STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION BUFF-BURNING CLAY RESOURCES OF SOUTHWESTERN AND SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Walter E. Parham W. Arthur White ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY John C. Frye, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 352 1963 in .i . ■. n ' n i 111 i - 3 3051 00004 5611 BUFF-BURNING CLAY RESOURCES OF SOUTHWESTERN AND SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Walter E. Parham and W. Arthur White Some 66 samples of Pennsylvania!! clays that occur in the Spoon and Abbot Formations in Calhoun, Cass, Gallatin, Greene, Jackson, Jersey, Johnson, Madison, Monroe, Pike, St. Clair, Saline, Scott, and Williamson Counties, Illinois, were tested to determine their potential uses. Their bonding and ceramic properties were determined. INTRODUCTION This report is another in a series of guides to locate new clay deposits (fig. 1) which may be used in the manufacture of china, drain tile, flower pots, flue liners, lightweight aggregate, paper, refractories, refractory cements, sewer pipe, stoneware, structural clay products (brick, hollow block, and tile), terra cotta and terra sigillata (a mixture of clay and pigments dispersed in water to be sprayed or dipped on ceramic ware), and which may be used as fillers and bonding clays. Tabulated data on the individual samples of clays tested are given in Appen- dix A; thickness of beds and stratigraphic sequence of clays are shown by the mea- sured sections in Appendix B; and some supplemental references are given in Appen- dix C. The three previous reports on clays of this nature have been published for LaSalle (Parham, 1959), Knox (Parham, 19 60), and Rock Island, Mercer, and Henry Counties (Parham, 1961). 1 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 352 Fig. 1 - Locations from which samples of clay were taken for ceramic tests. 3 TJFF -BURNING CLAY RESOURCES Stratigraphy Because most of the counties included in this report are covered by glacial deposits, exposures of the Pennsylvanian rocks are limited mainly to stream cuts, road cuts, and mines. Many of the samples reported here were taken from beds of clay that normally occur directly beneath layers of coal. Such beds of gray, fine- grained, nonbedded clay, called underclay, range in thickness from a few inches to about 20 feet. The remaining samples were from shales. Classification of the Pennsylvanian strata of the area of this report is in- dicated in figure 2 (Kosanke et al., 19 60). Only members that will aid in locating the samples stratigraphically are listed. Throughout most of the area concerned in this report the Pennsylvanian rocks have a gentle regional dip. In western Illinois the rocks dip gently toward the east, but in the southern counties they have a slightly greater dip toward the north. In Saline and Gallatin Counties, however, where there has been a great deal of fault- ing, the direction and degree of dip of the rocks can vary greatly within short dis- tances; nevertheless the regional dip is generally northward. Many of the Pennsylvanian rocks, originally deposited in the Illinois Basin, now crop out near the eastern, southern, and western borders of Illinois and along a belt across the north-central portion of the state. Some of these rocks form contin- uous beds that extend from outcrops on one side of the Illinois Basin to the other, but in the deeper portions of the basin in south-central Illinois the same beds may be buried under several hundred feet of younger rocks. Most of the samples of clay tested were taken from various beds of the Spoon Formation; some samples were taken from beds of uncertain stratigraphic posi- tion. The detailed geology at each of the outcrops sampled is given in the mea- sured geologic sections (appendix B), listed by counties arranged alphabetically. The sample numbers, location, stratigraphy, lithology, and thickness of each lith- ologic unit are given. The clay or shale sampled is indicated by the sample number, which is also the cross reference to the chemical data (table 1) and the tabulated ceramic tests and suggested uses (table 2) . For detailed geology of the area, see the references listed in the bibliog- raphy at the end of this report (appendix C) . Mineralogy The mineralogy of the clay samples was determined by x-ray, differential thermal analyses, microscopic techniques, and by visual observation. The clay minerals common to many of the samples are illite, kaolinite, mixed-layer clay minerals, and chlorite. The nonclay minerals are chiefly quartz with minor amounts of pyrite, siderite, calcite, and gypsum. The clays and shales vary in clay mineral composition from almost pure kaolinite to almost pure mixed-layer clay material. Most of the clays, however, are mixtures of two or more clay minerals. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 352 System Group Formation Members Monroe County and north south of Monroe County Pleistocene Se ries McLeansboro Mattoon Pleasantview Ss Bond Modesto Carbondale Purington Sh Francis Creek Sh Kewanee Colchester (No. 2) Coal Colchester (No. 2) Coal DeKoven Coal Wiley Coal Davis Coal Seahorne Ls Seahorne Ls Vergennes Ss Spoon DeLong Coal Mt. Rorah Coal Creal Springs Ls Pennsylvania!! Brush Coal Hermon Coal Selville Ls Rock Island (No. 1) Coal Granger Ss Murphysboro Coal Bidwell Coal Bernadotte Ss Murray Bluff Ss Pope Creek Coal Delwood Coal Abbott Tarter Coal Willis Coal McCormick Manley Coal Babylon Ss Grindstaff Ss Reynoldsburg Coal Caseyville Mississippian Fig. 2 - Modified stratigraphic section. BUFF-BURNING CLAY RESOURCES 5 Quartz and pyrite occur in various concentrations in all the clays, whereas siderite, calcite, and gypsum are less common. Gypsum usually occurs only on or near the surface of the weathered clay outcrops. During weathering of pyrite in the clays, iron sulfate and sulfuric acid are formed. The sulfuric acid reacts with any calcite present and/or the calcium on the exchange positions of the clay minerals to form gypsum. Pyrite-bearing calcareous clays are apt to have their weathered outcrops covered with this form of gypsum. In addition, products leached from overlying coal or other lithologic units may finally form gypsum in joints in an underlying clay bed. REPORT OF TESTS Information about the geology of the clay samples, their location, thickness, overburden, and type of underlying and overlying sediments, is given in Appendix B. Chemical data are given in table 1, and the results of tests for the physical and ceramic properties and the suggested uses for each sample are given in table 2. The ceramic test results include the drying and firing shrinkage, water of plasticity, fired color, and, where applicable, the bonding properties of the clay. Formation and Firing of Test Bars Samples collected in Madison County and to the north were formed into test bars by hand, but those collected in St. Clair County and to the south were made with a laboratory- size extrusion machine. The extruded samples are marked with an asterisk in table 2. The clay used for the hand-molded samples was ground to a powder in a disc grinder. Clays ground to |-inch in diameter and less were used for extruded test bars. The percentage of water necessary to hand form or extrude a satisfactory test bar is listed as water of plasticity. More water is needed in hand forming test bars and, as a result, water of plasticity and drying and total shrinkage values for any given clay are higher for hand-molded than for extruded test bars. Both methods were used for the preparation of test bars from a selected clay and a selected shale for comparison of results. Table 3 illustrates the vari- ations in values obtained with the two techniques. Three individual test bars were made from each sample of clay. The bars were measured after drying to determine the percentage of drying shrinkage. The first bar was fired to 1832°F. (1000 °C), the second 2012° F.(1100° C), and the third to 2200° F. (1205°C). The test bars were measured after each firing to determine the percentage of firing shrinkage. The method of preparing the test bar, hand molding vs. extrusion, has little effect on the fired properties of a clay. Those clays listed as having "good" extrusion properties are those that give sharp, even edges on the test bar during extrusion. Clays that show some tearing of the edges of the test bar during extrusion are considered as having "fair" extrusion properties, and those that show considerable tearing are listed as having "poor" extrusion properties. Pyrite, which is normally disseminated throughout the clay, will oxidize during weathering to form ferrous sulfate. The latter will, in turn, alter to limonite and sulfuric acid as weathering continues. The formation of iron sulfate and iron oxide tend to give the fired clay a dark color. For a better indication of the true ceramic properties and burning color, it would be necessary to obtain unweathered samples of the clay from drill holes in the area under consideration but at some distance from the outcrops. 