REMOTE SlORAt * l ACKS AN ORDINANCE Making Appropriations for the Eighth or Berkley Ward for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1910, and ending June 30th, 1911, and regulating the payment of same. Section 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Norfolk that the following amounts be, and they are hereby, ap- propriated for the use of the Eighth or Berkley Ward from the funds received from said Ward or which may be otherwise pro- vided for, for the fiscal year beginning July 1st, 1910. and end- ing June 30th, 1911, inclusive, for the General Expenses and for the Interest of the said Ward. Interest. *1 Corporate Purposes. Amount. Rate. Interest. Total. $ 77,000.00 4% $3,080.00 155,000.00 5% 7,750.00 75,000.00 6% 4,500.00 $15,330.00 $307,000.00 Interest Contingent Interest on JBonds authorized, but not issued, as per statement of the City Comptroller, March 23, 1910, $12,329.50 @ 4%% Interest on Bonds estimated to be issued, say $25,000.00 @ 4% % . Total Appropriation for Interest 1,500.00 r o General Departments. Commissions (City Collector) $ 500.00 Public Buildings 400.00 Health Department 2,300.00 City Hoine 700.00 Water Rents 2,705.00 Electrical Department 375.00 Public Lighting 4,254.00 Public Schools 14.404.00 Magnolia Cemetery 2,305.00 Police Department 14,776.00 Fire Department 11,680.00 Elections, Insurance and Coroner’s Fees, 350.00 f Total for General Departments. . . . $54,749.00 Street, Sewer and Drain Department. Cleaning Streets ,. . . .$11,275.95 Maintenance of Sewers 2,000.00 ' Repairs to Streets 1,000.00 Repairing and Rebuilding Sidewalks, 1.000.00 Total for Street, Sewer and Drain Department $15,275.95 Total Appropriations for Berkley Ward $88,579.95 Section 2. It shall be unlawful for the Board of Control or any Department, or for any Committee, to incur any debt or make any expenditures in any six months beyond one-half of the annual appropriation to said Board of Control, Department or Committee; provided, that any unexpended balance remain- ing from such allowance may be used at any time during the year by\the Department or Committee entitled thereto ; and, pro- vided further, that this section shall not apply to the appropri- ations otherwise provided for, or to those made to the Health 2 ?orn>i-R P )>1. Yf, h i Department, to the Police Department, to the Interest on the Ward’s Debt, to the Insurance on Public Buildings, or to the appropriations made for Repairing Sidewalks. Section 3. Payments to be made by warrants of the City Comptroller on the City Treasurer, upon vouchers or pay rolls, in. acordance with the ordinances of the City, unless otherwise provided for. Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in force from its passage. Approved April 7th, 1910. THE FINANCE COMMITTEE of the City Council. ROBT. B TUNSTALL, Chairman from the Common Council. THOS. H. WILLCOX, Chairman from the Board of Aldermen. Put upon its First Reading and Laid Over by the Common Council, April 11th, 1910. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen April 12th, 1910. Adopted by the Common Council April 15th, 1910. Approved by the Mayor April 21st, 1910 . J Teste : R. E. STEED, ^ City Clerk.