, 848, 857-870, and 875). 1531. Beaver Co. (EDs 1-12, 24-27, 35, 43, 44, 246, 13-23, 28-34, 36, and 37). 1532. Beaver Co. (EDs 38-42, 45-52, 61-63, 68-70, 239, 248, 53-60, 64-67, and 71-73). 1533. Bedford Co. (EDs 1-36) and Carbon Co. (EDs 1-9). 1534. Carbon Co. (EDs 10-27, 34, 36, 28-33, 35, 37, and 43). 1535. Berks Co. (EDs 1-20, 22, 23, 21, 24-27, 29-42, 44. and 45). 1536. Berks Co. (EDs 43, 46-51, 132-148, 52-63, and 67-72). 1537. Berks Co., Reading City (EDs 65, 66, 73-111, and 127-130). 1538. Berks Co., Reading City (EDs 112-126, 131, 28, and 149-152) and Blair Co. (EDs 38-46, 51-54, and 59-64). 1539. Blair Co. (EDs 47-50, 55-58, 65-71, 74-76, 37, 81-89, 91. Ill, 72, 73, and 77-80). 1540. Blair Co. (EDs 90, 92, 101, 112-116, 125-127, 102-110, and 117-124). 1541. Bradford Co. (EDs 1-29, 34-38, 30-33, and 39-58). 1542. Bucks Co. (EDs 1-17, 23, 24, 18-22, and 25-42). 1543. Bucks Co. (EDs 43-65) and Butler Co. (EDs 1-3 and 6-25). 1544. Butler Co. (EDs 4, 5, and 26-67). 1545. Cambria Co. (EDs 128-130, 207, 131-139, 141-146, 148, 147, 149-162, and 164). 1546. Cambria Co. (EDs 163, 232, 165-166, 140, 167, 206, 208, and 168-185). 1547. Cambria Co. (EDs 186-205, 217-221, 223, and 224). 1548. Cambria Co. (EDs 222, 225-231, and 233-243), Cameron Co. (EDs 1-7), and Centre Co. (EDs 8-26 and 149). 1549. Centre Co. (EDs 27-45) and Chester Co. (EDs 1-28 and 32). 1550. Chester Co. (EDs 29-31, 33-52, 55, 53, 54, and 56-82). 1551. Chester Co. (EDs 216 and 83-110) and Clarion Co. (EDs 55-60, 82, and 61-77). 1552. Clarion Co. (EDs 78-81, 83, and 84) and Clearfield Co. (EDs 47-54, 109, 110, 55-75, and 85). 1553. Clearfield Co. (EDs 76-84, 86, 46, 87-96, 104, 105, 97-103, 106-108, and 111-113). 1554. Clinton Co. (EDs 1-22, 27, and 23-26) and Columbia Co. (EDs 1-10 and 17-22). 1555. Columbia Co. (EDs 11-16 and 23-46) and Crawford Co. (EDs 1-23 and 33-42). 1556. Crawford Co. (EDs 24-32 and 43-58) and Cumberland Co. (EDs 1-9, 34, 28, and 10-21). 1557. Cumberland Co. (EDs 22-27, 29-33, and 35-46) and Dauphin Co. (EDs 47-56, 111-116, and 118-120). 1558. Dauphin Co. (EDs 57-59, 65-67, 75-87, 110, 60-64, 71-74, 88-92, 202, and 93-96). 1559. Dauphin Co. (EDs 68-70, 97-109, 117, 121-130, 142, 143, 200, and 147-148). 1560. Dauphin Co. (EDs 131-141, 145, 146, and 149-153) and Delaware Co. (EDs 111-115, 151-154, 217, 155-161, and 165). 1561. Delaware Co. (EDs 116-149). 1562. Delaware Co. (EDs 162-164, 166-171, 218, 173-196, and 199). 1563. Delaware Co. (EDs 197, 198, 200-205, 172, and 206-215) and Elk Co. (EDs 1-17). 1564. Elk Co. (EDs 18-23) and Huntingdon Co. (EDs 60-94). 1565 Erie Co. (EDs 59-62, 67, 76-83, 69, 149, 70-75, and 93-99). 1566. Erie Co. (EDs 84-92 and 100-114). 1567. Erie Co. (EDs 63-66, 115-127, 133-135, 128-132, and 136-148). 1568. Fayette Co. (EDs 1-35, 48, and 49). 1569. Fayette Co. (EDs 36-47, 50, 51-61, 70, 75, 80, and 81). 1570. Fayette Co. (EDs 62-69, 71-74, 209, 82-86, 76-79, and 87-94). 1571. Fayette Co. (EDs 95-117), Forest Co. (EDs 24-31), and Franklin Co. (EDs 1-12 and 15). 1572. Franklin Co. (EDs 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 18, 20-34, 190, 37, 38, 35, 36, 191, and 39-48) and Fulton Co. (EDs 49-59). 1573. Greene Co. (EDs 118-152) and Indiana Co. (EDs 85-98, 101-103, and 107). 1574. Indiana Co. (EDs 99, 100, 104-106, 108, 109, 112-119, 110, 111, and 120-135). 1575. Jefferson Co. (EDs 136-151, 153. 152, and 154-170). 1576. Jefferson Co. (EDs 171-180), Juanita Co. (EDs 95-108), and Lackawanna Co. (EDs 209, 1-6, 8-10, and 31-38). 1577. Lackawanna Co. (EDs 7, 11-30, 53, 39-52, and 54-60). 1578. Lackawanna Co. (EDs 61-73 and 86-92) and Lackawanna Co., Scranton City (EDs 74-85, 93, 94, and 121-126). 1579. Lackawanna Co., Scranton City (EDs 95-102, 114-120, 127-131, 103-113, 132-134, 137, 220, 138, 217-218, and 139-140). 1580. Lackawanna Co., Scranton City (EDs 135, 136, 141-153, 169-175, 154-158, 216, 159-166, and 188-193). 1581. Lackawanna Co., Scranton City (EDs 167, 168, 176-177, 219, 178-187, 194-208, and 210-214). 1582. Lancaster Co. (EDs 1-33 and 36-46). 1583. Lancaster Co. (EDs 34, 35, 47-50, 85-91, 93, 94, 98-103, and 51-67). 1584. Uncaster Co. (EDs 68-84, 92, 95-97, and 104-122). 1585. Uncaster Co. (EDs 123-147) and Uwrence Co. (EDs 242, 76-81. 86, 92, and 100 - 102 ). 1586. Uwrence Co. (EDs 93-99, 103-111, 82-85, 245, 112, 74. 75, and 113-126). 1587. Lebanon Co. (EDs 154-160, 167-178, 161-166, 179-196, 201, and 197-199). 1588. Lehigh Co. (EDs 154-160, 165-169, 161, 162, 170-175, and 183-188). 1589. Lehigh Co. (EDs 163, 164, 176-182, 189-193, 153, 203-208. 211-214, 220, and 194-202). 1590. Lehigh Co. (EDs 209, 210, 215-219, 221-229, 233-235, 230-232, and 236-250). 1591. Luzerne Co. (EDs 1-27 and 33-43). 1592. Luzerne Co. (EDs 28-32, 44-69, and 95-97). 1593. Luzerne Co. (EDs 92-94 and 98-109). 1594. Luzerne Co. (EDs 110-116, 118-121, 140-145, 117, and 122-137). 1595. Luzerne Co. (EDs 138, 139, 146-173, and 189-194). 1596. Luzerne Co. (EDs 174-188, 195, 196. 199-203, 197, 198, 204-216, 275, and 276). 1597. Luzerne Co. (EDs 217-232, 234, 235, 239-241, 233, 236-238, 242-244, and 249-259). 1598. Luzerne Co. (EDs 245, 260, 272-274, 246-248, and 261-271) and Lycoming Co. (EDs 28-57). 1599. Lycoming Co. (EDs 58-106). 1600. McKean Co. (EDs 114-123, 128, 139-140, 124-125, 127, 126, 135-137, 147, 129- 130, 142, 148, 131-134, 138, 141, 145, 143-144, and 146) and Mifflin Co. (EDs 109-111 and 114). 1601. Mifflin Co. (EDs 112, 113, and 115-137) and Mercer Co. (EDs 32-34, 36, 35, 67, 68, 42-44, 62, 61, 63-65, 94, 66, 69-71, 75-77, 89, 96, 92, 93, 95, 90, and 91). 1602. Mercer Co. (EDs 57-60, 78-86, 37-41, 87, 88. 73, 51-54, and 74). 1603. Mercer Co. (EDs 55, 56, 45-50, and 97-101), Montour Co. (EDs 47-60), and Monroe Co. (EDs 44-66). 1604. Montgomery Co. (EDs 66-68, 100, 101, 74-78, 88, 90, and 131-151). 1605. Montgomery Co. (EDs 91, 92, 174, 175, 93, 97, 94, 96, 102-104, 181, 152, 153, 107, 69, 70, 179, 180, 95. 128, 99, 105, 106, 169-171, 124, 125, 187, 188, 79, 126, 127, 172, 173, 176-178, 182, 89, 154, and 160). 1606. Montgomery Co. (EDs 108-121, 129, 183, 187, 71-73, 189, 190, 156, 80-87. 191-193, 130, and 155). 1607. Montgomery Co. (EDs 122, 98, 185, 123, 157-167, 186, 194, and 195) and Northampton Co. (EDs 67, 143-148, 150, 102, 105, 72. 127. 151, 160, 130, and 134-136). 1608. Northampton Co. (EDs 101, 73-80, 82-100, 128, 137-139, 131, 149, 103, and 104). 1609. Northampton Co. (EDs 155, 156, 152-154, 169, 161, 162, 106, 157-159, 68-71, 163, 140-142, 132, 133, 164, 166, 167, 129, 107-117, and 121). 1610. Northampton Co. (EDs 118-120, 122-126, 168, 81, and 165), Pike Co. (EDs 170-180), and Northumberland Co. (EDs 61-74, 143, 144, 75, 76, 78, 79, and 84). 1611. Northumberland Co. (EDs 77, 80-83, 115-128, 85-88, 111, 108-110. 114. 140, 130- 132, 161, 133-138, 141, and 142). 1612. Northumberland Co. (EDs 105-107, 89, 96-104, 112, 113, 129, 139, 90-95. and 145-147) and Tiogo Co. (EDs 135-143, 153, 160, and 152). 1613. Tioga Co. (EDs 144, 145, 169, 170, 146-151, 154, 173. 155, 156, 158, 159, 161, 157, 162-168, 171, and 172) and Perry Co. (EDs 132-154). 1614. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1-42 and 44-48). 1615. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 49-92, 94-100, and 189-195). This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. PENNSYLVANIA-SOUTH DAKOTA 71 1616. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 101-119, 135-141, and 442-471). 1617. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 472-530). 1618. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 120-134, 333-348, and 142-171). 