6 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 352 If soluble salts are present in a clay, they will migrate outward to the sur- face of an unfired brick during the drying period. If ferrous sulfate is the soluble salt, the fired color is generally dark brick red, but if calcium sulfate is the sol- uble salt, a white scum forms on the surface during firing. High-Temperature Properties On the basis of mineralogical data, samples with the largest amounts of kaolinite were selected for tests to determine their fusion temperature P.C.E. (pyrometric cone equivalent) . Refractories are classified in the following manner (American Society of Testing Materials, 1958): Minimum P.C.E. Super duty 33 High heat duty 31 Medium heat duty 29 Low heat duty 15 One Clay (99 6N) from Pike County can be assigned to the super duty heat class. Clays sampled in Madison, Jersey, Greene, Scott, and Calhoun Counties could be used for medium heat duty refractories; samples 1719 in St. Clair, 1806 in Jackson, 1809 in Gallatin, and 1813, 1814, and 1818 in Saline Counties would be most suitable for low heat duty refractories. Bonding Tests Some underclays have been found to be satisfactory for use as bonding clays for foundry sands. The clay mineralogy of an underclay may be used to predict its bonding properties. Clays that have poorly crystalline kaolinite and those that have large amounts of mixed-layer clay minerals are better bonding clays than the more crystalline clay mineral varieties. Mixtures of 9 2 percent foundry sand and 8 percent clay were made and mixed with varying amounts of water. Bonding tests were then run in a manner described in the "Foundry Sand Handbook" (American Foundrymen's Society, 1952). The green compression strength of each sample tested, in pounds per square inch (GCS psi), is listed in table 1 under bonding properties. The maximum green strength is that strength developed by the clay at its optimum water content. Sam- ples 958H and 958Z from Greene County, 393, 960C, and 960F from Madison County, and 1803 from Williamson County gave favorable green strengths in the bonding tests. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The clays and shales tested in this report may serve as raw materials for a wide variety of uses. Clays or shales can be mixed to enhance or develop cer- tain desired properties or to minimize undesirable characteristics. For instance, a wide variation in fired color can be obtained in a product by the mixing of light and dark firing clays in varying proportions. Plasticity, drying shrinkage, firing shrinkage, and refractoriness also can be varied by the mixing process. BUFF-BURNING CLAY RESOURCES PENNSYLVANIAN McLeansboro =_-z^.-fj Carbondale Spoon □ Mississippian Fig. 3 - Generalized bedrock geology of Madison County and location of fig. 4. R 10 W R 9 W Fig. 4 - Location of samples studied and suggested area for prospecting for strippable clay resources. 8 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 352 The tables of this report may serve as a general guide to predict the prop- erties, uses, and values of combined samples. However, the actual commercial value of a sample or combination of samples is dependent not only upon the quali- ties listed in the table but also upon a complex of factors involving local geologic, geographic, and economic conditions at the site of the deposit. In Madison County, because outcrops below the Colchester No. 2 Coal are rare, sampling was limited to two locations. However, the outcrop areas of sedi- ments above the coal and below the clay suggest an area (figs. 3 and 4) in which the overburden may be thin enough to permit mining the clay by stripping operations. Core drilling will be necessary to reveal the thickness of the overburden, thick- ness of the clay, and quality of the clay. Sample 99 6N from Pike County, compared with other samples, is unusual in its measured physical properties. It is composed primarily of the clay mineral kaolinite, which gives the fired clay a white color. Because of its high kaolinite content it is the only sample with a P.C. E. high enough (P. C. E. 33) to be assigned to the super heat duty refractory class and may have some potential for use in the china or paper industries. Samples taken from Scott County south to Madison County could be used for medium heat duty refractories. A few samples in the counties studied to the south and east can be classed in the low heat duty class. Samples 9 58H and 9 58Z in Greene County and all of the samples of Madison County produced satisfactory green strength in the bonding tests. This group of samples is of the poorly crystalline kaolinite variety and, therefore, would be more refractory. Samples 954D of Cass County and 1803 of Williamson County have good bonding strength but are rich in the mixed-layer clay mineral component and, therefore, are less refractory. REFERENCES American Foundrymen's Society, 1952, Foundry sand handbook: 6th ed., p. 17- 28, 85-89, 93-95. American Society of Testing Materials, 1958, Standard classification of fireclay refractory bricks: Am. Soc. Testing Materials, sec. C, p. 27-58, pt. 5, p. 277-279. Kosanke, R. M., Simon, J. A., Wanless, H. R., and Willman, H. B., 1960, Classification of the Pennsylvanian strata of Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 214, 84 p. Parham, W. E., 1959, Light-burning clay resources in LaSalle County, Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 277, 27 p. Parham, W. E., 1960, Lower Pennsylvanian clay resources of Knox County, Illi- nois: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 302, 19 p. Parham, W. E., 1961, Lower Pennsylvanian clay resources of Rock Island, Mercer, and Henry Counties, Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 322, 40 p. APPENDIX A TABLE 1 - CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND DATA Sample 393 Oxide Percent sio 2 Ti0 2 A1 2°3 Fe 2 3 FeO MgO CaO Na 2 K 2 Ign. Total H 2 0- p o c 56.92 1.40 26.80 2.51 0.35 0.51 0.17 0.50 0.48 10.41 100.05 2.06 trace 0.00 Oxide Si0 2 Ti0 2 A1 2 0. Fe o 0. 