THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C. on the 6th day of May, 1939. Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 40 under Regulation 403-A-l, —'J ii i:;j Application having been made by American Airlines, Inc. under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and pub¬ lish upon less than 30 days' notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, certain proposed tariff additions and changes embodied in revisions of certain pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 4, C.A.A, No. 1, which is in loose-leaf form; and It appearing that the proposal is to establish fares of $8.60 one-way and $15.48 round-trip between Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and Syracuse, New York and $12.40 one-way and $22.32 round-trip between Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and Rochester, New York incidental to the restoration of service on May 1, 1939 between the aforesaid points; also to publish a round-trip fare of $150,33 in lieu of $174.22 be¬ tween Los Angeles, California and Wichita, Kansas, the latter fare having been erroneously published. Now, therefore, the Civil Aeronautics Authority finding its action in such respect desirable in the public interest and acting pursuant to the authority vested in it by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, hereby makes and promulgates the following Special Tariff Permission* IT IS ORDERED that American Airlines, Inc. may file, post and publish, effective upon not less than one day's notice to the Author¬ ity and to the general public, properly numbered revision of pages 47, 56, 61, 65 and 6$ to its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 4, C.A.A. No. 1, containing the additions and changes hereinabove des¬ cribed as set forth in its application. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised pages shall bear the following notation: "Issued upon not less than one day's notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No. 40, dated May 6, 19$9. Dated at Washington, D. C. this 6th day of May, 1939. By the Authority: (SEAL) Paul J. Frizzell Secretary THE UNITED STATES CP AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C. on the 26 th day of May, 1939. THE MIukRY 0" ' Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 41 under Regulation 403-A-lj. "rJ Applications having been made by American Airlines, Inc., Braniff Airways, Inc., Canadian Colonial Airways, Inc., Canadian Colonial Airways, Ltd., Chicago and Southern Air Lines, Inc., Continental Airlines, Inc., Delta Air Corporation, Eastern Air Lines, Inc., Inland Air Lines, Inc., Marquette Airlines, Inc., Mid-Continent Airlines, Inc., National Air¬ lines, Inc., Northwest Airlines, Inc., Pennsylvania-Central Airlines Corporation, Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc., United Air Lines Transport Corporation and Western Air Express Corporation, under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and publish upon less than 30 days' notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, tho following provision to be embodied in revised pages or new pages of their Local and Joint Passenger Tariffs, which are in loose-leaf form: Government Fares Upon presentation of properly executed government travel order (Form 1030) or government transportation request (Form GT 31198) in advance of trip, employees of the Federal Government of the United States of America will be entitled to a discount of fifteen per cent (15%) from one way air fares published in this tariff including sleeper charges and charges for excess baggage. Round trip fares will be two times the one way fare less fif¬ teen per cent { 15 %) or the published round trip fare, whichever is lower. Now, therefore, the Civil Aeronautics Authority finding its action in such respect desirable in the public interest and acting pursuant to the authority vested in it by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, hereby makes and promulgates the following Special Tariff Per¬ mission: IT IS ORDERED that the above named air carriers may file, post and publish, effective on June 1, 1939, upon not less than one day's notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised pages or new pages of their Local and Joint Passenger Tariffs contain¬ ing the provision hereinabove set forth. t . 2 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised pages or new pages shall bear the following notation: "Issued upon not less than one day’s notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No. /,! t dated May 26th , 1939. Dated at Washington, D. C. this 26th bay of May, 1939. By the Authority: (SEAT,) Paul J. Frizzell Secretary e> Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D, C. on the 27th day of May, 1939. Special Tariff Perms si on-0.1. A. No. 42 land or Regulation 403-A-l. Application having been made by Boston-Maine Airways, Inc., under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and publish upon less than 30 days* notice prescribed by Section 403 (c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, the following pro¬ vision to be embodied in a consecutively numbered supplement to its Local Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, which is in bound form: "Government Fares Upon presentation of properly executed government travel order (Form 1030) or government transporta¬ tion request (Form GT 31198) in advance of trip, employees of the Federal Government of the United States of America will be entitled to a discount of fifteen per cent (15%) from one way air fares published in this tariff including sleeper charges and charges for excess baggage. Round trip fares will be two times the one way fare loss fifteen per cent (16%) or the published round trip fare, which¬ ever is lower." Now, therefore, the Civil Aeronautics Authority finding its action in such respect desirable in the public interest and acting pursuant to the Authority vested in it by Section 403 (c) of the Civi] Aeronautics Act of 1930, hereby makes and pro¬ mulgates the following Special Tariff Permission; IT IS ORDERED that Boston-Maine Airways, Inc., may file, post and publish effective on Junel, 1939, upon 'not less than one dey’s notice to the Authority and the general public, a con¬ secutively numbered supplement to its Local Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No, 1 containing the provision hercinabovo set forth, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such supplement shall bear the following notation: - 2 - "Issued upon not loss than ono day’s notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No, 42, dated May 27, 1939." Dated at Washington, D. C,, this 27th day of May, 1939. By the Authority: 4 (SEAL) Paul J„ Frizzell Soctetary 1 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C. on the 7th day of June, 1939. Special Tariff Permission C.A.A* No.43 under Regulation 403-A-lJ (v 7h- JA7 11 1343 Application having "been made by National Airlines, Inc. under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and publish upon less than 30 days’ notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff addition embodied in revisions of certain pages of ips Local Passenger Tariff No. 2, C.A.A. No. 2, -which is in loose-leaf form; and It appearing that the proposal is to establish a 15-day round trip fare of $40.40 between Jacksonville, Florida and New Orleans, Louisiana for the purpose of stimulating off-season air travel between the said points. Now, therefore, the Civil Aeronautics Authority finding its action in such respect desirable in the piiblic interest and acting pursuant to the authority vested in it by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, hereby makes and promulgates the following Special Tariff Permission: IT IS ORDERED that National Airlines, Inc. may file, post and publish, effective upon not less than one day's notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised pages of its Local Passenger Tariff No. 2, C.A.A. No. 2, containing the addition hereinabove described as set forth in its application. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised pages shall bear the following notation: "Issued upon not less than one day's notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics ■Authority, C.A.A. No. 43 > dated June 7 , 1939. Dated at Washington, D. C. this 7th day of June, 1939. By the Authority: Paul J. Frizzell, Secretary. (SEAL) THE TOUTED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C. on the 13thday of June, 1939. - . 0 *' Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No* 44 under Regulation 403-A-l. t Application having been made by Western Air Express Corporation under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and publish upon less than 30 days’ notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff additions and changes embodied in revisions of certain pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, which is in loose-leaf form; and It appearing that the proposal is to cancel a provision in their tariff Rules and Regulations governing Air Travel Contract Fares and to publish in lieu thereof, a reference to Agent M. F-. Redfern’s Universal Air Travel Plan Tariff No* 1, C.A.A. No. 1, for governing rules and provisions. And the Authority, finding the granting of such Application to be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOV/, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED THAT Western Air Express Corporatio may file, post and publish, effective upon not less than one day’s notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, containing the additions and changes hereinabove described as set forth in its Application. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT such revised pages shall bear the following notation: "Issued upon not less than one day’s notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No.44 , dated June 13, 1939. Dated at Washington, D. C. this 13th lay of June, 1939. By the Authority: Paul J. Frizzell, Secretary. (SEAL) £4^ 3-/ THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Author it ;~y - at its office in Washington, D. C. on the 13th day of June, 1S39. ' 1 H ;g Amendment to Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No* 24 under Regulation 403-A-l. Application having been made by Railway Express Agency, Inc. under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to waive the re¬ quirements of Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 24 dated February 13, 1939, insofar as it requires the reissue within 120 days from February 13, 1939, of Railway Express Agency, Inc. Air Express Tariff No. 6, C.A.A. No. 1, and It appearing that the proposal is to extend the time limit within which the aforesaid tariff must be reissued in its entirety upon statutory notice. And the Authority finding the granting of such Application to be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 24, dated February 13, 1939, is hereby amended to the extent of substituting for the last paragraph thereof the following: . "IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Railway Express Agency, Inc. when filing supplemental matter herein referred to, containing air express rates, is hereby authorized to depart from the requirement of Rule 4(e) of Regulation 403-A-l provided the said tariff is reissued in its entirety, effective November I, 1939, upon statutory notice." IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 24, dated February 13, 1939, in all other respects shall remain the same in full force and effect. Dated at Washington, D. C. this 13thday of June, 1939. Py tho Authority: Paul J. Frizzell, Secretary. (SEAL) ^ 'S / s ' THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C. on the 16th day of June, 1939* Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 45 under Regulation 403-A-l. ffl • jam ii :::: Application having been made by R. C. Lounsbury, Agent for Pan American A.irways System and Associated Carriers under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l, for permission to file, post and publish upon less than 30 days’ notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff additions embodied in a re¬ vision of a certain page of his Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. A-l, C.A.A. No. A-l, which is in loose-leaf form; and It appearing that. tiiA proposal is to advance the effective date to June 28, 1939, of one way and round trip fares which are to apply between Port Washington, New York on the one hand and Horta, Azores; Lisbon, Portugal and Marseilles, France on the other, which were filed with the Authority on June 1, 1939, to become effective July 1, 1939, upon statutory notice. And the Authority, finding the granting of such Application to be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED THAT R. C. Lounsbury, Agent for Pan American Airways System and Associated Carriers may file, post and publish, effective June 28, 1939, upon not less than one day’s notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised page of his Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. A-l, C.A.A. No. A-l, containing the additions hereinabove described, and as set ■forth in hie Application. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT such revised page shall bear the following notation: "Issued upon not less than one day’s notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No.45 , dated June 16, 1939. Dated at Washington, D. C. this l6th day of June, 1939. By the Authority: (SF 4 T A Paul J. Frizzell, Secretary. I THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C. on the 16th day of June, 1939. Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. NP.14& under Regulation 403-A-1. juisihSliY 'll.' * ' * Application having been made by jfczd-Continent Airlines, Inc. under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and publish upon lpss than 30 days’ notico prescribed by seotion 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff change embodied in a revision of a certain page of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, which is in loose-leaf form; and \ It hppeariug that the proposal is to cancel a provision in their tariff Rules and Regulations governing refunds on tickets issued under Air Travel Plan Contracts, And the authority, finding the granting of such Application to be in the public interest, an(l acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; i NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED THAT Mid-Continent Airlines, Inc. may file, post and publish, effective upon not less than one day’s notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised page of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, containing the cancellation hereinabove described and as set forth in its Application. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT such revised page shall bear the following notation; \ "Issued upon not less than one day’s notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No.46 , dated Junel6 , 1939. Dated at Washington, D. C. this 16th day of June, 1939.'- By the Authority; Paul J. Frizzell, Secretary. (SEAL) THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C, At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C. on the 23rd day of June, 1939. Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 47 under Regulation 403-A-l. J'Vi II 1910 Application having been made by Railway Express Agency, Inc. under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post \ and publish upon less than the thirty days' notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, certain pro- osed tariff additions and changes embodied in a reissue of Supplement No. 7 to its Air Express Tariff No. 6, C.A.A. No. 1; also for authority to waive in the filing of said Supplement the requirements of Rule 4 (e) of Regulation 403-A-l which limits the amount of supplemental matter to a tariff currently in effect, and It appearing that incidental to the inauguration of service by Continental Air Lines, Inc. effective July 1, 1939, over its new route No. 43 between Pueblo, Colorado and Wichita, Kansas, Railway Express Agency, Inc. proposes to issue Supplement No. 8 to its Air Express Tariff No. 6, C.A.A. No. 1, cancelling Supple¬ ment No. 7, and to include therein air express rates applying from and to Garden City, Kansas, an intermediate point on said route; also, reduced air express rates between Wichita, Kansas; Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Colorado, on the one hand, and certain points named in its tariff, as amended, on the other; and proposes further, to establish air express rates from and to Beaumont, Texas, which is now being served by Eastern Air Lines, Inc., all proposed rates to conform to the present effective air express rate structure. It further appearing that Railway Express Agency, Inc, pur¬ suant to Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 24, as amended, is to reissue its Air Express Tariff No. 6, C.A.A. No. 1, effective November 1, 1939, upon statutory notice. And the Authority finding the granting of such application to be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that Railway Express Agency, Inc. may file, post and publish, effective upon not less than one day's notice to the Authority and to the general public. Supplement No. 8, cancelling Supplement No. 7, to its Air Express Tariff, No. 6, C.A.A. No. 1, containing the air express rates hereinabove de¬ scribed and as set forth in its Application. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such Supplement shall bear the following notation: "Issued upon not less than one day's notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No. 47, dated June 23, 1939. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Railway Express Agency, Inc. when filing the Supplement herein referred to shall not be required to observe the requirements of Rule 4(e) of Regulation 403-A-l provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to con¬ stitute a waiver of any requirement of Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 24, as amended June 13, 1939. Dated at Washington, D. C. this 23rd day of June, 1939. By the Authority: (SEAL) Paul J. Frizzell, Secretary. 3 2^7 'fru. 3-’ s THE UKITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C. on the 23rd day of June, 1939. , Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. Nq-*4G under Regulation 403-A-l. n mo * Application having been made by|3raniff Airways, Inc. under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and pub¬ lish upon less than 30 days* notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff additions and changes embodied in revisions of certain pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No, 1, which is in'loose-leaf formj and It appearing that the proposal is td cancel a provision appearin in its tariff rules and regulations governing refunds on tickets issued under Air Travel Contracts; also, to add Continental Air Lines Inc. as a concurring carrier and to publish joint interline passenger fares of $53.20 one way and $95.70 round trip between Chicago, Illinois and Colorado Springs, Colorado and $53.20 one way and $95.76 round trip between Chicago, Illinois and Denver, Colorado via Braniff Airways, Inc. between Chicago, Illinois and Wichita, Kansas and Continental Airlines, Inc. between Wichita, Kansas and Denver and Colorado Springs, Colorado. And the Authority, finding the granting of such Application to be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1933; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that Braniff Airways, Inc. may file, post and publish, effective upon not less than one day’s notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly, numbered revised pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, containing the additions and changes hereinabove described and as set forth in its Application. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised pages shall bear the following notation; "Issued upon not less than one day’s notice under Special Tariff Permission of the" Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No. 43 dated June 23 , 1939. Dated at Washington, D. C. this 23rd day of June, 1939. By the Authority: Paul J. Frizzell, Secretary. (SEAL) THE UNITED STATEE OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D« C. on the 27th day of June, 1939. Special Tariff RemissionLt.AwA. No. 49 under Regulation 403-A-l. . f 11 t::o Application having been 'mnde^b«y Canadian Colonial Airways, Inc. under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to filo, post and publish, upon less than the 30 days' notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff change embodied in a revision of a certain page of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, which is in loose-leaf form; and It appearing that the proposal is to correct an erroneous substitution directed by Page 16, second revision of’the aforesaid tariff which, if allowed to become effective, would cancel all passenger fares named in the said tariff. And the Authority finding the granting of such Application to be in the public interest 4 and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that Canadian Colonial Airways, Inc. may file, post and publish, effective upon not less than one day’s notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised page of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, correcting the substitution hereinabove described and as set forth in its Application. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised page shall bear the following notation: "Issued upon not less than one day's notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No. 49, dated June 27, 1939. Dated at Washington, D. C. this 27th day of June, 1939. By the Authority: (SEAL) Paul J. Frizzell, Secretary. V 'b'sy.'