1619. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 172-188, 230-243, 196-213, 215-216, 218, and 219). 1620. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 244-284 and 349-366). 1621. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 285-332, 390-395, and 1838). 1622. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 396-441 and 531-538). 1623. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 539-597, 1837, and 598-601). 1624. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 602-607, 609-637, 367-389, and 1839-1845). 1625. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 638-661, 1846, 662-681, and 1099-1109). 1626. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1110-1154). 1627. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 682-737). 1628. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 738-746, 1445, and 747-792). 1629. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 793-850). 1630. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 851-858 and 1155-1200). 1631. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1201-1213, 1847, 1214-1224, and 859-884). 1632. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 885-942). 1633. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 943-971 and 1051-1070). 1634. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1071-1097 and 972-998). 1635. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 999-1050 and 1317-1337). 1636. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1338-1368, 214, and 1369-1380). 1637. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1225-1244, 1685-1692, and 1694-1723). 1638. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1245-1291 and 1293). 1639. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1294-1316 and 1381-1394). 1640. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1395-1444). 1641. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1447-1498). 1642. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1499-1549). 1643. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1550-1582 and 1584-1589). 1644. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1590-1635). 1645. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1636-1684 and 1782-1787). 1646. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1788-1808 and 1725-1742). 1647. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1743-1779, 1446, 1780, and 1781). 1648. Philadelphia Co. and City (EDs 1809-1836) and Potter Co. (EDs 107-134). 1649. Schuylkill Co. (EDs 1-17, 22-24, 18-21, 25-35, 40, and 41). 1650. Schuylkill Co. (EDs 36-39, 42-48, 65-72, 49-64, 73, 74, and 76). 1651. Schuylkill Co. (EDs 75, 77-84, 103-113, 84-102, and 114-117). 1652. Schuylkill Co. (EDs 118-135, 151, 155, 156, 136-150, and 152-154). 1653. Snyder Co. (EDs 152-172), Sullivan Co. (EDs 148-160 and 162), and Somerset Co. (EDs 154, 153, 155-165, and 169-171). 1654. Somerset Co. (EDs 166-168, 172-189, 193, 201, 191, 192, 194-200, 190, and 202-208). 1655. Susquehanna Co. (EDs 59-63, 86, 64-72, 143, 76, 78, 74, 76, 75, 77-79, 84, 80-83, 85, 87-89, 142, 93-95, 90-92, and 173-189). 1656. Venango Co. (EDs 102-104, 106-108, 124-135, 105, 108-110, 139, 111-123, and 142). 1657. Venango Co. (EDs 136-138, 140-141, and 143-145) and Warren Co. (EDs 146-147, 183, 148-149, 161, 150, 153, 154, 172, 173, 155, 157, 159-160, 162-165, 169, 151-152, 158, 166, 174-182, 167-168, 170-171, and 156). 1658. Washington Co. (EDs 127-128, 172-174, 129, 147, 237-238, 130, 216, 163, 178, 131, 169, 132, 213-215, 249, 133, 161-162, 134, 235, 175, 182, and 185). 1659. Washington Co. (EDs 139, 140, 220, 244, 221-232, 205, 141, 142, 165-170, 204, and 193-199). 1660. Washington Co. (EDs 143-146, 135, 240, 136-138, 155-159, 184, 206-207, 171, 177, 243, 241, 212, 179, 148-154, 203, 233, 234, 160, and 186). 1661. Washington Co. (EDs 180, 181, 183, 200-202, 208-211, 192, 187, 188, 217-219, 176, 190, 191, 189, and 236) and Wayne Co. (EDs 96-123). 1662. Westmoreland Co. (EDs 68, 69, 97, 125, 229-235, 72, 73, 89, 90, 143-145, 142, 76, 242, 80, 241, 81-88, 77-79, and 134-141). 1663. Westmoreland Co. (EDs 219-227, 238, 99-101, 98, 178-181, 200, 171, 91-96, and 158-170). 1664. Westmoreland Co. (EDs 201-204, 191, 192, 243, 193, 194, 190, 128-133, 149, 183-187, 126, 127, 218, 74, 75, 147, 205-208, 240, 209, and 217). 1665. Westmoreland Co. (EDs 115-124, 71, 148, 211, 212, 239, 102-114, 213-216, 210, 236, and 237). 1666. Westmoreland Co. (EDs 146, 70, 172-177, 188, 189, 182, 195-199, and 150-157). 1667. Wyoming Co. (EDs 124-141) and York Co. (EDs 33, 44, 34-41, 45-47, 74, 49, 50, 68. 69, 55, 149, 51-53, 63-65, 56, 115, 116, 66, 104, 67, 99, 70-73, 48, 150, and 78). 1668. York Co. (EDs 75, 76, 84, 77, 80, 81, 102, 103, 82, 83, 86, 87, 43, 88-90, 57-62, 85, 91, 92, 54, 79, 96, 107-109, 111, 110, 113, 114, 93-95, 112, 147, 148, 42, and 117). 1669. York Co. (EDs 100, 101, 105, 106, 97, 98, 118-123, 126-130, 138-140, 124, 125, 131-137, and 141-146). RHODE ISLAND 1670. Bristol Co. (EDs 1-12) and Newport Co. (EDs 38, 39, and 42-62). 1671. Newport Co. (EDs 40, 41, and 63-67) and Kent Co. (EDs 19-27, 13-18, and 28-37). 1672. Providence Co. (EDs 68-71, 100-105, 117-120, and 106-116). 1673. Providence Co. (EDs 121-128, 315-319, and 73-84). 1674. Providence Co. (EDs 85-99, 72, 129-138, and 154-156). 1675. Providence Co. (EDs 139-148, 157-158, 149, 153, 326-331, and 335-339). 1676. Providence Co. (EDs 320-325, 332-334, and 340-346), and Providence City (EDs 159-175, and 210-214). 1677. Providence Co., Providence City (EDs 215-236 and 251-263). 1678. Providence Co., Providence City (EDs 176-209). 1679. Providence Co., Providence City (EDs 237-250 and 264-279). 1680. Providence Co., Providence City (EDs 280-314). 1681. Washington Co. (EDs 347-364). SOUTH CAROLINA 1682. Abbeville Co. (EDs 1-20) and Aiken Co. (EDs 1-4, 131, and 5-15). 1683. Aiken Co. (EDs 16-30), Allendale Co. (EDs 31-35), and Bamberg Co. (EDs 36-48). 1684. Anderson Co. (EDs 21-33, 38-39, 34-37, and 40-52). 1685. Anderson Co. (EDs 53-65) and Barnwell Co. (EDs 49-62). 1686. Beaufort Co. (EDs 63-80), Berkeley Co. (EDs 1-3, 5, and 18), and Charleston Co. (EDs 72-74). 1687. Charleston Co. (EDs 19-56). 1688. Charleston Co. (EDs 57-71, 76-78, 75, and 80-100). 1689. Calhoun Co. (EDs 1-11) and Chester Co. (EDs 18-21, 26, 22-25, and 27-33). 1690. Cherokee Co. (EDs 1-17), and Chesterfield Co. (EDs 34-49). 1691. Clarendon Co. (EDs 101-114, 116, 115, 117-123) and Darlington Co. (EDs 1-3, 6-9, and 157). 1692. Darlington Co. (EDs 54, 26, 5, and 10-19) and Colleton Co. (EDs 124-143). 1693. Dillon Co. (EDs 20-34), Dorchester Co. (EDs 144-155), and Greenwood Co. (EDs 66-71 and 82). 1694. Greenwood Co. (EDs 72-81 and 83-91) and Edgefield Co. (EDs 81-99). 1695. Fairfield Co. (EDs 50-70) and Florence Co. (EDs 35-48). 1696. Florence Co. (EDs 49-65), Georgetown Co. (EDs 66-77), and Hampton Co. (EDs 100-101). 1697. Hampton Co. (EDs 102-108), Jasper Co. (EDs 109-116), and Greenville Co. (EDs 1-18). 1698. Greenville Co. (EDs 19-23, 40-47, and 24-39). 1699. Horry Co. (EDs 78-98, and 155) and Laurens Co. (EDs 48-57). 1700. Laurens Co. (EDs 58-73) and Kershaw Co. (EDs 71-81). 1701. Lancaster Co. (EDs 82-95) and Lee Co. (EDs 12-25). 1702. Lexington Co. (EDs 26-42), and McCormick Co. (EDs 92-103). 1703. Marion Co. (EDs 99-114), and Marlboro Co. (EDs 115-125, 127, 156, and 128-132). 1704. Newberry Co. (EDs 104-129) and Orangeburg Co. (EDs 43-51). 1705. Orangeburg Co. (EDs 67-69, 153, 70-74, 154, and 75-78). 1706. Oconee Co. (EDs 130-150) and Pickens Co. (EDs 151-169). 1707. Richland Co. (EDs 79-99). 