2"3 CaO Na 2 K 2 Ign. Total H 2 0- P o c Exchangeable cations (Sample 393) : Al +3 0.00 me/ 100 gm. +3 Fe J 0.00 Mg" 1 "*" 3.85 Ca^ 5.35 Cation exchange capacity 17.5 me/100 gm. ; pH 8 . 1 1.98 32.39 0.36 0.09 0.30 0.13 0.28 0.29 11.49 100.42 0.84 trace 0.00 9.07 me/100 ] 0.75 1.25 TABLE 3 - COMPARISON OF DATA FOR HAND-MOLDED AND EXTRUDED SAMPLES Clay Shale Molded Extruded Molded Extruded Water of plasticity Linear drying shrinkage Linear firing shrinkage 24.5 6.25 18.0 4.68 21.5 4.17 19.0 2.34 1832° 1922° 2012° 1.04 4.17 1.05 2.09 3.13 2.08 6.25 8.33 4.95 6.51 8.64 Total firing shrinkage 1832° 1922° 2012° 7.29 10.42 5.73 6.77 7.81 6.25 10.42 12.50 7.29 8.85 10.98 TABLE 2 - CERAMIC AND OTHER DATA -a Q w u >, >,'*' Firing temperature s in degrees Fahrenheit Bonding properties S SBS 00 zs Lin ear firing Tot al linear •3 2 S.JS <» to $ -H shr inkage (%) shr inkage <%) Fired color GCS Opt.** no. £ " ^§ 3° a 3 M 1832° 2012° 2200° 1832° 2012° 2200° 1832° 2012° 2200° (psi) H 2 0(7o) 994D 2' 1" xky 36.6 10. A 6.2 13.5 10. 4 Buff Buff 1.0 7.3 5.2 22.0 23.0 7.2 8.3 10.2 9.8 3%' 958F V 958H 4' 958K 1 ' 958U 958W 958X 958Y 958Z 6 958V 5 958BB 2 958W 2 958FFF 5 955 956 l'-3' fair* .4 10 .8 8 .8 5 .4 7 .6 6 9 +3.9 4 6 0.7 1 5 0.0 8 2.3 4 3 3.1 5 7 5.8 7 8 2.9 9 2.3 5 7 7.8 10 2 7.3 9 15 3 10 5 5 1 12 4 11 6 16 4 11 5 7 5 15 5 13 .6 7 .5 3 .7 10 .2 5 .3 9 5 .0 6 .0 7 !3 5 8 3.1 4 9 2.4 8 9 2.4 4 5 +0.8 2 4 3.1 5 5 0.8 3 3 1.5 2 0.8 1 7 1.5 3 2.7 6 2 6.8 10 3 9.6 6 7 5.9 13 8 4.9 4 2 6.2 12 9 7.0 6 7 5.4 7 6 4.7 7 Jackson Com 6 5.0 6 6.7 7 9 12 3 12 3 15 7 8 5 14 3 9 8 9 8 8 ty 2 8 7 11 14. 2 13 6 16 3 10 6 15 4 12 11 6 11 3 9 11 Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Salmon Tan Salmon Tan 3.3 5.8 7.5 luff Buff Buff 959E 95 9F 959G 26.9 26.5 23.5 0.7 8.0 8.5 8.6 10.4 10.2 12.5 12.5 4.7 12.0 12.5 Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff 1.4 6.4 6.9 10.7 Buff Salmon Tan 0.5 3.6 4.6 0.5 6.8 7.8 15.6 15.6 Buff Buff Buff 14.6 15.6 Gray Buff Buff 14.6 15.6 Buff Buff Buff 14.6 15.6 Buff Buff Buff OF CLAY MATERIALS AND THEIR USES gd = good drcd = drying conduct diff = difficult 3 much water added jrfired at 2200°F. Gallatin County ix, gd; drcd, warped and racked. ■x, gd; drcd, fair. .t'2200 o F. Surface scum at 1832 and 2012°F. Surface scum at 1832 and 2012°F; slightly rough edges during extrusion; overfired at 2200°F. Johnson County : 2012°; tends gd; ircd , gd. Chem table 4. diff dr cd, gd. diff might dr be cd, gd. diff; drcd ■d Q C J? ^ >,~ Firing temp eratures in degrees Fahrenheit Bonding s .3 3 3 o o „ 9 Lin ear firing Total linear properties Sample o 2 || S S shr inkage (%) shrinkage (%) Fired co lor GCS Opt.** no. * » »§ ** 3 w 1832° 2012° 2200° 1832° 2012° 2200° 1832° 2012° 2200° (psi) H 2 0(%) good* fair* good* 2.1 6.3 8.9 12.2 10.2 Red Red Brown 10.5 8.6 Red Red Red 10.2 10.7 Red Red Red 6.8 7.3 Cream Cream Buff 10. A 7.3 13.5 10.4 Cream Pink Cream Pink Tan 11.5 14.1 Pink Buff Tan 3.1 7.3 12.5 15.6 19.8 25.0 9.4 12.5 15. i Cream Cream Tan 8.6 9.4 10.0 Salm< good* 23.0 6.0 5.3 5.6 +12.2 11.3 11.6 +6.2 Salmon Red Tan 1808 3 good* 18.7 1811 2 4" poor* 18.9 1812 3' fair* 14.0 1813 6' good* 18.4 1814 3' good* 14.1 1815 3 good* 22.0 1816 3' 6" fair* 995A 995B 995H 1819 5' 6" good* 35.3 8.3 49.9 12.5 40.2 10.4 19.3 4.5 25.0 5.3 21.0 5.0 21.5 5.5 .3 9.7 10 2 Buff Buff Buff .6 7.4 9 Buff Tan Buff .8 7.4 6 8 Cream Buff Buff .6 7.4 .6 6.9 9 7 1 Cream Buff 5 Pink Buff Buff .8 11.7 5 2 Salmon Red Red .8 9.7 11 Salmon Red Browr .0 9.7 9 1 Salmon Salmo l Buff 11.3 10.0 Red 3.2 6.3 11.5 2.1 6.3 8.4 11.5 14.6 19.8 Buff 16.7 21.9 24.0 Buff 12.5 16.7 18.8 Buff 6.4 9.5 10.2 Pink Buff Tan 10.0 13.6 8.5 6.3 8.7 9.1 5.8 11.4 10.7 Buff Buff Overfired at 2200°F. Overfired at 2200°F. Overfired at 2200°F. ox, gd; drcd, gd. ox, gd; drcd, gd. ox, gd; drcd, gd; Samples G through G20 can be mined t gether ox, gd; drcd, gd; would ha\ to be worked with 996D in c drcd, mffic : plai red, gd. Chemical Scott County- Surface scum at 1832 and 2012°F for weathered clays; tends to tear during extrusion. Surface scum at 1832 and 2012°F for weathered clays. Overfired at 2200°F. Overfired at 2200°F. Normal. Overfired at 2200°F. Overfired at 2200°F. Normal . Surface scums at 2012°F; over- fired at 