? THE UNITED STATES OE AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C* oft-the 30 th dav of June, 1939. - j 11 ;::j Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No.50 under Regulation 403-A-l. _.*/ /■' Application having been made by Western Air Express Corporation under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and publish, upon less than the 30 dcya * notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff changes embodied in revisions of certain pages of its Local and Joint Passen ger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, which is in loose-leaf form; and l It appearing that the proposal is to cancel bases for charter fares published on Pages 24, Original, and 25, second revision, incidental to the discontinuance of-unlimited charter service be¬ cause of insufficient equipment, provision being otherwise made for charges for such charter or special service as may be performed. And the Authority, finding the granting of such Application to be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that Western Air Express Corpo¬ ration may file, post and publish, effective upon not less than one day's notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No, 1, C.A*A. No. 1, containing the cancellation hereinabove described and as set forth in its Application. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised pages shall bear the following notation: "Issued uoon not less than one day's notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No. 50* dated June 30, 1939. Dated at Washington, D. C. this 30thday of June, 1939. By the Authority: Paul J, Frizzell, Secretary. (SEAL) THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C. on the 7th day of July, 1039. • THF ! vf Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 51 under Regulation 403-A-l. 1 3 , Application having been made by United Air Lines Transport Corporation under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and publish, upon less than the 30 days’ notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff addition embodied in a revision of a certain page of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff ho. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, -which is in loose- leaf form; and It appearing tha t the proposal is to revise Page 8A, Original, for the purpose of including a tariff rule authorizing the sale of seating accommodations in sleeper equipment without assessing sleeper charges providing all sleeping accommodations have been sold. And the Authority finding the granting of such Application to be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938j NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that United Air Lines Transport Corporation may file, post and publish, effective upon not less than one day's notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised page of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, containing the tariff rule hereinabove described and as set forth in its Application. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised page shall bear the following notation: "Issued upon not less than one day's notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No. 51, dated July 7 , 1939. Ml at e d- at ~Wa sh-i-ngton, -D . - C • this --7th— day—o£Wuly ,-1939. By the Authority: (SEAL) Paul J. Frizzell, Secretary . . ■ THE UNITED STATES OF AFRICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. 0. on thellthday of July, 1939. Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No.52 under Regulation 403-A-1 L‘--ru / ; Application having been made by Northwest Airlines, Inc. under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and publish upon less than the 30 days' notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1958, proposed tariff changes embodied in re¬ visions of certain pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1 C.A.A. No. 1, which is in loose-leaf form; and It appearing that the proposal is to cancel provisions in its tariff Rules and Regulations governing Air Travel Contract fares and refunds on tickets issued under Air Travel Contracts, and to publish in lieu thereof a reference to Agent PI. F. Redfern's Universal Air Travel Plan Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, for governing tariff rules and provisions; also, to cancel conflicting index pages that are now in effect. And the Authority, finding the granting of such Application to be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that Northwest Airlines, Inc. may file, post and publish, effective upon not less than one day's noticc- to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, containing the additions and changes hereinabove described and as set forth in its Application. / IT IS FjRTilER ORDERED that such revised pages shall bear the fol¬ lowing natation: "Issued upon not less than ono day's notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No. 52 , dated July 11 , 1939." Dated at Washington, D. C. this 11th day of July, 1939. Ey the Authority: Paul J. Frizzell, Secretary. (SEAL) THE UHITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority hold at its office in Washington, D. C. on thcllthday of July, 1939. Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 53 under Regulation 403“A-1 UiiiYEfiSiiY Of Application and an Amendment thereto having been made by United Air Lines Transport Corporation under Rule 10 of Regu¬ lation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and publish, upon loss than the 30 days' notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of^-1933, proposed tariff additions and changes embodied in revisions of certain pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, which is in loose-leaf form; arid It appearing that the proposal is to publish joint inter¬ line passenger fares of $53.20 one way and $95.70 round trip between Chicago, Illinois, and Colorado Springs, Colorado, via United Air Lines Transport Corporation, between Chicago, Illinois and Denver, Colorado, and Continental Air Lines, Inc. between Benvcr and Col or ad> Springs, Colorado; also to reduce the local round trip fare of $95*76 between Chicago, Illinois, and Denver, Colorado, to s?95. r '0, and to reduce one way and round trip fares applying be - awe on certain points east cf Chicago, Illinois, on the one hand aid Denver, and Colorado Springs, Colorado, on the other, to reflect the lower combinations that will be avail¬ able over Chicago, Illinois, And the Authority, finding the granting of such Application as amended to be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOW THEREFCIE IT IS ORDERED that United Air Lines Transport Corporation may file, post and publish, effective upon not less than one day's notice to the Authority and to the general public, property numbered revised pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, containing the additions and changes hereinabove described, and as set forth in its Application and the Amendment thereto. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised pages shall bear the following notation: "Issued upon not less than one day's notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No. 53 dated July 11, 1939." Dated at Yifashington, D. C. this lltbdayof July, 1939. By the Authority: (SEAL) Paul J. Frizzell, Secretary. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics .vuthority held at its office in Washington, D. C. on the25thday of July, 1939. Special Tariff Permission C'.M.A. 403-A-l i No. 54 1940 under Regulation . i / » Application having been made by United Air Lines Transport Corporation under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and publish, upon less the 30 days 1 notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the^Oivil Aeronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff changes embodied in revisions of certain pages of its Local rend Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, which is in loose-leaf form; and It appearing that the proposal is to cancel tariff provi¬ sions which prohibit local passenger service between Newark, N. J., and Camden, N. J«, And the Authority, finding the granting of such application to be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that United Mr Lines Transport Corporation may file, post and publish, effective upon not less than one dory’s notice to the Authority o.nd to the gonera.1 public, properly numbered revised pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.^.A. No. 1, containing the cancellations herein¬ above described, and as set forth in its Application. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised pages shall bear the following notation: "Issued upon not less than one day's notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics authority, C.A.A. No. 54 dated July 25 , 1939." Dated at Washington, D. C. this25thday of July, 1939. By the authority: (SEAL) Paul J. Frizzell, Secreta-ry. / THE UN T TED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C. on the 15th hay of August, 1939. \h Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 55 under' Regulation 403-A-l X 1 Applications having been made by Northwest Airlines, Inc., and Western Air Express Corporation under Rule 10 of Regula¬ tion 403-A-l for permission to .file, post and publish, upon less than the 30 days' notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff changes embodied in revisions of certain pages of their Local and Joint Passenger Tariffs No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, which are in loose- leaf form; and It appearing that the proposal is to establish a joint one way passenger faro of $67.16 between Minneapolis-St. Faul, Minnesota and Sc It Lake City, Utah via Butte and Helena, Montana to become effective September 1, 1939, And the Authority,finding the granting of such applications to be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that Northwest Airlines, Inc., and Western Air Express Corporation may file, post and publish, effective upon not loss than one day's notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revisod pages of their Local and Joint Passenger Tariffs No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, containing tho passenger fare hereinabove described, and as set forth in their Applications. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised pages shall bear the following notation: "Issued upon not less than one day’s notice under Special Tariff Permission of tho Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No. ^ dated August 15 , 1939." Dated at Washington, D. C. this i^th hay August, 1939. By tho Authority: (SEAL) Robert R. Reining Acting Secretary THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. 3 $7. 7 14 / VS At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C-. on the i3th day August, 1939. "v Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No* ^ under Regulation 403-A-l. Application and an Amendment having been made by Northwest Air¬ lines, Inc*, under Rulo 10 of Regulation 403-A-l, for permission to file, post and publish, upon less than the 30 days' notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1933, proposed tariff changes embodied in revisions of certain pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, which is in loose- leaf form; and It appearing that the proposal is to increase local one-way and round trip fares applying between points on Northwest Airlines, Inc., except one way and round trip fares applying between Chicago, Illinois; Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin; and Rochester and Minneapolis, Minnesota, and except round trip faros applying between Chicago, Illinois, on the one hand and Spokane, Wonatch CO J 1" Cciv ima and Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon on the other, also to increase certain existing joint fares applying between points on United ,Hr Linos Transport Corporation and Western Air Express Corporation on the one hand and Northwest Airlines, Inc., on the other, all such proposed fares being set forth in exhibits attached to the said Application as amended. And the Authority, finding the granting of such Application as amended to bo in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that Northwest Airlines, Inc., may- file, post and publish, effective August 26, 1939, upon not less than one day’s notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No, 1, C.A.A. No. 1, containing the increased 0210 way and round trip fares hereinabove described, and as sot forth in its Application as emended and exhibits attached thereto. jAID IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised pages shall following notation: "Issued upon not less than one day's notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No. dated August p8 , 1939. Dated at Washington, D. C. this path day of Au-ust, VjJj By tho Authority: boar il the Robert R. Reining Acting Secretary (SEAL) % ys THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADTHORI'iT WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its offico in Washington, D. C. on the.; i 8 th'^ a y August, 1939. Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No, 57 undey Regulation 403-A-l V v A > < , Application having been made by United Air Lines Trahspcit^Corpor? tion under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and publish, upon less than the 30 days' notice proscribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff changes embodied in revisions of certain pages of its Local and Joint Passen¬ ger Tariff No, 1, C*A,A, no, 1, which is in loose-leaf form; and It appearing that the proposal is to increase one way faros applicable bo tv. sen Vancouver, B, C., Portland, Oregon, Seattle and Spokane, Washington or. the one hand and Chicago, Illinois and certain points east thereof on the other; also to increase joint one way- fares applicable between Portland, Oregon and certain points on Northwest Airlines, Inc,, including Chicago, Illinois and points oast of Chicago on United Air Linos Transport Corporation and other car¬ riers, and round trip faros between Portland, Oregon m 'she one hand and various' paints on Northwest Airlines, Inc., not including Chicago, Illinois; also tv increase one way fares between Pendleton, Oregon and Walla Wulla, Washington bn the ore hand and Chicago, Illinois and certain points east thereof and to revise ono way and round trip local fares applicable between Spokane, shington and points ;outh thereof including San Liogo, California; all such pr posed faros being set f r 'rth in exhibits attached to the said 1 . pplicrtion. And the Authority, finding the granting f such Application to bo in the public intorest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that United Air Lines Transport Corpora¬ tion may file, post and publish, effective August 36, 1939, upon not loss than ono day's notice to the Authority arc. to the general public, properly numbered revised pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff -No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, containing the increased fares above described, and as sot forth in its Application " 6 ind exhibits attached thereto. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised pages shall bear the following notation: 2 "Issued upon not less than one day’s notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No* 57 dated August 18 » 1939*" Dated at Washington, D* C. this 18th c1 - a y of August, 1939. By the Authority: Robert R. Reining Acting Secretary (SEAL) THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C. on the 1 3th day of August, 1939 . Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No* 58 under Regulation 403-A-l yty v\ ■V - Application having been made by Western Air Express Corporation under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and publish, upon less than the 30 days’ notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff'.changcs embodied in revisions of certain pages of its Local and Joint Passen¬ ger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, which is in loose-leaf f )rm; and It appearing that the .proposal is to establish a round trip fare of $112.00 between Salt Lake City, Utah and Minneapolis, Minne¬ sota to apply in connection with Northwest Airlines through Butte or Helena, Montana in lieu of the presently effective fare of $105.00 applicable via the same routing, And the Authority, finding the granting of such Application to be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 405(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that Western Air Express Corporation may file, post and publish, effective August 26, 1939, upon not less than one day’s notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff lie. 1, C.A.A. No, 1, c ntaining the increased fare hereinabove described, and as set f rth in its Application, AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised pages shall bear the following notation: "issued upon not less than one day’s notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A,A. No. dated August 18 , 1939." Dated at Washington, D. C. this l8thday of August, 1939. By the .authority: (SEAL) Robert R. Reining Acting Secretary . THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, 0. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority its office in Wash August, 1909. on, D. C. on the 18th held at day of Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No ,59 under Regulation 403-vi-l \ r. Application having been made by American Airlines, Inc., under Rule 3.0 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to file, post and publish, upon less than the 30 days* notice pre¬ scribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1933, proposed tariff changes embodied in revisions cf cer¬ tain pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No* 4, C.A.A, No, 1, which is in loose-leaf form; and It appearing that, incidental to a change in Operating Schedule of Flight No, 7 ori ’inating at Newark, New Jersey, the proposal is to cancel sle per charges from Nashville, Tennessee and a tariff provision applicable in connection therewith, and to establish in lieu thereof a sleeper charge of $3,00 from Nevr York, N, Y, to Memphis, Tennessee j rrvMv.~ Q f such Application And the Authority, finding the grant in , to bo in the public interest, and acting pursuant tion 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1958; ;o sec- NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that American Airlines, Inc., may file, post and publish, effective upon not less than one day's notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered royised pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No, 4, C,A,A, No. 1, containing the addit¬ ions and cancelations hereinabove described, and as set forth in its Application. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised pages shall bear the following notation: ’’Issued upon not loss than one day's notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C,A,A« No, 6.3 dated September IS, 1939,” AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this permission shall bo void as authority for filing on and after September 30, 1939# By the Authority: /s/ Paul J. Frizzell Pan 1 J, Frizzell Secretary (SEAL) THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D.C, on the 22nd day of September, 1939 -A Revocation of Special Tariff Permission C.A.A, No. 53 dated July 11, 1939 S- 'A A > / 4 , ‘ ’ . v ^ > • «\ The Authority acting pursuant to Section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 having granted United Air Lines Transport Corporation Special Tariff Permission to file, post and publish upon not less than one day’s notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 1, C.A.A. No. 1, to establish certain joint inter-line passenger fares of $53.20 one ■way and $95.70 round trip between Chicago, Illinois and Colorado Springs, Colorado, via United Air Lines Transport Corporation between Chicago, Illinois and Denver, Colorado, and Continental Air Lines, Inc. between Denver and Colorado Springs, Colorado; also, to re¬ duce the local round trip fare of $95.76 between Chicago, Illinois, and Denver, Colorado to $95.70, and to reduce one way and round trip fares applying between certain points east of Chicago, Illinois on the one hand and Denver and Colorado Springs, Colorado on the other, to reflect the lower combinations that will be available over Chicago, Illinois; and. It appearing that United Air Lines Transport Corporation has no desire to file, post a nd publish the rates above mentioned and has requested the cancelation of Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 53 and that there is no further necessity for said Special Tariff Permission; IT IS ORDERED That Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 53, dated July 11, 1939, is hereby revoked. Dated at Washington, D. C. this22nd day of September, 1939. By the Authority: / s / Paul J. Frizzell .Paul J* Frizzell, Secretary THE UNITED STATES OP AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of tho Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D* C. on the, 22nd day of September, 1339 > ' //■ Second Amendment to Special Tariff .. > Permission C.A.A. No* 24 under A Regulation 403-A-l. . 'V a Application having boon node by Railway Express Agency, Inc, under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission to waive the requirements of Specicl Tariff Permission C*A*A. No, 24 dated February 13, 1939, as amended Juno 13, 1959, insofar as it re¬ quires the reissue, effective November 1, 1939 of Railway Express Agency, Inc* Air Express Tariff No, 6, C.A.A, No, 1; and It appearing that tho proposal is to extend the time limit within which the aforesaid tariff must be reissued in its entirety upon statutory notice-, /aid the Authority finding the granting of such Application to be in the public interest, end acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act, NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that Snecial Tariff Permission C.A,A* A. No, 24, dated February 13, 1939, as amended June 13, 1 939, is hereby further amended to the extent of substituting for the last paragraph thereof the following: "IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Railway Express Agency, Inc* when filing supplemental matter herein referred to, containing air express rates, is hereby authorized to depart from tho requirement of Rule 4(e) of Regula¬ tion 403-A-l provided the said tariff is reissued, in its entirety, effective February 1, 1940 upon statutory notice*" IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No* 24, dated February 13, 1939, in all other respects shall remain the full force and effect* Dated At Washington, D. C« this22nd day of September, 1939. By the Authority: /s/ Paul J. Frizzell (SEAL) Paul J* Frizzoll Secretary THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITT WASHINGTON, D. C. AIL At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C., on ti day of September 1939. Special Tariff Permission C.A.A, No. 64 under Regulation 403—A—1. 2 nd Application having been made by Transcontinental 4 •Jes'tyjrh Air, Inc., under Rule 10 of Regulation 403-A-l for permission-^to file, post and publish, upon less than the 30 days * 'notice, prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics'Act of 1930, proposed tariff changes embodied, in revisions of certain pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 2, C.A.A. No. 1, which is in looseloaf form; and It appearing that the proposal is to correct errors in routing between certain points which is to become effective on October 1, 1939, and to establish routing from Chicago, Illinois to Fresno, California via American Airlines to Phoenix, Arizona, and Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc. beyond. And the Authority, finding the granting of such Application be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 4 of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 19f to •03(c) HOT THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that Transcontinental Western Air, Lnc., may file, ^ st and publish, effective upon not less than one day’s notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 2, C.A.A. No, 1, containing the changes and addition hereinabove described, and as sot forth in its application. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised following notation: cages shall bear the "issued upon not less than one day’s notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No. 64 dated September 22, 1939. 11 AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this permission shall be void as authority for filing on and after October 3, 1939 Dated at Washington, D. C. this 22nd day of September, 1939. By the Authority: /s/ Paul J. Frizzell Paul J. Frizzell (SEAL) Secretary THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, D. C« on the 3rd day of October, 1939 Special Tariff Permission C«A*A# No, 65 under Section 224*1 of the Economic Regulations, \ % • P> Application having been made by R. C. Lounsbury, Agent for Pan American Airways System and Associated Carriers under Rule 10 of Section 224.1 of the Economic Regulations, for permission to file, post and publish, upon less than the 30 days’ notice prescribed by section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff additions embodied in revisions of certain pages of his Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No, A-l, C.A.A. No. A-l, which is in loose- leaf form; and It appearing that the proposal is to cancel one way and round trip fares between Port Washington, New York on the one hand and Shediac, New Brunswick, Canada; Botwood, Newfoundland; Foynes, Ireland; London (Southampton), Ehgland^Marseilles (Marignane Airport), France cn the other, incidental to a change in Trans-Atlantic operations from the northern to the southern route and to the discontinuance of service east of Lisbon, Portugal; to cancel the round trip fare between Port Washington, New York and Lisbon, Portugal, and to increase the one way fare to $395.00; also to increase one way and round trip fares between Port Washington, Now York ard Horta, Azores to $275,00 and $495,00, respectively. And the Authority, finding the granting of such Application to be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1958; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED That R. C. Lounsbury, Agent for Pan American Airways System and Associated Carriers may file, post and publish, effective upon not less than ten day’s notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised'pages of his Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No, A-l, C.A.A. No, A-l, containing the additions and cancellations hereinabove described and as set forth in his Application. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That such revised page shall bear the following notation; "Issued upon not loss then, ten day’s notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. Ho* 65, dated October 3, 1939," AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That this permission shall be void as authority for filing on and after October 12, 1939, Dated at Washington, D. C« this 3rd day of October, 1939, By the Authority: (SEAL) Paul J, Frizzell Secretary THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a Session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in*Washing-ton, D. C. on the 24th day of) October, 1939. . kS** Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. lie. 66 \ Under Section 224.1 of the Economic Regulations : r-v hi. Application having been made by American A.irlines, Inc., under Rule 10 of Section 224.1 of the Economic Regulations, for permission to file, post and publish, upon less than the 30 days 1 notice pre¬ scribed by section 403(c) of the Civil A-eronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff changes embodied in revisions of certain pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff Ho. 4, C.A.A. Ho. 1, which is in loose-leaf form; and It appearing that, incidental to the addition of two trans¬ continental flights designated as Ho. 5, westbound, and Ho. 6, eastbound, and to changes in the operating schedules of Flight 7, westbound, and Flight 2, eastbound, the proposal is: To establish sleeper charges on Flight 5 from New York, Hew York, Washington, D. C., Nashville and Memphis, Tennessee, to El Paso, Texas, Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona, and Los Angeles, California; To establish sleeper charges on Flight G from Los Angeles, California, Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona, El Paso and Ft. Worth-Dallas, Texas, and Memphis, Tennessee to Washington, D. C., Philadelphia, Pa. , and Hen York, Hew York; To establish a sleeper charge on Flight 7 from Washington, D. C. to Memphis, Tennessee; To cancel sleeper charges from Ft. Worth-Dlllas, Texas and Memphis, Tennessee to Washington, D. C. on Flight 2, and to establish in lieu thereof, sleeper charges from Nashville and Knoxville, Tennessee to Hew York, Hew York; and To amend a specified tariff prevision applicable in con¬ nection with the aforesaid sleeper charges. And the Authority, finding the granting of such Application tc be in the public interest, and acting pursuant to section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that American Airlines, Inc., may file, post and publish, effective November 1, 1939, upon not less thar one day’s notice to the Authority and to the general public, proper- ly^numborod revised pages of its Locol and Joint Passenger Tariff No. 4, C.A.A. No. 1, containing tho additions and cancelations hereinabove described, and as set forth in its Application. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such revised pages shall boar the follov/ing notation: "Issued upon not less than one day’s notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C.A.A. No. 66 dated October 24 > 1939." By the Authority: /s/ Paul J. Frizzell Paul J. Frizzell Secretary (SEAL) THE UNITED STATES OF .AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. % At a session of the Ciyil Aeronautics Authority held, at its office in Washington, D. C. on the 27th day of'October, 19SS " Oj. ^ V - *N C v *n , 9 Special Tariff Permission C.A.A, Fo, 67 under *224,1 of the Economic Regulations, Application having been made by Northwest Airlines, Inc,, under Rule 1C of Section 224,1 of the Economic Regulations for permis¬ sion to file, post and publish, upon less than the 30 days* notice prescribed by Section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, proposed tariff changes embodied in revision of a certain page of its Local and Joint passenger Tariff Ho, 1, C.A.A.. No, 1, which is in loose leaf form; and It appearing that the proposal is to cliange tariff regulations ap¬ plying in connection with the collection of fares to permit North¬ west A.irlines, Inc,, to accept at its ootion Canadian currency at its face value in payment for tickets issued in Canada, And the Authority, finding that the said Application makes no show¬ ing of public interest or of special or peculiar circumstances or conditions as would warrant the filing, posting and publishing of changed provisions h, rein above described upon less than the pre¬ scribed statutory notice, and acting pursuant to Section 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED that tho Application of Northwest Air¬ lines, Inc,, requesting permission to file, post and publish, effec¬ tive upon less than statutory notice to the Authority and the genera public, a revised page of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No, 1 C.A.A, No, 1, containing the tariff provisions hereinabove described bo and the same is hereby denied. Dated at Washington, D. C, this 27th day of October 1939, By tjie Authority: (SEAL) Paul J, Frizzell Sucre tary \ THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY WASHINGTON, D. C. At a session of the- Civil Aeronautics Au^uority held, at its office in Washington, D. C. on the 1 /,th day of November, 1039 - Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. No. 69 ' N under Section 224.1 of the Economic Regular tions. # A . * i* * Application having been made by Continental Air\ Lines, Inc., under Rule 10 of Section 224.1 of the Economic Regulations, fpr permission to file, post and publish, upon loss than the 30 days’ notice pro¬ scribed by soction 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, pro¬ posed tariff changes embodied in revisions of certain pages of its Local and Joint Passenger Tariff No* 16, C.A.A. No. 1, which is in loose leaf form; and It appearing that the proposal is to establish special temporary educational round-trip fares of £31.00 between Denver, Colorado and ’Wichita, Kansas, and £25*00 between Pueblo, Colorado and Wichita, Kansas, such fares to be restricted to local traffic with a thirty- day (3°) return limit and r.o extension thereof, end no stop-over privilege permitted at intermediate points; and further providing that such faros are to become effective on December 1, 1939 to ex¬ pire with February 29, 1940. And the Authority, finding the granting of such Application as amended to bo in the public interest, and acting pursuant to sec¬ tion 403(c) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938; NOW THEREFORE IT IS ORDERED That Continental .Hr Linos, Inc., may file, peso and putiisn, effective December 1, 1939, upon not less than ten day’s notice to the Authority and to the general public, properly numbered revised pages of its Local and Joint passenger Tariff No. 1G, C.A.A. No. 1, containing the special educational round-trip fares hereinabove described, and as set forth in its Ap¬ plication. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED That such revised tariff pages shall bear the following notation; <• —■ "Issued upon not less than ton day’s notice under Special Tariff Permission of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, C*A.A. No. 69 dated November 14, 1939.” & Dated at Washington, D. C. this! /,t.hday of November, 1939. /s/ Paul J. Frizzell Paul J. Frizzell Secretary Bytho Authority; (SEAL) THE UNITED STATES CIVIL AERONAUTICS WASHINGTON, OF AMERICA AtTTKQRITT D. C. At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Authority held at its office in Washington, I). C. on the"< 7th day of November, 1939. 4 e; Special Tariff Permission C.A.A. Ho. under Section 224*1 of the Economic Regulations. hi 68 and March 7, 1950, respectively, extended said exemption authority until April 8, 1950, in order to allow the Board sufficient time to consider fully Slick's application of February 21, 195C; 2. That the Depart me nt of the Air Force by letter dated February 16, 1950, requested favorable consideration of Slick's application for extension of the exempt ion authority; The Board, upon consideration of the matters set forth, finding (1) that the circumstances which warranted the prior xenrtion granted by Order Serial No. E—1963, dated September 8, 1948, still exist; and (2) that the enforcement of the provisions of section 491(a) of the Act insofar as they would prevent the operations authorized herein would be an undue burden on Slick by reason of the unusual circumstances affecting its operations and is not in the public interest; IT IS ORDERED: 1. That Sliok be and hereby is temporarily exempted from the provisions of section 401(a) of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended, insofar as such provisions would otherwise prevent Sliok; from engaging in the air transportation of military property only between the following United States Air Force bases: Chicopee Falls, Mass. (Westover Air Force B3se), Middletown, Pa. (Olmstead Air Force Base), - 2 - Dayton, Ohio (Wright—Patterson Air Force- Base), Oklahoma City, Okla. (Tinker Air Force Base), Fairfield, Calif* (Fairf Air Force Base), Riverside Calif, (March Air Forop Base), Sacramento, Calif, (McClellan Air "orce Base), and Ogden, Utah (Hill Air Force Base'); 2. That the authorization granted herein shall be effective for a period cf six months from the date of this order; 3* That.the application of Slick, filed February 21, 1950, except to the extent granted herein, be and hereby is denied; and 4, That this order may be amended or revoked at any time in the discretion of the Board without notice and without hearing. By the Civil Aeronautics Boards /s/ M* C, Mulligan (SEAL) M. C, Mulligan Secretary