1708. Richland Co. (EDs 100-107, 127, and 108-126), Saluda Co. (EDs 117-130), and York Co. (EDs 96-97). 1709. York Co. (EDs 98-104, 114-120, and 105-113). 1710. Spartanburg Co. (EDs 74-78, 122, 79-83, 87-88, 84-86, 89-93, and 100-108). 1711. Spartanburg Co. (F.Ds 109-121, 123, 94-99, and 124-127), and Williamsburg Co. (EDs 133-139). 1712. Williamsburg Co. (EDs 140-154) and Sumter Co. (EDs 128-143). 1713. Sumter Co. (EDs 144-152) and Union Co. (EDs 128-147). SOUTH DAKOTA 1714. Armstrong Co. (EDs 1-2), Aurora Co. (EDs 1, 276, and 2-8), Bennett Co. (EDs 3-8), Bon Homme Co. (EDs 9-21), Beadle Co. (EDs 1-15, 296, 16-19, and 294), and Custer Co. (EDs 25-41). 72 SOUTH DAKOTA-TEXAS 1715. Brookings Co. (EDs 20-37), Brown Co. (EDs 55-57, 59-66, 38-46, 295, 47-54, and 58), and Harding Co. (EDs 85-94). 1716. Brule Co. (EDs 22-31), Butte Co. (EDs 9-19), Corson Co. (EDs 20-34), Buffalo Co. (EDs 32-35), Clay Co. (EDs 54-62), and Davison Co. (EDs 63-77). 1717. Campbell Co. (EDs 67-73), Clark Co. (EDs 74-85), Fall River Co. (EDs 51-61), Charles Mix Co. (EDs 36-37, 270, 38-43, 272, 44-48, 273, and 49-53), and Deuel Co. (EDs 120-129). 1718. Codington Co. (EDs 86-102), McPherson Co. (EDs 214-223), Day Co. (EDs 103-119), and Hand Co. (EDs 170-181). 1719. Dewey Co. (EDs 42-50), Gregory Co. (EDs 62-74), Hanson Co. (EDs 86-93), Douglas Co. (EDs 78-85), Faulk Co. (EDs 140-148), and Grant Co. (EDs 149-161). 1720. Edmunds Co. (EDs 130-139), Hughes Co. (EDs 182-190), Moody Co. (EDS 207-218), Haakon Co. (EDs 75-84), Hutchinson Co. (EDs 94-109), and Hyde Co. (EDs 191-198). 1721. Hamlin Co. (EDs 162-169), Jackson Co. (EDs 95-99), Lawrence Co. (EDs 106-123), Jerauld Co. (EDs 110-116), Jones Co. (EDs 100-105), and Turner Co. (EDs 227-241). 1722. Kingsbury Co. (EDs 199-213), Lake Co. (EDs 117-128), Lincoln Co. (EDs 129-144), Lyman Co. (EDs 124-132), and Todd Co. (EDs 196-198). 1723. McCook Co. (EDs 145-149, 275, and 150-155), Marshall Co. (EDs 224-235), Mellette Co. (EDs 149, 224, and 150-153), Meade Co. (EDs 133-148), and Tripp Co. (EDs 199-209). 1724. Miner Co. (EDs 156-164), Stanley Co. (EDs 187-195), Union Co. (EDs 242-253), and Minnehaha Co. (EDs 178-203). 1725. Minnehaha Co. (EDs 165-177 and 204-206), Perkins Co. (EDs 169-183), Pennington Co. (EDs 154-168), Potter Co. (EDs 236-243), Sully Co. (EDs 279-285), and Washington Co. (EDs 213-215). 1726. Roberts Co. (EDs 244-261), Sanborn Co. (EDs 219, 271, 220, 274, and 221-226), Shannon Co. (EDs 184-186), Washabaugh Co. (EDs 210-212), Yankton Co. (EDs 254-269), and Ziebach Co. (EDs 216-223). 1727. Spink Co. (EDs 262-278) and Walworth Co. (EDs 286-287, 293, 289-292, and 288). TENNESSEE 1728. Anderson Co. (EDs 1-4, 201, and 5-15), Bedford Co. (EDs 1-8, 12-13, 9-11, and 14-24), and Benton Co. (EDs 1-16). 1729. Bledsoe Co. (EDs 1-5), Bradley Co. (EDs 6-18), and Blount Co. (EDs 16-17, 198, 19-22, 196-197, 200, 24-32, 18, 33, and 23). 1730. Campbell Co. (EDs 34-51), Cannon Co. (EDs 25-36), and Carter Co. (EDs 1 - 12 ). 1731. Carter Co. (EDs 13-19), Cheatham Co. (EDs 1-8), Chester Co. (EDs 43-56), and Carroll Co. (EDs 17-42). 1732. Claiborne Co. (EDs 20-37), Clay Co. (EDs 1-7), and Coffee Co. (EDs 37-40, 145, 41, 141, 42-43, 146, and 44-51). 1733. Cocke Co. (EDs 38-54), Davidson Co. (EDs 128-131), and Davidson Co., Nashville City (EDs 45-46, 52-60, and 66-76). 1734. Davidson Co., Nashville City (EDs 28-44, 47-51, 45-46, 52-60, and 66-76). 1735. Davidson Co., Nashville City (EDs 61-65, 77-105, 203, 106-108, and 111-114). 1736. Davidson Co., Nashville City (EDs 109-110, 115-127, and 132), Crockett Co. (EDs 1-11, 161, and 12-15), and Cumberland Co. (EDs 8-16). 1737. Decatur Co. (EDs 57-68), De Kalb Co. (EDs 52-66, and 142-143), Dickson Co. (EDs 1-16, 177, and 17-18), and Fayette Co. (EDs 1-4). 1738. Fayette Co. (EDs 5-24) and Dyer Co. (EDs 16-34). 1739. Dyer Co. (EDs 35-39), Franklin Co. 19-35), Fentress Co. (EDs 17-21), and Gibson Co. (EDs 40-49). 1740. Gibson Co. (EDs 50-71) and Giles Co. (EDs 19-44). 1741. Giles Co. (EDs 45-48), Grainger Co. (EDs 55-67, and 36-43), and Greene Co. (EDs 68-85, and 87). 1742. Greene Co. (EDs 86, and 88-94), Hamblen Co. (EDs 52-63), and Hamilton Co. (EDs 153-178). 1743. Hamilton Co. (EDs 179-215). 1744. Hamilton Co. (EDs 216-236 and 44-48), Hancock Co. (EDs 95-106), and Hardin Co. (EDs 69-75, 4, and 77-85). 1745. Hardeman Co. (EDs 25-47), Hawkins Co. (EDs 107-124), and Hickman Co. (EDs 49-52). 1746. Hickman Co. (EDs 53-63), Humphreys Co. (EDs 70-81), and Haywood Co. (EDs 72-84). 1747. Henderson Co. (EDs 86, 189, 87-91, 190, 92, 192, 93-98, 191, and 99-102) and Henry Co. (EDs 103-129). 1748. Jackson Co. (EDs 22-35), Johnson Co. (EDs 125-135, and 64), Jefferson Co. (EDs 64-79), and Knox Co. (EDs 136, 140-143, and 202). 1749. Knox Co. (EDs 80-107). 1750. Knox Co. (EDs 108, 207, 109-110, 205, 111-113, 204, 114-116, 199 117-119 203, 120-135, and 138-139). 1751. Lake Co. (EDs 85-91), Loudon Co. (EDs 144-154), Lauderdale Co. (EDs 92-108, 110, and 109), and Lewis Co. (EDs 100-104). 1752. Lawrence Co. (EDs 82-99) and Lincoln Co. (EDs 67-91). 1753. McMinn Co. (EDs 49-65), McNairy Co. (EDs 129-146), and Macon Co (EDs 36-40). 1754. Macon Co. (EDs 41-46), Marion Co. (EDs 66-82), and Madison Co. (EDs 147-148, 154-155, 162-171, 193, and 172-173). 1755. Madison Co. (EDs 149-153, 177, 156, 157, 174, 176, 158-161, and 175), and Maury Co. (EDs 105-109, 114-119), 110-113, 120-133, 176, 134, and 135). 1756. Marshall Co. (EDs 92-108) and Montgomery Co. (EDs 133-169). 1757. Meigs Co. (EDs 83-88), Monroe Co. (EDs 89-96, 237, and 97-103), Moore Co. (EDs 109-113), Pickett Co. (EDs 69-74), and Polk Co. (EDs 104-115). 1758. Morgan Co. (EDs 47-55), Rhea Co. (EDs 93-98, 162, and 99-103), and Obion Co. (EDs 111-116, 160, and 117-130). 1759. Overton Co. (EDs 56-61, 163, and 62-67), Perry Co. (EDs 178-188), Putnam Co. (EDs 75-92), and Rutherford Co. (EDs 114-117). 1760. Rutherford Co. (EDs 118, 119, 144, and 120-140) and Roane Co. (EDs 155-172). 1761. Robertson Co. (EDs 170-179, 202, 180-183, 204, and 184-188). Scott Co. (EDs 173-182), and Stewart Co. (EDs 189-201). 1762. Sequatchie Co. (EDs 116-119), Sevier Co. (EDs 136-156), and Shelby Co (EDs 48-52, 274, 275, 53-62, 276, 277, 63, 64, 285, and 65-69). 1763. Shelby Co., Memphis City (EDs 70-140). 1764. Shelby Co., Memphis City (EDs 141-153, 156-166, 154, 155, 167-169. 170-172, 287, 173-175, 179-183, 286, and 184-188). 1765. Shelby Co., Memphis City (EDs 189-212, 279, 213, 214, 280, 215-223, 278. 284, 226, 227, 225, and 224). 1766. Shelby Co. (EDs 228-237, 281, 282, 238-246. and 283), Smith Co. (EDs 104-116), and Sullivan Co. (EDs 157-165). 1767. Sullivan Co. (EDs 166, 220, and 167-184) and Sumner Co. (EDs 117-133). 1768. Tipton Co. (EDs 247-263, 265, 264, and 266-273), Trousdale Co. (EDs 134-138), Unicoi Co. (EDs 185-192), and Union Co. (EDs 183-195). 1769. Van Buren Co. (EDs 120-122), Williamson Co. (EDs 150-173), Warren Co. (EDs 123-139), and Washington Co. (EDs 193-200). 1770. Washington Co. (EDs 201-219), Wayne Co. (EDs 136-149), and White Co. (EDs 140-152). 1771. Weakley Co. (EDs 131-159) and Wilson Co. (EDs 139-161). TEXAS 1772. Anderson Co. (EDs 1-15, 26, 16-17, 168, and 18-25), and Austin Co. (EDs 1-15). 1773. Andrews Co. (EDs 1-4), Angelina Co. (EDs 1-15), Aransas Co. (EDs 1-3), Archer Co. (EDs 1-9), Armstrong Co. (EDs 1-4), Atascosa Co. (EDs 1-10, 12. and 11), Baily Co. (ED 5), and Bandera Co. (EDs 5-10). 1774. Bastrop Co. (EDs 16, 183, and 17-34), Baylor Co. (EDs 10-15), and Brazoria Co. (EDs 1-11). 1775. Bee Co. (EDs 4-13) and Bowie Co. (EDs 11-16, 8-10, 1-7, and 17-22). 1776. Bell Co. (EDs 1-14, 29-31, 15-18, 155, 19-28, and 32) and Briscoe Co. (EDs 10 - 12 ). 1777. Bexar Co., San Antonio City (EDs 14-15, 42-49, 16-29, and 63-68). 1778. Bexar Co., San Antonio City (EDs 30-41 and 69-81). 1779. Bexar Co., San Antonio City (EDs 50-62 and 82-94). 1780. Bexar Co., San Antonio City (EDs 95-120) and Bexar Co. (EDs 102-108, 110-112, and 109). 1781. Blanco Co. (EDs 121-125), Borden Co. (EDs 6-9), Bosque Co. (EDs 33-51), Brazos Co. (EDs 1-2, 6-9, 3-5, and 10-14), and Brewster Co. (EDs 11-14). 1782. Brooks Co. (EDs 13-15), Brown Co. (EDs 1-18), Burleson Co. (EDs 35-47), and Burnet Co. (EDs 19-29). 1783. Caldwell Co. (EDs 48-49, 184. 50, 178, 51-64, and 186), Calhoun Co. (EDs 13, 12, and 14-16), Callahan Co. (EDs 30-43), and Collingsworth Co. (EDs 29-34). 1784. Cameron Co. (EDs 16, 41, 17-27, 39, 28, 40, and 29-38) and Clay Co (EDs 16-18, 20, 19, 21-23, 25. and 26). 1785. Camp Co. (EDs 23-28), Carson Co. (EDs 13-15), Castro Co. (EDs 16-17), Childress Co. (EDs 18-27, and 251), and Cass Co. (EDs 29-45). This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. TEXAS 73 1786. Cambers Co. (EDs 27-30), Comal Co. (EDs 127-134), Concho Co. (EDs 87-90), Crane Co. (EDs 23), Crosby Co. (EDs 39-41), and Cherokee Co. (EDs 16-30). 1787. Cherokee Co. (EDs 31-35), Colorado Co. (EDs 17-31), Cochran Co. (ED 28), Coke Co. (EDs 16-22), Coryell Co. (EDs 52-55, 151, and 56-67), and Crockett Co. (EDs 24-25). 1788. Coleman Co. (EDs 45-66), Cottle Co. (EDs 35-38), and Collins Co. (EDs 1-15, and 28-30). 1789. Collins Co. (EDs 16-27, and 31-32), Culberson Co. (EDs 26-29), and Comanche Co. (EDs 67-86). 1790. Cooke Co. (EDs 27-29, 24, 30-32, and 34-48), Dallam Co. (EDs 42-47), Dawson Co. (EDs 48-51), Deaf Smith Co. (EDs 52-54), Dickens Co. (EDs 55-58), and Donley Co. (EDs 59-66). 1791. Dallas Co. (EDs 1-21). 1792. Dallas Co.. Dallas City (EDs 22-32, 36-37, 33-35, and 38-46). 1793. Dallas Co., Dallas City (EDs 47-70, 156, 71-73, and 78). 1794. Dallas Co. (EDs 74-77, 79-83, 104-108, 84-98, 155, 99-103, and 109-111). 1795. De Witt Co. (EDs 32, 173, and 33-48), Delta Co. (EDs 46-53), and Denton Co. (EDs 56-60, and 64-65). 1796. Denton Co. (EDs 49-51, 33, 52-55, 61-63, 66-69, and 50), Dimmit Co. (EDs 42-44), Duval Co. (EDs 45-52), Ector Co. (EDs 30-31), Edwards Co. (EDs 32-35), and Fisher Co. (EDs 68-79). 1797. Eastland Co. (EDs 91, 92, 94-98, 109, 113-116, 121, 120, 122, 102, 99, 44, 93, 100, 101, 104-108, 110, 112, and 117-119). 1798. El Paso Co. (EDs 36-93, 37-55, and 59). 1799. El Paso Co. (EDs 56-58, 60-92, and 94-100). 1800. Ellis Co. (EDs 112-123, 141-148, 154, 124-140, and 153). 1801. Erath Co. (EDs 1-22), and Falls Co. (EDs 68-83, 153, and 84). 1802. Falls Co. (EDs 85-86, 156, and 87-89), Floyd Co. (EDs 80-85), Frio Co. (EDs 53, 55-56, 54, 58, 57, and 59-60), Fannin Co. (EDs 33-46, and 56-58). 1803. Fannin Co. (EDs 47-55, and 59-64), Gaines Co. (EDs 91-92), and Fayette Co. (EDs 49-72). 1804. Foard Co. (EDs 86-90), Franklin Co. (EDs 54-59), Gillespie Co. (EDs 101-109), and Fort Bend Co. (EDs 1-10, and 12-13). 1805. Freestone Co. (EDs 15-30), Glasscock Co. (EDs 110-111), Hansford Co. (EDs 114-115), and Galveston Co. (EDs 31, 169, 32-36, 39-44, and 50-55). 1806. Galveston Co. (EDs 37, 36, 38, 45-49, 56-62, 170, and 63-68), Garza Co. (EDs 93, 94, and 249), and Grimes Co. (EDs 14-22, and 24-28). 1807. Goliad Co. (EDs 73-81), Gregg Co. (EDs 1-12), and Gonzales 82-102). 1808. Gray Co. (EDs 95-98), Hale Co. (EDs 99-106), Hall Co. (EDs 107-113), and Grayson Co. (EDs 65-79, 116, and 117). 1809. Grayson Co. (EDs 80-97, 114, 115, and 98-113). 1810. Guadalupe Co. (EDs 135-154), Hamilton Co. (EDs 92, 90, 91, 98, 93-97, 99, and 100), and Hardeman Co. (EDs 116-124). 1811. Hardin Co. (EDs 36-45), and Hildalgo Co. (EDs 61-64, 102, 65, 66, 86-88, 104, 67-76, 101, 77-80, 103, 81-85, and 89-100). 1812. Harris Co., Houston City (EDs 30, 120, 11, 32-37, 108, 107, and 109-111). 1813. Harris Co., Houston City (EDs 44-52, 29, and 53-74). 1814. Harris Co., Houston City (EDs 75-81, 100-106, 112-113, and 82-93). 1815. Harris Co., Houston City (EDs 94-99, 114-119, and 121-124), and Harrison Co. (EDs 46-62, and 66). 1816. Harrison Co. (EDs 63-65 and 67-71), Haskell Co. (EDs 128-134, 136, 135, 139, 137, 138, 140, and 141), Hartley Co. (EDs 126-127), Hayes Co. (EDs 65-68, 67, and 69-74), and Hopkins Co. (EDs 68-71, and 80-81). 1817. Hopkins Co. (EDs 60-67, 72, 73, 175, 74-79, 82, and 83), Hemphill Co. (EDs 142-145), Howard Co. (EDs 112-117), and Hudspeth Co. (EDs 118-120), Hutchinson Co. (ED 147), and Jackson Co. (EDs 103-111). 1818. Henderson Co. (EDs 13-26, 162, and 27), and Hill Co. (EDs 31-44, and 46-49). 1819. Hill Co. (EDs 50-63), Heckley Co. (EDs 146), Hood Co. (EDs 23-31), and Houston Co. (EDs 70-74, 171, 75-93, and 172-173). 1820. Hunt Co. (EDs 118-131, and 135-136, 132-134, and 137-148). 1821. Irion Co. (EDs 121-122), Jack Co. (EDs 70-76, 78-80, and 82-86), Jim Hogg Co. (EDs 105-106), Jim Wells Co. (EDs 107-113), and Kendall Co. (EDs 167-173). 1822. Johnson Co. (EDs 32-37, 40, 38, 39, 41, 42, and 52-56), Jeff Davis Co. (EDs 123-124), and Jefferson Co. (EDs 101-110). 1823. Jefferson Co. (EDs 81-100, 114-115, 111-113, and 116-117). 1824. Jones Co. (EDs 123-139), Kent Co. (EDs 148-151), Karnes Co. (EDs 155-157, 208, and 158-166), and Kerr Co. (EDs 125-129). 1825. Kaufman Co. (EDs 28-52), Kimble Co. (EDs 130-133), and Knox Co. (EDs 153-164). 1826. King Co. (ED 152), Kleberg Co. (EDs 119-123), La Salle Co. (EDs 124-129), Lee Co. (EDs 75-85), Kinney Co. (EDs 114-115, 118, and 116-117), Lamb Co. (ED 165), Lampasas Co. (EDs 14-141, 147, 143, 142, 144, 146, and 145), Lipscomb Co. (EDs 166-169, 171, and 170), and Live Oak Co. (EDs 130-133). 1827. Lamar Co. (EDs 84-89, 109-112, 100-108, and 113-124). 1828. Lavaca Co. (EDs 113-116, 112, 117, 118, 120-122, 119, and 123-132), Leon Co. (EDs 64-78), and Limestone Co. (EDs 83-88). 1829. Limestone Co. (EDs 79-82, and 89-100), Liberty Co. (EDs 94-98, 129, 99, 100, 130, 101, and 110), and Lubbock Co. (EDs 172-178). 1830. Llano Co. (EDs 148-154), Loving Co. (EDs 134), Lynn Co. (EDs 179-181), McCulloch Co. (EDs 179-181), Mason Co. (EDs 139-140, and 143-146), and McLennan Co. (EDs 101-105, 107, 106, and 110-119). 1831. McLennan Co. (EDs 108, 150, 109, 120-130, 152, 131-135, 157, 136-141, 154, and 142-149). 1832. McMullen Co. (EDs 134-136), Madison Co. (EDs 101-109), Marion Co. (EDs 125-131, and 174), Martin Co. (EDs 135-138), Matagorda Co. (EDs 133-136, 138, 137, and 139-143), and Milam Co. (EDs 110-115, 133, and 134). 1833. Milam Co. (EDs 116-132 and 135-137), Maverick Co. (EDs 137-138, 142, and 139-141), Menard Co. (EDs 148-150), Morris Co. (EDs 132-140), and Motley Co. (EDs 184-187). 1834. Medina Co. (EDs 143-152), Midland Co. (EDs 151-153), Mills Co. (EDs 165-173), Moore Co. (EDs 182-183), Mitchell Co. (EDs 154-159), and Montgomery Co. (EDs 102-109 and 111-115). 1835. Montague Co. (EDs 88-107), Ochiltree Co. (EDs 188-190), and Nacogdoches Co. (EDs 118-136). 1836. Navarro Co. (EDs 138-139, 142, 140-141, 143-167, 189, and 168). 1837. Newton Co. (EDs 137-144), Orange Co. (EDs 145-151, 209, and 152), Nolan Co. (EDs 174-181 and 183-184), and Potter Co. (EDs 196-206). 1838. Nueces Co. (EDs i 74-180, 182, 181, 184, and 183-185), Parmer Co. (EDs 193-195), Oldham Co. (EDs 191-192), and Parker Co. (EDs 57-75, 77, 76, and 78). 1839. Palo Pinto Co. (EDs 185-193, 195, 197-207, and 209-210), Real Co. (EDs 172-174), Panola Co. (EDs 153-167), Pecos Co. (EDs 160-162), and Reagan Co. (EDs 170-171). 1840. Polk Co. (EDs 116-128), Rains Co. (EDs 149-153), Roberts Co. (EDs 212, 250, and 213), Presidio Co. (EDs 163, 169, and 164-168), Randall Co. (EDs 207-211), Reeves Co. (EDs 175-180), and Refugio Co. (EDs 144-147). 1841. Red River Co. (EDs 141-145 and 156-161) and Runnels Co. (EDs 211-225). 1842. Robertson Co. (EDs 169-188), Rockwall Co. (EDs 149-150, 152, and 151), Sabine Co. (EDs 168-173), Sterling Co. (EDs 185-186), and Stonewall Co. (EDs 226-229). 1843. Rusk Co. (EDs 53-73), San Augustine Co. (EDs 174-177 and 176-181), San Patricia Co. (EDs 186-191), and Schleicher Co. (EDs 181-184). 1844. San Jacinto Co. (EDs 131-140), Stephans Co. (EDs 239, 241-242, 240, 243-245, 247-255, and 246), San Saba Co. (EDs 227-228, 226, and 229-232), and Tom Green Co. (EDs 192-206). 1845. Scurry Co. (EDs 214-215, 217, 216, and 218-223), Smith Co. (EDs 74-75, 161, 76-84, 95-97, 85-92, 166, 93-94, and 98-105). 1846. Shackelford Co. (EDs 233-238), Terrell Co. (EDs 190-191), Titus Co. (EDs 162-173), and Shelby Co. (EDs 182-199). 1847. Sherman Co. (EDs 224-225), Somervell Co. (EDs 79-82), Starr Co. (EDs 153-158), Tyler Co. (EDs 200-207, 210, and 208), Sutton Co. (EDs 187-189), Swisher Co. (EDs 231-235), Terry Co. (EDs 236-239), and Victoria Co. (EDs 148-158). 1848. Tarrant Co. (EDs 83-91, and 165), Tarrant Co., Ft. Worth City (EDs 92-100, and 123-129). 1849. Tarrant Co., Ft. Worth City (EDs 101-111, 117-122, 112-116, and 142-152). 1850. Tarrant Co., Ft. Worth City (EDs 130-141, 153-164, and 166-172). 1851. Taylor Co. (EDs 256-272), Throckmorton Co. (EDs 108-111, and 113), Upton Co. (ED 207), and Walker Co. (EDs 153-167). 1852. Travis Co. (EDs 86-90, 177, 91, 93-106, 92, 107-118, 185, 119, 182, and 120-127). 1853. Trinity Co. (EDs 141-152), Uvalde Co. (EDs 160-167), Upshur Co. (EDs 106-109, 158-160, and 110-120), and Ward Co. (EDs 218-220, and 142). 1854. Val Verde Co. (EDs 208-217), Young Co. (EDs 167-171, 173, 174, 176, 177, 179, 181, 182, 184, 185, 183, and 186), and Van Zandt Co. (EDs 121-124, 165, and 125-141). 1855. Waller Co. (EDs 125-133), Wilbarger Co. (EDs 134-135, 195-196, and 136-143), and Washington Co. (EDs 128, 181, and 129-148) 1856. Webb Co. (EDs 168-173, 191, 174-177, 202, 178-180, 203, 181-183, 192, 184-186, 188, 189, 187, and 190) and Wharton Co. (EDs 159-172). 1857. Wheeler Co. (EDs 240-246) and Williamson Co. (EDs 149-159, 180, 160-169, 179, and 170-176). 74 TEXAS-WASHINGTON 1858. Wichita Co. (EDs 115-119, 77, 81, 87, 112, 114, 156, 172, 175, 178, 180, 120-126, 132, 133, and 191-194). 1859. Wichita Co. (EDs 127, 187-190, 128, 129, 197-199, 130, 200, and 131), Willacy Co. (EDs 193-194), Wilson Co. (EDs 192-207), Yoakum Co. (EDs 247-248), Zapata Co. (EDs 195-198), and Zavalla Co. (EDs 199-201). 1860. Winkler Co. (ED 147), Wise Co. (Eds 144-155 and 157-166), and Wood Co. (EDs 142-148, 164, and 149-157). UTAH 1861. Beaver Co. (EDs 1-6), Box Elder Co. (EDs 1-16), and Cache Co. (EDs 17-37). 1862. Carbon Co. (EDs 38-45), Duchesne Co. (EDs 57-64, 173, and 65), Daggett Co. (EDs 46-48), Davis Co. (EDs 49-56), Emery Co. (EDs 66-73), and Garfield Co. (EDs 74-77). 1863. Grand Co. (EDs 78-80), Iron Co. (EDs 7-12), Juab Co. (EDs 13-15, 237, 233, and 16-20), Morgan Co. (EDs 83-86), Piute Co. (EDs 87-90), Kane Co. (EDs 81-82), Millard Co. (EDs 21-25, 238, and 26-28), and Sevier (EDs 111-120). 1864. Rich Co. (EDs 91-93), San Juan Co. (EDs 94-98), San Pete Co. (EDs 99, 171, 100-106, 172, and 107-110), and Salt Lake Co. (EDs 29-33, 159, and 34-55). 1865. Salt Lake Co., Salt Lake City (EDs 56-73, 136-149, 74-93, and 241). 1866. Salt Lake Co., Salt Lake City (EDs 94-99, 239, 100, 101, 240, 121-135, 102- 118, 242, 119, and 120). 1867. Salt Lake Co., Salt Lake City (EDs 150-157, 235, 158, 160-167, 236, and 168-174), Summit Co. (EDs 121-127), Tooele Co. (EDs 175-185), Wasatch Co. (EDs 136-140), and Wayne Co. (EDs 141-143). 1868. Uintah Co. (EDs 128-135) and Utah Co. (EDs 186-211, 234, and 213 to 225). 1869. Washington Co. (EDs 226-232), and Weber Co. (EDs 144-150, 169-170, and 151-168). VERMONT 1870. Addison Co. (EDs 1-23), Essex Co. (EDs 24-41), Bennington Co. (EDs 24, 25, 144, 26-30, 141, 142, and 31-40), and Grand Isle Co. (EDs 91-95). 1871. Caledonia Co. (EDs 1-23) and Chittenden Co. (EDs 41-54, and 68-71). 1872. Chittenden Co. (EDs 55-67), LaMoille Co. (EDs 96-106), and Franklin Co. (EDs 72-90). 1873. Orange Co. (EDs 32-37, 168, and 38-50) and Windsor Co. (EDs 132-139, 142-143, 140-141, 144-145, 164-165, and 156-161). 1874. Orleans Co. (EDs 51-71) and Rutland Co. (EDs 107-127 and 138-140). 1875. Rutland Co. (EDs 128-137 and 143) and Washington Co. (EDs 96-102, 162, 103- 105, and 72-95). 1876. Windham Co. (EDs 106-131). VIRGINIA 1877. Accomac (EDs 1-13, 14-17, and 46), and Alexandria City (EDs 1-9). 1878. Albemarle Co. (EDs 1-20), Alleghany Co. (EDs 1-9), and Amelia Co. (EDs 1 - 6 ). 1879. Amherst Co. (EDs 10-21), Bath Co. (EDs 50-53), Appomattox Co. (EDs 22-27), and Alexandria Co. (EDs 10-15). 1880. Augusta Co. (EDs 28-49) and Botetourt Co. (EDs 54-62). 1881. Bedford Co. (EDs 46-69), Bland Co. (EDs 1-7), and Brunswick Co. (EDs 7-17). 1882. Bristol City (EDs 8-12), Charlotte Co. (EDs 20-29), Buchanan Co. (EDs 13-18), and Charlottesville City (EDs 21-28). 1883. Buckingham Co. (EDs 63-72), Culpeper Co. (EDs 16-25), Carroll Co. (EDs 1-19), and Buena Vista Co. (EDs 73-74). 1884. Campbell Co. (EDs 70-86), Caroline Co. (EDs 18-27), and Cumberland Co. (EDs 84-89). 1885. Charles City (EDs 1-4), Chesterfield Co. (EDs 5-17), Clarke Co. (EDs 29-35), and Dinwiddie Co. (EDs 18-28). 1886. Clifton Forge City (EDs 75-77), Fairfax Co. (EDs 26-36, 117, and 37-41), Craig Co. (EDs 78-83), and Danville City (EDs 30-44). 1887. Dickenson Co. (EDs 19-26, 197, 27, and 28). Floyd Co. (EDs 87-102), and Elizabeth City (EDs 28, 166, 29-32, 35, 33, 34, and 36-39). 1888. Essex Co. (EDs 40-45), Grayson Co. (EDs 66-71, 73, 74, 72, and 75-80), Fauquier Co. (EDs 42-55), and Fredericksburg City (EDs 47-50). 1889. Fluvanna Co. (EDs 90-97), Hanover Co. (EDs 25-37), and Franklin Co. (EDs 45-65). 1890. Frederick Co. (EDs 36-46), Giles Co. (EDs 29-35), Gloucester Co. (EDs 51-58), and Halifax Co. (EDs 81-88). 1891. Halifax Co. (EDs 89-105), Goochland Co. (EDs 18-24), and Henrico Co. (EDs 38-47). 1892. Greene Co. (EDs 51-56), Henry Co. (EDs 106-120), Greenville Co. (EDs 29-32, 34, and 33), and Isle of Wight Co. (EDs 1-3, 8, 10, 7, and 4-6). 1893. Rockingham Co., Harrisonburg City (EDs 101-104), Loudoun Co. (EDs 62-64, 66, 65, and 67-77), Highland Co. (EDs 98-101), James Co. and City (EDs 48-50 and 165) and Lunenburg Co. (EDs 35-42). 1894. King & Queen Co. (EDs 59-64), Louisa Co. (EDs 78-88), King George Co. (EDs 56-57, 116, and 58-61), and Nansemond Co. (EDs 11, 13-21, and 23-25). 1895. King William Co. (EDs 51-57), Montgomery Co. (EDs 103-115), Lancaster Co. (EDs 65-71), and Nelson Co. (EDs 102-115). 1896 Lee Co. (EDs 36-55) and Campbell Co., Lynchburg City (EDs 1-16). 1897. Madison Co. (EDs 57-63), Northampton Co. (EDs 122-123, 121, and 124-127), Mathews Co. (EDs 72-77), and Patrick Co. (EDs 121-135). 1898. Mecklenburg Co. (EDs 43-60), Middlesex Co. (EDs 78-85), New Kent Co. (EDs 58-61), and Nottoway Co. (EDs 61-69). 1899. Newport News City (EDs 86-94, 175, 103-111, 120, 171, 112-119, 95-98, 168, and 99-102) and Page Co. (EDs 64-73). 1900. Norfolk Co. (EDs 126-130, 225, 131, 132, 238, 145, 228, 146-154, 133, 134. 253, 268, 269, 135-139, 227, 140-142, 144, 143, 155, 156, 158, and 159). 1901. Norfolk City (EDs 48-55, 243, 56-78, 242, 79-81, 247, 82-87, 26-30, 263, 31. 244, 32-45, 234, 46-47, and 226). 1902. Norfolk City (EDs 88, 246, 89-97, 262, 98-111, 237, 258, 112-114, 265, 115-117, 264, 267, 118, 9, 119, 233, 236, 252, 120, 232, 239, 261, 121, 122, 229, 230, 241, 249, 256, 257, 123, 251, 254, 124 , 231, 240, and 125). 1903. Orange Co. (EDs 89-98), Northumberland Co. (EDs 128-136) and Petersburg City (EDs 70-75, 122, and 76-85). 1904. Pittsylvania Co. (EDs 136-172). 1905. Portsmouth City (EDs 192, 259, 193, 245, 194, 260, 174, 235, 175-177, 186, 165-169, 160-164, 182-185, 178-181, 187, 255, and 188-191). 1906. Powhatan Co. (EDs 86-91), Rockbridge Co. (EDs 116-129), Prince Edward Co. (EDs 92-100), and Princess Anne Co. (EDs 195, 157, 196-199, 12, 22, 200, 201, 248, and 202). 1907. Prince George Co. (EDs 101-104, 121, 105, and 106), Prince William Co. (EDs 99-101, 115, and 102-107), Pulaski Co. (EDs 56-72, 67, 68, and 63-66), and Rappahannock Co. (EDs 74-80). 1908. Radford Co. (EDs 17-18), Roanoke Co. (EDs 116-127), Richmond Co. (EDs 137-142), and Shenandoah Co. (EDs 105-121). 1909. Richmond City (EDs 62-83 and 119-128). 1910. Richmond City (EDs 129-142 and 84-100). 1911. Richmond City (EDs 101-118 and 143-164). 1912. Roanoke City (EDs 19-25, 128-130, 26-33, and 38-45). 1913. Rockingham Co. (EDs 81-100) and Russell Co. (EDs 69-88). 1914. Scott Co. (EDs 89-107), Smyth Co. (EDs 108-115, 117-120, 116, and 121-124), and Frederick Co., Winchester City (EDs 47- 50). 1915. Southampton Co. (EDs 203-206, 266, and 207-217), Spotsylvania Co. (EDs 143-150), Stafford Co. (EDs 108-114), and Suffolk Co. (EDs 218, 224, 219. 223, and 220-222). 1916. Surry Co. (EDs 108-109, 107, and 110-113), Warren Co. (EDs 122-126, 130, and 127-129), Staunton City (EDs 130-136), Sussex Co. (EDs 114-120, and 123), and Warwick Co. (EDs 151, 152, 169, 170, 153-154, and 172). 1917. Tazewell Co. (EDs 125-129, 131, 130, and 132-141) and Washington Co. (EDs 142-168). 1918. Westmoreland Co. (EDs 155-160) and Wise Co. (EDs 169-172, 181-183. 198, 173-180, and 199). 1919. Wythe Co. (EDs 184-196) and York Co. (EDs 161, 162. 167, 163, 173, 164, and 165). WASHINGTON 1920. Adams Co. (EDs 1-13) Benton Co. (EDs 20-30), Garfield Co. (EDs 48-52), Asotin Co. (EDs 14-19), Cowlitz Co. (EDs 41-59), and Franklin Co. (EDs 41-47). 1921. Chelan Co. (EDs 1-5, 309, 6-8, 308, and 9-21), Ferry Co. (EDs 40-50), Clallam Co. (EDs 1-19), and Clark Co. (EDs 41-47). 1922. Clark Co. (EDs 15-40), Columbia Co. (EDs 31-40), Douglas Co. (EDs 22-26, 310, 27-35, 306, 36, 37, 303, 38, and 39), Grant Co. (EDs 53-66), and Jefferson Co. (EDs 28-44). 1923. Grays Harbor Co. (EDs 60-84, and 99-104, 85-98. and 105-106), and Island Co. (EDs 20-27). 1924. King Co. (EDs 1-24, 347, 348, 25-28. 349, 29-36, 352, and 37-46). 1925. King Co. (EDs 353, 47, 48, 346, 49, 50, 351, 51-53. 350, and 54-90). 1926. King Co., Seattle City (EDs 91-134). 1927. King Co., Seattle City (EDs 135-182). This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. WASHINGTON-WISCONSIN 75 1928. King Co., Seattle City (EDs 183-216, 242, and 217-234). 1929. King Co., Seattle City (EDs 261-281). 1930. King Co., Seattle City (EDs 282-300, 302, 301, 303-313, 345, 314-320, 340, and 321-322). 1931. King Co., Seattle City (EDs 323-334, 344, 335-337, 343, 338, and 339) and Kitsap Co. (EDs 45, 46, 73, 47, 48, 273, 49-62, 274, 63, 64, 71, and 72). 1932. Kitsap Co. (EDs 65-67, 275, and 68-70), Kittitas Co. (EDs 67-86), Klickitat Co. (EDs 87-105), and Pacific Co. (EDs 168-186). 1933. Lewis Co. (EDs 107-153) and Lincoln Co. (EDs 51-76). 1934. Mason Co. (EDs 154-167), Okanogan Co. (EDs 77-82, 311-312, and 83-100), Pend Oreille Co. (EDs 101-113), San Juan Co. (EDs 74-85), and Skagit Co. (EDs 86-100). 1935. Skagit Co. (EDs 101-116, 187-194, and 196) and Pierce Co. (EDs 195, 197-223, 234, and 235). 1936. Pierce Co. (EDs 236-250, 288-309, and 251-287). 1937. Pierce Co. (EDs 310-367, 224-227, and 229-233). 1938. Skamania Co. (EDs 368-373), Stevens Co. (EDs 271-302), and Snohomish Co. (EDs 130-169). 1939. Snohomish Co. (EDs 117-129, and 170-198) and Spokane Co. (EDs 114-123). 1940. Spokane Co. (EDs 124-131, 304, 132-142, 307, and 143-147) and Spokane Co., Spokane City (EDs 305, and 148-174). 1941. Spokane Co., Spokane City (EDs 175-239). 1942. Spokane Co., Spokane City (EDs 240-270), Thurston Co. (EDs 374-380, 383-393, and 381), and Wahkiakum Co. (EDs 394-397). 1943. Walla Walla Co. (EDs 106-144) and Whatcom Co. (EDs 201-244). 1944. Whatcom Co. (EDs 199, 200, and 245-272) and Whitman Co. (EDs 145-171 and 179). 1945. Whitman Co. (EDs 172-178) and Yakima Co. (EDs 180-208). 1946. Yakima Co. (EDs 209-233). WEST VIRGINIA 1947. Barbour Co. (EDs 1-17) and Fayette Co. (EDs 8-23 and 34-36). 1948. Fayette Co. (EDs 24-28, 172, 29-33, and 37-43) and Berkeley Co. (EDs 18-36). 1949. Boone Co. (EDs 1-6, 175, and 7), Clay Co. (EDs 26-32), and Braxton Co. (EDs 1-17). 1950. Brooke Co. (EDs 1-3, 157, and 4-6), Calhoun Co. (EDs 18-25), and Cabell Co. (EDs 8-25, and 33-34). 1951. Cabell Co. (EDs 26-32, 35-42, 193, 43-44, 1-7, and 45-50) and Doddridge Co. (EDs 33-42). 1952. Gilmer Co. (EDs 43-51), Jeflerson Co. (EDs 63-74), Grant Co. (EDs 37-42), Hampshire Co. (EDs 43-53), and Marshall Co. (EDs 45-49). 1953. Marshall Co. (EDs 50-70) and Greenbrier Co. (EDs 44-64). 1954. Hancock Co. (EDs 154, and 7-14), Jackson Co. (EDs 51-62, 195, and 63-71), and Logan Co. (EDs 18-19, and 34-40). 1955. Logan Co. (EDs 20-21, 176, and 22-33), Hardy Co. (EDs 54-62), and Harrison Co. (EDs 52-54, 64-66, and 73-75). 1956. Harrison Co. (EDs 55-63, 67-68, 152-156, 69-72, and 76-86). 1957. Kanawha Co. (EDs 65, 66, 115-122, 133-136, 173, and 67-83). 1958. Kanawha Co. (EDs 84-95, 98-103, 96, 97, 104, 105, 174, 106-114, and 123-126). 1959. Kanawha Co. (EDs 127-132 and 137-139) and McDowell Co. (EDs 41-59). 1960. McDowell Co. (EDs 60-72), Lewis Co. (EDs 87-88, 121, 89-92, 157-158, and 93- 99), and Lincoln Co. (EDs 1-5). 1961. Lincoln Co. (EDs 6-17), Monroe Co. (EDs 119-129), and Marion Co. (EDs 15-20, 153, 21-27, and 41-44). 1962. Marion Co. (EDs 28-39, 151, and 40), Mason Co. (EDs 72-94 and 191), and Mercer Co. (EDs 90-93). 1963. Mercer Co. (EDs 85-87, 181, 182, 88, 89, 94-102, 177, 103-106, 73, 184, and 74-84) and Morgan Co. (EDs 113-120). 1964. Mineral Co. (EDs 75-90), Monongalia Co. (EDs 91-92, 98-100, 93, 178, 94- 97, and 101-112). 1965. Mingo Co. (EDs 107-110, 185, and 111-118), Nicholas Co. (EDs 100, 101, 103-106, 102, 107, 120, and 108-112), and Putnam Co. (EDs 102-106). 1966. Putnam Co. (EDs 107-109, 190, and 110-116), Wyoming Co. (EDs 168-169, 183, 170-175, and 178-180), and Ohio Co. (EDs 71-75, 80-83, and 87-104). 1967. Ohio Co. (EDs 76-79, 84-86, 105-109, 112, 113, 115-117, 120, 110, 111, 114, 118, 156, 119, and 152) and Tucker Co. (EDs 168-177). 1968. Pendleton Co. (EDs 121-127), Upshur Co. (EDs 130-143), Pleasants Co. (EDs 95-101), and Summers Co. (EDs 130-149). 1969. Pocahontas Co. (EDs 140-149), Webster Co. (EDs 144-151), and Preston Co. (EDs 128-141, 179, and 142-145). 1970. Raleigh Co. (EDs 150-153, 163, 176, 164-171, and 154-162) and Ritchie Co. (EDs 113-119). 1971. Ritchie Co. (EDs 122-129), Roane Co. (EDs 117-131), and Randolph Co. (EDs 146-167). 1972. Taylor Co. (EDs 121-134), Wirt Co. (EDs 143-153, and 192), Tyler Co. (EDs 132-142), and Wetzel Co. (EDs 135-139, and 146-148). 1973. Wetzel Co. (EDs 140-142, 155, 143-145, and 149-150) and Wood Co. (EDs 154- 159, 182-189, 160-175, 194, and 176-181). 1974. Wayne Co. (EDs 150-167). WISCONSIN 1975. Adams Co. (EDs 1, 215, 2-4, 214, and 5-9), Buffalo Co. (EDs 32-49), and Ashland Co. (EDs 1-20). 1976. Barron Co. (EDs 1-21, 27, 28, 22-26, and 29-31) and Bayfield Co. (EDs 21-39). 1977. Brown Co. (EDs 17-35, 230, and 36). 1978. Brown Co. (EDs 12, 13, and 43-52) and Chippewa Co. (EDs 50-57, 68-70, 58-67, and 71-84). 1979. Burnett Co. (EDs 40-53), Calumet Co. (EDs 1-17), and Clark Co. (EDs 10-30). 1980. Clark Co. (EDs 31-38), Crawford Co. (EDs 1-14), Columbia Co. (EDs 1-27). 1981. Dane Co. (EDs 15-28, 37-48, 29-34, and 49-64). 1982. Dane Co. (EDs 35-36 and 65-90) and Dodge Co. (EDs 28-45 and 47). 1983. Dodge Co. (EDs 46 and 48-68), Door Co. (EDs 53-75), and Eau Claire Co. (EDs 111-117). 1984. Eau Claire Co. (EDs 118-144) and Douglas Co. (EDs 54-63, 93-94, and 64-75). 1985. Douglas Co. (EDs 76-92 and 85-110). 1986. Florence Co. (EDs 76-81), Green Co. (EDs 128-149), and Fond du Lac Co. (EDs 30-46 and 59-62). 1987. Fond Du Lac Co. (EDs 18-29, 47-58, and 63-69), Forest Co. (EDs 82-90), and Grant Co. (EDs 91-101, 210, 102, 104, and 105). 1988. Grant Co. (EDs 103 and 106-127), Green Lake Co. (EDs 70-86), and Iron Co. (EDs 95-103). 1989. Iowa Co. (EDs 150-170) and Jefferson Co. (EDs 91-100, 69-81, 172, 82-90, and 101). 1990. Jackson Co. (EDs 39-61), Juneau Co. (EDs 62-81), and Kewaunee Co. (EDs 91-105). 1991. Kenosha Co. (EDs 3-15, 1,21, 23-31, and 16-22). 1992. La Crosse Co. (EDs 82-89, 90-102, 113-117, and 103-112) and Lafayette Co. (EDs 171-178). 1993. Lafayette Co. (EDs 179-192), Langlade Co. (EDs 106-124), and Lincoln Co. (EDs 104-126). 1994. Manitowac Co. (EDs 87-91, 97-109, 92-94, 96, 110-119, 200, and 120-126). 1995. Marathon Co. (EDs 1-26, 36-39, and 40-56). 1996. Marathon Co. (EDs 27-35), Marinette Co. (EDs 125-132, 147-151, 235, 152-154, and 133-146), and Marquette Co. (EDs 127-140). 1997. Milwaukee Co. (EDs 1-6, 337, and 7-13) and Milwaukee Co., Milwaukee City (EDs 14-31). 1998. Milwaukee Co. (EDs 32-51, 338, and 52-67). 1999. Milwaukee Co., Milwaukee City (EDs 68-106). 2000. Milwaukee Co., Milwaukee City (EDs 107-110, 336, 111-133, and 172-181). 2001. Milwaukee Co., Milwaukee City (EDs 134-137, 335, 138-143, 154-168, 339, and 169-171). 2002. Milwaukee Co., Milwaukee City (EDs 144-150, 333, 151, 334, 152-153, and 182-210). 2003. Milwaukee Co., Milwaukee City (EDs 211-222, 332, 223-245). 2004. Milwaukee Co., Milwaukee City (EDs 246-257, 274-287, and 296-302). 2005. Milwaukee Co., Milwaukee City (EDs 303-307, 288-295, and 258-273). 2006. Milwaukee Co., Milwaukee City (EDs 308-319, 331, and 320-330). 2007. Monroe Co. (EDs 118-121, 216, and 122-151) and Oconto Co. (EDs 155- 181). 2008. Oneida Co. (EDs 127-141), Ozaukee Co. (EDs 102-112), and Outagamie Co. (EDs 182-185, 231, 186, 233, and 187-202). 2009. Outagamie Co. (EDs 203-217, 222, and 218-226), Pepin Co. (EDs 145-151), and Pierce Co. (EDs 152-172). 2010. Polk Co. (EDs 142-162), and Portage Co. (EDs 57-70, and 77-84). 2011. Portage Co. (EDs 71-76), Price Co. (EDs 163-178), and Racine Co. (EDs 32-40, 38, 41-44, 76-81, and 45-47). 76 WISCONSIN-PUERTO RICO 2012. Racine Co. (EDs 48-56, 58-63, 57, and 64-75). 2013. Richland Co. (EDs 193-209), Rock Co. (EDs 82, 97. 210, 98-103, 207, 83-96, 128-132, 208, 133, 209, 134, and 135). 2014. Rock Co. (EDs 104-127), Rusk Co. (EDs 179-192), and Sauk Co. (152-159). 2015. Sauk Co. (EDs 160-165, 211, 166-170, 212, and 171-182) and St. Croix Co. (EDs 173 to 199). 2016. Sawyer Co. (EDs 193-200), Shawano Co. (EDs 87-105, and 106-123), and Sheboygan Co. (EDs 113-118). 2017. Sheboygan Co. (EDs 119-131, 146-147, 174-175, 148-150, 134-135, 133, and 136-145). 2018. Taylor Co. (EDs 201-208), Vilas Co. (EDs 219-228), and Trempealeau Co. (200-220). 2019. Vernon Co. (EDs 183-184, 213, 185-210) and Walworth Co. (136-140, 206, 141-163). 2020. Washburn Co. (EDs 229-241) and Waukeshan Co. (EDs 164-166, 171, 167-170, 172-179, 180-205). 2021. Washington Co. (EDs 151-170, 173, 171) and Waupaca Co. (124-147). 2022. Waupaca Co. (EDs 148-157), Waushara Co (EDs 158-177), and Winnebago Co. (141-149, 151-156, and 162-167). 2023. Winnebago Co. (EDs 168-187, 150, 157-161, and 188-199) and Wood Co. (EDs 178-183, 192-195). 2024. Wood Co. (EDs 184-191, 196-211). WYOMING 2025. Albany Co. (EDs 1-13), Big Horn Co. (EDs 1-8, 140, and 9-14), Campbell Co. (EDs 15-23, 142, and 24), Carbon Co. (EDs 14-25), and Crook Co. (EDs 25-34). 2026. Converse Co. (EDs 35-46), Goshen Co. (EDs 26-35), Johnson Co. (65-73), Fremont Co. (47-57, and 139), Hot Springs Co. (EDs 58-64), and Weston Co. (EDs 128-137). 2027. Laramie Co. (EDs 36-55), Lincoln Co. (EDs 56-66, 101, and 67-68), and Platte Co. (69-78). 2028. Natrona Co. (EDs 74-85), Niobrara Co. (EDs 86-95), Washakie Co. (EDs 123-127), Park Co. (EDs 96-105, and 141), and Sweetwater Co. (EDs 79-86, 100, 87, and 95). 2029. Sheridan Co. (EDs 106-122), Uinta Co. (EDs 88, 89, 96, 90-91, 97, 92, 93, 98, 94, and 99), and Yellowstone National Park (ED 138). ALASKA 2030. First Judicial District (EDs 1, 11-13, 22, 27-30, 23, 2-4, 6-10, 16, 24, 25, 5, 14, 15, 18, 19, 26, 31, 17, 20, and 21), Fourth Judicial District (ED 108), and Town of Fairbanks (EDs 3 and 101-112). 2031. Third Judicial District (EDs 1, 11, 12, 17, 9, 2, 5, 10-14, 7, 3, 4, 6, 8, 15, 16, 18), Second Judicial District (EDs 1, 3, 11-13, 7, 8, 4, 5, 10, 14, 6, 9, 2, 1, 5, 10-12, and 16), Third Judicial District (EDs 6, 7, and 15), Fourth Judicial District (EDs 8, 2, 4, 14, 3, 13, 9, and 2), and Second Judicial District (EDs 1, 6, and 2). GUAM AND SAMOA 2032. Guam (EDs 1-5) and Samoa (Manua District, Eastern District of Tutuila, and Western District of Tutuila). HAWAII 2033. Hawaii (EDs 129-133, 106, 107, 108, 126-128, 134, 96-99, 101-103, 109-112, 100, 113, 114, and 115-120). 2034. Honolulu (EDs 31, 32, 34-37, 39-42, 44, 45, 43, and 46-49). 2035. Honolulu (EDs 62, 63, 65, 163, 64, 143-145, 17-22, 24, 25, 23, 26-30, and 33). 2036. Honolulu (EDs 31, 32, 34a, 34b, 35-37, 39a-39c, 38, 40a, 40b, 41, 42, 44, 45, 43, 46-48, 49a, and 49b). 2037. Honolulu (EDs 50-54, 160, 159, 158, 146, 161, 162, 164, 70, 142, 66-69, and 135), Kalawao Leper Colony (ED 71), and Maui (EDs 152-156, 73-79, and 157). 2038. Maui (EDs 91-95, 147-151, 72, 80-90, and 165) and Kauai (EDs 1-6 and 12-15). 2039. Kauai (EDs 141, 7-11, 16, and 137-141). OVERSEAS MILITARY AND NAVAL FORCES 2040. U.S. Military Forces (EDs 125, 383, 392, and 431-433) and U.S. Naval Forces (EDs 1-9, 11-124, and 126-163). 2041. U.S. Naval Forces (EDs 164-338, 339-382, 384-391, 394-430, 434-443, and 445-456) and U.S. Consular Service (ED 444). PANAMA 2042. Canal Zone (EDs 1-8), and Civilian, Military and Naval Forces (EDs 498a-498m and 821-838). PUERTO RICO 2043. Municipio Adjuntas (EDs 600, 610, 610a, 617, 618, 601, 605, 619, 611, 606. 607, 608, 602, 614, 615, 616, 609, 612, 613, 603, 604, and 620), Municipio Arroyo (EDs 99, 779, 780, 781, and 782), and Municipio Aguado (EDs 391, 393, 396, 402, 397, 400, 392, 401, 398, 399, and 1044). 2044. Municipio Aquadilla (EDs 319, 320, 315, 318, 317, 325. 321, 322, 331, 329, 334, 335, 328, 330, 327, 323, 324, 326, 332, and 333) and Municipio Aguas Buenas (EDs 940, 942, 946, 943, 941, 947, 945, 949, 948. and 944). 2045. Municipio Aibonito (EDs 727, 733, 736, 729, 734, 728, 735, 731, 732, and 730), Municipio A$asco (EDs 412-417, 421, 424, 423, 422, 420, 419, and 418), and Municipio Arecibo (EDs 184, 185, 1054, 186, 187, 1055. 207 and 208). 2046. Municipio Arecibo (EDs 201, 202, 190, 209-214, 192, 191, 218, 219, 216, 217, 195-197, 188, 189, 203-206, 198-200, 193, 194, and 215). 2047. Municipio Barceloneta (EDs 144, 150, 151, 147-149, 146, and 145), Municipio Barranquitas (EDs 737, 746, 745, 741, 740, 743, 739, 738, and 742), and Municipio Barros (EDs 747, 759, 764, 757, 758, 753, 755, 756, 750, 760-763, 748, 749, 754, 751, and 752). 2048. Municipio Bayamon (EDs 31-33, 50, 51. 49, 52, 53, 34-36, 1052. 45, 56, 57, 37, 48, 54, 55, 58, 46, and 47) and Municipio Cabo Rojo (EDs 479, 480, 482, 483, 490, 481, and 489). 2049. Municipio Cabo Rojo (EDs 486-488, 493, 494, 484, 485, and 491) and Municipio Caguas (EDs 918-920, 920a, 921. 921a, 921b, 925, 926, 935, 935a, 935b, 931, 932, 936, 937, and 924). 2050. Municipio Caguas (EDs 938, 939, 922, 923, 933, 934, and 927-930), Municipio Camuy (EDs 276, 280, 281, 277, 283, 287, 288, 286, 278, 285, 282, 284, 289, and 279), and Municipio Carolina (EDs 974, 974a, 986, 987, 980, 975, 982-985, 977, 978, 976, 981, and 979). 2051. Municipio Cayey (EDs 893, 894, 896, 898, 902, 897, 900, 903, 906, 904, 895, 901, and 907), Municipio Ceiba (EDs 1022, 1023, 1025a, 1024a. 1022a. 1024, 1025, and 1023a), and Municipio Ciales (EDs 167, 175, 176, 182, and 183). 2052. Municipio Ciales (EDs 179-181, 168-174, 177, and 178), Municipio Ciara (EDs 908, 910, 917, 915, 911, 916, 912, 912a, 909, 914, and 913), and Municipio Coamo (EDs 711, 712, 715, 718, 714. 722, 719, 716, 717, 725, and 726). 2053. Municipio Coamo (EDs 713, 720, 721, 723, and 724), Municipio Guayama (EDs 771, 770, 768, 775, 769, 769a, 776, 765, 766, 767. 773, 774, and 772), and Municipio Comerio (EDs 59, 60, 62, 67, 68, 61, 66, 64, 65, and 63). 2054. Municipio Corazal (EDs 78, 79, 79a, 91, 88, 90, 81, 84. 85, 83. 89, 82, 80, 86, and 87), Municipio Culebra (ED 1042), Municipio Guaynabo (EDs 40, 41, 963, 42, 44, 961, 958, 38, 38a, 959, 39, and 43), Municipio Dorado (EDs 108, 111, 109, 110, and 112), and Municipio Guanica (EDs 570-572. 572a, 562, 562a, and 563). 2055. Municipio Fajardo (EDs 1043, 1016, 1015, 1018, 1021, 1028, 1029, 1019, 1017, 1020, 1026, 1027, and 1007), Municipio Guayanilla (EDs 573, 579, 586, 582, 584, 575, 581, 580, 585, 576, 577, 578, 583, and 574), and Municipio Gurabo (EDs 882, 889, 883, 884, 890. 886, 885, 892. 888, 891. and 887). 2056. Municipio Hatillo (EDs 265, 269, 270-272, 275, 266, 267, 274, 273, and 268), Municipio Hormigueros (EDs 450, 451, and 499), and Municipio Humacao (EDs 820, 818, 819, 822, 825-828, 832, 831, 821, 829, 823, 824, and 830). 2057. Municipio Isabela (EDs 299, 309-311, 316, 313, 301, 302, 308. 307, 300, 312, 314, 315, 303, 304, 306, and 305) and Municipio Juana Diaz (EDs 667, 668, 692, 694, 695, 697, 693, 669-671, 689. 686, 687, 696, 688, 691, and 690). 2058. Municipio Jayuya (EDs 239, 236-238. 240, 241, 242, 229, and 230), Municipio Juncos (EDs 856, 857a, 857, 858, 858a, 859, 860, 865, 865a, 866, 863, 864, 861, and 862), and Municipio Lajas (EDs 518, 528, 522, 520, 526, 525, 527, 524, 521, 523, and 519). 2059. Municipio Lares (EDs 372, 382, 383, 378, 379, 374, 375, 388, 376, 377, 380, 381, 386, 387, 389, 390, 1045, 373, 384, and 385) and Municipio Las Marias (EDs 457, 465, 466, 458, 468, 460, 459, 464, 463, 461, 469, and 462). 2060. Municipio Las Piedras (EDs 841, 835, 842, 836, 833, 834, 839, 840, 837, and 838), Municipio Loiza (EDs 988, 933, 994, 1000, 1001, 995, 996, 996a, 997-999, 992, 991, 990, and 989), Municipio Luquillo (EDs 1031, 1030, 1004, 1005, and 1032), and Municipio Manati (EDs 131, 132, 132a, and 142). 2061. Municipio Manati (143, 143a, 136, 137, 140, 141, 138, 139, and 133-135), Municipio Maricao (EDs 470, 473-477, 471, 472, and 478), Municipio Maunabo (EDs 796, 799, 797, 801, 802, 800, and 798), and Municipio Mayaguez (EDs 427, 425, 426, 1051, 456, 1057, and 455). 2062. Municipio Mayaguez (EDs 430, 431, 428, 429, 433, 444, 452, 445, 437, 438, 447, 1046, 453, 440, 441, 432, 430a, 446, 443, 454, 439, 436, 442, 448, 434, and 435) and Municipio Moca (EDs 336, 340, 344, 339, 346, 349, 337, 338, 348, 347, 345, and 341-343). This microfilm has been reproduced by the National Archives and Records Administration from the highest quality master negatives available from the Bureau of the Census. The original film includes defects that affect the legibility of some frames; the original schedules no longer exist. PUERTO RICO-VIRGIN ISLANDS 77 2063. Municipio Morovis (EDs 152, 165, 155, 166, 154, 164, 162, 159, 160, 156, 157, 161, 163, 153, and 158), Municipio Naguabo (EDs 843, 848, 844, 845, 850, 855, 846, 847, 852, 831, 851, 853, 854, and 949), and Municipio Naranjito (EDs 69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 75, 71, 77, and 72). 2064. Municipio Patillas (EDs 783, 786, 790, 791, 784, 788, 789, 792, 785, 787, 1058, 795, 793, and 794), Municipio Pe$uelas (EDs 587, 590, 591, 597, 599, 593, 588, 592, 594, 595, 589, 596, and 598), and Municipio Ponce (EDs 621 and 625-630). 2065. Municipio Ponce (EDs 622-624, 631-635, 642, 643, 661-663, 659, 652-654, 636, 637, 656, 657, 650, and 651). 2066. Municipio Ponce (EDs 664, 640, 641, 665, 646, 649, 666, 647, 648, 658, 655, 638, 644, 645, and 660), Municipio Quebradillas (EDs 290-298), and Municipio San Lorenzo (EDs 867, 879, 869, 870, 874, 875, 868, 880, 876, 881, 871-873, 877, and 878). 2067. Municipio Rincon (EDs 403, 407-409, 405, 410, 406, 411, and 404), Municipio Santa Isabel (EDs 698-702), Municipio Rio Grande (EDs 1002, 1013, 1010-1012, 1008, 1009, 1006, and 1003), and Municipio Rio Piedras (EDs 950, 951, 956, 957, 954, 955, and 960). 2068. Municipio Rio Piedras (EDs 967, 964, 965, 952, 953, and 962), Municipio Sabana Grande (EDs 529, 530, 537, 539, 540, 532, 531, 538, and 543-546), and Municipio Salinas (EDs 703, 705, 706, 1053, 707, 708, 704, 709, and 710). 2069. Municipio San German (EDs 495, 496, 572, 505, 506, 504, 514, 501, 497, 507, 503, 502, 513, 509-511, 1059, 500, 499, 498, 516, 517, 515, 6-9, 1, 4, 5, 2, and 3). 2070. Municipio San Juan (EDs 12-17, 10, 11, and 18-25). 2071. Municipio San Juan (EDs 26-30), and Port of San Juan, Municipio San Sebastian (EDs 350, 351, 364, 368, 363, 353, 357, 358, 354, 362, 352, 367, 366, 369, 355, 361, 359, 360, 356, 365, and 370, 371). 2072. Municipio Toa Alta (EDs 92, 100, 98, 93, 95, 94, 99, 96, 97, and 101), Municipio Toa Baja (EDs 102, 105-107, 104, 103, 105, 968-970, 1060, and 971-973), and Municipio Utuado (EDs 220, 221, 260, 261, 247, 248, and 254-256). 2073. Municipio Utuado (EDs 222, 233-235, 243, 224, 225, 253, 249, 226-228, 243, 244, 263, 264, 257, 258, 223, 251, 252, 259, 262, 231, 232, 250, 1047, 245, and 246), Municipio Vega Alta (EDs 113-120, 119,718, 115-117, and 114), and Munivipio Tabucoa (EDs 803, 815, and 816). 2074. Municipio Yabucoa (EDs 810, 811, 808, 809, 812, 813, 806, 807, 817, 804, 805, and 814), Municipio Vega Baja (EDs 121, 129, 124, 125, 122, 123, 127, 128, 126, and 130), and Municipio Viegues (EDs 1033, 1034, 1049, 1036, 1038, 1037, 1035, 1040, 1041, and 1039). 2075. Municipio Villalba (EDs 672, 674, 673, 684, 685, 682, 683, 681, 679, 680, 677, 678, 675, and 676) and Municipio Yauco (EDs 541-543, 547, 554, 553-555, 564, 568, 569, 556, 552, 565, 557, 558, 545, 567, 550, 551, 566, 548, 549, 544, 546, 559-561, and 553). VIRGIN ISLANDS 2076. St Croix (EDs 32-43 and 22-31), St. John (EDs 17-21), and St. Thomas (U.S.S. Vixen, EDs 1 and 11-16). PHOTOCOPY THIS FORM FOR USE AS NEEDED Order Form for National Archives Microfilm To order National Archives microfilm, you may use this form, a photocopy of it, or your own purchase order. You may also place telephone orders by calling toll-free 1-800-772-8937 from anywhere in the United States. PRICES. For customers in the United States and its de¬ pendencies, National Archives microfilm is priced at $23.00 per roll, including shipping. For customers outside the United States, the price is US$28.00 per roll, and shipping charges (air mail) are added to the invoice. 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