2200°F. Surface scum at 1832 and 2012°F for weathered clay; tends to Overfired at 2200°F. Overfired at 2200°F. Tends to ruded. ; drcd, tending I ; drcd, gd. ; drcd, gd. Overfired a t 2200°F. Normal . Surface scu m at 1832 overfired a t 2200°F. Overfired a t 2200°F. APPENDIX B DESCRIPTION OF DEPOSITS SAMPLED CALHOUN COUNTY Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Limestone Shale (Purington) (?) gray, silty c Shale, black, clayey Colchester (No. 2) Coal Spoon Formation Under clay, gray, yellow - stained (sample 1067B) Clay, gray (sample 1067B) Clay, gray, calcareous (Seahorne Limestone zone) Clay, green Clay, gray, yellow-stained (exposed) Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Limestone, gray and tan 5 Covered interval 11 Clay, mottled red, yellow, and gray 4 Shale, mottled, red and green near top and gray below 50 Coal Clay, dark gray, almost sandstone in places 1 Shale, black, soft Colchester (No. 2) Coal 2 Spoon Formation Clay, gray with iron stains, noncalcareous, massive (sample 1067D) (exposed) 2 Samples 994B, C, and D - Tributary along east bluff to Illinois River NE% sec. 15, T. 18 N,, R. 11 W. Pleistocene Series Glacial till and loess 80-100 Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Sandstone (Pleasantview), gray, iron-stained on sur- face, shaly at top 15-20 feet, remainder massive, carbonaceous, and coaly at bottom 35 Shale, black, soft, micaceous, poorly bedded, fossiliferous 2 2 Limestone, blue-gray weathering to grayish brown, hard, fine- grained, fossiliferous 3-4 Shale, black, fissile, hard, with pyrite concretions 18-28 Shale (Francis Creek), gray, slightly sandy, conchoidal fracture, concretions, pyrite 11 8 Colchester (No. 2) Coal 2 9 Spoon Formation ,Clay, dark gray, shaly 5 'day, blue-gray, hard, shaly 1 2 Clay, gray, very rusty with reddish weathered calcareous concretions near base, sandy 2 3 Clay, gray, hard, calcareous concretions, sandy 1 9 Clay, purplish gray, blocky 3-4 Wiley (?) Coal l%-3 Clay, dark purplish gray, soft, blocky 3 Clay, gray, rust brown in fractures, blocky, hard 8-18 Limestone (Seahorne), blue- gray, weathering gray, nodu- lar, bedded in clay, pyrite, fossiliferous 2-3 Clay, gray, hard, blocky (sample 994D) 2 1 Coal % Clay, gray to purplish gray, blocky (sample 994C) 3 Clay, gray, hard, blocky (sample 994C) 2 Covered interval 3-4 Clay, gray, blocky (sample 994C) 1 2 Clay, dark gray, shaly (coal zone) (sample 994C) 3-6 Clay> gray, shaly (sample 994C) 1 1 Clay, dark gray to blacky shaly (coal zone) (sample 994C) 1-2 Clay, gray, sandy, blocky 16-34 Sandstone, blue-gray, fine- grained, hard, bedded to massive 14-24 Clay, gray, iron-stained on fracture surfaces shaly, sandy 2 6 Hermon (?) Coal 3-4 Clay, purplish gray, sandy, blocky (sample 994B) 4 Clay, gray rusty on fracture surfaces, sandy, blocky becoming shaly near base (sample 994B) ' 2 2 (CASS COUNTY Cont.) Shale, gray, thinly bedded Limestone (Seville), dark blue-gray, pyritic Shale, dark blue-gray, well bedded, sandy, contains concretions GALLATIN COUNTY Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Shale, gray Spoon Formation Covered interval Clay, gray (sample 958H) Limestone, blue-gray (in creek bed) Carbondale Formation Rocks undifferentiated 10-30 Colchester (No. 2) Coal Spoon Formation Underclay, gray, (sample 1809) 5 Shale Sample 1810 - SE% NI% NEJj sec. 19, T. 10 Pennsylvanian System Carbondale and Spoon Formations Rocks undifferenti; Dekoven Coal Underclay, gray Shale, dark gray, i GREENE COUNTY imple 958 F - South cutbank of Birch Creek, NEJj NWJj NW% sec. 25, T. 12 N., R. 11 W. Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Sandstone (Pleasantview), upper part shaly, lower part massive and cross bedded 16-18 Pyrite zone 0-% Shale, blue-gray, thin- bedded, noncalcareous 6-3( Shale, black, soft, noncalcareous 3 Shale, black, hard, fissile 1 5 Colchester (No. 2) Coal 2 8 Spoon Formation Clay, dark gray, noncalcareous %-l Clay, gray, noncalcareous (Sample 958F) (exposed) 1 r. Sfc% Sh% sec. 28, T. 12 Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Limestone ( Seahorne) , Clay, gray (sample 95 (exposed) blue-gray 1 6 Sample 958U - Abandoned underground mine south of road in center NE% NWJj NW% sec. 31, T. 12 N., R. 11 W. Pleistocene Series Till reported by owner 45 Pennsylvanian System Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Shale, blue -gray 5 2 Colchester (No. 2) Coal 1 Spoon Formation Clay, gray, sample 958W top 3% 13 6 feet; 958X middle 5 feet; 958Y bottom 5 feet) Mississippian System Shale, red 6 Shale, blue 9 Sandstone 4 Shale, gray (exposed) 5% Sample 958Z - South of center NW% sec. 12, T. 10 N., R. 12 W. Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Shale, gray Colchester (No. 2) Coal Spoon Formation Clay, gray (sample 958Z) (exposed) 16 (GREENE COUNTY Cont.) Thickness (Ft. In.) Sample 958V - Outcrop on west side of creek south of road, center NW% NE^j sec. 12, T. 10 N., R. 12 W. 20± Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Clay, gray (sample 958V) (exposed) Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Clay, gray (sample 956 upper 5 feet; sample 957 lower 5 feet) JACKSON COUNTY Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Pleasantview Sandstone 25± Coaly layer 3 Shale, black, fissile 2 6 Coaly layer 1 Limestone 5 Colchester (No. 2) Coal 2 2 Spoon Formation Clay, gray (sample 958BB) (exposed) 2 ± Sample 958W - Along Sand Creek about 500 yards west of road, Sh% SW^ sec. 30, T. 10 N., R. 11 W. Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Clay, gray (sample 958W) (exposed) 5 Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Shale, black, fissile 6 Colchester (No. 2) Coal 1 9 Spoon Formation Clay, gray (sample 958FFF) 5± Geodes, clayey matrix 6-12 Sample 955 - Shale pit and in creek close by : SWJf NW3j sec. 29, T. 12 N., R. 11 W. Pleistocene Series Silt 10 Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Shale, blue-gray, silty 15 Colchester (No. 2) Coal 2 6 Spoon Formation Clay, gray (sample 955) 6 Pennsylvanian System Spoon or Abbott Formation Coal (exposed) 6 Clay, gray, contains root traces (sample 1800) 3 Shale, tan 2-3 Coal 1± Shale, tan 10 Sample 1801 - Abandoned strip coal mine west of Sycamore Creek, SE% NE% SWJf sec. 36, T. 9 S., R. 1 W. Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Vergennes Sandstone 20 Coal 4 Shale, light gray, silty 4 Coal 3 6 Clay, gray (sample 1801) 1-3 Shale, dark gray to black, slickensides at top, contains ironstone nodules 6 Coal 4 Clay, gray 2 Ironstone nodule layer 6 Clay, gray (exposed) 1 Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Shale, gray Murphysboro Coal Abbott Formation Clay, gray (sample 1806) Shale, light gray JERSEY COUNTY Sample 959E - South side of west tributary to large tributary to Piasa Creek, N% SE^ SWJf sec. 17, T. 7 N., R. 10 W. Samples 956 and 957 - Clay pit, NE% Sfc% sec. 18, T. 12 N., R. 10 W. along Marks Creek Pennsylv; i Syster Spoon Formation Clay, yellowish gray (sample 959E) (exposed) 7 Sample 959F - Exposed in road and west side of ditch, NE^j NEJj NW% sec. 20, T. 7 N., R. 10 W. Pleistocene Series 30-40 Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Clay, gray, iron-stained (sample 959F) (exposed) 5 6 Sample 959G - In west ravine south of house, SL% NE% NW% sec. 20, T. 7 N., R. 10 W. Pleistocene Series 30=*= Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Clay, light gray, red and yellow stained, sandy (sample 959G) (exposed) 2 6 JOHNSON COUNTY Sample 1807 - Stream in NW% SE% NE% sec. 8, 1 Spoon Formation Sandstone 2 Bidwell Coal 0-k Clay, shaly (sample 1807) 2 MADISON COUNTY ile 393 - Underground mine, SE% SE% s Spoon Formation Seahorne Limestone 3* Clay, gray, silty (sample 393) 4 Clay (floor of mine) Samples 960C, D, E, and F - South cutbank of East Wood River, NE% NW% NW%, sec. 15, T. 5 N., R. 9 W. Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Shale (Purington), gray, well bedded 5 Shale, black, fissile Colchester (No. 2) Coal Spoon Formation Clay, gray, iron-stained, (sample 960C) Clay, gray, (sample 960D) Clay, gray, iron-stained Limestone (Seahorne), blue- gray l%-5 Clay, gray, iron-stained (sample 960E) 2 6 Clay, dark gray, equivalent to coal member (sample 960E) 6 Clay, gray, iron-stained, (sample 960F) (exposed) 3 MONROE COUNTY Sample 1797 - 200 yards from road up Andys Run at waterfall near junction of tributaries, SW% NE% NW% sec. 15, T. 2 S., R. 10 W. Mississippian (?) System Sandstone, forms waterfall Clay, gray, green, maroon (sample 1797) Sandstone (covered) Mississippian (? ) System Sandstone Clay, purple and tan, shaly toward top (sample 1798) Sandstone Clay, purple and tan (sample 1799) PIKE COUNTY Samples G17, G18, G19, and G20- Cutbank south of tributary to branch of Kiser Creek, SE% SE% SWJj sec. 25, T. 4 S., R. 5 W. Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Clay, gray (sample G20) Clay, dark gray, with 2 -inch shaly zone near top Clay, gray, iron-stained, hard and gritty (sample G19) Clay, purplish gray, hard, gritty (sample G18) Clay, light gray with yellow sandy masses throughout (sample G17) Covered interval Sandstone, yellowish gray, clayey Shale, sandy (exposed) Samples 996B-C, D, and E - Outcrop : bank of creek south of road, Nw% r T. 4 S., R. 5 W. Pennsylvanian System Spoon or Abbott Formation Sandstone, gray 1 Clay, gray, very sandy (sample 996E) 4 6 Clay, dark gray (sample 996D) 5 Sandstone layer 9 Shale, gray, hard, flinty (samples 996B-C) 4 Sample 996N - Outcrop in ditch along north-south road, NWJj Sh% Nfc% sec. 10, T. 4 S., R. 5W. 'ennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Sandstone and shale Shale, black, ironstone concretions DeKoven Coal Clay, gray, shaly (sample 1805) Shale Sandstone Spoon or Abbott Formation Clay, gray, sandy near base (sample 996N) Spoon or Abbott Formation Clay, gray (sample 996F) (exposed) 6 Sample 1719 - Outcrop in east bank of Prairie du Pont Creek 150 yards southwest of bridge, Sh% NWJj NW3f sec. 34, T. 1 N., R. 9 W. Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Shale, red to purple 5-10 Sandstone, gray, thinly bedded, micaceous with thin silty layers 15 Shale, black 1 5 Colchester (No. 2) Coal 2 Spoon Formation Clay, gray (sample 1719) 3 Siltstone, light gray 2-3 Sandstone at creek level SALINE COUNTY Sample 1808 - Outcrop along north side of east- west road, NE% NV% Nfc% sec. 25, T. 10 S., R. 7 E. Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Sandstone, thinly bedded 2 Shale, sandy 5 Sandstone 2 Shale, sandy 1 Coal 4 Clay, gray, greenish toward base, shaly (sample 1808) (exposed) 3 6 Samples 1811 and 1812 - High wall of coal strip pit, center of sec. 4, T. 10 S., R. 7 E. Pennsylvanian System Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Sandstone Shale, gray Shale, black Colchester (No. 2) Coal 20 d 20 J 1 Spoon Formation Clay, gray (sample 1804) Shale, gray DeKoven Coal 5 20-30 2^-3 Clay, gray, micaceous (exposed) 1 Spoon Formation Palzo Sandstone Shale DeKoven Coal Clay, gray, (sample 1811) Siltstone, sandy Shale, black Davis Coal Clay, gray (sample 1812) (exposed) Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Sandstone and shale Shale, coaly Shale, dark gray Colchester (No. 2) Coal Spoon Formation Clay, gray, root traces (sample 1813) Palzo Sandstone Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation 15 (SALINE COUNTY Cont.) Thickness (Ft. In.) Sandstone and shale 15 Mt. Rorah Coal 1 5 Clay, gray, slightly shaly (sample 1814) 3 Sandstone >poon Formation Clay Seahorne Limestone Covered interval Clay (sample 99 5A) (exposed) Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Sandstone, shaly at base Shale, black, highly organ: Shale, brown Clay, shaly (sample 1815) (exposed) Carbondale Formation Pleasantview Sandstone Shale, dark gray to black, Pennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Shale, black Colchester (No. 2) Coal Spoon Formation Shale, dark gray to black Clay, gray, greenish toward base (sample 1816) Shale Spoon Formation Limestone (Seahorne), blue- gray, knobby 4 Clay, gray, red -stained (sample 995B) 6 Clay, gray (sample 995B) (exposed) 2 Sample 995H - High cutbank east side of ra- vine in SWJj SEJf SWJj sec. 23, T. 15 N., R. 13 W. Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Rocks, undifferentiated 25 Shale, black 3 DeKoven Coal 3 Clay, gray (sample 1817) 2 8 Sandstone (exposed) 4 Sample 1821 - Along roadcut on section line in NE% SEJj NEJj sec. 23, T. 10 S., R. 5 E. Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Sandstone Shale, black Clay (sample 1821) Coal Clay (covered) SCOTT COUNTY 'ennsylvanian System Carbondale Formation Pleasantview Sandstone Shale, black, soft, ferrous sulphate stained Shale, black, fissile Colchester (No. 2) Coal 15 Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Limestone (Seahorne), gray, knobby 4 Clay, gray, rusty (sample 99 5H) 5 Clay, dark gray, coal horizon, gypsum 1 Clay, gray, purplish at top 6 6 Shale, dark gray, sandy, poorly bedded, iron sulphate 2 3 Abbott Formation Sandstone, bluish gray, fairly coarse-grained, shaly, plant impressions 0-10 WILLIAMSON COUNTY Sample 1802 - Near top of east end of old quarry east of Creal Springs, Sto% NE% SE% sec. 25, T. 10 S., R. 3 E. Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Sandstone 3 Shale, gray 10 Mt. Rorah Coal Coal 1 4 Clay, shaly 9 Coal 5 (WILLIAMSON COUNTY Cont.) Thickness (Ft. In.) Clay (sample 1802) 5 Siltstone 1 Shale, gray 5 Creal Springs Limestone 1 6 Shale, gray 5 Granger Sandstone 40 Sample 1803 - East side of road south of Palzo, W% SWJj NWJj sec. 22, T. 10 S., R. 4 E. Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Palzo Sandstone 6 Shale, black 2 Clay, shaly 6 Clay, gray, pale green toward base (sample 1803) 3 Clay, limonite 4 Shale 5 Samples 1818, 1819, and 1820 - West side of road at the NW edge of Stonefort, SW% NE% SE% sec. 25, T. 10 S., R. 4 E. Pennsylvanian System Spoon Formation Sandstone and covered intervals 40 Shale, black 4-5 Clay (sample 1820) 4 Coal 2 Clay, gray to pale green at base (sample 1819) 5 6 Shale, black 1-1% Shale, sandy 7 6 Shale 3 Clay, greenish gray (sample 1818) 3 Shale APPENDIX C 21 SUPPLEMENTAL REFERENCES Atherton, Elwood, Emrich, G. H., Glass, H. D., Potter, P. E., and Swann, D. H., 1960, Differentiation of Caseyville (Pennsylvanian) and Chester (Mississippian) sediments in the the Illinois Basin: Illinois Geol. Survey C ire. 306, 36 p. Bergstrom, R. E., and Walker, T. R., 1956, Groundwater geology of the East St. Louis area, Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 191, 44 p. Blatchley, W. S., 1906, The petroleum industry of southeastern Illinois: Illinois Geol. Sur- vey Bull. 2, 109 p. Bleininger, A. V., Lines, E. F., and Layman, F. E., 1912, Portland cement resources of Illi- nois: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 17, 121 p. Butts, Charles, 1925, Geology and mineral resources of the Equality- Shawneetown area: Illi- nois Geol. Survey Bull. 47, 71 p. Cady, G. H., 1910, The geology and coal resources of the West Frankfort Quadrangle, in De- Wolf, F. W., etal., Year-Book, 1909: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 16, p. 244-2~62. Cady, G. H., 1925, Structure of parts of northeastern Williamson and western Saline Counties: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 2, 44 p. Cady, G. H., et al., 1938, Structure of Herrin (No. 6) coal bed in central and southern Jeffer- son, southwestern Washington, Franklin, Williamson, Jackson, and eastern Perry Counties, Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 24, 11 p. Cady, G. H., et al., 1939, Structure of Herrin (No. 6) coal bed in Hamilton, White, Saline and Gallatin Counties, Illinois, north of Shawneetown Fault: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 42, 16 p. Cady, G. H., 1940, Structure of Herrin (No. 6) coal bed in Randolph, western Perry, south- western Washington, and southeastern St. Clair Counties, Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 58, 19 p. Collingwood, D. M., 1933, Oil and gas possibilities of parts of Jersey, Greene, and Madi- son Counties: Illinois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 30, 91 p. DeWolf, F. W., 1908, Coal investigations in the Saline-Gallatin field, Illinois, and the ad- joining area, in Bain, H. F., etal., Year-Book, 1907: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull . 8, p. 211-229. DeWolf, F. 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H., 1957, Strippable coal reserves of Illinois. Part 1— Gallatin, Hardin, Johnson, Pope, Saline, and Williamson Counties: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 228, 39 p. Smith, W. H., 1958, Strippable coal reserves of Illinois. Part 2— Jackson, Monroe, Perry, Randolph, and St. Clair Counties: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 260, 35 p. Smith, W. H., 1961, Strippable coal reserves of Illinois. Part 3 — Madison, Macoupin, Jersey, Greene, Scott, Morgan, and Cass Counties: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 311, 40 p. Stonehouse, H. B., and Wilson, G. M., 1955, Faults and other structures in southern Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 195, 4 p. Stull, R. T., and Hursh, R. K., 1917, Tests on clay materials available in Illinois coal mines: Illinois Geol. Survey Mining Inv. 18, 130 p. Udden, JohanA., and Shaw, E. W. , 1915, Belleville-Breese, Illinois: U. S. Geol. Survey Folio 195, 14 p. Wanless, H. R., 1933, Pennsylvanian rocks of Madison and St . Clair Counties: Illinois Acad . Sci. Trans., v. 26, no. 3, p. 105. Wanless, H. R., 1957, Geology and mineral resources of the Beardstown, Glasford, Havana, and Vermont Quadrangles: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 82, 233 p. Weller, J. M., and Ekblaw, G. E., 1940, Preliminary geological map of parts of the Alto Pass, Jonesboro, and Thebes Quadrangles in Union, Alexander, and Jackson Counties: Illi- nois Geol. Survey Rept. Inv. 70, 26 p. Weller, Stuart, 1907, Notes on the geology of southern Calhoun County, in Bain, H. F., et al., Year-Book, 1906: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull . 4, p. 219-233." Weller, Stuart, and Weller, J. M., 1939, Preliminary geological maps of the pre-Pennsylvanian formations in part of southwestern Illinois— Waterloo, Kimmsville, New Athens, Crystal City, Renault, Baldwin, Chester, and Campbell Hill Quadrangles: Illinois Geol. Sur- vey Rept. Inv. 59, 15 p. White, W. A., 1959, Chemical and spectrochemical analyses of Illinois clay materials: Illi- nois Geol. Survey Circ. 282, 55 p. White, W. A., 1960, Lightweight aggregate from Illinois shales: Illinois Geol. Survey Circ. 290, 34 p. ., 1960, Ceramic tests of Illinois clays and shales: Illinois y Circ. 303, 72 p. 1866, Geology: Vol. I, Geol. Survey of Illinois, 523 p. 1868, Geology and paleontology: Vol. Ill, Geol. Survey of Illinois, 1870, Geology and paleontology: Vol. IV, Geol. Survey of Illinois, 1873, Geology and paleontology: Vol. V, Geol. Survey of Illinois, 1875, Geology and paleontology: Vol. VI, Geol. Survey of Illinois, White, W. A., and Lame Geol. S arvey Cir Worthen, A. H. et al., Worthen, A. H. et al., 588 p. Worthen, A. H. et al., 522 p. Worthen, A. H. et al., 632 p. Worthen, A. H. et al., 546 p. Illinois State Geological Survey Circ. 352 24 p., 4 figs., 3 tables, 3app., 1963 Printed by Authority of State of Illinois, Ch . 127, IRS, Par. 58.25.. CIRCULAR 352 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA